
Sample records for mediada pela internet

  1. Instalações interativas mediadas pela tecnologia digital: análise e produção

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    Milton Sogabe


    Full Text Available O presente texto tem dois objetivos em relação às instalações interativas mediadas pela tecnologia digital: o primeiro é criar uma estrutura que ajude a fazer uma análise da obra, uma vez que, usualmente, resumem a obra aos efeitos tecnológicos; o segundo, é apresentar os elementos envolvidos na instalação, para que artistas iniciantes na modalidade tenham referências para pensar um projeto de instalação interativa, que é uma dificuldade muito presente no ensino de arte. Embora o processo criativo não tenha regras, alguns elementos em comum podem ser detectados na maioria das instalações interativas. Apresentamos uma estrutura geral que desenha o processo de funcionamento da instalação e discutimos cada um dos elementos componentes desse sistema. Ao final analisamos uma obra, como aplicação dessa proposta.

  2. Psicoterapia pela Internet: viável ou inviável?

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    Maria Adélia Minghelli Pieta

    Full Text Available A psicoterapia pela internet é uma prática que, no Brasil, só é permitida aos psicólogos na forma de pesquisa. O objetivo do presente artigo foi realizar uma revisão dos estudos em psicoterapia pela internet, discorrendo sobre os recursos e os limites desse atendimento psicológico e suas implicações para a relação terapêutica e para a efetividade do tratamento. São apresentadas questões legais e éticas concernentes à prática. Os resultados apontaram similaridades entre a relação terapêutica online e a presencial, mostrando-se a psicoterapia pela internet efetiva nas mais distintas modalidades, embora a maioria dos estudos seja sobre intervenções cognitivo-comportamentais. As questões legais e éticas podem ser parcialmente solucionadas com diretrizes claras das organizações profissionais e com o treino de terapeutas na modalidade online. Concluímos que a psicoterapia pela internet, embora requeira maiores estudos, anuncia-se como uma prática viável e promissora.

  3. Sentidos e significados da participação democrática através da Internet: uma análise da experiência do Orçamento Participativo Digital

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    Júlio Cesar Andrade de Abreu


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa três edições (2006, 2008 e 2011 do Orçamento Participativo Digital (OPD de Belo Horizonte (MG. Objetiva deslindar os sentidos e significados da participação democrática mediada pela internet nessa experiência. Utiliza-se como método o estudo de caso único, de natureza qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de observação direta nos sítios do OPD e análise documental. Durante a fase de observação direta foram coletadas mensagens e manifestações dos cidadãos que estavam participando do processo. Tais dados foram tratados com o software Atlas TI 6.0®. Conclui-se que tanto o sentido quanto o significado democrático dessa experiência de participação mediadas pela internet são modificados ao longo das edições, indo de grandes impulsos de esperança democrática até a descrença nessa modalidade de participação digital.

  4. The impulsivity in internet purchase A Impulsividade nas Compras pela Internet

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    Luciene Diana Siqueira


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the influence of gender, age, income, and possession of a credit card on the impulsivity in e-commerce. The impulse buying is a type of unplanned purchase, defined as a consumer tendency to buy spontaneously, without reflection, in an immediate way, dominated by emotional attraction and absorbed by the promise of instant gratification. The impulse buying phenomenon, associated to the online retail is still relatively new and extremely important. E-commerce has grown by approximately 40% per year, reaching 23 million e-customers in Brazil in 2010. This study was based on a field survey with institutions of higher education in the Greater ABC region of São Paulo, whose sample consisted of 336 students in undergraduate and postgraduate level. According to the results analysis, the unique variable that showed influence on impulsive behavior in online retail is personal income. This outcome was not noticed in the other variables studied. The impulsivity mean score of the sample was 24,84 points, which could vary between 11 and 77. This suggests that the buying behavior on internet of analyzed students is guidance predominantly non-impulsive.Este artigo investiga a influência do gênero, idade, renda e posse de cartão de crédito sobre a impulsividade no processo de compras pela internet. A compra impulsiva é um tipo de compra não planejada, definida como a tendência do consumidor a comprar espontaneamente, sem reflexão, de forma imediata, dominado pela atração emocional e absorvido pela promessa de gratificação imediata. O fenômeno compra por impulso associado ao varejo online ainda é relativamente novo e de extrema relevância. O comércio eletrônico apresenta crescimento de aproximadamente 40% ao ano, tendo atingido 23 milhões de e-consumidores no Brasil, em 2010. Este estudo foi realizado com base num levantamento de campo junto a instituições de ensino superior na região do Grande ABC/SP, cuja amostra foi

  5. Tecendo Redes, Suportando o Sofrimento: sobre os círculos sociais da loucura

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    Breno Fontes


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo investigar a estrutura das redes sociais não ancoradas territorialmente; são interações mediadas pela Internet, capazes de estruturar laços secundários (predominantemente e primários (de forma ocasional. De forma similar a outras práticas de sociabilidade ancoradas territorialmente, estas, mediadas pela Internet, também são capazes de prover apoio social. Tendo como ponto de partida o conceito de Círculos Sociais desenvolvido por Simmel, procuro construir uma tipologia de práticas de sociabilidades mediadas pela rede mundial de computadores, a partir de informações recolhidas na literatura especializada. A conclusão é que comunidades online de pessoas ligadas ao que designo círculo social de transtorno mental são importantes instrumentos para a criação de apoio social e disseminação de práticas e informações sobre cuidado.

  6. A internet vai à escola: domínio e apropriação de ferramentas culturais The Internet goes to school: mastery and incorporation of cultural tools

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    Marcelo Giordan


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é descrever e analisar o processo de introdução da internet em uma comunidade escolar, e verificar como o domínio e a apropriação da ferramenta cultural e os propósitos da ação mediada condicionam esse processo. A partir da descrição e análise desse processo, identificam-se os elementos condicionantes do domínio e da apropriação das ferramentas culturais, tendo como suposto o conceito de ambientes telemáticos. Definem-se ambientes da internet a partir do conceito de ferramenta cultural e das propriedades da ação mediada. Descreve-se a introdução da internet em uma escola no curso de um programa de formação continuada, de onde se obtêm evidências da determinação dos propósitos e das formas de uso da ferramenta cultural pelos agentes sobre os processos de elaboração de significados, e de apropriação do correio eletrônico pelos professores e pela instituição. Analisam-se as modalidades discursivas observadas nos diálogos para explicar as ações internas e externas realizadas pelos professores, a partir das quais se discute a interação entre a estrutura discursiva e a estrutura das ações mediadas, bem como as funções do diálogo e da ferramenta cultural na elaboração de significados. Apresentam-se razões para se realizarem programas de formação continuada sobre o uso da internet, no interior da escola, justificadas pelas transformações observadas na ambiência de ensino e aprendizagem.The objective of this article is to describe and analyze the process of introduction of the Internet in a school community, and to observe how the mastery and incorporation of the cultural tool and the purposes of the mediated action intervene in that process. From the description and analysis of the process, the elements intervening in the mastery and incorporation of the cultural tools are identified, based on the concept of telematic environments. Internet environments are defined based on the

  7. Experimentação política da amizade em comunidades da internet a partir da teoria dos afetos de Espinosa

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    Lívia Godinho Nery Gomes Azevedo


    Full Text Available A compreensão da amizade em sua qualidade política designa um vínculo privilegiado de abertura à alteridade que permite ao corpo experimentações de afetar outros corpos e por eles ser afetado, cujos efeitos podem suscitar transformações na potência de agir. A concepção do corpo em Espinosa, sustentada pela unidade corpo-alma e capacidade de afeto, constitui um elemento precioso para a compreensão da presença e das intensidades afetivas em jogo nas relações de amizades na internet, as quais excluem contato físico. O presente projeto buscou investigar e analisar a maneira com que as comunidades na internet estão sendo utilizadas favorecendo a experimentação política da amizade. As narrativas revelaram que as comunidades da internet se constituem um espaço propício de trocas de ideias e experiências que aumentam a capacidade de reflexão dos sujeitos. As relações mediadas pela internet também favorecem novos modos de organização política e de exercício da cidadania.

  8. O impacto das características pessoais na intenção de compra pela internet e o papel de mediação da familiaridade e da atitude ante a compra pela internet.

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    Gabriel Marin Garcia


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar, dentro do contexto específico de compras na internet, a relação entre características pessoais e intenções de compra, com o propósito de entender o papel da atitude ante a compra pela internet e da familiaridade do consumidor com compras on-line nessa relação. Uma pesquisa descritiva conclusiva foi elaborada visando compreender o efeito de quatro características pessoais: autoeficácia, inovatividade, necessidade de interação social e necessidade de interação sensorial, na familiaridade, na atitude ante a compra pela internet e na intenção de compra on-line. Com base na literatura, um modelo foi construído e testado, usando análise fatorial confirmatória para avaliar o modelo de medidas e análise de equações estruturais para testar as hipóteses deste trabalho. Ao todo, foram aplicados 233 questionários, e os resultados indicaram que existe uma relação significativa entre as características pessoais estudadas e familiaridade com compras na internet. A necessidade de interação social apresentou impacto direto na familiaridade e na atitude, destacando-se como uma característica-chave no processo de compra on-line. Ainda, como resultado, confirmou-se que a familiaridade medeia as relações entre as características pessoais e a atitude ante a compra na internet. Esta última exerce papel central na formação do comportamento de compra, sendo fortemente influenciada pela familiaridade e influenciando diretamente as intenções de compra. Como implicação teórica deste trabalho, tem-se o exame de questões ainda pouco exploradas no campo de conhecimento do comportamento do consumidor on-line, como o papel das características pessoais e da atitude na intenção de compra on-line. Como implicação gerencial, este trabalho proporciona aos administradores um entendimento maior sobre os fatores que influenciam a compra eletrônica.

  9. O impacto das características pessoais na intenção de compra pela internet e o papel de mediação da familiaridade e da atitude ante a compra pela internet


    Marin Garcia, Gabriel; Santos, Cristiane Pizzutti dos


    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar, dentro do contexto específico de compras na internet, a relação entre características pessoais e intenções de compra, com o propósito de entender o papel da atitude ante a compra pela internet e da familiaridade do consumidor com compras on-line nessa relação. Uma pesquisa descritiva conclusiva foi elaborada visando compreender o efeito de quatro características pessoais: autoeficácia, inovatividade, necessidade de interação social e necessidade d...

  10. Comunidades de aprendizaje mediadas por redes informáticas Comunidades de aprendizagem mediadas pelas redes informáticas Computer-Network-Mediated Learning Communities

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    Luis Facundo Maldonado-Granado


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe los resultados de la investigación titulada "Simas y Coolmodes en el desarrollo de competencias básicas: una experiencia de formación de comunidad de aprendizaje mediada tecnológicamente", desarrollada en el Colegio INEM de la ciudad de Bucaramanga (Colombia, y en la que también participaron dos colegios de Cundinamarca. El desarrollo implicó la conformación de tres comunidades de aprendizaje, que incluían: investigadores (interactuaron dos grupos consolidados y tres grupos en proceso de consolidación, docentes (se involucraron docentes en cuatro asignaturas diferentes en los tres colegios y estudiantes. Estas comunidades interactuaron mediante la formulación de actividades de aprendizaje mediado por tecnologías, entre las cuales se encontraba un software de representación de conocimiento utilizando ontologías (Simas, un software para la representación gráfica y solución colaborativa de problemas (Coolmodes y una plataforma web para fomentar la construcción de la comunidad (portal Colombia aprende. Se hace una descripción del proceso de construcción de la comunidad y un análisis de los productos obtenidos en las cuatro asignaturas con el uso de los diferentes ambientes informáticos. Se identifican como factores determinantes en la conformación de la comunidad: la calidad de la plataforma tecnológica, las habilidades en el manejo de tecnologías y su uso preponderante en actividades de entretenimiento, y la actitud y cultura de los actores hacia el trabajo colaborativo.Neste artigo são descritos os resultados da pesquisa Simas e Coolmodes no desenvolvimento de competências básicas: uma experiência de formação de comunidade de aprendizagem mediada tecnologicamente, levada ao cabo na escola INEM da cidade de Bucaramanga, Colômbia. Nesta pesquisa participaram também duas escolas do departamento de Cundinamarca. Foram conformados três comunidades de aprendizagem: pesquisadores (interatuaram dois

  11. A imagem das adolescentes na web: a busca pela corporeidade espetacular


    Almeida, Mariane Tojeira Cara


    Desde meados do século XX, as adolescentes utilizam os recursos da comunicação interpessoal mediada com fins de sociabilidade, tendo como primeiro meio o telefone fixo, que perdurou até o final dos anos 1990. No início do século XXI, com o advento das redes sociais, a invisibilidade corporal da telefonia fixa foi suplantada pela extra-visibilidade das fotografias digitais postadas em páginas pessoais. Trata-se de imagens detalhadamente trabalhadas para apresentarem uma corpo...



    Carvalho, Juliana Del Secchi Dias de; Silva, Wesley Vieira da; Del Corso, Jansen Maia; Tortato, Ubiratã


    O risco percebido é considerado como um dos grandes entraves para o crescimento da Internet como canal de compras. A inovação que este artigo propõe para os estudos desta temática é a avaliação do risco percebido nas compras pela Internet sob uma perspectiva de gênero, motivada por estudos precedentes que revelaram uma significativa maior adesão a este comércio por parte dos homens, que seriam também mais propensos a assumir riscos. Para tanto, foi realizado uma estudo quantitativo, com corte...

  13. Papel da via de sinalização mediada por Ire1 e Xbp1 na diferenciação de fotoreceptores em Drosophila


    Coelho, Dina Raquel da Silva, 1984-


    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Biologia Molecular Humana). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009 O mecanismo de Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) protege as células do stress no retículo endoplasmático (RE) causado pela acumulação de proteínas misfolded no seu lúmen. Este mecanismo leva à activação de um conjunto de vias de sinalização que aumenta a capacidade de folding de proteínas no RE. No presente trabalho, analisámos o papel da via do UPR mediada por Ire1 e Xbp1 no desenvolv...

  14. Predição de pré-eclâmpsia em suas formas tardia e precoce pela dilatação fluxo-mediada da artéria braquial

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    Augusto Henriques Fulgêncio Brandão


    Full Text Available Objetivo:Avaliar a capacidade de predição das formas precoce e tardia da pré-eclâmpsia pela dilatação fluxo-mediada da artéria braquial (FMD, marcador biofísico de disfunção endotelial.Materiais e Métodos:Um total de 91 pacientes de alto risco para desenvolvimento de pré-eclâmpsia foi submetido a FMD entre 24 e 28 semanas de gestação.Resultados:Das pacientes selecionadas, 19 desenvolveram pré-eclâmpsia, sendo 8 em sua forma precoce e 11 em sua forma tardia. Usando-se um valor de corte de 6,5%, a sensibilidade (S da FMD para predição de pré-eclâmpsia precoce foi 75,0%, com especificidade (E de 73,3%, valor preditivo positivo (VPP de 32,4% e valor preditivo negativo (VPN de 91,9%. Para predição de pré-eclâmpsia tardia, encontrou-se valor de S de 83,3%, E de 73,2%, VPP de 34,4% e VPN de 96,2%. Para a predição de todas as formas associadas de pré-eclâmpsia, encontrou-se valor de S de 84,2%, E de 73,6%, VPP de 45,7% e VPN de 94,6%.Conclusão:A FMD se mostrou uma ferramenta com boa capacidade de predição de pré-eclâmpsia, nas suas formas tardia e precoce, o que pode representar um impacto positivo no acompanhamento de gestantes de alto risco para desenvolvimento dessa síndrome.


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    silvia novaes zilber


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever o modelo de negócio dos criadores e distribuidores de conteúdo da indústria fonográfica a partir do uso da Internet, entendida como inovação.. O método empregado foi o estudo de casos múltiplos, com quatro criadores de conteúdo (artistas e dois distribuidores de conteúdo (uma major- Sony- e uma indie.Os resultados mostraram transformações no produto (digital ao invés de suporte físico, distribuição- feita por lojas virtuais, ocorrendo a desintermediação, possibilitando artistas conectarem-se diretamente a seus clientes, e faturamento aumentado para artistas e distribuidores indie, que se beneficiaram da divulgação pela Internet, enquanto que distribuidoras major não perceberam esse aumento, talvez devido à pirataria.

  16. Lesao pulmonar induzida pela ventilacao em recem-nascidos prematuros

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    Clarissa Gutierrez Carvalho


    Full Text Available A necessidade de intubação e do uso de ventilação mecânica na prematuridade está relacionada à chamada lesão pulmonar induzida pela ventilação e à consequente displasia broncopulmonar. Busca-se a melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de lesão envolvendo resposta inflamatória mediada pelas citocinas para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias protetoras. Pesquisou-se na base de dados PubMed, incluindo artigos relevantes, os unitermos "ventilator induced lung injury preterm", "continuous positive airway pressure", "preterm" e "bronchopulmonary dysplasia". Dados e informações significativas foram compilados em tópicos, com o objetivo de formar uma visão crítica e plena acerca da lesão induzida pela ventilação e de suas consequências ao prematuro. Foi revisado o papel das citocinas pró-inflamatórias como mediadores da lesão, especialmente interleucinas 6 e 8, e fator de necrose tumoral alfa. Foram apresentadas evidências em estudos com animais e também em humanos, mostrando que breves períodos de ventilação mecânica são suficientes para a liberação dessas interleucinas inflamatórias. Também foram revisadas outras formas de ventilação mecânica e de ventilação não invasiva, como alternativas protetoras aos modos convencionais. Concluiu-se que o uso de ventilação não invasiva, a intubação com administração precoce de surfactante e a extubação rápida para CPAP nasal, além de estratégias que regulam o volume corrente evitando o volutrauma (como a ventilação com volume garantido, são medidas protetoras da lesão pulmonar induzida pela ventilação mecânica no prematuro.

  17. Gêneros jornalísticos: práticas em sala de aula mediadas pelo uso das tecnologias digitais

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    Claudia de Faria Barbeta


    Full Text Available O presente artigo descreve a aplicação de uma sequência didática elaborada com base nos gêneros da esfera jornalística e mediada pelas tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação, buscando contribuir para o ensino e metodologia da Língua Portuguesa. Foram desenvolvidas atividades durante a sequência didática dentro dos planos de ação, discursivo e linguístico-discursivo, de acordo com a proposta de Dolz, Noverraz e Schneuwly. O trabalho com gêneros tem sido promissor no que se revele o uso da língua, a ponto de Dolz e Schnewly os dominarem de megainstrumento. Além de favorecer a leitura de textos e uma maior habilidade na escrita, essa técnica de ensino, além de outras vantagens e implicações, traz estreita correlação com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – Língua Portuguesa (PCNLP e as Diretrizes Curriculares Estaduais – PR (DCE.

  18. A Moderação-Mediada do Sistema de Controle na Ambidestria

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    Valter da Silva Faia


    Full Text Available As demandas solicitadas pelos clientes conduzem os funcionários da linha de frente a buscar objetivos simultâneos que competem entre si por recursos. Funcionários que demonstram a capacidade de atender objetivos simultâneos são denominados ambidestros e são favorecidos quando há fatores organizacionais que os permitem e os encorajam a fazer seu próprio julgamento sobre como aplicar os recursos na conquista dos objetivos. Neste trabalho, ampliamos a discussão da ambidestria do nível organizacional para o nível individual e propomos que a ambidestria provisão de serviços e cross-/up-selling apresenta um efeito condicional ao explicar o desempenho. Especificamente, este efeito condicional significa que a ambidestria é mediadora do efeito da locomoção no desempenho, sendo esse efeito indireto moderado pelo sistema de controle de vendas. Fizemos uma pesquisa descritiva do tipo survey com 118 funcionários de laboratórios. Os achados mostraram que a orientação para locomoção se relaciona positivamente com o comportamento ambidestro do indivíduo; que a presença de um sistema de controle por resultado modera a relação locomoção-ambidestria, amplificando-a; e que essa relação moderada foi mediada pela ambidestria, quando explicando o desempenho.

  19. Estudos sobre a ação mediada no ensino de Física em ambiente virtual

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    Pedro Alexandre Lopes de Souza


    A nova geração da internet tem notoriamente se apresentado como fator decisivo nas tomadas de rumo da sociedade por meio da utilização de diversas ferramentas interativas, o que possibilita (reconstruir conhecimento. Nela, tudo é cada vez mais dinâmico e a interação é cada vez mais natural, tanto em termos visuais, quanto em sua linguagem de programação. Assim, as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs, em especial a Web 2.0, tem-se incorporado a processos educativos. Este artigo versa sobre a representação de modelos científicos utilizando aplicativos computacionais. Assim, planejamos e desenvolvemos um produto tecnológico (portal interativo, utilizando os recursos da Web 2.0 tendo em vistas sua utilização como ferramenta da ação mediada de ensino e aprendizagem de física. Discorremos sobre como essa forma de apresentação se insere na aula de ciências/física e descrevemos suas funcionalidades. Esta é uma investigação que se caracteriza como uma pesquisa participante. Neste caso assumimos duas posições, pois representamos os professores de ciências que ensinam para a sociedade tecnológica e os membros desta sociedade tecnológica, isto é, representa-se a sala de aula de física condicionada por novas formas de comunicação a partir de posições definidas e legitimadas nesta estrutura social. Nossos resultados demonstram que a configuração do Ealuno permite diferentes meios de registro e representação da realidade que lhe confere utilidade na ação mediada, e esta utilidade está no poder de interatividade e no acesso a ambientes virtuais, permitindo oferecer aos usuários interação e motivação, para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de física.

  20. Consentimento dos conectados: a luta mundial pela internet livre

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    Elaine Cristina Xiol y Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resenha: A presente obra não se trata de um mero apanhado dos recentes movimentos de protestos e revoluções sociais que se utilizaram da internet como instrumentário para busca da democracia, mas, sim, é o resultado de uma vasta pesquisa sobre a evolução da internet e suas políticas de uso atualmente existentes em todo o mundo. Rebecca Mackinnon, conhecida jornalista e ativista do movimento da internet livre , faz um alerta sobre o tema. Seu intuito é atrair a atenção dos leitores para o verdadeiro papel e poder das tecnologias da internet e das redes digitais. O cerne da discussão envolve o fato de as grandes corporações e os governos que constroem, operam e supervisionam o espaço cibernético, ainda não serem suficientemente responsabilizados pelos abusos perpetrados contra a vida e a identidade das pessoas que se utilizam das redes digitais. A obra também examina algumas questões polêmicas das políticas de uso presentes em inúmeros debates nacionais e internacionais como a privacidade online, a regulação da neutralidade da rede, questões de liberdade de expressão e de direitos autorais. Aparentemente vivenciamos um “novo contrato social, no qual os indivíduos dão ao Estado o poder sobre a informação em troca de segurança e da conveniência de se viver no mundo moderno”.

  1. Um estudo qualitativo sobre as representações utilizadas por professores e alunos para significar o uso da internet


    Fabiano Simões Corrêa


    Este estudo inscreve-se no contexto da cibercultura, entendida como um conjunto de técnicas (materiais e intelectuais), de práticas, de atitudes, de modos de pensamento e de valores que se desenvolvem articuladamente com o crescimento do ciberespaço. Entendemos que a subjetividade não é o campo em que os objetos são interpretados, mas sim o produto de movimentos interpessoais e de relações sociais mediadas pela linguagem. Sendo assim, colocamos o discurso no centro das investigações sobre os ...

  2. Decisão de Compras Pela Internet: Uma Análise a Partir do Tempo de Utilização de Mídias Sociais e da Interatividade com a Marca

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    Maicon Souza Menegatti


    Full Text Available Diversas variáveis que podem motivar ou inibir a realização de uma compra no comércio eletrônico ainda merecem investigações. Neste artigo analisamos especificamente a influência da percepção de tempo de utilização de mídias sociais e o grau de interatividade com a marca sobre as compras declaradas pela internet. A investigação foi realizada a partir de 99 questionários aplicados a usuários de mídias sociais por meio do método bola de neve. A partir de modelos de regressão linear múltipla foram testadas duas hipóteses de pesquisa. Os resultados fornecem fortes indícios de que o grau de interatividade com a marca influencia de forma positiva e significante a compra declarada pela internet, verificamos também que a percepção do tempo de utilização das mídias sociais não interfere na compra. Estes resultados ampliam a compreensão sobre os potenciais fatores que explicam o comportamento de compras online, sendo esta a principal contribuição deste artigo.

  3. Characterization of insulin and leptin signaling in the hypothalamus of rodents during cancer induced anorexia


    Eduardo Rochete Ropelle


    Resumo: A síndrome anorexia-caquexia é observada em cerca de 80% dos pacientes com câncer em estágio avançado e contribui diretamente para o aumento da morbidade e mortalidade desses pacientes. Postula-se que a patogênese da anorexia do câncer seja mediada por persistentes sinais anorexigênicos no hipotálamo, contribuindo com a redução da ingestão alimentar e do peso corporal. No presente estudo, demonstramos que as vias anorexigênicas mediadas pela insulina e pela leptina no hipotálamo estão...

  4. Decisão de Compras Pela Internet: Uma Análise a Partir do Tempo de Utilização de Mídias Sociais e da Interatividade com a Marca


    Maicon Souza Menegatti; Ivano Ribeiro; Marcelo Roger Meneghatti; Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra


    Diversas variáveis que podem motivar ou inibir a realização de uma compra no comércio eletrônico ainda merecem investigações. Neste artigo analisamos especificamente a influência da percepção de tempo de utilização de mídias sociais e o grau de interatividade com a marca sobre as compras declaradas pela internet. A investigação foi realizada a partir de 99 questionários aplicados a us...

  5. Marketing de Relacionamento sob a influência da Internet Relationship Marketing under the influence of the Internet

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    Sandra Sayuri Yamashita Nakagawa


    Full Text Available A evolução tecnológica favorece o surgimento de novas formas de oferta de produtos e serviços pelas empresas a seus clientes, acarretando efeitos sobre vários aspectos da organização e da sociedade. Um dos agentes que têm atuado nessa transformação é a Internet, por meio do comércio eletrônico. Como se posiciona o Marketing de Relacionamento quando as relações com o cliente passam a se dar prioritariamente pelo computador? Neste artigo, acentua-se a discussão sobre os elementos do Marketing de Relacionamento a serem gerenciados, contornados, assimilados ou aproveitados em benefício das empresas, trazidos pela Internet ou já presentes em sua realidade, porém sob influência do novo contexto, visando à manutenção ou desenvolvimento de vantagem competitiva nas empresas. Por meio de pesquisa exploratória na forma de estudo de multicasos com empresas atuantes no mercado consumidor, sediadas na Grande São Paulo, este estudo proporciona, enfim, uma reflexão acerca das práticas de Marketing de Relacionamento, da implementação de melhorias nos sites das empresas e das mútuas interferências entre as questões inerentes ao Marketing de Relacionamento e as operações pela internet.Technological advances favor new ways of offering products and services by companies to their clients thereby affecting various aspects of the organizations and society. One of the agents playing a role in this transformation is the Internet by means of electronic commerce. How does Relationship Marketing position itself when relations with the client become essentially carried out by means of the computer? A discussion is highlighted about the elements of Relationship Marketing to be managed, overcome, assimilated or used in benefit of the companies with results from the Internet or those already active, however under the influence of this new context, seeking to maintain or develop competitive advantages. An exploratory research was conducted in

  6. O Treinamento de Clientes e sua Relação com a Intenção de Uso do Internet Banking

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    Marcos Paulo Albarello Friedrich


    Full Text Available O número de usuários do internet banking no Brasil cresceu muito rápido nos últimos anos, alcançando mais de 37 milhões (Febraban, 2013. Esse sistema é uma excelente ferramenta para redução de filas bancárias, porém do total de usuários, somente 20% faz suas transações financeiras pela internet, o restante utiliza apenas para consultas. Partindo desses dados e com intuito de ampliar o uso do sistema, esse estudo busca identificar qual o impacto do treinamento em internet banking sobre a intenção de uso desse sistema mediado pela percepção de risco, pela confiança e pela facilidade de uso percebida. Realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva/quantitativa com coleta de dados através de questionário online. Os resultados apresentaram valores significativos para ambas as variáveis mediadoras e permitiu inferir-se que o treinamento em internet banking amplia a intenção de uso de maneira indireta, através da redução da percepção de risco e do aumento da facilidade de uso percebida e da confiança.

  7. Espionagem corporativa por meio da internet e segurança da informação nas empresas brasileiras


    Freitas, Vitor Hugo das Dores


    Para a consecução de seus objetivos em mercado altamente competitivo as empresas utilizam informações confidenciais estratégicas, que se constituem em seu ativo mais valioso, as quais trafegam pela Internet e redes internas de computadores. Este ativo é visado pela espionagem corporativa praticada por meio da Internet, cuja atividade vem crescendo em escala global. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em saber se existem condições legais, normas de segurança padronizadas e tecnologia para as empr...



    Kuok-Wa Chao Chao


    Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación acerca del uso de las estrategias mediadas por tecnología de la información y comunicación (TIC) con las herramientas Exelearning, Aula Virtual de Apoyo de Metics y Audacity, en el curso de Expresión Oral I, específicamente en el módulo de Fonética de las carreras de Bachillerato en Francés y Bachillerato en la Enseñanza del Francés, durante el primer semestre de 2013, en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Esta investigación de tipo cualit...

  9. Internet e livro: uma falsa dicotomia

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    Dulce Maria Baptista


    Full Text Available A partir da agilização das rotinas burocráticas de empresas e de instituições governamentais possibilitada pelo advento do computador e da internet, analisa-se a influência das novas tecnologias no mundo do livro, da leitura e das bibliotecas. Diferentes autores sugerem que, ao invés de uma simples substituição do livro pela internet, há uma tendência no sentido da coexistência e da convergência dessas mídias. A preservação da fonte primária ganha relevância no ambiente da informação eletrônica.

  10. Estrategias didácticas mediadas con TIC en un curso Expresión Oral francesa


    Kuok-Wa Chao Chao


    Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación acerca del uso de las estrategias mediadas por tecnología de la información y comunicación (TIC) con las herramientas Exelearning, Aula Virtual de Apoyo de Metics y Audacity, en el curso de Expresión Oral I, específicamente en el módulo de Fonética de las carreras de Bachillerato en Francés y Bachillerato en la Enseñanza del Francés, durante el primer semestre de 2013, en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Esta investigación de tipo cualit...

  11. Internet and Archival Science: archival institutions, users and Access to Information Act


    Mariz, Anna Carla Almeida


    Breve abordagem sobre aspectos teóricos e técnicos que caracterizam os processos de transferência da informação difundida pelas instituições arquivísticas públicas brasileiras na internet. Para tal, foram empreendidas pesquisas empíricas com o objetivo de verificar as relações da internet com os arquivos públicos, com seus usuários e com a Lei de Acesso à Informação. Foram utilizadas consultas aos sites de instituições arquivísticas públicas brasileiras na internet e entrevistas com usuários ...

  12. Estrategias didácticas mediadas con TIC en un curso de expresión oral francesa


    Chao Chao, Kuok-Wa


    Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación acerca del uso de las estrategias mediadas por tecnología de la información y comunicación (TIC) con las herramientas Exelearning, Aula Virtual de Apoyo de Metics y Audacity, en el curso de Expresión Oral I, específicamente en el módulo de Fonética de las carreras de Bachillerato en Francés y Bachillerato en la Enseñanza del Francés, durante el primer semestre de 2013, en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Esta investigación de tipo cualit...

  13. Tecnologia e participação social no processo de produção e consumo de bens culturais: novas possibilidades trazidas pelas práticas letradas digitais mediadas pela Internet Technology and social participation in the process of production and consumption of cultural goods: new opportunities offered by digital literacy practices mediated by the Internet

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    Denise Bértoli Braga


    Full Text Available O presente artigo reflete sobre os limites sócio-estruturais que impedem a participação social mais ampla dos grupos economicamente desfavorecidos. O texto argumenta que, embora a Internet não garanta tal participação, ela propicia novos espaços para circulação social em práticas letradas diversas, inclusive aquelas de natureza hegemônica. Para ilustrar essa questão o artigo discute dados de uma entrevista realizada com um jovem líder que atua em uma comunidade localizada na periferia da cidade de Campinas, São Paulo. Os argumentos e colocações apresentados pelo entrevistado nos levam a refletir sobre a democratização dos modos de produção e consumo do conhecimento, em geral, e sobre a possibilidade de apropriação das TICs por comunidades periféricas, em particular.The present paper focuses on the limits socio-structurally imposed to exclude the social participation of economically disadvantaged groups in different spheres of cultural production and consumption. The paper argues that, although not guaranteeing new modes of participation, the Internet offers new virtual spaces that broaden the access to diversified ways of social circulation and participation in digital literacy practices, including those hegemonic in nature. To illustrate some of these major issues the study focuses on the data of an interview given by a young leader from a peripheral community located on the outskirts of the city of Campinas, São Paulo. The statements and arguments presented by the interviewee lead us to reflect on the process of democratization of knowledge production and consumption, in general, and about ICT appropriation by peripheral communities, in particular.

  14. Interacción mediada por computadora: del texto a la acción

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    Eric Efrain Solano-Uscanga


    Full Text Available La integración de los sistemas computacionales al campo de la Educación no es una situación nueva. Sin embargo, la inclusión de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC representa un reto teórico, metodológico y práctico para las nociones convencionales acerca de la Educación, los medios de comunicación y su uso. El estudio de esta situación se ha abordado desde dos perspectivas fundamentales con abordajes distintos: (i las teorías de comunicación a través del concepto de Comunicación Mediada por Computadoras (CMC y ii distintos modelos tecnoeducativos fundamentados en teorías psicológicas. Este artículo analiza las propuestas y su lógica de funcionamiento.

  15. Propuestas para la investigavción en comunicación audiovisual: publicidad social y creación colectiva en Internet / Research proposals for audiovisual communication: social advertising and collective creation on the internet

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    Teresa Fraile Prieto


    Full Text Available Resumen: La sociedad de la información digital plantea nuevos retos a los investigadores. A mediada que la comunicación audiovisual se ha consolidado como disciplina, los estudios culturales se muestran como una perspectiva de análisis ventajosa para acercarse a las nuevas prácticas creativas y de consumo del medio audiovisual. Este artículo defiende el estudio de los productos culturales audiovisuales que esta sociedad digital produce por cuanto son un testimonio de los cambios sociales que se operan en ella. En concreto se propone el acercamiento a la publicidad social y a los objetos de creación colectiva en Internet como medio para conocer las circunstancias de nuestra sociedad. Abstract: The information society poses new challenges to researchers. While audiovisual communication has been consolidated as a discipline, cultural studies is an advantageous analytical perspective to approach the new creative practices and consumption of audiovisual media. This article defends the study of audiovisual cultural products produced by the digital society because they are a testimony of the social changes taking place in it. Specifically, it proposes an approach to social advertising and objects of collective creation on the Internet as a means to know the circumstances of our society.

  16. Interação terapêutica em saúde mental usando a teoria da aprendizagem mediada Interacción terapéutica en la salud mental usando la teoría de aprendizaje mediada Therapeutical interaction in mental health using the mediated learning theory

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    Ana Cristina Barros da Cunha


    Full Text Available A relação terapeuta/paciente de saúde mental e as consequências do padrão interativo entre ambos foram discutidas com base na Teoria da Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada, proposta por R. Feuerstein. Usando uma proposta de operacionalização da Escala de Avaliação de Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada de C. S. Lidz, analisou-se o padrão de mediação adotado por uma terapeuta na interação com dois pacientes. Terapeuta e pacientes foram observados em 15 sessões de interação em atividades de socialização. Os dados foram transcritos em registro cursivo e analisados segundo a proposta de operacionalização citada. Os resultados mostraram que a terapeuta adotou um padrão de mediação adequado nos principais critérios da Escala. Isto, por sua vez, demonstrou que a terapeuta intencionalmente envolvia os pacientes nas atividades propostas, enfatizando e atribuindo valor positivo às atitudes destes; além disso, a terapeuta se referia aos eventos do passado/futuro para estabelecer relações entre os elementos envolvidos na atividade e o conhecimento do paciente em seu processo de aprendizagem.La relación entre el terapeuta y el paciente de la salud mental y las consecuencias del modelo de interacción entre ambos fueron examinadas utilizando la Teoría de Aprendizaje Mediada, ofertada por R. Feuerstein. Usando una aplicación práctica de la propuesta de la Escala de Avaliación de Experiencia de Aprendezaje Mediada de C. S. Lidz, se analizó el patrón de mediacción que una terapeuta ha adoptado con dos pacientes. La terapeuta y el paciente se observaron en 15 situacciones de interacción en actividades de socialización. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando una aplicación práctica de la propuesta anterior. Los resultados demostraron que la terapeuta ha adoptado un excelente modelo de mediación para los principales criterios de la escala. Se mostró que el terapeuta intencionalmente envolvía los pacientes em las

  17. Internet y psicopatología: las nuevas formas de comunicación y su relación con diferentes índices de psicopatología

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    Full Text Available Algunos estudios apuntan la posibilidad de que Internet pudiera ser una fuente de posibles alteraciones conductuales. De entre las diversas aplicaciones consideradas adictivas, destacan aquellas basadas en nuevas formas de comunicación tecnológicamente mediada que, como el chat, permiten la interacción del usuario con múltiples personas en tiempo real. Mediante este trabajo se pretende conocer cual es el grado de utilización de Internet en la población de estudiantes universitarios, y, junto con el perfil de los usuarios del chat, si un uso excesivo de la red está asociado a una mayor psicopatología. Para ello, un total de 1277 estudiantes han participado voluntariamente en este estudio. Además de autoinformar sobre el uso de la red (frecuencia de conexión, duración y tipo de páginas consultadas han cumplimentado la BHS, el BDI y la SCL-90-R. Los resultados señalan una asociación estadística entre un mayor uso de Internet (principalmente del chat y diferentes índices psicopatológicos (depresión, ansiedad y alteraciones del sueño.



    Alicia Rita Águeda Collado


    El presente trabajo describe una experiencia pedagógica centrada en los procesos de escritura en la clase de inglés como lengua-cultura extranjera (LCE), mediada por TIC. Esta experiencia, llevada a cabo en 5to año B del nivel secundario del Instituto Santo Tomás de Aquino de la ciudad de San Luis, fue diseñada a partir de la concepción de procesos de escritura desarrollada por Nunan (1999), Harmer (2007) y White y Luppi (2010), y a partir de los lineamientos plasmados en los Núcleos de Apren...

  19. Um novo espaço para os jovens: estudo sobre a internet no mundo adolescente chinês

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    Zhang, Fang fang


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda e analisa a situação atual do uso e influência da Internet no mundo adolescente chinês. A pesquisa pretende conhecer as características dos internautas adolescentes chineses, esclarecer as peculiaridades e mudanças ocorridas em função da utilização da Internet, estudar e debater as influências exercidas pela Internet sobre a vida dos adolescentes chineses, ou seja, as relações entre a utilização da Internet e o estudo, a diversão, a comunicação interpessoal, os pensamentos e os comportamentos do adolescente

  20. Violência, mulheres e atendimento psicológico na Amazônia e no Distrito Federal

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    Madge Porto


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo é conhecer como os psicólogos/as entendem questões referentes à identificação da violência contra as mulheres nos atendimentos que realizam e como explicam as motivações para que algumas delas permaneçam em relações mediadas pela violência. O estudo é de caráter exploratório, descritivo e qualitativo, e para a coleta de dados utilizou-se a internet. Foram obtidos 24 questionários online de psicólogos/as inscritos/as no CRP 01. Foi constatado que estes/as identificam a violência principalmente quando expressada verbalmente pela mulher agredida e que apenas duas utilizam instrumento especifico de identificação desse tipo de experiência chamado screening. Foram apontadas como as principais causas de algumas mulheres permanecerem em situações de violência as dependências econômica e emocional e ainda os ganhos secundários que elas poderiam obter nessas relações. Conclui-se que se faz necessário aprofundar os estudos sobre o papel dos psicólogos e da psicologia clínica no contexto da violência contra as mulheres.

  1. Pornografia infantil na Internet: violência sexual ou pornografia?

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    Tatiana Savoia Landini


    Full Text Available O artigo versa sobre a proliferação da pornografia infantil na internet. Argumento que uma possível explicação para o aumento dessa troca seja o não entendimento, por parte dos internautas, de que a pornografia infantil é uma forma de violência sexual contra a criança. Essa visão é engendrada pela especificidades da troca desse tipo de material na rede.

  2. Pornografia infantil na Internet: violência sexual ou pornografia?


    Tatiana Savoia Landini


    O artigo versa sobre a proliferação da pornografia infantil na internet. Argumento que uma possível explicação para o aumento dessa troca seja o não entendimento, por parte dos internautas, de que a pornografia infantil é uma forma de violência sexual contra a criança. Essa visão é engendrada pela especificidades da troca desse tipo de material na rede.

  3. Value Education on Pela Tradition (An Ethnographic Study of Ambonese

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    Frans Thomas


    Full Text Available Pendidikan Nilai dalam Tradisi Pela (Kajian Etnografis Masyarakat Ambon Abstract: The value that has meaning in pela tradition in Ambon society is something that has been handled as personally and can be internalized in human behaviour. The reality of pela tradition value order has been processing in institutionalized as the education direction of social values. The purpose of this qualitative research is to describe the values in the tradition of pela for educational value in Ambon community. The Exposure to the data, data explanation and understanding of discourse data tradition of pela is done in depth. The Study of pela discourse tradition with hermeneutics gives holistic-emic views of how the tradition of pela is able to package and legitimize the Ambonese community life philosophy. The results of the study describes the values in the tradition of pela include (1 the value of religion that regulates the dimensions of God in human life, (2 the value of the philosophy that is universal and will be impacted by the ending value and subjectivity, and (3 the value of ethical consequences of individual responsibility in achieving a moral obligation. Key Words: value education, culture, pela tradition Abstrak: Nilai yang memiliki arti dalam tradisi pela masyarakat Ambon adalah sesuatu yang telah diberikan sejak turun temurun secara pribadi dan dapat diinternalisasi dalam perilaku manusia. Pada kenyataannya, nilai pada tradisi pela telah dilembagakan menjadi arahan dalam pendidikan nilai-nilai sosial. Tujuan penelitian kualitatif ini adalah menggambarkan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam tradisi pela sebagai pendidikan nilai masyarakat Ambon. Paparan data, cara penjelasan data, dan pemahaman data wacana tradisi pela dilakukan secara mendalam. Kajian wacana tradisi pela dengan ancangan hermeneutika memberikan gambaran holistik-emik tentang bagaimana tradisi pela mampu mengemas dan melegitimasi falsafah hidup komunitas masyarakat Ambon. Hasil

  4. Um modelo de avaliação da presença na internet


    Reis, Cristiana Mascarenhas


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. O avanço tecnológico tem promovido modificações relevantes na forma como as empresas interagem com o mercado e com outras empresas, sendo a Internet um dos maiores reflexos destas modificações. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliação dos recursos utilizados pelas empresas na Internet e seu estágio de evolução, res...


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    Lúcia Cristina Vargas Machado


    Full Text Available O dinamismo do mundo globalizado vem exigindo grandes mudanças das organizações, sejam para aquelas que produzem bens tangíveis, sejam para as prestadoras de serviços. E dentro da observância das mudanças, pode-se considerar as revoluções vividas pela humanidade, considerando aquela que mais mudou o cenário mercadológico pela primeira vez que foi 1ª revolução industrial e, a outra, a revolução da informação. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar através da revisão de literatura, a significativa e importante transformação da informação para a área de marketing das organizações. A revolução da informação, tendo como suas precursoras e legítimas aliadas a tecnologia e a internet, respectivamente, fez com que surgisse um novo tipo de marketing: o marketing digital. Com este novo tipo de marketing, as organizações que estiverem mais presentes na internet, poderão obter uma maior vantagem competitiva e como consequência uma maior lucratividade

  6. O amor pode ser virtual? O relacionamento amoroso pela Internet ¿Puede el amor ser virtual? Un estudio sobre el relacionamiento virtual usando la internet Can love be virtual? Affective relationships through the Internet

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    Alessandra dos Santos Menezes Dela Coleta


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como finalidade contribuir para o entendimento de uma nova modalidade de relacionamento - o virtual. Dele participaram 50 usuários brasileiros da Internet, que responderam a um questionário contendo 31 questões sobre opiniões e comportamentos relacionados a afetividade e relacionamento virtual. A amostra foi composta, em sua maior parte, por homens, adultos jovens, solteiros, sem filhos, dos níveis socioeconômicos médio e alto. Verificou-se que os sujeitos acreditam na possibilidade de relacionamentos virtuais em uma fase inicial, no entanto relataram necessidade do contato face a face para sua continuidade. Observou-se também alta freqüência de usuários de chats de conversação considerados viciados na Internet. A partir dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que não houve mudanças comportamentais e afetivas radicais com essa nova forma de relacionamento, mas os dados sugerem a importância de mais pesquisas para esclarecer as conseqüências do relacionamento virtual e do uso exagerado da Internet como forma de comunicação social.Este estudio tenía el objetivo de contribuir para el entendimiento de una nueva forma de relaciones - el virtual. Cincuenta usuarios de Internet brasileños contestaron un cuestionario que contiene 31 preguntas sobre opiniones y comportamientos relacionados con la relación afectiva y virtual. La muestra fue formada por una mayoría de hombres, adultos jóvenes, solos, sin niños, y perteneciendo al nivel socioeconómico medio o alto. Fue verificado que los sujetos creen que podrían haber relaciones virtuales como una fase inicial. Sin embargo, ellos relataron la necesidad de un contato cara a cara, de modo que la relación pudiera durar. También ha sido encontrado una frecuencia alta de sujetos identificados como adictos de Internet. A partir de estos resultados, se puede concluir que no hay cambios comportamentales y afectivos significativos con aquella nueva clase de relación. Por

  7. Digital Native Chilensis: The Young people, of South of the Internet

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    Lic. Felipe Andres Nesbet Montecinos


    Full Text Available It is undeniable that the Internet has a capital importance in the contemporary society. In the new technological paradigm, known as the Information Age, the relevance of the network is equivalent to that of oil in the Industrial Age. Although we can dissent of the prediction done by Nicholas Negroponte in 1995, in its famous book “Being Digital”, with respect to which the digital divide would be translated in a subject, net, generational, expressed in the dichotomy: young person-rich versus old-poor men. However, this author (1995 guessed right in his theory of the greater facility of the young people towards the new technologies. For that reason, the Internet is dominated by young people. The appearance of Wena Naty, a video uploaded to the network (with the explicit consent of their protagonists in which a 14 year old girl practiced oral sex to a partner in a public square, is the most dramatic demonstration of the use and abuse that young Chileans make new technologies.The present article reviews data collected on the use of technologies in Chile (INJUV 2002, Godoy 2006 y PNUD 2006. As well as it analyzes collected own data from the investigations of Carcamo “Percepción del tiempo y de la motivación ante tareas de búsqueda de información y conferencias de texto (Chat mediadas por computador en estudiantes secundarios de Chile” and Nesbet (2007, “Usos de la mensajería instantánea en estudiantes secundarios de Valdivia.”

  8. Vygotsky e a Mediação Computacional no Processo Educacional

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    Maria Stela de A. Albuquerque Bergo


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda a questão da comunicação mediada pelo computador no contexto educacional, tendo por base os conceitos de Vygotsky e Luria, e as abordagens afins que ajudam a explicar o processo e a prever conseqüências dessa prática. O aperfeiçoamento de novos recursos educacionais, desenvolvidos para computadores, bem como o advento da Internet, modificam e sofrem as modificações nas comunicações mediadas por esse novo instrumento. O artigo aponta alguns tópicos a serem analisados pelos interessados sobre o assunto.

  9. A internet na escola fundamental: sondagem de modos de uso por professores

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    Santos Gilberto Lacerda


    Full Text Available Esta investigação objetiva o esclarecimento de modalidades de uso da internet em situações de ensino fundamental, em escolas das redes pública e particular do Distrito Federal. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que empregou leitura qualitativa de dados quantitativos em que, por meio de questionários, entrevistas e observações diretas, abordamos a atuação de vinte professores para explicitar de que forma os conteúdos disponibilizados por meio da internet estão sendo apreendidos e trabalhados em sala de aula, o tipo de navegação nos hipertextos eletrônicos que tem sido proposto aos alunos e uma tipologia de modalidades de uso da internet na educação. Os dados indicam que há quatro modalidades de navegação (aleatória e linear; orientada e problematizada; por meio de pedagogia de projetos e por meio de abordagens de construção de hipertextos. Indicam também que os professores são capazes de avançar em uma utilização mais interessante da internet como meio de ensino e de aprendizagem e que a escola, com seu ritmo e ritos, constitui uma amarra importante. Sem dúvida, há um clamor geral pela mudança. Se os alunos sentem-se pouco à vontade com a forma e o hermetismo com que as relações educativas vêm sendo conduzidas, o que é traduzido na prática por um desinteresse sistemático pela escola, o mesmo parece acontecer com os professores, sobretudo quando eles são cobrados por gestores, pais, alunos e teóricos da educação para assumirem posturas docentes para as quais eles não foram preparados.

  10. A Information Literacy na formação do neo-secretário executivo: um estudo de caso da Graduação em Secretariado/UFBA


    Décia, Ana Cristina Muniz


    A emergência da Sociedade da Informação, também identificada como Sociedade de Aprendizagem entre outras denominações, tem sido caracterizada pela presença maciça das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC), configurando novos ambientes para aprender, viver e trabalhar, tanto para pessoas quanto para organizações. Esse ambiente tem sido marcado pelo uso da informação, mediada pelas TIC, para geração de conhecimento e produção de riquezas para aqueles que sabem lidar e obter resultados n...

  11. Solubilização Potencial de Fosfatos Mediada pela Microbiota Rizosférica de Eucalipto Cultivado em Topossequência Típica da Zona da Mata Mineira

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    André Marcos Massenssini


    Full Text Available O uso de fosfatos naturais, aliado ao adequado manejo de microrganismos do solo solubilizadores de fosfato, é uma alternativa para reduzir os custos da adubação fosfatada. No entanto, ambas as práticas requerem a avaliação prévia do potencial da microbiota rizosférica em solubilizar fontes de P pouco reativas em condições de campo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial da microbiota do solo de solubilizar os fosfatos de Ca, Fe, Al, além dos fosfatos naturais de Araxá e Catalão em amostras de solo rizosférico e não rizosférico de plantio do hibrido Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla, localizados em três pontos de uma topossequência típica da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se a atividade de fosfatases ácidas e alcalinas sob as mesmas condições experimentais. A microbiota rizosférica das plantas do topo e da baixada apresentou maior potencial de solubilização de fosfato de Ca (5.745,09 e 6.452,80 μg de P, respectivamente, enquanto o solo da encosta não apresentou diferenças entre as fontes inorgânicas testadas. O fosfato de Catalão foi a fonte de fosfato natural com maior potencial de solubilização (1.209,71 μg de P pela microbiota do solo nas condições avaliadas. O pH final do meio de cultura correlacionou-se negativamente com os valores de P solubilizado, indicando que a acidificação do ambiente foi um dos mecanismos de solubilização utilizados pela microbiota rizosférica in vitro. A atividade das fosfatases ácida e alcalina foi maior na rizosfera de plantas do topo, área com maior teor de matéria orgânica. Não foi observada correlação clara entre o potencial de solubilização de fosfato ou a atividade das fosfatases com o diâmetro médio à altura do peito das árvores do plantio. Este estudo demonstra o efeito da topografia no potencial de solubilização da microbiota do solo, que é influenciada positivamente pelo teor de matéria orgânica do solo.


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    Telma de Carvalho


    Full Text Available A Internet das coisas, conhecida por IoT, do termo inglês Internet of Things, tornou-se um marco na sociedade contemporânea pela interação e dinamismo na comunicação através do uso da tecnologia móvel e de sensores instalados nos diferentes dispositivos capazes de captar diversos aspectos informacionais, tratando-os com segurança e de forma inteligente. Com a chegada de novos aparatos tecnológicos ganhou maior destaque a partir do conhecimento pela sociedade de suas aplicações domésticas e popularizou-se nos mais diversos setores, tanto empresariais, públicos e nos meios educacionais. A partir do uso de smartphones, tablets, aparelhos domésticos etc. é possível conhecer suas funcionalidades. O presente artigo tem por objetivo realizar revisão da literatura sobre o tema a fim de ampliar o conhecimento sobre a Internet das coisas e levantar as possibilidades de seu uso nas atividades exercidas em bibliotecas e/ou unidades de informação. Trata-se de pesquisa exploratória, utilizando a literatura publicada sobre o tema tanto nos canais formais quanto informais de comunicação. Os resultados demonstram que há pouca publicação sobre o uso específico da Internet das coisas em bibliotecas, embora já se notem usos de RFID para atividades como inventário, uso de etiquetas magnéticas nos itens do acervo para a segurança do material detectadas por meio de portões eletrônicos, bem como aplicação do Google Glass para gravar e registrar eventos ocorridos na biblioteca, reconhecer caracteres óticos para portadores de deficiências entre outras possibilidades. Conclui-se que há um campo vasto de pesquisa no assunto que pode ser otimizado por pesquisadores da área de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação.

  13. Impactos da internet na indústria farmacêutica: novo modelo de negócios na economia da informação


    Andrade, Marcelo Gelamos de


    Trata dos efeitos da Internet sobre as organizações, abordando as características da chamada Nova Economia da Informação. Focando a Indústria Farmacêutica, analisa os fundamentos que devem ser considerados pelas na revisão de seus modelos estratégicos e a proposição de um novo modelo de negócios para a Indústria Farmacêutica tomando em conta os impactos da Internet.

  14. Ensino-aprendizagem de português como língua estrangeira através de uma ferramenta suportada pela internet


    Ferreira, Rita de Cássia Mello


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. O domínio da internet vem crescendo gradualmente sobre os outros meios de comunicação, provocando a necessidade de repensar a postura da escola diante dessa nova tecnologia. Pensando nisso, o objetivo deste trabalho é disponibilizar, através da internet, um recurso de apoio pedagógico ao ensino de PLE - Português como Língua Estrangeira. Mais precisament...


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    Jorge Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo busca propor e testar um modelo que explique o uso da internet pelos jovens e identificar possíveis diferenças neste uso entre jovens de classe média e alta. A motivação para a pesquisa partiu da observação dos novos hábitos de consumo originados do uso da internet por estes jovens, que consideram a tecnologia indispensável em suas vidas. Baseado na literatura, o modelo final envolveu os seguintes fatores: Barreiras Percebidas ao Acesso, Comunicação, Interatividade e Uso da Internet. As hipóteses de pesquisa foram testadas por meio de uma survey com 394 jovens, com a amostra sendo divida em dois grupos: jovens de classe média e jovens de classe alta. Os dados foram analisados por modelagem de equações estruturais multigrupo. Os resultados sugerem diferenças na utilização de internet entre jovens de classe média e alta, com somente a classe média sendo influenciada significativamente pela Interatividade e Comunicação percebidas.

  16. Internet and political propaganda in Brazil: limits and possibilities Internet e Propaganda Política no Brasil: limites e possibilidades

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    Sylvia Iasulaitis


    Full Text Available This article intends to analyze the Internet’s democratic potential to revitalize the electoral debate inside the professionalized politic campaigns. The aim is to verify if the new political possibilities offered by the electronic net are being explored inside the Brazilian context. Therefore, a cyberspace comparative analysis takes place by the presidency candidates Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (PT and Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB, during the 2006 elections. Keywords: Internet. Electoral campaigns. Participation. Interactivity.Convergence. O propósito deste artigo é analisar o potencial democrático da Internet para revitalizar o debate eleitoral no contexto de campanhas políticas profissionalizadas. O intuito é verificar se as novas possibilidades políticas oferecidas pela rede eletrônica estão sendo exploradas no contexto brasileiro. Realiza-se, para tanto, uma análise comparativa do uso do ciberespaço pelos candidatos à presidência Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (PT e Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB durante as eleições de 2006. Palavras-chave: Internet. Campanhas eleitorais. Participação. Interatividade. Convergência.

  17. Local Political Conflict and Pela Gandong Amidst the Religious Conflicts

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    Tonny SB Hoedodo


    Full Text Available Pela Gandong which is believed by Ambonese for its propitiational value is in fact failed to prevent horizontal conflict that victimized a big number of life and financial damages. However, Wayame villagem is found to survive from those conflicts, and the community of this village, comprising of Islam and Christian religious group, succeeds to maintain harmonious relation. The research aims at, first, describing the perception of Wayamae village community to Pela Gandong in the post-conflict period; second, analyzing the cultural competence of pela Gandong in conflict resolution in the era of technology. This research employed qualitative method, involving in-field data gathering based on official report, digging out information from the resource persons who were directly witnessing the conflict when it occured and other references obtained through Forum Group Discussion (FGD. An analysis was performed to seek answer concerning on how the community of Wayame village viewed Pela Gandong in post-conflict period, how it is – as a local wisdom – maintained in the middle of changing and how Pela Gandong was revitalized. Research showed that Pela Gandong was maintained by involving all elements such as customary community and the government. Pela Gandong grew as the icon of Ambonese society in settling conflicts by raising awareness that they are Eastern people, collectivistic in nature, and place kinship into priority.

  18. Harmonia cromática em animações: a cor no contexto da tecnologia


    Franck, Gláucia


    Esta dissertação busca demonstrar a influência recíproca entre a arte e a tecnologia para além do artefato com o uso da cor na obtenção da harmonia cromática e do reforço perceptivo visual e cultural. Procuramos evidenciar como a arte se apropria da tecnologia na obtenção da harmonia pelo uso da cor no processo criativo. A arte, ao ser mediada pela tecnologia, desafia o artista a opor-se ao determinismo tecnológico que impõe resultados pela estandardização do uso de seus aparatos, superando s...

  19. Letramento digital de idoso no contexto da EJA em Mossoró-RN


    Lima, Samuel de Carvalho; Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, campus Mossoró; Almeida, Lúrya Valéria de Oliveira Sousa; Secretaria do Desenvolvimento Social e Juventude, Prefeitura Municipal de Mossoró


    Resumo: A sociedade brasileira contemporânea é marcada pela cultura tecnológica, cujas práticas sociais são mediadas pelas Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC). Essas TICs têm alterado a rotina de muitos sujeitos, sendo que aqueles que não se aproximam dessas acabam por não participar de processos sociais ou de estratégias de facilitação na realização dos mesmos no cotidiano, através de mensagens instantâneas, pagamento de contas online, cursos à distância, entre outros. O idoso, par...

  20. Importancia de las rutas mediadas por MAPK en Candida albicans en el reconocimiento inmunitario y en la colonización gastrointestinal en un modelo murino


    Prieto Prieto, Antonio Daniel


    La levadura Candida albicans es la especie patógena fúngica más común. Forma parte de la microbiota del tracto gastrointestinal y urogenital de individuos sanos sin producir enfermedad. Sin embargo, alteraciones en el sistema inmunitario pueden llevar a una infección sistémica. Las rutas mediadas por proteínas quinasas activadas por mitógeno (MAPK) en C. albicans son importantes determinantes de virulencia. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la influencia de las diferentes rutas de MAPK en proce...

  1. Racismo e violação aos direitos humanos pela internet: estudo da Lei nº 7.716/89


    Celso Eduardo Santos de Melo


    Este trabalho tem como objeto específico o estudo da Lei nº 7.716/89, sobretudo o artigo 20, relativo às condutas tipificadas como crime de racismo quando praticadas utilizando-se como meio de publicação a Internet. Diante desse desafio, foi preciso verificar o histórico da questão das relações raciais no Brasil, bem como as previsões atuais de proteção do Estado contra as formas de discriminação racial. Em vista do meio utilizado na prática de condutas delituosas, a internet, foi necessário ...


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    Claudia Maria Cardona Londoño


    Full Text Available Pensar en la formación integral de los docentes universitarios es confirmar la urgente necesidad de transformar la praxis pedagógica del docente incorporando las mediaciones tecnológicas y la inclusión de la dimensión ambiental en correspondencia con las exigencias del tiempo actual y en sintonía con los nuevos desafíos del mundo cambiante que permita la transformación del proceso de enseñanza en el aula. La presente comunicación busca esquematizar la idea inicial del proyecto de tesis doctoral titulado “Una docencia Universitaria Ambientalizada y mediada por TIC”, donde el principal problema es la búsqueda de las relaciones entre la inclusión de la dimensión ambiental y las TIC, cómo una nueva consideración en la política de formación docente.   De la metodología planteada se resalta la necesidad de trabajar sobre un diseño pedagógico para la presentación de contenidos en ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje, la estructura de contenidos y los roles del docente virtual ambientalizado. La formación permanente del docente universitario, será un compromiso de apropiación del conocimiento especializado con característica de una conciencia crítica, humanista, reflexiva, emancipadora que construye realidades socioculturales, políticas y éticas en los diversos contextos de estudio y aplicación.   Se incluye una primera aproximación a un marco conceptual y contextual local, desde la política TIC para Colombia y desde el reconocimiento de una Universidad Sustentable, donde la tecnología  será la mediación tecnológica y de elementos de la dimensión ambienta se verán como parte de la apropiación del mundo y su entorno de vida.

  3. Sites de comércio eletrônico e a responsabilidade pela intermediação no ambiente virtual


    Roberto Silva da Rocha


    Nos últimos anos o avanço da chamada tecnologia telemática, sobretudo a partir da Internet, proporcionou a constituição de um novo ambiente de interação social, o ciberespaço, particularmente atraente pela facilidade de comunicação a qualquer distância e em tempo real de voz, dados e imagens. A exploração econômica deste fascinante meio de relacionamento interpessoal já impõe aos operadores jurídicos inúmeros desafios, sobretudo em relação à proteção do consumidor. Se nas relações econômicas ...

  4. Advertising and the internet: the difficult convergence Publicidade e internet: a difícil convergência

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    Maria Eduarda da Mota Rocha


    Full Text Available Advertising and the internet: the difficult convergence — Ever since the crisis of Fordism, competition between companies has led to an increasingly fierce quest to draw the consumer's attention to advertisements, engendering what we call audience saturation resulting from the ubiquitousness of advertising. This saturation is aggravated as the rising costs of broadcasting in the mass media continually drive advertisers to seek new forms of addressing the consumer. In this context, it would be reasonable to expect the Internet to become a privileged route of access to the consumer. However, the Internet's relevance in traditional advertising is still negligible, at least in Brazil. This article strives to demonstrate this phenomenon, analyzing some recurring opinions in the advertising sector and explaining it in the light of an understanding of a broader advertising dynamics, thus contributing to the debate on the consequences of the advent of the Internet for the communication system and for culture. Desde a crise do fordismo, a concorrência entre as empresas tem se traduzido em uma busca ainda mais frenética pela atenção do consumidor às mensagens publicitárias, o que levou ao que chamamos aqui de saturação da audiência, isto é, a banalização dos anúncios diante da sua multiplicação. Essa saturação é agravada quando o aumento dos custos de veiculação nos meios de comunicação de massa estimula os publicitários a buscarem novas formas de interpelação do consumidor. Nesse cenário, não seria de esperar que a internet despontasse como uma rota privilegiada de acesso ao consumidor? No entanto, a sua relevância para a publicidade tradicional é pequena no Brasil. Pretendemos então demonstrar esse fato, analisar algumas opiniões recorrentes a esse respeito, dentro do campo publicitário, e explicá-lo à luz de uma compreensão da dinâmica publicitária mais abrangente. Nesse percurso, poderemos dar


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    Kuok-Wa Chao Chao


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación acerca del uso de las estrategias mediadas por tecnología de la información y comunicación (TIC con las herramientas Exelearning, Aula Virtual de Apoyo de Metics y Audacity, en el curso de Expresión Oral I, específicamente en el módulo de Fonética de las carreras de Bachillerato en Francés y Bachillerato en la Enseñanza del Francés, durante el primer semestre de 2013, en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Esta investigación de tipo cualitativo se llevó a cabo con estudiantes de dicho curso, que respondieron un instrumento sobre el uso de las TIC en el aprendizaje de la fonética. Como principal conclusión, el estudiantado señala que estas herramientas facilitaron y mejoraron su aprendizaje de la fonética, tanto teórico y práctico, en el francés como lengua extranjera. Además, aporta un cambio al esquema tradicional de la enseñanza de la fonética, haciendo que sea el estudiantado el principal actor del proceso de formación.

  6. A sociolingüística de Goffman e a comunicação mediada Goffman's sociolinguistics and the mediated communication

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    Jordão Horta Nunes


    Full Text Available É bastante conhecida a influência da relação entre linguagem e sociedade na metodologia das ciências sociais, desde a análise das formas primitivas de classificação de Mauss e Durkheim até as teorias do discurso em Paul Ricoeur ou em Habermas. Menos populares são as perspectivas sociolingüísticas, que enfocam a relação entre as formas de falar e a vida social, com raízes no relativismo lingüístico de Sapir-Whorf, na concepção pragmática da linguagem de Wittgenstein e na teoria dos atos performativos de Austin. O objetivo deste texto é reconstruir algumas perspectivas sociolingüísticas na análise da comunicação mediada, com destaque para a teoria goffmaniana dos frames (quadros, artifícios que orientam a interpretação e constituem, ao mesmo tempo, condições necessárias para sua existência. Efetiva-se, finalmente, mediante o desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso, uma possibilidade de aplicação metodológica da teoria do frame na análise do correio eletrônico como forma de comunicação mediada por computador.The influence of the relationship between language and society on the methodology of the social sciences is well-known, beginning with the analyses of primitive forms of classification proposed by Mauss and Durkheim, and extending to the theories of discourse found in Ricoeur or Habermas. Less popular are sociolinguistic approaches that focus on the relation between forms of speech and social life, rooted in the linguistic relativism of Sapir-Whorf, Wittgenstein's linguistic pragmatics and Austin's Speech Act Theory. The aim of this article is to reconstruct a number of linguistic approaches to the analysis of mediated communication, highlighting Goffman's Frame Theory - artifices that frame interpretation and simultaneously comprise its necessary conditions for existence. The article closes with a case study, examining the possibility of applying Frame Theory to the analysis of e-mail as a form of computer

  7. Estudo epidemiológico das doenças dermatológicas imunologicamente mediadas na cavidade oral An epidemiological study of immune-mediated skin diseases affecting the oral cavity

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    Cyntia Helena Pereira de Carvalho


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: As doenças dermatológicas imunologicamente mediadas compõem diversas patologias que apresentam formas variadas de manifestação no organismo. OBJETIVO: Foi proposição desta pesquisa, estabelecer a prevalência das principais doenças dermatológicas imunologicamente mediadas que apresentam manifestação oral. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados laudos histopatológicos de 10.292 casos arquivados no Serviço de Anatomia Patológica da Disciplina de Patologia Oral da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, no período de 1988 a 2009. Dos casos diagnosticados como algum tipo de doença em estudo, coletaram-se dados clínicos como sexo, idade, raça, sítio anatômico e sintomatologia das doenças. RESULTADOS: Do total de casos registrados, no serviço supracitado, 82 (0,8% corresponderam a doenças dermato lógicas imunologicamente mediadas com manifestação na cavidade oral. As doenças encontradas neste estudo foram: líquen plano oral, pênfigo vulgar e penfigoide benigno das membranas mucosas, sendo o líquen plano oral a lesão mais prevalente, representando 68,05% dos casos analisados, dos quais 64,3% apresentavam-se em mu lheres, sendo a mucosa jugal o sítio anatômico mais acometido (46,8%. CONCLUSÃO: A ocorrência de doenças dermatológicas imunologicamente mediadas que apresentam manifestação oral ainda é um fato incomum, semelhante ao observado na maioria das regiões mundiais. No entanto, a busca pelo diagnóstico precoce é um requisito essencial para a condução do tratamento dessas doenças, tendo em vista o possível comprometimento sistêmico do organismo nos pacientes.BACKGROUND: Immune-mediated skin diseases encompass a variety of pathologies that present in different forms in the body. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to establish the prevalence of the principal immune-mediated skin diseases affecting the oral cavity. METHODS: A total of 10,292 histopathology reports stored in the archives of the

  8. Práticas de ensinar a distância mediadas por ambiente virtual / Las prácticas de la enseñanza a distancia mediadas por medios virtuales

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    Guaracira Gouvêa


    Full Text Available Atualmente, a existência de discursos expressos nas leis educacionais e em parte da produção acadêmica contemporânea, colocando as tecnologias como relevantes e necessárias aos processoseducacionais, exige, antes de qualquer filiação, um exame crítico das questões que envolvem as relações que se estabelecem entre sujeitos em práticas educativas nas quais as tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs se fazem presentes. No caso deste estudo, estou interessada em discutir como os professores conduzem sua prática quando propõem situações didáticas mediadas por uma plataforma, em um contexto de disciplinas de um curso presencial, ministradas parcialmente a distância. Para tal, optei por estudar a implantação de módulos baseados em EaD em disciplinas de curso de graduaç��o em Pedagogia de uma universidade pública e realizar acompanhamento dosmomentos a distância Neste trabalho, considero como ferramentas metodológicas a observação participante das reuniões de preparação da implantação das disciplinas, as gravações em áudio dessas reuniões; o caderno de registros do professor da disciplina onde todas as ocorrências eram anotadas, inclusive as associadas à plataforma. A análise realizada indica que o ato de elaboração do materialdidático para ser disponibilizado na plataforma fez surgir questões que envolvem a escolha da plataforma e dos procedimentos didáticos e que estes e o desenho da plataforma descaracterizaram o uso dos meios digitais, pois os parâmetros espaços-temporais foram fixados e a linguagem multimídia e formas de comunicação diferenciadas não foram utilizadas.Abstract Actualmente, la existencia de los discursos, se expresa en las leyes educacionales y en parte de la producción académica contemporánea, poniendo las tecnologías como pertinentes y necesarias para el proceso educativo, requiere, antes de cualquier adhesión, un examen crítico de las cuestiones queafectan a

  9. A interface internet/s@úde: perspectivas e desafios

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    Luis David Castiel


    Full Text Available As tecnologias de informação e comunicação via Internet (TICs são transformadas em elementos/processos/objetos produzidos para serem utilizados no âmbito das tecnobiociências humanas, vinculadas tanto às práticas da Biomedicina como às da Saúde Pública. As TICs ocupam domínios cada vez mais abrangentes da informática médica, produzindo setores de especialização denominados e-saúde, telemedicina, cibermedicina e a chamada informática para a saúde do consumidor (ISC. A ISC, em especial, procura suprir as necessidades de informação de consumidores que, a princípio, poderiam fazer escolhas para aquisições mais bem informadas. Surgem programas computacionais para auxílio a decisões (decision aids' software e a Web semântica. Percebe-se nesta situação, a imbricação de três sistemas: o predomínio da razão instrumental e suas produções tecnocientíficas; o poder enfeixado pela junção de instituições e ideologias; a crença na supremacia dos mitos, símbolos e ritos promovidos pela tecnociência. Como possível resultado, temos uma colonização da sociedade pela aliança entre autoridades geradoras de conhecimentos especializados, profissionais encarregados de produzi-los como objetos técnicos ou empacotá-los com invólucros tecnológicos, o conjunto do sistema industrial e as redes de comunicação, distribuição e consumo.

  10. A interface internet/s@úde: perspectivas e desafios

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    Luis David Castiel

    Full Text Available As tecnologias de informação e comunicação via Internet (TICs são transformadas em elementos/processos/objetos produzidos para serem utilizados no âmbito das tecnobiociências humanas, vinculadas tanto às práticas da Biomedicina como às da Saúde Pública. As TICs ocupam domínios cada vez mais abrangentes da informática médica, produzindo setores de especialização denominados e-saúde, telemedicina, cibermedicina e a chamada informática para a saúde do consumidor (ISC. A ISC, em especial, procura suprir as necessidades de informação de consumidores que, a princípio, poderiam fazer escolhas para aquisições mais bem informadas. Surgem programas computacionais para auxílio a decisões (decision aids' software e a Web semântica. Percebe-se nesta situação, a imbricação de três sistemas: o predomínio da razão instrumental e suas produções tecnocientíficas; o poder enfeixado pela junção de instituições e ideologias; a crença na supremacia dos mitos, símbolos e ritos promovidos pela tecnociência. Como possível resultado, temos uma colonização da sociedade pela aliança entre autoridades geradoras de conhecimentos especializados, profissionais encarregados de produzi-los como objetos técnicos ou empacotá-los com invólucros tecnológicos, o conjunto do sistema industrial e as redes de comunicação, distribuição e consumo.

  11. Gender, internet experience, Internet identification, and internet anxiety: a ten-year followup. (United States)

    Joiner, Richard; Gavin, Jeff; Brosnan, Mark; Cromby, John; Gregory, Helen; Guiller, Jane; Maras, Pam; Moon, Amy


    In 2002, we found gender differences in the use of the Internet. Since then, however, the Internet has changed considerably. We therefore conducted a follow-up study in 2012. The study involved 501 students (389 females and 100 males, 12 participants unspecified gender) and we measured Internet use, Internet anxiety, and Internet identification. We found that males had a greater breadth of Internet use; they used the Internet more for games and entertainment than females. The differentiation between males and females in terms of Internet use is evident, and in some ways is even more distinct than 10 years ago. In our previous research we had found no gender differences in the use of the Internet for communication, whereas in the current study we have found that females use the Internet for communication than males and were using social network sites more than males. We also found, consistent with our previous study, that Internet identification and Internet anxiety were related to Internet use.


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    ROSSINI, E. Q.


    Full Text Available A prática do aborto é considerada crime, de acordo com o Código Penal Brasileiro de 1940. O abortamento é juridicamente permitido apenas em casos de violência sexual, risco à vida da mulher ou com comprovação de anencefalia fetal. O abortamento significa um grave problema para a saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento, e, também no Brasil, resultando em um debate heterogêneo que é pautado por diversos aspectos legais, morais, religiosos, sociais e culturais. (Ministério da Saúde, 2011. Neste contexto nosso objetivo foi levantar informações acerca da opinião de moradores da cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes, acerca do aborto. Utilizou-se questionário fechado com escala tipo likert composto por 3 questões numa amostra de 40 pessoas escolhidas aleatoriamente. Os questionários foram aplicados em locais públicos e nas imediações do ISECENSA. A idade média dos sujeitos de pesquisa foi de 27 anos, todos maiores de 18 anos e a distribuição por gênero foi 60% gênero femininos e 40% masculino. Da amostra 55% dos sujeitos discordaram acerca da legalização do aborto e os que concordaram somaram 32,5% da amostra. Acerca da totalidade dos participantes que concordaram que haveria um aumento na procura pelo aborto, caso o mesmo fosse regulamentado somaram-se 50%, e os que discordaram acerca deste aumento somou-se 27,5%. Perguntou-se aos sujeitos de pesquisa em qual circunstância seria justificável o aborto. As respostas variaram bastante. Dentro das respostas oferecidas o resultado foi: Estupro 27,5%, Risco à vida da mãe ou do feto 27,5%, Gravidez indesejada 7,5%, Todas as respostas anteriores 25% e em nenhum dos casos 12,5%. Ressaltamos a importância de que a criminalização do abortamento seja debatida de forma ampla pela sociedade por um viés da saúde pública e da justiça social. Percebeu-se que a temática é fortemente enviesada por questões morais. Acreditamos que novas pesquisas envolvendo metodologia

  13. The fallacy of "equal treatment" in Brazil's bill of rights for internet users A falácia da "igualdade de tratamento" na carta brasileira de direitos dos usuários da internet

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    J. Gregory Sidak


    Full Text Available The "Brazilian bill of rights for internet users," or "marco civil," has been under consideration at the brazilian congress since 2011. Marco civil's provisions for network neutrality have been particularly controversial. Proponents of network neutrality in Brazil advocate for the "equal treatment" of all data packets, including banning internet service providers from offering to content providers the option to purchase enhanced quality of service in the delivery of data packets. These network neutrality rules conflict with the other goals and principles of marco civil-particularly goals to promote internet access, to foster innovation, and to protect the constitutional right of freedom of speech and the free flow of information.A "carta Brasileira de direitos dos usuários da internet," ou "marco civil," tramita no congresso Brasileiro desde 2011. As disposições do marco civil relativas à neutralidade de rede são particularmente controversas. Os defensores da neutralidade de rede no Brasil advogam pela "igualdade de tratamento" de todos os pacotes de dados, inclusive proibindo que provedores de serviço de acesso à internet ofereçam aos provedores de conteúdo a opção de adquirir uma melhor qualidade de serviço na entrega de pacotes de dados. Essas disposições relativas à neutralidade de rede conflitam com outros objetivos e princípios do marco civil - especialmente os objetivos de promover o acesso à internet, promover a inovação, e garantir o direito constitucional de liberdade de expressão e informação.


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    Pedro Henrique Berbert de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Introdução: A busca pela "muscularidade" parece estar associada a diversas variáveis que impactam a saúde e a qualidade de vida dos sujeitos. No entanto, há uma carência de estudos sobre o construto, um baixo número de instrumentos de medida específicos para sua avaliação, além de reduzida avaliação de indivíduos do sexo masculino. Objetivo: Avaliar a busca pela "muscularidade" e associá-la a sintomas depressivos, autoestima, comportamentos de risco de transtornos alimentares e ao grau de comprometimento psicológico com o exercício físico. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal com 246 jovens adultos do sexo masculino. Foram utilizados instrumentos de autorrelato para avaliar a busca pela "muscularidade" (Drive for Muscularity Scale, autoestima (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, sintomas depressivos (Beck Depression Inventory, comportamentos de risco de transtornos alimentares (Eating Attitudes Test-26 e o grau de comprometimento psicológico com o exercício físico (Commitment Exercise Scale. Foi utilizado o teste de associação de Pearson para verificar relação entre as variáveis do estudo e Análise de Regressão Linear Múltipla (forward para verificação do quanto as variáveis do estudo influenciam na busca pela "muscularidade". Resultados: A busca pela "muscularidade" esteve associada à autoestima (rpearson = 0,13; p < 0,05, aos comportamentos de risco de transtornos alimentares (rpearson = 0,20; p < 0,05 e ao grau de comprometimento psicológico ao exercício (rpearson = 0,62; p < 0,05. O grau de comprometimento psicológico com o exercício explicou 38,4% da variância total da busca pela "muscularidade", 12,3% da insatisfação com a "muscularidade" e 51,0% dos comportamentos orientados para a "muscularidade". Conclusão: A busca pela "muscularidade" está associada à baixa autoestima, aos comportamentos de risco de transtornos alimentares e, em especial, ao grau de comprometimento psicológico com o exerc


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    Fábio Carlos Rodrigues Alves


    Full Text Available Mais que um meio de comunicação, as tecnologias da comunicação, em especial a TV, transmitem valores, ideias e atitudes, ou seja, todo um conteúdo atitudinal e procedimental. O presente texto discute o papel da mídia televisiva e da internet na transmissão de valores culturais, atendo-se principalmente na questão do consumo. Analisamos propagandas oriundas do ambiente televisivo e também a veiculada pela internet a partir da qual objetivamos, à luz do conceito de Cultura e Ideologia investigar e assinalar o condicionamento dos consumidores ao ato de consumo.

  16. Autopercepção da fluorose pela exposição a flúor pela água e dentifrício


    Menezes,Léa Maria Bezerra de; Sousa,Maria da Luz Rosário de; Rodrigues,Lidiany Karla Azevedo; Cury,Jaime Aparecido


    A percepção da fluorose dental e seu impacto em escolares de Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, expostos ao uso de flúor pela água e dentifrício, foram avaliados. O problema foi encontrado em 72% das crianças, mas o grau de alteração decorrente não provocou nenhum impacto na satisfação das crianças com seus dentes. Embora a fluorose dental, devido à ingestão de flúor pela água e ao uso de dentifrício fluoretado, não tenha comprometido a estética da amostra populacional avaliada, estudo mais abrangente d...

  17. Internet Addiction and Antisocial Internet Behavior of Adolescents

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    Hing Keung Ma


    Full Text Available Internet addiction and the moral implication of antisocial Internet behavior will be investigated in this paper. More and more people use the Internet in their daily life. Unfortunately the percentage of people who use the internet excessively also increases. The concept of Internet addiction or pathological use of Internet is discussed in detail, and the characteristics of Internet addicts are also delineated. The social (especially the antisocial use of Internet is discussed. It is argued that the behavior of Internet use is similar to daily life social behavior. In other words, Internet behavior is a kind of social behavior. Kohlberg's theory of moral development is employed to delineate the moral reasoning of the antisocial Internet behavior. The following behaviors are regarded as antisocial Internet behavior: (1 the use of Internet to carry out illegal activities such as selling faked products or offensive pornographic materials, (2 the use of Internet to bully others (i.e., cyberbullying such as distributing libelous statements against a certain person, (3 the use of Internet to cheat others, and (4 the use of Internet to do illegal gambling. The characteristics of the moral stages that are associated with these antisocial Internet behaviors are investigated in detail.

  18. Internet Addiction and Antisocial Internet Behavior of Adolescents (United States)

    Ma, Hing Keung


    Internet addiction and the moral implication of antisocial Internet behavior will be investigated in this paper. More and more people use the Internet in their daily life. Unfortunately the percentage of people who use the internet excessively also increases. The concept of Internet addiction or pathological use of Internet is discussed in detail, and the characteristics of Internet addicts are also delineated. The social (especially the antisocial) use of Internet is discussed. It is argued that the behavior of Internet use is similar to daily life social behavior. In other words, Internet behavior is a kind of social behavior. Kohlberg's theory of moral development is employed to delineate the moral reasoning of the antisocial Internet behavior. The following behaviors are regarded as antisocial Internet behavior: (1) the use of Internet to carry out illegal activities such as selling faked products or offensive pornographic materials, (2) the use of Internet to bully others (i.e., cyberbullying) such as distributing libelous statements against a certain person, (3) the use of Internet to cheat others, and (4) the use of Internet to do illegal gambling. The characteristics of the moral stages that are associated with these antisocial Internet behaviors are investigated in detail. PMID:22125466


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    Full Text Available La Resistencia Sistémica Adquirida (RSA protege a la planta de una infección secundaria por patógenos biotróficos, necrotróficos y hemibiotróficos. La inducción de RSA ocurre en dos etapas, en una primera la planta reconoce el patógeno e induce las respuestas locales de defensa a través de cascadas de señalización que conllevan a la acumulación intracelular de Ácido Salicílico (AS. Esta acumulación induce el aumento de los niveles de Especies Reactivas del Oxígeno (ERO y expresión de genes relacionados a la patogenicidad (rp. Esta respuesta local promueve la segunda etapa de RSA: inducción de resistencia en el tejido sistémico alejado del punto de infección. Se cree que el Salicilato de Metilo (SaMe, algunas Quinasas Activadas por Mitógenos (QAM y el Oxido Nítrico (ON, entre otros, pueden tener un papel relevante como señales inductoras de la resistencia sistémica. En la RSA hay una estrecha relación entre el AS, el Ácido Jasmónico (AJ, las auxinas, el etileno y las proteínas RP1 y NPR1. La presente revisión describe los avances en el entendimiento de la señalización molecular para la inducción de la RSA mediada por el AS.Resistência Sistêmica Adquirida (RSA confere uma proteção duradoura contra infecções secundárias causadas por patógenos biotróficos, necrotróficos e hemibiotróficos. RSA é induzida em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, a planta reconhece o patógeno e induz uma resposta local através de uma cascata de sinais que termina com a acumulação intracelular de Ácido Salicílico (AS. O acúmulo de AS induz um aumento das Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio (ERO e a expressão de genes relacionados a patogênese (rp. Na segunda etapa, esta resposta local induz uma resistência a longa distância contra patógenos, em tecidos não infectados. Tem sido proposto que moléculas como o Salicilato de Metila (SaMe, algumas Quinases Ativadas por Mitógenos (QAM e o Óxido Nítrico (ON, entre outros

  20. Internet addiction or excessive internet use. (United States)

    Weinstein, Aviv; Lejoyeux, Michel


    Problematic Internet addiction or excessive Internet use is characterized by excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges, or behaviors regarding computer use and Internet access that lead to impairment or distress. Currently, there is no recognition of internet addiction within the spectrum of addictive disorders and, therefore, no corresponding diagnosis. It has, however, been proposed for inclusion in the next version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM). To review the literature on Internet addiction over the topics of diagnosis, phenomenology, epidemiology, and treatment. Review of published literature between 2000-2009 in Medline and PubMed using the term "internet addiction. Surveys in the United States and Europe have indicated prevalence rate between 1.5% and 8.2%, although the diagnostic criteria and assessment questionnaires used for diagnosis vary between countries. Cross-sectional studies on samples of patients report high comorbidity of Internet addiction with psychiatric disorders, especially affective disorders (including depression), anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Several factors are predictive of problematic Internet use, including personality traits, parenting and familial factors, alcohol use, and social anxiety. Although Internet-addicted individuals have difficulty suppressing their excessive online behaviors in real life, little is known about the patho-physiological and cognitive mechanisms responsible for Internet addiction. Due to the lack of methodologically adequate research, it is currently impossible to recommend any evidence-based treatment of Internet addiction.

  1. Neutralidade de Rede: O caso Comcast v. Netflix e o Marco Civil da Internet

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    Maria Eduarda Cintra


    Full Text Available Propósito – O artigo pretende fazer uma reflexão sobre como o Estado brasileiro avançou quanto à defesa do princípio da neutralidade de rede. Para essa análise, será utilizado o caso Comcast vs. Netflix como exemplo para comparar as ações do Estados Unidos e do Brasil sobre o tema. Metodologia/abordagem/design – O texto segue o método de abordagem de análise de problema para poder tirar conclusões sobre as práticas adotadas pelos Estados Unidos e pelo Brasil. Resultados – Foi constatado que o Brasil está na vanguarda sobre governança da internet, especialmente por zelar pela neutralidade de rede. Implicações práticas – O artigo serve para compreensão da discussão sobre neutralidade de rede e, especialmente, sobre o processo do Marco Civil da Internet no Brasil. Originalidade/relevância do texto – O artigo, ao fornecer uma perspectiva comparada entre o Estado americano e brasileiro, mostra como esse bem público, qual seja o da internet neutra e aberta, tem sido preservado.

  2. Internet Addiction and Antisocial Internet Behavior of Adolescents


    Ma, Hing Keung


    Internet addiction and the moral implication of antisocial Internet behavior will be investigated in this paper. More and more people use the Internet in their daily life. Unfortunately the percentage of people who use the internet excessively also increases. The concept of Internet addiction or pathological use of Internet is discussed in detail, and the characteristics of Internet addicts are also delineated. The social (especially the antisocial) use of Internet is discussed. It is argued ...

  3. Crash: o violento encontro com os limites Do gesto e da pornografia

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    Costa, Bruno


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute a relação entre a pornografia e os gestos a partir do filme de David Cronemberh Crash. Propõe-se, desse modo, um questionamento sobre a natureza das relações sexuais mediadas pela técnica nas quais o corpo biológico deixa de ser o principal agenciador destas práticas. Nesse contexto, observase a importância dos automóveis – e especialmente das colisões entre eles – como catalisadores de uma singular sexualidade

  4. Differential psychological impact of internet exposure on Internet addicts.

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    Michela Romano

    Full Text Available The study explored the immediate impact of internet exposure on the mood and psychological states of internet addicts and low internet-users. Participants were given a battery of psychological tests to explore levels of internet addiction, mood, anxiety, depression, schizotypy, and autism traits. They were then given exposure to the internet for 15 min, and re-tested for mood and current anxiety. Internet addiction was associated with long-standing depression, impulsive nonconformity, and autism traits. High internet-users also showed a pronounced decrease in mood following internet use compared to the low internet-users. The immediate negative impact of exposure to the internet on the mood of internet addicts may contribute to increased usage by those individuals attempting to reduce their low mood by re-engaging rapidly in internet use.

  5. Differential psychological impact of internet exposure on Internet addicts. (United States)

    Romano, Michela; Osborne, Lisa A; Truzoli, Roberto; Reed, Phil


    The study explored the immediate impact of internet exposure on the mood and psychological states of internet addicts and low internet-users. Participants were given a battery of psychological tests to explore levels of internet addiction, mood, anxiety, depression, schizotypy, and autism traits. They were then given exposure to the internet for 15 min, and re-tested for mood and current anxiety. Internet addiction was associated with long-standing depression, impulsive nonconformity, and autism traits. High internet-users also showed a pronounced decrease in mood following internet use compared to the low internet-users. The immediate negative impact of exposure to the internet on the mood of internet addicts may contribute to increased usage by those individuals attempting to reduce their low mood by re-engaging rapidly in internet use.

  6. A teia, a tela e o tempo: internet e história do tempo presente

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    Pedro Eurico Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O enfoque deste artigo será uma apresentação da pesquisa em história e Internet, pensando esta como um documento dentro dos estudos da História da Cultura Escrita e da Leitura. Ao propiciar novas formas de ler e escrever na contemporaneidade, a Internet perpassa por várias modalidades tais como os comunicadores instantâneos (MIRC e MSN, as redes sociais (Orkut, Facebook, notícias, vídeos entre outros. Com destaque a novos mecanismos de sociabilidade que funcionam como mediadores para interação entre grupos que utilizam as redes sociais. Os documentos são abordados na perspectiva da História do Tempo Presente, que possibilita pensarmos um passado-presente, em que os recuos e aproximações com as fontes são possibilitados pelas escolhas do historiador que problematiza este Presente Palavras-chave: História; Escrita; Leitura; Redes de Relações Sociais.

  7. Systematic review versus internet search: considerations about availability and reliability of medical information regarding pregnancy in women with multiple sclerosis Revisão sistemática versus busca na internet: considerações sobre a disponibilidade e acurácia das informações médicas referentes à gravidez em portadoras de esclerose múltipla

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    Yara Dadalti Fragoso


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To compare the results from a systematic medical review and meta-analysis on the subject of pregnancy and multiple sclerosis (MS with an internet review based on lay sites conducted by experts in computer-mediated communication, on the same subject. METHODS: The two reviews were carried out independently in English. Three medical doctors with experience in systematic reviews and two communication experts with experience in internet searching tools performed the study. RESULTS: Data from the medical systematic review showed some differences from that of highly accessed websites. CONCLUSION: Evidence-based studies conducted under the strictest rules for careful systematic reviews and meta-analyses should be available with open access, i.e. accessible without payment of a fee, thereby enabling worldwide knowledge on matters of great interest to healthcare providers and patients.OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados de uma revisão sistemática médica com meta-análise sobre o tema gravidez em esclerose múltipla (EM aos resultados de uma revisão leiga, do mesmo assunto, baseada na Internet e conduzida por experts em comunicação mediada por computador. MÉTODOS: As duas revisões foram realizadas independentemente em inglês. Três médicos com experiência em revisões sistemáticas e duas experts em comunicação com experiência na busca de dados nas ferramentas da Internet realizaram este estudo. RESULTADOS: Os dados da revisão sistemática mostraram algumas diferenças daqueles que podem ser obtidos em websites de alto acesso. CONCLUSÃO: Estudos com dados baseado em evidência, realizados sob criteriosas regras válidas para revisão sistemática e meta-análise devem ser disponibilizados de forma aberta, ou seja, permitindo acesso sem pagamento de taxas, fazendo com que o conhecimento de assuntos de grande interesse a profissionais de saúde e pacientes se globalize.

  8. La ruta de señalización del acido salicílico juega un papel importante en la resistencia en tomate a Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) mediada por el gen Mi-1


    Muñiz, Mariano; Rodriguez, C.I.; Kaloshian, I.; Nombela, Gloria


    Es bien conocido que la resistencia en tomate a Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), a Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) y a tres especies de nematodos formadores de nódulos (Meloidogyne spp.) está mediada por el gen Mi-1. Asimismo, está documentado que el ácido salicílico interviene en los mecanismos de resistencia frente a nematodos formadores de nódulos y áfidos. Recientemente se ha descrito que, en Arabidopsis, el biotipo B de B. tabaci induce defensas activadas por este ácido e inhibe las del ácido...


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    Luis Alberto Miranda Torres


    Full Text Available La presente investigación buscó determinar un conjunto de estrategias pedagógicas, que implicaran la mediación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC, para facilitar aprendizajes significativos, autónomos y el desarrollo de competencias, en los estudiantes nativos digitales, de la básica primaria en la Institución Educativa (IE Fe y Alegría de Cartagena de Indias (Colombia. Se sustentó en el paradigma cualitativo, con una idea clara de “interpretación”, “comprensión” y de “relación”. La población seleccionada estuvo conformada por diez docentes líderes; los resultados demostraron que ellos presentaron situaciones espontáneas donde se detectó uso limitado de las TIC en el aula y se pudo inferir que existía una corta intencionalidad pedagógica definida y concertada por el colectivo docente. Lo que dio pie a que surgieran unas estrategias institucionales articuladas, para avanzar en el desarrollo de las competencias de los estudiantes, aumentando las evidencias didácticas en escenarios de colaboración y “b- learning”, para construir formas alternas de atención eficaz a los procesos educativos del estudiante hacia un perfil autorregulado, lo que implica: más y mejores estrategias mediadas con las TIC, hasta convertirlas en TAC.

  10. E-survey with researchers, members of ethics committees and sponsors of clinical research in Brazil: an emerging methodology for scientific research Inquérito pela Internet com pesquisadores clínicos, membros de comitês de ética e patrocinadores de pesquisa clínica no Brasil: uma metodologia emergente para pesquisa científica

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    Sonia Mansoldo Dainesi


    questionários enviados pela Internet. Com o questionário, os participantes receberam mensagem explicando a pesquisa, além do termo de consentimento. O retorno do questionário significava que o consentimento havia sido dado. Nenhum incentivo foi oferecido; dois lembretes foram enviados. RESULTADOS: A taxa de resposta foi de 21% (124/599, 20% (58/290 e 45% (24/53 respectivamente para os Comitês de Ética, pesquisadores e patrocinadores. A porcentagem de retorno antes dos lembretes foi de 62%. Razões de não resposta: participante não encontrado, recusa em participar, falta de experiência com pesquisa clínica ou com a área terapêutica. Características dos participantes: 45% dos membros de Comitês de Ética, 64% dos pesquisadores e 63% dos patrocinadores eram do sexo masculino; média de idade, respectivamente: 47 (28-74, 53 (24-72 e 40 (29-65 anos. Entre os pesquisadores e patrocinadores, todos os respondedores tinham curso universitário no mínimo e, no grupo de Comitês de Ética, somente dois (1,7% não tinham. A maioria dos questionários em todos os grupos veio da região Sudeste do Brasil, refletindo provavelmente o maior número de pesquisas clínicas e profissionais de pesquisa nessa região. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar das potenciais limitações de um levantamento conduzido pela Internet, esse estudo obteve taxa de resposta similar àquela observada com outros métodos, eficiência na obtenção das respostas (velocidade e qualidade, conveniência para os respondedores e baixo custo.

  11. Relación entre el estrés de fricción endotelial y la vasodilatación mediada por flujo en primigestantes saludables

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    Robinson Ramírez-Vélez, Ft. PhD.


    El objetivo de este estudio es presentar la primera exploración de la normalización de los datos de la VMF durante la gestación y examinar la relación del estrés de fricción endotelial (EFE y la normalización de la vasodilatación mediada por flujo (nVMF en esta población. Se encontró una relación entre la VMF y la nVMF (R2=0,782, p0,05, ni entre el EFE y la nVMF (R2=0,013, p>0,05. Futuras investigaciones, cuidadosamente diseñadas, podrían estudiar esta propuesta en diferentes poblaciones. Los autores sugieren que la VMF y la nVMF, alguna vez podrán ser consideradas como herramientas con aplicabilidad clínica para estimar el riesgo cardiovascular.

  12. Comunicação transnacional mediada por computador: uma análise discursiva das identidades de futuros professores de inglês no Facebook

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    Bárbara Cristina Gallardo


    Full Text Available Tomando potencialmente inovadoras as oportunidades de Comunicação Mediada por Computador no âmbito da formação de professores de inglês, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar as representações da identidade nacional constituídas em um contexto virtual. Duas estudantes de Letras estabeleceram contato com estrangeiros no Facebook e com eles interagiram em língua inglesa. Utilizou-se a Análise Crítica do Discurso para desvendar a organização linguística e ideológica dos discursos nacionais acionados na transição para o contexto transnacional online. Os resultados sugerem a hibridação de estratégias do discurso de contextos offline com os recursos multimodais dos contextos online. Os sujeitos adotaram estereótipos oriundos de centros geradores das dinâmicas de globalização, tanto em escala regional (sudeste do Brasil como mundial (os EUA.

  13. Differential Psychological Impact of Internet Exposure on Internet Addicts


    Romano, Michela; Osborne, Lisa A.; Truzoli, Roberto; Reed, Phil


    The study explored the immediate impact of internet exposure on the mood and psychological states of internet addicts and low internet-users. Participants were given a battery of psychological tests to explore levels of internet addiction, mood, anxiety, depression, schizotypy, and autism traits. They were then given exposure to the internet for 15 min, and re-tested for mood and current anxiety. Internet addiction was associated with long-standing depression, impulsive nonconformity, and aut...

  14. Untangling the Relationship between Internet Anxiety and Internet Identification in Students: The Role of Internet Self-Efficacy (United States)

    Hsiao, Bo; Zhu, Yu-Qian; Chen, Li-Yueh


    Introduction: Previous research has identified Internet anxiety and Internet identification as two important factors that predict usage and experience on the Internet. However, little is known about the relationship between them. This research aimed to untangle the relationship between Internet anxiety and Internet identification, and to…

  15. Notes towards an anthropology of the internet

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    Keith Hart


    á marcada pela convergência da telefonia, da televisão e da computação. É a terceira etapa em uma revolução das máquinas, que começou há apenas 200 anos. O presente artigo analisa a economia política da Internet em termos das três classes originais, controlando respectivamente um aumento no ambiente (terra, dinheiro (capital e criatividade humana (força de trabalho. O artigo finaliza com uma consideração de um grande exemplo dado por Kant, de uma antropologia futura capaz de situar a subjetividade humana em uma história mundial.

  16. Pre-adolescentes ("tweens") - desde a perspectiva da teoria piagetana a da psicologia economica


    Maria Aparecida Belintane Fermiano


    Resumo: Desde a II Guerra Mundial, os pré-adolescentes passam a ocupar uma nova posição na família e, com o fenômeno da globalização, essa tendência se intensifica. A globalização modifica as relações humanas e novas necessidades são mediadas por simbolismos que provocam desejos e consumo, manipulados pelas estratégias de marketing. Os novos símbolos criados passam a ser constituidores da identidade dos pré-adolescentes ou "tweens", que se encontram vulneráveis, uma vez que não possuem estrat...

  17. Fechamento sequencial da parede abdominal com tração fascial contínua (mediada por tela ou sutura e terapia a vácuo

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    Fernando Ferreira

    Full Text Available Na última década multiplicaram-se as publicações e a utilização da cirurgia de controle de danos, resultando num número crescente de pacientes deixados com o abdome aberto (ou peritoneostomia. Uma das consequências nefastas do abdome aberto são as hérnias ventrais gigantes que resultam da impossibilidade de se fechar o abdome durante a internação hospitalar do paciente. Para minimizar esta sequela têm surgido na literatura diferentes tipos de abordagem. Para abordar este tópico, a reunião de revista "Telemedicina Baseada em Evidência - Cirurgia do Trauma e Emergência" (TBE-CiTE optou por não analisar sistemas comerciais de fechamento abdominal dinâmico, com exceção da terapia de pressão negativa ou vácuo. O grupo fez uma avaliação crítica dirigida de três artigos mais relevantes publicados recentemente sobre fechamento sequencial da parede abdominal (com tela ou sutura mais vácuo. Nesta avaliação foram incluídos dois estudos retrospectivos mais um estudo prospectivo. Baseados na análise crítica desses 3 estudos mais a discussão que contou com a participação de representantes de 6 Universidades e realizada via telemedicina, são feitas as seguintes recomendações: (1 a associação de terapia de pressão negativa com tração fascial constante mediada por tela ou sutura, ajustada periodicamente, parece ser uma ótima estratégia cirúrgica para o tratamento de peritoneostomias. (2 O fechamento abdominal primário dinâmico com sutura e mediada por tela parece ser mais econômico e eficiente do que deixar o paciente com uma hérnia gigante e planejar uma reconstrução complexa tardiamente. Novos estudos com grupos maiores de pacientes separados de acordo com as diferentes apresentações e doenças são necesários para definir qual o melhor método cirúrgico para o tratamento de peritoneostomias.


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    Guaracira Gouvêa


    Full Text Available Actualmente, la existencia de los discursos, se expresa en las leyes educacionales y en parte de la producción académica contemporánea, poniendo las tecnologías como pertinentes y necesarias para el proceso educativo, requiere, antes de cualquier adhesión, un examen crítico de las cuestiones que afectan a las relaciones establecidas entre personas en prácticas educativas, en las que la información y las tecnologías de la comunicación (TIC están presentes. En el caso de nuestro estudio, estamos interesados en debatir sobre cómo los profesores conduzen sus prácticas al proponer situaciones de enseñanza mediadas por una plataforma, en un contexto de las disciplinas de un curso presencial, con parte a distancia. Con este fin, hemos decidido establecer módulos sobre la base de EAD en las disciplinas del curso de postgrado en pedagogía de una universidad pública, y llevar a cabo la observación de las partes a distancia. En este trabajo, consideramos como herramientas metodológicas a la observación participante de las reuniones de preparación para la implantación de las disciplinas; las grabaciones en audio de estas reuniones; el libro de registros de la disciplina del profesor adonde todos los eventos fueron registrados, incluidos los relacionados con la plataforma. El análisis indica que el acto de producir los materiales educativos disponibles en la plataforma ha planteado cuestiones relacionadas con la elección de la plataforma y procedimientos didácticos, y que estos procedimientos y el diseño de la plataforma descaracterizaran la utilización de los medios digitales, ya que los parámetros espacio-tiempo se han fijado y el lenguaje multimedia y las diferentes formas de comunicación no se utilizaron.

  19. A leitura mediada como estratégia de cuidado lúdico: contribuição ao campo da enfermagem fundamental La lectura mediada como atención lúdica: contribución al campo de la enfermería básica The mediate reading as a ludic care strategy: Contribution to the basic nursing area

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    Lívia Rodrigues Mendes


    Full Text Available O objeto é a leitura mediada à criança hospitalizada como estratégia lúdica. Os objetivos são: Identificar os sentidos atribuídos pelos sujeitos às ações de mediação de leitura; caracterizar suas contribuições às crianças hospitalizadas; e discutir a leitura mediada como estratégia expressiva/lúdica de cuidado fundamental. Pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva realizada com 10 crianças hospitalizadas; 10 acompanhantes; 7 mediadores de leitura; e 10 membros da equipe de enfermagem. Evidenciaram-se os benefícios da leitura no bem-estar das crianças e seus acompanhantes, favorecendo o trabalho da equipe de saúde. Para os profissionais e mediadores, a leitura mediada é uma estratégia de humanização do cuidado que diminui a sobrecarga psíquica e proporciona conforto emocional à criança, amenizando seu sofrimento. Concluiu-se que aliar o ludismo ao cuidado vem ao encontro dos princípios da teoria do cuidado humano e, também, do Projeto Humaniza SUS, cujas estratégias de acolhimento do cliente ganham vulto.El objeto es la lectura guiada como estrategia lúdica para los niños hospitalizados. Los objetivos son: Identificar los sentidos que les atribuyen los sujetos a las acciones de mediación de lectura; caracterizar la contribución hecha a los niños hospitalizados; y discutir la lectura guiada como una estrategia expresiva/lúdica de cuidado fundamental. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa y descriptiva realizada con 10 niños hospitalizados; 10 acompañantes; 07 mediadores de lectura; y 10 miembros del equipo de enfermería. Es evidente los beneficios de la lectura en el bien-estar de los niños y sus acompañantes, favoreciendo el trabajo del equipo de salud. Para los profesionales y mediadores, la lectura guiada es una estrategia de humanización del cuidado que disminuye la sobrecarga psíquica y proporciona conforto emocional al niño, amenizando su sufrimiento. Se concluyó que aliar actividades lúdicas con

  20. Internet gambling is a predictive factor of Internet addictive behavior. (United States)

    Critselis, Elena; Janikian, Mari; Paleomilitou, Noni; Oikonomou, Despoina; Kassinopoulos, Marios; Kormas, George; Tsitsika, Artemis


    Adolescent Internet gambling is associated with concomitant addictive behaviors. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of Internet gambling practices, its impact upon psychosocial development and to evaluate the association between gambling practices and Internet addictive behavior among Cypriot adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a convenience sample (n = 805) of adolescents attending selected public schools (9th and 10th grades) in Cyprus. Anonymous self-completed questionnaires were used including the Internet Addiction Test and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Among the study population (n = 805), approximately one third (n = 28; 34.9%) reported Internet gambling. Internet gamblers were twice as likely to utilize Internet café portals (adjusted odds ratio for gender and age, AOR: 2.13; 95% confidence interval, 95% CI: 1.56-2.91) for interactive game-playing (AOR: 6.84; 95% CI: 4.23-11.07), chat-rooms (AOR: 2.57; 95% CI: 1.31-4.85), and retrieval of sexual information (AOR: 1.99; 95% CI: 1.42-2.81). Among Internet gamblers 26.0% (n = 73) reported borderline addictive Internet use and 4.3% (n = 12) addictive behavior. Internet gamblers more often had comprehensive psychosocial and emotional maladjustment (AOR: 4.00; 95% CI: 1.97-8.13), including Abnormal Conduct Problems (AOR: 3.26; 95% CI: 2.00-5.32), Emotional Symptoms (AOR: 1.78; 95% CI: 1.02-3.11), and Peer Problems (AOR: 2.44; 95% CI: 1.08-5.48) scores. The multivariate regression analyses indicated that the single independent predictor associated with Internet addictive behavior was Internet gambling (AOR: 5.66; 95% CI: 1.45-22.15). Internet gambling is associated with addictive Internet use, as well as emotional maladjustment and behavioral problems, among Cypriot adolescents. Longitudinal studies are needed to elucidate whether Internet gambling constitutes a risk factor for the development of Internet addictive behavior among adolescents.

  1. Esfera pública e redes socias na Internet: O que é novo no Facebook?

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    Natalia Raimondo Anselmino


    Full Text Available Vivemos em sociedades altamente midiatizadas e não somente atravessadas pela ação dos meios de comunicação de massa mas, também, pelas novas tensões que assume o processo de midiatização a partir do desenvolvimento das redes sociais em Internet. Ao reconhecer a natureza ambiental e construtiva dos meios de comunicação de massa é possível, também, considerar a midiatização como modalidade nuclear da construção da esfera pública. Neste contexto, este artigo pergunta sobre os modos onde o funcionamento do Facebook e os discursos aí expostos participam na configuração da esfera pública contemporânea, assim como, ademais, sobre o grau de novidade que mostra dita intervenção a respeito da exercida pelos tradicionais meios de comunicação de massa. Em função de articular as reflexões expostas com alguns dos eixos que tomou o debate teórico lançado pela análise que realizou Habermas sobre a gênese e as transformações estruturais da vida pública, este artigo enfoca nestes três seguintes aspectos: a gestão da visibilidade, da colocação pública ou publicação; o lugar que ocupa o diálogo, a deliberação e o dissenso; a condição múltipla e móvel da esfera pública atual.

  2. Internet-kulttuuri nykytaiteessa


    Höyssä, Timo


    Internet-kulttuuri nykytaiteessa Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan internet-taiteen historiaa ja nykyisiä esityskäytäntöjä sekä sitä miten globaali internet-kulttuuri on muokannut nykytaidetta sekä galleriassa että webissä. Tutkimuksessa kysytään miten internetin kehitys on vaikuttanut internet-taiteeseen sekä post-internet-taiteen syntyyn? Mikä on internetin paikka nykytaiteessa sekä populaarikulttuurissa? Internet culture in contemporary art A study on the history of Internet art and it’...

  3. Internet Policy (United States)

    Lehr, William H.; Pupillo, Lorenzo Maria

    The Internet is now widely regarded as essential infrastructure for our global economy and society. It is in our homes and businesses. We use it to communicate and socialize, for research, and as a platform for E-commerce. In the late 1990s, much was predicted about what the Internet has become at present; but now, we have actual experience living with the Internet as a critical component of our everyday lives. Although the Internet has already had profound effects, there is much we have yet to realize. The present volume represents a third installment in a collaborative effort to highlight the all-encompassing, multidisciplinary implications of the Internet for public policy. The first installment was conceived in 1998, when we initiated plans to organize an international conference among academic, industry, and government officials to discuss the growing policy agenda posed by the Internet. The conference was hosted by the European Commission in Brussels in 1999 and brought together a diverse mix of perspectives on what the pressing policy issues would be confronting the Internet. All of the concerns identified remain with us today, including how to address the Digital Divide, how to modify intellectual property laws to accommodate the new realities of the Internet, what to do about Internet governance and name-space management, and how to evolve broadcast and telecommunications regulatory frameworks for a converged world.

  4. Internet user behaviour

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    Radbâță, A.


    Full Text Available Internet is a useful tool for everybody in a technologically advanced world. As Internet appears and develops, it creates a totally new network environment. The development of commerce on the Internet based on virtual communities has become one of the most successful business models in the world. After analyzing the concept of internet, the e-commerce market and its marketing mix and the benefits and limitations of the Internet, we have presented a few studies on Internet user behaviour. Furthermore, the paper looks at a representative sample of Romanian internet users. The results reveal that the Romanians are using the Internet especially for information gathering, e-mail, entertainment and social networking.

  5. Internet-Based Communication (United States)

    Gernsbacher, Morton Ann


    Google the question, "How is the Internet changing the way we communicate?," and you will find no shortage of opinions, or fears, about the Internet altering the way we communicate. Although the Internet is not necessarily making communication briefer (neither is the Internet making communication less formal), the Internet is manifesting…

  6. Internet Abuse and Internet Addiction in the Workplace (United States)

    Griffiths, Mark


    Purpose: This paper seeks to overview the issues, concerns and challenges relating to internet abuse and internet addiction in the workplace. Design/methodology/approach: Using psychological literature, the paper outlines a number of important and inter-related areas including brief overviews of internet abuse, and the most extreme form of…

  7. Gigantes da internet e práticas fiscais desleais / Internet Giants and Unfair Tax Practices

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    Ludovic Ayrault


    analisa o problema com base na legislação tributária francesa, em contraste com fontes internacionais da OCDE – Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico – e de outros países, como Estados Unidos da América e Irlanda. Além da apreciação jurídica, são analisados relatórios e casos. Resultados – No que se refere às falhas de legislação, mostra-se a “relação territorial” e o “preço de transferência” como os principais elementos para o debate sobre a elisão fiscal. Em relação às formas de enfrentamento de práticas desleais, encontram-se a luta contra jurisdições fiscais complacentes bem como a exigência de transparência sobre as empresas, com obrigações de informação. Implicações práticas – Permite-se esclarecer, assim, o comportamento fiscal adotado pelas empresas gigantes da Internet, bem como as possíveis formas de enfrentamento dessas práticas desleais, com base no contexto europeu. Originalidade – A originalidade se dá justamente em problematizar o comportamento fiscal de grandes corporações da Internet e elucidar os meios possíveis para tentar coibir as práticas desleais.

  8. Entrevista: A bolha da Internet e as empresas de comunicação no Brasil

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    Marcelo Coutinho


    Full Text Available Elisabeth Saad é professora de jornalismo da ECA-USP, responsável pelas disciplinas de graduação e pós-graduação sobre a mídia digital. Também foi responsável pelo Portal da USP na Internet, que sob sua administração atingiu níveis de acesso domiciliar que superaram em termos proporcionais os verificados em instituições como Harvard, MIT e Oxford. É autora do livro Estratégias para a mídia digital, resenhado no número anterior desta revista e sobre o qual concedeu a seguinte entrevista para o prof. Marcelo Coutinho.

  9. Internet marketing


    Zelený, Martin


    In the bachelor thesis are introduced theoretical concepts of the Internet and marketing, accented the need of marketing mix along with its specifics of the internet environment. Next is interpreted which tools can be used for marketing of firms and which marketing instruments are to be deployed. Final chapter illustrates socio-demographics of Czech internet users along with media market allocation from the perspective of all media as well as in the segment of the Internet.

  10. Internet accounting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pras, Aiko; van Beijnum, Bernhard J.F.; Sprenkels, Ron; Parhonyi, R.


    This article provides an introduction to Internet accounting and discusses the status of related work within the IETF and IRTF, as well as certain research projects. Internet accounting is different from accounting in POTS. To understand Internet accounting, it is important to answer questions like

  11. Wireless Internet

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    el Zarki, M.; Heijenk, Geert; Lee, Kenneth S.; Bidgoli, H.

    This chapter addresses the topic of wireless Internet, the extension of the wireline Internet architecture to the wireless domain. As such the chapter introduces the reader to the dominant characteristics of the Internet, from its structure to the protocols that control the forwarding of data and

  12. Uso dos recursos de Internet na Enfermagem: uma revisão Uso de los recursos de la Internet en la Enfermería: una revisión Use of Internet resources in Nursing: a review

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    Selina Guillen Freitas dos Santos


    Full Text Available Os recursos do sistema Internet estão cada vez mais popularizados em todas as áreas das atividades humanas na sociedade. Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar e descrever as principais modalidades de utilização da Internet pela enfermagem nas áreas de Educação, Assistência e Pesquisa. Trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico cuja fonte de dados foi a base de dados MEDLINE, usando-se expressões de pesquisa pertinentes às áreas enfocadas. Dos trabalhos referidos, 63 artigos foram selecionados. A principal utilização na área de Educação é o desenvolvimento de aplicações para promover ensino à distância; na área de Educação ao Paciente é a disponibilização de informação de saúde; na área de Assistência são as aplicações que oferecem protocolos assistenciais para promover a prática baseada em evidências e na área de Pesquisa é a coleta de dados on-line. Conclui-se que a enfermagem vem utilizando satisfatoriamente os recursos do sistema Internet e, isto tem contribuído para o próprio desenvolvimento da profissão.Los recursos del sistema Internet son amplamente popularizados en la mayoria de las actividades humanas en la sociedad. Esto artículo objectiva identificar y describir las principales modalidades de utilización de la Internet por la enfermería en las areas de Educación, Asistencia y Pesquisa. Es un estudio de revisión bibliográfica cuya fuente de datos fue la base de datos MEDLINE, usandose descriptores pertinentes a las areas enfocadas. De los trabajos referidos, 63 articulos fueran selecionados. La principal utilización en la area de Educación es el desarrollo de aplicaciones para promover la educacion a distancia; en la area de Educación al Paciente es la disponibilización de información de salud; en la area de Asistencia son las aplicaciones con protocolos asistenciales para promover la practica basada en evidencias y en la area de Pesquisa es la recolecta de datos online. Se ha

  13. Sociedade e Sustentabilidade: qual o lugar do conhecimento?

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    Maíra Baumgarten


    Full Text Available O texto aporta algumas considerações histórico-teóricas sobre as relações entre sociedade, conhecimento e sustentabilidade, buscando as intersecções desse debate com a problemática do desenvolvimento no mundo contemporâneo. A seguir são apresentados os artigos que integram o dossiê Sociedade, Conhecimentos e Sustentabilidade. Esses artigos têm em comum o enlace entre sociedade, ciência e sustentabilidade, ora trazendo controvérsias teóricas e colocando em discussão o próprio fazer científico e sua crítica, ora apresentando a temática da produção científica sobre sustentabilidade, observando arranjos conceituais, abordagens das interfaces entre humanos e não humanos, hibridismos, disciplinaridade e interdisciplinaridade. As tecnologias da informação e suas aplicações e repercussões sociais também estão presentes nas análises apresentadas, que abordam, de um lado, interações mediadas pela internet e sua capacidade para a criação de apoio social e, de outro lado, o aumento de desigualdades sociais no acesso a bens e a recursos característicos de uma sociedade com uso mais intensificado de tecnologias de informação e comunicação.

  14. Informação e software livre no capitalismo contemporâneo

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    Fernando Augusto M. Mattos


    Full Text Available A sociedade contemporânea mostra cada vez mais a necessidade de o indivíduo ter controle do processo de seleção, processamento, comunicação e uso das informações. A informatização da sociedade é notória e crescente, mediada principalmente pelas novas tecnologias, capazes de estabelecer elos em diferentes e distantes espaços geográficos, convergindo com uma grande quantidade de informações nas mais diversas áreas da inteligência humana, seja para o uso cultural, empresarial, político e governamental ou mesmo de entretenimento. Frente às transformações tecnológicas, ocorridas a partir da implementação efetiva da Internet, surgem novas formas de organização e produção de software, tendo como destaque no cenário atual o movimento de software livre e os discursos existentes de que ele se estabeleceria com um caráter libertador no compartilhamento de informação e conhecimento. Este estudo verifica as tendências e os rumos do software livre no capitalismo contemporâneo, efetuando uma discussão com os discursos existentes, se apoiando na Ciência da Informação e nas discussões da economia política da informação.

  15. Ideias sobre a Constituição, influenciadas pela nova Constituição Francesa


    Wilhelm von Humboldt


    A presente tradução que ora se apresenta ao público brasileiro, realizou-se no seio do Projeto de Investigação «A recepção da Revolução Francesa pela Filosofia Alemã do final do século XVIII e início do século XIX» (PTDC / FIL / 74365 / 2006), financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal, e fora realizada pela equipe de investigação composta por: Prof. Carlos Morujão, Profa. Inês Bolinhas, Prof. Miguel Santos Silva, Profa. Cláudia Oliveira e Profa. Teresa Pedro. (As notas ...

  16. Internet

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Overview Graphics. Internet. The latest communication revolution surrounds Internet. Some stats*:. 210 billion emails sent daily; 15 billion phone calls everyday; ~40 billion WWW links served everyday. * Source : The Radicati group.

  17. Responsible Internet Use. (United States)

    Truett, Carol; And Others


    Provides advice for making school Internet-use guidelines. Outlines responsible proactive use of the Internet for educators and librarians, discusses strengths and weaknesses of Internet blocking software and rating systems, and describes acceptable-use policies (AUP). Lists resources for creating your own AUP, Internet filtering software, and…

  18. Trabajo en red mediada por TICs, forma productiva y representaciones sociales : un estudio de caso de una asociación voluntaria dedicada a la creación de software libre en la Argentina 2000s


    Xhardez, Verónica


    La presente tesis plantea la problemática de la organización del trabajo en red mediada por Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) y sus implicaciones socioeconómicas, a través de la producción voluntaria de Software Libre (SL) en la Argentina 2000s. A fin de abordar esta modalidad de trabajo –considerada una dimensión del crecimiento socioeconómico basado en la información, el conocimiento y el uso generalizado de TICs– el estudio analiza el carácter social e informático d...

  19. [Interrelations Between Adolescent Problematic Internet Use and Parental Internet Mediation]. (United States)

    Kammerl, Rudolf; Wartberg, Lutz


    Interrelations Between Adolescent Problematic Internet Use and Parental Internet Mediation Everyday life of adolescents and their parents is increasingly characterized by digital media usage (also referred to as "process of mediatization"). In the current study, associations between problematic Internet use of the adolescents (as a possible consequence of the process of mediatization) and parental media education were explored. For this purpose, throughout Germany 1,095 family dyads (an adolescent and a related parent) were investigated with a standardized questionnaire measuring different aspects of parental media education and adolescent problematic Internet use. We conducted two multiple linear regression analyses (dimensional approach) with adolescent problematic Internet use based on self-ratings (model 1, corrected R 2 = 0.18) and parental assessment (model 2, corrected R 2 = 0.24) as response variables. Consistently for self- and parental ratings, adolescent problematic Internet use was statistically significant related to male gender (of the adolescent), a more frequent inconsistent media education (adolescents' and parents' perspective) and a stronger monitoring (parents' perspective). Additionally, we observed associations between the parental rating of adolescent problematic Internet use and a less frequent active and restrictive Internet Mediation (parents' perspective). The findings of the present study show the importance of parental media education for problematic Internet use in adolescence and especially, the role of inconsistent media education should be investigated again in further studies.

  20. Security in the internet; Sicherheitsaspekte im Internet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seibel, R.M.M.; Kocher, K.; Landsberg, P. [Witten-Herdecke Univ., Witten (Germany). Inst. fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie


    Aim of the study: Is it possible to use the Internet as a secure media for transport of telemedicine? Which risks exist for routine use? In this article state of the art methods of security were analysed. Telemedicine in the Internet has severe risks, because patient data and hospital data of a secure Intranet can be manipulated by connecting it to the Web. Conclusions: Establishing of a firewall and the introduction of HPC (Health Professional Card) are minimizing the risk of un-authorized access to the hospital server. HPC allows good safety with digital signature and authentication of host and client of medical data. For secure e-mail PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is easy to use as a standard protocol. Planning all activities exactly as well as following legal regulations are important requisites for reduction of safety risks in Internet. (orig.) [German] Ziele der Studie und Analyse: Es sollten die Fragen beantwortet werden, ob es moeglich ist, das Internet als sicheres Uebermittlungsmedium fuer Telemedizin zu nutzen und welche Sicherheitsrisiken bestehen. Dazu wurden die gaengigen Sicherheitsmethoden analysiert. Telemedizin im Internet ist mit Sicherheitsrisiken behaftet, die durch die Oeffnung eines Intranets mit der Moeglichkeit zur unberechtigten Manipulation von aussen bedingt sind. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Sicherheitsrisiken koennen durch eine Firewall weitgehend unterbunden werden. Chipkarten wie die Health professional card ermoeglichen eine hohe Sicherheit bei digitaler Signatur und sicherer Authentifikation der Sender und Empfaenger von Daten im Internet. Auch Standards wie Pretty good privacy sind inzwischen fuer sichere e-mails einfach einzusetzen. Wichtige Voraussetzung fuer die Reduktion von Sicherheitsrisiken ist unter Beruecksichtigung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben die exakte Planung aller Aktivitaeten im Internet, bei denen medizinische Patientendaten versandt werden sollen, in einem Team aus Aerzten und Informatikern. (orig.)



    Matthew N. O. Sadiku*, Shumon Alam, Sarhan M. Musa


    Internet advertising (IA) is using the Internet to market products and services to a large audience. In the current era of Internet commerce, companies have chosen to use Internet advertising and the trend is irreversible. The goal of Internet advertising is to drive customers to your website. Understanding some key concepts of Internet advertising is crucial to creating a strategy that will suit one’s business. This paper provides a brief introduction to Internet or online advertising.

  2. Compulsive Internet use: the role of online gaming and other internet applications. (United States)

    van Rooij, Antonius J; Schoenmakers, Tim M; van de Eijnden, Regina J J M; van de Mheen, Dike


    Increasing research on Internet addiction makes it necessary to distinguish between the medium of Internet and its specific applications. This study explores the relationship between time spent on various Internet applications (including online gaming) and Compulsive Internet Use in a large sample of adolescents. The 2007 (N=4,920) and 2008 (N=4,753) samples of a longitudinal survey study among adolescents were used, as well as the 2007-2008 cohort subsample (N=1421). Compulsive Internet Use was predicted from the time spent on the various Internet applications in two cross-sectional multiple linear regression models and one longitudinal regression model in which changes in behavior were related to changes in Compulsive Internet Use. In both samples, downloading, social networking, MSN use, Habbo Hotel, chatting, blogging, online games, and casual games were shown to be associated with Compulsive Internet Use. Off these, online gaming was shown to have the strongest association with Compulsive Internet Use. Moreover, changes in online gaming were most strongly associated with changes in Compulsive Internet Use over time for the longitudinal cohort. A clear relationship was shown between online gaming and Compulsive Internet Use. It is further argued that a subgroup of compulsive Internet users should be classified as compulsive online gamers. Copyright (c) 2010 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Internet Commerce Managing Financial on the Internet

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    Chandra Wibowo Widhianto


    Full Text Available Article explain how to business through internet which are web business clarification, strategy effect, how to make profit, and business electronic changes consist of criptografy, EDI, signature, digital notarisation, file, payment, and how to get succes in internet business.

  4. A indústria fonográfica nos tempos da internet: como a pirataria pode modelar novos modelos para a música

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    André Pequeno dos Santos


    Full Text Available Introdução: A constante queda nas vendas de álbuns e a consequente diminuição nos lucros fez soar o sinal de alerta da indústria fonográfica. O livre compartilhamento das músicas configura ao mesmo tempo o potencial democrático da internet e descortina as ações chamadas de pirataria digital, baseadas na apropriação ilegal dos direitos autorais.Objetivo: Discutir como a pirataria pode influenciar o surgimento de novas alternativas para o cenário musical, relativizando os aspectos de uma cultura livre que na música é simbolizada pela ação dos usuários a partir das atividades que ficaram comumente conhecidas como pirataria.Metodologia: Este trabalho se baseia na observação, na análise e na síntese de dados relacionados aos temas propostos, viabilizando uma discussão baseada no estudo exploratório e explicativoResultados: Apresenta um breve histórico da indústria fonográfica, identificando a partir de meados dos anos 90, o papel da internet e das ferramentas oriundas dela que permitiram novos arranjos nas questões musicais.Conclusão: A pirataria mesmo sendo vista pelos seus aspectos negativos, pode ser um importante componente de discussão e estudo das atividades dos usuários em busca de uma cultura livre, aqui exemplificada pela questão da música e de interessantes iniciativas como Jamendo e Trama Virtual.

  5. The impact of internet gambling on gambling problems: a comparison of moderate-risk and problem Internet and non-Internet gamblers. (United States)

    Gainsbury, Sally M; Russell, Alex; Hing, Nerilee; Wood, Robert; Blaszczynski, Alex


    Numerous studies have reported higher rates of gambling problems among Internet compared with non-Internet gamblers. However, little research has examined those at risk of developing gambling problems or overall gambling involvement. This study aimed to examine differences between problem and moderate-risk gamblers among Internet and non-Internet gamblers to determine the mechanisms for how Internet gambling may contribute to gambling problems. Australian gamblers (N = 6,682) completed an online survey that included measures of gambling participation, problem gambling severity, and help seeking. Compared with non-Internet gamblers, Internet gamblers were younger, engaged in a greater number of gambling activities, and were more likely to bet on sports. These differences were significantly greater for problem than moderate-risk gamblers. Non-Internet gamblers were more likely to gamble on electronic gaming machines, and a significantly higher proportion of problem gamblers participated in this gambling activity. Non-Internet gamblers were more likely to report health and psychological impacts of problem gambling and having sought help for gambling problems. Internet gamblers who experience gambling-related harms appear to represent a somewhat different group from non-Internet problem and moderate-risk gamblers. This has implications for the development of treatment and prevention programs, which are often based on research that does not cater for differences between subgroups of gamblers. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  6. Internet Economics IV (United States)


    edts.): Internet Economics IV Technical Report No. 2004-04, August 2004 Information Systems Laboratory IIS, Departement of Computer Science University of...level agreements (SLA), Information technology (IT), Internet address, Internet service provider 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18... technology and its economic impacts in the Internet world today. The second talk addresses the area of AAA protocol, summarizing authentication

  7. Comunicación colaborativa: aspectos relevantes en la interacción humano-humano mediada por la tecnología digital

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    Nancy Zambrano


    Full Text Available La comunicación colaborativa mediada por el computador concierne al desarrollo de aplicaciones que permitenel intercambio de voz, texto, imágenes, video y está dirigido a personas que usan medios digitales. Esta área ha tenido gran auge con la proliferación de herramientas, tales como wiki, blog, grupos de discusión, pantallas compartidas,organizadores de proyectos, video conferencias que son soportadas en plataformas como Web, P2P o dispositivos móviles. La calidad de la comunicación depende en parte del diseño de las interfaces de usuario que se desarrollen, de la usabilidad del producto final que se alcance y del grado de sociabilidad y socialización que los grupos practiquen. Lo central para mediar la comunicación entre humanos es fabricar un diseño de calidad, a través del desarrollo de patronesde interacción. Este trabajo considera que los patrones de interacción se basan en las características comunicacionales y de usabilidad que ofrecen las aplicaciones colaborativas. Como resultado, se elabora un lenguaje derivado del patrón de Comunicación Colaborativa, que constituye un prototipo de bajo nivel que permite incorporar la usabilidad como un atributo de calidad de software para facilitar, desde el inicio, el diseño de interfaces de usuarios.

  8. Insights into Motivating Internet Users towards Internet Banking


    J. Ramola Premalatha


    Internet banking has evolved from helping customers meet their basic banking needs to meeting their sophisticated needs. In recent years, the number of internet banking users has been increasing exponentially. As customers get more and more educated, getting insight about internet banking has become a primary area of concern for all leading banks in India. Hence, the study is made to analyse the perception of customers specifically who are computer literate, in a semi-urban area about interne...

  9. Kultur Damai Berbasis Tradisi Pela Dalam Perspektif Psikologi Sosial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roubrenda N. Ralahallo


    Full Text Available Conflict and violence was the destructive reality that showed reduction and alienated of existence humanity. The essence of human being has destruction because dominance of egoism of people’s without care value of victim community. Because of that condition, the basic need to create a culture of peace as constructive reality that connected relationship between all of people is urgently. On the level individual and group, the acceptance of “the other‐self” as him/herself has destroy the wall of differences which always be source of conflict and violence. The fusion identity “we” (ingroup and “them” (outgroup has establish common ingroup identity as “us” in recategorization process that contribution to reduction negative aspect seems like prejudice, discrimination and stereotype. This research involve four subject with age 20‐30 years old, genre as masculin and feminin, and they have a comprehensive science about pela tradition. Other informant like a King of negeri, Kapitan negeri and all of people also involve in this research. Qualitative method with ethno‐phenomenology approach is use in this research with observation and interview as method and procedure to collect data. The result of this research showed that culture of peace can be found in local wisdom as pela tradition. The basic idea in this tradition is a common identity “saudara/orang basudara” which has calling as “ela”. Pscychological dynamics occur in this perspective because the word of “ela” to contain a constructive and positive meaning that arranged relation between the groups Rohomoni‐Tuhaha. Implementation of values the culture of peace has been seen in the behavioral “saudara pela” that mutual constructive, trust, respect. This fact could be found in Molluccas conflict at 1999‐2004, pela tradition can be the media reconciliation between two groups Moslem and Christian.

  10. Internet printing (United States)

    Rahgozar, M. Armon; Hastings, Tom; McCue, Daniel L.


    The Internet is rapidly changing the traditional means of creation, distribution and retrieval of information. Today, information publishers leverage the capabilities provided by Internet technologies to rapidly communicate information to a much wider audience in unique customized ways. As a result, the volume of published content has been astronomically increasing. This, in addition to the ease of distribution afforded by the Internet has resulted in more and more documents being printed. This paper introduces several axes along which Internet printing may be examined and addresses some of the technological challenges that lay ahead. Some of these axes include: (1) submission--the use of the Internet protocols for selecting printers and submitting documents for print, (2) administration--the management and monitoring of printing engines and other print resources via Web pages, and (3) formats--printing document formats whose spectrum now includes HTML documents with simple text, layout-enhanced documents with Style Sheets, documents that contain audio, graphics and other active objects as well as the existing desktop and PDL formats. The format axis of the Internet Printing becomes even more exciting when one considers that the Web documents are inherently compound and the traversal into the various pieces may uncover various formats. The paper also examines some imaging specific issues that are paramount to Internet Printing. These include formats and structures for representing raster documents and images, compression, fonts rendering and color spaces.

  11. Is there a relationship between Internet dependence and eating disorders? A comparison study of Internet dependents and non-Internet dependents. (United States)

    Tao, Z L; Liu, Y


    Several studies have examined the underlying psychopathology in overuse of the Internet, including depression, social anxiety, and substance dependence. A relationship between these psychological disorders appears to exist. No links have been established between Internet dependence and eating disorders. Fifty-four Internet dependents were compared with a control group concerning symptomatic aspects of eating disorders and psychological characteristics related to eating disorders. They all belonged to 1199 respondents of Chinese secondary school and college students between the ages of 12 and 25 years old. A Mann-Whitney U-test was used to determine the difference between Internet dependent groups and non-Internet dependent groups concerning Eating Attitudes Test and Eating Disorder Inventory scores. Females and male Internet dependents rated themselves with significantly higher symptomatic aspects of eating disorders than control groups. Female and male Internet dependents showed significantly higher psychological characteristics related to eating disorders than control groups. A relationship between Internet dependence and eating disorders appears to exist.

  12. [Internet addiction]. (United States)

    Korkeila, Jyrki


    Internet addiction is defined as uncontrolled and harmful use of Internet, which manifests in three forms: gaming, various sexual activities and excessive use of emails, chats or SMS messaging. Several studies have found that abuse of alcohol and other substances, depression and other health problems are associated with Internet addiction. In boys and men depression may be more a consequence of the addiction than a cause for it. ADHD seems to be a significant background factor for developing the condition. Because it is almost impossible to lead a life without Internet and computers nowadays, it is unrealistic to aim towards full abstinence. Treatment has generally followed the guidelines adapted for pathological gambling.

  13. Internet use and suicidal behaviors: internet as a threat or opportunity? (United States)

    Robert, Anna; Suelves, Josep Maria; Armayones, Manuel; Ashley, Sivakamy


    Suicidal behavior is a common and severe health problem around the world. Internet use has been related to an increase in suicidal behaviors, but few studies have focused on the potential benefits of Internet use for preventing self-harm and suicide. We reviewed the existing literature on the relationship between suicide and Internet use. The accessibility of suicide-related information on the Internet seems to have an impact on the incidence of suicide behaviors. However, the Internet is useful for linking people who feel lonely or isolated, and it provides access to suicide prevention information and resources. The Internet can influence vulnerable people to attempt suicide, but it can also be used to prevent self-harm and suicide. We propose some efforts that can be made in this preventive line.

  14. Problematic internet users' skin conductance and anxiety increase after exposure to the internet. (United States)

    Romano, Michela; Roaro, Alessandra; Re, Federica; Osborne, Lisa A; Truzoli, Roberto; Reed, Phil


    To examine the impact of cessation of an internet session on skin conductance responses and anxiety of higher and lower problem internet users, in order to explore possible physiological withdrawal effects. Participants were measured in terms of their skin conductance before (15min), during (15min), and after (15min) an internet session, and completed self-report measures of state anxiety and problematic internet use. Higher, but not lower, problem users showed increased skin conductance after internet use was stopped, relative to before their internet session. Higher problem users' GSR scores increased, as the time from internet cessation became longer. Higher problem users also showed increased levels of anxiety, following their internet session, which correlated with their skin conductance scores. These results suggest that, following termination of an internet session, withdrawal-like effects are seen, both psychologically and physiologically. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. La expresión de las emociones en la Comunicación Virtual: El Ciberhabla

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    Isabel Cuadrado Gordillo


    Full Text Available RESUMENLa comunicación mediada por ordenador se ha convertido en una de las principales herramientas de comunicación de la sociedad. La proliferación en Internet de foros y redes sociales, ha modificado  los intereses y usos del tiempo libre, especialmente entre adolescentes y jóvenes. Este tipo de comunicación comparte con la escritura y con la interacción oral, algunas de sus características, sin embargo, sus peculiaridades han dado lugar a la aparición de otras nuevas. Entre estas últimas, destacan los emoticonos. En los últimos tiempos su número y complejidad ha aumentado significativamente, al igual que sus funciones.El presente estudio pretende hacer un análisis extenso del uso y las funciones con las que personas de distintas edades emplean los emoticonos en el contexto de la Comunicación Mediada por Ordenador. Para ello se ha analizado una muestra de mensajes extraídos al azar de seis foros de discusión asincrónica distintos con una metodología interpretativo-descriptiva.

  16. Modeling traditional literacy, internet skills and internet usage: an empirical study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Deursen, Alexander Johannes Aloysius Maria; van Dijk, Johannes A.G.M.


    This paper focuses on the relationships among traditional literacy (reading, writing and understanding text), medium-related Internet skills (consisting of operational and formal skills), content-related Internet skills (consisting of information and strategic skills) and Internet usage types

  17. Undesigning the Internet : An exploratory study of reducing everyday Internet connectivity


    Widdicks, Kelly Victoria; Ringenson, Tina; Pargman, Daniel; Kuppusamy, Vishnupriya; Lago, Patricia


    Internet connectivity is seamlessly integrated into many of our everyday habits and activities. Despite this, previous research has highlighted that our rather excessive Internet use is not sustainable or even always socially beneficial. In this paper, we carried out an exploratory study on how Internet disconnection affects our everyday lives and whether such disconnection is even possible in today’s society. Through daily surveys, we captured what Internet use means for ten participants and...

  18. Internet piracy


    Fiala, Jiří


    The main objective of this thesis is to describe the Internet piracy phenomenon and to define responsibility of individuals for copyright violations on the Internet from the view of valid Czech legislation. In order to prevent Internet piracy, countries are pushed to swiftly react on continuous development of new technologies used by pirates - these efforts of individual countries are described in several chapters of this thesis that are exploring the most significant court rulings. These rul...

  19. A study on Turkish adolescent's Internet use: possible predictors of Internet addiction. (United States)

    Ak, Serife; Koruklu, Nermin; Yılmaz, Yusuf


    The purpose of this study is to investigate the internet use of Turkish adolescents, with a (particular) focus on the risk of Internet addiction. A web-based questionnaire was completed by a total of 4,311 adolescents attending public high schools in grades 9-12, in a small-sized city in western Turkey. Ages ranged from 15 to 19 years, 54 percent were female and 46 percent male. The questionnaire included items on sociodemographic information, Internet usage, and a Turkish version of the Young's Internet Addiction Test. The data were analyzed in SPPS 15.0 program using the t test, the Mann-Whitney U test, correlation and hierarchic regression analysis. The findings show that, regardless of gender, Facebook ranked highest in the classification of students' purpose of Internet use; it was also found that females mainly used the Internet for communication, whereas males were more interested in playing online games and reading newspapers and magazines. The results of hierarchic regression analysis indicated that the significant predictors of the internet addiction were the presence of Internet access at home, gender, and family income levels.

  20. Estou Satisfeito: Um Estudo sobre a Lealdade do Consumidor em Restaurantes Empregando a Escala Dineserv

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    Carlos Alberto Alves


    Full Text Available O propósito deste trabalho é investigar a relação entre a qualidade de serviços e a lealdade do consumidor mediada pela satisfação, por meio de um estudo empírico realizado com frequentadores de restaurantes na cidade de São Paulo. Por meio de uma extensiva revisão bibliográfica, duas hipóteses centrais foram formuladas: a a qualidade de serviços percebida possui relação direta e significante com a lealdade e b a satisfação é um fator mediador, contribuindo com a relação qualidade de serviço percebida e lealdade do consumidor.  Foi realizada uma pesquisa tipo survey com 444 consumidores que frequentam restaurantes para jantar na cidade de São Paulo, e utilizada a Modelagem de Equação Estrutural, para avaliar as relações entre caminhos e testes de hipóteses. Os resultados apontam para uma relação positiva e significante entre a qualidade percebida em serviços e a lealdade do consumidor e, da mesma forma, foi encontrado que a satisfação possui papel de mediação na relação. Como contribuição gerencial, os resultados deste estudo dão algumas importantes direções aos gestores de restaurantes na formulação de uma estratégia para fornecer uma qualidade de serviço superior aos seus clientes e consumidores. Este estudo se justifica tanto teoricamente como gerencialmente, pois, no Brasil, poucos trabalhos publicados consideram a relação entre a qualidade percebida de serviços e a lealdade do consumidor, mediada pela satisfação no setor de hospitalidade.

  1. Period of internet usage: An indicator of the buying behaviour of internet users?

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    PJ du Plessis


    Full Text Available This article focuses on the experience of the Internet user with regard to purchasing goods and services. A self-administered survey, hosted on a dedicated website, was used as a data collection method and 1005 responses were received. It was found that the period of Internet usage significantly influenced the decision to purchase via the Internet. Another finding was that the period of Internet usage significantly influenced whether those shopping on the Internet searched for, or considered searching for, product and service information online prior to purchasing from non-Internet-based sellers.

  2. Internet Bad Neighborhoods

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moreira Moura, Giovane


    A significant part of current Internet attacks originates from hosts that are distributed all over the Internet. However, there is evidence that most of these hosts are, in fact, concentrated in certain parts of the Internet. This behavior resembles the crime distribution in the real world: it

  3. A comunicação dos autômatos: sobre o imaginário do pós-humanismo na internet

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    Erick Felinto


    Full Text Available A internet vem se tornando rapidamente um vasto espaço comunicacional, de contornos indefinidos e extremamente abertos. Ao lado de outras mídias tradicionais, como a televisão e o rádio, vem se constituindo num locus privilegiado para a análise das representações sociais e do imaginário caracterizador da cultura contemporânea. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho é mostrar como um dos principais temas da cibercultura — a questão do pós-humanismo — se manifesta no domínio da rede mundial de computadores. Outro é assinalar a importância desse tema para a civilização tecnológica e as razões pelas quais ele se torna relevante para uma reflexão sobre a comunicação na contemporaneidade. Palavras-chave: Pós-humanismo; internet; comunicação; cibercultura Abstract: Communication of the automatons: about the imaginary of post-humanism on the internet — The Internet is fast becoming a vast communicational space of undefined and extremely open borders. Beside other traditional communication media such as television and radio, the Internet has become a privileged locus for the analysis of social representations and the imaginary that characterizes contemporary culture. The main purpose of this paper is to describe how the topic of posthumanism — one of the main themes of Cyberculture — is manifested within the domain of the World Wide Web. Another objective of this investigation is to identify the importance of this topic for the technological civilization, as well as the reasons for its relevance in reflections about communication in contemporary culture. Keywords: Posthumanism; Internet; communication; cyberculture

  4. Internet Freedom in Asia: Case of Internet Censorship in China

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    Full Text Available Internet can develop the communication and information freedom on society but unfortunately in some nations, especially in Asia, it cannot be fully accessed because of government censorship. This report explains the relationship between the practice of Internet censorship imposed by the Chinese government and the freedom of its citizens (in the internet surfing experience as the realization of human rights in the freedom of expression and opinion (seek, receive-use, and communicate information which is traced through the relevant literature study. China is a unique case since the internet censorship regulation contributes to its status as the country with the least internet freedom yet at the same time it is credited as having the most internet users globally. In addition, China known as the communist country that began opening up to globalization and information of technology, but the government’s control over it is still so tight and binding, not only in the press, or the traditional media, but also in new media with the internet censorship. The control over this information may have a clear objective to maintain a climate of information in the community, but on the other hand, such control is tantamount to restricting the right of citizens to make, use, and distribute information, and more fatal as a violation of human rights.

  5. Internet Economics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henten, Anders; Skouby, Knud Erik; Øst, Alexander Gorm


    Article descibing and analysing the influence of the commercialisation of Internet on end-user and interconnect pricing.......Article descibing and analysing the influence of the commercialisation of Internet on end-user and interconnect pricing....

  6. The Sensing Internet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heller, Alfred


    . Sensor networks can be seen as an important part of the Internet of Things and may even constitute an Internet of Sensors, since the communication layers can differ from the Internet standards. The current paper describes the case for application, followed by a discussion of the observed adaptive...

  7. Measuring the internet

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhou, X.


    The Internet is a collection of networks that use the TCP/IP suite of protocols. It has a huge impact on human activity. There are currently hundreds of millions of computers connected to the Internet, generating several petabytes traffic a day. Internet is still growing rapidly. However, the

  8. Internet from Above. (United States)

    Sullivan, Laura


    Explains how fast and reliable Internet access can be obtained by using satellite communications based on experiences at a high school in Mississippi. Discusses Internet communications; how it was implemented in the media center; local area networks; the need for Ethernet-based connection to the Internet; and price. (LRW)

  9. Australian internet policy

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    Angela Daly


    Full Text Available This special issue focussing on internet policy in Australia provides a snapshot of developments on various topics (access, privacy, censorship as a means of understanding better the state of play in Australia, and also how this compares to internet policy in other parts of the world, especially Europe and North America. Given changing geopolitics, the influence of internet policy in the rest of the Asia Pacific through vehicles such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP may become increasingly important in Australia in the coming years. This leaves Australia, and its internet policy, at a crossroads, which may reflect broader dynamics in internet policy internationally, and makes this an interesting time in which to explore what is happening in this particular country.

  10. Internet Self-Efficacy Preferences of Internet Based Environments and Achievement of Prospective Teachers (United States)

    Ozyalcin Oskay, Ozge


    The aims of this study are to determine prospective chemistry teachers' internet self-efficacy and preferences of constructivist internet-assisted environments and to examine the relationship between their internet self-efficacy and their preferences for constructivist internet-assisted environments, the relationship between their achievement in…

  11. Trends in Internet Marketing


    Panchanathan, Nitin


    Internet marketing involves the usage of the Internet to market and sell goods or services. In this thesis we wished to seek answers for the following questions with the help of web, email surveys taking into consideration consumer perspective, company perspective and 3rd party internet marketing agency perspective. Our survey sample was based on a small set of companies, consumers and internet marketing agencies. The survey results helped us in predicting the trends in internet marketing. We...

  12. Internet economics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henten, Anders; Skouby, Knud Erik; Øst, Alexander Gorm


    A paper on the economics of the Internet with respect to end user pricing and pricing og interconnect.......A paper on the economics of the Internet with respect to end user pricing and pricing og interconnect....

  13. Formação de Professores que Ensinam Matemática no Contexto da Cibercultura: Estudo em uma Escola UCA

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    Dennys Leite Maia


    Full Text Available Nas últimas décadas, com o advento das tecnologias digitais, a sociedade tem passado por uma reconfiguração. As relações entre tais tecnologias e a cultura contemporânea é definida como Cibercultura. Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar de que forma as interações mediadas pelas tecnologias digitais contribuem para o desenvolvimento profissional do professor de Matemática, particularmente sobre o laptop educacional, do Projeto Um Computador por Aluno (UCA. Como método de pesquisa, utilizamos elementos da Pesquisa Colaborativa. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola de Ensino Fundamental, participante do Projeto UCA, localizada em Fortaleza-CE.

  14. Educação a distância: possibilidades e desafios na formação de professores em Alegrete do Piauí


    ROCHA, Francisca Telma Maia


    Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa de campo de caráter qualitativo sobre a formação de professores em Alegrete do Piauí de 2008 a 2011. Onde a ênfase está na análise das formas de apropriação e de aproveitamento das propostas de Educação a Distância (EAD) pelos usuários. Atualmente com o processo de globalização onde as transformações ocorrem de forma rápida, a educação mediada pelas novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) por ser é um assunto de relevante de...

  15. Conviviality of internet social networks: An exploratory study of internet campaigns in Iran


    Ameripour, Aghil; Nicholson, Brian; Newman, Michael


    In this study, we focus on the relationship between Internet social networks and societal change by examining case studies of the impact of Internet-based campaigns in Iran. Ivan Illich's theory of Conviviality of Tools enables an analysis of the conviviality of the Internet. Subsequently, this conceptual lens is used to examine empirical data from two Internet-based campaigns. The paper contributes theoretical and practical implications regarding conviviality of Internet social networks and ...

  16. The Internet and tourism


    Verner, Zbyněk


    This work concentrates on Internet and its influence on tourism. It describes history of Internet, tourism and interactions among them. Next this work deals with the newest trends of Internet and their influence on tourism. Last but not least, it analyzes the influence of Internet on demand in tourism in Czech Republic.

  17. World tour through the internet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Ji Hwan; Kang, Ho Seong; Kim, Jong Hun


    This book deals with basic knowledge and familiarity with internet use, which is composed of seven chapters ; the world of internet, the basic knowledge for internet use such as telnet, mail, talk, basic command on Unix and command for communication, to access to the internet, if you get on the internet for the first time, useful service of internet such as archie service, gopher service, who is service, Use net, IRC and Netiquette on IRC, interesting internet trip like Billboard charts, TV-Rating, Solar Report, Agricultural Info, CARL, Nat'l Education BBS, internet service in Sydney university FEDIX, CAIR, NOAA, SDDAS, Stock, MUD and international Go server. The last chapter is computer networks connected to the internet ; computer services, BITNET, and FidoNet.

  18. World tour through the internet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jang, Ji Hwan; Kang, Ho Seong; Kim, Jong Hun


    This book deals with basic knowledge and familiarity with internet use, which is composed of seven chapters ; the world of internet, the basic knowledge for internet use such as telnet, mail, talk, basic command on Unix and command for communication, to access to the internet, if you get on the internet for the first time, useful service of internet such as archie service, gopher service, who is service, Use net, IRC and Netiquette on IRC, interesting internet trip like Billboard charts, TV-Rating, Solar Report, Agricultural Info, CARL, Nat'l Education BBS, internet service in Sydney university FEDIX, CAIR, NOAA, SDDAS, Stock, MUD and international Go server. The last chapter is computer networks connected to the internet ; computer services, BITNET, and FidoNet.

  19. Addictive Potential of Internet Applications and Differential Correlates of Problematic Use in Internet Gamers versus Generalized Internet Users in a Representative Sample of Adolescents. (United States)

    Rosenkranz, Tabea; Müller, Kai W; Dreier, Michael; Beutel, Manfred E; Wölfling, Klaus


    This paper examines the addictive potential of 8 different Internet applications, distinguishing male and female users. Moreover, differential correlates of problematic use are investigated in Internet gamers (IG) and generalized Internet users (GIU). In a representative sample of 5,667 adolescents aged 12-19 years, use of Internet applications, problematic Internet use, psychopathologic symptoms (emotional problems, hyperactivity/inattention, and psychosomatic complaints), personality (conscientiousness and extraversion), psychosocial correlates (perceived stress and self-efficacy), and coping strategies were assessed. The addictive potential of Internet applications was examined in boys and girls using regression analysis. MANOVAs were conducted to examine differential correlates of problematic Internet use between IG and GIU. Chatting and social networking most strongly predicted problematic Internet use in girls, while gaming was the strongest predictor in boys. Problematic IG exhibited multiple psychosocial problems compared to non-problematic IG. In problematic Internet users, GIU reported even higher psychosocial burden and displayed dysfunctional coping strategies more frequently than gamers. The results extend previous findings on the addictive potential of Internet applications and validate the proposed distinction between specific and generalized problematic Internet use. In addition to Internet gaming disorder, future studies should also focus on other highly addictive Internet applications, that is, chatting or social networking, regarding differential correlates of problematic use. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  20. Internet culture

    CERN Document Server

    Porter, David


    The internet has recently grown from a fringe cultural phenomenon to a significant site of cultural production and transformation. Internet Culture maps this new domain of language, politics and identity, locating it within the histories of communication and the public sphere. Internet Culture offers a critical interrogation of the sustaining myths of the virtual world and of the implications of the current mass migration onto the electronic frontier. Among the topics discussed in Internet Culture are the virtual spaces and places created by the citizens of the Net and their claims to the hotly contested notion of "virtual community"; the virtual bodies that occupy such spaces; and the desires that animate these bodies. The contributors also examine the communication medium behind theworlds of the Net, analyzing the rhetorical conventions governing online discussion, literary antecedents,and potential pedagogical applications.

  1. Netnografia como aporte metodológico da pesquisa em comunicação digital

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    Amaral, Adriana


    Full Text Available Ao definir o papel da netnografia como uma metodologia para estudos na Internet (HINE, 2000 e como um método interpretativo e investigativo para o comportamento cultural e de comunidades on-line (KOZINETS, 1997, o próprio método se traduz como objeto de estudo no presente artigo. Abordamos aqui alguns exemplos de uso do método nos estudos em comunicação mediada pelo computador, assim como uma breve problematização sobre o papel do pesquisador nesse contexto

  2. Gender differences in Internet identification and Internet anxiety ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This exploratory study investigated gender differences in Internet identification and Internet anxiety. A sample of 231 students (138 females and 93 males) from four different schools participated in the study. A structured interview schedule was used to collect data. Factor analysis was carried out to test for construct validity.

  3. Internet Inquiry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This collection of dialogues is the only textbook of its kind. Internet Inquiry: Conversations About Method takes students into the minds of top internet researchers as they discuss how they have worked through critical challenges as they research online social environments. Editors Annette N....... Markham and Nancy K. Baym illustrate that good research choices are not random but are deliberate, studied, and internally consistent. Rather than providing single "how to" answers, this book presents distinctive and divergent viewpoints on how to think about and conduct qualitative internet studies....

  4. Internet Factories

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Strijkers, R.J.


    This thesis contributes a novel concept for introducing new network technologies in network infrastructures. The concept, called Internet factories, describes the methodical process to create and manage application-specific networks from application programs, referred to as Netapps. An Internet

  5. Internet factories

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Strijkers, R.J.


    This thesis contributes a novel concept for introducing new network technologies in network infrastructures. The concept, called Internet factories, describes the methodical process to create and manage application-specific networks from application programs, referred to as Netapps. An Internet

  6. Internet Addiction among Adolescence (United States)

    Sargin, Nurten


    Each innovation brings along many risks. One of the risks related with the Internet use is Internet addiction. The aim of this study is to examine Internet addiction in adolescence in terms of gender, Internet access at home and grades. The research design used was survey method. The study population consisted of second stage students attending…

  7. La ética en internet


    Issa Luna Pla


    En América Latina el INTERNET es un medio con muchas limitaciones. Solo el 10 ó 15 por ciento de la población total, residente en Argentina, México y Brasil tiene acceso. Trata sobre el Comercio en Internet, la regulación y la ética, las nuevas formas de aplicar reglas, el Internet como espacio público, las comunidades de Internet, los parámetros de ética y responsabilidad social en Internet, los menores y la libertad de expresión, los contenidos informativos en Internet, el Internet corporat...

  8. Internet enlightens; Internet eclaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueiredo, S. [Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN), 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)


    Numerous Internet sites are given in relation with radiotherapy, nuclear activity, radiation protection, and environment shared by sites in France, Europe, big agencies and non-ionizing radiations. (N.C.)

  9. Internet enlightens; Internet eclaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueiredo, S. [Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire, IRSN, 92 - Fontenay aux Roses (France)


    Numerous Internet sites are given in relation with radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and ionizing radiation, nuclear activity, radiation protection for populations, radioactive waste management in France and Europe. (N.C.)

  10. Modeling the Internet.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kelic, Andjelka; Mitchell, Michael David; Shirah, Donald N.


    The National Infrastructure Simulations and Analysis Center (NISAC) has developed a nationwide model of the Internet to study the potential impact of the loss of physical facilities on the network and on other infrastructures that depend on the Internet for services. The model looks at the Internet from the perspective of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and their connectivity and can be used to determine how the network connectivity could be modified to assist in mitigating an event. In addition the model could be used to explore how portions of the network could be made more resilient to disruptive events.

  11. Internet versus mail

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Søren Bøye

    In a choice experiment setup, this paper suggests that internet surveys can be a viable alternative to traditional mail surveys when gathering feedback from a sample of respondents. In a study concerning preferences for avoiding encroachment of nature areas in future motorway planning in Denmark......, two samples of respondents are surveyed – one by internet and one by mail. Results suggest that additional self-selection mechanisms in the internet survey mode lead to the internet sample being less representative of the survey population than is the case for the mail sample. Similar response rates...... are obtained in the two samples, but the internet sample is apparently less prone to protest bidding. A thorough parametric analysis cannot reject that stated preferences elicited by use of the two different modes of sampling are identical. This suggests that the fear of a potential survey mode effect...

  12. La ética en internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Issa Luna Pla


    Full Text Available En América Latina el INTERNET es un medio con muchas limitaciones. Solo el 10 ó 15 por ciento de la población total, residente en Argentina, México y Brasil tiene acceso. Trata sobre el Comercio en Internet, la regulación y la ética, las nuevas formas de aplicar reglas, el Internet como espacio público, las comunidades de Internet, los parámetros de ética y responsabilidad social en Internet, los menores y la libertad de expresión, los contenidos informativos en Internet, el Internet corporativo, Autorregulación en Internet, tecnología para rastrear contenidos y la situación de América Latina.

  13. Ensino fundamental: papel do professor, motivação e estimulação no contexto escolar

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    Cynthia Bisinoto Evangelista de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta dados de professores do Ensino Fundamental, analisando o entendimento do papel do professor no processo de estimulação e manutenção do interesse dos alunos pela escola. O referencial teórico adotado compreende o desenvolvimento humano pela interação social mediada, utilizando como instrumento um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturado aplicado a cinco professoras, abordando temas da formação, concepções sobre "bons e maus alunos" e definições sobre estimulação e motivação. Os resultados, analisados em uma perspectiva qualitativa-descritiva, mostram concepções de bom aluno, valorizando aspectos da cultura escolar e a participação ativa dos alunos. Há a satisfação pela profissão, contudo, queixas da má remuneração e desvalorização no magistério. Não há descrição objetiva para os conceitos de motivação e estimulação. Percebe-se a necessidade de instrumentalizar estes docentes para atuarem como mediadores no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, buscando coerência nas concepções dos professores e dos alunos, evitando desinteresses, processos de fracasso e evasão escolar.

  14. Internet Censorship (United States)

    Jyotsna; Kapil; Aayush


    Censorship on Internet has always wet its hands in the water of controversies, It is said to go in with synonym of "FILTERING THE NET" i.e. Either done to protect minors or for nationís privacy, some take it as snatching their freedom over internet and some take it as an appropriate step to protect minor, It has its supporters as well as opponents.Google has reported a whooping number of requests from Governments of U.K, China, Poland, Spain, and Canada to remove videos and search links that led to harassment, sensitive issues or suspicious people. This paper deals with the cons of censorship on internet and to make people aware of the fact that Internet is not a single body owned by an org. but an open sky of information shared equally by all. Research done has found out many unseen aspects of different people's view point.

  15. Internet marketing global features

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    Rakita Branko


    Full Text Available Business environment incessantly bringing a yard of a new challenges to market entities. One of the greatest challenges that companies faced during the last couple of decades was development of information systems as well as a large scale usage of world's greatest computer network - Internet - no matter how big they were or what their activities included. There are many papers about Internet, its development, social and economic significance. However, there is no paper or article written by a local author that systematically and thoroughly treats marketing importance of Internet. This paper presents potentials and business importance of internet marketing in new millennium. It considers internet as a communication, trade and distribution channel. In addition, the paper highlights research potentials of Internet.

  16. Internet enlightens; Internet eclaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueiredo, S. [Societe Francaise de Radioprotection, 75 - Paris (France)


    Numerous Internet sites are given in relation with radiotherapy, nuclear activity, radiation protection,radioecology, nuclear laws. To note three sites treat the accident of radiotherapy arisen to Toulouse. (N.C.)

  17. Internet Freedom in Asia: Case of Internet Censorship in China




    Internet can develop the communication and information freedom on society but unfortunately in some nations, especially in Asia, it cannot be fully accessed because of government censorship. This report explains the relationship between the practice of Internet censorship imposed by the Chinese government and the freedom of its citizens (in the internet surfing experience) as the realization of human rights in the freedom of expression and opinion (seek, receive-use, and communicate informati...

  18. Internet addiction, problematic internet use, nonproblematic internet use among Chinese adolescents: Individual, parental, peer, and sociodemographic correlates. (United States)

    Zhou, Nan; Cao, Hongjian; Li, Xiaomin; Zhang, Jintao; Yao, Yuanwei; Geng, Xiaomin; Lin, Xiuyun; Hou, Shumeng; Liu, Fenge; Chen, Xiaoli; Fang, Xiaoyi


    Internet addiction has been typically conceptualized as either a continuous construct or a dichotomous construct. Limited research has differentiated adolescents with problematic Internet use (PIU) from the Internet addiction group (IA) and/or nonproblematic Internet use group (NPIU) and examined the potential correlates. To fill this gap, based on data obtained from 956 Chinese adolescents (11-19 years, 47% male), this study examined if adolescents with PIU is a distinctive group from the IA and NPIU. This study also examined factors from different ecological levels that may differentiate among the three groups, including individual, parental, peer, and sociodemographic factors. Results indicated that IA, PIU, and NPIU differed significantly on scores of Young's Diagnostic Questionnaire (YDQ). Critical factors emerging from different ecological levels could differentiate between PIU and NPIU and between IA and NPIU. Such findings suggest that PIU may represent a distinct, intermediate group of Internet users. The potential theoretical and practical implications of identifying PIU were also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  19. Internet effects

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Valkenburg, P.M.; Peter, J.; Levesque, R.J.R.


    Adolescents’ extensive use of Internet communication and the uncertainty about its consequences call for an integrative perspective that helps to understand both the appeal of Internet communication and its risks and opportunities. The aim of this essay is to theorize, and if possible, substantiate

  20. Risk Factors of Internet Addiction among Internet Users: An Online Questionnaire Survey.

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    Chia-Yi Wu

    Full Text Available Internet addiction (IA has become a major public health issue worldwide and is closely linked to psychiatric disorders and suicide. The present study aimed to investigate the prevalence of IA and its associated psychosocial and psychopathological determinants among internet users across different age groups.The study was a cross-sectional survey initiated by the Taiwan Suicide Prevention Center. The participants were recruited from the general public who responded to the online questionnaire. They completed a series of self-reported measures, including Chen Internet Addiction Scale-revised (CIAS-R, Five-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale (BSRS-5, Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI, and questions about suicide and internet use habits.We enrolled 1100 respondents with a preponderance of female subjects (85.8%. Based on an optimal cutoff for CIAS-R (67/68, the prevalence rate of IA was 10.6%. People with higher scores of CIAS-R were characterized as: male, single, students, high neuroticism, life impairment due to internet use, time for internet use, online gaming, presence of psychiatric morbidity, recent suicide ideation and past suicide attempts. Multiple regression on IA showed that age, gender, neuroticism, life impairment, internet use time, and BSRS-5 score accounted for 31% of variance for CIAS-R score. Further, logistic regression showed that neuroticism, life impairment and internet use time were three main predictors for IA. Compared to those without IA, the internet addicts had higher rates of psychiatric morbidity (65.0%, suicide ideation in a week (47.0%, lifetime suicide attempts (23.1%, and suicide attempt in a year (5.1%.Neurotic personality traits, psychopathology, time for internet use and its subsequent life impairment were important predictors for IA. Individuals with IA may have higher rates of psychiatric morbidity and suicide risks. The findings provide important information for further investigation and prevention of IA.

  1. Internet Addiction in Adolescents

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    Rębisz Sławomir


    Full Text Available The possibilities offered by the use of the Internet increasingly intensify the problem of Internet addiction, which has become more prevalent in the last decade, marked by the growing availability of mobile devices and new media and their exacerbation of the problem. Research on Internet addiction, initiated by Kimberly Young at the end of the twentieth century, usually appears in the literature in the context of young people who have been found to be most vulnerable. The phenomenon is known as Adolescent Internet Addiction. Compulsive use of the Internet is a complex phenomenon, its effects being visible in almost all aspects of a young person’s social life. It is manifested in a variety of pathological behaviors and emotional states grouped into several major psycho-physical and social effects that may appear simultaneously, e.g. anger, depression, loneliness or anxiety associated with the lack of access to the network, the weakening of social ties, withdrawal from real life, lack of educational achievement, chronic fatigue or deteriorating health. The authors of this study aim to assess the level of Internet addiction among adolescents in Poland and indicate its main behavioral manifestations, in the students surveyed, which influence their pathological use of the Internet. Our study involved a total of 505 students from three high schools located in Rzeszow (N = 505 and was carried out by questionnaires, including, among others, The Problematic Use of the Internet (PUI which is the Polish adaptation of Kimberly Young’s Internet Addiction Test (IAT (Cronbach’s α = 0.89. Statistical analysis of responses from the PUI test allowed us to determine (1 the level of Internet addiction among these adolescents, whereas the univariate (ANOVA analysis enabled us (2 to verify the hypothesis of the existence of differences in the level of Internet addiction among the investigated groups as far as gender, place of residence or grade are concerned


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    Rain, Tomáš


    Full Text Available The article deals about the possibilities of using the internet for seniors. Authors suggest using www pages as alternative of retrospective therapy. Authors describe barriers of internet access for seniors. The authors of the article consider about utilization of internet for the reminiscent therapy of seniors. The target group of this article are the workers of the information centres, gerontopeds and the other persons working as the pedagogues. The objective of this article is to summarize ways of using internet for helping seniors to better life. The authors describe terms e-senior. The authors suggest methodological approach to exercising user’s skills.

  3. Asociación entre enfermedad periodontal y disfunción endotelial valorada por vasodilatación mediada por flujo en la arteria braquial: Estudio piloto Association between periodontal disease and endothelial dysfunction assessed by flow-mediated dilation in the brachial artery: Pilot study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Álvaro J Ruiz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar la disfunción endotelial a través de la vasodilatación mediada por flujo (VMF en la arteria braquial en pacientes fumadores con periodontitis crónica avanzada y compararla con pacientes fumadores sin enfermedad periodontal, para determinar si hay diferencias en cuando a disfunción endotelial entre quienes presentan o no periodontitis crónica avanzada. Métodos: se incluyeron 30 pacientes con hábito de tabaquismo, 15 con periodontitis crónica avanzada y 15 sin periodontitis. Se realizó historia clínica completa, exámenes de laboratorio y prueba de vasodilatación mediada por flujo de la arteria braquial. Resultados: el estudio mostró que había diferencias significativas en los diámetros finales, resultantes de vasodilatación mediada por flujo (p=0,0328, con menores valores finales para quienes tenían enfermedad periodontal. Las diferencias en las respuestas porcentuales y en el número de personas con disfunción determinada dicotómicamente, no alcanzaron significación estadística. Conclusión: se observó que el grupo de pacientes con periodontitis crónica avanzada tuvo diámetros resultantes luego de la prueba que fueron significativamente menores que los del grupo de controles. Aunque al evaluar las diferencias en porcentajes no se alcanzó significación estadística, el estudio mostró una respuesta claramente menor en vasodilatación en el grupo con enfermedad periodontal.Objective: To evaluate endothelial dysfunction through flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD in the brachial artery in smokers with advanced chronic periodontitis and compare it with smokers without periodontal disease, to determine whether there are differences in endothelial dysfunction among those with or without advanced chronic periodontitis. Methods: We included 30 patients with smoking habit, 15 with advanced chronic periodontitis and 15 without periodontal disease. We performed a complete medical history, laboratory tests and flow

  4. The Internet Engineering Task Force and The Future of Internet


    Baccelli , Emmanuel; Clausen , Thomas Heide; Jacquet , Philippe


    International audience; If one wants to identify where ideas and initiatives regarding the Internet are being confronted, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is unavoidable. Created in 1986 by US government agencies (DoD, Department of Energy, NASA, NSF) to supervise the design and deployment of Internet protocols, it was initially open only for US government funded researchers. Early 1987 saw a dozen of industry representatives invited, and in a matter of months, the IETF was opened t...

  5. Everyone’s Internet

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    After more than 20 years,the Internet in China has become a big success.The country has the world’s largest Internet population that topped 420 million at the end of June.In the first six months of this year,China’s Internet market reached 74.3 billion yuan($10.9 billion),the equivalent of 2009’s total.Local businesses have risen to

  6. Ideias sobre a Constituição, influenciadas pela nova Constituição Francesa

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    Wilhelm von Humboldt


    Full Text Available A presente tradução que ora se apresenta ao público brasileiro, realizou-se no seio do Projeto de Investigação «A recepção da Revolução Francesa pela Filosofia Alemã do final do século XVIII e início do século XIX» (PTDC / FIL / 74365 / 2006, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal, e fora realizada pela equipe de investigação composta por: Prof. Carlos Morujão, Profa. Inês Bolinhas, Prof. Miguel Santos Silva, Profa. Cláudia Oliveira e Profa. Teresa Pedro. (As notas sinalizadas por letras maiúsculas são da responsabilidade dos investigadores do projecto; as notas de rodapé, sinalizadas por algarismos árabes, são do próprio texto alemão. Email de contato:

  7. [Internet addiction]. (United States)

    Nakayama, Hideki; Higuchi, Susumu


    Internet technologies have made a rapid progress, bringing convenience to daily life. On the other hand, internet use disorder and internet addiction (IA) have become reportedly serious health and social problems. In 2013, internet gaming disorder criteria have been proposed in the section of Conditions for Further Study of DSM-5. Existing epidemiological studies by questionnaire methods have reported that the prevalence of IA ranges between 2.8% and 9.9% among youths in Japan. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sleeping disorders, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and phobic anxiety disorder are extremely common comorbid mental disorders with IA. Some psychotherapies (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing) and medical treatments (e.g., antidepressant drugs, methylphenidate) for comorbid mental disorders as well as rehabilitation (e.g., treatment camp) are effective for IA remission. However, some serious cases of IA may be difficult to treat, and prevention is very important. In future, the prevention, rehabilitations and treatments for IA will be more required in Japan.

  8. Assessing internet addiction using the parsimonious internet addiction components model—A preliminary study.


    Kuss, D.J.; Shorter, G.W.; Rooij, A.J. van; Griffiths, M.D.; Schoenmakers, T.M.


    Internet usage has grown exponentially over the last decade. Research indicates that excessive Internet use can lead to symptoms associated with addiction. To date, assessment of potential Internet addiction has varied regarding populations studied and instruments used, making reliable prevalence estimations difficult. To overcome the present problems a preliminary study was conducted testing a parsimonious Internet addiction components model based on Griffiths’ addiction components (Journal ...

  9. Internet-Related Disorders: Development of the Short Compulsive Internet Use Scale. (United States)

    Besser, Bettina; Rumpf, Hans-Jürgen; Bischof, Anja; Meerkerk, Gert-Jan; Higuchi, Susumu; Bischof, Gallus


    The addiction treatment system only reaches a small number of individuals suffering from Internet-related disorders. Therefore, it is important to improve case detection for preventive measures and brief interventions. Existing screening instruments are often time-consuming and rarely validated using clinical criteria. The aim of this study is to develop an optimized short screening for problematic Internet use and Internet addiction (IA). A regression analysis was conducted in random subsamples of a merged sample (N = 3,040; N = 1,209) to examine the item performance of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS). Based on the results, a short version of the CIUS was developed and compared with the original CIUS. A fully structured diagnostic interview, covering the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria for the Internet gaming disorder with a broader focus on all Internet activities, was conducted. A five-item version of the short screening performed best across the samples. Comparing the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic between the Short CIUS and the original test revealed no significant difference (AUC = 0.968; 0.977). A cutoff point of 7 turned out to perform best for case detection and yielded a sensitivity of 0.95 and a specificity of 0.87, Cronbach's alpha was 0.77. The analysis showed that the performance of the Short CIUS is just as good in detecting problematical Internet use and IA as the performance of the original CIUS. The Short CIUS provides an economical and valid instrument for the assessment of problematic Internet use and IA.


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    Bayu Budiharjo


    Full Text Available Technology affects almost all areas, including translation. Many products of technology have made translational works easier, one of which is internet. Despite the wide use of internet, the potentials it has are sometimes unnoticed. While web-based dictionaries or thesaurus often serve as translators’ assistants and online Machine Translation issues become topics of many researches, other uses of internet related to translation may not be known by many. Internet can help disseminate newborn ideas, theories and findings worldwide to enhance translation theories. Besides, the contact between internet and translation generates new areas to examine. Internet also provides helping hand in the area of translation research. Researcher or anyone conducting research in the field of translation can find a range of research gaps as well as reference. Those who need group discussions to collect required data from informants, or researchers of the same interest coming from all over the world can meet and conduct Focus Group Discussion (FGD on virtual world. Furthermore, internet offers various forms of assistance for translation practitioners. The commonly used internet assistance consists of dictionaries, thesaurus and Machine Translations available on the internet. Other forms of aid provided by internet take form of parallel texts, images, and videos, which can be very helpful. Internet provides many things which can be utilized for the purpose of translation. Internet keeps on providing more as it develops from time to time in line with the development of technology. Internet awaits utilization of theorists, researchers, practitioners and those having concern on translation.

  11. Internet Infidelity: Exploration of Attitudes towards Partners Internet Behaviors

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    Mohammad R. Abdi


    Full Text Available Background: Today, the Internet has become a part of our everyday life and online communications have made it easy for people to develop interpersonal relationships. However, certain problems and difficulties have arisen from this issue. One of these problems, which have been prevalent among couples and families, is extramarital internet relationships or internet infidelity. The present research has been done to study people's attitudes towards this phenomenon. Materials and Methods: A 43-item Internet Infidelity Questionnaire (IIQ was presented on a website designed for this purpose. 481 Iranian users who were members of Farsi language forums and chat rooms were selected through available community sampling and enrolled in the study. To analyze research data, descriptive statistics and the t-test were used.Results: The results showed that either women or men considered online sexual activities of their partners as traitorous compared with friendly and emotional activities in cyberspace. In addition, women in comparison with men had a more negative attitude towards their partners’ internet activity (especially online sexual activities.Conclusion: This study expanded our understanding of the traditional concept of infidelity that had merely limited it to face-to-face sexual and emotional behavior. The results also showed that women had more negative attitudes towards such activities compared to men.

  12. Screening for Internet dependence: do the proposed diagnostic criteria differentiate normal from dependent Internet use? (United States)

    Dowling, Nicki A; Quirk, Kelly L


    There is continued discussion of including Internet dependence as a diagnosis in future editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The primary aim of the study was to evaluate the utility of the proposed diagnostic criteria for Internet dependence as measured by Young's Diagnostic Questionnaire (YDQ). Although the YDQ does not provide any measure of severity, there is emerging recognition that some Internet users may display less severe or at risk Internet dependence. The degree to which the cutoff of 5 out of 8 criteria is appropriate to differentiate nondependent from dependent Internet use was evaluated by comparing the Internet usage and psychological dysfunction of 424 university students endorsing 3 and 4 diagnostic criteria (at-risk Internet dependence) to those endorsing less than 3 criteria (nondependent) and those endorsing 5 or more criteria (Internet dependence). The findings suggest that the proposed diagnostic criteria do not adequately discriminate individuals scoring 3 or 4 from those currently classified as Internet dependent. The implications of the findings for the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of Internet dependence are discussed.

  13. The Internet Process Addiction Test: Screening for Addictions to Processes Facilitated by the Internet. (United States)

    Northrup, Jason C; Lapierre, Coady; Kirk, Jeffrey; Rae, Cosette


    The Internet Process Addiction Test (IPAT) was created to screen for potential addictive behaviors that could be facilitated by the internet. The IPAT was created with the mindset that the term "Internet addiction" is structurally problematic, as the Internet is simply the medium that one uses to access various addictive processes. The role of the internet in facilitating addictions, however, cannot be minimized. A new screening tool that effectively directed researchers and clinicians to the specific processes facilitated by the internet would therefore be useful. This study shows that the Internet Process Addiction Test (IPAT) demonstrates good validity and reliability. Four addictive processes were effectively screened for with the IPAT: Online video game playing, online social networking, online sexual activity, and web surfing. Implications for further research and limitations of the study are discussed.

  14. The Internet and Ethiopia's IP Law, Internet Governance and Legal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    KM_Yilma & HH_Abraha

    3 Ian Lloyd (2014), Information Technology Law, 7th Edition, Oxford ..... private sector, in the global Internet governance forums has indeed been quite .... Ethiopian government is completely absent from the global internet governance.

  15. Experiências de parentalidade como fatores geradores de sofrimento em mulheres

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    Fabíola Langaro


    Full Text Available Durante o trabalho realizado por meio de um Projeto de Extensão em Saúde Mental na Grande Florianópolis, percebeu-se que o relato de sofrimento das mulheres participantes estava relacionado às suas ex periências de maternidade e paternidade. A partir desta problemática, foi realizada uma pesquisa com o objetivo de compreender de que forma as experiências de parentalidade estavam se constituindo em fatores geradores de sofrimento naquelas mulheres. Para tanto, realizaram-se cinco entrevistas individuais e um grupo focal. Os dados coletados foram discutidos em quatro categorias de análise, tendo sido destacado que o sofrimento das participantes estava relacionado principalmente à vivência da parentalidade a partir de modelos tradicionais de gênero, caracterizados pela centralidade do perfil de mãe; às diferenças na responsabilidade pela educação dos filhos/filhas, assumida por homens e mulheres; à idade dos filhos/filhas e, finalmente, à vivência de dúvidas e incertezas que nem sempre podem ser mediadas em seu cotidiano.

  16. Estigmatização e Riscos no Trabalho dos Necrotomistas

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    Frankleudo Luan de Lima Silva

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este artigo objetivou compreender de que maneira a estigmatização é vivenciada por necrotomistas e a relação que eles desenvolvem com os riscos de sua atividade. Quanto à teoria, utilizaram-se os conceitos de estigma e risco, articulando-os com elementos da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Metodologicamente, combinaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais e observações na sala de necropsias. Para a análise dos dados, a opção foi pela análise de conteúdo temática. Participaram deste estudo os necrotomistas do Departamento de Medicina Legal de uma capital do Nordeste brasileiro. Evidenciou-se que a intensa estigmatização está associada ao desconhecimento popular sobre sua atividade e à natureza de seu trabalho. A relação dos necrotomistas com os riscos, inclusive aqueles produzidos pela vivência do estigma, está mediada por um uso intensivo de estratégias defensivas que podem não contribuir para transformar positivamente as situações de trabalho.

  17. Mediadores envolvidos na resposta febril induzida pela RANTES


    Renes de Resende Machado


    Em estudo anterior, observamos que o Met-RANTES, antagonista de receptores CCR1 e CCR5 para quimiocinas, injetado pela via endovenosa (i.v.) reduziu a resposta febril induzida pelo lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) de E. coli, demonstrando o envolvimento da quimiocina RANTES (Regulada sob ativação, expressa e secretada por células T normais) nesta resposta. Além disso, a injeção intrahipotalâmica (i.h.) da RANTES dose-dependentemente aumentou a temperatura corporal de ratos, o qual foi caracterizado c...

  18. Internet addiction and problematic Internet use: A systematic review of clinical research. (United States)

    Kuss, Daria J; Lopez-Fernandez, Olatz


    To provide a comprehensive overview of clinical studies on the clinical picture of Internet-use related addictions from a holistic perspective. A literature search was conducted using the database Web of Science. Over the last 15 years, the number of Internet users has increased by 1000%, and at the same time, research on addictive Internet use has proliferated. Internet addiction has not yet been understood very well, and research on its etiology and natural history is still in its infancy. In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association included Internet Gaming Disorder in the appendix of the updated version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as condition that requires further research prior to official inclusion in the main manual, with important repercussions for research and treatment. To date, reviews have focused on clinical and treatment studies of Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder. This arguably limits the analysis to a specific diagnosis of a potential disorder that has not yet been officially recognised in the Western world, rather than a comprehensive and inclusive investigation of Internet-use related addictions (including problematic Internet use) more generally. The systematic literature review identified a total of 46 relevant studies. The included studies used clinical samples, and focused on characteristics of treatment seekers and online addiction treatment. Four main types of clinical research studies were identified, namely research involving (1) treatment seeker characteristics; (2) psychopharmacotherapy; (3) psychological therapy; and (4) combined treatment. A consensus regarding diagnostic criteria and measures is needed to improve reliability across studies and to develop effective and efficient treatment approaches for treatment seekers.

  19. Internet addiction and problematic Internet use: A systematic review of clinical research (United States)

    Kuss, Daria J; Lopez-Fernandez, Olatz


    AIM: To provide a comprehensive overview of clinical studies on the clinical picture of Internet-use related addictions from a holistic perspective. A literature search was conducted using the database Web of Science. METHODS: Over the last 15 years, the number of Internet users has increased by 1000%, and at the same time, research on addictive Internet use has proliferated. Internet addiction has not yet been understood very well, and research on its etiology and natural history is still in its infancy. In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association included Internet Gaming Disorder in the appendix of the updated version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as condition that requires further research prior to official inclusion in the main manual, with important repercussions for research and treatment. To date, reviews have focused on clinical and treatment studies of Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder. This arguably limits the analysis to a specific diagnosis of a potential disorder that has not yet been officially recognised in the Western world, rather than a comprehensive and inclusive investigation of Internet-use related addictions (including problematic Internet use) more generally. RESULTS: The systematic literature review identified a total of 46 relevant studies. The included studies used clinical samples, and focused on characteristics of treatment seekers and online addiction treatment. Four main types of clinical research studies were identified, namely research involving (1) treatment seeker characteristics; (2) psychopharmacotherapy; (3) psychological therapy; and (4) combined treatment. CONCLUSION: A consensus regarding diagnostic criteria and measures is needed to improve reliability across studies and to develop effective and efficient treatment approaches for treatment seekers. PMID:27014605


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ellen Theresia Sihotang


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to analyze internet banking�s users based on their experiences. It can be used to set marketing program of internet banking that appropriate with customers needs, in order to anticipate tight competition. This research methods starts with focus group discussion and clustering analysis to classify 312 respondents of internet banking users based on demographic, benefit and behavioral segmentation. The sampling method uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling. K-Means Clustering method�s produces four optimal clusters. The benefit orientation of the first cluster in on time saving. Second cluster, concern on the ease of getting and operating internet banking so this cluster does not need auxiliary features such as video guide to use internet banking. The third cluster�s orientation is on the modern lifestyle and the ease of getting and operating internet banking service with detailed daily mutation transaction The fourth cluster, concerns on the detailed daily mutation transaction but they are not sure with the security of personal data via internet banking. �

  1. Towards Marxian Internet Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Fuchs


    Full Text Available This article gives an overview of example approaches of Critical Internet Studies and points out key concepts of this field. Critical Cyberculture Studies and Critical Political Economy/Critical Theory of the Internet are identified as two approaches in Critical Internet Studies. The paper also discusses the role of 11 Marxian concepts for Critical Internet Studies. Marxian concepts that have been reflected in Critical Internet Studies include: dialectics, capitalism, commodification, surplus value/exploitation/alienation/class, globalization, ideology, class struggle, commons, public sphere, communism, and aesthetics. The paper points out the importance of explicitly acknowledging the importance of Karl Marx’s thinking in Critical Internet Studies. Marx’s concepts are today frequently used implicitly, without acknowledging and engaging with their roots. A critique of the approach of “Critical” Cyberculture Studies is advanced. This approach is compared to the approaches of Critical Theory and Critical Political Economy of the Internet. The difference between these two approaches reflects the debate about class exploitation and non-class domination between Cultural Studies and Critical Political Economy in Media and Communication Studies.

  2. Internet Geo-Location (United States)


    INTERNET GEO-LOCATION DUKE UNIVERSITY DECEMBER 2017 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED STINFO COPY AIR...REPORT TYPE FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) MAY 2014 – MAY 2017 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE INTERNET GEO-LOCATION 5a. CONTRACT...of SpeedTest servers that are used by end users to measure the speed of their Internet connection. The servers log the IP address and the location

  3. Saving the internet. (United States)

    Zittrain, Jonathan


    The Internet goose has laid countless golden eggs, along with a growing number of rotten ones. But it's the rotten ones that now tempt commercial, governmental, and consumer interests to threaten the Internet's uniquely creative power. The expediently selected, almost accidentally generative properties of the Internet - its technical openness, ease of access and mastery, and adaptability - have combined, especially when coupled with those of the PC, to produce an unsurpassed environment for innovative experiment. Those same properties, however, also make the Internet hospitable to various forms of wickedness: hacking, porn, spam, fraud, theft, predation, and attacks on the network itself. As these undesirable phenomena proliferate, business, government, and many users find common cause for locking down Internet and PC architecture in the interests of security and order. PC and Internet security vulnerabilities are a legitimate menace. However, the most likely reactions - if they are not forestalled - will be at least as unfortunate as the security problems themselves. Consider the growing profusion of "tethered appliances" - devices whose functions cannot readily be altered by their owners (think TiVo). Such appliances take Internet innovations and wrap them up in a neat, easy-to-use package, which is good - but only if the Internet and PC can remain sufficiently in the center of the digital ecosystem to produce the next round of innovations and to generate competition. People buy these devices for their convenience or functionality and may appreciate the fact that they are safer to use (they limit the damage users can do through ignorance or carelessness). But the risk is that users, by migrating to such appliances, will unwittingly trade away the future benefits of generativity - a loss that will go unappreciated even as innovation tapers off.

  4. The Association between Internet User Characteristics and Dimensions of Internet Addiction among Greek Adolescents (United States)

    Andreou, Eleni; Svoli, Hionia


    This study examined how internet users' psychological characteristics, amount of internet use and demographic factors contribute to particular dimensions of internet addiction. The sample consisted of 384 adolescents, ranging in age from 15 to 18 years. Participants were asked to complete the Internet Addiction Test (IAT), measures of Locus of…

  5. [Internet addiction]. (United States)

    Dannon, Pinhas Nadim; Iancu, Iulian


    The Internet provides inexpensive, interesting and comfortable recreation, but sometimes users get hooked. Thus, the computer-internet addiction concept has been proposed as an explanation for uncontrollable and damaging use. Symptoms of addiction could be compared to other addictive behaviors such as pathological gambling, kleptomania, trichotillomania, sex addiction and pyromania. Although criteria to diagnose this addiction have been proposed, methods of assessing excessive computer-internet use are limited. Early diagnosis could help the patient that suffers from this addiction before developing additional psychiatric diagnoses. A review of the proposed etiologies in the literature is summarized, together with recommendations for physicians and mental health officials.

  6. The Internet Process Addiction Test: Screening for Addictions to Processes Facilitated by the Internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jason C. Northrup


    Full Text Available The Internet Process Addiction Test (IPAT was created to screen for potential addictive behaviors that could be facilitated by the internet. The IPAT was created with the mindset that the term “Internet addiction” is structurally problematic, as the Internet is simply the medium that one uses to access various addictive processes. The role of the internet in facilitating addictions, however, cannot be minimized. A new screening tool that effectively directed researchers and clinicians to the specific processes facilitated by the internet would therefore be useful. This study shows that the Internet Process Addiction Test (IPAT demonstrates good validity and reliability. Four addictive processes were effectively screened for with the IPAT: Online video game playing, online social networking, online sexual activity, and web surfing. Implications for further research and limitations of the study are discussed.

  7. Estrategias didácticas mediadas con TIC en un curso Expresión Oral francesa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuok-Wa Chao Chao


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación acerca del uso de las estrategias mediadas por tecnología de la información y comunicación (TIC con las herramientas Exelearning, Aula Virtual de Apoyo de Metics y Audacity, en el curso de Expresión Oral I, específicamente en el módulo de Fonética de las carreras de Bachillerato en Francés y Bachillerato en la Enseñanza del Francés, durante el primer semestre de 2013, en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Esta investigación de tipo cualitativo se llevó a cabo con estudiantes de dicho curso, que respondieron un instrumento sobre el uso de las TIC en el aprendizaje de la fonética. Como principal conclusión, el estudiantado señala que estas herramientas facilitaron y mejoraron su aprendizaje de la fonética, tanto teórico y práctico, en el francés como lengua extranjera. Además, aporta un cambio al esquema tradicional de la enseñanza de la fonética, haciendo que sea el estudiantado el principal actor del proceso de formación. This article presents the results of an investigation on the use of strategies mediated by tools such as ICT (Information Technology and Communication, eXeLearning , Virtual Classroom Support given by METICS and Audacity, in the course entitled Oral Expression I, specifically in the phonetics’ module which is part of both Bachelor in French and Bachelor in the Teaching of French careers, during the first semester 2013 at the University of Costa Rica . This qualitative study was conducted with the students of the course who answered a questionnaire on the use of ICT in learning phonics. As main conclusion, the students said that these tools provided and improved their learning of phonics both theoretical and practical in the field of French as a foreign language. Also it brings a change to the traditional scheme of phonics instruction, being the student a leading actor in his or her own training process.

  8. Neural correlate of Internet use in patients undergoing psychological treatment for Internet addiction. (United States)

    Lai, Carlo; Altavilla, Daniela; Mazza, Marianna; Scappaticci, Silvia; Tambelli, Renata; Aceto, Paola; Luciani, Massimiliano; Corvino, Stefano; Martinelli, David; Alimonti, Flaminia; Tonioni, Federico


    The new version of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5th) proposed the Internet Gaming Disorder for the diagnosis of Internet addiction (IA) considering the neurobiological evidence of the craving. The aim was to test the neural correlate in response to the Internet cue in patients with IA. Sixteen males with IA diagnosis (clinical group) and 14 healthy male (control group) were recruited for an experimental visual task composed of Internet images and emotional images. During the visual presentation of Internet cue, electroencefalographic data were recorded using Net Station 4.5.1 with a 256-channels HydroCel Geodesic Sensor Net. Event-related potential (ERP) components and low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (sLoreta) were analysed. sLoreta analyses showed that patients from the clinical group presented a higher primary somatosensorial cortex and lower paralimbic, temporal and orbito-frontal activation in response to both Internet and emotional images compared to those of the control group. These results suggest that clinically recognized pathological use of Internet could be linked to dissociative symptoms.

  9. Commercialisation of Internet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henten, Anders; Skouby, Knud Erik

    An anthology dealing with the commercialisation of Internet and the development of new services.......An anthology dealing with the commercialisation of Internet and the development of new services....

  10. A comparative study of uses of the Internet among college students with and without Internet addiction. (United States)

    Kesici, Sahin; Sahin, Ismail


    The current study examined uses of the Internet among college students classified as addicted to the Internet or not. Data were gathered from 384 college students. Students classified as Internet Addicted used the Internet more for social functions, leisure functions, and virtual emotional functions, when compared to students considered as Internet Nonaddicted. Effect sizes were large, indicating important group differences in uses of the Internet.

  11. The Association between Internet Parenting Styles and Children's Use of the Internet at Home (United States)

    Ihmeideh, Fathi Mahmoud; Shawareb, Aseel Akram


    Parenting styles are known to have a powerful influence on child development, and as such they can significantly influence children's Internet use. The purpose of this study is to examine the Internet parenting style of Jordanian parents and their perspectives on their children's Internet use. Children's Internet use was evaluated in terms of four…

  12. Assessing internet addiction using the parsimonious internet addiction components model—A preliminary study.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuss, D.J.; Shorter, G.W.; Rooij, A.J. van; Griffiths, M.D.; Schoenmakers, T.M.


    Internet usage has grown exponentially over the last decade. Research indicates that excessive Internet use can lead to symptoms associated with addiction. To date, assessment of potential Internet addiction has varied regarding populations studied and instruments used, making reliable prevalence

  13. Internet enlightens; Internet eclaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This part of the issue gives Internet addresses in relation with nuclear energy, safety, radiation protection, legislation, at the national level and European and international level. A special part is devoted to non ionizing radiation. (N.C.)

  14. Characteristics of Internet Addiction/Pathological Internet Use in U.S. University Students: A Qualitative-Method Investigation (United States)

    Li, Wen; O’Brien, Jennifer E.; Snyder, Susan M.; Howard, Matthew O.


    Studies have identified high rates and severe consequences of Internet Addiction/Pathological Internet Use (IA/PIU) in university students. However, most research concerning IA/PIU in U.S. university students has been conducted within a quantitative research paradigm, and frequently fails to contextualize the problem of IA/PIU. To address this gap, we conducted an exploratory qualitative study using the focus group approach and examined 27 U.S. university students who self-identified as intensive Internet users, spent more than 25 hours/week on the Internet for non-school or non-work-related activities and who reported Internet-associated health and/or psychosocial problems. Students completed two IA/PIU measures (Young’s Diagnostic Questionnaire and the Compulsive Internet Use Scale) and participated in focus groups exploring the natural history of their Internet use; preferred online activities; emotional, interpersonal, and situational triggers for intensive Internet use; and health and/or psychosocial consequences of their Internet overuse. Students’ self-reports of Internet overuse problems were consistent with results of standardized measures. Students first accessed the Internet at an average age of 9 (SD = 2.7), and first had a problem with Internet overuse at an average age of 16 (SD = 4.3). Sadness and depression, boredom, and stress were common triggers of intensive Internet use. Social media use was nearly universal and pervasive in participants’ lives. Sleep deprivation, academic under-achievement, failure to exercise and to engage in face-to-face social activities, negative affective states, and decreased ability to concentrate were frequently reported consequences of intensive Internet use/Internet overuse. IA/PIU may be an underappreciated problem among U.S. university students and warrants additional research. PMID:25647224

  15. Characteristics of internet addiction/pathological internet use in U.S. university students: a qualitative-method investigation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wen Li

    Full Text Available Studies have identified high rates and severe consequences of Internet Addiction/Pathological Internet Use (IA/PIU in university students. However, most research concerning IA/PIU in U.S. university students has been conducted within a quantitative research paradigm, and frequently fails to contextualize the problem of IA/PIU. To address this gap, we conducted an exploratory qualitative study using the focus group approach and examined 27 U.S. university students who self-identified as intensive Internet users, spent more than 25 hours/week on the Internet for non-school or non-work-related activities and who reported Internet-associated health and/or psychosocial problems. Students completed two IA/PIU measures (Young's Diagnostic Questionnaire and the Compulsive Internet Use Scale and participated in focus groups exploring the natural history of their Internet use; preferred online activities; emotional, interpersonal, and situational triggers for intensive Internet use; and health and/or psychosocial consequences of their Internet overuse. Students' self-reports of Internet overuse problems were consistent with results of standardized measures. Students first accessed the Internet at an average age of 9 (SD = 2.7, and first had a problem with Internet overuse at an average age of 16 (SD = 4.3. Sadness and depression, boredom, and stress were common triggers of intensive Internet use. Social media use was nearly universal and pervasive in participants' lives. Sleep deprivation, academic under-achievement, failure to exercise and to engage in face-to-face social activities, negative affective states, and decreased ability to concentrate were frequently reported consequences of intensive Internet use/Internet overuse. IA/PIU may be an underappreciated problem among U.S. university students and warrants additional research.

  16. Characteristics of internet addiction/pathological internet use in U.S. university students: a qualitative-method investigation. (United States)

    Li, Wen; O'Brien, Jennifer E; Snyder, Susan M; Howard, Matthew O


    Studies have identified high rates and severe consequences of Internet Addiction/Pathological Internet Use (IA/PIU) in university students. However, most research concerning IA/PIU in U.S. university students has been conducted within a quantitative research paradigm, and frequently fails to contextualize the problem of IA/PIU. To address this gap, we conducted an exploratory qualitative study using the focus group approach and examined 27 U.S. university students who self-identified as intensive Internet users, spent more than 25 hours/week on the Internet for non-school or non-work-related activities and who reported Internet-associated health and/or psychosocial problems. Students completed two IA/PIU measures (Young's Diagnostic Questionnaire and the Compulsive Internet Use Scale) and participated in focus groups exploring the natural history of their Internet use; preferred online activities; emotional, interpersonal, and situational triggers for intensive Internet use; and health and/or psychosocial consequences of their Internet overuse. Students' self-reports of Internet overuse problems were consistent with results of standardized measures. Students first accessed the Internet at an average age of 9 (SD = 2.7), and first had a problem with Internet overuse at an average age of 16 (SD = 4.3). Sadness and depression, boredom, and stress were common triggers of intensive Internet use. Social media use was nearly universal and pervasive in participants' lives. Sleep deprivation, academic under-achievement, failure to exercise and to engage in face-to-face social activities, negative affective states, and decreased ability to concentrate were frequently reported consequences of intensive Internet use/Internet overuse. IA/PIU may be an underappreciated problem among U.S. university students and warrants additional research.

  17. The Impact of Pathological Levels of Internet-Related Anxiety on Internet Usage (United States)

    Brosnan, Mark; Joiner, Richard; Gavin, Jeff; Crook, Charles; Maras, Pam; Guiller, Jane; Scott, Adrian J.


    This article compares the use of the Internet during the first year of university education of students who have pathological levels of Internet anxiety with those who do not. Two hundred and sixteen first year psychology students (females 184, males 32) were surveyed for their levels of Internet-related anxiety, from which 12 (5.6%) were…



    Rain, Tomáš; Ivana Švarcová


    The article deals about the possibilities of using the internet for seniors. Authors suggest using www pages as alternative of retrospective therapy. Authors describe barriers of internet access for seniors. The authors of the article consider about utilization of internet for the reminiscent therapy of seniors. The target group of this article are the workers of the information centres, gerontopeds and the other persons working as the pedagogues. The objective of this article is to summarize...

  19. Advertising on the Internet. (United States)

    Jugenheimer, Donald W.


    States that although many advertisers have intentions of utilizing the Internet for advertising, which can provide specific audience targeting and buyer/seller interactivity, few have been successful. Explains advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet for advertising purposes. Cites special problems with Internet advertising and successes…

  20. INTERNET5: Shaping an Internet for women's empowerment | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Dec 8, 2017 ... Poor women, girls, and other marginalized communities in the developing ... INTERNET5 — an Internet that helps achieve SDG 5 on gender equality — aims to support ... To ensure that the benefits of broadband are more evenly ... The project seeks to provide an effective and low-cost educational model ...

  1. Internet skills, sources of support, and benefiting from internet use

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Deursen, Alexander Johannes Aloysius Maria; Courtois, Cédric; van Dijk, Johannes A.G.M.


    This study added communication Internet skills to an existing skill framework of operational, formal, information, and strategic skills. The study investigated how people deal with inadequate skill levels by identifying support sources. Furthermore, we investigated which of the Internet skills

  2. Self-Disclosure and Internet Addiction (United States)

    Arslan, Nihan; Kiper, Aydin


    The aim of study is to investigate the relationship between self-disclosure and internet addiction. Self-Disclosure Scale and Internet Addiction Scale were applied to students. Results indicated a negative correlation between self-disclosure and internet addiction. Self-disclosure was negative predicted by internet addiction in the structural…

  3. Peer attachment, specific patterns of internet use and problematic internet use in male and female adolescents. (United States)

    Reiner, Iris; Tibubos, Ana N; Hardt, Jochen; Müller, Kai; Wölfling, Klaus; Beutel, Manfred E


    Problematic internet use may lead to serious psychosocial dysfunction. Recent studies have found comparable prevalence in both male and female adolescents. We pursue the neglected questions how male and female adolescents differ regarding their patterns of internet use and how gender, peer attachment and patterns of use are related to pathological internet use. In 2410 adolescents (1307 girls and 1103 boys) aged 12-18 years from different types of school we assessed peer attachment, frequency and use of eight specific applications and indicators of pathological internet use. Three patterns of internet use, 'social'; 'sex and games" and 'functional' were identified and connections between variables were modeled by ordered sequences of regression. We found that problematic internet use-sex and games as well as social usage-was more prevalent in boys. Insecure peer attachment predicted problematic internet use in both sexes. Also, excessive usage of internet games and sex mediated the influence of peer attachment insecurity on problematic internet use, but only for boys. Our study identified that adolescents with insecure peer attachment are at higher risk for problematic internet use. With regard to specific types of internet use, the consumption of online games and sex was identified as risk factor in boys with increasing age. Further studies are needed to understand and possibly subgroup problematic internet use behavior in girls. Our findings suggest that increasing the quality of peer relationships may be promising approach in the prevention and treatment of problematic internet use.

  4. Internet Addiction: A Current Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hasan Bozkurt


    Full Text Available Internet addiction, which has become a global social issue, can be broadly conceptualized as an inability to control ones use of the Internet which leads to negative consequences in daily life. Only Internet Gaming Disorder has been included in the appendix of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders fifth edition (DSM-5, but it has already been argued that Internet addiction could also comprise problematic use of other Internet applications developing an addictive behavior. This paper aims to give a current review of the gradually evolving body of literature on Internet addiction. [J Contemp Med 2016; 6(3.000: 235-247

  5. The Internet drag race

    CERN Document Server

    Fitchard, Kevin


    The Internet2 consortium members from California Institute of Technology and CERN developed effective fiber optic network, sending data upto 11,000 kilometers between Caltech's LA laboratories and CERN's campus in Geneva at a rate of 6.25 Gb/s. The 68,431 terabit- meters per second data transfer was accomplished using the IPv4 protocols that power the public Internet. Network run by Internet2, called Abilene maintains the highest capacities in the world, connecting dozens of GigaPOP's with OC-192c 10 Gb/s Ip backbone. The member institutions of Internet2 keep Abilene 10% to 15% full, but the researchers also use the network as a base for the latest Internet technologies and experiments, which include development of IPv6. (Edited abstract).

  6. Internet Usage Habits and Internet Usage in Educational Studies of Vocational School Students


    Zehra Deniz Yakıncı; Perihan Gürbüz; Gülsüm Yetiş


    Internet is the easiest way to access information. It provides positive contributions to individual and surroundings, in learning and information era. At this point the answers of the questions: ‘How do young people use internet and how much do they use internet for their education?’ come into prominence. In order to find the answers; a questionnaire prepared by resarchers and Young Internet Addiction Test- Short Form (YIAT-SF) was used on ‘Health Services Vocational High School’ students, in...

  7. Internet enlightens; Internet eclaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueiredo, S. [IRSN, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)


    This part of the issue gives Internet addresses in relation with nuclear energy, safety, radiation protection in nuclear medicine, legislation, at the national level and European and international level. A special part is devoted to non ionizing radiation. (N.C.)

  8. Technological advancements and Internet sexuality: does private access to the Internet influence online sexual behavior? (United States)

    Daneback, Kristian; Månsson, Sven-Axel; Ross, Michael W


    The aim of this study was to investigate whether demographic characteristics and sexual behavior online and offline were associated with private, respectively, nonprivate access to the Internet in a Web sample of people who use the Internet for sexual purposes. A total of 1,913 respondents completed an online questionnaire about Internet sexuality, and 1,614 reported using the Internet for sexual purposes. The majority of these respondents reported having access to an Internet-connected computer no one else had access to (62 percent women and 70 percent men). The results showed that it is possible to differentiate between those who have access to an Internet-connected computer no one else has access to and those who have shared access to an Internet-connected computer. Not only did they differ in demographic characteristics, but also in the sexual activities they engaged in on the Internet. Different patterns were found for women and men. For example, men who had private access to Internet-connected computers were more likely than those who had shared access to seek information about sexual issues. Thus, having access to Internet computers no one else has access to may promote sexual knowledge and health for men. The results of this study along with the technological development implies that in future research, attention should be paid to where and how people access the Internet in relation to online behavior in general and online sexual behavior in particular.

  9. Construction of a Teaching Package on Promoting Prosocial Internet Use and Preventing Antisocial Internet Use

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hing Keung Ma


    Full Text Available In the construction of the teaching package on the Internet use, two major moral characters, respect and responsibility, form the core theoretical basis. The respect character consists of respect for others and self-respect while the responsibility character contains social, civil, and global responsibility. There are a total of nine units on the Internet use in the junior secondary curriculum. There are two units in Secondary One curriculum: the first unit deals with cheating behavior and privacy issues concerning the Internet, and the second one discusses the effect of excessive use of the Internet on life and study. In Secondary Two curriculum, we discuss the following social phenomena on the Internet with students: online shopping, pornographic materials on internet, and infringement of a copyright. Finally, we have designed four units on the Internet use in Secondary Three curriculum which focuses more on the relationship between the Internet use and our health. We try to answer the question on how we can use the Internet healthily and also the possibility on how it may hurt us. Similar to the second unit in Secondary One curriculum, we have designed three more units on discussing the effects of excessive use of the Internet with students. We would like to alert students that ineffective use of the Internet will hurt us mentally and physically. For illustrative purposes, two units in the Secondary One and Two curriculums are outlined in this paper.

  10. Construction of a Teaching Package on Promoting Prosocial Internet Use and Preventing Antisocial Internet Use (United States)

    Ma, Hing Keung; Chu, Miranda K. Y.; Chan, Winnie W. Y.


    In the construction of the teaching package on the Internet use, two major moral characters, respect and responsibility, form the core theoretical basis. The respect character consists of respect for others and self-respect while the responsibility character contains social, civil, and global responsibility. There are a total of nine units on the Internet use in the junior secondary curriculum. There are two units in Secondary One curriculum: the first unit deals with cheating behavior and privacy issues concerning the Internet, and the second one discusses the effect of excessive use of the Internet on life and study. In Secondary Two curriculum, we discuss the following social phenomena on the Internet with students: online shopping, pornographic materials on internet, and infringement of a copyright. Finally, we have designed four units on the Internet use in Secondary Three curriculum which focuses more on the relationship between the Internet use and our health. We try to answer the question on how we can use the Internet healthily and also the possibility on how it may hurt us. Similar to the second unit in Secondary One curriculum, we have designed three more units on discussing the effects of excessive use of the Internet with students. We would like to alert students that ineffective use of the Internet will hurt us mentally and physically. For illustrative purposes, two units in the Secondary One and Two curriculums are outlined in this paper. PMID:22125462

  11. Internet and Privacy


    Al-Fadhli, Meshal Shehab


    The concept of privacy is hard to understand and is not easy to define, because this concept is linked with several dimensions. Internet Privacy is associated with the use of the Internet and most likely appointed under communications privacy, involving the user of the Internet’s personal information and activities, and the disclosure of them online. This essay is going to present the meaning of privacy and the implications of it for Internet users. Also, this essay will demonstrate some of t...

  12. Assessing Internet addiction using the parsimonious Internet addiction components model - a preliminary study [forthcoming


    Kuss, DJ; Shorter, GW; Van Rooij, AJ; Griffiths, MD; Schoenmakers, T


    Internet usage has grown exponentially over the last decade. Research indicates that excessive Internet use can lead to symptoms associated with addiction. To date, assessment of potential Internet addiction has varied regarding populations studied and instruments used, making reliable prevalence estimations difficult. To overcome the present problems a preliminary study was conducted testing a parsimonious Internet addiction components model based on Griffiths’ addiction components (2005), i...

  13. Narcissism and Internet pornography use. (United States)

    Kasper, Thomas Edward; Short, Mary Beth; Milam, Alex Clinton


    This study examined the relation between Internet pornography use and narcissism. Participants (N=257) completed an online survey that included questions on Internet pornography use and 3 narcissism measures (i.e., Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Pathological Narcissistic Inventory, and the Index of Sexual Narcissism). The hours spent viewing Internet pornography was positively correlated to participants' narcissism level. In addition, those who have ever used Internet pornography endorsed higher levels of all 3 measures of narcissism than did those who have never used Internet pornography.

  14. Internet addiction in young people. (United States)

    Ong, Say How; Tan, Yi Ren


    In our technology-savvy population, mental health professionals are seeing an increasing trend of excessive Internet use or Internet addiction. Researchers in China, Taiwan and Korea have done extensive research in the field of Internet addiction. Screening instruments are available to identify the presence of Internet addiction and its extent. Internet addiction is frequently associated with mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, conduct disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Treatment modalities include individual and group therapies, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), family therapy and psychotropic medications. A significant proportion of Singapore adolescents engaging in excessive Internet use are also diagnosed to have concomitant Internet addiction. Despite the presence of a variety of treatment options, future research in this area is needed to address its growing trend and to minimise its negative psychological and social impact on the individuals and their families.

  15. Internet dalam Konteks Perpustakaan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roni Rodhin


    Full Text Available The presence of internet would bring a variaty of effects in all areas of human life. The impac of bias could be both a positive and negative. On the other side for libraries it would bring a disparate impact, engaged  in the service and information. In the contect of libraries, the internet is very helpfull to disseminate information that is available in it. It means internet becomes a partner in the dissemination of information. Therefore, the existence of internet is very important for the library.

  16. Leitura nas telas: os jovens na internet/Treading in the screens: the young in the internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Solange Puntel Mostafa


    Full Text Available A partir de uma problematização entre três matrizes de conhecimento, o construtivismo francês, a teoria crítica e o cognitivismo na pesquisa sobre leitura, descrevem resultados de pesquisa realizada com (60 jovens freqüentadores da sala web da Biblioteca da Universidade, durante seu processo de navegação em frente às telas. Os resultados evidenciaram quatro tipos de pesquisa sendo realizadas pelos jovens: pesquisa utilitária, pesquisa de mídia, pesquisa universitária e pesquisa escolar. Algumas regularidades do processo de navegação foram identificadas em todas as faixas categorizadas, como a consulta ao correio eletrônico e a familiaridade (quase natural com a estrutura de banco de dados da internet. O paradoxo levantado pelo construtivismo pedagógico foi contraposto às posturas mais radicais à esquerda em autores para quem é impossível uma educação crítica no ciberespaço; os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam um caminho novo de leitura, diferente do preconizado pela teoria crítica e ainda não contemplado também pelo cognitivismo dos programas de leitura tradicionais. From three matrices of knowledge such as French constructivism, critical theory and cognitivism in reading research , the article describes research carried out with (60 young ciberspace readers during their process of navigation in the web. The results had evidenced four types of reading activities being carried by the young: utilitarian research, research of media, search college and school research. Some regularities of the navigation process had been identified in all the readers as e-mail search and the familiarity (almost natural with the structure of data base of the InterNet. The paradox raised by pedagogical construtivism was compared to the positions most radical to the left in authors for who is impossible a critical education in ciberespace; the results of the research evidence a new way of reading far from that postulated by critical theory

  17. Impact of the Internet. (United States)

    Balajthy, Ernest


    Discusses the impact and the potential of the Internet on education. Suggests that educators and parents need to deal with the lack of quality assurance of the Internet. Addresses readability and appropriateness for children. Notes that successful use of the Internet by children requires that teachers provide instruction in multiple sources and…

  18. The internet for radiologists

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caramella, D.; Pavone, P.


    This book provides information on all aspects of the Internet of interest to radiologists. It also provides non-experts with all the information necessary to profit from the Internet and to explore the different possibilities offered by the www. Its use should be recommended to all radiologists who use the Internet. (orig.)

  19. Internet Addiction and Psychopathology (United States)

    Koc, Mustafa


    This study examined the relationships between university students' internet addiction and psychopathology in Turkey. The study was based on data drawn from a national survey of university students in Turkey. 174 university students completed the SCL-90-R scale and Addicted Internet Users Inventory. Results show that students who use internet six…

  20. Automação do Acervo Paleontológico da Coleção do Museu de Ciências da Terra / DNPM-RJ e sua disponibilização na Internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Abade Pereira Moura


    Full Text Available A Internet vem servindo à ciência como ferramenta na busca e no acesso de informações, sendo utilizada por pesquisadores do mundo inteiro como meio de aceleração da troca de idéias para melhor desenvolver suas pesquisas e desenvolver a partir daí novos conceitos na ciência. Tendo consciência desta ferramenta a Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM criou um programa de cadastro de automatização sobre os seus fósseis, a Base de Dados Paleontológicos (Base Paleo, utilizado pelo Museu de Ciências da Terra do DNPM (Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral, MN-UFRJ (Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro e Dep. Geologia da UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A entrada de dados é efetuada através de um programa que engloba duas etapas: a primeira, executada pelas instituições conveniadas que trata da geração de movimento para a inclusão de novos registros de fósseis através do ACESS, e a segunda elaborada pela CPRM através do SQL/SERVER para a inclusão e disponibilização dos dados para internet. A Base de Dados Paleontológicos reúne atualmente 20.986 documentos sendo 11.019 documentos do DNPM, 6.088 do Museu Nacional e 3.879 da CPRM, disponíveis pela Internet no site ttn:// Dentro do âmbito da Base Paleo criou-se o projeto "Atualização da Coleção dos fósseis existentes no Museu de Ciências da Terra / DNPM" para melhor divulgação do acervo via web. Neste sistema de informação virtual constam dados referentes à identificação dos fósseis como e onde foram encontrados (município e Estado , latitude e longitude, unidades litoestratigráficas, bioestratigráficas e cronoestratigráficas, táxon, coletor, analista, consta o estado de preservação e a descrição com as devidas referências bibliográficas disponíveis sobre o material. O Museu de Ciências da Terra com esta automação possibilitará maior divulgação de seu acervo, permitindo amplo acesso aos

  1. [Differences in access to Internet and Internet-based information seeking according to the type of psychiatric disorder]. (United States)

    Brunault, P; Bray, A; Rerolle, C; Cognet, S; Gaillard, P; El-Hage, W


    Internet has become a major tool for patients to search for health-related information and to communicate on health. We currently lack data on how patients with psychiatric disorders access and use Internet to search for information on their mental health. This study aimed to assess, in patients followed for a psychiatric disorder (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, mood and anxiety disorder, substance-related and addictive disorders and eating disorders), prevalence of Internet access and use, and patient expectations and needs regarding the use of Internet to search for mental-health information depending on the psychiatric disorder. We conducted this cross-sectional study between May 2013 and July 2013 in 648 patients receiving psychiatric care in 8 hospitals from the Region Centre, France. We used multivariate logistic regression adjusted for age, gender, socio-educational level and professional status to compare use, expectations and needs regarding Internet-based information about the patient's psychiatric disorder (65-items self-administered questionnaires) as a function of the psychiatric disorders. We identified patients clusters with multiple correspondence analysis and ascending hierarchical classification. Although 65.6% of our population accessed Internet at home, prevalence for Internet access varied depending on the type of psychiatric disorder and was much more related to limited access to a computer and low income than to a lack of interest in the Internet. Most of the patients who used Internet were interested in having access to reliable Internet-based information on their health (76.8%), and most used Internet to search for Internet based health-information about their psychiatric disorder (58.8%). We found important differences in terms of expectations and needs depending on the patient's psychiatric disorder (e.g., higher interest in Internet-based information among patients with bipolar disorder, substance-related and addictive disorders

  2. Internet Use among Retired Teachers (United States)

    Demiray, Emine; Candemir, Özden


    Internet access tools and devices are developing with the prevalence of the Internet, which is considered revolutionary in information and communications technology. Beside the widespread use of the Internet among young people, statistics show that the number of older people that use the Internet is also on the rise. The purpose of the study is to…

  3. The Effect of Flow Frequency on Internet Addiction to Different Internet Usage Activities (United States)

    Yang, Hui-Ling; Wu, Wei-Pang


    This study investigated the online flow frequency among college students in regard to different internet activities, and analyzed the effect of flow frequency on internet addiction. This study surveyed 525 undergraduate internet users in Taiwan by using convenience sampling to question participants. In this paper, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was…

  4. Risk personality traits of Internet addiction: a longitudinal study of Internet-addicted Chinese university students. (United States)

    Dong, Guangheng; Wang, Jiangyang; Yang, Xuelong; Zhou, Hui


    As the world's fastest growing "addiction", Internet addiction is still controversial. The present study aimed to examine the potential personality predictors of Internet addicts. Eight hundred and sixty-eight students were tested using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire after they had just entered university. Two years later, 49 were found to be addicted to the Internet as defined by high Internet addiction test scores. Comparisons of means and logistic regression analysis were used to explore their relationship. Students addicted to the Internet showed higher Neuroticism/Stability scores, higher Psychoticism/Socialization scores, and lower Lie scores than their normal peers before their addiction. Regression results showed that Internet addiction was accounted by three independent variables: Neuroticism/Stability, Psychoticism/Socialization, and Lie. These results suggest that the risk personality traits of Internet addiction include neuroticism, psychoticism, and immaturity. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  5. Internet Addiction in Adolescents (United States)

    Rebisz, Slawomir; Sikora, Ilona


    The possibilities offered by the use of the Internet increasingly intensify the problem of Internet addiction, which has become more prevalent in the last decade, marked by the growing availability of mobile devices and new media and their exacerbation of the problem. Research on Internet addiction, initiated by Kimberly Young at the end of the…

  6. [Internet addiction--a case report]. (United States)

    Pejović-Milovancević, Milica; Popović-Deusić, Smiljka; Draganić-Gajić, Saveta; Lecić-Tosevski, Dusica


    Some addictions cannot be connected with substance abuse (pathological gambling, video games playing, binge eating, compulsive physical activity, emotional relationship addiction, TV addiction). Since 1995, Internet addiction has been accepted as a clinical entity with profound negative effect on social, familial, educational and economical personal functioning. The diagnosis of Internet addiction could be established if the person spends more than 38 hours per week on the Internet exempting online professional needs. Basic symptoms are the increased number of hours spent in front of the computer along with the Internet use, development of abstinent syndrome if the Internet access is prohibited, sleep inversion, neglect of basic social requirements and personal hygiene, many somatic symptoms developed due to prolonged sitting or monitor watching, dissocial behaviour. In this paper, data about the Internet addiction are presented and a case report of an adolescent with developed Internet addiction.

  7. Internet addiction: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pejović-Milovančević Milica


    Full Text Available Some addictions cannot be connected with substance abuse (pathological gambling, video games playing, binge eating, compulsive physical activity, emotional relationship addiction, TV addiction. Since 1995, Internet addiction has been accepted as a clinical entity with profound negative effect on social, familial, educational and economical personal functioning. The diagnosis of Internet addiction could be established if the person spends more than 38 hours per week on the Internet exempting online professional needs. Basic symptoms are the increased number of hours spent in front of the computer along with the Internet use, development of abstinent syndrome if the Internet access is prohibited, sleep inversion, neglect of basic social requirements and personal hygiene, many somatic symptoms developed due to prolonged sitting or monitor watching, dissocial behavior. In this paper, data about the Internet addiction are presented and a case report of an adolescent with developed Internet addiction.

  8. Internet use and attitudes towards illicit internet use behavior in a sample of Russian college students. (United States)

    Palesh, Oxana; Saltzman, Kasey; Koopman, Cheryl


    This study assessed Internet use and attitudes toward illicit use of the Internet in a sample of Russian college students. A sample comprised of 198 students was recruited from a university in Moscow. Each participant completed a survey assessing demographic characteristics, Internet use, and attitudes towards engaging in illicit behaviors over the Internet. About half of the students reported that they used the Internet at least several times a year, with 8% reporting daily use of the Internet. Among Internet users, most reported having Internet access either at home or at a friends' home, and 16 % reported having Internet access from work, school, or a computer center. Among Internet users, the main purpose was for school-related activities (60%), followed by e-mail (55%), entertainment (50%), chatting (24%), and searching for pornography (6%). Although most students thought it was inappropriate to read someone else's e-mail, use someone else's password or credit card information without their permission, or break into someone's computer, many students did endorse those illicit behaviors. Over a fifth of the students reported that they knew hackers. Forty three percent of students agreed that people make too much fuss about watching videos, movies or downloading music on the Internet without paying. Males were more likely than females to report using the Internet for entertainment purposes (p = 0.006) and were more likely to agree that it was okay to break into someone's computer (p = 0.04). The results of this study suggest that these Russian college students predominately use the Internet to help with their schoolwork, to communicate with others, and for entertainment. These results also suggest that interventions may be useful to change attitudes endorsing illicit uses of the Internet.

  9. The Internet's effect on personality traits: An important casualty of the "Internet addiction" paradigm. (United States)

    Aboujaoude, Elias


    Background and aims The "Internet addiction" paradigm has been criticized for several shortcomings, including inattention to specific online behaviors, not distinguishing the Internet from other media, insufficient focus on comorbidities, and definitions that do not take into account the constant access now possible. The paradigm's biggest casualty, however, may be that it has diverted attention away from subtle personality changes that seem to occur online, including in users who cannot be considered "addicted" under any definition. Methods A narrative assessment of the literature was conducted, focusing on the Internet's effects on personality traits as revealed in studies of Internet users. Results Impulsivity, narcissism, and aggression are some of the personality traits that seem to be nurtured by the Internet, with possible negative offline consequences. Discussion Ignoring the Internet's subtle effects on personality as we embrace an addiction model that implies severe pathology makes the majority of Internet users feel deceptively immune to the psychological effects of new technologies. It also limits our understanding of the big cultural shifts that are happening as a result. Conclusion The Internet's potentially negative effect on personality, and by extension on society at large, is a fundamental part of online psychology, one well worthy of further investigation.

  10. Metodologia de pesquisas na internet: breves considerações sobre uma pesquisa qualitativa em turismo nas redes sociais

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    Fernanda Meneses de Miranda Castro


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve por objetivo apresentar o percurso metodológico de uma pesquisa que pretendeu analisar a contribuição das redes sociais que são utilizadas pelos órgãos responsáveis pela promoção do turismo de Salvador para a construção de uma imagem competitiva do destino. Com o surgimento da comunicação virtual surgiram novas propostas de pesquisa que tentassem desvendar esse ambiente e ainda não existe um método que seja considerado mais adequado para o alcance dos objetivos, cabendo ao pesquisador a tarefa de selecionar métodos e técnicas que mais se ajustem à proposta de pesquisa. Neste trabalho optou-se pela utilização do método sociológico e pelas técnicas de análise das redes sociais, iconologia e análise de conteúdo. Apresentou-se também breves resultados da pesquisa empírica, realizada entre agosto de 2013 a agosto de 2014, onde acompanhou-se as publicações referentes ao destino Salvador da página da rede social Facebook da Bahiatursa e da Salvador-Bahia. Os resultados indicaram que apesar de Salvador ser o destino âncora da Bahia, a promoção digital ainda não alcançou resultados expressivos. Indicaram também que os métodos e técnicas escolhidos atenderam ao objetivo proposto e que pesquisas científicas na Internet requerem do pesquisador uma análise contextual pormenorizada. A depender do objeto e objetivos de estudo, a escolha e o percurso metodológico são diferenciados, não havendo uma indicação conceitual priorizada.

  11. Internet gaming addiction, problematic use of the internet, and sleep problems: a systematic review. (United States)

    Lam, Lawrence T


    The effect of problematic use of the Internet on mental health, particularly depression among young people, has been established but without a probable model for the underlying mechanism. In this study, a model is presented to describe possible pathways for the linkage between Internet gaming addiction and depression possibly mediated by sleep problems. A systematic review was conducted to gather epidemiological evidence to support or refute the link between addictive Internet gaming, problematic Internet use, and sleep problems including insomnia and poor sleep quality. Seven studies were identified through a systematic literature search, of these three related to addictive Internet gaming and four on problematic Internet uses and sleep problems. Information was extracted and analysed systematically from each of the studies and tabulated as a summary. Results of the review suggest that additive gaming, particularly massively multiplayer online role-playing games MMORPG, might be associated with poorer quality of sleep. Results further indicated that problematic Internet use was associated with sleep problems including subjective insomnia and poor sleep quality.

  12. Internet Usage Habits and Internet Usage in Educational Studies of Vocational School Students

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    Zehra Deniz Yakıncı


    Full Text Available Internet is the easiest way to access information. It provides positive contributions to individual and surroundings, in learning and information era. At this point the answers of the questions: ‘How do young people use internet and how much do they use internet for their education?’ come into prominence. In order to find the answers; a questionnaire prepared by resarchers and Young Internet Addiction Test- Short Form (YIAT-SF was used on ‘Health Services Vocational High School’ students, in this study. 3.4 % of students were found to have internet addiction and the average internet usage was found to be 5 hours daily. When students were asked to enumerate the internet sites they use, the result was: social media, news sites, movie and series sites, educational and informational content sites, play sites, e-mail, shopping sites, and sexual content sites in order of usage preferance. While social media was preferred by 79.4% in the first place, educational content sites were determined to be preferred by 5.7% in the first place among others. The second most frequently used sites by students were movies and series (22.8%. Educational / informational content (20.2 % sites were the fifth preferred sites in the preference order.

  13. Influência do uso de enrofloxacina no desenvolvimento de resistência às quinolonas mediada por plasmídeos em Escherichia coli de vitelos [Selection of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance in commensal E. coli by the use of enrofloxacin in calves

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guerreiro, L.; Couto, N.; Centeno, M.

    O conhecimento existente sobre a presença e frequência de genes de Resistência às Quinolonas Mediada por Plasmídeos (RQMP) em estirpes comensais de E. coli de origem bovina é escasso a nível mundial. O presente trabalho teve como objectivos:i) avaliar a frequência de genes de RQMP, designadamente...... exista uma associação entre a presença de genes de RQMP e valores de CIMs, verifica-se um aumento da frequência destes genes ao longo do estudo longitudinal. Este é o primeiro estudo que descreve a existência de resistência às quinolonas por qQnrD em isolados de E. coli de bovinos....

  14. Privacidad en internet


    Rodríguez Gómez, José Luis


    Análisis de la privacidad en internet, y, en particular, en las redes sociales y la blogosfera. Se parte del concepto jurídico de privacidad y se analizan los riesgos crecientes que la acosan. Anàlisi de la privacitat a Internet, i, en particular, en les xarxes socials i la blogosfera. Es parteix del concepte jurídic de privacitat i s'analitzen els riscos creixents que l'assetgen. Analysis of Internet privacy, and in particular, social networks and the blogosphere. It begins with legal ...

  15. Causes of Internet Addiction Disorder

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The Internet Addiction Disorder diagnostic manual approved by psychologists on November 8 divides Internet addiction into five categories,which are addiction to online games,pornography,social networking,Internet information and Internetshopping.

  16. Internet Parenting Styles and the Impact on Internet Use of Primary School Children (United States)

    Valcke, M.; Bonte, S.; De Wever, B.; Rots, I.


    Next to available data about actual Internet use of young children at home, most research especially focuses on the threats and opportunities about active Internet usage. Limited empirical research focuses on the role and impact of parents in this context. In the present study, Internet parenting styles are defined and operationalized to study the…

  17. [Effects of an Integrated Internet Addiction Prevention Program on Elementary Students' Self-regulation and Internet Addiction]. (United States)

    Mun, So Youn; Lee, Byoung Sook


    The purpose of this study was to develop an integrated internet addiction prevention program and test its effects on the self-regulation and internet addiction of elementary students who are at risk for internet addiction. A quasi-experimental study with a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. Participants were assigned to the experimental group (n=28) or control group (n=28). Contents of the program developed in this study included provision of information about internet addiction, interventions for empowerment and methods of behavioral modification. A pre-test and two post-tests were done to identify the effects of the program and their continuity. Effects were testified using Repeated measures ANOVA, simple effect analysis, and Time Contrast. The self-regulation of the experimental group after the program was significantly higher than the control group. The score for internet addiction self-diagnosis and the internet use time in the experimental group were significantly lower than the control group. The effects of the integrated internet addiction prevention program for preventing internet addiction in elementary students at risk for internet addiction were validated.

  18. Internet use among Turkish adolescents. (United States)

    Tahiroglu, Aysegul Yolga; Celik, Gonca G; Uzel, Mehtap; Ozcan, Neslihan; Avci, Ayse


    The aim of this study was to investigate Internet use habits and problematic Internet use (PIU) in Turkish adolescents. Participants were 3,975 undergraduate students, 7.6% of whom used the Internet for more than 12 hours weekly. The Online Cognition Scale (OCS) was used. The most common purpose for using the Internet was playing games, followed by general information search. Female users mostly preferred searching for general information; male users preferred playing games (p game was violent games. While preference for strategy and fantasy role-play (FRP) games increased with age, preference for other games decreased (p games, followed by FRP, strategy, and sports and motor racing games. Computers and the Internet are useful, important inventions, but like other inventions, if used improperly, they may be harmful. Risk of harm raises concerns about who should use the Internet and computers, and where, when, and why the Internet and computers should be used.

  19. Internet Addiction and Its Treatment

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    Ozden Arisoy


    Full Text Available With the introduction of new technologies, computer and internet use have become an unavoidable necessity in our daily lives. Internet was originally designed to facilitate communication and research. However the dramatic increase in use of internet in recent years has led to its pathologic use. Turkey, as a developing country with an increasing rate of internet access and computer use is at high risk for this disorder. In our country, this disorder is especially seen in young people who are more skilled in internet and computer use. And because their excessive internet use has led to negative consequences in their academic, social and family lives, patients and their families began search of treatment for this disorder. So clinicians must be aware of this newly emerging disorder and they should be able to apply the appropriate therapeutic interventions. This paper aims to summarize the pharmacological and cognitive-behavioral treatment of internet addiction.

  20. Objetivismo, subjetivismo e comunicação pela TV

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    Luís Carlos Lopes


    Full Text Available Este texto objetiva contribuir para a discussão dos significados da objetividade e da subjetividade, como categorias aplicáveis ao estudos comunicacionais. Deseja esclarecer a diferença entre objetividade e objetivismo e entre subjetividade e subjetivismo. Discute o mesmo problema aplicado a dois livros recentes que analisaram a problemática dos fenômenos comunicacionais passados pela televisão. Conclui, ressaltando a importância das balizas enunciadas como verificadoras da natureza das interpretações usadas.

  1. Impact of the Internet on Globalization : Industrial Internet


    Jukics, Márk


    The thesis consists of two main parts. The first part is the theoretical framework, the second part is about assisting in a project of Centria University of Applied Sciences. The theoretical part of the thesis expounds the evolution and the benefits of the industrial internet. It explains the roots of globalization, internet, and industries. Lean manufacturing and management is also involved in the theory, as this way of management is successfully spreading by the help of globalization. I...

  2. Internet Access: How to Design and Test an Internet Use/Management Policy

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Montgomery, Doris


    The Internet is filled with tremendous marketing potential and vulnerabilities, organizations should develop polices that offer both Internet Usage/Management policies that are consisted with their organization...

  3. On Internet and Internet of things%论 Internet与 Internet of Things

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    从Internet发展历史及应用环境变化的角度讨论IoT( Internet of Things)提出背景、内涵、组成结构和体系结构等关键问题.在分析对IoT的典型定义的基础上,笔者认为“ITU把IoT作为Internet平台在应用领域实现人、机、和智能化物理对象(SPO)信息全方位互通和实践普适计算理念的下一代Internet及其应用系统的概括”是对IoT更为合理的广义定义.以该定义为基础,全面地分析了“由多个用户域网(CPN)通过骨干通信子网互联”的基本组成结构,讨论了两类SPO-CPN的基本组成结构及其支撑技术;指出SPO的引入主要影响CPN资源网络中的接入部分,属于应用系统的范畴,对Internet基本技术影响甚微.笔者不赞同以欧盟为代表的把IoT定义为联物专用网的狭义定义,指出其IoT模型和体系结构研究混淆了网络平台与应用系统,实质上是网络应用系统模型和体系结构.%Based on the analysis of development history and application environment changes of Internet, this paper provided a comprehensive discussion on the incentive, connotation, organization, and some key issues of the Internet of Things (IoT). On the basis of the analysis of the typical definition of IoT, the author believed that " the full range of information interoperability ITU to IoT as an Internet platform in the application areas of human, machine, and intelligent physical objects (SPO) and the next generation Internet applications generalization of Pervasive Computing (Ubiquitous Computing) concept " is a more reasonable broad definition of the IoT. Based on this definition, the author analyzed the basic organization of IoT, which consisted of interconnected multiple Customer Premises Network (CPN) via backbone Subnetworks, and examined two types of components of SPO-CPN and their supporting techniques. It was also pointed out that introduction of SPO has little impact on Internet technology, except on access part of

  4. Konsep Pemasaran Melalui Internet


    Nurbasari, Anny


    Tulisan ini mencoba membuka wawasan kita untuk mengenal dan mendalami paradigma baru dalam manajemen pemasaran, yang berkaitan dengan kemajuan teknologi pemasaran khususnya pemasaran internet (internet marketing).Pemasaran lewat internet sebagai media komunikasi baru makin lazim dilakukan dan makin berpengaruh karena efisiensinya (lengkap, detail, akurat, cepat, mudah, hemat, murah, dan berjangkauan luas). Secara otomatis ini meningkatkan customer intimacy dan customer satisfaction.

  5. Advanced Internet Protocols, Services, and Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Oki, Eiji; Tatipamula, Mallikarjun; Vogt, Christian


    Today, the internet and computer networking are essential parts of business, learning, and personal communications and entertainment. Virtually all messages or transactions sent over the internet are carried using internet infrastructure- based on advanced internet protocols. Advanced internet protocols ensure that both public and private networks operate with maximum performance, security, and flexibility. This book is intended to provide a comprehensive technical overview and survey of advanced internet protocols, first providing a solid introduction and going on to discu

  6. Rússia: o que vivenciou e o que tem pela frente?

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    Tatiana Zaslavskaia


    Full Text Available O ARTIGO constitui a versão escrita de uma apresentação feita pela autora, em 2003, em mesa-redonda organizada no âmbito do Simpósio realizado anualmente pela Escola Superior de Moscou de Estudos Econômicos e Sociais, sob o grande tema Para onde vai a Rússia? Trata-se de uma polêmica com o cientista político Vladimir Mau, atualmente reitor da referida Escola, a propósito dos resultados da transformação sistêmica que teve lugar na Rússia, a partir do início dos anos de 1990, sugerindo, a partir dos mesmos, um caminho para delineamento de um futuro distinto para o país.THE ARTICLE is a written version of the exposition done by the autor in 2003, in a Round Table organized within the symposium Whiter Russia?, that takes place annually under the auspices of the Moscow School of Social and Economic Studies. In the article she disputes with Vladimir Mau, a political scientist, now Rector of the referred School, about the results of the Russian systemic transformation of the 90's and suggests, on the basis of these results, a different path for the future development of the country.

  7. Internet Use for Health Information (United States)

    ... Health Services Utilization > Internet use for Health Information Internet use for Health Information Narrative Due in part ... adults in the United States who use the Internet has increased substantially, from 47 percent in 2000 ...

  8. Measuring internet skills

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Deursen, Alexander Johannes Aloysius Maria; van Dijk, Johannes A.G.M.


    Research that considers Internet skills often lacks theoretical justifications and does not go beyond basic button knowledge. There is a strong need for a measurement framework that can guide future research. In this article, operational definitions for measuring Internet skills are proposed,

  9. Análise das narrativas sobre a menopausa de um site brasileiro da internet

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    Marco Antonio Separavich


    Full Text Available O trabalho analisa as representações e os relatos da experiência com a menopausa contidos no site brasileiro da internet Menospausa - o site da mulher madura, no espaço de interatividade, procurando identificar aspectos do climatério/menopausa, da vivência deste processo e das ações de cuidados. Foram separadas as 48 postagens, das quais dez escolhidas e analisadas conforme o gênero de narrativas, classificadas segundo Michael Bury como: contingentes, progressivas, morais, épicas/heroicas e regressivas/trágicas. Conclui-se que, apesar de a menopausa portar sinais corporais comuns, as representações e experiências narradas sobre corpo, menopausa e cuidados dialogam com os saberes médico e não eruditos, são heterogêneas, não necessariamente negativas, e informadas pelo contexto sociocultural mais amplo de suas protagonistas, e, em particular, filtradas pelas características do site.

  10. Internet accounting dictionaries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sandro; Mourier, Lise


    An examination of existing accounting dictionaries on the Internet reveals a general need for a new type of dictionary. In contrast to the dictionaries now accessible, the future accounting dictionaries should be designed as proper Internet dictionaries based on a functional approach so they can...


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Internet has penetrated into all the aspects of our life and work.We can study and work by it;we can find a job by it;we can communicate by it;we can entertain by it;we can buy and sell by it.We can do almost everything on the Internet,and almost anywhere anytime. However,at the same time Internet provides services for us,it is inevitably invading our privacy to some degree.The services on most websites require our registering. If we want to enjoy these services,we have to provide much private informa-

  12. Rumors and Internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    RENARD, Jean-Bruno


    Full Text Available This paper will address the rumors and the Internet in two ways: rumors as the subject of the Internet and the Internet as a channel of dissemination of rumors. We define rumors in a broadly way as an unverified information circulating within a social group. In a strict sense, rumors can be understand as false information that people believe. A rumor is an urban myth, a legend, a hoax, or a contemporary narrative, a tale of everyday life, false or dubious, but in which we believed because it is likely, and it conveys a moral message.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available In this study we analyze the behavior of a sample of 30 third-year students of various majors of the Faculty of Geography, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of ClujNapoca, Romania, regarding the Internet use. We applied a questionnaire containing 15 items related to: Internet activities performed; length of time students spend on the Internet; devices used to access the Internet; types of materials that students downloaded, read, viewed, forwarded or posted on the Internet; types of applications used. Taking into account the time students spent daily on the Internet and correlated with other responses we concluded that their concerns were closely related to the Internet, whether it was about communication, career, or personal life.

  14. Internet FAQ Archives - Online Education - (United States) Internet FAQ Archives - Online Education - Internet FAQ Archives Internet FAQ Archives Online Education Internet RFC Index Usenet FAQ Index Other FAQs Documents Tools IFC Rated FAQs Internet RFC/STD/FYI/BCP Archives The Internet RFC series of documents is also available from

  15. Internet Uses and Gratifications: Understanding Motivations for Using the Internet. (United States)

    Ko, Hanjun

    In this study, the uses and gratifications theory was applied to investigate the Internet users' motivations and their relationship with attitudes toward the Internet as well as types of Web site visited by users. Subjects were 185 college students who completed a self-report questionnaire. Four motivations and five types of Web sites were…

  16. A Comunicação Social do IBGE e as novas tecnologias para a integração da informação: o caso da introdução da Internet


    Melo, Sandra Márcia de


    O presente trabalho tenta mostrar a importância da aplicação de novas tecnologias no mundo globalizado, especialmente a rede Internet, como ferramenta indispensável na melhoria da qualidade da divulgação dos estudos produzidos pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE, pela Coordenação de Comunicação Social do órgão. A pesquisa valeu-se de documentos administrativos, tais como Decretos, Resoluções, Portarias, Boletins de Serviço, entre outros materiais disponíveis que pudess...

  17. Guia de receitas brasileiras: uma saborosa viagem pela literatura


    Santos, Denísia Moraes dos


    Esta dissertação tem por objetivo compreender, sob o ponto de vista da Análise Dialógica do Discurso, o processo de construção dos sentidos em Guia de receitas brasileiras ─ texto premiado na primeira edição do Concurso Cultural Viagem Nestlé pela Literatura (1999). Com o tema A literatura e a vida nos 500 anos de Brasil , essa edição desafiou alunos e professores a produzir um intertexto literário-cultural, utilizando cinco obras da literatura brasileira ─ Cronistas do Descobrim...

  18. Differential physiological changes following internet exposure in higher and lower problematic internet users. (United States)

    Reed, Phil; Romano, Michela; Re, Federica; Roaro, Alessandra; Osborne, Lisa A; Viganò, Caterina; Truzoli, Roberto


    Problematic internet use (PIU) has been suggested as in need of further research with a view to being included as a disorder in future Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association, but lack of knowledge about the impact of internet cessation on physiological function remains a major gap in knowledge and a barrier to PIU classification. One hundred and forty-four participants were assessed for physiological (blood pressure and heart rate) and psychological (mood and state anxiety) function before and after an internet session. Individuals also completed a psychometric examination relating to their usage of the internet, as well as their levels of depression and trait anxiety. Individuals who identified themselves as having PIU displayed increases in heart rate and systolic blood pressure, as well as reduced mood and increased state of anxiety, following cessation of internet session. There were no such changes in individuals with no self-reported PIU. These changes were independent of levels of depression and trait anxiety. These changes after cessation of internet use are similar to those seen in individuals who have ceased using sedative or opiate drugs, and suggest PIU deserves further investigation and serious consideration as a disorder.

  19. Extending the Internet of Things to the Future Internet Through IPv6 Support

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio J. Jara


    Full Text Available Emerging Internet of Things (IoT/Machine-to-Machine (M2M systems require a transparent access to information and services through a seamless integration into the Future Internet. This integration exploits infrastructure and services found on the Internet by the IoT. On the one hand, the so-called Web of Things aims for direct Web connectivity by pushing its technology down to devices and smart things. On the other hand, the current and Future Internet offer stable, scalable, extensive, and tested protocols for node and service discovery, mobility, security, and auto-configuration, which are also required for the IoT. In order to integrate the IoT into the Internet, this work adapts, extends, and bridges using IPv6 the existing IoT building blocks (such as solutions from IEEE 802.15.4, BT-LE, RFID while maintaining backwards compatibility with legacy networked embedded systems from building and industrial automation. Specifically, this work presents an extended Internet stack with a set of adaptation layers from non-IP towards the IPv6-based network layer in order to enable homogeneous access for applications and services.

  20. Pemanfaatan Teknologi Internet Dalam Pendidikan


    Aziz, Nurazzmi


    Internet technology keeps on developing and touching various aspects of human daily life. Starting from the very simple utilization of internet, such as the use of email for communication purposes, browsing varied information, up to the relatively advanced one, such as designing and developing homepage or the use of internet for shopping purposes (e-shopping). Some initiatives, either individually or in collaboration, to utilize internet for learning has been conducted by some Secondary Schoo...

  1. Internet café addiction of Taiwanese adolescents. (United States)

    Wu, Chin-Shan; Cheng, Fei-Fei


    With the recent vigorous development, the Internet has become a part of life. And the Internet café has become an emerging industry under this new wave of Internet heat. However, the Internet café has also brought about many unexpected social problems and negative effects on society in Taiwan. For example, Internet café addiction (or pathological use) is a particular phenomenon derived from Internet café in Taiwan. But currently there are just a few scholars who attend to this problem. This study focuses mainly on the phenomenon of Internet café addiction among adolescents in Taiwan, the Internet café patronage behavior, and the cause of this phenomenon. Result of a questionnaire survey indicate that a significant difference exists between male and female adolescent in the following two aspects: "the stay hours for each visit in Internet café" and "Internet café addiction scores." Males' stay hours in Internet café are longer than females', and males also get higher Internet café addiction scores than females. The results also indicate that participants' degree of self-esteem and support from their social network can account for 30% of variance of Internet café addiction. Further, the results also suggest that social support is positively related to Internet café addiction score, whereas a negative relationship between self-esteem and Internet café addiction score is observed.

  2. The wireless internet explained

    CERN Document Server

    Rhoton, John


    The Wireless Internet Explained covers the full spectrum of wireless technologies from a wide range of vendors, including initiatives by Microsoft and Compaq. The Wireless Internet Explained takes a practical look at wireless technology. Rhoton explains the concepts behind the physics, and provides an overview that clarifies the convoluted set of standards heaped together under the umbrella of wireless. It then expands on these technical foundations to give a panorama of the increasingly crowded landscape of wireless product offerings. When it comes to actual implementation the book gives abundant down-to-earth advice on topics ranging from the selection and deployment of mobile devices to the extremely sensitive subject of security.Written by an expert on Internet messaging, the author of Digital Press''s successful Programmer''s Guide to Internet Mail and X.400 and SMTP: Battle of the E-mail Protocols, The Wireless Internet Explained describes and evaluates the current state of the fast-growing and crucial...

  3. Undesigning the Internet: An exploratory study of reducing everyday Internet connectivity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Widdicks, Kelly; Ringenson, Tina; Pargman, Daniel; Kuppusamy, Vishnupriya; Lago, Patricia; Penzenstadler, Birgit; Easterbrook, Steve; Venters, Colin; Ishtiaque Ahmed, Syed

    Internet connectivity is seamlessly integrated into many of our everyday habits and activities. Despite this, previous research has highlighted that our rather excessive Internet use is not sustainable or even always socially benecial. In this paper, we carried out an exploratory study on how

  4. Strategy and the Internet. (United States)

    Porter, M E


    Many of the pioneers of Internet business, both dot-coms and established companies, have competed in ways that violate nearly every precept of good strategy. Rather than focus on profits, they have chased customers indiscriminately through discounting, channel incentives, and advertising. Rather than concentrate on delivering value that earns an attractive price from customers, they have pursued indirect revenues such as advertising and click-through fees. Rather than make trade-offs, they have rushed to offer every conceivable product or service. It did not have to be this way--and it does not have to be in the future. When it comes to reinforcing a distinctive strategy, Michael Porter argues, the Internet provides a better technological platform than previous generations of IT. Gaining competitive advantage does not require a radically new approach to business; it requires building on the proven principles of effective strategy. Porter argues that, contrary to recent thought, the Internet is not disruptive to most existing industries and established companies. It rarely nullifies important sources of competitive advantage in an industry; it often makes them even more valuable. And as all companies embrace Internet technology, the Internet itself will be neutralized as a source of advantage. Robust competitive advantages will arise instead from traditional strengths such as unique products, proprietary content, and distinctive physical activities. Internet technology may be able to fortify those advantages, but it is unlikely to supplant them. Porter debunks such Internet myths as first-mover advantage, the power of virtual companies, and the multiplying rewards of network effects. He disentangles the distorted signals from the marketplace, explains why the Internet complements rather than cannibalizes existing ways of doing business, and outlines strategic imperatives for dot-coms and traditional companies.

  5. Internet

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    微软想要统治Internet,Windows XP就是这个计划中的一个组成部分。微软已经努力争取提供连接Internet的最方便、最完整的方法。新的操作系统含有Internet Explorer 6(IE6)、新的保密功能以及防火墙保护。Windows XP甚至包含有一个Macromedia Flash播放器插件。但是对Sun微系统公司的打击就是

  6. Balancing participation and risks in children's Internet use: the role of internet literacy and parental mediation. (United States)

    Lee, Sook-Jung; Chae, Young-Gil


    This study analyzed the survey data from 566 Korean children between the ages of 10 and 15 to examine the role of Internet literacy and parental mediation in solving the dilemma of children's Internet use. According to the findings, children's online participation was associated with increased exposure to online risks. The association was moderated by Internet skills and parental restrictive mediation; that is, for children with a high level of Internet skills and for children who received more restrictive mediation, the positive association between online participation and online risks weakened, but was still significant. The limited roles of Internet skills and parental restrictive mediation in children's Internet use were discussed in the context of media education.

  7. Internet and information

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    As the society develops, information becomesmore important than ever before. Computers willgradually be familiar to more and more people andbe used in more and more ways. Internet makes theworld integrated(合并) as a whole. So, it is important to learn how to make use of the Internet.

  8. The myth of the decentralised internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashwin J. Mathew


    Full Text Available In popular culture, and in policy discussions, the internet is often conceived of as a decentralised technology, which cannot be controlled. Drawing from research into internet infrastructure, focusing on the Border Gateway Protocol, I show that the internet has never been, and never can be, decentralised. I argue that the internet is better viewed as being distributed, both in terms of technologies and governance arrangements. The shift in perspective, from decentralised to distributed, is essential to understand the past and present internet, and to imagine possible future internets which preserve and support the public good.

  9. ITSA: Internet Traffic Statistics Archive

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogesteger, Martijn; de Oliveira Schmidt, R.; Pras, Aiko

    Motivated by the fact that comprehensive and long term Internet traffic measurements can be hard to obtain, we have proposed and developed the Internet Traffic Statistics Archive (ITSA). Since 2013, ITSA concentrates reports on high-level statistics of Internet traffic worldwide. Examples of

  10. Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuss DJ


    Full Text Available Daria J KussPsychology Research and Behavior Management, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UKAbstract: In the 2000s, online games became popular, while studies of Internet gaming addiction emerged, outlining the negative consequences of excessive gaming, its prevalence, and associated risk factors. The establishment of specialized treatment centers in South-East Asia, the US, and Europe reflects the growing need for professional help. It is argued that only by understanding the appeal of Internet gaming, its context, and neurobiologic correlates can the phenomenon of Internet gaming addiction be understood comprehensively. The aim of this review is to provide an insight into current perspectives on Internet gaming addiction using a holistic approach, taking into consideration the mass appeal of online games, the context of Internet gaming addiction, and associated neuroimaging findings, as well as the current diagnostic framework adopted by the American Psychiatric Association. The cited research indicates that the individual's context is a significant factor that marks the dividing line between excessive gaming and gaming addiction, and the game context can gain particular importance for players, depending on their life situation and gaming preferences. Moreover, the cultural context is significant because it embeds the gamer in a community with shared beliefs and practices, endowing their gaming with particular meaning. The cited neuroimaging studies indicate that Internet gaming addiction shares similarities with other addictions, including substance dependence, at the molecular, neurocircuitry, and behavioral levels. The findings provide support for the current perspective of understanding Internet gaming addiction from a disease framework. The benefits of an Internet gaming addiction diagnosis include reliability across research, destigmatization of individuals, development of efficacious treatments, and the creation of an incentive

  11. Internet trials: participant experiences and perspectives. (United States)

    Mathieu, Erin; Barratt, Alexandra; Carter, Stacy M; Jamtvedt, Gro


    Use of the Internet to conduct randomised controlled trials is increasing, and provides potential to increase equity of access to medical research, increase the generalisability of trial results and decrease the costs involved in conducting large scale trials. Several studies have compared response rates, completeness of data, and reliability of surveys using the Internet and traditional methods, but very little is known about participants' attitudes towards Internet-based randomised trials or their experience of participating in an Internet-based trial. To obtain insights into the experiences and perspectives of participants in an Internet-based randomised controlled trial, their attitudes to the use of the Internet to conduct medical research, and their intentions regarding future participation in Internet research. All English speaking participants in a recently completed Internet randomised controlled trial were invited to participate in an online survey. 1246 invitations were emailed. 416 participants completed the survey between May and October 2009 (33% response rate). Reasons given for participating in the Internet RCT fell into 4 main areas: personal interest in the research question and outcome, ease of participation, an appreciation of the importance of research and altruistic reasons. Participants' comments and reflections on their experience of participating in a fully online trial were positive and less than half of participants would have participated in the trial had it been conducted using other means of data collection. However participants identified trade-offs between the benefits and downsides of participating in Internet-based trials. The main trade-off was between flexibility and convenience - a perceived benefit - and a lack connectedness and understanding - a perceived disadvantage. The other tradeoffs were in the areas of: ease or difficulty in use of the Internet; security, privacy and confidentiality issues; perceived benefits and

  12. [The Role of Internet Parenting for the Internet use of Children in Pre-, Primary and Secondary School]. (United States)

    Festl, Ruth; Langmeyer, Alexandra N


    The Role of Internet Parenting for the Internet use of Children in Pre-, Primary and Secondary School The present study analyzes the relationship between mothers' and fathers' Internet parenting and children's Internet use across different age groups (1-15 years). Especially, we looked at the influencing factors of parental mediation strategies and the interplay of mothers' and fathers' Internet parenting. Based on data of the DJI-survey "Growing up in Germany" (Aufwachsen in Deutschland: Alltagswelten, AID:A II 2015, N = 1,196), dyadic structural equation models have shown that across all age groups shared parent-child online activities were important influencing factors of regulating the children's Internet use. Also, the self-perceived Internet education competence of mothers and fathers has been confirmed as a relevant factor influencing a more intense use of parental mediation strategies for school-aged children. While the amount of Internet use among young children (1-6 years) was exclusively influenced by features and strategies of mothers' Internet parenting, the transition to elementary school not only marked changes in the frequency of children's Internet use, but also in the ICT parenting of mothers and fathers. For school-aged children, we indeed found an influence of fathers as well as, in case of the oldest age group, a reduced use of parental mediation strategies. However, parents' attitudes, competences and strategies regarding Internet parenting still stayed important during adolescence.

  13. [Internet use and adolescents' sexual health]. (United States)

    Tseng, Ying-Hua; Wang, Ruey-Hsia; Wang, Hsiu-Hung; Chou, Fan-Hao


    Internet use is an important part of the daily life of adolescents. The ease of searching the internet for information makes finding information on sex, a topic of particular interest to adolescents, easy. Although the internet is replete with sexual information, the influence of internet use on adolescents' sexual health is analogous to a double-edged sword. This article identifies the four main sexual dilemmas facing Taiwan adolescents and analyzes the pros and cons of internet use with regard to adolescents' sexual health. Cons include the predominance of internet pornography and the potential risks of making friends online. Pros include the internet's role as an optimal communications platform and tool for sex-related research. We suggest that nurses have a unique role and functions to play in promoting adolescent sexual health. We also offer recommendations for school health nursing and clinical nursing. Further internet-based quantitative and qualitative research is necessary to clarify relevant sexual health issues. Finally, we offer design suggestions for sexual education homepages.

  14. Reports on internet traffic statistics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogesteger, Martijn; de Oliveira Schmidt, R.; Sperotto, Anna; Pras, Aiko


    Internet traffic statistics can provide valuable information to network analysts and researchers about the way nowadays networks are used. In the past, such information was provided by Internet2 in a public website called Internet2 NetFlow: Weekly Reports. The website reported traffic statistics

  15. International Mathematical Internet Olympiad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Domoshnitsky


    Full Text Available Modern Internet technologies open new possibilities in wide spectrum of traditional methods used in mathematical education. One of the areas, where these technologies can be efficiently used, is an organization of mathematical competitions. Contestants can stay at their schools or universities and try to solve as many mathematical problems as possible and then submit their solutions through Internet. Simple Internet technologies supply audio and video connection between participants and organizers.

  16. Internet for the internationals: effects of internet use motivations on international students' college adjustment. (United States)

    Lee, Eun-Ju; Lee, Lu; Jang, Jeongwoo


    Drawing upon the uses and gratifications approach, the current study examined how international students' Internet use motivations affect their academic, social, and emotional adjustments in the new environment. A total of 166 Chinese students studying in Korea participated in a web-based survey. First, a factor analysis identified four distinct motivations for Internet use: homeland orientation (to stay connected to the home country), local information seeking (to learn about the host society), local social interaction (to form interpersonal relationships locally), and entertainment. After controlling for the effects of sociodemographic variables (i.e., gender, year at school, length of residence, Korean language proficiency) and personality traits (i.e., extraversion, openness to experience, neuroticism), Internet use motivations were found to be significant predictors of international students' social and emotional adjustments. Specifically, those seeking to build a local social network through the Internet reported greater satisfaction with their social life, whereas homeland orientation was associated with poorer emotional adaptation. Various Internet activities, such as e-mail, blogging, and instant messaging, were not significantly related to college adjustments, suggesting the multi-functionality of Internet-based communication channels.

  17. Oncology information on the Internet. (United States)

    Goto, Yasushi; Nagase, Takahide


    Owing to new developments in Internet technologies, the amount of available oncology information is growing. Both patients and caregivers are increasingly using the Internet to obtain medical information. However, while it is easy to provide information, ensuring its quality is always a concern. Thus, many instruments for evaluating the quality of health information have been created, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The increasing importance of online search engines such as Google warrants the examination of the correlation between their rankings and medical quality. The Internet also mediates the exchange of information from one individual to another. Mailing lists of advocate groups and social networking sites help spread information to patients and caregivers. While text messages are still the main medium of communication, audio and video messages are also increasing rapidly, accelerating the communication on the Internet. Future health information developments on the Internet include merging patients' personal information on the Internet with their traditional health records and facilitating the interaction among patients, caregivers and health-care providers. Through these developments, the Internet is expected to strengthen the mutually beneficial relationships among all stakeholders in the field of medicine.

  18. Adopting Internet Banking in Ghana


    G.O. Ofori-Dwumfuo; Betty A. Dankwah


    This study looks at the benefits, challenges and barriers in adopting Internet banking at a major bank in Ghana. The development of the Internet is changing the way financial services are provided in Ghana. The Internet banking facility has resulted in new ways of delivering banking services. The research is a case study based on the staffs that has worked with the bank for more than three years. In evaluating benefits, challenges and barriers to the bank in adopting Internet banking, intervi...

  19. Internet gratifications and internet addiction: on the uses and abuses of new media. (United States)

    Song, Indeok; LaRose, Robert; Eastin, Matthew S; Lin, Carolyn A


    Internet addiction has been identified as a pathological behavior, but its symptoms may be found in normal populations, placing it within the scope of conventional theories of media attendance. The present study drew upon fresh conceptualizations of gratifications specific to the Internet to uncover seven gratification factors: Virtual Community, Information Seeking, Aesthetic Experience, Monetary Compensation, Diversion, Personal Status, and Relationship Maintenance. With no parallel in prior research, Virtual Community might be termed a "new" gratification. Virtual Community, Monetary Compensation, Diversion, and Personal Status gratifications accounted for 28% of the variance in Internet Addiction Tendency. The relationship between Internet addiction and gratifications was discussed in terms of the formation of media habits and the distinction between content and process gratifications.

  20. Internet-based communications in radiation oncology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldwein, Joel W.


    Currently, it is estimated that 40 million Americans have access to the Internet. The emergence of widely available software, inexpensive hardware and affordable connectivity have all led to an explosive growth in its use. Medicine in general and radiation oncology specifically are deriving great benefits from this technology. The use of this technology will result in a paradigm shift that is likely to change the way we all communicate. An understanding of the technology is therefore mandatory. The objectives of the course are to provide a practical introduction to the use of Internet technologies as they relate to our profession. The following topics will be reviewed. 1. A brief history of the Internet 2. Getting connected to the Internet 3. Internet venues - The Web, ftp, USENETS ... 4. Basic software tools - email, browsers ... 5. Specific Internet resources 6. Advanced Internet utilization 7. Business and the Internet 8. Intranet utilization 9. Philosophical and medicolegal issues 10. Predictions of the future Upon completion, the attendee will be familiar with the Internet, how it works, and how it can be used to fulfill the research, educational, and clinical care missions of our profession

  1. Web-Based Learning (WBL: A challenge for foreign language teachers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Allen Quesada Pacheco


    Full Text Available En las últimas dos décadas se ha realizado una amplia gama de investigaciones sobre el uso de las computadores a nivel educativo con un enfoque hacia la adquisición y retención del conocimiento. Este artículo investiga temas claves sobre la eficacia, actitud y desarrollo de los cursos en línea. La terminología para describir este tipo de educación se conoce como instrucción mediada por Internet. El marco teórico de este artículo examina la evolución de la enseñanza por medio de Internet hacia una metodología integrada que dirige la enseñanza de un idioma con acceso al Internet. Se describen las características de la Instrucción por medio del Internet y como este tipo de Instrucción da soporte para la adquisición de la comprensión auditiva, la comunicación oral, la lectura comprensiva y la redacción. Se hace énfasis muy particular en la relación de la Instrucción en Línea y el desarrollo de autenticidad por medio del Internet.

  2. Internet in der Schule, Schule im Internet - Schulische Kommunikationskultur in der Informationsgesellschaft

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    Axel Maireder


    Full Text Available Fragen nach der Bedeutung des Internet für schulische Lehr- und Lernprozesse und der Bedeutung der Schule für das Internetnutzungsverhalten Jugendlicher standen im Zentrum dieses explorativen Forschungsprojektes, das 2008/2009 an zehn österreichischen Schulen durchgeführt wurde. In der Analyse von Gruppendiskussionen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern sowie Schülerinnen und Schülern zeigen sich dabei folgende zentrale Problemfelder: . unterschiedliche Quellenevaluationskonzepte von Jugendlichen und ihren Lehrkräften führen zu Missverständnissen; . fehlendes Feedback auf schulische Arbeiten lässt die Sorgfalt bei der schulischen Informationsarbeit schwinden; . in Social Media bilden sich schulische Support- als auch Inhibitionsnetzwerke heraus; . sowie Lehrerinnen und Lehrer werden vielfach von einer impliziten Internetangst vor der Implementierung des Internet in den Unterricht abgehalten. Das Projekt wurde vom Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur finanziert und von Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Bauer geleitet. The terms and consequences of internet use in schools and the impact of the school on the internet practices of teens are the questions researched in this exploratory project. The study was carried out in ten Austrian schools in 2008/2009. The data, mainly group interviews with students and teachers, revealed a couple of interesting phenomena: . Different concepts to evaluate the reliability of information lead to misunderstanding among students and teachers; . missing feedback from teachers let students ‚learn’ that information quality is not important; . communication networks work both as support and suppression networks for school tasks; . the synchronous use of internet while doing homework leads to misjudgement of time by the students and to problems with time management; . teachers have a certain level of internet anxiety that keeps them from using the internet within their classes. The project was financed by the

  3. Literasi Media Internet di Kalangan Mahasiswa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi


    Full Text Available This study aims to find out to what extent the Internet users in line with media literacy. According to Indonesia Internet Service Provider Association (APJII and BPS Statistic Indonesia, it was found that Internet users in Indonesia have grown since three years ago up to 13% or become 71.19 million people until the end of 2013. According to research survey MarkPlus Insight, “netizen” or Internet users who spend more than three hours per day on Internet. Moreover, they are increasing from 24,2 Million people in 2012 and become 31,7 million people in 2013. This research used qualitative method by gathering the data through Focus Group Discussion (FGD to private university students who spent for Internet 5 hours per day and less than 5 hours per day. The theory used in this research was media literacy. The result of this research stated that students who accessed the Internet below 5 hours per day were already busy with work and not too intense in using the Internet either via smartphone or a computer. Different findings came up from the students who accessed the Internet over 5 hours per day. Most of the time, they used the Internet for social media and instant messaging (instant messenger through smartphones. Critical attitude towards the media message depends on the informants’ interest toward the information. 

  4. Nasionalisme di Era Internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danu Widhyatmoko


    Full Text Available Nationalism and nationality of a country life are moving into the new phase. Internet has become a new medium that opens up so many opportunities to create a sense of nationalism for the country. This paper contains a review of nationalism in the age of the Internet. This paper begins with understanding nationalism, the character of the Internet, social media and nationalism in the era of the Internet. Research method used in this paper is literature study, continued with reflective data analysis. With reflective analysis method, the authors analyzed data from the data collection has been carried out for comparison between the existing literature by circumstances or phenomena that occur, so that the conclusions of rational and scientific data can be obtained. 


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mateja Gorenc


    Full Text Available The Internet has become an essential part of the day and the working lives of many people. Daily use of the Internet has the potential to become the worrying problem of the moment as some of Internet users begin to neglect their families, abandon hobbies, are late for work and, thus, lose contact with reality only to spend as much time as possible on the Internet. The aim of the research was to explore Internet addiction in Slovenia. We have designed a structural model to study Internet addiction. The research was conducted to collect data on Internet addiction. The sample surveys included employed people in Slovenia. Our results indicate a serious problem with Internet addiction. The predicted model in this study can be used for further research on Internet addiction.

  6. Internet trials: participant experiences and perspectives (United States)


    Background Use of the Internet to conduct randomised controlled trials is increasing, and provides potential to increase equity of access to medical research, increase the generalisability of trial results and decrease the costs involved in conducting large scale trials. Several studies have compared response rates, completeness of data, and reliability of surveys using the Internet and traditional methods, but very little is known about participants’ attitudes towards Internet-based randomised trials or their experience of participating in an Internet-based trial. Objective To obtain insights into the experiences and perspectives of participants in an Internet-based randomised controlled trial, their attitudes to the use of the Internet to conduct medical research, and their intentions regarding future participation in Internet research. Methods All English speaking participants in a recently completed Internet randomised controlled trial were invited to participate in an online survey. Results 1246 invitations were emailed. 416 participants completed the survey between May and October 2009 (33% response rate). Reasons given for participating in the Internet RCT fell into 4 main areas: personal interest in the research question and outcome, ease of participation, an appreciation of the importance of research and altruistic reasons. Participants’ comments and reflections on their experience of participating in a fully online trial were positive and less than half of participants would have participated in the trial had it been conducted using other means of data collection. However participants identified trade-offs between the benefits and downsides of participating in Internet-based trials. The main trade-off was between flexibility and convenience – a perceived benefit – and a lack connectedness and understanding – a perceived disadvantage. The other tradeoffs were in the areas of: ease or difficulty in use of the Internet; security, privacy and

  7. Internet trials: participant experiences and perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mathieu Erin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Use of the Internet to conduct randomised controlled trials is increasing, and provides potential to increase equity of access to medical research, increase the generalisability of trial results and decrease the costs involved in conducting large scale trials. Several studies have compared response rates, completeness of data, and reliability of surveys using the Internet and traditional methods, but very little is known about participants’ attitudes towards Internet-based randomised trials or their experience of participating in an Internet-based trial. Objective To obtain insights into the experiences and perspectives of participants in an Internet-based randomised controlled trial, their attitudes to the use of the Internet to conduct medical research, and their intentions regarding future participation in Internet research. Methods All English speaking participants in a recently completed Internet randomised controlled trial were invited to participate in an online survey. Results 1246 invitations were emailed. 416 participants completed the survey between May and October 2009 (33% response rate. Reasons given for participating in the Internet RCT fell into 4 main areas: personal interest in the research question and outcome, ease of participation, an appreciation of the importance of research and altruistic reasons. Participants’ comments and reflections on their experience of participating in a fully online trial were positive and less than half of participants would have participated in the trial had it been conducted using other means of data collection. However participants identified trade-offs between the benefits and downsides of participating in Internet-based trials. The main trade-off was between flexibility and convenience – a perceived benefit – and a lack connectedness and understanding – a perceived disadvantage. The other tradeoffs were in the areas of: ease or difficulty in use of the Internet

  8. Privacy and internet services


    Samec, Marek


    This thesis is focused on internet services user privacy. Goal of this thesis is to determine level of user awareness of how is their privacy approached while using internet services. Then suggest procedure to improve this awareness, or that will lead to better control of individual privacy. In theoretical part I analyze general and legislative approach to privacy, followed by analysis of behaviour of internet service users and providers. Part of this analysis deals with usage of web cookies ...

  9. Privacy driven internet ecosystem


    Trinh, Tuan Anh; Gyarmati, Laszlo


    The dominant business model of today's Internet is built upon advertisements; users can access Internet services while the providers show ads to them. Although significant efforts have been made to model and analyze the economic aspects of this ecosystem, the heart of the current status quo, namely privacy, has not received the attention of the research community yet. Accordingly, we propose an economic model of the privacy driven Internet ecosystem where privacy is handled as an asset that c...

  10. The three-factor model of Internet addiction: the development of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire. (United States)

    Demetrovics, Zsolt; Szeredi, Beatrix; Rózsa, Sándor


    Despite the fact that more and more clinical case studies and research reports have been published on the increasing problem of Internet addiction, no generally accepted standardized tool is available to measure problematic Internet use or Internet addiction. The aim of our study was to create such a questionnaire. On the basis of earlier studies and our previous experience withYoung's (1998a) Internet Addiction Test, initially, we created a 30-item questionnaire, which was assessed together with other questions regarding participants' Internet use. Data were collected online from 1,037 persons (54.1% of them male; mean age, 23.3 years; SD, 9.1). As a result of reliability analysis and factor analysis, we reduced the number of items to 18 and created the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ) containing three subscales: obsession, neglect, and control disorder. Cronbach's alpha of the PIUQ is .87 (Cronbach's alpha of the subscales is .85, .74, and .76, respectively). The test-retest correlation of the PIUQ is .90. The PIUQ proved to be a reliable measurement for assessing the extent of problems caused by the "misuse" of the Internet; however, further analysis is needed.

  11. Identifying problematic Internet users: development and validation of the Internet Motive Questionnaire for Adolescents (IMQ-A). (United States)

    Bischof-Kastner, Christina; Kuntsche, Emmanuel; Wolstein, Jörg


    Internationally, up to 15.1% of intensive Internet use among adolescents is dysfunctional. To provide a basis for early intervention and preventive measures, understanding the motives behind intensive Internet use is important. This study aims to develop a questionnaire, the Internet Motive Questionnaire for Adolescents (IMQ-A), as a theory-based measurement for identifying the underlying motives for high-risk Internet use. More precisely, the aim was to confirm the 4-factor structure (ie, social, enhancement, coping, and conformity motives) as well as its construct and concurrent validity. Another aim was to identify the motivational differences between high-risk and low-risk Internet users. A sample of 101 German adolescents (female: 52.5%, 53/101; age: mean 15.9, SD 1.3 years) was recruited. High-risk users (n=47) and low-risk users (n=54) were identified based on a screening measure for online addiction behavior in children and adolescents (Online-Suchtverhalten-Skala, OSVK-S). Here, "high-risk" Internet use means use that exceeds the level of intensive Internet use (OSVK-S sum score ≥7). The confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the IMQ-A's 4-factor structure. A reliability analysis revealed good internal consistencies of the subscales (.71 up to .86). Moreover, regression analyses confirmed that the enhancement and coping motive groups significantly predicted high-risk Internet consumption and the OSVK-S sum score. A mixed-model ANOVA confirmed that adolescents mainly access the Internet for social motives, followed by enhancement and coping motives, and that high-risk users access the Internet more frequently for coping and enhancement motives than low-risk users. Low-risk users were primarily motivated socially. The IMQ-A enables the assessment of motives related to adolescent Internet use and thus the identification of populations at risk. The questionnaire enables the development of preventive measures or early intervention programs, especially dealing

  12. The Internet Debate. (United States)

    Wampler, Angela Mallicote


    Examines whether the Internet will be an equalizer or will increase social stratification, whether the Internet will be a boon to rural areas, and how it can be made more appealing or acceptable to rural areas. Discusses the "missionary movement" model of economic change and rural issues related to access to infrastructure, censorship,…

  13. Classifying Internet Pathological Users: Their Usage, Internet Sensation Seeking, and Perceptions. (United States)

    Lin, Sunny S. J.

    A study was conducted to identify pathological Internet users and to reveal their psychological features and problematic usage patterns. One thousand and fifty Taiwanese undergraduates were selected. An Internet Addiction Scale was adopted to classify 648 students into 4 clusters. The 146 users in the 4th cluster, who reported significantly higher…

  14. Internet Usage Habits and Internet Usage in Educational Studies of Vocational School Students


    Yakıncı, Zehra Deniz; Gürbüz, Perihan; Yetiş, Gülsüm


    Internetis the easiest way to access information. It provides positive contributions toindividual and surroundings, in learning and information era. At this point theanswers of the questions: ‘How do young people use internet and how much do theyuse internet for their education?’ come into prominence. In order to find theanswers; a questionnaire prepared by resarchers and Young Internet AddictionTest- Short Form (YIAT-SF) was used on ‘Health Services Vocational High School’students, in this s...

  15. Are internet prices sticky?


    Lünnemann, Patrick; Wintr, Ladislav


    This paper studies the behaviour of Internet prices. It compares price rigidities on the Internet and in traditional brick-and-mortar stores and provides a cross-country perspective. The data set covers a broad range of items typically sold over the Internet. It includes more than 5 million daily price quotes downloaded from price comparison web sites in France, Germany, Italy, the UK and the US. The following results emerge from our analysis. First, and contrary to the recent findings for co...

  16. Internet Addiction in Adolescents


    Rębisz Sławomir; Sikora Ilona


    The possibilities offered by the use of the Internet increasingly intensify the problem of Internet addiction, which has become more prevalent in the last decade, marked by the growing availability of mobile devices and new media and their exacerbation of the problem. Research on Internet addiction, initiated by Kimberly Young at the end of the twentieth century, usually appears in the literature in the context of young people who have been found to be most vulnerable. The phenomenon is known...

  17. Customer perceptions on Internet banking information protection

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    André Redlinghuis


    Objectives: This article has reported on the results of a survey (a close-ended questionnaire that was conducted by alumni of the University of Johannesburg (UJ. The research problem for this study has been formulated as ‘what are Internet banking customers’ perception on information protection when using Internet banking services and products?’ Method: The methodology for this study falls on quantitative research. The research study consisted of a detailed literature review, followed by an empirical component which consisted of a quantitative questionnaire. The questionnaire used in this study consisted of eight sections covering biographical information, financial institution and Internet banking, Internet banking service quality and delivery, Internet banking functionality, Internet banking costs, Internet banking convenience and relationships, Internet banking trust and Internet banking security and information technology (IT. Results: It was established that the findings of this research could assist financial institutions with fostering and building greater value adding relationships with their customers. These value-adding endeavours will ensure that customers experience and perceive their Internet banking experience to be enriching. Education and awareness campaigns are key focus areas financial institutions should continuously invest in. Information should be easily retrievable and communicated in a manner that makes sense to the diverse customer base, especially within South Africa with its diverse cultures and languages. Conclusion: The final conclusion that could be reached is that Internet banking products and services will continue to grow across various divides and platforms as the Internet costs decrease in future, the growth of Internet related products and services such as Internet banking will increase.

  18. Internet Advertising: Ethics and Etiquette. (United States)

    Machovec, George S.


    Discusses the growth of the Internet and the attitudes of users toward advertising, provides examples of kinds of advertising used on electronic networks, and lists several companies that help advertisers use the Internet. Fifteen guidelines are suggested to help advertisers use the Internet in a reasonable and appropriate way. (Contains 11…

  19. Some Aspects Regarding Internet Advertising

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chiţu I.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to examine internet advertising, to understand its strengths and weaknesses, to compare the content and potential of traditional media with Web sites and to describe the specific types of internet advertising. The paper also tries to present some facts and figures regarding internet advertising.

  20. Problematic Internet Usage and Immune Function. (United States)

    Reed, Phil; Vile, Rebecca; Osborne, Lisa A; Romano, Michela; Truzoli, Roberto


    Problematic internet use has been associated with a variety of psychological comorbidities, but it relationship with physical illness has not received the same degree of investigation. The current study surveyed 505 participants online, and asked about their levels of problematic internet usage (Internet Addiction Test), depression and anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales), social isolation (UCLA Loneliness Questionnaire), sleep problems (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), and their current health - General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), and the Immune Function Questionnaire. The results demonstrated that around 30% of the sample displayed mild or worse levels of internet addiction, as measured by the IAT. Although there were differences in the purposes for which males and females used the internet, there were no differences in terms of levels of problematic usage between genders. The internet problems were strongly related to all of the other psychological variables such as depression, anxiety, social-isolation, and sleep problems. Internet addiction was also associated with reduced self-reported immune function, but not with the measure of general health (GHQ-28). This relationship between problematic internet use and reduced immune function was found to be independent of the impact of the co-morbidities. It is suggested that the negative relationship between level of problematic internet use and immune function may be mediated by levels of stress produced by such internet use, and subsequent sympathetic nervous activity, which related to immune-supressants, such as cortisol.

  1. Problematic Internet Usage and Immune Function.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Phil Reed

    Full Text Available Problematic internet use has been associated with a variety of psychological comorbidities, but it relationship with physical illness has not received the same degree of investigation. The current study surveyed 505 participants online, and asked about their levels of problematic internet usage (Internet Addiction Test, depression and anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales, social isolation (UCLA Loneliness Questionnaire, sleep problems (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and their current health - General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28, and the Immune Function Questionnaire. The results demonstrated that around 30% of the sample displayed mild or worse levels of internet addiction, as measured by the IAT. Although there were differences in the purposes for which males and females used the internet, there were no differences in terms of levels of problematic usage between genders. The internet problems were strongly related to all of the other psychological variables such as depression, anxiety, social-isolation, and sleep problems. Internet addiction was also associated with reduced self-reported immune function, but not with the measure of general health (GHQ-28. This relationship between problematic internet use and reduced immune function was found to be independent of the impact of the co-morbidities. It is suggested that the negative relationship between level of problematic internet use and immune function may be mediated by levels of stress produced by such internet use, and subsequent sympathetic nervous activity, which related to immune-supressants, such as cortisol.

  2. Problematic Internet Usage and Immune Function (United States)

    Reed, Phil; Vile, Rebecca; Osborne, Lisa A.; Romano, Michela; Truzoli, Roberto


    Problematic internet use has been associated with a variety of psychological comorbidities, but it relationship with physical illness has not received the same degree of investigation. The current study surveyed 505 participants online, and asked about their levels of problematic internet usage (Internet Addiction Test), depression and anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales), social isolation (UCLA Loneliness Questionnaire), sleep problems (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), and their current health – General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), and the Immune Function Questionnaire. The results demonstrated that around 30% of the sample displayed mild or worse levels of internet addiction, as measured by the IAT. Although there were differences in the purposes for which males and females used the internet, there were no differences in terms of levels of problematic usage between genders. The internet problems were strongly related to all of the other psychological variables such as depression, anxiety, social-isolation, and sleep problems. Internet addiction was also associated with reduced self-reported immune function, but not with the measure of general health (GHQ-28). This relationship between problematic internet use and reduced immune function was found to be independent of the impact of the co-morbidities. It is suggested that the negative relationship between level of problematic internet use and immune function may be mediated by levels of stress produced by such internet use, and subsequent sympathetic nervous activity, which related to immune-supressants, such as cortisol. PMID:26244339

  3. Explorando o Ciberespaço Russo: Ação Coletiva Digitalmente Mediada e a Esfera Pública Interconectada

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    Karina Alexanyan


    Full Text Available Propósito – Este artigo sintetiza os principais achados de um projeto de pesquisa de três anos para investigar o impacto da Internet sobre a política, a mídia e a sociedade russa. Metodologia/abordagem/design – Empregamos múltiplos métodos para estudar atividades online: o mapeamento e estudo da estrutura, das comunidades e do conteúdo da blogosfera; um análogo mapeamento e estudo do Twitter; a análise de conteúdo de diferentes fontes midiáticas, utilizando tanto abordagens automatizadas quanto abordagens baseadas em avaliação humana; e uma enquete com blogueiros; métodos esses expandidos por mapeamento de infraestrutura, por entrevistas e por investigações de contexto. Resultados – Constatamos a emergência de uma vibrante e diversa esfera pública interconectada, que constitui uma alternativa independente ao mais rigidamente controlado espaço midiático e político offline, e verificamos o uso crescente de plataformas digitais na mobilização social e na ação cívica. Implicações práticas – Apesar da existência de vários esforços indiretos para conformar o ciberespaço como um ambiente mais amigável ao governo, constatamos que a Internet russa permanece, em geral, aberta e livre, embora o atual grau de liberdade na Internet de forma alguma possa representar previsão acerca do futuro desse espaço contestado.


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    Cristina Rothier Duarte


    Full Text Available Resumo: Neste trabalho, tratamos da análise de frases curtas que tiveram destaque nas redes sociais e em notícias que circularam na Internet, durante o último trimestre de 2015, ápice do movimento Primavera da Mulheres, com o objetivo de investigar o seu status de aforização, suas características enunciativas e o seu modo de funcionamento e de circulação. O corpus da pesquisa é composto pelas frases curtas Meu amigo secreto e Chega de fiu fiu, selecionadas na Internet por meio da ferramenta de busca do Google, bem como mediante trabalho interpretativo dos enunciados para a verificação de associação com o movimento feminista mencionado. Empregaremos como aporte teórico os estudos de análise do discurso de linha francesa, sobretudo, publicações de Dominique Maingueneau. Observamos durante a pesquisa que, de forma associada às aforizações estudadas, surgiram outras aforizações que, apesar de não terem se panaforizado, circularam significativamente na mídia eletrônica perpetuando a memória discursiva do Movimento Primavera das Mulheres. Por outro lado, percebemos também que o uso dessas frases assumiu outros discursos que, embora, muitas vezes, remetam-se à defesa de minorias, não mais traziam o discurso de combate ao machismo.

  5. Why do young adults develop a passion for Internet activities? The associations among personality, revealing "true self" on the Internet, and passion for the Internet. (United States)

    Tosun, Leman Pinar; Lajunen, Timo


    This study examines the associations of harmonious passion (HP) and obsessive passion (OP) for Internet activities with Eysenckian personality dimensions in a sample of 421 university students. Results show that psychoticism correlates positively with both HP and OP; extroversion correlates positively with HP only; and neuroticism has no correlation with passion for Internet activities. Additionally, the study examines participants' tendency to express their "true self" on the Internet, and the results reveal that this tendency has a positive association with psychoticism, neuroticism, and both types of passion for the Internet. Moreover, the relationship between psychoticism and passion (both harmonious and obsessive) is mediated by the tendency to express true self on the Internet. The results were interpreted from the media dependency perspective.

  6. Internet and Cross Media Productions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Anja Bechmann


    , the Internet continues to play a minor role when compared to older media. The content of the cross media concepts and organizations' history are crucial elements in deciding the priority and use of platforms. Methodologically, the article approaches cross media and the roles of the Internet on a micro......Convergence is one of the hot topics in Internet studies. Recently, however, media organizations have turned their focus to cross media communication. Media organizations are interested in optimizing communication across platforms such as TV, radio, websites, mobile telephones and newspapers....... The aim of this article is to examine the roles of the Internet when emphasis is put on cross media rather than convergence. This article proposes not one unidirectional convergent tendency but manifold roles of the Internet in cross media communication. Inside the media organizations, however...

  7. (Redefinições e (desconstruções identitárias em comunidades ativistas do Facebook: contribuições das epistemologias pós-feminista e queer

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    Fabiana Poças BIONDO


    Full Text Available O trabalho apresenta alguns resultados de pesquisa sobre identidade de gênero e sexualidade, realizada em seis comunidades ativistas do Facebook. Através da análise de discussões sobre (re definições e (des construções identitárias mediadas pela escrita multimodal nesses espaços sociointeracionais, o trabalho aponta as contribuições da teoria feminista pós-moderna, ou pós- feminismo, e da teoria queer para uma melhor compreensão dos fenômenos estudados, argumentando que estas contribuições são relevantes como instrumentos de produção de conhecimento em um processo contemporâneo que é de grande interesse para o campo aplicado dos estudos da linguagem.

  8. Study on the contract characteristics of Internet architecture (United States)

    Fu, Chuan; Zhang, Guoqing; Yang, Jing; Liu, Xiaona


    The importance of Internet architecture goes beyond the technical aspects. The architecture of Internet has a profound influence on the Internet-based economy in term of how the profits are shared by different market participants (Internet Server Provider, Internet Content Provider), since it is the physical foundation upon which the profit-sharing contracts are derived. In order to facilitate the continuing growth of the Internet, it is necessary to systematically study factors that curtail the Internet-based economy including the existing Internet architecture. In this paper, we used transaction cost economics and contract economics as new tools to analyse the contracts derived from the current Internet architecture. This study sheds light on how the macro characteristics of Internet architecture effect the microeconomical decisions of market participants. Based on the existing Internet architecture, we discuss the possibility of promoting Internet-based economy by encouraging user to connect their private stub network to the Internet and giving the user more right of self-governing.

  9. Everyone's Internet

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    @@ After more than 20 years, the Internet in China has become a big success. The country has the world's largest Intemet population that topped 420 million at the end of June. In the first six months of this year, China's Internet market reached 74.3 billion yuan ($10.9 billion), the equivalent of 2009's total. Local businesses have risen to leaders on the Chinese market, as Chinese language search, instant messaging and online auction service providers have overwhelming advantages over foreign rivals.

  10. Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives. (United States)

    Kuss, Daria J


    In the 2000s, online games became popular, while studies of Internet gaming addiction emerged, outlining the negative consequences of excessive gaming, its prevalence, and associated risk factors. The establishment of specialized treatment centers in South-East Asia, the US, and Europe reflects the growing need for professional help. It is argued that only by understanding the appeal of Internet gaming, its context, and neurobiologic correlates can the phenomenon of Internet gaming addiction be understood comprehensively. The aim of this review is to provide an insight into current perspectives on Internet gaming addiction using a holistic approach, taking into consideration the mass appeal of online games, the context of Internet gaming addiction, and associated neuroimaging findings, as well as the current diagnostic framework adopted by the American Psychiatric Association. The cited research indicates that the individual's context is a significant factor that marks the dividing line between excessive gaming and gaming addiction, and the game context can gain particular importance for players, depending on their life situation and gaming preferences. Moreover, the cultural context is significant because it embeds the gamer in a community with shared beliefs and practices, endowing their gaming with particular meaning. The cited neuroimaging studies indicate that Internet gaming addiction shares similarities with other addictions, including substance dependence, at the molecular, neurocircuitry, and behavioral levels. The findings provide support for the current perspective of understanding Internet gaming addiction from a disease framework. The benefits of an Internet gaming addiction diagnosis include reliability across research, destigmatization of individuals, development of efficacious treatments, and the creation of an incentive for public health care and insurance providers. The holistic approach adopted here not only highlights empirical research that


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    Oviliani Yuliana


    Full Text Available The uses of internet in business are for information exchange, product catalog, promotion media, electronic mail, bulletin boards, electronic questioner, and mailing list. Internet can also be used for dialog, discussion, and consultation with customer online, therefore consumer can be proactively and interactively involved in designing, developing, marketing, and selling products. There are 2 methods for marketing products via internet, which are push and pull marketing. The advantages of internet in business strategy are global and interactive communication, information supply; consumer based service; increased cooperation; possibility to open new marketplace, product or services; and integrated the activity on-line. There are 2 applications in electronic commerce, which are business-to-business and business-to-consumer commerce. Electronic commerce payment transaction is arranged by Electronic Funds Transfer system, whereas the data security is governed by Secure Socket Layer, which then be developed to Secure Electronic Transaction. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Internet dalam bisnis digunakan untuk pertukaran informasi, katalog produk, media promosi, surat elektronik, bulletin boards, kuesioner elektronik, dan mailing list. Internet juga bisa digunakan untuk berdialog, berdiskusi, dan konsultasi dengan konsumen secara on-line, sehingga konsumen dapat dilibatkan secara proaktif dan interaktif dalam perancangan, pengembangan, pemasaran, dan penjualan produk. Pemasaran lewat internet ada 2 metode, yaitu push dan pull marketing. Keunggulan strategi bisnis yang dapat diperoleh dari internet adalah komunikasi global dan interaktif; menyediakan informasi dan pelayanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen; meningkatkan kerja sama; memungkinkan untuk membuka pasar, produk, atau pelayanan baru; serta mengintegrasikan aktivitas secara on-line. Aplikasi Electronic Commerce ada 2, yaitu: Business-to-Consumer dan Business-to-Business Commerce. Pembayaran

  12. Internet Access Practices and Employee Attitudes toward Internet Usage Policy Implementation in Selected Philippines Financial Institutions

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    Maria Sagrario R. Simbulan


    Full Text Available This study explores the employees’ concept of appropriate use of Internet facilities as well as their perception of the rights and liabilities, both of the individual and of the organization, associated with the grant of Internet access privileges in the workplace. It further examines how employees perceive their organization’s monitoring of employees online activities and the use of an Internet Usage Policy, whether these are seen as monitoring and control mechanisms or as ways to ensure that Internet access facilities are shared equitably and used responsibly. While the issue of the impact of Internet access on employee productivity will not directly be tackled, the study will provide insights into the frequency and type of usage of Internet facilities in the workplace. Considering the sizeable investment that an organization makes to provide Internet facilities, determining how employees use these facilities to achieve the goals of the organization is, in the very least, interesting and for most organizations concerned with their survival in difficult times, critically important.


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    Mabel Oliveira Teixeira


    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa estabelecer uma discussão acerca da relação entre usuário x jornal no ciberespaço ou, mais especificamente, na ferramenta de Comunicação Mediada por Computador (CMC, o site de rede social (SRS Facebook. Para estabelecer tal discussão, este trabalho partiu à exploração das interações entre usuários do Facebook e um veículo jornalístico de expressão nacional, a Folha de São Paulo (FSP, através dos procedimentos metodológicos defendidos pela Teoria Fundamentada ou Fundada (TF. Sendo assim, realizou-se a coleta manual de uma notícia divulgada pela FSP no Facebook e dos 207 comentários que a seguiram. A análise e sistematização dos dados serviu à consolidação do debate pretendido e à indicação de mudanças sociais que deslocam o jornalismo de sua posição de como organizador legitimado da própria experiência humana.

  14. A interação usuário x jornal em um site de rede social: indícios de uma mudança

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    Mabel Oliveira Teixeira


    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa estabelecer uma discussão acerca da relação entre usuário x jornal no ciberespaço ou, mais especificamente, na ferramenta de Comunicação Mediada por Computador (CMC, o site de rede social (SRS Facebook. Para estabelecer tal discussão, este trabalho partiu à exploração das interações entre usuários do Facebook e um veículo jornalístico de expressão nacional, a Folha de São Paulo (FSP, através dos procedimentos metodológicos defendidos pela Teoria Fundamentada ou Fundada (TF. Sendo assim, realizou-se a coleta manual de uma notícia divulgada pela FSP no Facebook e dos 207 comentários que a seguiram. A análise e sistematização dos dados serviu à consolidação do debate pretendido e à indicação de mudanças sociais que deslocam o jornalismo de sua posição de como organizador legitimado da própria experiência humana.

  15. Older Adolescent's Perceptions of Personal Internet Use (United States)

    Koff, Rosalind N.; Moreno, Megan A.


    Internet use is widespread among the older adolescent population. Given the pervasiveness and frequency of internet use, concerns have been raised regarding the impact of excess internet use on adolescent health. In order to understand the impact of internet use on health, we must have accurate and reliable measures of internet use. This study…

  16. Turning Internet of Things(IoT) into Internet of Vulnerabilities (IoV) : IoT Botnets


    Angrishi, Kishore


    Internet of Things (IoT) is the next big evolutionary step in the world of internet. The main intention behind the IoT is to enable safer living and risk mitigation on different levels of life. With the advent of IoT botnets, the view towards IoT devices has changed from enabler of enhanced living into Internet of vulnerabilities for cyber criminals. IoT botnets has exposed two different glaring issues, 1) A large number of IoT devices are accessible over public Internet. 2) Security (if cons...

  17. Current experiences with internet telepathology and possible evolution in the next generation of Internet services. (United States)

    Della Mea, V; Beltrami, C A


    The last five years experience has definitely demonstrated the possible applications of the Internet for telepathology. They may be listed as follows: (a) teleconsultation via multimedia e-mail; (b) teleconsultation via web-based tools; (c) distant education by means of World Wide Web; (d) virtual microscope management through Web and Java interfaces; (e) real-time consultations through Internet-based videoconferencing. Such applications have led to the recognition of some important limits of the Internet, when dealing with telemedicine: (i) no guarantees on the quality of service (QoS); (ii) inadequate security and privacy; (iii) for some countries, low bandwidth and thus low responsiveness for real-time applications. Currently, there are several innovations in the world of the Internet. Different initiatives have been aimed at an amelioration of the Internet protocols, in order to have quality of service, multimedia support, security and other advanced services, together with greater bandwidth. The forthcoming Internet improvements, although induced by electronic commerce, video on demand, and other commercial needs, are of real interest also for telemedicine, because they solve the limits currently slowing down the use of Internet. When such new services will be available, telepathology applications may switch from research to daily practice in a fast way.

  18. Wired or Wireless Internet?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gimpel, Gregory


    This paper finds that network externalities play a minimal role in the choice of internet access technology. Potential adopters of mobile laptop internet view broadband technology as a black box, the technological details of which donot matter. The study uses qualitative techniques to explore how...... the speed of technological obsolescence, market share dominance, and the black boxing of technology influence consumer intention to adopt WiMax and 3G wireless internet for their laptop computers. The results, implications for industry, and areas for further research are discussed....

  19. Internet applications in radiation safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hill, P.; Geisse, C.; Wuest, E.


    As a means of effective communication the Internet is presently becoming more and more important in German speaking countries, too. Its possibilities to exchange and to obtain information efficiently and rapidly are excellent. Internet and email access are available now in most institutions for professional use. Internet services of importance to radiation safety professionals are described. (orig.) [de

  20. Russian Initiatives in Internet Governance

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    Sergey Sergeevich Shirin


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the research of Russian initiatives concerning its participation in international system of Internet governance. In the research, conceptual and theoretic basis for participation of state governments in Internet governance is given, academic discourse of this issue is assessed, the review of main Russian initiatives made from 2005 (since the second stage of the World Summit on Information Society till the present day is carried out. The conclusion is made that the most successful Internet governance initiative of Russia is the implementation of cyrillic top level domains. Much less successful are Russian attempts to reconstruct existing organizational structure of Internet governance. Russian policy is assessed as a policy of preferring loud statements and PR rather than real influence on development of Internet technologies. Russia consideres Internet as political resource and tries to increase its influence on decision making process on a political, not operational level of Internet governance. The author states that federal government of the United States of America has fully lost the control on the domain name systems. These functions are going to be given to the private sector, while ICANN, which was established according to the Memorandum of Understanding/Joint Project Agreement with U.S. Department of Commerce, is becoming a truly independent international organization. Considering this, the author comes to the conclusion that political transformations for the sake of Russia are already made. He also forecast that next initiatives of Russia will be directed to the segmentation of the Internet.

  1. Internet flash of lightning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Seven Internet sites are given relative to European Research and IAEA; Three sites in relation with optimization of radiation protection and environment, Google scolar, medicine, radioecology, finally seventeen Internet sites are detailed in this article. (N.C.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muchammad Husni


    Full Text Available Untuk bisa mengakses Internet, komputer harus terhubung ke Internet melalui Internet Service Provider dan menggunakan IP address Internet. Jumlah IP address Internet saat ini (IPv4 sangat terbatas, oleh karena itu penggunaannya dibatasi dan diatur dengan sistem sewa yang cukup mahal. Alternatif koneksi Internet yang paling murah dan umum digunakan adalah Dial-up, komputer client akan otomatis menggunakan IP address dynamic yang disewakan selama kita terkoneksi. Apabila pada Local Area Network terdapat beberapa komputer yang ingin menggunakan Internet secara bersamaan apakah harus dilakukan Dial-up untuk tiap komputer ? Tidak, terdapat 2 alternativ Internet-Sharing yakni Masquerading dan Proxy. Saat ini terdapat beberapa software yang menyediakan solusi Internet-Sharing dengan Masquerading atau Proxy yang berbasis sistem operasi Windows. Permasalahannya software tersebut tidak handal (lambat dan sering hang dan tidak aman karena banyaknya celah keamanan pada sistem operasi Windows seperti Denial-of-Service dan Trojan. Penggunaan Internet yang tidak terkontrol pada suatu perusahaan dapat menyebabkan efek yang kontraproduktiv pada karyawan, oleh karena itu diperlukan manajemen akses Internet yang efektiv, efisien dan mudah digunakan. Pada makalah ini dikembangkan solusi Internet-Sharing dan Manajemen Koneksi Internet yang handal, aman, fleksibel dan mudah digunakan. Untuk Internet-Sharing menggunakan fasilitas Masquerading yang terdapat pada kernel Linux 2.2 yang terbukti handal dan aman. Sistem manajemen koneksi dan konfigurasi didesain berbasis Web agar mudah digunakan oleh network administrator dan karyawan. Sistem ini juga cocok diaplikasikan pada Internet Café/Warung Internet. Kata kunci : Internet, SOHO, IP, dial-up.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The rapid development of Internet technology makes it possible to integrate GIS with the Internet,forming Internet GIS.Internet GIS is based on a distributed client/server architecture and TCP/IP & IIOP.When constructing and designing Internet GIS,we face the problem of how to express information units of Internet GIS.In order to solve this problem,this paper presents a distributed hypermap model for Internet GIS.This model provides a solution to organize and manage Internet GIS information units.It also illustrates relations between two information units and in an internal information unit both on clients and servers.On the basis of this model,the paper contributes to the expressions of hypermap relations and hypermap operations.The usage of this model is shown in the implementation of a prototype system.

  4. Towards the internet of services

    CERN Document Server

    Wahlster, Wolfgang; Wess, Stefan; Friedrich, Hermann; Widenka, Thomas


    The Internet of Services and the Internet of Things are major building blocks of the Future Internet. The digital enterprise of the future is based not only on mobile, social, and cloud technologies, but also on se­mantic technologies and the future Internet of Everything. Semantic technologies now enable mass cus­tomization for the delivery of goods and services that meet individual customer needs and tastes with near mass production efficiency and reliability. This is creating a competitive advantage in the industrial econ­omy, the service economy, and the emerging data economy, leading to

  5. Library resources on the Internet (United States)

    Buchanan, Nancy L.


    Library resources are prevalent on the Internet. Library catalogs, electronic books, electronic periodicals, periodical indexes, reference sources, and U.S. Government documents are available by telnet, Gopher, World Wide Web, and FTP. Comparatively few copyrighted library resources are available freely on the Internet. Internet implementations of library resources can add useful features, such as full-text searching. There are discussion lists, Gophers, and World Wide Web pages to help users keep up with new resources and changes to existing ones. The future will bring more library resources, more types of library resources, and more integrated implementations of such resources to the Internet.

  6. Anticipatory ethics for a future Internet: analyzing values during the design of an Internet infrastructure. (United States)

    Shilton, Katie


    The technical details of Internet architecture affect social debates about privacy and autonomy, intellectual property, cybersecurity, and the basic performance and reliability of Internet services. This paper explores one method for practicing anticipatory ethics in order to understand how a new infrastructure for the Internet might impact these social debates. This paper systematically examines values expressed by an Internet architecture engineering team-the Named Data Networking project-based on data gathered from publications and internal documents. Networking engineers making technical choices also weigh non-technical values when working on Internet infrastructure. Analysis of the team's documents reveals both values invoked in response to technical constraints and possibilities, such as efficiency and dynamism, as well as values, including privacy, security and anonymity, which stem from a concern for personal liberties. More peripheral communitarian values espoused by the engineers include democratization and trust. The paper considers the contextual and social origins of these values, and then uses them as a method of practicing anticipatory ethics: considering the impact such priorities may have on a future Internet.

  7. Internet addiction and its determinants among medical students. (United States)

    Chaudhari, Bhushan; Menon, Preethi; Saldanha, Daniel; Tewari, Abhinav; Bhattacharya, Labhanya


    Exponential use of internet has resulted in internet addiction in recent times. Students are particularly at risk because of their unique personal, social, and academic needs. The study was designed to evaluate the prevalence of internet addiction and its determinants among medical students. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 282 medical students with the help of semi-structured questionnaire consisting of questions related to demographic information, information related to internet use, and Young's internet addiction test. We found prevalence of internet addiction among medical students to be 58.87% (mild - 51.42%, moderate -7.45%) and significantly associated factors with internet addiction being male gender, staying in private accommodation, lesser age of first internet use, using mobile for internet access, higher expenditure on internet, staying online for longer time, and using internet for social networking, online videos, and watching website with sexual content. Medical students are vulnerable for internet addiction and efforts should be taken to increase awareness and prevent the problem of internet addiction in them.

  8. Internet addiction and its determinants among medical students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bhushan Chaudhari


    Full Text Available Background: Exponential use of internet has resulted in internet addiction in recent times. Students are particularly at risk because of their unique personal, social, and academic needs. Objectives: The study was designed to evaluate the prevalence of internet addiction and its determinants among medical students. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 282 medical students with the help of semi-structured questionnaire consisting of questions related to demographic information, information related to internet use, and Young's internet addiction test. Results: We found prevalence of internet addiction among medical students to be 58.87% (mild – 51.42%, moderate –7.45% and significantly associated factors with internet addiction being male gender, staying in private accommodation, lesser age of first internet use, using mobile for internet access, higher expenditure on internet, staying online for longer time, and using internet for social networking, online videos, and watching website with sexual content. Conclusion: Medical students are vulnerable for internet addiction and efforts should be taken to increase awareness and prevent the problem of internet addiction in them.

  9. Using the Internet to access information inflates future use of the Internet to access other information. (United States)

    Storm, Benjamin C; Stone, Sean M; Benjamin, Aaron S


    The ways in which people learn, remember, and solve problems have all been impacted by the Internet. The present research explored how people become primed to use the Internet as a form of cognitive offloading. In three experiments, we show that using the Internet to retrieve information alters a person's propensity to use the Internet to retrieve other information. Specifically, participants who used Google to answer an initial set of difficult trivia questions were more likely to decide to use Google when answering a new set of relatively easy trivia questions than were participants who answered the initial questions from memory. These results suggest that relying on the Internet to access information makes one more likely to rely on the Internet to access other information.

  10. Displacement and Supplemental Effects of the Mobile Internet on Fixed Internet Use

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ongena, G.; Bouwman, H.; Gillebaard, H.


    Mobile devices facilitate the use of mobile services that are similar to services used via fixed Internet connections. The objective of this article is to assess displacement effects between fixed and mobile Internet services, and to research the role of technical capabilities of mobile handsets and

  11. Internet pricing: una breve rassegna critica (Internet Pricing: A Short Critical Survey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudio Sardoni


    Full Text Available In the article, some recent literature on Internet pricing is surveyed. The author looks at the topic by setting it in the more general framework of the analysis of activities that can be regarded as similar to Internet from the technological and economic point of view. In particular, attention is focused on the problem of the divergence between private and social costs when there occurs network congestion and the problem of efficient prices in activities characterized by the existence of peak-loads. The author argues that dealing with such issues in the context of Internet cannot be reduced to a straightforward application of traditional results of welfare economics and the literature on peak-load pricing. In a competitive market with similar features to the market for Internet services, it is well possible that there do not exist incentives that induce firms to adopt price systems such as to prevent and/or eliminate congestion. Further theoretical and analytical developments are then in order.

  12. Internet utilization by radiation oncology patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Metz, J.M.; Devine, P.; DeNittis, A.; Stambaugh, M.; Jones, H.; Goldwein, J.; Whittington, R.


    Purpose: Studies describing the use of the Internet by radiation oncology patients are lacking. This multi-institutional study of cancer patients presenting to academic (AC), community (CO) and veterans (VA) radiation oncology centers was designed to analyze the use of the Internet, predictive factors for utilization, and barriers to access to the Internet. Materials and Methods: A questionnaire evaluating the use of the Internet was administered to 921 consecutive patients presenting to radiation oncology departments at AC, CO and VA Medical Centers. The study included 436 AC patients (47%), 284 CO patients (31%), and 201 VA patients (22%). A computer was available at home to 427 patients (46%) and 337 patients (37%) had Email access. The mean age of the patient population was 64 years (range=14-93). Males represented 70% of the patient population. The most common diagnoses included prostate cancer (33%), breast cancer (13%), and lung cancer (11%). Results: Overall, 265/921 patients (29%) were using the Internet to find cancer related information. The Internet was used by 42% of AC patients, 25% of CO patients and only 5% of VA patients (p<.0001). A computer was available at home in 62% AC vs. 45% CO vs. 12% VA patients (p<.0001). Patients < 60 years were much more likely to use the Internet than older patients (p<.0001). Most of the Internet users considered the information either very reliable (22%) or somewhat reliable (70%). Most patients were looking for information regarding treatment of their cancer (90%), management of side effects of treatment (74%), alternative/complementary treatments (65%) and clinical trials (51%). Unconventional medical therapies were purchased over the Internet by 12% of computer users. Products or services for the treatment or management of cancer were purchased online by 12% of Internet users. Conclusion: A significant number of cancer patients seen in radiation oncology departments at academic and community medical centers

  13. [Internet in medicine--development and perspectives]. (United States)

    Dezelić, Gjuro


    Internet is one of information technologies marking the transition from the second to the third millennium. The present role and expansion of Internet in medicine and healthcare is reviewed together with the perspective of further development. The beginning and initial expansion of the use of Internet in medicine are described. The World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is recognized as a major reason for this expansion, reaching a state described as a Web-pandemic. The rapid increase of the number of papers dealing with Internet in medical literature is presented as well as the appearance of several journals dedicated to Internet in medicine. First specialized symposia, among them MEDNET world conferences, are noted. First uses of Internet in medicine comprised databases, discussion groups, electronic newsletters, software archives and online public access catalogues. The appearance of the Web has led to a significant improvement of the Internet use in medicine, which is reflected in an exponential increase in the number of publications. It is noted that Internet allows "to do old things in new ways", but also "to do new things". It has become clear that the information revolution evoked by the internet shall leave a deep trace in medicine, as health information has become accessible to the public and ceased to be in exclusive control of health professionals. New medical fields--telemedicine and cybermedicine--appeared as the result of the development and global expansion of information and communication technologies, with cybermedicine dealing more specifically with the use of Internet. The advantages and disadvantages of cybermedicine are discussed, and major problems related to the quality of health information are highlighted. Several systems for quality criteria of health related Web-sites are described, indicating that Websites have to conform with the quality criteria such as transparency and honesty, accountability, privacy and data protection, currency

  14. Internet privacy options for adequate realisation

    CERN Document Server


    A thorough multidisciplinary analysis of various perspectives on internet privacy was published as the first volume of a study, revealing the results of the achatech project "Internet Privacy - A Culture of Privacy and Trust on the Internet." The second publication from this project presents integrated, interdisciplinary options for improving privacy on the Internet utilising a normative, value-oriented approach. The ways in which privacy promotes and preconditions fundamental societal values and how privacy violations endanger the flourishing of said values are exemplified. The conditions which must be fulfilled in order to achieve a culture of privacy and trust on the internet are illuminated. This volume presents options for policy-makers, educators, businesses and technology experts how to facilitate solutions for more privacy on the Internet and identifies further research requirements in this area.

  15. Internet plan and planning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kahriman Emina


    Full Text Available Paper discuss specific features of internet plan as well as planning as management process in general in the contemporary environment. No need to stress out that marketing plan and marketing planning is core activity in approaching to market. At the same time, there are a lot specific c request in preparing marketing plan comparing to business planning due to marketing plan is an essential part. The importance of internet plan and planning rely on specific features of the internet network but as a part of general corporate as well as marketing strategy.

  16. Towards the Tactile Internet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Szabó, Dávid; Gulyás, András; Fitzek, Frank


    5G communication networks enable the steering and control of Internet of Things and therefore require extreme low latency communication referred to as the tactile Internet. In this paper we show that the massive use of network coding throughout the network significantly improves latency and reduce...... the frequency of packet re-transmission, so an architecture built around network coding may be a feasible road towards realizing the tactile internet vision. Our contribution is threefold: (i) we show how network coding improves latency and reduces packet re-transmission with respect to other coding schemes...

  17. Internet Hospitals in China: Cross-Sectional Survey. (United States)

    Xie, Xiaoxu; Zhou, Weimin; Lin, Lingyan; Fan, Si; Lin, Fen; Wang, Long; Guo, Tongjun; Ma, Chuyang; Zhang, Jingkun; He, Yuan; Chen, Yixin


    The Internet hospital, an innovative approach to providing health care, is rapidly developing in China because it has the potential to provide widely accessible outpatient service delivery via Internet technologies. To date, China's Internet hospitals have not been systematically investigated. The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of China's Internet hospitals, and to assess their health service capacity. We searched Baidu, the popular Chinese search engine, to identify Internet hospitals, using search terms such as "Internet hospital," "web hospital," or "cloud hospital." All Internet hospitals in mainland China were eligible for inclusion if they were officially registered. Our search was carried out until March 31, 2017. We identified 68 Internet hospitals, of which 43 have been put into use and 25 were under construction. Of the 43 established Internet hospitals, 13 (30%) were in the hospital informatization stage, 24 (56%) were in the Web ward stage, and 6 (14%) were in full Internet hospital stage. Patients accessed outpatient service delivery via website (74%, 32/43), app (42%, 18/43), or offline medical consultation facility (37%, 16/43) from the Internet hospital. Furthermore, 25 (58%) of the Internet hospitals asked doctors to deliver health services at a specific Web clinic, whereas 18 (42%) did not. The consulting methods included video chat (60%, 26/43), telephone (19%, 8/43), and graphic message (28%, 12/43); 13 (30%) Internet hospitals cannot be consulted online any more. Only 6 Internet hospitals were included in the coverage of health insurance. The median number of doctors available online was zero (interquartile range [IQR] 0 to 5; max 16,492). The median consultation fee per time was ¥20 (approximately US $2.90, IQR ¥0 to ¥200). Internet hospitals provide convenient outpatient service delivery. However, many of the Internet hospitals are not yet mature and are faced with various issues such as online doctor scarcity and

  18. Do We Really Have an Internet Problem? Statistics, Credibility and Issues Concerning Public Internet Access in Academic Libraries. (United States)

    Cubbage, Charlotte


    Discusses problems with patron Internet access in academic libraries and describes a study conducted at Northwestern University (Illinois) that used Internet tracking software to assess user Internet behavior. Topics include Internet use policies; pornography; and loss of control over library services and information content that is provided. (LRW)

  19. Freedom and psychology in the Americas


    Michael J. Stevens


    Este estudio empíricamente se manifestó que los índices del estado de psicología en los 35 países de las Américas (productividad de estudiante, existencia de un código de ética psicológico) son atados positivamente al permiso de condiciones nacionales (libertad económica y política) en que la disciplina es situada. Expresamente, la relación de la libertad económica y política a la productividad de investigación de psicólogos fue mediada por el uso de Internet. Mientras la libertad política y ...

  20. Pautas de actividad física de adolescentes españolas: diferencias mediadas por la participación deportiva y el día de la semana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olga Molinero


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente estudio fue investigar la existencia de diferencias en los niveles y pautas de práctica de actividad física mediadas por la participación deportiva y el día de la semana en una muestra de adolescentes españolas (N = 177, edad 11-16 años a las que se aplicó la adaptación española del Four-by-One-Day Recall Physical Activity Questionnaire. Los resultados obtenidos indican que las chicas participaban fundamentalmente en actividades muy ligeras y ligeras, invirtiendo una cantidad limitada de tiempo en actividades moderadas e intensas, tanto durante la semana como durante el fin de semana. La práctica de actividades moderadas e intensas se reducía desde la adolescencia temprana a la media, y la participación en actividades deportivas no prevenía dicha reducción. Deberían desarrollarse programas educacionales para la promoción de estilos de vida activos dirigidos a jóvenes con una menor práctica de actividad física y, al mismo tiempo, prevenir la reducción de la práctica con la edad.

  1. Ambientes de realidade virtual: que Real é este?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margarete Axt


    Full Text Available Neste artigo discute-se, a partir das Escolas de Santiago e de Genebra, a contraditória sensação de realidade em mundos virtuais. Foi proposta uma dupla aproximação do sujeito ao mundo, diferenciando organismo vivente e observador, ambos encontrando-se na, e sendo ligados pela, interface sensório-motora. Esta, ao dar suporte à mente consciente-autoconsciente, acaba por instaurar uma duplicidade, quanto à produção de sentidos-significações, cujo resultado, para a subjetividade, poderá ser, em ambientes RV, uma vivência-experiência em que concreto e virtual sejam vivenciados-experienciados-refletidos como mundos, espaços e tempos, a-paralelos. Tais vivências-experiências-reflexões, obtidas mediante contínuos deslizamentos entre esses mundos distintos, mas entrelaçados, ao coordenarem-se, poderão criar um efeito de Real, permitindo à Educação, pelo exercício da interpretação, explorar novos possíveis modos de aprender-sentir-conhecer-conceituar-comunicar, e assim inaugurar formas alternativas de entendimento do Real-Social: a subjetividade, em sendo cooptada na produção de sentidos e significações, mediada por uma corporalidade sensório-motora constituída e constituidora da cognição, sabe-se cooptada na produção de sentidos e significações conceituadas mediada por um observador-conceituador.

  2. Internet and Democracy: Is the Internet an Important Predictor for Physical Education Teacher Candidates' Attitudes towards Democracy? (United States)

    Ünlü, Hüseyin


    Today, in the digital age, the Internet usage is common among university students. The Internet is also an important platform for actively participating in democracy. This study explores physical education (PE) candidate teachers' attitudes toward the Internet and democracy. It also explores whether the Internet is an important predictor for…

  3. Problematic Internet Use among Turkish University Students: A Multidimensional Investigation Based on Demographics and Internet Activities (United States)

    Tekinarslan, Erkan; Gurer, Melih Derya


    This study investigated the Turkish undergraduate university students' problematic Internet use (PIU) levels on different dimensions based on demographics (e.g., gender, Internet use by time of day), and Internet activities (e.g., chat, entertainment, social networking, information searching, etc.). Moreover, the study explored some predictors of…

  4. Suicide and Self-Harm Related Internet Use. (United States)

    Padmanathan, Prianka; Biddle, Lucy; Carroll, Robert; Derges, Jane; Potokar, John; Gunnell, David


    The rise in Internet use adds a new dimension to suicide prevention. We investigated suicide/self-harm (S/Sh)-related Internet use among patients presenting to hospital with self-harm. We asked 1,198 adult and 315 child and adolescent patients presenting to hospital following self-harm in a city in South West England about Internet use associated with their hospital presentation. Associations between Internet use and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were investigated using multivariable logistic regression models. Focus groups with clinicians explored the acceptability and utility of asking about Internet use. The prevalence of S/Sh-related Internet use was 8.4% (95% CI: 6.8-10.1%) among adult hospital presentations and 26.0% (95% CI = 21.3-31.2%) among children's hospital presentations. In both samples, S/Sh-related Internet use was associated with higher levels of suicidal intent. Mostly, clinicians found it acceptable to ask about Internet use during psychosocial assessments and believed this could inform perceptions of risk and decision-making. It is unclear whether the findings in this study are applicable to the general self-harm patient population because only those who had psychosocial assessments were included. S/Sh-related Internet use is likely to become increasingly relevant as the Internet-native generation matures. Furthermore, Internet use may be a proxy marker for intent.

  5. Student Empowerment Through Internet Usage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Purushothaman, Aparna


    in a University in Southern India to empower the female students through Internet usage. The study was done to find out the problems the woman students faced in gaining access and using Internet and how they can be empowered through Internet usage. Future workshop was conducted to find out the problems...... and reflecting. The paper will explore the various cultural issues and explicate how the social context plays a major role in the use of Internet even if there is sufficient access. These issues will be addressed from an empowerment perspective. The paper ends by recommending the methods to be adopted for more......Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been widely recognized as a tool for human development (UNDP 2001). The rate at which ICT are growing is changing the way knowledge is developed, acquired and delivered. (Tongia, et al. 2005) Internet is one of the Information & Communication...

  6. An Overview of Internet biosurveillance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hartley, David M.; Nelson, Noele P.; Arthur, Ray; Barboza, P.; Collier, Nigel; Lightfoot, Nigel; Linge, J. P.; van der Goot, E.; Mawudeku, A.; Madoff, Lawrence; Vaillant, L.; Walters, Ronald A.; Yangarber, Roman; Mantero, Jas; Corley, Courtney D.; Brownstein, John S.


    Internet biosurveillance utilizes unstructured data from diverse Web-based sources to provide early warning and situational awareness of public health threats. The scope of source coverage ranges from local based media in the vernacular to international media in widely read languages. Internet biosurveillance is a timely modality available to government and public health officials, health care workers, and the public and private sector, serving as a real-time complementary approach to traditional indicator-based public health disease surveillance methods. Internet biosurveillance also supports the broader activity of epidemic intelligence. This review covers the current state of the field of Internet biosurveillance and provides a perspective on the future of the field.

  7. The Impact of Internet Use for Students (United States)

    Puspita, R. H.; Rohedi, D.


    Development of Internet technology increasingly modern and sophisticated not only benefit users but also have an effect that is not good for users, especially among students, from a study of 120 students sampled, Internet usage will become addicted and more likely to ha-case negative and less support in learning activities. This is evident from the results of research using the Internet for social media as much as 82 respondents or 68.33% answered always and 50 respondents or 41.67% answered frequently, use for online gaming activity, response of 120 respondents 65 respondents or 54, 17% answered always utilize the internet for online games, 50 respondents or 41.67% answered frequently use the internet for online games, while utilizing the Internet for watch youtube, 56 respondents or 46.67% answered frequently use the Internet to watch youtube and 62 respondents or 51.67% always use the Internet to watch youtube, answers of 120 respondents 41 respondents or 34.17% answered rarely use the Internet to learn and seek information

  8. Overview of internet development in Russia. (United States)

    Gronskaya-Palesh, O


    Internet use in Russia has been growing steadily. In the last four years the number of Russian Internet users grew from a few hundred thousand to over one million. Russian websites are diverse, and range from educational-informative to purely entertaining. This paper discusses several interesting and controversial Russian websites and possible implications associated with their use. It aims to understand and analyze a typical Internet user in Russia, by answering questions about their interests and demographics. The paper also discusses several other studies that were conducted in Russia on Internet use and looks at the currently available psychological resources on the Russian Internet.

  9. Prevalence of problematic internet use in Slovenia


    Macur, Mirna; Kir?ly, Orsolya; Maraz, Aniko; Nagygy?rgy, Katalin; Demetrovics, Zsolt


    Abstract Background Internet use is an integral part of our everyday activities; however, Internet use may become problematic and harmful in a minority of cases. The majority of reported prevalence rates of problematic Internet use refer to adolescent samples, whereas epidemiological studies on representative adult populations are lacking. This study aimed to reveal the prevalence and characteristics of problematic Internet use in Slovenia. Methods Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ...

  10. Young children as Internet users


    Daramola, O. (Oladipo)


    Abstract In the current available research concerning the real usage of the internet among the young children, most researchers particularly emphases on the risk and opportunities regarding the active use of the internet. Limited experimental research emphases on the role-based and impact of the parent guidelines in the context. In the current studies, internet parenting methods are well-defined and operationalized to study...

  11. Cooperation and community on the internet : past issues and present perspectives for theoretical-empirical internet research

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Matzat, U.


    This paper first summarizes two central debates in the field of social scientific Internet research, namely the debate about the so-called 'social impact of Internet use' and the debate about the existence of community on the Internet. Early research discussed whether building up a community on the

  12. Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives (United States)

    Kuss, Daria J


    In the 2000s, online games became popular, while studies of Internet gaming addiction emerged, outlining the negative consequences of excessive gaming, its prevalence, and associated risk factors. The establishment of specialized treatment centers in South-East Asia, the US, and Europe reflects the growing need for professional help. It is argued that only by understanding the appeal of Internet gaming, its context, and neurobiologic correlates can the phenomenon of Internet gaming addiction be understood comprehensively. The aim of this review is to provide an insight into current perspectives on Internet gaming addiction using a holistic approach, taking into consideration the mass appeal of online games, the context of Internet gaming addiction, and associated neuroimaging findings, as well as the current diagnostic framework adopted by the American Psychiatric Association. The cited research indicates that the individual’s context is a significant factor that marks the dividing line between excessive gaming and gaming addiction, and the game context can gain particular importance for players, depending on their life situation and gaming preferences. Moreover, the cultural context is significant because it embeds the gamer in a community with shared beliefs and practices, endowing their gaming with particular meaning. The cited neuroimaging studies indicate that Internet gaming addiction shares similarities with other addictions, including substance dependence, at the molecular, neurocircuitry, and behavioral levels. The findings provide support for the current perspective of understanding Internet gaming addiction from a disease framework. The benefits of an Internet gaming addiction diagnosis include reliability across research, destigmatization of individuals, development of efficacious treatments, and the creation of an incentive for public health care and insurance providers. The holistic approach adopted here not only highlights empirical research that

  13. Internet Forums for Suicide Bereavement. (United States)

    Bailey, Eleanor; Krysinska, Karolina; O'Dea, Bridianne; Robinson, Jo


    Bereavement by suicide is associated with a number of consequences including poor mental health outcomes and increased suicide risk. Despite this, the bereaved by suicide may be reluctant to seek help from friends, family, and professionals. Internet forums and social networking sites are a popular avenue of support for the bereaved, but to date there is a lack of research into their use and efficacy. To survey users of suicide bereavement Internet forums and Facebook groups regarding their help-seeking behaviors, use of forums, and perceived benefits and limitations of such use. This study employed a cross-sectional design in which users of suicide bereavement Internet forums and Facebook groups completed an anonymous online survey. Participants were 222 users of suicide bereavement Internet forums. Most participants (93.2%) had sought face-to-face help from sources other than Internet forums, but were more likely to seek help in the near future from informal rather than formal sources. Forums were perceived as highly beneficial and there were few limitations. The generalizability of these results to other internet forums may be limited. Additionally, we were not able to examine differences between forums in terms of quality or user-reported efficacy. Finally, the data reflects the subjective views of forum users, which may differ from the views of moderators or experts. Internet forums, including Facebook groups, appear to be a useful adjunct to face-to-face help-seeking for supporting those who have been bereaved by suicide.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The fast development of the Internet has not only changed people’s lifestyles but also had a deep impact on social structure the rapidly growing Internet has not only changed ways of collecting and using information,but also exerted a farreaching influence on social

  15. The Internet Erlang Formula

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iversen, Villy Bæk


    This paper presents a robust and efficient algorithm for evaluating multi-service multi-rate queueing systems, including finite buffer systems and loss systems. Vint Cerf listed in 2007 seven research problems concerning the Internet. This paper responds to the second problem: an Internet Erlang...

  16. Safety in the Internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Semenko T.V.


    Full Text Available the modern world is the world of computer technology, and the children living in this world feel comfortable in it, they master the computer, mobile devices, new-fangled gadgets easily and use them skillfully. However, their knowledge of the safety in the Internet lags behind their ability to develop new devices. The number of the Internet users is increased every year, so the problem of children safety in the Internet is very urgent. It is necessary for parents, educators and teachers to conduct explanatory conversations and activities for explanation and consolidation the rules of “The Safe Internet”.

  17. Internet Technology on Spacecraft (United States)

    Rash, James; Parise, Ron; Hogie, Keith; Criscuolo, Ed; Langston, Jim; Powers, Edward I. (Technical Monitor)


    The Operating Missions as Nodes on the Internet (OMNI) project has shown that Internet technology works in space missions through a demonstration using the UoSAT-12 spacecraft. An Internet Protocol (IP) stack was installed on the orbiting UoSAT-12 spacecraft and tests were run to demonstrate Internet connectivity and measure performance. This also forms the basis for demonstrating subsequent scenarios. This approach provides capabilities heretofore either too expensive or simply not feasible such as reconfiguration on orbit. The OMNI project recognized the need to reduce the risk perceived by mission managers and did this with a multi-phase strategy. In the initial phase, the concepts were implemented in a prototype system that includes space similar components communicating over the TDRS (space network) and the terrestrial Internet. The demonstration system includes a simulated spacecraft with sample instruments. Over 25 demonstrations have been given to mission and project managers, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Department of Defense (DoD), contractor technologists and other decisions makers, This initial phase reached a high point with an OMNI demonstration given from a booth at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) Inspection Day 99 exhibition. The proof to mission managers is provided during this second phase with year 2000 accomplishments: testing the use of Internet technologies onboard an actual spacecraft. This was done with a series of tests performed using the UoSAT-12 spacecraft. This spacecraft was reconfigured on orbit at very low cost. The total period between concept and the first tests was only 6 months! On board software was modified to add an IP stack to support basic IP communications. Also added was support for ping, traceroute and network timing protocol (NTP) tests. These tests show that basic Internet functionality can be used onboard spacecraft. The performance of data was measured to show no degradation from current

  18. Internet Sexualities (United States)

    Döring, Nicola

    The term “internet sexuality” (or OSA, online sexual activities) refers to sexual-related content and activities observable on the internet (cf. Adams, Oye, & Parker, 2003; Cooper, McLoughlin, & Campbell, 2000; Leiblum & Döring, 2002). It designates a variety of sexual phenomena (e.g., pornography, sex education, sexual contacts) related to a wide spectrum of online services and applications (e.g., websites, online chat rooms, peer-to-peer networks). If an even broader range of computer networks - such as the Usenet or bulletin board systems - is included in this extensional definition, one speaks of “online sexuality” or “cybersexuality.”

  19. Internet bullying. (United States)

    Donnerstein, Ed


    There is substantial literature on the impact of the mass media on children's and adolescents' health and development. The question of what role new technology plays in the media's influence is now a subject of both review and discussion, particularly regarding health risks and intervention. This article takes a brief look at online usage and the theoretical mechanisms that might make Internet access more problematic in terms of risks, compared with more traditional media such as television and film. One of these risks, known today as cyberbullying or Internet harassment, is scrutinized in detail. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Internet safety education for youth: stakeholder perspectives. (United States)

    Moreno, Megan A; Egan, Katie G; Bare, Kaitlyn; Young, Henry N; Cox, Elizabeth D


    Internet use is nearly ubiquitous among US youth; risks to internet use include cyberbullying, privacy violations and unwanted solicitation. Internet safety education may prevent these negative consequences; however, it is unclear at what age this education should begin and what group is responsible for teaching this topic. Surveys were distributed to key stakeholders in youth safety education including public school teachers, clinicians, parents and adolescents. Surveys assessed age at which internet safety education should begin, as well as experiences teaching and learning internet safety. Surveys of adults assessed willingness to teach internet safety. Finally, participants were asked to identify a group whose primary responsibility it should be to teach internet safety. A total of 356 participants completed the survey (93.4% response rate), including 77 teachers, 111 clinicians, 72 parents and 96 adolescents. Stakeholders felt the optimal mean age to begin teaching internet safety was 7.2 years (SD = 2.5), range 2-15. Internet safety was regularly taught by some teachers (20.8%), few clinicians (2.6%) and many parents (40.3%). The majority of teachers, clinicians and parents were willing to teach internet safety, but all groups surveyed identified parents as having primary responsibility for teaching this topic. Findings suggest agreement among key stakeholders for teaching internet safety at a young age, and for identifying parents as primary teachers of this topic. Clinicians have a unique opportunity to support parents by providing resources, guidance and support.

  1. The Internet of things connecting objects

    CERN Document Server

    Chaouchi, Hakima


    Internet of Things: Connecting Objects… puts forward the technologies and the networking architectures which make it possible to support the Internet of Things. Amongst these technologies, RFID, sensor and PLC technologies are described and a clear view on how they enable the Internet of Things is given. This book also provides a good overview of the main issues facing the Internet of Things such as the issues of privacy and security, application and usage, and standardization.

  2. [The Internet and its security]. (United States)

    Masić, Izet; Ahmetović, Ademir; Jakupović, Safet; Masić, Zlatan; Zunić, Lejla


    Internet, is the greatest world net by by means of which nowadays the planet communicates, rapidly goes forward. The last years of the university in USA the commonly develop the more progressive concept of the net (Internet 2), thanks to the constant growing technologies, with the goal to answer the needs of the scientific and the educational institutions, but also the commercial institutions and the organizations. Almost the there is no more significant institution in the world which has not developed their web pages and data bases with the most actual contents available to the wider circle of the users. In this paper we have given the section of the most actual web pages. However, Internet is not immune to those users who are not benevolent and who have developed the different tools in the goal of the destroying or unabling of the normal use of all the Internet conveniences. The authors is considering the protection problem and the data security which get distributed by Internet.



    Oviliani Yuliana


    The uses of internet in business are for information exchange, product catalog, promotion media, electronic mail, bulletin boards, electronic questioner, and mailing list. Internet can also be used for dialog, discussion, and consultation with customer online, therefore consumer can be proactively and interactively involved in designing, developing, marketing, and selling products. There are 2 methods for marketing products via internet, which are push and pull marketing. The advantages of in...

  4. Penggunaan Teknologi Internet Dalam Bisnis


    Yuliana, Oviliani


    The uses of internet in business are for information exchange, product catalog, promotion media, electronic mail, bulletin boards, electronic questioner, and mailing list. Internet can also be used for dialog, discussion, and consultation with customer online, therefore consumer can be proactively and interactively involved in designing, developing, marketing, and selling products. There are 2 methods for marketing products via internet, which are push and pull marketing. The advantages of in...

  5. Internet ware cloud computing :Challenges


    Qamar, S; Lal, Niranjan; Singh, Mrityunjay


    After decades of engineering development and infrastructural investment, Internet connections have become commodity product in many countries, and Internet scale “cloud computing” has started to compete with traditional software business through its technological advantages and economy of scale. Cloud computing is a promising enabling technology of Internet ware Cloud Computing is termed as the next big thing in the modern corporate world. Apart from the present day software and technologies,...

  6. Internet advertising effectiveness measurement model


    Marcinkevičiūtė, Milda


    The research object of the master thesis is internet advertising effectiveness measurement. The goal of the work is after making theoretical studies of internet advertising effectiveness measurement (theoretical articles, practical researches and cetera), formulate the conceptual IAEM model and examine it empirically. The main tasks of the work are: to analyze internet advertising, it’s features, purposes, spread formats, functions, advantages and disadvantages; present the effectiveness of i...

  7. The amazing world of the internet-challenges of the internet age

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Veronica Adriana Popescu


    Full Text Available This presentation is aimed at briefly underlining the most important developments in informatics, following the introduction of the new informational techniques and technologies.Our presentation began by enumerating the programming languages used over time, by presenting the computers industry and computers generations. We have focused on numerous technical aspects, such as hardware structure; however the basis was represented by the way how information and computer networks are organized. At said point, an analysis was made of the Intranet and Internet, with a particular focus on the evolution of the Internet and its advantages and disadvantages. The Internet has represented and continues to represent a great challenge for its users, whereas as beneficial its advantages might be, the more dangerous it can become its use by some users in less controlled environments

  8. Internet health information in the patient-provider dialogue. (United States)

    Hong, Traci


    A patient discussing Internet health information with a health care provider (referred to as "patient-provider communication about Internet health information") can contribute positively to health outcomes. Although research has found that once Internet access is achieved, there are no ethnic differences in Internet health information seeking, it is unclear if there are ethnic differences in patient-provider communication about Internet health information. To help fill this gap in the literature, the National Cancer Institute's Health Information National Trends Survey 2005 was analyzed with Stata 9. Two sets of logistic regression analyses were conducted, one for a subsample of Internet users (n = 3,244) and one for a subsample of Internet users who are first-generation immigrants (n = 563). The dependent variable was patient-provider communication about Internet health information, which assessed whether survey participants had discussed online health information with a health care provider. The predictor variables included trust of health care provider, trust of online health information, Internet use, health care coverage, frequency of visits to health care provider, health status, and demographics. Among all Internet users, Whites had higher levels of patient-provider communication about Internet health information than Blacks and Asians. Similarly, among Internet users who are immigrants, Whites had higher levels of patient-provider communication about Internet health information than Blacks and Asians. While the digital divide is narrowing in terms of Internet access, racial differences in patient-provider communication about Internet health information may undermine the potential benefits of the information age.

  9. Prevalence of problematic internet use in Slovenia. (United States)

    Macur, Mirna; Király, Orsolya; Maraz, Aniko; Nagygyörgy, Katalin; Demetrovics, Zsolt


    Internet use is an integral part of our everyday activities; however, Internet use may become problematic and harmful in a minority of cases. The majority of reported prevalence rates of problematic Internet use refer to adolescent samples, whereas epidemiological studies on representative adult populations are lacking. This study aimed to reveal the prevalence and characteristics of problematic Internet use in Slovenia. Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ) was included in European Health Interview Study (EHIS) on representative Slovenian sample. The frequency of Internet use and problematic Internet use were both assessed. 59.9% of Slovenian adult population uses the Internet daily, and 3.1% are at risk of becoming problematic Internet users, 11% in the age group from 20 to 24 years. Those being at risk for becoming problematic Internet users are younger (mean age 31.3 vs. 48.3 for non-problematic users), more likely to be males (3.6% of males, whereas 2.6% of females are affected), students (12.0%), unemployed (6.3%) or unable to work (8.7%), single (6.5%), with high education (4.5%). Regression analysis revealed that the strongest predictor of being at risk for problematic Internet use is age (ß=-0.338, p<0.001); followed by high educational level (ß=0.145; p<0.001) and student status (ß=0.136; p<0.001). 3.1% of Slovenian adult population are at risk of becoming problematic Internet users, whereas 3 out of 20 Slovenian adolescents aged from 18 to 19 years are at risk (14.6%). Prevention programs and treatment for those affected are paramount, especially for the young generation.

  10. Heritability of compulsive Internet use in adolescents


    Vink, Jacqueline M.; van Beijsterveldt, Toos C. E. M.; Huppertz, Charlotte; Bartels, Meike; Boomsma, Dorret I.


    Abstract Over the past decades, Internet use has grown substantially, and it now serves people as a supportive tool that is used regularly and?in large parts of the world?inevitably. Some people develop problematic Internet use, which may lead to addictive behavior and it is becoming important to explore the risk factors for compulsive Internet use. Data were analyzed on compulsive Internet use [with the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS)] from 5247 monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) adole...

  11. Heritability of compulsive Internet use in adolescents


    Vink, J.M.; van Beijsterveldt, C.E.M.; Huppertz, C.; Bartels, M.; Boomsma, D.I.


    Over the past decades, Internet use has grown substantially, and it now serves people as a supportive tool that is used regularly and - in large parts of the world - inevitably. Some people develop problematic Internet use, which may lead to addictive behavior and it is becoming important to explore the risk factors for compulsive Internet use. Data were analyzed on compulsive Internet use [with the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS)] from 5247 monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) adolescent...

  12. Cyber Security: Rule of Use Internet Safely?


    -, Maskun


    International Journal Cyber security plays on important role to guarantee and protect people who use internet in their daily life. Some cases take place around the world that people get inconvenience condition when they access and use internet. Misuse of internet becomes a current issue which some cases take place including a university. Advantages of using internet in the university of course assist the student to get some information in internet. However, they have to be protected in ord...

  13. Internet Marketing Research: Opportunities and Problems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Furrer, O.F.G.; Sudharshan, D.


    The Internet is promised a brilliant future among the favorite tools of marketing researchers. Develops a typology of Internet marketing surveys showing the existence of eight different designs that can be used by marketers. However, researchers who plan to develop research using the Internet need

  14. 76 FR 63567 - Internet Communication Disclaimers (United States)


    ...''). That decision held, among other things, that the Commission could not wholly exclude Internet activity... FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION 11 CFR Part 110 [Notice 2011-14] Internet Communication Disclaimers... disclaimers on certain Internet communications and, if so, what changes should be made to those rules. The...

  15. Internet research in psychology. (United States)

    Gosling, Samuel D; Mason, Winter


    Today the Internet plays a role in the lives of nearly 40% of the world's population, and it is becoming increasingly entwined in daily life. This growing presence is transforming psychological science in terms of the topics studied and the methods used. We provide an overview of the literature, considering three broad domains of research: translational (implementing traditional methods online; e.g., surveys), phenomenological (topics spawned or mediated by the Internet; e.g., cyberbullying), and novel (new ways to study existing topics; e.g., rumors). We discuss issues (e.g., sampling, ethics) that arise when doing research online and point to emerging opportunities (e.g., smartphone sensing). Psychological research on the Internet comes with new challenges, but the opportunities far outweigh the costs. By integrating the Internet, psychological research has the ability to reach large, diverse samples and collect data on actual behaviors, which will ultimately increase the impact of psychological research on society.

  16. Ensuring Freedoms and Protecting Rights in the Governance of the Internet: A Comparative Analysis on Blocking Measures and Internet Providers’ Removal of Illegal Internet Content

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katalin Parti


    Full Text Available Removing illegal or harmful material from the internet has been pursued for more than two decades. The advent of Web 2.0, with the prominent increase and diffusion of user-generated content, amplifies the necessity for technical and legal frameworks enabling the removal of illegal material from the network. This study deals with different levels and methods of Internet ‘cleansing’ measures, comparing government regulated and Internet service provider based removals of illegal Internet content. The paper aims at putting the regulatory option of internet blocking measures into the broader perspective of the legal framework regulating the (exemption from liability of Intermediary Service Providers (ISPs for user-generated contents. In addition, the paper suggests proposals on which regulatory options can better ensure the respect of freedoms and the protection of rights. The paper introduces several significant cases of blocking online copyright infringing materials. Copyright related blocking techniques have been devised for business reasons – by copyright holders’ associations. It must be recalled, however, that these blocking actions cannot be enforced without the states’ intervention. These business-level actions become isolated if they are not supported by both the European Union and its Member States. Conversely, state-centred initiatives cannot work out without the private sector’s cooperation. Internet service providers play a crucial role in this cooperative framework because of their task of providing access to the Internet and hosting web contents.

  17. Self-harm and its association with internet addiction and internet exposure to suicidal thought in adolescents. (United States)

    Liu, Hui-Ching; Liu, Shen-Ing; Tjung, Jin-Jin; Sun, Fang-Ju; Huang, Hui-Chun; Fang, Chun-Kai


    Self-harm (SH) is a risk factor for suicide. We aimed to determine whether internet addiction and internet exposure to confided suicidal ideation are associated with SH in adolescents. This study was a cross-sectional survey of students who self-completed a series of online questionnaires including a sociodemographic information questionnaire, questionnaire for suicidality and SH, Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), multi-dimensional support scale (MDSS), Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES), Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-Consumption (AUDIT-C), and questionnaire for substance abuse. A total of 2479 students completed the questionnaires (response rate = 62.1%). They had a mean age of 15.44 years (range 14-19 years; standard deviation 0.61), and were mostly female (n = 1494; 60.3%). The prevalence of SH within the previous year was 10.1% (n = 250). Among the participants, 17.1% had internet addiction (n = 425) and 3.3% had been exposed to suicidal content on the internet (n = 82). In the hierarchical logistic regression analysis, internet addiction and internet exposure to suicidal thoughts were both significantly related to an increased risk of SH, after controlling for gender, family factors, exposure to suicidal thoughts in the real life, depression, alcohol/tobacco use, concurrent suicidality, and perceived social support. However, the association between internet addiction and SH weakened after adjusting for the level of self-esteem, while internet exposure to suicidal thoughts remained significantly related to an increased risk of SH (odds ratio = 1.96; 95% confidence interval: 1.06-3.64). Online experiences are associated with SH in adolescents. Preventive strategies may include education to increase social awareness, to identify the youths most at risk, and to provide prompt help. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Internet Use in Latin America

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryan Salzman


    Full Text Available Este documento analiza el desarrollo del uso de Internet en América Latina. Los análisis exploran las expectativas y realidades macro y micro sociales del uso de Internet en la región. Mientras se conjetura tanto acerca de la penetración de Internet en América Latina, este documento establece las tasas reales de penetración, e intenta comprender qué ha fomentado su crecimiento en la región. Diferentes niveles de desarrollo económico, tecnológico y gubernamental impulsan la expansión de la penetración de Internet en la región. Al observar el consumo en un nivel micro, esta investigación emplea datos de encuestas de varios años del Proyecto de Opinión Pública de América Latina (Latin American Public Opinion Project y ofrece un análisis inicial de los factores determinantes del uso de Internet. En comparación con otras formas de consumo de medios de comunicación, los usuarios de Internet son más jóvenes y más escépticos a los medios de prensa locales.

  19. Space Internet-Embedded Web Technologies Demonstration (United States)

    Foltz, David A.


    The NASA Glenn Research Center recently demonstrated the ability to securely command and control space-based assets by using the Internet and standard Internet Protocols (IP). This is a significant accomplishment because future NASA missions will benefit by using Internet standards-based protocols. The benefits include reduced mission costs and increased mission efficiency. The Internet-Based Space Command and Control System Architecture demonstrated at the NASA Inspection 2000 event proved that this communications architecture is viable for future NASA missions.

  20. Teaching on the Internet. (United States)

    Kubala, Tom


    Discusses Internet graduate teaching experiences at the University of Central Florida and explores the pros and cons of online instruction. Describes Internet courses as asynchronous, allowing students to participate at any time and place. States that faculty must be excellent teachers, able to translate their styles into effective,…

  1. Trust Drives Internet Use

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ljunge, Jan Martin

    This paper estimates the effect of trust on internet use by studying the general population as well as second generation immigrants in 29 European countries with ancestry in 87 nations. There is a significant positive effect of trust on internet use. The positive trust effect is not universal...

  2. Internet Bad Neighborhoods Aggregation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moreira Moura, Giovane; Sadre, R.; Sperotto, Anna; Pras, Aiko; Paschoal Gaspary, L.; De Turk, Filip

    Internet Bad Neighborhoods have proven to be an innovative approach for fighting spam. They have also helped to understand how spammers are distributed on the Internet. In our previous works, the size of each bad neighborhood was fixed to a /24 subnetwork. In this paper, however, we investigate if

  3. Security in Internet of Things

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kidmose, Egon; Pedersen, Jens Myrup


    2016 was a year when the discussions about Internet of Things and security gained significant grounds. Not only was it yet another year where the challenges of cybercrime became visible to the general public, maybe the presumable Russian hacking of Hillary Clinton's emails as the most prominent...... example, but at the end of the year the Mirai Botnet used Internet of Things devices to perform successful attacks on several Internet infrastructure points....

  4. Substance abuse precedes Internet addiction. (United States)

    Lee, Young Sik; Han, Doug Hyun; Kim, Sun Mi; Renshaw, Perry F


    The purpose of the current study was to evaluate possible overlapping substance abuse and internet addiction in a large, uniformly sampled population, ranging in age from 13 to 18 years. Participants (N=73,238) in the current study were drawn from the 6th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBWS-V) for students from 400 middle schools and 400 high schools in 16 cities within South Korea. Of adolescent internet users, 85.2% were general users (GU), 11.9% were users with potential risk for internet addiction (PR), and 3.0% were users with high risk for internet addiction (HR). There was a difference in the number of students with alcohol drinking among the GU, PR, and HR groups (20.8% vs 23.1% vs 27.4%). There was a difference in the number of students who smoked among the GS, PR, and HR groups (11.7% vs 13.5% vs 20.4%). There was a difference in the number of students with drug use among the GU, PR, and HR groups (1.7% vs 2.0% vs 6.5%). After adjusting for sex, age, stress, depressed mood, and suicidal ideation, smoking may predict a high risk for internet addiction (OR=1.203, p=0.004). In addition, drug use may predict a high risk for internet addiction (OR=2.591, paddiction have vulnerability for addictive behaviors, co-morbid substance abuse should be evaluated and, if found, treated in adolescents with internet addiction. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Internet overuse and excessive daytime sleepiness in adolescents. (United States)

    Choi, Kwisook; Son, Hyunsook; Park, Myunghee; Han, Jinkyu; Kim, Kitai; Lee, Byungkoo; Gwak, Hyesun


    The purpose of this study was to examine the association of Internet overuse with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). A total of 2336 high school students in South Korea (boys, 57.5%; girls, 42.5%) completed the structured questionnaire. The severity of Internet addiction was evaluated using Young's Internet addiction test. The proportions of boys who were classified as Internet addicts and possible Internet addicts were 2.5% and 53.7%, respectively. For girls, the corresponding proportions were 1.9% and 38.9%, respectively. The prevalence of EDS was 11.2% (boys, 11.2%; girls, 11.1%). When Internet addicts were compared with non-addicts, they consisted of more boys, drank alcohol more, and considered their own health condition as poor. But smoking was not related with Internet addiction. The prevalence rate of EDS for Internet addicts was 37.7%, whereas that for possible Internet addicts and non-addicts was 13.9% and 7.4%, respectively. The prevalence of insomnia, witnessed snoring, apnea, teeth grinding, and nightmares was highest in Internet addicts, middle in possible addicts, and lowest in non-addicts. With adjustment for duration of Internet use, duration of sleep time, age, gender, smoking, taking painkillers due to headache, insomnia symptoms, witnessed apnea, and nightmares, the odds of EDS were 5.2-fold greater (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.7-10.2) in Internet addicts and 1.9-fold greater (95%CI: 1.4-2.6) in possible Internet addicts compared to non-addicts. Internet addiction is strongly associated with EDS in adolescents. Clinicians should consider examining Internet addiction in adolescent cases of EDS.

  6. Internet Anxiety among Foreign Language Learners (United States)

    Aydin, Selami


    Little attention has been paid to the demotivating potential of new technologies in foreign language research. Thus, this study aims to investigate Internet anxiety among foreign language learners and to determine the relationships between Internet anxiety and certain variables. A background questionnaire, an Internet information test, and an…

  7. Internet Job Search and Unemployment Durations


    Kuhn, Peter; Skuterud, Mikal Skuterud


    After decades of stability, the technologies used by workers to locate new jobs began to change rapidly with the diffusion of internet access in the late 1990’s. Which types of persons incorporated the internet into their job search strategy, and did searching for work on line help these workers find new jobs faster? We address these questions using measures of internet job search derived from the December 1998 and August 2000 CPS Computer and Internet Supplements, matched with job search o...

  8. The role of positive/negative outcome expectancy and refusal self-efficacy of Internet use on Internet addiction among college students in Taiwan. (United States)

    Lin, Min-Pei; Ko, Huei-Chen; Wu, Jo Yung-Wei


    Based on Bandura's social cognitive theory, this study was designed to examine positive and negative outcome expectancy and refusal self-efficacy of Internet use and their contribution to Internet addiction among college students by using hierarchical multiple regression analyses in a cross-sectional study design. Schools were first stratified into technical or nontechnical colleges and then into seven majors. A cluster random sampling by department was further applied to randomly choose participants from each major. A representative sample of 4,456 college students participated in this study. The Outcome Expectancy and Refusal Self-Efficacy of Internet Use Questionnaire and the Chen Internet Addiction Scale were used to assess the cognitive factors and the levels of Internet addiction. Results showed that both positive outcome expectancy and negative outcome expectancy were significantly and positively correlated with Internet addiction, and refusal self-efficacy of Internet use was significantly and negatively related to Internet addiction. Further analyses revealed that refusal self-efficacy of Internet use directly and negatively predicted Internet addiction. Moreover, we discovered that positive outcome expectancy positively predicted Internet addiction via refusal self-efficacy of Internet use; however, surprisingly, negative outcome expectancy had both a direct and indirect positive relationship in predicting Internet addiction via the refusal self-efficacy of Internet use. These results give empirical evidence to verify the theoretical effectiveness of the three cognitive factors to Internet addiction and should be incorporated when designing prevention programs and strategies for Internet addicted college students.

  9. Piecing together the Internet

    CERN Multimedia

    Rae-Dupree, J


    No one group or person can take credit for inventing the Internet. Key ideas came from both military and academic researchers, DOE money got it up and running. Article giving a chronological timeline of the development of the internet from the 1960s to the present day (2 PC screens).

  10. College Student Internet Use: Convenience and Amusement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Genevieve M. Johnson


    Full Text Available Four hundred five college students completed a questionnaire that assessed patterns of Internet use. Results describe college students, with rare exception, as Internet users. The vast majority of college students frequently communicate online and access websites. While an Internet game experience is typical, relatively few college students are heavy online gamers. Overwhelmingly (i.e., 77.8%, college students conceptualized the Internet as a convenience, although 17.8% considered the Internet a source of amusement. Approximately 5% of college students reported negative perceptions of the Internet (frustrating or a waste of time. Principal component analysis revealed three patterns of online behaviour; integrated-Internet-use, games-only use, and dating-only use. Implications for online instructional practice are presented. Résumé : Quatre cent cinq étudiants du niveau collégial ont répondu à un questionnaire mesurant leurs tendances de l’utilisation d’Internet. Les résultats présentent ces étudiants comme des usagers d’Internet, à quelques exceptions près. La grande majorité de ces étudiants utilisent fréquemment les outils de communication en ligne et naviguent sur Internet. Alors qu’une expérience de jeu en ligne s’avère commune, peu d’étudiants du collège s’avèrent être des joueurs en ligne excessifs. Essentiellement (c.à-d. 77,8 %, ces étudiants perçoivent Internet comme une commodité, même si 17,8 % d’entre eux le considère comme une source d’amusement. Environ 5 % ont indiqué des perceptions négatives d’Internet (frustrations ou pertes de temps. L’analyse en composantes principales a révélé 3 tendances de comportements en ligne, l’utilisation intégrée d’Internet, l’utilisation seule de jeux et l’utilisation à des fins de rencontre seulement. On présente des conséquences pour la pratique de l’enseignement en ligne.

  11. User Empowerment in the Internet of Things


    Munjin, Dejan; Morin, Jean-Henry


    This paper focuses on the characteristics of two big triggers that facilitated wide user adoption of the Internet: Web 2.0 and online social networks. We detect brakes for reproduction of these events in Internet of things. To support our hypothesis we first compare the difference between the ways of use of the Internet with the future scenarios of Internet of things. We detect barriers that could slow down apparition of this kind of social events during user adoption of Internet of Things an...

  12. Substâncias de origem vegetal potencialmente úteis na terapia da asma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Fernanda P. Corrêa

    Full Text Available A asma é uma doença inflamatória crônica, que representa um problema de saúde pública com altos números de óbitos e elevado impacto socioeconômico. A patologia é caracterizada pela fase imediata, mediada pela resposta aguda de células inflamatórias, e a tardia, que é responsável pela resposta com envolvimento de células específicas do sistema imunológico. Atualmente, os principais tipos de fármacos utilizados no tratamento da asma são os broncodilatadores e agentes antiinflamatórios, que aliviam os sintomas de broncoespasmo e diminuem a inflamação das vias aéreas. Entretanto, terapias com esses medicamentos não são totalmente eficazes e provocam efeitos adversos. A escassez de fármacos seguros e o baixo acesso da população carente aos tratamentos utilizados estimulam a busca de novas substâncias potencialmente úteis no tratamento da asma. Produtos naturais de origem vegetal representam um grande potencial farmacológico contra asma, uma vez que podem fornecer moléculas diversas com mecanismos específicos para tratamento e controle da patologia. A busca por terapias mais eficientes e específicas para o processo asmático mostra que a procura nos produtos naturais é promissora e possui um papel importante para a descoberta de novas terapias contra a asma.

  13. Internet 2 - WWW: Where, When and Why?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adi Armoni


    Full Text Available After the World Wide Web and other great inventions of the academic world, comes Internet 2. The new Inter-University project is rapidly evolving into a powerful consortium. 181 universities, 60 American companies and a few dozen international institutions are collaborating to create the communications technologies of the future. Their main focus is to rid themselves of the terrible congestion that exemplifies the Internet and create a new fast multimedia connection between research institutions. They promise that all this will be done far from the intrusion of the private market, a market that, according to the four fathers of Internet 2, "stifles creativity".The foundations of Internet 2 are comprised of two main technological notions. The first is the Gigapop, which is a regional network's interconnection point to the new Internet 2 cutting edge services. Some types of Gigapops are being constructed so that Internet 2 members can connect solely to Internet 2 services, while other Gigapops are being constructed to connect non Internet 2 members to various other services, such as the old Internet (a.k.a. the commodity Internet or Internet 1.The second technological notion is QoS, which stands for Quality of Services and is a new method of sending information around more efficiently. The basis of QoS is to create priorities for the information sent. In this way crucial medical information will have priority when compared to chess game simulations.The implementation of these two notions, together with other innovative technologies, requires a vast amount of funding, which is partly private but mainly governmental. The methods discussed here for budgeting and funding of institutions for the Internet 2 project are interesting and are a main force in the shaping of Internet 2. Moreover, they will also influence important infrastructure and technical decisions yet to be made, such as routing methods, protocols and speeds that will shape and mold I2


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    Fernanda Keiko Ikuta


    Full Text Available As transformações na sociedade atual redimensionam o conflito capital x trabalho, e porisso o interesse em estudar as novas dimensões do confronto entre os mecanismos utilizados pelocapital para se apropriar da práxis social e a busca do trabalho por construir um projeto dereapropriação das condições de existência. No âmbito da luta pela moradia, uma das expressões doprocesso de reorganização do capital é o projeto de cidade-mercadoria lançado pelas políticaspúblicas urbanas. No confronto travado entre a expansão das estratégias do capital para a sua(reterritorialização/(reprodução e a práxis, fetichizada e/ou emancipadora, do trabalho, buscamosrevelar os mecanismos de manutenção do instituído e as possibilidades da produção do instituinte(do vir a ser, por meio da luta pela moradia, expressas na realidade urbana.

  15. Indústria fonográfica X novas plataformas musicais: Trânsitos sonoros na era da Internet

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    Tatiana Rodrigues Lima


    Full Text Available

    O artigo traz um breve panorama sobre alguns dos novos mediadores de circulação musical no século XX, pontuando os conflitos e as permanências experimentados pela indústria fonográfica no novo contexto. A participação das gravadoras nos trânsitos musicais via internet e outras plataformas digitais é confrontada com novas formas de mediação, promovidas por empresas oriundas de setores da comunicação, informática e entretenimento no comércio de arquivos, softwares e hardwares relacionados à circulação musical. Observa-se ainda que os ouvintes são cada vez mais ativos na mediação musical, através de ações nas plataformas ligadas às majors das TIs e do entretenimento, bem como da disponibilização de conteúdos (áudios, vídeos e textos em sites colaborativos e alternativos.

  16. Internet technologies and requirements for telemedicine (United States)

    Lamaster, H.; Meylor, J.; Meylor, F.


    Internet technologies are briefly introduced and those applicable for telemedicine are reviewed. Multicast internet technologies are described. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 'Telemedicine Space-bridge to Russia' project is described and used to derive requirements for internet telemedicine. Telemedicine privacy and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements are described.

  17. Internet marketing a ICT ve Vietnamu


    Nguyen, Anh Tuan


    The thesis deals with general theory of internet marketing, its opening and discrete premises for functioning, positive sides and threats that internet marketing can bring. An important part of the thesis is drawing an image of the current level of ICT infrastructure and the situation in internet marketing aplication in Vietnam.

  18. Towards Internet of Things: Survey and Future Vision


    Omar Said; Mehedi Masud


    Internet of things is a promising research due to its importance in many commerce, industry, and education applications. Recently, new applications and research challenges in numerous areas of Internet of things are fired. In this paper, we discuss the history of Internet of things, different proposed architectures of Internet of things, research challenges and open problems related to the Internet of things. We also introduce the concept of Internet of things database and discuss about the f...

  19. Internet Alternatifs


    Dulong de Rosnay , Melanie; Musiani , Francesca


    International audience; L'Internet est constitué de différents éléments et couches, qui peuvent être développés, façonnés et organisés de plusieurs manières : le réseau, l'hébergement, les applications, la connexion locale, les contenus. Si le concept de décentralisation est en quelque sorte inscrit dans le principe même de l'Internet – et notamment dans l'organisation de la circulation des flux – son urbanisme actuel semble n'intégrer ce principe que de manière limitée, et certains des risqu...

  20. Internet uses for health information seeking : Internet uses and healthcare information


    Renahy , Emilie; Chauvin , Pierre


    Background: With the widespread dissemination of the Internet throughout the world of health, it would be relevant to report on current knowledge about health information search on the Internet from the consumers' standpoint. Methods: We conducted a bibliographical research over the past five years and distinguished between international and French studies. Results: For a long time, the (mostly US) studies have been merely descriptive. The studies highlight that the factors associated with he...

  1. Security incidents on the Internet, 1989--1995

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Howard, J.D.


    This paper presents an analysis of trends in Internet security based on an investigation of 4,299 Internet security-related incidents reported to the CERT{reg_sign} Coordination Center (CERT{reg_sign}/CC) from 1989 through 1995. Prior to this research, knowledge of actual Internet security incidents was limited and primarily anecdotal. This research: (1) developed a taxonomy to classify Internet attacks and incidents, (2) organized, classified, and analyzed CERT{reg_sign}/CC incident records, (3) summarized the relative frequency of the use of tools and vulnerabilities, success in achieving access, and results of attacks, (4) estimated total Internet incident activity, (5) developed recommendations for Internet users and suppliers, and (6) developed recommendations for future research. With the exception of denial-of-service attacks, security incidents were found to be increasing at a rate less than Internet growth. Estimates showed that most, if not all, severe incidents were reported to the CERT{reg_sign}/CC, and that more than one out of three above average incidents (in terms of duration and number of sites) were reported. Estimates also indicated that a typical Internet site was involved in, at most, around one incident (of any kind) per year, and a typical Internet host in, at most, around one incident in 45 years. The probability of unauthorized privileged access was around an order of magnitude less likely. As a result, simple and reasonable security precautions should be sufficient for most Internet users.

  2. New Paradigms in Internet Computing

    CERN Document Server

    Tripathy, Piyu; Naik, Sagar


    The renaissance of internet has reached the mainstream that is named as Web 2.0. People are now using the web to build things they have never thought of earlier. Experts take a step forward to what we contribute, and extend it and give back to the society, i.e. really the boon of internet computing. It has revolutionized the current business environment, not as a mere computing tool, but offers versatile services and increase the productive flow of information. It is a new dimension in computing systems by which companies can curtail their operating expenses, by hosting and operating through the internet. Now the users can access the required information by means of any device connected with an internet. The challenge ahead for implementing this versatile system is that the software and technology has to be developed and deployed simultaneously vis-a-vis safeguarding the security and privacy of information.             This book encompasses various research and developments in Internet technology a...

  3. Interlinguistics and the Internet. (United States)

    Fettes, Mark


    Argues that the Internet offers new opportunities for the development, use, and study of planned languages. Notes that while most Web pages on "constructed" languages are the work of individual hobbyists, a few projects have small communities of users. The paper concludes that the use of Esperanto on the Internet reflects increased socialization…

  4. Banking on the Internet. (United States)

    Internet Research, 1996


    Electronic ground was broken in 1995 with the development of the completely Internet-based bank Security First Network Bank. This article discusses the need for developing online services, outlines the reasons for the formation of an Internet-based bank and argues that to remain competitive financial services providers must provide easier customer…

  5. Internet of things


    Salazar Soler, Jorge; Silvestre Bergés, Santiago


    This is an introductory course to the IoT (Internet of things). In the early chapters the basics about the IoT are introduced. Then basics of IPv6 internet protocol that is the most used in IoT environment as well as main applications, the current state of the market and the technologies that enable the existence of the IoT are described. Finally the future challenges that are considered most important are discussed. Peer Reviewed

  6. Security in Internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felician ALECU


    Full Text Available A very good method that can be used to protect a private network is the implementation of a firewall between Internet and Intranet. This firewall will filter the packets that transit the network according with the security policy defined at the system level. The SSL protocol allows verifying the identity of a WEB server based on a digital certificate issued by a certification authority. Secure data transport over the Internet is done by using encryption methods.

  7. Internet security information system implement method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Baoxu; Mei Jie; Xu Rongsheng; An Dehai; Yu Mingjian; Chen Xiangyang; Zheng Peng


    On the basis of analysis of the key elements that will affect the Internet Security Information System, the author takes UNIX Operating System as an example, and provides the important stages that must be considered when implementing the Internet Security Information System. An implemental model of the Internet Security Information System is given

  8. Problematic Internet Usage of ICT Teachers (United States)

    Gunduz, Semseddin


    Information and communication technologies (ICT) have affected all area in a society. Human can learn quickly and accurately from the internet. The aim of this study was to investigate what the problematic internet usage of ICT teachers. Therefore, the present study investigated the problematic internet usage, who worked as an ICT teacher in…

  9. Hospital marketing and the Internet: revisited. (United States)

    Shepherd, C D; Fell, D


    In 1995 a study was conducted to explore the use of the Internet in hospital marketing. Use of the Internet has exploded since that study was published. This manuscript replicates the 1995 study and extends it by investigating several managerial and operational issues concerning the use of the Internet in hospital marketing.

  10. Internet pornography viewing preference as a risk factor for adolescent Internet addiction: The moderating role of classroom personality factors. (United States)

    Alexandraki, Kyriaki; Stavropoulos, Vasileios; Burleigh, Tyrone L; King, Daniel L; Griffiths, Mark D


    Background and aims Adolescent Internet pornography viewing has been significantly increased in the last decade with research highlighting its association with Internet addiction (IA). However, there is little longitudinal data on this topic, particularly in relation to peer context effects. This study aimed to examine age- and context-related variations in the Internet pornography-IA association. Methods A total of 648 adolescents, from 34 classrooms, were assessed at 16 years and then at 18 years to examine the effect of Internet pornography preference on IA in relation to the classroom context. IA was assessed using the Internet Addiction Test (Young, 1998), Internet pornography preference (over other Internet applications) was assessed with a binary (yes/no) question, and classroom introversion and openness to experience (OTE) with the synonymous subscales within the Five Factor Questionnaire (Asendorpf & Van Aken, 2003). Results Three-level hierarchical linear models were calculated. Findings showed that viewing Internet pornography exacerbates the risk of IA over time, while classroom factors, such as the average level of OTE and introversion, differentially moderate this relationship. Discussion and conclusion The study demonstrated that the contribution of Internet pornography preference (as an IA risk factor) might be increased in more extroverted classrooms and decreased in OTE classrooms.

  11. Prevalence of internet addiction and its association with stressful life events and psychological symptoms among adolescent internet users. (United States)

    Tang, Jie; Yu, Yizhen; Du, Yukai; Ma, Ying; Zhang, Dongying; Wang, Jiaji


    Internet addiction (IA) among adolescents is a serious public health problem around the world. However, there have been few studies that examine the association between IA and stressful life events and psychological symptoms among Chinese adolescent internet users. We examined the association between IA and stressful life events and psychological symptoms among a random sample of school students who were internet users (N=755) in Wuhan, China. Internet addiction, stressful life events, coping style and psychological symptoms were measured by self-rated scales. The prevalence rate of internet addiction was 6.0% among adolescent internet users. Logistic regression analyses indicated that stressors from interpersonal problem and school related problem and anxiety symptoms were significantly associated with IA after controlling for demographic characteristics. Analyses examining the coping style with the IA revealed that negative coping style may mediate the effects of stressful life events to increase the risk of IA. However, no significant interaction of stressful life events and psychological symptoms was found. These findings of the current study indicate a high prevalence of internet addiction among Chinese adolescent internet users and highlight the importance of stressors from interpersonal problem and school related problem as a risk factor for IA which mainly mediated through negative coping style. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. "On the Internet no one knows I'm an introvert": extroversion, neuroticism, and Internet interaction. (United States)

    Amichai-Hamburger, Yair; Wainapel, Galit; Fox, Shaul


    Social communication is one of the most common reasons for using the Internet. This paper examines how the personality characteristics of the user affect the meaning and importance of Internet social interaction in comparison with "real life," face-to-face interactions. Forty subjects all of whom were familiar with using "chat" participated in this study. After a at" session, they were instructed to answer several questionnaires. It was found that introverted and neurotic people locate their "real me" on the Internet, while extroverts and nonneurotic people locate their "real me" through traditional social interaction. The implications of our results for understanding the user-net interaction, the "real-me" location, extroversion, neuroticism, and Internet interaction, and the treatment of social phobics are examined.

  13. Playing with the internet through world wide web

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Seon Tae; Jang, Jin Seok


    This book describes how to use the internet with world wide web. It is divided into six chapters, which are Let's go to the internet ocean, the internet in information superhighway are, connecting the world with a telephone wire such as link with the internet cable and telephone modem, internet service providers, text mode connection, Domain and IP address, the principle and use of world wide web ; business, music, fashion, movie and photo, internet news and e-mail, making internet map with web language, and from installation to application of base program such as TCP/IP, SLIP/PPP 3270 Emulator, Finger and NCSA Mosaic.

  14. Predictiveness of Identity Status, Main Internet Use Purposes and Gender on University Students' the Problematic Internet Use (United States)

    Ceyhan, Esra


    This study aims at revealing the relationships between the problematic Internet use of university students and their identity status, main Internet use purposes, and gender. A total of 464 university students participated in the study, and the research data were collected through the Problematic Internet Use Scale, the Extended Objective Measure…

  15. A series of studies examining Internet treatment of obesity to inform Internet interventions for substance use and misuse. (United States)

    Tate, Deborah F


    The feasibility and efficacy of Internet treatment programs for overweight and obese people have been demonstrated in a series of randomized trials. Initial studies examined various approaches to Internet behavioral treatment. Other studies have examined delivery of group behavioral counseling using Internet chat rooms, using the Internet for long-term maintenance of weight loss, and enhancing motivation in Internet programs. These interventions have produced weight losses of 4-7 kg over 6 months to 1 year when support via e-mail, automated messages, or chat rooms is provided. Outcomes and lessons learned with application to the treatment of substance use and misuse are provided.

  16. Review: Nicola Döring (2003. Sozialpsychologie des Internet. Die Bedeutung des Internet für Kommunikationsprozesse, Identitäten, soziale Beziehungen und Gruppen [Social Psychology of the Internet. The Importance of the Internet for Communication Processe

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    Gerald Kral


    Full Text Available This book is the second, completely revised and extended edition of the first publication from 1999 that soon became one of the most important publications about Internet research in the German-speaking world. The new edition takes into account new research findings and updates the book to the present state of research. It begins with the history and the development of the Internet, describes the various applications and services available over the Internet, presents theories of computer-mediated communication, and outlines methods and results of online-research into the impact of the Internet on identity and social relationships to individual users and groups of users. All relevant issues of this field of research are presented. The goal of the book is more a broad overview of current research, rather than extensively detailed information. The book represents a not-to-be-neglected guide for all scientists dealing with psychological aspects of Internet research. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0401349

  17. Internet pricing: una breve rassegna critica (Internet Pricing: A Short Critical Survey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudio Sardoni


    Full Text Available In the article, some recent literature on Internet pricing is surveyed. The author looks at the topic by setting it in the more general framework of the analysis of activities that can be regarded as similar to Internet from the technological and economic point of view. In particular, attention is focused on the problem of the divergence between private and social costs when there occurs network congestion and the problem of efficient prices in activities characterized by the existence of peak-loads. The author argues that dealing with such issues in the context of Internet cannot be reduced to a straightforward application of traditional results of welfare economics and the literature on peak-load pricing. In a competitive market with similar features to the market for Internet services, it is well possible that there do not exist incentives that induce firms to adopt price systems such as to prevent and/or eliminate congestion. Further theoretical and analytical developments are then in order.  JEL Codes: L86, L11Keywords: Pricing

  18. Risk Factors for Internet Gaming Disorder: Psychological Factors and Internet Gaming Characteristics. (United States)

    Rho, Mi Jung; Lee, Hyeseon; Lee, Taek-Ho; Cho, Hyun; Jung, Dong Jin; Kim, Dai-Jin; Choi, In Young


    Background : Understanding the risk factors associated with Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is important to predict and diagnose the condition. The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors that predict IGD based on psychological factors and Internet gaming characteristics; Methods : Online surveys were conducted between 26 November and 26 December 2014. There were 3568 Korean Internet game users among a total of 5003 respondents. We identified 481 IGD gamers and 3087 normal Internet gamers, based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5) criteria. Logistic regression analysis was applied to identify significant risk factors for IGD; Results : The following eight risk factors were found to be significantly associated with IGD: functional and dysfunctional impulsivity (odds ratio: 1.138), belief self-control (1.034), anxiety (1.086), pursuit of desired appetitive goals (1.105), money spent on gaming (1.005), weekday game time (1.081), offline community meeting attendance (2.060), and game community membership (1.393; p < 0.05 for all eight risk factors); Conclusions : These risk factors allow for the prediction and diagnosis of IGD. In the future, these risk factors could also be used to inform clinical services for IGD diagnosis and treatment.

  19. Internet technologies and information services

    CERN Document Server

    Miller, Joseph


    Internet Technologies and Information Services: Second Edition is a vital asset to students preparing for careers in library and information science and provides expanded coverage to important new developments while still covering Internet foundations. In addition to networking, the Internet, HTML, web design, web programming, XML, and web searching, this new edition covers additional topics such as cloud computing, content management systems, eBook technologies, mobile technologies and applications, relational database management systems (RDMS), open source software, and virtual priva

  20. Reports on internet traffic statistics


    Hoogesteger, Martijn; de Oliveira Schmidt, R.; Sperotto, Anna; Pras, Aiko


    Internet traffic statistics can provide valuable information to network analysts and researchers about the way nowadays networks are used. In the past, such information was provided by Internet2 in a public website called Internet2 NetFlow: Weekly Reports. The website reported traffic statistics from the Abilene network on a weekly basis. At that time, the network connected 230 research institutes with a 10Gb/s link. Although these reports were limited to the behavior of the Albeline's users,...

  1. Consumer protection and internet shopping


    Blažková, Lenka


    The diploma thesis is devoted to the issue of online shopping. Its aim is to analyze internet shopping and see the rights and obligations of consumers and sellers, which are based on current legislation. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with purchase over the internet and its regulations. There are explained the concepts internet, e-business and e-commerce and indicate the types of e-business and is mentioned certification of online stores. The practical part i...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rediana Setiyani


    Full Text Available This study has objectives to know (1 the ways / patterns of Internet usage by accounting students of Economics Faculty, Unnes in the academic year of 2009/2010, (2 the benefits of Internet to support the studying of accounting students of Economics Faculty, Unnes in the academic year of 2009/2010 (3 the difference of internet usage as a learning resource among accounting students in 4th semester, 1st and 3rd semester of Economics Faculty at Unnes III in the academic year of 2009/2010. The populations of the study are all accounting program students of Economics Faculty, Unnes. The sampling technique used was stratified random sampling. Method of data collection was questionnaire. Technique of data analysis was descriptive analysis and One Way ANOVA test. The results of this study showed that students who used wifi / hotspot for internet were 57%, students who used the internet cafe were 29.7%, and 13.3% students via modem. Benefit of Internet in supporting their studying was in good categorization, it means that students were sure when they got more information; it would improve their achievement also. There are differences in Internet usage as a learning source by students in II semester and IV semester, students in II semester and  VI semester, students in IV semester and VI semester, students in IV semester  and VIII semester, students in VI semester and VIII semester. On the other hand, students in II semester and VIII semester were not different. From the results above, the suggestions are: 1 the hotspot area should be increased on the campus; so students can easily access anywhere, 2 the speed of internet access is also added, so students can quickly download information related to their studying, 3 students can take the advantages of hotspot areas in the campus as much as possible so they can get more information and 4 Students should not rely on textbooks only, but also should look for other information that supports their studying.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rediana Setiyani


    Full Text Available This study has objectives to know (1 the ways / patterns of Internet usage by accounting students of Economics Faculty, Unnes in the academic year of 2009/2010, (2 the benefits of Internet to support the studying of accounting students of Economics Faculty, Unnes in the academic year of 2009/2010 (3 the difference of internet usage as a learning resource among accounting students in 4th semester, 1st and 3rd semester of Economics Faculty at Unnes III in the academic year of 2009/2010. The populations of the study are all accounting program students of Economics Faculty, Unnes. The sampling technique used was stratified random sampling. Method of data collection was questionnaire. Technique of data analysis was descriptive analysis and One Way ANOVA test. The results of this study showed that students who used wifi / hotspot for internet were 57%, students who used the internet cafe were 29.7%, and 13.3% students via modem. Benefit of Internet in supporting their studying was in good categorization, it means that students were sure when they got more information; it would improve their achievement also. There are differences in Internet usage as a learning source by students in II semester and IV semester, students in II semester and  VI semester, students in IV semester and VI semester, students in IV semester  and VIII semester, students in VI semester and VIII semester. On the other hand, students in II semester and VIII semester were not different. From the results above, the suggestions are: 1 the hotspot area should be increased on the campus; so students can easily access anywhere, 2 the speed of internet access is also added, so students can quickly download information related to their studying, 3 students can take the advantages of hotspot areas in the campus as much as possible so they can get more information and 4 Students should not rely on textbooks only, but also should look for other information that supports their studying.

  4. Creating Pupils' Internet Magazine (United States)

    Bognar, Branko; Šimic, Vesna


    This article presents an action research, which aimed to improve pupils' literary creativity and enable them to use computers connected to the internet. The study was conducted in a small district village school in Croatia. Creating a pupils' internet magazine appeared to be an excellent way for achieving the educational aims of almost all…

  5. Ethics and Internet Measurements

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Ham, Jeroen; van Rijswijk, Roland M.


    Over the past decade the Internet has changed from a helpful tool to an important part of our daily lives for most of the world’s population. Where in the past the Internet mostly served to look up and exchange information, it is now used to stay in touch with friends, perform financial transactions

  6. Internet Journal of Medical Update

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Internet Journal of Medical Update 2010 July;5(2):8-14. Internet Journal ... hospitalizations. This study of Nigerian patients with diabetes examined the adequacy of ..... Physicians need .... relationship between patient education and glycaemic ...

  7. Internet Literacy of Vocational High School Teachers (United States)

    Vernanda, D.; Abdullah, A. G.; Rohendi, D.


    Internet literacy is needed to know the development of the world in various things quickly and precisely, as well as in the world of education, especially teachers. Seeing the importance of internet literacy, there is an interest to discuss and analyze the level of internet literacy of teachers. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The sample of research is vocational school teacher (SMK) as many as 99 respondents. Data are collected through questionnaires. The theory used is adopted from Suitable Learning Object Type (LRE APV4.7) and Three Elements of Literacy Digital. The result data of the questionnaire is processed and analyzed using Capability Maturity Model theory, the result of the research shows that the level of internet literacy of vocational teachers is at level 2, meaning that SMK teachers have used the internet many times to assist their daily activities and have pattern of repetition in internet utilization. The use of internet by teachers of SMK with various needs that support the process of teaching, communicating, sharing knowledge, but the most dominant is to communicate through social media. Factors affecting internet usage include age, gender, and employment status.

  8. Analysis of Improvement Factors in Internet Addiction of Junior High School Students : Focusing on the Self-recognition of Internet Addiction


    酒井, 郷平


    In recent years’ smartphones and tablets use has increased among children, so Internet addiction has increased. In school education, a lesson program aimed at behavioral changes concerning children’s Internet addiction and contact with the Internet is yet to be well-established. Because, factors of student’s dependence on the Internet are still unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the factors of behavioral for student’s Internet addiction. Consequently, we condu...

  9. Disparities in internet use among orthopedic outpatients. (United States)

    Walsh, Kenneth P; Rehman, Saqib; Goldhirsh, Jessie


    Internet access has lagged behind for patients with lower incomes and from certain ethnic groups. This study investigated the possible improvement of access to health-related information on the Internet for all patients in an urban outpatient setting, regardless of socioeconomic background. A 28-question survey was completed by 100 orthopedic outpatients evaluating associations between their age, ethnicity, income, or education level and their access to the Internet. The survey also examined how patients used the Internet to obtain information about their medical condition, their privacy concerns when conducting online research, and their use of mobile phones as a primary means of Internet access. The Internet was used by 57% of orthopedic outpatients in this urban setting. Internet access decreased with advancing age but increased with increasing income and education, findings consistent with similar studies. Despite the inability to identify an association between ethnicity and Internet access in this patient population, fewer Latinos (33%) than whites (67%) or African Americans (77%) sought information about their medical condition. Among patients who used a mobile phone as the primary method for online access, 74% were African American or Latino and 26% were white. This difference in mobile phone use for online access suggests that mobile phones have provided ethnic minorities with greater Internet access and thus may have narrowed the digital divide among the races. Copyright 2014, SLACK Incorporated.

  10. Gender (in)equality in internet pornography: a content analysis of popular pornographic internet videos

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klaassen, M.J.E.; Peter, J.


    Although Internet pornography is widely consumed and researchers have started to investigate its effects, we still know little about its content. This has resulted in contrasting claims about whether Internet pornography depicts gender (in)equality and whether this depiction differs between amateur

  11. Prevalence of problematic internet use in Slovenia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Macur Mirna


    Full Text Available Internet use is an integral part of our everyday activities; however, Internet use may become problematic and harmful in a minority of cases. The majority of reported prevalence rates of problematic Internet use refer to adolescent samples, whereas epidemiological studies on representative adult populations are lacking. This study aimed to reveal the prevalence and characteristics of problematic Internet use in Slovenia.

  12. Older Adults' Knowledge of Internet Hazards (United States)

    Grimes, Galen A.; Hough, Michelle G.; Mazur, Elizabeth; Signorella, Margaret L.


    Older adults are less likely to be using computers and less knowledgeable about Internet security than are younger users. The two groups do not differ on trust of Internet information. The younger group shows no age or gender differences. Within the older group, computer users are more trusting of Internet information, and along with those with…

  13. The Internet: Friend, Foe or Target? (United States)

    James, Jonathan D.


    In this chapter, the author provides an overview of how the Internet, a byproduct of our times, is shaping our culture and society in profound ways. He notes some of the major concerns and perils of the Internet age and concludes by pointing out how and why certain countries are targeting the Internet in terms of increased regulation and…

  14. Internet Use and Breast Cancer Survivors (United States)

    Muhamad, Mazanah; Afshari, Mojgan; Mohamed, Nor Aini


    A survey was administered to 400 breast cancer survivors at hospitals and support group meetings in Peninsular Malaysia to explore their level of Internet use and factors related to the Internet use by breast cancer survivors. Findings of this study indicated that about 22.5% of breast cancer survivors used Internet to get information about breast…

  15. Remote Thermal Analysis Through the Internet (United States)

    Malroy, Eric T.


    The Heater of the Hypersonic Tunnel Facility (HTF) was modeled using SINDA/FLUINT thermal software. A description of the model is given. The project presented the opportunity of interfacing the thermal model with the Internet and was a demonstration that complex analysis is possible through the Internet. Some of the issues that need to be addressed related to interfacing software with the Internet are the following: justification for using the Internet, selection of the web server, choice of the CGI language, security of the system, communication among the parties, maintenance of state between web pages, and simultaneous users on the Internet system. The opportunities available for using the Internet for analysis are many and can present a significant jump in technology. This paper presents a vision how interfacing with the Internet could develop in the future. Using a separate Optical Internet (OI) for analysis, coupled with virtual reality analysis rooms (VRAR), could provide a synergistic environment to couple together engineering analysis within industry, academia, and government. The process of analysis could be broken down into sub-components so that specialization could occur resulting in superior quality, minimized cost and reduced time for engineering analysis and manufacturing. Some possible subcomponents of the system are solver routines, databases, Graphical User Interfaces, engineering design software, VRARs, computer processing, CAD systems, manufacturing, and a plethora of other options only limited by ones imagination. On a larger scope, the specialization of companies on the optical network would allow companies to rapidly construct and reconstruct their infrastructure based on changing economic conditions. This could transform business.

  16. The Influence of Internet on Current-day Chinese Language with Special Reference to Internet Neologism

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    This paper makes a study on language change in Chinese,mainly dealing with how the internet is changing Chinese language,quoting examples of new words and expressions from internet over the last decades.

  17. Wireless mobile Internet security

    CERN Document Server

    Rhee, Man Young


      The mobile industry for wireless cellular services has grown at a rapid pace over the past decade. Similarly, Internet service technology has also made dramatic growth through the World Wide Web with a wire line infrastructure. Realization for complete wired/wireless mobile Internet technologies will become the future objectives for convergence of these technologies thr

  18. Internet Safety and Security Surveys - A Review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sharp, Robin

    This report gives a review of investigations into Internet safety and security over the last 10 years. The review covers a number of surveys of Internet usage, of Internet security in general, and of Internet users' awareness of issues related to safety and security. The focus and approach...... of the various surveys is considered, and is related to more general proposals for investigating the issues involved. A variety of proposals for how to improve levels of Internet safety and security are also described, and they are reviewed in the light of studies of motivational factors which affect the degree...

  19. Examination of the Relationship between Internet Attitudes and Internet Addictions of 13-18-Year-Old Students: The Case of Kahramanmaras (United States)

    Ilhan, Aziz; Çelik, H. Coskun; Gemcioglu, Muharrem; Çiftaslan, Malik Ejder


    This study aims to determine internet attitudes and internet addiction levels of 13-18-year-old students and examine the relationship between these variables. The "internet attitude scale", developed by Tavsancil and Keser (2002) and the "internet addiction scale", developed by Hahn and Jerusalem and adapted into Turkish by…

  20. Odyssée internet enjeux sociaux

    CERN Document Server

    Lajoie, Jacques


    Quels sont les véritables enjeux d'Internet? Comment évaluer l'importance de l'accessibilité au savoir technique? Internet amplifie-t-il les fractures sociales ou constitue-t-il un espace public plus transparent, plus universel? Pour répondre à ces questions, les auteurs analysent les pratiques de communication, de socialisation et d'exploration associées à Internet. Ils étudient certaines expériences innovatrices autour d'usages créatifs et proposent des réflexions vives et parfois controversées sur la nature et la culture d'Internet.

  1. Economics and Governance of the wireless Internet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falch, Morten; Henten, Anders; Tadayoni, Reza

    barriers of entry. In this paper three issues are discussed: 1) Developments in pricing schemes for Internet interconnection and Internet access with special focus on the role of wireless access. 2) Developments in supporting infrastructures with special focus on the increasing role of wireless......The Internet has undergone a growing diversification with regard to types of users, kinds of services and use of transmission technologies and infrastructures. Today, internet services are delivered by the use of many different wired and wireless communication technologies with different technical...... capabilities and limitations, and with different techno-economic characteristics. The question is whether these trends challenge the current mode of governance for the Internet. In the early days, the Internet was considered to be open, free, competitive, with a high level of entrepreneurialism, and with low...

  2. Next generation internet protocol marks shattered in Internet2 land speed record competition

    CERN Multimedia


    "An international team set new Internet2 Land Speed Records using next generation Internet Protocols (IPv6) by achieving 983 megabits-per-second with a single IPv6 stream for more than an hour across a distance of 7,067 kilometers (more than 4,000 miles) from Geneva, Switzerland to Chicago, Ill." (1 page).

  3. Internet-based instruction in college teaching (United States)

    Flickinger, Kathleen Anne

    Distance education and Internet instruction are increasingly being used in college science teaching. In an effort to reach more students, Iowa State University's Human Anatomy and Physiology course was offered via Internet as well as via traditional lecture format. To assess the educational ramifications of this offering, three studies were conducted. In the first study, a collective case study approach was utilized to describe the learning environment created by an Internet-based college science course. In this study, three students were followed as they worked their way through the course. Collective case study methodologies were used to provide a rich description of the learning environment experienced by these students. Motivation, computer savvy, and academic and personal self-confidence appeared to impact the satisfaction level of the students enrolled in the class. To evaluate the effectiveness of the learning environment offered through the Internet-based science course, a quantitative comparison study was undertaken. In this study a comparison of achievement scores and study habits between students enrolled in the Internet-based class and those enrolled in the traditional section was made. Results from this study indicated that content understanding and retention did not appear to be effected by the type of instruction. Desirable study habits were reportedly used more frequently in the Internet section of the class than in the traditional class. To complete the description of the Internet course experience, a qualitative examination of Internet instructors' time commitment and level of teaching satisfaction was conducted. Data for this study consisted of interviews and researcher observations. Instructor time-on-task was initially quite high, and remained above the average spent on average face-to-face instruction in subsequent semesters. Additionally the role of the faculty member changed dramatically, causing some lessening of job satisfaction. Taken as

  4. The Influence of Internet on Current-day Chinese Language with Special Reference to Internet Neologism

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    This paper makes a study on language change in Chinese, mainly dealing with how the internet is changing Chinese lan-guage, quoting examples of new words and expressions from internet over the last decades.

  5. Can the Internet swing the vote?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoff, Jens Villiam

    interested in politics are those most affected by their political Internet use in an election period. All three hypotheses are verified with some modifications. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that socio-demographic factors like age; gender, education and income are of little importance in explaining......This article investigates whether political use of the Internet affects users politically. Using a combination of log- and survey data from a study of Internet use during the Danish 2007 parliamentary election, and inspired by theories on agenda setting and on the active/interactive user, three...... hypotheses are tested: 1) that those who use the Internet most intensively politically are also the most politically affected, 2) that "net activists" (web 2.0 users) are affected more by their political Internet use than "information seekers" (web 1.0 users), and 3) that those who are somewhat or little...

  6. When the Internet Hits the Road

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Christian Søndergaard


    The Internet has recovered from the dot-com crash of the early 2000's and now features an abundance of new, innovative technologies and services. We are also witnessing the emergence of a communication and computing infrastructure that encompasses millions of people with mobile devices, such as m......The Internet has recovered from the dot-com crash of the early 2000's and now features an abundance of new, innovative technologies and services. We are also witnessing the emergence of a communication and computing infrastructure that encompasses millions of people with mobile devices......, such as mobile phones, with Internet connectivity. This infrastructure will soon enable the Internet to go mobile. This paper describes the background and aspirations of a new research project that is concerned with data management aspects of innovative mobile Internet services. It is argued that mobile services...

  7. Analisis Perkembangan Internet Broadband di Daerah Perbatasan Sulawesi Utara

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riva'atul Adaniah Wahab


    Full Text Available Adopsi teknologi internet broadband dapat memberikan dampak ekonomi bagi masyarakat perbatasan. Karenanya pemerataan pembangunan internet broadband di wilayah  ini harus segera diwujudkan. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif ini dilaksanakan di wilayah perbatasan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara untuk mengetahui kondisi aspek supply dan demand perkembangan internet broadband di wilayah tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari aspek supply, kondisi infrastruktur masih sangat kurang, ketersediaan layanan internet broadband berkualitas tinggi dengan tarif rendah juga masih sulit diwujudkan. Dari aspek demand, stigma atau persepsi masyarakat bahwa internet tidak penting menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab tidak memiliki akses internet. Adapun hambatan yang paling dominan adalah ketidakpahaman dalam penggunaan internet. Faktor ini juga menjadi mendasari literasi internet broadband masyarakat pada level 0 yaitu  tidak peduli akan pentinya internet. Menanggapai kondisi ini, penyusunan dan penetapan kebijakan serta regulasi seperti QoS layanan, tarif interkoneksi, infrastructure sharing dibuat untuk menyediakan internet broadband berkualitas tinggi dengan harga murah. Selain itu distribusi perangkat mobile berharga murah (smartphone juga perlu didorong dengan penerapan TKDN untuk produksi perangkat. Tidak kalah pentingnya adalah peningkatan literasi internet broadband masyarakat melalui sosialisasi atau pelatihan baik formal maupun nonformal. Abstract   Adoption of internet broadband internet can provide the economic impact for border communities. Hence equitable development of internet broadband in the region should be immediately implemented. This quantitative descriptive study was conducted in the border region of North Sulawesi to determine the condition of supply and demand aspects of the development of internet broadband. Based on the results, it can be concluded that from the aspect of supply, the condition of the

  8. The principle of the Internet evolving and a conjecture on the optimal structure of the Internet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ying, Li; Hong-Duo, Cao; Xiu-Ming, Shan; Yong, Ren; Jian, Yuan


    In this paper we will give the statistical characteristics and general principles of an optimal structure of the Internet, which is a scale-free network. Since the purpose of the Internet is to allow fast and easy communication, the average path length is used to measure the performance of the network, and the number of edges of the network is used as a metric of its cost. Based on this, the goal of this Internet optimization problem is to obtain the highest performance with the lowest cost. A multi goal optimization problem is proposed to model this problem. By using two empirical formulas of and , we are able to find the statistical characteristics of the optimal structure. There is a critical power law exponent α c for the Internet with power law degree distribution, at which the Internet can obtain a relatively good performance with a low cost. We find that this α c is approximately 2.1


    Puharić, Zrinka; Stašević, Ina; Ropac, Darko; Petričević, Nina; Jurišić, Irena


    The aim of the study was to explore the characteristics of Internet use among elementary school eighth-graders in the Bjelo- var-Bilogora County, to evaluate gender and sociodemographic differences, and to examine predictors for Internet addiction. The study included 437 (female 51%) eighth-graders, mean age 13.8 ± 0.5 years. An anonymous questionnaire was used to measure the participants' Internet use, the functions for which they used Internet, their parents' attitude towards the child's Internet use, and their signs of Internet addiction. Logistic regression was conducted to evaluate predictors for Internet addiction. The majority of children (71.5%) reported using Internet every day. Considering important risk factors of Internet addiction development, we found that 32% of children almost always stayed on-line longer than intended, 13% of boys and 4% of girls almost always neglected chores to spend more time on-line and 51.7% of children thought their life would be boring and uninteresting without the Internet. There was no significant difference between urban and rural students. In terms of the function for which they used the Internet, they were mostly engaged in on-line community/chat websites (70%), to listen to music and watch movies (81 %), and boys in gaming websites. Most of the students (43.4%) spent 1-2 hours daily on-line, 26.2% of students spent 3-4 hours on-line, and 9% spent more than 5 hours daily on-line. In conclusion, more public health preventive measures should be conducted to raise public awareness and concern about the negative effect of Internet use and Internet addiction, especially in the young population.

  10. The Future of the Internet

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Komaroff, Mitchell


    .... While the DoD no longer controls Internet decision making, its unique perspective deriving from its multiple roles as Internet user, operator, and research center is important to the development and protection of U.S. national interests...

  11. Digital Labour in Chinese Internet Industries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bingqing Xia


    Full Text Available Digital labour has been the subject of considerable research in recent years (Van Dijck 2009, Manzerolle 2010, Dyer-Witheford 2010. But relatively little research has considered professional workers in digital media. This research addresses this gap by focusing on professional workers in the Chinese Internet industries. This paper asks: How are these digital labourers involved in the digital media production? To what extent should we criticise this involvement? Based on detailed empirical research in China, I argue that the rapid growth of the Internet industries depends on exploiting these Internet workers, such as the workers in Chinese Internet industries—the new ‘sweatshop’ of the digital era. Chinese Internet workers have been subsumed in the global capitalist system as the new ‘sweatshop workers’. This paper shows that Chinese Internet workers suffer very poor working conditions, and argues that these working conditions are the result of exploitation, a concept explored via using Eric Olin Wright’s schema. This paper also argues that most of the Chinese Internet workers are in the lower middle-class class position, in which they are exploited by the upper classes. Their working conditions have seriously deteriorated and they are victims of inequality and injustice—although they also are able to exercise agency and resistance. This paper therefore calls urgent attention to the working conditions of these digital labourers.

  12. What is the next innovation after the internet of things?


    Cao, Hung


    The world had witnessed several generations of the Internet. Starting with the Fixed Internet, then the Mobile Internet, scientists now focus on many types of research related to the "Thing" Internet (or Internet of Things). The question is "what is the next Internet generation after the Thing Internet?" This paper envisions about the Tactile Internet which could be the next Internet generation in the near future. The paper will introduce what is the tactile internet, why it could be the next...


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    Full Text Available The purpose of this journal is to mention of how the opportunity of Internet marketing and the strategy of selling via Internet marketing, The community of Indonesian now become the potential buyer because more than 30 million users of Internet in Indonesia now. So that, this is the challenge for us to make the business based on e-commerce and application the strategy of selling via Internet marketing.

  14. Internet na Kubě a cenzura


    Hořejší, Jan


    This paper focuses on issues related to Internet in Cuba, their development, current trends and tendencies and nowadays course of events in the Cuban network also with regard to the United States - Cuban thaw. Further on, the methodology of limiting the access to the open Internet including Internet censorship is explained and the analytical part determines how much freedom of an Internet user in Cuba is actually limited.

  15. Adaptive Reactive Rich Internet Applications (United States)

    Schmidt, Kay-Uwe; Stühmer, Roland; Dörflinger, Jörg; Rahmani, Tirdad; Thomas, Susan; Stojanovic, Ljiljana

    Rich Internet Applications significantly raise the user experience compared with legacy page-based Web applications because of their highly responsive user interfaces. Although this is a tremendous advance, it does not solve the problem of the one-size-fits-all approach1 of current Web applications. So although Rich Internet Applications put the user in a position to interact seamlessly with the Web application, they do not adapt to the context in which the user is currently working. In this paper we address the on-the-fly personalization of Rich Internet Applications. We introduce the concept of ARRIAs: Adaptive Reactive Rich Internet Applications and elaborate on how they are able to adapt to the current working context the user is engaged in. An architecture for the ad hoc adaptation of Rich Internet Applications is presented as well as a holistic framework and tools for the realization of our on-the-fly personalization approach. We divided both the architecture and the framework into two levels: offline/design-time and online/run-time. For design-time we explain how to use ontologies in order to annotate Rich Internet Applications and how to use these annotations for conceptual Web usage mining. Furthermore, we describe how to create client-side executable rules from the semantic data mining results. We present our declarative lightweight rule language tailored to the needs of being executed directly on the client. Because of the event-driven nature of the user interfaces of Rich Internet Applications, we designed a lightweight rule language based on the event-condition-action paradigm.2 At run-time the interactions of a user are tracked directly on the client and in real-time a user model is built up. The user model then acts as input to and is evaluated by our client-side complex event processing and rule engine.

  16. The importance of Internet usage for urologic patients. (United States)

    Sahin, Cahit; Tuncer, Murat; Yazici, Ozgur; Kafkasli, Alper; Can, Utku; Eryildirim, Bilal; Koca, Orhan; Sarica, Kemal


    To evaluate Internet usage frequency, rate of searched diseases and impact of Internet derived data on future patient physician relationship in patients applying to an Urology Department. A well prepared questionnaire has been given to 1000 referring cases, out of which 589 accepted to participate on a volunteer basis to a face to face interview. Patients were divided into subgroups with respect to age, gender and as well as their educational and economical status. Regarding Internet, questions inquired the use of Internet, the point of view about it, opinions about healthcare system and most commonly urological diseases searched in Internet. Of 589 patients participating, 38.2% reported access to the Internet; in relation to subgroup analysis of data, there was a statistically significant relationship between the use of Internet and age (p Internet and the majority of these cases share all these information with their physicians during their visit. These findings indicate that all physicians should consider this fact seriously and make their future plans in the light of internet based activities which provides numerous advantages.

  17. A hospitalização e o adoecimento pela perspectiva de crianças e jovens portadores de fibrose cística e osteogênese imperfeita The hospitalization and the process of becoming ill through the children's and adolescents' perspective with cystic fibrosis and osteogenesis imperfecta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniele Borges de Mello


    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa discutir os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada em um hospital localizado no município do Rio de Janeiro, considerado referência em saúde da criança, do adolescente e da mulher. Analisamos os significados da hospitalização e do adoecimento crônico na infância e adolescência pela perspectiva de crianças e adolescentes com fibrose cística e osteogênese imperfeita durante suas internações hospitalares com vistas a explorar suas vivências e suas possibilidades de expressão enquanto sujeitos de conhecimento. Para tanto, privilegiamos a observação e a construção de suas produções mediadas pelo suporte lúdico, utilizando o desenho e/ou história como relevantes vias de acesso aos conteúdos infanto-juvenis. Os dados advindos desse estudo apontam para a capacidade de aquisição e produção de conhecimento que crianças e jovens possuem acerca de sua situação de adoecimento.The present article intends to discuss the results of a study completed in a hospital located in the municipal district of Rio de Janeiro, considered most prominent for child, adolescent and woman's health. We analyzed the meanings of hospitalization and chronic illness in childhood and adolescence through the perspective of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis and osteogenesis imperfecta during their hospitalizations in order to explore their experience and communicative possibilities as knowledgeable informants. Hence, we privileged the observation and the construction of their productions through games, using drawings and/or story-telling as a relevant approach to childhood and adolescence contents. The data collected signify the acquisition and knowledge production capacity of children and adolescents concerning their illness processes.

  18. Prototype Pengendalian Lampu Jarak Jauh Dengan Jaringan Internet Berbasis Internet of Things(IoT) Menggunakan Rasberry Pi 3


    Muzawi, Rometdo; Efendi, Yoyon; Sahrun, Nori


    Abstract— Internet of Thing (IoT) is a concept that aims to expand the benefits of internet connectivity that is connected continuously. Internet of thing (IoT) can be utilized on buildings to control electronic equipment such as operating room lights remotely through a computer network. Research is done by building a device remote control that utilizes internet technology to perform the process of control in the network local through a web server that is embedded into the remote control devi...

  19. The Relationship between Compulsive Behaviour and Internet Addiction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Rosita Cecilia


    Full Text Available A variety of behavioural and emotional problems among university students is due to Internet Addiction (Alavi et al. 2012, Rusconi et al. 2012. In 2013 a survey is conducted on a sample of 532 students of University of L’Aquila. The purpose is to investigate Internet use patterns and the correlation between Internet Addiction disorder and compulsive behaviour. Two self-administered questionnaires are used: the Internet Addiction Test and the Cognitive Behavioural Assessment 2.0. 517 students show signs of Internet Addiction, which is moderate for 31% of respondents and severe for 1% of them. 5% shows intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. The symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are statistically associated with Internet Addiction (chi² test=23.53, p=0.000. Among young people there is a relationship between compulsive behaviour and Internet Addiction. This relationship has significant effects on treatment of Internet Addiction.

  20. Internet addiction and hopelessness in high school students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nuray simsek


    Full Text Available AIM: 12-18 years of age reported that risky for internet addiction. To determine the relationship between internet addiction and hopelessness was aimed in this study. METHOD: This study was carried out in a high school which the maximum number of students in a city center and has a profile of student who from every region of this city. It was sampling taken 350 students from 1596 in this high school by using simple random numbers table. It was used adolescent information form, Internet Addiction Inventory and Beck Hopelessness Scale to data collection. In the analysis process, Chi-square, correlation, logistic regression analysis were used. RESULTS: It was found internet addiction between hopelessness in adolescents, bi-directional, moderate and positive relationship. Hopelessness scores of adolescents showing symptoms of internet addiction and who use the internet to surf on the web are high. Adolescents 3.6% of internet addiction profile showed 21.8% per cent were found to be the border of internet addiction. Some of the characteristics of the adolescents at home to the computer, internet usage time and a friend on the relationship between Internet addiction was found to be a significant effect. CONCLUSION: As a result, at home with a computer, internet usage control themselves and dependency profile of adolescents with poor peer relations and adolescents showed that level of hopelessness was found to increase the levels of dependence on the internet. Adolescents in schools, such as feelings of hopelessness, stimulate research and advisory programs offered configuration. [TAF Prev Med Bull 2015; 14(1.000: 7-14

  1. University Students' Self-Efficacy and Their Attitudes Toward the Internet: The Role of Students' Perceptions of the Internet (United States)

    Peng, Hsinyi; Tsai, Chin-Chung; Wu, Ying-Tien


    The attitudes and the self-efficacy that characterize learners relative to the Internet have been identified as important factors that affect learners' motivation, interests and performance in Internet-based learning environments. Meanwhile, learners' perceptions of the Internet may shape learners' attitudes and online behaviours. This study…

  2. How Much Is Too Much to Pay for Internet Access? A Behavioral Economic Analysis of Internet Use. (United States)

    Broadbent, Julie; Dakki, Michelle A


    The popularity of online recreational activities, such as social networking, has dramatically increased the amount of time spent on the Internet. Excessive or inappropriate use of the Internet can result in serious adverse consequences. The current study used a behavioral economic task to determine if the amount of time spent online by problematic and nonproblematic users can be modified by price. The Internet Purchase Task was used to determine how much time undergraduate students (N=233) would spend online at 13 different prices. Despite high demand for Internet access when access was free, time spent online by both problematic and nonproblematic users decreased dramatically, even at low prices. These results suggest that the amount of time spent online may be modified by having a tangible cost associated with use, whereas having free access to the Internet may encourage excessive, problematic use.

  3. User profiles of internet addicts in Serbia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hinić Darko


    Full Text Available This work was a part of a broader empirical study of Internet users with excessive and dysfunctional Internet use symptoms. The aim of this particular article was to describe user profiles of Internet addicts in Serbia. The study recruited 100 subjects in total, 50 in both the clinical and control group. The clinical group included the Internet users who asked for professional help due to the symptoms of the excessive Internet use and fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for Internet behavior disorder proposed by the American Psychology Association. The results have shown that population with Internet addiction symptoms equally included both males and females, mostly adolescent and younger population, teenagers and university students, persons with higher income and users from economically more developed areas of Serbia. The user profile of this group is characterized by frequent logging on with intervals of several hours online at one time, mainly in the evening or at night, and also intensive negative reactions to any form of Internet access deprivation. By means of factor analysis, three dimensions of pathological use have been established: mixed type with particular need for up-to-date information, social interaction addiction and need for fun-seeking, namely pursuing hobbies online (cyberpornography, online games, music, art and so on.


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    Ana Alice Vilas Boas


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 RESUMO Este trabalho foi realizado partindo do pressuposto que os salários e benefícios praticados nas organizações podem influenciar significativamente o desempenho e/ou os resultados empresariais até então apresentados pelas empresas; o que é de extrema importância para empresas que vivenciam um momento de mudança organizacional. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal revisar as metodologias de remuneração de pessoal e, realizar uma análise comparativa das práticas adotadas pelas empresas no Brasil e da sua influência na mudança organizacional. Esta pesquisa teórica e prática foi implementada através da revisão bibliográfica e da pesquisa de campo. Devido ao nível de complexidade do tema em questão foi utilizada a pesquisa exploratória, para melhor verificar como a remuneração influencia no processo de mudança organizacional. Com base em quatro estudos de caso que foram desenvolvidos a partir de uma análise de conteúdo documental e da análise de questionários, observou-se que a remuneração variável é bastante utilizada como complemento do salário base. O resultado deste trabalho leva-nos a conclusão de que as metodologias de remuneração praticadas pelas empresas analisadas neste estudo foram capazes de influenciar positivamente seus resultados, auxiliando a implementação da mudança organizacional. Palavras-chave: Salário, motivação, resultados, estratégia.     ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to look into the remuneration methodologies for the working people and, to perform a comparative analysis of the practices adopted by companies in Brazil and their interaction with the organizational change. The exploratory research was adopted to verify how the payment system affects the process of organizational change. Based on four case studies that were developed starting from an analysis of document

  5. The relationship between Cyber-Loafing and internet addiction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hafize Keser


    Full Text Available The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between preservice teachers’ internet addiction level and cyber-loafing activities. This study was conducted as a survey study. Participants of the study was Computer Education and Instructional Technology department students (n=139 at Ankara University. “Cyber loafing activity Scale” originally developed by Blanchard and Henle (2008, adopted to Turkish by Kalayci (2010 and updated by Yasar (2013 and “Internet Addiction Scale” developed by Sahin and Korkmaz (2011 was used as data collection instruments. To analyze the data descriptive statistics, Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H, and Spearman Rho Correlation coefficients was used. There were significant differences between the gender groups both in cyber-loafing activities and internet addiction levels. Male preservice teacher had higher internet addiction levels and cyber-loafing activity scores in average. However there were not significant differences between different groups based on grade level, period of internet usage, perceived internet ability, both for cyber-loafing activities and internet addiction levels. There were a moderate positive relationships between internet addiction and individual cyber-loafing, and search cyber-loafing. There were also a small positive relationships between internet addiction and social cyber-loafing. There was not a significant relationship between internet addiction and news cyber-loafing.

  6. 76 FR 60754 - Preserving the Open Internet (United States)


    ...-201] Preserving the Open Internet AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule..., 2011, a document establishing rules to preserve the open Internet. Inadvertently the wrong paragraph... alleging violations of the open Internet rules. Federal Communications Commission. Matt Warner, Attorney...

  7. Internet Banking Security Strategy: Securing Customer Trust


    Frimpong Twum; Kwaku Ahenkora


    Internet banking strategies should enhance customers¡¯ online experiences which are affected by trust and security issues. This study provides perspectives of users and nonusers on internet banking security with a view to understanding trust and security factors in relation to adoption and continuous usage. Perception of internet banking security influenced usage intentions. Nonusers viewed internet banking to be insecure but users perceived it to be secure with perceived ease of use influenc...

  8. Public Library Representations and Internet Appropriations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paula Sequeiros


    Full Text Available May the changes in the representations of the public library be propitiated by readers' appropriations of the Internet? To answer this question, a theoretically-driven and empirically-based research was developed in a public library in Portugal, combining the analysis of documents uses, the ethnography of space and Internet use, of social relations developed while reading, with the analysis of representations of the public library. No clear-cut association emerged between social-demographics or user profiles, and representations, in general. No disruptive Internet "impact" was found: Internet use may contribute to reinforce traditional representations of the library, while it may also update and democratise other representations. If the library and the Internet are represented as synonymous, the former does not make sense without the latter; but an Internet widespread and intensive use conflicts with the image of an institution dedicated to high-brow culture. Changes in uses of the public library are, instead, clearly associated with new types of readers, which in their turn reflect changes in urban social composition. URN:

  9. A inclusão social pelo trabalho no processo de minimização do estigma social pela doença

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pâmela Moraes Volz


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de refletir sobre a importância da inclusão social pelo trabalho no processo de redução do estigma social pela doença, este artigo apresenta a narrativa de três usuárias, vinculadas às Oficinas de Geração de Trabalho e Renda da Reabilitação Trabalho e Arte (Retrate, que sofrem com o preconceito e a discriminação por serem portadoras de transtornos mentais. Pautando-se nas contribuições teóricas de Erving Goffman e valendo-se da proposta metodológica trazida pela sociologia da vida cotidiana e pela história oral de vida, o resultado obtido aponta que a inclusão social pelo trabalho é o principal meio para a positivação da identidade dos portadores de transtornos mentais e para a redução da estigmatização social pela doença. Ao sentirem-se reconhecidos por seu trabalho e conceberem o grupo como uma "família", esses sujeitos têm a baixa autoestima, os sentimentos de anormalidade, o medo e a desvalorização visivelmente minimizados.

  10. Essential elements of Internet infidelity treatment. (United States)

    Hertlein, Katherine M; Piercy, Fred P


    As the worldwide usage of the Internet tops 1.6 billion people, problems related to its use such as online Infidelity are becoming widespread issues for couples and, consequently, for their therapists. The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand how practicing therapists treat Internet infidelity through exploring the basic themes used in Internet infidelity treatment. We conducted in-depth interviews of 15 therapists with experience in treating Internet infidelity. Our findings indicate that therapists go through a variety of steps in treatment, including: (a) develop physical boundaries, (b) develop psychological boundaries, (c) manage accountability, trust, and feelings, (d) increase client awareness around etiology of the Internet relationship, (e) assessment of the couple's context and readiness for change, (f) assess the presence of unique circumstances, and (g) work toward forgiveness. Implications and future research are discussed. © 2012 American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

  11. Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update (United States)

    Love, Todd; Laier, Christian; Brand, Matthias; Hatch, Linda; Hajela, Raju


    Many recognize that several behaviors potentially affecting the reward circuitry in human brains lead to a loss of control and other symptoms of addiction in at least some individuals. Regarding Internet addiction, neuroscientific research supports the assumption that underlying neural processes are similar to substance addiction. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has recognized one such Internet related behavior, Internet gaming, as a potential addictive disorder warranting further study, in the 2013 revision of their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Other Internet related behaviors, e.g., Internet pornography use, were not covered. Within this review, we give a summary of the concepts proposed underlying addiction and give an overview about neuroscientific studies on Internet addiction and Internet gaming disorder. Moreover, we reviewed available neuroscientific literature on Internet pornography addiction and connect the results to the addiction model. The review leads to the conclusion that Internet pornography addiction fits into the addiction framework and shares similar basic mechanisms with substance addiction. Together with studies on Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder we see strong evidence for considering addictive Internet behaviors as behavioral addiction. Future research needs to address whether or not there are specific differences between substance and behavioral addiction. PMID:26393658

  12. Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update. (United States)

    Love, Todd; Laier, Christian; Brand, Matthias; Hatch, Linda; Hajela, Raju


    Many recognize that several behaviors potentially affecting the reward circuitry in human brains lead to a loss of control and other symptoms of addiction in at least some individuals. Regarding Internet addiction, neuroscientific research supports the assumption that underlying neural processes are similar to substance addiction. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has recognized one such Internet related behavior, Internet gaming, as a potential addictive disorder warranting further study, in the 2013 revision of their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Other Internet related behaviors, e.g., Internet pornography use, were not covered. Within this review, we give a summary of the concepts proposed underlying addiction and give an overview about neuroscientific studies on Internet addiction and Internet gaming disorder. Moreover, we reviewed available neuroscientific literature on Internet pornography addiction and connect the results to the addiction model. The review leads to the conclusion that Internet pornography addiction fits into the addiction framework and shares similar basic mechanisms with substance addiction. Together with studies on Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder we see strong evidence for considering addictive Internet behaviors as behavioral addiction. Future research needs to address whether or not there are specific differences between substance and behavioral addiction.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joyo Nur Suryanto Gono, Djoko Setyabudi


    Full Text Available This study explored the usage of internet for study enrichment and pleasure. Understanding online media audience was becoming increasingly important in Social and Political Faculty, because internet access was one of the academic source used by the student. Most of students did not have sufficient knowledge for self information filtering to provide realible materials from internet and various online sources that fulfilled the academic and scientific requirement. Small number of student explored some opportunities for getting academic  sources through internet, but unfortunately most of them did not have througly understanding to difer valid and reliable information for completing their academic tasks and research.

  14. 76 FR 74721 - Preserving the Open Internet (United States)


    ...; Report No. 2936] Preserving the Open Internet AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final... for broadband service to preserve and reinforce Internet freedom and openness. DATES: Oppositions to... applicability. Subject: In the Matter of Preserving the Open Internet, Broadband Industry Practices, published...

  15. Internet use patterns and Internet addiction in children and adolescents with obesity. (United States)

    Bozkurt, H; Özer, S; Şahin, S; Sönmezgöz, E


    There are no data regarding the Internet addiction (IA) rates and patterns in youth with obesity. This study aimed to explore the prevalence and patterns of IA in children and adolescents with obesity. The relationship between IA and body mass index (BMI) was also investigated. Study includes 437 children and adolescents with age ranging from 8 to 17 years: 268 with obesity and 169 with healthy controls. The Internet addiction scale (IAS) form was administered to all participants. The obesity group also completed a personal information form including Internet usage habits and goals. Linear regression analysis was utilized to assess the contributions of Internet use habits and goals to BMI in the obesity group and IAS scores to BMI in both groups. A total of 24.6% of the obese children and adolescents were diagnosed with IA according to IAS, while 11.2% of healthy peers had IA (p IAS scores for the obesity group and the control group were 53.71 ± 25.04 and 43.42 ± 17.36, respectively (p IAS scores (t = 3.105) and spending time more than 21 h week -1 on the Internet (t = 3.262) were significantly associated with increased BMI in the obesity group (p  0.05). The IAS scores (t = 8.719) were also found to be associated with increased BMI in the control group (p IA rates than their healthy peers, and the results indicate an association between IA and BMI. © 2017 World Obesity Federation.

  16. Characterization and functional assay of a fatty acyl-CoA reductase gene in the scale insect, Ericerus pela Chavannes (Hemiptera: Coccoidae). (United States)

    Hu, Yan-Hong; Chen, Xiao-Ming; Yang, Pu; Ding, Wei-Feng


    Ericerus pela Chavannes (Hemiptera: Coccoidae) is an economically important scale insect because the second instar males secrete a harvestable wax-like substance. In this study, we report the molecular cloning of a fatty acyl-CoA reductase gene (EpFAR) of E. pela. We predicted a 520-aa protein with the FAR family features from the deduced amino acid sequence. The EpFAR mRNA was expressed in five tested tissues, testis, alimentary canal, fat body, Malpighian tubules, and mostly in cuticle. The EpFAR protein was localized by immunofluorescence only in the wax glands and testis. EpFAR expression in High Five insect cells documented the recombinant EpFAR reduced 26-0:(S) CoA and to its corresponding alcohol. The data illuminate the molecular mechanism for fatty alcohol biosynthesis in a beneficial insect, E. pela. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Internet information-seeking in mental health: population survey. (United States)

    Powell, John; Clarke, Aileen


    A major use of the of the internet is for health information-seeking. There has been little research into its use in relation to mental health. To investigate the prevalence of internet use for mental health information-seeking and its relative importance as a mental health information source. General population survey. Questions covered internet use, past psychiatric history and the 12-item General Health Questionnaire. Eighteen per cent of all internet users had used the internet for information related to mental health. The prevalence was higher among those with a past history of mental health problems and those with current psychological distress. Only 12% of respondents selected the internet as one of the three most accurate sources of information, compared with 24% who responded that it was one of the three sources they would use. The internet has a significant role in mental health information-seeking. The internet is used more than it is trusted.

  18. Energy and future Internet; Energia e futura internet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lovasz, Gergoe; Niedermeier, Florian; Beri, Andreas; Meers, Hermann de [Universidade de Passau (Germany)


    One of the main concern related with future of Internet as far the elevated energy consumption of the infrastructure, which includes the energy supply for the servers and equipment need to refrigerate the necessary hardware.

  19. Risk Factors for Internet Gaming Disorder: Psychological Factors and Internet Gaming Characteristics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mi Jung Rho


    Full Text Available Background: Understanding the risk factors associated with Internet gaming disorder (IGD is important to predict and diagnose the condition. The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors that predict IGD based on psychological factors and Internet gaming characteristics; Methods: Online surveys were conducted between 26 November and 26 December 2014. There were 3568 Korean Internet game users among a total of 5003 respondents. We identified 481 IGD gamers and 3087 normal Internet gamers, based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5 criteria. Logistic regression analysis was applied to identify significant risk factors for IGD; Results: The following eight risk factors were found to be significantly associated with IGD: functional and dysfunctional impulsivity (odds ratio: 1.138, belief self-control (1.034, anxiety (1.086, pursuit of desired appetitive goals (1.105, money spent on gaming (1.005, weekday game time (1.081, offline community meeting attendance (2.060, and game community membership (1.393; p < 0.05 for all eight risk factors; Conclusions: These risk factors allow for the prediction and diagnosis of IGD. In the future, these risk factors could also be used to inform clinical services for IGD diagnosis and treatment.

  20. Risk Factors for Internet Gaming Disorder: Psychological Factors and Internet Gaming Characteristics (United States)

    Lee, Hyeseon; Lee, Taek-Ho; Cho, Hyun; Kim, Dai-Jin; Choi, In Young


    Background: Understanding the risk factors associated with Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is important to predict and diagnose the condition. The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors that predict IGD based on psychological factors and Internet gaming characteristics; Methods: Online surveys were conducted between 26 November and 26 December 2014. There were 3568 Korean Internet game users among a total of 5003 respondents. We identified 481 IGD gamers and 3087 normal Internet gamers, based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5) criteria. Logistic regression analysis was applied to identify significant risk factors for IGD; Results: The following eight risk factors were found to be significantly associated with IGD: functional and dysfunctional impulsivity (odds ratio: 1.138), belief self-control (1.034), anxiety (1.086), pursuit of desired appetitive goals (1.105), money spent on gaming (1.005), weekday game time (1.081), offline community meeting attendance (2.060), and game community membership (1.393; p < 0.05 for all eight risk factors); Conclusions: These risk factors allow for the prediction and diagnosis of IGD. In the future, these risk factors could also be used to inform clinical services for IGD diagnosis and treatment. PMID:29280953