
Sample records for max turbine temp

  1. Oxidation of Alumina-Forming MAX Phases in Turbine Environments (United States)

    Smialek, James; Garg, Anita; Harder, Bryan; Nesbitt, James; Gabb, Timothy; Gray, SImon


    Protective coatings for high temperature turbine components are based on YSZ thermal barriers and oxidation resistant, alumina-forming NiAl or NiCoCrAlY bond coats. Ti2AlC and Cr2AlC MAX phases are thus of special interest because of good oxidation resistance and CTE that can match Al2O3 and YSZ. Their alumina scales grow according to cubic kinetics due to grain growth in the scale, with initial heating dominated by fast TiO2 growth. Protective cubic kinetics are also found in high pressure burner rig tests of MAXthal 211 Ti2AlC, but with reduced rates due to volatile TiO(OH)2 formation in water vapor. YSZ-coatings on bulk Ti2AlC exhibit remarkable durability up to 1300C in furnace tests and at least a 25x life advantage compared to superalloys. At another extreme, Cr2AlC is resistant to low temperature Na2SO4 hot corrosion and exhibits thermal cycling stability bonded to a superalloy disk material. Accordingly, sputtered Cr2AlC coatings on disk specimens prevented hot corrosion detriments on LCF. Breakaway oxidation (Ti2AlC), scale spallation (Cr2AlC), interdiffusion, and processing as coatings still present serious challenges. However the basic properties of MAX phases provide some unusual opportunities for use in high temperature turbines.

  2. Usaha Pemasaran Produsen Tempe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Nana Kusdiana


    Full Text Available Tempe is a food made from the fermentation of soybeans or some other materials using somekind of fungus Rhizopus, such as Rhizopus oligosporus, Rh. oryzae, Rh. stolonifer or also known as bread mold, or Rh. arrhizus. Fermentation preparations are commonly known as "yeast tempe". Tempe has been known since ancient times, particularly in Java as supplement staple food which is high protein and low cholesterol. Tempe and tofu selling price is still low compared to other protein food sources, such as fish and chicken. According to market research, the majority of tempe and tofu products is still the lower class’ consumption, since the quality and processing methods are traditional distribution, including in sanitation and hygiene. It is necessary to stimulate and generate interest in the bank to develop relationship with the Indonesian Tofu Tempe Producers Cooperative (KOPTI and its members to tempe producers can increase production and performance. Tempe and Tofu Development Centers Manufacturers through Integrated Partnership Program by KOPTI as a company with a core group of tempe and tofu manufacturers, which are members of the KOPTI, is the modernization of tempe and tofu small business activity to be an independent food business industry.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R Rusdarti


    Full Text Available The presence of small craft industries tempe, is one of the economic pillars of the people who can provide added value economy in the city, as well as providing a significant contribution in expanding employment opportunities, as well as a force capable of improving the welfare of the people. The purpose of this study to describe the phenomenon of small industrial/tempe producers, potential and constraints of the economic empowerment of communities that can be applied and developed in a small industrial tempe, and formulate policies in accordance with the potential srategi small craft industries tempe in the city of Semarang. The results showed that: 1 The tendency of the phenomenon of changes in tempe crafter business patterns are relatively small and micro enterprises as well as conditions of low-quality human resources, which lead them to be low income, (2 Empowerment has changed the concept of economic and social development that has the potential of productive micro-economic basis. Factors expertise/ skill used in the production process significantly contributed 67.8 percent of industrial production on a small tempe. It shows the contribution of the most dominant in the small industrial tempe, that expertise is important in a small industrial tempe, (3 development strategy capable of mobilizing the various aspects of resources and the capacity and potential of the community, making empowerment can be implemented into the best tools in an effort to income artisans tempe city of Semarang. Recom­mended considering internal factors crafters tempe still weak and fundamentally, the crafters need to get guidance and the way in which one of them by learning from the experience and the concerns of various stakeholders.Keberadaan industri kecil perajin tempe, merupakan salah satu pilar ekonomi rakyat yang mampu memberikan nilai tambah ekonomi di Kota Semarang, serta memberikan sumbangan yang signifikan dalam memperluas lapangan kerja, sekaligus

  4. La disparition du temps en gravitation quantique


    Saint-Ours, Alexis de


    Le but de ce travail est d’examiner l’incidence philosophique de la gravitation quantique sur le concept de temps. Je cherche à montrer qu’elle conduit à une disparition du temps comme dimension et ouvre la voie à une compréhension du temps comme variation et même à l’idée de variation pure. En l’absence de temps mécanique, il est cependant possible de définir un temps d’origine thermodynamique. Je montre en quoi cette dissociation du temps mécanique et du temps thermodynamique, fait écho à l...

  5. Max Planck et les quanta

    CERN Document Server

    Boudenot, Jean-Claude


    « Les atomes, dit Jean Perrin en 1913, ne sont pas ces éléments éternels et insécables dont l'irréductible simplicité donnait au possible une borne, et, dans leur inimaginable petitesse, nous commençons à pressentir un fourmillement prodigieux de mondes nouveaux ». C'est bien dans un monde totalement nouveau, le monde quantique, que nous a fait pénétrer la découverte des quanta par Max Planck. Son article de 1900 est le déclencheur de l'une des plus grandes révolutions scientifiques de tous les temps. Les trente années qui suivent sont les plus riches de la physique ; Planck, Einstein, Bohr, Sommerfeld, de Broglie, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Dirac, Born, Pauli… reconstruisent la physique sur de nouvelles bases sur fond de conflit des générations. Le monde est par ailleurs secoué par la guerre, Max Planck est tourmenté et vit des épreuves personnelles dramatiques. C'est l'homme, aussi bien que l'oeuvre, que les auteurs ont tenté de dépeindre dans cet ouvrage. Ils ont également souhait�...

  6. Microstructure and Oxidation of a MAX Phase/Superalloy Hybrid Interface (United States)

    Smialek, James L.; Garg, Anita


    Corrosion resistant, strain tolerant MAX phase coatings are of interest for turbine applications. Thin Cr2AlC MAX phase wafers were vacuum diffusion bonded to an advanced turbine disk alloy, LSHR, at 1100 C. The interface, examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy, revealed a primary diffusion zone consisting of 10 micrometers of beta-Ni(Co)Al, decorated with various NiCoCrAl, MC and M3B2 precipitates. On the Cr2AlC side, an additional 40 micrometers Al-depletion zone of Cr7C3 formed in an interconnected network with the beta-Ni(Co)Al. Oxidation of an exposed edge at 800 C for 100 h produced a fine-grained lenticular alumina scale over Cr2AlC and beta-Ni(Co)Al, with coarser chromia granules over the Cr7C3 regions. Subsequent growth of the diffusion layers was only 5 micrometers in total. A residual stress of 500 MPa was estimated for the MAX phase layer, but no interfacial damage was observed. Subsequent tests for 1000 h reveal similar results.


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    Indrawati Gandjar


    Full Text Available Disamping kacang kedele dan kacang tanah sejumlah kacang-kacangan yang kurang dikenal juga dimakan penduduk daerah-daerah tertentu di Pulau Jawa. Diantaranya biji-biji koro benguk (Mucuna pruriens. Hasil fermentasi dari biji-biji ini dikenal sebagai tempe benguk.Dalam penelitian ini telah digunakan campuran biji koro benguk varitas abu-abu dan varitas hitam dalam perbandingan 1:1.Hasil isolasi mikroflora dari contoh-contoh tempe benguk yang dijual belikan ialah species dari marga (genus Rhizopus. Strain 90 II/3 dari desa Donomulyo Malang Selatan yang diidentifikasi sebagai R. arrhizus menghasilkan tempe benguk yang baik dan dipakai dalam penelitian ini.Telah dilakukan analisa zat gizi kedua varitas biji-biji koro benguk mentah, begitu pula dari substrat sebelum fermentasi dan tempe benguknya. Kadar protein dari tempe benguk dengan strain 90 II/3 ialah 14.1%.Proses perebusan, perendaman dan pengukusan telah menghilangkan seluruh HCN dalam substrat. Dari segi kandungan aflatoksin tempe benguk dalam penelitian ini tidak membahayakan karena kandungannya hanya 1.04 ppb.Hasil fermentasi biji-biji koro benguk dapat merupakan suatu sumber protein murah bagi penduduk yang makanan pokoknya terutama serealia dan umbi-umbian.

  8. L’écriture du temps dans Robinson Crusoe


    Bulckaen, Denise


    “Le récit est une séquence deux fois temporelle... il y a le temps de la chose-racontée et le temps du récit (temps du signifié et temps du signifiant)”. Cette citation se trouve au début du chapitre que Genette consacre à “Ordre” dans Figures III. Elle s'applique à de nombreux romans, mais elle est particulièrement intéressante quand on considère le roman de forme autobiographique. Le décalage entre “le temps du signifié” et “le temps du signifiant” est plus ou moins grand selon les romans. ...

  9. Indonesian consumers' perception of tempe in a restaurant setting traditional and modern tempe version in traditional and innovative dishes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fibri, Dwi Larasatie Nur; Frøst, Michael Bom

    by introducing local bean tempe in fine dining. The objective of this research was to study how different raw materials, dishes and gastronomic style affect the perception and appreciation of the food. A restaurant experiment (n=208) was carried out. Three different types of tempe (local soybean tempe, imported...

  10. Le temps mesurable, réversible, insaisissable ?

    CERN Document Server

    Fink, Martin; Leduc , Michèle


    Depuis l'Antiquité, la nature du temps a fasciné nombre de grands penseurs. Cet ouvrage expose ce que la physique est capable de dire aujourd'hui sur le sujet. La mesure du temps, ou plus exactement celle d'une durée, se fait grâce à des horloges atomiques dont l'exactitude peut atteindre une seconde sur plusieurs milliards d'années. Nous décrivons la façon dont s'effectue le transfert du temps qui permet la synchronisation d'horloges en différents points de la Terre ou de l'espace au milliardième de seconde près, ou même mieux. Les relativités, restreinte et générale, ont bouleversé notre conception du temps et ont un impact considérable sur certains problèmes de la vie quotidienne comme l'utilisation du GPS. On abandonne l'idée d'un temps absolu, le temps devient multiple et insaisissable, et peut-être même une illusion. Enfin la flèche du temps, ou l'irréversibilité, implique que les phénomènes physiques se déroulent toujours dans un sens déterminé, en relation avec la croissan...

  11. Manquons-nous de temps ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dominique Méda


    Full Text Available Les individus des sociétés développées occidentales manquent-ils objectivement et subjectivement de plus en plus de temps? (Schor, 1991; Méda et Schor, 1997 Si ces propos ont suscité, à l’époque, le débat aux États-Unis (les statistiques mobilisées par Juliet Schor avaient notamment été mises en cause par Robinson et Godbey, 1999, spécialistes des enquêtes emploi du temps aux Etats-Unis, il n’en a pas été de même en France, le poids du chômage reléguant légitimement ce genre de préoccupation aux derniers rangs. Depuis quelques années pourtant, sous l’effet de la reprise de l’emploi intervenue entre 1997 et 2000, de l’augmentation du temps de travail de certaines catégories et de la diffusion de la RTT, les enquêtes commencent à s’intéresser à ces questions et à dessiner les contours d’une population pour laquelle le manque de temps constitue un véritable problème. Loin de n’être qu’un petit inconfort personnel, qui serait l’apanage des cadres dirigeants et des wonderwomen, le sentiment de manque de temps apparaît au contraire comme le signe d’un grippage ou d’une inefficacité des mécanismes classiques de régulation, et sans doute comme une invitation à concevoir des politiques publiques capables d’aider à la mise en place d’une nouvelle concordance et d’une plus grande cohérence des différents temps individuels et sociaux.

  12. Fixation à haute et moyenne température de l'hydrogène sulfuré par des masses de captation régénérables Hydrogen-Sulfide Fixation At High and Medium Temperature by Regenerable Capture Masses


    Hotier G.


    L'intérêt de la désulfuration haute température comparée à la même opération conduite à basse température est renforcé quand la désulfuration a lieu entre deux opérations de niveau thermique élevé comme la gazéification du charbon et la production d'électricité par cycles combinés turbine à gaz-turbine à vapeur. Les masses absorbantes à base d'oxyde de fer peuvent réaliser une bonne désulfuration mais résistent mal aux chocs thermiques. Un agent de régénération particulièrement efficace est l...

  13. QUALITY AND SENSORY EVALUATIONS OF TEMPE PREPARED FROM VARIOUS PARTICLE SIZES OF LUPIN BEANS [Evaluasi Sensorik dan Kualitas Tempe dari Kacang Lupin Berbagai Ukuran Partikel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Priatni*


    Full Text Available Tempe is an Indonesian fermented soy bean, produced by using mainly Rhizopus oligosporus. Diversification of tempe raw materials is required for better food security, e.g., using lupin. The potency of lupin bean has been studied as a substitute of soy in tempe production. Nutritionally, lupin bean offers additional advantages over soy bean, i.e., it has a lower level of many anti-nutritional factors (ANFs but contains higher protein (32-36% than most pulses. The objectives of this study were to select the most suitable lupin bean from different particle sizes for tempe production and to characterize the quality of lupin tempe. In this study, the lupin tempe samples were analyzed for moisture content, firmness, aroma, and the total count of colony after 1 and 2 days of fermentation. Sensory evaluation was conducted by 17 Indonesian untrained panelists (hedonic in three different days. The data were evaluated statistically using General Linear Model (GLM and Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD. Results showed that the moisture content of lupin tempe ranged from 60 to 66%, higher than that of soy tempe (58.90%. Meanwhile, the firmness of lupin tempe was between 21.38-30.89 N. Mostly, tempes which were produced from ≤50% of particles sized ≥5 mm (L3, L5 and L6 exhibited poor quality in terms of firmness and aroma. The mean of total count of colony in lupin tempe were 3.0x104 CFU/g, lower than that of soy tempe (218x103 CFU/g, indicating a slower growth of mycelia on lupin beans. However, the overall acceptability of lupin tempe which was prepared from whole beans (L4 and L7 was not significantly different from that of soy tempe. Based on these quality and sensory tests, lupin tempe using whole lupin beans was recommended for substitute of soy bean in tempe production.

  14. Les relativités espace, temps, gravitation

    CERN Document Server

    Le Bellac, Michel


    En 1905, la relativité restreinte bouleverse nos conceptions de l'espace et du temps : il n'existe pas de temps universel, et une conséquence spectaculaire est le paradoxe des jumeaux vérifié quotidiennement par le système GPS. Dix années après la relativité restreinte, la relativité générale interprète la gravitation comme une propriété géométrique de l'espace-temps. Il n'existe plus d'espace absolu où l'on pourrait disposer étoiles et galaxies et l'espace-temps est déformé au voisinage d'objets astrophysiques compacts. Dans un environnement de gravité forte, le temps diffère radicalement du temps usuel et la lumière peut faire du surplace ou même se retrouver piégée. Ce livre expose les concepts fondamentaux introduits par Einstein et il les confronte aux expériences les plus récentes en physique des particules élémentaires et en astrophysique. Le lecteur découvrira comment la relativité décrit ces objets étranges et fascinants que sont les étoiles à neutrons, les trous n...

  15. PENGARUH KONSENTRASI PENAMBAHAN TEPUNG TEMPE TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK TORTILLA LABU KUNING (The Effect of Tempe Flour Addition Concentration on Pumpkin Tortilla Characteristics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Merynda Indriyani Syafutri


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to observe the physical and chemical characteristics of pumpkin tortilla with tempe flour addition. The experiment was designed using non Factorial Randomized Design with six treatments and each treatment was replicated three times.  The treatments were 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% addition of tempe flour per 90 g of tapioca. Texture, moisture content, ash content, and protein content were analyzed.  The results showed that the addition of tempe flour had significant effect on protein content. Pumpkin tortilla with tempe flour addition had 830.70 mm/s to 1316 mm/s of texture, 3.97% to 4.92% of moisture content, 1.22% to 1.48% of ash content, and 8.96% to 13.22% of protein content. Key words : pumpkin, tempe flour, tortilla

  16. Les polítiques de temps a Europa


    Torns, Teresa; Borràs Català, Vicent; Moreno Colom, Sara; Recio, Carolina


    En l'article es fa un balanç de les actuacions que poden ser qualificades com a polítiques de temps a diversos països europeus en els darrers vint anys, per arribar a la conclusió que el temps és una eina clau per definir els límits de l’estat del benestar. D’una banda, l’anàlisi de l’ús social del temps reflecteix una distribució desigual entre homes i dones; de l’altra, la constatació de la importància del temps de treball remunerat en l’organització de la vida de les persones dificulta el ...

  17. SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG TEMPE JAGUNG PADA PEMBUATAN MIE BASAH [Substitution of Corn Tempe Flour on Wet Noodle

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    Sri Setyani


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research was to find the best formulation of corn tempe flour and wheat flour to produce chemically, physicochemically and organoleptically acceptable sweet noodle. The formulation consisted of 4 levels ratio of 100% corn tempe flour and wheat flour L1 (10:90, L2 (20:80, L3 (30:70, L4 (40:60 w/w with 6 replications. The experiment was arranged in Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD. Data were analyzed by using analysis of variance, further were tested by using the Least Significant Difference (LSD test in 5% level of significance. The result showed that the best formula was L3 treatment (30% corn tempe flour  and 70% wheat flour. The characteristic  of this noodle were 23.31% moisture content, 1.55% ash, 8.50% fat,   9.11% protein, 57,2% carbohydrate, 9.85% cooking loss, and 13.50 %water absorption. The wet noodle score sensory of texture was 2,88 (rather chewy, taste’s and aroma score was 3.05 (typical corn, and the overall of acceptance was  2.93 (like.Keywords: chemical-physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics, corn tempe flour,  wet noodle,wheat.

  18. Time-amplitude converter; Convertisseur temps-amplitude

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Banner, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    It is normal in high energy physics to measure the time of flight of a particle in order to determine its mass. This can be done by the method which consists in transforming the time measurement into an analysis of amplitude, which is easier; a time-amplitude converter has therefore been built for this purpose. The apparatus here described uses a double grid control tube 6 BN 6 whose resolution time, as measured with a pulse generator, is 5 x 10{sup -11} s. The analysis of the response of a particle counter, made up of a scintillator and a photomultiplier, indicates that a time of resolution of 5 x 10{sup -10} s. can be obtained. A time of this order of magnitude is obtained experimentally with the converter. This converter has been used in the study of the time of flight of particles in a secondary beam of the accelerator Saturne. It has thus been possible to measure the energy spectrum of {pi}-mesons, of protons, and of deutons emitted from a polyethylene target bombarded by 1,4 and 2 GeV protons. (author) [French] Pour determiner la masse d'une particule, il est courant, en physique des hautes energies, de mesurer le temps de vol de cette particule. Cela peut etre fait par la methode qui consiste a transformer la mesure d'un temps en une analyse d'amplitude, plus aisee; aussi a-t-on, a cet effet, cree un convertisseur temps-amplitude. L'appareillage decrit dans cet article utilise un tube a double grille de commande 6 BN 6 dont le temps de resolution mesure avec un generateur d'impulsion est de 5.10{sup -11} s. L'analyse de la reponse d'un compteur de particules, constitue par un scintillateur et un photomultiplicateur, indique qu'un temps de resolution de 5.10{sup -10} s peut etre obtenu. Un temps de cet ordre est atteint experimentalement avec le convertisseur. Ce convertisseur a servi a l'etude du temps de vol des particules dans un faisceau secondaire de l'accelerateur Saturne. On a mesure ainsi le spectre d'energie des mesons {pi}, des protons, des deutons

  19. Reassessing the Wage Penalty for Temps in Germany

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jahn, Elke

    As a consequence of the rapid growth of temporary agency employment in Germany, the debate on the poor working conditions of temps, specifically their remuneration, has intensified recently. Using administrative data, the paper shows that the wage gap for German temp workers is rather large...... and varies between occupation and region. But temps already suffer from a marked wage decline before entering the temporary help sector. Nevertheless, temporary agency employment does not leave a long lasting scar. Two years after leaving the sector, temps no longer suffer from a wage penalty. A recent...... change in the law set a high incentive for temporary help agencies to pay their workers according to a sectoral collective agreement. Surprisingly, the unionization of the sector could not bring the widening wage gap to a halt....

  20. Peut-on voyager dans le temps ?

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    La possibilité de voyager dans le temps est régulièrement évoquée par les magazines scientifiques (et parfois même par les scientifiques). Elle est également le sujet de nombreux romans de science-fiction. Nous discuterons d’abord du sens qu’on peut donner à l’expression « voyager dans le temps », puis nous expliciterons ce que la physique contemporaine dit à ce propos.

  1. Reassessing the Wage Penalty for Temps in Germany

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jahn, Elke

    As a consequence of the rapid growth of temporary agency employment in Germany, the debate on the poor working conditions of temps, specifically their remuneration, has intensified recently. The paper shows that the wage gap for German temp workers is rather large and varies between occupation...

  2. Comparison of loads for wind turbine down-regulation strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhu, Jiangsheng; Ma, Kuichao; N. Soltani, Mohsen


    For wind farm active power setpoint tracking, both farm level and turbine level down regulation strategies should to be optimized. Several down regulation strategies are chosen to analyse the wind turbine load performance according to different wind speed and power reference. In this paper we...... suggest appropriate down regulation strategy to control wind turbine for active power reference tracking. we compare four different control strategies, namely Const-Ω, Const-λ, Max-Ω and Min-Ct and discuss the loads on main components and downwind speed by presenting analysis of several wind scenarios...

  3. Sociologie du travail et critique du temps industriel The Sociology of Labor and a critical vision of industrial Time

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jens Thoemmes


    Full Text Available La sociologie du travail a développé un point de vue particulier sur l'analyse des temporalités sociales. L'objectif de cet article est de montrer l'élaboration progressive d'une critique d'un temps industriel unique et unifiant. Cette critique s'appuie sur trois éléments : la multiplicité des temporalités de l’activité professionnelle, le caractère déstructurant du travail industriel et l'émergence d'un temps des loisirs. Ce point de vue a été élaboré par la sociologie du travail en France après 1945, notamment par Georges Friedmann, Pierre Naville et William Grossin.  Avant d’aborder cette période nous voudrions  interroger le moment de la fondation de la sociologie. En mobilisant des travaux peu connus de Max Weber sur le travail, nous verrons en quoi il est un précurseur de l’analyse des attitudes diversifiées des individus et des collectifs à l’égard du temps. Cette perspective lie, dès les premières enquêtes sociologiques, le travail industriel à une interrogation sur les temporalités.The sociology of work and labor developed a particular viewpoint on the analysis of social times. The objective of this article is to show how a criticism of a unique and unifying industrial time progressively grew up. Such criticism leans on three elements: the multiplicity of social times linked to the occupational activity, the disintegrating nature of work in the manufacturing process and the emergence of leisure-time. This point of view was elaborated by the sociology of work in France after 1945, notably by Georges Friedmann, Pierre Naville and William Grossin. Before approaching this period we question the moment of the foundation of sociology. By mobilizing little known research by Max Weber on the manufacturing process, we shall see in what way he was a precursor of the analysis of diversified attitudes regarding time by individuals and groups.

  4. La maîtrise du temps comme enjeu de lutte


    Bureau, Marie-Christine; Corsani, Antonella


    Le conflit social autour de la réforme du régime d'assurance chômage des intermittents du spectacle a été marqué par son intensité et par sa durée. La thèse défendue ici est que la maîtrise du temps constitue l’un des enjeux majeurs de ce conflit. L'affrontement sur le terrain économique de la régulation de l'emploi et de l'industrie culturelle s'est doublé de l'affrontement sur le temps. La question du temps ne se limite pas à la régulation du temps de travail, elle concerne la maîtrise du t...

  5. WiMax taking wireless to the max

    CERN Document Server

    Pareek, Deepak


    With market value expected to reach 5 billion by 2007 and the endorsement of some of the biggest names in telecommunications, World Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) is poised to change the broadband wireless landscape. But how much of WiMAX's touted potential is merely hype? Now that several pre-WiMAX networks have been deployed, what are the operators saying about QoS and ROI? How and when will device manufacturers integrate WiMAX into their products? What is the business case for using WiMAX rather than any number of other established wireless alternatives?WiMAX: Taking Wireless

  6. Oxidation of Al2O3 Scale-Forming MAX Phases in Turbine Environments (United States)

    Smialek, James L.


    High temperature oxidation of alumina-forming MAX phases, Ti2AlC and Cr2AlC, were examined under turbine engine environments and coating configurations. Thermogravimetric furnace tests of Ti2AlC showed a rapid initial transient due to non-protective TiO2 growth. Subsequent well-behaved cubic kinetics for alumina scale growth were shown from 1273 K to 1673 K (1000 °C to 1400 °C). These possessed an activation energy of 335 kJ/mol, consistent with estimates of grain boundary diffusivity of oxygen ( 375 kJ/mol). The durability of Ti2AlC under combustion conditions was demonstrated by high pressure burner rig testing at 1373 K to 1573 K (1100 °C to 1300 °C). Here good stability and cubic kinetics also applied, but produced lower weight gains due to volatile TiO(OH)2 formation in water vapor combustion gas. Excellent thermal stability was also shown for yttria-stabilized zirconia thermal barrier coatings deposited on Ti2AlC substrates in 2500-hour furnace tests at 1373 K to 1573 K (1100 °C to 1300 °C). These sustained a record 35 µm of scale as compared to 7 μm observed at failure for typical superalloy systems. In contrast, scale and TBC spallation became prevalent on Cr2AlC substrates above 1423 K (1150 °C). Cr2AlC diffusion couples with superalloys exhibited good long-term mechanical/oxidative stability at 1073 K (800 °C), as would be needed for corrosion-resistant coatings. However, diffusion zones containing a NiAl-Cr7C3 matrix with MC and M3B2 particulates were commonly formed and became extensive at 1423 K (1150 °C).

  7. Determination of angular rotation velocity of Dar'e wind turbine with straight blades

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ershina, A.K.; Ershin, Sh.A.; Upnanov, T.K.


    In the report the method of angular velocity determination for wind turbine of given capacity with allowing for an average seasonal wind velocity and all geometrical and dynamical characteristics of the unit is presented. It is noted, that this wind turbine has following advantages: wind direction does not plays role due to vertical axis position of the turbine; electric generator and other equipment are arranged on the ground, that reduce construction's weight, expedite of servicing and repair; the wind turbine has high coefficient of wind energy use (ξ max =0.45)


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    Achmad Machin


    Full Text Available Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perlunya pengembangan penyedap rasa alternatif berbahan hidrolisat tempe dan proses pembuatannya, menguji jenis asam amino, kadar protein dan uji organoleptik. Metode eksperimen digunakan pada penelitian ini. Pengujian jenis asam amino melalui teknik kromatografi, kadar protein terlarut melalui metode Biuret dan uji organoleptik produk dibandingkan penyedap rasa sintetis. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah pengembangan penyedap rasa hidrolisat tempe perlu dilakukan karena alasan dampak mengkonsumsi penyedap rasa sintetis, pengembangan teknologi, sumber penghasilan dan potensi penelitian. Proses pembuatannya melalui penambahan sari nanas pada tempe yang telah dikukus dan diblender dengan perbandingan tempe:air:sari nanas 1: 0,5:0,5. Pengovenan selama 2 jam pada suhu 55ºC, penambahan dektrin + NaCl (masing-masing sebanyak 0,5 gr/100 gr tempe, pengovenan kembali selama 2 jam pada suhu 55ºC. Perlakuan B2 (pengovenan pada suhu 55ºC selama 2 jam menghasilkan asam glutamat. Produk ini berpotensi membentuk monosodium glutamat dengan penambahan NaCl. Jumlah protein terlarut dipengaruhi oleh lama pengovenan dan suhu. Produk hidrolisat tempe sebagai penyedap rasa menghasilkan rerata kesukaan warna (3,3 = menarik, aroma (3,9 = sangat suka dan menghasilkan cita rasa sama jika ditambahakan sebanyak 2 kali dibandingkan penyedap rasa sintetis.This research was aimed to describe the need for the development of alternative flavor made from hydrolyzated tempe and its manufacturing process, to test the types of amino acid, to measure the protein levels and to test the favor organoleptically. This was an experimental study. The types of amino acid was tested using chromatographic technique, the level of soluble protein was tested using Biuret method and the products were compared organoleptically. The study showed that the development of hydrolyzated tempe flavoring needs to be performed by the reason of the impact of

  9. KOMPOSISI ZAT GIZI TEMPE YANG DIFORTIFIKASI ZAT BESI DAN VITAMIN A PADA TEMPE MENTAH DAN MATANG (Nutritional Composition of Soyben Tempeh Fortified with Iron and Vitamin A on Uncook and Cook Soyben Tempeh

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahayu Astuti


    pada tempe mentah maupun masak. Pada tempe mentah, meningkatnya kadar zat besi perlakuan meningkatkan kadar zat besi tempe fortifikasi meskipun tidak signifikan. Kadar protein dan lemak menurun secara bermakna setelah diolah (dibacem (p0,05. Kata kunci: Tempe terfortifikasi, zat besi, vitamin A, komposisi zat gizi

  10. Validation of TEMP: A finite line heat transfer code for geologic repositories for nuclear waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atterbury, W.G.; Hetteburg, J.R.; Wurm, K.J.


    TEMP is a FORTRAN computer code for calculating temperatures in a geologic repository for nuclear waste. A previous report discusses the structure, usage, verification, and benchmarking of TEMP V1.0 (Wurm et al., 1987). This report discusses modifications to the program in the development of TEMP V1.1 and documents the validation of TEMP. The development of TEMP V1.1 from TEMP V1.0 consisted of two major efforts. The first was to recode several of the subroutines to improve logic flow and to allow for geometry-independent temperature calculation routines which, in turn, allowed for the addition of the geometry-independent validation option. The validation option provides TEMP with the ability to model any geometry of temperature sources with any step-wise heat release rate. This capability allows TEMP to model the geometry and heat release characteristics of the validation problems. The validation of TEMP V1.1 consists of the comparison of TEMP to three in-ground heater tests. The three tests chosen were Avery Island, Louisiana, Site A; Avery Island, Louisiana, Site C; and Asse Mine, Federal Republic of Germany, Site 2. TEMP shows marginal comparison with the two Avery Island sites and good comparison with the Asse Mine Site. 8 refs., 25 figs., 14 tabs

  11. Solar energy system performance evaluation: Seasonal report for Elcam Tempe Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona (United States)


    The solar system, Elcam-Tempe, was designed by Elcam Incorporated, Santa Barbara, California, to supply commercial domestic hot water heating systems to the Agriculture Department residence at Arizona State University. The building is a single story residence located at the agriculture experiment farm of the Arizona State University. The energy system's four modes of operation are described. Electrical energy savings at the site was a net of 5.54 million Btu after the 0.17 million Btu of operating energy required to operate collector loop circulating pump were subtracted. The energy savings due to solar was less than the system's potential. On an average, twice as much hot water could have been used with significant solar energy contribution. The system corrosion and deposits caused by using dissimilar metals in the collector loop was the only problem noted with the Elcam-Tempe system.


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    Rahmi Yuniarti


    Full Text Available Malang is one of the industrial centers of tempe chips. To maintain the quality and food safety, analysis is required to identify the hazards during the production process. This study was conducted to identify the hazards during the production process of tempe chips and provide recommendations for developing a HACCP system. The phases of production process of tempe chips are started from slice the tempe, move it to the kitchen, coat it with flour dough, fry it in the pan, drain it, package it, and then storage it. There are 3 types of potential hazards in terms of biological, physical, and chemical during the production process. With the CCP identification, there are three processes that have Critical Control Point. There are the process of slicing tempe, immersion of tempe into the flour mixture and draining. Recommendations for the development of HACCP systems include recommendations related to employee hygiene, supporting equipment, 5-S analysis, and the production layout.


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    Diah M. Utari


    that have role in increasing SOD antioxidant enzyme activity. The role of the enzyme is as a first barrier to free radical. Tempe could be considered as functional food which have benefit for address of lipid profile and prevent free radical which may reduce degenerative disease risk. Although there are no dietary recommendation of tempe for individual, it may a great benefit to consume tempe about 2-3 slice/day (100-150 g. It is better to cook with boiling or steaming to get maximal benefit of tempe for health. Key words: traditional food, tempe, fermentation

  14. Du temps de travail au temps des marchés From working time to the time of the marketplace

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jens Thoemmes


    Full Text Available Nous avons emprunté à Le Goff, à la suite d’un retour au Moyen Âge, la métaphore de l’irruption du temps des marchands dans un monde prédominé par les activités agricoles. Nous avons retenu deux qualités de ce temps des marchands. La première concerne le rôle fondamental qu’ont joué les marchands pour contribuer à l’instauration d’une mesure précise du temps de travail. La seconde qualité du temps des marchands porte sur la maîtrise des risques et notamment sur le contrôle de la variabilité des prix. Nous retrouvons aujourd’hui ces caractéristiques à l’occasion d’un profond remaniement des temporalités : on passe du temps de travail au temps des marchés. Consécutivement aux lois Auroux de 1982, la variabilité devient un dispositif de la négociation collective servant à la mise en marché du temps de travail. Nous avons analysé comment en 20 ans de négociation collective, le travail du législateur et des négociateurs a amené un nouveau schème de la négociation collective. Ces échanges portent sur l’introduction d’une « norme variable » de la durée de travail qui s’est généralisée et sur la situation du «marché du travail » au niveau local et au niveau sociétal. Ces deux évolutions sont liées aux mouvements des marchés, des produits et de l’emploi, que les acteurs de la négociation cherchent à contrôler en mettant en œuvre des logiques prévisionnelles et provisionnelles.Following in Le Goff’s footsteps, inspired by the Middle Ages, we use the metaphor of the eruption of merchants’ time in a world dominated by agricultural activities. We retain two qualities of this sort of time. The first relates to the fundamental role which merchants played in the introduction of a precise measurement of working time. The second quality of merchants’ time relates to risk control and especially to controlling price variability. We find these features today in France: temporalities

  15. NOAA Global Surface Temperature (NOAAGlobalTemp) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA Global Surface Temperature Dataset (NOAAGlobalTemp) is a merged land–ocean surface temperature analysis (formerly known as MLOST) (link is external). It is...

  16. Product information affects perception of sensory, collative properties and elicited emotions of Indonesian tempe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fibri, Dwi Larasatie Nur; Frøst, Michael Bom

    The effects of product information given to consumers were evaluated on sensory and collative properties of tempe, a traditional Indonesian food. A consumer test on 9 different types of tempe (5 traditionally tempe and 4 more modernized version of tempe) was carried out with 175 Indonesian...... methods, where the traditional was most different from partly modernized and fully modernized. However, interaction is not systematic whether on bean or production type. Information changed the perception on sensory and collative properties of the products. The results demonstrate the powerful effect...... of sensory properties, rating of collative properties and elicited emotions. The results show astonishingly large effects of the information (table 1 and 2). The 5 traditional tempes (produced from velvet bean, black soybean, mungbean, jackbean, and local yellow soybean, all inoculated with traditional usar...

  17. La renaissance du temps pour en finir avec la crise de la physique

    CERN Document Server

    Smolin, Lee


    La question du Temps est au coeur de toutes les problématiques scientifiques, de la cosmologie à la mécanique quantique. L’un des plus grands physiciens d’aujourd’hui, Lee Smolin, expose sa conception du Temps et ses implications sur la perception de notre environnement. Le Temps est-il une illusion qui cache une vérité éternelle, ou une réalité physique de notre Univers ? Lee Smolin opte pour la réalité du Temps, s’opposant en cela à la majorité des penseurs, physiciens ou philosophes, inspirés pour les uns par la théorie de la Relativité d’Einstein et pour les autres par les idées platoniciennes.


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    Rusno Rusno


    Full Text Available Industri kripik tempe di desa Sanan Malang merupakan bagian dari UMKM mengalami perkembang-an yang cukup baik. Hingga akhir tahun 2013 kemarin berjumlah kurang lebih 65 pengrajin, bahkan saat ini Sanan sudah menjadi sentra industri kecil penghasil kripik tempe dan menjadi salah satu pro-duk unggulan kota Malang. Namun dalam perjalanannya industri ini banyak mengalami masalah diantaranya banyak pesaing yang terus masuk dalam bisnis ini. Hal ini mengakibatkan persaingan yang semakin ketat sehingga para pelaku harus dapat menentukan strategi untuk dapat memenangkan persaingan, maka Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana posisi bersaing dan penetapan strategi pemasaran produsen kripik tempe di kota Malang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah confirmatory research. Sebagai populasinya adalah pengusaha kripik tempe yang berlokasi di kecamatan Blimbing kota Malang yang berjumlah 65 pemilik home industri. Sampel dilakukan dengan teknik Simple random sampling berjumlah 33 pengusaha industri kripik tempe. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner, dan teknik analisis data dengan teknik deskriptif dan tabulasi silang. Berdasarkan analisis data didapatkan hasil penelitian bahwa posisi bersaing industri kripik tempe di Sanan terdapat 4 cluster yang terbagi dalam : Cluster 1 (pemimpin pasar/market leader beranggota-kan 1 perusahaan. Cluster 2(penceruk pasar/market nicher beranggotakan 13 perusahaan, Cluster 3 (penantang pasar/market challenger beranggotakan 8 perusahaan dan cluster 4 (pengikut pasar /market follower beranggotakan 11 perusahaan. 

  19. Min-Max Spaces and Complexity Reduction in Min-Max Expansions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaubert, Stephane, E-mail: [Ecole Polytechnique, INRIA and CMAP (France); McEneaney, William M., E-mail: [University of California San Diego, Dept. of Mech. and Aero. Eng. (United States)


    Idempotent methods have been found to be extremely helpful in the numerical solution of certain classes of nonlinear control problems. In those methods, one uses the fact that the value function lies in the space of semiconvex functions (in the case of maximizing controllers), and approximates this value using a truncated max-plus basis expansion. In some classes, the value function is actually convex, and then one specifically approximates with suprema (i.e., max-plus sums) of affine functions. Note that the space of convex functions is a max-plus linear space, or moduloid. In extending those concepts to game problems, one finds a different function space, and different algebra, to be appropriate. Here we consider functions which may be represented using infima (i.e., min-max sums) of max-plus affine functions. It is natural to refer to the class of functions so represented as the min-max linear space (or moduloid) of max-plus hypo-convex functions. We examine this space, the associated notion of duality and min-max basis expansions. In using these methods for solution of control problems, and now games, a critical step is complexity-reduction. In particular, one needs to find reduced-complexity expansions which approximate the function as well as possible. We obtain a solution to this complexity-reduction problem in the case of min-max expansions.


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    Mien KMS Mahmud


    Full Text Available Kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida darah merupakan salah satu indikator yang dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosa kemungkinan adanya gangguan jantung atherosklerosis. Kadar lipida darah mempunyai korelasi yang tinggi dengan jenis lemak atau minyak yang dikonsumsi setiap hari, karena komposisi asam lemak pada setiap jenis minyak berbeda. Tempe telah lama digemari masyarakat Indonesia dan telah diketahui bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Penelitian yang dilaporkan melalui makalah ini bertujuan mempelajari peluang kejadian penyakit atherosklerosis pada pada kelinci dengan pola konsumsi minyak makan asal kelapa sawit, minyak kedelai, minyak asal lemak babi atau minyak babi dicampur tempe. Kelinci percobaan dewasa yang sehat dikelompokkan berdasarkan kadar hemoglobin darah antara 8.2-13.6 g/dl menjadi lima kelompok percobaan. Satu kelompok sebagai kontrol diberi ronsum standar terdiri dari pelet, kangkung dan ubi merah secara adlibitum. Empat kelompok lainnya, disamping ransum standar juga diberi 2 ml minyak babi atau minyak kedelai atau minyak kelapa sawit atau minyak babi yang ditambahkan 5 gram tempe bubuk, sehari. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap kadar kolesterol total,  LDL, HDL dan trigliserido darah. Dilakukan pula pemeriksaan histopatologi pada jaringan pembuluh darah jantung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minyak babi menyebabkan kenaikan kadar kolesterol total, LDL, HDL dan trigliserida didalam darah sebanyak masing-masing berturut-tuut 60%, 89%, 52% dan 42%. Minyak kelapa sawit menaikan kadar kolesterol total 15%, menurunkan kadar LDL 21%, menaikan kadar HDL 24% dan menurunkan kadar trigliserida 14%. Minyak kedelai menurunkan kolesterol total sebanyak 10%, LDL 30%, trigliserida 24% seraya menaikan kadar HDL sebanyak 3%. Penambahan tempe ke dalam minyak babi dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol total 10%, LDL 44%, trigliserida 28% dan memelihara kadar HDL lebih tinggi dari sebelum perlakuan. Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan bahwa pemberian

  1. Max Jakobson : Kommunismisse tuleb suhtuda objektiivselt / Max Jakobson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jakobson, Max, 1923-2013


    President Rüütel andis Soome tuntud diplomaadile ja Inimsusevastaste Kuritegude Uurimise Rahvusvahelise Komisjoni (IKURK) esimehele Max Jakobsonile Maarjamaa Risti I klassi teenetemärgi. Tseremooniajärgne intervjuu Max Jakobsoniga

  2. Remembering Max Boisot

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sanchez, Ron


    This chapter offers some reflections on Max Boisot and his extraordinary intellect drawn from our 15 years of exchanging and crafting ideas together. I first comment on the process of working with Max, and then suggest some of the remarkable qualities of thought that I believe distinguished Max's...... these qualities of thought are also reflected in Max's individual work and especially in his crowning achievement, the Information-Space Model....

  3. Perancangan Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Industri Tempe di Desa Bandungrejo –Kecamatan Mranggen – Kab. Demak

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    Tri Joko


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Background : Problems  which often appear in small industrial environment especially from the central industry of tempe is lack of awareness of society in management of the environment It is associated with the limited fund to build waste water facility and also its operating expenses. The Central Industry of tempe in Bandungrejo District of Mranggen at this time. The amount of  is 26 home industries of tempe product are marketed to the region of Demak and its surroundings, amount to and also to region part of east town of Semarang. For the efficacy of product of tempe,  waste also generate problem especially related to contamination of ground water, decrease quality of wells, dig water  as the source of clean. Method : To overcome the mentioned hence, it requires a cheap waste water treatment system design, easy to operate and also with  economized  energy. Result : As conclusion of this research is that source of waste water of tempe industry comes from washing process, poaching of seed process, soaking and resolving of soy husk and seed process, debit/capacities waste water of tempe mean equal to 1,27 m3/day/industry, waste water characteristic of tempe Industry  has the character of organic with comparison of BOD/COD = 0,4 - 0,5, the proposed of IPAL design is by using batch system through anaerobic system with usage of PVC pipe media of wasp den at biofilter process. Suggested from results of this research are the importance of giving knowledge to society of central industry of tempe about tere impacts  to the  environment by activity making of tempe and also the importance of forming and stabilization of organization management of industrial waste water so that reaching of continuity of operation and maintenance of WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plan.   Key words : anaerobic biofilter, industrial  waste water of tempe

  4. AuroraMAX! (United States)

    Donovan, E.; Spanswick, E. L.; Chicoine, R.; Pugsley, J.; Langlois, P.


    AuroraMAX is a public outreach and education initiative that brings auroral images to the public in real time. AuroraMAX utilizes an observing station located just outside Yellowknife, Canada. The station houses a digital All-Sky Imager (ASI) that collects full-colour images of the night sky every six seconds. These images are then transmitted via satellite internet to our web server, where they are made instantly available to the public. Over the last two years this program has rapidly become one of the most successful outreach programs in the history of Space Science in Canada, with hundreds of thousands of distinct visitors to the CSA AuroraMAX website, thousands of followers on social media, and hundreds of newspaper, magazine, radio, and television spots. Over the next few years, the project will expand to include a high-resolution SLR delivering real-time auroral images (also from Yellowknife), as well as a program where astronauts on the ISS will take pictures of the aurora with a handheld SLR. The objectives of AuroraMAX are public outreach and education. The ASI design, operation, and software were based on infrastructure that was developed for the highly successful ASI component of the NASA THEMIS mission as well as the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Canadian GeoSpace Monitoring (CGSM) program. So from an education and public outreach perspective, AuroraMAX is a single camera operating in the Canadian north. On the other hand, AuroraMAX is one of nearly 40 All-Sky Imagers that are operating across North America. The AuroraMAX camera produces data that is seamlessly integrated with the CGSM ASI data, and made widely available to the Space Science community through open-access web and FTP sites. One of our objectives in the next few years is to incorporate some of the data from the THEMIS and CGSM imagers into the AuroraMAX system, to maximize viewing opportunities and generate more real-time data for public outreach. This is an exemplar of a program that

  5. Fermented soya bean (tempe) extracts reduce adhesion of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli to intestinal epithelial cells. (United States)

    Roubos-van den Hil, P J; Nout, M J R; Beumer, R R; van der Meulen, J; Zwietering, M H


    This study aimed to investigate the effect of processed soya bean, during the successive stages of tempe fermentation and different fermentation times, on adhesion of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K88 to intestinal brush border cells as well as Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells; and to clarify the mechanism of action. Tempe was prepared at controlled laboratory scale using Rhizopus microsporus var. microsporus as the inoculum. Extracts of raw, soaked and cooked soya beans reduced ETEC adhesion to brush border cells by 40%. Tempe extracts reduced adhesion by 80% or more. ETEC adhesion to Caco-2 cells reduced by 50% in the presence of tempe extracts. ETEC K88 bacteria were found to interact with soya bean extracts, and this may contribute to the observed decrease of ETEC adhesion to intestinal epithelial cells. Fermented soya beans (tempe) reduce the adhesion of ETEC to intestinal epithelial cells of pig and human origin. This reduced adhesion is caused by an interaction between ETEC K88 bacteria and soya bean compounds. The results strengthen previous observations on the anti-diarrhoeal effect of tempe. This effect indicates that soya-derived compounds may reduce adhesion of ETEC to intestinal cells in pigs as well as in humans and prevent against diarrhoeal diseases.


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    Hermana Hermana


    Full Text Available Pembuatan laru tempe dan pengamatan kekuatannja selama penjimpanan. (Preparation of tempeh mold inoculum and observation on its activity during storage. "Laru" or tempeh mold inoculum can be made by growing tempeh mold on rice or "tiwul" (steamed cassava flour. Mold grown rice or "tiwul" is dried in the sun when the spores are fully mature. It is then ground to powder. The spores may also be taken from the dried rice or "tiwul" by rubbing them off with wheat flour. Rice flour or tapioca may be used as substitutes of wheat flour. The flours are also used to dilute the concentration of the spores in inoculum. Another type of tempeh mold in­oculum can be made by grinding dried tempeh into powder. "Laru" made by growing tempeh mold on rice is the best of the three, is easy to be prepared and is inexpensive. The self-life is at least six months when stored in a closed container at room temperature (25°C Walaupun laru murni tentu sangat baik, cara pembuatan laru murni seperti dikerjakan oleh Yap dan Stanton terlalu sulit dan mahal untuk dilaksanakan oleh pedagang tempe di Indonesia pada masa ini. Pada penelitian ini dicari cara pembuatan laru tempe yang mudal dilakukan dan murah, larunya dapat ditakar dan dapat disimpan lebih lama.


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    Dadi Hidayat Maskar


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to evaluate the effect of tempe that were made from Genetically Modified (GM and non-GM soybean on protein quality, malondialdehide (MDA levels, intracellular antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD activity in the liver and kidneys, as well as spermatozoa profile of experimental rats. Fourty five Sprague Dawley rats divided into eight treatment grups and one control, fed with tempe and soybean from GM and non-GM at 10% and 20% concentrations for 90 days. The results showed that there was no significant difference in term of protein quality, tempe made from GM soybean is substantially equivalent with tempe made from non-GM soybean. Results showed that group which was given ration of 10% protein from conventional soybean had lower liver and kidney MDA levels as compared to GM tempe 10% and 20% groups, but was not significant compared to conventional soybean 20% and casein 10% groups. While the value of liver and kidney SOD activity were not significantly different (p>0.05 between the groups of rats. There was no significant differences among the spermatozoa profiles treatment groups and control and they were within normal condition. Results of protein quality, MDA, SOD, and spermatozoa profile showed that tempe made from GM soybean was substantially equivalent with the non-GM soybean.Keywords: GM soybean, MDA, non-GM tempe, SOD, spermatozoa profileABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh tempe Pangan Rekayasa Genetik (PRG dan non-PRG meliputi kualitas protein, kadar malondialdehida (MDA hati dan ginjal, aktivitas superoksida dismutase (SOD hati dan ginjal, dan profil spermatozoa pada tikus percobaan. Sebanyak 45 tikus terbagi ke dalam delapan perlakuan dan satu kontrol yang diberikan perlakuan dengan ransum tempe dan kedelai, baik PRG maupun non-PRG, dengan konsentrasi 10% dan 20% selama 90 hari. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam kualitas protein

  8. TEMP-M program for thermal-hydraulic calculation of fast reactor fuel assemblies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bogoslovskaya, C.P.; Sorokin, A.P.; Tikhomirov, B.B.; Titov, P.A.; Ushakov, P.A.


    TEMP-M program (Fortran, BESM-6 computer) for thermal-hydraulic calculation of fast reactor fuel assemblies is described. Results of calculation of temperature field in a 127 fuel element assembly of BN-600, reactor accomplished according to TEMP-N program are considered as an example. Algorithm, realized in the program, enables to calculate the distributions of coolant heating, fuel element temperature (over perimeter and length) and assembly shell temperature. The distribution of coolant heating in assembly channels is determined from a solution of the balance equation system which accounts for interchannel exchange, nonadiabatic conditions on the assembly shell. The TEMP-M program gives necessary information for calculation of strength, seviceability of fast reactor core elements, serves an effective instrument for calculations when projecting reactor cores and analyzing thermal-hydraulic characteristics of operating reactor fuel assemblies

  9. SpikeTemp: An Enhanced Rank-Order-Based Learning Approach for Spiking Neural Networks With Adaptive Structure. (United States)

    Wang, Jinling; Belatreche, Ammar; Maguire, Liam P; McGinnity, Thomas Martin


    This paper presents an enhanced rank-order-based learning algorithm, called SpikeTemp, for spiking neural networks (SNNs) with a dynamically adaptive structure. The trained feed-forward SNN consists of two layers of spiking neurons: 1) an encoding layer which temporally encodes real-valued features into spatio-temporal spike patterns and 2) an output layer of dynamically grown neurons which perform spatio-temporal classification. Both Gaussian receptive fields and square cosine population encoding schemes are employed to encode real-valued features into spatio-temporal spike patterns. Unlike the rank-order-based learning approach, SpikeTemp uses the precise times of the incoming spikes for adjusting the synaptic weights such that early spikes result in a large weight change and late spikes lead to a smaller weight change. This removes the need to rank all the incoming spikes and, thus, reduces the computational cost of SpikeTemp. The proposed SpikeTemp algorithm is demonstrated on several benchmark data sets and on an image recognition task. The results show that SpikeTemp can achieve better classification performance and is much faster than the existing rank-order-based learning approach. In addition, the number of output neurons is much smaller when the square cosine encoding scheme is employed. Furthermore, SpikeTemp is benchmarked against a selection of existing machine learning algorithms, and the results demonstrate the ability of SpikeTemp to classify different data sets after just one presentation of the training samples with comparable classification performance.

  10. Temps et espace de l'antiquité à nos jours

    CERN Document Server

    Rovelli, Carlo


    Des visions du cosmos dans la Grèce ancienne aux théories récentes sur la gravité quantique, Carlo Rovelli explore les métamorphoses de la notion d'espace et de temps. Une approche lumineuse de l'histoire des sciences par le biais de ces "coordonnées fondamentales de notre description du monde". Au terme de ce voyage, qui fait la part belle aux recherches actuelles, se dessine un Univers fascinant fait de " grains d'espace", où le temps pourrait n'être qu'un effet de notre ignorance des lois du monde.

  11. L’Imaginaire du temps dans le fantastique et la science-fiction (2011)


    Julie Schutz


    Ce numéro des cahiers du LAPRIL contient vingt-deux contributions sur la question du temps en science-fiction et dans le fantastique, dans sa dimension thématique, mais aussi pour faire ressortir l'influence de cette question sur l'évolution même de ces genres. Une partie des réflexions concerne aussi les représentations d'un temps « mythique ».

  12. L’Imaginaire du temps dans le fantastique et la science-fiction (2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julie Schutz


    Full Text Available Ce numéro des cahiers du LAPRIL contient vingt-deux contributions sur la question du temps en science-fiction et dans le fantastique, dans sa dimension thématique, mais aussi pour faire ressortir l'influence de cette question sur l'évolution même de ces genres. Une partie des réflexions concerne aussi les représentations d'un temps « mythique ».

  13. Capitalisation du temps et différenciation par le genre


    Thoemmes , Jens; Thébault , Claire; Flautre , Anne


    18p.; International audience; En instituant un dispositif dénommé " Compte-épargne-temps " (CET), la loi française relative à l'amélioration de la participation des salariés dans l'entreprise du 27 juillet 1994 visait d'une part, à favoriser le développement de l'emploi par la prise d'un congé d'au moins 6 mois, et d'autre part, à permettre la distribution des gains de productivité aux salariés sous forme de temps libre indemnisé. Le dispositif a pour objet de permettre aux salariés d'accumul...


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    Purnawan Adi Wicaksono


    Full Text Available Kapasitas fisik maksimum seseorang direpresentasikan dengan nilai konsumsi oksigen maksimum (VO2 Max dan denyut nadi maksimum (HR Max yang memberikan suatu informasi batasan kemampuan fisik maksimum seseorang dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Penelitian kali ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mencari nilai VO2 Max pekerja pria Indonesia untuk nantinya akan dikembangkan suatu persamaan prediksi VO2 Max yang didekati dengan hubungan linier antara denyut nadi (Heart Rate seperti yang dilakukan Astrand (2003, tinggi badan (Chatterjee et al, 2006, berat badan (Akalan et al, 2008, usia (Magrani et al, 2009 dan mengevaluasi persamaan HR Max manakah yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk mendekati nilai denyut nadi maksimum pekerja Indonesia. Responden dalam penelitian kali ini adalah 12  pekerja industri pria yang diambil dari beberapa industri di Depok dan sekitarnya. Kriteria responden yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian kali ini adalah: berusia 20-40 tahun, bukan perokok baik aktif maupun pasif, sehat , tidak mengkonsumsi makanan, kafein, alkohol minimal 2 jam sebelum eksperimen (Balderrama et. al, 2007.Eksperimen yang dilakukan menggunakan metode maximal test dengan protokol treadmill. Adapun peralatan yang digunakan adalah seperangkat alat pengukur kondisi fisiologi Fitmate MED (COSMED srl-Italy terdiri dari Heart Rate Transmitter, Heart Rate Receiver, V mask (Hans Rudolph Inc,dan treadmill SportArt@60.  Eksperimen dilakukan menjadi dua bagian, yaitu istirahat dan tahap bekerja.Aktivitas istirahat terdiri dari tidur selama 20 menit, duduk selama 20 menit dan berdiri selama 10 menit. Eksperimen tahap kedua yaitu tahap kerja yang terdiri dari latihan selama 5 menit. Responden dipersilakan beristirahat selama 15 menit, setelah itu responden melaksanakan maximal test detik hingga responden merasa tidak sanggup lagi melanjutkan eksperimen. Hasil penelitian model prediksi VO2 max untuk pekerja industri pria mempunyai nilai 2,78 ± 0,5 liter/menit dan dengan regresi linier

  15. PCR approach for rapid detection of Escherichia coli in tempe using a specific primer

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    Siti Harnina Bintari


    Full Text Available Tempe known as a traditional fermented food originated from Indonesia. It has a unique flavour and texture. It also contains high protein and usually serves to substitute meat, fish, or egg as a complement to rice. The manufacture process of Tempe is quite complex and mostly, the traditional process has not employed the hygienic standard. In the process of Tempe making, there are two critical stages of the whole process; i.e. soaking of soybeans and solid state fermentation by Rhizopus sp. During the process, foodborne pathogen bacteria such as Escherichia coli could contaminate the product of Tempe. The bacterial contamination could be revealed through culture dependent methods which is costly, laborious, and time consuming. Therefore, the culture-independent method such as polymerase chain reaction using a specific primer could be applied to detect target microorganism to save time and labour. In this study, thirty-one Tempe samples collected from different manufacturers in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia were analysed by PCR. In order to obtain the bacterial genomic DNA, a modified Chelex 100-Microwave method was employed. The results of DNA extraction showed that the method was an applicable method. It gave high quantity and quality of DNA; therefore, it could be applied in the PCR reaction. The DNA samples were employed in PCR for detection of Escherichia coli using Ecoli706F/R. It was found that 27 out of 31 samples were detected having Escherichia coli contamination showed by the presence of the amplified product size 706 bp. The application of this method could significantly reduce costs and time of analysis in the laboratory. Further response after E. coli were detected could be employed, including investigation of the critical factors in Tempe manufacturing process which allowed E. coli contamination.


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    Agustina Setiawati


    Full Text Available Abstract: Rapid and simple quantitative analysis isoflavones tempe using densitometric TLC has been done. The mobile phase of the system was chloroform: methanol: ethylacetate (45: 5: 0.75. Thin layer chromatography was performed on aluminium TLC plates.Ascending distance of 1 μL sample was performanced 10 cm. Then the plate was scanned at 261 nm. A linear relationship obtained at 0.08 - 2 μg/spot with r= 0.9986. The LOD and LOQ of isoflavone were 0.014 μg/spot and 0.048 μg/spot. Genistein contained in tempe was 0.151± 0.005 % b/b. Keywords: tempe, isoflavon, TLC

  17. Standardization of the TEMPS-A in the Greek general population. (United States)

    Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N; Siamouli, Melina; Magiria, Matina; Pantoula, Eleonora; Moutou, Katerina; Kemeridou, Marina; Mavridou, Eirini; Panagiotidis, Panagiotis; Loli, Efimia; Batsiari, Elena; Preti, Antonio; Tondo, Leonardo; Gonda, Xenia; Rihmer, Zoltan; Akiskal, Kareen; Akiskal, Hagop


    The current study evaluates the reliability and factor-structure replicability of the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego Autoquestionnaire (TEMPS-A) in its Greek Version. The TEMPS-A was administered to a convenient sample of 734 subjects from the general Greek population (436 females; 59.4% and 298 males; 40.6%). Their mean age was 40.80±11.48 years (range 25-67 years). The analysis included the calculation of Chronbach's alpha, the calculation of the threshold to define dominant temperaments (+2 standard deviations or 95th percentile), confirmatory factor analysis and the calculation of Pearson correlation coefficients between the temperament scales scores. Analysis of Covariance with age as covariate and post-hoc t-test was used to search for differences in temperament scores between males and females. Also a table of percentile values corresponding to a raw score was created. Internal consistency was excellent for the various temperaments (0.72-0.88). The factor analysis confirmed the five factor solution as the best factor solution. All TEMPS items were included in the final version of the scale in the Greek language. The study sample included subjects from the general population, but it is a convenient and not representative sample. Although the authors tried to select them on the basis of being mentally healthy and without a psychiatric history, there is always a degree of uncertainty. There is also always the possibility some of them to manifest a mental disorder in the future, thus being currently in a premorbid state. The Greek version of the TEMPS-A, has good internal consistency and factor structure similar to what was found in other translations. Overall our results are in accord with the literature and in line with theoretical considerations as well as with empirical evidence. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. George Herbert Mead, La Philosophie du temps en perspective(s)


    Leclerc, Natalia


    L’ouvrage intitulé La Philosophie du temps en perspective(s) comporte plusieurs textes de G. H. Mead, précédés d’une importante introduction de Michèle Leclerc-Olive, qui présente « Les figures du temps dans la philosophie de George Herbert Mead ». Son caractère pédagogique est très appréciable : elle permet en effet d’entrer progressivement dans la pensée, ou plutôt dans les différentes facettes et étapes de la réflexion de Mead. Il est extrêmement dense, et le présent compte rendu n’a pas d...

  19. Turbulence influence on optimum tip speed ratio for a 200 kW vertical axis wind turbine (United States)

    Möllerström, E.; Eriksson, S.; Goude, A.; Ottermo, F.; Hylander, J.


    The influence of turbulence intensity (TI) on the tip speed ratio for maximum power coefficient, here called λCp_max, is studied for a 200 kW VAWT H-rotor using logged data from a 14 month period with the H-rotor operating in wind speeds up to 9 m/s. The TI - λCp_max relation is examined by dividing 10 min mean values in different turbulence intensity ranges and producing multiple CP(λ) curves. A clear positive relation between TI and λCp_max is shown and is further strengthened as possible secondary effects are examined and deemed non-essential. The established relation makes it possible to tune the control strategy to enhance the total efficiency of the turbine.

  20. Performance Improvement Strategic Home Based Manufacturer Tahu And Tempe Groups Based In The District Of Jember

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    Istatuk Budi Yuswanto


    Full Text Available Tahu dan tempe is a product of the soybean meal that has been known since long in Indonesia. Tahu is a Chinese food products in contrast to tempe an authentic Indonesian food . As tempe tahu also favored by the people of Indonesia because it has a taste that delicious nutritious and affordable price.Industries that produce tahu dan tempe are generally small-scale home-based businesses with the number of workers a little less than 2-6 people and investments that are not too large. The use of technology in small business home-based producer of tahu dan tempe quite simple and easy to learn so it can be run by anyone. The success of small business home-based manufacturers to survive and evolve toward more advanced by knowing their strengths weaknesses opportunities that can be taken by small business home-based and threat or better known as the SWOT Strength Weakness Opportunity Threath that can be retrieved strategies that affect the success and development of small business home-based manufacturer of tahu dan tempe.Constraints faced by small businesses and home-based manufacturers know that the soybean Tepe that include budget constraints limited access to banking limited human resources marketing only the scope of Jember and lack of good management. No group or cooperative does not have a good recording making it difficult to make financial reports manufacturing planning and operational supervision and finances into this industry employers group lemah.Pembentukan help solve problems and maximize its potential.

  1. Analysis list: Max [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Max Blood,Muscle,Pluripotent stem cell + mm9,,

  2. PENINGKATAN AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN SUPEROKSIDA DISMUTASE PADA TIKUS HIPERGLIKEMI DENGAN ASUPAN TEMPE KORO BENGUK (Mucuna pruriens L. (Increased Superoxide Dismutase Antioxidant Activity in Hyperglycemia Rat with Velvet Bean (Mucuna pruriens L.Tempe Diet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christiana Retnaningsih


    Hiperglikemi menimbulkan stress oksidatif dan patogenesis komplikasi diabetes. Untuk menurunkan hiperglikemi perlu dipertimbangkan kombinasi antara pengobatan modern dengan terapi tardisional melalui pangan fungsional guna mengurangi kerusakan sel beta pankreas. Bahan pangan yang memiliki potensi fungsional tersebut adalah biji koro benguk (Mucuna pruriens L yang difermentasi menjadi bentuk tempe. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan pengaruh asupan tempe koro benguk terhadap kadar glukosa darah dan status antioksidan serum pada tikus hiperglikemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan 50 ekor tikus jantan jenis Sprague Dawley umur 2-3 bulan. Tikus dibagi ke dalam 5 kelompok dengan cara random alokasi. Kelompok 1 kontrol negatif (C-, kelompok 2 kontrol positif (C+, kelompok 3 adalah X1-TK10%, kelompok 4 adalah X2-TK10%, kelompok 5 adalah X3-TK10%. Tikus kelompok C+, X1, X2, X3 diinduksi streptozotocin (STZ dengan dosis 40 mg/kg BB secara inta peritoneal. Penelitian dilakukan selama 30 hari. Data dianalisis dengan Paired T test, One way Anova dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Wilayah Ganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa STZ meningkatkan kadar glukosa darah dan menurunkan aktivitas antioksidan SOD serum. Hasil analisis in vivo pada tkus menunjukkan bahwa asupan tempe koro benguk menurunkan kadar glukosa darah dan meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan SOD serum. Kata kunci: Tempe koro benguk, antioksidan, hiperglikemi

  3. G.M. counter and pre-determined dead time; Compteur G.M. et temps mort impose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lamotte, R; Le Baud, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This paper is divided into two main parts. - The first section recalls the principle on which a G.M. counter works, and examines the factors which lead to inaccuracies in counting. The concept of dead time, although simple risen associated with the counter alone, becomes complicated as soon as an electronic dead time is introduced to meet the demands of a measurement or an experiment. The resulting dead time, due to the coexistence of these dead times created by a single motivating factor, shows up as a function of certain laws of probability. From the analysis of the various cases of possible combinations, the conditions which must be fulfilled by a system with pre-determined dead time may be determined. This leads to a method for measuring the dead time of a G.M. counter, and the possibility of studying the latter under the utilisation conditions foreseen. - In the second part the principle, construction and characteristics of two systems with pre-determined dead time are discussed. To conclude, a comparison of several experimental results justifies an extension of the possibilities of a G.M. counter used in conjunction with such a system. (author) [French] Deux parties essentielles scindent cet expose. - La premiere partie rappelle le principe de fonctionnement d'un compteur G.M. et examine les facteurs d'imprecisions affectant les comptages. La notion de temps mort, simple quand elle est associee au compteur seul, se complique des qu'intervient un temps mort electronique introduit pour les besoins d'une mesure ou d'une experience. Le temps mort resultant, du a la coexistence de ces temps morts engendres par une meme cause, se manifeste en fonction de certaines lois de probabilites. L'analyse des differents cas de combinaisons possibles permet de preciser les imperatifs auxquels doit repondre un systeme a temps mort impose. Il en decoule une methode de mesure du temps mort d'un compteur G.M. et la possibilite d'etudier celui-ci dans les conditions d

  4. Max Algebraic Complementary Basic Matrices

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fiedler, Miroslav; Hall, F.J.


    Roč. 457, 15 September (2014), s. 287-292 ISSN 0024-3795 Institutional support: RVO:67985807 Keywords : CB-matrix * Max algebra * Max permanent * Max eigenvalues Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.939, year: 2014

  5. 3ds Max 2012 Bible

    CERN Document Server

    Murdock, Kelly L


    Updated version of the bestselling 3ds Max book on the market 3ds Max 2012 Bible is one of the most popular 3ds Max how-tos on the market. If you're a beginner just itching to create something right away, the Quick Start project in Part 1 is for you. If you're an experienced user checking out 3ds Max 2012's latest and greatest features, you'll love the fact that the 3ds Max 2012 Bible continues to be the most comprehensive reference on this highly complex application.Find out what's new, what's tried and true, and how creative you can get using the tips, tricks, and techniques in this must-hav

  6. Faults and ridges - Historical development in Tempe Terra and Ulysses Patera regions of Mars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scott, D.H.; Dohm, J.M.


    Tempe Terra and the area north of Ulysses Patera are selected to demonstrate the various stages of faulting and ridge development in local areas. This work is accomplished by using Viking photomosaics to determine crosscutting relations of structures as well as their morphology and trend orientations. Results show that from the Early Noachian through the Early Amazonian Epochs, at least eight episodes of faulting occurred at Tempe Terra and six at Ulysses Patera. Tectonic activity at Tempe Terra was expressed mainly by densely spaced faults along the northeast extension of the Tharsis rise; faulting culminated in the Middle and Late Noachian and was superseded by transverse fault systems from the Alba Patera region during the Hesperian. Ridge formation, however, was most active in the Early Hesperian. At Ulysses Patera, an early history of tectonism is recorded by complex arrays of faults in a relatively small area of Noachian rocks. 14 refs

  7. Development of a new time-amplitude converter with tunnel diodes for improving fast neutron spectrometry by time of flight; Realisation d'un nouveau convertisseur temps-amplitude a diodes ''tunnel'' ameliorant la spectrometrie des neutrons rapides par temps de vol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Zurk, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    New time-amplitude converter with Esaki diodes, the events being preselected before analysis, allows for realizing a fast neutron spectrometer by time-of-flight with an 1.5 * 10{sup -9} s overall time resolution for {sup 12}C (n,n') at 14 MeV. (author) [French] Realisation d'un convertisseur temps-amplitude a diodes 'tunnel', avec preselection des impulsions; l'application pour un spectrometre de neutrons rapides a temps-de-vol permet d'obtenir une resolution totale en temps de 1,5 nanoseconde dans la diffusion {sup 12}C (n,n') a 14 MeV. (auteur)

  8. A min-max variational principle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Georgiev, P.G.


    In this paper a variational principle for min-max problems is proved that is of the same spirit as Deville-Godefroy-Zizler's variational principle for minimization problems. A localization theorem in which the mini-max points for the perturbed function with respect top a given ε-min-max point are localized is presented. 3 refs

  9. Productive Liquid Fertilizer from Liquid Waste Tempe Industry as Revealed by Various EM4 Concentration (United States)

    Hartini, S.; Letsoin, F.; Kristijanto, A. I.


    Recently, using of productive liquid fertilizer assumed as a proper and practical fertilizer for plant productivity purposes. Various ways of enrichment of liquid fertilizer were done to achieve certain quality. The purpose of this research was to determine the proper additional formulation in the process of making productive liquid fertilizer based on the various concentration of EM4 as well as comparated the result with SNI. Liquid tempe waste were collected from some tempe industries at Sidorejo Kidul village, Tingkir district, Salatiga. The concentration of EM4 which were added to the tempe wastewater are 0%; 0.20%; 0.40%; 0.60%; 0.80%; 1.00% respectively. The pH, temperature, C total, N total, C/N ratio, and PO4 3- were measured. Data was analyzed by using Randomize Completely Block Design (RCBD) with 6 treatments and 4 replications. Comparison between the average, the Honestly Significance Deference (HSD) 5% was used. The results showed that the addition of EM4 indicated there were a significant progress. Moreover, the most effective formula to increase the quality of productive liquid fertilizer from liquid waste tempe was found in addition of 1.00% EM4 with the gained analysis value for the C total, N total, C/N ratio, and degree of PO4 3- as follows : 4.395 ± 1.034%; 1.470 ± 0.081%; 3.01 ± 0.756; 685.28 ± 70.44 ppm . Associated with the need fulfillment of SNI hence can be concluded that result of Productive Liquid Fertilizer (PLF) from liquid waste tempe successfully fulfill SNI of liquid fertilizer for pH parameter and total N, only.

  10. Investigating the Trade-Off Between Power Generation and Environmental Impact of Tidal-Turbine Arrays Using Array Layout Optimisation and Habitat Sustainability Modelling. (United States)

    du Feu, R. J.; Funke, S. W.; Kramer, S. C.; Hill, J.; Piggott, M. D.


    The installation of tidal turbines into the ocean will inevitably affect the environment around them. However, due to the relative infancy of this sector the extent and severity of such effects is unknown. The layout of an array of turbines is an important factor in determining not only the array's final yield but also how it will influence regional hydrodynamics. This in turn could affect, for example, sediment transportation or habitat suitability. The two potentially competing objectives of extracting energy from the tidal current, and of limiting any environmental impact consequent to influencing that current, are investigated here. This relationship is posed as a multi-objective optimisation problem. OpenTidalFarm, an array layout optimisation tool, and MaxEnt, habitat sustainability modelling software, are used to evaluate scenarios off the coast of the UK. MaxEnt is used to estimate the likelihood of finding a species in a given location based upon environmental input data and presence data of the species. Environmental features which are known to impact habitat, specifically those affected by the presence of an array, such as bed shear stress, are chosen as inputs. MaxEnt then uses a maximum-entropy modelling approach to estimate population distribution across the modelled area. OpenTidalFarm is used to maximise the power generated by an array, or multiple arrays, through adjusting the position and number of turbines within them. It uses a 2D shallow water model with turbine arrays represented as adjustable friction fields. It has the capability to also optimise for user created functionals that can be expressed mathematically. This work uses two functionals; power extracted by the array, and the suitability of habitat as predicted by MaxEnt. A gradient-based local optimisation is used to adjust the array layout at each iteration. This work presents arrays that are optimised for both yield and the viability of habitat for chosen species. In each scenario

  11. Effect of moment of inertia to H type vertical axis wind turbine aerodynamic performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, C X; Li, S T


    The main aerodynamic performances (out power out power coefficient torque torque coefficient and so on) of H type Vertical Axis wind Turbine (H-VAWT) which is rotating machinery will be impacted by moment of inertia. This article will use NACA0018 airfoil profile to analyze that moment of inertia through impact performance of H type VAWT by utilizing program of Matlab and theory of Double-Multiple Streamtube. The results showed that the max out power coefficient was barely impacted when moment of inertia is changed in a small area,but the lesser moment of inertia's VAWT needs a stronger wind velocity to obtain the max out power. The lesser moment of inertia's VAWT has a big out power coefficient, torque coefficient and out power before it gets to the point of max out power coefficient. Out power coefficient, torque and torque coefficient will obviously change with wind velocity increased for VAWT of the lesser moment of inertia

  12. 10 Contribution à la régulation de la température au sein d'un ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Cette dégradation est influencée par plusieurs facteurs tels que : le pH, la température, la teneur en eau, etc. [2]. La température au ... Le digesteur étudié est de type batch, rempli à moitié dont l'autre moitié sert pour contenir le gaz produit. Le substrat utilisé .... coefficient d'absorption de la plaque; G éclairement solaire;.

  13. Tepung Tempe Kaya Isoflavon Meningkatkan Kadar Kalsium, Posfor dan Estrogen Plasma Tikus Betina Normal

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    I Nyoman Suarsana


    Full Text Available This research aimed to study the effect of isoflavon-riched tempe flour on calcium (Ca, phosphate(P, and estrogen levels in plasma et normal female rats during their growth period. A level oftwenty-five 2 months old female Sprague Dawley rats with an avarage body weight of 200 g wasrandomly divided into into 5 groups: one with control group (KO: without treatment and fourtreatment groups (K1, K2, K3, K4 : animals were given tempe flour with isoflavon at 1; 2; 4; and 6 mg/200 g/bw, respectively. The treatment was conducted for two months, following this blood plasmawas collected to analyse the level of calcium, phosphor, and estrogen, respectively. The resultshowed that although the plasma level of Ca, P, and estrogen was higher in the treatment groupcompare to the control group, this was not significantly different (P>0,05. The highest plasmalevel of Ca, P, and estrogen was seen in anmal receiving tempe flour with 4 mg/ 200 g bw/dayisoflavon.

  14. Couleur de temps, fragments d’histoires.

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    Daniel Russo


    Full Text Available Exposition « Couleur de temps, fragments d’histoires : XIIe-XXe siècles », Dijon, Musée Archéologique, 20 juin-2 novembre 2003Le travail est le résultat d’une collaboration entre l’Université, les Services de l’Inventaire, le Musée Archéologique et l’“Association Patrimoine Ambiance et Couleurs en Bourgogne”. Dix ans après l’exposition “D’ocre et d’Azur”, en 1992, et la parution du catalogue, il était opportun de revenir sur les découvertes et les redécouvertes de peintures murales en Bourgog...

  15. Effect of tempe waste on excreation of purine derivatives and microbial–N supply in lactating Etawah crossbred goats

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    D.A Astuti


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate excretion of purine derivatives and microbial–N supply in lactating Etawah crossbred goats fed with fermented soybean waste. Sixteen first lactating goats were randomly allotted into four dietary treatment groups that received 50% king grass plus R1: 50% concentrate, R2: 25% concentrate and 25% fresh tempe waste, R3: 25% concentrate and 25% fermented tempe waste, and R4: 25% concentrate and 25% gelatinizing of liquid tempe waste. Fermented tempe waste was made by fermentation of tempe waste (seed content of soybean using Aspergillus niger, while for the gellatinizing of liquid tempe waste was made by gelatinized with maize flour. Protein balance studies were conducted during two week trial and at the end of the research. Urinary protein and purine derivatives were collected for analysis. Microbial–N supply was calculated from purine derivatives excretion. Results showed that nitrogen consumptions were significantly different between R4 and three other treatments and apparent digestible nitrogen in R3 were higher than that of R4 (P<0.05. The nitrogen retention in R1 and R3 were higher than that of R2 and R4. Urinary purine derivatives in this study showed that allantoin, xanthine and hypoxanthine in R3 were higher than that of R4, while R1 and R2 were the same and the highest uric acid excretion and total purine derivatives were observed in R3. Microbial–N supply were significantly different between all treatments where R3 was the highest. This research concluded that fermented soybean waste had the highest total purine derivatives excretion and microbial–N supply to the lactating Etawah crossbred goats.

  16. Wind tunnel study of helical and straight-bladed vertical-axis wind turbine wakes (United States)

    Bagheri, Maryam; Araya, Daniel


    It is hypothesized that blade curvature can serve as a passive means to control fluid entrainment and wake recovery in vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) arrays. We test this experimentally in a wind tunnel using two different VAWT configurations, one with straight blades and another with helical blades, keeping all other experimental parameters fixed. A small-scale, commercially available VAWT (15W max power) is used as the baseline wind tunnel model in each case. The commercial VAWT blades are replaced with either straight or helical blades that are 3D-printed extrusions of the same airfoil cross-section. Results from smoke flow visualization, three-component wake velocity measurements, and turbine power data are presented. These results give insight into the potential use of VAWTs with curved blades in utility-scale wind farms.

  17. Les fondements de la mesure du temps comment les fréquences atomiques règlent le monde

    CERN Document Server

    Audoin, Claude


    La mesure du temps fondée sur des propriétés atomiques est née en 1955, avec le premier étalon de fréquence à jet de césium. Depuis, les horloges atomiques ne cessent de progresser et sont au coeur de nombreuses activités, telles que les comparaisons de temps, l'unification mondiale de l'heure ou la recherche en astronomie, géodésie, géophysique, télécommunications, etc. Cet ouvrage fournira des réponses détaillées au lecteur intéressé par la mesure du temps appliquée aux divers domaines cités.

  18. EVALUASI FISIKOKIMIA SOSIS TEMPE-DUMBO [Physicochemical Evaluation of Tempeh-Fish Sausage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T J Moedjiharto


    Full Text Available Evaluation on the physicochemical property of “tempe-dumbo” sausage made from meat of Clarias gariepinus and tempeh flour has been carried out. Randomized design with tree replications were used. Sausages were prepared from tempeh flour and fish meat in the proportion of: 1:0; 1:0,2; 1:0,3; 1:10,4 and 1:0,5 (w /w. Hardness, total volatile bases (TVB, and taste were evaluated. The results showed that the proportion of flour tempeh influenced the content the quality of “tempe-dumbo” sausage in term of protein quality, TVB.and taste. The addition of tempeh flour had significant effect the decrease essential amino acids, of total amino acids content, and organoleptic ascore (taste and flavor. . “Tempeh-dumbo” sausage contained essential amino acid of 27,354 mg/ g, protein which was consisted of 7 essential amino acid.

  19. Active control of the tip vortex: an experimental investigation on the performance characteristics of a model turbine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anik, E; Abdulrahim, A; Ostovan, Y; Mercan, B; Uzol, O


    This study is part of an on-going experimental research campaign that focuses on the active control of the tip leakage/vortex characteristics of a model horizontal axis wind turbine rotor using tip injection. This paper presents both baseline (no-injection) data as well as data with tip injection, concentrating on the effects of tip injection on power and thrust variations with the Tip Speed Ratio (TSR). The experiments are conducted by placing a specially designed 3-bladed model wind turbine rotor at the exit of a 1.7 m diameter open-jet wind tunnel. The rotor blades are non-linearly twisted and tapered with NREL S826 airfoil profile all along the span. The nacelle, hub and the blades are specifically designed to allow pressurized air to pass through and get injected from the blade tips while the rotor is rotating. Baseline results show that the general trends are as expected for a small wind turbine and the maximum power coefficient is reached at around TSR=4.5. Results with injection show that the tip injection has significant effect on the power and thrust coefficients in comparison to the baseline data, especially at TSR values higher than the max C P TSR value. Both coefficients seem to be significantly increased due to tip injection and the max C P TSR value also gets shifted to a slightly higher TSR value. Tip injection seems to have no significant effect for TSR values less than 3.5

  20. Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max 2013

    CERN Document Server

    Harper, Jeffrey


    Get professional training in 3ds Max from this Autodesk Official Training Guide Extremely popular with video game designers as well as architects, 3ds Max offers integrated 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and compositing tools designed to streamline production. If you already have a working knowledge of 3ds Max basics, this official guide will take your skills to the next level. Detailed tutorials cover all the latest features of 3ds Max. From modeling, texturing, animation, and architectural visualization to high-level techniques for film, television, games, and more, this book provides

  1. Temp-to-permanent employees: a longitudinal study of stress and selection success. (United States)

    Bauer, T N; Truxillo, D M


    Temp-to-permanent employees are temporary workers who have the opportunity to become permanent employees after a specific amount of time (e.g., generally after a 3- to 12-month period of trial work). The authors predicted that temporary worker individual differences, self-monitoring, tolerance for ambiguity, and role adjustment are related to temporary worker physiological stress and to whether temporary employees are offered permanent employment. Longitudinal data collection (pre- and postentry) resulted in data from 136 temp-to-permanent employees. Tolerance for ambiguity and role adjustment were found to be related to temporary worker stress and selection success. Self-monitoring was related to selection success for workers in an extended probationary period. These results suggest the need for further exploration and application of models of stress in understanding factors related to temporary worker success.

  2. Composite Thickness Optimization of Offshore Wind Turbine Blade with Fixed outer Geometry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sjølund, Jonas Heidemann; Lund, Erik


    With the objective of mass minimization, a 73-m offshore wind turbine blade is optimized using a gradient based approach on a Finite Element (FE) model. Constant loads and a fixed outer geometry are assumed. Plies of the same material and same orientation are grouped together in plygroups. The th....... The thicknesses of the plygroups are chosen as design variables. Manufacturing constraints such as ply-drops are taken into account using linear constraints. Structural constraints include buckling, tip displacement and max. strain failure indices....

  3. A Fast Numerical Method for Max-Convolution and the Application to Efficient Max-Product Inference in Bayesian Networks. (United States)

    Serang, Oliver


    Observations depending on sums of random variables are common throughout many fields; however, no efficient solution is currently known for performing max-product inference on these sums of general discrete distributions (max-product inference can be used to obtain maximum a posteriori estimates). The limiting step to max-product inference is the max-convolution problem (sometimes presented in log-transformed form and denoted as "infimal convolution," "min-convolution," or "convolution on the tropical semiring"), for which no O(k log(k)) method is currently known. Presented here is an O(k log(k)) numerical method for estimating the max-convolution of two nonnegative vectors (e.g., two probability mass functions), where k is the length of the larger vector. This numerical max-convolution method is then demonstrated by performing fast max-product inference on a convolution tree, a data structure for performing fast inference given information on the sum of n discrete random variables in O(nk log(nk)log(n)) steps (where each random variable has an arbitrary prior distribution on k contiguous possible states). The numerical max-convolution method can be applied to specialized classes of hidden Markov models to reduce the runtime of computing the Viterbi path from nk(2) to nk log(k), and has potential application to the all-pairs shortest paths problem.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sayuti Sayuti


    Full Text Available Pigeon pea can be used as an alternative of soybeans that contain protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Objective: (1 determine the effect of various packaging on the quality of pigeon pea tempe, (2 the effect of long incubation on the quality of pigeon pea tempe, (3 the interaction of various packaging and long incubation on the quality of pigeon pea tempeh. (4 design the research results as a science learning resource for 9th grade junior high school on the topic of biotechnology. The research design used completely randomized design. Research conducted at the Laboratory of Food Products Technology in Polinela in May 11th until 25th, 2015. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16.0, the data proximate using Univariate and Tukey, the data organoleptic using Friedman test. From the results of the proximate analysis turns out there is influence between the packaging materials and the long incubation of the tempe quality. Protein content increased, while fat and carbohydrates decreases with increasing time of incubation. Organoleptic analysis of the soybean leaves are packed with incubation time 36 and 42 hours is preferred by the panelists than plastic packaging with an incubation time of 48 hours. The results of the research can be used to design learning resources of scince for junior high School, based LKPD Form based scientific approach. Kata Kunci: Bahan kemasan, lama inkubasi, kacang gude, kualitas tempe,  sumber                         belajar

  5. Tukey max-stable processes for spatial extremes

    KAUST Repository

    Xu, Ganggang; Genton, Marc G.


    We propose a new type of max-stable process that we call the Tukey max-stable process for spatial extremes. It brings additional flexibility to modeling dependence structures among spatial extremes. The statistical properties of the Tukey max

  6. The Structure of the Temp Wage Gap in Slack Labor Markets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jahn, Elke

    As a consequence of the rapid growth of temporary agency employment in Germa-ny the debate on the remuneration of temporary agency workers has intensified recently. The study finds that the temp wage gap in Germany is indeed large. Decomposition reveals that the gap is mainly driven by difference...

  7. Troubles des conduites alimentaires et tempérament cyclothymique: étude transversale à propos de 107 étudiants Tunisiens (United States)

    Jaweher, Masmoudi; Sonda, Trabelsi; Uta, Ouali; Inès, Feki; Rim, Sallemi; Imene, Baati; Abdelaziz, Jaoua


    Introduction Les objectifs de notre étude ont été d'estimer la prévalence des troubles des conduites alimentaires (TCA) chez les jeunes tunisiens et étudier la relation entre le tempérament cyclothymique et les TCA. Méthodes Nous avons ainsi mené une étude transversale descriptive et analytique. Elle a concerné 107 étudiants de l'Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information de la Manouba, Tunisie. Pour l’évaluation des TCA, nous avons procédé par la passation de l'auto questionnaire EAT 40, dans sa version validée en Tunisie. C'est l'outil le plus utilisé pour le dépistage des TCA dans le monde. Pour l’évaluation du tempérament cyclothymique, nous avons utilisé le TEMPS A dans sa version arabe validée. Une fiche épidémiologique associée a permis de recueillir quelques facteurs sociodémographiques et hygiéno-diététiques. Résultats La prévalence des troubles de conduites alimentaires a été de 24,3%. Le pourcentage des étudiants ayant un score de tempérament cyclothymique ≥14 a été de 37,4%. Une association a été trouvée entre les troubles de conduites alimentaires et le tempérament affectif cyclothymique que ce soit selon l'approche dimensionnelle (p=0,005) ou selon celle catégorielle (p=0,046). Le tempérament cyclothymique multiplie par deux le risque de développer un TCA chez les étudiants de sexe féminin (p=0,04). Conclusion Es TCA sont fréquents chez nos étudiants particulièrement de sexe féminin. De plus, la présence d'un tempérament cyclothymique associé permettrait de suspecter doublement une appartenance au spectre bipolaire et devrait conduire à une attention particulière de la part du clinicien pour définir au mieux les stratégies thérapeutiques. PMID:25404977

  8. Quantum Max-flow/Min-cut (United States)

    Cui, Shawn X.; Freedman, Michael H.; Sattath, Or; Stong, Richard; Minton, Greg


    The classical max-flow min-cut theorem describes transport through certain idealized classical networks. We consider the quantum analog for tensor networks. By associating an integral capacity to each edge and a tensor to each vertex in a flow network, we can also interpret it as a tensor network and, more specifically, as a linear map from the input space to the output space. The quantum max-flow is defined to be the maximal rank of this linear map over all choices of tensors. The quantum min-cut is defined to be the minimum product of the capacities of edges over all cuts of the tensor network. We show that unlike the classical case, the quantum max-flow=min-cut conjecture is not true in general. Under certain conditions, e.g., when the capacity on each edge is some power of a fixed integer, the quantum max-flow is proved to equal the quantum min-cut. However, concrete examples are also provided where the equality does not hold. We also found connections of quantum max-flow/min-cut with entropy of entanglement and the quantum satisfiability problem. We speculate that the phenomena revealed may be of interest both in spin systems in condensed matter and in quantum gravity.

  9. Quantum Max-flow/Min-cut

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cui, Shawn X., E-mail: [Department of Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106 (United States); Quantum Architectures and Computation Group, Microsoft Research, Redmond, Washington 98052 (United States); Freedman, Michael H., E-mail: [Department of Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106 (United States); Microsoft Research, Station Q, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106 (United States); Sattath, Or, E-mail: [Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 (United States); Stong, Richard, E-mail:; Minton, Greg, E-mail: [Center for Communications Research, La Jolla, California 92121 (United States)


    The classical max-flow min-cut theorem describes transport through certain idealized classical networks. We consider the quantum analog for tensor networks. By associating an integral capacity to each edge and a tensor to each vertex in a flow network, we can also interpret it as a tensor network and, more specifically, as a linear map from the input space to the output space. The quantum max-flow is defined to be the maximal rank of this linear map over all choices of tensors. The quantum min-cut is defined to be the minimum product of the capacities of edges over all cuts of the tensor network. We show that unlike the classical case, the quantum max-flow=min-cut conjecture is not true in general. Under certain conditions, e.g., when the capacity on each edge is some power of a fixed integer, the quantum max-flow is proved to equal the quantum min-cut. However, concrete examples are also provided where the equality does not hold. We also found connections of quantum max-flow/min-cut with entropy of entanglement and the quantum satisfiability problem. We speculate that the phenomena revealed may be of interest both in spin systems in condensed matter and in quantum gravity.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sufiati Bintanah


    Full Text Available Abstrak Di Indonesia terjadi perubahan pola penyakit dari infeksi dan kekurangan gizi ke degeneratif dan kanker akibat perubahan gaya hidup dan pola makan  tinggi lemak dan rendah serat serta modernisasi pola hidup. Tempe kedelai merupakan bahan makanan yang dapat menurunkan trigliserida, kolesterol total, kolesterol LDL, serta meningkatkan kolesterol HDL. Bekatul juga merupakan bahan makanan yang dapat menurunkan kadar lemak darah karena mengandung oryzanol, tokoferol, dan asam felurat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyeleksi formula nugget berdasarkan karakteristik fisik, kimia dan organoleptik serta aktifitas antioksidan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian diskriptif dengan perlakuan formulasi tepung tempe dan tepung ricebran sebanyak 10 formula. Analisis komposisi kimia dilakukan terhadap bahan mentah dan nugget meliputi analisis protein (mikro kjedhl, lemak (soxhlet, air (oven, karbohidrat (Luff Schoorl l, penetapan kadar Vitamin E (Alfa-Tokoferol, analisa aktivitas anti bakteri metode difusi agar. Pengujian organoleptik menggunakan metode scoring. Hasil menunjukkan nugget dengan formula tepung tempe 50% dan tepung bekatul 50% (formula A7, mempunyai komposisi kimia terbaik yaitu protein 19,5g%, lemak 18.33g%, air 35.59%, abu 1,62%, serat kasar 9,57g%, Karbohidrat 25,41 g%, Vitamin E 148,92 µg/g, aktifitas antioksidan 197,1 µg/ml. Hasil pengujian organoleptik terhadap warna, rasa, aroma maupun tekstur yang paling disuka pada formula A7. Kesimpulan: Optimasi tepung tempe dan rice bran yang diterima berdasarkan sifat fisik, organoleptik dan analisa zat gizi adalah dengan perlakuan sangrai 20 menit. Formula nugget yang optimum A7 dengan perbandingan tepung tempe dan rice bran 50:50 g. Kata Kunci: Komposisi Kimia, Organoleptik, Formula Nugget, Tepung Tempe, Ricebran Abstract In Indonesia, there has been a changing disease pattern from infectious and food deficiency diseases to degenerative and cancerous diseases. Soy bean cake

  11. Gas turbine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Ok Ryong


    This book introduces gas turbine cycle explaining general thing of gas turbine, full gas turbine cycle, Ericson cycle and Brayton cycle, practical gas turbine cycle without pressure loss, multiaxial type gas turbine cycle and special gas turbine cycle, application of basic theory on a study on suction-cooling gas turbine cycle with turbo-refrigerating machine using the bleed air, and general performance characteristics of the suction-cooling gas turbine cycle combined with absorption-type refrigerating machine.

  12. Répartition de la température dans l'enceinte d'un réfrigérateur ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... de la température d'une charge tout au long de sa conservation dans les conditions extrêmes définies par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé de température extérieure moyenne de 43°C. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé en laboratoire un modèle numérique basé sur les équations de Navier-Stokes, qui a été par la ...

  13. Bioactivity of tempe by inhibiting adhesion of ETEC to intestinal cells, as influenced by fermentation substrates and starter pure cultures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roubos-van den Hil, P.J.; Nout, M.J.R.; Meulen, van der J.; Gruppen, H.


    Soya bean tempe is known for its bioactivity in reducing the severity of diarrhoea in piglets. This bioactivity is caused by an inhibition of the adhesion of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) to intestinal cells. In this paper, we assessed the bioactive effect of soya tempe on a range of ETEC

  14. Ford C-Max plug-in hybrid; Ford C-Max mit Plug-in-Hybridtechnik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schamel, Andreas; D' Annunzio, Julie; Iorio, Rob [Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI (United States); Schmitz, Peter [Ford-Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH, Aachen (Germany)


    Ford provides consumers a broad choice of electrified vehicles globally, including full hybrids, plug-in hybrids and all-electric vehicles. The all-new 2013 model year C-Max Energi Plug-in Hybrid utilises the third generation of Ford hybrid technology. This article discusses the hybrid powersplit architecture and components, as well as the charging capability and human-machine interfaces, used in the C-Max Energi Plug-In Hybrid. (orig.)

  15. Max dD/Dt: A Novel Parameter to Assess Fetal Cardiac Contractility and a Substitute for Max dP/Dt. (United States)

    Fujita, Yasuyuki; Kiyokoba, Ryo; Yumoto, Yasuo; Kato, Kiyoko


    Aortic pulse waveforms are composed of a forward wave from the heart and a reflection wave from the periphery. We focused on this forward wave and suggested a new parameter, the maximum slope of aortic pulse waveforms (max dD/dt), for fetal cardiac contractility. Max dD/dt was calculated from fetal aortic pulse waveforms recorded with an echo-tracking system. A normal range of max dD/dt was constructed in 105 healthy fetuses using linear regression analysis. Twenty-two fetuses with suspected fetal cardiac dysfunction were divided into normal and decreased max dD/dt groups, and their clinical parameters were compared. Max dD/dt of aortic pulse waveforms increased linearly with advancing gestational age (r = 0.93). The decreased max dD/dt was associated with abnormal cardiotocography findings and short- and long-term prognosis. In conclusion, max dD/dt calculated from the aortic pulse waveforms in fetuses can substitute for max dP/dt, an index of cardiac contractility in adults. Copyright © 2018 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.





    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hardini Hasanuddin


    Full Text Available Mass media is one of the factors that may affect the level of participation of voters in a local election. Based on this, the researchers were motivated to prove that the mass media have an important role in increasing the participation of voters in the local elections in 2013 in District Tempe Wajo. This research is a qualitative descriptive to decipher and interpret the data obtained from the process of organizing and sorting the data obtained from the field and from informants who were 18 people into patterns, categories, and a basic outline that can be found themes and formulated the working hypothesis the results of the study show the influence of the mass media of increasing participation of voters in the 2013 election in District Tempe Wajo. Such increase is influenced by factors; information.   Media Massa merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat memepengaruhi tingkat partisipasi pemilih pada suatu pemilihan kepala daerah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti termotivasi untuk membuktikan bahwa media massa mempunyai peran penting dalam peningkatan partisipasi pemilih pemula pada pemilihan kepala daerah 2013 di Kecamatan Tempe Kabupaten Wajo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif Kualitatif dengan menguraikan serta menginterprestasikan data yang diperoleh dari proses mengorganisasikan dan mengurutkan data yang di peroleh dari lapangan dan dari para informan yang berjumlah 18 orang kedalam pola, kategori, dan suatu uraian dasar sehingga dapat di temukan tema dan dirumuskan hipotesis kerja.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh media massa terhadap peningkatan partisipasi pemilih pemula pada pilkada 2013 di Kecamatan Tempe Kabupaten Wajo. Peningkatan tersebut sangat di pengaruhi oleh faktor; informasi.

  18. WiMax network planning and optimization

    CERN Document Server

    Zhang, Yan


    This book offers a comprehensive explanation on how to dimension, plan, and optimize WiMAX networks. The first part of the text introduces WiMAX networks architecture, physical layer, standard, protocols, security mechanisms, and highly related radio access technologies. It covers system framework, topology, capacity, mobility management, handoff management, congestion control, medium access control (MAC), scheduling, Quality of Service (QoS), and WiMAX mesh networks and security. Enabling easy understanding of key concepts and technologies, the second part presents practical examples and illu

  19. Kadar Karbohidrat, Lemak, dan Protein pada Kecap dari Tempe




    Soy sauce as one of the soy fermented product could be produced through fermentation by molds and then fermentation by bacteria and yeasts, in salt solution (moromi). The aims of this research were to evaluate and to compare the value of carbohydrate), lipid, and protein in soy sauce which were produced from tempe by mixing Rhizopus oligosporus and R. oryzae with and without moromi fermentation; to compare the taste, aroma and color of soy sauce have been produced and commercial so...

  20. TurbinAID

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moradian, M.A.; Chow, M.P.; Osborne, R.L.; Jenkins, M.A.


    The Westinghouse Turbine Artificial Intelligence Diagnostics system or TurbinAID, can diagnose both thermodynamic and mechanical component anomalies within the turbine, and around the turbine cycle. any monitoring system can detect that a variable is in an abnormal state, but TurbinAID can also indicate the cause, and provide recommended corrective action(s). The TurbinAID Expert Systems utilize multiple sensor and variable inputs, and their interdependencies in the generation of a diagnosis. The system performs sensor validation as part of the data acquisition scheme. The TurbinAID system has been in operation for several years. This paper describes the monitoring and diagnostic functions provided by TurbinAID, and how the utility industry both nuclear and fossil, can utilize the system to enhance unit operation

  1. Reinforced flexural elements for TEMP-STRESS Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marchertas, A.H.; Kennedy, J.M.; Pfeiffer, P.A.


    The implementation of reinforced flexural elements into the thermal-mechanical finite element program TEMP-STRESS is described. With explicit temporal integration and dynamic relaxation capabilities in the program, the flexural elements provide an efficient method for the treatment of reinforced structures subjected to transient and static loads. The capability of the computer program is illustrated by the solution of several examples: the simulation of a reinforced concrete beam; simulations of a reinforced concrete containment shell which is subjected to internal pressurization, thermal gradients through the walls, and transient pressure loads. The results of this analysis are relevant in the structural design/safety evaluations of typical reactor containment structures. 22 refs., 13 figs

  2. Les possibilités des turbines de détente dans les industries gazière et pétrolière Application of Expansion Turbines in the Gas and Oil Industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verneau A.


    Full Text Available Utilisées depuis longtemps dans l'industrie cryogénique, les turbines de détente voient leur intérêt augmenter actuellement en tant que turbines de récupération de l'énergie des laminages. Cette énergie peut servir à l'entraînement de compresseurs, pompes ou générateurs électriques. Il existe surtout des turbines dans la gamme de 200 à 20 000 ch. Deux types principaux sont développés : les turbines axiales et les turbines radiales. Les particularités techniques et les domaines d'emploi de chaque type sont discutés. Ue intérêt particulier est porté au domaine des petites puissances (de 100 kW jusqu'à quelques centaines de watts. L'évolution du rendement en fonction de la puissance est étudiée et quelques types spéciaux bien adaptés à cette gamme, tels que les turbines périphériques, sont présentés. Quelques indications sur la récupération de l'énergie des liquides par turbines sont également données. Ensuite, plusieurs exemples d'applications sont exposés tels que : récupération de fractions condensables du gaz naturel (butane, propane, éthane, récupération de gaz perdu, récupération de l'énergie des laminages lors de la distribution et au niveau des stockages souterrains, turbine hydraulique de lavage de gaz, récupération de l'énergie des fumées de cracking catalytique, entraînement de petits générateurs électriques dans la gamme de quelques kilowatts à quelques centaines de watts. Enfin, nous abordons la technologie et les dispositions constructives particulières en nous attachant plus spécialement aux problèmes de régulation, étanchéité, paliers. Des techniques nouvelles telles que l'emploi de paliers à gaz et leurs avantages sont décrites. Les difficultés dues aux basses températures et à la condensation sont examinées. Nous terminons par quelques considérations d'ordre économique destinées à prévoir la rentabilité d'une installation de récupération d

  3. Tukey max-stable processes for spatial extremes

    KAUST Repository

    Xu, Ganggang


    We propose a new type of max-stable process that we call the Tukey max-stable process for spatial extremes. It brings additional flexibility to modeling dependence structures among spatial extremes. The statistical properties of the Tukey max-stable process are demonstrated theoretically and numerically. Simulation studies and an application to Swiss rainfall data indicate the effectiveness of the proposed process. © 2016 Elsevier B.V.

  4. Strategi Pemasaran Agroindustri Keripik Tempe di Desa Buluh Rampai Kecamatan Seberida Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nirmala Sari


    Full Text Available This study aimed to identify the aspects of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the agroindustry marketing of Dua Putri tempe chips and formulate marketing strategies Dua Putri tempechips agroindustry by using SWOT analysis. The results showed that internal factors encountered in the marketing of Dua Putri tempeagro-chips in Indragiri Hulu is Strength: choose a label and branded products, entrepreneurs have a long experience, the product is attractive enough for all people, and the products do not use preservatives. Weakness: The product can be easily damaged and destroyed, packaging using a simple wrapper, product marketing has not come out Indragiri Hulu, and promotion is still limited. External factors include: Opportunities: products already well known, a product that can compete with similar products, the market is still wide open, the exhibition and promotion opportunities. Threat; Many competitors of similar products, the market demand fluctuates, and the limitations of market information and for marketing strategies Dua Putritempechips agroindustry is to maintain existing markets and seek new markets including exhibition, the exhibition is there to improve their skills in providing products with flavor worth nutrition, make packaging more attractive in order to reach the marketing of products inside and outside the district, improve the taste and quality and maximize promotion, looking for alternative marketing channels. Keywords: strategy, consumer, marketing, SWOTPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi aspek kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman yang dihadapi pemasaran agroindustri keripik tempe Dua Putri dan merumuskan strategi pemasaran agroindustri keripik tempe Dua Putri  dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor internal yang dihadapi dalam pemasaran agroindustri keripik tempe Dua Putri  di Indragiri Hulu adalah Kekuatan: memilih label dan produk bermerek

  5. Approximation by max-product type operators

    CERN Document Server

    Bede, Barnabás; Gal, Sorin G


    This monograph presents a broad treatment of developments in an area of constructive approximation involving the so-called "max-product" type operators. The exposition highlights the max-product operators as those which allow one to obtain, in many cases, more valuable estimates than those obtained by classical approaches. The text considers a wide variety of operators which are studied for a number of interesting problems such as quantitative estimates, convergence, saturation results, localization, to name several. Additionally, the book discusses the perfect analogies between the probabilistic approaches of the classical Bernstein type operators and of the classical convolution operators (non-periodic and periodic cases), and the possibilistic approaches of the max-product variants of these operators. These approaches allow for two natural interpretations of the max-product Bernstein type operators and convolution type operators: firstly, as possibilistic expectations of some fuzzy variables, and secondly,...

  6. OaMAX2 of Orobanche aegyptiaca and Arabidopsis AtMAX2 share conserved functions in both development and drought responses. (United States)

    Li, Weiqiang; Nguyen, Kien Huu; Watanabe, Yasuko; Yamaguchi, Shinjiro; Tran, Lam-Son Phan


    Previous studies in Arabidopsis reported that the MAX2 (more axillary growth 2) gene is a component of the strigolactone (SL) signaling pathway, which regulates a wide range of biological processes, from plant growth and development to environmental stress responses. Orobanche aegyptiaca is a harmful parasitic plant for many economically important crops. Seed germination of O. aegyptiaca is very sensitive to SLs, suggesting that O. aegyptiaca may contain components of the SL signaling pathway. To investigate this hypothesis, we identified and cloned a MAX2 ortholog from O. aegyptiaca for complementation analyses using the Arabidopsis Atmax2 mutant. The so-called OaMAX2 gene could rescue phenotypes of the Atmax2 mutant in various tested developmental aspects, including seed germination, shoot branching, leaf senescence and growth and development of hypocotyl, root hair, primary root and lateral root. More importantly, OaMAX2 could enhance the drought tolerance of Atmax2 mutant, suggesting its ability to restore the drought-tolerant phenotype of mutant plants defected in AtMAX2 function. Thus, this study provides genetic evidence that the functions of the MAX2 orthologs, and perhaps the MAX2 signaling pathways, are conserved in parasitic and non-parasitic plants. Furthermore, the results of our study enable us to develop a strategy to fight against parasitic plants by suppressing the MAX signaling, which ultimately leads to enhanced productivity of crop plants. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. MAX Provider Characteristics (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The MAX Provider Characteristics (PC) File Implementation Report describes the design, implementation, and results of the MAXPC prototype, which was based on three...

  8. Micro-turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tashevski, Done


    In this paper a principle of micro-turbines operation, type of micro-turbines and their characteristics is presented. It is shown their usage in cogeneration and three generation application with the characteristics, the influence of more factors on micro-turbines operation as well as the possibility for application in Macedonia. The paper is result of the author's participation in the training program 'Micro-turbine technology' in Florida, USA. The characteristics of different types micro-turbines by several world producers are shown, with accent on US micro-turbines producers (Capstone, Elliott). By using the gathered Author's knowledge, contacts and the previous knowledge, conclusions and recommendations for implementation of micro-turbines in Macedonia are given. (Author)

  9. Nouvelle procédure pour l'augmentation du temps d'usinage simulé en coupe orthogonale


    Guediche , Mayssa; Mabrouki , Tarek; Donnet , Christophe; Bergheau , Jean-Michel; Hamdi , Hedi


    International audience; Cette étude présente une nouvelle méthodologie visant à augmenter le temps d'usinage simulé en coupe orthogonale .Le but est d'étudier ultérieurement l'évolution de l'usure des outils de coupe dans le cas de l'usinage de l'acier 42CD4. Un modèle lagrangien est donc développé sous le code de calcul ABAQUS simulant la formation du copeau. Une approche baptisée de « modélisation verticale » est développée dans le but d'augmenter le temps de coupe simulé tout en gardant un...

  10. Introducing Autodesk 3ds Max 2011

    CERN Document Server

    Derakhshani, Dariush


    An Autodesk Official Training Guide to 3ds Max 2011. 3ds Max is a popular 3D animation-and-effects software used in movies, visual effects, games, cartoons, short films, commercials, and other animation. However, it also presents a number of challenges to newcomers. This introduction to the latest version breaks down the complexities of learning 3D software and walks you through the basics of modeling, texturing, animating, and using visual effects. Real-world examples from talented beginning 3ds max users motivate you to learn the software and helpful tutorials offer realistic, professional c

  11. TEMPS-A: validation of a short version of a self-rated instrument designed to measure variations in temperament. (United States)

    Akiskal, Hagop S; Mendlowicz, Mauro V; Jean-Louis, Girardin; Rapaport, Mark H; Kelsoe, John R; Gillin, J Christian; Smith, Tom L


    To validate a short English-language version of the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego-autoquestionnaire version (TEMPS-A), a self-report questionnaire designed to measure temperamental variations in psychiatric patients and healthy volunteers. Its constituent subscales and items were formulated on the basis of the diagnostic criteria for affective temperaments (cyclothymic, dysthymic, irritable, hyperthymic, and anxious), originally developed by the first author and his former collaborators. Further item wording and selection were achieved at a later stage through an iterative process that incorporated feedback from clinicians, researchers, and research volunteers. A total of 510 volunteers (284 patients with mood disorders, 131 relatives of bipolar probands, and 95 normal controls) were recruited by advertisement in the newspapers, announcements on radio and television, flyers and newsletters, and word of mouth. All participants were interviewed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R, and completed the 110-item TEMPS-A and the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI-125). The factorial structure, the alpha coefficients, and the item-total correlations coefficients of the TEMPS-A and the correlation coefficients between the dimensions of the TCI and the TEMPS-A subscales were then determined. A principal components analysis with a Varimax rotation found that 39 out of the 110 original items of the TEMPS-A loaded on five factors that were interpreted as representing the cyclothymic, depressive, irritable, hyperthymic, and anxious factors. Coefficients alpha for internal consistency were 0.91 (cyclothymic), 0.81 (depressive), 0.77 (irritable), 0.76 (hyperthymic), and 0.67 (anxious) subscales. We found statistically significant positive correlations between all-but the hyperthymic-subscales and harm avoidance. Positive correlations with the hyperthymic and cyclothymic, and novelty seeking and negative correlations with the

  12. Turbine stage model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kazantsev, A.A.


    A model of turbine stage for calculations of NPP turbine department dynamics in real time was developed. The simulation results were compared with manufacturer calculations for NPP low-speed and fast turbines. The comparison results have shown that the model is valid for real time simulation of all modes of turbines operation. The model allows calculating turbine stage parameters with 1% accuracy. It was shown that the developed turbine stage model meets the accuracy requirements if the data of turbine blades setting angles for all turbine stages are available [ru

  13. Le « problème » de l’adolescence : le loisir contre le temps libre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joël Zaffran


    Full Text Available En matière de politique publique du loisir des adolescents, deux constats s’imposent : d’une part les dispositifs d’occupation du temps libre sont légion et pléthore de contrats temps libre sont subventionnés par les communes et les collectivités territoriales ; alors qu’un large éventail d’activités est offert aux adolescents pendant le temps périscolaire, les taux de fréquentation restent désespérément faibles d’autre part. Pour cerner les enjeux politiques du loisir des adolescents ainsi que les raisons de la désaffection des structures de loisirs, l’article puise à une diversité de matériaux afin de procéder à une classification des loisirs des adolescent(es à partir du croisement de deux dimensions analytiques : la forme scolaire et l’encadrement. Ces deux axes permettent d’isoler trois types de loisir présenté successivement comme un temps de la perfection, un temps de la formation et un temps de la régulation. La matrice proposée permet ensuite de cerner la nature du temps libre qui, bien que complémentaire aux trois temps précédents, apparaît comme un temps de la subjectivation et ce faisant comme une temporalité impérieuse.The “problem” of teenage: leisure against free timeTwo reports are essential about teenager’s public policy of the leisure: on the one hand the devices of occupation of free time are legion and a plethora of contracts free time are subsidized by cities council and local governments; whereas a large range of activities is offered to the teenagers during extra-curricular time, the rates of frequentation remain hopelessly weak in addition. To determine the policy issues of teenager’s leisure as well as the reasons of the disaffection of the communities centres, the article use a material diversity in order to carry out a classification of teenager’s leisure starting from the crossing of two analytical dimensions: the school form and the social control. These two

  14. German science. Max Planck charts new path. (United States)

    Koenig, R


    Germany's premier basic research organization, the Max Planck Society, released a long-awaited blueprint for change during its annual meeting this week, recommending that the society's nearly 3000 scientists embrace more interdisciplinary and international projects in a range of new research priorities. The report, called Max Planck 2000-Plus, is the product of an 18-month-long internal review. Its recommendations were formulated by some two dozen Max Planck researchers and administrators, who sought input from every institute.

  15. La quête des températures ultrabasses


    Suchet , Daniel


    International audience; Des vendeurs de glace à l'industrie cryogénique, le froid est souvent perçu comme un produit. Pour le physicien, le froid, réduction de l'agitation aléatoire des particules, apparaît plutôt comme une force productrice, capable de faire émerger des structures complexes et de métamorphoser les propriétés des objets. Les basses températures ont été l'enjeu d'une course effrénée dont la première phase a pris fin en 1908 avec la liquéfaction de l'ensemble des gaz connus. Lo...

  16. Regard sur Le Temps des grâces, de Dominique Marchais A look at Le temps des grâces by Dominique Marchais Una mirada a Le temps des grâces, de Dominique Marchais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christèle Dondeyne


    Full Text Available Le documentaire Le Temps des grâces de Dominique Marchais s’attache aux regards que des agriculteurs de différentes générations portent sur leur activité et aux analyses d’agronomes et d’économistes sur l’agriculture française. Il donne à voir quelques unes des multiples façons dont le travail agricole modèle les paysages et les écosystèmes et souligne le poids des politiques publiques dans ces orientations. Son constat global laisse plus de place à une industrialisation de l’agriculture qui conduit à l’uniformisation des produits et à la mort des sols qu’à des alternatives viables pour les écosystèmes. La confrontation de ce documentaire avec des travaux majeurs de la sociologie sur ce thème produit une impression de décalage et renvoie à des réflexions théoriques et méthodologiques.Dominique Marchais’ documentary, Le Temps des grâces, deals with different farmer generations’ vision of their work. It also provides an agronomic and economic analysis of French farming, showing some of the many different ways in which agricultural activity shapes landscape and ecosystems, while stressing the responsibility of public policy in such processes. The general observation highlights the growing industrialisation of agriculture, leading more to the uniformisation of products and destruction of soil fertility than to ecologically viable alternatives. When compared with major sociological studies in this area, the documentary highlights certain deviations while referring to theoretical and methodological thinking in this domain.En su documental Le Temps des grâces, Dominique Marchais se interesa en la visión que agricultores de diferentes generaciones tienen de su quehacer y en algunos análisis de la agricultura francesa realizados por agrónomos y economistas. Su trabajo permite vislumbrar algunas de las múltiples formas en que el trabajo agrícola modela los paisajes y los ecosistemas, y hace hincapié en el

  17. Hydraulic turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meluk O, G.


    The hydraulic turbines are defined according to the specific speed, in impulse turbines and in reaction turbines. Currently, the Pelton turbines (of impulse) and the Francis and Kaplan turbines (of reaction), they are the most important machines in the hydroelectric generation. The hydraulic turbines are capable of generating in short times, large powers, from its loads zero until the total load and reject the load instantly without producing damages in the operation. When the hydraulic resources are important, the hydraulic turbines are converted in the axle of the electric system. Its combination with thermoelectric generation systems, it allow the continuing supply of the variations in demand of energy system. The available hydraulic resource in Colombia is of 93085 MW, of which solely 9% is exploited, become 79% of all the electrical country generation, 21% remaining is provided by means of the thermoelectric generation

  18. Table 1. Details of Archaea considered for this study. P hylum Name ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Table 1. Details of Archaea considered for this study. P hylum. Name. Genome G+. C. %. *. G enome. S ize. *. Gene count. *. Max growth temp. (oC). Optimum growth temp (oC). Generation time, tg. (min). ttR. NA. #. dtR. NA. #. Source. †. 1. C renarchaeota. Aeropyrum pernix K1. 56.31 1669696 1752 100 90-95. 200. 42. 42.

  19. ELA-max: A new topical lidocaine formulation. (United States)

    Goldman, Ran D


    To evaluate the role of a new formulation of lidocaine (ELA-max) in local anesthesia in children and compare it with the eutectic mixture of local anesthetics (EMLA). Relevant literature was identified by a MEDLINE search (1966-November 2003) using the search terms ELA-max and EMLA. Bibliographies of selected articles were also examined to include all relevant investigations. The product manufacturer was contacted for inclusion of the most recent data available. Topical anesthesia in children is clinically challenging. ELA-max has been shown to be as effective as EMLA for venipuncture in children, but with faster onset. Adverse effects, such as transient blanching with redness and erythema, have been reported. Further investigation is needed to determine the effectiveness of ELA-max on other painful procedures in children, as well as its safety.

  20. Exact simulation of max-stable processes. (United States)

    Dombry, Clément; Engelke, Sebastian; Oesting, Marco


    Max-stable processes play an important role as models for spatial extreme events. Their complex structure as the pointwise maximum over an infinite number of random functions makes their simulation difficult. Algorithms based on finite approximations are often inexact and computationally inefficient. We present a new algorithm for exact simulation of a max-stable process at a finite number of locations. It relies on the idea of simulating only the extremal functions, that is, those functions in the construction of a max-stable process that effectively contribute to the pointwise maximum. We further generalize the algorithm by Dieker & Mikosch (2015) for Brown-Resnick processes and use it for exact simulation via the spectral measure. We study the complexity of both algorithms, prove that our new approach via extremal functions is always more efficient, and provide closed-form expressions for their implementation that cover most popular models for max-stable processes and multivariate extreme value distributions. For simulation on dense grids, an adaptive design of the extremal function algorithm is proposed.

  1. Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) General Information (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) data is a set of person-level data files on Medicaid eligibility, service utilization, and payments. The MAX data are created to...

  2. Turbine main engines

    CERN Document Server

    Main, John B; Herbert, C W; Bennett, A J S


    Turbine Main Engines deals with the principle of operation of turbine main engines. Topics covered include practical considerations that affect turbine design and efficiency; steam turbine rotors, blades, nozzles, and diaphragms; lubricating oil systems; and gas turbines for use with nuclear reactors. Gas turbines for naval boost propulsion, merchant ship propulsion, and naval main propulsion are also considered. This book is divided into three parts and begins with an overview of the basic mode of operation of the steam turbine engine and how it converts the pressure energy of the ingoing ste

  3. Il est temps que le Canada rende la justice accessible à tous | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    école ou qu'on exclut une personne d'un hôpital, les médias ne perdent pas de temps à exposer l'injustice. La privation de soins de santé ou de scolarisation est impensable pour la plupart des Canadiens; pourtant, l'accès à ...

  4. Turbinate surgery (United States)

    Turbinectomy; Turbinoplasty; Turbinate reduction; Nasal airway surgery; Nasal obstruction - turbinate surgery ... There are several types of turbinate surgery: Turbinectomy: All or ... This can be done in several different ways, but sometimes a ...

  5. Max Jakobson õiendab arveid ajalooga / Imbi Paju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paju, Imbi, 1959-


    Soome politoloogi ja diplomaadi Max Jakobsoni raamatust "Tilinpäätos" ("Arve sulgemine"), milles ta käsitleb Eesti ja Soome suhteid 20. sajandil. Vt samas: Lennart Meri meelitas Jakobsoni sõjakuritegusid uurima; lühiintervjuu Max Jakobsoniga

  6. Veteranpoliitik Max Jakobson õpetab ajalugu / Sirje Kiin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiin, Sirje, 1949-


    Soome sõltumatu välispoliitika konsultant ja ajakirjanik Max Jakobson. Ülevaade Max Jakobsoni intervjuust soomerootsi majandusajakirjale "Forum för ekonomi och teknik" 1998. aasta aprillinumbris Venemaa Baltimaade-vastasest propagandast ning EL-i ja NATO laienemisest

  7. Max Planck and modern physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoffmann, Dieter


    Max Planck (1858-1947) is according to the words of Max von Laue the ''father of quantum physics''. This characteristic has until today continuance, although Planck stood for long time sceptically in front of his quantum hypothesis and so became a revolutionary in spite of his wishes. Eclipted by this pioneer role of the scholar for the foundation of the quantum theory are the numerous further works of the scholer, by which he has in many other fields provided eminent things. Starting with his fundamental contribution to thermodynamics, which make him to an excellent researcher of the field, until the works in the early history of relativity theory and the promotion of the young Einstein, which let him become also to a pioneer of the second central pillar of modern physics. The present collection attempts to show the whole spectrum of the physical works of Max Planck and his role in the formation of modern physics. [de

  8. Turbine repair process, repaired coating, and repaired turbine component (United States)

    Das, Rupak; Delvaux, John McConnell; Garcia-Crespo, Andres Jose


    A turbine repair process, a repaired coating, and a repaired turbine component are disclosed. The turbine repair process includes providing a turbine component having a higher-pressure region and a lower-pressure region, introducing particles into the higher-pressure region, and at least partially repairing an opening between the higher-pressure region and the lower-pressure region with at least one of the particles to form a repaired turbine component. The repaired coating includes a silicon material, a ceramic matrix composite material, and a repaired region having the silicon material deposited on and surrounded by the ceramic matrix composite material. The repaired turbine component a ceramic matrix composite layer and a repaired region having silicon material deposited on and surrounded by the ceramic matrix composite material.

  9. Au fil du temps. Une infrastructure évolutive dans un espace vert préservé à Fribourg


    Ruffieux, Jessica


    La prise de conscience des enjeux environnementaux et l'accélération continue des changements sociétaux questionnent les modalités actuelles de production du bâti. Avec le développement des technologies, notre espace est devenu de plus en plus virtuel, nous faisant perdre le lien avec notre environnement direct; nous vivons la majorité du temps à l'intérieur, que ce soit pour nous déplacer, habiter ou travailler. Pour répondre à ces enjeux, le projet Au fil du temps propose une infrastructure...

  10. Les modalités du temps chez Benjamin Franklin


    Marienstras, Elise


    La renommée multiséculaire de Benjamin Franklin tient surtout à sa qualité d'homme des Lumières. Cet article s'intéresse à l'extrême complexité de sa pensée sur le temps comme concept, comme mode de vie, comme outil pour s'enrichir, et comme vision générale du progrès du genre humain.The long-lasting fame of Benjamin Franklin rests principally on his characteristics as a scientist and a philosopher of the Enlightenment. This article raises the question of Franklin's conception of time and exa...

  11. Deterministic algorithms for multi-criteria Max-TSP

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Manthey, Bodo


    We present deterministic approximation algorithms for the multi-criteria maximum traveling salesman problem (Max-TSP). Our algorithms are faster and simpler than the existing randomized algorithms. We devise algorithms for the symmetric and asymmetric multi-criteria Max-TSP that achieve ratios of

  12. Contrôle de la température durant le processus de dégradation d'un acier Z12CNS20 en frottement avec un acier Z200C13 (United States)

    Khanafi-Benghalem, N.; Loucif, K.; Benghalem, K.; Boudoukha, H.; Louahdi, R.


    La température de contact lors des essais d'usure varie d'une manière spontanée et aléatoire. Cette température de contact dépend essentiellement de la nature du couple des matériaux en contact de la charge et de la vitesse. Cependant la mesure de la température est très difficile à effectuer compte tenu du choix de l'endroit de prise de la température et des phénomènes d'évacuation de la chaleur et de la dissipation de l'énergie. Dans ce travail nous exposons une méthode très simple de mesure de la température et nous étudions par conséquent la variation de la température du Z12CNS20 / Z200C13. Au cours des essais d'usure pour différentes vitesses de glissement, nous montrons en effet que la température augmente d'une manière progressive en fonction de la vitesse puis elle s'élève brutalement au fur et à mesure qu'on se rapproche du point de contact, et enfin nous prouvons par observation métallographique que l'échantillon subit un écoulement plastique provoqué par l'élévation de la température en fonction de la vitesse.

  13. Novel Approaches to Enhance Mobile WiMAX Security

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taeshik Shon


    Full Text Available The IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access Standards released IEEE 802.16-2004 which is a standardized technology for supporting broadband and wireless communication with fixed and nomadic access. After the IEEE 802.16-2004 standard, a new advanced and revised standard was released as the IEEE 802.16e-2005 amendment which is foundation of Mobile WiMAX network supporting handover and roaming capabilities. In the area of security aspects, compared to IEEE 802.16-2004, IEEE 802.16e, called Mobile WiMAX, adopts improved security architecture—PKMv2 which includes EAP authentication, AES-based authenticated encryption, and CMAC or HMAC message protection. However, there is no guarantee that PKMv2-based Mobile WiMAX network will not have security flaws. In this paper, we investigate the current Mobile WiMAX security architecture focusing mainly on pointing out new security vulnerabilities such as a disclosure of security context in network entry, a lack of secure communication in network domain, and a necessity of efficient handover supporting mutual authentication. Based on the investigation results, we propose a novel Mobile WiMAX security architecture, called RObust and Secure MobilE WiMAX (ROSMEX, to prevent the new security vulnerabilities.

  14. STATIC{sub T}EMP: a useful computer code for calculating static formation temperatures in geothermal wells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santoyo, E. [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Centro de Investigacion en Energia, Temixco (Mexico); Garcia, A.; Santoyo, S. [Unidad Geotermia, Inst. de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco (Mexico); Espinosa, G. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Co. Vicentina (Mexico); Hernandez, I. [ITESM, Centro de Sistemas de Manufactura, Monterrey (Mexico)


    The development and application of the computer code STATIC{sub T}EMP, a useful tool for calculating static formation temperatures from actual bottomhole temperature data logged in geothermal wells is described. STATIC{sub T}EMP is based on five analytical methods which are the most frequently used in the geothermal industry. Conductive and convective heat flow models (radial, spherical/radial and cylindrical/radial) were selected. The computer code is a useful tool that can be reliably used in situ to determine static formation temperatures before or during the completion stages of geothermal wells (drilling and cementing). Shut-in time and bottomhole temperature measurements logged during well completion activities are required as input data. Output results can include up to seven computations of the static formation temperature by each wellbore temperature data set analysed. STATIC{sub T}EMP was written in Fortran-77 Microsoft language for MS-DOS environment using structured programming techniques. It runs on most IBM compatible personal computers. The source code and its computational architecture as well as the input and output files are described in detail. Validation and application examples on the use of this computer code with wellbore temperature data (obtained from specialised literature) and with actual bottomhole temperature data (taken from completion operations of some geothermal wells) are also presented. (Author)

  15. Improvements of ModalMax High-Fidelity Piezoelectric Audio Device (United States)

    Woodard, Stanley E.


    ModalMax audio speakers have been enhanced by innovative means of tailoring the vibration response of thin piezoelectric plates to produce a high-fidelity audio response. The ModalMax audio speakers are 1 mm in thickness. The device completely supplants the need to have a separate driver and speaker cone. ModalMax speakers can perform the same applications of cone speakers, but unlike cone speakers, ModalMax speakers can function in harsh environments such as high humidity or extreme wetness. New design features allow the speakers to be completely submersed in salt water, making them well suited for maritime applications. The sound produced from the ModalMax audio speakers has sound spatial resolution that is readily discernable for headset users.

  16. WiMAX network performance monitoring & optimization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Qi; Dam, H


    frequency reuse, capacity planning, proper network dimensioning, multi-class data services and so on. Furthermore, as a small operator we also want to reduce the demand for sophisticated technicians and man labour hours. To meet these critical demands, we design a generic integrated network performance......In this paper we present our WiMAX (worldwide interoperability for microwave access) network performance monitoring and optimization solution. As a new and small WiMAX network operator, there are many demanding issues that we have to deal with, such as limited available frequency resource, tight...... this integrated network performance monitoring and optimization system in our WiMAX networks. This integrated monitoring and optimization system has such good flexibility and scalability that individual function component can be used by other operators with special needs and more advanced function components can...

  17. Max plus at work modeling and analysis of synchronized systems a course on max-plus algebra and its applications

    CERN Document Server

    Heidergott, Bernd; van der Woude, Jacob


    Trains pull into a railroad station and must wait for each other before leaving again in order to let passengers change trains. How do mathematicians then calculate a railroad timetable that accurately reflects their comings and goings? One approach is to use max-plus algebra, a framework used to model Discrete Event Systems, which are well suited to describe the ordering and timing of events. This is the first textbook on max-plus algebra, providing a concise and self-contained introduction to the topic. Applications of max-plus algebra abound in the world around us. Traffic systems, compu

  18. Espaces et espaces-temps en physique. : Colloque "Géométrie au XXe siècle, 1930-2000"


    Lachieze-Rey , Marc; Flament , Dominique; de Pablo , Elisabeth; LEGRAND , Valérie


    Corpus "AHM"; On peut voir la relativité générale comme un aboutissement de la dynamique de géométrisation du monde portée par la physique. Après un bref rappel historique, partant d'Aristote et passant par Newton, Marc Lachièze-Rey se demande comment définir l'espace dans l'espace-temps de la relativité générale. Comment passer d'une définition locale, comme hypersurface orthogonale à la ligne de temps de l'observateur, à un système de référence global, valable pour une communauté d'observat...

  19. Steam turbine cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okuzumi, Naoaki.


    In a steam turbine cycle, steams exhausted from the turbine are extracted, and they are connected to a steam sucking pipe of a steam injector, and a discharge pipe of the steam injector is connected to an inlet of a water turbine. High pressure discharge water is obtained from low pressure steams by utilizing a pressurizing performance of the steam injector and the water turbine is rotated by the high pressure water to generate electric power. This recover and reutilize discharged heat of the steam turbine effectively, thereby enabling to improve heat efficiency of the steam turbine cycle. (T.M.)

  20. Remote condition-based monitoring of turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    'Full text:' Turbines are one of the most expensive and critical pieces of equipment at a power generation facility. With high pressure stages that operate at up to 3500 psi and turn at speeds of up to 3600 rpm, minimal shaft misalignment, bearing wear, or other part breakdown can have catastrophic results. The results can include significant consequential damage to the turbine and other nearby equipment, extensive downtime for repair and purchase of replacement power, and potentially injury or death. Due to these enormous risks, virtually all turbines have built-in protection systems (e.g., Bentley Neveda, Vibro-Meter, etc.). These systems typically monitor peak-to-peak displacement of the shaft with proximity probes. Proximity probes monitor the relative motion between the shaft and the bearings. When the peak-to-peak motion exceeds a predetermined value (e.g., max peak of 7-10 mils) the protection device immediately sends a signal to shutdown the turbine. This may happen without warning, but more often there is an impending failure that develops over time from a degrading part or component. The part or component will almost invariably create abnormal movement in the system, resulting in a noticeable and detectable change in the equipment signatures (e.g., vibration, shaft 'orbit,' DC gap voltage). The protection devices usually provide information on the overall vibration trend of the turbine. While knowing the overall vibration within the system is a valuable metric, it has limited value as a diagnostic tool. It is the equivalent of a cardiologist having access only to a patient's pulse rate. The pulse rate may be significantly above normal, but - without more data - the cardiologist knows little more than that there is an impending problem. To better diagnose impending problems with a turbine, the following parameters are key: Vibration Trend: The vibration experienced by the shaft as a function of time; Spectrum: Displacement as a function of frequency at a

  1. An instrument for measuring doubling time; Un appareillage de mesure de temps de doublement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ailloud, J; Chandanson, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The instrument described here allows the direct and almost immediate measurement, with a precision of the order of 1 per cent, of the time taken by a reactor to double its power. The method of measurement consists of noting the instants when the power of the reactor passes the levels P{sub 1} and P{sub 2} such that P{sub 2} = 2 P{sub 1}, and of measuring the time lapse between these two instants. The instrument picks out, in the course of one rise in power, several levels, P{sub 1}, P{sub 2}, P{sub 3}... etc, chosen in such a manner as to give several successive measurements of the doubling time. It is also capable of making these same measurements when the reactor is working below the critical level. (author) [French] L'appareil decrit ici permet la mesure directe et quasi immediate du temps de doublement de la puissance d'un reacteur avec une precision de l'ordre de 1 pour cent. La methode de mesure consiste a reperer les instants de passage de la puissance du reacteur par des niveaux P{sub 1} et P{sub 2} tels que P{sub 2} = 2 P{sub 1}, et a mesurer le temps ecoule entre ces deux instants. L'appareil repere, au cours d'une meme montee en puissance, plusieurs niveaux, P{sub 1}, P{sub 2}, P{sub 3}... etc, choisis de maniere a donner plusieurs mesures successives du temps de doublement. Il est egalement utilisable pour effectuer ces memes mesures lorsque le reacteur est en regime sous-critique. (auteur)

  2. FLECH PowerMax Service Requirement Specification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    It is expected that in the future, ancillary services will be required at distribution level. This work describes how one of these ancillary services, the PowerMax service, must be spec ified within a market framework. The basis of this work is the Flexibility Clearing House (FLE CH) platform...... and the Distribution System Operator (DSO) services defined in [1]. The PowerMax service has been further discussed in [2], and this technical report seeks to clarify the implementation details first discussed in that paper. The aim of the PowerMax service it to relieve congestion issue s in the distribution system...... by establishing a maximum power that a cluster of consumer devices may draw from the syste m. The consumers will receive a payment for providing this service, and the DSO will be able to postpone grid reinfo rcement...

  3. Louise Fines, Recherche qualitative et cyber-espace-temps, 2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Leclerc


    Full Text Available L’ouvrage de Louise Fines s’intéresse au recours aux médias en temps réel pour analyser les processus sociaux contemporains, et en particulier les crimes « en col blanc ». Il prend pour illustration l’affaire Enron, scandale financier qui a secoué les États-Unis en 2001. Son intérêt majeur est la présentation d’une méthodologie, celle du jeu, et le rappel des grands principes de recherche. Le lecteur peut toutefois rester sur sa faim : le discours fournit des grandes orientations, de nombreus...

  4. Max Jakobson : Kommunismisse tuleb suhtuda objektiivselt / Max Jakobson ; interv. Kai Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jakobson, Max, 1923-2013


    Inimsusevastaste Kuritegude Uurimise Rahvusvahelise Komisjoni esimees Max Jakobson oma suhtumisest talle Maarjamaa Risti I klassi teenetemärgi andmisse, tema juhitava komisjoni tööst, eestlaste püüdlusest ühineda NATOga, kommunismi ja natsismi hukkamõistust

  5. MAX and Survey Linkages (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — CMS is interested in linking MAX files with survey data, including four surveys conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) - the National Health...

  6. The swirl turbine (United States)

    Haluza, M.; Pochylý, F.; Rudolf, P.


    In the article is introduced the new type of the turbine - swirl turbine. This turbine is based on opposite principle than Kaplan turbine. Euler equation is satisfied in the form gHηh = -u2vu2. From this equation is seen, that inflow of liquid into the runner is without rotation and on the outflow is a rotation of liquid opposite of rotation of runner. This turbine is suitable for small head and large discharge. Some constructional variants of this turbine are introduced in the article and theoretical aspects regarding losses in the draft tube. The theory is followed by computational simulations in Fluent and experiments using laser Doppler anemometry.

  7. Pump Application as Hydraulic Turbine – Pump as Turbine (PaT)


    Rusovs, D


    The paper considers pump operation as hydraulic turbine with purpose to produce mechanical power from liquid flow. The Francis hydraulic turbine was selected for comparison with centrifugal pump in reverse operation. Turbine and centrifugal pump velocity triangles were considered with purpose to evaluate PaT efficiency. Shape of impeller blades for turbine and pumps was analysed. Specific speed calculation is carried out with purpose to obtain similarity in pump and turbine description. For ...

  8. Turbine system and adapter (United States)

    Hogberg, Nicholas Alvin; Garcia-Crespo, Andres Jose


    A turbine system and adapter are disclosed. The adapter includes a turbine attachment portion having a first geometry arranged to receive a corresponding geometry of a wheelpost of a turbine rotor, and a bucket attachment portion having a second geometry arranged to receive a corresponding geometry of a root portion of a non-metallic turbine bucket. Another adapter includes a turbine attachment portion arranged to receive a plurality of wheelposts of a turbine rotor, and a bucket attachment portion arranged to receive a plurality of non-metallic turbine buckets having single dovetail configuration root portions. The turbine system includes a turbine rotor wheel configured to receive metal buckets, at least one adapter secured to at least one wheelpost on the turbine rotor wheel, and at least one non-metallic bucket secured to the at least one adapter.





    Varma designed ultra modern and high efficiency turbines which can use gas, steam or fuels as feed to produce electricity or mechanical work for wide range of usages and applications in industries or at work sites. Varma turbine engines can be used in all types of vehicles. These turbines can also be used in aircraft, ships, battle tanks, dredgers, mining equipment, earth moving machines etc, Salient features of Varma Turbines. 1. Varma turbines are simple in design, easy to manufac...

  10. Analyse de l'emballement thermique d'un système chimique hybride non tempéré


    Véchot , Luc; Bigot , Jean-Pierre; Minko , Wilfried ,; Kazmierczak , Marc; Vicot , Patricia


    National audience; Ce travail s'intéresse au “blow-down” (emballement thermique en présence d'un évent de sécurité) d'un système chimique non tempéré (30% CHP) soumis à un incendie. Il utilise une maquette à l'échelle 0,1 l. L'analyse des données post décomposition a montré que la vapeur présente est principalement un produit de la réaction. Toutes les expériences de blow-down ont présenté deux pics de pression, quel que soit le rapport A/V, ce qui est typique des systèmes non tempérés. Nous ...

  11. Mini MAX - Medicaid Sample (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — To facilitate wider use of MAX, CMS contracted with Mathematica to convene a technical expert panel (TEP) and determine the feasibility of creating a sample file for...

  12. The swirl turbine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haluza, M; Pochylý, F; Rudolf, P


    In the article is introduced the new type of the turbine - swirl turbine. This turbine is based on opposite principle than Kaplan turbine. Euler equation is satisfied in the form gHη h = −u 2 v u2 . From this equation is seen, that inflow of liquid into the runner is without rotation and on the outflow is a rotation of liquid opposite of rotation of runner. This turbine is suitable for small head and large discharge. Some constructional variants of this turbine are introduced in the article and theoretical aspects regarding losses in the draft tube. The theory is followed by computational simulations in Fluent and experiments using laser Doppler anemometry.

  13. Contrôle, régulation et sécurité en temps réel des ouvrages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    ROYET, Paul


    Full Text Available La gestion patrimoniale des infrastructures, au plan opérationnel, inclut une surveillance des ouvrages en temps réel, en lien fort avec le contrôle et la régulation de leur fonctionnement, afin d'assurer la sécurité des usagers et de l'environnement. Cet article présente les principes et méthodes qui sous-tendent les actions au pas de temps fin pour des patrimoines tels que les digues, les barrages et les réseaux d'eau et d'assainissement et montre comment ces actions contribuent de manière déterminante à la connaissance de l'état du patrimoine.

  14. Max Jakobsoni saatuseaastad, soomlased ja meie / Imbi Paju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paju, Imbi, 1959-


    Soome politoloogist ja diplomaadist Max Jakobsonist ja tema uuest raamatust "Saatuseaastad. Soome tõusis, andis Venemaale järele ja pääses". Artiklis on juttu ka Max Jakobsoni suhetest Eesti presidentide Lennart Meri ja Toomas Hendrik Ilvesega

  15. Gas turbine engine turbine blade damaging estimate in maintenance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ель-Хожайрі Хусейн


    Full Text Available  The factors determining character and intensity of corrosive damages of gas turbine blades are analyzed in the article. The classification of detrimental impurities polluting gas turbine airflow duct and injuring blade erosion damages are given. Common features of the method of turbine blade corrosive damage estimation are shown in the article.

  16. Comparison of performances of full-speed turbine and half-speed turbine for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Hu; Zhang Weihong; Zhang Qiang; Li Shaohua


    The steam turbines of nuclear power plants can be divided into the full-speed turbine and half-speed turbine. Different speed leads to differences in many aspects. Therefore, the rational speed is the key point in the selection of steam turbines. This paper contrasts the economy between the half-speed turbine and full-speed turbine, by calculating the relative internal efficiency of half-speed and full-speed steam turbines with the typical level of 1000 megawatt. At the same time, this paper also calculate the relative speed of high speed water drops in the last stage blade of half-speed turbine and full-speed turbine, to contrast the water erosion between the half-speed turbine and full-speed turbine. The results show that the relative internal efficiency of half-speed turbine is higher than that of the full-speed turbine, and that the security especially the ability of preventing water erosion of half-speed turbine is better than that of the full-speed turbine. (authors)

  17. Fermented soya bean (tempe) extracts reduce adhesion of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli to intestinal epithelial cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roubos-van den Hil, P.J.; Nout, M.J.R.; Beumer, R.R.; Meulen, van der J.; Zwietering, M.H.


    Aims: This study aimed to investigate the effect of processed soya bean, during the successive stages of tempe fermentation and different fermentation times, on adhesion of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K88 to intestinal brush border cells as well as Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells; and

  18. Discharge, water quality, and native fish abundance in the Virgin River, Utah, Nevada, and Arizona, in support of Pah Tempe Springs discharge remediation efforts (United States)

    Miller, Matthew P.; Lambert, Patrick M.; Hardy, Thomas B.


    Pah Tempe Springs discharge hot, saline, low dissolved-oxygen water to the Virgin River in southwestern Utah, which is transported downstream to Lake Mead and the Colorado River. The dissolved salts in the Virgin River negatively influence the suitability of this water for downstream agricultural, municipal, and industrial use. Therefore, various remediation scenarios to remove the salt load discharged from Pah Tempe Springs to the Virgin River are being considered. One concern about this load removal is the potential to impact the ecology of the Virgin River. Specifically, information is needed regarding possible impacts of Pah Tempe Springs remediation scenarios on the abundance, distribution, and survival of native fish in the Virgin River. Future efforts that aim to quantitatively assess how various remediation scenarios to reduce the load of dissolved salts from Pah Tempe Springs into the Virgin River may influence the abundance, distribution, and survival of native fish will require data on discharge, water quality, and native fish abundance. This report contains organized accessible discharge, water quality, and native fish abundance data sets from the Virgin River, documents the compilation of these data, and discusses approaches for quantifying relations between abiotic physical and chemical conditions, and fish abundance.

  19. Étude par la méthode de Monte Carlo de la phase plastique de la quinuclidine à différentes températures (United States)

    Jumeau, Daniel; André, Daniel

    La phase plastique (c.f.c.) de la quinuclidine est étudiée à différentes températures par la méthode de Monte Carlo utilisant la technique des matrices de compatibilité. Afin de ne pas modifier la symétrie moyenne du réseau, les centres de masse de molécules sont supposés fixes. Les orientations moléculaires sont choisies de façon aléatoire parmi les 48 orientations équivalentes et discernables du groupe c.f.c. Cela permet une mémorisation préalable des énergies d'interaction entre molécules voisines et un gain de temps de calcul considérable. Nous observons alors un blocage des réorientations moléculaires à basse température, tandis que la symétrie cristalline devient monoclinique. Ceci est interprété en termes de transition de phase dont la température (215 K) et la variation d'énergie (5 kJ mol-1) sont très proches des valeurs expérimentales.

  20. Hydraulic turbines and auxiliary equipment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luo Gaorong [Organization of the United Nations, Beijing (China). International Centre of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants


    This document presents a general overview on hydraulic turbines and auxiliary equipment, emphasizing the turbine classification, in accordance with the different types of turbines, standard turbine series in China, turbine selection based on the basic data required for the preliminary design, general hill model curves, chart of turbine series and the arrangement of application for hydraulic turbines, hydraulic turbine testing, and speed regulating device.

  1. Gas Turbine Engine Having Fan Rotor Driven by Turbine Exhaust and with a Bypass (United States)

    Suciu, Gabriel L. (Inventor); Chandler, Jesse M. (Inventor)


    A gas turbine engine has a core engine incorporating a core engine turbine. A fan rotor is driven by a fan rotor turbine. The fan rotor turbine is in the path of gases downstream from the core engine turbine. A bypass door is moveable from a closed position at which the gases from the core engine turbine pass over the fan rotor turbine, and moveable to a bypass position at which the gases are directed away from the fan rotor turbine. An aircraft is also disclosed.

  2. Max-Plus Stochastic Control and Risk-Sensitivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fleming, Wendell H.; Kaise, Hidehiro; Sheu, Shuenn-Jyi


    In the Maslov idempotent probability calculus, expectations of random variables are defined so as to be linear with respect to max-plus addition and scalar multiplication. This paper considers control problems in which the objective is to minimize the max-plus expectation of some max-plus additive running cost. Such problems arise naturally as limits of some types of risk sensitive stochastic control problems. The value function is a viscosity solution to a quasivariational inequality (QVI) of dynamic programming. Equivalence of this QVI to a nonlinear parabolic PDE with discontinuous Hamiltonian is used to prove a comparison theorem for viscosity sub- and super-solutions. An example from mathematical finance is given, and an application in nonlinear H-infinity control is sketched.

  3. Digital logic circuit design with ALTERA MAX+PLUS II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung Ho; Park, Yong Su; Park, Gun Jong; Lee, Ju Heon


    This book is composed of five parts. The first part has introduction of ALTERA MAX+PLUS II and graphic editor, text editor, compiler, waveform editor simulator and timing analyzer of it. The second part is about direction of digital logic circuit design with training kit. The third part has grammar and practice of VHDL in ALTERA MAX+PLUS II including example and history of VHDL. The fourth part shows the design example of digital logic circuit by VHDL of ALTERA MAX+PLUS II which lists designs of adder and subtractor, code converter, counter, state machine and LCD module. The last part explains design example of digital logic circuit by graphic editor in ALTERA MAX+PLUS II.

  4. Max Weber Visits America: A Review of the Video

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Wise


    Full Text Available The North Carolina Sociological Society is proud to announce the long-awaited video of Max Weber's trip to North Carolina as retold by two of his cousins. Max Weber made a trip to visit relatives in Mount Airy, North Carolina, in 1904. This 2004 narrative by Larry Keeter and Stephen Hall is the story of locating and interviewing two living eyewitnesses (1976 to Max Weber's trip. The video includes information about Weber's contributions to modern sociology. Dowloadable files are provided using the .mp4 format. The video should appeal to students and professors interested in Max Weber. It can be included in courses ranging from introductory sociology to theory.

  5. The interactional foundations of MaxEnt: Open questions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harré, Michael S., E-mail: [Complex Systems Research Group, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006 (Australia)


    One of the simplest and potentially most useful techniques to be developed in the 20{sup th} century, a century noted for an ever more mathematically sophisticated formulation of the sciences, is that of maximising the entropy of a system in order to generate a descriptive, stochastic model of that system in closed form, often abbreviated to MaxEnt. The extension of MaxEnt to systems beyond the physics from which it originated is hampered by the fact that the microscopic physical interactions that are not justified or justifiable within the MaxEnt framework need to be falsifiably evaluated in each new field of application. It is not obvious that such justification exists for many systems in which the interactions are not directly based on physics. For example what is the justification for the use of MaxEnt in biology, climate modelling or economics? Is it simply a useful heuristic or is there some deeper connection with the foundations of some systems? Without further critical examination of the microscopic foundations that give rise to the success of the MaxEnt principle it is difficult to motivate the use of such techniques in other fields except through theoretically an practically unsatisfying analogical arguments. This article briefly presents the basis of MaxEnt principles as originally introduced in statistical mechanics in the Jaynes form, the Tsallis form and the Rényi form. Several different applications are introduced including that of ecological diversity where maximising the different diversity measures is equivalent to maximising different entropic functionals.

  6. The interactional foundations of MaxEnt: Open questions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harré, Michael S.


    One of the simplest and potentially most useful techniques to be developed in the 20 th century, a century noted for an ever more mathematically sophisticated formulation of the sciences, is that of maximising the entropy of a system in order to generate a descriptive, stochastic model of that system in closed form, often abbreviated to MaxEnt. The extension of MaxEnt to systems beyond the physics from which it originated is hampered by the fact that the microscopic physical interactions that are not justified or justifiable within the MaxEnt framework need to be falsifiably evaluated in each new field of application. It is not obvious that such justification exists for many systems in which the interactions are not directly based on physics. For example what is the justification for the use of MaxEnt in biology, climate modelling or economics? Is it simply a useful heuristic or is there some deeper connection with the foundations of some systems? Without further critical examination of the microscopic foundations that give rise to the success of the MaxEnt principle it is difficult to motivate the use of such techniques in other fields except through theoretically an practically unsatisfying analogical arguments. This article briefly presents the basis of MaxEnt principles as originally introduced in statistical mechanics in the Jaynes form, the Tsallis form and the Rényi form. Several different applications are introduced including that of ecological diversity where maximising the different diversity measures is equivalent to maximising different entropic functionals

  7. BluLab: Temporal Information Extraction for the 2015 Clinical TempEval Challenge


    Velupillai, Sumithra; Mowery, Danielle L.; Abdelrahman, Samir; Christensen, Lee; Chapman, Wendy W.


    The 2015 Clinical TempEval Challenge addressed the problem of temporal reasoning in the clinical domain by providing an annotated corpus of pathology and clinical notes related to colon cancer patients. The challenge consisted of six subtasks: TIMEX3 and event span detection, TIMEX3 and event attribute classification, document relation time and narrative container relation classification. Our BluLab team participated in all six subtasks. For the TIMEX3 and event subtasks, we developed a Clear...

  8. De Max-Planck medaille

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijmans, H.G.; van Woerkom, P.Th.L.M.; Ankersmit, W.; Hagman, R.; Heijmans, H.G.; Olsder, G.J.; van de Schootbrugge, G.


    De Max-Planck-Medaille is een onderscheiding die sinds 1929 jaarlijks wordt uitgereikt door de toentertijd grootste vereniging van natuurkundigen ter wereld: de Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. Het is als het ware de Nobelprijs voor de theoretische natuurkunde, volgens de natuurkundigen zelf. In

  9. Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Martin Otto Laver

    Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines is the established essential text for the fundamental solutions to efficient wind turbine design. Now in its second edition, it has been entirely updated and substantially extended to reflect advances in technology, research into rotor aerodynamics and the structural...... response of the wind turbine structure. Topics covered include increasing mass flow through the turbine, performance at low and high wind speeds, assessment of the extreme conditions under which the turbine will perform and the theory for calculating the lifetime of the turbine. The classical Blade Element...... Momentum method is also covered, as are eigenmodes and the dynamic behavior of a turbine. The new material includes a description of the effects of the dynamics and how this can be modeled in an aeroelastic code, which is widely used in the design and verification of modern wind turbines. Further...

  10. Aerodynamics of wind turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Martin Otto Laver

    Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines is the established essential text for the fundamental solutions to efficient wind turbine design. Now in its third edition, it has been substantially updated with respect to structural dynamics and control. The new control chapter now includes details on how to design...... Turbines (VAWT). Topics covered include increasing mass flow through the turbine, performance at low and high wind speeds, assessment of the extreme conditions under which the turbine will perform and the theory for calculating the lifetime of the turbine. The classical Blade Element Momentum method...... is also covered, as are eigenmodes and the dynamic behaviour of a turbine. The book describes the effects of the dynamics and how this can be modelled in an aeroelastic code, which is widely used in the design and verification of modern wind turbines. Furthermore, it examines how to calculate...

  11. Intertextuality and Television Discourse: The Max Headroom Story. (United States)


    Max Headroom, the computer-generated media personality, presents a good opportunity for an investigation of the degree of intertextuality in television. Max combines narrative genres (science fiction and film noir), television program types (prime-time episodic narrative, made-for-TV movie, talkshows), advertising and programming, and electronic…

  12. Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 Essentials

    CERN Document Server

    Derakhshani, Randi L


    Get a jump-start on Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 essentials-with the Essentials! The new Essentials books from Sybex are beautiful, task-based, full-color Autodesk Official Training Guides that help you get up to speed on Autodesk topics quickly and easily. Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 Essentials thoroughly covers the fundamentals of this popular 3D animation effects, and visualization software, teaching you what you need to become quickly productive. By following the book's clear explanations, practical tutorials, and step-by-step exercises, you'll cover all the bases. Topics include modeling, animation,

  13. Analysis of turbine-grid interaction of grid-connected wind turbine using HHT (United States)

    Chen, A.; Wu, W.; Miao, J.; Xie, D.


    This paper processes the output power of the grid-connected wind turbine with the denoising and extracting method based on Hilbert Huang transform (HHT) to discuss the turbine-grid interaction. At first, the detailed Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and the Hilbert Transform (HT) are introduced. Then, on the premise of decomposing the output power of the grid-connected wind turbine into a series of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), energy ratio and power volatility are calculated to detect the unessential components. Meanwhile, combined with vibration function of turbine-grid interaction, data fitting of instantaneous amplitude and phase of each IMF is implemented to extract characteristic parameters of different interactions. Finally, utilizing measured data of actual parallel-operated wind turbines in China, this work accurately obtains the characteristic parameters of turbine-grid interaction of grid-connected wind turbine.

  14. Turbine maintenance and modernization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Unga, E [Teollisuuden Voima Oy, Olkiluoto (Finland)


    The disturbance-free operation of the turbine plant plays an important role in reaching good production results. In the turbine maintenance of the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant the lifetime and efficiency of turbine components and the lifetime costs are taken into account in determining the turbine maintenance and modernization/improvement program. The turbine maintenance program and improvement/modernization measures taken in the plant units are described in this presentation. (orig.)

  15. Turbine maintenance and modernization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Unga, E. [Teollisuuden Voima Oy, Olkiluoto (Finland)


    The disturbance-free operation of the turbine plant plays an important role in reaching good production results. In the turbine maintenance of the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant the lifetime and efficiency of turbine components and the lifetime costs are taken into account in determining the turbine maintenance and modernization/improvement program. The turbine maintenance program and improvement/modernization measures taken in the plant units are described in this presentation. (orig.)

  16. Etude de l'impact de la variation de la température sur les activités ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Etude de l'impact de la variation de la température sur les activités microbiennes : application à une population de Listeria monocytogenes CIP 7831, Listeria monocytogenes Scott A CIP 103575 et Escherichia coli ATCC 25922.

  17. Max Weber Visits America: A Review of the Video


    Michael Wise


    The North Carolina Sociological Society is proud to announce the long-awaited video of Max Weber's trip to North Carolina as retold by two of his cousins. Max Weber made a trip to visit relatives in Mount Airy, North Carolina, in 1904. This 2004 narrative by Larry Keeter and Stephen Hall is the story of locating and interviewing two living eyewitnesses (1976) to Max Weber's trip. The video includes information about Weber's contributions to modern sociology. Dowloadable files are provided...

  18. Etudes sur le Portugal au Temps de l'Humanisme

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Cruz Costa


    Full Text Available BATAILLON (Marcel. — Etudes sur le Portugal au Temps de l'Humanisme.  Acta Universitatis Conimbrigencis, 1952, 309 pp. (Primeiro Parágrafo do Artigo O Prof. Marcel Bataillon, erudito dos mais inteligentes da França atual, autor de uma obra que é hoje impr:scindível para quem pretenda estudar o humanismo renascentista na Espanha ou em Portugal, diríamos melhor, talvez: para quem pretenda estudar o Humanismo e a Renascença, — acaba de publicar, na coleção Acta Universitatis Conimbrigencis, êste volume no qual reune alguns trabalhos da mais alta importância para o conhecimento de muitos aspectos da vida espiritual portuguêsa do século XVI.

  19. Une brève histoire du temps du Big Bang aux trous noirs

    CERN Document Server

    Hawking, Stephen


    Stephen Hawking est universellement reconnu comme l'un des plus grands cosmologistes de notre époque et l'un des plus brillants physiciens depuis Einstein. Successeur de Newton, il occupe à l'université de Cambridge la chaire de Mathématiques, et s'est rendu célèbre pour ses travaux sur les origines de l'Univers. Une brève histoire du temps est le premier livre qu'il ait décidé d'écrire pour le non-spécialiste. Il y expose, dans un langage simple et accessible, les plus récents développements de l'astrophysique concernant la nature du temps et du monde. Retraçant les grandes théories du cosmos, de Galilée et Newton à Einstein et Poincaré, racontant les ultimes découvertes de l'espace, expliquant la nature des trous noirs, il propose ensuite de relever le plus grand défi de la science moderne : la recherche d'une théorie unitaire combinant et unifiant la relativité générale et la mécanique quantique. On sait que Stephen Hawking lutte depuis plus de trente ans contre une maladie neurolo...

  20. Global Summary of the Month, version 1.0 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The global summaries data set contains a monthly (GSOM) resolution of meteorological elements (max temp, snow, etc) from 1763 to present with updates weekly. The...

  1. Global Summary of the Year, version 1.0 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The global summaries data set contains a yearly (GSOY) resolution of meteorological elements (max temp, snow, etc) from 1763 to present with updates weekly. The...

  2. Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 essentials

    CERN Document Server

    Derakhshani, Dariush


    A four-color, task-based Autodesk Official Training Guide covering the core features of 3ds Max Beginning users of this popular 3D animation and effects software will find everything they need for a thorough understanding of the software's key features and functions in this colorful guide. The authors break down the complexities of learning 3D software and get you going right away with interesting, job-related projects. You'll learn the basics of modeling, texturing, animating, lighting, visualization, and visual effects with 3ds Max, exploring the methods and why they are used as they are.

  3. Autodesk 3ds Max 2014 bible

    CERN Document Server

    Murdock, Kelly L


    A complete reference covering the newest version of 3ds Max software Autodesk 3ds Max is the popular 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and compositing software preferred by game developers and graphic designers in film and television. This comprehensive reference not only introduces beginners to this pricey and complex software, but also serves as a reference for experienced users. Packed with expert advice from popular author Kelly Murdock, it begins with a Quick Start tutorial to get you up and running, then continues with more than 150 step-by-step tutorials, advanced coverage, and plenty

  4. Gas turbines and operation of gas turbines 2011; Gasturbinen und Gasturbinenbetrieb 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Within the VGB Conference at 11th and 12th May, 2011 in Offenbach/Main (Federal Republic of Germany), the following lectures were held: (1) The future of high temperature gas turbines in power plants (Konrad Vogeler); (2) Development of reliable thermal barrier coatings for high-loaded turbine and combustor parts (Hans-Peter Bossmann); (3) CCPP Irsching 4 with gas turbine SGT5-8000H, on the way to 60 % CC efficiency (Willibald Fischer); (4) First test results of MAN's new 6 MW gas turbine (Markus Beukenberg); (5) Design characteristics and key thermodynamic parameters of the recuperated 4 MW solar turbines Mercury 50 gas turbines: - Economics and environmental feasibility, - operating experience in combined cycle applications with recuperation (Ulrich Stang); (6) Medium size gas turbines - OEM concept for continued reduction of life cycle costs (Vladimir Navrotsky); (7) Fracture mechanical analysis on fatigue failures of gas turbine components: - Root cause analysis - fracture mechanics - stress corrosion cracking - examples of failure analysis (Peter Verstraete); (8) The effectiveness of blade superalloy reheat treatment (Michael Wood); (9) An innovative combustion technology for high efficient gas turbines (Christian Oliver Paschereit); (10) Damping of thermo-acoustic vibrations in gas turbine combustion chambers (Sermed Sadig); (11) Alstom GT13E2 combustor upgrade for Vattenfalls Berlin Mitte combined heat and power plant (Klaus Doebbeling); (12) Optimisation of air inlet filtration for dust, rain and humidity (Heiko Manstein); (13) Life cycle cost reduction through high efficiency membrane based air intake filters (Helmut Krah); (14) Status and impact of national, European and international standardization on GT plants; GT standardizing status quo? (Gerd Weber); (15) Technical and thermodynamic aspects of compresssed air energy storage (Peter Radgen); (16) Requirements on the gas turbine in the course of time - intelligent OEM-concepts to ensure reliable

  5. Apple F-box Protein MdMAX2 Regulates Plant Photomorphogenesis and Stress Response

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jian-Ping An


    Full Text Available MAX2 (MORE AXILLARY GROWTH2 is involved in diverse physiological processes, including photomorphogenesis, the abiotic stress response, as well as karrikin and strigolactone signaling-mediated shoot branching. In this study, MdMAX2, an F-box protein that is a homolog of Arabidopsis MAX2, was identified and characterized. Overexpression of MdMAX2 in apple calli enhanced the accumulation of anthocyanin. Ectopic expression of MdMAX2 in Arabidopsis exhibited photomorphogenesis phenotypes, including increased anthocyanin content and decreased hypocotyl length. Further study indicated that MdMAX2 might promote plant photomorphogenesis by affecting the auxin signaling as well as other plant hormones. Transcripts of MdMAX2 were noticeably up-regulated in response to NaCl and Mannitol treatments. Moreover, compared with the wild type, the MdMAX2-overexpressing apple calli and Arabidopsis exhibited increased tolerance to salt and drought stresses. Taken together, these results suggest that MdMAX2 plays a positive regulatory role in plant photomorphogenesis and stress response.

  6. Max Scheler's Phenomenology of Interrelation

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    German phenomenologist and sociologist Max Scheler accorded sympathy a central role in his philosophy .... process of deliberation or ask myself how the other person might be feeling .... Scheler believes that Nietzsche mistakenly identifies.

  7. President Ilves kohtus Max Jakobsoniga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves ja Soome tuntud diplomaat Max Jakobson arutasid 16. septembril 2008 Tallinnas toimunud kohtumisel julgeolekuolukorda Euroopas pärast Venemaa-Gruusia sõda, Euroopa Liidu suhteid Venemaaga ja NATO tulevikku

  8. Max Weber's Critique of the Bureaucratisation of Education (United States)

    Madan, Amman


    In this commentary, the author discusses the critique by Max Weber and his views on bureaucratisation of education. The modern school, said Max Weber (1864-1920) over a hundred years ago, has as its educational ideal the bureaucrat and no longer the cultivated elite of older times. The shift to modernity and to its characteristic institution, the…

  9. Delamination-Debond Behaviour of Composite T- Joints in Wind Turbine Blades

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gulasik, H; Coker, D


    Wind turbine industry utilizes composite materials in turbine blade structural designs because of their high strength/stiffness to weight ratio. T-joint is one of the design configurations of composite wind turbine blades. T-joints consist of a skin panel and a stiffener co-bonded or co-cured together with a filler material between them. T-joints are prone to delaminations between skin/stiffener plies and debonds between skin-stiffener-filler interfaces. In this study, delamination/debond behavior of a co-bonded composite T-joint is investigated under 0° pull load condition by 2D finite element method. Using Abaqus® commercial FE software, zero-thickness cohesive elements are used to simulate delamination/debond in ply interfaces and bonding lines. Pulling load at 0° is applied and load-displacement behavior and failure scenario are observed. The failure sequence consists of debonding of filler/stringer interface during one load drop followed by a second drop in which the 2nd filler/stringer debonds, filler/skin debonding and skin delamination leading to total loss of load carrying capacity. This type of failure initiation has been observed widely in the literature. When the debond strength is increased 30%, failure pattern is found to change in addition to increasing the load capacity by 200% before total loss of loading carrying capacity occurs. Failure initiation and propagation behavior, initial and max failure loads and stress fields are affected by the property change. In all cases mixed-mode crack tip loading is observed in the failure initiation and propagation stages. In this paper, the detailed delamination/debonding history in T-joints is predicted with cohesive elements for the first time

  10. Air Turbines for Wave Energy Conversion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manabu Takao


    Full Text Available This paper describes the present status of the art on air turbines, which could be used for wave energy conversion. The air turbines included in the paper are as follows: Wells type turbines, impulse turbines, radial turbines, cross-flow turbine, and Savonius turbine. The overall performances of the turbines under irregular wave conditions, which typically occur in the sea, have been compared by numerical simulation and sea trial. As a result, under irregular wave conditions it is found that the running and starting characteristics of the impulse type turbines could be superior to those of the Wells turbine. Moreover, as the current challenge on turbine technology, the authors explain a twin-impulse turbine topology for wave energy conversion.

  11. Stabilisation en pression et en température du champ magnétique dans le piège à ions de précision d’ISOLTRAP au CERN

    CERN Document Server



    L’expérience ISOLTRAP, à ISOLDE au CERN, utilise la mesure de la fréquence cyclotron dans un piège de Penning pour en déduire avec une haute précision la masse des ions radioactifs produits par l’installation ISOLDE. Pour cette mesure de masse, une bonne homogénéité du champ magnétique au cours du temps est requise dans le piège. Or l’étude de l’erreur systématique a montré l’existence d’une dérive du champ magnétique en fonction du temps, à laquelle se superposent des fluctuations dépendant de la température. La courbe de dérive linéaire en fonction du temps ayant été évaluée, on souhaite mettre en place un système de régulation permettant d’atténuer les fluctuations du champ magnétique liées aux variations de la température. Ce dispositif constituera une amélioration technique pouvant conduire à la réduction de l’erreur systématique sur la mesure de masse. Ce rapport détaille l’installation d’un système de régulation de la pression de l’hélium ser...

  12. MaxSynBio - Avenues towards creating cells from the bottom up. (United States)

    Schwille, Petra; Spatz, Joachim; Landfester, Katharina; Bodenschatz, Eberhard; Herminghaus, Stephan; Sourjik, Victor; Erb, Tobias; Bastiaens, Philippe; Lipowsky, Reinhard; Hyman, Anthony; Dabrock, Peter; Baret, Jean-Christophe; Vidakovic-Koch, Tanja; Bieling, Peter; Dimova, Rumiana; Mutschler, Hannes; Robinson, Tom; Tang, Dora; Wegner, Seraphine; Sundmacher, Kai


    A large Max Planck-based German research consortium ('MaxSynBio') was formed to investigate living systems from a fundamental perspective. The research program of MaxSynBio relies solely on the bottom-up approach to Synthetic Biology. MaxSynBio focuses on the detailed analysis and understanding of essential processes of life, via their modular reconstitution in minimal synthetic systems. The ultimate goal is to construct a basic living unit entirely from non-living components. The fundamental insights gained from the activities in MaxSynBio can eventually be utilized for establishing a new generation of biotechnological processes, which would be based on synthetic cell constructs that replace natural cells currently used in conventional biotechnology. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Superconducting Wind Turbine Generators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yunying Pan


    Full Text Available Wind energy is well known as a renewable energy because its clean and less polluted characteristic, which is the foundation of development modern wind electricity. To find more efficient wind turbine is the focus of scientists around the world. Compared from conventional wind turbines, superconducting wind turbine generators have advantages at zero resistance, smaller size and lighter weight. Superconducting wind turbine will inevitably become the main trends in this area. This paper intends to introduce the basic concept and principle of superconductivity, and compare form traditional wind turbine to obtain superiority, then to summary three proposed machine concept.While superconductivity have difficulty  in modern technology and we also have proposed some challenges in achieving superconducting wind turbine finally.

  14. Pelton turbines

    CERN Document Server

    Zhang, Zhengji


    This book concerns the theoretical foundations of hydromechanics of Pelton turbines from the engineering viewpoint. For reference purposes, all relevant flow processes and hydraulic aspects in a Pelton turbine have been analyzed completely and systematically. The analyses especially include the quantification of all possible losses existing in the Pelton turbine and the indication of most available potential for further enhancing the system efficiency. As a guideline the book therefore supports further developments of Pelton turbines with regard to their hydraulic designs and optimizations. It is thus suitable for the development and design engineers as well as those working in the field of turbo machinery. Many laws described in the book can also be directly used to simplify aspects of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or to develop new computational methods. The well-executed examples help better understand the related flow mechanics.

  15. Wind Turbine Technologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Anca Daniela


    , and with or without gearboxes, using the latest in power electronics, aerodynamics, and mechanical drive train designs [4]. The main differences between all wind turbine concepts developed over the years, concern their electrical design and control. Today, the wind turbines on the market mix and match a variety......, the design of wind turbines has changed from being convention driven to being optimized driven within the operating regime and market environment. Wind turbine designs have progressed from fixed speed, passive controlled and with drive trains with gearboxes, to become variable speed, active controlled......,6] and to implement modern control system strategies....

  16. The use and misuse of V(c,max) in Earth System Models. (United States)

    Rogers, Alistair


    Earth System Models (ESMs) aim to project global change. Central to this aim is the need to accurately model global carbon fluxes. Photosynthetic carbon dioxide assimilation by the terrestrial biosphere is the largest of these fluxes, and in many ESMs is represented by the Farquhar, von Caemmerer and Berry (FvCB) model of photosynthesis. The maximum rate of carboxylation by the enzyme Rubisco, commonly termed V c,max, is a key parameter in the FvCB model. This study investigated the derivation of the values of V c,max used to represent different plant functional types (PFTs) in ESMs. Four methods for estimating V c,max were identified; (1) an empirical or (2) mechanistic relationship was used to relate V c,max to leaf N content, (3) V c,max was estimated using an approach based on the optimization of photosynthesis and respiration or (4) calibration of a user-defined V c,max to obtain a target model output. Despite representing the same PFTs, the land model components of ESMs were parameterized with a wide range of values for V c,max (-46 to +77% of the PFT mean). In many cases, parameterization was based on limited data sets and poorly defined coefficients that were used to adjust model parameters and set PFT-specific values for V c,max. Examination of the models that linked leaf N mechanistically to V c,max identified potential changes to fixed parameters that collectively would decrease V c,max by 31% in C3 plants and 11% in C4 plants. Plant trait data bases are now available that offer an excellent opportunity for models to update PFT-specific parameters used to estimate V c,max. However, data for parameterizing some PFTs, particularly those in the Tropics and the Arctic are either highly variable or largely absent.

  17. Digital logic circuit design with ALTERA MAX+PLUS II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung Ho; Park, Yong Su; Lee, Ju Heon


    Contents of this book are the kinds of integrated circuit, design process of integrated circuit, introduction of ALTERA MAX+PLUS II, designing logic circuit with VHDL of ALTERA MAX+PLUS II, grammar and practice of VHDL of ALTERA MAX+PLUS II, design for adder, subtractor, parallel binary subtractor, BCD design, CLA design, code converter design, ALU design, register design, counter design, accumulator design, state machine design, frequency divider design, circuit design with TENMILLION counter, LCD module, circuit design for control the outside RAM in training kit and introduction for HEB-DTK-20K-240/HBE-DTK-IOK.

  18. Pitchcontrol of wind turbines using model free adaptivecontrol based on wind turbine code

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Yunqian; Chen, Zhe; Cheng, Ming


    value is only based on I/O data of the wind turbine is identified and then the wind turbine system is replaced by a dynamic linear time-varying model. In order to verify the correctness and robustness of the proposed model free adaptive pitch controller, the wind turbine code FAST which can predict......As the wind turbine is a nonlinear high-order system, to achieve good pitch control performance, model free adaptive control (MFAC) approach which doesn't need the mathematical model of the wind turbine is adopted in the pitch control system in this paper. A pseudo gradient vector whose estimation...... the wind turbine loads and response in high accuracy is used. The results show that the controller produces good dynamic performance, good robustness and adaptability....

  19. Turbine Imaging Technology Assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moursund, Russell A.; Carlson, Thomas J.


    The goal of this project was to identify and evaluate imaging alternatives for observing the behavior of juvenile fish within an operating Kaplan turbine unit with a focus on methods to quantify fish injury mechanisms inside an operating turbine unit. Imaging methods are particularly needed to observe the approach and interaction of fish with turbine structural elements. This evaluation documents both the opportunities and constraints for observing juvenile fish at specific locations during turbine passage. The information may be used to acquire the scientific knowledge to make structural improvements and create opportunities for industry to modify turbines and improve fish passage conditions.

  20. Turbine Imaging Technology Assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moursund, Russell A.; Carlson, Thomas J.


    The goal of this project was to identify and evaluate imaging alternatives for observing the behavior of juvenile fish within an operating Kaplan turbine unit with a focus on methods to quantify fish injury mechanisms inside an operating turbine unit. Imaging methods are particularly needed to observe the approach and interaction of fish with turbine structural elements. This evaluation documents both the opportunities and constraints for observing juvenile fish at specific locations during turbine passage. The information may be used to acquire the scientific knowledge to make structural improvements and create opportunities for industry to modify turbines and improve fish passage conditions

  1. Wind Turbines Wake Aerodynamics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vermeer, L.; Sørensen, Jens Nørkær; Crespo, A.


    The aerodynamics of horizontal axis wind turbine wakes is studied. The contents is directed towards the physics of power extraction by wind turbines and reviews both the near and the far wake region. For the near wake, the survey is restricted to uniform, steady and parallel flow conditions......, thereby excluding wind shear, wind speed and rotor setting changes and yawed conditions. The emphasis is put on measurements in controlled conditions.For the far wake, the survey focusses on both single turbines and wind farm effects, and the experimental and numerical work are reviewed; the main interest...... is to study how the far wake decays downstream, in order to estimate the effect produced in downstream turbines.The article is further restricted to horizontal axis wind turbines and excludes all other types of turbines....

  2. Max Reinharz (1923-2012)

    CERN Multimedia


    Max Reinharz was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1923. In 1939 he was obliged to emigrate to the UK. At the beginning of the Second World War he was interned as an enemy alien and then deported to Australia at a time when the British feared an invasion by Germany. He returned to the UK in 1943 and joined the British Army. After he was demobbed in 1947, he studied physics in Vienna, where he took his doctorate in 1953.   Max Reinharz (centre) with Gordon Munday (left) and Henri Laporte (right) in 1979. After working in Brussels, at the physics Institute of Genoa and the University of Pisa, he joined CERN in 1960 as a fellow and in 1964 became a senior physicist in the NP Division. His name is associated with many publications, such as those of the CERN neutrino experiment and the CERN-Geneva-Lund collaboration to verify T symmetry conservation in lambda decays. He then joined a small team in the Proton Synchrotron Division (MPS) responsible for assisting external physics groups to prepare and i...

  3. A Correlation of Welding Solidification Parameters to Weld Macrostructure (United States)



  4. V-dotO2max prediction from multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stahn, Alexander; Strobel, Günther; Terblanche, Elmarie


    Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has been shown to be highly related to skeletal muscle mass and blood volume, both of which are important determinants of maximal oxygen uptake (V-dotO 2max ). The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the ability of whole-body and segmental multi-frequency BIA to improve current nonexercise V-dotO 2max prediction models. Data for V-dotO 2max (mL min −1 ), anthropometry, self-reported physical activity (PA-R) and BIA were collected in 115 men and women. Multiple linear regression analysis (MLR) was used to develop the most parsimonious prediction model. Segmental BIA was not superior to whole-body measurements. Correlation coefficients between V-dotO 2max and resistance indices were significantly higher at 500 kHz compared to 50 kHz (p 2max (r = 0.89). After adjusting for age, gender and PA-R, MLR revealed that the inclusion of intracellular resistance index was slightly, but significantly (p 2max ( −1 ). In short, whole-body BIA marginally improves the accuracy of nonexercise V-dotO 2max prediction models and its advantage is most pronounced in individuals with particularly low V-dotO 2max

  5. Compositions of (max, +) automata

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lahaye, S.; Komenda, Jan; Boimond, J.-L.


    Roč. 25, 1-2 (2015), s. 323-344 ISSN 0924-6703 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP103/11/0517 Institutional support: RVO:67985840 Keywords : (max,+) automata * synchronous product * asynchronous product Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 1.268, year: 2015

  6. Reachability analysis for timed automata using max-plus algebra

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lu, Qi; Madsen, Michael; Milata, Martin


    We show that max-plus polyhedra are usable as a data structure in reachability analysis of timed automata. Drawing inspiration from the extensive work that has been done on difference bound matrices, as well as previous work on max-plus polyhedra in other areas, we develop the algorithms needed...

  7. Gas turbines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farahan, E.; Eudaly, J.P.


    This evaluation provides performance and cost data for commercially available simple- and regenerative-cycle gas turbines. Intercooled, reheat, and compound cycles are discussed from theoretical basis only, because actual units are not currently available, except on a special-order basis. Performance characteristics investigated include unit efficiency at full-load and off-design conditions, and at rated capacity. Costs are tabulated for both simple- and regenerative-cycle gas turbines. The output capacity of the gas turbines investigated ranges from 80 to 134,000 hp for simple units and from 12,000 to 50,000 hp for regenerative units.

  8. Turbine related fish mortality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eicher, G.J.


    A literature review was conducted to assess the factors affecting turbine-related fish mortality. The mechanics of fish passage through a turbine is outlined, and various turbine related stresses are described, including pressure and shear effects, hydraulic head, turbine efficiency, and tailwater level. The methodologies used in determining the effects of fish passage are evaluated. The necessity of adequate controls in each test is noted. It is concluded that mortality is the result of several factors such as hardiness of study fish, fish size, concentrations of dissolved gases, and amounts of cavitation. Comparisons between Francis and Kaplan turbines indicate little difference in percent mortality. 27 refs., 5 figs

  9. Turbulence and wind turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brand, Arno J.; Peinke, Joachim; Mann, Jakob


    The nature of turbulent flow towards, near and behind a wind turbine, the effect of turbulence on the electricity production and the mechanical loading of individual and clustered wind turbines, and some future issues are discussed.......The nature of turbulent flow towards, near and behind a wind turbine, the effect of turbulence on the electricity production and the mechanical loading of individual and clustered wind turbines, and some future issues are discussed....

  10. Developpement d'une methode de Monte Carlo dependante du temps et application au reacteur de type CANDU-6 (United States)

    Mahjoub, Mehdi

    La resolution de l'equation de Boltzmann demeure une etape importante dans la prediction du comportement d'un reacteur nucleaire. Malheureusement, la resolution de cette equation presente toujours un defi pour une geometrie complexe (reacteur) tout comme pour une geometrie simple (cellule). Ainsi, pour predire le comportement d'un reacteur nucleaire,un schema de calcul a deux etapes est necessaire. La premiere etape consiste a obtenir les parametres nucleaires d'une cellule du reacteur apres une etape d'homogeneisation et condensation. La deuxieme etape consiste en un calcul de diffusion pour tout le reacteur en utilisant les resultats de la premiere etape tout en simplifiant la geometrie du reacteur a un ensemble de cellules homogenes le tout entoure de reflecteur. Lors des transitoires (accident), ces deux etapes sont insuffisantes pour pouvoir predire le comportement du reacteur. Comme la resolution de l'equation de Boltzmann dans sa forme dependante du temps presente toujours un defi de taille pour tous types de geometries,un autre schema de calcul est necessaire. Afin de contourner cette difficulte, l'hypothese adiabatique est utilisee. Elle se concretise en un schema de calcul a quatre etapes. La premiere et deuxieme etapes demeurent les memes pour des conditions nominales du reacteur. La troisieme etape se resume a obtenir les nouvelles proprietes nucleaires de la cellule a la suite de la perturbation pour les utiliser, au niveau de la quatrieme etape, dans un nouveau calcul de reacteur et obtenir l'effet de la perturbation sur le reacteur. Ce projet vise a verifier cette hypothese. Ainsi, un nouveau schema de calcul a ete defini. La premiere etape de ce projet a ete de creer un nouveau logiciel capable de resoudre l'equation de Boltzmann dependante du temps par la methode stochastique Monte Carlo dans le but d'obtenir des sections efficaces qui evoluent dans le temps. Ce code a ete utilise pour simuler un accident LOCA dans un reacteur nucleaire de type

  11. Optimal design of marine steam turbine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Chengyang; Yan Changqi; Wang Jianjun


    The marine steam turbine is one of the key equipment in marine power plant, and it tends to using high power steam turbine, which makes the steam turbine to be heavier and larger, it causes difficulties to the design and arrangement of the steam turbine, and the marine maneuverability is seriously influenced. Therefore, it is necessary to apply optimization techniques to the design of the steam turbine in order to achieve the minimum weight or volume by means of finding the optimum combination of design parameters. The math model of the marine steam turbine design calculation was established. The sensitivities of condenser pressure, power ratio of HP turbine with LP turbine, and the ratio of diameter with height at the end stage of LP turbine, which influence the weight of the marine steam turbine, were analyzed. The optimal design of the marine steam turbine, aiming at the weight minimization while satisfying the structure and performance constraints, was carried out with the hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm. The results show that, steam turbine weight is reduced by 3.13% with the optimization scheme. Finally, the optimization results were analyzed, and the steam turbine optimization design direction was indicated. (authors)

  12. School Desegregation in Tempe, Arizona: A Staff Report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. (United States)

    Commission on Civil Rights, Washington, DC.

    This is a report on school desegregation in Tempe, Arizona. The desegregation plan focused on the Guadalupe community, specifically, the Veda B. Frank Elementary School. In 1972-73 this school had a minority student enrollment of 92%, of which 90% were Mexican Americans. The reassignment of students required by the plan affected Mexican American…

  13. Coordinated Control of Cross-Flow Turbines (United States)

    Strom, Benjamin; Brunton, Steven; Polagye, Brian


    Cross-flow turbines, also known as vertical-axis turbines, have several advantages over axial-flow turbines for a number of applications including urban wind power, high-density arrays, and marine or fluvial currents. By controlling the angular velocity applied to the turbine as a function of angular blade position, we have demonstrated a 79 percent increase in cross-flow turbine efficiency over constant-velocity control. This strategy uses the downhill simplex method to optimize control parameter profiles during operation of a model turbine in a recirculating water flume. This optimization method is extended to a set of two turbines, where the blade motions and position of the downstream turbine are optimized to beneficially interact with the coherent structures in the wake of the upstream turbine. This control scheme has the potential to enable high-density arrays of cross-flow turbines to operate at cost-effective efficiency. Turbine wake and force measurements are analyzed for insight into the effect of a coordinated control strategy.

  14. Wind turbines and idiopathic symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blanes-Vidal, Victoria; Schwartz, Joel


    Whether or not wind turbines pose a risk to human health is a matter of heated debate. Personal reactions to other environmental exposures occurring in the same settings as wind turbines may be responsible of the reported symptoms. However, these have not been accounted for in previous studies. We...... investigated whether there is an association between residential proximity to wind turbines and idiopathic symptoms, after controlling for personal reactions to other environmental co-exposures. We assessed wind turbine exposures in 454 residences as the distance to the closest wind turbine (Dw) and number...... of wind turbines

  15. Diversity of endophytic fungi in Glycine max. (United States)

    Fernandes, Elio Gomes; Pereira, Olinto Liparini; da Silva, Cynthia Cânedo; Bento, Claudia Braga Pereira; de Queiroz, Marisa Vieira


    Endophytic fungi are microorganisms that live within plant tissues without causing disease during part of their life cycle. With the isolation and identification of these fungi, new species are being discovered, and ecological relationships with their hosts have also been studied. In Glycine max, limited studies have investigated the isolation and distribution of endophytic fungi throughout leaves and roots. The distribution of these fungi in various plant organs differs in diversity and abundance, even when analyzed using molecular techniques that can evaluate fungal communities in different parts of the plants, such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Our results show there is greater species richness of culturable endophytic filamentous fungi in the leaves G. max as compared to roots. Additionally, the leaves had high values for diversity indices, i.e. Simpsons, Shannon and Equitability. Conversely, dominance index was higher in roots as compared to leaves. The fungi Ampelomyces sp., Cladosporium cladosporioides, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Diaporthe helianthi, Guignardia mangiferae and Phoma sp. were more frequently isolated from the leaves, whereas the fungi Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani and Fusarium sp. were prevalent in the roots. However, by evaluating the two communities by DGGE, we concluded that the species richness was higher in the roots than in the leaves. UPGMA analysis showed consistent clustering of isolates; however, the fungus Leptospora rubella, which belongs to the order Dothideales, was grouped among species of the order Pleosporales. The presence of endophytic Fusarium species in G. max roots is unsurprising, since Fusarium spp. isolates have been previously described as endophyte in other reports. However, it remains to be determined whether the G. max Fusarium endophytes are latent pathogens or non-pathogenic forms that benefit the plant. This study provides a broader knowledge of the distribution of the fungal

  16. TEMP-STRESS analysis of a reinforced concrete vessel under internal pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marchertas, A.H.; Kennedy, J.M.; Pfeiffer, P.A.


    Prediction of the response of the Sandia National laboratory 1/6-scale reinforced concrete containment model test was obtained by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) employing a computer program developed by ANL. The test model was internally pressurized to failure. The two-dimensional code TEMP-STRESS [1-5] has been developed at ANL for stress analysis of plane and axisymmetric 2-D reinforced structures under various thermal conditions. The program is applicable to a wide variety of nonlinear problems, and is utilized in the present study. The comparison of these pretest computations with test data on the containment model should be a good indication of the state of the code

  17. 76 FR 66328 - Callaway Golf Ball Operations, Inc., Including On-Site Leased Workers From Reliable Temp Services... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-80,110] Callaway Golf Ball... Golf Ball Operations, Inc., including on-site leased workers from Reliable Temp Services, Inc., and... production of golf balls. The notice was published in the Federal Register on July 8, 2011 (76 FR 40401). At...

  18. Max Weber and Robert Michels. (United States)

    Scaff, Lawrence A.


    This paper investigates the unique intellectual partnership of Max Weber and Robert Michels, with particular emphasis on Weber's influence on Michel's inquiry into the sociology of parties and organization. Concludes with an evaluation of the import of Weber's critique of Michels' work. (DB)

  19. Wind turbine supply in Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snodin, H.


    This study reported on wind turbine supplies to the Canadian market. The report was written to address concerns for Canada's supply outlook in the near future due to the booming wind energy market. Turbine shortages have arisen as a result of continued growth in both European and North American markets. Long lead-times on turbine orders are now increasing the pressure to lock in turbine supply during the initial phases of the development process. Future growth of the wind energy industry will be impacted if turbine supply difficulties continue to contribute to uncertainties in the development process. The report provided an overview of the North American and global wind energy markets, as well as a summary of telephone interviews conducted with turbine suppliers. The implications for the future of turbine supply to the Canadian market were also analyzed. It was concluded that policy-makers should focus on supporting the expansion of manufacturing facilities for small wind turbines and control infrastructure in Canada 7 refs., 3 figs

  20. Studi Eksperimen Perbandingan Pengaruh Variasi Tekanan Inlet Turbin danVariasi Pembebanan Terhadap Karakteristik Turbin Pada Organic Rankine Cycle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dwi Dharma Risqiawan


    Full Text Available Sistem pembangkit listrik telah berinovasi pada saat ini untuk tetap memenuhi kebutuhan akan ketersediaan listrik salah satunya dengan Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC. Sistem ini terdiri dari empat komponen utama yaitu evaporator, turbin, kondensor, dan pompa.Fluida kerja dipompa ke evaporator untuk membangkitkan uap lalu digunakan menggerakkan turbin.Uap hasil ekspansi turbin dikondensasi dan dialirkan oleh pompa kembali ke evaporator.Sistem ini mampu memanfaatkan sumber energi yang memiliki temperatur dan tekanan rendah untuk membangkitkan uap fluida organik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja turbin pada sistem ORC dengan memvariasikan tekanan masuk turbin dan pembebanan dengan menggunakan R-123 sebagai fluida kerja .Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan memvariasikan tekanan masuk turbin pada setiap variasi pembebanan generator.Pengamatan dilakukan hanya pada turbin untuk mengetahui karakteristik turbin yang digunakan saat ini.Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan R-123 sebagai fluida kerja. Dari eksperimen didapatkan temperatur masuk dan keluar turbin,kecepatan putaran turbin dalam rpm, dan enthalpy dapat diketahui. Enthalpy digunakan untuk mengitung kerja yang dihasilkan turbin, efisiensi turbin dan efisiensi sudu turbin.Pada tekanan masuk turbin 8 bar dan beban 1000 Watt data dengan nilai terbaik didapatkan.Hasil perhitungan data didapatkan kerja yang dihasilkan turbin yang terbesar adalah 5,4 KW. Hasil lain yang dapat diketahui adalah efisiensi turbin tertinggi 88%. Efisiensi sudu turbin tertinggi yang terhitung adalah 42,9%.

  1. Les modalités du temps chez Benjamin Franklin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elise Marienstras


    Full Text Available La renommée multiséculaire de Benjamin Franklin tient surtout à sa qualité d'homme des Lumières. Cet article s'intéresse à l'extrême complexité de sa pensée sur le temps comme concept, comme mode de vie, comme outil pour s'enrichir, et comme vision générale du progrès du genre humain.The long-lasting fame of Benjamin Franklin rests principally on his characteristics as a scientist and a philosopher of the Enlightenment. This article raises the question of Franklin's conception of time and examines his numerous uses of « time » as a concept, as a way of living, as a means to obtain wealth, as a general vision of the progress of mankind.

  2. Wind Turbine Generator System Power Performance Test Report for the ARE442 Wind Turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    van Dam, J.; Jager, D.


    This report summarizes the results of a power performance test that NREL conducted on the ARE 442 wind turbine. This test was conducted in accordance with the International Electrotechnical Commission's (IEC) standard, Wind Turbine Generator Systems Part 12: Power Performance Measurements of Electricity Producing Wind Turbines, IEC 61400-12-1 Ed.1.0, 2005-12. However, because the ARE 442 is a small turbine as defined by IEC, NREL also followed Annex H that applies to small wind turbines. In these summary results, wind speed is normalized to sea-level air density.

  3. Draft-circular on wind turbines. Concept-circulaire wind turbines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Criteria for providing licenses to build and operate a wind turbine are surveyed. Factors to consider are: characteristics of the landscape, density of population, town and country planning, environmental aspects (birds), safety and nuisance. National regulations for wind turbines will simplify licensing procedures and improve legal security.

  4. Max Aub, crítico e historiador literario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Caudet


    Full Text Available On the basis of similarities and dissimilarities in the consideration of authors dealt with in Discurso de la novela española contemporánea, Francisco Caudet points out Max Aub's poetics of realism stated in both his critical studies and fiction. This essay shows that Aub's contribution to the study of Mexican and Spanish literature is outstanding, not only because of his socio-historical approach, but also because of a specific perspective. This does not mean writing a "history" of literature but rather connecting creative processes. Committed during his youth to the avant-garde, Max Aub shifts after the Civil War to a type of new realistic writing. The author highlights Max Aub's activity as a critic discussing and commenting his sources. Aub's critical essays cannot be detached from his personal ideas about literary theory and practice.

  5. Simulation de la répartition de température dans un bloc en acier ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Simulation of the temperature distribution within a steel block ... Mots clés: Simulation – Fortran – Différences finies – Equation de la chaleur – Température. ..... TM = (15). La méthode de sur-relaxation successive obtenue à partir de la méthode de Gausse-Seidel est utilisée pour accélérer la convergence du système.

  6. Sociographie d’un rapport au temps comme fondement de la culture professionnelle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abou Ndiaye


    Full Text Available Signer un contrat de travail c’est convenir de louer à une entreprise, contre rétribution, une partie de son temps personnel. Cet usage est borné par la loi, les accords de branche et les accords d’entreprise. Mais, dans certaines conditions, pour certaines raisons et pour des motivations jugées plus ou moins personnelles, un travailleur peut faire des « gratuités » et des arrangements exorbitants au regard de la réglementation et semble-t-il, en accord avec ses propres principes et valeurs… C’est ce que nous nommons le rapport au temps. D’où, en signalant que l’emploi du temps individuel et sa rétribution constituent les principaux objets de transaction dans le monde salarial, on conçoit donc que le rapport au temps est l’élément structurant de la culture professionnelle. Celle-ci correspond à un ensemble de prescriptions et/ou de proscriptions, de manières de se comporter, d’agir… relevant a priori d’un bon sens (professionnel partagé par les membres d’un groupe professionnel. Cette culture professionnelle amalgame, englobe et transcende les cultures spécifiques d’entreprise. Chez les agents d’animation, par exemple, quel que soit l’employeur, chacun trouve « normal » de travailler dans un temps scandé et « déritualisé », haché et fragmenté, bref décalé de la temporalité sociale dominante, là où, ailleurs, dans un autre domaine d’activité, cette situation aurait été jugée inacceptable ou refusée… De même que l’animateur attend que son travail lui donne plaisir et respecte sa vie personnelle, ce qui n’est pas forcément vrai chez le salarié ordinaire.Sociography of a « culture of time » as a foundation of professional cultureThe example of sociocultural officersWorking for a company means renting to it for money a part of a personal time. This time is used according law, branch agreements and company level. But, in certain conditions, for some personal

  7. L'acquisition et la construction de la notion de temps chez les enfants de 5 à 9 ans: perspective développementale


    De Coster, Lotta


    Cette recherche porte sur l’acquisition et la construction de la notion de temps chez les enfants de 5 à 9 ans, c’est-à-dire ceux qui fréquentent des classes allant de la 3e maternelle à la 3e année primaire. Dans la partie théorique nous analysons les différentes notions constitutives qui caractérisent le temps :l’ordre de succession, la durée, le cycle, l’irréversibilité, l’horizon temporel. Nous nous intéressons également aux notions linguistiques ainsi qu’aux notions associées telles que ...

  8. Applying FDTD to the Coverage Prediction of WiMAX Femtocells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valcarce Alvaro


    Full Text Available Femtocells, or home base stations, are a potential future solution for operators to increase indoor coverage and reduce network cost. In a real WiMAX femtocell deployment in residential areas covered by WiMAX macrocells, interference is very likely to occur both in the streets and certain indoor regions. Propagation models that take into account both the outdoor and indoor channel characteristics are thus necessary for the purpose of WiMAX network planning in the presence of femtocells. In this paper, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD method is adapted for the computation of radiowave propagation predictions at WiMAX frequencies. This model is particularly suitable for the study of hybrid indoor/outdoor scenarios and thus well adapted for the case of WiMAX femtocells in residential environments. Two optimization methods are proposed for the reduction of the FDTD simulation time: the reduction of the simulation frequency for problem simplification and a parallel graphics processing units (GPUs implementation. The calibration of the model is then thoroughly described. First, the calibration of the absorbing boundary condition, necessary for proper coverage predictions, is presented. Then a calibration of the material parameters that minimizes the error function between simulation and real measurements is proposed. Finally, some mobile WiMAX system-level simulations that make use of the presented propagation model are presented to illustrate the applicability of the model for the study of femto- to macrointerference.

  9. Steam generators, turbines, and condensers. Volume six

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Volume six covers steam generators (How steam is generated, steam generation in a PWR, vertical U-tube steam generators, once-through steam generators, how much steam do steam generators make?), turbines (basic turbine principles, impulse turbines, reaction turbines, turbine stages, turbine arrangements, turbine steam flow, steam admission to turbines, turbine seals and supports, turbine oil system, generators), and condensers (need for condensers, basic condenser principles, condenser arrangements, heat transfer in condensers, air removal from condensers, circulating water system, heat loss to the circulating water system, factors affecting condenser performance, condenser auxiliaries)

  10. Rééquilibrage des temps autour de la retraite

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anca Boboc


    Full Text Available Le passage à la retraite ne se réduit pas à une date séparant hermétiquement deux périodes disjointes de l’existence. D’une part, ce passage présente une certaine durée, s’étendant de part et d’autre de la date formelle de « cessation d’activité ». D’autre part, le temps de la retraite est aussi l’occasion d’entreprendre des activités qui, nouvelles ou en prolongement, s’inscrivent dans le parcours antérieur des individus. Plus précisément, ce passage particulier est l’occasion de repenser l’organisation des différentes temporalités sociales, d’articuler différemment activités professionnelles — pour ceux qui cumulent emploi et retraite —, associatives, familiales, artistiques, ludiques, etc. Il en résulte une diversité des parcours de retraite, comme permet de l’apprécier la variété des activités qu’entreprennent les retraités. Si cette diversité est le reflet d’une certaine autonomie dans les choix des acteurs, elle dépend également des libertés de choix — « capacités » — qui leur sont réellement accessibles. Dans ce sens, l’article examine les apports et les limites d’un raisonnement en termes d’« environnement capacitant », pour rendre compte de l’inégale distribution des capacités à s’emparer des opportunités offertes par la retraite.Plus précisément, l’environnement capacitant désignera l’ensemble constitué des cadres temporels dans lesquels les individus construisent leurs parcours de vie avant la retraite. Dans ce sens, on peut identifier trois cadres temporels constitutifs des parcours de vie : l’axe des politiques macro-économiques, celui des politiques d’entreprise (ou sectorielles et celui des biographies familiales. Chacun de ces trois cadres est lui-même le lieu d’une tension entre « temps comptables » rigides et « temps vécus » caractérisés par une plus grande souplesse temporelle. Selon la résultante de ces

  11. Wind turbine operated sailboat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hall, R.


    A wind powered boat is disclosed which incorporates a vertical axis rotary turbine. A shaft portion extends downwardly from the turbine to a water pump, with the boat being provided with a forwardly opening inlet and a rearwardly opening outlet from the water pump. When rotating, the turbine operates the pump by the shaft to draw in water through the inlet, thereby creating a low pressure area in front of the boat, and to force the water out through the outlet for propelling the boat. In a preferred embodiment, the boat has a catamaran construction or is a large ocean going vessel with enough width to provide a buffer to either side of the turbine, and the turbine is the Darrieus rotor type. The pump is a standard centrifugal type of pump. A self adjusting braking device for the turbine is also disclosed, which prevents over-rotation and is also capable of storing heat energy generated during braking. 4 figs.

  12. Max Weber - bedaget og aktuel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eistrup, Jens


    undervisningsartiklen introducerer en række af Max Webers centrale begreber om herredømme, bureaukrati, social handlen, rationalitet og profession. dernæst illustreres hvorledes Webers begreber kan tjene til at belyse spændingsfeltet mellem politik og profession i en socialfaglig kontekst....

  13. Tunnel Effect in CNNs: Image Reconstruction From Max-Switch Locations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de La Roche Saint Andre, Matthieu; Rieger, Laura; Hannemose, Morten


    In this paper, we show that reconstruction of an image passed through a neural network is possible, using only the locations of the max pool activations. This was demonstrated with an architecture consisting of an encoder and a decoder. The decoder is a mirrored version of the encoder, where...... convolutions are replaced with deconvolutions and poolings are replaced with unpooling layers. The locations of the max pool switches are transmitted to the corresponding unpooling layer. The reconstruction is computed only from these switches without the use of feature values. Using only the max switch...

  14. iamxt: Max-tree toolbox for image processing and analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Souza


    Full Text Available The iamxt is an array-based max-tree toolbox implemented in Python using the NumPy library for array processing. It has state of the art methods for building and processing the max-tree, and a large set of visualization tools that allow to view the tree and the contents of its nodes. The array-based programming style and max-tree representation used in the toolbox make it simple to use. The intended audience of this toolbox includes mathematical morphology students and researchers that want to develop research in the field and image processing researchers that need a toolbox simple to use and easy to integrate in their applications.

  15. Effects of erythrocyte infusion on VO2max at high altitude

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Young, Jette Feveile; Sawka, M N; Muza, S R


    This study investigated whether autologous erythrocyte infusion would ameliorate the decrement in maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) experienced by lowlanders when they ascend to high altitude. VO2max was measured in 16 men (treadmill running) at sea level (SL) and on the 1st (HA1) and 9th (HA9) days...... of high-altitude (4,300 m) residence. After VO2max was measured at SL, subjects were divided into two matched groups (n = 8). Twenty-four hours before ascent to high altitude, the experimental group received a 700-ml infusion of autologous erythrocytes and saline (42% hematocrit), whereas the control...... group received only saline. The VO2max of erythrocyte-infused [54 +/- 1 (SE)] and control subjects (52 +/- 2 did not differ at SL before infusion. The decrement in VO2max on HA1 did not differ between groups, averaging 26% overall, despite higher (P

  16. Potential health impact of wind turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In response to public health concerns about wind turbines, a study was conducted to review the scientific evidence on the potential health effects of wind turbines. Several research questions were examined, including scientific evidence on the potential health impacts of wind turbines; the relationship between wind turbine noise and health; the relationship between low frequency sound, infrasound and health; assessment of exposure to wind turbines; wind turbine health and safety hazards and Ontario wind turbine setbacks; community consultation prior to wind farm construction and data gaps and research needs. The study showed that although some people living near wind turbines reported symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, and sleep disturbance, the scientific evidence available to date does not demonstrate a direct causal link between wind turbine noise and adverse health effects. The sound level from wind turbines at common residential setbacks is not sufficient to cause hearing impairment or other direct health effects, although some people may find it annoying. 41 refs., 1 appendix.

  17. Numerical simulation of turbulence flow in a Kaplan turbine -Evaluation on turbine performance prediction accuracy-

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, P; Kurosawa, S


    The understanding and accurate prediction of the flow behaviour related to cavitation and pressure fluctuation in a Kaplan turbine are important to the design work enhancing the turbine performance including the elongation of the operation life span and the improvement of turbine efficiency. In this paper, high accuracy turbine and cavitation performance prediction method based on entire flow passage for a Kaplan turbine is presented and evaluated. Two-phase flow field is predicted by solving Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations expressed by volume of fluid method tracking the free surface and combined with Reynolds Stress model. The growth and collapse of cavitation bubbles are modelled by the modified Rayleigh-Plesset equation. The prediction accuracy is evaluated by comparing with the model test results of Ns 400 Kaplan model turbine. As a result that the experimentally measured data including turbine efficiency, cavitation performance, and pressure fluctuation are accurately predicted. Furthermore, the cavitation occurrence on the runner blade surface and the influence to the hydraulic loss of the flow passage are discussed. Evaluated prediction method for the turbine flow and performance is introduced to facilitate the future design and research works on Kaplan type turbine

  18. Numerical simulation of turbulence flow in a Kaplan turbine -Evaluation on turbine performance prediction accuracy- (United States)

    Ko, P.; Kurosawa, S.


    The understanding and accurate prediction of the flow behaviour related to cavitation and pressure fluctuation in a Kaplan turbine are important to the design work enhancing the turbine performance including the elongation of the operation life span and the improvement of turbine efficiency. In this paper, high accuracy turbine and cavitation performance prediction method based on entire flow passage for a Kaplan turbine is presented and evaluated. Two-phase flow field is predicted by solving Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations expressed by volume of fluid method tracking the free surface and combined with Reynolds Stress model. The growth and collapse of cavitation bubbles are modelled by the modified Rayleigh-Plesset equation. The prediction accuracy is evaluated by comparing with the model test results of Ns 400 Kaplan model turbine. As a result that the experimentally measured data including turbine efficiency, cavitation performance, and pressure fluctuation are accurately predicted. Furthermore, the cavitation occurrence on the runner blade surface and the influence to the hydraulic loss of the flow passage are discussed. Evaluated prediction method for the turbine flow and performance is introduced to facilitate the future design and research works on Kaplan type turbine.

  19. Cogeneration steam turbines from Siemens: New solutions (United States)

    Kasilov, V. F.; Kholodkov, S. V.


    The Enhanced Platform system intended for the design and manufacture of Siemens AG turbines is presented. It combines organizational and production measures allowing the production of various types of steam-turbine units with a power of up to 250 MWel from standard components. The Enhanced Platform designs feature higher efficiency, improved reliability, better flexibility, longer overhaul intervals, and lower production costs. The design features of SST-700 and SST-900 steam turbines are outlined. The SST-700 turbine is used in backpressure steam-turbine units (STU) or as a high-pressure cylinder in a two-cylinder condensing turbine with steam reheat. The design of an SST-700 single-cylinder turbine with a casing without horizontal split featuring better flexibility of the turbine unit is presented. An SST-900 turbine can be used as a combined IP and LP cylinder (IPLPC) in steam-turbine or combined-cycle power units with steam reheat. The arrangements of a turbine unit based on a combination of SST-700 and SST-900 turbines or SST-500 and SST-800 turbines are presented. Examples of this combination include, respectively, PGU-410 combinedcycle units (CCU) with a condensing turbine and PGU-420 CCUs with a cogeneration turbine. The main equipment items of a PGU-410 CCU comprise an SGT5-4000F gas-turbine unit (GTU) and STU consisting of SST-700 and SST-900RH steam turbines. The steam-turbine section of a PGU-420 cogeneration power unit has a single-shaft turbine unit with two SST-800 turbines and one SST-500 turbine giving a power output of N el. STU = 150 MW under condensing conditions.

  20. Integration of an Inter Turbine Burner to a Jet Turbine Engine (United States)


    Technology AFRL = Air Force Research Laboratory EGV = Exit Guide Vane HPT = High-Pressure Turbine ID = Inner Diameter IGV = Inlet Guide Vane...been able to show computationally that the compressor exit guide vane (EGV) and the turbine inlet guide vane ( IGV ) could be combined into a single...turbine engine hot section. The red slashed out sections are, from left to right, the compressor exit vane, HPT IGV , and the stator between the HPT and

  1. Turbine and its turbine control system of full scope simulator for Qinshan 300 MW Nuclear Power Unit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Dongwei; Zhu Jinping


    The simulation for Qinshan 300 MW Nuclear Power Unit turbine and turbine control system is briefly introduced. The simulation system includes lube oil system, jacking oil pump system, turning gear system, turbine supervisor system and turbine control system. It not only correctly simulates the process of turbine normal start up, operation, and shut down, but also the response of turbine under the malfunction conditions

  2. WiMAX security and quality of service an end-to-end perspective

    CERN Document Server

    Tang, Seok-Yee; Sharif, Hamid


    WiMAX is the first standard technology to deliver true broadband mobility at speeds that enable powerful multimedia applications such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), online gaming, mobile TV, and personalized infotainment. WiMAX Security and Quality of Service, focuses on the interdisciplinary subject of advanced Security and Quality of Service (QoS) in WiMAX wireless telecommunication systems including its models, standards, implementations, and applications. Split into 4 parts, Part A of the book is an end-to-end overview of the WiMAX architecture, protocol, and system requirements.

  3. Mechanical (turbines and auxiliary equipment)

    CERN Document Server

    Sherry, A; Cruddace, AE


    Modern Power Station Practice, Volume 3: Mechanical (Turbines and Auxiliary Equipment) focuses on the development of turbines and auxiliary equipment used in power stations in Great Britain. Topics covered include thermodynamics and steam turbine theory; turbine auxiliary systems such as lubrication systems, feed water heating systems, and the condenser and cooling water plants. Miscellaneous station services, and pipework in power plants are also described. This book is comprised of five chapters and begins with an overview of thermodynamics and steam turbine theory, paying particular attenti

  4. Fish-Friendly Hydropower Turbine Development & Deployment: Alden Turbine Preliminary Engineering and Model Testing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foust, J. [Voith Hydro, Inc., York, PA (USA); Hecker, G. [Alden Research Laboratory, Inc., Holden, MA (USA); Li, S. [Alden Research Laboratory, Inc., Holden, MA (USA); Allen, G. [Alden Research Laboratory, Inc., Holden, MA (USA)


    The Alden turbine was developed through the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) former Advanced Hydro Turbine Systems Program (1994-2006) and, more recently, through the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the DOE's Wind & Water Power Program. The primary goal of the engineering study described here was to provide a commercially competitive turbine design that would yield fish passage survival rates comparable to or better than the survival rates of bypassing or spilling flow. Although the turbine design was performed for site conditions corresponding to 92 ft (28 m) net head and a discharge of 1500 cfs (42.5 cms), the design can be modified for additional sites with differing operating conditions. During the turbine development, design modifications were identified for the spiral case, distributor (stay vanes and wicket gates), runner, and draft tube to improve turbine performance while maintaining features for high fish passage survival. Computational results for pressure change rates and shear within the runner passage were similar in the original and final turbine geometries, while predicted minimum pressures were higher for the final turbine. The final turbine geometry and resulting flow environments are expected to further enhance the fish passage characteristics of the turbine. Computational results for the final design were shown to improve turbine efficiencies by over 6% at the selected operating condition when compared to the original concept. Prior to the release of the hydraulic components for model fabrication, finite element analysis calculations were conducted for the stay vanes, wicket gates, and runner to verify that structural design criteria for stress and deflections were met. A physical model of the turbine was manufactured and tested with data collected for power and efficiency, cavitation limits, runaway speed, axial and radial thrust, pressure pulsations, and wicket gate torque. All parameters were observed to fall

  5. Advanced LP turbine blade design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jansen, M.; Pfeiffer, R.; Termuehlen, H.


    In the 1960's and early 1970's, the development of steam turbines for the utility industry was mainly influenced by the demand for increasing unit sizes. Nuclear plants in particular, required the design of LP turbines with large annulus areas for substantial mass and volumetric steam flows. Since then the development of more efficient LP turbines became an ongoing challenge. Extensive R and D work was performed in order to build efficient and reliable LP turbines often exposed to severe corrosion, erosion and dynamic excitation conditions. This task led to the introduction of an advanced disk-type rotor design for 1800 rpm LP turbines and the application of a more efficient, reaction-type blading for all steam turbine sections including the first stages of LP turbines. The most recent developments have resulted in an advanced design of large LP turbine blading, typically used in the last three stages of each LP turbine flow section. Development of such blading required detailed knowledge of the three dimensional, largely transonic, flow conditions of saturated steam. Also the precise assessment of blade stressing from dynamic conditions, such as speed and torsional resonance, as well as stochastic and aerodynamic excitation is of extreme importance

  6. Great expectations: large wind turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Vries, E.


    This article focuses on wind turbine product development, and traces the background to wind turbines from the first generation 1.5 MW machines in 1995-6, plans for the second generation 3-5 MW class turbines to meet the expected boom in offshore wind projects, to the anticipated installation of a 4.5 MW turbine, and offshore wind projects planned for 2000-2002. The switch by the market leader Vestas to variable speed operation in 2000, the new product development and marketing strategy taken by the German Pro + Pro consultancy in their design of a 1.5 MW variable speed pitch control concept, the possible limiting of the size of turbines due to logistical difficulties, opportunities offered by air ships for large turbines, and the commissioning of offshore wind farms are discussed. Details of some 2-5 MW offshore wind turbine design specifications are tabulated

  7. Variable geometry gas turbines for improving the part-load performance of marine combined cycles - Gas turbine performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haglind, Fredrik


    The part-load performance of gas and steam turbine combined cycles intended for naval use is of great importance, and it is influenced by the gas turbine configuration and load control strategy. This paper is aimed at quantifying the effects of variable geometry on the gas turbine part...... of various components within gas turbines. Two different gas turbine configurations are studied, a two-shaft aero-derivative configuration and a single-shaft industrial configuration. When both gas turbine configurations are running in part-load using fuel flow control, the results indicate better part......-load performance for the two-shaft gas turbine. Reducing the load this way is accompanied by a much larger decrease in exhaust gas temperature for the single-shaft gas turbine than for the two-shaft configuration. As used here, the results suggest that variable geometry generally deteriorates the gas turbine part...

  8. A short period undulator for MAX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahola, H.; Meinander, T.


    A hybrid undulator for generation of high brilliance synchrotron radiation in the photon energy range of 60--600 eV at the 550 MeV electron storage ring MAX in Lund, Sweden has been designed and built at the Technical Research Centre of Finland in close collaboration with MAX-lab of Lund University. At the rather modest electron energy of MAX this photon energy range can be reached only by an undulator featuring a fairly short period and the smallest possible magnetic gap. Even then, higher harmonics (up to the 13th) of the radiation spectrum must be utilized. An optimization of the magnetic design resulted in a hybrid configuration of NdFeB magnets and soft iron poles with a period of 24 mm and a minimum magnetic gap of 7--10 mm. A variable-gap vacuum chamber allows reduction of the vacuum gap from a maximum of 20 mm, needed for injection, down to 6 mm during stored beam operation. A special design of this chamber permits a magnetic gap between pole tips that is only 1 mm larger than the vacuum gap. Adequate field uniformity was ensured by calibration of magnets to equal strength at their true operating point and verification of the homogeneity of their magnetization. Magnetic measurements included Hall probe scans of the undulator field and flip coil evaluations of the field integral

  9. Graphene in turbine blades (United States)

    Das, D. K.; Swain, P. K.; Sahoo, S.


    Graphene, the two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterial, draws interest of several researchers due to its many superior properties. It has extensive applications in numerous fields. A turbine is a hydraulic machine which extracts energy from a fluid and converts it into useful work. Recently, Gudukeya and Madanhire have tried to increase the efficiency of Pelton turbine. Beucher et al. have also tried the same by reducing friction between fluid and turbine blades. In this paper, we study the advantages of using graphene as a coating on Pelton turbine blades. It is found that the efficiency of turbines increases, running and maintenance cost is reduced with more power output. By the application of graphene in pipes, cavitation will be reduced, durability of pipes will increase, operation and maintenance cost of water power plants will be less.

  10. Estimated VO2max and its corresponding velocity predict performance of amateur runners

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno Ribeiro Ramalho Oliveira


    Full Text Available In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the number of runners, with a proportional increase in their involvement in amateur street competition. Identification of the determinants of performance in this population appears necessary for optimization of time devoted to training. The objective of this study was to ascertain the association between estimated maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max, critical velocity (CV and VO2max velocity (VVO2max and athletic performance in the 3.6 km (uphill and 10 and 21.1 km (flatland events. Twelve amateur runners (nine male, mean age 36 ± 5 years underwent five tests: 1 and 5 km race on level ground, 3.6 km race with slope (≈8%, and indirect VO2max measurement. CV was determined from the linear relationship between distance and run time on the first two tests. The subjects then took part in two official 10 km and 21.1 km (half marathon races. VVO2max was calculated from the VO2max through a metabolic equation. VO2max showed the best association with running performance in the 10 and 21.1 km events. For the uphill race, VVO2max showed a better association. Overall, the variable with the highest average association was VO2max (0.91±0.07, followed by VVO2max (0.90±0.04 and VC (0.87±0.06. This study showed strong associations between physiological variables established by low-cost, user-friendly indirect methods and running performance in the 10 and 21.1 km (flatland and 3.6 km (uphill running events.

  11. Combined Turbine and Cycle Optimization for Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems—Part A: Turbine Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Meroni


    Full Text Available Axial-flow turbines represent a well-established technology for a wide variety of power generation systems. Compactness, flexibility, reliability and high efficiency have been key factors for the extensive use of axial turbines in conventional power plants and, in the last decades, in organic Rankine cycle power systems. In this two-part paper, an overall cycle model and a model of an axial turbine were combined in order to provide a comprehensive preliminary design of the organic Rankine cycle unit, taking into account both cycle and turbine optimal designs. Part A presents the preliminary turbine design model, the details of the validation and a sensitivity analysis on the main parameters, in order to minimize the number of decision variables in the subsequent turbine design optimization. Part B analyzes the application of the combined turbine and cycle designs on a selected case study, which was performed in order to show the advantages of the adopted methodology. Part A presents a one-dimensional turbine model and the results of the validation using two experimental test cases from literature. The first case is a subsonic turbine operated with air and investigated at the University of Hannover. The second case is a small, supersonic turbine operated with an organic fluid and investigated by Verneau. In the first case, the results of the turbine model are also compared to those obtained using computational fluid dynamics simulations. The results of the validation suggest that the model can predict values of efficiency within ± 1.3%-points, which is in agreement with the reliability of classic turbine loss models such as the Craig and Cox correlations used in the present study. Values similar to computational fluid dynamics simulations at the midspan were obtained in the first case of validation. Discrepancy below 12 % was obtained in the estimation of the flow velocities and turbine geometry. The values are considered to be within a

  12. O pensamento de Max Weber

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurício Tragtenberg


    Full Text Available Max Weber inicia sua carreira universitária em 1893, como professor extraordinário de Direito Mercantil e Romano, na Universidade de Berlim. Em 1894 assume a Cadeira de Economia Política na Universidade de Hamburgo e em 1897 leciona na Universidade de Heidelberg.

  13. Wind turbines and infrasound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howe, B.


    This paper provided the results of a study conducted to assess the impacts of wind farm-induced infrasound on nearby residences and human populations. Infrasound occurs at frequencies below those considered as detectable by human hearing. Infrasonic levels caused by wind turbines are often similar to ambient levels of 85 dBG or lower that are caused by wind in the natural environment. This study examined the levels at which infrasound poses a threat to human health or can be considered as an annoyance. The study examined levels of infrasound caused by various types of wind turbines, and evaluated acoustic phenomena and characteristics associated with wind turbines. Results of the study suggested that infrasound near modern wind turbines is typically not perceptible to humans through either auditory or non-auditory mechanisms. However, wind turbines often create an audible broadband noise whose amplitude can be modulated at low frequencies. A review of both Canadian and international studies concluded that infrasound generated by wind turbines should not significantly impact nearby residences or human populations. 17 refs., 2 tabs., 4 figs

  14. Discord amongst the wind turbine buyers with regard to Dutch wind turbine manufacturers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janse, F.


    In the Netherlands two medium-large manufacturers of wind turbines exist: NedWind (Hollandia Kloos) and Windmaster Nederland (Begemann Groep). Also Lagerwey, which constructs wind turbines for the private market (farmers, cooperatives), is important for the Dutch market and successfull in Germany. There is a tendency amongst the Dutch energy utilities, which cooperate in the foundation WindPlan, to buy wind turbines from foreign manufacturers. Some energy utilities want to take advantage of the most attractive offers, while others want to cooperate in building up a Dutch wind turbine industry. 5 ills

  15. Optimal resampling for the noisy OneMax problem


    Liu, Jialin; Fairbank, Michael; Pérez-Liébana, Diego; Lucas, Simon M.


    The OneMax problem is a standard benchmark optimisation problem for a binary search space. Recent work on applying a Bandit-Based Random Mutation Hill-Climbing algorithm to the noisy OneMax Problem showed that it is important to choose a good value for the resampling number to make a careful trade off between taking more samples in order to reduce noise, and taking fewer samples to reduce the total computational cost. This paper extends that observation, by deriving an analytical expression f...

  16. LHC 2008 talks Peut-on voyager dans le temps? (Is time travel possible?)

    CERN Multimedia


    Scientific magazines (and sometimes even scientists themselves) regularly talk about the possibility of travelling through time. It has also been the subject of many science-fiction novels. We will first discuss what we mean when we talk about time travel, then explain what contemporary physics has to say about it. Thursday, 12 June 2008 at 8.00 p.m. Peut-on voyager dans le temps ? Etienne Klein Physicist at CEA and Doctor of Philosophy of Science The Globe, first floor No specialist knowledge required. Entrance free.

  17. Max Reinhardt Haus Berliini / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Arhitekt Peter Eisenmani projekteeritud multifunktsionaalne maja on planeeritud II maailmasõjas hävinud Max Reinhardti teatrihoone kohale. Ühte hoonetahukasse kui uude maamärki on 'volditud' kokku aktiivse linnaelu kõik aspektid.

  18. Gas fired advanced turbine system (United States)

    Lecren, R. T.; White, D. J.

    The basic concept thus derived from the Ericsson cycle is an intercooled, recuperated, and reheated gas turbine. Theoretical performance analyses, however, showed that reheat at high turbine rotor inlet temperatures (TRIT) did not provide significant efficiency gains and that the 50 percent efficiency goal could be met without reheat. Based upon these findings, the engine concept adopted as a starting point for the gas-fired advanced turbine system is an intercooled, recuperated (ICR) gas turbine. It was found that, at inlet temperatures greater than 2450 F, the thermal efficiency could be maintained above 50%, provided that the turbine cooling flows could be reduced to 7% of the main air flow or lower. This dual and conflicting requirement of increased temperatures and reduced cooling will probably force the abandonment of traditional air cooled turbine parts. Thus, the use of either ceramic materials or non-air cooling fluids has to be considered for the turbine nozzle guide vanes and turbine blades. The use of ceramic components for the proposed engine system is generally preferred because of the potential growth to higher temperatures that is available with such materials.

  19. Probabilistic Design of Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toft, Henrik Stensgaard

    During the last decades, wind turbines have been continuously developed with the aim of maximizing the life cycle benefits (production of electricity) minus the costs of planning, materials, installation, operation & maintenance as well as possible failure. In order to continue this development...... turbines and the central topics considered are statistical load extrapolation of extreme loads during operation and reliability assessment of wind turbine blades. Wind turbines differ from most civil engineering structures by having a control system which highly influences the loading. In the literature......, methods for estimating the extreme load-effects on a wind turbine during operation, where the control system is active, have been proposed. But these methods and thereby the estimated loads are often subjected to a significant uncertainty which influences the reliability of the wind turbine...

  20. Steam turbines for the future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trassl, W.


    Approximately 75% of the electrical energy produced in the world is generated in power plants with steam turbines (fossil and nuclear). Although gas turbines are increasingly applied in combined cycle power plants, not much will change in this matter in the future. As far as the steam parameters and the maximum unit output are concerned, a certain consolidation was noted during the past decades. The standard of development and mathematical penetration of the various steam turbine components is very high today and is applied in the entire field: For saturated steam turbines in nuclear power plants and for steam turbines without reheat, with reheat and with double reheat in fossil-fired power plants and for steam turbines with and without reheat in combined cycle power plants. (orig.) [de

  1. Wind turbines, is it just wind?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boiteux, M.


    The author first outlines that wind energy is not only random, but almost absent in extreme situations when it would be needed (for example and notably, very cold weather without wind). He suggests the association of a gas turbine to each wind turbine, so that the gas turbine will replace non operating wind turbines. He notices that wind turbines are not proximity energy as they were said to be, and that profitability in fact requires tens of grouped giant wind turbines. He also outlines the high cost of construction of grids for the connection of these wind turbines. Thus, he states that wind energy is far from being profitable in the present conditions of electricity tariffs in France

  2. Sliding vane geometry turbines (United States)

    Sun, Harold Huimin; Zhang, Jizhong; Hu, Liangjun; Hanna, Dave R


    Various systems and methods are described for a variable geometry turbine. In one example, a turbine nozzle comprises a central axis and a nozzle vane. The nozzle vane includes a stationary vane and a sliding vane. The sliding vane is positioned to slide in a direction substantially tangent to an inner circumference of the turbine nozzle and in contact with the stationary vane.

  3. Beyond NextGen: AutoMax Overview and Update (United States)

    Kopardekar, Parimal; Alexandrov, Natalia


    Main Message: National and Global Needs - Develop scalable airspace operations management system to accommodate increased mobility needs, emerging airspace uses, mix, future demand. Be affordable and economically viable. Sense of Urgency. Saturation (delays), emerging airspace uses, proactive development. Autonomy is Needed for Airspace Operations to Meet Future Needs. Costs, time critical decisions, mobility, scalability, limits of cognitive workload. AutoMax to Accommodate National and Global Needs. Auto: Automation, autonomy, autonomicity for airspace operations. Max: Maximizing performance of the National Airspace System. Interesting Challenges and Path Forward.

  4. Fish passage assessment of an advanced hydropower turbine and conventional turbine using blade-strike modeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deng, Z.; Carlson, T. J.; Dauble, D. D.; Ploskey, G. R. [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352 (United States)


    Hydropower is the largest renewable energy source in the world. However, in the Columbia and Snake River basins, several species of Pacific salmon and steelhead have been listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act due to significant declines of fish population. Dam operators and design engineers are thus faced with the task of making hydroelectric facilities more fish friendly through changes in hydro-turbine design and operation. Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington, applied for relicensing from the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to replace the 10 turbines at Wanapum Dam with advanced hydropower turbines that were designed to increase power generation and improve fish passage conditions. We applied both deterministic and stochastic blade-strike models to compare fish passage performance of the newly installed advanced turbine to an existing turbine. Modeled probabilities were compared to the results of a large-scale live-fish survival study and a Sensor Fish study under the same operational parameters. Overall, injury rates predicted by the deterministic model were higher than experimental rates of injury, while those predicted by the stochastic model were in close agreement with experimental results. Fish orientation at the time of entry into the plane of the leading edges of the turbine runner blades was an important factor contributing to uncertainty in modeled results. The advanced design turbine had slightly higher modeled injury rates than the existing turbine design; however, no statistical evidence suggested significant differences in blade-strike injuries between the two turbines, thus the hypothesis that direct fish survival rate through the advanced hydropower turbine is equal to or higher than that for fish passing through the conventional turbine could not be rejected. (authors)

  5. Fish Passage Assessment of an Advanced Hydropower Turbine and Conventional Turbine Using Blade-Strike Modeling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhiqun Deng


    Full Text Available Hydropower is the largest renewable energy source in the world. However, in the Columbia and Snake River basins, several species of Pacific salmon and steelhead have been listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act due to significant declines of fish population. Dam operators and design engineers are thus faced with the task of making hydroelectric facilities more fish friendly through changes in hydro-turbine design and operation. Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington, applied for relicensing from the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to replace the 10 turbines at Wanapum Dam with advanced hydropower turbines that were designed to increase power generation and improve fish passage conditions. We applied both deterministic and stochastic blade-strike models to compare fish passage performance of the newly installed advanced turbine to an existing turbine. Modeled probabilities were compared to the results of a large-scale live-fish survival study and a Sensor Fish study under the same operational parameters. Overall, injury rates predicted by the deterministic model were higher than experimental rates of injury, while those predicted by the stochastic model were in close agreement with experimental results. Fish orientation at the time of entry into the plane of the leading edges of the turbine runner blades was an important factor contributing to uncertainty in modeled results. The advanced design turbine had slightly higher modeled injury rates than the existing turbine design; however, no statistical evidence suggested significant differences in blade-strike injuries between the two turbines, thus the hypothesis that direct fish survival rate through the advanced hydropower turbine is equal to or higher than that for fish passing through the conventional turbine could not be rejected.

  6. Hydro turbine rehab benefits from modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Froehlich, D.R.; Veatch, J.A.


    The turbine aging process, while seemingly imperceptible, inevitably results in reduced turbine efficiency and capacity. The primary causes of these reductions are runner hydraulic profile changes during weld repairs, surface finish deterioration from cavitation, and runner seal clearance increases due to wear. Many aging turbines require more frequent repairs due to runner cavitation, and wicket gate mechanism, shaft seal, and guide bearing wear. In many instances turbine component repair can be performed in-place. On older units, runner seals, wicket gate bearings, and wicket gate end seals can be repaired only when the turbine is disassembled. Since the significant cost to disassemble and overhaul units must be offset by future maintenance savings and generation increases, turbine rehabilitation is often postponed as owners consider other alternatives. Rehabilitation is a general term used to describe a wide range of turbine reconditioning and design alternatives. Turbine rehabilitation can include a major overhaul of components, runner replacement, and component modifications. Deteriorated runners can be replaced with either a new identical runner or a new modern design having increased efficiency and capacity. The comparative turbine performance of an original, existing, and a modern runner design are shown in this paper. Component overhauls can extend turbine life and restore original efficiency and capacity to existing units. However, the overhaul of existing components cannot increase plant capacity and generation above the as-new values. As a result, owners of aging plants are considering the benefits of replacing existing turbines with modern, more efficient, higher capacity turbines, or expanding the sites. Where expansion is not feasible, hydroelectric power plant owners are finding that turbine rehabilitation is the most cost-effective method to increase plant value and life

  7. Optimization of Gas Turbine Cogeneration Systemfor Various Heat Exchanger Configurations Optimisation des systèmes de turbine à combustion en cogénération pour différentes configurations des échangeurs de chaleur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Costea M.


    flux de chaleur produit par combustion imposé ou la température maximale du cycle imposée. Le modèle considère également l’irréversibilité due au frottement dans le compresseur et la turbine et celle due aux pertes de chaleur dans la chambre de combustion et les échangeurs de chaleur. Le rendement au sens du premier principe du système sans et avec cogénération et le rendement exergétique rendent compte des avantages de la cogénération, et aident le concepteur à choisir la meilleure configuration de turbines à combustion en fonction de ses besoins. Des données expérimentales d’une microturbine opérationnelle ont été utilisées pour valider le modèle. La puissance fournie et les rendements au sens du premier principe et exergétique sont optimisés par rapport à un ensemble de paramètres de fonctionnement. Les valeurs optimales des paramètres du moteur à turbine à combustion qui correspondent au maximum de puissance fournie, respectivement au maximum de rendement thermodynamique sont discutées. Les résultats montrent que la plupart des performances maximales correspondent aux mêmes valeurs optimales du taux de compression pour le flux imposé, sauf le rendement exergétique maximum qui demande des valeurs plus élevées du taux de compression que celles pour le maximum du flux d’exergie. Une comparaison des performances de ces trois configurations et les perspectives sont proposées.

  8. Aerodynamics of wind turbines emerging topics

    CERN Document Server

    Amano, R S


    Focusing on Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines with topics ranging from Fundamental to Application of horizontal axis wind turbines, this book presents advanced topics including: Basic Theory for Wind turbine Blade Aerodynamics, Computational Methods, and Special Structural Reinforcement Technique for Wind Turbine Blades.

  9. Multiobjective Optimization of a Counterrotating Type Pump-Turbine Unit Operated at Turbine Mode

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jin-Hyuk Kim


    Full Text Available A multiobjective optimization for improving the turbine output and efficiency of a counterrotating type pump-turbine unit operated at turbine mode was carried out in this work. The blade geometry of both the runners was optimized using a hybrid multiobjective evolutionary algorithm coupled with a surrogate model. Three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the shear stress transport turbulence model were discretized by finite volume approximations and solved on hexahedral grids to analyze the flow in the pump-turbine unit. As major hydrodynamic performance parameters, the turbine output and efficiency were selected as objective functions with two design variables related to the hub profiles of both the runner blades. These objectives were numerically assessed at twelve design points selected by Latin hypercube sampling in the design space. Response surface approximation models for the objectives were constructed based on the objective function values at the design points. A fast nondominated sorting genetic algorithm for the local search coupled with the response surface approximation models was applied to determine the global Pareto-optimal solutions. The trade-off between the two objectives was determined and described with respect to the Pareto-optimal solutions. The results of this work showed that the turbine outputs and efficiencies of optimized pump-turbine units were simultaneously improved in comparison to the reference unit.

  10. Gas turbine engine with three co-axial turbine rotors in the same gas-stream

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kronogaard, S.O.


    A gas turbine engine with three coaxial rotors in the same gas passage designed for automative purposes is described. The first turbine rotor is rather small and does not supply all the power for compression at full load. It could be made from ceramic materials. The second rotor is mounted on a tubular axle and used for propulsion through a planetary gear. The third rotor is also mounted on a separate tubular axle and is used for driving auxillary machines pumps, i.e., generator, heat exchanger, etc.. It also delivers, through a thin shaft inside the second axle, extra power to the compressor, at full load. This turbine also rotates the vehicle stands still, if the second turbine is locked. The second and third turbines are rotating in opposite directions. Shaft bearings are air-stream supported. The turbine housing is made from light metal with internal surfaces in contact with gas or air and are covered with a layer of ceramics.

  11. Wind turbines and health

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rideout, K.; Copes, R.; Bos, C.


    This document summarized the potential health hazards associated with wind turbines, such as noise and low frequency sound, vibration and infrasound; electromagnetic fields (EMF); shadow flicker; and ice throw and structural failure. Various symptoms can be attributed to wind turbines, including dizziness, sleep disruption, and headaches. A review of available research regarding potential health affects to residents living in close proximity to wind turbines showed that the sound level associated with wind turbines at common residential setbacks is not sufficient to damage hearing, but may lead to annoyance and sleep disturbance. Research has shown that wind turbines are not a significant source of EMF exposure, and although shadows caused by the blades may be annoying, they are not likely to cause epileptic seizures at normal operational speeds. The risk of injury from ice throw can be minimized with setbacks of 200 to 400 m. Examples of Canadian wind turbine setback guidelines and regulations were also offered. It was concluded that setbacks and operational guidelines can be utilized in combination to address safety hazards, sound levels, land use issues, and impacts on people. 46 refs., 2 tabs., 2 figs.

  12. Two stage turbine for rockets (United States)

    Veres, Joseph P.


    The aerodynamic design and rig test evaluation of a small counter-rotating turbine system is described. The advanced turbine airfoils were designed and tested by Pratt & Whitney. The technology represented by this turbine is being developed for a turbopump to be used in an advanced upper stage rocket engine. The advanced engine will use a hydrogen expander cycle and achieve high performance through efficient combustion of hydrogen/oxygen propellants, high combustion pressure, and high area ratio exhaust nozzle expansion. Engine performance goals require that the turbopump drive turbines achieve high efficiency at low gas flow rates. The low mass flow rates and high operating pressures result in very small airfoil heights and diameters. The high efficiency and small size requirements present a challenging turbine design problem. The shrouded axial turbine blades are 50 percent reaction with a maximum thickness to chord ratio near 1. At 6 deg from the tangential direction, the nozzle and blade exit flow angles are well below the traditional design minimum limits. The blade turning angle of 160 deg also exceeds the maximum limits used in traditional turbine designs.

  13. Steam turbines for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kosyak, Yu.F.


    Considered are the peculiarities of the design and operation of steam turbines, condensers and supplementary equipment of steam turbines for nuclear power plants; described are the processes of steam flow in humid-steam turbines, calculation and selection principles of main parameters of heat lines. Designs of the turbines installed at the Charkov turbine plant are described in detail as well as of those developed by leading foreign turbobuilding firms

  14. Wind Turbine Providing Grid Support

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    changing the operation of the wind turbine to a more efficient working point.; When the rotational speed of the rotor reaches a minimum value, the wind turbine enters a recovery period to re-accelerate the rotor to the nominal rotational speed while further contributing to the stability of the electrical......A variable speed wind turbine is arranged to provide additional electrical power to counteract non-periodic disturbances in an electrical grid. A controller monitors events indicating a need to increase the electrical output power from the wind turbine to the electrical grid. The controller...... is arranged to control the wind turbine as follows: after an indicating event has been detected, the wind turbine enters an overproduction period in which the electrical output power is increased, wherein the additional electrical output power is taken from kinetic energy stored in the rotor and without...

  15. Elastic and Mechanical Properties of the MAX Phases (United States)

    Barsoum, Michel W.; Radovic, Miladin


    The more than 60 ternary carbides and nitrides, with the general formula Mn+1AXn—where n = 1, 2, or 3; M is an early transition metal; A is an A-group element (a subset of groups 13-16); and X is C and/or N—represent a new class of layered solids, where Mn+1Xn layers are interleaved with pure A-group element layers. The growing interest in the Mn+1AXn phases lies in their unusual, and sometimes unique, set of properties that can be traced back to their layered nature and the fact that basal dislocations multiply and are mobile at room temperature. Because of their chemical and structural similarities, the MAX phases and their corresponding MX phases share many physical and chemical properties. In this paper we review our current understanding of the elastic and mechanical properties of bulk MAX phases where they differ significantly from their MX counterparts. Elastically the MAX phases are in general quite stiff and elastically isotropic. The MAX phases are relatively soft (2-8 GPa), are most readily machinable, and are damage tolerant. Some of them are also lightweight and resistant to thermal shock, oxidation, fatigue, and creep. In addition, they behave as nonlinear elastic solids, dissipating 25% of the mechanical energy during compressive cycling loading of up to 1 GPa at room temperature. At higher temperatures, they undergo a brittle-to-plastic transition, and their mechanical behavior is a strong function of deformation rate.

  16. LES investigation of infinite staggered wind-turbine arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Xiaolei; Sotiropoulos, Fotis


    The layouts of turbines affect the turbine wake interactions and thus the wind farm performance. The wake interactions in infinite staggered wind-turbine arrays are investigated and compared with infinite aligned turbine arrays in this paper. From the numerical results we identify three types of wake behaviours, which are significantly different from wakes in aligned wind-turbine arrays. For the first type, each turbine wake interferes with the pair of staggered downstream turbine wakes and the aligned downstream turbine. For the second type, each turbine wake interacts with the first two downstream turbine wakes but does not show significant interference with the second aligned downstream turbine. For the third type, each turbine wake recovers immediately after passing through the gap of the first two downstream turbines and has little interaction with the second downstream turbine wakes The extracted power density and power efficiency are also studied and compared with aligned wind-turbine arrays

  17. Model Predictive Control of Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Lars Christian

    Wind turbines play a major role in the transformation from a fossil fuel based energy production to a more sustainable production of energy. Total-cost-of-ownership is an important parameter when investors decide in which energy technology they should place their capital. Modern wind turbines...... the need for maintenance of the wind turbine. Either way, better total-cost-of-ownership for wind turbine operators can be achieved by improved control of the wind turbines. Wind turbine control can be improved in two ways, by improving the model on which the controller bases its design or by improving...

  18. Microspectroscopy At Beamline 73 MAX-lab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Engdahl, Anders


    Presentation of some projects at the infrared microspectroscopy experimental station at beamline 73 MAX-lab. Among the subjects are found identification of organic residues in fossil material and examination of the chemistry in an old oak wood wreck.

  19. Integrated analysis of wind turbines - The impact of power systems on wind turbine design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barahona Garzón, Braulio

    Megawatt-size wind turbines nowadays operate in very complex environmental conditions, and increasingly demanding power system requirements. Pursuing a cost-effective and reliable wind turbine design is a multidisciplinary task. However nowadays, wind turbine design and research areas...... conditions that stem from disturbances in the power system. An integrated simulation environment, wind turbine models, and power system models are developed in order to take an integral perspective that considers the most important aeroelastic, structural, electrical, and control dynamics. Applications...... of the integrated simulation environment are presented. The analysis of an asynchronous machine, and numerical simulations of a fixedspeed wind turbine in the integrated simulation environment, demonstrate the effects on structural loads of including the generator rotor fluxes dynamics in aeroelastic studies. Power...

  20. Analisis Kinerja Subscriber Station WiMAX di Urban Area Bandung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available ABSTRAK   Teknologi komunikasi wireless semakin pesat mengalami perkembangan. WiMAX  merupakan suatu teknologi broadband yang didukung oleh standar IEEE 802.16d (802.16-2004 yang mampu memberikan layanan data berkecepatan tinggi hingga 75 Mbps dalam radius maksimal 40-50 km pada bandwidth 20 MHz. Alokasi frekuensi yang dipakai Indonesia untuk jaringan WiMAX  ini ialah 3,3 – 3,4 GHz. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan proses pengukuran kinerja perangkat radio WiMAX  yaitu HiMax 331-SS. Proses pengukuran dilakukan antara CPE dan base station dengan antenna sektoral 1200 pada ketinggian 45 m. Lokasi pengukuran dilakukan di beberapa area kota Bandung yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Hasil pengukuran memperlihatkan nilai CINR tertinggi adalah 31 dB dengan modulasi 64 QAM – ¾ dan terendah nilai 10 dB dengan modulasi BPSK 1/2. Nilai RSSI tertinggi -54 dBm berada dan nilai RSSI terendah -89 dBm. Nilai throughput tertinggi untuk layanan streaming video sebesar  1000,8 kbps (downlink dengan modulasi 64 QAM – ¾. Nilai delay terendah sebesar 56,247 ms pada kondisi LOS dan tertinggi sebesar 139,5 ms pada kondisi NLOS. Nilai terbesar packet loss sebesar 20% yaitu pada lokasi pengukuran terjauh 14,3 km. Kata Kunci : delay, packet loss, RSSI, CINR, throughput, CPE, WiMAX .   ABSTRACT   Wireless communication technologies have evolved more rapidly. WiMAX  is a broadband technology that is supported by the IEEE standard 802.16-2004/d which is able to provide high speed data services of up to 75 Mbps within a radius of 40-50 km at a maximum bandwidth of 20 MHz. Indonesia frequency allocation used for the WiMAX  network is 3.3 to 3.4 GHz. This study was conducted with the performance measurement process that is Himax 331 WiMAX  radio - SS. Process measurement is made between the CPE and base station sector antennas at a height of 45 m in 1200. Locations measurements performed in several areas of Bandung predetermined. The measurement

  1. Advanced hydropower turbine: AHTS-Advanced Hydropower Turbine System Program; Turbinas hidraulicas avancadas: Programa AHTS-Advanced Hydropower Turbine System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Macorin, Adriano De Figueiredo; Tomisawa, Alessandra Terumi; Van Deursen, Gustavo Jose Ferreira; Bermann, Celio [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil)], email:


    Due to a privileged hydrography and energy policies that remounts to the beginning of the 20th century, Brazilian's electrical grid can be considered one of the cleanest in the world regarding the emission of atmospheric pollutants. Nevertheless, as in every human large enterprise, it is well known that hydroelectric power plants also lead to harmful environmental impacts. This article presents the AHTS Program (Advanced Hydropower Turbine System) started in 1994 in USA and developed to assess and conceive new hydro turbines to mitigate two of the main negative impacts of the installation and operation of this kind of power plant: (a) turbine-passed fish mortality and (b) the low dissolved oxygen - DO - levels downstream of the dams. The criteria used to concept the turbines are also justified in this article. As well as the modifications made in each case by the following companies: Alden Research Lab e o Northern Research and Engineering Corporation (ARL/NREC) and Voith Hydro (Voith). (author)

  2. Sequence-specific DNA binding by MYC/MAX to low-affinity non-E-box motifs.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Allevato

    Full Text Available The MYC oncoprotein regulates transcription of a large fraction of the genome as an obligatory heterodimer with the transcription factor MAX. The MYC:MAX heterodimer and MAX:MAX homodimer (hereafter MYC/MAX bind Enhancer box (E-box DNA elements (CANNTG and have the greatest affinity for the canonical MYC E-box (CME CACGTG. However, MYC:MAX also recognizes E-box variants and was reported to bind DNA in a "non-specific" fashion in vitro and in vivo. Here, in order to identify potential additional non-canonical binding sites for MYC/MAX, we employed high throughput in vitro protein-binding microarrays, along with electrophoretic mobility-shift assays and bioinformatic analyses of MYC-bound genomic loci in vivo. We identified all hexameric motifs preferentially bound by MYC/MAX in vitro, which include the low-affinity non-E-box sequence AACGTT, and found that the vast majority (87% of MYC-bound genomic sites in a human B cell line contain at least one of the top 21 motifs bound by MYC:MAX in vitro. We further show that high MYC/MAX concentrations are needed for specific binding to the low-affinity sequence AACGTT in vitro and that elevated MYC levels in vivo more markedly increase the occupancy of AACGTT sites relative to CME sites, especially at distal intergenic and intragenic loci. Hence, MYC binds diverse DNA motifs with a broad range of affinities in a sequence-specific and dose-dependent manner, suggesting that MYC overexpression has more selective effects on the tumor transcriptome than previously thought.

  3. Probability and containment of turbine missiles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yeh, G.C.K.


    With the trend toward ever larger power generating plants with large high-speed turbines, an important plant design consideration is the potential for and consequences of mechanical failure of turbine rotors. Such rotor failure could result in high-velocity disc fragments (turbine missiles) perforating the turbine casing and jeopardizing vital plant systems. The designer must first estimate the probability of any turbine missile damaging any safety-related plant component for his turbine and his plant arrangement. If the probability is not low enough to be acceptable to the regulatory agency, he must design a shield to contain the postulated turbine missiles. Alternatively, the shield could be designed to retard (to reduce the velocity of) the missiles such that they would not damage any vital plant system. In this paper, some of the presently available references that can be used to evaluate the probability, containment and retardation of turbine missiles are reviewed; various alternative methods are compared; and subjects for future research are recommended. (Auth.)

  4. WiMAX technology and network evolution

    CERN Document Server

    Etemad, Kamran


    WiMAX, the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, represents a paradigm shift in telecommunications technology. It offers the promise of cheaper, smaller, and simpler technology compared to existing broadband options such as DSL, cable, fiber, and 3G wireless.

  5. Thermodynamic analysis of turbine blade cooling on the performance of gas turbine cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarabchi, K.; Shokri, M.


    Turbine inlet temperature strongly affects gas turbine performance. Today blade cooling technologies facilitate the use of higher inlet temperatures. Of course blade cooling causes some thermodynamic penalties that destroys to some extent the positive effect of higher inlet temperatures. This research aims to model and evaluate the performance of gas turbine cycle with air cooled turbine. In this study internal and transpiration cooling methods has been investigated and the penalties as the result of gas flow friction, cooling air throttling, mixing of cooling air flow with hot gas flow, and irreversible heat transfer have been considered. In addition, it is attempted to consider any factor influencing actual conditions of system in the analysis. It is concluded that penalties due to blade cooling decrease as permissible temperature of the blade surface increases. Also it is observed that transpiration method leads to better performance of gas turbine comparing to internal cooling method

  6. Nanostructured plasma etched, magnetron sputtered nanolaminar Cr2AlC MAX phase thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grieseler, Rolf; Hähnlein, Bernd; Stubenrauch, Mike; Kups, Thomas; Wilke, Marcus; Hopfeld, Marcus; Pezoldt, Jörg; Schaaf, Peter


    The knowledge of the mechanical properties of new materials determines essentially their usability and functionality when used in micro- and nanostructures. MAX phases are new and highly interesting materials due to their unique combination of materials properties. In this article a new method for producing the Cr 2 AlC MAX phase is presented. Thin film elemental multilayer deposition and subsequent rapid thermal annealing forms the MAX phase within seconds. Additionally, free standing microstructures (beams and cantilevers) based on this MAX phase films are prepared by plasma etching. The mechanical properties of these MAX phase microstructures are investigated

  7. Wind turbine reliability :understanding and minimizing wind turbine operation and maintenance costs.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walford, Christopher A. (Global Energy Concepts. Kirkland, WA)


    Wind turbine system reliability is a critical factor in the success of a wind energy project. Poor reliability directly affects both the project's revenue stream through increased operation and maintenance (O&M) costs and reduced availability to generate power due to turbine downtime. Indirectly, the acceptance of wind-generated power by the financial and developer communities as a viable enterprise is influenced by the risk associated with the capital equipment reliability; increased risk, or at least the perception of increased risk, is generally accompanied by increased financing fees or interest rates. This paper outlines the issues relevant to wind turbine reliability for wind turbine power generation projects. The first sections describe the current state of the industry, identify the cost elements associated with wind farm O&M and availability and discuss the causes of uncertainty in estimating wind turbine component reliability. The latter sections discuss the means for reducing O&M costs and propose O&M related research and development efforts that could be pursued by the wind energy research community to reduce cost of energy.

  8. Reliability Analysis of Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toft, Henrik Stensgaard; Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    In order to minimise the total expected life-cycle costs of a wind turbine it is important to estimate the reliability level for all components in the wind turbine. This paper deals with reliability analysis for the tower and blades of onshore wind turbines placed in a wind farm. The limit states...... consideres are in the ultimate limit state (ULS) extreme conditions in the standstill position and extreme conditions during operating. For wind turbines, where the magnitude of the loads is influenced by the control system, the ultimate limit state can occur in both cases. In the fatigue limit state (FLS......) the reliability level for a wind turbine placed in a wind farm is considered, and wake effects from neighbouring wind turbines is taken into account. An illustrative example with calculation of the reliability for mudline bending of the tower is considered. In the example the design is determined according...

  9. Max Jakobson : Vene ohtu täna veel pole / Max Jakobson ; interv. Vallo Toomet, Urmet Kook, Kaarel Tarand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jakobson, Max, 1923-2013


    Balti riikide NATOga liitumise mõjust julgeolekule Läänemere regioonis, Euroopa Liidu kaitsepoliitikast ning Venemaa ja islamiterrorismi ohust julgeolekule. Vt. samas: Toomas Hiio ülevaade Max Jakobsoni elust ja tegevusest

  10. Calculation of gas turbine characteristic (United States)

    Mamaev, B. I.; Murashko, V. L.


    The reasons and regularities of vapor flow and turbine parameter variation depending on the total pressure drop rate π* and rotor rotation frequency n are studied, as exemplified by a two-stage compressor turbine of a power-generating gas turbine installation. The turbine characteristic is calculated in a wide range of mode parameters using the method in which analytical dependences provide high accuracy for the calculated flow output angle and different types of gas dynamic losses are determined with account of the influence of blade row geometry, blade surface roughness, angles, compressibility, Reynolds number, and flow turbulence. The method provides satisfactory agreement of results of calculation and turbine testing. In the design mode, the operation conditions for the blade rows are favorable, the flow output velocities are close to the optimal ones, the angles of incidence are small, and the flow "choking" modes (with respect to consumption) in the rows are absent. High performance and a nearly axial flow behind the turbine are obtained. Reduction of the rotor rotation frequency and variation of the pressure drop change the flow parameters, the parameters of the stages and the turbine, as well as the form of the characteristic. In particular, for decreased n, nonmonotonic variation of the second stage reactivity with increasing π* is observed. It is demonstrated that the turbine characteristic is mainly determined by the influence of the angles of incidence and the velocity at the output of the rows on the losses and the flow output angle. The account of the growing flow output angle due to the positive angle of incidence for decreased rotation frequencies results in a considerable change of the characteristic: poorer performance, redistribution of the pressure drop at the stages, and change of reactivities, growth of the turbine capacity, and change of the angle and flow velocity behind the turbine.

  11. Final turbine and test facility design report Alden/NREC fish friendly turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cook, Thomas C. [Alden Research Lab., Holden, MA (United States); Cain, Stuart A. [Alden Research Lab., Holden, MA (United States); Fetfatsidis, Paul [Alden Research Lab., Holden, MA (United States); Hecker, George E. [Alden Research Lab., Holden, MA (United States); Stacy, Philip S. [Alden Research Lab., Holden, MA (United States)


    The final report provides an overview of the Alden/NREC Fish Friendly turbine design phase, turbine test plan, preliminary test results, costs, schedule, and a hypothetical application at a real world project.

  12. Noise from wind turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersen, B.; Larsen, P.


    Denmark has 3200 wind turbines with an installed maximum capacity of 418MW. The most important Danish research projects into wind turbine noise and the main results are listed. These date from 1983. Two comprehensive studies are currently in progress. The first is an analytical and empirical investigation of aerodynamic noise from wind turbine rotors and has so far dealt mainly with tip noise. The measurement method, using a hard board mounted microphone on the ground near the turbine, is described. Four different tip designs have been tested. Some examples of reference sound power level spectra for three of the designs are presented. During the past two years a computerbased data acquisition system has been used for real-time determination of sound power levels. The second study, which has just commenced, is on annoyance from wind turbine noise. It will include noise measurements, masking calculations and a social survey on the perceived nuisance. (UK)

  13. Wind turbine noise diagnostics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richarz, W.; Richarz, H.


    This presentation proposed a self-consistent model for broad-band noise emitted from modern wind turbines. The simple source model was consistent with the physics of sound generation and considered the unique features of wind turbines. Although the acoustics of wind turbines are similar to those of conventional propellers, the dimensions of wind turbines pose unique challenges in diagnosing noise emission. The general features of the sound field were deduced. Source motion and source directivity appear to be responsible for amplitude variations. The amplitude modulation is likely to make wind-turbine noise more audible, and may be partly responsible for annoyance that has been reported in the literature. Acoustic array data suggests that broad-band noise is emitted predominantly during the downward sweep of each rotor blade. Source motion and source directivity account for the observed pattern. Rotor-tower interaction effects are of lesser importance. Predicted amplitude modulation ranges from 1 dB to 6dB. 2 refs., 9 figs.

  14. Deflector plants turbine aeration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, D.E.; Sheppard, A.R.; Widener, D.W.


    Water quality requirements have become a focal point in recent re-licensing of hydroelectric projects. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has significantly increased the relevance of license conditions to insure that turbine discharges meet state or other specific criteria for dissolved oxygen (D.O.). Due to naturally occurring depletion of D.O. at increased depths in large reservoirs, water withdrawn from this strata may result in unacceptably low levels of D.O. Different researchers have evaluated various methods of improving D.O. content in hydro turbine discharges, including; diffusers, weirs, oxygen injection, and variations of turbine venting. The authors describe an approach called deflector plate turbine aeration. This computer based, engineered approach allows systems to be evaluated, designed, and installed with predictable performance and costs. Many experts in this field now agree that, to the extent practical, turbine venting offers the most dependable, maintenance free, and cost effective solution to the low D.O. problem. The approach presented in this paper has resulted in proven results

  15. LTE, WiMAX and WLAN network design, optimization and performance analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Korowajczuk, Leonhard


    A technological overview of LTE and WiMAX LTE, WiMAX and WLAN Network Design, Optimization and Performance Analysis provides a practical guide to LTE and WiMAX technologies introducing various tools and concepts used within. In addition, topics such as traffic modelling of IP-centric networks, RF propagation, fading, mobility, and indoor coverage are explored; new techniques which increase throughput such as MIMO and AAS technology are highlighted; and simulation, network design and performance analysis are also examined. Finally, in the latter part of the book Korowajczuk gives a step-by-step

  16. Toughening Mechanisms in Nanolayered MAX Phase Ceramics—A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xinhua Chen


    Full Text Available Advanced engineering and functional ceramics are sensitive to damage cracks, which delay the wide applications of these materials in various fields. Ceramic composites with enhanced fracture toughness may trigger a paradigm for design and application of the brittle components. This paper reviews the toughening mechanisms for the nanolayered MAX phase ceramics. The main toughening mechanisms for these ternary compounds were controlled by particle toughening, phase-transformation toughening and fiber-reinforced toughening, as well as texture toughening. Based on the various toughening mechanisms in MAX phase, models of SiC particles and fibers toughening Ti3SiC2 are established to predict and explain the toughening mechanisms. The modeling work provides insights and guidance to fabricate MAX phase-related composites with optimized microstructures in order to achieve the desired mechanical properties required for harsh application environments.

  17. Wind Turbine Generator System Acoustic Noise Test Report for the Gaia Wind 11-kW Wind Turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huskey, A.


    This report details the acoustic noise test conducted on the Gaia-Wind 11-kW wind turbine at the National Wind Technology Center. The test turbine is a two- bladed, downwind wind turbine with a rated power of 11 kW. The test turbine was tested in accordance with the International Electrotechnical Commission standard, IEC 61400-11 Ed 2.1 2006-11 Wind Turbine Generator Systems -- Part 11 Acoustic Noise Measurement Techniques.

  18. The development of a differential game related to terrorism: Min-Max differential game

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abd El-Monem A. Megahed


    Full Text Available In this work, we study a differential game related to terrorism: Min-Max differential game taking into account the governmental activities such as the education quality, increasing the chances of labor, social justice, religious awareness and security arrangements. A Min-Max differential game between government and terrorist organizations is considered in this study. To obtain the optimal strategy of solving this problem, we study the analytic form of a Min-Max differential game and the governmental activities. Furthermore, a saddle point of a Min-Max differential game is studied.

  19. Wind Turbine With Concentric Ducts (United States)

    Muhonen, A. J.


    Wind Turbine device is relatively compact and efficient. Converging inner and outer ducts increase pressure difference across blades of wind turbine. Turbine shaft drives alternator housed inside exit cone. Suitable for installation on such existing structures as water towers, barns, houses, and commercial buildings.

  20. maxAlike

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Menzel, Karl Peter; Stadler, Peter F.; Gorodkin, Jan


    MOTIVATION: The task of reconstructing a genomic sequence from a particular species is gaining more and more importance in the light of the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing technologies and their limitations. Applications include not only compensation for missing data in unsequenced...... genomic regions and the design of oligonucleotide primers for target genes in species with lacking sequence information but also the preparation of customized queries for homology searches. RESULTS: We introduce the maxAlike algorithm, which reconstructs a genomic sequence for a specific taxon based...... on sequence homologs in other species. The input is a multiple sequence alignment and a phylogenetic tree that also contains the target species. For this target species, the algorithm computes nucleotide probabilities at each sequence position. Consensus sequences are then reconstructed based on a certain...

  1. Propriétés structurales et électroniques de sels de BEDT-TTF. Influence de la température et de la pression


    Guionneau , Philippe


    Les sels conducteurs organiques basés sur la molécule BEDT-TTF présentent une gamme de comportements dont la diversité s'exprime par application de contraintes de température et de pression. La connaissance des prorpriétés structurales de ces sels en tout point du diagramme de phase s'avère indispensable à la compréhension de leurs propriétés physiques. La diffraction X à très basse température et haute pression demeure encore une voie d'investigation pionnière. Nous avons étudié les comporte...

  2. Factors Influencing Water Consumption in Multifamily Housing in Tempe Arizona (United States)

    Wentz, E. A.


    Central to the "Smart Growth" movement is that compact development reduces vehicle miles traveled, carbon emissions, and water use. Empirical efforts to evaluate compact development have examined residential densities, but have not distinguished decreasing lot sizes from multifamily apartments as mechanisms for compact development. Efforts to link design features to water use have emphasized single-family at the expense of multifamily housing. This study isolates the determinants of water use in large (>50) unit apartment complexes in the city of Tempe, Arizona. In July 2007, per-bedroom water use increased with pool area, dishwashers, in-unit laundry facilities, and irrigated landscaping. We explain nearly 50% of the variation in water use with these variables. These results inform public policy for reducing water use in multifamily housing structures, suggesting strategies to construct and market "green" apartment units.

  3. Urban wind turbines. Guidelines for small wind turbines in the built environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cace, J.; Ter Horst, E.; Syngellakis, K.; Niel, M.; Clement, P.; Heppener, R.; Peirano, E.


    The objective of the WINEUR project (Wind Energy Integration in the Urban Environment) is to determine the deployability of small wind turbines in built environments while identifying the current significant constraints and possible solutions. The purpose of this document is to Inform the stakeholders about the state of the development of small wind turbines for the built environment; Provide practical guidelines to actors dealing with installation of small wind turbines in urban areas; and Provide recommendations for future products and for market development

  4. Penultimate modeling of spatial extremes: statistical inference for max-infinitely divisible processes

    KAUST Repository

    Huser, Raphaël


    Extreme-value theory for stochastic processes has motivated the statistical use of max-stable models for spatial extremes. However, fitting such asymptotic models to maxima observed over finite blocks is problematic when the asymptotic stability of the dependence does not prevail in finite samples. This issue is particularly serious when data are asymptotically independent, such that the dependence strength weakens and eventually vanishes as events become more extreme. We here aim to provide flexible sub-asymptotic models for spatially indexed block maxima, which more realistically account for discrepancies between data and asymptotic theory. We develop models pertaining to the wider class of max-infinitely divisible processes, extending the class of max-stable processes while retaining dependence properties that are natural for maxima: max-id models are positively associated, and they yield a self-consistent family of models for block maxima defined over any time unit. We propose two parametric construction principles for max-id models, emphasizing a point process-based generalized spectral representation, that allows for asymptotic independence while keeping the max-stable extremal-$t$ model as a special case. Parameter estimation is efficiently performed by pairwise likelihood, and we illustrate our new modeling framework with an application to Dutch wind gust maxima calculated over different time units.

  5. Wind turbine control and monitoring

    CERN Document Server

    Luo, Ningsu; Acho, Leonardo


    Maximizing reader insights into the latest technical developments and trends involving wind turbine control and monitoring, fault diagnosis, and wind power systems, 'Wind Turbine Control and Monitoring' presents an accessible and straightforward introduction to wind turbines, but also includes an in-depth analysis incorporating illustrations, tables and examples on how to use wind turbine modeling and simulation software.   Featuring analysis from leading experts and researchers in the field, the book provides new understanding, methodologies and algorithms of control and monitoring, comput

  6. Biomass combustion gas turbine CHP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pritchard, D.


    This report summarises the results of a project to develop a small scale biomass combustor generating system using a biomass combustor and a micro-gas turbine indirectly fired via a high temperature heat exchanger. Details are given of the specification of commercially available micro-turbines, the manufacture of a biomass converter, the development of a mathematical model to predict the compatibility of the combustor and the heat exchanger with various compressors and turbines, and the utilisation of waste heat for the turbine exhaust.

  7. Ceramics for Turbine Engine Applications. (United States)


    permet de travailler en compression. 2 - LES TURBINES CONTRAROTATIVES Connues depuis plus de 50 ans dsns lea turbines A vapeur (A grilles radiales) lea...AD-AO87 594 ADVISORY GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT--ETC F/6 11/2 CERAMICS FOR TURBINE ENGINE APPICATIONS.(U) MAR 8G H M GURTE, J...for Turbine Engine Applications ( X.,, ~LAJ DISTRIBUTION AND AVAILABILITY Ths ai’-t~ ~ru O ACK COVER forp"~ ~So’ 8 6 0 40 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY

  8. Turbine disintegration debris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holecek, M.; Martinec, P.; Malotin, V.; Peleska, P.; Voldrich, J.


    The determination, evaluation and analysis of possible unacceptable consequences of the disintegration turbine (turbo-set) missiles is a part of the wide conceived project put by the company Nuclear Power Plant Mochovce (NPPM), the Slovak Republic. The aim of the project is to take measures reducing the probability of striking a target of safety importance in NPPM by a turbine (turbo-set) missile below the prescribed limit of 10 -6 per turbine year. Following the IAEA Safety Guides, all potential events leading to the generation of a missile are to be analysed. It is necessary to evaluate the probability of unacceptable consequences of such missiles and analyse each event whose probability is not acceptable low. This complex problem thus carries especially: complex analysis of fragment generation; evaluation of the probability of unacceptable events; location of strike zones of possible turbine missiles; assessment the possibility of the turbo-set casing penetration; and projection of additional design requirements if necessary

  9. Augmentative Device Helps Max Speak. PACER Center ACTion Information Sheets. PHP-c75 (United States)

    PACER Center, 2014


    This Action Information Sheet follows a family's process of selecting and using augmentative and alternative communication to help their young son, Max, speak. Max is affected by global dyspraxia, which makes learning new motor skills--especially speech--quite difficult. For the first years of his life, Max could not say words. Before he and his…

  10. Small Wind Turbine Installation Compatibility Demonstration Methodology (United States)


    wind turbine (HAWT) and one 2.9-kW vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT), we planned to measure radar, acoustic and seismic, turbulence, bird and...non-issue for small turbines . The majority of studies of bat and bird interactions with wind turbines are for large turbines (BPA 2002; al. 2010). The majority of studies of bat and bird interactions with wind energy facil- ities are for utility-scale turbines (> 1 MW) with

  11. Wind turbine (United States)

    Cheney, Jr., Marvin C.


    A wind turbine of the type having an airfoil blade (15) mounted on a flexible beam (20) and a pitch governor (55) which selectively, torsionally twists the flexible beam in response to wind turbine speed thereby setting blade pitch, is provided with a limiter (85) which restricts unwanted pitch change at operating speeds due to torsional creep of the flexible beam. The limiter allows twisting of the beam by the governor under excessive wind velocity conditions to orient the blades in stall pitch positions, thereby preventing overspeed operation of the turbine. In the preferred embodiment, the pitch governor comprises a pendulum (65,70) which responds to changing rotor speed by pivotal movement, the limiter comprising a resilient member (90) which engages an end of the pendulum to restrict further movement thereof, and in turn restrict beam creep and unwanted blade pitch misadjustment.

  12. Electrohydraulic system to control NPP turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kosyak, Yu.F.; Virchenko, M.A.; Rozhanskij, V.E.; Rokhlenko, V.Yu.; Gapunin, A.Ya.; Zhornitskaya, T.Ya.; Rasskazov, I.Eh.; Butsenko, V.N.; Brajnin, L.S.; Makarenko, N.I.


    Operation regimes of electrohydraulic regulation system (EHRS) of NPP turbines, designed to control the turbine in start-up and working conditions, have been decribed. In start-up regimes EHRS ensures the testing of control valves of the turbine, the turn of the turbine from zero to the nominal rotation frequency (automatic, semiautomatic and manual regulation), turbine acceleration to test safety automatic systems, gradual change in rotation frequency during generator synchronization with circuit. Under working conditions EHRS ensures the maintenance of frequency, power and vapour pressure before the turbine. A block diagram of EHRS is presented. Sensors and electronic part of EHRS are supplied with triple reservation, which ensures a high relaibility of the system

  13. Evaluation of different turbine concepts for wind power

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eriksson, Sandra; Bernhoff, Hans; Leijon, Mats [Swedish Centre for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion, Division for Electricity and Lightning Research, Box 534, 751 21 Uppsala (Sweden)


    Every year the number of installed wind power plants in the world increases. The horizontal axis wind turbine is the most common type of turbine but there exist other types. Here, three different wind turbines are considered; the horizontal axis wind turbine and two different concepts of vertical axis wind turbines; the Darrieus turbine and the H-rotor. This paper aims at making a comparative study of these three different wind turbines from the most important aspects including structural dynamics, control systems, maintenance, manufacturing and electrical equipment. A case study is presented where three different turbines are compared to each other. Furthermore, a study of blade areas for different turbines is presented. The vertical axis wind turbine appears to be advantageous to the horizontal axis wind turbine in several aspects. (author)

  14. WindPACT Turbine Design Scaling Studies Technical Area 2: Turbine, Rotor and Blade Logistics; TOPICAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, K.


    Through the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the United States Department of Energy (DOE) implemented the Wind Partnership for Advanced Component Technologies (WindPACT) program. This program will explore advanced technologies that may reduce the cost of energy (COE) from wind turbines. The initial step in the WindPACT program is a series of preliminary scaling studies intended to determine the optimum sizes for future turbines, help define sizing limits for certain critical technologies, and explore the potential for advanced technologies to contribute to reduced COE as turbine scales increase. This report documents the results of Technical Area 2-Turbine Rotor and Blade Logistics. For this report, we investigated the transportation, assembly, and crane logistics and costs associated with installation of a range of multi-megawatt-scale wind turbines. We focused on using currently available equipment, assembly techniques, and transportation system capabilities and limitations to hypothetically transport and install 50 wind turbines at a facility in south-central South Dakota

  15. Water turbine technology for small power stations (United States)

    Salovaara, T.


    The paper examines hydro-power stations and the efficiency and costs of using water turbines to run them. Attention is given to different turbine types emphasizing the use of Kaplan-turbines and runners. Hydraulic characteristics and mechanical properties of low head turbines and small turbines, constructed of fully fabricated steel plate structures, are presented.

  16. New guidelines for wind turbine gearboxes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McNiff, B. [McNiff Light Industry, Blue Hill, ME (United States); Errichello, R. [GEARTECH, Townsend, MT (United States)


    The American Gear Manufacturers Association in cooperation with the American Wind Energy Association will soon be publishing AGMA/AWEA 921-A97 {open_quotes}Recommended Practices for Design and Specification of Gearboxes for Wind Turbine Generator Systems.{close_quotes} Much has been learned about the unique operation and loading of gearboxes in wind turbine applications since the burgeoning of the modern wind turbine industry in the early 1980`s. AGMA/AWEA 921-A97 documents this experience in a manner that provides valuable information to assist gear manufacturers and wind turbine designers, operators, and manufacturers in developing reliable wind turbine gearboxes. The document provides information on procurement specification development, wind turbine architecture, environmental considerations, and gearbox load determination, as well as the design, manufacturing, quality assurance, lubrication, operation and maintenance of wind turbine gearboxes. This paper presents the salient parts of the practices recommended in AGMA/AWEA 921-A97.

  17. Interactive flow field around two Savonius turbines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shigetomi, Akinari; Murai, Yuichi; Tasaka, Yuji; Takeda, Yasushi [Laboratory for Flow Control, Division of Energy and Environmental System, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, N13W8, Sapporo 060-8628 (Japan)


    The use of a Savonius type of vertical axis wind turbine is expanding in urban environments as a result of its ability to withstand turbulence as well as its relatively quiet operation. In the past, single turbine performance has been investigated primarily for determining the optimum blade configuration. In contrast, combining multiple Savonius turbines in the horizontal plane produces extra power in particular configurations. This results from the interaction between the two flow fields around individual turbines. To understand quantitatively the interaction mechanism, we measured the flow field around two Savonius turbines in close configurations using particle image velocimetry. The phase-averaged flow fields with respect to the rotation angle of the turbines revealed two types of power-improvement interactions. One comes from the Magnus effect that bends the main stream behind the turbine to provide additional rotation of the downstream turbine. The other is obtained from the periodic coupling of local flow between the two turbines, which is associated with vortex shedding and cyclic pressure fluctuations. Use of this knowledge will assist the design of packaged installations of multiple Savonius turbines. (author)

  18. Multiple variables explain the variability in the decrement in VO2max during acute hypobaric hypoxia. (United States)

    Robergs, R A; Quintana, R; Parker, D L; Frankel, C C


    We used multiple regression analyses to determine the relationships between the decrement in sea level (SL, 760 Torr) VO2max during hypobaric hypoxia (HH) and variables that could alter or be related to the decrement in VO2max. HH conditions consisted of 682 Torr, 632 Torr, and 566 Torr, and the measured independent variables were SL-VO2max, SL lactate threshold (SL-LT), the change in hemoglobin saturation at VO2max between 760 and 566 Torr (delta SaO2max), lean body mass (LBM), and gender. Male (N = 14) and female (N = 14) subjects of varied fitness, training status, and residential altitude (1,640-2,460 m) completed cycle ergometry tests of VO2max at each HH condition under randomized and single-blinded conditions. VO2max decreased significantly from 760 Torr after 682 Torr (approximately 915 m) (3.5 +/- 0.9 to 3.4 +/- 0.8 L.min-1, P = 0.0003). Across all HH conditions, the slope of the relative decrement in VO2max (%VO2max) during HH was -9.2%/100 mm Hg (-8.1%/1000 m) with an initial decrease from 100% estimated to occur below 705 Torr (610 m). Step-wise multiple regression revealed that SL-VO2max, SL-LT, delta SaO2max, LBM, and gender each significantly combined to account for 89.03% of the variance in the decrement in VO2max (760-566 Torr) (P decrement in VO2max during HH. The unique variance explanation afforded by SL-LT, LBM, and gender suggests that issues pertaining to oxygen diffusion within skeletal muscle may add to the explanation of between subjects variability in the decrement in VO2max during HH.

  19. Eight-component retrievals from ground-based MAX-DOAS observations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Irie


    Full Text Available We attempt for the first time to retrieve lower-tropospheric vertical profile information for 8 quantities from ground-based Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS observations. The components retrieved are the aerosol extinction coefficients at two wavelengths, 357 and 476 nm, and NO2, HCHO, CHOCHO, H2O, SO2, and O3 volume mixing ratios. A Japanese MAX-DOAS profile retrieval algorithm, version 1 (JM1, is applied to observations performed at Cabauw, the Netherlands (51.97° N, 4.93° E, in June–July 2009 during the Cabauw Intercomparison campaign of Nitrogen Dioxide measuring Instruments (CINDI. Of the retrieved profiles, we focus here on the lowest-layer data (mean values at altitudes 0–1 km, where the sensitivity is usually highest owing to the longest light path. In support of the capability of the multi-component retrievals, we find reasonable overall agreement with independent data sets, including a regional chemical transport model (CHIMERE and in situ observations performed near the surface (2–3 m and at the 200-m height level of the tall tower in Cabauw. Plumes of enhanced HCHO and SO2 were likely affected by biogenic and ship emissions, respectively, and an improvement in their emission strengths is suggested for better agreement between CHIMERE simulations and MAX-DOAS observations. Analysis of air mass factors indicates that the horizontal spatial representativeness of MAX-DOAS observations is about 3–15 km (depending mainly on aerosol extinction, comparable to or better than the spatial resolution of current UV-visible satellite observations and model calculations. These demonstrate that MAX-DOAS provides multi-component data useful for the evaluation of satellite observations and model calculations and can play an important role in bridging different data sets having different spatial resolutions.

  20. Flow in Pelton turbines


    Furnes, Kjartan


    The flow in Pelton turbines is subsonic, turbulent, multiphase (water, air, and water vapor from cavitation), has high speeds, sharp gradients, free surface and dynamic boundary conditions. A static grid is unsuitable for modeling this mainly due to the turbine wheel and the liquid having a non-stationary relative motion.In recent times, significant progress in CFD simulation has been made, which also is relevant for Pelton turbines.Nevertheless, it is still common to perform costly model tes...

  1. Advanced coal-fueled gas turbine systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wenglarz, R.A.


    Several technology advances since the early coal-fueled turbine programs that address technical issues of coal as a turbine fuel have been developed in the early 1980s: Coal-water suspensions as fuel form, improved methods for removing ash and contaminants from coal, staged combustion for reducing NO{sub x} emissions from fuel-bound nitrogen, and greater understanding of deposition/erosion/corrosion and their control. Several Advanced Coal-Fueled Gas Turbine Systems programs were awarded to gas turbine manufacturers for for components development and proof of concept tests; one of these was Allison. Tests were conducted in a subscale coal combustion facility and a full-scale facility operating a coal combustor sized to the Allison Model 501-K industrial turbine. A rich-quench-lean (RQL), low nitrogen oxide combustor design incorporating hot gas cleanup was developed for coal fuels; this should also be applicable to biomass, etc. The combustor tests showed NO{sub x} and CO emissions {le} levels for turbines operating with natural gas. Water washing of vanes from the turbine removed the deposits. Systems and economic evaluations identified two possible applications for RQL turbines: Cogeneration plants based on Allison 501-K turbine (output 3.7 MW(e), 23,000 lbs/hr steam) and combined cycle power plants based on 50 MW or larger gas turbines. Coal-fueled cogeneration plant configurations were defined and evaluated for site specific factors. A coal-fueled turbine combined cycle plant design was identified which is simple, compact, and results in lower capital cost, with comparable efficiency and low emissions relative to other coal technologies (gasification, advanced PFBC).

  2. Epidemiologia e geografia: o complexo patogênico de Max. Sorre


    Ferreira, Marcelo Urbano


    Apresentam-se alguns traços essenciais do conceito de complexo patogênico, formulado pelo geógrafo francês Max. Sorre, com o objetivo de estimular estudos de integração entre a epidemiologia e a geografia.Some essential features of the pathogenic complex concept formulated by the French geographer Max. Sorre are presented, aiming at integrating epidemiological and geografic studies.

  3. Improvements of a Kaplan type small turbine: Forbedre og vidreutvikle en Kaplan småturbin


    Fjærvold, Lars


    The goal with this master thesis was to establish Hill diagrams and improve a Kaplan turbine intended for use in Afghanistan. The turbine efficiency has been tested in setting 1 and 2. Turbine efficiency in setting 3 and 4 could not be tested because the runner blades interfere with the housing making it impossible to rotate the turbine. The efficiency was tested with an effective pressure head ranging from 2 to 8 meters. Best efficiency point was not reached because of limitations in the te...

  4. Modeling of Turbine Cycles Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Based Approach to Predict Turbine-Generator Output for Nuclear Power Plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yea-Kuang Chan


    Full Text Available Due to the very complex sets of component systems, interrelated thermodynamic processes and seasonal change in operating conditions, it is relatively difficult to find an accurate model for turbine cycle of nuclear power plants (NPPs. This paper deals with the modeling of turbine cycles to predict turbine-generator output using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS for Unit 1 of the Kuosheng NPP in Taiwan. Plant operation data obtained from Kuosheng NPP between 2006 and 2011 were verified using a linear regression model with a 95% confidence interval. The key parameters of turbine cycle, including turbine throttle pressure, condenser backpressure, feedwater flow rate and final feedwater temperature are selected as inputs for the ANFIS based turbine cycle model. In addition, a thermodynamic turbine cycle model was developed using the commercial software PEPSE® to compare the performance of the ANFIS based turbine cycle model. The results show that the proposed ANFIS based turbine cycle model is capable of accurately estimating turbine-generator output and providing more reliable results than the PEPSE® based turbine cycle models. Moreover, test results show that the ANFIS performed better than the artificial neural network (ANN, which has also being tried to model the turbine cycle. The effectiveness of the proposed neuro-fuzzy based turbine cycle model was demonstrated using the actual operating data of Kuosheng NPP. Furthermore, the results also provide an alternative approach to evaluate the thermal performance of nuclear power plants.

  5. V/V(max) test applied to SMM gamma-ray bursts (United States)

    Matz, S. M.; Higdon, J. C.; Share, G. H.; Messina, D. C.; Iadicicco, A.


    We have applied the V/V(max) test to candidate gamma-ray bursts detected by the Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) aboard the SMM satellite to examine quantitatively the uniformity of the burst source population. For a sample of 132 candidate bursts identified in the GRS data by an automated search using a single uniform trigger criterion we find average V/V(max) = 0.40 +/- 0.025. This value is significantly different from 0.5, the average for a uniform distribution in space of the parent population of burst sources; however, the shape of the observed distribution of V/V(max) is unusual and our result conflicts with previous measurements. For these reasons we can currently draw no firm conclusion about the distribution of burst sources.

  6. CFD analysis of a Darrieus wind turbine (United States)

    Niculescu, M. L.; Cojocaru, M. G.; Pricop, M. V.; Pepelea, D.; Dumitrache, A.; Crunteanu, D. E.


    The Darrieus wind turbine has some advantages over the horizontal-axis wind turbine. Firstly, its tip speed ratio is lower than that of the horizontal-axis wind turbine and, therefore, its noise is smaller, privileging their placement near populated areas. Secondly, the Darrieus wind turbine does needs no orientation mechanism with respect to wind direction in contrast to the horizontal-axis wind turbine. However, the efficiency of the Darrieus wind turbine is lower than that of the horizontal-axis wind turbine since its aerodynamics is much more complex. With the advances in computational fluids and computers, it is possible to simulate the Darrieus wind turbine more accurately to understand better its aerodynamics. For these reasons, the present papers deals with the computational aerodynamics of a Darrieus wind turbine applying the state of the art of CFD methods (anisotropic turbulence models, transition from laminar to turbulent, scale adaptive simulation) to better understand its unsteady behavior.

  7. European wind turbine catalogue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The THERMIE European Community programme is designed to promote the greater use of European technology and this catalogue contributes to the fulfillment of this aim by dissemination of information on 50 wind turbines from 30 manufacturers. These turbines are produced in Europe and are commercially available. The manufacturers presented produce and sell grid-connected turbines which have been officially approved in countries where this approval is acquired, however some of the wind turbines included in the catalogue have not been regarded as fully commercially available at the time of going to print. The entries, which are illustrated by colour photographs, give company profiles, concept descriptions, measured power curves, prices, and information on design and dimension, safety systems, stage of development, special characteristics, annual energy production, and noise pollution. Lists are given of wind turbine manufacturers and agents and of consultants and developers in the wind energy sector. Exchange rates used in the conversion of the prices of wind turbines are also given. Information can be found on the OPET network (organizations recognised by the European Commission as an Organization for the Promotion of Energy Technologies (OPET)). An article describes the development of the wind power industry during the last 10-15 years and another article on certification aims to give an overview of the most well-known and acknowledged type approvals currently issued in Europe. (AB)

  8. Megawatt wind turbines gaining momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oehlenschlaeger, K.; Madsen, B.T.


    Through the short history of the modern wind turbine, electric utilities have made it amply clear that they have held a preference for large scale wind turbines over smaller ones, which is why wind turbine builders through the years have made numerous attempts develop such machines - machines that would meet the technical, aesthetic and economic demands that a customer would require. Considerable effort was put into developing such wind turbines in the early 1980s. There was the U.S. Department of Energy's MOD 1-5 program, which ranged up to 3.2 MW, Denmark's Nibe A and B, 630 kW turbine and the 2 MW Tjaereborg machine, Sweden's Naesudden, 3 MW, and Germany's Growian, 3 MW. Most of these were dismal failures, though some did show the potential of MW technology. (au)

  9. Psychometric properties of the Slovenian version of temperament evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego-Autoquestionnaire (TEMPS-A): temperament profiles in Slovenian university students. (United States)

    Dolenc, Barbara; Sprah, Lilijana; Dernovšek, Mojca Z; Akiskal, Kareen; Akiskal, Hagop S


    TEMPS-A (Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego-Autoquestionnaire) is a self-rated instrument that measures five affective temperaments: depressive, cyclothymic, hyperthymic, irritable, and anxious. The aim of our study was to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Slovenian TEMPS-A and to ascertain if temperament profile is related to the professions chosen by Slovenian students. 892 Slovenian university students in six different professional fields (economics, geography, engineering, law, sports pedagogy and nursing) were included in our study. Cronbach's reliability coefficients denoted acceptable internal consistency of the subscales. Principal component analysis revealed relatively good internal structure of the instrument. Nursing and geography students scored the highest on depressive temperament. Sports pedagogues as well as engineers demonstrated the most firm personality structure with distinctive hyperthymic temperament. Law students revealed the most irritable temperament, while nursing and law students scored the highest on anxious temperament. Sample of Slovenian students is not representative for general population. The structure of the sample was crucial as well, as it comprised mainly of younger students who just started their study. The Slovenian version of the TEMPS-A proved to have relatively good internal consistency and internal structure. The questionnaire verified as a reliable and valid instrument and generally in line with previous studies. This study strengthens the perspective that professional areas could be associated with distinct affective temperament profile that could influence career decisions. The findings in students of economics, geography, and sport pedagogy are new as they have not been previously investigated by TEMPS researchers. The results open new possibilities for future research. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Next Generation Wind Turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheraghi, S. Hossein [Western New England Univ., Springfield, MA (United States); Madden, Frank [FloDesign Wind Turbine Corp., Waltham, MA (United States)


    The goal of this collaborative effort between Western New England University's College of Engineering and FloDesign Wind Turbine (FDWT) Corporation to wok on a novel areodynamic concept that could potentially lead to the next generation of wind turbines. Analytical studies and early scale model tests of FDWT's Mixer/Ejector Wind Turbine (MEWT) concept, which exploits jet-age advanced fluid dynamics, indicate that the concept has the potential to significantly reduce the cost of electricity over conventional Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines while reducing land usage. This project involved the design, fabrication, and wind tunnel testing of components of MEWT to provide the research and engineering data necessary to validate the design iterations and optimize system performance. Based on these tests, a scale model prototype called Briza was designed, fabricated, installed and tested on a portable tower to investigate and improve the design system in real world conditions. The results of these scale prototype efforts were very promising and have contributed significantly to FDWT's ongoing development of a product scale wind turbine for deployment in multiple locations around the U.S. This research was mutually beneficial to Western New England University, FDWT, and the DOE by utilizing over 30 student interns and a number of faculty in all efforts. It brought real-world wind turbine experience into the classroom to further enhance the Green Engineering Program at WNEU. It also provided on-the-job training to many students, improving their future employment opportunities, while also providing valuable information to further advance FDWT's mixer-ejector wind turbine technology, creating opportunities for future project innovation and job creation.

  11. A Modified MinMax k-Means Algorithm Based on PSO. (United States)

    Wang, Xiaoyan; Bai, Yanping

    The MinMax k -means algorithm is widely used to tackle the effect of bad initialization by minimizing the maximum intraclustering errors. Two parameters, including the exponent parameter and memory parameter, are involved in the executive process. Since different parameters have different clustering errors, it is crucial to choose appropriate parameters. In the original algorithm, a practical framework is given. Such framework extends the MinMax k -means to automatically adapt the exponent parameter to the data set. It has been believed that if the maximum exponent parameter has been set, then the programme can reach the lowest intraclustering errors. However, our experiments show that this is not always correct. In this paper, we modified the MinMax k -means algorithm by PSO to determine the proper values of parameters which can subject the algorithm to attain the lowest clustering errors. The proposed clustering method is tested on some favorite data sets in several different initial situations and is compared to the k -means algorithm and the original MinMax k -means algorithm. The experimental results indicate that our proposed algorithm can reach the lowest clustering errors automatically.

  12. Variable Pitch Darrieus Water Turbines (United States)

    Kirke, Brian; Lazauskas, Leo

    In recent years the Darrieus wind turbine concept has been adapted for use in water, either as a hydrokinetic turbine converting the kinetic energy of a moving fluid in open flow like an underwater wind turbine, or in a low head or ducted arrangement where flow is confined, streamtube expansion is controlled and efficiency is not subject to the Betz limit. Conventional fixed pitch Darrieus turbines suffer from two drawbacks, (i) low starting torque and (ii) shaking due to cyclical variations in blade angle of attack. Ventilation and cavitation can also cause problems in water turbines when blade velocities are high. Shaking can be largely overcome by the use of helical blades, but these do not produce large starting torque. Variable pitch can produce high starting torque and high efficiency, and by suitable choice of pitch regime, shaking can be minimized but not entirely eliminated. Ventilation can be prevented by avoiding operation close to a free surface, and cavitation can be prevented by limiting blade velocities. This paper summarizes recent developments in Darrieus water turbines, some problems and some possible solutions.

  13. Noise immission from wind turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The project has dealt with practical ways to reduce the influence of background noise caused by wind acting on the measuring microphones. The uncertainty of measured noise emission (source strength) has been investigated. The main activity was a Round Robin Test involving measurements by five laboratories at the same wind turbine. Each laboratory brought its own instrumentation and performed the measurements and analyses according to their interpretation. The tonality of wind turbine noise is an essential component of the noise impact on the environment. In the present project the uncertainty in the newest existing methods for assessing tonality was investigated. The project included noise propagation measurements in different weather conditions around wind turbines situated in different types of terrain. The results were used to validate a noise propagation model developed in the project. Finally, the project also included a study with listeners evaluating recordings of wind turbine noise. The results are intended as guidance for wind turbine manufacturers in identifying the aspects of wind turbine noise most important to annoyance. (author)

  14. Noise from wind turbines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fegeant, Olivier [Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm (Sweden). Dept. of Building Sciences


    A rapid growth of installed wind power capacity is expected in the next few years. However, the siting of wind turbines on a large scale raises concerns about their environmental impact, notably with respect to noise. To this end, variable speed wind turbines offer a promising solution for applications in densely populated areas like the European countries, as this design would enable an efficient utilisation of the masking effect due to ambient noise. In rural and recreational areas where wind turbines are sited, the ambient noise originates from the action of wind on the vegetation and about the listener's ear (pseudo-noise). It shows a wind speed dependence similar to that of the noise from a variable speed wind turbine and can therefore mask the latter for a wide range of conditions. However, a problem inherent to the design of these machines is their proclivity to pure tone generation, because of the enhanced difficulty of avoiding structural resonances in the mechanical parts. Pure tones are deemed highly annoying and are severely regulated by most noise policies. In relation to this problem, the vibration transmission of structure-borne sound to the tower of the turbine is investigated, in particular when the tower is stiffened at its upper end. Furthermore, since noise annoyance due to wind turbine is mostly a masking issue, the wind-related sources of ambient noise are studied and their masking potentials assessed. With this aim, prediction models for wind-induced vegetation noise and pseudo-noise have been developed. Finally, closely related to the effect of masking, is the difficulty, regularly encountered by local authorities and wind farm developers, to measure noise immission from wind turbines. A new measurement technique has thus been developed in the course of this work. Through improving the signal-to-noise ratio between wind turbine noise and ambient noise, the new technique yields more accurate measurement results.

  15. New low pressure (LP) turbines for NE Krsko

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nemcic, K.; Novsak, M.


    During the evaluation of possible future maintenance strategies on steam turbine in very short period of time, engineering decision was made by NE Krsko in agreement with Owners to replace the existing two Low Pressure (LP) Turbines with new upgrading LP Turbines. This decision is presented with review of the various steam turbine problems as: SCC on turbine discs; blades cracking; erosion-corrosion with comparison of various maintenance options and efforts undertaken by the NE Krsko to improve performance of the original low pressure turbines. This paper presents the NEK approach to solve the possible future problems with steam turbine operation in NE Krsko as pro-active engineering and maintenance activities on the steam turbine. This paper also presents improvements involving retrofits, confined to the main steam turbine path, with major differences between original and new LP Turbines as beneficial replacement because of turbine MWe upgrading and return capital expenditures.(author)

  16. Multivariate Max-Stable Spatial Processes

    KAUST Repository

    Genton, Marc G.


    Analysis of spatial extremes is currently based on univariate processes. Max-stable processes allow the spatial dependence of extremes to be modelled and explicitly quantified, they are therefore widely adopted in applications. For a better understanding of extreme events of real processes, such as environmental phenomena, it may be useful to study several spatial variables simultaneously. To this end, we extend some theoretical results and applications of max-stable processes to the multivariate setting to analyze extreme events of several variables observed across space. In particular, we study the maxima of independent replicates of multivariate processes, both in the Gaussian and Student-t cases. Then, we define a Poisson process construction in the multivariate setting and introduce multivariate versions of the Smith Gaussian extremevalue, the Schlather extremal-Gaussian and extremal-t, and the BrownResnick models. Inferential aspects of those models based on composite likelihoods are developed. We present results of various Monte Carlo simulations and of an application to a dataset of summer daily temperature maxima and minima in Oklahoma, U.S.A., highlighting the utility of working with multivariate models in contrast to the univariate case. Based on joint work with Simone Padoan and Huiyan Sang.

  17. Multivariate Max-Stable Spatial Processes

    KAUST Repository

    Genton, Marc G.


    Analysis of spatial extremes is currently based on univariate processes. Max-stable processes allow the spatial dependence of extremes to be modelled and explicitly quantified, they are therefore widely adopted in applications. For a better understanding of extreme events of real processes, such as environmental phenomena, it may be useful to study several spatial variables simultaneously. To this end, we extend some theoretical results and applications of max-stable processes to the multivariate setting to analyze extreme events of several variables observed across space. In particular, we study the maxima of independent replicates of multivariate processes, both in the Gaussian and Student-t cases. Then, we define a Poisson process construction in the multivariate setting and introduce multivariate versions of the Smith Gaussian extremevalue, the Schlather extremal-Gaussian and extremal-t, and the BrownResnick models. Inferential aspects of those models based on composite likelihoods are developed. We present results of various Monte Carlo simulations and of an application to a dataset of summer daily temperature maxima and minima in Oklahoma, U.S.A., highlighting the utility of working with multivariate models in contrast to the univariate case. Based on joint work with Simone Padoan and Huiyan Sang.

  18. Pitot-tube turbine as wind power plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naake, L


    The use of the Pitot tube turbine as a wind power station is an application of the well known Pitot tube with the turbines built into jet engines. The novelty of this invention lies in the combined nozzle and turbine unit, where the wind is caught in the funnel opening, is accelerated in the narrow flow zone and then acts on the turbine blades. Due to the acceleration, a greater torque is exerted on the turbine than in free air flow. The Pitot tube turbine consists of a casing with a turbine inside, which is fixed by guide vane supports to the casing and which contains one or two stage turbine blades and electrical generators. The whole structure with the rotor is set on a sub-frame and rotation is contained by control surfaces. The subframe can be used as a building.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henry Humberto León-Ariza

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Introduction: The maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max is the gold standard in the cardiorespiratory endurance assessment. Objective: This study aimed to develop a mathematical model that contains variables to determine the VO2max of sedentary people. Methods: Twenty participants (10 men and 10 women with a mean age of 19.8±1.77 years were included. For each participant, body composition (percentage of fat and muscle, heart rate variability (HRV at rest (supine and standing, and VO2max were evaluated through an indirect test on a cycloergometer. A multivariate linear regression model was developed from the data obtained, and the model assumptions were verified. Results: Using the data obtained, including percentage of fat (F, percentage of muscle (M, percentage of power at very low frequency (VLF, α-value of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFAα1, heart rate (HR in the resting standing position, and age of the participants, a model was established for men, which was expressed as VO2max = 4.216 + (Age*0.153 + (F*0.110 - (M*0.053 - (VLF*0.649 - (DFAα1*2.441 - (HR*0.014, with R2 = 0.965 and standard error = 0.146 L/min. For women, the model was expressed as VO2max = 1.947 - (Age*0.047 + (F*0.024 + (M*0.054 + (VLF*1.949 - (DFAα1*0.424 - (HR*0.019, with R2 = 0.987 and standard error = 0.077 L/min. Conclusion: The obtained model demonstrated the influence exerted by body composition, the autonomic nervous system, and age in the prediction of VO2max.

  20. Epidemiologia e geografia: o complexo patogênico de Max. Sorre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Urbano Ferreira


    Full Text Available Apresentam-se alguns traços essenciais do conceito de complexo patogênico, formulado pelo geógrafo francês Max. Sorre, com o objetivo de estimular estudos de integração entre a epidemiologia e a geografia.Some essential features of the pathogenic complex concept formulated by the French geographer Max. Sorre are presented, aiming at integrating epidemiological and geografic studies.

  1. RBI Optimization of Offshore Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramírez, José G. Rangel; Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    methods for oil & gas installations, a framework for optimal inspection and maintenance planning of offshore wind turbines is presented. Special aspects for offshore wind turbines considered are the fatigue loading characteristics where usually the wind loading are dominating the wave loading, wake......Wind turbines for electricity production have increased significantly the last years both in production capability and size. This development is expected to continue also in the coming years. Offshore wind turbines with an electricity production of 5-10 MW are planned. Typically, the wind turbine...... support structure is a steel structure consisting of a tower and a monopile, tripod or jacket type foundation. This paper considers aspects of inspection and maintenance planning of fatigue prone details in jacket and tripod type of wind turbine support structures. Based on risk-based inspection planning...

  2. Deleuze, Bergson, Bachelard et Bazin,les ambigüités entre phénoménologie et sémiotique pour une théorie du temps filmique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lenice Pereira Barbosa


    Full Text Available Ce texte est né de la nécessité de structurer théoriquement ce qui, selon une approche empirique, est une évidence : aborder les considérations d’André Bazin et de Gilles Deleuze concernant le temps cinématographique à travers un point de vue phénoménologique. Ceci pourrait, bien évidemment, entrainer un « chassé-croisé » théorique entre Sémiotique et Phénoménologie qui se neutraliseraient les unes les autres sans apporter de changements par rapport à la perception chromatique du temps. L’objectif principal de ce travail est d’élargir le sens attribué à l’élément couleur au cinéma et de mettre en exergue le rapport entre les manifestations chromatiques et la perception du temps. À partir de ces points, il est également possible de considérer le principe multi – disciplinaire que ces éléments nous imposent, inspiré par l’évidence de la continuité-discontinuité qui, en tout cas au cinéma, n’est pas nécessairement un dilemme. Ainsi, il s’agit de faire coexister dans une approche phénoménologique certaines conceptions de Bergson et de Bachelard concernant la perception du temps.

  3. Wind Turbine Radar Cross Section

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Jenn


    Full Text Available The radar cross section (RCS of a wind turbine is a figure of merit for assessing its effect on the performance of electronic systems. In this paper, the fundamental equations for estimating the wind turbine clutter signal in radar and communication systems are presented. Methods of RCS prediction are summarized, citing their advantages and disadvantages. Bistatic and monostatic RCS patterns for two wind turbine configurations, a horizontal axis three-blade design and a vertical axis helical design, are shown. The unique electromagnetic scattering features, the effect of materials, and methods of mitigating wind turbine clutter are also discussed.

  4. Small Wind Turbine Technology Assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avia Aranda, F.; Cruz Cruz, I.


    The result of the study carried out under the scope of the ATYCA project Test Plant of Wind Systems for Isolated Applications, about the state of art of the small wind turbine technology (wind turbines with swept area smaller than 40 m 2 ) is presented. The study analyzes the collected information on 60 models of wind turbines from 23 manufacturers in the worldwide market. Data from Chinese manufacturers, that have a large participation in the total number of small wind turbines in operation, are not included, due to the unavailability of the technical information. (Author) 15 refs

  5. Turbines. NO{sub x} processing on Solar gas turbines; Turbines. Traitement des NO{sub x} sur les turbines a gaz solar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chausse, X. [Spie-Trindel, 95 - Cergy (France)


    This paper presents the SoLoNOx process developed by the Solar Turbines Incorporated company for the prevention of NO{sub x} production in his gas turbines. The formation of combustion products, by-products and NO{sub x} are recalled first and then the different existing processes for the reduction of pollutants are reviewed: water or steam injection, and purification of exhaust gases. The SoLoNOx process uses a dry, weak and pre-mixed mixture and allows better NO{sub x} and CO reductions than the water injection process. (J.S.)

  6. Reliability assessment of Wind turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    Wind turbines can be considered as structures that are in between civil engineering structures and machines since they consist of structural components and many electrical and machine components together with a control system. Further, a wind turbine is not a one-of-a-kind structure...... but manufactured in series production based on many component tests, some prototype tests and zeroseries wind turbines. These characteristics influence the reliability assessment where focus in this paper is on the structural components. Levelized Cost Of Energy is very important for wind energy, especially when...... comparing to other energy sources. Therefore much focus is on cost reductions and improved reliability both for offshore and onshore wind turbines. The wind turbine components should be designed to have sufficient reliability level with respect to both extreme and fatigue loads but also not be too costly...

  7. Using MaxCompiler for High Level Synthesis of Trigger Algorithms

    CERN Document Server

    Summers, Sioni Paris; Sanders, P.


    Firmware for FPGA trigger applications at the CMS experiment is conventionally written using hardware description languages such as Verilog and VHDL. MaxCompiler is an alternative, Java based, tool for developing FPGA applications which uses a higher level of abstraction from the hardware than a hardware description language. An implementation of the jet and energy sum algorithms for the CMS Level-1 calorimeter trigger has been written using MaxCompiler to benchmark against the VHDL implementation in terms of accuracy, latency, resource usage, and code size. A Kalman Filter track fitting algorithm has been developed using MaxCompiler for a proposed CMS Level-1 track trigger for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade. The design achieves a low resource usage, and has a latency of 187.5 ns per iteration.

  8. Repair of steam turbines by welding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bohnstedt, H.J.; Loebert, P.


    In some cases, turbine parts can be repaired by welding, even rotating parts such as the shaft or the blades. Practical examples of successful repair work are explained, as for instance: welding of the last web of the turbine wheel of two MD-rotors, repair of erosion damage on turbine blades, of solid-matter erosion on a medium-pressure blading, or welding repair of a high-pressure turbine casing. (DG) [de

  9. Turbine-missile casing exit tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshimura, H.R.; Sliter, G.E.


    Nuclear power plant designers are required to provide safety-related components with adequate protection against hypothetical turbine-missile impacts. In plants with a ''peninsula'' arrangement, protection is provided by installing the turbine axis radially from the reactor building, so that potential missile trajectories are not in line with the plant. In plants with a ''non-peninsula'' arrangement (turbine axis perpendicular to a radius), designers rely on the low probability of a missile strike and on the protection provided by reinforced concrete walls in order to demonstrate an adequate level of protection USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.115). One of the critical first steps in demonstrating adequacy is the determination of the energy and spin of the turbine segments as they exit the turbine casing. The spin increases the probability that a subsequent impact with a protective barrier will be off-normal and therefore less severe than the normal impact assumed in plant designs. Two full-scale turbine-missile casing exit tests which were conducted by Sandia Laboratories at their rocket-sled facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico, are described. Because of wide variations in turbine design details, postulated failure conditions, and missile exit scenarios, the conditions for the two tests were carefully selected to be as prototypical as possible, while still maintaining the well-controlled and well-characterized test conditions needed for generating benchmark data

  10. Achievement report for fiscal 1989. Research and development of ceramic gas turbine (Portable regenerative two-shaft radial turbine for electric power generation); 1989 nendo ceramic gas turbine no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Kahanshiki hatsuden'yo saisei nijikushiki radial turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research and development has been advanced on a ceramic gas turbine with an output of 300-kW class, and having thermal efficiency of 42% or higher. Activities were performed in the following three fields: 1) research of heat resistant ceramic members, 2) research of elementary technologies, and 3) studies on design, prototype fabrication, and operation. In Item 1, forming and sintering were performed on a scroll of large size difficult for forming, an output turbine nozzle, a gas generator turbine nozzle, a shroud and back-shroud for same to extract technological problems. In addition, discussions were given on a method to bond the rotor of the gas generator turbine with the shaft. In Item 2, elementary tests were given on the rotary heat-storage type heat exchanger which has high relative technological difficulty and requires a great amount of time for development, wherein the thermal efficiency was improved by improving the flow velocity distribution. Furthermore, a combustor for the metal gas turbine was developed. Specifications were established for a test device required for hot spin tests of the gas generator turbine and output turbine, and part of the device was fabricated. In Item 3, detailed design was made for the metallic basic-type gas turbine to become the master form of the turbine to be developed. (NEDO)

  11. Dynamic modeling and simulation of wind turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghafari Seadat, M.H.; Kheradmand Keysami, M.; Lari, H.R.


    Using wind energy for generating electricity in wind turbines is a good way for using renewable energies. It can also help to protect the environment. The main objective of this paper is dynamic modeling by energy method and simulation of a wind turbine aided by computer. In this paper, the equations of motion are extracted for simulating the system of wind turbine and then the behavior of the system become obvious by solving the equations. The turbine is considered with three blade rotor in wind direction, induced generator that is connected to the network and constant revolution for simulation of wind turbine. Every part of the wind turbine should be simulated for simulation of wind turbine. The main parts are blades, gearbox, shafts and generator

  12. Floating wind turbine system (United States)

    Viterna, Larry A. (Inventor)


    A floating wind turbine system with a tower structure that includes at least one stability arm extending therefrom and that is anchored to the sea floor with a rotatable position retention device that facilitates deep water installations. Variable buoyancy for the wind turbine system is provided by buoyancy chambers that are integral to the tower itself as well as the stability arm. Pumps are included for adjusting the buoyancy as an aid in system transport, installation, repair and removal. The wind turbine rotor is located downwind of the tower structure to allow the wind turbine to follow the wind direction without an active yaw drive system. The support tower and stability arm structure is designed to balance tension in the tether with buoyancy, gravity and wind forces in such a way that the top of the support tower leans downwind, providing a large clearance between the support tower and the rotor blade tips. This large clearance facilitates the use of articulated rotor hubs to reduced damaging structural dynamic loads. Major components of the turbine can be assembled at the shore and transported to an offshore installation site.

  13. Variations de la température de l'eau des étangs en période froide à ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juin 2015 ... Conclusion et application : La mise en évidence de la courbe de variation de température en période froide à Lubumbashi est cruciale pour la mise en place des systèmes de .... niloticus) et le poisson-chat africain (Clarias ngamensis et Clarias gariepinus). Les étangs dont la profondeur varie entre 120 et ...

  14. Insight analysis of biplane Wells turbine performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaaban, S.


    Highlights: ► Downstream rotor reduces overall turbine efficiency during normal operation. ► Recirculation behind downstream rotor significantly reduces the torque delivered by the turbine. ► Upstream rotor significantly affects downstream rotor performance even at high gap to chord ratios. ► Downstream rotor produces only 10–30% of the turbine power despite its feasible exergy level. ► The downstream rotor significantly delays turbine start up. - Abstract: Wells turbines are very promising in converting wave energy. Improving the design and performance of Wells turbines requires deep understanding of the energy conversion process and losses mechanisms of these energy convertors. The performance of a biplane Wells turbine having 45° stagger angle between rotors is numerically investigated. The turbine performance is simulated by solving the steady 3D incompressible Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stocks equation (RANS). The present numerical investigation shows that the upstream rotor significantly affects the downstream rotor performance even at high gap-to-chord ratio (G/c = 1.4). The contribution of the downstream rotor in the overall biplane Wells turbine performance is limited. The downstream rotor torque represents 10–30% of the total turbine torque and the upstream rotor efficiency is 1.5–5 times the downstream rotor efficiency at normal operating conditions. Exergy analysis shows that the downstream rotor is the main component that reduces the turbine second law efficiency. The blade exergy increases from hub to tip and decreases from leading edge to trailing edge. Therefore, 3D blade profile optimization is essential for substantial improvement of the energy conversion process. Improving the design of the inter-rotors zone can significantly improve biplane Wells turbine performance. Future biplane Wells turbine designs should focus essentially on improving the downstream rotor performance.

  15. Aeroelastic instability problems for wind turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Hartvig


    This paper deals with the aeroelostic instabilities that have occurred and may still occur for modem commercial wind turbines: stall-induced vibrations for stall-turbines, and classical flutter for pitch-regulated turbines. A review of previous works is combined with derivations of analytical...... stiffness and chordwise position of the center of gravity along the blades are the main parameters for flutter. These instability characteristics are exemplified by aeroelastic stability analyses of different wind turbines. The review of each aeroelastic instability ends with a list of current research...... issues that represent unsolved aeroelostic instability problems for wind turbines. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd....

  16. Turbine blade vibration dampening (United States)

    Cornelius, C.C.; Pytanowski, G.P.; Vendituoli, J.S.


    The present turbine wheel assembly increases component life and turbine engine longevity. The combination of the strap and the opening combined with the preestablished area of the outer surface of the opening and the preestablished area of the outer circumferential surface of the strap and the friction between the strap and the opening increases the life and longevity of the turbine wheel assembly. Furthermore, the mass ``M`` or combined mass ``CM`` of the strap or straps and the centrifugal force assist in controlling vibrations and damping characteristics. 5 figs.

  17. Study of cavitation in hydro turbines. A review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumar, Pardeep; Saini, R.P. [Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667 (India)


    Reaction turbines basically Francis turbines and propeller/Kaplan turbines are suitable for medium and low head hydropower sites. The management of the small hydropower plants is an important factor, for achieving higher efficiency of hydro turbines with time. Turbines show declined performance after few years of operation, as they get severely damaged due to various reasons. One of the important reasons is erosive wear of the turbines due to cavitation. Reaction turbines, however are more prone to cavitation especially Francis turbines where a zone in the operating range is seriously affected by cavitation and considered as forbidden zone. Cavitation is a phenomenon which manifests itself in the pitting of the metallic surfaces of turbine parts because of the formation of cavities. In the present paper, studies undertaken in this field by several investigators have been discussed extensively. Based on literature survey various aspects related to cavitation in hydro turbines, different causes for the declined performance and efficiency of the hydro turbines and suitable remedial measures suggested by various investigators have been discussed. (author)

  18. Collecting Currents with Water Turbines (United States)

    Allen, J.; Allen, S.


    Our science poster is inspired by Florida Atlantic University's recent program to develop three types of renewable energy. They are using water turbines and the Gulf Stream Current to produce a renewable energy source. Wave, tidal and current driven energy. Our poster is called "Collecting Currents with Water Turbines". In our science poster, the purpose was to see which turbine design could produce the most power. We tested three different variables, the number of blades (four, six, and eight), the material of the blades and the shape of the blades. To test which number of blades produced the most power we cut slits into a cork. We used plastic from a soda bottle to make the blades and then we put the blades in the cork to make the turbines. We observed each blade and how much time it took for the water turbines to pull up 5 pennies. Currently water turbines are used in dams to make hydroelectric energy. But with FAU we could understand how to harness the Gulf Stream current off Florida's coast we could soon have new forms of renewable energy.

  19. Wind turbine spoiler (United States)

    Sullivan, W.N.

    An aerodynamic spoiler system for a vertical axis wind turbine includes spoilers on the blades initially stored near the rotor axis to minimize drag. A solenoid latch adjacent the central support tower releases the spoilers and centrifugal force causes the spoilers to move up the turbine blades away from the rotor axis, thereby producing a braking effect and actual slowing of the associated wind turbine, if desired. The spoiler system can also be used as an infinitely variable power control by regulated movement of the spoilers on the blades over the range between the undeployed and fully deployed positions. This is done by the use of a suitable powered reel and cable located at the rotor tower to move the spoilers.

  20. Optimization of a gas turbine cogeneration plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallin, J.; Wessman, M.


    This work describes an analytical method of optimizing a cogeneration with a gas turbine as prime mover. The method is based on an analytical function. The function describes the total costs of the heat production, described by the heat load duration curve. The total costs consist of the prime costs and fixed costs of the gas turbine and the other heating plants. The parameters of interest at optimization are the heat efficiency produced by the gas turbine and the utilization time of the gas turbine. With todays prices for electricity, fuel and heating as well as maintenance- personnel and investment costs, extremely good conditions are needed to make the gas turbine profitable. Either a raise of the price for the electricity with about 33% is needed or that the ratio of electricity and fuel increases to approx 2.5. High investment subsidies for the gas turbines could make a gas turbine profitable, even with todays electricity- and fuel prices. Besides being a good help when projecting cogeneration plants with a gas turbine as prime mover, the method gives a possibility to optimize the annual operating time for a certain gas turbine when changing the operating conditions. 6 refs

  1. MAX-DOAS measurements of NO2 column densities in Vienna (United States)

    Schreier, Stefan; Weihs, Philipp; Peters, Enno; Richter, Andreas; Ostendorf, Mareike; Schönhardt, Anja; Burrows, John P.; Schmalwieser, Alois


    In the VINDOBONA (VIenna horizontal aNd vertical Distribution OBservations Of Nitrogen dioxide and Aerosols) project, two Multi AXis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) systems will be set up at two different locations and altitudes in Vienna, Austria. After comparison measurements in Bremen, Germany, and Cabauw, The Netherlands, the first of the two MAX-DOAS instruments was set up at the University of Veterinary Medicine in the northeastern part of Vienna in December 2016. The instrument performs spectral measurements of visible scattered sunlight at defined horizontal and vertical viewing directions. From these measurements, column densities of NO2 and aerosols are derived by applying the DOAS analysis. First preliminary results are presented. The second MAX-DOAS instrument will be set up in April/May 2017 at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in the northwestern part of Vienna. Once these two instruments are measuring simultaneously, small campaigns including car DOAS zenith-sky and tower DOAS off-axis measurements are planned. The main emphasis of this project will be on the installation and operation of two MAX-DOAS instruments, the improvement of tropospheric NO2 and aerosol retrieval, and the characterization of the horizontal, vertical, and temporal variations of tropospheric NO2 and aerosols in Vienna, Austria.

  2. Wind turbine technology principles and design

    CERN Document Server

    Adaramola, Muyiwa


    IntroductionPart I: AerodynamicsWind Turbine Blade Design; Peter J. Schubel and Richard J. CrossleyA Shrouded Wind Turbine Generating High Output Power with Wind-Lens Technology; Yuji Ohya and Takashi KarasudaniEcomoulding of Composite Wind Turbine Blades Using Green Manufacturing RTM Process; Brahim AttafAerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Using Differential Evolution; Travis J. Carrigan, Brian H. Dennis, Zhen X. Han, and Bo P. WangPart II: Generators and Gear Systems


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elmegaard, Brian; Qvale, Einar Bjørn


    Recuperated gas turbines are currently drawing an increased attention due to the recent commercialization of micro gas turbines with recuperation. This system may reach a high efficiency even for the small units of less than 100 kW. In order to improve the economics of the plants, ways to improve...... their efficiency are always of interest. Recently, two independent studies have proposed recuperated gas turbines to be configured with the turbine expansion divided, in order to obtain higher efficiency. The idea is to operate the system with a gas generator and a power turbine, and use the gas from the gas...... divided expansion can be advantageous under certain circumstances. But, in order for todays micro gas turbines to be competitive, the thermodynamic efficiencies will have to be rather high. This requires that all component efficiencies including the recuperator effectiveness will have to be high...

  4. Effect of duct geometry on Wells turbine performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaaban, S.; Abdel Hafiz, A.


    Highlights: ► A Wells turbine duct design in the form of venturi duct is proposed and investigated. ► Optimum duct geometry is identified. ► Up to 14% increase of the turbine power can be achieved using the optimized duct geometry. ► Up to 9% improve of the turbine efficiency is attained by optimizing the turbine duct geometry. ► The optimized duct geometry results in tangible delay of the turbine stalling point. - Abstract: Wells turbines can represent important source of renewable energy for many countries. An essential disadvantage of Wells turbines is their low aerodynamic efficiency and consequently low power produced. In order to enhance the Wells turbine performance, the present research work proposes the use of a symmetrical duct in the form of a venturi tube with turbine rotor located at throat. The effects of duct area ratio and duct angle are investigated in order to optimize Wells turbine performance. The turbine performance is numerically investigated by solving the steady 3D incompressible Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stocks equation (RANS). A substantial improve of the turbine performance is achieved by optimizing the duct geometry. Increasing both the duct area ratio and duct angle increase the acceleration and deceleration upstream and downstream the rotor respectively. The accelerating flow with thinner boundary layer thickness upstream the rotor reduces the flow separation on the rotor suction side. The downstream diffuser reduces the interaction between tip leakage flow and blade suction side. Up to 14% increase in turbine power and 9% increase in turbine efficiency are achieved by optimizing the duct geometry. On other hand, a tangible delay of the turbine stall point is also detected.

  5. Human mitochondrial haplogroup H: the highest VO2max consumer--is it a paradox? (United States)

    Martínez-Redondo, Diana; Marcuello, Ana; Casajús, José A; Ara, Ignacio; Dahmani, Yahya; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; López-Pérez, Manuel J; Díez-Sánchez, Carmen


    Mitochondrial background has been demonstrated to influence maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max), in mLkg(-1)min(-1)), but this genetic influence can be compensated for by regular exercise. A positive correlation among electron transport chain (ETC) coupling, ATP and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production has been established, and mitochondrial variants have been reported to show differences in their ETC performance. In this study, we examined in detail the VO(2max) differences found among mitochondrial haplogroups. We recruited 81 healthy male Spanish Caucasian individuals and determined their mitochondrial haplogroup. Their VO(2max) was determined using incremental cycling exercise (ICE). VO(2max) was lower in J than in non-J haplogroup individuals (P=0.04). The H haplogroup was responsible for this difference (VO(2max); J vs. H; P=0.008) and this group also had significantly higher mitochondrial oxidative damage (mtOD) than the J haplogroup (P=0.04). In agreement with these results, VO(2max) and mtOD were positively correlated (P=0.01). Given that ROS production is the major contributor to mtOD and consumes four times more oxygen per electron than the ETC, our results strongly suggest that ROS production is responsible for the higher VO(2max) found in the H variant. These findings not only contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underneath VO(2max), but also help to explain some reported associations between mitochondrial haplogroups and mtOD with longevity, sperm motility, premature aging and susceptibility to different pathologies.

  6. La PCR quantitative en temps réel : application à la quantification des OGM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alary Rémi


    Full Text Available Suite à l’obligation d’étiquetage, au seuil de 1 %, des aliments contenant des OGM autorisés, il est nécessaire de disposer de méthodes fiables de quantification. Pour répondre à cette obligation, la technique de PCR quantitative en temps réel semble actuellement la mieux adaptée. Son principe, ses avantages et sa mise en oeuvre pour la détermination de la teneur en OGM de farines de soja sont présentés. Les PCR simplex et duplex sont comparées.

  7. TEMP: a computer code to calculate fuel pin temperatures during a transient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bard, F.E.; Christensen, B.Y.; Gneiting, B.C.


    The computer code TEMP calculates fuel pin temperatures during a transient. It was developed to accommodate temperature calculations in any system of axi-symmetric concentric cylinders. When used to calculate fuel pin temperatures, the code will handle a fuel pin as simple as a solid cylinder or as complex as a central void surrounded by fuel that is broken into three regions by two circumferential cracks. Any fuel situation between these two extremes can be analyzed along with additional cladding, heat sink, coolant or capsule regions surrounding the fuel. The one-region version of the code accurately calculates the solution to two problems having closed-form solutions. The code uses an implicit method, an explicit method and a Crank-Nicolson (implicit-explicit) method

  8. On the spectrum in max algebra

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Müller, Vladimír; Peperko, A.


    Roč. 485, November (2015), s. 250-266 ISSN 0024-3795 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA14-07880S Institutional support: RVO:67985840 Keywords : non-negativ matrices * max algebra * eigenvalues Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.965, year: 2015

  9. Behavior of bats at wind turbines. (United States)

    Cryan, Paul M; Gorresen, P Marcos; Hein, Cris D; Schirmacher, Michael R; Diehl, Robert H; Huso, Manuela M; Hayman, David T S; Fricker, Paul D; Bonaccorso, Frank J; Johnson, Douglas H; Heist, Kevin; Dalton, David C


    Wind turbines are causing unprecedented numbers of bat fatalities. Many fatalities involve tree-roosting bats, but reasons for this higher susceptibility remain unknown. To better understand behaviors associated with risk, we monitored bats at three experimentally manipulated wind turbines in Indiana, United States, from July 29 to October 1, 2012, using thermal cameras and other methods. We observed bats on 993 occasions and saw many behaviors, including close approaches, flight loops and dives, hovering, and chases. Most bats altered course toward turbines during observation. Based on these new observations, we tested the hypotheses that wind speed and blade rotation speed influenced the way that bats interacted with turbines. We found that bats were detected more frequently at lower wind speeds and typically approached turbines on the leeward (downwind) side. The proportion of leeward approaches increased with wind speed when blades were prevented from turning, yet decreased when blades could turn. Bats were observed more frequently at turbines on moonlit nights. Taken together, these observations suggest that bats may orient toward turbines by sensing air currents and using vision, and that air turbulence caused by fast-moving blades creates conditions that are less attractive to bats passing in close proximity. Tree bats may respond to streams of air flowing downwind from trees at night while searching for roosts, conspecifics, and nocturnal insect prey that could accumulate in such flows. Fatalities of tree bats at turbines may be the consequence of behaviors that evolved to provide selective advantages when elicited by tall trees, but are now maladaptive when elicited by wind turbines.

  10. Behavior of bats at wind turbines (United States)

    Cryan, Paul M.; Gorresen, P. Marcos; Hine, Cris D.; Schirmacher, Michael; Diehl, Robert H.; Huso, Manuela M.; Hayman, David T.S.; Fricker, Paul D.; Bonaccorso, Frank J.; Johnson, Douglas H.; Heist, Kevin W.; Dalton, David C.


    Wind turbines are causing unprecedented numbers of bat fatalities. Many fatalities involve tree-roosting bats, but reasons for this higher susceptibility remain unknown. To better understand behaviors associated with risk, we monitored bats at three experimentally manipulated wind turbines in Indiana, United States, from July 29 to October 1, 2012, using thermal cameras and other methods. We observed bats on 993 occasions and saw many behaviors, including close approaches, flight loops and dives, hovering, and chases. Most bats altered course toward turbines during observation. Based on these new observations, we tested the hypotheses that wind speed and blade rotation speed influenced the way that bats interacted with turbines. We found that bats were detected more frequently at lower wind speeds and typically approached turbines on the leeward (downwind) side. The proportion of leeward approaches increased with wind speed when blades were prevented from turning, yet decreased when blades could turn. Bats were observed more frequently at turbines on moonlit nights. Taken together, these observations suggest that bats may orient toward turbines by sensing air currents and using vision, and that air turbulence caused by fast-moving blades creates conditions that are less attractive to bats passing in close proximity. Tree bats may respond to streams of air flowing downwind from trees at night while searching for roosts, conspecifics, and nocturnal insect prey that could accumulate in such flows. Fatalities of tree bats at turbines may be the consequence of behaviors that evolved to provide selective advantages when elicited by tall trees, but are now maladaptive when elicited by wind turbines.

  11. Nonlinear Dynamics of Wind Turbine Wings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jesper Winther

    , large wind turbines become increasingly flexible and dynamically sensitive. This project focuses on the structural analysis of highly flexible wind turbine wings, and the aerodynamic loading of wind turbine wings under large changes in flow field due to elastic deformations and changing wind conditions....

  12. Turbines for nuclear power plants. 2.ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Troyanovskij, B.M.


    In the second edition of the book considered are practically all the main problems of calculation and operation of turbines and turbine installations of nuclear power plants. As compared to the first edition, essentially addes is the reproduction of the problem on combined generation of heat and electric energy. Also represented is detailed material on methods of preliminary evaluation of turbine effectiveness. Considered are peculiarities of turbine operation on wet steam and the basis of their thermal calculation. Much attention is payed to the problem of wet stream current in the turbine elements and wetness effect on their characteristics. Problems of wetness separation and moving blade erosion as well as other turbine elements are extracted in a special section. Given are structural schemes of different methods of innerchannel and periphery wet removal as well as experimental materials on their effectiveness. Given are descriptions and critical analysis of a great number of typical constructions of nuclear power plant steam turbines, produced by native plants as well as by the main foreign firms. Considered also are constructions of outside separators and steam superheaters. Separately given is the problem of rotation frequency choise of nuclear power plant wet steam turbines. Represented are materials on turbine installation tests, considered are the problems of turbine starting and manoeuvrability, analyzed are their typical jailures and damages. One of the sections of the book is devoted to gas turbine installations of nuclear power plants. Different material on this theme scattered before in various sources is summarized in the book

  13. A reference Pelton turbine design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solemslie, B W; Dahlhaug, O G


    The designs of hydraulic turbines are usually close kept corporation secrets. Therefore, the possibility of innovation and co-operation between different academic institutions regarding a specific turbine geometry is difficult. A Ph.D.-project at the Waterpower Laboratory, NTNU, aim to design several model Pelton turbines where all measurements, simulations, the design strategy, design software in addition to the physical model will be available to the public. In the following paper a short description of the methods and the test rig that are to be utilized in the project are described. The design will be based on empirical data and NURBS will be used as the descriptive method for the turbine geometry. In addition CFX and SPH simulations will be included in the design process. Each turbine designed and produced in connection to this project will be based on the experience and knowledge gained from the previous designs. The first design will be based on the philosophy to keep a near constant relative velocity through the bucket.

  14. A reference Pelton turbine design (United States)

    Solemslie, B. W.; Dahlhaug, O. G.


    The designs of hydraulic turbines are usually close kept corporation secrets. Therefore, the possibility of innovation and co-operation between different academic institutions regarding a specific turbine geometry is difficult. A Ph.D.-project at the Waterpower Laboratory, NTNU, aim to design several model Pelton turbines where all measurements, simulations, the design strategy, design software in addition to the physical model will be available to the public. In the following paper a short description of the methods and the test rig that are to be utilized in the project are described. The design will be based on empirical data and NURBS will be used as the descriptive method for the turbine geometry. In addition CFX and SPH simulations will be included in the design process. Each turbine designed and produced in connection to this project will be based on the experience and knowledge gained from the previous designs. The first design will be based on the philosophy to keep a near constant relative velocity through the bucket.

  15. Wind Turbine Generator System Safety and Function Test Report for the Entegrity EW50 Wind Turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, J.; Huskey, A.; Jager, D.; Hur, J.


    This report summarizes the results of a safety and function test that NREL conducted on the Entegrity EW50 wind turbine. This test was conducted in accordance with the International Electrotechnical Commissions' (IEC) standard, Wind Turbine Generator System Part 2: Design requirements for small wind turbines, IEC 61400-2 Ed.2.0, 2006-03.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zvezdana Rajkovaca


    Full Text Available The term “aerobic capacity” represents the sum of aerobic metabolic processes in human organism. It is the basis of the physical working capacity. Value of the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max is the best indicator for the aerobic capacity evaluation.The purpose of this study was to check the possibility of using VO2max as the indicator of aerobic capacity in sportsmen and to check differences in VO2max values in regard to non-sportsmen.The goals were: 1.Analyses of the VO2max values in sportsmen of various sports 2. Comparison of values of sportsmen with the values of non-sportsmen.This study included 67 sportsmen (rowers, football players and judoists and 28 nonsportsmen. VO2max was measured by using a direct method.The results obtained show statistically higher VO2max values in rowers (4,52 L/min - 55,8 mL/kg/min in regard to football players (4,2 L/min – 53,6 mL/kg/min, judoists (3,58 L/min - 47,2 mL/ kg/min and non-sportsmen (3,28 L/min – 42,3 mL/kg/min. Successful rowing requires high anaerobic capacity and, therefore, high VO2max.These results show higher values of VO2max in sportsmen in regard to non-sportsmen, which is the result of training only.

  17. Controls of Hydraulic Wind Turbine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhang Yin


    Full Text Available In this paper a hydraulic wind turbine generator system was proposed based on analysis the current wind turbines technologies. The construction and principles were introduced. The mathematical model was verified using MATLAB and AMsim. A displacement closed loop of swash plate of motor and a speed closed loop of generator were setup, a PID control is introduced to maintain a constant speed and fixed frequency at wind turbine generator. Simulation and experiment demonstrated that the system can connect grid to generate electric and enhance reliability. The control system demonstrates a high performance speed regulation and effectiveness. The results are great significant to design a new type hydraulic wind turbine system.

  18. Probabilistic Design of Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, John Dalsgaard; Toft, H.S.


    Probabilistic design of wind turbines requires definition of the structural elements to be included in the probabilistic basis: e.g., blades, tower, foundation; identification of important failure modes; careful stochastic modeling of the uncertain parameters; recommendations for target reliability....... It is described how uncertainties in wind turbine design related to computational models, statistical data from test specimens, results from a few full-scale tests and from prototype wind turbines can be accounted for using the Maximum Likelihood Method and a Bayesian approach. Assessment of the optimal...... reliability level by cost-benefit optimization is illustrated by an offshore wind turbine example. Uncertainty modeling is illustrated by an example where physical, statistical and model uncertainties are estimated....

  19. Low Speed Technology for Small Turbine Development Reaction Injection Molded 7.5 Meter Wind Turbine Blade

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    David M. Wright; DOE Project Officer - Keith Bennett


    An optimized small turbine blade (7.5m radius) was designed and a partial section molded with the RIM (reaction-injection molded polymer) process for mass production. The intended market is for generic three-bladed wind turbines, 100 kilowatts or less, for grid-assist end users with rural and semi-rural sites, such as the farm/ranch market, having low to moderate IEC Class 3-4 wind regimes. This blade will have substantial performance improvements over, and be cheaper than, present-day 7.5m blades. This is made possible by the injection-molding process, which yields high repeatability, accurate geometry and weights, and low cost in production quantities. No wind turbine blade in the 7.5m or greater size has used this process. The blade design chosen uses a RIM skin bonded to a braided infused carbon fiber/epoxy spar. This approach is attractive to present users of wind turbine blades in the 5-10m sizes. These include rebladeing California wind farms, refurbishing used turbines for the Midwest farm market, and other manufacturers introducing new turbines in this size range.

  20. El valor del temps en els processos educatius d'integració i inclusió social


    Alonso Pardo, Paula; Varela Crespo, Laura; Teijeiro Bóo, Yésica


    L’estudi dels temps educatius i socials des d’una perspectiva d’inclusió social i d’atenció a la diversitat suposa nous reptes per a la Pedagogia- Educació Social, tant pels múltiples elements que conformen les pràctiques educatives com per la coexistència d’identitats diferenciades. Concretament, referint-nos a la població immigrant, les accions socioeducatives orientades cap a la convivència i la inclusió han de trobar en l’escola i en els serveis socials importants referents contextuals pe...

  1. Investigation Of Cross-Flow Model Water Turbine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obretenov, V.S.


    The research is made with the basic objective of constructing effective stream section of cross-flow turbine. In the research project are presented the results from experimental testing of the cross-flow turbine with various runner. nozzles and draft tubes. The rotational and universal characteristics of the turbine are presented. The experimental results have been analyzed.The results from the research give the possibility to make clear some important aspects of the working process with the cross-flow turbines. The characteristics derived from these tests prove that the stream section of the tested cross-flow turbine can be used as a model in the construction of cross-flow turbines for power electric stations with small capacity

  2. Les ambivalences des 35 heures dans un organisme de sécurité sociale ou l’utopie du temps choisi The dynamics of selected time: what personal «temporal equivalences»?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lionel Jacquot


    Full Text Available L’objectif principal de cet article est de voir si la réduction du temps de travail permet de prendre en compte les désirs des salariés dans l’organisation de leur temps de travail et, le cas échéant, de quelle manière et dans quelle mesure. Pour interroger la dynamique du temps choisi impulsée par les 35 heures, deux dimensions du temps de travail sont examinées : son contenant, à savoir les aspects externes, morphologiques ou géométriques tels que la durée et l’horaire de travail ; et son contenu, à savoir les aspects internes ou constitutifs se rapportant à la mise en œuvre de la force de travail. L’étude réalisée dans une caisse régionale d’assurance maladie montre une construction ambivalente du temps choisi : si les salariés ont gagné du pouvoir quant à la détermination de la durée de leur travail et la manière de l’aménager, ils n’ont plus la maîtrise du (temps de travail lui-même, à savoir l’organisation et le contenu de l’activité professionnelle.The main objective of this article is to see if shorter working time takes into account the wishes of salaried workers when setting up their schedules and if so, how and to what extent. To explore the dynamics of selected time as promoted by the 35-hour week, we examine two dimensions : the container of working time, i.e. its external, morphological or geometric aspects such as duration and schedule ; and its contents, i.e. the internal or structural aspects which concern the implementation of the workforce. The study was carried out in a local branch of the French public healthcare system and reveals that workers are ambivalent about selected time : though they gain some power in deciding how long they will work and how to manage their schedule, they have lost control over their actual working time, i.e. over the organization and content of their professional activity.

  3. Development and validation of a full-range performance analysis model for a three-spool gas turbine with turbine cooling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Yin; Gu, Chun-wei; Ji, Xing-xing


    The performance analysis of a gas turbine is important for both its design and its operation. For modern gas turbines, the cooling flow introduces a noteworthy thermodynamic loss; thus, the determination of the cooling flow rate will clearly influence the accuracy of performance calculations. In this paper, a full-range performance analysis model is established for a three-spool gas turbine with an open-circuit convective blade cooling system. A hybrid turbine cooling model is embedded in the analysis to predict the amount of cooling air accurately and thus to remove the errors induced by the relatively arbitrary value of cooling air requirements in the previous research. The model is subsequently used to calculate the gas turbine performance; the calculation results are validated with detailed test data. Furthermore, multistage conjugate heat transfer analysis is performed for the turbine section. The results indicate that with the same coolant condition and flow rate as those in the performance analysis, the blade metal has been effectively cooled; in addition, the maximum temperature predicted by conjugate heat transfer analysis is close to the corresponding value in the cooling model. Hence, the present model provides an effective tool for analyzing the performance of a gas turbine with cooling. - Highlights: • We established a performance model for a gas turbine with convective cooling. • A hybrid turbine cooling model is embedded in the performance analysis. • The accuracy of the model is validated with detailed test data of the gas turbine. • Conjugate heat transfer analysis is performed for the turbine for verification

  4. Lightning protection of wind turbines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soerensen, T; Brask, M H [DEFU (Denmark); Jensen, F V; Raben, N [SEAS (Denmark); Saxov, J [Nordjyllandsvaerket (Denmark); Nielsen, L [Vestkraft (Denmark); Soerensen, P E [Risoe National Lab. (Denmark)


    Lightning damage to wind turbines is a serious problem for Danish power companies, who have experienced some cases with very costly lightning damage and a large number of cases with minor damage. The most costly cases include one catastrophic damage to an entire wind turbine, and several cases of destruction of blades, main bearings, generators and control systems. Over the years there have been several hundreds of cases with minor damage - typically damage and interruptions of the control and communication systems, or the power systems. The Danish power companies anticipate that the lightning threat will be even bigger for the large off-shore wind turbine installations that are currently being planned in Denmark. Furthermore, it is known from the off-shore wind turbines at Vindeby in Denmark that the costs of inspection and particularly repair work must be expected to be much higher off-shore as compared to wind turbines on land. These considerations was the background for a two year project concerned with investigation of lighting damages and with the formulation of a DEFU Recommendation for lightning protection of wind turbines, which was published in January 1999. The project was funded by the Danish power companies Elsam, Eltra, Elkraft and by DEFU. (au)

  5. Improving fish survival through turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferguson, J.W.


    Much of what is known about fish passage through hydroturbines has been developed by studying migratory species of fish passing through large Kaplan turbine units. A review of the literature on previous fish passage research presented in the accompanying story illustrates that studies have focused on determining mortality levels, rather than identifying the causal mechanism involved. There is a need for understanding how turbine designs could be altered to improve fish passage conditions, how to retrofit existing units, and how proposed hydro plant operational changes may affect fish survival. The US Army Corps of Engineers has developed a research program to define biologically based engineering criteria for improving fish passage conditions. Turbine designs incorporating these criteria can be evaluated for their effects on fish survival, engineering issues, costs, and power production. The research program has the following objectives: To gain a thorough knowledge of the mechanisms of fish mortality; To define the biological sensitivities of key fish species to these mechanisms of mortality; To develop new turbine design criteria to reduce fish mortality; To construct prototype turbine designs, and to test these designs for fish passage, hydro-mechanical operation, and power production; and To identify construction and power costs associated with new turbine designs

  6. Development of New Micro Hydropower Turbine


    Dousith, Phommachanh; Kurokawa, Junichi; Matsui, Jun; Choi, Young-Do


    There is a huge of available hydropower potential in the water supply system (WSS) that has been abandoned.Each time when we use a water faucet, the power of 10 to 80 watts is dissipated.In fact, this dissipated energy can be converted to useful energy by hydraulic turbine. Presently, there is not suitable turbine to use in WSS. Therefore, the new type turbine is needed to explore. In this study, Positive Displacement Turbine (PDT) is proposed. The main objective of this study is to develop n...

  7. Small power wind turbine (Type DARRIEUS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcel STERE


    Full Text Available This presentation focuses on the calculation for small vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT for an urban application. The fixed-pitch straight – bladed vertical axis wind turbine (SB-VAWT is one of the simplest types of wind turbine and accepts wind from any angle (no yaw system. This turbine is useful for moderate wind speeds (3 - 6 m/s. A case study is presented based upon the use of well documented symmetrical NACA 0012 turbine blade profile. We describe a solution for VAWT. To perform a linear static analysis in the structure, the commercial finite element analysis code ANSYS is used because of its flexibility for handling information in files written in a more or less free format.

  8. Analisis Throughput Varian TCP Pada Model Jaringan WiMAX

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Medi Taruk


    Full Text Available Transmission Control Protocol (TCP is a protocol that works at the transport layer of the OSI model. TCP was originally designed more destined for a wired network. However, to meet the need for the development of a very fast network technology based on the needs of the use by the user, it needs further development to the use of TCP on wireless devices. One implementation of a wireless network based on Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX network is a model that offers a variety advantage, particularly in terms of access speed. In this case, use NS-2 to see throughput at TCP variants tested, namely TCP-Tahoe, TCP-Reno, TCP-Vegas, and TCP-SACK over WiMAX network model, with few observations scenarios. The first is a look at each of these variants throughput of TCP when only one particular variant of the work in the network. Second observe all variants of TCP throughput at the same time and have the equivalent QoS, but with the possibility of a small congestion based on the capacity of the link is made sufficient. Third observed throughput with multi congestion. In WiMAX network has scheduling services are UGS, rtPS and ertPS using UDP protocol and nrtPS and BE using the TCP Protocol. By using the software network simulator (NS-2 to obtain performance comparison TCP protocol-based services on the WiMAX network with QoS parameters are throughput, packet loss, fairness and time delay.

  9. The effect of cloud screening on MAX-DOAS aerosol retrievals. (United States)

    Gielen, Clio; Van Roozendael, Michel; Hendrik, Francois; Fayt, Caroline; Hermans, Christian; Pinardi, Gaia; De Backer, Hugo; De Bock, Veerle; Laffineur, Quentin; Vlemmix, Tim


    In recent years, ground-based multi-axis differential absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) has shown to be ideally suited for the retrieval of tropospheric trace gases and deriving information on the aerosol properties. These measurements are invaluable to our understanding of the physics and chemistry of the atmospheric system, and the impact on the Earth's climate. Unfortunately, MAX-DOAS measurements are often performed under strong non-clear-sky conditions, causing strong data quality degradation and uncertainties on the retrievals. Here we present the result of our cloud-screening method, using the colour index (CI), on aerosol retrievals from MAX-DOAS measurements (AOD and vertical profiles). We focus on two large data sets, from the Brussels and Beijing area. Using the CI we define 3 different sky conditions: bad (=full thick cloud cover/extreme aerosols), mediocre (=thin clouds/aerosols) and good (=clear sky). We also flag the presence of broken/scattered clouds. We further compare our cloud-screening method with results from cloud-cover fractions derived from thermic infrared measurements. In general, our method shows good results to qualify the sky and cloud conditions of MAX-DOAS measurements, without the need for other external cloud-detection systems. Removing data under bad-sky and broken-cloud conditions results in a strongly improved agreement, in both correlation and slope, between the MAX-DOAS aerosol retrievals and data from other instruments (e.g. AERONET, Brewer). With the improved AOD retrievals, the seasonal and diurnal variations of the aerosol content and vertical distribution at both sites can be investigated in further detail. By combining with additional information derived by other instruments (Brewer, lidar, ...) operated at the stations, we will further study the observed aerosol characteristics, and their influence on and by meteorological conditions such as clouds and/or the boundary layer height.

  10. Superconducting wind turbine generators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abrahamsen, Asger Bech; Mijatovic, Nenad; Seiler, Eugen


    , the main challenge of the superconducting direct drive technology is to prove that the reliability is superior to the alternative drive trains based on gearboxes or permanent magnets. A strategy of successive testing of superconducting direct drive trains in real wind turbines of 10 kW, 100 kW, 1 MW and 10......We have examined the potential of 10 MW superconducting direct drive generators to enter the European offshore wind power market and estimated that the production of about 1200 superconducting turbines until 2030 would correspond to 10% of the EU offshore market. The expected properties of future...... offshore turbines of 8 and 10 MW have been determined from an up-scaling of an existing 5 MW turbine and the necessary properties of the superconducting drive train are discussed. We have found that the absence of the gear box is the main benefit and the reduced weight and size is secondary. However...

  11. Gas turbine electric generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nemoto, Masaaki; Yuhara, Tetsuo.


    When troubles are caused to a boundary of a gas turbine electric generator, there is a danger that water as an operation medium for secondary circuits leaks to primary circuits, to stop a plant and the plant itself can not resume. Then in the present invention, helium gases are used as the operation medium not only for the primary circuits but also for the secondary circuits, to provide so-called a direct cycle gas turbine system. Further, the operation media of the primary and secondary circuits are recycled by a compressor driven by a primary circuit gas turbine, and the turbine/compressor is supported by helium gas bearings. Then, problems of leakage of oil and water from the bearings or the secondary circuits can be solved, further, the cooling device in the secondary circuit is constituted as a triple-walled tube structure by way of helium gas, to prevent direct leakage of coolants into the reactor core even if cracks are formed to pipes. (N.H.)

  12. Gas turbine designer computer program - a study of using a computer for preliminary design of gas turbines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Petersson, Rickard


    This thesis presents calculation schemes and theories for preliminary design of the fan, high pressure compressor and turbine of a gas turbine. The calculations are presented step by step, making it easier to implement in other applications. The calculation schemes have been implemented as a subroutine in a thermodynamic program. The combination of the thermodynamic cycle calculation and the design calculation turned out to give quite relevant results, when predicting the geometry and performance of an existing aero engine. The program developed is able to handle several different gas turbines, including those in which the flow is split (i.e. turbofan engines). The design process is limited to the fan, compressor and turbine of the gas turbine, the rest of the components have not been considered. Output from the program are main geometry, presented both numerically and as a scale plot, component efficiencies, stresses in critical points and a simple prediction of turbine blade temperatures. 11 refs, 21 figs, 1 tab

  13. Wind Turbine Contingency Control Through Generator De-Rating (United States)

    Frost, Susan; Goebel, Kai; Balas, Mark


    Maximizing turbine up-time and reducing maintenance costs are key technology drivers for wind turbine operators. Components within wind turbines are subject to considerable stresses due to unpredictable environmental conditions resulting from rapidly changing local dynamics. In that context, systems health management has the aim to assess the state-of-health of components within a wind turbine, to estimate remaining life, and to aid in autonomous decision-making to minimize damage to the turbine. Advanced contingency control is one way to enable autonomous decision-making by providing the mechanism to enable safe and efficient turbine operation. The work reported herein explores the integration of condition monitoring of wind turbines with contingency control to balance the trade-offs between maintaining system health and energy capture. The contingency control involves de-rating the generator operating point to achieve reduced loads on the wind turbine. Results are demonstrated using a high fidelity simulator of a utility-scale wind turbine.

  14. Cold-air performance of the compressor-drive turbine of the Department of Energy baseline automobile gas-turbine engine (United States)

    Roelke, R. J.; Mclallin, K. L.


    The aerodynamic performance of the compressor-drive turbine of the DOE baseline gas-turbine engine was determined over a range of pressure ratios and speeds. In addition, static pressures were measured in the diffusing transition duct located immediately downstream of the turbine. Results are presented in terms of mass flow, torque, specific work, and efficiency for the turbine and in terms of pressure recovery and effectiveness for the transition duct.

  15. QoS Management and Control for an All-IP WiMAX Network Architecture: Design, Implementation and Evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Michael Bohnert


    Full Text Available The IEEE 802.16 standard provides a specification for a fixed and mobile broadband wireless access system, offering high data rate transmission of multimedia services with different Quality-of-Service (QoS requirements through the air interface. The WiMAX Forum, going beyond the air interface, defined an end-to-end WiMAX network architecture, based on an all-IP platform in order to complete the standards required for a commercial rollout of WiMAX as broadband wireless access solution. As the WiMAX network architecture is only a functional specification, this paper focuses on an innovative solution for an end-to-end WiMAX network architecture offering in compliance with the WiMAX Forum specification. To our best knowledge, this is the first WiMAX architecture built by a research consortium globally and was performed within the framework of the European IST project WEIRD (WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data networks. One of the principal features of our architecture is support for end-to-end QoS achieved by the integration of resource control in the WiMAX wireless link and the resource management in the wired domains in the network core. In this paper we present the architectural design of these QoS features in the overall WiMAX all-IP framework and their functional as well as performance evaluation. The presented results can safely be considered as unique and timely for any WiMAX system integrator.

  16. Robust, Gain-Scheduled Control of Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Kasper Zinck

    Wind turbines are today large and efficient machines, which are combined into wind farms operating on par with conventional power plants. When looking back, this is significantly different from the status only a few years ago, when wind turbines were sold mainly to private people. This change...... in turbine owners has resulted in a new focus on operational reliability instead of turbine size. This research deals with investigating model-based gain-scheduling control of wind turbines by use of linear parameter varying (LPV) methods. The numerical challenges grow quickly with the model size...

  17. The Dangers of Estimating V˙O2max Using Linear, Nonexercise Prediction Models. (United States)

    Nevill, Alan M; Cooke, Carlton B


    This study aimed to compare the accuracy and goodness of fit of two competing models (linear vs allometric) when estimating V˙O2max (mL·kg·min) using nonexercise prediction models. The two competing models were fitted to the V˙O2max (mL·kg·min) data taken from two previously published studies. Study 1 (the Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey) recruited 1732 randomly selected healthy participants, 16 yr and older, from 30 English parliamentary constituencies. Estimates of V˙O2max were obtained using a progressive incremental test on a motorized treadmill. In study 2, maximal oxygen uptake was measured directly during a fatigue limited treadmill test in older men (n = 152) and women (n = 146) 55 to 86 yr old. In both studies, the quality of fit associated with estimating V˙O2max (mL·kg·min) was superior using allometric rather than linear (additive) models based on all criteria (R, maximum log-likelihood, and Akaike information criteria). Results suggest that linear models will systematically overestimate V˙O2max for participants in their 20s and underestimate V˙O2max for participants in their 60s and older. The residuals saved from the linear models were neither normally distributed nor independent of the predicted values nor age. This will probably explain the absence of a key quadratic age term in the linear models, crucially identified using allometric models. Not only does the curvilinear age decline within an exponential function follow a more realistic age decline (the right-hand side of a bell-shaped curve), but the allometric models identified either a stature-to-body mass ratio (study 1) or a fat-free mass-to-body mass ratio (study 2), both associated with leanness when estimating V˙O2max. Adopting allometric models will provide more accurate predictions of V˙O2max (mL·kg·min) using plausible, biologically sound, and interpretable models.

  18. Cross-layer ultrasound video streaming over mobile WiMAX and HSUPA networks. (United States)

    Alinejad, Ali; Philip, Nada Y; Istepanian, Robert S H


    It is well known that the evolution of 4G-based mobile multimedia network systems will contribute significantly to future mobile healthcare (m-health) applications that require high bandwidth and fast data rates. Central to the success of such emerging applications is the compatibility of broadband networks, such as mobile Worldwide Interoperability For Microwave Access (WiMAX) and High-Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA), and especially their rate adaption issues combined with the acceptable real-time medical quality of service requirements. In this paper, we address the relevant challenges of cross-layer design requirements for real-time rate adaptation of ultrasound video streaming in mobile WiMAX and HSUPA networks. A comparative performance analysis of such approach is validated in two experimental m-health test bed systems for both mobile WiMAX and HSUPA networks. The experimental results have shown an improved performance of mobile WiMAX compared to the HSUPA using the same cross-layer optimization approach.

  19. A Two-Bladed Concept Wind Turbine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kim, Taeseong


    This article shows the potential for reducing extreme loads with an innovative design of wind turbine, a partial pitch two-bladed concept turbine. The most extreme conditions to test a turbine are considered to be stand-still combined with a grid failure in which the wind comes from all directions...

  20. Method of making an aero-derivative gas turbine engine (United States)

    Wiebe, David J.


    A method of making an aero-derivative gas turbine engine (100) is provided. A combustor outer casing (68) is removed from an existing aero gas turbine engine (60). An annular combustor (84) is removed from the existing aero gas turbine engine. A first row of turbine vanes (38) is removed from the existing aero gas turbine engine. A can annular combustor assembly (122) is installed within the existing aero gas turbine engine. The can annular combustor assembly is configured to accelerate and orient combustion gasses directly onto a first row of turbine blades of the existing aero gas turbine engine. A can annular combustor assembly outer casing (108) is installed to produce the aero-derivative gas turbine engine (100). The can annular combustor assembly is installed within an axial span (85) of the existing aero gas turbine engine vacated by the annular combustor and the first row of turbine vanes.

  1. Experimental investigation of the turbine instability of a pump-turbine during synchronization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guggenberger, M; Senn, F; Schiffer, J; Jaberg, H; Gentner, C; Sallaberger, M; Widmer, C


    Although the technology of pump-turbines is generally well known the operation is still affected by flow phenomena that are quite complex and not fully understood. One of these phenomena is the S-shape instability which occurs in turbine mode at low load operation, close to runaway conditions. The instability results in an S-shape of the turbine characteristics and complicates the synchronization of the machine. Numerical investigations performed in the past indicated that the occurrence of turbine instabilities is connected with the appearance of rotor-stator interactions, and backflow regions in the vane less space between guide vane and impeller. This paper presents the results and conclusions of experimental investigations of pump-turbine instabilities carried out to find a practical explanation for the flow phenomena responsible for the appearance of the S-shaped characteristics. In the scope of a joint research project with Andritz Hydro, the Institute for Hydraulic Fluidmachinery at Graz University of Technology optimized an existing 4-quadrant test rig for an experimental investigation at off design conditions featuring the possibility for adjusting stable operation of instabilities. All the experimental investigations were based on IEC60193-standard using a pump turbine model provided by Andritz Hydro AG. In addition to the standard measurements of flow rate, head and efficiency the interaction between model and its hydraulic environment were analysed by dynamic pressure sensors. Additional pressure sensors integrated in the guide vane apparatus were used to investigate pressure distributions in the model. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) allowed the measurement of the velocity field in the vane less space between impeller and guide vanes and in the environment of two single guide vanes. The experimental investigations were focused on operation points in the S-shape region of the characteristics. For each operation point 190 double images for 20 rotor

  2. A Take Stock of Turbine Blades Failure Phenomenon (United States)

    Roy, Abhijit


    Turbine Blade design and engineering is one of the most complicated and important aspects of turbine technology. Experiments with blades can be simple or very complicated, depending upon parameters of analysis. Turbine blades are subjected to vigorous environments, such as high temperatures, high stresses, and a potentially high vibration environment. All these factors can lead to blade failures, which can destroy the turbine, and engine, so careful design is the prime consideration to resist those conditions. A high cycle of fatigue of compressor and turbine blades due to high dynamic stress caused by blade vibration and resonance within the operating range of machinery is common failure mode for turbine machine. Continuous study and investigation on failure of turbine blades are going on since last five decades. Some review papers published during these days aiming to present a review on recent studies and investigations done on failures of turbine blades. All the detailed literature related with the turbine blades has not been described but emphasized to provide all the methodologies of failures adopted by various researches to investigate turbine blade. This paper illustrate on various factors of failure.

  3. Cinética do consumo de oxigênio e tempo limite na vvo2max: comparação entre homens e mulheres Oxygen uptake kinetics and threshold time at the vVO2max: tomparison between men and women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Henrique Silva Marques de Azevedo


    Full Text Available Foi investigada a influência do gênero no tempo limite (Tlim e na cinética do VO2 durante corrida na velocidade associada ao VO2max (vVO2max em nove homens e nove mulheres, todos adultos, jovens e sedentários, com idades entre 20 e 30 anos. Homens e mulheres realizaram dois testes em esteira rolante, sendo um teste incremental para determinar VO2max (42,66 ± 4,50 vs. 32,92 ± 6, e vVO2max (13.2 ± 1.5 vs. 10,3 ± 2,0km.h-1, respectivamente. Um segundo teste com carga constante na vVO2max até a exaustão. O Tlim e a cinética do VO2 foram determinados. Não houve diferença significante entre homens e mulheres para constante de tempo (τ (35,76 ± 21,03 vs. 36,5 ± 6,21s, respectivamente; P = 0,29; Tlim (308 ± 84,3 vs. 282,11 ± 57,19s, respectivamente; P = 0,68, tempo para atingir o VO2max (TAVO2max (164,48 ± 96,73 vs. 167,88 ± 28,59s, respectivamente; P = 0,29, tempo para atingir o VO2max em percentual do Tlim (%Tlim (50,24 ± 16,93 vs. 62,63 ± 16,60%, respectivamente; P = 0,19, tempo mantido no VO2max (TMVO2max (144,08 ± 42,55 vs. 114,23 ± 76,96s, respectivamente; P = 0,13. Estes resultados sugerem que a cinética do VO2 e o Tlim são similares entre homens e mulheres sedentários na vVO2max.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of gender on Tthre and VO2 response during running exercise performed at vVO2max. Therefore, eighteen untrained individuals (9 male and 9 female with normal weight and aged between 20 - 30 years (VO2max = 42.66 ± 4.50 vs 32.92 ± 6.03 and vVO2max = 13.2 ± 1.5 vs 10.3 ± 2.0 km.h-1, for male and female, respectively were assessed. Subjects performed two exercise tests on treadmill. First one was an incremental test to determine VO2max, velocity at VO2max (vVO2max and second test was performed at steady velocity - vVO2max - until exhaustion. The threshold time (Tthre and VO2 kinetics response was determined. No significant differences were observed between men

  4. Advances in wind turbine blade design and materials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wind energy is gaining critical ground in the area of renewable energy, with wind energy being predicted to provide up to 8% of the world’s consumption of electricity by 2021. Advances in wind turbine blade design and materials reviews the design and functionality of wind turbine rotor blades...... as well as the requirements and challenges for composite materials used in both current and future designs of wind turbine blades. Part one outlines the challenges and developments in wind turbine blade design, including aerodynamic and aeroelastic design features, fatigue loads on wind turbine blades......, and characteristics of wind turbine blade airfoils. Part two discusses the fatigue behavior of composite wind turbine blades, including the micromechanical modelling and fatigue life prediction of wind turbine blade composite materials, and the effects of resin and reinforcement variations on the fatigue resistance...

  5. 3D-PTV around Operational Wind Turbines (United States)

    Brownstein, Ian; Dabiri, John


    Laboratory studies and numerical simulations of wind turbines are typically constrained in how they can inform operational turbine behavior. Laboratory experiments are usually unable to match both pertinent parameters of full-scale wind turbines, the Reynolds number (Re) and tip speed ratio, using scaled-down models. Additionally, numerical simulations of the flow around wind turbines are constrained by the large domain size and high Re that need to be simulated. When these simulations are preformed, turbine geometry is typically simplified resulting in flow structures near the rotor not being well resolved. In order to bypass these limitations, a quantitative flow visualization method was developed to take in situ measurements of the flow around wind turbines at the Field Laboratory for Optimized Wind Energy (FLOWE) in Lancaster, CA. The apparatus constructed was able to seed an approximately 9m x 9m x 5m volume in the wake of the turbine using artificial snow. Quantitative measurements were obtained by tracking the evolution of the artificial snow using a four camera setup. The methodology for calibrating and collecting data, as well as preliminary results detailing the flow around a 2kW vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT), will be presented.

  6. Effects of Icing on Wind Turbine Fatigue Loads

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frohboese, Peter; Anders, Andreas


    The external conditions occurring at cold climate sites will affect wind turbines in different ways. The effects of ice accretion on wind turbines and the influence on the turbine fatigue loads are examined. The amount of icing prior to turbine installation needs to be estimated by using standard measurement data and considering the geometry of the proposed turbine. A procedure to calculate the expected ice accretion on wind turbines out of standard measurement data is explained and the results are discussed. Different parameters to describe the accreted ice on the turbine are examined separately in a fatigue load calculation. The results of the fatigue load calculation are discussed and selected cases are presented

  7. Structural Reliability Aspects in Design of Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    Reliability assessment, optimal design and optimal operation and maintenance of wind turbines are an area of significant interest for the fast growing wind turbine industry for sustainable production of energy. Offshore wind turbines in wind farms give special problems due to wake effects inside...... the farm. Reliability analysis and optimization of wind turbines require that the special conditions for wind turbine operation are taken into account. Control of the blades implies load reductions for large wind speeds and parking for high wind speeds. In this paper basic structural failure modes for wind...... turbines are described. Further, aspects are presented related to reliability-based optimization of wind turbines, assessment of optimal reliability level and operation and maintenance....

  8. Introduction to wind turbine aerodynamics

    CERN Document Server

    Schaffarczyk, Alois Peter


    Wind-Turbine Aerodynamics is a self-contained textbook which shows how to come from the basics of fluid mechanics to modern wind turbine blade design. It presents a fundamentals of fluid dynamics and inflow conditions, and gives a extensive introduction into theories describing the aerodynamics of wind turbines. After introducing experiments the book applies the knowledge to explore the impact on blade design.The book is an introduction for professionals and students of very varying levels.

  9. Feasibility of water injection into the turbine coolant to permit gas turbine contingency power for helicopter application (United States)

    Vanfossen, G. J.


    A system which would allow a substantially increased output from a turboshaft engine for brief periods in emergency situations with little or no loss of turbine stress rupture life is proposed and studied analytically. The increased engine output is obtained by overtemperaturing the turbine; however, the temperature of the compressor bleed air used for hot section cooling is lowered by injecting and evaporating water. This decrease in cooling air temperature can offset the effect of increased gas temperature and increased shaft speed and thus keep turbine blade stress rupture life constant. The analysis utilized the NASA-Navy-Engine-Program or NNEP computer code to model the turboshaft engine in both design and off-design modes. This report is concerned with the effect of the proposed method of power augmentation on the engine cycle and turbine components. A simple cycle turboshaft engine with a 16:1 pressure ratio and a 1533 K (2760 R) turbine inlet temperature operating at sea level static conditions was studied to determine the possible power increase and the effect on turbine stress rupture life that could be expected using the proposed emergency cooling scheme. The analysis showed a 54 percent increse in output power can be achieved with no loss in gas generator turbine stress rupture life. A 231 K (415 F) rise in turbine inlet temperature is required for this level of augmentation. The required water flow rate was found to be .0109 kg water per kg of engine air flow.

  10. [Psychiatry as cultural science: considerations following Max Weber]. (United States)

    Bormuth, M


    Psychiatry can be seen as a natural and cultural science. According to this the postulate of freedom is its strong value judgment. Since the times of enlightenment it has been described metaphorically by the myth of the expulsion from Paradise. Following Max Weber and Wilhelm Dilthey, Karl Jaspers has introduced this perspective into psychiatry. His strict dichotomy between explaining and understanding has later been critically revised by Werner Janzarik and Hans Heimann. Their concepts of structure dynamic, of pathography and of anthropology are closer to Max Weber who connected natural and cultural sciences in a much stronger way. Especially the pathographic example of Nietzsche allows to demonstrate the differences between Jaspers and the later psychopathologists of the Heidelberg and Tübingen schools.

  11. Composite turbine bucket assembly (United States)

    Liotta, Gary Charles; Garcia-Crespo, Andres


    A composite turbine blade assembly includes a ceramic blade including an airfoil portion, a shank portion and an attachment portion; and a transition assembly adapted to attach the ceramic blade to a turbine disk or rotor, the transition assembly including first and second transition components clamped together, trapping said ceramic airfoil therebetween. Interior surfaces of the first and second transition portions are formed to mate with the shank portion and the attachment portion of the ceramic blade, and exterior surfaces of said first and second transition components are formed to include an attachment feature enabling the transition assembly to be attached to the turbine rotor or disk.

  12. Steam turbine installations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bainbridge, A.


    The object of the arrangement described is to enable raising steam for driving steam turbines in a way suited to operating with liquid metals, such as Na, as heat transfer medium. A preheated water feed, in heat transfer relationship with the liquid metals, is passed through evaporator and superheater stages, and the superheated steam is supplied to the highest pressure stage of the steam turbine arrangement. Steam extracted intermediate the evaporator and superheater stages is employed to provide reheat for the lower pressure stage of the steam turbine. Only a major portion of the preheated water feed may be evaporated and this portion separated and supplied to the superheater stage. The feature of 'steam to steam' reheat avoids a second liquid metal heat transfer and hence represents a simplification. It also reduces the hazard associated with possible steam-liquid metal contact. (U.K.)

  13. Wind Turbine Acoustics (United States)

    Hubbard, Harvey H.; Shepherd, Kevin P.


    Wind turbine generators, ranging in size from a few kilowatts to several megawatts, are producing electricity both singly and in wind power stations that encompass hundreds of machines. Many installations are in uninhabited areas far from established residences, and therefore there are no apparent environmental impacts in terms of noise. There is, however, the potential for situations in which the radiated noise can be heard by residents of adjacent neighborhoods, particularly those neighborhoods with low ambient noise levels. A widely publicized incident of this nature occurred with the operation of the experimental Mod-1 2-MW wind turbine, which is described in detail elsewhere. Pioneering studies which were conducted at the Mod-1 site on the causes and remedies of noise from wind turbines form the foundation of much of the technology described in this chapter.

  14. WindPACT Reference Wind Turbines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dykes, Katherine L [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Rinker, Jennifer [Former National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) employee


    To fully understand how loads and turbine cost scale with turbine size, it is necessary to have identical turbine models that have been scaled to different rated powers. The report presents the WindPACT baseline models, which are a series of four baseline models that were designed to facilitate investigations into the scalings of loads and turbine cost with size. The models have four different rated powers (750 kW, 1.5 MW, 3.0 MW, and 5.0 MW), and each model was designed to its specified rated power using the same design methodology. The models were originally implemented in FAST_AD, the predecessor to NREL's open-source wind turbine simulator FAST, but have yet to be implemented in FAST. This report contains the specifications for all four WindPACT baseline models - including structural, aerodynamic, and control specifications - along with the inherent assumptions and equations that were used to calculate the model parameters. It is hoped that these baseline models will serve as extremely useful resources for investigations into the scalings of costs, loads, or optimization routines.

  15. Materials for Wind Turbine Blades: An Overview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mishnaevsky, Leon; Branner, Kim; Petersen, Helga Nørgaard


    A short overview of composite materials for wind turbine applications is presented here. Requirements toward the wind turbine materials, loads, as well as available materials are reviewed. Apart from the traditional composites for wind turbine blades (glass fibers/epoxy matrix composites), natural...... composites, hybrid and nanoengineered composites are discussed. Manufacturing technologies for wind turbine composites, as well their testing and modelling approaches are reviewed....

  16. Materials for Wind Turbine Blades: An Overview. (United States)

    Mishnaevsky, Leon; Branner, Kim; Petersen, Helga Nørgaard; Beauson, Justine; McGugan, Malcolm; Sørensen, Bent F


    A short overview of composite materials for wind turbine applications is presented here. Requirements toward the wind turbine materials, loads, as well as available materials are reviewed. Apart from the traditional composites for wind turbine blades (glass fibers/epoxy matrix composites), natural composites, hybrid and nanoengineered composites are discussed. Manufacturing technologies for wind turbine composites, as well their testing and modelling approaches are reviewed.

  17. Noise annoyance from wind turbines a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedersen, Eja


    This study summarises present knowledge on noise perception and annoyances from wind turbines in areas were people live or spend recreation time. There are two main types of noise from a wind turbine: mechanical noise and aerodynamic noise. The aerodynamic noise emits from the rotor blades passing the air. It has a swishing character with a modulation that makes it noticeable from the background noise. This part of the wind turbine noise was found to be the most annoying. Field studies performed among people living in the vicinity of wind turbines showed that there was a correlation between sound pressure level and noise annoyance, but annoyance was also influenced by visual factors such as the attitude to wind turbines' impact on the landscape. Noise annoyance was found at lower sound pressure levels than in studies of annoyance from traffic noise. There is no scientific evidence that noise at levels created by wind turbines could cause health problems other than annoyance. No studies on noise from wind turbines in wilderness areas have been found, but the reaction to other noise sources such as aircraft have been studied. In recreational areas, the expectation of quietness is high among visitors, but wind turbines are, in contrary to aircraft, stationary and could be avoided by recreationists. The visual impact of wind turbines might though be the dominant source of annoyance. Regulations on noise from wind turbines are based on different principles. Some states, e.g. Denmark, have a special legislation concerning wind turbines, while others, like Sweden, have used recommendations originally developed for a different noise source. The noise level could either be absolute, as in Germany, or related to the background noise level as in France. This background noise level could be standardised, measured or related to wind speed

  18. Improvement of turbine materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jakobeit, W.; Pfeifer, J.P.


    Materials for turbine blades and rotors are discussed with a view to the following subjects: Long period creep behaviour, gas/metal reactions, fatigue behaviour in long-term and creep strength testing, fracture mechanics testing, creep/fatigue interactions, development of a turbine blade of TZM, jointing of TZM, decontamination. (orig./IHOE) [de

  19. Performance and safety of hydraulic turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brekke, H


    The first part of the paper contains the choice of small turbines for run of the river power plants. Then a discussion is given on the optimization of the performance of different types of large turbines. Finally a discussion on the safety and necessary maintenance of turbines is given with special attention to bolt connections.

  20. Site-optimization of wind turbine generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wolff, T.J. de; Thillerup, J. [Nordtank Energy Group, Richmond, VA (United States)


    The Danish Company Nordtank is one of the pioneers within the wind turbine industry. Since 1981 Nordtank has installed worldwide more than 2500 wind turbine generators with a total name plate capacity that is exceeding 450 MW. The opening up of new and widely divergent markets has demanded an extremely flexible approach towards wind turbine construction. The Nordtank product range has expanded considerable in recent years, with the main objective to develop wind energy conversion machines that can run profitable in any given case. This paper will describe site optimization of Nordtank wind turbines. Nordtank has developed a flexible design concept for its WTGs in the 500/750 kW range, in order to offer the optimal WTG solution for any given site and wind regime. Through this flexible design, the 500/750 turbine line can adjust the rotor diameter, tower height and many other components to optimally fit the turbine to each specific project. This design philosophy will be illustrated with some case histories of recently completed projects.

  1. NiMax: a new approach to develop hadronic event generators in HEP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amelin, N.; Komogorov, M.


    The NiMax framework is a new approach to develop, assemble and use hadronic event generators in HEP. There are several important concepts of the NiMax architecture: the components, the data file, the application domain module, the control system and the project. Here we describe these concepts stressing their functionality

  2. Research and development of cooled turbine for aircraft engines. Koku engine yo reikyaku turbine no kenkyu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maya, T; Yamawaki, S [Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    For the turbine which is one of the principal elements of aircraft engine, progress in turbine use material development and cooling performance further heightened for the turbine are needed to grapple with the required heightening of turbine inlet temperature. In the present paper based on the turbine inlet temperature designed to be 1600[degree]C as a target, a two-dimensional model used for the turbine cooling performance test was structurally given together with the result of the above test which aimed at confirming the design calculation. As a result of cooling design for the turbine which was about 1600[degree]C in inlet temperature, the highest gas temperature was 1890 and 1470[degree]C on the stator blade and rotor blade, respectively. Both those blades were 0.66 and 0.62, respectively in cooling efficiency. To test the cooling performance, a two-dimensional cascade was tested with a doubly amplified model of cooling blade, the use of which could set its Reynolds number near that of the actual one. As compared with the actual operation, the test was made at low temperatures of 400 to 500[degree]C and low pressures of 0.02 to 0.03MPa. The test agreed with the design calculation in result. 4 refs., 8 figs.

  3. Active control: Wind turbine model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bindner, Henrik


    This report is a part of the reporting of the work done in the project `Active Control of Wind Turbines`. This project aim is to develop a simulation model for design of control systems for turbines with pitch control and to use that model to design controllers. This report describes the model developed for controller design and analysis. Emphasis has been put on establishment of simple models describing the dynamic behavior of the wind turbine in adequate details for controller design. This has been done with extensive use of measurements as the basis for selection of model complexity and model validation as well as parameter estimation. The model includes a simple model of the structure of the turbine including tower and flapwise blade bending, a detailed model of the gear box and induction generator, a linearized aerodynamic model including modelling of induction lag and actuator and sensor models. The models are all formulated as linear differential equations. The models are validated through comparisons with measurements performed on a Vestas WD 34 400 kW wind turbine. It is shown from a control point of view simple linear models can be used to describe the dynamic behavior of a pitch controlled wind turbine. The model and the measurements corresponds well in the relevant frequency range. The developed model is therefore applicable for controller design. (au) EFP-91. 18 ills., 22 refs.

  4. On the Fatigue Analysis of Wind Turbines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sutherland, Herbert J.


    Modern wind turbines are fatigue critical machines that are typically used to produce electrical power from the wind. Operational experiences with these large rotating machines indicated that their components (primarily blades and blade joints) were failing at unexpectedly high rates, which led the wind turbine community to develop fatigue analysis capabilities for wind turbines. Our ability to analyze the fatigue behavior of wind turbine components has matured to the point that the prediction of service lifetime is becoming an essential part of the design process. In this review paper, I summarize the technology and describe the ''best practices'' for the fatigue analysis of a wind turbine component. The paper focuses on U.S. technology, but cites European references that provide important insights into the fatigue analysis of wind turbines.

  5. Status of large scale wind turbine technology development abroad?

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Ye LI; Lei DUAN


    To facilitate the large scale (multi-megawatt) wind turbine development in China, the foreign e?orts and achievements in the area are reviewed and summarized. Not only the popular horizontal axis wind turbines on-land but also the o?shore wind turbines, vertical axis wind turbines, airborne wind turbines, and shroud wind turbines are discussed. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive comment and assessment about the basic work principle, economic aspects, and environmental impacts of turbines.

  6. A linear programming approach to max-sum problem: a review. (United States)

    Werner, Tomás


    The max-sum labeling problem, defined as maximizing a sum of binary (i.e., pairwise) functions of discrete variables, is a general NP-hard optimization problem with many applications, such as computing the MAP configuration of a Markov random field. We review a not widely known approach to the problem, developed by Ukrainian researchers Schlesinger et al. in 1976, and show how it contributes to recent results, most importantly, those on the convex combination of trees and tree-reweighted max-product. In particular, we review Schlesinger et al.'s upper bound on the max-sum criterion, its minimization by equivalent transformations, its relation to the constraint satisfaction problem, the fact that this minimization is dual to a linear programming relaxation of the original problem, and the three kinds of consistency necessary for optimality of the upper bound. We revisit problems with Boolean variables and supermodular problems. We describe two algorithms for decreasing the upper bound. We present an example application for structural image analysis.

  7. Axial Turbine Aerodynamic Design of Small Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Joung Seok; Lee, Wu Sang; Ryu, Je Wook


    This study describes the aerodynamic design procedure for the axial turbines of a small heavy-duty gas turbine engine being developed by Docosan Heavy Industries. The design procedure mainly consists of three parts: namely, flow path design, airfoil design, and 3a performance calculation. To design the optimized flow path, through flow calculations as well as the loss estimation are widely used to evaluate the effect of geometric variables, for example, shape of meridional plane, mean radius, blades axial gap, and had angle. During the airfoil design procedure, the optimum number of blades is calculated by empirical correlations based on the in/outlet flow angles, and then 2a airfoil planar sections are designed carefully, followed by 2a B2 NS calculations. The designed planar sections are stacked along the span wise direction, leading to a 3a surfaced airfoil shape. To consider the 3a effect on turbine performance, 3a multistage Euler calculation, single row, and multistage NS calculations are performed

  8. Hazard Assessment Computer System HACS/UIM Users’ Operation Manual. Volume II. (United States)


    TIME OF REL 0,0000 S -0.1000E+14 0.IO00E+15 4005 MX TEMP TANK 0.0000 C -0.1000E+14 0.1000E+15 4006 FLAME LENGTH 0.0000 CM 0.0000 0.1000E+14 4007 DIAM...400 4006 FLAME LENGTH 2079 TNS STR 800 4007 DIAM FLAME 2080 TNS STR 1200 4008 FLAME ANGLE 2081 TNS STR 1600 4009 SAF SEP WOOD 2082 TNK HEAT FLG 4010 MAX...TIME 4055 COORD X 2012 FLAME ANGLE 4008 COORD Y 2013 FLAME LENGTH 4006 COORD Z 2014 FLAME TEMP 1019 CRIT DEPTH 4046 FLUX VAR 2022 CRIT. FLAG 2025 GAS

  9. Efisiensi Prototipe Turbin Savonius pada Kecepatan Angin Rendah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melda Latif


    Full Text Available Wind energy can be transformed into electrical energy using wind turbine. Based on rotation axis, there are two types of wind turbine, namely turbine with horizontal axis and the one with vertical axis. Turbine with vertical axis has been known with various names that are Darrieus turbine, Savonius turbine and H turbine. This research designed and implemented a prototype of simple Savonius turbine for small scale wind speed. Resistor with resistance of 200 ohm and LED are used as the load. Material of the prototype is alumunium plate, which is light and easy to find. The experiment was conducted at the beach. Permanent magnet synchronous generator was chosen for generating equipment. Voltage resulted by the generator increased as the wind speed increased. The prototype began rotating at wind speed 2.4 m/s. Average efficiency for Y and D connected load are 4.8% and 14.5% respectively.

  10. Using MaxCompiler for the high level synthesis of trigger algorithms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Summers, S.; Rose, A.; Sanders, P.


    Firmware for FPGA trigger applications at the CMS experiment is conventionally written using hardware description languages such as Verilog and VHDL. MaxCompiler is an alternative, Java based, tool for developing FPGA applications which uses a higher level of abstraction from the hardware than a hardware description language. An implementation of the jet and energy sum algorithms for the CMS Level-1 calorimeter trigger has been written using MaxCompiler to benchmark against the VHDL implementation in terms of accuracy, latency, resource usage, and code size. A Kalman Filter track fitting algorithm has been developed using MaxCompiler for a proposed CMS Level-1 track trigger for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade. The design achieves a low resource usage, and has a latency of 187.5 ns per iteration.

  11. Using MaxCompiler for the high level synthesis of trigger algorithms (United States)

    Summers, S.; Rose, A.; Sanders, P.


    Firmware for FPGA trigger applications at the CMS experiment is conventionally written using hardware description languages such as Verilog and VHDL. MaxCompiler is an alternative, Java based, tool for developing FPGA applications which uses a higher level of abstraction from the hardware than a hardware description language. An implementation of the jet and energy sum algorithms for the CMS Level-1 calorimeter trigger has been written using MaxCompiler to benchmark against the VHDL implementation in terms of accuracy, latency, resource usage, and code size. A Kalman Filter track fitting algorithm has been developed using MaxCompiler for a proposed CMS Level-1 track trigger for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade. The design achieves a low resource usage, and has a latency of 187.5 ns per iteration.

  12. Advanced IGCC/Hydrogen Gas Turbine Development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    York, William [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Hughes, Michael [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Berry, Jonathan [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Russell, Tamara [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Lau, Y. C. [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Liu, Shan [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Arnett, Michael [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Peck, Arthur [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Tralshawala, Nilesh [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Weber, Joseph [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Benjamin, Marc [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Iduate, Michelle [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Kittleson, Jacob [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Garcia-Crespo, Andres [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Delvaux, John [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Casanova, Fernando [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Lacy, Ben [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Brzek, Brian [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Wolfe, Chris [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Palafox, Pepe [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Ding, Ben [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Badding, Bruce [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); McDuffie, Dwayne [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States); Zemsky, Christine [General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY (United States)


    The objective of this program was to develop the technologies required for a fuel flexible (coal derived hydrogen or syngas) gas turbine for IGCC that met DOE turbine performance goals. The overall DOE Advanced Power System goal was to conduct the research and development (R&D) necessary to produce coal-based IGCC power systems with high efficiency, near-zero emissions, and competitive capital cost. To meet this goal, the DOE Fossil Energy Turbine Program had as an interim objective of 2 to 3 percentage points improvement in combined cycle (CC) efficiency. The final goal is 3 to 5 percentage points improvement in CC efficiency above the state of the art for CC turbines in IGCC applications at the time the program started. The efficiency goals were for NOx emissions of less than 2 ppm NOx (@15 % O2). As a result of the technologies developed under this program, the DOE goals were exceeded with a projected 8 point efficiency improvement. In addition, a new combustion technology was conceived of and developed to overcome the challenges of burning hydrogen and achieving the DOE’s NOx goal. This report also covers the developments under the ARRA-funded portion of the program that include gas turbine technology advancements for improvement in the efficiency, emissions, and cost performance of gas turbines for industrial applications with carbon capture and sequestration. Example applications could be cement plants, chemical plants, refineries, steel and aluminum plants, manufacturing facilities, etc. The DOE’s goal for more than 5 percentage point improvement in efficiency was met with cycle analyses performed for representative IGCC Steel Mill and IGCC Refinery applications. Technologies were developed in this program under the following areas: combustion, larger latter stage buckets, CMC and EBC, advanced materials and coatings, advanced configurations to reduce cooling, sealing and rotor purge flows, turbine aerodynamics, advanced sensors, advancements in first

  13. Relationship between running kinematic changes and time limit at vVO2max

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo De Lucca


    Exhaustive running at maximal oxygen uptake velocity (vVO2max can alter running kinematic parameters and increase energy cost along the time. The aims of the present study were to compare characteristics of ankle and knee kinematics during running at vVO2max and to verify the relationship between changes in kinematic variables and time limit (Tlim. Eleven male volunteers, recreational players of team sports, performed an incremental running test until volitional exhaustion to determine vVO2max and a constant velocity test at vVO2max. Subjects were filmed continuously from the left sagittal plane at 210 Hz for further kinematic analysis. The maximal plantar flexion during swing (p<0.01 was the only variable that increased significantly from beginning to end of the run. Increase in ankle angle at contact was the only variable related to Tlim (r=0.64; p=0.035 and explained 34% of the performance in the test. These findings suggest that the individuals under study maintained a stable running style at vVO2max and that increase in plantar flexion explained the performance in this test when it was applied in non-runners.

  14. Steam turbines for PWR stations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muscroft, J.


    The thermodynamic cycle requirements and mechanical design features applying to modern GEC 3000 rev/min steam turbines for pressurised water reactor power stations are reviewed. The most recent developments include machines of 630 MW and 985 MW output which are currently under construction. The importance of service experience with nuclear wet steam turbines associated with a variety of types of water cooled reactor and its relevance to the design of modern 3000 rev/min turbines for pressurised water reactor applications is emphasised. (author)

  15. Determination of the wind power systems load to achieve operation in the maximum energy area (United States)

    Chioncel, C. P.; Tirian, G. O.; Spunei, E.; Gillich, N.


    This paper analyses the operation of the wind turbine, WT, in the maximum power point, MPP, by linking the load of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator, PMSG, with the wind speed value. The load control methods at wind power systems aiming an optimum performance in terms of energy are based on the fact that the energy captured by the wind turbine significantly depends on the mechanical angular speed of the wind turbine. The presented control method consists in determining the optimal mechanical angular speed, ωOPTIM, using an auxiliary low power wind turbine, WTAUX, operating without load, at maximum angular velocity, ωMAX. The method relies on the fact that the ratio ωOPTIM/ωMAX has a constant value for a given wind turbine and does not depend on the time variation of the wind speed values.

  16. Jet spoiler arrangement for wind turbine (United States)

    Cyrus, J. D.; Kablec, E. G.; Klimas, P. C.


    An air jet spoiler arrangement is provided for a Darrieus-type vertical axis wind-powered turbine. Air is drawn into hollow turbine blades through air inlets at the end thereof and is ejected in the form of air jets through small holes or openings provided along the lengths of the blades. The air jets create flow separation at the surfaces of the turbine blades, thereby including stal conditions and reducing the output power. A feedback control unit senses the power output of the turbine and controls the amount of air drawn into the air inlets accordingly.

  17. Jet spoiler arrangement for wind turbine (United States)

    Cyrus, Jack D.; Kadlec, Emil G.; Klimas, Paul C.


    An air jet spoiler arrangement is provided for a Darrieus-type vertical axis wind-powered turbine. Air is drawn into hollow turbine blades through air inlets at the ends thereof and is ejected in the form of air jets through small holes or openings provided along the lengths of the blades. The air jets create flow separation at the surfaces of the turbine blades, thereby inducing stall conditions and reducing the output power. A feedback control unit senses the power output of the turbine and controls the amount of air drawn into the air inlets accordingly.

  18. Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Silinder Pengganggu Di Depan Returning Blade Turbin Angin Savonius Terhadap Performa Turbin “ Studi Kasus Untuk Rasio Diameter Silinder Pengganggu Terhadap Diameter Turbin (d/D = 0,75 “

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Retno Dewi Pamungkas


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki sumber daya alam yang melimpah, dimana sumber daya alam tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber energi. Seiring berjalannya waktu, ketersediaannya semakin menipis. Untuk mengatasi ketergantungan energi fosil, maka perlu pengembangan untuk mendapatkan sumber energi terbarukan.  Energi terbarukan yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan secara optimal dan berpotensi untuk dikembangkan adalah energi angin. Dengan meletakkan silinder pengganggu di depan returning blade turbin angin tipe Savonius, maka performa turbin angin dapat ditingkatkan. Hal tersebut merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Untuk meningkatkan performa turbin angin Savonius yang berdiameter (D = 60 mm dan tinggi (H = 80 mm, digunakan silinder yang berdiameter (d = 45 mm yang diletakkan di depan returning blade turbin. Pengganggu diletakkan dengan variasi jarak 1,5 ≤ S/D ≤ 2,4. Penelitian dilakukan di dalam open circuit wind tunnel, dengan dimensi tes uji; panjang 457 mm, lebar 304 mm dan tinggi 304 mm. Pada kecepatan angin masuk sebesar 8,77 m/s; 10,97 m/s; 13,16 m/s yang sesuai dengan Re = 6,0 x 104; 7,5 x 104; 9,0 x 104 Kecepatan angin diukur menggunakan pitot-static tube ­yang terhubung dengan inclined manometer. Putaran dari turbin angin diukur menggunakan tachometer, torsi statis menggunakan torque meter dan daya turbin angin diperoleh dengan mengukur tegangan dan kuat arus yang dihasilkan oleh generator yang terhubung dengan poros turbin Savonius. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan silinder pengganggu yang diletakkan di depan returning blade terbukti efektif meningkatkan performa turbin angin. Selain itu, variasi jarak S/D yang diteliti berpengaruh terhadap performa turbin Savonius. Untuk semua bilangan Reynolds yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa jarak S/D = 1,7 terbukti efektif meningkatkan performa turbin Savonius yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Hal ini ditandai dengan peak value dari putaran

  19. Reliability Assessment Of Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    Reduction of cost of energy for wind turbines are very important in order to make wind energy competitive compared to other energy sources. Therefore the turbine components should be designed to have sufficient reliability but also not be too costly (and safe). This paper presents models...... for uncertainty modeling and reliability assessment of especially the structural components such as tower, blades, substructure and foundation. But since the function of a wind turbine is highly dependent on many electrical and mechanical components as well as a control system also reliability aspects...... of these components are discussed and it is described how there reliability influences the reliability of the structural components. Two illustrative examples are presented considering uncertainty modeling, reliability assessment and calibration of partial safety factors for structural wind turbine components exposed...

  20. Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Sudut Plat Pengganggu Di Depan Returning Blade Turbin Angin Tipe Savonius Terhadap Performa Turbin “ Studi Kasus Untuk Rasio Lebar Plat Pengganggu Terhadap Diameter Turbin (L/D = 1,4144”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoga Erry Priandika


    Full Text Available Energi Angin merupakan salah satu energi alternatif yang sangat menjanjikan jika dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Pemanfaatan energi angin untuk diubah menjadi energi listrik dapat menggunakan turbin angin dan generator. Turbin angin tipe Savonius merupakan rotor angin dengan sumbu tegak (vertical yang dikembangkan oleh Singuard J. Savonius pada tahun 1920. Salah satu kelemahan yang dimiliki turbin Savonius yaitu efisiensi yang rendah. Torsi dan putaran yang dihasilkan oleh turbin Savonius disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan gaya drag pada advancing blade dan returning blade. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan performa turbin Savonius  dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian plat pengganggu didepan returning blade. Untuk meningkatkan performa turbin Savonius dengan diameter D sebesar 60 mm dan tinggi h sebesar 80 mm, sebuah plat dengan tebal 3 mm dan lebar 84,9 mm digunakan sebagai pengganggu yang diletakkan didepan returning blade turbin. Pengganggu tersebut diletakkan dengan pada sudut 0o< ɑ < 90o. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada subsonic open circuit wind tunnel. Alat ini memiliki panjang 2980 mm, dengan test section 304 mm x 304 mm. Kecepatan free stream pada wind tunnel diatur sebesar 8,752 m/s, 10,94 m/s, 13,128 m/s, sesuai dengan Reynolds number Re = 6.0 x 104, 7.5 x 104, 9.0 x 104 (berdasarkan panjang karakteristik d = 2D-b, dimana b adalah lebar diameter overlap dari kedua sudu turbin, dan kecepatan free stream. Kecepatan aliran udara diukur menggunakan static pitot tube yang dihubungkan dengan inclined manometer. Putaran turbin Savonius diukur menggunakan tachometer. Torsi statis diukur menggunakan torsi meter digital dan daya output dihasilkan dari pengukuran tegangan dan arus listrik yang dihasilkan generator yang dihubungkan dengan poros turbin. Untuk Re = 60.000, penggunaan plat dengan lebar L/D = 1,4144 pada posisi ɑ = 40o sebagai pengganggu didepan turbin Savonius, terbukti paling efektif untuk meningkatkan performa turbin Savonius. Pada

  1. Achievement report for fiscal 1989. Research and development of ceramic gas turbine (Regenerative single-shaft axial-flow turbine for cogeneration); 1989 nendo ceramic gas turbine no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Cogeneration yo saisei ichijikushiki jikuryu turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With an objective to research and develop a 300-kW class regenerative single-shaft axial-flow turbine having inlet temperature of 1,350 degrees C and thermal efficiency of 42% or higher, activities were performed in the following three fields: 1) heat resistant ceramic members, 2) elementary technologies, and 3) studies on design, prototype fabrication, and operation. In Item 1, a mass production technology was discussed on stator blades and heat transfer pipes for a heat exchanger as the component manufacturing technology, and injection molding conditions were studied and mechanical strength measurement was performed on rotor blades of a separate type axial-flow turbine. In addition, a molding condition producing no cracks was discovered in an integrated type axial-flow turbine whose embedded section has a tapered shape, and the mass production technology was discussed. With regard to the bonding technology, preliminary discussions were given on bonding agents under a prerequisite that a bonding agent shall be used. In Item 2, detailed discussions were launched on the turbine, combustor, heat exchanger, and compressor, including shape decision on the turbine, for example, by using aerodynamic analysis, In Item 3, the basic design was performed following the conceptual design, and a metallic turbine was designed. (NEDO)

  2. Grid support capabilities of wind turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michalke, Gabriele; Hansen, Anca Daniela


    Wind power has gained a significant penetration level in several power systems all over the world. Due to this reason modern wind turbines are requested to contribute to power system support. Power system operators have thus introduced grid codes, which specify a set of requirements for wind...... turbines, such as fault ride-through and reactive power supply during voltage sags. To date different wind turbine concepts exist on the market comprising different control features in order to provide ancillary services to the power system. In the first place the present chapter emphasizes the most...... important issues related to wind power grid integration. Then different wind turbine concepts are characterized and their grid support capabilities are analysed and compared. Simulation cases are presented in which the respective wind turbine concepts are subjected to a voltage dip specified in a grid code....

  3. Prototype bucket foundation for wind turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibsen, Lars Bo; Liingaard, Morten

    The first full scale prototype bucket foundation for wind turbines has been installed in October 2002 at Aalborg University offshore test facility in Frederikshavn, Denmark. The suction caisson and the wind turbine have been equipped with an online monitoring system, consisting of 15 accelerometers...... and a real-time data-acquisition system. The report concerns the in service performance of the wind turbine, with focus on estimation of the natural frequencies of the structure/foundation. The natural frequencies are initially estimated by means of experimental Output-only Modal analysis. The experimental...... estimates are then compared with numerical simulations of the suction caisson foundation and the wind turbine. The numerical model consists of a finite element section for the wind turbine tower and nacelle. The soil-structure interaction of the soil-foundation section is modelled by lumped-parameter models...

  4. Mini MAX-DOAS Measurements of Air Pollutants over China (United States)

    Staadt, Steffen; Hao, Nan; Trautmann, Thomas


    This study continues the work of Clémer et al., (2010) and is aimed to improve trace gas retrievals with mini MAX-DOAS measurements in Nanjing. Based on that work, aerosol extinction vertical profiles are retrieved using the bePRO inversion algorithm developed by the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA- IASB). Afterwards, the tropospheric trace gas vertical profiles and vertical column densities (VCDs) are retrieved by applying the optimal estimation method to the O4 MAX-DOAS measurements. The Profiles for N O2 , S O2 , glyoxal, formaldehyde and nitrous acid are obtained with different results and different settings for the DOAS measurement. The AODs show small positive correlation against the AERONET values. For NO2, the retrieval shows reasonable concentrations in winter as opposed to summer and has small positive correlations with GOME-2 data. The SO2 VCDs are not correlated with the GOME-2 data, due to high uncertainties from MAX-DOAS and satellite retrievals, while the vertical mixing ratios (VMR) show good agreement with in-situ data (SORPES) at Nanjing. Nitrous acid shows a maximum in winter and a minimum in summer, while glyoxal has its maximum in August and September.

  5. A max version of Perron--Frobenius theorem for nonnegative tensor


    Afshin, Hamid Reza; Shojaeifard, Ali Reza


    In this paper we generalize the max algebra system of nonnegative matrices to the class of nonnegative tensors and derive its fundamental properties. If $\\mathbb{A} \\in \\Re_ + ^{\\left[ {m,n} \\right]}$ is a nonnegative essentially positive tensor such that satisfies the condition class NC, we prove that there exist $\\mu \\left( \\mathbb{A} \\right)$ and a corresponding positive vector $x$ such that $\\mathop {\\max }\\limits_{1 \\le{i_2}\\cdots {i_m} \\le n} \\left\\{ {{a_{i{i_2}\\cdots {i_m}}}{x_{{i_2}}}...

  6. Turg Tallinnas = A market for Tallinn / Max Rink

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rink, Max


    Hollandi arhitektuurikoolide lõputööde preemia Archiprix võitis 2007. a. Max Rink Delfti Tehnikaülikoolist Tallinna Balti jaama turu asemele kavandatud mitmefunktsioonilise turuhoone projektiga "Maja-turg". Juhendaja Klaske Havik

  7. Low speed turbines for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ugol'nikov, V.V.; Kosyak, Yu.F.; Virchenko, M.A.


    Work of the Kharkov turbine plant on planning and manufacture for nuclear power plants of low-speed (1500 rpm) turbines with a power of 500-1000 MW is described. The selection of a construction diagram for the turbine assembly, determined basically by the presence or absence of parts of average pressure, is considered. Special construction features of the condenser and turbine are described. Turbine K-500, with a rate of 1500 rpm, was calculated for operation in a two-loop nuclear power plant with saturated steam with intermediate separation and two-stage steam regeneration. On the base of this turbine, three models of 1000-MW turbines were developed. The first model has a cylinder of average pressure (TsSD) and a lateral condenser. The second has no TsSD but a low location of the condensers. The third has no TsSD and the condensers are located laterally. Calculations of the heat efficiency of the three types of turbines showed that several advantages are offered by the model with a TsSD. Better aerodynamic properties of the exhaust nozzles and condensers with lateral location allows decreasing the specific heat consumption to 0.5-1% or, at the same power, a 10-20% decrease in cooling water consumption

  8. Dense Array Optimization of Cross-Flow Turbines (United States)

    Scherl, Isabel; Strom, Benjamin; Brunton, Steven; Polagye, Brian


    Cross-flow turbines, where the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the freestream flow, can be used to convert the kinetic energy in wind or water currents to electrical power. By taking advantage of mean and time-resolved wake structures, the optimal density of an array of cross-flow turbines has the potential for higher power output per unit area of land or sea-floor than an equivalent array of axial-flow turbines. In addition, dense arrays in tidal or river channels may be able to further elevate efficiency by exploiting flow confinement and surface proximity. In this work, a two-turbine array is optimized experimentally in a recirculating water channel. The spacing between turbines, as well as individual and coordinated turbine control strategies are optimized. Array efficiency is found to exceed the maximum efficiency for a sparse array (i.e., no interaction between turbines) for stream-wise rotor spacing of less than two diameters. Results are discussed in the context of wake measurements made behind a single rotor.

  9. Economics for wind turbines in Denmark. Investments, operation and maintenance costs for selected vintages of turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hjuler Jensen, P.; Morthorst, P.E.; Skriver, S.; Rasmussen, M.; Larsen, H.; Hansen, L.H.; Nielsen, P.; Lemming, J.


    During the last two decades of operational experience with wind turbines in Denmark, a number of investigations on wind energy economics have been carried out on behalf of the Danish Energy Agency. The aim of this study has been to analyse the development of investments cost, O and M-cost, insurance costs etc. including the economic and technical lifetime of wind turbines. Based on a questionnaire and an existing database, time series for O and M-cost components are established going back to the early 80's. These time series are used to analyse the development of O and M-costs during the lifetime of different turbine sizes and vintages. A major issue of the project is to use the results achieved for older turbines (55kW to 150 kW) to establish an expected development of O and M-costs for newer larger turbines, typically of the 500kW to 750kW sizes. (au)

  10. Optimal Structural Reliability of Offshore Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, John Dalsgaard; Tarp-Johansen, N.J.


    The main failure modes of modern large wind turbines are fatigue failure of wings, hub, shaft and main tower, local buckling of main tower, and failure of the foundation. This paper considers reliability-based optimal design of wind turbines. Compared to onshore wind turbines and building...... structures, humans spent little time in the vicinity of offshore wind turbines and the probability of human injury during storm conditions is small. Further environmental pollution will also in general be small in case of failure. One could therefore argue that the reliability level of offshore wind turbines...... can be lower than for onshore wind turbines and other civil engineering structures and can be assessed by reliability-based cost-optimization. Specifically this paper considers the main tower and foundation. Both fatigue and ultimate strength failure modes are included. Different formulations...

  11. Design of Wind Turbine Vibration Monitoring System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shoubin Wang


    Full Text Available In order to ensure safety of wind turbine operation and to reduce the occurrence of faults as well as to improve the reliability of wind turbine operation, a vibration monitoring for wind turbine is developed. In this paper, it analyses the enlargement of all the parts of the structure and the working mechanism, the research method of wind turbine operation vibration is introduced, with the focus being the use of the sensor principle. Finally the hardware design and software of this system is introduced and the main function of this system is described, which realizes condition monitoring of the work state of wind turbines.

  12. Radial gas turbine design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krausche, S.; Ohlsson, Johan


    The objective of this work was to develop a program dealing with design point calculations of radial turbine machinery, including both compressor and turbine, with as few input data as possible. Some simple stress calculations and turbine metal blade temperatures were also included. This program was then implanted in a German thermodynamics program, Gasturb, a program calculating design and off-design performance of gas turbines. The calculations proceed with a lot of assumptions, necessary to finish the task, concerning pressure losses, velocity distribution, blockage, etc., and have been correlated with empirical data from VAT. Most of these values could have been input data, but to prevent the user of the program from drowning in input values, they are set as default values in the program code. The output data consist of geometry, Mach numbers, predicted component efficiency etc., and a number of graphical plots of geometry and velocity triangles. For the cases examined, the error in predicted efficiency level was within {+-} 1-2% points, and quite satisfactory errors in geometrical and thermodynamic conditions were obtained Examination paper. 18 refs, 36 figs

  13. Can road traffic mask sound from wind turbines? Response to wind turbine sound at different levels of road traffic sound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedersen, Eja; Berg, Frits van den; Bakker, Roel; Bouma, Jelte


    Wind turbines are favoured in the switch-over to renewable energy. Suitable sites for further developments could be difficult to find as the sound emitted from the rotor blades calls for a sufficient distance to residents to avoid negative effects. The aim of this study was to explore if road traffic sound could mask wind turbine sound or, in contrast, increases annoyance due to wind turbine noise. Annoyance of road traffic and wind turbine noise was measured in the WINDFARMperception survey in the Netherlands in 2007 (n=725) and related to calculated levels of sound. The presence of road traffic sound did not in general decrease annoyance with wind turbine noise, except when levels of wind turbine sound were moderate (35-40 dB(A) Lden) and road traffic sound level exceeded that level with at least 20 dB(A). Annoyance with both noises was intercorrelated but this correlation was probably due to the influence of individual factors. Furthermore, visibility and attitude towards wind turbines were significantly related to noise annoyance of modern wind turbines. The results can be used for the selection of suitable sites, possibly favouring already noise exposed areas if wind turbine sound levels are sufficiently low.

  14. Study of turbine and guide vanes integration to enhance the performance of cross flow vertical axis wind turbine (United States)

    Wibowo, Andreas; Tjahjana, Dominicus Danardono Dwi Prija; Santoso, Budi; Situmorang, Marcelinus Risky Clinton


    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the best configuration between guide vanes and cross flow vertical axis wind turbine with variation of several parameters including guide vanes tilt angle and the number of turbine and guide vane blades. The experimental test were conducted under various wind speed and directions for testing cross flow wind turbine, consisted of 8, 12 and 16 blades. Two types of guide vane were developed in this study, employing 20° and 60° tilt angle. Both of the two types of guide vane had three variations of blade numbers which had same blade numbers variations as the turbines. The result showed that the configurations between 60° guide vane with 16 blade numbers and turbine with 16 blade numbers had the best configurations. The result also showed that for certain configuration, guide vane was able to increase the power generated by the turbine significantly by 271.39% compared to the baseline configuration without using of guide vane.

  15. Wind turbine with lightning protection system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    The present invention relates to a wind turbine comprising a lightning protection system comprising a waveguide interconnecting a communication device and a signal-carrying structure. In other aspects, the present invention relates to the use of a waveguide in a lightning protection system...... of a wind turbine, a power splitter and its use in a lightning protection system of a wind turbine....

  16. Simulation model of nuclear power plant turbine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dutta, Anu; Thangamani, I.; Chakraborty, G.; Ghosh, A.K.


    A computer code TURDYN has been developed for prediction of HP and LP turbine torque under thermodynamic transient conditions. The model is based on the conservation laws of mass and energy. All the important components of turbine systems e.g. high pressure turbine, low pressure turbine, feed heaters, reheater, moisture separator have been considered. The details of the mathematical formulation of the model and open loop responses for specific disturbances are presented. (author)

  17. Concurrent Aeroservoelastic Design and Optimization of Wind Turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tibaldi, Carlo

    This work develops and investigates methods to integrate controllers in the wind turbine design process and to perform wind turbine optimization. These techniques can exploit the synergy between wind turbine components and generate new design solutions. Two frameworks to perform wind turbine...... optimization design are presented. These tools handle workflows to model a wind turbine and to evaluate loads and performances under specific conditions. Three approaches to evaluate loads are proposed and integrated in the optimization codes. The first method is based on time domain simulations, the second...... simulations, allows the selection of any controller parameter. The methods to evaluate loads and the pole-placement technique are then employed to carry out wind turbine optimization design from an aeroservoelastic prospective. Several analysis of the NREL 5 MW Reference Wind Turbine and the DTU 10 MW...

  18. Projekti Min-E-Max kohtumine Saksamaal / Katrin Arge

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arge, Katrin


    Oktoobri keskel toimus Lõuna-Saksamaa väikelinnas Oberderdingenis Hispaania, Portugali, Ungari, Leedu, Eesti ja Saksamaa õpetajate kohtumine seoses Euroopa Liidu poolt rahastatava Comenius1 projektiga Min-E-Max (minimum energy input maximum output)

  19. Gas turbine structural mounting arrangement between combustion gas duct annular chamber and turbine vane carrier (United States)

    Wiebe, David J.; Charron, Richard C.; Morrison, Jay A.


    A gas turbine engine ducting arrangement (10), including: an annular chamber (14) configured to receive a plurality of discrete flows of combustion gases originating in respective can combustors and to deliver the discrete flows to a turbine inlet annulus, wherein the annular chamber includes an inner diameter (52) and an outer diameter (60); an outer diameter mounting arrangement (34) configured to permit relative radial movement and to prevent relative axial and circumferential movement between the outer diameter and a turbine vane carrier (20); and an inner diameter mounting arrangement (36) including a bracket (64) secured to the turbine vane carrier, wherein the bracket is configured to permit the inner diameter to move radially with the outer diameter and prevent axial deflection of the inner diameter with respect to the outer diameter.

  20. Development of Low Price Turbine Control System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, C.K.; Kim, J.A.; Jeong, W.J.; Choi, I.K.; Woo, J.H. [Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Taejon (Korea)


    This report is final research results of ''Development of Low Price Turbine Control System''. It describes test such as turbine startup, generator synchronization, rated load operation, simulation after manufacturing turbine control system. (author). 45 figs., 11 tabs.

  1. Johnson-Cook Strength Model Constants for VascoMax 300 and 1080 Steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cinnamon, J. D.; Palazotto, A. N.; Kennan, Z.; Brar, N. S.; Bajaj, D.


    High strength steels, VascoMax 300 and 1080, are characterized under tension at strain rates of ∼1/s, ∼500/s, ∼1000/s, and ∼1500/s and at high temperatures using the quasi-static and split Hopkinson bar techniques. The data on 1080 steel exhibited a typical strain hardening response, whereas Vasco-Max 300 steel showed diminishing flow stress beyond yielding because of localized necking in gauge section of the tested specimens. The tension data are analyzed to determine the Johnson-Cook (J-C) strength model constants for the two steels. The flow stress values for VascoMax are adjusted to account for necking, and the corrected J-C model is developed

  2. Modeling of wind turbines for power system studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Petru, T.


    When wind turbines are installed into the electric grid, the power quality is affected. Today, strict installation recommendations often prevail due to a lack of knowledge on this subject. Consequently, it is important to predict the impact of wind turbines on the electric grid before the turbines are installed. The thesis describes relevant power quality issues, discusses different configurations of wind turbines with respect to power quality and draw requirements regarding wind turbine modeling. A model of a stall-regulated, fixed-speed wind turbine system is introduced and its power quality impact on the electric grid is evaluated. The model is verified with field measurements.

  3. On a Robust MaxEnt Process Regression Model with Sample-Selection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hea-Jung Kim


    Full Text Available In a regression analysis, a sample-selection bias arises when a dependent variable is partially observed as a result of the sample selection. This study introduces a Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt process regression model that assumes a MaxEnt prior distribution for its nonparametric regression function and finds that the MaxEnt process regression model includes the well-known Gaussian process regression (GPR model as a special case. Then, this special MaxEnt process regression model, i.e., the GPR model, is generalized to obtain a robust sample-selection Gaussian process regression (RSGPR model that deals with non-normal data in the sample selection. Various properties of the RSGPR model are established, including the stochastic representation, distributional hierarchy, and magnitude of the sample-selection bias. These properties are used in the paper to develop a hierarchical Bayesian methodology to estimate the model. This involves a simple and computationally feasible Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm that avoids analytical or numerical derivatives of the log-likelihood function of the model. The performance of the RSGPR model in terms of the sample-selection bias correction, robustness to non-normality, and prediction, is demonstrated through results in simulations that attest to its good finite-sample performance.

  4. Wind turbines and human health

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Loren eKnopper


    Full Text Available The association between wind turbines and health effects is highly debated. Some argue that reported health effects are related to wind turbine operation (electromagnetic fields (EMF, shadow flicker, audible noise, low frequency noise, infrasound. Others suggest that when turbines are sited correctly, effects are more likely attributable to a number of subjective variables that result in an annoyed/stressed state. In this review we provide a bibliographic-like summary and analysis of the science around this issue specifically in terms of noise (including audible, low frequency noise and infrasound, EMF and shadow flicker. Now there are roughly 60 scientific peer-reviewed articles on this issue. The available scientific evidence suggests that EMF, shadow flicker, low frequency noise and infrasound from wind turbines are not likely to affect human health; some studies have found that audible noise from wind turbines can be annoying to some. Annoyance may be associated with some self-reported health effects (e.g., sleep disturbance especially at sound pressure levels >40 dB(A. Because environmental noise above certain levels is a recognized factor in a number of health issues, siting restrictions have been implemented in many jurisdictions to limit noise exposure. These setbacks should help alleviate annoyance from noise. Subjective variables (attitudes and expectations are also linked to annoyance and have the potential to facilitate other health complaints via the nocebo effect. Therefore, it is possible that a segment of the population may remain annoyed (or report other health impacts even when noise limits are enforced. Based on the findings and scientific merit of the available studies, the weight of evidence suggests that when sited properly, wind turbines are not related to adverse health. Stemming from this review, we provide a number of recommended best practices for wind turbine development in the context of human health.

  5. Wind turbines and human health. (United States)

    Knopper, Loren D; Ollson, Christopher A; McCallum, Lindsay C; Whitfield Aslund, Melissa L; Berger, Robert G; Souweine, Kathleen; McDaniel, Mary


    The association between wind turbines and health effects is highly debated. Some argue that reported health effects are related to wind turbine operation [electromagnetic fields (EMF), shadow flicker, audible noise, low-frequency noise, infrasound]. Others suggest that when turbines are sited correctly, effects are more likely attributable to a number of subjective variables that result in an annoyed/stressed state. In this review, we provide a bibliographic-like summary and analysis of the science around this issue specifically in terms of noise (including audible, low-frequency noise, and infrasound), EMF, and shadow flicker. Now there are roughly 60 scientific peer-reviewed articles on this issue. The available scientific evidence suggests that EMF, shadow flicker, low-frequency noise, and infrasound from wind turbines are not likely to affect human health; some studies have found that audible noise from wind turbines can be annoying to some. Annoyance may be associated with some self-reported health effects (e.g., sleep disturbance) especially at sound pressure levels >40 dB(A). Because environmental noise above certain levels is a recognized factor in a number of health issues, siting restrictions have been implemented in many jurisdictions to limit noise exposure. These setbacks should help alleviate annoyance from noise. Subjective variables (attitudes and expectations) are also linked to annoyance and have the potential to facilitate other health complaints via the nocebo effect. Therefore, it is possible that a segment of the population may remain annoyed (or report other health impacts) even when noise limits are enforced. Based on the findings and scientific merit of the available studies, the weight of evidence suggests that when sited properly, wind turbines are not related to adverse health. Stemming from this review, we provide a number of recommended best practices for wind turbine development in the context of human health.

  6. High temperature turbine engine structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carruthers, W.D.; Boyd, G.L.


    A hybrid ceramic/metallic gas turbine is described comprising; a housing defining an inlet, an outlet, and a flow path communicating the inlet with the outlet for conveying a flow of fluid through the housing, a rotor member journaled by the housing in the flow path, the rotor member including a compressor rotor portion rotatively inducting ambient air via the inlet and delivering this air pressurized to the flow path downstream of the compressor rotor, a combustor disposed in the flow path downstream of the compressor receiving the pressurized air along with a supply of fuel to maintain combustion providing a flow of high temperature pressurized combustion products in the flow path downstream thereof, the rotor member including a turbine rotor portion disposed in the flow path downstream of the combustor and rotatively expanding the combustion products toward ambient for flow from the turbine engine via the outlet, the turbine rotor portion providing shaft power driving the compressor rotor portion and an output shaft portion of the rotor member, a disk-like metallic housing portion journaling the rotor member to define a rotational axis therefore, and a disk-like annular ceramic turbine shroud member bounding the flow path downstream of the combustor and circumscribing the turbine rotor portion to define a running clearance therewith, the disk-like ceramic turbine shroud member having a reference axis coaxial with the rotational axis and being spaced axially from the metallic housing portion in mutually parallel concentric relation therewith and a plurality of spacers disposed between ceramic disk-like shroud member and the metallic disk-like housing portion and circumferentially spaced apart, each of the spacers having a first and second end portion having an end surface adjacent the shroud member and the housing portion respectively, the end surfaces having a cylindrical curvature extending transversely relative to the shroud member and the housing portion.

  7. Wind Turbines and Human Health (United States)

    Knopper, Loren D.; Ollson, Christopher A.; McCallum, Lindsay C.; Whitfield Aslund, Melissa L.; Berger, Robert G.; Souweine, Kathleen; McDaniel, Mary


    The association between wind turbines and health effects is highly debated. Some argue that reported health effects are related to wind turbine operation [electromagnetic fields (EMF), shadow flicker, audible noise, low-frequency noise, infrasound]. Others suggest that when turbines are sited correctly, effects are more likely attributable to a number of subjective variables that result in an annoyed/stressed state. In this review, we provide a bibliographic-like summary and analysis of the science around this issue specifically in terms of noise (including audible, low-frequency noise, and infrasound), EMF, and shadow flicker. Now there are roughly 60 scientific peer-reviewed articles on this issue. The available scientific evidence suggests that EMF, shadow flicker, low-frequency noise, and infrasound from wind turbines are not likely to affect human health; some studies have found that audible noise from wind turbines can be annoying to some. Annoyance may be associated with some self-reported health effects (e.g., sleep disturbance) especially at sound pressure levels >40 dB(A). Because environmental noise above certain levels is a recognized factor in a number of health issues, siting restrictions have been implemented in many jurisdictions to limit noise exposure. These setbacks should help alleviate annoyance from noise. Subjective variables (attitudes and expectations) are also linked to annoyance and have the potential to facilitate other health complaints via the nocebo effect. Therefore, it is possible that a segment of the population may remain annoyed (or report other health impacts) even when noise limits are enforced. Based on the findings and scientific merit of the available studies, the weight of evidence suggests that when sited properly, wind turbines are not related to adverse health. Stemming from this review, we provide a number of recommended best practices for wind turbine development in the context of human health. PMID:24995266

  8. 'Wind turbine syndrome': fact or fiction? (United States)

    Farboud, A; Crunkhorn, R; Trinidade, A


    Symptoms, including tinnitus, ear pain and vertigo, have been reported following exposure to wind turbine noise. This review addresses the effects of infrasound and low frequency noise and questions the existence of 'wind turbine syndrome'. This review is based on a search for articles published within the last 10 years, conducted using the PubMed database and Google Scholar search engine, which included in their title or abstract the terms 'wind turbine', 'infrasound' or 'low frequency noise'. There is evidence that infrasound has a physiological effect on the ear. Until this effect is fully understood, it is impossible to conclude that wind turbine noise does not cause any of the symptoms described. However, many believe that these symptoms are related largely to the stress caused by unwanted noise exposure. There is some evidence of symptoms in patients exposed to wind turbine noise. The effects of infrasound require further investigation.

  9. Pengaruh Jarak dan Posisi Nozzle Terhadap Daya Turbin Pelton

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yani Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Pelton Turbine is a turbine which use nozzle as officers the direction of a stream water in order to move around of blade turbine. The rotating of turbine blade efected by some parameters such as the distance of the nozzle, position of nozzle, diameter of nozzle, number of nozzle, and the geometry shape of the blade turbine. An experimental study to analyze the affect of distance and position nozzle to Pelton Turbine of performance. The research method used experiment parameter was position of nozzle with three variations, first position is the right side horizontal of bottom shaft turbine, second position is vertical to down direction, and third position is the left side horizontal of upper shaft turbine. The parameter of nozzle distance used five variations was 24 cm, 23 cm, 22 cm, 21 cm, dan 20 cm, which measured from the end of position nozzle to blade turbine. The result shows that the right side horizontal of bottom shaft turbine with distance of nozzle 23 cm had the maximum performance to produce a power 125 Watt with the rotation of shaft turbine 263 rpm.

  10. Study on the Interaction between Two Hydrokinetic Savonius Turbines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kailash Golecha


    Full Text Available Savonius turbine is simple in design and easy to fabricate at a lower cost. The drag is the basic driving force for Savonius turbine. Savonius turbines are mainly used for the small-scale electricity generation in remote areas. In real life, multiple Savonius turbines are to be arranged to form a farm to scale up the electricity generation. So, it is important to study the interaction among them to avoid the power loss due to negative interaction between turbines. The purpose of this investigation is to examine closely the effect of interaction between two Savonius turbines arranged in line. Experimental investigations are carried out to study the mutual interaction between turbines with water as the working medium at a Reynolds number of 1.2×105 based on the diameter of the turbine. Influence of separation gap between the two Savonius turbines is studied by varying the separation gap ratio (/ from 3 to 8. As the separation gap ratio increases from 3 to 8, becomes lesser the mutual interaction between the turbines. Results conclude that two turbines placed at a separation gap ratio of 8 performed independently without affecting the performance of each other.

  11. Smart Wind Turbine: Analysis and Autonomous Flap


    Bernhammer, L.O.


    Wind turbines convert kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy. Unfortunately, this process is everything but constant, as the wind source shows large fluctuations with high and low frequencies. This turbulence, together with the wind shear and yawed inflow, excites the turbine structure, thereby driving the loads and the design of turbines in general and blades in particular. In response to this, several control mechanisms have been applied to wind turbines since the generation of s...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gregory Gaul


    Natural gas combustion turbines are rapidly becoming the primary technology of choice for generating electricity. At least half of the new generating capacity added in the US over the next twenty years will be combustion turbine systems. The Department of Energy has cosponsored with Siemens Westinghouse, a program to maintain the technology lead in gas turbine systems. The very ambitious eight year program was designed to demonstrate a highly efficient and commercially acceptable power plant, with the ability to fire a wide range of fuels. The main goal of the Advanced Turbine Systems (ATS) Program was to develop ultra-high efficiency, environmentally superior and cost effective competitive gas turbine systems for base load application in utility, independent power producer and industrial markets. Performance targets were focused on natural gas as a fuel and included: System efficiency that exceeds 60% (lower heating value basis); Less than 10 ppmv NO{sub x} emissions without the use of post combustion controls; Busbar electricity that are less than 10% of state of the art systems; Reliability-Availability-Maintainability (RAM) equivalent to current systems; Water consumption minimized to levels consistent with cost and efficiency goals; and Commercial systems by the year 2000. In a parallel effort, the program was to focus on adapting the ATS engine to coal-derived or biomass fuels. In Phase 1 of the ATS Program, preliminary investigators on different gas turbine cycles demonstrated that net plant LHV based efficiency greater than 60% was achievable. In Phase 2 the more promising cycles were evaluated in greater detail and the closed-loop steam-cooled combined cycle was selected for development because it offered the best solution with least risk for achieving the ATS Program goals for plant efficiency, emissions, cost of electricity and RAM. Phase 2 also involved conceptual ATS engine and plant design and technology developments in aerodynamics, sealing

  13. Performances des équipements utilisés en liaison froide en liaison froide en restauration hospitalière - Suivi des températures des entrées froides


    Rosset , Philippe; Morelli , Elisabeth; Noël , Véronique; Poumeyrol , Gérard


    La restauration hospitalière présente un système de distribution des repas qui lui est spécifique : assemblage des denrées préparées et constitution des plateaux-repas dans un local dédié (dit d'allotissement) ; transport des plateaux-repas vers les unités de soins dans des enceintes mobiles permettant le maintien au froid des denrées consommées froides et la remise en température des aliments à consommer chauds. La présente étude concerne le suivi des températures de hors-d'œuvre dans trois ...

  14. Market for wind turbines in italy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Wind power utilization in Italy has not been very popular until the privatization of the ENEL and introduction of subsidies for private electricity producers. The greatest interest is concentrated around large wind turbines. Therefore the Danish manufacturers with know-how within large wind turbines can establish themselves on the Italian market. Cooperation with one of the four local wind turbine manufacturers is advisable. (EG)

  15. Achievement report for fiscal 1992. Research and development of ceramic gas turbine (Portable regenerative double-shaft ceramic gas turbine for portable power generation); 1992 nendo ceramic gas turbine no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Kahanshiki hatsuden'yo saiseishiki ceramic gas turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research and development has been advanced on a ceramic gas turbine (CGT) with an output of 300-kW class and thermal efficiency of 42% or higher. Activities were performed in the following three fields: 1) research of heat resistant ceramic members, 2) research of elementary technologies, and 3) studies on design, prototype fabrication, and operation. In Item 1, research was performed on forming the heat resistant ceramic members, and all-ceramic members constituting the basic type gas turbine were fabricated. Improvements were given on the problems discovered in the heat shock test, and the hot spin test. In Item 2, elementary researches were made on the basic technologies for the ceramic gas turbine, such as on the heat exchanger, combustor, and ceramic turbine, wherein discussions were given on improvement of mechanical strength and performance. In Item 3, design and prototype fabrication were performed on the basic type ceramic gas turbine, based on the results of research operations on the basic type (metallic gas turbine). Adjustment operations were launched on some of the components. (NEDO)

  16. Analysis and design of a vertical axis wind turbine


    Goyena Iriso, Joseba


    The main objective of this project is to design a new vertical axis wind turbine, specifically one Giromill wind turbine. The project development requires performing a previous study of the vertical axis wind turbines currently development. This study has to be performed before starting to design the wind turbine. Other very important aim is the development of a new vertical axis wind turbine. The after analyses that will result in the final design of the wind turbine will b...

  17. Effects of gain-scheduling methods in a classical wind turbine controller on wind turbine aeroservoelastic modes and loads

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tibaldi, Carlo; Henriksen, Lars Christian; Hansen, Morten Hartvig


    The eects of dierent gain-scheduling methods for a classical wind turbine controller, operating in full load region, on the wind turbine aeroservoelastic modes and loads are investigated in this work. The dierent techniques are derived looking at the physical problem to take into account the chan......The eects of dierent gain-scheduling methods for a classical wind turbine controller, operating in full load region, on the wind turbine aeroservoelastic modes and loads are investigated in this work. The dierent techniques are derived looking at the physical problem to take into account...

  18. System control model of a turbine for a BWR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vargas O, Y.; Amador G, R.; Ortiz V, J.; Castillo D, R.; Delfin L, A.


    In this work is presented a design of a control system of a turbine for a nuclear power plant with a BWR like energy source. The model seeks to implement later on at thermal hydraulics code of better estimate RELAP/SCDAPSIM. The model is developed for control and protection of turbine, and the consequent protection to the BWR, considering that the turbine control could be employed for one or several turbines in series. The quality of present designs of control pattern of turbine it is that it considers the parameters more important in the operation of a turbine besides that is has incorporated at control the secondary parameters that will be activated originally as true when the turbine model is substituted by a model more detailed. The development of control model of a turbine will be good in short and medium term to realize analysis about the operation of turbine with different operation conditions, of vapor extraction specific steps of turbine to feed other equipment s, besides analyzing the separate effect and integrated effect. (Author)

  19. Literature in focus: Explorer l'espace pour remonter le temps

    CERN Document Server


    Would Prof Bignami like to dance on Saturn's rings? Why not ask him? Astrophysicist, Director of the Centre d'étude spatiale des rayonnements de Toulouse, President of the Scientific Committee of the European Space Agency and member of the Accademia dei Lincei, Giovanni Bignami returns to CERN to present his new book published last month. Exploring space to rewind time: the book tells the history of the people and the organisations which have led our exploration of space, from Giotto to the present day. At CERN we might go no further than our labs to rewind time, but for astrophysicists the search for an understanding of the Universe takes a journey of a much greater distance. Who better than Prof Bignami to tell us about this extraordinary adventure? Join the library staff for an intimate discussion with Prof Bignami about the experiences and interests that led him to write this book. Giovanni Bignami 'Explorer l'espace pour remonter le temps' Monday 20 February at 4 p.m. Central Library reading room ...

  20. Wind Turbine Acoustic Day 2018

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Jesper; Søndergaard, Bo; Hünerbein, Sabine Von

    The bi-annual event entitled Wind Turbine Acoustic Day dealing with wind turbine noise issues organized by DTU Wind Energy took place on May, 17th 2018 as its third edition. The abstracts and slides for the presentations are reported....

  1. MaxBin 2.0: an automated binning algorithm to recover genomes from multiple metagenomic datasets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Yu-Wei [Joint BioEnergy Inst. (JBEI), Emeryville, CA (United States); Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Simmons, Blake A. [Joint BioEnergy Inst. (JBEI), Emeryville, CA (United States); Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Singer, Steven W. [Joint BioEnergy Inst. (JBEI), Emeryville, CA (United States); Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    The recovery of genomes from metagenomic datasets is a critical step to defining the functional roles of the underlying uncultivated populations. We previously developed MaxBin, an automated binning approach for high-throughput recovery of microbial genomes from metagenomes. Here, we present an expanded binning algorithm, MaxBin 2.0, which recovers genomes from co-assembly of a collection of metagenomic datasets. Tests on simulated datasets revealed that MaxBin 2.0 is highly accurate in recovering individual genomes, and the application of MaxBin 2.0 to several metagenomes from environmental samples demonstrated that it could achieve two complementary goals: recovering more bacterial genomes compared to binning a single sample as well as comparing the microbial community composition between different sampling environments. Availability and implementation: MaxBin 2.0 is freely available at under BSD license. Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  2. Acoustic noise production of wind turbines in practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van der Borg, N.J.C.M.; Vink, P.W.


    Within the framework of national and European projects ECN has conducted various acoustic noise measurements on wind turbines. The measurements can be divided into the following two categories: (1) measurements of the total noise emitted by the turbine ('standard measurements') and (2) measurement of the noise emitted by different blades on the same rotor ('research measurements'). The applied procedures for the 'standard measurements' are given in IEA and IEC documents on wind turbine noise measurements. The applied procedures for the 'research measurements' are given in this paper. General results obtained with both kind of measurements are presented. The 'research measurements' have been performed on a limited number of turbines: the UNIWEX turbine in Germany and a commercial turbine in The Netherlands. The turbines were equipped with differently shaped blade tips or trailing edges on the same rotor. The experiments showed no large differences in the sound production of the different blades on the same rotor. The detailed information on the commercial wind turbine in The Netherlands is confidential. 9 figs., 2 tabs., 3 refs

  3. Wind Turbine Generator System Safety and Function Test Report for the Southwest Windpower H40 Wind Turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    van Dam, J.; Link, H.; Meadors, M.; Bianchi, J.


    The objective of this test was to evaluate the safety and function characteristics of the Whisper H40 wind turbine. The general requirements of wind turbine safety and function tests are defined in the IEC standard WT01. The testing was conducted in accordance with the National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) Quality Assurance System, including the NWTC Certification Team Certification Quality Manual and the NWTC Certification Team General Quality Manual for the Testing of Wind Turbines, as well as subordinate documents. This safety and function test was performed as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Field Verification Program for small wind turbines.

  4. Max Roach's Adventures in Higher Music Education. (United States)

    Hentoff, Nat


    Max Roach and the author discuss Roach's efforts to gain recognition of the complexity and importance of American musical forms, particularly jazz, by American university music departments. In addition, Roach describes his approach to marketing his music, an approach which avoids the economic exploitation often suffered by American jazz musicians.…

  5. A reference pelton turbine - design and efficiency measurements


    Solemslie, Bjørn Winther; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar


    The Pelton turbine has been subject to a varying degree of research interest since the debut of the technology over a century ago. Despite its age there are gaps in the knowledge concerning the flow mechanisms effecting the flow through the turbine. A Pelton turbine has been designed at the Waterpower Laboratory at NTNU. This has been done in connection to a Ph.D. project focusing on the flow in Pelton turbine buckets. The design of the turbine has been conducted using in-house knowledge in a...

  6. TEMPS, 1-Group Time-Dependent Pulsed Source Neutron Transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganapol, B.D.


    1 - Description of program or function: TEMPS numerically determines the scalar flux as given by the one-group neutron transport equation with a pulsed source in an infinite medium. Standard plane, point, and line sources are considered as well as a volume source in the negative half-space in plane geometry. The angular distribution of emitted neutrons can either be isotropic or mono-directional (beam) in plane geometry and isotropic in spherical and cylindrical geometry. A general anisotropic scattering Kernel represented in terms of Legendre polynomials can be accommodated with a time- dependent number of secondaries given by c(t)=c 0 (t/t 0 ) β , where β is greater than -1 and less than infinity. TEMPS is designed to provide the flux to a high degree of accuracy (4-5 digits) for use as a benchmark to which results from other numerical solutions or approximations can be compared. 2 - Method of solution: A semi-analytic Method of solution is followed. The main feature of this approach is that no discretization of the transport or scattering operators is employed. The numerical solution involves the evaluation of an analytical representation of the solution by standard numerical techniques. The transport equation is first reformulated in terms of multiple collisions with the flux represented by an infinite series of collisional components. Each component is then represented by an orthogonal Legendre series expansion in the variable x/t where the distance x and time t are measured in terms of mean free path and mean free time, respectively. The moments in the Legendre reconstruction are found from an algebraic recursion relation obtained from Legendre expansion in the direction variable mu. The multiple collision series is evaluated first to a prescribed relative error determined by the number of digits desired in the scalar flux. If the Legendre series fails to converge in the plane or point source case, an accelerative transformation, based on removing the

  7. Pengaruh Jarak dan Posisi Nozzle terhadap Daya Turbin Pelton


    Kurniawan, Yani; Pane, Erlanda Augupta; Ismail, Ismail


    Pelton Turbine is a turbine which use nozzle as officers the direction of a stream water in order to move around of blade turbine. The rotating of turbine blade efected by some parameters such as the distance of the nozzle, position of nozzle, diameter of nozzle, number of nozzle, and the geometry shape of the blade turbine. An experimental study to analyze the affect of distance and position nozzle to Pelton Turbine of performance. The research method used experiment parameter was position o...

  8. Pengaruh Jarak dan Posisi Nozzle Terhadap Daya Turbin Pelton


    Yani Kurniawan; Erlanda Augupta Pane; Ismail


    Pelton Turbine is a turbine which use nozzle as officers the direction of a stream water in order to move around of blade turbine. The rotating of turbine blade efected by some parameters such as the distance of the nozzle, position of nozzle, diameter of nozzle, number of nozzle, and the geometry shape of the blade turbine. An experimental study to analyze the affect of distance and position nozzle to Pelton Turbine of performance. The research method used experiment parameter was position o...

  9. Guide to hydro turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This listing is a guide to turbines for hydroelectric projects of independent energy projects. The listing is in directory format and includes the supplier's name, the name of the supplier's contact, address, telephone and FAX numbers and a description of the company and the types of turbines, services and expertise available for energy projects. The listing is international in scope

  10. A parabolic velocity-decomposition method for wind turbines (United States)

    Mittal, Anshul; Briley, W. Roger; Sreenivas, Kidambi; Taylor, Lafayette K.


    An economical parabolized Navier-Stokes approximation for steady incompressible flow is combined with a compatible wind turbine model to simulate wind turbine flows, both upstream of the turbine and in downstream wake regions. The inviscid parabolizing approximation is based on a Helmholtz decomposition of the secondary velocity vector and physical order-of-magnitude estimates, rather than an axial pressure gradient approximation. The wind turbine is modeled by distributed source-term forces incorporating time-averaged aerodynamic forces generated by a blade-element momentum turbine model. A solution algorithm is given whose dependent variables are streamwise velocity, streamwise vorticity, and pressure, with secondary velocity determined by two-dimensional scalar and vector potentials. In addition to laminar and turbulent boundary-layer test cases, solutions for a streamwise vortex-convection test problem are assessed by mesh refinement and comparison with Navier-Stokes solutions using the same grid. Computed results for a single turbine and a three-turbine array are presented using the NREL offshore 5-MW baseline wind turbine. These are also compared with an unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solution computed with full rotor resolution. On balance, the agreement in turbine wake predictions for these test cases is very encouraging given the substantial differences in physical modeling fidelity and computer resources required.

  11. Hydro turbines: An introduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gordon, J.L.


    The various types of hydraulic turbines currently used in hydroelectric power plants are described. The descriptions are intended for use by non-engineers who are concerned with fish passage and fish mortality at a hydro power facility. Terminology used in the hydro industry is explained. Since the extent of cavitation is one of the factors affecting mortality rates of fish passing through hydraulic turbines, an equation is introduced which measures the extent of cavitation likely to be experienced in a turbine. An example of how the cavitation index can be calculated is provided for two typical power plants. The relation between certain parameters of power plant operation and the extent of cavitation, and therefore of fish mortality, is illustrated. 2 refs., 14 figs

  12. Micro turbines on gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kotevski, Darko


    Microturbines are small gas turbine engines that drive a generator with sizes ranging from 30-350 kW. Although similar in function to bigger gas turbines, their simple radial flow turbine and high-speed generator offer better performance, greater reliability, longer service intervals, reduced maintenance lower emission and lower noise. Microturbines can generate power continuously and very economically to reduce electricity costs or they can be operated selectively for peak shaving. These benefits are further enhanced by the economics of using the microturbine's waste heat for hot water needs or other heating applications. That is why on-site microturbine power is widely used for independent production of electricity and heat in industrial and commercial facilities, hotels, hospitals, office buildings, residential buildings etc. (Original)

  13. Impact of wind turbines on birds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clausager, I.; Nohr, H.


    The paper is a review of the present knowledge on impacts of wind turbines on birds, requested by the Danish Ministry of the Environment and Energy. The main conclusions of the review are, that in nearly all the studies so far the numbers of birds recorded colliding with wind turbines have been limited. Some studies indicate that stationary (breeding) birds inside the wind turbine area in the short run habituate to wind turbines, especially the noise and visual impacts, and that the risk for collision becomes low. However, some of the few more long term studies indicate that a negative impact may occur in later generations of breeding birds. In some studies a disturbance effect on bird species, which temporarily stay inside a wind turbine area in order to forage or rest, is observed. The degree of impact is species-specific. An effect is typically recorded inside a zone of up to 250-800 m, with geese and waders as the most sensitive groups of birds. (author)

  14. Why do Cross-Flow Turbines Stall? (United States)

    Cavagnaro, Robert; Strom, Benjamin; Polagye, Brian


    Hydrokinetic turbines are prone to instability and stall near their peak operating points under torque control. Understanding the physics of turbine stall may help to mitigate this undesirable occurrence and improve the robustness of torque controllers. A laboratory-scale two-bladed cross-flow turbine operating at a chord-based Reynolds number ~ 3 ×104 is shown to stall at a critical tip-speed ratio. Experiments are conducting bringing the turbine to this critical speed in a recirculating current flume by increasing resistive torque and allowing the rotor to rapidly decelerate while monitoring inflow velocity, torque, and drag. The turbine stalls probabilistically with a distribution generated from hundreds of such events. A machine learning algorithm identifies stall events and indicates the effectiveness of available measurements or combinations of measurements as predictors. Bubble flow visualization and PIV are utilized to observe fluid conditions during stall events including the formation, separation, and advection of leading-edge vortices involved in the stall process.

  15. Spectroscopie résolue en temps par continuum femtoseconde Applications en neurobiologie (United States)

    Ramstein, S.; Mottin, S.


    La spectroscopie résolue en temps utilisant un laser blanc femtoseconde est appliquée à la mesure in vivo des principaux absorbeurs du cerveau. Après génération adéquate du continuum de lumière blanche femtoseconde (50mW/[580-756nm] à 1Hz), cette source se propage dans la calvaria, les méninges et le cortex chez le rat anesthésié. La transmission est étudiée sur 7mm de distance entre l'impact laser et la fibre optique de collection. Le signal transmis est analysé dans la fenêtre 580-760nm, par un spectromètre couplé à une caméra à balayage de fente permettant la décorrélation de l'absorption et de la diffusion.

  16. Low-frequency noise from large wind turbines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Henrik; Pedersen, Christian Sejer


    As wind turbines get larger, worries have emerged that the turbine noise would move down in frequency and that the low-frequency noise would cause annoyance for the neighbors. The noise emission from 48 wind turbines with nominal electric power up to 3.6 MW is analyzed and discussed. The relative...... amount of low-frequency noise is higher for large turbines (2.3–3.6 MW) than for small turbines (≤ 2 MW), and the difference is statistically significant. The difference can also be expressed as a downward shift of the spectrum of approximately one-third of an octave. A further shift of similar size...... is suggested for future turbines in the 10-MW range. Due to the air absorption, the higher low-frequency content becomes even more pronounced, when sound pressure levels in relevant neighbor distances are considered. Even when A-weighted levels are considered, a substantial part of the noise is at low...

  17. Wind turbine remote control using Android devices (United States)

    Rat, C. L.; Panoiu, M.


    This paper describes the remote control of a wind turbine system over the internet using an Android device, namely a tablet or a smartphone. The wind turbine workstation contains a LabVIEW program which monitors the entire wind turbine energy conversion system (WECS). The Android device connects to the LabVIEW application, working as a remote interface to the wind turbine. The communication between the devices needs to be secured because it takes place over the internet. Hence, the data are encrypted before being sent through the network. The scope was the design of remote control software capable of visualizing real-time wind turbine data through a secure connection. Since the WECS is fully automated and no full-time human operator exists, unattended access to the turbine workstation is needed. Therefore the device must not require any confirmation or permission from the computer operator in order to control it. Another condition is that Android application does not have any root requirements.

  18. Modern Control Design for Flexible Wind Turbines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wright, A. D.


    Control can improve energy capture and reduce dynamic loads in wind turbines. In the 1970s and 1980s, wind turbines used classical control designs to regulate power and speed. The methods used, however, were not always successful. Modern turbines are larger, mounted on taller towers, and more dynamically active than their predecessors. Control systems to regulate turbine power and maintain stable, closed-loop behavior in the presence of turbulent wind inflow will be critical for these designs. This report applies modern state-space control design methods to a two-bladed teetering hub upwind machine at the National Wind Technology Center (NWTC), which is managed by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. The design objective is to regulate turbine speed and enhance damping in several low-damped flexible modes of the turbine. Starting with simple control algorithms based on linear models, complexity is added incrementally until the desired performance is firmly established.

  19. Sound wave contours around wind turbine arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Beek, A.; Van Blokland, G.J.


    Noise pollution is an important factor in selecting suitable sites for wind turbines in order to realize 1000 MW of wind power as planned by the Dutch government for the year 2000. Therefore an accurate assessment of wind turbine noise is important. The amount of noise pollution from a wind turbine depends on the wind conditions. An existing standard method to assess wind turbine noise is supplemented and adjusted. In the first part of the investigation the method was developed and applied for a solitary sound source. In the second part attention is paid to the use of the method for wind turbine arrays. It appears that the adjusted method results in a shift of the contours of the permitted noise level. In general the contours are 15-25% closer to the wind farm, which means that the minimal permitted distance between houses and wind turbine arrays can be reduced. 14 figs., 1 tab., 4 appendices, 7 refs

  20. One-Dimensional Modelling of Marine Current Turbine Runaway Behaviour

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Staffan Lundin


    Full Text Available If a turbine loses its electrical load, it will rotate freely and increase speed, eventually achieving that rotational speed which produces zero net torque. This is known as a runaway situation. Unlike many other types of turbine, a marine current turbine will typically overshoot the final runaway speed before slowing down and settling at the runaway speed. Since the hydrodynamic forces acting on the turbine are dependent on rotational speed and acceleration, turbine behaviour during runaway becomes important for load analyses during turbine design. In this article, we consider analytical and numerical models of marine current turbine runaway behaviour in one dimension. The analytical model is found not to capture the overshoot phenomenon, while still providing useful estimates of acceleration at the onset of runaway. The numerical model incorporates turbine wake build-up and predicts a rotational speed overshoot. The predictions of the models are compared against measurements of runaway of a marine current turbine. The models are also used to recreate previously-published results for a tidal turbine and applied to a wind turbine. It is found that both models provide reasonable estimates of maximum accelerations. The numerical model is found to capture the speed overshoot well.