
Sample records for medieval algunas notas

  1. Informalidad y comercio ambulante. Algunas notas preliminares


    Carlos Alfonso Llancar Etcheverry


    Las siguientes notas tratan un tema que se ha presentado en nuestro contexto local, el comercio ambulante. Se pretende aportar algunos datos derivados de una investigación desarrollada en la ciudad de Osorno, en la que se emplearon como técnicas de recolección de información la observación no participante y el análisis de instrumentos que emplea el Estado de Chile para implementar sus políticas sociales, a fin de conocer la situación social del vendedor ambulante, contexto y dinámica en que s...

  2. Planificación urbana y espirovías en la Perla del Pacífico: algunas notas sobre Valparaíso en el decenio 1930. /

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    Pavez R., María Isabel


    Full Text Available Se aporta algunas notas para la historiografía en Urbanismo, Planificación y Diseño Urbano en Chile y en Valparaíso en los años 1930, dando cuenta de la capacidad reflexiva y creativa de los profesionales precursores./"City Planning and "espirovías" in the "Pearl of the Pacific" (Valparaiso: several notes on Valparaiso from the 1930's". The article features several notes on the history of City Planning and Urban Design in Chile and Valparaiso in the 1930's thus giving insights about the creative and reflexive qualities of the forefathers of Urban professionals.

  3. Notas sobre publicaciones medievales portuguesas

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    José Luis MARTÍN


    Full Text Available Contra lo que debiera suceder, la proximidad con Portugal no incita al conocimiento de su historia y son muy raros los manuales de Historia de España en los que se concede a la Edad Media Portuguesa la importancia que realmente tiene, y en los tratados de Historia Medieval Europea el espacio dedicado a Portugal es mínimo, al menos hasta la época de los Descubrimientos; por otra parte, son contados los medievalistas españoles que se interesan por la historia de Portugal. Ante estos silencios y ante la escasa presencia en las bibliotecas españolas de obras portuguesas el estudiante de historia puede pensar que el país vecino carece de medievalistas de relieve, que su historia medieval está por hacer... y nada más lejos de la realidad como intentaré probar en este breve comentario, sin ánimo exhaustivo, sobre algunas de las últimas publicaciones aparecidas en Portugal.

  4. Nota sobre una propuesta de traducción de rótulos del Alfabeto Fonético Internacional

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    Perry Carrasco Roberto Alfredo


    Full Text Available Esta nota propone traducciones para algunos de los rótulos usados para las categorías fonéticas del Alfabeto Fonético Internacional. La introducción del texto plantea la temática de la nota; la segunda sección argumenta sobre cuál es el fundamento natural de los criterios con que se eligen tales rótulos; la tercera sección argumenta en defensa de algunas opciones y la cuarta y última discute algunos rótulos para los llamados símbolos diacríticos.

  5. ¿Para qué leer hoy a Marx? Una nota sobre las nuevas perspectivas


    José Félix Félix Cataño


    La enseñanza de la teoría económica marxista es ahora escasa, pocos establecimientos académicos le dan un espacio en su currículo. Con esta nota de reflexión presento algunas razones de este desinterés, ofreciendo las principales justificaciones ideológicas y teóricas para insistir en lo valioso de su estudio y su divulgación.

  6. Notas sobre Algunas Arañas de Antioquia.

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    H. Daniel


    Full Text Available Las arañas son animales del grupo de los artrópodos, que se caracterizan por la presencia de dos partes marcadamente distintas del cuerpo, la anterior, denominada cefalotórax, de la cual se desprenden las patas en número de cuatro pares, y la posterior o abdomen, que es relativamente prominente, en cuya terminación, por la parte inferior, se halla el opérculo anal rodeado generalmente de seis pequeños mamelones o hileras que son el órgano esencial para la fabricación de la tela. Por regla general, los arácnidos están provistos de glándulas secretoras de substancias tóxicas. El estudio de estos venenos y su acción en los organismos vivos y en especial en el hombre, constituye lo que se llama el araneísmo. Las arañas que hacen sus telas en los rincones de las habitaciones no presentan importancia a este respecto, pues cuando por una rara circunstancia algunas de estas arañas han picado a alguno, dicha no tiene trascendencia de ninguna especie; su presencia puede ser más bien útil, pues destruyen zancudos, polillas, etc., de modo que si no fuera por el singular adorno de sus .telas que dan aspecto de suciedad a una habitación, podría hasta conservárselas.

  7. Notas sobre la situación de la producción primaria de arroz en Venezuela


    Molina, Luisa Elena


    1.- Artículos Cartay, Rafael. "Los productos típicos y su reglamentación. Una tentativa de aplicación de la denominación de origen al cacao venezolano" Kalvatchev, Zlatko; Garzaro, Domingo; Guerra Cedezo, Franklin. "Theobroma Cacao L.: Un nuevo enfoque para nutrición y salud" Anido, Daniel; Gutiérrez, Alejandro. "La demanda de las calorías en Venezuela 1970-1995: Algunas evidencias empíricas" Molina, Luisa Elena. "Notas sobre la situación de la producción primaria de arroz en Ven...

  8. Nota [N] Roja la vibrante historia de un género y una nueva manera de informar

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    Blasco Fernando Checa Montúfar


    Full Text Available Presenta algunas reflexiones sobre el libro Nota[N]Roja, señala que se constituye en una guía mínima para periodistas de seguridad pública y justicia. En el se conceptualizan temas como absolución, acusación penal, daño moral querella, menores infractores, se aclaran y desarrollan temas de periodismo como autorregulación, cláusula de conciencia, derecho a la réplica, noticiabilidad, verificación de la información, etc.

  9. Las abejas de Porce familia colletidae (hymenoptera: apoidea notas y claves para los géneros presentes en la zona de influencia del embalse Porce ii.

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    Smith Pardo Allan H.


    Full Text Available Se presentan claves taxonómicas a nivel de género para la identificación de las abejas colletidas de la zona de Influencia del Embalse Porce II (Porce, Antioquía, Colombia S.A. Adicionalmente se presentan algunas notas para los géneros de colletidos capturados durante el inventario de las abejas silvestres de la zona.

  10. La confrontación de Heidegger con san Agustín y la mística medieval: Nota crítica en torno a Estudios sobre mística medieval de Martin Heidegger


    Santiesteban, Luis César


    El presente artículo da cuenta de algunos aspectos de la confrontación de Heidegger con san Agustín y la mística medieval, así como de la manera en que Heidegger, en su camino a Ser y tiempo, hace suya una parte del ideario del filósofo de Tagaste, y del modo en que se perfila y va tomando cuerpo su diálogo con la mística medieval y, a una con ello, su propia actitud religiosa. Para ello, se toma como base de la interpretación el texto de Heidegger Estudios sobre mística medieval. This art...

  11. Medieval Chinese syntax


    Anderl, Christoph


    Medieval Chinese Syntax” aims to provide a sketch of the development of function words and syntactic structures during the Chinese Medieval period, including Early Medieval Chinese (ca. 0-700 A.D.) and Late Medieval Chinese (ca. 700-1100).

  12. Estudio folklórico de algunas plantas medicamentosas y tóxicas de la región norte del Perú

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    Guillermo Cruz Sánchez


    Full Text Available El estudio de nuestro plant-lore expuesto en esta nota nos ha dado el conocimiento de especies botánicas de valor inapreciable para la Farmacoetrapéutica. Entre ésta se han encontrado algunas plantas, cuyos principios, activos tienen acciones metabólicas, otras que producen gran aumento de la coagulación de la sangre y del tiempo de sangría, sin producir trombosis, ni homólisis, aún otras que producen acciones catatónicas, farmaconeurológicas y farmacopsiquiátricas muy intensas. Todas estas drogas pueden administrarse por vía oral, parenteral o tópica; algunas de estas plantas medicamentosas y tóxicas se encuentran actualmente en estudio Farmacológico y clínico.

  13. Algunas notas para pensar la asistencia desde el proceso de formación profesional


    Chechele, Melina


    Atendiendo a los objetivos del Foro, intentaré esbozar algunas ideas que habiliten a pensar las nociones de asistencia y ayuda social presentes –de forma recurrente- en las estudiantes3 avanzadas de la Licenciatura en Trabajo Social FCJS-UNL, y sus implicancias en la formación profesional concomitante al escenario actual, signado no sólo por un cambio de gestión política, sino por las profundas transformaciones del modelo de estado y desarrollo. Las respuestas de dichas estudiantes son pro...

  14. Some early medieval swords in the Wallace Collection and elsewhere

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    Edge, David


    Full Text Available The analysis of eight early medieval swords shows that some were made from a single piece of steel, while others had a steel cutting edge welded on. Heat-treatment to harden the steel was undertaken in six out of seven cases; the other proved to be a modern replica.

    El análisis de ocho espadas altomedievales muestra que algunas de ellas fueron hechas a partir de una sola pieza de acero, mientras que a otras se les ha soldado un cortante filo de este material. El endurecimiento del acero mediante forja fue realizado en seis de siete casos, mientras que el restante se demostró que era una réplica moderna.

  15. Medieval monsters, in theory and practice. (United States)


    The past two decades have witnessed a plethora of studies on the medieval monster. These studies have contributed significantly to our understanding of religion, art, literature, and science in the Middle Ages. However, a tendency to treat the medieval monster in purely symbolic and psychological terms ignores the lived experiences of impaired medieval people and their culture's attitudes toward them. With the aid of recent insights provided by disability studies, this article aims to confront "real" medieval monsters--e.g., physically impaired human beings--in both their human and monstrous aspects.

  16. Psychiatry and psychology in medieval Persia. (United States)

    Vakili, Nasser; Gorji, Ali


    The history of psychological sciences and especially the ways in which related disorders were treated in medieval Persia are not well known in the West. The main objective of this article is to review the clinical approaches to psychological disorders used by practitioners in medieval Persia. Several documents still exist from which the clinical data on different psychological syndromes in medieval Persia can be ascertained. Data for this review were identified by searches of MEDLINE, Current Contents, the Internet, references from relevant articles and books, the Astan-e-Ghods Razavi Library, the Tehran University Library, the Mashhad University Library, and the files of the authors. Search terms included psychiatry, psychology, Persian, medieval, Avicenna, and pharmacotherapy. The medieval practitioners defined various signs and symptoms, apparent causes, and hygienic and dietary rules for prevention of these disorders. Medieval Persian medical writings encouraged the treatment of psychological disorders by tackling the conditions that cause or contribute to the disorder and through the use of electrical-shock therapy, phlebotomy, psychotherapy, music and color therapy, and especially prescription of long lists of medicaments. Some of the approaches of doctors in medieval Persia are accepted today, although most remain largely unexamined. With further research, more of these treatments may be shown to be of use to modern medicine.

  17. Retos pendientes en el periodismo de nota roja

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    Francesc Barata


    Full Text Available La nota roja tiene que ser dignificada y tratada profesionalmente respetando los derechos de aquellos que tienen el desprecio social como una forma de fortalecer los valores democráticos. Un periodismo responsable y comprometido con los valores humanos de todos quienes piensen en que la nota roja puede develar muchas verdades ocultas de esta sociedad, aunque estén impregnadas de lodo y miseria.

  18. What Is Medieval European Literature?


    Borsa, Paolo; Høgel, Christian; Mortensen, Lars Boje; Tyler, Elizabeth


    The editors of Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures explain the scope and purpose of the new journal by mapping out the significance and possible meanings of the three key terms of the subtitle: ‘literature,’ ‘medieval,’ ‘Europe.’ The specific theme of Issue 1 is introduced: ‘Histories of Medieval European Literatures: New Patterns of Representation and Explanation.’ With respect to this theme, theoretical problems concerning teleology and the present possibilities for liter...

  19. De la apropiación terrateniente a la expansión del capital: notas desde una visión histórica sobre la concentración y los conflictos por la tierra


    Martínez Dougnac, Gabriela


    Se abordan algunas notas y reflexiones que resultan de una investigación en curso acerca de los procesos de concentración de la tierra agrícola en nuestro país. El tema se aborda desde una perspectiva histórica, intentando explicar el actual acaparamiento y el despojo a los productores directos y a la sociedad que de éste resulta, atendiendo tanto a las tendencias de larga duración propias del desarrollo del capitalismo en al agro y a sus condiciones presentes, como a las formas act...

  20. Essays on medieval computational astronomy

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    Bergón, José Chabás


    In Essays on Medieval Computational Astronomy the authors provide examples of original and intelligent approaches and solutions given by medieval astronomers to the problems of their discipline, mostly presented in the form of astronomical tables.

  1. Algunas cuestiones epistemológicas a propósito de la teología monástica medieval en Jean Leclercq

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    Pedro Edmundo Gómez, osb


    Full Text Available Este artículo plantea cuatro cuestiones epistemológicas a propósito de la teología monástica medieval: existencia y significado, distinción de la escolástica, noción de ciencia y crítica neoescolástica, exponiendo reverentemente lo que Dom Jean Leclercq, osb. monje, historiador y teólogo, enseñó especialmente en L'amour des lettres et le désir de Dieu, que es a la vez el título y la conclusión de un hermoso libro publicado hace ya cincuenta años, mostrando la posible "complementariedad" y "coexistencia pacífica" entre modos diversos de hacer teologíaThis article outlines four epistemological questions apropos of medieval monastic theology: existence and meaning, the scholastic distinction, the notion of science and neo-scholastic criticism, expounding reverently what monk, historian and theologian Dom Jean Leclercq, o.s.b., taught, especially in L'amour des letters et le désir de Dieu, which is at the same time the title and the conclusion of a beautiful book published 50 years ago, showing the possible "complementarity" and "peaceful co-existence" between different modes of doing theology

  2. La perspectiva teórico-metodológica de Foucault. Algunas notas para investigar al "ADHD"

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    Eugenia Bianchi


    Full Text Available Como objetivo general busco conocer cómo la medicina contribuye a establecer qué es considerado enfermedad. Analizo en particular las condiciones de emergencia y circulación del ADHD -trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad- como trastorno de la conducta en la infancia. En este escrito me propongo introducir algunas de las implicancias y particularidades que se derivan de investigar el fenómeno, haciendo uso de un andamiaje teórico-metodológico subsidiario de los aportes de Michel Foucault. Para ello, reviso una serie de nociones, señalando la pertinencia de su uso para investigar el ADHD. Por tratarse de una presentación preliminar de contenidos, reviste sumo interés ampliar estas primeras argumentaciones, con vistas a generar nuevas hipótesis y líneas de análisis.

  3. Climate change. Climate in Medieval time. (United States)

    Bradley, Raymond S; Hughes, Malcolm K; Diaz, Henry F


    Many papers have referred to a "Medieval Warm Period." But how well defined is climate in this period, and was it as warm as or warmer than it is today? In their Perspective, Bradley et al. review the evidence and conclude that although the High Medieval (1100 to 1200 A.D.) was warmer than subsequent centuries, it was not warmer than the late 20th century. Moreover, the warmest Medieval temperatures were not synchronous around the globe. Large changes in precipitation patterns are a particular characteristic of "High Medieval" time. The underlying mechanisms for such changes must be elucidated further to inform the ongoing debate on natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change.

  4. On the street and in the bathhouse: medieval Galenism in action?

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    Coomans, J.


    Full Text Available In this article we combine the perspective of medieval urban hygiene and the fi ndings of medical and intellectual historians by tracing some ways in which medieval urban residents and governments attempted to limit disease and promote health by recourse to preventative measures. In both of the urban regions and domains in focus, namely Italian streets and Dutch bathhouses, considerable thought had been put into reducing the health risks perceived as attending upon them, at times devising arguments and procedures that possibly refl ect insights from prevailing medical theories and the advice of practitioners. We suggest that the relation between medical learning and health practices was more complex than a trickledown process, and analyze them in the context of pre-modern “healthscaping”: a physical, social, legal, administrative, and political process by which urban individuals, groups, and especially governments sought to safeguard and improve collective wellbeing.En este artículo combinamos la perspectiva de la higiene urbana medieval con los hallazgos de los historiadores de la medicina y de la intelectualidad, analizando algunas de las formas con que los habitantes y los gobiernos urbanos medievales intentaron limitar las enfermedades y promover la salud mediante medidas preventivas. En las dos regiones que se toman en consideración (las calles italianas y los baños holandeses, se hizo un esfuerzo de reflexión considerable para reducir los riesgos de la salud, elaborando a veces argumentos y procedimientos que reflejaban las ideas de las teorías médicas imperantes y los consejos de los profesionales. Sugerimos que la relación entre el aprendizaje médico y las prácticas de salud era más compleja que un simple proceso de propagación, y la analizamos en el contexto de la preservación de la salud de carácter pre-moderno: un proceso físico, legal, administrativo y político mediante el cual individuos, grupos y, especialmente

  5. El donante aprendiz de mago en las epifanías medievales. Algunas acotaciones en contextos artísticos hispánicos y europeos

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    Alcoy Pedrós, Rosa


    Full Text Available There are numerous representations of the donor shown in relation to the Adoration of the Magi. Thus it is legitimate to interpret certain Medieval and Renaissance images in which the donor appears along with the Virgin and Child as renewed or new Epiphanies. This interpretation is supported by a notable group of medieval texts, which reveal the existence of similar or analogous contents among different types of scenes. This paper compiles and reviews in particular those works in which the kneeling or praying donor is placed next to the Three Kings, in order to demonstrate his conversion into an apprentice wizard king.

    Son numerosas las representaciones del donante que hallan un punto de referencia en la Adoración de los reyes de Oriente. Por este camino es lícito interpretar algunas de las imágenes del arte de época medieval y moderna que hacen comparecer al donante ante la Virgen y el Niño como renovadas epifanías (o nuevas epifanías. Su sentido puede apoyarse en un notorio elenco de textos medievales que revelan la existencia de contenidos similares o análogos entre distintos tipos de escenas. Este trabajo recopila y revisa sobre todo aquellas obras que, al situar al donante arrodillado o en oración junto a los reyes de la Epifanía histórica, mejor evidencian su conversión en aprendiz de rey mago.

  6. Quantitative analysis and comparison study of [18F]AlF-NOTA-PRGD2, [18F]FPPRGD2 and [68Ga]Ga-NOTA-PRGD2 using a reference tissue model.

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    Ning Guo

    Full Text Available With favorable pharmacokinetics and binding affinity for α(vβ(3 integrin, (18F-labeled dimeric cyclic RGD peptide ([(18F]FPPRGD2 has been intensively used as a PET imaging probe for lesion detection and therapy response monitoring. A recently introduced kit formulation method, which uses an (18F-fluoride-aluminum complex labeled RGD tracer ([(18F]AlF-NOTA-PRGD2, provides a strategy for simplifying the labeling procedure to facilitate clinical translation. Meanwhile, an easy-to-prepare (68Ga-labeled NOTA-PRGD2 has also been reported to have promising properties for imaging integrin α(vβ(3. The purpose of this study is to quantitatively compare the pharmacokinetic parameters of [(18F]FPPRGD2, [(18F]AlF-NOTA-PRGD2, and [(68Ga]Ga-NOTA-PRGD2. U87MG tumor-bearing mice underwent 60-min dynamic PET scans following the injection of three tracers. Kinetic parameters were calculated using Logan graphical analysis with reference tissue. Parametric maps were generated using voxel-level modeling. All three compounds showed high binding potential (Bp(ND = k(3/k(4 in tumor voxels. [(18F]AlF-NOTA-PRGD2 showed comparable Bp(ND value (3.75±0.65 with those of [(18F]FPPRGD2 (3.39±0.84 and [(68Ga]Ga-NOTA-PRGD2 (3.09±0.21 (p>0.05. Little difference was found in volume of distribution (V(T among these three RGD tracers in tumor, liver and muscle. Parametric maps showed similar kinetic parameters for all three tracers. We also demonstrated that the impact of non-specific binding could be eliminated in the kinetic analysis. Consequently, kinetic parameter estimation showed more comparable results among groups than static image analysis. In conclusion, [(18F]AlF-NOTA-PRGD2 and [(68Ga]Ga-NOTA-PRGD2 have comparable pharmacokinetics and quantitative parameters compared to those of [(18F]FPPRGD2. Despite the apparent difference in tumor uptake (%ID/g determined from static images and clearance pattern, the actual specific binding component extrapolated from kinetic

  7. Medievalism: From Ruskin toChesterton

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    Marko Jenko


    Full Text Available This article deals with the topic of medievalism as all existing, still evolving, and future forms of reception of the Middle Ages, focusing primarily on the issues of the term itself and the problems that arise with its definition, its occurrence in John Ruskin’s time, various historical forms, and their variations, especially considering some of the implications of its official or academic aspect – namely, medieval studies in general. Consequently, the article shows that medievalism entails a step beyond or beneath the usual opposition between the real and false Middle Ages. In terms of objectivity as an ideal, as the search or quest for the real Middle Ages (and also as a reaction against subjective receptions, colored by presuppositions, preconceptions, and prejudice, medievalism shifts our perspective on the opposition between the objective and subjective, inaugurating a field of study that centers on the objective-subjective, which should not be seen or taken as a synthesis. Furthermore, it pinpoints a change or shift in the status of truth itself: a truth with no guarantee. Primarily making reference to art history, the article emphasizes the importance of medievalist fantasies and proposes a much needed re-reading of Panofsky’s take on the scholastic habitus. Both terms, fantasy and/or habitus, permeate the field of medievalism, opening what is perhaps the most important question: that of (works of art and materiality.

  8. Nota sobre una propuesta de traducción de rótulos del alfabeto fonético internacional* A note on a translation proposal of the labels of the ipa

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    Roberto Alfredo Perry Carrasco


    Full Text Available Esta nota propone traducciones para algunos de los rótulos usados para las categorías fonéticas del Alfabeto Fonético Internacional. La introducción del texto plantea la temática de la nota; la segunda sección argumenta sobre cuál es el fundamento natural de los criterios con que se eligen tales rótulos; la tercera sección argumenta en defensa de algunas opciones y la cuarta y última discute algunos rótulos para los llamados símbolos diacríticos.The present article proposes the translation of some labels used for the phonetic categories of the International Phonetic Alphabet. The topic of the article is presented in the introduction; a discussion concerning the natural rationale for the criteria used in the selection of such labels is presented in the the second section; an argument in favor of some options is presented in the third section, and the rationale for the use of certain labels of the so-called diacritics is found in the fourth and last section.

  9. Las capillas y capellanías reales castellano-leonesas en la Baja Edad Media (siglos XIII-XV: algunas precisiones institucionales

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    Nogales Rincón, David


    Full Text Available The study of royal chapels and royal chaplaincies is focus on the analysis of the relationships between de Palace Chapel and the cathedral/monastic royal chapels from a institucional, ideologic and functional criterions, on making a systematization of them and on presenting some general notes about their characteristics, ideal patterns and development in the late Middle Ages in Castille (13th-15th centuries.

    El estudio de las capillas y capellanías reales se centra en el análisis de las relaciones entre la Capilla Palacio y las capillas reales catedralicias/monásticas desde un punto de vista institucional, ideológico y funcional, en llevar a cabo una sistematización de éstas y ofrecer algunas notas generales sobre sus características, modelos ideales y evolución en la Castilla bajomedieval (siglos XIII-XV.

  10. Why We Need a Medieval Narratology: A Manifesto

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    Eva von Contzen


    Full Text Available In the wake of the growing interest in diachronic approaches and the historicizing of narratology, a medieval narratology is called for which systematically scrutinizes medieval forms and functions of narration. In the first part of the article, the problems of applying classical narratological theories to medieval literature are sketched, as well as the reasons for the relative invisibility of the narratological studies already conducted by medievalists. In the second part, the main parameters of a medieval narratology are outlined by means of selected sample analyses across a range of genres. A medieval narratology, it is argued, requires necessary shifts and modifications of existing theories, but also an open dialogue between the disciplines. Both narratologists and medievalists can profit from such an endeavor, which does not reject classical and post-classical theories. Rather, it is based on an informed understanding of the historical grounding of narrative forms and their place in the history of literature. The essay rounds off with a proposal of “Ten Theses for a Medieval Narratology”.

  11. Analysing Medieval Urban Space; a methodology

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    Marlous L. Craane MA


    Full Text Available This article has been written in reaction to recent developments in medieval history and archaeology, to study not only the buildings in a town but also the spaces that hold them together. It discusses a more objective and interdisciplinary approach for analysing urban morphology and use of space. It proposes a 'new' methodology by combining town plan analysis and space syntax. This methodology was trialled on the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands. By comparing the results of this 'new' methodology with the results of previous, more conventional, research, this article shows that space syntax can be applied successfully to medieval urban contexts. It does this by demonstrating a strong correlation between medieval economic spaces and the most integrated spaces, just as is found in the study of modern urban environments. It thus provides a strong basis for the use of this technique in future research of medieval urban environments.

  12. Idea e imagen del rey en la diplomática medieval hispana: el valor de los preámbulos = Idea and Image of Kingship in Spanish Medieval Diplomatics: The Importance of Preambles

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    Pablo Martín Prieto


    Full Text Available El artículo trata del papel de los preámbulos de diplomas reales en la España medieval, como fuente para establecer varios rasgos definitorios de los reyes y la realeza tal como entonces se entendían. La detenida consideración de una cierta cantidad de tales preámbulos de documentos reales ayuda a caracterizar ideas e imágenes generales que definen la representación de la realeza de acuerdo con la propaganda de la época. Algunas concepciones clave sobre las dimensiones y deberes morales de la realeza pueden seguirse a lo largo de series enteras de documentos reales en la larga duración, al tiempo que adoptan formas diplomáticas diferentes en los preámbulos.This paper deals with the role of the preamble in royal documents of medieval Spain as a source for establishing various defining traits of kings and kingship as they were understood at the time. Thorough consideration of a certain number of such preambles in royal charters allows one to determine the general ideas and images that inform the representation of kingship as portrayed by the propaganda of its era. Some key ideas pertaining to the scope and moral duties of royalty can be traced throughout an entire series of royal charters in the long term, while assuming different diplomatic forms in the preambles.

  13. Medieval Romances: "Perceval" to "Monty Python." (United States)

    Jehle, Dorothy M.

    A selection of romances from medieval literature can be used successfully in undergraduate literature classes to trace the appearance and relevance of medieval themes, motifs, and characters in works of modern poetry, fiction, and film. New scholarly editions, historiographies, translations, and modernizations give both teachers and students more…

  14. Mulheres e homens: diferentes também na percepção das notas musicais?

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    Jandilson Avelino da Silva

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a percepção das notas musicais RÉ, FÁ, e LÁ em adultos jovens. Participaram do estudo 20 homens e 20 mulheres de 18 a 29 anos, saudáveis, não músicos e não usuários de fármacos ou outras substâncias tóxicas. Realizou-se um teste de discriminação de notas musicais com escolha forçada entre duas alternativas, por meio do qual os participantes escolheram um estímulo previamente apresentado. Comparou-se a frequência de acertos na discriminação das notas musicais em relação ao sexo dos participantes. Encontraram-se diferenças estatisticamente significantes na nota musical Fá, sendo que os homens apresentaram maior quantidade de acertos que as mulheres. Esses resultados encontrados sugerem diferença na percepção das notas musicais para mulheres e homens.

  15. Peptide synthesis, characterization and 68Ga-radiolabeling of NOTA-conjugated ubiquicidin fragments for prospective infection imaging with PET/CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebenhan, Thomas; Chadwick, Nicholas; Sathekge, Mike M.; Govender, Patrick; Govender, Thavendran; Kruger, Hendrik G.; Marjanovic-Painter, Biljana; Zeevaart, Jan Rijn


    Introduction: Human antimicrobial peptides are of interest for the development of positron emission tomography (PET) tracers as they exhibit desirable characteristics that make them good candidates for targeting vectors. Due to their natural role in the innate immune system they selectively bind to pathogenic bacteria and yeast, whilst remaining minimally immunogenic and cytotoxic to humans. Research into ubiquicidin (UBI)-based tracers has focused on 99m Tc as a radionuclide, however, the use of bi-functional chelators such as 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (NOTA), in combination with 68 Ga as a radionuclide, allows for a simple radiolabeling procedure which is preferable in a clinical setting using PET/CT. Methods: The peptides fragments UBI29-41, UBI30-41 were synthesized by standard microwave Fmoc/tert-butyl (tBu)-solid phase synthetic protocols. Characterizations were performed using analytical HPLC and LC/MS. Both NOTA-conjugated peptides were exposed to nat Ga 3+ ; their complexed form was quantified by direct LC/MS injection. This complexation was utilized to testify bacterial and mammalian cell binding potential of fluorophore-linked NOTA-UBI29-41/30-41. 68 Ga labeled NOTA-UBI fragments were also tested for competitive interaction to Staphylococcus aureus to proof the binding target. 68 Ga was eluted from SnO 2 - and TiO 2 -based 68 Ge/ 68 Ga generators using fractionated elution and anion exchanged-based post-procession. NOTA-peptide radiolabeling was carried out including optimization of buffer molarity, NOTA-peptide concentration(s), incubation temperature and –duration as well as considering various SPE purification cartridges. Results: Pure UBI29-41, UBI30-41 and NOTA-UBI30-41 were successfully characterized. Both, NOTA-UBI fragments exhibited complexation rates to nat Ga 3+ ≥ 99%. The percentage binding was significantly higher to Staphylococcus aureus bacilli over Mt4 human leucocytes (P > 0.05) for NOTA-UBI29-41[Lys(Abz)] < NOTA

  16. [Neurology in medieval regimina sanitatis]. (United States)

    de Frutos González, V; Guerrero Peral, A L


    In medical medieval literature some works about dietetics stand out. Dietetics, as a separate branch of medicine, includes not only food or drinks, but other environmental factors influencing on health. They are known as regimina sanitatis or salutis, and specially developed in the Christian west. They generally consisted of a balance between the Galenic "six non-natural things"; factors regulating health and its protection: environment, exercise, food, sleep, bowel movements and emotions. After reviewing the sources and defining the different stages of this genre, we have considered three of the most out-standing medieval regimina, the anonymous Regimen sanitatis salernitanum, Arnaldo de Vilanova's Regimen sanitatis ad regem aragonum and Bernardo de Gordon's Tractatus of conservatione vite humane. In them we review references to neurological disease. Though not independently considered, there is a significant presence of neurological diseases in the regimina. Dietetics measures are proposed to preserve memory, nerves, or hearing, as well as for the treatment of migraine, epilepsy, stroke or dizziness. Regimina are quiet representative among medical medieval literature, and they show medieval physicians vision of neurological diseases. Dietetics was considered useful to preserve health, and therapeutics was based on natural remedies. 2010 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.



    Epafras, Leonard C.


    This article is a literary research and preliminary examination to a unique interaction between Jews and Sufism that taken place in medieval Islamic ruling. In the face of the present antagonistic posture of Jews and Muslims relationship that dominates the public sphere, in history, there are some examples of interaction of the two people beyond confictual narrative. One of them is Jewish mysticism that adopted Sufism into their spiritual ideal, which took place in the medieval era. We might ...

  18. Wind Diagrams in Medieval Iceland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kedwards, Dale


    This article presents a study of the sole wind diagram that survives from medieval Iceland, preserved in the encyclopaedic miscellany in Copenhagen's Arnamagnæan Institute with the shelf mark AM 732b 4to (c. 1300-25). It examines the wind diagram and its accompanying text, an excerpt on the winds...... from Isidore of Seville's Etymologies. It also examines the perimeter of winds on two medieval Icelandic world maps, and the visual traditions from which they draw....

  19. The virtues of balm in late medieval literature. (United States)

    Truitt, Elly R


    This article argues that balm, or balsam, was, by the late medieval period, believed to be a panacea, capable of healing wounds and illnesses, and also preventing putrefaction. Natural history and pharmacological texts on balm from the ancient and late antique periods emphasized specific qualities of balm, especially its heat; these were condensed and repeated in medieval encyclopedias. The rarity and cost of balsam, from antiquity through the medieval period, and the high rate of counterfeiting also demonstrate its high demand and significance in medicine and religious ritual. Travel writing and itineraria from the early and central medieval periods added a new layer to ideas about the capabilities of balsam: that it originated from a Christian miracle and was a particularly Christian plant.

  20. Consequências da ingestão moderada de etanol na discriminação de notas musicais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jandilson Avelino da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se existe relação entre a ingestão moderada de etanol e a discriminação das notas musicais RÉ, FÁ, e LÁ, em adultos jovens. Essas notas apresentam frequências fundamentais respectivamente de 293,665 Hz, 349,228 Hz e 440 Hz, de temperamento igual, escolhidas devido estarem em localização central na escala musical ocidental padrão. Participaram do estudo 40 voluntários de 18 a 29 anos, não músicos, saudáveis, não usuários de fármacos ou outras substâncias tóxicas, exceto o etanol de forma moderada e aguda. Por meio do software"Psysounds", criado especificamente para esse estudo, esses voluntários tiveram de escolher, entre duas notas musicais, uma das notas teste apresentada inicialmente. Os dados foram tratados com um teste X2 de aderência para comparar as frequências de acertos das notas musicais de teste nas condições de ingestão e de não ingestão de álcool. As análises mostraram diferenças significantes nas frequências de acertos para todas as notas utilizadas, sugerindo que a ingestão de etanol prejudica a discriminação das notas musicais RÉ, FÁ e LÁ.

  1. Dramatic Aspects of Medieval Magic in Scandinavia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Leif


    The arcle deal with the performative aspects of medieval spells and rituals. The most important spells are cited in extenso and commented uopn.......The arcle deal with the performative aspects of medieval spells and rituals. The most important spells are cited in extenso and commented uopn....

  2. Radiolabeling of NOTA and DOTA with Positron Emitting {sup 68}Ga and Investigation of In Vitro Properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Jae Min; Kim, Young Ju; Lee, Yun Sang; Lee, Dong Soo; Chung, June Key; Lee, Myung Chul [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We established radiolabeling conditions of NOTA and DOTA with a generator-produced PET radionuclide {sup 68}Ga and studied in vitro characteristics such as stability, serum protein binding, octanol/water distribution, and interference with other metal ions. Various concentrations of NOTA{center_dot}3HCl and DOTA{center_dot}4HCl were labeled with 1 mL {sup 68}GaCl{sub 3} (0.18{approx}5.75 mCi in 0.1 M HCl) in various pH. NOTA{center_dot}3HCl (0.373 mM) was labeled with {sup 68}GaCl{sub 3} (0.183{approx}0.232 mCi/0.1 M HCl 1.0 mL) in the presence of CuCl{sub 2}, FeCl{sub 2}, InCl{sub 3}, FeCl{sub 3}, GaCl{sub 3}, MgCl{sub 2} or CaCl{sub 2} (0{approx}6.07 mM) at room temperature. The labeling efficiencies of {sup 68}Ga-NOTA and {sup 68}Ga-DOTA were checked by ITLC-SG using acetone or saline as mobile phase. Stabilities, protein bindings, and octanol distribution coefficients of the labeled compounds also were investigated. {sup 68}Ga-NOTA and {sup 68}Ga-DOTA were labeled optimally at pH 6.5 and pH 3.5, respectively, and the chelates were stable for 4 hr either in the reaction mixture at room temperature or in the human serum at 37 .deg. C. NOTA was labeled at room temperature while DOTA required heating for labeling. {sup 68}Ga-NOTA labeling efficiency was reduced by CuCl{sub 2}, FeCl{sub 2}, InCl{sub 2}, FeCl{sub 3} or GaCl{sub 3}, however, was not influenced by MgCl{sub 2} or CaCl{sub 2}. The protein binding was low (2.04{approx}3.32%). Log P value of {sup 68}Ga-NOTA was -3.07 indicating high hydrophilicity. We found that NOTA is a better bifunctional chelating agent than DOTA for {sup 68}Ga labeling. Although, {sup 68}Ga-NOTA labeling is interfered by various metal ions, it shows high stability and low serum protein binding.

  3. NotaMark industrial laser marking system: a new security marking technology (United States)

    Moreau, Vincent G.


    Up until now, the only variable alphanumeric data which could be added to banknotes was the number, applied by means of impact typographical numbering boxes. As an additional process or an alternative to this mechanical method, a non-contact laser marking process can be used offering high quality and greater levels of flexibility. For this purpose KBA-GIORI propose an exclusive laser marking solution called NotaMark. The laser marking process NotaMark is the ideal solution for applying variable data and personalizing banknotes (or any other security documents) with a very high resolution, for extremely large production volumes. A completely integrated solution has been developed comprised of laser light sources, marking head units, and covers and extraction systems. NotaMark allows the marking of variable data by removing locally and selectively, specific printed materials leaving the substrate itself untouched. A wide range of materials has already been tested extensively. NotaMark is a new security feature which is easy to identify and difficult to counterfeit, and which complies with the standard mechanical and chemical resistance tests in the security printing industry as well as with other major soiling tests. The laser marking process opens up a whole new range of design possibilities and can be used to create a primary security feature such as numbering, or to enhance the value of existing features.

  4. Medieval Theatre: It's More Fun than It Looks. (United States)

    Fitzhugh, Mike


    Explores production ideas for plays other than works by Shakespeare, including medieval plays such as the "Wakefield Noah" by the Wakefield Master. Lists some questions to consider when deciding to perform a medieval play. (PA)

  5. Notas suicidas mexicanas. Un análisis cualitativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana María Chávez Hernández


    Full Text Available Objetivo. El análisis de notas suicidas es uno de los métodos más fructíferos en el estudio del comportamiento suicida. Bajo esta premisa, el objetivo de este trabajo fue describir y analizar las características afectivas, emocionales, cognoscitivas y actitudinales, relacionadas con el momento en que las personas planean su auto-destrucción, y que fueron expresadas en sus notas suicidas. Método. Estudio de tipo ex post facto, con una muestra de 142 notas suicidas que dejaron personas que se suicidaron (2005-2008 en el Estado de Guanajuato, México. Se realizó un análisis de contenido con el método de Inter-juez (0.96 coeficiente de concordancia; así como tablas de contingencia y escalamiento multidimensional. Resultados. Se muestra que el grupo de edad, entre 15 y 29 años, representan la mitad de los sujetos que consumaron el acto de suicidio (50% y que dejaron una nota póstuma. Se encontraron 11 categorías con diferencias estadísticamente significativas para lo cual se utilizó un escalamiento multidimensional. Los problemas de relaciones interpersonales fue la razón más mencionada para cometer suicidio (45.1% tanto en hombres como mujeres (X2 c = 6.856, p = 0.009. El 97.2% de los casos mostró curso lógico de pensamiento y consciencia de su actividad cognitiva y el 83% adecuada orientación en la realidad. Conclusión. Los resultados concuerdan con los arrojados por otros estudios internacionales con relación a la comprensión etiológica psicosocial del suicidio. Las razones manifiestas para el suicidio difieren según los grupos de edad, lo cual deberá considerarse en los dispositivos de detección y tratamiento de las personas con riesgo suicida.

  6. Etnografía concéntrica y didáctica Notas para no-antropólogos

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    José Luis Ramos Ramírez


    Full Text Available Ante la necesidad de capacitar a estudiantes y profesionales que no son antropólogos en el quehacer etnográfico se han publicado múltiples manuales que presentan esta labor como exclusivamente metodológica, incluso como un digno ejemplo del enfoque cualitativo; sin embargo al revisar la figura que se oferta en esta literatura encuentro que es una imagen que no hace justicia a la complejidad que significa la Etnografía. Por ello, en este ensayo presento una serie de notas aclaratorias para que se visualicen sus distintos aspectos o caras que muestra la denominada Etnografía. También, incluyo el reto que significa llevar a cabo investigaciones etnográficas en espacios más urbanos y contemporáneos, siendo un ejemplo el caso de la Etnografía Organizacional. Para concluir, anoto algunas recomendaciones, destacando un esquema de trabajo que denomino “Etnografía Concéntrica”, dirigidas a los jóvenes investigadores interesados en incursionar en este campo del conocimiento para orientar sus pesquisas respectivas y que no son antropólogos.

  7. Interest in medieval accounts: Examples from England, 1272-1340


    Adrian R. Bell; Chris Brooks; Tony Moore


    Research into medieval interest rates has been hampered by the diversity of terms and methods used by historians, creating serious misconceptions in the eporting of medieval interest rates, which have then been taken at face value by later scholars. This has had important repercussions on the wider debate on the credit risk of different forms of medieval governments and the costs of borrowing as a bar to investment. This paper seeks to establish a standardised methodology to accurately calcul...

  8. Pulp fictions of medieval England: Essays in popular romance


    McDonald, Nicola


    Middle English popular romance is the most audacious and compendious testimony to the imaginary world of the English Middle Ages. Yet, with few exceptions, it remains under read and under studied. Pulp fictions of medieval England demonstrates that popular romance merits and rewards serious critical attention and that it is crucial to our understanding of the complex and conflicted world of medieval England. Pulp fictions of medieval England comprises ten essays on individual romances that, w...

  9. The Barbarian North in Medieval Imagination

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen-Rix, Robert William

    This book examines the sustained interest in legends of the pagan and peripheral North, tracing and analyzing the use of an ‘out-of-Scandinavia’ legend (Scandinavia as an ancestral homeland) in a wide range of medieval texts from all over Europe, with a focus on the Anglo-Saxon tradition. The pagan...... origins, showing how an ‘out-of-Scandinavia’ legend can be found in works by several familiar writers including Jordanes, Bede, ‘Fredegar’, Paul the Deacon, Freculph, and Æthelweard. The book investigates how legends of northern warriors were first created in classical texts and since re-calibrated to fit...... the disciplines of poetry, history, rhetoric, linguistics, and archaeology. After years of intense critical interest in medieval attitudes towards the classical world, Africa, and the East, this first book-length study of ‘the North’ will inspire new debates and repositionings in medieval studies....

  10. Representations of Lancet or Phlebotome in Serbian Medieval Art. (United States)

    Pajić, Sanja; Jurišić, Vladimir


    The topic of this study are representations of lancet or phlebotome in frescoes and icons of Serbian medieval art. The very presence of this medical instrument in Serbian medieval art indicates its usage in Serbian medical practices of the time. Phlebotomy is one of the oldest forms of therapy, widely spread in medieval times. It is also mentioned in Serbian medical texts, such as Chilandar Medical CodexNo. 517 and Hodoch code, i.e. translations from Latin texts originating from Salerno-Montpellier school. Lancet or phlebotome is identified based on archaeological finds from the Roman period, while finds from the Middle Ages and especially from Byzantium have been scarce. Analyses of preserved frescoes and icons has shown that, in comparison to other medical instruments, lancet is indeed predominant in Serbian medieval art, and that it makes for over 80% of all the representations, while other instruments have been depicted to a far lesser degree. Examination of written records and art points to the conclusion that Serbian medieval medicine, both in theory and in practice, belonged entirely to European traditions of the period.

  11. Proposta de taxonomia para as notas explicativas em XBRL de companhias abertas


    Bernardo, Roberta Auler Bittencourt


    Este estudo propõe a taxonomia para as notas explicativas às demonstrações financeiras, preparadas de acordo com as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) em eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). O modelo proposto complementa a taxonomia das demonstrações contábeis aprovada pelo XBRL International em 03 de abril de 2015. O objetivo principal das notas explicativas é complementar informações úteis a investidores, credores, órgãos reguladores e fiscalizadores no mercado bra...

  12. Patterns and prevalence of violence-related skull trauma in medieval London. (United States)

    Krakowka, Kathryn


    This study aims to identify the patterns and prevalence of violence-related skull trauma (including the cranium and mandible) among a large sample of skeletons from medieval London (1050-1550 AD). In total, data from 399 skulls, representing six different sites from across medieval London, were analyzed for evidence of trauma and assessed for the likelihood that it was caused by violence. The sites include the three parish cemeteries of St Nicholas Shambles (GPO75), St Lawrence Jewry (GYE92), and St Benet Sherehog (ONE94); the two monastic houses of London Blackfriars (PIC87) and St Mary Graces (MIN86); and the early inmate cemetery from the medieval hospital of St Mary Spital (NRT85). The overall findings suggest that violence affected all aspects of medieval London society, but how that violence was characterized largely depended on sex and burial location. Specifically, males from the lay cemeteries appear to have been the demographic most affected by violence-related skull injuries, particularly blunt force trauma to the cranial vault. Using both archaeological and historical evidence, the results suggest that violence in medieval London may have been more prevalent than in other parts of medieval England, particularly rural environments, but similar to other parts of medieval Europe. However, more studies focusing on medieval trauma, and violence specifically, need to be carried out to further strengthen these results. In particular, males from the lay cemeteries were disproportionately affected by violence-related trauma, especially blunt force trauma. It perhaps indicates a means of informal conflict resolution as those of lower status did not always have the newly established medieval legal system available to them. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Gioacchino Volpe and the medieval religious movements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrico Artifoni


    Full Text Available This article is a widened version of a lecture held in 2005 at the congress: ‘Gioacchino Volpe between past and present’, issued in the volume edited by R. Bonuglia (Rome 2007. It analyzes the main topics present in the work by Gioacchino Volpe: Movimenti religiosi e sette ereticali nella società medievale italiana (secoli XI-XIV (‘Religious movements and heretical sects in Italian Medieval society (11th-14th century', of 1922, and connects such essay to the author’s interests for ‘social’ history in the period after the 11th century. It also casts light on the influence of  Volpe’s thesis on many Italian Medieval scholars, who studied the medieval heresies over the 20th century (Morghen, Dupré Theseider, Manselli, Violante.

  14. Notas Ornitológicas Colombianas, IV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available La lista siguiente, cuarta en la serte de mis notas ornitológicas colombianas (*, contiene noticias de algún interés relativas a elementos propios de la avifauna de Colombia y a varias especies migratorias que se encuentran de manera temporal en el territorio de este país. En total, 178 especies y subespecies se enumeran en este trabajo.

  15. Exploring the Middle Ages with the Medieval Map. (United States)

    Parry, Joseph D.


    Illustrates how medieval maps provide a means for studying the Middle Ages by allowing students to explore the ideology and representations of the medieval world conveyed by the maps. Explains that students also can compare the maps with literature from the same time period to further analyze the representations of the culture. (CMK)

  16. Renewing Audience Response in Study of Medieval Literature. (United States)

    Harrington, David V.

    Although modern readers often find the interpretation of medieval literature difficult, they should be encouraged to use their imagination to resolve the dilemmas they encounter. Often, these are the same issues with which medieval audiences had to wrestle and which the poets intended to raise. W. Iser's and H. R. Jauss's principles of…

  17. One-step radiosynthesis of {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-RGD{sub 2} for tumor angiogenesis PET imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Shuanglong; Liu, Hongguang; Xu, Yingding; Cheng, Zhen [Stanford University, Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (MIPS), Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection, Bio-X Program, Department of Radiology, Stanford, CA (United States); Jiang, Han [Stanford University, Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (MIPS), Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection, Bio-X Program, Department of Radiology, Stanford, CA (United States); Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Imaging of Zhejiang Province, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Medical PET Center, Hangzhou, Zhejiang (China); Zhang, Hong [Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Imaging of Zhejiang Province, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Medical PET Center, Hangzhou, Zhejiang (China)


    One of the major obstacles of the clinical translation of {sup 18}F-labeled arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) peptides has been the laborious multistep radiosynthesis. In order to facilitate the application of RGD-based positron emission tomography (PET) probes in the clinical setting we investigated in this study the feasibility of using the chelation reaction between Al{sup 18}F and a macrocyclic chelator-conjugated dimeric RGD peptide as a simple one-step {sup 18}F labeling strategy for development of a PET probe for tumor angiogenesis imaging. Dimeric cyclic peptide E[c(RGDyK)]{sub 2} (RGD{sub 2}) was first conjugated with a macrocyclic chelator, 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (NOTA), and the resulting bioconjugate NOTA-RGD{sub 2} was then radiofluorinated via Al{sup 18}F intermediate to synthesize {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-RGD{sub 2}. Integrin binding affinities of the peptides were assessed by a U87MG cell-based receptor binding assay using {sup 125}I-echistatin as the radioligand. The tumor targeting efficacy and in vivo profile of {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-RGD{sub 2} were further evaluated in a subcutaneous U87MG glioblastoma xenograft model by microPET and biodistribution. NOTA-RGD{sub 2} was successfully {sup 18}F-fluorinated with good yield within 40 min using the Al{sup 18}F intermediate. The IC{sub 50} of {sup 19}F-AlF-NOTA-RGD{sub 2} was determined to be 46 {+-} 4.4 nM. Quantitative microPET studies demonstrated that {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-RGD{sub 2} showed high tumor uptake, fast clearance from the body, and good tumor to normal organ ratios. NOTA-RGD{sub 2} bioconjugate has been successfully prepared and labeled with Al{sup 18}F in one single step of radiosynthesis. The favorable in vivo performance and the short radiosynthetic route of {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-RGD{sub 2} warrant further optimization of the probe and the radiofluorination strategy to accelerate the clinical translation of {sup 18}F-labeled RGD peptides. (orig.)

  18. Magna Carta: Teaching Medieval Topics for Historical Significance (United States)

    Metzger, Scott Alan


    The Middle Ages are an immensely important era in the Western experience. Unfortunately, medieval studies are often marginalized or trivialized in school curriculum. With the approach of the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, the famous charter of rights from medieval England, one has a timely and useful example for considering what a focus on…

  19. Medieval Pictorial Art and Medieval Spanish Literature: A Case in Point for the Use of the Visual Arts in the Literature Class. (United States)

    Bergstrom, Stanford E.


    An exploration of the connection between literature and the visual arts and its application in the foreign language literature class includes an illustration of how a medieval literary Spanish masterpiece becomes more clear when the text is compared with medieval pictorial art pieces. (four references) (Author/CB)

  20. Sobre los libros de oro del siglo XVI : notas críticas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teodoro Martín Martín


    Full Text Available De sobra es conocido que los Libros de Oro, que aparecen en el siglo XVI en el marco de la renovación pedagógica que introdujo el Humanismo y el Renacimiento, son colecciones de pensamientos, sentencias, máximas y proverbios morales entresacados de las obras de los mejores filósofos estoicos de la Antigüedad Clásica. Sin embargo, poco más es lo que se conoce de ellos fuera del marco de la Historia de la Literatura. Incidentalmente, al ocuparse de la preceptiva de príncipes, algo se ha dicho sobre los textos áureos de la vida, si bien de forma tangencial. Consciente de esta laguna historiográfica voy a redactar las siguientes notas críticas, que no tienen otro objeto más que colaborar en el debate que historiadores, filósofos, pedagogos y literatos han de sostener sobre el tema. Nuestro país aportó al pensamiento educativo del siglo xvi dos figuras señeras: Luis Vives y Pedro Simón Abril. Pero su obra quedó en el plano teórico por cuanto carecieron de capacidad u oportunidad política para implantar sus doctrinas en la sociedad española. Alguna posibilidad tuvo el segundo de los autores citados, pero las mismas se quedaron en forma de memoriales o apuntamientos dirigidos al Rey Felipe II.

  1. (67/68)Ga-labeling agent that liberates (67/68)Ga-NOTA-methionine by lysosomal proteolysis of parental low molecular weight polypeptides to reduce renal radioactivity levels. (United States)

    Uehara, Tomoya; Rokugawa, Takemi; Kinoshita, Mai; Nemoto, Souki; Fransisco Lazaro, Guerra Gomez; Hanaoka, Hirofumi; Arano, Yasushi


    The renal localization of gallium-67 or gallium-68 ((67/68)Ga)-labeled low molecular weight (LMW) probes such as peptides and antibody fragments constitutes a problem in targeted imaging. Wu et al. previously showed that (67)Ga-labeled S-2-(4-isothiocyanatobenzyl)-1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (SCN-Bz-NOTA)-conjugated methionine ((67)Ga-NOTA-Met) was rapidly excreted from the kidney in urine following lysosomal proteolysis of the parental (67)Ga-NOTA-Bz-SCN-disulfide-stabilized Fv fragment (Bioconjugate Chem., (1997) 8, 365-369). In the present study, a new (67/68)Ga-labeling reagent for LMW probes that liberates (67/68)Ga-NOTA-Met was designed, synthesized, and evaluated using longer-lived (67)Ga in order to reduce renal radioactivity levels. We employed a methionine-isoleucine (MI) dipeptide bond as the cleavable linkage. The amine residue of MI was coupled with SCN-Bz-NOTA for (67)Ga-labeling, while the carboxylic acid residue of MI was derivatized to maleimide for antibody conjugation in order to synthesize NOTA-MI-Mal. A Fab fragment of the anti-Her2 antibody was thiolated with iminothiolane, and NOTA-MI-Mal was conjugated with the antibody fragment by maleimide-thiol chemistry. The Fab fragment was also conjugated with SCN-Bz-NOTA (NOTA-Fab) for comparison. (67)Ga-NOTA-MI-Fab was obtained at radiochemical yields of over 95% and was stable in murine serum for 24 h. In the biodistribution study using normal mice, (67)Ga-NOTA-MI-Fab registered significantly lower renal radioactivity levels from 1 to 6 h postinjection than those of (67)Ga-NOTA-Fab. An analysis of urine samples obtained 6 h after the injection of (67)Ga-NOTA-MI-Fab showed that the majority of radioactivity was excreted as (67)Ga-NOTA-Met. In the biodistribution study using tumor-bearing mice, the tumor to kidney ratios of (67)Ga-NOTA-MI-Fab were 4 times higher (6 h postinjection) than those of (67)Ga-NOTA-Fab. Although further studies including the structure of radiometabolites and

  2. Preparation of Ga-68-NOTA as a renal PET agent and feasibility tests in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ji Youn; Jeong, Jae Min; Kim, Young Ju; Jeong, Hyuk-Jin; Lee, Yun-Sang; Lee, Dong Soo


    Introduction: Positron emission tomography (PET) may provide more accurate quantification of kidney function such as glomerular filtration rate (GFR) than gamma imaging. The purpose of these experiments was to prepare and evaluate Ga-68 complexes as potential PET agents for measurement of GFR. Methods: We labeled EDTA, DTPA, DOTA, and NOTA with Ga-68 obtained from a Ge-68/Ga-68-generator and measured the binding to serum and red blood cells. Biodistribution study was performed in male BALB/c mice after intravenous injection together with Cr-51-EDTA as the standard for glomerular filtration rate (GFR) measurement. Animal-PET study was performed using BALB/c mice. Results: All the tested chelating agents except DTPA showed quantitative labeling yields (> 99%). Among them, Ga-68-NOTA showed consistently low binding to both human and mouse RBC and serum protein. Biodistribution study showed no significant difference between Ga-68-NOTA and Cr-51-EDTA groups by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (p > 0.05). Furthermore, the GFR values obtained by Ga-68-NOTA and Cr-51-EDTA were almost same (0.26 ± 0.04 and 0.25 ± 0.04 mL/min, respectively). Animal-PET study showed almost the same GFR (0.25 mL/min) with the values obtained by biodistribution study. Conclusion: We proved that an easy-to-prepare agent Ga-68-NOTA is ideal for renal PET as well as for GFR measurement

  3. Insight into the Fulnek Church and Parish Medieval Building Chronology

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    Augustinková Lucie


    Full Text Available The church of the Holy Trinity and parish in Fulnek was for nearly four centuries an Augustinian canonry and collegiate church (1293-1389. The medieval church and parish building chronology, however, have not been thus far established. From research between 2015 and 2016 we have been able to identify medieval portions of the buildings, clarify the site medieval construction phases and date the parish buildings (formerly the canonry from dendrochronological analysis of embedded wooden scaffolding.

  4. Skin pathology and medical prognosis in medieval Europe: the secrets of Hippocrates. (United States)

    Ackerman Smoller, L


    This article analyzes a medieval text known as The Secrets of Hippocrates. Neither secret (because of its wide circulation in manuscript and print) nor by Hippocrates, the work offered readers a means of offering a prognosis of impending death based on observable signs on the skin. Although the aphorisms that make up the text make little sense in a modern medical understanding, the Secrets of Hippocrates fits well within three medieval traditions: the tradition of secrets literature, the medieval medical tradition, and the tradition of medieval Christian views about the body. First, like other books of secrets, a genre to whose conventions the text closely adheres, the Secrets of Hippocrates offered a shortcut to socially useful knowledge: the ability to offer an accurate medical prognosis. Second, the treatise corresponded to the medieval physician's concern for the so-called nonnaturals, such as diet and exercise. Third, it fit with a medieval Christian notion that sickness and sin were related, as were sin and ugliness. Just as a leper's deformities were a window to his sinful soul, so skin pathologies could clue a medieval physician to the lethal disease hidden inside the body.

  5. The Medieval Swedish Horror Ballad in the Romantic Era

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fyhr, Mattias


    In the late 18th century the Horror Ballad became popular in Sweden. The rediscovery of medieval tales and ballads inspired the Romantic authors. Clas Livijn uses the medieval folksong of "Hafsfrun" in his dramatic play of the same title (1806). In Livijn’s own library we also find many......” by Baggesen, in turn based on German and English sources. Anna Maria Lenngren followed with several ballads, often based on Danish sources. One more purely Swedish medieval ballad is “Varulven”. From 1810 unto 1971 thirteen versions of this Swedish ballad was discovered and printed. I place the focus...

  6. Mercados de notas estructuradas. Un análisis descriptivo y métodos de evaluación

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    Francisco Venegas-Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza las notas estructuradas más comunes en el mercado. Se presenta una descripción detallada de dichos instrumentos financieros destacando sus características particulares y dificultades técnicas en el proceso de evaluación. Debido a que la mayoría de las notas estructuradas que se negocian en el mercado financiero mexicano son certificados de depósito con garantía del capital inicial, este trabajo proporciona los elementos básicos que se requieren para su evaluación, como son los bonos cuponados flotantes y los productos de las tasas de interés. Asimismo, para la mayoría de las notas estructuradas estudiadas aquí se desarrollan modelos teóricos de evaluación. Por último, con fines ilustrativos, varios ejemplos numéricos acerca de las notas son presentados.

  7. Geriatric management in medieval Persian medicine (United States)

    Emami, Morteza; Sadeghpour, Omid; Zarshenas, Mohammad M.


    In Iran, a large group of patients are elderly people and they intend to have natural remedies as treatment. These remedies are rooted in historical of Persian and humoral medicine with a backbone of more than 1000 years. The current study was conducted to draw together medieval pharmacological information related to geriatric medicine from some of the most often manuscripts of traditional Persian medicine. Moreover, we investigated the efficacy of medicinal plants through a search of the PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar databases. In the medieval Persian documents, digestible and a small amount of food such as chicken broth, honey, fig and plum at frequent intervals as well as body massage and morning unctioning are highly recommended. In the field of pharmacotherapy, 35 herbs related to 25 families were identified. Plants were classified as tonic, anti-aging, appetizer, memory and mood enhancer, topical analgesic and laxative as well as health improvement agents. Other than historical elucidation, this paper presents medical and pharmacological approaches that medieval Persian practitioners applied to deal with geriatric complications. PMID:24381461

  8. Consideraciones metodológicas sobre el estudio de los núcleos urbanos en la Castilla bajomedieval : notas para un modelo teórico de análisis

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    Manuel Fernando Ladero Quesada


    Full Text Available Esta ponencia es fruto de las reflexiones surgidas en la elaboración de nuestra propia investigación sobre la ciudad de Zamora (ver nota 2 y de la lectura de numerosos trabajos sobre la problemática urbana y concejil que no es posible reseñar aquí. (Para una información bibliográfica reciente, véanse los excelentes trabajos y reflexiones reunidos en las Actas del II Congreso de Estudios Medievales organizado por la Fundación Sánchez Albornoz en León en septiembre de 1989 (Madrid 1990: Concejos y ciudades en la Edad Media Hispánica. Como señalaba antes, este ponencia se ciñe fundamentalmente al ámbito castellano-leonés, es por ello que parezca obligado citar algunas obras consultadas con mayor asiduidad para la elaboración de la misma.

  9. Herbal diuretics in medieval Persian and Arabic medicine. (United States)

    Shoja, Mohammadali M; Tubbs, R Shane; Bosmia, Anand N; Fakhree, Mohammad A A; Jouyban, Abolghasem; Balch, Margaret Wood; Loukas, Marios; Khodadoust, Kazem; Khalili, Majid; Eknoyan, Garabed


    In accord with the notions of humoralism that prevailed in medieval medicine, therapeutic interventions, including diuretics, were used to restore the disturbed balance among the four humors of the human body: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Most diuretics were derived from plants. The primary textual reference on herbal diuretics was Dioscorides's De Materia Medica, which was written during the first century CE. The authors reviewed the medieval medical texts written in Persian and Arabic and compiled a list of 135 herbal diuretics used by the medieval medical authorities for treating various ailments. Between the 8th and 11th centuries CE, Middle Eastern physicians systematically reviewed extant books on medicine and pharmacotherapy and compiled new and expanded lists of herbal medicines, diuretics in particular. Furthermore, they introduced new chemical methods of extraction, distillation, and compounding in the use of herbal medicines. Several herbal remedies now are considered as potentially safe and affordable alternatives to chemical pharmaceuticals. Thus, research on medieval herbal therapies may prove to be relevant to the practice of current cardiovascular and renal pharmacotherapy. The authors propose that modern research methods can be employed to determine which of these agents actually are effective as diuretics.

  10. The long-term impact of developmental stress. Evidence from later medieval and post-medieval London (AD1117-1853). (United States)

    Watts, Rebecca


    Episodes of ill-health in childhood can predispose affected individuals to further periods of illness and early adult mortality. This study uses nonspecific indicators of stress to examine how growth disruptions during infancy/early childhood, and late childhood/early adolescence affected adult longevity in later medieval and post-medieval London. Hazards analysis was used to evaluate the effect of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) and the size of the anteroposterior (AP) and transverse (TR) diameters of the vertebral neural canal (VNC) on adult age-at-death. This was applied to skeletal samples from later medieval (n = 461) and post-medieval (n = 480) London. Growth disruptions during infancy/early childhood (LEH and AP VNC diameters) were not associated with longevity, or with impaired growth at later stages of development (TR VNC diameters). Growth disruptions during late childhood/early adolescence (TR VNC diameters) were associated with a significantly increased risk of adult mortality. Macroscopic hypoplasia represent short periods of stress during infancy/early childhood which did not disrupt future investments in growth or cause long-term damage to health. Small TR diameters represent chronic stress during late childhood/early adolescence which resulted in greater susceptibility to infections and increased risk of mortality. These interactions were influenced by sex and socioeconomic status, suggesting that socioeconomic circumstances in both childhood and adult life could influence exposure and resistance to stressors. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. The Challenge of Folklore to Medieval Studies


    John Lindow


    When folklore began to emerge as a valid expression of a people during the early stages of national romanticism, it did so alongside texts and artifacts from the Middle Ages. The fields of folklore and medieval studies were hardly to be distinguished at that time, and it was only as folklore began to develop its own methodology (actually analogous to medieval textual studies) during the nineteenth century that the fields were distinguished. During the 1970s, however, folklore adopted a wholly...

  12. Premaxillary hyperdontia in medieval Norwegians: a radiographic study. (United States)

    Stermer Beyer-Olsen, E M


    An excavation of a part of the graveyard of St Olav's church, Trondheim, Norway, uncovered 389 tombs from the medieval period (1100-1600). Radiographic examination of 140 skulls with an intact premaxilla revealed hyperdontia in the form of a mesiodens in two (1.4%) cases. This is within the same range as similar medieval and present Nordic populations. Change in functional pattern does not seem to influence the prevalence.

  13. The Medieval Dublin Project: A Case Study

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    Niall O'hOisin


    Full Text Available This paper provides an overview of the Medieval Dublin Project. It covers the development and release of the DVD ‘Medieval Dublin: From Vikings to Tudors (Schools Edition,’ and outlines the major virtual and interactive features developed for that release. The paper also covers the collaboration that took place between the DVD development team and the academic community and discusses the ways in which 3D visualisations, timelines, interactivity and character-based storytelling were used to present Dublin’s archaeological heritage in an engaging and interesting way

  14. Anthony Davenport. Medieval Narrative – An Introduction

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    Richard TRIM


    Full Text Available This latest book by Tony Davenport represents not only a very useful guide to the different types of narrative associated with the Middle Ages but also succinctly describes their origins in Antiquity as well as linking up the various genres of medieval story-telling to present-day fiction in prose and film. The introductory pages thus give a global picture of narrative both before and after the medieval period and the Middle Ages are thereby not left in a vacuum. Although the focus is on Engl...

  15. Episodes in the mathematics of medieval Islam

    CERN Document Server

    Berggren, J L


    This book presents an account of selected topics from key mathematical works of medieval Islam, based on the Arabic texts themselves. Many of these works had a great influence on mathematics in Western Europe. Topics covered in the first edition include arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and numerical approximation; this second edition adds number theory and combinatorics. Additionally, the author has included selections from the western regions of medieval Islam—both North Africa and Spain. The author puts the works into their historical context and includes numerous examples of how mathematics interacted with Islamic society.

  16. Greek Astronomy and the Medieval Arabic Tradition (United States)

    Saliba, George


    Islamic scholars of the Middle Ages are often credited with preserving the scientific writings of Antiquity through the Dark Ages of Europe. Saliba argues that the medieval Islamic astronomers did far more—actually correcting and improving on Greek astronomy by creating new mathematical tools to explain the motions of celestial objects. These tools were so useful that Copernicus appears to have borrowed them for use in his heliocentric cosmology. In this new light, the medieval Islamic astronomers played a fundamental role in the scientific revolution that was forged in Europe during the Renaissance.

  17. Autoridad y Transmisión: Algunas notas teóricas para re-pensar la educación

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    Gabriela Diker


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este ensayo es reflexionar sobre el tema de la autoridad y la transmisión en los espacios de formación, lo que se convierte en unas notas teóricas para repensar la educación, como la acción pedagógica y el compromiso existente en estos espacios para luchas contra formas autoritarias que impiden un pensar con autonomía. Se busca analizar esta relación de manera crítica desde los discursos ideológicos que se producen para el abordaje de estas categorías, a fin de contribuir con este pensar. El ensayo da cuenta desde lo cotidiano de la escuela, el tema de la autoridad en su relación con la transmisión, lo que conduce a recibir una atención permanente por parte de la comunidad académica como objeto de investigación. La autoridad escolar, producida a partir de las experiencias históricas escolares, se viene asumiendo como tal debido a la manera intensa y conflictiva dentro de los espacios de formación, siendo, que este problema, reproduce mecánicamente formas excluyentes y reduccionistas por parte de la autoridad docente. AbstractThis essay is made in order to reflect about the authority and transmission within formation sceneries, which becomes into some theoretical notes to rethink education, such as the pedagogical action and the current commitment in these sceneries to fight against authoritary forms which prevent autonomy thinking. The idea is to look for this relationship in a critical way from the ideological speeches which are produced to approach these categories in order to contribute with this way of thinking. The essay talks about from the daily routine at school, the topic of authority and its relationship with the transmission, which makes it to receive permanent attention from the academic community as a research focus. School authority, produced from the historical scholar experiences, is being taken in that way, due to the intense and conflictive way within the formation sceneries, as

  18. Research output in medieval and crusades studies 1981-2011

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Torben Kjersgaard


    This article investigates the numerical research output of crusade studies over the past thirty years. The article compares its findings to the output of medieval studies in general in the same period. It shows in detail how the applied bibliometric statistics are generated and elaborates on some...... of the methodological considerations necessary in carrying out this kind of quantitative research. On the basis of bibliometric statistics generated from the International Medieval Bibliography (IMB) and Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale (BCM), the article identifies a numeric decrease in research output both...... in crusade studies in particular and in medieval studies in general. The article proposes further discussion on the “why” and “how” of this somewhat surprising result....

  19. Sex differentials in frailty in medieval England. (United States)

    DeWitte, Sharon N


    In most modern populations, there are sex differentials in morbidity and mortality that favor women. This study addresses whether such female advantages existed to any appreciable degree in medieval Europe. The analyses presented here examine whether men and women with osteological stress markers faced the same risks of death in medieval London. The sample used for this study comes from the East Smithfield Black Death cemetery in London. The benefit of using this cemetery is that most, if not all, individuals interred in East Smithfield died from the same cause within a very short period of time. This allows for the analysis of the differences between men and women in the risks of mortality associated with osteological stress markers without the potential confounding effects of different causes of death. A sample of 299 adults (173 males, 126 females) from the East Smithfield cemetery was analyzed. The results indicate that the excess mortality associated with several osteological stress markers was higher for men than for women. This suggests that in this medieval population, previous physiological stress increased the risk of death for men during the Black Death to a greater extent than was true for women. Alternatively, the results might indicate that the Black Death discriminated less strongly between women with and without pre-existing health conditions than was true for men. These results are examined in light of previous analyses of East Smithfield and what is known about diet and sexually mediated access to resources in medieval England. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  20. The origins of intensive marine fishing in medieval Europe: the English evidence. (United States)

    Barrett, James H.; Locker, Alison M.; Roberts, Callum M.


    The catastrophic impact of fishing pressure on species such as cod and herring is well documented. However, the antiquity of their intensive exploitation has not been established. Systematic catch statistics are only available for ca.100 years, but large-scale fishing industries existed in medieval Europe and the expansion of cod fishing from the fourteenth century (first in Iceland, then in Newfoundland) played an important role in the European colonization of the Northwest Atlantic. History has demonstrated the scale of these late medieval and post-medieval fisheries, but only archaeology can illuminate earlier practices. Zooarchaeological evidence shows that the clearest changes in marine fishing in England between AD 600 and 1600 occurred rapidly around AD 1000 and involved large increases in catches of herring and cod. Surprisingly, this revolution predated the documented post-medieval expansion of England's sea fisheries and coincided with the Medieval Warm Period--when natural herring and cod productivity was probably low in the North Sea. This counterintuitive discovery can be explained by the concurrent rise of urbanism and human impacts on freshwater ecosystems. The search for 'pristine' baselines regarding marine ecosystems will thus need to employ medieval palaeoecological proxies in addition to recent fisheries data and early modern historical records. PMID:15590590

  1. Notas Editoriales

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    Mosquera Alberto


    Full Text Available Prestigiosas firmas honran las páginas de esta edición y a todos los generosos colaboradores hacemos llegar la sincera expresión de nuestra gratitud por el valioso contingente prestado a la vez que les repetimos que la REVISTA FACULTAD NACIONAL DE AGRONOMIA siempre acogerá preferentemente su interesante y autorizado aporte científico. Asimismo ofrecemos a los señores Agrónomos y hombres de ciencia colombianos estas páginas para que hagan conocer del país sus ideas en relación con los muchos y complejos problemas que atañen a la economía agraria. En estas notas editoriales encontramos la información de la visita del Excmo Sr. Henry A. Wallace a la Facultad Nacional de Agronomía; La publicación del libro “Sentido de una Lucha Biológica” por Luis Maria Murillo y el regreso del Doctor Carlos Madrid después de estar en los Estado Unidos de Norte América enviado por la Facultad.

  2. Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Birmingham 3.–6. 7. 2014

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mráčková, Veronika; Baťa, J.


    Roč. 51, 3-4 (2014), s. 414-417 ISSN 0018-7003. [Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. Birmingham, 03.07.2014-06.07.2014] Institutional support: RVO:68378076 Keywords : conference * medieval * music Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  3. The Pleasure of Discovery: Medieval Literature in Adolescent Novels Set in the Middle Ages. (United States)

    Barnhouse, Rebecca


    Discusses three recent novels for young adults set in medieval times, illustrating several ways that modern writers incorporate medieval material into fiction. Argues that pairing such novels with medieval texts such as "Beowulf" and "The Canterbury Tales" offers opportunities to explore traditional literary topics while providing a gateway into…

  4. Crop Protection in Medieval Agriculture

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zadoks, J.C.


    Mediterranean and West European pre-modern agriculture (agriculture before 1600) was by necessity ‘organic agriculture’. Crop protection is part and parcel of this agriculture, with weed control in the forefront. Crop protection is embedded in the medieval agronomy text books but specialised

  5. Higher-than-present Medieval pine (Pinus sylvestris treeline along the Swedish Scandes

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    Leif Kullman


    Full Text Available The upper treeline of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L. is renowned as a sensitive indicator of climate change and variability. By use of megafossil tree remains, preserved exposed on the ground surface, treeline shift over the past millennium was investigated at multiple sites along the Scandes in northern Sweden. Difference in thermal level between the present and the Medieval period, about AD 1000-1200, is a central, although controversial, aspect concerning the detection and attribution of anthropogenic climate warming. Radiocarbon-dated megafossil pines revealed that the treeline was consistently positioned as much as 115 m higher during the Medieval period than today (AD 2000-2010, after a century of warming and substantial treeline upshift. Drawing on the last-mentioned figure, and a lapse rate of 0.6 °C/100 m, it may be inferred that Medieval summer temperatures were about 0.7 °C warmer than much of the past 100 years. Extensive pine mortality and treeline descent after the Medieval warming peak reflect substantially depressed temperatures during the Little Ice Age. Warmer-than-present conditions during the Medieval period concur with temperature reconstructions from different parts of northern Fennoscandia, northwestern Russia and Greenland. Modern warming has not been sufficient to restore Medieval treelines. Against this background, there is little reason to view further modest warming as unnatural.

  6. [Who were the healers in medieval Trondheim?]. (United States)

    Pape, K; Westin, S


    When Trondheim celebrated its millenium in 1997, this also marked a 1000 year-old medical tradition. In medieval times, sick and disabled people made their pilgrimage to the Nidaros cathedral and the grave of Saint Olav (995-1030). Working from the assumption that every organized society develops rituals and rules to deal with disease and death, we have looked for evidence of what kind of healers one would expect there were in medieval Trondheim up to the reformation in 1537. Sources include reports from archaeological excavations, written material of both medieval and more recent origin, buildings and objects, and living traditions. Three kinds of healer traditions can be identified: The popular and "wise" folk healers were based on traditional pre-Christian mythology and belief in natural forces. The charitable clerics emerged with Christianity. The "professional" wound healers evolved from the needs of the military, later to merge with the early barber surgeons. Traces of scientific traditions, the Salerno school and early European university medicine can be found in local texts, but there is no evidence of any university educated doctor practising in Trondheim before the 17th century.

  7. Disintegration of monetary system of medieval Serbia

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    Gnjatović Dragana


    Full Text Available The subject matter of this paper is the process of gradual disintegration of monetary system of medieval Serbia during the second half of the 14th and the first half of the 15th century. This period is characterized by an appearance of frequent usurpations of the ruling right to mint coinage by local landlords and the attempts of the rulers from Lazarević and Branković families to restore unified monetary system. Common debasements and restorations of silver coinage provoked economic instability and induced frequent turning backwards to the custom of using weighted silver instead of silver coins as commodity monetary standard. The aim of this paper is to explain the reasons for those phenomena. We apply qualitative, historical, empirical analysis where we consider money minting right holders and their decisions to debase and restore the value of silver dinars. We found that gradual disintegration of monetary system of medieval Serbian State continued until the fall of Serbian Despotate as a consequence of political instability following dissolution of medieval Serbian Empire and economic and financial exhaustion of Serbia by Ottoman suzerains.

  8. Books authored/co-authored and edited/co-edited by members of staff of the Department of Medieval/Medieval and Renaissance Archaeology, Aarhus University, 1971-2014

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roesdahl, Else


    Chronologically organized list of books authored/co-authored and edited/co-edited by members of staff of the Department of Medieval and Renaissance Archaeology, Aarhus University, 1971-2014......Chronologically organized list of books authored/co-authored and edited/co-edited by members of staff of the Department of Medieval and Renaissance Archaeology, Aarhus University, 1971-2014...

  9. Historical fencing and scientific research medieval weapons: common ground

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    B. V. Hrynchyshyn


    We considered various approaches to the reconstruction of the historical fencing. It is proved that the activities of such societies has a positive effect on the process research of features of medieval weapons, fighting tactics of different periods The various approaches to the reconstruction of the historical fencing. Proved that the activities of such societies has a positive effect on the process research of features of medieval weapons, fighting tactics of different periods.

  10. Proper Living - Exploring Domestic Ideals in Medieval Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Mette Svart


    Houses frame homes, households, and daily life, and it is reasonable to suggest that ideas of domestic space in medieval society, and ideas of how to live in an orderly and acceptable manner in the eyes of one’s peers and oneself are reflected in domestic architecture, its layout, fittings......, and ornaments. This paper addresses ideas of proper living in affluent rural and urban milieus in medieval Denmark, particularly as they are expressed through houses, inventories, and murals, and it also addresses current challenges in understanding the materialized ideas based on excavations and analysis...

  11. Comparative Evaluation of Anti-HER2 Affibody Molecules Labeled with 64Cu Using NOTA and NODAGA

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    Vladimir Tolmachev


    Full Text Available Imaging using affibody molecules enables discrimination between breast cancer metastases with high and low expression of HER2, making appropriate therapy selection possible. This study aimed to evaluate if the longer half-life of 64Cu (T1/2 = 12.7 h would make 64Cu a superior nuclide compared to 68Ga for PET imaging of HER2 expression using affibody molecules. The synthetic ZHER2:S1 affibody molecule was conjugated with the chelators NOTA or NODAGA and labeled with 64Cu. The tumor-targeting properties of 64Cu-NOTA-ZHER2:S1 and 64Cu-NODAGA-ZHER2:S1 were evaluated and compared with the targeting properties of 68Ga-NODAGA-ZHER2:S1 in mice. Both 64Cu-NOTA-ZHER2:S1 and 64Cu-NODAGA-ZHER2:S1 demonstrated specific targeting of HER2-expressing xenografts. At 2 h after injection of 64Cu-NOTA-ZHER2:S1, 64Cu-NODAGA-ZHER2:S1, and 68Ga-NODAGA-ZHER2:S1, tumor uptakes did not differ significantly. Renal uptake of 64Cu-labeled conjugates was dramatically reduced at 6 and 24 h after injection. Notably, radioactivity uptake concomitantly increased in blood, lung, liver, spleen, and intestines, which resulted in decreased tumor-to-organ ratios compared to 2 h postinjection. Organ uptake was lower for 64Cu-NODAGA-ZHER2:S1. The most probable explanation for this biodistribution pattern was the release and redistribution of renal radiometabolites. In conclusion, monoamide derivatives of NOTA and NODAGA may be suboptimal chelators for radiocopper labeling of anti-HER2 affibody molecules and, possibly, other scaffold proteins with high renal uptake.

  12. Locality and Distance in Cults of Saints in Medieval Norway

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Nils Holger


    A discussion of the Norwegian medieval cult of the purported Irish St Sunniva, a cult in which holiness is seen as foreign and distant in the cultural memory of the saint.......A discussion of the Norwegian medieval cult of the purported Irish St Sunniva, a cult in which holiness is seen as foreign and distant in the cultural memory of the saint....

  13. La fundación de Carteya. Algunas notas

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    Fernando WULFF ALONSO


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La fundación de la colonia de Carteya en el a. 171 a.C. resulta de enorme interés por muchas razones, una de ellas por los mismos problemas que ha suscitado la información que tenemos y que se reduce a unas breves líneas de Tito Li vio, que dicen así (T. Livio 43, 3, 3-4: «Et alia novi generis hominum ex Hispania legado venit. Et militibus Romanis et ex Hispanis mulieribus, cum quibus conubium non esset, natos se memorantes, supra quattuor milia hominum, orabant ut sibi oppidum in quo habitarent daretur. Senatus decrevit, uti nomina sua apud L. Canuleium profiterentur eorumque, si quos manumississet (manumississent, eos Carteiam ad Oceanum deduci placeré; qui Carteiensium domi manere vellent, potestatem fieri, uti numero colonorum essent, agro adsignato. Latinam earn coloniam esse libertinorumque appellari»

  14. Notas sobre Matisia longiflora Gleas. (Bombacaceae Notas sobre Matisia longiflora Gleas. (Bombacaceae

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    Fernández Alonso José Luis


    Full Text Available Dentro del grupo de géneros de bombacáceas de hojas simples que componen la tribu Quararibeae (= Matisieae Hutchinson, es Matisia Humb. & Bonpl. el que cuenta con mayor número de especies en Colombia. Al respecto se presentaron recientemente algunas consideraciones preliminares sobre la diversidad de especies en este grupo en Colombia (Fernández Alonso, 1991.

  15. Social representations of memory and gender in later medieval England. (United States)

    Kane, Bronach


    Social representations in later medieval culture have attracted little attention amongst psychologists, pre-dating the development of the so-called 'public sphere' in the eighteenth century. In addition, the association of pre-modern societies with 'traditional' modes of communication in social psychology places implicit limits on areas that may be studied through the lens of social representation theory. This article analyses the way in which knowledge circulated in late medieval society, noting initially the plural nature of representations of events and marginal groups, and the myriad channels through which beliefs were consolidated. In later medieval England perceptions of the past depended on collective and group memory, with customary rights and local histories forged through 'common knowledge', hearsay and the opinions of 'trustworthy men' of the village. The final section of this commentary provides an analysis of testimony from the late medieval church courts, in which witnesses articulated gender ideologies that reflected perceptions drawn from everyday life. Social representations of women were thus deployed in ecclesiastical suits, on the one hand supporting evidence of female witnesses and on the other justifying misogynistic stereotypes of women's behaviour.

  16. The Image of Medieval Woman (United States)

    Wade, Marjorie D.


    California State University offered a course concerning the roles and positions of women in medieval society as depicted in Middle High German literature. The course was open to all undergraduate students and required no prerequisites or knowledge of German. The content and structure of the course are outlined. (SW)

  17. Population-Area Relationship for Medieval European Cities.

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    Rudolf Cesaretti

    Full Text Available Medieval European urbanization presents a line of continuity between earlier cities and modern European urban systems. Yet, many of the spatial, political and economic features of medieval European cities were particular to the Middle Ages, and subsequently changed over the Early Modern Period and Industrial Revolution. There is a long tradition of demographic studies estimating the population sizes of medieval European cities, and comparative analyses of these data have shed much light on the long-term evolution of urban systems. However, the next step-to systematically relate the population size of these cities to their spatial and socioeconomic characteristics-has seldom been taken. This raises a series of interesting questions, as both modern and ancient cities have been observed to obey area-population relationships predicted by settlement scaling theory. To address these questions, we analyze a new dataset for the settled area and population of 173 European cities from the early fourteenth century to determine the relationship between population and settled area. To interpret this data, we develop two related models that lead to differing predictions regarding the quantitative form of the population-area relationship, depending on the level of social mixing present in these cities. Our empirical estimates of model parameters show a strong densification of cities with city population size, consistent with patterns in contemporary cities. Although social life in medieval Europe was orchestrated by hierarchical institutions (e.g., guilds, church, municipal organizations, our results show no statistically significant influence of these institutions on agglomeration effects. The similarities between the empirical patterns of settlement relating area to population observed here support the hypothesis that cities throughout history share common principles of organization that self-consistently relate their socioeconomic networks to structured

  18. Population-Area Relationship for Medieval European Cities. (United States)

    Cesaretti, Rudolf; Lobo, José; Bettencourt, Luís M A; Ortman, Scott G; Smith, Michael E


    Medieval European urbanization presents a line of continuity between earlier cities and modern European urban systems. Yet, many of the spatial, political and economic features of medieval European cities were particular to the Middle Ages, and subsequently changed over the Early Modern Period and Industrial Revolution. There is a long tradition of demographic studies estimating the population sizes of medieval European cities, and comparative analyses of these data have shed much light on the long-term evolution of urban systems. However, the next step-to systematically relate the population size of these cities to their spatial and socioeconomic characteristics-has seldom been taken. This raises a series of interesting questions, as both modern and ancient cities have been observed to obey area-population relationships predicted by settlement scaling theory. To address these questions, we analyze a new dataset for the settled area and population of 173 European cities from the early fourteenth century to determine the relationship between population and settled area. To interpret this data, we develop two related models that lead to differing predictions regarding the quantitative form of the population-area relationship, depending on the level of social mixing present in these cities. Our empirical estimates of model parameters show a strong densification of cities with city population size, consistent with patterns in contemporary cities. Although social life in medieval Europe was orchestrated by hierarchical institutions (e.g., guilds, church, municipal organizations), our results show no statistically significant influence of these institutions on agglomeration effects. The similarities between the empirical patterns of settlement relating area to population observed here support the hypothesis that cities throughout history share common principles of organization that self-consistently relate their socioeconomic networks to structured urban spaces.

  19. Primera hembra conocida de Megathecla gigantea (Hewitson, 1867 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Eumaeini

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    Gerardo Lamas


    Full Text Available Se reporta la primera hembra conocida de la extremadamente rara especie amazónica Megathecla gigantea (Hewitson, 1867, de Perú, Loreto, Tierra Hermosa. Se ofrece algunas notas sobre su comportamiento y hábitat.

  20. The first coronation churches of medieval Serbia

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    Kalić Jovanka


    Full Text Available The medieval ceremony of coronation as a rule took place in the most important church of a realm. The sites of the coronation of Serbian rulers before the establishment of the Žiča monastery church as the coronation church of Serbian kings in the first half of the thirteenth century have not been reliably identified so far. Based on the surviving medieval sources and the archaeological record, this paper provides background information about the titles of Serbian rulers prior to the creation of the Nemanjić state, and proposes that Stefan, son of the founder of the Nemanjić dynasty, was crowned king (1217 in the church of St Peter in Ras.

  1. Comentarios sobre algunas alteraciones dentarias

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    José Miguel Restrepo


    Full Text Available Los médicos que hayan ejercido la profesión en algunas poblaciones del norte y nordeste de Antioquia y en algunas del occidente de Caldas deben haber tenido la sorpresa de lo comunes que son las infecciones focales bucodentarias no sólo en personas de avanzada edad, sino, y muy especialmente, en niños del personal escolar y en campesinos en quienes frecuentemente se observan perturbaciones digestivas y broncopulmonares depenedientes de aquéllas. Es este uno de los motivos para que en las distintas clases sociales ocupe la prótesis dentaria un porcientaje muy alto, aunque viene a ser un recurso tardio cuando ya los dolores o las supuraciones gingivales han hecho imposible los primeros actos digestivos como son la masticación y la insalivación cuyo completo y normal cumplimiento es requisito sine qua non para que el proceso de la digestión se ejecute a cabalidad en cada una de sus etapas.

  2. Archaeological culture and medieval ethnic community: theoretical and methodical problems of correlation (the case of medieval Bulgaria

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    Izmaylov Iskander L.


    Full Text Available Problems related to archaeological culture and ethnos comparison in the case of medieval Bulgaria are discussed in the article. According to the author, in recent years it has become evident that the traditional concept and methodology of the study of the Bulgars’ ethnogenesis and ethnic history are in contradiction with the facts accumulated. The methods of “archaeological ethno-genetics”, which dictated solving problems of ethnogenesis of the ancient population belonging to an archaeological culture in direct correlation with ethnicity, are currently being criticized. According to modern ideas about ethnos and ethnicity, ethnicity is based upon identity with a complex hierarchical nature. Contemporary methodology requires proceeding with the integrated study of the problems of ethnogenesis on the basis of archaeology and ethnology. This kind of analysis is based upon the study of the medieval Bulgar mentality as a source of information on key aspects of ethno-political ideas. The analysis of authentic historical sources, historiographical tradition elements and folklore materials makes it possible to reconstruct the basic ideas that were significant for an ethnic group. The archaeological culture of the population of Bulgaria is characterized by two clearly distinguished and interconnected elements – the common Muslim culture and that of the elite military “druzhina” (squad. These elements directly characterize the Bulgar ethno-political community. These theoretical conclusions and empirical research concerning the case of the medieval Bulgars’ ethnogenesis attest to the productivity of ethnological synthesis techniques on an interdisciplinary basis.

  3. Cereal production, high status and climate in Medieval Iceland (United States)

    Erlendsson, Egill; Riddell, Scott


    At Hrísbrú (formerly the medieval Mosfell estate) in the Mosfell Valley, southwest Iceland, archaeologists have excavated a medieval skáli (hall) proposed to be the high status residence of a chieftain. This is indicated by the size of the skáli, artefacts (foreign goods), archaeofaunal (cattle/sheep bone) ratios and macrobotanical remains (cereal grain). The analysis of pollen from nearby natural contexts suggests that cereals were grown locally. Using multiple profile palynological approach, this paper examines if the apparent cereal production is representative of high status in the Icelandic context. First as a correlate by confirming that cereals were grown in association with the archaeological features characteristic of high status; secondly, as an indicator in its own right through comparison with other palynological datasets from inferred lower status farms. The presence or absence of cereal-type pollen (cf. barley) and other arable correlates was examined for each site. The results suggest that medieval cereal cultivation in the Mosfell Valley was confined to the landholding of the medieval Mosfell estate. This feature is seen as an attribute of the locale's greater status in relation to the other farms in Mosfell Valley. The abandonment of cereal cultivation at the Mosfell estate around AD 1200 is probably associated with interactions between changes in the nation's social power structure and how marginal cereal production in Iceland was (and is) in terms of climate.

  4. Flavorings in Context: Spices and Herbs in Medieval Near East


    Lewicka, Paulina B.


    Throughout history, the approach towards imported spices varied from culture to culture. In medieval and early post-medieval Europe, where spices became an exotic object of temporary desire, they were often used unskillfully and in a haphazard manner. In the Ottoman Constantinople, unlike in Europe, it was the moderate use of spices, and not overdosing them, that became a manifestation of status. As deliberate paragons of refinement, the Ottomans depreciated what they considered uncivilized w...

  5. Notas de enfermería: una mirada a su calidad

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    Shirley Fernández Aragón


    Full Text Available En este escrito se hace una reflexión sobre los conceptos e importancia de las notas de enfermería; muestra que su importancia radica en que favorecen la comunicación entre el equipo interdisciplinario, suministrando una información clara, precisa y detallada del acto de cuidado, para articular el proceso de atención de enfermería. Se expone un reflejo de la realidad en cuanto a la delegación de funciones propias de la profesión, y evidencia la falta de liderazgo y pérdida de autonomía por parte del profesional. Las anotaciones de enfermería son tomadas como el soporte escrito del cuidado brindado en la práctica profesional. Las autoras hacen una invitación a retomar la fundamentación teórica y metodológica de las notas de enfermería y su re-significación, en aras de dar visibilidad y fortalecer el liderazgo y gestión del acto de cuidar.

  6. Genome-wide comparison of medieval and modern Mycobacterium leprae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schuenemann, Verena J; Singh, Pushpendra; Mendum, Thomas A


    Leprosy was endemic in Europe until the Middle Ages. Using DNA array capture, we have obtained genome sequences of Mycobacterium leprae from skeletons of five medieval leprosy cases from the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Denmark. In one case, the DNA was so well preserved that full de novo assembly...... origin for leprosy in the Americas, and the presence of an M. leprae genotype in medieval Europe now commonly associated with the Middle East. The exceptional preservation of M. leprae biomarkers, both DNA and mycolic acids, in ancient skeletons has major implications for palaeomicrobiology and human...

  7. Medieval Nomads – Sixth International Conference on the Medieval History of the Eurasian Steppe (Szeged, Hungary, November 23–26, 2016

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    Aleksandar Uzelac


    Full Text Available Sixth international conference dedicated to the Medieval History of the Eurasian Steppe took place in the Hungarian city of Szeged on November 23-26, 2016. The organizer of the event was MTA-SZTE (“Hungarian Academy of Sciences – University of Szeged” Turkological Research group of the departments of Altaic and Medieval Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged. More than thirty scholars from Hungary, Russia, Turkey, China, Spain, Bulgaria and Serbia took part in this event. The working languages of the conference were English and Russian. Presented papers dealt with various aspects of the history of Eurasian nomads, from the Early Middle Ages up to the seventeenth century. Among them, several have been related to the history of the Golden Horde. The proceedings of the conference are planned to be published in 2017, as a separate volume of the journal Chronica – Annual of The Institute of History, University of Szeged. Considering the quality and variety of the papers, presented at this occasion, there is no doubt it will attract the attention of the growing community of researchers and scholars interested in the medieval history of Eurasia.

  8. The Barbarian North in Medieval Imagination

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen-Rix, Robert William

    different medieval understandings of identity and ethnicity. Among other things, the ‘out-of-Scandinavia’ tale was exploited to promote a legacy of ‘barbarian’ vigor that could withstand the negative cultural effects of Roman civilization. This volume employs a variety of perspectives cutting across...

  9. Limitations imposed by wearing armour on Medieval soldiers' locomotor performance


    Askew, Graham N.; Formenti, Federico; Minetti, Alberto E.


    In Medieval Europe, soldiers wore steel plate armour for protection during warfare. Armour design reflected a trade-off between protection and mobility it offered the wearer. By the fifteenth century, a typical suit of field armour weighed between 30 and 50 kg and was distributed over the entire body. How much wearing armour affected Medieval soldiers' locomotor energetics and biomechanics is unknown. We investigated the mechanics and the energetic cost of locomotion in armour, and determined...


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    María Soledad Soza Roldán


    Full Text Available La siguiente investigación trata la motivación como factor que impacta en el aprendizaje de inglés (notas en estudiantes de pregrado de Inacap Temuco, Región de la Araucanía, Chile. Para este fin, se aplicó el cuestionario AMTB (Test de Actitud y Motivación a una muestra de 305 estudiantes de carreras técnicas en Inacap Temuco (2008 para determinar el nivel de motivación según 12 variables del modelo socio-educacional de R C Gardner que sirve de paradigma en SLA (adquisición de un segundo idioma. Los hallazgos indican que la motivación explica el 41% de la nota; la ansiedad, deseo por aprender Inglés, intensidad de la motivación, el estímulo de los padres, y las actitudes frente al proceso de enseñanza tienen correlación significativa con las notas (95% de confianza. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las notas en Inglés desde otoño /primavera 2002 a otoño/primavera 2007 por nivel y promedio total (nivel I a VII. Se determinó que nivel promedio general de motivación es de un moderado 4.3 (escala Likert de 1 a 6 pero se dispara a 5.9 en el nivel VII permitiendo apreciar una correlación serial positiva desde el nivel I al VII. Los hallazgos son similares a los descubiertos por Gardner en Canadá (1960 y en 4 países europeos (1985. Los hallazgos fueron enviados a Gardner cuyos comentarios se detallan en el Informe.

  11. Genealogical relationships between early medieval and modern inhabitants of Piedmont. (United States)

    Vai, Stefania; Ghirotto, Silvia; Pilli, Elena; Tassi, Francesca; Lari, Martina; Rizzi, Ermanno; Matas-Lalueza, Laura; Ramirez, Oscar; Lalueza-Fox, Carles; Achilli, Alessandro; Olivieri, Anna; Torroni, Antonio; Lancioni, Hovirag; Giostra, Caterina; Bedini, Elena; Pejrani Baricco, Luisella; Matullo, Giuseppe; Di Gaetano, Cornelia; Piazza, Alberto; Veeramah, Krishna; Geary, Patrick; Caramelli, David; Barbujani, Guido


    In the period between 400 to 800 AD, also known as the period of the Barbarian invasions, intense migration is documented in the historical record of Europe. However, little is known about the demographic impact of these historical movements, potentially ranging from negligible to substantial. As a pilot study in a broader project on Medieval Europe, we sampled 102 specimens from 5 burial sites in Northwestern Italy, archaeologically classified as belonging to Lombards or Longobards, a Germanic people ruling over a vast section of the Italian peninsula from 568 to 774. We successfully amplified and typed the mitochondrial hypervariable region I (HVR-I) of 28 individuals. Comparisons of genetic diversity with other ancient populations and haplotype networks did not suggest that these samples are heterogeneous, and hence allowed us to jointly compare them with three isolated contemporary populations, and with a modern sample of a large city, representing a control for the effects of recent immigration. We then generated by serial coalescent simulations 16 millions of genealogies, contrasting a model of genealogical continuity with one in which the contemporary samples are genealogically independent from the medieval sample. Analyses by Approximate Bayesian Computation showed that the latter model fits the data in most cases, with one exception, Trino Vercellese, in which the evidence was compatible with persistence up to the present time of genetic features observed among this early medieval population. We conclude that it is possible, in general, to detect evidence of genealogical ties between medieval and specific modern populations. However, only seldom did mitochondrial DNA data allow us to reject with confidence either model tested, which indicates that broader analyses, based on larger assemblages of samples and genetic markers, are needed to understand in detail the effects of medieval migration.

  12. Genealogical relationships between early medieval and modern inhabitants of Piedmont.

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    Stefania Vai

    Full Text Available In the period between 400 to 800 AD, also known as the period of the Barbarian invasions, intense migration is documented in the historical record of Europe. However, little is known about the demographic impact of these historical movements, potentially ranging from negligible to substantial. As a pilot study in a broader project on Medieval Europe, we sampled 102 specimens from 5 burial sites in Northwestern Italy, archaeologically classified as belonging to Lombards or Longobards, a Germanic people ruling over a vast section of the Italian peninsula from 568 to 774. We successfully amplified and typed the mitochondrial hypervariable region I (HVR-I of 28 individuals. Comparisons of genetic diversity with other ancient populations and haplotype networks did not suggest that these samples are heterogeneous, and hence allowed us to jointly compare them with three isolated contemporary populations, and with a modern sample of a large city, representing a control for the effects of recent immigration. We then generated by serial coalescent simulations 16 millions of genealogies, contrasting a model of genealogical continuity with one in which the contemporary samples are genealogically independent from the medieval sample. Analyses by Approximate Bayesian Computation showed that the latter model fits the data in most cases, with one exception, Trino Vercellese, in which the evidence was compatible with persistence up to the present time of genetic features observed among this early medieval population. We conclude that it is possible, in general, to detect evidence of genealogical ties between medieval and specific modern populations. However, only seldom did mitochondrial DNA data allow us to reject with confidence either model tested, which indicates that broader analyses, based on larger assemblages of samples and genetic markers, are needed to understand in detail the effects of medieval migration.

  13. Ancient genomes reveal a high diversity of Mycobacterium leprae in medieval Europe.

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    Verena J Schuenemann


    Full Text Available Studying ancient DNA allows us to retrace the evolutionary history of human pathogens, such as Mycobacterium leprae, the main causative agent of leprosy. Leprosy is one of the oldest recorded and most stigmatizing diseases in human history. The disease was prevalent in Europe until the 16th century and is still endemic in many countries with over 200,000 new cases reported annually. Previous worldwide studies on modern and European medieval M. leprae genomes revealed that they cluster into several distinct branches of which two were present in medieval Northwestern Europe. In this study, we analyzed 10 new medieval M. leprae genomes including the so far oldest M. leprae genome from one of the earliest known cases of leprosy in the United Kingdom-a skeleton from the Great Chesterford cemetery with a calibrated age of 415-545 C.E. This dataset provides a genetic time transect of M. leprae diversity in Europe over the past 1500 years. We find M. leprae strains from four distinct branches to be present in the Early Medieval Period, and strains from three different branches were detected within a single cemetery from the High Medieval Period. Altogether these findings suggest a higher genetic diversity of M. leprae strains in medieval Europe at various time points than previously assumed. The resulting more complex picture of the past phylogeography of leprosy in Europe impacts current phylogeographical models of M. leprae dissemination. It suggests alternative models for the past spread of leprosy such as a wide spread prevalence of strains from different branches in Eurasia already in Antiquity or maybe even an origin in Western Eurasia. Furthermore, these results highlight how studying ancient M. leprae strains improves understanding the history of leprosy worldwide.

  14. Ancient genomes reveal a high diversity of Mycobacterium leprae in medieval Europe. (United States)

    Schuenemann, Verena J; Avanzi, Charlotte; Krause-Kyora, Ben; Seitz, Alexander; Herbig, Alexander; Inskip, Sarah; Bonazzi, Marion; Reiter, Ella; Urban, Christian; Dangvard Pedersen, Dorthe; Taylor, G Michael; Singh, Pushpendra; Stewart, Graham R; Velemínský, Petr; Likovsky, Jakub; Marcsik, Antónia; Molnár, Erika; Pálfi, György; Mariotti, Valentina; Riga, Alessandro; Belcastro, M Giovanna; Boldsen, Jesper L; Nebel, Almut; Mays, Simon; Donoghue, Helen D; Zakrzewski, Sonia; Benjak, Andrej; Nieselt, Kay; Cole, Stewart T; Krause, Johannes


    Studying ancient DNA allows us to retrace the evolutionary history of human pathogens, such as Mycobacterium leprae, the main causative agent of leprosy. Leprosy is one of the oldest recorded and most stigmatizing diseases in human history. The disease was prevalent in Europe until the 16th century and is still endemic in many countries with over 200,000 new cases reported annually. Previous worldwide studies on modern and European medieval M. leprae genomes revealed that they cluster into several distinct branches of which two were present in medieval Northwestern Europe. In this study, we analyzed 10 new medieval M. leprae genomes including the so far oldest M. leprae genome from one of the earliest known cases of leprosy in the United Kingdom-a skeleton from the Great Chesterford cemetery with a calibrated age of 415-545 C.E. This dataset provides a genetic time transect of M. leprae diversity in Europe over the past 1500 years. We find M. leprae strains from four distinct branches to be present in the Early Medieval Period, and strains from three different branches were detected within a single cemetery from the High Medieval Period. Altogether these findings suggest a higher genetic diversity of M. leprae strains in medieval Europe at various time points than previously assumed. The resulting more complex picture of the past phylogeography of leprosy in Europe impacts current phylogeographical models of M. leprae dissemination. It suggests alternative models for the past spread of leprosy such as a wide spread prevalence of strains from different branches in Eurasia already in Antiquity or maybe even an origin in Western Eurasia. Furthermore, these results highlight how studying ancient M. leprae strains improves understanding the history of leprosy worldwide.

  15. The Case for Medieval Drama in the Classroom: An Approach through Performance. (United States)

    Lieblein, Leanore; Pare, Anthony


    Argues that medieval drama in performance suggests a number of important issues about the nature of literature, particularly about the way narrative and dramatic art can express the life of a community. Presents a series of exercises that start with familiar, nonthreatening situations in order to approach the richness of medieval plays and the…

  16. Micromorphological Approaches to the Formation and Biographies of Early Medieval Towns in Northwest Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wouters, Barbora

    Even after decades of intensive research, the complex stratigraphy of many early medieval and Viking towns in continental Europe remains poorly understood. Debate continues about crucial aspects such as their origins, the changes they underwent through time and, in some cases, their supposed...... on - the youngest early medieval urban phases 7. Post-depositional transformations This framework makes it possible to gain a deeper, more detailed understanding of the sites’ evolution through time as well their spatial organisation, and to mutually compare them without losing sight of their individual...... idiosyncrasies. At the same time, this approach bypasses a generalising discourse of early medieval towns. By juxtaposing the results of these five case studies with existing debates on early medieval towns, a number of set historical narratives can be challenged....

  17. "Fossils" of practical medical knowledge from medieval Cairo. (United States)

    Lev, Efraim; Amar, Zohar


    To asses the scientific value of the practical medical fragments found in the Cairo Genizah (10th century), as a useful source for ethnopharmacological purposes (in exposing rare and usually inaccessible original medieval practical knowledge of medicinal substances to present-day researchers), and to reconstruct the practical drugs and their uses. A methodology distinguishing between theoretical (about 1500 fragments) and practical medical knowledge (about 230 fragments) was created and used. The information regarding the practical medicinal substances was extracted from prescriptions (140), lists of drugs (70) and few letters of physicians. The reconstructed lists of practical (278) and theoretical (414) drugs allow us to recognize and quantify the gap between them in medieval times (136). We propose that the data obtained from ancient prescriptions is comparable to ethnopharmacological surveys. The finding of plants such as myrobalan, saffron, licorice, spikenard and lentisk, all of which have scientifically proven anti-microbial/bacterial and anti-fungal activity, sheds a helpful light on the medical decision-making of the medieval practitioners in respect of the plants they applied as drugs. With the wealth of information meticulously assembled from these time capsules we expect to make a significant contribution to contemporary efforts at locating modern drugs in ancient roots and gauging their feasibility.

  18. On the Jewish Nature of Medieval Spanish Biblical Translations Linguistic Differences between Medieval and Post-Exilic Spanish Translations of the Bible

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    Schwarzwald, Ora


    Full Text Available A linguistic comparison of medieval Spanish translations of the Hebrew Bible and the Constantinople and Ferrara post exilic Ladino translations reveals systematic lexical and grammatical variations. These differences can be explained by the population groups to which the translations were targeted: Christian for the medieval translations; Jewish (or former converso for the post-exilic ones. The conclusion is that the medieval translations are not Jewish in nature and could therefore not have been a source for the post-exilic versions which were based on oral tradition.

    Una comparación lingüística de las traducciones hispano-medievales de la Biblia hebrea y las postexílicas de Constantinopla y Ferrara revela variaciones sistemáticas léxicas y gramaticales. Esas diferencias pueden explicarse por la audiencia a las que iban dirigidas dichas traducciones: cristiana, en el caso de las medievales; judía (o exconversa en el de las post-exílicas. La autora concluye que las traducciones medievales no son judías, por naturaleza, y en consecuencia, no podrían haber sido una fuente para las versiones post-exílicas que estaban basadas en la tradición oral.

  19. [Caries of permanent dentition in medieval inhabitants of Wrocław]. (United States)

    Staniowski, Tomasz; Dabrowski, Paweł; Gawlikowska-Sroka, Aleksandra


    The study of dentition plays an important role in the reconstruction of the diet and in assessment of the overall health and living conditions of paleopopulations. The aim of this study was to determine the condition of permanent dentition of medieval inhabitants of Wrocław basing on the prevalence and intensity of caries in permanent dentition. The material consisted of 1156 permanent teeth from 118 skulls recovered from two medieval cemeteries in Wrocław: the parish cemetery at the St. Elisabeth Church (13th-14th century) and the cemetery in Ołbin (12th-13th century). Two age classes were formed taking into account anthropologic assessment and group size. The younger class consisted of material up to the age of 35 years; the remaining skulls were assigned to the older class. The prevalence and incidence of caries was determined. The prevalence and intensity of caries was 56.91% and 15.7%, respectively. Carious lesions predominated in males and in the older age class. The prevalence and intensity of caries in permanent dentition did not differ from other medieval populations and increased with age. High prevalence of caries reflects a high proportion of carbohydrates in the diet of medieval inhabitants of Wrocław, their high socioeconomic status, and poor oral hygiene.

  20. Ideal kingship in the late medieval world: The Ottoman case


    Yelçe, Zeynep Nevin; Yelce, Zeynep Nevin


    The aim of this study is to examine the characteristics of the ideal ruler as seen through the eyes of the members of late medieval societies. Throughout the study, main features attributed to the ideal ruler in various cultures have been pursued. Comparing the concepts and attributes apparent in these cultures, it has become possible to talk about a single ideal of kingship as far as the "Christian" and "Muslim" realms of the late medieval era is concerned. The early Ottoman enterprise has b...

  1. Un gobierno medieval en un mundo global.

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    Gisele Becerra


    Full Text Available The Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario is a unique case in the World of corporate governance enduring, by which this university, one of the most prestigious institutions in Colombia, could preserve its culture and medieval tradition in the election of their authorities and governance becoming a modern higher education institution that educate the future social leaders. Nova et Vetera – the New and the Old– the integration of today reality and dynamics, and its future projection, with the more ancient university tradition of the Medieval concept of “Universitas Scholarium” becoming a modern institution of 354 years old. These successful combinations produced by the continuity of traditional corporate governance since 1653 has empowered the institution and permit it to lead the most important intellectual, political and social changes of the country.

  2. Medieval Universities, Legal Institutions, and the Commercial Revolution. NBER Working Paper No. 17979 (United States)

    Cantoni, Davide; Yuchtman, Noam


    We present new data documenting medieval Europe's "Commercial Revolution'' using information on the establishment of markets in Germany. We use these data to test whether medieval universities played a causal role in expanding economic activity, examining the foundation of Germany's first universities after 1386 following the Papal Schism. We…

  3. Nota sobre el Ejemplar Tipo de "Bromus catharticus" Vahl

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    Pinto Escobar Polidoro


    Full Text Available EI agrostólogo inglés C. E. Hubbard y simultáneamente el agrostólogo argentino Lorenzo Parodi en sendas notas (1956 concluyeron en declarar dudosa la especie Bromus catharticus Vahl y restablecer para la planta conocida como "rescue grass" en USA y "cebadilla criolla" en la Argentina el nombre Bromus unioloides H. B. K. Este trabajo presenta nuevas evidencias que permiten restablecer la validez de Bromus catharticus Vahl.

  4. Farm Studies and Post-Medieval Rural Archaeology in Denmark: Comments on the Past, the Present and the Future

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Mette Svart


    legislation and administrative practice, has left the post-medieval cultural heritage in a rather peculiar and to some extent neglected position. This paper will address research on post-medieval rural buildings and farms in particular and discuss the current challenges within post-medieval rural archaeology...

  5. Two medieval doctors: Gilbertus Anglicus (c1180-c1250) and John of Gaddesden (1280-1361). (United States)

    Pearn, John


    Biographies of medieval English doctors are uncommon and fragmentary. The two best-known English medieval physicians were Gilbertus Anglicus and John of Gaddesden. This paper brings together the known details of their lives, compiled from extant biographies and from internal references in their texts. The primary records of their writings exist in handwritten texts and thereafter in incunabula from the time of the invention of printing in 1476. The record of the lives of these two medieval physicians can be expanded, as here, by the general perspective of the life and times in which they lived. Gilbertus Anglicus, an often-quoted physician-teacher at Montpellier, wrote a seven-folio Compendium medicinae in 1271. He described pioneering procedures used later in the emergent disciplines of anaesthetics, cosmetic medicine and travel medicine. Gilbertus' texts, used extensively in European medical schools, passed in handwritten copies from student to student and eventually were printed in 1510. John of Gaddesden, an Oxford graduate in Arts, Medicine and Theology, wrote Rosa Anglica, published circa 1314. Its detailed text is an exemplar of the mixture of received Hippocratic and Galenic lore compounded by medieval astronomy and religious injunction, which mixture was the essence of medieval medicine. The writings of both these medieval English physicians formed part of the core curriculum that underpinned the practice of medicine for the next 400 years.

  6. Temporal trends in vertebral size and shape from medieval to modern-day.

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    Juho-Antti Junno

    Full Text Available Human lumbar vertebrae support the weight of the upper body. Loads lifted and carried by the upper extremities cause significant loading stress to the vertebral bodies. It is well established that trauma-induced vertebral fractures are common especially among elderly people. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological factors that could have affected the prevalence of trauma-related vertebral fractures from medieval times to the present day. To determine if morphological differences existed in the size and shape of the vertebral body between medieval times and the present day, the vertebral body size and shape was measured from the 4th lumbar vertebra using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and standard osteometric calipers. The modern samples consisted of modern Finns and the medieval samples were from archaeological collections in Sweden and Britain. The results show that the shape and size of the 4th lumbar vertebra has changed significantly from medieval times in a way that markedly affects the biomechanical characteristics of the lumbar vertebral column. These changes may have influenced the incidence of trauma- induced spinal fractures in modern populations.

  7. Descrição da larva de último instar e pupa de Epacroplon cruciatum (Aurivillius (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae e notas biológica

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    Juares Fuhrmann


    Full Text Available Descrição da larva de último instar e pupa de Epacroplon cruciatum (Aurivillius (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae e notas biológicas. Último instar larval e pupa do Hexoplonini sul-americano Epacroplon cruciatum (Aurivillius, 1899 são descritos, ilustrados e disponibilizadas notas biológicas.

  8. “I” of the author of the 12th century: rhetoric and subjectivity of medieval literature

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    Dolgorukova Natalia Mikhailovna


    Full Text Available This article attempts to answer a series of questions relevant to the study of medieval literature: is it possible to create a typology of the medieval “I” and to distinguish rhetorical use of personal constructions from more subjective types which was the author's “I” in the 12th century. Is it possible to talk about subjectivity of medieval literature, and, if so, how is it expressed?

  9. Evolución histórica del territorio de Santo Adriano y génesis del poblamiento medieval

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    Francisco Javier FERNÁNDEZ CONDE


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Descripción geográfica del territorio de Santo Adriano, cuyos límites coinciden con los del municipio del mismo nombre, en las Asturias centrales: un valle fluvial con zonas de media montaña, perteneciente a la Zona Cantábrica, en el que abunda la "caliza de montaña". Los primeros indicios de poblamiento llegan hasta el paleolítico medio y superior con habitat en varias cuevas, de cuya época se conservan grabados en roca. Está configurado por un sistema de pequeños castros, con sus respectivos "espacios cástrales", que definen bien todo el territorio. La presencia de cultura romana es muy poco relevante. En la documentación medieval más antigua, finales del siglo X, sometida a notables interpolaciones "pelagianas", figuran ya los límites modernos del concejo, con pocas variantes. También se documenta la existencia de habitat troglodítico medieval por hallazgos de algunas, muy pocas, piezas cerámicas. El primer poblamiento altomedieval constaba de varias "villae", localizadas y descritas hasta donde es posible, donadas al monasterio-iglesia de Santo Adriano de Tuñón por Alfonso III yjimena (891. El monasterio fue fundado, asimismo, por estos soberanos, funcionando como el verdadero núcleo articulador de todo el poblamiento antiguo. Se trataba de un territorio vinculado al "Camín de la Mesa", un camino real prerromano, en uso hasta época moderna, que comunicaba Asturias con la meseta. Una localidad, Valdolayés, fue el escenario de una de las batallas más importantes de los astures contra el caudillo musulmán, Munuza, documentada en las Crónicas Asturianas.ABSTRACT: Geographic description of Santo Adriano territory, its frontiers are identical to the municipality with the same name, in Central Asturias: a river valley in mid mountain zones, in the Cantàbric Zone, where the limestone mountain is frequent. The first signals of population go as far back as the middle and high paleolithic with habitat in some caves

  10. Medieval European medicine and Asian spices. (United States)

    Nam, Jong Kuk


    This article aimed to explain the reasons why Asian spices including pepper, ginger, and cinnamon were considered as special and valuable drugs with curative powers in the Medieval Europe. Among these spices, pepper was most widely and frequently used as medicine according to medieval medical textbooks. We analyzed three main pharmacology books written during the Middle Ages. One of the main reasons that oriental spices were widely used as medicine was due to the particular medieval medical system fundamentally based on the humoral theory invented by Hippocrates and Galen. This theory was modified by Arab physicians and imported to Europe during the Middle Ages. According to this theory, health is determined by the balance of the following four humors which compose the human body: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. Each humor has its own qualities such as cold, hot, wet, and dry. Humoral imbalance was one of the main causes of disease, so it was important to have humoral equilibrium. Asian spices with hot and dry qualities were used to balance the cold and wet European diet. The analysis of several major medical textbooks of the Middle Ages proves that most of the oriental spices with hot and dry qualities were employed to cure diverse diseases, particularly those caused by coldness and humidity. However, it should be noted that the oriental spices were considered to be much more valuable and effective as medicines than the local medicinal ingredients, which were not only easily procured but also were relatively cheap. Europeans mystified oriental spices, with the belief that they have marvelous and mysterious healing powers. Such mystification was related to the terrestrial Paradise. They believed that the oriental spices were grown in Paradise which was located in the Far East and were brought to the Earthly world along the four rivers flowing from the Paradise.

  11. Heredabilidad y repetibilidad de la nota de tienta y de lidia en una ganadería de reses bravas en Colombia

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    Durán C. Carlos Vicente


    Full Text Available

    A study in the bullfight herd of Ernesto González Caicedo located in the Department of Cauca, Colombia, mostly of Santa Coloma lineage (a strain of bull-fighting cattle, either pure bred or up graded, evaluated between 1963 and 1994. The information arose from 948 standing records of "Nota de Tienta" (a quantitative test given to females to evaluate their potential for the bullfight. The test is used to select breeding darns and also used in males to select the future sires and "Nota de Lidia" (a quantitative test given to bulls to evaluate their overall performance in the bullfight. The Nota de Tienta and Nota de Lidia may not allow to make comparisons due the differences between both practices, but a "t" test to determinate evaluation type and sex effects over the calculate parameters showed them to be comparable (P <0.05. The repeatability was estimated as 0.18, a value inferior to the estimated heritability index h2 = 0.24. The difference may be explained by a bias in the estimated values of temporal and permanent environmental variances resulting from special environmental effects which influence on the behavior of the animal when it is tested.

    Se realizó un estudio en la ganadería de lidia de Ernesto González Caicedo, fundamentalmente de origen Santa Coloma, pura o por cruza absorbente de ganado mexicano, ubicada en el departamento del Cauca, Colombia. La información utilizada constó de 948 Notas de Tienta y de Lidia entre 1963 y 1994. Las notas de Tienta y de Lidia, que por el desarrollo un tanto diferente de las dos prácticas, pueden no permitir comparaciones, resultaron equiparables luego de realizar una prueba de "t" para medir efectos del tipo de evaluación y el sexo sobre la nota obtenida (P<0.05. La repetibilidad estimada para estas variables resultó en rxx= 0.18, un valor inferior al índice de heredabilidad obtenido durante la misma investigación, calculado en h2 = 0.24, a través de diferentes


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    Pedro Fonseca


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma analise interpretativa de certos aspectos do imaginário literário medieval e sua influência na formação tropológica das crônicas do Novo Mundo. A abordagem examina algumas das motivações estéticas e mentais da tradição medieval no discurso historiográfico luso-brasileiro colonial, principalmente em relação a alguns relatos de descobrimentos e ocupação inicial de terras brasileiras na América. This article presents an interpretative analysis of certain aspects of the medieval literary imaginary and its influence in the tropological formation of the New World chronicles. The approach examines some of the aesthetic and mental motivations of the medieval tradition in the colonial Luso-Brazilian historiographical discourse, principally in regards to some accounts of discoveries and initial occupation of Brazilian lands in America.  

  13. THz reflectometric imaging of medieval wall paintings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dandolo, Corinna Ludovica Koch; Jepsen, Peter Uhd


    Terahertz time-domain reflectometry has been applied to the investigation of a medieval Danish wall painting. The technique has been able to detect the presence of carbonblack layer on the surface of the wall painting and a buried insertion characterized by high reflectivity values has been found...

  14. The Vicissitudes of a Medieval Japanese Warrior

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oxenbøll, Morten


    In standard accounts of medieval Japanese society, enormous stress is put on the conflicts between local landholders (zaichi ryôshu) and absentee proprietors. Fuelled by the debate on feudalism that divided scholars up until the early 1990s, these conflicts have widely been recognised as proof...

  15. Sociaal-economische aspecten van het Nederlandse gewasbeschermingsbeleid. Tussenevaluatie nota Duurzame Gewasbescherming, deelrapport Economie 1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lauwere, de C.C.; Bremmer, J.; Gaag, van der D.J.; Linden, van der T.; Meer, van der R.W.; Netjes, A.; Spruijt, J.; Wal, van der E.


    In het deelproject economie wordt de economische doelstelling van de nota Duurzame Gewasbescherming geëvalueerd. Op basis van de beschikbare gegevens kan niet worden aangetoond dat Nederlandse telers concurrentienadeel ondervinden van nationaal gewasbeschermingsbeleid. Telers staan redelijk positief

  16. Episodes in the mathematics of medieval Islam

    CERN Document Server

    Berggren, J L


    From the reviews: The book is, in spite of the author's more modest claims, an introductory survey of main developments in those disciplines which were particularly important in Medieval Islamic mathematics...No knowledge of mathematics (or of the history of mathematics) beyond normal high-school level is presupposed, and everything required beyond that (be it Apollonian theory of conics or the definitions of celestial circles) is explained carefully and clearly. Scattered throughout the work are a number of lucid remarks on the character of Islamic mathematics or of mathematical work in general. The book will hence not only be an excellent textbook for the teaching of the history of mathematics but also for the liberal art aspect of mathematics teaching in general. - Jens Høyrup, Mathematical Reviews a textbook, this work is highly commendable...It is definitely the product of a skillful mathematician who has collected over the years a reasonably large number of interesting problems from medieval Arab...

  17. Uncovering the Secret: Medieval Women, Magic and the Other

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    Ludwikowska Joanna


    Full Text Available For medieval audiences women occupied a specific, designated cultural area which, while they could freely form it according to their will and nature, was in fact imaginary and immaterial. Women in social, legal, and religious contexts were mostly counted among the receptive, inactive, and non-ruling groups. On both levels, there was a group of features universally defining all women: the strong, virtuous and independent model Aquinas lamented was replaced in real life by the sinful, carnal and weak stereotype, and the erotic, emotional, mysterious, and often wild type present predominantly in literature. Indeed, women were a source of scientific, theological, and cultural fascination because of their uncanny and complex nature, producing both fear and desire of the source and nature of the unattainable and inaccessible femininity. In social contexts, however, the enchantress seems to lose that veil of allure and, instead, is forced to re-define her identity by suppressing, denying, or losing her supernatural features. With the example of Saint Agnes from the South English Legendary Life of Saint Agnes, and Melior from Partonope of Blois (ca. 1450, the article will explore how medieval texts dealt with the complex and unruly female supernatural, and how its neutralization and subduing fitted into the moral, scientific, and cultural norms of medieval society.

  18. „Incendula“ or „monedula“? An Enigmatic Bird Name in Medieval Latin-Written Sources

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šedinová, Hana

    -, č. 74 (2016), s. 89-109 ISSN 1376-7453 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : latin lexicography * ancient and medieval zoology * ancient and medieval zoology * latin names of birds * Bartholomaeus de Solencia dictus Claretus * Aristoteles * Aristoteles Latinus * Michael Scotus * Thomas of Cantimpré Subject RIV: AI - Linguistics OBOR OECD: Specific languages

  19. Cities and Socialization of Libraries in Medieval Europe

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    Dilek Bayır Toplu


    Full Text Available In this study, socialization of libraries in Medieval Europe has been examined by means of the growing of cities and movements of ideologies. Cities, as results of economic based changes, caused the apperance of merchantiles in produce and consumption flows. Cities, by selecting an area outside of feudal city walls, and by consisting new living habits which shows differances from village living habits took its place in Medieval Feudal Regime. While cities consist their conceits, conceits consists the specialisatians which identifies the city from the village. Technologic developments, innovations, the movements of different social classes, the changes in produce and consumption models, movements of ideologies; carried Medieval Europe to Enlighment Period after very long and difficult experiements. While the man in “Enlighment Period” ideologically based on rationalism and critical thinking; it realized knowledge as a product of rationalism. That realisation gave start to the socialisation of libraries and books and books which includes the “knowledge” stating with the innovation of press, the gobalization of books and the movements in cities gave speed to the interaction between cultures and effected the extansi-on of knowledge in a positive way. While knowledge was socialized by means of the opportunities of cities, libraries became space which knowledge can easily reachable by society. Cities arosed in Middle ageesand by effecting social structures, they became an indirect effect for reaching of libraries to society and moneyfree service.

  20. Morphological distinction between estuarine polychaetes: Laeonereis culveri and L. nota (Phyllodocida: Nereididae). (United States)

    de Jesus-Flores, Citlalli; Salazar-González, S Alejandro; Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I


    The family Nereididae includes more than 500 polychaete species described worldwide, and includes species common in many benthic environments, but some other species may tolerate freshwater or can even thrive in humid substrates in tropical forests. In estuarine environments, nereidid polychaetes can be abundant and relevant as a food source for resident or migratory birds. Laeonereis culveri (Webster, 1879) is a common estuarine species found in tropical and subtropical Atlantic American shores and was described from New Jersey; its median and posterior parapodia have upper notopodial ligules usually longer than the lower ones, and the latter are parallel to the notaciculae throughout the body. L. culveri distribution is from Connecticut to central Argentina; however, this wide distribution might be due to the inclusion of several other species as junior synonyms, despite that some morphological differences were found between them. One of such species is L. nota (Treadwell, 1941), that was described from Texas; its parapodia have notopodial ligules of about the same size, and the lower ones are oblique to the notaciculae. In order to clarify the differences between these two species, and to define which inhabits the Northwestern Caribbean region, topotype materials from these two species and specimens from Chetumal Bay were collected, and their morphological features were compared. Our results indicated that L. culveri and L. nota are different species and that the latter is found in Chetumal Bay. On the basis of mature specimens, L. culveri is hereby restricted to the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, and L. nota are reinstated and its distribution extends from Texas, in the Gulf of Mexico to Chetumal Bay, in the Northwestern Caribbean Sea. A key to identify all species in Laeonereis Hartman (1945) is also included.

  1. Ancient and medieval Iberia seen through glass: An archaeometric perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juan Ares, J. de; Nadine Schibille, N.


    The study of ancient and medieval glasses has identified distinct compositional groups as a result of the chemical characteristics of the raw materials used for its production. Archaeometric analysis can determine the provenance of the glass, and has demonstrated a large-scale production and commercialisation of raw glass throughout the Mediterranean during the ancient and medieval periods. Secondary workshops on the Iberian Peninsula imported raw glass from the Near East for the better part of the first millennium CE, following a similar pattern observed elsewhere in the Mediterranean region. However, there are some indications that point to a local production of glass and that deserve further investigation. In the ninth century, natron glass was replaced in al-Ándalus by plant ash and lead-rich glass that may represent a local production. Little is known about the production or use of glass in the Christian parts of the peninsula during this period. The increasing volume of analytical data on Spanish glass demonstrates the potential of an archaeometric approach to shed light not only on the production and trade of glass on the Iberian Peninsula but also on the ancient and medieval economy more generally. [es

  2. Paradise, pleasure and desire: Edenic delight in some late-medieval dramatic fragments


    James, Sarah


    This paper explores the biblical Paradise and its relationship with the concept of delight or pleasure. In the first section it discusses the changing descriptions and interpretations of Paradise, from the biblical text to later medieval works; it goes on to explore the Augustinian and Thomist philosophies of pleasure and delight. Finally it brings together three late-medieval dramatic texts, all of which share an interest in Paradise, and explores the ways in which these texts utilise the co...

  3. Características en contenido y afiliación de Notas Clínicas publicadas en la revista CIMEL, 2001- 2009

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    Juan José Montenegro-Idrogo


    Full Text Available Objetivo, Determinar frecuencia y características de contenido y afiliación de Notas clínicas (casos clínicos publicados en la Revista CIMEL período 2001-2009. Diseño, Descriptivo, bibliométrico Lugar, Se utilizó el sistema de base de datos de la biblioteca central de la UNMSM. Participantes, artículos publicados en la revista CIMEL como Notas clínicas (Casos clínicos en el período citado. Intervenciones, Se determinó la frecuencia según años, además de las características de afiliación según país, región, y de contenido (tema de especialidad y condición de importancia en publicación. Principales medidas de resultados, Distribución de frecuencias y gráfico lineal para representar producción de esta categoría en la revista según años. Resultados, Total de notas clínicas (n=34, hubo mayor número de publicaciones a partir del año 2005. Mayor porcentaje de notas clínicas según país de afiliación fue: Venezuela (35,3%, Colombia (17,6%, Chile (17,6%, Bolivia (11,8%, y según tema de especialidad, Cirugía (21%, Oncología (14,7% y Hematología (11,8%. Las condiciones más frecuentes que justifican publicación de notas clínicas son: enfermedad rara o infrecuente (79,4% y presentación o complicación inusual de enfermedad (26,5%. La distribución de autores más frecuente fue, un médico y más de un estudiante de medicina (47,5%. Conclusiones, La frecuencia de publicación de notas clínicas en la revista CIMEL ha aumentado desde la periodicidad semestral, siendo la principal justificación de publicación, presentación de enfermedad rara o infrecuente. Es preocupante no refleje la participación de la mayoría de instituciones estudiantiles afiliadas a la Federación del cual es órgano oficial de difusión.

  4. "Notae in cartulis" en la documentación madrileña del siglo XIII : contribución al estudio de la elaboración del documento privado en Castilla

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    María Teresa Carrasco Lazareno


    Full Text Available Edición y análisis diplomático de tres «notae in cartulis» o notas preparatorias del documento definitivo, redactadas en hojas sueltas de pergamino, pertenecientes a la colección del convento de Santo Domingo el Real de Madrid. Datadas en la segunda mitad del siglo xiii y escritas por «scriptores» profesionales, antecedentes inmediatos del «publicus notarius», resumen los aspectos esenciales de dos apeos y de una permuta. Estas «notae» tienen interés como antecedentes de las minutas y de los protocolos notariales y por ser escasos los testimonios originales conservados. Además, nos permiten constatar que la validez jurídica de la nota en la etapa prenotarial —aún no «scriptura matrix»— podía ser similar a la de la «scriptura originalis», pues en estos casos no debieron redactarse las correspondientes cartas, siendo la nota el único título acreditativo de la consecución del negocio jurídico.Edition and diplomatic analysis of tíiree «notae in cartulis» or preparatory notes of the final document, written on loóse sheet of parchment, from the documentary resources of the monastery of Saint Dominio the Royal in Madrid. Dated in the second part of the thirteenth century and written by professional «scriptores», inmediate precedent of the «publicus notarius», they sum up the most esential aspects of two fixing of boundaries and one barter. These «notae» are important considered as an antecedent of notes and notarial registers, being quite rare the original testimonies kept. Besides, the allow us to confirm that the «notae» juridical validity in the prenotarial phase —not yet «scriptura matrix»— could be similar to the «scriptura originalis», because in these cases the respective documents were not written, being the note the only evidential title of the juridical «negotium» obtaining.

  5. Los animales en el mundo medieval cristiano-occidental : actitud y mentalidad

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    María Dolores Carmen Morales Muñiz


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza el peso que los animales tuvieron en la sociedad medieval y especialmente en la mentalidad del hombre. Se subraya la importancia que el uso material de los animales tuvo a la hora de conformar esa actitud. En la segunda parte del trabajo se profundiza en manifestaciones como la simbología o la magia en donde los animales jugaron un papel principal. Un último punto del trabajo comenta la hipótesis de J. Salisbury sobre el descubrimiento, a partir del siglo xii, del animal interior presente en los hombres.The present paper reviews the role played by animals in medieval society and mentality. In particular we stress the importance which the material use of each species had in determining specific roles. The second part of the work deals with symbolic and magical connotations, fields in which animáis played a most prominent role throughout medieval times. One final aspect comments on J. Salisbury's hypothesis of «the beast within man» which seems to date back to the tweifth century.

  6. Notas de pintura rupestre solutrense

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    Francisco JORDÁ CERDÁ


    Full Text Available Desde hace algún tiempo venimos sosteniendo, junto con otros prehistoriadores, la necesidad de revisar las fases establecidas para el desarrollo del arte rupestre cuaternario y su cronología. El sistema preconizado por Breuil tiene la necesaria flexibilidad para permitir las rectificaciones que el tiempo necesariamente irá imponiendo a raíz de la investigación moderna. De ahí que nuestras notas o reflexiones sean más que críticas que tiendan a desvalorizar el sistema actualmente admitido, simples rectificaciones orientadas en los nuevos puntos de vista, producto de los descubrimientos más recientes. En este sentido hemos de hacer patente la importancia que la cueva del Parpalló (Gandía, con una estratigrafía clara y definida y con una serie de hallazgos de arte mobiliar perfectamente datados, tiene para el estudio del arte rupestre hispanofrancés, del Paleolítico superior.

  7. Algunas consideraciones sobre Neisseria gonorrhoeae


    Pardi, Germán; Pérez, María Fernanda; Pacheco, Aura; Mata de Henning, Magdalena


    En el presente artículo, se describen los principales aspectos relacionados con Neisseria gonorrhoeae, microorganismo que se puede encontrar presente como parte de la microbiota transitoria o transeúnte de la cavidad bucal de algunos individuos, donde se destacan: Historia, taxonomía, características morfológicas, fisiológicas y de cultivo, ultraestructura, estructura antigénica, así como algunas consideraciones en referencia a la ecología y a los mecanismos de patogenicidad por parte de esta...

  8. Diabetes and related remedies in medieval Persian medicine (United States)

    Zarshenas, Mohammad M.; Khademian, Sedigheh; Moein, Mahmoodreza


    Diabetes Mellitus is a common metabolic disorder presenting increased amounts of serum glucose and will cover 5.4% of population by year 2025. Accordingly, this review was performed to gather and discuss the stand points on diagnosis, pathophysiology, non-pharmacological therapy and drug management of diabetes this disorder as described in medieval Persian medicine. To this, reports on diabetes were collected and analyzed from selected medical and pharmaceutical textbooks of Traditional Persian Medicine. A search on databases as Pubmed, Sciencedirect, Scopus and Google scholar was also performed to reconfirm the Anti diabetic activities of reported herbs. The term, Ziabites, was used to describe what is now spoken as diabetes. It was reported that Ziabites, is highly associated with kidney function. Etiologically, Ziabites was characterized as kidney hot or cold dystemperament as well as diffusion of fluid from other organs such as liver and intestines into the kidneys. This disorder was categorized into main types as hot (Ziabites-e-har) and cold (Ziabites-e-barid) as well as sweet urine (Bole-e-shirin). Most medieval cite signs of Ziabites were remarked as unusual and excessive thirst, frequent urination and polydipsia. On the management, life style modification and observing the essential rules of prevention in Persian medicine as well as herbal therapy and special simple manipulations were recommended. Current investigation was done to clarify the knowledge of medieval scientists on diabetes and related interventions. Reported remedies which are based on centuries of experience might be of beneficial for- further studies to the management of diabetes. PMID:24741508

  9. Comparative Evaluation of Using NOTA and DOTA Derivatives as Bifunctional Chelating Agents in the Preparation of 68Ga-Labeled Porphyrin: Impact on Pharmacokinetics and Tumor Uptake in a Mouse Model. (United States)

    Guleria, Mohini; Das, Tapas; Amirdhanayagam, Jeyachitra; Sarma, Haladhar D; Dash, Ashutosh


    Both NOTA (1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid) and DOTA (1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid) derivatives have been used as bifunctional chelating agents (BFCAs) for the preparation of 68 Ga-labeled target-specific agents having potential for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of cancerous lesions. In the present work, the authors have attempted a comparative pharmacokinetic evaluation between 68 Ga-labeled porphyrins prepared using NOTA and DOTA derivatives as the BFCAs. A symmetrical porphyrin derivative, 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(p-carboxymethyleneoxyphenyl)porphyrin, was synthesized and coupled with two different BFCAs viz. p-NH 2 -benzyl-NOTA and p-NH 2 -benzyl-DOTA. Both the porphyrin-BFCA conjugates were radiolabeled with 68 Ga. A comparative bioevaluation involving pharmacokinetics and tumor affinity was performed in a tumor-bearing small animal model. Gallium-68-labeled porphyrin-amido-benzyl-NOTA and porphyrin-amido-benzyl-DOTA complexes were prepared with high radiochemical purity. Both radiolabeled complexes exhibited almost similar stability in human serum and near-identical tumor affinity and pharmacokinetic behavior in animal studies. The present study demonstrates that the pharmacokinetic behavior of 68 Ga-labeled porphyrin derivatives, prepared using either NOTA or DOTA derivatives as BFCAs, remains almost identical and hence both NOTA and DOTA derivatives could be considered equivalent for developing 68 Ga-based PET agents for imaging of tumorous lesions.

  10. Bohemian so-called surgical early medieval knives

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hošek, Jiří; Profantová, Naďa; Šilhová, Alena; Ottenwelter, Estelle


    Roč. 2007, č. 1 (2007), s. 932-937 ISSN 1335-1532. [Metallography 2007. Stará Lesná, 02.05.2007-04.05.2007] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA800020603; GA ČR GA404/05/0232 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : knife * medieval * archaeometallurgy Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  11. [Women, bodies, and Hebrew medieval medical literature]. (United States)

    Navas, Carmen Caballero


    This essay explores different views on the female body articulated within Hebrew medieval texts on women's health care. It also investigates whether texts also integrate women's own perceptions of their bodies, and of their needs and care. I have analysed how this genre of Hebrew literature understood two key issues in the construction of sexed bodies: menstruation and cosmetics.

  12. SharedCanvas: A Collaborative Model for Medieval Manuscript Layout Dissemination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanderson, Robert D. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Albritton, Benjamin [Stanford University; Schwemmer, Rafael [e-codices; Van De Sompel, Herbert [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    In this paper we present a model based on the principles of Linked Data that can be used to describe the interrelationships of images, texts and other resources to facilitate the interoperability of repositories of medieval manuscripts or other culturally important handwritten documents. The model is designed from a set of requirements derived from the real world use cases of some of the largest digitized medieval content holders, and instantiations of the model are intended as the input to collection-independent page turning and scholarly presentation interfaces. A canvas painting paradigm, such as in PDF and SVG, was selected based on the lack of a one to one correlation between image and page, and to fulfill complex requirements such as when the full text of a page is known, but only fragments of the physical object remain. The model is implemented using technologies such as OAI-ORE Aggregations and OAC Annotations, as the fundamental building blocks of emerging Linked Digital Libraries. The model and implementation are evaluated through prototypes of both content providing and consuming applications. Although the system was designed from requirements drawn from the medieval manuscript domain, it is applicable to any layout-oriented presentation of images of text.

  13. Human Parasites in Medieval Europe: Lifestyle, Sanitation and Medical Treatment. (United States)

    Mitchell, Piers D


    Parasites have been infecting humans throughout our evolution. However, not all people suffered with the same species or to the same intensity throughout this time. Our changing way of life has altered the suitability of humans to infection by each type of parasite. This analysis focuses upon the evidence for parasites from archaeological excavations at medieval sites across Europe. Comparison between the patterns of infection in the medieval period allows us to see how changes in sanitation, herding animals, growing and fertilizing crops, the fishing industry, food preparation and migration all affected human susceptibility to different parasites. We go on to explore how ectoparasites may have spread infectious bacterial diseases, and also consider what medieval medical practitioners thought of parasites and how they tried to treat them. While modern research has shown the use of a toilet decreases the risk of contracting certain intestinal parasites, the evidence for past societies presented here suggests that the invention of latrines had no observable beneficial effects upon intestinal health. This may be because toilets were not sufficiently ubiquitous until the last century, or that the use of fresh human faeces for manuring crops still ensured those parasite species were easily able to reinfect the population. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Carabelli's trait in contemporary Slovenes and inhabitants of a medieval settlement (Sredisce by the Drava River). (United States)

    Stamfelj, Iztok; Stefancić, Marija; Gaspersic, Dominik; Cvetko, Erika


    The objectives of this study were to determine the total frequency, expression and asymmetry of Carabelli's trait in permanent dentitions of contemporary Slovenes and a medieval skeletal population from northeastern Slovenia. A total of 254 dental casts from contemporary Slovene children were examined. The population of a medieval settlement (10th-15th centuries), was represented by 94 skeletons. A modification of the method of Alvesalo and associates was used to classify Carabelli's trait on a five-grade scale. The trait was expressed on the upper first molars of 79.7% of the contemporary subjects and 75.8% of the medieval sample. Positive expressions of the trait were found in 10.1% of the contemporary subjects and 15.2% of the medieval sample. While the observed total frequency of the trait in both samples is characteristic of Europeans, the rates of positive expressions are surprisingly low but consistent with data from a recently published worldwide literature survey. Both populations showed a low rate of left-right fluctuating asymmetry of the trait. This finding might reflect a pronounced ability of individuals in the medieval population to buffer unfavourable influences from the environment and a relatively low level of environmental stress in the contemporary population.

  15. Investigation of original bricks from Ventspils castle for the purpose of restorations of medieval brick masonry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bajare, D.; Shvinka, V.


    This paper mainly tries to characterize Middle Age brick taken from Ventspils Castle (13-17th century). To this aim, the following techniques were applied: visual inspection, X-ray diffraction, mercury porosimetry, physical laboratory tests (water absorption, density, open porosity, saturation coefficient, Mage's index) and chemical analysis. The medieval bricks are still in good condition, any visible damages were not recognized in the course of visual inspection. According to the results of chemical analysis, three types of bricks made from different clays in different centuries were used. According to X-ray diffraction analysis data no one type of medieval bricks contains illite. So sintering temperature of the medieval bricks studied was higher than 900 deg C. The secondary calcite was formed in the structure of bricks from lime mortars under influence of water migration during several centuries. All medieval bricks studied are porous - open porosity of them amounts to 26-30 %. 14-15th century bricks have inclusions of chamotte additive, which makes the bricks less durable to soluble salts and frost, and of organic additive, that imparts the higher porosity. Mage's index for all medieval is less than 0.55, but saturation coefficient is close to 0,78 and it means that these bricks are not enough durable to soluble salts and frost

  16. Multi-Ethnicity and Material Exchangesin Late Medieval Tallinn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Naum, Magdalena


    his article examines the cultural and social dynamics of a multi-ethnic medieval town. Taking the lower town of Tallinn as a case study, this paper identifies the major urban ethnic groups living in the town and discusses their co-existence, self-definition, and processes of categorization...

  17. Diet and mobility in Early Medieval Bavaria: a study of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. (United States)

    Hakenbeck, Susanne; McManus, Ellen; Geisler, Hans; Grupe, Gisela; O'Connell, Tamsin


    This study investigates patterns of mobility in Early Medieval Bavaria through a combined study of diet and associated burial practice. Carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were analyzed in human bone samples from the Late Roman cemetery of Klettham and from the Early Medieval cemeteries of Altenerding and Straubing-Bajuwarenstrasse. For dietary comparison, samples of faunal bone from one Late Roman and three Early Medieval settlement sites were also analyzed. The results indicate that the average diet was in keeping with a landlocked environment and fairly limited availability of freshwater or marine resources. The diet appears not to have changed significantly from the Late Roman to the Early Medieval period. However, in the population of Altenerding, there were significant differences in the diet of men and women, supporting a hypothesis of greater mobility among women. Furthermore, the isotopic evidence from dietary outliers is supported by "foreign" grave goods and practices, such as artificial skull modification. These results reveal the potential of carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis for questions regarding migration and mobility. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  18. Some more earthquakes from medieval Kashmir (United States)

    Ahmad, Bashir; Shafi, Muzamil


    Kashmir has the peculiarity of having written history of almost 5,000 years. However, the description of earthquakes in the archival contents is patchy prior to 1500 a.d. Moreover, recent search shows that there exist certain time gaps in the catalogs presently in use especially at medieval level (1128-1586 a.d.). The presence of different ruling elites in association with socioeconomic and political conditions has in many ways confused the historical context of the medieval sources. However, by a meticulous review of the Sanskrit sources (between the twelfth and sixteenth century), it has been possible to identify unspecified but fair number (eight seismic events) of earthquakes that do not exist in published catalogs of Kashmir or whose dates are very difficult to establish. Moreover, historical sources reveal that except for events which occurred during Sultan Skinder's rule (1389-1413) and during the reign of King Zain-ul-Abidin (1420-1470), all the rediscovered seismic events went into oblivion, due mainly to the fact that the sources available dedicated their interests to the military events, which often tended to overshadow/superimpose over and even concealed natural events like earthquakes, resulting in fragmentary accounts and rendering them of little value for macroseismic intensity evaluation necessary for more efficient seismic hazard assessment.

  19. Making medieval art modern

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    Elizabeth den Hartog


    Full Text Available Janet T. Marquardt’s book ‘Zodiaque. Making medieval art modern’ discusses the historical context, history and impact of the Zodiaque publications issued by the monks from the abbey of Ste-Marie de la Pierre-qui-Vire in Burgundy between 1951 and 2001 and links the striking photogravures, the core business of these books, to the modern movement. Although Marquardt’s view that the Zodiaque series made a great impact on the study of Romanesque sculpture is somewhat overrated, her claim that the photogravures should be seen as avant-garde works of art and the books as a “museum without walls” is entirely convincing.

  20. Russian Medieval Military Architecture

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    Rappoport, Pavel


    Full Text Available In Russia defensive works were not less important than in Western Europe. Russian chronicles are full of reports of the building of towns, of their siege and defence. In Ancient Russian the word town meant not a town in the modern sense, but only a fortified settlement as distinct from an unfortified one. Thus the concept town applied to medieval towns proper and to citadels, feudal castles and even fortified villages. Every population centre with a wall round it was called a town. Moreover, until the 17th century this word was frequently applied to mean the fortifications themselves.

  1. Duration and severity of Medieval drought in the Lake Tahoe Basin (United States)

    Kleppe, J.A.; Brothers, D.S.; Kent, G.M.; Biondi, F.; Jensen, S.; Driscoll, N.W.


    Droughts in the western U.S. in the past 200 years are small compared to several megadroughts that occurred during Medieval times. We reconstruct duration and magnitude of extreme droughts in the northern Sierra Nevada from hydroclimatic conditions in Fallen Leaf Lake, California. Stands of submerged trees rooted in situ below the lake surface were imaged with sidescan sonar and radiocarbon analysis yields an age estimate of ∼1250 AD. Tree-ring records and submerged paleoshoreline geomorphology suggest a Medieval low-stand of Fallen Leaf Lake lasted more than 220 years. Over eighty more trees were found lying on the lake floor at various elevations above the paleoshoreline. Water-balance calculations suggest annual precipitation was less than 60% normal from late 10th century to early 13th century AD. Hence, the lake’s shoreline dropped 40–60 m below its modern elevation. Stands of pre-Medieval trees in this lake and in Lake Tahoe suggest the region experienced severe drought at least every 650–1150 years during the mid- and late-Holocene. These observations quantify paleo-precipitation and recurrence of prolonged drought in the northern Sierra Nevada.

  2. Archaeology of Architecture and Archaeology of houses in Early Medieval Europe

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    Quirós Castillo, Juan Antonio


    Full Text Available This paper aims to introduce the «Archaeology of Architecture and Household Archaeology in Early Medieval Europe» dossier, the object of which is to explore the different approaches, methodologies and themes analysed in the study of early medieval architecture in western Europe. More specifically, in what follows, analysis is undertaken of the contexts which explain the recent development of studies on this topic, as well as the main contributions of the seven papers which form this dossier. In addition, the main historical and archaeological problems raised by the analysis of this material record are also discussed.En este trabajo se presenta el dossier «Archaeology of Architecture and Household Archaeology in Early Medieval Europe», que pretende explorar los distintos enfoques, metodologías y temáticas analizadas en el estudio de las arquitecturas altomedievales en el marco de Europa occidental. Más concretamente se analizan los contextos que explican el desarrollo reciente de los estudios sobre esta materia, las principales aportaciones de los siete trabajos que conforman este dossier y se discuten los principales problemas históricos y arqueológicos que plantea el análisis de este registro material.

  3. Evolution of Management Thought in the Medieval Times. (United States)

    Sharma, C. L.

    The medieval times witnessed progress toward the growth of larger and more complex organizations and the application of increasingly sophisticated management techniques. Feudalism contributed the concept of decentralization. The concepts evolved by the Catholic Church can scarcely be improved on and are very much pertinent to the management of…

  4. MicroPET/CT imaging of {alpha}{sub v}{beta}{sub 3} integrin via a novel {sup 68}Ga-NOTA-RGD peptidomimetic conjugate in rat myocardial infarction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Menichetti, Luca; Kusmic, Claudia; Panetta, Daniele; Petroni, Debora; Salvadori, Piero A. [CNR-Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC), Pisa (Italy); Arosio, Daniela; Manzoni, Leonardo [CNR-Institute of Molecular Science and Technologies (ISTM), Milan (Italy); Matteucci, Marco [Scuola Superiore Sant' Anna, Pisa (Italy); Casagrande, Cesare [University of Milan, Department of Chemistry, Milan (Italy); L' Abbate, Antonio [CNR-Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC), Pisa (Italy); Scuola Superiore Sant' Anna, Pisa (Italy)


    The {alpha}{sub v}{beta}{sub 3} integrin is expressed in angiogenic vessels and is a potential target for molecular imaging of evolving pathological processes. Its expression is upregulated in cancer lesions and metastases as well as in acute myocardial infarction (MI) as part of the infarct healing process. The purpose of our study was to determine the feasibility of a new imaging approach with a novel {sup 68}Ga-2,2',2''-(1,4,7-triazonane-1,4,7-triyl)triacetic acid (NOTA)-arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) construct to assess integrin expression in the evolving MI. A straightforward labelling chemistry to attach the radionuclide {sup 68}Ga to a NOTA-based chelating agent conjugated with a cyclic RGD peptidomimetic is described. Affinity for {alpha}{sub v}{beta}{sub 3} integrin was assessed by in vitro receptor binding assay. The proof-of-concept in vivo studies combined the {sup 68}Ga-NOTA-RGD with the flow tracer {sup 13}N-NH{sub 3} imaging in order to obtain positron emission tomography (PET)/CT imaging of both integrin expression and perfusion defect at 4 weeks after infarction. Hearts were then processed for immunostaining of integrin {beta}{sub 3}. NOTA-RGD conjugate displayed a binding affinity for {alpha}{sub v}{beta}{sub 3} integrin of 27.9 {+-} 6.8 nM. {sup 68}Ga-NOTA-RGD showed stability without detectable degradation or formation of by-products in urine up to 2 h following injection in the rat. MI hearts exhibited {sup 68}Ga-NOTA-RGD uptake in correspondence to infarcted and border zone regions. The tracer signal drew a parallel with vascular remodelling due to ischaemia-induced angiogenesis as assessed by immunohistochemistry. As compared to similar imaging approaches using the {sup 18}F-galacto-derivative, we documented for the first time with microPET/CT imaging the {sup 68}Ga-NOTA-RGD derivative that appears eligible for PET imaging in animal models of vascular remodelling during evolving MI. The simple chemistry employed to

  5. Genome-wide comparison of medieval and modern Mycobacterium leprae. (United States)

    Schuenemann, Verena J; Singh, Pushpendra; Mendum, Thomas A; Krause-Kyora, Ben; Jäger, Günter; Bos, Kirsten I; Herbig, Alexander; Economou, Christos; Benjak, Andrej; Busso, Philippe; Nebel, Almut; Boldsen, Jesper L; Kjellström, Anna; Wu, Huihai; Stewart, Graham R; Taylor, G Michael; Bauer, Peter; Lee, Oona Y-C; Wu, Houdini H T; Minnikin, David E; Besra, Gurdyal S; Tucker, Katie; Roffey, Simon; Sow, Samba O; Cole, Stewart T; Nieselt, Kay; Krause, Johannes


    Leprosy was endemic in Europe until the Middle Ages. Using DNA array capture, we have obtained genome sequences of Mycobacterium leprae from skeletons of five medieval leprosy cases from the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Denmark. In one case, the DNA was so well preserved that full de novo assembly of the ancient bacterial genome could be achieved through shotgun sequencing alone. The ancient M. leprae sequences were compared with those of 11 modern strains, representing diverse genotypes and geographic origins. The comparisons revealed remarkable genomic conservation during the past 1000 years, a European origin for leprosy in the Americas, and the presence of an M. leprae genotype in medieval Europe now commonly associated with the Middle East. The exceptional preservation of M. leprae biomarkers, both DNA and mycolic acids, in ancient skeletons has major implications for palaeomicrobiology and human pathogen evolution.

  6. Algunas experiencias de innovación educativa

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    de Haro, J. José


    Full Text Available In this article we show some experiences in educational innovation area performed by teachers with students of ESO and Bachelor at Amor de Dios school in Barcelona (www.amordedios. org. We also discuss the characteristics of blogs, wikis and social networks, as well as their potential usage, all based on the experience carried out with the students. We also present some useful guidelines about selection of the various systems depending on teachers’ needs.Se presentan algunas de las experiencias llevadas a cabo en el ámbito de la innovación educativa con alumnos de ESO y Bachillerato en el centro concertado de educación primaria y secundaria Amor de Dios de Barcelona ( Se discuten las características de blogs, wikis y redes sociales, así como sus posibilidades de uso, todo ello en base a las experiencias realizadas con los alumnos. Igualmente se presentan algunas directrices que pueden ayudar para la selección de unos sistemas u otros según las necesidades educativas del profesor.

  7. "La Chanson de Roland" in the Elementary School Classroom: A Case for Medieval Literature and Young Language Students. (United States)

    Petry, Karla L.


    Describes successful experiment in teaching of medieval literature to elementary French language classes in the Cincinnati public schools. Purpose was to strengthen linguistic awareness and expand social studies unit on medieval France. (BK)

  8. La imagen del judío en la España medieval

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    Enrique Cantera Montenegro


    Full Text Available Desde fechas tempranas de la Edad Media fue configurándose y difundiéndose una imagen peyorativa de los judíos, expresión de la profunda antipatía que hacia ellos sentía la población mayoritaria cristiana. La imagen del judío medieval, que fue conformada a lo largo de los siglos por los derechos civil y canónico, consiste en un estereotipo, con rasgos muy semejantes entre los diferentes ámbitos geo-históricos del Occidente europeo. Lejos de ser un reflejo fiel de la realidad, guarda una estrecha relación con el lugar que la minoría hebrea ocupaba en la conciencia colectiva cristiana medieval: de este modo, pese a que los judíos constituían un grupo heterogéneo desde los más diversos puntos de vista socio-económico, religioso o cultural, aparecían homogeneizados a través de diversos rasgos que el subconsciente de la población mayoritaria convertía en universales. Entre los rasgos que identificaban hacia el exterior a la minoría hebrea se escogían los más llamativos: determinados rasgos físicos y del carácter; el uso de ciertas prendas de vestir; el ejercicio de algunas actividades profesionales, principalmente el préstamo con interés, y la posesión de enormes riquezas; o la práctica de ciertos crímenes rituales. Esta homogeneización del grupo actuaba como un auténtico estigma, y explica en buena medida la actitud hostil hacia la minoría hebrea, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como en la práctica. En este trabajo se analizan los distintos argumentos que conformaron la imagen del judío medieval, a su vez generadores de odio hacia la población hebrea y legitimadores de las actitudes hostiles de la población mayoritaria.Since the early beginning of the Middie Ages, the jewish bad image spread among the christian - majority population as an expression of a deep feeling of rejection towards them. The middie ages jewish image is a result of the influence of the civil and religious laws through centuries and

  9. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of a (18F-labeled high affinity NOTA conjugated bombesin antagonist as a PET ligand for GRPR-targeted tumor imaging.

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    Zohreh Varasteh

    Full Text Available Expression of the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR in prostate cancer suggests that this receptor can be used as a potential molecular target to visualize and treat these tumors. We have previously investigated an antagonist analog of bombesin (D-Phe-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Sta-Leu-NH2, RM26 conjugated to 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-N,N',N''-triacetic acid (NOTA via a diethylene glycol (PEG2 spacer (NOTA-P2-RM26 labeled with (68Ga and (111In. We found that this conjugate has favorable properties for in vivo imaging of GRPR-expression. The focus of this study was to develop a (18F-labelled PET agent to visualize GRPR. NOTA-P2-RM26 was labeled with (18F using aluminum-fluoride chelation. Stability, in vitro binding specificity and cellular processing tests were performed. The inhibition efficiency (IC50 of the [(natF]AlF-NOTA-P2-RM26 was compared to that of the (natGa-loaded peptide using (125I-Tyr(4-BBN as the displacement radioligand. The pharmacokinetics and in vivo binding specificity of the compound were studied. NOTA-P2-RM26 was labeled with (18F within 1 h (60-65% decay corrected radiochemical yield, 55 GBq/µmol. The radiopeptide was stable in murine serum and showed high specific binding to PC-3 cells. [(natF]AlF-NOTA-P2-RM26 showed a low nanomolar inhibition efficiency (IC50=4.4±0.8 nM. The internalization rate of the tracer was low. Less than 14% of the cell-bound radioactivity was internalized after 4 h. The biodistribution of [(18F]AlF-NOTA-P2-RM26 demonstrated rapid blood clearance, low liver uptake and low kidney retention. The tumor uptake at 3 h p.i. was 5.5±0.7 %ID/g, and the tumor-to-blood, -muscle and -bone ratios were 87±42, 159±47, 38±16, respectively. The uptake in tumors, pancreas and other GRPR-expressing organs was significantly reduced when excess amount of non-labeled peptide was co-injected. The low uptake in bone suggests a high in vivo stability of the Al-F bond. High contrast PET image was obtained 3 h p


    Heydari, Mojtaba; Shams, Mesbah; Hashempur, Mohammad Hashem; Zargaran, Arman; Dalfardi, Behnam; Borhani-Haghighi, Afshin


    Neuropathic pain is supposed to be a post-renaissance described medical entity. Although it is often believed that John Fothergill (1712-1780) provided the first description of this condition in 1773, a review of the medieval Persian medical writings will show the fact that neuropathic pain was a medieval-originated concept. "Auojae Asab" [Nerve-originated Pain] was used as a medical term in medieval Persian medical literature for pain syndromes which etiologically originated from nerves. Physicians like Rhazes (d. 925 CE), Haly Abbas (d. 982 CE), Avicenna (d. 1037 CE), and Jorjani (d. 1137 CE) have discussed multiple aspects of nerve-originated pain including its classification, etiology, differentiating characteristics, different qualities, and pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments. Recognizing medieval scholars' views on nerve-originated pain can lighten old historical origins of this concept.

  11. O positivismo na República (Notas sobre a história do positivismo no Brasil

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    João Cruz Costa


    Full Text Available (Primeiro Parágrafo do Artigo Estas ligeiras notas para a história do positivismo no Brasil, constituem uma pequena e modesta contribuição ao estudo das história das idéias do nosso país.

  12. The Gendered Nose and its Lack: "Medieval" Nose-Cutting and its Modern Manifestations. (United States)

    Skinner, Patricia


    Time magazine's cover photograph in August 2010 of a noseless Afghan woman beside the emotive strap line, "What happens if we leave Afghanistan," fuelled debate about the "medieval" practices of the Taliban, whose local commander had instructed her husband to take her nose and ears. Press reports attributed the violence to the Pashtun tradition that a dishonored husband "lost his nose." This equation of nose-cutting with tradition begs questions not only about the Orientalist lens of the western press when viewing Afghanistan, but also about the assumption that the word "medieval" can function as a label for such practices. A study of medieval nose-cutting suggests that its identification as an "eastern" practice should be challenged. Rather clearer is its connection with patriarchal values of authority and honor: the victims of such punishment have not always been women, but this is nevertheless a gendered punishment of the powerless by the powerful.

  13. Materiality of Body: The Material Practices of Life and Death in Medieval Britain

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    Mabast A. Muhammad Amin


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to investigate the ways people understood their body during the medieval period in Britain. I bring together the multiple different ways in which the body was treated in death, I focus on the role and power of grave goods and evidence found in dead bodies for plasticity in life to embrace the complexity of the medieval body, I examine the cultural practice of nutrition and environment affected the bodily mold. Another point I take into consideration is the practice of dietary through differentiation between male and female body in which we explore how medieval people socially and culturally constructed body based on their notion and understanding of gender identity. In addition, religion had a great influence on people’s understanding to deal with dead bodies and I concentrate on how bodily resurrection impacted on people’s preparation for the Day of Judgment by placing the goods in burials.

  14. A proteção de dados pessoais nos programas de Nota Fiscal: um estudo de caso do “Nota Fiscal paulista” | Protection of personal data in programs for tax-evasion prevention by collecting invoices: the case of São Paulo

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    Jorge Machado


    ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to build a picture of privacy protection in programs that collect invoices to prevent tax evasion. The survey is done by analyzing the active transparency –published in a proactive way by the State Department of Finance – on the program's  home-page. This survey includes information regarding data protection policy, how the information is used, who has access to data, data storage time, information shared with third parties, cooperation with other authorities and the possibility of the consumer deleting his/her data. As a case study, we will analyze the Program Nota Fiscal Paulista, compulsory for outlets located in São Paulo State. Keywords: Data Protection; Privacy; Tax Evasion: Nota Fiscal Paulista.

  15. Limitations imposed by wearing armour on Medieval soldiers' locomotor performance. (United States)

    Askew, Graham N; Formenti, Federico; Minetti, Alberto E


    In Medieval Europe, soldiers wore steel plate armour for protection during warfare. Armour design reflected a trade-off between protection and mobility it offered the wearer. By the fifteenth century, a typical suit of field armour weighed between 30 and 50 kg and was distributed over the entire body. How much wearing armour affected Medieval soldiers' locomotor energetics and biomechanics is unknown. We investigated the mechanics and the energetic cost of locomotion in armour, and determined the effects on physical performance. We found that the net cost of locomotion (C(met)) during armoured walking and running is much more energetically expensive than unloaded locomotion. C(met) for locomotion in armour was 2.1-2.3 times higher for walking, and 1.9 times higher for running when compared with C(met) for unloaded locomotion at the same speed. An important component of the increased energy use results from the extra force that must be generated to support the additional mass. However, the energetic cost of locomotion in armour was also much higher than equivalent trunk loading. This additional cost is mostly explained by the increased energy required to swing the limbs and impaired breathing. Our findings can predict age-associated decline in Medieval soldiers' physical performance, and have potential implications in understanding the outcomes of past European military battles.

  16. Medieval Day at Reynolds: An Interdisciplinary Learning Event (United States)

    Morrison, Nancy S.


    Medieval Day at Reynolds turned a typical Friday class day into an interdisciplinary learning event, which joined faculty and students into a community of learners. From classrooms issued tales of Viking and Mongol conquests, religious crusaders, deadly plague, and majestic cathedrals and art, all told by costumed faculty members with expertise in…

  17. Notas sobre la historia de la garza morena ardea cocoi (aves en Colombia

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    José Ignacio Borrero H.


    Full Text Available Una revisión de la bibliografía sobre esta especie, demuestra que si bien existe una serie de notas relacionadas con su distribución geográfica, prácticamente nada se ha escrito en relación con sus costumbres, fuera claro está, de comentarios muy generales consignados en manuales sobre faunas regionales.

  18. Migration to the medieval Middle East with the crusades. (United States)

    Mitchell, Piers D; Millard, Andrew R


    During the 12th and 13th centuries thousands of people moved from Europe to the Middle East to fight, undertake pilgrimage, or settle and make a new life. The aim of this research is to investigate two populations from the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem, by determining who was born in Europe and who came from the Middle East. Oxygen and strontium stable isotope analyses were conducted on the enamel of teeth from skeletal remains excavated from Crusader contexts. Twenty individuals from the coastal city of Caesarea (10 high status and 10 low status), and two local Near Eastern Christian farmers from the village of Parvum Gerinum (Tel Jezreel) were analyzed as a control sample. Results were compared with known geographic values for oxygen and strontium isotopes. The population of the city of Caesarea appears to have been dominated by European-born individuals (probably 19/20, but at least 13/20), with few locals. This was surprising as a much higher proportion of locals were expected. Both controls from the farming village of Parvum Gerinum had spent their childhood in the area of the village, which matches our understanding of limited mobility among poor Medieval farmers. This is the first time that stable isotope analysis has been applied to the study of the migration of peoples between Medieval Europe and the Middle East at the time of the crusades. In view of these findings, we must now rethink past estimations of population social structure in Levantine coastal Medieval cities during the Crusader period.

  19. The medieval feminine personage in the romance O guarani

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    Afrânio Gurgel Lucena


    Full Text Available We objectify to present a intertextual analysis of the literary text that contemplates a process of mythical constitution of the personages of the romance the Guarani (1857 of the writer Jose de Alencar. Focamos the analysis on the Cecília young for where we discover its “static” adaptation as medieval myth in the Brazilian romantic romance. The unconditional, protective and servile love of the Peri indian (One arquétipo of the medieval knight. conditions the construction of the loved one, therefore under the medieval myth of the gracious love, a personage is formed in function of the other, is opposing destinations that search the balance in the love. Exactly being something distant and inaccessible, as they present the trovadorescas Cantigas of love. In the theoretical recital, we have: MOISÉS (2004 - 2005 characterizing the mythos and the definitions of the plain and round personages; a platonic reference to the servile love in the Slap-up meal; Spalding (1973, Brunel (1988 for the dicionarizações concerning the thematic one and of the critical one; in the literary theory, Brunel, Pichois and Rousseau (1995, p.115: the myth, “a narrative set consecrated by the tradition”; in Samuel (2000, the mythical literariedade in the formation of a people; Bosi (1994, information on the indianismo and Coutinho (1988, gênese of our literariedade and the romantic romance. Thus, our work presents a result to the literary study: the thematic influence of the Average Age and its mythical love (gracious and servile in the composition of the indianista romance.

  20. Postmortem Inventories in Medieval Valencia. A Source for the Study of Household Consumption and Living Standards

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    Luis Almenar Fernández


    Full Text Available Basic questions about the nature of postmortem inventories in late medieval Valencia have rarely been asked. What distinguished them from other lists of goods and what was their legal basis? Why were inventories made? Which goods were listed and which ones omitted? How many inventories are preserved today? Which sectors of medieval society requested them? The answers that this paper provides clearly show the potential of a serial and quantitative usage of the Valencian inventory for the study of household consumption, an analysis that would enable us to measure far more accurately the changes in living standards in late medieval society to a degree that is difficult to achieve in other regions of Europe.

  1. Judicial astrology in theory and practice in later medieval Europe. (United States)

    Carey, Hilary M


    Interrogations and elections were two branches of Arabic judicial astrology made available in Latin translation to readers in western Europe from the twelfth century. Through an analysis of the theory and practice of interrogations and elections, including the writing of the Jewish astrologer Sahl b. Bishr, this essay considers the extent to which judicial astrology was practiced in the medieval west. Consideration is given to historical examples of interrogations and elections mostly from late medieval English manuscripts. These include the work of John Dunstaple (ca. 1390-1453), the musician and astrologer who is known have served at the court of John, duke of Bedford. On the basis of the relatively small number of surviving historical horoscopes, it is argued that the practice of interrogations and elections lagged behind the theory.

  2. Some Early Optics: Classical and Medieval. Experiment No. 6. (United States)

    Devons, Samuel

    Information related to the history of optics with emphasis on the classical and medieval periods is presented. Notes are included on experiments dealing with refraction at a plane interface between two media; refraction by transparent spheres; light, color, and reflection by transparent spheres. (Author/SA)

  3. Algunas notas sobre Bajo este sol tremendo, de Carlos Busqued

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Stegmayer


    Full Text Available In Carlos Busqued's first novel, topics around the most disturbing manifestations of violence adopt an unsettling tonality, since they avoid psychological treatment or sociological reflection to situate themselves in a zone of indistinction between subject and object, nature and history, figure and background, animal and human: formless forms bringing news from an underworld whose violence always prevails. The present article aims at exploring that which is involved in the experience of a limit trespassed and its figures -a symptom of social experience in the present

  4. Algunas notas sobre el concepto de νοῦς


    Buganza, Jacob


    El artículo, compuesto en forma de ensayo, tiene la finalidad de destacar algunos puntos que el autor considera esenciales acerca del νοῦς o intellectus. Se trata del νοῦς como facultad y el νοῦς como hábito de los primeros principios. El autor revisa lo que escribe sobre él Anaxágoras, Aristóteles y Tomás de Aquino, Y sostiene que se trata de una teoría con vigencia. The article, written in essay form, is intended to highlight some points that the author considers essential about νοῦς or ...

  5. Responding to Observation: How Student Teachers´ Use of their Counselor´s Notes Support their Preparation Respondiendo a la observación: Cómo apoya la preparación de los estudiantes-maestros el uso de las notas del profesor consejero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Jairo Viáfara González


    Full Text Available Several practices for teacher preparation remain as essential today as they have been for decades. Among them, observation of lessons continues to be highly popular to support and evaluate student teachers´ learning processes. The following pages deal with an experience in which observation was given an alternative perspective in the preparation of future teachers. Sixteen student teachers who constantly responded to their counselor´s observation notes participated in the study. Exploring the participants´ feelings about their counselor´s notes and the nature of their responses to those records were the objectives of the study. At the end, a magnifying glass, a puzzle, a book and a map emerged as valuable metaphors to explain student teachers´ use of this preparation tool.Algunas prácticas para la preparación de profesores continúan siendo tan esenciales hoy en día como lo han sido por décadas. Entre éstas, la observación de clases goza de gran popularidad para apoyar y evaluar el proceso de futuros profesores. Las siguientes páginas relatan una experiencia en la cual la observación adquirió un perfil alternativo en la preparación de los futuros docentes. Dieciséis practicantes, quienes constantemente respondieron a las notas de observación, participaron en el estudio tendiente a explorar sus opiniones respecto a las notas del tutor y la naturaleza de sus respuestas a estos registros. Al final, una lupa, un rompecabezas, un libro y un mapa surgieron como metáforas significativas para explicar el uso que los practicantes hicieron de esta herramienta en su preparación.

  6. Analysis of ancient and medieval glasses by INAA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuleff, I.; Djingova, R.; Penev, I.


    A scheme for instrumental neutron activation analysis of ancient and medieval glasses is proposed. The combination of three irradiations (short time, pile and epithermal) enables the determination of 34 elements. The accuracy of the method is evaluated by analyzing two glass standard reference materials. Results from the analysis of three glasses from different times are presented. (author)

  7. Ocular anatomy in medieval arabic medicine. A review. (United States)

    Laios, Konstantinos; Moschos, Marilita M; George, Androutsos


    In medieval Arabic medicine Ophthalmology had a central role. Ocular anatomy was described in many ophthalmological treatises of the physicians of the time. These physicians followed the doctrines of Galen according ocular anatomy, nevertheless their contribution to the history of ocular anatomy was the presentation of ocular anatomical sketches in their manuscripts for the fist time in medical history.

  8. Measuring the Measuring Rod: Bible and Parabiblical Texts within the History of Medieval Literature

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    Lucie Doležalová


    Full Text Available In spite of the acknowledged crucial role it had in forming medieval written culture, the Bible and a wide-range of parabiblical texts still remain largely ignored by histories of medieval literatures. The reason for this striking omission of an important group of medieval texts from the 'canonical' narratives is, as I argue, the strong bias in favour of national, secular, fictional, and original texts which shapes literary studies – an inheritance from the nineteenth-century nationalising approaches discussed in the first issue of the Interfaces journal. Of course, the discipline of literary studies and therefore selection, hierarchization, and interpretation are complex social, cultural and political processes where almost anything is possible. It is the environment, the interpretive community, in which the interpretation takes place that has a decisive role. And that, too, is constantly being transformed. Thus, there are no final categories and answers because as long as there are interpretive communities, meanings are generated and operate in new ways. That is why the present discussion does not aim to claim that many of the parabiblical texts are literature and should have been included in the canon of medieval literature. Rather, I examine what the nineteenth-century notion of canon did to these texts and how the current questioning and substantial reshaping of notions of canon can transform our understanding of parabiblical texts.

  9. Rules & legislation on love charms in early medieval Ireland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Borsje, J.


    Love magic is defined as verbal and material instruments by which erotic and affectionate feelings are believed to be aroused or destroyed in a supernatural way. This is a discussion of love magic as it is presented in early medieval Hiberno-Latin penitentials and Irish legal texts.

  10. Excavating a Silk Road City: the Medieval Citadel of Taraz, Kazakhstan

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    Giles Dawkes


    Full Text Available The city of Taraz, located near the southern border with Uzbekistan, is one of the most significant historic settlements in Kazakhstan, and two seasons of fieldwork in the central market-place have revealed a substantial depth of medieval stratigraphy. Despite frequent mentions in Arabic and Chinese written sources, both the form and evolution of this important Silk Road city remain poorly understood. Evidence for a series of successive medieval buildings, including a bathhouse and a Zoroastrian flame shrine, was found in the area of the former citadel. These excavations, undertaken as a joint initiative between the Centre for Applied Archaeology and Kazakh archaeologists, were the first for 50 years in the city and form part of a wider public outreach programme.

  11. The Resources of the Past in Early Medieval Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gantner, C.; McKitterick, R.M.; Meeder, S.M.


    This volume analyses the importance of history, the textual resources of the past and the integration of Christian and imperial Rome into the cultural memory of early medieval Europe within the wider question of identity formation. The case studies in this book shed new light on the process of

  12. The Desirability of Medieval Germany: Some Observations on an Introductory Course (United States)

    Jillings, Lewis G.; Murdoch, Brian O.


    This paper discusses the problems and advantages of a course in Medieval Germany, including history, culture and literature along with language. Attention is given to issues and texts to be studied. (CHK)

  13. A Morphology of Medieval Notations in the Optical Neume Recognition Project

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    Kate Helsen


    Full Text Available The study of medieval notations depends on effective categorization of individual signs in order to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of their musical meaning. Over the past century, chant scholars have developed several kinds of neume tables which arrange and contextualize neumes either according to graphical type, chronology, or scribal tradition. Some neume tables contain longer strings of neumes that link certain notation conventions with performance traditions. The course of neume table development reads like a history of the study of early notations, itself, and reveals the evolving interests and pursuits of the scholars who created them. It also sets the stage for the latest use of the neume table as a reference for document analysis software applied to digital images of medieval manuscripts. Now, instead of presenting a static list of discrete signs, the neume table can be understood as a reflection of the notational variety and nuance of the hundreds of thousands of neumes contained in every book of liturgical chant. On this scale, neume tables help scholars to understand the use of medieval neumes in the same way a linguist understands the morphology of words. This article presents the principles on which this new kind of neume table has been developed and suggests the ways in which this new way of thinking might inform the discipline in the future.

  14. Notas sobre el género Anetanthus hieron. ex Benth. (Gesneriaceae en Colombia

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    Fernández Alonso José Luis


    Full Text Available The distribution in Colombia of Anetanthus (Gesneriaceae at one species with two subspecies in its territory is presented. One of this, new subspecies, is described and illustrated in this note.Se presenta la distribución en Colombia del género Anetanthus (Gesneriaceae, representado en el territorio por una especie con dos subespecies. Una de ellas, subespecie nueva, se describe e ilustra en esta nota.

  15. The effect of fires on the development and appearance of medieval towns

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    Domen Kušar


    Full Text Available The occurrence of fires was one of the main dangers, which slowed down development of medieval towns. Frequent fires, whether they occurred due to carelessness, poorly maintained fireplaces and chimneys or military attacks, caused damage, particularly to those towns and buildings, which were constructed of inflammable materials such as timber and straw. In medieval times most towns were built using such materials, except those near the coast. Citizens tried to reduce fire hazards and the consequences of fires. With substitution of inflammable materials, apparatus and with the improved maintenance of fireplaces and chimneys, as well as other preventive measures, they influenced the development of towns and thus changed their architectural image.

  16. Translation Memory and Computer Assisted Translation Tool for Medieval Texts

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    Törcsvári Attila


    Full Text Available Translation memories (TMs, as part of Computer Assisted Translation (CAT tools, support translators reusing portions of formerly translated text. Fencing books are good candidates for using TMs due to the high number of repeated terms. Medieval texts suffer a number of drawbacks that make hard even “simple” rewording to the modern version of the same language. The analyzed difficulties are: lack of systematic spelling, unusual word orders and typos in the original. A hypothesis is made and verified that even simple modernization increases legibility and it is feasible, also it is worthwhile to apply translation memories due to the numerous and even extremely long repeated terms. Therefore, methods and algorithms are presented 1. for automated transcription of medieval texts (when a limited training set is available, and 2. collection of repeated patterns. The efficiency of the algorithms is analyzed for recall and precision.

  17. Pervivencias del cuento medieval en la tradición sefardí contemporánea


    Sánchez-Pérez, María


    El objetivo de este artículo es poner de manifiesto cómo diferentes cuentos medievales de la tradición hispánica han pervivido en la cultura sefardí contemporánea. Para ello, hemos estructurado el trabajo en varias partes: una introducción, una comparación entre el cuento medieval y la konseja sefardí, un breve estado de la cuestión y, posteriormente, un análisis comparativo de tres casos concretos. The aim of this article is to highlight how different medieval tales of the ...

  18. Three cases of feet and hand amputation from Medieval Estremoz, Portugal. (United States)

    Fernandes, Teresa; Liberato, Marco; Marques, Carina; Cunha, Eugénia


    Peri-mortem limb amputations are rarely reported in the paleopathological literature. The cases reported here concern severing of both hands and feet observed in three adult male skeletons, exhumed from the medieval Portuguese necropolis of Rossio do Marquês de Pombal, Estremoz, Portugal. The fact that they were found in the same site, in graves placed side by side, that all are young males, and that the three skeletons show similar perimortem injuries, make this a unique case meriting detailed analysis. Considering the lesions' location and pattern, as well as historical data, we hypothesize that this is a case of amputation as a consequence of judicial punishment. Estremoz was an important city in sustaining the Royal power at a regional scale during the medieval period. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Unriddling of ancient-medieval culture by PIXE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uda, M.


    Some examples are given for unriddling of ancient-medieval culture by PIXE. Effectiveness of PIXE to analyze art and archaeological objects is also explained. Objects employed here are 1) red, yellow, blue and white pigments painted on sun-dried bricks excavated in Egypt, 2) ancient glass beads used in the Near East, 3) South American mummy hair, 4) ancient slag excavated from Kansai-district, Japan 5) ink used by Galileo Galilei and 6) Renaissance style enameled gold jewelry. (author)


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    Astrid Martínez Ortiz


    Full Text Available En esta nota se refieren los enfoques teóricos en economía que pueden ser utilizados como marco de la indagación acerca de las causas de la violencia en Colombia, se relacionan los trabajos recientes de los economistas colombianos, en el marco de dos aproximaciones teóricas, y se formulan las posibles direcciones de la indagación futura.

  1. The Function of the Medieval in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Nouvelle Heloise : A Rereading of the Abelard and Heloise Motif

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Montoya, Alicia C.


    Jean-Jacques Rousseau's critical rewriting in his Nouvelle H,lo medieval works-the letters of Ab,lard and H,lo medieval played in his own moral vision. This article both identifies a possible eighteenth-century

  2. Morbidity, rickets and long-bone growth in post-medieval Britain--a cross-population analysis. (United States)

    Pinhasi, R; Shaw, P; White, B; Ogden, A R


    Vitamin D deficiency rickets is associated with skeletal deformities including swollen rib junctions, bowing of the legs, and the flaring and fraying of the wrist and long-bone metaphyses. There is, however, scarce information on the direct effect of rickets on skeletal growth in either present or past populations. The study investigated the effect of vitamin D deficiency rickets on long-bone growth in two post-medieval skeletal populations from East London (Broadgate and Christ Church Spitalfields). Subsequently, inter-population growth variations in relation to non-specific environmental stress (dental enamel defects), industrialization, urbanization and socio-economic status during infancy (birth to 3 years) and early childhood (3-7 years) were examined. Data on long-bone diaphyseal length dimensions and stress indicators of 234 subadults from Anglo-Saxon, late medieval and post-medieval archaeological skeletal samples were analysed using both linear and non-linear growth models. Rickets had no effect on the growth curves for any of the long bones studied. However, pronounced variations in growth between the four populations were noted, mainly during infancy. The diaphyseal length of long bones of Broadgate were significantly smaller-per-age than those of Spitalfields and the other samples up to the age of 4 years, and were associated with a high prevalence of enamel defects during early infancy. Socio-economic status, rather than urbanization, industrialization or rickets, was the central factor behind the observed differences in growth among the post-medieval populations. The observed inter-population growth variations were only significant during infancy.

  3. Orientation of medieval churches of Morava school


    Tadić Milutin; Gavrić Gordana


    In this paper we present the mathematical and topographic analysis of orientation of the most significant churches (11) of Morava school, the last style in architecture of medieval Serbia whose executors were chief architects. The deviation from equinox East of the main axis of each church and the dates when the Sun rises on the physical horizon, in the extension of the main axis, have been calculated. These were the dates when the church could have been oriented towards the rising Sun....

  4. [Subjectivity and objectivity, semiotics and diagnosis. An approach to the medieval concept of illness]. (United States)

    Riha, O


    Relying on their patients' complaints, medieval physicians did not discriminate theoretically between sickness and health. As for the types of illness, there were two different concepts of disease: The semiotic tracts (sphygmology, uroscopy, hematoscopy) describe signs of dyscrasia and locus affectus, while the medical handbooks combine symptoms like fever, pain, nausea, constipation etc. with the signs of pulse, urine and blood. The term "diagnosis" should be used only for this latter type of disease. Because of the ancient model of humoral pathology and because of the deductive construction of symptomatology, "medieval" illnesses cannot be compared with "ours".

  5. Primstav and Apocalypse : Time and its Reckoning in Medieval Scandinavia


    Powell, Avery Myers


    This work is intended as an exploration of methods of time-reckoning and conception in Medieval Scandinavia. In the main this is tied to the dynamism between a duality: that of the cyclical and linear models of time’s progression. Involved in this study are sources verbal and pictoral.

  6. From the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands. Gracocenderius

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šedinová, Hana


    Roč. 140, č. 3/4 (2017), s. 455-470 ISSN 0024-4457 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : ravens * ancient and medieval zoology * Latin names of birds * Bartholomaeus de Solencia dictus Claretus * Aristotle * Aristoteles Latinus * Michael Scotus * Thomas of Cantimpré Subject RIV: AI - Linguistics OBOR OECD: Specific languages

  7. Living History with a Medieval Banquet in the Alhambra Palace. (United States)

    Shabbas, Audrey


    Recommends that students learn about Islamic civilization by presenting a "medieval banquet in the Alhambra Palace." Provides information about middle eastern culture and history that students could use to plan and produce the banquet. Includes a list of 26 "guests" who would be role-played by students. (CFR)

  8. Haches, diptongos y otros detalles de alguna importancia: notas sobre numerales (proto)vascos y comparación vasco-ibérica (con un apéndice sobre 'hiri' y otro sobre 'bat'-'bi')


    Lacarra Andrinua, Joseba Andoni


    Trabajo desarrollado dentro del proyecto Monumenta Linguae Vasconum III (FFI2008-04516) del MICIN y del GIC: IT-486-10 del GV. [ES] Analizamos las propuestas sobre numerales vasco-ibéricos de Orduña (2005) y Ferrer i Jané (2009) desde el punto de vista de la gramática histórica vasca. Además de la inexistencia de correspondencias vasco-ibéricas ni de reconstrucción alguna de la protolengua vasco-ibérica (hecho reconocido por los propios autores), las supuestas similitudes presentadas no...

  9. Social inequality and death as illustrated in late-medieval death dances

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.P. Mackenbach (Johan)


    textabstractLate-medieval murals and books of the then-popular "dances of death" usually represented the living according to their social standing. These works of art thus provide an interesting opportunity to study the relationship between social inequality and death

  10. Externalización De Funciones: Algunas Reflexiones Teóricas

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    Francisco Ganga Contreras


    También se aborda el origen del outsourcing, algunas diferencias conceptuales, sus principales ventajas y riesgos, además de incluir una revisión a la situación actual de la externalización de funciones en Chile.

  11. Medieval Japan. Grade 7 Model Lesson for Standard 7.5. World History and Geography: Medieval and Early Modern Times. California History-Social Science Course Models. (United States)

    Zachlod, Michelle, Ed.

    California State Standard 7.5 is delineated in the following manner: "Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of medieval Japan." Seventh-grade students describe the significance of Japan's proximity to China and Korea and the influence of these countries on Japan; discuss the reign of…

  12. The language and style of Latin rubrics in medieval liturgical Easter drama

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vršecká-Kvízová, Kateřina

    -, č. 71 (2013), s. 267-280 ISSN 1376-7453 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LD13043 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Easter drama * Medieval Latin * Latin rubrics Subject RIV: AI - Linguistics

  13. The ethics of heroism in medieval and American Indian tales. (United States)

    Scott, A


    Oral-traditional stories detail their heroes' growth through a narrative pattern of exile and return that places the heroes in situations repeatedly challenging their strength and resolve. Through the motif of the quest, medieval and American Indian tales alike reaffirm general psychological truths that bear upon our understanding of human nature. Stories about heroes are stories about us: about our desires to grow up, to defeat death, to prove ourselves in difficult situations, and to achieve recognition or admiration among our peers (Becker, 1973, p. 4). In this way, medieval and American Indian tales are about self-actualization. They maintain that "one has within oneself proclivity toward growth and unity of personality ... and an automatic thrust toward expression" of these qualities (Yalom, 1980, p. 9). All forms of literature, however, reflect ideas peculiar to their cultures. The ways in which these basic human truths are represented in medieval and American Indian tales suggest the differing religious or social concerns that have informed these truths and have given them shape. To a large degree, the medieval knight's view of "self" and "other" encompasses the view that Western humanity has had (and continues to have) of itself. This is a view conditioned upon the superiority of the "self" as measured against the inferiority of the "other," reinforced through existing social (hierarchial) and religious (Judeo-Christian) codes of behavior. Such codes are not only inadequate to the task of interpreting American Indian perceptions of "self" and "other," they are inimical to the ethical foundation underlying them. Scott Momaday remarks that "you cannot understand how the Indian thinks of himself in relation to the world around him unless you understand his conception of what is appropriate; particularly what is morally appropriate within the context of that relationship" (Basso, 1984, p. 46). For the American Indian hero, self-actualization is self

  14. PET imaging of angiogenesis after myocardial infarction/reperfusion using a one-step labeled integrin-targeted tracer {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-PRGD2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gao, Haokao [The Fourth Military Medical University, Department of Cardiology, Xijing Hospital, Xi' an (China); National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Laboratory of Molecular Imaging and Nanomedicine (LOMIN), Bethesda, MD (United States); Lang, Lixin; Guo, Ning; Quan, Qimeng; Hu, Shuo; Kiesewetter, Dale O.; Niu, Gang; Chen, Xiaoyuan [National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Laboratory of Molecular Imaging and Nanomedicine (LOMIN), Bethesda, MD (United States); Cao, Feng [The Fourth Military Medical University, Department of Cardiology, Xijing Hospital, Xi' an (China)


    The {alpha}{sub v}{beta}{sub 3} integrin represents a potential target for noninvasive imaging of angiogenesis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a novel one-step labeled integrin {alpha}{sub v}{beta}{sub 3}-targeting positron emission tomography (PET) probe, {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-PRGD2, for angiogenesis imaging in a myocardial infarction/reperfusion (MI/R) animal model. Male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent 45-min transient left coronary artery occlusion followed by reperfusion. The myocardial infarction was confirmed by ECG, {sup 18}F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) imaging, and cardiac ultrasound. In vivo PET imaging was used to determine myocardial uptake of {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-PRGD2 at different time points following reperfusion. The control peptide RAD was labeled with a similar procedure and used to confirm the specificity. Ex vivo autoradiographic analysis and CD31/CD61 double immunofluorescence staining were performed to validate the PET results. Myocardial origin of the {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-PRGD2 accumulation was confirmed by {sup 18}F-FDG and autoradiography. PET imaging demonstrated increased focal accumulation of {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-PRGD2 in the infarcted area which started at day 3 (0.28 {+-} 0.03%ID/g, p < 0.05) and peaked between 1 and 3 weeks (0.59 {+-} 0.16 and 0.55 {+-} 0.13%ID/g, respectively). The focal accumulation decreased but still kept at a higher level than the sham group after 4 months of reperfusion (0.31 {+-} 0.01%ID/g, p < 0.05). Pretreatment with unlabeled arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) peptide significantly decreased tracer uptake, indicating integrin specificity of this tracer. At 1 week after MI/R, uptake of the control tracer {sup 18}F-AlF-NOTA-RAD that does not bind to integrin, in the infarcted area, was only 0.21 {+-} 0.01%ID/g. Autoradiographic imaging showed the same trend of uptake in the myocardial infarction area. The time course of focal tracer uptake was consistent with the pattern of vascular density and integrin {beta

  15. Corruption as a Legacy of the Medieval University: Financial Affairs (United States)

    Osipian, Ararat L.


    Looking back upon the centuries one would suspect that in earlier ages universities of medieval France and Italy were very different from the multiplicity of organizational and institutional forms of higher education institutions in modern times, and yet one would be surprised how much these old "universitas" and modern universities have…

  16. The "Endura" of The Cathars' Heresy: Medieval Concept of Ritual Euthanasia or Suicide? (United States)

    Tsiamis, Costas; Tounta, Eleni; Poulakou-Rebelakou, Effie


    The aim of the study is to explore the medieval concepts on the voluntary death of severely sick people, as they emerge through the endura (endurance) of the heresy of the Cathars in France (twelfth to fourteenth centuries). The endura was the prerequisite act of repentance that would allow the fallen soul to return to heaven. The endura was a necessary act of repentance, after the performance of a ceremonial purification of the soul (consolamentum), and consisted of the patients' voluntary abstention from vital food. The consolamentum and endura could be performed in the final stage of a disease with the consent of the patients or their relatives. The role of the Cathar physician was only to determine the severity of the disease and the forthcoming death of the patient. The physician was not allowed to take steps that would deprive the life of the patient, and the performance of the ritual endura was duty of the spiritual leaders of the community. The modern ethical approach to this subject is dictated by the medieval belief on the salvation of the soul and tries to answer the question of whether the endura could be seen as a medieval concept of a ritual euthanasia or fell within the theological sin of suicide.

  17. Nota Fiscal Paulista: principais características percebidas pelos cidadãos paulistas

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    Sérgio Roberto da Silva


    Full Text Available Estima-se que 60% dos valores de tributos são sonegados pelo varejo (ROLLI e FERNANDES, 2008. Como resposta o governo Paulista criou o projeto NFP-Nota Fiscal Paulista. Nesse projeto a identificação do contribuinte através do CPF gera créditos (benefícios financeiros ao comprador/contribuinte e assegura o pagamento dos tributos por parte do fornecedor/ comerciante. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as  principais características percebidas pelos cidadãos paulistas com relação ao projeto.  A pesquisa envolveu 132 pessoas em um formulário com 25 assertivas no estilo Likert.  Os resultados indicam que os contribuintes aceitam e participam do projeto. No entanto desconhecem outras características do projeto, por exemplo, doação de créditos a instituições filantrópicas. A maior forma de ressarcimento dos créditos é o depósito em conta corrente. Parte dos contribuintes acredita que as informações referentes aos valores de credito não são repassados a Receita Federal. Dessa forma busca-se contribuir com um estudo sob a ótica dos contribuintes em relação a esse projeto.Nota Fiscal Paulista, análise fatorial, sonegação de tributos

  18. A lime based mortar for thermal insulation of medieval church vaults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, P.K.; Hansen, Tessa Kvist

    A new mortar for thermal insulation of medieval church vaults was tested in a full scale experiment in Annisse Church, DK. The mortar consists of perlite, a highly porous aggregate, mixed with slaked lime. These materials are compatible with the fired clay bricks and the lime mortar joints....... The lambda-value of the insulation mortar is 0.08 W/m K or twice the lambda-value for mineral wool. The water vapour permeability is equal to a medieval clay brick, and it has three times higher capacity for liquid water absorption. The mortar was applied to the top side of the vaults in a thickness of 10 cm......, despite a water vapour pressure gradient up to 500 Pa between the nave and attic. There was no reduction in energy consumption the first winter, possibly due to the increased heat loss related to the drying of the mortar....

  19. Medieval Europe. Grade 7 Model Lesson for Standard 7.6. World History and Geography: Medieval and Early Modern Times. California History-Social Science Course Models. (United States)

    Zachlod, Michelle, Ed.

    California State Standard 7.6 is delineated in the following manner: "Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of Medieval Europe." Seventh-grade students study the geography of Europe and the Eurasian land mass; describe the spread of Christianity north of the Alps and…

  20. La planificación de la movilidad en algunas de las principales ciudades europeas


    Duarte Monedero, Beatriz; Sánchez de Lara, Miguel Ángel


    Los mercados del mañana: Bases para su análisis hoy. XXV Congreso Anual AEDEM En este trabajo. se explica la situación actual del transpOIte público en algunas de las principales ciudades europeas, su estructura organizativa y legislativa, planes de movilidad futuros y sislemas de financiación en comparación con la ciudad de Madrid. Asimismo. se sugiere algunas vías complementarias y alternativas de financiación del transporte público. pre-print

  1. Origen y evolución urbana de Alcañiz. De la villa medieval a la ciudad renacentista

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    Juan José Barragán Villagrasa


    Full Text Available La ciudad de Alcañiz (Aragón constituye un ejemplo de las reformas que el urbanismo renacentista impulsó en las villas medievales, ligado en este caso al desarrollo del Concejo, y la progresiva independencia municipal respecto al señorío de la Orden de Calatrava, con sede en el castillo. Hemos indagado en el modelo de urbanismo medieval impulsado por los calatravos desde la repoblación del territorio, formado por dos líneas de muralla, una de ellas inédita, y que hemos denominado «muralla alta». Desde el Concejo medieval, con sede en las Casas Comunes, se desarrolla un nuevo modelo de urbanismo, con nuevos espacios públicos como la Plaza Mayor, una trama de calles más anchas y regulares, y el desarrollo de una edificación más estandarizada, que convivirá con lo culminando en la construcción de la Casa Consistorial por el Concejo posmedieval, institución que actualmente conocemos como Ayuntamiento.The town of Alcañiz, in Aragon, is a good example of the reforms that Renaissance town plannings spread in medieval towns. In this case, it is linked to the development of the town Council, and the progressive local independence from the Calatrava Lordship, whose headquarter were inside the castle. We have researched the medieval town planning promoted by the Calatravos since the repopulation of the territory. It is formed by two lines of city walls, one of which was unknown and we have called it «the high wall». From the medieval Council House, sited in the Common Houses, a new model of urbanism is developed, with new public spaces like the Main Square, wider and more regular street patterns and the development of a more standarized way of building that has co-existed with the medieval quarters until the present days.

  2. Revista de revistas

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available British Medical lnformation Service. 3, Hanover Street.-London, w. 1. Algunas consideraciones prácticas acerca del control del tifus transmitido por piojos en Gran Bretaña a la luz de la experiencia de Rusia, Polonia. Rumania y China. Nueva nota sobre un método para teñir parásitos palúdicos en frottis gruesos de sangre Shock en el recién nacido

  3. Protracted fluvial recovery from medieval earthquakes, Pokhara, Nepal (United States)

    Stolle, Amelie; Bernhardt, Anne; Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Andermann, Christoff; Schönfeldt, Elisabeth; Seidemann, Jan; Adhikari, Basanta R.; Merchel, Silke; Rugel, Georg; Fort, Monique; Korup, Oliver


    River response to strong earthquake shaking in mountainous terrain often entails the flushing of sediments delivered by widespread co-seismic landsliding. Detailed mass-balance studies following major earthquakes in China, Taiwan, and New Zealand suggest fluvial recovery times ranging from several years to decades. We report a detailed chronology of earthquake-induced valley fills in the Pokhara region of western-central Nepal, and demonstrate that rivers continue to adjust to several large medieval earthquakes to the present day, thus challenging the notion of transient fluvial response to seismic disturbance. The Pokhara valley features one of the largest and most extensively dated sedimentary records of earthquake-triggered sedimentation in the Himalayas, and independently augments paleo-seismological archives obtained mainly from fault trenches and historic documents. New radiocarbon dates from the catastrophically deposited Pokhara Formation document multiple phases of extremely high geomorphic activity between ˜700 and ˜1700 AD, preserved in thick sequences of alternating fluvial conglomerates, massive mud and silt beds, and cohesive debris-flow deposits. These dated fan-marginal slackwater sediments indicate pronounced sediment pulses in the wake of at least three large medieval earthquakes in ˜1100, 1255, and 1344 AD. We combine these dates with digital elevation models, geological maps, differential GPS data, and sediment logs to estimate the extent of these three pulses that are characterized by sedimentation rates of ˜200 mm yr-1 and peak rates as high as 1,000 mm yr-1. Some 5.5 to 9 km3 of material infilled the pre-existing topography, and is now prone to ongoing fluvial dissection along major canyons. Contemporary river incision into the Pokhara Formation is rapid (120-170 mm yr-1), triggering widespread bank erosion, channel changes, and very high sediment yields of the order of 103 to 105 t km-2 yr-1, that by far outweigh bedrock denudation rates

  4. The Religious Significance of the Medieval Body and Flannery O'Connor's Fiction

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Novak, Kenneth


    Flannery O'Connor based what she called her "anagogic vision" on the medieval way of seeing the world that allowed the reader of a text to discern "different levels of reality in one image or one situation...

  5. Corruption as a Legacy of the Medieval University


    Osipian, Ararat


    Looking back upon the centuries one would suspect that in earlier ages universities of medieval France and Italy were very different from the multiplicity of organizational and institutional forms of higher education institutions in modern times, and yet one would be surprised how much these old universitas and modern universities have in common. The increasing scale and scope of corruption in higher education in the former Soviet Bloc as well as numerous other countries urges a better unders...

  6. Genetic research at a fivefold children's burial from medieval Berlin. (United States)

    Rothe, Jessica; Melisch, Claudia; Powers, Natasha; Geppert, Maria; Zander, Judith; Purps, Josephine; Spors, Birgit; Nagy, Marion


    Berlin originated from the two twin cities Berlin and Cölln, which both were founded at the beginning of the 13th century. However the real date of their foundation as well as the origin of the first settlers is still unknown. On the Berlin site the historic city center is still visible in the Nikolaiviertel, but the medieval origin of Cölln disappeared almost completely. In 2007 a large scale excavation, which comprised an area of about 1700m(2) of the historical center of the St. Peters church, recovers the remains of Cölln's first citizens and span a period of 500 years of medieval population. Here we present the first genetic analysis of a fivefold children's burial from excavations in Berlin. The genetic data unveiled next to ancestry and eye color data also the kinship and the gender of the five individuals. Together with the archeological context the new gained information help to shed more light on the possible reasons for this burial. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. An Introduction to the Medieval English: The Historical and Literary Context, Traces of Church and Philosophical Movements in the Literature (United States)

    Behtash, Esmail Zare; Toroujeni, Seyyed Morteza Hashemi; Samani, Farzane Safarzade


    The Transition from Greek to medieval philosophy that speculated on religion, nature, metaphysics, human being and society was rather a rough transition in the history of English literature. Although the literature content of this age reflected more religious beliefs, the love and hate relationship of medieval philosophy that was mostly based on…

  8. Los movimientos sociales en un mundo globalizado: ¿alguna novedad?

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    Salvador MARTÍ I PUIG


    Full Text Available En el texto que sigue se aportan algunos apuntes sobre el impacto que ha teni­do la globalización en los actores políticos colectivos que convenimos en llamar movimientos sociales o «redes de movimientos» haciendo un especial énfasis –aunque no exclusivamente– en aquellos que han surgido en América Latina. Para ello, dividimos el texto en tres partes: una primera que presenta algunas referencias sobre el contexto global y su impacto en la política; una segunda donde se desarrollan diversos ángulos –coincidentes con las diversas perspectivas analíticas– desde donde interpretar los movimientos sociales (observados desde una perspectiva amplia y difusa en el nuevo entorno global; y finalmente, a modo de reflexión, una tercera donde se esbozan algunas cuestiones sobre la forma que adquieren los movimientos sociales en el nuevo siglo que empieza.

  9. Algumas notas sobre educação e ética à luz do pensamento de Kant = Some notes on education and ethics in the light of the thought of Kant = Algunas notas sobre la educación y la ética a la luz del pensamiento de Kant

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    Menezes, Edmilson


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio tem por objetivo estabelecer alguma reflexão sobre o tema da educação e da ética a partir da leitura acerca do pensamento pedagógico de Kant expresso no texto Sobre a pedagogia. O referido trabalho origina-se de um curso ministrado pelo filósofo junto à Universidade de Könisberg. É considerado pela literatura como um texto menor, em virtude inclusive de ter sido publicado postumamente por um de Kant – Theodor Rink –, a partir de notas e apontamentos tomados para as preleções do professor sobre temas concernentes à pedagogia. Compreende-se que o texto Sobre a pedagogia ilustra o modo pelo qual Kant pensava a educação. Iluminado pelos escritos de Rousseau, mas profundamente tributário da literatura da Ilustração, destaca-se no trabalho a busca de compreensão da questão da moralidade. Kant considera uma dimensão moral inclusive no ato de instruir, cuja âncora deve ser a transposição da natureza para preparar a maioridade do juízo, e a infância e a juventude para a vida na coletividade

  10. The Disputed Authorship of a Medieval Text: A New Solution to the Attribution Problem in the Case of Guillaume D’Angleterre

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    Maria Slautina


    Full Text Available This paper presents a case of disputed authorship concerning a literary medieval text, the Old French romance Guillaume d’Angleterre, and describes a new attempt to use the mathematical method of authorship attribution called the "method of pattern recognition”. After presenting an overview of previous approaches to the problem of the authorship of this text, I argue for the advantages of a statistical syntactic based method for authorship attribution of medieval texts. The method of pattern recognition consists in the identification of a domain of syntactic parameters and a measurement of the proximity or distance of texts as located in a multi-dimensional syntactic space. I find that the medieval text most likely belongs to Chrétien de Troyes, one of the most famous French authors of the twelfth century. I present for the first time an attempt to apply the method of pattern recognition to determine the authorship of a medieval text written in Old French.

  11. Ancient and medieval Iberia seen through glass: An archaeometric perspective; La Hispania antigua y medieval a través del vidrio: la aportación de la arqueometría

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Juan Ares, J. de; Nadine Schibille, N.


    The study of ancient and medieval glasses has identified distinct compositional groups as a result of the chemical characteristics of the raw materials used for its production. Archaeometric analysis can determine the provenance of the glass, and has demonstrated a large-scale production and commercialisation of raw glass throughout the Mediterranean during the ancient and medieval periods. Secondary workshops on the Iberian Peninsula imported raw glass from the Near East for the better part of the first millennium CE, following a similar pattern observed elsewhere in the Mediterranean region. However, there are some indications that point to a local production of glass and that deserve further investigation. In the ninth century, natron glass was replaced in al-Ándalus by plant ash and lead-rich glass that may represent a local production. Little is known about the production or use of glass in the Christian parts of the peninsula during this period. The increasing volume of analytical data on Spanish glass demonstrates the potential of an archaeometric approach to shed light not only on the production and trade of glass on the Iberian Peninsula but also on the ancient and medieval economy more generally. [Spanish] El estudio del vidrio antiguo y medieval ha permitido identificar distintos grupos composicionales que son resultado de las características químicas de las materias primas empleadas en su fabricación. Los análisis arqueométricos permiten determinar la procedencia del vidrio, demostrando que el vidrio primario fue producido y comercializado a gran escala a través del Mediterráneo durante la Antigüedad y la Edad Media. Los talleres hispanos importaron vidrio primario desde Próximo Oriente durante la mayor parte del primer milenio d. C. siguiendo un patrón paralelo al resto del Mediterráneo. Sin embargo, algunos indicios señalan que pudieron convivir con vidrios de fabricación local que merecen ser investigados. En el siglo IX el vidrio de

  12. Notas sobre el problema habitacional en 'El otro sendero'

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    Full Text Available L'article réunit des notes de lecture sur le livre 'El Otro Sendero', à propos de la construction de logements pour les secteurs à bas revenus. L'importance de ce livre pour le public national est reconnue au départ et l'on tente d'étudier ses propositions en ce qui concerne le logement (chapitre 2. Après avoir examiné les propositions du texte, on commente quelques erreurs dans l'analyse des faits. Le commentaire final dit: La profusion d'analyses erronées qui visent à mettre en évidence la 'longue marche vers la propriété privée', comme le manque d'analyses spécifiques sur le problème du logement et sur celui de la ville -qui constituent le contexte des informels dans les barriadas-, nous font penser que nous sommes confrontés à un schéma idéologique a priori plus qu'à une étude de la réalité urbaine. El artículo proporciona notas de lectura del libro 'El Otro Sendero' referentes a la producción de vivienda para los sectores de bajos ingresos. Se parte de reconocer la importancia que ha tenido este libro en la audiencia nacional y se intenta estudiar sus proposiciones sobre la vivienda (capítulo 2. Luego de examinar las propuestas presentes en el texto, se comentan algunas incorrecciones en el análisis de los hechos. El comentario final dice: La profusión de análisis erróneos que apuntan a destacar la 'larga marcha hacia la propiedad privada', así como la falta de análisis específicos sobre el problema de la vivienda y el de la ciudad -que constituyen el contexto de los informales en las barriadas-, nos hacen pensar que estamos frente a un esquema ideológico a priori más que frente a un estudio de la realidad urbana. The article consists of interpretative notes on the book 'El Otro Sendero', which refer to the production of housing for low-income sectors. It begins by recognizing the importance this book has had for the national audience, and proposes to examine its propositions about housing (chapter 2. An

  13. Reuniones, dispersiones. Notas sobre ideas literarias de Tomás Segovia

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    Juan Pascual Gay


    Full Text Available Este artículo quiere dar cuenta de diferentes ideas expuestas por Tomás Segovia a lo largo de su oficio de escritor en ensayos, cuadernos de notas y entrevistas. Segovia no desarrolló un pensamiento unitario y sistemático, sino que, más bien, desarrolla esas ideas en diferentes contextos, textos y pretextos, pero esas ideas acaban por volver siem - pre a un ideario que otorga una cohesión insospechada en su obra. Además, muchas veces, sin decirlo, deja entrever la tradición literaria y cultural a la que se adscribe y que permea su obra entera.

  14. Notas a la gaviota libertada en el campo, 31 de enero de 1951


    Valverde Gómez, José Antonio, 1926-2003


    Notas a la Gaviota reidora (Larus ridibundus) libertada en el campo, cerca del Puente Colgante de Valladolid, el 31 de enero de 1951. Incluye observaciones de patos domésticos y Pavos reales (Pavo cristatus), y un pequeño esquema del enclave observado. Notes to the Common Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) released in the field, near the Puente Colgante of Valladolid, the 31st of January of 1951. Observations of domestic ducks and Indian Peafowls (Pavo cristatus) and a little map of the ...


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    Emilio Pedrinaci


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se subraya la relevancia social de las catástrofes naturales y su relación con el desarrollo sostenible, se exponen algunas de las razones que recomiendan abordar su estudio en los cursos de ciencias de la educación secundaria y se sugieren ideas y actividades para su tratamiento en el aula.

  16. A Review of The Architecture of the Scottish Medieval Church 1100–1560

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    Ian Campbell


    Full Text Available If ever a book could be described as a ‘magnum opus’ it is this: indeed it is a summa. Richard Fawcett has been publishing on Scottish medieval architecture, mainly ecclesiastical, for three decades, ranging from articles on minute changes in Gothic mouldings (the subject of his doctoral research at the University of East Anglia such as ‘Dunblane Cathedral: evidence for a change in the design of the nave’ (1982 to a survey of architecture between 370 and 1560, Scottish Architecture from the Accession of the Stewarts to the Reformation (1994. For much of that time he was an Inspector of Ancient Monuments for Historic Scotland, allowing him unfettered access to all the key monuments for most of which he has written authoritative guidebooks. However, besides Scotland, his knowledge of other European medieval architecture, especially in England, France and the Low Countries is encyclopaedic. His researches have made unsustainable the inferiorist attitude that Scottish medieval architecture was insular and backward, by pointing out countless foreign parallels, which demonstrate that Scotland’s patrons and masons were always aware of contemporary developments beyond its borders and shores. This monumental book brings together the fruits of these years of study into a rich synthesis. At last MacGibbon and Ross’ groundbreaking Ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland (1896-7 has been superseded.

  17. Adolescent health in medieval Serbia: signs of infectious diseases and risk of trauma. (United States)

    Djurić, M; Janović, A; Milovanović, P; Djukić, K; Milenković, P; Drasković, M; Roksandic, M


    Although pattern of health in adults has been frequently assessed in past human populations, health status of adolescents as a distinct life stage has usually been overlooked. Inconsistency in number and meaning of recognised age categories in anthropological literature, as well as chronological age ranges used to define them, further complicate the interpretation of adolescent health. In this study, we analysed signs of pathological conditions on skeletal remains of 81 adolescents from a medieval site of Stara Torina (northern Serbia). Diagnostic palaeopathological procedures comprised gross examination, digital radiography, and histological analysis. Skeletal signs of anaemia such as cribra orbitalia and other porotic phenomena as well as signs of non-specific bone infection were observed frequently, while evidence of bone trauma was recorded in a very low percentage of individuals. In addition, we recorded two conditions relatively rarely observed in palaeopathological contexts: a case of skull and vertebral asymmetry indicative of congenital muscular torticollis, and a case of a fibrous cortical defect on distal femur. Comparison with available information from other medieval adolescent samples from Serbia demonstrated that while mortality was relatively constant throughout the sample, Stara Torina showed a much higher occurrence of bone disease. Characteristics of observed skeletal conditions, supported by available historical reports, suggest that the health of medieval adolescents in the examined population was most significantly affected by infectious processes. Copyright 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  18. La risa en Francisco Suárez. El paso de la Edad Media al Barroco

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    Manuel Lázaro Pulido


    Full Text Available El estudio muestra la relación entre la tradición medieval presente en la segunda escolástica y las consecuencias en el Barroco del humanismo renancentista, a partir de la referencia que hace Suárez a la risa en el Comentario al De anima. Aparece un desarrollo de la temática clásica y medieval sobre la risa, donde se tiene en cuenta la esfera intelectual del Humanismo científico y se señalan algunas temáticas que se tendrán presente en el Barroco moderno.

  19. Managing Uncertainty through Profit sharing Contracts from medieval Italy to Silicon Valley

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwer, M.


    Organizational innovation is essential to economic development. But, the way successful societies have organized new ventures has been remarkably similar in both past and present. The commenda organizations of medieval Italy shared many characteristics with modern startups that are financed by

  20. The structure of the medieval town of Rupea

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    Borcoman, M.


    Full Text Available The town of Rupea, set up at the beginning of the 12th century, was the capital of the county of Rupea between 1337 and 1876. Its urban structure and organization prove that it belonged to group of Transylvania’s German medieval towns. Here, alongside with the German (established in the central area, Romanians lived in the outskirts. This structure was preserved until the early 1800s, and even until nowadays although the initial ethnical composition has altered.

  1. MicroPET/CT imaging of patient-derived pancreatic cancer xenografts implanted subcutaneously or orthotopically in NOD-scid mice using 64Cu-NOTA-panitumumab F(ab')2 fragments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyle, Amanda J.; Cao, Ping-Jiang; Hedley, David W.; Sidhu, Sachdev S.; Winnik, Mitchell A.; Reilly, Raymond M.


    Introduction: Our objective was to study microPET/CT imaging of patient-derived pancreatic cancer xenografts in NOD-scid mice using F(ab') 2 fragments of the fully-human anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody, panitumumab (Vectibix) labeled with 64 Cu. More than 90% of pancreatic cancers are EGFR-positive. Methods: F(ab') 2 fragments were produced by proteolytic digestion of panitumumab IgG or non-specific human IgG, purified by ultrafiltration then modified with NOTA chelators for complexing 64 Cu. Panitumumab IgG and Fab fragments were similarly labeled with 64 Cu. EGFR immunoreactivity was determined in competition and direct (saturation) cell binding assays. The biodistribution of 64 Cu-labeled panitumumab IgG, F(ab') 2 and Fab was compared in non-tumor-bearing Balb/c mice. MicroPET/CT and biodistribution studies were performed in NOD-scid mice engrafted subcutaneously (s.c.) or orthotopically with patient-derived OCIP23 pancreatic tumors, or in NOD-scid with s.c. PANC-1 human pancreatic cancer xenografts. Results: Panitumumab F(ab') 2 fragments were produced in high purity (> 90%), derivitized with 3.2 ± 0.7 NOTA/F(ab') 2 , and labeled with 64 Cu (0.3–3.6 MBq/μg). The binding of 64 Cu-NOTA-panitumumab F(ab') 2 to OCIP23 or PANC-1 cells was decreased significantly by an excess of panitumumab IgG. The K d for binding of 64 Cu-NOTA-panitumumab F(ab') 2 to EGFR on PANC-1 cells was 0.14 ± 0.05 nmol/L. F(ab') 2 fragments exhibited more suitable normal tissue distribution for tumor imaging with 64 Cu than panitumumab IgG or Fab. Tumor uptake at 48 h post injection (p.i.) of 64 Cu-NOTA-panitumumab F(ab') 2 was 12.0 ± 0.9% injected dose/g (ID/g) in s.c. and 11.8 ± 0.9% ID/g in orthotopic OCIP23 tumors vs. 6.1 ± 1.1% ID/g in s.c. PANC-1 xenografts. Tumor/Blood (T/B) ratios were 5:1 to 9:1 for OCIP23 and 2.4:1 for PANC-1 tumors. Tumor uptake of 64 Cu-NOTA-non-specific F(ab') 2 in OCIP23 xenografts was 5-fold lower than 64

  2. Alteration of medieval stained-glasses. Contribution to the long-term behaviour of vitrified wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sterpenich, J.


    In this work, the behaviour of glasses during alteration have been studied in two different ways: 1)study of the alteration of medieval stained-glasses 2)experimental leaching of modelled glasses. Medieval stained-glasses have a silico-calcic and alkaline composition. It appears three different alteration modes for these glasses: 1)by condensation waters 2)by atmospheric agents 3)by porosity waters and humic acids. A chemical study of the altered areas has allowed to understand the alteration behaviour of a lot of elements: in particular transition elements, heavy metals and some rare earths. On the other hand, two vitrified wastes and a glass having the same composition of the potassic medieval stained-glasses have been leached in a static mode (pH=1 to 10, T=20 to 80 degrees Celsius, T=12 hours to 6 months). These experiments have revealed that the alteration mechanisms depend on the pH of the solution and on the chemical composition of the glass. An increasing durability of glasses in terms of the global polymerization degree has been revealed too. At last, the behaviours of glasses during alteration, observed with natural and experimental conditions, show that it is necessary to study natural analogous for predicting the long-term behaviour of vitrified wastes. (O.M.)


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    Martha Isabel Posada

    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una descripción de los efectos del mercurio sobre algunas plantas acuáticas tropicales y sobre los ecosistemas donde habitan. Adicionalmente, se recomienda un protocolo para realizar pruebas de toxicidad con la lenteja de agua (Lemna minor y se presentan los resultados de los preensayos con diferentes concentraciones de sales de mercurio en condiciones de laboratorio. Se encontró que la biodisponibilidad del mercurio depende de factores que facilitan la disolución del elemento en el agua. Algunas plantas actúan como bioindicadores de la presencia de este metal en el medio al retenerlo selectivamente; mientras que otras se comportan como bioacumuladoras al tolerar su presencia y acumularlo en su estructura, y pueden dar paso a la bioconcentración a través de la cadena trófica. De acuerdo con los preensayos de toxicidad realizados con Lemna minor se sugiere que las concentraciones de sal de mercurio adecuadas para la realización de pruebas de toxicidad deben estar entre 0,01 mg/L y 10,0 mg/L.

  4. Restorian of outdoor plaster pavement floors in a medieval Czech castle

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Slížková, Zuzana; Drdácký, Miloš


    Roč. 14, č. 3 (2008), s. 81-98 ISSN 1355-6207 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/06/1609 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20710524 Keywords : floor plaster * metakaoline modified mortar * medieval castle rampart * non-standard testing Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  5. The Accreditation of Hildegard Von Bingen as Medieval Female Technical Writer (United States)

    Rauch, Susan


    Although scholars have acknowledged technical texts written during the Middle-Ages, there is no mention of "technical writer" as a profession except for Geoffrey Chaucer, and historically absent is the accreditation of medieval female writers who pioneered the field of medical-technical communication. In an era dominated by identifiable medieval…

  6. Orientation of English Medieval Parish Churches (United States)

    Hoare, Peter G.

    Our understanding of the alignment of English medieval parish churches, after more than three centuries of research, is far from complete. The arrangement of relatively few structures has been explained beyond reasonable doubt, and tests of the overwhelmingly popular festival orientation theory are often insufficiently rigorous to provide convincing answers. Much work remains to be done, including verifying and analyzing some of the existing raw data, determining whether the present church was dedicated at the time of construction, examining wills for evidence of early dedications, measuring the effect of eastern horizons on sunrise azimuths, and consulting excavation reports to assess whether earlier buildings may have influenced the arrangement of those churches that replaced them.

  7. Nota sobre colisiones de aves en las ventanas de edificios universitarios en Puerto Vallarta, México

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    Fabio Germán Cupul-Magaña


    Full Text Available Esta nota presenta las observaciones de 15 colisiones de aves en ventanas de edificios de la Universidad de Guadalajara en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México, a lo largo de 94 días de estudio (24 de enero al 27 de abril del 2003. Columbina passerina fue la especie que presentó el mayor número de fatalidades: ocho.

  8. Evaluation of an [18F]AlF-NOTA Analog of Exendin-4 for Imaging of GLP-1 Receptor in Insulinoma

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    Dale O. Kiesewetter, Ning Guo, Jinxia Guo, Haokao Gao, Lei Zhu, Ying Ma, Gang Niu, Xiaoyuan Chen


    Full Text Available Introduction: The GLP-1 receptor plays an important role in glucose homeostasis and thus is a very important target for diabetes therapy. The receptor is also overexpressed in insulinoma, a tumor of pancreatic beta-cells. We previously evaluated two fluorine-18-labeled analogs of exendin-4 prepared by conjugation with [18F]FBEM (N-[2-(4-[18F]fluorobenzamideethyl]maleimide. Both compounds demonstrated good tumor uptake, but the synthesis of the radiotracers was time consuming. To overcome this challenge, we developed a NOTA analog and performed radiolabeling using aluminum [18F]fluoride complexation.Methods: Cys40-exendin-4 was conjugated with NOTA mono N-ethylmaleimide. [18F]AlF conjugation was conducted and the radiolabeled product purified by preparative HPLC. Dynamic and static PET imaging scans were conducted on nude mice with established INS-1 xenografts. Uptake of tumor and other major organs in static images was quantitated (%ID/g and comparison with blocking studies was made. PET quantification was also compared with ex vivo biodistribution results.Results: The radiosynthesis provided [18F]AlF-NOTA-MAL-cys40-exendin-4 in 23.6 ± 2.4 % radiochemical yield (uncorrected, n = 3 after HPLC; the process required about 55 min. The specific activity at time of injection ranged from 19.6 to 31.4 GBq (0.53-0.85 Ci/µmol. Tumor uptake had reached its maximum (16.09 ± 1.18% ID/g, n = 4 by 5 min and remained nearly constant for the duration of the study. Kidney uptake continued to increase throughout the entire one hour time course. Pre-injection of exendin-4 caused a marked reduction in tissue uptake with the major exception of liver and kidneys, in which uptake was not affected. HPLC analysis of the radioactive components in extracts of the tumor and plasma showed primarily parent compound at 60 min post-injection, whereas extracts of kidney and urine contained exclusively one polar radioactive component.Conclusion: The radiotracer is prepared in

  9. Tablet-woven and tabby-woven braids from the Czech late medieval archaeological findings

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Březinová, Helena


    Roč. 23, - (2010), s. 47-51 ISSN 0860-0007 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : textile fragments * tablet -woven braids * tabby-woven braids * late medieval Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  10. Changing Settlements and Landscapes: Medieval Whittlewood, its Predecessors and Successors

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    Richard Jones


    Full Text Available This article presents an interpretative synthesis of the development of a medieval landscape in the English Midlands. It explores its administrative organisation and divisions; the exploitation of its woodland, pasture, and arable resources; and the creation, growth, and decline of its villages, hamlets and farmsteads. It takes as its central theme two inter-related oppositions: continuity and change, moments and processes. In particular it examines the role these played in the development of varying settlement morphologies (the area under investigation contains both nucleated and dispersed settlement forms and in the introduction and demise of the open field system. The article is based on the investigation of twenty-one medieval villages and hamlets and their surrounding landscapes, straddling the Northamptonshire-Buckinghamshire boundary and previously falling within the royal forest of Whittlewood. This work was undertaken between 2000 and 2005 as part of an AHRC (formerly ARHB-funded research project. This enquiry, and the use it has made of the comparative method, has pinpointed moments of village and hamlet 'creation' and the alternative forms that these could take in their earliest phases. The subsequent development of these settlements has been charted, revealing the divergent paths they took towards the nucleated or dispersed plans they present when first mapped in the 17th, 18th or 19th centuries. This dynamic pattern of settlement has been set against a background of related changes to the authoritative landscape, which saw the fission and fusion of administrative units; to the economic landscape, which witnessed the development of the open field system and the re-organisation of woodland; and to social and cultural landscapes, affected inter alia by the growth and decline of population, and the imposition of Forest Law. The reconstruction of these medieval village territories has only been achieved by adopting an interdisciplinary

  11. De gevolgen van beleidsmaatregelen uit de Nota Wonen op bewegingsarmoede in Nederland. Onderdeel van de gezondheidseffectrapportage "Mensen wensen gezond wonen"

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wendel-Vos GCW; Schuit AJ; Seidell JC; CZE


    Health gains can be achieved by actively combating and decreasing physical inactivity. One of the factors probably influencing physical activity is the living environment. The Policy Document on Housing ('Nota Wonen' in Dutch) presents policy measures influencing the human living environment. The

  12. Modelos de gestión en directivos de instituciones educativas de nivel secundario


    Asprella, Gabriel


    Los sistemas educativos han sido protagonistas en los últimos veinticinco años de intensos debates e interrogantes propios de las nuevas configuraciones políticas, sociales y culturales que han influenciado y cambiado las miradas y las relaciones conocidas entre la educación y la sociedad. Las nuevas interdependencias del mundo y la globalización económica han instalado algunas notas distintivas en un inevitable acontecer de cambios. Se han revisado...

  13. Interpretación geométrica de algunas variedades de Schubert

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    Juan F. Escamilla


    Full Text Available En este artículo se dan interpretaciones geométricas de las variedades de Schubert de los Grassmannianos G(2,4, G(3,5 y G(2,5, y algunas de sus interpretaciones en la geometría enumerativa

  14. Crossdressing medieval troubadours, Castile to Brazil : Cristóbal de Castillejo (d. 1550) and Augusto de Campos (b. 1931)


    Roy Rosenstein


    Starting out from a reading of Cristóbal de Castillejo's sixteenth-century sonnet referencing the medieval Occitan troubadours, "Garcilaso y Boscán, siendo llegados", this article reflects on cultural and temporal translations of medieval troubadour lyric. In the second part, it examines in more detail Augusto de Campos's modern Brazilian translations or "transcreations" of Arnaut Daniel's works – the only complete poetic translation in any language of his works.

  15. Dibujando 2D en iOS (Nota técnica

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    Franklin Hernández-Castro


    Este ambiente ofrece varias alternativas con tal objetivo, y en este artículo se tratan las generalidades necesarias para entender cuáles de ellas se usan en cada caso. Además, ofrece un par de ejemplos de cómo se implementan algunas de estas posibilidades.

  16. Some considerations on X-ray fluorescence use in museum measurements - The case of medieval silver coins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Constantinescu, B.; Bugoi, R.; Oberlaender-Tarnoveanu, E.; Parvan, K.


    The purpose of this paper is to give a general layout for the potential applications of Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) technique for ancient silver coin characterization, using in-situ (in museums) measurements. Examples concerning originality testing, provenance (mines, workshops) identification, counterfeits selection, historical studies (manufacturing technologies, commercial, military and political relationships) are given. Two study cases of medieval coins are described: German brakteaten pfennige and Moldavian groschen. Other analysis methods and their use in the study of medieval coins are illustrated with the example of Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) technique. (authors)

  17. Diet and diversity at later medieval Fishergate: the isotopic evidence. (United States)

    Müldner, Gundula; Richards, Michael P


    We present the results of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of bone collagen for 155 individuals buried at the Later Medieval (13th to early 16th century AD) Gilbertine priory of St. Andrew, Fishergate in the city of York (UK). The data show significant variation in the consumption of marine foods between males and females as well as between individuals buried in different areas of the priory. Specifically, individuals from the crossing of the church and the cloister garth had consumed significantly less marine protein than those from other locations. Isotope data for four individuals diagnosed with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) are consistent with a diet rich in animal protein. We also observe that isotopic signals of individuals with perimortem sharp force trauma are unusual in the context of the Fishergate dataset. We discuss possible explanations for these patterns and suggest that there may have been a specialist hospital or a local tradition of burying victims of violent conflict at the priory. The results demonstrate how the integration of archaeological, osteological, and isotopic data can provide novel information about Medieval burial and society. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  18. Disputing strategies in medieval Scandinavia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Orning, Hans Jacob

    In Scandinavia the study of disputes is still a relatively new topic: The papers offered here discuss how conflicts were handled in Scandinavian societies in the Middle Ages before the emergence of strong centralized states. What strategies did people use to contest power, property, rights, honour......, and other kinds of material or symbolic assets? Seven essays by Scandinavian scholars are supplemented by contributions from Stephen White, John Hudson and Gerd Althoff, to provide a new baseline for discussing both the strategies pursued in the political game and those used to settle local disputes. Using...... practice and process as key analytical concepts, these authors explore formal law and litigation in conjunction with non-formal legal proceedings such as out-of-court mediation, rituals, emotional posturing, and feuding. Their insights place the Northern medieval world in a European context of dispute...

  19. Harris lines of the tibia across centuries: a comparison of two populations, medieval and contemporary in Central Europe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ameen, S.; Vock, P.; Anderson, S.E.; Staub, L.; Ulrich, S.; Ballmer, F.


    To determine the incidence of Harris lines in two medieval populations which inhabited the Canton of Berne, in Central Switzerland, and to compare the results with those of a contemporary population living in the same geographical area. A simplified method is described for measuring the age of the individual at the time of formation of Harris lines, with possible future applications. Radiographs of 112 well-preserved tibiae of skeletons of two medieval populations from the eighth to fifteenth centuries were reviewed for the incidence of Harris lines. The results were compared with those of 138 current patients living in the same geographic location in Central Switzerland. Age and gender of the medieval individual were determined using known anthropological methods. Age of bone at the time of formation of Harris lines was estimated according to the method of Maat. Harris lines were found in 88 of 112 (80%) of the examined medieval skeletons and in 28 of 138 (20%) of the living individuals. Higher incidences of Harris lines were found at the age of 2 years and at ages between 8 and 12 years in both populations. No gender difference was found regarding the incidence of Harris lines. In both populations the occurrence of Harris lines was associated with certain diseases such as degenerative bone disease, trauma, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral vascular diseases, rickets and bony deformities. (orig.)

  20. Harris lines of the tibia across centuries: a comparison of two populations, medieval and contemporary in Central Europe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ameen, S.; Vock, P.; Anderson, S.E. [University Hospital of Bern, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Bern (Switzerland); Staub, L.; Ulrich, S. [University of Bern, Institute of Historical Medicine, Bern (Switzerland); Ballmer, F. [University Hospital of Bern, Department of Orthopaedics, Bern (Switzerland)


    To determine the incidence of Harris lines in two medieval populations which inhabited the Canton of Berne, in Central Switzerland, and to compare the results with those of a contemporary population living in the same geographical area. A simplified method is described for measuring the age of the individual at the time of formation of Harris lines, with possible future applications. Radiographs of 112 well-preserved tibiae of skeletons of two medieval populations from the eighth to fifteenth centuries were reviewed for the incidence of Harris lines. The results were compared with those of 138 current patients living in the same geographic location in Central Switzerland. Age and gender of the medieval individual were determined using known anthropological methods. Age of bone at the time of formation of Harris lines was estimated according to the method of Maat. Harris lines were found in 88 of 112 (80%) of the examined medieval skeletons and in 28 of 138 (20%) of the living individuals. Higher incidences of Harris lines were found at the age of 2 years and at ages between 8 and 12 years in both populations. No gender difference was found regarding the incidence of Harris lines. In both populations the occurrence of Harris lines was associated with certain diseases such as degenerative bone disease, trauma, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral vascular diseases, rickets and bony deformities. (orig.)

  1. Trabajar los géneros discursivos en clase de E/LE: la nota crítica

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    Eduardo España Palop


    Full Text Available El trabajo con géneros discursivos es esencial para adquirir una correcta competencia comunicativa. Mediante la secuencia didáctica que aquí se presenta, los alumnos adquirirán las principales herramientas para construir notas críticas, a la vez que trabajarán aspectos de la lengua española que les permitirán incrementar su competencia lectora y escrita.

  2. Archaeometrical studies on medieval silver coins at the Bucharest TANDEM Accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bugoi, R.; Constantin, F.; Constantinescu, B.; Oberlaender-Tarnoveanu, E.; Parvan, K.


    An extensive study on Medieval Moldavian (XIVth - XVIth Centuries) silver coins (Groschen) using 3 MeV protons PIXE (Proton Induced X-ray Emission) and '2 41 Am source based XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) was performed in order to determine the evolution of the coinage (debasement, metal sources, minting technologies). XRF was used to determine heavier elements concentrations. Comparing the trace elements results (Bi, Pb, Zn, Au) obtained on these samples with the ones on coins from Hungary, Poland, Tatar Khanate, Bohemia we bring support to the curator hypothesis that a lot of Moldavian emissions were made by melting foreign coins, possibly obtained as customs taxes or from trade with these neighbouring countries. For the late medieval silver coins, the high Hg content may be an indication of an imperfect metallurgical processing of the local silver ores. The relationship between the silver content of the coins and the military conflicts corresponding to the minting periods is discussed, taking into account the fact that crisis times are characterized by a decrease in the precious metal concentration. (authors)

  3. Archaeometrical studies on medieval silver coins at the Bucharest Tandem Accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bugoi, Roxana; Constantin, Florin; Constantinescu, Bogdan


    An extensive study on Medieval Moldavian (XIVth - XVIth Centuries) silver coins (groschen) using 3 MeV protons PIXE (Proton Induced X-ray Emission) and 241 Am source based XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) was performed in order to determine the evolution of the coinage (debasement, metal sources, minting technologies). XRF was used to determine the heavier elements concentrations. Comparing the trace element results (Bi, Pb, Zn, Au) obtained on these samples with the ones on coins from Hungary, Poland, Tatar Khanate, Bohemia, we bring support to the curator hypothesis that a lot of Moldavian emissions were made by melting foreign coins, possibly obtained as customs taxes or from trade with these neighbouring countries. For the late medieval silver coins, the high Hg content may be an indication of an imperfect metallurgical processing of the local silver ores. The relationship between the silver content of the coins and the military conflicts corresponding to the minting periods is discussed, taking into account the fact that crisis times are characterized by a decrease in the precious metal concentration. (authors)

  4. The use of geothermal energy at a chieftan's farm in medieval Iceland

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    Gudrun Sveinbjarnardottir


    Full Text Available Archaeological investigations at the farm site of Reykholt, in the Reykholtsdalur valley in western Iceland (Fig. 1 , have produced evidence of sophisticated use of geothermal energy in the medieval period that is unmatched by comparable finds elsewhere in this geothermally and volcanically active country.

  5. Two incrusted medieval swords from Zbaszyn, Lubusz voivodship

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    Głosek, Marian


    Full Text Available This paper presents two interesting medieval swords that can be dated between the end of the 12th century to the beginning of the 14th century AD. Both display, engraved in the fuller, inscriptions in silver and copper inlay, one of them a Latin text, the other heraldic symbols.

    Se presentan dos espadas medievales fechables entre finales del S. XII y principios del XIV, decoradas con damasquinados en plata y aleación de cobre. Una presenta un texto latino y mativos ornamentales; la otra, elementos heráldicos.

  6. XRF and UV-Vis-NIR analyses of medieval wall paintings of al-Qarawiyyin Mosque (Morocco) (United States)

    Fikri, I.; El Amraoui, M.; Haddad, M.; Ettahiri, A. S.; Bellot-Gurlet, L.; Falguères, C.; Lebon, M.; Nespoulet, R.; Ait Lyazidi, S.; Bejjit, L.


    Medieval wall painting fragments, taken at the medieval Mosque of al-Qarawiyyin in Fez, have been investigated by means of X-ray fluorescence and UV-Vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopies. The analyses permitted to determine the palette of pigments used by craftsmen of the time. Hematite or red ochre were used to obtain red brown colours, calcite for white, copper-based pigments for blue and blue-grey shades while a mixture of cinnabar, lead-based pigments and hematite was adopted to make red-orange colours. Furthermore, the analysis of mortars (external layer and plaster) on these wall painting samples revealed that they are composed mainly by calcite and sometimes by additional compounds such as quartz and gypsum.

  7. Nota jurisprudencial

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    Miquel Peguera Poch


    Full Text Available

    e l'entrada en vigor de la Llei 34/2002, d'11 de juliol, de serveis de la societat de la informació i de comerç electrònic (LSSICE, han estat poques les resolucions judicials que han abordat d'alguna manera el problema de la responsabilitat dels prestadors de serveis d'intermediació per continguts il·lícits de tercers. La LSSICE dedica els articles 13 a 17 a aquesta qüestió, incorporant, per a les activitats de mera transmissió de dades, de còpia de materials en memòria cau o cache i d'allotjament o hosting, les regles d'exempció de responsabilitat establertes en la Directiva 2000/31/CE sobre el comerç electrònic. La LSSICE afegeix a més una altra exempció, no prevista en la Directiva, per a la provisió d'enllaços i instruments de recerca.
    En aquest número d'IDP volem destacar dues resolucions sobre aquesta matèria. La primera és l'Acte de 10 de novembre de 2004, del Jutjat Mercantil núm. 2 de Madrid (ponent: PEDRO MARÍA GÓMEZ SÁNCHEZ [Diari La Ley, número 6186, dimecres, 9 de febrer de 2005]. La segona resolució és la Sentència de 15 de juny de 2005, del Jutjat de Primera Instància núm. 42 de Madrid (ponent: EDUARDO DELGADO HERNÁNDEZ.

  8. Algunas consideraciones generales acerca de la etiología del autismo: factores innatos y ambientales


    Abal, Mauricio


    El presente trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación denominado “Las variedades del autismo: Sistematización y Evaluación de la Demanda Asistencial. Segunda Etapa” (2015-2017), acreditado y subsidiado por el Programa de Incentivos a la Investigación, UNLP, Dir. Lic. María Cristina Piro. En líneas generales pretende repasar algunas (y sólo algunas) de las consideraciones más sobresalientes sobre el autismo, las hipótesis etiológicas y sus implicancias a la hora de un abordaje tera...

  9. Becoming Artifacts Medieval Seals, Passports and the Future of Digital Identity (United States)

    Chango, Mawaki


    What does a digital identity token have to do with medieval seals? Is the history of passports of any use for enabling the discovery of Internet users' identity when crossing virtual domain boundaries during their digital browsing and transactions? The agility of the Internet architecture and its simplicity of use have been the engines of its…

  10. Solidarity and Brotherhood in Medieval Italian Confraternities: AWay of Inclusion or Exclusion? Solidarity and Brotherhood in Medieval Italian Confraternities: A Way of Inclusion or Exclusion?

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    Marina Gazzini


    Full Text Available

    Historians usually consider medieval confraternities as lay religious communities involved in devotional and charitable practices which carried out a socializing function as well. Confraternities, when seen through this lens, fundamentally appear to be inclusive communities which helped strengthen the identities of good believers and good citizens by focusing on the solidarity created among the members of the association itself. This ecumenical vision depends essentially on a positive prejudice which is automatically ascribed to the concept of solidarity, and which often leads one to forget that, though solidarity in some cases may have rationales for inclusion, in many others it can be a source of exclusion. Yet, these opposite characteristics only seem to conflict, because to exclude someone means including someone else at the same time. The aim of this short paper is to discuss these aspects, especially with respect to northern late medieval Italy, along the lines of the question posed in these preliminary remarks: were medieval confraternities inclusive communities or exclusive institutions?

    Gli studi sulle confraternite medievali, oltre che agli aspetti devozionali e caritativi, sono soliti guardare alle finalità solidaristiche e inclusive di tali associazioni. E, a proposito di queste ultime, la solidarietà che si instaurava all’interno del gruppo confraternale, e fra questo e quella parte della popolazione destinataria di solidarietà e assistenza, spirituale come materiale, viene vista come funzionale al rafforzamento del ruolo e dell’identità di buon cittadino (o buon suddito e di buon fedele. Un pregiudizio positivo grava però sul concetto di solidarietà: se vi sono solidarietà che includono, ne esistono tuttavia altre che escludono. Una confraternita infatti prevedeva spazi chiusi di azione, fisici e metaforici, tali da escludere chi se ne trovava al di fuori. Sulla base di esemplificazioni relative all’Italia del

  11. Embroided Portraits in the Romanian Medieval Art

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    Ecaterina Marghidan


    Full Text Available If the artistic value of the Romanian medieval embroidery is obvious, it is no less real its documentary value. Most embroided portraits are made on liturgical pieces and they are a proof of the relationship of the rulers with the Orthodox Church. The position of the characters is a mute way of communicating the status that the voievod had. The vertical rigid representations, kneeling, the gestures of the palms and elbows, the beneficence objects, the way characters are grouped, the proportion or their placement in the work can be symbolically interpreted depending on the type of the Liturgical item on which the embroidery was done.

  12. In praise of death : history and poetry in medieval Marwar (South Asia)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamphorst, Janet


    This study of heroic and epic “war poetry” transmitted by the poets of pastoral-nomadic communities in medieval Marwar (Rajasthan) evokes the lived past of the Rajput, Bhil and Charan of the Marwari desert with a detailed analysis of poetic sources concerning Pabuji, a fourteenth-century warrior and

  13. Optical spectroscopy applied to the analysis of medieval and post-medieval plain flat glass fragments excavated in Belgium (United States)

    Meulebroeck, W.; Wouters, H.; Baert, K.; Ceglia, A.; Terryn, H.; Nys, K.; Thienpont, H.


    Window glass fragments from four Belgian sites were studied and for a set of eighty-five samples the UV-VIS-NIR transmission spectra were analyzed. This collection contains historical and archaeological finds originating from religious buildings namely the Basilica of Our Lady of Hanswijk in Mechelen (17th-20thc) and the Church of Our Lady in Bruges (16th-20thc) as well as from secular buildings as a private house/Antwerp (18th-1948) and the castle of Middelburg-in-Flanders (1448-17thc). All sites contain material on the hinge point between the medieval and the industrial tradition. The variation in composition of the analyzed samples can be explained by the use of different glassmaking recipes, more specifically the use of different raw materials. The composition of window glass differs essentially in the type of flux, using a potash rich fluxing agent until the post-medieval times and industrial soda from the 19th century onwards. A second difference concerns the iron impurities in the glass. For all fragments a clear compositional classification could be made based on the iron concentration. These conclusions were based on archaeological research and drawn after submitting samples to expensive, complex, time-consuming and destructive chemical analyzing methods. Our study indicates that similar conclusions could be made applying the proposed optical based methodology for plain window glass. As a whole, the obtained results make it possible to cluster the fragments for a particular site based on three different sensing parameters: the UV absorption edge, the color and the presence of characteristic absorption bands. This information helps in identifying trends to date window glass collections and indicating the use of different raw materials, production technologies and/or provenance.

  14. Mujeres delincuentes e imaginarios. Criminología, cine y nota roja en México, 1940-1950

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN La modernización política y económica impulsada por los gobiernos tras la Revolución Mexicana, repercutió en la apertura de espacios para el desenvolvimiento de mujeres fuera del ámbito doméstico. La especialización de la criminología y la profesionalización de medios de comunicación, ligados a un fuerte conservadurismo, coadyuvaron en la conformación de un notorio temor ante tal fenómeno, asumiendo que ello pudiera provocar en las mujeres el relajamiento de la moral y, en consecuencia, conductas delictivas. El artículo analiza la conformación de imaginarios en torno a la mujer delincuente en un periodo de notorio auge tanto del cine como de la nota roja. Al presentar a las criminales como un ser monstruoso y perverso, imagen que no distaba mucho de las ideas criminológicas, se prolongaban temores existentes en torno a la delincuencia femenina pero también se fortalecía la concepción de una feminidad atada al espacio doméstico. Se estudian filmes, prensa nota roja, diarios de circulación nacional y artículos criminológicos.

  15. Una Nota sobre la Construcción de Series de Precios de Activos Reales: Tierra y Casas en Chile Una Nota sobre la Construcción de Series de Precios de Activos Reales: Tierra y Casas en Chile


    Raimundo Soto; Felipe Morandé


    Una Nota sobre la Construcción de Series de Precios de Activos Reales: Tierra y Casas en Chile This note presents previously unpublished data on prices of agricultural land in Chile's central region and houses (both rental and purchasing prices) in Santiago, with the corresponding methodology. As such, it is a follow-up to an Appendix in Morande (1992).

  16. Nota a los lectores

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    Blasco Fernando Checa Montúfar


    Full Text Available Tres temas de fondo hacen esta publicación: Periodismo y democracia, Legislación de medios en América Latina y Comunicación con extraterrestres. En el primer caso con variedad de enfoques busca contribuir a crear responsabilidad en el periodismo como servicio y bien público, de los medios como espacios de diálogo social sobre los cuales se edifique la democracia. Se presentan algunas ponencias del Encuentro del G-8, realizado en Caracas en Noviembre de 1996 Seminario "Legislación de Medios en América Latina", especialmente el de radiodifusión y la necesidad de democratizar el espectro más otros artículos relacionados con el tema. En cuanto a las inquietudes de cómo establecer o responder a la comunicación si llegaran o se contactaran los extraterrestres, los integrantes del Comité S.E.T.I. (Search Extraterrestrial Intelligence vienen analizando en varios foros internacionales tres de los cuales se realizaron en Capri, Toronto y Beijing.

  17. Un suelo referible al periodo calido medieval en Patagonia Austral y Tierra del Fuego (Argentina. Aspectos cronologicos y paleoclimaticos

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    Favier Dubois, C. M.


    Full Text Available Geoarchaeological work done in Southernmost Patagonia and in the north of Tierra del Fuego, have revealed the recurrent presence of a paedogenesis interval represented by a soil of an A-AC-C profile, with a mollic epipedon, in the upper section of eolian and colluvial deposits of the late Holocene. This soil is today buried in the sites that have been analyzed, while it remains exposed in other areas of the landscape. Radiocarbon dates obtained on materials placed below it (maximum ages and those obtained by OCR (Oxidizable Carbon Ratio in the AC horizon of this soil (minimum ages, indicate the beginning of its development around the year 1000 BP. Its chronology and environmental implications suggest a relationship with the medieval climatic fluctuations called Medieval Warm Period or Medieval Optimum in Europe. This period has correlates detected in Patagonia by dendroclimatic studies.Estudios geoarqueológicos realizados en 5 localidades de Patagonia austral y norte Tierra del Fuego han revelado la recurrente presencia de un suelo de perfil A-AC-C, de epipedon mólico, en depósitos eólicos y coluviales del Holoceno tardío. Este suelo se observa sepultado en los yacimientos arqueológicos analizados, mientras que permanece expuesto en otras posiciones del paisaje. Numerosas edades máximas y mínimas obtenidas por 14C y por la técnica de OCR (Oxidizable Carbon Ratio indican el comienzo de su desarrollo hacia el 1000 AP. Su cronología e implicancias ambientales permiten vincularlo con fluctuaciones climáticas desarrolladas durante el denominado Período Cálido Medieval u Optimo Medieval Europeo, con correlatos detectados en Patagonia a través de estudios dendroclimáticos.

  18. Algunas Notas sobre Domingo de Soto y la Prehistoria del Estado de Naturaleza Hobbesiano || Some notes about Domingo de Soto and the prehistory of Hobbe’s state of nature

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    David Jiménez Castaño


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El objetivo de este breve trabajo es mostrar algunas relaciones que pueden ser trazadas entre las teorías políticas del teólogo español Domingo de Soto y el filósofo inglés Thomas Hobbes. De hecho, lo que intentamos probar es que el concepto de dominio de Soto y sus opiniones sobre el estado del hombre después de la Caída tienen cierta presencia en el estado de naturaleza que Hobbes usa para demostrar la necesidad del Estado. ABSTRACT: The aim of this brief work is to show some relations that can be drawn between the political theories of the Spanish theologian Domingo de Soto and the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes. In fact, what we want to prove is that Soto’s concept of dominion and his opinions about the state of man after the fall have some presence in the state of nature that Hobbes uses to demonstrate the necessity of the State.

  19. Notas sobre poética em andamento

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    Mauro Faccioni Filho


    Full Text Available 1.1. A aflição poética não desapareceu nem abandonou o cenário da produção, mas é evidente que esse mesmo cenário está invadido por demonstrações artificiais. Tais demonstrações podem ser respostas inconscientes às expectativas de uma historiografia da literatura. Ou respostas a uma estratégia de contextualização da produção organizada pela própria crítica que a sustenta. 1.2. As notas que seguem são reflexões para discutir disparidades e distorções em três diferentes tipos de poética que, para muitos, apontam como sendo caminhos de referência para uma certa continuidade da poesia, hoje, no Brasil. Pode-se representar tais poéticas em três linhas bastante distintas, três tendências gerais. São linhas que podem ser definidas como vetores defasados agindo como forças centrífugas, que serão denominadas aqui de pré-modernismo-contemporâneo, modernismo e pós-modernismo.

  20. Waste Management and Attitudes Towards Cleanliness in Medieval Central Europe

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    Havlíček Filip


    Full Text Available The paper deals with the relationships between people and waste in the Middle Ages, primarily in urban environments in Central Europe. At the center of interest are the attitudes of the inhabitants of medieval cities towards cleanliness and a description of different waste management practices. This paper also describes an experiment using ashes to launder clothing as one possible use of a particular waste material.

  1. Las “Lecciones Académicas” de Evangelista Torricelli

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    Rosa María Herrera


    Full Text Available En las Lecciones Académicas (“Lezioni accademiche”, Torricelli a la manera divulgativa dibujó un boceto de bastantes de sus ideas científicas, algunas novedosas, como la circulación general de la atmósfera. El estilo culto e irónico, pero informal, que utilizó le permitió exponer conceptos que de otra manera, dadas las circunstancias, hubiera sido casi imposible. En estas notas muestro algunos ejemplos.

  2. State, Labor, Capital: Institutionalizing Democratic Class Compromise in the Southern Cone. (United States)


    recent experiences) to which current unionists can hark back to. 89J. Samuel Valenzuela, "Movimientos Obreros y Sistemas Politicos: Un Analisis...O’Donnell, "Apuntes para una teoria de Estado," Documento CEDES/ G.E. CLASCO, N. 9 (1977); O’Donnell and 0. Oszlak, "Estado y Politicas Estatales en...Reflexiones a partir de algunas experiencias Latinoamericanas," Estudios CEDES, V. 3, N. 2 (1980); Oszlak, "Notas Criticas para una Teoria de la Burocracia

  3. Material Culture and Diasporic Experiences: A Case of Medieval Hanse Merchantsin the Baltic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Naum, Magdalena


    The Hanseatic League, a late medieval merchant association with roots in northern German towns, is credited with the establishment of extensive economic and geographic connections and considerable impact on the development of urban culture around the Baltic and the North Sea. Its merchants...

  4. Cranial vault trauma and selective mortality in medieval to early modern Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boldsen, Jesper L; Milner, George R; Weise, Svenja


    to interpersonal violence in past populations. Three medieval to early modern Danish skeletal samples are used to estimate the effect of selective mortality on males with cranial vault injuries who survived long enough for bones to heal. The risk of dying for these men was 6.2 times higher than...

  5. Melostelis gen. nov., espécies novas e notas complementares sobre Anthidiini (Hymenoptera, Apidae

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    Danúncia Urban


    Full Text Available Melostelis gen. nov., espécies novas e notas complementares sobre Anthidiini (Hymenoptera, Apidae. Melostelis gen. nov. é proposto para um novo Anthidiini cleptoparasita. São descritas e ilustradas duas espécies novas: Melostelis amazonensis sp. nov. de Manaus, Amazonas e Larocanthidium chacoense sp. nov. de Porto Murtinho, Mato Grosso do Sul. São dados a conhecer os machos de Epanthidium bolivianum Urban, 1995 e Epanthidium araranguense Urban, 2006 e, registrados pela primeira vez no Brasil, na sub-região do chaco, Ketianthidium zanolae Urban, 2000 e Epanthidium bolivianum.

  6. Auditory Ossicles in Archaeological Skeletal Material from Medieval Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qvist, M; Grøntved, A M


    Auditory ossicles were collected from two skeletal materials from early medieval Denmark. A total of 147 and 1,162 ossicles were obtained from the 2 materials, constituting 23% and 55% of the possible in vivo ossicles. The numbers and percentages found are among the highest reported from studies...... of archaeological skeletal material. Archaeological ossicles may be used in palaeopathological evaluation of chronic otitis media and otosclerosis, and morphometric studies of the ossicles might be valuable in analysis of population genetics and taxonomy....

  7. La tradición medieval prearistotélica y la formación de la politica como teoría a partir de 1265

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    Francisco Bertelloni


    Full Text Available The paper deals with the gradual constitution of the politica as theory in the middle ages within the division of the philosophiamoralis in ethica, oeconomica and politica. The author organizes the paper in three parts in accordance with three different stages of medieval treatment of the politica as science. First he gives an overview of the medieval notion of politica until the first half of the thirteenth century. Secondly he analyzes Albert's conception of politica in the treatise Super Ethica. Thirdly he shows Albert's modifications of his own conception after the medieval reception of Aristotle's Politics.

  8. On the threshold of adulthood: A new approach for the use of maturation indicators to assess puberty in adolescents from medieval England. (United States)

    Lewis, Mary; Shapland, Fiona; Watts, Rebecca


    This study provides the first large scale analysis of the age at which adolescents in medieval England entered and completed the pubertal growth spurt. This new method has implications for expanding our knowledge of adolescent maturation across different time periods and regions. In total, 994 adolescent skeletons (10-25 years) from four urban sites in medieval England (AD 900-1550) were analyzed for evidence of pubertal stage using new osteological techniques developed from the clinical literature (i.e., hamate hook development, cervical vertebral maturation (CVM), canine mineralization, iliac crest ossification, and radial fusion). Adolescents began puberty at a similar age to modern children at around 10-12 years, but the onset of menarche in girls was delayed by up to 3 years, occurring around 15 for most in the study sample and 17 years for females living in London. Modern European males usually complete their maturation by 16-18 years; medieval males took longer with the deceleration stage of the growth spurt extending as late as 21 years. This research provides the first attempt to directly assess the age of pubertal development in adolescents during the 10th-17th centuries. Poor diet, infections, and physical exertion may have contributed to delayed development in the medieval adolescents, particularly for those living in the city of London. This study sheds new light on the nature of adolescence in the medieval period, highlighting an extended period of physical and social transition. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. La multidimensionalidad ambiental desde algunas comunidades afrocolombianas: algunas implicaciones para la gestión ambiental y las necesidades humanas fundamentales.

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    Contreras Arias Jenni Marcela


    Full Text Available Este documento parte de una reflexión sobre el tipo de relaciones que algunas comunidades afrodescendientes del Pacífico colombiano han establecido con la naturaleza. De dicha reflexión, se deriva una tipología de diferentes dimensiones del sistema ambiental. Estas dimensiones tienen una estrecha relación con las necesidades humanas fundamentales y por tanto, se identificó un conjunto de objetivos de gestión ambiental que incorporan de una manera coherente las dimensiones propuestas y su aporte a la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas fundam entales.

  10. Medieval emergence of sweet melons, Cucumis melo (Cucurbitaceae). (United States)

    Paris, Harry S; Amar, Zohar; Lev, Efraim


    Sweet melons, Cucumis melo, are a widely grown and highly prized crop. While melons were familiar in antiquity, they were grown mostly for use of the young fruits, which are similar in appearance and taste to cucumbers, C. sativus. The time and place of emergence of sweet melons is obscure, but they are generally thought to have reached Europe from the east near the end of the 15th century. The objective of the present work was to determine where and when truly sweet melons were first developed. Given their large size and sweetness, melons are often confounded with watermelons, Citrullus lanatus, so a list was prepared of the characteristics distinguishing between them. An extensive search of literature from the Roman and medieval periods was conducted and the findings were considered in their context against this list and particularly in regard to the use of the word 'melon' and of adjectives for sweetness and colour. Medieval lexicographies and an illustrated Arabic translation of Dioscorides' herbal suggest that sweet melons were present in Central Asia in the mid-9th century. A travelogue description indicates the presence of sweet melons in Khorasan and Persia by the mid-10th century. Agricultural literature from Andalusia documents the growing of sweet melons, evidently casabas (Inodorous Group), there by the second half of the 11th century, which probably arrived from Central Asia as a consequence of Islamic conquest, trade and agricultural development. Climate and geopolitical boundaries were the likely causes of the delay in the spread of sweet melons into the rest of Europe.

  11. Actively Engaging Students in Culture, Gender, and Class Issues in Medieval Literature (United States)

    Donnelly, Colleen E.


    Students often find it difficult to understand literature of another era and a world that differs from their own. From interacting with illuminated manuscript pages to conducting a mock trial, this article discusses ways in which visual and active learning techniques can be used to engage students in medieval literature and culture.

  12. Medieval iconography of watermelons in Mediterranean Europe (United States)

    Paris, Harry S.; Daunay, Marie-Christine; Janick, Jules


    Background and Aims The watermelon, Citrullus lanatus (Cucurbitaceae), is an important fruit vegetable in the warmer regions of the world. Watermelons were illustrated in Mediterranean Antiquity, but not as frequently as some other cucurbits. Little is known concerning the watermelons of Mediterranean Europe during medieval times. With the objective of obtaining an improved understanding of watermelon history and diversity in this region, medieval drawings purportedly of watermelons were collected, examined and compared for originality, detail and accuracy. Findings The oldest manuscript found that contains an accurate, informative image of watermelon is the Tractatus de herbis, British Library ms. Egerton 747, which was produced in southern Italy, around the year 1300. A dozen more original illustrations were found, most of them from Italy, produced during the ensuing two centuries that can be positively identified as watermelon. In most herbal-type manuscripts, the foliage is depicted realistically, the plants shown as having long internodes, alternate leaves with pinnatifid leaf laminae, and the fruits are small, round and striped. The manuscript that contains the most detailed and accurate image of watermelon is the Carrara Herbal, British Library ms. Egerton 2020. In the agriculture-based manuscripts, the foliage, if depicted, is not accurate, but variation in the size, shape and coloration of the fruits is evident. Both red-flesh and white-flesh watermelons are illustrated, corresponding to the typical sweet dessert watermelons so common today and the insipid citron watermelons, respectively. The variation in watermelon fruit size, shape and coloration depicted in the illustrations indicates that at least six cultivars of watermelon are represented, three of which probably had red, sweet flesh and three of which appear to have been citrons. Evidently, citron watermelons were more common in Mediterranean Europe in the past than they are today. PMID:23904443

  13. Notas sobre la Flora de Colombia y países vecinos, III

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    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available Continuación (parte III de la nueva serie de notas botánicas iniciada hace tres años en Phytologia (vol. 13, no. 6: 379-400. 1966, y cuya segunda parte se publicó recientemente en Caldasia (vol, 10, no. 47: 173-213. 1968, relativas en su mayor parte a la flora xerófila y subxerófila de la región costera del Caribe en Colombia y países vecinos, particularmente Venezuela.  En ellas se hacen observaciones sobre la taxonomía, nomenclatura, morfología, distribución geográfica, hábitat, y otras varias, de las siguientes plantas: ASCLEPIADACEAE Matelea albiflra (Karst. Dugand. BIGNONIACEAE Anemopaegma chrysoleucum. (Kth. in H. & B. Sandw. # Arrabidaea candicans (L. C. Rich. DC. Arrabidaea conjugata (VeIl. Mart. ex DC. Arrabidaea florida DC. # Arrabidaea pleei DC. Clytostoma cuneatum Dugand. Clytostoma pterocalyx Spr. ex Urb. # Onohualcoa helicocalyx (O. Kze. Sandw. Phryganocydia uliginosa Dugand. Romeroa verticillata Dugand. # Roseodendron chryseum. (Blake Miranda. Tabebuia dugandii StandI. BOMBACACEAE Pseudobombax maximum A. Robyns. LEGUMINOSAE·FABOIDEAE Uribea tamarindoides Dugand & Romero. RUBIACEAE Guettarda eliadis StandI. Sickingia klugei StandI. Tal vez con la sola excepción de Arrabidaea florida DC., de cuya existencia en Colombia no hay -que yo sepa- ninguna información anterior (a menos que la colección original sea realmente del Caquetá colombiano como bien pudiera serlo, véase nota al pie de la página respectiva en este trabajo , todas las especies enumeradas arriba ya han sido catalogadas antes en la flora de este pais, ora con el mismo nombre con que figuran en la Iista, ora con otro que ha caido en desuso necesario o se considera sinonimo del que se da aqui. Las de este ultimo grupo se seiialan con el signo #.

  14. RESENHA: BROADIE, A. Introduction to medieval logic. Segunda edição. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002.

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    Alexandre Cabeceiras


    Full Text Available Nessa obra, Broadie, após discutir qual seria a melhor ordem de exposição paraum texto sobre lógica medieval, decide tratar primeiro dos termos, depois dasproposições e, por fim, das inferências. Mas, não se restringindo ao que era uniforme oupredominante na Idade Média, explora disputas envolvendo lógicos ou filósofos daqueleperíodo. Delimitando seu objeto, estabelece que a obra lidará, hegemonicamente, commaterial produzido no período entre a segunda metade do século XIII e o final do séculoXV, por considerar essa a fase mais produtiva no que se refere à lógica medieval.

  15. Notas de interés paleográfico y diplomático en la literatura bajomedieval

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    Blas Casado Quintanilla


    Full Text Available La lectura de algunas obras literarias y cronísticas de la Baja Edad Media, nos ha brindado la ocasión de conocer el pensamiento de don Juan Manuel y de Pero López de Ayala sobre temas como la escritura, la calificación diplomática de los documentos, el canciller y la cancillería, el sistema de datación, los escribanos o copistas, las formas de validación documental y algunas otras curiosidades.

  16. Finger printing of medieval investment cast idols by radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venkatraman, B.; Babu Rao, C.; Bhattacharya, D.K.; Raj, Baldev


    Among the various methods, radiography is an important technique that can be used to fingerprint an idol. This is because, these idols are cast structures, and radiography is the most reliable technique for the detection of internal features like casting defects. This paper presents the radiographic methodology adopted and the results of the studies to characterise radiographically three medieval cast idols belonging to different periods 9th, 13th, and 16th century obtained from the government museum Madras. (author). 2 refs., 1 fig., 2 tabs

  17. Conservation of a medieval climbing stem by freeze-drying and resin impregnation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaudy, R.; Slais, E.; Eibner, C.


    The conservation of a climbing stem originating from a medieval mining adit is described. The fragile wet object was preserved by a combined process consisting of freeze-drying after a polyethylene glycol bath and consecutive resin impregnation with curing by gamma irradiation. The whole conservation process took 1 year. The result is discussed. (Author)

  18. Red layered medieval stained glass window characterization by means of micro-PIXE technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ortega-Feliu, I., E-mail: [Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Thomas A. Edison 7, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); Gomez-Tubio, B. [Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Thomas A. Edison 7, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); Departamento de Fisica Aplicada III, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain); Respaldiza, M.A. [Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Thomas A. Edison 7, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); Departamento de Fisica Atomica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain); Capel, F. [Instituto de Ceramica y Vidrio, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Spain)


    Red layered medieval stained glass windows on a transparent greenish substrate are characteristic of European medieval cathedrals, but few compositional analyses have been performed on the coloured layers. The PIXE technique has been performed on a red layered stained glass window obtained during the restoration works carried out in Las Huelgas Monastery in Burgos (Spain). Protons of 3 MeV with a beam of 4 x 5 {mu}m{sup 2} were used to acquire elemental maps of a cross section of the sample, in order to observe the homogeneity of the layered structure and its substrate. In our work, copper was detected as in other layered glasses but a correspondence with lower amounts of zinc has also been determined. Both elements appear enriched in the red coloured layers, while the other quantified elements have the same relative composition along the sample. Corrosion layers, due to the lead supporting structure of the window, were also found.

  19. La escritura y el espacio: algunas notas sobre mapas y paisajes literarios


    Gutiérrez, Menchu


    Un paisaje literario es la esencia vital del mapa íntimo y cambiante de todo escritor. Menchu Gutiérrez nos invita a disfrutar de la lectura del paisaje como experiencia intelectual, emocional y sensorial. Con viejos mapas y ecos de memoria, los escritores mencionados en su artículo tejen y destejen paisajes abstractos, mitad reales y mitad imaginados, conquistados a través de sus experiencias y tamizados por la intimidad de los recuerdos.

  20. The Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age in Chesapeake Bay and the North Atlantic Ocean (United States)

    Cronin, T. M.; Hayo, K.; Thunell, R.C.; Dwyer, G.S.; Saenger, C.; Willard, D.A.


    A new 2400-year paleoclimate reconstruction from Chesapeake Bay (CB) (eastern US) was compared to other paleoclimate records in the North Atlantic region to evaluate climate variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and Little Ice Age (LIA). Using Mg/Ca ratios from ostracodes and oxygen isotopes from benthic foraminifera as proxies for temperature and precipitation-driven estuarine hydrography, results show that warmest temperatures in CB reached 16-17. ??C between 600 and 950. CE (Common Era), centuries before the classic European Medieval Warm Period (950-1100. CE) and peak warming in the Nordic Seas (1000-1400. CE). A series of centennial warm/cool cycles began about 1000. CE with temperature minima of ~. 8 to 9. ??C about 1150, 1350, and 1650-1800. CE, and intervening warm periods (14-15. ??C) centered at 1200, 1400, 1500 and 1600. CE. Precipitation variability in the eastern US included multiple dry intervals from 600 to 1200. CE, which contrasts with wet medieval conditions in the Caribbean. The eastern US experienced a wet LIA between 1650 and 1800. CE when the Caribbean was relatively dry. Comparison of the CB record with other records shows that the MCA and LIA were characterized by regionally asynchronous warming and complex spatial patterns of precipitation, possibly related to ocean-atmosphere processes. ?? 2010.

  1. Algunas curiosidades sobre la vida y obra de Bernardino Ramazzini, a modo de Epílogo

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    Jorge Veiga-Cabo

    Full Text Available Con motivo de la conmemoración del III Centenario de la muerte de Ramazzini, se pretende dar una visión general sobre algunas curiosidades, algunas más conocidas que otras, sobre determinados aspectos relacionados con su fecha de nacimiento y fallecimiento, el momento de inspiración para escribir el Tratado de las enfermedades de los artesanos y sus principales traducciones al español, así como de su obra complementaria titulada Del Cuidado de la salud de los príncipes, entre otras.

  2. Calidad de las notas de enfermería en los registros clínicos del servicio de hospitalización y emergencia del Hospital de Emergencias Pediátricas Lima 2016


    Cucho Martínez, Liliana Luz


    El presente estudio titulado “calidad de las notas de enfermería en los registros clínicos del servicio de hospitalización y emergencia del hospital emergencias pediátrica, Lima 2016” tuvo como objetivo general, comparar la calidad de las notas de enfermería en los registros clínicos entre los servicio de hospitalización y emergencia del hospital emergencias pediátricas. El tipo de investigación fue cuantitativo, retrospectivo, de diseño no experimental, de corte transversal...

  3. Environment and Economy of the Early Medieval Settlement in Žatec

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kočár, P.; Čech, Petr; Kozáková, Radka; Kočárová, R.


    Roč. 1, 1-2 (2010), s. 45-60 ISSN 1804-848X R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA800020706 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : Žatec * Early Medieval Period * plant macroremains * agriculture * cereals * pollen analysis * charcoal analysis * three field system Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology



    Posada, Martha Isabel; Arroyave, María del Pilar


    El presente artículo es una descripción de los efectos del mercurio sobre algunas plantas acuáticas tropicales y sobre los ecosistemas donde habitan. Adicionalmente, se recomienda un protocolo para realizar pruebas de toxicidad con la lenteja de agua (Lemna minor) y se presentan los resultados de los preensayos con diferentes concentraciones de sales de mercurio en condiciones de laboratorio. Se encontró que la biodisponibilidad del mercurio depende de factores que facilitan la disolución del...

  5. DNA and bone structure preservation in medieval human skeletons. (United States)

    Coulson-Thomas, Yvette M; Norton, Andrew L; Coulson-Thomas, Vivien J; Florencio-Silva, Rinaldo; Ali, Nadir; Elmrghni, Samir; Gil, Cristiane D; Sasso, Gisela R S; Dixon, Ronald A; Nader, Helena B


    Morphological and ultrastructural data from archaeological human bones are scarce, particularly data that have been correlated with information on the preservation of molecules such as DNA. Here we examine the bone structure of macroscopically well-preserved medieval human skeletons by transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry, and the quantity and quality of DNA extracted from these skeletons. DNA technology has been increasingly used for analyzing physical evidence in archaeological forensics; however, the isolation of ancient DNA is difficult since it is highly degraded, extraction yields are low and the co-extraction of PCR inhibitors is a problem. We adapted and optimised a method that is frequently used for isolating DNA from modern samples, Chelex(®) 100 (Bio-Rad) extraction, for isolating DNA from archaeological human bones and teeth. The isolated DNA was analysed by real-time PCR using primers targeting the sex determining region on the Y chromosome (SRY) and STR typing using the AmpFlSTR(®) Identifiler PCR Amplification kit. Our results clearly show the preservation of bone matrix in medieval bones and the presence of intact osteocytes with well preserved encapsulated nuclei. In addition, we show how effective Chelex(®) 100 is for isolating ancient DNA from archaeological bones and teeth. This optimised method is suitable for STR typing using kits aimed specifically at degraded and difficult DNA templates since amplicons of up to 250bp were successfully amplified. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Genes, visibilidad mediática y discursos emergentes. Análisis semántico-pragmático de notas cortas

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    Alicia Pineda


    Full Text Available Se analizó una nota corta sobre “descubrimiento de genes” para develar recursos y estrategias utilizadas por el emisor del mensaje para llegar al público meta. Se aplicó el enfoque integrado semántico-pragmático del discurso combinado con el análisis semiodiscursivo. Los resultados muestran en cada fase del enfoque seleccionado los mecanismos que contribuyen con la reducción de la complejidad de la información cuando se utiliza el lenguaje con fines comunicativos. Las conclusiones son las siguientes: 1. La nota corta es un género discursivo híbrido que se mueve entre los discursos referido y comentado. 2. El análisis devela la complementariedad entre tradicionales estrategias lingüístico-discursivas y las emergentes que rescatan la visibilización de los procesos colectivos y de equipo en la realización de las actividades de investigación y desarrollo y que describen, explican y argumentan sobre procesos de investigación y no solo sobre sus productos. 3. El plan discursivo de la nota corta muestra, fundamentalmente, que la combinación de recursos y estrategias obedeció a la finalidad de lograr: (a el mantenimiento del referente. (b “hacer creer” o persuadir sobre los resultados obtenidos mediante la creación de “efecto de verdad”, que se cumple mediante la estrategia de argumentación, en un intento por lograr credibilidad en el receptor. c la integración semántica-pragmática del discurso y el diseño de planes discursivos puede favorecer la comunicación pública de la ciencia y la tecnología en las organizaciones que gestionan la ciencia, tecnología e innovación

  7. Algunas reflexiones acerca de la enseñanza del latín

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    María Purificación Estebañez


    Full Text Available Las reflexiones y sugerencias que en esta Comunicación desea mosofrecer son, sin duda alguna, el fruto de una larga experiencia en la enseñanza de los Cursos de Latín en la Pontificia UniversidadCatólica del Perú.

  8. Das representações míticas à cultura clerical: as Fadas da Literatura Medieval

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    Antonio P.V. Morás


    Full Text Available O presente artigo estuda a permanência dos mitos celtas no folclore medieval e como seus temas e motivos são assimilados pela cultura clerical do século XII em diante. O principal propósito do mesmo é analisar a dimensão simbólica dos mitos celtas e o deslocamento de seu sentido original nos textos produzidos no meio cavaleiresco.The present article studies the constancy of the celtic myths in the medieval folklore and how its themes and motifs are assimilated for the clerical culture of the XIIth. century and forth. The principal purpose of this article is analyse the symbolical dimension of the celtic myths and the displacement of its original sense in the literary texts produced in the chivalrous environment.



    Guillermo S. Edelberg D.B.A.


    Los equipos virtuales han generado una nueva forma del trabajo en equipo. A las ventajas del trabajo en equipo, los equipos virtuales agregan otras derivadas de las características del empleo de moderna tecnología de las comunicaciones. En esta breve nota el autor examina las peculiaridades de un equipo virtual, aporta un conjunto de recomendaciones para la gerencia de estos equipos y establece algunas diferencias básicas entre el trabajo tradicional en equipos y los grupos virtuales. Agrega ...

  10. Ofimática aplicada a la evaluación integral del alumno de Primaria


    Pastor-García, Artur


    La evaluación del alumnado se centra principalmente en asignar calificaciones en las diferentes asignaturas con las plataformas educativas que permiten introducir notas numéricas. Algunas permiten introducir datos de absentismo del alumnado pero sigue sin haber métodos que permitan una valoración integral tanto de la clase como del alumno. El desarrollar una herramienta que supla esas limitaciones o las complemente se convierte en el objetivo principal de este trabajo. La ofimática pone al se...

  11. Galeata: chronic migraine independently considered in a medieval headache classification


    Guerrero-Peral, Ángel Luís; de Frutos González, Virginia; Pedraza-Hueso, María Isabel


    Background Chronic migraine is a quite recent concept. However, there are descriptions suggestive of episodic migraine since the beginning of scientific medicine. We aim to review main headache classifications during Classical antiquity and compared them with that proposed in the 11th century by Constantine the African in his Liber Pantegni, one of the most influential texts in medieval medicine. Method We have carried out a descriptive review of Henricum Petrum's Latin edition, year 1539. Re...

  12. Growth and uptake of nutrients curves in star fruit plants budded with nota 10 cultivar Marcha de absorção de nutrientes e crescimento de mudas de caramboleira enxertada com a cultivar nota-10

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    Marina Burani Arouca


    Full Text Available The nutritional state of star fruit seedlings must be adequate for a successful field implementation. The objective of the present work was to study the growth and uptake of macro e micronutrients curves by star fruit plants budded with Nota 10 cultivar in nutrient solution conditions. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks, with four replications and six treatments, which were consisted by the times of collects during the 150 days of the experiment (each 25 days. In each collection, the plant growth was evaluated by the division of the plants in root, stem and leaves in order to obtain the height, diameter of the stem, leave area and the dry matter. The accumulation of dry matter followed sigmoidal adjustment, while the uptake of nutrients followed quadratic adjustment, except Mg, P, and Cu that followed sigmoidal adjustment. The accumulation of nutrients by star fruit seedlings ‘nota 10’ followed the sequence: NO adequado estado nutricional das mudas de caramboleira permite o sucesso da implantação de um pomar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a marcha de absorção de nutrientes e o crescimento de mudas enxertadas de caramboleira ‘Nota 10’ produzida em solução nutritiva. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelos tempos de coleta (25; 50; 75; 100; 125 e 150 dias após o início da brotação das borbulhas. As plantas foram avaliadas quanto a: altura, diâmetro do enxerto e do porta-enxerto, área foliar e massa da matéria seca (folhas, caule e raízes. Nos diferentes órgãos das mudas, determinou-se o acúmulo de macronutrientes. O acúmulo de massa seca das mudas de caramboleira apresentou ajuste sigmoidal, enquanto o acúmulo de nutrientes apresentou incremento quadrático, exceto Mg, P e Cu, que foi sigmoidal, obedecendo à seguinte sequência: N>K>Ca>P>S>Mg>Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu, sendo maior nas

  13. Medieval codes of ius commune in Portugal: status quaestionis

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    José Domingues


    Full Text Available Portugal inherited from the kingdom of León legal sources and its earliest law code. With the “rebirth” of Roman law, the Ius commune –arriving very early in the twelfth century– soon came to shape everyday life, from the middle ages until the Enlightenment of the late eighteenth century. Enormous research efforts have been made to locate chronologically and spatially medieval remnants of these legal texts. This work aims to provide a summary, including a comprehensive and updated picture, of the status quaestionis of this theme.

  14. A medieval city within Assyrian walls: the continuity of the town of Arbil in Northern Mesopotamia

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Nováček, K.; Amin, A.M.; Melčák, Miroslav


    Roč. 75, autumn (2013), s. 1-42 ISSN 0021-0889 Institutional support: RVO:68378009 Keywords : medieval Arbil * North Mesopotamia * topography * remote sensing * archeology Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  15. Opisthorchiasis in infant remains from the medieval Zeleniy Yar burial ground of XII-XIII centuries AD

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    Sergey Mikhailovich Slepchenko


    Full Text Available We present a paleoparasitological analysis of the medieval Zeleniy Yar burial ground of the XII-XII centuries AD located in the northern part of Western Siberia. Parasite eggs, identified as eggs of Opisthorchis felineus, were found in the samples from the pelvic area of a one year old infant buried at the site. Presence of these eggs in the soil samples from the infant’s abdomen suggests that he/she was infected with opisthorchiasis and imply consumption of undercooked fish. Ethnographic records collected among the population of the northern part of Western Siberia reveal numerous cases of feeding raw fish to their children. Zeleniy Yar case of opisthorchiasis suggests that this dietary custom has persisted from at least medieval times.

  16. On the distribution of trace element concentrations in multiple bone elements in 10 Danish medieval and post-medieval individuals. (United States)

    Lund Rasmussen, Kaare; Skytte, Lilian; D'imporzano, Paolo; Orla Thomsen, Per; Søvsø, Morten; Lier Boldsen, Jesper


    The differences in trace element concentrations among 19 different bone elements procured from 10 archaeologically derived human skeletons have been investigated. The 10 individuals are dated archaeologically and some by radiocarbon dating to the medieval and post-medieval period, an interval from ca. AD 1150 to ca. AD 1810. This study is relevant for two reasons. First, most archaeometric studies analyze only one bone sample from each individual; so to what degree are the bones in the human body equal in trace element chemistry? Second, differences in turnover time of the bone elements makes the cortical tissues record the trace element concentrations in equilibrium with the blood stream over a longer time earlier in life than the trabecular. Therefore, any differences in trace element concentrations between the bone elements can yield what can be termed a chemical life history of the individual, revealing changes in diet, provenance, or medication throughout life. Thorough decontamination and strict exclusion of non-viable data has secured a dataset of high quality. The measurements were carried out using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (for Fe, Mn, Al, Ca, Mg, Na, Ba, Sr, Zn, Pb and As) and Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (for Hg) on ca. 20 mg samples. Twelve major and trace elements have been measured on 19 bone elements from 10 different individuals interred at five cemeteries widely distributed in medieval and renaissance Denmark. The ranges of the concentrations of elements were: Na (2240-5660 µg g -1 ), Mg (440-2490 µg g -1 ), Al (9-2030 µg g -1 ), Ca (22-36 wt. %), Mn (5-11450 µg g -1 ), Fe (32-41850 µg g -1 ), Zn (69-2610 µg g -1 ), As (0.4-120 µg g -1 ), Sr (101-815 µg g -1 ), Ba (8-880 µg g -1 ), Hg (7-78730 ng g -1 ), and Pb (0.8-426 µg g -1 ). It is found that excess As is mainly of diagenetic origin. The results support that Ba and Sr concentrations are effective provenance or dietary indicators. Migrating

  17. The archaeology of early medieval violence: the mass grave at Budeč, Czech Republic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Štefan, I.; Stránská, Petra; Vondrová, H.


    Roč. 90, č. 351 (2016), s. 759-776 ISSN 0003-598X Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : Czech Republic * Bohemia * Budeč * tenth-eleventh centuries * early medieval * mass grave * violence * warfare Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology Impact factor: 1.536, year: 2016

  18. Characterisation of early medieval frescoes by μ-PIXE, SEM and Raman spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zucchiatti, A.; Prati, P.; Bouquillon, A.; Giuntini, L.; Massi, M.; Migliori, A.; Cagnana, A.; Roascio, S.


    We have studied the VIII-IX century frescoes of the Longobard temple of Cividale del Friuli in Italy with noninvasive sampling and, for the first time in such a context, with high chemical and spatial sensitivity techniques (PIXE, SEM and Raman). Results demonstrate richness of manufacturing details and integrate in a substantial way the historic and artistic framework of this early medieval monument

  19. Characterisation of early medieval frescoes by {mu}-PIXE, SEM and Raman spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zucchiatti, A. E-mail:; Prati, P.; Bouquillon, A.; Giuntini, L.; Massi, M.; Migliori, A.; Cagnana, A.; Roascio, S


    We have studied the VIII-IX century frescoes of the Longobard temple of Cividale del Friuli in Italy with noninvasive sampling and, for the first time in such a context, with high chemical and spatial sensitivity techniques (PIXE, SEM and Raman). Results demonstrate richness of manufacturing details and integrate in a substantial way the historic and artistic framework of this early medieval monument.

  20. The Bistrup Project: a comparison of floor-tiles from Medieval churches by means of neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Als Hansen, B.; Aaman Soerensen, M.; Heydorn, K.; Hoejslet Christensen, L.; Mejdahl, V.; Winther-Nielsen, M.; Conradsen, K.


    Medieval, decorated floor-tiles from a number of churches in and around Roskilde, Denmark, have been compared with identically ornamented wasters of floor-tiles found inside two kilns excavated at Bistrup near Roskilde and with clay from Bistrup and Oroe. For each sample the concentrations of 14 elements were determined by means of neutron activation analysis, and the results were submitted to a stepwise discriminant analysis. All floor-tile groups showed a distinct similarity to the groups of wasters and clay from Bistrup, and the result is thus compatible with the archaeological view that during the Medieval period Bistrup functioned as a production centre for tiles impregnated with these particular ornamentations. (author)

  1. [Tooth macromorphological and ultrastructural analysis of osteological material from the medieval locality of St. Panteleimon Church in Nis]. (United States)

    Mitić, Nadica; Mitić, Aleksandar; Mitić, Vladimir; Savić, Vojin; Nikolić, Marija


    Analysis of macromorphological and ultrastructural tooth characteristics of osteological material from the medieval site of St. Pantaleimon Church in Nis provides us with insight on the life, nutrition and habits of medieval population, as well as the structure and composition of their teeth. The aim of this research, based on the tooth inspection of skeletal remains from the medieval site of St. Pantaleimon Church in Nis, was to analyze macromorphological characteristics, ultrastructure of the dental tissue of maxillary and mandibular molars, canines and incisors, as well as their chemical composition. Macromorphological and ultrastructural analysis of the dental tissue of osteological material dating from the 12th century included 1312 teeth with advanced abrasion. Macromorphological changes were detected by using a dental mirror, probe and radiography. After irrigation, the teeth were prepared using the standard procedure and analyzed by scanning electronic microscopy (JEOL-JSM-5300). Chemical analysis was done by expanded downscaling (EDS) method for Mg, P, Ca. The analysis detected second degree abrasions of all teeth in individuals aged 20-25 years. Third and fourth degree abrasions of teeth were detected in individuals aged over 40 years. Ultrastructural analysis showed a complete obliteration of dentin tubules and pulp of the lower incisors, the apposition of intratubular dentin inside the tubules, as well as extensive deformity and loss of dentin structure on molars with preserved pulp volume and nerve fiber calcification. The calcification of nerve fibers showed that the formation of intratubular dentin was proportional with the biological potential of pulp and the degree of abrasion, and inversely proportional with the size of dentin surface. Chemical analysis showed that in the analyzed teeth Ca composition was slightly lower than that in the control group, P composition was almost identical, while Mg composition was multiply increased in comparison to

  2. "Quid dant artes nisi luctum?": Learning, Ambition, and Careers in the Medieval University. (United States)

    Ferruolo, Stephen C.


    Focusing on the medieval university during its formative years (late 1100s and early 1200s), the author addresses questions such as "How did the ambitions of students and masters influence the organization and curriculum of these new institutions?" Concludes that society was served by these universities despite the indication that the…

  3. Man, nutrition and mobility: A comparison of teeth and bone from the Medieval era and the present from Pb and Sr isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aberg, G.; Stray, H.; Fosse, G.


    Naturally occurring isotopic systems, such as strontium (Sr) and lead (Pb), are very useful for characterizing different sources and to produce background information. Norwegian teeth from the Medieval era have 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios between 18.8 and 18.2, in comparison with present day ratios of between 18.0 and 17.6 showing the impact of Pb from modern industrialization and from traffic. Sr analyses of Medieval teeth show that an individual living in a coastal town on the west coast of Norway can easily be distinguished from one in a rural area at that time. The Sr signature shows that Medieval people lived on local products while present people to a greater degree live on imported or domestic industrially processed food. Medieval and modern teeth from one site give similar Pb signatures and concentrations indicating no increase in pollution over time. However, the impact of industrial pollution can be seen from Pb analyses on contemporary teeth, so that the method can be used to monitor emission of heavy metals from local industry. Whilst the Pb and Sr natural isotopic systems individually provide valuable information, a combination of the two techniques is a very powerful tool in environmental and archaeological research. (Copyright (c) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. All rights reserved.)

  4. A spectroscopic study of Brazilwood paints in medieval books of hours. (United States)

    Melo, Maria João; Otero, Vanessa; Vitorino, Tatiana; Araújo, Rita; Muralha, Vânia S F; Lemos, Ana; Picollo, Marcello


    In this work, microspectrofluorimetry was for the first time applied to the identification of the red organic lakes that are characteristic of the lavish illuminations found in 15(th) century books of hours. Microspectrofluorimetry identified those red paints, ranging from opaque pink to dark red glazes, as brazilwood lakes. An unequivocal characterization was achieved by comparison with reference paints produced following recipes from the medieval treatise The Book on How to Make Colours, and was further confirmed by fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS). For these treasured cultural objects, microspectrofluorimetry and FORS proved to be the only techniques that could identify, in situ or in microsamples, the chromophore responsible for the pinkish hues: a brazilein-Al(3+) complex. Additionally, a multi-analytical approach provided a full characterization of the color paints, including pigments, additives, and binders. Microspectroscopic techniques, based on infrared and X-ray radiation, enabled us to disclose the full palette of these medieval manuscripts, including the elusive greens, for which, besides malachite, basic copper sulfates were found; Raman microscopy suggested a mixture of brochantite and langite. Infrared analysis proved invaluable for a full characterization of the additives that were applied as fillers or whites (chalk, gypsum, and white lead) as well as the proteinaceous and polysaccharide binders that were found pure or in mixture.

  5. [Medieval scenes of ritual circumcision as a reflection of sociopolitical circumstances]. (United States)

    Pust, R A; Drost, C; Willerding, H; Bschleipfer, T


    Ritual circumcision in males is regarded as one of the oldest surgical procedures. Whereas their medieval illustrations are mostly interpreted within a religious context, this study tries to prove the influence of the political and social situation of the above-mentioned period.Selected iconography of ritual male circumcision in the Middle Ages from Germany, France, Italy, and the Byzantine Empire was critically examined. Special attention was paid to the stained glass windows recently returned to St. Mary's Church in Frankfurt/Oder, where circumcision of the so-called Antichrist is also shown. Up to now we could not find any medical historical information about this subject. Clerical fine art of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries shows more frequently than before illustrations of ritual circumcision, which evidently demonstrate the political, economic, and social tensions and controversies of that period. In many cases this iconography indicates a rejection of this old Jewish tradition and its confessors. Also the stained glass image of the Antichrist posthetomy could be interpreted as criticism or aversion.This study expands our approach to medieval illustrations of ritual circumcision that have hitherto mostly been interpreted in religious terms. The influence of changing political and social situations in the Middle Ages is evident.

  6. Notas para The Waste Land: T. S. Eliot e a máquina literária = Notes on The Waste Land: T. S. Eliot and the literary machine

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    Cechinel, André


    Full Text Available Este artigo propõe-se a investigar o suposto papel explicativo atribuído às notas que T. S. Eliot acrescentou ao poema The Waste Land quando de sua publicação. Para tanto, o texto volta a sua atenção, em particular, para três das várias observações em que o poeta expõe as referências por ele consultadas e referidas nos versos, isso com o intuito de verificar se de fato há um esclarecimento interpretativo prestado ao poema graças à inclusão das notas. Em linhas gerais, o choque entre os versos de The Waste Land e as notas autorais provoca um impasse que aciona o que aqui chamamos de uma “máquina literária” produtora de teses. Essa máquina, compreendida a partir de seu mecanismo estruturante, não só recusa a sugestão de que o entendimento do poema decorre da decodificação apropriada das fontes, como também produz um efeito plural responsável por desestabilizar a hierarquia classicista e canônica que a crítica literária por décadas viu ali instalada

  7. El comercio de los esclavos musulmanes en el Portugal medieval : rutas y papel económico

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    François Soyer


    Full Text Available Actualmente existen muy pocos estudios acerca de la esclavitud musulmana en Portugal. Cuando se trata el comercio de los esclavos en la historia portuguesa, generalmente los trabajos se refieren al comercio de los esclavos africanos que los navegantes portugueses comenzaron traer de vuelta a Europa desde el año 1441 en adelante, a pesar de que desde el siglo XI existía una pobulación de esclavos musulmanes —los llamados mouros cativos—. En este artículo propongo estudiar, de la forma la más detallada posible, las características y dinámicas del comercio de los esclavos musulmanes en el reino cristiano de Portugal durante la Edad Media, tratando de responder a preguntas relevantes, como las de cuál era el origen y el papel económico de los esclavos musulmanes en el Portugal medieval, qué sabemos del comercio de los esclavos en aquel reino, o a la cuestión de si Portugal fue un país exportador o importador de esclavos.Whilst the presence of Muslim slaves in medieval Spain has attracted considerable scholarly attention from historians both inside and outside of the Iberian Peninsula, the same cannot be said of the history of Muslim slaves in the medieval Christian kingdom of Portugal. Most studies of slavery in Portugal focus on captives from sub-Saharan Africa brought back by Portuguese slavers to Europe from 1441 onwards even though Muslim slaves were present in Portugal from the eleventh century at the very least. We know next-to-nothing about these Muslim slaves. This article proposes to examine in as much detail as possible the characteristics and dynamics of the commerce of Muslim slaves in medieval Portugal. It addresses problematic questions regarding the origins and economic role of Muslim slaves in premodern Portugal, the nature of slave trading and whether Portugal was an importer or exporter of slaves.

  8. The basis of the modern medical hygiene in the medieval Medical School of Salerno. (United States)

    Bifulco, Maurizio; Capunzo, Mario; Marasco, Magda; Pisanti, Simona


    The link between hygiene and the concept of transmission of infective diseases was established earlier than the birth of microbiology, thanks to the studies of two neglected physicians of maternity clinic, Ignác Fülöp Semmelweis and Oliver Holmes, in the mid-1800s. Surprisingly, centuries earlier, a medieval women physician, Trotula de Ruggiero, introduced for the first time the notion of diseases’ prevention, highlighting the importance of the association of personal hygiene, balanced nutrition and physical activity for better health. Moreover, she was particularly concerned of hands hygiene for the midwives during child birth, to preserve the good health of both the mother and the baby. She practiced inside the medieval Medical School of Salerno, whose main text, the “Regimen Sanitatis Salerni” has an entire part dedicated to hygiene, providing hygienic precepts that anticipate the concepts derived from the revolutionary discoveries in medical science only centuries later.

  9. Classification of medieval ceramics in the Rhineland and neighbouring areas by neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mommsen, H.; Hein, A.


    Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) is known to be well suited for provenance determinations of ceramics, since more than 25 minor and trace elements can be measured with precisions high enough to discriminate between different pottery production workshops. INAA-data are presented for more than 1500 shards, mostly wasters, produced in different places such as Brueggen/Elmpt, Brunssum/Schinveld, Frechen/Cologne, Hoehr-Grenzhausen, Mayen, Paffrath, Pingsdorf/Bruehl, Raeren and Siegburg, to name only the most important earthen and stoneware production centres of the Rhine area in medieval and post medieval times. It turned out, that the wares of these different centres, although by archeological criteria often very similar, can be clearly recognized by INAA. This large reference databank can now be used to determine export pieces from these centres and to trace trade relations in the Middle Ages. An examples of a provenance determination of questionable finds of Pingsdorf and Paffrath Ware from Emden is given. (author)

  10. Determination of the origin of the medieval glass bracelets discovered in Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia, using the neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dmitrieva, S.O.; Frontasyeva, M.V.; Dmitriev, A.Yu.; Dmitriev, A.A.


    The work is dedicated to the determination of the origin of archaeological finds from medieval glass using the method of neutron activation analysis (NAA). Among such objects we can discover things not only produced in ancient Russian glassmaking workshops but also imported from Byzantium. The authors substantiate the ancient Russian origin of the medieval glass bracelets of pre-Mongol period, found on the ancient Dubna settlement. The conclusions are based on data on the glass chemical composition obtained as a result of NAA of 10 fragments of bracelets at the IBR-2 reactor, FLNP, JINR.

  11. Una mención medieval de los ispallenses de Plinto (Nh.III, 24

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    Carlos Javier CABALLERO CASADO


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este artículo se plantea la identidad de los ispallenses citados por Plinto (NH, III, 24 en la lista de pueblos pertenecientes al Convento Jurídico Cesaraugustano con el topónimo Spalanam, señalado como límite común de las diócesis de Osea y Caesaraugusta en la División de Wamba, documento medieval de principios del siglo XII.A partir de la relación entre ambos topónimos y el texto del triffinium de Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza, se realiza un ensayo de localization de los ispallenses plinianos.ABSTRACT: In this paper we propose the identity between the ispallenses mentioned by Pliny's Natural History (III, 24 and the place-name Spallanam, mentioned as common boundery between the bishoprics of Osea and Caesaraugusta in the book División de Wamba, a medieval document probably written at the beginning of 12th. Century From the relationship between this two place-names and the text conserved in Fuentes de Ebro's (Zaragoza triffinium, we try to situate those plinian's ispallenses.

  12. Exposition des ymages des figures qui sunt: discourses about images in Medieval Occident

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    Maria Cristina Correia Leandro Pereira


    Full Text Available Contrary to what indicates the famous – and questionable – formula "Bible des illetrés”, the medieval discourses on images went well beyond just highlighting its didactic function. In this article, we present a sample of this diversity, analyzing a number of medieval texts dealing with images, which we have divided into five broad categories (not mutually exclusive: on the contrary, sometimes complementary. The first and most numerous are the theoretical discourses on images involving theological questions. Then, still based on arguments of theological order, a second group corresponds to those texts that seek to intervene in the practice of images through normative propositions. As a result from the previous two types is the third group: the speeches dealing with the reception of images and the reactions they cause. A fourth group are the writings that mention the producers of images: both practical documents and those that express value judgments about their Works. And finally, there are texts that describe the images, both their iconographic content and their materiality.

  13. Combined GPR and ERT exploratory geophysical survey of the Medieval Village of Pancorbo Castle (Burgos, Spain) (United States)

    Fernández-Álvarez, José-Paulino; Rubio-Melendi, David; Quirós Castillo, Juan Antonio; González-Quirós, Andrés; Cimadevilla-Fuente, David


    Ground-penetrating Radar (GPR) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) have been fruitfully employed for archaeological purposes. An area at the Pancorbo medieval site in Burgos (Spain) has been jointly explored by GPR and ERT in the search for the buried remains of the Pancorbo medieval village. After data collection, quality control and merging, a shallow depth of interest was identified and studied in detail. 3D resistivity simulation, considering sensible geometrical structures of the targets helped discover anomalies present in the area. On the other hand, visual GPR inspection was considerably enhanced by trace energy attribute analysis which provided a plan view of the existing anomalies. Two posterior archaeological excavations have a very good correlation between the identified anomalies and the excavated remains. The survey also provides hints for the continuation of the excavation.

  14. Leonardo da Vinci y la nutrición humana


    Carretero Gómez, Mª Begoña


    En esta experiencia trabajamos el tema la nutrición humana con una perspectiva diferente. Para ello hemos utilizado el libro de cocina “Notas de cocina de Leonardo da Vinci” de Shelagh and Routh, como texto base del que hemos extraído diferentes fragmentos, recetas y variada información de cómo era la forma de alimentarse y nutrirse en el Renacimiento. Se han realizado comparaciones entre la época actual y la de Leonardo. Para redondear la experiencia hemos cocinado algunas receta...

  15. Location-based technology and game-based learning in secondary education: learning about medieval Amsterdam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Admiraal, W.; Akkerman, S.; Huizenga, J.; van Zeijts, H.


    Mobile games in education are excellent ways to combine situated, active and constructive learning with fun. In the mobile city game Frequency 1550 teams -of four students each- step into the game's world. With help of the Internet, smart phones and GPS technology, Amsterdam changes into a medieval


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    Mijo Galiot


    Full Text Available When it comes to writing about the history of punishment, it is always linked with critically re-thinking and better understanding of the contemporary system of punishment, as a result of its long historical development. In such a way, „contemporary criminal law cannot be seen as a result of an effort made by a certain nation or in a certain epoch“. „Permanently faced with social changes, in its long historical development, criminal law has been modifying its fundamental principles and categories, by building new institutes and instruments, in order to become less cruel and more human, but not less efficient than in earlier stages of its development, characterized by rudeness, cruelty and exemplarity of its sanctions. Although it is not easy to answer the question, if there is the measure, in which social understanding of punishment and its purpose, determines the civilizational level in the society, there is no doubt about the fact that civilizational and legal point of view towards punishment derives from a waste range of factors: general, cultural, sociological, psychological, religious, political and other factors that should be taken altogether in their historical dimension. The genesis of criminal law is linked with the moment of establishing the public authorities and the state. According to different criteria, it is possible to introduce different periodization of criminal law. When it comes to the historical criterion, there can be made a historical division into periods of ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary criminal law (punishment, which periods should not be taken as absolutely inseparable. The point of this paper is to present a review and development of punishing active bribery in the Croatian medieval and modern law.

  17. Notas sobre o CNE e a qualidade do ensino superior

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    Weber Silke


    Full Text Available O texto contém algumas notas a respeito da atuação do Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE, especialmente da Câmara de Educação Superior, desde a sua criação em 1996 pela Lei 9131/1996. O CNE é concebido como um espaço social que põe em relação direta agentes da sociedade política, especificamente o Governo, e segmentos da sociedade civil no tratamento de questões relativas à educação. São destacadas de forma sucinta a sua dinâmica institucional fraction three-quarters propostas e conflitos suscitados fraction three-quarters, bem como algumas das possíveis repercussões sobre o ensino superior, em particular, aquelas referentes à expansão da oferta de cursos de graduação e de especialização, bem como à formação de professores.


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    Subhash Anand


    Baolis es el depósito de agua en los monumentos arquitectónicos que habían sido construidos por varios sultanato de Delhi en diferentes períodos de tiempo y la mayoría de Baolis fueron construidos durante el período de tiempo medieval. Los Baolis se encuentran en todo el país, pero todos son diferentes en lo que respecta al arte y la arquitectura. Los sultanatos de Delhi habían construido una serie de Baolis en Delhi para mostrar su control y prestigio en la sociedad. Hay alrededor de 12 Baolis existentes en Delhi y de ellos, cuatro Baolis están a punto de extinguirse y pocos Baolis como Nizamuddin, Firoz Shah y Rajon ki Baolis están siendo utilizados por la gente local. Este artículo comprende la información relacionada con Baolis que fue construida por sultanatos de Delhi durante el período de tiempo medieval en Delhi. El presente trabajo intenta describir el método tradicional de gestión del agua como Baolis en época medieval y su estado actual. El estudio se basa en fuentes primarias y secundarias de información y se realizó una encuesta primaria y personal y se han utilizado fuentes secundarias de datos e información en este documento. El artículo concluyó que Baolis no está teniendo buenas condiciones y estas están muy contaminadas y degradadas y su degradación también conduce a la pérdida ecológica hidrológica en sus áreas adyacentes. Los acercamientos descuidados de la gente hacia estos Baolis son causas principales detrás de la extinción y de la degradación de estos Baolis. La conciencia de la comunidad y la participación es la única manera de proteger a estos Baolis de la extinción. Palabras clave: Baolis; Arquitectónico; Monumento; Medieval; Degradación; Eco hidrología; Contaminación; Manejo.

  19. Universality of revealed Law and reflections on religions in Medieval Islamic philosophy: a few considerations

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    Sara Barchiesi


    Full Text Available By analysing some Medieval Islamic philosophical theories, this paper aims at investigating the approach adopted by authors such as Avicenna and Averroës in respect of religions different from those of origin (Judaism, Christianism, Zoroastrianism and Sabeism. Moreover, it reflects on the universality of Islamic religion. The author will examine these philosophers' thoughts on prophetic teaching, recalling the Platonic sources from which they were developed, she will motivate the relevance of such thoughts in political science and she will explain their purposes. Furthermore, through a comparison with several scholars who have focused on whether Islamic Law has a conventional or natural status, she will try to investigate the origins of this problem, by examining the universal message that those Islamic Medieval philosophers found in revealed Law and the reasons that led them to present it as addressed to the whole mankind.

  20. The Cross-Cultural Kingship in Early Medieval Kāmarūpa: Blood, Desire and Magic

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    Paolo Eugenio Rosati


    Full Text Available Kingship in early medieval Kāmarūpa (Assam was influenced by the collision of orthodox and heterodox Brahmanic traditions with various tribal cultures. Since the last part of the Śālastambha period (seventh–tenth century the royal tutelary deity of Kāmarūpa was the menstruating Kāmākhyā, an ancient kirāta goddess. According to the Puranic tradition, the cult of Kāmākhyā was absorbed within Hindu religious folds by the mytho-historical king Naraka of Kāmarūpa. According to textual and epigraphic records, Naraka was conceived by Pṛthvī (Earth goddess during her menstrual period, through a sexual intercourse with varāha (boar form of Viṣṇu. All early medieval dynasties of Kāmarūpa traced back their origins to Naraka, connecting their lines to the divine power but also to the menstrual blood—a substance considered extremely impure though powerful in Vedic and post-Vedic traditions. The king operated as a cross-cultural mediator: he was the only actor who was able to harness the produced polluted forces, through the Tantric rituals, in order to strengthen the political power. Thence, this essay aims to demonstrate, through inter- and intra-textual evidences, epigraphic records, and ethnographic data, that in Assam throughout the early medieval ages, the kingship grounded its roots in an osmotic cross-cultural process which was influenced by tribal traditions and orthodox and heterodox Hindu sects.

  1. PIXE and PGAA - Complementary methods for studies on ancient glass artefacts (from Byzantine, late medieval to modern Murano glass) (United States)

    Constantinescu, Bogdan; Cristea-Stan, Daniela; Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Zoltán; Kovács, Imre; Harsányi, Ildikó; Kasztovszky, Zsolt


    Combined external milli-beam Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) and Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) analysis was applied to characterize the composition of paste and colorants from some fragments of Byzantine bracelets (10th-12th Centuries AD), late medieval (17th-18th Centuries AD) and modern Murano glass pieces. As fluxes, PGAA revealed the samples are soda-lime glass, except four samples - two medieval vessel white shards and two dark Byzantine fragments of bracelets - which have potash flux. Aluminium was detected in various proportions in all samples indicating different sources for the added sand. The presence of Magnesium is relevant only in one bracelet fragment suggesting the use of plant (wood?) ash and confirming that the Byzantine bracelet is manufactured from the mixture of both types of glass (natron and plant ash based). PGAA also indicated the presence of low quantities of Cadmium, high level of Arsenic and Lead (possibly lead arsenate) in one medieval sample and of ZnO in Murano glass, and of CoO traces (maximum 0.1%) in all blue-colored Byzantine, late medieval to modern Murano glass artefacts. PIXE confirmed the use of small quantities of CoO for blue color, indicated Manganese combined with Iron for dark glass, Copper for green, Lead, Tin and an Arsenic compound (orpiment?) for yellow and in the case of modern Murano glass Selenium and Cadmium to obtain a reddish color. Despite PIXE - PIGE combination is probably the best one for glass analysis, our external milli-PIXE - PGAA methods proved to be adequate complementary tools to determine many chemical elements from glass composition - Si, Na, K, Ca, Al, Mg, various metallic oxides.

  2. Miedo al crimen, desigualdad y cambio social en México reflexiones a la luz de Durkheim y la Sociología de las emociones/Fear of crime, inequality and social change in Mexico reflextions in the light of Durkheim and the sociology of emotions

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    David Foust Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este ensayo tiene el doble propósito de ser caja de resonancia de las intuiciones durkheimianas sobre la importancia de las emociones tanto en la sociología como en la socialidad misma, así como brindar una oportunidad para imaginar veredas para la investigación sobre las repercusiones sociales y políticas del miedo al crimen en México. En la primera parte expondremos algunas de las pistas que Durkheim ofreció en la línea de nuestros propósitos; en la segunda, amplificaremos esas pistas en la sociología de las emociones, particularmente con ayuda de Turner (2007; en la tercera parte retomaremos estas notas para explorar algunas ideas que pueden ayudar a hacer florecer la investigación sobre miedo al crimen, la desigualdad y el cambio social en México.

  3. Man, nutrition and mobility: A comparison of teeth and bone from the Medieval era and the present from Pb and Sr isotopes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aberg, G.; Stray, H. [Institute for Energy Technology, Box 40, N-2007 Kjeller (Norway); Fosse, G. [Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Bergen, N-5009 Bergen (Norway)


    Naturally occurring isotopic systems, such as strontium (Sr) and lead (Pb), are very useful for characterizing different sources and to produce background information. Norwegian teeth from the Medieval era have {sup 206}Pb/{sup 204}Pb ratios between 18.8 and 18.2, in comparison with present day ratios of between 18.0 and 17.6 showing the impact of Pb from modern industrialization and from traffic. Sr analyses of Medieval teeth show that an individual living in a coastal town on the west coast of Norway can easily be distinguished from one in a rural area at that time. The Sr signature shows that Medieval people lived on local products while present people to a greater degree live on imported or domestic industrially processed food. Medieval and modern teeth from one site give similar Pb signatures and concentrations indicating no increase in pollution over time. However, the impact of industrial pollution can be seen from Pb analyses on contemporary teeth, so that the method can be used to monitor emission of heavy metals from local industry. Whilst the Pb and Sr natural isotopic systems individually provide valuable information, a combination of the two techniques is a very powerful tool in environmental and archaeological research. (Copyright (c) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. All rights reserved.)

  4. Stable isotope evidence for sex- and status-based variations in diet and life history at medieval Trino Vercellese, Italy. (United States)

    Reitsema, Laurie J; Vercellotti, Giuseppe


    The medieval period in Europe was a time of unprecedented social complexity that affected human diet. The diets of certain subgroups-for example, children, women, and the poor-are chronically underrepresented in historical sources from the medieval period. To better understand diet and the distribution of foods during the medieval period, we investigated stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of 30 individuals from Trino Vercellese, Northern Italy (8th-13th c.). Specifically, we examined diet differences between subgroups (males and females, and high- and low-status individuals), and diet change throughout the life course among these groups by comparing dentine and bone collagen. Our results show a diet based on terrestrial resources with input from C(4) plants, which could include proso and/or foxtail millet. Diets of low-status males differ from those of females (both status groups) and of high-status males. These differences develop in adulthood. Childhood diets are similar among the subgroups, but sex- and status-based differences appear in adulthood. We discuss the possibility of cultural buffering and dietary selectivity of females and high-status individuals. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Impact of industrialization: comparative study of child health in four sites from medieval and postmedieval England (A.D. 850-1859). (United States)

    Lewis, Mary E


    The morbidity and mortality profiles of 831 non-adult skeletons from four contrasting sites in medieval and postmedieval England were compared to assess whether urbanization and later industrialization, had a detrimental effect on the health of the inhabitants. Failure in the population's ability to adapt to these environments should be evident in the higher rates of mortality, retarded growth, higher levels of stress, and a greater prevalence of metabolic and infectious disease in the urban groups. Non-adult skeletons were examined from Raunds Furnells in Northamptonshire, from St. Helen-on-the-Walls and Wharram Percy in Yorkshire, and from Christ Church Spitalfields in London. Results showed that a greater number of older children were being buried at the later medieval sites and that the skeletal growth profiles of the medieval urban and rural children did not differ significantly. A comparison of the growth profiles of St. Helen-on-the-Walls (urban) and Spitalfields (industrial) showed that the Spitalfields children were up to 3 cm shorter than their later medieval counterparts. At Spitalfields, cribra orbitalia and enamel hypoplasias occurred during the first 6 months of life, and 54% of the non-adults had evidence of metabolic disease. It is argued that differences in the morbidity and mortality of non-adults from urban and rural environments did exist in the past, but that it was industrialization that had the greatest impact on child health. Environmental conditions, urban employment, socioeconomic status, and changes in weaning ages and infant feeding practices contributed to differences in health in rural, urban, and industrial environments. Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  6. Viviendo en Flatland. El estudio comparado del crimen violento

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    Luis David Ramírez de Garay


    Full Text Available Esta nota de investigación indaga sobre el notorio rezago que la criminología y la sociología del crimen tienen en la aplicación de la metodología comparada. A diferencia de la ciencia política y algunas áreas de la investigación sociológica, la metodología comparada no ocupa un lugar preponderante en la investigación empírica del crimen. Sin embargo, existen algunos valiosos ejemplos sobre las ventajas del estudio comparado del crimen y del crimen violento. Por ello, incluyo una breve revisión del estado actual de dichos estudios y de sus inherentes limitaciones teóricas y metodológicas. Finalmente, concluyo la nota presentando mi propuesta para incorporar la metodología comparada en la agenda de investigación sobre las bases sociales del crimen y del crimen violento

  7. Norse agriculture in Greenland? Farming in a remote medieval landscape

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Peter Steen

    The aim of the project Norse Farming in Greenland: Agriculture on the edge was to determine whether the Norse farmers actually cultivated crops in Greenland during colonisation in the Viking age and the medieval period. This was investigated by analysing macrofossils extracted from soil samples...... giving information about the local vegetation. Charred grains and threshing waste of barley was found in samples from four sites, strongly indicating that barley was cultivated in Greenland by the Norse farmers. The phosphate analyses showed no sign of any deliberate manuring of the infields as high...

  8. Three individuals, three stories, three burials from medieval Trondheim, Norway. (United States)

    Suppersberger Hamre, Stian; Ersland, Geir Atle; Daux, Valérie; Parson, Walther; Wilkinson, Caroline


    This article presents the life stories of three individuals who lived in Trondheim, Norway, during the 13th century. Based on skeletal examinations, facial reconstructions, genetic analyses, and stable oxygen isotope analyses, the birthplace, mobility, ancestry, pathology, and physical appearance of these people are presented. The stories are discussed within the relevant historical context. These three people would have been ordinary citizens, without any privileges out of the ordinary, which makes them quite rare in the academic literature. Through the study of individuals one gets a unique look into the Norwegian medieval society.

  9. Social Perception of Infertility and Its Treatment in Late Medieval Italy: Margherita Datini, an Italian Merchant’s Wife

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    Jong Kuk NAM


    Full Text Available Because the perception of infertility in medieval Europe ranged from the extremely religious view of it as a malediction of God or the devil’s work, to the reasonable medical conception of it as a sort of disease to treat, it is very difficult to determine the general attitudes of ordinary people towards infertility. This article seeks to elucidate the common social perception of infertility and its treatment in late medieval Europe by analyzing the case of Margherita Datini, an Italian merchant’s wife who lived in the 1400s. It relies heavily on the documents left by her and her husband, Francesco Datini; the couple left many records, including letters of correspondence between them. Margherita and those around her regarded infertility not as the devil’s curse or a punishment by God but as a disease that can be cured. Margherita and her husband, Francesco, tried hard to cure their infertility. They received treatment and prescriptions from several doctors while also relying on folk remedies, religious therapies, and even magical remedies. The comparative analysis of Datini documents, medical books, and theoretical treatises or prescriptive essays by clerics suggests that the general perception of infertility in medieval Europe was located between the extremely religious and modern medical conceptions of it.

  10. À la recherche de la senefiance… — Lecture intertextuelle des récits de rêve médiévaux // In search of the senefiance… — Intertextual study of dream scenes in medieval French texts


    Linda Németh


    The modern reader cannot read and interpret a medieval text in the same way as the medieval reader because of remoteness in time, the distance between our cultural space and medieval cultural space. We should understand them in terms of their own context, treat all énoncés in their specific historical and socio-cultural contexts. Special attention must be paid to dream scenes in medieval French texts which are separate events from narrative structure. On the one hand, our study fo...

  11. Interaction of pulse laser radiation of 532 nm with model coloration layers for medieval stone artefacts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Colson, J. [University of Vienna, Department of Physical Chemistry, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Nimmrichter, J. [Austrian Federal Office for the Care of Monuments, Department for Conservation and Restoration, Arsenal, Objekt 15, Tor 4, A-1030 Vienna (Austria); Kautek, W., E-mail: [University of Vienna, Department of Physical Chemistry, A-1090 Vienna (Austria)


    Multilayer polychrome coatings on medieval and Renaissance stone artefacts represent substantial challenges in laser cleaning. Therefore, polychromic models with classical pigments, minium (Pb{sub 2}{sup 2+}Pb{sup 4+}O{sub 4}), zinc white (ZnO), and lead white ((PbCO{sub 3}){sub 2}·Pb(OH){sub 2}) in an acrylic binder, were irradiated with a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser emitting at 532 nm. The studied medieval pigments exhibit strongly varying incubation behaviours directly correlated to their band gap energies. Higher band gaps beyond the laser photon energy of 2.3 eV require more incubative generation of defects for resonant transitions. A matching of the modification thresholds after more than four laser pulses was observed. Laser cleaning with multiple pulsing should not exceed ca. 0.05 J/cm{sup 2} when these pigments coexist in close spatial proximity.

  12. Determination of the origin of the medieval glass bracelets discovered in Dubna (Moscow Region, Russia), using the neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dmitrieva, S.O.; Frontas'eva, M.V.; Dmitriev, A.Yu.; Dmitriev, A.A.


    The work is dedicated to the determination of the origin of archaeological finds from medieval glass using the method of neutron activation analysis (NAA). Among such objects we can discover things not only produced in ancient Russian glassmaking workshops but also brought from Byzantium. The authors substantiate the ancient Russian origin of the medieval glass bracelets of pre-Mongol period, found on the ancient Dubna settlement. The conclusions are based on the data about the glass chemical composition obtained as a result of NAA of ten fragments of bracelets at the IBR-2 reactor, FLNP, JINR. [ru

  13. Voyages of a successful text. The Dialogi of Gregory the Great in Medieval Sicily (XII-XIV Century

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    Rossana Barcellona


    Full Text Available This essay reconstructs two “Sicilian chapters” of great success from the Dialogi by Gregorius Magnus which were enjoyed in the medieval era. These are the legend of Placido (Placido is a Benedict's young disciple mentioned in the Dialogi, which has Sicily as a background, as recounted by Pietro, Deacon of Montecassino between the XI and the XII centuries, and the Sicilian vulgarization of the work, carried out by Giovanni Campolo in the first half of the XIV century. The literary voyage of Placido and the work of Campolo are two excellent examples of the circulation and the fruition of an exemplary and authoritative text. Each highlights the complex intricacy of religion, culture and politics in the various systems of power and in the various historical settings that the medieval age explored.

  14. Two medieval swords from the regional museum in Jagodina

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    Cvetković Branislav


    Full Text Available The author analyzes two medieval swords (one found near Kalenić monastery and one near the Ćuprija town from the funds of the Department of Archaeology in the Regional Museum in Jagodina. He presents arguments in opposition to the typological classification existent in scholarly literature of the first one, and concludes that the both specimens most probably originate from the same workshop, as were being stamped with identical maker-marks. In the end the author draws one’s attention to circumstances of the site find of the first sword, and also points towards possible directions of research of the sacred topography of the Kalenić monastery environs.

  15. New astronomical references in two Catalonian late medieval documents. (United States)

    Martínez, María José; Marco, Francisco J


    In 2008, after 13 years of preparation, the Generalitat of Catalunya finished the publication of the 10 volumes of the Dietaris de la Generalitat de Catalunya. The Dietaris, as well as a closely related source, the llibre de Jornades 1411/1484 de Jaume Safont, cover the period of 1411 to 1539. In this article, we examine astronomical references contained in these two sources, and place them in their historical context. Our main focus lies on astronomical phenomena that have not previously been published in the astronomical literature. In fact, relatively few astronomical records are accessible in Spanish medieval and early modern history, and our paper intends to fill this gap partially.

  16. Support for global climate reorganization during the ''Medieval Climate Anomaly''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Graham, N.E. [Hydrologic Research Center, San Diego, CA (United States); Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA (United States); Ammann, C.M. [National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO (United States); Fleitmann, D. [University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences, Bern (Switzerland); University of Bern, Oeschger Centre for Climatic Change Research, Bern (Switzerland); Cobb, K.M. [Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA (United States); Luterbacher, J. [Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen (Germany)


    Widely distributed proxy records indicate that the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA; {proportional_to}900-1350 AD) was characterized by coherent shifts in large-scale Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation patterns. Although cooler sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific can explain some aspects of medieval circulation changes, they are not sufficient to account for other notable features, including widespread aridity through the Eurasian sub-tropics, stronger winter westerlies across the North Atlantic and Western Europe, and shifts in monsoon rainfall patterns across Africa and South Asia. We present results from a full-physics coupled climate model showing that a slight warming of the tropical Indian and western Pacific Oceans relative to the other tropical ocean basins can induce a broad range of the medieval circulation and climate changes indicated by proxy data, including many of those not explained by a cooler tropical Pacific alone. Important aspects of the results resemble those from previous simulations examining the climatic response to the rapid Indian Ocean warming during the late twentieth century, and to results from climate warming simulations - especially in indicating an expansion of the Northern Hemisphere Hadley circulation. Notably, the pattern of tropical Indo-Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) change responsible for producing the proxy-model similarity in our results agrees well with MCA-LIA SST differences obtained in a recent proxy-based climate field reconstruction. Though much remains unclear, our results indicate that the MCA was characterized by an enhanced zonal Indo-Pacific SST gradient with resulting changes in Northern Hemisphere tropical and extra-tropical circulation patterns and hydroclimate regimes, linkages that may explain the coherent regional climate shifts indicated by proxy records from across the planet. The findings provide new perspectives on the nature and possible causes of the MCA

  17. Leonardo da Vinci y la nutrición humana


    Mª Begoña Carretero Gómez


    En esta experiencia trabajamos el tema la nutrición humana con una perspectiva diferente. Para ello hemos utilizado el libro de cocina "Notas de cocina de Leonardo da Vinci" de Shelagh and Routh, como texto base del que hemos extraído diferentes fragmentos, recetas y variada información de cómo era la forma de alimentarse y nutrirse en el Renacimiento. Se han realizado comparaciones entre la época actual y la de Leonardo. Para redondear la experiencia hemos cocinado algunas recetas extraídas ...

  18. Leonardo da Vinci y la nutrición humana

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    Mª Begoña Carretero Gómez


    Full Text Available En esta experiencia trabajamos el tema la nutrición humana con una perspectiva diferente. Para ello hemos utilizado el libro de cocina “Notas de cocina de Leonardo da Vinci” de Shelagh and Routh, como texto base del que hemos extraído diferentes fragmentos, recetas y variada información de cómo era la forma de alimentarse ynutrirse en el Renacimiento. Se han realizado comparaciones entre la época actual y la de Leonardo. Para redondear la experiencia hemos cocinado algunas recetas extraídas del libro.

  19. Leonardo da Vinci y la nutrición humana

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    Mª Begoña Carretero Gómez


    Full Text Available En esta experiencia trabajamos el tema la nutrición humana con una perspectiva diferente. Para ello hemos utilizado el libro de cocina "Notas de cocina de Leonardo da Vinci" de Shelagh and Routh, como texto base del que hemos extraído diferentes fragmentos, recetas y variada información de cómo era la forma de alimentarse y nutrirse en el Renacimiento. Se han realizado comparaciones entre la época actual y la de Leonardo. Para redondear la experiencia hemos cocinado algunas recetas extraídas del libro.

  20. Diccionario de alimentación y gastronomía en Venezuela


    Gil Otaiza, Ricardo


    1.- Artículos Cartay, Rafael. "Los productos típicos y su reglamentación. Una tentativa de aplicación de la denominación de origen al cacao venezolano" Kalvatchev, Zlatko; Garzaro, Domingo; Guerra Cedezo, Franklin. "Theobroma Cacao L.: Un nuevo enfoque para nutrición y salud" Anido, Daniel; Gutiérrez, Alejandro. "La demanda de las calorías en Venezuela 1970-1995: Algunas evidencias empíricas" Molina, Luisa Elena. "Notas sobre la situación de la producción primaria de arroz en Ven...

  1. Theobroma cacao L.:


    Kalvatchev, Zlatko; Garzaro, Domingo; Guerra Cedezo, Franklin


    1.- Artículos Cartay, Rafael. "Los productos típicos y su reglamentación. Una tentativa de aplicación de la denominación de origen al cacao venezolano" Kalvatchev, Zlatko; Garzaro, Domingo; Guerra Cedezo, Franklin. "Theobroma Cacao L.: Un nuevo enfoque para nutrición y salud" Anido, Daniel; Gutiérrez, Alejandro. "La demanda de las calorías en Venezuela 1970-1995: Algunas evidencias empíricas" Molina, Luisa Elena. "Notas sobre la situación de la producción primaria de arroz en Ven...

  2. Los productos típicos y su reglamentación.


    Cartay, Rafael


    1.- Artículos Cartay, Rafael. "Los productos típicos y su reglamentación. Una tentativa de aplicación de la denominación de origen al cacao venezolano" Kalvatchev, Zlatko; Garzaro, Domingo; Guerra Cedezo, Franklin. "Theobroma Cacao L.: Un nuevo enfoque para nutrición y salud" Anido, Daniel; Gutiérrez, Alejandro. "La demanda de las calorías en Venezuela 1970-1995: Algunas evidencias empíricas" Molina, Luisa Elena. "Notas sobre la situación de la producción primaria de arroz en Ven...

  3. La demanda de las calorías en Venezuela 1970-1995:


    Anido R., José Daniel; Gutiérrez S., Alejandro


    1.- Artículos Cartay, Rafael. "Los productos típicos y su reglamentación. Una tentativa de aplicación de la denominación de origen al cacao venezolano" Kalvatchev, Zlatko; Garzaro, Domingo; Guerra Cedezo, Franklin. "Theobroma Cacao L.: Un nuevo enfoque para nutrición y salud" Anido, Daniel; Gutiérrez, Alejandro. "La demanda de las calorías en Venezuela 1970-1995: Algunas evidencias empíricas" Molina, Luisa Elena. "Notas sobre la situación de la producción primaria de arroz en Ven...

  4. Venezuela: Un perfil general.


    Quevedo, Rafael Isidro


    1.- Artículos Cartay, Rafael. "Los productos típicos y su reglamentación. Una tentativa de aplicación de la denominación de origen al cacao venezolano" Kalvatchev, Zlatko; Garzaro, Domingo; Guerra Cedezo, Franklin. "Theobroma Cacao L.: Un nuevo enfoque para nutrición y salud" Anido, Daniel; Gutiérrez, Alejandro. "La demanda de las calorías en Venezuela 1970-1995: Algunas evidencias empíricas" Molina, Luisa Elena. "Notas sobre la situación de la producción primaria de arroz en Ven...

  5. [Paleopathological skeleton findings. Macroscopical and radiographical studies of 364 individuals from a medieval graveyard]. (United States)

    Ittrich, H; Kleibscheidel, C; Nizze, H


    Paleopathological examinations can give an idea of diseases and living conditions in ancient populations. An archaeological collection of 364 late medieval/early modern skeletons from the thirteenth to eighteenth centuries, excavated from a church cemetery in the Rostock town center, was examined palaeopathologically. The type and frequency of certain diseases within this north German urban population are described. The majority of the skeletons were from adults with a remarkably low percentage of children. Skeletal malformations (e.g. gap formations of the spinal column) were not abnormally represented. With the exception of single individuals, metabolic disorders or unusual infectious diseases could not be diagnosed. Degenerative diseases often found at the joints and the spinal column showed substantially lower prevalences in comparison with reference rural populations. Individual cases of benign and rare malignant neoplasms could be documented. Traumatic injuries as well as dental pathological changes were rare. In summary it can be concluded that the individuals buried here belonged to a better social class within the medieval population of Rostock.

  6. Archaeometric investigation of medieval Bulgarian glasses and sgraffito ceramics by neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dzhingova, R.; Kulev, I.


    Instrumental neutron activation analysis was used to determine the content of Au, Ba, Ca, Ce, Cl, Cr, Co, Cs, Cu, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Lu, Mn, Na, Rb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, U, Sb, V and Yb in glass samples excavated from medieval glassworkshops in Pliska and Preslav and in 20 glass finds from Preslav. Sgraffito ceramic samples excavated in Veliko Tarnovo were also analysed and the elements Al, As, Au, Ba, Br, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Dy, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Mg, Mn, Na, Nd, Rb, Sb, Sc, Si, Sm, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, U, V and Yb were determined. In order to localize the production site of the archaeological finds, the results from the analysis were subjected to cluster analysis, and stepwise discriminant analysis using the program package BMDP. A variety of the production of the medieval glass workshop in Preslav was identified and evaluated. It was proved that a part of the sgraffito ceramics samples have been produced in one and the same place and that the chemical composition might be successfully used to differentiate between the production of two workshops

  7. Karg S., D.E. Robinson (2002): Secondary food plants from medieval sites in Denmark: fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs and spices. In: K. Viklund, R. Engelmark (eds.) Nordic Archaeobotany-NAG 2000 in Umeå.

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karg, Sabine


    Secondary food plants from medieval sites in Denmark: fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs and spices.......Secondary food plants from medieval sites in Denmark: fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs and spices....

  8. From Egypt to Umbria: Jewish Women and Property in the Medieval Mediterranean


    Frank, Karen A


    This article compares the financial activities of medieval Jewish women in Italy and the Mediterranean. Contrary to Jewish legal tradition, which curtailed women’s financial autonomy, by the later Middle Ages communities across the region increasingly allowed women to manage their own dotal property, inherit property from a variety of sources, and engage in loan banking. An examination of the historical developments of some Jewish communities in Egypt, Spain, and central Italy suggests that t...

  9. Medieval Stars in Melk Abbey (United States)

    Beck, P. G.; Zotti, G.


    Melk Abbey, a marvel of European high baroque architecture, is one of the most frequently visited tourist attractions in Austria, attracting 450 000 visitors each year. The monastery's museum presents selected aspects of Benedictine life in Melk since the monastery's foundation in 1089. After the church, the library is the second-most important room in a Benedictine monastery. Due to the wide scientific interests and contacts of the medieval monks, these libraries also contain manuscripts on mathematics, physics and astronomy. In 2009, the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009), the annual library exhibition was fully dedicated to astronomical manuscripts and early prints from the past 1000 years. Following earlier research work on astronomical manuscripts in Melk's library, we were invited to organise the exhibition. In addition, we also presented a lecture series and provided more background in an accompanying book. Because of positive feedback from the visitors, the exhibition was extended until March 2011. In the two years of its duration, the exhibition was seen by more than 900 000 visitors. In this article, we describe the background to the scientific project, how the exhibition was organised and lessons learned from this project.

  10. Hidden library : Visualizing fragments of medieval manuscripts in early-modern bookbindings with mobile macro-XRF scanner

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Duivenvoorden, Jorien R.; Käyhkö, Anna; Kwakkel, Erik; Dik, J.


    This experiment demonstrates the large potential of macro-XRF imaging for the visualization of fragments of medieval manuscripts hidden in early-modern bookbindings. The invention of the printing press in the fifteenth century made manuscripts obsolete and bookbinders started recycling their

  11. Finger of a saint, thumb of a priest: medieval relics in the Diocese of Turku, and the archaeology of lived bodies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Visa Immonen


    Full Text Available The relics of Turku Cathedral are remains belonging to the bodies of holy persons, different from ours, even today, although the cathedral is the see for the archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, and relics are not on public display. Among the relics of the cathedral, there is a fragment of a radius, which according to its authentica, belongs to St Henry. Relics and reliquaries were in the core of medieval piety, and the cult of saints had infused throughout the society. Due to their central position in culture, relics offer glimpses at a range of material, social and cultural phenomena related to medieval embodiment.The Department of Archaeology at the University of Turku began to study the finger relic of St Eric and other items in the assemblage of Turku Cathedral in 2007. Relics and reliquaries are being opened and documented and organic as well as inorganic samples are being taken for a range of scientific analyses. So far the project has concentrated on building a chronological chart of individual artefacts. The majority of the relics date to the fourteenth century, although much more recent datings have also been obtained. The challenge of the project is not to stop when a better understanding of materials, their origins and age has been accomplished, but to use the results as a steppingstone into a study of the practices of medieval relic veneration. Medieval bodies and those material processes which authenticate relics, or distinguish saints’ bodies from other human remains, are thus at the heart of this article discussing embodiment.

  12. Algunas notas sobre la figura de Argantonio y sus elementos míticos

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    Padilla Monge, Aurelio


    Full Text Available Several elements of the story narrated by Herodotus (I, 163 about Arganthonius, King of Tartessos, raise questions on the historical reality of this character: first, the mythical aspects of his figure, since he can be considered both a realization of the picture of the friendly king who welcomes travelers and an embodiment of the idea of a far-off and mysterious source of wealth; second, the chronology of his reign and his life, in which a mythical period of Mesopotamian origin was used; third, the history itself of his relationships with the Phocaean sailors, in which a narrative clich. was employed, and finally the likely origin of his own name, maybe taken perhaps by Charon of Lampsacus from a Bithynian mythological cycle.Los aspectos m.ticos de la figura de Argantonio, manifestación del buen monarca acogedor del viajero y expresión de la idea de fuente de riqueza lejana y misteriosa; la base mítica de su cronología vital, determinada por la aplicación de un módulo cronológico mítico de origen mesopotámico integrado en el acervo mítico griego, la utilización de un verdadero cliché narrativo para contar la historia de sus relaciones con los marinos foceos y el probable origen de su propio nombre, quizá tomado por Caronte de Lámpsaco de un ciclo mitolígico bitinio, permiten poner muy en duda la historicidad de este personaje.

  13. Aristotle's carp as Claretus' bird comor? Tracing the origin of one medieval term

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šedinová, Hana

    -, č. 2 (2016), s. 111-123 ISSN 0567-8269 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LD13043 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : ancient and medieval zoology * Latin lexicography * Aristoteles * Aristoteles Latinus * Michael Scotus * Thomas of Cantimpré * Claretus * carp * komor * comor Subject RIV: AI - Linguistics

  14. Arqueología Medieval en Guipúzcoa. Estado actual y perspectivas de futuro.

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    M. Mercedes Urteaga Artigas


    Full Text Available La Arqueología Medieval en Guipúzcoa tiene una larga trayectoria. Iniciada a principios de siglo, las actuaciones se han sucedido hasta el presente, de manera intermitente. En la actualidad presenta una evolución acelerada, ligada, sobre todo, a las intervenciones de salvamento. El futuro de la misma, parece especialmente vinculado a este tipo de actuaciones arqueológicas.

  15. Acerca de la evolución semántica de los adjetivos relacionales en español medieval y clásico


    Serradilla Castaño, Ana


    En este artículo se analiza la evolución semántica que sufren algunos adjetivos relacionales en español medieval y, sobre todo, en español clásico. Se trata de adjetivos como ageno, carnal, divino, mortal, criminal…, que en la época medieval funcionan como relacionales con el valor de ‘relativo a’ ‘perteneciente a’, ‘procedente de’, etc., independientemente del contexto sintáctico en que se encuentren: anteposición, posposición, construcciones superlativas… Frente a esta situación, a part...

  16. Medieval and early modern approaches to fractures of the proximal humerus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brorson, S.


    The diagnosis and management of complex fractures of the proximal humerus have challenged surgical practitioners and medical writers since the earliest recorded surgical texts. Current knowledge of fractures of the proximal humerus has been obtained through pathoanatomical and biomechanical studies...... within the last two centuries. However, the historical preconditions for this development have not been studied. This paper reviews written sources from the fall of the Roman Empire to the late eighteenth century. Medieval and early modern writers mainly rely on the Hippocratic writings De Fracturis...

  17. Latvijas sabiedrisko attiecību aģentūru prakse plānotas krīzes komunikācijas vadīšanā


    Štokmane, Linda


    Darba nosaukums ir „Latvijas sabiedrisko attiecību aģentūru prakse plānotas krīzes komunikācijas vadīšanā”. Pētījuma problēma - vai krīzes situācijām iespējams sagatavoties un kā iepriekš plānota un sagatavota komunikācija spēj palīdzēt efektīvāk vadīt krīzes situācijas? Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt, kāda ir Latvijas sab iedrisko attiecību aģentūru prakse un pieredze krīzes komunikācijas plānošanā un vadīšanā. Darba teorētiskā bāze, galvenokārt, balstīta uz situatīvo krīzes komunikāci...

  18. 'Fro Paris to Inglond'? The danse macabre in text and image in late-medieval England

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oosterwijk, Sophia


    This thesis examines the character, spread, development and influence of the Dance of Death or danse macabre theme in late-medieval England within its literary, socio- and art-historical context. It traces the origins of the theme and, following the deaths in 1422 of the English king Henry V and

  19. Druids, deer and ‘words of power’: coming to terms with evil in medieval Ireland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Borsje, J.; van Doorn-Harder, N.; Minnema, L.


    This contribution describes what is understood by evil, as perceived within Irish medieval texts, both by the authors and by the groups described in the texts. It attempts to include the points of view of possible audiences or readers of the texts as well. The definition of evil employed here thus

  20. Wrestling with Stephen and Matilda: Planning Challenging Enquiries to Engage Year 7 in Medieval Anarchy (United States)

    McDougall, Hannah


    McDougall found learning about Stephen and Matilda fascinating, was sure that her pupils would also and designed an enquiry to engage them in "the anarchy" of 1139-1153 AD. Pupils enjoyed exploring "the anarchy" and learning about it enhanced their knowledge and understanding of the medieval period considerably. However,…

  1. Algunas características económicas del mantenimiento no correctivo del software a medida.


    Torralba Martínez, José María; Rodenes Adam, Manuel


    Se presentan algunas características económicas del servicio de mantenimiento del software, relativas pricipalmente al área comercial: mercado, producto, precio y clientización, apuntando la importancia económica que tiene tanto para

  2. Pravastatin stimulates angiogenesis in a murine hindlimb ischemia model: a positron emission tomography imaging study with (64)Cu-NOTA-TRC105. (United States)

    Orbay, Hakan; Hong, Hao; Koch, Jill M; Valdovinos, Hector F; Hacker, Timothy A; Theuer, Charles P; Barnhart, Todd E; Cai, Weibo


    In this study, (64)Cu-NOTA-TRC105 (TRC105 is an anti-CD105 monoclonal antibody that binds to both human and murine CD105) positron emission tomography (PET) was used to assess the response to pravastatin treatment in a murine model of peripheral artery disease (PAD). Hindlimb ischemia was induced by ligation of the right femoral arteries in BALB/c mice under anesthesia, and the left hindlimb served as an internal control. Mice in the treatment group were given intraperitoneal pravastatin daily until the end of the study, whereas the animals in the control group were injected with 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Laser Doppler imaging showed that blood flow in the ischemic hindlimb plummeted to ~20% of the normal level after surgery, and gradually recovered to near normal level on day 10 in the treatment group and on day 20 in the control group. Angiogenesis was non-invasively monitored and quantified with (64)Cu-NOTA-TRC105 PET on postoperative days 3, 10, 17, and 24. Tracer uptake at 48 h post-injection in the ischemic hindlimb in the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control group on day 10 (20.5 ± 1.9 %ID/g vs 11.4 ± 1.5 %ID/g), suggesting increased CD105 expression and higher level of angiogenesis upon pravastatin treatment, and gradually decreased to background levels in both groups (4.9 ± 0.8 %ID/g vs 3.4 ± 1.9 %ID/g on day 24). The in vivo PET data correlated well with ex vivo biodistribution studies performed on day 24. Increased CD105 expression on days 3 and 10 following ischemia was further confirmed by immunofluorescence staining. Taken together, our results indicated that (64)Cu-NOTA-TRC105 PET is a suitable and non-invasive method to monitor the angiogenesis and therapeutic response in PAD, which can also be utilized for non-invasive evaluation of other pro-angiogenic/anti-angiogenic drugs in other cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

  3. Medieval capital markets. Markets for renten between state formation and private investment in Holland (1300-1550)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zuijderduijn, C.J.


    The book is structured as follows. Chapter 1 introduces medieval Holland as a significant entity for institutional-economic development by discussing how the state created a county wide societal structure. As a proto-territorial state Holland had a uniform judiciary, a government apparatus that gave

  4. Early Medieval silver pearl from Lumbe's garden cemetery at Prague Castle: Composition, manufacture, deterioration, and conservation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Děd, J.; Ottenwelter, Estelle; Šejvlová, Ludmila


    Roč. 61, č. 3 (2016), s. 174-183 ISSN 0039-3630 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP405/12/2195 Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : medieval jewellery * Lumbe's Garden * archaeometry Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology Impact factor: 0.578, year: 2016

  5. Studies on tofts, peasants and hierarchies in medieval rural Denmark - some comments from an archaeological perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Mette Svart


    A classical starting point for an archaeological discussion of hierarchy in Danish settlement research is the toft, particularly its size and position in the spatial arrangement of the medieval village. The main concern of this article is to identify and discuss related problems, in particular...

  6. A etnografia das ruas: notas sobre estudar e ser estudado

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    Hecht, Tobias


    Full Text Available Passeando entre as notas e as lembranças de dois períodos distintos de trabalho de campo, este ensaio "impressionista" trata da dinâmica em mudança de uma relação de pesquisa com crianças de rua. Em 1992-1993, conduzi trabalho de campo para uma dissertação sobre crianças de rua no nordeste brasileiro. Retornando à região seis anos mais tarde, descobri que a maioria das crianças estudadas apenas uma fração de geração antes estavam então mortas. Estas anotações enfocam minhas conversas com um dos sobreviventes e com quem (e sobre quem estou agora escrevendo uma biografia. Esse esforço colaborativo, voltado de certo modo a reconsiderar as implicações éticas da pesquisa com crianças que levam vidas violentas e vulneráveis, levanta uma gama de novos desafios éticos, alguns dos quais inteiramente imprevistos

  7. Investigation of medieval ceramics from Ras by physicochemical methods

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    Zindović Nataša D.


    Full Text Available Although early medieval Serbian ceramic is well described by the archeologists and historians, knowledge of the Balkan ceramic production is still limited. Archaeometric study of ceramics provenance, technology of preparation and used pigments as well as influence of neighboring countries and specific characteristics of different workshops has never been performed so far. The detailed knowledge of the micro-chemical and micro-structural nature of an archaeological artifact is critical in finding solutions to problems of restoration, conservation, dating and authentication in the art world. In this work we present results of systematic investigation of pottery shards from archeological site Ras. The term Ras, which signifies both the fortress and the region encompassing the upper course of Raška River, used to be the center of the medieval Serbian state. Both the ceramic body and the polychromatic glaze of the artifacts were studied by a multianalitical approach combining optical microscopy (OM, FT-IR spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence (XRF. Mineralogical composition of pottery shards has been determined combining results obtained by FT-IR spectroscopy, after deconvolution of the spectra, and XRPD analysis. Firing temperature has been estimated based on the mineralogical composition and positions of Si-O stretching (-1000 cm-1 and banding (-460 cm-1 vibrations. Investigated samples have been classified into two groups based on the mineralogical composition, cross sections and firing temperature. Larger group consists of samples of fine-grained, homogeneous ceramics with firing temperatures bellow 800 °C which indicates imported products. Second, smaller group consists of inhomogeneous ceramics with firing temperatures between 850 and 900 °C produced in the domestic workshops. The obtained results will be used to build up a national database for the compositions of bodies, glazes and pigments.

  8. The wine trade, piracy and maritime contract law in late medieval Southampton


    Pamuk, Fatih


    Ankara : The Department of History, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2014. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2014. Includes bibliographical references leaves 102-105. In late medieval Southampton, wine was a commodity, which was extensively traded, and quite precious to the pirates of the English Channel because it was easy to sell and the vessels loaded with wine had less protection than the ships of precious metals. Therefore, increase of wine trade in the late m...

  9. Post-Mortem Projections: Medieval Mystical Resurrection and the Return of Tupac Shakur


    Spencer-Hall, A.


    Medieval hagiographies abound with tales of post-mortem visits and miracles by saints. The saint was a powerful religious individual both in life and in death, a conduit of divine grace and lightning rod for Christian fervour. With her post-mortem presence, the presumptive boundary between living and dead, spirit and flesh, is rent apart: showing the reality of the hereafter and shattering the fantasies of the mortal world. The phenomenon of a glorified individual returning to ...

  10. Physical education of the medieval knight La educación física del caballero medieval

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    Buenaventura DELGADO


    Full Text Available The medieval knight was required to perform the same physical exercices and have the same capabilities as Spartan, Athenian and Roman soldiers. They had to be agile, strong, fast and able to use weapons on foot as on horseback. To be pysically fit was as important as knowing history as explained by tutors and sung by jugglers in moments of leisure during which they learnt of legends, nationals heroes and the paradigms that distinguish nations. All the heroes praised through generations provide models shaped the collective personality of entire peoples. San Isidoro de Sevilla, Ramón Llull, King Alfonso X the Wise and Don Juan Manuel were the principal writers to exalt the figure of the knight and his education. During the XII, XIII, XIV and XV centuries and including the Renaissance, there were exhibitions of physical games, during which knights sought fame and fortune: jousts, tournaments, staged games, games using canes and processions of arms called «pasos honrosos» were undertaken with popular enthusiasm in Western and central Europe in the Byzantine Empire and throughout the Moslem world.Los ejercicios y habilidades físicas exigidos al caballero medieval fueron semejantes a los que se pedían al militar espartano, ateniense y romano. Debían ser ágiles, fuertes, rápidos y diestros en el manejo de las armas a pie y a caballo. Tan importante como una buena forma física era conocer la Historia cantada por ayos y juglares en los momentos de ocio, a través de la cual se familiarizaban con las tradiciones, leyendas, héroes nacionales y los paradigmas que distinguían a un pueblo de otro. El abanico de héroes alabados y ensalzados de generación en generación eran otros tantos modelos destinados a troquelar la personalidad colectiva de cada pueblo. San Isidoro de Sevilla, Ramón Llull, el rey Alfonso X el Sabio y Don Juan Manuel son los principales escritores interesados en ensalzar la figura del caballero y su educación. En los siglos

  11. Making computers noble. An experiment in automatic analysis of medieval texts

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    Andrea Colli


    Full Text Available L’analisi informatica di testi filosofici, la creazione di database, ipertesti o edizioni elettroniche non costituiscono più unicamente una ricerca di frontiera, ma sono da molti anni una risorsa preziosa per gli studi umanistici. Ora, non si tratta di richiedere alle macchine un ulteriore sforzo per comprendere il linguaggio umano, quanto piuttosto di perfezionare gli strumenti affinché esse possano essere a tutti gli effetti collaboratori di ricerca. Questo articolo è concepito come il resoconto di un esperimento finalizzato a documentare come le associazioni lessicali di un gruppo selezionato di testi medievali possa offrire qualche suggerimento in merito ai loro contenuti teorici. Computer analysis of texts, creation of databases hypertexts and digital editions are not the final frontier of research anymore. Quite the contrary, from many years they have been representing a significant contribution to medieval studies. Therefore, we do not mean to make the computer able to grasp the meaning of human language and penetrate its secrets, but rather we aim at improving their tools, so that they will become an even more efficient equipment employed in research activities. This paper is thought as a sort of technical report with the proposed task to verify if an automatic identification of some word associations within a selected groups of medieval writings produces suggestions on the subject of the processed texts, able to be used in a theoretical inquiry.

  12. Finding the Sacred Direction: Medieval Books on the Qibla (United States)

    Rius, M.


    Medieval Islamic scholars wrote a great number of books on the qibla, the Sacred Direction. These books had a huge readership and provided instructions for finding the direction of Mecca by either exact or approximate means. In principle, the qibla was a purely religious subject, but in practice its determination required the use of astronomy as an applied science. As so often, religion and politics had many points of contact and, in this case, it was generally political considerations that prevailed. Finally, the analysis of nautical charts can offer new perspectives. As yet, modern scholarship has not established the link between this area of study and the classical literature on this subject.

  13. Isidoro de Sevilla: el banco de datos medieval

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    Américo Abad


    Full Text Available San Isidoro de Sevilla, el Doctor egregius de Ios siglos VI y VII, constituye una referencia medieval de suma importancia y en varios aspectos. Su obra enciclopédica, su pensamiento jurídico y filosófico, su conducción de los asuntos políticos, su apología de la iglesia como institución ecuménica, cuando apenas se dibujaban los primeros rasgos -impalpables casi - de la sociedad civil y del estado y la organizacJón del saber y del conocimiento llegados a su tiempo.Contenido: Presentación. El proyecto enciclopédico. Universo y sistema. Etimologías y otros textos. La ley y el gobierno. La filosofía. Comunidad y comunidades. Consideraciones finales

  14. Algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en los negocios internacionales


    Ernesto Raúl González Ramírez


    El presente artículo aborda algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en el contexto de los negocios internacionales. La primera parte está dirigida a describir las particularidades de las estrategias específicas de mercadotecnia (producto, precio, comunicación y distribución) en el área internacional. La segunda parte, trata sobre la importancia de tener presente el nivel de orientación al mercado o aplicación del concepto de mercadotecnia en este contexto.

  15. An Introduction to the Medieval English: The Historical and Literary Context, Traces of Church and Philosophical Movements in the Literature

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    Esmail Zare Behtash


    Full Text Available The Transition from Greek to medieval philosophy that speculated on religion, nature, metaphysics, human being and society was rather a rough transition in the history of English literature. Although the literature content of this age reflected more religious beliefs, the love and hate relationship of medieval philosophy that was mostly based on the Christianity with Greek civilization was exhibited clearly. The modern philosophical ideologies are the continuation of this period’s ideologies. Without a well understanding of the philosophical issues related to this age, it is not possible to understand the modern ones well. The catholic tradition as well as the religious reform against church called Protestantism was organized in this age. In Medieval Period, philosophy and theoretical thoughts related to the Christianity were well-organized and the philosophy, science and theoretical thoughts served religion. Philosophy had different forms and orientations in various stages of this period. One of these philosophical thoughts was the Augustinian philosophy which was strongly in favor of church with its different practices and styles. It used Platonic and Neo-Platonic traditions to prove that faith is the result of divine dispensations, not the result of human will power and wisdom. On the other hand, according to Aquinas, we experience different types of the effects that existed in the world around us. He believed that we assign an effective cause to each effect we experienced around us. Additionally, he claimed that reasoning was the only way to reach the real faith. In fact, philosophy of Medieval Period attempted to prove that religious assertions and ideologists were in search of matching their philosophical beliefs with the beliefs of Christianity. Christianity as the dominant factor in Middle English Literature helped English to be stablished as a literary language.

  16. La sciencia theorica speculativa en la construcción gótica. El promotor eclesiástico de la catedral medieval

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    Lluis i Ginovart, Josep


    Full Text Available The construction of Gothic cathedrals can be seen as a transfer of knowledge between ecclesiastical figures the bishop and Chapter, and medieval architect. The beauty of the cathedral depended on the practica of medieval mason, versus the teorica of the church promoter. An example of this is the example of mainstreaming, the one of the construction of the Cathedral of Tortosa. Metrology and proportion of the architecture of the cathedral, derived directly from the philosophical sources of the Gothic order. The main authors of reference are identified in the chapter library; Augustine ACTo 20, Calcidius and Capella ACTo nº 80, Macrobius ACTo 236. This has allowed us to establish contact points between knowledge of the promoter and the gothic builder.La construcción de las catedrales góticas puede considerarse como un trasvase de conocimiento entre las figuras eclesiásticas del obispo y Capítulo, y el arquitecto medieval. La belleza de la catedral dependía de la practica del constructor medieval, y de la teorica de sus promotores. Una muestra de esta transversalidad es el ejemplo de la construcción de la catedral de Tortosa. La metrología y la proporción de la arquitectura de la catedral, emanan directamente de las fuentes filosóficas del orden gótico. Los principales autores de referencia están identificados en su biblioteca capitular: San Agustín (ACTo 20, Calcidio y Capella (ACTo nº 80 y Macrobio (ACTo 236. Esta circunstancia ha permitido establecer unos puntos de contacto entre los saberes del promotor y del constructor góticos.

  17. Charlemagne's summit canal: an early medieval hydro-engineering project for passing the Central European Watershed. (United States)

    Zielhofer, Christoph; Leitholdt, Eva; Werther, Lukas; Stele, Andreas; Bussmann, Jens; Linzen, Sven; Schneider, Michael; Meyer, Cornelius; Berg-Hobohm, Stefanie; Ettel, Peter


    The Central European Watershed divides the Rhine-Main catchment and the Danube catchment. In the Early Medieval period, when ships were important means of transportation, Charlemagne decided to link both catchments by the construction of a canal connecting the Schwabian Rezat and the Altmühl rivers. The artificial waterway would provide a continuous inland navigation route from the North Sea to the Black Sea. The shortcut is known as Fossa Carolina and represents one of the most important Early Medieval engineering achievements in Europe. Despite the important geostrategic relevance of the construction it is not clarified whether the canal was actually used as a navigation waterway. We present new geophysical data and in situ findings from the trench fills that prove for the first time a total length of the constructed Carolingian canal of at least 2300 metres. We have evidence for a conceptual width of the artificial water course between 5 and 6 metres and a water depth of at least 60 to 80 cm. This allows a crossing way passage of Carolingian cargo scows with a payload of several tons. There is strong evidence for clayey to silty layers in the trench fills which reveal suspension load limited stillwater deposition and, therefore, the evidence of former Carolingian and post-Carolingian ponds. These findings are strongly supported by numerous sapropel layers within the trench fills. Our results presented in this study indicate an extraordinarily advanced construction level of the known course of the canal. Here, the excavated levels of Carolingian trench bottoms were generally sufficient for the efficient construction of stepped ponds and prove a final concept for a summit canal. We have evidence for the artificial Carolingian dislocation of the watershed and assume a sophisticated Early Medieval hydrological engineering concept for supplying the summit of the canal with adequate water.

  18. The modern enterprise – successor of business organization forms in ancient Rome and medieval Europe

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    Anca Pacala


    Full Text Available In recent years, researchers and practitioners are increasingly interested in the role and influence of the forms of business organization on the economy and society. Interpretations of the role of companies in the modern period, ranging from enthusiastic support (as the most important invention of capitalism, an explanation of the Western civilization’s expansion to moderate and often critical positions, where the company is seen as a solution, not necessarily optimal, to market imperfections. On the other hand, we often ponder upon the explanation of political, administrative and infrastructural success of ancient Rome: the state or the enterprise (the private initiative? Closer to our time, we rediscover with amazement that the "dark" Middle Ages are not at all dark and lacking in progress, at least in terms of capitalist organization and logic. The development of trade in the two poles of medieval Europe (the Mediterranean and the BaltoScandinavian area, of industry and trade in the North-Western quadrant (Flanders and neighbouring regions, was concurrent with the improvement of organizational forms of business, with the diversity and flexibility of entrepreneurial or even corporate frameworks. Of course, the study of historical sources (ancient or medieval cannot provide direct answers or solutions to the questions of modern society, because the challenges of today are rather different to those of the past. On the other hand, understanding history can help companies to build a more complete and a wiser enterprise functionality and role in the modern society, to reformulate the questions and to find new solutions. Our paper, with a clear juridical perspective on economic history, focuses on the organization of firms in ancient Rome and medieval Europe, tries to provide examples, useful interpretations and diverse solutions to the problems of contemporary society and economy.

  19. Paleoparasitological Findings in Medieval and Early Modern Archaeological Deposits from Hradební Street, Chrudim, Czech Republic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bartošová, L.; Ditrich, Oleg; Beneš, J.; Frolík, Jan; Musil, J.


    Roč. 2, č. 1 (2011), s. 27-38 ISSN 1804-848X Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60220518; CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : paleoparasitology * medieval town * cesspit * helmints * hygiene Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  20. Environmental imperatives reconsidered: demographic crises in western North America during the medieval climatic anomaly. (United States)

    Jones, T L; Brown, G M; Raab, L M; McVickar, J L; Spaulding, W G; Kennett, D J; York, A; Wlaker, P L


    Review of late Holocene paleoenvironmental and cultural sequences from four regions of western North America show striking correlations between drought and changes in subsistence, population, exchange, health, and interpersonal violence during the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (A.D. 800-1350). While ultimate causality is difficult to identify in the archaeological record, synchrony of the environmental and cultural changes and the negative character of many human responses--increased interpersonal violence, deterioration of long-distance exchange relationships, and regional abandonments--suggest widespread demographic crises caused by decreased environmental productivity. The medieval droughts occurred at a unique juncture in the demographic history of western North America when unusually large populations of both hunter-gathers and agriculturalists had evolved highly intensified economies that put them in unprecedented ecological jeopardy. Long-term patterns in the archaeological record are inconsistent with the predicted outcomes of simple adaptation or continuous economic intensification, suggesting that in this instance environmental dynamics played a major role in cultural transformations across a wide expanse of western North America among groups with diverse subsistence strategies. These events suggest that environment should not be overlooked as a potential cause of prehistoric culture change.

  1. Post-Mortem Projections: Medieval Mystical Resurrection and the Return of Tupac Shakur


    Spencer-Hall, Alicia


    Medieval hagiographies abound with tales of post-mortem visits and miracles by saints. The saint was a powerful religious individual both in life and in death, a conduit of divine grace and lightning rod for Christian fervour. With her post-mortem presence, the presumptive boundary between living and dead, spirit and flesh, is rent apart: showing the reality of the hereafter and shattering the fantasies of the mortal world. The phenomenon of a glorified individual returning to a worshipful co...

  2. Algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en los negocios internacionales

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    Ernesto Raúl González Ramírez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en el contexto de los negocios internacionales. La primera parte está dirigida a describir las particularidades de las estrategias específicas de mercadotecnia (producto, precio, comunicación y distribución en el área internacional. La segunda parte, trata sobre la importancia de tener presente el nivel de orientación al mercado o aplicación del concepto de mercadotecnia en este contexto.

  3. An early medieval symbol carved on a tree trunk. Pathfinder or territorial marker?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dreslerová, Dagmar; Mikuláš, Radek


    Roč. 84, č. 326 (2010), s. 1067-1075 ISSN 0003-598X R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAAX00020701; GA AV ČR IAA300130505 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508; CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : Central Europe * early medieval * wood carving * fossil oak * alluvial setting Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology Impact factor: 0.969, year: 2010

  4. Reflexões sobre o gênero e o monacato hispânico medieval

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    Andréia Cristina Lopes Frazão


    Full Text Available From a presentation of the main approaches to the study of medieval hispanic monasticism, this article provides theoretical and methodological reflections and exposes the dilemmas resulting from the use of gender category to the study of monastic life. Such reflections are associated with the research that I am developping, which is scoped to the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla into two periods: 1076-1109 and 1227-1265.

  5. El simbolismo animal en la cultura medieval

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    Dolores Carmen Morales Muñiz


    Full Text Available Abordar un tema tan amplio y complejo como el de la simbología animal en los siglos medievales en un espacio tan corto, me obliga a seleccionar los puntos prioritarios a tratar. En primer lugar adelanto que el trabajo aquí presentado es parte de una línea de investigación más amplia sobre culturas zoológicas en la España medieval, entendiendo comparativamente a la cristiana, a la musulmana y a la judía. Como se sabe, la zoohistoria y sus implicaciones en la vida del Inombre —sobre todo esto último— es una especialidad cada vez más cultivada dentro de la investigación reciente, también para la Edad Media. La simbología, dentro de aquella especialidad, resulta uno de los aspectos más sugerentes, y en estas líneas queremos plantear los puntos más relevantes de esta contribución.

  6. Orientation of medieval churches of Morava school

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    Tadić Milutin


    Full Text Available In this paper we present the mathematical and topographic analysis of orientation of the most significant churches (11 of Morava school, the last style in architecture of medieval Serbia whose executors were chief architects. The deviation from equinox East of the main axis of each church and the dates when the Sun rises on the physical horizon, in the extension of the main axis, have been calculated. These were the dates when the church could have been oriented towards the rising Sun. This possibility has been ruled out for four churches. As for the other churches, the matching of the mentioned dates with the patron’s days wasn’t established. The churches in monasteries Ljubostinja and Kalenic are oriented with astronomical precision towards equinox East, an admirable fact considering the tools available to the builders. Rade Borovic, the only chief architect who put his signature on his work, was the chief architect of Ljubostinja.

  7. Visitors’ Motivations, Satisfaction and Loyalty Towards Castro Marim Medieval Fair

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    Iolanda Márcia Barbeitos


    Full Text Available The study tests the relationship between motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty using a structural equation model. Data have been collected through a questionnaire applied to visitors attending a local festival, Castro Marim Medieval Fair, which hosts every year between 45.000 and 60.000 visitors. Results show that satisfaction towards controlled variables of the event within the venue’s boundaries, such as animation, gastronomy, and handicraft, influences visitors’ overall satisfaction towards the event. On the other hand, they also reveal a direct relationship between overall satisfaction and loyalty. The study contributes to a better understanding of visitors’ behaviour and provides useful guidance to festival ideation and design.

  8. Locomotory Apparatus and Health Status of the Early medieval population in Great Moravia (the Czech Republic)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Velemínský, P.; Stránská, Petra; Dobisíková, M.; Zikán, V.; Likovský, Jakub; Zítková, J.; Žaloudková, M.; Fialová, L.; Stloukal, M.; Poláček, L.


    Roč. 126, č. 40 (2005), s. 112-113 ISSN 0002-9483. [Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologist. 06.04.05-09.04.05, Milwaukee] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : early medieval Slavonic population * ontogenesis * sexual dimorphism Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology , Ethnology

  9. Elites and their children : a study in the historical anthropology of medieval China, 500-1000 AD

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pissin, Annika


    The history of children in medieval China, as in other parts of the world and in pre-modern times, stands in marked contrast to the traditional areas of historical inquiry such as the history of the state, the history of the economy or intellectual history. Children generally do not have political

  10. The Dichotomy of Insularity: Islands between Isolation and Connectivity in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, and Beyond

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sicking, L.H.J.


    The importance of islands in maritime and global history is not yet understood in a comparative and long term perspective. This article aims to contribute to understanding the role of islands for the establishment, preservation and extension of maritime connections in medieval and early modern

  11. There is no mass spectrometry evidence that the C14 sample from the Shroud of Turin comes from a “medieval invisible mending”

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bella, Marco, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Roma, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma (Italy); Garlaschelli, Luigi [Department of Chemistry, University of Pavia, Via Taramelli 10, 27100 Pavia (Italy); Samperi, Roberto [Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Roma, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma (Italy)


    Highlights: • This editorial regards a paper published on Thermochimica Acta, 425 (2005) 189. • The author hypothesized a “medieval invisible mending” on the Shroud of Turin. • There is no evidence of such a “medieval invisible mending”. • The two mass spectra presented differ only by the presence of a contaminant. • When the peaks due to the contaminant are removed, the two mass spectra look alike. - Abstract: This is an editorial regarding a paper published on Thermochimica Acta (R.N. Rogers, Thermochimca Acta, 425 (2005) 189–194). A close-up analysis of the pyrolysis-mass spectra reported in the original paper reveals that the differences found between the samples coming from different parts of the Shroud are just due to the presence of a contaminant with a long aliphatic chain. Except for the presence of the contaminant, the two pyrolysis-mass spectra look alike rather than different. Therefore, the pseudoscientific theory stating that the C14 sample might come from a “medieval invisible mending” remains unsupported by evidences.

  12. De herba lunatica (London, Wellcome Library, 573, f. 149v): edition and translation of a medieval opuscule on the magical properties of common moonwort (Botrychium lunaria Swartz)


    Ferraces Rodríguez, Arsenio


    This article provides the first edition of a medieval text on the properties of a plant named herba lunatica. From the description of the plant found in this text as well as in other medieval sources, together with its iconographic representation on the lower margin of the manuscript, we propose its identification with the ‘Botrychium lunaria’ Swartz. The edition of the Latin text includes its translation into Spanish.

  13. The Medieval Climate Anomaly and Byzantium: A review of the evidence on climatic fluctuations, economic performance and societal change (United States)

    Xoplaki, Elena; Fleitmann, Dominik; Luterbacher, Juerg; Wagner, Sebastian; Haldon, John F.; Zorita, Eduardo; Telelis, Ioannis; Toreti, Andrea; Izdebski, Adam


    At the beginning of the Medieval Climate Anomaly, in the ninth and tenth century, the medieval eastern Roman empire, more usually known as Byzantium, was recovering from its early medieval crisis and experiencing favourable climatic conditions for the agricultural and demographic growth. Although in the Balkans and Anatolia such favourable climate conditions were prevalent during the eleventh century, parts of the imperial territories were facing significant challenges as a result of external political/military pressure. The apogee of medieval Byzantine socio-economic development, around AD 1150, coincides with a period of adverse climatic conditions for its economy, so it becomes obvious that the winter dryness and high climate variability at this time did not hinder Byzantine society and economy from achieving that level of expansion. Soon after this peak, towards the end of the twelfth century, the populations of the Byzantine world were experiencing unusual climatic conditions with marked dryness and cooler phases. The weakened Byzantine socio-political system must have contributed to the events leading to the fall of Constantinople in AD 1204 and the sack of the city. The final collapse of the Byzantine political control over western Anatolia took place half century later, thus contemporaneous with the strong cooling effect after a tropical volcanic eruption in AD 1257. We suggest that, regardless of a range of other influential factors, climate change was also an important contributing factor to the socio-economic changes that took place in Byzantium during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Crucially, therefore, while the relatively sophisticated and complex Byzantine society was certainly influenced by climatic conditions, and while it nevertheless displayed a significant degree of resilience, external pressures as well as tensions within the Byzantine society more broadly contributed to an increasing vulnerability in respect of climate impacts. Our

  14. Construction of a taxonomy for medieval Portuguese history: problems and challenges

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    Medeiros, Filipa


    Full Text Available Our main goal was to design and build a taxonomy of medieval Portuguese history using an interdisciplinary approach based on doctoral research. First, the criteria used for the selection of the vocabulary and its formal and semantic normalization were determined. Then species were listed, followed by the characterization of categories and their respective subclasses. As conclusions we highlight the successful application of the selected terms, as well as the fact that the taxonomy’s categories are being continuously updated and expanded, both in their global extension and in the depth of their thematic representation. In addition we offer proposals for continuing the ontological development of this taxonomy.Se ha fijado como objetivo principal diseñar y elaborar una taxonomía sobre Historia medieval portuguesa, y hacerlo mediante un abordaje interdisciplinar y como fruto de las investigaciones de tesis. En su proceso se determinaron, primero, los criterios seguidos para la selección y normalización formal y semántica del vocabulario. Luego se listaron las especies y se caracterizaron las categorías y las respectivas subclases. Como conclusión se destaca el hecho de que se han experimentado con éxito métodos antes ya probados en otros estudios para proyectar, desarrollar y mantener taxonomías, con independencia del nivel de especificidad temática, hecho que plantea otro tipo de retos. Sin olvidarse de avanzar propuestas que le den continuidad hacia su desarrollo ontológico.

  15. Medieval women's writing: Works by and for Women in England, 1100-1500


    Watt, D


    Medieval Women's Writing is a major new contribution to our understanding of women's writing in England, 1100-1500. The most comprehensive account to date, it includes writings in Latin and French as well as English, and works for as well as by women. Marie de France, Clemence of Barking, Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and the Paston women are discussed alongside the Old English lives of women saints, The Life of Christina of Markyate, the St Albans Psalter, and the legends of women saints...

  16. Algunas reflexiones sobre la clasificación de los organismos vivos


    Medina,Rita Daniela Fernández


    Clasificar es una manera de organizar la información que puede ser definida como una actividad donde diferentes objetos, conceptos o seres son asignados a categorías según algún criterio. Los criterios de clasificación de los organismos vivos han mudado a lo largo del tiempo. En el presente trabajo, a partir de un recorrido histórico se presentan las diferentes formas que han existido de clasificar a los organismos vivos. Se presentan también algunas discusiones existentes en relación a la fo...

  17. Richard Rufus's theory of mixture: a medieval explanation of chemical combination. (United States)

    Weisberg, Michael; Wood, Rega


    Richard Rufus of Cornwall offered a novel solution to the problem of mixture raised by Aristotle. The puzzle is that mixts or mixed bodies (blood, flesh, wood, etc.) seem to be unexplainable through logic, even though the world is full of them. Rufus's contribution to this long-standing theoretical debate is the development of a modal interpretation of certain Averroistic doctrines. Rufus's account, which posits that the elemental forms in a mixt are in accidental potential, avoids many of the problems that plagued non-atomistic medieval theories of mixture. This paper is an initial examination of Rufus' account.

  18. Algunas experiencias de aplicación del aprendizaje cooperativo y del aprendizaje basado en proyectos


    García-Almiñana, Daniel; Amante García, Beatriz


    En esta comunicación se pretenden presentar algunas experiencias de aplicación del AC y ABP en distintas asignaturas impartidas en la Universidad Europea de Madrid y en la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, destacando los aspectos de mejora observados con respecto a la docencia convencional.

  19. Algunas consideraciones teóricas sobre el liderazgo transformacional

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    Otilia Bracho Parra


    Full Text Available El artículo tuvo como objetivo, realizar algunas consideraciones teóricas sobre el liderazgo transformacional, tomando como referencia los planteamientos de Bass y Avolio (2006, Velásquez (2006, Lerma (2007, Leithwood, Mascall y Strauss (2009, entre otros. El proceso metodológico implico revisión bibliográfica, a través de la hermenéutica. Concluyendo que el liderazgo transformacional implica convertir a los colaboradores en personas creativas, motivadas al logro, comprometidas e identificadas con la organización, además de inspirar en sus seguidores la participación, pensar en colectivo, esforzándose en alcanzar metas significativas, en pro de la misión y visión de la empresa.

  20. [Crusading and Chronicle Writing on the Medieval Baltic Frontier: A Companion to the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia] / Michael Amundsen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Amundsen, Michael


    Arvustus: Crusading and chronicle writing on the medieval Baltic frontier : a companion to the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia / edited by Marek Tamm, Linda Kaljundi, Carsten Selch Jensen. Farnham : Ashgate, 2011

  1. Safety, Dosimetry, and Tumor Detection Ability of 68Ga-NOTA-AE105

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skovgaard Lund, Dorthe; Persson, Morten; Brandt-Larsen, Malene


    The overexpression of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptors (uPARs) represents an established biomarker for aggressiveness in most common malignant diseases, including breast cancer (BC), prostate cancer (PC), and urinary bladder cancer (UBC), and is therefore an important target for new...... cancer therapeutic and diagnostic strategies. In this study, uPAR PET imaging using a68Ga-labeled version of the uPAR-targeting peptide (AE105) was investigated in a group of patients with BC, PC, and UBC. The aim of this first-in-human, phase I clinical trial was to investigate the safety.......Conclusion:This first-in-human, phase I clinical trial demonstrates the safe use and clinical potential of68Ga-NOTA-AE105 as a new radioligand for uPAR PET imaging in cancer patients....

  2. Pasando revista: El Gráfico, Mundo Deportivo y Goles, tres maneras de narrar el deporte argentino del siglo XX


    López, Andrea


    La historia del periodismo deportivo en Argentina está íntimamente ligada a la palabra impresa. Mucho antes de la aparición de la radio y la TV, fue el periodismo gráfico el primero en difundir la actividad deportiva. Durante el siglo XX, las revistas especializadas sentaron las bases de cómo narrar el deporte en Argentina. Esta ponencia buscará indagar en la forma en que lo hicieron algunas de las más importantes: El Gráfico, Mundo Deportivo y Goles. Cómo construyeron sus tapas y sus notas, ...

  3. Algunas Características de los Cacaos Criollos de Venezuela

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    Ciferri R.


    Full Text Available Se indican algunas características morfológicas y biométricas de los cacaos "Criollo de cáscara morada" y "Criollo de cáscara decolorada", observadas en un cacaotal de Venezuela y las cuales se comparan con las de algunos de sus cruces, así más afines, como más alejados, que en conjunto forman el Forastero Venezolano. Se llama la atención sobre unos tipos de cacao muy valiosos, derivados de los cruzamientos entre estos dos tipos de Criollo, mencionados. Se indica, además, la distribución de dichos Criollos en Venezuela.

  4. Seismic Activity in Medieval Jeroným Mine, West Bohemia, During Period 2006-2009

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kaláb, Zdeněk; Lednická, Markéta; Knejzlík, Jaromír; Hrubešová, E.


    Roč. 5, č. 2 (2010), s. 67-77 ISSN 1896-3145. [Ochrona środowiska w górnictwie podziemnym, odkrywkowym i otworowym. Zawiercie, 19.05.2010-21.05.2010] R&D Projects: GA ČR GA105/09/0089 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30860518 Keywords : medieval Jeroným mine * seismic load * numerical modelling of underground spaces Subject RIV: DC - Siesmology, Volcanology, Earth Structure

  5. [Tooth pathology analysis of osteological material from the Medieval locality of Saint Pantelejmon church in Nis]. (United States)

    Mitić, Nadica; Mitić, Aleksandar; Crnoglavac, Vesna; Vlak, Dejana; Nikolić, Marija


    Medieval necropolis at the porch of St. Panteleimon church in Nis, from 12th century represents a typical Serbian necropolis, which has its analogies in several areas in Serbia. Preservation of the skeletal remains belongs to category of good and medium preservation. The aim of the work was to study the skeletal remains for the prevalence of tooth caries, localization of caries lesions, presence of abrasion, supragingival tartar and resorption of alveolar bone as the indicator of periodontal disease. The analyses included 42 skeletal remains. The anthropological analyses involved paleopathological findings on 954 teeth of 22 men and 20 women. The pathological changes of teeth were determined by inspection, dental probe, dental mirror and x-ray examination. Epidemiological research was done using average caries index. The antropological tooth pathology research of osteological material from the medieval localization of St. Pantaleimon Church in Nis showed the presence of caries in 7.86% cases, 9.93% women and 6.07% men. In 76% caries were localized on the approximal surfaces of teeth. Abrasion of the second and third degree was registered on the side and front teeth with transformation of contact points into contact surfaces and the creation of approximal, interstitial, scolded surfaces. A large quantity of supragingival tartar was found in all individuals aged over 25 years. Expressed alveolar bone resorption is the indicator of generalized periodontal disease. The prevalence of caries in the studied medieval population from the 12th century was sporadic, with localization on secondary predilection places. The abrasion of the second and third degree was present, and the resorption of the alveolar bone was registered in all the examined skeletal remains, which was the indicator of spread periodontal disease in this period.

  6. Anécdotas castellanas en escritura hebraica. Apuntes paremiológicos conservados en las anotaciones hebreas de Alfonso de Zamora (Ms. Leiden Or. 645

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    Alonso Fontela, Carlos


    Full Text Available Problems of translation and interpretation are addressed in this presentation of Alfonso de Zamora’s Hebrew and Hebrew “Aljamiado” Spanish notes (ca. 1530 from Leiden University Library Ms. Or. 645 (ol. Warner 65 containing anecdotes, sayings and short tales. Additional notes dealing with a manuscript copy of the Targum to the Prophets comissioned by the University of Salamanca are also discussed.

    Este artículo estudia algunas notas manuscritas de Alfonso de Zamora en hebreo y en aljamía hebraico-castellana datadas hacia 1530, y procedentes del ms. Or. 645 (ol. Warner 65 de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Leiden. Dichas notas contienen anécdotas, refranes y «cuentecillos», tales como las anécdotas «de fray Palomo», «de un portugués», y «de lo que dijo el gallego». Otras anotaciones de Zamora tratan de un trabajo de copia del Targum a los Profetas por encargo de la Universidad de Salamanca.

  7. The religious polemics of the Muslims of Late Medieval Christian Iberia : Identity and religious authority in Mudejar Islam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Colominas Aparicio, M.


    This dissertation investigates the politics of identity of the Muslims in Late Medieval Christian Iberia (Mudejars). Mudejars had to endure the pressure exerted by the Christian majority society and also the criticism from their co-religionists in Muslim lands who contested their exceptional

  8. Archaeomagnetic Study performed on Early Medieval Buildings from western France (United States)

    Chauvin, A.; Lanos, P.; Dufresne, P.; Blain, S.; Guibert, P.; Oberlin, C.; Sapin, C.


    A multiple dating study, involving a collaboration between specialists of dating techniques (thermoluminescence (TL) and radiocarbon), historians of art and archaeologists, has been carried out on several early medieval buildings from western France. The early medieval period is not well known especially in France where there is a lack of visible evidence that identifies pre-Romanesque architecture. The majority of buildings to have survived from this period are religious ones, considered important enough to be made of strong, non-perishable material such as stone or brick, as for example the churches of Notre-Dame-sous- Terre in the Mont-Saint-Michel or St Martin in Angers. Due to their significance in architectural history, it is imperative to position them accurately in the chronology of the history of art. Bricks are often used to build up round-headed arches or to reinforce the frame of a wall with bonding courses in those churches. TL dating and archeomagnetic analysis were performed on cores drilled within bricks while radiocarbon dating were undertaken on coals found within mortars. In order to increase the number of data during the early Middle Ages, archeointensity determinations using the classical Thellier technique with anisotropy of thermal remanence and cooling rate corrections were performed. Archaeomagnetic directions were used to recognize the firing position of bricsk during manufacture. Reliable and precise ages were obtained on the church Notre-Dame-sous-Terre; they indicate two phases of building in 950±50AD and 990±50AD. Mean archeointensities obtained on 17 (21) samples from the first (second) phases appears very closed 69.1±1.2 and 68.3±1.6 microTesla. Ages and archeomagnetic results obtained on 4 other sites will be presented and compared to the available data in western Europe.

  9. Van Giffen’s Dogs : Cranial Osteometry of Iron Age to Medieval Period Dogs from the Northern Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scheele, Esther E.; Çakirlar, Canan


    This paper presents biometric data from a collection of 488 dogs skulls originating from 58 (archaeological) sites in the northern Netherlands dating from the Iron Age to the Medieval Period. The crania were originally collected and documented in the early 20th century by Prof. Albert Egges van

  10. El orden de Babel: algunas notas sobre la conciencia lingüística de la clerecía letrada castellana en la primera mitad del siglo xiii

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    Amaia Arizaleta


    Full Text Available Se comentan aquí una serie” de discursos redactados entre 1200 y 1250, todos ellos relacionados con el relato de la torre de Babel. Dichos textos dan fe de la existencia de un pensamiento común relativo a las lenguas y los pueblos en clérigos contemporáneos y de semejante alta cultura libresca, castellanos de origen o bien afectos a la causa de Castilla: Diego García, Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada y el anónimo de cuyo cálamo surgió el (Libro de Alexandre. Estos letrados, que participaron en permanencia de la lengua romance y la lengua latina, dieron prueba de su interés por la diversidad lingüística, e incluso propusieron algunas ideas innovadoras sobre la cuestión. Testigos y artífices de una cultura que ya no podía ser monolingüe, supieron escribir acerca del mito de la separación de las naciones.Il est ici question de quelques discours en rapport avec le récit de la tour de Babel qui furent composés entre 1200 et 1250. Leurs auteurs, Diego García, Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada et le poète anonyme auteur du (Libro de Alexandre, qui entretenaient des liens avec la cour et la chancellerie, semblent avoir partagé une pensée commune relative aux langues et aux peuples. Ces lettrés, d’origine castillane ou qui avaient épousé la cause castillane, s’intéressèrent à la diversité linguistique, et allèrent jusqu’à défendre certaines idées novatrices sur le fonctionnement d’une culture qui ne pouvait plus être monolingue.

  11. El uso político de la edad media. The myth of nations. The medieval origins of Europe

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    Abel Ignacio López


    Full Text Available El uso político de la edad media. Geary, Patrick, The Myth of Nations. The Medieval Origins of Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002, pp: 199. El libro de Patrick Geary es una brillante crítica a los abusos que políticos e incluso historiadores han hecho a propósito de la temprana Edad Media. En efecto, este historiador norteamericano muestra que ideólogos del nacionalismo europeo de nuestro tiempo se han basado y aún se basan en un conocimiento erróneo de la época medieval para fundamentar sus propios prejuicios y exclusiones. Según esa interpretación, los pueblos modernos de hoy se constituyeron por primera vez en el período posterior a la caída del Imperio Romano y a la consolidación en Europa de los llamados pueblos germanos.

  12. A Passage to Infinity Medieval Indian Mathematics from Kerala and Its Impact

    CERN Document Server

    Joseph, George Gheverghese


    This book traces the first faltering steps taken in the mathematical theorisation of infinity which marks the emergence of modern mathematics. It analyses the part played by Indian mathematicians through the Kerala conduit, which is an important but neglected part of the history of mathematics. Passage to Infinity: Medieval Indian Mathematics from Kerala and its Impact begins with an examination of the social origins of the Kerala School and proceeds to discuss its mathematical genesis as well as its achievements. It presents the techniques employed by the School to derive the series expansion

  13. Contabilidade pública: a evidenciação em notas explicativas das informações contábeis provenientes do reconhecimento dos bens de uso comum nos municípios da região metropolitana de São Paulo


    Seraphim, Paulo Rogerio


    A Contabilidade Pública Brasileira está a caminho da convergência as Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade. Este trabalho abordou o estudo da evidenciação das informações contábeis oriundas do reconhecimento dos bens de uso comum como pontes, ruas, estradas, viadutos e praças pela Administração Pública através das notas explicativas. O objetivo geral foi validar uma proposta de estrutura de nota explicativa que promova a evidenciação das informações contábeis a seus usuários, em apoio ao pro...

  14. A Otávia do Pseudo-Sêneca: tradução, estudo introdutório e notas


    Fernanda Vieira Gôzo


    Esta pesquisa de mestrado objetivou o estudo da peça latina Otávia do Pseudo-Sêneca, que inclui uma tradução para o português, acompanhada de notas e de um estudo introdutório. Este trabalho centrou-se em apontar o que se têm discutido entre os estudiosos de literatura clássica em relação à peça. Foi pertinente para esse expediente uma análise do gênero praetexta, do qual faz parte esta peça, considerando as divergências entre praetexta republicana e imperial, bem como a observação de como a ...

  15. [Evidence of health culture in medieval statute of Budva]. (United States)

    Milovic Karic, Grozdana; Milovic, Dorde


    The Statute of Budva dates from the time of Nemanjics. This medieval document was approved at the time Budva was under venetian dominion and remained in force until the end of the Venetian Republic. During 17th century the Statute was translated into the Italian language. The document includes regulations which indicate a concern for the health of the public. Among the regulations is one which prohibit the sale of fisch outside the stalls of the fishmarket presumably to ensure the sale of only fresh fish. Another regulation prohibits the sale of dead animals, the sale of dog's meat instead od wether meat. There is also language indicating a concern for protecting the cleanliness of brooks, rivers and wells. Corporal punishment is mentioned but only with regard to whipping and beheading.

  16. Provenance studies of pottery fragments from medieval Cairo, Egypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beal, J.W.; Olmez, I.


    In the analysis of archeological pottery fragments, instrumental neutron activation analysis has been utilized to establish the elemental concentrations of up to 37 chemical elements for each of 53 archeological pottery samples from medieval Cairo, Egypt, and one additional sample of Chinese porcelain. These elemental concentrations have been utilized in a statistical analysis procedure in order to determine similarities and correlations between the various samples. Multivariate analyses have been used to quantitatively determine these interrelationships. This methodology successfully separated the Egyptian samples into two broad categories: polychrome decorated ceramic ware and monochrome celadon ware. In addition the methodology successfully identified the one unique sample of Chinese porcelain. Several samples appeared to be either a mixture of categories or outliers in the data set and were not attributable to any distinct category. (author)

  17. [Medicinal plants and symbols in the medieval mystic altarpiece]. (United States)

    Fischer, Louis-Paul; Verilhac, Régine; Ferrandis, Jean-Jacques; Trépardoux, Francis


    The medieval mystic altarpiece towers above the altar table. It is linked to the evocation of a religious mystery beyond our faculty of reasoning. Symbolism of an enclosed garden evokes the image of the Heavenly Garden isolated by a wall from the rest of earthly world. In this mystic chiefly Rhenan altarpiece the enclosed garden is that of Virgin Mary who in the Middle Ages was likened to the spouse in the song of songs. The Blessed Virgin is painted with flowers, lily, rose, violet, lily of the valley. Most of these are medicinal plants in order to implore a faith healing for the believers. All in all about fifty plants are showed on Rhenan altarpieces and on 14th century mystic altarpieces almost contemporary of Issenheim's altarpiece, some Italian, some Rhenan.

  18. Algunas paradojas en la enseñanza actual de la medicina interna en Argentina

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    D. Outomuro

    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como propósito reflexionar sobre algunas circunstancias que, en Argentina, contribuyen a la crisis de la educación médica y al descontento tanto de pacientes como de profesionales. El centro de atención es la medicina interna. Del análisis surgen algunas paradojas vinculadas con la actual formación de grado y posgrado. Si bien el primer nivel de atención de la salud, en el marco de la atención primaria, puede resolver el 80% de los problemas de salud de la población, la enseñanza de la medicina interna continúa realizándose sobre el paciente hospitalizado. Esto afecta a la forma en que se practica la medicina, pues se privilegia la tecnología en el diagnóstico y tratamiento sobre la prevención de las enfermedades y la promoción de la salud. Las causas de este panorama son varias, destacando el poco tiempo dedicado a la educación en el ámbito del consultorio con pacientes ambulatorios.


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    María Nieves Alonso M.


    Full Text Available La relación de Pablo Neruda con la poesía y los poetas peninsulares ha sido destacada en varios estudios. El mismo poeta ha entregado hermosas señales sobre el asunto. En esta línea, "Notas para un diálogo" propone demostrar la vinculación profunda entre el Premio Nobel chileno y Antonio Gamoneda, poeta español (leonés nacido en Oviedo contemporáneo. La intuición inicial y los indicios preliminares, surgidos por la lectura de algunos relatos de infancia poetizados por los autores, permite avanzar hasta precisar los elementos de un diálogo temático, léxico y sintáctico que revela una misma proposición estética surgida de una conciencia desolada y en constante regreso a lo deshabitado del yo y con un gran compromiso con su tiempo. La profunda comunidad de la lengua que estos poetas habitan, compleja y diáfana a tiempos, muestra las afinidades y diferencias de unas poéticas que parecen decir: "Estamos rodeados de pura muerte, vivimos rodeados de muerte y, al mismo tiempo, de luz, palabras y silencio. Somos desiertos, pero poblados de tribus, de fauna, de flores"Pablo Neruda's relation to peninsular poetry and poets has been well emphasized in diverse studies. The poet himself has left beautiful intimations on this matter. In this perspective,'Notes for a Dialogue' intends to demostrate the prolound bonds between the Chilean Nobel Prize, and the contemporary Spanish poet, Antonio Gamonal (born in Oviedo. The initial intuition and the preliminary hints, arising from the reading of some childhood memories poetized by these poets, permit us to advance towards the identification of the elements of a syntactical, lexicographic and thematic dialogue revealing an identical aesthetic proposal born out of a desolate conscience in constant return to an uninhabited self, with full commitment to the age, The profound community of the language binding these poets, shows affinities as well as differences in their respective poetics which may

  20. Algunas relaciones entre algoritmos y resolución de problemas

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    Jaime Fonseca González


    Full Text Available Como parte del estudio realizado en la tesis de maestría “Uso de algoritmos en la resolución de problemas sobre isometrías del plano. Un estudio de caso”, se han identificado diversas formas en que se relacionan los algoritmos con la resolución de problemas, no sólo como procesos mecánicos, sino como fuente de información en el planteamiento de estrategias al resolver un problema, de modo que surgen algunas maneras en que se da esta relación, ejemplificando cada una de ellas con problemas cuyo objeto matemático central son las isometrías del plano.

  1. The Conservation of Early Post-Medieval Period Coins Found in Estonia

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    Aive Viljus


    Full Text Available This article deals with archaeological find material with a low silver content and the problems of conserving such material. The aim of the research was to find the most suitable method for the conservation of poorly preserved early post-medieval period coins with varying composition. For this, first, the composition of both the metal and the corrosion products of the archaeological coins were analysed, after which comparative experiments of different cleaning methods were carried out in order to find out the least harmful and most efficient method. A test was also performed to determine the necessity and efficiency of stabilizing the surface of the coins after cleaning.

  2. A Review of The Architecture of the Scottish Medieval Church 1100–1560


    Campbell, Ian


    If ever a book could be described as a ‘magnum opus’ it is this: indeed it is a summa. Richard Fawcett has been publishing on Scottish medieval architecture, mainly ecclesiastical, for three decades, ranging from articles on minute changes in Gothic mouldings (the subject of his doctoral research at the University of East Anglia) such as ‘Dunblane Cathedral: evidence for a change in the design of the nave’ (1982) to a survey of architecture between 370 and 1560, Scottish Architecture from the...

  3. Veedors, marquejadors, maestros: el valor de la experiencia en la carpintería medieval. El ejemplo valenciano

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    Izquierdo Aranda, Teresa


    Full Text Available In the carpenter’s guild of Valencia in the Middle Ages, experience and skill were two notions captured in the more comprehensive idea of expertise. The appreciation of this added value made the expert an indispensable figure inside the guild. He was present in the different positions of control and inspection established by by-laws, which ensured the quality of goods manufactured, the proper level of teaching, and the accreditation of new masters. This figure also acted as an expert assessor, estimating the work of a colleague of even assessing the value of his interventions. In this article we examine the notion of expert in medieval carpentry and the infl uence of his practical application in the daily routine of woodworkers.En la carpintería medieval valenciana, la experiencia y la destreza eran dos nociones complementarias de la idea más amplia de pericia. La apreciación de este valor añadido hacía del experto una figura imprescindible en la corporación de oficios, a través de los diversos encargos de control e inspección arbitrados por los estatutos para asegurar la calidad en la factura y en la enseñanza desarrollada por cada maestro, así como en los exámenes de magisterio. El experto también estaba presente en las tasaciones periciales, en las que su juicio servía para certificar la aptitud de la obra realizada por un colega o incluso valorar su intervención. En este artículo examinaremos la noción de experto en l’art de la fusteria o carpintería medieval valenciana y en qué medida su aplicación práctica afectaba al trabajo cotidiano de un maestro carpintero en los siglos XIV al XVI.

  4. The Nature of Beauty: The Arts in Greece, Rome and the Medieval Period. Program for Gifted Students. (United States)

    Garton, Harry A.; Woodbury, Virginia Garton

    One in a series of instructional units designed for gifted students, the booklet focuses on the arts in Greece, Rome, and the Medieval period. Narrative information on Greek pottery, sculpture, architecture, music, and dance is followed by lists of suggested activities for students and reference lists of texts and media. A similar unit on the…

  5. Spontaneous generation in medieval Jewish philosophy and theology. (United States)

    Gaziel, Ahuva


    The concept of life forms emerging from inanimate matter--spontaneous generation--was widely accepted until the nineteenth century. Several medieval Jewish scholars acknowledged this scientific theory in their philosophical and religious contemplations. Quite interestingly, it served to reinforce diverse, or even opposite, theological conclusions. One approach excluded spontaneously-generated living beings form the biblical account of creation or the story of the Deluge. Underlying this view is an understanding that organisms that generate spontaneously evolve continuously in nature and, therefore, do not require divine intervention in their formation or survival during disastrous events. This naturalistic position reduces the miraculous dimension of reality. Others were of the opinion that spontaneous generation is one of the extraordinary marvels exhibited in this world and, accordingly, this interpretation served to accentuate the divine aspect of nature. References to spontaneous generation also appear in legal writings, influencing practical applications such as dietary laws and actions forbidden on the Sabbath.

  6. Mockers and mocked in Spanish medieval exemplary literature

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    Graciela Cándano Fierro


    Full Text Available This article presents a brief account of comical motifs that appear in some medieval exempla collections, for instance the Disciplina clericalis and Conde Lucanor, with and approximation to a hybrid work, as Libro de Buen amor, by the Arcipreste de Hita. Tge purpose of these writings was to teach and moralize audiences and this is a notable from the very introduction on. However, authors or compilers never include in their preliminaries that the purpose of their writings is to amuse, make their readers laugh, reinterpret or decontextualize the world. The main objective of this investigation is to direct the analysis of exemplary works toward revealing their amusing or even comical side. Central to this study is a conceptual structure of the laughter phenomenon that has come forward from theoretical works by well-known authors such as Aristotle. Bergson, Ducrot and others. The subject matter is to emphasize the universality of the comical vein in the aforesaid writings, which has lasted up to the present.

  7. Nota editorial: materialismo e idealismo

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    Gonzalo Buenahora


    Full Text Available Hay actualmente en la Universidad bogotana un apreciable número de estudiantes que tienen de la palabra materialismo un concepto equivocado. Para ellos el materialista es un hombre sin sentimientos ni corazón, sin ideales de ninguna especie, sin ningún principio moral, ni norma alguna espiritual. Un hombre que ha llegado a destruir lo más noble y bello de la vida humana, el espíritu, para subyugar todo anhelo a la materia, a los sentidos y a la carne. Por eso le creen un sér torpe, vicioso, concupiscente y sensual. A ese grupo de estudiantes quiero aclararles el concepto, vulgarizándolo solamente, ya que una distinción profunda y plena de las dos únicas teorías que en definitiva luchan en el mundo, la idealista y la materialista, la encontrarán mejor expuesta en cualquier honrado compendio, de esos que se cubren de polvo y abandono en una mísera pena de arrabal. El materialismo es una escuela filosófica que nos enseña a concebir el mundo y a concebir el hombre de una manera más razonable que el idealismo, más de acuerdo con la realidad científica, .más en armonía con la verdad biológica, y por tanto, de un modo más humano y natural.

  8. Historical DNA reveals the demographic history of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in medieval and early modern Iceland. (United States)

    Ólafsdóttir, Guðbjörg Ásta; Westfall, Kristen M; Edvardsson, Ragnar; Pálsson, Snæbjörn


    Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) vertebrae from archaeological sites were used to study the history of the Icelandic Atlantic cod population in the time period of 1500-1990. Specifically, we used coalescence modelling to estimate population size and fluctuations from the sequence diversity at the cytochrome b (cytb) and Pantophysin I (PanI) loci. The models are consistent with an expanding population during the warm medieval period, large historical effective population size (NE), a marked bottleneck event at 1400-1500 and a decrease in NE in early modern times. The model results are corroborated by the reduction of haplotype and nucleotide variation over time and pairwise population distance as a significant portion of nucleotide variation partitioned across the 1550 time mark. The mean age of the historical fished stock is high in medieval times with a truncation in age in early modern times. The population size crash coincides with a period of known cooling in the North Atlantic, and we conclude that the collapse may be related to climate or climate-induced ecosystem change.

  9. Neutron activation analysis of medieval and early modern times ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kies, A.; Reitsamer, G.; Bauer, W.


    Provenience studies of medieval and early modern times ceramics from the Eastern Danube area of Austria have been performed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. All sherds examined were selected from pottery which was specially charactrized by pottery marks ('Cross Potent', 'Crossmark within a circle', 'Latin Cross', 'Cross Paty'). With respect to the chemical composition five different pottery groups could be evaluated by cluster analysis. Archaeological results: The'Cross Patent' was used by different potter's workshops whereas the 'Crossmark within a circle' was more likely restricted to one manufacture entre. The distribution of the 'Latin Cross' and The 'Cross Paty' over all five clusters indicated the usage of clay from different deposits. The assignment of the 'Cross Paty' exclusively to the area of Passau could be disproved. (Author)

  10. Alguna precisión sobre la Didáctica de la Historia.


    Mattozzi, Ivo


    INDICE Presentación Carmen Aranguren R. La Enseñanza de la Historia de Venezuela en la Actual Programación de Educación Básica Joan Pagés Los Contenidos de Ciencias Sociales en el currículo escolar. Ivo Mattozzi Alguna Precisión sobre la Didáctica de la Historia. Rita Marina Alvarez de Zayas Historia o Didáctica de la Historia. Ángel Antúnez y Carmen Aranguren La Lectura y la Escritura: Diagnóstico y Aná...

  11. The Smell of Relics: Authenticating Saintly Bones and the Role of Scent in the Sensory Experience of Medieval Christian Veneration

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    Paul Anthony Brazinski


    Full Text Available ''The archaeology of smell is a burgeoning field in recent scholarship. This paper adds to existing literature by investigating the function of smell in relation to relic sales and veneration in medieval Europe, a hitherto understudied area of research. Collating historical texts concerning the translatio of saintly relics in Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire with archaeological sources associated with relic veneration and religious worship (including ampullae, unguentaria, sarcophagi, holy oils, pillow graves, and silk, this paper suggests that (1 smell was used in the medieval world as a means to challenge or confirm a relic’s authenticity, and (2 olfactory liquids that imbued or permeated material objects in the context of worship functioned as a means of focusing attention on relic veneration and were an essential part of the cult and/or pilgrimage experience.

  12. Soil archives of a Fluvisol, part II. Archaeostratigraphical model of the subsurface of the medieval city centre of Vlaardingen, the Netherlands (United States)

    Kluiving, Sjoerd; De Ridder, Tim; van Dasselaar, Marcel; Prins, Maarten


    In Medieval times the city of Vlaardingen (the Netherlands) was strategically located on the confluence of three rivers, the Meuse, the Merwede and the Vlaarding. A church of early 8th century was already located here. In a short period of time Vlaardingen developed into an international trading place, the most important place in the former county of Holland. Starting from the 11th century the river Meuse threatened to flood the settlement. These floods have been registered in the archives of the fluvisol and were recognised in a multidisciplinary sedimentary analysis of these archives. To secure the future of this vulnerable soil archive an extensive interdisciplinary research (76 mechanical drill holes, grain size analysis (GSA), thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA), archaeological remains, soil analysis, dating methods, micromorphology, and microfauna has started in 2011 to gain knowledge on the sedimentological and pedological subsurface of the mound as well as on the well-preserved nature of the archaeological evidence. Pedogenic features are recorded with soil descriptive, micromorphological and geochemical (XRF) analysis. The soil sequence of 5 meters thickness exhibits a complex mix of 'natural' as well as 'anthropogenic layering' and initial soil formation that enables to make a distinction for relatively stable periods between periods with active sedimentation. In this paper the results of this large-scale project are demonstrated in a number of cross-sections with interrelated geological, pedological and archaeological stratification. Distinction between natural and anthropogenic layering is made on the occurrence of chemical elements phosphor and potassium. A series of four stratigraphic / sedimentary units record the period before and after the flooding disaster. Given the many archaeological remnants and features present in the lower units, we know that the medieval landscape was drowned while it was inhabited in the 12th century AD. After a final

  13. Notas en torno a la romanización del colectivo vacceo


    González-Cobos Dávila, Aurora María


    RESUMEN: Nuestro estudio consistirá en mostrar el cambio que se efectuó en la sociedad vaccea con la llegada de los romanos. Y para ello, señalaremos como dato conocido, que algunas de estas reformas producidas por la invasión romana nos han sido ofrecidas por las noticias de los escritores de la Antigüedad y las fuentes apigráficas procedentes de época plenamente romana. Conviene referirse ahora a la romanización en sentido explícito: qué entendemos por romanización y cómo incide en la vida ...

  14. Isotope analyses to explore diet and mobility in a medieval Muslim population at Tauste (NE Spain.

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    Iranzu Guede

    Full Text Available The Islamic necropolis discovered in Tauste (Zaragoza, Spain is the only evidence that a large Muslim community lived in the area between the 8th and 10th centuries. A multi-isotope approach has been used to investigate the mobility and diet of this medieval Muslim population living in a shifting frontier region. Thirty-one individuals were analyzed to determine δ15N, δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr composition. A combination of strontium and oxygen isotope analysis indicated that most individuals were of local origin although three females and two males were non-local. The non-local males would be from a warmer zone whereas two of the females would be from a more mountainous geographical region and the third from a geologically-different area. The extremely high δ15N baseline at Tauste was due to bedrock composition (gypsum and salt. High individual δ15N values were related to the manuring effect and consumption of fish. Adult males were the most privileged members of society in the medieval Muslim world and, as isotope data reflected, consumed more animal proteins than females and young males.

  15. Human intestinal parasites in crusader Acre: Evidence for migration with disease in the medieval period. (United States)

    Mitchell, Piers D; Anastasiou, Evilena; Syon, Danny


    The aim of this research is to highlight the role of ancient parasites as evidence for human migration in past populations. The material analysed was soil sediment from the excavation of a medieval cesspool in the city of Acre, in Israel. Archaeological stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating of a fragment of animal bone from the cesspool confirm its use in the 13th century CE, during the crusader period. At that time Acre was located in the Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem. Soil samples from the cesspool were analysed and eggs of the roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) and fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum) were identified. The fish tapeworm has only been found in the mainland Near East once before, in a latrine of the crusader Order of St. John (Knights Hospitaller). It has been absent in all earlier cesspools, latrines and coprolites so far studied in the region. In contrast to its rarity in the Levant, the fish tapeworm was common in northern Europe during the medieval period. The presence of fish tapeworm eggs in a crusader period cesspool in Acre suggests its use by crusaders or pilgrims from northern Europe who travelled to the Levant carrying these parasites in their intestines. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Medieval monastic mortality: hazard analysis of mortality differences between monastic and nonmonastic cemeteries in England. (United States)

    DeWitte, Sharon N; Boulware, Jessica C; Redfern, Rebecca C


    Scholarship on life in medieval European monasteries has revealed a variety of factors that potentially affected mortality in these communities. Though there is some evidence based on age-at-death distributions from England that monastic males lived longer than members of the general public, what is missing from the literature is an explicit examination of how the risks of mortality within medieval monastic settings differed from those within contemporaneous lay populations. This study examines differences in the hazard of mortality for adult males between monastic cemeteries (n = 528) and non-monastic cemeteries (n = 368) from London, all of which date to between AD 1050 and 1540. Age-at-death data from all cemeteries are pooled to estimate the Gompertz hazard of mortality, and "monastic" (i.e., buried in a monastic cemetery) is modeled as a covariate affecting this baseline hazard. The estimated effect of the monastic covariate is negative, suggesting that individuals in the monastic communities faced reduced risks of dying compared to their peers in the lay communities. These results suggest better diets, the positive health benefits of religious behavior, better living conditions in general in monasteries, or selective recruitment of healthy or higher socioeconomic status individuals. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. How did Humans Adapt in the Eastern Farming-pastoral zone during the Medieval Warm Period? (United States)

    Jia, X.


    With its extremely warm climate, the "medieval warm period" is considered analogous to the climate change humans are likely to face due to future global warming. Thus, the ability of humans to adapt to an extremely warm climate during the medieval period in Eurasia's farming-pastoral zone has attracted some attention. The warmth of the climate during this period (900-1300 BC) is demonstrated by evidence of bamboo in charcoal remains and phytoliths found in the settlement sites and tomb murals of the Western Liao river basin in Northeast China. This warmth probably promoted agricultural diversification, as the presence of foxtail millet, broomcorn millet, wheat, barley, soybean, hemp, and buckwheat in this region can be seen in plant seeds and phytoliths found in archaeological sites. The bones of deer and birds also provide evidence of hunting, and the practice of animal husbandry is indicated in pig, dog, cattle, ovicaprid, horse and camel bones. Diversity in food structures is also shown in stable isotopes from human and animal bones. Competence in animal husbandry and hunting, and the availability of stable food resources may have contributed to the rise of the Liao people in military prowess and power, and promoted the expansion of Khitan-Liao culture.

  18. [Description of an early medieval skull from Biel-Mett with peculiar dental findings]. (United States)

    Roulet, J F; Ulrich-Bochsler, S


    During the excavation of a church in Biel a medieval cranium was found (600-700 a.c.) which showed a large radicular cyst in the middle facial area, located on tooth 16 which caused considerable facial deformation. Furthermore carious lesions and evidence of chronic periodontal disease were discovered, which gave some indications on the way of life the individual had conducted. The examinations proved that a combination of methods of examination was able to increase the yield of information on the given object. Such studies should be conducted more often on an interdisciplinary way.

  19. Bibliofilia. De las notas sobre El Quijote y otras consideraciones

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    Nelson Nicholls Santacoloma


    Full Text Available Después de considerar cuan grande es el número de tomos incompletos que se encuentran por ahí, a cada uno de los cuales cabe muy bien la denominación de libro expósito según lo dicho a nosotros por don Luis Villagómez en pasada oportunidad, no hemos resistido la tentación de averiguar con el devoto bibliófilo por la existencia de otros medios más, de aquellos que él propone para eliminar tan grave calamidad como es la de no poder reunir una obra completa especialmente cuando se trata de alguna vieja e inhallable edición.

  20. Mimetismo e Recriação do Imaginário Medieval em Auto da Compadecida de Ariano Suassuna e en La Diestra de Dios Padre de Enrique Buenaventura

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    Tereza Aline Pereira de Queiroz


    Full Text Available O artigo tem por objetivo discutir, a partir da análise das peças teatrais Auto da Compadecida, de Ariano Suassuna, e La Diestra de Dios Padre, de Enrico Buenaventura, a presença do imaginário medieval ibérico no continente americano.This article intends to discuss the maintenance of iberian medieval imaginaire in the american continent analysing the plays Auto da Compadecida by Ariano Suassuna and La Diestra de Dios Padre by Enrico Buenaventura.

  1. Historical and Technical Notes on Aqueducts from Prehistoric to Medieval Times

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    Giovanni De Feo


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to present the evolution of aqueduct technologies through the millennia, from prehistoric to medieval times. These hydraulic works were used by several civilizations to collect water from springs and to transport it to settlements, sanctuaries and other targets. Several civilizations, in China and the Americas, developed water transport systems independently, and brought these to high levels of sophistication. For the Mediterranean civilizations, one of the salient characteristics of cultural development, since the Minoan Era (ca. 3200–1100 BC, is the architectural and hydraulic function of aqueducts used for the water supply in palaces and other settlements. The Minoan hydrologists and engineers were aware of some of the basic principles of water sciences and the construction and operation of aqueducts. These technologies were further developed by subsequent civilizations. Advanced aqueducts were constructed by the Hellenes and, especially, by the Romans, who dramatically increased the application scale of these structures, in order to provide the extended quantities of water necessary for the Roman lifestyle of frequent bathing. The ancient practices and techniques were not improved but survived through Byzantine and early medieval times. Later, the Ottomans adapted older techniques, reintroducing large-scale aqueducts to supply their emerging towns with adequate water for religious and social needs. The scientific approach to engineering matters during the Renaissance further improved aqueduct technology. Some of these improvements were apparently also implemented in Ottoman waterworks. Finally the industrial revolution established mechanized techniques in water acquisition. Water is a common need of mankind, and several ancient civilizations developed simple but practical techniques from which we can still learn. Their experience and knowledge could still play an important role for sustainable water supply

  2. Desarrollo y medio ambiente. Algunas miradas desde las ciencias sociales

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    Enrique Pérez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se presentan algunas de las teorías que atañen a la relación entre medio ambiente y desarrollo y se plantean interrogantes sobre la forma en que la temática ha sido desarrollada por parte de los científicos sociales. Su objetivo es doble: a de mostrar la polisemia del concepto desarrollo en las teorías económicas y la necesidad de que éstas incorporen indicadores más allá del de la renta (tales como el género, la postmodernidad, el postcolonialismo y los sujetos sociales; b destacar el importante trabajo, principalmente político, de varias de las teorías en cuestiones de medio ambiente y desarrollo.

  3. À la recherche de la senefiance… — Lecture intertextuelle des récits de rêve médiévaux // In search of the senefiance… — Intertextual study of dream scenes in medieval French texts

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    Linda Németh


    Full Text Available The modern reader cannot read and interpret a medieval text in the same way as the medieval reader because of remoteness in time, the distance between our cultural space and medieval cultural space. We should understand them in terms of their own context, treat all énoncés in their specific historical and socio-cultural contexts. Special attention must be paid to dream scenes in medieval French texts which are separate events from narrative structure. On the one hand, our study focuses on the narrative characteristics of premonitory dreams especially in some Old French epics and romances. Taking under study intertextual links between the different sequences of their narration, we attempt to describe and explore prototypical traits of their linguistic expression. We note that dream narratives contain several types of recursive formula (the dream’s emotional and physical effects on the dreamer, description of falling asleep, in author’s commentaries. Oneiric narration follows standard, retains its specific structral forms. On the other hand, we will explore through some examples how the symbolic images of dream stories can be read in intertextuality. Uncovering intertextual relations, this study also sheds light on how our symbols are in direct correlation with the texts of some medieval bestiaries and encyclopedical scripts. The intertextual work that we are proposing, not only helps to better understand some textual phenomena of medieval works but supports the interpretative procedures and elucidation of dream contents. Above all, it prevents to project to the past values and judgments, that are the property of the modern mentality.

  4. [Crusading and chronicle writing on the medieval Baltic frontier: A companion to the chronicle of Henry of Livonia] / Radosław Biskup

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Biskup, Radosław


    Arvustus: Crusading and chronicle writing on the medieval Baltic frontier : a companion to the chronicle of Henry of Livonia, eds. Marek Tamm, Linda Kaljundi, Carsten Selch Jensen. Farnham ; Burlington (Vt.) : Ashgate, c2011


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    Fernando Novoa


    Full Text Available Presentamos algunas rutinas de un programa para el sistema computacional CoCoA, las cuales realizan el cómputo de familias de polinomios de simétricos, entre ellas los polinomios de Schur. Con estas rutinas se pueden comprobar propiedades combinatorias que relacionan tablas de Young y polinomios skew de Schur.

  6. Iconología política en la Cataluña medieval

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    Puigarnau, Alfons


    Full Text Available Between the XIIIth and the XIV centuries, the so called Quatre grans cròniques (Four Great Chronicles are written in Mediaeval Catalonia. Three of the four authors of these documents show the historical facts as connected with and allowed by the Divine Providence. They develop a concept of History in which Space and time are categories necessarily moved by a supernatural force that gives them a reason for being, and the possibility of a free self-development. If we analyse these three major documents we will check an attempt of legitimate political power through a comparison between the present authority and the historical authority of the Jewish Kings of Israel, mainly David and Salomon. This is the "Icon of Political Power" that catalan medieval chroniclers want to reproduce.

    Entre los siglos XIII y XIV se escriben en Cataluña las llamadas Quatre grans cròniques. Tres de sus cuatro autores muestran la pretendida conexión de los hechos históricos con la Providencia divina. Desarrollan un concepto de Historia en el que el Espacio y el Tiempo son categorías necesariamente dominadas por fuerzas sobrenaturales. Al analizar estos documentos se registra un intento de legitimar el poder político a través del paralelismo entre la autoridad presente y la autoridad hostórica de los reyes de Israel, David y Salomón. Tras este intento de legitimación del poder político se encuentra, por tanto, una importante iconología del poder político en la Cataluña medieval.

  7. Thermodynamic model of natural, medieval and nuclear waste glass durability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jantzen, C.M.; Plodinec, M.J.


    A thermodynamic model of glass durability based on hydration of structural units has been applied to natural glass, medieval window glasses, and glasses containing nuclear waste. The relative durability predicted from the calculated thermodynamics correlates directly with the experimentally observed release of structural silicon in the leaching solution in short-term laboratory tests. By choosing natural glasses and ancient glasses whose long-term performance is known, and which bracket the durability of waste glasses, the long-term stability of nuclear waste glasses can be interpolated among these materials. The current Savannah River defense waste glass formulation is as durable as natural basalt from the Hanford Reservation (10 6 years old). The thermodynamic hydration energy is shown to be related to the bond energetics of the glass. 69 references, 2 figures, 1 table

  8. Orgin of Slag from Early Medieval Age Furnaces in Nitra

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    Julius Dekan


    Full Text Available Two types of archaeological artefacts from remains of Early Medieval Age furnaces excavated in Nitra are analysed. They are supposed to originate from slag of glass and iron production. Employing Mossbauer spectrometry, iron crystallographic sites are identified and compared. In all samples, Fe2+ and Fe3+ structural positions were revealed. Some of the archeological artefacts including those that were supposed to originate from glass production show a presence of metallic iron and/or magnetic oxides. Based on the results of Mossbauer effect measurements performed at room temperature as well as 77 K (liquid nitrogen temperature analytical evidence is provided that the iron sites identified are not as those usually encountered in glasses. Consequently, a conclusion is proposed that neither of the investigated furnaces was used for glass production.

  9. South German Inspirations in the Armour of Late Medieval Combatants from the Silesian-Lusatian-Brandenburg-Polish Borderland. Iconographic Examples


    Michalak, Arkadiusz


    There are visible tendencies in the late medieval iconography from the Silesian-Lusatian-Brandenburg-Polish borderland, indicating strong South German inspiration in depicted armour. The presence of this kind of protection on works of art from this region can most likely be connected with political, family and artistic reasons.

  10. La historia de la esclavitud y la historia medieval de la Península Ibérica

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    William D. (Jr. Phillips


    Full Text Available La historia de la esclavitud en la Península Ibérica ha despertado un gran interés e inspirado un gran número de publicaciones en las últimas décadas. La esclavitud fue una constante a lo largo de los periodos antiguo y medieval, hasta nuestros días. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, era escasa en número y sus porcentajes reducidos respecto al número total de la población. En la mayor parte de los periodos, los esclavos suponían menos de un 5% de la población total, aunque en algunas ciudades era a veces superior, llegando a suponer hasta un 25%. El origen de los esclavos podía variar, desde los hijos de madres esclavas, a los cautivos de guerra que no habían conseguido rescatarse, o esclavos importados a la Península Ibérica por mercaderes. Este último grupo varió en su composición a lo largo del tiempo, e incluía esclavos europeos, del Próximo Oriente, del Magreb y de África Subsahariana. A partir del siglo XVI y hasta el XVIII, aparecen también en la documentación unos cuantos esclavos americanos y asiáticos. Hasta la fecha, los estudios se han basado en aquellos documentos de venta que proporcionaban información sobre los esclavos. Más recientemente, la documentación procedente de casos legales, cofradías religiosas y por los propios esclavos han cobrado importancia. Las nuevas tendencias dentro de los estudios sobre la esclavitud investigan las relaciones entre raza —concepto definido y analizado de muy distintas formas— y esclavitud, y el creciente reconocimiento del enorme peso de la esclavitud femenina. Las historias de estas mujeres y de sus hijos, que crecieron como esclavos, se convertirán probablemente en uno de los temas clave de estos nuevos enfoques.The history of slavery in the Península Ibérican Peninsula has generated great interest and many publications over the last several decades. Slavery was a constant presence from ancient through medieval to early modern times. At the same time, though, it

  11. A medieval physician: Amirdovlat Amasiatsi (1420-1495). (United States)

    Gurunluoglu, Aslin; Gurunluoglu, Raffi; Hakobyan, Tatevik


    We aimed to acquaint the reader with a medieval physician, Amirdovlat Amasiatsi, who lived and practiced in the 15th century Anatolia. Amirdovlat wrote several books on medicine mainly focusing on phytotherapy and pharmacology using medicinal plants, animal-derived products and minerals. All his works were written in Middle Armenian, spoken Armenian language of the time. In his writings, Amirdovlat described unique recipes that represent a portrayal of medical knowledge and practice at the time in Anatolia where he lived and worked. He discussed the physical and therapeutic properties as well as geographic distributions of various plants and minerals, using different languages, mainly Turkish, Greek, Arabic, French and Persian. Amirdovlat's works not only enhanced our understanding of Armenian medical practices but also provided great deal of information on those of Ancient Greco-Roman as well as Islamic world, demonstrating close relationship of Armenian medicine with Greco-Roman and Islamic medicine. Amirdovlat accomplished this by amalgamating the past and contemporary practices of his time. In this regard, Amirdovlat's works, in particular "Useless for the Ignorant", are very unique playing a significant role in preserving traditions and heritage of different cultures.

  12. Multiscale Pigment Analysis of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts (United States)

    Sestak, Erica; Manukyan, Khachatur; Wiescher, Michael; Gura, David


    Three medieval illuminated manuscripts (codd. Lat. b. 1; Lat. b. 2; Lat. e. 4), housed at the University of Notre Dame's Hesburgh Library, vary in style, pigments, scribes, and regions, despite all three being Psalters used in the Late Middle Ages. XRF and Raman spectroscopy, which provided the elemental and molecular composition of the pigments, respectively, were used to analyze the pigments' compositions in an attempt to narrow further the manuscripts' possible origins. This experimental investigation emphasizes the importance of understanding the history of the manuscript through their pigments. Codd. Lat. b. 1 and Lat. b. 2 are Latinate German Psalters from the fifteenth century likely used in Katharinenkloster in Nuremberg. While there are visible differences in style within each Psalter, the variations in some of the pigment compositions, such as the inconstant presence of zinc, suggest different admixtures. Cod. Lat. e. 4 is a Latinate English Psalter from the fourteenth century, and it was written by two scribes and illuminated by two distinct painters. It is currently being tested to determine whether there are any correlations between the scribes and painters. These physical analyses will clarify the origins and provenances of the manuscripts.

  13. Algunas determinaciones del pregnandiol urinario en el aborto amenazante

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    Eudoro Castillo Vega


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene por objeto hacer algunas "determinaciones del pregnandiol urinario en enfermas con síntomas evidentes de aborto amenazante", o bien, en enfermas en cuya historia anamnésica se encuentre el antecedente de uno o más abortos anteriores, así como también de partos prematuros y que, ni en los primeros ni en los últimos se haya encontrado una causa bien determinada. En lo posible, se han escogido pacientes con antecedente Serológico Negativo y de constitución topográfica anatómica, en cuanto a pelvis se refiere, normales. Es de lógica que, a una enferma con una desviación uterina o con un tumor pélvico, no se puede achacar el aborto a deficiencia de Progesterona o de cualquiera otra hormona, pues la causa es verdaderamente objetiva.

  14. [The Reception of Medieval Europa in the Baltic Sea Region. Papers of the XIIth Visby Symposium held at Gotland University, Visby] / Stefan Donecker

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Donecker, Stefan, 1977-


    Arvustus : The Reception of Medieval Europa in the Baltic Sea Region. Papers of the XIIth Visby Symposium held at Gotland University, Visby. Viby : Gotland University Press, 2009. (Acta Visbyensia. 12)

  15. Algunas enseñanzas de las crisis bancarias recientes: el caso uruguayo


    José Manuel Quijano


    El trabajo indaga en algunas de las características de las crisis bancarias del presente así como en el desenlace que las mismas han tenido en los últimos años. Se analiza el caso de Uruguay y se hace referencia al de Argentina, quienes transitaron por una importante crisis cambiaria y bancaria en 1982 y veinte años después, en 2002, volvieron a tropezar con una nueva crisis de dimensión más amplia que la anterior y de graves consecuencias económicas y sociales. El primer apart...

  16. A method for estimating age of medieval sub-adults from infancy to adulthood based on long bone length

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Primeau, Charlotte; Friis, Laila Saidane; Sejrsen, Birgitte


    OBJECTIVES: To develop a series of regression equations for estimating age from length of long bones for archaeological sub-adults when aging from dental development cannot be performed. Further, to compare derived ages when using these regression equations, and two other methods. MATERIAL AND ME...... as later than the medieval period, although this would require further testing. The quadratic equations are suggested to yield more accurate ages then using simply linear regression equations. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.......OBJECTIVES: To develop a series of regression equations for estimating age from length of long bones for archaeological sub-adults when aging from dental development cannot be performed. Further, to compare derived ages when using these regression equations, and two other methods. MATERIAL...... AND METHODS: A total of 183 skeletal sub-adults from the Danish medieval period, were aged from radiographic images. Linear regression formulae were then produced for individual bones. Age was then estimated from the femur length using three different methods: equations developed in this study, data based...

  17. La Festa o Misterio de Elche

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    Vives Ramiro, José M.ª


    Full Text Available The sacred-musical drama devoted to the Assumption, as performed yearly in Elche (a village in south-east Spain, is compiled in different documents along its history, above all the more recent past, revealing contributions, removals, adaptations or improvements on a medieval background and roots, as it is easily appreciated through modern transcriptions. Studying some peculiarities of text and music, we hope to contribute definitively to the clarification of its chronology.El drama sacro-lírico asuncionista representado en Elche anualmente está contenido en documentos que jalonan su historia, más reciente sobre todo, y ponen de manifiesto aportaciones, supresiones, adaptaciones o mejoras sobre un sustrato de raigambre medieval, como se aprecia fácilmente en sus transcripciones modernas. El estudio de algunas particularidades presentes en el texto y en la música contribuyen decisivamente al esclarecimiento de la cronología.

  18. Study of medieval enamelling on gilded objects combining SEM-EDAX and PIXE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chamon, J.; Barrio, J.; Arroyo, M.; Gutierrez, P.C.; Climent-Font, A.


    A set of fragments of metallic artefacts from the medieval period excavated from Ciudad Real in Spain has been studied. The objects are gilded copper buckles with a champleve enamelling decoration. The composition of predominantly blue-coloured enamels has been analysed using three non-destructive techniques, SEM-EDAX (scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and PIXE (particle-induced X-ray emission). Analyses show that Co is responsible for the blue colour. The results of the two techniques are compared, as well as the main components which constitute the enamel. Analyses suggest that Cu is responsible for red colour. (orig.)

  19. Experimental Analyses of Yellow Tuff Spandrels of Post-medieval Buildings in the Naples Area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calderoni, B.; Cordasco, E. A.; Lenza, P.; Guerriero, L.


    Experimental analyses have been carried out on tuff masonry specimens in order to investigate the structural behaviour of historical buildings in the Naples area (Southern Italy). Spandrels of post-medieval buildings (late XVI to early XX century) have been analysed, with emphasis on morphological characteristics according to chronological indicators. Results of the experimentation on scaled models (1:10) are discussed and the better behaviour of historical masonry typologies on respect to the modern one is highlighted. Comparison with theoretical formulations of ultimate shear resistance are provided too

  20. Medieval and early modern approaches to fractures of the proximal humerus: an historical review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brorson, S.


    The diagnosis and management of complex fractures of the proximal humerus have challenged surgical practitioners and medical writers since the earliest recorded surgical texts. Current knowledge of fractures of the proximal humerus has been obtained through pathoanatomical and biomechanical studies...... within the last two centuries. However, the historical preconditions for this development have not been studied. This paper reviews written sources from the fall of the Roman Empire to the late eighteenth century. Medieval and early modern writers mainly rely on the Hippocratic writings De Fracturis...

  1. Problems in the study of the medieval heritage in the Lim valley

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    Popović Marko


    Full Text Available Discussing the results of archaeological investigation at two important medieval sites - remains of the monastery of St George at Mažići near Priboj and of the church at Drenova near Prijepolje - the author puts forward his critical observations that make significant revisions to the conclusions suggested by excavators. The remains of a monastery at Mažići have long ago been identified with the monastery of St George in the župa (district of Dabar known from early 13th-century records. In the 1310s a monastery of St George is referred to in association with the toponym of Orahovica. After a long gap, the monastery is referred to again several times in the 1600s until its final destruction in 1743, as St George’s at Orahovica or simply Mažić(i. The report following systematic archaeological excavations suggests the unacceptable and unfounded conclusion, with dating and interpretation that the monastery church was built in the 13th century, received additions in the 14th, and was renovated in the 16th-17th centuries when there was a hospital attached to it. Careful analysis of the structural remains and the site’s stratigraphy clearly shows that the monastery was built on the site of a medieval cemetery of a 14th-15th-century date, which means that the church and its buildings cannot be older than the 16th century. The author also argues against the assumed presence of a monastic hospital, the assumption being based upon metal artifacts misinterpreted as "medical instruments" (parchment edge trimmer, compasses, fork!!!. The author’s inference is that the ruins at Mažići are not the remains of the monastery of St George, which should be searched for elsewhere, but possibly the legacy of a 14th-century monastic establishment which was moved there from an as yet unknown location most likely about the middle of the 16th century. The site at Drenova, with remains of a church destroyed by land slide, has been known since the late 19th

  2. The Health Status of the Early Medieval Population of Greater Moravia in Relation to Social and Economic Structures

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Velemínský, P.; Dobisíková, M.; Stránská, Petra; Trefný, P.; Likovský, Jakub


    Roč. 56, č. 6 (2009), s. 91-101 ISSN 0567-8250 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA206/07/0699 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : Early Medieval period * Great Moravian population * social -economic structure * demography * Enamel Hypoplasy * Cribra orbitalia * Harris lines * Dental health state * Degenerative changes joints Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  3. As filhas de Eva: religião e relações de gênero na justiça medieval portuguesa Eve's daughters: religion and gender relations in the portuguese medieval justice

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    Edlene Oliveira Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as representações de mulheres presentes nas Ordenações Afonsinas, código jurídico português elaborado no século XV que definiu e classificou detalhadamente vários crimes considerados tipicamente femininos e estipulou punições rigorosas. Dentre esses delitos, trataremos de alguns aspectos do adultério, do concubinato e da alcovitagem. Informado pelas representações de gênero, o discurso jurídico do Estado monárquico luso legitimou a perseguição empreendida pela Igreja às mulheres "desviantes". O olhar da justiça era influenciado pelo imaginário religioso cristão e medieval, repleto de ideias patriarcais e misóginas que associavam o feminino ao arquétipo da Eva pecadora, a primeira mulher que se deixou seduzir pelos ardis malignos do demônio.This article analyzes the representations of women in the Ordenações Afonsinas, the Portuguese juridical code elaborated in the 15th century that defined and classified in detail several crimes considered typically feminine, and that stipulated rigorous punishments. Among those crimes, we will discuss some aspects of adultery, concubinage, and panderism. Informed by gender representations, the juridical discourse of the Lusitanian monarchical State legitimated the persecution of "deviating" women undertaken by the Church. The view of justice was influenced by Christian/medieval religious imaginary, full of patriarchal and misogynistic ideas that associated the feminine to Eve's archetype of the sinner, the first woman to be seduced by the Devil's evil artifices.

  4. Characterization of a Messer – The late-Medieval single-edged sword of Central Europe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fajfar, Peter; Medved, Jožef; Klančnik, Grega [Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva cesta 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); Lazar, Tomaž [National Museum of Slovenia, Prešernova cesta 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); Nečemer, Marijan [Jožef Stefan Institut, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); Mrvar, Primož, E-mail: [Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva cesta 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    Metallurgical characterization of a sword blade fragments dating from the second half of the 15th century found in central Slovenia was performed in order to determine its chemical composition, microstructure, microhardness, and to obtain insight into the methods of manufacture of a late-medieval Messer sword. As the artefact was broken, examinations were limited to six very small fragments that were allowed to be removed from the cutting edge, core and the back of the blade. Light optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, differential scanning calorimetry, thermodynamics approach and Vickers micro-hardness tests were employed to analyze the microstructure and mechanical properties. The results show that the sword was manufactured from a single wrought iron billet. The surface of the sword was carburized. No evidence of quenching was found. The ferritic microstructure is concentrated in the core, and the pearlitic in the outer layer of the blade. All metal fragments contained non-metallic inclusions that were derived mostly from slag and some from hammer scale. - Highlights: • A metallurgical characterization of a medieval sword blade has been performed. • The carbon content decreased from the surface to the core of the blade. • The dominant microstructure in the outer layer is pearlite and in the core is ferrite. • The presence of lump shaped and elongated non-metallic inclusions was observed. • The sword was manufactured from a single wrought iron billet.

  5. Characterization of a Messer – The late-Medieval single-edged sword of Central Europe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fajfar, Peter; Medved, Jožef; Klančnik, Grega; Lazar, Tomaž; Nečemer, Marijan; Mrvar, Primož


    Metallurgical characterization of a sword blade fragments dating from the second half of the 15th century found in central Slovenia was performed in order to determine its chemical composition, microstructure, microhardness, and to obtain insight into the methods of manufacture of a late-medieval Messer sword. As the artefact was broken, examinations were limited to six very small fragments that were allowed to be removed from the cutting edge, core and the back of the blade. Light optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, differential scanning calorimetry, thermodynamics approach and Vickers micro-hardness tests were employed to analyze the microstructure and mechanical properties. The results show that the sword was manufactured from a single wrought iron billet. The surface of the sword was carburized. No evidence of quenching was found. The ferritic microstructure is concentrated in the core, and the pearlitic in the outer layer of the blade. All metal fragments contained non-metallic inclusions that were derived mostly from slag and some from hammer scale. - Highlights: • A metallurgical characterization of a medieval sword blade has been performed. • The carbon content decreased from the surface to the core of the blade. • The dominant microstructure in the outer layer is pearlite and in the core is ferrite. • The presence of lump shaped and elongated non-metallic inclusions was observed. • The sword was manufactured from a single wrought iron billet

  6. An unusual discovery of human remains from the medieval church of Grevenmacher (Luxembourg). (United States)

    Trautmann, Bernd; Bis-Worch, Christiane


    The occurrence of burned human remains on a Christian burial ground is very rare in medieval Europe. Therefore, the discovery of a complex consisting of commingled burned and unburned human bones within the church of Grevenmacher (Luxembourg) is from special interest for anthropological as well as archaeological research. In the current paper we present methods for a comprehensive analysis for such an exceptional case connected with the question if this bone accumulation represents a form of funerary custom or if other factors lead to its composition. Thereof, two possible scenarios for the occurrence of this unusual composition were created and discussed.

  7. La revisión de un cuento medieval en un sitio de Internet

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    Monique Noël-Gaudreault


    Full Text Available This article has as a topic the revision of a text with the help of a Web page. Our question was, “What are the elements of the rewriting phase for a didactical sequence on fiction writing, when using computer tools, in this case to create a tale within a medieval setting?” We summarize the advantages of using a Web site for this, and we go on by tracing out the concepts that underlie rereading and rewriting the tale, and by listing the main objects to check during the revision process, completeness, coherence-cohesion, vocabulary, syntax and spelling.

  8. Sinusitis in people living in the medieval ages. (United States)

    Teul, Iwona; Lorkowski, Jacek; Lorkiewicz, Wieslaw; Nowakowski, Dariusz


    Breathing vitally serves body homeostasis. The prevalence of upper airway infections is often taken as an indicator of overall health status of a population living at a given time. In the present study we examined the unearthed remains of skulls from the XIII-XV century inhabitants searching for signs of maxillary sinusitis. Maxillary sinuses of the skulls of 92 individuals were inspected macroscopically and, if necessary, endoscopically. Osseous changes, including the pitting and abnormal spicule formation were present in 69 cases (75.0 %). It was found that, overall, dental infection was a major cause of maxillary sinusitis (18.8 %). Severe bone changes were observed in the adults' skulls, but were also present in the sinus walls of children's skulls. Post-inflammatory changes were manifest as remodeling and damage to the sinus walls. The results indicate that both children and adults of the Middle Ages suffered from chronic sinusitis. These observations confirm that the climate, environment, and lifestyle of the medieval populations contributed to the morbidity of the upper respiratory tract.

  9. The case of the pregnant woman from the medieval site of “Preko Slatine” in Omoljica

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    Đukić Ksenija


    Full Text Available The paper presents the case of the pregnant woman discovered at the medieval necropolis of “Preko Slatine” in Omoljica, a village near Pančevo. The necropolis is dated to the period of the 12th-13th century AD. It deals with a woman aged 25-30 (probably around 28 years old in the advanced stages of pregnancy, discovered in grave No. 13. This paper presents the possible conditions that led to the death of this woman, but also the problems faced by anthropologists when they attempt to resolve individual cases like this. In paleodemographic research, the mortality rate of pregnant woman is an important element of a population’s progress. Pregnant woman mortality is considered an adequate criterion for the social and sanitation conditions of a community and a sensitive indicator of health care and, sometimes, the skill level possessed by midwives or doctors. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III 45005: Functional, functionalized and advanced nano materials, Grant no. 177007: Romanization, urbanization and transformation of urban centers of civil, military and residential character in Roman provinces on the territory of Serbia and Grant no. 177021: Urbanization processes and development of medieval society

  10. La influencia de la Alquimia medieval hispana en la Europa moderna,

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    López Pérez, Miguel


    Full Text Available The pseudolullian texts of german paracelsists in Spain specify the peninsular paracelsism. This texts, and many others, were influenced by other previous texts, like these of the same Lull, Arnau of Vilanova and John of Rupescissa, that's the reason why this ideas made a return trip and the spanish mediaeval alchemy determined directly to the european alchemy.

    Los textos pseudolulianos de paracelsistas alemanes en España concretan los años del paracelsismo peninsular. Dichos textos, y algunos más, estaban influenciados por otros anteriores, como los del propio Lulio, Arnau de Vilanova y Juan de Rupescissa, por lo que dichas ideas hicieron un viaje de ida y vuelta y la Alquimia hispana medieval influenció directamente a la europea.

  11. La infanta Urraca y el cerco de Zamora en la historiografía medieval castellana y leonesa

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    Martín Prieto, Pablo


    Full Text Available This paper aims to compose a general panorama over the image of princess Urraca of Leon-Castile as it appears and evolves in the context of Medieval Castilian cronicles. Her outstanding role in Castilian politics of the late 11th century has been object to much attention on the part of historians ever since. In particular, she is to be remembered in connection to the murder of the Castilian king Sancho II, her brother, before the walls of Zamora. This crucial turning point in Iberian history was embroidered in legendary epics, leading to a wide accusation against Urraca as an inductor to her brother’s assassination. The present paper is concerned with a critical examination of the medieval cronicles, so as to verify and trace the progress and oscillations about the construction of Urraca’s posterity on behalf of Sancho’s death.

    El presente estudio pretende dibujar un panorama general sobre la imagen de la infanta castellana Urraca, tal como ésta se refleja y evoluciona en las principales fuentes historiográficas castellanas y leonesas de época medieval. Desde aquellos tiempos, los historiadores han prestado mucha atención a la importancia de Urraca en la política castellana del final del siglo XI. Se la recuerda especialmente por su relación con el asesinato de su hermano el monarca castellano Sancho II ante los muros de Zamora. Este acontecimiento crucial de la historia peninsular fue objeto de amplia elaboración épica, resultando en una acusación contra Urraca como inductora de la muerte de su hermano. Nuestro artículo propone un examen crítico de las crónicas medievales, al objeto de verificar y seguir la formación y las vacilaciones en la construcción de la posteridad de Urraca a cuenta de la muerte de Sancho.

  12. Frequency of dental caries in children in the Early Iron Age and the Medieval populations from Ukraine

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    Yanko Nataliia Valentinovna


    Full Text Available In this paper we determine the caries frequency in children of the Early Iron Age (EIA (the 9th - the 3d centuries BC and the Medieval populations (the 8th - the beginning of the 15th century AD from the Ukraine area, and compare the results with the data from several European populations who lived at the same time. The EIA is presented by 41 children skeletons, three of which were Cimmerian (the 9th - the 7th centuries BC from the territory of contemporary Poltava region; 38 skulls from the territory of contemporary Poltava region and Crimea represented Scythian period (the 7th - the 3d centuries BC. Remains of 24 children from the Medieval populations were also examined, three of which were the ancient Hungarians from the Poltava region (the 8th - the 9th centuries AD, 6 Khazars from the Kharkiv region (the 8th - the 9th centuries, 1 child related the Old Rus culture from the Kyiv region (the 9th century, and 14 representatives of the nomadic populations in the Golden Horde period (the 13th - the beginning of the 15th century from the Poltava and Zaporizhzhya regions. Taking in consideration the letter archaeobotanical studies we suggest that there were no major changes in the plants exploited during all the studied periods. The frequency of carious lesions in children from the Medieval populations (8.3% in individuals, 0.5% in deciduous teeth, and 0.4% in permanent teeth is only slightly higher than those from the EIA period (2.4% in individuals and 0.2% in deciduous teeth. These indexes were not larger those of majority of European populations dated to the same historic period. Further isotopic, chemical and palaeobotanical studies of the additional sites, with sufficient sample sizes, allow us to learn so much more of the cariogenic factors in children of the past populations from the Ukraine area.

  13. El pecador en el jardín de la salud: La contribución de la medicina a la configuración del modelo antropológico medieval y el carácter filosófico de su sentido

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    José Antonio Paredes Osuna


    Full Text Available The recient historiography has carried a change of perspectives about the sense of the Medieval Philosophy and its complex configuration. In the same horizon where only the thelogy ruled like the unique true and view about the man and the world, other disciplines blame for defense their relevance in the building of the medieval cosmology. In present case we’ll be able to searchnhowbn the Medicine supported a special relationship with the philosophy in the process of its definition like the “pagan” reformulation for the Medieval escatology and like a new anthropological model.

  14. Gold and not so real gold in Medieval treatises

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    Srebrenka Bogovic-Zeskoski


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to evidence diverse materials and processes used by artisans (and alchemists required to synthesize a visually viable replacement for gold. The emphasis of the research is upon the production of mosaic gold or porporina, a pigment that has survived into modern times, which was used as ink and as paint. Base metals, mostly tin, but also alloys were used both into foils coated with glazes and varnishes and as pigment. The research focuses upon recipes documented in treatises dating from Antiquity to the late Medieval period (ca. 1500 and an attempt is made to answer two questions. In the first place, why was there a need for a surrogate? Secondly, why are there so few tangible examples detected on surviving artifacts? In conclusion, an argument is offered pointing out that, although much can be learned by scientific examination of artifacts, textual analysis is equally important and necessary to unravel mysteries of ancient technologies

  15. A biological stone from a medieval cemetery in Poland. (United States)

    Gładykowska-Rzeczycka, Judyta J; Nowakowski, Dariusz


    A review of the literature shows that origination of biological stones as well as their pathogenesis mostly depend on the environmental factors. As a result, the structural spectrum of such calculi and their chemical composition are highly diversified. It is well known that biological stones are formed mostly in the digestive and urinary tracts. However, it has been demonstrated that this kind of stony structure can be also, though rarely, found in circulatory and reproductive systems, skin, mucosa, and tear ducts. Although in palaeopathology, the list of biological stones is enriched by stony tumours and/or discharges, it is very difficult to uncover the small size deposits in excavation material. In the literature such findings, originating from different countries and centuries, are few. The described stone was found among the bones of an adult individual in the medieval cemetery of Gdańsk (Poland). The SEM, X-ray spectrometer and chemical evaluation revealed that it was a bladder calculus.

  16. The Relations between Astronomy and Music in Medieval Armenia (United States)

    Vardumyan, Arpi


    In Middle Ages Astronomy and Music were included in the four sciences, together with Mathematics and Geometry. From ancient times philosophers thought that harmony lies in the basis of world creation. The Earth was in the centre of the Universe, and the seven planets went around it, the Sun and the Moon in their number. Harmony was also in the basis of music, with seven sounds due to seven planets. It was considered that owing to harmonic rotation cosmic universal music appears, and it is not attainable for human ear as it is used to it. Medieval connoisseurs of music therapy believed that for healing a person his astrological data must first be cleared out, in order to define in which musical mode should sound the melody in order to treat him/her. Comparing music with astrology they considered easier to practise the first one because the celestial luminaries are much higher and farther from people.

  17. Johannitius (809-873 AD), a medieval physician, translator and author. (United States)

    Dalfardi, Behnam; Daneshfard, Babak; Nezhad, Golnoush Sadat Mahmoudi


    The medieval physician, translator and author Abū Zayd Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq al-'Ibādī, best known in the West as Johannitius, is considered the best translator of Greek texts, particularly medical writings, into Arabic. He made great inroads in the art of translation in the Islamic world. In addition to his own translations, Johannitius put significant effort into training pupils and passing knowledge about translation to succeeding generations. He was also a great writer, compiling over 100 books on different subjects, especially medical. Among his own works, the illustrious Kitab al-Ashr Maqalat fil-Ayn (Ten Treatises on the Eye) contains the oldest known illustration of the structure of the eye. It served as the primary source for Galen's theory of vision and subsequent use by Western scholars. © The Author(s) 2016.

  18. [The reception of medieval Europe in the Baltic Sea region, Papers of the XIIth Visby Symposium held at Gotland University, Visby] / Juhan Kreem

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kreem, Juhan, 1971-


    Arvustus: The reception of medieval Europe in the Baltic Sea Region : papers of the XIIth Visby Symposium, held at Gotland University, Visby / editor: Jörn Staecker. Visby : Gotland University Press, 2009. (Acta Visbyensia ; 12)

  19. Ocho notas críticas sobre políticas de protección a niños y adolescentes en América Latina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica De Martino


    Full Text Available La ponencia intenta colocar ocho observaciones críticas a las actuales políticas de protección a la infancia y la adolescencia en la región. Cuatro de ellas, en nuestra opinión, derivan de la forma como fue abordado el campo de la infancia y la adolescencia, desde una perspectiva histórica, tanto desde la política como de la academia. En otras palabras, son notas intrínsecas a la relación infancia, pobreza y Estado. Las cuatro restantes se vinculan al actual sistema de protecciones sociales vigente en la región, que apunta a regular la pobreza bajo el signo de políticas sociales y políticas punitivas. La infancia, como “puerta de entrada” a la familia y sus secretos, habilitó históricamente, a partir de las políticas dirigidas a ella, la gestión social y política de la pobreza y de la población en general. Estas últimas cuatro notas críticas son intrínsecas a las actuales formas de ejercicio del poder gubernamental y a la concepción de qué debe ser protegido y cómo. Obviamente, los ocho comentarios se desglosan de esta manera a los meros efectos desu exposición.

  20. The Metallography of Iron Objects from Semonice Stronghold in the Light of Studied Forged Pieces from Medieval Strongholds, Villages and Towns

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hošek, Jiří


    Roč. 12, 2-3 (2006), s. 207-220 ISSN 0354-6306 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GP404/02/P033 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : medieval tool-making * Semonice * archaeometallurgy Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology