
Sample records for medidores nucleares necessidade

  1. Estimación del Error en un Medidor de Turbina con Insuficientes Tramos Rectos Estimación del Error en un Medidor de Turbina con Insuficientes Tramos Rectos

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    Francisco Martínez González


    Full Text Available In agricultural pumping plants flowmeters are frequently installed with insufficient straight sections of pipe both upstream and downstream from the meter, in order to meet the established installation specifications. It has been found that flowmeter manufacturers do not know the error rate in flow measurements under these no optimal conditions. In 1998, Hanson found that a propeller flowmeter had an error of 3,5 % when it was installed in a position a distance of two pipe diameters downstream from an elbow. This project investigated the performance of a turbine flowmeter under no optimal upstream and downstream conditions (conditions not considered by Hanson. Experiments were carried out in the Hydraulic Laboratory of the University of Guanajuato. Measurements were made in different flowmeter positions considering different flow rates. Results from this project showed that the flowmeter does not have a large error, even if it is installed in an incorrect position. However, lowest error rate is obtained when it was installed in the position recommended by the manufacturer. En pozos agrícolas, frecuentemente se presenta el caso de trenes de descarga con insuficientes tramos rectos para cumplir las especificaciones de instalación de medidores de flujo. Los fabricantes no conocen la variación del error de medición en que se incurre si los medidores se colocan bajo condiciones de insuficientes tramos rectos. Hanson (1998 encontró que un medidor de propela presenta un error de 3,5 % si se coloca con dos diámetros aguas abajo de un codo de 90o. Para conocer el desempeño de un medidor de turbina con poco tramo recto, tanto aguas arriba como aguas abajo (condiciones no consideradas por Hanson se realizaron pruebas en el Laboratorio de Hidráulica de la Universidad de Guanajuato. Se compararon las lecturas del medidor contra las de un tanque volumétrico, colocando el medidor en diferentes posiciones y con varios gastos. Los resultados indican que

  2. Medidor de Glicose Minimamente Invasivo - Prova de Conceito


    Melo, Joana Isabel Ferreira Santos


    Esta tese reporta a demonstração da prova de conceito de um medidor de glicose minimamente invasivo baseada em wearable sensors. O projeto culminou na fabricação de um conjunto de microelétrodos descartáveis com recurso a Screen Printing, semelhantes a uma tatuagem provisória, e ao desenvolvimento de uma PCB que integra todo o sistema de controlo e aquisição através de um microcontrolador, o ATmega328P. O projeto envolveu, ainda, a programação do firmware que permite o corre...

  3. Load cell adoption in an electronic drag force flowmeter Medidor de vazão eletrônico com célula de carga

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    Antonio Pires de Camargo


    Full Text Available This research introduces the development of an electronic flowmeter based on the drag force that a body experiences when immersed in a fluid stream. Its main goal was the development of an Electronic Drag Force Flowmeter (EDFF using a load cell, as well as the evaluation of its performance parameters. The developed flowmeter should not require specialized labor, equipments, computers or any sophisticated and complex method, providing an easy and accurate way of flow estimation. This research was carried out in the following stages: (i EDFF mechanical structure development; (ii data acquisition system and embedded software design; and (iii evaluation of EDFF performance parameters. EDFF has routines for instantaneous flow rate measurement, interactive calibration, and also several flow meter parameter adjustments, allowing data transmission via a RS232 protocol. The real-time flow measurement task updates values of instantaneous flow rate each seven seconds, enabling unit selection. The interactive calibration routine guides users during all calibration process showing instructions on EDFF's display. A data digital filtering procedure was implemented in an embedded software using the Grubbs' Test in order to identify and to remove outliers from the acquired data. The Method of Least Squares was also implemented in the embedded software in order to calculate the fitting model coefficients on the calibration procedure. This flowmeter is able to work from 1.94 to 7.78 dm³ s-1 with an uncertainty of ± 5.7%. The coefficient of local head loss (K was close to 0.55 for Reynolds number values higher than 10(5. The developed EDFF is a low-cost and stand-alone system with potential for agricultural applications.Este estudo apresenta o desenvolvimento de um medidor de vazão baseado na força de arraste que atua em um corpo imerso em uma corrente líquida. O principal objetivo foi o desenvolvimento de um Medidor de Vazão Eletrônico tipo Força (MVEF

  4. Plan de mejoramiento a la empresa BTP Medidores y Accesorios S.A.


    Prieto García, Carolina


    Este proyecto se realizó con el fin de poner en marcha los conocimientos aprendidos en la carrera, como es el realizar y desarrollar herramientas que permitan crear soluciones a los problemas que se puedan presentar en una empresa. Para ello se seleccionó la empresa de producción “BTP Medidores y Accesorios”, en donde a partir de la aplicación del MMGO y el análisis interno de la metodología DOFA, se pudo conocer e identificar las falencias y/o oportunidades de mejora que existían. En el m...


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    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade identificar as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utilizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Necessidades Básicas de Maslow. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  6. Calibração do medidor de clorofila Minolta SPAD-502 para avaliação do conteúdo de nitrogênio do milho


    Zotarelli,Lincoln; Cardoso,Eduardo Garcia; Piccinin,Jorge Luiz; Urquiaga,Segundo; Boddey,Robert Michael; Torres,Eleno; Alves,Bruno José Rodrigues


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi calibrar o medidor de clorofila Minolta SPAD-502 para avaliação da nutrição nitrogenada das plantas de milho, baseando-se na prévia comparação das leituras de clorofila com os teores obtidos pelos extratores N,N-dimetilformamida (DMF) e acetona 80%. No campo, foram avaliados os teores de clorofila em folhas de milho cultivado sob plantio direto após a cultura de aveia-preta e após a de tremoço-branco, por duas safras consecutivas. A extração da clorofila com a so...

  7. Necessidades em saúde: questões importantes para o trabalho da enfermagem

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    Edir Nei Teixeira Mandu


    Full Text Available A construção de novos parâmetros e práticas em saúde e enfermagem, no sentido do efetivo exercício de direitos sociais, é um desafio posto na atualidade. Este trabalho é uma contribuição ao enfrentamento desse desafio. Olhando para o saber da enfermagem, reflete-se sobre um dado modo de interpretação das necessidades em saúde. A partir de uma discussão acerca das necessidades humanas e de sua relação com o trabalho em saúde, submete-se à crítica a interpretação das necessidades humanas/em saúde presente na teoria de Wanda de Aguiar Horta. Destaca-se na análise a importância da autonomia/autovalorização humana e a interpretação de necessidades a partir da consideração aos sujeitos que recebem-fazem saúde e ao contexto social.

  8. Necessidades em saúde segundo percepções de pessoas com tuberculose pulmonar

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    Paula Hino

    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as percepções sobre necessidades em saúde de pessoas com tuberculose pulmonar. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido no distrito administrativo Capão Redondo, São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados em janeiro de 2010 por meio de entrevista semidiretiva. Foram entrevistadas onze pessoas em tratamento contra tuberculose, com idade mínima de 18 anos e sem limites de cognição. O material empírico foi decodificado a partir de técnica de análise de discurso. As percepções sobre necessidades em saúde estão relacionadas às dificuldades enfrentadas no processo saúde-doença, e o reconhecimento das necessidades em saúde mostrou-se condicionado à vigência do agravo à saúde. As necessidades identificadas decorrem de alterações biológicas, do cotidiano e de insuficiências no processo de produção dos serviços de saúde. A qualidade da assistência às pessoas com tuberculose está, entre outros fatores, condicionada à identificação e ao atendimento de suas necessidades em saúde.

  9. Necessidades de informação: uma análise sociocognitiva

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    Mitsuo André Vieira Fukahori Correio


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se uma análise sociocognitiva de investigação das necessidades de informação que surgem das diferentes tarefas que os coordenadores de pós-graduação assumem no seu trabalho. O contexto da regulação, objeto da pesquisa, se constituiu no ambiente social no qual as informações são produzidas e usadas. O estudo do documento da área das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas I se constituiu como a base empírica da pesquisa. Constatou-se que as necessidades de informação que surgem do conjunto de tarefas que estão no centro da regulação são conformadas nas comunidades acadêmicas. Ao mesmo tempo em que produzem resultados complexos, muitas tarefas podem ser decompostas em elementos compreensíveis e as necessidades de informação identificadas.

  10. Mulheres idosas: desvelando suas vivências e necessidades de cuidado

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    Miriam Aparecida Barbosa Merighi


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo com abordagem da fenomenologia social que objetivou a compreensão da vivência da mulher idosa, suas necessidades de cuidado e expectativas nesse período da vida. Participaram nove mulheres, cujos depoimentos foram obtidos de fevereiro a maio de 2011, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. A mulher idosa refere limitações de ordem física, mental e social, e valoriza a preservação de sua autonomia nas atividades diárias e no cuidado consigo mesma. Refere a família como suporte fundamental e tem expectativas e necessidades de se manter saudável, da busca pelo lazer e de ter melhor acesso aos serviços de saúde para receber informações e atendimento qualificado. Nessa fase, a ausência de perspectivas relaciona-se à perda de pessoas significativas e da saúde. Este estudo revelou facetas da vivência da mulher idosa, suscitando novas investigações e a adequação do ensino, prática e gestão às reais necessidades dessa mulher.


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    Odílio Alves Aguiar


    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa refletir sobre o pensamento de Hannah Arendt à luz do par conceitual necessidade-liberdade. Esse caminho é produtivo, pois dá conta tanto da obra mais conhecida e reconhecida da autora quanto das suas reflexões anteriores à Origens do Totalitarismo, que se dirigiam, na sua maioria, à comunidade dos Judeus e tinham a questão judaica como ponto central. As meditações arendtianas sobre o judaísmo, consideradas no presente artigo, foram publicadas em duas coletâneas na França: La tradition Cachée (1987 e Auschwitz et Jérusalem (1991. O artigo gravita em torno da defesa arendtiana sobre a inerência entre política e liberdade e sua substituição pela compreensão da política como submetida à esfera da necessidade. Essa perspectiva, segundo a autora, fez-se presente na tradição assimilacionista entre os judeus, mas já tinha obtido a hegemonia na cultura ocidental. Isso sucedeu em razão da primazia da vita contemplativa sobre a vita activa, do trabalho e da questão social em detrimento da ação e, por fim, da supremacia da filosofia da história em prejuízo da Filosofia Política.

  12. Influência da equoterapia no desenvolvimento psicomotor de pessoas com necessidades especiais

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    Gardenia de Oliveira Barbosa


    Full Text Available equoterapia é um processo terapêutico e educacional que utiliza o cavalo com a finalidade de proporcionar ganhos físicos e psíquicos para pessoas com necessidades especiais. Nesse estudo objetivou-se analisar a influência da equoterapia no desenvolvimento psicomotor de pessoas com necessidades especiais. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica e a partir dos artigos encontrados procedeu-se a análise por meio da leitura dos resumos e seleção dos que envolviam os aspectos psicomotores relacionados à intervenção equoterapêutica. Como resultados, foram encontrados 15 artigos relevantes ao objeto de estudo em questão, os quais apontaram evidências quanto a ganhos em habilidades motoras devido à intervenção com a utilização do cavalo. Foi possível analisar a periodicidade de publicação dos artigos, identificar as populações beneficiadas pela prática da equoterapia e as principais teorias que oferecem sustentação às pesquisas. Por meio da revisão de literatura, concluiu-se que a equoterapia pode ser uma ferramenta eficaz como intervenção nos aspectos psicomotores de pessoas com necessidades especiais. Palavras-chaves: equoterapia, psicomotricidade, necessidades especiais.

  13. Publicidade, necessidades e decrescimento. Para uma comunicação publicitária menos comercial


    Javier García López


    O atual sistema de produção e consumo utiliza a comunicação publicitária para transmitir aos receptores-consumidores a necessidade de uma economia de crescimento exponencial. A publicidade comercial convencional produz realidades que devem ser objeto de desejo e, em última instância, necessidade. Contudo, tais necessidades não dão lugar a uma vida boa de ser vivida. Ao contrário, as narrativas publicitárias mercantilizadas provocam distâncias sociais, agravam os efeitos prejudiciais da econom...

  14. Necessidades de saúde psicológica em crianças com deficiência mental

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    Maria das Graças Araújo

    Full Text Available O encaminhamento de crianças com deficiência mental para o psicólogo provém, sobretudo, da preocupação com a adequação de suas condutas às expectativas sociais em detrimento de sua saúde mental e seu bem-estar. Neste trabalho, buscou-se identificar necessidades de saúde psicológica em crianças com deficiência mental, com indicação prévia de psicoterapia, para posterior análise do preparo do psicólogo para atender essas necessidades. A pesquisa foi realizada em escola especial pertencente à rede pública, na cidade de Aracaju. A amostra foi constituída por sete crianças, de sete a dez anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, com escolaridade correspondente à pré-alfabetização. Utilizou-se a observação participante para a coleta de dados, sistematizados por meio de análise de conteúdo. No grupo estudado, os resultados apontaram para a prevalência das necessidades de amor e pertencimento, seguida das necessidades de crescimento, dentro da hierarquia das necessidades humanas básicas descritas por Maslow.

  15. Publicidade, necessidades e decrescimento. Para uma comunicação publicitária menos comercial

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    Javier García López


    Full Text Available O atual sistema de produção e consumo utiliza a comunicação publicitária para transmitir aos receptores-consumidores a necessidade de uma economia de crescimento exponencial. A publicidade comercial convencional produz realidades que devem ser objeto de desejo e, em última instância, necessidade. Contudo, tais necessidades não dão lugar a uma vida boa de ser vivida. Ao contrário, as narrativas publicitárias mercantilizadas provocam distâncias sociais, agravam os efeitos prejudiciais da economia capitalista e impõe barreiras para a transformção social. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho é analisar a relação entre a publicidade e o Bem Viver desde uma perspectiva crítica. Com o auxílio do método reflexivo, sugere-se um debate aprofundado sobre a teoria das necessidades e a possibilidade de uma publicidade a serviço do decrescimento.

  16. Necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados na fase aguda do tratamento

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    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utlizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Nacessidades Básicas de MASLOW. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  17. Necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados na fase aguda do tratamento

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    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utlizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Nacessidades Básicas de MASLOW. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  18. Evaluation of integrity of radiation sources of nuclear gauges; Avaliacao da integridade de fontes radioativas de medidores nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torohate, Wiclif Francisco


    Nuclear equipment meters are mainly used in the industry in quality control and process control. The principle of operation consists in a shielded radioactive source together with a radiation detector such that the radiation interacts with the material to be analyzed before reaching the detector, providing real time data. Can be as their fixed and mobile mobility, the unique properties of ionizing radiation are used in three basic modes, transmission, backscatter or dispersion or induced (reactive). With the advancement and technological modernization in the world, the demand for nuclear gauges becomes increasingly larger. Currently in Brazil there are about 465 process control plants and 21 portable systems and Mozambique about 45 facilities using nuclear gauges. This font registration is done through a process called source inventory that allows also to know the category of the source, the danger or risk to human health that the source offers. The handling of this equipment requires personnel, certified, skilled and well trained in radiation protection area in accordance with the requirements of the various CNEN Rules. Due to the presence of radioactive source and because these devices are used by workers risk because there external radiation. In this context, we made the smear test in two fixed meters from the IRD industry laboratory, which determines the integrity of the source package, mandatory item in periodic integrity testing of the radiation source of this type of device. A set of procedures is made for its implementation as an evaluation of the radiological risk by radiological survey. It was intended to contribute to the learning handling and safe use of these meters. (author)

  19. Avaliação do teor de umidade da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis por medidores elétricos resistivos. Evaluation of the Eucalyptus grandis lumber moisture content by resistancetype moisture meters.

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    João Eduardo Guarnetti dos SANTOS


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivoverificar a precisão de dois tipos de medidoreselétricos de teor de umidade durante o processo desecagem da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis. Foramretiradas amostras representativas de 14 tábuas deEucalyptus grandis e secas em estufa elétrica a40 ºC de temperatura, até que o material atingisse10% de umidade. Durante a secagem foramdeterminados, periodicamente, o teor de umidadeatravés do método de massas correntes e deverificações simultâneas com um medidor elétricoportátil (EMM e com o sistema de controle de umsecador convencional (KCS. Os resultados mostraramque: (1 o sensor de umidade KCS pode substituiro método gravimétrico durante a secagem damadeira; (2 o medidor do teor de umidade EMMsubestima os reais teores de umidade durante asecagem da madeira e não é indicado parasubstituir o método gravimétrico de determinação de umidade.The aim of the study was to evaluate theprecision of two types of electric moisture metersduring the drying process of Eucalyptus grandisboards. Samples were obtained from 14 boards ofEucalyptus grandis and they were dried in electriclaboratory oven at 40 ºC of temperature, until thewood achieve 10% of moisture content. During thedrying, the moisture content was determined bygravimetric method and simultaneous checks by anelectric moisture meter (EMM and by kilncontrol system (KCS. The results showed that:(1 the KCS can replace the gravimetric methodduring the wood drying; (2 the EMMunderestimate the real moisture content during thedrying of boards and it is not indicate as substituteof the gravimetric method.

  20. Da necessidade e da vontade de se consumir notícia

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    Gislene Silva


    Full Text Available Discutimos neste trabalho razões e motivações pelas quais temos necessidade e vontade de consumir notícias. Retomando grandes matrizes sociais da fundamentação dos interesses dos produtores e consumidores de produtos jornalísticos, apontamos para uma variedade de ações organizadas pela necessidade de consumir notícias motivada pelo que percebemos como importante e vontade de consumir notícias despertada em nós pela curiosidade. Localizamos a questão no amplo debate sobre a contemporaneidade e a globalização e elegemos a centralidade das categorias espacialidade, temporalidade e cotidianidade nesta tentativa de compreender um pouco mais o consumo de produtos noticiosos, inserido nas práticas discursivas e narrativas jornalísticas atuais.

  1. Design and construction of the prototype of a digital meter of single phase electric energy based in a microcontroller; Diseno y construccion del prototipo de un medidor digital de energia electrica monofasico basado en un microcontrolador

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez Alonso, Ruben


    This research work presents the design and construction of a single-phase microcontroller-based digital electric energy meter. The digital instrument displays the energy demand (kw-h) based on up-to-date tariff provided by the Mexican national utility Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE). The meter digitally processes voltage and current line waveform samples taken at its input, displaying, in real time, the number of electrical parameters calculated. For a better instrument performance a PIC16F874 microcontroller from microchip has been used as computational core. The parameters of interest are visualized in a liquid crystal display of 2 X 16 characters. The user interface includes a menu where some of the parameters can be selected by the operator. In the event of an electric power supply disruption the meter keeps to the energy consumption in memory. The voltage and current measured levels ranges from 1 to 255 Vrms and 0.1 to 25.5 Arms, respectively. The power is displayed in 5 digits ranging from 0 to 6502.5 watts and the energy is displayed with 5 whole digits and 5 decimals ranging, from 0 kWh up to 99999.99999 kWh. These values are refreshed every one second together with the actual electrical consumption cost which ranges from 0 up to 9999.9 pesos. The digital measuring instrument has been built based on four main inter-connected modules named, data acquisition; signal conditioning; signal processing; and display. A set of efficient assembly code routines has been developed in order to calculate the number of electrical parameter previously described. After a debugging process, the optimised code has been assembled for the PIC16F874. [Spanish] El trabajo presenta el diseno y construccion de un medidor digital de energia electrica basado en un microcontrolador, el cual visualiza la demanda por el consumo de kWh, basandose en una tarifa escalonada de tipo domestico de CFE. Tambien el aparato visualiza voltaje, corriente, potencia y el tiempo de medicion

  2. Necessidades humanas básicas dos profissionais de enfermagem: situações de (insatisfação no trabalho

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    Lorena Fagundes Ladeia Vitoria Regis


    Full Text Available O cuidado está associado às ações da enfermagem considerando, sobretudo um conjunto de necessidades da equipe de enfermagem. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: caracterizar situações de (insatisfações da equipe de enfermagem no trabalho e analisar as implicações destas (insatisfações da equipe de enfermagem no trabalho. Adotou-se a teoria das necessidades humanas básicas de Maslow para compreender fatores motivacionais e utilizou-se uma metodologia qualitativa com aplicação de técnicas quantitativas. O método compôs-se de observação participante com registros em diário de campo associada à aplicação de um questionário para 18 participantes da equipe de enfermagem em um Hospital Público do Rio de Janeiro. O estudo indica que as necessidades básicas da equipe de enfermagem encontram-se comprometidas, principalmente as necessidades de segurança e fisiológicas, as mais primárias. O comprometimento das necessidades primárias do sujeito que cuida implica em prejuízo para a saúde e redução do desempenho no trabalho em cenários hospitalares.

  3. Estimativa das necessidades energéticas em pacientes com doença renal crônica

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    Juliana Cordeiro Dias Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Estabelecer as necessidades energéticas de pacientes com doença renal crônica é importante para que se possam tratar os distúrbios nutricionais encontrados nessa população. Segundo os guias de condutas voltados ao cuidado nutricional de pacientes com essa doença, a recomendação energética pode variar entre 30 e 40kcal/kg/dia. Contudo, trabalhos que avaliaram os componentes do gasto energético nos pacientes com doença renal crônica sugerem que as necessidades energéticas dessa população podem diferir do valor recomendado acima, a depender da condição clínica (presença de comorbidades, da modalidade de tratamento empregado e do nível de atividade física. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão dos estudos sobre o gasto energético de pacientes com doença renal crônica, com o intuito de abordar as seguintes questões: (1 as atuais recomendações de energia para pacientes com doença renal crônica estão adequadas? (2 qual equação de predição poderia ser empregada para estimar as necessidades energéticas desse grupo de pacientes? Assim, esta revisão busca auxiliar o nutricionista ao estimar as necessidades energéticas de pacientes com doença renal crônica.

  4. A autonomia como necessidade estruturante para o enfrentamento da violência de gênero

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    Rebeca Nunes Guedes


    Full Text Available Objetiva-se apresentar categoria referente a necessidades relacionadas à autonomia, reconhecidas pelos profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família no que concerne à atenção à saúde de mulheres que vivenciam violência. Para a produção do material empírico foram feitas entrevistas com profissionais de saúde que compõem as equipes da ESF e com mulheres usuárias do serviço. Os significados conformam a necessidade de autonomia relacionada à mulher como sujeito na tomada de decisões. Entretanto, alguns significados revelaram o reducionismo que se traduz na desresponsabilização do serviço em relação ao problema. A autonomia financeira foi um aspecto convergente entre os discursos dos profissionais e das usuárias do serviço de saúde. Concluiu-se que para o enfrentamento da violência é fundamental a inclusão da perspectiva de gênero tanto nas políticas de saúde quanto nas práticas concretizadas no processo de trabalho, condição que abre possibilidades de respostas a necessidades práticas e estratégicas de gênero, contribuindo para a redução da iniqüidade entre homens e mulheres e a promoção da emancipação feminina.

  5. Necessidades nutricionais do doente crítico

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    Nuno André de Almeida Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: As unidades de terapia intensiva recorrem às equações preditivas, para determinar o gasto energético, ou às recomendações estabelecidas por sociedades internacionais, devido à inacessibilidade da calorimetria indireta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o gasto energético de pacientes críticos, por calorimetria indireta, aos calculados por meio da equação de Harris-Benedict. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo observacional realizado no Serviço de Cuidados Intensivos 1 do Centro Hospitalar do Porto. Foram avaliadas as necessidades energéticas, desde janeiro de 2003 até abril de 2012, dos pacientes críticos internados em que foi realizada calorimetria indireta. Procedeu-se ao cálculo da precisão (intervalo de ±10% entre os valores medidos e estimados, da diferença média e dos limites de concordância da equação estudada. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 85 pacientes, em que se efetuaram 288 medições por calorimetria indireta. Valores obtidos para necessidades energéticas em diferentes métodos: calorimetria indireta 1.753,98±391,13 kcal ao dia (24,48±5,95 kcal/kg ao dia, equação de Harris-Benedict 1.504,11±266,99 kcal ao dia (20,72±2,43 kcal/kg ao dia. A precisão da equação foi de 31,76%, a diferença média de -259,86 kcal ao dia, com limites de concordância entre -858,84 a 339,12 kcal ao dia. O gênero (p=0,023, a temperatura (p=0,009 e o índice de massa corporal (p<0,001 revelaram-se fatores com impacto significativo no gasto energético. CONCLUSÃO: A equação de Harris-Benedict não é precisa na determinação do gasto energético, subestimando-o e apresentando diferenças significativas para predizer, a nível individual, o gasto energético real.

  6. Percepções sobre necessidades de saúde na Atenção Básica segundo usuários de um serviço de saúde

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    Paulo Alexandre de Moraes


    Full Text Available Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, com o objetivo de conhecer o conceito de necessidades de saúde, segundo a percepção de usuários de um serviço de saúde do interior paulista. Realizou-se 15 entrevistas, por meio de roteiro semi-estruturado, em janeiro de 2009. A leitura exaustiva das entrevistas permitiu a apreensão de elementos constitutivos das categorias, definidas a priori, segundo a Taxonomia das Necessidades de Saúde. Identificou-se que os usuários perceberam-se como detentores de necessidades; o contexto social pode apresentar forte influência na sua saúde, verificando-se que a autonomia na tomada de decisões é uma necessidade. Quanto ao vínculo, percebe-se que está intimamente ligado às necessidades de autonomia/autocuidado, pois de certo modo é reforçando a relação de confiança que será possível fortalecer os potenciais para o enfrentamento do processo saúde-doença. Conclui-se que existe a necessidade de instrumentos que auxiliem o profissional da área da Saúde Coletiva a identificar as necessidades de saúde dos usuários.

  7. Necessidades térmicas de videiras na região da Campanha do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil


    Radünz,André Luiz; Schöffel,Edgar Ricardo; Borges,Carolina Terra; Malgarim,Marcelo Barbosa; Pötter,Gabriela Hermann


    A vitivinicultura, reconhecida por sua importância econômica e social no Rio Grande do Sul, tem ampliado sua fronteira de produção para a região da Campanha. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o comportamento fenológico, bem como a necessidade térmica em graus-dia e a necessidade em dias, de cultivares de uvas finas destinadas à produção de vinhos, quando cultivadas na região da Campanha, local de recente introdução da...

  8. Mulheres com gravidez de maior risco: vivências e percepções de necessidades e cuidado

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    Daniela do Carmo Oliveira


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Compreender vivências e percepções de mulheres com gestação de maior risco, relativas aos problemas/necessidades de saúde e práticas de cuidado. Métodos: Estudo descritivo-qualitativo, realizado em Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, com 12 mulheres em acompanhamento pré-natal em um serviço público especializado, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e análise de conteúdo temática. Resultados: As participantes expressam a vivência de importantes eventos não médicos, que influem em sua saúde, como desinformação, medos, preocupações, desorganização da vida cotidiana e familiar, carências financeiras, e outras. Contudo, para o pré-natal, avalizam cuidados orientados pela perspectiva de risco, de controle dos problemas médicos. Reportam-se à necessidade de cuidados amplos, mas, para isso, buscam suporte na família e rede social comunitária de apoio. Conclusão: A compreensão das vivências e dos pontos de vista das mulheres grávidas é imprescindível à construção de ações pré-natais que respondam a necessidades de cuidados abrangentes.

  9. Memórias coletivas de mulheres que vivenciaram o near miss materno: necessidades de saúde e direitos humanos

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    Cláudia de Azevedo Aguiar

    Full Text Available Resumo: Mulheres que vivenciaram o near miss materno podem, por meio de suas memórias coletivas, ajudar na compreensão dos eventos obstétricos graves, como a morte materna. A experiência das pessoas é autêntica e representativa do todo com a construção de uma identidade comum. É a identidade que dá qualidade à memória de um grupo. Assim, cada memória é um fenômeno social. Analisou-se a experiência de 12 mulheres que quase morreram em função do estado gravídico-puerperal. O método da história oral temática foi utilizado, na perspectiva das necessidades de saúde e direitos humanos. Seis memórias coletivas compuseram os discursos: necessidades de saúde não atendidas; deficiências assistenciais; privação do contato com o filho; violação de direitos; ausência de reivindicação dos direitos; e compensações dos direitos e necessidades não atendidos. Compreender as necessidades de saúde dessas mulheres é reconhecê-las como sujeitos de direitos; é individualizar a assistência, respeitando sua autonomia, garantindo o acesso às tecnologias e estabelecendo vínculo (aefetivo com o profissional de saúde

  10. Subjetivismo responsável: necessidade ou ousadia no estudo da contabilidade

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    Alessandra Hirano Fuji


    Full Text Available O estudo da Teoria da Contabilidade é relevante para os acadêmicos e para aqueles envolvidos em atividades práticas relacionadas com a Contabilidade Aplicada. Este trabalho focaliza a inadequação de conceitos tradicionais no estudo da contabilidade conservadorismo, objetividade e custo histórico como base de valor- enfatizando a necessidade de mudanças e quebra de paradigmas. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho mostra a importância do Subjetivismo Responsável, defendido por Sérgio de Iudícibus e outros estudiosos e a necessidade de considerar a relevância de aspectos subjetivos para a qualidade da informação no processo decisório e no atual contexto econômico.The study of accounting theory is relevant for academics and for those who are directly involved in practical activities related to applied accounting. This work focuses on the inappropriateness of traditional concepts in the study of accounting conservatism, objectivity and historic cost as a value base - emphasizing the need for changes and breach of paradigms. The development of this study shows the importance of "Responsible Subjectivity", defended by Sérgio de Iudícibus and other academics, as well as the need to consider the relevance of subjective aspects for information quality in the decision making process and in the present economic context.

  11. Método de avaliacão das necessidades de reabilitação : Desenvolvimento e metodologia de aplicação

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vilhena, A.; Costa Branco De Oliveira Pedro, J.A.; Vasconcelos de Paiva, J.; Coelho, A.B.; Bento, J.


    O Método de Avaliação das Necessidade de Reabilitação (MANR) estabelece um conjunto de procedimentos que permite determinar as necessidades de reabilitação de um edifício de modo a dotá-lo de características que assegurem a satisfação das exigências funcionais num nível não inferior ao estabelecido

  12. Projecto integrado de AVAC e outras especialidades para um edifício com necessidades quase nulas de energia


    Campos, Valter Gonçalo Ferrão de


    Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Em finais de 2018 segundo a directiva europeia 2010/31/UE todos os edifícios novos ocupados e detidos por autoridades públicas deverão ser edifícios com necessidades quase nulas de energia e, no início de 2021 todos os edifícios novos também o deverão ser. Assim, surge a necessidade de obter soluções e estudar a sua conjugação para que esta directiva seja cumprida. Neste trabalho, atrav...

  13. Fundaments for creation of national radiation protection standard for nuclear gauges; Fundamentos para implantacao de norma nacional de protecao radiologica para medidores nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreira, Luiz Cavalcante


    The present work It aims to provide fundaments for the creation of a national standard of practice, safety and responsible use of nuclear gauges in accordance with the recommendations already existing national and international. The work deals with the protection against ionizing radiation, an outline of a proposal for a standard that discriminates in its articles and paragraphs, the basic principles of a proposal for a standard that discriminates in its articles and paragraphs, the basic principles of safety and security, and some pointes that are also relevant such as the responsibilities of those involved in acquisition and nuclear gauge operation, storage, maintenance, testing and emergency situations. The result is to provide a means to limit the dose of operators and people from the public and maintain these limits within the recommended by CNEN, reducing exposure do ionizing radiation, and having greater control in operating the equipment. (author)

  14. Teores de clorofila determinados por medidor portátil e sua relação com formas de nitrogênio em folhas de tomateiro cultivados em dois tipos de solo Relations among chlorophyll contents determined by a portable meter and nitrogen forms in leaves of tomatoes cultivated in two soil types

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    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou determinar os teores de clorofila no limbo foliar de tomateiros submetidos a doses crescentes de nitrogênio (N, por meio de medidor portátil de clorofila SPAD-502 e por método convencional de laboratório, estabelecer a relação entre esses valores e relacioná-los com os teores de N na planta. Plantas de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cv. Santa Clara, cultivadas em vasos contendo amostras de um solo de textura argilosa classificado como Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo Câmbico (PVC e de um solo de textura areia franca classificado como Areia Quartzosa (AQ, foram submetidas a cinco doses de N (25, 125, 225, 325 e 425 mg. dm-3, aplicadas parceladamente, via solução nutritiva. No início da antese do terceiro cacho, determinaram-se as concentrações de clorofila no limbo da folha oposta a ele por meio de medidor portátil de clorofila SPAD-502 e pelo método padrão de Arnon. Determinaram-se as concentrações de N-NO3 na seiva e na matéria seca do pecíolo, e as de N-NO3, N-orgânico e N-total na matéria seca do limbo. As concentrações de clorofila, avaliadas por ambos os métodos, aumentaram significativamente com o acréscimo nas doses de N, nos dois solos. Os níveis críticos de clorofila obtidos pelo método padrão foram 77,3 e 83,6 mg. cm-2 de limbo foliar para PVC e AQ respectivamente, enquanto, com o medidor portátil, foram de 45,5 e 43,8 unidades SPAD, para o PVC e a AQ respectivamente. O método do medidor SPAD apresentou correlações maiores que as obtidas para o de laboratório, seja com a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea, seja com as formas de N analisadas. Os dois métodos de determinação de clorofila apresentaram maiores correlações com as concentrações de N-NO3 na seiva do PVC, e com as concentrações de N-org e N-total na matéria seca do limbo na AQ. A estimativa das concentrações de clorofila nas folhas do tomateiro, expressas na forma padrão (CP, a partir

  15. Herdabilidade da necessidade de calor para a antese e brotação em pessegueiro Heritability of heat requirement for blooming and leafing in peach

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    Idemir Citadin


    Full Text Available A herdabilidade da necessidade de calor para antese e brotação em pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] foi estudada em ramos de 16 cultivares e seleções de baixa, média e alta necessidade de calor e 11 progênies oriundas de hibridações entre elas. Os ramos foram submetidos, previamente, a 2 ºC por 500 horas para satisfazer a necessidade de frio. O valor estimado da herdabilidade média para a necessidade de calor em gemas florais foi de 45% e 57%, em 1999 e 2000, respectivamente. Para gemas vegetativas, o valor estimado foi de 30%, em 1999. 'BR-1', 'Barbosa', 'Chula', 'Chinoca' e 'Eldorado' transmitem melhor o caráter necessidade de calor para as progênies do que os demais genótipos estudados. Os registros observados suportam um modelo de herança quantitativa com genes de maior efeito para menor necessidade de calor. A seleção de indivíduos com maior necessidade de calor para floração tende a retardar a floração sem, contudo, retardar com a mesma intensidade a época de brotação.Heritability of heat requirement for blooming and leafing was investigated in peach [Prunus persica (L. Batsch], using artificially chilled excised shoots of 11 populations and 16 parental clones of low, intermediate and high heat requirement. The estimated values of broad sense heritability of heat requirement in flower buds were 45% and 57%, in 1999 and 2000, respectively. In leaf buds, the heritability was 30% in 1999. 'BR-1', 'Barbosa', 'Chula', 'Chinoca', and 'Eldorado' can transmit the heat requirement character better to offspring than the others studied genotypes. The data support a model for quantitative inheritance with partial dominance for low heat requirement. Seedling selection for high heat requirement delay blooming more than leafing.

  16. Tapada das Necessidades em Lisboa : a historia de um jardim esquecido

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    João Alburquerque Carreiras


    Full Text Available O trabalho apresentado consiste numa análise histórica da Tapada das Necessidades, jardim situado na cidade de Lisboa, formando um dos seus maiores espaços verdes. A Tapada foi construída por D.João V, o monarca que em Portugal mais simbolizou o Absolutismo, reflectindo-o nas suas criações Barrocas. Com o Liberalismo surge D.Fernando, que vai ser o intérprete de uma enorme transformação da tapada, protagonizando o período mais importante na sua evolução. A história da Tapada entranha-se na própria história de Portugal, acompanhando o absolutismo, a transição para o liberalismo, os últimos movimentos da monarquia e os primeiros passos da República.The presented work consists in a historical analysis of the Tapada das Necessidades, a garden situated in the City of Lisbon, forming one of its bigger green spaces. The Tapada was built by D.João V, the monarch that in Portugal more symbolized the Absolutism, reflecting it in its Baroque creations. With the Liberalism appears D.Fernando, who will be the interpreter of an enourmous hashing of the Tapada, carrying out the more important period of its evolution. The history of the Tapada penetrates in Portugal own history, following the absolutism, the transition for the liberalism, the last moves of the monarchy and the first steps of the republic.

  17. Violência Contra Idosos na Família: Motivações, Sentimentos e Necessidades do Agressor

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    Cirlene Francisca Sales Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo O aumento mundial da população idosa tem sido acompanhado por importantes demandas, dentre elas a violência contra a pessoa idosa, que merece especial atenção devido às sequelas físicas e psicológicas que acarreta. A literatura tem focalizado mais o idoso agredido, pouco se detendo ao agressor. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi investigar a violência contra idosos na família, da perspectiva do agressor, especificamente as motivações que os impeliram à violência, os sentimentos e as necessidades sentidas por eles. Pesquisa descritiva de abordagem qualitativa, tendo dela participado 13 agressores familiares dos idosos. Utilizou-se um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada que foi examinado por meio da Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Os resultados indicam que houve a presença de violência com agressões verbais e físicas; as principais motivações foram uso de álcool, proximidade física, dependência financeira do agressor em relação ao idoso e relacionamento permeado de violência entre ambos; os sentimentos experimentados foram tristeza, decepção, raiva, injustiça, angústia e revolta; as necessidades se relacionam ao desejo de que o processo fosse encerrado, voltar à sua vida normal e conviver com o idoso. Conclui-se acerca da necessidade de acolhimento aos agressores com a finalidade de ajudá-los a ressignificar a experiência da violência.

  18. Fundamental bases to implementation the specific national norm for nuclear gauges; Bases fundamentais para a implantação de norma nacional específica para medidores nucleares

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    Ferreira, L.C.; Silva, E.R.; Ferreira, R.; Peixoto, J.G.P., E-mail: [Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The aims of this work is to provide grounds for creation a national standard practice security and responsibility in the use of nuclear gauges in accordance with the national recommendation already exist, following the basic security principles, responsibilities of these involved in the acquisition, operation, storage, maintenance and post-emergency on use of nuclear gauges. (author)

  19. Análise dos atendimentos odontológicos em pessoas com necessidades especiais em modalidade hospitalar no Sistema Único de Saúde, Brasil, 2012.

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    Carolina Dantas Rocha Xavier de LUCENA


    Full Text Available As pessoas com necessidades especiais apresentam maior risco para o surgimento de doenças bucais devido a situações biológicas, o uso sistemático de medicamentos, dificuldade na realização do controle de placa bacteriana e hábitos alimentares precários. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar de forma descritiva os atendimentos odontológicos para pessoas com necessidades especiais na modalidade hospitalar no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saude (SUS. Foram estudados os procedimentos odontológicos realizados em ambiente hospitalar, a partir das internações geradas com finalidade de realizar tratamento odontológico em pacientes com necessidades especiais, informados no Sistema de Informação Hospitalar do SUS (SIH/ SUS no ano 2012. Foram registradas 6.691 Autorizações de Internação Hospitalar (AIH onde realizou-se 24.669 procedimentos dos quais 57,8% foram procedimentos clínicos. Dos procedimentos odontológicos realizados, 13,29% corresponderam a exodontias de dentes permanentes. Dessa forma, a atenção odontológica prestada aos usuários mostrouse positiva uma vez que a maioria dos procedimentos realizados foram clínicos preventivos e restauradores. Percebe-se ainda a necessidade de ampliação de acesso ao tratamento odontológico em pacientes com necessidades especiais no âmbito hospitalar e melhor distribuição já que a apresentação de mais da metade das AIH concentrou-se em três Estados.


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    Anshika Sharma

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar a presença de associação entre a avaliação objetiva e subjetiva da necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico em adolescentes e seu impacto na autoestima. Métodos: Estudo transversal com adolescentes de 10 a 17 anos da cidade de Sri Ganganagar, Rajastão, Índia. Foi utilizado o Índice de Ortodontia de Saúde Dental (IOTN para avaliar de modo objetivo a necessidade de tratamento (DHC e o componente estético desse índice (AC para a avaliação subjetiva. Os estudantes selecionados foram também avaliados quanto a traumatismos dentários, perda dentária e cárie dentária. Aplicou-se a escala de autoestima de Rosenberg para determinar o nível de autoestima dos estudantes. Os dados foram analisados por regressão linear múltipla, testando a associação individual das diferentes variáveis clínicas independentemente da autoestima dos adolescentes, de acordo com o escore da escala de Rosenberg. Resultados: Entre 1.140 adolescentes estudados, a prevalência da necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico avaliado de modo objetivo pelo IOTN-DHC ocorreu em 56,9% dos indivíduos. A avaliação subjetiva do adolescente (IOTN-AC revelou prevalência de necessidade de tratamento de 53,3%. A análise multivariada mostrou que, além de todos os problemas dentários, o componente objetivo (IOTN-DHC, seguido do componente estético subjetivo (IOTN-AC, teve maior impacto na autoestima dos estudantes analisados. Conclusões: A insatisfação com a aparência dental é um forte preditor de baixa autoestima na adolescência.

  1. Avaliação de necessidades de TD&E: proposição de um novo modelo.

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    Gardênia da Silva Abbad


    Full Text Available Análises de necessidades de treinamento (ANTs, apesar de importantes, têm sido realizadas de modo pouco sistemático em ambientes organizacionais. A análise da literatura mostra que a produção intelectual nessa área está restrita a análises nos níveis do indivíduo e das tarefas, com poucas pesquisas enfocando necessidades em níveis mais abrangentes como grupos, equipes ou macroprocessos organizacionais. De modo geral, as abordagens de análise de necessidades ainda estão focadas em cargos ou nas estruturas organizacionais rígidas, estáticas, burocráticas (departamentos, divisões etc.. Essa característica torna a ANT anacrônica e pouco útil, pois não capta novos arranjos organizacionais como arquiteturas matriciais, organização em rede, organizações virtuais ou novas configurações dos trabalhos humanos. Esse caráter dinâmico implica uma mudança no caráter da ANT, para uma abordagem mais prospectiva, voltada à aprendizagem de habilidades complexas e de alta volatilidade. Este ensaio teórico objetiva rever a literatura da área e propor um modelo de diagnóstico de necessidades de treinamento baseado em taxonomia de resultados de aprendizagem e com foco em diversos níveis de análise. O modelo de ANT proposto deriva de um conjunto de resultados de pesquisas empíricas e vai além da análise de tarefas e de pessoas, incluindo também o nível organizacional e de grupo. A aplicação deste modelo permite fornecer as informações necessárias ao desenho de situações de aprendizagem e de treinamento que possam promover o desenvolvimento de complexas competências valorizadas pelo mundo do trabalho, cujo desenvolvimento requer ações educacionais variadas, currículos e programas de aprendizagem contínua e de educação permanente (ao longo de toda a vida. Nesse sentido, o modelo proposto permite que seja feito um elo entre os estudos empíricos sobre o tema e a sua aplicação prática em organizações de

  2. Usage and conditions of radiation protection of nuclear meters in Brazil; Utilização e condições de proteção radiológica de medidores nucleares no Brasil

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    Guimarães, E.F. [Faculdade Casa Branca, SP (Brazil). Pós-Graduação de Proteção Radiológica em Aplicações Médicas, Industriais e Nucleares; Lima, C.M.A. [MAXIM Cursos, Rio de Janeiro-RJ (Brazil); Silva, F.C.A. da, E-mail: [Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Riode Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The industries of mining, pulp, oil, etc. which require a quality control in the processes, use the nuclear meters with sealed radioactive sources coupled to a radiation detector that generate accurate and fast answers regarding the level, thickness, density and humidity of different types of materials. Nuclear meters are classified as fixed or portable and use transmission, backscatter or reactive systems. As they use radioactive sources with various ranges of activities, they are classified by the International Atomic Energy Agency - AIEA as Category 3 and 4, of medium and low radiological risk, and must therefore have a suitable level of radiation protection for safe use in the installation. The Brazilian National Energy Commission - CNEN controls approximately 500 authorized facilities with nuclear meters. The paper technically describes the nuclear meters and the radiological protection procedures that must be followed for the safety of the IOEs (occupationally exposed individuals) and individuals from the public, based on the specific nuclear meter test program for CNEN radiation protection supervisor. The professionals who handle these nuclear meters should be aware of the radiological risk to their own protection and to individuals in the public. For safe operation with nuclear meters, a number of requirements must be observed according to the type and need of the installation.

  3. ANÁLISE DA MOTIVAÇÃO DE PESSOAS: um estudo baseado em princípios da Hierarquia de Necessidades de Maslow

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    Vander Luiz Silva


    Full Text Available A motivação é um tema complexo, abordado por diversos pesquisadores que elaboraram teorias visando explicar o fenômeno motivacional e sua influência sobre o comportamento humano. Entre as teorias de motivação, uma importante teoria é a Hierarquia de Necessidades de Maslow que relaciona a motivação das pessoas a um conjunto de necessidades. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar o grau de satisfação e a questão motivacional de pessoas para as necessidades fisiológicas, de segurança, sociais, de estima e autorrealização. O estudo foi realizado em uma empresa do setor mecânico, localizada na região Centro Ocidental do Paraná. Para a realização do estudo, foi aplicado um questionário a 40 pessoas, de diferentes características, como idade, gênero, escolaridade e renda familiar. Com base nos resultados, constatou-se que, de maneira geral, os entrevistados estão satisfeitos pelo atendimento às necessidades fisiológicas, como alimentação, moradia, vestuário e descanso, porém, outras necessidades, dispostas em outros níveis da pirâmide de Maslow, não foram completamente atendidas e, portanto, resultam em insatisfação pela ausência de estímulos motivacionais.   Motivation is a complex subject, addressed by different researchers who elaborate theories aiming explain the motivational phenomenon and its influence on human behavior. Among the theories of motivation, an important theory is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs that relates people's motivation needs set. In this way, the present study aimed to analyze the degree of satisfaction and motivational question of people for the physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-fulfillment needs. The study was accomplished in a company of the mechanical sector, located in the Western Center region of Paraná. For the study, a questionnaire was applied to 40 people, with different characteristics, such as age, gender, schooling and family income. Based on

  4. És meu amigo, sim: relações interpessoais entre crianças “normais" e crianças com necessidades educativas especiais


    Costa, Ana


    O presente trabalho tem como tema: Relações interpessoais entre crianças ditas normais e crianças com necessidades educativas especiais (NEE). Pretende responder à questão - como é que se fomenta relações interpessoais de qualidade entre alunos dito “normais” e alunos com NEE ? – através de intervenção pedagógica, planeada segundo o modelo investigação-ação, e concretizada no 1º ciclo, mais propriamente numa sala de 3ºano, com 20 alunos em que três deles apresentam necessidades educativas esp...

  5. Avaliação da necessidade de frio em pessegueiro Avaliation of chilling requirement in peach

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    Idemir Citadin


    Full Text Available A necessidade de frio de seis cultivares de pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] foi estudada em plantas de um e dois anos, em vasos, submetidas a 150; 300; 450 e 600 horas a 2ºC, e em ramos coletados periodicamente em plantas sob condições de frio natural, a campo. Considerando os resultados obtidos nos dois experimentos, estima-se que a necessidade de frio de 'Precocinho' é em torno de 300 horas a 2ºC, equivalente a 150 unidades de frio (UF pelo modelo de Utah, ou próxima a 200 horas abaixo de 12ºC; para 'Eldorado' e 'Rio grandense', em 450 horas a 2ºC (225 UF ou 365 horas abaixo de 12ºC; para 'BR-1', em 450 horas a 2ºC (225 UF ou 418 horas abaixo de 12ºC; e para 'Planalto' e 'Della Nona', acima de 600 horas a 2ºC (>300 UF. Não foi possível estabelecer a necessidade de frio abaixo de 12ºC para 'Della Nona'.Chilling requirement was investigated in six peach [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] cultivars observing plants in containers, with one or two years, artificially chilled by 150, 300, 450, and 600 hours at 2ºC, and in excised shoots that were periodically taken from the orchard during the rest period. Chilling requirement of 'Precocinho' is 300 hours at 2ºC (around 150 chilling units - CU - using Utah Model or around 200 hours under 12ºC; 'Riograndense' and 'Eldorado' have 450 chilling hours at 2ºC (225 CU or 365 chilling hours under 12ºC; 'BR-1' is 450 chilling requirement at 2ºC (225 CU or 418 chilling hours under 12 ºC; and 'Planalto' and 'Della Nona' are over 600 chilling hours at 2ºC (>300 CU. It was not possible to estimate chilling requirement in 'Della Nona' using temperatures under 12 ºC.

  6. Profissionalização da enfermagem: uma necessidade social

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    Beatriz Beduschi Capella


    Full Text Available Diante da perspectiva de modificação da atual situação da enfermagem brasileira, em função da aprovação da nova lei do exercício e sua regulamentação, a ABENSC, através da 15ª Jornada Catarinense de Enfermagem, propõe para discussão do Tema Central, algumas estratégias na tentativa de redimensionar a prática da enfermagem. Constam deste documento: - conceito de profissão e a divisão social do trabalho; - algumas considerações sobre a história da enfermagem e a divisão do trabalho na enfermagem; - a legislação e a necessidade de profissionalização. Como conclusão, propõe de imediato, além de outras estratégias, a profissionalização do atendente de enfermagem, haja visto que constituem a esmagadora maioria dos exe-rcentes de enfermagem no país.

  7. Energia nuclear em um cenário de trinta anos Nuclear energy over a 30-year scenario

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    Carlos Feu Alvim


    Full Text Available A perspectiva da Energia Nuclear no Brasil é analisada sob os aspectos demanda, custos, ambiental, tecnológico e estratégico. A demanda energética projetada, mesmo para crescimentos abaixo dos desejados e considerando algum esforço de redução da intensidade energética, mostra a necessidade de adicionar energia térmica à geração elétrica, hoje predominantemente hídrica. A energia nuclear deve ter participação nessa geração por motivos econômicos, ambientais, tecnológicos e estratégicos.The perspectives of nuclear energy in Brazil is analyzed regarding demand, costs, environmental, technological and strategic aspects. The projected energy demand, even for a growth rate below the desired one and considering some efforts relative to energy intensity reduction, shows the need of adding thermal energy to electricity generation, now predominantly hydraulic. Nuclear energy should have a share in this generation due to economical, environmental, technological and strategic reasons.

  8. Necessidades de saúde da pessoa com deficiência: a perspectiva dos sujeitos por meio de histórias de vida

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    Marilia Bense Othero

    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as necessidades de saúde das pessoas com deficiência, pela ótica dos sujeitos. Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo, por meio da técnica da história de vida; foram incluídas pessoas com deficiência física, auditiva e visual, congênita e adquirida, e com atendimento no SUS. Discutiu-se: a vivência da deficiência; independência, autonomia e apoio; acesso e direitos; sentidos das intervenções; ações e estratégias. Em relação às necessidades de saúde, foram elencados onze eixos: Acesso; Apoio psicossocial; Aspectos gerais de saúde; Autonomia e independência; Dispensação de equipamentos e dispositivos de tecnologia assistiva; Informação/orientação; Prevenção/diagnóstico precoces; Reconhecimento e garantia de direitos; (ReEncontro com atividades significativas; Validação e ajuda na construção de estratégias próprias de enfrentamento; Vínculo com profissional de saúde. Verifica-se que as necessidades identificadas pelos sujeitos incluem aspectos específicos da assistência em saúde, mas englobam outras dimensões, indicando a importância de ações integrais e intersetoriais.

  9. Necessidades de saúde da pessoa com deficiência: a perspectiva dos sujeitos por meio de histórias de vida

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    Marilia Bense Othero


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as necessidades de saúde das pessoas com deficiência, pela ótica dos sujeitos. Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo, por meio da técnica da história de vida; foram incluídas pessoas com deficiência física, auditiva e visual, congênita e adquirida, e com atendimento no SUS. Discutiu-se: a vivência da deficiência; independência, autonomia e apoio; acesso e direitos; sentidos das intervenções; ações e estratégias. Em relação às necessidades de saúde, foram elencados onze eixos: Acesso; Apoio psicossocial; Aspectos gerais de saúde; Autonomia e independência; Dispensação de equipamentos e dispositivos de tecnologia assistiva; Informação/orientação; Prevenção/diagnóstico precoces; Reconhecimento e garantia de direitos; (ReEncontro com atividades significativas; Validação e ajuda na construção de estratégias próprias de enfrentamento; Vínculo com profissional de saúde. Verifica-se que as necessidades identificadas pelos sujeitos incluem aspectos específicos da assistência em saúde, mas englobam outras dimensões, indicando a importância de ações integrais e intersetoriais.

  10. Necessidades e expectativas do paciente em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca: avaliação de uma abordagem da prática

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    Joséte Luzia Leite


    Full Text Available As autoras, mediante observação em trinta pacientes em pós-operatório de Cirurgia Cardíaca, procuraram identificar as expectativas e necessidades dos mesmos ao tem po em que analisaram a assistência prestada pelo enfermeiro. A partir de suas experiências como docente e enfermeiras, avaliaram a prática profissional voltadas principalmente para aquelas necessidades identificadas.

  11. O número negativo na proposição de ensino davydoviana: necessidades para a sua introdução

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    Lucas Sid Moneretto Búrigo


    Full Text Available The difficulties presented by Brazilian students in the appropriation of the negative number reported in surveys contributed to this article preparation. Concerned about these difficulties, we turned to Davydov’s proposition, which is the subject of this study. The research problem is: what are the needs created in the particular tasks of Davydov’s educational organization for the introduction of the negative numbers concept, in school situation? It is a qualitative research method in the literature whose source analysis are four tasks presented in the student textbook belonging to Davydov’s proposition. The review process was developed through necessity category: conceptual and pedagogical. The research shows that the need to study the negative numbers is based on the fact that only they enable the resolution of some cases of subtraction and equation. To provide the meaning of opposite to the negative number, the main need is the change from scalar quantities to the vector one. As dificuldades apresentadas por estudantes brasileiros na apropriação do número negativo relatadas em pesquisas contribuíram para a elaboração desse artigo. Preocupados com tais dificuldades, recorremos à proposição davydoviana que é objeto desse estudo. O problema de pesquisa é: quais são as necessidades criadas nas tarefas particulares da organização de ensino davydoviano para a introdução do conceito de número negativo, em situação escolar? Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa na modalidade bibliográfica cuja fonte de análise são quatro tarefas presentes no livro didático do estudante pertencente à proposição davydoviana. O processo de análise se desenvolveu por meio da categoria necessidade: de ordem conceitual e pedagógica. A pesquisa evidencia que a necessidade do estudo dos números negativos decorre de que apenas eles possibilitam a resolução de alguns casos de subtração e equação. Para propiciar o significado de oposto ao

  12. AvaliaÃÃo dos fatores de risco à cÃrie dentÃria em pacientes pediÃtricos portadores de necessidades especiais.


    Rebeca Bastos Vasconcelos


    Quando se trata de atenÃÃo odontolÃgica bÃsica ou especializada, crianÃas portadoras de necessidades especiais ainda representam uma parcela da populaÃÃo menos favorecida e estudada. O estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a associaÃÃo entre presenÃa de lesÃo e experiÃncia de cÃrie a fatores de risco à cÃrie, em uma amostra de pacientes pediÃtricos portadores de necessidades especiais utilizando o critÃrio do Indice Internacional de DetecÃÃo de CÃries (ICDAS). A amostra foi composta por crianÃas ...

  13. Os principais obstáculos para integração dos portadores de necessidades especiais nas escolas de Rede Pública Estadual da cidade de Passo Fundo

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    Janaíana Cardoso Costa


    Full Text Available Embora a Constituição Brasileira garanta, oficialmente, os direitos de os deficientes físicos viverem em sociedade e terem direito à educação, como cidadãos que são, a arquitetura dos prédios das instituições de ensino geralmente não permitem tal possibilidade. Nesse trabalho objetivou-se observar se as instituições da rede estadual de ensino da cidade de Passo Fundo estão adaptadas para atenderem as necessidades dos portadores de deficiência física. Após identificadas as escolas em potenciais para essa pesquisa (determinou-se escolas com mais de 500 alunos, foram realizadas visitas com a finalidade de realizar uma entrevista com os diretores das escolas e observar os ambientes da escola. Sendo assim, foram visitadas 22 escolas localizadas na zona urbana da cidade de Passo Fundo/RS. Verificou-se que 50% das escolas tem prédio térreo, o que permite uma melhor circulação por parte dos alunos portadores de necessidades especiais, e 50% das escolas tem prédios com 2 ou 3 pisos, fazendo com que as escadas seja um grande fator de limitação aos alunos com necessidades especiais. Desta, 41% apresentam 2 pisos e 9% três pisos. Nas escolas pesquisadas não foram encontradas rampas nos acessos principais em 50% das escolas, ou seja, em 11 escolas e o mesmo número de escolas apresentou diferenças de nível nos acessos principais, dificultando assim o acesso dos portadores de necessidade especiais. Verificou-se que das 22 escolas pesquisadas 15 escolas têm alunos portadores de necessidades especiais matriculados, ou seja, 68% das escolas. Pode-se verificar que grande parte das instituições de ensino da zona urbana de Passo Fundo não estão adaptadas aos Deficientes Físicos.Palavras-chave: Deficiente Físico. Acessibilidade.

  14. Application of portable nuclear gauge to the control of soil, asphalt and concrete compaction; A aplicacao dos medidores nucleares portateis no controle de compactacao de solos, asfalto e concreto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castro, Bruno Almeida Cunha de [PATTROL, Pavimentos, Tracados e Obras Ltda. (Brazil)


    This paper presents an overview on the density and humidity determination methodology by using nuclear techniques, describing the different process phases and demonstrating their advantages compared to the traditional methods.

  15. Auto e hetero-avaliação no diagnóstico de necessidades de treinamento Self and hetero assessment in training needs diagnostic

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    Mônica Lemes Magalhães


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivos: desenvolver uma metodologia de avaliação de necessidades de treinamento que incluísse atitudes; estudar a relação entre auto e hetero-avaliação, buscando avaliar conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes; e avaliar a relação entre a auto-avaliação e algumas variáveis preditoras (tempo de trabalho na organização e na função, emprego anterior, gênero, estado civil, escolaridade e idade. Foram desenvolvidos questionários, de acordo com o método de análise de papel ocupacional. Esses questionários foram aplicados em 898 bancários e seus supervisores imediatos. Os resultados sugeriram que a metodologia parece ser adequada para analisar necessidades de treinamento. Mostraram também que existe relação significativa entre auto e hetero-avaliação de necessidades de treinamento, embora supervisores tendam a apontar maiores necessidades de treinamento, em seus subordinados, do que as auto-avaliações destes mesmos.The objectives of the present study were: to develop a training needs assessment methodology that included attitudes; to study the relationship between self and hetero assessment, by assessing knowledge, skills and attitudes; and to evaluate the relationship between self-assessment and some predicting variables (work experience at the organizational and occupational levels, prior job experience, gender, marital status, schooling and age. Questionnaires were developed, following the method of occupational role analysis. These questionnaires were applied in 898 bank employees and their immediate supervisors. Results have suggested that the methodology seems to be appropriate for analyzing training needs. They have also shown that there is a significant relationship between self and hetero assessments of training needs. However, supervisors tend to point higher training needs, in their subordinates, than the self-assessments made by the latter.

  16. Perceção dos pais em relação à inclusão de crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais no ensino regular

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    Elisabete Matos Freitas


    Full Text Available papel dos pais no processo de inclusão de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais é fundamental, seja no apoio familiar, desmontando mitos e criando um contexto favorável à experiência e à proximidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é, assim, conhecer as perceções dos pais relativamente à inclusão, assim como os factores que as influenciam. Para isso, foi aplicado um inquérito a 300 pais, com e sem filhos com necessidades educativas especiais. Os resultados permitiram perceber atitudes genericamente positivas, sem diferenças relativamente ao género e ao fato de serem pais de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais. Contudo as variáveis idade, escolaridade e proximidade / contato pareceram influenciar a perceção em relação a inclusão de crianças NEE. Assim, os pais com atitudes mais favoráveis à inclusão tendem a ser os mais novos, que tiveram proximidade / contato com criança NEE. Os resultados são discutidos em função da literatura.

  17. Estratégias adotadas por pessoas com Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar e a necessidade de terapêutica medicamentosa


    Miasso,Adriana Inocenti; Cassiani,Silvia Helena De Bortoli; Pedrão,Luiz Jorge


    Este estudo identificou as estratégias adotadas pela pessoa com Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB) diante da necessidade de uso contínuo de medicamentos. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico. Participaram do estudo 14 pessoas com TAB que estavam em acompanhamento em uma Unidade Ambulatorial de Transtornos do Humor de um hospital universitário e 14 familiares indicados pelas mesmas. A entrevi...


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    Full Text Available O mercado de tecnologia está diariamente em crescimento, e com isso destacam-se os dispositivos móveis, como, smartphones, leitores de MP3, PDA’s, são eles os chamados gadgets (termo de origem inglesa que significa “dispositivo” ou “aparelho”. Gadgets consistem em dispositivos tecnológicos que tem função específica e prática com grande utilidade no dia a dia como celulares, smartphones, leitores de MP3, dentre outros (SAID, et al, 2014. Dispositivos como esses auxiliam na ampliação das formas de comunicação que na maioria das vezes despertam desejos e necessidades dos consumidores. Para que haja aumento crescente deste tipo de tecnologia, a indústria utiliza a obsolescência programada. Trata-se de uma estratégia para reduzir o ciclo de vida dos produtos. Por meio da obsolescência programada a empresa diminui o tempo em os produtos permanecem em cada fase do ciclo de vida, que são: desenvolvimento, introdução, crescimento, maturidade e declínio. Essa estratégia, permite que as empresas consigam aumentar o consumo de gadgets pelos clientes e introduzir outros produtos/serviços inovadores no mercado. Para Silva (2012, produtos como gadgets já são produzidos para durar pouco tempo. Mont (2008 afirma que os principais elementos que estimulam o consumo no mercado são: maximização da produção, economia de escala, fabricação de produtos de qualidade mediana e vida curta, acelerado ciclo de depreciação e rápida substituição de bens, e a consequente crescente demanda dos consumidores por novos produtos e serviços. Sendo assim, o estudo sobre o comportamento de consumidores de gadgets, se torna relevante, pois permite entender a razão pela qual os consumidores compram os produtos por necessidade e/ou desejo. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo teórico sobre a Teoria das Necessidades de Maslow, que sugere a divisão dos elementos de satisfação do ser humano em cinco níveis diferentes em forma de pir


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    Full Text Available Esta  investigación  fue  realizada  por  la  Universidad  Nacional  de  Colombia  en  Convenio con el área metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá. El objetivo fue fortalecer la monitoría de la calidad del aire del Valle de Aburrá mediante los muestreadores pasivos de dióxido de azufre, dióxido de nitrógeno,  ozono,  compuestos  orgánicos  volátiles  específicamente  benceno,  tolueno  y  xilenos (BTX  y  la  tasa  de  sedimentación  de  partículas  en  las  principales  vías.  Los  muestreadores  se instalaron  en  15  sitios  del  Área  Metropolitana  durante  un  año.  En  la  medición  de  gases  se utilizaron los tubos  pasivos de difusión y en la  medición de partículas  sedimentables  se utilizó  el principio  de  gravedad;  Posteriormente,  las  muestras  se  analizaron  mediante  sólidos  totales. Los resultados de los dióxidos de azufre y nitrógeno no sobrepasaron la Norma Colombiana Anual,  pero  en  12  estaciones  de  monitoreo  se  superó  el  valor  guía  de  la  OMS  para  dióxido  de nitrógeno. Los niveles de  ozono  muestran  la  formación  de  este  contaminante en las zonas de ladera  y  en  9  estaciones  se  sobrepasó  la  Norma  Colombiana Anual  para  benceno  y  todas  las estaciones superaron la Guía de la OMS. Las mayores tasas  de sedimentación de partículas  se obtuvieron en los sitios de monitoreo influenciados por actividades de construcción y mantenimiento de vías. El uso de medidores  pasivos permite identificar zonas críticas  y  evaluar de manera sencilla las tendencias de contaminación  atmosférica. Se  propone que en Colombia se apruebe esta técnica para la medición de la calidad del aire.

  20. Da necessidade de princípios de Arquitetura da Informação para a Internet das Coisas

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    Flavia Lacerda

    Full Text Available Analisa-se neste artigo o cenário da Internet das Coisas (IdC e seus impactos para a sociedade. Identifica-se a necessidade de uma abordagem humanista e sistêmica na área de Arquitetura da Informação, baseada essencialmente em princípios, que componha um arcabouço teórico transdisciplinar para lidar com questões tecnológicas, informacionais e sociais emergentes do fenômeno da IdC.

  1. Associação entre perineorrafia e problemas perineais, atividades habituais e necessidades fisiológicas afetadas

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    Luciano Marques dos Santos


    Full Text Available Introdução: A mulher em processo de parto está exposta a ocorrência de traumas perineais que podem estar associados à assistência. Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre a presença de perineorrafia e problemas perineais, atividades habituais e necessidades fisiológicas afetadas em  puérperas no pós-parto vaginal. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo transversal, composto por 870 puérperas com algum tipo de trauma perineal durante o parto vaginal. Os dados foram coletados através da entrevista estruturada e exame físico da região vulvoperineal e submetidos a análise descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a episiorrafia e a ocorrência de edema (p<0,001, ardor (p=0,002 e dor (p=0,002. Concernente às atividades habituais e necessidades fisiológicas, mulheres com episiorrafia apresentaram maior dificuldade para vestir-se, deambular, sentar e dormir. Em contrapartida, apresentaram menor dificuldade para urinar e realizar higiene íntima. Discussão: Dentre os problemas perineais, observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto a ocorrência de edema, ardor e dor entre os grupos, sendo que as mulheres com episiorrafia relataram menos ardor perineal em comparação ao grupo com perineorrafia devido a laceração espontânea. Nesse sentido, preservar a integridade perineal das parturientes é algo necessário e possível na assistência obstétrica, visto que esse tipo de intervenção, por vezes desnecessária, desencadeará desconfortos que irão interferir no seu bem-estar durante o período puerperal. Conclusões: Os dados deste estudo permitiram verificar que há associação entre a perineorrafia e a ocorrência de problemas perineais e alterações para realização de atividades habituais no puerpério imediato. Como citar este artigo: Santos LM, Santos LMS, Brandão MM, Cerqueira EAC, Ramos MSX, Carvalho ESS. Associação entre perineorrafia e problemas perineais

  2. Necessidade de intervenção breve por uso de álcool, tabaco e outras drogas entre usuários da atenção primária à saúde

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    Ângela Maria Mendes Abreu

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivos Rastrear o uso de álcool, tabaco e outras drogas entre usuários da atenção primária à saúde e identificar fatores associados à necessidade de intervenção breve por uso dessas substâncias. Métodos Estudo transversal desenvolvido com 1.489 usuários de unidade básica de saúde da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, que responderam ao Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test entre os anos 2013 e 2014. Regressão logística multivariada foi utilizada para identificar características sociodemográficas associadas à necessidade de intervenção breve por uso de álcool e outras drogas. Resultados As substâncias mais usadas foram álcool (39,5%, tabaco (20,3% e, dentre as drogas ilícitas, maconha (1,9%. Em ambos os sexos, maiores chances de necessidade de intervenção breve por uso de tabaco e álcool foram encontradas entre pessoas de baixa escolaridade, renda domiciliar alta e que não possuíam religião. Conclusão Os resultados apontam características socioeconômicas como determinantes de necessidade de intervenção breve por uso de álcool e tabaco.

  3. Necessidades de aprendizagem de alunos da Educação Profi ssional de Nível Técnico em Enfermagem

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    Fernanda dos Santos Nogueira de Góes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar necessidades de aprendizagem de alunos da Educação Profissional Técnica (EPT em Enfermagem. Estudo qualitativo, realizado em município do Estado de São Paulo. Método: os sujeitos foram alunos, professores e coordenadores da EPT e alunos do curso de bacharelado e licenciatura do ensino superior que já tiveram contato com EPT. A coleta de dados deu-se por questionário socioeconômico e círculos de cultura sobre as necessidades de aprendizagem. Para análise de dados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. Resultados: constatou-se que alunos têm dificuldades em conteúdos não relacionados à Enfermagem, como português e matemática, e também em disciplinas introdutórias do curso de EPT o que possivelmente pode interferir negativamente na aprendizagem de conteúdos específicos da Enfermagem, bem como na qualidade do cuidado à saúde. Conclusão: faz-se necessário repensar os conteúdos ministrados e modos de ensinar desde a educação básica, assim como a formação do docente que hoje atua na EPT.

  4. A NECESSIDADE DE PROTEÇÃO LEGAL HOMOAFETIVA: O PLC N. 122/2006 A necessidade de proteção legal homoafetiva: o PLC n.122/2006

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    Gabriela Soares Balestero


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    O presente estudo trata da necessidade de dar proteção legal às minorias sexuais no que tange a criminalização de práticas discriminatórias. Na Constituinte de 1988, ao proibir discriminação de qualquer tipo, o Congresso legalizou "ser" homossexual. Desde então, contudo, pouca coisa se fez no Legislativo para combater o preconceito com base na orientação sexual. Em sua atividade, os congressistas continuam a desconsiderar as conseqüências práticas da vivência plena da homossexualidade, sendo que tal fato pode ser observado diante da inércia na aprovação do Projeto de Lei n. 122 que visa a criminalização da homofobia. Ser hétero ou homossexual não deveria acarretar qualquer diferença em termos de tratamento pelo Estado, pois sem dúvida deve haver o respeito aos princípios constitucionais de igualdade, da dignidade da pessoa humana, aliados aos demais valores fundamentais, e princípios gerais que regem o direito brasileiro.

    O presente estudo trata da necessidade de dar proteção legal às minorias sexuais no que tange a criminalização de práticas discriminatórias. Na Constituinte de 1988, ao proibir discriminação de qualquer tipo, o Congresso legalizou "ser" homossexual. Desde então, contudo, pouca coisa se fez no Legislativo para combater o preconceito com base na orientação sexual. Em sua atividade, os congressistas continuam a desconsiderar as conseqüências práticas da vivência plena da homossexualidade, sendo que tal fato pode ser observado diante da inércia na aprovação do Projeto de Lei n. 122 que visa a criminalização da homofobia. Ser hétero ou homossexual não deveria acarretar qualquer diferença em

  5. Análisis de incertidumbre en calibración de medidores de presión según DKD-R 6-1. Cinco métodos de cálculo

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    Luis Pablo Constantino


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta un estudio de las contribuciones de incertidumbre e incertidumbre expandida que tienen lugar en la calibración de un medidor digital de presión por comparación directa con una balanza de presión. Se discute la ecuación propuesta por la guía DKD-R 6-1 para la estimación de incertidumbre, según plataforma GUM y Monte Carlo, proponiendo un modelo alternativo. Se determinan las diferencias que existen en las incertidumbres resultantes obtenidas  según estos métodos y en qué forma los distintos componentes del modelo influyen en estas diferencias, según la magnitud de su incertidumbre estándar y la distribución de probabilidad (DDP asociada que se le asigna.El desarrollo se realiza según el método GUM utilizando la metodología analítica. Adicionalmente  se repite el ejercicio en forma comparativa utilizando cuatro diferentes herramientas de cálculo. Dos de estas herramientas están basadas en aproximaciones numéricas del método clásico: software GUM Workbench © y método numérico de Kragten. Las otras dos son consistentes con el suplemento 1 de la Guía de la Expresión de la Incertidumbre de Medida según el método de Monte Carlo (MCM. en un caso el lenguaje R y por otra parte MCM Alchimia, aplicación desarrollada por uno de los autores.  

  6. Crianças que cuidam de irmãos com necessidades especiais

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    Moema P. G. Soares

    Full Text Available Este estudo analisou situações em que um irmão/ã ajuda a cuidar de uma criança com necessidades especiais. Foram entrevistadas as mães e as crianças cuidadoras de 10 famílias de baixa renda, em Salvador-Bahia, com filhos portadores de paralisia cerebral. São detalhados os comportamentos de cuidado indicados pelas mães e pelas crianças cuidadoras, a participação das crianças em tarefas domésticas e suas atividades de lazer. Descrevem-se dificuldades e satisfação/insatisfação dos cuidadores com a tarefa, e expectativas de mães e crianças em relação ao futuro. Discute-se o grau de responsabilidade atribuído às crianças. Apontam-se limitações do estudo e algumas direções de intervenção para profissionais de saúde que atendem essas famílias.

  7. Estudo e determinação de fatores de influência das dimensões dos frascos de radiofármacos utilizados no IPEN para calibração de ativímetros


    Elaine Wirney Martins


    A eficiência e a segurança de uma prática de medicina nuclear dependem, entre outros fatores, de um programa de controle de qualidade, principalmente no que diz respeito à utilização de medidores de atividade de radionuclídeos (ativímetros). Dentre as maiores fontes de erro nas medidas realizadas com um ativímetro estão: a espessura, o tamanho e o volume do frasco que contém o radiofármaco, considerando que um ativímetro típico tem a sua resposta reconhecidamente dependente do frasco utilizad...

  8. Industrial radioprotection in the radioactive gauges: necessity for preservation of the objectives without discouraging their applications; Radioprotecao industrial na area de medidores nucleares: necessidade de preservar seus objetivos sem desencorajar as aplicacoes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castagnet, Antonio Carlos [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    This work presents some suggestions for regulations revision and adaptation in order that the implicit real risks existent in the different fabrication stages of radiation sources and radioactive gauges operation, from the radioactive material acquisition to the final disposal, including the supervisors training

  9. Privacy preserving protocols for smart meters and electric vehicles


    Jesus, André da Cunha Araújo de


    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015 Actualmente existe a tendência para se adicionar mais inteligência em vários pontos da rede elétrica, permitindo uma comunicação bidireccional entre a empresa fornecedora de energia eléctrica e as nossas casas. Ao longo dos próximos anos, os contadores de energia nas nossas casas serão gradualmente substituídos por um equipamento com mais capacidades, denominado medidor inteligente. Os medidores in...

  10. As necessidades e os desejos na formação discursiva do marketing: base consistente ou retórica legitimadora?

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    Vinícius Andrade Brei

    Full Text Available Neste artigo realizamos uma análise crítica da gênese histórica da área de marketing até sua constituição atual, com um foco principal: verificar se as necessidades e os desejos dos clientes são base consistente da formação histórica, discursiva, do marketing ou, apenas, retórica legitimadora para a atuação da área. Adotamos uma orientação filosófico-epistemológica baseada na teoria do discurso proposta por Michel Foucault, que nos permitiu constatar que a centralidade das necessidades e dos desejos dos clientes no discurso contemporâneo do marketing é resultado de uma série de transformações e disputas históricas pela hegemonia de uma determinada idéia ou ponto de vista, mas sempre ancorada em condições socioeconômicas, ambientais, favoráveis às transformações ocorridas. Em outras palavras, concluímos que as transformações discursivas, constituintes da área, foram o resultado de um processo produzido social e historicamente, tendo ocorrido muito mais como um resultado de mudanças na economia e no mundo empresarial do que como uma espécie de "vocação" natural do marketing.

  11. Capital social e autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca da prótese total = Social capital and self-perceived need for complete denture use or exchange

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    Moreira, Mayara dos Santos Camêlo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar a autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca de prótese total na população de 35-44 e 65-74 anos e testar sua associação com capital social nos municípios de Conde e Pedras de Fogo, Paraíba. Métodos: estudo seccional realizado com 134 adultos e 54 idosos. O desfecho de interesse foi a percepção da necessidade de uso ou troca de prótese total. Os dados foram analisados descritiva e inferencialmente para testar a associação entre as variáveis (a=5%. Resultados: a autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca da prótese total foi observada para 61,2% (n=82 dos adultos e 59,2% (n=32 dos idosos, estando associada ao uso de prótese dentária (Teste c²; p-valor<0,05. Por regressão logística, a escolaridade (OR=0,83; IC: 0,74-0,94, autopercepção de saúde bucal ruim (OR=19,22; IC: 1,29-286,45 e uso global de prótese dentária (OR=0,16; IC: 0,07-0,40 estiveram associadas ao desfecho. Conclusão: a autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca da prótese total foi mais frequente entre os adultos que faziam uso de prótese dentária comparativamente aos idosos. Adicionalmente, indivíduos com menor escolaridade, insatisfeitos com a saúde bucal e usuários de prótese dentária foram mais propensos a relatar que necessitavam usar ou trocar prótese total


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    Maria de Lurdes Cró


    Full Text Available A Escola Inclusiva pressupõe um atendimento a uma população cada vez mais diversa e heterogênea, onde todos devem obter uma resposta qualificada para as suas necessidades educativas, através das adaptações curriculares ao Currículo formal. Deste modo, as escolas devem incluir nos seus projetos educativos as adaptações curriculares relativas ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem, necessárias para responder adequadamente às crianças e jovens com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE, com vista a optimizar a sua participação nas actividades. Atualmente tornou-se um desafio determinar com exactidão quais os alunos com NEE e, consequentemente, quais os alunos a serem intervencionados pela Educação Especial, nomeadamente alunos com NEE de caráter permanente. Neste contexto, surge a Classificação Internacional de Funcionabilidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF, preconizada pela OMS (2001 e actualizada em 2003, que constitui uma ferramenta pedagógica no processo de elegibilidade, avaliação e intervenção de alunos com NEE. Observa-se uma mudança de paradigma, onde se pretende não só classificar os níveis de funcionalidade do indivíduo, como também os factores ambientais que podem funcionar como barreiras ou facilitadores dessa mesma funcionalidade. Nesta perspectiva a formação de professores, é assim considerada como um factor importante para o sucesso. Deste modo a formação contínua deve preconizar e permitir uma mudança de práticas dos professores e educadores, isto é, uma mudança de prática na educação, na intervenção educativa.

  13. Cooperativismo agropecuário: os desafios do financiamento das necessidades líquidas de capital de giro

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    Régio Márcio Toesca Gimenes


    Full Text Available O cooperativismo possui grande relevância para a economia brasileira, na medida em que atua apoiando o desenvolvimento econômico e social, principalmente das pequenas propriedades rurais. As cooperativas agropecuárias atuam no fomento e na comercialização dos produtos agrícolas, inclusive implantando novos cultivos e agregando valor aos produtos por meio de complexos agroindustriais. O crescimento dessas organizações, sobretudo pela verticalização de suas operações, tem exigido a busca de fontes de capital para financiar as necessidades líquidas de capital de giro dos seus negócios. Decisões sobre financiamento afetam diretamente a saúde financeira das organizações, à medida que produzem um risco financeiro maior. Portanto é relevante uma investigação sobre as fontes de financiamento das necessidades líquidas de capital de giro para as cooperativas agropecuárias, sendo este o objetivo primordial do artigo.The cooperativism has great relevance to Brazilian economics, as it supports the social and economical development, mainly in the small agricultural properties. The farming cooperatives work on the processing and commercialization of agricultural products, including implanting new kinds of crops and aggregating value to the products through agroindustrial complexes. The growth of these organizations, mainly through verticalization of its operations, has required the quest for capital founts to finance the needs for fluent capital in their business. Decisions concerning financing affect directly the financial health of the organizations, as they produce a bigger financial danger. Therefore it is relevant an investigation on the financing founts for the needs of fluid capital to the agricultural cooperatives, and this is the main goal of this article.

  14. Estimativa das necessidades energéticas em pacientes com doença renal crônica Estimating the energy requirement of chronic kidney disease patients

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    Juliana Cordeiro Dias Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Estabelecer as necessidades energéticas de pacientes com doença renal crônica é importante para que se possam tratar os distúrbios nutricionais encontrados nessa população. Segundo os guias de condutas voltados ao cuidado nutricional de pacientes com essa doença, a recomendação energética pode variar entre 30 e 40kcal/kg/dia. Contudo, trabalhos que avaliaram os componentes do gasto energético nos pacientes com doença renal crônica sugerem que as necessidades energéticas dessa população podem diferir do valor recomendado acima, a depender da condição clínica (presença de comorbidades, da modalidade de tratamento empregado e do nível de atividade física. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão dos estudos sobre o gasto energético de pacientes com doença renal crônica, com o intuito de abordar as seguintes questões: (1 as atuais recomendações de energia para pacientes com doença renal crônica estão adequadas? (2 qual equação de predição poderia ser empregada para estimar as necessidades energéticas desse grupo de pacientes? Assim, esta revisão busca auxiliar o nutricionista ao estimar as necessidades energéticas de pacientes com doença renal crônica.Estimating the energy requirement of patients with chronic kidney disease is highly important for treating the nutritional disorders often seen in this population. According to the specific guidelines for patients with chronic kidney disease, the currently recommended daily energy intake varies from 30 to 40kcal/kg/day. However, studies that investigated energy expenditure components of patients with chronic kidney disease suggested that the energy requirement may differ from the one proposed earlier, depending on overall clinical condition (i.e. presence of comorbidities, treatment modality and level of physical activity. With this perspective in mind, the present study aims to review the studies assessing energy expenditure

  15. Características clínicas e oftalmológicas de indivíduos com necessidades especiais institucionalizados no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Priscila de Almeida Jorge


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínicas e oftalmológicas encontrados em indivíduos institucionalizados, com necessidades especiais no estado de Pernambuco. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se projeto multidisciplinar em 37 pacientes, com necessidades especiais, institucionalizados na Comunidade Rodolfo Aureliano (CRAUR, unidade da Fundação da Criança e do Adolescente (FUNDAC em Recife-PE. A faixa etária dos indivíduos institucionalizados variou de seis a 30 anos, média de 18,8 ± 5,1 anos. O sexo masculino foi mais prevalente com 35 indivíduos (94,5%. Consideraram-se como indivíduos institucionalizados, aqueles que vivem abrigados em instituições mantidas pelo Estado. Foi feito estudo de corte transversal, verificando-se os principais achados clínicos e oftalmológicos destes indivíduos. Realizou-se o exame oftalmológico completo nos casos, com boa colaboração e de acordo com protocolo pré-estabelecido. RESULTADOS: Uso de álcool na gravidez foi relatado por nove mães (24,3%. Verificou-se a presença de retardo mental grave em 22 casos (59,4 %, paralisia cerebral e epilepsia em sete (18,9% indivíduos cada. Foi possível a realização do exame oftalmológico completo em 24 indivíduos (64,8%. Detectou-se cegueira legal em dez casos (41,6%. Os diagnósticos oftalmológicos mais encontrados foram ambliopia, erro refracional e phthisis bulbi em três casos (12,5% cada. Estrabismo foi encontrado em dois casos (8,3%. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados oftalmológicos revelaram a importância do exame oftalmológico em indivíduos com necessidades especiais institucionalizados. A associação com múltiplas deficiências, tais como: doenças neuropsiquiátricas, contribuiu para o maior grau de dificuldade na avaliação e condução dos casos.

  16. Estudo tensão deformação de barragem de terra e enrocamento.


    Almeida, Marínis Maria de


    A maioria das obras de barragens tem sido instrumentada adequadamente. Os instrumentos mais comuns instalados são: piezômetros, inclinômetros, medidores de recalques, medidores de vazão e placas de tensão. A interpretação das leituras destes instrumentos traz informações para avaliar as predições comportamentais da obra em sua fase de construção e de operação. Essas predições são desenvolvidas com auxílio de sistemas computacionais que utilizam modelos constitutivos clássicos e modernos. Barr...

  17. Necessidades especiais de escolares com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 identificadas por familiares Special needs of students with diabetes mellitus type 1 identified by relatives

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    Tania Moron Saes Braga


    Full Text Available É um desafio atender aos alunos, em suas diversas necessidades especiais. Diferentemente das deficiências, há poucas pesquisas no Brasil sobre estudantes com doenças crônicas e suas especificidades, na escola. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar as necessidades especiais de escolares com diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Participaram 37 familiares de escolares em tratamento ambulatorial de uma faculdade paulista, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, gravada em áudio e transcrita para análise. Os resultados mostraram que todos comunicaram a escola a respeito da doença do filho, mas, mesmo assim, 29,7% relatam dificuldade de inclusão ou acesso à escola, como desconhecimento do professor para o controle do diabetes, merenda escolar inadequada, preconceito dos colegas e da diretora ou vergonha por parte do aluno. As faltas ocorrem com 70,3% dos alunos, principalmente devido às consultas médicas. Necessidades especiais foram identificadas por 32,4%, incluindo a alimentação, o desempenho escolar e a necessidade de profissionais da escola mais bem informados sobre a doença. Além disso, 72,9% referem algum tipo de apoio para enfrentar o diabetes, principalmente de profissionais de saúde. Dos familiares, 51,3% apresentam sugestões para um melhor desenvolvimento do filho na escola, incluindo alimentação escolar adequada e melhor preparo da escola para lidar com o diabetes, como palestras e treinamento aos professores. Sugerimos a aproximação entre a escola e a área da saúde, porém, o primeiro passo para a integração intersetorial é identificar as necessidades desses alunos com doenças crônicas, como foi possível com este trabalho, ao enfocar o diabetes mellitus e suas repercussões escolares.Catering to students according to their various special needs is a challenge. As opposed to the field of disability, there is little research in Brazil on students with chronic diseases and their specific needs at school. The

  18. A Inclusão de Pessoas com Necessidades Especiais no Ensino Superior

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    Ronaldo Queiroz de OLIVEIRA

    Full Text Available RESUMO: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa que objetivou analisar a produção científica sobre a educação inclusiva no ensino superior. Os dados foram coletados nas bases de dados Lilacs, Scielo, Cochrane, Medline e PubMed, entre os anos 2005 e 2014, utilizando-se os descritores controlados Special Education, Education Higher, Mainstreaming Education e Disabled Personse e os descritores não controlados Educação Especial, Educação Superior, Inclusão Educacional e Pessoas com Deficiência; Educación Superior, Propensíon Educación, Personas com Discapacidad. A amostra constituiu em 16 artigos. As publicações sobre a educação inclusiva no ensino superior têm sido tênues, demonstrando que ainda há muito a avançar nesse assunto. Conclui-se que o tema educação inclusiva é mais estudado em relação às crianças; as atenções dos estudiosos em relação a pessoas adultas com necessidades especiais envolvem mais a assistência em saúde e não a educação inclusiva no ensino superior.

  19. Contabilização das variações da necessidade de capital de giro

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    André Seidel


    Full Text Available Quando se deseja iniciar uma atividade ou mesmo expandi-la, muito se analisa a necessidade de aplicações em ativos permanentes, mas pouca atenção é dedicada ao "investimento em clientes e estoques". Dessa forma a concessão de prazo para clientes ou a opção por um aumento nos níveis dos estoques, ambos valores contabilizados no ativo circulante, pode significar uma decisão de investimento tão ou mais duradoura do que aquela efetuada em ativos permanentes. A Necessidade de Capital de Giro (NCG, e suas variações, podem levar à falência muitas empresas, principalmente pequenas e médias. Além da preocupação monetária, uma empresa necessita garantir a manutenção de sua estrutura física, permanente e operacional, necessária para suas atividades. O lucro contabilizado através do Custo Corrente Corrigido (CCC, precisa de ajustes para ser considerado totalmente distribuível; sob nosso ponto de vista, as variações da NCG fazem parte desses ajustes. A idéia central deste artigo é a criação de uma Reserva de Capital denominada Reserva das Variações da Necessidade de Capital de Giro (RVNCG como forma de garantir a manutenção do capital físico da empresa, ajustando o lucro passível de distribuição através da contabilização das variações da NCG. Esse artigo está dividido em quatro partes. Na primeira, percorremos o embasamento teórico. No desenvolvimento, segunda parte, traçamos os objetivos, as premissas e descrevemos a criação e a contabilização da RVNCG. Na terceira parte, demonstramos a proposta do artigo através de três exemplos numéricos com os respectivos Balanços Patrimoniais e Demonstrações do Resultado, mostrando a utilização proposta da RVNCG; por fim, na quarta e última parte apresentamos nossas conclusões.When we want to begin or expand an activity, the need to invest in permanent assets is profoundly analyzed, but little attention is given to the investment in clients and inventories

  20. Rotinas Familiares de Crianças com Necessidades Especiais em Família Adotiva

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    Fabíola Helena Oliveira Brandão Silva

    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivou-se descrever as rotinas de três famílias, que adotaram crianças com necessidades especiais ,que tinham conhecimento prévio dessa condição infantil. Utilizou-se o método de Estudo de Casos Múltiplos. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de Entrevista Semiestruturada (ES, do Inventário de Rotina (IR e do Diário de Campo (DC. Quanto às semelhanças entre os grupos familiares, identificou-se que são comuns as atividades de alimentação/higiene, descanso e lazer, envolvendo a participação dos pais, irmãs e babás, geralmente nos ambientes domésticos da família. Observou-se diferenças importantes nos padrões de atividades, companhias e ambientes onde as rotinas ocorriam. Conclui-se que as variações nas rotinas estão relacionadas às particularidades de cada criança, à estrutura e nível socioeconômico de cada família participante.

  1. Estresse e suporte social em mães de crianças com necessidades especiais Stress and social support for mothers of children with special needs

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    Thelma Simões Matsukura


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a associação entre estresse e suporte social em mães de crianças com necessidades especiais e mães de crianças com desenvolvimento típico, em famílias de baixa renda. Trata-se de estudo quantitativo com 75 mães de crianças com idade entre quatro e 8 anos, com renda familiar de até quatro salários mínimos, alocadas em dois grupos: mães de crianças com desenvolvimento típico e mães de crianças com necessidades especiais. As participantes responderam ao Inventário de Sintoma de Stress e ao Questionário de Suporte Social. Os resultados indicaram, em ambos os grupos, elevada porcentagem de mães estressadas. Mães de crianças com necessidades especiais contam com um menor número de pessoas suportivas. Observou-se associação negativa entre stress e satisfação com o suporte social. Discute-se que o presente estudo confirma achados de pesquisas anteriores e identifica o papel do suporte social nos processos de adaptação familiar. A associação encontrada entre a satisfação com o suporte social e o estresse aponta para adequação de proposições e implantação de programas de intervenções em saúde para famílias de crianças com necessidades especiais.The aim of this article is to assess the relationship between stress and social support in mothers of children with special needs, as contrasted with mothers of children with typical development, from low income families. In this quantitative study, participants included 75 mothers with children aged four to eight years, with income up to four minimum wages, divided in two groups: mothers of children with typical development and mothers of children with special needs. The mothers answered the Inventory of Stress Symptom and the Social Support Questionnaire. The results showed that mothers of both groups suffered stress. The mothers of children with special needs have a smaller number of people to support them. A negative

  2. Rede de cuidados a crianças com necessidades especiais de saúde

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    Monique Pio Astolpho


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou caracterizar as instituições de apoio às crianças com necessidades especiais de saúde e apreender como se conformam as interações entre essas instituições e os demais serviços que compõem a rede de cuidados. Estudo descritivo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa. Participaram dez responsáveis por instituições que atendem essa clientela. Utilizou-se, como instrumento de coleta de dados, a entrevista semiestruturada. As instituições atendem, aproximadamente, 3.310 clientes, sendo 432 crianças; oito atendem acima de suas capacidades e a demanda reprimida chega a 200 pacientes; duas possuem atendimento 24 horas; a maioria tem como característica ser não governamental e as fontes de recursos consistem de doações, recursos próprios e repasse governamental. Com relação à dinâmica do processo de trabalho, foram mencionadas integração e articulação deficientes. Faz-se necessário a reorganização dos serviços na busca por uma assistência qualificada e integradora, minimizando as dificuldades de comunicação e cooperação entre os serviços.

  3. Dissuasão, redução de armas nucleares e defesas antimísseis nos governos Bush e Obama

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    Diego Santos Vieira de Jesus


    Full Text Available O objetivo é analisar as perspectivas das administrações de George W. Bush e Barack Obama com relação à dissuasão, à redução de armas nucleares e às defesas antimísseis. Sustenta-se que ambas as administrações reafirmaram o papel fundamental das armas nucleares para a dissuasão, comprometeram-se com a redução de armas nucleares acompanhada de iniciativas para modernização e reconheceram a importância de defesas antimísseis na proteção dos EUA e de aliados. Tais perspectivas estão relacionadas à necessidade contínua de ampliar a flexibilidade para lidar com ameaças contemporâneas e à manutenção de opções diversificadas para o enfrentamento desses desafios.

  4. Saúde do Trabalhador: necessidades desconsideradas pela gestão do Sistema Único de Saúde

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    Luiz Carlos Fadel de Vasconcellos

    Full Text Available RESUMO O texto, enquanto ensaio reflexivo, tem como objetivo analisar as normas operacionais e de pactuação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, no sentido de observar se o enunciado normativo decorrente dos pactos em saúde é coerente com a determinação constitucional de promoção, proteção e reabilitação da saúde dos trabalhadores e com o enfrentamento dos alarmantes indicadores epidemiológicos dos agravos decorrentes do trabalho. Utiliza, como método, a análise documental e bibliográfica referente ao tema e conclui que, a partir das necessidades em saúde, aquelas que dizem respeito à saúde do trabalhador são desconsideradas pelos mecanismos de pactuação e gestão do SUS.

  5. Necessidades de treinamento organizacional e motivação para trabalhar Training needs and work motivation: analysis of the relationship

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    Gisela Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available Apesar de contribuir com a programação, a execução e a avaliação de resultados, a etapa de análise de necessidades tem sido constantemente negligenciada pela literatura científica e pela prática profissional de treinamento, cujos volumosos investimentos, portanto, tendem a ser desperdiçados. Os modelos que orientam este importante campo foram propostos há aproximadamente 50 anos, de forma que não são capazes, atualmente, de orientar teórica e metodologicamente estudiosos e praticantes da área. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou, mediante execução de análise de covariância em amostra de 213 participantes, investigar a relação entre motivação para o trabalho e complexidade de necessidades de treinamento, com vistas a permitir a composição futura de modelos teóricos de análise de necessidades integrados, não apenas por componentes relacionados às tarefas, como prescrito na literatura, mas, também, por variáveis relativas aos níveis individual, grupal e organizacional de análise. Especificamente, quatro objetivos específicos, cada qual associado a procedimentos e técnicas de pesquisa particulares, foram determinados: (1 elaborar, por meio de pesquisa documental e grupo de foco, e validar, teórica e empiricamente, a partir de entrevista individual e realização de análises fatoriais exploratórias, instrumento para aferição das necessidades de treinamento; (2 adaptar e validar estatisticamente o instrumento de medida de motivação para trabalhar, também em função de análises fatoriais exploratórias; (3 com teste de diferença de médias entre amostras independentes, formar grupos de comparação em função do no nível de motivação para trabalhar dos respondentes; e (4 identificar variáveis de controle estatístico para composição do modelo final de investigação a partir de correlações bivariadas. Os resultados obtidos satisfizeram todos esses quatro objetivos intermediários de pesquisa

  6. Educação inclusiva em enfermagem: análise das necessidades de estudantes

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    Ana Cristina Mancussi e Faro


    Full Text Available A educação inclusiva tem por base atender os alunos sem distinção, proporcionando uma educação voltada a todos, de forma a identificar as necessidades educacionais de qualquer aluno. O presente estudo tem como objetivos verificar a ocorrência de deficiências; identificar os recursos pedagógicos que possibilitam a inclusão; conhecer as barreiras arquitetônicas, de comunicação, de atitudes e pedagógicas e que interferem no desempenho dos estudantes durante o curso e identificar as sugestões dos alunos para promover a inclusão. Trata-se de estudo exploratório, descritivo, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados junto a estudantes de graduação em Enfermagem por meio da aplicação de um questionário com questões abertas e fechadas. Dos respondentes, 66,3% apresentavam deficiência visual; 1,2%, deficiência auditiva e não houve relato de deficiência física. As barreiras arquitetônicas foram as mais citadas pelos estudantes participantes da pesquisa, seguidas das barreiras pedagógicas.


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    Laura Resende Moreira


    Full Text Available O artigo discute as práticas inclusivas nos serviços de atenção psicossocial, de forma a articular a concessão de benefícios sociais à dimensão da práxis clínica, pautada na escuta do sujeito. Retoma-se o contexto de criação do campo da saúde mental no Brasil, ressaltando a importância do modelo basagliano para a consolidação dos movimentos sociais que protagonizaram a luta contra o modelo asilar de tratamento da loucura e pela inclusão social dos pacientes psiquiátricos. Em seguida, discorremos acerca da escuta clínica na teoria psicanalítica, no intuito de asseverar o desenvolvimento desta como elemento fundamental para o trabalho institucional. Utilizam-se os conceitos psicanalíticos de necessidade, demanda e desejo, com o propósito de articulá-los à noção de escuta nos serviços substitutivos. Por fim, indicamos que a relação entre a psicanálise e a saúde mental implica a aposta que se faz no desejo, na emergência do sujeito como resultado de um trabalho clínico dentro das instituições, na medida em que essa aposta nos permite escapar de certa normalização dos usuários de saúde mental a um convívio social aceitável.

  8. Equipamento para medição do consumo de combustível em experimentos agrícolas


    Gonzalez Maziero,José Valdemar; Corrêa,Ila Maria; Yanai,Kiyoshi; Menezes,João Floriano de


    É descrito e aferido (em condições de laboratório) um equipamento para medição de consumo de combustível para uso em experimentos com máquinas agrícolas. O medidor, construído com tubos-reservatórios de PVC, tubo de vidro graduado, tanque plástico de combustível e eletroválvulas (12 VCC), é ligado ao sistema de alimentação do trator com mangueiras de plástico de baixa pressão, controlando-se o fluxo de combustível mediante uma chave elétrica liga/desliga. Faz parte do conjunto um medidor de t...

  9. An equipment for measuring tractor fuel consumption in agricultural experiments


    Gonzalez Maziero, José Valdemar; Corrêa, Ila Maria; Yanai, Kiyoshi; Menezes, João Floriano de


    É descrito e aferido (em condições de laboratório) um equipamento para medição de consumo de combustível para uso em experimentos com máquinas agrícolas. O medidor, construído com tubos-reservatórios de PVC, tubo de vidro graduado, tanque plástico de combustível e eletroválvulas (12 VCC), é ligado ao sistema de alimentação do trator com mangueiras de plástico de baixa pressão, controlando-se o fluxo de combustível mediante uma chave elétrica liga/desliga. Faz parte do conjunto um medidor de t...

  10. Necessidades de familiares de pacientes internados em unidade de cuidados intensivos Necesidades de los familiares de pacientes internados en unidad de cuidados intensivos Needs of family members of patients admitted to an intensive care unit

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    Marina Rumiko Maruiti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar as necessidades de familiares de pacientes internados em uma unidade de cuidados intensivos. MÉTODOS: Fizerem parte da amostra 39 familiares de pacientes em estado crítico de saúde. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada uma adaptação do Critical Care Family Need Inventory. RESULTADOS: a necessidade de conhecimento/informação identificada com maior freqüência foi saber fatos concretos sobre o progresso do paciente (84,6%; a necessidade de conforto identificada com maior freqüência foi ter um toalete e um telefone próximo à sala de espera (56,4%; a necessidade de segurança identificada com maior freqüência foi ter a certeza que o paciente está recebendo o melhor tratamento (89,7%; e a necessidade de acesso ao paciente e aos profissionais da unidade com maior freqüência foi conversar com o médico todos os dias (79,5%. CONCLUSÃO: Os profissionais de enfermagem devem se preocupar em atender não apenas as necessidades dos pacientes, mas também de seus familiares.OBJETIVO: Identificar las necesidades de los familiares de pacientes internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. MÉTODOS: Formaron parte de la muestra 39 familiares de pacientes en estado crítico de salud. Para la recolección de datos fue utilizada una adaptación del Critical Care Family Need Inventory. RESULTADOS: La necesidad de conocimiento/información identificada con mayor frecuencia fue saber hechos concretos sobre el progreso de paciente (84,6%; la necesidad de comodidad identificada con mayor frecuencia fue tener un baño y teléfono próximo a la sala de espera (56,4%; la necesidad de seguridad registrada con mayor frecuencia fue tener la certeza de que lo patiente está recibiendo el mejor tratamiento (89,7% y la necesidad de acceso al paciente y a los profesionales de la unidad detectada con mayor frecuencia fue hablar con el médico todos los días (79,5%. CONCLUSÍON: La enfermería no debe preocuparse solamente con las

  11. Necessidades de cuidados de enfermagem do cuidador da pessoa sob cuidados paliativos Necesidades de cuidados de enfermería del cuidador de la persona bajo cuidados paliativos Nursing care needs of the caregiver of persons under palliative care

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    João Vicente César Fonseca


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi identificar as necessidades de cuidados de enfermagem do cuidador da pessoa em fase terminal e respectivas intervenções de enfermagem, recorrendo a uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Foi efectuada uma pesquisa na EBSCO e ProQuest e procurados artigos científicos em texto integral, publicados entre janeiro de 1998 a dez de 2008, usando as seguintes palavras-chave: "Palliative care", "Family", "Nursing" e "Needs". Foi utilizado o método de PI[C]OD e seleccionados 14 artigos do total de 77. As necessidades do cuidador da pessoa em fase terminal são: comunicação; relação de confiança e segurança; reconhecimento e operacionalização de desejos; preparação para o luto; necessidades de informação; capacitação; envolvimento nos cuidados; necessidades emocionais; necessidades espirituais e necessidades de descanso. Concluiu-se que a família apresenta diferentes necessidades que requerem uma intervenção personalizada do enfermeiro, através do estabelecimento de uma relação de confiançaEl objetivo fue identificar las necesidades de cuidados de enfermería del cuidador de la persona en fase terminal y sus intervenciones de enfermería, mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se realizó una búsqueda en EBSCO y ProQuest y busco Texto completo de artículos científicos, publicados entre el 1998 y el 2008, mediante el siguientes palabras clave: "Palliative care", "Family", "Nursing" y "Needs". El método PI[C]OD fueutilizado para seleccionar los 14 elementos seleccionados del total de 77. Las necesidades del cuidador de la persona en fase terminal fueran: la comunicación, la relación de confianza y la seguridad, el reconocimiento y la puesta en práctica de los deseos, la preparación para el duelo; necesidades de información, formación, participación en la atención, necesidades emocionales, espirituales y las necesidades de descanso. Se hay concluydo que la familia tiene diferentes

  12. Necessidades de saúde do idoso: perspectivas para a enfermagem Necesidades de salud de los ancianos: perspectivas para la enfermería Healthcare needs of the aged: perspectives for nursing

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    Cristina Alves de Lima


    Full Text Available Este estudo apresenta como temática central as necessidades de saúde do idoso. Tem como objetivos: compreender as expectativas do idoso que experiencia ações de enfermagem na atenção básica e apontar as necessidades do idoso neste contexto. Foi desenvolvido mediante a abordagem teórico-metodológica da fenomenologia social de Alfred Schutz. Utilizou-se a entrevista fenomenológica junto a idosos tendo como questão central: quais são as suas expectativas com relação à enfermagem? Emergiram como categorias do vivido: Encontrar o outro (humano na atitude da enfermagem e estabelecer relações com outras pessoas. O estudo aponta para a importância das ações denominadas não técnicas da enfermagem como necessidade de saúde.Este estudio tiene como temática central las necesidades de salud de lo anciano. Tiene como objetivos: Comprender las expectativas de los ancianos que experencian acciones de enfermería en la atención primaria y apuntar las necesidades de los mismos en este contexto. Fue desenvolvidio mediante el referencial teórico e metodologico da fenomenologia sociologica de Alfred Schutz. La entrevista junto a personas ancianas teve como cuestion central: cuales son sus espectativas en relación a la enfermería? Como categorias del vivido emergiram: encontrar el otro (humano en el actitude de la enfermeria y establecer relaciones con otras personas. El estudió apunta para la importancia de las acciones de la enfermería denominadas non técnicas como necessidad de salud.This study has as central thematic the healthcare need of the aged. It was established as aims: to understand the expectations of the aged one who experiences nursing actions in primary health care and to point out at healthcare need of the aged one in this context. It was developed through the theoretical and methodological approach of the phenomenological sociology of Alfred Schutz. It was used a phenomenology interview with aged persons having as

  13. A percepção dos profissionais de Contabilidade no âmbito da Prefeitura do Município De São Paulo, de Necessidades de mudanças na Lei 4.320/64: sintomas da necessidade de mudança

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    Marília Cássia Teixeira


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho de título a percepção dos profissionais de contabilidade no âmbito da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, das mudanças da Lei 4.320/64 e o impacto da Lei 101/00 , buscou-se alcançar o objetivo de captar a percepção dos profissionais de contabilidade no âmbito da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, das mudanças da Lei 4.320/64 e o impacto da Lei 101/00 e considerado o atual estado de harmonização das práticas contábeis do setor público. Neste contexto investigou-se a seguinte questão de pesquisa:  Existe a necessidade de mudança na Lei 4320/64, na percepção dos técnicos, gestores e auditores do Tribunal de Contas do Município de São Paulo?  A pesquisa foi realizada através da aplicação de um questionário a vinte e um profissionais de Contabilidade, do município com funções de gestão, de operação e auditores do tribunal de contas. Pelas respostas obtidas verificou-se que, na percepção destes indivíduos, a Lei 4.320/64 carece de atualização. Outros aspectos como a complexidade da lei em relação ao tamanho de muitos municípios foram levantados, bem como a necessidade de uma interpretação uniforme da Lei. Os conflitos entre a Lei 4.320/64 e a Lei Complementar 101/00 são resolvidos, seguindo o que estabelece a LC 101/00, por ser mais recente. Foi colocado ainda que, na visão destes profissionais, a harmonização das práticas contábeis é inevitável também no setor público, posto o atual grau de globalização que vivemos.

  14. Saberes de professores propícios à inclusão dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais: condições para sua construção

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    Gislaine Semcovici Nozi


    Full Text Available Atitudes favoráveis à inclusão escolar de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE têm sido consideradas por diversos pesquisadores como condição essencial para os professores. Considerando essa questão, é objetivo deste artigo descrever os saberes recomendados pela produção acadêmica para a inclusão escolar, bem como as condições que favorecem a sua aquisição. Para tanto, realizamos uma análise documental em teses e dissertações da área da Educação e Educação Especial, disponíveis no Banco de Teses da Capes, e pesquisa bibliográfica. Os dados coletados foram organizados em categorias. Os resultados indicaram a importância da capacidade do professor de valorizar a diferença e a heterogeneidade, de colocar-se no lugar do outro e ser favorável à Educação Inclusiva. Sobre as condições que favorecem a construção de atitudes positivas, identificaram-se a necessidade de desmitificação do conceito de deficiência e reflexões sobre suas possibilidades, formação adequada, experiências inclusivas positivas e trabalho colaborativo entre professores especialistas, regentes e demais profissionais envolvidos.



    Pagliuca, Lorita Marlena Freitag


    Aplicação do processo de enfermagem proposto por HORTA2 a um grupo de 50 pacientes em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, na UTI. Fo ram identificadas como afetadas, as necessidades de terapêutica, circulação, equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico, equilíbrio ácido-básico, cuidado corporal, oxigenação, integridade cutâneo-mucosa, eliminação urinaria, regulação neurológica, segurança, percepção dolorosa, sono e repouso, motilidade, integridade física, nutrição, regulação térmica, hormonal e imunológic...

  16. Avaliação das condições de saúde bucal de Portadores de Necessidades Especiais

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    Faldryene de Sousa Queiroz

    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as condições de saúde bucal de Portadores de Necessidades Especiais (PNE de uma Escola Especial da cidade de Patos-PB, bem como identificar as dificuldades apontadas por seus responsáveis para a manutenção da saúde bucal dos mesmos. Metodologia: A população-alvo deste estudo foi composta por 74 alunos, de ambos os sexos, regularmente matriculados, que preencheram os critérios de inclusão previamente estabelecidos e por seus responsáveis. O estudo foi conduzido em duas etapas: a primeira consistiu na aplicação de um formulário aos responsáveis pelos PNE, e a segunda, na realização de um exame clínico intrabucal, realizado por um examinador e anotador previamente calibrados, em que se avaliaram as condições de saúde bucal dos alunos por meio do Índice de Cárie Dentária (CPO-D, do Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado (IHOS e da presença de Trauma Dentário. Resultado: Observou-se que 75,4% dos alunos já haviam recebido algum tipo de tratamento odontológico; destes, 50,9% afirmaram ter sido na Unidade Básica de Saúde. O CPO-D médio foi de 12,6 (±8,4, 52% apresentaram higiene oral deficiente e o trauma dental foi observado em 19,3% dos alunos analisados. Com relação ao parto, 51% das mães relataram ter tido uma gestação normal e 54,4% nunca haviam sido orientadas com relação aos cuidados com a saúde bucal do filho. Entre as dificuldades relatadas pelos responsáveis para manter a saúde bucal do PNE, 33,3% afirmaram ser encontrar um Dentista que o atenda e 33,3% apontaram o custo do tratamento. Conclusão: Os altos índices revelados pelo CPO-D, bem como a higiene oral deficiente, somados às dificuldades relatadas em se realizar o acompanhamento odontológico desses indivíduos, mostram a necessidade da implementação de políticas públicas mais voltadas à atenção a esses pacientes.

  17. Imagem corporal, autoestima, necessidades psicológicas básicas de escolares praticantes e não praticantes de dança


    Monteiro, Lilian Alves Costa


    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências do Desporto Esta tese analisou os níveis de satisfação da imagem corporal (IC), autoestima, necessidades psicológicas básicas de escolares praticantes e não praticantes de dança da cidade de Macapá-AP-Brasil. A amostra foi composta por 283 escolares com idade entre 09 a 15 anos (M=11,51; DP=1,60), IMC (M=18,72; DP=3,32). Para tal, foi dividida em três estudos, a saber: O Estudo (1) teve como objetivo fazer uma revisão sistemática de literatura para buscar m...

  18. Necessidades de saúde de mulheres em processo de amamentação Necesidades de salud de mujeres en el proceso de lactancia Health needs of women in the process of breastfeeding

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    Glicéria Tochika Shimoda


    Full Text Available Nosso objetivo foi identificar as necessidades de saúde de mulheres no processo de amamentação. Entrevistamos 238 mulheres, organizamos os dados segundo proposta do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Utilizando taxonomia de Matsumoto, encontramos: Necessidade de boas condições de vida (ter boa alimentação; trabalhar/estudar; ter tempo para si; sono e repouso adequados; boa saúde mental; boas condições para amamentar seu filho; Necessidade de ter acesso a todas as tecnologias de saúde que contribuam para melhorar e prolongar a vida (lidar com intercorrências da amamentação, ter acesso aos serviços de saúde; Necessidade de ter vínculo com um profissional/equipe de saúde; Necessidade de autonomia e autocuidado na escolha do modo de "andar a vida" (ter orientação quanto à amamentação; receber apoio do profissional; sentir-se segura para amamentar.Nuestro objetivo fue identificar las necesidades de salud de la mujer en el proceso de la lactancia materna. Fueron participantes 238 mujeres y los datos fueron organizados de acuerdo a la propuesta del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. De acuerdo con la taxonomía de Matsumoto tuvimos: Necesidad de buenas condiciones de vida (tener una buena alimentación, trabajar o estudiar, tener tiempo para sí, sueño y resto adecuados; buena salud mental, buenas condiciones para la lactancia de su hijo; Necesidad de tener acceso a todas las tecnologías de salud que se contribuyen para mejorar y ampliar la vida (para tratar de las complicaciones de la lactancia materna, tener el acceso a los servicios de salud; Necesidad de vincular con un profesional o equipo de salud, Necesidad de cuidado de sí mismo y autonomía en la opción en el camino "para andar la vida" (tener orientación sobre la lactancia, recibir apoyo del profesional; sentirse seguro de sí mismo con respecto a la lactancia materna.Our objective was to identify the health needs of women in their breastfeeding process. We interviewed 238

  19. Incertezas diante do cancer infantil: compreendendo as necessidades da mãe Incertidumbre frente al cáncer infantil: entender las necesidades de la madre Uncertainties in the childhood cancer: understanding the mother's needs

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    Margareth Angelo


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar as necessidades da mãe durante a internação do filho com câncer e compreender como as incertezas diante da doença configuram-se nesta experiência. O referencial teórico do estudo foi o Interacionismo Simbólico e o referencial metodológico, o Interacionismo Interpretativo. A coleta de dados foi conduzida por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Participaram do estudo 10 mães de crianças hospitalizadas em uma instituição especializada no município de São Paulo. Foram identificadas três categorias descritivas das necessidades experienciadas pelas mães: (1 Necessidade de estar presente e acompanhar o tratamento; (2 Necessidade de ser amparada nos momentos de fraqueza; (3 Necessidade de manter vínculo com a família. As necessidades da mãe durante a internação da criança com câncer têm caráter multidimensional, e o reconhecimento delas é essencial para garantir a criação de um contexto de cuidado que potencialize o papel da mãe no suporte à criança com câncer.Los objetivos de este estudio fueron identificar las necesidades de la madre durante la internación del hijo con cáncer y comprender como la incertidumbre frente a la enfermedad se ubican dentro de esta experiencia. El marco teórico del estudio fue el Interaccionismo Simbólico y el marcol metodológico, el Interaccionismo Interpretativo. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Participaron del estudio 10 madres de niños internados en una institución especializada en la ciudad de São Paulo. Se identificaron tres categorías descriptivas de las necesidades vividas por las madres: (1 Necesidad de estar presente y estar al pendiente del tratamiento; (2 Necesidad de apoyo en los momentos de la debilidad; (3 Necesidad de mantener el vínculo con la familia. Las necesidades de la madre durante la internación del niño con cáncer tienen carácter multidimensional y el

  20. Necessidades formativas de acadêmicos de Licenciatura em Educação Física em situação de estágio curricular supervisionado

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    Hugo Norberto Krug


    Full Text Available Esta investigação objetivou identificar e reconhecer a percepção sobre as necessidades formativas de acadêmicos da Licenciatura em Educação Física do Centro de Educação Física e Desportos (CEFD da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM em situação de Estágio Curricular Supervisionado. Este estudo fenomenológico sob a forma de estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa usou como instrumento um questionário com perguntas abertas, interpretado pela análise de conteúdo. Os participantes foram 20 acadêmicos do 7º semestre do curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física do CEFD/UFSM. As informações coletadas permitiram a identificação de necessidades formativas que atravessam o processo formativo inicial, como perspectiva epistemológica fundamentada no racionalismo técnico instrumental, que embasam as dificuldades no trato pedagógico nas aulas de Educação Física. Ao mesmo tempo as informações mobilizaram um debate sobre o processo de socialização docente, levando em consideração o aprendizado entre os atores que dividem o mesmo espaço educacional. Nesse sentido, a organização escolar, como elemento importante no acolhimento do futuro professor foi destacada para aproximar a escola das discussões permeadas na formação inicial.

  1. Notícias do Levantamento de Recursos e Necessidades de Enfermagem na Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (1955-1958

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    Daniela Vieira Malta


    Full Text Available Estudo Histórico Social que tem como objeto notícias sobre o Levantamento de Recursos e Necessidades de Enfermagem no Brasil, publicadas na Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem entre 1955 e 1958. A fonte primária foi constituída pelos exemplares da Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, publicados dentro do recorte temporal do estudo. As fontes secundárias foram constituídas por livros, artigos, dissertações e teses relativas à história da Enfermagem. A análise dos dados teve apoio das fontes secundárias e do pensamento do sociólogo Pierre Bourdieu. Os dados evidenciaram que a Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, além de oportunizar a divulgação de notícias acerca do Levantamento, proporcionou visibilidade ao mesmo mediante a veiculação dessas notícias e, por fim, teve o efeito simbólico de conferir poder e prestígio à Enfermagem Brasileira.


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    Maria Vera Lúcia Barbosa


    Full Text Available O conceito funcional de retardo mental destaca a necessidade de desenvolvimento das condutas adaptativas dessa clientela, principalmente habilidades de relacionamento. Este estudo buscou caracterizar o repertório interpessoal de 18 alunos de duas classes de uma Instituição para deficientes mentais e as diferenças entre essas duas classes em termos de condições existentes para desenvolvê-lo, considerando: objetivos e expectativas do professor, procedimentos, materiais, conteúdos e contexto físico da classe. Os dados, obtidos por observação direta, documentos da escola e inventários respondidos pelas duas professoras foram objeto de análise qualitativa e quantitativa e mostraram que: a as condições educativas eram, ou poderiam ser, favoráveis à promoção de habilidades sociais, porém pouco exploradas pelas professoras; b os procedimentos das professoras eram as condições mais visíveis e críticas mas geralmente restritivas das habilidades sociais dos alunos; c a qualidade das interações professora-alunos parecia variar de acordo com habilidades sociais educativas das professoras; d os colegas ofereciam condições importantes para a promoção dessas habilidades. Discute-se questões práticas e de pesquisa nessa área. Palavras-chave: ensino especial, retardo mental, habilidades sociais

  3. A rede social de cuidados de uma criança com necessidade especial de saúde

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    Eliane Tatsch Neves


    Full Text Available Pesquisa qualitativa que objetivou descrever a rede social de cuidados de uma criança com necessidade especial de saúde. Os participantes da pesquisa foram os avós de uma criança, sorteados a partir do banco de dados de uma pesquisa. O Método Criativo Sensível foi desenvolvido por meio da Dinâmica de Criatividade e Sensibilidade Mapa Falante posteriormente submetida à Análise de Discurso em sua corrente francesa. Os resultados apontaram que os familiares da criança possuem uma rede social fragmentada e solitária constituída por serviços de saúde de nível secundário e terciário; que a criança dependente de tecnologia é marginalizada no Sistema Único de Saúde, sendo invisíveis na rede primária. Conclui-se que os familiares da criança apoiam-se nos serviços que prestam cuidados a criança, que a rede familial está restrita aos familiares mais próximos. Sugere-se que a enfermagem possibilite a formação de redes e o acesso à assistência em saúde dessas crianças.

  4. Avaliação cognitiva por provas assistida em crianças com necessidades educativas especiais

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    Tatiane Lebre Dias


    Full Text Available Uma nova perspectiva baseada na abordagem sociointeracionista, denominada avaliação assistida ou dinâmica, trouxe avanços para a área de avaliação cognitiva, oferecendo indicadores do potencial de aprendizagem. Com base nessa concepção, este trabalho verificou a adequação de provas cognitivas assistidas, que incluem uma fase intermediária de assistência em crianças com dificuldade de aprendizagem (DA e deficiência visual (DV. Para tanto, utilizou-se do jogo de perguntas de busca com figuras diversas (PBFD e o jogo de perguntas de busca com figuras geométricas para crianças com deficiência visual (PBFG-DV. Esses jogos investigam as estratégias utilizadas ao se elaborarem questões de busca de informação com restrição de alternativa, em situação de resolução de problemas. Ao final do jogo, obtém-se um perfil de desempenho cognitivo. As provas assistidas foram sensíveis em identificar a variação de desempenho das crianças, mostrando-se adequadas para a avaliação de habilidades cognitivas de crianças com diferentes necessidades educativas especiai

  5. Interações familiares de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais: revisão da literatura nacional

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    Paula Cruz Goitein

    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo revisar a produção científica na literatura nacional indexada na área de Psicologia, entre 1999 e 2008, de estudos empíricos que descreveram diferentes interações entre as crianças com NEE e seus familiares e as implicações para o desenvolvimento das mesmas, sob diferentes perspectivas teóricas. Foi realizada uma busca sistemática em três bases de dados bibliográficos (SCIELO, LILACS e Periódicos Capes, utilizando as palavras-chave: famílias de crianças com deficiência, necessidades educacionais especiais, família, relações familiares, irmãos e relações fraternais. Foram identificados 17 artigos que foram analisados considerando diferentes aspectos (periódicos em que foram publicados, variáveis relacionadas, técnicas de coleta de dados utilizadas e principais resultados obtidos. Constatou-se a carência de estudos sobre o tema em questão.

  6. As transformações do judiciário em face da necessidade de efetivação dos direitos fundamentais

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    Naiara Souza Grossi


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por escopo analisar as transformações pelas quais o judiciário passa a partir da necessidade de efetivação dos direitos fundamentais. O Estado Democrático de Direito cunhado a partir do regramento normativo constitucional de 1988 faz erigir uma nova hermenêutica, qual seja, a hermenêutica constitucional. Para além do normativismo-positivista, essa hermenêutica constitucional irá atrelar valores à norma cujo principal e estruturante da própria ordem jurídica será o da dignidade da pessoa humana. A partir dessas modificações, os poderes públicos, o qual destacamos o judiciário, passam a ser imantados por esse imperativo ético, ou seja, o poder judiciário passa a ser uma importante ferramenta na concretização dos próprios direitos humanos fundamentais.


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    Rosiane Cristina Gonçalves Braga


    Full Text Available Este texto analisa as definições e o sistema de remissivas de três termos de dois dicionários especializados na área de telefonia. Para tanto, examina os enunciados definicionais à luz do que rege as normas ISO 1087 e 704 e verifica a rede de remissivas e sua eficiência, salientando a importância das remissões para a reorganização do saber da área por parte do consulente. Por fim, enfatiza a necessidade e sucesso do trabalho conjunto entre terminólogos lingüístas e especialistas das áreas na produção de dicionários especializados. Palavras-chave: definição, sistema de remissivas, dicionário especializado

  8. Necessidades em saúde segundo percepções de pessoas com tuberculose pulmonar Necesidades en salud según percepciones de personas con tuberculosis pulmonar Health needs according to the perception of people with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Paula Hino


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as percepções sobre necessidades em saúde de pessoas com tuberculose pulmonar. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido no distrito administrativo Capão Redondo, São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados em janeiro de 2010 por meio de entrevista semidiretiva. Foram entrevistadas onze pessoas em tratamento contra tuberculose, com idade mínima de 18 anos e sem limites de cognição. O material empírico foi decodificado a partir de técnica de análise de discurso. As percepções sobre necessidades em saúde estão relacionadas às dificuldades enfrentadas no processo saúde-doença, e o reconhecimento das necessidades em saúde mostrou-se condicionado à vigência do agravo à saúde. As necessidades identificadas decorrem de alterações biológicas, do cotidiano e de insuficiências no processo de produção dos serviços de saúde. A qualidade da assistência às pessoas com tuberculose está, entre outros fatores, condicionada à identificação e ao atendimento de suas necessidades em saúde.Se apuntó a conocer las percepciones sobre necesidades sanitarias de personas con tuberculosis pulmonar. Estudio cualitativo, desarrollado en el distrito administrativo de Capão Redondo-SP. Datos recolectados en enero 2010 mediante entrevista semidirigida. Fueron entrevistadas once personas en tratamiento antituberculoso, con edad mínima de 18 años, sin limitación de tipo educativo. El material empírico se decodificó mediante análisis del discurso. Las percepciones sobre necesidades en salud están relacionadas a las dificultades enfrentadas en el proceso salud-enfermedad y el reconocimiento de necesidades en salud se mostró condicionado a la vigencia del padecimiento. Las necesidades identificadas derivan de alteraciones biológicas y cotidianas, y de insuficiencias en el proceso de producción de los servicios sanitarios. La calidad asistencial a personas con tuberculosis está, entre otras

  9. Comparação de métodos de medida indireta de massa de forragem em pasto de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.

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    Cauduro Guilherme Fernandes


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado de maio a outubro de 2003, na Estação Experimental da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (EEA-UFRGS, tendo como objetivo avaliar e comparar a precisão do disco medidor de forragem, do bastão graduado e do medidor de capacitância em predizer a massa de forragem de pastagens de azevém anual. O trabalho constou de dois experimentos: o experimento 1 no qual foram avaliados os três métodos numa situação em que o azevém apresentava-se em fase de estabelecimento num delineamento completamente casualizado, com 32 repetições e três tratamentos; e o experimento 2, no qual foi avaliada a massa de forragem pré e pós-pastejo pelo bastão graduado e pelo disco medidor em potreiros sob lotação rotacionada. O delineamento experimental do experimento 2 foi o de blocos completamente casualizados, com quatro repetições; os tratamentos constaram de duas intensidades de pastejo (baixa e moderada definidas por ofertas de forragem de 2,5 ou 5,0 vezes o potencial de consumo dos cordeiros que foram utilizados. No experimento 1, o bastão graduado apresentou o melhor coeficiente de determinação com a massa de forragem (r²=0,65. No experimento 2, os melhores coeficientes de determinação foram obtidos quando o pasto, sob lotação rotacionada, foi avaliado com o bastão graduado.

  10. Spatial variability of soil acidity attributes and the spatialization of liming requirement for corn Variabilidade espacial de atributos de acidez do solo e espacialização da necessidade de calagem para o milho

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    Sandro Manuel Carmelino Hurtado


    a existência de áreas com necessidades diferenciadas de corretivo, por meio de diferentes métodos de cálculo da necessidade de calagem. O experimento foi realizado em lavoura de milho sob manejo convencional. O solo foi amostrado de forma convencional (amostra composta e sistemática (mediante uso de grade amostral, na profundidade de 0-0,2 m. Posteriormente à análise de fertilidade de rotina, determinaram-se as necessidades de calagem segundo os métodos do tampão SMP, da neutralização de alumínio e elevação do Ca e Mg, e da saturação por bases. Após análise descritiva, foram obtidos os semivariogramas e os mapas por krigagem. Ausência de dependência espacial, assim como da necessidade de aplicação do corretivo calcário foram observadas para o método da neutralização de Al. A dependência espacial foi encontrada para os atributos de acidez do solo e para as necessidades de calagem calculadas pelos métodos de saturação por bases e pH SMP, com alcances variando entre 35,7 e 200,5 m. Esses últimos mostraram também, uma coincidência regionalizada entre as maiores demandas de calcário. Os resultados permitiram evidenciar a existência de zonas de aplicação de calcário diferenciadas, quando consideradas a variabilidade dos atributos de acidez do solo no cálculo espacializado da dose e o tipo de corretivo calcário a ser utilizado.

  11. Gusano Geometridae [Medidor] de los Pinos

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    Gallego M. F. Luis


    Full Text Available Está especie, así como la Noctuitaria y tantas otras congéneres que posiblemente pueden encontrarse entre nosotros, a no dudarlo tendrán mucho que ver con nuestras poblaciones forestales, pero hasta el presente, muy poco o casi nada conocemos de ellas, inclusive sobre sus huéspedes preferidos. La especie de que nos ocupamos es una de las plagas más graves que entre nosotros atacan a los pinos (Cupressus lusitánica v. benttani Mill; sus daños los pudimos apreciar cuando en el mes de marzo del año 1953 apareció en el municipio de Caldas, en un pinar de unas 10 0 12 cuadras de extensión, que fue destruido en un lapso de no poco menos de dos años, debido a que su dueño no hizo esfuerzo para ver de lograr su destrucción, cuando los daños del insecto se iniciaban, lo que hubiera sido más fácil y posible.

  12. Da-Cruz Triple Tool: cómo hacer simple y precisa la cirugía de implante glúteo intramuscular

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    Luis Da-Cruz

    Full Text Available El Da-Cruz Triple Tool es un instrumento multifuncional diseñado para la colocación de implantes glúteos intramusculares. Tiene 3 funciones; a saber: disector, separador y medidor. Consiste en 2 piezas para su uso articulado o por separado. Como disector logra la profundidad y el grosor deseables del músculo glúteo mayor a través de maniobras precisas que provocan menos trauma; por consiguiente, ayuda a obtener una mejor recuperación y resultados. Al mismo tiempo faculta para elevar los espacios abiertos y controlar adherencias o sangrados. La función de medidor permite calcular la dimensión cefalocaudal y la anchura del espacio para escoger el implante adecuado. Con el entrenamiento adecuado en el uso de esta herramienta y la implementación de medidas pre, trans y postoperatorias bien definidas, cualquier cirujano plástico puede obtener resultados consistentemente exitosos en la colocación de implantes glúteos intramusculares.

  13. Cochilos durante o trabalho noturno, necessidade de recuperação após o trabalho e percepção da fadiga entre profissionais de enfermagem


    Aline Silva da Costa


    Introdução: A privação do sono noturno decorrente da atuação dos profissionais de enfermagem em plantões noturnos pode levar a queixas de fadiga e a dificuldade de recuperação após trabalho. No entanto, a permissão para dormir durante a jornada noturna, tem sido comum entre as equipes de enfermagem. Objetivo: Verificar se a ocorrência dos cochilos no trabalho, bem como a sua duração, eficiência, latência, alocação e qualidade subjetiva, estão associadas à necessidade de recuperação após o tra...

  14. Tecnologia assistiva para a criança com paralisia cerebral na escola: identificação das necessidades Assistive technology for children with cerebral palsy in school: identification of needs

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    Aila Narene Dahwache Criado Rocha


    Full Text Available Os estudos sobre Tecnologia Assistiva enfatizaram a necessidade de inserir recursos, serviços e estratégias na educação especial e inclusiva para colaborar com o processo de aprendizagem de alunos com deficiências. A literatura descreveu que a primeira etapa para a implementação da tecnologia assistiva na escola deve permitir entender a situação que envolve o aluno a fim de ampliar a sua participação no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar as necessidades de serviços, recursos e estratégias de tecnologia assistiva para o aluno com paralisia cerebral na escola. Foram selecionadas duas crianças com paralisia cerebral e seus professores. A etapa da coleta de dados contou com três procedimentos sucessivos: entrevista com os professores, preenchimento do protocolo de identificação da rotina escolar e observação dos participantes em sala de aula realizada através de filmagens e diário de campo. A partir dos três procedimentos, foi proposta a triangulação de dados, ou seja, agrupamento das informações obtidas em um único documento para o estabelecimento das categorias de análises. Após elaboração do material, as categorias foram apreciadas por juízes da área. Os resultados demonstraram que após entender a situação do aluno com deficiência no contexto escolar foi possível estabelecer as suas habilidades e necessidades para indicar os recursos de Tecnologia Assistiva adequados ao planejamento do professor e propiciar a aprendizagem da criança com deficiência. O estudo identificou a necessidade de estabelecer procedimentos específicos, um planejamento pedagógico organizado e a participação de profissionais da saúde para o uso da tecnologia assistiva na escola.Studies about Assistive Technology have emphasized the need to integrate resources, services and strategies for inclusion and special education to foster the learning process and skill development of students with

  15. Validação preliminar de um questionário para avaliar as necessidades psicológicas básicas em Educação Física

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    Ana Pires


    Full Text Available A teoria da autodeterminação é uma a abordagem psicológica sobre a motivação, que se preocupa com as causas e as consequências da forma como o ser humano regula o seu comportamento. Segundo vários autores, este modelo teórico pode fornecer informações importantes sobre o processo motivacional dos alunos para as aulas de Educação Física, no entanto, em Portugal não existe ainda nenhum instrumento de avaliação das necessidades psicológicas básicas neste contexto. Desta forma, o objectivo principal deste estudo é a validação preliminar da adaptação à Educação Física da versão Portuguesa do Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNESp, determinando as suas qualidades psicométricas iniciais através de uma análise factorial exploratória do modelo que a suporta. Para tal, participaram no estudo 150 alunos (n = 150 do 2º e 3º CEB, com idades compreendidas entre os 11 e 16 anos (M = 13.39, DP = 1.44 e com diferentes níveis de prática desportiva. Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma estrutura factorial igual à versão original (12 itens agrupados em 3 factores, com 4 itens em cada factor, que apresentam índices bastante aceitáveis de validade e fiabilidade, o que leva a concluir que este questionário poderá ser utilizado, com um elevado grau de confiança, em futuras investigações que pretendam avaliar as necessidades psicológicas básicas no contexto da Educação Física.

  16. Inclusão escolar : um olhar para a diversidade : as representações sociais de professores do ensino fundamental da rede pública sobre o aluno com necessidades educacionais especiais


    Modesto, Vília Mariza Fraga


    A Educação Inclusiva é um processo em evolução e tem sido motivo de muitas discussões e estudos. A despeito das inúmeras discussões, os alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais ainda sofrem com a estigmatização que pode derivar, também, do professor em relação às idéias preexistentes, de sua experiência profissional e/ou suas representações sociais. Deste modo, este estudo buscou analisar as representações sociais de professores que atuam em escolas inclusivas da rede pública de ensino ...

  17. A literatura sobre necessidades de informação: uma análise a partir de artigos publicados no BrasilThe literature on information needs: an analysis from articles published in Brazil

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    Tatiana Hyodo


    Full Text Available Analisa os artigos publicados na revista “Ciência da Informação” nos últimos dez anos, através dos trabalhos que abordaram o tema “necessidades de informação dos usuários”, visando identificar a literatura que subsidiou pesquisas aplicadas bibliotecas e serviços de informação. O universo de estudo foi constituído de nove trabalhos publicados no periódico, e desses, foram analisadas as citações de quatro artigos, dentro do recorte proposto. As citações foram classificadas em quatro variáveis (tipologia, temporalidade, idioma e origem geográfica; destacam-se os documentos citados que abordavam temas relacionado ao assunto sobre “necessidades de informação”. Os resultados mostraram que as pesquisas publicadas no período se desenvolveram em torno dos usuários dos serviços de informação, acompanhando a mudança de paradigma ocorrida na área há pouco mais de 20 anos. A análise das citações demonstra uma alta utilização de literatura estrangeira, sobretudo de artigos publicados em periódicos americanos. Houve predomínio de citação a autores que abordaram as necessidades de informação com pesquisas aplicadas, através da realização de estudo de usuários de bibliotecas / serviços de informação especializados.It analyses the articles published in the scientific journal “Ciência da Informação” over the last ten years, through papers that addressed the issue “users information needs”. It aimed to identify the literature that subsidized applied research in libraries and information services. The universe of study was composed of nine articles published in the journal, and these were considered the citations of four articles within the proposed cut. The citations were classified into four variables (typology, temporality, language and geographical origin. It is cited documents that discuss issues related to the subject “information needs”. The results showed that researches published in


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    Ana Maria Oliveira de Souza, CEULM/ULBRA, Brasil


    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente texto tem por objetivo relacionar a síndrome da alienação parental, o falso abuso sexual e a guarda compartilhada partindo, para tanto, de uma perspectiva transdisciplinar. Visa-se, assim, desvelar noções que são comuns tanto ao Direito como a Psicologia a partir de uma perspectiva diferenciada. Especificamente, busca-se observar tanto aspectos jus-normativos, como a postura psicossocial que cristaliza a alienação parental, observando seus efeitos, sobretudo, em relação ao falso abuso sexual e a guarda compartilhada. Com efeito, as consequências da alienação parental tornam-se mais radicalizadas e universalizadas em um contexto de modernidade tardia, trazendo a necessidade de uma análise que parta de um prisma complexo, que não obstrua as relações de solidariedade existentes entre o Direito e a Psicologia. Palavras-chave: Direito. Transdisciplinaridade. Alienação Parental. Falso Abuso Sexual. Guarda Compartilhada.

  19. Mulheres idosas: desvelando suas vivências e necessidades de cuidado Mujeres ancianas: revelando sus experiencias y necesidades de cuidado Elderly women: revealing their experiences and care needs

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    Miriam Aparecida Barbosa Merighi


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo com abordagem da fenomenologia social que objetivou a compreensão da vivência da mulher idosa, suas necessidades de cuidado e expectativas nesse período da vida. Participaram nove mulheres, cujos depoimentos foram obtidos de fevereiro a maio de 2011, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. A mulher idosa refere limitações de ordem física, mental e social, e valoriza a preservação de sua autonomia nas atividades diárias e no cuidado consigo mesma. Refere a família como suporte fundamental e tem expectativas e necessidades de se manter saudável, da busca pelo lazer e de ter melhor acesso aos serviços de saúde para receber informações e atendimento qualificado. Nessa fase, a ausência de perspectivas relaciona-se à perda de pessoas significativas e da saúde. Este estudo revelou facetas da vivência da mulher idosa, suscitando novas investigações e a adequação do ensino, prática e gestão às reais necessidades dessa mulher.Estudio cualitativo con abordaje de fenomenología social, objetivando comprender la experiencia de la mujer anciana, sus necesidades de cuidado y expectativas en dicho período. Participaron nueve mujeres, cuyos testimonios fueron obtenidos de febrero a mayo de 2011 mediante entrevista semiestructurada. La mujer anciana refiere limitaciones de orden físico, mental y social, y valoriza la preservación de su autonomía en las actividades diarias en el cuidado de sí misma. Determina a la familia como soporte fundamental, tiene expectativas y necesidades de mantenerse saludable, adhiere a actividades recreativas y busca mejor acceso a servicios de salud, para recibir información y atención calificada. En esta fase, la ausencia de perspectivas se relaciona a la perdida de personas cercanas y de la salud. El estudio reveló facetas de la experiencia de la mujer anciana, sugiriendo nuevas investigaciones y la adecuación de la enseñanza, práctica y gestión a las reales necesidades de

  20. Segurança emocional como necessidade humana básica: atuação do enfermeiro junto ao cliente em unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Teresinha de Jesus Monteiro Espírito Santo


    Full Text Available Pesquisa descritiva exploratória que se propõe a investigara atuação do enfermeiro da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, referenciando como este identifica, diagnostica e resolve os problemas ligados à segurança emocional dos clientes internados. O estudo abrangeu vinte e oito enfermeiros e dez clientes das unidades de três hospitais da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A técnica adotada para pesquisa consistiu da observação sistemática não participada. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os procedimentos terapêuticos dominantes recaem sobre alterações físicas em detrimento do emocional, evidenciando que o enfermeiro, ao distanciar-se de uma atuação holística, acarretará sérios prejuízos na assistência destes clientes, cuja necessidade humana básica afetada é predominantemente relacionada à segurança emocional.

  1. Viés de gênero na notificação de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais Gender bias in notification of students with special needs

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    Enicéia Gonçalves Mendes


    Full Text Available Por que os meninos são mais indicados do que as meninas como alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais por seus professores (proporção de 2/3 contra 1/3? Este estudo teve por objetivo comparar a descrição de professores de meninos e meninas identificados por eles como alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais. Os dados foram coletados a partir da coleção de 351 cadastros de alunos identificados como especiais. Esses cadastros fazem parte de um banco de dados iniciado em 2001 por um grupo de pesquisa e contém descrições espontâneas dos professores sobre as características das crianças que, segundo eles, justificavam a notificação. Tais descrições foram divididas em unidades de conteúdo e categorizadas. A freqüência em cada uma das categorias foi computada para os grupos, que foram divididos em função do gênero. Dos 351 cadastros, 66,1% referiam-se a crianças do sexo masculino, enquanto 33,9% eram de crianças do sexo feminino. A comparação da incidência das categorias nos dois grupos apontou como única diferença estatisticamente significativa: a indicação de meninos com base na categoria Problemas de Comportamento. Teorias explicativas existentes na literatura sobre viés de gênero na elegibilidade de meninos e meninas pelos seus respectivos professores são discutidas, bem como são apontadas as implicações científicas e a necessidade de mecanismos de monitoração deste tipo de viés que vem sendo sustentado pela área de Educação Especial e que contribuem para a construção de desigualdades sociais.Why are more boys than girls regarded by their teachers as being students with special needs (2 out of 3 are boys? This study aimed to compare teacher descriptions of boys and girls identified as students with special needs. Data were collected from the collection of 351 records of students identified by their teachers as special students. The records are part of a database initiated in 2001 by a

  2. Acessibilidade tecnológica e pedagógica na apropriação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação por pessoas com necessidades educacionais especiais


    Claudia Regina Uchôa de Lima


    Esta dissertação trata de uma investigação, no âmbito da Informática na Educação Especial no que se refere à acessibilidade às tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) utilizadas como apoio educacional por pessoas com necessidades educacionais especiais (PNEEs). Portanto, tem como objetivo estudar o campo da acessibilidade homem-computador e especificamente uma análise de recursos de acessibilidade técnico-pedagógicos para PNEEs e procura responder a seguinte questão desta pesquisa: “Que...

  3. Instrumento para identificação das necessidades do consumidor no processo de desenvolvimento do design: um estudo ilustrado com o projeto de um automóvel Instrument for identifying consumer needs in the design development process: the case of an automobile design

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    Cleci Grzebieluckas


    Full Text Available A inovação é hoje uma das principais prioridades para o desenvolvimento de um novo produto e nela o design emerge com destaque, principalmente quando consegue encapsular as necessidades e preferências do usuário. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho objetiva construir um modelo para avaliar o grau de atendimento das necessidades de um usuário específico, quando da aquisição de um veículo para uso particular. Para alcançar este objetivo, utilizou-se a Metodologia Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão - Construtivista (MCDA-C, por suas potencialidades para identificar, organizar, mensurar e integrar os aspectos percebidos como importantes pelo usuário. Por meio de um estudo de caso com fontes de informações primárias não obstrutivas, variáveis quali-quantitativas e a visão de conhecimento construtivista, foi construído um modelo considerado representativo das percepções das necessidades e preferências pelo usuário.Innovation constitutes nowadays a major priority for the development of a new product, and it emerges with the design emphasis, especially when it includes consumer needs and preferences. This study aims to build a model to determine the extent to which the needs of a particular user are met when purchasing a vehicle for private use. To achieve this goal, the MCDA-C methodology was used for its potential to identify, organize, measure, and integrate the aspects identified as important by the user. Through a case study including primary information sources with no obstruction, qualitative and quantitative variables, and the constructivist view of knowledge, a user needs, preferences, and perceptions representative model was developed.

  4. Avaliação da satisfação das necessidades energéticas e proteicas e desperdício alimentar de utentes internados no CHCB, EPE-Hospital Pêro da Covilhã


    Pires, Daniela Cristina Veigas


    Resumo da tese: Introdução: Existe uma preocupação crescente com a ingestão alimentar dos utentes hospitalizados devido à elevada prevalência de malnutrição, com repercussões a nível individual e do desperdício gerado. Objetivos: Caracterizar utentes internados no Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, EPE - Hospital Pêro da Covilhã relativamente a dados antropométricos, ingestão energética e proteica, satisfação das necessidades, risco de malnutrição, desperdício alimentar, as suas causas e custo....

  5. Avaliação do perfil dos pacientes com necessidades especiais da clínica de odontopediatria da Faculdade de Odontologia da PUCRS = Profile assessment of patients with special needs at the pediatric dentistry clinic of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

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    Silva, Zandra Carolina Manfroi da


    Full Text Available Pacientes com necessidades especiais são aqueles indivíduos que necessitam de cuidados especiais por tempo indeterminado ou por parte de sua vida. A Clínica de Odontopediatria da Faculdade de Odontologia da PUCRS recebe um número siginificante desses pacientes diariamente. Tendo em vista uma grande procura de atendimento especializado para crianças com limitações, tanto emocionais com físicas, este estudo se propôs a quantificar e a qualificar os pacientes especiais atendidos na Disciplina de Odontopediatria no período de março à dezembro do ano de 2003. Foram analisados 1. 289 prontuários sendo que 14% eram de indivíduos que necessitavam de um atendimento diferenciado. Os pacientes foram classificados quanto ao tipo de necessidade especial, idade, gênero, procedência e o número de consultas realizadas. Através da avaliação dos dados obtidos, a Disciplina de Odontopediatria da PUCRS poderá oferecer a essas crianças uma melhor qualidade no atendimento

  6. "A gente não pode fazer nada, só podemos decidir sabor de sorvete". Adolescentes: de sujeito de necessidades a um sujeito de direitos

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    Jorge Lyra

    Full Text Available Em nossa sociedade, percebe-se um crescimento da preocupação com a adolescência, sendo esta última representada não apenas como uma "fase da vida", mas um período, a priori, sempre problemático. O adolescente, por sua vez, tem sido visto como um sujeito de necessidades, por exemplo, de um atendimento de saúde específico. Na prática, entretanto, pouco se tem trabalhado com o adolescente como sujeito de direitos, a despeito do debate em torno do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Com base na crítica a esta postura, o presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma experiência de pesquisa-intervenção de educação não-formal com um grupo de adolescentes de camadas baixas, na qual se procurou discutir noções correntes de adolescência, possibilitando um mapeamento e uma (reconstrução de outros sentidos.

  7. Determinación del Área Foliar en Fotografías Tomadas con una Cámara Web, un Teléfono Celular o una Cámara Semiprofesional Leaf Area Measurement in Photographs Taken with a Webcam, a Cell Phone or a Semi Professional Camera

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    Natalia Rincón Guerrero


    Full Text Available Resumen. Las determinaciones de área foliar son muy usadas en investigación agrícola. Para su cuantificación existen equipos automáticos, pero costosos y de escasa disponibilidad. Para superar estos limitantes, en esta investigación se acoplaron el uso de cámaras digitales (de un teléfono celular, una cámara web o una cámara digital semiprofesional y un software libre para análisis de imágenes (ImageJ, con el fin de determinar el área foliar en forma simple, precisa y a bajo costo. Para estimar la sensibilidad de este sistema, en la primera prueba se compararon las áreas generadas por un medidor de área foliar y por las fotografías tomadas con tres tipos de cámara digital, sobre cuadrados de papel verde de áreas conocidas. En la segunda prueba se correlacionaron los valores de área foliar obtenidos con el medidor de área foliar y los obtenidos a partir del análisis de fotografías de hojas tomadas con las tres cámaras digitales, en cinco especies vegetales, que variaban en morfología y color de hojas. Los resultados indicaron coeficientes de correlación mayores a 0,99 entre los valores de área real de las piezas de papel y los valores de área estimados por el medidor de área foliar o de las fotografías. En la segunda prueba, las mediciones de area foliar obtenidas con el medidor de area foliar y con las cámaras digitales presentaron coeficientes de correlación muy altos (r=1. Los coeficientes de líneas de regresión entre las áreas del medidor de área foliar y de las fotografías del teléfono celular estuvieron entre 0,98 y 1,02, indicando una desviación máxima de 2% comparado con las mediciones del medidor de área foliar. Estos resultados sugieren una gama amplia de posibilidades para este sistema como herramienta para la investigación agrícola y biológica, debido a la disponibilidad de estos equipos que son de bajo costo, fáciles de usar y portátiles.Abstract. Leaf area is a plant trait widely assessed

  8. Percepções sobre necessidades de saúde na Atenção Básica segundo usuários de um serviço de saúde Percepciones sobre necesidades de salud en la atención básica, según usuarios de un servicio de salud Perceptions of primary health care needs according to users of a health center

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    Paulo Alexandre de Moraes


    Full Text Available Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, com o objetivo de conhecer o conceito de necessidades de saúde, segundo a percepção de usuários de um serviço de saúde do interior paulista. Realizou-se 15 entrevistas, por meio de roteiro semi-estruturado, em janeiro de 2009. A leitura exaustiva das entrevistas permitiu a apreensão de elementos constitutivos das categorias, definidas a priori, segundo a Taxonomia das Necessidades de Saúde. Identificou-se que os usuários perceberam-se como detentores de necessidades; o contexto social pode apresentar forte influência na sua saúde, verificando-se que a autonomia na tomada de decisões é uma necessidade. Quanto ao vínculo, percebe-se que está intimamente ligado às necessidades de autonomia/autocuidado, pois de certo modo é reforçando a relação de confiança que será possível fortalecer os potenciais para o enfrentamento do processo saúde-doença. Conclui-se que existe a necessidade de instrumentos que auxiliem o profissional da área da Saúde Coletiva a identificar as necessidades de saúde dos usuários.Se trata de una investigación cualitativa de carácter exploratorio, con el objetivo de conocer el concepto de necesidades de salud, según la percepción de usuarios de un servicio de salud del interior paulista. Fueron realizadas 15 entrevistas, a través de guión semiestructurado, en el mes de enero de 2009. La lectura exhaustiva de las entrevistas permitió el aprendizaje de elementos constitutivos de las categorías, que fueron definidas a priori según la Taxonomía de las Necesidades de Salud. Se identificó que los usuarios se percibieron como detentores de necesidades, el contexto social puede presentar fuerte influencia en su salud, verificándose que la autonomía en la toma de decisiones es una necesidad. En cuanto al vínculo, se percibe que está íntimamente ligado a las necesidades de autonomía/autocuidado, pues de cierto modo, reforzándose la

  9. Interação entre crianças com necessidades especiais em contexto lúdico: possibilidades de desenvolvimento Interaction among children with special needs in free-play situations: possibilities of development

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    Carolina Molina Lucenti de Souza


    Full Text Available O trabalho discute o papel dos parceiros, em contexto lúdico, no processo de desenvolvimento da criança com necessidades especiais. Foram observadas, em situação de brincadeira, as interações entre crianças de 4-12 anos, com diagnóstico de deficiência visual (baixa visão ou cegueira, muitas com problemas orgânicos adicionais e dificuldades de aprendizagem. Foram selecionados episódios representativos das capacidades dessas crianças, e estes permitiram a identificação de dois grupos de categorias: (a modos de brincar (individual ou em grupo; (b modos de se relacionar (amistoso ou agonístico das crianças. A análise dos dados indicou a importância da interação entre pares no processo de desenvolvimento das crianças com necessidades especiais e revelou a situação de brincadeira como espaço favorável para a construção dessas interações.The present study discussed the role of peer interaction, in a free-play situation, to the development of children with special needs. The interactions between visually impaired children (low vision or blindness, most of them with additional organic problems and/or learning difficulties, were observed in a free-play situation. The investigation of episodes which were representative of different abilities of the children lead to the identification of two categories: (a ways of playing (individually or in group, and (b kinds of relationships between peers (friendly or agonistic. The analysis pointed to peer interaction as an important contributing factor to the development of children with special needs and suggested that free-play situations can constitute favorable settings for the construction of those interactions.


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    Full Text Available El alto crecimiento en la demanda de electricidad y los picos en la curva de carga, causados principalmente por hogares, hacen necesarias grandes inversiones en infraestructura que solo es usada para periodos cortos. Esto ocasiona la búsqueda de desarrollos que permitan suplir las necesidades de los usuarios y usar los recursos del sistema eficientemente. Esto es posible por medio de las Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes, las cuales adicionalmente brindan a los usuarios autonomía en la cadena de suministro eléctrico. El foco de esta investigación son los hogares, ya que estos pueden monitorear su consumo y ayudar a reducir los picos en la curva de carga, Para esto los usuarios deben usar Medidores Inteligentes, los cuales le permiten obtener información necesaria para controlar su demanda. Este artículo presenta un análisis sistemático de la literatura publicada relacionada con el estudio de las redes eléctricas inteligentes desde el lado de la demanda, analiza la situación actual sobre este tema y el impacto de los medidores inteligentes en los hogares.

  11. Contexto de trabalho das pessoas com deficiência no serviço público federal: contribuições do inventário sobre trabalho e riscos de adoecimento

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    Celina Hoffmann


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar os antecedentes, medidores e efeitos do trabalho no processo de adoecimento dos servidores com deficiência que trabalham no serviço público federal de Santa Maria, por meio da aplicação do Itra. Este instrumento é composto por 4 escalas (EACT; ECHT; EIPST; EADRT e tem como objetivo traçar um perfil dos antecedentes, medidores e efeitos do trabalho no processo de adoecimento, além de avaliar algumas dimensões da inter-relação trabalho e processo de subjetivação. Foram entrevistadas 14 pessoas com deficiência, estando distribuídas num total de 6 instituições públicas pertencentes à administração indireta. Os principais resultados apontam que os fatores indicadores de sofrimento não representam, na população pesquisada, existência de danos relacionados ao trabalho, sendo que os aspectos que denotaram vivências positivas como a "liberdade de expressão" e "realização profissional" apresentaram maior representatividade entre os fatores componentes das escalas.

  12. Estimando a necessidade: os oráculos de ifá e a verdade em Havana

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    Martin Holbraad


    Full Text Available O objeto deste artigo é o conceito de verdade tal como se articula no oráculo de Ifá cubano; seu objetivo é ilustrar a fecundidade de um "método ontográfico" que procure mapear as premissas ontológicas do discurso nativo por meio da produção de conceitos que, não sendo os conceitos nativos eles mesmos, constituam equivalentes aproximados destes. Enfatizando a afirmação dos praticantes de que o Ifá é infalível, propõe-se que os vereditos divinatórios devem ser entendidos como verdades necessárias, isto é, como enunciados que não poderiam não ser verdadeiros. Em seguida, mostrando que, do ponto de vista das concepções comuns de verdade, a necessidade modal dos oráculos só pode parecer um absurdo dogmático, procura-se avançar uma conceitualização alternativa que concorde com as convicções dos informantes, examinando um complexo de conceitos e práticas associados ao oráculo a fim de avaliar as premissas que garantem a verdade e sua emergência na prática do Ifá.This article analyzes the concept of truth as employed by Ifá oracles in Cuba; its aim is to illustrate the fertility of an 'ontographic method' dedicated to mapping the ontological premises of native discourse through the production of concepts which, while not the native concepts themselves, comprise close equivalents to them. Emphasizing practitioners claims that the Ifá is infallible, it is proposed that divinatory verdicts should be understood as necessary truths, that is, as statements which cannot not be true. Then, after showing that from the viewpoint of common place conceptions of truth, the modal necessity of oracles can only appear a dogmatic absurdity, I propose an alternative conceptualization which agrees with the convictions of informants. This involves examining a complex of concepts and practices linked to the oracle in order to evaluate the premises which ensure truth and its emergence in Ifá practice.

  13. Fatores relacionados à autopercepção da necessidade de tratamento odontológico entre idosos Factors associated to self perceived need of dental care among Brazilian elderly

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    Andréa Maria Eleutério de Barros Lima Martins


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados à autopercepção da necessidade de tratamento odontológico entre idosos. MÉTODOS: Foram pesquisados 5.326 indivíduos incluídos em amostra dos idosos (65-74 anos brasileiros do inquérito domiciliar de saúde bucal realizado em 2002/2003 pelo Ministério da Saúde. A análise foi baseada no modelo de Gift, Atchison & Drury e foi utilizada a regressão de Poisson para análise de inquéritos com amostras complexas. RESULTADOS: Do total da amostra, 2.928 (55% idosos relataram necessitar tratamento odontológico. A autopercepção dessa necessidade foi menor entre aqueles com 70 anos ou mais (RP=0,94; IC 95%: 0,89;0,99, que não receberam informações sobre como evitar problemas bucais (RP=0,89; IC 95%: 0,83;0,95 e que eram edentados (RP=0,68; IC 95%: 0,62;0,74. Foi maior entre aqueles que autoperceberam: saúde bucal regular (RP=1,31; IC 95%: 1,21;1,41 ou ruim/péssima (RP=1,29; IC 95%: 1,19;1,41; aparência como regular (RP=1,23; IC 95%: 1,15;1,32 ou ruim/péssima (RP=1,28; IC 95%:1,18;1,39; mastigação como regular (RP=1,08; IC 95%: 1,01;1,15 ou ruim péssima (RP=1,13; IC 95%:1,05;1,21; os que relataram dor nos dentes ou gengivas nos seis meses anteriores ao inquérito (RP=1,27; IC 95%: 1,18;1,36; os que necessitavam de prótese em uma arcada (RP=1,29; IC 95%: 1,19-1,39 ou em ambas (RP=1,27; IC 95%: 1,16;1,40. CONCLUSÕES: Informação, condições de saúde bucal e questões subjetivas estiveram associadas à autopercepção da necessidade de tratamento odontológico. Os resultados reforçam a necessidade de capacitar os indivíduos para realizarem o auto-exame bucal e identificar precocemente os sinais e sintomas não dolorosos das lesões da mucosa, da cárie e da doença periodontal.OBJECTIVE: To analyze factors associated with the self-perceived need for dental treatment among elderly people. METHODS: A total of 5,326 individuals who were included in a sample of Brazilian elderly people aged 65

  14. Tecnologia da informação voltada para portadores de necessidades especiais: relato de caso/ Information technology for people with disabilities: a case report

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    Tito Livio Gomes Osório


    Full Text Available Este estudo enfoca como a informática pode auxiliar portadores de necessidades especiais que possuem dificuldades de aprendizado e raciocínio, visto que a tecnologia da informação quando utilizada de forma planejada e bem estruturada permite maior absorção de conceitos e crescimento cultural, devido à gama de informações que proporciona. Este crescimento visa compreender a formação de todos os tipos de deficientes, sejam eles visuais, mentais, auditivos, paraplégicos, etc. Para portadores de necessidades especiais esta realidade se torna ainda mais importante, pois não serão excluídos da sociedade, que hoje vive essa nova era da informação e globalização, onde a tecnologia muda a cada instante. Por meio de um enfoque integrado da visão sistêmica, o presente estudo buscou compreender o projeto do Centro de Atendimento a Pessoas com Deficiências / SMAC (CAPD, procurando analisar como a tecnologia de informação pode transformar a vida sociocultural destes indivíduos. Para coleta de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, que permitiram a avaliação das fases do desenvolvimento e as mudanças na realidade dos envolvidos. Foram identificados os fatores que comprovam a viabilidade e a eficiência das tecnologias quando inseridas na rotina dos deficientes e seus familiares. This study focuses how the information technology can assist people with disabilities that possess difficulties in the learning and reasoning, since the information technology, when used of planned and well structuralized form allows greater absorption of concepts and cultural growth. This growth aims to understand the formation of all kinds of disabilities - visual, mental, auditory, paraplegia etc. For people with disabilities this reality is more important, therefore they will not be excluded from the society, that currently lives this new age of the information and globalization, where the technology change at every moment. By an

  15. Construção de um paradigma de cuidado de enfermagem pautado nas necessidades humanas e de saúde Construcción de un paradigma de cuidado en enfermería pautado en las necesidades humanas y de salud The building of a paradigm for nursing care lined in the human and health needs

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    Denize Cristina de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Propõe-se a problematização da adoção dos conceitos de necessidades básicas humanas e de necessidades de saúde para a constituição das bases epistemológicas de um conceito de cuidado de enfermagem que possibilite a orientação da ação profissional para o seu atendimento, no contexto da pós-modernidade. A proposição básica desenvolvida é a do acesso às necessidades humanas e de saúde através das representações sociais, com suas derivações conceituais para o cuidado em enfermagem e suas tecnologias de trabalho. Demonstra-se que as necessidades de saúde podem ser proveitosamente acessadas através da exploração tanto das dimensões objetivas, quanto das subjetivas do processo saúde-doença, como representadas pelos sujeitos e subjacentes às suas demandas. Discute-se, ainda, a necessidade de repensar o modelo tecnológico de trabalho e a de estabelecer novas bases teóricas para o processo de cuidar em enfermagem, a partir das necessidades negociadas entre os sujeitos individuais e coletivos e os profissionais nas instituições de saúde.Se propone la problematización de la adopción de los conceptos de necesidades básicas humanas y de necesidades de salud para la constitución de las bases epistemológicas de un concepto de cuidado en enfermería que posibilite la orientación de la acción profesional para su atención en el contexto posmoderno. La propuesta básica desarrollada es la del acceso a las necesidades humanas y de salud a través de las representaciones sociales, con sus derivaciones conceptuales para el cuidado en enfermería y sus tecnologías de trabajo. Se demuestra que las necesidades de salud pueden ser provechosamente alcanzadas a través del estudio tanto de las dimensiones objetivas como de las subjetivas del proceso salud-enfermedad, conforme representadas por los sujetos y subyacentes a sus demandas. Se discute también la necesidad de repensar el modelo tecnológico de trabajo y de

  16. Necessidades de mulheres no puerpério imediato em uma maternidade pública de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil Necesidades de mujeres en el puerperio inmediato en una maternidad pública de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil Women's needs in immediate puerperium in a public maternity in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

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    Mariza Silva Almeida


    Full Text Available Objetivando identificar as necessidades de puérperas que demandam cuidados de enfermagem e compreender como elas percebem os cuidados de enfermagem durante sua permanência no Alojamento Conjunto, realizamos uma pesquisa descritiva com dados qualitativos, orientados pela perspectiva de gênero. Entrevistamos 25 mulheres que se encontravam internadas em unidade de Alojamento Conjunto de uma maternidade pública de Salvador-Bahia. A análise de conteúdo na modalidade temática conduziu-nos à apreensão de duas categorias: a necessidade de acolhimento e necessidade de cuidados físicos. O resultado deste estudo aponta para a necessidade de modificações na prática e no modo de cuidar da enfermagem, não somente nos procedimentos técnicos, mas também na incorporação de valores e iniciativas humanizadoras do cuidado.Con el objetivo de identificar las necesidades de puérperas que demandan cuidados de enfermería y comprender cómo perciben los cuidados de enfermería durante su permanencia en el Alojamiento Conjunto, se llevó a cabo una investigación descriptiva con datos cualitativos, orientados por la perspectiva de género. Para tal efecto entrevistamos a 25 mujeres que se encontraban internadas en una unidad de Alojamiento Conjunto de una maternidade pública de Salvador-Bahia. El análisis de contenido en la modalidad temática nos condujo a la aprehensión de dos categorías: la necesidad de acogida y la necesidad de cuidados físicos. El resultado de este estudio apunta hacia la necesidad de modificaciones en la práctica y en el modo de cuidar de la enfermería, no sólo en los procedimientos técnicos, sino también en la incorporación de valores e iniciativas humanizadoras del cuidado.In order to identify women's needs in their immediate puerperium and to understand their perception of the nursing care they received during this period, the authors developed a descriptive study with qualitative data in a gender perspective

  17. Nuclear law - Nuclear safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pontier, Jean-Marie; Roux, Emmanuel; Leger, Marc; Deguergue, Maryse; Vallar, Christian; Pissaloux, Jean-Luc; Bernie-Boissard, Catherine; Thireau, Veronique; Takahashi, Nobuyuki; Spencer, Mary; Zhang, Li; Park, Kyun Sung; Artus, J.C.


    This book contains the contributions presented during a one-day seminar. The authors propose a framework for a legal approach to nuclear safety, a discussion of the 2009/71/EURATOM directive which establishes a European framework for nuclear safety in nuclear installations, a comment on nuclear safety and environmental governance, a discussion of the relationship between citizenship and nuclear, some thoughts about the Nuclear Safety Authority, an overview of the situation regarding the safety in nuclear waste burying, a comment on the Nome law with respect to electricity price and nuclear safety, a comment on the legal consequences of the Fukushima accident on nuclear safety in the Japanese law, a presentation of the USA nuclear regulation, an overview of nuclear safety in China, and a discussion of nuclear safety in the medical sector

  18. Development and evaluation of psychometric properties of an inventory of teachers' perceptions on socio-emotional needs Desenvolvimento e avaliação das características psicométricas do inventário de avaliação das percepções dos professores acerca das necessidades ao nível da promoção de competências sociais e emocionais

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    Paulo A. S. Moreira


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of an assessment instrument on teachers' perceptions regarding the development of socio-emotional skills. Results revealed a consistent four-factor structure (School/teachers' needs for socio-emotional skills promotion; Needs regarding teaching-learning process; Difficulties in dealing with students' socio-emotional deficits, Socio-emotional needs related to teacher's initial training with internal consistency values above .79. Confirmatory analyses revealed a good fit of the model to the data. Teachers reported having more needs at the school/ teachers conditions for the promotion of social and emotional needs, and less needs at the level of their Teachers' initial training. The instrument also showed to be sensitive in capturing teachers' perception of schooling social and emotional needs in terms of teachers' gender, pedagogic group and school level.O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar as características psicométricas de um instrumento de avaliação das percepções dos professores acerca das suas necessidades na promoção das competências sociais e emocionais. Os resultados revelaram uma estrutura de quatro factores (Necessidades ao nível da escola/professor, necessidades ao nível do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, Dificuldades em lidar com défices sócio-emocionais dos alunos e Necessidades ao nível da formação inicial, com valores de consistência interna acima de 0,79. As análises confirmatórias revelaram bom ajustamento do modelo aos dados. Os professores revelaram sentir maiores dificuldades ao nível das condições da escola/ professores e menores ao nível da formação inicial. O instrumento revelou-se também sensível às diferenças de percepções em termos do género, grupo pedagógico, e nível de ensino.

  19. Representações sociais dos educadores de infância e a inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais Social representations of childhood educators and the inclusion of students with special needs

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    Francisca M. Rocha Almas Fragoso


    Full Text Available neste estudo determinam-se as representações sociais dos educadores de infância no Concelho de Évora no Sul de Portugal, face à inclusão de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais nas escolas regulares. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se numa estratégia de sondagem assente na realização de um questionário que compreendeu a caracterização dos elementos de estudo, a estruturação das atitudes e o tipo de representações sociais dos educadores de infância nas escolas regulares, o enquadramento legal e a viabilidade do processo inclusivo e os recursos físicos humanos. Para interpretar os dados do questionário foi realizada uma análise estatística univariada e uma análise de conteúdos. A promoção da igualdade de oportunidades, a inter-ajuda e o paradigma da escola inclusiva, estão na origem de uma atitude favorável ao processo de inclusão de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais, que é condicionada pelos meios técnicos e humanos e condições físicas nas escolas. A representação social é em geral favorável ao processo de inclusão, apesar haver ainda discriminação das crianças com necessidades educativas, devido à falta de informação, de educação e de regras sociais, à classe social e nível econômico, a dificuldades de aceitação da diferença e das limitações físicas e à falta de higiene.This study determines the social representations of kindergarten teachers in the city of Évora, southern Portugal, on the inclusion of children with special educational needs in regular schools. The methodology was based on a survey research strategy in which a questionnaire was used to comprise the characterization of the study elements, the structuring the attitudes and the types of representations of kindergarten teachers in regular schools, the legal framework and feasibility of the inclusive process and the available human and physical resources. The data were treated using univariate

  20. Necessidade hídrica do meloeiro irrigado com água de diferentes salinidades e cultivado com ou sem cobertura do solo Water requirements of melon irrigated with different water salinities, cultivated with and without mulching

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    Francisco A. S. B. de Medeiros


    Full Text Available A necessidade hídrica das culturas pode ser estimada a partir da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo e do coeficiente de cultura (kc. Com o objetivo de se estimar a necessidade hídrica de duas cultivares de melão (Gold mine e Trusty cultivadas com e sem cobertura do solo com filme de polietileno e irrigadas por gotejamento com água de diferentes salinidades (1,2, 2,5 e 4,4 dS m-1 instalou-se um experimento no município de Mossoró, RN, em um Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo. Para se obter a necessidade hídrica da cultura, realizou-se o balanço hídrico nas parcelas, obtendo-se os coeficientes de cultura. Para medir a variação de armazenamento de água no perfil do solo e o fluxo subterrâneo, foram instaladas baterias com três tensiômetros em cada parcela de dois blocos experimentais. A lâmina de irrigação foi estimada pela metodologia FAO e ajustada de acordo com o monitoramento da umidade do solo. A água de maior salinidade diminuiu a evapotranspiração do meloeiro em 14%, a cobertura de solo reduziu em 18% e a cultivar Trusty evapotranspirou 11% a menos que a Gold mine. O balanço hídrico permitiu que se estimassem os coeficientes de cultura do meloeiro para diferentes salinidades, cobertura de solo e cultivares.The water requirement of the crops can be estimated from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo and crop coefficients (kc. Aiming to estimate the water requirement of two cultivars of melon (Gold mine and Trusty cultivated with and without soil covering with polyethylene film and irrigated by trickle irrigation with water of different salinities (1.2, 2.5 and 4.4 dS m-1, an experiment was installed in the municipal district of Mossoró, RN, in an Alfissol. To obtain the water requirement of the crop the water balance was accomplished in the plots, obtaining the crop coefficients. To obtain the variation in water storage in the soil profile and the subsurface flow three tensiometers were installed in each plot of two

  1. Quantificação de clorofilas em folhas de macieiras 'Royal Gala' e 'Fuji' com métodos ópticos não-destrutivos Quantification of chlorophylls in leaves of 'Royal Gala' and 'Fuji' apple trees with non-destructive optical methods

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    Cassandro Vidal Talamini do Amarante


    Full Text Available O método-padrão para a quantificação de clorofilas em folhas é destrutivo e relativamente demorado. Com o advento dos medidores portáteis, a quantificação de clorofilas tornou-se fácil e rápida, podendo ser realizada de forma não-destrutiva a campo. Colorímetros também podem ser utilizados para a avaliação não-destrutiva da coloração de tecidos vegetais, e, portanto, para a quantificação de clorofilas em folhas. Este trabalho foi conduzido visando a avaliar a viabilidade de utilização de um colorímetro, como alternativa à utilização do medidor portátil de clorofila, para a quantificação não-destrutiva de clorofilas em folhas de macieiras 'Royal Gala' e 'Fuji'. Folhas de ambas as cultivares, com tonalidades variando de verde- amarelada (folha clorótica a verde-escura, foram avaliadas individualmente, com um medidor de clorofila (Minolta SPAD-502 e um colorímetro (Minolta CR-400, no espaço de cores L, C e hº, seguido de quantificações destrutivas de clorofilas a, b e totais. Os valores das leituras do medidor de clorofila e da relação hº/(LxC do colorímetro aumentaram com o incremento nos teores de clorofilas nas folhas em macieiras 'Royal Gala' e 'Fuji'. Os modelos ajustados entre os teores de clorofilas e as leituras do medidor de clorofila e da relação hº/(LxC do colorímetro apresentaram valores similares de R², em ambas as cultivares. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o colorímetro é uma alternativa viável na avaliação não-destrutiva do teor de clorofilas (µ de folha em macieiras, especialmente de clorofilas a e totais. Para tanto, os valores da relação hº/(LxC do colorímetro devem ser previamente calibrados com a extração de clorofilas das folhas da cultivar de interesse.The standard method for chlorophylls quantification in leaves is destructive and time consuming. With the development of portable equipments, chlorophylls quantification became easy, quick, and affordable for

  2. Family members' needs at intensive care units: comparative analysis between a public and a private hospital Necesidades de los familiares de pacientes en unidades de terapia intensiva: análisis comparativo entre hospital público y privado Necessidades de familiares de pacientes em unidades de terapia intensiva: análise comparativa entre hospital público e privado

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    Kátia Santana Freitas


    Full Text Available This cross-sectional study proposed to analyze the needs of adult ICU patients' family members at a public and a private hospital, regarding their level of importance and satisfaction. Ninety-one family members were interviewed, 47 from the public hospital and 44 from the private one, using the Brazilian adaptation of the Critical Care Family Need Inventory (INEFTI. There was no significant difference between the groups in the total score of importance attributed to the needs (p=0.410. The satisfaction score was higher in the private hospital than in the public one (p=0.002. Multiple linear regression analysis allowed us to establish a hierarchy of importance and satisfaction of the family members' needs in each group. The differences observed between the groups suggest that the fulfillment of their needs requires interventions directed at the specificity of each type of hospital.Se trata de un estudio transversal, con objeto de analizar y comparar las necesidades de los familiares de pacientes adultos internados en UTIs de un hospital público y un privado, respecto al grado de importancia y satisfacción. Se les entrevistaron a 91 familiares, 47 de la institución pública y 44 de la privada, utilizándose el Inventario de Necesidades y Estresores de Familiares en Terapia Intensiva (INEFTI. No hubo diferencia significativa entre los grupos en la puntuación total de importancia atribuida a las necesidades (p=0,410. El grado de satisfacción fue mayor en el hospital privado con relación al público (p=0,002. El análisis de regresión linear múltipla permitió establecer una jerarquía de importancia y de satisfacción de las necesidades de los familiares de cada grupo. Las diferencias observadas entre los grupos sugieren que el atendimiento de sus necesidades requiere intervenciones direccionadas a la especificidad de cada tipo de institución.Trata-se de estudo transversal que teve como proposta analisar comparativamente as necessidades de

  3. NECESSIDADES CONDICIONADAS E (INSATISFAÇÃO DOS DESEJOS: reflexões sobre a felicidade fabricada

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    Kelly Janaína Souza da Silva


    Full Text Available Uma vez que sociedades como a nossa estão se tornando cada vez mais ricas, sem que isso signifique, necessariamente, que estão se tornando mais felizes, implica examinar quais são os critérios que não identificam a ideia contemporânea de felicidade como um conceito profundo, e como esses critérios foram solidificados. Vive-se uma época em que as benesses materiais, o bem-estar pessoal e o prazer sobrepõem-se às realizações de caráter menos pessoal, com vistas ao bem comunitário. Além disso, a felicidade é tida como objeto de conquista particular, a partir de certa “autenticidade” de valores que atropela facilmente o bem maior que traria uma verdadeira vida boa. O objetivo desse artigo é examinar esses e outros aspectos da sociedade contemporânea. Palavras-chave: Felicidade Mercantil; Consumismo; Necessidades Condicionadas. CONDITIONED NEEDS AND (DISSATISFACTION OF DESIRES: Reflections on happiness manufactured ABSTRACT Societies like the contemporary society are becoming ever richer, but without this meaning, necessarily, that are becoming happier. Thus, this article intends to examine which criteria that do not identify the contemporary idea of happiness as a profound concept and how these criteria were solidified. We live in an era in that the blessings materials, the personal well-being and the pleasure overlap to less personal achievements, targeting the community well. In addition, happiness is seen as particular object of conquest, from a certain “authenticity” of values that easily trumps the greater good that would bring a real good life. The aim of this article is to examine these and other aspects of contemporary society. Keywords: Mercantil Happiness; Consumerism; Conditioned Needs.   NECESIDADES CONDICIONALES Y (DESCONTENTO DE DESEOS: Reflexiones sobre la felicidad fabricado RESUMEN Una vez que sociedades como la nuestra son cada vez más ricos, sin que esto signifique, necesariamente, que son cada vez m

  4. Nuclear energy and the nuclear industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    These notes have been prepared by the Department of Energy to provide information and to answer questions often raised about nuclear energy and the nuclear industry and in the hope that they will contribute to the public debate about the future of nuclear energy in the UK. The subject is dealt with under the headings; contribution of nuclear power, energy forecasts, nuclear fuels and reactor types, cost, thermal reactor strategy, planning margin, safety, nuclear licensing, unlike an atomic bomb, radiation, waste disposal, transport of nuclear materials, emergency arrangements at nuclear sites, siting of nuclear stations, security of nuclear installations, world nuclear programmes, international regulation and non-proliferation, IAEA safeguards arrangements in the UK, INFCE, and uranium supplies. (U.K.)

  5. O complexo industrial da saúde e a necessidade de um enfoque dinâmico na economia da saúde

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    Carlos Augusto Grabois Gadelha


    Full Text Available O artigo desenvolve um enfoque analítico voltado para o estudo do complexo industrial da saúde, englobando o conjunto das atividades produtivas e suas relações de interdependência, segundo uma perspectiva de economia política e da inovação. A lógica empresarial capitalista penetra em todos os segmentos produtivos, envolvendo tanto as indústrias que já operavam tradicionalmente nessas bases quanto segmentos que possuíam formas de organização em que era possível verificar a convivência de lógicas empresariais com outras que dela se afastavam, como a produção de vacinas e produtos biológicos, fitoderivados e a prestação de serviços de saúde. O artigo analisa a interação entre o sistema de saúde e o sistema econômico-industrial, mostrando como tem havido uma dicotomia na relação entre ambos, que se exprime na deterioração do potencial de inovação do país e numa crescente e preocupante vulnerabilidade externa da política de saúde. Sugere-se que o enfoque neoclássico tradicional da economia da saúde é insuficiente para tratar do complexo industrial da saúde, dada a intensidade do processo de mudança estrutural, e a necessidade de um enfoque teórico alternativo que incorpore a dinâmica de transformação econômica e institucional, de acumulação e de inovação.

  6. Demanda de agua de uso comercial en la reserva de la biosfera El Vizcaíno, México: Una estimación con datos de panel

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    Marco Antonio Almendarez-Hernández


    Full Text Available La mayor parte de la literatura sobre demanda de agua urbana se ha enfocado en estimar los determinantes de la demanda de agua de uso residencial y existe poca evidencia empírica sobre la demanda de agua de uso comercial (Worthington, 2010. El análisis se ha centrado en áreas urbanas y no se ha abordado dentro de áreas naturales protegidas, particularmente en regiones áridas. El recurso hídrico es un insumo fundamental para el desarrollo de las actividades productivas, la generación de valor agregado y la cantidad de abastecimiento que necesita el personal que labora en el sector comercial. Además, los organismos encargados de la prestación de los servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado enfrentan serios problemas económicos como el pago no oportuno por parte de los usuarios beneficiados, así como insuficiencia de medidores para cuantificar con precisión la provisión del líquido, provocando una menor facturación y una restricción en el control de la demanda. Situación que merece un mayor tratamiento aplicado. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la respuesta de los consumidores de agua comercial ante los cambios en su precio en el corto y largo plazo. Asimismo, mide el efecto de la falta del cobro, la proporción de usuarios que cuentan con medidor y otras variables como la temperatura promedio y la precipitación sobre el nivel de consumo. Se estimó una función dinámica de demanda de agua con especificación del precio promedio utilizando una estructura de datos de panel. Los resultados señalan que el precio impacta negativamente en el consumo con una magnitud baja. La elasticidad precio de corto y largo plazo fueron menores que uno, con -0.07 y -0.18, respectivamente. La elasticidad de la temperatura fue de 0.09, la semielasticidad del incumplimiento de pago fue de 0.20 y la proporción de tomas que cuentan con medidor fue de 0.23.

  7. Invisible nuclear; converting nuclear

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jongmoon


    This book consists of 14 chapters which are CNN era and big science, from East and West to North and South, illusory nuclear strategy, UN and nuclear arms reduction, management of armaments, advent of petroleum period, the track of nuclear power generation, view of energy, internationalization of environment, the war over water in the Middle East, influence of radiation and an isotope technology transfer and transfer armament into civilian industry, the end of nuclear period and the nuclear Nonproliferation, national scientific and technological power and political organ and executive organ.

  8. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stamenov, J.


    The Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is the leading Bulgarian Institute for scientific investigations and applications of nuclear science. The main Institute's activities in the field of elementary particles and nuclear physics, high energy physics and nuclear energy, radiochemistry, radioecology, radioactive wastes treatment, monitoring of the environment, nuclear instruments development ect. are briefly described. Several examples for: environmental radiation monitoring; monitoring of the radioactivity and heavy metals in aerosols, 99m Tc clinical use, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy application of IRT-2000 Research Reactor, neutron fluence for reactor vessel embrittlement, NPP safety analysis, nuclear fuel modelling are also presented

  9. Nuclear power and nuclear weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vaughen, V.C.A.


    The proliferation of nuclear weapons and the expanded use of nuclear energy for the production of electricity and other peaceful uses are compared. The difference in technologies associated with nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants are described

  10. Nuclear safety. Seguranca nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aveline, A [Rio Grande do Sul Univ., Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica


    What is nuclear safety Is there any technical way to reduce risks Is it possible to put them at reasonable levels Are there competitiveness and economic reliability to employ the nuclear energy by means of safety technics Looking for answers to these questions the author describes the sources of potential risks to nuclear reactors and tries to apply the answers to the Brazilian Nuclear Programme. (author).

  11. Reflexões sobre a possibilidade da despatologização da transexualidade e a necessidade da assistência integral à saúde de transexuais no Brasil

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    Guilherme Almeida

    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo problematizar algumas questões acerca da patologização da transexualidade a fim de provocar a reflexão sobre a possibilidade da sua despatologização no Brasil, mantendo em perspectiva a necessidade de atenção integral à saúde de transexuais. Neste panorama, se para a medicina e as ciências psi (psiquiatria, psicologia e psicanálise a transexualidade constitui uma desordem mental, para alguns autores que discutem as experiências trans, em especial nas ciências sociais e humanas e na saúde coletiva, estas são vivências que colocam em questão as normas de gênero que regem nossos conceitos de sexo, gênero e, no limite, de humano. Todavia, a despeito das críticas acadêmicas e do movimento mundial em prol da despatologização das identidades trans, no contexto brasileiro ainda vigora uma interpretação patologizada destas vivências que não apenas sustenta sua definição como um transtorno psiquiátrico como orienta as políticas públicas destinadas a este segmento.

  12. Estimativa das necessidades nutricionais de bananeiras do subgrupo Cavendish cultivadas no Estado de São Paulo Estimate nutrition needs of Cavendish banana trees subgrup grown in the State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Luiz Antonio Junqueira Teixeira


    Full Text Available A acumulação na planta e a exportação de nutrientes pela colheita dos cachos são alguns dos fatores que determinam a necessidade de adubação para a cultura da bananeira. Visando a estimar as quantidades de nutrientes acumulados e exportados por bananeiras do subgrupo Cavendish, nas condições de cultivo do Estado de São Paulo, foram considerados 293 registros de um banco de dados contendo teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em frutos e em engaços e massa dos cachos das cultivares Grande Naine e Nanicão. Esses registros provieram de experimentos de adubação realizados no Planalto Paulista e no Vale do Ribeira, em áreas irrigadas e de sequeiro, durante sete ciclos de cultivo, variando fontes, doses e formas de aplicação de fertilizantes. Para produzir 40 t ha-1, em média, o nutriente exportado pelos cachos em maior quantidade foi o K (182 kg ha-¹ seguido pelo N (68 kg ha-¹, Mg (10 kg ha-¹, P (8 kg ha-¹, Ca (6 kg ha-¹, S (3 kg ha-¹, Mn (191 g ha-¹, Fe (147 g ha-¹, B (89 g ha-¹, Zn (68 g ha-¹ e Cu (25 g ha-¹. A recomendação de adubação para bananeira para o Estado de São Paulo, aparentemente, subestima a necessidade de K na implantação da cultura e preconiza doses de N muito superiores à exportação de N pelos cachos. Para P, a recomendação está coerente com as necessidades estimadas para a cultura.Fertilizer recommendations for banana take into consideration the accumulation of nutrients in plants and the amount removed in the bunches, among other factors. Nutrient contents accumulated in plants and removed by bunches of Cavendish bananas in the State of São Paulo (Brazil were assessed from a data bank of nutrient concentrations (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in bunches (fruits+peduncle and bunch weight with 293 samples. Data bank comprises information from plants of Grand Naine and Giant Cavendish cultivars growing in irrigated and non-irrigated areas, with different sources and

  13. Nuclear safety culture and nuclear safety supervision

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chai Jianshe


    In this paper, the author reviews systematically and summarizes up the development process and stage characteristics of nuclear safety culture, analysis the connotation and characteristics of nuclear safety culture, sums up the achievements of our country's nuclear safety supervision, dissects the challenges and problems of nuclear safety supervision. This thesis focused on the relationship between nuclear safety culture and nuclear safety supervision, they are essential differences, but there is a close relationship. Nuclear safety supervision needs to introduce some concepts of nuclear safety culture, lays emphasis on humanistic care and improves its level and efficiency. Nuclear safety supervision authorities must strengthen nuclear safety culture training, conduct the development of nuclear safety culture, make sure that nuclear safety culture can play significant roles. (author)

  14. Nuclear energy and nuclear weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robertson, J.A.L.


    We all want to prevent the use of nuclear weapons. The issue before us is how best to achieve this objective; more specifically, whether the peaceful applications of nuclear energy help or hinder, and to what extent. Many of us in the nuclear industry are working on these applications from a conviction that without peaceful nuclear energy the risk of nuclear war would be appreciably greater. Others, however, hold the opposite view. In discussing the subject, a necessary step in allaying fears is understanding some facts, and indeed facing up to some unpalatable facts. When the facts are assessed, and a balance struck, the conclusion is that peaceful nuclear energy is much more part of the solution to preventing nuclear war than it is part of the problem

  15. Cárie dentária e necessidade de tratamento odontológico entre os índios Baniwa do Alto Rio Negro, Amazonas Dental caries and need for dental care among the Baniwa Indians, Rio Negro, Amazonas

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    Marília Clemente Gomes Carneiro


    Full Text Available Pesquisas epidemiológicas em comunidades indígenas no Brasil têm evidenciado forte relação entre a deterioração da saúde bucal e o consumo de itens industrializados (e do açúcar refinado em particular, aliados à precariedade da atenção odontológica. Este estudo abordou a população Baniwa do pólo-base de Tunuí-Cachoeira, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brasil. Foi realizado inquérito transversal sobre as condições de saúde bucal, de acordo com critérios da OMS. Foram observadas as condições dentárias e a necessidade de tratamento, examinando-se 590 indivíduos (49,2% da população > 2 anos. A média de dentes atacados pela doença cárie foi 6,0, 8,2 e 22,1 nas faixas etárias 12-14, 15-19 e mais de 50 anos, respectivamente. O maior valor de ceo-d (5,3 foi encontrado na idade de 5 anos. Do total de pessoas examinadas, 73,6% apresentaram alguma necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico-restaurador. Os indivíduos entre 15-19 anos apresentam as mais elevadas freqüências de restaurações. O CPO-D da população Baniwa é elevado, o que deve estar relacionado a processos recentes de mudanças socioeconômicas, particularmente na dieta. Enfatiza-se a necessidade de ampliação da atenção à saúde bucal, considerando-se a complexidade da questão sociocultural dos povos indígenas.Epidemiologic research conducted with Indian communities in Brazil has shown strong correlation between the deterioration of their oral health and the consumption of industrial products, sugar in particular, added to the lack of structure of oral health care. This study was carried out among the Baniwa Indians from the Tunuí-Cachoeira region, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Northwestern Amazon, Brazil. A cross-sectional survey was conducted according to the criteria established by the WHO, focusing on dental caries and need for dental treatment. A total of 590 individuals were examined (49.2% of the population older than 2 years. The mean numbers

  16. Nuclear reaction data and nuclear reactors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paver, N [University of Trieste (Italy); Herman, M [International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Gandini, A [ENEA, Rome (Italy)


    These two volumes contain the lecture notes of the workshop 'Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors: Physics, Design and Safety', which was held at the Abdus Salam ICTP in the Spring of 2000. The workshop consisted of five weeks of lecture courses followed by practical computer exercises on nuclear data treatment and design of nuclear power systems. The spectrum of topics is wide enough to timely cover the state-of-the-art and the perspectives of this broad field. The first two weeks were devoted to nuclear reaction models and nuclear data evaluation. Nuclear data processing for applications to reactor calculations was the subject of the third week. On the last two weeks reactor physics and on-going projects in nuclear power generation, waste disposal and safety were presented.

  17. Nuclear astrophysics: An application of nuclear physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fueloep, Z.


    Nuclear astrophysics, a fruitful combination of nuclear physics and astrophysics can be viewed as a special application of nuclear physics where the study of nuclei and their reactions are motivated by astrophysical problems. Nuclear astrophysics is also a good example for the state of the art interdisciplinary research. The origin of elements studied by geologists is explored by astrophysicists using nuclear reaction rates provided by the nuclear physics community. Due to the high interest in the field two recent Nuclear Physics Divisional Conferences of the European Physical Society were devoted to nuclear astrophysics and a new conference series entitled 'Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics' has been established. Selected problems of nuclear astrophysics will be presented emphasizing the interplay between nuclear physics and astrophysics. As an example the role of 14 N(p,r) 15 O reaction rate in the determination of the age of globular clusters will be discussed in details

  18. Interrelationship between nuclear safety, safeguards and nuclear security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irie, Kazutomo


    As preventive activities against danger within nuclear systems, three major areas exist; nuclear safety, safeguards and nuclear security. Considering the purpose of these activities, to prevent non-peaceful use is common in nuclear security in general and safeguards. At the same time, measures against sabotage, one of the subcategory in nuclear security, is similar to nuclear safety in aiming at preventing nuclear accidents. When taking into account the insider issues in nuclear security, the distinction between measures against sabotage and nuclear safety becomes ambiguous. Similarly, the distinction between measures against theft, another subcategory in nuclear security, and safeguards also becomes vague. These distinctions are influenced by psychological conditions of members in nuclear systems. Members who have the intention to make nuclear systems dangerous to human society shall be the 'enemy' to nuclear systems and thus be the target for nuclear security. (author)

  19. Nuclear blackmail and nuclear balance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Betts, R.K.


    This book raises pointed questions about nuclear saber rattling. More than a dozen cases since the bombing of Hiroshima and Magasaki in which some sort of nuclear threat was used as a sparring technique in tense confrontations are cited. Each incident is described and analyzed. Two theories offered to explain America's use of nuclear threats, the balance of interest theory and the balance of power theory, are contrasted throughout the book. This book helps to fill the gap in the understanding of nuclear weapons and their uses, while pointing out that nuclear bravado could lead to an unintended unleashing of these weapons

  20. A necessidade da imunofluorescência direta no diagnóstico da dermatose bolhosa por IgA The need for direct immunofluorescence in the diagnosis of IgA bullous dermatosis

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    Daniel Chang


    Full Text Available A dermatose bolhosa por imunoglobulina da classe A linear (DbIgA do adulto é uma doença autoimune rara caracterizada por formação de bolhas subepidérmicas e depósito linear de imunoglobulina da classe A (IgA na zona da membrana basal (ZMB. Por possuir aspectos clínicos e histológicos semelhantes a outras dermatoses bolhosas, principalmente a dermatite herpetiforme e o penfigoide bolhoso, faz-se necessária a realização de imunofluorescência direta para confirmação diagnóstica. Apresenta-se então, neste artigo, relato de caso ilustrando essa necessidade.Linear immunoglobulin A bullous dermatosis (DbIgA of adults is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by subepidermal blistering and linear deposits of immunoglobulin A (IgA in the basement membrane zone (BMZ. Owing to the fact it presents clinical and histological aspects similar to other bullous dermatosis, mainly dermatitis herpetiformis and bullous pemphigoid, direct immunofluorescence is required to confirm diagnosis. In this article, we describe a case that illustrates this need.

  1. Advanced nuclear reactor and nuclear fusion power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book comprised of two issues. The first one is a advanced nuclear reactor which describes nuclear fuel cycle and advanced nuclear reactor like liquid-metal reactor, advanced converter, HTR and extra advanced nuclear reactors. The second one is nuclear fusion for generation energy, which explains practical conditions for nuclear fusion, principle of multiple magnetic field, current situation of research on nuclear fusion, conception for nuclear fusion reactor and economics on nuclear fusion reactor.

  2. Nuclear orientation and nuclear structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krane, K.S.


    The present generation of on-line nuclear orientation facilities promises to revolutionize the gathering of nuclear structure information, especially for the hitherto poorly known and understood nuclei far from stability. Following a brief review of the technological developments that have facilitated these experiments, the nuclear spectroscopic information that can be obtained is summarized. Applications to understanding nuclear structure are reviewed, and challenges for future studies are discussed. (orig.)

  3. Nuclear experts and nuclear weapons proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, H.


    In Germany the issue of nuclear weapons proliferation has attracted scant attention. Most potential nuclear weapon states are important trade partners of the FRG and, since further proliferation of nuclear weapons could worsen conflicts involving these, it should be in the FRG's interest to limit proliferation. The security of the FRG is also dependent on the common interest of the great powers to avoid nuclear war. The contradictory positions of Usa and the USSR on nuclear weapons policy regarding themselves and non-nuclear weapon states encourages less developed countries to see nuclear weaponry as useful. The NPT and IAEA safeguards have only limited inhibiting effect. The nuclear export policy of the FRG has been dominated by short term economic advantage, neglecting the negative long term effects of decreased political stability. The FRG should formulate a policy based on self-restraint, positive stimuli and extension of controls, using its economic strength to deter proliferation. (JIW)

  4. World Nuclear Association position statement: Safe management of nuclear waste and used nuclear fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saint-Pierre, Sylvain


    This WNA Position Statement summarises the worldwide nuclear industry's record, progress and plans in safely managing nuclear waste and used nuclear fuel. The global industry's safe waste management practices cover the entire nuclear fuel-cycle, from the mining of uranium to the long-term disposal of end products from nuclear power reactors. The Statement's aim is to provide, in clear and accurate terms, the nuclear industry's 'story' on a crucially important subject often clouded by misinformation. Inevitably, each country and each company employs a management strategy appropriate to a specific national and technical context. This Position Statement reflects a confident industry consensus that a common dedication to sound practices throughout the nuclear industry worldwide is continuing to enhance an already robust global record of safe management of nuclear waste and used nuclear fuel. This text focuses solely on modern civil programmes of nuclear-electricity generation. It does not deal with the substantial quantities of waste from military or early civil nuclear programmes. These wastes fall into the category of 'legacy activities' and are generally accepted as a responsibility of national governments. The clean-up of wastes resulting from 'legacy activities' should not be confused with the limited volume of end products that are routinely produced and safely managed by today's nuclear energy industry. On the significant subject of 'Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities', which is integral to modern civil nuclear power programmes, the WNA will offer a separate Position Statement covering the industry's safe management of nuclear waste in this context. The paper's conclusion is that the safe management of nuclear waste and used nuclear fuel is a widespread, well-demonstrated reality. This strong safety record reflects a high degree of nuclear industry expertise and of industry responsibility toward the well-being of current and future generations. Accumulating

  5. Nuclear Law: A Key Against Nuclear Terrorism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cardozo, P.


    The role of the legal instruments in the war against nuclear terrorism. Control of radioactive sources. Elements of Nuclear Law: Definition: it is the body of special legislation that regulates the pacific uses of nuclear energy and the conduct of the persons engaged in activities related to fissionable materials and ionizing radiation . Objective: to provide a legal framework in order to protect individuals , property and the environment against the harmful effects of the use of nuclear energy and ionising radiation. Principles of nuclear energy legislation: safety principle, exclusively operator responsibility, authorization, independence of the regulatory body, inspections and enforcement, nuclear damage compensation, international cooperation. National regulatory infrastructure. Establishment of special law in Emergency Preparedness for nuclear or radiological disaster. IAEA Conventions. Transportation of nuclear material. IAEA regulations on radioactive material. Compensation for nuclear damage. Nuclear safety, security and terrorism. International and domestic instruments. Anti terrorism acts. International agreements on Safety Cooperation. (Author)

  6. The role of nuclear law in nuclear safety after Fukushima; El rol del derecho nuclear en seguridad nuclear luego de Fukushima

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cardozo, Diva E. Puig, E-mail: [International Nuclear Law Association (INLA), Montevideo (Uruguay)


    The paper contains the following topics: nuclear law, origin and evolution, role of the legal instruments on nuclear safety, nuclear safety the impact of major nuclear accidents: Chernobyl and Fukushima. The response of the nuclear law post Fukushima. Safety and security. International framework for nuclear safety: nuclear convention joint convention on safety on spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management. The Fukushima World Conference on Nuclear Safety. Convention on Prompt Notification and Assistance in case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. Plan of Action for Nuclear Safety. IAEA recommendations for the safety transport of radioactive material. International framework for nuclear security. Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials. International Convention for the Suppression of Acts Against Nuclear Terrorism. Resolution No. 1540 of the Security Council of United Nations (2004). Measures to strengthen international safety. Code of conduct on the safety research reactor.

  7. The Arabidopsis Nuclear Pore and Nuclear Envelope


    Meier, Iris; Brkljacic, Jelena


    The nuclear envelope is a double membrane structure that separates the eukaryotic cytoplasm from the nucleoplasm. The nuclear pores embedded in the nuclear envelope are the sole gateways for macromolecular trafficking in and out of the nucleus. The nuclear pore complexes assembled at the nuclear pores are large protein conglomerates composed of multiple units of about 30 different nucleoporins. Proteins and RNAs traffic through the nuclear pore complexes, enabled by the interacting activities...

  8. A inclusão da criança com necessidades especiais na visão de berçaristas The inclusion of special needs children in the vision of day care center professionals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiana Cristina Frigieri de Vitta


    Full Text Available A inserção das crianças de zero a 18 meses em creches poderá estimular o seu desenvolvimento motor e perceptocognitivo, podendo essa fase ser considerada a primeira da educação inclusiva. Objetivou-se verificar as concepções das profissionais do berçário relativas à inserção da criança com necessidades especiais na rotina de atividades desenvolvidas. Foram entrevistadas sete berçaristas da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Bauru. Os dados, organizados segundo categorias analíticas: conceitos relativos ao processo de inclusão, benefícios para a criança e diferenças entre as crianças nessa faixa etária, foram submetidos à análise qualitativa. Os resultados mostraram que a inclusão de crianças com necessidades especiais é vista com reservas, explicitando ideias preconcebidas sobre a deficiência. Eles se justificam pela falta de conhecimento do desenvolvimento infantil e dos fatores que o envolvem, bem como pelo fato de os profissionais vincularem suas atividades às experiências pessoais.The inclusion of children from birth to 18 months in day care centers, a phase that can be considered as the first one for inclusive education, may stimulate their motor development and perceptual-cognitive abilities. The goal of this study was to identify how people working in such centers conceive the inclusion of children with special needs in their routine activities. For such, seven women involved in a municipal day care center in the city of Bauru (SP, Brazil were interviewed. The data - organized according to three analytical categories: believes related to the inclusion process; benefits that it can bring for the child; and differences between children in this age group - were subjected to a qualitative analysis. The results indicated that the inclusion of children with special needs in day-care centers is viewed with reservations. This negative bias toward disability can be explained by the lack of knowledge related to

  9. The IAEA Nuclear Security Programme Combating Nuclear Terrorism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Discusses the four threats of nuclear terrorism,which are theft of a nuclear weapon, theft of material to make an improvised nuclear explosive device,theft of other radioactive material for an Radiological dispersal device and sabotage of a facility or transport. The IAEA Nuclear Security programme combating Nuclear Terrorism therefore adopts a comprehensive approach. The programme addresses the need to cover nuclear and other radioactive materials, nuclear facilities and transports, non-nuclear, medical and industrial applications of sources

  10. Nuclear power and the nuclear fuel cycle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The IAEA is organizing a major conference on nuclear power and the nuclear fuel cycle, which is to be held from 2 to 13 May 1977 in Salzburg, Austria. The programme for the conference was published in the preceding issue of the IAEA Bulletin (Vol.18, No. 3/4). Topics to be covered at the conference include: world energy supply and demand, supply of nuclear fuel and fuel cycle services, radioactivity management (including transport), nuclear safety, public acceptance of nuclear power, safeguarding of nuclear materials, and nuclear power prospects in developing countries. The articles in the section that follows are intended to serve as an introduction to the topics to be discussed at the Salzburg Conference. They deal with the demand for uranium and nuclear fuel cycle services, uranium supplies, a computer simulation of regional fuel cycle centres, nuclear safety codes, management of radioactive wastes, and a pioneering research project on factors that determine public attitudes toward nuclear power. It is planned to present additional background articles, including a review of the world nuclear fuel reprocessing situation and developments in the uranium enrichment industry, in future issues of the Bulletin. (author)

  11. Report of “the 2013 international forum on peaceful use of nuclear energy, nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security. Ensuring nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security of nuclear fuel cycle options in consideration of the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station”

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamura, Tsukasa; Suda, Kazunori; Tomikawa, Hirofumi; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Kuno, Yusuke; Mochiji, Toshiro


    The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) held “International Forum on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security – Ensuring Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options in consideration of the Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station –” on 3 and 4 December 2013, with the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) and School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, as co-hosts. In the Forum, officials from Japan, the United States, France and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) explained their efforts regarding peaceful use of nuclear energy and nuclear non-proliferation. Discussion was made in two panels, entitled “Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security measures of nuclear fuel cycle options in consideration of the Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station” and “Roles of safeguards and technical measures for ensuring nuclear non-proliferation for nuclear fuel cycle options”. In the first panel based on the implications of the Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on the domestic and global nuclear energy use and increased interest in the back end of nuclear fuel cycle, discussion was made on nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security challenges on both fuel cycle options from the policy and institutional viewpoints whereas in the second panel the roles of safeguards and proliferation resistant nuclear technology including plutonium burning technology in ensuring nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security in the back end of nuclear fuel cycle were discussed. Officials and experts from Japan, IAEA, the United States, France and Republic of Korea participated in the panel and made contributions to active discussion. This report includes abstracts of keynote speeches, summaries of two panel discussions and materials of the presentations in the forum. The editors take full responsibility for the wording

  12. The nuclear arsenals and nuclear disarmament. (United States)

    Barnaby, F


    Current world stockpiles of nuclear weapons and the status of treaties for nuclear disarmament and the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons are summarised. The need for including stockpiles of civil plutonium in a programme for ending production and disposing of fissile materials is emphasized, and the ultimate difficulty of disposing of the last few nuclear weapons discussed.

  13. Nuclear power generation and nuclear non-proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rathjens, G.


    The main points existing between nuclear energy development and nuclear non-proliferation policy are reviewed. The solar energy and other energy will replace for nuclear fission energy in the twenty first century, but it may not occur in the first half, and the structure has to be established to continue the development of nuclear fission technology, including breeder reactor technology. In the near future, it should be encouraged to use advanced thermal reactors if they are economic and operated with safety. Miserable results may be created in the worldwide scale, if a serious accident occurs anywhere or nuclear power reactors are utilized for military object. It is estimated to be possible to develop the ability of manufacturing nuclear weapons within two or three years in the countries where the industry is highly developed so as to generate nuclear power. It is also difficult to take measures so that nuclear power generation does not increase nuclear proliferation problems, and it is necessary to mitigate the motive and to establish the international organization. Concensus exists that as the minimum security action, the storage and transportation of materials, which can be directly utilized for nuclear weapons, should be decided by the international system. The most portions of sensitive nuclear fuel cycle should be put under the international management, as far as possible. This problem is discussed in INFCE. Related to the nuclear nonproliferation, the difference of policy in fuel cycle problems between USA and the other countries, the enrichment of nuclear fuel material, especially the reasons to inhibit the construction of additional enrichment facilities, nuclear fuel reprocessing problems, radioactive waste disposal, plutonium stock and plutonium recycle problems are reviewed. (Nakai, Y.)

  14. Nuclear re-think [The case for nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moore, P.


    In the early 1970s, Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace, believed that nuclear energy was synonymous with nuclear holocaust. Thirty years on, his views have changed because nuclear energy is the only non-greenhouse-gas-emitting power source that can effectively replace fossil fuels while satisfying the world's increasing demand for energy. Today, 441 nuclear plants operating globally avoid the release of nearly 3 billion tonnes of CO 2 emissions annually-the equivalent of the exhaust from more than 428 million cars. Concerns associated with nuclear energy are discussed including costs of nuclear energy, safety of nuclear plants, radioactive waste management, vulnerability of nuclear plants to terrorist attacks and diversion of nuclear fuel for weaponization. It is concluded that nuclear energy is the best way to produce safe, clean, reliable baseload electricity, and will play a key role in achieving global energy security. With climate change at the top of the international agenda, we must all do our part to encourage a nuclear energy renaissance

  15. Nuclear war nuclear proliferation and their consequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aga Khan, Sadruddin


    The paper concerns the proceedings of a conference hosted by the Groupe de Bellerive to explore and discuss the implications for humanity of nuclear war, nuclear proliferation and their consequences, Geneva 1985. The conference was divided into five sessions, headed by the subject titles: the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) and its future, the spread of nuclear weapons among nations, global effects of a nuclear war, the nuclear arms race and arms control, the NPT and its future. Twenty eight papers were presented in the five sessions. (UK)

  16. Nuclear Inter Jura '91: nuclear law and nuclear energy for the future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 1991 congress of the International Nuclear Law Association took as its subject Nuclear Law and Nuclear Energy for the future. As well as individual reports, there were four sessions each covering the report of one or more working groups. The first session investigated licensing and decommissioning, while the second focussed on insurance and liability. The third session was devoted to nuclear supply and commerce at an international level. Finally radiological protection and nuclear waste management was discussed in the fourth session. (UK)

  17. Nuclear energy - some aspects; Energia nuclear - alguns aspectos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bandeira, Fausto de Paula Menezes


    This work presents a brief history of research and development concerning to nuclear technology worldwide and in Brazil, also information about radiations and radioactive elements as well; the nuclear technology applications; nuclear reactor types and functioning of thermonuclear power plants; the number of existing nuclear power plants; the nuclear hazards occurred; the national fiscalization of nuclear sector; the Brazilian legislation in effect and the propositions under proceduring at House of Representatives related to the nuclear energy.

  18. Clandestine nuclear trade and the threat of nuclear terrorism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spector, L.S.


    The nuclear netherworld may ultimately contribute to the danger of nuclear terrorism in at least three ways. First, as national governments exploit this underground market and nuclear weapons spread to additional states, the possibility that terrorists will gain access to them will grow. Such weapons in nuclear threshold countries are likely to be more vulnerable to terrorist seizure than they are in today's more advanced nuclear weapons states. Second, terrorist groups might seek to exploit the nuclear gray market themselves, using the same subterfuges that national governments use. Although in today's nuclear netherworld, subnational groups cannot obtain nuclear arms or nuclear weapons material and cannot hope to build the complex installations needed to produce the latter, they might be able to engage in a form of barter with sympathetic emerging nuclear states (for example, offering raw materials or needed nuclear hardware in return for nuclear weapons material. Finally, there is always the risk that nuclear arms or nuclear weapon materials will someday become available on the nuclear black market. There is evidence indicating that terrorist organizations might well be interested in acquiring such items. Understanding underground nuclear commerce in its current form is essential to prevent such future dangers

  19. Abortamento na adolescência: vivência e necessidades de cuidado Aborto en la adolescencia: experiencia y necesidades de cuidado Adolescent abortion: experience and care needs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ester Correa Rodrigues de Faria


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com abordagem da fenomenologia social, realizada em 2010, com oito adolescentes que passaram pela experiência do aborto e foram atendidas em uma instituição hospitalar filantrópica de Minas Gerais. Objetivou-se, com ela, compreender a experiência e as necessidades de cuidado das adolescentes em situação de abortamento. Os resultados mostram que o impacto da gravidez levou-as ao medo da não aceitação da família e, ao mesmo tempo, à felicidade, pela possibilidade de ser mãe. A experiência do aborto foi marcada por sofrimento, e o atendimento foi considerado satisfatório, mas foi realçada a necessidade do recebimento de mais atenção e informação. As adolescentes planejam dar continuidade aos estudos e têm em vista a possibilidade de engravidar novamente. Vislumbram-se o planejamento de ações preventivas destinadas a este público e o desenvolvimento de novas investigações científicas que incluam a perspectiva de familiares e de profissionais de saúde.Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, con abordaje de la fenomenología social, realizada en 2010, con ocho adolescentes que experimentaron el aborto y fueron atendidas en un hospital de institución filantrópica del Estado de Minas Gerais. Este estudio objetivó comprender la experiencia y necesidades de cuidado de adolescentes en situación de aborto. Los resultados muestran que el impacto de la gestación llevó al miedo de no aceptación por la familia y, al mismo tiempo, a la felicidad por la posibilidad de ser madre. La experiencia del aborto fue marcada por sufrimiento y la atención fue considerada satisfactoria, realzándose la necesidad de más atención e información. Las adolescentes planean continuar sus estudios y consideran la posibilidad de una nueva gestación. Vislumbrase la planificación de acciones preventivas a ese público y también el desarrollo de nuevas investigaciones científicas que incluyan la

  20. The threat of nuclear terrorism: Nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maerli, Morten Bremer


    Full text: Conventional weaponry and tactics are likely to remain the primary terrorist means for a definitive majority of sub-national groups. No non-state actors have ever deployed or used a nuclear device. However, recent developments in international terrorism may point in the direction of future terrorist uses of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear devices. Some terrorist groups with a high international profile have showed disturbing interests in acquiring nuclear weapon capabilities. As the 'terrorist nuclear weapon standards' are likely to be lower than the strict requirements for traditional state nuclear weapons, technical barriers should not be considered sufficient to avoid future nuclear terrorist violence. Preventing any extremist group from achieving their goals of large-scale nuclear killing is likely best done by preventing the access to fissile materials through state compliances to rigorous standards of Material Protection, Control and Accountability (MPC and A). (author)

  1. Chinese nuclear insurance and Chinese nuclear insurance pool

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gong Zhiqi


    Chinese Nuclear Insurance Started with Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station, PICC issued the insurance policy. Nuclear insurance cooperation between Chinese and international pool's organizations was set up in 1989. In 1996, the Chinese Nuclear Insurance Pool was prepared. The Chinese Nuclear Insurance Pool was approved by The Chinese Insurance Regulatory Committee in May of 1999. The principal aim is to centralize maximum the insurance capacity for nuclear insurance from local individual insurers and to strengthen the reinsurance relations with international insurance pools so as to provide the high quality insurance service for Chinese nuclear industry. The Member Company of Chinese Nuclear Pool and its roles are introduced in this article

  2. Nuclear generation cost and nuclear research development fund

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, S. S.; Song, G. D.


    The main objective of this study is to analyze the effects of nuclear R and D fund to nuclear generation cost and to assess the adaptability of fund size through the comparison with the nuclear research fund in Japan. It was estimated that nuclear R and D fund increased the average annual unit cost of nuclear power generation by 1.14 won/kWh. When the size of nuclear R and D fund is compared with that in Japan, this study suggests that the current nuclear R and D fund should be largely increased taking into consideration the ratio of R and D fund to nuclear generation

  3. 11-th International conference Nuclear power safety and nuclear education - 2009. Abstracts. Part 1. Session: Safety of nuclear technology; Innovative nuclear systems and fuel cycle; Nuclear knowledge management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The book includes abstracts of the 11-th International conference Nuclear power safety and nuclear education - 2009 (29 Sep - 2 Oct, 2009, Obninsk). Problems of safety of nuclear technology are discussed, innovative nuclear systems and fuel cycles are treated. Abstracts on professional education for nuclear power and industry are presented. Nuclear knowledge management are discussed

  4. Nuclear 101, a course on the nuclear sector for workers in the nuclear sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Donev, J.M.K.C., E-mail: [Univ. of Calgary, Calgary, AB (Canada); Boreham, D.; Day, S., E-mail:, E-mail: [McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON (Canada); Dranga, R.; Krasznai, J.; Matthews, R.; Whitlock, J. [Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, ON (Canada)


    People who work in the nuclear science and technology community are often called upon in social situations to answer questions about the nuclear industry outside their area of direct expertise. In 2012 the Canadian Nuclear Society created 'Nuclear 101', a two-day general-level course to provide more information on the nuclear sector to people who are part of the nuclear science and technology community. This paper will discuss how Nuclear 101 aids public outreach discussions and the lessons learned after two years of operation, and will look at future directions for the course. (author)

  5. Nuclear 101, a course on the nuclear sector for workers in the nuclear sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Donev, J.M.K.C.; Boreham, D.; Day, S.; Dranga, R.; Krasznai, J.; Matthews, R.; Whitlock, J.


    People who work in the nuclear science and technology community are often called upon in social situations to answer questions about the nuclear industry outside their area of direct expertise. In 2012 the Canadian Nuclear Society created 'Nuclear 101', a two-day general-level course to provide more information on the nuclear sector to people who are part of the nuclear science and technology community. This paper will discuss how Nuclear 101 aids public outreach discussions and the lessons learned after two years of operation, and will look at future directions for the course. (author)

  6. Nuclear physics for nuclear fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Xingzhong; Liu Bin; Wei Qingming; Ren Xianzhe


    The D-T fusion cross-section is calculated using quantum mechanics with the model of square nuclear potential well and Coulomb potential barrier. The agreement between ENDF data and the theoretically calculated results is well in the range of 0.2-280 keV. It shows that the application of Breit-Wigner formula is not suitable for the case of the light nuclei fusion reaction. When this model is applied to the nuclear reaction between the charged particles confined in a lattice, it explains the 'abnormal phenomena'. It implies a prospect of nuclear fusion energy without strong nuclear radiations

  7. New nuclear projects in the world. Sustainable Nuclear Energy; Nuevos proyectos nucleares en el mundo. energia nuclear sostenible

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leon, P. T.


    Nuclear power has experienced a major boom in the last few years, primarily because it is a non-CO{sub 2} emitting energy source, it can be produced at competitive costs and it can boost a country's security of supply. there are still two issues to be addressed in relation to the currently used technologies: the degree to which the energy content of nuclear fuel is used, and wastes. A solution to both these aspects would ut nuclear power in the category of sustainable energy. The article provides details on current nuclear plans in the wold, the impact of the Fukushima accident on different countries nuclear plans and the European initiatives for sustainable nuclear energy development. (Author)

  8. Nuclear disarmament and peaceful nuclear technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, T.B.


    According to the author, it remains to be seen whether nuclear disarmament can reduce the risks of nuclear war sufficiently for the residual risks to be acceptable to a majority of the world's population, while at the same time vigorous growth in the world's dependence on nuclear energy for peaceful purposes continues. This paper discusses how use of nuclear materials from dismantled weapons as fuel for peaceful purposes may help progress to be made towards that goal, by stimulating considerable improvements in the effectiveness of arrangements for preventing diversion of the materials from peaceful to military purposes, while at the same time eliminating large numbers of nuclear weapons

  9. Nuclear power and nuclear safety 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lauritzen, B.; Oelgaard, P.L.; Kampmann, D.


    The report is the fifth report in a series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power production, with special emphasis on safety issues and nuclear emergency preparedness. The report is written in collaboration between Risoe DTU and the Danish Emergency Management Agency. The report for 2008 covers the following topics: status of nuclear power production, regional trends, reactor development, safety related events of nuclear power, and international relations and conflicts. (LN)

  10. Report of the international forum on nuclear energy, nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security. Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security for the back end of nuclear fuel cycle and regional cooperation in Asia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tazaki, Makiko; Yamamura, Tsukasa; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Kuno, Yusuke; Mochiji, Toshiro


    The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) held 'International Forum on Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security - Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security for the back end of nuclear fuel cycle and regional cooperation in Asia-' on 12 and 13 December 2012, co-hosted by the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) and School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. In the forum, keynote speakers from Japan, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the U.S., France and Republic of Korea (ROK), respectively explained their efforts regarding peaceful use of nuclear energy and nuclear non-proliferation. In two panel discussions, entitled 'Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security of nuclear fuel cycle back end' and 'Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security for nuclear energy use in the Asian region and a multilateral cooperative framework', active discussions were made among panelists from Japan, IAEA, the U.S., France, ROK, Russia and Kazakhstan. This report includes abstracts of keynote speeches, summaries of two panel discussions and materials of the presentations in the forum. The editors take full responsibility for the wording and content of this report except presentation materials. (author)

  11. Nuclear topics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lukner, C.


    The pamphlet touches on all aspects of nuclear energy, from the world energy demands and consumption, the energy program of the Federal Government, nuclear power plants in the world, nuclear fusion, nuclear liability up to the nuclear fuel cycle and the shutdown of nuclear power plants. (HSCH) [de

  12. Nuclear proliferation and the near-nuclear countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marwah, O.; Schulz, A.


    The process of nuclear proliferation and its consequences for the international political system is examined by focusing on the issues in the nuclear-strategic debate that divide first and second order states. Information is included on: the US-USSR arms race; SALT agreement; the Non-Proliferation Treaty; the nuclear aspirations and policies of India, Middle Eastern countries, South Africa, Japan, Brazil, and Argentina; and assessment of the risks related to the nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear weapons

  13. Redefining interrelationship between nuclear safety, nuclear security and safeguards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irie, Kazutomo


    Since the beginning of this century, the so-called 3Ss (Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Security and Safeguards) have become major regulatory areas for peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The importance of the 3Ss is now emphasized to countries which are newly introducing nuclear power generation. However, as role models for those newcomers, existing nuclear power countries are also required to strengthen their regulatory infrastructure for the 3Ss. In order to rationalize the allocation of regulatory resources, interrelationship of the 3Ss should be investigated. From the viewpoint of the number of the parties concerned in regulation, nuclear security is peculiar with having 'aggressors' as the third party. From the viewpoint of final goal of regulation, nuclear security in general and safeguards share the goal of preventing non-peaceful uses of nuclear energy, though the goal of anti-sabotage within nuclear security is rather similar to nuclear safety. As often recognized, safeguards are representative of various policy tools for nuclear non-proliferation. Strictly speaking, it is not safeguards as a policy tool but nuclear non-proliferation as a policy purpose that should be parallel to other policy purposes (nuclear safety and nuclear security). That suggests 'SSN' which stands for Safety, Security and Non-proliferation is a better abbreviation rather than 3Ss. Safeguards as a policy tool should be enumerated along with nuclear safety regulation, nuclear security measures and trade controls on nuclear-related items. Trade controls have been playing an important role for nuclear non-proliferation. These policy tools can be called 'SSST' in which Trade controls are also emphasized along with Safety regulation, Security measures and Safeguards. Recently, it becomes quite difficult to clearly demarcate these policy tools. As nuclear security concept is expanding, the denotation of nuclear security measures is also expanding. Nuclear security measures are more and more

  14. Nuclear

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document proposes a presentation and discussion of the main notions, issues, principles, or characteristics related to nuclear energy: radioactivity (presence in the environment, explanation, measurement, periods and activities, low doses, applications), fuel cycle (front end, mining and ore concentration, refining and conversion, fuel fabrication, in the reactor, back end with reprocessing and recycling, transport), the future of the thorium-based fuel cycle (motivations, benefits and drawbacks), nuclear reactors (principles of fission reactors, reactor types, PWR reactors, BWR, heavy-water reactor, high temperature reactor of HTR, future reactors), nuclear wastes (classification, packaging and storage, legal aspects, vitrification, choice of a deep storage option, quantities and costs, foreign practices), radioactive releases of nuclear installations (main released radio-elements, radioactive releases by nuclear reactors and by La Hague plant, gaseous and liquid effluents, impact of releases, regulation), the OSPAR Convention, management and safety of nuclear activities (from control to quality insurance, to quality management and to sustainable development), national safety bodies (mission, means, organisation and activities of ASN, IRSN, HCTISN), international bodies, nuclear and medicine (applications of radioactivity, medical imagery, radiotherapy, doses in nuclear medicine, implementation, the accident in Epinal), nuclear and R and D (past R and D programmes and expenses, main actors in France and present funding, main R and D axis, international cooperation)

  15. Nuclear rights - nuclear wrongs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paul, E.F.; Miller, F.D.; Paul, J.; Ahrens, J.


    This book contains 11 selections. The titles are: Three Ways to Kill Innocent Bystanders: Some Conundrums Concerning the Morality of War; The International Defense of Liberty; Two Concepts of Deterrence; Nuclear Deterrence and Arms Control; Ethical Issues for the 1980s; The Moral Status of Nuclear Deterrent Threats; Optimal Deterrence; Morality and Paradoxical Deterrence; Immoral Risks: A Deontological Critique of Nuclear Deterrence; No War Without Dictatorship, No Peace Without Democracy: Foreign Policy as Domestic Politics; Marxism-Leninism and its Strategic Implications for the United States; Tocqueveille War.

  16. White Paper on Nuclear Astrophysics and Low Energy Nuclear Physics - Part 1. Nuclear Astrophysics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arcones, Almudena [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Escher, Jutta E. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Others, M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    This white paper informs the nuclear astrophysics community and funding agencies about the scientific directions and priorities of the field and provides input from this community for the 2015 Nuclear Science Long Range Plan. It summarizes the outcome of the nuclear astrophysics town meeting that was held on August 21 - 23, 2014 in College Station at the campus of Texas A&M University in preparation of the NSAC Nuclear Science Long Range Plan. It also reflects the outcome of an earlier town meeting of the nuclear astrophysics community organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) on October 9 - 10, 2012 Detroit, Michigan, with the purpose of developing a vision for nuclear astrophysics in light of the recent NRC decadal surveys in nuclear physics (NP2010) and astronomy (ASTRO2010). The white paper is furthermore informed by the town meeting of the Association of Research at University Nuclear Accelerators (ARUNA) that took place at the University of Notre Dame on June 12 - 13, 2014. In summary we find that nuclear astrophysics is a modern and vibrant field addressing fundamental science questions at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics. These questions relate to the origin of the elements, the nuclear engines that drive life and death of stars, and the properties of dense matter. A broad range of nuclear accelerator facilities, astronomical observatories, theory efforts, and computational capabilities are needed. With the developments outlined in this white paper, answers to long-standing key questions are well within reach in the coming decade.

  17. White paper on nuclear astrophysics and low energy nuclear physics Part 1: Nuclear astrophysics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arcones, Almudena; Bardayan, Dan W.


    This white paper informs the nuclear astrophysics community and funding agencies about the scientific directions and priorities of the field and provides input from this community for the 2015 Nuclear Science Long Range Plan. It also summarizes the outcome of the nuclear astrophysics town meeting that was held on August 21–23, 2014 in College Station at the campus of Texas A&M University in preparation of the NSAC Nuclear Science Long Range Plan. It also reflects the outcome of an earlier town meeting of the nuclear astrophysics community organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) on October 9–10, 2012 Detroit, Michigan, with the purpose of developing a vision for nuclear astrophysics in light of the recent NRC decadal surveys in nuclear physics (NP2010) and astronomy (ASTRO2010). Our white paper is informed informed by the town meeting of the Association of Research at University Nuclear Accelerators (ARUNA) that took place at the University of Notre Dame on June 12–13, 2014. In summary we find that nuclear astrophysics is a modern and vibrant field addressing fundamental science questions at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics. These questions relate to the origin of the elements, the nuclear engines that drive life and death of stars, and the properties of dense matter. A broad range of nuclear accelerator facilities, astronomical observatories, theory efforts, and computational capabilities are needed. Answers to long standing key questions are well within reach in the coming decade because of the developments outlined in this white paper.

  18. Nuclear Medicine (United States)

    ... Parents/Teachers Resource Links for Students Glossary Nuclear Medicine What is nuclear medicine? What are radioactive tracers? ... funded researchers advancing nuclear medicine? What is nuclear medicine? Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty that uses ...

  19. BS degree in nuclear engineering or a nuclear option

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams on, T.G.


    Many nuclear engineering educators are concerned about the health of nuclear engineering academic departments. As part of a review of the BS nuclear engineering degree program at the University of Virginia, the authors surveyed several local utilities with operating nuclear plants about their needs for nuclear engineering graduates. The perception of many of the utility executives about a nuclear engineering degree and about a nuclear option in another engineering curriculum does not agree with the way the authors view these two degrees. The responses to two of the survey questions were of particular interest: (1) does your company have a preference between nuclear engineering graduates and graduates in other fields with a nuclear option? (2) what do you consider to be a minimum level of education in nuclear engineering for a nuclear option in mechanical engineering? All of the four utilities that were surveyed stated a preference for mechanical or electrical engineers with a nuclear option, although two indicated that there are certain jobs for which a nuclear engineering graduate is desired

  20. 76 FR 19148 - Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC, Vermont Yankee Nuclear... (United States)


    ... NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket No. 50-271; License No. DPR-28; NRC-2011-0074] Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station..., ``Requests for Action under this Subpart,'' the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) take action with...

  1. Quantum nuclear pasta and nuclear symmetry energy (United States)

    Fattoyev, F. J.; Horowitz, C. J.; Schuetrumpf, B.


    Complex and exotic nuclear geometries, collectively referred to as "nuclear pasta," are expected to appear naturally in dense nuclear matter found in the crusts of neutron stars and supernovae environments. The pasta geometries depend on the average baryon density, proton fraction, and temperature and are critically important in the determination of many transport properties of matter in supernovae and the crusts of neutron stars. Using a set of self-consistent microscopic nuclear energy density functionals, we present the first results of large scale quantum simulations of pasta phases at baryon densities 0.03 ≤ρ ≤0.10 fm-3 , proton fractions 0.05 ≤Yp≤0.40 , and zero temperature. The full quantum simulations, in particular, allow us to thoroughly investigate the role and impact of the nuclear symmetry energy on pasta configurations. We use the Sky3D code that solves the Skyrme Hartree-Fock equations on a three-dimensional Cartesian grid. For the nuclear interaction we use the state-of-the-art UNEDF1 parametrization, which was introduced to study largely deformed nuclei, hence is suitable for studies of the nuclear pasta. Density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy is simulated by tuning two purely isovector observables that are insensitive to the current available experimental data. We find that a minimum total number of nucleons A =2000 is necessary to prevent the results from containing spurious shell effects and to minimize finite size effects. We find that a variety of nuclear pasta geometries are present in the neutron star crust, and the result strongly depends on the nuclear symmetry energy. The impact of the nuclear symmetry energy is less pronounced as the proton fractions increase. Quantum nuclear pasta calculations at T =0 MeV are shown to get easily trapped in metastable states, and possible remedies to avoid metastable solutions are discussed.

  2. Two-stage nuclear refrigeration with enhanced nuclear moments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunik, R.


    Experiments are described in which an enhanced nuclear system is used as a precoolant for a nuclear demagnetisation stage. The results show the promising advantages of such a system in those circumstances for which a large cooling power is required at extremely low temperatures. A theoretical review of nuclear enhancement at the microscopic level and its macroscopic thermodynamical consequences is given. The experimental equipment for the implementation of the nuclear enhanced refrigeration method is described and the experiments on two-stage nuclear demagnetisation are discussed. With the nuclear enhanced system PrCu 6 the author could precool a nuclear stage of indium in a magnetic field of 6 T down to temperatures below 10 mK; this resulted in temperature below 1 mK after demagnetisation of the indium. It is demonstrated that the interaction energy between the nuclear moments in an enhanced nuclear system can exceed the nuclear dipolar interaction. Several experiments are described on pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance, as utilised for thermometry purposes. It is shown that platinum NMR-thermometry gives very satisfactory results around 1 mK. The results of experiments on nuclear orientation of radioactive nuclei, e.g. the brute force polarisation of 95 NbPt and 60 CoCu, are presented, some of which are of major importance for the thermometry in the milli-Kelvin region. (Auth.)

  3. Redefining interrelationship between nuclear safety, nuclear security and safeguards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irie, Kazutomo


    Since the beginning of this century, the so-called 3Ss (Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Security and Safeguards) have become major regulatory areas for peaceful uses of nuclear energy. In order to rationalize the allocation of regulatory resources, interrelationship of the 3Ss should be investigated. From the viewpoint of the number of the parties concerned in regulation, nuclear security is peculiar with having “aggressors” as the third party. From the viewpoint of final goal of regulation, nuclear security in general and safeguards share the goal of preventing non-peaceful uses of nuclear energy, though the goal of anti-sabotage within nuclear security is rather similar to nuclear safety. As often recognized, safeguards are representative of various policy tools for nuclear non-proliferation. Strictly speaking, it is not safeguards as a policy tool but nuclear non-proliferation as a policy purpose that should be parallel to other policy purposes (nuclear safety and nuclear security). That suggests “SSN” which stands for Safety, Security and Non-proliferation is a better abbreviation rather than 3Ss. Safeguards as a policy tool should be enumerated along with nuclear safety regulation, nuclear security measures and trade controls on nuclear-related items. Trade controls have been playing an important role for nuclear non-proliferation. These policy tools can be called “SSST” in which Trade controls are also emphasized along with Safety regulation, Security measures and Safeguards. (author)

  4. Diseño e implementación de un sistema de predicción del riesgo crediticio de las solicitudes de instalación de una empresa de distribución electrica


    Agila Soto, Elizabeth; Davila Llerena, Jose; Ramirez Macancela, Maria; Alvarado, Juan


    El objetivo principal de este trabajo ha sido el de obtener una herramienta para estimar la probabilidad de riesgo de morosidad de un cliente, a fin de observar y predecir su capacidad de pago ante las variaciones de parámetros que configuran sus políticas operacionales, de forma que se pueda evaluar bajo distintas consideraciones antes de conceder un medidor de energía eléctrica o crédito. El sistema permite evaluar las variables típicas ó esenciales que determinan la capacidad de pago de u...

  5. Propuesta de una planificación estratégica e indicadores de desempeño para la empresa Talleres Mil Usos


    Gómez Zhiminaicela, Johanna Elizabeth; Redrován Reyes, Mayra Elizabeth


    En el presente trabajo se realizó una propuesta de Planificación Estratégica y medidores de desempeño para la empresa Talleres Mil Usos, se analizó los diferentes parámetros de la Planificación Estratégica y su importancia dentro de las organizaciones, también se planteó objetivos, estrategias e indicadores desempeño para verificar su desempeño laboral. In this work was carried out a Strategic Planning proposal and performance mediators for the company Talleres Mil Usos, looking at differe...

  6. Análise da fluoretação da água de abastecimento público da zona urbana do município de Campo Grande (MS)


    Bellé,Bruno Luiz Lessa; Lacerda,Valéria Rodrigues de; Carli,Alessandro Diogo De; Zafalon,Edílson José; Pereira,Paulo Zárate


    O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a concentração de fluoreto na água que flui das torneiras da zona urbana do município de Campo Grande (MS). Para tanto, foram coletadas amostras de água de 21 escolas situadas nos sete subdistritos da cidade, em três oportunidades diferentes para análise do teor de fluoreto, determinada pelo método do eletrodo específico (medidor de fluoreto combinado Orion 9609 BN, acoplado a um potenciômetro digital EA-940 da Orion). Os resultados mostraram que 6...

  7. Nuclear power and nuclear safety 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lauritzen, B.; Oelgaard, P.L.; Kampmann, D.; Majborn, B.; Nonboel, E.; Nystrup, P.E.


    The report is the fourth report in a series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power production, with special emphasis on safety issues and nuclear emergency preparedness. The report is written in collaboration between Risoe National Laboratory and the Danish Emergency Management Agency. The report for 2006 covers the following topics: status of nuclear power production, regional trends, reactor development and development of emergency management systems, safety related events of nuclear power, and international relations and conflicts. (LN)

  8. Nuclear power and nuclear safety 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report is the second report in a new series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power production, with special emphasis on safety issues and nuclear emergency preparedness. The report is written in collaboration between Risoe National Laboratory and the Danish Emergency Management Agency. The report for 2004 covers the following topics: status of nuclear power production, regional trends, reactor development and development of emergency management systems, safety related events of nuclear power and international relations and conflicts. (ln)

  9. Nuclear power and nuclear safety 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lauritzen, B.; Oelgaard, P.L.; Kampman, D.; Majborn, B.; Nonboel, E.; Nystrup, P.E.


    The report is the third report in a series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power production, with special emphasis on safety issues and nuclear emergency preparedness. The report is written in collaboration between Risoe National Laboratory and the Danish Emergency Management Agency. The report for 2005 covers the following topics: status of nuclear power production, regional trends, reactor development and development of emergency management systems, safety related events of nuclear power and international relations and conflicts. (ln)

  10. Position paper on nuclear proliferation issues preventing nuclear proliferation. A duty for the nuclear community

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goldschmidt, Pierre; Bonin, Bernard [ENS High Scientific Council, Brussels (Belgium)


    The production of electricity from nuclear power plants is widely seen today as having an increasing role to play in meeting global energy requirements in a sustainable manner. Conscious of the inherently sensitive nature of nuclear technology and materials the ENS-HSC (European Nuclear Society - High Scientific Council) is well aware that a severe safety, security, environmental or proliferation mishap stemming from nuclear energy anywhere in the world would undermine the potential for nuclear energy to contribute to the global energy supply and the minimization of harmful carbon emissions. While the safety of nuclear power plants has continuously improved over the last three decades, the same degree of success cannot be claimed when it comes to the achievements of the international community in stemming the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation. This unfortunate situation is due to both technical and political reasons. The European nuclear industry is committed to the exclusively peaceful use of nuclear energy and to export nuclear facilities and related materials, equipment and technology solely in accordance with relevant national export laws and regulations, Nuclear Suppliers Group guidelines and pertinent United Nations Security Council Resolutions. The ENS-HSC considers that, as a manifestation of their strong commitment to nonproliferation, it is important for the nuclear industry to pay special attention to and promote proliferation-resistant designs and to take IAEA safeguards requirements into account at the design stage. Preventing nuclear proliferation is primarily the responsibility of states but, as major stakeholders, the nuclear industry and scientific community should actively support nuclear disarmament as foreseen in the Non-Proliferation Treaty and measures necessary to strengthen the non-proliferation regime, particularly the international control of the flux of nuclear material and technology. (orig.)

  11. Position paper on nuclear proliferation issues preventing nuclear proliferation. A duty for the nuclear community

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldschmidt, Pierre; Bonin, Bernard


    The production of electricity from nuclear power plants is widely seen today as having an increasing role to play in meeting global energy requirements in a sustainable manner. Conscious of the inherently sensitive nature of nuclear technology and materials the ENS-HSC (European Nuclear Society - High Scientific Council) is well aware that a severe safety, security, environmental or proliferation mishap stemming from nuclear energy anywhere in the world would undermine the potential for nuclear energy to contribute to the global energy supply and the minimization of harmful carbon emissions. While the safety of nuclear power plants has continuously improved over the last three decades, the same degree of success cannot be claimed when it comes to the achievements of the international community in stemming the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation. This unfortunate situation is due to both technical and political reasons. The European nuclear industry is committed to the exclusively peaceful use of nuclear energy and to export nuclear facilities and related materials, equipment and technology solely in accordance with relevant national export laws and regulations, Nuclear Suppliers Group guidelines and pertinent United Nations Security Council Resolutions. The ENS-HSC considers that, as a manifestation of their strong commitment to nonproliferation, it is important for the nuclear industry to pay special attention to and promote proliferation-resistant designs and to take IAEA safeguards requirements into account at the design stage. Preventing nuclear proliferation is primarily the responsibility of states but, as major stakeholders, the nuclear industry and scientific community should actively support nuclear disarmament as foreseen in the Non-Proliferation Treaty and measures necessary to strengthen the non-proliferation regime, particularly the international control of the flux of nuclear material and technology. (orig.)

  12. Nuclear moments

    CERN Document Server

    Kopferman, H; Massey, H S W


    Nuclear Moments focuses on the processes, methodologies, reactions, and transformations of molecules and atoms, including magnetic resonance and nuclear moments. The book first offers information on nuclear moments in free atoms and molecules, including theoretical foundations of hyperfine structure, isotope shift, spectra of diatomic molecules, and vector model of molecules. The manuscript then takes a look at nuclear moments in liquids and crystals. Discussions focus on nuclear paramagnetic and magnetic resonance and nuclear quadrupole resonance. The text discusses nuclear moments and nucl

  13. The applications of nuclear techniques in nuclear medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Huiyang


    There are a great deal of advanced techniques in nuclear medicine imaging, because many recent achivements of nuclear techniques have been applied to medicine in recent years. This paper presents the effects of nuclear techniques in development of nuclear medicine imaging. The first part describes radiopharmaceuticals and nuclear medicine imaging including commonly used 99m Tc labeled agents and cyclotron produced radionuclides for organ imaging. The second part describes nuclear medicine instrucments, including PECT, SPECT, MRI ect.; and discussions on the advantages, disadvantages and present status

  14. Nuclear energy and nuclear technology in Switzerland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graf, P.


    The energy crisis, high fuel costs and slow progress in the development of alternative energy sources, e.g. solar energy have given further impetus to nuclear power generation. The Swiss nuclear energy programme is discussed and details are given of nuclear station in operation, under construction, in the project stage and of Swiss participation in foreign nuclear stations. Reference is made to the difficulties, delays and resulting cost increases caused by local and regional opposition to nuclear power stations. The significant contributions made by Swiss industry and Swiss consulting engineers are discussed. (P.G.R.)

  15. Nuclear power and the nuclear fuel cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scurr, I.F.; Silver, J.M.


    Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization maintains an ongoing assessment of the world's nuclear technology developments, as a core activity of its Strategic Plan. This publication reviews the current status of the nuclear power and the nuclear fuel cycle in Australia and around the world. Main issues discussed include: performances and economics of various types of nuclear reactors, uranium resources and requirements, fuel fabrication and technology, radioactive waste management. A brief account of the large international effort to demonstrate the feasibility of fusion power is also given. 11 tabs., ills

  16. Nuclear winter or nuclear fall? (United States)

    Berger, André

    Climate is universal. If a major modern nuclear war (i.e., with a large number of small-yield weapons) were to happen, it is not even necessary to have a specific part of the world directly involved for there to be cause to worry about the consequences for its inhabitants and their future. Indeed, smoke from fires ignited by the nuclear explosions would be transported by winds all over the world, causing dark and cold. According to the first study, by Turco et al. [1983], air surface temperature over continental areas of the northern mid-latitudes (assumed to be the nuclear war theatre) would fall to winter levels even in summer (hence the term “nuclear winter”) and induce drastic climatic conditions for several months at least. The devastating effects of a nuclear war would thus last much longer than was assumed initially. Discussing to what extent these estimations of long-term impacts on climate are reliable is the purpose of this article.

  17. Asia nuclear-test-ban network for nuclear non-proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinohara, Nobuo; Kokaji, Lisa; Ichimasa, Sukeyuki


    In Global Center of Excellence Program of The University of Tokyo, Non- Proliferation Study Committee by the members of nuclear industries, electricity utilities, nuclear energy institutes and universities has initiated on October 2008 from the viewpoints of investigating a package of measures for nuclear non-proliferation and bringing up young people who will support the near-future nuclear energy system. One of the non-proliferation issues in the Committee is the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). Objective of this treaty is to cease all nuclear weapon test explosions and all other nuclear explosion. This purpose should be contributed effectively to the political stability of the Asian region by continuous efforts to eliminate the nuclear weapons. In the Committee, by extracting several issues related to the CTBT, conception of 'Asia nuclear-test-ban network for nuclear non-proliferation' has been discussed with the aim of the nuclear-weapon security in Asian region, where environmental nuclear-test monitoring data is mainly treated and utilized. In this paper, the conception of the 'network' is presented in detail. (author)

  18. Satisfacción de las necesidades básicas en la población inmigrante femenina Marroquí en Arteixo Satisfação das necessidades básicas na populaçao imigrante feminina marroquina em Arteixo Fulfillment of basic needs of the moroccan female immigrant population in Arteixo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amalia Conceiro Rúa


    Full Text Available Aunque hace unos años la población inmigrante marroquí era en su mayor parte masculina, cada día aumenta el número de mujeres, colectivo del que se ocupa este trabajo. Conocer cómo afecta la emigración en la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas de Virginia Henderson, qué transformaciones y adaptaciones se tienen que realizar para satisfacerlas y qué reinterpretaciones y estrategias se ponen en marcha para minimizar el impacto del choque cultural. Durante un año 2004-2005 hemos realizado una investigación cualitativa mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas a 20 mujeres musulmanas inmigrantes en un municipio de Galicia (España. En la persona musulmana, toda su vida está regulada por la religión, por lo que las necesidades afectadas están estrechamente relacionadas con la necesidad de actuar según valores y creencias. Por ello, la valoración de dicha necesidad aporta datos fundamentales para orientar las actividades dirigidas a mantener y recuperar la salud.Embora a população imigrante marroquina seja eminentemente masculina, atualmente é cada dia maior o número de mulheres. E é neste coletivo que se concentra este estudo, cujos objetivos são: saber como a emigração afeta a satisfação das Necessidades Básicas de Virginia Henderson, que transformações e adaptações tem que se realizar para satisfazê-las, e que reinterpretações e estratégias são postas em prática para minimizar o impacto do choque cultural. Para isso se fez uma investigação qualitativa mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas durante o período de 2004 - 2005, que nos mostra que, na pessoa muçulmana, toda a sua vida está dirigida pela religião, pelo que as necessidades afetadas estão estritamente relacionadas com a necessidade de atuar segundo os valores e crenças. Por isso, a valorização de tal necessidade aponta dados fundamentais para orientar as atividades dirigidas a manter e recuperar a saúde.Although some years ago the

  19. Strategy of nuclear power in Korea, non-nuclear-weapon state and peaceful use of nuclear power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagasaki, Takao


    The nuclear power plant started at Kori in Korea in April, 1978. Korea has carried out development of nuclear power as a national policy. The present capacity of nuclear power plants takes the sixes place in the world. It supplies 42% total power generation. The present state of nuclear power plant, nuclear fuel cycle facility, strategy of domestic production of nuclear power generation, development of next generation reactor and SMART, strategy of export in corporation with industry, government and research organization, export of nuclear power generation in Japan, nuclear power improvement project with Japan, Korea and Asia, development of nuclear power system with nuclear diffusion resistance, Hybrid Power Extraction Reactor System, radioactive waste management and construction of joint management and treatment system of spent fuel in Asia are stated. (S.Y.)

  20. Nuclear power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abd Khalik Wood


    This chapter discussed the following topics related to the nuclear power: nuclear reactions, nuclear reactors and its components - reactor fuel, fuel assembly, moderator, control system, coolants. The topics titled nuclear fuel cycle following subtopics are covered: , mining and milling, tailings, enrichment, fuel fabrication, reactor operations, radioactive waste and fuel reprocessing. Special topic on types of nuclear reactor highlighted the reactors for research, training, production, material testing and quite detail on reactors for electricity generation. Other related topics are also discussed: sustainability of nuclear power, renewable nuclear fuel, human capital, environmental friendly, emission free, impacts on global warming and air pollution, conservation and preservation, and future prospect of nuclear power

  1. Nuclear power and the nuclear fuel cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hardy, C.J.; Silver, J.M.


    The report provides data and assessments of the status and prospects of nuclear power and the nuclear fuel cycle. The report discusses the economic competitiveness of nuclear electricity generation, the extent of world uranium resources, production and requirements, uranium conversion and enrichment, fuel fabrication, spent fuel treatment and radioactive waste management. A review is given of the status of nuclear fusion research

  2. Necessidade, objetividade e o paradoxo metafísico do conhecimento científico Necessity, objectivity, and the metaphysical paradox of scientific knowledge

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Ricardo de C. M. Ayres


    Full Text Available A racionalidade científica moderna, buscando superar a fundamentação metafísica do conhecimento objetivo, toma a experiência do fato particular como a atualização de leis dadas a priori na mente humana ou na natureza, constituindo, paradoxalmente, uma nova e 'intransparente' metafísica. Entre as críticas contemporâneas a esta forma de pensar e fazer ciência, delineia-se uma compreensão construtivista, segundo a qual o fato particular e seu conhecimento objetivo resultam de relações circunstanciais entre o homem e seu mundo. Revisitando alguns dos principais fundadores da ciência ocidental, como Aristóteles, Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz, Kant, Newton e Stuart Mill, este ensaio hermenêutico procura explorar a participação do metaconceito de 'necessidade' nessa dialética do conhecimento, interpretando, em termos epistemológicos, seu papel na construção e hipóstase da racionalidade científica moderna.Modern scientific rationality, seeking to move beyond the metaphysical foundations of objective knowledge, takes the experience of a particular fact to be the actual expression of prior laws of the human mind or of nature, thereby paradoxically constituting a new, 'invisible' metaphysics. Among contemporary critiques of this way of 'thinking and doing science', a constructivist understanding is gaining outline; according to this conception, a particular fact and objective knowledge thereof derive from circumstantial relations between human beings and their world. Revisiting some of the main founders of Western science, such as Aristotle, Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz, Kant, Newton, and Stuart Mill, this hermeneutic essay explores the participation of the meta-concept of 'necessity' within this dialectic of knowledge and, in epistemological terms, interprets its role in the construction and hypostatization of modern scientific rationality.

  3. Building world-wide nuclear industry success stories - Safe management of nuclear waste and used nuclear fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saint-Pierre, S.


    Full text: This WNA Position Statement summarizes the worldwide nuclear industry's record, progress and plans in safely managing nuclear waste and used nuclear fuel. The global industry's safe waste management practices cover the entire nuclear fuel-cycle, from the mining of uranium to the long-term disposal of end products from nuclear power reactors. The Statement's aim is to provide, in clear and accurate terms, the nuclear industry's 'story' on a crucially important subject often clouded by misinformation. Inevitably, each country and each company employs a management strategy appropriate to a specific national and technical context. This Position Statement reflects a confident industry consensus that a common dedication to sound practices throughout the nuclear industry worldwide is continuing to enhance an already robust global record of safe management of nuclear waste and used nuclear fuel. This text focuses solely on modern civil programmes of nuclear-electricity generation. It does not deal with the substantial quantities of waste from military or early civil nuclear programmes. These wastes fall into the category of 'legacy activities' and are generally accepted as a responsibility of national governments. The clean-up of wastes resulting from 'legacy activities' should not be confused with the limited volume of end products that are routinely produced and safely managed by today's nuclear energy industry. On the significant subject of 'Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities', which is integral to modern civil nuclear power programmes, the WNA will offer a separate Position Statement covering the industry's safe management of nuclear waste in this context. The safe management of nuclear waste and used nuclear fuel is a widespread, well-demonstrated reality. This strong safety record reflects a high degree of nuclear industry expertise and of industry responsibility toward the well-being of current and future generations. Accumulating experience and

  4. Development of nuclear energy and nuclear policy in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    You Deliang


    Status of nuclear power development in China, nuclear policy and nuclear power programme are described. Issues regarding nuclear fuel cycle system, radioactive waste management and international cooperation in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy are discussed

  5. The Nuclear Review: the Institution of Nuclear Engineers' response to the Review of Nuclear Power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The United Kingdom Government's Nuclear Review currently underway, addresses whether and in what form nuclear power should continue to be part of the country's power generation capability. This article sets out the response of the Institution of Nuclear Engineers to the Nuclear Review. This pro-nuclear group emphasises the benefits to be gained from diversity of generation in the energy supply industry. The environmentally benign nature of nuclear power is emphasised, in terms of gaseous emissions. The industry's excellent safety record also argues in favour of nuclear power. Finally, as power demand increases globally, a health U.K. nuclear industry could generate British wealth through power exports and via the construction industry. The Institution's view on radioactive waste management is also set out. (UK)

  6. Theoretical studies in nuclear reactions and nuclear structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Research in the Maryland Nuclear Theory Group focusses on problems in four basic areas of current relevance. Hadrons in nuclear matter; the structure of hadrons; relativistic nuclear physics and heavy ion dynamics and related processes. The section on hadrons in nuclear matter groups together research items which are aimed at exploring ways in which the properties of nucleons and the mesons which play a role in the nuclear force are modified in the nuclear medium. A very interesting result has been the finding that QCD sum rules supply a new insight into the decrease of the nucleon's mass in the nuclear medium. The quark condensate, which characterizes spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking of the late QCD vacuum, decreases in nuclear matter and this is responsible for the decrease of the nucleon's mass. The section on the structure of hadrons contains progress reports on our research aimed at understanding the structure of the nucleon. Widely different approaches are being studied, e.g., lattice gauge calculations, QCD sum rules, quark-meson models with confinement and other hedgehog models. A major goal of this type of research is to develop appropriate links between nuclear physics and QCD. The section on relativistic nuclear physics represents our continuing interest in developing an appropriate relativistic framework for nuclear dynamics. A Lorentz-invariant description of the nuclear force suggests a similar decrease of the nucleon's mass in the nuclear medium as has been found from QCD sum rules. Work in progress extends previous successes in elastic scattering to inelastic scattering of protons by nuclei. The section on heavy ion dynamics and related processes reports on research into the e + e - problem and heavy ion dynamics

  7. Nuclear data services of the Nuclear Data Centers Network available at the National Nuclear Data Center

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLane, V.


    The Nuclear Data Centers Network provides low and medium energy nuclear reaction data to users around the world. Online retrievals are available through the U.S. National Nuclear Data Center, the Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank, and the IAEA Nuclear Data Section from these extensive bibliographic, experimental data, and evaluated data files. In addition to nuclear reaction data, the various databases also provide nuclear structure and decay data, and other information of interest to users. The WorldWideWeb sites at the National Nuclear Data Center and the NEA Data Bank provide access to some of the Centers' files. (orig.)

  8. Control of Nuclear Materials and Special Equipment (Nuclear Safety Regulations)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cizmek, A.; Prah, M.; Medakovic, S.; Ilijas, B.


    Based on Nuclear Safety Act (OG 173/03) the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) in 2008 adopted beside Ordinance on performing nuclear activities (OG 74/06) and Ordinance on special conditions for individual activities to be performed by expert organizations which perform activities in the area of nuclear safety (OG 74/06) the new Ordinance on the control of nuclear material and special equipment (OG 15/08). Ordinance on the control of nuclear material and special equipment lays down the list of nuclear materials and special equipment as well as of nuclear activities covered by the system of control of production of special equipment and non-nuclear material, the procedure for notifying the intention to and filing the application for a license to carry out nuclear activities, and the format and contents of the forms for doing so. This Ordinance also lays down the manner in which nuclear material records have to be kept, the procedure for notifying the State administration organization (regulatory body) responsible for nuclear safety by the nuclear material user, and the keeping of registers of nuclear activities, nuclear material and special equipment by the State administration organization (regulatory body) responsible for nuclear safety, as well as the form and content of official nuclear safety inspector identification card and badge.(author)

  9. Leading twist nuclear shadowing, nuclear generalized parton distributions and nuclear DVCS at small x

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guzey, Vadim; Goeke, Klaus; Siddikov, Marat


    We generalize the leading twist theory of nuclear shadowing and calculate quark and gluon generalized parton distributions (GPDs) of spinless nuclei. We predict very large nuclear shadowing for nuclear GPDs. In the limit of the purely transverse momentum transfer, our nuclear GPDs become impact parameter dependent nuclear parton distributions (PDFs). Nuclear shadowing induces non-trivial correlations between the impact parameter $b$ and the light-cone fraction $x$. We make predictions for the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) amplitude and the DVCS cross section on $^{208}$Pb at high energies. We calculate the cross section of the Bethe-Heitler (BH) process and address the issue of the extraction of the DVCS signal from the $e A \\to e \\gamma A$ cross section. We find that the $e A \\to e \\gamma A$ differential cross section is dominated by DVCS at the momentum transfer $t$ near the minima of the nuclear form factor. We also find that nuclear shadowing leads

  10. Nuclear forensics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venugopal, V.


    Nuclear forensics is the analysis of nuclear materials recovered from either the capture of unused materials, or from the radioactive debris following a nuclear explosion and can contribute significantly to the identification of the sources of the materials and the industrial processes used to obtain them. In the case of an explosion, nuclear forensics can also reconstruct key features of the nuclear device. Nuclear forensic analysis works best in conjunction with other law enforcement, radiological protection dosimetry, traditional forensics, and intelligence work to provide the basis for attributing the materials and/or nuclear device to its originators. Nuclear forensics is a piece of the overall attribution process, not a stand-alone activity

  11. The role of nuclear law in nuclear safety after Fukushima

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cardozo, Diva E. Puig


    The paper contains the following topics: nuclear law, origin and evolution, role of the legal instruments on nuclear safety, nuclear safety the impact of major nuclear accidents: Chernobyl and Fukushima. The response of the nuclear law post Fukushima. Safety and security. International framework for nuclear safety: nuclear convention joint convention on safety on spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management. The Fukushima World Conference on Nuclear Safety. Convention on Prompt Notification and Assistance in case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. Plan of Action for Nuclear Safety. IAEA recommendations for the safety transport of radioactive material. International framework for nuclear security. Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials. International Convention for the Suppression of Acts Against Nuclear Terrorism. Resolution No. 1540 of the Security Council of United Nations (2004). Measures to strengthen international safety. Code of conduct on the safety research reactor

  12. Monitoring nitrogen nutrition in cotton Monitoramento da nutrição nitrogenada do algodoeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ciro Antonio Rosolem


    Full Text Available Both N excess and deficiency may affect cotton yield and quality. It would therefore be useful to base the N management fertilization on the monitoring of the nutritional status. This study investigated the correlations among the following determination methods of the N nutritional status of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., var. Latifolia: chlorophyll readings (SPAD-502®, Minolta, specific-ion nitrate meter (Nitrate Meter C-141, Horiba-Cardy®, and laboratory analysis (conventional foliar diagnosis. Samples were taken weekly from two weeks before flowering to the fifth week after the first flower. The experiment was conducted on the Fazenda Santa Tereza, Itapeva, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The crop was fertilized with 40 kg ha-1 N at planting and 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 kg ha-1 of side-dressed N. The range of leaf N contents reported as adequate for samples taken 80-90 days after plant emergence (traditional foliar diagnosis may be used as reference from the beginning of flowering when the plant is not stressed. Specific-ion nitrate meter readings can be used as a nutritional indicator of cotton nutrition from one week after pinhead until the third week of flowering. In this case, plants are well-nourished when readings exceed 8,000 mg L-1 NO3-. The chlorophyll meter can also be used to estimate the nutritional status of cotton from the third week of flowering. In this case the readings should be above 48 in well-nourished plants.Tanto o excesso como a deficiência de N podem levar a decréscimos na produção e qualidade do algodão. Assim, o monitoramento do estado nutricional da planta pode ajudar no manejo da adubação nitrogenada. Um experimento foi realizado para estudar as correlações entre métodos de determinação do estado nutricional do algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L., var. Latifolia. Os métodos usados foram um medidor de clorofila (SPAD-502®, Minolta, um medidor específico de ions para nitrato (Nitrate Meter C-141, Horiba

  13. Nuclear power. Volume 1. Nuclear power plant design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedersen, E.S.


    NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DESIGN is intended to be used as a working reference book for management, engineers and designers, and as a graduate-level text for engineering students. The book is designed to combine theory with practical nuclear power engineering and design experience, and to give the reader an up-to-date view of the status of nuclear power and a basic understanding of how nuclear power plants function. Volume 1 contains the following chapters; (1) nuclear reactor theory; (2) nuclear reactor design; (3) types of nuclear power plants; (4) licensing requirements; (5) shielding and personnel exposure; (6) containment and structural design; (7) main steam and turbine cycles; (8) plant electrical system; (9) plant instrumentation and control systems; (10) radioactive waste disposal (waste management) and (11) conclusion

  14. Emerging nuclear energy systems and nuclear weapon proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gsponer, A.; Sahin, S.; Jasani, B.


    Generally when considering problems of proliferation of nuclear weapons, discussions are focused on horizontal proliferation. However, the emerging nuclear energy systems currently have an impact mainly on vertical proliferation. The paper indicates that technologies connected with emerging nuclear energy systems, such as fusion reactors and accelerators, enhance the knowledge of thermonuclear weapon physics and will enable production of military useful nuclear materials (including some rare elements). At present such technologies are enhancing the arsenal of the nuclear weapon states. But one should not forget the future implications for horizontal proliferation of nuclear weapons as some of the techniques will in the near future be within the technological and economic capabilities of non-nuclear weapon states. Some of these systems are not under any international control. (orig.) [de

  15. Securing Chinese nuclear power development: further strengthening nuclear security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Hui


    Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses China's new concept of nuclear security with four 'equal emphasis' at the third Nuclear Security Summit, and makes four commitments to strengthen nuclear security in the future. To convert President Xi's political commitments into practical, sustainable reality, China should take further steps to install a complete, reliable, and effective security system to ensure that all its nuclear materials and nuclear facilities are effectively protected against the full spectrum of plausible terrorist and criminal threats. This paper suggests the following measures be taken to improve China's existing nuclear security system, including updating and clarifying the requirements for a national level DBT; updating and enforcing existing regulations; further promoting nuclear security culture; balancing the costs of nuclear security, and further strengthening international cooperation on nuclear security. (author)

  16. Model Action Plan for Nuclear Forensics and Nuclear Attribution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dudder, G B; Niemeyer, S; Smith, D K; Kristo, M J


    Nuclear forensics and nuclear attribution have become increasingly important tools in the fight against illegal trafficking in nuclear and radiological materials. This technical report documents the field of nuclear forensics and nuclear attribution in a comprehensive manner, summarizing tools and procedures that have heretofore been described independently in the scientific literature. This report also provides national policy-makers, decision-makers, and technical managers with guidance for responding to incidents involving the interdiction of nuclear and radiological materials. However, due to the significant capital costs of the equipment and the specialized expertise of the personnel, work in the field of nuclear forensics has been restricted so far to a handful of national and international laboratories. In fact, there are a limited number of specialists who have experience working with interdicted nuclear materials and affiliated evidence. Most of the laboratories that have the requisite equipment, personnel, and experience to perform nuclear forensic analysis are participants in the Nuclear Smuggling International Technical Working Group or ITWG (see Section 1.8). Consequently, there is a need to disseminate information on an appropriate response to incidents of nuclear smuggling, including a comprehensive approach to gathering evidence that meets appropriate legal standards and to developing insights into the source and routes of nuclear and radiological contraband. Appendix A presents a ''Menu of Options'' for other Member States to request assistance from the ITWG Nuclear Forensics Laboratories (INFL) on nuclear forensic cases

  17. Theoretical studies in nuclear reactions and nuclear structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Research in the Maryland Nuclear Theory Group focusses on problems in four basic areas of current relevance. Hadrons in nuclear matter; the structure of hadrons; relativistic nuclear physics and heavy ion dynamics and related processes. The section on hadrons in nuclear matter groups together research items which are aimed at exploring ways in which the properties of nucleons and the mesons which play a role in the nuclear force are modified in the nuclear medium. A very interesting result has been the finding that QCD sum rules supply a new insight into the decrease of the nucleon's mass in the nuclear medium. The quark condensate, which characterizes spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking of the late QCD vacuum, decreases in nuclear matter and this is responsible for the decrease of the nucleon's mass. The section on the structure of hadrons contains progress reports on our research aimed at understanding the structure of the nucleon. Widely different approaches are being studied, e.g., lattice gauge calculations, QCD sum rules, quark-meson models with confinement and other hedgehog models. A major goal of this type of research is to develop appropriate links between nuclear physics and QCD. The section on relativistic nuclear physics represents our continuing interest in developing an appropriate relativistic framework for nuclear dynamics. A Lorentz-invariant description of the nuclear force suggests a similar decrease of the nucleon's mass in the nuclear medium as has been found from QCD sum rules. Work in progress extends previous successes in elastic scattering to inelastic scattering of protons by nuclei. The section on heavy ion dynamics and related processes reports on research into the e{sup +}e{sup {minus}} problem and heavy ion dynamics.

  18. The Romanian nuclear regulatory body as a nuclear communicator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cluculescu, Cristina


    A comprehensive nuclear law environment could be a relevant tool to promote greater confidence in the nuclear energy. Romania has had laws in place governing the regulation of nuclear activities since 1974, which remained in force throughout and subsequent to the national constitutional changes. Up to December 1996, the CNCAN activities were based on Law No. 61/1974 for the development of the nuclear activities in Romania and Law No. 61982 on the quality assurance of the nuclear facilities and nuclear power plants. The Nuclear Safety legislation has been enacted in November 1974 (Law No. 61/1974) and it followed as closely as possible (for that time) the US Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended subsequently. The Romanian nuclear regulatory body, called National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) is a governmental organization responsible for the development of the regulatory framework, the control of its implementation and for the licensing of nuclear facilities. An important issue of CNCAN is to provide the correct and reasoning information to the public. The most important topics focused on nuclear activities for the interest of mass media in Romania are: Radioactive waste management; The cost and benefit of nuclear energy compared by conventional energy; The conditions for transportation of radioactive materials; The consequences of a suppositional nuclear accidents; The safety in operation for nuclear installations. The information provided to press and public by regulatory body is clearly and well structured. The target is to clearly explain to mass media and the public should understand very well the difference between the meaning of a nuclear accident, nuclear incident or nuclear event. CNCAN monitories and surveys the operation in safe conditions the nuclear facilities and plants, the protection against nuclear radiation of the professionally exposed personnel, of the population, of the environment and the material goods. It is also

  19. [Nuclear theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haxton, W.


    This report discusses research in nuclear physics. Topics covered in this paper are: symmetry principles; nuclear astrophysics; nuclear structure; quark-gluon plasma; quantum chromodynamics; symmetry breaking; nuclear deformation; and cold fusion

  20. China's nuclear safety regulatory body: The national nuclear safety administration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Shiguan


    The establishment of an independent nuclear safety regulatory body is necessary for ensuring the safety of nuclear installations and nuclear fuel. Therefore the National Nuclear Safety Administration was established by the state. The aim, purpose, organization structure and main tasks of the Administration are presented. At the same time the practical examples, such as nuclear safety regulation on the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, safety review and inspections for the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant during the construction, and nuclear material accounting and management system in the nuclear fuel fabrication plant in China, are given in order to demonstrate the important roles having been played on nuclear safety by the Administration after its founding

  1. Nuclear Deterrence in a New Nuclear Era

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miraillet, Michel


    Within an unstable international environment and an unpredictable future, nuclear weapons will continue to play a major role in defense policies. Indeed, since disarmament currently seems an unlikely objective, nuclear weapons remain as a security guarantee. Within this context, talk of the global abolition of nuclear weapons remains essentially rhetorical and the supposed link between disarmament and non-proliferation is a tenuous one. The foremost purpose of both disarmament and nuclear deterrence must be security

  2. Nuclear links

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The subject is dealt with in sections: introduction; energy and the third world; world energy consumption 1978; oil -the energy dilemma; nuclear chains - introduction; uranium; Namibia; enrichment and reprocessing; countries with enrichment and reprocessing facilities; waste; conclusion; why take the nuclear option; third world countries with nuclear reactors; the arms connection; government spending and human resources 1977 (by countries); nuclear power - the final solution; the fascists; world bank; campaigns; community action in Plogoff; Australian labour movement; NUM against nuclear power; Scottish campaign; students against nuclear energy; anti-nuclear campaign; partizans; 3W1 disarmament and development; campaign ATOM; CANUC; 3W1; SANE. (U.K.)

  3. Theoretical studies in nuclear reactions and nuclear structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallace, S.J.


    This report discusses topics in the following areas: Hadronic structure; hadrons in nuclei; hot hadronic matter; relativistic nuclear physics and NN interaction; leptonic emissions from high-Z heavy ion collisions; theoretical studies of heavy ion dynamics; nuclear pre-equilibrium reactions; classical chaotic dynamics and nuclear structure; and, theory of nuclear fission

  4. Nuclear-fuel-cycle education: Module 1. Nuclear fuel cycle overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eckhoff, N.D.


    This educational module is an overview of the nuclear-fule-cycle. The overview covers nuclear energy resources, the present and future US nuclear industry, the industry view of nuclear power, the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation program, the Union of Concerned Scientists view of the nuclear-fuel-cycle, an analysis of this viewpoint, resource requirements for a model light water reactor, and world nuclear power considerations

  5. Nuclear Forensics' role in analyzing nuclear trafficking activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hrnecek, E.; Mayer, K.; Schubert, A.; Wallenius, M.


    Nuclear forensics aims at identifying origin and intended use of nuclear material using information inherent to the nuclear material.The information gathered in nuclear forensics include isotopic composition, elemental composition, impurities and age of the material, macroscopic appearance and microstructure. The information so collected helps to solve criminal cases and put the individuals involved in nuclear trafficking in jails. The information also helps to improve safeguards and physical protection measures at place of theft or diversion to prevent future thefts or diversions.

  6. Radionuclides for nuclear medicine: a nuclear physicists' view

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cantone, M.; Haddad, F.; Harissopoulos, S.


    NuPECC (the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee, an expert committee of the European Science Foundation) has the mission to strengthen European Collaboration in nuclear science through the promotion of nuclear physics and its trans-disciplinary use and application. NuPECC is currently...... working on a report on “Nuclear Physics for Medicine” and has set up a working group to review the present status and prospects of radionuclides for nuclear medicine. An interim report will be presented to seek comments and constructive input from EANM members. In particular it is investigated how nuclear...... physics Methods and nuclear physics facilities are supporting the development and supply of medical radionuclides and how this support could be further strengthened in future. Aspects that will be addressed: •In recent years, the reactor-based supply chain of 99Mo/99mTc generators was repeatedly...

  7. Dare nuclear energy with the Australian Nuclear Association

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Australian authorities have been traditionally opposed to nuclear energy. The interdiction to build nuclear power plants in the Australian states without the approval of the federal authority was even officially written in the environment code in 1999. Today coal provides 75% of the electricity needs of Australia. Because of climate warming, things are changing, the Australian government is now considering the possibility of using nuclear energy and a site located in southern Australian has been selected for the disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive wastes. In this context the Australian Nuclear Association (ANA) is developing an ambitious program for the promotion of all the applications of nuclear energy through the organisation of conferences and meetings with various experts of nuclear industry. The aim is to make the public aware of the assets of nuclear energy. (A.C.)

  8. Uma Proposta de Atendimento às necessidades de informação dos usuários da biblioteca escolar por meio do benchmarking e do sensemaking Una propuesta de asistencia a las necesidades de información de los usuarios de la biblioteca escolar por medio del benchmarking y del sensemaking

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lizandra Brasil Estabel


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de discussão a respeito da qualidade nos serviços de infor­mação, a construção do conhecimento focada no usuário e considerações acerca da utilização da comparação de informações na busca por excelência. Aborda os processos de busca, tratamento, utilização e comparação de informações para a verificação da qualidade dos serviços prestados aos usuários das bibliotecas, enfocando a aplicação de benchmarking e do sensemaking para qualificar os serviços das bibliotecas e atender aos usuários nas suas necessidades de busca da informação. Caracteriza-se como uma contribuição aos bibliotecários, possibilitando uma reflexão a respeito da necessidade de novas atitudes, que incluam a interação com os usuários na verifi­cação do processo de busca de informação no espaço da biblioteca, na interpretação do sentido, na construção do conhecimento e na tomada de decisão a fim de tornar os serviços de informação qualificados e acessíveis para todos.

  9. Nuclear forensics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karadeniz, O.; Guenalp, G.


    This review discusses the methodology of nuclear forensics and illicit trafficking of nuclear materials. Nuclear forensics is relatively new scientific branch whose aim it is to read out material inherent from nuclear material. Nuclear forensics investigations have to be considered as part of a comprehensive set of measures for detection,interception, categorization and characterization of illicitly trafficking nuclear material. Prevention, detection and response are the main elements in combating illicit trafficking. Forensics is a key element in the response process. Forensic science is defined as the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system. Besides, in this study we will explain age determination of nuclear materials.

  10. Nuclear power. Volume 2. Nuclear power project management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedersen, E.S.


    NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DESIGN is intended to be used as a working reference book for management, engineers and designers, and as a graduate-level text for engineering students. The book is designed to combine theory with practical nuclear power engineering and design experience, and to give the reader an up-to-date view of the status of nuclear power and a basic understanding of how nuclear power plants function. Volume 2 contains the following chapters: (1) review of nuclear power plants; (2) licensing procedures; (3) safety analysis; (4) project professional services; (5) quality assurance and project organization; (6) construction, scheduling, and operation; (7) nuclear fuel handling and fuel management; (8) plant cost management; and (9) conclusion

  11. Nuclear disarmament and the elimination of nuclear dangers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daerr, Hans-Joachim


    ... today's threats to security and stability have become less predictable and require at the same time a joint response. They illustrate the need for a new international order organized around shared values, common norms of behaviour and the rule of law. Disarmament, arms control, and non-proliferation are indispensable elements of this cooperative international order... We have to make sure that the functions that are today attributed to nuclear weapons become dispensable ... Nuclear disarmament is the counterpart of the renunciation of nuclear weapons by non-nuclear-weapons states. This bargain must not be undermined ... The NPT is no licence to perpetuate the status of the nuclear 'haves' versus the nuclear 'have nots.' (author)

  12. Nuclear material control systems for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Paragraph 70.51(c) of 10 CFR Part 70 requires each licensee who is authorized to possess at any one time special nuclear material in a quantity exceeding one effective kilogram to establish, maintain, and follow written material control and accounting procedures that are sufficient to enable the licensee to account for the special nuclear material in his possession under license. While other paragraphs and sections of Part 70 provide specific requirements for nuclear material control systems for fuel cycle plants, such detailed requirements are not included for nuclear power reactors. This guide identifies elements acceptable to the NRC staff for a nuclear material control system for nuclear power reactors. (U.S.)

  13. Nuclear knowledge, trust and public acceptance of nuclear developments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berdahl, A.L.; Bell, B.S.; Bourassa, C.M.; Fried, D.J., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK (Canada)


    While nuclear sector activities remain contentious public issues, studies suggest that knowledge levels and trust in nuclear actors can influence public attitudes. Drawing on original data from a 2013 representative telephone survey of Saskatchewan residents, this paper considers the extent to which knowledge and trust influence support for nuclear developments. Saskatchewan provides an interesting case study: while the province has a robust uranium mining industry, there are no nuclear power facilities, and the potential development of nuclear energy and nuclear fuel waste storage has been a source of spirited public debate. The study's results have implications for public education and policy initiatives regarding nuclear power developments. (author)

  14. Nuclear knowledge, trust and public acceptance of nuclear developments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berdahl, A.L.; Bell, B.S.; Bourassa, C.M.; Fried, D.J.


    While nuclear sector activities remain contentious public issues, studies suggest that knowledge levels and trust in nuclear actors can influence public attitudes. Drawing on original data from a 2013 representative telephone survey of Saskatchewan residents, this paper considers the extent to which knowledge and trust influence support for nuclear developments. Saskatchewan provides an interesting case study: while the province has a robust uranium mining industry, there are no nuclear power facilities, and the potential development of nuclear energy and nuclear fuel waste storage has been a source of spirited public debate. The study's results have implications for public education and policy initiatives regarding nuclear power developments. (author)

  15. Nuclear energy and the nuclear industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chester, K.


    In order to make a real contribution to the nuclear energy debate (is nuclear energy the limitless solution to man's energy problems or the path to man's destruction) people must be aware of the facts. The Science Reference Library (SRL) has a collection of the primary sources of information on nuclear energy - especially journals. This guideline aims to draw attention to the up-to-date literature on nuclear energy and its technology, freely available for consultation in the main Holborn reading room. After explanations of where to look for particular types of information and the SRL classification, the booklet gives lists and brief notes on the sources held. These are abstracting and indexing periodicals and periodicals. Reports, conference proceedings, patents, bibliographies, directories, year-books and buyer's guides are covered very briefly but not listed. Nuclear reactor data and organisations are also listed with brief details of each. (U.K.)

  16. Nuclear Liability and Insurance for nuclear Damage in Switzerland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reitsma, S. M. S.


    With nuclear power generating 43% of its total electricity production, Switzerland is amongst the states, employing the highest percentage of nuclear electricity. Although, the country has not ratified any of the international Nuclear Liability Conventions, its Nuclear Third Party Liability Act reflects all the principles, underlying those Conventions. The statutory liability of the operator of a Swiss nuclear installation itself being unlimited, the total insurance limit of CHF 770 m. provides the highest private insurance protection worldwide. With the support of its foreign Reinsurance Pools, the capacity for this insurance guarantee has, over more than 40 years, been built up by the Swiss Nuclear Insurance Pool. Apart from Third Party Liability cover, the Pool also provides Property insurance to Swiss nuclear installation operators and reinsurance cover to other nuclear insurers worldwide. (author)

  17. The World Nuclear University: New partnership in nuclear education

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The important role which the IAEA plays in assisting Member States in the preservation and enhancement of nuclear knowledge and in facilitating international collaboration in this area has been recognized by the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency in resolutions GC(46)/RES/11B, GC(47)/RES/10B, GC(48)/RES/13 and GC(50)/RES/13. A continued focus of IAEA activities in managing nuclear knowledge is to support Member States to secure and sustain human resources for the nuclear sector, comprising both the replacement of retiring staff and building of new capacity. The IAEA assists Member States, particularly developing ones, in their efforts to sustain nuclear education and training in all areas of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, which is a necessary prerequisite for succession planning, in particular through the networking of nuclear education and training, including activities of the World Nuclear University (WNU) and the Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT). The report on the attached CD-ROM, The World Nuclear University: New Partnership in Nuclear Education, gives an overview of the history of the development of the World Nuclear University and related IAEA activities and contains an analysis and recommendations from the first WNU Summer Institute, held in 2005 in the USA

  18. Emergency response and nuclear risk governance. Nuclear safety at nuclear power plant accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuhlen, Johannes


    The present study entitled ''Emergency Response and Nuclear Risk Governance: nuclear safety at nuclear power plant accidents'' deals with issues of the protection of the population and the environment against hazardous radiation (the hazards of nuclear energy) and the harmful effects of radioactivity during nuclear power plant accidents. The aim of this study is to contribute to both the identification and remediation of shortcomings and deficits in the management of severe nuclear accidents like those that occurred at Chernobyl in 1986 and at Fukushima in 2011 as well as to the improvement and harmonization of plans and measures taken on an international level in nuclear emergency management. This thesis is divided into a theoretical part and an empirical part. The theoretical part focuses on embedding the subject in a specifically global governance concept, which includes, as far as Nuclear Risk Governance is concerned, the global governance of nuclear risks. Due to their characteristic features the following governance concepts can be assigned to these risks: Nuclear Safety Governance is related to safety, Nuclear Security Governance to security and NonProliferation Governance to safeguards. The subject of investigation of the present study is as a special case of the Nuclear Safety Governance, the Nuclear Emergency governance, which refers to off-site emergency response. The global impact of nuclear accidents and the concepts of security, safety culture and residual risk are contemplated in this context. The findings (accident sequences, their consequences and implications) from the analyses of two reactor accidents prior to Fukushima (Three Mile Iceland in 1979, Chernobyl in 1986) are examined from a historical analytical perspective and the state of the Nuclear Emergency governance and international cooperation aimed at improving nuclear safety after Chernobyl is portrayed by discussing, among other topics, examples of &apos

  19. Nuclear physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamal, Anwar


    Explains the concepts in detail and in depth. Provides step-by-step derivations. Contains numerous tables and diagrams. Supports learning and teaching with numerous worked examples, questions and problems with answers. Sketches also the historical development of the subject. This textbook explains the experimental basics, effects and theory of nuclear physics. It supports learning and teaching with numerous worked examples, questions and problems with answers. Numerous tables and diagrams help to better understand the explanations. A better feeling to the subject of the book is given with sketches about the historical development of nuclear physics. The main topics of this book include the phenomena associated with passage of charged particles and radiation through matter which are related to nuclear resonance fluorescence and the Moessbauer effect., Gamov's theory of alpha decay, Fermi theory of beta decay, electron capture and gamma decay. The discussion of general properties of nuclei covers nuclear sizes and nuclear force, nuclear spin, magnetic dipole moment and electric quadrupole moment. Nuclear instability against various modes of decay and Yukawa theory are explained. Nuclear models such as Fermi Gas Model, Shell Model, Liquid Drop Model, Collective Model and Optical Model are outlined to explain various experimental facts related to nuclear structure. Heavy ion reactions, including nuclear fusion, are explained. Nuclear fission and fusion power production is treated elaborately.

  20. Nuclear security - New challenge to the safety of nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Ganjie


    The safety of nuclear power plants involves two aspects: one is to prevent nuclear accidents resulted from systems and equipments failure or human errors; the other is to refrain nuclear accidents from external intended attack. From this point of view, nuclear security is an organic part of the nuclear safety of power plants since they have basically the same goals and concrete measures with each other. In order to prevent malicious attacks; the concept of physical protection of nuclear facilities has been put forward. In many years, a series of codes and regulations as well as technical standard systems on physical protection had been developed at international level. The United Nations passed No. 1540 resolution as well as 'Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear terrorism', and revised 'Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials', which has enhanced a higher level capacity of preparedness by international community to deal with security issues of nuclear facilities. In China, in order to improve the capability of nuclear power plants on preventing and suppressing the external attacks, the Chinese government consecutively developed the related codes and standards as well as technical documents based on the existing laws and regulations, including 'Guide for the Nuclear Security of Nuclear Power Plants' and 'Guide for the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials', so as to upgrade the legislative requirements for nuclear security in power plants. The government also made greater efforts to support the scientific research and staff training on physical protection, and satisfying the physical protection standards for newly-built nuclear facilities such as large scale nuclear power plants to meet requirement at international level. At the same time old facilities were renovated and the Chinese government established a nuclear emergency preparedness coordination mechanism, developed corresponding emergency preparedness plans, intensified the

  1. South Africa's SAFARI From nuclear weapons to nuclear medicine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... of nuclear energy for peaceful uses, such as power generation and nuclear ... Building on its nuclear expertise, South Africa has become one of the world's ... By converting its nuclear reactor, SAFARI-1, to produce and supply medical ...

  2. Necessidades de saúde comuns aos idosos: efetividade na oferta e utilização em atenção básica à saúde

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Piccini Roberto Xavier


    Full Text Available A efetividade na oferta de serviços básicos e sua utilização por idosos abordada no Estudo de Linha de Base do Proesf conduzido pela UFPel incluiu 41 municípios dos Estados de Alagoas, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí e Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina. O delineamento transversal caracterizou a estrutura e o processo de trabalho de 234 UBS, 4.749 trabalhadores e 4.003 idosos. Os indicadores sociais revelaram pior comportamento na região Nordeste e nas comunidades do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF. A necessidade de cuidados domiciliares regulares, a prevalência de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS e de Diabetes Mellitus (DM foram elevadas. Metade dos serviços oferecia barreiras arquitetônicas. O uso de protocolos para o cuidado domiciliar foi pouco freqüente e a capacitação para o cuidado de HAS e DM alcançou a metade dos trabalhadores. Metade dos portadores de HAS e DM usaram a Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS da área; praticamente todos usavam medicação, a metade obtinha a medicação na UBS e menos da metade participava das atividades de grupo na UBS. Perda de efetividade foi observada na oferta e na utilização de serviços. O desempenho do PSF foi melhor quando comparado ao modelo tradicional.

  3. Nuclear knowledge management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The management of nuclear knowledge has emerged as a growing challenge in recent years. The need to preserve and transfer nuclear knowledge is compounded by recent trends such as ageing of the nuclear workforce, declining student numbers in nuclear-related fields, and the threat of losing accumulated nuclear knowledge. Addressing these challenges, the IAEA promotes a 'knowledge management culture' through: - Providing guidance for policy formulation and implementation of nuclear knowledge management; - Strengthening the contribution of nuclear knowledge in solving development problems, based on needs and priorities of Member States; - Pooling, analysing and sharing nuclear information to facilitate knowledge creation and its utilization; - Implementing effective knowledge management systems; - Preserving and maintaining nuclear knowledge; - Securing sustainable human resources for the nuclear sector; and - Enhancing nuclear education and training

  4. Nuclear Power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Douglas-Hamilton, J.; Home Robertson, J.; Beith, A.J.


    In this debate the Government's policy on nuclear power is discussed. Government policy is that nuclear power is the safest and cleanest way of generating electricity and is cheap. Other political parties who do not endorse a nuclear energy policy are considered not to be acting in the people's best interests. The debate ranged over the risks from nuclear power, the UK safety record, safety regulations, and the environmental effects of nuclear power. The Torness nuclear power plant was mentioned specifically. The energy policy of the opposition parties is strongly criticised. The debate lasted just over an hour and is reported verbatim. (UK)

  5. Nuclear power generation and nuclear nonproliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walske, C.


    In the future outlook around year 2000 of nuclear power, thought must be given to fuel reprocessing and plutonium utilization. The adverse utilization of plutonium may be prevented by the means balanced with its economical value. As the method of less cost with lower effect of nonproliferation, combination of fuel reprocessing and fuel fabrication facilities and mixed plutonium/uranium processing are possible. As the method of more cost with higher effect of nonproliferation the maintenance of high radioactivity and inaccessibility of plutonium is conceivable. As for the agreeable methods in 2000, seven principles may be mentioned, such as the dependence upon the agreements among major nations and upon nuclear exporting countries. These are still inadequate, however. What is important is to provide with the sufficient safeguards to countries concerned to negate the need for nuclear weapons. Efforts are then necessary for leading nuclear countries to extend aids to other nuclear-oriented countries. (Mori, K.)

  6. Nuclear Safety Regulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novosel, N.; Prah, M.


    Beside new Ordinance on the control of nuclear material and special equipment ('Official Gazette' No. 15/08), from 2006 State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) adopted Ordinance on performing nuclear activities ('Official Gazette' No. 74/06) and Ordinance on special requirements which expert organizations must fulfil in order to perform certain activities in the field of nuclear safety ('Official Gazette' No. 74/06), based on Nuclear Safety Act ('Official Gazette' No. 173/03). The Ordinance on performing nuclear activities regulates the procedure of notification of the intent to perform nuclear activities, submitting the application for the issue of a licence to perform nuclear activities, and the procedure for issuing decisions on granting a licence to perform a nuclear activity. The Ordinance also regulates the content of the forms for notification of the intent to perform nuclear activities, as well as of the application for the issue of a licence to perform the nuclear activity and the method of keeping the register of nuclear activities. According to the Nuclear Safety Act, nuclear activities are the production, processing, use, storage, disposal, transport, import, export, possession or other handling of nuclear material or specified equipment. The Ordinance on special requirements which expert organizations must fulfil in order to perform certain activities in the field of nuclear safety regulates these mentioned conditions, whereas compliance is established by a decision passed by the SONS. Special requirements which expert organizations must fulfil in order to perform certain activities in the field of nuclear safety are organizational, technical, technological conditions and established system of quality assurance. In 2007, State Office for Nuclear Safety finalized the text of new Ordinance on conditions for nuclear safety and protection with regard to the siting, design, construction, use and decommissioning of a facility in which a nuclear activity is

  7. Nuclear resisters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The booklet contains six papers by different authors, under the headings: dangers along the nuclear fuel cycle; the nuclear profiteers; the nuclear state is a police state; a non-disposable future (renewable energy sources, energy conservation); nuclear weapons - out of control; man made madness. (U.K.)

  8. On Markov processes in the hadron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear collisions at superhigh energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebedeva, A.A.; Rus'kin, V.I.


    In the article the possibility of the Markov processes use as simulation method for mean characteristics of hadron-nuclear and nucleus-nuclear collisions at superhigh energies is discussed. The simple (hadron-nuclear collisions) and non-simple (nucleus-nuclear collisions) non-uniform Markov process of output constant spectrum and absorption in a nucleon's nucleus-target with rapidity y are considered. The expression allowing to simulate the different collision modes were obtained

  9. Nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Data concerning the existing nuclear power plants in the world are presented. The data was retrieved from the SIEN (Nuclear and Energetic Information System) data bank. The information are organized in table forms as follows: nuclear plants, its status and type; installed nuclear power plants by country; nuclear power plants under construction by country; planned nuclear power plants by country; cancelled nuclear power plants by country; shut-down nuclear power plants by country. (E.G.) [pt

  10. Nuclear energy: considerations about nuclear trade

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goes Fischer, M.D. de.


    A general view of historical aspects of nuclear energy and the arrangements to assure its use for peaceful purposes are presented. Then the internal character of nuclear energy in a juride context is demonstrated; some consideration about the international organizations and conventions and the Brazilian Legislation in the nuclear area are examined. It also deals with the political aspects of nuclear trade and the function of IAEA in this are. Furthermore the restrictions imposed by Non-Proliferation Treaty-NPT, the objectures of the Tlatelolco Treaty and ''London Club'' guidelines. Afterwards the bilateral cooperation under taken by countries and its agreements are discussed. Besides some aspects of agreements made between United States, France Germany and Brazil are discussed [pt

  11. International Youth Nuclear Congress 2000: Youth, Future, Nuclear. Transactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The publication has been set up as abstracts of the meeting dealing with different nuclear problems. In the work of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2000 participated more than 200 young scientific works from 28 countries. The address discusses the following issues: Nuclear education and transfer of know-how; Nuclear technology; Political aspects; Environment and safety; Communication and public perception; Economics; Nuclear programs and technical cooperation; Fuel Cycle Challenges

  12. International Youth Nuclear Congress 2000: Youth, Future, Nuclear. Transactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The publication has been set up as abstracts of the meeting dealing with different nuclear problems. In the work of the International Youth Nuclear Congress 2000 participated more than 200 young scientific works from 28 countries. The address discusses the following issues: Nuclear education and transfer of know-how; Nuclear technology; Political aspects; Environment and safety; Communication and public perception; Economics; Nuclear programs and technical cooperation; Fuel Cycle Challenges.

  13. Change of nuclear reactor installation in the first nuclear ship of Japan Nuclear Ship Development Agency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The written application concerning the change of nuclear reactor installation in the first nuclear ship was presented from the JNSDA to the prime minister on January 10, 1979. The contents of the change are the repair of the primary and secondary shields of the reactor, the additional installation of a storage tank for liquid wastes, and the extension of the period to stop the reactor in cold state. The inquiry from the prime minister to the Nuclear Safety Commission was made on June 9, 1979, through the examination of safety in the Nuclear Safety Bureau, Science and Technology Agency. The Nuclear Safety Commission instructed to the Committee for the Examination of Nuclear Reactor Safety on June 11, 1979, about the application of criteria stipulated in the law. The relevant letters and the drafts of examination papers concerning the technical capability and the safety in case of the change of nuclear reactor installation in the first nuclear ship are cited. The JNSDA and Sasebo Heavy Industries, Ltd. seem to have the sufficient technical capability to carry out this change. As the result of examination, it is recognized that the application presented by the JNSDA is in compliance with the criteria stipulated in the law concerning the regulation of nuclear raw materials, nuclear fuel materials and nuclear reactors. (Kako, I.)

  14. Nuclear security and challenges at nuclear power plants. Part 1. Basis of nuclear security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demachi, Kazuyuki


    The tsunami that occurred in March 2011 associated with the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake hit TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). The 1F got into station blackout situation, and fell into reactor core meltdown due to inability of cooling down the reactor, eventually leading to the emission accident of radioactive substances over a wide range into the atmosphere, soil, seawater and the like. Through various media such as newspapers, TVs, and the Internet after the accident, important facilities for safety were explained with illustrations. Some of them included the contents that can suggest the causes that trigger the same accident as the 1F accident. It is an urgent task to strengthen security against the terrorism aimed at nuclear power facilities including nuclear power plants, and its realization is a serious problem in each country. This paper summarized nuclear security issues and solutions including explanation on the circumstances of the threat increase of nuclear terrorism that had begun before the 1F accident. The recent nuclear security summit reaffirmed that nuclear security is the basic responsibility of each country, and also reaffirmed the responsibility and importance of IAEA for international cooperation. This paper explains the definition of nuclear security, threat of terrorism, and the contents of the IAEA Nuclear Security Series (NSS), and points out that NSS is considered as the basis among basis that all the countries should share. (A.O.)

  15. Nuclear analytical chemistry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brune, D.; Forkman, B.; Persson, B.


    This book covers the general theories and techniques of nuclear chemical analysis, directed at applications in analytical chemistry, nuclear medicine, radiophysics, agriculture, environmental sciences, geological exploration, industrial process control, etc. The main principles of nuclear physics and nuclear detection on which the analysis is based are briefly outlined. An attempt is made to emphasise the fundamentals of activation analysis, detection and activation methods, as well as their applications. The book provides guidance in analytical chemistry, agriculture, environmental and biomedical sciences, etc. The contents include: the nuclear periodic system; nuclear decay; nuclear reactions; nuclear radiation sources; interaction of radiation with matter; principles of radiation detectors; nuclear electronics; statistical methods and spectral analysis; methods of radiation detection; neutron activation analysis; charged particle activation analysis; photon activation analysis; sample preparation and chemical separation; nuclear chemical analysis in biological and medical research; the use of nuclear chemical analysis in the field of criminology; nuclear chemical analysis in environmental sciences, geology and mineral exploration; and radiation protection.

  16. Nuclear analytical chemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brune, D.; Forkman, B.; Persson, B.


    This book covers the general theories and techniques of nuclear chemical analysis, directed at applications in analytical chemistry, nuclear medicine, radiophysics, agriculture, environmental sciences, geological exploration, industrial process control, etc. The main principles of nuclear physics and nuclear detection on which the analysis is based are briefly outlined. An attempt is made to emphasise the fundamentals of activation analysis, detection and activation methods, as well as their applications. The book provides guidance in analytical chemistry, agriculture, environmental and biomedical sciences, etc. The contents include: the nuclear periodic system; nuclear decay; nuclear reactions; nuclear radiation sources; interaction of radiation with matter; principles of radiation detectors; nuclear electronics; statistical methods and spectral analysis; methods of radiation detection; neutron activation analysis; charged particle activation analysis; photon activation analysis; sample preparation and chemical separation; nuclear chemical analysis in biological and medical research; the use of nuclear chemical analysis in the field of criminology; nuclear chemical analysis in environmental sciences, geology and mineral exploration; and radiation protection

  17. Iran's nuclear program - for power generation or nuclear weapons?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kippe, Halvor


    This report addresses the development of a nuclear infrastructure in Iran, and assessments are made on the near-term potential this infrastructure might yield of either nuclear power or nuclear arms production. The most significant facilities are treated in a more elaborate fashion, as these are assumed to have key roles in either a true civilian programme, or in the prospect of weapons-grade fissile material production. The future potential capacity for the latter is calculated under certain presumptions, both in the case that Iran focuses its efforts on uranium-based nuclear weapons, and in the case that it should choose the plutonium path to nuclear weapons. All the conclusions and findings in this report are based on technological considerations. This means that social or political assessments have not prevailed, rather the picture of Iran's nuclear programme is drawn through descriptions and assessments of facilities and systems, and their role in the bigger context. Definite conclusions have not been made as to whether Iran's nuclear programme currently is aimed towards nuclear arms or nuclear power. The secrecy surrounding some of the most prominent nuclear sites together with more or less credible allegations of purely weapons-related activities in the past, make it hard not to conclude that Iran until the disclosures in 2002 made as great an effort as it could on its way on developing nuclear weapons covertly. The scope of today's nuclear programme seems, on the other hand, most likely to be in part to help relieve the ever-increasing need for energy, although considerable deficits to this strategy are identified, at the same time as the Iranian people are united in a giant, high-prestige project in defiance of massive international pressure. Adding to this is a much-feared ability to rapidly being able to redirect their nuclear efforts, and develop nuclear arms in perhaps as little as one year. This so-called break-out scenario, where Iran presumably

  18. Nuclear power and nuclear safety 2011

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lauritzen, B.; Oelgaard, P.L.; Aage, H.K.; Kampmann, D.; Nystrup, P.E.; Thomsen, J.


    The report is the ninth report in a series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power production, with special emphasis on safety issues and nuclear emergency preparedness. The report is written in collaboration between Risoe DTU and the Danish Emergency Management Agency. The report for 2011 covers the following topics: status of nuclear power production, regional trends, reactor development, safety related events, international relations and conflicts, and the Fukushima accident. (LN)

  19. Nuclear data for nuclear reactor analyses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pearlstein, S.


    A discussion of nuclear data is presented emphasizing to what extent data are known and to what accuracy. The principal data of interest is that for neutron cross-sections. The changing status of data, evaluated nuclear data files and data validation and improvement are described. Although the discussion relates to nuclear data for reactor analysis may of the results also apply to fusion, accelerator, shielding, biomedical, space and defense studies. (U.K.)

  20. Nuclear power and nuclear safety 2009

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lauritzen, B.; Oelgaard, P.L.; Kampmann, D.; Nystrup, P.E.; Thorlaksen, B.


    The report is the seventh report in a series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power production, with special emphasis on safety issues and nuclear emergency preparedness. The report is written in collaboration between Risoe DTU and the Danish Emergency Management Agency. The report for 2009 covers the following topics: status of nuclear power production, regional trends, reactor development, safety related events, international relations, conflicts and the European safety directive. (LN)

  1. Nuclear Security for Floating Nuclear Power Plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Skiba, James M. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Scherer, Carolynn P. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Recently there has been a lot of interest in small modular reactors. A specific type of these small modular reactors (SMR,) are marine based power plants called floating nuclear power plants (FNPP). These FNPPs are typically built by countries with extensive knowledge of nuclear energy, such as Russia, France, China and the US. These FNPPs are built in one country and then sent to countries in need of power and/or seawater desalination. Fifteen countries have expressed interest in acquiring such power stations. Some designs for such power stations are briefly summarized. Several different avenues for cooperation in FNPP technology are proposed, including IAEA nuclear security (i.e. safeguards), multilateral or bilateral agreements, and working with Russian design that incorporates nuclear safeguards for IAEA inspections in non-nuclear weapons states

  2. Nuclear science in the 20th century. Nuclear agricultural science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jun; Xu Furong; Zheng Chunkai


    Nuclear science and technology have been successfully applied to many subjects, nuclear agriculture being one of the most important applications. We present a general review of the applications of nuclear radiation and nuclear tracer techniques in agriculture. The development of nuclear agriculture in China is also reviewed briefly

  3. 18 CFR 1316.9 - Nuclear energy hazards and nuclear incidents. (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Nuclear energy hazards... Text of Conditions and Certifications § 1316.9 Nuclear energy hazards and nuclear incidents. When so... documents or actions: Nuclear Energy Hazards and Nuclear Incidents (Applicable only to contracts for goods...

  4. Themes in nuclear law; Temas de Derecho Nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The nuclear law was analyzed during a workshop. The main aspects were: the law of population to access to information on nuclear energy and the relationship between the Regulator Organism and the nuclear power plants managers.

  5. Combating nuclear terrorism in India: preventive nuclear forensic perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raghav, N.K.; Lad, J.S.; Deshmukh, A.V.; Jagtap, S.S.


    Nuclear terrorism is constant threat to India by many terrorist organization and neighboring country. These organizations are directly or indirectly aided with nuclear material by terrorism supporting country. Such organization has a significant potential source for acquiring nuclear and other radioactive material. Possibility of leakage is widely feared because of the deteriorating law and order condition, great spur of nuclear proliferation after the cold war and disintegration of USSR. Terrorist could gain access to Nuclear and radioactive material and smuggle to India through porous borders. Preventive forensic approach in screening and searching nuclear and radioactive material will play cardinal role to prevent nuclear disaster happening in India. Future plans could be extracted from terrorists through their narco-tests, brain fingerprinting and a data base on this could be prepared, which could later be used to help prevent any attacks. In present paper authors strongly recommend setting up Preventive Forensic Units in India so that any internal or external nuclear attack could be aborted. (author)

  6. Effect of diesel injection parameters on instantaneous fuel delivery using a solenoidoperated injector with different fuels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Octavio Armas


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe la instalación experimental para obtener los per® les temporales de variación de presión y de la tasa de inyección de combustible por ciclo termodinámico. Los parámetros estudiados han sido los siguientes: la contrapresión en el caudalímetro, la presión de inyección y la duración del proceso. En el trabajo se usó un medidor de tasa de inyección del tipo IAV EVI- 2. El trabajo se realizó utilizando un sistema de inyección del tipo common rail con un inyector de bobina electromagnética. Como resultado, se presentan los per® les temporales de la intensidad de corriente a través del inyector (pulso eléctrico, la variación de presión en el medidor de caudal (Ap y la tasa de inyección. El estudio se ha realizado con cuatro combustibles diferentes:un combustible diesel sin biodiesel, un combustible diesel con 5.83% de biodiesel, un biodiesel de grasas animales y un diesel sintético derivado de proceso Fischer Tropsch de baja temperatura. La instalación experimental ylos procedimientos establecidos han demostrado ser adecuados para estudios de los actuales sistemas de inyección. Las diferencias registradas en términos de tasa de inyección han sido fundamentalmente debidas a las diferencias en densidad de los combustibles estudiados.

  7. Historical civilian nuclear accident based Nuclear Reactor Condition Analyzer (United States)

    McCoy, Kaylyn Marie

    There are significant challenges to successfully monitoring multiple processes within a nuclear reactor facility. The evidence for this observation can be seen in the historical civilian nuclear incidents that have occurred with similar initiating conditions and sequences of events. Because there is a current lack within the nuclear industry, with regards to the monitoring of internal sensors across multiple processes for patterns of failure, this study has developed a program that is directed at accomplishing that charge through an innovation that monitors these systems simultaneously. The inclusion of digital sensor technology within the nuclear industry has appreciably increased computer systems' capabilities to manipulate sensor signals, thus making the satisfaction of these monitoring challenges possible. One such manipulation to signal data has been explored in this study. The Nuclear Reactor Condition Analyzer (NRCA) program that has been developed for this research, with the assistance of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Graduate Fellowship, utilizes one-norm distance and kernel weighting equations to normalize all nuclear reactor parameters under the program's analysis. This normalization allows the program to set more consistent parameter value thresholds for a more simplified approach to analyzing the condition of the nuclear reactor under its scrutiny. The product of this research provides a means for the nuclear industry to implement a safety and monitoring program that can oversee the system parameters of a nuclear power reactor facility, like that of a nuclear power plant.

  8. Nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This digest document was written by members of the union of associations of ex-members and retired people of the Areva group (UARGA). It gives a comprehensive overview of the nuclear industry world, starting from radioactivity and its applications, and going on with the fuel cycle (front-end, back-end, fuel reprocessing, transports), the nuclear reactors (PWR, BWR, Candu, HTR, generation 4 systems), the effluents from nuclear facilities, the nuclear wastes (processing, disposal), and the management and safety of nuclear activities. (J.S.)

  9. Nuclear chemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vertes, A.; Kiss, I.


    This book is an introduction to the application of nuclear science in modern chemistry. The first group of chapters discuss the basic phenomena and concepts of nuclear physics with emphasis on their relation to chemical problems, including the main properties and the composition of atomic nuclei, nuclear reactions, radioactive decay and interactions of radiation with matter. These chapters provide the basis for understanding the following chapters which encompass the wide scope of nuclear chemistry. The methods of the investigation of chemical structure based on the interaction of nuclear radiation with matter including positronium chemistry and other exotic atoms is elaborated in particular detail. Separate chapters are devoted to the use of radioactive tracers, the chemical consequences of nuclear processes (i.e. hot atom chemistry), radiation chemistry, isotope effects and their applications, and the operation of nuclear reactors

  10. Nuclear chemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vertes, A.; Kiss, I.


    This book is an introduction to the application of nuclear science in modern chemistry. The first group of chapters discuss the basic phenomena and concepts of nuclear physics with emphasis on their relation to chemical problems, including the main properties and the composition of atomic nuclei, nuclear reactions, radioactive decay and interactions of radiation with matter. These chapters provide the basis for understanding the following chapters which encompass the wide scope of nuclear chemistry. The methods of the investigation of chemical structure based on the interaction of nuclear radiation with matter including positronium chemistry and other exotic atoms is elaborated in particular detail. Separate chapters are devoted to the use of radioactive tracers, the chemical consequences of nuclear processes (i.e. hot atom chemistry), radiation chemistry, isotope effects and their applications, and the operation of nuclear reactors. (Auth.)

  11. Nuclear power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The committee concludes that the nature of the proliferation problem is such that even stopping nuclear power completely could not stop proliferation completely. Countries can acquire nuclear weapons by means independent of commercial nuclear power. It is reasonable to suppose if a country is strongly motivated to acquire nuclear weapons, it will have them by 2010, or soon thereafter, no matter how nuclear power is managed in the meantime. Unilateral and international diplomatic measures to reduce the motivations that lead to proliferation should be high on the foreign policy agenda of the United States. A mimimum antiproliferation prescription for the management of nuclear power is to try to raise the political barriers against proliferation through misuse of nuclear power by strengthening the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and to seek to raise the technological barriers by placing fuel-cycle operations involving weapons-usable material under international control. Any such measures should be considered tactics to slow the spread of nuclear weapons and thus earn time for the exercise of statesmanship. The committee concludes the following about technical factors that should be considered in formulating nuclear policy: (1) rate of growth of electricity use is a primary factor; (2) growth of conventional nuclear power will be limited by producibility of domestic uranium sources; (3) greater contribution of nuclear power beyond 400 GWe past the year 2000 can only be supported by advanced reactor systems; and (4) several different breeder reactors could serve in principle as candidates for an indefinitely sustainable source of energy

  12. Inseparable twins: nuclear bomb fuel and nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruff, T.; University of Melbourne, Melbourne


    The spread of nuclear power increases the number of nations and organisations with opportunities to make nuclear weapons or buy or steal the materials to make them. Global warming demands real solutions, not nuclear diversions and dangers.

  13. International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN): Promoting nuclear security education

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muhamad Samudi Yasir


    Full-text: The need for human resource development programmes in nuclear security was underlined at several International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conferences and Board of Governors Meetings. Successive IAEA Nuclear Security Plans, the most recent of which was agreed by the Board of Governors in September 2009, give high priority to assisting States in establishing educational programmes in nuclear security in order to ensure the sustainability of nuclear security improvements. The current Nuclear Security Plan 1 covering 2010-2013 emphasizes on the importance of considering existing capacities at international, regional and national levels while designing nuclear security academic programmes. In the course of implementing the Plan, the IAEA developed a guide entitled Educational Programme in Nuclear Security (IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 12) that consists of a model of a MAster of Science (M.Sc.) and a Certificate Programme in Nuclear Security. This guide was aims at assisting universities or other educational institutes to developed academic programmes in nuclear security. Independently, some universities already offered academic programmes covering some areas of nuclear security, while other universities have asked the IAEA to support the implementation of these programmes. In order to better address current and future request for assistance in this area, the IAEA establish a collaboration network-International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN), among universities who are providing nuclear security education or who are interested in starting an academic programme/ course(s) in nuclear security. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) is a first local university became a member of INSEN since the beginning of the establishment. (author)

  14. The separation of nuclear power from nuclear proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starr, C.


    There exists world wide a strong common desire to limit nuclear weapons proliferation so as to inhibit or remove the threat of nuclear warfare. While this is a primary international political objective, there has also developed a secondary objective to limit any potential contribution to such nuclear weapons proliferation which might arise by the diversion of weapons material from the civilian nuclear power fuel cycle. This secondary objective is the basis of the present US government policy to defer the reprocessing of nuclear fuels anywhere. This policy has been generally recognized as a temporary expedient to provide time for international reexamination of the problems of weapons proliferation associated with nuclear power. A successful development of the proposed combination of the Fast Breeder Reactor and the Civex fuel reprocessing facility would provide an economical nuclear power source for many centuries which inherently separates nuclear power from the issue of weapons material diversion and proliferation. Further, by so doing, it permits great flexibility in international and national planning for nuclear power, as the issues of fuel dependence and terrorist and subnational diversions disappear. In addition, the expansion of the FBR/Civex system would eat into the LWR spent fuel stockpile, diminishing steadily this relatively accessible plutonium source. And finally, a rapid development of the FBR/Civex for the above reasons would substantially reduce the worldwide concern as to the adequacy of uranium ore supply. (Auth.)

  15. General Nuclear Medicine (United States)

    ... Resources Professions Site Index A-Z General Nuclear Medicine Nuclear medicine imaging uses small amounts of radioactive ... of General Nuclear Medicine? What is General Nuclear Medicine? Nuclear medicine is a branch of medical imaging ...

  16. Introducing nuclear power into currently non-nuclear states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Claassen, Gert


    As the nuclear renaissance gains momentum, many countries that currently have no nuclear power plants will begin to consider introducing them. It is anticipated that smaller reactors such as the Pebble Bed Modulator Reactor (PBMR) will not only be sold to current nuclear states to also to states where there is currently no nuclear experience. A range of issues would have to be considered for nuclear plants to be solid to non-nuclear states, such as the appropriate regulatory environment, standardization and codes, non-proliferation, security of supply, obtaining experienced merchant operators, appropriate financial structures and education and training. The paper considers nine major issues that need to be addressed by governments and vendors alike. International cooperation by organisations such as the IAEA, financial institutions and international suppliers will be required to ensure that developing countries as well as developed ones share the benefits of the nuclear renaissance. The opportunities that the nuclear industry affords to develop local skills, create job opportunities and to develop local manufacturing industries are among the important reasons that the South African Government has decided to support and fund the development of the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor project. These considerations are included in the paper. (author)

  17. International conference: Features of nuclear excitation states and mechanisms of nuclear reactions. 51. Meeting on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure. The book of abstracts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Results of the LI Meeting on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure are presented. Properties of excited states of atomic nuclei and mechanisms of nuclear reactions are considered. Studies on the theory of nucleus and fundamental interactions pertinent to experimental study of nuclei properties and mechanisms of nuclear reactions, technique and methods of experiment, application of nuclear-physical method, are provided [ru

  18. Nuclear energy and the nuclear energy industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bromova, E.; Vargoncik, D.; Sovadina, M.


    A popular interactive multimedia publication on nuclear energy in Slovak. 'Nuclear energy and energy' is a modern electronic publication that through engaging interpretation, combined with a number of interactive elements, explains the basic principles and facts of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Operation of nuclear power plants, an important part of the energy resources of developed countries, is frequently discussed topic in different social groups. Especially important is truthful knowledgeability of the general public about the benefits of technical solutions, but also on the risks and safety measures throughout the nuclear industry. According to an online survey 'Nuclear energy and energy' is the most comprehensive electronic multimedia publication worldwide, dedicated to the popularization of nuclear energy. With easy to understand texts, interactive and rich collection of accessories stock it belongs to modern educational and informational titles of the present time. The basic explanatory text of the publication is accompanied by history and the present time of all Slovak nuclear installations, including stock photos. For readers are presented the various attractions legible for the interpretation, which help them in a visual way to make a more complete picture of the concerned issue. Each chapter ends with a test pad where the readers can test their knowledge. Whole explanatory text (72 multimedia pages, 81,000 words) is accompanied by a lot of stock of graphic materials. The publication also includes 336 photos in 60 thematic photo galleries, 45 stock charts and drawings, diagrams and interactive 31 videos and 3D models.

  19. Nuclear power and nuclear safety 2012

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lauritzen, B.; Nonboel, E.; Israelson, C.; Kampmann, D.; Nystrup, P.E.; Thomsen, J.


    The report is the tenth report in a series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power production, with special emphasis on safety issues and nuclear emergency preparedness. The report is prepared in collaboration between DTU Nutech and the Danish Emergency Management Agency. The report for 2012 covers the following topics: status of nuclear power production, regional trends, reactor development, safety related events, international relations and conflicts, and the results of the EU stress test. (LN)

  20. Nuclear Law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiesbauer, Bruno


    This book is the first attempt of a comprehensive compilation of national Austrian Nuclear Law (Nuclear Liability Act; Radiation protection Act, Radiation Protection Ordinance, Security Control Act, Act on the uses of Nuclear Energy - Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant) and the most important international agreements to which Austria is a party. Furthermore, the book contains the most important Nuclear Liability Conventions to which Austria is not yet a party, but which are applicable in neighbouring; the Paris Convention served as a model for the national Nuclear Liability Act and may be used for its interpretation. The author has translated a number of international instruments into German, such as the Expose des Motifs of the Paris Convention. (NEA) [fr

  1. Nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panait, A.


    This is a general report presenting the section VII entitled Nuclear Power of the National Conference on Energy (CNE '94) held in Neptun, Romania, on 13-16 June 1994. The problems addressed were those relating to electric power produced by nuclear power plant, to heat secondary generation, to quality assurance, to safety, etc. A special attention was paid to the commissioning of the first Romanian nuclear power unit, the Cernavoda-1 reactor of CANDU type. The communications were grouped in four subsections. These were: 1. Quality assurance, nuclear safety, and environmental protection; 2. Nuclear power plant, commissioning, and operation; 3. Nuclear power plant inspection, maintenance, and repairs, heavy water technology; 4. Public opinion education. There were 22 reports, altogether

  2. Nuclear Energy Scientific, technical and social perspectives of nuclear-electrical conversion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suarez Antola, R.


    The book begins with a brief review of basic knowledge historic milestones, radiation physics, biological effects of radiation and radioprotection, and nuclear physics. Then, several subjects in nuclear reactor engineering and nuclear power plants are introduced: a brief description of nuclear reactors and systems in a nuclear power plant, neutron physics, thermal hydraulics (including the thermodynamics of the whole nuclear power plant), nuclear fuels and fuel cycles, dynamic and control of nuclear reactors and nuclear power plant, safety of nuclear reactors, operation of power plants, decisions related with a nuclear power station (including sitting, economic and financial aspects, risks and detriments assessment), and a brief survey of future technologies. In the last chapter, the book enters into other subjects (in part of a philosophical nature) that relate, from the standpoint of energy, social and environmental problems with political issues and current world views

  3. Nuclear and radiological safety nuclear power nuclear fuel cycle and waste management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This catalogue lists all sales publications of the International Atomic Energy Agency dealing with Nuclear and Radiological Safety, Nuclear Power and Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Management and issued during the period of 1995-1996. Most publications are in English. Proceedings of conferences, symposia and panels of experts may contain some papers in languages other than English (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish), but all these papers have abstracts in English

  4. Nuclear science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This fact sheet answers specific questions about the Department of Energy's possible acquisition and conversion of a partially completed commercial nuclear power plant to a nuclear materials production facility. The nuclear power plant is the Washington Nuclear Plant number sign 1 owned by the Washington Public Power Supply System and is located on DOE's Hanford Reservation near Richland, Washington

  5. Nuclear science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report answers questions about the Department of Energy's possible acquisition and conversion of a partially completed commercial nuclear power plant to a nuclear materials production facility. The nuclear power plant is the Washington Nuclear Plant No.1 owned by the Washington Public Power Supply System and is located on DOE's Hanford Reservation near Richland, Washington

  6. Nuclear measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schenkel, R.


    Nuclear measurements play a fundamental role in the development of nuclear technology and the assurance of its peaceful use. They are also required in many non-power nuclear applications such as in nuclear medicine, agriculture, environmental protection, etc. This presentation will show examples of most recent advances in measurement methodology or technology in the areas described below. The Generation IV International Forum has selected six innovative reactor systems as candidates for a next generation of sustainable, economic and safe nuclear energy systems. The choice of the best options relies heavily on the availability of accurate nuclear data that can only be obtained, in an international effort, using highly specialised facilities. Significant efforts are being directed towards the partitioning and transmutation of highly active nuclear waste. Different concepts involving fast reactors or accelerator-driven systems are being studied in view of their transmutation capabilities. State of the art equipment has been developed to assess basic properties of nuclear fuel at very high burn-up; some fine examples of this work will be shown. Physical and chemical methods play a crucial role in the detection and identification of radioisotopes used in various stages of the nuclear fuel cycle. Radiation measurement techniques are used, for example, to monitor the quantities of uranium, plutonium and other actinide elements in fuel enrichment and reprocessing facilities. Another field of application of physical and chemical methods is the characterisation of nuclear material seized from illicit trafficking. Seized material has to be analysed in order to obtain clues on its origin and intended use and to prevent diversion of nuclear material from the same source in the future. A recent highlight in basic physics relates to nuclear fission and transmutation with high intensity lasers. Ultra-fast high intensity lasers can produce high energy (tens of MeV) photons through

  7. Sunken nuclear submarines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eriksen, V.O.


    The increasing number of accidents with nuclear submarines is a worriment to the general public. Five nuclear submarines are resting on the bottom of the North Atlantic. Design information on nuclear propulsion plants for submarines is classified. The author describes a potential generic nuclear submarine propulsion plant. Design information from the civilian nuclear industry, nuclear power plants, research reactors, nuclear cargo vessels and nuclear propelled icebreakers are used for illustration of relevant problems. A survey is given of nuclear submarines. Factors influencing the accident risks and safety characteristics of nuclear submarines are considered, and potential accident scenarios are described. The fission product content of the nuclear plant can be estimated, '' source terms'' can be guessed and potential release rates can be judged. The mechanisms of dispersion in the oceans is reviewed and compared with the dumping of radioactive waste in the Atlantic and other known releases. 46 refs., 49 figs., 14 tabs

  8. Performance evaluation of the conventional Brazilian industries radiation protection in the small industrial gauges and industrial radiography areas; Sistema de avaliacao de desempenho em radioprotecao das industrias convencionais brasileiras nas areas de medidores nucleares e radiografia industrial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Joyra Amaral dos


    This works evaluates by punctuation the performance in conventional Brazilian industries radiation protection area which make use of small industrial gauges and industrial radiography. It proposes, procedures for industry self-evaluation, besides a new radiation protection plans pattern for the small industrial gauges area. The data source where inspection reports of Dosimetry Radiation Protection Institute/Nuclear Energy Commission conventional Brazilian industries' radiation protection plans, beyond visitation to the inspection place. The performance evaluation has been realized both in the administrative and operational aspects of the industries. About of 60% of the industries have a satisfactory register control which does not happen to the operational control. The performance evaluation advantage is that industries may self-evaluate, foreseeing Dosimetry Radiation Protection Institute's regulation inspections, correcting its irregularities, automatically improving its services. The number of industries which have obtained satisfactory performance in both areas is below 70%, both in administrative and operational aspects. Such number can be considered a low one as it is radiation protection. The procedures propose in this work aim to improve such a situation. (author)

  9. Nuclear reactions video (knowledge base on low energy nuclear physics)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zagrebaev, V.; Kozhin, A.


    The NRV (nuclear reactions video) is an open and permanently extended global system of management and graphical representation of nuclear data and video-graphic computer simulation of low energy nuclear dynamics. It consists of a complete and renewed nuclear database and well known theoretical models of low energy nuclear reactions altogether forming the 'low energy nuclear knowledge base'. The NRV solves two main problems: 1) fast and visualized obtaining and processing experimental data on nuclear structure and nuclear reactions; 2) possibility for any inexperienced user to analyze experimental data within reliable commonly used models of nuclear dynamics. The system is based on the realization of the following principal things: the net and code compatibility with the main existing nuclear databases; maximal simplicity in handling: extended menu, friendly graphical interface, hypertext description of the models, and so on; maximal visualization of input data, dynamics of studied processes and final results by means of real three-dimensional images, plots, tables and formulas and a three-dimensional animation. All the codes are composed as the real Windows applications and work under Windows 95/NT

  10. Nuclear Forensics: Scientific Analysis Supporting Law Enforcement and Nuclear Security Investigations. (United States)

    Keegan, Elizabeth; Kristo, Michael J; Toole, Kaitlyn; Kips, Ruth; Young, Emma


    Nuclear forensic science, or "nuclear forensic", aims to answer questions about nuclear material found outside of regulatory control. In this Feature, we provide a general overview of nuclear forensics, selecting examples of key "nuclear forensic signatures" which have allowed investigators to determine the identity of unknown nuclear material in real investigations.

  11. Nuclear Symbiosis - A Means to Achieve Sustainable Nuclear Growth while Limiting the Spread of Sensitive Nuclear Technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shropshire, David


    Global growth of nuclear energy in the 21st century is creating new challenges to limit the spread of nuclear technology without hindering adoption in countries now considering nuclear power. Independent nuclear states desire autonomy over energy choices and seek energy independence. However, this independence comes with high costs for development of new indigenous fuel cycle capabilities. Nuclear supplier states and expert groups have proposed fuel supply assurance mechanisms such as fuel take-back services, international enrichment services and fuel banks in exchange for recipient state concessions on the development of sensitive technologies. Nuclear states are slow to accept any concessions to their rights under the Non-Proliferation Treaty. To date, decisions not to develop indigenous fuel cycle capabilities have been driven primarily by economics. However, additional incentives may be required to offset a nuclear state's perceived loss of energy independence. This paper proposes alternative economic development incentives that could help countries decide to forgo development of sensitive nuclear technologies. The incentives are created through a nuclear-centered industrial complex with 'symbiotic' links to indigenous economic opportunities. This paper also describes a practical tool called the 'Nuclear Materials Exchange' for identifying these opportunities.

  12. Nuclear Symbiosis - A Means to Achieve Sustainable Nuclear Growth while Limiting the Spread of Sensititive Nuclear Technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    David Shropshire


    Global growth of nuclear energy in the 21st century is creating new challenges to limit the spread of nuclear technology without hindering adoption in countries now considering nuclear power. Independent nuclear states desire autonomy over energy choices and seek energy independence. However, this independence comes with high costs for development of new indigenous fuel cycle capabilities. Nuclear supplier states and expert groups have proposed fuel supply assurance mechanisms such as fuel take-back services, international enrichment services and fuel banks in exchange for recipient state concessions on the development of sensitive technologies. Nuclear states are slow to accept any concessions to their rights under the Non-Proliferation Treaty. To date, decisions not to develop indigenous fuel cycle capabilities have been driven primarily by economics. However, additional incentives may be required to offset a nuclear state’s perceived loss of energy independence. This paper proposes alternative economic development incentives that could help countries decide to forgo development of sensitive nuclear technologies. The incentives are created through a nuclear-centered industrial complex with “symbiotic” links to indigenous economic opportunities. This paper also describes a practical tool called the “Nuclear Materials Exchange” for identifying these opportunities.

  13. Nuclear energy and nuclear weapons proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A summary of the report dispatched in the middle of 1978 by the Atlantic Council of United States, organized by North American citizens, is presented. The report considers the relation between the production of nucleoelectric energy and the capacity of proliferation of nuclear weapons. The factors which affect the grade of proliferation risk represented by the use of nuclear energy in the world comparing this risk with the proliferation risks independently of nuclear energy, are examined. (M.C.K.) [pt

  14. Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities (INFCIRC/225/Revision 5): Recommendations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication, Revision 5 of Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities (INFCIRC/225), is intended to provide guidance to States and their competent authorities on how to develop or enhance, implement and maintain a physical protection regime for nuclear material and nuclear facilities, through the establishment or improvement of their capabilities to implement legislative and regulatory programmes. The recommendations presented in this publication reflect a broad consensus among IAEA Member States on the requirements which should be met for the physical protection of nuclear materials and nuclear facilities.

  15. Nuclear winter: Global consequences of multiple nuclear explosions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turco, R.P.; Toon, O.B.; Ackerman, T.P.; Pollack, J.B.; Sagan, C.


    Concern has been raised over the short- and long-term consequences of the dust, smoke, radioactivity, and toxic vapors that would be generated by a nuclear war. The discovery that dense clouds of soil particles may have played a major role in past mass extinctions of life on Earth has encouraged the reconsideration of nuclear war effects. These developments have led the authors to calculate, using new data and improved models, the potential global environmental effects of dust and smoke clouds (henceforth referred to as nuclear dust and smoke) generated in a nuclear war. They neglect the short-term effects of blast, fire, and radiation. Most of the world's population could probably survive the initial nuclear exchange and would inherit the postwar environment. Accordingly, the longer-term and global-scale aftereffects of nuclear war might prove to be as important as the immediate consequences of the war

  16. Choosing nuclear engineering: A survey of nuclear engineering undergraduates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shillenn, J.K.; Klevans, E.H.


    Maintaining a reliable pool of qualified nuclear engineering graduates depends on the ability of nuclear engineering undergraduate programs to recruit students. With the prospect of declining enrollments in nuclear engineering it is important for nuclear engineering programs to know what factors influence students to choose nuclear engineering as an undergraduate major and why they choose a particular undergraduate program. This type of information can be very important to nuclear engineering programs that develop recruiting strategies. To provide some insight into this area, a questionnaire was designed and given to undergraduate nuclear engineering students at Pennsylvania State University. The purpose of the survey was to provide information on the reasons that students picked nuclear engineering as a career and chose to attend Penn State. The questionnaire was given to 27 students in their junior year during the spring semester of 1987 and again to 35 junior students during the spring semester of 1988. There was little difference except as noted between the two groups on their responses to the questionnaire. A partial listing of the survey results is provided

  17. Nuclear option

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kemm, K R


    The global outlook is that nuclear reactors are here to stay and South Africa has already entered the nuclear power stakes. This article discusses the rocketing oil prices, and the alternatives that can be used in power generation, the good safety record of the nuclear industry and the effect that South Africa's first nuclear power station should have on the environment.

  18. Nuclear medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lentle, B.C.


    Several growth areas for nuclear medicine were defined. Among them were: cardiac nuclear medicine, neuro-psychiatric nuclear medicine, and cancer diagnosis through direct tumor imaging. A powerful new tool, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) was lauded as the impetus for new developments in nuclear medicine. The political environment (funding, degree of autonomy) was discussed, as were the economic and scientific environments

  19. High-Frequency Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in the Nuclear Rotating Frame

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farrar, C. T.; Hall, D. A.; Gerfen, G. J.


    A proton dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) NMR signal enhancement (ϵ) close to thermal equilibrium, ϵ = 0.89, has been obtained at high field (B0 = 5 T, νepr = 139.5 GHz) using 15 mM trityl radical in a 40:60 water/glycerol frozen solution at 11 K. The electron-nuclear polarization transfer...... is performed in the nuclear rotating frame with microwave irradiation during a nuclear spin-lock pulse. The growth of the signal enhancement is governed by the rotating frame nuclear spin–lattice relaxation time (T1ρ), which is four orders of magnitude shorter than the nuclear spin–lattice relaxation time (T1n......). Due to the rapid polarization transfer in the nuclear rotating frame the experiment can be recycled at a rate of 1/T1ρ and is not limited by the much slower lab frame nuclear spin–lattice relaxation rate (1/T1n). The increased repetition rate allowed in the nuclear rotating frame provides an effective...

  20. Nuclear waste management, reactor decommisioning, nuclear liability and public attitudes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, R.E.


    This paper deals with several issues that are frequently raised by the public in any discussion of nuclear energy, and explores some aspects of public attitudes towards nuclear-related activities. The characteristics of the three types of waste associated with the nuclear fuel cycle, i.e. mine/mill tailings, reactor wastes and nuclear fuel wastes, are defined, and the methods currently being proposed for their safe handling and disposal are outlined. The activities associated with reactor decommissioning are also described, as well as the Canadian approach to nuclear liability. The costs associated with nuclear waste management, reactor decommissioning and nuclear liability are also discussed. Finally, the issue of public attitudes towards nuclear energy is addressed. It is concluded that a simple and comprehensive information program is needed to overcome many of the misconceptions that exist about nuclear energy and to provide the public with a more balanced information base on which to make decisions

  1. New nuclear projects in the world. Sustainable Nuclear Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leon, P. T.


    Nuclear power has experienced a major boom in the last few years, primarily because it is a non-CO 2 emitting energy source, it can be produced at competitive costs and it can boost a country's security of supply. there are still two issues to be addressed in relation to the currently used technologies: the degree to which the energy content of nuclear fuel is used, and wastes. A solution to both these aspects would ut nuclear power in the category of sustainable energy. The article provides details on current nuclear plans in the wold, the impact of the Fukushima accident on different countries nuclear plans and the European initiatives for sustainable nuclear energy development. (Author)

  2. Diseño y construcción de un prototipo para medición y transmisión inalámbrica del consumo de energía eléctrica de un sistema monofásico bifilar


    Dávila Frías, Alex Vicente; Chico Hidalgo, Patricio Iván


    Se abordan el diseño (hardware y software) y la construcción de un dispositivo medidor (esclavo) y un dispositivo maestro. Para la comunicación inalámbrica se utiliza un transceptor de radio frecuencia AT-XTR-903-433MHz de ABACOM Technoligies. El procesamiento esta a cargo de un microcontrolador PIC16F877A. Se implementa una aplicación para PC, que sirve como interfaz gráfica para que el usuario pueda efectuar acciones de lectura y/o configuración remota sobre el esclavo. La aplicación permit...

  3. Nuclear fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gangwani, Saloni; Chakrabortty, Sumita


    Nuclear fuel is a material that can be consumed to derive nuclear energy, by analogy to chemical fuel that is burned for energy. Nuclear fuels are the most dense sources of energy available. Nuclear fuel in a nuclear fuel cycle can refer to the fuel itself, or to physical objects (for example bundles composed of fuel rods) composed of the fuel material, mixed with structural, neutron moderating, or neutron reflecting materials. Long-lived radioactive waste from the back end of the fuel cycle is especially relevant when designing a complete waste management plan for SNF. When looking at long-term radioactive decay, the actinides in the SNF have a significant influence due to their characteristically long half-lives. Depending on what a nuclear reactor is fueled with, the actinide composition in the SNF will be different. The following paper will also include the uses. advancements, advantages, disadvantages, various processes and behavior of nuclear fuels

  4. Nuclear networking. (United States)

    Xie, Wei; Burke, Brian


    Nuclear lamins are intermediate filament proteins that represent important structural components of metazoan nuclear envelopes (NEs). By combining proteomics and superresolution microscopy, we recently reported that both A- and B-type nuclear lamins form spatially distinct filament networks at the nuclear periphery of mouse fibroblasts. In particular, A-type lamins exhibit differential association with nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Our studies reveal that the nuclear lamina network in mammalian somatic cells is less ordered and more complex than that of amphibian oocytes, the only other system in which the lamina has been visualized at high resolution. In addition, the NPC component Tpr likely links NPCs to the A-type lamin network, an association that appears to be regulated by C-terminal modification of various A-type lamin isoforms. Many questions remain, however, concerning the structure and assembly of lamin filaments, as well as with their mode of association with other nuclear components such as peripheral chromatin.

  5. Nuclear weapons modernizations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kristensen, Hans M. [Federation of American Scientists, Washington, DC (United States)


    This article reviews the nuclear weapons modernization programs underway in the world's nine nuclear weapons states. It concludes that despite significant reductions in overall weapons inventories since the end of the Cold War, the pace of reductions is slowing - four of the nuclear weapons states are even increasing their arsenals, and all the nuclear weapons states are busy modernizing their remaining arsenals in what appears to be a dynamic and counterproductive nuclear competition. The author questions whether perpetual modernization combined with no specific plan for the elimination of nuclear weapons is consistent with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and concludes that new limits on nuclear modernizations are needed.

  6. Introducing nuclear power into currently non-nuclear states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gert, Claassen


    As the nuclear renaissance gains momentum, many countries that currently have no nuclear power plants will begin to consider introducing them. It is anticipated that smaller reactors such as the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) will not only be sold to current nuclear states to also to states where there is currently no nuclear experience. A range of issues would have to be considered for nuclear plants to be sold to non-nuclear states, such as the appropriate regulatory environment, standardization and codes, non-proliferation, security of supply, obtaining experienced merchant operators, appropriate financial structures and education and training. The paper considers nine major issues that need to be addressed by governments and vendors alike: 1) political enabling framework, 2) regulatory framework, 3) responsible owner, 4) responsible operator, 5) finance, 6) contact management, 7) fuel supply and waste management framework, 8) training and education, and 9) industrial infrastructure. International cooperation by organisations such as the IAEA, financial institutions and international suppliers will be required to ensure that developing countries as well as developed ones share the benefits of the nuclear renaissance. The opportunities that the nuclear industry affords to develop local skills, create job opportunities and to develop local manufacturing industries are among the important reasons that the South African Government has decided to support and fund the development of the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor project. (author)

  7. Muon nuclear fusion and low temperature nuclear fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagamine, Kanetada


    Low temperature (or normal temperature) nuclear fusion is one of the phenomena causing nuclear fusion without requiring high temperature. In thermal nuclear fusion, the Coulomb barrier is overcome with the help of thermal energy, but in the low temperature nuclear fusion, the Coulomb barrier is neutralized by the introduction of the particles having larger mass than electrons and negative charges, at this time, if two nuclei can approach to the distance of 10 -13 cm in the neutral state, the occurrence of nuclear fusion reaction is expected. As the mass of the particles is heavier, the neutral region is smaller, and nuclear fusion is easy to occur. The particles to meet this purpose are the electrons within substances and muons. The research on muon nuclear fusion became suddenly active in the latter half of 1970s, the cause of which was the discovery of the fact that the formation of muons occurs resonantly rapidly in D-T and D-D systems. Muons are the unstable elementary particles having the life of 2.2 μs, and they can have positive and negative charges. In the muon catalyzed fusion, the muons with negative charge take part. The principle of the muon catalyzed fusion, its present status and future perspective, and the present status of low temperature nuclear fusion are reported. (K.I.)

  8. Parvoviral nuclear import: bypassing the host nuclear-transport machinery. (United States)

    Cohen, Sarah; Behzad, Ali R; Carroll, Jeffrey B; Panté, Nelly


    The parvovirus Minute virus of mice (MVM) is a small DNA virus that replicates in the nucleus of its host cells. However, very little is known about the mechanisms underlying parvovirus' nuclear import. Recently, it was found that microinjection of MVM into the cytoplasm of Xenopus oocytes causes damage to the nuclear envelope (NE), suggesting that the nuclear-import mechanism of MVM involves disruption of the NE and import through the resulting breaks. Here, fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy were used to examine the effect of MVM on host-cell nuclear structure during infection of mouse fibroblast cells. It was found that MVM caused dramatic changes in nuclear shape and morphology, alterations of nuclear lamin immunostaining and breaks in the NE of infected cells. Thus, it seems that the unusual nuclear-import mechanism observed in Xenopus oocytes is in fact used by MVM during infection of host cells.

  9. Towards sustainable nuclear energy: Putting nuclear physics to work

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koning, A.J.; Rochman, D.


    We have developed a new method to propagate the uncertainties of fundamental nuclear physics models and parameters to the design and performance parameters of future, clean nuclear energy systems. Using Monte Carlo simulation, it is for the first time possible to couple these two fields at the extremes of nuclear science without any loss of information in between. With the help of a large database of nuclear reaction measurements, we have determined the uncertainties of theoretical nuclear reaction models such as the optical, compound nucleus, pre-equilibrium and fission models. A similar assessment is done for the parameters that describe the resolved resonance range. Integrating this into one simulation program enables us to describe all open channels in a nuclear reaction, including a complete handling of uncertainties. Moreover, in one and the same process, values and uncertainties of nuclear reactor parameters are computed. This bypasses all the intermediate steps which have been used so far in nuclear data and reactor physics. Two important results emerge from this work: (a) we are able to quantify the required quality of theoretical nuclear reaction models directly from the reactor design requirements and (b) our method leads to a deviation from the commonly assumed normal distribution for uncertainties of safety related reactor parameters, and this should be taken into account for future nuclear energy development. In particular, calculated k eff distributions show a high-value tail for fast reactor spectra

  10. The development of nuclear power and nuclear manpower training in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Lin; Xu Xiyue


    There are two nuclear power plants (NPP) in operation in China. The Qinshan NPP was the first that was constructed by China's own efforts and went into operation on 1991. The Daya Bay NPP was constructed using foreign funds, technology and went into operation on 1994. Four nuclear power projects with 8 units were initiated during the State Ninth Five-years Plan. The 8 units are expected for commercial operation between 2002 and 2005. China is preparing for the Tenth Five-Year Plan, in which China will develop the nuclear power at a moderate pace. The 13 universities and colleges were offering nuclear science educations. The students from these universities and college can meet the needs of nuclear institutes and enterprises. China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) owns the Graduated School of Nuclear Industry and the Nuclear Industry Administrative Cadre College, which will turn into the nuclear training center in future. Besides, CNNC also owns 4 institutions awarding Doctorate and 9 institutes awarding Master Degree. Many programs for education and training carried out by CNNC are presented, such as direct education supported by CNNC's finances, on job training, education for the second bachelor degree, training for senior economic professionals, research course for senior professionals, short time training course and training for license. China trained nuclear personnel by international cooperation with other countries both through multilateral and bilateral cooperation programs. CNNC has established scientific and economic ties with over 40 countries. CNNC has held diversified training for nuclear industry professionals with our own efforts and with the support from the State for many years. Today, the rapid development of nuclear industry needs more professionals. We must make greater efforts to enhance human resources development. Nuclear Safety is very important for nuclear energy development. Nuclear safety is closely related to each person who works in

  11. Nuclear disarmament or survival of nuclear arms?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stroot, J.P.


    START II has not yet been ratified by the US or Russian parliaments. Doubts may be raised over whether it will ever be. In the best case there will be more than 20,000 nuclear warheads in the arsenals of these two countries by the year 2003. All five nuclear states consider that nuclear weapons are an essential component of their national defense. It might sound childish but, the whole story is is so often childish: the five powers refuse to break their nuclear toys. They take even all possible measures to maintain and improve them and to ensure the survivability of their arsenals. To prepare for the next arms race..

  12. Siting of nuclear facilities. Selections from Nuclear Safety

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buchanan, J.R.


    The report presented siting policy and practice for nuclear power plants as developed in the U.S. and abroad. Twenty-two articles from Nuclear Safety on this general topic are reprinted since they provide a valuable reference source. The appendices also include reprints of some relevant regulatory rules and guides on siting. Advantages and disadvantages of novel siting concepts such as underground containment, offshore siting, and nuclear energy parks are addressed. Other topics include site criteria, risk criteria, and nuclear ship criteria.

  13. Siting of nuclear facilities. Selections from Nuclear Safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buchanan, J.R.


    The report presented siting policy and practice for nuclear power plants as developed in the U.S. and abroad. Twenty-two articles from Nuclear Safety on this general topic are reprinted since they provide a valuable reference source. The appendices also include reprints of some relevant regulatory rules and guides on siting. Advantages and disadvantages of novel siting concepts such as underground containment, offshore siting, and nuclear energy parks are addressed. Other topics include site criteria, risk criteria, and nuclear ship criteria

  14. Nuclear energy and nuclear technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luescher, E.


    This book originated in the training courses for teachers of grammar- and secondary schools in Dillingen (Bavaria). The aim of these courses is to become informed about the latest state in one field of physics. The lectures are well-known experts in the respective fields. In the latest study (1980) of the National Academy of Sciences the experts came to the conclusion that without further development nuclear power plants the utilization of too much coal would become necessary and involve irreversible environmental damage (see chapter 6). There are two important obstacles impeding the further extension of nuclear energy. The first problem to be solved is the processing and storage of radioactive waste. This is a more technical task and can be treated in a satisfactory way. The second obstacle is less easy to take as the population has to be convinced that a nuclear power plant can be operated with almost unbelievable safety (see chapter 5) and be shut down safely in the case of incidents. The most promising possibility of controlled nuclear fusion as energy source is still many decades- if feasible at all- away from being performed (see chapter. 7). In the Soviet Union 25% of the electric energy production shall be proceed from nuclear power plants by the year 1990. (orig./GL) [de

  15. Nuclear information services at the National Nuclear Data Center

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burrows, T.W.; Tuli, J.K.


    The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory has maintained and disseminated data from several numeric and bibliographic data bases for many years. These data bases now cover most of low- and medium-energy nuclear physics and are produced by the NNDC and other groups belonging to various international and national networks. The numeric and bibliographic nuclear data bases maintained by the National Nuclear Data Center and access to these data bases is described. The U.S. Nuclear Data and Reaction Data Networks is also briefly described. (author)

  16. Nuclear stress test (United States)

    ... Persantine stress test; Thallium stress test; Stress test - nuclear; Adenosine stress test; Regadenoson stress test; CAD - nuclear stress; Coronary artery disease - nuclear stress; Angina - nuclear ...

  17. Definition of Nuclear Material in Aspects of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeon, Ji Hye; Lee, Chan Suh


    Nuclear safety accidents directly affect human health but nuclear security incidents indirectly influence human, which demonstrates the reason why security receives less attention. However, it is acknowledged that nuclear terrorism is indeed one of the most dreadful threat humanity faces. As part of strengthening nuclear security as well as nonproliferation to response to the threat, we need a better understanding of the nuclear material which needs to be safe under the objective of nuclear security. In reality, practitioners implement safeguards and physical protection in compliance with the regulation text in domestic legislation. Thus, it is important to specify nuclear material clearly in law for effective implementation. Therefore, the definition of terminology related to nuclear material is explored herein, within the highest-level legislation on the safeguards and physical protection. First the definition in Korean legislation is analyzed. Then, so as to suggest some improvements, other international efforts are examined and some case studies are conducted on other states which have similar level of nuclear technology and industry to Korea. Finally, a draft of definition on nuclear material in perspective of nuclear nonproliferation and security is suggested based on the analysis below. The recommendation showed the draft nuclear material definition in nuclear control. The text will facilitate the understanding of nuclear material in the context of nuclear nonproliferation and security. It might provide appropriate provision for future legislation related to nuclear nonproliferation and security. For effective safeguards and physical protection measures, nuclear material should be presented with in a consistent manner as shown in the case of United Kingdom. It will be much more helpful if further material engineering studies on each nuclear material are produced. Multi-dimensional approach is required for the studies on the degree of efforts to divert

  18. Definition of Nuclear Material in Aspects of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeon, Ji Hye; Lee, Chan Suh [Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Nuclear safety accidents directly affect human health but nuclear security incidents indirectly influence human, which demonstrates the reason why security receives less attention. However, it is acknowledged that nuclear terrorism is indeed one of the most dreadful threat humanity faces. As part of strengthening nuclear security as well as nonproliferation to response to the threat, we need a better understanding of the nuclear material which needs to be safe under the objective of nuclear security. In reality, practitioners implement safeguards and physical protection in compliance with the regulation text in domestic legislation. Thus, it is important to specify nuclear material clearly in law for effective implementation. Therefore, the definition of terminology related to nuclear material is explored herein, within the highest-level legislation on the safeguards and physical protection. First the definition in Korean legislation is analyzed. Then, so as to suggest some improvements, other international efforts are examined and some case studies are conducted on other states which have similar level of nuclear technology and industry to Korea. Finally, a draft of definition on nuclear material in perspective of nuclear nonproliferation and security is suggested based on the analysis below. The recommendation showed the draft nuclear material definition in nuclear control. The text will facilitate the understanding of nuclear material in the context of nuclear nonproliferation and security. It might provide appropriate provision for future legislation related to nuclear nonproliferation and security. For effective safeguards and physical protection measures, nuclear material should be presented with in a consistent manner as shown in the case of United Kingdom. It will be much more helpful if further material engineering studies on each nuclear material are produced. Multi-dimensional approach is required for the studies on the degree of efforts to divert

  19. Russian Federal nuclear center facilities for nuclear spectroscopy investigations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ilkaev, R.I.; Punin, V.T.; Abramovich, S.N.


    Russian Federal Nuclear Center facilities for Spectroscopy investigation in the field of nuclear spectroscopy are described. Here are discussed basic properties of used radiation sources, facilities and technologies for target material production and manufacture of targets from rare, high-toxic or radioactive materials. Here are also reported basic features of complex detector systems and technologies for manufacture of scintillation detectors with special properties VNIIEF was founded as a weapons laboratory. The development of nuclear and thermonuclear bombs was followed by a wide complex of nuclear-physics investigations. Naturally, data on nuclear-physics properties of active and structure materials being part of nuclear weapons were of greatest interest.At the initial stage of work on the development of nuclear weapons the information on nuclear constants of materials including the most important neutron ones was rather scant. Data published in scientific literature had low exactness and were insecure. Results of measurements sometimes differed greatly by various groups of investigators. At the same time it was clear that, for example, a 1,5-times mistake in the fission cross-section could cause a several times mistake in the choice of uranium or plutonium mass, which is necessary for the bomb development. These circumstances determined importance of the nuclear-physics investigations. Demands on knowledge of process details occurring inside the nuclei conditioned by a problem of developing and improving of nuclear weapons and atomic power are rather limited. However, the further development of nuclear industry has proved a well-known point that this knowledge being accumulated forms a critical mass that leads to an explosive situation in the elaboration both of ideological and technological aspects of these problems. It is the tendency of inside development of nuclear science that has conditioned preparedness of knowledge about intranuclear processes for

  20. The World Nuclear University - A pillar of the nuclear renaissance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nigon, Jean-Louis


    The World Nuclear University was founded with the support of four leading international nuclear institutions - two of them inter-governmental organisations (IAEA and OECD/NEA), the other two bodies serving the industry and its operators (WNA and WANO). Inaugurated in September 2003 on the 50. anniversary of President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace speech, the WNU started working a year later upon the arrival of the first staff members. Today there is a tremendous disparity in the nuclear industry between the pace of the unfolding nuclear renaissance, which is gathering momentum by the day, and the slower pace at which we are educating a new generation of nuclear scientists and engineers. The WNU aims to be instrumental in creating a network of leading institutions of nuclear learning in order to help fill this gap. The emerging worldwide partnership aims to: - Enhance nuclear education amongst its members, - Establish globally accepted standards in academic and professional qualification, and - Elevate the prestige of the nuclear profession. Prior to the establishment of WNU, many leading educational institutions of nuclear learning had already launched cooperation on a regional basis, as follows (country or region/network): United States/NEDHO (Nuclear Engineering Department Head Organization); Canada/UNENE (University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering in Canada); Asia/ANENT (Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology); Europe/ENEN (European Nuclear Education Network); Russia/WNU Russian Branch. Thus the WNU can be seen to a certain extent as a 'network of networks', although it should be stressed that many of the current WNU members did not belong to already existing networks. By creating a global network, the WNU avoids the duplication of efforts and limits the total number of staff required. The WNU does not lose sight of the fact, however, that local problems should be solved locally. Ten Working Groups share between them the activities of the

  1. Nuclear power generation and nuclear fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okajima, Yasujiro


    As of June 30, 1984, in 25 countries, 311 nuclear power plants of about 209 million kW were in operation. In Japan, 27 plants of about 19 million kW were in operation, and Japan ranks fourth in the world. The present state of nuclear power generation and nuclear fuel cycle is explained. The total uranium resources in the free world which can be mined at the cost below $130/kgU are about 3.67 million t, and it was estimated that the demand up to about 2015 would be able to be met. But it is considered also that the demand and supply of uranium in the world may become tight at the end of 1980s. The supply of uranium to Japan is ensured up to about 1995, and the yearly supply of 3000 st U 3 O 8 is expected in the latter half of 1990s. The refining, conversion and enrichment of uranium are described. In Japan, a pilot enrichment plant consisting of 7000 centrifuges has the capacity of about 50 t SWU/year. UO 2 fuel assemblies for LWRs, the working of Zircaloy, the fabrication of fuel assemblies, the quality assurance of nuclear fuel, the behavior of UO 2 fuel, the grading-up of LWRs and nuclear fuel, and the nuclear fuel business in Japan are reported. The reprocessing of spent fuel and plutonium fuel are described. (Kako, I.)

  2. Nuclear fission and nuclear safeguards: Common technologies and challenges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keepin, G.R.


    Nuclear fission and nuclear safeguards have much in common, including the basic physical phenomena and technologies involved as well as the commitments and challenges posed by expanding nuclear programs in many countries around the world. The unique characteristics of the fission process -- such as prompt and delayed neutron and gamma ray emission -- not only provide the means of sustaining and controlling the fission chain reaction, but also provide unique ''signatures'' that are essential to quantitative measurement and effective safeguarding of key nuclear materials (notably 239 Pu and 235 U) against theft, loss, or diversion. In this paper, we trace briefly the historical emergence of safeguards as an essential component of the expansion of the nuclear enterprise worldwide. We then survey the major categories of passive and active nondestructive assay techniques that are currently in use or under development for rapid, accurate measurement and verification of safe-guarded nuclear materials in the many forms in which they occur throughout the nuclear fuel cycle. 23 refs., 14 figs

  3. INTERNET and information about nuclear sciences. The world wide web virtual library: nuclear sciences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuruc, J.


    In this work author proposes to constitute new virtual library which should centralize the information from nuclear disciplines on the INTERNET, in order to them to give first and foremost the connection on the most important links in set nuclear sciences. The author has entitled this new virtual library The World Wide Web Library: Nuclear Sciences. By constitution of this virtual library next basic principles were chosen: home pages of international organizations important from point of view of nuclear disciplines; home pages of the National Nuclear Commissions and governments; home pages of nuclear scientific societies; web-pages specialized on nuclear problematic, in general; periodical tables of elements and isotopes; web-pages aimed on Chernobyl crash and consequences; web-pages with antinuclear aim. Now continue the links grouped on web-pages according to single nuclear areas: nuclear arsenals; nuclear astrophysics; nuclear aspects of biology (radiobiology); nuclear chemistry; nuclear company; nuclear data centres; nuclear energy; nuclear energy, environmental aspects of (radioecology); nuclear energy info centres; nuclear engineering; nuclear industries; nuclear magnetic resonance; nuclear material monitoring; nuclear medicine and radiology; nuclear physics; nuclear power (plants); nuclear reactors; nuclear risk; nuclear technologies and defence; nuclear testing; nuclear tourism; nuclear wastes; nuclear wastes. In these single groups web-links will be concentrated into following groups: virtual libraries and specialized servers; science; nuclear societies; nuclear departments of the academic institutes; nuclear research institutes and laboratories; centres, info links

  4. Nuclear Engineering Education in Support of Thailand’s Nuclear Power Programme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chanyotha, S.; Pengvanich, P.; Nilsuwankosit, S.


    This paper aims to introduce the nuclear engineering education at the Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chulalongkon University, Bangkok Thailand. The department has been offering curriculum in nuclear engineering to support the national nuclear power programme since 1970s. It is the oldest established nuclear engineering educational programme in the South East Asia region. Nevertheless, since the nuclear power programme has been postponed several times due to various reasons, the educational programme at the department has been continuously adapted to meet the nation’s needs. Several areas of study have been introduced, including nuclear power engineering, industrial applications of radioisotope, nuclear instrumentation, radioisotope production, radiation processing, environment and safety, nuclear materials, as well as the newly created nuclear security and non-proliferation. With the renewed interest in using nuclear power in Thailand in 2007, the department has been actively assisting both the government and the electric utility in preparing human resources to support the nuclear power programme through various educational and training modules. Realizing the importance of establishing and balancing all 3 aspects of the nuclear 3S (safety, security and safeguard) in Thailand and in the Southeast Asian region. The new curriculum of nuclear security and safeguard programme has been offered since 2013. Since the establishment, the department has produced hundreds of graduates (Diploma, Master’s, and Ph.D. levels) to feed the continuously expanding Thai nuclear industry. The full paper will provide detailed information of the curriculum, the challenges and obstacles that the department has encountered, as well as the national and international linkages which have been established over the years. (author)

  5. Applications of nuclear physics (United States)

    Hayes, A. C.


    Today the applications of nuclear physics span a very broad range of topics and fields. This review discusses a number of aspects of these applications, including selected topics and concepts in nuclear reactor physics, nuclear fusion, nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear-geophysics, and nuclear medicine. The review begins with a historic summary of the early years in applied nuclear physics, with an emphasis on the huge developments that took place around the time of World War II, and that underlie the physics involved in designs of nuclear explosions, controlled nuclear energy, and nuclear fusion. The review then moves to focus on modern applications of these concepts, including the basic concepts and diagnostics developed for the forensics of nuclear explosions, the nuclear diagnostics at the National Ignition Facility, nuclear reactor safeguards, and the detection of nuclear material production and trafficking. The review also summarizes recent developments in nuclear geophysics and nuclear medicine. The nuclear geophysics areas discussed include geo-chronology, nuclear logging for industry, the Oklo reactor, and geo-neutrinos. The section on nuclear medicine summarizes the critical advances in nuclear imaging, including PET and SPECT imaging, targeted radionuclide therapy, and the nuclear physics of medical isotope production. Each subfield discussed requires a review article unto itself, which is not the intention of the current review; rather, the current review is intended for readers who wish to get a broad understanding of applied nuclear physics.

  6. Applications of nuclear physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayes-Sterbenz, Anna Catherine


    Today the applications of nuclear physics span a very broad range of topics and fields. This review discusses a number of aspects of these applications, including selected topics and concepts in nuclear reactor physics, nuclear fusion, nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear-geophysics, and nuclear medicine. The review begins with a historic summary of the early years in applied nuclear physics, with an emphasis on the huge developments that took place around the time of World War II, and that underlie the physics involved in designs of nuclear explosions, controlled nuclear energy, and nuclear fusion. The review then moves to focus on modern applications of these concepts, including the basic concepts and diagnostics developed for the forensics of nuclear explosions, the nuclear diagnostics at the National Ignition Facility, nuclear reactor safeguards, and the detection of nuclear material production and trafficking. The review also summarizes recent developments in nuclear geophysics and nuclear medicine. The nuclear geophysics areas discussed include geo-chronology, nuclear logging for industry, the Oklo reactor, and geo-neutrinos. The section on nuclear medicine summarizes the critical advances in nuclear imaging, including PET and SPECT imaging, targeted radionuclide therapy, and the nuclear physics of medical isotope production. Lastly, each subfield discussed requires a review article unto itself, which is not the intention of the current review; rather, the current review is intended for readers who wish to get a broad understanding of applied nuclear physics.

  7. Nuclear security culture in comparison with nuclear safety culture. Resemblances and differences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawata, Norio


    Since the terrorist attacks on the U.S. on September 11th, 2001, Nuclear Security has been focused on and treated as a global issue in the international community and it has also been discussed as a real and serious threat to nuclear power plants in the world since 'The Great East Japan Earthquake' in March, 2011. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a document including Nuclear Security Recommendations (INFCIRC/225/Rev.5) (NSS 13) in the Nuclear Security Series and emphasized the necessity of fostering Nuclear Security Culture. Nuclear Security Culture has been frequently discussed at various kinds of seminars and events. Since the officials in charge of Nuclear Security are familiar with the area of Nuclear Safety, the relationships between Nuclear Safety Culture and Nuclear Security Culture have been the point in controversy. This paper clarifies relevance between Nuclear Safety and Security, considers resemblances and differences of their concepts and lessons learned for each culture from nuclear power plant accidents, and promotes deeper understanding of Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Security Culture. (author)

  8. Regulatory oversight report 2008 concerning nuclear safety in Swiss nuclear installations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report issued by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Inspectorate (ENSI) reports on the work carried out by the Inspectorate in 2008. This report reviews the regulatory activities in the four Swiss nuclear power stations and in four further nuclear installations in various Swiss research facilities. It deals with topics such as operational details, technologies in use, radiation protection, radioactive wastes, emergency dispositions, personnel and provides an assessment of operations from the safety point of view. Also, the transportation of nuclear materials - both nuclear fuels and nuclear wastes - is reported on. General topics discussed include probabilistic safety analyses and accident management, earthquake damage analysis and agreements on nuclear safety. The underground disposal of highly-radioactive nuclear wastes and work done in the rock laboratories are discussed, as are proposals for additional nuclear power stations

  9. Nuclear waste problem: does new Europe need new nuclear energy?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alekseev, P.; Dudnikov, A.; Subbotin, S.


    Nuclear Energy for New Europe - what does it mean? New Europe - it means in first order joined Europe. And it is quite clear that also efforts in nuclear energy must be joined. What can be proposed as a target of joint efforts. Improvement of existing plants, technologies, materials? - Certainly, but it is performed already by designers and industry themselves. There exists a problem, which each state using nuclear energy faces alone. It is nuclear waste problem. Nowadays nuclear waste problem is not completely solved in any country. It seems reasonable for joining Europe to join efforts in solving this problem. A satisfactory solution would reduce a risk connected with nuclear waste. In addition to final disposal problem solution it is necessary to reduce total amount of nuclear waste, that means: reducing the rates of accumulation of long-lived dangerous radionuclides; reducing the existing amounts of these radionuclides by transmutation. These conditions can be satisfied in reasonable time by burning of minor actinides and, if possible, by transmutation of long-lived fission products. However we can use this strategy effectively if we will design and construct nuclear energy as a system of which components are united by nuclear fuel cycle as a system-forming factor. The existing structures and approaches may become insufficient for new Europe. Therefore among the initial steps in considering nuclear waste problem must be considering possible promising fuel cycles for European nuclear energy. So, does new Europe need new nuclear energy? It seems, yes. (author)

  10. Nuclear Symbiosis - A Means to Achieve Sustainable Nuclear Growth While Limiting the Spread of Sensitive Nuclear Technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shropshire, David


    Global growth of nuclear energy in the 21. century is creating new challenges to limit the spread of nuclear technology without hindering adoption in countries now considering nuclear power. Independent nuclear states desire autonomy over energy choices and seek energy independence. However, this independence comes with high costs for development of new indigenous fuel cycle capabilities. Nuclear supplier states and expert groups have proposed fuel supply assurance mechanisms such as fuel take-back services, international enrichment services and fuel banks in exchange for recipient state concessions on the development of sensitive technologies. Recipient states are slow to accept any concessions to their rights under the Non Proliferation Treaty. To date, decisions to not develop indigenous fuel enrichment capabilities have been driven by economics. However, additional incentives may be required in the future to offset the user state's perceived loss of energy independence. In order for a country to forgo development of sensitive nuclear capabilities, the basis for an equitable economic tradeoff must be established. This paper proposes that the nuclear trade-off can be made through a combination of fuel supply assurances, leveraging work by the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency on sustainable nuclear development, and use of 'nuclear symbiosis'. The primary focus of this paper is on how nuclear symbiosis could be used to achieve a user-state's desired economic, energy, and infrastructure development end states. The desired result from this 'symbiosis' is a nuclear-centered industrial complex that creates new economic opportunities through infrastructure improvements, human resource skills development and the development of new sustainable industries. This paper also describes the Nuclear Materials Exchange (NME) as a practical tool for performing nuclear symbiosis. The NME can be used to define existing and new international nuclear resources and

  11. Radionuclides for nuclear medicine: a nuclear physicists' view

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Cantone, M.; Haddad, F.; Harissopoulos, S.; Jensen, M.; Jokinen, A.; Koster, U.; Lebeda, Ondřej; Ponsard, B.; Ratzinger, U.; Stora, T.; Tarkanyi, F.; Van Duppen, P.


    Roč. 40, 2 Supplement (2013), S257-S257 ISSN 1619-7070. [Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM). 19.10.2013-23.10.2013, Lyon] Institutional support: RVO:61389005 Keywords : nuclear physics for medicine * EANM * medical radionuclides Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders

  12. NuclearFACTS: public engagement about the impacts of nuclear research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dalzell, M.T.J.; Alexander, R.N.; Main, M.G., E-mail: [Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation, Saskatoon, SK, (Canada)


    The Forum for Accountability and Communities Talking nuclear Science - nuclearFACTS - is a cornerstone of the Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation's efforts to engage the people of Saskatchewan in evidence-based conversations about the impacts of the nuclear research, development and training activities supported by the Fedoruk Centre. The second annual nuclearFACTS public colloquium was held 20 November 2014, and featured the participation of 16 research projects. This paper discusses the continued development of the nuclearFACTS concept and its role in the Fedoruk Centre's upstream engagement efforts. (author)

  13. Nuclear violence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mullen, R.K.


    A great deal of attention has been paid in the past decade or so to the characteristics of terrorists and their apparent goals and objectives, capabilities, and evolving strategy and tactics with respect to nuclear terrorism. In contrast, little has been said about the procedural aspects of nuclear terrorism, and even less about the way in which such endeavors can fail. This latter omission is important because it bears directly on the ability to evaluate credibly the potential for nuclear terrorism. Here, the author addresses the requirements inherent in acquiring a nuclear explosive capability by three routes: separation of plutonium from irradiated light or heavy water reactor (LWR or HWR) fuel, processing, or use of separated fissile material, and theft of a nuclear weapon. In addition, he deals with other potential acts of nuclear terrorism: sabotage of power reactors, uranium enrichment facilities and spent nuclear fuel in transport, and dispersal of radioactive materials, in particular, plutonium. He specifically does not look at the design or production of a nuclear weapon. Finally, the discussion here assumes that the terrorist is subnational; that is, a nation is not involved. Also, the discussion of subnational participation does not address the possibility of collusion with insiders

  14. Nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rippon, S.


    Do we need nuclear energy. Is it safe. What are the risks. Will it lead to proliferation. The questions are endless, the answers often confused. In the vigorous debates that surround the siting and operation of nuclear power plants, it is all too easy to lose sight of the central issues amid the mass of arguments and counter-arguments put forward. And there remains the doubt, who do we believe. This book presents the facts, simply, straightforwardly, and comprehensibly. It describes the different types of nuclear reactor, how they work, how energy is produced and transformed into usable power, how nuclear waste is handled, what safeguards are built in to prevent accident, contamination and misuse. More important, it does this in the context of the real world, examining the benefits as well as the dangers of a nuclear power programme, quantifying the risks, and providing an authoritative account of the nuclear industry worldwide. Technically complex and politically controversial, the contribution of nuclear energy to our future energy requirements is a crucial topic of our time. (author)

  15. Nuclear Liability and Insurance for Nuclear Damage in Sweden

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thofelt, H.


    This paper contains some facts about the Swedish nuclear energy production system and about the nuclear operators liability with the important issues. The nuclear insurance of Sweden is also explained in short terms. (author)

  16. Nuclear materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 1998, Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (NRA SR) performed 38 inspections, 25 of them were performed in co-operation with IAEA inspectors. There is no fresh nuclear fuel at Bohunice A-1 NPP at present. Fresh fuel of Bohunice V-1 and V-2 NPPs is inspected in the fresh fuel storage.There are 327 fresh fuel assemblies in Mochovce NPP fresh fuel storage. In addition to that, are also 71 small users of nuclear materials in Slovakia. In most cases they use: covers made of depleted uranium for non-destructive works, detection of level in production plants, covers for therapeutical sources at medical facilities. In. 1995, NRA SR issued 4 new licences for nuclear material withdrawal. In the next part manipulation with nuclear materials, spent fuel stores and illegal trafficking in nuclear materials are reported

  17. Nuclear power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porter, Arthur.


    This chapter of the final report of the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning in Ontario updates its interim report on nuclear power in Ontario (1978) in the light of the Three Mile Island accident and presents the commission's general conclusions and recommendations relating to nuclear power. The risks of nuclear power, reactor safety with special reference to Three Mile Island and incidents at the Bruce generating station, the environmental effects of uranium mining and milling, waste management, nuclear power economics, uranium supplies, socio-political issues, and the regulation of nuclear power are discussed. Specific recommendations are made concerning the organization and public control of Ontario Hydro, but the commission concluded that nuclear power is acceptable in Ontario as long as satisfactory progress is made in the disposal of uranium mill tailings and spent fuel wastes. (LL)

  18. Detection of nuclear radiations; Deteccion de Radiaciones nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanarro Sanz, A


    A summary of the lectures about the ordinary detectors of nuclear radiations explained by the author in the courses of Nuclear Engineering held at the J.E.N. up to the date of publication is given. Those lectures are considered to be a necessary introduction to Nuclear Instrumentation and Applied Electronics to Nuclear Engineering so it has been intended to underline those characteristics of radiation detectors that must be taken in consideration in choosing or designing the electronic equipment associated to them in order to take advantage of each detector possibilities. (Author)

  19. Detection of nuclear radiations; Detectores de radiaciones nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanarro Sanz, A


    A summary of the lectures about the ordinary detectors of nuclear radiations given by the author in the Courses of Introduction to Nuclear Engineering held at the JEN up to the date of publication is given. Those lectures are considered to be a necessary introduction to Nuclear Instrumentation and Applied electronics to Nuclear Engineering so it has been intent to underline those characteristics of radiation detectors that must be taken in consideration in choosing or designing the electronic equipment associated to them in order to take advantage of each detector possibilities. (Author) 8 refs.

  20. Nuclear battery materials and application of nuclear batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao Shaochang; Lu Zhenming; Fu Xiaoming; Liang Tongxiang


    Nuclear battery has lots of advantages such as small volume, longevity, environal stability and so on, therefore, it was widely used in aerospace, deep-sea, polar region, heart pacemaker, micro-electromotor and other fields etc. The application of nuclear battery and the development of its materials promote each other. In this paper the development and the latest research progress of nuclear battery materials has been introduced from the view of radioisotope, electric energy conversion and encapsulation. And the current and potential applications of the nuclear battery are also summarized. (authors)

  1. Current status and improvement of the nuclear physics experiment course for speciality of nuclear physics and nuclear technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qu Guopu; Guo Lanying


    The author reviews the current status of the nuclear physics experiment course for speciality of nuclear physics and nuclear technology in higher education and expresses author's views on the future improvement of the nuclear physics experiment course

  2. Theoretical studies in nuclear reactions and nuclear structure. Progress report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Research in the Maryland Nuclear Theory Group focusses on problems in four basic areas of current relevance. Hadrons in nuclear matter; the structure of hadrons; relativistic nuclear physics and heavy ion dynamics and related processes. The section on hadrons in nuclear matter groups together research items which are aimed at exploring ways in which the properties of nucleons and the mesons which play a role in the nuclear force are modified in the nuclear medium. A very interesting result has been the finding that QCD sum rules supply a new insight into the decrease of the nucleon`s mass in the nuclear medium. The quark condensate, which characterizes spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking of the late QCD vacuum, decreases in nuclear matter and this is responsible for the decrease of the nucleon`s mass. The section on the structure of hadrons contains progress reports on our research aimed at understanding the structure of the nucleon. Widely different approaches are being studied, e.g., lattice gauge calculations, QCD sum rules, quark-meson models with confinement and other hedgehog models. A major goal of this type of research is to develop appropriate links between nuclear physics and QCD. The section on relativistic nuclear physics represents our continuing interest in developing an appropriate relativistic framework for nuclear dynamics. A Lorentz-invariant description of the nuclear force suggests a similar decrease of the nucleon`s mass in the nuclear medium as has been found from QCD sum rules. Work in progress extends previous successes in elastic scattering to inelastic scattering of protons by nuclei. The section on heavy ion dynamics and related processes reports on research into the e{sup +}e{sup {minus}} problem and heavy ion dynamics.

  3. Recommended numerical nuclear physics data for cutting-edge nuclear technology applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganesan, S.; Srivenkatesan, R.; Anek Kumar; Murthy, C.S.R.C.; Dhekne, P.S.


    This paper introduces some aspects of online nuclear data services at Mumbai as part of today's technology of sharing knowledge of the recommended numerical nuclear physics data for nuclear applications. The physics foundation for cutting-edge technology applications is significantly strengthened by such knowledge generation and sharing techniques. A BARC server is presently mirroring the nuclear data services of the IAEA, Vienna. The users can get all the nuclear data information much faster from the BARC nuclear data mirror website that is now fully operational. The nuclear community is encouraged to develop the habit of accessing the website for recommended values of nuclear data for use in research and applications. The URL is: (author)

  4. Plight of China nuclear liability law and solutions of nuclear operating companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Su Guangchao; Wang Yonggang; Tang Yangyang


    With the development of nuclear use for peaceful purposes and the intensification of international cooperation in the field of nuclear energy, many countries attach more and more importance to legal risks of nuclear liability, and the companies in nuclear industry also enhance research on restrictive articles of nuclear liability in their international businesses. However, because China has neither signed any international convention on civil liability for nuclear damage nor adopted any law on atomic energy and on compensation for nuclear damage, many impediments often occur in international cooperation and trade. This essay is trying to outline the status and structure of international nuclear liability, analyze nuclear liabilities in international procurement for nuclear operating companies and respective solutions. (authors)

  5. Nuclear power development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nealey, S.


    The objective of this study is to examine factors and prospects for a resumption in growth of nuclear power in the United States over the next decade. The focus of analysis on the likelihood that current efforts in the United States to develop improved and safer nuclear power reactors will provide a sound technical basis for improved acceptance of nuclear power, and contribute to a social/political climate more conducive to a resumption of nuclear power growth. The acceptability of nuclear power and advanced reactors to five social/political sectors in the U.S. is examined. Three sectors highly relevant to the prospects for a restart of nuclear power plant construction are the financial sector involved in financing nuclear power plant construction, the federal nuclear regulatory sector, and the national political sector. For this analysis, the general public are divided into two groups: those who are knowledgeable about and involved in nuclear power issues, the involved public, and the much larger body of the general public that is relatively uninvolved in the controversy over nuclear power

  6. Nuclear structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eastham, D.A.; Joy, T.


    The paper on 'nuclear structure' is the Appendix to the Daresbury (United Kingdom) Annual Report 1985/86, and contains the research work carried out at the Nuclear Structure Facility, Daresbury, within that period. During the year a total of 74 experiments were scheduled covering the main areas of activity including: nuclear collective motion, nuclei far from stability, and nuclear collisions. The Appendix contains brief reports on these experiments and associated theory. (U.K.)

  7. Business of Nuclear Safety Analysis Office, Nuclear Technology Test Center

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayakawa, Masahiko


    The Nuclear Technology Test Center established the Nuclear Safety Analysis Office to execute newly the works concerning nuclear safety analysis in addition to the works related to the proving tests of nuclear machinery and equipments. The regulations for the Nuclear Safety Analysis Office concerning its organization, business and others were specially decided, and it started the business formally in August, 1980. It is a most important subject to secure the safety of nuclear facilities in nuclear fuel cycle as the premise of developing atomic energy. In Japan, the strict regulation of safety is executed by the government at each stage of the installation, construction, operation and maintenance of nuclear facilities, based on the responsibility for the security of installers themselves. The Nuclear Safety Analysis Office was established as the special organ to help the safety examination related to the installation of nuclear power stations and others by the government. It improves and puts in order the safety analysis codes required for the cross checking in the safety examination, and carries out safety analysis calculation. It is operated by the cooperation of the Science and Technology Agency and the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy. The purpose of establishment, the operation and the business of the Nuclear Safety Analysis Office, the plan of improving and putting in order of analysis codes, and the state of the similar organs in foreign countries are described. (Kako, I.)

  8. Nuclear alerts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Anti-nuclear demonstrations against the deployment of new US missiles were held in Nato Europe. As no agreement has yet been reached at the US-Soviet Intermediate Nuclear Forces talks in Geneva, the deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe has started

  9. Nuclear electronics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Friese, T.


    A short survey is given on nuclear radiation detectors and nuclear electronics. It is written for newcomers and those, who are not very familiar with this technique. Some additional information is given on typical failures in nuclear measurement systems. (orig.) [de

  10. 76 FR 40945 - Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC, Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC, Entergy Nuclear... (United States)


    ... NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [NRC-2011-0150; Docket Nos. 50-003, 50-247, and 50-286; License Nos. DPR-5, DPR-26, and DPR-64] Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC, Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.; Receipt of Request for Action Notice is hereby given that by petition...

  11. The nuclear dilemma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mason, Colin.


    This paper discusses nuclear war, disarmament and national defence policies. The author argues that in spite of the obvious advantages of nuclear power in many parts of the world, the world cannot afford the risk of continuing with it because of the demonstrated close and deadly association of nuclear power and nuclear reactors with nuclear weapons

  12. Nuclear Reactor Physics (United States)

    Stacey, Weston M.


    An authoritative textbook and up-to-date professional's guide to basic and advanced principles and practices Nuclear reactors now account for a significant portion of the electrical power generated worldwide. At the same time, the past few decades have seen an ever-increasing number of industrial, medical, military, and research applications for nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactor physics is the core discipline of nuclear engineering, and as the first comprehensive textbook and reference on basic and advanced nuclear reactor physics to appear in a quarter century, this book fills a large gap in the professional literature. Nuclear Reactor Physics is a textbook for students new to the subject, for others who need a basic understanding of how nuclear reactors work, as well as for those who are, or wish to become, specialists in nuclear reactor physics and reactor physics computations. It is also a valuable resource for engineers responsible for the operation of nuclear reactors. Dr. Weston Stacey begins with clear presentations of the basic physical principles, nuclear data, and computational methodology needed to understand both the static and dynamic behaviors of nuclear reactors. This is followed by in-depth discussions of advanced concepts, including extensive treatment of neutron transport computational methods. As an aid to comprehension and quick mastery of computational skills, he provides numerous examples illustrating step-by-step procedures for performing the calculations described and chapter-end problems. Nuclear Reactor Physics is a useful textbook and working reference. It is an excellent self-teaching guide for research scientists, engineers, and technicians involved in industrial, research, and military applications of nuclear reactors, as well as government regulators who wish to increase their understanding of nuclear reactors.

  13. Base isolation for nuclear power and nuclear material facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eidinger, J.M.; Kircher, C.A.; Vaidya, N.; Constantinou, M.; Kelly, J.M.; Seidensticker, R.; Tajirian, F.F.; Ovadia, D.


    This report serves to document the status of the practice for the use of base isolation systems in the design and construction of nuclear power and nuclear material facilities. The report first describes past and current (1989) applications of base isolation in nuclear facilities. The report then provides a brief discussion of non-nuclear applications. Finally, the report summarizes the status of known base-isolation codes and standards

  14. Thirty years nuclear energy. 240,000 years of nuclear waste. Why Greenpeace campaigns against nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teule, R.


    A brief overview is given of the arguments that Greenpeace has against nuclear energy, and why this environmental organization campaigns against the processing of nuclear waste and transportation of Dutch nuclear waste to France [nl

  15. Nuclear power and the nuclear fuel cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The percentage of electricity generated by nuclear energy in each of the 26 countries that operated nuclear power plants in 1987 is given. The current policy and programs of some of these countries is described. News concerning uranium mining, enrichment, reprocessing and waste management is also included. Data in the form of a generalized status summary for all power reactors (> 30 MWEN) prepared from the nuclear power reactor data files of ANSTO is shown

  16. Nuclear power economic database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Xiaoming; Li Lin; Zhao Shiping


    Nuclear power economic database (NPEDB), based on ORACLE V6.0, consists of three parts, i.e., economic data base of nuclear power station, economic data base of nuclear fuel cycle and economic database of nuclear power planning and nuclear environment. Economic database of nuclear power station includes data of general economics, technique, capital cost and benefit, etc. Economic database of nuclear fuel cycle includes data of technique and nuclear fuel price. Economic database of nuclear power planning and nuclear environment includes data of energy history, forecast, energy balance, electric power and energy facilities

  17. Does nuclear power lead to nuclear weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prawitz, J.


    It is pointed out that 'reactor grade' plutonium usually contains about 30 % Pu240 and is unsuitable for weapons. While it is possible to obtain an explosion, it is more difficult to initiate one and its effect, which will be considerably less than with bomb grade plutonium, is difficult to predict. The critical mass will be larger and more cooling required. The proliferation problem is then discussed and the four aspects, vertical, horizontal, sub-national and revolutionary, mentioned. In connection with nuclear power it is the second and third aspects which are of interest. In discussing the possibility of terrorist groups obtaining plutonium, a study by the Swedish Defence Research Institute is quoted as estimating that 10-20 qualified specialists and several years secret preparation would be necessary to make a nuclear weapon. Other authors, e.g. Ted Taylor, have maintained that it would be much easier, but examples of 'student designs' are primitive and unlikely to detonate. Even so, it is emphasised that safeguards and physical security are necessary. Horizontal proliferation is a more real problem and the NPT and IAEA safeguards are discussed in this connection. In conclusion the question of whether the proliferation of nuclear weapons via nuclear power can be prevented cannot be answered with a clear yes or no. Certain states may use nuclear weapon potential as a bargaining factor. However the decision to acquire nuclear weapons is political and while a nuclear power industry would be of help, it would not be decisively so. (JIW)

  18. The nuclear nineties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, D.


    Although United States Customs recently prevented 40 krytrons, fast triggers to start a nuclear fission detonation, from being exported, other countries have been able to acquire similar items without questions being asked. Nuclear power plants have been exported to Pakistan and it is expected that this will enable Pakistan to become the world's ninth nuclear weapons state. Not all current or potential nuclear weapons states have signed and ratified the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Some nuclear plant have been built in developing countries without proper International Atomic Energy Authority Control. It would seem that there is a general indifference to nuclear proliferation by some of the western nuclear countries. (UK)

  19. Nuclear questions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Durrani, M. [Physics World (United Kingdom)


    The future of nuclear power has returned to centre stage. Freezing weather on both sides of the Atlantic and last month's climate-change talks in Montreal have helped to put energy and the future of nuclear power right back on the political agenda. The issue is particularly pressing for those countries where existing nuclear stations are reaching the end of their lives. In the UK, prime minister Tony Blair has commissioned a review of energy, with a view to deciding later this year whether to build new nuclear power plants. The review comes just four years after the Labour government published a White Paper on energy that said the country should keep the nuclear option open but did not follow this up with any concrete action. In Germany, new chancellor and former physicist Angela Merkel is a fan of nuclear energy and had said she would extend the lifetime of its nuclear plants beyond 2020, when they are due to close. However, that commitment has had to be abandoned, at least for the time being, following negotiations with her left-wing coalition partners. The arguments in favour of nuclear power will be familiar to all physicists - it emits almost no carbon dioxide and can play a vital role in maintaining a diverse energy supply. To over-rely on imported supplies of oil and gas can leave a nation hostage to fortune. The arguments against are equally easy to list - the public is scared of nuclear power, it generates dangerous waste with potentially huge clean-up costs, and it is not necessarily cheap. Nuclear plants could also be a target for terrorist attacks. Given political will, many of these problems can be resolved, or at least tackled. China certainly sees the benefits of nuclear power, as does Finland, which is building a new 1600 MW station - the world's most powerful - that is set to open in 2009. Physicists, of course, are essential to such developments. They play a vital role in ensuring the safety of such plants and developing new types of

  20. Nuclear information services at the National Nuclear Data Center

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burrows, T.W.; Tuli, J.K.


    The numeric and bibliographic nuclear data bases maintained by the National Nuclear Data Center and access to these data bases will be described. The U.S. Nuclear Data and Reaction Data Networks will also be briefly described

  1. Charge symmetry breaking nuclear forces and the properties of nuclear matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haensel, P.


    The charge symmetry breaking (CSB) component of the nuclear forces yields the charge asymmetric term Esub(a)(N-Z)/A in the nuclear binding energy of nuclear matter. Calculation performed with several models of the CSB nuclear forces, and accounting for the strong short-range two-body correlations, gives Esub(a) approximately -0.2 MeV at the normal nuclear density. The charge asymmetry of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction is determined primarily by the CSB nuclear forces at the neutron excess, observed in finite nuclei. The exclusion principle and dispersion (self-consistency) effects of the nuclear medium decrease this charge asymmetry. (author)

  2. Nuclear disarmament verification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeVolpi, A.


    Arms control treaties, unilateral actions, and cooperative activities -- reflecting the defusing of East-West tensions -- are causing nuclear weapons to be disarmed and dismantled worldwide. In order to provide for future reductions and to build confidence in the permanency of this disarmament, verification procedures and technologies would play an important role. This paper outlines arms-control objectives, treaty organization, and actions that could be undertaken. For the purposes of this Workshop on Verification, nuclear disarmament has been divided into five topical subareas: Converting nuclear-weapons production complexes, Eliminating and monitoring nuclear-weapons delivery systems, Disabling and destroying nuclear warheads, Demilitarizing or non-military utilization of special nuclear materials, and Inhibiting nuclear arms in non-nuclear-weapons states. This paper concludes with an overview of potential methods for verification

  3. International conference on nuclear physics. Nuclear shells - 50 years. Summaries of reports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khazov, Yu.A.


    Abstracts of reports made at the 49 meeting on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure are presented. This meeting took place in April 21-24, 1999, at Dubna, Russia. The International Conference Nuclear Shells - 50 years took place in the framework of the 49 meeting. Results of experimental investigations of nuclear properties and nuclear reaction mechanisms are given. Problems of the theoretical description of nuclear structures and nuclear reactions are discussed. The particular attention is given to nuclear spectroscopy technique and its using for applied researches

  4. Práticas de colaboração para inclusão de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais nas escolas portuguesas : Perceções de professores e Equipa técnico pedagógica/ Collaboration practices for inclusion of students with special educational needs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel Batista de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Data de submissão: 30-10-2017 Data de Aceitação: 22-12-2017Este estudo insere-se na temática da inclusão de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE nas escolas da Região Centro em Portugal Continental,  tendo como objetivo conhecer as perceções dos diferentes atores sobre as práticas inclusivas de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais nas escolas portuguesas com base no Decreto-Lei 3/2008. Neste sentido, procedeu-se a entrevista semiestruturada direcionada para professores da Educação Especial, professores do Ensino Regular, equipa técnico pedagógica, utilizando a técnica análise de conteúdo para as análises dos dados onde pode-se obter alguns resultados. Os resultados desta investigação revelam que no que se refere as perceções dos diferentes atores educativos face à práticas de colaboração, que há alguma convergência nas respostas destes atores, no entanto, emergem algumas divergências nas respostas destes no que se refere a presença dos recursos humanos e materiais, bem como o seu reconhecimento face utilização destes recursos no espaço escolar. Os resultados também revelam que há diferentes respostas dos participantes face a perceção sobre as práticas de colaboração o que remete a necessidade de um maior fortalecimento entre as culturas de escola que visem o desenvolvimento coeso entre todos os agentes educativos no tocante às práticas de colaboração desenvolvidas neste espaço.Collaboration practices for inclusion of students with special educational needs in Portuguese schools: Teacher perceptions and pedagogical technical teamThis study expands upon the theme of inclusion of students with special needs educational (ENE in schools of the Região Centro in Portugal Continental. It aims to know different practitioners’ perceptions of inclusion practices of pupils with special needs educational in Portuguese schools based on the Decree-Law 3/2008. In this respect, semi

  5. On China's Nuclear Doctrine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xia Liping


    Full Text Available Nuclear weapons have played an important role in China's national strategy. China’s nuclear doctrine has a very strong continuity. Nevertheless, China has made readjustments in its nuclear doctrine according to the changes of its internal and external situation and its general strategic threat perception. China’s nuclear doctrine has experienced a process of evolution from anti-nuclear blackmail to minimum deterrence. There are five major parts in China's nuclear doctrine: policy of declaration, nuclear development, nuclear deployment, nuclear employment, and nuclear disarmament. Because China is faced with a different situation from other nuclear powers and has its own strategic culture, China has a nuclear doctrine with its own characteristics. China’s nuclear doctrine has been affiliated with and has served the national development strategy, national security strategy, national defense policy and military strategy of China.

  6. Nuclear proliferation and terrorism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This section of the book, Part III, has two chapters (9 and 10). Chapter 9, Nuclear Power and Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, is disucssed under these subjects: nuclear nonproliferation: origins and status; requirements for nuclear weapons manufacture; current nuclear programs and proliferation capabilities; encouraging decisions to forego weapons; arms control; safeguards; attitudes and expectations. Chapter 10, Nuclear Terrorism, discusses these areas: theft of nuclear materials; attacks on nuclear reactors; responding to nuclear terrorism; security and civil liberties

  7. The World Nuclear University - A pillar of the nuclear renaissance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nigon, Jean-Louis [World Nuclear University Working Groups, Carlton House, 22a St. James' s Square, London SW1Y 4JH (United Kingdom)


    The World Nuclear University was founded with the support of four leading international nuclear institutions - two of them inter-governmental organisations (IAEA and OECD/NEA), the other two bodies serving the industry and its operators (WNA and WANO). Inaugurated in September 2003 on the 50. anniversary of President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace speech, the WNU started working a year later upon the arrival of the first staff members. Today there is a tremendous disparity in the nuclear industry between the pace of the unfolding nuclear renaissance, which is gathering momentum by the day, and the slower pace at which we are educating a new generation of nuclear scientists and engineers. The WNU aims to be instrumental in creating a network of leading institutions of nuclear learning in order to help fill this gap. The emerging worldwide partnership aims to: - Enhance nuclear education amongst its members, - Establish globally accepted standards in academic and professional qualification, and - Elevate the prestige of the nuclear profession. Prior to the establishment of WNU, many leading educational institutions of nuclear learning had already launched cooperation on a regional basis, as follows (country or region/network): United States/NEDHO (Nuclear Engineering Department Head Organization); Canada/UNENE (University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering in Canada); Asia/ANENT (Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology); Europe/ENEN (European Nuclear Education Network); Russia/WNU Russian Branch. Thus the WNU can be seen to a certain extent as a 'network of networks', although it should be stressed that many of the current WNU members did not belong to already existing networks. By creating a global network, the WNU avoids the duplication of efforts and limits the total number of staff required. The WNU does not lose sight of the fact, however, that local problems should be solved locally. Ten Working Groups share between them the

  8. State fund of decommissioning of nuclear installations and handling of spent nuclear fuels and nuclear wastes (Slovak Republic)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozma, Milos


    State Fund for Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations and Handling of Spent Nuclear Fuels and Nuclear Wastes was established by the Act 254/1994 of the National Council of the Slovak Republic as a special-purpose fund which concentrates financial resources intended for decommissioning of nuclear installations and for handling of spent nuclear fuels and radioactive wastes. The Act was amended in 2000, 2001 and 2002. The Fund is legal entity and independent from operator of nuclear installations Slovak Power Facilities Inc. The Fund is headed by Director, who is appointed and recalled by Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic. Sources of the Fund are generated from: a) contributions by nuclear installation operators; b) penalties imposed by Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic upon natural persons and legal entities pursuant to separate regulation; c) bank credits; d) interest on Fund deposits in banks; e) grants from State Budget; f) other sources as provided by special regulation. Fund resources may be used for the following purposes: a) decommissioning of nuclear installations; b) handling of spent nuclear fuels and radioactive wastes after the termination of nuclear installation operation; c) handling of radioactive wastes whose originator is not known, including occasionally seized radioactive wastes and radioactive materials stemming from criminal activities whose originator is not known, as confirmed by Police Corps investigator or Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic; d) purchase of land for the establishment of nuclear fuel and nuclear waste repositories; e) research and development in the areas of decommissioning of nuclear installations and handling of nuclear fuels and radioactive wastes after the termination of the operation of nuclear installations; f) selection of localities, geological survey, preparation, design, construction, commissioning, operation and closure of repositories of spent nuclear fuels and radioactive wastes

  9. The nuclear controversy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walske, C.; Dobkin, R.A.


    The article deals with the nuclear controversy, especially in the United States. To a certain extent the nuclear debate has become heavily politicised. Public opinion and anti-nuclear groups are mentioned as well as nuclear disarmament

  10. Relational skills: needs experienced by nursing students Habilidades relacionales: necesidades sentidas por los estudiantes de enfermería Competências relacionais: necessidades sentidas pelos estudantes de enfermagem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Cristina Correia Lopes


    profesionales. CONCLUSIÓN: las evidencias permitirán apurar el programa de intervención a desarrollar con estos estudiantes.OBJETIVO: identificar as necessidades manifestadas pelos estudantes de enfermagem na área das competências relacionais. MÉTODO: estudo, qualitativo com características exploratório-descritivas, a amostra aleatória incluiu 62 estudantes do 2º ano do Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem (Escola da Região Centro de Portugal. Considerou-se como critério de selecção a inexistência de realização de Ensino Clínico. Coleta de dados realizada por meio da Ficha de Avaliação de Necessidades Relacionais com análise de conteúdo dos dados. RESULTADOS: indicaram que nesta fase da formação, os estudantes detêm um conceito de cuidar em Enfermagem centrado na execução de tarefas e técnicas de enfermagem em vez de na cientificidade do saber em Enfermagem e, que globalmente estão cientes que um maior desenvolvimento pessoal, um melhor conhecimento de si será determinante para o bem-estar pessoal e social e ser um bom profissional. CONCLUSÃO: as evidências permitirão aprimorar o programa de intervenção a desenvolver com estes estudantes.

  11. Nuclear awaits 1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collier, J.G.


    When the UK electricity industry was privatised, the Government stated that in 1994 it would undertake a review of the prospects for nuclear power. The future role of nuclear power will be viewed against the improved performance of the nuclear utilities; the success being achieved on the construction of Sizewell B; and the economics taking into account environmental benefits. The chairman of Nuclear Electric reviews the current position of Nuclear Power in Britain and puts the case for nuclear power in the future. (author)

  12. Nuclear Medicine and Application of Nuclear Techniques in Medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiharto, Kunto


    The use of nuclear techniques medicine covers not only nuclear medicine and radiology in strict sense but also determination of body mineral content by neutron activation analysis and x-ray fluorescence technique either in vitro or in vivo, application of radioisotopes as tracers in pharmacology and biochemistry, etc. This paper describes the ideal tracer in nuclear medicine, functional and morphological imaging, clinical aspect and radiation protection in nuclear medicine. Nuclear technique offers facilities and chances related to research activities and services in medicine. The development of diagnostic as well as therapeutic methods using monoclonal antibodies labeled with radioisotope will undoubtedly play an important role in the disease control

  13. Nuclear proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stencel, S.


    The terms and reactions to President Carter's nuclear policy, culminating in the 1978 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act, are reviewed and analyzed. The new law increases restrictions on nuclear exports, encourages continued use of light water reactors in preference to plutonium-fueled reactors, and emphasizes technical solutions to proliferation problems. Critics of the law point out that it will hurt U.S. trade unfairly, that other countries do not have as many fuel options as the U.S. has, and that nuclear sales have as many political and economic as technical solutions. Compromise areas include new international safety guidelines, the possibility of an international nuclear fuel bank, and a willingness to consider each case on its merits. 21 references

  14. Nuclear forensics: a comprehensive model action plan for Nuclear Forensics Laboratory in India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deshmukh, A.V.; Nyati, S.; Fatangre, N.M.; Raghav, N.K.; Reddy, P.G.


    Nuclear forensic is an emerging and highly specialized discipline which deals with nuclear investigation and analysis of nuclear or radiological/radioactive materials. Nuclear Forensic analysis includes various methodology and analytical methods along with morphology, physical, chemical, elemental and isotopic analysis to characterize and develop nuclear database for the identification of unknown nuclear or radiological/radioactive material. The origin, source history, pathway and attribution of unknown radioactive/nuclear material is possible with certainty through Nuclear Forensics. Establishment of Nuclear Forensic Laboratory and development of expertise for nuclear investigation under one roof by developing the nuclear data base and laboratory network is need of the hour to ably address the problems of all the law enforcement and nuclear agencies. The present study provides insight in Nuclear Forensics and focuses on an urgent need for a comprehensive plan to set up Nuclear Forensic Laboratory across India. (author)

  15. Efficacy of nuclear forensics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kazi, Reshmi


    In a strange turn of history, the threat of global nuclear war has gone down, but the risk of a nuclear attack has gone up. The danger of nuclear terrorism and ways to thwart it, tackle it and manage it in the event of an attack is increasingly gaining the attention of nuclear analysts all over the world. There is rising awareness among nuclear experts to develop mechanisms to prevent, deter and deal with the threat of nuclear terrorism. Nuclear specialists are seeking to develop and improve the science of nuclear forensics so as to provide faster analysis during a crisis. Nuclear forensics can play an important role in detecting illicit nuclear materials to counter trafficking in nuclear and radiological materials. An effective nuclear forensic and attribution strategy can enable policy makers, decision makers and technical managers to respond to situations involving interception of special nuclear materials

  16. Nuclear energy, the climate and nuclear disarmament

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knapp, V.


    The main concern of Pugwash, with very good reason, is nuclear disarmament, but a negative attitude towards nuclear energy is not only futile, but counterproductive as it misses opportunities to appropriately influence its development. Since nuclear energy cannot be abandoned for ecological (decrease in greenhouse gases emission) and economic reasons as a long term energy source, then efforts should be devoted to make it safe from proliferation, which is possible from scientific and technological point of view

  17. Nuclear methods and the nuclear equation of state

    CERN Document Server


    The theoretical study of the nuclear equation of state (EOS) is a field of research which deals with most of the fundamental problems of nuclear physics. This book gives an overview of the present status of the microscopic theory of the nuclear EOS. Its aim is essentially twofold: first, to serve as a textbook for students entering the field, by covering the different subjects as exhaustively and didactically as possible; second, to be a reference book for all researchers active in the theory of nuclear matter, by providing a report on the latest developments. Special emphasis is given to the

  18. Nuclear accidents and safety measures of domestic nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song Zurong; Che Shuwei; Pan Xiang


    Based on the design standards for the safety of nuclear and radiation in nuclear power plants, the three accidents in the history of nuclear power are analyzed. And the main factors for these accidents are found out, that is, human factors and unpredicted natural calamity. By combining the design and operation parameters of domestic nuclear plants, the same accidents are studied and some necessary preventive schemes are put forward. In the security operation technology of domestic nuclear power plants nowadays, accidents caused by human factors can by prevented completely. But the safety standards have to be reconsidered for the unpredicted neutral disasters. How to reduce the hazard of nuclear radiation and leakage to the level that can be accepted by the government and public when accidents occur under extreme conditions during construction and operation of nuclear power plants must be considered adequately. (authors)

  19. US nuclear policy and business trend of Japan's nuclear industries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuo, Yuji


    As several countries in the east-Asia and middle-east area have been taking an increasing interest in the deployment of nuclear power generation, Japan's nuclear industries have promoted international business activities including the success in the bid of second nuclear power plants in Vietnam. While there are plans for more than thirty of new reactors in the US, the lifetime extension of existing aged reactors, development of non-existing natural gas and trend of greenhouse gases reduction measures have dampened these plans and probably most of new units will not start construction by 2030. This article reviewed the details of US's new nuclear power introduction, trend of recent government's policies, future perspective of nuclear power construction and business trend of Japan's nuclear industries. Japan's industries should be flexible regarding nuclear power as one option to realize low-carbon society. (T. Tanaka)

  20. Nuclear physics, neutron physics and nuclear energy. Proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrejtscheff, W.; Elenkov, D.


    The book contains of proceedings of XI International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy organized traditionally every two years by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Physics Department of Sofia University held near the city of Varna. It provides a good insight to the large range of theoretical and experimental results, prospects, problems, difficulties and challenges which are at the core of nuclear physics today. The efforts and achievements of scientists to search for new phenomena in nuclei at extreme circumstances as superdeformation and band crossing in nuclear structure understanding are widely covered. From this point of view the achievements and future in the field of high-precision γ-spectroscopy are included. Nuclear structure models and methods, models for strong interaction, particle production and properties, resonance theory and its application in reactor physics are comprised also. (V.T.)

  1. Nuclear famine: The indirect effects of nuclear war

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harwell, M.A.; Harwell, C.C.


    The indirect effects of a nuclear war, especially as mediated by disruption in food availability, could be much more extensive than the direct effects. Furthermore, this risk is especially severe for noncombatant countries - for the 4 billion or so humans expected to survive the immediate period after a nuclear war relatively physically unharmed. Thus, a fundamentally different picture of the post-nuclear-war world results, where a large-scale nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union would probably result in more eventual fatalities in India than in the United States and the Soviet Union combined, and more people would die on the African continent than in all of Europe. Rather than reflecting images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a modern nuclear war would, for most of the people of the world, much more resemble current images of Ethiopia and the Sudan

  2. Building Foundations for Nuclear Security Enterprise Analysis Utilizing Nuclear Weapon Data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Josserand, Terry Michael [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Nuclear Security Enterprise and Cost Analysis; Young, Leone [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Nuclear Security Enterprise and Cost Analysis; Chamberlin, Edwin Phillip [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Nuclear Security Enterprise and Cost Analysis


    The Nuclear Security Enterprise, managed by the National Nuclear Security Administration - a semiautonomous agency within the Department of Energy - has been associated with numerous assessments with respect to the estimating, management capabilities, and practices pertaining to nuclear weapon modernization efforts. This report identifies challenges in estimating and analyzing the Nuclear Security Enterprise through an analysis of analogous timeframe conditions utilizing two types of nuclear weapon data - (1) a measure of effort and (2) a function of time. The analysis of analogous timeframe conditions that utilizes only two types of nuclear weapon data yields four summary observations that estimators and analysts of the Nuclear Security Enterprise will find useful.

  3. Nuclear and radiochemistry

    CERN Document Server

    Konya, Jozsef


    The field of nuclear and radiochemistry is wide-reaching, with results having functions and use across a variety of disciplines. Drawing on 40 years of experience in teaching and research, this concise book explains the basic principles and applications of the primary areas of nuclear and radiochemistry. Separate chapters cover each main area of recent radiochemistry. This includes nuclear medicine and chemical aspects of nuclear power plants, namely the problems of nuclear wastes and nuclear analysis (both bulk and surface analysis), with the analytical methods based on the interactions of

  4. Nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuhn, W.


    This loose-leaf collection is made up of five didactically prepared units covering the following subjects: basic knowledge on nuclear energy, nuclear energy in relation to energy economy, site issues, environmental compatibility of nuclear energy, and nuclear energy in the focus of political and social action. To this was added a comprehensive collection of material: specific scientific background material, a multitude of tables, diagrams, charts etc. for copying, as well as 44 transparent charts, mostly in four colours. (orig./HP) [de

  5. Outreach activity by using three-dimensional nuclear chart. Understanding nuclear physics and nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koura, Hiroyuki


    A three-dimensional nuclear chart is constructed with toy blocks for usage of outreach activity related on nuclear physics and atomic energy. The height of each block represents quantities like atomic mass per nucleon, the total half-life, etc. The bulk properties of the nuclei can be easily understood by using these charts. Explanations for the energy generation of nuclear fusion and fission are visually given. In addition, we newly set another chart with blocks of fission fragment mass distribution from U-235 + a thermal neutron. As an example, the origin of abundances of rather radioactive isotopes like Sr-90 and Cs-137 is explained which created in nuclear reactor and also distributed in the eastern side of Fukushima prefecture due to the accident of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Using our charts, lectures entitled 'Alchemy of the Universe' were delivered to high schools and public places. (author)

  6. Nuclear energy data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Nuclear Energy Data is the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of basic statistics on electricity generation and nuclear power in OECD countries. The reader will find quick and easy reference to the present status of and projected trends in total electricity generating capacity, nuclear generating capacity, and actual electricity production as well as on supply and demand for nuclear fuel cycle services [fr

  7. Nuclear legislation: analytical study. Regulatory and institutional framework for nuclear activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Australia' s basic legislation in the nuclear field consists in five Acts passed by the Federal Parliament. These Acts are as follow: the South Pacific nuclear free zone treaty Act; the nuclear non-proliferation act; the Australian nuclear science and technology organisation act; the Australian nuclear science and technology organisation amendment act; the radiation protection and nuclear safety act. The two first Acts were prompted by the need for domestic legislation to implement Australia 's international obligations. The third arose from a long-standing recognition that the Atomic energy Act was inappropriate as the legislative basis for the activities of Australia 's national nuclear organisation. For its part the fourth Act introduced some necessary changes into the Australian nuclear science and technology organisation Act. Finally, the fifth act establishes a regime to regulate the operation of nuclear installations and the management of radiation sources, where the activities are undertaken by Commonwealth entities. Each of these Acts is discussed in more details in this work. (N.C.)

  8. In defiance of nuclear deterrence: anti-nuclear New Zealand after two decades. (United States)

    Reitzig, Andreas


    In 1984, nuclear-armed and nuclear-powered vessels were banned from New Zealand to express the country's rejection of the nuclear deterrence concept. This led to a disagreement with the United States. Today, the ban on nuclear-powered ships is the only element of the nuclear-free legislation that still strains US-New Zealand relations. This article presents the reasons for the ban on nuclear-powered ships, which include scientific safety concerns, a symbolic rejection of the nuclear deterrence posture, and patriotic factors such as a nuclear-free national identity. The military and economic consequences of the ban are also examined. Since the ban on nuclear-powered vessels appears to be neither widely known abroad nor commonly recognised as a supportive disarmament measure outside New Zealand, it is concluded that whatever the future of this ban will be, New Zealand's anti-nuclear image will remain known internationally through the ban on nuclear arms.

  9. Nuclear Materials Diversion Safety and the Long-term Future of Nuclear Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knapp, V.


    Primarily due to irresponsible cold war politics of nuclear weapon countries nuclear proliferation situation is little short of getting out of control. In addition to five nominal nuclear weapon countries there are at present at least three more nuclear weapon countries and several countries with nuclear weapon potential. Non-proliferation treaty (NPT), signed in 1970, has been recognized by most non-nuclear weapon countries as unjust and ineffective. After the initial, deliberate, nuclear weapon developments of five nominal nuclear weapon countries, subsequent paths to nuclear weapons have been preceded by nominal peaceful use of nuclear energy. Uranium enrichment installations as well as reprocessing installations in non-nuclear weapon countries are the weakest spots of fuel cycle for diversion of nuclear materials either by governments or by illicit groups. An energy scenario, which would, by the end of century, replace the large part of fossil fuels use through extension of present nuclear practices, would mean very large increase in a number of such installations, with corresponding increase of the probability of diversion of nuclear materials. Such future is not acceptable from the point of view of proliferation safety. Recent events make it clear, that it cannot be accepted from the requirements of nuclear terrorism safety either. Nuclear community should put it clearly to their respective governments that the time has come to put general interest before the supposed national interest, by placing all enrichment and reprocessing installations under full international control. Such internationalization has a chance to be accepted by non-nuclear weapon countries, only in case should it apply to nuclear weapon countries as well, without exception. Recent terrorist acts, however horrible they were, are child,s play compared with possible acts of nuclear terrorism. Nuclear energy can be made proliferation safe and diversion of nuclear materials safe, and provide

  10. Nuclear nonproliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neubert, M.


    The following motion was put before the United Kingdom House of Commons on 3rd February 1992 and agreed; that this House, recognising the potential dangers of the rapidly changing world order, welcomes the recent proposals for substantial reductions in nuclear weaponry, the growing support for the non-proliferation treaty and progress in the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions concerning the dismantling of Iraqi nuclear, chemical and biological capabilities; urges the Government to play their full part in helping the relevant authorities in the Commonwealth of Independent States to dismantle their nuclear devices, to safeguard their nuclear components and to discourage the proliferation of nuclear expertise; and believes it is of the first importance that Britain retains an effective and credible minimum nuclear deterrent as security in a world where there remain many sources of instability. The record of arguments for and against the motion in the debate is presented. (author)

  11. Nuclear power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, P.


    Written from the basis of neutrality, neither for nor against nuclear power this book considers whether there are special features of nuclear power which mean that its development should be either promoted or restrained by the State. The author makes it dear that there are no easy answers to the questions raised by the intervention of nuclear power but calls for openness in the nuclear decision making process. First, the need for energy is considered; most people agree that energy is the power to progress. Then the historicalzed background to the current position of nuclear power is given. Further chapters consider the fuel cycle, environmental impacts including carbon dioxide emission and the greenhouse effect, the costs, safety and risks and waste disposal. No conclusion either for or against nuclear power is made. The various shades of opinion are outlined and the arguments presented so that readers can come to their own conclusions. (UK)

  12. Nuclear chemistry research for the safe disposal of nuclear waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fanghaenel, Thomas


    The safe disposal of high-level nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel is of key importance for the future sustainable development of nuclear energy. Concepts foresee the isolation of the nuclear waste in deep geological formations. The long-term radiotoxicity of nuclear waste is dominated by plutonium and the minor actinides. Hence it is essential for the performance assessment of a nuclear waste disposal to understand the chemical behaviour of actinides in a repository system. The aqueous chemistry and thermodynamics of actinides is rather complex in particular due to their very rich redox chemistry. Recent results of our detailed study of the Plutonium and Neptunium redox - and complexation behaviour are presented and discussed. (author)

  13. Nuclear safeguards control in nuclear power stations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boedege, R.; Braatz, U.; Heger, H.


    The execution of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has initiated a third phase in the efforts taken to ensure peace by limiting the number of atomic powers. In this phase it is important, above all, to turn into workable systems the conditions imposed upon technology by the different provisions of the Verification Agreement of the NPT. This is achieved mainly by elaborating annexes to the Agreement specifically geared to certain model plants, typical representatives selected for LWR power stations being the plants at Garigliano, Italy (BWR), and Stade, Federal Republic of Germany (PWR). The surveillance measures taken to prevent any diversion of special nuclear material for purposes of nuclear weapons manufacture must be effective in achieving their specific objective and must not impede the circumspect management of operations of the plants concerned. A VDEW working party has studied the technical details of the planned surveillance measures in nuclear power stations in the Federal Republic of Germany and now presents a concept of material balancing by units which meets the conditions imposed by the inspection authority and could also be accepted by the operators of nuclear power stations. The concept provides for uninterrupted control of the material balance areas of the nuclear power stations concerned, allows continuous control of the whole nuclear fuel cycle, is based exclusively on existing methods and facilities, and can be implemented at low cost. (orig.) [de

  14. Nuclear power controversy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murphy, A.W.


    Arthur W. Murphy in the introductory chapter cites the issues, pro and con, concerning nuclear power. In assessing the present stance, he first looks back to the last American Assembly on nuclear power, held October 1957 and notes its accomplishments. He summarizes the six papers of this book, which focus on nuclear power to the end of this century. Chapter I, Safety Aspects of Nuclear Energy, by David Bodansky and Fred Schmidt, deals with the technical aspects of reactor safety as well as waste storage and plutonium diversion. Chapter 2, The Economics of Electric Power Generation--1975-2000, by R. Michael Murray, Jr., focuses specifically on coal-fired and nuclear plants. Chapter 3, How Can We Get the Nuclear Job Done, by Fritz Heimann, identifies actions that must take place to develop nuclear power in the U.S. and who should build the reprocessing plants. Chapter 4, by Arthur Murphy, Nuclear Power Plant Regulation, discusses the USNRC operation and the Price-Anderson Act specifically. Chapter 5, Nuclear Exports and Nonproliferation Strategy, by John G. Palfrey, treats the international aspects of the problem with primary emphasis upon the situation of the U.S. as an exporter of technology. Chapter 6, by George Kistiakowsky, Nuclear Power: How Much Is Too Much, expresses doubt about the nuclear effort, at least in the short run

  15. Synergy in the areas of NPP nuclear safety and nuclear security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dybach, A.M.; Kuzmyak, I.Ya.; Kukhotskij, A.V.


    The paper considers the question of synergy between nuclear safety and nuclear security. Special attention is paid to identifying interface of the two areas of safety and definition of common principles for nuclear security and nuclear safety measures. The principles of defense in depth, safety culture and graded approach are analyzed in detail.Specific features characteristic of nuclear safety and security are outlined

  16. Nuclear safety based on nuclear knowledge - A Romanian approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valeca, S.C.; Popescu, D.


    Full text: The recognized 'father' of the nuclear field, the scientist A. Einstein inherited us with a CONTRADICTION. On one hand he was the supporter of researches in the nuclear field, but on the other hand, when he saw the first devastating results of the atomic explosions he suddenly became a fervent opponent. In such conditions, the nuclear field made its first step in the conscience of humanity. Unfortunately it was a left first step. For this reason and also because of the nuclear incidents passed over the history of the field and due to yet unclear strategies regarding the final disposal of radioactive waste, a part of public opinion 'embraced' the concept 'NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard'. At present and for the future we have to fight against this concept in order to transform it in 'PIMY - Please In My Yard'. As a consequence, alongside numerous activities well-known by the specialists in the field, regulated and authorized by the regulatory body in the nuclear field, associated programmes for the CONTINUOUS qualification and education of human resources are needed. The Concept of Nuclear Security covers all the activities resulted from the nuclear fuel cycle. Taking into consideration the international experience in this field in our country's case, these activities were estimated for periods of approximately 70 years, as following: 10 years: the characterization and selection of the site, the design, construction and the commission of a nuclear power plant; 40 years: the operation, maintenance and modernization of a nuclear power plant; 20 years: the preservation for the decommissioning and the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant. In all these stages until present Romania based a lot on the indigene component regarding the activities of research and development, design, construction - assembling, exploitation and maintenance (both for NPP Unit 1 and Unit 2, where this component was approximately of 50%). In such conditions, it was needed the

  17. Nuclear safeguards: power tool for ensuring nuclear safety and security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramakumar, K.L.


    The quantitative measurement of fissile nuclear materials through independent measurements is one of the cornerstones of the Nuclear Material Accounting and Control (NUMAC) edifice. The verification of the accountancy also represents one of the key elements of international nuclear materials Safeguards. The very basis of NUMAC is to ensure safeguarding nuclear material and to state with confidence, “no significant amount of nuclear material has been withdrawn from its intended civilian use.” Thus, materials accounting systems are designed to account for or keep track of the amounts and locations of sensitive nuclear materials by periodic measurements. The purpose of this activity is to detect missing items (gross defects). A variety of C/S techniques are used, primarily optical surveillance and sealing. These measures serve to back up nuclear material accountancy by providing means by which access to nuclear material can be monitored. Unattended monitoring is a special mode of application of NDA or C/S techniques, or a combination of these, that operates for extended periods of time. The complexity and diversity of facilities containing safeguarded nuclear material require a correspondingly diverse set of verification techniques and equipment. The equipment and techniques used in safeguards are briefly described in this talk

  18. Nuclear for curious

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fontesse, Max


    The author aims at proposing a popularisation of nuclear science. In a first part which addresses general aspects and uses of radioactivity, he presents and describes the matter structure, proposes a historical overview, introduces the various forms of nuclear activity (α, β, and γ radioactivity) and natural radioactivity. He explains why radiation can be called ionizing radiation (action of ionizing radiations on matter, comparison between α, β, X, and γ radiations). He presents the various radiological units, addresses issues related to radiation protection (main damages on human body, impact of a radiation on the whole body), and describes various uses of radioactivity (nuclear medicine, dating, heritage conservation, and others). In the second part, the author addresses uses of nuclear energy. He describes artificial radioactivity (nuclear fission, criticality), the various types of nuclear reactors (natural uranium graphite gas, heavy water, pressurised water, boiling water, fast breeders), and the nuclear fuel cycle (mining extraction, refinery, isotopic enrichment, assembly fabrication, cooling in pool, reprocessing, nuclear wastes, MOX fuel). The third part addresses perspectives: EPR, future reactors, nuclear fusion

  19. Controlling nuclear proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sweet, W.


    Nuclear non-proliferation policy depends on the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty, in which countries promise not to acquire nuclear weapons in exchange for open access to peaceful nuclear technology, and a system of international safeguards that are imposed on exported nuclear equipment and facilities operated by parties to the treaty. Critics have feared all along that non-nuclear countries might circumvent or exploit the system to obtain nuclear weapons and that the Atoms for Peace plan would spread the very technology it sought to control. The nuclear weapons states would like everyone else to believe that atomic bombs are undesirable, but they continue to rely on the bombs for their own defense. Israel's raid on Iraq's nuclear reactor focused world attention on the proliferation problem and helped to broaden and sterengthen its prospects. It also highlighted the weakness that there are no effective sanctions against violators. Until the international community can ageee on enforcement measures powerful enough to prevent nuclear proliferation, individual countries may be tempted to follow Israel's example, 19 references

  20. Nuclear Forensics: A Methodology Applicable to Nuclear Security and to Non-Proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mayer, K; Wallenius, M; Luetzenkirchen, K; Galy, J; Varga, Z; Erdmann, N; Buda, R; Kratz, J-V; Trautmann, N; Fifield, K


    Nuclear Security aims at the prevention and detection of and response to, theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other malicious acts involving nuclear material. Nuclear Forensics is a key element of nuclear security. Nuclear Forensics is defined as a methodology that aims at re-establishing the history of nuclear material of unknown origin. It is based on indicators that arise from known relationships between material characteristics and process history. Thus, nuclear forensics analysis includes the characterization of the material and correlation with production history. To this end, we can make use of parameters such as the isotopic composition of the nuclear material and accompanying elements, chemical impurities, macroscopic appearance and microstructure of the material. In the present paper, we discuss the opportunities for attribution of nuclear material offered by nuclear forensics as well as its limitations. Particular attention will be given to the role of nuclear reactions. Such reactions include the radioactive decay of the nuclear material, but also reactions with neutrons. When uranium (of natural composition) is exposed to neutrons, plutonium is formed, as well as 236 U. We will illustrate the methodology using the example of a piece of uranium metal that dates back to the German nuclear program in the 1940's. A combination of different analytical techniques and model calculations enables a nuclear forensics interpretation, thus correlating the material characteristics with the production history.

  1. Nuclear Forensics: A Methodology Applicable to Nuclear Security and to Non-Proliferation (United States)

    Mayer, K.; Wallenius, M.; Lützenkirchen, K.; Galy, J.; Varga, Z.; Erdmann, N.; Buda, R.; Kratz, J.-V.; Trautmann, N.; Fifield, K.


    Nuclear Security aims at the prevention and detection of and response to, theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other malicious acts involving nuclear material. Nuclear Forensics is a key element of nuclear security. Nuclear Forensics is defined as a methodology that aims at re-establishing the history of nuclear material of unknown origin. It is based on indicators that arise from known relationships between material characteristics and process history. Thus, nuclear forensics analysis includes the characterization of the material and correlation with production history. To this end, we can make use of parameters such as the isotopic composition of the nuclear material and accompanying elements, chemical impurities, macroscopic appearance and microstructure of the material. In the present paper, we discuss the opportunities for attribution of nuclear material offered by nuclear forensics as well as its limitations. Particular attention will be given to the role of nuclear reactions. Such reactions include the radioactive decay of the nuclear material, but also reactions with neutrons. When uranium (of natural composition) is exposed to neutrons, plutonium is formed, as well as 236U. We will illustrate the methodology using the example of a piece of uranium metal that dates back to the German nuclear program in the 1940's. A combination of different analytical techniques and model calculations enables a nuclear forensics interpretation, thus correlating the material characteristics with the production history.

  2. Theoretical studies in nuclear reactions and nuclear structure: Progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffin, J.J.


    This report discusses topics in nuclear theory. These general topics are: Quark physics, Quantum field theory, Relativistic nuclear physics, Nuclear dynamics, and Few-body problems and nonrelativistic methods

  3. Nuclear Safety

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silver, E G [ed.


    This document is a review journal that covers significant developments in the field of nuclear safety. Its scope includes the analysis and control of hazards associated with nuclear energy, operations involving fissionable materials, and the products of nuclear fission and their effects on the environment. Primary emphasis is on safety in reactor design, construction, and operation; however, the safety aspects of the entire fuel cycle, including fuel fabrication, spent-fuel processing, nuclear waste disposal, handling of radioisotopes, and environmental effects of these operations, are also treated.

  4. Nuclear medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The area of nuclear medicine, the development of artificially produced radioactive isotopes for medical applications, is relatively recent. Among the subjects covered in a lengthy discussion are the following: history of development; impact of nuclear medicine; understanding the most effective use of radioisotopes; most significant uses of nuclear medicine radioimmunoassays; description of equipment designed for use in the field of nuclear medicine (counters, scanning system, display systems, gamma camera); description of radioisotopes used and their purposes; quality control. Numerous historical photographs are included. 52 refs

  5. Nuclear rockets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarram, M [Teheran Univ. (Iran). Inst. of Nuclear Science and Technology


    Nuclear energy has found many applications in space projects. This article deals with these applications. The first application is the use of nuclear energy for the production of electricity in space and the second main application is the use of nuclear energy for propulsion purposes in space flight. The main objective is to develop a 75000 pound thrust flight engine called NERVA by heating liquid hydrogen in a nuclear reactor. The paper describes in detail the salient features of the NERVA rocket as well as its comparison with the conventional chemical rockets. It is shown that a nuclear rocket using liquid hydrogen as medium is at least 85% more efficient as compared with the chemical rockets such as those used for the APOLLO moon flight.

  6. JPRS Report, Nuclear Developments

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    Partial Contents: Medium Range Missiles, Rocket Engine, Nuclear Submarine, Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear Inspection, Nuclear Weapons, Transfer Technology, Scud, Safety, Nuclear Power, Chernobyl Trial, ,CHemical Weapons...

  7. Nuclear inheritance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delpech, Therese


    Since the end of the East-West confronting, the nuclear weapon issue has been focused in an international debate with obvious repercussions in Europe, because it is the European continent which indicated first the significance of nuclear deterrence. This debate refers first upon the past, as the German unification allowed capturing numerous documents of Warsaw treaty which revealed the intentions and the plans of Soviet Union during the cold war, and secondly concerns the future, since the role of nuclear weapons must be re-thought in a new context. This is the subject of this book, which refers also to the problem of the nuclear proliferation in the world and evolution of different countries in a political and regional context. The extension of the non-proliferation treaty for an undefined duration, in May 1995, is a incontestable victory because this treaty rules the renouncement to nuclear weapons of 185 countries. However, it does not solve most sensible problems like the Iraq case, for which a specific inspection regime has been instituted, or the case of Iran, which is suspected to acquire the bomb, although no clear evidence has been provided up to now. This is also the case of Israel, India and Pakistan which allege plainly their willingness of keeping open, from security reasons, their nuclear option. The content is displayed in five chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. The role of the nuclear weapons after the cold war; 3. The nuclear proliferation at crossroads; 4. Undefined extension of the NPT, a striking but fragile victory; 5. Conclusions. An appendix containing the text of the Nuclear Weapon Non-Proliferation Treaty and a chronology are added

  8. Role of Nuclear Knowledge Infrastructure in Building and Developing a Nuclear Industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pershukov, V.


    Full text: Current level of development of nuclear technology pushes future owners and users to address several important challenges at the very beginning of preparation for introduction of nuclear power programme including development of national expertise and technical competence for safe and secure use of nuclear technology and creation of national scientific and research infrastructure. However, many times national stakeholders involved into the development of nuclear power programmes act in separate information environments. This creates confusion and may result in delays of execution of a nuclear power programmes. A common environment in this case is important to ensure information exchange and collaborative work on nuclear power programme development. A common environment facilitates transfer, preservation and spread of nuclear knowledge to all stakeholders involved in a national nuclear power programme. Due to the long life cycle of nuclear power plants, strengthening and maintaining the effective management of knowledge and information over the entire life cycle for licensed nuclear facilities is imperative. This covers areas including design, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning, especially in newcomer countries and new builds. Nuclear knowledge infrastructure assumes this role and helps countries deciding to develop nuclear programmes ensure the safe and secure use of its nuclear power for national development. (author

  9. New Nuclear Safety Regulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novosel, N.; Prah, M.; Cizmek, A.


    Beside new Ordinance on the control of nuclear material and special equipment (Official Gazette No. 15/08), from 2006 State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) adopted Ordinance on performing nuclear activities (Official Gazette No. 74/06) and Ordinance on special conditions for individual activities to be performed by expert organizations which perform activities in the area of nuclear safety (Official Gazette No. 74/06), based on Nuclear Safety Act (Official Gazette No. 173/03). The Ordinance on performing nuclear activities regulates the procedure of announcing the intention to perform nuclear activity, submitting an application for the issue of a license to perform nuclear activity, and the procedure for adoption a decision on issuing a nuclear activity license. The Ordinance also regulates the contents of the application form for the announcement of the intention to perform nuclear activity, as well as of the application for the issue of a nuclear activity license and the method of keeping a nuclear activity register. The Ordinance on special conditions for individual activities to be performed by expert organizations which perform activities in the area of nuclear safety regulates these mentioned conditions, whereas compliance is established by a decision passed by the SONS. Special conditions for individual activities to be performed by expert organizations which perform activities in the area of nuclear safety are organizational, technical, technological conditions and established system of quality assurance. In 2007, SONS finalized the text of new Ordinance on nuclear safety and protection conditions for location, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of facility in which nuclear activity is performed. This Ordinance regulates nuclear safety and protection conditions for location, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of facility in which nuclear activity is performed. This Ordinance defines facilities in which nuclear activity is

  10. Nuclear Malaysia in the news 2013: Making headlines in nuclear technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Nuclear was a term that always misunderstands by public as a terrifying term. The nuclear activities around Malaysia was disseminated in newspaper and Malaysian Nuclear Agency as a responsible agency for nuclear for peace were collecting that news and compiled them to make the public aware the benefits of nuclear energy to develop our country. All the news about nuclear were collected using various type of newspaper published in Malaysia such as Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, Daily Express, News Straits Time, The Star, Borneo Post and others. This news was compiled according to their main topics such as energy, nuclear in agriculture, education and others. Each year one edition of this report will publish and disseminate it to the other libraries, government agencies, school and others to make the public aware the existence of nuclear activities around their countries.

  11. Overview of nuclear data activities at the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michel-Sendis, F.; Dupont, E.; Gulliford, J.; Nordborg, G.


    The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is a specialised agency within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The mission of the NEA is to assist its member countries in maintaining and further developing, through international co-operation, the scientific, technological and legal bases required for the safe, environmentally friendly and economical use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. All activities relevant to nuclear data measurements, evaluations and applications are managed by the NEA Nuclear Science Committee through the Nuclear Science section and the Data Bank, which work closely together. This paper gives an overview of current and planned nuclear data activities at the Nuclear Energy Agency through the program of work of the Data Bank in general and of the NEA Working Party on international nuclear data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) in particular. (authors)

  12. Nuclear power of Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chun Bee-Ho


    National nuclear is presented. Nuclear energy safety after Fukushima, international cooperation in nuclear energy is discussed. Nuclear projects with the United Arab Emirates have been developed to build 4 nuclear power plants in the UAE - APR 1400. At the Korea-Bulgaria Industrial Committee Meeting in Sofia (March 2011) Korean side proposed Nuclear Safety Training Program in Korea for Bulgarian government officials and experts transfer of know-how and profound expertise on world-class nuclear technology and nuclear safety

  13. Adolescents' knowledge of nuclear issues and the effects of nuclear war

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roscoe, B.; Goodwin, M.P.


    Three hundred fifty-seven college students were surveyed to assess later adolescents' awareness of the status of nuclear arms development and possible effects of a nuclear war on people and the environment. Chi-square analyses were performed to determine whether the frequency of correct responses differed with regard to participants' sex, political orientation, and position toward the United States' possession of nuclear weapons. Results suggest that later adolescents are extremely uninformed regarding the current status of nuclear issues and the consequences of a nuclear war. These data, coupled with findings from previous studies reporting children's and adolescents' concerns and fears about nuclear war, indicate that there is a strong need to educate young people concerning nuclear issues

  14. Nuclear energy data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of essential statistics on nuclear energy in OECD countries, offers additional graphical information as compared with previous editions allowing a rapid comparison between capacity and requirements in the various phases of the nuclear fuel cycle. It provides the reader with a comprehensive but easy-to-access overview on the status of and trends in the nuclear power and fuel cycle sector. This publication is an authoritative information source of interest to policy makers, experts and academics involved in the nuclear energy field. (author)

  15. Safety culture in the nuclear versus non-nuclear organization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haber, S.B.; Shurberg, D.A.


    The importance of safety culture in the safe and reliable operation of nuclear organizations is not a new concept. The greatest barriers to this area of research are twofold: (1) the definition and criteria of safety culture for a nuclear organization and (2) the measurement of those attributes in an objective and systematic fashion. This paper will discuss a proposed resolution of those barriers as demonstrated by the collection of data across nuclear and non-nuclear facilities over a two year period

  16. Study on interface between nuclear material accounting system and national nuclear forensic library

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Yonhong; Han, Jae-Jun; Chang, Sunyoung; Shim, Hye-Won; Ahn, Seungho


    The implementation of nuclear forensics requires physical, chemical and radiological characteristics with transport history to unravel properties of seized nuclear materials. For timely assessment provided in the ITWG guideline, development of national response system (e.g., national nuclear forensic library) is strongly recommended. Nuclear material accounting is essential to obtain basic data in the nuclear forensic implementation phase from the perspective of nuclear non-proliferation related to the IAEA Safeguards and nuclear security. In this study, the nuclear material accounting reports were chosen due to its well-established procedure, and reviewed how to efficiently utilize the existing material accounting system to the nuclear forensic implementation phase In conclusion, limits and improvements in implementing the nuclear forensics were discussed. This study reviewed how to utilize the existing material accounting system for implementing nuclear forensics. Concerning item counting facility, nuclear material properties can be obtained based on nuclear material accounting information. Nuclear fuel assembly data being reported for the IAEA Safeguards can be utilized as unique identifier within the back-end fuel cycle. Depending upon the compulsory accountability report period, there exist time gaps. If national capabilities ensure that history information within the front-end nuclear fuel cycle is traceable particularly for the bulk handling facility, the entire cycle of national nuclear fuel would be managed in the framework of developing a national nuclear forensic library

  17. Study on interface between nuclear material accounting system and national nuclear forensic library

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Yonhong; Han, Jae-Jun; Chang, Sunyoung; Shim, Hye-Won; Ahn, Seungho [Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The implementation of nuclear forensics requires physical, chemical and radiological characteristics with transport history to unravel properties of seized nuclear materials. For timely assessment provided in the ITWG guideline, development of national response system (e.g., national nuclear forensic library) is strongly recommended. Nuclear material accounting is essential to obtain basic data in the nuclear forensic implementation phase from the perspective of nuclear non-proliferation related to the IAEA Safeguards and nuclear security. In this study, the nuclear material accounting reports were chosen due to its well-established procedure, and reviewed how to efficiently utilize the existing material accounting system to the nuclear forensic implementation phase In conclusion, limits and improvements in implementing the nuclear forensics were discussed. This study reviewed how to utilize the existing material accounting system for implementing nuclear forensics. Concerning item counting facility, nuclear material properties can be obtained based on nuclear material accounting information. Nuclear fuel assembly data being reported for the IAEA Safeguards can be utilized as unique identifier within the back-end fuel cycle. Depending upon the compulsory accountability report period, there exist time gaps. If national capabilities ensure that history information within the front-end nuclear fuel cycle is traceable particularly for the bulk handling facility, the entire cycle of national nuclear fuel would be managed in the framework of developing a national nuclear forensic library.

  18. The nuclear lion: What every citizen should know about nuclear power and nuclear war

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jagger, J.


    The stupendous energy in the atomic nucleus can be used to advance human welfare, and it has been so used ever since we learned how to release it. Nuclear medicine has revolutionized medical diagnosis and treatment, notably in dealing with cancer. Nuclear reactors have provided us with valuable radioactive atoms (radioisotopes) for use in research and industry, and they have given us cheap, clean power, which can drive a ship around the world on a tiny charge of fuel. On the other hand, we have unleashed the awesome power of nuclear weapons, and we must now face the almost incomprehensible devastation that awaits the world as it contemplates nuclear war. An all-out nuclear war would end modern civilization, and might well end humankind, to say nothing of countless other species of plants and animals. It would be, without question the greatest disaster of the last million years of the history of the Earth

  19. Reconversion of nuclear weapons

    CERN Document Server

    Kapitza, Sergei P


    The nuclear predicament or nuclear option. Synopsis of three lectures : 1- The physical basis of nuclear technology. Physics of fission. Chain reaction in reactors and weapons. Fission fragments. Separration of isotopes. Radiochemistry.2- Nuclear reactors with slow and fast neutrons. Power, size, fuel and waste. Plutonium production. Dose rate, shielding and health hazard. The lessons of Chernobyl3- Nuclear weapons. Types, energy, blast and fallout. Fusion and hydrogen bombs. What to do with nuclear weapons when you cannot use them? Testing. Nonmilittary use. Can we get rid of the nuclear weapon? Nuclear proliferation. Is there a nuclear future?

  20. Nuclear Education in France

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guet, C.


    This series of slides draws a picture of nuclear engineering training in France. The nuclear sector is very active and developed in France and covers all the aspects of the fuel cycle which implies a strong demand for highly skilled and trained staff. There are both an active involvement of industry in the education process through the design of adequate curricula and a strong support of the State. There are 5 masters dedicated to Science Nuclear Energy (Paris), Nuclear Waste Management (Nantes), Separation Chemistry (Montpellier), Materials for Nuclear Engineering (Grenoble), and 1 engineer degree in nuclear engineering (Saclay). In 2010-2011 there were about 1000 students completing a nuclear energy curriculum (nuclear engineering or specialized nuclear domains) at the master-engineer level throughout France. The detailed curriculum of the Master of Science Nuclear Energy is given. The National Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Techniques (INSTN) plays an important role, it has trained a large fraction of the French leading nuclear practitioners through its 50 years old 'Genie Atomique' curriculum. INSTN proposes also high level courses in nuclear disciplines including training of nuclear physicians, radio-pharmacists and medical physicists and is a major player for continuing education in nuclear sciences. (A.C.)

  1. Nuclear theory for fast neutron nuclear data evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The proceedings contain all invited and contributed papers presented at the Advisory Group Meeting on Nuclear Theory for Fast Neutron Data Evaluation held in Beijing 12-16 October 1987, as well as the conclusions and recommendations and the Chairman's summary of the meeting. The meeting presentations have been divided into six sessions devoted to the following topics: introductory speech (1 paper), optical potential (9 papers), compound nuclear theory (10 papers), pre-compound nuclear theory (13 papers), isomeric cross-section (1 paper) and intercomparison of nuclear model computer codes (1 paper). A separate abstract was prepared for each of these papers. Refs, figs and tabs

  2. Science, society, and America's nuclear waste: Unit 1, Nuclear waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is unit 1 in a four-unit secondary curriculum. It is intended to provide information about scientific and societal issues related to the management of spent nuclear fuel from generation of electricity at nuclear powerplants and high-level radioactive waste from US national defense activities. The curriculum, supporting classroom activities, and teaching materials present a brief discussion of energy and electricity generation, including that produced at nuclear powerplants; information on sources, amounts, location, and characteristics of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste; sources, types and effects of radiation; US policy for managing and disposing of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste and what other countries are doing; and the components of the nuclear waste management system

  3. Nuclear energy in a nuclear weapon free world

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pilat, Joseph [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    The prospect of a nuclear renaissance has revived a decades old debate over the proliferation and terrorism risks of the use of nuclear power. This debate in the last few years has taken on an added dimension with renewed attention to disarmament. Increasingly, concerns that proliferation risks may reduce the prospects for realizing the vision of a nuclear-weapon-free world are being voiced.

  4. Nuclear power publications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This booklet lists 69 publications on nuclear energy available free from some of the main organisations concerned with its development and operation in the UK. Headings are: general information; the need for nuclear energy; the nuclear industry; nuclear power stations; fuel cycle; safety; waste management. (U.K.)

  5. LXII International conference NUCLEUS 2012. Fundamental problems of nuclear physics, atomic power engineering and nuclear technologies (LXII Meeting on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure). Book of abstracts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlasnikov, A.K.


    The scientific program of the conference covers almost all problems in nuclear physics and its applications. The recent results of experimental investigations of atomic nuclei properties and nuclear reaction mechanisms are presented. The theoretical problems of atomic nuclei and fundamental interactions as well as nuclear reactions are discussed. The new techniques and methods of nuclear physical experiments are considered. The particular attention is given to fundamental problems of nuclear power and qualitative training of russian and foreign specialist in field of nuclear physics and atomic power engineering [ru

  6. Glossary of nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seo, Du Hwan


    This book gives descriptions of explanations of terminologies concerning to nuclear energy such as analysis of financial safety of nuclear energy, radwaste disposal, fast breeder reactor, nuclear reactor and device, nuclear fuel and technique for concentration, using of nuclear energy radiation and measurement, plan for development of nuclear energy and international institution. This book includes 160 terms on nuclear energy and arranges in Korean alphabetical order.

  7. Nuclear non-proliferation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    DOE's nuclear non-proliferation responsibilities are defined by the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 (NNPA). The Department's major responsibilities in this area are to: (1) provide technical assistance to the Department of State in negotiating agreements for civil cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy with other countries and international organizations; (2) join with other agencies to reach executive branch judgments with respect to the issuance of export licenses by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; (3) be responsible for processing subsequent arrangements with other agencies as required by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act; (4) control the distribution of special nuclear materials, components, equipment, and nuclear technology exports; (5) participate in bilateral and multilateral cooperation with foreign governments and organizations to promote the peaceful uses of nuclear energy; and (6) act as a primary technical resource with respect to US participation in the International Atomic Energy Agency

  8. Nuclear renaissance and thorium as a brighten of the next nuclear era

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uenak, T.


    As is known well, the discovery of the fission of U-235 by Otto Hahn at the end of 1938 opened the gateway of nuclear era having a new and powerful energy source for our globe. The first applications of this new energy source were unfortunately shown as the atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. These first applications of nuclear energy were initiated by the use of fissile U-235 and then continued being added an artificial fissile material Pu-239. As a consequence of this initiative, today's nuclear technology has principally been based on the use of these fissile materials. Off course, the first application of nuclear energy as atomic bomb on Japan was very bad chance for the humanity to envisage really and first time the nuclear energy, and consequently, in the last half of 20th century, the majority of non-scientific community has not delighted even the peaceful applications of nuclear energy. This is also provoked by several polytized groups against to nuclear energy and related technologies. Nowadays, the nuclear technology has been interrogated also in the scientific platforms because of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the long-lived wastes, the technical problems of excess Pu-239 either in dismantled nuclear weapons or in stocks. On the other hand, the nuclear energy cannot be abandoned because of the increasing global energy demand year by year, and so, sustainable nuclear energy production systems should be developed in long term. For this reason, the n uclear renaissance a s a new concept for sustainable nuclear energy technologies in the following years of 21st century was started to discuss in scientific platforms[1]. The three basic principles of nuclear renaissance can be summarized as follows: 1) nuclear energy production systems should eventually be non-proliferative of nuclear weapons, 2) minimized long-lived wastes resulting from fuel cycle, 3) good accordance with the environmentalist concepts, and so, easily accepted by the people. It is clearly

  9. The Next Nuclear Gamble. Transportation and storage of nuclear waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Resnikoff, M.


    The Next Nuclear Gamble examines risks, costs, and alternatives in handling irradiated nuclear fuel. The debate over nuclear power and the disposal of its high-level radioactive waste is now nearly four decades old. Ever larger quantities of commercial radioactive fuel continue to accumulate in reactor storage pools throughout the country and no permanent storage solution has yet been designated. As an interim solution, the government and utilities prefer that radioactive wastes be transported to temporary storage facilities and subsequently to a permanent depository. If this temporary and centralized storage system is implemented, however, the number of nuclear waste shipments on the highway will increase one hundredfold over the next fifteen years. The question directly addressed is whether nuclear transport is safe or represents the American public's domestic nuclear gamble. This Council on Economic Priorities study, directed by Marvin Resnikoff, shows on the basis of hundreds of government and industry reports, interviews and surveys, and original research, that transportation of nuclear materials as currently practiced is unsafe

  10. Nuclear liability act and nuclear insurance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, Roy G.; Goyette, R.; Mathers, C.W.; Germani, T.R.


    The Nuclear Liability Act, enacted in June 1970 and proclaimed effective October 11, 1976, is a federal law governing civil liability for nuclear damage in Canada incorporating many of the basic principles of the international conventions. Exceptions to operator liability for breach of duty imposed by the Act and duty of the operator as well as right of recourse, time limit on bringing actions, special measures for compensation and extent of territory over which the operator is liable are of particular interest. An operator must maintain $75,000,000. of insurance for each nuclear installation for which he is the operator. The Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada (NIAC) administers two ΣPoolsΣ or groups of insurance companies where each member participates for the percentage of the total limit on a net basis, one pool being for Physical Damage Insurance and the other for Liability Insurance. The Atomic Energy Control Board recommends to the Treasury Board the amount of insurance (basic) for each installation. Basic insurance required depends on the exposure and can range from $4 million for a fuel fabricator to $75 million for a power reactor. Coverage under the Operator's Policy provides for bodily injury, property damage and various other claims such as damage from certain transportation incidents as well as nuclear excursions. Workmen's Compensation will continue to be handled by the usual channels. (L.L.)

  11. Asia's nuclear future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Overholt, W.H.


    The book is a collection of seven papers by five specialists--two political scientists; a sociologist; and two specialists in the interaction between science and international affairs. They share a disregard for conventional boundaries between disciplines and for the emphasis on method over substance which have tended to fragment knowledge into ever-smaller and smaller fragments. The papers are: The Next Phase in Nuclear Proliferation Research, L.A. Dunn and W.H. Overholt; China as a Nuclear Power, J. D. Pollack; Nuclear Arms and Japan, Herbert Passin; Nuclear Proliferation in Eastern Asia, W. H. Overholt; India's Nuclear Program: Decisions, Intent, and Policy, 1950 to 1976, Onkar Marwah; India, Pakistan, Iran--A Nuclear Proliferation Chain, L. A. Dunn; and A U.S. Nuclear Posture for Asia, W. H. Overholt

  12. The nuclear winter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Velikhow, Y.P.


    Nuclear winter is an example of possible secondary effects, and if we speak of secondary we are thinking of small-scale second-order effects, but a nuclear winter is not a second-order effect. If you calculate the amount of heat produced by a nuclear explosion, it is a very small amount which does not have any chance of changing the Earth's climate, but a nuclear explosion drives or stars some new mechanism - the mechanism of nuclear winter - after 100 megatons of dust are transferred to the upper atmosphere. Another example of such amplification is radioactive fall-out, especially long-life radioactive fall-out after the possible elimination of the nuclear power industry, nuclear storage and distribution of storage waste around the globe. This is a very powerful amplification mechanism

  13. Nuclear Issues in a Non-nuclear Country Media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Latek, S.


    The absence of nuclear power program in a given country does not mean that the nuclear option is not discussed. Greenhouse effect is a global phenomenon, thus each and every factor enabling the reduction of CO 2 emissions has to be examined. Not a single NPP is in operation in Poland and this will be so for the nearest dozen years. But the discussion over political decisions to delay the possible NPP construction beyond 2020 continues. In the country whose electricity in 95% comes from coal, the clean (from the greenhouse effect viewpoint) nuclear power makes an attractive solution for many experts. This paper presents Polish debates on the electricity production environmental impacts, which are followed by the media. Unfortunately, a favorite subject of Polish media is still Chernobyl accident, but presented in an exaggerated and often untrue way. This one-sided fear campaign has been interrupted recently by a publication calling the reports on Chernobyl victims a biggest bluff of XX century. This paper presents some examples of nuclear campaigns in the media, e.g. the issues of depleted uranium ammunition, Temelin NPP commissioning and the transit of fresh nuclear fuel for this facility through Poland, radiation accident in one of Polish hospitals, possible terrorist attacks on nuclear facilities, UNSCEAR report on Chernobyl accident health impacts. It remains to be seen how the hundreds of publications appearing each week will shape public attitudes towards nuclear power in Poland. (author)

  14. Regulatory oversight report 2007 concerning nuclear safety in Swiss nuclear installations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report issued by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Inspectorate (HSK) reports on the work carried out by the Inspectorate in 2007. This report reviews the regulatory activities in the four Swiss nuclear power stations and in four further nuclear installations in various Swiss research facilities. It deals with topics such as operational details, technologies in use, radiation protection, radioactive wastes, emergency dispositions and personnel and provides an assessment of operations from the point of view of safety. Also, the transportation of nuclear materials - both nuclear fuels and nuclear wastes - is reported on. General topics discussed include probabilistic safety analyses and accident management. Finally, the disposal of nuclear wastes and work done in the rock laboratories in Switzerland is commented on

  15. Non-nuclear power application of nuclear technology in Nigeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Funtua, I.I.


    Nuclear Technology applications are found in Food and Agriculture, Human Health, Water Resources, Industry, Environment, Education and Research.There are more potentials for the deployment of nuclear technology in more aspects of our life with needed economic development in Nigeria.Nuclear Technology plays and would continue to play vital role in Agriculture, Human health, Water resources and industry in Nigeria.Nuclear technologies have been useful in developmental efforts worldwide and for these to take hold, capacity building programmes must be expanded and the general public must have informed opinions about the benefits and risk associated with the technologies.This presentation gives an overview of nuclear technology applications in Nigeria in the following areas: Food and Agriculture, Human Health, Water Resources, Industry, Education and Research

  16. Necessidades de informação de candidatos ao transplante de fígado: o primeiro passo do processo ensino-aprendizagem Necesidades de información de los candidatos a trasplante hepático: el primer paso del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje Information needs of liver transplant candidates: the first step of the teaching-learning process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karina Dal Sasso Mendes


    Full Text Available A necessidade de informação é definida como a deficiência de informação ou habilidade relacionada a um domínio de vida relevante para o paciente. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar as necessidades de informação de candidatos em fila de espera para o transplante de fígado. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, conduzido em centro transplantador brasileiro do interior paulista. A amostra foi constituída de 55 pacientes, e a coleta de dados foi realizada nos meses de março a junho de 2009. Os resultados evidenciaram que as necessidades de informação do período pré-operatório foram as que obtiveram pontuações médias maiores. O conhecimento de informações que o candidato ao transplante de fígado precisa é relevante para o planejamento do processo ensino-aprendizagem.La necesidad de información se define como la carencia de información o habilidades relacionadas con un dominio de la vida relevante para el paciente. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las necesidades de información de candidatos en lista de espera para el trasplante de hígado. El diseño del estudio es de una investigación descriptiva, llevado a cabo en un centro de trasplante en São Paulo - Brasil. La muestra abarcó a 55 pacientes y los datos fueron recolectados entre marzo y junio del 2009. Los resultados mostraron mayor puntuación promedio para las necesidades de información del periodo preoperatorio. El conocimiento de informaciones que el candidato a trasplante de hígado necesita es importante para planificar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.'Information need' is defined as a deficiency of information or skill related to a domain of life that is relevant to the patient. This study's objective was to identify the information needs of candidates on the waiting list for a liver transplant. This is a descriptive study and was conducted at a transplant center in the State of São Paulo - Brazil. The sample consisted of 55 patients and

  17. Dossier nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The present Dutch government compiled the title document to enable the future Dutch government to declare its opinion on the nuclear energy problemacy. The most important questions which occupy the Dutch society are discussed: safe application and risks of nuclear energy, radioactive wastes and other environmental aspects, and the possible danger of misusing nuclear technology. In chapter two attention is paid to the policy, as formulated by the Dutch government, with regard to risks of nuclear power plants. Next the technical safety regulations that have to be met are dealt with. A brief overview is given of the state of the art of commercially available nuclear reactors, as well as reactors under development. The nuclear waste problem is the subject of chapter three. Attention is paid to the Dutch policy that has been formulated and is executed, the OPLA-program, in which the underground storage of radioactive wastes is studied, the research on the conversion of long-lived radioactive isotopes to short-lived radioactive isotopes, and planned research programs. In chapter four, other environmental effects of the use of nuclear power are taken into consideration, focusing on the nuclear fuel cycle. International obligations and agreements to guarantee the peaceful use of nuclear energy (non-proliferation) are mentioned and discussed in chapter four. In chapter six the necessity to carry out surveys to determine public support for the use of nuclear energy is outlined. In the appendices nuclear energy reports in the period 1986-present are listed. Also the subject of uranium supplies is discussed and a brief overview of the use of nuclear energy in several other countries is given. 2 tabs., 5 annexes, 63 refs

  18. Nuclear rockets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarram, M.


    Nuclear energy has found many applications in space projects. This article deals with these applications. The first application is the use of nuclear energy for the production of electricity in space and the second main application is the use of nuclear energy for propulsion purposes in space flight. The main objective is to develop a 75000 pound thrust flight engine call NERVA by heating liquid hydrogen, in a nuclear reactor, from 420F to 4000 0 F. The paper describes in detail the salient features of the NERVA rocket as well as its comparison with the conventional chemical rockets. It is shown that a nuclear rocket using liquid hydrogen as medium is at least 85% more efficient as compared with the chemical rockets such as those used for the APOLLO moon flight

  19. Current challenges for education of nuclear engineers. Beyond nuclear basics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoenfelder, Christian [AREVA GmbH, Offenbach (Germany). Training Center


    In past decades, curricula for the education of nuclear engineers (either as a major or minor subject) have been well established all over the world. However, from the point of view of a nuclear supplier, recent experiences in large and complex new build as well as modernization projects have shown that important competences required in these projects were not addressed during the education of young graduates. Consequently, in the past nuclear industry has been obliged to either accept long periods for job familiarization, or to develop and implement various dedicated internal training measures. Although the topics normally addressed in nuclear engineering education (like neutron and reactor physics, nuclear materials or thermohydraulics and the associated calculation methods) build up important competences, this paper shows that the current status of nuclear applications requires adaptations of educational curricula. As a conclusion, when academic nuclear engineering curricula start taking into account current competence needs in nuclear industry, it will be for the benefit of the current and future generation of nuclear engineers. They will be better prepared for their future job positions and career perspectives, especially on an international level. The recommendations presented should not only be of importance for the nuclear fission field, but also for the fusion community. Here, the Horizon 2020 Roadmap to Fusion as published in 2012 now is focusing on ITER and on a longer-term development of fusion technology for a future demonstration reactor DEMO. The very challenging work program is leading to a strong need for exactly those skills that are described in this article.

  20. Current challenges for education of nuclear engineers. Beyond nuclear basics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schoenfelder, Christian


    In past decades, curricula for the education of nuclear engineers (either as a major or minor subject) have been well established all over the world. However, from the point of view of a nuclear supplier, recent experiences in large and complex new build as well as modernization projects have shown that important competences required in these projects were not addressed during the education of young graduates. Consequently, in the past nuclear industry has been obliged to either accept long periods for job familiarization, or to develop and implement various dedicated internal training measures. Although the topics normally addressed in nuclear engineering education (like neutron and reactor physics, nuclear materials or thermohydraulics and the associated calculation methods) build up important competences, this paper shows that the current status of nuclear applications requires adaptations of educational curricula. As a conclusion, when academic nuclear engineering curricula start taking into account current competence needs in nuclear industry, it will be for the benefit of the current and future generation of nuclear engineers. They will be better prepared for their future job positions and career perspectives, especially on an international level. The recommendations presented should not only be of importance for the nuclear fission field, but also for the fusion community. Here, the Horizon 2020 Roadmap to Fusion as published in 2012 now is focusing on ITER and on a longer-term development of fusion technology for a future demonstration reactor DEMO. The very challenging work program is leading to a strong need for exactly those skills that are described in this article.

  1. Managing the nation's nuclear waste. Overview: Nuclear Waste Policy Act

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Signed into law by the President on January 7, 1983, the Nuclear Waste Policy Act established a national policy for safely storing, transporting, and disposing of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. This overview presents the following information on the Nuclear Waste Policy Act: (1) background; (2) permanent repository; (3) siting guidelines and mission plan; (4) monitored retrievable storage; and (5) nuclear waste funds. (DT)

  2. Nuclear medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kand, Purushottam


    Nuclear medicine is a specialized area of radiology that uses very small amounts of radioactive materials to examine organ function and structure. Nuclear medicine is older than CT, ultrasound and MRI. It was first used in patients over 60-70 years ago. Today it is an established medical specialty and offers procedures that are essential in many medical specialities like nephrology, pediatrics, cardiology, psychiatry, endocrinology and oncology. Nuclear medicine refers to medicine (a pharmaceutical) that is attached to a small quantity of radioactive material (a radioisotope). This combination is called a radiopharmaceutical. There are many radiopharmaceuticals like DTPA, DMSA, HIDA, MIBI and MDP available to study different parts of the body like kidneys, heart and bones etc. Nuclear medicine uses radiation coming from inside a patient's body where as conventional radiology exposes patients to radiation from outside the body. Thus nuclear imaging study is a physiological imaging, whereas diagnostic radiology is anatomical imaging. It combines many different disciplines like chemistry, physics mathematics, computer technology, and medicine. It helps in diagnosis and to treat abnormalities very early in the progression of a disease. The information provides a quick and accurate diagnosis of wide range of conditions and diseases in a person of any age. These tests are painless and most scans expose patients to only minimal and safe amounts of radiation. The amount of radiation received from a nuclear medicine procedure is comparable to, or often many times less than, that of a diagnostic X-ray. Nuclear medicine provides an effective means of examining whether some tissues/organs are functioning properly. Therapy using nuclear medicine in an effective, safe and relatively inexpensive way of controlling and in some cases eliminating, conditions such as overactive thyroid, thyroid cancer and arthritis. Nuclear medicine imaging is unique because it provides doctors with

  3. Nuclear cratering applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Williamson, M M [U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Germantown, MD (United States)


    The development of nuclear excavation technology is based on the promise that the relatively inexpensive energy available from thermonuclear explosives can be used to simultaneously break and move age quantities of rock and earth economically and safety. This paper discusses the economic and other advantages of using nuclear excavation for large engineering projects. A brief description of the phenomenology of nuclear excavation is given. Each of the several proposed general applications of nuclear excavation is discussed to include a few specific example of possible nuclear excavation projects. The discussion includes nuclear excavation for harbors, canals, terrain transits, aggregate production, mining and water resource development and conservation. (author)

  4. Nuclear cratering applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williamson, M.M.


    The development of nuclear excavation technology is based on the promise that the relatively inexpensive energy available from thermonuclear explosives can be used to simultaneously break and move age quantities of rock and earth economically and safety. This paper discusses the economic and other advantages of using nuclear excavation for large engineering projects. A brief description of the phenomenology of nuclear excavation is given. Each of the several proposed general applications of nuclear excavation is discussed to include a few specific example of possible nuclear excavation projects. The discussion includes nuclear excavation for harbors, canals, terrain transits, aggregate production, mining and water resource development and conservation. (author)

  5. Nuclear terrorism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Recent reports of alleged terrorist plans to build a 'dirty bomb' have heightened longstanding concerns about nuclear terrorism. This briefing outlines possible forms of attack, such as: detonation of a nuclear weapon; attacks involving radioactive materials; attacks on nuclear facilities. Legislation addressing these risks and the UK's strategy for coping with them are also considered

  6. Nuclear power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    d'Easum, Lille.


    An environmentalist's criticism of nuclear energy is given, on a layman's level. Such subjects as conflict of interest in controlling bodies, low-level radiation, reactor safety, liability insurance, thermal pollution, economics, heavy water production, export of nuclear technology, and the history of the anti-nuclear movement are discussed in a sensationalistic tone. (E.C.B.)

  7. Nuclear standardization development study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Jianjun


    Nuclear industry is the important part of national security and national economic development is key area of national new energy supported by government. nuclear standardization is the important force for nuclear industry development, is the fundamental guarantee of nuclear safe production, is the valuable means of China's nuclear industry technology to the world market. Now nuclear standardization faces to the new development opportunity, nuclear standardization should implement strategy in standard system building, foreign standard research, company standard building, and talented people building to meet the requirement of nuclear industry development. (author)

  8. Nuclear safety and regulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hho Jung


    This book contains 12 chapters, which are atom and radiation, nuclear reactor and kinds of nuclear power plant, safeguard actuation system and stability evaluation for rock foundation of nuclear power plant, nuclear safety and principle, safety analysis and classification of incident, probabilistic safety assessment and major incident, nuclear safety regulation, system of nuclear safety regulation, main function and subject of safety regulation in nuclear facilities, regulation of fuel cycle and a nuclear dump site, protection of radiation and, safety supervision and, safety supervision and measurement of environmental radioactivity.

  9. Nuclear energy data 2011

    CERN Document Server


     . Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of statistics and country reports on nuclear energy, contains official information provided by OECD member country governments on plans for new nuclear plant construction, nuclear fuel cycle developments as well as current and projected nuclear generating capacity to 2035. For the first time, it includes data for Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia, which recently became OECD members. Key elements of this edition show a 2% increase in nuclear and total electricity production and a 0.5% increase in nuclear generating ca

  10. Nuclear power revisited

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grear, B.


    Modern development of nuclear power technology and the established framework of international agreements and conventions are responding to the major political, economic and environmental issues - high capital costs, the risks posed by nuclear wastes and accidents, and the proliferation of nuclear weaponry - that until recently hindered the expansion of nuclear power.

  11. Nuclear technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toyama, Makoto; Hamasaki, Manabu; Kobayashi, Masahiko; Hoshide, Akihiko; Katayama, Kimio; Nozawa, H.; Karigome, Satoshi


    In recent days, energy security is becoming a major global concern and it has been recognized that a major reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions is required to combat climate change. Considerable expansion and new introduction of nuclear power generation are currently being planned and considered for the further in various parts of the world. Nuclear technologies of the latest 10 years in Japan were reviewed with their characteristics, advancement and future perspective. Steady efforts have been made to construct new nuclear power stations with computer-aided engineering system and modular and prefabricated structures, extend the interval of periodic inspections under the new inspection system that should improve both safety and reliability, implement advanced measures against aging and develop the next-generation light water reactors including a medium small reactor. Export of nuclear power plants has been promoted with international business alliance or cooperation. Activities to close nuclear fuel cycle to ensure sustainable nuclear energy utilization have been promoted. Decommissioning technologies for Tokai power station have been developed and accumulated know-how will be utilized in light water reactors. (T. Tanaka)

  12. Nuclear watershed

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makovich, L.; Parish, T.


    In 1979 the accident at Three Mile Island brought nuclear power to the forefront of national attention. Over the last five years there have been no new orders for nuclear plants, construction costs and lead times have increased drastically, and numerous plants have been cancelled. In the coming years many new plants will come on line, and the first round of nuclear plant retirements will begin. Thus, the new set of issues faced by utilities are whether to complete plants currently under construction, how to recover the cost of abandoned plants, how to handle the potential rate shock of bringing costly plants into rate base, and how to accomplish decommissioning and retirement of nuclear plants. This paper presents and analyzes these issues. First, the history of the nuclear electric generation industry is reviewed. Next a case study illustrating the cost momentum built into nuclear power plant construction is presented. The issues involved in plant cancellation are discussed. Finally, a case study involving rate phase-in strategies is analyzed. 1 reference, 7 figures

  13. ENSDF: a nuclear structure data bank for nuclear physicists

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blachot, J.


    Data Banks have tremendously grown these last years. All the nuclear Structure information are now in the ENSDF. This file is used for the Nuclear Data Sheets publication. The part which contains only Adopted Data could be used as a Data Bank for Nuclear Physicists. Examples of retrevial are given [fr

  14. Indicação de exames pré-operatórios segundo critérios clínicos: necessidade de supervisão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Pallaoro Garcia


    Full Text Available Justificativa e objetivos: a solicitação indiscriminada de exames complementares na avaliação pré-anestésica é comum na prática clínica e implica custos adicionais e a possibilidade de resultados falso-positivos. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram analisar se os exames pré-operatórios em cirurgias eletivas são solicitados segundo critério clínico e avaliar os custos desnecessários para a instituição. Métodos: foram avaliadas as solicitações de exames pré-operatórios em pacientes adultos submetidos a cirurgias eletivas não cardíacas. Os exames foram solicitados pelos cirurgiões, conforme protocolo do Serviço de Anestesia. Foram avaliados dados demográficos, estado físico, comorbidades e tipo de exame complementar solicitado. Os exames feitos foram comparados com os exames indicados. O custo dos exames foi baseado na tabela Datasus. Resultados: foram avaliados 1.063 pacientes. Verificou-se que 41,9% dos exames feitos nos pacientes classificados como ASA I não estavam indicados. No grupo de risco ASA II foram feitos 442 exames (17,72% sem necessidade. Perceberam-se elevadas porcentagens na solicitação de hemograma, creatinina, coagulograma, raios X de tórax e ECG nos grupos ASA I-II. Apenas 40 (5,25% dos exames feitos no grupo ASA III não estavam indicados. Nos pacientes do grupo ASA IV, 22,5% dos exames necessários não foram feitos. Ressalta-se uma economia anual de 13% (R$1.923,13 caso os exames fossem feitos conforme o protocolo. Conclusões: os exames pré-operatórios nem sempre são solicitados de acordo com critérios clínicos, o que resulta em maiores custos para a instituição.

  15. Strengthened International Nuclear Safeguards; burdens and Effects on Nuclear Technology Development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Badawy, I.


    The present paper deals with the recent direction of strengthening the international nuclear safeguards and the effects on the development of nuclear technology for peaceful applications. The new basic principles for strengthening the international nuclear control in the direction of undeclared nuclear activities are elaborated, and the national obligations are indicated. The burdens on the development of nuclear technology are discussed. Approaches are proposed in this work for coping with the present and future situations

  16. Requirement and prospect of nuclear data activities for nuclear safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimura, Itsuro


    Owing to continuous efforts by the members of JNDC (Japanese Nuclear Data Committee) and Nuclear Data Center in JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute), several superb evaluated nuclear data files, such as JENDL, FP (fission product) yields and decay heat, have been compiled in Japan and opened to the world. However, they are seldom adopted in safety design and safety evaluation of light water reactors and are hardly found in related safety regulatory guidelines and standards except the decay heat. In this report, shown are a few examples of presently used nuclear data in the safety design and the safety evaluation of PWRs (pressurized water reactors) and so forth. And then, several procedures are recommended in order to enhance more utilization of Japanese evaluated nuclear data files for nuclear safety. (author)

  17. Overview of space nuclear technologies and the American Nuclear Society

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singleterry, R.C. Jr.


    The American Nuclear Society (ANS) has seen an aspect of the universe where nuclear technology is the best energy source available for power, transportation, etc. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been exploiting this aspect of the universe by sending machines and humans into it and exploring, colonizing, industrializing, developing, inhabiting, etc. Space is the final frontier, and nuclear technology is the best suited for today's or the next century's space exploration and development. Many aspects of nuclear technology and its uses in space will be needed. ANS encompasses these and many more aspects of nuclear technology, and all have some role to play in the exploration and development of space. It should be ANS's intent to be an advisory body to NASA on the nuclear aspects of space exploration

  18. Situation of nuclear power generation in Sweden: swaying nuclear energy policy and conversion from nuclear phase-out policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuroda, Yuji


    In Sweden, fossil fuels cannot be produced domestically, and most of them depend on foreign imports. For this reason, together with hydropower generation using abundant water resources, nuclear power generation was introduced and used since the early stage. Nuclear power generation in 2015 reached 35% of total generated power energy. As of 2016, Sweden was steadily constructing the world's second final disposal site of high-level radioactive waste. On the other hand, this country is known as the one that decided nuclear phase-out policy earliest in the world. However, the country's nuclear policy is swaying together with changes in political party power due to election results. In 1980, they decided the policy of abolishing all nuclear power generation by 2010. Thereafter, the nuclear phase-out policy was frozen and maximum 10 units of nuclear plants were accepted. The goal of the latest policy is to allow new construction up to 10 units as replacement, and to use 100% of renewable energy in 2040. However, the year of 2040 is not a deadline for the abolishment of nuclear power generation. In Sweden's public opinion on nuclear power generation, the early abolition was dominant at about 50% during 1986∼1995, but this opinion decreased to about 10% in the 2000s. There is an increasing number of opinions saying that the existing nuclear plants should be continuously operated for a while, and phased out step by step in the future. (A.O.)

  19. Promoting nuclear power, achieving sustainable development of nuclear industry in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, R.


    The past 5 decades witnessed the rapid growth of China's nuclear industry. The sustained and rapid economic growth and continuous improvement of people's living standards have placed higher requirements for energy and power supplies. As a safe and clean energy source, nuclear energy has been gradually and widely accepted by the Chinese government and the public. The Chinese government has adopted the policy a ctively pushing forward the nuclear power development , set up the target to reach 40GWe of nuclear power installed capacity by 2020, accounting for about 4% of the total installed capacity in China. In this regard, this paper presents the China's nuclear program to illustrate how China is going to achieve the target. The paper is composed of 3 parts. The first part gives a review of the achievements in nuclear power in the last 20 years. The second part presents China's ''three approach'' strategy for furthering the nuclear power development: carrying out duplication projects at the existing plant sites; introducing GUI technology via international bidding; developing the brand C NP1000 , i.e. Chinese Nuclear Power lOOOMwe class, with China's own intellectual property. This part also explores the ways of securing the fuel supply for nuclear power development. The third part concludes with CNNC's ''3221'' strategy which aims at building a world class conglomerate, and expresses its sincere wish to work with the nuclear community to push the nuclear industry worldwide by strengthening international cooperation

  20. Children's (Pediatric) Nuclear Medicine (United States)

    ... Professions Site Index A-Z Children's (Pediatric) Nuclear Medicine Children’s (pediatric) nuclear medicine imaging uses small amounts ... Children's Nuclear Medicine? What is Children's (Pediatric) Nuclear Medicine? Nuclear medicine is a branch of medical imaging ...

  1. Nuclear energy data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of essential statistics on nuclear energy in OECD countries, offers additional textual and graphical information as compared with previous editions. It provides the reader with a comprehensive but easy-to-access overview on the status of and trends in the nuclear power and fuel cycle sector. This publication is an authoritative information source of interest to policy makers, experts and academics involved in the nuclear energy field. (authors)

  2. Nuclear energy data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This new edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's annual compilation of essential statistics on nuclear energy in OECD countries, offers additional textual and graphical information as compared with previous editions. It provides the reader with a comprehensive but easy-to-access overview on the status of and trends in the nuclear power and fuel cycle sector. This publication is an authoritative information source of interest to policy makers, experts and academics involved in the nuclear energy field. (author)

  3. Nuclear chemical engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Geon Jae; Shin, Young Jun


    The contents of this book are introduction of chemical engineering and related chemistry on an atomic reactor, foundation of the chemistry nuclear chemical engineering, theory on nuclear engineering, the cycle of uranium and nuclear fuel, a product of nuclear division, nuclear reprocessing, management of spent fuel separation of radioisotope, materials of an atomic reactor, technology and chemistry related water in atomic reactors and utilization of radioisotope and radiation. This book has the exercises and reference books for the each chapter.

  4. The nuclear era

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leclercq, J.


    This book is a guide in the space and in the time, along the nuclear energy history and through all the industrial installations such as nuclear power plants and the associated plants. The main points developed in this book are the following ones: the nuclear energy in its historic perspective, the variety of reactors, safety and environment, architecture and large engineering, installation of the reactor components and associated machines, nuclear fuels, and the nuclear energy in the electricity service [fr

  5. Nuclear questions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berg, Eugene


    Civilian and military nuclear questions fill a multitude of publications these days, especially after the Japanese tsunami and the Fukushima disaster. The author analyses some of them and highlights the links between civil and military nuclear industries, the realities of the nuclear cycle and related industrial questions before concluding on the controversial issue of weapons and their proliferation potential

  6. Standardization of Nuclear Instrumentation Applied in the NPP and in other nuclear installations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kusnowo, Arlinah; Darmawati, Suzie


    Nuclear power plant (NPP) and other nuclear installations have been recognized as applications needing very sophisticated technologies. One of technologies used in this all nuclear facilities is nuclear instrumentation. In order that NPP and other nuclear installations be operated safely, nuclear instrumentation requires standardization from design to its operation. Internationally, standardizations of nuclear instrumentation have been issued by IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). Formulation of standard in nuclear instrumentation in IEC is carried out by Technical Committee (TC) 45. This paper describes briefly the standardization of nuclear instrumentation applied in Indonesia as Indonesian National Standard (SNI, Standard National Indonesia), standardization of nuclear instrumentation developed by TC 45, SC 45A, and SC 45B, as well as the possibility to adopt and apply those IEC standard in Indonesia

  7. The nuclear review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeffrey, R.


    The prospects for nuclear power in the United Kingdom are considered from the point of view of Scottish Nuclear and in the context of the government's Nuclear Review and forthcoming proposals for the future of nuclear generation. Scottish Nuclear has been successful in transforming a loss making public sector company into one which is profitable. If proper account is taken of the risks of higher gas prices, environmental costs and the vulnerability to which the UK energy supply industry might be exposed by over dependence on gas, nuclear power is seen to be attractive. Outcome from the Review which Scottish Nuclear would like to see includes: a separation of their successful ongoing AGR programme from the historical magnox liabilities; a segregated fund to deal with long term AGR decommissioning and waste liabilities; greater commercial freedom and a move towards privatisation. (UK)

  8. Nuclear technology in Peru

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montoya, M.


    This book deals with the Nuclear Energy in Peru. It consists of ten chapters. In the first chapter is presented a rapid overview on nuclear science history. The second chapter describes the nuclear proliferation and the nuclear competition in South America. The nuclear organization in Peru, the Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Energy, and the main centers are described in the third chapter. The following chapters deals with peruvian advances in nuclear medicine, agriculture and food, nuclear application to industry, hydrology, earth sciences and environmental considerations. In the last chapter, the perspectives for nuclear science and technology in Peru are described from the inter institutional cooperation point of view. This book also includes appendix and bibliography. (author)

  9. Safeguards and nuclear forensics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gangotra, Suresh


    Nuclear Safeguards is the detection of diversion of significant quantities of nuclear material from peaceful nuclear activities to the manufacture of nuclear weapons, or of other nuclear explosive devices or for purposes unknown, and deterrence of such diversion by early detection. Safeguards implementation involves nuclear material accounting and containment and surveillance measures. The safeguards are implemented in nuclear facilities by the states, or agencies and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The measures for the safeguards include nuclear material Accounting (NUMAC) and Containment and surveillance systems. In recent times, there have been advances in safeguards like Near Real Time Monitoring (NRTM), Dynamic Nuclear Material Accounting (DNMA), Safeguards-by-Design (SBD), satellite imagery, information from open sources, remote monitoring etc

  10. The nuclear economic fraud

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeffery, J.W.


    Reference is made to a previous publication on the comparative economics of electricity from nuclear and coal-fired power plants. The present paper discusses further publications on this topic, and continues under the headings: propaganda money; the commitment of the CEGB to nuclear power; how to have nuclear electricity without paying for it; hiding the real nuclear costs; the effect of nuclear power on coal prices - the dilemma of nuclear power and dear coal or restricted nuclear power and cheap coal; the effects on electricity prices; the future of coal prices and subsidies; summary of the costs of building nuclear power stations; minimum total costs; the driving forces behind the nuclear programme. (U.K.)

  11. Exploração de necessidades socio-educativas e análise de modelos formativos de educação ambiental com caráter experimental Exploration of socio-educational demands and experimental analysis of formative models in environmental education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vilma Maria Marcassa Barra


    Full Text Available Neste artigo apresentamos uma síntese de tese doutoral defendida há cinco anos, mas de plena validade referencial, quanto a conteúdo e método. A pesquisa, caracterizada como um projeto de intervenção socioeducativa, foi desenvolvida em uma escola da Rede de Ensino Municipal de Pinhais-PR, na região metropolitana de Curitiba. Foi implementado e testado um enfoque interdisciplinar de Educação Ambiental no sistema escolar a partir de um modelo multidisciplinar (Método de Infusão, tendo como diretriz a ambientalização do currículo escolar. O trabalho teve três etapas: o marco teórico - análise conceitual da EA; EA: necessidade, origem e desenvolvimento; a análise do contexto - Paraná: marco contextual; o município de Pinhais: estudo contextual; o estudo empírico - análise de necessidades; o projeto de intervenção socioeducativa; análise e interpretação dos dados; conclusões e sugestões. Nesta síntese, no entanto, nos limitaremos a apresentar os dados relativos ao estudo empírico.The present text renders a synthesis from a Doctoral Thesis academically appraised five years ago, nevertheless retaining referential value both as to content and method. The research was developed as a socioeducative intervening project within one school of the Municipal School Net of Pinhais-PR, in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. It was implemented and tested an interdisciplinary concept of Environmental Education, departing from a multidisciplinary schooling model (Infusion Method and directed to an environmentalization of the school curriculum. The project had three phases: theoretical referral - conceptual analysis of EA, including its urgency, roots and development; contextual analysis - the cases of Paraná State, as delimiting context, as of the Pinhais Municipality, as study context; and empirical research - needs assessment, developing of the intervening project, data analysis and interpretation, conclusions and suggestions. That

  12. Legal Elements For Nuclear Security: Egyptian Nuclear Law As A Case Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, A.M.


    This paper deals with the legal bases for nuclear security. First, It analysis the international legal framework for nuclear security. Second, it analysis the legal bases for the import-export control. The legal aspects related with illicit trafficking (IT) were also reviewed. Third, It deals with the Egyptian nuclear law no. 7 and its executive regulation. The Egyptian legal regime for nuclear security and the role of State System for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (SSAC) in realizing the nuclear security were also discussed. The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the Egyptian legal framework for nuclear security.

  13. Frontiers in nuclear medicine symposium: Nuclear medicine & molecular biology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document contains the abstracts from the American College of Nuclear Physicians 1993 Fall Meeting entitled, `Frontiers in Nuclear Medicine Symposium: Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Biology`. This meeting was sponsored by the US DOE, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Office of Energy Research. The program chairman was Richard C. Reba, M.D.

  14. Approaches to characterization of nuclear material for establishment of nuclear forensics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okazaki, Hiro; Sumi, Mika; Sato, Mitsuhiro; Kayano, Masashi; Kageyama, Tomio; Shinohara, Nobuo; Martinez, Patrick; Xu, Ning; Thomas, Mariam; Porterfield, Donivan; Colletti, Lisa; Schwartz, Dan; Tandon, Lav


    The Plutonium Fuel Development Center (PFDC) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been analyzing isotopic compositions and contents of plutonium and uranium as well as trace impurities and physics in the nuclear fuel from MOX fuel fabrication process for accountancy and process control purpose. These analytical techniques are also effective for nuclear forensics to identify such as source, history, and route of the material by determining a composition and characterization of nuclear material. Therefore, PFDC cooperates with Los Alamos National Laboratory which has broad experience and established measurement skill for nuclear forensics, and evaluates the each method, procedure and analytical data toward R and D of characterizing a nuclear material for forensic purposes. This paper describes the approaches to develop characterization techniques of nuclear material for nuclear forensics purposes at PFDC. (author)

  15. Nuclear power without nuclear weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaiser, K.; Klein, F.J.


    In this study leading experts summarize the work of a working group meeting during several years, and they represent the state of the art of the international discussion about the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. The technical basis of proliferation, the relations between energy policy and nuclear energy, as well as the development of the non-proliferation system up to the present are thoroughly studied. Special attention is paid to the further development of the instruments of the non-proliferation policy, and approaches and ways to improving the control of the fuel cycle, e.g. by means of multinational methods or by improving the control requirements are analyzed. Also the field of positive inducements and negative sanctions to prevent the proliferation as well as the question of ensured supply are elucidated in detail. A further section then analyzes the functions of the international organizations active in this field and the nuclear policy of the most important western industrial nations, the RGW-states and the threshold countries of the Third World. This volume pays special attention to the nuclear policy of the Federal Republic of Germany and to the possibilities and necessities of a further development of the non-proliferation policy. (orig.) [de

  16. Comparaciones entre cuatro métodos de estimación de biomasa en praderas de festuca alta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isaías López-Guerrero


    Full Text Available En los experimentos de pastoreo, la masa de forraje es una medida necesaria para calcular otros atributos de la pradera, como son su crecimiento, utilización, y descomposición. El problema es que esa biomasa no se puede medir en estudios a gran escala, sólo se puede estimar usando algún método de muestreo. Cuando se submuestrea, el método de corte directo (MD ha sido aceptado como el más confiable, siempre y cuando se tomen suficientes muestras. Existen, sin embargo, métodos indirectos que pueden ser más fáciles, baratos y rápidos que el MD. En consecuencia, el objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar el MD con tres métodos indirectos para estimar la masa de forraje, el medidor de pasto por capacitancia (MC, el plato medidor de pastos (PM y la estimación visual (EV. El experimento fue conducido en seis potreros de festuca alta durante los años 2002 y 2003. Se desarrollaron ecuaciones de calibración para cada método indirecto y en cada fecha de muestreo, usando regresión lineal simple. Los coeficientes de determinación para las ecuaciones de calibración con todos los datos fueron de 0.686, 0.751, y 0.862 para MC, PM, y EV, respectivamente. Se encontraron diferencias (P<0.01 debido a método de muestreo, fecha y su interacción. Los contrastes mostraron que la masa de forraje obtenida por el MD fue sobreestimada (P<0.01 por los tres métodos indirectos.

  17. Nuclear education and international nuclear university

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, C.S.


    In this paper author deals with the concept of establishing the International Nuclear University (INU) would be one of the most viable options. The INU would provide young professionals with not only university-level education but also high-skill training in the fields of nuclear technology. The program will emphasize on global and multi- disciplinary perspectives, which should offer our young generation broader opportunities of advanced education and motivate professional staffs in the enhancement of their knowledge and skills. The 'World Council of Nuclear Education' could be formed to steer the INU for close international cooperation under the auspices of the IAEA. The INU would organize a world network of existing nuclear- related educational organizations and training centers which already exist in Member States. Existing facilities and can be utilized at maximum. Use of cyber-lecturing through Internet, cross-approval of credits among educational organizations in degree work, certification of credits by the authorized body like IAEA, human resources placement services, etc. are some of the activities that the INU could provide in addition to its professional training and higher education. (authors)

  18. I wonder nuclear energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Eun Cheol


    This book consists seven chapters, which are powerful nuclear energy, principle of nuclear fission, nuclear energy in our daily life, is nuclear energy safe?, what is radiation?, radiation spread in pur daily life and radiation like a spy. It adds nuclear energy story through quiz. This book with pictures is for kids to explain nuclear energy easily.

  19. Nuclear energy. Economical aspects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Legee, F.


    This document present 43 slides of a power point presentation containing detailed data on economical and cost data for nuclear energy and nuclear power plants: evolution from 1971 to 2007 of world total primary energy supply, development of nuclear energy in the world, nuclear power plants in the world in 2009, service life of nuclear power plants and its extension; nuclear energy market and perspectives at 2030, the EPR concept (generation III) and its perspectives at 2030 in the world; cost assessment (power generation cost, nuclear power generation cost, costs due to nuclear safety, comparison of investment costs for gas, coal and nuclear power generation, costs for building a nuclear reactor and general cost; cost for the entire fuel cycle, the case of the closed cycle with recycling (MOX); costs for radioactive waste storage; financial costs and other costs such as environmental impacts, strategic stocks, comparative evaluation of the competitiveness of nuclear versus coal and gas

  20. Nuclear energy and security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blejwas, Thomas E.; Sanders, Thomas L.; Eagan, Robert J.; Baker, Arnold B.


    Nuclear power is an important and, the authors believe, essential component of a secure nuclear future. Although nuclear fuel cycles create materials that have some potential for use in nuclear weapons, with appropriate fuel cycles, nuclear power could reduce rather than increase real proliferation risk worldwide. Future fuel cycles could be designed to avoid plutonium production, generate minimal amounts of plutonium in proliferation-resistant amounts or configurations, and/or transparently and efficiently consume plutonium already created. Furthermore, a strong and viable US nuclear infrastructure, of which nuclear power is a large element, is essential if the US is to maintain a leadership or even participatory role in defining the global nuclear infrastructure and controlling the proliferation of nuclear weapons. By focusing on new fuel cycles and new reactor technologies, it is possible to advantageously burn and reduce nuclear materials that could be used for nuclear weapons rather than increase and/or dispose of these materials. Thus, the authors suggest that planners for a secure nuclear future use technology to design an ideal future. In this future, nuclear power creates large amounts of virtually atmospherically clean energy while significantly lowering the threat of proliferation through the thoughtful use, physical security, and agreed-upon transparency of nuclear materials. The authors must develop options for policy makers that bring them as close as practical to this ideal. Just as Atoms for Peace became the ideal for the first nuclear century, they see a potential nuclear future that contributes significantly to power for peace and prosperity