
Sample records for mediante analisi ed

  1. Valutazione dell'appropriatezza dei ricoveri in un Policlinico Universitario: analisi mediante l'uso comparativo dei sistemi di classificazione isogravitá APR-DRG e Disease Staging e del PRUO

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Volpe


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: valutare l’appropriatezza organizzativa dei ricoveri effettuati in un Policlinico Universitario attraverso la comparazione di due metodi, dei quali uno basato sui dati della scheda di dimissione ospedaliera ed utilizza, rispettivamente, i sistemi di classificazione iso-gravità APR-DRG e Disease Staging e l’altro sulla revisione delle cartelle cliniche mediante il PRUO.

    Metodi: oggetto di analisi sono i ricoveri ordinari effettuati nell’anno 2001 ed afferenti ai DRG inclusi nella delibera della Giunta Regionale del Lazio 864/2002 che recepisce il D.P.C.M. 29/11/2001 sui livelli essenziali di assistenza.

    Risultati: i risultati evidenziano che le due varianti del
    metodo basato sulla SDO (metodo APPRO mostrano quote di ricoveri inappropriati sovrapponibili rispetto al complesso dei ricoveri oggetto di analisi, ma con differenze anche rilevanti tra APR-DRG e Disease Staging in relazione ai singoli DRG considerati, riconducibili ai diversi algoritmi di attribuzione del livello di severità utilizzati dai due sistemi. L’analisi campionaria effettuata con il metodo PRUO su casi afferenti ai DRG della DGR 864/2002 caratterizzati da livelli di severità minimi evidenzia una proporzione di ricoveri inappropriati superiore a quella determinata tramite i metodi basati sulla SDO. Tale differenza è verosimilmente dovuta al ruolo del valore delle soglie percentuali di accettabilità individuate dalla Regione Lazio per ciascun DRG: le quote di ricoveri che eccedono tali soglie sono considerate inappropriate.

    Conclusioni: sulla base dei risultati ottenuti gli autori
    descrivono gli interventi organizzativi adottati per ottimizzare il contesto di erogazione delle prestazioni
    oggetto di analisi, discutono vantaggi e limiti dei metodi SDO-based e del metodo analitico PRUObased e ne propongono l

  2. Il servizio di EV-mobile ed i suoi utenti: un approccio metodologico all’analisi dei loro comportamenti

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    Ugo Contino


    Full Text Available ItLa possibilità di accedere al Web mediante dispositivi mobili, ad esempio tablet o smartphone, ha comportato la creazione di ulteriori portali, semplificati, che consentono di diffondere contenuti ed informazione in maniera rapida ai propri utenti. Nel caso del servizio di Emeroteca Virtuale Mobile si è voluto ampliare la gamma dei servizi offerti all’utenza, includendo una piattaforma che fosse navigabile attraverso i browser disponibili nei moderni smart phone. L’analisi dei loro comportamenti ci ha permesso di verificare quanto gli utenti preferiscano i contesti mobili come ambienti di rapida verifica delle novità disponibili in Emeroteca, relativamente ai periodici di loro interesse (4 a 1 è infatti il rapporto tra la navigazione e la ricerca dei contenuti. Ciò chiarisce il ruolo che tale servizio sta assumendo nel contesto dell’Emeroteca, non alternativo a quello classico, ma, pur se ancora non privo di una sua connotazione sperimentale, certamente complementare a quest’ultimo.EnThe diffusion of the so called smart-phone and tablet among WEB users community caused a growth in the offering of specific portals, simplified comparing to the classic ones, but capable of a more direct and fast information flow towards their own users. Emeroteca Virtuale service too has been provided of a specific “mobile” portal dedicated to people having a smart-phone as a web access tool. Last two years usage data analysis on this service has revealed a peculiar behavior of Emeroteca Virtuale Mobile users: they tend to use the service as a rapid check of new entries in Emeroteca (issues or articles, specifically for those e-journals they are interested in (the ratio between browsing and search actions is 4 to 1. This clarifies better the role this “mobile” service is having versus the classical one: it is not an alternative to it, but a complementary way to get information from Emeroteca.

  3. Analysis of turbomachineries by means of the application of the SMDTurbo system; Analisis de turbomaquinas mediante la aplicacion del sistema SMDTurbo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zuniga, Helen; Garcia, Ernesto; Bernabe, Jose; Aboites, Fernando [CIATEQ, A.C., Queretaro (Mexico)


    In this paper is presented an integral system in experimental phase developed by CIATEQ for the monitoring and acquisition of involved physical variables in the turbo-machinery analysis. The system has been denominated SMDTurbo (System of Monitoring and Diagnosis for Turbo machinery) and its purpose is to realize a diagnosis (on the basis of mathematical and graphical tools) of the performance of the turbo machinery through the measurement of variables such as pressure, temperature and vibration. The obtained data from these elements is used for its later processing of analysis and diagnosis by means of specialized software with which the performance of the turbo machinery will be able to be performed (TM). Preliminary results of the proposal are presented. [Spanish] En este trabajo se presenta un sistema integral en fase experimental desarrollado por CIATEQ para el monitoreo y adquisicion de variables fisicas involucradas en el analisis de turbomaquinaria. El sistema se ha denominado SMDTuro (Sistema de Monitoreo y Diagnostico para Turbomaquinaria) y tiene como proposito realizar un diagnostico (en base a herramientas matematicas y graficas) del rendimiento de la turbomaquina a traves de la medicion de variables como presion, tempreratura y vibracion. La informacion obtenida de estos elementos se utiliza para su posterior proceso de analisis y diagnostico mediante un software especializado con el cual se podra realizar el rendimiento de la turbomaquinaria (TM). Se presentan resultados preliminares de la propuesta.

  4. Analisi matematica

    CERN Document Server

    Canuto, Claudio


    Il presente testo intende essere di supporto ad un secondo insegnamento di Analisi Matematica in quei corsi di studio (quali ad esempio Ingegneria, Informatica, Fisica) in cui lo strumento matematico parte significativa della formazione dell'allievo. I concetti e i metodi fondamentali del calcolo differenziale ed integrale in più variabili, le serie di funzioni e le equazioni differenziali ordinarie sono presentati con l'obiettivo primario di addestrare lo studente ad un loro uso operativo, ma critico. L'impostazione didattica dell'opera ricalca quella usata nel testo parallelo di Analisi Matematica I. La modalità di presentazione degli argomenti ne permette un uso flessibile e modulare. Lo stile adottato privilegia la chiarezza e la linearità dell'esposizione. Il testo organizzato su due livelli di lettura. Uno, più essenziale, permette allo studente di cogliere i concetti indispensabili della materia, di familiarizzarsi con le relative tecniche di calcolo e di trovare le giustificazioni dei principali r...

  5. Note critiche sui rapporti tra diritto ed economia


    Tuzet, Giovanni


    Il saggio inquadra teoricamente i principali rapporti fra diritto ed economia e analizza i vari metodi e approcci dell'analisi economica del diritto, rilvandone gli aspetti critici e discutendo infine gli approcci comportamentali e la "nudge theory".

  6. Metodologie innovative per il supporto alla progettazione e all’analisi delle prestazioni di impianti ad energia solare a concentrazione ed eolici off-shore utilizzando immagini satellitari ottiche e SAR


    Morelli, Marco; Masini, Andrea; Alberto, Marco; Potenza, Marco Alberto Carlo


    In questo lavoro presentiamo delle nuove metodologie, sviluppate nell’ambito del progetto SATENERG (Servizi sATellitari per le ENergie Rinnovabili di nuova Generazione) finanziato dall’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, sia per il supporto alla progettazione/pianificazione che per il monitoraggio quasi in tempo reale e l’analisi delle prestazioni degli impianti ad energia rinnovabile di nuova generazione (CSP, CPV ed eolici off-shore) utilizzando immagini satellitari. In particolare pe...

  7. Analisi tipologiche e morfologiche a supporto della manutenzione programmata con l’ausilio di rilievi catastali ed analisi Istat in operazioni di esproprio

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    Agata Lo Tauro


    Full Text Available A seguito di uno studio iniziato nel 1993 presso la Manchester University, su city centres italiani ed inglesi, è stata avviata una indagine sulle trasformazioni diacroniche e sincroniche delle principali tipologie edilizie utilizzando analisi archivistiche, storiche e strumenti normativi, in primis coniugate con la computer graphics e nella mid-term phase con la geomatica in genere. La fase finale della ricerca ha evidenziato la necessità di implementare strategie di “manutenzione programmata” capaci di “prevenire piuttosto che curare”, utilizzando varie tipologie di Open Data implementando approcci pluridisciplinari. Come case-study è stato scelto il centro storico di Acireale. Typological and morphological analysis to support the mainte-nance program with the help of cadastral surveys Following a study that began in 1993 at Manchester Univer-sity, city centers in Italy and UK started an investigation on the diachronic transformations and synchronic analysis of the main building using archival, historical and regulatory instruments, primarily conjugated with computer graphics and in the mid-term phase with the geomatics in general. The final phase of the  research  highlighted  the  need  to  implement  strategies for "scheduled maintenance" capable of  "prevention rather than cure", using various types of Open Date implementing multidisciplinary approaches. As a case study was chosen the historical center of Acireale.

  8. Analisi comparativa della dieta di alcuni carnivori opportunisti (Vulpes vulpes, Martes foina, Meles meles in Europa

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    Anna Maria De Marinis


    Full Text Available L'ecologia alimentare della volpe, del tasso ed in misura minore della faina è stata ampiamente studiata in diverse aree comprese all'interno degli areali di queste 3 specie. La variazione geografica delle abitudini alimentari di questi carnivori definiti opportunisti è al contrario decisamente poco nota. Scopo del presente lavoro è la descrizione della variazione della dieta di faina, tasso e volpe attraverso l'Europa ed in secondo luogo l'analisi comparativa delle strategie alimentari adottate da questi carnivori. Sono stati analizzati 19 studi per la volpe, 11 per la faina e 23 per il tasso. Sono stati presi in considerazione soltanto gli studi della durata di almeno un anno nei quali la composizione della dieta, determinata tramite analisi delle feci, fosse espressa in percentuale di volume o biomassa e le categorie alimentari fossero dettagliatamente descritte. Gli studi sono stati divisi in gruppi in base alla regione climatica di appartenenza (mediterranea, centroeuropea, atlantica e boreale. Le categorie alimentari utilizzate nell'analisi della variabilità geografica sono: mammiferi, uccelli, anfibi, artropodi, lombrichi, altro animale, frutta, cereali, rifiuti. L'analisi delle componenti principali, condotta separatamente sulle 3 specie, ha consentito l'individuazione su di un grafico bidimensionale di due gruppi riferibili all'Europa centro-settentrionale ed alla regione mediterranea, con una percentuale di variabilità spiegata > 76% per ognuna delle 3 specie. La composizione della dieta del primo gruppo risulta caratterizzata da elevate percentuali di mammiferi e secondariamente uccelli per la volpe, uccelli ed altro animale per la faina e lombrichi, cereali ed anfibi per il tasso. La composizione della dieta nella regione mediterranea risulta invece caratterizzata da elevate percentuali di artropodi e frutta per tutte e 3 le specie di carnivori. L'analisi dicriminante ha consentito di differenziare gli studi condotti in ambiente

  9. Un approccio innovativo per l’analisi quantitativa delle superfici di frattura a fatica nelle ghise sferoidali mediante elaborazione di immagini

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    O. Di Bartolomeo


    Full Text Available Le osservazioni al microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM delle superfici di frattura ottenute a seguito di rotture per fatica consentono di evidenziare alcuni meccanismi di avanzamento che dipendono dal materiale e dalla modalità di applicazione delle sollecitazioni. L’introduzione di moderne tecniche di analisi di immagine assistite al calcolatore permette di elaborare un numero di informazioni elevato che consente di porre in relazione le caratteristiche morfologiche locali con il comportamento meccanico macroscopico del materiale.In questo lavoro è stata implementata una tecnica innovativa di analisi di immagine basata sull’analisi della tessitura, valutando l’influenza delle condizioni di applicazione della sollecitazione (ΔK applicato sulla evoluzione del clivaggio rilevato sulle superfici di frattura a fatica di una ghisa sferoidale ferrito-perlitica.

  10. Standardizzazione isogravitá di un case-mix ospedaliero mediante Charlson index

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    G. Messina


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    Introduzione: la comorbidità è un importante fattore confondente negli studi epidemiologici valutativi dell’assistenza ospedaliera. Diversi strumenti di risk adjustment misurano la complessità della malattia, consentendo di correlarla al consumo di risorse assistenziali, agli esiti, nonchè di confrontare studi eseguiti in tempi e realtà diversi.

    Obiettivi: - Standardizzare per complessità casistica la mortalità dei pazienti assistiti da un grande ospedale; - Identificare le variabili in grado di migliorare la capacità predittiva di mortalità intraospedaliera (IM. Materiali e

    Metodi: sono state analizzate 40.801 schede di dimissione prodotte dal Policlinico Senese nel 2001. Sono stati studiati i tassi di IM specifici per Charlson Index Score (CSI: quest’ultimo considera 19 categorie di patologia e si basa sull’ ICD-IX-CM. Le variabili studiate mediante analisi bivariate e regressione logistica, sono state: CSI (codificato in 5 livelli 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, lunghezza del ricovero (LR, sesso ed età. Risultati: CSI è risultato associato con IM (p‹0.001. Sesso, età e LR sono risultati associati sia con CSI (p‹0.001 che IM (p‹0.001. Confrontando i 4 livelli di CSI con quello di riferimento (0, le seguenti Odds Ratio (OR di IM sono state trovate: Livello 1 verso livello 0 OR: 6.79 (p‹0.001, Livello 2 verso livello 0 OR: 15.8 (p‹0.001, Livello 3 verso livello 0 OR: 9.36 (p‹0.001, Livello 4 verso livello 0 OR: 7.4 (p‹0.001. La variabile sesso non è risultata aver un effetto confondente tra CSI e IM al contrario delle variabili LR ed età.

    Conclusioni: il CSI aiuta a valutare (predire il rischio di mortalità intraospedaliera, sebbene in modo non lineare. Abbiamo sempre rilevato valori più alti di mortalità confrontando i livelli 1, 2, 3, e 4 con quello di riferimento (0. In particolare il valore più alto lo ha raggiunto il secondo livello

  11. Rational use of energy in air conditioning equipment, through an appropriate selection of the main equipment; Uso racional de la energia en equipos de aire acondicionado, mediante la eleccion apropiada del equipo principal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reyes Zuniga, Jose de Jesus; Herrera Ramos, Manuel [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (Mexico)


    This paper presents an analysis to diminish the consumption of energy in central air conditioning equipment through an appropriate selection of the equipment. The analysis shows the levels of security and toxicity of the refrigerant, the operational, constructive and economic advantages of the equipment, taking as reference the cooling demand and expenses of energy consumption, as well as the ecological impact derived from the use of the refrigerant. Finally, an economic analysis is presented, involving the expenses of the equipment, operation, maintenance, costs of the consumption of used fluids, et cetera. [Spanish] Uso racional de la energia en equipos de aire acondicionado, mediante la eleccion apropiada del equipo principal. Este trabajo presenta un analisis para disminuir el consumo de energia en los equipos centrales de aire acondicionado mediante la seleccion apropiada del equipo. El analisis muestra los niveles de seguridad y toxicidad del refrigerante, las ventajas operativas, constructivas y economicas del equipo, tomando como referencia la demanda de enfriamiento y gastos de consumo de energia, asi como el impacto ecologico derivado de su empleo del refrigerante. Finalmente, se presenta un analisis economico, involucrando los gastos del equipo, operacion, mantenimiento, costos de consumos de fluidos utilizados, etcetera.

  12. Analisis Struktur Kristal Lifepo4 Olivine Sebagai Bahan Katoda Batere Li-Ion

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    Indra Gunawan


    Full Text Available Sintesis LiFePO4 dilakukan dengan pencampuran LiCl, FeCl2.4H2O dan H3PO4 ekuimolar ke dalam air. Homogenasi larutan dilakukan dengan pengaduk magnetic pada suhu 60o C. Prekursor LiFePO4 diperoleh setelah pemanasan 200o C dengan furnace selama 2 jam. Sintering prekursor LiFePO4 dilakukan pada suhu 700o C dengan furnace selama 4 jam dengan aliran N2 untuk membentuk fasa kristalit LiFePO4. Kemurnian fasa dan struktur kristal dianalisis dengan menggunakan XRD. Analisis struktur kristal dari pola difraksi sinar-X dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak FULLPROF. Pengamatan morfologinya dilakukan dengan menggunakan SEM dengan kombinasi energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS dan pengukuran gugus fungsional dengan FT-IR. Hasil analisis struktur kristal menunjukkan bahwa senyawa LiFePO4 memiliki struktur Kristal orthorhombic, space group 62, simbol Pnma (Hermann-Mauguin dengan parameter kisi a= 6.0019999, b= 10.330000, c= 4.6999998. 

  13. Pigments analysis on skin tomato fruits during ripening by mean fluorescence techniques; Analisi mediante utilizzo di tecniche di fluorescenza dei pigmenti presenti sulla superficie di bacche di pomodoro durante la maturazione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lai, A; Fantoni, R [ENEA, Divisione Fisica Applicata, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Rome (Italy)


    Different spectroscopic techniques, based on visible fluorescence emission upon excitation in the same spectral region or in the ultraviolet, have been utilized to characterize tomato fruit ripening stages in order to analyze surface pigments which correspond to optimal conditions for fruit harvesting. The main fluorescence spectral features belonging to antochyanin, flavonoids, carotenoids and chlorophyll a after excitation of skin tomato pigments at different laser wavelength have been identified. For tomato ripening stage LIF detection, the {lambda}{sub e}xc266nm was established as the optimal laser wavelength. [Italian] Mediante diverse tecniche spettroscopiche, basate sulla emissione di fluorescenza visibile a seguito di eccitazione nella stessa regione o nell'ultravioletto, e' stato condotto uno studio su bacche di pomodoro a diversi stadi di maturazione Lo scopo del lavoro e' quello di potere attribuire, attraverso l'analisi degli spettri di fluorescenza dei pigmenti superficiali presenti nel frutto, lo stadio ottimale di maturazione al momento della raccolta. I risultati ottenuti hanno permesso di distinguere spettri di fluorescenza attribuiti ai principali gruppi di pigmenti fluorescenti presenti nella superficie esterna del pomodoro: antociani, flavonoidi, carotenoidi e clorofilla a.

  14. Azione citodifferenziante ed antitumorale dell'acido ellagico


    Vanella, Luca


    Il lavoro ha lo scopo di valutare l'effetto citodifferenziante ed antitumorale dell'acido ellagico in tre diverse linee cellulari prostatiche a diverso grado di invasivita' (DU145, LnCap, BPH1). I risultati della Cromogranina A e della P75 NGRF, ottenuti mediante immunofluorescenza, evidenziano un'azione citodifferenziante dell'acido ellagico in maniera dose dipendente. Inoltre i risultati dimostrano come l'acido ellagico abbia la capacita' di ridurre, in maniera dose dipendente, sia l'espres...

  15. Analisi matematica

    CERN Document Server

    Canuto, Claudio


    Il presente testo intende essere di supporto ad un primo insegnamento di Matematica in quei corsi di studio (quali ad esempio Ingegneria, Informatica, Fisica) in cui lo strumento matematico parte significativa della formazione dell'allievo. Il testo presenta tre diversi livelli di lettura. Un livello essenziale permette allo studente di cogliere i concetti indispensabili della materia e di familiarizzarsi con le relative tecniche di calcolo. Un livello intermedio fornisce le giustificazioni dei principali risultati e arricchisce lesposizione mediante utili osservazioni e complementi. Un terzo livello di lettura prevede anche lo studio del materiale contenuto nelle appendici e permette all'allievo più motivato ed interessato di approfondire la sua preparazione sulla materia. Completano il testo numerosi esempi e un considerevole numero di esercizi; di tutti viene fornita la soluzione e per la maggior parte si delinea il procedimento risolutivo. La grafica accattivante, a due colori e con struttura modulare, f...

  16. Analisi dei cicli del mercato immobiliare: un applicazione sui dati italiani

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    Maurizio Festa!


    Full Text Available Utilizzando i dati italiani, sulla base dell'approccio teorico del ciclo "a nido d'ape" proposto da Janssen, Kruijt e Needham nel 1994, questo articolo propone un ulteriore contributo allo studio delle dinamiche del mercato immobiliare italiano. Utilizzando alcuni indicatori del mercato, si presentano i grafici del ciclo a nido d'ape per tutte le regioni e per le principali città. Tecniche di cluster analysis sono utilizzate per raggruppare le regioni che mostrano andamenti simili. L'obiettivo finale dell'analisi è quindi quello di esaminare il territorio nazionale in termini di sviluppo ed evoluzione del mercato delle abitazioni.

  17. Pigments analysis on skin tomato fruits during ripening by mean fluorescence techniques; Analisi mediante utilizzo di tecniche di fluorescenza dei pigmenti presenti sulla superficie di bacche di pomodoro durante la maturazione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lai, A.; Fantoni, R. [ENEA, Divisione Fisica Applicata, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Rome (Italy)


    Different spectroscopic techniques, based on visible fluorescence emission upon excitation in the same spectral region or in the ultraviolet, have been utilized to characterize tomato fruit ripening stages in order to analyze surface pigments which correspond to optimal conditions for fruit harvesting. The main fluorescence spectral features belonging to antochyanin, flavonoids, carotenoids and chlorophyll a after excitation of skin tomato pigments at different laser wavelength have been identified. For tomato ripening stage LIF detection, the {lambda}{sub e}xc266nm was established as the optimal laser wavelength. [Italian] Mediante diverse tecniche spettroscopiche, basate sulla emissione di fluorescenza visibile a seguito di eccitazione nella stessa regione o nell'ultravioletto, e' stato condotto uno studio su bacche di pomodoro a diversi stadi di maturazione Lo scopo del lavoro e' quello di potere attribuire, attraverso l'analisi degli spettri di fluorescenza dei pigmenti superficiali presenti nel frutto, lo stadio ottimale di maturazione al momento della raccolta. I risultati ottenuti hanno permesso di distinguere spettri di fluorescenza attribuiti ai principali gruppi di pigmenti fluorescenti presenti nella superficie esterna del pomodoro: antociani, flavonoidi, carotenoidi e clorofilla a.

  18. Analisis Pembebanan Ekonomis pada Jaringan 500 kV Jawa Bali Menggunakan Software PowerWorld

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Badru Tamam Arozaq


    Full Text Available Pada jaringan 500 kV Jawa Bali, PT. PLN (Persero P3B menentukan kombinasi pembangkit yang akan beroperasi pada setiap level beban tertentu. Oleh karena itu, Economic Dispatch (ED atau pembagian pembebanan secara ekonomis dilakukan untuk menghasilkan pembebanan pembangkit yang optimal. Namun, hasil dari Economic Dispatch tersebut belum tentu dapat memenuhi batasan sistem seperti batasan pembakitan generator dan batasan saluran. Untuk itu, Optimal Power Flow (OPF perlu dilakukan dalam rangka pembagian pembebanan secara ekonomis, sekaligus memenuhi batasan-batasan sistem. Pada tugas akhir ini, perhitungan pembagian pembebanan pembangkit dilakukan dengan menggunakan software PowerWorld. Software ini memiliki keunggulan dalam teknik analisis, interaktif, dan disertai dengan grafik, sehingga mempermudah pembaca dalam memahami informasi yang diberikan. Dari hasil pengujian, terbukti bahwa pada keadaan normal ED dan OPF dalam penggunaan software PowerWorld, menghasilkan nilai yang sama yaitu sebesar 662.264,94 $/h. Tetapi pada saat terjadi pelanggaran batas saluran transmisi, hasil simulasi ED lebih murah yaitu sebesar 665.834,06 $/h sedangkan hasil OPF sebesar 863.630,50 $/h.

  19. Analisis Statistika dengan SPSS


    Mustari, Kahar


    Buku ini membahas tentang berbagai model analisis statistika yang dapat digunakan dalam berbagai bidang penelitian. Pembahasan buku ini dilengkapi pula dengan penerapan analisis statistika yang menggunakan program SPSS versi 20 sehingga memudahkan pembaca untuk menerapkannya. Oleh karena itu, buku ini penting dibaca oleh mahasiswa atau peneliti yang melakukan pengolahan data penelitian.


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    Hardianto -


    Full Text Available Analisis SWOC merupakan salah satu langkah yang bisa diambil dalam membuat sebuah rencana strategis pendidikan. Analisis ini dilakukan untuk melihat secara mendalam situasi internal dan eksternal organisasi. Situasi internal yang dilihat adalah kekuatan (Strenghts dan kelemahan (Weaknesses organisasi pendidikan. Situasi eksternal berupa peluang (Opportinities dan tantangan (Challenges. Untuk membuat sebuah rencana strategis yang baik dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis setiap kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan tantangan. Teknik kartu salju (snow card bisa digunakan dalam melakukan analisis SWOC. Hasil analisis tersebut nantinya akan melahirkan kombinasi strategi kekuatan-peluang, kekuatan-tantangan, kelemahan-peluang dan kelemahan-tantangan.

  1. Prospettive sonore nell’analisi sensoriale-acustica e nella progettazione del cibo - Sound perspectives in the sensory-acoustic analysis and design of food


    Doriana Dal Palù; Beatrice Lerma; Claudia De Giorgi; Eleonora Buiatti; Arianna Astolfi


    L’articolo affronta il complesso tema della progettazione del suono del cibo, ponendo l’aspetto al centro del processo progettuale e considerandolo come un reale requisito di progetto. Sono messe in luce le potenzialità del progettare il suono, ma anche le difficoltà attuali da tenere in considerazione. Si propone l’applicazione di SounBe, una metodologia ed uno strumento brevettati che traggono origine dal mondo della psicoacustica e dell’analisi sensoriale, permettendo di confrontare at...

  2. Treatment of industrial wastewater by electrochemical techniques; Depurazione di reflui industriali mediante tecniche elettrochimiche

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Panizza, M.; Cerisola, G. [Genua Univ., Genua (Italy). Dipt. di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo


    This work analyses the applicability of electrochemical treatments of an industrial effluent containing organic compounds such as naphthalene-and anthraquinon-sulphonic acids. Two indirect electrolysis, which generate hypochlorite ions and hydrogen peroxide as chemical reactants, were studied. The optimum conditions of the processes were found and the results compared. Better performances were obtained electro generating in situ hypochlorite ions than with hydrogen peroxide. With the hypochlorite ions, as redox reagent, the effluent was decolorized and COD was removed up to value of 100 mg l{sup -}1. [Italian] Questo lavoro e' volto all'analisi dell'applicabilita' dei trattamenti elettrochimici per lo smaltimento di un refluo industriale contenente composti organici biorefrattari come gli acidi naftalen- ed natrachinon-solforici. A tale proposito sono stati studiati due processi di elettrolisi indiretta che generano in situ lo ione ipoclorito ed il perossido di idrogeno come reagenti chimici ossidanti. Sono state trovate le condizioni ottimali dei due trattamenti e sono stati confrontati i risultati. Dai risultati sperimentali si e' concluso che elettrogenerando in situ lo ione ipoclorito si ottiene una ossidazione migliore rispetto al perossido di idrogeno. Con lo ione ipoclorito come reagente redox, il refluo e' stato decolorato ed il suo COD e' stato rimosso fino a valori di 100 mg l{sup -}1.

  3. Environmental analysis applied to schools. Methodologies for data acquisition; Analisi ambientale iniziale per gli istituti d'istruzione. Metodologia per l'acquisizione dei dati

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andriola, L; Ceccacci, R [ENEA, Div. Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The environment analysis is the basis of environmental management for organizations and it is considered as the first step in EMAS. It allows to identify, deal with the issues and have a clear knowledge on environmental performances of organizations. Schools can be included in the organizations. Nevertheless, the complexity of environmental issues and applicable regulations makes very difficult for a school, that wants to implement an environmental management system (EMAS, ISO 14001, etc.), to face this first step. So, it has been defined an instrument, that is easy but complete and coherent with reference standard, to let schools choose their process for elaborating the initial environmental revue. This instrument consists, essentially, in cards that, if completed, facilitate the drafting of the environmental analysis report. [Italian] L'analisi ambientale iniziale costituisce il presupposto di qualsiasi azione di gestione ambientale da parte di un'organizzazione ed e' esplicitamente prevista, come prima tappa, in EMAS. Essa consente infatti di individuare ed approfondire le problematiche ambientali e di fotografare, per mezzo di riferimenti oggettivi, le prestazioni ambientali di un'organizzazione, e quindi anche di una scuola, in modo da poter stabilire e controllare nel tempo gli obiettivi di miglioramento. Tuttavia la complessita' delle problematiche ambientali e delle relative normative di riferimento rende estremamente difficoltoso, per un istituto scolastico che intenda intraprendere un percorso di gestione ambientale comunque finalizzato (EMAS, ISO 14001, Comunicazione ambientale, ecc.) compiere questo passo iniziale. E' stato pertanto realizzato uno strumento semplificato, ma comunque completo e coerente con gli standard di riferimento, per consentire alle scuole di effettuare il percorso di elaborazione di un'analisi ambientale iniziale. Lo strumento consiste essenzialmente in schede che, una volta compilate, faciliteranno la stesura del rapporto di

  4. Analisis Harmonisa Inverter PWM Satu Fasa


    Rejeki Simanjorang


    Pada tesis ini dianalisis harmonisa inverter PWM satu fasa. Inverter PWM satu fasa yang akan ditinjau adalah inverter satu fasa jembatan penuh (konvensional) dan inverter komposit. Analisis difokuskan pada penentuan pola penyaklaran yang optimum agar pembangkitan harmonisa dan switching losses inverter rendah. Untuk menentukan pola penyaklaran optimum maka dilakukan analisis yang berbasis pada rangkaian ekivalen harmonisa inverter satu fasa. Dengan menggunakan pola penyaklaran optimum, kedua ...


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    Teguh Marhendi


    Full Text Available Kali Juana yang berada di Kabupaten Pati dan Kudus serta sebagian kecil di Kabupaten Grobogan dan Blora, merupakan kawasan banjir. Kejadian banjir di Kali Juana, sudah menjadi rutinitas setiap musim hujan.Dari Januari sampai bulan Mei 2016tercatat terjadi 11 kejadian banjir dibeberapa wilayah, seperti Kecamatan Kaliwungu, Undaan dan Mejobo (Kab. Kudus serta Pati, Margorejo dan Juwana (Kab. Pati. Kali Juana merupakan bifurkasi Kali Serang pada Pintu Wilalung, yang berfungsi sebagai pintu pengatur banjir (dibangun pada zaman Belanda tahun 1918, melalui Kali Babalan menuju ke Kali Juana. Tulisan inidimaksudkan untuk menganalisis penyebab kejadian banjir di Kali Juana. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan kajani dan analisis hujan serta mekanisme aliran. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kondisi Kali Juana dari pertemuan Kali Logung di pintu Wilalung sampai hilir telah mengalami pendangkalan akibat kemiringan dasar atau topografi yang landai, dan mengakibatkan mudah terjadi sedimentasi sehingga mengurangi kapasitas pengaliran. Hal ini menyebabkan luapan banjir sering menggenangi wilayah Kabupaten Kudus dan Pati.

  6. Introduzione all'analisi qualitativa dei sistemi dinamici discreti e continui

    CERN Document Server

    Squassina, Marco


    Il testo è stato concepito per la struttura degli attuali corsi di laurea in Biologia, Matematica, Matematica Applicata, Ingegneria, Scienze Naturali e Mediche. Esso si concentra sugli aspetti qualitativi delle equazioni differenziali come limitatezza o illimitatezza delle soluzioni, esistenza o non esistenza di orbite periodiche, stabilità o instabilità dei punti di equilibrio, biforcazione del sistema al variare di un parametro, robustezza del sistema in presenza di perturbazioni. L'analisi qualitativa di sistemi dinamici discreti e continui è un argomento tecnicamente accessibile anche agli studenti di primo livello e consente di collegare, combinare ed esercitare nozioni che provengono dall'algebra, dal calcolo differenziale di base e dalla geometria elementare, stimolando l'intuizione matematica. Il volume si caratterizza per due aspetti: quello induttivo e quello figurativo. L'approccio induttivo si basa su un'ampia gamma di problemi risolti e pensati per introdurre, gradualmente, sia le conoscenze ...

  7. Environmental analysis applied to schools. Methodologies for data acquisition; Analisi ambientale iniziale per gli istituti d'istruzione. Metodologia per l'acquisizione dei dati

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andriola, L.; Ceccacci, R. [ENEA, Div. Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The environment analysis is the basis of environmental management for organizations and it is considered as the first step in EMAS. It allows to identify, deal with the issues and have a clear knowledge on environmental performances of organizations. Schools can be included in the organizations. Nevertheless, the complexity of environmental issues and applicable regulations makes very difficult for a school, that wants to implement an environmental management system (EMAS, ISO 14001, etc.), to face this first step. So, it has been defined an instrument, that is easy but complete and coherent with reference standard, to let schools choose their process for elaborating the initial environmental revue. This instrument consists, essentially, in cards that, if completed, facilitate the drafting of the environmental analysis report. [Italian] L'analisi ambientale iniziale costituisce il presupposto di qualsiasi azione di gestione ambientale da parte di un'organizzazione ed e' esplicitamente prevista, come prima tappa, in EMAS. Essa consente infatti di individuare ed approfondire le problematiche ambientali e di fotografare, per mezzo di riferimenti oggettivi, le prestazioni ambientali di un'organizzazione, e quindi anche di una scuola, in modo da poter stabilire e controllare nel tempo gli obiettivi di miglioramento. Tuttavia la complessita' delle problematiche ambientali e delle relative normative di riferimento rende estremamente difficoltoso, per un istituto scolastico che intenda intraprendere un percorso di gestione ambientale comunque finalizzato (EMAS, ISO 14001, Comunicazione ambientale, ecc.) compiere questo passo iniziale. E' stato pertanto realizzato uno strumento semplificato, ma comunque completo e coerente con gli standard di riferimento, per consentire alle scuole di effettuare il percorso di elaborazione di un'analisi ambientale iniziale. Lo strumento consiste essenzialmente in schede che, una volta compilate

  8. Nonlinear analysis of thermal stresses of a of first stage nozzle of a gas turbine at full load from the results of an analysis of conjugated heat transference; Analisis no lineal de esfuerzos termicos de una tobera de primera etapa de turbina de gas a plena carga a partir de resultados de un analisis de transferencia de calor conjugado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez Hernandez, Efrain [Centro Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico (Cenidet), Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Mazur C, Zdzislaw; Garcia Illescas, R; Hernandez Rossette, Alejandro [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    The gas turbines operate at extremely high temperatures, at high thermal and mechanical stresses, causing that the useful life of the involved components be reduced. In the present article the results realized by previous investigations of temperatures obtained from analysis of heat transfer and flow of fluids of the nozzle by means of the Star-CD program based on finite volumes is presented. Later, the NISA program of finite elements was used to realize the analysis of thermal stresses considering the material plasticity. The methodology employed to determine the material properties variable with the temperature of the super-alloy FSX-414 and the plasticity model used in the structural analysis in the finite element program. The result will be later used in the fatigue analysis for the useful life assessment. [Spanish] Las turbinas de gas operan a temperatura extremadamente altas, a elevados esfuerzos termicos y mecanicos, ocasionando que la vida de los componentes involucrados se reduzca. En el presente articulo se presentan los resultados realizados por previas investigaciones de temperaturas obtenidas a partir de analisis de transferencia de calor y flujo de fluidos de la tobera mediante el programa Star-CD basado en volumenes finitos. Posteriormente, se utilizo el programa NISA de elementos finitos para realizar el analisis de esfuerzos termicos considerando plasticidad del material. Se muestra la metodologia empleada para determinar las propiedades del material variables con la temperatura de la superaleacion FSX-414 y el modelo de plasticidad utilizado en el analisis estructural en el programa de elemento finito. Los resultados seran empleados posteriormente en el analisis de fatiga para la estimacion de vida util.

  9. Preliminary study for the determination of heavy metal in ground samples by GF-ASS Zeeman; Studio preliminare per la determinazione di metalli pesanti in campioni di suolo mediante analisi GF-AAS Zeeman

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casabianca, T.; Bitonte, R.; Epifani, M.; Ubaldi, C. [ENEA, Divisione Tecnologie Ingegneria e Servizi Ambientali, Centro Ricerche Trisaia, MT (Italy)


    In the framework of SIMOA project have been investigated methods to evaluate the level of soil contamination due to heavy metals. In this wok, it is discussed a procedure to measure topsoil bioavailable fraction of seven heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr, Hg). The adopted procedure is based on acid digestion followed by instrumental detection by means of graphite furnace atomic-absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS) using Zeeman effect to reduce background contribution. Details of samples preparation and analysis, experimental setup optimization and statistical data analysis are presented, together with a discussion on method accuracy and data interpretation. [Italian] Nell'ambito del progetto SIMOA (Sistema Integrato di Monitoraggio Ambientale) per il monitoraggio ambientale nel bacino del Basento (Regione Basilicata, Italia), vengono investigati i metodi per il controllo dei livelli di inquinamento del suolo da parte di metalli pesanti. Nel presente lavoro viene proposta una procedura per determinare il livello di concentrazione della frazione biodisponibile di sette metalli pesanti (Cadmio, Rame, Piombo, Nickel, Cromo, Mercurio) in campion di suolo superficiale. Il metodo e' basato su di un trattamento di digestione acida in forno a microonde cui segue la rivelazione strumentale mediante spettrofotometria di assorbimento atomico in fornetto di grafite (GFAAS) con effetto Zeeman per la correzione del fondo. Si descrivono in dettaglio le fasi di preparazione dei campioni, la metodologia di misura e l'analisi statistica dei dati, oltre ad una discussione sull'attendibilita' del metodo e sui futuri sviluppi.


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    Ogi Setiawan


    Full Text Available Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau besar dan kecil menjadi sangat rentan terhadap dampak perubahan iklim. Salah satu pulau yang juga rentan terhadap perubahan iklim adalah pulau Bali. Dampak potensial adanya perubahan iklim adalah perubahan pola hujan, peningkatan suhuudaradankenaikanpermukaanlaut. Sektoryangakanmenerimadampakperubahaniklimdengan serius adalah sektor kehutanan dan pertanian. Untuk mendukung upaya mitigasi dan adaptasi maka diperlukan informasi perubahan iklim yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variabilitas iklim di Bali. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis kecenderungan curah hujan, analisis perubahan suhu udara, analisis perubahan tipe iklim dan analisis pergeseran bulan basah, lembab dan kering. Data hujan yang digunakan adalah data hujan dari GPCC (1961-1998 dan BMKG Bali (19992008, sedangkan data suhu berasal dari BMKG Bali (2004-2008. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa di pulau Bali secara umum sudah mengalami perubahan iklim. Tipe iklim berdasarkan Schmidt-Ferguson mengalami perubahan dari relatif basah menjadi agak kering. Suhu udara rata-rata bulanan serta curah hujan bulanan dan tahunan memiliki kecenderungan yang semakin meningkat. Bulan basah dan bulan kering telah mengalami pergeseran dan perubahan jumlahnya. Dampak perubahan iklim terhadap ekosistem hutan di Bali belum diketahui dengan pasti, namun terdapat beberapa implikasi perubahan iklim terhadap sektor kehutanan diantaranya kebakaran hutan dan perubahan jadwal penanaman.


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    Osa Omar Sharif


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti positioning restoran cepat saji McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, California Fried Chicken, A&W, dan Texas Chicken. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Bandung dengan mengambil sebanyak 400 responden. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis multidimensional scaling, analisis memberikan gambaran positioning dari restoran cepat saji yang ditampilkan dalam perceptual map. Restoran cepat saji yang memiliki layanan paling baik adalah McD dan yang memiliki layanan paling buruk adalah CFC. Restoran cepat saji yang memiliki rasa makanan paling enak adalah McD dan yang memiliki rasa makanan tidak enak adalah CFC. KFC dinilai paling ideal karena selalu berhasil menduduki peringkat satu dan dua jika dilihat dari sudut pandang restoran cepat saji yang lain. Pesaing terdekat McD adalah KFC. McD mendapatkan ranking pertama dari segi atribut layanan, kebersihan, variasi makanan, dan rasa makanan. Dengan posisi seperti ini McD seharusnya tetap menjaga kualitas layanan, kebersihan, variasi makanan, dan rasa makanan agar konsumen tetap memilih untuk datang ke McD. KFC sebaiknya tetap menjaga suasana yang membuat konsumen nyaman akan suasana di dalam atau diluar restoran


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    Devi Ariandini


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa dengan analisis menggambar. Tiga puluh empat siswa di kelas 8 di sekolah menengah pertama digunakan sebagai subyek dalam penelitian ini. Teknik sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang diperlukan untuk penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner, menggambar analisis rubrik, dan wawancara. Identifikasi Kesalahpahaman ditentukan dengan menggambar siswa berdasarkan menggambar kriteria klasifikasi oleh Kose (2008. Siswa diperintahkan untuk menarik tentang konsep fotosintesis setelah proses pembelajaran. Gambar siswa dianalisis dengan rubrik dan setelah itu mereka diwawancarai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak semua tingkat kriteria menggambar dari tingkat 1 sampai 5 diidentifikasi. Dari hasil analisa, gambar paling banyak ditemukan adalah pada tingkat 4. Gambar pada tingkat 4 dikategorikan sebagai gambar lengkap konsep fotosintesis dan tidak ada kesalahpahaman ditemukan. Berdasarkan gambar mereka, ada siswa 2,9% diidentifikasi yang diselenggarakan kesalahpahaman. Ada perbedaan jumlah siswa yang diadakan kesalahpahaman antara gambar hasil analisis dan hasil wawancara. Dari hasil wawancara, ada siswa 35,2% dimiliki kesalahpahaman, lebih dari menggambar hasil analisis. Ini berarti bahwa identifikasi kesalahpahaman melalui analisis gambar tidak efektif. Kesalahpahaman siswa yang paling sering terjadi pada konsep fotosintesis adalah tempat berlangsungnya fotosintesis. Faktor yang membuat kesalahpahaman siswa yaitu karena siswa itu sendiri dan lingkungannya. Kata Kunci: fotosintesis, kesalahpahaman, konsep, menggambar analisis

  13. Effetti del siero immune su colture cellulari di macrofagi infettati con Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small colony: analisi morfologica mediante microscopia elettronica a scansione

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    Attilio Pini


    Full Text Available I macrofagi sono cellule del sistema immunitario che svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nel meccanismo di difesa dell’ospite contro gli agenti patogeni. Attualmente è ancora poco chiara la dinamica del loro intervento e della risposta umorale nel favorire l’attività fagocitaria nei confronti di Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small colony (Mmm-SC, agente eziologico della pleuropolmonite contagiosa bovina (PPCB. Questo studio è stato condotto al fine di valutare le modificazioni morfologiche della superficie macrofagica in seguito all’infezione in vitro con Mmm-SC in presenza di siero immune bovino. L’analisi morfologica dei macrofagi è stata condotta su colture, 6 ore dopo l’infezione, utilizzando l’analisi tridimensionale della microscopia elettronica a scansione. I macrofagi non infettati, in presenza di siero negativo o immune, e i macrofagi infettati con Mmm-SC, in assenza di siero, hanno mostrato solo lievi modificazioni della loro superficie. Al contrario, in colture di macrofagi infettati e in presenza di siero immune sono state osservate marcate modificazioni della superficie cellulare, come ampi veli e filopodi (indicatori di attivazione cellulare, e piccoli aggregati di micoplasmi in stretto contatto con le membrane macrofagiche. I risultati suggeriscono che la risposta umorale specifica per Mmm-SC può contribuire a innescare l’attività fagocitaria dei macrofagi.

  14. La qualitá percepita dei pazienti con infezione da HIV presso il servizio di diagnosi e cura dell' AIDS di Novara

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    M. Renna


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: costruire e sperimentare un modello per lo studio della qualità percepita dai pazienti affetti da HIV/AIDS.

    Metodi: è stato condotto uno studio di tipo osservazionale descrittivo mediante un’indagine con l’utilizzo di un questionario di soddisfazione presso il Servizio di diagnosi e terapia dell’AIDS dell’UOA di Malattie Infettive dell’ASO “Maggiore della Carità” di Novara. I dati sono stati analizzati mediante l’analisi fattoriale e l’analisi dei cluster.

    Risultati: il campione è stato rappresentato da 62 soggetti (35 uomini e 27 donne, età media di 39,40 anni. Sono stati identificati tre fattori principali determinanti la soddisfazione dei pazienti: l’assistenza infermieristica (che ha spiegato il 24,03% della variabilità delle risposte, l’assistenza medica (21,18% e l’organizzazione del servizio (22,22%. Nel dettaglio livelli di soddisfazione elevati sono stati registrati per la qualità dell’assistenza del personale, la competenza dei medici ed il funzionamento della terapia, mentre i più bassi sono stati misurati per il rispetto della privacy e la disponibilità di servizi accessori. L’analisi dei cluster ha permesso di aggregare gli utenti in 3 gruppi in base al livello di soddisfazione. I fattori che hanno maggiormente determinato il diverso livello di soddisfazione misurato nei tre gruppi sono stati: la prima accoglienza presso il servizio, il livello di informazione ricevuto e l’efficacia nel controllo del dolore e dei sintomi.

    Conclusioni: il modello di analisi adottato ha reso possibile l’identificazione dei determinanti della soddisfazione degli utenti afferenti al servizio, evidenziando gli elementi di criticità del percorso assistenziale. I risultati hanno dimostrato la necessità per gli studi di valutazione della qualità percepita di adottare i metodi e gli strumenti della ricerca

  15. Analisis Tingkat Kepentingan Dan Kinerja Layanan Automated Teller Machine (Atm) Bank Mandiri


    Setiawati, Lenny; Sugiharto, Toto


    Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja layananATM Bank Mandiri. Analisis Servqual yang terdiri atas dimensi tangible, realibility,responsiveness, assurance,dan empathy digunakan untuk menganalisis kinerjalayanan ATM. Sementara itu, Customer Satisfaction Index dan ImportancePerformance Analysis yang terdiri atas analisis kuadran dan analisis kesenjangandigunakan untuk menginvestigasi kepuasan pelanggan dan untuk mengidentifikasikandimensi layanan yang kiner...


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    Agcrista Permata Kusuma


    Full Text Available Abstrak Puskesmas Kedungmundu merupakan wilayah endemis DBD dengan kasus yang tinggi. Diperlukan upaya dalam menentukan kebijakan strategi pengendalian vektor secara efektif dan efisien. Analisis spasial dalam SIG dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui pola penyebaran dan daerah potensi penularan DBD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel wilayah memperhatikan proporsi sampel dengan jumlah sampel 146 responden. Pengambilan titik koordinat menggunakan GPS. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan analisis spasial. Hasil perhitungan statistik spasial ANN diperoleh nilai Z-score = -11,054 terdapat pola spasial kasus DBD di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kedungmundu. Nilai ANN = 0,52 < 1, artinya pola penyebaran kejadian DBD yang terjadi adalah berkerumun. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini sebaran kasus DBD memiliki keterkaitan secara spasial dengan kepadatan penduduk. Abstract Kedungmundu PHC is an endemich region with a high case. Be required to determine policy of vector control strategies effectively and efficiently. Spatial analsys in GIS can be used to determine the pattern of distribution and areas of DHF potential transmission. The type this research was analysis descriptive with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used a sample area of attention to the proportion of the sample with 146 respondents of total sample. Capturing the coordinates used GPS. Data analisys used univariat and spatial analisys. Result of ANN obtained a Z-score= -11,054, there was a spatial pattern of dengue cases in Kedungmundu PHC. ANN value = 0,52 < 1, it meant that the pattern of DHF distribution was clustered. The conclution of this research was DHF distribution cases has spatial correlation with density population.


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    Azizul Khakim


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK ANALISIS KESELAMATAN TERMOHIDROLIK BULK SHIELDING REAKTOR KARTINI. Bulk shielding merupakan fasilitas yang terintegrasi dengan reaktor Kartini yang berfungsi sebagai penyimpanan sementara bahan bakar bekas. Fasilitas ini merupakan fasilitas yang termasuk dalam struktur, sistem dan komponen (SSK yang penting bagi keselamatan. Salah satu fungsi keselamatan dari sistem penanganan dan penyimpanan bahan bakar adalah mencegah kecelakaan kekritisan yang tak terkendali dan membatasi naiknya temperatur bahan bakar. Analisis keselamatan paling kurang harus mencakup analisis keselamatan dari sisi neutronik dan termo hidrolik Bulk shielding. Analisis termo hidrolik ditujukan untuk memastikan perpindahan panas dan proses pendinginan bahan bakar bekas berjalan baik dan tidak terjadi akumulasi panas yang mengancam integritas bahan bakar. Code tervalidasi PARET/ANL digunakan untuk analisis pendinginan dengan mode konveksi alam. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa mode pendinginan konvekasi alam cukup memadai dalam mendinginkan panas sisa tanpa mengakibatkan kenaikan temperatur bahan bakar yang signifikan. Kata kunci: Bulk shielding, bahan bakar bekas, konveksi alam, PARET.   ABSTRACT THERMAL HYDRAULIC SAFETY ANALYSIS OF BULK SHIELDING KARTINI REACTOR. Bulk shielding is an integrated facility to Kartini reactor which is used for temporary spent fuels storage. The facility is one of the structures, systems and components (SSCs important to safety. Among the safety functions of fuel handling and storage are to prevent any uncontrolable criticality accidents and to limit the fuel temperature increase. Safety analyses should, at least, cover neutronic and thermal hydraulic calculations of the bulk shielding. Thermal hydraulic analyses were intended to ensure that heat removal and the process of the spent fuels cooling takes place adequately and no heat accumulation that challenges the fuel integrity. Validated code, PARET/ANL was used for analysing the

  18. Analisis Semiotik Sajak Bulang Cahaya

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    Junaidi Junaidi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali makna tanda yang terdapat dalam sajak Bulang Cahaya karya Rida K Liamsi. Untuk menggali makna itu, pendekatan analisis semiotik Roland Barthes digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sajak ini berisi tanda-tanda bersumber dari kosa kata Melayu lama. Sajak ini juga berisi simbol-simbol yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan orang Melayu. Penggunaan kata-kata Melayu lama dan simbol Melayu memperkuat setting Melayu dalam sajak ini. Analisis makna menunjukkan bahwa seseorang merasakan kedukaan sangat mendalam ketika cintanya harus berakhir, tetapi ia terus merasakan kerinduan dengan kekasihnya yang telah pergi. Mitos cinta yang terdapat dalam pusinya adalah orang tahu bahwa putus cinta itu menyakitkan tetapi orang tetap saja jatuh cinta.

  19. Membandingkan Tingkat Kemiripan Rekaman Voice Changer Menggunakan Analisis Pitch, Formant dan Spectogram

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    Ahmad Subki


    Full Text Available Audio forensik merupakan salah satu ilmu yang mnyandingkan antara ilmu pengetahuan dan metode ilmiah dalam proses analisis rekaman suara untuk membantu dan mendukung pengungkapan suatu tindak kejahatan yang diperlukan dalam proses persidangan. Undang-undang ITE No.19 Tahun 2016 menyebutkan bahwa rekaman suara merupakan salah satu alat bukti digital yang sah dan dapat digunakan sebagai penguat dakwaan. Rekaman suara yang merupakan barang bukti digital sangatlah mudah dan rentan dimanipulasi, baik secara sengaja maupun tidak disengaja. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis terkait tingkat kemiripan antara rekaman suara voice changer dengan rekaman suara asli menggunakan analisis pitch, formant dan spectogram, rekaman suara yang dianalisis ada dua jenis rekaman suara yaitu suara laki-laki dan suara perempuan. Rekaman suara voice changer  dan rekaman suara asli, diekstrak menggunakan tools praat kemudian informasi yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis statistik pitch, formant dan spectrogrammenggunakan tools gnumeric. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa analisis rekaman suara voice changer dengan rekaman suara asli dapat menggunakan analisis statistik pitch, formant dan spectrogram, rekaman suara voice changer A memiliki tingkat kemiripan yang paling tinggi dengan rekaman suara asli pada posisi low pitch, sedangkan voice changer yang lain lebih sulit untuk diidentifikasi.

  20. Ana?lisis cinemático de la marcha en pacientes con pie zambo tratados mediante el me?todo de Ponseti frente a la te?cnica quiru?rgica de liberacio?n posterior


    Ferrando, A.; Salom Taverner, M.; Page, A.


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto consiste en valorar la evolución de la marcha en niños en edad preadolescente tratados mediante el método de Ponseti frente a los tratados mediante liberación posterior a partir de técnicas de valoración de la marcha mediante análisis biomecánico. Material y Métodos Estudio retrospectivo de casos y controles aprobado por el comité de ética. Grupo 1: 28 niños (39 pies) tratados mediante liberación posterior. Grupo 2: 18 pacientes (31 pies) tratados median...


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    Luki Eko Cahyono


    Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif. Jenis penelitian adalah studi kasus. Data yang digunakan adalah data Primer. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data adalah Triangulasi Sumber dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, dan Threats (Analisis SWOT. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah (1 Hasil analisis Strenght (Kekuatan adalah sekolah sudah merencanakan, melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi sebagian besar indikator dalam pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan sehingga meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sekolah. (2 Hasil analisis Weakness (kelemahan adalah keterbatasan anggaran dana dan sumber daya manusia baik peserta didik, pendidik, maupun tenaga kependidikan dalam pemenuhan seluruh unsur Standar Nasional Pendidikan. (3 Hasil analisis Opportunities (peluang adalah Pemberian workshop dan pelatihan kepada pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan sekolah, dan perencanaan, pelaksanaan pembiayaan serta evaluasi penganggaran yang baik memberikan dampak positif terhadap semua unsur operasional sekolah maupun sarana prasarana sekolah. (4 Hasil analisis Threats (Tantangan adalah perencanaan, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi serta tindak lanjut yang tidak dijalankan dengan manajemen yang baik dalam upaya pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan akan menghambat peningkatan kualitas pendidikan sekolah. (5 Hasil penerapan Standar Nasional Pendidikan pada SMP Negeri 2 Dolopo menggunakan analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa Kekuatan lebih besar daripada Kelemahan dan Peluang lebih besar dari Ancaman, yang berarti Standar Nasional Pendidikan telah terpenuhi dan menghasilkan Akreditasi Sekolah nilai A.

  2. Il diversity management ed il gender gap nelle organizzazioni: un'analisi empirica delle percezioni degli individui


    Musacchio, Gaetano


    In un periodo in cui la società, sta vivendo cambiamenti profondi che riguardano la famiglia ed i differenti ruoli ricoperti al suo interno, alcuni gruppi di lavoratori continuano a sperimentare differenze, soprattutto quanto a possibilità lavorative. Allo stesso tempo, le organizzazioni devono combinare al meglio le risorse umane di cui dispongono, valutando le differenze che caratterizzano i singoli individui. L’importanza di gestire le risorse umane, secondo le teorie del Diversity Man...

  3. Analysis of the consumption of useful life by thermal fatigue in the gas turbine nozzles during the operation at continuous load and transients; Analisis de consumo de vida por fatiga termica en las toberas de turbina de gas durante operacion con carga continua y transitorios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez Hernandez, Efrain Betuel


    The gas turbines operate at extremely high temperatures, with high thermal and mechanical stresses, causing that the life of the involved components diminishes. In the present thesis the temperature distribution on the nozzle obtained in other investigation as a result of heat transfer and fluid flow analysis applying CDF code Star-CD was used. Next, the program NISA was used to perform the analysis of thermal stresses by means of finite element method. Finally, the results of stress analysis were introduced to the program nCode to accomplish the nozzle remaining useful life assessment due to thermal fatigue in critical location on the nozzle by means of the CLF module (Critical Location Fatigue). The full methodology used to determine the nozzle operational conditions, load history, material properties and the fatigue model used to determine the number of cycles to failure of the nozzle during constant load and transients operation is presented. [Spanish] Las turbinas de gas operan a temperaturas extremadamente altas, a elevados esfuerzos termicos y mecanicos, ocasionando que la vida de los componentes involucrados se reduzca. En la presente tesis se presentan los resultados realizados por otras investigaciones de temperaturas obtenidas a partir de un analisis de transferencia de calor y flujo de fluidos de la tobera mediante el programa Star-CD basado en volumenes finitos. Posteriormente, se utilizo el programa NISA para realizar el analisis de esfuerzos mediante elementos finitos. Finalmente, se llevaron los resultados al programa nCode para realizar la estimacion de vida util por fatiga termica en un punto critico de la tobera mediante el modulo CLF (Critical Location Fatigue). Se muestra la metodologia empleada para determinar las condiciones de operacion, historial de carga, propiedades del material y el modelo de dano por fatiga para determinar el numero de ciclo para falla de la tobera durante operacion con carga continua y transitorios.


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    Marco Greggi


    Full Text Available Nel lavoro gli autori esaminano il sistema della risoluzione alternativa delle controversie (ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution nelle questioni fi scali in un’ottica comparatistica, ovvero alla luce delle legislazioni e delle dottrine italiana e croata. Nella prima parte del lavoro l’attenzione è rivolta all’esperienza italiana di attuazione del sistema ADR; mentre la seconda parte del lavoro è dedicata all’evoluzione del quadro normativo croato nei tentativi di costruzione di meccanismi di ADR. Il lavoro in entrambe le sue parti contiene una rassegna degli orientamenti dottrinali e attraverso i vari capitoli si sottolinea l’aspetto storico e teorico della questione esaminata. Gli autori dibattono ed espongono sul piano comparatistico anche le implicazioni dell’attuazione del sistema in esame; mentre l’infl uenza della dottrina di diritto pubblico sulla comparsa e lo sviluppo del sistema ADR viene evidenziata mediante l’esposizione della recente prassi italiana e croata del sistema di risoluzione dei contenziosi tributari.

  5. Environmental analysis of natural gas life cycle; Analisi ambientale del ciclo di vita del gas naturale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riva, A.; D' Angelosante, S.; Trebeschi, C. [Snam SpA, Rome (Italy)


    Life Cycle Assessment is a method aimed at identifying the environmental effects connected with a given product, process or activity during its whole life cycle. The evaluation of published studies and the application of the method to electricity production with fossil fuels, by using data from published databases and data collected by the gas industry, demonstrate the importance and difficulties to have reliable and updated data required for a significant life cycle assessment. The results show that the environmental advantages of natural gas over the other fossil fuels in the final use stage increase still further if the whole life cycle of the fuels, from production to final consumption, is taken into account. [Italian] L'analisi del ciclo di vita e' una metodologia che consente di identificare gli effetti ambientali associati ad un prodotto, processo o attivita' lungo il loro ciclo di vita. La valutazione di studi pubblicati e l'applicazione della metodologia alla produzione di energia elettrica da combustibili fossili, utilizzando dati provenienti da banche dati di letteratura e raccolti dall'industria del gas, dimostrano l'importanza e la difficolta' di avere a disposizione dati affidabili ed aggiornati, necessari per un'analisi significativa del ciclo di vita. I risultati mostrano che i vantaggi ambientali del gas naturale rispetto agli altri combustibili fossili nella fase di utilizzo finale, aumentano ulteriormente se si considera l'intero ciclo di vita dei diversi combustibili, dalla produzione al consumo finale.

  6. Stress analysis in the last stage blade of a geothermal turbine under different excitation conditions; Analisis de esfuerzos en el alabe de la ultima etapa de turbina geotermica bajo diferentes condiciones de excitacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jimenez Alcazar, Rony Ediberto


    The blades of the steam turbines operate below severe conditions of pressure, temperature and steam flow, and at high rotary speeds too. These excitements generate states of stress, which depending on its magnitude and time of application; they can threaten the structural reliability of these mechanical components. In this work a stress analysis is realized in a blade L-0 of a geothermal turbine of low pressure, by means of the finite element method, by the aim to determine the states of static stress caused by the combined action of the centrifugal force and pressure of system flow, and dynamic stresses caused by the harmonic fluctuation in the steam flow. The analysis is realized under two superficial conditions in the blade: without presence of superficial damage and with presence of erosion in the bottom part of the trailing edge. The combined action of these conditions of stress is evaluated by means of an analysis of fatigue. This allows knowing the influence of the stress calculated, on the useful life of the blade. [Spanish] Los alabes de turbinas de vapor operan bajo condiciones severas de presion, temperatura y flujo de vapor, asi como a altas velocidades rotativas. Estas excitaciones generan estados de esfuerzos, que dependiendo de su magnitud y tiempo de aplicacion, pueden amenazar la confiabilidad estructural de estos componentes mecanicos. En este trabajo se realiza un analisis de esfuerzos en un alabe L-0 de una turbina geotermica de baja presion, mediante el metodo de elemento finito, con el objetivo de determinar los estados de esfuerzos estaticos causados por la accion combinada de la carga por fuerza centrifuga y presion de flujo de vapor, y esfuerzos dinamicos causados por la fluctuacion armonica en el flujo de vapor. El analisis se realiza bajo dos condiciones superficiales en el alabe: sin presencia de dano superficial y con presencia de erosion en la parte inferior del borde de salida. La accion combinada de estos estados de esfuerzos se

  7. Analisis Sektor/Sub Sektor Unggulan di Kabupaten Bungo

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    Gafur Gafur


    Full Text Available Abstract. This study aimed to analyze the leading sectors in Bungo. The method used is Location Quotient (LQ, Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ, specialization index, Growth Ratio Model (MRP. Based on analysis of LQ and DLQ, there are only two basis sectors at present and in the future, namely the construction sector and trade, hotels and restaurants. Based on the analysis of Specialization Index, in Bungo Regency has a concentration of the economy in the agricultural sector and the manufacturing sector. Based on MRP analysis also showed that prominent sector growth at the level of Bungo and Jambi Province, namely electricity, gas and water supply; the building sector; and trade, hotels and restaurants. Keywords : Location Quotient (LQ, Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ, Specialization Index, Growth Ratio Model   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Bungo. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis Location Quotient (LQ, Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ, indeks spesialisasi, Model Rasio Pertumbuhan (MRP. Berdasarkan analisis LQ dan DLQ,  hanya ada 2 sektor yang menjadi sektor basis pada saat ini dan pada masa yang akan datang yaitu sektor bangunan dan sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran. Berdasarkan analisis Indeks Spesialisasi, di Kabupaten Bungo telah terjadi konsentrasi ekonomi pada sektor pertanian dan sektor industri pengolahan. Berdasarkan analisis MRP juga dapat diketahui bahwa sektor yang menonjol pertumbuhannya pada tingkat Kabupaten Bungo dan Provinsi Jambi yaitu sektor listrik, gas dan air bersih; sektor bangunan; serta sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran. Kata Kunci : Location Quotient (LQ, Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ, indeks spesialisasi, Model Rasio Pertumbuhan

  8. An assessment of econometric models applied to fossil fuel power generation; Un'analisi critica dell'applicazione dei modelli econometrici alla generazione termoelettrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gracceva, F.; Quercioli, R. [ENEA, Funzione Centrale Studi, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The main purpose of this report is to provide a general view of those studies, in which the econometric approach is applied to the selection of fuel in fossil fired power generation, focusing the attention to the key role played by the fuel prices. The report consists of a methodological analysis and a survey of the studies available in literature. The methodological analysis allows to assess the adequateness of the econometric approach, in the electrical power utilities policy. With this purpose, the fundamentals of microeconomics, which are the basis of the econometric models, are pointed out and discussed, and then the hypotheses, which are needed to be assumed for complying the economic theory, are verified in their actual implementation in the power generation sector. The survey of the available studies provides a detailed description of the Translog and Logit models, and the results achieved with their application. From these results, the estimated models show to fit the data with good approximation, a certain degree of interfuel substitution and a meaningful reaction to prices on demand side. [Italian] In questo rapporto viene tracciato un quadro generale degli studi che utilizzano modelli econometrici per analizzare la scelta dei combustibili nella termogenerazione, con particoalre attenzione al ruolo svolto dal prezzo dei combustibili. La trattazione si compone di un'analisi di tipo metodologico e di una rassegna della letteratura. L'analisi metodologica consente di valutare l'adeguatezza dell'approccio econometrico nell'analisi del comportamento delle imprese di generazione elettrica. A tal fine vengono esplicitati e discussi i fondamenti microeconomici su cui poggiano i modelli econometrici, e viene verificata la sussistenza, nel settore termoelettrico, delle ipotesi che e' necessario assumere per soddisfare la teoria economica. La rassegna fornisce invece una descrizione dei modelli translog e logit lineare, ed un'analisi

  9. Analisis dan Desain BI-Dashboard Monitoring Realisasi Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA pada Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPN

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    Ernestina Rahmanasari


    Full Text Available Transaksi keuangan badan pemerintahan tingkat daerah dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Kementrian Keuangan melalui Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPNsetiap bulan dalam bentuk Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP. Laporan Keuangan, didukung dengan teknologi Business Intelligence(BI dashboarddapat dimanfaatkan sebagai data-driven decision support system yang mendorong performa kinerja. Analisis dan desainterhadap pembuatan BI dashboard menunjukkanbagaimana Laporan Keuangan dapat digunakan untuk monitoring realisasi penyerapan dana DIPA dan kinerja instansi secara tepat waktu dan interaktif.Analisis terdiri dari analisis Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU dan analisis Laporan Keuangan. IKUpada analisis dan desain ini mencakup ketercapaian estimasi dengan penerimaan, ketercapaian pagu dengan belanja, ketepatan waktu pengiriman rekonsiliasi oleh instansi, validasi, akurasi, dan ketepatan data. Desain terdiri dari katalog dashboard, alur analisis, sumber data, desain User-Interface, dan desain objek dashboard. Sedangkan dashboard yang dirancang menggunakan aplikasi Vera sebagai Enterprise System, mengakses basis data MySQL, dan menampilkan data dengan teknologi data-driven business-intelligence Qlikview. Desain aplikasi yang telah dibuat akan menampilkan 4 (empat Tab yaitu: Dashboard utama, Analisis, Monitoring, dan Laporan

  10. Semiotika Teks: Sebuah Pendekatan Analisis Teks

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    Yasraf Amir Piliang


    tanda-tanda yang membentuk apa yang disebut sebagai ‘teks’. Analisis teks, menurut Roland Barthes, akan menghasilkan makna denotatif, yakni makna tanda yang bersifat eksplisit, dan makna konotatif, yaitu makna tanda lapis kedua yang bersifat implisit.

  11. Microfinanza: analisi d’impatto di un programma in India

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    Tommaso Rondinella


    Full Text Available L’analisi d’impatto dei programmi di microfinanza è uno strumento utile sia per migliorare i servizi offerti sia per garantire ai donatori che il denaro concesso sia utilizzato per programmi efficaci nell’alleviare la povertà. Il presente lavoro è costituito da due parti: la prima è dedicata all’analisi d’impatto, la seconda all’analisi empirica sul campo. L’indagine è stata condotta attraverso l’utilizzo di uno strumento in grado di dare una indicazione chiara dei cambiamenti avvenuti nelle condizioni di vita dei beneficiari e con il pregio di essere applicabile a costi molto ridotti. I risultati ottenuti mostrano in che misura l’accesso al credito cambi le condizioni di vita dei più poveri inducendo consistenti aumenti del reddito familiare, dei risparmi, della diversificazione delle attività produttive e del consumo di cibo. Inoltre si osserva, all’interno dei nuclei familiari, un miglioramento della condizione femminile chiaramente dipendente dalla partecipazione al programma di microcredito





    ANALISIS KINERJA KEUANGAN PERUSAHAAN PT. ASURANSI JIWASRAYA (PERSERO) CABANG SULAWESI SELATAN COMPANY FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS PT. INSURANCE JIWASRAYA (LIMITED) SOUTH BRANCH SULAWESI Astri Arianty Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Ali, SE., M.S Drs. Armayah Sida, M.Si Analisis terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat pencapaian yang telah diperoleh perusahaan sebagaimana tujuan perusahaan dalam menjalankan proses produk...

  13. Perumusan Strategi Bersaing pada Perusahaan Ban dengan Metode Analisis Portofolio Produk (Studi Kasus: PT Multistrada Arah Sarana, Tbk

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    Nathanael August Zefanya


    Full Text Available Industri ban di Indonesia mengalami perkembangan pesat dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Namun, terjadinya krisis ekonomi global menjadi penyebab menurunnya pendapatan, salah satunya adalah PT MASA dengan produk utamanya yaitu ban mobil Achilles dan ban motor Corsa yang digunakan sebagai objek penelitian ini. Telah diilakukan analisis PESTEL dan Porter’s Five Forces, identifikasi faktor lingkungan internal dan eksternal dengan analisis SWOT serta merumuskan alternatif strategi bersaing untuk direkomendasikan kepada PT MASA. Perumusan strategi alternatif didapat dari hasil analisis Matriks BCG dan Matriks IE sebagai analisis portofolio untuk mendapatkan tema strategi alternatif dalam pembuatan Matriks SWOT. Strategi alternatif kemudian diperingkatkan dengan QSPM dan dilanjutkan pembuatan rencana aksi bagi PT MASA dalam waktu 5 tahun ke depan. Setelah dilakukan analisis industri, diketahui bahwa ancaman terbesar datang dari pesaing produsen ban. Dari hasil analisis portofolio, PT MASA berada di kuadran I karena memiliki koordinat IFE serta EFE 3,32 dan 3,26. Dari hasil analisis Matriks IE, PT MASA direkomendasikan untuk melakukan strategi grow and build. Hasil Matriks BCG menunjukkan bahwa Achilles berada di dogs, sementara Corsa berada di question marks. Terdapat 13 strategi alternatif hasil dari formulasi strategi dengan menggunakan matriks TOWS. Dari hasil analisis QSPM, terdapat 7 alternatif strategi terbaik dan rencana aksi..


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    Diana Puspita Sari


    Full Text Available PT Telkom memiliki misi untuk memberikan layanan One Stop Infocom dengan kualitas prima dan harga kompetitif. Kenyataannya, PT. Telkom Kandatel Semarang mengalami penurunan pendapatan. Semakin berkembangnya layanan jasa fixed wireless yang lebih mudah dan murah, menyebabkan penurunan pemakaian jasa fixed wireline. Dengan konsumen melakukan pembelian pertama pada suatu produk tertentu dengan harga terjangkau, kualitas terjamin, maka konsumen akan kembali membeli produk tersebut, dan dampaknya dari fenomena ini adalah kepuasan pelanggan (customer satisfaction terhadap produk tertentu karena telah memberikan kepuasan dan terjaminnya kualitas, walaupun banyak pesaing lain.  Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini membahas dan melakukan analisis kepuasan pelanggan fixed wireline PT. Telkom Kandatel Semarang, menggunakan variabel kepuasan pelanggan untuk dikelompokkan menjadi tiga tingkatan yaitu pelanggan yang sangat puas, puas, dan tidak puas dengan menggunakan analisis klaster, kemudian dilakukan analisis variabel 4P Customer Relationship Management (CRM menggunakan analisis diskriminan, sehingga diketahui atribut yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan pelanggan agar PT. Telkom Kandatel Semarang dapat terus mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dengan berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan dengan maksud kepuasan pelanggan tidak menurun agar dapat meningkatkan intensitas pemakaian fixed wireline. Kata kunci : analisis klaster, analisis diskriminan, kepuasan pelanggan, fixed wireline      PT Telkom has a mission to provide a One Stop Infocom services with excellent quality and competitive price. In fact, PT. Telkom Semarang Kandatel income decreased. The growing fixed wireless service is easier and cheaper, causes a decrease in the use of fixed wireline services.With the first consumer purchase a given product at an affordable price, guaranteed quality, then consumers will buy the product again, and the impact of this phenomenon is

  15. Development of a tool for the analysis and diagnosis in real time of centrifugal pumps; Desarrollo en una herramienta para el analisis y diagnostico en tiempo real de bombas centrifugas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pacheco, J.J.; Aviles, J.J.; Zaleta, A.; Olivares, A. [Facultad de Ingenieria Mecanica, Electrica y Electronica (FIMEE), Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico)


    In this paper the development of a computer tool for the analysis of centrifugal pumps is presented. This tool allows the user to analyze the performance of the pump by means of the analysis of the behavior curves at its design conditions, reference and operation. In order to realize the analysis it is necessary that the user feeds the tool with the missing and necessary information according to norm ASME PTC 8.2 and under the specified conditions of calibration of the same norm, to eliminate possible errors in the results, a bad qualification or erroneous acquisition of the signals. The system must early be fed with the polynomials of the behavior curves of the pump in its design conditions to later correct the behavior based on a velocity of present operation. [Spanish] En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de una herramienta computacional para el analisis de bombas centrifugas. Dicha herramienta permite al usuario analizar el desempeno de la bomba mediante el analisis de las curvas de comportamiento en sus condiciones de diseno, referencia y operacion. Para realizar el analisis es necesario que el usuario alimente la herramienta con la informacion faltante y necesaria de acuerdo a la norma ASME PTC 8.2 y bajo las condiciones de calibracion especificadas en la misma norma, para eliminar posibles errores en los resultados a una mala calificacion o adquisicion erronea de las senales. El sistema tiene que ser anticipadamente alimentado con los polinomios de las curvas de comportamiento de la bomba en sus condiciones de diseno para posteriormente corregir el comportamiento en funcion de una velocidad de operacion actual.



    Mauro, Giovanni


    È ben nota l'importanza dell'apparato iconografico proprio della cartografia storica, il cui limite generalmente lamentato è relativo all'accuratezza geometrica. Nel presente contributo, mediante l'utilizzo di un software dedicato, disponibile gratuitamente in rete (Mapanalyst), si punta ad analizzare la precisione geometrica di alcune cartografie storiche (carte realizzate tra l'inizio del 1500 e la fine del 1700) relative al Golfo di Trieste. Utilizzando una serie di punti do...

  17. Pembuatan Dan Analisis Exciter Generator Rf Untuk Siklotron Proton Decy-13


    Prajitno, Prajitno


    PEMBUATAN DAN ANALISIS EXCITER GENERATOR RF UNTUK SIKLOTRON PROTON DECY-13.Telah dilakukan analisis dan pembuatan exciter generator RF untuk siklotron proton 13MeV. Generator RFakan digunakan sebagai sumber tegangan pemercepat bolak-Balik siklotron DECY-13 rancangan PTAPBBATAN.Berdasarkan dokumen rancangan dasar yang telah dibuat siklotron Decy-13 akan menggunakanmedan magnet 1,275 Tesla, sehingga frekuensi generator RF bila menggunakan harmonik keempat adalah77,667 MHz. Salah satu teknik pem...

  18. TED-Ed lessons & TED-Ed clubs: Educational activities to amplify students' voices (United States)

    Villias, Georgios


    TED-Ed lessons and TED-Ed clubs are two powerful educational tools that can be used in today's school classrooms in order to create an educational environment that is engaging for the students and favors their active participation, created and fostered by TED-Ed. TED-Ed is TED's educational initiative, committed to create lessons worth sharing and amplify the voices and ideas of teachers and students around the world. TED-Ed animated lessons are fully organized lessons structured around an animated video that introduces new topics to learners in an exciting, thought-provoking way. These lessons have been created as a result of the cooperation between expert educators and animators and have been uploaded at the TED-Ed platform ( On the other hand, TED-Ed Clubs are also an interesting way to offer students the chance, the voice and the opportunity to express their thoughts, engage actively on these matters and connect with each other, both at a local, as well as at an international level ( By developing new TED-Ed lessons or by customizing appropriately existing animated TED-Ed lessons (translating, modifying the questions asked, introducing new discussion topics), I have created and implemented in my student-centered, didactic approach, a series of TED-ED animated lessons directly connected with the Greek national science syllabus that were used to spark students curiosity and initiate a further analytical discussion or introduce other relevant educational activities ( Furthermore, at my school, we established Varvakeio TED-Ed Club, an environment that supports and empowers our students to research, develop and disseminate their own personal ideas that worth spreading. During the year, our members were inspired by watching TED talks presented by experts on their field on various different areas, including social, economical, environmental and technological-scientific issues. Our aim

  19. Analisis Aliran Daya Berbasis Injeksi Arus dalam Bentuk Vektor

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    Ahmad Wira Satriawan


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini memaparkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan untuk membandingkan metode analisis aliran daya berbasis injeksi arus dalam bentuk vektor dengan format polar dan rektangular. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh metode analisa aliran daya dengan perhitungan yang lebih cepat dan akurat, serta iterasi yang lebih sedikit. Metode iterasi Newton Raphson diadopsi dalam penelitian ini dan bahasa pemrograman Python serta library komputasinya digunakan. Analisis terhadap karakteristik konvergensi dari kedua format dilakukan pada IEEE 14-bus Test System. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa format rektangular lebih unggul dibandingkan format polar untuk kasus yang diteliti.


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    B. Poerwanto


    Full Text Available Abstract. Cluster Analysis, K-Means Algorithm, Student Classification. This study aims to classify students based on learning outcomes for subject the basic of statistics (DDS, which is measured based on attendance, task, midterm (UTS, and final exams (UAS to further used to evaluate learning for subjects that require analysis of quantitative . This study uses k-means cluster analysis to classify the students into three groups based on learning outcomes. After grouped, there are 3 people in the low category, 27 in the medium category and over 70% in the high category.Abstrak. Analisis Cluster K-Means dalam Pengelompokan Kemampuan Mahasiswa. Pene-litian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan mahasiswa berdasarkan hasil belajar mata kuliah dasar-dasar statistika (DDS yang diukur berdasarkan variabel nilai kehadiran, tugas, ujian tengah semester (UTS, dan ujian akhir semester (UAS untuk selanjutnya digunakan untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran untuk mata kuliah yang membutuhkan kemampuan analisis kuantititatif yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis cluster k-means dalam mengelompokkan mahasiswa ke dalam tiga kelompok berdasarkan hasil belajarnya. Seteleh dikelompokkan, terdapat 3 orang yang masuk pada kategori rendah, 27 orang pada kategori sedang dan lebih dari 70% pada kategori tinggi.Kata Kunci: Cluster Analysis, K-Means Algoritma, Klasifikasi Mahasiswa, Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

  1. Klasifikasi Kecamatan Berdasarkan Nilai Akhir SMA/MA di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Menggunakan Analisis Diskriminan

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    Fitriana A.R.


    Full Text Available Analisis diskriminan merupakan bagian dari analisis peubah ganda. Analisis diskriminan digunakan untuk memodelkan variabel tak bebas yang bersifat kualitatif dengan variabel bebas yang bersifat kuantitatif. Pada penelitian ini, analisis diskriminan lebih dari dua kelompok diterapkan pada data nilai akhir SMA/MA di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model untuk pengklasifikasian kecamatan. Pengklasifikasian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan kualitas siswa SMA/MA yang berada di masing-masing kecamatan Kabupaten Aceh Selatan berdasarkan data nilai akhir. Variabel tak bebas yang digunakan berupa klasifikasi kecamatan berdasarkan rata-rata jumlah nilai akhir SMA/MA yang berada di masing-masing kecamatan yang dibentuk dengan K-Means Cluster. Sedangkan variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah data rata-rata nilai akhir SMA/MA untuk setiap mata pelajaran yang diujiankan pada masing-masing jurusan setiap kecamatan. Model yang didapatkan adalah dua model diskriminan untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS.




    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kinerja Economic Value Added (EVA) yang dicapai oleh perusahaan PT. Hadji Kalla, sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis perkembangan Economic Value Added (EVA), Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) dan The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the Economic Value Added (EVA), which is achieved by the company PT. Hadji Kalla...

  3. La narrazione orale tra bambini ed adulti: da flusso continuo a vena carsica?

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    Milena Bernardi


    Full Text Available Con il segmento di ricerca che viene presentato nella sua prima fase si prende in esame l’ipotesi di un processo, in atto da tempo, di trasformazione e/o di declino della narrazione orale nel rapporto quotidiano tra adulti e bambini, inteso, in questo specifico contesto, come “spia” dei mutamenti degli stili educativi e degli interscambi tra famiglie ed operatori dei servizi in relazione all’alleanza educativa. La complessità dei filoni di studio che rimandano alla voce “narrazione” negli ambiti delle scienze umane esige la precisazione della curvatura “narrativa” scelta per la ricerca in corso: curvatura che appartiene all’epistemologia della letteratura per l’infanzia e della pedagogia della narrazione in quanto permette di imboccare la strada della ricerca pedagogica rivolta innanzi tutto ai significati che il narrare assume nella relazione educativa e poi ai modi ed alle forme della narrazione che coinvolgono l’infanzia. In un’epoca di grande vitalità e visibilità delle narrazioni, tra cui abbondano le produzioni scritte, illustrate, filmate per l’infanzia, sembra esserci una zona marginale e quasi sommersa della comunicazione narrante che rischia di sfumare in una sorta di oblio. E’ la zona della narrazione orale esperita in praesentia da bambini ed adulti insieme, tessuta con fili di parole che restituiscono senso all’intero arco delle esperienze, tentando di riordinare il disordine che spesso connota la realtà, interpretando, stabilendo connessioni, impregnando di quel senso i vissuti, i fatti, le relazioni, le cose e le parole stesse, ancora, nelle voci. Del rischio e delle conseguenze che possono derivare dalla sua mancanza si occupa questo contributo di ricerca che, dal punto di vista metodologico, si è avvalso e si avvale sia di analisi condotte sul corpus dei testi sia della raccolta di dati e informazioni tramite incontri condotti con la modalità del focus group, con educatrici e genitori.

  4. Inform@ed space

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerrum, Peter; Olsen, Kasper Nefer


    Inform@ed space Sensorial Perception And Computer Enchancement - bidrag til Nordisk Arkitekturforskningsforenings IT-konference, AAA april 2001.......Inform@ed space Sensorial Perception And Computer Enchancement - bidrag til Nordisk Arkitekturforskningsforenings IT-konference, AAA april 2001....





    ABSTRAK Analisis Harga Pokok Produksi dan Penerapan Target Costing pada UD Wajuku Makassar The Analysis of The Cost of Goods Manufactured and Implementation of Target Costing in UD Wajuku Makassar Chaidir Hafid Asri Usman Syahrir Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perhitungan harga pokok produksi baju kaos polos sebelum dan setelah penerapan metode target costing pada UD Wajuku Makassar. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi. Metode analisis dat...

  6. Modelli di valutazione ambientale per i Bovidi (Capra ibex, Rupicapra rupicapra e i Cervidi (Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus nel Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso

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    C. Oppio


    Full Text Available La conservazione delle popolazioni di stambecco ha grande rilevanza a livello italiano ed europeo, a causa della distribuzione concentrata in poche aree, mentre le consistenti popolazioni di camoscio hanno importanza economica e gestionale. L?espansione dell?areale di distribuzione dei cervidi in territorio alpino, è un fenomeno ormai consolidato e legato all?abbandono dei territori collinari e montani ma anche alle reintroduzioni e alle azioni di tutela nei confronti delle specie. I modelli d?idoneità ambientale rappresentano un efficace strumento per il confronto a livello qualitativo (numero di specie e quantitativo (abbondanza delle popolazioni tra l?attuale popolamento faunistico dei territori alpini e la loro situazione potenziale. Il Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso si estende per oltre 700 km² sul territorio di Piemonte e di Valle d?Aosta; gli affioramenti rocciosi ne occupano il 37.0%, la vegetazione rada il 20.1% e le praterie sommitali e le brughiere il 17.3%. L?analisi ambientale del Parco è stata effettuata mediante Arcview 3.2 per Windows misurando il valore di 20 variabili ambientali (Corine Land Cover III Liv., 27 fisiche (DTM e 17 di complessità paesaggistica in 2925 Unità Campione di 0,5 km di lato. Per la formulazione dei modelli relativi alla distribuzione (presenza/assenza dello stambecco sono stati utilizzati i dati dei censimenti (1999 effettuati nel Parco; per il camoscio ed il capriolo sono stati utilizzati i dati rilevati nelle province di Vercelli e Biella (1997 e in quella di Verbania (1999, mentre per il cervo sono stati utilizzati quelli relativi alla sola provincia di Verbania (1999. I modelli sono stati formulati mediante Analisi di Funzione Discriminante (Magnusson, 1983; Massolo & Meriggi, 1995 e Analisi di Regressione Logistica (Norusis, 1994. Per lo stambecco i dati sono stati suddivisi in due sets, di cui uno utilizzato per la formulazione del modello e l?altro per la sua validazione. Mediante un test

  7. Analisis Komoditi Unggulan Subsektor Tanaman Pangan di Sumatera Utara Tahun 2010 – 2014


    Sinaga, Terry Praganda


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perkembangan produksi komoditi tanaman pangan selama periode tersebut sehingga dapat menganalisis komoditi subsektor tanaman pangan yang menjadi unggulan di Sumatera Utara. Komoditi unggulan tersebut juga dijabarkan untuk setiap kabupatem/kota yang ada di Sumatera Utara. Metode yang digunakan yaitu secara Convenience Sampling, dan metode analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis Location Quotient. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan ba...

  8. Elaborazione dei dati sperimentali (United States)

    Dapor, M.; Ropele, M.

    L'analisi statistica dei dati sperimentali, la loro elaborazione ed una corretta stima degli errori sono conoscenze necessarie agli studenti di fisica, biologia, chimica, ingegneria e dei corsi di specializzazione tecnico-scientifici in cui a di laboratorio. Chi si occupa di problemi tecnici e di misure, per studio o per lavoro, deve possedere gli strumenti matematici di calcolo e di analisi necessari ad una corretta interpretazione dei dati sperimentali. Il testo fornisce in modo sintetico, chiaro ed esaustivo, tutte le nozioni e le conoscenze utili allo scopo.


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    Dewi Rachmatin


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK   Analisis Klaster merupakan analisis pengelompokkan data yang mengelompokkan data berdasarkan informasi yang ditemukan pada data. Tujuan dari analisis klaster adalah agar objek-objek di dalam satu kelompok memiliki kesamaan satu sama lain sedangkan dengan objek-objek yang berbeda kelompok memiliki perbedaan. Analisis klaster dibagi menjadi dua metode yaitu metode hirarki dan metode non-hirarki. Metode hirarki dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu metode agglomerative (pemusatan dan metode divisive (penyebaran. Metode-metode yang termasuk dalam metode agglomerative adalah Single Linkage Method, Complete Linkage Method, Average Linkage Method, Ward’s Method, Centroid Method dan Median Method. Pada artikel ini dibahas metode-metode agglomerative tersebut yang diterapkan pada data tingkat polusi udara. Masing-masing metode tersebut memberikan jumlah klaster yang berbeda.   Kata Kunci : Analisis Klaster, Single Linkage Method, Complete Linkage Method, Average Linkage Method, Ward’s Method, Centroid Method dan Median Method.     ABSTRACT Cluster analysis is an analysis of the data classification based on information found in the data.The objective of cluster analysis is that the objects in the group have in common with each other, while the different objects have different groups. Cluster analysis is divided into two methods : the method of non-hierarchical and hierarchical methods.Hierarchical method is divided into two methods, namely agglomerative methods (concentration and divisive methods (deployment. The methods included in the agglomerative method is Single Linkage Method, Complete Linkage Method, Average Linkage Method, Ward 's Method, Method and Median Centroid Method. In this article discussed the agglomerative methods were applied to the data rate of air pollution. Each of these methods provides a different number of clusters.   Keywords: Cluster Analysis , Single Linkage Method, Complete Linkage Method, Average Linkage Method, Ward

  10. Control biológico de estados edáficos de tefrítidos (Diptera: Tephritidae) mediante tratamientos de suelo con ascomicetos mitospóricos entomopatógenos (Ascomycota: Hypocreales)


    Garrido-Jurado, Inmaculada


    Hasta la fecha, los ascomicetos mitospóricos entomopatógenos (AME) se han empleado con éxito en el control de adultos de tefrítidos en pulverización total del sustrato vegetal, o en pulverización cebo, o mediante la técnica de ¿atracción e infección¿. No obstante, recientemente se ha puesto de manifiesto el potencial de estos AME para el control de estados pre-imaginales de tefrítidos mediante su aplicación al suelo, en la base del árbol, donde el inóculo fúngico está protegido frente a los f...

  11. Risk analysis; Analisis de riesgos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baron, J H; Nunez McLeod, J; Rivera, S S [Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza (Argentina). Instituto de Capacitacion Especial y Desarrollo de Ingenieria Asistida por Computadora (CEDIAC)


    This book contains a selection of research works performed in the CEDIAC Institute (Cuyo National University) in the area of Risk Analysis, with specific orientations to the subjects of uncertainty and sensitivity studies, software reliability, severe accident modeling, etc. This volume presents important material for all those researches who want to have an insight in the risk analysis field, as a tool to solution several problems frequently found in the engineering and applied sciences field, as well as for the academic teachers who want to keep up to date, including the new developments and improvements continuously arising in this field. [Spanish] Este libro contiene una seleccion de trabajos de investigacion realizados dentro del Instituto de Capacitacion Especial y Desarrollo de la Ingenieria Asistida por Computadora en el area del analisis de riesgos, con una orientacion hacia el estudio de incertidumbres y sensibilidad, confiabilidad de software, modelacion de accidentes severos, etc. Este volumen recoge un material de indudable importancia e interes para todos aquellos investigadores y profesionales que desean incursionar en este campo del analisis de riesgos como herramienta para la solucion de problemas frecuentemente encontrados en la ingenieria y las ciencias aplicadas, asi como para los academicos que desean mantenerse al dia, conociendo los nuevos desarrollos y tecnicas que constantemente aparecen en su area.


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    Sukirman -


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi, menganalisis praktik pengelolaan lingkungan pada sentra industri kecil dibandingkan best practices dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja lingkungan di Kabupaten Pati. Kajian difokuskan pada pengelolaan lingkungan secara efektif dengan melibatkan variabel inisiatif lingkungan, keterlibatan karyawan, dan integrasi dengan supplier. Populasinya adalah seluruh perusahaan Industri Kecil di Kabupaten Pati. Sampel berjumlah 97 perusahaan. Teknik sampling menggunakan kluster sampling, dengan sampel pada sentra industri kecil di Kabupaten Pati.  Analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan praktik pengelolaan lingkungan pada sentra industri kecil di Kabupaten Pati belum dilaksanakan secara optimal. Sementara itu, variabel integrasi supplier berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja perusahaan.The purpose of this study is to identify and to analyze an environmental management practice which is compared to the best practices in order to improve environmental performance in the industrial centers in Pati District. This study focuses on managing the environment effectively by involving environmental initiative variables, employee involvement, and integration of suppliers. Population in this study was all small industrial enterprises in Pati regency which has 97 companies as data samples. Data were collected by using cluster sampling techniques, and samples were taken from small industrial centers in the District of Pati. Data were analyzed by using descriptive and comparative methods. Results of this study showed that environmental management practices in small industrial centers had not been implemented optimally. Meanwhile, supplier integration variables influenced directly toward corporate performance.

  13. Analisis Korelasi Kanonik Hubungan Perilaku Pemimpin dan Motivasi Kerja Karyawan

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    I Gusti Ayu Made Srinadi


    Full Text Available Kualitas pemimpin merupakan penentu keberhasilan organisasi yang dipimpin. Hubungan antara pemimpin dengan karyawannya merupakan hubungan saling ketergantungan yang umumnya tidak seimbang. Dalam proses interaksi yang terjadi antara pemimpin dan karyawan, berlangsung proses saling memengaruhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan perilaku pemimpin terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi kanonik. Pengujian dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi kanonik menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pemimpin dengan motivasi karyawan memiliki keeratan hubungan dengan nilai korelasi kanonik sebesar 0,9058533. Faktor perilaku pemimpin yang paling tinggi berkorelasi dengan motivasi kerja karyawan di McDonald’s Kuta Beach adalah faktor kemampuan mengarahkan dan menghadapi karyawan dengan nilai korelasi yaitu sebesar 0,7619707.

  14. Analisis Korelasi Kanonik Hubungan Perilaku Pemimpin dan Motivasi Kerja Karyawan

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    I Gusti Ayu Made Srinadi


    Full Text Available Kualitas pemimpin merupakan penentu keberhasilan organisasi yang dipimpin. Hubungan antara pemimpin dengan karyawannya merupakan hubungan saling ketergantungan yang umumnya tidak seimbang. Dalam proses interaksi yang terjadi antara pemimpin dan karyawan, berlangsung proses saling memengaruhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan perilaku pemimpin terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi kanonik. Pengujian dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi kanonik menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pemimpin dengan motivasi karyawan memiliki keeratan hubungan dengan nilai korelasi kanonik sebesar 0,9058533. Faktor perilaku pemimpin yang paling tinggi berkorelasi dengan motivasi kerja karyawan di McDonald’s Kuta Beach adalah faktor kemampuan mengarahkan dan menghadapi karyawan dengan nilai korelasi yaitu sebesar 0,7619707.

  15. The rational use of energy in industrial refrigeration equipment through the appropriate selection of the refrigerant fluid as the working substance; Uso racional de la energia en equipos de refrigeracion industrial mediante la eleccion apropiada del refrigerante como sustancia de trabajo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reyes Z, Jesus [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper presents an analysis for diminishing the energy consumption in the industrial refrigeration equipment through the appropriate selection of the refrigerant fluid. The analysis shows the safety levels and the refrigerant toxicity, the construction advantages of the equipment, as well as the ecological impact derived from its utilization. By means of the liquid injection and the compression of the gas in two stages, a capacity increase is achieved and an energy demand reduction for the installation. Finally, an economical analysis is presented, comprising the equipment cost, operation, maintenance, consumption cost of the utilized fluids, etc. Demonstrating the selection of the working fluid employed. This analysis was made considering the PETROLEOS MEXICANOS installations. Nevertheless, this application can be adopted in any industrial installation for the rational energy use. Additionally the main advantages for the use of the proposed systems are shown, saving fuel expenses and increasing the thermal efficiency and diminishing the air pollution. [Espanol] Este trabajo presenta un analisis para disminuir el consumo de energia en los equipos de refrigeracion industrial mediante la seleccion apropiada del refrigerante. El analisis muestra los niveles de seguridad y toxicidad del refrigerante, las ventajas constructivas del equipo, asi como el impacto ecologico derivado de su empleo. Por la inyeccion de liquido y la compresion del gas en dos etapas, se logra un aumento de capacidad de enfriamiento y disminucion de la energia demandada por la instalacion. Finalmente un analisis economico se presenta, involucrando los gastos del equipo, operacion, mantenimiento, costos de consumos de fluidos utilizados, etc. Que demuestran la seleccion del fluido de trabajo utilizado. Este analisis fue hecho tomando en cuenta las instalaciones de Petroleos Mexicanos. No obstante, esta aplicacion puede ser adaptada en cualquier instalacion industrial para un uso racional de los

  16. Analysis of the organic horticultural market in Lazio; Analisi della filiera ortofrutticola biologica del Lazio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Letardi, A [ENEA, Divisione Biotecnologie e Agricoltura, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy); Lumaca, P [Centro Ecologico di Dimostrazione Agraria, Rome (Italy); Grandi, C; Dominicis, L [Centro Ecologico di Dimostrazione Agraria/Associazione Italiana per l' Agricoltura Biologica, Lazio, Rome (Italy)


    In 1998 Agriculture and Biotechnology Division of ENEA (BIOAG), Ecological Centre for Extension Service (CEDA), and Italian Association for Biological Agriculture (AIAB) established a research collaboration on the limiting factors that regulate marketing of fresh biological products. Field research was carried out, starting at the end 1998 to 1999, on horticultural production, mainly by means a fellowship in agriculture factors that regulate marketing of fresh biological products. Results and conclusion of the study focuses critical steps regulating productions, transformation and distribution of biological agriculture and could be associated to general situation of this sector in Italy. Moreover attention should be put on the rapid evolution of this sector in the last months, with respect to research time duration, i.e., 1998-1999 years, because of food safety emergencies and legislative innovations issued by European Commission. [Italian] Nel 1998 una lunga collaborazione tra ricercatori della Divisione Biotecnologie ed Agricoltura dell'ENEA, del Ceda (Centro Ecologico di Dimostrazione Agraria) e dell'AIAB (Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica), grazie all'apporto finanziario di un imprenditore privato interessato allo sviluppo del settore, produsse un bando di concorso per una borsa di formazione e studio sperimentale per laureato in agraria con specializzato in materie economiche. Grazie a tale borsa e' stata realizzata, tra la fine del 1998 e il 1999, una indagine sulla filiera agroalimentare biologica del Lazio, finalizzata all'analisi dei punti critici che limitavano i segmenti della commercializzazione e della distribuzione del prodotto fresco. Nella discussione su principali problemi per lo sviluppo dell'agricoltura biologica in Italia, ed in particolare nel Lazio, tra i ricercatori delle strutture sopra menzionate era emersa infatti una carenza di dati sperimentali certi che potessero supportare una serie di considerazioni gia' da noi


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    Toni MT Munthe


    Full Text Available PT. ABC merupakan salah satu pabrik yang memproduksi botol kemasan kaca. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui layak atau tidaknya rencana investasi pada proyek Narrow Neck Press and Blow secara finansial di PT. ABC pada periode bulan April 2014 hingga bulan Juni 2014. Analisis kelayakan finansial proyek Narrow Neck Press and Blow, menggunakan metode analisis Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period dan Sensitivity Analysis. Perbedaan antara nilai sekarang dari semua kas masuk dengan nilai sekarang dari semua kas keluar dari suatu proyek atau suatu investasi diperoleh dengan metode NPV, sedangkan untuk mencari tingkat bunga yang menyamakan nilai sekarang dari aliran kas bersih dan investasi diperoleh dengan metode IRR. Metode analisis yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui berapa lamakah waktu yang diperlukan untuk menutup dana yang dikeluarkan untuk suatu proyek dapat diperoleh dengan metode Payback Period. Setelah itu, dilakukan pengujian menggunakan sensitivitas analisis untuk mengetahui tingkat sensitivitas untuk tiap-tiap parameter terhadap persentase kenaikan dan penurunan. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai NPV sebesar Rp. 1.179.728.649.900,06, nilai IRR sebesar 56,36% dan periode pengembalian terletak pada 2 tahun 2 bulan 9 hari. Dengan menggunakan analisis sensitivitas dapat diketahui bahwa proyek ini sangat sensitif terhadap penurunan volume produksi. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, titik impas akan dicapai apabila volume produksi 213.403.267 unit per tahun atau 88,92% dari volume produksi awal. Nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa apabila volume produksi pada suatu periode mengalami penurunan lebih dari 11,08% dari volume produksi awal, maka investasi tersebut akan merugikan.

  18. Analisis Industri Ritel Di Indonesia


    Soliha, Euis


    This article presents an overview the analisys of retail industry in Indonesia.Retail industry in Indonesia grow rapidly. Industrial presence of modern retailbasically exploits public shopping pattern especially middle-weight and to which donot want to mill around in traditional market. Analysis Five Forces is used toanalysis retail industry. Analysis five force is bargaining power of buyers,bargaining power of suppliers, threat of new entrants, threat of new substituteproducts, and rivalry a...

  19. New EdF's three challenges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lepetit, V.


    The opening of 15% of Electricite de France (EdF) capital to the private sector will allow the first world electric utility to raise 7 billions of euros of cash flow. EdF will have also to face the new European situation: a strained market, several consolidations to come and many competitors to deal with. EdF has to re-launch its production tool and to reinforce its interconnection capacities if it wants to stay the number one of power exports in Europe. The integration of Edison company (Italy) by EdF gives access to new gas capacities but other resources have to be found if EdF wants to enlarge its gas offer. A new concentration era is foreseen in Europe and EdF will have to seize the economic growth opportunities in particular in Europe and China. (J.S.)

  20. Analisis Value Chain Di Industri Otomotif


    Hendri, Hendri


    Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis industri otomotif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui aktivitas dan kondisi internal proses industri manufaktur dengan menggunakan value chain guna masukan dimasa akan datang bagi industri otomotif secara khusus. Value Chain merupakan rantai nilai yang dapat mengetahui kekuatan Perusahaan, keuntungan dan kesuksesan dari rantai aktivitas dalam Perusahaan atau industri manufaktur.Metode analisis menggunakan Statistika Deskript...

  1. The Analisis Sentimen Sosial Media Twitter Dengan Algoritma Machine Learning Menggunakan Software R

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    Jaka Aulia Pratama


    Full Text Available Media sosial adalah wadah untuk mengungkapkan opini terhadap suatu topik tertentu. Ketersediaan informasi dan opini dari para pengguna media sosial merupakan kumpulan dokumen data berupa teks yang amat sangat besar dan berguna untuk kepentingan penelitian maupun membuat suatu keputusan bagi pihak – pihak tertentu. Text Mining bisa didefinisikan sebagai proses penggalian informasi di mana pengguna berinteraksi dengan kumpulan dokumen dari waktu ke waktu dengan menggunakan suatu alat analisis. Analisis sentimen atau Opinion Mining adalah salah satu studi di bidang komputasi yang berhubungan dengan kasus publik mengenai opini, penilaian, sikap, dan emosi. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode Machine Learning pada analisis sentimen pengguna layanan jejaring sosial Twitter terhadap Donald Trump dan Barack Obama dalam 20000 tweets. Nilai akurasi metode Machine Learning yang diperoleh cukup tinggi yaitu 87.52% untuk Data Training dan 87.4% untuk Data Testing.

  2. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis methodology in a level-I PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment); Analisis de incertidumbres y sensibilidad aen un APS (Analisis Probabilistico de Seguridad) nivel-I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nunez McLeod, J E; Rivera, S S [Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza (Argentina). Instituto de Capacitacion Especial y Desarrollo de Ingenieria Asistida por Computadora (CEDIAC)


    This work presents a methodology for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, applicable to a probabilistic safety assessment level I. The work contents are: correct association of distributions to parameters, importance and qualification of expert opinions, generations of samples according to sample sizes, and study of the relationships among system variables and system response. A series of statistical-mathematical techniques are recommended along the development of the analysis methodology, as well different graphical visualization for the control of the study. (author) [Spanish] En este trabajo se presenta una metodologia de analisis de sensibilidad e incertidumbres, aplicable a un analisis probabilistico de seguridad (APS) de nivel I. En el cual se plantea: la adecuada asociacion de distribuciones a variables, la importancia y penalizacion de la opinion de expertos, la generacion de muestras y su tamano, y el estudio de las relaciones entre las variables del sistema y la respuesta de este. Ademas durante el desarrollo de la metodologia de analisis se recomiendan una serie de tecnicas estadistico-matematicas y tipos de visualizacion grafica para el control del estudio. (autor)

  3. La leucemia del bambino come causa di disgregazione familiare

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    G. Varchetta


    Full Text Available

    Introduzione: le patologie del bambino, soprattutto se gravi e durature, possono essere definite come “malattie della famiglia” a causa dell’intensità di assistenza richiesta, delle difficoltà organizzative quotidiane e dello stress causato. Obiettivo: identificare il ruolo di alcuni potenziali fattori di rischio coinvolti nella rottura di famiglie di bambini leucemici.

    Materiali e metodi: mediante l’uso di questionari, sono state studiate, durante l’anno 2002, 150 cartelle cliniche di bambini leucemici dell’ospedale pediatrico “Santobono-Pausillipon”- Dipartimento di Oncologia; 11 casi sono stati esclusi per incompletezza dei dati. Outcome è stata considerata la “separazione familiare.” Sono state analizzate le seguenti variabili: trapianto di midollo osseo, lavoro del padre, della madre e loro età ed educazione, sesso ed età del bambino (CA, numerosità della famiglia, stato socio-economico, probabilità clinica di guarire (CPR, appartenenza ad una associazione. Sono state condotte analisi bivariate e logistiche. Risultati: all’analisi bivariata CA e CPR, entrambi stratificati in tre livelli, sono risultati associati alla separazione. L’Odds Ratio grezzo (OR della separazione familiare con CA di 5/10 anni e bambini di 11 anni o più a confronto con quelli d’età di 0/4 era, rispettivamente, di 8.68 (p=0.02 e di 5.7 (p=0.07. L’OR grezzo della separazione con un CPR medio e un CPR buono confrontato con un CPR basso ha dato rispettivamente 0.35 (p=0.02 e 0.08 (p‹0.001. Un modello logistico che includeva CPR come variabile principale e controllata per CA ha evidenziato che la probabilità di guarigione è media o alta e, dopo aver aggiustato per l’età del bambino, è stato ottenuto un rischio di rottura familiare rispettivamente di 0.29 (p=0.01 e 0.08 (p=0.02.

    Conclusioni: la rottura dell’unità familiare è evento frequente in caso di grave

  4. Caratterizzazione microstrutturale e prove di resilienza su giunti Friction Stir Welding e Linear Friction Welding di compositi a matrice metallica

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    M. Merlin


    Full Text Available In questo studio sono stati caratterizzati giunti Friction Stir Welding e Linear Friction Welding su compositi a matrice in lega di alluminio e rinforzo particellare ceramico. Il processo FSW è stato applicato a due compositi ottenuti con processo fusorio, quindi estrusi e trattati termicamente T6: AA6061/20%vol.Al2O3p e AA7005/10%vol.Al2O3p. I giunti LFW sono stati invece realizzati su un composito con matrice in lega di alluminio e rinforzo particellare in carburo di silicio, ottenuto mediante metallurgia delle polveri, quindi forgiato e trattato termicamente T4: AA2124/25%vol.SiCp. Sono stati esaminati gli effetti della saldatura sullecaratteristiche microstrutturali dei giunti, avvalendosi di tecniche di microscopia ottica con analisi di immagine e di microscopia elettronica in scansione (SEM con microsonda a dispersione di energia (EDS. Sono state quindi condotte prove di resilienza con pendolo strumentato Charpy. Lo studio dei meccanismi di danneggiamento è stato effettuato mediante analisi al SEM delle superfici di frattura. Entrambi i processi di saldatura hanno portato a giunti sostanzialmente esenti da difetti. La microstruttura dei cordoni è risultata dipendente sia dalle caratteristiche microstrutturali iniziali dei compositi considerati, sia dalla tipologia di processo di saldatura. Nel caso dei compositi AA6061/20%Al2O3p e AA7005/10%Al2O3p saldati FSW si è osservato un sostanziale incremento di resilienza, rispetto al materiale base, in conseguenza dell’affinamento dei grani della matrice, della riduzione della dimensione media delle particelle di rinforzo e della loro spigolosità, indotte dal processo di saldatura. Il composito AA2124/25%SiCp saldato LFW ha presentato valori di resilienza confrontabili con quelli del materiale base, in conseguenza, soprattutto, dei limitati effetti della saldatura su dimensione e distribuzione delle particelle di rinforzo.

  5. The hydrogen resource. Productive, technical and economic analysis; La risorsa idrogeno: analisi produttiva tecnica ed economica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Fronzo, G. [Lecce Univ., Lecce (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Economiche, Matematico-Statistiche, Economici-Aziendali


    Diffusion of hydrogen as an energetic vector meets with a lot of obstacles that don't depend on available raw material, but on hydrogen combination with other elements. It is necessary, therefore, to separate hydrogen picking out the available different technologies to have different pure hydrogen of variable quantities. Besides, its diffusion as fuel is limited because of the great production cost compared to fuels sprung from petroleum. Hydrogen used on a large scale could have advantages on the environment and occupation, but there are economic and politic obstacles to limit its diffusion. Future of economic system, based on hydrogen as the main energetic vector, will depend on the programme that national and international qualified governing bodies will be able to do. [Italian] L'articolo analizza l'uso dell'idrogeno come risorsa dal punto di vista tecnico ed economico. Si discute la relazione con i programmi che governi nazionali sapranno mettere in campo per il suo sfruttamento.

  6. Microestructura y propiedades de capas de tribaloy T-800 depositadas mediante plaqueado láser

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    Navas, C.


    Full Text Available The present work is based on obtaining Co based coatings (Tribaloy T-800 on plates of 18/8 stainless steel (AISI 304 by laser cladding technique. After the treatment, samples were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy with EDS analysis. The elemental composition of the coating was determined with a glow discharge lamp spectrometer (GDL. The study of the interface revealed a good adherence between the substrate and coating without substantial defects. For the laser cladded coatings, the microstructure was dendritic with a high degree of refinement and chemical homogeneity close to the original powder. The grain coarsening was observed in the overlapping zones due to the second heat treatment. Microhardness of the coatings reached 750 HV, a considerably higher value than the substrate hardness (200 HV. Also, the coating corrosion resistance in saline solutions had a great improvement.

    El presente trabajo se centra en la obtención de capas de aleación base Cobalto (Tribaloy T-800 sobre un sustrato de acero inoxidable 18/8 (AISI 304 mediante la técnica de plaqueado láser. Tras los tratamientos, se caracterizaron las probetas mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido con microanálisis (EDS. La composición elemental del recubrimiento se determinó en un espectrómetro de emisión óptica con fuente de excitación (GDL. El estudio de la interfase reveló una perfecta adherencia entre el recubrimiento y el material base, sin defectos apreciables. La microestructura de las capas depositadas es dendrítica con un alto grado de refinamiento y una homogeneidad química a lo largo del cordón y con valores muy próximos a los del polvo de partida. En las zonas de solape entre cordones, se observó un crecimiento del grano debido al segundo tratamiento térmico recibido. La microdureza de las capas alcanza los 750 HV, valor considerablemente superior al del sustrato (200 HV. Asimismo, se obtuvo una mejora

  7. Analisis Kebijakan dan Efektivitas Organisasi

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    Amir Syarifudin Kiwang


    Full Text Available Penerapan Peraturan Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Timur Nomor 8 Tahun 2011 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah pada Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur adalah dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan efektivitas kerja organisasi pada UPT Diklat Koperasi dan UMKM. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk melihat dampak kebijakan organisasi terhadap efektivitas organisasi dengan menggunakan enam elemen variabel dari kebijakan dan praktik manajemen. Keenam elemen tersebut adalah penetapan tujuan strategis, pencarian dan pemanfaatan sumber daya, lingkungan prestasi, proses komunikasi, kepemimpinan dan pengambilan keputusan, serta adaptasi dan inovasi organisasi. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data model Miles dan Huberman, yang terdiri atas reduksi data, display/penyajian data, dan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas organisasi pada UPT Diklat koperasi dan UMKM belum berjalan secara baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa hal antara lain, belum adanya tenaga spesialisasi pengelola diklat dan tenaga khusus (sarjana di bidang perkoperasian dan kondisi lingkungan kerja (lingkungan prestasi pada UPT Diklat koperasi dan UMKM yang belum efektif. Penempatan pegawai juga belum tepat, mutasi ke UPT Diklat Koperasi dan UMKM tidak memperhatikan latar belakang pendidikan dan spesialisasi/keahlian pegawai sehingga membutuhkan waktu dalam proses penyesuaian serta menurunkan jumlah pelaksanaan diklat dikarenakan keterbatasan alokasi dana.


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    Mohamad Adha Akbar


    Full Text Available Informasi mengenai beberapa aspek perikanan huhate sangat diperlukan sebagai bahan untuk perencanaan pengelolaan perikanan yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Larantuka, Flores Timur pada tahun 2014 dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis perikanan huhate sebagai salah satu tulang punggung perikanan TCT. Kegiatan penelitian diprioritaskan pada analisis unit alat tangkap, daerah penangkapan, komposisi hasil tangkapan dan estimasi Total Faktor Produktivitas (TFP perikanan huhate. Basis data pengukuran adalah himpunan  data pendaratan dan observasi lapang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa karakteristik armada terdiri dari kapal yang terbuat dari fibreglass dengan kisaran bobot kapal 6 - 30 GT. Daerah penangkapan di sekitar perairan Laut Sawu dan Laut Flores. Hasil tangkapan utama didominansi oleh cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis sebanyak 82%, juwana tuna (Thunnus spp. 17% dan tongkol (Auxis spp. 1% serta hasil tangkapan ikutan lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus dan marlin (Makaira spp. < 1%. Hasil analisis tangkapan per unit upaya (CPUE memberikan nilai rata-rata sebesar 1,1 ton/trip (0,4-1,7 ton/trip dengan nilai tertinggi terjadi pada Februari, sedangkan terendah terjadi pada Januari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tren bulanan CPUE dan nilai TFP.


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    Bakhrani Rauf


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengelolaan lingkungan permukiman di Kabupaten Soppeng pada aspek: (1 penyediaan dan penanganan lahan terbuka hijau (open space; (2 penyediaan dan penanganan drainase; (3  penanganan sampah; (4 penyediaan dan penanganan pembuangan veses (septic tank. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survei.  Sampel wailayah penelitian ini adalah satu RW di ibu kota kabupaten dan satu RW di desa yang dipilih dengan metode purpossive sampling,  yaitu RW yang sudah maju di ibu kota kabupaten dan RW yang tertinggal di desa. Responden sebanyak 50 kepala keluarga yakni masing-masing 25 kepala keuarga di setiap RW, dipilih dengan  systematic random sampling.  Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah melakukan observasi langsung dan dilengkapi dengan wawancara terhadap responden. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan lingkungan permukiman di Kabupaten Soppeng pada aspek: (1 ketersediaan dan penanganan lahan terbuka hijau (open space ditemukan belum memadai; (2 ketersediaan drainase (air kotor dan air hujan ditemukan belum memadai; (3 Penanganan sampahbelum memadai; dan (4 penanganan veses dan penyediaan septic tankbelum memadai.

  10. Fattori influenzanti la distribuzione del Daino (Dama dama in un'area dell'Appennino settentrionale

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    Enrico Merli


    presenza del Daino è risultata diversa tra il 1997, quando interessava il 28% dell'area di studio, e il 2000, quando era diminuita al 22% (Χ = 3,94 g.l.= 1 P = 0,048. Per valutare l'effetto delle caratteristiche vegetazionali sulla distribuzione sono state effettuate analisi ambientali delle Unità di Campionamento mediante software GIS ed archivi cartografici digitalizzati. I risultati delle analisi ambientali sono stati posti in relazione alla presenza-assenza della specie mediante Analisi di Funzione Discriminante e Analisi di Regressione Logistica. Entrambe le analisi hanno messo in luce l'effetto positivo sulla presenza del Daino dello sviluppo dei margini tra bosco e spazi aperti coltivati. Il modello ottenuto dall'Analisi di Funzione Discriminante ha inoltre individuato un areale potenziale nell'area di studio pari a 388 km², corrispondenti al 53% dell'estensione.

  11. Analisis Perbandingan Material Slab Beton Pada Perkerasan Apron Dengan Menggunakan Program Bantu Elemen Hingga

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    Hendrawan Setyo Warsito


    Full Text Available Kekuatan slab beton sangat dipengaruhi oleh jenis material yang dipakai. Jenis material yang dimaksud adalah material beton dengan menggunakan PC (Portland Cement dan penggunaan geopolimer dalam komposisi campuran slab beton. Beton geopolimer merupakan beton yang ramah lingkungan. Permasalahan lain yang timbul adalah letak roda pesawat tidak selalu berada pada titik yang sama disuatu permukaan slab beton apron. Pada tugas akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis suatu slab beton yang dibebani roda pesawat dengan campuran variasi material beton dan variasi letak roda pesawat pada slab beton dengan program bantu metode elemen hingga. Dengan data pergerakan pesawat, spesifikasi apron bandara Juanda kondisi eksisting. Dilakukan perhitungan tebal slab beton menggunakan software FAARFIELD dan diperoleh tebal slab beton sebesar 442,5 mm. Dari analisis program bantu elemen hingga dapat diperoleh tegangan pada slab beton yang ditimbulkan oleh pembebanan roda pesawat. Hasil validasi dari analisis tegangan menggunakan program bantu elemen hingga dengan analisis Westergaard yaitu memiliki nilai tegangan yang hampir sama pada ketebalan slab beton 450mm. Nilai tegangan tiap-tiap material beton menunjukan nilai tebal slab beton yang diijinkan untuk tipe pesawat tertentu. Dari analisis menggunakan program bantu elemen hingga tebal slab beton yang diijinkan untuk material slab beton PC yaitu sebesar 425mm. Sedangkan untuk material beton geopolimer yaitu sebesar  415 mm.

  12. Analisis Model Penelusuran Backward Chaining dalam Mendeteksi Tingkat Kecanduan Game pada Anak

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    Anastasya Latubessy


    Full Text Available Game addiction rate can be detected by applying expert system. This study developed a model of game addiction analysis using backward chaining. This model uses six types of game addiction behavior, among others, salience, euphoria, conflict, tolerance, withdrawal, relapse and reinstatement. Someone is said to be addicted to the game if it meets at least three types of game addiction behavior. Testing the validity of the model is done by testing the closeness of the agreement between the model analysis and expert analysis, resulting in a value of 0.78 which means having a strong agreement. Tingkat kecanduan game dapat dideteksi dengan mengaplikasikan sistem pakar. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model analisis tingkat kecanduan game menggunakan backward chaining. Model ini menggunakan enam jenis perilaku kecanduan game antara lain, salience, euphoria, conflict, tolerance, withdrawal, relapse dan reinstatement. Seseorang dikatakan kecanduan game jika memenuhi paling sedikit tiga jenis perilaku kecanduan game. Pengujian validitas model dilakukan dengan menguji keeratan kesepakatan antara analisis model dan analisis pakar, menghasilkan nilai 0,78 yang berarti memiliki keeratan kesepakatan kuat.

  13. Estetika Tari Minang dalam Kesenian Randai Analisis Tekstual-Kontekstual

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    Sri Rustiyanti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT   This paper reveals textual and contextual Randai, among other things, an analysis of Gerak Ga­ lombang Randai, an analysis of the character of Anak Randai, and at the end of the study series, to reveal the values contained in Randai as a cultural reality, which in principle is an inseparable part of the existence of Minangkabau community as the cultural support. The variety of motion used in Gerak Galombang Randai is not only a decoration of the motion beauty (tangible, but it also can be translated, as well as a symbol or emblem that has educational meanings (intangible, and can be an example of the daily life of the indigenous Minangkabau society.   Keywords: Minang Dance aesthetic, Randai, textual­contextual analysis     ABSTRAK   Tulisan ini mengungkap teksual dan kontekstual Randai, di antaranya, analisis terhadap gerak galombang Randai, analisis karakter tokoh anak Randai, dan sebagai akhir dari rang- kaian penelitian ini, mengungkapkan nilai-nilai yang terdapat pada Randai sebagai realitas budaya, yang pada prinsipnya merupakan bagian yang tak dapat dipisahkan dari eksistensi masyarakat Minangkabau sebagai penyangga kebudayaan. Ragam gerak yang digunakan dalam gerak galombang Randai itu kiranya tidak hanya sekedar hiasan keindahan gerak be- laka (tangibel, namun ia dapat diterjemahkan, sekaligus merupakan simbol atau lambang yang bermakna  mendidik (intangibel, dan dapat   menjadi teladan dalam kehidupan se- hari-hari dalam masyarakat adat di Minangkabau.   Kata Kunci: estetika Tari Minang, Randai, analisis tekstual-kontekstual

  14. Characterising non-urgent users of the emergency department (ED): A retrospective analysis of routine ED data. (United States)

    O'Keeffe, Colin; Mason, Suzanne; Jacques, Richard; Nicholl, Jon


    The pressures of patient demand on emergency departments (EDs) continue to be reported worldwide, with an associated negative impact on ED crowding and waiting times. It has also been reported that a proportion of attendances to EDs in different international systems could be managed in settings such as primary care. This study used routine ED data to define, measure and profile non-urgent ED attendances that were suitable for management in alternative, non-emergency settings. We undertook a retrospective analysis of three years of Hospital Episode and Statistics Accident Emergency (HES A&E) data for one large region in England, United Kingdom (April 1st 2011 to March 31st 2014). Data was collected on all adult (>16 years) ED attendances from each of the 19 EDs in the region. A validated process based definition of non-urgent attendance was refined for this study and applied to the data. Using summary statistics non-urgent attenders were examined by variables hypothesised to influence them as follows: age at arrival, time of day and day of week and mode of arrival. Odds ratios were calculated to compare non-urgent attenders between groups. There were 3,667,601 first time attendances to EDs, of which 554,564 were defined as non-urgent (15.1%). Non-urgent attendances were significantly more likely to present out of hours than in hours (OR = 1.19, 95% CI: 1.18 to 1.20, Paged 16-44) compared to those aged 45-64 (odds ratio: 1.42, 95% CI: 1.41 to 1.43, Puse the ED to obtain healthcare that could be provided in a less urgent setting and also more likely to do this out of hours. Alternative services are required to manage non-urgent demand, currently being borne by the ED and the ambulance service, particularly in out of hours.


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    Umar Umar


    Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perbaikan sistem pentanahan site Kampung Baru dengan menggunakan konfigurasi single point connection window (SPCW, untuk mengamankan sistem telekomunikasi dari kebocoran arus dan petir serta imbasnya.  Perbaikan sistem pentanahan di site Kampung Baru menggunakan banyak elektroda yang membentuk persegi dikarenakan topografi tempat di sana yang memungkinkan dan efektif adalah menggunakan sistem tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan perhitungan perbaikan sistem di site Kampung Baru, didapatkan nilai perhitungan sistem pentanahan adalah 1.34 Ohm serta pengukurannya 1.21-1.25 Ohm.

  16. EDS operator and control software

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ott, L.L.


    The Enrichment Diagnostic System (EDS) was developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to acquire, display and analyze large quantities of transient data for a real-time Advanced Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS) experiment. Major topics discussed in this paper are the EDS operator interface (SHELL) program, the data acquisition and analysis scheduling software, and the graphics software. The workstation concept used in EDS, the software used to configure a user's workstation, and the ownership and management of a diagnostic are described. An EDS diagnostic is a combination of hardware and software designed to study specific aspects of the process. Overall system performance is discussed from the standpoint of scheduling techniques, evaluation tools, optimization techniques, and program-to-program communication methods. EDS is based on a data driven design which keeps the need to modify software to a minimum. This design requires a fast and reliable data base management system. A third party data base management product, Berkeley Software System Database, written explicitly for HP1000's, is used for all EDS data bases. All graphics is done with an in-house graphics product, Device Independent Graphics Library (DIGLIB). Examples of devices supported by DIGLIB are: Versatec printer/plotters, Raster Technologies Graphic Display Controllers, and HP terminals (HP264x and HP262x). The benefits derived by using HP hardware and software as well as obstacles imposed by the HP environment are presented in relation to EDS development and implementation


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    Sarwono Sarwono


    Full Text Available RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage index of soybean in Indonesia from 1983 up to 2013 is less than one, mostly. It means that the competitiveness of soybean in Indonesia is low. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influence the soybean competitiveness. OLS (Ordinary Least Square was used as the analysis method. Hypotheses test based on that analysis model is not bias, so that, classic divergence test is needed. It is for getting the Best Linier Unbiased Estimator (BLUE appraisal. T statistic and F statistic were also applied. The result of this research shows that production and export have positive and significant influence. In addition, exchange rate and government policy do not influence the Indonesia soybean competitiveness.Indeks RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage kedelai Indonesia dari tahun 1983-2013 kecenderungan bernilai kurang dari satu yang berarti daya saing kedelai Indonesia rendah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi daya saing kedelai Indonesia.Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Ordinary Least Square (OLS.Pengujian hipotesis berdasarkan model analisis tersebut tidak bias maka perlu dilakukan uji penyimpangan klasik yang tujuannya agar diperoleh penaksiran yang bersifat Best Linier Unbiased Estimator (BLUE.Pengujian statistik menggunakan uji t statistikdan uji f statistik.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produksi dan ekspor berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap daya saing kedelai Indonesia. Nilai tukar rupiah dan kebijakan pemerintah tidak berpengaruh terhadap daya saing kedelai Indonesia.

  18. edX e-learning course development

    CERN Document Server

    Gilbert, Matthew A


    If you are an educator creating a course for edX or a corporate trainer using Open edX for large-scale learning and development initiatives, then edX E-Learning Course Development is the ideal book for you.

  19. Analysis of the organic horticultural market in Lazio; Analisi della filiera ortofrutticola biologica del Lazio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Letardi, A. [ENEA, Divisione Biotecnologie e Agricoltura, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy); Lumaca, P. [Centro Ecologico di Dimostrazione Agraria, Rome (Italy); Grandi, C.; Dominicis, L. [Centro Ecologico di Dimostrazione Agraria/Associazione Italiana per l' Agricoltura Biologica, Lazio, Rome (Italy)


    In 1998 Agriculture and Biotechnology Division of ENEA (BIOAG), Ecological Centre for Extension Service (CEDA), and Italian Association for Biological Agriculture (AIAB) established a research collaboration on the limiting factors that regulate marketing of fresh biological products. Field research was carried out, starting at the end 1998 to 1999, on horticultural production, mainly by means a fellowship in agriculture factors that regulate marketing of fresh biological products. Results and conclusion of the study focuses critical steps regulating productions, transformation and distribution of biological agriculture and could be associated to general situation of this sector in Italy. Moreover attention should be put on the rapid evolution of this sector in the last months, with respect to research time duration, i.e., 1998-1999 years, because of food safety emergencies and legislative innovations issued by European Commission. [Italian] Nel 1998 una lunga collaborazione tra ricercatori della Divisione Biotecnologie ed Agricoltura dell'ENEA, del Ceda (Centro Ecologico di Dimostrazione Agraria) e dell'AIAB (Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica), grazie all'apporto finanziario di un imprenditore privato interessato allo sviluppo del settore, produsse un bando di concorso per una borsa di formazione e studio sperimentale per laureato in agraria con specializzato in materie economiche. Grazie a tale borsa e' stata realizzata, tra la fine del 1998 e il 1999, una indagine sulla filiera agroalimentare biologica del Lazio, finalizzata all'analisi dei punti critici che limitavano i segmenti della commercializzazione e della distribuzione del prodotto fresco. Nella discussione su principali problemi per lo sviluppo dell'agricoltura biologica in Italia, ed in particolare nel Lazio, tra i ricercatori delle strutture sopra menzionate era emersa infatti una carenza di dati sperimentali certi che potessero supportare una serie di

  20. Analisis Pengaruh Display Interior Terhadap Perilaku Pembelian Impulsif Konsumen Indomaret Pontianak

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    Ana Fitriana


    Full Text Available Pembelian impulsif adalah kecenderungan membeli produk atau jasa dengan tidak terencana, selanjutnya ketika pembelian sering tidak terencana, maka umumnya konsumen membeli produk atau jasa yang tidak terdaftar dalam daftar belanja. Sejalan dengan tujuan pemasar, pembelian tidak terencana ini berdampak sangat positif bagi pihak perusahaan. Salah satu perilaku konsumen yang sangat penting adalah perilaku belanja impulsif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh display interior pada Indomaret Pontianak terhadap impulsive buying konsumennya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah konsumen Indomaret Pontianak, sebanyak 100 responden dipilih secara accidental sampling sebagai sampel penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode pengumpulan data primer dengan teknik pengumpulan data kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji validitas dan reliabilitas, analisis koefisien determinasi, analisis regresi berganda dan uji hipotesis.Hasil perhitungan data menggunakan SPSS for windows ver 16 menunjukan secara simultan pengaruh display interior terhadap impulsive buying diketahui berpengaruh sebesar 61,31%. Sedangkan 38,69% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti didalam penelitian ini. Secara parsial tiga variabel bebas yaitu pengadaan barang, pengelompokan barang, dan penyusunan barang dan pencahayaan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap Impulsive buying.   Kata kunci — Pengadaan barang, Pengelompokan barang, Penyusunan barang dan pencahayaan, Perilaku Pembelian Impulsif

  1. Rotor optimization of a Francis type hydraulic turbine through the computer flow analysis (CFD); Optimizacion del rodete de una turbina hidraulica tipo Francis a traves del analisis computacional del flujo (CFD)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosado Tamariz, Erick


    basicas para el analisis de flujo y el proceso de optimizacion en las turbinas, los cuales consisten en: modelado de flujo a traves de toda la turbina (conjunto), o bien el modelado de cada componente por separado, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios por ambas metodologias. En la mayoria de los casos implementando el metodo de volumen finito (MVF), con consideraciones de flujo no viscoso, con la implementacion de los modelos de dos ecuaciones para la solucion de las ecuaciones que rigen el flujo turbulento. Asi mismo, se utilizan tecnicas de optimizacion que se basan en la parametrizacion geometrica, el planteamiento de una funcion objetivo y en la disminucion del fenomeno de cavitacion. En el presente trabajo se presenta la optimizacion de un rodete de una turbina hidraulica tipo Francis modelo, considerando tres condiciones de carga (75%, 85% y 100%) a traves de la dinamica de fluidos computacionales (CFD) como parte de un analisis hidraulico para la modernizacion de una unidad de generacion de potencia. Se realiza la optimizacion del rodete de una turbina tipo Francis, mediante un analisis previo de CFD mediante el MVF, considerando los efectos viscosos del fluido y el modelo de turbulencia Sparlat-Allmaras; modelando el distribuidor y el rodete por separado. Posteriormente se realiza la generacion de un modelo parametrico del rodete y se configura la simulacion para la generacion de la base de datos. Finalmente se plantea una funcion objetivo para con ello obtener la geometria optima de los alabes del rodete. Los resultados se presentan en forma grafica donde se muestra la distribucion de presiones del rodete original y el rodete optimizado; de igual forma, se comparan las formas geometricas y los resultados globales de desempeno (potencia y rendimiento) de ambos rodetes.

  2. PREFACE: EDS2010 Preface (United States)

    Heggie, Malcolm I.


    The biennial international conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors started in 1978 with a meeting in Hünfeld, Germany. Subsequent meetings rotated between Poland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Russia and Italy, culminating in EDS2004 in Chernogolovka, EDS2006 in Halle and EDS2008 in Poitiers. EDS2010 was held at the University of Sussex at Brighton, UK from September 19th to 24th. An extension of the tabulation of this history, which first appeared on the EDS2006 website, is given in the attached PDF. It is with sadness that we note one of the founders of the series, Prof. Dr Helmut Alexander, passed away on 3 December 2009 and we were proud to dedicate EDS2010 to his memory. It has become a tradition to make an award in his name, and this year it was made to Ivan Isacov for his poster "Electrical levels of dislocation networks in p- and n-type silicon". A short and warm celebration of Prof. Dr Alexander's life by his friends and colleagues, Prof. Drs Helmut Gottschalk, Eicke Weber and Wolfgang Schröter, is included in this volume. The conference was a forum for the state-of-the-art of investigation and modelling of extended defects in semiconductors. Scientists from universities, research institutes and industry made contributions to a deeper understanding of extended defects, their interaction with point defects and their role in the development of semiconductor technology. The remit of the conference included extended defects, nanostructures, nanoparticles, quantum dots and interfaces within semiconducting materials ranging from narrow to wide band gaps, including graphene-derived materials and diamond. Scientific interests range from defect geometry, electronic structure, dynamics, spectroscopy, microscopy, reactions and chemistry to introduction mechanisms, such as implantation and strained layers and the operation of devices such as integrated circuits, heterostructures, and solar cells. The organisers were confronted with a long period between

  3. EdF: high tension(s) metamorphosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roussely, F.; Arnoux, P.; Baritault, A.; Alto, P.; Castets, C.; Secondi, J.


    Electricite de France, the French electric utility, has to face a formidable mutation. The deregulation of the power market will lead to a social, commercial, judicial, financial and international 'big-bang'. The company has been weakened by disappointing results and by an embarrassing running into debts. This dossier analyzes the consequences of the deregulation of the French power market on the future evolution of EdF. It includes the analysis made by a French economist, E. Cohen, an interview and a portrait of F. Roussely, head of EdF, a presentation of Easenergy, a start-up of EdF which makes partnerships with US energy-related companies, the worries of EdF's employees and the redistribution of the syndicates power inside the company, the controversy around EdF's 2002 results and the points that remained in the shade, EdF's European competitors and the progressive opening of the French power market, EDF's production tool and its availability (58 nuclear reactors, 538 hydroelectric power plants and 26 thermal power plants), the costly foreign markets strategy of EdF and the under-capitalization of the company. (J.S.)

  4. Risk analysis in the chemical industry; Analisis de riesgos en la industria quimica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rea Soto, Rogelio; Sandoval Valenzuela, Salvador [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    The Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas has a group of risk analysis (GAR), specialized in the most advanced methodologies to apply them in diverse industries of the productive sector, such as the nuclear, the oil and the chemical industries. In this work the integrated methodology that the GAR uses to make risk analysis in the chemical and oil industries is described. These analyses have as an objective to make a meticulous evaluation of the system design, the operation practices, the maintenance and inspection policies and the emergency plans. [Spanish] El Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas cuenta con un grupo de analisis de riesgo (GAR), especializado en las metodologias mas avanzadas para aplicarlas en diversas industrias del sector productivo, como lo son la nuclear, la petrolera y la quimica. En este trabajo se describe la metodologia integrada que el GAR utiliza para realizar analisis de riesgos en las industrias quimica y petrolera. Estos analisis tienen como objetivo realizar una minuciosa evaluacion del diseno del sistema, las practicas de operacion, las politicas de mantenimiento e inspeccion y los planes de emergencia.

  5. Analisis Reduksi Intensitas Cahaya Pada Smartphones’ Screen Protector Dan Dampaknya Pada Mata

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    Bhekti Kumorowati


    Full Text Available Analisis reduksi intensitas cahaya yang melewati screen protector dan identifikasi kemampuan screen protector sebagai pelindung mata dilakukan dengan mengukur reduksi intensitas cahaya menggunakan luxmeter, kemudian menetapkan fokus bahasan yang mencakup kemampuan cahaya menembus screen protector dan analisis fisis screen protector sebagai pelindung mata. Peran sebagai pelindung mata dikaji melalui pendekatan peristiwa polarisasi yaitu proses terserapnya sebagian arah getar cahaya. Dihasilkan sebagian arah getar cahaya layar smartphone sebelum masuk ke mata akan terserap oleh screen protector sehingga dapat memperlambat terjadinya degenerasi makula. Rekomendasi pemilihan screen protector bergantung pada besarnya koefisien atenuasi (koefisien penyerapan yang dimiliki masing-masing screen protector. Koefisien atenuasi terbesar dimiliki oleh screen protector jenis anti spy.

  6. Analisis Termal High Pressure Feedwater Heater di PLTU PT. XYZ

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    Maria Ulfa Damayanti


    Full Text Available Abstrak- PT. XYZ mengoperasikan tiga unit Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU unit 3, 7 dan 8 berkapasitas 2.030 MegaWatt. Pada PLTU Paiton unit 7 dan 8 terdapat delapan buah feedwater heater yaitu empat buah Low Pressure Water Heater (LPWH, tiga buah High Pressure Water Heater (HPWH, dan sebuah dearator. Pada PLTU Paiton unit 7 dan 8 terdapat kerusakan pada HPWH 6 yang menyebabkan penurunan efisiensi dari siklus secara keseluruhan. Penurunan efisiensi dapat terjadi karena temperatur feedwater sebelum masuk ke boiler terlalu rendah, sehingga kalor yang dibutuhkan oleh boiler untuk memanaskan feedwater meningkat. Oleh karena itu konsumsi batubara akan meningkat dan menyebabkan terjadi kenaikan biaya operasional harian dalam sistem pembangkit. Dari data Divisi Produksi PT. XYZ Unit 7 dan 8 diperoleh spesifikasi HPWH 6, 7, dan 8 dan propertis fluida dalam HPWH 6, 7, dan 8. Data tersebut digunakan sebagai dasar analisis termal yang meliputi performa masing-masing HPH. Tahap selanjutnya dalam analisis termal adalah memvariasikan beban 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, dan 105%. Tahap terakhir analisis adalah menghitung performa dengan variasi sumbatan (plug 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20% sesuai dengan variasi beban. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah nilai effectiveness tertinggi tercapai pada pembebanan 100% serta menghasilkan pressure drop tertinggi pada pembebanan 105%, nilai effectiveness terbesar serta nilai pressure drop terkecil terjadi pada zona Condensing, serta sumbatan (plugging pada HPH akan menyebabkan penurunan nilai effectiveness dan kenaikan pressure drop sisi tube.

  7. Analisis Kinerja Local Area Network Menggunakan Router.


    Hutahaean, Yosua


    Perangkat internetworking menawarkan komunikasi di antara segmen Local Area Network (LAN). Ada empat tipe utama perangkat internetworking ini: repeater, bridge, router, dan gateway. Perangkat ini dibedakan atas dasar system lapisan Open System Interconnection (OSI) yang digunakan, berfungsi sebagai media komunikasi dari LAN ke LAN. Pada Tugas Akhir ini penulis tertarik untuk membahas analisis kinerja Local Area Network (LAN) menggunakan Router yang menggunakan sistem antrian M/M/1 dimana j...

  8. Estudio mediante EIS de capas lantánidas de conversión desarrolladas mediante activación térmica sobre aleaciones de Al-Mg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bethencourt, M.


    Full Text Available Nowadays, a lot of anticorrosive treatments that can be used as alternative processes to Cr(IV-based treatments are developing. Some of them involve the use of lanthanide compounds. The present work show a morphologic and anticorrosive study of conversion coatings developed on samples of AA5083 alloy from Ce (III solutions, by treatments of immersion to 323K in baths of cerium salts. SEM/EDS analysis of treated sampled shows the existence of an heterogeneous coating composed of an aluminium hydroxide/oxide on the metallic matrix and Ce island over cathodic intermetallic. Protected with conversion coatings, AA5083 samples were immersed in NaCl and EIS tests were registered both to evaluate the protection degree of the developed coatings and to characterize the individual contribution of the electrochemical response of the system.

    En la actualidad, se encuentran en desarrollo una gran variedad de tratamientos anticorrosivos que pueden emplearse como alternativas a los basados en Cr(VI. Algunos conllevan el empleo de lantánidos. En este trabajo, se lleva a cabo un estudio de las características morfológicas y anticorrosivas de capas desarrolladas sobre la aleación AA5083 a partir de disoluciones de Ce(III, mediante tratamientos de inmersión a 323K en baños de sal de cerio. Estudios SEM/EDS sobre la muestras tratadas han puesto de manifiesto la existencia de una capa heterogénea formada por una película de óxido/hidróxido de aluminio sobre la matriz y una serie de islas dispersas de cerio, sobre los intermetálicos catódicos. Para evaluar el grado de protección de las capas de conversión desarrolladas, así como para caracterizar la contribución individual de la respuesta electroquímica del sistema en NaCl, se han llevado a cabo ensayos de EIS.

  9. Analisis Penerimaan PAD Pada Dinas Perikanan dan Peternakan Kabupaten Tebo

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    Eko Purnarianto


    Full Text Available Abstract. This study aims to analyze potential, efficiency, effectivity and contribution of PAD admission at Department of Fishery and Animal Husbandry in Tebo Regencyincluding the strategy establishment to increase its revenue.The analysis used is a potential formula, efficiency ratio, effectivity ratio, contributions ratio and SWOT analysis.The results shows that the potential revenue of retribution slaughterhouse (RPH, the potential sales of livestock, and potential sales fishery product are beyond the current target. The efficiency level of retribution slaughterhouse (RPH and sales of fishery product is poor, but the sales of livestock is very efficient. Effectivity level of livestock and fishery product sales are low, whileretribution slaughterhouses(RPH is not effective regarded to its potential  but in the contrary for its target. Contribution of PAD admission of Fishery and Animal Husbandry Department is very low regarded Tebo Regency PAD. The result of SWOT analysis of retribution slaughter house (RPH admission using WO (Weakness-Opportunity strategy, livestock sales using SO (Strength-Oppurtunity strategy, and fishery product sales using ST (strength-threat strategy. Keywords: Retribution SlaughterHouse (RPH, Sales of Fishery, Livestock Sales, SWOT Analysis   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi, efisiensi, efektivitas dan kontribusi penerimaan PAD pada Dinas Perikanan dan Peternakan Kabupaten Teboserta menetapkan strategi untuk peningkatan penerimaan PAD. Analisis yang digunakan adalah rumus potensi, rasio efisiensi, rasio efektivitas, rasio kontribusi dan analisis SWOT.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi penerimaan retribusi rumah potong hewan (RPH, potensi penjualan hasil peternakan, potensi  penjualan hasil perikanan lebih besar dari target yang telah ditetapkan. Tingkat efisiensi retribusi RPH dan penjualan hasil perikanan tidak efisien, penjualan hasil peternakan sangat efisien. Tingkat

  10. EDS becoms CERN Openlab contributor

    CERN Multimedia


    "EDS announced that it has become an official contributor to CERN openlab. The purpose of the joint project beteween CERN and EDS is to carry out research and development in the field of monitoring, management and operation of grid services." (1 page)

  11. RT-PCR Analysis of ED-A,ED-B, and IIICS Fibronectin Domains: A New Screening Marker For Bladder Cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M Ahmadi Javid


    Full Text Available Background: Fibronectin seems to play a very important role in the progression and invasion of bladder cancer. EDA, EDB, and IIICS domains of fibronectin are not expressed in the adult persons but they’re expressed in different cancers. The aim of this study is to investigate the mRNA of fibronectin in transitional carcinoma cells (TCC of bladder to study these domains. Methods: A total of 20 patients with known bladder cancer were studied. Two of them excluded since their excised tissues were not enough for both the pathological examination and RNA study. Another 20 (control group were normal volunteers who needed bladder operations. The excised tissue was immediately transferred to RNAlater (Ambion,TX. RNA was extracted via RNAWIZ (Ambion, TX. cDNA was made via RevertAid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Fermentas. PCR of the cDNAs was performed using primers for EDA, EDB, and IIICS (Eurogentec,Belgium. Results: For the first time, we present the expression of the oncofetal fibronectin mRNA in the transitional cell carcinoma of bladder. The high grade muscle invasive (G3T2 tumor, expressed ED-A, ED-B, and IIICS. Expression of ED-A, ED-B, and IIICS was confirmed in the two patients with G3T1 TCC. The four patients with G2Ta and G3Ta expressed both ED-A and ED-B. The four patients with G1T1 tumor expressed ED-A only, similar to the nine patients with G1Ta tumor. None of the normal volunteers expressed the oncofetal extra domains. The sensitivity of ED-A positive fibronectin RNA for detecting TCC of any kind is 100%, and of ED-B was only 35%. The specificity of ED-B positive fibronectin RNA for the high grade TCC is 100%. Conclusion: ED-A, ED-B, and IIICS could be used as useful markers for the diagnosis and following up of bladder carcinoma. Keywords: Transitional Cell Carcinoma, bladder cancer, fibronectin, RT-PCR, oncofetal.

  12. Natural gas fuelled vehicles, energetic and environmental problems; Il gas naturale in autotrazione, aspetti energetici ed ambientali

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ciancia, A; Pede, G [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt.Energia


    The present report deals with the analysis and the presentation of the main problems concerning the introduction of the natural gas fuel for vehicles. The offer and demand side of the NGV market are analyzed, together with the presently available NG fuelled vehicles and the status of the technology for engines and on-board storage systems, with particular regard to the energetic and environmental performance of the system. Finally the NGV market development is presented, and the actors on the stage, showing the opportunities together with the possible obstacle to a wider diffusion of this technology. [Italiano] Il rapporto e` dedicato all`esposizione ed all`analisi delle principali tematiche afferenti all`introduzione del metano nel settore dell`autotrazione. Vengono quindi esaminati nell`ordine la situazione del mercato della domanda e dell`offerta di metano, le realizzazioni veicolari oggi disponibili, la tecnologia e le prestazioni dei motori alimentati a metano e quelle dei sistemi di accumulo a bordo, l`impatto ambientale di questi veicoli. Vengono infine trattati i temi dello sviluppo del mercato e degli attori di questo sviluppo, evidenziandone i possibili sbocchi insieme agli ostacoli che ne limitano la diffusione.

  13. Perbandingan Penilaian Saham Dengan Metode Analisis Fundamental Dan Analisis Tehknical, Penggorengan Saham, Serta Keputusan Penilaian Saham Jika Hasil Berlawanan Arah Untuk Kedua Metode Analisis Pada Saham Bakrie Group Untuk Periode 2005- 2009


    Harwaningrum, Miranti


    Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, dunia investasi mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari data rata-rata perdagangan saham yang dimiliki oleh Bapepam. Salah satu jenis instrumen investasi yang sering diminati oleh investor adalah saham. Apabila dibandingkan dengan obligasi, saham memiliki expected return yang lebih tinggi. Namun, saham memiliki resiko yang lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan obligasi. Untuk melakukan penilaian saham ada dua analisis yang dapat dilakukan, yaitu funda...


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    Alimatul Rahim


    Full Text Available Model prediksi awal musim hujan merupakan salah satu kunci yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi resiko kegagalan panen padi yang disebabkan oleh faktor iklim di provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Model prediksi awal musim hujan dibangun  dengan menggunakan data curah hujan observasi Sulawesi Selatan dan anomali suhu muka laut di kawasan Pasifik dan perairan Sulawesi. Pada studi ini dilakukan analisis pemilihan stasiun hujan observasi, penentuan awal musim hujan, analisis komponen utama dan pengelompokan, analisis korelasi awal musim hujan terhadap anomali suhu muka laut, pembangunan model untuk prediksi awal musimhujan dan verifikasi model.Hasil analisis awal musim hujan menunjukkan setiap stasiun hujan mempunyai perbedaan awal musim hujan dengan rata-rata jatuh pada Julian Date (JD ke-348 (14 Desember. Berdasarkan hasil analisis PCA dan cluster, diperoleh bahwa di Sulawesi Selatan terbagi menjadi 3 cluster wilayah. Cluster 1 mempunyai pola hujan lokal, sedangkan cluster 2 dan 3 mempunyai pola hujan monsun. Pada peta korelasi antara awal musim hujan di Sulawesi Selatan dan anomali suhu muka laut menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi nyata(r≥0.5 antara kawasan Pasifik dan Laut Sulawesi pada cluster 1 dan 2 pada bulan Juni Juli Agustus September(JJAS. Sedangkan pada cluster 3, korelasi nyata hanya pada bulan Juni di perairan Sulawesi. Model prediksi AMH terbaik, pada cluster 2 terdapat di domain prediktor kawasan pasifik dengan nilai r=0.82, sedangkan pada cluster 1 dan 3, terdapat di domain perairan Sulawesi dengan nilai r=0.78 dan r-0.48. Verifikasi model terpilih pada cluster 3 mempunyai RMSE = 3, sedangkan cluster 1 dan 2, nilai RMSE berturut-turut sebesar 16 dan 29.   Model prediction of rainy season onset is one of the keys to reduce the risk of paddy haverst failure because of climate factor in South Sulawesi province. The model prediction for rainy season onset was build using rainfall data in South Sulawesi and SST anomaly in Pacific Ocean and

  15. La financial education nella regione Puglia: analisi e prospettive di intervento


    A. Garzoni; V. Nastasi


    Analisi del contesto e delle principali tematiche di financial education affrontate a livello internazionale e nazionale, valutazione delle opportunità e degli aspetti critici, il progetto pilota nella regione Puglia e le nuove idee di progetto da realizzare

  16. Text Mining Untuk Analisis Sentimen Review Film Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means

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    Setyo Budi


    Full Text Available Kemudahan manusia didalam menggunakan website mengakibatkan bertambahnya dokumen teks yang berupa pendapat dan informasi. Dalam waktu yang lama dokumen teks akan bertambah besar. Text mining merupakan salah satu teknik yang digunakan untuk menggali kumpulan dokumen text sehingga dapat diambil intisarinya. Ada beberapa algoritma yang di gunakan untuk penggalian dokumen untuk analisis sentimen, salah satunya adalah K-Means. Didalam penelitian ini algoritma yang digunakan adalah K-Means. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akurasi K-Means dengan dataset digunakan 300 positif dan 300 negatif  akurasinya 57.83%,  700 dokumen positif dan 700  negatif akurasinya 56.71%%, 1000 dokumen positif dan 1000  negatif akurasinya 50.40%%. Dari hasil pengujian disimpulkan bahwa semakin besar dataset yang digunakan semakin rendah akurasi K-Means.   Kata Kunci : Text Mining, Analisis Sentimen, K-Means, Review Film 

  17. Analisis Nilai Perusahaan pada Implementasi Program Kepemilikan Saham pada Karyawan/Manajemen

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    Dwitya Aribawa


      Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis economic value added (EVA sebelum dan sesudah implementasi program kepemilikan saham pada karyawan/ manajemen dengan objek penelitian ini adalah perusahaan publik yang menggunakan kebijakan ESOP/MSOP sebagai sarana benefit/incentive berupa pembagian sebagian saham untuk karyawan/ manajemen. Variabel yang digunakan sebagai indikator nilai perusahaan adalah EVA. Nilai EVA dianggap sebagai indikator yang kompleks dan mempertimbangkan faktor resiko (beta dari perusahaan. Perusahaan yang dianalisis adalah perusahaan yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Terdapat 17 perusahaan yang layak untuk dilakukan analisis berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan peneliti. Pengumpulan dan data dianalisis secara pooling, hal ini melihat dari tidak dibedakannya perusahaan berdasarkan industri (multi industri. Paired sample test digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis pada penelitian dan sebelumnya dilakukan uji normalitas data. Hasil analisis bahwa hasil perbandingan rata-rata EVA sebelum dan sesudah implementasi program kepemilikan saham pada karyawan/manajemen terdapat perbedaan yag signifikan.

  18. Caracterización genotipica de aislamientos de Escherichia coli obtenidos de cerdos con diarrea posdestete y enfermedad de los edemas Genotypic characterization of toxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from pigs with postweaning diarrhea (PWD and edema disease (ED

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    Fabiana A Moredo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue caracterizar mediante PCR 47 aislamientos de Escheríchia coli recuperados de 32 cerdos con diagnóstico clínico de diarrea posdestete (DPD y de 3 cerdos con enfermedad de los edemas (ED. Sobre 44 aislamientos provenientes de cerdos con DPD, 42 (95,5 % fueron caracterizados como E. coli enterotoxigénicos (ETEC y 2 (4,5 % como E. coli productores de toxina Shiga (STEC. Catorce aislamientos de ETEC (33,3 % fueron positivos para los genes estl/estlI/fedA. El genotipo más complejo fue eltA/estll/east1/faeG/aidA. Los aislamientos provenientes de cerdos con ED se clasificaron como STEC porcinos y fueron portadores de stxJaidA. Once aislamientos (25 % fueron portadores del gen que codifica la expresión de la adhesina AIDA-I. Sin embargo, en ningún aislamiento se detectaron los genes que codifican la expresión de las adhesinas F5, F6, F41, de intimina y de "Paa". La prevención de la DPD y de la ED podría realizarse mediante el desarrollo de vacunas que generen anticuerpos contra las adhesinas de las cepas de E. coli prevalentes en la Argentina.The purpose of this work was to characterize 47 Escherichia coli strains isolated from 32 pigs diagnosed with postweaning diarrhea and tree pigs with edema disease by PCR. Forty two (95.5 % of the strains isolated from diarrheic pigs were characterized as enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC and 2 (4.5 % as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC. Fourteen (33.3 % ETEC strains were positive for est/estll/fedA genes. The most complex genotype was eltA/estl/faeG/aidA. Strains isolated from pigs with ED were classified as porcine STEC and were stxjaidA carriers. Eleven (25 % strains carried the gene encoding adhesln protein AIDA-I. However, genes coding for F5, F6, F41, intimin and Paa were not detected. The development of vaccines generating antibodies against prevalent E. coli adhesins in Argentina could be useful for the prevention of PWD and ED.

  19. Lectures on the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations. (United States)


    Mathematics Rockefeller University Professor F. Brezzi New York, New York 10021 Laboratorio di Analisi Numerica Universita di Pavia Professor Amiram Harten...equations and to control the spacing of the points sj. In the MFE process the grid points move with the solution and cluster atound areas of roughness...149-159. [28] Fichera, G.: Analisi essistenziale per le soluzioni die problemi al contorno misti relativi alle equazione ed ai sistemi di equazioni

  20. Hearing of Mr. Francois Roussely, President of EdF; Audition de M. Francois Roussely, President d'EdF

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roussely, F. [Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France)


    This document is the proceedings of the hearing of F. Roussely, President of Electricite de France (EdF), at the commission of economic affairs of the French house of commons, about the advisability of the construction of the EPR (European pressurized reactor) demonstration plant and about its possible financing by EdF. In a first part, F. Roussely recalls the European context of deregulation of energy markets and its impact of the French electric power industry (opening of the French market, industrial and social actions of EdF, need of a new generation of nuclear reactor, preservation of EdF's energy mix, warranty of public utility, un-bundling between energy trade and distribution, EdF's turnover and profitability, EdF's foreign daughter companies). In a second part, F. Roussely answers a series of questions asked by the different members of the commission concerning the different points presented in the first part. (J.S.)


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    Ririn Widiyasari


    Full Text Available Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor apa saja  yang mempengaruhi motivasi belajar mahasiswa, apakah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara cara belajar, fasilitas belajar dan lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi belajar mahasiswa, serta faktor mana yang paling berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 192 mahasiswa (FIP UMJ angkatan tahun 2013-2015 yang aktif mengikuti perkuliahan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode kuantitatif survey. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan  kuesioner dengan skala likert. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, dan analisis  Structural Equation Modeling (SEM berbantuan program LISREL 8.3. Uji hipotesis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji Chi-square dan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel cara belajar memiliki kontribusi yang paling besar, selanjutnya variabel kedua yang berkontribusi meningkatkan motivasi belajar adalah lingkungan belajar dan terakhir fasilitas belajar memberikan pengaruh yang paling kecil terhadap motivasi belajar. Jadi, variabel laten cara belajar dan lingkungan belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi belajar dan fasilitas belajar berpengaruh negatif terhadap motivasi belajar.

  2. Characterising non-urgent users of the emergency department (ED: A retrospective analysis of routine ED data.

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    Colin O'Keeffe

    Full Text Available The pressures of patient demand on emergency departments (EDs continue to be reported worldwide, with an associated negative impact on ED crowding and waiting times. It has also been reported that a proportion of attendances to EDs in different international systems could be managed in settings such as primary care. This study used routine ED data to define, measure and profile non-urgent ED attendances that were suitable for management in alternative, non-emergency settings.We undertook a retrospective analysis of three years of Hospital Episode and Statistics Accident Emergency (HES A&E data for one large region in England, United Kingdom (April 1st 2011 to March 31st 2014. Data was collected on all adult (>16 years ED attendances from each of the 19 EDs in the region. A validated process based definition of non-urgent attendance was refined for this study and applied to the data. Using summary statistics non-urgent attenders were examined by variables hypothesised to influence them as follows: age at arrival, time of day and day of week and mode of arrival. Odds ratios were calculated to compare non-urgent attenders between groups.There were 3,667,601 first time attendances to EDs, of which 554,564 were defined as non-urgent (15.1%. Non-urgent attendances were significantly more likely to present out of hours than in hours (OR = 1.19, 95% CI: 1.18 to 1.20, P<0.001. The odds of a non-urgent attendance were significantly higher for younger patients (aged 16-44 compared to those aged 45-64 (odds ratio: 1.42, 95% CI: 1.41 to 1.43, P<0.001 and the over 65's (odds ratio: 3.81, 95% CI: 3.78 to 3.85, P<0.001. Younger patients were significantly more likely to attend non-urgently out of hours compared to the 45-64's (OR = 1.24, 95% CI: 1.22 to 1.25, P<0.001 and the 65+'s (OR = 1.38, 95% CI: 1.35 to 1.40, P<0.001. 110,605/554,564 (19.9% of the non-urgent attendances arrived by ambulance, increasing significantly out of hours versus in hours (OR = 2

  3. Hand-held ultrasound serving three EDs. (United States)


    Having a portable ultrasound available to your ED will enable you to perform scans during the nighttime hours, instead of having patients wait for several hours until the radiology department opens. Additional time can be saved by having a technologist read the scans, which frees your ED physicians for other duties. Having ED docs contact the technologist directly, rather than going through a resident, also saves valuable time. Arriving at a diagnosis more quickly provides a boost to patient safety.

  4. Cabaña ED

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    Lorena Troncoso Valencia


    Full Text Available Este proyecto denominado Cabaña Ed, de la arquitecta chilena Lorena Troncoso Valencia, es parte de una serie de obras emplazadas en la comuna de Pinto, Región de Ñuble de Chile. Zona de frondosa vegetación de árboles autóctonos y con fugas visuales hacia la cordillera de los Andes. La Cabaña Ed, donde predomina el uso de la madera, se integra muy sutilmente con ese entorno natural. Cabin ED, by the Chilean architect Lorena Troncoso Valencia, is part of a series of works located in the commune of Pinto, Ñuble Region, Chile. This area is characterized by lush vegetation of native trees and visual towards the Andes leaks. In this project the use of wood predominates, which is subtly integrated with the natural environment. In the edition of REVISTARQUIS 11, another project of the architect, located in that same zone of tourist development was presented.


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    Ratih Kumala Sari


    Full Text Available Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Salah satu kebijakan pemerintah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan beras yaitu dengan menggenjot produksi beras dalam negeri. Namun dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk akan meningkatkan permintaan terhadap beras dan upaya peningkatan produktivitas dalam negeri tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan beras dalam negeri. Sehingga untuk menutupi kekurangan tersebut pemerintah mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan impor beras dari negara lain. Akan tetapi pada kenyataannya impor beras dilakukan ketika data statistik menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia sedang mengalami surplus beras. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi impor beras di Indonesia. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dengan model Error Correction Model (ECM. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa secara parsial maupun secara bersama-sama produksi beras, konsumsi beras, harga beras dalam negeri dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap impor beras di Indonesia. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ One of the government’s policy to fulfill the need of rice is to boost the domestic production. However, by increasing the population, the demand of rice will also increase and the effort of increasing the domestic productivity cannot supply domestic rice need. So, to cover the shortage the government make decision to import rice from other countries. Yet, in fact importing rice is occurred when the statistical data showed that the supply of rice in Indonesia is surplus. The purpose of this research is necessary to study the factors which influence the import of rice in Indonesia. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis model with Error Correction Model (ECM. Based on the research proven that partially or jointly the production, the consumption, the


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    Peter Garlans Sina


    Full Text Available Abstract: Analysis of Economic Literacy. The aim of this research is as an effort to increase economic literacy for individuals and households who want to achieve prosperity. Therefore, the obligation of improving the economic literacy needs to be done in a well-planned manner and come from the strong intention to learn in order to improve the economic literacy. It could have an effect on the assets accumulation, a better debt management, as a protection, as well as to increase savings and managing spending intelligently.   Keyword: economic literacy, asset, debt, protection, saving, spending   Abstrak: Analisis Literasi Ekonomi. Tulisan ini bertujuan sebagai upaya meningkatkan literasi ekonomi bagi individu maupun rumah tangga yang menginginkan mencapai kesejahteraan. Oleh karena itu, kewajiban meningkatkan literasi ekonomi perlu dilakukan secara terencana dan diawali dari niat untuk belajar meningkatkan literasi ekonomi karena dapat berefek pada akumulasi aset, pengelolaan utang yang tepat, proteksi, meningkatkan tabungan dan cerdas mengelola pengeluaran.   Kata kunci: literasi ekonomi, aset, utang, proteksi, menabung, pengeluaran

  7. Caracterización a impacto de caucho reciclado mediante elementos finitos


    Escribano Castro, Ane


    Análisis de caucho reciclado de manera hiperelástica mediante métodos de ajuste de Mínimos Cuadrados con programa MATLAB y Curve fitting mediante ANSYS. Para la parte viscoelástica se usa Algoritmo de Optimicación con MATLAB. Comprobación de resultados y fiabilidad.

  8. Analisis Safety System dan Manajemen Risiko pada Steam Boiler PLTU di Unit 5 Pembangkitan Paiton, PT. YTL

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    Luluk Kristianingsih


    Full Text Available Pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU merupakan pembangkit listrik yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia. Salah satu bagian dari sistem PLTU yang memiliki risiko bahaya tinggi adalah boiler, oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya analisis bahaya dan safety system sebagai langkah pencegahan bahaya pada boiler. Analisis bahaya dalam penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode HAZOP. Node yang dipakai adalah economizer, steam drum, superheater, dan reheater yang merupakan komponen utama penyusun boiler. Guide word dan deviasi ditentukan berdasarkan control chart yang dibentuk oleh data proses masing-masing komponen selama bulan Maret 2013. Estimasi likelihood dilakukan berdasarkan data maintenance dari work order PT YTL selama 5 tahun, sedangkan estimasi consequences dilakukan berdasarkan kriteria risiko yang ditimbulkan serta berdasarkan control chart. Hasil perkalian likelihood dan consequences dengan risk matrix menghasilkan kriteria risiko dari komponen. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh hasil bahwa komponen yang memiliki risiko bahaya paling besar adalah level transmitter steam drum dengan deviasi berupa less level, yaitu dengan kriteria likelihood adalah A dan consequences 4, sehingga risiko bernilai extreme. Selain itu, risiko extreme juga terdapat pada pressure transmitter outlet superheater, dengan likelihood B dan consequences 4. Untuk menurunkan risiko, maka dilakukan perawatan dan kalibrasi secara rutin, serta penambahan redundant transmitter. Bahaya paling besar pada seluruh node adalah adanya kebakaran. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan analisis emergency response plan untuk kebakaran yang mencakup peta evakuasi, tugas dan tanggungjawab tiap personel, langkah pencegahan, serta langkah penanganan.

  9. On the quantitativeness of EDS STEM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lugg, N.R. [Institute of Engineering Innovation, The University of Tokyo, 2-11-16, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 (Japan); Kothleitner, G. [Institute for Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis, Graz University of Technology, Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz (Austria); Centre for Electron Microscopy, Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz (Austria); Shibata, N.; Ikuhara, Y. [Institute of Engineering Innovation, The University of Tokyo, 2-11-16, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 (Japan)


    Chemical mapping using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) has recently shown to be a powerful technique in analyzing the elemental identity and location of atomic columns in materials at atomic resolution. However, most applications of EDS STEM have been used only to qualitatively map whether elements are present at specific sites. Obtaining calibrated EDS STEM maps so that they are on an absolute scale is a difficult task and even if one achieves this, extracting quantitative information about the specimen – such as the number or density of atoms under the probe – adds yet another layer of complexity to the analysis due to the multiple elastic and inelastic scattering of the electron probe. Quantitative information may be obtained by comparing calibrated EDS STEM with theoretical simulations, but in this case a model of the structure must be assumed a priori. Here we first theoretically explore how exactly elastic and thermal scattering of the probe confounds the quantitative information one is able to extract about the specimen from an EDS STEM map. We then show using simulation how tilting the specimen (or incident probe) can reduce the effects of scattering and how it can provide quantitative information about the specimen. We then discuss drawbacks of this method – such as the loss of atomic resolution along the tilt direction – but follow this with a possible remedy: precession averaged EDS STEM mapping. - Highlights: • Signal obtained in EDS STEM maps (of STO) compared to non-channelling signal. • Deviation from non-channelling signal occurs in on-axis experiments. • Tilting specimen: signal close to non-channelling case but atomic resolution is lost. • Tilt-precession series: non-channelling signal and atomic-resolution features obtained. • Associated issues are discussed.

  10. Transient data acquisition techniques under EDS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Telford, S.


    This paper is the first of a series which describes the Enrichment Diagnostic System (EDS) developed for the MARS project at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Although EDS was developed for use on AVLIS, the functional requirements, overall design, and specific techniques are applicable to any experimental data acquisition system involving large quantities of transient data. In particular this paper will discuss the techniques and equipment used to do the data acquisition. Included are what types of hardware are used and how that hardware (CAMAC, digital oscilloscopes) is interfaced to the HP computers. In this discussion the author will address the problems encountered and the solutions used, as well as the performance of the instrument/computer interfaces. The second topic the author will discuss is how the acquired data is associated to graphics and analysis portions of EDS through efficient real time data bases. This discussion will include how the acquired data is folded into the overall structure of EDS providing the user immediate access to raw and analyzed data. By example you will see how easily a new diagnostic can be added to the EDS structure without modifying the other parts of the system. 8 figs

  11. Cobertura desarrollada de Puerto Rico (United States)

    William A. Gould; Sebastian Martinuzzi; Olga M. Ramos Gonzalez


    Este mapa representa la cobertura desarrollada en Puerto Rico (Martinuzzi et al. 2007). Cobertura desarrollada se define aqui como areas urbanas, construidas y sin vegetacion, que resultan de actividad humana. Tipicamente, estas incluyen estructuras construidas, concreto, asfalto, u otra infraestructura. La cobertura desarrollada se creo mediante el analisis de...

  12. Sui monosillabi nel pentametro: elegia ed epigramma


    Magnelli, E.


    Questo studio offre un’analisi di prima mano sull’uso di monosillabi alla fine del primo emisticho del pentametro, nell’elegia e nell’epigramma greco fino all’età di Giustiniano. Nessun tipo di restrizione sembra riguardare i monosillabi appartenenti a una ‘parola metrica’. I dati riguardanti i monosillabi indipendenti – ossia non appositivi e non preceduti da un’appositiva – sono meno facili da interpretare, e non è chiaro se i poeti greci cercassero di evitarne la collocazione i...

  13. MicroED data collection and processing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hattne, Johan; Reyes, Francis E.; Nannenga, Brent L.; Shi, Dan; Cruz, M. Jason de la [Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA 20147 (United States); Leslie, Andrew G. W. [Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge (United Kingdom); Gonen, Tamir, E-mail: [Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA 20147 (United States)


    The collection and processing of MicroED data are presented. MicroED, a method at the intersection of X-ray crystallography and electron cryo-microscopy, has rapidly progressed by exploiting advances in both fields and has already been successfully employed to determine the atomic structures of several proteins from sub-micron-sized, three-dimensional crystals. A major limiting factor in X-ray crystallography is the requirement for large and well ordered crystals. By permitting electron diffraction patterns to be collected from much smaller crystals, or even single well ordered domains of large crystals composed of several small mosaic blocks, MicroED has the potential to overcome the limiting size requirement and enable structural studies on difficult-to-crystallize samples. This communication details the steps for sample preparation, data collection and reduction necessary to obtain refined, high-resolution, three-dimensional models by MicroED, and presents some of its unique challenges.

  14. Analisis Rugi Daya Pada Penyulang Bangli Dengan Beroperasinya PLTS Kayubihi

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    I GN Dion Adiputra


    Full Text Available Analisis rugi daya pada Penyulang Bangli dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbanding an rugi daya pada jaringan distribusi setelah penempatan pembangkit tersebar jenis PLTS berkapasitas 1 MWp. Lokasi penempatan PLTS ditentukan berdasarkan analisis sensitivitas bus. Nilai sensitivitas bus(?didapat dengan cara membandingkan nilai rugi daya pada sistem dengan total beban yang terhubung pada bus. Penelitian ini menggunakan simulasi aliran daya dengan metode aliran daya Newton-Raphson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bus TK 0041 memiliki sensitivitas terbesar dengan nilai ?= 0,178. Dari hasil simulasi aliran daya, penempatan PLTS 1MWp pada lokasi alternatif 1 menghasilkan rugi daya minimum pada Penyulang Bangli yaitu 103,1 kW atau 3,3% dari total suplai daya 3071 kW. Pemasangan PLTS dapat menurunkan rugi daya pada Penyulang Bangli sebesar 57 kW dari total rugi daya pada kondisi tanpa PLTS yaitu 160,1 kW. Bila dibandingkan dengan kondisi eksisting, penem patan PLTS pada lokasi alternatif 1 memiliki selisih rugi daya 7,3 kW lebih kecil dari total rugi daya yang dihasilkan kondisi eksisting sebesar 110,4kW.


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    Ariel Bagus Nugroho


    Full Text Available RSUD Tugurejo Semarang merupakan Rumah Sakit kelas B milik pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang menyediakan pelayanan jasa untuk masyarakat. Dalam manajemen pengolahan data, RSUD Tugurejo Semarang telah menggunakan sistem informasi rumah sakit. Untuk mengetahui apakah sistem informasi telah berjalan seperti yang diharapkan, maka perlu dilakukan analisis tatakelola teknologi informasi. Pada penelitian ini analisis tatakelola teknologi informasi berfokus pada proses pengawasan, evaluasi dan penilaian kinerja, dan kesesuaian kinerja teknologi informasi, yaitu domain MEA01 pada framework COBIT 5.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kapabilitas dan strategi perbaikan untuk proses pengawasan, evaluasi dan penilaian kinerja dan kesesuaian TI. Metode pengumpulan  data penelitian ini dengan menggunakan studi dokumen, kuesioner dan wawancara kemudian dianalisis tingkat kapabilitas dan kesenjangan. Tingkat kapabilitas yang didapat dari hasil penelitian yaitu berada level 2 (managed. Untuk menaikkan tingkat kapabilitas pada level 3 maka maka perlu dilakukan secara bertahap strategi perbaikan pada PA 2.1, PA2.2, PA 3.1, dan 3.2. Kata kunci: Analisis Tata Kelola TI, COBIT 5, MEA01, Tingkat Kapabilitas, Rumah Sakit.

  16. Ed Watson 1940-2006

    CERN Multimedia


    Ed Watson arrived at CERN in March 1973 to work on digital electronics and CAMAC systems under Bob Dobinson, after many years at Rolls Royce in Scotland. He joined the European Muon Collaboration in 1976, where he played a major role in the design, deployment and running of its data acquisition system (DAQ) with David Botterill, Bob Dobinson, and Vicky White. The CAMAC-ROMULUS system was by far the largest and most advanced of its time, and it became a defining standard for DAQ systems for years to come. Ed was deeply involved in the detailed planning of the control rooms and the experiment cabling, as well as sharing the responsibility for the CAMAC readout system. He had a real talent for trouble shooting and played a vital part in supporting the experiment throughout its lifetime. He offered great moral support to the younger members of the collaboration and helped them a great deal with their work. The EMC had a wonderful social life to which Ed was a major contributor - who can forget its barbecues?  In...

  17. Ed Watson - 1940-2006

    CERN Multimedia


    Ed Watson passed away suddenly on 1 August in Geneva, he was 66. He leaves his wife and two children. Ed Watson arrived at CERN in March 1973 to work on digital electronics and CAMAC systems under Bob Dobinson, after many years at Rolls Royce in Scotland. He joined the European Muon Collaboration in 1976, where he played a major role in the design, deployment and running of its data acquisition system (DAQ) with David Botterill, Bob Dobinson, and Vicky White. The CAMAC-ROMULUS system was by far the largest and most advanced of its time, and it became a defining standard for DAQ systems for years to come. Ed was deeply involved in the detailed planning of the control rooms and the experiment cabling, as well as sharing the responsibility for the CAMAC readout system. He had a real talent for trouble shooting and played a vital part in supporting the experiment throughout its lifetime. He offered great moral support to the younger members of the collaboration and helped them a great deal with their work. The...



    Syaifullah, M. Djazim


    IntisariKondisi curah hujan di wilayah Jakarta pada kejadian banjir besar tanggal 17 Januari 2013 telah dianalisis yang dihubungkan dengan kondisi atmosfer pada selang waktu tersebut. Data curah hujan menggunakan data TRMM sedangkan analisis kondisi atmosfer menggunakan data rawinsonde. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa puncak kejadian banjir Jakarta musim hujan tahun 2013 terjadi pada tanggal 17 Januari 2013 disebabkan oleh faktor lokal yang sangat kuat ditambah dengan faktor global yang mend...

  19. Analisis Sikap Konsumen terhadap Produk Fashion Lokal dan Impor


    Setiawan, Evelyn


    Abstrak: Analisis Sikap Konsumen Terhadap Produk Fashion Lokal dan Impor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sikap konsumen terhadap produk fashion lokal dan impor yang akan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan konsumsi. Sampel yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1.000 mahasiswa dari 10 perguruan tinggi swasta terbesar di Surabaya. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode kuesioner. Hasil pengujian statistik menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa di Surabaya merasa bangga d...

  20. Uso de Analisis de Covarianza (ANCOVA en investigacion cientifica.

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    Badii, M.H.


    Full Text Available The basics of the ANalisis of COVAriance (ANCOVA are given. The objectives and the application of ANCOVA are laid out. Techniques for the estimation of contrasts and for the control and reduction of the degree of error are discussed. The application of a simple ANCOVA using real data is highlighted. The application of this technique in fixing the auxiliary variable in experimentation is emphasized.

  1. Studio di sitizzazione aeroportuale mediante analisi multi-criterio

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    Francesco Gentili


    Full Text Available This study aims at implementing the multi-criteria approach in the selection of the most suitable airport site in the province of Tuscia-Viterbo. After analysing 4 sites supposed feasible in principle, collecting data and other information on the different locations, the selection criteria have been defined as: proximity to urban settlements, logistic infrastructures, visibility and air manoeuvrability, investment costs, environmental constraints, geological suitability, flood risk, seismic risk. The Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP has been chosen as the most suitable methodology for selecting from pairwise comparison, the most appropriate site for the airport, considering all criteria put forward. At the end of the process, the best location comes out quite clearly as one site, which keeps at the top of the ranking, both in an eco-centric and anthropocentric vision. Not the same if we consider the whole ranking of the other sites, which differs quite substantially. All this shows the suitability of the AHP method and the software implemented in responding to the general socio-political context for choosing the most relevant site for a public work such as an airport.


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    Ali Muhson


    Full Text Available Abstract: A Relevance Analysis of University Graduates with World of Work. Education should be oriented to the competencies required by the workforce as a percentage of unemployment among the educated increase continuously. This study aims to examine the relevance of YSU Economic Education graduates. The study only focuses on the type of work and subjects taught. The subject of this study is the alumni of Economic Education Study Program. Sampling technique used is snowball sampling. Data collection technique using questionnaires and documentation while the technique of data analysis using descriptive analysis. The result suggests that the majority of the graduates find their first job as private a teacher, a private employee and a tutor, while current job of the most graduates are private teacher, private employee, and civil servant (teacher. The data shows that more than 50 percent of the graduates work in the education area. This implies that the relevance level based on the type of work is categorized as sufficient. Majority of the graduates teaches social science, economic, and entrepreneurship, hence it can be concluded that the relevance level based on the subjects taught is highly relevant.   Keyword: relevance of graduates, type of work, unemployment, employment     Abstrak: Analisis Relevansi Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi dengan Dunia Kerja. Pendidikan harus berorientasi pada kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh dunia kerja karena persentase penganggur di kalangan terdidik terus meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tingkat relevansi (kesesuaian lulusan Pendidikan Ekonomi UNY. Kajian hanya diarahkan pada jenis pekerjaan dan mata pelajaran yang diampu. Penelitian ini mengambil subjek alumni Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi dari berbagai angkatan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah snowball sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini



    -, MULIATI


    2014 Analisis Kontribusi Pajak Hotel terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Nunukan Analysis of The Contributions Tax on Hotel Againts Regional Renenue Nunukan District Muliati Haerial M. Christian Mangiwa Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi pajak hotel terhadap pendapatan asli daerah, mengetahui sistem pengawasan, dan potensi yang ada untuk meningkatkan pajak hotel, mengetahui sistem dan prosedur...

  4. ED leadership competency matrix: an administrative management tool. (United States)

    Propp, Douglas A; Glickman, Seth; Uehara, Dennis T


    A successful ED relies on its leaders to master and demonstrate core competencies to be effective in the many arenas in which they interact and are responsible. A unique matrix model for the assessment of an ED leadership's key administrative skill sets is presented. The model incorporates capabilities related to the individual's cognitive aptitude, experience, acquired technical skills, behavioral characteristics, as well as the ability to manage relationships effectively. Based on the personnel inventory using the matrix, focused evaluation, development, and recruitment of ED key leaders occurs. This dynamic tool has provided a unique perspective for the evaluation and enhancement of overall ED leadership performance. It is hoped that incorporation of such a model will similarly improve the accomplishments of EDs at other institutions.


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    Evi Fatmawati


    Full Text Available Retribusi pelayanan pasar merupakan jenis retribusi jasa umum yang cukup potensial, dikarenakan Kabupaten Semarang menarik retribusi dari 33 pasar tradisional setiap harinya. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menganalisis potensi penerimaan retribusi pasar di Kabupaten Semarang tahun 2011 – 2015, serta memproyeksi pendapatan retribusi pelayanan pasar tahun 2016 – 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kontribusi, analisis pertumbuhan, analisis potensi, dan analisis ARIMA (2,1,2 (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: (1 kontribusi retribusi pelayanan pasar terhadap retribusi daerah dan PAD dalam kategori kurang dan sangat kurang, (2 pertumbuhan retribusi pelayanan pasar berfluktuasi, (3 penerimaan retribusi pelayanan pasar belum berdasarkan potensi, (4 target retribusi pelayanan pasar berada dibawah potensi, (5 proyeksi pendapatan retribusi pasar meningkat dalam lima tahun kedepan. Adanya selisih antara potensi dengan realisasi dapat dijadikan peluang oleh Pemerintah Daerah dalam memaksimalkan penerimaan retribusi pelayanan pasar. Saran peneliti yaitu penetapan target sesuai dengan potensi, serta peningkatan kualitas pelayanan pasar, hal tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan sumbangan retribusi pelayanan pasar terhadap PAD di Kabupaten Semarang. Retribution as a source of local income had a great opportunity to be improve and be develop so. Market retribution service was a kind of public service retribution that potential enough, due to Semarang Regency managed and attracted the retribution of 33 traditional markets every day. The objective of this research was to analyze the potential and contribution of market retribution at Semarang Regency in 2011-2015, also approximate local market retribution service in 2016-2010. This research used contribution analysis, the growth analysis, potential analysis, and analyzed ARIMA (2,1,2 (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average. The results of this research that : (1

  6. Revision curricular a partir de un analisis comparativo de las discrepancias en los curriculos de una escuela de optometria en Puerto Rico con las competencias requeridas para las agencias de revalida y acreditacion 2004 (United States)

    Rivera Pacheco, Andres

    El proposito de esta investigacion, un estudio cualitativo de caso, fue comparar y contrastar el curriculo vigente de la Escuela de Optometria de la UIAPR con las competencias y estandares requeridos por las agencias de acreditacion y de revalida. Con este proposito, decidimos realizar una revision y un analisis de documentos: el prontuario de cada uno de los cursos de los curriculos implantados en el 1993 y en el 2001; las competencias y estandares establecidos por las agencias de revalida y de acreditacion; y las estadisticas en las que se analiza el porcentaje de estudiantes que aprueban cada una de las partes de los examenes de revalida entre el 1998 al 2003. Se realizaron entrevistas dirigidas para dar apoyo y complementar la revision y el analisis de estos documentos. Los participantes de las entrevistas fueron tres estudiantes de la clase de optometria del 2004 (ultima clase del curriculo del 1993); tres estudiantes de la clase de optometria del 2005 (primera clase graduanda del curriculo vigente) y tres profesores y/o directores de los Departamentos de Ciencias Basicas, Ciencias Clinicas y Cuidado al Paciente. Esta investigacion se enmarco en el modelo de evaluacion curricular de discrepancia de Malcolm Provus y en el modelo de desarrollo basado en competencias. Uno de los hallazgos mas importantes del estudio es que los cambios que se implantaron al curriculo del 2001 no han logrado que los estudiantes mejoren su ejecucion en los examenes de revalida. Por otro lado, se encontro que el curriculo vigente atiende completamente los estandares de la practica de Optometria, pero no las competencias. Esta informacion fue validada mediante el uso de una tabla de cotejo para el analisis de los cursos y de la informacion obtenida de las entrevistas. El estudio determina y concluye que existen discrepancias entre los prontuarios de los cursos del curriculo y las competencias requeridas por la agencia de revalida. Segundo, que el Departamento de Ciencias Basicas es el

  7. TechEdSat (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — TechEdSat is a 1U CubeSat built by San Jose State University in partnership with NASA Ames Research Center and AAC Microtec. Its mission is to evaluate Space...

  8. TechEdSat Nano-Satellite Series Fact Sheet (United States)

    Murbach, Marcus; Martinez, Andres; Guarneros Luna, Ali


    TechEdSat-3p is the second generation in the TechEdSat-X series. The TechEdSat Series uses the CubeSat standards established by the California Polytechnic State University Cal Poly), San Luis Obispo. With typical blocks being constructed from 1-unit (1U 10x10x10 cm) increments, the TechEdSat-3p has a 3U volume with a 30 cm length. The project uniquely pairs advanced university students with NASA researchers in a rapid design-to-flight experience lasting 1-2 semesters.The TechEdSat Nano-Satellite Series provides a rapid platform for testing technologies for future NASA Earth and planetary missions, as well as providing students with an early exposure to flight hardware development and management.

  9. Voltage stability evaluation facing small disturbances by means of the modal analysis technique; Evaluacion de la estabilidad de voltaje ante disturbios pequenos mediante la tecnica de analisis modal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leon Rodriguez, Daniel


    . Estos aspectos han provocado que dichos sistemas operen con margenes de seguridad mas limitados y que su estabilidad tenga que ser analizada de una manera confiable y precisa. Tomando en cuenta los aspectos arriba mencionados, a medida que los sistemas electricos han tenido que operar en condiciones mas forzadas para satisfacer la demanda de la carga, los problemas de estabilidad de voltaje se han presentado con mayor frecuencia provocando serios disturbios y en algunos casos, hasta apagones totales. Ante la ocurrencia de estos problemas, el analisis de establidad de voltaje ha cobrado cada vez mayor importancia en los estudios de las companias suministradoras de energia electrica provocando con esto que se destinen mayores recursos para la investigacion de este fenomeno con el proposito de comprenderlo y desarrollar tecnicas y herramientas que permitan estudiarlo de una manera mas completa. El analisis modal es una de las mas recientes tecnicas en estado estable la cual, desde su aparicion ha tenido un gran auge debido a la valios y rapida informacion que proporciona, ademas de su facilidad de implementacion y el poco esfuerzo computacional que requiere. En este trabajo se realiza la evaluacion de la estabilidad de voltaje d eun sistema electrico real aplicando de manera conjunta la tecnica de analisis modal con otras tecnicas convencionales como las curvas P-V y V-Q. Se ilustra tambien la manera en que la distinta informacion obtenida de estas tecnicas se complementa para lograr un estudio de estabilidad de voltaje mas completo y representativo. Ademas de analizar la estabilidad de voltaje para las condiciones normales de operacion (caso base), se evaluan tambien tres distintas alternativas de compensacion reactiva capacitiva con objeto de mejorar el margen o distancia a la inestabilidad de voltaje del sistema. Los resultado obtenidos con cada una de las opciones de compensacion son analizados y comparados entre si para finalmente proponer la alternativa que presente


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    Nunung Parlinah


    Full Text Available Industri mebel umumnya termasuk dalam industri kecil dan menengah. Selain berperan dalam penerimaan devisa, bisnis di bidang mebel ini juga menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat terutama di Kabupaten Jepara. Adanya hubungan (pemberi kepercayaan - (penerima kepercayaan yang terjadi antar aktor atau pelaku di dalam rantai berpengaruh terhadap besarnya distribusi nilai tambah yang diperoleh oleh masingmasing pelaku di sepanjang rantai nilai Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kelembagaan (aturan yang terjadi antar pelaku di sepanjang rantai nilai mebel mahoni Jepara dan menentukan skenario kebijakan yang dapat mendukung bagi kelestarian industri mebel Jepara. Data yang digunakan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data meliputi identifikasi aktor dan kelembagaan (aturan yang terjadi antar pelaku serta analisis manfaat biaya yang terdiri dari NVP, BCR dan IRR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1 para pengrajin ( memproduksi mebelnya lebih didasarkan pada pesanan pembeli ( . agent principal Asymetic information yang terjadi antara pedagang kayu dan petani juga telah mengakibatkan posisi petani sebagai (2 Nilai NPV, BCRdan IRR untuk tiap pelaku berbeda-beda tetapi nilai-nilai tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa pola kemitraan yang terjadi antar pelaku dalam rantai nilai mebel mahoni saat ini sudah efektif. Skenario kebijakan yang dapat diterapkan adalah kebijakan yang bersifat insentif bagi petani hutan rakyat, peningkatan kemampuan pengrajin di bidang pemasaran; dan membangun aksi kolektif diantara pengrajin. price taker;

  11. The ED use and non-urgent visits of elderly patients. (United States)

    Gulacti, Umut; Lok, Ugur; Celik, Murat; Aktas, Nurettin; Polat, Haci


    To evaluate the use of the emergency department (ED) by elderly patients, their non-urgent visits and the prevalence of main disease for ED visits. This cross-sectional study was conducted on patients aged 65 years and over who visited the ED of a tertiary care university hospital in Turkey between January 2015 and January 2016 retrospectively. A total of 36,369 elderly patients who visited the ED were included in the study. The rate of ED visits by elderly patients was higher than their representation within the general population (p elderly patients visiting polyclinics was 15.8%, the rate of elderly patients visiting the ED was 24.3% (p elderly age groups (p elderly population (17.5%, CI: 17.1-17.9). The proportion of ED visits for non-urgent conditions was 23.4%. Most of the ED visits were during the non-business hours (51.1%), and they were highest in the winter season (25.9%) and in January (10.2%). The hospitalization rate was 9.4%, and 37.9% of hospitalized patients were admitted to intensive care units. The proportion of ED visits by elderly patients was higher than their representation within the general population. Elderly patients often visited the ED instead of a polyclinic. The rate of inappropriate ED use by elderly patients in this hospital was higher than in other countries.

  12. ED breast cases and other breast emergencies. (United States)

    Khadem, Nasim; Reddy, Sravanthi; Lee, Sandy; Larsen, Linda; Walker, Daphne


    Patients with pathologic processes of the breast commonly present in the Emergency Department (ED). Familiarity with the imaging and management of the most common entities is essential for the radiologist. Additionally, it is important to understand the limitations of ED imaging and management in the acute setting and to recognize when referrals to a specialty breast center are necessary. The goal of this article is to review the clinical presentations, pathophysiology, imaging, and management of emergency breast cases and common breast pathology seen in the ED.

  13. Estimated losses of energy in a power system using a semi-statistical methodology; Estimacion de perdidas de energia en un sistema electrico de potencia mediante una metodologia semi-estadistica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez Martinez, D [Centro Universitario UAEM, Valle de Teotihuacan (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Martinez Lendech, J.F [Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores del Oriente del Estado de Hidalgo (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Garcia Herrera, C; Olvera Ricano, J.G. [Centro Universitario UAEM, Valle de Teotihuacan (Mexico)]. E-mails:;


    Determination of electrical losses is one of the most important tasks for any enterprise dedicated to generation, transmission, transformation and/or distribution of electric energy. Any enterprise dedicated to these activities does continuously energy balances in order to estimate whole electrical losses of specific processes. However, it is necessary to classify the whole electrical losses into technical and non-technical losses. This paper presents a proposal for estimating technical and non-technical losses in an electrical power system. [Spanish] La determinacion de las perdidas de energia electrica es una de las labores mas importantes en cualquier empresa dedicada a la generacion, transmision, transformacion y/o distribucion de energia electrica. Es indudable que toda empresa dedicada a cualquiera de las actividades mencionadas anteriormente realiza periodicamente balances de energia que permiten estimar el valor de las perdidas totales de energia del proceso considerado. No obstante, para poder realizar un mejor analisis de la problematica de las perdidas de energia, es necesario separar el valor total de perdidas obtenido mediante un balance de energia, en perdidas tecnicas y perdidas no tecnicas. El presente trabajo presenta una propuesta para la estimacion de perdidas tecnicas y no tecnicas en un sistema electrico de potencia.


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    D.T. Sony Tjahyani


    Full Text Available Kejadian Fukushima telah menunjukkan bahwa kecelakaan parah dapat terjadi, maka dari itu sangatlah penting untuk menganalisis tingkat keselamatan pada reaktor daya. Berdasarkan rekomendasi expert mission IAEA setelah kejadian Fukushima, perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meminimalisasi terjadinya kecelakaan parah yaitu dengan melakukan proses pendinginan yang maksimal. Dalam konsep keselamatan fasilitas nuklir, khususnya reaktor daya telah diterapkan konsep keselamatan berlapis (Defence in Depth, DiD. Konsep keselamatan tersebut terdiri atas 5 level pertahanan yang bertujuan mencegah dan mengurangi lepasan produk fisi ke masyarakat dan lingkungan pada saat reaktor daya mengalami kecelakaan. Dalam reaktor telah didesain sistem atau tindakan yang mempunyai fungsi untuk mengatasi setiap level tersebut. Tujuan dari analisis ini adalah menentukan probabilitas kecelakaan parah dengan melakukan skenario kegagalan sistem dalam proses pendinginan di reaktor. Sebagai obyek analisis adalah reaktor daya AP1000, karena jenis reaktor ini sedang banyak dibangun saat ini. Skenario dilakukan dengan mengasumsikan beberapa kombinasi kegagalan sistem yang termasuk dalam DiD level 2 dan 3. Kegagalan sistem kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis pohon kegagalan berdasarkan perangkat lunak SAPHIRE ver. 6.76. Dari analisis didapatkan probabilitas gagal dari kelompok sistem DiD level 2 dan 3 pada AP1000 masih di bawah batas kriteria dari IAEA yaitu lebih kecil dari 10-2, serta probabilitas kecelakaan parah didapatkan sebesar 6,17 x 10-10. Berdasarkan analisis ini disimpulkan bahwa AP1000 mempunyai tingkat keselamatan yang cukup tinggi, karena melalui skenario kegagalan sistem didapatkan probabilitas kecelakaan parah yang sangat kecil.   ABSTRACT Fukushima accident has shown that severe accident could be occurred, therefore it is important to analyze safety level of nuclear power plants. Based on the recommendations of IAEA expert mission after the Fukushima accident

  15. Analisis Neraca Air Lahan untuk Tanaman Padi dan Jagung Di Kota Bengkulu

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    Jaka A. I. Paski


    Citation: Paski, J.A.I., Faski, G.I.S.L., Handoyo, M.F. dan Pertiwi, D.A.S. (2017. Analisis Neraca Air Lahan untuk Tanaman Padi dan Jagung di Kota Bengkulu. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 15(2, 83-89, doi:10.14710/jil.15.2.83-89

  16. Pengaruh Advance Organizer Berbasis Proyek Terhadap Kemampuan Analisis – Sintesis Siswa

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    Tasiwan -


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pengatur kemajuan (advance organizer berbasis proyek terhadap kemampuan analisis – sintesis siswa pada konsep Energi. Sebelum pembelajaran, diberikan tugas proyek pada siswa untuk merealisasikan bel listrik sederhana, rangkaian arus seri - paralel, dan tuas. Produk proyek digunakan sebagai advance organizer dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Penguatan kognitif dilakukan melalui diskusi kelompok dan pembuatan peta konsep, ekspositori guru di kelas, dan kegiatan eksperimen laboratorium. Data diambil melalui pretest, post test, observasi partisipatif pembelajaran oleh dua orang observer, penilaian produk, peta konsep dan laporan kegiatan eksperimen. Teknik analisis data meliputi uji prasyarat data dan uji hipotesis Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa mengalami peningkatan kemampuan analisis – sintesis dalam aspek menguraikan, mengkategorikan, mengidentifikasi, merumuskan pernyataan, merekonstruksi, menentukan konsep, dan menganalisis konsep dengan rata – rata peningkatan delta skor sebesar 54,46 %, uji t sebesar 6,4, dan skala gain sebesar 0,3. This study was conducted to determine the effect of project-based advance organizer model on student’s analysis - synthesis ability of the energy concept. Students were given an assignment to realize the project on simple electric bell, the series – parallel circuit, and lever, before learning. The products of project were used as an advanced organizer in the learning activity. Cognitive strengthening was done through group discussions and concept mapping, expository learning in the classroom, and laboratory experiments activities. The data were taken through a pretest, post-test, participant observation study by two observers, product assessment, concept maps and report of experiment activities. Results showed that the students’ analysis - synthesis ability increased in the aspect of describing, categorizing, identifying, statement


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    Renty Anugerah Mahaji Puteri


    Full Text Available PT. ABC merupakan perusahaan Jepang yang bergerak di bidang usaha jasa konstruksi mekanikal, elektrikal, dan system komunikasi. Sebagai perusahaan jasa konstruksi, PT. ABC dituntut untuk mencapai tujuan / target perusahaan tiap tahunnya yaitu mendapatkan tender proyek, maka tak jarang karyawannya dituntut untuk lembur. Seringnya karyawan lembur, maka menimbulkan masalah kelelahan terhadap para karyawannya sehingga target tidak tercapai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi beban kerja yang dialami oleh engineer leader pada Departemen DesaindanOperasional di PT. ABC. Beban kerja yang diukur adalah beban kerja fisik dan mental. Beban kerja fisik diukur berdasarkan cardiovascular load (CVL. Beban kerja mental diukur dengan menggunakan metode NASA-Task Load Index (NASA-TLX. Berdasarkan hasil analisis CVL, beban kerja fisik yang diterima engineer proyek memiliki presentase CVL sebesar 31,16%, denganhasilperbaikanmenjadi 23,38%. Sedangkan dari hasil analisis NASA-TLX, beban kerja mental yang diterima engineer proyek yaitu dengan skor NASA-TLX 74,2% denganhasilperbaikanmenjadi 51,6%, sedangkan skor NASA-TLX engineer head office 61,5% denganhasilperbaikanmenjadi 47,66%.

  18. Analisis dan Rencana Pengembangan Jaringan Distribusi Air Bersih Unit Cabang Timur PDAM Kabupaten Klaten

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    Ana Tri Lestari


    Full Text Available Unit Cabang Timur Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM Kabupaten Klaten dibagi menjadi 3 unit pelayanan Ibu Kota Kecamatan (IKK dan mempunyai tingkat pelayanan yang masih rendah pada tahun 2015, yaitu Unit IKK Ceper 17,6%; Unit IKK Pedan 2,43%; dan Unit IKK Cawas 31,26% sehingga peningkatan persen pelayanan menjadi hal yang perlu dilakukan. Hal ini didukung dengan adanya penambahan debit produksi sebesar 50 liter/detik. Selain itu, jaringan distibusi belum dibentuk blok pelayanan sehingga sulit untuk mengontrol kehilangan air. Perencanaan ini dilakukan pembagian blok pelayanan menjadi 26 blok dan 5 tapping. Setelah itu dilakukan analisis kondisi eksiting. Hasil analisis kondisi eksisting menunjukkan kondisi hidrolika perpipaan kecuali kecepatan masih memenuhi kriteria, yaitu tekanan antara (15,43-59,99 m, kecepatan (0-0,91 m/detik, unit headloss (0-3,51 m/km. Kemudian dilakukan pengembangan jaringan yang dibagi menjadi 2 tahap, dimana tahap 1 meningkatkan persen pelayanan, sedangkan tahap 2 menambah daerah pelayanan baru. Blok pelayanan setelah pengembangan menjadi 29 blok dan 5 titik tapping. Kemudian analisis rencana pengembangan dilakukan dan menunjukkan bahwa kondisi hidrolika pipa untuk tekanan di jaringan distribusi IKK Cawas bernilai negatif. Hal ini dikarenakan unit headloss yang terjadi pada pipa dari reservoir menuju titik tapping pertama IKK Cawas sebesar 5,78 m/km dengan panjang pipa 14,35 km sehingga headloss  sebesar 82,94 m menyebabkan tekanan menjadi -2,89 m. Permasalahan ini dapat diatasi dengan parallel pipa diameter 200 mm sepanjang 9 km. Parallel pipa tersebut mengakibatkan tekanan  pada titik tapping pertama IKK Cawas menjadi 34,65 m dan titik tapping terjauh (blok 19 sebesar 16,34 m.  Hasil analisis hidrolika, seperti unit headloss berada pada rentang (0-5,78 m/km, namun kecepatan masih ada yang di bawah 0,3 m/detik. Rencana anggaran biaya (RAB yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan pengembangan jaringan sebesar Rp 2.470.153,051.71.

  19. Analisis Karakteristik Hujan untuk Pendugaan Debit Aliran Rencana Sungai Anafri di Kota Jayapura

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    Nurfaijin Nurfaijin


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji karakteristik hujan wilayah DAS Anafri, menghitung debit aliran rencana, dan mengkaji kapasitas Sungai Anafri dalam merespon pengalihragaman hujan menjadi aliran permukaan. Kajian karakteristik hujan yakni ketebalan, intensitas, dan durasi hujan dilakukan dengan analisis statistik data hujan. Analisis distribusi data hujan diasumsikan sesuai dengan Metode Gumbel, sehingga untuk menentukan hujan periode ulang 2 tahun, 5 tahun, 10 tahun, dan 25 tahun menggunakan persamaan Gumbel. Hujan periode ulang digunakan untuk menghitung debit aliran rencana Metode Rasional. Analisis kapasitas sungai dilakukan dengan membandingkan debit aliran rencana dalam periode ulang T dengan kapasitas sungai. Penghitungan kapasitas sungai dilakukan pada penampang PI (bagian hulu, P2,dan P3 (bagian hilir. Debit aliran rencana yang digunakan dalam analisis kapasitas sungai adalah debit aliran Q25tahun (107,478 m³/detikdan 163,726 m³/detik. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahawa, terjadinya limpasan pada penampang sungai PI dan P2 pada saat menampung debit banjir yang diketahui penyebab utamanya adalah bank full capacity kecil, maka alternat! ( penanganan yang direkomendasikan adalah peninggian tanggul sungai. Analisis kapasitas sungai menggunakan debit banjir periode ulang 25 tahun menunjukan bahwa, terjadi limpasan pada lokasi penampang PI sampai P2 dengan panjang ruas 400 m yang terjadi pada tanggul sisi kanan dan tanggul sisi kiri dengan panjang ruas 40 meter. Limpasan terjadi setinggi 0,1 m hingga 1,6 m pada tanggul sisi kanan dan 0,1 m hingga 0,3 m pada tanggul sisi kiri, sehingga peninggian tanggul yang direkomendasikan adalah setinggi 1,6 mpada sisi kanan dan 0,3 m pada tanggul sisi kiri. ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the characteristics of rainfall watershed of Anafri calculate the flow rate plan, and assess the river capacity to respond diversion of rain to be surface runoff. In this study, the analysis of rainfall

  20. Analisis “Brand Equity” Siaran Berita Stasiun Televisi Swasta Indonesia


    Arif Sugiono; Prima Mulyasari Agustina


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keadaan berbagai merek siaran berita stasiun televisi swasta berdasarkan dimensi ekuitas mereknya, dengan memfokuskan pada empat dimensi ekuitas merek, yang meliputi loyalitas merek, kesadaran merek, persepsi kualitas, dan asosiasi merek. Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif, dengan analisis data menggunakan tabulasi dan teknik skala. Hasil penelitian dari dimensi loyalitas merek tiga besar siaran berita secara berurutan adalah Buser, Patroli dan L...

  1. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) (United States)

    ... Talking to Your Kids About VirginityTalking to Your Kids About Sex Home Diseases and Conditions Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Condition ... Well-Being Mental Health Sex and Birth Control Sex and Sexuality Birth Control ... and Toddlers Kids and Teens Pregnancy and Childbirth Women Men Seniors ...

  2. Structure of catalase determined by MicroED (United States)

    Nannenga, Brent L; Shi, Dan; Hattne, Johan; Reyes, Francis E; Gonen, Tamir


    MicroED is a recently developed method that uses electron diffraction for structure determination from very small three-dimensional crystals of biological material. Previously we used a series of still diffraction patterns to determine the structure of lysozyme at 2.9 Å resolution with MicroED (Shi et al., 2013). Here we present the structure of bovine liver catalase determined from a single crystal at 3.2 Å resolution by MicroED. The data were collected by continuous rotation of the sample under constant exposure and were processed and refined using standard programs for X-ray crystallography. The ability of MicroED to determine the structure of bovine liver catalase, a protein that has long resisted atomic analysis by traditional electron crystallography, demonstrates the potential of this method for structure determination. DOI: PMID:25303172

  3. The ED use and non-urgent visits of elderly patients

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    Umut Gulacti


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the use of the emergency department (ED by elderly patients, their non-urgent visits and the prevalence of main disease for ED visits. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on patients aged 65 years and over who visited the ED of a tertiary care university hospital in Turkey between January 2015 and January 2016 retrospectively. Results: A total of 36,369 elderly patients who visited the ED were included in the study. The rate of ED visits by elderly patients was higher than their representation within the general population (p < 0.001. While the rate of elderly patients visiting polyclinics was 15.8%, the rate of elderly patients visiting the ED was 24.3% (p < 0.001. For both genders, the rates of ED visits for patients between 65 and 74 years old was higher than for other elderly age groups (p < 0.001. The prevalence of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI was the highest within the elderly population (17.5%, CI: 17.1–17.9. The proportion of ED visits for non-urgent conditions was 23.4%. Most of the ED visits were during the non-business hours (51.1%, and they were highest in the winter season (25.9% and in January (10.2%. The hospitalization rate was 9.4%, and 37.9% of hospitalized patients were admitted to intensive care units. Conclusion: The proportion of ED visits by elderly patients was higher than their representation within the general population. Elderly patients often visited the ED instead of a polyclinic. The rate of inappropriate ED use by elderly patients in this hospital was higher than in other countries. Keywords: Non-urgent, Prevalence, Visit, Main disease, Elderly patient, Emergency department

  4. Hearing of Mr. Francois Roussely, President of EdF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roussely, F.


    This document is the proceedings of the hearing of F. Roussely, President of Electricite de France (EdF), at the commission of economic affairs of the French house of commons, about the advisability of the construction of the EPR (European pressurized reactor) demonstration plant and about its possible financing by EdF. In a first part, F. Roussely recalls the European context of deregulation of energy markets and its impact of the French electric power industry (opening of the French market, industrial and social actions of EdF, need of a new generation of nuclear reactor, preservation of EdF's energy mix, warranty of public utility, un-bundling between energy trade and distribution, EdF's turnover and profitability, EdF's foreign daughter companies). In a second part, F. Roussely answers a series of questions asked by the different members of the commission concerning the different points presented in the first part. (J.S.)

  5. The ED use and non-urgent visits of elderly patients


    Gulacti, Umut; Lok, Ugur; Celik, Murat; Aktas, Nurettin; Polat, Haci


    Objective: To evaluate the use of the emergency department (ED) by elderly patients, their non-urgent visits and the prevalence of main disease for ED visits. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on patients aged 65 years and over who visited the ED of a tertiary care university hospital in Turkey between January 2015 and January 2016 retrospectively. Results: A total of 36,369 elderly patients who visited the ED were included in the study. The rate of ED visits by elderly patien...

  6. Valorizzazione e qualificazione di prodotti della pesca ed acquacoltura


    Olivieri, Vincenzo


    La ricerca ha valutato parametri sensoriali, fisici, chimici e microbiologici di orata (Sparus aurata) durante la conservazione in MAP. Campioni di pesce, ottenuti da 2 allevamenti off-shore situati rispettivamente nel Tirreno Settentrionale e nel Tirreno meridionale, sono stati analizzati dopo 1, 5, 7, 12, 15 e 19 giorni di stoccaggio. La valutazione sensoriale è stata effettuata utilizzando il Quality Index Method (QIM). Le analisi di tipo fisico, chimico e microbiologico sono state esegu...

  7. Cinema ed enogastronomia nel portale turistico della Regione Toscana


    Corinto, Gian Luigi


    Il presente lavoro tratta il caso della Regione Toscana che dal 2005 ha affidato alla Fondazione Sistema Toscana la missione di coordinare strategicamente le attività di promozione territoriale, tra cui le attività della film commission e del portale web dedicato al turismo. Lo scopo è quello di analizzare il modello di promozione degli itinerari enogastronomici e cinematografici come presentato dal portale turistico toscano. L'analisi dimostra che la scoperta dell'enogastronomia regionale è ...

  8. Voltage stability analysis considering the load dynamic characteristics and the voltage control devices; Analisis de estabilidad de voltaje considerando las caracteristicas dinamicas de la carga y dispositivos de control de voltaje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez Alvarez, Enrique


    de mediano plazo y se interpretan las caracteristicas de estabilidad en el contexto del estudio de sistemas complejos. La herramienta de analisis propuesta se basa en la nocion fisica de que el comportamiento de los sistemas de control de voltaje en los generadores es muy rapido respecto al comportamiento de la carga y tiene su principal aplicacion en el estudio preliminar de la estabilidad de voltaje de mediano y largo plazo. A partir de este modelo, se propone una herramienta analitica basada en la aplicacion de tecnicas de analisis lineal para abordar el problema de determinacion de areas criticas de voltaje y la contribucion de dispositivos de control al mejoramiento de la estabilidad de voltaje. Por ultimo, se presenta la aplicacion de los metodos de estudio propuestos al analisis de estabilidad de voltaje en una red electrica derivada del sistema Peninsular Mexicano. Se discute la influencia de dispositivos de control de voltaje en el fenomeno de estabilidad y se presenta una comparacion con los resultados obtenidos mediante otras tecnicas de analisis, especificamente, el estudio de curvas Q-V y el analisis modal de las ecuaciones de flujos de potencia.

  9. Analisis Derau dalam Perancangan Rangkaian Terintegrasi Op-Amp

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    Siti Sendari


    Full Text Available Perancangan IC Op-Amp, memerlukan spesifikasi-spesifikasi yang meliputi parameter proses dan parameter perancangan. Dalam menentukan parameter perancangan, derau merupakan suatu hal yang tidak bisa ditinggalkan, karena derau dapat menentukan keandalan perancangan. Untuk menganalisis derau pada IC Op-Amp langkah pertama yang harus diketahui adalah sumber-sumber derau, setelah itu dilakukan analisis derau baik secara teoritis maupun secara simulasi untuk mengetahui derau yang mungkin terjadi dalam perancangan IC, apakah sudah sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang ditentukan atau tidak. Untuk simulasi derau dapat dilakukan dengan program Spice.

  10. Pembelajaran Biokimia melalui Analisis Kasus-kasus Olahraga untuk Meningkatkan Sport Scientific Literaci Mahasiswa

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    - Erman


    Full Text Available Abstract: Biochemistry Teaching through Sport-case Analyses to Improve Students' Sport Scientific Literacy. This quasi-experimental study focuses on examining the effect of biochemistry teaching on students' sport scientific literacy (SSL. The study involved 107 students of a teacher training institution, selected using a stratified random sampling. The results of t-test utilizing pre-test and post-test control group design show that biochemistry teaching affects students' SSL, as indicated by the scores of the experimental group which were four times higher than those of the control group. The SSL level of the experimental group increased from level 2 (nominal and level 3 (functional to level 3 (functional, level 4 (conceptual, and level 5 (multidimensional. Abstrak: Pembelajaran Biokimia melalui Analisis Kasus-kasus Olahraga untuk Meningkatkan Sport Scientific Literaci Mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran biokimia melalui analisis kasus-kasus olahraga terhadap literasi sport scientific mahasiswa. Sebanyak 107 mahasiswa dari program studi ilmu keolahragaan sebuah LPTK di Surabaya dipilih sebagai sampel dengan menggunakan sampling random berstrata. Desain yang digunakan adalah desain pretest-posttest control group dari desain kuasi eksperimen. Data dianalisis dengan uji-t sampel independen. Hasil peneli­tian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran biokimia melalui analisis kasus-kasus olahraga merupakan suatu metode yang efektif untuk meningkatkan sport Scientific literacy (SSL mahasiswa. Rerata skor perolehan SSL yang diperoleh mahasiswa kelompok eksperimen sekitar 4 kali lebih tinggi daripada yang diperoleh mahasiswa kelompok kontrol. Tingkatan SSL mahasiswa naik dari level 2 (nominal dan level 3 (fungsional menjadi level 3 (fungsional, level 4 (konseptual, dan level 5 (multidimensional.

  11. Modeling boron separation from water by activated carbon, impregnated and unimpregnated

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ristic, M.; Grbavcic, Z. [Belgrade Univ., Belgrade (BA). Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy; Marinovic, V. [Belgrade Univ., Belgrade (BA). Ist. of Technical Science of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts


    The sorption of boron from boric acid water solution by impregnated activated carbon has been studied. Barium, calcium, mannitol, tartaric acid and citric acid were used as chemical active materials. All processes were performed in a chromatographic continuous system at 22{sup 0} C. Experimental results show that activated carbon impregnated with mannitol is effective in removing boron from water. The separation of boron from the wastewater from a factory for producing enameled dishes by activated carbon impregnated with mannitol was also performed. Two models have been applied to describe published and new data on boron sorption by impregnated activated carbon. Both of them are based on the analysis of boron concentration response to the step input function. This led to a mathematical model that quite successfully described impregnation effects on adsorption capacities. [Italian] E' stato studiato l'assorbimento del boro, mediante carbone attivo impregnato, da soluzioni acquose di acido borico. Quali materiali chimici attivi sono stati utilizzati: bario, calcio, mannitolo, acido tartarico ed acido citrico. Tutti i processi sono stati condotti in un sistema cromatografico continuo a 22{sup 0}C. I risultati sperimentali mostrano che il carbone attivo impregnato con mannitolo e' efficace nella rimozione del boro dall'acqua. E' anche stata effettuata la separazione del boro da acque di scarico di un'industria per la produzione di piatti smaltati mediante carbone attivo impregnato con mannitolo. Sono stati applicati due modelli per descrivere i risultati, pubblicati e nuovi, dell'assorbimento del boro mediante carbone attivo impregnato. Entrambi sono basati sull'analisi della risposta alla concentrazione di boro successivamente incrementata a stadi. Cio' porta ad un modello matematico che descrive abbastanza soddisfacentemente gli effetti dell'impregnazione sulla capacita' di assorbimento.

  12. The Impact of "ED" on Educational Research. (United States)

    Florio, David H.


    The purposes, structure, and component parts of the newly formed Department of Education (ED) organizations from which educational research programs will be administered are discussed. As the climate surrounding ED changes, opportunities to take advantage of the elevated status of research will be presented. (Author/RL)

  13. Emergency Department (ED, ED Observation, Day Hospital, and Hospital Admissions for Adults with Sickle Cell Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susan Silva


    Full Text Available Introduction: Use of alternative venues to manage uncomplicated vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC, such as a day hospital (DH or ED observation unit, for patients with sickle cell anemia, may significantly reduce admission rates, which may subsequently reduce 30-day readmission rates. Methods: In the context of a two-institution quality improvement project to implement best practices for management of patients with sickle cell disease (SCD VOC, we prospectively compared acute care encounters for utilization of 1 emergency department (ED; 2 ED observation unit; 3 DH, and 4 hospital admission, of two different patient cohorts with SCD presenting to our two study sites. Using a representative sample of patients from each institution, we also tabulated SCD patient visits or admissions to outside hospitals within 20 miles of the patients’ home institutions. Results: Over 30 months 427 patients (297 at Site 1 and 130 at Site 2 initiated 4,740 institutional visits, totaling 6,627 different acute care encounters, including combinations of encounters. The range of encounters varied from a low of 0 (203 of 500 patients [40.6%] at Site 1; 65 of 195 patients [33.3%] at Site 2, and a high of 152 (5/month acute care encounters for one patient at Site 2. Patients at Site 2 were more likely to be admitted to the hospital during the study period (88.4% vs. 74.4%, p=0.0011 and have an ED visit (96.9% vs. 85.5%, p=0.0002. DH was used more frequently at Site 1 (1.207 encounters for 297 patients at Site 1, vs. 199 encounters for 130 patients at Site 2, and ED observation was used at Site 1 only. Thirty-five percent of patients visited hospitals outside their home academic center. Conclusion: In this 30-month assessment of two sickle cell cohorts, healthcare utilization varied dramatically between individual patients. One cohort had more hospital admissions and ED encounters, while the other cohort had more day hospital encounters and used a sickle cell disease

  14. Identifiksi Sebaran Litologi berdasarkan Analisis Data Resistivitas di Gunung Wungkal


    Nurul Dzakiya; MGS. Dwiki Nugraha; Nenden L. Sidik; Trias Galena


    Analisis data untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran litologi yang memiliki potensi bahan galian industri di Daerah Gunung Wungkal Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan metode resistivitas dan survei geologi permukaan telah dilakukan. Hasil korelasi kedua data tersebut menunjukkan sebaran litologi merupakan pelapukan intrusi batuan beku yang kemudian menghasilkan material lempung (6,0-10 m), lempung pasiran (11-30 m) dan lapukan batuan diorit (30-55 m) yang berada di kedalaman berbeda. Ketebalan batuan di pe...

  15. Analisis Pemasaran Ayam Ras Pedaging di Pasar Tradisional Kota Medan


    Fachri, Yusrizal


    130306044 YUSRIZAL FACHRI, 2017. “Analisis Pemasaran Ayam Ras Pedaging di Pasar Tradisional Kota Medan”. Dibimbing oleh ARMYN HAKIM DAULAY dan NEVY DIANA HANAFI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik lembaga pemasaran, bentuk saluran, fungsi pemasaran, dan menganalisis nilai tambah di lembaga-lembaga pemasaran ayam ras pedaging di pasar tradisional Kota Medan pada April sampai Mei 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang didapatkan dari observasi dan waw...

  16. Analisis Kekuatan Struktur Pallet Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tria Mariz Arief


    Full Text Available Pallet sebagai suatu alat bantu untuk mempermudah proses bongkar-muat logistik. Palletdigunakan hampir dalam berbagai lingkungan transportasi logistik. Pada bahasan berikutdikhususkan dalam lingkup transportasi di dalam pesawat udara khususnya pada pesawatangkut militer. Di lingkungan militer pallet digunakan untuk transport logistik baik secara normalmuat (loading dan bongkar (unloading maupun kondisi bongkar dengan diterjunkan daripesawat udara. Untuk pemenuhan penggunaan tersebut dilakukan perancangan ulang (reverseengineering struktur pallet yang dapat dimanufaktur secara lokal. Hipotesis awal menunjukkanbahwa berdasarkan kondisi pembebanan pada pallet dapat diperkirakan bahwa kondisitegangan dan regangan maksimum akan terjadi pada posisi sudut struktur pallet yang ditransferbebannya ke komponen plat besi penahan siku-siku dan baut. Material yang digunakan padastruktur pallet adalah Allumunium Alloy 7075-T6 dengan kekuatan tarik sebesar 503 MPa.Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan simulasi numerik dengan metoda elemen hingga(FEM. Proses simulasi numerik kekuatan struktur pallet difokuskan pada pembebanan statis(termasuk pengaruh factor G dalam interval beban statis 4 ton sampai 7 ton. Analisis dilakukanpada perubahan variabel tegangan dan regangan terhadap variasi beban yang diberikan untukmendapatkan tingkat keamanan struktur (margin safety. Pemodelan dilakukan denganidealisasi model ¼ bagian menggunakan elemen terstruktur dengan jenis elemen hexahedral(brick dengan jumlah 73803 elemen dan 360323 node. Hasil analisis menunjukkan teganganekuivalen maksimum struktur Pallet adalah 94 MPa yang terjadi di penguat sudut (anglebracket. Sedangkan pada struktur penguat lapis (sandwich structure berbahan thick blockyang mempunyai kekuatan sebesar 20 MPa adalah sebesar 0.84 MPa. Tingkat keamanansecara keseluruhan struktur dengan mempertimbangkan factor G hingga 2 adalah 5.3.Kata kunci: Analisis struktur, pallet, logistik, reverse engineering, FEM

  17. Analisis Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja COBIT 4.1 pada Fakultas Teknik Undip

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    Arini Arumana


    Full Text Available Peran teknologi informasi dalam suatu instansi sudah tidak dapat dielakkan lagi, mengingat perkembangannya yang begitu pesat seiring berjalannya waktu. Namun masalah yang sering terjadi di instansi adalah penggunaan teknologi informasi yang kadang tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan tata kelola terhadap penggunaan teknologi informasi yang biasa disebut dengan IT Governance. Fakultas teknik UNDIP adalah salah satu fakultas yang dalam operasionalnya sangat mengandalkan teknologi informasi, baik dalam aktifitas belajar mengajar maupun dalam menjalankan operasional bisnis. Kondisi sekarang di Fakultas Teknik sendiri tidak terdapat suatu indikator yang dapat menyatakan bahwa kinerja TI yang berjalan telah sesuai dengan visi dan misi Fakultas Teknik, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis tata kelola teknologi informasi, guna mengetahui performa TI sekarang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan oleh managemen atau tidak. Hasil dari analisis ini berupa tingkat kematangan tata kelola TI yang mecerminkan kondisi tata kelola TI di Fakultas Teknik dengan mengacu pada maturity level yang disediakan kerangka kerja COBIT 4.1, yakni dari level 0 (non-existent sampai 5 (optimized. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, secara garis besar kondisi kematangan tata kelola TI Fakultas Teknik berada pada level 2 yakni repeatable but intuitive. Kondisi ini mengacu pada beberapa kelemahan dalam proses-proses TI yang berjalan, diantaranya penetapan dan dokumentasi tindakan, kebijakan dan prosedur yang minim, serta tidak tersedianya service level yang disetujui bersama.

  18. Analysis of the methods for the achievement of comfort conditions of humidity and temperature in energetically efficient designs; Analisis de los mtodos para lograr condiciones de confort higrotermico en disenos energeticamente eficientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mesa A., N. A.; Morillon G., D. [Division de Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico)


    This paper presents the analysis of the tools commonly utilized in Bioclimatic Design, for the achievement of humidity an temperature comfort conditions in architectonic spaces. The analysis was performed by means of field studies and experimentally for different sport activities, carried out in spaces designed for each purpose. In the experimental part, inside ambient temperature and relative humidity were measured in the different spaces where sport activities were conducted, such as calisthenics, dance, judo, wrestling, weight lifting, boxing, basket-ball, volley-ball, gymnastics and fencing. At the same time an inquiry was conducted among their occupants in respect to the thermal sensation they experimented while conducting such activities. The results obtained in the inquiry were compared with the results reported by other researchers, by means of tables and psychometric diagrams as optimum values for temperature comfort. As a conclusion it was decided that the graphic and mathematical methods analyzed, are based on a sedentary activity, therefore in using them for the design of spaces for different activities uncomfortable conditions are experimented with the consequential necessity of air conditioning, which implies energy consumption and the corresponding expenditure, lastly it is necessary to adapt these tools, that is, consider the activity that is going to be performed in the buildings. [Espanol] En este documento se presenta el analisis de las herramientas, comunmente utilizadas en Diseo Bioclimatico, para lograr el confort higrotermico de espacios arquitectonicos, el analisis se realizo mediante estudios de campo y experimental, para diversas actividades deportivas, llevadas a cabo en espacios disenados para ello. En la parte experimental, se tomaron mediciones de temperatura y humedad relativa internas, de los distintos espacios en los cuales se desarrollaban las actividades deportivas, tales como calistenia, danza, judo, lucha, trabajo con pesas

  19. Analysis of the methods for the achievement of comfort conditions of humidity and temperature in energetically efficient designs; Analisis de los mtodos para lograr condiciones de confort higrotermico en disenos energeticamente eficientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mesa A, N A; Morillon G, D [Division de Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico)


    This paper presents the analysis of the tools commonly utilized in Bioclimatic Design, for the achievement of humidity an temperature comfort conditions in architectonic spaces. The analysis was performed by means of field studies and experimentally for different sport activities, carried out in spaces designed for each purpose. In the experimental part, inside ambient temperature and relative humidity were measured in the different spaces where sport activities were conducted, such as calisthenics, dance, judo, wrestling, weight lifting, boxing, basket-ball, volley-ball, gymnastics and fencing. At the same time an inquiry was conducted among their occupants in respect to the thermal sensation they experimented while conducting such activities. The results obtained in the inquiry were compared with the results reported by other researchers, by means of tables and psychometric diagrams as optimum values for temperature comfort. As a conclusion it was decided that the graphic and mathematical methods analyzed, are based on a sedentary activity, therefore in using them for the design of spaces for different activities uncomfortable conditions are experimented with the consequential necessity of air conditioning, which implies energy consumption and the corresponding expenditure, lastly it is necessary to adapt these tools, that is, consider the activity that is going to be performed in the buildings. [Espanol] En este documento se presenta el analisis de las herramientas, comunmente utilizadas en Diseo Bioclimatico, para lograr el confort higrotermico de espacios arquitectonicos, el analisis se realizo mediante estudios de campo y experimental, para diversas actividades deportivas, llevadas a cabo en espacios disenados para ello. En la parte experimental, se tomaron mediciones de temperatura y humedad relativa internas, de los distintos espacios en los cuales se desarrollaban las actividades deportivas, tales como calistenia, danza, judo, lucha, trabajo con pesas


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    Desak Made Citrawathi


    Full Text Available melakukan analisis kebutuhan untuk pengembangan dan penyusunan modul inkuri berbasis pertanyaan (MIBP. MIBP disusun untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran sains agar dapat meningkatkan penguasaan konsep biologi, keterampilan proses sains, dan kemampuan berpikir siswa SMP. Pengembangan MIBP menggunakan model ADDIE. Prosedur pengembangan terdiri dari 5 tahap, yaitu 1 Menganalisis, 2 Mendisain, 3 Mengembangkan dan produksi, 4 Mengimplementasikan, dan 5 Mengevaluasi. Penelitian dilakukan dalam waktu 3 tahun. Pada tahun pertama ini dilakukan analisis kebutuhan dan mendisain MIBP. Subjek penelitian adalah guru IPA SMP Negeri dan Swasta di Kecamatan Buleleng. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, penyebaran angket, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan interpretatif. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa kurikulum yang digunakan di SMPN 1,SMPN 2, dan SMPN 4 adalah kurikulum 2013, sedangkan di SMP lainnya masih menggunakan kurikulum 2006. Kemampuan guru bertanya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains, penguasaan konsep, dan kemampuan berpikir belum optimal. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan guru 85,8 persen bersifat konvergen, dan 14,2 persen bersifat divergen. Berdasarkan pertanyaan menurut Taksonomi Bloom, pertanyaan yang diajukan guru 74,4 persen pertanyaan ingatan, 22,6 persen pemahaman, 2,68 persen aplikasi, dan 0,32 persen analisis. Salah satu yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru adalah memfasilitasi pembelajarannya dengan MIBP. Dari karakteristik perkembangan kognitifnya, siswa SMP dapat dibelajarkan dengan strategi inkuiri, dan guru setuju dengan pengembangan MIBP. Kata kunci: Kemampuan berpikir, keterampilan proses sains, Modul Inkuiri Berbasis Pertanyaan, penguasaan konsep Pertanyaan, penguasaan konsep Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the need for the development and preparation of question-based inquiry module (QBIM. QBIM was designed conceiv to

  1. Elaborazione dei dati sperimentali

    CERN Document Server

    Dapor, Maurizio


    L'analisi statistica dei dati sperimentali, la loro elaborazione ed una corretta stima degli errori sono conoscenze necessarie agli studenti di fisica, biologia, chimica, ingegneria e dei corsi di specializzazione tecnico-scientifici in cui è richiesta pratica di laboratorio. Chi si occupa di problemi tecnici e di misure, per studio o per lavoro, deve possedere gli strumenti matematici di calcolo e di analisi necessari ad una corretta interpretazione dei dati sperimentali. Il testo fornisce in modo sintetico, chiaro ed esaustivo, tutte le nozioni e le conoscenze utili allo scopo. Gli argomenti sono esposti in modo rigoroso ma fluido e vengono introdotti con gradualità. Sono riportati i teoremi e le formule essenziali per una completa comprensione evitando, tuttavia, eccessivi appesantimenti matematici. Il libro è stato pensato per consentire ai docenti di scegliere autonomamente gli esperimenti per l'applicazione delle nozioni studiate.

  2. EDS Coal Liquefaction Process Development. Phase V. Laboratory evaluation of the characteristics of EDS Illinois bottoms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lao, T C; Levasseur, A A


    This interim report documents work carried out by Combustion Engineering, Inc. under a contract to Exxon Research and Engineering Company to develop a conceptual Hybrid Boiler design fueled by the vacuum distillation residue (vacuum bottoms) derived from Illinois No. 6 coal in the EDS Coal Liquefaction Process. This report was prepared by Combustion Engineering, Inc., and is the first of two reports on the predevelopment phase of the Hybrid Boiler program. This report covers the results of a laboratory investigation to assess the fuel and ash properties of EDS vacuum bottoms. The results of the laboratory testing reported here were used in conjunction with Combustion Engineering's design experience to predict fuel performance and to develop appropriate boiler design parameters. These boiler design parameters were used to prepare the engineering design study reported in EDS Interim Report FE-2893-113, the second of the two reports on the predevelopment phase of the Hybrid Boiler Program. 46 figures, 29 tables.


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    Muhammad Zaenuri


    Full Text Available Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah 1. Komoditas tanaman bahan makanan unggulan apa saja yang ada di masing-masing kecamatan di Kabupaten Boyolali, 2 Bagaimana strategi perencanaan pengembangan subsektor tanaman bahan makanan dilihat dari kelengkapan infrastruktur di Kabupaten Boyolali, 3 Bagaimana laju pertumbuhan sektor tanaman bahan makanan yang dimiliki tiap kecamatan di Kabupaten Boyolali. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis Location Quotient (LQ, Shift Share (SS, Klassen Typologi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis Location Quotient (LQ diketahui pengembangan komoditas padi terdapat di Kecamatan Ngemplak, Kecamatan Banyudono, Kecamatan Sawit. Komoditas tanaman jagung terdapat di Kecamatan Selo, Kecamatan Ampel, Kecamatan Cepogo dan Kecamatan Musuk. Komoditas ubi kayu di Kecamatan Klego, kecamatan Simo. Komoditas ubi jalar di Kecamatan Selo, Kecamatan Simo dan Kecamatan Mojosongo. Komoditas kacang tanah ada di Kecamatan Boyolali dan Kecamatan Nogosari. Komoditas kedelai di Kecamatan Juwangi, Kecamatan Sambi, Kecamatn Kemusu dan Kecamatan Wonosegoro. The problems that were in this research is 1 Commodities food plants seed material what it was in each carpel kecamatan in kabupaten boyolali, 2 how strategy sub planning the development of the food crops sector seen from the completeness of the infrastructure in boyolali district, 3 how sector growth rate of plants of food material possessed every sub-district in boyolali district. The data used was secondary data. Data analysis methods using analysis loqation quotient (LQ, shift share (SS, klassen typologi . According to the research using analysis loqation quotient (LQ development rice is in in ngemplak, in banyudono, in palm. Corn is crops in district violoncello, in ampel, in cepogo and in musuk. Commodities cassava in district klego, in simo. Commodities sweet potatoes in in violoncello, in simo and


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    Kartika Kirana


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kecamatan Genuk merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang endemis DBD di Kota Semarang. Secara berturut-turut sejak tahun 2012 hingga 2014, Kecamatan Genuk masuk sebagai tiga besar kasus DBD terbanyak. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian DBD adalah faktor lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran dari hasil analisis spasial faktor lingkungan dengan kejadian DBD di Kecamatan Genuk. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Fokus penelitian ini adalah kondisi SPAL, penumpukan ban bekas dan sumur gali. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Genuk (Kelurahan Genuksari, Karangroto, Bangetayu Kulon dan Banjardowo pada bulan Maret 2016. Instrumen meliputi lembar observasi, peta lokasi, Global Positioning System (GPS, alat fotografi dan AcrGIS. Analisis data menggunakan SIG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kejadian DBD menggerombol pada beberapa RW yang berdekatan dengan keberadaan penumpukan ban bekas sekitar permukiman dan sumur gali terbuka.   Kata Kunci        : demam berdarah (DBD, lingkungan, analisis spasial     ABSTRACT Genukis one of dengue fever endemic district in Semarang city. Since 2012 until 2014, Genuk involve as the place that has high incidence of Dengue Fever. One of the factors in the incidence Dengue Fever areenvironmental factors.The goals of this research wasto analize spatial environmental factorsin the incidence Dengue Fever in Genukdistrict. This was a quantitative descriptive research with descriptive survey. The unit this research was water puddle on the pilling of the tire, the dug wells, and waste water pipeline that located in Genuk District (Subdistrict of Genuksari, Karangroto, Bangetayu Kulon and Banjardowo at March 2016. The instruments were paper of observation,the  map, GPS, camera and ArcGIS. Data was analyzed with GIS. The study showed that dengue fever transmission was inthe area with pilling of the tire, and the dug wells.   Keywords

  5. Profiling, analisi delle prestazioni e proposte per l'ottimizzazione del RDBMS MySQL utilizzato dal progetto DIRAC/LHCbDIRAC

    CERN Document Server

    Mesin, Alberto

    Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi riguarda lo studio, l'analisi e la formula- zione di proposte per il miglioramento del database di back-end del progetto DIRAC/LHCbDIRAC. LHCbDIRAC, basato su DIRAC, e il sistema di sot- tomissione per l'accesso all'infrastruttura distribuita Grid per l'esperimento LHCb del CERN. Ad esso e adata la gestione dei job di Produzione, Mer- ge, Ricostruzione degli Eventi e Analisi per i dati sperimentali e simulati. Il sistema utilizza un RDBMS MySQL per la gestione di numerosi databa- se. La volonta di passare ad un motore relazionale e transazionale per la denizione schemi e la possibilita che, in un recente futuro, il DBMS possa rappresentare un serio limite alle prestazioni del sistema stesso hanno reso necessario questo studio. Il lavoro svolto si e concentrato sul proling di un singolo schema relazionale per il quale sono stati utilizzati metodi di analisi e fornite soluzioni ai problemi riscontrati il quanto piu possibile generali e per tanto validi per l'intero sistema. L...

  6. Ed overcrowding – matematic models for integrated solutions and decisions




    Dear Editor In Chief, We are writing to You in line with an very interesting point of view regarding the Emergency Department (ED) development. The paper titled Improving Emergency Department Capacity Efficiency, published in your Journal 2016; 12(1): 52- 57, as an original articles, spotlight solution for ED crowding. So we are proposing a mathematics models for reciprocal accommodation of patients flows to the response capacity of the ED. ED overcrowding ...

  7. Il difficile cammino dell’analisi musicale in Italia

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    Claudio Annibaldi


    Full Text Available Si immaginino gli atti d’un convegno sull’analisi musicale che abbia avuto luogo in un paese come la Francia, la Germania, l’ Inghilterra o gli Stati Uniti. Potrebbe mai accadere che essi vengano pubblicati sostituendo il discorso ufficiale d’apertura dei lavori con un testo tutto nuovo epperò simulante d’esser quello effettivamente pronunciato dall’autore? E potrebbe mai accadere - essendo costui un noto critico musicale e il direttore della collana editoriale comprendente gli atti in questione - che questo nuovo testo sia da lui dedicato a uno sfoggio della propria competenza analitica capace solo di esibire una visione dilettantesca della tecnica musicale tout court? Penso proprio di no. Eppure questo è accaduto in Italia non molti anni fa, quando le Edizioni Unicopli pubblicarono, nella collana dei "Quaderni di Musica/Realtà", gli atti di un convegno sull’analisi musicale tenuto nel 1989 a Reggio Emilia: il primo del genere negli annali della musicologia italiana. L’episodio rende bene l’idea dei pericoli incombenti sul cammino di quegli studiosi che, a far data dal convegno suddetto, si sono adoperati a che la pratica analitica acquisisse anche da noi la dignità scientifica di cui gode, appunto, in paesi come la Francia, la Germania, l’Inghilterra o gli Stati Uniti. Quei pericoli si chiamano ‘dilettantismo tecnico’, ‘arroganza intellettuale’, ‘ vezzo d’ imporre l’uno e l’altra grazie a un qualche tipo di potere personale’, ‘necessità di subire tale imposizione in cambio di qualche vantaggio pratico’.

  8. Analisis Algoritma Pergantian Cache Pada Proxy Web Server Internet Dengan Simulasi


    Nurwarsito, Heru


    Pertumbuhan jumlah client internet dari waktu ke waktu terus bertambah, maka respon akses internet menjadi semakin lambat. Untuk membantu kecepatan akses tersebut maka diperlukan cache pada Proxy Server. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis performansi Proxy Server pada Jaringan Internet terhadap penggunaan algoritma pergantian cache-nya.Analisis Algoritma Pergantian Cache Pada Proxy Server didesain dengan metoda pemodelan simulasi jaringan internet yang terdiri dari Web server, Proxy ...


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    Erni Muliana


    Full Text Available Pembelian kebutuhan perjalanan wisata secara online merupakan bagian dari transaksi business to-customer (B2C. Produk yang ditawarkan biasanya terdiri dari: pemesanan paket wisata, penjualan tiket pesawat dan kereta api, kamar hotel dan penyewaan transportasi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mendorong wisatawan melakukan keputusan pembelian tiket pesawat melalui mobile booking pada situs serta faktor yang paling banyak berkontribusi dalam menentukan keputusan pembelian tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner online dan kuesioner yang disebarkan secara langsung (offline kepada 250 responden, penentuan responden ditetapaka menggunakn metode purposive sampling, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis faktor. Hasil analisis faktor yang didapatakan menjelaskan 67,066% dari keseluruhan total variance, dan hasil analisis data menunjukkan empat faktor terbentuk yang mendorong wisatawan melakukan keputusan pembelian tiket pesawat melalui mobile booking pada situs, yaitu: kemudahan dan sistem informasi website (24,396 %, pelayanan konsumen/customer service (15,211%, citra perusahaan (14,681 %, dan motivasi pembelian (12,779%, adapun faktor yang paling berkontribusi dalam mendorong wisatawan melakukan keputusan pembelian tiket pesawat melalui mobile booking pada situs adalah faktor terbentuk yang memiliki faktor laoding tertinggi dari keseluruhan faktor yang terbentuk, yaitu faktor “Kemudahan dan Sistem Informasi Website”, faktor ini terdiri dari 13 variabel yakni: (1 Kemudahan pencarian situs web, (2 kecepatan waktu mengakses (load time, (3 nama domain perusahaan, (4 kemudahan pemesanan, (5 Informasi yang lengkap, (6 Informasi yang akurat, (7 Informasi yang menarik, (8 Pemaparan informasi yang tepat, (9 Ketersediaan dan aksesibilitas, (10 Harga yang kompetitif, (11 Pengalaman secara keseluruhan, (12 Keamanan data

  10. Electrostatic-Dipole (ED) Fusion Confinement Studies (United States)

    Miley, George H.; Shrestha, Prajakti J.; Yang, Yang; Thomas, Robert


    The Electrostatic-Dipole (ED) concept significantly differs from a "pure" dipole confinement device [1] in that the charged particles are preferentially confined to the high-pressure region interior of the dipole coil by the assistance of a surrounding spherical electrostatic grid. In present ED experiments, a current carrying coil is embedded inside the grid of an IEC such as to produce a magnetic dipole field. Charged particles are injected axisymmetrically from an ion gun (or duo-plasmatron) into the center of the ED confinement grid/dipole ring where they oscillate along the magnetic field lines and pass the peak field region at the center of the dipole region. As particles begin accelerating away from the center region towards the outer electrostatic grid region, they encounter a strong electrostatic potential (order of 10's of kilovolts) retarding force. The particles then decelerate, reverse direction and re-enter the dipole field region where again magnetic confinement dominates. This process continues, emulating a complex harmonic oscillator motion. The resulting pressure profile averaged over the field curvature offers good plasma stability in the ED configuration. The basic concept and results from preliminary experiments will be described. [1] M.E. Mauel, et al. "Dipole Equilibrium and Stability," 18th IAEA Conference of Plasma Phys. and Control. Nuclear Fusion, Varenna, Italy 2000, IAEA-F1-CN-70/TH


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    Maxsi Ary


    Full Text Available Abstract - Object Clustering is one of the object mining process which aims to partition an existing object into one or more cluster objects based on their characteristics. Private Universities is one of the alternatives for the community colleges to meet increased demand for educational needs. The number of private colleges, especially in Bandung and generally in Indonesia is quite a lot. The number of colleges and universities means used to attract prospective students to be an interesting thing to study. As a reason for the intense competition in the search for new students, no doubt there are some ways that actually do not need to be done. Issues raised, namely classify new students of characteristics in selecting a course using cluster analysis. Data obtained from the questionnaire prospective new students in February 2014 Data processing using SPSS. The results using analysis SPSS aiming easier to describe the characteristics of each group of new students in choosing courses. Keywords: Clustering, characteristics of students, courses, cluster analysis Abstrak - Pengelompokan Objek (object clustering adalah salah satu proses dari objek mining yang bertujuan untuk mempartisi objek yang ada kedalam satu atau lebih cluster objek berdasarkan karakteristiknya. Perguruan tinggi swasta merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi alternatif bagi masyarakat untuk menghadapi peningkatan permintaan terhadap kebutuhan pendidikan. Jumlah perguruan tinggi swasta khususnya di Bandung dan umumnya di Indonesia berjumlah cukup banyak. Jumlah perguruan tinggi dan cara yang digunakan perguruan tinggi untuk menarik minat calon mahasiswa menjadi hal yang menarik untuk dikaji. Sebagai alasan ketatnya persaingan dalam mencari calon mahasiswa baru, tidak dipungkiri terdapat beberapa cara yang dilakukan yang sebetulnya tidak perlu dilakukan. Persoalan yang dikemukakan yaitu mengklasifikasikan karakteristik mahasiawa baru dalam memilih program studi menggunakan analisis

  12. Vibration analysis to characterize the behavior of fracture rotors operating in line; Analisis de vibracion para caracterizar el comportamiento de rotores fracturados operando en linea

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Illescas, Rafael


    , in other words. Unstable response behavior is quite sensitive to such nonlinear parameters. A general overview in this area is presented as a part of a multidisciplinary study. [Spanish] En este trabajo se presenta un analisis en tres enfoques: teorico, numerico y experimental, del comportamiento dinamico y de la estabilidad vibratoria de un sistema rotor chumacera conteniendo una grieta transversal localizada a medio tramo de la longitud axial del eje. La presencia de una grieta transversal es considerada mediante la modelacion de la variacion periodica de la rigidez estructural del rotor, la cual se expresa en funcion del tiempo (o posicion angular). El amortiguamiento del sistema incluye un amortiguamiento externo debido al fluido dentro del cual se encuentra el rotor girando y, el mas significativamente, un amortiguamiento viscoso originado por la pelicula de aceite en las chumaceras. El problema en estudio consiste en un rotor extendido del tipo Jeffcott, el cual tiene un disco al centro y chumaceras hidrodinamicas identicas en los dos extremos. Un aspecto innovador que aumenta la complejidad del analisis es que se incluye el efecto que tiene la masa del eje en cada una de las chumaceras en los extremos, ademas del efecto obvio de la masa del disco. Se hace una analisis numerico de la estabilidad lineal del sistema incluyendo todos los aspectos mencionados mediante la teoria de Floquet. Algunos resultados son comparados con los obtenidos por otros investigadores en este campo como Gasch, Meng y otros. El sistema parametricamente excitado resultante es analizado utilizado una solucion de perturbacion lineal del sistema. El sistema de ecuaciones se encuentra utilizando terminos complejos y ha sido representado y escrito en programas de computo en MATLAB desarrollados por el autor de la tesis para calcular la estabilidad lineal del problema. Varias configuraciones de rotores simples y reales son estudiados con el fin de ilustrar las propiedades basicas de rotores

  13. TaEDS1 genes positively regulate resistance to powdery mildew in wheat. (United States)

    Chen, Guiping; Wei, Bo; Li, Guoliang; Gong, Caiyan; Fan, Renchun; Zhang, Xiangqi


    Three EDS1 genes were cloned from common wheat and were demonstrated to positively regulate resistance to powdery mildew in wheat. The EDS1 proteins play important roles in plant basal resistance and TIR-NB-LRR protein-triggered resistance in dicots. Until now, there have been very few studies on EDS1 in monocots, and none in wheat. Here, we report on three common wheat orthologous genes of EDS1 family (TaEDS1-5A, 5B and 5D) and their function in powdery mildew resistance. Comparisons of these genes with their orthologs in diploid ancestors revealed that EDS1 is a conserved gene family in Triticeae. The cDNA sequence similarity among the three TaEDS1 genes was greater than 96.5%, and they shared sequence similarities of more than 99.6% with the respective orthologs from diploid ancestors. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the EDS1 family originated prior to the differentiation of monocots and dicots, and EDS1 members have since undergone clear structural differentiation. The transcriptional levels of TaEDS1 genes in the leaves were obviously higher than those of the other organs, and they were induced by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) infection and salicylic acid (SA) treatment. The BSMV-VIGS experiments indicated that knock-down the transcriptional levels of the TaEDS1 genes in a powdery mildew-resistant variety of common wheat compromised resistance. Contrarily, transient overexpression of TaEDS1 genes in a susceptible common wheat variety significantly reduced the haustorium index and attenuated the growth of Bgt. Furthermore, the expression of TaEDS1 genes in the Arabidopsis mutant eds1-1 complemented its susceptible phenotype to powdery mildew. The above evidences strongly suggest that TaEDS1 acts as a positive regulator and confers resistance against powdery mildew in common wheat.

  14. Study of the effects of {gamma}-radiation followed by chlorination with hypochlorite on coliforms in sterile buffered samples

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tata, A.; Festinesi, A.; Rosa, R.; Adamo, A.; Rossi, G. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Innovazione


    Radiation and chlorination combined treatment of water samples is investigated in order to evaluate the disinfecting efficacy, observing the growth of reference organisms. [Italiano] Nel presente lavoro sono illustrati i risultati delle analisi condotte su campioni di acqua sottoposti a trattamento combinato con radiazioni e clorazione, al fine di valutare l`efficacia mediante l`osservazione della crescita di organismi di riferimento.

  15. Procedimiento de estabilizacion de mercurio liquido mediante cemento polimerico de azufre,via sulfuro de mercurio


    López Gómez, Félix Antonio; López-Delgado, Aurora; Alguacil, Francisco José; Alonso Gámez, Manuel


    Procedimiento para la estabilización de mercurio líquido mediante la obtención de cementos poliméricos de azufre que comprende: (a) transformación del mercurio líquido en sulfuro de mercurio (metacinabrio) mediante reacción química, en condiciones estequiométricas, entre el mercurio y el azufre elemental; y (b) obtención de cemento polimérico de azufre mediante la incorporación el sulfuro de mercurio obtenido en la etapa anterior, en una mezcla estable constituida por áridos, azufre elemental...


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    Bambang Susanto


    pendahuluan agar manfaatnya jauh lebih besar dari biaya yang dikeluarkan. Oleh sebab itu untuk kepentingan ilmiah perlu dilakukan kajian akademisnya berupa Analisis kelayakan Finansial. Berdasarkan analisis kelayakan keuangan   ,dapat  disimpulkan bahwa wisata air di Waduk jatigede Kabupaten Sumedang  memberikan manfaat yang lebih dibandingkan dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan . ini dapat dilihat dari hasil analisis net present value yang positif, internal rate of return yang lebih besar dari tingkat bunga bank serta benefit cost yang lebih besar dari satu. Kata Kunci: Kelayakan Finansial; Wisata Air.

  17. Metode Pengumpulan dan Analisis Data : Lang Kah Vital Proses Penelitian


    Suprapto, Agus .


    The process of data collection and. analysis is one of chains in scientific method that should be done in a research. This part later on will determine the right method in searching and analyzing a way in solving a problem. The data collected should be the ones which are relevant which the essence of research problems, so that the next interpreted data will eventually be concluded as valid. keywords: Pengumpulan data, analisis data,dan metode ilmiah

  18. Moments of disaster response in the emergency department (ED). (United States)

    Hammad, Karen S; Arbon, Paul; Gebbie, Kristine; Hutton, Alison


    We experience our lives as a series of memorable moments, some good and some bad. Undoubtedly, the experience of participating in disaster response, is likely to stand out as a memorable moment in a nurses' career. This presentation will describe five distinct moments of nursing in the emergency department (ED) during a disaster response. A Hermeneutic Phenomenological approach informed by van Manen underpins the research process. Thirteen nurses from different countries around the world participated in interviews about their experience of working in the ED during a disaster. Thematic analysis resulted in five moments of disaster response which are common to the collective participant experience. The 5 themes emerge as Notification (as a nurse finds out that the ED will be receiving casualties), Waiting (waiting for the patients to arrive to the ED), Patient Arrival (the arrival of the first patients to the ED), Caring for patients (caring for people affected by the disaster) and Reflection (the moment the disaster response comes to an end). This paper provides an in-depth insight into the experience of nursing in the ED during a disaster response which can help generate awareness and inform future disaster preparedness of emergency nurses. Crown Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Text Mining Untuk Analisis Sentimen Review Film Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means


    Setyo Budi


    Kemudahan manusia didalam menggunakan website mengakibatkan bertambahnya dokumen teks yang berupa pendapat dan informasi. Dalam waktu yang lama dokumen teks akan bertambah besar. Text mining merupakan salah satu teknik yang digunakan untuk menggali kumpulan dokumen text sehingga dapat diambil intisarinya. Ada beberapa algoritma yang di gunakan untuk penggalian dokumen untuk analisis sentimen, salah satunya adalah K-Means. Didalam penelitian ini algoritma yang digunakan adalah K-Means. Hasil p...


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    Fadhillah Azmi


    Full Text Available Komunikasi adalah proses dasar dari pertukaran informasi. Efektifitas komunikasikomputer secara umum adalah melalui internet atau beberapa saluran komunikasi lainnya.Tujuan utama tulisan ini adalah berdasarkan pada analisis hasil yang diberikan Weinermengatakan bahwa jika private key d digunakan dalam algoritma kriptografi RSA kurang darin292, maka sistem tersebut kurang aman. Di sini penulis menganalisa pada hasil yang diberikanoleh Weiner dan mencoba untuk meningkatkan range dari private key d sampai n0.5. Karena nadalah perkalian p dan q, yang mana bilangan relative prima. Sehingga mempengaruhi kinerjaenkripsi algoritma yang lebih aman.

  1. Método de eliminación de trihalometanos y/o contaminantes emergentes mediante plasma


    Erra Serrabasa, Pilar; Jover Comas, Eric; Molina Mansilla, Ricardo; Bertrán Serra, Enric; Bayona Termens, Josep María; Reyes Contreras, Carolina


    Método de eliminación de trihalometanos y/o contaminantes emergentes mediante plasma. Se describe un método de eliminación de trihalometanos y contaminantes refractarios en medios acuosos mediante la aplicación directa de plasma para conseguir la degradación de los compuestos contaminantes presentes en el agua.


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    Aa Juhanda


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemunculan soal jenjang kognitif Bloom Revisi pada Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE Biologi SMA. Subjek penelitian adalah 1.650 soal yang terdapat pada BSE Edisi 2009. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar analisis dokumen yang di dalamnya memuat informasi seperti kode soal, soal, dan jenis tingkatan kognitif taksonomi Bloom Revisi. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata persentase kemunculan cukup tinggi diperoleh pada soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat rendah (Lower-Order Thinking Skills yaitu soal C1 (mengingat sebesar 46,60% dan C2 (memahami sebesar 47,99%, meskipun untuk C3 (menerapkan persentasenya masih rendah (0,28%. Rerata persentase kemunculan soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan tingkat tinggi (Higher-Order Thinking Skills mulai dari soal C4 (menganalisis sampai dengan C6 (mencipta memiliki rerata persentase yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, kemunculan soal jenjang kognitif Bloom Revisi pada BSE khususnya yang mengembangkan Higher-Order Thinking Skills masih perlu untuk ditingkatkan.

  3. Deteksi Kerusakan Batang Rotor Pada Motor Induksi Menggunakan Analisis Arus Mula Berbasis Hilbert Transform

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    Isti Qomah


    Full Text Available Kerusakan batang rotor merupakan salah satu jenis kerusakan pada motor induksi yang dapat menyebabkan masalah serius. Kerusakan tersebut dapat mencapai 5% - 10% dari seluruh kasus gangguan motor induksi. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya diagnosis awal yang mendeteksi adanya gangguan pada rotor motor induksi, agar dapat dilakukan perbaikan lebih cepat dan tanggap sebelum terjadi gangguan yang lebih besar. Tugas Akhir ini membahas terkait teknik deteksi kerusakan batang rotor pada motor induksi dengan menggunakan analisis arus mula. Sistem yang digunakan berbasis  decomposition wavelet transform terlebih dahulu kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis berbasis hilbert transform sebagai perangkat pengolahan sinyal sehingga mampu mendeteksi motor dalam keadaan sehat atau mengalami kerusakan. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dalam beberapa kondisi, yaitu kondisi tanpa beban dan berbeban. Selain itu, kondisi yang diberikan adalah kecacatan mulai dai 1BRB hingga 3BRB. Hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa decomposition wavelet transform dan Hilbert transform mampu mendeteksi perbedaan kondisi pada motor induksi normal ataupun rusak pada batang rotor.

  4. Modelado de un amortiguador magneto-reológico mediante EcosimPro


    Rodríguez Cadenas, Rubén


    El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de una librería en la herramienta de modelado y simulación EcosimPro enfocada a amortiguadores magneto‐reológicos. El modelado y simulación mediante cualquier herramienta informática permite la obtención de datos y el desarrollo de componentes con un coste inferior al que habría que invertir mediante una experimentación real. Además, permite llevar el componente hasta el límite sin el riesgo de romperlo o dejarlo inutilizable. Por tanto, se puede de...

  5. Analisis Arus Kas Terkait Kebijakan Uang Kuliah Tunggal di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum

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    Surtiati Surtiati


    Full Text Available The aims of the research were to analyze cash flow and compare tuition income in a State University with Legal Entity of “XYZ” for its first year TPB students (the First Common Year and of the first year until the fourth year before and after implementation of the single tuition fee system and formulate the management policies for the tuition income after the single tuition fee system. Analysis of cash flows consisted of cash ratio, quick ratio and current ratio. Paired t-test was used to analyze differences between single tuition fee income and non single tuition fee income. Based on the cash flow analysis, it is found that the University of “XYZ” has a liquid financial condition. The significant difference is, moreover, detected from the paired t-test analysis between single and non single tuition fee of total income from the first year student tuition. However, there is no difference detected when the analysis was conducted for total income from all four year tuitions. Management policies tuition income after the single tuition fee system payment delays should be minimized so that tuition fee funds can be completely collected. The allocation of fees to the faculty/department was originally based on the BPMP, and BPMK uses a tariff system so that cost per subject does not necessarily correspond with the needs. This is not in accordance with the single tuition fee system that is based on the unit cost. This means that the cost of the course is based on real needs, not based on the rates set.Keywords: cash flow analysis, state university with legal entity, single tuition feeABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis arus kas, mengkaji perbedaan penerimaan SPP S1 Reguler satu tahun pertama bagi mahasiswa TPB dan tahun pertama sampai tahun ke empat sebelum dan sesudah kebijakan UKT di PTN Badan Hukum “XYZ. Selanjutnmya, merumuskan kebijakan pengelolaan SPP S1 reguler sesudah UKT. Analisis arus kas terdiri dari rasio kas, rasio cepat

  6. Household appliance data collection and market survey in central and eastern european countries; Raccolta dati e analisi del mercato sugli apparecchi elettrodomestici nei paesi dell'Europa centrale e orientale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Presutto, M. [ENEA, Funzione Centrali Studi, Centro Ricerche Ispra, Vercelli (Italy); Ricci, A. [Istituto di Studi per l' Integrazione dei Sistemi, Rome (Italy); Meli, L. [ANIE, Federazione delle Imprese Elettrotecniche ed Elettroniche, International Affaires Direction, Milan (Italy)


    legate all'efficienza energetica e alla compatibilita' ambientale di questi prodotti e dall'altro per identificare possibili scenari di miglioramento. Viene qui descritto il lavoro svolto, con particolare attenzione alla raccolta dati e all'analisi del mercato e i principali risultati ottenuti. L'esperienza acquisita dall'ENEA e piu' in generale dal Gruppo di Lavoro Italiano potrebbe essere messa a frutto nei paesi dell'America Latina, dove progetti simili potrebbero supportare la definizione di misure per il miglioramento dell'efficienza energetica degli usi finali elettrici. La disponibilita' di dati attendibili e' infatti essenziale al superamento delle barriere all'introduzione di qualsiasi politica energetica. L'efficace implementazione e l'armonizzazione regionale di politiche e misure sono estremamente importanti nell'America del Sud, anche se difficili da perseguire e la cooperazione internazionale e' fondamentale. L'approccio sviluppato con i progetti SACHA puo' facilitare il raggiungimento di questi obiettivi rendendo disponibile una consolidata metodologia analitica ed uno schema di provata efficacia per la raccolta sistematica e l'analisi di dati ed informazioni.

  7. Prospettive sonore nell’analisi sensoriale-acustica e nella progettazione del cibo - Sound perspectives in the sensory-acoustic analysis and design of food

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    Doriana Dal Palù


    Full Text Available L’articolo affronta il complesso tema della progettazione del suono del cibo, ponendo l’aspetto al centro del processo progettuale e considerandolo come un reale requisito di progetto. Sono messe in luce le potenzialità del progettare il suono, ma anche le difficoltà attuali da tenere in considerazione. Si propone l’applicazione di SounBe, una metodologia ed uno strumento brevettati che traggono origine dal mondo della psicoacustica e dell’analisi sensoriale, permettendo di confrontare attraverso una procedura standardizzata suoni di campioni di materiali o di cibi. È riportata una prima applicazione sperimentale e sono discusse le prospettive future nel mondo del cibo. ------ This paper deals with the complex theme of food sound design, focusing this issue at the core of the design process and considering it as a real project requirement. Some opportunities of sound design will be proposed, as well as some criticalities to be always considered. It will propose the application of SounBe, a patented method and tool developed drawing information from psychoacoustics and sensory analysis fields, that allows to compare by a standardized procedure the sounds produced by material samples or foodstuffs. A first experimental application of the method will be presented and, in conclusion, several future perspectives in the world of food will be discussed.

  8. Introducing the Interactive Model for the Training of Audiovisual Translators and Analysis of Multimodal Texts

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    Pietro Luigi Iaia


    dimensioni linguistiche ed extralinguistiche che contribuiscono alla ricezione dei testi fonte ed alla produzione dei testi tradotti (Chaume 2004; Díaz Cintas 2004. Il Modello è presentato come uno strumento utile alla formazione dei traduttori audiovisivi ed all’analisi critica del discorso multimodale, perché attraverso il ricorso all’Analisi Critica del Discorso (Fairclough 1995, 2001, all’approccio cognitivo (process-based alla traduzione, ed all’analisi socio-semiotica dei testi multimodali (van Leeuwen 2004; Kress e van Leeuwen 2006 favorisce lo studio dei livelli di equivalenza pragmalinguistica tra i testi d’origine e le loro traduzioni. Infine, questo studio presenta un’applicazione pratica del Modello per la resa in italiano di uno sketch comico dal talk show americano Conan.


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    Hedi Indra Januar


    Full Text Available Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi senyawa antibakteri pada Axinella sp. yang diambil dari kepulauan Karimunjawa dengan metode dereplikasi menggunakan LCMS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer dan FT-MS (Fourier Transfer Mass Spectrometer. Data pola spektra massa dan LC-MS menunjukkan adanya tiga senyawa terbrominasi yang mungkin memiliki bioakfivitas antibakteri. Analisis massa akurat (limit kesalahan di bawah 20 ppm menggunakan FT-MS menemukan bahwa ketiga senyawa tersebut memliki monosotop negatif (M-H pada m/z 321,9931 [senyawa (a]; m/z 383,9089 [senyawa (b]; dan m/z 385,9249 [senyawa (c]. Analisis komposisi kimia dari besaran massa tersebut yang menggunakan Elemental Composition Calculator menemukan bahwa komposisi kimia dari ketiga senyawa tersebut adalah C11H10N5O2Br (a, C11H9N5Br2 (b dan C11H11Br2N5O (c. Penelusuran struktur kima yang didasarkan pada komposisi tersebut di database MarinLit 2008 (Database struktur kimia senyawa-senyawa dari biota laut menemukan bahwa ketiga senyawa tersebut merupakan hymeniadisine (a, 3-bromohymenialdiside (b, dan dibromophakelin (c.

  10. Analisis interferensi T-DAB dan TV Analog pada pita Very High Frequency (VHF

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    Kasmad Ariansyah


    Full Text Available Kehadiran teknologi digital telah membawa perubahan di dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, tak terkecuali di dunia penyiaran. Digitalisasi dibidang penyiaran diyakini dapat memberikan manfaat dalam hal efisiensi spektrum frekuensi radio. Berkaitan dengan penyiaran radio, Menteri  Komunikasi  dan  Informatika telah menetapkan DAB family sebagai standard penyiaran radio digital di Indonesia. Kajian dilakukan untuk mendapatkan jarak minimum yang diperlukan  antara sistem T-DAB dan TV analog sebagai solusi terhadap kemungkinan interferensi. Analisis dilakukan dengan bantuan SEAMCAT. Berdasarkan hasil analisis disimpulkan bahwa  kanal  A  T-DAB  merupakan  kanal yang paling rentan terhadap interferensi; Untuk mencapai probabilitas interferensi maksimum 5%, separasi geograpis minimum antara cakupan terluar TV analog kanal n dan transmitter terluar pada jaringan SFN T-DAB untuk kanal (n- 1D, nA, nB, nC berturut-turut adalah 220 Km, 290 Km, 145 Km dan  40  Km.  Sedangkan  untuk  kanal  nD  dan  (n+1A  dapat dioperasikan tanpa separasi geograpis dengan TV analog.


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    Indra Gustari


    Full Text Available Dari data curah hujan di pantai barat Sumatera bagian utara dilakukan analisis spektrum daya untuk mengetahui pola curah hujan di daerah tersebut, selanjut dilihat hubungannya dengan intensitas monsun,  Indian Ocean Dipole Mode (IODM dan El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pola curah hujan di pantai barat Sumatera bagian utara memiliki dua puncak dan sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor cuaca dengan dengan osilasi satu tahunan (annual oscillation, dan setengah tahunan (semi-annual oscillation dan ditemukan hubungan yang kuat antara variabilitas monsun dan IODM. Pola hujan didaerah ini tidak memperlihatkan pengaruh ENSO.   The data of Rainfall in the west coast of northern Sumatera were analyzed through power spectrum analyzer to find out the rainfall pattern in that area and to look at the relationship between rainfall pattern and monsoon intensity, Indian Ocean Dipole Mode (IODM and El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO. The result of this analysis shows that the main rainfall pattern in the west coast of northern Sumatera has two peaks and is very much influenced by the factor of weather with annual oscillation and semi-annual oscillation, there is a strong relationship between monsoon variability and IODM, and the influence of ENSO on the rainfall in this region is not significant.

  12. 2003 annual results of EdF group

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Electricite de France (EdF) group Board of Directors, meeting on March 11, 2004, under the Chairmanship of Francois Roussely, reviewed the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 12/31/2003. This document presents the consolidated results of EdF group for 2003: consolidated financial statements, highlights of the year, focus on 2003 events, commercial results, EDF in Europe and worldwide, EDF France highlights, key figures. (J.S.)

  13. Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Short, W.; Sullivan, P.; Mai, T.; Mowers, M.; Uriarte, C.; Blair, N.; Heimiller, D.; Martinez, A.


    The Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) is a deterministic optimization model of the deployment of electric power generation technologies and transmission infrastructure throughout the contiguous United States into the future. The model, developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Strategic Energy Analysis Center, is designed to analyze the critical energy issues in the electric sector, especially with respect to potential energy policies, such as clean energy and renewable energy standards or carbon restrictions. ReEDS provides a detailed treatment of electricity-generating and electrical storage technologies and specifically addresses a variety of issues related to renewable energy technologies, including accessibility and cost of transmission, regional quality of renewable resources, seasonal and diurnal generation profiles, variability of wind and solar power, and the influence of variability on the reliability of the electrical grid. ReEDS addresses these issues through a highly discretized regional structure, explicit statistical treatment of the variability in wind and solar output over time, and consideration of ancillary services' requirements and costs.

  14. A tiered approach for probabilistic ecological risk assessment of contaminated sites; Un approccio multilivello per l'analisi probabilistica di rischio ecologico di siti contaminati

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zolezzi, M. [Fisia Italimpianti SpA, Genova (Italy); Nicolella, C. [Pisa Univ., Pisa (Italy). Dipartimento di ingegneria chimica, chimica industriale e scienza dei materiali; Tarazona, J.V. [Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria, Madrid (Spain). Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Laboratorio de toxicologia


    This paper presents a tiered methodology for probabilistic ecological risk assessment. The proposed approach starts from deterministic comparison (ratio) of single exposure concentration and threshold or safe level calculated from a dose-response relationship, goes through comparison of probabilistic distributions that describe exposure values and toxicological responses of organisms to the chemical of concern, and finally determines the so called distribution-based quotients (DBQs). In order to illustrate the proposed approach, soil concentrations of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (1,2,4- TCB) measured in an industrial contaminated site were used for site-specific probabilistic ecological risks assessment. By using probabilistic distributions, the risk, which exceeds a level of concern for soil organisms with the deterministic approach, is associated to the presence of hot spots reaching concentrations able to affect acutely more than 50% of the soil species, while the large majority of the area presents 1,2,4- TCB concentrations below those reported as toxic. [Italian] Scopo del presente studio e fornire una procedura per l'analisi di rischio ecologico di siti contaminati basata su livelli successivi di approfondimento. L'approccio proposto, partendo dal semplice rapporto deterministico tra un livello di esposizione ed un valore di effetto che consenta la salvaguardia del maggior numero di specie dell'ecosistema considerato, procede attraverso il confronto tra le distribuzioni statistiche dei valori di esposizione e di sensitivita delle specie, per determinare infine la distribuzione probabilistica del quoziente di rischio. Ai fini di illustrare la metodologia proposta, le concentrazioni di 1,2,4-triclorobenzene determinate nel suolo di un sito industriale contaminato sono state utilizzate per condurre l'analisi di rischio per le specie terrestri. L'utilizzo delle distribuzioni probabilistiche ha permesso di associare il rischio, inizialmente



    Tan HM; Choo WY; Ng CJ; Low WY


    This paper aimed to identify and explore the understanding and perception of erectile dysfunction (ED) using exploratory qualitative approaches. This study was conducted in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 17 urban men aged 40-75 years. A semi-structural interview guide was used to explore men’s understanding of ED, impacts on their well-being and experiences with treatments. The focus groups revealed that ED was perceived to be an important loss in men’s lives ...





    2015 Analisis Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada PT Telkomsel di Makassar Analysis of Customer Relationship Management Influence to Customer Satisfaction at PT Telkomsel in Makassar Rachma Resky Ananda Muh. Asdar Yansor Djaya Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Customer Relationship (continuity marketing, one to one marketing dan partnering atau co-marketing) terhadap k...


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    Ruby Vidia Kusumah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keragaan warna ikan clown Biak (Amphiprion percula populasi alam dan budidaya berdasarkan analisis gambar digital sebagai dasar upaya pemuliaannya. Gambar digital diambil dari koleksi ikan clown Biak Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut Lampung, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Gondol, Bali; serta pengumpul ikan hias di Denpasar, Bali menggunakan kamera digital Canon EOS 600D. Pola warna dikarakterisasi secara visual terhadap variasi strip hitam dan putih pada dasar badan oranye, jenis warna dianalisis menggunakan ImageJ 1.49s, persentase penutupan warna dilakukan dengan Adobe Photoshop CS5. Pola warna dikarakterisasi oleh strip hitam tebal, tipis, gelap, pudar, terputus, bergabung, serta strip putih normal, pelana, spot, melebar, dan terputus. Warna hitam alam dikarakterisasi oleh hue (H: 300-60º, saturation (S: 8%-56%, brightness (B: 3%-19%, sedangkan budidaya H: 300-23º, S: 9%-71%, B: 4%-20%. Warna oranye alam H: 19-33º, S: 88%-98%, B: 47%-85%, dan budidaya H: 14-29º, S: 86%-99%, B: 38%-82%. Warna putih alam H: 36-270º; S: 1%-13%, B: 66%-88%, dan budidaya H: 0-229º, S: 0%-14%, B: 55%-87%. Persentase penutupan warna badan didominasi warna oranye dengan rata-rata 45% untuk populasi alam dan 57% untuk populasi budidaya. Keragaan warna ikan clown Biak dapat diarahkan pada pembentukan strain misbar, picasso, spot (domino, dan onyx. Metode analisis gambar digital sangat potensial digunakan untuk analisis keragaan warna ikan hias.

  18. Analisis Kelembagaan Rantai Pasok Telur Ayam Ras Peternakan Rakyat Di Jawa Barat


    Sejati, Wahyuning K


    Dalam konteks pengembangan pasar komoditas dan peningkatan kesejahteraan peternak rakyat perlu dipahami secara baik karakteristik dan kelembagaan petani, pemasok, dan pasar. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelembagaan rantai pasok peternak-pemasok-pasar komoditas telur ayam ras yang meliputi: (1) identifikasi kelembagaan peternakan rakyat ayam ras petelur; (2) analisis kelembagaan rantai pasok komoditas telur; dan (3) antisipasi kelembagaan introduksi rantai pasok telur ayam ras pete...


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    Endiah Puji Hastuti


    Full Text Available Turbulensi aliran pendingin pada proses perpindahan panas berfungsi untuk meningkatkan nilai koefisien perpindahan panas, tidak terkecuali aliran dalam kanal bahan bakar. Program CFD (CFD=computational fluid dynamics, FLUENT adalah program komputasi berbasis elemen hingga (finite element yang mampu memprediksi dan menganalisis fenomena dinamika aliran fluida secara teliti. Program perhitungan CFD dipilih dalam penelitian ini karena selain akurat juga dapat memberikan visualisasi dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami karakteristika perpindahan panas, massa dan momentum dari dinding rod bahan bakar ke pendingin secara visual, pada medan temperatur, medan tekanan, dan medan energi kinetika pendingin, sebagai fungsi dinamika aliran di dalam kanal, pada kondisi tunak dan transien. Analisis dinamika aliran pada kanal bahan bakar PWR berbasis CFD dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampel data reaktor PWR dengan daya 1000 MWe dengan susunan bahan bakar 17x17. Untuk menguji sensitivitas persamaan aliran yang sesuai dengan model aliran turbulen pada kanal bahan bakar dilakukan pemodelan dengan menggunakan persamaan k-omega (Ƙ-ω, k-epsilon (Ƙ-ε, dan Reynold stress model (RSM. Pada analisis sensitivitas aliran turbulen di dalam kanal digunakan model mesh hexahedral dengan memilih tiga geometri sel yang masing masing berukuran 0,5 mm; 0,2 mm dan 0,15 mm. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada analisis kondisi tunak (steady state, terdapat hasil yang mirip pada model turbulen Ƙ-ε standard dan Ƙ-ω standard. Pengujian terhadap kriteria Dittus Boelter untuk bilangan Nusselt menunjukkan bahwa model Reynold stress model (RSM direkomendasikan. Analisis sensitivitas terhadap geometri mesh antara sel yang berukuran 0,5 mm, 0,2 mm dan 0,15 mm, menunjukkan bahwa geometri sel sebesar 0,5 mm telah mencukupi. Aliran turbulen berkembang penuh telah tercapai pada model LES dan DES, meskipun hanya dalam waktu singkat (3 s, model LES memerlukan waktu komputasi


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    Bambang Suroto


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Banyaknya perusahaan atau operator yang melayani jaringan internet secara otomatis akan timbul suatu proses yang dinamakan pemasaran. Di dalam dunia usaha, pemasaran merupakan salah satu fungsi penting didalam suatu perusahaan, karena dalam pemasaran mencakup beberapa hal kegiatan penting yang kita kenal dengan marketing mix yang diantaranya adalah perencanaan produk (product, penetapan harga (price, program promosi (promotion, sangat penting dalam keberhasilan suatu perusahaan namun ada satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan dan perlu dianalisis apabila perusahaan menginginkan atau mempunyai daur hidup atau life cycle produk yang lebih lama, maka perusahaan harus melakukan analisis perilaku pelanggan. Selain kegiatan pemasaran yang sangat penting perusahaan juga tidak boleh mengabaikan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh seorang konsumen, faktor apa saja yang dapat merangsang pelanggan untuk melakukan pembelian suatu barang, serta mengapa konsumen mempunyai banyak kebutuhan dalam waktu yang relatif singkat dan tentunya hal itu semua menggambarkan arti penting sebuah kegiatan analisis perilaku konsumen. Keluhan yang dirasakan konsumen atau pelanggan adalah promosi yang diberikan atau ditawarkan terkadang sering tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada di lapangan, seperti akses internet yang lama, dan jaringan yang sering terputus karena adanya gangguan dan sistem perbaikan jaringan. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor apakah yang menyebabkan tidak tercapainya target pemasaran pemasangan jaringan internet speedy pada PT.Kaisar Motorindo Industri Pekanbaru. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif, yaitu menggunakan analisis data kualitatif serta analisis data dengan menghubungkan antara teori dan permasalahan yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian diperoleh variabel produk, dalam hal ini merupakan kombinasi barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan kepada pasar sasaran terhadap pemasaran jaringan


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    Tan HM


    Full Text Available This paper aimed to identify and explore the understanding and perception of erectile dysfunction (ED using exploratory qualitative approaches. This study was conducted in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 17 urban men aged 40-75 years. A semi-structural interview guide was used to explore men’s understanding of ED, impacts on their well-being and experiences with treatments. The focus groups revealed that ED was perceived to be an important loss in men’s lives as sexual performance was closely related to manhood. The men associated ED with a loss of masculinity and self-esteem. Men’s understanding of ED treatments was restricted to phophodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE-5 inhibitors and traditional therapies. Although PDE-5 inhibitors were perceived to be effective, they were concerned about their safety and costs. Some of the men have learned to cope with ED rather than to seek help, particularly among older men, who attributed their decreased sexual capacities and erection difficulties to aging, and therefore conditioned themselves to accepting it. In contrast, younger men who have erectile difficulties are considered as ‘abnormal’, and are more likely to seek help and receive treatment for their sexual problem. Men’s knowledge of and experience with modern treatments of ED were mainly associated with PDE-5 inhibitors. Their perception towards PDE-5 inhibitors was largely influenced by personal experience, information from mass media and friends. The high cost and fear of side effects were two main deterrents in the use of PDE-5 inhibitors. Many men had conceded their use of PDE-5 inhibitors without their partners’ knowledge. They worried that their partners would view the matter with suspicion and mistrust.

  2. ExpandED Options: Learning beyond High School Walls (United States)

    ExpandED Schools, 2014


    Through ExpandED Options by TASC, New York City high school students get academic credit for learning career-related skills that lead to paid summer jobs. Too many high school students--including those most likely to drop out--are bored or see classroom learning as irrelevant. ExpandED Options students live the connection between mastering new…

  3. TrED: the Trichophyton rubrum Expression Database

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    Liu Tao


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Trichophyton rubrum is the most common dermatophyte species and the most frequent cause of fungal skin infections in humans worldwide. It's a major concern because feet and nail infections caused by this organism is extremely difficult to cure. A large set of expression data including expressed sequence tags (ESTs and transcriptional profiles of this important fungal pathogen are now available. Careful analysis of these data can give valuable information about potential virulence factors, antigens and novel metabolic pathways. We intend to create an integrated database TrED to facilitate the study of dermatophytes, and enhance the development of effective diagnostic and treatment strategies. Description All publicly available ESTs and expression profiles of T. rubrum during conidial germination in time-course experiments and challenged with antifungal agents are deposited in the database. In addition, comparative genomics hybridization results of 22 dermatophytic fungi strains from three genera, Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton, are also included. ESTs are clustered and assembled to elongate the sequence length and abate redundancy. TrED provides functional analysis based on GenBank, Pfam, and KOG databases, along with KEGG pathway and GO vocabulary. It is integrated with a suite of custom web-based tools that facilitate querying and retrieving various EST properties, visualization and comparison of transcriptional profiles, and sequence-similarity searching by BLAST. Conclusion TrED is built upon a relational database, with a web interface offering analytic functions, to provide integrated access to various expression data of T. rubrum and comparative results of dermatophytes. It is devoted to be a comprehensive resource and platform to assist functional genomic studies in dermatophytes. TrED is available from URL:

  4. A comparison of the analysis of REE-bearing phosphates by standardless EDS and standardised EDS and WDS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffin, B.J.; Hancock, R.C.; Trautman, R.L.


    Full text: Current generation energy dispersive X-ray analysis systems EDS on SEM are user-friendly with 'simple' software interfaces. Minimal training is considered necessary for operation. One aim of this study was to test this hypothesis. The second aim, as a part of other studies, was to compare the results of the x-ray microanalysis of a suite of rare earth element (REE) bearing standard glasses and also a suite of rare earth element (REE) bearing phosphate mineral grains using different analytical systems. Our results from the same sample mounts have been obtained using three analytical systems: an Oxford Instruments ISIS EDS on a JEOL 6400 SEM, a Noran Voyager EDS on a JEOL 6400 SEM and a Moran Scientific WDS package on a JEOL 6400 SEM. A total of forty nine natural mineral grains have been analysed for twenty-two elements, including the REE, Ca, P and F (where possible) by each analytical system. Additional analyses were obtained from simple REE-bearing glass standards, each containing only one REE at around 11 wt %. The natural mineral grain results obtained from the different analytical systems show a number of significant variations. The two EDS datasets are comparable in terms of total REE but generally are a factor of two less than the WDS dataset. Internally the EDS datasets differ in that one set shows consistently a strong negative yttrium oxide result (typically -1 wt %) due to an excessive correction for a strong phosphorus overlap (Ka on La) whereas the second dataset shows the reverse with typically 1 wt % yttrium oxide reported, as a result of inadequate correction of the phosphorus overlap. Major elements are comparable between the standard-based datasets but not with the standardless dataset although all show similar reproducibility. The standard glass results are more coherent and consistent, as would be expected from the simpler composition and higher abundances. One clear outcome from these data is that complex compositions where

  5. Potensi Arang Hasil Pirolisis Tempurung Kelapa sebagai Material Karbon

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    Meytij Jeanne Rampe


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan kajian pengembangan material karbon dari arang hasil pirolisis tempurung kelapa. Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari penggunaan polivinil alkohol (PVA sebagai stimulan dalam pengembangan arang terhadap sifat-sifat fisikokimia material karbon. Kalsinasi, pencampuran, dan sintering temperatur tinggi dilakukan pada proses penerapan teknologi karbon. Metode analisis X-ray Diffraction (XRD, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS untuk pengujian struktur kristal, topografi permukaan berupa struktur mikro dan analisis unsur material karbon. Karakteristik produk material karbon menunjukkan perubahan karakter di mana terjadi perubahan sifat fisikokimia dari arang amorf menjadi karbon dengan struktur semi-kristalin.Kata kunci: Arang, Tempurung Kelapa, Pirolisis, Karbon

  6. Sensado de variables mediante terminal Android


    Altaba Rosas, Mar


    El presente documento describe los procesos de diseño y desarrollo de un sistema que, a través de una aplicación móvil, sirve como dispositivo para el registro de la actividad cardíaca del paciente, mediante la obtención del electrocardiograma (ECG), y que permite detectar irregularidades para posteriormente, en caso que fuera necesario, poder enviar los datos adquiridos al profesional sanitario pertinente para que éste los analice. El sistema tiene dos componentes diferenciados, por un lado,...

  7. Analisis pengaruh capital adequacy ratio (CAR) dan operational efficiency ratio (OER) terhadap return on assets (ROA) (Studi pada bank umum syariah devisa di Indonesia)


    Maryadi, Eldi


    Tujuan dari penelitan ini adalah untuk menganalisis (1) perkembangan ROA, CAR dan OER pada bank umum syariah devisa di Indonesia. (2) CAR dan OER terhadap ROA pada bank umum syariah devisa di Indonesia periode 2009-2014. Data yang digunakan adalah data time series dari Laporan Keuangan tahunan Bank Umum Syariah Devisa di Indonesia periode 2009-2014, yaitu Bank BNI Syariah, Bank Mega Syariah, Bank Muamalat Indonesia, dan Bank Mandiri Syariah. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskri...

  8. CME1003Pg023ED

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    resistance alone or severe defects in ... skeletal muscle and liver, decreased ... weight loss through calorie-restrict- ed diets .... carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.12 ... and a variable effect on low-density ... months of therapy.18 Comparison.

  9. SJP0704Pg001ED

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    and an updated overview of newer research in this field. It also gives practical ... schizophrenia, manic episodes, major depressive disorder sec- ondary to schizophrenia ..... of Cerebral Disorder. 3rd ed. London: Blackwell Science, 1998. 16.


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    Andi Sofrany Ekariansyah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK ANALISIS KONDISI TERAS REAKTOR DAYA MAJU AP1000 PADA KECELAKAAN SMALL BREAK LOCA. Kecelakaan yang diakibatkan oleh kehilangan pendingin (loss of coolant accident / LOCA dari sistem reaktor merupakan kejadian dasar desain yang tetap diantisipasi dalam desain reaktor daya yang mengadopsi teknologi Generasi II hingga IV. LOCA ukuran kecil (small break LOCA memiliki dampak yang lebih signifikan terhadap keselamatan dibandingkan LOCA ukuran besar (large break LOCA seperti terlihat pada kejadian Three-Mile Island (TMI. Fokus makalah adalah pada analisis small break LOCA pada reaktor daya maju Generasi III+ yaitu AP1000 dengan mensimulasikan tiga kejadian pemicu yaitu membukanya katup Automatic Depressurization System (ADS secara tak disengaja, putusnya salah satu pipa Direct Vessel Injection (DVI secara double-ended, dan putusnya pipa lengan dingin dengan diameter bocoran 10 inci. Metode yang digunakan adalah simulasi kejadian pada model AP1000 yang dikembangkan secara mandiri menggunakan program perhitungan RELAP5/SCDAP/Mod3.4. Dampak yang ingin dilihat adalah kondisi teras selama terjadinya small break LOCA yang terdiri dari pembentukan mixture level dan transien temperatur kelongsong bahan bakar. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa mixture level untuk semua kejadian small break LOCA berada di atas tinggi teras aktif yang menunjukkan tidak terjadinya core uncovery. Adanya mixture level berpengaruh pada transien temperatur kelongsong yang menurun dan menunjukkan pendinginan bahan bakar yang efektif. Hasil di atas juga identik dengan hasil perhitungan program lain yaitu NOTRUMP. Keefektifan pendinginan teras juga disebabkan oleh berfungsinya injeksi pendingin melalui fitur keselamatan pasif yang menjadi ciri reaktor daya AP1000. Secara keseluruhan, hasil analisis menunjukkan model AP1000 yang telah dikembangkan dengan RELAP5 dapat digunakan untuk keperluan analisis kecelakaan dasar desain pada reaktor daya maju AP1000. Kata kunci: analisis

  11. Ethane dimethanesulfonate (EDS) perturbs epididymal epithelial cell function in vitro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klinefelter, G.


    The formation of sperm granulomas in the epididymis following exposure to EDS, a Leydig cell toxicant, was reported by Cooper and Jackson in 1970. Recent work suggests that EDS may effect the epididymis directly. An in vitro system was developed to determine the nature of any direct effect. The caput epididymis from adult rats was dissected free of connective tissue and small pieces of the tissue were enzymatically digested until plaques of epididymal epithelial cells were obtained. Plaques were cultured on an extracellular matrix gelled on top of a semipermeable filter creating dual-compartment environments. The epithelial cells maintained typical morphology and protein secretion in this culture system for several days. Beginning on day 3, EDS (1 mM) was added to the basal compartment, with or without 35 S-methionine. After 24 hours, 35 S-labelled culture medium was taken from the apical compartment and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and fluorography. EDS caused decreased secretion of several proteins, including a 39 Kd molecule. Interestingly, a 39 Kd protein was also shown to disappear from sperm taken from the caput epididymidis following in vivo exposure to EDS. Unlabelled cultures were fixed and processed for light microscopy. No alterations in morphological integrity were observed. Thus, epididymal epithelial cell function is directly altered by EDS exposure


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    Sumiadji -


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel keuangan yang terdiri dari: rasio pro-fitabilitas (return on assets, likuiditas (cash ratio, rasio hutang (debt to equity ratio, market value (earnings per share, dan perputaran total aset (total assets turnover terhadap kebijakan dividen yang diproksikan dengan dividend payout ratio (DPR pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2004-2008. Prosedur pemilihan sampel penelitian menggunakan purposive sampling sehingga menghasilkan 8 perusahaan yang memenuhi kriteria sampel. Data sekunder dikumpulkan dengan teknik dokumentasi bersumber dari Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD, laporan keuangan, dan hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini adalah secara simultan variabel ROA, CR, DER, EPS dan TATO berpengaruh terhadap DPR. Secara parsial variabel yang mempengaruhi DPR adalah CR, EPS dan TATO. Varabel lainnya, yaitu ROA dan DER ditemukan tidak berpengaruh terhadap DPR. This research was conducted to examine the influence of the financial variables which consists of: return on assets (ROA, cash ratio (CR, debt to equity ratio (DER, earnings per share (EPS, and total asset turnover (TATO to the dividend policy that indicated by the dividend payout ratio (DPR of listed manufacturing company in Indonesia Stock Exchange  2004 to 2008. The sample selection procedure used was a purposive sampling so that it produced eight companies that met the sample criteria. Se-condary data was collected by the documentation technique were obtained from the Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD, financial statements, and the results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The analysis technique used was multiple linear regression analysis. The research found that five variables of kind of ROA, CR, DER, EPS dan TATO simultaneously influence to dividend

  13. Met Ed gets reprieve: banks lend tax money

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Utroska, D.


    A consortium of banks agreed to loan Metropolitan Edison $23 million to pay its April 15 state taxes and temporarily relieve a cash-flow problem that is leading to default after the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission expedited a rate request. The continued solvency of Met Ed is a matter of speculation because the present credit formula is based on liquid assets which the PUC did not address. While the action taken by the bankers gives Met Ed a reprieve, it does not provide a long-term solution. The Revolving Credit Agreement will expire on October 1. Met Ed is still faced with the problem of relicensing Three Mile Island-1 unit and the cost of underwriting the cleanup of the No. 2 unit

  14. Analisis Pengaruh Monetary Policy Shock Terhadap Jumlah Deposito Perbankan Islam Dalam Sistem Perbankan Ganda: Studi Kasus Indonesia Dan Malaysia

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    Ade Mutiah


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin menguji secara empiris, apakah perilaku nasabah perbankan Islam di Indonesia dan di Malaysia terpengaruh oleh kebijakan moneter yang dikeluarkan oleh bank sentral pada masingmasing negara. Selain itu, apakah negara dengan karakteristik ekonomi dan kebijakan yang hampir sama – Indonesia dan Malaysia -, akan menghasilkan perilaku nasabah terhadap deposito perbankan Islam yang sama atau tidak. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yang pertama , metode ekonometrika VAR (Vector Auto Regression yang bila terjadi kointegrasi pada data yang stasioner di 1st difference akan dilanjutkan pada VECM (Vector Error Correction Models dan yang kedua, analisis elastisitas permintaan deposito perbankan Islam terhadap variabel-variabel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini pada periode Januari 2005 sampai dengan Desember 2009. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa dalam jangka panjang variabel moneter di Indonesia berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap deposito perbankan Islam. Berbeda dengan di Malaysia di mana variable moneter tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap deposito perbankan Islam. Begitupun hasil analisis elastisitas permintaan deposito perbankan Islam di kedua negara. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa deposito perbankan Islam di Indonesia lebih sensitif terhadap perubahan kebijakan moneter, dibandingkan dengan yang ada di Malaysia.JEL Classifications : E41, E52, G21.Keywords : Kebijakan Moneter; Deposito; Perbankan Islam; VECM; Elastisitas.

  15. Pratiche di cura fra relazione e conoscenza: l’approccio montessoriano e l’osservazione del bambino al nido

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    Manuela Gallerani


    Full Text Available Il contributo affronta una possibile analisi inerente al rapporto tra infanzia, famiglia ed istituzione educativa a partire da un’indagine osservativa condotta nella realtà di un nido ad indirizzo montessoriano. Attraverso la rappresentazione della vita quotidiana dei bambini - inseriti al nido aziendale “La Casa del Cedro”, organizzato dal Centro Nascita Montessori (CNM di Roma - viene restituita la valenza euristica dell’approccio montessoriano e il suo inconfondibile contributo all’educazione globale ed estetica, per l’infanzia del tempo presente.

  16. ED50 and ED95 of Intrathecal Bupivacaine Coadministered with Sufentanil for Cesarean Delivery Under Combined Spinal-epidural in Severely Preeclamptic Patients

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Fei Xiao; Wen-Ping Xu; Xiao-Min Zhang; Yin-Fa Zhang; Li-Zhong Wang; Xin-Zhong Chen


    Background:Spinal anesthesia was considered as a reasonable anesthetic option in severe preeclampsia when cesarean delivery is indicated,and there is no indwelling epidural catheter or contraindication to spinal anesthesia.However,the ideal dose of intrathecal bupivacaine has not been quantified for cesarean delivery for severe preeclamptic patients.This study aimed to determine the ED50 and ED95 of intrathecal bupivacaine for severely preeclamptic patients undergoing elective cesarean delivery.Methods:Two hundred severely preeclamptic patients are undergoing elective cesarean delivery under combined spinal-epidural anesthesia enrolled in this randomized,double-blinded,dose-ranging study.Patients received 4 mg,6 mg,8 mg,or 10 mg intrathecal hyperbaric bupivacaine with 2.5 μg sufentanil.Successful spinal anesthesia was defined as a T6 sensory level achieved within 10 minutes after intrathecal drug administration and/or no epidural supplement was required during the cesarean section.The ED50 and ED95 were calculated with a logistic regression model.Results:ED50 and ED95 ofintrathecal bupivacaine for successful spinal anesthesia were 5.67 mg (95% confidence interval [CI]:5.20-6.10 mg) and 8.82 mg (95% CI:8.14-9.87 mg) respectively.The incidence of hypotension in Group 8 mg and Group 10 mg was higher than that in Group 4 mg and Group 6 mg (P < 0.05).The sensory block was significantly different among groups 10 minutes after intrathecal injection (P < 0.05).The use of lidocaine in Group 4 mg was higher than that in other groups (P < 0.05).The use of phenylephrine in Group 8 mg and Group 10 mg was higher than that in the other two groups (P < 0.05).The lowest systolic blood pressure before the infant delivery of Group 8 mg and Group 10 mg was lower than the other two groups (P < 0.05).The satisfaction of muscle relaxation in Group 4 mg was lower than other groups (P < 0.05).There was no significant difference in patients' satisfaction and the newborns

  17. Analisis Highest and Best Use (HBU pada Lahan Jl. Gubeng Raya No. 54 Surabaya

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    Akmaluddin Akmaluddin


    Full Text Available Laju pertumbuhan penduduk dan tingkat perekonomian yang semakin meningkat di  kota-kota besar seperti Surabaya, bertolak belakang dengan  ketersediaan lahan yang terbatas. Selayaknya properti yang akan dibangun di atas suatu lahan dapat memberikan manfaat yang maksimal serta efisien agar hasilnya dapat dirasakan demi pembangunan wilayah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perhitungan  penggunaan yang paling memungkinkan dan diizinkan dari suatu tanah kosong atau tanah yang  sudah dibangun, dimana secara fisik dimungkinkan, didukung atau dibenarkan oleh peraturan, layak secara keuangan dan menghasilkan nilai tertinggi. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis Highest and Best Use (HBU pada lahan di Jl. Gubeng Raya No. 54 Surabaya seluas 1.150 m2 yang direncanakan akan dibangun hotel. Lahan tersebut berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi properti komersial seperti hotel, apartemen, perkantoran dan pertokoan. Analisis tersebut menggunakan tinjauan terhadap aspek fisik, legal, finansial dan produktivitas maksimumnya. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan alternatif properti komersial hotel yang memiliki penggunaan tertinggi dan terbaik pada pemanfaatan lahan dengan nilai lahan Rp. 67.069.980,31/ m2.

  18. Cleaning of contaminated grounds with hydrocarbons by means of biopile; Saneamiento de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos mediante biopilas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iturbe Arguelles, R.; Flores Torres, C.; Chavez Lopez, C.; Roldan Martin, A. [Instituto de Ingenieria, UNAM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    In 1999, the Instituto de Ingenieria of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), initiated an evaluation through the soil and groundwater sampling and a risk health assessment in a Mexican refinery. An extended area was found contaminated with hydrocarbons. This area requires a soil remediation, taking into account that some zones present more than 30 000 mg/kg of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). Biopile system was recommended as the best remediation method to diminish TPH and some poliaromathic hydrocarbons (PAH). Therefore, an experimental biopile of 30 m{sup 3} was constructed with contaminated soil. After 22 weeks, results show more than 80% of TPH and PAH remove. [Spanish] El grupo de saneamiento de suelos y acuiferos del Instituto de Ingenieria de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), inicio en 1999 la evaluacion de la contaminacion del subsuelo de una refineria en una zona costera del pais, mediante el muestreo de 325 puntos a 1.5 m de profundidad y con el analisis de los siguientes parametros: hidrocarburos totales del petroleo (HTP), hidrocarburos poliaromaticos (HAP), diesel, gasolina, metilterbutileter (MTBE) y los metales hierro, vanadio, zinc, cadmio, cromo y plomo. Asimismo, se llevo a cabo una evaluacion de riesgo a la salud a fin de determinar los niveles de limpieza de las areas contaminadas. Una vez realizado el estudio se propuso probar a nivel piloto dos tecnicas de saneamiento para las areas contaminadas con valores superiores a 30 000 mg/Kg de HTP, o bien, para las zonas en donde la evaluacion de riesgo a la salud indica la existencia de riesgo para uno o mas compuestos (Iturbe et al., 2000). Las tecnicas propuestas son biopilas y lavado de suelo con surfactantes. En este trabajo se presenta la prueba piloto con biopilas, de la cual se obtuvo una eficiencia de remocion de HTP del 80 porciento en cinco meses de operacion.


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    Siska Marliana


    Full Text Available Narapidana yang mendapat hukuman seumur hidup akan mengalami perubahan besar dalam kehidupannya, seperti keterbatasan dalam melakukan aktivitas, pekerjaan, kehidupan sosial bahkan dalam tujuan hidup. Kondisi tersebut akan  mengubah pandangannya mengenai makna dari hidupnya ataupun mengalami ketidakbermaknaan hidup. Fokus penelitian ini adalah analisis sumber-sumber kebermaknaan hidup pada narapidana yang divonis hukuman seumur hidup dengan mengacu pada konsep kebermaknaan hidup Viktor Frankl. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus pada seorang narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas 1 Sukamiskin Bandung yang sudah menjalani dua tahun masa hukuman dari vonis hukuman seumur hidup atas kasus pembunuhan. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sumber-sumber kebermaknaan hidup bagi subjek adalah : 1.  Adanya nilai-nilai kreatif (creative values untuk dapat berkarya, bekerja, mencipta serta melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban sebaik-baiknya. 2. Adanya nilai-nilai penghayatan (experiential values, yakni dengan cara memperoleh pengalaman tentang sesuatu atau seseorang yang bernilai bagi subjek. 3. Nilai-nilai bersikap (attitudinal values atas hukuman seumur hidup yaitu subjek memilih sikap menerima kondisi tersebut sebagai tanggung jawab yang harus dijalani akibat perbuatannya dan berusaha menikmati kehidupan di penjara dengan menjadikan penjara sebagai tempat untuk belajar menjadi manusia yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci: hukuman seumur hidup, sumber-sumber kebermaknaan hidup, creative values, experiential values, attitudinal values

  20. Reconciliando modularidad y eficiencia mediante atajos


    Marco Gómez, Jordi; Franch Gutiérrez, Javier


    Se presenta en este artículo una propuesta para el desarrollo de programas eficientes en el marco de la programación con tipos abstractos de datos (TAD), con el objetivo de respetar la estructura modular de los programas propia de este ámbito. La propuesta se centra en el concepto de atajo como camino eficiente de acceso a los datos, alternativo al acceso mediante las operaciones propias del TAD, y se desarrolla sobre un TAD concreto, el almacén de elementos. La definición de los atajos es al...


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    Januar Israhmawan Putra


    Full Text Available Penggunaan internet di Indonesia yang tumbuh dengan pesat diikuti dengan banyak ber - munculan situs e-commerce yang merubah budaya dan gaya berbelanja masyarakat menjadi serba online. Pertumbuhan pasar e-commerce ini harus dibarengi dengan pelayanan yang akan diberikan kepada konsumennya secara baik agar konsumen merasa puas ketika bertran - saksi kepada perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen berbelanja online pada situs jual beli Lazada, Zalora, dan Mataharimall. Variabel independent yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Website Design, Security, Information Quality, Payment Method, E-service Quality, Product Quality, Product Variety, Delivery Service dan variebel dependent adalah Customer Satisfaction. �e- �e- �e - sponden dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen Lazada, Zalora, dan Mataharimall yang be - rada di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 400 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah nonprobability sampling yaitu porposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis data regresi berganda dan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil peneltian ini menunjukan bahwa website design, information quality, product vaiety, delivery service berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dalam berbelanja online.

  2. Surface Sampling-Based Decontamination Studies and Protocol for Determining Sporicidal Efficacy of Gaseous Fumigants on Military-Relevant Surfaces (United States)


    non-porous surfaces is vital to decon protocol development. Spore density (spore number per unit area) can result in layering and clustering over a...1999, 281, 1735-1745. 9. AOAC International Method 966.04; Official Methods of Analisis , 21’t ed.; Chapter 6: AOAC International: Gaithersburg, MD



    Ade Yolanda Latjuba, Dr. M.A


    Berdasarkan hasil analisis, maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1. Roman Voyage au centre de la terre menceritakan tentang Prof. Lidenbrock, Axel, dan Hans Bjelke melakukan perjalanan luar biasa menuju pusat bumi berdasarkan petunjuk dari Ame Saknussemm yang Axel dan si Professor dapatkan secara tidak sengaja terselip di dalam sebuah buku tua karya Snorre Tarlesson. 2. Prof. Lidenbrock, Axel dan Hans Bjelke memulai perjalanan mereka menuju pusat bumi dengan cara menuruni gunung bera...





    2014 v ABSTRAK Andriani. I311 04 049. Analisis Segmentasi Pasar Berdasarkan Perilaku Konsumen pada Hypermart Cabang Panakukang, Makassar. Dibawah Bimbingan Ir. Hastang, M.Si sebagai Pembimbing Utama dan Muh. Ridwan, S.Pt, M.Si. sebagai Pembimbing Anggota. Perkembangan dan peningkatan bisnis khususnya pada usaha peternakan akhir-akhir ini menunjukkan banyak peningkatan. Salah satu strategi yang dapat diterapkan dalam menunjang aktivitas pemasaran oleh perusahaan dalam memasarkan pr...





    2014 ABSTRAK ANALISIS PENERAPAN TAX PLANNING ATAS PAJAK PENGHASILAN BADAN PADA PT SEMEN TONASA PANGKEP Implementation Analysis of Tax Planning on Board Incoming Tax of Semen Tonasa Ltd. Pangkep Akbar Wijaya Amiruddin Darmawati Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tax planning yang dilakukan oleh PT Semen Tonasa Pangkep, dan untuk menganalisis penerapan tax planning yang dilakukan oleh PT Semen Tonasa Pangkep dengan undang-undang perpajakan yang berlaku. Data...

  6. Toward reliable and repeatable automated STEM-EDS metrology with high throughput (United States)

    Zhong, Zhenxin; Donald, Jason; Dutrow, Gavin; Roller, Justin; Ugurlu, Ozan; Verheijen, Martin; Bidiuk, Oleksii


    New materials and designs in complex 3D architectures in logic and memory devices have raised complexity in S/TEM metrology. In this paper, we report about a newly developed, automated, scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) based, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (STEM-EDS) metrology method that addresses these challenges. Different methodologies toward repeatable and efficient, automated STEM-EDS metrology with high throughput are presented: we introduce the best known auto-EDS acquisition and quantification methods for robust and reliable metrology and present how electron exposure dose impacts the EDS metrology reproducibility, either due to poor signalto-noise ratio (SNR) at low dose or due to sample modifications at high dose conditions. Finally, we discuss the limitations of the STEM-EDS metrology technique and propose strategies to optimize the process both in terms of throughput and metrology reliability.

  7. Association of ED with chronic periodontal disease. (United States)

    Matsumoto, S; Matsuda, M; Takekawa, M; Okada, M; Hashizume, K; Wada, N; Hori, J; Tamaki, G; Kita, M; Iwata, T; Kakizaki, H


    To examine the relationship between chronic periodontal disease (CPD) and ED, the interview sheet including the CPD self-checklist (CPD score) and the five-item version of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) was distributed to 300 adult men who received a comprehensive dental examination. Statistical analyses were performed by the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and other methods. Statistical significance was accepted at the level of Pdysfunction and the systematic inflammatory changes associated with CPD. The present study also suggests that dental health is important as a preventive medicine for ED.

  8. Modulación del crecimiento vertebral mediante electrocoagulación hemicircunferencial vertebral asistida


    Caballero García, Alberto


    Nuestro trabajo está basado en la posibilidad de controlar el desarrollo asimétrico de los cartílagos de crecimiento vertebral, mediante la realización de una fisiodesis hemivertebral, con electrocoagulación, videoasistida por toracoscópica. Se realizará en cinco niveles torácicos, con un abordaje anterior mínimamente invasivo. Por lo tanto, planteamos como hipótesis de trabajo que La destrucción de las fisis de crecimiento vertebral mediante electrocoagulación, videoasistida por vía toracosc...

  9. Programación por metas Energía alternativa mediante biomasa.

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    Guerrero Casas, Flor María


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta un modelo multicriterio de localización de centrales de generación de energía eléctrica mediante biomasa. Los objetivos considerados son: (1 minimizar el coste total de la operación, (2 maximizar la producción de electricidad obtenida, (3 maximizar la distancia entre plantas, (4 maximizar la aceptación social y (5 establecer las plantas o ampliaciones en aquellos lugares donde exista una mayor predisposición por parte de las administraciones locales. Finalmente, se concluye con una aplicación práctica mediante programación por metas ponderadas para la región andaluza, considerando los residuos procedentes del olivar como fuente de energía.

  10. 8 Different approaches needed to manage ED demand among different age-groups. (United States)

    Rimmer, Melanie; Ablard, Suzanne; O'Keeffe, Colin; Mason, Suzanne


    A variety of interventions have been proposed to manage rising demand for Emergency and Urgent Care, described by an NHS England review as unsustainable in the long term. However it is unlikely that any suggested approach will be equally suitable for the diverse population of ED users.We aimed to understand the patterns of demand amongst different types of patients attending ED. We also sought to understand the intended and unintended effects of demand management initiatives. Our study combined insights from routine data, a survey of ED patients, and qualitative interviews with ED staff. This paper describes the results of our analysis of the interviews. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 25 ED and Urgent Care Centre staff across 7 hospital sites in Yorkshire and Humber between 25 April and 11 July 2016. The interview topic guide asked about 4 broad areas; job role, description of patients and their impact on demand, description of inappropriate attendance, and current/future initiatives to deal with rising demand. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using framework analysis. We analysed the results to identify groups of patients with different patterns of use of ED services. We also explored ED staff experiences of demand management initiatives, and their suggestions for future initiatives. Although we did not ask specifically about patients' age, our analysis revealed that ED staff categorised attenders as children and young people, working age people, and older people. These groups had different reasons for attendance, different routes to the ED, different rate of non-urgent attendance, and different issues driving demand. Staff also described variation in the time taken to treat patients of different ages, with the oldest and youngest patients described as requiring the most time.There was no consensus amongst staff about the effectiveness of initiatives for managing demand. A strikingly wide variety of initiatives were mentioned

  11. Analisi sui pigmenti di ceramica neolitica tramite tecniche Raman e LIBS

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    Cristina Fabbri


    Full Text Available I dati presentati in questo breve contributo provengono da uno studio condotto in collaborazione dal Dipartimento di Scienze Archeologiche dell’Università di Pisa e dall’Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici di Fisica molecolare del CNR di Pisa. Le metodologie applicate sono basate sull’analisi integrata delle tecniche spettroscopiche Raman e LIBS già ampiamente utilizzate nel campo dei Beni Culturali; i metodi sono infatti essenzialmente non distruttivi, non richiedono di un pre trattamento del campione e l’acquisizione delle misure è immediata.

  12. Historical-statistical analysis of energy consumption in energy management; Analisis historico-estadistico del consumo energetico en la administracion de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guizar Bejarano, Ruben [IMENOR (Mexico); Oven, Mark [RCG/Hagler, Bailly, Inc., Washington (United States)


    Traditionally the specific consumption of energy has been considered as the most adequate index to evaluate the efficiencies in the productive processes. Nevertheless, this index, in some instances is highly susceptible to suffer significant variations, due to factors such as equipment condition, raw materials quality, operational parameters, climate and production level. This last one definitely is the most important and requires a deeper analysis. In this presentation a methodology is developed to analyze the energy consumption as well as their specific energy consumption with respect to production. Enough historical data are utilized to allow for a statistical analysis. This study is of equal usefulness in an energy diagnosis, as in a management program of energy saving. In presenting the possibility of identifying potential energy saving, stands out the advantages of the analysis and the conclusions that can be derived from it. Through the actual data collected in several industries during the energy diagnosis, various possible results of the analysis are presented. Finally, how this type of analysis can be adapted to a more precise control of the energy consumption is described and be used as a base for establishing goals in energy efficiency in the long term. [Espanol] Tradicionalmente se ha considerado al consumo especifico de energia como el indice energetico mas adecuado para evaluar las eficiencias de los procesos productivos. Sin embargo, este indice es en ocasiones altamente susceptible a sufrir variaciones importantes, debido a factores como el estado de los equipos, la calidad de la materia prima, los parametros operativos, el clima, y el nivel de produccion. Este ultimo es decididamente el mas importante, y requiere un analisis mas profundo. En esta presentacion se desarrolla una metodologia para analizar tanto consumos de energia como consumos especificos de energia con respecto a la produccion. Se utilizan suficientes datos historicos para permitir

  13. Historical-statistical analysis of energy consumption in energy management; Analisis historico-estadistico del consumo energetico en la administracion de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guizar Bejarano, Ruben [IMENOR (Mexico); Oven, Mark [RCG/Hagler, Bailly, Inc., Washington (United States)


    Traditionally the specific consumption of energy has been considered as the most adequate index to evaluate the efficiencies in the productive processes. Nevertheless, this index, in some instances is highly susceptible to suffer significant variations, due to factors such as equipment condition, raw materials quality, operational parameters, climate and production level. This last one definitely is the most important and requires a deeper analysis. In this presentation a methodology is developed to analyze the energy consumption as well as their specific energy consumption with respect to production. Enough historical data are utilized to allow for a statistical analysis. This study is of equal usefulness in an energy diagnosis, as in a management program of energy saving. In presenting the possibility of identifying potential energy saving, stands out the advantages of the analysis and the conclusions that can be derived from it. Through the actual data collected in several industries during the energy diagnosis, various possible results of the analysis are presented. Finally, how this type of analysis can be adapted to a more precise control of the energy consumption is described and be used as a base for establishing goals in energy efficiency in the long term. [Espanol] Tradicionalmente se ha considerado al consumo especifico de energia como el indice energetico mas adecuado para evaluar las eficiencias de los procesos productivos. Sin embargo, este indice es en ocasiones altamente susceptible a sufrir variaciones importantes, debido a factores como el estado de los equipos, la calidad de la materia prima, los parametros operativos, el clima, y el nivel de produccion. Este ultimo es decididamente el mas importante, y requiere un analisis mas profundo. En esta presentacion se desarrolla una metodologia para analizar tanto consumos de energia como consumos especificos de energia con respecto a la produccion. Se utilizan suficientes datos historicos para permitir

  14. A 5-year comparison of ED visits by homeless and nonhomeless patients. (United States)

    Tadros, Allison; Layman, Shelley M; Brewer, Marissa Pantaleone; Davis, Stephen M


    A 2005 study examined emergency department (ED) utilization by homeless patients in the United States. Within the following 5 years, unemployment increased by 5%. The objective was to analyze changes in ED utilization between 2005 and 2010 by homeless patients and compare with nonhomeless visits. Data from the 2010 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey were evaluated. Approximately 679854 visits were made by homeless patients, the majority of which were made by men (72.3%) and patients between the ages of 45 and 64 (50.5%). Homeless patients were twice as likely to be uninsured. ED visits by homeless patients had increased by 44% during the 5-year period. Arrival to the ED by ambulance increased by 14% between the study years, and homeless patients were less likely to be admitted. The number of visits by homeless patients in the ED increased proportionally to an overall increase in ED visits between 2005 and 2010. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Flow in potential cascades by means of the finite element method; Flujo en cascadas potenciales mediante el metodo del elemento finito

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sosa Cordero, Rodolfo; Fernandez Valencia, Gonzalo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article presents a mathematical model and its solution by means of the finite element method with approximate Garlekin formulation, for the flow analysis in a circular cascade, in a surface of revolution current of a turbo- machine, that can be axial, mixed or radial. To the revolution surface an agreed transformation is applied to obtain a plane, eliminating in this form one term in the equation succeeding in avoiding an iterative solution. Likewise, the finite element method allows to solve the equation in partial derivatives of the elliptical type in its quasi-harmonic form. Additionally, the method followed to introduce the contour conditions is presented; specially, the Kutta-Joukowsky conditions and the one of periodicity, which distinguishes this problem from the classical problems of ideal flows evaluated in the contour. [Espanol] En este articulo se presenta un modelo matematico y su solucion mediante el empleo del metodo del elemento finito con formulacion aproximada de Galerkin, para el analisis del flujo en una cascada circular, en una superficie de corriente de revolucion de una turbomaquina, que puede ser axial, mixta o radial. A la superficie de revolucion se le aplica una transformacion conforme para obtener un plano, eliminando de esta forma un termino en la ecuacion logrando evitar la solucion iterativa. Asimismo, el metodo del elemento finito permite resolver la ecuacion en derivadas parciales del tipo eliptico en su forma cuasiarmonica. Se presenta, ademas, el metodo seguido para introducir las condiciones de contorno; en especial, las condiciones de Kutta-Joukowsky y la de periodicidad, que distinguen a este problema de los problemas clasicos de flujos ideales valuados en el contorno.

  16. Flow in potential cascades by means of the finite element method; Flujo en cascadas potenciales mediante el metodo del elemento finito

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sosa Cordero, Rodolfo; Fernandez Valencia, Gonzalo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article presents a mathematical model and its solution by means of the finite element method with approximate Garlekin formulation, for the flow analysis in a circular cascade, in a surface of revolution current of a turbo- machine, that can be axial, mixed or radial. To the revolution surface an agreed transformation is applied to obtain a plane, eliminating in this form one term in the equation succeeding in avoiding an iterative solution. Likewise, the finite element method allows to solve the equation in partial derivatives of the elliptical type in its quasi-harmonic form. Additionally, the method followed to introduce the contour conditions is presented; specially, the Kutta-Joukowsky conditions and the one of periodicity, which distinguishes this problem from the classical problems of ideal flows evaluated in the contour. [Espanol] En este articulo se presenta un modelo matematico y su solucion mediante el empleo del metodo del elemento finito con formulacion aproximada de Galerkin, para el analisis del flujo en una cascada circular, en una superficie de corriente de revolucion de una turbomaquina, que puede ser axial, mixta o radial. A la superficie de revolucion se le aplica una transformacion conforme para obtener un plano, eliminando de esta forma un termino en la ecuacion logrando evitar la solucion iterativa. Asimismo, el metodo del elemento finito permite resolver la ecuacion en derivadas parciales del tipo eliptico en su forma cuasiarmonica. Se presenta, ademas, el metodo seguido para introducir las condiciones de contorno; en especial, las condiciones de Kutta-Joukowsky y la de periodicidad, que distinguen a este problema de los problemas clasicos de flujos ideales valuados en el contorno.

  17. Analisis Biaya, Volume, Laba sebagai Alat Bantu Perencanaan Laba pada Hotel Sedona Manado


    Samahati, Ricky Budiman


    Manado sebagai kota pariwisata menyediakan sarana dan prasarana kepariwisataan termasuk jasa perhotelan. Hotel Sedona merupakan salah satu hotel yang ada di Kota Manado dan merupakan objek yang dipilih penulis dengan menggunakan data operasional penjualan yang terjadi pada tahun 2011 dan 2012. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui titik break even point, jumlah volume penjualan pada tingkat laba yang direncanakan, serta tingkat margin of safety pada Hotel Sedona Manado. Metode analisi...





    Analisis Potensi Pemungutan Pajak Hotel dalam Rangka Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Makassar Analysis of Hotels Tax Collection Potency in Makkasar???s Own-Source Revenue Increase Muhammad Try Dharsana Ambo Ala Andi Kusumawati Yulianus Sampe Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besar potensi pajak hotel dan seberapa jauh bentuk usaha yang di lakukan oleh pemerintah daerah dalam menggali potensi pajak hotel di kota Makassar. Untuk menghitung potensi, efektivi...

  19. Analisis Juridis Pelaksanaan Penghapusan Piutang Terhadap Kredit Macet (Studi Pada PT. Bank Sumut)


    Margareth Eka Purba


    Usaha pokok Bank adalah sektor perkreditan dan pendapatan bank yang terbesar adalah berasal dari sektor perkreditan. Kredit, baik konsumtif maupun produktif memang sudah mejadi target utama perbankan dalam meraih pendapatan, selain fee based income tentunya. Dengan demikian, kelebihan dana masyarakat yang bisa membuat bank memiliki dana idle yang akan lebih produktif lagi karena diberikan dalam bentuk kredit.Walaupun sudah dilakukan analisis kredit, dan kredit sudah dinyatakan layak untuk dib...

  20. Perangkat Lunak Untuk Analisis Gaya Gelombang Di Laboratorium Lingkungan Dan Energi Laut, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, Ftk-Its

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    Fendi Hidayat


    Full Text Available Laboratorium Lingkungan dan Energi Laut, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, FTK-ITS sering digunakan untuk pengujian. Salah satunya menguji gaya mooring pada floating breakwater. Hal tersebut menjadi salah satu alasan untuk membuat suatu perangkat lunak dalam membantu dalam proses analisis gaya mooring tersebut. Perangkat lunak yang dibuat berfungsi untuk membantu proses kalibrasi sensor load cell LUB-B 5 to 50 KB dan melakukan analisis gaya gelombang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan regresi linier, korelasi linier, perhitungan varian, standar deviasi, dan hukum Newton yang kemudian disusun dengan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Penyusunan perangkat lunak yang bernama FORYS ini memiliki tampilan antarmuka pengguna yang mudah dalam pemakaian. Perangkat lunak yang telah dibuat juga bersifat portable sehingga bisa digunakan di berbagai komputer atau laptop. Hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan bahwa semakin besar gaya gelombang yang terjadi, maka semakin besar pula tegangan yang terjadi pada tali.  


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    Harry Andheska


    Full Text Available Penggunaan teori kritis sebagai alat pengkajian dalam penelitian ini disebabkan oleh adanya persoalan tentang penumpang kereta rel listrik (KRL yang sering melanggar aturan dengan menaiki atap kereta tersebut. Penelitian ini pada dasarnya lebih menekankan titik perhatiannya pada sosok penumpang KRL sebagai sosok yang senantiasa termajinalkan dalam kehidupan sosial. Kajian ini merupakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Kajian ini juga terbatas hanya pada satu teks berita yang dimuat dalam satu rubrik metropolitan pada haian Kompas. Model analisis wacana yang digunakan adalah model Theo Van Leuween dengan tujuan untuk mendeteksi dan meneliti bagaimana para penumpang yang duduk di atap KRL dimarjinalkan posisinya dalam suatu wacana. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa terdapat dua jenis eksklusi yang dilakukan, yakni pasivasi dan nominalisasi; sedangkan inklusi ada tiga jenis, yakni diferensiasi, abstraksi, dan identifikasi. Keterbatasan dalam kajian ini disebabkan karena faktor kajian yang hanya terfokus pada satu teks berita.

  2. Analisis Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Alokasi Belanja Modal di Provinsi Jambi

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    Eko Indra Praza


    Full Text Available Abstract. This research aimed to analyze the financial performance of the District/ Municipality in Jambi Province and to determine the effect of financial performance either simultaneously or partially on capital expenditure. The data used in this research is a panel data comprising time series data is data in 2010 - 2013 and cross section data is data of 9 (nine District and 2 (two Municipality is located in the Province of Jambi. The analytical method used panel data regression analysis. The analysis showed that the financial performance of the District/ Municipality in Jambi Province is still relatively low as the PAD contribution to regional revenue is still small so transfer income still dominate the local revenue to finance most of the regional expenditure. The results of panel data regression using the Fixed Effect Model (FEM showed that the financial performance simultaneously significant effect on capital expenditure allocation of the District/Municipality in Jambi Province from 2010 to 2013 and partially Ratio Degree of Decentralization significant positive effect on the allocation of capital expenditure. Financial dependency ratio, Financial Independence Ratio and the ratio degrees contributions public enterprises significant negative effect on capital expenditure . Effectiveness ratio of PAD does not significantly influence the allocation of capital expenditure. Keyword: Financial Performance, Decentralization, Financial Independence,   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja keuangan Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja keuangan baik secara simultan maupun secara parsial terhadap alokasi belanja modal. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data panel yang terdiri dari data time series yaitu data tahun 2010 – tahun 2013 dan data cross section yaitu data 9 (sembilan Kabupaten dan 2 (dua Kota yang berada di Provinsi Jambi. Metode analisis yaitu analisis

  3. Analisis Daya Saing untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan terhadap Pelanggan dengan Pendekatan CRM di CV. BLITZSPOT

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    Suryadi Muhammad


    Full Text Available CV. Blitzspot adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa penyediaan layanan internet (internet service provider, yang berkantor pusat di Komplek Padasuka Indah Ruko Blok A-1, Cimahi, Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan hasil observasi pada data transaksi CV. Blitzspot, konsumen CV. Blitzspot yang melakukan transaksi tiap tahunnya selalu berkurang, hal ini dikarenakan konsumen sering membandingkan layanan-layanan yang ditawarkan oleh para pesaing CV. Blitzspot. Bila permasalahan tersebut belum teratasi, konsumen CV. Blitzspot akan menurun tiap tahunnya dan akan selalu berpindah ke pesaing CV. Blitzspot. Direktur Utama CV. Blitzspot ingin menganalisis daya saing untuk menentukan layanan-layanan yang akan diberikan kepada pelanggan CV. Blitzspot dan penentuan strategi untuk mempertahankan konsumen CV. Blitzspot.  Metode Analisis daya saing yang digunakan adalah Model Analisis Berlian Porter dan Metode Pengelompokkan Pelanggan yang digunakan adalah Metode LRFM. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dan pembahasan yang telah dibuat, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Direktur Utama dapat menganalisis daya saing CV. Blitzspot dengan menggunakan Berlian Porter untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan terhadap pelanggan CV. Blitzspot.

  4. Cleaning of contaminated soils with hydrocarbons by biocell; Saneamiento de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos mediante biopilas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iturbe-Arguelles, R.; Flores-Torres, C; Chavez-Lopez, C.; Roldan-Martin, A [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    In 1990 the Instituto de Ingenieria de la UNAM, initiated an evaluation through the soil and groundwater sampling and a risk health assessment in a Mexican refinery. An extended area was found contaminated with hydrocarbons. This area requires a soil remediation, taking into account that some zones present more than 30 000 mg/kg of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). Biopile system was recommended as the best remediation method to diminish TPG and some poliaromathic hydrocarbons (PAH). Therefore an experimental biopile of 30 m3 was constructed with contaminated soil. After 22 weeks, results show more than 80 % of TPH and PAH remotion. [Spanish] El grupo de saneamiento de suelos y acuiferos del Instituto de Ingenieria de la UNAM, inicio en 1999 la evaluacion de la contaminacion del subsuelo de una refineria en una zona costera del pais, mediante el muestreo de 425 puntos a 1.5 m de profundidad y con el analisis de los siguientes parametros: hidrocarburos totales del petroleo (HTP), hidrocarburo poliaromaticos (HAP), diesel, gasolina, metilterbutileter (MTBE) y los metales hierro, vanadio, zinc, cadmio, cromo y plomo. Asimismo, se lleva a cabo una evaluacion de riesgo a la salud a fin de determinar los niveles de limpieza de las areas contaminadas. Una vez realizado el estudio se propuso probar a nivel piloto dos tecnicas de saneamiento para las areas contaminadas con valores superiores a 30 000 mg/Kg de http, o bien, para las zonas en donde la evaluacion de riesgo a la salud indica la existencia de riesgo para uno o mas compuestos. Las tecnicas propuesta son biopilas y lavado de suelos con surfactantes. En este trabajo se presenta la prueba piloto con biopilas, de la cual se obtuvo una eficiencia de remocion de http del 80 porciento con cinco meses de operacion. Se muestra las partes de una biopila y se dan los resultados de la biopila experimental en la refineria Francisco I. Madero.


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    Candri Puspita Marwati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh return on asset (ROA, likuiditas (current ratio, ukuran perusahaan (size, earning per share (EPS terhadap pengungkapan sustainability report. Sampel yang digunakan adalah perusahaan non-keuangan terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI yang menerbitkan sustainability report sesuai standar GRI pada periode 2009-2013 dan diperoleh 12 perusahaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji asumsi klasik: normalitas, multikolinearitas, autokorelasi dan heterokedastisitas. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ROA berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap sustainability report, current ratio tidak mempengaruhi sustainability report, size memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap sustainability report, dan EPS memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap sustainability report.This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of return on assets (ROA, liquidity (current ratio, firm size (size, earnings per share (EPS on the disclosure of sustainability report. Sample are corporate non-financial listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX and publishes a sustainability report according to GRI standard in the period 2009-2013 and obtained sample of 12 companies. Data were analyzed using classic assumption test: normality, multicollinearity, autocorrelation and heterokedastisitas. Hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that, ROA significant positive effect on sustainability report. current ratio does not affect the sustainability report. size has a negative and significant impact on the sustainability report, and EPS has a negative and significant impact on the sustainability report.

  6. La teoria critica di Umberto Eco: La critica dell’ideologia e la guerriglia semiologica

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    Paolo Desogus


    Full Text Available Attraverso nozioni chiave ed esempi concreti, il testo mostra lo stretto rapporto tra analisi e critica nella semiotica echiana degli anni Settanta. In questo quadro, la riflessione prende in esame due elementi decisivi degli studi di Eco, l'analisi dell'ideologia e la pratica di opposizione, chiamata guerriglia semiologica, tesa a ribaltare nei processi comunicativi il rapporto gerarchico e di consenso passivo tra il mittente e il destinatario. Lo scopo dell'articolo è dunque quello di dimostrare che la semiotica non è soltanto una teoria descrittiva, ma è anche una pratica, volta a smontare e a cortocircuitare i meccanismi ideologici e persuasivi del segno.

  7. Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Usaha Budidaya Bambu

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    Husnul Khotimah


    Full Text Available Budidaya bambu diperlukan untuk menambah populasi bambu yang cenderung berkurang yang disebabkan oleh beralihnya fungsi lahan yang digunakan untuk pemukiman atau diganti dengan komoditi tanaman lain yang dianggap lebih menguntungkan. Sementara itu kebutuhan bahan baku bambu terus meningkat sejalan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dan perkembangan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Budidaya bambu bermanfaat selain untuk menjaga ketersediaan suplai juga untuk meningkatkan kualitas bambu untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar. Tulisan ini mengkaji analisis finansial dari penanaman bambu. Kajian finansial dibutuhkan untuk menunjukkan bahwa upaya penanaman atau budidaya bambu ini layak atau tidak secara finansial untuk dilakukan. Data yang digunakan adalah data hasil penelitian di perusahaan perkebunan bambu PT XYZ di Lampung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai NPV (Rp 36.644.364,08 lebih besar dari nol, Net B/C (2,56 lebih besar dari satu, IRR (11 % lebih besar dari suku bunga 6 %, serta payback period pada tahun ke-9 umur proyek 15 tahun. Berdasarkan kriteria indikator kelayakan finansial dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha budidaya bambu layak secara finansial untuk diusahakan. Katakunci: Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (HHBK, budidaya bambu, studi kelayakan, analisis finansial   Financial analysis and feasibity study of bamboo cultivation  Abstract Bamboo cultivation is necessary to increase the population of bamboo clumps. The bamboo clumps tend to decrease due to the shift of used lands for residential or replaced by other crop comodities, which are considered more profitable. On the other hand, the need of bamboo for raw materials remain increase in line with population growth and the development of science. The important of the bamboo cultivation are to maintain the availability of its supply and to improve the quality of bamboo, which meet the market demands. This paper examined financial analysis of bamboo cultivation. Financial study was necessary to show whether


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    Ardiani Ika S.


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji secara empiris faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi independensi penampilan akuntan publik baik secara parsial dan simultan. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah financial interests, hubungan bisnis dengan klien, pelayanan asuransi dan audit, hubungan antara klien atau yg diaudit dengan auditor, kompetisi antara Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP, ukuran KAP dan audit fee. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para auditor di akuntan publik di Semarang tahun 2009. Metode penyeleksian sampel yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling dan jumlah respondennya 35. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah multiple regression analysis. Dimulai dengan analisis kuantitatif untuk mengetes validitas dan reabilitas. Kemudian dilanjutkan uji asumsi klasik termasuk normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedastisity. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 6 variabel yang sudah dikaji secara simultan dan partial tersebut mempunyai efek yang signifikan terhadap independensi penampilan akuntan publik dengan R square 0.749. The objective of this study is to test empirically the factors that influence the independence of public accountant appearance both partially and simultaneously. The factors cover financial interests, business relationships with clients, assurance services and audit services, the length of relationship between client or auditee and auditor, the competition between Public Accountan Offices (KAPs, the size of KAP, and audit fee. The population in this study was the auditors who worked in the public accountant’s office in Semarang in 2009. The sample selection method is a convenience sampling and the  number of  respondents are 35. The Analysis tools used is multiple regression analysis. It starts by applying quantitative analysis to test the validity and reliability. Then, it is continued by testing the classical assumptions which include normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedastisity. The result shows that the six

  9. Dove sta andando l'analisi musicale? Riflessioni sul VII EuroMac

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    Mario Baroni


    Full Text Available Come tutti i lettori della Rivista ormai sapranno, si è svolto a Roma dal 29 settembre al 2 ottobre di quest’anno, presso il Conservatorio di S. Cecilia, il settimo convegno europeo di analisi musicale (VII European Music Analysis Conference ossia VII EuroMac. Nel convegno, organizzato dal GATM e diretto da Giorgio Sanguinetti, sono state presentate 197 relazioni e svolti otto laboratori. Tutti i materiali sono stati riassunti in un volume (Programme and Abstract Book, Iter Edizioni di Subiaco curato da Egidio Pozzi e Antonio Cascelli.

  10. Comparación del gasto energético en reposo determinado mediante calorimetría indirecta y estimado mediante fórmulas predictivas en mujeres con grados de obesidad I a III


    Alicia Parra-Carriedo; Loren Cherem-Cherem; Daniela Galindo-De Noriega; Mary Carmen Díaz-Gutiérrez; Ana Bertha Pérez-Lizaur; César Hernández-Guerrero


    Introducción: La determinación del gasto energético en reposo (GER) se calcula cotidianamente a partir de fórmulas predictivas aunque el resultado varía dependiendo de la población. Objetivo: Comparar la determinación del GER mediante calorimetría indirecta y mediante las ecuaciones Harris-Benedict (HB), Mifflin (MF), Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), "Institute of Medicine" (IOM), Fórmula Rápida (FR) y Valencia (VA) en mujeres con grados de obesidad I a III. Métodos: Mujeres adultas me...

  11. Extensive FE-SEM/EDS, HR-TEM/EDS and ToF-SIMS studies of micron- to nano-particles in anthracite fly ash

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro, Joana [Centro de Geologia, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 687, 4169-007 Porto (Portugal); DaBoit, Kátia [Institute of Environmental Research and Human Development, IPADHC, Capivari de Baixo, Santa Catarina (Brazil); Flores, Deolinda [Centro de Geologia, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 687, 4169-007 Porto (Portugal); Departamento de Geociências, Ambiente e Ordenamento do Território, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 687, 4169-007 Porto (Portugal); Kronbauer, Marcio A. [Laboratory of Environmental Researches and Nanotechnology Development, Centro Universitário La Salle, Victor Barreto, 2288 Centro 92010-000, Canoas, RS (Brazil); Silva, Luis F.O., E-mail: [Laboratory of Environmental Researches and Nanotechnology Development, Centro Universitário La Salle, Victor Barreto, 2288 Centro 92010-000, Canoas, RS (Brazil); Environmental Science and Nanotechnology Department, Catarinense Institute of Environmental Research and Human Development, IPADHC, Capivari de Baixo, Santa Catarina (Brazil)


    The generation of anthropogenic carbonaceous matter and mixed crystalline/amorphous mineral ultrafine/nano-particles in the 1 to 100 nm size range by worldwide coal power plants represents serious environmental problems due to their potential hazards. Coal fly ash (CFA) that resulted from anthracite combustion in a Portuguese thermal power plant was studied in this work. The physico-chemical characterization of ultrafine/nano-particles present in the CFA samples and their interaction with environment are the aim of this study. The methodologies applied for this work were field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (HR-TEM/EDS) and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Some hazardous volatile elements, C, N, S and Hg contents were also determined in the studied samples. Generally, the CFA samples comprise carbonaceous, glassy and metallic solid spheres with some containing mixed amorphous/crystalline phases. The EDS analysis coupled with the FE-SEM and HR-TEM observations of the fly ash particles with 100 to 0.1 nm demonstrates that these materials contain a small but significant proportion of encapsulated HVEs. In addition, the presence of abundant multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and amorphous carbon particles, both containing hazardous volatile elements (HVEs), was also evidenced by the FE-SEM/EDS and HR-TEM/EDS analysis. A wide range of organic and inorganic compounds was determined by chemical maps obtained in ToF-SIMS analysis. - Highlights: ► We examine changes in the level of ultrafine and nanoparticles of coal mining. ► Increasing geochemical information will increase human health information in this area. ► Electron bean and Tof-SIMS increase area information.

  12. Ensayo no destructivo de soldaduras en pernos conectores mediante inspección acústica


    Aznar, A.; Cervera, J.; Ortiz, J.; Hernando, J. I.


    Los pernos conectores aportan múltiples ventajas de uso, entre las que se encuentra el elevado margen de seguridad que ofrecen sus soldaduras ejecutadas mediante arco eléctrico. Estas soldaduras, aunque ampliamente fiables, son difícilmente comprobadas mediante ensayos no destructivos. Aparte de la inspección visual, que aporta gran información sobre la calidad de ejecución de la soldadura, el resto de ensayos no destructivos (líquidos penetrantes, partículas magnéticas, ultrasonidos, radiogr...

  13. Densidad de desarrollo alta y baja en Puerto Rico (United States)

    William A. Gould; Sebastian Martinuzzi; Olga M. Ramos Gonzalez


    Este mapa demuestra la distribución de terrenos de alta y baja densidad de desarrollo urbano en Puerto Rico (Martinuzzi et al. 2007). El mapa fue creado mediante el analisis de un mosaico de imagenes de satelite Landsat ETM+ de los años 2000 – 2003. La clasificacion no supervisada ISODATA (“Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique”) (ERDAS 2003) fue utilizada...

  14. Analisis Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gas LPG Menggunakan Sensor TGS 2610 Berbasis Mikrokontroler AVR ATMega8535




    Telah dilakukan analisis kuantitatif gas dalam LPG. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur konsentrasi gas LPG terhadap sensor. Metoda yang digunakan untuk mengukur konsentrasi gas LPG yaitu sensor gas semikonduktor jenis TGS 2610 keluaran Figaro yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan gas. Sementara yang menjadi pusat pengendalian dari seluruh alat yang dirancang digunakan mikrokontroler AVR ATMega8535. Selain itu sistem yang dirancang dilengkapi LCD sebagai tampilan nilai konsentrasi ga...

  15. Suicide Prevention in an Emergency Department Population: The ED-SAFE Study. (United States)

    Miller, Ivan W; Camargo, Carlos A; Arias, Sarah A; Sullivan, Ashley F; Allen, Michael H; Goldstein, Amy B; Manton, Anne P; Espinola, Janice A; Jones, Richard; Hasegawa, Kohei; Boudreaux, Edwin D


    Suicide is a leading cause of deaths in the United States. Although the emergency department (ED) is an opportune setting for initiating suicide prevention efforts, ED-initiated suicide prevention interventions remain underdeveloped. To determine whether an ED-initiated intervention reduces subsequent suicidal behavior. This multicenter study of 8 EDs in the United States enrolled adults with a recent suicide attempt or ideation and was composed of 3 sequential phases: (1) a treatment as usual (TAU) phase from August 2010 to December 2011, (2) a universal screening (screening) phase from September 2011 to December 2012, and (3) a universal screening plus intervention (intervention) phase from July 2012 to November 2013. Screening consisted of universal suicide risk screening. The intervention phase consisted of universal screening plus an intervention, which included secondary suicide risk screening by the ED physician, discharge resources, and post-ED telephone calls focused on reducing suicide risk. The primary outcome was suicide attempts (nonfatal and fatal) over the 52-week follow-up period. The proportion and total number of attempts were analyzed. A total of 1376 participants were recruited, including 769 females (55.9%) with a median (interquartile range) age of 37 (26-47) years. A total of 288 participants (20.9%) made at least 1 suicide attempt, and there were 548 total suicide attempts among participants. There were no significant differences in risk reduction between the TAU and screening phases (23% vs 22%, respectively). However, compared with the TAU phase, patients in the intervention phase showed a 5% absolute reduction in suicide attempt risk (23% vs 18%), with a relative risk reduction of 20%. Participants in the intervention phase had 30% fewer total suicide attempts than participants in the TAU phase. Negative binomial regression analysis indicated that the participants in the intervention phase had significantly fewer total suicide attempts

  16. Analisis komoditas unggulan perikanan budidaya Kabupaten Pidie Jaya

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    Farok Afero


    Full Text Available Abstract. Snapper (Lates calcarifer, grouper (Epinephelus coioides, tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon, vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus are leading commodity worthly cultivated in Pidie Jaya. Bandar Baru and Tringgadeng an appropriate areas for black tiger shrimp while Jangka Buya and Ulim approriate areas for vannamei cultivation. AHP analysis showed black tiger shrimp is top priority based on the economic value while vannamei shrimp is top priority based on enterprise sustainability. Financial analysis of snapper, grouper, black tiger shrimp, vannamei shrimp and tilapia farming generated positive cash flow and NPV, IRR > 100%, the ratio of benefit to cost of production > 1,30 and payback period of investment costs  < 1 year, thus demonstrating the feasibility of cultivation of these leading commodities. Vannamei shrimp cultivation showed positive prospect as long the market offers premium price. Grouper and snapper had a positive outlook because high demand of high-quality fish in the international market. Keywords: Leading commodity; financial analysis; aquaculture; Pidie Jaya Abstrak. Komoditas kakap (Lates calcarifer, kerapu (Epinephelus coioides,udang windu (Penaeus monodon, udang vannamei (Litopenaeus vannamei dan nila (Oreochromis niloticus adalah komoditas unggulan yang layak dibudidaya di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya. Bandar Baru dan Tringgadeng merupakan kawasan yang layak untuk pengembangan komoditas udang windu sedangkan Jangka Buya dan Ulim layak untuk pengembangan komoditas udang vannamei. Analisis AHP menunjukkan komoditas udang windu menjadi prioritas utama untuk dikembangkan berdasarkan nilai ekonomi sedangkan udang vannamei menjadi prioritas utama berdasarkan keberlanjutan usaha. Analisis indikator keuangan budidaya kakap, kerapu, udang windu, vannamei dan nila menunjukkan usaha budidaya komoditas unggulan menghasilkan arus kas kumulatif dan NPV positif, nilai  IRR diatas 100%, rasio keuntungan

  17. Analisis Film Horor Indonesia Produksi Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus: Mall Klender dan Kamar 207

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    Dedi Sukatno Sembiring Meliala


    Full Text Available Abstrak Film horor erat kaitannya dengan tokoh antagonis yang menimbulkan ketakutan pada penonton dalam bentuk makhluk supranatural seperti hantu, roh jahat dan sebagainya. Karakteristik film dengan genre horor membuat penonton terbawa suasana dengan alur ceritanya yang menakutkan. Namun, beberapa dari film horor Indonesia menyajikan adegan-adegan yang kurang sopan bahkan tergolong asusila atau porno. Untuk itu, penelitian ini ingin melihat apakah terdapat konten pornografi pada film Mall Klender dan Kamar 207 yang merupakan film horor Indonesia terlaris di tahun 2014. Analisis dilakukan dengan melihat pandangan dan penilaian 30 responden dengan karakteristik yaitu penonton film horor Indonesia yang berusia 20-40 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, tidak didapatkan konten pornografi pada film Mall Klender dan Kamar 207. Adegan-adegan yang terindikasi sebagai konten pornografi ternyata masih dapat diterima oleh penonton sebagai adegan yang berada dalam batas kewajaran dan mendukung pembawaan suasana dan kesan dalam cerita yang disampaikan. Kata Kunci: film horror Indonesia, analisis konten, pornografi Abstract The horror film is closely related to the antagonist that causes fear for audience in the form of supernatural creatures such as ghosts, demons and so on. Characteristic of the horor film is to make the audience carried away with the scary plot. However, some of the existing Indonesian horror film presents scenes that classified as obscene or pornographic. Therefore, this study wanted to see if there are any pornographic content on the film Klender Mall and Room 207 is the best-selling Indonesian horror movie in 2014. The analysis was done by looking at the view and assessment of 30 respondents which are Indonesian horror movie goers aged 20-40 years. Based on the analysis, there is no founding of pornographic content on the film Klender Mall and Room 207. The scenes that indicated as pornographic content was still acceptable by the audience

  18. Ambienti narrativi per l'apprendimento

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    Giuliana Dettori


    Full Text Available Analisi degli ambienti di apprendimento narrativi e la loro potenzialità per l’apprendimento. Le storie possono essere uno strumento a sostegno dell’apprendimento che risulta naturale per tutti, e specialmente per bambini e ragazzi. Lo sviluppo delle TIC (Tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione ed il loro crescente utilizzo in ambito didattico hanno fornito un’ampia gamma di strumenti per potenziare l’utilizzo educativo della narrativa, dando origine ad una consistente varieta’ di ambienti di apprendimento narrativi con obiettivi formativi differenti ed applicabili a diversi ambiti di studio.

  19. Analysis system and remote monitoring of atmospheric discharges; Sistema de analisis y monitoreo remoto de descargas atmosfericas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zabre Borgaro, Eric; Rodriguez Padilla, Ma. Consuelo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    A system for analysis and monitoring of atmospheric discharges (SAMDA (Sistema de Analisis y Monitoreo de Descargas Atmosfericas) (lightnings)) in an electronic device that subsequently transmits these data as automatic processing or by request of a user from a computer operating as a remote station, is described. Also, the characteristics of the SAMDA, its evolution, and the challenges encountered along the development of this project and comments on possible improvements to the equipment and data recordings of this nature, are described. [Espanol] Se presenta el sistema de analisis y monitoreo de descargas atmosfericas (SAMDA) utilizado en la deteccion y registro de descargas atmosfericas (rayos) en un equipo electronico que posteriormente transmite estos datos como procesamiento automatico o por peticion de un usuario desde una computadora, operando como estacion remota. Asimismo, se describen las caracteristicas del SAMDA, su evolucion, los retos encontrados a lo largo del desarrollo de este proyecto y comentarios sobre posibles mejoras a equipos y registros de datos de esta naturaleza.

  20. Analysis system and remote monitoring of atmospheric discharges; Sistema de analisis y monitoreo remoto de descargas atmosfericas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zabre Borgaro, Eric; Rodriguez Padilla, Ma Consuelo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    A system for analysis and monitoring of atmospheric discharges (SAMDA (Sistema de Analisis y Monitoreo de Descargas Atmosfericas) (lightnings)) in an electronic device that subsequently transmits these data as automatic processing or by request of a user from a computer operating as a remote station, is described. Also, the characteristics of the SAMDA, its evolution, and the challenges encountered along the development of this project and comments on possible improvements to the equipment and data recordings of this nature, are described. [Espanol] Se presenta el sistema de analisis y monitoreo de descargas atmosfericas (SAMDA) utilizado en la deteccion y registro de descargas atmosfericas (rayos) en un equipo electronico que posteriormente transmite estos datos como procesamiento automatico o por peticion de un usuario desde una computadora, operando como estacion remota. Asimismo, se describen las caracteristicas del SAMDA, su evolucion, los retos encontrados a lo largo del desarrollo de este proyecto y comentarios sobre posibles mejoras a equipos y registros de datos de esta naturaleza.

  1. Initial mechanical ventilator settings and lung protective ventilation in the ED. (United States)

    Wilcox, Susan R; Richards, Jeremy B; Fisher, Daniel F; Sankoff, Jeffrey; Seigel, Todd A


    Mechanical ventilation with low tidal volumes has been shown to improve outcomes for patients both with and without acute respiratory distress syndrome. This study aims to characterize mechanically ventilated patients in the emergency department (ED), describe the initial ED ventilator settings, and assess for associations between lung protective ventilation strategies in the ED and outcomes. This was a multicenter, prospective, observational study of mechanical ventilation at 3 academic EDs. We defined lung protective ventilation as a tidal volume of less than or equal to 8 mL/kg of predicted body weight and compared outcomes for patients ventilated with lung protective vs non-lung protective ventilation, including inhospital mortality, ventilator days, intensive care unit length of stay, and hospital length of stay. Data from 433 patients were analyzed. Altered mental status without respiratory pathology was the most common reason for intubation, followed by trauma and respiratory failure. Two hundred sixty-one patients (60.3%) received lung protective ventilation, but most patients were ventilated with a low positive end-expiratory pressure, high fraction of inspired oxygen strategy. Patients were ventilated in the ED for a mean of 5 hours and 7 minutes but had few ventilator adjustments. Outcomes were not significantly different between patients receiving lung protective vs non-lung protective ventilation. Nearly 40% of ED patients were ventilated with non-lung protective ventilation as well as with low positive end-expiratory pressure and high fraction of inspired oxygen. Despite a mean ED ventilation time of more than 5 hours, few patients had adjustments made to their ventilators. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. SED-ED, a workflow editor for computational biology experiments written in SED-ML. (United States)

    Adams, Richard R


    The simulation experiment description markup language (SED-ML) is a new community data standard to encode computational biology experiments in a computer-readable XML format. Its widespread adoption will require the development of software support to work with SED-ML files. Here, we describe a software tool, SED-ED, to view, edit, validate and annotate SED-ML documents while shielding end-users from the underlying XML representation. SED-ED supports modellers who wish to create, understand and further develop a simulation description provided in SED-ML format. SED-ED is available as a standalone Java application, as an Eclipse plug-in and as an SBSI ( plug-in, all under an MIT open-source license. Source code is at The application itself is available from


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    Hendrajaya -


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor yang terbentuk dari kendala penerapan Total Quality Management (TQM, sebagai upaya untuk menganalisis masalah-masalah potensial dari penerapan TQM di Hotel Plaza, Semarang. Sampel dari penelitian ini sejumlah 65 karyawan Hotel Plaza, Semarang yang terdiri dari manajer dan staf. Teknik analisis menggunakan Faktor Analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa kendala potensial dari implementasi TQM dapat disimpulkan menjadi lima faktor, yaitu faktor inkonsistensi, visi-misi, transformasi budaya, manajerial dan manajemen kualitas. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi bahwa peningkatan fungsi-fungsi korporat melalui optimalisasi kualitas sebagai strategi bisnis dan orientasi pada kepuasan konsumen dengan melibatkan seluruh anggota organisasi, akan menjadi dasar untuk memaksimalkan daya saing perusahaan dalam hal produk, layanan, SDM, lingkungan dan seluruh proses yang dapat mendukung upaya perbaikan produktivitas. This study aims to determine the constraint factors and to analyze the potential problems of TQM implementation of Plaza Semarang Hotel. The sample of 65 employees of TQM implementation of Plaza Semarang Hotel, consist of managers and staffs. Factor analysis is used to achieve the results of the potential constraint implementation of Total Quality Management which can be summarized into five factors, they are: the factor of inconsistencies, the factor of vision and mission, cultural transformation factors, managerial factors and the factors of quality management. In order to increase the corporate functions through the optimization of quality as a business strategy and to achieve customer satisfaction, this study suggests that all members of the organization should be involved by the company as on-going basis to maximize the competitiveness of the organization on products, services, human resources, environment and all processes that support productivity improvement.

  4. Analisis Zona Permeabel Fluida Sistem Panas Bumi Gunungapi Slamet Berdasarkan Analisis Kerapatan Kelurusan Citra SRTM Dan Struktur Geologi

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    Sachrul Iswahyudi


    Full Text Available Keberadaan manifestasi panasbumi di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet tidak dapat dipisahkan dari zona-zona permeabilitas yang berkembang. Lokasi-lokasi lulus air tersebut (zona permeabel yang memungkinkan terbentuknya sirkulasi fluida tempat air masuk untuk mengisi reservoir panas bumi dan air keluar ke permukaan bumi sebagai manifesatasi mata air panasbumi di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet. Publikasi yang berupa hasil penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi zona-zona permeabel tersebut berdasarkan anaslisis kerapatan kelurusan yang terekam dalam citra SRTM. Identifikasi kelurusan-kelurusan pada citra berdasarkan komponen-komponen interpretasi citra, yaitu tona, tekstur, pola, bentuk dan relief. Hasil analisis tersebut dikompilasi dengan data struktur geologi regional yang sebelumnya telah diidentifikasi dan data lapangan berupa manifestasi mata air panas. Lokasi-lokasi dengan kerapatan kelurusan yang tinggi pada citra SRTM umumnya bersesuaian dengan zona struktur geologi regional keberadaan manifestasi mata air panas. Daerah tersebut memanjang relatif utara-selatan di bagian barat dan timur-barat di bagian selatan peta. Daerah-daerah inilah yang merupakan daerah lulus air tempat fluida bersirkulasi membentuk sistem panasbumi Gunungapi Slamet.

  5. ED pharmacist monitoring of provider antibiotic selection aids appropriate treatment for outpatient UTI. (United States)

    Lingenfelter, Erin; Drapkin, Zachary; Fritz, Kelly; Youngquist, Scott; Madsen, Troy; Fix, Megan


    We sought to determine whether an emergency department (ED) pharmacist could aid in the monitoring and correction of inappropriate empiric antibiotic selection for urinary tract infections in an outpatient ED population. Urine cultures with greater than 100 000 CFU/mL bacteria from the University of Utah Emergency Department over 1 year (October 2011-Sept 2012) were identified using our electronic medical record system. Per ED protocol, an ED pharmacist reviews all cultures and performs a chart review of patient symptoms, diagnosis, and discharge antibiotics to determine whether the treatment was appropriate. A retrospective review of this process was performed to identify how often inappropriate treatment was recognized and intervened on by an ED pharmacist. Of the 180 cultures included, a total of 42 (23%) of empiric discharge treatments were considered inappropriate and required intervention. In 35 (83%) of 42 patients, the ED pharmacist was able to contact the patient and make appropriate changes; the remaining 7 patients were unable to be contacted, and no change could be made in their treatment. A chart review of all urine cultures with greater than 100 000 CFU/mL performed by an ED pharmacist helped identify inappropriate treatment in 23% of patients discharged to home with the diagnosis of urinary tract infection. Of these patients who had received inappropriate treatment, an ED pharmacist was able to intervene in 83% of cases. These data highlight the role of ED pharmacists in improving patient care after discharge. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Operational and financial impact of physician screening in the ED. (United States)

    Soremekun, Olanrewaju A; Biddinger, Paul D; White, Benjamin A; Sinclair, Julia R; Chang, Yuchiao; Carignan, Sarah B; Brown, David F M


    Physician screening is one of many front-end interventions being implemented to improve emergency department (ED) efficiency. We aimed to quantify the operational and financial impact of this intervention at an urban tertiary academic center. We conducted a 2-year before-after analysis of a physician screening system at an urban tertiary academic center with 90 000 annual visits. Financial impact consisted of the ED and inpatient revenue generated from the incremental capacity and the reduction in left without being seen (LWBS) rates. The ED and inpatient margin contribution as well as capital expenditure were based on available published data. We summarized the financial impact using net present value of future cash flows performing sensitivity analysis on the assumptions. Operational outcome measures were ED length of stay and percentage of LWBS. During the first year, we estimate the contribution margin of the screening system to be $2.71 million and the incremental operational cost to be $1.86 million. Estimated capital expenditure for the system was $1 200 000. The NPV of this investment was $2.82 million, and time to break even from the initial investment was 13 months. Operationally, despite a 16.7% increase in patient volume and no decrease in boarding hours, there was a 7.4% decrease in ED length of stay and a reduction in LWBS from 3.3% to 1.8%. In addition to improving operational measures, the implementation of a physician screening program in the ED allowed for an incremental increase in patient care capacity leading to an overall positive financial impact. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Analisis Pengaruh Parameter Operasional dan Penggunaan Stabilizer terhadap Perilaku Arah Belok Mobil Toyota Fortuner 4.0 V6 SR (AT 4X4

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    Deva Andriansyah


    Full Text Available Salah satu tipe mobil yang diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia yaitu Toyota Fortuner yang termasuk dalam kelas mobil SUV (sport utility vehicle. Dalam pengoperasiannya mobil SUV harus mampu memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi pengendaranya. Salah satu faktor penunjang dari segi keamanan mobil ini yaitu perilaku arah beloknya. Dengan harga jual yang relatif tinggi di Indonesia, diharapkan mobil ini dapat memberikan perilaku arah belok yang baik. Terdapat dua tahapan dalam peneltian ini yaitu tahap analisis dan uji jalan pada radius belok tetap, 10 meter. Pada tahap analisis dilakukan perhitungan berdasarkan analisa slip, skid, dan guling untuk mengetahui perilaku arah belok mobil dengan variasi pada parameter operasionalnya yaitu: jumlah penumpang, kecepatan, sudut belok, kondisi permukaan jalan, dan tekanan ban. Selain itu, analisis pengaruh penggunaaan stabilizer terhadap perilaku arah belok mobil juga dilakukan. Uji jalan dilakukan untuk mengetahui Koefisien Understeer (KUS dari mobil tersebut pada jalan aspal dan tanah dengan kondisi mobil tanpa dan menggunakan stabilizer. Hasil yang didapatkan dari uji jalan akan dibandingkan dengan hasil dari analisis perhitungan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mobil Toyota Fortuner mengalami kondisi belok paling baik ketika dinaiki oleh 2 orang penumpang dengan tekanan ban sebesar 35 Psi dan melintas pada jalan aspal karena kendaraan lebih sedikit mengalami oversteer dan memiliki (KUS positif terkecil serta tidak mudah mengalami skid. Penggunaan stabilizer pada mobil Toyota Fortuner tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku arah beloknya karena KUS yang dihasilkan pada uji jalan nilainya hampir sama yaitu 1,8045 dan 1,8115 pada jalan aspal serta 2,151 dan 2,1641 pada jalan tanah. Namun, penggunaan stabilizer bermanfaat untuk memperkecil sudut guling ketika mobil berbelok.

  8. Analisis Faktor Pembentuk Ekuitas Merek Toyota dan Daihatsu di Indonesia (Studi Komparasi pada Masyarakat Bandung)


    Sigiro, Cristine Afriani; Rachma Putri, Yuliani; Ilfandy Imran, Ayub


    Toyota dan Daihatsu merupakan dua merek otomotif (mobil) yang sangat fenomenal di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Produk dari kedua merek tersebut memiliki persamaan yang identik, namun Toyota memasarkan produknya lebih mahal dibandingkan Daihatsu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbandingan ekuitas merek Toyota dan Daihatsu menurut masyarakat Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma penelitian positivistik dengan metode penelitian studi komparatif melalui teknik analisis data yan...

  9. Using Telemedicine to Address Crowding in the ED. (United States)

    Guss, Benjamin; Mishkin, David; Sharma, Rahul


    Some health systems are piloting telemedicine solutions in the ED to address crowding and decrease patient wait times. One new program, implemented at the Lisa Perry Emergency Center at New York Presbyterian (NYP) Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York, involves offering low-acuity patients the option of visiting an off-site physician via telemedicine hookup. Administrators note that the approach can get patients in and out of the ED within 30 minutes, and patients have thus far been highly satisfied with the approach. However, an earlier telemedicine program piloted at the University of San Diego Health System’s (UCSD) Hillcrest Hospital in 2013 got bogged down due to administrative and insurance reimbursement hurdles, although the approach showed enough promise that there is interest in restarting the program. In the NYP program, patients are identified as appropriate candidates for the program at triage. They can opt to be seen remotely or through traditional means in the ED’s fast-track section. Administrators note that patients with complex problems requiring extensive workups are not suitable for the telemedicine approach. The most challenging aspect of implementing a successful telemedicine program in the ED is getting the workflows right, according to administrators. An earlier ED-based telemedicine program piloted at UCSD ran into difficulties because the model required the involvement of two physicians, and some insurers did not want to pay for the telemedicine visits. However, patients were receptive.

  10. Identifiksi Sebaran Litologi berdasarkan Analisis Data Resistivitas di Gunung Wungkal

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    Nurul Dzakiya


    Full Text Available Analisis data untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran litologi yang memiliki potensi bahan galian industri di Daerah Gunung Wungkal Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan metode resistivitas dan survei geologi permukaan telah dilakukan. Hasil korelasi kedua data tersebut menunjukkan sebaran litologi merupakan pelapukan intrusi batuan beku yang kemudian menghasilkan material lempung (6,0-10 m, lempung pasiran (11-30 m dan lapukan batuan diorit (30-55 m yang berada di kedalaman berbeda. Ketebalan batuan di permukaan sekitar 225-231 meter berdasarkan penampang peta geologi dengan arah sebaran dari Barat Laut hingga Tenggara. Proses pelapukan dan alterasi di daerah ini intensif (alterasi argilik dengan jenis morfologi perbukitan intrusi terdenudasi dan dataran Alluvial.

  11. Mitigating Higher Ed Cyber Attacks (United States)

    Rogers, Gary; Ashford, Tina


    In this presentation we will discuss the many and varied cyber attacks that have recently occurred in the higher ed community. We will discuss the perpetrators, the victims, the impact and how these institutions have evolved to meet this threat. Mitigation techniques and defense strategies will be covered as will a discussion of effective security…

  12. I Failed the edTPA (United States)

    Kuranishi, Adam; Oyler, Celia


    In this article, co-written by a teacher and a professor, the authors examine possible explanations for why Adam (first author), a New York City public school special educator, failed the edTPA, a teacher performance assessment required by all candidates for state certification. Adam completed a yearlong teaching residency where he was the special…


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    Luh Gede Sri Artini


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan gabungan dari penelitian sebelumnya mengenai hubungan antara harga saham dengan kinerja ekonomi makro, dan penelitian mengenai integrasi Pasar Modal internasional.Variabel ekonomi makro dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada pertumbuhan PDB, tingkat suku bunga SBI dan nilai Kurs dolar Amerika terhadap Rupiah dan Indeks saham digunakan adalah Indeks Dow Jones, Indeks Saham Australia, Indeks Shanghai dan Indeks Singapura. Data dikumpulkan dari tahun 2011 sampai tahun 2015 secara bulanan dengan teknik analisis regresi linier dengan bantuan Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS


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    Johari Johari


    Full Text Available Tugas dan wewenang Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK terdapat di dalam Pasal 26 dan Pasal 27 Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 2003 tentang Tindak Pencucian Uang. Berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut, tugas dan wewenang PPATK tersebut bertujuan untuk mendeteksi terjadinya tindak pidana pencucian uang, dan membantu penegakan hukum yang berkaitan dengan pencucian uang, termasuk tindak pidana asal yang melahirkannya (predicate offences. Namun, Peranan PPATK akan berjalan secara efektif apabila aparat penegak hukum seperti Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, Pengadilan, Bea dan Cukai, para regulator seperti Bank Indonesia, Departemen Keuangan, Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal serta Penyedia Jasa Keuangan, industri perbankan, asuransi, perusahaan pembiayaan, dana pensiun, perusahaan efek, pengelola reksadana, media massa, masyarakat bekerjasama secara terorganisir dan terpadu dalam pemberantasan tindak pencucian uang di Indonesia. Dengan kewenangan yang dimilikinya, PPATK dapat mengejar hasil dari kejahatan, apabila hasil kejahatan tersebut dapat dikejar dan disita maka negara dengan sendirinya akan mengurangi tindak kejahatan itu sendiri. Kata kunci : Pencucian uang, tindak pidana pencucian uang (money laundering, kejahatan terorganisir, dan Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK.


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    Idiannor Mahyudin


    Full Text Available Salah satu kegiatan ekonomi berbasis sumberdaya hayati pada sektor perikanan adalah kegiatan budidaya ikan.  Tetapi dengan keterbatasan lahan yang dimiliki dan untuk memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan supaya bernilai produktif maka masyarakat Banjarbaru banyak mengusahakan budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 menganalisis layak atau tidaknya usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal; (2 menganalisis pengaruh perubahan harga input terhadap usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal; (3 mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pelaku usaha budidaya  ikan lele di kolam terpal di Kotamadya Banjarbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan wawancara. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Lokasi sampel ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive, yakni Kotamadya Banjarbaru. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap petani ikan  yang aktif mengelola kegiatan usaha budidaya  ikan lele di kolam terpal, yakni sebanyak 200 petani ikan.  Penetapan jumlah sampel dilakukan secara random mengingat populasi yang homogen. Analisis data untuk menjawab tujuan pertama, yakni menganalisis kelayakan investasi usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal , digunakan perhitungan pada kriteria investasi yang meliputi Net Present Value (NPV, Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net BCR, Internal Rate of Return (IRR dan Payback Period.   Untuk menjawab tujuan kedua dilakukan pengujian terhadap hasil kelayakan usaha pada metode di atas dengan mempertimbangkan adanya kenaikan harga pakan. Selanjutnya untuk menjawab tujuan ketiga, yakni mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi pelaku usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal, digunakan analisis deskriptif dengan cara mengkaji data-data primer/sekunder dan selanjutnya memaparkannya secara tertulis. Hasil analisis kelayakan usaha diperoleh nilai NPV 12% sebesar Rp 96.600,081 > 0, nilai B/C 12% = 2,089 > 1 dan nilai IRR = ~ (tidak terhingga  > dari tingkat bunga berlaku. Dari hasil kelayakan usaha

  16. Analisis Gameplay Game Genre Virtual Pet

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    Abi Senoprabowo


    Full Text Available Game adalah struktur interaktif yang membuat pemain berjuang menuju sebuah tujuan. Game dapat memberikan emosi dan mood, menghubungkan dengan orang latihan, sarana latihan, serta dapat memberikan edukasi. Salah satu game yang berkembang saat ini adalah game bergenre Virtual pet. Game virtual pet merupakan game simulasi memelihara sesuatu. Virtual pet memiliki gameplay yang menarik dan menyenangkan yang membuat pemain seolah-olah benar-benar memiliki binatang peliharaan mereka sendiri. Virtual pet dianggap oleh sebagian besar penggunanya dapat memberikan kegembiraan serta rasa kasih sayang karena tingkat interaksinya yang baik. Banyak pengembang game pemula yang mengembangkan genre ini sebagai game yang mereka buat karena kemudahaan dan tingkat penggunanya yang banyak. Akan tetapi banyak dari pengembang game pemula tidak memperhatikan tingkat keberlanjutan game virtual pet yang mereka buat sehingga membuat pemain cepat bosan. Pada penelitian ini, analisis game bergenre virtual pet yang sudah sukses dibuat seperti Zombigotchi, Tamagotchi Unicorn, dan Bird Land, diharapkan dapat membantu para pengembang game pemula agar mengetahui cara merancang dan mengembangkan game virtual pet dengan baik. Kata Kunci: game, gameplay, virtual pet


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    D. Mutiatikum


    Full Text Available Penggunaan pestisida untuk budidaya komoditi pertanian memungkinkan adanya residu pestisida dalam sayuran sehingga konsumen berisiko tercemar pestisida yang merupakan zat toksik  sehingga diperlukan pemantmwn kadar residu dalam sayuran terutama yang langsung dikonsumsi tanpa dimasak. Penetapan  residu pestisida dilakukan dengan menggunakan kromatografi gas (GC. Hasil analisis residu pestisida golongan peretrin dalam tomat dan selada yang disampling dari pasar induk, pasar tradisional. pasar swalayan dan hipermarket yang berada diwilayah Jakarta menunjukkan hasil yang negatif (tidak terdeteksi.

  18. Report from the commission about the industrial and financial project of EdF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report takes stock of the work carried out by the commission appointed by the French ministry of economy, finances and industry about the industrial and financial project of Electricite de France (EdF) in the framework of the liberalization of European energy markets. The report presents the conclusions of the commission about EdF's position in the new competition context, about the financial position of the group and about the foreseeable strategic options and their consequences in terms of equity fund needs. 5 appendixes present: the evolution of electricity prices, EdF and the energy policy, the electricity market and the competition in Europe, the EdF group: presentation and main adaptation stakes, the financial situation of EdF group. (J.S.)

  19. EDs find physical therapists are an underused asset for musculoskeletal injuries, patient education. (United States)


    Some EDs are finding that the unique skill sets offered by physical therapists (PT) can be an asset to emergency care while also improving the patient experience. Experts say PTs are particularly valuable in the management of musculoskeletal pain and injuries, but they are also being used for wound care, gait training, and balance assessment. ED administrators say consistent, daily coverage is essential to making a PT program successful; otherwise, ED clinicians will neglect to use their services. PTs need to be comfortable with proactively marketing their skills to other ED clinicians who may not be used to having access to this resource. Experts say PT services in the ED can be reimbursed at a level that is consistent with reimbursement in other inpatient and outpatient settings.

  20. A Preliminary Examination of Loss of Control Eating Disorder (LOC-ED) in Middle Childhood (United States)

    Matherne, Camden E.; Tanofsky-Kraff, Marian; Altschul, Anne M.; Shank, Lisa M.; Schvey, Natasha A.; Brady, Sheila M.; Galescu, Ovidiu; Demidowich, Andrew P.; Yanovski, Susan Z.; Yanovski, Jack A.


    Loss of Control Eating Disorder (LOC-ED) has been proposed as a diagnostic category for children 6–12y with binge-type eating. However, characteristics of youth with LOC-ED have not been examined. We tested the hypothesis that the proposed criteria for LOC-ED would identify children with greater adiposity, more disordered eating attitudes, and greater mood disturbance than those without LOC-ED. Participants were 251 youth (10.29y ± 1.54, 53.8% female, 57.8 % White, 35.5% Black, 2.0% Asian, 4.8% Hispanic, 53.0% overweight). Youth were interviewed regarding eating attitudes and behaviors, completed questionnaires to assess general psychopathology, and underwent measurements of body fat mass. Using previously proposed criteria for LOC-ED, children were classified as LOC-ED (n = 19), LOC in the absence of the full disorder (subLOC, n = 33), and youth not reporting LOC (noLOC, n = 199). LOC-ED youth had higher BMIz (p = 0.001) and adiposity (p = 0.003) and reported greater disordered eating concerns (p eating attitudes (p = 0.02). SubLOC youth had greater disordered eating concerns (p eating cognitions and anthropometric measures compared to youth without LOC-ED. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine if those with LOC-ED are at particularly increased risk for progression of disordered eating and excess weight gain. PMID:25913008

  1. A preliminary examination of Loss of Control Eating Disorder (LOC-ED) in middle childhood. (United States)

    Matherne, Camden E; Tanofsky-Kraff, Marian; Altschul, Anne M; Shank, Lisa M; Schvey, Natasha A; Brady, Sheila M; Galescu, Ovidiu; Demidowich, Andrew P; Yanovski, Susan Z; Yanovski, Jack A


    Loss of Control Eating Disorder (LOC-ED) has been proposed as a diagnostic category for children 6-12years with binge-type eating. However, characteristics of youth with LOC-ED have not been examined. We tested the hypothesis that the proposed criteria for LOC-ED would identify children with greater adiposity, more disordered eating attitudes, and greater mood disturbance than those without LOC-ED. Participants were 251 youth (10.29years±1.54, 53.8% female, 57.8% White, 35.5% Black, 2.0% Asian, 4.8% Hispanic, 53.0% overweight). Youth were interviewed regarding eating attitudes and behaviors, completed questionnaires to assess general psychopathology, and underwent measurements of body fat mass. Using previously proposed criteria for LOC-ED, children were classified as LOC-ED (n=19), LOC in the absence of the full disorder (subLOC, n=33), and youth not reporting LOC (noLOC, n=199). LOC-ED youth had higher BMIz (p=0.001) and adiposity (p=0.003) and reported greater disordered eating concerns (pdisordered eating attitudes (p=0.02). SubLOC youth had greater disordered eating concerns (pdisordered eating cognitions and anthropometric measures compared to youth without LOC-ED. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine if those with LOC-ED are at particularly increased risk for progression of disordered eating and excess weight gain. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  2. Modelling the growth of Populus species using Ecosystem Demography (ED) model (United States)

    Wang, D.; Lebauer, D. S.; Feng, X.; Dietze, M. C.


    Hybrid poplar plantations are an important source being evaluated for biomass production. Effective management of such plantations requires adequate growth and yield models. The Ecosystem Demography model (ED) makes predictions about the large scales of interest in above- and belowground ecosystem structure and the fluxes of carbon and water from a description of the fine-scale physiological processes. In this study, we used a workflow management tool, the Predictive Ecophysiological Carbon flux Analyzer (PECAn), to integrate literature data, field measurement and the ED model to provide predictions of ecosystem functioning. Parameters for the ED ensemble runs were sampled from the posterior distribution of ecophysiological traits of Populus species compiled from the literature using a Bayesian meta-analysis approach. Sensitivity analysis was performed to identify the parameters which contribute the most to the uncertainties of the ED model output. Model emulation techniques were used to update parameter posterior distributions using field-observed data in northern Wisconsin hybrid poplar plantations. Model results were evaluated with 5-year field-observed data in a hybrid poplar plantation at New Franklin, MO. ED was then used to predict the spatial variability of poplar yield in the coterminous United States (United States minus Alaska and Hawaii). Sensitivity analysis showed that root respiration, dark respiration, growth respiration, stomatal slope and specific leaf area contribute the most to the uncertainty, which suggests that our field measurements and data collection should focus on these parameters. The ED model successfully captured the inter-annual and spatial variability of the yield of poplar. Analyses in progress with the ED model focus on evaluating the ecosystem services of short-rotation woody plantations, such as impacts on soil carbon storage, water use, and nutrient retention.

  3. 34 CFR 110.1 - What is the purpose of ED's age discrimination regulations? (United States)


    ... ACTIVITIES RECEIVING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE General § 110.1 What is the purpose of ED's age discrimination regulations? The purpose of these regulations is to set out ED's rules for implementing the Age... 34 Education 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What is the purpose of ED's age discrimination...

  4. A Chinese translation of the EdFED-Q and assessment of equivalence. (United States)

    Lin, Li-Chan; Chang, Chia-Chi


    The purpose of this study was to translate the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia Questionnaire (EdFED-Q) from the original English into a Chinese language version and to assess the equivalence of the English and Chinese EdFED-Q versions. To use a directly translated instrument without minimal explanation of the procedures for determining the equivalence between the original and secondary language instrument is questionable. Ensuring equivalence of a translated Chinese version of the EdFED-Q for patients with dementia is an essential prerequisite for identifying culturally specific expressions of feeding difficulty under investigation. Phase 1 consisted of experts doing the initial translation into Chinese and then English back-translations of the questionnaire. Six experts determined the equality of the Chinese and English versions, and five monolingual nurses provided information for the C-EdFED-Q. In phase 2, two bilingual gerontological nurses rated 33 residents with dementia to determine equivalence across time. In phase 3, three groups of bilingual nurses used the Chinese, English, and finally both versions simultaneously to judge a model case's feeding behavior on the videotape. In phase 1, the rating on the equality of the items on the Chinese and English versions was 0.969. In phase 2, kappa coefficients for all items on the C-EdFED-Q and E-EdFED-Q ranged from 0.44 to 1.00. In determining the consistency of the scores for the C-EdFED-Q and E-EdFED-Q between the two raters across time, the intraclass correlation coefficient for the absolute agreement was found to range from 0.85 to 0.90. In phase 3, except for items 6 and 9, all items showed no significant difference among the three groups. Further studies to assess the relationship between constructs and to compare it with known and predicted relationships are recommended.

  5. Point-of-Care Ultrasonography for Evaluation of Acute Dyspnea in the ED. (United States)

    Zanobetti, Maurizio; Scorpiniti, Margherita; Gigli, Chiara; Nazerian, Peiman; Vanni, Simone; Innocenti, Francesca; Stefanone, Valerio T; Savinelli, Caterina; Coppa, Alessandro; Bigiarini, Sofia; Caldi, Francesca; Tassinari, Irene; Conti, Alberto; Grifoni, Stefano; Pini, Riccardo


    Acute dyspnea is a common symptom in the ED. The standard approach to dyspnea often relies on radiologic and laboratory results, causing excessive delay before adequate therapy is started. Use of an integrated point-of-care ultrasonography (PoCUS) approach can shorten the time needed to formulate a diagnosis, while maintaining an acceptable safety profile. Consecutive adult patients presenting with dyspnea and admitted after ED evaluation were prospectively enrolled. The gold standard was the final diagnosis assessed by two expert reviewers. Two physicians independently evaluated the patient; a sonographer performed an ultrasound evaluation of the lung, heart, and inferior vena cava, while the treating physician requested traditional tests as needed. Time needed to formulate the ultrasound and the ED diagnoses was recorded and compared. Accuracy and concordance of the ultrasound and the ED diagnoses were calculated. A total of 2,683 patients were enrolled. The average time needed to formulate the ultrasound diagnosis was significantly lower than that required for ED diagnosis (24 ± 10 min vs 186 ± 72 min; P = .025). The ultrasound and the ED diagnoses showed good overall concordance (κ = 0.71). There were no statistically significant differences in the accuracy of PoCUS and the standard ED evaluation for the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome, pneumonia, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, pneumothorax, and dyspnea from other causes. PoCUS was significantly more sensitive for the diagnosis of heart failure, whereas a standard ED evaluation performed better in the diagnosis of COPD/asthma and pulmonary embolism. PoCUS represents a feasible and reliable diagnostic approach to the patient with dyspnea, allowing a reduction in time to diagnosis. This protocol could help to stratify patients who should undergo a more detailed evaluation. Copyright © 2017 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Kurnia Norma Handayani


    Full Text Available atar belakang penelitian ini adalah karena kurangnya kemampuan analisis masalah ekonomi sehingga menyebabkan kurangnya pemahaman siswa akan materi dan berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa kurang optimal, selain itu karena metode pembelajaran yang digunakan tidak tepat yaitu menggunakan ceramah tanpa variasi sedangkan karakter materinya adalah teoritis dan membutuhkan analisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan analisis masalah ekonomi dengan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dan mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning untuk meningkatkan kemampuan analisis masalah ekonomi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X IIS 3 SMA 1 Bae Kudus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam 2 siklus. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh data kemampuan analisis siswa siklus I nilai rata-rata 73,94 dengan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 52,94%, pada siklus II nilai rata-rata meningkat menjadi 82,29 dengan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 82,35%, aktivitas siswa pada pembelajaran siklus I cukup dan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi sangat baik. The background of this research is the lack of knowledge in economic problems so students learning outcomes less optimal, moreover because the learning method that is used is not appropriate to use the oral speech without variation while the character is doctrinaire and needing analysis. This research aims to know improving the analysis ability on the subject economic problems with problem based learning model and how the use problem based learning can improving the analysis ability on the subject economic problems. The subject of this research is the class X IIS 3 SMA 1 Bae Kudus. This study is an action research conducted in two cycles. The research finding showed that analysis ability in learning cycle I average grade is 73,94 with percentage of classical completeness is 52,94%, in cycle II average grade increase to 82,29 with percentage of

  7. Active Intervention Can Decrease Burnout In Ed Nurses. (United States)

    Wei, Rong; Ji, Hong; Li, Jianxin; Zhang, Liyao


    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether active intervention can decrease job burnout and improve performance among ED nurses. This study was carried out in the emergency departments of 3 hospitals randomly selected from 8 comprehensive high-level hospitals in Jinan, China. A total of 102 nurses were enrolled and randomly divided into control and intervention groups. For 6 months, nurses in intervention groups were treated with ordinary treatment plus comprehensive management, whereas nurses in the control group were treated with ordinary management, respectively. Questionnaires were sent and collected at baseline and at the end of the study. The Student t test was used to evaluate the effect of comprehensive management in decreasing burnout. All ED nurses showed symptoms of job burnout at different levels. Our data indicated that comprehensive management significantly decreased emotional exhaustion and depersonalization (P burnout in ED nurses and contribute to relieving work-related stress and may further protect against potential mental health problems. Copyright © 2016 Emergency Nurses Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Annisa Mulia Rani


    Full Text Available Aspek kualitas pekerjaan berkaitan langsung dengan waktu yang khusus digunakan dosen untuk mengembangkan kemampuan. Maka untuk merealisasikan kualitas dosen yang terbaik , pihak manajemen khusunya dekan membuat peraturan untuk kehadiran dosen adalah minimal 25 jam/minggu. Dengan peraturan ini diharapkan dosen dapat melaksanakan beban kerja dosen sebaik-baiknya. Peraturan ini tertulis dan tertuang pada SK Dekan No 20/2006 pada kampus X. Dengan Menggunakan Analisis faktor mencoba menemukan hubungan atar sejumlah variable-variabel yang awalnya saling independen satu dengan yang lain dimana variable penyebab kekurangan jam dosen datang/minggu adalah keluaraga, manajemen, hubungan social, fasilitas pengajaran, jarak/lokasi, kompensasi transport. Berdasarkan uji Bartley test dan Measure sample of adequate yang pertama maka dengan nilai sig 0.04 dan msa 0.540 . Dengan menggunakan metode principal component analysis maka pembentukan factor hanya ada 1 componen karena nilai eigen value yang mempunyai nilai diatas 1. Faktor pembentuk baru yaitu manajemen, kompensasi dan jarak menjadi satu component.


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    Muhammad Khafid


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kepatuhan penerapan PSAK 27 (Cooperative Accounting, dan untuk menganalisa dampak  kepatuhan penerapan PSAK 27 (Cooperative Accounting  pada pengoperasian kinerja KPRI di kota Semarang. Populasinya adalah 62 KPRI di kota Semarang, dan sempel yang digunakan adalah 29 KPRI. Metode pengumpulan datanya adalah dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Metode analisis data adalah analisis deskriptif  dan statistik inferensial. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa KPRI di kotamadya Semarang dikategorikan cukup dan terbukti bahwa hipotesis menyatakan bahwa tingkat kepatuhan penerapan PSAK 27 berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan usaha. Abstract The purposes of this research are to analyze the implementation compliance of PSAK 27 (Cooperative Accounting, and to analyze the effects of implementation compliance of PSAK 27 (Cooperative Accounting on KPRI performance  in Semarang Municipality. The population are 62 KPRIs in Semarang.However, there are only twenty nine KPRIs become the samples. The methods for collecting the data are documentation and questionairre. Then, for analyzing the data, it requires descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The results of study shows that KPRIs in Semarang Municipality are categorized as fair and hypothesis states that the level of implementation compliance of PSAK 27 is influencial to the business has successfully proven.Keywords:  cooperative accounting; compliance


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    Rusno Rusno


    Full Text Available Industri kripik tempe di desa Sanan Malang merupakan bagian dari UMKM mengalami perkembang-an yang cukup baik. Hingga akhir tahun 2013 kemarin berjumlah kurang lebih 65 pengrajin, bahkan saat ini Sanan sudah menjadi sentra industri kecil penghasil kripik tempe dan menjadi salah satu pro-duk unggulan kota Malang. Namun dalam perjalanannya industri ini banyak mengalami masalah diantaranya banyak pesaing yang terus masuk dalam bisnis ini. Hal ini mengakibatkan persaingan yang semakin ketat sehingga para pelaku harus dapat menentukan strategi untuk dapat memenangkan persaingan, maka Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana posisi bersaing dan penetapan strategi pemasaran produsen kripik tempe di kota Malang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah confirmatory research. Sebagai populasinya adalah pengusaha kripik tempe yang berlokasi di kecamatan Blimbing kota Malang yang berjumlah 65 pemilik home industri. Sampel dilakukan dengan teknik Simple random sampling berjumlah 33 pengusaha industri kripik tempe. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner, dan teknik analisis data dengan teknik deskriptif dan tabulasi silang. Berdasarkan analisis data didapatkan hasil penelitian bahwa posisi bersaing industri kripik tempe di Sanan terdapat 4 cluster yang terbagi dalam : Cluster 1 (pemimpin pasar/market leader beranggota-kan 1 perusahaan. Cluster 2(penceruk pasar/market nicher beranggotakan 13 perusahaan, Cluster 3 (penantang pasar/market challenger beranggotakan 8 perusahaan dan cluster 4 (pengikut pasar /market follower beranggotakan 11 perusahaan. 


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    I Gede Adnyana


    Full Text Available Persaingan bisnis yang ketat, mendorong setiap perusahaan menyusun strategi bisnis agar dapat bertahan dari para pesaing. Penyusunan strategi bisnis mutlak memerlukan informasi yang tepat dan akurat, pengolahan hingga analisis data yang menghasilkan informasi yang tepat dan akurat menjadi proses yang sangat penting. Business Intelligence (BI menawarkan solusi bisnis untuk menganalisis data dan memungkinkan suatu perusahaan untuk mengambil keputusan untuk meningkatkan keuntungan dan kinerja bisnis. Namun, BI mahal untuk diimplementasikan, memerlukan biaya pemeliharaan yang tidak sedikit dan infrastruktur yang kuat. Hal ini mendorong perusahaan mengurangi biaya tetapi masih memiliki teknologi yang tepat untuk memungkinkan mereka untuk membuat keputusan, mengidentifikasi peluang dan proaktif mengidentifikasi risiko yang dapat mempengaruhi bisnis. Konsep Software as a Service (SaaS Cloud Computing dapat menjawab tantangan yang dihadapi BI. Sebelum merancang BI berbasis SaaS perlu diketahui parameter-parameter evaluasi hingga kelebihan dan kekurangannya.





    2016 Analisis Perilaku Penyusun Anggaran dalam Perspektif Keagenan pada Kabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Analysis of Budget Compiler???s Behavior within the Agency Perspective in Regency and City of South Sulawesi Province A. Nurul Ilmi Mediaty Aini Indrijawati Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perubahan Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan perubahan Dana Perimbangan terhadap perilaku oportunistik penyusun anggaran yang menjelaskan mengenai hubungan k...

  13. Analisis Peranan Franchisor Terhadap Suksesnya Bisnis Franchise Pada Mc. Donald’s Cabang Ring Road Medan


    Simarmata, Leonardo


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis peranan franchisor dalam promotion, support service, training, control system dan communication terhadap suksesnya bisnis franchise pada Mc Donald’s Cabang Ring Road Medan. Pengumpulan data primer diperoleh dengan cara memberikan daftar pertanyaan (questionaire) dan melakukan wawancara (interview) secara mendalam (depth interview) kepada pemilik usaha M. Donald’s Cabang Ring Road Medan. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini ad...

  14. Gluteoplastia tridimensional mediante distribución volumétrica precisa

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    R. Alfonso Vallarta-Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo. La gluteoplastia mediante lipoinyección debe ser una cirugía segura que partiendo de una planificación adecuada, permita un aumento moderado enfatizando contornos y mejorando la forma natural de la región glútea. Debe permitir obtener resultados predecibles, duraderos y reproducibles, además de ser aplicable en una amplia variedad de pacientes. Presentamos un método de gluteoplastia de aumento sistematizada con lipoinyección que además de ser reproducible, permite obtener resultados consistentes, naturales y permanentes, distribuyendo estratégicamente volúmenes en cuadrantes. Pacientes y Método. Con mínima manipulación del lipoaspirado, infiltramos cantidades controladas en 9 cuadrantes en cada nalga. El cuadrante central representa la zona de máxima proyección y recibe la mitad del volumen. Denominamos zonas primarias a los 4 cuadrantes en los ejes X-Y, zonas que reciben el 40% del volumen infiltrado. Las zonas secundarias o menores corresponden a los cuadrantes situados entre los cuadrantes principales, y reciben el 10% del volumen total. Resultados. Entre 2008 y 2013 intervenimos a 75 pacientes para aumento y remodelación de glúteos con la técnica descrita, todas mujeres de 24 a 52 años. Las pacientes presentaron una convalecencia favorable y una satisfacción del 93%. Nueve pacientes presentaron seromas que se resolvieron mediante aspiración en consultorio. No se presentaron complicaciones mayores. Conclusiones. Presentamos un método de remodelación glútea mediante lipoinyección que, además de ofrecer excelentes resultados, predecibles, consistentes, naturales y permanentes, es lógico y reproducible.

  15. Occupational stress in the ED: a systematic literature review. (United States)

    Basu, Subhashis; Qayyum, Hasan; Mason, Suzanne


    Occupational stress is a major modern health and safety challenges. While the ED is known to be a high-pressure environment, the specific organisational stressors which affect ED staff have not been established. We conducted a systematic review of literature examining the sources of organisational stress in the ED, their link to adverse health outcomes and interventions designed to address them. A narrative review of contextual factors that may contribute to occupational stress was also performed. All articles written in English, French or Spanish were eligible for conclusion. Study quality was graded using a modified version of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Twenty-five full-text articles were eligible for inclusion in our systematic review. Most were of moderate quality, with two low-quality and two high-quality studies, respectively. While high demand and low job control were commonly featured, other studies demonstrated the role of insufficient support at work, effort-reward imbalance and organisational injustice in the development of adverse health and occupational outcomes. We found only one intervention in a peer-reviewed journal evaluating a stress reduction programme in ED staff. Our review provides a guide to developing interventions that target the origins of stress in the ED. It suggests that those which reduce demand and increase workers' control over their job, improve managerial support, establish better working relationships and make workers' feel more valued for their efforts could be beneficial. We have detailed examples of successful interventions from other fields which may be applicable to this setting. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to


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    Ketut Sudarma


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kemampuan individu, kepuasan kerja, komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja dan kinerja terhadap kualitas pelayanan. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 76 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportional random sampling. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari kemampuan individu, kepuasan kerja, komitmen organisasi, dan kinerja serta kualitas pelayanan  Analisis data menggunakan regresi dua tahap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan individu, kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi mempunyai pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja dan kinerja berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kualitas pelayanan. Ini berarti semakin meningkat kinerja, maka semakin meningkat juga kualitas pelayanan. Dari hasil analisis deskriptif persentase tampak secara rata-rata  semua variabel penelitian  menunjukkan kategori baik, namun pada aspek-aspek tertentu pada masing-masing variabel masih terdapat kekurangan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi pimpinan dalam meningkatkan kinerja dan kualitas pelayanan. Upaya perbaikan dimulai dari peningkatan kemampuan melalui pendidikan dan latihan, monitoring pelaksanaan kerja secara rutin, menumbuhkan komitmen kerja dan perbaikan standar operasi prosedur.The aim of the study is toanalyze the influence of individual abilities, job satisfaction, organizational commitment to performanceand performance againstservice quality. This samplingmethod is using 76 samples by the proportionalrandom sampling techniques. Variables consisted of individual ability, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance andservice qualitydata analysisusingtwo-stageregression. The results showedthat theability of individuals, job satisfaction and organizational commitment had asignificant positive effecton performance and the performance ofa significant positive effecton quality of service. It means the higher performance, the higher service

  17. Ectodermal dysplasia (ED) syndrome. (United States)

    Chee, Siew-Yin; Wanga, Chung-Hsing; Lina, Wei-De; Tsaia, Fuu-Jen


    Ectodermal dysplasia (ED) syndrome comprises a large, heterogeneous group of inherited disorders that are defined by primary defects in the development of 2 or more tissues derived from the embryonic ectoderm. The tissues primarily involved are the skin and its appendages (including hair follicles, eccrine glands, sebaceous glands, nails) and teeth. The clinical features include sparse hair, abnormal or missing teeth, and an inability to sweat due to lack of sweat glands. One such case report of ectodermal dysplasia is presented here.

  18. CriticalEd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjellberg, Caspar Mølholt; Meredith, David


    . Since the comments are not input sequentially, with regard to position, but in arbitrary order, this list must be sorted by copy/pasting the rows into place—an error-prone and time-consuming process. Scholars who produce critical editions typically use off-the-shelf music notation software......The best text method is commonly applied among music scholars engaged in producing critical editions. In this method, a comment list is compiled, consisting of variant readings and editorial emendations. This list is maintained by inserting the comments into a document as the changes are made......, consisting of a Sibelius plug-in, a cross-platform application, called CriticalEd, and a REST-based solution, which handles data storage/retrieval. A prototype has been tested at the Danish Centre for Music Publication, and the results suggest that the system could greatly improve the efficiency...

  19. Diseño mediante elementos finitos de componentes estructurales de un cuadricóptero para impresión 3D




    El trabajo tiene como objetivo diseñar componentes estructurales, mediante el método de elementos finitos, que serán utilizados en un dron de cuatro rotores (cuadricóptero). Una característica particular de este proyecto es que los componentes estructurales a diseñar serán fabricados mediante impresión 3D. Pardo Aparisi, I. (2016). Diseño mediante elementos finitos de componentes estructurales de un cuadricóptero para impresión 3D. TFGM

  20. Psychological and psychopathological variables associated with eating disorders (ED

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    Antonio Fernández-Delgado


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study was to compare some psychological and psychopathological variables usually associated with different types of patients with eating disorders (ED. A total of 22 variables (psychological, psychopathological and specifically related to TCA were analyzed in three groups of patients with anorexia nervosa (AN, bulimia nervosa (BN and eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS. Method: The sample consisted of 76 patients diagnosed with ED (mean age 20.13 ± 6.28 years; 69 women and 7 men. The following questionnaires were administered: Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale (SES, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R, Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI, Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ, Body Appreciation Scale (BAS, Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2 and Body Image Quality of Life Inventory (BIQLI-SP. Results: Generally no significant differences between groups, except for the variables related to the BSQ and EDI-2 questionnaires, were found. The study of the correlations among the different variables specifically related to eating disorders and others, showed differences between groups. Conclusions: The present study shows few differences with respect to psychopathological symptoms among the different types of ED. Bearing in mind future studies, it would be interesting to use a bigger sample size, to include more men, and to distinguish between restricted/purging types of ED.

  1. Manejo sostenible y sustentable de fincas productoras mediante procesos participativos en Sáchica, Boyacá


    Ángel Eduardo Ramírez-Amaya; Germán Gonzalo Hurtado


    Objetivo. Elaborar un proyecto de desarrollo sostenible y sustentable de fincas productoras mediante procesos participativos en el municipio de Sáchica, Boyacá. Materiales y métodos. La investigación se realizó con familias campesinas de la vereda Arrayán Alto, del municipio de Sáchica, Boyacá, mediante la metodología Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP), que se centra en la participación de las comunidades para elaborar propuestas concertadas con ellas. El trabajo se desarrolló en varias...

  2. Analisis Spektral Daya dan Koherensi EEG Pada Anak Penderita Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD

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    Nita Handayani


    Full Text Available Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD adalah kondisi neurodevelopmental yang berkaitan dengan defisit dalam fungsi eksekutif, emosi, bahasa, dan komunikasi sosial. Beberapa teknik neuroimaging dan neurofisiologi digunakan untuk memahami hubungan antara fungsionalitas otak dan perilaku autis. Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG adalah sebuah teknik non-invasif yang dapat digunakan untuk memberikan gambaran fungsionalitas otak melalui beberapa besaran fisis yang dikaji. Pada paper ini akan dibahas tentang karakteristik sinyal listrik otak pada penderita austis berdasarkan analisis QEEG. Perekaman sinyal otak menggunakan Emotiv Epoc 14 channel (AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2, P8, T7, FC6, F4, F8, AF4 dan 2 channel referensi (CMS dan DRL. Jumlah subjek uji dalam penelitian sebanyak 6 anak penderita autis dan 5 anak sehat sebagai kontrol dengan rentang usia antara 10-15 tahun. Perekaman otak dilakukan pada kondisi rileks dan mata terutup selama 15 menit. Metode analisis data meliputi pre-processing data EEG untuk menghilangkan noise dan artefak, perhitungan spektral daya menggunakan periodogram Welch, dan analisis konektivitas fungsional otak dengan menghitung besarnya koherensi intra-hemisphere dan inter-hemisphere. Dari hasil studi diperoleh bahwa pada anak autis terjadi peningkatan spektral daya pada pita delta dan penurunan spektral daya pada pita alpha dibandingkan dengan subjek kontrol. Analisis konektivitas fungsional otak pada anak autis menunjukkan nilai koherensi intra-hemisphere dan inter-hemisphere yang lebih rendah pada pita delta dan theta, khususnya pada area frontal. QEEG dapat digunakan untuk karakterisasi sinyal otak pada penderita autis dan membedakannya dari subjek normal. Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with deficits in executive function, emotions, language, and social communication. Several neuroimaging and neurophysiology techniques are used to understand the relationship between



    Anita Tri Widiyawati; Supri Wahyudi Utomo; Nik Amah


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio Altman Modifikasi terhadap prediksi kebangkrutan. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan property dan real estate yang terdaftar di BEI. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling sehingga diperoleh sampel sejumlah 32 perusahaan property dan real estate yang menerbitkan laporan keuangannya selama tahun 2011-2013. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi logisti...

  4. Real time analysis under EDS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneberk, D.


    This paper describes the analysis component of the Enrichment Diagnostic System (EDS) developed for the Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation Program (AVLIS) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Four different types of analysis are performed on data acquired through EDS: (1) absorption spectroscopy on laser-generated spectral lines, (2) mass spectrometer analysis, (3) general purpose waveform analysis, and (4) separation performance calculations. The information produced from this data includes: measures of particle density and velocity, partial pressures of residual gases, and overall measures of isotope enrichment. The analysis component supports a variety of real-time modeling tasks, a means for broadcasting data to other nodes, and a great degree of flexibility for tailoring computations to the exact needs of the process. A particular data base structure and program flow is common to all types of analysis. Key elements of the analysis component are: (1) a fast access data base which can configure all types of analysis, (2) a selected set of analysis routines, (3) a general purpose data manipulation and graphics package for the results of real time analysis. Each of these components are described with an emphasis upon how each contributes to overall system capability. 3 figs


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    Hutriadi Pratama Siallagan


    Full Text Available Pada proses produksi baja sangat erat kaitannya dengan pendinginan baik untuk proses pendinginan baja maupun pendinginan mesin-mesin produksi supaya terhindar dari over heat sehingga dapat bekerja dengan optimal. Pada PT Krakatau Steel menggunakan beberapa sistem pendingin salah satunya adalah sistem pendingin cooling tower 8330 CT 01. Sistem pendingin tersebut digunakan untuk menunjang proses produksi dan juga pendinginanan mesin produksi khusunya pada Slab Steel Plant (SSP, dengan peran yang sangat besar maka cooling tower 8330 CT 01 harus diketahui bagaimana kinerjanya. Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisis kinerja Cooling tower 8330 CT 01 dengan membandingkan data teori dengan data aktual berdasarkan perhitungan-perhitungan sehingga dapat diketahui bagaimana kinerja dari Cooling tower 8330 CT 01 tersebut. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh penurunan efisiensi sebesar 22,353%, kapasitas pendinginan 7.033,35 Kj/s, Hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh temperatur air yang masuk Cooling tower 8330 CT 01 tidak terlalu tinggi, karena SSP sedang dalam pengerjaan revitatalisi, agar lebih efektif dan efisien Cooling tower 8330 CT 01 sebaiknya lebih dimamfaatkan lagi untuk pendingin objek lainnya sehingga temperatur air yang masuk tidak terlalu rendah.

  6. Systematic Review of ED-based Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Research

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    Esther K. Choo,


    Full Text Available Introduction: Assessment reactivity may be a factor in the modest results of brief interventions for substance use in the emergency department (ED. The presence of assessment reactivity in studies of interventions for intimate partner violence (IPV has not been studied. Our objectives were to identify ED IPV intervention studies and evaluate the presence of a consistently positive effect on the control groups. Methods: We performed a systematic search of electronic databases for English=language intervention studies addressing IPV in the ED published since 1990. Study selection and assessment of methodologic quality were performed by two independent reviewers. Data extraction was performed by one reviewer and then independently checked for completeness and accuracy by a second reviewer. Results: Of 3,620 unique manuscripts identified by database search, 667 underwent abstract review and 12 underwent full-text review. Only three met full eligibility criteria; data on the control arm were available for two studies. In these two studies, IPV-related outcomes improved for both the experimental and control condition. Conclusion: The paucity of controlled trials of IPV precluded a robust evaluation for assessment reactivity. This study highlighted a critical gap in ED research on IPV.

  7. Electroencephalography findings in patients presenting to the ED for evaluation of seizures. (United States)

    Kadambi, Pooja; Hart, Kimberly W; Adeoye, Opeolu M; Lindsell, Christopher J; Knight, William A


    Status epilepticus is a life-threatening, time-sensitive emergency. Acquiring an electroencephalogram (EEG) in the emergency department (ED) could impact therapeutic and disposition decisions for patients with suspected status epilepticus. The objective of this study is to estimate the proportion of EEGs diagnostic for seizures in patients presenting to an ED with a complaint of seizures. This retrospective chart review included adults presenting to the ED of an urban, academic, tertiary care hospital with suspected seizures or status epilepticus, who received an EEG within 24 hours of hospital admission. Data abstraction was performed by a single, trained, nonblinded abstractor. Seizures were defined as an epileptologist's diagnosis of either seizures or status epilepticus on EEG. The proportion of patients with seizures is given with confidence interval95 (CI95). Of 120 included patients, 67 (56%) had a history of epilepsy. Mean age was 52 years (SD, 16), 58% were White, and 61% were male. Within 24 hours, 3% had an EEG diagnostic for seizures. Electroencephalogram was obtained in the ED in 32 (27%) of 120 (CI95, 19%-35%), and 2 (6%) of 32 (CI95, 1%-19%) had seizures. Electroencephalogram was performed inpatient for 88 (73%) of 120 (CI95, 65%-81%), and 2 (2%) of 88 (CI95, 0.5%-7.1%) had seizures. Only 3% of ED patients with suspected seizures or status epilepticus had EEG confirmation of seizures within 24 hours. Early EEG acquisition in the ED may identify a group of patients amenable to ED observation and subsequent discharge from the hospital. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Subangkit Subangkit


    Full Text Available AbstrakPenyakit Campak disebabkan oleh virus campak yang termasuk genus Morbilivirus dan Family Paramyxoviridae. Penyakit campak masih menjadi masalah kesehatan karena masih ditemukan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB di Indonesia. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya KLB tersebut diduga sebagaiakibat perbedaan antigenesitas antara strain vaksin yang digunakan dengan strain virus campak liar yang beredar di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran tentang karakteristik genetik gen Haemagglutinin virus campak liar yang ada di Indonesia. Spesimen yang digunakan sebanyak 27 isolat virus penyebab KLB dari 17 propinsi selama periode tahun 2003-2010. Isolat virus dilakukan pemeriksaan secara RT-PCR dan sekuensing dengan metode Sanger. Hasil sekuensing dianalisis dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Bioedit 7.0 dan MEGA 4.0. Hasil penelitian didapatkan perbedaan 10 asam amino antara virus campak strain vaksin CAM-70 dan virus campak liar pada posisi D416N; K424T; V451M; N455T; V466I; I473T; F476L; Y481S atau Y481N; H495N; G505D. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan karakteristik genetik antara virus campak liar di Indonesia berbeda dengan strain virus vaksin CAM-70.Kata kunci : Campak, Analisis Molekuler, Hemagglutinin, CD46AbstractMeasles is caused by virus belonging to the genus Morbilivirus and Family Paramyxoviridae. Measles is still a public health problem because outbreak of measles still found in Indonesia. Outbreak is suspected as a result of differences in antigenicity between vaccine strains used with wild-type measles virus strains circulating in Indonesia. This study aims to get genetic characteristics of wild-type measles virus haemagglutinin gene in Indonesia. The specimens were used 27 viral isolates from 17 provinces period 2003-2010. Viral isolates examined by RT-PCR and sequencing with Sanger method. Sequencing analysis were conducted using Bioedit 7.0 and MEGA 4.0 software. The results showed 10 amino acid differences

  9. Gino Frezza (ed., Endoapocalisse. The Walking Dead, l’immaginario digitale, il postumano

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    Mirko Lino


    Full Text Available Il volume curato da Gino Frezza, frutto del lavoro condotto dal Laboratorio di Analisi degli Audiovisivi dell’Università di Salerno, raccoglie i contributi di diversi studiosi nazionali e internazionali con l’obiettivo di analizzare la poliedricità dell’immaginario contemporaneo sullo zombie, e per farlo mette al centro il fenomeno seriale di The Walking Dead (TWD creato da Robert Kirkman, ponendo in una prospettiva transdisciplinare le relazioni tra l’intensa metaforologia postumana e apocalittica incarnata dallo zombie e le nuove morfologie del racconto seriale transmediale.

  10. Obbligo di sicurezza del prestatore di lavoro ed effettività della tutela antinfortunistica


    Alessia Gabriele


    Il saggio affronta il tema della sicurezza e della salute dei lavoratori quale diritto fondamentale. Dopo l'analisi del panoram­a normativo internazionale e comunitario, l'A. si sofferma sulla posi­zione di garanzia assegnata al prestatore di lavoro subordinato nell'ordinamento interno, con particolare attenzione ai diritti di for­mazione e di informazione intimamente connessi al correlati­vo obbli­go di sicurezza del prestatore di lavoro. Le conclusioni cui giunge una parte della giurisprude...

  11. Instalación eléctrica de una vivienda unifamiliar aislada mediante suministro de energías renovables




    [ES] Instalación eléctrica con grado de electrificación elevada de una vivienda unifamiliar aislada mediante suministro de energías renovables (solar, eólica, geotérmicas). Lozano Valladolid, F. (2015). Instalación eléctrica de una vivienda unifamiliar aislada mediante suministro de energías renovables. TFGM

  12. Multiple Intelligence and Digital Learning Awareness of Prospective B.Ed Teachers (United States)

    Gracious, F. L. Antony; Shyla, F. L. Jasmine Anne


    The present study Multiple Intelligence and Digital Learning Awareness of prospective B.Ed teachers was probed to find the relationship between Multiple Intelligence and Digital Learning Awareness of Prospective B.Ed Teachers. Data for the study were collected using self made Multiple Intelligence Inventory and Digital Learning Awareness Scale.…

  13. Mechanical Ventilation and ARDS in the ED: A Multicenter, Observational, Prospective, Cross-sectional Study. (United States)

    Fuller, Brian M; Mohr, Nicholas M; Miller, Christopher N; Deitchman, Andrew R; Levine, Brian J; Castagno, Nicole; Hassebroek, Elizabeth C; Dhedhi, Adam; Scott-Wittenborn, Nicholas; Grace, Edward; Lehew, Courtney; Kollef, Marin H


    There are few data regarding mechanical ventilation and ARDS in the ED. This could be a vital arena for prevention and treatment. This study was a multicenter, observational, prospective, cohort study aimed at analyzing ventilation practices in the ED. The primary outcome was the incidence of ARDS after admission. Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine the predictors of ARDS. We analyzed 219 patients receiving mechanical ventilation to assess ED ventilation practices. Median tidal volume was 7.6 mL/kg predicted body weight (PBW) (interquartile range, 6.9-8.9), with a range of 4.3 to 12.2 mL/kg PBW. Lung-protective ventilation was used in 122 patients (55.7%). The incidence of ARDS after admission from the ED was 14.7%, with a mean onset of 2.3 days. Progression to ARDS was associated with higher illness severity and intubation in the prehospital environment or transferring facility. Of the 15 patients with ARDS in the ED (6.8%), lung-protective ventilation was used in seven (46.7%). Patients who progressed to ARDS experienced greater duration in organ failure and ICU length of stay and higher mortality. Lung-protective ventilation is infrequent in patients receiving mechanical ventilation in the ED, regardless of ARDS status. Progression to ARDS is common after admission, occurs early, and worsens outcome. Patient- and treatment-related factors present in the ED are associated with ARDS. Given the limited treatment options for ARDS, and the early onset after admission from the ED, measures to prevent onset and to mitigate severity should be instituted in the ED.; No.: NCT01628523; URL:


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    I Wayan Rinas


    Full Text Available Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah (RSUP memiliki tingkat THD (Total Harmonics Distortion  arus yang tidak sesuai dengan standar IEEE 159-1992. THD arus yang berlebih dapat menyebabkan berbagai kekurangan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini digunakan filter aktif shunt berbasis inverter. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi penggunaan filter aktif menggunakan sofware simulink MATLAB 7.0.4 Hasil analisis menunjukan pemasangan filter aktif menyebabkan terjadi penurunan kandungan THD arus dan THD tegangan pada feeder yang bermasalah. Kandungan THD arus dan THD tegangan telah sesuai dengan IEEE 152-1992. Daya distorsi harmonisa pada sistem mengalami penurunan dan terjadi peningkatan faktor daya mendekati unity power factor pada feeder.


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    Hadiyati Hadiyati


    Full Text Available Abstrak: PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru merupakan salah satu perusahaan perdagangan yang menjual berbagai macam produk elektronik termasuk  Lemari Es. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1. Mengetahui penjualan yang dilakukan oleh manajemen PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru. (2. Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tidak tercapainya target penjualan Lemari Es Merek LG Pada PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan dari objek yaitu seluruh konsumen Lemari Es merek LG pada PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru pada tahun 2013 yaitu sebanyak 8.563 orang. Karena keterbatasan penulis, maka diambil sampel yang dianggap mewakili pelanggan yaitu sebanyak 100 orang dengan rumus slovin. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Deskriptif. Variabel yang digunakan adalah produk, harga, dan promosi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh, tidak tercapainya target penjualan Lemari Es merek LG pada PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru karena produk yang ditawarkan belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan keinginan dan harapan konsumen, harga yang ditawarkan belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan kondisi ekonomi masyarakat secara umum, serta promosi yang belum maksimal. Abstract: PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Branch of Pekanbaru is one trading company that sells a wide range of electronic products including Refrigerator. This study aims to: (1. Knowing the sales made by the management of PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Branch of Pekanbaru. (2. Knowing the factors that leads failure to achieve sales targets Refrigerator Brand LG At PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Branch of Pekanbaru. The population in this study is the whole of the object that is the entire consumer Refrigerator LG brand in the PT. LG Electronics Indonesia Pekanbaru Branch in 2013 as many as 8563 people. Because of the limitations of the author, then a swab which is considered to represent the customer

  16. AdvancED Flex 4

    CERN Document Server

    Tiwari, Shashank; Schulze, Charlie


    AdvancED Flex 4 makes advanced Flex 4 concepts and techniques easy. Ajax, RIA, Web 2.0, mashups, mobile applications, the most sophisticated web tools, and the coolest interactive web applications are all covered with practical, visually oriented recipes. * Completely updated for the new tools in Flex 4* Demonstrates how to use Flex 4 to create robust and scalable enterprise-grade Rich Internet Applications.* Teaches you to build high-performance web applications with interactivity that really engages your users.* What you'll learn Practiced beginners and intermediate users of Flex, especially

  17. Determination of selenium and zinc in rat plasma by instrumental neutron activation analysis; Determinacion de selenio y zinc en plasma mediante analisis por activacion neutronica instrumental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Munoz A, Luis


    To evaluate the effects on the thyroid function when simple or multiple zinc, selenium and iodine deficiency are induced, research was carried out in laboratory animals. For simultaneously determining the Zn and Se concentration in rat plasma, an instrumental neutron activation analysis technique was applied. A clean laboratory, was used for the preparation of samples. High purity materials were used for sample collection and storage. Irradiation, decay and counting parameters were optimized to obtain the best sensitivity, accuracy and precision analysis. The Zn and Se concentrations were determined from the peak area of gamma-rays of 1115 and 265 KeV respectively. The analytical methodology used was validated with standard reference materials. The procedure used for the analysis, including the phases of collection, treatment of the samples and analytical determination was considered suitable for the study of trace elements in biological samples, especially plasma. (author). Dissertation to obtain the title of Bachelor in Chemistry; 46 refs., 12 figs., 17 tabs. [Espanol] Con el proposito de evaluar los efectos que se producen sobre la funcion tiroidea cuando se induce un deficiencia simple o multiple de zinc, selenio y yodo, se llevo a cabo una investigacion en animales de experimentacion. Se aplico la tecnica de analises por activacion neutronica instrumental para la determinacion de Se y Zn en plasma de ratas. Se utilizo un laboratorio limpio clase 100 para la preparacion de las muestras y se emplearon materiales de alta pureza para su recoleccion y almacenamiento. Se optimizaron los parametros de irradiacion, decaimiento y conteo de las muestras con el proposito de alcanzar la mejor sensibilidad, exactitud y precision analitica. Las concentracion de Se y Zn fueron determinadas evaluando las areas de los fotopicos de 265 y 1115 KeV respectivamente. El metodo analitico fue validado utilizando materiales de referencia. El procedimiento utilizado para el analisis

  18. EdD Students’ Self-Efficacy and Interest in Conducting Research

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    Monica R Kerrigan


    Full Text Available Today’s educational practitioners are expected to know how to gather, analyze, and report on data for accountability purposes and to use that information to improve student outcomes. However, there is little understanding of how to support practitioners’ learning of and engagement with research and few studies on the research experiences of students enrolled in Doctorate of Education (EdD programs. The success of students enrolled in Doctor of Philosophy (PhD programs in conducting research has been found to be related to students’ self-efficacy and interest, but these concepts have not been explored with EdD students who are more likely to engage in applied research in their workplace than to create a research-focused career. This study sought to understand the self-efficacy and interest that EdD students enrolled in an Educational Leadership program have in research skills and tasks in order to improve research course offerings. Our findings with EdD students are consistent with existing research on PhD students regarding research self-efficacy but we did not observe significant changes in students’ interest over time. We suggest avenues for future study in light of current accountability reporting requirements for practitioners.

  19. Modal analysis applied to rotor balancing: two relevant technical aspects; Analisis modal aplicado al balanceo de rotores: dos aspectos tecnicos relevantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aguirre Romano, Jorge E.; Preciado Delgado, Eduardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In applying the modal analysis to rotor balancing, it is frequent to find technical matters that are hardly developed in text books or that can only be deducted through a profound and complex study. For this reason, an engineer dedicated to the practice that wishes to deepen in the subject of rotor balancing, can hardly understand these matters, unless they are developed with the specific orientation that relate them with the balancing practice. In this paper two of these subjects related to the definition and recollection of modal parameters are presented: a) the fundamental form of the polar diagrams of response, that can be perfectly circular in certain cases and b) the relationship that exists among the modal forms of a rotor and the distribution of weights that must be placed to balance them in a given way. [Espanol] Al aplicar el analisis modal al balanceo de rotores, es frecuente encontrar temas tecnicos que dificilmente se desarrollan en los libros de texto, o que solo pueden deducirse mediante un estudio profundo y complejo. Por esta razon, un ingeniero dedicado a la practica que desee profundizar en el tema de balanceo de rotores, dificilmente podra comprender estos temas, a no ser que estos sean desarrollados con la orientacion especifica que los relacionen con la practica del balanceo. En este trabajo se presentan dos de esos temas relacionados con la definicion y obtencion de los parametros modales: a) la forma fundamental de los diagramas polares de respuesta, que puede ser circular perfecta en ciertos casos, y b) la relacion que existe entre las formas modales de un rotor y la distribucion de pesos que se deben colocar para balancear un modo dado.

  20. Modal analysis applied to rotor balancing: two relevant technical aspects; Analisis modal aplicado al balanceo de rotores: dos aspectos tecnicos relevantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aguirre Romano, Jorge E; Preciado Delgado, Eduardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In applying the modal analysis to rotor balancing, it is frequent to find technical matters that are hardly developed in text books or that can only be deducted through a profound and complex study. For this reason, an engineer dedicated to the practice that wishes to deepen in the subject of rotor balancing, can hardly understand these matters, unless they are developed with the specific orientation that relate them with the balancing practice. In this paper two of these subjects related to the definition and recollection of modal parameters are presented: a) the fundamental form of the polar diagrams of response, that can be perfectly circular in certain cases and b) the relationship that exists among the modal forms of a rotor and the distribution of weights that must be placed to balance them in a given way. [Espanol] Al aplicar el analisis modal al balanceo de rotores, es frecuente encontrar temas tecnicos que dificilmente se desarrollan en los libros de texto, o que solo pueden deducirse mediante un estudio profundo y complejo. Por esta razon, un ingeniero dedicado a la practica que desee profundizar en el tema de balanceo de rotores, dificilmente podra comprender estos temas, a no ser que estos sean desarrollados con la orientacion especifica que los relacionen con la practica del balanceo. En este trabajo se presentan dos de esos temas relacionados con la definicion y obtencion de los parametros modales: a) la forma fundamental de los diagramas polares de respuesta, que puede ser circular perfecta en ciertos casos, y b) la relacion que existe entre las formas modales de un rotor y la distribucion de pesos que se deben colocar para balancear un modo dado.

  1. Kajian Eksperimental Parameter Modal Bangunan Dua Lantai dengan Metode Modal Analisis

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    Islahuddin Islahuddin


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Pengukuran getaran merupakan kegiatan yang umum dilakukan dalam perawatan prediktif. Perawatan prediktifbiasanya menggunakan pengukuran sinyal getaran untuk mendeteksi kerusakan yang terjadi pada mesin. Sinyalgetaran yang terukur tersebut, kemudian ditransformasikan dalam bentuk grafik fungsi respon frekuensi (FRF.Selanjutnya FRF diolah sedemikian rupasehingga diperoleh modus getar struktur. Dari modus getar yang diperoleh,maka dapat dianalisa kemungkinan kerusakan yang terjadi pada mesin dengan melihat besarnya amplitudo getarannya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa karakteristik dinamik dari sistem getaran yang terjadi pada model strukturbangunan dua lantai. Pengujian dilakukan denganmemberikan gaya eksitasi menggunakan impact hammer.Akselerometer digunakan mengukur sinyal getaran yang terjadi pada struktur. Posisi penempatan akselerometerdilakukan bervariasi untuk delapan titik pengujian yang berbeda. Sedangkan posisi pemberian gaya eksitasi tetap untuksemua titik pengujian. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode modal analisis eksperimen untuk mengetahuikarakteristik dinamik dari model struktur bangunan dua lantai. Teknik modal analisis ini digunakan untuk mendapatkanparameter modal seperti frekuensi, rasio redaman, dan modus getar. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwafrekuensi pribadipertama pada amplitudo maksimum mempunyai nilai yang sama, yaitu 2,313 Hz.Sedangkan untuk frekuensi pribadi kedua pada amplitudo maksimumnya terdapat perbedaan, yaitu pada titik pengujian3 dan 7. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh pemberian gaya eksitasi yang tidak sama dengan titik-titik pengujian yang lain.Kata kunci: Karakteristik dinamik, analisis modal eksperimen, frekuensi pribadi, FRF Abstract: Measuring vibration is an activity which is generally carried out in a predictive maintenance. In maintaining, vibratesignal measurement is usually used for machine damage detection. The signal measurement is then being

  2. Penggunaan Kontrasepsi pada Remaja Perempuan Kawin di Indonesia (Analisis Riskesdas 2013

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    Anissa Rizkianti


    Full Text Available AbstractAdolescent pregnancy has been highlighted in various parts of the world including access to contraceptive use among married teenagers. This is an advanced analysis of secondary data of Riskesdas 2013 that aims to identify contraceptive use among married adolescents in Indonesia. The data used in multilevel logistic regression analysis consist of demographic characteristics of adolescents, parity, availability of health services and the use of health insurance.. The results showed that 54.2% of married adolescents women or their partners used any method of contraception. Age, education level, socioeconomic status and the use of health insurance have significant relationships to contraceptive use after adjusted by the type of residence, parity and availability of health services. Adolescent aged above 17 years (OR=1.49, 95% CI 1.25 to 1.79 and had higher socio-economic status (OR kuintil 5=1.62, 95% CI 1,19- 2.22 were more likely to use contraception, while young women with higher school education (OR= 0.73; 95% CI .58-.91 as well as used health insurance (OR=0.72; 95 % CI 0.60 to 0.86 had smaller probability in contraceptive use. Fulfillment of adolescent access to contraception is expected to focus not only on increasing of knowledge but also purchasing power, which is through the utilisation of health insurance.Key words: contraception, married adolescents, RiskesdasAbstrakKehamilan remaja telah menjadi sorotan di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk akses terhadap penggunaan kontrasepsi pada remaja kawin. Studi ini merupakan analisis lanjut Riskesdas 2013 untuk mengetahui penggunaan kontrasepsi pada remaja kawin di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan dalam analisis regresi logistik multi level terdiri atas karakteristik demografi remaja, paritas, ketersediaan pelayanan kesehatan serta penggunaan jaminan kesehatan. Subjek adalah seluruh remaja perempuan berusia 15-19 tahun yang berstatus kawin dan aktif secara seksual. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa

  3. Analysis of microtraces in invasive traumas using SEM/EDS. (United States)

    Vermeij, E J; Zoon, P D; Chang, S B C G; Keereweer, I; Pieterman, R; Gerretsen, R R R


    Scanning electron microscopy in combination with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM/EDS) is a proven forensic tool and has been used to analyze several kinds of trace evidence. A forensic application of SEM/EDS is the examination of morphological characteristics of tool marks that tools and instruments leave on bone. The microtraces that are left behind by these tools and instruments on the bone are, however, often ignored or not noticed at all. In this paper we will describe the use of SEM/EDS for the analysis of microtraces in invasive sharp-force, blunt-force and bone-hacking traumas in bone. This research is part of a larger multi-disciplinary approach in which pathologists, forensic anthropologists, toolmark and microtrace experts work together to link observed injuries to a suspected weapon or, in case of an unknown weapon, to indicate a group of objects that could have been used as a weapon. Although there are a few difficulties one have to consider, the method itself is rather simple and straightforward to apply. A sample of dry and clean bone is placed into the SEM sample chamber and brightness and contrast are set such that bone appears grey, metal appears white and organic material appears black. The sample is then searched manually to find relevant features. Once features are found their elemental composition is measured by an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS). This method is illustrated using several cases. It is shown that SEM/EDS analysis of microtraces in bone is a valuable tool to get clues about an unknown weapon and can associate a specific weapon with injuries on the basis of appearance and elemental composition. In particular the separate results from the various disciplines are complementary and may be combined to reach a conclusion with a stronger probative value. This is not only useful in the courtroom but above all in criminal investigations when one have to know for what weapon or object to look for. Copyright © 2011

  4. L’e-tutor in Italia: una rassegna della letteratura scientifica

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    Veronica Mattana


    Full Text Available Il lavoro propone una rassegna della letteratura scientifica italiana, condotta analizzando i contributi apparsi su riviste specializzate o su atti di convegni/congressi nel campo dell’apprendimento con le ICT. Sono stati selezionati dieci lavori, pubblicati tra il 2006 e il 2013, che hanno trattato la figura dell’e-tutor nei diversi contesti formativi italiani (università, scuola, Pubblica Amministrazione, e che hanno fornito evidenze empiriche su ruoli, funzioni e competenze, nonché sulle modalità di selezione, formazione e valutazione. Le analisi condotte sono state sia di tipo quantitativo (mediante questionari e successive elaborazioni statistiche sia qualitative (analisi del contenuto dei messaggi su forum di discussione. Risultano ancora pochi i contributi scientifici sull’e-tutor, a causa, come sottolineato da diversi autori, della difficoltà di realizzazione di ricerche empiriche o sperimentali. Vengono discussi limiti e alcuni spunti per le future ricerche.



    Ruby Vidia Kusumah; Sawung Cindelaras; Anjang Bangun Prasetio


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keragaan warna ikan clown Biak (Amphiprion percula) populasi alam dan budidaya berdasarkan analisis gambar digital sebagai dasar upaya pemuliaannya. Gambar digital diambil dari koleksi ikan clown Biak Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut Lampung, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Gondol, Bali; serta pengumpul ikan hias di Denpasar, Bali menggunakan kamera digital Canon EOS 600D. Pola warna dikarakterisasi secara visual terhadap varias...

  6. Balanced nuclear and cytoplasmic activities of EDS1 are required for a complete plant innate immune response.

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    Ana V García


    Full Text Available An important layer of plant innate immunity to host-adapted pathogens is conferred by intracellular nucleotide-binding/oligomerization domain-leucine rich repeat (NB-LRR receptors recognizing specific microbial effectors. Signaling from activated receptors of the TIR (Toll/Interleukin-1 Receptor-NB-LRR class converges on the nucleo-cytoplasmic immune regulator EDS1 (Enhanced Disease Susceptibility1. In this report we show that a receptor-stimulated increase in accumulation of nuclear EDS1 precedes or coincides with the EDS1-dependent induction and repression of defense-related genes. EDS1 is capable of nuclear transport receptor-mediated shuttling between the cytoplasm and nucleus. By enhancing EDS1 export from inside nuclei (through attachment of an additional nuclear export sequence (NES or conditionally releasing EDS1 to the nucleus (by fusion to a glucocorticoid receptor (GR in transgenic Arabidopsis we establish that the EDS1 nuclear pool is essential for resistance to biotrophic and hemi-biotrophic pathogens and for transcriptional reprogramming. Evidence points to post-transcriptional processes regulating receptor-triggered accumulation of EDS1 in nuclei. Changes in nuclear EDS1 levels become equilibrated with the cytoplasmic EDS1 pool and cytoplasmic EDS1 is needed for complete resistance and restriction of host cell death at infection sites. We propose that coordinated nuclear and cytoplasmic activities of EDS1 enable the plant to mount an appropriately balanced immune response to pathogen attack.

  7. Self-Esteem and Emotional Intelligence among B.Ed Trainees of Tsunami Affected Coastal Belt (United States)

    Babu M, Sameer


    Through this study the author investigates the relationship between self-esteem and emotional intelligence among B.Ed trainees of Tsunami affected coastal belt of Alappey district of Kerala, India. Stream of study, marital status and age based comparisons were made among the B.Ed trainees. 92 B.Ed trainees were the participants in the study. It…


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    meyta pritandhari


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil merupakan salah satu model lembaga keuangan syariah yang saat ini banyak muncul di Indonesia. BMT Amanah Ummah memiliki 9.142 anggota dan 45 % anggotanya tidak loyal kepada BMT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan dan dampaknya terhadap keunggulan bersaing. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis kualitatif dengan model analisis interaktif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalan insidental sampling untuk anggota BMT dan purposive sampling  untuk  pimpinan, manajer dan  marketing.  Teknik  pengumpulan  data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan yaitu reputasi merek, kepuasan angggota, kualitas pelayanan, kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan anggota, dan kualitas pelayanan. Dari beberapa faktor tersebut faktor kualitas pelayanan yang paling dominan dalam mempengaruhi loyalitas anggota.Dampak loyalitas terhadap keunggulan bersaing dapat dilihat dari seberapa banyak anggota BMT yang tidak pindah ke lembaga keuangan lain. Semakin bagus kualitas pelayanan maka semakin tinggi tingkat loyalitas dan keunggulan bersaing antar lembaga keuangan juga semakin tinggi.

  9. Diseños de plantación y formación de árboles frutales (7ª ed.)


    Cambra Ruiz de Velasco, Mariano; Cambra Ruiz de Velasco, Rafael


    158 Pags., 45 Figs., Tabls. ** Historia de las ediciones anteriores y posteriores: 1ª ed., 1962; 2ª ed., 1964; 3ª ed., 1966; 4ª ed., 1967; 5ª ed., 1971; 6ª ed., 1974; 8ª ed., 1991. ** Última edición, en 2004, por CSIC: Diseños de plantación y formación de árboles frutales / M. Cambra Ruiz de Velasco, R. Cambra Ruiz de Velasco.-- Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2004.-- [149] p. ; 24 cm.-- (Biblioteca de ciencias, 16).

  10. Vývojové prostředí NetBeans


    Pitka, Lukáš


    Tato bakalářská práce představuje základní aspekty vývojového prostředí NetBeans IDE. NetBeans IDE je prostředí pro programovací jazyk Java. Práce je napsána jako příručka pro uživatele začínající s NetBeans IDE, přičemž se předpokládá se určitá znalost programovacího jazyka Java. Hlavním přínosem práce je usnadnění a zefektivnění práce s NetBeans IDE. První kapitola práce je spíše teoretická, zabývá se obecně pojmem vývojové prostředí. V dalších částech jsou rozebírány aspekty NetBeans IDE, ...

  11. Perceptions of empowerment among ED nurses. (United States)

    DeVivo, Diane; Quinn Griffin, Mary T; Donahue, Moreen; Fitzpatrick, Joyce J


    Nurses' perceptions of empowerment have been linked to a number of variables in the hospital workplace, including job satisfaction, autonomy, and work effectiveness. Yet there have been no previous studies of perceptions of empowerment specifically among emergency department (ED) nurses. Registered nurses (RNs) employed in the EDs of 6 hospitals in a major health care system in the eastern United States were surveyed regarding their perceptions of empowerment. Of the 240 RNs eligible to participate, there were 167 usable surveys. There was a moderate level of empowerment among the RNs who participated, consistent with the level of empowerment reported in several other studies of staff nurses and nurses in other positions. The moderate level of empowerment in this sample may be attributed to the many opportunities for RN involvement in the hospitals within this health care system. Nurse leaders can initiate programs focused on enhancing RN perceptions of empowerment. In addition, there is a need for further research among RNs with different specialty preparation. Copyright © 2013. Published by Mosby, Inc.


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    Husnawati Husnawati


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify the systems and procedures that is applied at Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS Banda Aceh in knowing of its customers. In specific, it aims to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of Knowing Your Customer (KYC Principle at BAS. This study employs both primary and secondary data which was obtained through field and library research. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The results show that in knowing its customers, BAS Banda Aceh taken several steps of customer identification includes the identity check, occupation, source of funds, and the purpose of the use of funds. The implementation of the KYC principle in BAS Banda Aceh has effectively overcome and prevented the banking crimes such as money laundering. The implementation of the principle is intended to embolden the implementation of prudential principles in order to reduce business risks such as operational risk, legal risk, concentration risk, and reputational risk. =========================================== Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sistem dan prosedur yang diterapkan Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS Banda Aceh dalam mengenal nasabah. Secara khusus, penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas penerapan Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah pada BAS. Data untuk penelitian ini bersumber dari data primer melalui kajian lapangan, dan data sekunder melalui kajian kepustakaan. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa sistem dan prosedur yang diterapkan BAS Banda Aceh dalam mengenal nasabah yaitu identifikasi calon nasabah yang meliputi identitas, pekerjaan, sumber dana dan tujuan penggunaan dana yang dilengkapi dokumen pendukung. Penerapan Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah (Know Your Customer Principle pada BAS Banda Aceh efektif dalam mengatasi kejahatan-kejahatan dalam dunia perbankan seperti pencucian uang. Penerapan prinsip tersebut dimaksudkan agar mendorong terselenggaranya prinsip

  13. ED utilization trends in sports-related traumatic brain injury. (United States)

    Hanson, Holly R; Pomerantz, Wendy J; Gittelman, Mike


    Emergency department (ED) visits for sports-related traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) have risen. This study evaluated how the number and severity of admissions have changed as ED visits for sports-related TBIs have increased. A retrospective study of children aged 0 to 19 years at a level 1 trauma center was performed. Patients from 2002 to 2011 with a primary or secondary diagnosis of TBI were identified from the hospital's inpatient and outpatient trauma registries. Frequencies were used to characterize the population, χ(2) analysis was performed to determine differences between groups, and regression analysis looked at relationship between year and injury severity score or length of stay. Sport was responsible for injury in 3878 (15.4%) cases during the study period; 3506 (90.4%) were discharged from the hospital, and 372 (9.6%) were admitted. Seventy-three percent were male patients and 78% Caucasian; mean age was 13 ± 3.5 years. ED visits for sports-related TBIs increased 92% over the study period, yet there was no significant change (χ(2) = 9.8, df = 9, P = .37) in the percentage of children admitted. Mean injury severity score for those admitted decreased from 7.8 to 4.8 (β = -0.46; P = .006); length of stay trended downward (β = -0.05; P = .05). The percentage of children being admitted from the ED with sports-related TBI has not changed over the past 10 years. The severity of admitted sports-related TBI is decreasing. Additional research is needed to correlate these trends with other TBI mechanisms.

  14. Termodinamica 225 problemi risolti

    CERN Document Server

    Abbott, Michael M


    Questo testo presenta i principi fondamentali della termodinamica classica ed illustra, mediante numerosi esempi svolti e problemi, molte delle loro applicazioni nel campo della scienza e dell'ingegneria.

  15. Bio-EdIP: An automatic approach for in vitro cell confluence images quantification. (United States)

    Cardona, Andrés; Ariza-Jiménez, Leandro; Uribe, Diego; Arroyave, Johanna C; Galeano, July; Cortés-Mancera, Fabian M


    Cell imaging is a widely-employed technique to analyze multiple biological processes. Therefore, simple, accurate and quantitative tools are needed to understand cellular events. For this purpose, Bio-EdIP was developed as a user-friendly tool to quantify confluence levels using cell culture images. The proposed algorithm combines a pre-processing step with subsequent stages that involve local processing techniques and a morphological reconstruction-based segmentation algorithm. Segmentation performance was assessed in three constructed image sets, comparing F-measure scores and AUC values (ROC analysis) for Bio-EdIP, its previous version and TScratch. Furthermore, segmentation results were compared with published algorithms using eight public benchmarks. Bio-EdIP automatically segmented cell-free regions from images of in vitro cell culture. Based on mean F-measure scores and ROC analysis, Bio-EdIP conserved a high performance regardless of image characteristics of the constructed dataset, when compared with its previous version and TScratch. Although acquisition quality of the public dataset affected Bio-EdIP segmentation, performance was better in two out of eight public sets. Bio-EdIP is a user-friendly interface, which is useful for the automatic analysis of confluence levels and cell growth processes using in vitro cell culture images. Here, we also presented new manually annotated data for algorithms evaluation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Torrefied Biomass Pellets—Comparing Grindability in Different Laboratory Mills

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    Jan Hari Arti Khalsa


    Full Text Available The firing and co-firing of biomass in pulverized coal fired power plants around the world is expected to increase in the coming years. Torrefaction may prove to be a suitable way of upgrading biomass for such an application. For transport and storage purposes, the torrefied biomass will tend to be in pellet form. Whilst standard methods for the assessment of the milling characteristics of coal exist, this is not the case for torrefied materials—whether in pellet form or not. The grindability of the fuel directly impacts the overall efficiency of the combustion process and as such it is an important parameter. In the present study, the grindability of different torrefied biomass pellets was tested in three different laboratory mill types; cutting mill (CM, hammer mill (HM and impact mill (IM. The specific grinding energy (SGE required for a defined mass throughput of pellets in each mill was measured and results were compared to other pellet characterization methods (e.g., durability, and hardness as well as the modified Hardgrove Index. Seven different torrefied biomass pellets including willow, pine, beech, poplar, spruce, forest residue and straw were used as feedstock. On average, the particle-size distribution width (across all feedstock was narrowest for the IM (0.41 mm, followed by the HM (0.51 mm and widest for the CM (0.62 mm. Regarding the SGE, the IM consumed on average 8.23 Wh/kg while CM and HM consumed 5.15 and 5.24 Wh/kg, respectively. From the three mills compared in this study, the IM seems better fit for being used in a standardized method that could be developed in the future, e.g., as an ISO standard.





    2014 JAQUILINE MELISSA RENYOET. Pesan Moral Dalam Film To Kill A Mockingbird (Analisis Semiotika Pada Film To Kill A Mockingbird). (Dibimbing oleh Muh. Nadjib dan Alem Febri Sonni). Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi bentuk pesan moral dan memahami makna pesan moral dalam film To Kill A Mockingbird. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama kurang lebih 2 bulan yaitu Maret ??? Mei 2014. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif den...

  18. Analisi Pengaruh Store Name, Brand Name, Dan Price Discounts Terhadap Purchase Intentions Konsumen Infinite Tunjungan Plaza


    Gunawan, Andy


    Andy Gunawan:SkripsiAnalisis pengaruh store name, brand name dan price discounts terhadap purchase intention konsumen infnite tunjungan plaza Di era globalisasi ini, persaingan dagang antara Perusahaan – Perusahaan baik lokal maupun global menjadi semakin ketat, oleh karena itu Perusahaan selalu berusaha untuk meningkatkan ketertarikan minat beli konsumen. Beberapa variabel yang menjadi fokus Perusahaan adalah store name, brand name, dan price discount. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meng...

  19. Treatment motivation of men with ED: what motivates men with ED to seek professional help and how can women support their partners? (United States)

    Gerster, S; Günzler, C; Roesler, C; Leiber, C; Berner, M M


    Although ED can impair sexual satisfaction as well as the quality of partnership and life, men affected often avoid seeking treatment. There is growing evidence that women have an influence on their partner's help-seeking behavior. This qualitative study examined men with ED and their female partners in order to detect motivational factors for men to seek treatment and motivational actions of the women to support their partners. Twelve couples took part in a semi-structured telephone interview, which was performed separately in men and women. Analysis was on the basis of the Grounded Theory. The identified motivational factors could be divided into extrinsic (for example, media, female partner) and intrinsic (for example, desire to clarify the cause of the ED, hope for improvement) factors. Women can support their partners in treatment-seeking through various motivational actions such as talking with each other, showing interest and dealing actively with the problem, appealing to the male self-esteem, supporting the doctor's visit, forcing the treatment, active cooperation and participation in the treatment or initiating sexual intercourse. On the basis of these findings, recommendations for women were developed to support their partners and increase the probability of help-seeking behavior.

  20. Diseños de plantación y formación de árboles frutales (8ª ed.)


    Cambra Ruiz de Velasco, Mariano; Cambra Ruiz de Velasco, Rafael


    164 Pags., con 45 Figs. y 9 Tabls. ** Historia de las ediciones anteriores: 1ª ed., 1962; 2ª ed., 1964; 3ª ed., 1966; 4ª ed., 1967; 5ª ed., 1971 (Incorpora Sistemas de formación de apéndice); 6ª ed., 1974; 7ª ed., 1983. ** Última edición, en 2004, por CSIC: Diseños de plantación y formación de árboles frutales / M. Cambra Ruiz de Velasco, R. Cambra Ruiz de Velasco.-- Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2004.-- [149] p. ; 24 cm.-- (Biblioteca de ciencia...

  1. Keefektifan Konseling Behavioral Teknik Modeling dan Konseling Analisis Transaksional Teknik Role Playing untuk Meminimalkan Kecenderungan Perilaku Agresif Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    I Ketut Gading


    Full Text Available Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of behavioral counseling using modeling technique and counseling transactional analysis using role playing technique to minimize student’s tendency of aggressive behavior. This experimental research with pretest-posttest control group design is taking samples using purposive sampling technique. The sample were 18 tenth grade students from Senior High School Laboratorium Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha who have high aggressive behavior. 18 sample were randomly assigned to three group, that is: (1 experimental group of behavioral counseling using modeling technique; (2 counseling transactional analysis using role playing technique group; and (3 control group. Data on aggressive behavior tendency before and after treatment were collected using questionnaire of aggressive behavior, then analyzed by t test. The results show: (1 behavioral counseling using modeling technique were effective to minimize the tendency of aggressive behavior; (2 counseling transactional analysis using role playing technique were effective to minimize the aggressive behavior; and (3 counseling transactional analysis using role playing technique were more effectively minimizes the tendency of aggressive behavior rather than behavioral counseling using modeling technique. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan konseling behavioral teknik modeling dan konseling analisis transaksional teknik role playing untuk meminimalkan kecenderungan perilaku agresif siswa. Penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan pretest-posttest control group design ini mengambil sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel terdiri dari 18 orang siswa kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA Laboratorium Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha yang memiliki perilaku agresif tinggi. 18 sampel dibagi secara acak dan merata pada tiga kelompok, yaitu: (1 kelompok eksperimen yang mendapatkan perlakuan konseling behavioral teknik modeling; (2

  2. Analisis Migrasi Radio Trunking Analog ke Radio Trunking Digital di Indonesia

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    Riza Azmi


    Full Text Available Dalam Tabel Alokasi Spektrum Frekuensi di Indonesia pada catatan kaki INS9 dan INS13 disebutkan bahwa alokasi pada pita-pita frekuensi yang digunakan untuk teknologi trunking direncanakan dimigrasi ke sistem komunikasi trunking digital pada waktu yang akan ditentukan oleh pemerintah. Terkait dengan hal itu, studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana kelayakan migrasi dari sistem trunking analog ke sistem trunking digital dan hal-hal yang terkait dengannya. Dengan menggunakan analisis biaya dan manfaat (Cost-Benefit Analysis studi ini melihat bahwa migrasi hanya dapat dilakukan jika umur masing-masing lisensi dari operator telah berakhir, atau dengan kata lain pemerintah dapat mendorong transisi ke digital dengan menerbitkan lisensi baru yaitu lisensi trunking digital.

  3. Insécurité urbaine, analyse criminologique et prévention situationnelle intégrée - Urban insecurity, criminological analysis and integrated situational prevention - Insicurezza urbana, analisi criminologica e prevenzione situazionale integrata

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    Koudou O.


    Full Text Available L’insécurité en Côte d’Ivoire est stable. Les actions et missions de la police ne suffisent pas pour la réguler. Il est possible de compléter celles-ci par la stratégie de la prévention situationnelle « intégrée ». Celle-ci porte sur huit points complémentaires : 1- Analyse des problèmes criminels ; 2- Intégration de la technologie de sécurité ; 3- Surveillance continue de précision ; 4- Restauration de sites à risques ; 5- Police de proximité anticipatrice ; 6- Actions coordonnées des régulateurs ; 7- Modification de l’attitude des victimes potentielles ; 8- Evaluation et adaptation des actions.Insecurity in Ivory Coast is stable. Acts and assignments of police are not enough to decline it. It is possible to complete these by the strategy of “integrative” situational prevention. These are supported by eight complementary degrees: 1- Analysis of criminals problems; 2- Integration of security technology; 3- Precision in uninterrupted supervision; 4- Restoration of risks situations; 5- Proximity police for anticipation; 6- Regulator co-ordination acts; 7- Modification of potential victims attitudes; 8- Valuation and adaptation acts.L’insicurezza in Costa d’Avorio è stabile. Le azioni e gli interventi della polizia non sono sufficienti a regolarla ed è possibile completarli tramite la strategia della prevenzione situazionale « integrata ». Quest’ultima si basa su otto punti complementari : 1- Analisi dei problemi di criminalità ; 2- Integrazione della tecnologia di sicurezza ; 3- Sorveglianza continua e puntuale ; 4- Ripristino di situazioni a rischio ; 5- Polizia di prossimità preventiva ; 6- Azioni coordinate di regolazione ; 7- Modifiche dei comportamenti delle vittime potenziali ; 8- Valutazione ed adattamento delle azioni intraprese.

  4. Cytoplasmic Streaming - Skylab Student Experiment ED-63 (United States)


    This chart describes the Skylab student experiment (ED-63), Cytoplasmic Streaming, proposed by Cheryl A. Peitz of Arapahoe High School, Littleton, Colorado. Experiment ED-63 was to observe the effect of zero-gravity on cytoplasmic streaming in the aquatic plant named Elodea, commonly called water weed or water thyme. The phenomenon of cytoplasmic streaming is not well understood, but it is recognized as the circulation mechanism of the internal materials or cytoplasm of a cell. Cytoplasm is a gelatinous substance that has the ability to change its viscosity and flow, carrying various cell materials with it. The activity can be stimulated by sunlight or heat. In March 1972, NASA and the National Science Teachers Association selected 25 experiment proposals for flight on Skylab. Science advisors from the Marshall Space Flight Center aided and assisted the students in developing the proposals for flight on Skylab.

  5. Cross-sectional analysis of fouled SWRO membranes by STEM-EDS

    KAUST Repository

    Aubry, Cyril


    The intact cross-section of two fouled reverse osmosis membranes was characterized using a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) equipped with an electron energy dispersive spectroscope (EDS). Focused ion beam (FIB) was used to prepare a thin lamella of each membrane. These lamellas were then attached to a TEM grid for further STEM/EDS analysis. The foulant in sample A was mainly inorganic in nature and predominantly composed of alumino-silicate particles. These particles were surrounded by carbon at high concentrations, indicating the presence of organic materials. Iron was diffusely present in the cake layer and this could have enhanced the fouling process. The cake layer of membrane B was mainly consisted of organic matter (C, O, and N representing 95% of the total elemental composition) and organized in thin parallel layers. Small concentrations of Si, F, Na, Mg, and Cl were detected inside the active layer and support layer of the membrane. Due to the high sensitivity of the cake layer of membrane A to the electron beam, STEM/EDS line analyses might have been performed on large areas. On the other hand, the cake layer of sample B was resistant to the electron beam and the resolution of STEM/EDS was gradually improved until obtaining a resolution of 25. nm. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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    Vallen Nur Rita


    Full Text Available Stereotip merupakan pernyataan negatif dari prasangka. Prasangka inilah yang kemudian dijadikan alasan untuk melakukan diskriminasi terhadap kelompok rasial tertentu. Stereotip dan prasangka kemudian merujuk pada suatu paham yang mempercayai adanya superioritas yang menolak adanya kesetaraan manusia yaitu rasisme. Perilaku maupun tindakan rasisme tersebut banyak muncul dalam beberapa scene film 99 Cahaya Di Langit Eropa Part 1. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana simbol-simbol digunakan untuk menggambarkan rasisme di dalam film 99 Cahaya Di Langit Eropa Part 1. Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah semiotika Roland Barthes. Model Roland Barthes terdiri dari tiga tahap analisis yaitu denotasi, konotasi, mitos. Peneliti melakukan analisis menggunakan tanda verbal dan nonverbal yang terdapat dalam film “99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa Part 1”. Dalam menganalisis film 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa Part 1, dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa kategori yang berhubungan dengan perilaku rasisme, antara lain : stereotip, prasangka, diskriminasi

  7. Using Google Flu Trends data in forecasting influenza-like-illness related ED visits in Omaha, Nebraska. (United States)

    Araz, Ozgur M; Bentley, Dan; Muelleman, Robert L


    Emergency department (ED) visits increase during the influenza seasons. It is essential to identify statistically significant correlates in order to develop an accurate forecasting model for ED visits. Forecasting influenza-like-illness (ILI)-related ED visits can significantly help in developing robust resource management strategies at the EDs. We first performed correlation analyses to understand temporal correlations between several predictors of ILI-related ED visits. We used the data available for Douglas County, the biggest county in Nebraska, for Omaha, the biggest city in the state, and for a major hospital in Omaha. The data set included total and positive influenza test results from the hospital (ie, Antigen rapid (Ag) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV) tests); an Internet-based influenza surveillance system data, that is, Google Flu Trends, for both Nebraska and Omaha; total ED visits in Douglas County attributable to ILI; and ILI surveillance network data for Douglas County and Nebraska as the predictors and data for the hospital's ILI-related ED visits as the dependent variable. We used Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average and Holt Winters methods with3 linear regression models to forecast ILI-related ED visits at the hospital and evaluated model performances by comparing the root means square errors (RMSEs). Because of strong positive correlations with ILI-related ED visits between 2008 and 2012, we validated the use of Google Flu Trends data as a predictor in an ED influenza surveillance tool. Of the 5 forecasting models we have tested, linear regression models performed significantly better when Google Flu Trends data were included as a predictor. Regression models including Google Flu Trends data as a predictor variable have lower RMSE, and the lowest is achieved when all other variables are also included in the model in our forecasting experiments for the first 5 weeks of 2013 (with RMSE = 57.61). Google Flu Trends data

  8. Elementi ed esercizi di geometria analitica e proiettiva

    CERN Document Server

    Francia, Giovanni


    La retta : preliminario ; coordinate cartesiane nel piano, equazioni della retta, distanze ed angoli ; cambiamento delle coordinate, coordinate polari ; il cerchio ; le coniche come luoghi geometrici : l'ellisse, l'iperbole, parabola.

  9. Establecer las condiciones necesarias para procesar materiales termoestables mediante el rotomoldeo


    Pérez O., Daniel


    En este trabajo se establecieron las condiciones necesarias para procesar materiales termoestables mediante la técnica de rotomoldeo, comenzando por el estudio de las condiciones de curado y viscosidad relativa, donde se evidenció una relación directa del porcentaje de catalizador en función del tiempo y la temperatura de polimerización.

  10. Development of an analytic outline for the aflatoxins analysis in grains and flours; Desarrollo de un esquema analitico para el analisis de aflatoxinas en granos y harinas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sibaja Adams, Roxana


    The instrumental and analytic conditions were optimized for the aflatoxine determination B1, B2, 1 and G2 in corn and peanut byl iquid chromatography of high discharge following the analyzing method AOAC 994,08. Besides, it was defined a function for evaluating the dependence of the chromatographic discharge with the aflatoxine concentration. The analyzing method was validated, and four calibration curves were obtained for the aflatoxine B1, B2, G1 and G2, which turned to have a heterocedastico behavior. The applicability of this method was demonstrated, obtaining imagines of appropriate merit and comparable with those reported by the AOAC. Additionally, the applicability of the chromatographic method was demonstrated in fine layer for the presumptive analysis of aflatoxine, allowing both methods to propose an outline of reliable analysis of real samples. [Spanish] Se optimizaron las condiciones instrumentales y analiticas para la determinacion de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 y G2 en maiz y mani por Cromatografia liquida de alto desempeno siguiendo el metodo de analisis AOAC 994,08. Ademas, se definio una funcion para evaluar la dependencia del desempeno cromatografico con la concentracion de aflatoxinas.Se valido el metodo de analisis y se obtuvieron las cuatro curvas de calibracion para las aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 y G2, las que resultaron tener un comportamiento heterocedastico. Se demostro la aplicabilidad del metodo, obteniendose figuras de merito adecuadas y comparables con las reportadas por el AOAC.Adicionalmente, se demostro la aplicabilidad del metodo de cromatografia en capa fina para el analisis presuntivo de aflatoxinas, permitiendo ambos metodos proponer un esquema de analisis confiable de muestras reales.

  11. Are triage questions sufficient to assign fall risk precautions in the ED? (United States)

    Southerland, Lauren T; Slattery, Lauren; Rosenthal, Joseph A; Kegelmeyer, Deborah; Kloos, Anne


    The American College of Emergency Physicians Geriatric Emergency Department (ED) Guidelines and the Center for Disease Control recommend that older adults be assessed for risk of falls. The standard ED assessment is a verbal query of fall risk factors, which may be inadequate. We hypothesized that the addition of a functional balance test endorsed by the Center for Disease Control Stop Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries Falls Prevention Guidelines, the 4-Stage Balance Test (4SBT), would improve the detection of patients at risk for falls. Prospective pilot study of a convenience sample of ambulatory adults 65 years and older in the ED. All participants received the standard nursing triage fall risk assessment. After patients were stabilized in their ED room, the 4SBT was administered. The 58 participants had an average age of 74.1 years (range, 65-94), 40.0% were women, and 98% were community dwelling. Five (8.6%) presented to the ED for a fall-related chief complaint. The nursing triage screen identified 39.7% (n=23) as at risk for falls, whereas the 4SBT identified 43% (n=25). Combining triage questions with the 4SBT identified 60.3% (n=35) as at high risk for falls, as compared with 39.7% (n=23) with triage questions alone (Ppatients at high risk by 4SBT and missed by triage questions were inpatients unaware that they were at risk for falls (new diagnoses). Incorporating a quick functional test of balance into the ED assessment for fall risk is feasible and significantly increases the detection of older adults at risk for falls. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Trends in Hospital Admission and Surgical Procedures Following ED visits for Diverticulitis

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    Margaret B. Greenwood-Ericksen


    Full Text Available Introduction: Diverticulitis is a common diagnosis in the emergency department (ED. Outpatient management of diverticulitis is safe in selected patients, yet the rates of admission and surgical procedures following ED visits for diverticulitis are unknown, as are the predictive patient characteristics. Our goal is to describe trends in admission and surgical procedures following ED visits for diverticulitis, and to determine which patient characteristics predict admission. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional descriptive analysis using data on ED visits from 2006-2011 to determine change in admission and surgical patterns over time. The Nationwide Emergency Department Sample database, a nationally representative administrative claims dataset, was used to analyze ED visits for diverticulitis. We included patients with a principal diagnosis of diverticulitis (ICD-9 codes 562.11, 562.13. We analyzed the rate of admission and surgery in all admitted patients and in low-risk patients, defined as age <50 with no comorbidities (Elixhauser. We used hierarchical multivariate logistic regression to identify patient characteristics associated with admission for diverticulitis. Results: From 2006 to 2011 ED visits for diverticulitis increased by 21.3% from 238,248 to 302,612, while the admission rate decreased from 55.7% to 48.5% (-7.2%, 95% CI [–7.78 to -6.62]; p<0.001 for trend. The admission rate among low-risk patients decreased from 35.2% in 2006 to 26.8% in 2011 (-8.4%, 95% CI [–9.6 to –7.2]; p<0.001 for trend. Admission for diverticulitis was independently associated with male gender, comorbid illnesses, higher income and commercial health insurance. The surgical rate decreased from 6.5% in 2006 to 4.7% in 2011 (-1.8%, 95% CI [–2.1 to –1.5]; p<0.001 for trend, and among low-risk patients decreased from 4.0% to 2.2% (- 1.8%, 95% CI [–4.5 to –1.7]; p<0.001 for trend. Conclusion: From 2006 to 2011 ED visits for diverticulitis increased

  13. Analisis Plagiat dalam Penulisan Laporan Ilmiah Kelas XI Smk Sakti Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016


    Sari, Dwi Ratna; Arfa, Mecca


    Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Plagiat dalam Penulisan Laporan Ilmiah Kelas XI SMK Sakti Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemahaman siswa mengenai tindakan plagiat, serta menganalisis tipe-tipe plagiat dan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tindakan plagiat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling....





    Analisis Penerapan Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Peningkatan Pangsa Pasar Pada PT. Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Cokroaminoto di Makassar Implementation of marketing strategy analyze on increasing market share study case PT.Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Cokroaminoto in Makassar Pratanti Ayu Astrini Mursalim Nohong Wardhani Hakim Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan strategi pemasaran mobil Toyota pada PT. Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Cokroaminoto di Makassar me...


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    I Nengah Sunaya


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini menganalisis koordinasi recloser yang terdapat pada penyulang Sempidi untuk meningkatkan keandalan kinerja dari penyulang tersebut. Keandalan yang diharapkan adalah keandalan dalam penyediaan dan penyaluran dayanya. Untuk mengetahui keandalan dalam penyaluran tenaga listrik kepada konsumen perlu diperhitungkan indeks keandalannya. Indeks keandalan menjadi indikator dinyatakan dalam suatu besaran probabilitas yang bertujuan meminimalkan nilai SAIDI dan SAIFI, yaitu 1,8805505 jam/pelanggan tahun dan 5,8200455 kegagalan/pelanggan tahun, serta nilai fitness sebesar 0,091366843 untuk recloser pada posisi 10. Teknik yang digunakan dalam evaluasi keandalan sistem distribusi yaitu metode analisis dengan formula SAIDI dan SAIFI serta metode simulasi dengan memanfaatkan software ETAP powerstation


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    St. Victor Maruli tua Lumbantobing , S.Pd., M.Pd


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKGajala bahasa ialah segala peristiwa yang berkaitan dengan bentuk-bentukkata beserta proses pembentuknya. Gejala-gejala bahasa seringkali digunakanoleh penutur bahasa baik di dalam film dan masyarakat. Bahasa gaul salah satu gaya bahasa yang sering digunakan anak remaja jaman sekarang. Film Remaja Indonesia yang berjudul “Radio Galau FM” merupakan sebuah karya yangditulis oleh Haqi Achmad. Dalam film ini banyak proses pembentukan kata bahasagaul. Mengingat pentingnya bahasa gaul sebagai wujud produk remaja, makapeneliti tertarik untuk meneliti pembentukan bahasa gaul ini. Sesuai denganrumusan masalah maka penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendeskripsikanproses pembentukan bahasa gaul, yang meliputi: 1 proses afiksasi; 2; gejalagejalabahasa dan 3, serta penggunaan jenis-jenis makna dalam bahasagaul. Untuk membahas masalah tersebut, maka dalam menganalisis, penelitimenggunakan teori pembentukan kata ( kajian Morfologi . Penelitian inimenggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Sedangkan metode yang digunakanadalah metode dan ekstralingual dan teknik analisis data dalam penelitian iniberupa urai unsure langsung dan teknik ubah ujud. Data penelitian ini adalahdialog dalam film “Radio Galau FM” ( berbentuk proses afiksasi, gejala-gejalabahasa, dan jenis-jenis makna. Sumber data berupa rekaman dialog film yangterjadi dalam film “Radio Galau FM”. Secara garis besar hasil analisis datadalam penelitian bahasa gaul sangat berbeda dengan penggunaannya dalam bahasa baku bahasa Indonesia. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, bahasa gaul merupakan produk dari remaja, maksudnyaadalah remaja dalam berkomunikasi sehari-hari menggunakan bahasa ini disetiap situasi tanpa memperhatikan keadaan dan situasi, jika dibiarkan makasikap kesopanan akan terabaikan.Kata-Kata Kunci: Pembentukan Kata, Bahasa Gaul, Film Remaja Indonesia.Key words : Formation of words , language Gaul , Youth Film Indonesia


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    Rosma Hani Damayanti


    Full Text Available Penggunaan teknologi informasi, dimana komputer sebagai medianya kini semakin meningkat. Frekuensi yang tinggi akan penggunaan komputer yang tidak memperhatikan sisi ergonomi dalam bekerja mengakibatkan adanya resiko yang dirasakan oleh pengguna. PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menggunakan komputer sebagai salah satu alat utama dalam bekerja. Pada penggunaannya karyawan pada Departemen Publishing merasakan keluhan pada punggung, pinggang, nyeri bahu, leher dan tangan. Keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing dapat diminimalkan dengan cara mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi postur kerja pada pekerja dalam menggunakan komputer. Identifikasi tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi pekerja dan mengetahui penyebab keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja untuk dilakukan perbaikan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode ROSA untuk mengurangi adanya keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing. ROSA merupakan salah satu metode pada office ergonomics, dimana penilaiannnya dirancang untuk mengukur resiko yang terkait dengan penggunaan komputer serta untuk menetapkan tingkat tindakan perubahan berdasarkan laporan dari ketidaknyamanan pekerja. Dengan menggunakan metode ROSA, dapat diketahui apakah postur kerja karyawan pada Departemen Publishing pada saat bekerja aman atau berbahaya. Hasil analisis postur kerja menggunakan metode ROSA pada Departemen Publishing menunjukkan bahwa seluruh pekerja yang menjadi sampel memiliki level resiko yang tinggi dan perlu dilakukan perbaikan segera. Perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi tingkat resiko yang dirasakan oleh pekerja yaitu dengan perbaikan fasilitas yang digunakan oleh pekerja yang sesuai dengan standar ergonomi, melakukan sosialisasi kepada pekerja tentang pentingnya ergonomi pada dunia kerja, dan sebaiknya pekerja melakukan istirahat atau peregangan otot minimal setiap tiga jam sekali.


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    Rosma Hani Damayanti


    Full Text Available Penggunaan teknologi informasi, dimana komputer sebagai medianya kini semakin meningkat. Frekuensi yang tinggi akan penggunaan komputer yang tidak memperhatikan sisi ergonomi dalam bekerja mengakibatkan adanya resiko yang dirasakan oleh pengguna. PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menggunakan komputer sebagai salah satu alat utama dalam bekerja. Pada penggunaannya karyawan pada Departemen Publishing merasakan keluhan pada punggung, pinggang, nyeri bahu, leher dan tangan. Keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing dapat diminimalkan dengan cara mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi postur kerja pada pekerja dalam menggunakan komputer. Identifikasi tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi pekerja dan mengetahui penyebab keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja untuk dilakukan perbaikan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode ROSA untuk mengurangi adanya keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada Departemen publishing. ROSA merupakan salah satu metode pada office ergonomics, dimana penilaiannnya dirancang untuk mengukur resiko yang terkait dengan penggunaan komputer serta untuk menetapkan tingkat tindakan perubahan berdasarkan laporan dari ketidaknyamanan pekerja. Dengan menggunakan metode ROSA, dapat diketahui apakah postur kerja karyawan pada Departemen Publishing pada saat bekerja aman atau berbahaya. Hasil analisis postur kerja menggunakan metode ROSA pada Departemen Publishing menunjukkan bahwa seluruh pekerja yang menjadi sampel memiliki level resiko yang tinggi dan perlu dilakukan perbaikan segera.  Perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi tingkat resiko yang dirasakan oleh pekerja yaitu dengan perbaikan fasilitas yang digunakan oleh pekerja yang sesuai dengan standar ergonomi, melakukan sosialisasi kepada pekerja tentang pentingnya ergonomi pada dunia kerja, dan sebaiknya pekerja melakukan istirahat atau peregangan otot minimal setiap tiga jam sekali.

  19. Efficient Round-Trip Time Optimization for Replica-Exchange Enveloping Distribution Sampling (RE-EDS). (United States)

    Sidler, Dominik; Cristòfol-Clough, Michael; Riniker, Sereina


    Replica-exchange enveloping distribution sampling (RE-EDS) allows the efficient estimation of free-energy differences between multiple end-states from a single molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. In EDS, a reference state is sampled, which can be tuned by two types of parameters, i.e., smoothness parameters(s) and energy offsets, such that all end-states are sufficiently sampled. However, the choice of these parameters is not trivial. Replica exchange (RE) or parallel tempering is a widely applied technique to enhance sampling. By combining EDS with the RE technique, the parameter choice problem could be simplified and the challenge shifted toward an optimal distribution of the replicas in the smoothness-parameter space. The choice of a certain replica distribution can alter the sampling efficiency significantly. In this work, global round-trip time optimization (GRTO) algorithms are tested for the use in RE-EDS simulations. In addition, a local round-trip time optimization (LRTO) algorithm is proposed for systems with slowly adapting environments, where a reliable estimate for the round-trip time is challenging to obtain. The optimization algorithms were applied to RE-EDS simulations of a system of nine small-molecule inhibitors of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT). The energy offsets were determined using our recently proposed parallel energy-offset (PEOE) estimation scheme. While the multistate GRTO algorithm yielded the best replica distribution for the ligands in water, the multistate LRTO algorithm was found to be the method of choice for the ligands in complex with PNMT. With this, the 36 alchemical free-energy differences between the nine ligands were calculated successfully from a single RE-EDS simulation 10 ns in length. Thus, RE-EDS presents an efficient method for the estimation of relative binding free energies.

  20. Teori Pecking Order dan Trade-Off dalam Analisis Struktur Modal di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    D Agus Harjito


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study aims to test the pecking order theory and trade-off theory of capital structure in the analysis of the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Pecking order theory is represented by the variable profitability and growth, while the variables volatility of earnings, tangibility of assets and the size represents a trade-off theory. The company's goal is prosperity of shareholder value. To achieve these objectives the company needs funds from internal sources and external sources. Internal sources in the form of retained earnings, while the external sources of debt and shareholders' approval in the pecking order theory. This study uses the data of financial ratios of the firms during the period 2000-2010. To analyze the data, this study uses a multiple regression with the dependent variable is the debt ratio, while profitability, growth, volatility of earnings, tangibility of assets and size as independent variables. The results show that asset structure and company size has a positive and significant impact on capital structure, while profitability has a negative effect on debt ratios. But company's growth rate has not relationship with the debt ratio or capital structure. Simultaneously, the all independent variables affect capital structure significantly.Keywords: pecking order, trade-off, capital structure, debt rasioAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji teori pecking order dan teori trade-off dalam analisis struktur modal di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Teori pecking order diwakili oleh variabel profitability dan growth, sementara variabel-variabel volatility of earnings, tangibility of assets dan size mewakili teori trade-off. Tujuan perusahaan adalah memakmurkan nilai pemegang saham. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut perusahaan membutuhkan dana yang diperoleh dari sumber internal dan sumber eksternal. Sumber internal berupa laba ditahan, sedangkan sumber eksternal berupa hutang dan saham sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam teori pecking order


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    Ary Arvianto


    Full Text Available Industri mebel rotan merupakan salah satu andalan sektor industri di Indonesia dimana sentra pengolahan rotan terbesar adalah di Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Namun, terdapat beberapa kendala dalam industri mebel rotan di Cirebon ini diantaranya semakin ketatnya persaingan antar produsen dunia dan kebijakan pemerintah memperbolehkan ekspor rotan yang menyebabkan keuntungan di pihak negara pesaing Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu strategi untuk meningkatkan daya saing  produk rotan di pasar dunia. Strategi ini dapat diperoleh dengan melakukan analisis value chain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis rantai nilai produk mebel rotan dan mendapatkan strategi kompetitif yang tepat untuk diterapkan oleh setiap pelaku rantai nilai. Metode yang dilakukan adalah analisis finansial, analisis SWOT, analisis Competitiveness Diamond, dan analisis Critical Success Factor (CSF. Objek penelitian adalah perusahaan-perusahaan yang merupakan anggota dari Asosiasi Pengusaha Mebel Indonesia (ASMINDO Cirebon yang memproduksi mebel rotan single chair. Dari hasil pengolahan data dan analisis diperoleh hasil bahwa strategi yang dapat diterapkan di pihak supplier dalam hal ini pengumpul adalah mendirikan anak perusahaan di tempat tersedia bahan baku dan melakukan merger dengan perusahaan. Strategi yang dapat diterapkan di pihak perusahaan adalah menerapkan upah tenaga kerja per unit produk yang dihasilkan, pengalokasian dana untuk promosi, memprioritaskan buyer langganan, sharing informasi dan inovasi dengan buyer, memiliki fleksibilitas yang tinggi dalam hal kualitas dan harga, bekerjasama dengan asosiasi dan pemerintah dalam kegiatan pameran, dan melakukan merger dengan perusahaan lain ataupun dengan supplier. Sedangkan strategi yang dapat diterapkan di pihak buyer dalam hal ini wholeseller adalah menurunkan harga produk, memaksimalkan promosi dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan perusahaan yang sudah menjadi kepercayaan. Kata Kunci: mebel rotan, value

  2. The use of SEM/EDS method in mineralogical analysis of ordinary chondritic meteorite

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    Breda Mirtič


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersiveX-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS for determination of mineral phases according to their stoichiometry and assessment of mineral composition of ordinary chondritic meteorite. For the purposes of this study, H3 type ordinary chondritic meteorite Abbott was selected. SEM/EDS allows identification and characterisation of mineralphases, whose size is below the resolution of an optical microscope. Mineral phases in chondrules and interstitial matrix were located in backscattered electron (BSE mode and were assessed from atomic proportions of constituent elements, obtained by the EDS analysis. SEM/EDS analyses of mineral phases showed that Abbott meteorite is characterised by Fe-rich (Fe, Ni-alloy kamacite, Fe-sulphide troilite or pyrrhotite, chromite, Mg-rich olivine, orthopyroxene bronzite or hypersthene, clinopyroxene Al-diopside, acid plagioclase oligoclase, accessory mineral chlorapatite and secondary minerals Fe-hydroxides (goethite or lepidocrocite. Results of semi-quantitative analyses confirmed that most of analysed mineralphases conform well to stoichiometric minerals with minor deviations of oxygen from stoichiometric proportions. Comparison between mineral phases in chondrules and interstitial matrix was also performed, however it showed no significant differences in elemental composition.Differences in chemical composition between minerals in interstitial matrix and chondrules are sometimes too small to be discernedby the SEM/EDS, therefore knowledge of SEM/EDS capabilities is important for correct interpretation of chondrite formation.

  3. Analisis Potensi Ledakan dan Kebakaran Primary Reformer sebagai Unit Proses Produksi Amonia di PT. X

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    Resti Ayu Lestari


    Full Text Available Peningkatan industri pupuk di dunia berimplikasi pada peningkatan jumlah industri amonia. Amonia memegang peranan penting pada proses produksi pupuk dalam hal penyediaan nitrogen. Proses pembuatan amonia melibatkan bahan baku berupa gas alam yang bersifat flammable dengan temperatur dan tekanan yang tinggi dalam setiap tahapan prosesnya. Primary reformer merupakan salah satu peralatan proses dalam produksi amonia dengan temperatur dan tekanan paling tinggi serta paling berisiko mengalami kegagalan yang dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya kebakaran/ledakan. Primary reformer berperan sebagai salah satu tahapan pemurnian gas alam dengan hasil berupa karbon monoksida. Identifikasi bahaya pada unit primary reformer dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Fault Tree Analysis (FTA. Hasil analisis FTA menghasilkan bahwa sumber bahaya dari ledakan primary reformer dapat ditinjau dari faktor teknis dan faktor non teknis. Faktor non teknis menyumbang 74% dari penyebab terjadinya ledakan/kebakaran pada primary reformer. Hasil analisis risiko ledakan/kebakaran pada primary reformer dilakukan dengan menggunakan Dow’s Fire & Explosion Index  dengan hasil radius area dampak adalah 51 meter. Nilai kerugian finansial mencapai US$ 23.640.285 dengan kerugian hari kerja minimal adalah 138 hari. Perangkat lunak Arial Location of Hazardous Atmospheres menghasilkan radius ledakan dengan dampak terkecil yaitu dapat memecahkan kaca jendela/pintu (0,5 psi adalah 73 m dari primary reformer. Radius ledakan dengan kekuatan ledakan 1 psi (meruntuhkan rumah/perkantoran adalah 48 m dari primary reformer.


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    Su haryo


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Tulisan ini didasari sebuah anggapan bahwa bahasa tidak berada di ruang hampa sosial.Maka, bahasa pada dasarnya bukan hanya untaian kata yang hanya bersifat linguistik, tetapi bersifat sosial. Karenanya, bahasa dipahami sebagai tindakan sosial.Implikasinya, bahasa bukan hanya bermatra linguistik, tetapi juga bermatra sosial. Van Dijk menjadi salah satu model yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menganalisis wacana secara kritis. Penelitian analisis wacana kritis model van Dijk mempertimbangkan teks, konteks, kognisi sosial, dan analisis/konteks sosial. Untuk mengungkap hal itu, langkah yang dapat dilakukan adalah: mengungkap struktur makro (tematik, suprstruktur (skematik, dan struktur mikro yang terdiri atas semantik, sintaksis, stilitistik, dan retorika. Untuk mengungkap hal itu, di sini digunakan metode simak dan catat dengan menjadikan Suara Merdeka dan Kompassebagai sumber datanya. Hasilnya pertama,SM cenderung berideologi kasar, provokatif, dan konotatif/figuratif. Hal itu, tampak pada pilihan kata/kalimat  kata yang cenderung kasar, seperti mengancam,menyerang, memanggil paksa, menyeret, menembak.Sementara, harian K cenderung berideologi idealisme pers yang objektif, netral, dan berimbang. Kedua, dari dimensi kekuasaan (simbolik, harian SM cenderung menjadi “oposisi”  dan “oposan”sebagai pihak yang di-dominan-kan, sedang pihak pemerintah sebagai pihak yang “dimarginalkan”. Sementara, harian K menempatkan pihak yang dominan/marginal lebih didasarkan pada kondisi objektif di lapangan yang  berbasis data dan keterangan yang dari narasumber yang cenderung netral, seperti pengamat, warga, dan akademisi; tidak didasarkan pada keterangan yang cenderung subjektif, seperti dari para politisi.Ketiga, dari sisi analisis sosial dan kognisi sosial; SM lebih tampak sebagai cerminan tagline-nya yaitu lokal (yaitu “perekat komunitas Jawa Tengah”, sedangkan harian K lebih “mengabdi” pada rakyat seperti tampak pada

  5. ANALISIS MANFAAT BIAYA LINGKUNGAN USAHA TERNAK BABI: STUDI KASUS DI DESA AMBARKETAWANG KECAMATAN GAMPING KABUPATEN SLEMAN (Benefit Cost Analysis of Pig Farming Environment: Case Study at Ambarketawang Village, Gamping District, Sleman Regency, Indonesia

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    Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan peternak dan kelayakan pengembangan usaha ternak babi secara finansial maupun ekonomi. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Gamping. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dari responden peternak dan data sekunder dari instansi terkait. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis pendapatan metode R/C Ratio, NPV (Net Present Value, dan IRR (Internal Rate of Return dengan umur ekonomis kandang selama 3 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisis pendapatan secara finansial menghasilkan nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan penilaian secara ekonomi. Jenis penggemukan memberikanpendapatan tertinggi secara finansial, sedangkan secaraekonomi, dengan memperhitungkan lingkungan, jenis kombinasi memberikan pendapatan tertinggi. Analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa penurunan harga babi berpengaruh terhadap penurunan pendapatan peternak dibandingkan peningkatan harga pakan dan peningkatan biaya lingkungan. Jenis pembibitan paling peka terhadap analisis sensitivitas, sedangkan jenis kombinasi penggemukan dan pembibitan tidak begitu terpengaruhi.   ABSTRACT The objectives of this research were to assess the farmer’s income and the feasibility of pig farming, financially as well as economically. The data used in this research were primary data from pig farmers and secondary data from relevant institution. Financial and economic analysis of income and feasibility study with NPV (Net Present Value, B/C ratio, IRR (Internal Rate of Return with economic barn value of 3 years, were applied in this research. The results showed that financially the fattening system gave the highest income, but the combination system was more efficient because it provided the highest income, but the combination system was more efficient because it provided the highest income, inspite of taking into consideration the environment effect. Sensitivity analysis showed that the pig price’s decline influenced the farmer

  6. The impact of an ED-only full-capacity protocol. (United States)

    Watase, Taketo; Fu, Rongwei; Foster, Denise; Langley, Denise; Handel, Daniel A


    The objective of this study was to assess the impact of an emergency department (ED)-only full-capacity protocol and diversion, controlling for patient volumes and other potential confounding factors. This was a preintervention and postintervention cohort study using data 12 months before and 12 months after the implementation of the protocol. During the implementation period, attending physicians and charge nurses were educated with clear and simple figures on the criteria for the initiation of the new protocol. A multiple logistic regression model was used to compare ambulance diversion between the 2 periods. The proportion of days when the ED went on diversion at least once during a 24-hour period was 60.4% during the preimplementation period and 20% in the postimplementation periods (P model, the use of the new protocol was significantly associated with decreased odds of diversion rate in the postimplementation period (odds ratio, 0.32; 95% confidence interval, 0.21-0.48). Our predivert/full-capacity protocol is a simple and generalizable strategy that can be implemented within the boundaries of the ED and is significantly associated with a decreased diversion rate. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Statistical analysis of the wind around a nuclear power plant; Analisis estadistico del viento alrededor de una central nucleoelectrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tejeda, A; Alvarez, Oscar; Contreras, A D; Jauregui, E [Universidad Veracruzana, (Mexico)


    In order to show an appropriate methodology for the climatic analysis of the wind, some of the recent results in the investigation of the field flow around the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station, at Veracruz State (Mexico,) through the angular correlation coefficients and contingency tables among the registered wind directions by a meteorological tower at the levels of 10 and 60 meters high are presented. Finally, by applying an objective analysis of the data some conclusions are obtained in connection with the local winds with the mesoscale systems. [Espanol] Con el objeto de mostrar una metodologia apropiada en el analisis climatico del viento, se presentan algunos resultados recientes en la investigacion del campo de flujo en los alrededores de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde, Veracruz (Mexico), a traves de los coeficientes de correlacion angulares y de tablas de contingencia entre las direcciones del viento registradas por una torre meteorologica en los niveles de 10 y 60 metros de altura. Finalmente, aplicando analisis objetivo de los datos, se obtienen algunas conclusiones sobre la conexion de los vientos locales con los sistemas de mesoescala.

  8. Statistical analysis of the wind around a nuclear power plant; Analisis estadistico del viento alrededor de una central nucleoelectrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tejeda, A; Alvarez, Oscar; Contreras, A. D.; Jauregui, E. [Universidad Veracruzana, (Mexico)


    In order to show an appropriate methodology for the climatic analysis of the wind, some of the recent results in the investigation of the field flow around the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station, at Veracruz State (Mexico,) through the angular correlation coefficients and contingency tables among the registered wind directions by a meteorological tower at the levels of 10 and 60 meters high are presented. Finally, by applying an objective analysis of the data some conclusions are obtained in connection with the local winds with the mesoscale systems. [Espanol] Con el objeto de mostrar una metodologia apropiada en el analisis climatico del viento, se presentan algunos resultados recientes en la investigacion del campo de flujo en los alrededores de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde, Veracruz (Mexico), a traves de los coeficientes de correlacion angulares y de tablas de contingencia entre las direcciones del viento registradas por una torre meteorologica en los niveles de 10 y 60 metros de altura. Finalmente, aplicando analisis objetivo de los datos, se obtienen algunas conclusiones sobre la conexion de los vientos locales con los sistemas de mesoescala.


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    Luis Humbert Andrade de Lemos


    Datos acerca del impacto ambiental generado por la disposición inadecuada de residuos sólidos son alarmantes, así como el costo que genera para el estado. El propósito de este trabajo es ilustrar como la ciencia del analisis del comportamiento puede contribuir a la creación de programas de intervención para la buena gestión de residuos sólidos. Haciendo uso de la investigación bibliográfica, algunos principios básicos de la ciencia del analisis del comportamiento se presentan en primer lugar. Siguiendo una revisión de algunos artículos publicados en el Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1968-2016, que describen algunas de las principales estrategias que aparecen en búsquedas sobre gestión de residuos sólidos. Finalmente se analizan tales búsquedas mediante dos categorías de intervenciones: eventos antecedentes de comportamiento a favor del ambiente, mientras que consideraciones finales proponen que loa resultados de estas búsquedas, tal como se describen, puedan ser usados como posibles contribuciones para la planeación de políticas públicas. Palabras clave: Residuos Sólidos; Medio Ambiente; Analisis de Comportamiento; Estrategias de Intervención.

  10. Le misure di riorganizzazione del personale alle dipendenze della p.a. Tra obiettivi di efficienza ed esigenze di razionalizzazione della spesa pubblica

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    Alessandro Riccobono


    Full Text Available Riassunto- Il saggio analizza le politiche di riorganizzazione del personale alle dipendenze delle p.a., alla luce delle più recenti modifiche legislative. Secondo le più recenti analisi statistiche, la Pubblica Amministrazione italiana registra, a livello strutturale, numerose inefficienze correlate all’irrazionale distribuzione delle risorse umane. Per ovviare a dette disfunzioni, il legislatore è intervenuto a più riprese sul quadro normativo in materia di mobilità, modificando sia la disciplina degli strumenti di programmazione e gestione delle risorse umane (passaggi diretti di personale, trasferimenti, comandi, distacchi e assegnazioni temporanee, sia i meccanismi regolativi per il riassorbimento delle eccedenze. Si tratta tuttavia di interventi dal carattere eccessivamente frammentario e asistematico, in quanto mossi dall’esigenza, attualmente prioritaria, di tenere in ordine i conti pubblici, anche mediante forti tagli alle dotazioni organiche. Il presente lavoro mira a ricostruire l’assetto normativo attualmente vigente, mettendo in evidenza i principali fattori di criticità scaturenti dalle modifiche legislative e proponendo alcune valutazioni d’insieme, in vista di una auspicabile riforma organica della materia. Abstract- The paper analyses legal measures concerning reorganization of public civil servant, in light of the most recent legislative changes. According to latest statistical analysis, the Italian Public Administration records several inefficiencies related with irrational distribution of human resources. To overcome these shortcomings, the lawmaker introduced some changing both on the discipline of human resources management (transfers, temporary assignments, etc. and on the mechanisms for the absorption of redundancies. However, this action still appears fragmented and unsystematic, as it was driven by the priority to keep in order public finances, also through deep cuts in human resources. This paper aims to

  11. Analisi del decadimento $W -> \\tau \

    CERN Document Server

    Coscetti, Simone

    Questo lavoro di tesi si e' svolto nell'ambito dell'esperimento CMS a LHC, ed in particolare verte sullo studio delle strategie di identificazione off-line del leptone tau, atteso tra i prodotti di decadimento del bosone di Higgs, cosi' come di altre particelle previste in altri modelli teorici. Il canale utilizzato per testare la procedura di identificazione del tau e' il decadimento semileptonico del bosone vettore W. Infine, sulla base dei risultati ottenuti viene presentata una stima quantitativa della sezione d'urto di produzione pp-> W + X

  12. Ambiente sonoro e percezione di alcune caratteristiche dei parchi urbani: analisi e modelli - Sonic environment and perception of some features of urban parks: analysis and models

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    Giovanni Brambilla


    Full Text Available Sui dati raccolti in otto parchi urbani, comprendenti alcuni parametri acustici e le valutazioni dei fruitori sulla qualità complessiva del parco percepita e di alcune sue caratteristiche, si è proceduto a diverse analisi statistiche. L’analisi delle componenti principali e quella cluster gerarchica sui dati acustici ha fornito una classificazione in tre gruppi risultata poco sovrapponibile a quella ottenuta con l’analisi cluster e delle corrispondenze multiple condotta sui responsi soggettivi. La discrepanza, confermata anche da alcuni modelli di regressione logistica multinomiale, evidenzia l’influenza di altri fattori non acustici sulla percezione dell’ambiente dei parchi urbani. ------ Different statistical analyses have been carried out on data collected in eight urban parks, including some acoustical parameters and the appraisals of park visitors on the perceived overall quality of the park and some of its features. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster one on the acoustic data have identified three groups. This classification poorly overlaps that obtained by hierarchical cluster analysis and multiple correspondence one performed on subjective appraisals data. The difference, confirmed also by models developed by multinomial logistic regression, points out the influence of other non-acoustic factors on the perception of the urban parks environment.

  13. Effect Of A “No Superuser Opioid Prescription” Policy On ED Visits And Statewide Opioid Prescription

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    Zachary P. Kahler


    Full Text Available Introduction: The U.S. opioid epidemic has highlighted the need to identify patients at risk of opioid abuse and overdose. We initiated a novel emergency department- (ED based interventional protocol to transition our superuser patients from the ED to an outpatient chronic pain program. The objective was to evaluate the protocol’s effect on superusers’ annual ED visits. Secondary outcomes included a quantitative evaluation of statewide opioid prescriptions for these patients, unique prescribers of controlled substances, and ancillary testing. Methods: Patients were referred to the program with the following inclusion criteria: ≥ 6 visits per year to the ED; at least one visit identified by the attending physician as primarily driven by opioid-seeking behavior; and a review by a committee comprising ED administration and case management. Patients were referred to a pain management clinic and informed that they would no longer receive opioid prescriptions from visits to the ED for chronic pain complaints. Electronic medical record (EMR alerts notified ED providers of the patient’s referral at subsequent visits. We analyzed one year of data pre- and post-referral. Results: A total of 243 patients had one year of data post-referral for analysis. Median annual ED visits decreased from 14 to 4 (58% decrease, 95% CI [50 to 66]. We also found statistically significant decreases for these patients’ state prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP opioid prescriptions (21 to 13, total unique controlled-substance prescribers (11 to 7, computed tomography imaging (2 to 0, radiographs (5 to 1, electrocardiograms (12 to 4, and labs run (47 to 13. Conclusion: This program and the EMR-based alerts were successful at decreasing local ED visits, annual opioid prescriptions, and hospital resource allocation for this population of patients. There is no evidence that these patients diverted their visits to neighboring EDs after being informed that they

  14. The University Supervisor, edTPA, and the New Making of the Teacher (United States)

    Donovan, Martha K.; Cannon, Susan O.


    As university supervisors at a large, urban university in the southern US, we examined the ways that the Education Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) shaped the pedagogic relationships and decision-making processes of our students and ourselves during the spring of 2016. We situated this study of edTPA within the framework of critical policy…

  15. Ensayo no destructivo de soldaduras en pernos conectores mediante inspección acústica

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    Aznar, A.


    Full Text Available Headed studs are nowadays the standard steel-concrete connectors because of their competitive advantages. Firstly, they provide a high degree of safety thanks to semiautomatic electric arc welding. These welds are not suitable for typical non-destructive tests. The analytical study comprises several models. The first vibration modes have been obtained. The experimental research has developed first the measurement of the natural frequencies of 28 headed-studs in the sonic range. Then they have been tested by non-destructive and destructive tests. Finally theirs tests have been compared with their respective frequency measurements. A clear relationship between the measured frequencies and the lack of penetration of the welds has been established, that confirms the analytical prediction of this effect of the internal weld imperfections. Therefore, the feasibility of simple and absolutely non-destructive tests of welded studs by in site measurement of natural frequencies in the sonic range has been clearly established in this work.

    Los pernos conectores aportan múltiples ventajas de uso, entre las que se encuentra el elevado margen de seguridad que ofrecen sus soldaduras ejecutadas mediante arco eléctrico. Estas soldaduras, aunque ampliamente fiables, son difícilmente comprobadas mediante ensayos no destructivos. El presente estudio plantea la inspección de soldaduras de pernos conectores mediante su espectro acústico. Analíticamente, la investigación se ha centrado en el cálculo de los primeros modos propios de vibración. Experimentalmente se han medido las frecuencias propias de resonancia de 28 pernos, en los que posteriormente se han llevado a cabo ensayos tanto no destructivos como destructivos. Se ha obtenido, tanto teórica como experimentalmente, una relación entre la frecuencia de vibración de los pernos conectores y la calidad de la soldadura. Por ello se verifica la posibilidad de inspección de estas

  16. La prueba obtenida mediante coacción y su inadmisibilidad ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos


    Paúl Díaz, Álvaro


    La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos efectúa un amplio análisis probatorio para determinar la ocurrencia de violaciones de derechos humanos. Ella tiende a ser muy flexible con la admisión de la prueba, sin perjuicio de ello estaría obligada a excluir confesiones obtenidas mediante coacción. En relación con esto, la Corte ha hecho afirmaciones que parecen propiciar la exclusión de toda prueba obtenida mediante coerción, y dar pie a la doctrina del fruto de árbol envenenado. Este artícul...

  17. Cateterismo vescicale: appropriatezza dell´uso ed esiti clinici nell´Azienda Sanitaria Ospedaliera "Maggiore della Caritá" di Novara

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    M. Luparia


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: valutare le relazioni intercorrenti tra i livelli di appropriatezza di indicazione e di gestione del cateterismo vescicale e lo sviluppo delle IVU.

    Materiali e metodi: studio descrittivo condotto in una giornata con rilevazione basata su cartelle cliniche ed infermieristiche. Le relazioni intercorrenti tra la cateterizzazione vescicale e l’insorgenza dell’IVU sono stati studiati mediante modelli di regressione logistica in grado di valutare l’appropriatezza del processo assistenziale e per identificare i determinanti dell’esitto. Risultati: nel giorno dell’indagine son risultati ricoverati 166 pazienti, di questi 57 (34,34%; IC 95% 28,06- 40,62% erano portatori di catetere urinario. In totale sono state analizzate oltre 1200 procedure. La prevalenza di infezioni nosocomiali delle vie urinarie è stata del 12,28% (IC 95% 7,98-16,50%. Tutti i cateterizzati avevano un sistema di drenaggio di tipo chiuso. I modelli di regressione logistica hanno dimostrato un accresciuto rischio di mancato lavaggio delle mani in presenza di un regime di ricovero d’urgenza e in unità operativa chirurgica (p‹0,01, parimenti si è evidenziato un minor livello di controllo del meato urnario in presenza del regime del ricovero d’urgenza in unità operativa chirurgica (p‹0,01.

    Conclusioni: le raccomandazioni fornite dalla letteratura in relazione all’inserimento e alla gestione del cateterismo vescicale sono solo in parte seguite nella pratica quotidiana. In particolare il lavaggio delle mani, anche se è una procedura semplice e poco costosa risulta comunque poco seguita, soprattutto in regime di urgenze e nelle chirurgie, dove per la tipologia delle prestazioni effettuata, l’aderenza a queste procedure dovrebbe essere massima. Questi comportamenti “scorretti” rendono inefficace l’utilizzo del cateterismo vescicale a ciclo chiuso. Nonostante queste problematicità la

  18. Strategies for Elevating the Public and Professional Regard of the Ed.D. (United States)

    Guthrie, James W.; Marsh, David D.


    A nationwide strategy for improving Ed.D. programs is needed to overcome two important dilemmas that are typical in schools of education: low academic status for Ed.D. programs and an overreliance on tuition as a source of revenue. Other major hindrances are the lack of agreement about research-based standards, a weak alignment with other elements…

  19. Analisis Six Sigma pada Produk Casing Pompa sebagai Metode Perbaikan Kualitas (Studi Kasus: PT. Zenith Allmart Precisindo)


    Haryono, Haryono; Rakasiwi, Hafiedza Pradana


    Pada Februari 2014, produk baja terbanyak yang diproduksi PT. Zenith Allmart Precisindo (ZAP) adalah casing pompa dengan reject sebesar 3,35%, padahal target maksimal reject 2% per bulan, ada gap sebesar 1,35%. Analisis DMAIC Six Sigma dilaksanakan untuk mengurangi persentase reject. Pada define, ditentukan project charter, peta proses produksi, dan SIPOC diagram. Dari SIPOC diagram ditentukan 10 CTQ. Pada fase measure dilakukan attribute agreement analysis untuk QC, hasilnya adalah repeabili...

  20. Analisis Niat Penggunaan E-filing Di PT “X” Dan Pt”y” Surabaya Dengan Structural Equation Modeling


    Jimantoro, Christina; Tjondro, Elisa


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi kegunaan, persepsi kemudahan, sikap penggunaan, norma subjektif dan persepsi kemampuan mengontrol terhadap niat penggunaan e-filing oleh wajib pajak orang pribadi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 64 karyawan PT “X” dan PT “Y” di Surabaya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling berbasis Variance (Partial Least Square).Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh persepsi kegunaan dan kemudahan terhad...





    - EKI MAULADI RAHMAN, A211 076 644. Analisis Penerapan Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Peningkatan Pangsa Pasar Pada PT. Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Urip di Makassar. (dibimbing oleh Muhammad Ismail dan Mukhtar) Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan strategi pemasaran mobil Toyota pada PT. Hadji Kalla (Toyota) Cabang Urip di Makassar melalui penerapan (produk, harga, promosi dan saluran distribusi) dalam peningkatan pangsa pasar, untuk menganlisis sejauh mana penerapan ...

  2. Designing a Peer-Mentoring Program for Education Doctorate (EdD) Students


    Kendra Lowery; Rachel Geesa; Kat McConnell


    Objectives: In preparation for creating a peer-mentoring program for education doctorate (EdD) students, we conducted a literature review to learn about the characteristics of peer-mentoring programs for graduate students and EdD students specifically. Method: Our search criteria included articles about peer mentoring for graduate students only; published in peer-reviewed journals since the year 2000; and about programs that involved more experienced students, students farther along in t...

  3. Impact of prospective verification of intravenous antibiotics in an ED. (United States)

    Hunt, Allyson; Nakajima, Steven; Hall Zimmerman, Lisa; Patel, Manav


    Delay in appropriate antibiotic therapy is associated with an increase in mortality and prolonged length of stay. Automatic dispensing machines decrease the delivery time of intravenous (IV) antibiotics to patients in the emergency department (ED). However, when IV antibiotics are not reviewed by pharmacists before being administered, patients are at risk for receiving inappropriate antibiotic therapy. The objective of this study was to determine if a difference exists in the time to administration of appropriate antibiotic therapy before and after implementation of prospective verification of antibiotics in the ED. This retrospective, institutional review board-approved preimplementation vs postimplementation study evaluated patients 18years or older who were started on IV antibiotics in the ED. Patients were excluded if pregnant, if the patient is a prisoner, if no cultures were drawn, or if the patient was transferred from an outside facility. Appropriate antibiotic therapy was based on empiric source-specific evidence-based guidelines, appropriate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, and microbiologic data. The primary end point was the time from ED arrival to administration of appropriate antibiotic therapy. Of the 1628 evaluated, 128 patients met the inclusion criteria (64 pre vs 64 post). Patients were aged 65.2±17.0years, with most of infections being pneumonia (44%) and urinary tract infections (18%) and most patients being noncritically ill. Time to appropriate antibiotic therapy was reduced in the postgroup vs pregroup (8.1±8.6 vs 15.2±22.8hours, respectively, P=.03). In addition, appropriate empiric antibiotics were initiated more frequently after the implementation (92% post vs 66% pre; P=.0001). There was no difference in mortality or length of stay between the 2 groups. Prompt administration of the appropriate antibiotics is imperative in patients with infections presenting to the ED. The impact of prospective verification of

  4. oneED: Embedding a mindfulness-based wellness programme into an emergency department. (United States)

    Braganza, Shahina; Young, Jessica; Sweeny, Amy; Brazil, Victoria


    ED staff are subject to many stressors, but there are few descriptions of collective approaches to enhancing wellness in this setting. We aim to describe a programme developed to address these issues at department level, to report the feasibility and sustainability of the programme, and its impact on staff. The oneED programme was developed and delivered in a tertiary ED. The programme included a 1 day mindfulness workshop, followed by ongoing mindfulness activities embedded in clinical areas over the subsequent 12 months. A mixed-methods evaluation of the programme was conducted, which included quantitative validated psychological tools to measure anxiety, depression and emotional exhaustion, and pragmatic evaluation using surveys of participants and iterative appreciative inquiry. Eighty staff members attended the mindfulness workshop; 66 from ED. Following the workshop, understanding and frequency of mindfulness practice increased significantly in 47% of participants. Free-text survey results demonstrated that staff found the programme to be acceptable (80% survey participants) and of perceived value to themselves (50%) and the ED (60%). Appreciative inquiry led to modification of the programme: the 4 min pause is now conducted weekly rather than daily, the pause consists of a variety of activities, and group activities are made more overtly optional. A departmental wellness programme embedding mindfulness practice is feasible and sustainable. Potential for success is enhanced by an approach that is open to modification according to each institution's culture. © 2018 Australasian College for Emergency Medicine and Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine.

  5. Procedimiento de estabilización de mercurio líquido mediante cemento polimérico de azufre, vía sulfuro de mercurio.


    López-Delgado, Aurora; López Gómez, Félix Antonio; Alguacil, Francisco José; Alonso Gámez, Manuel


    Procedimiento de estabilización de mercurio líquido mediante cemento polimérico de azufre, vía sulfuro de mercurio. Procedimiento para la estabilización de mercurio líquido mediante la obtención de cementos poliméricos de azufre que comprende: (a) transformación del mercurio líquido en sulfuro de mercurio (metacinabrio) mediante reacción química, en condiciones estequiométricas, entre el mercurio y el azufre elemental; y (b) obtención de cemento polimérico de azufre me...

  6. Analisi dell’anisotropia microstrutturale in materiali compositi rinforzati con fibre corte

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    D. Dreossi


    Full Text Available La microtomografia con luce di sincrotrone si è rivelata una tecnica particolarmente efficace per l’analisi della struttura risultante dalla distribuzione degli orientamenti assunti dalle fibre di rinforzo di compositi rinforzati con fibre di vetro. La ricostruzione dell'immagine tridimensionale ha consentito la visualizzazionedella distribuzione spaziale delle fibre all'interno della matrice polimerica anche nel caso di fibre di piccole dimensioni (diametro medio di 10 micrometri. E' stato quindi possibile misurare le differenze nell'orientamento delle fibre nei differenti strati di un campione utilizzando metodi basati sulla valutazione del Mean Intercept Length (MIL e del fabric tensor. La tecnica descritta è stata applicata a un campione di poliammide 6 rinforzato con il 30% di fibre corte di vetro ricavato da lastra.

  7. The relative contribution of provider and ED-level factors to variation among the top 15 reasons for ED admission. (United States)

    Khojah, Imad; Li, Suhui; Luo, Qian; Davis, Griffin; Galarraga, Jessica E; Granovsky, Michael; Litvak, Ori; Davis, Samuel; Shesser, Robert; Pines, Jesse M


    We examine adult emergency department (ED) admission rates for the top 15 most frequently admitted conditions, and assess the relative contribution in admission rate variation attributable to the provider and hospital. This was a retrospective, cross-sectional study of ED encounters (≥18years) from 19 EDs and 603 providers (January 2012-December 2013), linked to the Area Health Resources File for county-level information on healthcare resources. "Hospital admission" was the outcome, a composite of inpatient, observation, or intra-hospital transfer. We studied the 15 most commonly admitted conditions, and calculated condition-specific risk-standardized hospital admission rates (RSARs) using multi-level hierarchical generalized linear models. We then decomposed the relative contribution of provider-level and hospital-level variation for each condition. The top 15 conditions made up 34% of encounters and 49% of admissions. After adjustment, the eight conditions with the highest hospital-level variation were: 1) injuries, 2) extremity fracture (except hip fracture), 3) skin infection, 4) lower respiratory disease, 5) asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (A&C), 6) abdominal pain, 7) fluid/electrolyte disorders, and 8) chest pain. Hospital-level intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) ranged from 0.042 for A&C to 0.167 for extremity fractures. Provider-level ICCs ranged from 0.026 for abdominal pain to 0.104 for chest pain. Several patient, hospital, and community factors were associated with admission rates, but these varied across conditions. For different conditions, there were different contributions to variation at the hospital- and provider-level. These findings deserve consideration when designing interventions to optimize admission decisions and in value-based payment programs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Correlacion entre metodos de analisis de Zn disponible en cuatro ordenes de suelos de Costa Rica


    Eloy Molina; Elemer Bornemisza


    Se realizo una comparación entre métodos analisis del Zn disponible en 4 ordenes de sue- Analytilos de Costa Rica (Ultisoles, Vertisoles, Andisoles Inceptisoles, 25 de c/u), utilizando las siguientes soluciones extractoras: Olsen Modificado, Meh- lich 3, Morgan Modificado, DTPA y HC1. Las cantidades de Zn extrafdas dependieron de la natu- raleza qufmica de la solucion extractora. El HCl presento los contenidos mas altos de Zn en los chasuelos, excepto en Vertisoles....


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    Abd. Ghofur


    Full Text Available This article is a little result done by the writer, in which critical analisys discourse study as a tool to learn literature. It is Kenzaburo Oe’s writing, a Japan writer who got Pulitzer or noble in literature. It employs Jaques Derrida deconstructive theory, while the researcher focuses on binary opposition.  When deconstruction used, it will expose inside of the text, furthermore it produces other meaning or different point of view from the real text.


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    Toto Sudiro


    Full Text Available Kehandalan dan umur pakai sistem Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC ditentukan oleh kestabilan lapisan bond coat dan thermal grown oxide (TGO. Sehingga sangatlah penting untuk memahami mekanisme pembentukan dan degradasi lapisan ini. Pada makalah ini akan dibahas analisis struktur mikro lapisan bond coat NiAl yang dideposisikan pada substrat CoCrNi dengan menggunakan gabungan metoda electroplating dan pack-cementation. Pada makalah ini juga dibahas mekanisme pembentukan void disepanjang interface bond coat¬-substrat setelah tes oksidasi.

  11. Habitat preferences of bats in a rural area of Sicily determined by acoustic surveys

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    Ivy Di Salvo


    Full Text Available Abstract The bat fauna of a 60 km2 wide area representing the typical rural landscape of inland Sicily and including the small “Rocche di Entella” karstic plateau (Natural Reserve and SAC was surveyed between May 2006 and September 2007. Sampling was carried out at 95 sites, distributed proportionally in six main habitats. Bat calls were time-expanded with a D980 bat detector and then identified to species level by a Discriminant Function Analysis. We recorded 305 bat passes and identified 96.4% of recorded calls. Moon phase, cloud cover and their interaction did not affect total bat activity, nor did the sampling period. Aquatic and riparian habitats were preferred, whilst Eucalyptus plantations and vineyards were avoided. At species level, all bats selected the former habitats, except H. savii, and avoided field crops, except Myotis sp. Thermo-Mediterranean shrub formations showed the highest species richness, whereas vineyards had the lowest. Our study emphasizes the value of riparian habitats and low-intensity farming for bat conservation.
    Riassunto Preferenze ambientali dei chirotteri in un’area rurale della Sicilia. Il presente lavoro espone i risultati di un’analisi di selezione del habitat da parte della chirotterofauna in un’area di 60 km2 rappresentativa del tipico paesaggio rurale dell’entroterra siciliano e comprensiva del plateau carsico "Rocche di Entella" (Riserva Naturale e SIC. Da maggio a settembre 2006 e 2007, abbiamo effettuato campionamenti mediante bat detector (Pettersson D980 in 95 stazioni distribuite proporzionalmente alla disponibilità di habitat. I segnali sono stati identificati mediante Analisi della Funzione Discriminante. Abbiamo re- gistrato 305 passaggi, identificandone il 96.4% a livello di specie. Né la fase lunare, né la nuvolosità o l’interazione tra queste hanno influenzato

  12. Missing the boat: odds for the patients who leave ED without being seen

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    Fayyaz Jabeen


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A patient left without being seen is a well-recognized indicator of Emergency Department overcrowding. The aim of this study was to define the characteristics of LWBS patients, their rates and associated factors from a tertiary care hospital of Pakistan. Methods A retrospective patient record review was undertaken. All patients presenting to the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, between April and December of the year 2010, were included in the study. Information was collected on age, sex, presenting complaints, ED capacity, month, time, shift, day of the week, and waiting times in the ED. A basic descriptive analysis was made and the rates of LWBS patients were determined among the patient subgroups. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the risk factors associated with a patient not being seen in the ED. Results A total of 38,762 patients visited ED during the study period. Among them 5,086 (13% patients left without being seen. Percentage of leaving was highest in the night shift (20%. The percentage was twice as high when the ED was on diversion (19.8% compared to regular periods of operation (9.8%. Mean waiting time before leaving the ED in pediatric patients was 154 minutes while for adults it was 171 minutes. More than 32% of patients had waited for more than 180 minutes before they left without being seen, compared to the patients who were seen in ED. Important predictors for LWBS included; Triage category P4 i.e. walk –in-patients had an OR of 13.62(8.72-21.3, Diversion status, OR 1.49(1.26-1.76, night shift , OR 2.44(1.95-3.05 and Pediatric age, OR 0.57(0.48-0.66. Conclusions Our study elucidates the LWBS population characteristics and identifies the risk factors for this phenomenon. Targeted interventions should be planned and implemented to decrease the waiting time and alternate services should be provided for high-risk patients (for LWBS to minimize their number.

  13. The implementation of Mask-Ed: reflections of academic participants. (United States)

    Reid-Searl, Kerry; Levett-Jones, Tracy; Cooper, Simon; Happell, Brenda


    This paper profiles the findings from a study that explored the perspectives and experiences of nurse educators who implemented a novel simulation approach termed Mask-Ed. The technique involves the educator wearing a silicone mask and or body parts and transforming into a character. The premise of this approach is that the masked educator has domain specific knowledge related to the simulation scenario and can transmit this to learners in a way that is engaging, realistic, spontaneous and humanistic. Nurse educators charged with the responsibility of implementing Mask-Ed in three universities were invited to participate in the study by attending an introductory workshop, implementing the technique and then journaling their experiences, insights and perspectives over a 12 month period. The journal entries were then thematically analysed. Key themes were categorised under the headings of Preparation, Implementation and Impact; Reflexivity and Responsiveness; Student Engagement and Ownership; and Teaching and Learning. Mask-Ed is a simulation approach which allows students to interact with the 'characters' in humanistic ways that promote person-centred care and therapeutic communication. This simulation approach holds previously untapped potential for a range of learning experiences, however, to be effective, adequate resourcing, training, preparation and practice is required. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. "Etica ed Estetica sono tutt’uno" Riflessioni su TLP 6.421

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    Gabriele Tomasi


    Full Text Available Per il primo Wittgenstein etica ed estetica erano tutt’uno. Scopo del saggio è fornire un’interpretazione di questa concezione. Esaminando il modo in cui è proposta nel Tractatus e considerando alcune annotazioni dei Quaderni 1914-1916 si evidenzia che l’unità di etica ed estetica è in un modo di vedere il mondo per cui esso non appare come fonte di limitazione. L’etica è un’estensione al mondo - alla vita - della capacità di conferire significato che nell’arte si realizza nei riguardi di oggetti particolari. Affermando l’unità di etica ed estetica Wittgenstein attira l’attenzione sul fatto che la radice dell’etica è in un certo modo di vedere le cose, in un atteggiamento verso la vita. Si tratta della prospettiva di un valore non connesso a come il mondo è e che è evocato dalla meraviglia per l’esistenza del mondo.


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    Toni Arifin


    Full Text Available Abstract - Pap Smear is an early examination to diagnose whether there’s indication cervical cancer or not, the process of observations were done by observing pap smear cell under the microscope. There’s so many research has been done to differentiate between normal and abnormal cell. In this research presents a classification of pap smear cell based on texture analysis. This research is using the Harlev image which amounts to 280 images, 140 images are used as training data and 140 images other are used as testing. On the texture analysis used Gray level Co-occurance Matrix (GLCM method with 5 parameters that is correlation, energy, homogeneity and entropy added by counting the value of brightness. For choose which the best attribute used correlation-based feature selection method and than used C45 algorithm for produce classification rule. The result accuracy of the classification normal and abnormal used decision tree C45 is 96,43% and errors in predicting is 3,57%. Keywords : Classification, Pap Smear cell image, texture analysis, Correlation-based feature selection, C45 algorithm. Abstrak - Pap Smear merupakan pemeriksaan dini untuk mendiagnosa apakah ada indikasi kanker serviks atau tidak, proses pengamatan dilakukan dengan mengamati sel pap smear dibawah mikroskop. Banyak penelitian yang telah dilakukan untuk membedakan antara sel normal dan abnormal. Dalam penelitian ini menyajikan klasifikasi inti sel pap smear berdasarkan analisis tektur. Citra yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah citra Harlev yang berjumlah 280 citra, 140 citra digunakan sebagai data training dan 140 citra lain digunakan sebagai testing. Pada analisis tekstur mengunakan metode Gray level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM menggunakan 5 parameter yaitu korelasi, energi, homogenitas dan entropi ditambah dengan menghitung nilai brightness. Untuk memilih mana atribut terbaik digunakan metode correlation-based feature selection lalu digunakan algoritma C45 untuk

  16. Analisis Implementasi Akuntansi Berbasis Akrual pada Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan

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    Eliada Herwiyanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif terhadap penerapan Sistem Akuntansi Pemerintahan berbasis akrual di lingkungan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kesiapan dan penerapan SAP Berbasis Akrual di instansi tersebut. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui observasi, studi kepustakaan, serta wawancara terhadap sepuluh orang informan yang terkait langsung dengan penerapan SAP berbasis akrual. Data yang telah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis dan diinterpretasikan secara naratif dengan menggunakan metode analisis data kualitatif yang direkomendasikan oleh Creswell (2012. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, kesiapan Itjen Kemenkeu dalam menerapkan sistem akuntansi akrual sudah baik, mulai dari aspek komunikasi, sumber daya, komitmen organisasi, dan struktur birokrasi. Dengan kesiapan yang baik, penelitian ini juga menun­juk­kan bahwa penerapan sistem akuntansi akrual di Itjen Kemenkeu sudah dilakukan dengan sangat memuaskan, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai sebesar 93,40%.


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    Fimmatur Rizka Ardina


    Komunikasi merupakan suatu kemampuan yang penting untuk dimiliki setiap manusia. Komunikasi dalam artikel ini difokuskan pada komunikasi matematis tulis. Komunikasi matematis tulis ini akan berhubungan dengan lembar kerja siswa yang dipakai dalam proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan proses analisis LKS sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan komunikasi matematis tulis siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. LKS akan dianalisis menggunakan standar indikator kemampuan komunikasi NCTM (2000 yang dimodifikasi sehingga terdapat empat indikator yaitu (1 siswa dapat menuliskan ide yang dimiliki dengan jelas dan tepat (2 siswa dapat menuliskan alasan untuk jawaban yang diberikan (3 siswa dapat memberikan tanggapan untuk ide atau jawaban siswa lain (4 siswa dapat menuliskan kembali ide orang lain menggunakan bahasanya sendiri. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa LKS oleh Tim MGMP Kota Malang tidak dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk meningkatkan kemmapuan komunikasi matematis tulis siswa.

  18. Application of the identification methods from Hilbert and Prony to the study of oscillatory phenomena in electrical power systems; Aplicacion de los metodos de identificacion de Hilbert y Prony al estudio de fenomenos oscilatorios en sistemas electricos de potencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrade Soto, Manuel Antonio


    In the present thesis work the application of identification techniques is investigated based on methods of spectral analysis to the study of the instantaneous characteristics of signals obtained by means of digital simulation of the dynamic behavior of the power system. The study focuses on the perspectives developed from two different approaches of analysis: the use of lineal methods of spectral analysis and the use of methods of non-lineal analysis, based on the concept of an analytical signal. The developed tools are applied to the study of two phenomena of electromechanical origin of different characteristics in complex power systems. A comparison between the results obtained is performed for these techniques and the possibility of its application is discussed for the problem of on-line identification in power systems. [Spanish] En el presente trabajo de tesis se investiga la aplicacion de tecnicas de identificacion basadas en metodos de analisis espectral al estudio de las caracteristicas instantaneas de senales obtenidas mediante simulacion digital del comportamiento dinamico del sistema de potencia. El estudio se centra en las aproximaciones desarrolladas desde dos enfoques distintos de analisis: la utilizacion de metodos lineales de analisis espectral y la utilizacion de metodos de analisis no lineal, basados en el concepto de una senal analitica. Las herramientas desarrolladas se aplican al estudio de dos fenomenos de origen electromecanico de caracteristicas distintas en sistemas complejos de potencia. Se hace una comparacion entre los resultados obtenidos por estas tecnicas y se discute la posibilidad de su aplicacion al problema de identificacion en linea en sistemas de potencia.

  19. Coastal dynamics physical and mathematical modelling, territorial analysis, G.I.S. instrumentation. The state of the arts; La dinamica costiera modellistica fisico-matematica, analisi del territorio, il supporto G.I.S. e la strumentazione in uso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Bonis, P; Fattorusso, G; Onori, F; Pagano, A; Pasanisi, F; Peloso, A; Regina, P; Tebano, C; Zarlenga, F [ENEA, Div. Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, Rome (Italy)


    The aim of the present work is to offer, in a single volume, the basic notions relative to different aspects, both theoretical and practical, of the study of coastal dynamical processes. It has been dealt with geological issues, physical and mathematical modelling, effects related to human activities, Geographical Information Systems as well as both laboratory and fields instrumentations. Reading this technical paper it has to keep in mind two aspects which have been authors guidelines. First of all, the research theme's have been studied on their theoretical aspects, focusing on the most recent developments. Then have been selected some up to date experiences and discuss their application. The general framework of this publication, which necessarily leave out some particular issues, for which the readers are to be referred to the references, gives a synthetic and homogenous picture of the state of the arts in coastal modelling. [Italian] Lo scopo della presente pubblicazione e' quello di offrire, in un unico volume, le nozioni di base riguardo ai diversi argomenti sia teorici sia pratici relativi all'analisi delle dinamiche costiere. Sono stati affrontati i temi relativi alla geologia, alla modellistica fisica e matematica, ai fattori di pressione antropica, all'utilizzo di Sistemi Informativi Geografici e alla strumentazione sia di campo sia di laboratorio. Nello sviluppo del presente Rapporto Tecnico si possono individuare per ciascuna delle aree di interesse due aspetti fondamentali. Dapprima i temi di ricerca sono stati studiati da un punto di vista teorico generale, con attenzione agli sviluppi piu' attuali e successivamente sono state presentate alcune recenti esperienze ed applicazioni di tali conoscenze. L'impostazione generale del presente lavoro, che sicuramente porta a trascurare alcuni aspetti particolari, per i quali si rimanda alla bibliografia, fornisce in ogni caso un quadro sintetico ed organico dello stato dell'arte dello studio della

  20. Coastal dynamics physical and mathematical modelling, territorial analysis, G.I.S. instrumentation. The state of the arts; La dinamica costiera modellistica fisico-matematica, analisi del territorio, il supporto G.I.S. e la strumentazione in uso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Bonis, P.; Fattorusso, G.; Onori, F.; Pagano, A.; Pasanisi, F.; Peloso, A.; Regina, P.; Tebano, C.; Zarlenga, F. [ENEA, Div. Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, Rome (Italy)


    The aim of the present work is to offer, in a single volume, the basic notions relative to different aspects, both theoretical and practical, of the study of coastal dynamical processes. It has been dealt with geological issues, physical and mathematical modelling, effects related to human activities, Geographical Information Systems as well as both laboratory and fields instrumentations. Reading this technical paper it has to keep in mind two aspects which have been authors guidelines. First of all, the research theme's have been studied on their theoretical aspects, focusing on the most recent developments. Then have been selected some up to date experiences and discuss their application. The general framework of this publication, which necessarily leave out some particular issues, for which the readers are to be referred to the references, gives a synthetic and homogenous picture of the state of the arts in coastal modelling. [Italian] Lo scopo della presente pubblicazione e' quello di offrire, in un unico volume, le nozioni di base riguardo ai diversi argomenti sia teorici sia pratici relativi all'analisi delle dinamiche costiere. Sono stati affrontati i temi relativi alla geologia, alla modellistica fisica e matematica, ai fattori di pressione antropica, all'utilizzo di Sistemi Informativi Geografici e alla strumentazione sia di campo sia di laboratorio. Nello sviluppo del presente Rapporto Tecnico si possono individuare per ciascuna delle aree di interesse due aspetti fondamentali. Dapprima i temi di ricerca sono stati studiati da un punto di vista teorico generale, con attenzione agli sviluppi piu' attuali e successivamente sono state presentate alcune recenti esperienze ed applicazioni di tali conoscenze. L'impostazione generale del presente lavoro, che sicuramente porta a trascurare alcuni aspetti particolari, per i quali si rimanda alla bibliografia, fornisce in ogni caso un quadro sintetico ed organico dello stato dell

  1. Proceedings of the Course on Algorithms and Data Structures for Geometric Computations Held at CISM (Centre International des Sciences Mecaniques) in Udine (Italy) on 8-12 July 1985, (United States)


    Mantica, 3 33100 Udine Italy GAMBOSI Giorgio, Researcher Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica - CNR Viale A. Manzoni, 30 00185 Roma the subspace of the location parameters, admoving the cone with vertex at q along L intervals on a long line clustering along the...columns have a semantic meaning besides technical properties such as clustering , avoiding composite keys, and improving performance: They may be used

  2. ReEDS-Mexico: A Capacity Expansion Model of the Mexican Power System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ho, Jonathan L [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Cole, Wesley J [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Spyrou, Evangelia [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    This report documents the ReEDS-Mexico capacity expansion model, which is an extension of the ReEDS model to the Mexican power system. In recent years Mexico’s power sector has undergone considerable reform that has significant potential to impact the future electricity mix (Alpizar–Castro and Rodríguez–Monroy 2016). Day-ahead and real-time trading in Mexico’s power markets opened in early 2016. In addition to this reform, Mexico is striving to ensure that 35% of its electricity is generated from clean energy sources by 2024, 40% by 2035, and 50% by 2050 (Presidencia de la República 2016). These rapid changes in both the market and the generation mix create a need for robust tools that can help electricity sector stakeholders make informed decisions. The purpose of this report is to document the extension of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL’s) Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) model (Eurek et al. 2016) to cover the Mexico power system. This extension, which we will refer to throughout this paper as ReEDS-Mexico, provides a model of the Mexico power sector using a system-wide, least-cost optimization framework.

  3. Modelo de dinámica lateral de vehículo mediante bond graph

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Parra Márquez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta los resultados de la investigación, cuyo objetivo es obtener un modelo matemático que permita determinar la dinámica lateral de un vehículo mediante el uso de Bond Graph. Este modelo es válido para robótica móvil. Los análisis de comportamiento del modelo han sido probados con simulaciones típicas del movimiento lateral de un vehículo. Finalmente, este modelo ha sido obtenido e implementado mediante el software 20-Sim. This paper presents the results of a research whose objective was to find a mathematical model in order to determine the lateral dynamic of Vehicle by means of the use of Bond Graph. This model is valid also for mobile robotics. The analyses of behavior of the model were realized across typical simulations of a vehicle in lateral movement. Finally, this mathematical model was obtained and implemented across the software 20-Sim.

  4. The administration sequence of propofol and remifentanil does not affect the ED50 and ED95 of rocuronium in rapid sequence induction of anesthesia: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Ozcelik, M; Guclu, C; Bermede, O; Baytas, V; Altay, N; Karahan, M A; Erdogan, B; Can, O


    The topic of drug administration sequence in rapid sequence induction (RSI) is still an object of interest in terms of rocuronium effectiveness. The aim of this prospective, randomized trial was to evaluate the effect of administration sequence of propofol and remifentanil on ED50 and ED95 of rocuronium in a RSI model. Eighty-four patients were randomized into Group Remifentanil (Group R, n = 43), where induction of general anesthesia started with remifentanil (2 µg/kg) and followed by propofol (2 mg/kg) and rocuronium administrations; and Group Propofol (Group P, n = 41), where induction of general anesthesia started with propofol and followed by remifentanil and rocuronium. First patients in each group were paralyzed by 0.8 mg/kg rocuronium. In case of acceptable intubation as evaluated according to the criteria described by Viby-Mogensen et al, rocuronium dose was decreased by 0.1 mg/kg for the next patient; otherwise, rocuronium dose was increased by 0.1 mg/kg. After three crossover points, increments or decrements in rocuronium dosage were set to 0.05 mg/kg. The process was repeated until a total of ten crossover points were obtained. The ED50 and ED95 doses of rocuronium were similar in Group R (0.182 mg/kg, and 0.244 mg/kg, respectively) and Group P (0.121 mg/kg, and 0.243 mg/kg, respectively) according to 95% CI of the estimates. There was no statistically significant difference in terms of clinically acceptable intubation conditions between the two groups (56.1% in Group R vs. 59% in Group P, p = 0.795). The choice of administration sequence of propofol and remifentanil does not have an impact on estimated ED50 and ED95 of rocuronium in providing acceptable intubation conditions in the RSI technique.

  5. EdF let Germans manage Stredoslovenska Energetika

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janoska, J.


    According to provisions of privatisation and shareholders agreement Stredoslovenska energetika (SSE), a.s., Zilina should be managed by the largest European power concern Electricite de France (EdF). But so far, one year after the acquisition, the only French member of the Supervisory board is its Chairman Patrick Luccioni. The Board has 5 members and two of them are German - Peter Weis and Martin Konerman. The latter joined in September this year. He came to Slovakia after years spent in Boards of Hungarian distribution companies - Elmu in Budapest and Emasz in Miskolcz. The name of Peter Weis still can be found on the web page of Emasz on the list of members of Supervisory Board. Strategic partner in both the mentioned Hungarian distribution companies is the third largest player on the German energy market - Energie Baden-Wurttemberg (EnBW). The French concern with its 35-percent stake is the biggest individual shareholder of the EnBW. EdF is reassessing its international projects. Due to an investment embargo the French will not be among the prospects interested in acquisition of Slovenske elektrarne, a.s., Bratislava but the company management has also announced its intention to sell its minority stakes in northern and eastern Europe. The Paris head office of EdF announced its decision in the time when privatisation of Slovak distribution companies was culminating. And so in order to maintain its influence the 49-percent stake in SSE together with management control over the company will be transferred to EnBW. Spokeswoman of EnBW, Petra Wollmer did not say the company would not plan any acquisitions in area of its core business but stressed that these would have to be thoroughly examined. She did not wish to comment on any potential plans the company may have in Slovakia or that would relate to changes in the management bodies of SSE. Not even the Head of Communication Department of the Slovak distribution company, Pavel Muller was allowed to publish any

  6. A Comparative SEM-EDS Elemental

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Michael Horsfall

    effect on food production in terrestrial and aquatic compartment in ... Processing and SEM-EDS analysis of mud: In the laboratory, the ... and for SEM image observation was 15 kV, applying .... by weathering in the Omi acid clay deposit, Japan.

  7. A Novel Semiconductor CIGS Photovoltaic Material and Thin-Film ED Technology

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    In order to achieve low-cost high-efficiency thin-film solar cells, a novel Semiconductor Photovoltaic (PV) active material CuIn1-xGaxSe2 (CIGS) and thin-film Electro-Deposition (ED) technology is explored. Firstly,the PV materials and technologies is investigated, then the detailed experimental processes of CIGS/Mo/glass structure by using the novel ED technology and the results are reported. These results shows that high quality CIGS polycrystalline thin-films can be obtained by the ED method, in which the polycrystalline CIGS is definitely identified by the (112), (204, 220) characteristic peaks of the tetragonal structure, the continuous CIGS thin-film layers with particle average size of about 2μm of length and around 1.6μm of thickness. The thickness and solargrade quality of CIGS thin-films can be produced with good repeatability. Discussion and analysis on the ED technique, CIGS energy band and sodium (Na) impurity properties, were also performed. The alloy CIGS exhibits not only increasing band-gap with increasing x, but also a change in material properties that is relevant to the device operation. The beneficial impurity Na originating from the low-cost soda-lime glass substrate becomes one prerequisite for high quality CIGS films. These novel material and technology are very useful for low-cost high-efficiency thin-film solar cells and other devices.


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    Naziah Madani


    Full Text Available Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah pentingnya kajian mengenai MJO sebagai salah satu osilasi dominan di kawasan ekuator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat model prediksi MJO berdasarkan analisis data WPR. Pada penelitian ini kejadian MJO diidentifikasi dari data kecepatan angin zonal pada lapisan 850 mb di kawasan Pontianak, Manado, dan Biak. Sebelum data angin zonal ini dimanfaatkan untuk melihat perilaku MJO, maka data angin tersebut  terlebih dahulu dibandingkan dengan data indeks MJO yaitu RMM1 dan RMM2. RMM1 dan RMM2 merupakan sepasang indeks untuk memonitor kejadian MJO secara realtime. Hasil analisis Power Spectral Density (PSD data kecepatan angin zonal lapisan 850 mb menunjukkan adanya sinyal MJO kuat yang dicirikan dengan adanya osilasi sekitar 45 harian. Hasil korelasi dan regresi juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat keterkaitan yang signifikan antara kedua data tersebut. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa data kecepatan angin zonal lapisan 850 mb dapat digunakan untuk analisis MJO. Pada penelitian ini, prediksi MJO didasarkan pada data kecepatan angin zonal menggunakan metode ARIMA Box-Jenkins. Melalui metode ini, model yang mendekati data deret waktu kecepatan angin zonal pada lapisan 850 mb di Pontianak adalah ARIMA(2,0,0, model prediksi untuk Manado adalah ARIMA(2,1,2, sedangkan untuk Biak adalah ARIMA(0,1,3. Model-model tersebut bermanfaat untuk melihat perilaku sinyal MJO pada data angin zonal berkaitan dengan pola curah hujan di wilayah kajian.   Background of this research is to study the importance of MJO as one of the predominant peak oscillation in the equator area. This study aims to make prediction models of MJO based on the analysis of zonal wind speed data observed by WPR that compared by the MJO index data, namely RMM1 and RMM2. The results of PSD show strong MJO signal of 45 day periods oscillations. The result of corrrelation and regression analyses also show significant relationship between both data. Therefore





    Fany Febriany Amreny (I 311 07 053). Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Mutu Layanan Antar di Restoran KFC Cabang Ahmad Yani Makassar. Dibawah Bimbingan Ir. Sofyan nurdin Kasim, M.S sebagai Pembimbing Utama dan Ir. Veronica Sri Lestari, M.Ec sebagai Pembimbing Anggota. Perkembangan dan peningkatan jasa pelayanan pada restoran fast food dari tahun ke tahun semakin menjadi perhatian masyarakat yang dapat dilihat dari ketatnya persaingan yang menyebabkan suatu restoran perlu melaku...

  10. Is scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM/EDS) quantitative? (United States)

    Newbury, Dale E; Ritchie, Nicholas W M


    Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM/EDS) is a widely applied elemental microanalysis method capable of identifying and quantifying all elements in the periodic table except H, He, and Li. By following the "k-ratio" (unknown/standard) measurement protocol development for electron-excited wavelength dispersive spectrometry (WDS), SEM/EDS can achieve accuracy and precision equivalent to WDS and at substantially lower electron dose, even when severe X-ray peak overlaps occur, provided sufficient counts are recorded. Achieving this level of performance is now much more practical with the advent of the high-throughput silicon drift detector energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SDD-EDS). However, three measurement issues continue to diminish the impact of SEM/EDS: (1) In the qualitative analysis (i.e., element identification) that must precede quantitative analysis, at least some current and many legacy software systems are vulnerable to occasional misidentification of major constituent peaks, with the frequency of misidentifications rising significantly for minor and trace constituents. (2) The use of standardless analysis, which is subject to much broader systematic errors, leads to quantitative results that, while useful, do not have sufficient accuracy to solve critical problems, e.g. determining the formula of a compound. (3) EDS spectrometers have such a large volume of acceptance that apparently credible spectra can be obtained from specimens with complex topography that introduce uncontrolled geometric factors that modify X-ray generation and propagation, resulting in very large systematic errors, often a factor of ten or more. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Connecting Teachers and Ed-Tech Developers: Lessons from NYC's "Gap App" Program. Report (United States)

    Villavicencio, Adriana; Siman, Nina; Lafayette, Camille; Kang, David


    In 2011, with support from a federal Investing in Innovation grant, the NYC Department of Education launched Innovate NYC Schools. The initiative was designed to address two, related challenges to effectively integrating education technology (ed-tech) into classrooms: First, procurement of ed-tech tools is often hampered by a disconnect between…

  12. Improving ED specimen TAT using Lean Six Sigma. (United States)

    Sanders, Janet H; Karr, Tedd


    Lean and Six Sigma are continuous improvement methodologies that have garnered international fame for improving manufacturing and service processes. Increasingly these methodologies are demonstrating their power to also improve healthcare processes. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a case study for the application of Lean and Six Sigma tools in the reduction of turnaround time (TAT) for Emergency Department (ED) specimens. This application of the scientific methodologies uncovered opportunities to improve the entire ED to lab system for the specimens. This case study provides details on the completion of a Lean Six Sigma project in a 1,000 bed tertiary care teaching hospital. Six Sigma's Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control methodology is very similar to good medical practice: first, relevant information is obtained and assembled; second, a careful and thorough diagnosis is completed; third, a treatment is proposed and implemented; and fourth, checks are made to determine if the treatment was effective. Lean's primary goal is to do more with less work and waste. The Lean methodology was used to identify and eliminate waste through rapid implementation of change. The initial focus of this project was the reduction of turn-around-times for ED specimens. However, the results led to better processes for both the internal and external customers of this and other processes. The project results included: a 50 percent decrease in vials used for testing, a 50 percent decrease in unused or extra specimens, a 90 percent decrease in ED specimens without orders, a 30 percent decrease in complete blood count analysis (CBCA) Median TAT, a 50 percent decrease in CBCA TAT Variation, a 10 percent decrease in Troponin TAT Variation, a 18.2 percent decrease in URPN TAT Variation, and a 2-5 minute decrease in ED registered nurses rainbow draw time. This case study demonstrated how the quantitative power of Six Sigma and the speed of Lean worked in harmony to improve

  13. Effect of a redesigned fracture management pathway and 'virtual' fracture clinic on ED performance. (United States)

    Vardy, J; Jenkins, P J; Clark, K; Chekroud, M; Begbie, K; Anthony, I; Rymaszewski, L A; Ireland, A J


    Collaboration between the orthopaedic and emergency medicine (ED) services has resulted in standardised treatment pathways, leaflet supported discharge and a virtual fracture clinic review. Patients with minor, stable fractures are discharged with no further follow-up arranged. We aimed to examine the time taken to assess and treat these patients in the ED along with the rate of unplanned reattendance. A retrospective study was undertaken that covered 1 year before the change and 1 year after. Prospectively collected administrative data from the electronic patient record system were analysed and compared before and after the change. An ED and orthopaedic unit, serving a population of 300 000, in a publicly funded health system. 2840 patients treated with referral to a traditional fracture clinic and 3374 patients managed according to the newly redesigned protocol. Time for assessment and treatment of patients with orthopaedic injuries not requiring immediate operative management, and 7-day unplanned reattendance. Where plaster backslabs were replaced with removable splints, the consultation time was reduced. There was no change in treatment time for other injuries treated by the new discharge protocol. There was no increase in unplanned ED attendance, related to the injury, within 7 days (p=0.149). There was a decrease in patients reattending the ED due to a missed fracture clinic appointment. This process did not require any new time resources from the ED staff. This process brought significant benefits to the ED as treatment pathways were agreed. The pathway reduced unnecessary reattendance of patients at face-to-face fracture clinics for a review of stable, self-limiting injuries. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  14. Procedimiento para la obtención de levaduras vínicas superproductoras de manoproteínas mediante tecnologías no recombinantes


    Barcenilla Moraleda, José María; González Ramos, Daniel; Tabera, Laura; González García, Ramón


    Procedimiento para la obtención de levaduras vínicas superproductoras de manoproteínas mediante tecnologías no recombinantes. Procedimiento para obtener cepas de levaduras superproductoras de manoproteínas mediante la selección de mutantes resistentes a la toxina K9, cepas obtenibles por dicho procedimiento y usos.

  15. Musei, raccolte e collezioni in Puglia / Museums and collections in Puglia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesca Imperiale


    Full Text Available Il lavoro illustra un’indagine sui musei di Puglia, come conseguenza delle lacune normative e conoscitive esistenti sul tema e della recente estensione del fenomeno a livello locale. Ci si interroga in particolare se tutte le realtà promosse come istituti museali siano dei musei secondo gli standard prevalentemente conosciuti ed applicati. In tale direzione, il lavoro, articolato in quattro paragrafi, approfondisce dapprima il significato del concetto di museo, a livello normativo e dottrinale, contrapposto a quello di raccolta o collezione. Successivamente, dopo una breve descrizione sulle origini, normativa regionale e stato dell’arte dei musei di Puglia, espone il modello di analisi sviluppato per distinguere i “veri” musei dalle “semplici” raccolte o collezione. In conclusione riporta i risultati conseguiti dall’analisi di 85 musei pugliesi ed alcune osservazioni sullo scenario emerso e sul modello di analisi sviluppato.   This paper has, as starting point, a survey about museums of Puglia. The main question is if all these museum institutions are real museums or not. With this purpose, this research deepens two main aspects. The first one is to understand the meaning of the museum concept, focusing on normative and doctrinal levels, and the differences between a museum institution and a collection. Then, after a brief description about the museum origins, the regional normative, and the museums of Puglia state of the art, the paper presents the analysis model developed in order to distinguish between “real” museums and “mere” collections. The conclusion of this research shows the analysis results of 85 museums of Puglia and some observations based on the emerging context and the analysis model.

  16. Characterisation of nanoparticles by means of high-resolution SEM/EDS in transmission mode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hodoroaba, V-D; Rades, S; Mielke, J; Ortel, E; Salge, T; Schmidt, R


    Advances in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) enable the high-resolution imaging of single nanoparticles (NPs) with sizes well below 10 nm. The SEM analysis in transmission mode (T-SEM) of NPs on thin film supports has many benefits when compared to the analysis of NPs on bulk substrates. The enhanced material (mass - thickness) contrast of the T-SEM imaging mode is well suited for in-depth and, particularly valuable, to very accurate, traceable, lateral dimensional measurements of NPs. Compared to samples prepared on bulk substrates, T-SEM with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) achieves a drastically improved spatial resolution of the emitted X-rays. The poor signal-to-noise ratio of the X-ray spectra emitted by a single nanoparticle (NP) can be improved by the use of high-sensitivity (high collection solid angle) silicon drift (SDD), energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometers (EDS). The EDS spectral imaging of a single NP with a spatial resolution below 10 nm has become possible. This is demonstrated by means of various examples of nanostructures. Advanced data processing of T-SEM/EDS results sets the stage for the automated classification of NPs by feature analysis. This method combines the detection of morphological structures of interest by image processing of T-SEM micrographs with the chemical classification by EDS. (paper)


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    Siti Hamidah


    Linkage program adalah program yang menghubungkan bank dengan pelaku usaha mikro kecil melalui lembaga keuangan mikro. Kelemahan dalam Linkage program adalah pada aspek peraturan yang tersebar dalam berbagai aturan, dan khusus bagi lembaga keuangan syariah terdapat pula kendala berkaitan dengan kesesuaian dengan ketentuan syariah. Dari penelitian dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual ini diperoleh inventarisasi serta analisis kebijakan Linkage Program bagi Lembaga Keuangan Syariah dalam hukum positif Indonesia. Kebijakan terkait Linkage program, diklasifikasi dalam 2 kelompok, yaitu kebijakan substansi dan prosedural. Aturan inilah yang menjadi rujukan bagi lembaga keuangan syariah rangka pemberdayaan usaha kecil mikro di Indonesia. Kata kunci: Linkage program, lembaga keuangan syariah, usaha mikro kecil

  18. Modelado del proceso de esterilización del hospital clínico universitario de Valladolid mediante diagramas IDEF


    Viñas del Hoyo, Víctor


    El principal objetivo de este trabajo de fin de grado es elaborar mediante diagramas IDEF, más concretamente el IDEFO, cuál sería el funcionamiento de la central de esterilización de nueva construcción del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, mediante la gestión por procesos. Otros objetivos secundarios pero no menos importantes de este proyecto son:comprender el modelo de gestión por procesos e identificar los pasos que hay que seguir para implantarla correctamente. Ver y aprender ...

  19. Extracción de ADN de Trypanosoma cruzi mediante tratamiento con bromuro de hexadecil-trimetil-amonio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcela Escalante


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se describe un método rápido, sencillo y eficaz para la obtención de ADN genómico de Trypanosoma cruzi, libre de impurezas y fácil de manipular. Dicho procedimiento se basa en la lisis del parásito con SDS y remoción de proteínas mediante la digestión con proteinasa K, seguida de la precipitación selectiva de carbohidratos y proteínas residuales con bromuro de hexadecil-trimetil-amonio (CTAB. Finalmente, el ADN se extrae con cloroformo: alcohol isoamílico y se recupera de la fase acuosa mediante precipitación con isopropanol.


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    Slamet Yulianto


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan proses pembelajaran PJOK yang dilakukan guru seiring dengan tuntutan perubahan kurikulum sebagai kompetensi keprofesionalan guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi untuk menggali data alamiah dari subjek guru PJOK. Pengumpulan data dilakukan oleh peneliti sebagai instrumen kunci dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen kepada subjek guru PJOK di SD inti kota Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, guru PJOK telah memenuhi standar profesi guru, guru PJOK telah memahami konsep perubahan kurikulum dan konsep PJOK, namun proses pembelajaran PJOK tidak maksimal sesuai dengan tuntutan perubahan kurikulum sebagai kompetensi keprofesionalan guru.

  1. Analisis Kadar Kofein Kopi Luwak Dengan Variasi Jenis Kopi, Spesies Luwak Dan Cara Pengolahan Dengan Metoda TlC Scanner

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahma Yulia


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian analisis kadar kofein kopi luwak dengan variasi jenis kopi, spesies luwak dan cara pengolahan dengan metoda TLC Scanner. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan 8 sampel kopi luwak R.Ab.K ; R.Ab.B ; R.Ph.K ; R.Ph.B ; A.Ab.K ; A.Ab.B ; A.Ph.K ; A.Ph.B yang diekstraksi dengan pelarut diklorometana ( DCM . Pemisahan dengan KLT dilakukan dengan fasa diam plat silika gel GF254 dan fasa gerak campuran diklorometana : metanol ( 9,5 : 0,5 . Kadar kofein dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan regresi y = 2715,112 + 4,389x dan memberikan persentase kadar berturut-turut 1,91 ; 2,04 ; 1,30 ; 1,89 ; 1,29 ; 1,45 ; 1,25 ; 1,42 %. Kadar kofein paling tinggi diberikan oleh kopi robusta yang diberikan pada luwak A. binturong dan diolah secara basah dengan persentase 2,04 %. Sedangkan kadar kofein paling rendah diberikan oleh kopi arabika yang diberikan pada luwak P. hermophroditus dengan persentase 1,25 %. Pengolahan data dengan statistik anova tiga jalan SPSS 21 menunjukkan hasil bahwa jenis kopi, variasi luwak dan cara pengolahan memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kadar kofein dengan p < 0,05.


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    Risky Aswi R


    Full Text Available Analisis pemanfaatan  jejaring  sosial untuk penentuan konsentrasi mahasiswa dengan metode sosial network analysis. Tujuan dibangun sistem ini untuk menentukan konsentrasi mahasiswa dengan pendekatan Sosial Network Analisis Studi Kasus Jejaring Sosial Facebook dan mampu memanfaatkan facebook sebagai alat untuk menentukan konsentrasi mahasiswa jurusan teknik informatika menjadi tiga bagian yaitu pemrograman, jaringan, dan multimedia. Batasan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian ini hanya berlaku pada mahasiswa yang memiliki akun facebook. Penelitian ini menggunakan Social Network Analysis untuk mencari between centrality.Pada tahap pertama setiap akun akan dilihat relasinya setelah itu hubungan antar akun akan dimasukan ke node XL dan akan menghasilkan between centrality. Mahasiswa yang melanjutkan proses selanjutnya adalah mahasiswa yang nilai betweent centralitynya 85% teratas. Setelah itu akan ditambahkan variabel group yang digunakan untuk mengkelompokan peminatan, dan ditambahkan variabel nilai akademis untuk menguatkan pendapat yang diperoleh sebelumnya.Dengan cara melihat between centrality dan menambahkan variabel group untuk membagi siswa sesuai konsentrasi, dan memabahkan variabel nilai akademik untuk memperkuat pendapat. Sosial network analysis terbukti dapat menentukan konsentrasi mahaiswa. Facebook dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menentukan konsentrasi mahasiswa, konsentrasi mahasiswa dibagi menjadi pemrograman, jaringan, dan multimedia. Kata Kunci : Jejaring Sosial, Social Network Analysis, between centrality

  3. Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing the HEADS-ED: A Rapid Screening Tool for Pediatric Patients in Emergency Departments. (United States)

    MacWilliams, Kate; Curran, Janet; Racek, Jakub; Cloutier, Paula; Cappelli, Mario


    This study sought to identify barriers and facilitators to the implementation of the HEADS-ED, a screening tool appropriate for use in the emergency department (ED) that facilitates standardized assessments, discharge planning, charting, and linking pediatric mental health patients to appropriate community resources. A qualitative theory-based design was used to identify barriers and facilitators to implementing the HEADS-ED tool. Focus groups were conducted with participants recruited from 6 different ED settings across 2 provinces (Ontario and Nova Scotia). The Theoretical Domains Framework was used as a conceptual framework to guide data collection and to identify themes from focus group discussions. The following themes spanning 12 domains were identified as reflective of participants' beliefs about the barriers and facilitators to implementing the HEADS-ED tool: knowledge, skills, beliefs about capabilities, social professional role and identity, optimism, beliefs about consequences, reinforcement, environmental context and resources, social influences, emotion, behavioral regulation and memory, and attention and decision process. The HEADS-ED has the potential to address the need for better discharge planning, complete charting, and standardized assessments for the increasing population of pediatric mental health patients who present to EDs. This study has identified potential barriers and facilitators, which should be considered when developing an implementation plan for adopting the HEADS-ED tool into practice within EDs.

  4. Improvement in Student Science Proficiency Through InSciEd Out (United States)

    Sonju, James D.; Leicester, Jean E.; Hoody, Maggie; LaBounty, Thomas J.; Frimannsdottir, Katrin R.; Ekker, Stephen C.


    Abstract Integrated Science Education Outreach (InSciEd Out) is a collaboration formed between Mayo Clinic, Winona State University, and Rochester Public Schools (MN) with the shared vision of achieving excellence in science education. InSciEd Out employs an equitable partnership model between scientists, teachers, education researchers, and the community. Teams of teachers from all disciplines within a single school experience cutting-edge science using the zebrafish model system, as well as current pedagogical methods, during a summer internship at the Mayo Clinic. Within the internship, the teachers produce new curriculum that directly addresses opportunities for science education improvement at their own school. Zebrafish are introduced within the new curriculum to support a living model of the practice of science. Following partnership with the InSciEd Out program and 2 years of implementation in the classroom, teacher-interns from a K–8 public school reported access to local scientific technology and expertise they had not previously recognized. Teachers also reported improved integration of other disciplines into the scientific curriculum and a flow of concepts vertically from K through 8. Students more than doubled selection of an Honors science track in high school to nearly 90%. 98% of students who took the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments in their 5th and 8th grade year (a span that includes 2 years of InSciEd Out) showed medium or high growth in science proficiency. These metrics indicate that cooperation between educators and scientists can result in positive change in student science proficiency and demonstrate that a higher expectation in science education can be achieved in US public schools. PMID:23244687

  5. Ekspert : "Väed Afganistanist välja!" / Aadu Hiietamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiietamm, Aadu, 1954-


    Saksa kriisiekspert Peter Scholl-Latour on seisukohal, et välisväed peavad Afganistanist lahkuma, sest seni pole keegi suutnud seal sõda võita. P. Scholl-Latouri artiklist poliitikaajakirjas Cicero

  6. Effect of Job Specialization on the Hospital Stay and Job Satisfaction of ED Nurses. (United States)

    Shamsi, Vahid; Mahmoudi, Hosein; Sirati Nir, Masoud; Babatabar Darzi, Hosein


    In recent decades, the increasing crowdedness of the emergency departments has posed various problems for patients and healthcare systems worldwide. These problems include prolonged hospital stay, patient dissatisfaction and nurse burnout or job dissatisfaction. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of emergency department (ED) nurses' job specialization on their job satisfaction and the length of patient stay in the ED. This before-after quasi-experimental study was conducted from April to May 2014 at the Baqiyatallah Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Initially, 35 patients were recruited as controls and the length of their stay in the ED was measured in minutes via a chronometer; Moreover, nurses' job satisfaction was evaluated using the Mohrman-Cooke-Mohrman job satisfaction scale. Then, a job specialization intervention was developed based on the stabilization model. After that, 35 new patients were recruited to the treatment group and received specialized care services. Accordingly, the length of their stay in the ED was measured. Moreover, the same nurses' job satisfaction was re-evaluated after the study. The study intervention lasted one month. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 20 and statistical tests such as the Kolmogrov-Smirnov, the paired and the independent t, and chi-square tests. There was a significant difference between the two groups of patients concerning the length of their stay in the ED (P nurses had greater job satisfaction after the study (P job specialization intervention can improve nurses' satisfaction and relieve the crowdedness of the EDs.

  7. Barriers and facilitators to ED physician use of the test and treatment for BPPV. (United States)

    Kerber, Kevin A; Forman, Jane; Damschroder, Laura; Telian, Steven A; Fagerlin, Angela; Johnson, Patricia; Brown, Devin L; An, Lawrence C; Morgenstern, Lewis B; Meurer, William J


    The test and treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) are evidence-based practices supported by clinical guideline statements. Yet these practices are underutilized in the emergency department (ED) and interventions to promote their use are needed. To inform the development of an intervention, we interviewed ED physicians to explore barriers and facilitators to the current use of the Dix-Hallpike test (DHT) and the canalith repositioning maneuver (CRM). We conducted semi-structured in-person interviews with ED physicians who were recruited at annual ED society meetings in the United States. We analyzed data thematically using qualitative content analysis methods. Based on 50 interviews with ED physicians, barriers that contributed to infrequent use of DHT/CRM that emerged were (1) prior negative experiences or forgetting how to perform them and (2) reliance on the history of present illness to identify BPPV, or using the DHT but misattributing patterns of nystagmus. Based on participants' responses, the principal facilitator of DHT/CRM use was prior positive experiences using these, even if infrequent. When asked which clinical supports would facilitate more frequent use of DHT/CRM, participants agreed supports needed to be brief, readily accessible, and easy to use, and to include well-annotated video examples. Interventions to promote the use of the DHT/CRM in the ED need to overcome prior negative experiences with the DHT/CRM, overreliance on the history of present illness, and the underuse and misattribution of patterns of nystagmus. Future resources need to be sensitive to provider preferences for succinct information and video examples.


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    I Nyoman Sukanta


    Full Text Available Salah satu komplek perkantoran yang terletak di Jalan Thamrin, Jakarta, dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian. Hasil pemodelan data tanah, menghasilkan 3 lapisan tanah yang berbeda dengan kriteria jenis tanahnya cenderung lunak, dengan nilai N-SPT rata–rata = 11,23. Perhitungan percepatan puncak muka tanah (PGA dan nilai spektrum respon di permukaan tanah menggunakan metoda analisis linier equivalen dengan simulasi Monte Carlo. Program aplikasi SHAKE2000 merupakan alat bantu dalam simulasi, dengan memasukkan beberapa asumsi sebagai data masukan. Data masukan dinamik menggunakan sumber gempabumi Elcentro dan Mexico yang mempunyai kandungan frekuensi berbeda. Asumsi nilai percepatan puncak batuan dasar (PBA untuk kedua sumber gempabumi tersebut sebesar 0,18 g. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai spektrum respon dan percepatan puncak muka tanah sangat bervariasi. Gempabumi Elcentro menghasilkan nilai rata–rata PGA = 0,36 g dengan spektrum responnya = 1,0 g  pada Tc = 0,6 detik. Untuk gempabumi Mexico menghasilkan nilai rata–rata PGA = 0,30 g dengan spektrum responnya = 0,9 g pada Tc = 0,6 detik. Artinya, variabilitas jenis tanah sangat berpengaruh tehadap variabilitas spektrum respon di permukaan tanah.   One of the office complex located at Jalan Thamrin, Jakarta, was chosen as the location of the reseach. Results of data modeling soil, produces 3 different soil layers with soil type criteria tend to be soft, with a value of N-SPT  average = 11.23. Calculation of peak ground acceleration (PGA and the value of the response spectrum at ground surface using the method of equivalent linear analysis with Monte Carlo simulation. SHAKE2000 application software  is a tool in the simulation, by including some assumptions as input data. Dynamic input data using Elcentro and Mexican  earthquakes  which have different frequency contents. Assumed value of peak base acceleration (PBA for the two earthquakes was 0.18 g. The result of analysis was the value


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    Daniele Spoladore


    Full Text Available Questo lavoro si propone di analizzare le scelte linguistiche dei soggetti politici che utilizzano Facebook e Twitter per rivolgersi al sempre più frammentato panorama dei potenziali elettori. In particolare, analizza le tendenze linguistiche comuni che questi social network hanno fatto emergere nel rapporto tra politica, web e lettori. Cominciando dall’analisi della presenza di parlamentari e senatori su Facebook e Twitter, si cerca di riassumere le principali caratteristiche delle due piattaforme, per giungere ad una classificazione dei testi prodotti attraverso di esse; si analizza la scrittura di post e tweet, sottolineando la presenza di espedienti tipici del mezzo e valutando il loro effetto sui lettori, e si studiano le scelte sintattiche e morfosintattiche in relazione alla struttura e alle possibilità dei due social network. In ultima analisi si osservano le scelte lessicali dei soggetti politici, studiandone i campi semantici e la quantità di tecnicismi. Infine, si cerca di compiere una valutazione delle due differenti tipologie di trasmesso scritto rinvenute nei campioni, osservando come ognuna di esse abbia uno scopo ben preciso nell’economia della comunicazione politica sui social network. Political communication policy in social networks: a language analysis  Daniele Spoladore This paper aims to analyze the linguistic choices of politicians who use Facebook and Twitter to address the increasingly fragmented landscape of potential voters. In particular, it analyzes the common language trends that these social networks have revealed in the relationship between politics, the web and readers. Starting from the analysis of the presence of MPs and senators on Facebook and Twitter, we try to summarize the key features of the two platforms, in order to arrive at a classification of the texts produced using them.  We analyzed posts and tweets, emphasizing the  typical characteristics of these means and evaluating their effect on

  10. Developing a multidisciplinary approach within the ED towards domestic violence presentations. (United States)

    Basu, Subhashis; Ratcliffe, Giles


    To improve the detection and quality of care of patients who attend the emergency department (ED) with confirmed or suspected domestic abuse (DA). A quality improvement report on the design, implementation and evaluation of a specialised service and structured training programme to detect and manage DA presentations within an emergency medicine department. The study was set in the ED at the Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK. Key measures for improvement included introducing a service within the ED to help staff manage DA and coordinate responses; improve staff confidence in detecting DA; develop a structured and consistent process by which to manage DA presentations. An Independent Domestic Violence Advocate service was introduced into the department in July 2011 through a multiagency agreement. A structured training and education programme was delivered to ED staff. A 'communications form' was developed for DA risk assessment and case management. The process was reviewed quarterly. One hundred and seventy-two referrals were made to the service (121 distinct clients) over a 12-month period. Staff reported greater confidence in detecting DA, and community partners highlighted the role the service had in improving DA detection and care quality within the city. Strong leadership and prioritising the issue within the department has facilitated the development of the process and contributed substantially to its success. Support from community partners has been invaluable in tailoring the service and education programme to the needs of staff and patients within the department.

  11. Diseño y prototipaje del álabe para un miniaerogenerador mediante impresión 3D


    Roy Mota, Andrea


    El objetivo de este proyecto consiste en el diseño de una maqueta de álabe para un mini aerogenerador y su posterior fabricación con PLA mediante la tecnología de impresión 3D no industrial. Para conseguirlo se creó una hoja de cálculo que torna la superficie del ala; se analizó la impresora 3D y se diseñó la estructura interna del aspa para dotarlo de resistencia según sus límites de impresión de la impresora mediante el programa Siemens Unigraphics NX10; se simularon los esfuerzos y a parti...

  12. Mapas de Entornos Mediante Navegacion Difusa y Sistema de Teleoperacion de una Plataforma Pioneer P3-DX

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    Daniel Granda


    Full Text Available El presente proyecto describe el diseno e implementacion de aplicaciones de Teleoperacion, Adquisicion de Datos, Control Difuso de Velocidad y Mapeo de Entornos en 2D, para la plataforma movil Pioneer P3-DX mediante el uso de sonares, odometrıa y software libre GNU/Linux. El proyecto brinda una guıa para utilizar los conceptos de programacion en Python, que permite crear aplicaciones de manera versatil mediante el uso de librerıas como: GTK para el desarrollo del entorno grafico, PYFUZZY para el desarrollo del controlador difuso de velocidad y OPENCV para mostrar los mapas del entorno.

  13. Solving the worldwide emergency department crowding problem - what can we learn from an Israeli ED? (United States)

    Pines, Jesse M; Bernstein, Steven L


    ED crowding is a prevalent and important issue facing hospitals in Israel and around the world, including North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa. ED crowding is associated with poorer quality of care and poorer health outcomes, along with extended waits for care. Crowding is caused by a periodic mismatch between the supply of ED and hospital resources and the demand for patient care. In a recent article in the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, Bashkin et al. present an Ishikawa diagram describing several factors related to longer length of stay (LOS), and higher levels of ED crowding, including management, process, environmental, human factors, and resource issues. Several solutions exist to reduce ED crowding, which involve addressing several of the issues identified by Bashkin et al. This includes reducing the demand for and variation in care, and better matching the supply of resources to demands in care in real time. However, what is needed to reduce crowding is an institutional imperative from senior leadership, implemented by engaged ED and hospital leadership with multi-disciplinary cross-unit collaboration, sufficient resources to implement effective interventions, access to data, and a sustained commitment over time. This may move the culture of a hospital to facilitate improved flow within and across units and ultimately improve quality and safety over the long-term.

  14. I nomi delle feste mariane nelle lungue slave

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    Fedora Ferluga-Petronio


    Full Text Available Nell'articolo l'autrice traccia un' analisi lessicale ed etimologioa delle feste Mariana nelle lingua slave.Vengono prese in considerazione tre fra, le principali feste di Ma­ rla, tuttora celebrate sia dalla Ohiesa cattolica sia dalla Ohiesa ortodossa: l'Annunciazione, l'Assunzione, la Nascita di Maria.L'Immacolata Concezione, festa comandata presso i cattolici, e la Presentazione di Maria al Tempio, una delle dodici grandi feste ortodosse, sono meno interessanti dal punto di vista linguistico, in quanto semplioemente calchi del le denominazioni mfficiali latina e greche. Per le singole feste viene tracciata anche una breve introduzione storica, onde poter meglio capire l'origine ed a volte l' etimo dei termini in questione.

  15. Diseño óptimo de un disipador de calor para luminaria LED mediante moderación modelación computacional

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    Daniel Cahue Díaz


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrolla una selección de materiales y simulación térmica en el diseño de disipadores de calor para sistemas de iluminación de estado sólido (SSL mejor conocidos como luminarias LEDs. Se desarrolló un modelo matemático con la capacidad de predecir el comportamiento térmico de la luminaria cuando se encuentra en operación. El modelo matemático fue resuelto mediante un software de distribución libre el cual permite resolver ecuaciones diferenciales mediante el método de elemento finito. Los resultados obtenidos en el modelo matemático planteado fueron validados con los resultados obtenidos mediante experimentación usando imágenes termográficas.

  16. Analisis Kenyamanan Serta Redesain Pegas Suspensi Mobil Toyota Fortuner 4.0 V6 SR (AT 4x4

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    Puja Priyambada


    Full Text Available Perkembangan dunia otomotif mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Seiring dengan perkembangan  tersebut kualitas kenyamanan kendaraan merupakan faktor yang harus diperhatikan. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas kenyamanan kendaraan dilakukan pengembangan dalam sistem suspensi. Hal ini yang mendasari penulis untuk melakukan penelitian terkait suspensi mobil Toyota Fortuner 4.0 V6 SR. Pada penelitian ini, terdapat dua tahap, yakni tahap pengujian dan tahap analisis. Tahap pengujian untuk mendapatkan persentase road holding yang digunakan dalam menentukan kriteria keamanan kendaraan. Pada tahap analisis dilakukan simulasi untuk mengetahui percepatan rms yang dialami penumpang dengan pemodelan Half Car memanjang. Selanjutnya dilakukan perancangan ulang pegas suspensi yang lebih baik dari segi keamanan dan kenyamanan. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa desain dari mobil Toyota Fortuner mengutamakan kenyamanan untuk penggunaan di jalan perkotaan. Berdasarkan standar ISO 2631 menunjukkan bahwa respon suspensi redesain untuk jalan perkotaan menghasilkan kenyamanan yang lebih baik daripada suspensi aktual. Berdasarkan kriteria keamanan BEISSBARTH dari hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa suspensi mobil Toyota Fortuner termasuk dalam kategori kurang baik sedangkan hasil simulasi untuk suspensi aktual dan redesain termasuk dalam kategori cukup baik. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan kekakuan pegas untuk suspensi depan (ksf = 44631,61 N/m dan (ksr = 53500 N/m untuk suspensi belakang.

  17. Safe Handling of Snakes in an ED Setting. (United States)

    Cockrell, Melanie; Swanson, Kristofer; Sanders, April; Prater, Samuel; von Wenckstern, Toni; Mick, JoAnn


    Efforts to improve consistency in management of snakes and venomous snake bites in the emergency department (ED) can improve patient and staff safety and outcomes, as well as improve surveillance data accuracy. The emergency department at a large academic medical center identified an opportunity to implement a standardized process for snake disposal and identification to reduce staff risk exposure to snake venom from snakes patients brought with them to the ED. A local snake consultation vendor and zoo Herpetologist assisted with development of a process for snake identification and disposal. All snakes have been identified and securely disposed of using the newly implemented process and no safety incidents have been reported. Other emergency department settings may consider developing a standardized process for snake disposal using listed specialized consultants combined with local resources and suppliers to promote employee and patient safety. Copyright © 2017 Emergency Nurses Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Analisis Spasial Kejadian Filariasi di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah

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    Nurjazuli Nurjazuli


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang: Filariasis merupakan salah satu penyakit tular vektor yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian, termasuk kelompok Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs. Kabupaten Demak merupakan salah satu wilayah di Propinsi Jawa Tengah  yang merupakan daerah endemis filarisis (mf rate>1%. Kejadian filarisis di daerah ini diduga berkaitan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologis (nyamuk yang mempunyai peran penting dalam penyebaran penyakit filarisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan adanya penderita baru,  mengidentifikasi kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologi yang berkaitan dengan sebaran filarisis di Kabupaten Demak. Matede: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Sebanyak 30 kasus filariasis dijadikan indek kasus yang selanjutnya dipilih secara purposif sebanyak 140 yang tinggal di sekitar 30 kasus tersebut untuk dilakukan pengamblan darah jari. Observasi lingkungan dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi lingkungan (breeding places dan resting places dari yang diduga sebagai nyamuk vektor filariasis. Penangkapan nyamuk dilakukan di sekitar rumah penderita filariasis. Pengukuran koordinat kasus filariais dilakukan dengan pesawat Geographic Positioning System (GPS. Pemeriksaan darah jadi jari dilakukan di Laboratorium Kesehatan Daerah (LABKESDA Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Sedang bedah nyamuk dilakukan di Balai Penelitian Vektor Penyakit Banjarnegara. Analisis data dlakukan secara deskriptif, analisis spasial dilakukan dengan software ArcGis 9.3. Hasil: Penelitian ini tidak menemukan penderita baru filarisis (mf rate=0%. Sebanyak 129 ekor nyamuk telah dilakukan pembedahan dengan hasil semuanya negatip cacing filaria. Hasil identifikasi nyamuk menemukan spesies nyamuk Culex quinquefasciatus merupakan nyamuk yang dominan (72,86% di lokasi penelitian.Terdapat breeding places (40% berupa genangan air terbuka (SPAL dan resting places (83,3% berupa semak-semak di sekitar rumah penderita. Analisis spasial

  19. Dinamiche e persistenza della povertà in Italia: Un’analisi con microdati panel di fonte ECHP


    Francesco Devicienti; Valentina Gualtieri


    Questo articolo stima le probabilità di entrare e uscire dallo stato di povertà (poverty dynamics) e la sua persistenza in Italia negli anni ‘90, attingendo dalle fonti longitudinali dello European Community Household Panel, 1994-2001. Combinando le stime dei tassi di uscita con quelli di rientro, l’articolo propone una misura di persistenza che tiene conto degli spell ripetuti in povertà. L’analisi preliminare dei dati mostra che per circa il 46% della popolazione il reddito è al di sotto de...


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    Widiarti Widiarti


    Full Text Available AbstrakMalaria seringkali muncul pada kejadian luar biasa (KLB maupun peningkatan kasus baik di Jawa maupun di luar Jawa. Dilaporkannya peningkatan kasus atau KLB malaria di Kabupaten Purbalingga menimbulkan pemikiran faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi terjadinya KLB malaria. Tujuan penelitian adalah analisis spasial kasus malaria, konfirmasi vektor yang berperan dalam penularan malaria dan bioekologi nyamuk tersangka vektor. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Panusupan Kecamatan Rembang dan Desa Sidareja Kecamatan Kaligondang Kabupaten Purbalingga Jawa Tengah. Konfirmasi vektor dilakukan dengan elisa sporozoit dari semua nyamuk Anopheles sp yang diperoleh. Analisis kasus malaria digunakan metoda GIS dan dilanjutkan uji spatially weighted regression (spatial error model dengan GeoDa. Survei entomologi dilakukan sesuai standart penangkapan nyamuk oleh WHO. Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa berdasarkan  elisa  sporozoit,  vektor  yang  berperan  di  Desa  Panusupan  Kecamatan  Rembang  adalah Anopheles maculatus hasil penangkapan hinggap pada manusia diluar rumah pada jam 18.00. Kejadian luar biasa malaria di Kabupaten Purbalingga, semula kasus import namun karena keberadaan vektor (daerah reseptif, sehingga terjadi penularan lokal. Analisis spasial kasus malaria di kedua desa mengelompok dan berdekatan dengan habitat perkembangbiakan An. maculatus yaitu ditepi aliran sungai. Mencermati vektor yang berperan di daerah KLB adalah An. maculatus dengan aktivitas sore sampai malam hari, maka perlu diinformasikan kepada masyarakat agar menjaga tidak kontak dengan nyamuk dan melindungi masyarakat dengan kelambu berinsektisida yang mempunyai daya lindung lama (LLIN sehingga dapat mengurangi terjadinya penularan.Kata Kunci : analisis spasial, KLB, Anopheles maculatus dan malariaAbstractMalaria outbreak or increase cases has came up very often inside or outside of Java Island. The increase malaria cases from Purbalingga Regency is reported


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    Sobari Sobari


    Full Text Available Survei kebutuhan informasi yang telah dilaksanakan di wilayah kabupaten Jayawijaya bertujuan untuk mengetahui subjek-subjek informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat setempat serta untuk mengetahui usaha masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Hasil analisis survei menyimpulkan bahwa kebutuhan informasi masyarakat Jayawijaya lebih dominan pada subjek-subjek informasi bidang teknologi tepat guna, teknologi pedesaan atau teknologi sederhana. Subjek-subjek informasi lain yang juga banyak dibutuhkan adalah masalah sosial budaya, Kesehatan masyarakat, sistem peraturan perundang-undangan, hukum, kepemerintahan, administrasi, manajemen dan masalah perkantoran. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasinya, masyarakat Jayawijaya masih mengandalkan perpustakaan sebagai tempat memperoleh bUkubuku atau bahan bacaan. Kebutuhan buku-buku pelajaran dan buku-buku bacaan anak-anak sekolah di wilayah kabupaten Jayawijaya, khususnya wilayah Wamena masih dirasakan sangat kurang.

  2. Analisis Persepsi Leadership Dan Kewirausahaan Dalam Mencapai Visi Teacherprenuership Dan Entrepreneurship (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang)


    Oktradiksa, Ahwy


    Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui persepsi leadership dalam mencapai visi teacherpreneurship dan entrepreneurship menurut mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam.(2) Untuk mengetahui analisis leadership dalam mencapai visi teacherpreneurship dan entrepreneurship di Fakultas Agama Islam. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan studi kasus. Metode penelitian dengan analitis deskriptif, metode pengambilan sampel yang diambil dengan purposive sampling, teknik p...

  3. Carbono edáfico en Chiapas: planteamiento de políticas públicas de mitigación de emisiones

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    Sara Covaleda


    Full Text Available Ante los retos que plantea la mitigación del cambio climático en el sector AFOLU (agricultura, forestería y otros usos del suelo, es necesario plantear actividades que, a la vez que disminuyan las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera tengan un impacto socio-económico positivo. En Chiapas, el 76% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero están ligadas a las actividades que realizan los productores rurales, por lo cual es fundamental que los tomadores de decisiones cuenten con herramientas sencillas de planeación que les permitan desarrollar actividades y programas de política pública encaminados a contribuir en la resolución de esta problemática. Por otra parte, en el estado, aproximadamente la mitad de las emisiones provienen de los suelos. En este trabajo, mediante análisis cartográfico, se identificaron las principales dinámicas de cambio de uso del suelo en Chiapas entre 2007 y 2011 a nivel regional, las cuales fueron: deforestación de bosques secundarios templados para establecer parcelas agrícolas de subsistencia (milpa en los Altos, deforestación de vegetación secundaria de selva alta perennifolia por ganadería extensiva en La Selva y degradación forestal de bosques de pino encino en la Sierra Madre. Utilizando modelos de dinámica de uso del suelo asociado a carbono para distintas regiones de Chiapas, se analizaron sus impactos sobre el carbono edáfico y sus costos de oportunidad para los productores. Además utilizando estos mismos modelos se propusieron actividades de política pública con impactos positivos sobre el almacén de carbono edáfico y sobre indicadores socio-económicos. Los sistemas propuestos como alternativa sustentable fueron: la labranza de conservación y el MIAF (maíz intercalado con árboles frutales, en los Altos, sistemas silvopastoriles en la Selva y protección de bosques secundarios, bosques con plan de manejo forestal y plantaciones forestales en la Sierra.


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    Noor Arifin


    Full Text Available Abstract: Analysis of Work Quality, Performance, and Job Satisfaction in CV. Duta Senenan Jepara. This study aims to analyze the effect of the quality work life of employees to their performance, analyze the effect of the quality of work life to the job satisfaction, and analyze the effect of the job satisfaction to employee performance. Variables used in this study are: quality of work Life developed by Wayne Cascio 1992; the performance of employees, developed by Elmuti and Kathawala, 1997; and variables Job Satisfaction, provided by Robbin, 1996 and Wexley et al, 1992. The sample of this study consists of 65 employees. The data Analysis were performed using structural equation modeling with partial least square approach. The result suggests that the quality of work life affects the performance; the satisfaction affects the employee performance; and the quality of working life has no effect on employee satisfaction.   Keywords :  quality of work life, on job satisfaction, employee performance   Abstrak: Analisis Kualitas Kehidupan, Kinerja, dan Kepuasan Kerja pada CV. Duta Senenan Jepara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas kehidupan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan, menganalisis pengaruh kualitas kehidupan kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja, dan menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja, dari Cascio Wayne 1992. kemudian kinerja karyawan, dari Elmuti dan Kathawala, 1997, dan Kepuasan Kerja, yang dikembangkan oleh Robbin, 1996 serta Wexley, 1992. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel 65 karyawan dari CV DUTA Senenan Jepara. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM dengan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kualitas kehidupan kerja sangat berpengaruh terhadap kinerjanya; kepuasan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan dan kualitas kehidupan kerja tidak

  5. L'esperienza della Grande Guerra nell'autobiografia femminile in Gran Bretagna


    Porzio, Barbara


    Il presente lavoro è incentrato sull’analisi delle autobiografie femminili della prima guerra mondiale pubblicate in Gran Bretagna negli anni Trenta del secolo scorso. Nell’introduzione, dopo una breve riflessione di carattere teorico e metodologico sul genere autobiografico ed alcune considerazioni sul contesto storico-culturale in cui nacquero tali opere, viene rintracciata una griglia di argomentazioni retoriche ricorrenti che se da un lato non consentono di ipotizzare l’esistenza di un so...





    2012 Analisis Pengaruh LDR, NPL, dan ROA terhadap CAR Pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Se-Indonesia Tahun 2007-2011 Analysis of Effect of Loan to Deposit Ratio, Non Performing Loan, and Return On Assets to the Capital Adequacy Ratio of the Regional Development Banks In Indonesia Period 2007-2011 Fatwal Sam Cepi Pahlevi Gamalca Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel LDR, NPL dan ROA terhadap CAR. Data yang digunakan adalah publikasi laporan tahun...

  7. Analisis Kemanfaatan dan Kemudahan Penggunaan Aplikasi Manajemen Surat dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model pada PT. XYZ Surabaya

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    Aldioctavia Vicka Paramita


    Full Text Available PT. XYZ Surabaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan besar BUMN di Indonesia. Perusahaan BUMN ini bergerak dibidang aspek kelistrikan yang ada di area Jawa Timur. Dengan karya inovasinya, yaitu pengembangan Aplikasi Manajemen Surat bisnis yang semula dikerjakan secara manual menjadi berbasis web, tentu akan melahirkan sikap penerimaan atau penolakan dari user dalam proses penggunaannya. Sedangkan sebuah sistem informasi yang baik adalah yang dapat diterima oleh user dan dirasa memberikan kemudahan dan manfaat dalam proses penggunannya. Melalui tugas akhir ini akan diterapkan model sukses Fred Davis akan menilai faktor kemanfaatan dan kemudahan user Aplikasi Manajemen Surat  menggunakan metode analisis Partial Least Square untuk mengetahui korelasi tiap variabel dan hipotesis. Tugas akhir ini memverivikasi bahwa persepsi kemudahan penggunaan berpengaruh terhadap persepsi kemanfaatan penggunaan layanan AMS. Variasi pada penggunaan AMS dipengaruhi sebesar 24,5 persen oleh persepsi kemudahan, dan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Pada persepsi minat sebesar 3,1 persen variasi dipengaruhi oleh persepsi sikap dan kemanfaatan, dan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Persepsi kemanfaatan dan kemudahan mempengaruhi variasi dari persepsi sikap sebesar 94,5 persen. Sedangkan variasi dari persepsi kenyataan, sebesar 57,3 persen diperngaruhi oleh persepsi minat dan sisanya 43,7 persen dipengaruhi oleh variabel yang lain.Analisis Kemanfaatan dan Kemudahan Penggunaan Aplikasi Manajemen Surat dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model pada PT. XYZ Surabaya

  8. Evaluación de sistemas agroecológicos mediante indicadores biológicos de la calidad del suelo: mesofauna edáfica

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    Ana Socarrás

    Full Text Available Se evaluó el impacto de los métodos agroecológicos a través de la variación de la mesofauna del suelo, en una finca con manejo integrado ganadería-agricultura (en Cangrejeras, provincia Artemisa. Se seleccionaron tres sistemas de manejo: área de pastizal, designada como área control, y con más de 20 años de establecida; área de forraje, sembrada en forma de mosaico, con pequeñas parcelas de cultivos perennes, y sometida a un tratamiento de abono orgánico; y área de policultivos, con un sistema de rotación de cultivos de ciclo corto y aplicación de compost. Los muestreos se efectuaron a los seis y ocho años de haber realizado las transformaciones en las áreas de forraje y cultivo, en ambas estaciones del año. Se tomaron cinco muestras en cada sistema, a una profundidad de 0-10 cm, según un diseño completamente aleatorizado. Por lo general en las áreas de forraje y pastizal, en cuanto a las relaciones oribátidos/astigmados, oribátidos/prostigmados y astigmados/mesostigmados (en ambas estaciones y años de transformación, dominaron los grupos edáficos que constituyen indicadores de estabilidad y fertilidad del suelo (oribátidos y mesostigmados, al estar favorecidos por la incorporación de la materia orgánica y una mayor cobertura del suelo, lo cual estimula que la mesofauna recobre condiciones de mayor estabilidad. En el área de policultivo predominaron los grupos indicadores de la inestabilidad e infertilidad del suelo (astigmados y prostigmados, ya que la rotación de cultivos y el manejo de las técnicas agroecológicas no garantizaron las condiciones que benefician el establecimiento de los otros grupos.

  9. Representasi Maskulinitas Dalam Iklan Televisi Pond’s Men #Lelakimasakini (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Terhadap Representasi Maskulinitas

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    Friska Dewi Yuliyanti


    Full Text Available This research aims to know the meaning of denotation, the connotation and the myth or ideology in television commercials POND'S Men that represent the masculine with #LelakiMasaKini edition. The method used in this research is the Semiotic analysis methods. The Semiotic analysis used in this research is the Semiotic Roland Barthes. The results of this research show that there are; meaning denote, the connotation and the myth or ideology in television commercials POND'S #LelakiMasaKini. The results obtained from the signs of the dominant in the preview scenes that are taken in accordance with the criteria that have been determined. Advertising on Rio Dewanto version described three meaning denotes, three meaning of the connotations and three myths. On the version of the advertisement, Keenan Pearce described three meaning denotes, three the meaning of the connotations and three myths or ideologies and on the version of the Marshall Sastra described three meaning denotes, three the meaning of the connotations and 3 myths or ideologies. Concluded the side or the form of masculinity is promoted of the physical appearance of the type of men who tend to metrosexual, the dream of women, the leader success, lack men who think creatively and have hobbies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna denotasi, konotasi serta mitos atau ideologi dalam iklan televisi POND’S Men yang merepresentasikan maskulinitas dengan edisi #LelakiMasaKini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis semiotik. Analisis Semiotik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis semiotik Roland Barthes. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat makna denotasi, konotasi serta mitos atau ideologi pada iklan televisi POND’S Men #LelakiMasaKini. Hasil itu diperoleh dari tanda-tanda dominan pada cuplikan adegan-adegan yang diambil sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Pada iklan versi Rio Dewanto digambarkan 3 makna denotasi, 3

  10. A Successful ED Fall Risk Program Using the KINDER 1 Fall RiskAssessment Tool. (United States)

    Townsend, Ann B; Valle-Ortiz, Marisol; Sansweet, Tracy


    Emergency nurses did not perform falls risk assessments routinely on our ED patients; the instrument used was aimed at inpatients. We identified a need to revise fall assessment practices specific to our emergency department. The purpose of the performance improvement project was to reduce ED falls and evaluate the use of an ED-specific fall risk tool, the KINDER 1 Fall Risk Assessment. The plan was to establish fall risk assessment practices at point of ED entry and to decrease total falls. We retrospectively reviewed ED fall data for each quarter of 2013, which included risk assessments scores, the total number of falls, and the circumstances of each fall. Using Kotter's framework to guide a successful change process, we implemented the KINDER 1 to assess fall risk. During the first 4 weeks of the project, 937 patients (27%) were identified as high risk for falls using the KINDER 1. During the subsequent 3 quarters, the total number of falls decreased; reported falls without injuries dropped from 0.21 to 0.07 per 1000 patients, and falls with injuries were reduced from 0.21 to 0.0 per 1000 patients. The results of this project represented a valuable step toward achieving our goal to keep ED patients safe from injuries as a result of falls. The findings add to the body of nursing knowledge on the application of clinical-based performance improvement projects to improve patient outcomes and to provide data on the use of the KINDER 1 tool, which has not been extensively tested. Copyright © 2016 Emergency Nurses Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Diferencias en la calciuria, estimada mediante el índice Ca/Cr en función del tipo de lactancia


    Trigo López, Javier


    Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo transversal sobre el comportamiento de la calciuria, estimada mediante el índice calcio/creatinina (ICC), en lactantes menores de 6 meses, analizando su posible relación con el tipo de alimentación (leche de fórmula o leche materna). Los resultados se obtuvieron a partir de muestras de orina de 44 lactantes sanos en los que se recoge el tipo de lactancia. El grupo alimentado mediante leche de fórmula presentó un ICC medio expresado en mg/mg de 0,59, mien...

  12. Test Review: Gilliam, J. E. (2015), "Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test" (2nd Ed) [Assessment Instrument]. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed. (United States)

    Perdue, Elizabeth A.


    The "Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test-Second Edition" (ADHDT-2) is published through Pro-Ed in Austin, Texas. It was formally published in 2014, following critical revisions of the ADHDT, the reportedly popular initial version of this test that was published in 1995. The ADHDT-2 purports to act as a screener for individuals…


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    Enny Purwati Nurlaili


    Full Text Available Makalah ini memaparkan hasil penelitian menentukan strategi untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk sayuran segar dari Perusahaan Agroindustri PT Z.  Strategi perbaikan kualitas dirumuskan berdasar keinginan pelanggan, atribut kunci dan membandingkan evaluasi faktor internal dan eksternal. Keinginan pelanggan dirumuskan dengan metode QFD sedangkan penentuan strategi menggunakan analisa SWOT.. Analisis QFD menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan perusahaan dalam memenuhi keinginan dan harapan pelanggan secara keseluruhan sudah cukup memuaskan konsumen. Sedangkan strategi yang paling tepat digunakan adalah stategi S – O yaitu melakukan peningkatan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan terutama upaya mempertahankan kesegaran dan jaminan kemanan pangan melalui penerapan  HACCP Kata Kunci :        Agroindustry, QFD, Formulasi Strategi,  Sayuran Segar

  14. Improved Early Detection of Sepsis in the ED With a Novel Monocyte Distribution Width Biomarker. (United States)

    Crouser, Elliott D; Parrillo, Joseph E; Seymour, Christopher; Angus, Derek C; Bicking, Keri; Tejidor, Liliana; Magari, Robert; Careaga, Diana; Williams, JoAnna; Closser, Douglas R; Samoszuk, Michael; Herren, Luke; Robart, Emily; Chaves, Fernando


    Sepsis most often presents to the ED, and delayed detection is harmful. WBC count is often used to detect sepsis, but changes in WBC count size also correspond to sepsis. We sought to determine if volume increases of circulating immune cells add value to the WBC count for early sepsis detection in the ED. A blinded, prospective cohort study was conducted in two different ED populations within a large academic hospital. Neutrophil and monocyte volume parameters were measured in conjunction with routine CBC testing on a UniCel DxH 800 analyzer at the time of ED admission and were evaluated for the detection of sepsis. There were 1,320 subjects in the ED consecutively enrolled and categorized as control subjects (n = 879) and those with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) (n = 203), infection (n = 140), or sepsis (n = 98). Compared with other parameters, monocyte distribution width (MDW) best discriminated sepsis from all other conditions (area under the curve [AUC], 0.79; 95% CI, 0.73-0.84; sensitivity, 0.77; specificity, 0.73; MDW threshold, 20.50), sepsis from SIRS (AUC, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.67-0.84), and severe sepsis from noninfected patients in the ED (AUC, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.75-0.99; negative predictive value, 99%). The added value of MDW to WBC count was statistically significant (AUC, 0.89 for MDW + WBC vs 0.81 for WBC alone; P sepsis compared with WBC count alone at the time of admission in the ED.; No.: NCT02232750; URL: Copyright © 2017 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Exploring Older Adult ED Fall Patients' Understanding of Their Fall: A Qualitative Study. (United States)

    Shankar, Kalpana N; Taylor, Devon; Rizzo, Caroline T; Liu, Shan W


    We sought to understand older patients' perspectives about their fall, fall risk factors, and attitude toward emergency department (ED) fall-prevention interventions. We conducted semistructured interviews between July 2015 and January 2016 of community-dwelling, nondemented patients in the ED, who presented with a fall to an urban, teaching hospital. Interviews were halted once we achieve thematic saturation with the data coded and categorized into themes. Of the 63 patients interviewed, patients blamed falls on the environment, accidents, a medical condition, or themselves. Three major themes were generated: (1) patients blamed falls on a multitude of things but never acknowledged a possible multifactorial rationale, (2) patients have variable level of concerns regarding their current fall and future fall risk, and (3) patients demonstrated a range of receptiveness to ED interventions aimed at preventing falls but provided little input as to what those interventions should be. Many older patients who fall do not understand their fall risk. However, based on the responses provided, older adults tend to be more receptive to intervention and more concerned about their future fall risk, making the ED an appropriate setting for intervention.

  16. Mai alguses linastub dokfilm "Sinimäed" / Andris Feldmanis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Feldmanis, Andris, 1982-


    Valminud on 6-osalise ajaloodokumentaalide sarja "Kuum külm sõda" teine film "Sinimäed" : stsenaristid Kiur Aarma, Mart Laar, Eerik-Niiles Kross, Raimo Jõerand : režissöör Raimo Jõerand : Ruut Pictures

  17. Test de Actitudes Alimentarias: Evidencias de Validez de una Nueva Versión Reducida

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    Valdiney Veloso Gouveia


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio ha sido presentar una version reducida del Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26 para su utilizacion en el contexto espanol. Se busco especificamente conocer su fiabilidad y estructura factorial para, finalmente, comprobar el modelo teorico propuesto. Para ello, contamos con una muestra de 212 estudiantes universitarios con una edad media de 19.4 anos, la mayoria mujeres (61.8%. Estos respondieron al EAT-26 y a preguntas sociodemograficas. Inicialmente, a traves de un analisis paralelo se observo la coherencia de la estructura factorial. A continuacion se seleccionaron, a partir del poder discriminativo (p < 0.05, cuatro items para cada factor. Mediante el analisis de Escalamiento Multidimensional, se observo que los 12 items resultantes se distribuian segun las dimensiones teoricas esperadas (S-Stress = 0.07; RSQ = 0.97, aspecto corroborado a traves del analisis factorial confirmatorio (x2 / g.l = 2.08; GFI = 0.92; AGFI = 0.88; CFI = 0.94; e RMSEA = 0.071. Los Alfas de Cronbach para los tres factores pueden ser considerados satisfactorios: Hacer dieta (0.87, Bulimia y preocupacion por la alimentacion (0.60 y Control oral (0.52. Se concluye que la version propuesta presenta parametros psicometricos satisfactorios, pudiendo ser utilizada como medida de screening en la deteccion precoz de casos de anorexia nerviosa en la poblacion general.

  18. Connecting Teachers and Ed-Tech Developers: Lessons from NYC's "Gap App" Program. Technical Appendices (United States)

    Villavicencio, Adriana; Siman, Nina; Lafayette, Camille; Kang, David


    In 2011, with support from a federal Investing in Innovation grant, the NYC Department of Education launched Innovate NYC Schools. The initiative was designed to address two, related challenges to effectively integrating education technology (ed-tech) into classrooms: First, procurement of ed-tech tools is often hampered by a disconnect between…

  19. Analisi della relazione tra temperamento, stati psicobiosociali e variabili psicofisiche rispetto ai diversi compiti e strategie metodologiche


    Montemurro, Francesco Paolo


    L’attività fisica produce effetti benefici a livello mentale (Biddle et al.,2004) e sembra agire sull’emozione modificando attitudini e motivazioni verso la pratica motoria (Digelidis et al., 2003) a partire da sensazioni come il piacere o la noia del fare (Spray et al., 1999). Da questi presupposti il progetto che comprendeva l’analisi di due studi volti a verificare gli effetti dell’attività motoria e sportiva in ambito scolastico, sui comportamenti di adattamento sociale e self efficac...


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    Sri Hartini


    Full Text Available Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM adalah suatu pendekatan perawatan yang berbasis pada upaya menjamin keandalan mesin. Dengan pendekatan ini, perawatan ditujukan untuk menjamin agar asset terus menerus mencapai kemampuan dasarnya. Dalam penelitian dilakukan analisis fungsi sistem yang tepat terhadap Baking Section mesin Imaforni PT Nissin Biskuit Indonesia melalui pendekatan RCM untuk mengetahui moda kegagalan yang dapat menyebabkan sistem kehilangan fungsinya. Kata Kunci : Fungsi Sistem,Moda Kegagalan,Reliability Centered Maintenance.


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    Umi Marfuah


    Full Text Available Salah satu daerah Jakarta yang memiliki tingkat mobilitas yang cukup sibuk yaitu di daerah Pulogadung yang merupakan kawasan industri dan di daerah Dukuh Atas sekitar Sudirman, yang merupakan kawasan perkantoran di pusat kota. Minat masyarakat akan transportasi busway sebagai sarana transportasi umum dalam kegiatan hari – harinya sangat besar. Hal tersebut menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah pengguna busway setiap tahunnya, namun Unit Pengelola Transjakarta Busway belum dapat memaksimalkan pelayanan yang dapat diberikan sehingga terjadi penumpukkan penumpang pada halte Pulogadung dan Dukuh Atas, terutama pada hari – hari  kerja di jam sibuk. Penelitian ini didasari pada perbaikan sistem antrian yang ada pada saat ini, sehingga didapatkan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah antrian pada kedua halte tersebut dengan efisien waktu pelayanan sebesar 13%. Model antrian yang digunakan yaitu Single Phase-Single Channel dengan analisis perbaikaanya disimulasikan dengan Promodel.   Kata kunci : Sistem, Antrian, Promodel.

  2. Analisis Vegetasi di Hutan Mbeji Daerah Wonosalam Jombang

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    Anita Munawwaroh


    Full Text Available Analisis vegetasi terhadap hutan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hayati yang terdapat di hutan tersebut sehingga mempermudah didalam melakukan pemeliharaan dan pemberdayaan hutan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hayati dan struktur vegetasi (frekuensi, kerapatan, dominansi, dan Indeks Nilai Penting di hutan mbeji, Wonossalam, Jombang. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode point centered quarter. Pennelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2015. Hasil penelitian menujukkan padaHutan Mbeji terdapat 11 jenis pohon yang teridentifikasi dan 15 spesies tumbuhan, dimana ada 10 spesies yang telah teridentifikasiNilai penting  tumbuh-tumbuhan di Hutan Mbeji di daerah Wonosalam Jombang  pada tingkat pohon paling tinggi adalah pohon randu (Ceiba petandra  sebesar 57,42 % sedangkan nilai INP paling rendah dari jenis pohon andong (Rhadamnia cinerea yaitu sebesar 6,06 %. Pada sapling nilai penting yang paling tinggi adalah talas (Colocasia esculenta yaitu sebesar 49,23 %. Sedangkan, nilai INP paling rendah dari jenis nanas (Ananas comosus, nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus, tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber, semak A, semak B, semak C, semak E, dan semak F yaitu sebesar 6,35 %. Tingginya nilai INP menunjukkan bahwa jenis-jenis tersebut dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sekitarnya yang lebih baik dibanding jenis lainnya.

  3. Analisis Cost-Volume-Profit Kaitannya dengan Perencanaan Laba

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    Rian Andriani


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian  ini adalah untuk menganalisis cost, volume, profit Break Event Point dan Margin Of Safety L.A English Course Baleendah Bandung pada kuartal I – IV. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuntitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi yang memiliki hubungan dengan pokok permasalahan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan metode regresi kuadrat terkecil, break event point dan margin of safety.  Hasil menunjukan, biaya tertinggi terdapat pada kuartal I, volume penjualan  tertinggi terdapat pada kuartal I, laba tertinggi terdapat pada kuartal I, Break Event Point tertinggi terdapat pada kuartal I. Sedangkan Margin of safety (% tertinggi pada kuartal IV yaitu 91.9%. Masalah yang timbul dalam  perencanaan  laba yaitu pertama  pendapatan L.A English Course  naik turun  dalam satu  tahunnya, kedua  kurangnya promosi untuk beberapa program kecuali program regular. Upaya dalam mengatasi masalah yang timbul di L.A English Course yaitu pertama memberikan gratis biaya daftar, dan memberi voucher untuk siswa L.A yang memasukan siswa baru., kedua membagikan brosur, dan menawarkan program L.A. dengan melakukan follow up semua nomor telepon tamu yang pernah berkunjung.

  4. Two-Step Process for ED UTI Screening in Febrile Young Children: Reducing Catheterization Rates. (United States)

    Lavelle, Jane M; Blackstone, Mercedes M; Funari, Mary Kate; Roper, Christine; Lopez, Patricia; Schast, Aileen; Taylor, April M; Voorhis, Catherine B; Henien, Mira; Shaw, Kathy N


    Urinary tract infection (UTI) screening in febrile young children can be painful and time consuming. We implemented a screening protocol for UTI in a high-volume pediatric emergency department (ED) to reduce urethral catheterization, limiting catheterization to children with positive screens from urine bag specimens. This quality-improvement initiative was implemented using 3 Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles, beginning with a small test of the proposed change in 1 ED area. To ensure appropriate patients received timely screening, care teams discussed patient risk factors and created patient-specific, appropriate procedures. The intervention was extended to the entire ED after providing education. Finally, visual cues were added into the electronic health record, and nursing scripts were developed to enlist family participation. A time-series design was used to study the impact of the 6-month intervention by using a p-chart to determine special cause variation. The primary outcome measure for the study was defined as the catheterization rate in febrile children ages 6 to 24 months. The ED reduced catheterization rates among febrile young children from 63% to UTIs among those followed within the hospital's network. A 2-step less-invasive process for screening febrile young children for UTI can be instituted in a high-volume ED without increasing length of stay or missing cases of UTI. Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.


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    Edwin Hendrani


    Full Text Available Seiring berjalannya waktu, Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK di dunia ini semakin berkembang dengan pesat. Permintaan masyarakat akan kebutuhan jasa transportasi semakin tinggi. Kemajuan internet dan canggihnya telepon genggam semakin lama semakin canggih, yang membuat lebih nyaman dan efisiensi untuk memanjakan masyarakat. Dari fenomena tersebut lahirlah Uber. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Technology Acceptance Model (TAM dengan populasi user Uber Kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adopsi aplikasi Uber sebagai penyedia jasa Transportasi di Surabaya. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah di analisis oleh peneliti adalah kepercayaan pengguna dalam mengadopsi aplikasi Uber yang sangat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keinginan seseorang untuk menggunakan aplikasi Uber.

  6. Seguimiento de trayectorias tridimensionales de un quadrotor mediante control PVA

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    Silvia Estellés Martínez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este trabajo presenta el modelado de un quadrotor como un sistema multicuerpo llevado a cabo mediante el software Vehicle- Sim, en el que los diferentes componentes del sistema son descritos mediante una estructura paterno-filial señalando las restricciones físicas entre ellos. Los modelos estructural y aerodinámico han sido desarrollados mediante este software, ampliamente utilizado en la simulación del comportamiento dinámico de vehículos.Sobre el modelo resultante se he desarrollado un algoritmo de control basado en la metodologia PVA con la finalidad de obtener un seguimiento de trayectoria mediante acciones de control suaves. Empleando la metodología convencional de control PVA no es posible estabilizar el vehículo en todos los rangos de posicionamiento lateral (y y longitudinal (x. En este artículo los autores muestran como esta limitación en el diseño de una estrategia de control PVA convencional es solventada con una modificación consistente en sustituir los parámetros constantes del PVA clásico por funciones dependientes del desplazamiento.El sistema de control es implementado para adecuarse a los requerimientos de las actuaciones y se diseña sobre la plataforma de simulación multidominio Simulink. Con la finalidad de obtener una importante mejora en la respuesta de posicionamiento, se im- plementa un generador de trayectorias continuas.Una vez que el modelo es desarrollado y el sistema de control implementado, los autores presentan el modelo matemático y los resultados de las simulaciones realizadas. Éstas validan el empleo tanto de la metodología de control PVA aplicada, como de la alimentación de trayectorias predefinidas, no sólo para la posición, sino también para la velocidad y aceleración. Abstract: In this work the authors present the modelling of a quadrotor as a multibody system carried out with the software VehicleSim, in which the different


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    Naili Farida


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menguji pengaruh brand equity, nilai pelanggan dan lifestyle yang dimediasi kepuasan konsumen terhadap pembelian ulang produk gadget di Kota Semarang. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh konsumen yang telah melakukan pembelian produk gadget merek Samsung, sebanyak 120 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu Partial Least Square (PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh brand equity terhadap kepuasan, namun dalam konteks lifestyle dan nilai pelanggan tidak ada pengaruh terhadap kepuasan. Sedangkan kepuasan menunjukkan adanya pengaruh terhadap pembelian ulang. Diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini mampu meningkatkan pembelian ulang melalui brand equity, lifestyle dan nilai pelanggan dalam konteks kepuasan. The objective of the research was to test the influence of brand equity, customer value and lifestyle which were mediated by consumer satisfaction toward re-purchasing of gadget products in Semarang. The respondents of the study were all consumers who have purchased Samsung gadget products. It was a purposive sampling study with 120 respondents. The data were analyzed by Partial Least Square (PLS. The result of the study showed that there was an influence of brand equity toward satisfaction, but in the lifestyle context and customer value did not give any influence toward satisfaction. Whereas; the satisfaction gave influence toward re-purchase. It is expected that this study can increase the repurchasethrough brand equity, lifestyle and customer values in the satisfaction context.

  8. Analisis Penerapan E-Government di Kabupaten Sragen

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    Yan Andriariza AS


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kabupaten Sragen merupakan salah satu pemerintah kabupaten yang menerapkan e-government dengan baik, dan merupakan kabupaten yang menjadi percontohan dalam suksesnya penerapan e-government. Karenanya perlu untuk dilakukan analisis penerapan e-government di Kabupaten Sragen, sebagai contoh bagi daerah lain dalam membangun e-government di daerah tersebut. Analisa yang dilakukan antara lain melihat seberapa jauh penerapan G2C, G2B dan G2G di Pemerintah Kabupaten Sragen. Selain itu juga dilakukan analisa menggunakan The UN Web Measure Index, dan analisa terakhir melakukan analisa deskriptif untuk 5 faktor kesuksesan penerapan e-government, yaitu Hukum dan Peraturan, Struktur Organisasi, Proses Bisnis, Teknologi Informasi dan Visi, Objektif dan Strategi. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Kabupaten Sragen telah menerapkan G2B dan G2G, serta berada pada tahap awal penerapan G2C, selain itu Kabupaten Sragen juga telah mencapai pemerintahan yang online, tanpa kertas dan transparan. Implementasi e-government di kabupaten Sragen tersebut dapat dikatakan sukses karena telah memenuhi beberapa faktor dalam mencapai kesuksesan implementasi e-government, yaitu hukum dan peraturan, struktur organisasi, teknologi informasi dan visi, objektif dan strategi. Bila dilihat berdasarkan UN Web Measured Index, Kabupaten Sragen telah mencapai tahap 4. Saran yang dapat diberikan melalui penelitian ini adalah untuk unit kerja yang menangani TIK di Kabupaten Sragen akan lebih baik bila dipegang oleh unit kerja setingkat eselon 2 dan perlunya SOP dan peraturan tambahan terkait TIK di Kabupaten Sragen. ABSTRACT Sragen is one of the districts that implement well e-government, and being a model for the successful implementation of e-government. It is necessary to do the analysis of the application of e-government in Sragen, as an example for other regions in developing e-government in the area. Analysis was carried out to see how far the application of G2C

  9. EdF in the core of UK's nuclear industry... before expecting more

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moal, C.


    With the announcement at the end of September 2008 of EdF's friendly takeover bid on British Energy, the French group confirms its will of dominating the European nuclear industry before going back to the assault of the US market. Together, EdF and British Energy (owner of 8 NPPs (9.5 GW) and 1 coal-fired power plant (2 GW)) will make a turnover of 11.9 billion euro with 19800 employees and 85.6 TWh of production. Short paper. (J.S.)

  10. Murray Pittock, ed., The Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Romanticism.

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    Manfred Malzahn


    Full Text Available Murray Pittock, ed., The Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Romanticism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011. Pp. 251. ISBN 978-0-7486-3845-1 (hardback. £ 65.00. ISBN 978-0-7486-3846-8 (paperback. £ 21.99.


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    Jairo Gómez Cuaspud


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se describe la preparación de la perovskita La0,75Sr0,25Co0,5Fe0,5O3 (LaSrCoFeO, empleando una ruta de química húmeda, mediante la polimerización con ácido cítrico y propiónico, con el propósito de obtener materiales para potenciales aplicaciones como membranas de purificación de oxígeno y como materiales electródicos en celdas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFC. Para ello, los sólidos se caracterizaron mediante difracción de rayos X (DRX y microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM, con lo que se obtuvo información sobre la formación y pureza de fases, la morfología, la estructura y las propiedades superficiales de cada sistema, indicando que es posible obtener sólidos con una distribución de grano homogéneo, textura y relieve característicos, en cuyo contexto el método que involucra la polimerización con ácido cítrico mostró los mejores resultados. La composición global se determinó mediante microanálisis de rayos X de energía dispersiva (EDX, y se señaló una buena concordancia entre las composiciones propuestas y obtenidas. La caracterización realizada sugiere la presencia de pequeñas cantidades de carbono y algunos óxidos de lantano, estroncio y cobalto como principales contaminantes, específicamente en la muestra obtenida mediante la polimerización con ácido propiónico.

  12. Analisis Persepsi Leadership dan Kewirausahaan dalam Mencapai Visi Teacherprenuership dan Entrepreneurship (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang)


    Ahwy Oktradiksa


    Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui persepsi leadership dalam mencapai visi teacherpreneurship dan entrepreneurship menurut mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam.(2) Untuk mengetahui analisis leadership dalam mencapai visi teacherpreneurship dan entrepreneurship di Fakultas Agama Islam. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan studi kasus. Metode penelitian dengan analitis deskriptif, metode pengambilan sampel yang diambil dengan purposive sampling, teknik pengambilan data dengan me...

  13. Analisis “Brand Equity” Siaran Berita Stasiun Televisi Swasta Indonesia

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    Arif Sugiono


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keadaan berbagai merek siaran berita stasiun televisi swasta berdasarkan dimensi ekuitas mereknya, dengan memfokuskan pada empat dimensi ekuitas merek, yang meliputi loyalitas merek, kesadaran merek, persepsi kualitas, dan asosiasi merek. Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif, dengan analisis data menggunakan tabulasi dan teknik skala. Hasil penelitian dari dimensi loyalitas merek tiga besar siaran berita secara berurutan adalah Buser, Patroli dan Liputan 6 Petang. Dari dimensi Kesadaran Merek tiga siaran berita yang disebut adalah Buser, Patroli dan Liputan 6 Petang. Dari segi asosiasi merek, Buletin Siang dan Liputan 6 Siang (44%, diasosiasikan sebagai siaran berita yang penyajiannya cepat. Patroli (62% diasosiasikan siaran berita yang penyajiannya akurat (benar dan obyektif Info Manca Negara (56% diasosiasikan sebagai siaran berita yang penyajiannya cukup menarik. Dari dimensi persepsi kualitas yang dijadikan pedoman adalah, kecepatan berita 31%, keakuratan aberita 36%, penyajian berita 33%, dengan urutan merek siaran berita Liputan 6 Siang, Buser, dan Patroli.

  14. Datazione con il radiocarbonio di ceramiche e intonaci preistorici

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    Marco Rossi


    Full Text Available It Vengono presentati i risultati delle analisi al radiocarbonio effettuate su frammenti di intonaco e ceramica provenienti da due siti preistorici datati al Neolitico ed all’età del Rame in Puglia. La datazione è consistita  nell’estrazione del  materiale organico identificato nella matrice inorganica dell’intonaco e della ceramica e nella successiva misura del contenuto di radiocarbonio effettuata mediante il sistema AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry del CEDAD (Centro di Datazione e Diagnostica dell’Università del Salento. Il confronto dei risultati ottenuti con precedenti datazioni radiocarboniche su campioni di carbone e osso e con le informazioni archeologiche sui contesti di scavo ha consentito di verificare la qualità dei dati ottenuti. En We present the results of radiocarbon dating analyses carried out on plaster and pottery sherds found in two prehistoric sites dated to the Neolithic and Copper Age in Apulia. The dating process consisted  in the extraction of organic material identified in the inorganic matrix of the plaster and pottery samples and in the following measurement of the radiocarbon content carried out by AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at CEDAD (centre for Dating and Diagnostics at the University of Salento. The comparison of the obtained results with those previously obtained on charcoal and bone samples and  with the archaeological information on the excavated contexts supported the quality of the obtained data.

  15. The epidemiology of assault-related hospital in-patient admissions and ED attendances.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Farrell, A


    The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology and impact of serious assault warranting in-patient care over six years and its impact on ED attendances in a large teaching hospital in Dublin over 2 years. There were 16,079 emergency assault-related inpatient hospital discharges reducing from 60.1 per 100,000 population in 2005 to 50.6 per 100,000 population in 2010. The median length of stay was 1 day (1-466) representing 49,870 bed days. The majority were young males (13,921, 86.6%; median age 26 years). Overall crime figures showed a similar reduction. However, knife crimes did not reduce over this period. Data on ED attendances confirmed the age and gender profile and also showed an increase at weekends. Alcohol misuse was recorded in 2,292\\/16079 (14%) of in-patient cases and 242\\/2484 (10%) in ED attendances. An inter-sectoral preventative approach specifically targeting knife crime is required to reduce this burden on health services.

  16. Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Kisruh Partai Golkar Pasca Keputusan Menkumham Dalam Program Dialog Primetime News Metro TV Dan Kabar Petang TVOne

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    Etika Widya Kusumadewi


    Full Text Available In the span of 2014 to 2015, the Golkar Party experienced a tumultuous duality of leadership between Aburizal Bakrie and Agung Laksono version. The Government through the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights issued a decree stating Golkar Party Agung Laksono version is a legitimate stewardship. Two national television news station, Metro TV and TVOne, which are both owned by political party leaders, also 'warm' to the conflict on both sides. This study aims to understand, analyze, describe and compare dialog program Primetime News Metro and Evening News TVOne in framing news Golkar chaotic post-issuance of a decree by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights. Data analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis method with the paradigm framing or constructionist approach. This study uses a model framing analytical approach by using categorization Murray Edelman. From the results of research show can be quite impartial Metro while TVOne are beyond reasonable limits. Both seemed to favor and do not promote objectivity. Media ownership is considered to impact content that do both. Pada rentang waktu 2014 hingga 2015 Partai Golkar mengalami kisruh dualisme kepemimpinan yakni Golkar Aburizal Bakrie versi Munas Bali dan Golkar Agung Laksono versi Munas Jakarta. Menkumham kemudian mengeluarkan SK yang semakin membuat panas tubuh partai. Dua media televisi nasional, Metro TV dan TVOne, yang keduanya dimiliki oleh pimpinan partai politik, turut ‘menghangatkan’ konflik kedua kubu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami, menganalisis, mendeskripsikan serta menbandingkan program dialog Primetime News Metro TV dan Kabar Petang TVOne dalam membingkai pemberitaan kisruh partai Golkar pasca dikeluarkannya SK Menkumham yang isinya menyatakan Golkar Agung Laksono adalah kepengurusan yang sah. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis framing dengan paradigma atau pendekatan konstruksionis. Penelitian ini

  17. Effect of advanced age and vital signs on admission from an ED observation unit. (United States)

    Caterino, Jeffrey M; Hoover, Emily M; Moseley, Mark G


    The primary objective was to determine the relationship between advanced age and need for admission from an emergency department (ED) observation unit. The secondary objective was to determine the relationship between initial ED vital signs and admission. We conducted a prospective, observational cohort study of ED patients placed in an ED-based observation unit. Multivariable penalized maximum likelihood logistic regression was used to identify independent predictors of need for hospital admission. Age was examined continuously and at a cutoff of 65 years or more. Vital signs were examined continuously and at commonly accepted cutoffs.We additionally controlled for demographics, comorbid conditions, laboratory values, and observation protocol. Three hundred patients were enrolled, 12% (n = 35) were 65 years or older, and 11% (n = 33) required admission. Admission rates were 2.9% (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.07%-14.9%) in older adults and 12.1% (95% CI, 8.4%-16.6%) in younger adults. In multivariable analysis, age was not associated with admission (odds ratio [OR], 0.30; 95% CI, 0.05-1.67). Predictors of admission included systolic pressure 180 mm Hg or greater (OR, 4.19; 95% CI, 1.08-16.30), log Charlson comorbidity score (OR, 2.93; 95% CI, 1.57-5.46), and white blood cell count 14,000/mm(3) or greater (OR, 11.35; 95% CI, 3.42-37.72). Among patients placed in an ED observation unit, age 65 years or more is not associated with need for admission. Older adults can successfully be discharged from these units. Systolic pressure 180 mm Hg or greater was the only predictive vital sign. In determining appropriateness of patients selected for an ED observation unit, advanced age should not be an automatic disqualifying criterion. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    vivi herlina


    Full Text Available Peran masyarakat untuk memujudkan pembangunan fisik sangat penting sekali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Desa Pungut Hilir, Kecamatan Air Hangat Timur, Kabupaten Kerinci telah diikutsertakan dalam proses pembangunan desa. Namun, terdapat beberapa warga yang tidak ingin ikut terlibat dalam proses pembangunan tersebut. Umumnya masyarakat telah dilibatkan dalam kegiatan pertemuan desa. Terdapat lima indikator analisis partisipasi yang digunakan, yaitu indikator prakarsa/inisiatif, pembiayaan, pengambilan keputusan, mobilisasi tenaga, dan pelaksanaan pembangunan.


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    Sri Kuntjoro


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan analisis sebaran radionuklida pada reaktor daya Atomic Energy Agency (AEC 3568 MWTh, setara dengan 1000 Mwe untuk kondisi operasi normal. Analisis dilakukan untuk dua reaktor yang terpisah sejauh 500 m dan sudut 90o satu dengan yang lain. Langkah awal dalam melakukan analisis adalah menentukan suku sumber reaktor menggunakan program komputer ORIGEN2 dan EMERALD NORMAL. ORIGEN2 digunakan untuk menentukan inventori radionuklida yang terdapat di reaktor. Selanjutnya dengan dengan menggunakan program EMERALD NORMAL dihitung suku sumber yang sampai ke cerobong reaktor. Untuk menganalisis dosis yang diterima penduduk dilakukan dengan menggunakan program PC-CREAM. Perhitungan dilakukan untuk satu dan dua PLTN di calon tapak PLTN. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah sebaran radionuklida terbesar untuk satu PLTN pada jarak 1 km dan kearah zona 9 (191,25o dan untuk dua PLTN pada jarak 1 km dan kearah zona 10 (213,75o. Radionuklida yang sampai ke penduduk melalui dua alur yaitu alur makanan dan hirupan. Untuk alur makanan berasal dari radionuklida I-131, dan terbesar melalui alur produk susu sebesar 53,40 % untuk satu maupun dua PLTN . Untuk alur hirupan ranionuklida pemberi kontribusi paparan terbesar berasal dari Kr-85m sebesar 53,80 %. Dosis total terbesar yang diterima penduduk terdapat pada jarak 1 Km untuk bayi yaitu sebesar 4,10 μSi dan 11,26 μSi untuk satu dan dua PLTN. Hasil ini sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan batas dosis yang diijinkan oleh badan pengawas (BAPETEN untuk penduduk yaitu sebesar 1 mSi. Kata Kunci : Reaktor daya, komputer code, radionuklida, alur makanan, hirupan   Analysis for radionuclide dispersion for the Atomic Energy Agency (AEC 3568 MWth Power Reactor, equal to the 1000 MWe at normal condition has been done. Analysis was done for two piles that is separated by 500 m distance and angle of 90o one to other. Initial pace in doing the analysis is to determine reactors source term using ORIGEN2 and EMERALD NORMAL

  20. Male sexuality and regulation of emotions: a study on the association between alexithymia and erectile dysfunction (ED). (United States)

    Michetti, P M; Rossi, R; Bonanno, D; Tiesi, A; Simonelli, C


    Alexithymia is a multidimensional construct that describes a constellation of personality features characterised by difficulties in differentiating, identifying and communicating emotions. The purpose of the present study was to investigate prevalence of alexithymia in outpatients with erectile dysfunction (ED), both in the psychogenic lifelong type (PLED) and in the acquired one (PAED). ED severity was evaluated with the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and alexithymia was measured using the Italian version of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). The results suggest a high incidence of alexithymic characteristics in patients with psychogenic ED, a positive correlation between the alexithymia level and ED severity in patients with PAED and statistically significant differences in the alexithymia level between the two subgroups PLED and PAED. We assumed that alexithymia contributes to the origin of the PLED, and to a more severe manifestation of ED, once it appears in the acquired form.