
Sample records for mano ii parte

  1. Artrosis en la mano

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    Dr. K. Daniel Hinzpeter


    Hay un grupo de pacientes con artrosis en sus manos que necesitarán de tratamiento quirúrgico. Son ellos quienes requieren de un mayor esfuerzo por parte del médico tratante, para realizar una adecuada recomendación sobre cuál técnica quirúrgica escoger.

  2. El lavado y cuidado de las manos


    Troconis Ganimez, J.E.


    Resumen En el presente trabajo hacemos notar la importancia del lavado y cuidado de las manos en el personal del equipo de salud odontológico, aquí incluimos las técnicas correctas del lavado de las manos, la importancia del jabón y los antisépticos que han sido incluidos en los mismos, la técnica como deben ser secadas las manos una vez lavadas, por último hacemos algunas consideraciones en el cuidado general de las manos, mantenimiento de las uñas y el uso de cremas hidratantes.

  3. Abordaje de la mano con quemaduras en una unidad de grandes quemados

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    José Luis Fernández-Cañamaque

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivo. Las quemaduras en las manos suponen un volumen total muy importante en la atención sanitaria. Prácticamente la totalidad de la población ha sufrido o sufrirá a lo largo de su vida una quemadura en sus manos. Afortunadamente, la inmensa mayoría no requerirá una atención especializada por parte de un cirujano plástico. Aún así, el impacto de los que sí precisan dicha atención es importante y debemos tener siempre planificado cómo actuar en cada situación. La función final que se obtenga de una mano quemada será de vital importancia, tanto si es la única zona del cuerpo afectada, como si entra en el contexto del gran quemado, y más en estos casos puesto que tendrá una gran repercusión positiva en su calidad de vida si se logra un resultado óptimo y/o funcional. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar nuestra experiencia como Unidad de Quemados en el tratamiento de la mano quemada y mostrar una serie de ejemplos de abordaje de las secuelas de quemaduras en manos que permita al paciente reincorporarse de forma completa a su actividad habitual. Material y Método. Revisamos los pacientes atendidos en nuestra Unidad entre 2012 y 2014, la afectación en manos, su epidemiología, distribución por variables, y revisamos varios casos de secuelas, algunos típicos y otros menos frecuentes. Resultados. Atendimos a un total de 307 pacientes, de los cuales 68 sufrieron quemaduras en 1 mano y 113 en las 2, requiriendo finalmente cirugía 155 manos. Del total, 39 pacientes provenían del ámbito laboral, de los cuales sufrieron quemaduras en manos 20, siendo en estos casos más frecuente la afectación de ambas manos que en los pacientes que no sufrieron accidentes laborales (4 afectados en una sola mano y 20 en ambas manos. Conclusiones. Nuestros pilares básicos se centran en: un diagnóstico preciso y precoz de profundidad, extensión y repercusiones; un tratamiento quirúrgico temprano y adecuado; un manejo

  4. Higiene de manos con soluciones alcoholadas

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    José Luis Castañeda Narváez


    Full Text Available El papel de las manos en la transmisión de gérmenes durante la atención clínica diaria de los pacientes se identificó desde 1847 por Ignaz Semmelweis, cuando estableció el beneficio obtenido por el lavado de las manos y la reducción de la mortalidad materna. Desde 1928, Price dividió en dos tipos la flora de gérmenes que se encuentran en las manos: la transitoria y la residente. La flora residente corresponde a las bacterias que viven en la piel en condiciones habituales, generalmente son de baja virulencia y ocupan capas superficiales de la piel.

  5. Lavado (higiene de manos con agua y jabón

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    José Luis Castañeda Narváez


    Full Text Available Las infecciones asociadas con la atención en salud son las que afectan a un paciente durante el proceso de atención en el hospital u otra instalación de atención sanitaria, que no estaban presentes ni se estaban incubando en el momento del ingreso. No obstante, la falta de higiene de manos del personal médico y enfermería antes y después de estar en contacto con un paciente es probablemente el único factor, relacionado con la transmisión de los microorganismos, común a la mayor parte de las infecciones. El cumplimiento de la higiene de manos es bajo.

  6. Clínica. Localizaciones: rodilla, cadera, manos, columna, otras localizaciones

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    Álvaro Pérez Martín


    Full Text Available La clínica que presentan estos pacientes difiere mucho de unos a otros, dependiendo especialmente de la localización de la artrosis, y no hay buena correlación entre la afectación radiológica y el dolor. Generalmente, la clínica es de inicio gradual y evolución lenta, aunque progresiva, y las articulaciones más afectadas son las rodillas, las caderas, las manos y la columna vertebral. Los principales síntomas y signos son el dolor, la rigidez, la deformidad articular y la crepitación. El dolor es de características mecánicas y de causa multifactorial; en fases iniciales suele cursar en brotes autolimitados y posteriormente puede permanecer casi constante. Los criterios del American College of Rheumatology para clasificar las artrosis de rodilla, cadera y manos son una ayuda para la clasificación y estandarización, pero no sirven para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. La artrosis de cadera suele presentar dolor inguinal, en la parte interna y anterior del muslo hasta la rodilla y con la evolución tiende a producir limitación de la movilidad. La artrosis de rodilla es más frecuente en mujeres y suele asociarse con la de mano y la obesidad. En la artrosis de manos, las articulaciones más afectadas son las interfalángicas distales, seguidas de las interfalángicas proximales y la trapeciometacarpiana; es frecuente la aparición de nódulos de Heberden y Bouchard; la afectación de la articulación trapeciometacarpiana se denomina rizartrosis, siendo una de las artrosis que más limita la funcionabilidad de la mano. La artrosis de columna afecta a las articulaciones interapofisarias y a los cuerpos vertebrales. Otras artrosis menos frecuentes son las del pie, codo y hombro, que generalmente son secundarias.

  7. Acculturation and Diabetes Risk in the Mexican American Mano a Mano Cohort. (United States)

    Anderson, Chelsea; Zhao, Hua; Daniel, Carrie R; Hromi-Fiedler, Amber; Dong, Qiong; Elhor Gbito, Kplola Y; Wu, Xifeng; Chow, Wong-Ho


    To investigate the association between acculturation and diabetes risk in the Mexican American Mano a Mano (hand to hand) Cohort. We recruited 15 975 men and women in the Houston, Texas, area from 2001 to 2014. We used language use, birth country, and duration of US residence (among Mexico-born) to assess acculturation. Participants self-reported a physician's diagnosis of diabetes during annual follow-up over an average of 5.4 (range = 1-13) years. Self-reported diabetes status was validated in medical records for a subset of 235 participants with 98% agreement. Diabetes risk was higher among immigrants with 15 to 19, 20 to 24, and 25 or more years (relative risk = 1.47; 95% confidence interval = 1.07, 2.01) of US residence, relative to those with less than 5 years. Neither language acculturation nor birth country was significantly associated with diabetes risk. Among participants born in Mexico, diabetes risk increased with longer duration of US residence.

  8. Para tener entre manos una revista


    Gabriel Giannone


    Consideramos importante rescatar el trabajo colectivo y acumulado que precede y sucede a la labor de intermediación académica que realiza una revista. Para ello recordamos una clásica frase prologal: el texto que usted tiene en sus manos. Con cierta ironía, porque quizás muy pocos de los lectores puedan tener entre manos y oler el papel impreso de Chasqui. Desde sus pantallas, sus tablets o sus teléfonos la intención es que se comprenda este número como un solo cuerpo. Y al mismo tiempo, como...

  9. Estrategia de uno en uno para mejorar la técnica correcta de higiene de manos

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    Hilda Guadalupe Hernández-Orozco


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la higiene de las manos es considerada la estrategia más importante para prevenir infecciones asociadas con la atención de la salud. En nuestra institución, un estudio previo mostró que 93% del personal del hospital dijo conocer la técnica de higiene de manos, pero las observaciones de vigilancia activa no reflejaban estos resultados.   OBJETIVO: mejorar la técnica de higiene de manos apropiada a través de una estrategia de "uno a uno". MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: estudio comparativo de antes y después, prospectivo, longitudinal, realizado entre 2012-2013, con personal de enfermería de cinco servicios. El estudio se realizó en tres etapas: la primer etapa consistió en observar la realización de higiene de manos reforzando verbalmente si era incorrecta; en la segunda etapa se pidió que se realizara la higiene de manos, si era incorrecta se pidió se repitiera realizándola al mismo tiempo con el observador; la tercera etapa fue la evaluación final de higiene de manos, después de al menos 15 días de la segunda etapa. Analizamos frecuencias de eventos correctos y realizamos comparaciones entre grupos por McNemar para evaluar si el efecto de la intervención se sostenía a pesar del tiempo; se evaluaron las mismas variables un año después del inicio del estudio. RESULTADOS: la prueba de McNemar mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la realización de la higiene de manos correcta entre la etapa 1 en comparación con las siguientes 35 versus 85%; p < 0.001.   CONCLUSIONES: se confirmó que la intervención dirigida logra mayor cooperación por parte del personal e incrementa la técnica correcta de higiene de manos a  orto plazo.

  10. The Mission Accessible Near-Earth Object Survey (MANOS) -- Science Highlights (United States)

    Moskovitz, Nicholas; Thirouin, Audrey; Binzel, Richard; Burt, Brian; Christensen, Eric; DeMeo, Francesca; Endicott, Thomas; Hinkle, Mary; Mommert, Michael; Person, Michael; Polishook, David; Siu, Hosea; Thomas, Cristina; Trilling, David; Willman, Mark


    Near-Earth objects (NEOs) are essential to understanding the origin of the Solar System through their compositional links to meteorites. As tracers of other parts of the Solar System they provide insight to more distant populations. Their small sizes and complex dynamical histories make them ideal laboratories for studying ongoing processes of planetary evolution. Knowledge of their physical properties is essential to impact hazard assessment. And the proximity of NEOs to Earth make them favorable targets for a variety of planetary mission scenarios. However, in spite of their importance, only the largest NEOs are well studied and a representative sample of physical properties for sub-km NEOs does not exist.MANOS is a multi-year physical characterization survey, originally awarded survey status by NOAO. MANOS is targeting several hundred mission-accessible, sub-km NEOs across visible and near-infrared wavelengths to provide a comprehensive catalog of physical properties (astrometry, light curves, spectra). Accessing these targets is enabled through classical, queue, and target-of-opportunity observations carried out at 1- to 8-meter class facilities in the northern and southern hemispheres. Our observing strategy is designed to rapidly characterize newly discovered NEOs before they fade beyond observational limits.Early progress from MANOS includes: (1) the de-biased taxonomic distribution of spectral types for NEOs smaller than ~100 meters, (2) the distribution of rotational properties for approximately 100 previously unstudied NEOs, (3) detection of the fastest known rotation period of any minor planet in the Solar System, (4) an investigation of the influence of planetary encounters on the rotational properties of NEOs, (5) dynamical models for the evolution of the overall NEO population over the past 0.5 Myr, and (6) development of a new set of online tools at that will enable near realtime public dissemination of our data products while

  11. Lavado de manos. Un cambio de paradigma


    López Matheu, Carme


    El lavado de manos es una de las principales medidas para el control de la infección nosocomial. En la actualidad diversos estudios evidencian que la descontaminación de las manos con una solución de base alcohólica es igual de eficaz, más rápida de utilizar y más fácil. Este hecho representa un cambio de paradigma importante en el control de la trasmisión de las infecciones. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar y discutir los aspectos más relevantes de las nuevas recomendaciones....

  12. Para tener entre manos una revista

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    Gabriel Giannone


    Full Text Available Consideramos importante rescatar el trabajo colectivo y acumulado que precede y sucede a la labor de intermediación académica que realiza una revista. Para ello recordamos una clásica frase prologal: el texto que usted tiene en sus manos. Con cierta ironía, porque quizás muy pocos de los lectores puedan tener entre manos y oler el papel impreso de Chasqui. Desde sus pantallas, sus tablets o sus teléfonos la intención es que se comprenda este número como un solo cuerpo. Y al mismo tiempo, como un esfuerzo colectivo. Alrededor de él están las propuestas, lecturas y análisis de cientos de autores, revisores externos y lectores.


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    Alfonso Vargas-Calvo


    Full Text Available Grosor del fruto de la última y segunda mano como criterio de cosecha en banano. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la relación entre el grosor del fruto central de las manos última y segunda, como criterio de cosecha en el banano. Las mediciones se efectuaron semanalmente (mm de la segunda a la décima semana después de la fl oración y fueron transformadas a treintaidosavos de pulgada (tdp donde 1 tdp= 0,7914 mm, para la generación de ecuaciones de regresión para ambas manos, considerando, o ignorando, el tamaño del racimo. El grosor del fruto central de la última mano fue estimado a partir del grosor del fruto central de la segunda mano, y viceversa para el grosor del fruto de la segunda mano. Los valores de grosor del fruto central de la última mano (valores Y obtenidos aplicando los grosores mínimos preestablecidos de cosecha para el fruto central de la segunda mano (valores x: 43; 44 y 45 tdp fueron superiores a 40 tdp, independientemente del tamaño del racimo, e inclusive superó en la mayoría de las veces, a 41 tdp. Inversamente, aplicando los valores mínimos de grosor de la última mano, predefi nidos para la cosecha (valores x: 39; 40 y 41 tdp, se obtuvieron valores de grosor del fruto central de la segunda mano (valores Y, que no superaron el valor de 43 tdp excepto para x=41 en los racimos de siete a nueve manos. Los racimos cosechados con la exigencia mínima de empaque aplicada para la última mano, tuvieron menos peso, por estar conformados de frutos con menor grosor, que aquellos que se cosecharían mediante la medición en la segunda mano.

  14. Control de la mano robot Inmoov-SR mediante casco NeuroSky Mindset


    Hernández Martínez, Antonio


    En este trabajo el objetivo es conseguir controlar los movimientos de apertura y cierre de la mano robot InMoov-SR conectada al brazo IRB120 de ABB mediante señales EEG, recogidas por medio del casco NeuroSky Mindset. Las señales son recogidas cuando el sujeto está en estado basal y cuando realiza movimiento con su mano y son procesadas con la ayuda de Matlab para de esta manera conseguir establecer las señales de control necesarias para activar la apertura o el cierre de la mano. Final...

  15. The Mission Accessible Near-Earth Object Survey (MANOS): Project Overview (United States)

    Moskovitz, Nicholas; Polishook, David; Thomas, Cristina; Willman, Mark; DeMeo, Francesca; Mommert, Michael; Endicott, Thomas; Trilling, David; Binzel, Richard; Hinkle, Mary; Siu, Hosea; Neugent, Kathryn; Christensen, Eric; Person, Michael; Burt, Brian; Grundy, Will; Roe, Henry; Abell, Paul; Busch, Michael


    The Mission Accessible Near-Earth Object Survey (MANOS) began in August 2013 as a multi-year physical characterization survey that was awarded survey status by NOAO. MANOS will target several hundred mission-accessible NEOs across visible and near-infrared wavelengths, ultimately providing a comprehensive catalog of physical properties (astrometry, light curves, spectra). Particular focus is paid to sub-km NEOs, for which little data currently exists. These small bodies are essential to understanding the link between meteorites and asteroids, pose the most immediate impact hazard to the Earth, and are highly relevant to a variety of planetary mission scenarios. Accessing these targets is enabled through a combination of classical, queue, and target-of-opportunity observations carried out at 1- to 8-meter class facilities in both the northern and southern hemispheres. The MANOS observing strategy is specifically designed to rapidly characterize newly discovered NEOs before they fade beyond observational limits. MANOS will provide major advances in our understanding of the NEO population as a whole and for specific objects of interest. Here we present an overview of the survey, progress to date, and early science highlights including: (1) an estimate of the taxonomic distribution of spectral types for NEOs smaller than ~100 meters, (2) the distribution of rotational properties for approximately 100 previously unstudied objects, (3) models for the dynamical evolution of the overall NEO population over the past 0.5 Myr, and (4) progress in developing a new set of online tools at that will enable near realtime public dissemination of our data while providing a portal to facilitate coordination efforts within the small body observer community.MANOS is supported through telescope allocations from NOAO and Lowell Observatory. We acknowledge funding support from an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship to N. Moskovitz and NASA NEOO grant

  16. United Fruit Company, explotación de la mano de obra jamaicana

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    MSc.Yurisay Pérez-Nakao


    Full Text Available En 1899, sobre las cenizas del fuego mambí, comenzó la recuperación de la zona de Banes con el establecimiento de la compañía norteamericana United Fruit Company.Esta empresa enfrentó inmediatamente un obstáculo: la insuficiente mano de obra para acometer todos sus proyectos. Los requerimientos de personal para la construcción de un central azucarero, así como el amplio plan de construcción de vías férreas, determinaron la necesidad de incrementar la fuerza laboral. La inmigración interna no resolvía las necesidades de mano de obra, por lo que apelaron a su importación, fundamentalmente de Las Antillas, predominando los haitianos y los jamaicanos. Entre 1911 y 1930, se emplearon en Banes, como promedio, unos tres mil braceros antillanos anuales. Solo una parte de ellos se asentaron,el resto, al finalizar la zafra eran reembarcados a su país de origen. Estas personas fueron victimas de una triple explotación: como obreros, como negros y como extranjeros.

  17. The Mission Accessible Near-Earth Object Survey (MANOS) (United States)

    Moskovitz, N.; Manos Team


    Near-Earth objects (NEOs) are essential to understanding the origin of the Solar System through their compositional links to meteorites. As tracers of various regions within the Solar System they can provide insight to more distant, less accessible populations. Their relatively small sizes and complex dynamical histories make them excellent laboratories for studying ongoing Solar System processes such as space weathering, planetary encounters, and non-gravitational dynamics. Knowledge of their physical properties is essential to impact hazard assessment. Finally, the proximity of NEOs to Earth make them favorable targets for robotic and human exploration. However, in spite of their scientific importance, only the largest (km-scale) NEOs have been well studied and a representative sample of physical characteristics for sub-km NEOs does not exist. To address these issues we are conducting the Mission Accessible Near-Earth Object Survey (MANOS), a fully allocated multi-year survey of sub-km NEOs that will provide a large, uniform catalog of physical properties including light curves, spectra, and astrometry. From this comprehensive catalog, we will derive global properties of the NEO population, as well as identify individual targets that are of potential interest for exploration. We will accomplish these goals for approximately 500 mission-accessible NEOs across the visible and near-infrared ranges using telescope assets in both the northern and southern hemispheres. MANOS has been awarded large survey status by NOAO to employ Gemini-N, Gemini-S, SOAR, the Kitt Peak 4 m, and the CTIO 1.3 m. Access to additional facilities at Lowell Observatory (DCT 4.3 m, Perkins 72'', Hall 42'', LONEOS), the University of Hawaii, and the Catalina Sky Survey provide essential complements to this suite of telescopes. Targets for MANOS are selected based on three primary criteria: mission accessibility (i.e. Δ v 20), and observability. Our telescope assets allow us to obtain

  18. Percepción y conocimientos de los profesionales sanitarios de una unidad de Nefrología sobre la higiene de manos: estudio comparativo

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    José Luis Cobo Sánchez


    Full Text Available Un conocimiento adecuado sobre la higiene de las manos por parte de los profesionales sanitarios, es el primer paso para la adherencia a cualquier programa de disminución de infección relacionada con la asistencia sanitaria. Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de conocimientos y percepciones respecto a la higiene de manos entre los profesionales sanitarios de nuestra unidad de Nefrología, y compararlos con los de otra unidad de nuestro centro (Traumatología. Material y método: Estudio prospectivo descriptivo comparativo en 69 profesionales sanitarios. Para evaluar los conocimientos y percepciones respecto a la higiene de manos se utilizó un cuestionario de 26 ítems basado en cuestionarios desarrollados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados: 73% utiliza regularmente preparados de base alcohólica para higiene de manos (Traumatología 96,9%, p=0,007. 94% piensa que las manos de los profesionales sanitarios cuando no están limpias son la principal vía de transmisión de gérmenes patógenos (Traumatología: 87,1%, p=NS. 75,7% piensan que el entorno/superficies del hospital es la principal fuente de gérmenes patógenos (Traumatología: 68,8% y 16% que son los microrganismos ya presentes en el paciente (Traumatología: 25% (p=NS. Percepciones: 89% consideran alta la repercusión de las infecciones relacionadas con la asistencia sanitaria en el desenlace de la enfermedad (Traumatología: 59,4%, p=0,009. Respecto a las medidas más efectivas para mejorar la higiene de manos destacan la formación de los profesionales sanitarios, recibir retroalimentación regularmente sobre cómo realizar la higiene de manos y que exista un preparado de base alcohólica en cada punto de atención. Conclusiones: Los profesionales sanitarios de Nefrología, al igual que los de Traumatología, en general tienen conocimientos y percepciones adecuados sobre la higiene de manos.


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    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión sobre la evolución y retos concernientes al desarrollo de prótesis de mano. Se muestran las características principales de diseños recientes, a nivel internacional, que incorporan una cantidad considerable de funciones, varios grados de libertad y elevado desempeño físico. Adicionalmente se presentan algunos resultados obtenidos en Colombia relacionados con la obtención de modelos y prototipos de prótesis de mano. Por último, se presentan varios modelos físico-matemáticos que emulan con el comportamiento mecánico de los tejidos biológicos, y se identifican un conjunto de materiales inteligentes que resultan de interés para la fabricación de prótesis. Se concluye que el desarrollo de estos dispositivos en ambientes de ingeniería simultánea, donde puedan integrarse los últimos resultados sobre biónica, control, automatización, nuevos materiales y técnicas de fabricación, posibilitará en un futuro cercano el desarrollo de prótesis de mano con características indistinguibles al de una mano real, tanto en funcionalidad como en apariencia.

  20. La enfermedad de manos, pies y boca (Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    La enfermedad de manos, pies y boca es una enfermedad contagiosa que afecta principalmente a niños menores de cinco años. En este podcast, la doctora Eileen Schneider habla de los síntomas de la enfermedad de manos, pies y boca, cómo se propaga y cómo protegerse y proteger a sus hijos para que no se infecten con el virus.

  1. Higiene de las manos: conocimientos de los profesionales y áreas de mejora

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    Pastora Pérez-Pérez


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue analizar los conocimientos sobre la higiene de las manos de los profesionales del Sistema Sanitario Público Andaluz (España. Estudio mediante encuestas en 2011, utilizando el Hand Hygiene Knowledge Questionnaire for Health-Care Workers con la técnica de análisis de clases latentes. La media de respuestas correctas fue de 17,51 ± 3,68. Las preguntas con porcentajes de respuestas correctas más bajos son las referidas a la prevención, mediante la higiene de las manos, de la transmisión de microorganismos después de la exposición al paciente y aquellas relacionadas con la utilización de preparados de base alcohólica. Se obtuvo un modelo de 7 clases latentes. Principales diferencias socio-demográficas: los profesionales con conocimientos más bajos suelen ser hombres, jóvenes y no sanitarios; el haber recibido formación previa no discrimina a los que presentan excelentes conocimientos. Concluimos que la revisión de los programas de formación en higiene de las manos es necesaria para mejorar los conocimientos sobre aspectos conceptuales de la transmisión de microorganismos a través de las manos.

  2. Signos Vitales de los CDC-El humo de segunda mano (Secondhand Smoke)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de febrero del 2015 del informe de Signos Vitales de los CDC. El humo de segunda mano mata a más de 400 bebés y 41 000 adultos no fumadores al año. Sepa qué se puede hacer para prevenir la exposición al humo de segunda mano.  Created: 2/3/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 2/3/2015.

  3. Evaluación de un taller práctico sobre higiene de manos impartido por estudiantes entrenados

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    María Fernández-Prada

    Full Text Available Introducción. La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la higiene de manos en el contexto sanitario es una tarea compleja. La intervención del estudiante como líder de su propia formación está muy poco analizada en la bibliografía. El objetivo principal del trabajo es la evaluación de un taller sobre higiene de manos gestionado, dirigido e impartido, bajo tutela experta, por estudiantes al propio colectivo estudiantil. Sujetos y métodos. Evaluación pre-post de la técnica, los conocimientos y las actitudes de los participantes hacia la higiene de manos. Asistieron 40 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de la Universidad de Granada. Se realizaron dos evaluaciones del taller: mediante un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc con 12 ítems sobre conocimientos y actitudes, y mediante la observación directa de la técnica de higiene de manos y la calidad del proceso utilizando una lámpara de luz ultravioleta y una solución reactiva. Resultados. Tras la realización del taller se aprecia que disminuye de forma significativa el número de zonas contaminadas de las manos (t = 9,278; p < 0,000 y que mejora significativamente la técnica de higiene de manos para cada uno de los siete pasos establecidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (p < 0,001. La diferencia entre la media global de las puntuaciones del cuestionario antes y después del taller fue también significativa (t = -4,662; p < 0,000. Conclusiones. El taller impartido mejoró las actitudes, los conocimientos y la técnica de higiene de manos con solución alcohólica entre los participantes.


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    Taís Bleicher


    Full Text Available Ao analisar aspectos do evoluir do tratamento médico voltado à loucura na França, com ênfase na inovação pineliana do século XIX, o tratamento moral, e os modelos que surgiram em oposição ou em continuidade com este (as Colônias Agrícolas, que se opunham ao ambiente dos hospitais eas comunidades terapêuticas, com fins de ressocialização, objetiva-se perceber em quê estes modelos, anteriormente aplicado aos loucos, estão presentes nos atuais tratamentos para toxicômanos, tanto em Fazendas de Recuperação, como em grupos de ajudaque seguem a Filosofia dos Doze Passos e que não adotam o sistema de internação. A partir da teoria psicanalítica(com ênfase nos conceitos de narcisismo, narcisismo secundário, ideal de eu e pulsãoquestionaremos estas formas de tratamento (especialmente no que diz respeito ao recurso à religião, a infantilização dos pacientes, o julgamento perpétuo, o lugar dado aos relacionamentos, em nomede uma possibilidade de existência criativa e autônoma por parte do toxicômano.

  5. Introduction of new energies that gives vitality to town of Mano, industries, and people. Report on establishment of new energy vision in Mano Town area (Niigata Prefecture); Mano no machi, sangyo, hito ni katsuryoku wo ataeru shin energy no donyu. Manocho chiiki shin energy vision hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Based on assurance of energy availability in Sado Island, and age advancing of the population, an energy vision was established with the target of building 'Mano Town that seem real to everyone to find it good to live therein'. The population of Mano Town is about 6000 persons, and the energy consumption in total is 22,350 kl/year as converted into petroleum (industries and public sector at 12,162, households at 2,720, and transportation at 7,433). The new energy introduction is divided into three steps of the initial stage, middle stage, and long term stage. The initial stage will execute introduction of photovoltaic power generation into primary schools, promotion of utilization of solar energy at homes, promotion of introducing firewood and chaff boilers, and introduction of cogeneration into Yutoripia Mano. For the middle stage, discussions were given on introduction of photovoltaic power generation into the city office building, manufacture of light oil substituting fuel through rape seed and soy bean cultivation, introduction of hybrid automobiles, and manufacture of pellet fuel by utilizing wood wastes. For the long term stage, discussions were given on wind power generation, and ethanol fuel manufacture. (NEDO)


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    Gache, Fernando Luis


    Full Text Available En 1776 Adam Smith planteó que una mano invisible era quien movía a los mercados para obtener su eficiencia. No obstante en el presente trabajo vamos a plantear la hipótesis, que dicha mano invisible, es en realidad la confianza que cada persona siente en el momento de hacer un negocio. Que además es única, pues es distinta a la confianza de los demás y que se trata de una variable no lineal que fundamentalmente está ligada a las respectivas historias personales. Para ello vamos a tomar como base el trabajo de Leopoldo Abadía (2009, respecto de la crisis económico financiera que se desató en el 2007-2008, para poner en evidencia la forma en que opera la confianza. Por lo tanto la contribución que esperamos hacer con este trabajo es destacar que, el nivel de confianza de los diferentes actores, es quien realmente mueve a los mercados, (por tanto la economía y que la crisis de las hipotecas subprime es una crisis de confianza a nivel mundial.

  7. Aplicativo software para rehabilitación en pacientes con afecciones motoras de la mano


    Díaz Suárez, Ricardo Andrés; Puello Villamizar, Bárbara Milena; Santamaría Sánchez, Edwin; Van-Strahlen Peña, Francy Juliana


    Existen enfermedades como la parálisis cerebral, la distrofia muscular, el síndrome del túnel del Carpio o los accidentes cerebro vasculares (ACV) que pueden ocasionar afecciones o lesiones que comprometen el sistema locomotor, causando pérdida de la fuerza y trastornos en el movimiento de la mano. Estas enfermedades pueden generar debilidad en la mano produciendo en ella pérdida del movimiento, por tal motivo es necesario que las personas que han sufrido dichas enfermedades deban ser sometid...

  8. Associations between language acculturation, age of immigration, and obesity in the Mexican American Mano A Mano cohort. (United States)

    Chrisman, Matthew; Chow, Wong-Ho; Daniel, Carrie R; Wu, Xifeng; Zhao, Hua

    As Mexican immigrants to the U.S. become acculturated, they face worsening health outcomes such as obesity. The role of language acculturation in the development of obesity has not been thoroughly examined. To examine associations between language acculturation and obesity, data were drawn from the Mexican-American Mano A Mano cohort study. Participants aged 20 years and over (n=18,298) completed baseline questionnaires on socio-demographic and behavioural factors, including physical activity and sitting time. The Bi-dimensional Acculturation Scale for Hispanics assessed language acculturation. Multivariate-adjusted logistic regression was conducted to investigate associations between language acculturation, immigration age, and obesity, and whether sitting time and physical activity mediated these associations. Individuals with obesity were more linguistically acculturated than individuals who were normal weight or overweight (Pobesity (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 1.12-1.62) in U.S.-born participants and lower risk in Mexico-born participants (OR=0.90, 95%CI=0.81-1.00). For Mexico-born participants, arrival in the U.S. as an adult (≥20years old) was associated with a reduced obesity risk (OR=0.74, 95% CI: 0.67-0.80). Sitting time mediated the association between language acculturation and obesity. Language acculturation may influence obesity development among the U.S.-born Mexican Americans in this cohort, but not their Mexico-born counterparts. Sitting time could be targeted in obesity prevention efforts in this population. Copyright © 2017 Asia Oceania Association for the Study of Obesity. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. El colgajo fasciocutáneo dorsal ulnar en quemaduras eléctricas de la mano: un colgajo constante, rápido y seguro

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    Trinidad Delgado-Ruiz


    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivos. La extremidad superior es el área más frecuentemente afectada en las quemaduras eléctricas de alto voltaje, con una alta tasa de amputaciones, síndromes compartimentales y defectos de partes blandas que precisan cobertura. La literatura en cuanto a la cirugía reconstructiva de la mano con quemaduras eléctricas es escasa, pero es fundamental en la fase aguda establecer un plan quirúrgico y una cobertura estable de estos frecuentes defectos en mano y muñeca. Pacientes y Método. Empleamos el colgajo fasciocutáneo dorsal ulnar en 3 pacientes con defectos cutáneos en muñeca secundarios a quemaduras eléctricas de alto voltaje, durante la fase aguda de estas lesiones. Resultados. Obtuvimos en todos los casos una cobertura estable y de alta calidad y sin registrar complicaciones relacionadas con el colgajo o con la zona donante. Conclusiones. Debido a la constancia de su pedículo, la rapidez y seguridad de su disección y la preservación de ambos ejes arteriales, el colgajo fasciocutáneo dorsal ulnar es una herramienta de primer uso en la cobertura de los defectos de la mano y de la muñeca tras quemaduras eléctricas de alto voltaje.

  10. Efectividad del lavado de manos prequirúrgico en la reducción de la carga bacteriana, utilizando digluconato de clorhexidina y paraclorometaxilenol


    Martín Aragón, Laura


    Durante siglos, el lavado de manos con agua y jabón fue considerado una medida de higiene personal, sin embargo, la relación entre el lavado de manos y la propagación de la enfermedad, sólo se estableció en los últimos 200 años. A mediados de la década de 1800, los estudios de Ignaz Semmelweis en Viena y Oliver Wendell Holmes en Boston, establecieron que las enfermedades adquiridas en el hospital, ahora se sabe que por agentes infecciosos, se transmiten a través de las manos del personal sani...

  11. Rejuvenecimiento de manos con ácido hialurónico de alta densidad: estudio prospectivo en 29 pacientes Hands rejuvenation with high density hyaluronic acid: prospective study in 29 patients

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    J.M. Alcolea


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio prospectivo es valorar a corto, medio y largo plazo, la eficacia en el rejuvenecimiento de las manos de la inyección subcutánea de ácido hialurónico (AH, Macrolane® 20, de alta densidad y partículas grandes, teniendo en cuenta el beneficio del tratamiento, la satisfacción de los pacientes y las posibles complicaciones. Este estudio se realizó entre mayo del 2010 y diciembre del 2011. Se seleccionaron 29 pacientes al azar entre 51 y 74 años de edad con fototipos II a IV, a los que se les inyectó AH para rejuvenecer las manos. La cantidad de AH inyectada en cada mano fue de 1 a 2 ml. Se realizaron controles sistemáticos en la 2ª semana, en los meses 1º, 3º, 6º, 9º y 12º. Se tuvieron en cuenta las complicaciones en cada paciente en todos los controles. En el primer control, en la 2ª semana, junto al examen clínico se practicó examen ecográfico a fin de determinar si sería necesaria una segunda inyección de AH. En cada uno de los controles los pacientes contestaron a un formulario para indagar sobre su grado de satisfacción con el tratamiento. Solo 1 paciente presentó edema y 3 tuvieron equimosis leve; 2 pacientes manifestaron dolor leve con las inyecciones y 2 requirieron una segunda inyección tras la valoración en la 2ª semana. La satisfacción de los pacientes en los controles superó la valoración clínica y fotográfica. En nuestra opinión, el rejuvenecimiento de las manos con este tipo de AH de grandes partículas tiene una baja tasa de complicaciones y es bien tolerado, con un alto grado de satisfacción por parte de los pacientes y una notable mejoría de los parámetros estudiados: arrugas, aspecto de la atrofia dérmica y subcutánea y disminución de los relieves óseos, tendinosos y venosos. La valoración tanto subjetiva como objetiva se hizo hasta el año de seguimiento con buenos resultados.The aim of this prospective study is to assess the efficacy of a high density

  12. Errores en la estrategia argumentativa de la interpretación providencialista de la mano invisible de adam smith: el caso de la teoría de los sentimientos morales


    Indavera Stieben, Leandro Gastón


    Generalmente, los que defienden la interpretación providencialista de la mano invisible de Adam Smith, sostienen que los individuos guiados por una mano invisible poseen ciertas cualidades que se espera se orientan a ciertos fines beneficiosos para la sociedad. Este sería, ni más ni menos, el sentido de la famosa expresión smitheana. En este artículo mostraré, por el contrario, que en el pasaje de la mano invisible de La teoría de los sentimientos morales los individuos guiados por una mano i...


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    Wilson Pérez-Oviedo


    Full Text Available En este modelo, si bien las empresas exhiben rendimientos constantes a escala, la economía entera exhibe también crecientes rendimientos a escala debido a las ex - ternalidades positivas de la mano de obra calificada. Esto hace factible la existencia de estados estacionarios múltiples que pueden ordenarse en el sentido de Pareto, lo cual es útil para reflexionar sobre los problemas del desarrollo. Este modelo, al pre - decir que la productividad marginal del capital es igual en todos los países, resuelve el problema de asignación de capital (Lucas, 1990. Otra predicción del modelo es que la productividad de la mano de obra calificada es mayor en los países des- arrollados que en los países subdesarrollados, lo cual aporta un factor importante para explicar la migración de la mano de obra calificada a los países ricos. También explica cómo es que un país que tiene agentes que no experimentan asimetrías de información, conductas irracionales ni restricciones crediticias puede estar atrapa - do en un punto fijo donde únicamente se invierten pequeñas cantidades de capital, se pagan bajos salarios, la productividad de la mano de obra calificada es baja y la mayoría de la fuerza laboral es no calificada.

  14. Enfisema subcutáneo en mano y antebrazo por aire comprimido

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    M. Klein


    Full Text Available Las lesiones cutáneas que se acompañan de crepitación sugieren la sospecha de infecciones causadas por gérmenes productores de gas. Las causas no infecciosas no son tan reconocidas y suelen tener buen pronóstico. Presentamos un paciente de 27 años que consultó por hinchazón de la mano y antebrazo izquierdo luego de sufrir una lesión cutánea punzante en un dedo, y de secar el área con aire comprimido. En el examen se comprobó un extenso enfisema subcutáneo desde la mano hasta el codo. Una radiografía reveló la presencia de gas subcutáneo en la mano y antebrazo. El enfisema subcutáneo desapareció en 48 horas. El enfisema subcutáneo es siempre un signo preocupante y casos benignos como este se deben considerar en el diagnóstico diferencial. La exposición de lesiones preexistentes a gases comprimidos (compresores y herramientas neumáticas, tubos de gases para distintos usos, armas de aire comprimido identifica la causa y evita eventuales procedimientos quirúrgicos innecesarios.Cutaneous injuries with crepitus suggest infections caused by gas forming organisms. The non infectious causes of subcutaneous emphysema are underrecognized, and are usually of good prognosis. A 27 year old man presented a swollen hand and forearm. He had suffered a small puncture wound in a finger. He had cleaned and dried the area briefly with compressed air, developing a fast swelling of this hand and forearm. At examination, we found extended subcutaneous emphysema in a radiography and observed subcutaneous air in the hand and forearm; 48 hs later there was no evidence of subcutaneous air. The presence of subcutaneous emphysema is always worrisome and such cases must be considered in the differential diagnosis. The exposition of preexistent wounds to compressed air sources (high pressure pneumatic tools, scuba compressed air tubes, compressed air guns identifies the cause and prevents unnecessary surgical interventions.

  15. Workshop 96. Part II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Part II of the seminar proceedings contains contributions in various areas of science and technology, among them materials science in mechanical engineering, materials science in electrical, chemical and civil engineering, and electronics, measuring and communication engineering. In those areas, 6 contributions have been selected for INIS. (P.A.).

  16. Workshop 96. Part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Part II of the seminar proceedings contains contributions in various areas of science and technology, among them materials science in mechanical engineering, materials science in electrical, chemical and civil engineering, and electronics, measuring and communication engineering. In those areas, 6 contributions have been selected for INIS. (P.A.)

  17. El color, en el programa de mano de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

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    Dr. James F. Willis García-Talavera


    Full Text Available La estandarización de formatos de programas de mano, practicada por Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer al final de la década de los treinta, trajo consigo la arrolladora llegada del color, como carácter peculiar e inseparable del nuevo modelo, origen del matiz de opinión que, a partir de ese momento, generarían los nuevos ejemplares e ingrediente esencial en la obtención del pretendido impacto visual. Esa transformación del programa de mano supuso el ascenso de un punto en la escala de iconocidad gráfica –inversamente proporcional al grado de abstracción– diseñada por Abraham Moles.ABSTRACT: The standarization of programs carried out by MGM at the end of the 30´brought about the overwhelming arrival of colour as a peculiar characteristic inseparable from the new model, origin of the nuance of opinion which, from that moment, would generate the new models and ingredients essential in the obtaining of the alledged visual impact. That transformation of the program meant the raise of one point in the graphic icon scale, inversely proportional to the degree of abstraction designed by Abraham Moles.

  18. Lavado de manos o uso de soluciones hidroalcohólicas


    Mata Castilla, Beatriz de la; Bataller Monzó, Carlos; Montiel López, Mónica


    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Introducción: La importancia de las infecciones nosocomiales en los hospitales, hace necesaria la intervención para conocer qué métodos son los más eficaces, y detallar hasta que punto los profesionales sanitarios cumplen con la higiene de manos, todo ello para favorecer de la seguridad del paciente. Objetivos: Conocer la eficac...

  19. Unlearning Established Organizational Routines--Part II (United States)

    Fiol, C. Marlena; O'Connor, Edward J.


    Purpose: The purpose of Part II of this two-part paper is to uncover important differences in the nature of the three unlearning subprocesses, which call for different leadership interventions to motivate people to move through them. Design/methodology/approach: The paper draws on research in behavioral medicine and psychology to demonstrate that…

  20. Efectos del tlcan sobre el empleo de mano de obra en el sector agrícola de México, 1994-2010

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    Yuliana Lechuga Jardínez


    Full Text Available el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte se implementó en 1994 para solucionar el desempleo de mano de obra en el campo mexicano, sin embargo, actual - mente las zonas rurales del país enfrentan el mismo pro - blema. Se calcularon las fuentes de crecimiento del em - pleo de mano de obra, de 1994 a 2010, con la finalidad de determinar su impacto sobre el sector agrícola de Méxi - co. Los resultados indican que el cambio en la estructura productiva fue desfavorable para el empleo en general, no obstante, el agrícola creció en diez millones de jornadas debido a un incremento en la superficie cosechada y a un aumento en los requerimientos de mano de obra. En Sinaloa, el cambio en la estructura productiva y una ma - yor mecanización perjudicaron al empleo, a diferencia de lo ocurrido en Estado de México y Chiapas, en donde lo beneficiaron.

  1. La higiene de las manos salva vidas: Video para el ingreso de pacientes

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este podcast está dirigido a los pacientes y visitantes del hospital. El video pone énfasis en dos puntos cruciales para ayudar a prevenir infecciones: la importancia de practicar la higiene de las manos durante la estancia en el hospital y el hecho de que es apropiado recordar a los profesionales de la salud que practiquen esta higiene.

  2. La comunicación del TCAE y el lavado e higiene de manos


    Aguayo Domínguez, María Auxiliadora


    Cartel presentado en el 3er Congreso Internacional de Comunicación en Salud (3ICHC), celebrado los días 19 y 20 de octubre de 2017 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. El objetivo es disminuir la contaminación de las manos y prevenir la propagación de gérmenes patógenos a zonas no contaminadas

  3. Exoesqueleto para mano discapacitada con movimiento y sensibilidad, pero sin fuerza


    Peña Pitarch, Esteve; Ticó Falguera, Neus; López Martínez, Joan Antoni; Abenoza Guardiola, Montserrat; Romero Cullerés, Georgia


    Personas con ciertas patologías tienen limitaciones en sus actividades de la vida diaria, tales como coger un vaso de agua o mover un objeto. Las ortesis ayudan a mejorar y/o restaurar la funcionalidad del sistema muscoesquelético en pacientes que tienen las limitaciones descritas. Este artículo presenta una de estas ortesis, un exoesqueleto para la mano discapacitada, con el fin de ayudar a mejorar sus actividades de la vida diaria. La novedad de este exoe...

  4. La sindrome da vibrazioni mano-braccio : studi epidemiologici e clinici della funzione vascolare e neurosensitiva in coorti di lavoratori esposti a vibrazioni segmentali


    Ronchese, Federico


    Premesse: un’elevata esposizione a vibrazioni trasmesse al sistema mano-braccio (hand-transmitted vibration, HTV) è correlata con l’insorgenza di disturbi neurologici, vascolari periferici e osteoarticolari a carico degli arti superiori. Il termine “sindrome da vibrazione mano-braccio” (hand-arm vibration syndrome, HAVS) viene comunemente utilizzato per designare unitariamente il complesso di tali lesioni. La componente vascolare di tale sindrome è rappresentata da una forma secondaria di fen...

  5. Nuclear medicine and thyroid disease - part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chatterton, B.E.


    Part 1 of this article discussed the anatomy, physiology and basic pathology of the thyroid gland. Techniques of thyroid scanning and a few clinical examples are shown part II Copyright (2005) The Australian and New Zealand Society Of Nuclear Medicine Inc

  6. ESTUDIOS FUNCIONALES DE ARTEFACTOS LÍTICOS DE CUEVA DE LAS MANOS, RÍO PINTURAS, SANTA CRUZ, ARGENTINA / Lithic artifacts functional studies from Cueva de las Manos, Río Pinturas, Santa Cruz, Argentina

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    G. Roxana Cattaneo


    Full Text Available  El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados del estudio funcional o de microhuellas de una muestra de raspadores procedentes de la excavación del sitio Cueva de las Manos. Fueron seleccionados entre los provenientes de las capas 4c, 5 y 6 –que cuentan con fechados radiocarbónicos entre 1610 años AP a 9300 años AP. Por un lado nos interesó poder profundizar sobre qué materia prima trabajaron estos raspadores, ya que nunca había podido ser analizado en estudios anteriores. Por otro lado nos interesa ampliar el estudio de la variabilidad morfológica en relación a la variabilidad funcional en los raspadores ya que en este sitio es notable la variedad de instrumentos clasificados como raspadores y cepillos (rabots. Estos nuevos resultados permitirán además profundizar la discusión presentada en trabajos anteriores donde se infirió una tendencia hacia una diferenciación entre ciertos subgrupos de instrumentos cuyos últimos usos conocidos fueron sobre un solo tipo de materia prima mientras que otros se asociaron con el trabajo de al menos dos tipos de materiales. Para este trabajo se utilizaron las observaciones realizadas con el Microscopio Láser Confocal de Barrido BioRad MRC600, luego analizadas a través de software de reconocimiento de imágenes “PHILOS”.  Palabras clave: Cueva de las Manos, raspadores, análisis funcional, diseño.  AbstractWe present the results of microwear studies of a sample of scrapers, from the excavations at the site Cueva de las Manos -layers 4c, 5 and 6-, dated between 1610 bp to 9300 years bp. We are interested in defining on what type of raw material these scrapers worked, since this subject wasn’t previously analyzed. On the other hand we are interested in extending the study of the morphologic variability of scrapers, in relation to their functional variability. Especially considering that this site presents a remarkable number of instruments classified as scrapers

  7. Recent Economic Perspectives on Political Economy, Part II* (United States)

    Dewan, Torun; Shepsle, Kenneth A.


    In recent years some of the best theoretical work on the political economy of political institutions and processes has begun surfacing outside the political science mainstream in high quality economics journals. This two-part paper surveys these contributions from a recent five-year period. In Part I, the focus is on elections, voting and information aggregation, followed by treatments of parties, candidates, and coalitions. In Part II, papers on economic performance and redistribution, constitutional design, and incentives, institutions, and the quality of political elites are discussed. Part II concludes with a discussion of the methodological bases common to economics and political science, the way economists have used political science research, and some new themes and arbitrage opportunities. PMID:23606754

  8. Clínica. Localizaciones: rodilla, cadera, manos, columna, otras localizaciones


    Martín, Álvaro Pérez


    La clínica que presentan estos pacientes difiere mucho de unos a otros, dependiendo especialmente de la localización de la artrosis, y no hay buena correlación entre la afectación radiológica y el dolor. Generalmente, la clínica es de inicio gradual y evolución lenta, aunque progresiva, y las articulaciones más afectadas son las rodillas, las caderas, las manos y la columna vertebral. Los principales síntomas y signos son el dolor, la rigidez, la deformidad articular y la crepitación. El dolo...

  9. Efectividad del uso de alcohol glicerinado para la descontaminación de manos en una población sin aceso al agua potable posterremoto en Pisco, Perú

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    César Cabezas


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la efectividad del uso de alcohol glicerinado en la desinfección de manos, de personas que preparaban los alimentos en ollas comunes para damnificados de albergues y comités vecinales sin acceso al agua potable, en los primeros días posteriores al terremoto de Pisco. Se realizó un preexperimento con 20 mujeres adultas que no se habían lavado las manos, se cuantificó la carga bacteriana de aerobios mesófilos, enterobacterias y Staphylococcus aureus en sus manos antes y después de la aplicación de alcohol glicerinado, usando la prueba de Wilcoxon se encontró una reducción significativa (p<0,001 de la carga bacteriana. En conclusión, la aplicación de alcohol glicerinado es efectiva para la desinfección de manos en manipuladores de alimentos en una población sin acceso al agua y posterremoto.

  10. Enfermedad de mano, pie y boca en un hospital del Callao, 2016

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    Milton José Max Rodríguez-Zúñiga

    Full Text Available La enfermedad de mano, pie y boca (EMPB es una enfermedad exantemática viral, causada principalmente por Coxsackie A16, con una sintomatología típica consistente en fiebre; exantema pápulo-vesicular en manos, pies y genitales; y un enantema ulceroso en boca. En el verano del 2016 se presentó una diversidad de casos en un hospital del Callao en niños y adultos, con una sintomatología compatible con EMPB; el diagnóstico fue clínico, se aplicó terapia de soporte con resolución final de síntomas. En la última década se han presentado reportes en algunos países con una afectación atípica causada por el Coxsackie A6, produciendo lesiones más extensas y en adultos. Sin embargo, el diagnóstico sigue siendo clínico, solo necesitando confirmación virológica en casos atípicos o cuando el diagnóstico no es claro. La importancia de este reporte radica en describir los casos del Callao ocurridos en el verano del 2016, para servir de apoyo a los profesionales de la salud en el diagnóstico y manejo de pacientes con similar sintomatología.

  11. Propuesta de protocolo : Tratamiento fisioterapéutico de la sensibilidad tactil en la mano en pacientes con quemadura de segundo grado profundo


    Ubassy, Florian


    Resumen: La alteración de la sensibilidad táctil en las quemaduras de las manos afectan de manera importante las actividades de la vida cotidiana de las personas. Esta pérdida puede ser controlada gracias a la actuación de la fisioterapia. Objetivo: Avaluar la eficiencia del Ejercicio Terapéutico Cognoscitivo (ETC) de Perfetti en la recuperación de la sensibilidad táctil en las manos de pacientes quemados. Metodología: Son 36 participantes repartidos en dos grupos. Cada grupo contiene 9 pacie...

  12. Consenso mexicano de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico. Parte II

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    F. Huerta-Iga


    Conclusión: En la actualidad el tratamiento endoscópico de la ERGE no debe ser contemplado como una opción debido a que los resultados a 3 y 5 años no han demostrado durabilidad ni la remisión sostenida de los síntomas. Las indicaciones del tratamiento quirúrgico están bien establecidas y solo se debe ofrecer esta opción a aquellos pacientes que sean buenos candidatos y en manos de cirujanos expertos.


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    Beatriz Cepeda de Romero


    Full Text Available Introducción: La etiología del bruxismo es controvertida, aunque se asocia con un origen central debido al incremento de la excitabilidad nerviosa. Objetivo: Comparar la frecuencia de los ritmos alfa, beta y la descarga de ondas lentas entre un grupo de bruxómanos y un grupo control mediante el electroencefalograma. Método: Estudio clínico, analítico, controlado. La evaluación odontológica (2007-2009 permitió seleccionar veinte pacientes con bruxismo y veinte sanos (o no bruxómanos. A todos los individuos de la muestra se les hizo evaluación médica y electroencefalográfica para medición de frecuencia y amplitud de los ritmos alfa y beta, en reposo mental y físico y durante la fotoestimulación e hiperventilación por tres minutos. Las pruebas estadísticas utilizadas fueron pruebas F, T de Student homocedástica o heterocedástica y X2 de Pearsons, con determinación de riesgo relativo indirecto y estimación de intervalo de confianza de 95%. Resultados. La frecuencia basal del ritmo alfa fue significativamente mayor en el grupo de bruxómanos que en el grupo control (p=8.6×10-6. Igual efecto se vio en el ritmo beta (p=2.7×10-12. La hiperventilación desencadenó en dieciocho pacientes bruxómanos (90% descargas de ondas lentas comparado con sólo cinco individuos del grupo control (25% con una diferencia altamente significativa según la prueba estadística de Pearsons (p=3.21×10-5. En este caso, el riesgo relativo indirecto según la prueba X2 fue de 27.00 (IC 95%: 4.57-159.66. Discusión: La actividad cerebral es significativamente mayor en el grupo de pacientes con bruxismo que en el grupo control. Las descargas anormales de ondas lentas se presentan con frecuencia significativamente mayor en el grupo caso que en el grupo control. Los informes de estrés, insomnio de permanencia y dificultad para concentrarse son significativamente mayores en el grupo caso que en el grupo control. Las alteraciones en la excitabilidad de los

  14. Girando con pesas en las manos: conservación del momento angular


    Ferrer Roca, Chantal


    Las personas que practican patinaje artístico, al girar sobre sí mismas encogiendo progresivamente sus extremidades, son capaces de incrementar de forma espectacular su velocidad de giro. También los cuerpos del universo, que siempre están girando (estrellas, púlsares, nebulosas) cambian la velocidad de rotación con el tiempo. Este vídeo presenta una demostración clásica y sencilla en la que una persona sentada en una banqueta giratoria con dos pesas en las manos modifica su velocidad de giro...

  15. Síntesis evolutiva de mecanismos aplicada al diseño de un exoesqueleto para la rehabilitación de los dedos de la mano


    Bataller, Alex; Cabrera, Juan Antonio; Castillo, Juan Jesús; Nadal, Fernando


    El movimiento pasivo es una técnica recomendada para la rehabilitación de ciertas lesiones de los dedos de la mano. Los ejercicios se realizan con ayuda de un fisioterapeuta en sesiones de pocos minutos varias veces al día. En los últimos años se han presentado diversos exoesqueletos para mover los dedos de la mano de forma controlada, que podrían ayudar al fisioterapeuta en esta tarea. Sin embargo, estos dispositivos no se han popularizado, principalmente debido a su complejidad y elevado pr...


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    Joaquín González-Cabrera


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La higiene de manos en el contexto sanitario es un comportamiento complejo. Rara vez se ha determinado el papel conjunto de los conocimientos y las actitudes como predictores de la conducta de higiene de manos. El objetivo principal del trabajo es la descripción de la elaboración de un cuestionario sobre higiene de manos y el análisis de sus propiedades de medida. Método: Estudio instrumental en el que se diseñó y validó un cuestionario. Se llevó acabo en enero de 2009. Éste constó finalmente de 50 ítems que evalúan la intención de conducta antes y después del contacto con el paciente, los conocimientos declarativos y las actitudes sobre la higiene de manos. Se aplicó a 431 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de la Universidad de Granada. Resultados: Se han realizado tres análisis factoriales, obteniendo finalmente un valor de convergencia general que explica el 46,01% de la varianza total y una alta fiabilidad (a=0,843. Existe correlación entre los conocimientos y la intención de conducta antes y después del contacto con el paciente (p<0,01. Asu vez, la actitud sólo correlaciona con la intención de conducta antes (p<0,05. La conducta de higiene de manos se refiere con una media mayor después de la realización de diversas actividades sanitarias que antes de las mismas (4,26 y 3,96 respectivamente. Tanto los conocimientos declarativos como las actitudes predicen significativamente la intención de conducta, en particular la conducta antes del contacto con el paciente (R2=0,100; Beta estandarizado 0,256 para conocimientos y 0,145 y para actitudes. Conclusiones: El cuestionario muestra una elevada consistencia interna. Se ha obtenido una herramienta válida para evaluar la intención de conducta, los conocimientos y las actitudes sobre higiene de manos en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud. La herramienta detecta deficiencias en conocimientos básicos en los estudiantes.

  17. Capacidad de manejo de carga con una mano en trabajadores y normativa chilena aplicable a la evaluación de riesgos de trastornos músculo-esqueléticos

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    Manuel Gutiérrez Henríquez

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Los trastornos músculo-esqueléticos (TMEs se encuentran entre los principales problemas de salud laboral en Chile, así como también a nivel internacional. En este sentido, los antecedentes epidemiológicos indican que uno de los potenciales agentes causales de TMEs corresponde al manejo manual de carga. Al respecto, la normativa chilena carece de métodos para evaluar riesgos de trastornos músculo-esqueléticos asociados a la manipulación de carga con una mano. Objetivo: Determinar la capacidad de elevación y descenso de carga con una mano en trabajadores de género masculino. Material y método: El estudio se efectuó en un centro hospitalario público y una industria metalúrgica de la Provincia de Concepción. Los trabajadores que participaron en el estudio efectuaban labores asociadas al manejo de manual de carga y/o pacientes. Para la determinación de peso máximo aceptable (PMA se aplicaron pruebas psicofísicas. Se estudiaron las tareas de elevaciones y descensos entre suelo y codo, así como entre codo y alcance vertical de brazo. Se evaluaron diferentes frecuencias de manipulación de carga, siendo éstas una elevación o descenso cada 10 segundos, 1 minuto, 30 minutos, 1 hora y 8 horas. Resultados: Para las tareas analizadas, se determinaron valores de PMA que protegen al 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% y 90% del grupo estudiado. Discusión: Al comparar los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio con referencias bibliográficas de capacidad de manipulación de carga con dos manos, se verificó que el PMA determinado para una mano es menor entre un 55% a 69% que el registrado para dos manos. Se plantea la necesidad de efectuar estudios complementarios que permitan validar los resultados obtenidos, para avanzar en el desarrollo de métodos, criterios y normativa aplicable a tareas de elevación y descenso de carga con una mano.

  18. PIO I-II tendencies. Part 2. Improving the pilot modeling

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    Ioan URSU


    Full Text Available The study is conceived in two parts and aims to get some contributions to the problem ofPIO aircraft susceptibility analysis. Part I, previously published in this journal, highlighted the mainsteps of deriving a complex model of human pilot. The current Part II of the paper considers a properprocedure of the human pilot mathematical model synthesis in order to analyze PIO II typesusceptibility of a VTOL-type aircraft, related to the presence of position and rate-limited actuator.The mathematical tools are those of semi global stability theory developed in recent works.

  19. La higiene de las manos salva vidas: Video para el ingreso de pacientes

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast está dirigido a los pacientes y visitantes del hospital. El video pone énfasis en dos puntos cruciales para ayudar a prevenir infecciones: la importancia de practicar la higiene de las manos durante la estancia en el hospital y el hecho de que es apropiado recordar a los profesionales de la salud que practiquen esta higiene.  Created: 5/1/2008 by National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases (NCPDCID).   Date Released: 7/9/2008.

  20. Validating the standard for the National Board Dental Examination Part II. (United States)

    Tsai, Tsung-Hsun; Neumann, Laura M; Littlefield, John H


    As part of the overall exam validation process, the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations periodically reviews and validates the pass/fail standard for the National Board Dental Examination (NBDE), Parts I and II. The most recent standard-setting activities for NBDE Part II used the Objective Standard Setting method. This report describes the process used to set the pass/fail standard for the 2009 exam. The failure rate on the NBDE Part II increased from 5.3 percent in 2008 to 13.7 percent in 2009 and then decreased to 10 percent in 2010. This article describes the Objective Standard Setting method and presents the estimated probabilities of classification errors based on the beta binomial mathematical model. The results show that the probability of correct classifications of candidate performance is very high (0.97) and that probabilities of false negative and false positive errors are very small (.03 and <0.001, respectively). The low probability of classification errors supports the conclusion that the pass/fail score on the NBDE Part II is a valid guide for making decisions about candidates for dental licensure.


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    Barragán-Alturo, Ancízar


    Full Text Available El afán por destruir un paradigma, que mantiene encadenados a los habitantes de Girardot y la región, a una compañía de distribución de la energía eléctrica con sus altos precios para el kilowatt-hora, ha inspirado la investigación CUNDINAMARCA DE LA MANO DE LAS ENERGIAS ALTERNATIVAS, demostrando por diversos caminos que el montaje de paneles solares para generación de energía eléctrica en las cubiertas de las casas es la energía alternativa para la solución de diversos problemas, entre ellos: los costos elevados, las fluctuaciones de voltaje, los cortes de energía, los daños en los electrodomésticos

  2. Caracterización de la tecnología de asistencia en pacientes adultos con lesiones de mano

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    Gloria Esmeralda Gómez


    Conclusión. La tecnología de asistencia promueve la evolución de las lesiones de mano y muñeca generadas por el síndrome de túnel del carpo en adultos dados los beneficios que proporciona a nivel de independencia y funcionalidad en el desempeño de las actividades de la vida diaria.

  3. Globalization in the pharmaceutical industry, Part II. (United States)

    Casadio Tarabusi, C; Vickery, G


    This is the second of a two-part report on the pharmaceutical industry. Part II begins with a discussion of foreign direct investment and inter-firm networks, which covers international mergers, acquisitions, and minority participation; market shares of foreign-controlled firms; international collaboration agreements (with a special note on agreements in biotechnology); and licensing agreements. The final section of the report covers governmental policies on health and safety regulation, price regulation, industry and technology, trade, foreign investment, protection of intellectual property, and competition.

  4. Implementación de la guía de aplicación de la estrategia multimodal de la organización mundial de la salud para la mejora de la higiene de manos

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    Luz Marina Bautista-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la implementación de la Guía de Aplicación de la Estrategia Multimodal de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para la mejora de la higiene de manos en la Clínica San José en el primer semestre del 2012. Materiales y métodos: estudio analítico descriptivo de corte transversal, la muestra estuvo constituida por 28 funcionarios de la Institución que cumplieron los requisitos de inclusión. Los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de la información son la Guía de aplicación de la estrategia multimodal de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para la mejora de la higiene de manos. Resultados: en la implementación de la estrategia Multimodal se observó que el 88% considera importante la técnica de una adecuada higiene de manos, en la variable de conocimiento se puede apreciar que el 96% del personal ha recibido información reglada sobre la higiene de manos en los últimos 3 años, para el 70% de los profesionales de la salud encuestados es muy efectivo que se les brinde información sobre la higiene de manos, mediante jornadas de capacitación y retroalimentación. Conclusión: Los profesionales utilizan con mayor frecuencia los preparados de base alcohólica como técnica para la higiene de las manos, refiriendo que estos poseen una eficacia en la prevención de las infecciones asociadas a la atención sanitaria.

  5. 29 CFR Appendix II to Part 1918 - Tables for Selected Miscellaneous Auxiliary Gear (Mandatory) (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 7 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Tables for Selected Miscellaneous Auxiliary Gear (Mandatory) II Appendix II to Part 1918 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND.... 1918, App. II Appendix II to Part 1918—Tables for Selected Miscellaneous Auxiliary Gear (Mandatory...

  6. Todo lo que hay que hacer es lavarse las manos (All You Have to Do is Wash Your Hands)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast de Kidtastics de los CDC enseña a los niños a lavarse correctamente las manos.  Created: 3/26/2009 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 4/1/2010.

  7. 46 CFR Table II to Part 150 - Grouping of Cargoes (United States)


    ... solution Potassium oleate Potassium salt of polyolefin acid Propyl acetate Propylene carbonate Propylene... lignosulfonate solution Sodium polyacrylate solution 2 Sodium salt of Ferric hydroxyethylethylenediamine... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Grouping of Cargoes II Table II to Part 150 Shipping...

  8. 40 CFR Appendix II to Part 600 - Sample Fuel Economy Calculations (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 29 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Sample Fuel Economy Calculations II... FUEL ECONOMY AND CARBON-RELATED EXHAUST EMISSIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLES Pt. 600, App. II Appendix II to Part 600—Sample Fuel Economy Calculations (a) This sample fuel economy calculation is applicable to...

  9. Typewriting Syllabus: Part II: Modules. 1976 Revision. (United States)

    New York State Education Dept., Albany. Bureau of Occupational and Career Curriculum Development.

    The document is the second of a two-part set on typewriting and focuses on the nine modules of instruction. The nine modules are: (1) keyboard mastery and skill development, (2) basic typewriting competencies, (2a) personal use typewriting, (3) introduction to office typewriting I, (4) introduction to office typewriting II, (5) intermediate office…

  10. 10 CFR Appendix II to Part 504 - Fuel Price Computation (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (CONTINUED) ALTERNATE FUELS EXISTING POWERPLANTS Pt. 504, App. II Appendix II to Part... effects of future real price increases for each fuel. The delivered price of an alternate fuel used to calculate delivered fuel expenses must reflect the petitioner's delivered price of the alternate fuel and...

  11. 46 CFR Appendix II to Part 150 - Explanation of Figure 1 (United States)


    ... COMPATIBILITY OF CARGOES Pt. 150, App. II Appendix II to Part 150—Explanation of Figure 1 Definition of a..., aromatic hydrocarbons or paraffins. Others will form hazardous combinations with many groups: For example...

  12. Diseño de una interfaz basada en la detección de gestos para cirugía laparoscópica asistida por la mano


    De-Guzmán-Manzano, Arturo


    En el presente trabajo se describe el diseño e implantación de una interfaz de comunicación basada en la detección de gestos del cirujano para cirugía laparoscópica asistida por la mano. Para el desarrollo del sistema de detección de gestos se va a utilizar el dispositivo hardware Leap Motion, el cual permite registrar secuencias de parámetros físicos de la mano, útiles para la identificación de patrones de movimiento. Esta información es el punto de partida para la implementación de un si...

  13. 40 CFR Appendix II to Part 1042 - Steady-State Duty Cycles (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Steady-State Duty Cycles II Appendix..., App. II Appendix II to Part 1042—Steady-State Duty Cycles (a) The following duty cycles apply as specified in § 1042.505(b)(1): (1) The following duty cycle applies for discrete-mode testing: E3 mode No...

  14. Kick, Glide, Pole! Cross-Country Skiing Fun (Part II) (United States)

    Duoos, Bridget A.


    Part I of Kick, Glide, Pole! Cross-Country Skiing Fun, which was published in last issue, discussed how to select cross-country ski equipment, dress for the activity and the biomechanics of the diagonal stride. Part II focuses on teaching the diagonal stride technique and begins with a progression of indoor activities. Incorporating this fun,…


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    Alfonso Vargas


    rechazo de frutos, en especial aquellos correspondientes a frutos deformes o a lesiones por el roce entre ellos durante su crecimiento en el racimo (cicatriz de crecimiento, no fueron afectados por el uso o no de la BEH en ninguno de los experimentos en donde ello se evaluó. El número de cajas obtenidas a partir de las 5 manos superiores del racimo no permitió definir la superioridad entre el uso o no de la BEH.


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    Bertrand Fabien Ebner Lacaze


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Conocer la portación de bacterias causantes de cuadros entéricos en manipuladores de alimentos de la vía pública. Metodología: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal. Se tomaron 73 muestras de ambas manos y se realizó una encuesta a manipuladores de alimentos de consumo directo de distintas localidades de la ciudad de Asunción, Paraguay. Resultados: Se encontraron microrganismos patógenos en el 48% de las muestras, predominantemente en hombres; el 27% correspondía a enterobacterias y el 22% a Staphylococcus Aureus. No se observó ningún caso de Salmonella spp.Conclusiones: Debido a que los microorganismos patógenos son causantes de toxiinfecciones alimentarias, el gran porcentaje encontrado de manipuladores de alimentos con manos contaminadas debería llamar la atención de las autoridades competentes. Palabras Clave: Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos; Microbiología de Alimentos; Manipulación de Alimentos.

  17. PREREM: an interactive data preprocessing code for INREM II. Part I: user's manual. Part II: code structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ryan, M.T.; Fields, D.E.


    PREREM is an interactive computer code developed as a data preprocessor for the INREM-II (Killough, Dunning, and Pleasant, 1978a) internal dose program. PREREM is intended to provide easy access to current and self-consistent nuclear decay and radionuclide-specific metabolic data sets. Provision is made for revision of metabolic data, and the code is intended for both production and research applications. Documentation for the code is in two parts. Part I is a user's manual which emphasizes interpretation of program prompts and choice of user input. Part II stresses internal structure and flow of program control and is intended to assist the researcher who wishes to revise or modify the code or add to its capabilities. PREREM is written for execution on a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-10 System and much of the code will require revision before it can be run on other machines. The source program length is 950 lines (116 blocks) and computer core required for execution is 212 K bytes. The user must also have sufficient file space for metabolic and S-factor data sets. Further, 64 100 K byte blocks of computer storage space are required for the nuclear decay data file. Computer storage space must also be available for any output files produced during the PREREM execution. 9 refs., 8 tabs.

  18. Rendimiento de mano de obra en excavaciones para viviendas de una y dos plantas en la ciudad de Barranquilla

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    Dorian Rodríguez González


    Full Text Available Actualmente estos rendimientos no se analizaron con diferentes factores que intervienen para tal fin en nuestra ciudad; hoy día, la elaboración de presupuestos, se basa en tablas que no indican la metodología empleada. Por lo anterior, se plantearon los siguientes interrogantes: FASE I: - ¿Qué está ocurriendo con los rendimientos de la mano de obra en las excavaciones para la construcción de vivienda en la ciudad de Barranquilla?; -¿Cómo afecta el clima de la ciudad de Barranquilla en los rendimientos de la excavación para la construcción de viviendas? Se busca: identificar y diagnosticar el escenario y medio ambiente de la actividad en las condiciones normales desarrolladas; cuantificar el avance obtenido durante la ejecución de la excavación manual en su entorno laboral cotidiano e identificar cada uno de los factores que afectan directa o indirectamente el rendimiento de la mano de obra en su normal ejecución.

  19. Calculus of Elementary Functions, Part II. Teacher's Commentary. Revised Edition. (United States)

    Herriot, Sarah T.; And Others

    This course is intended for students who have a thorough knowledge of college preparatory mathematics, including algebra, axiomatic geometry, trigonometry, and analytic geometry. This teacher's guide is for Part II of the course. It is designed to follow Part I of the text. The guide contains background information, suggested instructional…

  20. Calculus of Elementary Functions, Part II. Student Text. Revised Edition. (United States)

    Herriot, Sarah T.; And Others

    This course is intended for students who have a thorough knowledge of college preparatory mathematics, including algebra, axiomatic geometry, trigonometry, and analytic geometry. This text, Part II, contains material designed to follow Part I. Chapters included in this text are: (6) Derivatives of Exponential and Related Functions; (7) Area and…

  1. Nursing Care of Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy Desensitization: Part II. (United States)

    Jakel, Patricia; Carsten, Cynthia; Carino, Arvie; Braskett, Melinda


    Chemotherapy desensitization protocols are safe, but labor-intensive, processes that allow patients with cancer to receive medications even if they initially experienced severe hypersensitivity reactions. Part I of this column discussed the pathophysiology of hypersensitivity reactions and described the development of desensitization protocols in oncology settings. Part II incorporates the experiences of an academic medical center and provides a practical guide for the nursing care of patients undergoing chemotherapy desensitization.

  2. 40 CFR Appendix II to Part 1054 - Duty Cycles for Laboratory Testing (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Duty Cycles for Laboratory Testing II.... 1054, App. II Appendix II to Part 1054—Duty Cycles for Laboratory Testing (a) Test handheld engines with the following steady-state duty cycle: G3 mode No. Engine speed a Torque(percent) b Weighting...

  3. Demanda de mano de obra y rentabilidad de bancos forrajeros en Esparza, Costa Rica

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    Luz Yaneth Sánchez Sarmiento


    Full Text Available En Esparza (Costa Rica se evaluó la viabilidad de invertir en bancos forrajeros (BF como alternativa de suplementación para vacas en sistema doble propósito durante la época seca (125 días. Se usaron como indicadores de rentabilidad el Valor Presente Neto (VPN y la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR. Se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad para el incremento del precio de la leche, los concentrados, la gallinaza y la mano de obra. Los modelos se elaboraron comparando los BF de plantas leñosas perennes de corte y acarreo de Cratylia argentea + caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum (BFC y de ramoneo Leucaena leucocephala (BFL vs. suplementos comerciales tipos concentrado y gallinaza. En los BFC se requirieron 71.1 jornales/año y el análisis financiero indicó que son rentables al compararlos con la gallinaza (VPN = US$362.2, TIR = 17% y concentrados (VPN = US$1953.9; TIR=39%. En BFL se requirieron 13 jornales/año y fueron igualmente rentables en comparación con gallinaza (VPN = US$1594.7; TIR = 21% y con concentrados (VPN = US$3619.6; TIR=35%. Los modelos fueron sensibles a la producción y cambios de precios en la leche, gallinaza, concentrados y el valor del jornal. Los BF son una buena alternativa para la suplementación de ganado en la época seca y una importante fuente de empleo en la región; sin embargo, los altos costos de la mano de obra contratada pueden limitar la adopción.

  4. Demanda de mano de obra y rentabilidad de bancos forrajeros en Esparza, Costa Rica

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    Sánchez Sarmiento Luz Yaneth


    Full Text Available En Esparza (Costa Rica se evaluó la viabilidad de invertir en bancos forrajeros (BF como alternativa de suplementación para vacas en sistema doble propósito durante la época seca (125 días. Se usaron como indicadores de rentabilidad el Valor Presente Neto (VPN y la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR. Se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad para el incremento del precio de la leche, los concentrados, la gallinaza y la mano de obra. Los modelos se elaboraron comparando los BF de plantas leñosas perennes de corte y acarreo de Cratylia argentea + caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum (BFC y de ramoneo Leucaena leucocephala (BFL vs. suplementos comerciales tipos concentrado y gallinaza. En los BFC se requirieron 71.1 jornales/año y el análisis financiero indicó que son rentables al compararlos con la gallinaza (VPN = US$362.2, TIR = 17% y concentrados (VPN = US$1953.9; TIR=39%. En BFL se requirieron 13 jornales/año y fueron igualmente rentables en comparación con gallinaza (VPN = US$1594.7; TIR = 21% y con concentrados (VPN = US$3619.6; TIR=35%. Los modelos fueron sensibles a la producción y cambios de precios en la leche, gallinaza, concentrados y el valor del jornal. Los BF son una buena alternativa para la suplementación de ganado en la época seca y una importante fuente de empleo en la región; sin embargo, los altos costos de la mano de obra contratada pueden limitar la adopción.

  5. 40 CFR Appendix II to Part 1039 - Steady-State Duty Cycles (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Steady-State Duty Cycles II Appendix... Appendix II to Part 1039—Steady-State Duty Cycles (a) The following duty cycles apply for constant-speed engines: (1) The following duty cycle applies for discrete-mode testing: D2 mode number Engine speed...

  6. First international 26Al interlaboratory comparison - Part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merchel, Silke; Bremser, Wolfram


    After finishing Part I of the first international 26 Al interlaboratory comparison with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) laboratories [S. Merchel, W. Bremser, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 223-224 (2004) 393], the evaluation of Part II with radionuclide counting laboratories took place. The evaluation of the results of the seven participating laboratories on four meteorite samples shows a good overall agreement between laboratories, i.e. it does not reveal any statistically significant differences if results are compared sample-by-sample. However, certain interlaboratory bias is observed with a more detailed statistical analysis including some multivariate approaches

  7. Programming Models for Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics on the CM-5 (Part II)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amala, P.A.K.; Rodrigue, G.H.


    This is a two-part presentation of a timing study on the Thinking Machines CORP. CM-5 computer. Part II is given in this study and represents domain-decomposition and message-passing models. Part I described computational problems using a SIMD model and connection machine FORTRAN (CMF)

  8. Continuum Thermodynamics - Part II: Applications and Examples (United States)

    Albers, Bettina; Wilmanski, Krzysztof

    The intention by writing Part II of the book on continuum thermodynamics was the deepening of some issues covered in Part I as well as a development of certain skills in dealing with practical problems of oscopic processes. However, the main motivation for this part is the presentation of main facets of thermodynamics which appear when interdisciplinary problems are considered. There are many monographs on the subjects of solid mechanics and thermomechanics, on fluid mechanics and on coupled fields but most of them cover only special problems in great details which are characteristic for the chosen field. It is rather seldom that relations between these fields are discussed. This concerns, for instance, large deformations of the skeleton of porous materials with diffusion (e.g. lungs), couplings of deformable particles with the fluid motion in suspensions, couplings of adsorption processes and chemical reactions in immiscible mixtures with diffusion, various multi-component aspects of the motion, e.g. of avalanches, such as segregation processes, etc...

  9. Revisión de la descripción y tratamiento de las anomalías congénitas más frecuentes de la mano

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    Andrés A. Dogliotti

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivo. Este trabajo de revisión intenta aportar una introducción al vasto grupo de las anomalías congénitas de la mano enfocada en las 3 entidades más habituales en la consulta diaria, a saber: la sindactilia simple y la polidactilia radial, predominando una o la otra de acuerdo a la población y las publicaciones, y siendo su frecuencia de aproximadamente 1 por cada 2000 nacidos vivos; y el pulgar en resorte, cuya frecuencia es difícil de estimar pero se calcula que está en torno a los 3 por cada 1000 nacidos vivos. Nuestro objetivo en el presente trabajo es volcar la experiencia de más de 27 años de nuestro Servicio en estas 3 entidades, con las respectivas subclasificaciones utilizadas que nos guian en la indicación del tratamiento y las conductas quirúrgicas a seguir en cada tipo de anomalía. Material y Método. Para la recogida de nuestra casuística recopilamos la información sobre pacientes de una base de datos personal desde 2005 a 2016; y para los pacientes más antiguos, entre 1998 a 2006, consultamos una base de datos electrónica del Servicio de Cirugía Plástica y Quemados del Hospital de Pediatría Juan P. Garrahan, en Buenos Aires, Argentina, combinada con los registros de fichas (1987-2000 y complementada con el actual sistema de historias clínicas electrónicas del hospital (2014 a 2016. Llevamos a cabo también una revisión de la literatura sobre las 3 patologías que con más frecuencia vemos en consulta: el dedo en resorte congénito, la sindactilia congénita y la polidactilia radial. Resultados. El número de procedimientos quirúrgicos en casos con patología congénita de mano operados en nuestro Servicio entre 1988 y 2015 fue de 622. Gracias a la revision de la literatura encontramos una nueva clasificación de las anomalías congénitas de la mano basada en el sector y el eje predominantemente involucrado. Conclusiones. En las patologías congénitas de la mano resulta primordial

  10. Estrategia de comunicación digital aplicado a empresa de producto artesanal: Al Sol, a mano




    El objetivo principal es promocionar la tienda y marca de Al Sol, a mano en la red y en el área de Valencia, ciudad donde se ubica. Cualquier marca, debe de encontrarse en Internet. Gracias al comercio electrónico, las redes sociales, páginas web o blogs estas pequeñas empresas pueden crecer sin un gran gasto económico. Estas plataformas y buscadores son una forma sencilla de estar presente y el mejor escaparate para darse a conocer y llegar a un gran público. Igualmente en la ...

  11. Benchmark matrix and guide: Part II. (United States)


    In the last issue of the Journal of Quality Assurance (September/October 1991, Volume 13, Number 5, pp. 14-19), the benchmark matrix developed by Headquarters Air Force Logistics Command was published. Five horizontal levels on the matrix delineate progress in TQM: business as usual, initiation, implementation, expansion, and integration. The six vertical categories that are critical to the success of TQM are leadership, structure, training, recognition, process improvement, and customer focus. In this issue, "Benchmark Matrix and Guide: Part II" will show specifically how to apply the categories of leadership, structure, and training to the benchmark matrix progress levels. At the intersection of each category and level, specific behavior objectives are listed with supporting behaviors and guidelines. Some categories will have objectives that are relatively easy to accomplish, allowing quick progress from one level to the next. Other categories will take considerable time and effort to complete. In the next issue, Part III of this series will focus on recognition, process improvement, and customer focus.

  12. La estandarización del modelo de programa de mano Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

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    Dr. James F. Willis García-Talavera


    Full Text Available La exhaustiva renovación practicada en el diseño del típico programa de mano Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, en las postrimerías de la década de los treinta, rompió definitivamente con los tradicionales conceptos anteriores. Esa estandarización de formatos supuso la instauración definitiva del margen blanco, el predominio de los colores vivos y los contrastes acusados, así como la abundancia de primeros planos de los actores protagonistas entre las figuras representadas. Este artículo analiza dicha transformación a través de diferentes teorías sobre la representatividad, simbolismo, separación, valoración y elocuencia de ese peculiar objeto publicitario.

  13. 12 CFR Appendix II to Part 27 - Information for Government Monitoring Purposes (United States)


    ... II Appendix II to Part 27 Banks and Banking COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY... Monitoring Purposes The following language is approved by the Comptroller of the Currency and will satisfy... used separately. This information may also be provided orally by the applicant. The following...

  14. 31 CFR Appendix II to Part 13 - Form of Bill for Reimbursement (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Form of Bill for Reimbursement II Appendix II to Part 13 Money and Finance: Treasury Office of the Secretary of the Treasury PROCEDURES FOR... title) of ______ (Country) to participate in the work of ______ (International Organization) or...

  15. 10 CFR Appendix II to Part 1050 - DOE Form 3735.3-Foreign Travel Statement (United States)


    ... is official agency business. Spouses and dependents may accept such travel and expenses only when... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false DOE Form 3735.3-Foreign Travel Statement II Appendix II to.... II Appendix II to Part 1050—DOE Form 3735.3—Foreign Travel Statement EC01OC91.041 Statement...

  16. Evaluación de formación y destreza de la asepsia de manos empleando lámpara ultravioleta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuela Skodova


    Full Text Available Objetivo principal: La higiene de manos (HM es fundamental para una atención sanitaria limpia y segura. Los futuros profesionales de enfermería deben adquirir conocimientos tanto teóricos como prácticos en materia de HM. Metodología: Se evaluó la técnica de HM, registrando las regiones de las manos con/sin exposición a la solución alcohólica marcada con fluoresceína mediante una lámpara de luz ultravioleta. Resultados principales: Evaluamos 71 alumnos, 56,3 % de 2º curso y 43,7% de 3er curso de Enfermería. El 73,3% fueron mujeres. Realizaron la HM bien o muy bien el 45,1% de los alumnos. Las zonas donde con más frecuencia no se extendió la solución alcohólica fueron los pulgares (54,9% y dorso (46,5%. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los dos cursos. Conclusión principal: El papel de la educación es fundamental para sentar las bases de buenas prácticas en HM, en conocimientos teóricos y en el desarrollo de habilidades y reforzamiento de buenas prácticas.

  17. Terapia ocupacional en la rehabilitación de la mano de pacientes tetrapléjicos = Occupational therapy inthe rehabilitation of the hand quadriplegic patients

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    Morón Casellas, S


    Full Text Available RESUMEN“La mano es el lenguaje de muchos hombres y el órgano indispensable para asegurar su independencia”. Manuel Blanco Argüelles (médico rehabilitadorComo bien dice Manuel Blanco, la mano es un órgano indispensable para la independencia de una persona, por eso hay que prestarle especial atención. Cuando se ve afectado por una lesión, como bien puede ser una lesión medular cervical que conlleva una falta de movilidad y de sensibilidad, hay que asegurarse de que le damos a la mano todos los cuidados e intervenciones necesarias, tanto para mantener su apariencia física, tan importante para la autoestima de una persona, como ofrecerle la máxima funcionalidad posible a pesar de la lesión que haya sufrido. SUMMARY"Hand is the language of many men and the essential organ for assuring their independence" Manuel Blanco Argüelles (rehabilitation doctor. Such as Manuel Blanco properly says, hand is an essential organ for people´s independence, and this is the reason for paying special attention to it. When the organ is affected by a lesion, like a cervical bone-marrow lesion that supposes a lack of mobility and feeling, it has to be assure all the necessary medical care and operations/attentions, both for maintaining the appearance of the hand, so important for the personal self-esteem, as for providing the maximum possible functions despiting the damage he/she has suffered.


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    Kenneth Bolívar


    Full Text Available Resulta crucial adecuar las herramientas tecnológicas basadas en sistemas de posicionamiento global a las prácticas agrícolas para mejorar la eficiencia de producción por área, incrementando la productividad. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar una metodología de análisis georeferenciado, basado en el número de manos por racimo de una finca. El trabajo se llevó a cabo la Finca Bananera de la Universidad EARTH; la metodología consistió de varías etapas: primero, se determinó la distancia máxima de muestreo con un semivariograma, calculada en 125 m; para obtener información más precisa, el muestreo se realizó a una distancia de 80 m por 50 m; se hizo la recolección de información georreferenciada de la población en un área circular de 8 m de radio, como número de manos por racimo. Se generaron mapas del comportamiento de la productividad y la densidad poblacional en el bloque 1. Se encontró mayor área dentro del rango óptimo del número de unidades productivas por hectárea. En términos productivos el 4% (5,28 ha del área de la finca está por debajo del punto de equilibrio financiero y el 94% está por encima del punto de equilibrio. Algunas áreas bajan su productividad cuando exceden las 1800 plantas.ha-1. Se logró desarrollar una metodología para la toma de datos a partir del índice fenológico del número de manos por racimo y de la agricultura de precisión. La herramienta identificó los puntos críticos productivos pero no los asoció a ninguna variable de suelo o climática; por lo tanto, se recomienda realizar un nuevo análisis de las zonas; incorporando otras variables de forma integrada.

  19. A Survey of Optometry Graduates to Determine Practice Patterns: Part II: Licensure and Practice Establishment Experiences. (United States)

    Bleimann, Robert L.; Smith, Lee W.


    A summary of Part II of a two-volume study of optometry graduates conducted by the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry is presented. Part II includes the analysis of the graduates' licensure and practice establishment experiences. (MLW)

  20. Contabilidad de Costos I. - Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra


    Morillo Moreno, Marysela C.


    ÍNDICE Introducción Problemas sobre terminología básica Problemas básicos sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilidad de Costos Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los costos indirectos de fabricación Problemas sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilida...

  1. Healing and relaxation in flows of helium II. Part II. First, second, and fourth sound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hills, R.N.; Roberts, P.H.


    In Part I of this series, a theory of helium II incorporating the effects of quantum healing and relaxation was developed. In this paper, the propagation of first, second, and fourth sound is discussed. Particular attention is paid to sound propagation in the vicinity of the lambda point where the effects of relaxation and quantum healing become important

  2. Blade System Design Study. Part II, final project report (GEC).

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Griffin, Dayton A. (DNV Global Energy Concepts Inc., Seattle, WA)


    As part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Low Wind Speed Turbine program, Global Energy Concepts LLC (GEC)1 has studied alternative composite materials for wind turbine blades in the multi-megawatt size range. This work in one of the Blade System Design Studies (BSDS) funded through Sandia National Laboratories. The BSDS program was conducted in two phases. In the Part I BSDS, GEC assessed candidate innovations in composite materials, manufacturing processes, and structural configurations. GEC also made recommendations for testing composite coupons, details, assemblies, and blade substructures to be carried out in the Part II study (BSDS-II). The BSDS-II contract period began in May 2003, and testing was initiated in June 2004. The current report summarizes the results from the BSDS-II test program. Composite materials evaluated include carbon fiber in both pre-impregnated and vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) forms. Initial thin-coupon static testing included a wide range of parameters, including variation in manufacturer, fiber tow size, fabric architecture, and resin type. A smaller set of these materials and process types was also evaluated in thin-coupon fatigue testing, and in ply-drop and ply-transition panels. The majority of materials used epoxy resin, with vinyl ester (VE) resin also used for selected cases. Late in the project, testing of unidirectional fiberglass was added to provide an updated baseline against which to evaluate the carbon material performance. Numerous unidirectional carbon fabrics were considered for evaluation with VARTM infusion. All but one fabric style considered suffered either from poor infusibility or waviness of fibers combined with poor compaction. The exception was a triaxial carbon-fiberglass fabric produced by SAERTEX. This fabric became the primary choice for infused articles throughout the test program. The generally positive results obtained in this program for the SAERTEX material have led to its

  3. The Mid America Heart Institute: part II. (United States)

    McCallister, Ben D; Steinhaus, David M


    The Mid America Heart Institute (MAHI) is one of the first and largest hospitals developed and designed specifically for cardiovascular care. The MAHI hybrid model, which is a partnership between the not-for-profit Saint Luke's Health System, an independent academic medical center, and a private practice physician group, has been extremely successful in providing high-quality patient care as well as developing strong educational and research programs. The Heart Institute has been the leader in providing cardiovascular care in the Kansas City region since its inception in 1975. Although challenges in the future are substantial, it is felt that the MAHI is in an excellent position to deal with the serious issues in health care because of the Heart Institute, its facility, organization, administration, dedicated medical and support staff, and its unique business model of physician management. In part I, the authors described the background and infrastructure of the Heart Institute. In part II, cardiovascular research and benefits of physician management are addressed.

  4. Evaluación de un taller práctico sobre higiene de manos impartido por estudiantes entrenados Evaluation of a workshop on hand hygiene taught by instructed students

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    María Fernández-Prada


    Full Text Available Introducción. La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la higiene de manos en el contexto sanitario es una tarea compleja. La intervención del estudiante como líder de su propia formación está muy poco analizada en la bibliografía. El objetivo principal del trabajo es la evaluación de un taller sobre higiene de manos gestionado, dirigido e impartido, bajo tutela experta, por estudiantes al propio colectivo estudiantil. Sujetos y métodos. Evaluación pre-post de la técnica, los conocimientos y las actitudes de los participantes hacia la higiene de manos. Asistieron 40 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de la Universidad de Granada. Se realizaron dos evaluaciones del taller: mediante un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc con 12 ítems sobre conocimientos y actitudes, y mediante la observación directa de la técnica de higiene de manos y la calidad del proceso utilizando una lámpara de luz ultravioleta y una solución reactiva. Resultados. Tras la realización del taller se aprecia que disminuye de forma significativa el número de zonas contaminadas de las manos (t = 9,278; p Introduction. The teaching and learning of hand hygiene in the context of health is a complex task. There is little discussion in the literature regarding the student involvement as the leader of his own background. The main objective of this study is the evaluation of a workshop on hand hygiene managed, directed and delivered, under expert supervision, by students at the same student group. Subjects and methods. An evaluation pre-post about technique, knowledge and attitudes of participants towards hygiene. Attended by 40 students of Health Sciences at the University of Granada. We conducted two evaluations of the workshop by: a questionnaire designed ad hoc with 12 items on knowledge and attitudes, and the direct observation of hand hygiene technique and quality of the processing with an ultraviolet lamp and a reactive solution for it. Results. After the workshop, it shows



    Wilson Pérez-Oviedo


    En este modelo, si bien las empresas exhiben rendimientos constantes a escala, la economía entera exhibe también crecientes rendimientos a escala debido a las ex - ternalidades positivas de la mano de obra calificada. Esto hace factible la existencia de estados estacionarios múltiples que pueden ordenarse en el sentido de Pareto, lo cual es útil para reflexionar sobre los problemas del desarrollo. Este modelo, al pre - decir que la productividad marginal del capital es igual en todos los p...

  6. Marketing in the E-Business World, Parts I & II | Smith | LBS ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Marketing in the E-Business World, Parts I & II. ... Open Access DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT ... of many of Americas largest companies gather at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City for the Conference Boards Annual Marketing Conference.

  7. Gestión de calidad en la mano de obra de la construcción en Ecuador


    Arévalo Salazar, Darwin Jacinto


    El presente trabajo ha sido realizado con el objetivo de buscar un aporte académico a la necesidad de contar con un sistema de gestión de la calidad dela mano de obra de la construcción. Hay conciencia mundial de que el talento humano es el capital más importante de una empresa. Se ha comprendido que manejar empresas es en gran medida, manejar comportamientos humanos.Se identificó y diseñó un método de trabajo que permita sustentar de una manera práctica la implantación de un sistema de ge...

  8. 40 CFR Appendix II to Part 1045 - Duty Cycles for Propulsion Marine Engines (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Duty Cycles for Propulsion Marine... Pt. 1045, App. II Appendix II to Part 1045—Duty Cycles for Propulsion Marine Engines (a) The following duty cycle applies for discrete-mode testing: E4 Mode No. Enginespeed 1 Torque(percent) 2...

  9. Methods of humidity determination Part II: Determination of material humidity


    Rübner, Katrin; Balköse, Devrim; Robens, E.


    Part II covers the most common methods of measuring the humidity of solid material. State of water near solid surfaces, gravimetric measurement of material humidity, measurement of water sorption isotherms, chemical methods for determination of water content, measurement of material humidity via the gas phase, standardisation, cosmonautical observations are reviewed.






  11. The year 2012 in the European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging. Part II. (United States)

    Plein, Sven; Knuuti, Juhani; Edvardsen, Thor; Saraste, Antti; Piérard, Luc A; Maurer, Gerald; Lancellotti, Patrizio


    The part II of the best of the European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging in 2012 specifically focuses on studies of valvular heart diseases, heart failure, cardiomyopathies, and congenital heart diseases.

  12. On the Efficiency of Connection Charges---Part II: Integration of Distributed Energy Resources


    Munoz-Alvarez, Daniel; Garcia-Franco, Juan F.; Tong, Lang


    This two-part paper addresses the design of retail electricity tariffs for distribution systems with distributed energy resources (DERs). Part I presents a framework to optimize an ex-ante two-part tariff for a regulated monopolistic retailer who faces stochastic wholesale prices on the one hand and stochastic demand on the other. In Part II, the integration of DERs is addressed by analyzing their endogenous effect on the optimal two-part tariff and the induced welfare gains. Two DER integrat...

  13. Subseabed disposal program annual report, January-December 1979. Volume II. Appendices (principal investigator progress reports). Part 2 of 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talbert, D.M.


    Volume II of the sixth annual report describing the progress and evaluating the status of the Subseabed Disposal Program contains the appendices referred to in Volume II, Summary and Status. Because of the length of Volume II, it has been split into two parts for publication purposes. Part 1 contains Appendices A-O; Part 2 contains Appendices P-FF. Separate abstracts have been prepared for each appendix for inclusion in the Energy Data Base

  14. El climaterio y las inmigrantes ecuatorianas: una experiencia natural en manos de otros

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    Juan Manuel Leyva-Moral

    Full Text Available Introducción: El modelo biomédico describe la menopausia como un problema de salud. Los científicos sociales sostienen que se trata de un proceso biológico normal individual cuya experiencia viene determinada por factores culturales. Objetivo: Comprender la experiencia de la menopausia entre las inmigrantes ecuatorianas que viven en Barcelona (España. Diseño: Estudio cualitativo fenomenológico hermenéutico. Trece mujeres ecuatorianas menopáusicas fueron entrevistadas en sus hogares durante el período 2008-2009. Las entrevistas fueron transcritas textualmente y analizadas siguiendo el proceso hermenéutico. Resultados: Cuatro dominios interrelacionados fueron identificados: Una experiencia individual natural, ser mujer, mi sexualidad en manos de otros, ser vs. sentirse mayor. Conclusión: la menopausia entre las inmigrantes ecuatorianas aparece como un evento natural repleto de falsos mitos y tabúes en cuya construcción influyen sustancialmente la biomedicina y el contexto social.

  15. Subseabed disposal program annual report, January-December 1980. Volume II. Appendices (principal investigator progress reports). Part 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hinga, K.R.


    Volume II of the sixth annual report describing the progress and evaluating the status of the Subseabed Disposal Program contains the appendices referred to in Volume I, Summary and Status. Because of the length of Volume II, it has been split into two parts for publication purposes. Part 1 contains Appendices A-Q; Part 2 contains Appendices R-MM. Separate abstracts have been prepared for each appendix for inclusion in the Energy Data Base

  16. Subseabed disposal program annual report, January-December 1980. Volume II. Appendices (principal investigator progress reports). Part 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hinga, K.R. (ed.)


    Volume II of the sixth annual report describing the progress and evaluating the status of the Subseabed Disposal Program contains the appendices referred to in Volume I, Summary and Status. Because of the length of Volume II, it has been split into two parts for publication purposes. Part 1 contains Appendices A-Q; Part 2 contains Appendices R-MM. Separate abstracts have been prepared for each appendix for inclusion in the Energy Data Base.

  17. Starting a hospital-based home health agency: Part II--Key success factors. (United States)

    Montgomery, P


    In Part II of a three-part series, the financial, technological and legislative issues of a hospital-based home health-agency are discussed. Beginning a home healthcare service requires intensive research to answer key environmental and operational questions--need, competition, financial projections, initial start-up costs and the impact of delayed depreciation. Assessments involving technology, staffing, legislative and regulatory issues can help project service volume, productivity and cost-control.

  18. Association Between National Board Dental Examination Part II Scores and Comprehensive Examinations at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. (United States)

    Lee, Min Kyeong; Allareddy, Veerasathpurush; Howell, T Howard; Karimbux, Nadeem Y


    Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM) uses a hybrid problem-based approach to teaching in the predoctoral program. The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) is a formative examination designed to assess the performance of students in the problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum. At HSDM three comprehensive examinations with OSCE components are administered during the third and fourth years of clinical training. The National Board Dental Examination (NBDE) Part II is taken in the final year of the predoctoral program. This study examines the association between the NBDE Part II and the comprehensive exams held at HSDM. Predoctoral students from the HSDM classes of 2005 and 2006 were included in this study. The outcome variable of interest was the scores obtained by students in the NBDE Part II, and the main independent variable of interest was the performance of students in the comprehensive exams (honors, pass, make-up exam to pass). The Mann-Whitney U-test was used to examine the association between the grades obtained in the each of the three comprehensive exams and the NBDE Part II scores. Multivariable linear regression analysis was also used to examine the association between the NBDE Part II scores and the comprehensive exam grades. The effect of potential confounding factors including age, sex, and race/ethnicity was adjusted. The results suggest that students who performed well in the comprehensive exams performed better on the NBDE Part II, even after adjusting for confounding factors. Future studies will examine the long-term impact of PBL on postdoctoral plans and career choices.

  19. Vendaje autoadherente en el tratamiento integral y rehabilitador de la mano quemada

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    Juan Ramón Esteban-Vico

    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivo. Las quemaduras en las manos constituyen una patología de muy difícil manejo y cuyas secuelas son de vital importancia desde el punto de vista funcional. Su tratamiento debe incluir un desbridamiento precoz seguido de un proceso de rehabilitación temprana con férulas, fisioterapia y presoterapia. En nuestra Unidad de Quemados empleamos la venda Coban® 3M como inicio temprano de presoterapia. Se trata de una técnica probada procedente del tratamiento rehabilitador del linfedema, que aplicada a las quemaduras permite reducir el edema prolongado (agente causal de múltiples complicaciones y de la pérdida funcional y la cicatrización hipertrófica. Pacientes y Método: Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo sobre 14 pacientes con quemaduras de 2º grado profundo o de 3er grado en mano, analizando sus características demográficas, características de la quemadura, cronología del empleo del vendaje Coban® 3M y uso de otras terapias, índice de complicaciones y tasa de recuperación funcional. Explicamos también de forma detallada el método de aplicación del vendaje. Resultados: Aplicamos el vendaje a una media de 17.93 días tras la cobertura o cierre por segunda intención de las quemaduras, manteniéndolo durante una media de 75.54 días, con bajas tasas de complicaciones (cicatrización hipertrófica leve: 28.57%; dolor: 7.14%: edema: 7.14%; prurito: 7.14%; infección: 0, así como altas tasas de recuperación funcional (completa: 64.28%; limitaciones leves: 14.28%. Observamos que la aplicación de este tipo de vendaje en el tratamiento rehabilitador de quemaduras presentó una baja tasa de complicaciones, mayoritariamente menores, y altas tasas de recuperación funcional (64.28% de recuperación completa y 14.28% con limitación leve. Hasta donde hemos podido comprobar, no existe ningún trabajo en la literatura que detalle un protocolo similar de aplicación de este vendaje en pacientes quemados. Conclusiones

  20. Intelligent control of HVAC systems. Part II: perceptron performance analysis

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    Ioan URSU


    Full Text Available This is the second part of a paper on intelligent type control of Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC systems. The whole study proposes a unified approach in the design of intelligent control for such systems, to ensure high energy efficiency and air quality improving. In the first part of the study it is considered as benchmark system a single thermal space HVAC system, for which it is assigned a mathematical model of the controlled system and a mathematical model(algorithm of intelligent control synthesis. The conception of the intelligent control is of switching type, between a simple neural network, a perceptron, which aims to decrease (optimize a cost index,and a fuzzy logic component, having supervisory antisaturating role for neuro-control. Based on numerical simulations, this Part II focuses on the analysis of system operation in the presence only ofthe neural control component. Working of the entire neuro-fuzzy system will be reported in a third part of the study.


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    Alexandra Bedoya-Rojas


    Full Text Available Actualmente, existe un gran número de personas en el mundo que presentan amputación de miembros que son reemplazados usualmente por prótesis mecánicas. Por otro lado las prótesis electrómecanicas han venido tomando fuerza y son apoyadas por diferentes tipos de interfaces como las interfaces cerebro computador que han permitido mejorar la funcionalidad de estas, y a pesar de mostrar resultados representativos para el control de prótesis, aun es un campo abierto de investigación que busca mejorar su eficacia y eficiencia. En este estudio, se presenta una metodología de clasificación de señales electroencefalográficas (EEG para el control del movimiento de una prótesis de mano, basada en el sistema de inferencia neuro-difuso adaptativo (ANFIS aplicado a características obtenidas de la transformada wavelet (TW y los conjuntos difusos rough (FRS a señales EEG obtenidas en el sistema 10-10. De esta forma el rendimiento del sistema propuesto fue medido utilizando validación cruzada 70-30 con 30 repeticiones obteniendo un alto desempeño en términos de precisión, lo que significa que este modelo tiene potencial como clasificador en la detección de los cambios EEG para la generación de comandos para el control del movimiento de la mano

  2. International Working Group on Fast Reactors Thirteenth Annual Meeting. Summary Report. Part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the IAEA International Working Group on Fast Reactors was held at the IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria from 9 to 11 April 1980. The Summary Report (Part I) contains the Minutes of the Meeting. The Summary Report (Part II) contains the papers which review the national programme in the field of LMFBRs and other presentations at the Meeting. The Summary Report (Part III) contains the discussions on the review of the national programmes

  3. Delivery systems for biopharmaceuticals. Part II: Liposomes, Micelles, Microemulsions and Dendrimers. (United States)

    Silva, Ana C; Lopes, Carla M; Lobo, José M S; Amaral, Maria H


    Biopharmaceuticals are a generation of drugs that include peptides, proteins, nucleic acids and cell products. According to their particular molecular characteristics (e.g. high molecular size, susceptibility to enzymatic activity), these products present some limitations for administration and usually parenteral routes are the only option. To avoid these limitations, different colloidal carriers (e.g. liposomes, micelles, microemulsions and dendrimers) have been proposed to improve biopharmaceuticals delivery. Liposomes are promising drug delivery systems, despite some limitations have been reported (e.g. in vivo failure, poor long-term stability and low transfection efficiency), and only a limited number of formulations have reached the market. Micelles and microemulsions require more studies to exclude some of the observed drawbacks and guarantee their potential for use in clinic. According to their peculiar structures, dendrimers have been showing good results for nucleic acids delivery and a great development of these systems during next years is expected. This is the Part II of two review articles, which provides the state of the art of biopharmaceuticals delivery systems. Part II deals with liposomes, micelles, microemulsions and dendrimers.

  4. Signs of revision in Don Quixote, Part II

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    Gonzalo Pontón


    Full Text Available This article provides new evidences in favour of the hypothesis that Cervantes, after finishing Don Quixote, Part II, partially revised the original, introducing some significant changes and additions, mainly in the last chapters. The analysis of some narrative inconsistencies, that cannot be interpreted as mere mistakes but as significant textual traces, reveals a process of re-elaboration –a process that affects at least four sections of the novel. Most of the evidence gathered here suggests that this revision is closely linked to Avellaneda’s continuation, in the sense that Cervantes tried to challenge the apocriphal Quixote making last-time interventions in his own text.

  5. Prototipo de mano robótica antropométrica sub-actuada

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    Mauricio Aarón Pérez Romero


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe la metodología utilizada para obtener el prototipo funcional de una mano robótica considerando características antropométricas, a partir del procesamiento que aportan información para el desarrollo del estudio analítico de la síntesis de un mecanismo sub-actuado de cuatro barras, adecuado para la generación de trayectorias óptimas para efectuar la operación de sujeción de objetos en forma puntual, palmar, lateral, cilíndrica y esférica. En este sentido, la diversidad de movimientos que ejecuta el dispositivo además de su capacidad para adaptarse a diversos componentes auxiliares, mismos que realizan la función de unión con el muñón del miembro amputado, por lo que es posible que el sistema diseñado sea aplicable como prótesis. En este sentido, con esta propuesta se obtiene un prototipo funcional con características versátiles óptimas para la manipulación de objetos con diferentes geometrías que tomando en cuenta la funcionalidad del sistema, aportan también apariencia y simetría con el cuerpo humano.

  6. La pesca artesanal en las islas de Providencia y Santa Catalina (Caribe Colombiano: distribución espacial y temporal de los recursos capturados con línea de mano

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    Jairo Humberto Medina Calderón


    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis para evaluar la pesca artesanal de las islas de Providencia y Santa Catalina, caribe colombiano, y establecer la dinámica de la pesquería con énfasis en aspectos ecológicos de la comunidad íctica que se extrae con el método de línea de mano. En ocho sitios de desembarco de productos pesqueros en las islas: Mountain, Santa Catalina, Free Town, Old Town, Lazy Hill, South West, Bottom House, y Rocky Point y mediante una serie de formatos se registró entre otros: la actividad diaria por método de pesca, la composición por especie de los desembarcos, sitios de pesca. A partir de esta información se cuantificaron 51 UEPS y se estimó un año pesquero de 303 días (promedio mensual 25 días, el esfuerzo anual como total de faenas fue de 2.888, de las cuales el 57% fueron realizadas utilizando línea de mano, buceo 40% y nasas 3%. Se muestreo el 23% (673 de las faenas estimadas en el 2001 (19% de buceo, 27% de línea de mano y 22% nasas. Se identificaron 96 especies correspondientes a 54 géneros, 28 familias, cuatro clases, tres Phylla. La captura total estimada para el año 2001 fue de 67.888 kg, de los cuales el 66% correspondió a línea de mano, seguido del buceo 26% y las nasas 8%. La composición de las especies capturadas mediante línea de mano arrojó que los demersales, 36 especies de peces, representaran el 47% (21.269 kg de la CT estimada, siendo las especies con mayor captura estimada el brim Etelis oculatus (6.482 kg, el "yellow eye" Lutjanus vivanus (2.435 kg y el satin Pristipomoides macrophthalmus (1.395 kg; el 37% (1.6467 kg fueron recursos pelágicos -15 especies-, siendo aquellas con mayor captura estimada el bonito Thunnus atlanticus (5.839 kg, la barra Sphyraena barracuda (4.240 kg y el king fish Acanthocybium solandri (4.138 kg; el 16% (7.119 kg lo constituyeron recursos demerso-pelágicos, 11 especies, las de mayor captura estimada fueron el "yellow tail" Ocyurus chrysurus (4.236 kg y el

  7. Nursing as concrete philosophy, Part II: Engaging with reality. (United States)

    Theodoridis, Kyriakos


    This is the second paper of an essay in two parts. The first paper (Part I) is a critical discussion of Mark Risjord's conception of nursing knowledge where I argued against the conception of nursing knowledge as a kind of nursing science. The aim of the present paper (Part II) is to explicate and substantiate the thesis of nursing as a kind of concrete philosophy. My strategy is to elaborate upon certain themes from Wittgenstein's Tractatus in order to canvass a general scheme of philosophy based on a distinction between reality and the world. This distinction will be employed in the appropriation of certain significant features of nursing and nursing knowledge. By elaborating on the contrast between the abstract and the concrete, I will suggest that nursing may be seen as a kind of concrete philosophy, being primarily concerned with reality (and secondarily with the world). This thesis, I will argue, implies that philosophy is the kind of theory that is essential to nursing (which is not so much a theory than a certain kind of activity). © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Impedance-Source Networks for Electric Power Conversion Part II

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Siwakoti, Yam P.; Peng, Fang Zheng; Blaabjerg, Frede


    Impedance-source networks cover the entire spectrum of electric power conversion applications (dc-dc, dc-ac, ac-dc, ac-ac) controlled and modulated by different modulation strategies to generate the desired dc or ac voltage and current at the output. A comprehensive review of various impedance......-source-network-based power converters has been covered in a previous paper and main topologies were discussed from an application point of view. Now Part II provides a comprehensive review of the most popular control and modulation strategies for impedance-source network-based power converters/inverters. These methods...


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    Cynthia Cecilia Carrillo-De la Cruz


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes from a gender perspective, the process of empowerment of indigenous women participating in the Health House "Manos Unidas", located in the Coastal- Mountainous region of Guerrero, Mexico. Research is based on the approach of Rowlands (1997 and focuses on the personal, collective and close relations dimensions in the fields of Leadership and Decision Making. The methodology is based on observation, interviews and accounts of those who were employed as promoters, midwives and/or coordinators in that organization, and living with a partner - Spouse under civil or religious or "cohabitation" Rituals. More than ten years of activities have passed and it is observed a process towards empowering women, who depends heavily on personal and individual experiences, their intervention in the organization and training support from the gender perspective.

  10. Las relaciones hispano-británicas durante el reinado de Isabel II

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    Gemma Alonso Torres


    Full Text Available A lo largo de casi todo el siglo xix, la política de España estuvo hipotecada en manos de los gobiernos francés y, preferentemente, inglés. Este hecho supuso una dependencia total de París y Londres. Los acontecimientos políticos provocados por las guerras carlistas, la subida al trono de Isabel II y posterior reconocimiento de la reina, causaron un déficit en las arcas del Tesoro español, lo que motivó un endeudamiento continuo que se plasmó en la emisión de Deuda pública, adquirida por subditos belgas, holandeses, franceses y principalmente ingleses.

  11. The "Pseudocommando" mass murderer: part II, the language of revenge. (United States)

    Knoll, James L


    In Part I of this article, research on pseudocommandos was reviewed, and the important role that revenge fantasies play in motivating such persons to commit mass murder-suicide was discussed. Before carrying out their mass shootings, pseudocommandos may communicate some final message to the public or news media. These communications are rich sources of data about their motives and psychopathology. In Part II of this article, forensic psycholinguistic analysis is applied to clarify the primary motivations, detect the presence of mental illness, and discern important individual differences in the final communications of two recent pseudocommandos: Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech) and Jiverly Wong (Binghamton, NY). Although both men committed offenses that qualify them as pseudocommandos, their final communications reveal striking differences in their psychopathology.

  12. CE and nanomaterials - Part II: Nanomaterials in CE. (United States)

    Adam, Vojtech; Vaculovicova, Marketa


    The scope of this two-part review is to summarize publications dealing with CE and nanomaterials together. This topic can be viewed from two broad perspectives, and this article is trying to highlight these two approaches: (i) CE of nanomaterials, and (ii) nanomaterials in CE. The second part aims at summarization of publications dealing with application of nanomaterials for enhancement of CE performance either in terms of increasing the separation resolution or for improvement of the detection. To increase the resolution, nanomaterials are employed as either surface modification of the capillary wall forming open tubular column or as additives to the separation electrolyte resulting in a pseudostationary phase. Moreover, nanomaterials have proven to be very beneficial for increasing also the sensitivity of detection employed in CE or even they enable the detection (e.g., fluorescent tags of nonfluorescent molecules). © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Una nueva revisión del Panel de las Manos de la cueva de El Castillo (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria

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    Ruiz Redondo, A.


    Full Text Available El conjunto rupestre de la cueva de El Castillo contiene uno de los registros más completos de la actividad artística del Paleolítico superior. Uno de los lienzos más interesantes por la acumulación de varias fases pictóricas es el Panel de las Manos. En este trabajo proponemos la reinterpretación de la forma y la situación de una figura, lo cual nos sirve para ensayar una nueva definición del panel, que, de este modo, encuentra una mejor integración en el conocimiento del Arte Paleolítico Cantábrico.

  14. 40 CFR Appendix III to Part 266 - Tier II Emission Rate Screening Limits for Free Chlorine and Hydrogen Chloride (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 26 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Tier II Emission Rate Screening Limits for Free Chlorine and Hydrogen Chloride III Appendix III to Part 266 Protection of Environment... to Part 266—Tier II Emission Rate Screening Limits for Free Chlorine and Hydrogen Chloride Terrain...

  15. The year 2013 in the European Heart Journal--Cardiovascular Imaging: Part II. (United States)

    Plein, Sven; Edvardsen, Thor; Pierard, Luc A; Saraste, Antti; Knuuti, Juhani; Maurer, Gerald; Lancellotti, Patrizio


    The new multi-modality cardiovascular imaging journal, European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, was created in 2012. Here we summarize the most important studies from the journal's second year in two articles. Part I of the review has summarized studies in myocardial function, myocardial ischaemia, and emerging techniques in cardiovascular imaging. Part II is focussed on valvular heart diseases, heart failure, cardiomyopathies, and congenital heart diseases. Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2014. For permissions please email:

  16. Subseabed disposal program annual report, January-December 1979. Volume II. Appendices (principal investigator progress reports). Part 1 of 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talbert, D.M.


    Volume II of the sixth annual report describing the progress and evaluating the status of the Subseabed Disposal Program contains the appendices referred to in Volume I, Summary and Status. Because of the length of Volume II, it has been split into two parts for publication purposes. Part 1 contains Appendices A-O; Part 2 contains Appendices P-FF. Separate abstracts have been prepared of each Appendix for inclusion in the Energy Data Base

  17. Bloqueio do nervo supraescapular: procedimento importante na prática clínica. Parte II Suprascapular nerve block: important procedure in clinical practice. Part II

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    Marcos Rassi Fernandes


    Full Text Available O bloqueio do nervo supraescapular é um método de tratamento reprodutível, confiável e extremamente efetivo no controle da dor no ombro. Esse método tem sido amplamente utilizado por profissionais na prática clínica, como reumatologistas, ortopedistas, neurologistas e especialistas em dor, na terapêutica de enfermidades crônicas, como lesão irreparável do manguito rotador, artrite reumatoide, sequelas de AVC e capsulite adesiva, o que justifica a presente revisão (Parte II. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as técnicas do procedimento e suas complicações descritas na literatura, já que a primeira parte reportou as indicações clínicas, drogas e volumes utilizados em aplicação única ou múltipla. Apresentamse, detalhadamente, os acessos para a realização do procedimento tanto direto como indireto, anterior e posterior, lateral e medial, e superior e inferior. Diversas são as opções para se realizar o bloqueio do nervo supraescapular. Apesar de raras, as complicações podem ocorrer. Quando bem indicado, este método deve ser considerado.The suprascapular nerve block is a reproducible, reliable, and extremely effective treatment method in shoulder pain control. This method has been widely used by professionals in clinical practice such as rheumatologists, orthopedists, neurologists, and pain specialists in the treatment of chronic diseases such as irreparable rotator cuff injury, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke sequelae, and adhesive capsulitis, which justifies the present review (Part II. The objective of this study was to describe the techniques and complications of the procedure described in the literature, as the first part reported the clinical indications, drugs, and volumes used in single or multiple procedures. We present in details the accesses used in the procedure: direct and indirect, anterior and posterior, lateral and medial, upper and lower. There are several options to perform suprascapular nerve block

  18. Contabilidad, Finanzas Empresariales y Mano Visible

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    Juan José Durán Herrera


    Full Text Available En el ámbito de la Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, la Contabilidad y las Finanzas juegan un papel primordial por cuanto que, prioritariamente, se ocupan de la determinación del valor de la empresa y, respectivamente, de proporcionar y evaluar la información suplementaria necesaria para la formación de expectativas reales sobre el futuro de dicha organización. En la fuerte interdependencia de los programas de investigación de ambas disciplinas -Contabilidad y Finanzas- se entrecruzan los análisis respectivos de la naturaleza de los activos, del gobierno de la empresa como organización y del cálculo de los resultados alcanzados. La investigación contempla los cambios en las circunstancias (instituciones y organizaciones en las que se desarrolla la función financiera y se aplica la contabilidad para medir e informar sobre la realidad de la empresa, evidenciándose el paralelismo, la complementariedad y las diferencias que se producen entre ambas disciplinas. El valor de la empresa como punto de encuentro manifiesta dos aproximaciones: el valor contable basado en datos históricos o en precios corrientes y el valor financiero que estima el valor actualizando los flujos de caja derivados del desarrollo del proyecto empresa. Palabras clave: contabilidad y finanzas empresariales, información contable y decisiones financieras, dirección financiera y contabilidad, mano visible de la empresa. The theory and practice of Accounting and Finance make possible to estimate the value of the firm and, respectively, both provide and evaluate supplementary information that constitudes inputs for the expectations about the nature of organization. The strong interdependence between the researtch programs in both academic disciplines are show in their own analysis about the nature of assets, the governance of the firm and the determination of the profitability of the corporation. The institutional changes influence the research programs of both

  19. Cuestionario para evaluar en médicos conductas, conocimientos y actitudes sobre la higiene de manos Questionnaire to assess behavior, knowledge and attitudes on hand hygiene among physicians

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    Joaquín González-Cabrera


    Full Text Available Objetivo: La necesidad de generar instrumentos válidos y fiables para medir aspectos relacionados con la higiene de manos es importante para conocer la situación actual y el impacto de las acciones formativas en los profesionales. El objetivo principal del trabajo es validar un cuestionario sobre higiene de manos en médicos y analizar sus propiedades de la medida. Método: Estudio instrumental en el cual se elaboró un cuestionario que se aplicó entre enero de 2010 y marzo de 2011 en el Hospital Clínico San Cecilio (Granada. Éste constó finalmente de 44 ítems que evalúan la conducta del profesional médico antes y después del contacto con el paciente, los conocimientos declarativos y las actitudes sobre la higiene de manos. Se aplicó a 113 profesionales. Resultados: Tras realizar los análisis factoriales se obtuvieron datos que avalan la unidimensionalidad de la herramienta, con un valor de convergencia general que explica el 39,289% de la varianza total y un valor alfa de Cronbach para elementos tipificados de 0,784. Hay diferencias significativas entre la conducta de higiene de manos antes y después del contacto con el paciente (t=-8,991; p Objective: Valid and reliable instruments to measure aspects of hand hygiene are needed to determine the current situation and impact of training among health professionals. The main objective of this study was to describe the development of a questionnaire on hand hygiene among health professionals and to analyze the properties of this instrument. Method: A questionnaire was designed and implemented between January 2010 and March 2011 at the Hospital Clínico San Cecilio (Granada, Spain. The final questionnaire consisted of 44 items that assessed provider behavior before and after contact with the patient, declarative knowledge, and attitudes to hand hygiene. The questionnaire was administered to 113 health professionals. Results: A factor analysis was performed. Data were obtained that

  20. Three Mile Island: a report to the commissioners and to the public. Volume II, Part 3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the third and final part of the second volume of a study of the Three Mile Island accident. Part 3 of Volume II contains descriptions and assessments of responses to the accident by the utility and by the NRC and other government agencies

  1. Numerical Simulation of Projectile Impact on Mild Steel Armour Platesusing LS-DYNA, Part II: Parametric Studies


    M. Raguraman; A. Deb; N. K. Gupta; D. K. Kharat


    In Part I of the current two-part series, a comprehensive simulation-based study of impact of jacketed projectiles on mild steel armour plates has been presented. Using the modelling procedures developed in Part I, a number of parametric studies have been carried out for the same mild steel plates considered in Part I and reported here in Part II. The current investigation includes determination of ballistic limits of a given target plate for different projectile diameters and impact velociti...

  2. PIC Simulations in Low Energy Part of PIP-II Proton Linac

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romanov, Gennady


    The front end of PIP-II linac is composed of a 30 keV ion source, low energy beam transport line (LEBT), 2.1 MeV radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ), and medium energy beam transport line (MEBT). This configuration is currently being assembled at Fermilab to support a complete systems test. The front end represents the primary technical risk with PIP-II, and so this step will validate the concept and demonstrate that the hardware can meet the specified requirements. SC accelerating cavities right after MEBT require high quality and well defined beam after RFQ to avoid excessive particle losses. In this paper we will present recent progress of beam dynamic study, using CST PIC simulation code, to investigate partial neutralization effect in LEBT, halo and tail formation in RFQ, total emittance growth and beam losses along low energy part of the linac.

  3. A thermoelectric power generating heat exchanger: Part II – Numerical modeling and optimization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sarhadi, Ali; Bjørk, Rasmus; Lindeburg, N.


    In Part I of this study, the performance of an experimental integrated thermoelectric generator (TEG)-heat exchanger was presented. In the current study, Part II, the obtained experimental results are compared with those predicted by a finite element (FE) model. In the simulation of the integrated...... TEG-heat exchanger, the thermal contact resistance between the TEG and the heat exchanger is modeled assuming either an ideal thermal contact or using a combined Cooper–Mikic–Yovanovich (CMY) and parallel plate gap formulation, which takes into account the contact pressure, roughness and hardness...

  4. Irrigación arterial del músculo interóseo y del ligamento accesorio del músculo flexor digital profundo en la mano del caballo Arterial blood supply to the interosseus muscle and accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon in the horse hand




    El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio del origen y distribución de las ramas arteriales al músculo interóseo y al ligamento accesorio del músculo flexor digital profundo de la mano del caballo. Se disecaron 20 manos a las que les fue inyectada la arteria mediana con látex coloreado. Las ramas arteriales entran al músculo interóseo por la cara dorsal y palmar del cuerpo y por sus bordes medial y lateral. Cada tendón de inserción del músculo interóseo recibió importantes ramas arteriales po...

  5. Understanding Medicines: Conceptual Analysis of Nurses' Needs for Knowledge and Understanding of Pharmacology (Part I). Understanding Medicines: Extending Pharmacology Education for Dependent and Independent Prescribing (Part II). (United States)

    Leathard, Helen L.


    Part I reviews what nurses need to know about the administration and prescription of medicines. Part II addresses drug classifications, actions and effects, and interactions. Also discussed are the challenges pharmacological issues pose for nursing education. (SK)

  6. Uncertainty estimation with a small number of measurements, part II: a redefinition of uncertainty and an estimator method (United States)

    Huang, Hening


    This paper is the second (Part II) in a series of two papers (Part I and Part II). Part I has quantitatively discussed the fundamental limitations of the t-interval method for uncertainty estimation with a small number of measurements. This paper (Part II) reveals that the t-interval is an ‘exact’ answer to a wrong question; it is actually misused in uncertainty estimation. This paper proposes a redefinition of uncertainty, based on the classical theory of errors and the theory of point estimation, and a modification of the conventional approach to estimating measurement uncertainty. It also presents an asymptotic procedure for estimating the z-interval. The proposed modification is to replace the t-based uncertainty with an uncertainty estimator (mean- or median-unbiased). The uncertainty estimator method is an approximate answer to the right question to uncertainty estimation. The modified approach provides realistic estimates of uncertainty, regardless of whether the population standard deviation is known or unknown, or if the sample size is small or large. As an application example of the modified approach, this paper presents a resolution to the Du-Yang paradox (i.e. Paradox 2), one of the three paradoxes caused by the misuse of the t-interval in uncertainty estimation.

  7. Bayesian inference for psychology. Part II: Example applications with JASP. (United States)

    Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan; Love, Jonathon; Marsman, Maarten; Jamil, Tahira; Ly, Alexander; Verhagen, Josine; Selker, Ravi; Gronau, Quentin F; Dropmann, Damian; Boutin, Bruno; Meerhoff, Frans; Knight, Patrick; Raj, Akash; van Kesteren, Erik-Jan; van Doorn, Johnny; Šmíra, Martin; Epskamp, Sacha; Etz, Alexander; Matzke, Dora; de Jong, Tim; van den Bergh, Don; Sarafoglou, Alexandra; Steingroever, Helen; Derks, Koen; Rouder, Jeffrey N; Morey, Richard D


    Bayesian hypothesis testing presents an attractive alternative to p value hypothesis testing. Part I of this series outlined several advantages of Bayesian hypothesis testing, including the ability to quantify evidence and the ability to monitor and update this evidence as data come in, without the need to know the intention with which the data were collected. Despite these and other practical advantages, Bayesian hypothesis tests are still reported relatively rarely. An important impediment to the widespread adoption of Bayesian tests is arguably the lack of user-friendly software for the run-of-the-mill statistical problems that confront psychologists for the analysis of almost every experiment: the t-test, ANOVA, correlation, regression, and contingency tables. In Part II of this series we introduce JASP ( ), an open-source, cross-platform, user-friendly graphical software package that allows users to carry out Bayesian hypothesis tests for standard statistical problems. JASP is based in part on the Bayesian analyses implemented in Morey and Rouder's BayesFactor package for R. Armed with JASP, the practical advantages of Bayesian hypothesis testing are only a mouse click away.

  8. Scope Oriented Thermoeconomic analysis of energy systems. Part II: Formation Structure of Optimality for robust design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piacentino, Antonio; Cardona, Ennio


    This paper represents the Part II of a paper in two parts. In Part I the fundamentals of Scope Oriented Thermoeconomics have been introduced, showing a scarce potential for the cost accounting of existing plants; in this Part II the same concepts are applied to the optimization of a small set of design variables for a vapour compression chiller. The method overcomes the limit of most conventional optimization techniques, which are usually based on hermetic algorithms not enabling the energy analyst to recognize all the margins for improvement. The Scope Oriented Thermoeconomic optimization allows us to disassemble the optimization process, thus recognizing the Formation Structure of Optimality, i.e. the specific influence of any thermodynamic and economic parameter in the path toward the optimal design. Finally, the potential applications of such an in-depth understanding of the inner driving forces of the optimization are discussed in the paper, with a particular focus on the sensitivity analysis to the variation of energy and capital costs and on the actual operation-oriented design.

  9. Structure Learning and Statistical Estimation in Distribution Networks - Part II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deka, Deepjyoti [Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX (United States); Backhaus, Scott N. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Chertkov, Michael [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Limited placement of real-time monitoring devices in the distribution grid, recent trends notwithstanding, has prevented the easy implementation of demand-response and other smart grid applications. Part I of this paper discusses the problem of learning the operational structure of the grid from nodal voltage measurements. In this work (Part II), the learning of the operational radial structure is coupled with the problem of estimating nodal consumption statistics and inferring the line parameters in the grid. Based on a Linear-Coupled(LC) approximation of AC power flows equations, polynomial time algorithms are designed to identify the structure and estimate nodal load characteristics and/or line parameters in the grid using the available nodal voltage measurements. Then the structure learning algorithm is extended to cases with missing data, where available observations are limited to a fraction of the grid nodes. The efficacy of the presented algorithms are demonstrated through simulations on several distribution test cases.

  10. Emerging Forms of the Part II of Jonathan Swift's Novel “Gulliver’s Travels”

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    Svitlana Tikhonenko


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the study of grotesque forms in Jonathan Swift's novel "Gulliver’s Travels" based on the text of part II of the novel "A Voyage to Brobdingnag". On the basis of the selected actual material, displays of the grotesque elements in the semantic field of the work’s text are traced. The grotesque world of the novel is the author's model of mankind, in which J. Swift presents his view not only on the state of the modern system of England, but also on the nature of man in general, reveals the peculiarities of the psychology of human nature, especially human socialization. In part II, the author continues to develop a complex and contradictory picture of human existence in front of the reader, the world of giants appears as an ambivalent system in which the features of an ideal society and ideal ruler, in author’s opinion, with the ugly face of man and society, are marvelously combined.

  11. Numerical simulation of projectile impact on mild steel armour plates using LS-DYNA, Part II: Parametric studies


    Raguraman, M; Deb, A; Gupta, NK; Kharat, DK


    In Part I of the current two-part series, a comprehensive simulation-based study of impact of Jacketed projectiles on mild steel armour plates has been presented. Using the modelling procedures developed in Part I, a number of parametric studies have been carried out for the same mild steel plates considered in Part I and reported here in Part II. The current investigation includes determination of ballistic limits of a given target plate for different projectile diameters and impact velociti...

  12. Necropolíticas del mercado: Cuerpos canibalizados, género y resistencia en Mano de obra (2002 e Impuesto a la carne (2010, de Diamela Eltit=Market Necropolitics: Cannibal Bodies, Gender and Resistance in Diamela Eltit’s “Mano de Obra” (2002 and “Impuesto a la Carne” (2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Susana Solorza


    Full Text Available Resumen El presente artículo propone una reflexión sobre las prácticas de coacción y exclusión que implementa la necropolítica del modelo neoliberal, a través del análisis de dos novelas de la escritora chilena Diamela Eltit: Mano de obra (2002 e Impuesto a la carne (2010. La dictadura del mercado ha exacerbado los mecanismos de control sobre los cuerpos y la feminización de la pobreza demuestra que son las mujeres quienes más sufren la exclusión y opresión de una regulación determinada por la acumulación capitalista. Sin embargo, en ambas novelas son los personajes femeninos quienes van a operar como potenciales agentes de cambio, generando pequeños “lugares de desacato” o esferas minoritarias de resistencia que desafiarán la lógica utilitaria y el dominio global del capital. Abstract This article reflects on coercion and exclusion practices that implement the necropolitics of the neoliberal model, through the analysis of the two novels by the Chilean author Diamela Eltit, Mano de obra (2002 and Impuesto a la carne (2010. The dictatorship of the market has exacerbated the mechanisms of control over the bodies and the feminization of poverty shows that women are the ones who suffer the most from the exclusion and oppression of a regulation determined by capitalist accumulation. However, in both novels, female characters operate as potential agents of change, generating small "places of contempt" or minority spheres of resistance that will challenge the utilitarian logic and global dominance of capital.

  13. Technical Information on the Carbonation of the EBR-II Reactor, Summary Report Part 1: Laboratory Experiments and Application to EBR-II Secondary Sodium System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steven R. Sherman


    Residual sodium is defined as sodium metal that remains behind in pipes, vessels, and tanks after the bulk sodium metal has been melted and drained from such components. The residual sodium has the same chemical properties as bulk sodium, and differs from bulk sodium only in the thickness of the sodium deposit. Typically, sodium is considered residual when the thickness of the deposit is less than 5-6 cm. This residual sodium must be removed or deactivated when a pipe, vessel, system, or entire reactor is permanently taken out of service, in order to make the component or system safer and/or to comply with decommissioning regulations. As an alternative to the established residual sodium deactivation techniques (steam-and-nitrogen, wet vapor nitrogen, etc.), a technique involving the use of moisture and carbon dioxide has been developed. With this technique, sodium metal is converted into sodium bicarbonate by reacting it with humid carbon dioxide. Hydrogen is emitted as a by-product. This technique was first developed in the laboratory by exposing sodium samples to humidified carbon dioxide under controlled conditions, and then demonstrated on a larger scale by treating residual sodium within the Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II) secondary cooling system, followed by the primary cooling system, respectively. The EBR-II facility is located at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in southeastern Idaho, U.S.A. This report is Part 1 of a two-part report. It is divided into three sections. The first section describes the chemistry of carbon dioxide-water-sodium reactions. The second section covers the laboratory experiments that were conducted in order to develop the residual sodium deactivation process. The third section discusses the application of the deactivation process to the treatment of residual sodium within the EBR-II secondary sodium cooling system. Part 2 of the report, under separate cover, describes the application of the technique to residual sodium


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    Full Text Available Os herbicidas inibidores do fotossistema II (PSII ligam-se ao sítio da QB localizado na proteína D1 o qual se localiza na membrana dos tilacóides dos cloroplastos, causando, o bloqueia do transporte de elétrons da QA para QB, tendo como consequência, a peroxidação dos lipídios. Os principais fatores que afetam a evolução da resistência de plantas daninhas aos herbicidas têm sido agrupados em: genéticos, bioecológicos e agronômicos. A resistência de plantas daninhas a herbicidas é definida como a habilidade de uma planta sobreviver e reproduzir, após exposição a uma dose de herbicida normalmente letal para um biótipo normal da planta. A seletividade de um herbicida está relacionada à capacidade de eliminar plantas daninhas sem interferir na qualidade da planta de interesse econômico.

  15. “La mano nella terra”. Spaesamento e redenzione di un “conquistatore conquistato” nel Paraguay del XVI secolo

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    Francesca Di Meglio


    Full Text Available In her short story “La mano en la tierra” Josefina Pla outlines a “postmodern” portrait of the sixteenth-century hidalgo Don Blas, whose language is initially marked by the difference between Western hegemonic discourse and the subdued and subaltern Otherness of the natives. However, he gradually realizes not only the estrangement effect of his contact with the guarani people, but also a sense of displacement due both to the semantic crisis caused by contamination and his sense of alienation within his own family. Only at the end, thanks to the blue colour of his mestizo son’s eyes, does he recognize himself as a foreigner among foreigners, as half of a world which is completed by the Other, and reach a reconciliation that opens the door to the counter-conquest of future Americans.

  16. Polycystic ovary syndrome: a review for dermatologists: Part II. Treatment. (United States)

    Buzney, Elizabeth; Sheu, Johanna; Buzney, Catherine; Reynolds, Rachel V


    Dermatologists are in a key position to treat the manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The management of PCOS should be tailored to each woman's specific goals, reproductive interests, and particular constellation of symptoms. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is recommended. In part II of this continuing medical education article, we present the available safety and efficacy data regarding treatments for women with acne, hirsutism, and androgenetic alopecia. Therapies discussed include lifestyle modification, topical therapies, combined oral contraceptives, antiandrogen agents, and insulin-sensitizing drugs. Treatment recommendations are made based on the current available evidence. Copyright © 2014 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Recovery in soccer : part ii-recovery strategies. (United States)

    Nédélec, Mathieu; McCall, Alan; Carling, Chris; Legall, Franck; Berthoin, Serge; Dupont, Gregory


    In the formerly published part I of this two-part review, we examined fatigue after soccer matchplay and recovery kinetics of physical performance, and cognitive, subjective and biological markers. To reduce the magnitude of fatigue and to accelerate the time to fully recover after completion, several recovery strategies are now used in professional soccer teams. During congested fixture schedules, recovery strategies are highly required to alleviate post-match fatigue, and then to regain performance faster and reduce the risk of injury. Fatigue following competition is multifactorial and mainly related to dehydration, glycogen depletion, muscle damage and mental fatigue. Recovery strategies should consequently be targeted against the major causes of fatigue. Strategies reviewed in part II of this article were nutritional intake, cold water immersion, sleeping, active recovery, stretching, compression garments, massage and electrical stimulation. Some strategies such as hydration, diet and sleep are effective in their ability to counteract the fatigue mechanisms. Providing milk drinks to players at the end of competition and a meal containing high-glycaemic index carbohydrate and protein within the hour following the match are effective in replenishing substrate stores and optimizing muscle-damage repair. Sleep is an essential part of recovery management. Sleep disturbance after a match is common and can negatively impact on the recovery process. Cold water immersion is effective during acute periods of match congestion in order to regain performance levels faster and repress the acute inflammatory process. Scientific evidence for other strategies reviewed in their ability to accelerate the return to the initial level of performance is still lacking. These include active recovery, stretching, compression garments, massage and electrical stimulation. While this does not mean that these strategies do not aid the recovery process, the protocols implemented up until

  18. Ocean Thermal Energy Converstion (OTEC) test facilities study program. Final report. Volume II. Part B

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Results are presented of an 8-month study to develop alternative non-site-specific OTEC facilities/platform requirements for an integrated OTEC test program which may include land and floating test facilities. Volume II--Appendixes is bound in three parts (A, B, and C) which together comprise a compendium of the most significant detailed data developed during the study. Part B provides an annotated test list and describes component tests and system tests.

  19. La “defensa social”. Pugnas y competencias en torno a la mano de obra en el Oriente Boliviano, 1890-1910.

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    Ana María Lema Garrett


    la región amazónica boliviana, al norte del país, suscitó profundos cambios en otros departamentos y, entre otras cuestiones, en el mercado laboral. Los departamentos de Beni y de Santa Cruz se constituyeron entonces en reservorios de mano de obra y el flujo migratorio hacia las regiones gomeras del norte fue creciendo proporcionalmente a las necesidades de los empresarios gomeros. Sin embargo, las regiones de origen, y específicamente Santa Cruz, reaccionaron en contra de este “vaciamiento”, desarrollando estrategias para controlar las migraciones o, eventualmente, frenarlas. Este proceso fue acompañado por el despliegue de varias normas novedosas en el ámbito laboral, producto de un debate parlamentario en torno al tema de las migraciones.

  20. Not-for-profit versus for-profit health care providers--Part II: Comparing and contrasting their records. (United States)

    Rotarius, Timothy; Trujillo, Antonio J; Liberman, Aaron; Ramirez, Bernardo


    The debate over which health care providers are most capably meeting their responsibilities in serving the public's interest continues unabated, and the comparisons of not-for-profit (NFP) versus for-profit (FP) hospitals remain at the epicenter of the discussion. From the perspective of available factual information, which of the two sides to this debate is correct? This article is part II of a 2-part series on comparing and contrasting the performance records of NFP health care providers with their FP counterparts. Although it is demonstrated that both NFP and FP providers perform virtuous and selfless feats on behalf of America's public, it is also shown that both camps have been accused of being involved in potentially willful clinical and administrative missteps. Part I provided the background information (eg, legal differences, perspectives on social responsibility, and types of questionable and fraudulent behavior) required to adequately understand the scope of the comparison issue. Part II offers actual comparisons of the 2 organizational structures using several disparate factors such as specific organizational behaviors, approach to the health care priorities of cost and quality, and business-focused goals of profits, efficiency, and community benefit.

  1. Eleventh annual meeting, Bologna, Italy, 17-20 April 1978. Summary report. Part II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Summary Report - Part II of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the IAEA International Working Group on Fast Reactors - includes reports on development of fast reactors in France from 1977 to 1978; review of the activities related to fast reactors in Germany; status of fast breeder reactors development in Belgium and Netherlands; status of activities related to fast reactors in USSR, Japan USA, UK and Italy.

  2. Eleventh annual meeting, Bologna, Italy, 17-20 April 1978. Summary report. Part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Summary Report - Part II of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the IAEA International Working Group on Fast Reactors - includes reports on development of fast reactors in France from 1977 to 1978; review of the activities related to fast reactors in Germany; status of fast breeder reactors development in Belgium and Netherlands; status of activities related to fast reactors in USSR, Japan USA, UK and Italy

  3. A legacy of struggle: the OSHA ergonomics standard and beyond, Part II. (United States)

    Delp, Linda; Mojtahedi, Zahra; Sheikh, Hina; Lemus, Jackie


    The OSHA ergonomics standard issued in 2000 was repealed within four months through a Congressional resolution that limits future ergonomics rulemaking. This section continues the conversation initiated in Part I, documenting a legacy of struggle for an ergonomics standard through the voices of eight labor, academic, and government key informants. Part I summarized important components of the standard; described the convergence of labor activism, research, and government action that laid the foundation for a standard; and highlighted the debates that characterized the rulemaking process. Part II explores the anti-regulatory political landscape of the 1990s, as well as the key opponents, power dynamics, and legal maneuvers that led to repeal of the standard. This section also describes the impact of the ergonomics struggle beyond the standard itself and ends with a discussion of creative state-level policy initiatives and coalition approaches to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in today's sociopolitical context.

  4. Title II, Part A: Don't Scrap It, Don't Dilute It, Fix It (United States)

    Coggshall, Jane G.


    The Issue: Washington is taking a close look at Title II, Part A (Title IIA) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as Congress debates reauthorization. The program sends roughly $2.5 billion a year to all states and nearly all districts to "(1) increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher…

  5. Instructional Climates in Preschool Children Who Are At-Risk. Part II: Perceived Physical Competence (United States)

    Robinson, Leah E.; Rudisill, Mary E.; Goodway, Jacqueline D.


    In Part II of this study, we examined the effect of two 9-week instructional climates (low-autonomy [LA] and mastery motivational climate [MMC]) on perceived physical competence (PPC) in preschoolers (N = 117). Participants were randomly assigned to an LA, MMC, or comparison group. PPC was assessed by a pretest, posttest, and retention test with…

  6. Inteligencia Artificial y Neurología: II Parte

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    Mario Camacho Pinto


    Full Text Available

    Algunos comentarios sobre la primera parte me han inducido a ampliar las bases de este trabajo mediante la presentación de aspectos comunes y conceptos disímiles sobre la hipotética relación entre inteligencia artificial (lA e inteligencia humana(IH. El tema es tan complejo que un intento por resumirlo de por sí ya es atrayente además de necesario.

    Microhistoria de la lA. Ciñéndome a una cruda realidad la lA nació en la Conferencia de Darmouth, año 1956, cuando John McCarthy, profesor de ciencia de computador en Stanford Un. acuñó el término de lA. Sin embargo, especulando un poco podemos decir que cierta inquietud existió desde la antigüedad, mucho antes de los computadores y aún de la electrónica (1 cuando el ser humano irresistiblemente mostraba inquietud por crear I fuera del cerebro humano. Se encuentran algunos ejemplos en la Mitología griega: Hefestos. dios del fuego y de los metales, confeccionaba creaciones semihumanas en su forja. Pigmalión desencantado de las mujeres modeló su propia ninfa en mármol y para poder casarse con ella imploró suplicante hasta conseguir que Afrodita le diera vida.

    En la Europa medioeval al papa Silvestre II (apodado el hechicero por su sabiduría, año 909 D.C. se le atribuye que construía cabezas parlantes. En el siglo XVI Para celso clamó haber inventado un homúnculo. Y el rabino checo Jundo ben Loew esculpió un hombre en arcilla, José Golem, y lo constituyó espía en Praga. En 1854 el matemático británico George Boole propuso un sistema para describir lógica (2 -las leyes del pensamiento en términos matemáticos: “álgebra booliana”, “mathematical logics” que representa procesos lógicos con dos dígitos, 9 y 1.

    En 1937 Alan Turing demostró que una máquina binaria podía ser programada para realizar cualquier tarea algorítmica. Esta máquina de Turing sólo podía ejecutar dos acciones: dibujar y borrar. En el mismo año Claude

  7. Optimal recombination in genetic algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems: Part II

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    Eremeev Anton V.


    Full Text Available This paper surveys results on complexity of the optimal recombination problem (ORP, which consists in finding the best possible offspring as a result of a recombination operator in a genetic algorithm, given two parent solutions. In Part II, we consider the computational complexity of ORPs arising in genetic algorithms for problems on permutations: the Travelling Salesman Problem, the Shortest Hamilton Path Problem and the Makespan Minimization on Single Machine and some other related problems. The analysis indicates that the corresponding ORPs are NP-hard, but solvable by faster algorithms, compared to the problems they are derived from.

  8. The basic science of dermal fillers: past and present Part II: adverse effects. (United States)

    Gilbert, Erin; Hui, Andrea; Meehan, Shane; Waldorf, Heidi A


    The ideal dermal filler should offer long-lasting aesthetic improvement with a minimal side-effect profile. It should be biocompatible and stable within the injection site, with the risk of only transient undesirable effects from injection alone. However, all dermal fillers can induce serious and potentially long-lasting adverse effects. In Part II of this paper, we review the most common adverse effects related to dermal filler use.

  9. Biology and Mechanics of Blood Flows Part II: Mechanics and Medical Aspects

    CERN Document Server

    Thiriet, Marc


    Biology and Mechanics of Blood Flows presents the basic knowledge and state-of-the-art techniques necessary to carry out investigations of the cardiovascular system using modeling and simulation. Part II of this two-volume sequence, Mechanics and Medical Aspects, refers to the extraction of input data at the macroscopic scale for modeling the cardiovascular system, and complements Part I, which focuses on nanoscopic and microscopic components and processes. This volume contains chapters on anatomy, physiology, continuum mechanics, as well as pathological changes in the vasculature walls including the heart and their treatments. Methods of numerical simulations are given and illustrated in particular by application to wall diseases. This authoritative book will appeal to any biologist, chemist, physicist, or applied mathematician interested in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

  10. Formulation, computation and improvement of steady state security margins in power systems. Part II: Results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Echavarren, F.M.; Lobato, E.; Rouco, L.; Gomez, T.


    A steady state security margin for a particular operating point can be defined as the distance from this initial point to the secure operating limits of the system. Four of the most used steady state security margins are the power flow feasibility margin, the contingency feasibility margin, the load margin to voltage collapse, and the total transfer capability between system areas. This is the second part of a two part paper. Part I has proposed a novel framework of a general model able to formulate, compute and improve any steady state security margin. In Part II the performance of the general model is validated by solving a variety of practical situations in modern real power systems. Actual examples of the Spanish power system will be used for this purpose. The same computation and improvement algorithms outlined in Part I have been applied for the four security margins considered in the study, outlining the convenience of defining a general framework valid for the four of them. The general model is used here in Part II to compute and improve: (a) the power flow feasibility margin (assessing the influence of the reactive power generation limits in the Spanish power system), (b) the contingency feasibility margin (assessing the influence of transmission and generation capacity in maintaining a correct voltage profile), (c) the load margin to voltage collapse (assessing the location and quantity of loads that must be shed in order to be far away from voltage collapse) and (d) the total transfer capability (assessing the export import pattern of electric power between different areas of the Spanish system). (author)

  11. Formulation, computation and improvement of steady state security margins in power systems. Part II: Results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Echavarren, F.M.; Lobato, E.; Rouco, L.; Gomez, T. [School of Engineering of Universidad Pontificia Comillas, C/Alberto Aguilera, 23, 28015 Madrid (Spain)


    A steady state security margin for a particular operating point can be defined as the distance from this initial point to the secure operating limits of the system. Four of the most used steady state security margins are the power flow feasibility margin, the contingency feasibility margin, the load margin to voltage collapse, and the total transfer capability between system areas. This is the second part of a two part paper. Part I has proposed a novel framework of a general model able to formulate, compute and improve any steady state security margin. In Part II the performance of the general model is validated by solving a variety of practical situations in modern real power systems. Actual examples of the Spanish power system will be used for this purpose. The same computation and improvement algorithms outlined in Part I have been applied for the four security margins considered in the study, outlining the convenience of defining a general framework valid for the four of them. The general model is used here in Part II to compute and improve: (a) the power flow feasibility margin (assessing the influence of the reactive power generation limits in the Spanish power system), (b) the contingency feasibility margin (assessing the influence of transmission and generation capacity in maintaining a correct voltage profile), (c) the load margin to voltage collapse (assessing the location and quantity of loads that must be shed in order to be far away from voltage collapse) and (d) the total transfer capability (assessing the export import pattern of electric power between different areas of the Spanish system). (author)

  12. Exploring Water Pollution. Part II (United States)

    Rillo, Thomas J.


    This is part two of a three part article related to the science activity of exploring environmental problems. Part one dealt with background information for the classroom teacher. Presented here is a suggested lesson plan on water pollution. Objectives, important concepts and instructional procedures are suggested. (EB)

  13. El espacio de vida y trabajo transnacional mixteco: la relación del capital y la mano de obra migrante indígena

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    Julio Morales López


    Full Text Available Se analiza el espacio cotidiano laboral y de residencia de una comunidad indígena transnacional, dispersa entre México y Estados Unidos. Esta comunidad ha expandido los sistemas de organización aún más allá de los límites del Estado-nación. Y en su proceder los sujetos funcionan como mano de obra flexible al servicio del actual modo de producción agroindustrial llamado “justo a tiempo”, enfrentándose al capital en turno con una identidad étnico-comunal. La investigación se desarrolla mediante una etnografía transnacional multilocal.

  14. Part I: $\\beta$-delayed fission, laser spectroscopy and shape-coexistence studies with astatine beams; Part II: Delineating the island of deformation in the light gold isotopes by means of laser spectroscopy

    CERN Document Server

    Andreyev, Andrei


    Part I: $\\beta$-delayed fission, laser spectroscopy and shape-coexistence studies with astatine beams; Part II: Delineating the island of deformation in the light gold isotopes by means of laser spectroscopy

  15. Final environmental statement. Final addendum to Part II: Manufacture of floating nuclear power plants by Offshore Power Systems. DOCKET-STN--50-437

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Addendum to Part II of the Final Environmental Statement related to manufacture of floating nuclear power plants by Offshore Power Systems (OPS), NUREG-0056, issued September 1976, was prepared by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. The staff's basic evaluation is presented in NUREG-0056. The current Addendum provides further consideration of a number of topics discussed in NUREG-0056, particularly additional consideration of shore zone siting at estuarine and ocean regions. This Summary and Conclusions recapitulates and is cumulative for Part II of the FES and the current Addendum. Augmentations to the Summary and Conclusions presented in Part II of the FES and arising from the evaluations contained in this Addendum are italicized

  16. Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids - Part 2: Iron(II) reduction/cerium(IV) oxidation titrimetric method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This first edition of ISO 7097-1 together with ISO 7097-2:2004 cancels and replaces ISO 7097:1983, which has been technically revised, and ISO 9989:1996. ISO 7097 consists of the following parts, under the general title Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids: Part 1: Iron(II) reduction/potassium dichromate oxidation titrimetric method; Part 2: Iron(II) reduction/cerium(IV) oxidation titrimetric method. This part 2. of ISO 7097 describes procedures for determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids. The procedures described in the two independent parts of this International Standard are similar: this part uses a titration with cerium(IV) and ISO 7097-1 uses a titration with potassium dichromate

  17. Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids - Part 1: Iron(II) reduction/potassium dichromate oxidation titrimetric method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This first edition of ISO 7097-1 together with ISO 7097-2:2004 cancels and replaces ISO 7097:1983, which has been technically revised, and ISO 9989:1996. ISO 7097 consists of the following parts, under the general title Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids: Part 1: Iron(II) reduction/potassium dichromate oxidation titrimetric method; Part 2: Iron(II) reduction/cerium(IV) oxidation titrimetric method. This part 1. of ISO 7097 describes procedures for the determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids. The procedures described in the two independent parts of this International Standard are similar: this part uses a titration with potassium dichromate and ISO 7097-2 uses a titration with cerium(IV)

  18. Current antiviral drugs and their analysis in biological materials - Part II: Antivirals against hepatitis and HIV viruses. (United States)

    Nováková, Lucie; Pavlík, Jakub; Chrenková, Lucia; Martinec, Ondřej; Červený, Lukáš


    This review is a Part II of the series aiming to provide comprehensive overview of currently used antiviral drugs and to show modern approaches to their analysis. While in the Part I antivirals against herpes viruses and antivirals against respiratory viruses were addressed, this part concerns antivirals against hepatitis viruses (B and C) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Many novel antivirals against hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV have been introduced into the clinical practice over the last decade. The recent broadening portfolio of these groups of antivirals is reflected in increasing number of developed analytical methods required to meet the needs of clinical terrain. Part II summarizes the mechanisms of action of antivirals against hepatitis B virus (HBV), HCV, and HIV, their use in clinical practice, and analytical methods for individual classes. It also provides expert opinion on state of art in the field of bioanalysis of these drugs. Analytical methods reflect novelty of these chemical structures and use by far the most current approaches, such as simple and high-throughput sample preparation and fast separation, often by means of UHPLC-MS/MS. Proper method validation based on requirements of bioanalytical guidelines is an inherent part of the developed methods. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Impacto de una campaña de mejora de la higiene de manos sobre el consumo de soluciones hidroalcohólicas en un hospital de tercer nivel Impact of a hand hygiene campaign on alcoholic hand rub consumption in a tertiary hospital

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    Trinidad Dierssen-Sotos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Valorar la influencia sobre el consumo de preparados de base alcohólica de una campaña de mejora de la higiene de manos, y más concretamente del desarrollo de talleres prácticos sobre higienización de manos en un hospital de tercer nivel del Servicio Cántabro de Salud. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio ecológico con datos de enero de 2005 a diciembre de 2008. La variable dependiente fue el consumo de preparados de base alcohólica (ml/día. Como variable independiente se utilizó la campaña de mejora de la higiene de manos desarrollada en el Servicio Cántabro de Salud. Para valorar la relación del consumo con la campaña se utilizó un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. Resultados y conclusiones: Destaca la asociación entre la formación recibida sobre higiene de manos en las unidades de hospitalización y el consumo de preparados de base alcohólica, que mejora al consolidarse la campaña (año 2008 y demuestra un efecto positivo de ésta, en especial de sus aspectos formativos.Objective: To evaluate the influence of a hand hygiene program on consumption of alcoholic hand rub, and specifically the impact of the development of hand washing training in a tertiary hospital belonging to the Cantabrian Health Service in Spain. Methods: We performed an ecological study from January 2005 to December 2008. The dependent variable was consumption of alcoholic hand rub (ml/day. As the independent variable, we used the hand hygiene campaign developed by the Cantabrian Health Service. The relationship between alcoholic hand rub consumption and the campaign was evaluated using multiple linear regression. Results and conclusions: The training received in hand hygiene in hospital wards was associated with consumption of alcoholic hand rub, which improved as the campaign became consolidated (in 2008 and showed a positive effect, particularly its training aspects.

  20. Tenosinovitis piógena flexora de la mano: experiencia en el Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias

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    Irene García-Martínez

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivos. La tenosinovitis piógena flexora de la mano es una infección severa de los tejidos blandos de la mano. Se asocia a secuelas funcionales graves que varían desde rigideces de las articulaciones interfalángicas y metacarpofalángicas hasta la necesidad de amputaciones digitales. La rapidez en la instauración de tratamiento antibiótico endovenoso de amplio espectro y el drenaje quirúrgico urgente son las claves para minimizar la aparición de secuelas. Nuestro objetivo es estudiar las características de los pacientes con dicha patología en nuestro medio. Material y método. Presentamos un estudio retrospectivo de 24 casos de infección de la vaina sinovial flexora diagnosticados y tratados por el Servicio de Cirugía Plástica del Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (Oviedo, España durante un periodo de 8 años. Resultados. Los dedos más afectados fueron el índice y el medio y en todos los casos estuvo presente alguno de los 4 signos de Kanavel. Un 71% de nuestros pacientes precisó intervención quirúrgica urgente: 88% drenaje abierto, 76% abordaje volar tipo Bruner, 6% abordaje mediolateral longitudinal, y otro 6% desbridamiento amplio incluyendo piel. Los demás fueron tratados con antibioticoterapia endovenosa de amplio espectro, inmovilización y elevación de la extremidad afecta. En todos los casos se realizó lavado intraoperatorio con suero salino y/o antiséptico, y en el 65% irrigación postoperatoria continua. El germen más frecuénteme aislado fue Staphylococus aureus si bien en el 75% de los casos no se obtuvo crecimiento microbiológico. La media de estancia hospitalaria fue de 7.3 días. Todos siguieron rehabilitación precoz; el 42% lograron recuperación completa, el 29% sufrió limitación de extensión y el 16% déficit de flexio-extensión del dedo afecto. Conclusiones. Nuestros hallazgos ponen de manifiesto que la tenosinovitis piógena flexora es una patología poco frecuente en


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    Ángel Corbera Mori


    Full Text Available El cuerpo humano es un sistema jerárquico constituido de partonomía corporal, definido por rasgos básicos y universales, caracterizados por un conjunto jerárquico de relaciones, del tipo “X es parte de”. Por ejemplo, las uñas son partes de los dedos, los dedos son partes de la mano (Andersen 1978. Ya en las clasificaciones taxonómicas, los elementos de una categoría son conceptuados como “X es un tipo de”, por ejemplo, la rosa es un tipo de flor, la trucha es un tipo de pez de río (McClure 1975. Considerando estos dos tipos de clasificación, se presenta una breve descripción de la partonomía en la lengua mehinaku (arawak. Se analizan los términos de las partes del cuerpo considerando la estructura morfológica de esta lengua y su ocurrencia en construcciones de posesión nominal. Los datos lingüísticos presentados en este texto son el resultado de trabajos de campo realizados en aldeas del pueblo mehinaku.

  2. II: Through the Western Part of the City: Charlottenburg (United States)

    Hoffmann, Dieter

    Until 1920 the city we now call Berlin was a collection of independent towns and villages — among them Charlottenburg, which was one of the most important and was the proud sister of Berlin, Prussia’s and Germany’s capital, where the wealthy and innovative bourgeoisie lived. Werner von Siemens, Germany’s pioneer in the modern electrical industry, was a prime example of that elite. His castle-like villa was located not far from today’s Ernst-Reuter-Platz at Otto-Suhr-Allee 10-16, and important parts of his enterprise expanded into the “meadows outside of Charlottenburg” during the second half of the 19th century. It was no accident that the efforts to unite Berlin’s two colleges for trade and construction (both founded around 1800) led to the foundation of a modern Technical College in Charlottenburg in 1879, today’s Technical University of Berlin. Its magnificent main building (figure 1), which was opened in 1882 by the German Emperor, was an expression of the great self-confidence of this new institution of higher learning and of Charlottenburg’s bourgeoisie. Although large parts of the building were destroyed by bombs during World War II, you can still get an impression of its monumentality from what survived at number 135 Strasse des 17. Juni.

  3. Germaine Tillion: Obra y trayectoria, una lección de consciencia moral


    Provansal, Danielle


    Este artículo trata de la trayectoria vital y profesional de la etnóloga francesa, Germaine Tillion, formada por Marcel Mauss rural de Argelia. Resistente durante la II guerra mundial, fue denunciada a los alemanes que le arrebataron gran parte de su materialde campo. Prisionera en el siniestro campo de concentración nazi de Ravensbrück, echó mano de su energía y su imaginación para escribir un opera bouffe que ayudase a sus compañeras de cautividad a soportar su situación. Posteriormente, mi...

  4. Music in the exercise domain: a review and synthesis (Part II). (United States)

    Karageorghis, Costas I; Priest, David-Lee


    Since a 1997 review by Karageorghis and Terry, which highlighted the state of knowledge and methodological weaknesses, the number of studies investigating musical reactivity in relation to exercise has swelled considerably. In this two-part review paper, the development of conceptual approaches and mechanisms underlying the effects of music are explicated (Part I), followed by a critical review and synthesis of empirical work (spread over Parts I and II). Pre-task music has been shown to optimise arousal, facilitate task-relevant imagery and improve performance in simple motoric tasks. During repetitive, endurance-type activities, self-selected, motivational and stimulative music has been shown to enhance affect, reduce ratings of perceived exertion, improve energy efficiency and lead to increased work output. There is evidence to suggest that carefully selected music can promote ergogenic and psychological benefits during high-intensity exercise, although it appears to be ineffective in reducing perceptions of exertion beyond the anaerobic threshold. The effects of music appear to be at their most potent when it is used to accompany self-paced exercise or in externally valid conditions. When selected according to its motivational qualities, the positive impact of music on both psychological state and performance is magnified. Guidelines are provided for future research and exercise practitioners.

  5. Contratación de la mano de obra y desempeño en los servicios intensivos en conocimiento: Una visión del capital intelectual

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    Eva Rimbau-Gilabert


    Full Text Available Objeto: El desempeño de las actividades de servicios de las empresas manufactureras, de la misma forma que las de los servicios intensivos en conocimiento, puede verse afectada por las formas de contratación de la mano de obra utilizadas en ellas. Se estudia el impacto del uso de trabajo contingente (temporal y autónomo sobre la productividad del trabajo en las empresas de servicios intensivos en conocimiento. Para desarrollar las hipótesis, desde el punto de vista teórico se tiene en cuenta el impacto potencial del trabajo contingente sobre el capital intangible de la empresa, así como los resultados de la literatura empírica. Diseño/metodología: Se analizan los datos de una muestra de 279 empresas de servicios intensivos en conocimiento localizadas en Cataluña, mediante dos modelos de regresión lineal. Aportaciones y resultados: Los resultados muestran que el empleo de formas de trabajo no permanentes, como el trabajo temporal y los trabajadores autónomos, tiene un impacto negativo en la productividad del trabajo. No existe, en cambio, una relación cuadrática entre estas variables. Limitaciones: La muestra utilizada procede exclusivamente de Cataluña (España, no es perfectamente extrapolable al conjunto de empresas de servicios intensivos en conocimiento y se obtuvo en la fase alcista del ciclo económico. El diseño del estudio es transversal. La clasificación de las empresas como intensivas en conocimiento es dicotómica, en función del sector al que pertenecen. Implicaciones prácticas: Las decisiones sobre la contratación de mano de obra en actividades de servicios de alto valor añadido deberían minimizar las formas de trabajo contingentes, si quieren mejorar su productividad. Implicaciones sociales: Un modelo productivo que pretenda potenciar los servicios de mayor valor añadido no puede descansar sobre la base de un mercado laboral en el que las empresas utilizan una elevada proporción de trabajo contingente en su

  6. Characterization of cDNA for human tripeptidyl peptidase II: The N-terminal part of the enzyme is similar to subtilisin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomkinson, B.; Jonsson, A-K


    Tripeptidyl peptidase II is a high molecular weight serine exopeptidase, which has been purified from rat liver and human erythrocytes. Four clones, representing 4453 bp, or 90% of the mRNA of the human enzyme, have been isolated from two different cDNA libraries. One clone, designated A2, was obtained after screening a human B-lymphocyte cDNA library with a degenerated oligonucleotide mixture. The B-lymphocyte cDNA library, obtained from human fibroblasts, were rescreened with a 147 bp fragment from the 5' part of the A2 clone, whereby three different overlapping cDNA clones could be isolated. The deduced amino acid sequence, 1196 amino acid residues, corresponding to the longest open rading frame of the assembled nucleotide sequence, was compared to sequences of current databases. This revealed a 56% similarity between the bacterial enzyme subtilisin and the N-terminal part of tripeptidyl peptidase II. The enzyme was found to be represented by two different mRNAs of 4.2 and 5.0 kilobases, respectively, which probably result from the utilziation of two different polyadenylation sites. Futhermore, cDNA corresponding to both the N-terminal and C-terminal part of tripeptidyl peptidase II hybridized with genomic DNA from mouse, horse, calf, and hen, even under fairly high stringency conditions, indicating that tripeptidyl peptidase II is highly conserved

  7. Rise, fall and resurrection of chromosome territories: a historical perspective Part II. Fall and resurrection of chromosome territories during the 1950s to 1980s. Part III. Chromosome territories and the functional nuclear architecture: experiments and m


    T Cremer; C Cremer


    Part II of this historical review on the progress of nuclear architecture studies points out why the original hypothesis of chromosome territories from Carl Rabl and Theodor Boveri (described in part I) was abandoned during the 1950s and finally proven by compelling evidence forwarded by laser-uvmicrobeam studies and in situ hybridization experiments. Part II also includes a section on the development of advanced light microscopic techniques breaking the classical Abbe limit written for reade...

  8. Relación entre el fenómeno de la ilusión de la mano falsa y variables personales

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    Gina Rodríguez-Melgarejo


    Full Text Available El fenómeno de la ilusión de la mano falsa (IMF se ha propuesto como un diseño que permite discriminar procesos perceptuales a partir de entradas sensoriales multimodales. Se han reportado varias modificaciones y variables que podrían afectar la generación del fenómeno. Este estudio se planteó bajo un diseño descriptivo-correlacional del fenómeno. Se realizó el procedimiento en jóvenes (16-48 años M = 20.86 años, DE = 4.4 colombianos para replicar el fenómeno de IMF. Los sujetos se dividieron al azar en dos grupos que diferían en el tipo de estimulación (sincrónica y desincronizada. La identificación de la IMF se realizó mediante la escala reportada en múltiples estudios, mostrando que en algunas variables como la estimulación se presentaba una diferencia en el reporte de IMF (P2. χ2 = 5.856: p < 0.05; P3. χ2 = 6.655: p < 0.01 y P7 (χ2 = 4.764: p < 0.05. Otras variables como sexo y dominancia manual mostraron algunas diferencias. La escala presenta una consistencia interna aceptable (α = 0.8. Los resultados de la IMF son similares a algunos estudios pero con puntuaciones menores que en los estudios iniciales, la diferencia en cuanto al género en tareas perceptuales podría explicar gran parte de los resultados.

  9. Part I: quantum fluctuations in chains of Josephson junctions. Part II: directed aggregation on the Bethe lattice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bradley, R.M.


    Part I studies the effect of quantum fluctuations of the phase on the low temperature behavior of two models of Josephson junction chains with Coulomb interactions taken into account. The first model, which represents a chain of junctions close to a ground plane, is the Hamiltonian version of the two-dimensional XY model in one space and one time dimension. In the second model, the charging energy for a single junction in the chain is just the parallel-plate capacitor energy. It is shown that quantum fluctuations produce exponential decay of the order parameter correlation junction for any finite value of the junction capacitance. Part II deals with two types of directed aggregation on the Bethe lattice - directed diffusion-limited aggregation DDLA and ballistic aggregation (BA). In the DDLA problem on finite lattices, an exact nonlinear recursion relation is constructed for the probability distribution of the density. The mean density tends to zero as the lattice size is taken into infinity. Using a mapping between the model with perfect adhesion on contact and another model with a particular value of the adhesion probability, it is shown that the adhesion probability is irrelevant over an interval of values

  10. Design of site specific radiopharmaceuticals for tumor imaging. (Parts I and II)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Dort, M.E.


    Part I. Synthetic methods were developed for the preparation of several iodinated benzoic acid hydrazides as labeling moieties for indirect tagging of carbonyl-containing bio-molecules and potential tumor-imaging agents. Biodistribution studies conducted in mice on the derivatives having the I-125 label ortho to a phenolic OH demonstrated a rapid in vivo deiodination. Part II. The reported high melanin binding affinity of quinoline and other heterocyclic antimalarial drugs led to the development of many analogues of such molecules as potential melanoma-imaging agents. Once such analogue iodochloroquine does exhibit high melanin binding, but has found limited clinical use due to appreciable accumulation in non-target tissues such as the adrenal cortex and inner ear. This project developed a new series of candidate melanoma imaging agents which would be easier to radio-label, could yield higher specific activity product, and which might demonstrate more favorable pharmacokinetic and dosimetric characteristics compared to iodochloroquine

  11. Developing guidelines for economic evaluation of environmental impacts in EIAs. Part II: Case studies and dose-response literature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Part II of the report contains full versions of the case studies for air, water and land (Chapters 2-4), which were only summarised in Part I. In addition, during the work the research team has collected a large amount of literature and information on dose response relationships for air and water pollution relevant to China. This information is included as Chapters 5 and 6

  12. Developing guidelines for economic evaluation of environmental impacts in EIAs. Part II: Case studies and dose-response literature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This Part II of the report contains full versions of the case studies for air, water and land (Chapters 2-4), which were only summarised in Part I. In addition, during the work the research team has collected a large amount of literature and information on dose response relationships for air and water pollution relevant to China. This information is included as Chapters 5 and 6.

  13. Repository Planning, Design, and Engineering: Part II-Equipment and Costing. (United States)

    Baird, Phillip M; Gunter, Elaine W


    Part II of this article discusses and provides guidance on the equipment and systems necessary to operate a repository. The various types of storage equipment and monitoring and support systems are presented in detail. While the material focuses on the large repository, the requirements for a small-scale startup are also presented. Cost estimates and a cost model for establishing a repository are presented. The cost model presents an expected range of acquisition costs for the large capital items in developing a repository. A range of 5,000-7,000 ft(2) constructed has been assumed, with 50 frozen storage units, to reflect a successful operation with growth potential. No design or engineering costs, permit or regulatory costs, or smaller items such as the computers, software, furniture, phones, and barcode readers required for operations have been included.

  14. Three Mile Island: a report to the commissioners and to the public. Volume II, Part 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is part one of three parts of the second volume of the Special Inquiry Group's report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on the accident at Three Mile Island. The first volume contained a narrative description of the accident and a discussion of the major conclusions and recommendations. This second volume is divided into three parts. Part 1 of Volume II focuses on the pre-accident licensing and regulatory background. This part includes an examination of the overall licensing and regulatory system for nuclear powerplants viewed from different perspectives: the system as it is set forth in statutes and regulations, as described in Congressional testimony, and an overview of the system as it really works. In addition, Part 1 includes the licensing, operating, and inspection history of Three Mile Island Unit 2, discussions of relevant regulatory matters, a discussion of specific precursor events related to the accident, a case study of the pressurizer design issue, and an analysis of incentives to declare commercial operation

  15. Market Analysis and Consumer Impacts Source Document. Part II. Review of Motor Vehicle Market and Consumer Expenditures on Motor Vehicle Transportation (United States)


    This source document on motor vehicle market analysis and consumer impacts consists of three parts. Part II consists of studies and review on: motor vehicle sales trends; motor vehicle fleet life and fleet composition; car buying patterns of the busi...

  16. Quantitative impact of aerosols on numerical weather prediction. Part II: Impacts to IR radiance assimilation (United States)

    Marquis, J. W.; Campbell, J. R.; Oyola, M. I.; Ruston, B. C.; Zhang, J.


    This is part II of a two-part series examining the impacts of aerosol particles on weather forecasts. In this study, the aerosol indirect effects on weather forecasts are explored by examining the temperature and moisture analysis associated with assimilating dust contaminated hyperspectral infrared radiances. The dust induced temperature and moisture biases are quantified for different aerosol vertical distribution and loading scenarios. The overall impacts of dust contamination on temperature and moisture forecasts are quantified over the west coast of Africa, with the assistance of aerosol retrievals from AERONET, MPL, and CALIOP. At last, methods for improving hyperspectral infrared data assimilation in dust contaminated regions are proposed.

  17. International Working Group on Fast Reactors Eight Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 15-18 April 1975. Summary Report. Part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Eighth Annual Meeting of the IAEA International Working Group on Past Reactors was held at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna, Austria, from 15 to 18 April 1975. The Summary Report (Part I) contains the Minutes of the Meeting. The Summary Report (Part II) contains the papers which review the national programmes in the field of LMPBR’s and other presentations at the Meeting. The Summary Report (Part III) contains the discussions on the review of the national programmes

  18. Social class, political power, and the state: their implications in medicine--parts I and II. (United States)

    Navarro, V


    This three part article presents an anlysis of the distribution of power and of the nature of the state in Western industrialized societies and details their implications in medicine. Part I presents a critique of contemporary theories of the Western system of power; discusses the countervailing pluralist and power elite theories, as well as those of bureaucratic and professional control; and concludes with an examination of the Marxist theories of economic determinism, structural determinism, and corporate statism. Part II presents a Marxist theory of the role, nature, and characteristics of state intervention. Part III (which will appear in the next issue of this journal) focuses on the mode of that intervention and the reasons for its growth, with an added analysis of the attributes of state intervention in the health sector, and of the dialectical relationship between its growth and the current fiscal crisis of the state. In all three parts, the focus is on Western European countries and on North America, with many examples and categories from the area of medicine.

  19. Reforming Science Education: Part II. Utilizing Kieran Egan's Educational Metatheory (United States)

    Schulz, Roland M.


    This paper is the second of two parts and continues the conversation which had called for a shift in the conceptual focus of science education towards philosophy of education, with the requirement to develop a discipline-specific “philosophy” of science education. In Part I, conflicting conceptions of science literacy were identified with disparate “visions” tied to competing research programs as well as school-based curricular paradigms. The impasse in the goals of science education and thereto, the contending views of science literacy, were themselves associated with three underlying fundamental aims of education (knowledge-itself; personal development; socialization) which, it was argued, usually undercut the potential of each other. During periods of “crisis-talk” and throughout science educational history these three aims have repeatedly attempted to assert themselves. The inability of science education research to affect long-term change in classrooms was correlated not only to the failure to reach a consensus on the aims (due to competing programs and to the educational ideologies of their social groups), but especially to the failure of developing true educational theories (largely neglected since Hirst). Such theories, especially metatheories, could serve to reinforce science education’s growing sense of academic autonomy and independence from socio-economic demands. In Part II, I offer as a suggestion Egan’s cultural-linguistic theory as a metatheory to help resolve the impasse. I hope to make reformers familiar with his important ideas in general, and more specifically, to show how they can complement HPS rationales and reinforce the work of those researchers who have emphasized the value of narrative in learning science.

  20. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 21st Pacific Asia Conference, PAKDD 2017 Held in Jeju, South Korea, May 23 26, 2017. Proceedings Part I, Part II. (United States)


    Data Mining 21’’ Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2017Jeju, South Korea, May 23-26, Sb. GRANT NUMBER 2017 Proceedings, Part I, Part II Sc. PROGRAM...Springer; Switzerland. 14. ABSTRACT The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) is a leading international the areas of knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD). We had three keynote speeches, delivered by Sang Cha from Seoul National University

  1. (II) complexes

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    activities of Schiff base tin (II) complexes. Neelofar1 ... Conclusion: All synthesized Schiff bases and their Tin (II) complexes showed high antimicrobial and ...... Singh HL. Synthesis and characterization of tin (II) complexes of fluorinated Schiff bases derived from amino acids. Spectrochim Acta Part A: Molec Biomolec.

  2. El universo plástico y sensorial de La mano (Wong Kar Wai, 2004

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    Melendo, Ana


    Full Text Available En español: Con el presente artículo, queremos mostrar cómo Wong Kar Wai, heredero de un cine muy vinculado a la modernidad cinematográfica, plantea en el cortometraje La mano (2004 temas como la soledad, la actitud melancólica o la necesidad de ensimismamiento. Estos, junto al estudio de la geometría, los colores saturados y las calidades pictóricas, y bajo el prisma de un realismo metafísico, dan lugar a situaciones ópticas, sonoras y táctiles puras. Es así como en el film del cineasta chino se ponen de manifiesto, a través de la presencia del fragmento corporal y la metonimia, las texturas, coloreadas y sonoras, que configuran los espacios sensoriomotrices del submundo en el que acontece la historia. In english: In this article, we show how Wong Kar Wai, heir to a filmography closely linked to cinematographic modernity, explores themes such as loneliness, melancholy, or self-absorption in his short film The Hand (2004. These themes, together with his study of geometry, saturated colours and pictorial qualities through the prism of metaphysical realism, give rise to purely optical, sonorous and tactile situations. In this way, the Chinese film director reveals, through the presence of a body fragment and metonymy, the colourful and sonorous textures that form the sensory-motor spaces of the underworld in which the story is set.

  3. Tratamiento quirúrgico de la falange distal bífida por traumatismo de mano en la infancia Tratamento cirurgico de falange distal bifida pós traumatismo de mão na infância Surgical treatment of distal bifid phalanx post of hand trauma in childhood

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    F. Passos da Rocha


    Full Text Available La extremidad distal de los dedos es la parte de la mano que más frecuentemente se lesiona. Las principales complicaciones que pueden derivar de ese tipo de lesiones traumáticas incluyen: infecciones, retracciones de la piel, deformidades óseas y amputaciones. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar el tratamiento quirúrgico seguido en un pacientes de 16 años que sufrió traumatismo sobre la falange distal del segundo dedo de la mano derecha a los 2 años de edad, a consecuencia del cual se produjo deformidad ósea y falange bífida asociada a retracción de la piel en el punto de la lesión.A extremidade distal dos dedos é a parte da mão mais freqüentemente lesionada. As principais complicações que podem ocorrer como conseqüências dessas lesões traumáticas incluem: as infecções, as retrações da pele, as deformidades ósseas e as amputações. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o tratamento cirúrgico de um paciente de 16 anos que sofreu um trauma na falange distal do segundo dedo da mão direita aos dois anos de idade, resultando em deformidade óssea e falange distal bífida associada a retração de pele no local onde ocorreu a lesão.The distal extremity of the fingers of the hand is the most frequently injured. The main complications that can occur as a result of these traumatic injuries include: infections, retraction of the skin, bone deformities and amputations. This article aims to report the surgical treatment of a 16 years old patient who suffered a trauma in the distal phalanx of the second finger of right hand when he was 2 years old, resulting in bone deformity and distal phalanx bifid associated with retraction of the skin at the site where the injury occurred.

  4. Las manos derechas del Estado y el capital guerrero: una etnografía de los aparatos represivos frente al fenómeno de las bandas juveniles en la España contemporánea

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    Luca Queirolo Palmas


    Full Text Available En España el asunto de las bandas es un objeto-problema que desde 2003 instituye y anticipa la producción de un discurso público sobre la juventud de origen migrante;  un hecho social y una narrativa mediática que permiten fijar el carácter “peligroso” de nuevos sujetos circulantes en el espacio urbano y vincularlos con una etnicidad supuestamente definitoria (las bandas latinas. A partir de 2004, la mano derecha del Estado se dedica a vigilar, castigar, corregir estas categorías de jóvenes. El artículo pretende explorar la relación entre la producción de las bandas como objeto y problema social y el uso de un capital guerrero por parte de las instituciones penales-policiales en el tentativo de hacer desaparecer  estas formas de agrupaciones callejeras. La base empírica del texto se sustenta en una larga experiencia de trabajo etnográfico realizado entre las bandas policiales y las bandas callejeras en Madrid y Barcelona.


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    Full Text Available O controle químico tem sido o mais utilizado em grandes áreas de plantio, principalmente por ser um método rápido e eficiente. Os herbicidas inibidores do fotossistema II (PSII são fundamentais para o manejo integrado de plantas daninhas e práticas conservacionista de solo. A aplicação é realizada em pré-emergência ou pós-emergência inicial das plantas daninhas. A absorção é pelas raízes, tendo como barreira as estrias de Caspari, sendo a translocação realizada pelo xilema. O processo de absorção e translocação também são dependentes das próprias características do produto, como as propriedades lipofílicas e hidrofílicas, as quais podem ser medidas através do coeficiente de partição octanol-água (Kow. A inibição da fotossíntese acontece pela ligação dos herbicidas deste grupo ao sítio de ligação da QB, na proteína D1 do fotossistema II, o qual se localiza na membrana dos tilacóides dos cloroplastos, causando, o bloqueia do transporte de elétrons da QA para QB, interrompendo a fixação do CO2 e a produção de ATP e NAPH2.

  6. Societal Planning: Identifying a New Role for the Transport Planner-Part II: Planning Guidelines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khisty, C. Jotin; Leleur, Steen


    The paper seeks to formulate planning guidelines based on Habermas's theory of communicative action. Specifically, this has led to the formulation of a set of four planning validity claims concerned to four types of planning guidelines concerning adequacy, dependency, suitability and adaptability......-a-vis the planning validity claims. Among other things the contingency of this process is outlined. It is concluded (part I & II) that transport planners can conveniently utilize the guidelines in their professional practice, tailored to their particular settings....

  7. Two-loop renormalization in the standard model, part II. Renormalization procedures and computational techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Actis, S. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany); Passarino, G. [Torino Univ. (Italy). Dipt. di Fisica Teorica; INFN, Sezione di Torino (Italy)


    In part I general aspects of the renormalization of a spontaneously broken gauge theory have been introduced. Here, in part II, two-loop renormalization is introduced and discussed within the context of the minimal Standard Model. Therefore, this paper deals with the transition between bare parameters and fields to renormalized ones. The full list of one- and two-loop counterterms is shown and it is proven that, by a suitable extension of the formalism already introduced at the one-loop level, two-point functions suffice in renormalizing the model. The problem of overlapping ultraviolet divergencies is analyzed and it is shown that all counterterms are local and of polynomial nature. The original program of 't Hooft and Veltman is at work. Finite parts are written in a way that allows for a fast and reliable numerical integration with all collinear logarithms extracted analytically. Finite renormalization, the transition between renormalized parameters and physical (pseudo-)observables, are discussed in part III where numerical results, e.g. for the complex poles of the unstable gauge bosons, are shown. An attempt is made to define the running of the electromagnetic coupling constant at the two-loop level. (orig.)

  8. Nuclear physics II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elze, T.


    This script consisting of two parts contains the matter of the courses Nuclear Pyhsics I and II, as they were presented in the winter term 1987/88 and summer term 1988 for students of physics at Frankfurt University. In the present part II the matter of the summer term is summarized. (orig.) [de

  9. Roots/Routes: Part II (United States)

    Swanson, Dalene M.


    This narrative acts as an articulation of a journey of many routes. Following Part I of the same research journey of rootedness/routedness, it debates the nature of transformation and transcendence beyond personal and political paradoxes informed by neoliberalism and related repressive globalizing discourses. Through a more personal, descriptive,…

  10. Programming an interim report on the SETL project. Part I: generalities. Part II: the SETL language and examples of its use

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwartz, J T


    A summary of work during the past several years on SETL, a new programming language drawing its dictions and basic concepts from the mathematical theory of sets, is presented. The work was started with the idea that a programming language modeled after an appropriate version of the formal language of mathematics might allow a programming style with some of the succinctness of mathematics, and that this might ultimately enable one to express and experiment with more complex algorithms than are now within reach. Part I discusses the general approach followed in the work. Part II focuses directly on the details of the SETL language as it is now defined. It describes the facilities of SETL, includes short libraries of miscellaneous and of code optimization algorithms illustrating the use of SETL, and gives a detailed description of the manner in which the set-theoretic primitives provided by SETL are currently implemented. (RWR)

  11. Fractional Programming for Communication Systems—Part II: Uplink Scheduling via Matching (United States)

    Shen, Kaiming; Yu, Wei


    This two-part paper develops novel methodologies for using fractional programming (FP) techniques to design and optimize communication systems. Part I of this paper proposes a new quadratic transform for FP and treats its application for continuous optimization problems. In this Part II of the paper, we study discrete problems, such as those involving user scheduling, which are considerably more difficult to solve. Unlike the continuous problems, discrete or mixed discrete-continuous problems normally cannot be recast as convex problems. In contrast to the common heuristic of relaxing the discrete variables, this work reformulates the original problem in an FP form amenable to distributed combinatorial optimization. The paper illustrates this methodology by tackling the important and challenging problem of uplink coordinated multi-cell user scheduling in wireless cellular systems. Uplink scheduling is more challenging than downlink scheduling, because uplink user scheduling decisions significantly affect the interference pattern in nearby cells. Further, the discrete scheduling variable needs to be optimized jointly with continuous variables such as transmit power levels and beamformers. The main idea of the proposed FP approach is to decouple the interaction among the interfering links, thereby permitting a distributed and joint optimization of the discrete and continuous variables with provable convergence. The paper shows that the well-known weighted minimum mean-square-error (WMMSE) algorithm can also be derived from a particular use of FP; but our proposed FP-based method significantly outperforms WMMSE when discrete user scheduling variables are involved, both in term of run-time efficiency and optimizing results.

  12. Noncardiac findings on cardiac CT. Part II: spectrum of imaging findings.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Killeen, Ronan P


    Cardiac computed tomography (CT) has evolved into an effective imaging technique for the evaluation of coronary artery disease in selected patients. Two distinct advantages over other noninvasive cardiac imaging methods include its ability to directly evaluate the coronary arteries and to provide a unique opportunity to evaluate for alternative diagnoses by assessing the extracardiac structures, such as the lungs and mediastinum, particularly in patients presenting with the chief symptom of acute chest pain. Some centers reconstruct a small field of view (FOV) cropped around the heart but a full FOV (from skin to skin in the area irradiated) is obtainable in the raw data of every scan so that clinically relevant noncardiac findings are identifiable. Debate in the scientific community has centered on the necessity for this large FOV. A review of noncardiac structures provides the opportunity to make alternative diagnoses that may account for the patient\\'s presentation or to detect important but clinically silent problems such as lung cancer. Critics argue that the yield of biopsy-proven cancers is low and that the follow-up of incidental noncardiac findings is expensive, resulting in increased radiation exposure and possibly unnecessary further testing. In this 2-part review we outline the issues surrounding the concept of the noncardiac read, looking for noncardiac findings on cardiac CT. Part I focused on the pros and cons for and against the practice of identifying noncardiac findings on cardiac CT. Part II illustrates the imaging spectrum of cardiac CT appearances of benign and malignant noncardiac pathology.

  13. The Historiography of British Imperial Education Policy, Part II: Africa and the Rest of the Colonial Empire (United States)

    Whitehead, Clive


    Part II of this historiographical study examines British education policy in Africa, and in the many crown colonies, protectorates, and mandated territories around the globe. Up until 1920, the British government took far less interest than in India, in the development of schooling in Africa and the rest of the colonial empire, and education was…

  14. DOE program guide for universities and other research groups. Part I. DOE Research and Development Programs; Part II. DOE Procurement and Assistance Policies/Procedures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This guide addresses the DOE responsibility for fostering advanced research and development of all energy resources, both current and potential. It is intended to provide, in a single publication, all the fundamental information needed by an institution to develop a potential working relationship with DOE. Part I describes DOE research and development programs and facilities, and identifies areas of additional research needs and potential areas for new research opportunities. It also summarizes budget data and identifies the DOE program information contacts for each program. Part II provides researchers and research administrators with an introduction to the DOE administrative policies and procedures for submission and evaluation of proposals and the administration of resulting grants, cooperative agreements, and research contracts. (RWR)

  15. Assessing and addressing moral distress and ethical climate Part II: neonatal and pediatric perspectives. (United States)

    Sauerland, Jeanie; Marotta, Kathleen; Peinemann, Mary Anne; Berndt, Andrea; Robichaux, Catherine


    Moral distress remains a pervasive and, at times, contested concept in nursing and other health care disciplines. Ethical climate, the conditions and practices in which ethical situations are identified, discussed, and decided, has been shown to exacerbate or ameliorate perceptions of moral distress. The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to explore perceptions of moral distress, moral residue, and ethical climate among registered nurses working in an academic medical center. Two versions of the Moral Distress Scale in addition to the Hospital Ethical Climate Survey were used, and participants were invited to respond to 2 open-ended questions. Part I reported the findings among nurses working in adult acute and critical care units. Part II presents the results from nurses working in pediatric/neonatal units. Significant differences in findings between the 2 groups are discussed. Subsequent interventions developed are also presented.

  16. Mineral resources of parts of the Departments of Antioquia and Caldas, Zone II, Colombia (United States)

    Hall, R.B.; Feininger, Tomas; Barrero, L.; Dario, Rico H.; ,; Alvarez, A.


    The mineral resources of an area of 40,000 sq km, principally in the Department of Antioquia, but including small parts of the Departments of Caldas, C6rdoba, Risaralda, and Tolima, were investigated during the period 1964-68. The area is designated Zone II by the Colombian Inventario Minero Nacional(lMN). The geology of approximately 45 percent of this area, or 18,000 sq km, has been mapped by IMN. Zone II has been a gold producer for centuries, and still produces 75 percent of Colombia's gold. Silver is recovered as a byproduct. Ferruginous laterites have been investigated as potential sources of iron ore but are not commercially exploitable. Nickeliferous laterite on serpentinite near Ure in the extreme northwest corner of the Zone is potentially exploitable, although less promising than similar laterites at Cerro Matoso, north of the Zone boundary. Known deposits of mercury, chromium, manganese, and copper are small and have limited economic potentia1. Cement raw materials are important among nonmetallic resources, and four companies are engaged in the manufacture of portland cement. The eastern half of Zone II contains large carbonate rock reserves, but poor accessibility is a handicap to greater development at present. Dolomite near Amalfi is quarried for the glass-making and other industries. Clay saprolite is abundant and widely used in making brick and tiles in backyard kilns. Kaolin of good quality near La Union is used by the ceramic industry. Subbituminous coal beds of Tertiary are an important resource in the western part of the zone and have good potential for greater development. Aggregate materials for construction are varied and abundant. Deposits of sodic feldspar, talc, decorative stone, and silica are exploited on a small scale. Chrysotils asbestos deposits north of Campamento are being developed to supply fiber for Colombia's thriving asbestos-cement industry, which is presently dependent upon imported fiber. Wollastonite and andalusite are

  17. Control of uncertain systems by feedback linearization with neural networks augmentation. Part II. Controller validation by numerical simulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrian TOADER


    Full Text Available The paper was conceived in two parts. Part I, previously published in this journal, highlighted the main steps of adaptive output feedback control for non-affine uncertain systems, having a known relative degree. The main paradigm of this approach was the feedback linearization (dynamic inversion with neural network augmentation. Meanwhile, based on new contributions of the authors, a new paradigm, that of robust servomechanism problem solution, has been added to the controller architecture. The current Part II of the paper presents the validation of the controller hereby obtained by using the longitudinal channel of a hovering VTOL-type aircraft as mathematical model.

  18. La explotación de la mano de obra esclava en el Mediterráneo cristiano bajomedieval desde el observatorio catalano-aragonés

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roser Salicrú I Lluch


    Full Text Available En tierras cristianas, la esclavitud medieval fue fundamentalmente un fenómeno urbano y mediterráneo que se difundió a partir de mediados del siglo XIV, tras la Peste Negra. Desde entonces, el perfil del esclavo-cautivo musulmán previamente dominante se diluyó, en beneficio de los esclavos y esclavas de procedencia oriental que invadieron de forma masiva los mercados de los grandes puertos mercantiles. Actualmente, se ha podido demostrar que, en las ciudades donde el fenómeno tuvo más impacto, los esclavos y esclavas estuvieron en manos de propietarios de cualquier sector socio-profesional no marginal. En cambio, se ha prestado poca atención a la inserción social y laboral del esclavo y ha tendido a asociarse demasiado mecánicamente el perfil de los propietarios de esclavos al aprovechamiento de la fuerza de trabajo servil. Los propietarios de esclavos no los concibieron estricta ni necesariamente como mano de obra a su servicio: tanto a través de su cesión a terceros como asalariados y de la capitalización de sus jornales, como mediante su redención por medio del sistema de la talla (que podía duplicar o incluso cuadriplicar el precio de compra y aseguraba una renta a los antiguos propietarios, la adquisición de un esclavo era una inversión rentable y amortizable a corto plazo. Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de evidencias directas, sonsacadas de libros de obra de arquitectura civil y eclesiástica y de fuentes contables de la construcción naval, que ponen de manifiesto que el aprovechamiento asalariado de la mano de obra servil masculina fue mucho más generalizado de lo que las fuentes mayormente empleadas para el estudio de la esclavitud medieval en tierras cristianas (notariales habían dejado entrever. En ocasiones, pueden documentarse auténticas brigadas de esclavos asalariados que realizan tareas no especializadas y que precisan del uso de la fuerza bruta. Los hombres esclavos fueron explotados, fundamentalmente

  19. Mission Plan for the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program. Volume I. Part I. Overview and current program plans; Part II. Information required by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Misson Plan is divided into two parts. Part I describes the overall goals, objectives, and strategy for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste. It explains that, to meet the directives of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, the DOE intends to site, design, construct, and start operating a mined geologic repository by January 31, 1998. The Act specifies that the costs of these activities will be borne by the owners and generators of the waste received at the repository. Part I further describes the other components of the waste-management program - monitored retrievable storage, Federal interim storage, and transportation - as well as systems integration activities. Also discussed are institutional plans and activities as well as the program-management system being implemented by the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. Part II of the Mission Plan presents the detailed information required by Section 301(a) of the Act - key issues and information needs; plans for obtaining the necessary information; potential financial, institutional, and legal issues; plans for the test and evaluation facility; the principal results obtained to date from site investigations; information on the site-characterization programs; information on the waste package; schedules; costs; and socioeconomic impacts. In accordance with Section 301(a) of the Act, Part II is concerned primarily with the repository program

  20. Nuclear power plant simulators for operator licensing and training. Part I. The need for plant-reference simulators. Part II. The use of plant-reference simulators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rankin, W.L.; Bolton, P.A.; Shikiar, R.; Saari, L.M.


    Part I of this report presents technical justification for the use of plant-reference simulators in the licensing and training of nuclear power plant operators and examines alternatives to the use of plant-reference simulators. The technical rationale is based on research on the use of simulators in other industries, psychological learning and testing principles, expert opinion and user opinion. Part II discusses the central considerations in using plant-reference simulators for licensing examination of nuclear power plant operators and for incorporating simulators into nuclear power plant training programs. Recommendations are presented for the administration of simulator examinations in operator licensing that reflect the goal of maximizing both reliability and validity in the examination process. A series of organizational tasks that promote the acceptance, use, and effectiveness of simulator training as part of the onsite training program is delineated

  1. Transferring diffractive optics from research to commercial applications: Part II - size estimations for selected markets (United States)

    Brunner, Robert


    In a series of two contributions, decisive business-related aspects of the current process status to transfer research results on diffractive optical elements (DOEs) into commercial solutions are discussed. In part I, the focus was on the patent landscape. Here, in part II, market estimations concerning DOEs for selected applications are presented, comprising classical spectroscopic gratings, security features on banknotes, DOEs for high-end applications, e.g., for the semiconductor manufacturing market and diffractive intra-ocular lenses. The derived market sizes are referred to the optical elements, itself, rather than to the enabled instruments. The estimated market volumes are mainly addressed to scientifically and technologically oriented optical engineers to serve as a rough classification of the commercial dimensions of DOEs in the different market segments and do not claim to be exhaustive.

  2. Adaptive Core Simulation Employing Discrete Inverse Theory - Part II: Numerical Experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Khalik, Hany S.; Turinsky, Paul J.


    Use of adaptive simulation is intended to improve the fidelity and robustness of important core attribute predictions such as core power distribution, thermal margins, and core reactivity. Adaptive simulation utilizes a selected set of past and current reactor measurements of reactor observables, i.e., in-core instrumentation readings, to adapt the simulation in a meaningful way. The companion paper, ''Adaptive Core Simulation Employing Discrete Inverse Theory - Part I: Theory,'' describes in detail the theoretical background of the proposed adaptive techniques. This paper, Part II, demonstrates several computational experiments conducted to assess the fidelity and robustness of the proposed techniques. The intent is to check the ability of the adapted core simulator model to predict future core observables that are not included in the adaption or core observables that are recorded at core conditions that differ from those at which adaption is completed. Also, this paper demonstrates successful utilization of an efficient sensitivity analysis approach to calculate the sensitivity information required to perform the adaption for millions of input core parameters. Finally, this paper illustrates a useful application for adaptive simulation - reducing the inconsistencies between two different core simulator code systems, where the multitudes of input data to one code are adjusted to enhance the agreement between both codes for important core attributes, i.e., core reactivity and power distribution. Also demonstrated is the robustness of such an application

  3. Coal-fired power materials - Part II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viswanathan, V.; Purgert, R.; Rawls, P. [Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA (United States)


    Part 1 discussed some general consideration in selection of alloys for advanced ultra supercritical (USC) coal-fired power plant boilers. This second part covers results reported by the US project consortium, which has extensively evaluated the steamside oxidation, fireside corrosion, and fabricability of the alloys selected for USC plants. 3 figs.

  4. Tobacco control and gender in south-east Asia. Part II: Singapore and Vietnam. (United States)

    Morrow, Martha; Barraclough, Simon


    In the World Health Organization's Western Pacific Region, being born male is the single greatest risk marker for tobacco use. While the literature demonstrates that risks associated with tobacco use may vary according to sex, gender refers to the socially determined roles and responsibilities of men and women, who initiate, continue and quit using tobacco for complex and often different reasons. Cigarette advertising frequently appeals to gender roles. Yet tobacco control policy tends to be gender-blind. Using a broad, gender-sensitivity framework, this contradiction is explored in four Western Pacific countries. Part I of the study presented the rationale, methodology and design of the study, discussed issues surrounding gender and tobacco, and analysed developments in Malaysia and the Philippines (see the previous issue of this journal). Part II deals with Singapore and Vietnam. In all four countries gender was salient for the initiation and maintenance of smoking. Yet, with a few exceptions, gender was largely unrecognized in control policy. Suggestions for overcoming this weakness in order to enhance tobacco control are made.

  5. [Education in our time: competency or aptitude? The case for medicine. Part II]. (United States)

    Viniegra-Velázquez, Leonardo

    Part II is focused on participatory education (PE), a distinctive way to understand and practice education in contrast to passive education. The core of PE is to develop everyone's own cognitive potentialities frequently mutilated, neglected or ignored. Epistemological and experiential basis of PE are defined: the concept of incisive and creative criticism, the idea of knowledge as each person's own construct and life experience as the main focus of reflection and cognition. The PE aims towards individuals with unprecedented cognitive and creative faculties, capable of approaching a more inclusive and hospitable world. The last part criticizes the fact that medical education has remained among the passive education paradigm. The key role of cognitive aptitudes, both methodological and practical (clinical aptitude), in the progress of medical education and practice is emphasized. As a conclusion, the knowhow of education is discussed, aiming towards a better world away from human and planetary degradation. Copyright © 2017 Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.


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    Hernando Castro Romero


    Full Text Available

    Quemadura es la lesión producida en los tejidos por la acción corta o prolongada de agresiones tísicas o químicas en sus diversas manifestaciones.

    La variedad de formas en la agresión a los tejidos se encierra en una multiplicidad de manifestaciones, que en el mundo actual aumenta la estadística de los quemados.
    El tratamiento local de las quemaduras sólo debe comenzar cuando se ha iniciado el tratamiento general contra el shock.

    Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y gracias a Wallace, se difundió con éxito la terapéutica del método abierto o expuesto en el tratamiento de las quemaduras al observar que tratadas al aire, bajo ciertas condiciones, curaban más rápidamente que el método oclusivo.

    Max Grob, Cirujano Pediatra del Hospital Infantil de Zurich, inició en 1949 el método de escarificación, llamado hoy en día de coagulación, basándose en la acción coagulante de las proteínas. Este autor hizo su primera publicación en el libro titulado "Patología Quirúrgica Infantil" en 1957.
    Posteriormente, Kuhne y Kaiser, de la Universidad de Kiel, en su artículo "Problemas del Tratamiento Local de las Quemaduras" en 1966 preconizaron de nuevo este método.
    En nuestro medio, Lucio Feuillet en 1960 lo utilizó en el Hospital del Centro en Barracabermeja y en 1978 en el Hospital de la Cruz Roja de Manizales fue instaurado por el Dr. Norman Ramírez y colaboradores.
    El método de coagulación para el tratamiento local de las quemaduras en mano nunca antes fue indicado por estos autores...

  7. Stiffnites. Part II

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Teresa Pareschi


    Full Text Available

    The dynamics of a stiffnite are here inferred. A stiffnite is a sheet-shaped, gravity-driven submarine sediment flow, with a fabric made up of marine ooze. To infer stiffnite dynamics, order of magnitude estimations are used. Field deposits and experiments on materials taken from the literature are also used. Stiffnites can be tens or hundreds of kilometers wide, and a few centimeters/ meters thick. They move on the sea slopes over hundreds of kilometers, reaching submarine velocities as high as 100 m/s. Hard grain friction favors grain fragmentation and formation of triboelectrically electrified particles and triboplasma (i.e., ions + electrons. Marine lipids favor isolation of electrical charges. At first, two basic assumptions are introduced, and checked a posteriori: (a in a flowing stiffnite, magnetic dipole moments develop, with the magnetization proportional to the shear rate. I have named those dipoles as Ambigua. (b Ambigua are ‘vertically frozen’ along stiffnite streamlines. From (a and (b, it follows that: (i Ambigua create a magnetic field (at peak, >1 T. (ii Lorentz forces sort stiffnite particles into two superimposed sheets. The lower sheet, L+, has a sandy granulometry and a net positive electrical charge density. The upper sheet, L–, has a silty muddy granulometry and a net negative electrical charge density; the grains of sheet L– become finer upwards. (iii Faraday forces push ferromagnetic grains towards the base of a stiffnite, so that a peak of magnetic susceptibility characterizes a stiffnite deposit. (iv Stiffnites harden considerably during their motion, due to magnetic confinement. Stiffnite deposits and inferred stiffnite characteristics are compatible with a stable flow behavior against bending, pinch, or other macro instabilities. In the present report, a consistent hypothesis about the nature of Ambigua is provided.

  8. The T?lz Temporal Topography Study: Mapping the visual field across the life span. Part II: Cognitive factors shaping visual field maps


    Poggel, Dorothe A.; Treutwein, Bernhard; Calmanti, Claudia; Strasburger, Hans


    Part I described the topography of visual performance over the life span. Performance decline was explained only partly by deterioration of the optical apparatus. Part II therefore examines the influence of higher visual and cognitive functions. Visual field maps for 95 healthy observers of static perimetry, double-pulse resolution (DPR), reaction times, and contrast thresholds, were correlated with measures of visual attention (alertness, divided attention, spatial cueing), visual search, an...

  9. Human-like behavior of robot arms: general considerations and the handwriting task-part II: The robot arm in handwriting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Potkonjak, V.; Kostic, D.; Tzafestas, S.; Popovic, M.; Lazarevic, M.; Djordjevic, G.


    This paper (Part II) investigates the motion of a redundant anthropomorphic arm during the writing task. Two approaches are applied. The first is based on the concept of distributed positioning which is suitable to model the "writing" task before the occurrence of fatigue symptoms. The second

  10. Tunable, Flexible and Efficient Optimization of Control Pulses for Superconducting Qubits, part II - Applications (United States)

    AsséMat, Elie; Machnes, Shai; Tannor, David; Wilhelm-Mauch, Frank

    In part I, we presented the theoretic foundations of the GOAT algorithm for the optimal control of quantum systems. Here in part II, we focus on several applications of GOAT to superconducting qubits architecture. First, we consider a control-Z gate on Xmons qubits with an Erf parametrization of the optimal pulse. We show that a fast and accurate gate can be obtained with only 16 parameters, as compared to hundreds of parameters required in other algorithms. We present numerical evidences that such parametrization should allow an efficient in-situ calibration of the pulse. Next, we consider the flux-tunable coupler by IBM. We show optimization can be carried out in a more realistic model of the system than was employed in the original study, which is expected to further simplify the calibration process. Moreover, GOAT reduced the complexity of the optimal pulse to only 6 Fourier components, composed with analytic wrappers.

  11. Reproduction in the space environment: Part II. Concerns for human reproduction (United States)

    Jennings, R. T.; Santy, P. A.


    Long-duration space flight and eventual colonization of our solar system will require successful control of reproductive function and a thorough understanding of factors unique to space flight and their impact on gynecologic and obstetric parameters. Part II of this paper examines the specific environmental factors associated with space flight and the implications for human reproduction. Space environmental hazards discussed include radiation, alteration in atmospheric pressure and breathing gas partial pressures, prolonged toxicological exposure, and microgravity. The effects of countermeasures necessary to reduce cardiovascular deconditioning, calcium loss, muscle wasting, and neurovestibular problems are also considered. In addition, the impact of microgravity on male fertility and gamete quality is explored. Due to current constraints, human pregnancy is now contraindicated for space flight. However, a program to explore effective countermeasures to current constraints and develop the required health care delivery capability for extended-duration space flight is suggested. A program of Earth- and space-based research to provide further answers to reproductive questions is suggested.

  12. Mixed ligand complexes of alkaline earth metals: Part XII. Mg(II, Ca(II, Sr(II and Ba(II complexes with 5-chlorosalicylaldehyde and salicylaldehyde or hydroxyaromatic ketones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The reactions of alkaline earth metal chlorides with 5-chlorosalicylaldehyde and salicylaldehyde, 2-hydroxyacetophenone or 2-hydroxypropiophenone have been carried out in 1 : 1 : 1 mole ratio and the mixed ligand complexes of the type MLL’(H2O2 (where M = Mg(II, Ca(II, Sr(II and Ba(II, HL = 5-chlorosalicylaldehyde and HL’ = salicylaldehyde, 2-hydroxyacetophenone or 2-hydroxypropiophenone have been isolated. These complexes were characterized by TLC, conductance measurements, IR and 1H-NMR spectra.

  13. Part II. Population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This monograph deals with assessment of radiological health effects of the Chernobyl accident for emergency workers (part 1) and the population of the contaminated areas in Russia (part 2). The Chernobyl emergency workers and people living in the contaminated areas of Russia received much lower doses than the population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and it was unclear whether risks of radiation-induced cancers derived with the Japanese data could be extrapolated to the low dose range However, it was predicted as early as in 1990 that the thyroid cancer incidence might be increasing due to incorporated 131 irradiation. What conclusions can be drawn from regarding cancer incidence among emergency workers and residents of the contaminated areas in Russia and the role of the radiation factor on the basis of the registry data? Leukemia incidence. Leukemia incidence is known to be one of principal indications of radiation effects. The radiation risk for leukemias is 3-4 times higher that for solid cancers and its latent period is estimated to be 2-3 years after exposure. Results of the radiation epidemiological studies discussed in this book show that in the worst contaminated Bryansk region the leukemia incidence rate is not higher than in the country in general. Even though some evidence exists for the dose response relationship, the radiation risks appear to be not statistically significant. Since risks of leukemia are known to be higher for those who were children at exposure, long-term epidemiological studies need to be continued. The study of leukemias among emergency workers strongly suggest the existence of dose response relationship. In those who received external doses more than 0.15 Gy the leukemia incidence rate is two time higher and these emergency workers should be referred to as a group of increased radiation risk. Solid cancers. The obtained results provide no evidence to a radiation-induced increase in solid cancers among residents of the contaminated areas

  14. 30 CFR Appendix II to Subpart D of... - Appendix II to Subpart D of Part 18 (United States)


    ... LABOR TESTING, EVALUATION, AND APPROVAL OF MINING PRODUCTS ELECTRIC MOTOR-DRIVEN MINE EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES Machines Assembled With Certified or Explosion-Proof Components, Field Modifications of Approved Machines, and Permits To Use Experimental Equipment Pt. 18, Subpt. D, App. II Appendix II to Subpart D of...

  15. CERN scientists take part in the Tevatron Run II performance review committee

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Tevatron Run II is under way at Fermilab, exploring the high-energy frontier with upgraded detectors that will address some of the biggest questions in particle physics.Until CERN's LHC switches on, the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider is the world's only source of top quarks. It is the only place where we can search for supersymmetry, for the Higgs boson, and for signatures of additional dimensions of space-time. The US Department of Energy (DOE) recently convened a high-level international review committee to examine Fermilab experts' first-phase plans for the accelerator complex. Pictured here with a dipole magnet in CERN's LHC magnet test facility are the four CERN scientists who took part in the DOE's Tevatron review. Left to right: Francesco Ruggiero, Massimo Placidi, Flemming Pedersen, and Karlheinz Schindl. Further information: CERN Courier 43 (1)

  16. Implementing AORN recommended practices for a safe environment of care, part II. (United States)

    Kennedy, Lynne


    Construction in and around a working perioperative suite is a challenge beyond merely managing traffic patterns and maintaining the sterile field. The AORN "Recommended practices for a safe environment of care, part II" provides guidance on building design; movement of patients, personnel, supplies, and equipment; environmental controls; safety and security; and control of noise and distractions. Whether the OR suite evolves through construction, reconstruction, or remodeling, a multidisciplinary team of construction experts and health care professionals should create a functional plan and communicate at every stage of the project to maintain a safe environment and achieve a well-designed outcome. Emergency preparedness, a facility-wide security plan, and minimization of noise and distractions in the OR also help enhance the safety of the perioperative environment. Copyright © 2014 AORN, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. All About Dowels - A Review Part II Considerations After Cementation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zishan Dangra


    Full Text Available The present review summarizes the published literature examining cementation of the dowel and factors related to it. The peer reviewed English language literature was reviewed from the period 1990 to 2015. Articles were searched in Pubmed/ Medline for the relevant terms. Additional manual searches of some dental journals were also carried out. The original key terms resulted in 228 articles. After applying inclusion criteria, 64 articles remained to be included in part II of this review. Article search indicates that most published literature on dowels are in the form of in vitro analysis. Literature on prefabricated dowel systems far exceeds than the custom cast dowel and newer fibre dowels. Clinical evidence is not sufficient and cannot be used to inform practice confidently. However, within the limitations of this review it is suggested that adhesive fixation is preferred in case of short dowel. Dowel width should be as small as possible. A ferrule of 2 mm has to be provided. Composites have proven to be a good core material provided that adequate tooth structure remained for bonding. Dowel should be inserted if endodontically treated tooth is to be used as abutment for removable partial dentures.

  18. Thinking in nursing education. Part II. A teacher's experience. (United States)

    Ironside, P M


    Across academia, educators are investigating teaching strategies that facilitate students' abilities to think critically. Because may these strategies require low teacher-student ratios or sustained involvement over time, efforts to implement them are often constrained by diminishing resources for education, faculty reductions, and increasing number of part-time teachers and students. In nursing, the challenges of teaching and learning critical thinking are compounded by the demands of providing care to patients with increasingly acute and complex problems in a wide variety of settings. To meet these challenges, nurse teachers have commonly used a variety of strategies to teach critical thinking (1). For instance, they often provide students with case studies or simulated clinical situations in classroom and laboratory settings (2). At other times, students are taught a process of critical thinking and given structured clinical assignments, such as care plans or care maps, where they apply this process in anticipating the care a particular patient will require. Accompanying students onto clinical units, teachers typically evaluate critical thinking ability by reviewing a student's preparation prior to the experience and discussing it with the student during the course of the experience. The rationales students provide for particular nursing interventions are taken as evidence of their critical thinking ability. While this approach is commonly thought to be effective, the evolving health care system has placed increased emphasis on community nursing (3,4), where it is often difficult to prespecify learning experiences or to anticipate patient care needs. In addition, teachers are often not able to accompany each student to the clinical site. Thus, the traditional strategies for teaching and learning critical thinking common to hospital-based clinical courses are being challenged, transformed, and extended (5). Part II of this article describes findings that suggest

  19. Mammalian Toxicity of Munition Compounds. Phase II. Effects of Multiple Doses. Part III. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene (United States)


    and the neuromuscular effects in these dogs were not due to hypocalcemia . The lowest serum calcium concen- tration in these dogs was 4.2 meq/liter...motor end plate might produce a local hypocalcemia . Such a mechanism is purely speculative. Qualitatively and quantitavely, most of the effects of 2,6...I ýNw,- -MIM I/ MIDWEST RESEARCH INS14ITUTE H0q .3L I LU -_ MAMMALIAN TOXICITY OF MUNITIONS COMPOUlNDSPHASE II: EFFECTS OF MiULTIPLE DOSES C* •PART

  20. Modelo computacional para suporte à decisão em áreas irrigadas. Parte II: testes e aplicação Computer model for decision support in irrigated areas. Part II: tests and application

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    Paulo A. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Apresentou-se, na Parte I desta pesquisa, o desenvolvimento de um modelo computacional denominado MCID, para suporte à tomada de decisão quanto ao planejamento e manejo de projetos de irrigação e/ou drenagem. Objetivou-se, na Parte II, testar e aplicar o MCID. No teste comparativo com o programa DRAINMOD, espaçamentos entre drenos, obtidos com o MCID, foram ligeiramente maiores ou idênticos. Os espaçamentos advindos com o MCID e o DRAINMOD foram consideravelmente maiores que os obtidos por meio de metodologias tradicionais de dimensionamento de sistemas de drenagem. A produtividade relativa total, YRT, obtida com o MCID foi, em geral, inferior à conseguida com o DRAINMOD, devido a diferenças de metodologia ao se estimar a produtividade da cultura em resposta ao déficit hídrico. Na comparação com o programa CROPWAT, obtiveram-se resultados muito próximos para (YRT e evapotranspiração real. O modelo desenvolvido foi aplicado para as condições do Projeto Jaíba, MG, para culturas perenes e anuais cultivadas em diferentes épocas. Os resultados dos testes e aplicações indicaram a potencialidade do MCID como ferramenta de apoio à decisão em projetos de irrigação e/ou drenagem.Part I of this research presented the development of a decision support model, called MCID, for planning and managing irrigation and/or drainage projects. Part II is aimed at testing and applying MCID. In a comparative test with the DRAINMOD model, drain spacings obtained with MCID were slightly larger or identical. The spacings obtained with MCID and DRAINMOD were considerably larger than those obtained through traditional methodologies of design of drainage systems. The relative crop yield (YRT obtained with MCID was, in general, lower than the one obtained with DRAINMOD due to differences in the estimate of crop response to water deficit. In comparison with CROPWAT, very close results for YRT and for actual evapotranspiration were obtained. The

  1. Impact of monovalent cations on soil structure. Part II. Results of two Swiss soils (United States)

    Farahani, Elham; Emami, Hojat; Keller, Thomas


    In this study, we investigated the impact of adding solutions with different potassium and sodium concentrations on dispersible clay, water retention characteristics, air permeability, and soil shrinkage behaviour using two agricultural soils from Switzerland with different clay content but similar organic carbon to clay ratio. Three different solutions (including only Na, only K, and the combination of both) were added to soil samples at three different cation ratio of soil structural stability levels, and the soil samples were incubated for one month. Our findings showed that the amount of readily dispersible clay increased with increasing Na concentrations and with increasing cation ratio of soil structural stability. The treatment with the maximum Na concentration resulted in the highest water retention and in the lowest shrinkage capacity. This was was associated with high amounts of readily dispersible clay. Air permeability generally increased during incubation due to moderate wetting and drying cycles, but the increase was negatively correlated with readily dispersible clay. Readily dispersible clay decreased with increasing K, while readily dispersible clay increased with increasing K in Iranian soil (Part I of our study). This can be attributed to the different clay mineralogy of the studied soils (muscovite in Part I and illite in Part II).

  2. A cluster-randomized controlled trial of handrubs for prevention of infectious diseases among children in Colombia Ensayo controlado aleatorizado por conglomerados sobre el uso de antisépticos para las manos para la prevención de enfermedades infecciosas en los niños en Colombia

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    Juan C. Correa


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of alcohol-based handrubs (ABH in reducing acute diarrheal diseases (ADD and acute respiratory infections (ARI among children 1-5 years of age in childcare centers with limited tap water. METHODS: This was the first cluster-randomized controlled trial in a developing country. The study took place at 42 childcare centers with sporadic and limited water availability in six towns in Colombia. Participants were randomly assigned to use ABH as a complement to handwashing (intervention arm: 21 centers/794 children; or to continue existing handwashing practices (control arm: 21 centers/933 children. ADD and ARI cases were identified through teacher-reported signs and symptoms of illness. Adverse events were monitored. Hazard ratios (HR were obtained using Cox proportional hazards multivariate regression shared frailty models. RESULTS: Child-days of surveillance totaled 336 038. Loss to follow up was 14.5%. For both ADD and ARI, there were no differences in hazard ratios during the first trimester of the study. In the second and third trimesters, significant reductions in the risk of ADD were found in the intervention compared to control arm (HR = 0.55, P OBJETIVO: Evaluar la eficacia del uso de antisépticos para las manos a base de alcohol en la disminución de las enfermedades diarreicas agudas y las infecciones respiratorias agudas en niños de 1 a 5 años de edad en los centros de atención infantil donde el lavado de las manos con agua y jabón no es factible. MÉTODOS. El presente fue el primer ensayo controlado y aleatorizado por conglomerados llevado a cabo en un país en desarrollo. El estudio tuvo lugar en 42 centros de atención infantil con disponibilidad de agua esporádica y limitada ubicados en seis ciudades de Colombia. Se asignó aleatoriamente a los participantes a usar antisépticos a base de alcohol como complemento del lavado de las manos (grupo de intervención: 21 centros/794 niños o a

  3. Seismic risk analysis for General Electric Plutonium Facility, Pleasanton, California. Final report, part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report is the second of a two part study addressing the seismic risk or hazard of the special nuclear materials (SNM) facility of the General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center at Pleasanton, California. The Part I companion to this report, dated July 31, 1978, presented the seismic hazard at the site that resulted from exposure to earthquakes on the Calaveras, Hayward, San Andreas and, additionally, from smaller unassociated earthquakes that could not be attributed to these specific faults. However, while this study was in progress, certain additional geologic information became available that could be interpreted in terms of the existance of a nearby fault. Although substantial geologic investigations were subsequently deployed, the existance of this postulated fault, called the Verona Fault, remained very controversial. The purpose of the Part II study was to assume the existance of such a capable fault and, under this assumption, to examine the loads that the fault could impose on the SNM facility. This report first reviews the geologic setting with a focus on specifying sufficient geologic parameters to characterize the postulated fault. The report next presents the methodology used to calculate the vibratory ground motion hazard. Because of the complexity of the fault geometry, a slightly different methodology is used here compared to the Part I report. This section ends with the results of the calculation applied to the SNM facility. Finally, the report presents the methodology and results of the rupture hazard calculation



    松本, 眞一; Shinichi, Matsumoto; 桃山学院大学社会学部


    This part study aims to research on the whole aspect of child protection in Canada. And so, this paper consists of five chapters as follows: (1)Canadian history of child protection, (2)definition of child abuse, (3)current situation of child protection in Canada, (4)outline of child protection and treatment, (5)triangular comparison of child protection and prevention in Canada, Australia and England. The first efforts at identifying and combating child abuse occurred in the latter part of the...

  5. Radiation protection instruments based on tissue equivalent proportional counters: Part II of an international intercomparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alberts, W.G.; Dietz, E.; Guldbakke, S.; Kluge, H.; Schumacher, H.


    This report describes the irradiation conditions and procedures of Part II of an international intercomparison of tissue-equivalent proportional counters used for radiation protection measurements. The irradiations took place in monoenergetic reference neutron fields produced by the research reactor and accelerator facilities of the PTB Braunschweig in the range from thermal neutrons to 14.8 MeV. In addition measurements were performed in 60 Co and D 2 O-moderated 252 Cf radiation fields. Prototype instruments from 7 European groups were investigated. The results of the measurements are summarized and compared with the reference data of the irradiations. (orig.) [de

  6. The prediction of creep damage in Type 347 weld metal: part II creep fatigue tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spindler, M.W.


    Calculations of creep damage under conditions of strain control are often carried out using either a time fraction approach or a ductility exhaustion approach. In part I of this paper the rupture strength and creep ductility data for a Type 347 weld metal were fitted to provide the material properties that are used to calculate creep damage. Part II of this paper examines whether the time fraction approach or the ductility exhaustion approach gives the better predictions of creep damage in creep-fatigue tests on the same Type 347 weld metal. In addition, a new creep damage model, which was developed by removing some of the simplifying assumptions that are made in the ductility exhaustion approach, was used. This new creep damage model is a function of the strain rate, stress and temperature and was derived from creep and constant strain rate test data using a reverse modelling technique (see part I of this paper). It is shown that the new creep damage model gives better predictions of creep damage in the creep-fatigue tests than the time fraction and the ductility exhaustion approaches

  7. A comprehensive review and update on the biologic treatment of adult noninfectious uveitis: part II. (United States)

    Lee, Kyungmin; Bajwa, Asima; Freitas-Neto, Clovis A; Metzinger, Jamie Lynne; Wentworth, Bailey A; Foster, C Stephen


    Treatment of adult, noninfectious uveitis remains a major challenge for ophthalmologists around the world, especially in regard to recalcitrant cases. It is reported to comprise approximately 10% of preventable blindness in the USA. The cause of uveitis can be idiopathic or associated with infectious and systemic disorders. The era of biologic medical therapies provides new options for patients with otherwise treatment-resistant inflammatory eye disease. This two-part review gives a comprehensive overview of the existing medical treatment options for patients with adult, noninfectious uveitis, as well as important advances for the treatment ocular inflammation. Part I covers classic immunomodulation and latest information on corticosteroid therapy. In part II, emerging therapies are discussed, including biologic response modifiers, experimental treatments and ongoing clinical studies for uveitis. The hazard of chronic corticosteroid use in the treatment of adult, noninfectious uveitis is well documented. Corticosteroid-sparing therapies, which offer a very favorable risk-benefit profile when administered properly, should be substituted. Although nothing is currently approved for on-label use in this indication, many therapies, through either translation or novel basic science research, have the potential to fill the currently exposed gaps.

  8. Las manos derechas del Estado y el capital guerrero: una etnografía de los aparatos represivos frente al fenómeno de las bandas juveniles en la España contemporánea


    Luca Queirolo Palmas


    En España el asunto de las bandas es un objeto-problema que desde 2003 instituye y anticipa la producción de un discurso público sobre la juventud de origen migrante;  un hecho social y una narrativa mediática que permiten fijar el carácter “peligroso” de nuevos sujetos circulantes en el espacio urbano y vincularlos con una etnicidad supuestamente definitoria (las bandas latinas). A partir de 2004, la mano derecha del Estado se dedica a vigilar, castigar, corregir estas categorías de jóvenes....

  9. Tenosinovitis flexora piógena de la mano: hallazgos ecográficos Pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis of the hand: sonographic findings

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    A. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Los autores describen los hallazgos ecográficos en tres pacientes con tenosinovitis flexora piógena (TFP de la mano. Los hallazgos patológicos encontrados en el Eco-Doppler Color fueron un halo hipoecogénico peritendinoso y una hipervascularización de la vaina sinovial. La Ecografía es un procedimiento no invasivo que permite diagnosticar de manera eficiente y precoz la TFP y permite además realizar un estadiaje preoperatorio siendo una guía útil para planificar la cirugía en función de la cantidad y localización de la colección purulenta y de la integridad tendinosa.The authours describe the sonographic findings in three cases of pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis of the hand. Hipoechogenic peritendinous area and hipervascularization of the synovial sheath revealed as the pathologic findings. In Color Doppler US Ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure that allows to make an accurate and early diagnosis of pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis, it is an useful guide for planning surgery taking account the amount and localization of the purulence and the integrity of the tendons.

  10. French RSE-M and RCC-MR code appendices for flaw analysis: Presentation of the fracture parameters calculation-Part II: Cracked plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marie, S.; Chapuliot, S.; Kayser, Y.; Lacire, M.H.; Drubay, B.; Barthelet, B.; Le Delliou, P.; Rougier, V.; Naudin, C.; Gilles, P.; Triay, M.


    French nuclear codes include flaw assessment procedures: the RSE-M Code 'Rules for In-service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components' and the RCC-MR code 'Design and Construction rules for mechanical components of FBR nuclear islands and high temperature applications'. An important effort of development of these analytical methods has been made for the last 10 years in the frame of a collaboration between CEA, EDF and AREVA-NP, and in the frame of R and D actions involving CEA and IRSN. These activities have led to a unification of the common methods of the two codes. The calculation of fracture mechanics parameters, and in particular the stress intensity factor K I and the J integral, has been widely developed for industrial configurations. All the developments have been integrated in the 2005 edition of RSE-M and in the 2007 edition of RCC-MR. This series of articles is composed of 5 parts: the first part presents an overview of the methods proposed in the RCC-MR and RSE-M codes. Parts II-IV provide compendia for specific components. The geometries are plates (part II), pipes (part III) and elbows (part IV). Finally, part V presents the validation elements of the methods, with details on the process followed for the development and evaluation of the accuracy of the proposed analytical methods. This second article in the series presents all details for the stress intensity factor and J calculations for cracked plates. General data applicable for all defect geometries are first presented, and then, available defect geometries where compendia for K I and σ ref calculation are provided are given

  11. Digital logic circuit design with ALTERA MAX+PLUS II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung Ho; Park, Yong Su; Park, Gun Jong; Lee, Ju Heon


    This book is composed of five parts. The first part has introduction of ALTERA MAX+PLUS II and graphic editor, text editor, compiler, waveform editor simulator and timing analyzer of it. The second part is about direction of digital logic circuit design with training kit. The third part has grammar and practice of VHDL in ALTERA MAX+PLUS II including example and history of VHDL. The fourth part shows the design example of digital logic circuit by VHDL of ALTERA MAX+PLUS II which lists designs of adder and subtractor, code converter, counter, state machine and LCD module. The last part explains design example of digital logic circuit by graphic editor in ALTERA MAX+PLUS II.

  12. Compósitos de borracha natural ou policloropreno e celulose II: influência do tamanho de partícula Natural rubber or chloroprene rubber and cellulose II composites: influence of particle size

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    Bruno de A. Napolitano


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de compósitos claros com propriedades de interesse tecnológico utilizando elastômeros com diferentes polaridades. Para que este objetivo fosse atingido, celulose II em pó foi usada como carga, em borracha natural (NR ou policloropreno (CR. A celulose II foi obtida por coagulação da solução de xantato de celulose em meio ácido, sob agitação constante e à temperatura ambiente, constituindo uma nova forma de obtenção deste tipo de carga. Compósitos com 10 phr de celulose II com NR e CR, respectivamente, foram desenvolvidos tendo como variável o tamanho de partícula da carga. As propriedades mecânicas e os aspectos microscópicos dos diferentes compósitos foram avaliados e comparados com aqueles das formulações sem carga. Os resultados permitiram identificar o compósito como o de melhor resultado, influenciado pela polaridade da matriz elastomérica e pelo tamanho de partícula da carga, conseqüência das condições de moagem usadas.The aim of this work was to develop light composites with properties of technological interest by using elastomers of different polarities. This was achieved by employing cellulose II, in the powder form, as filler in natural rubber (NR and chloroprene (CR. Cellulose II was obtained by coagulation of cellulose xanthate solution, in acid medium, under stirring and at room temperature, which represents, to our knowledge, a new way of obtaining this type of filler. Composites with 10phr of cellulose II and NR or CR were prepared having the particle size as variable. The mechanical properties and the microscopic aspect of the different composites were evaluated and compared with compounds without filler. The results indicated best results for the CR composite, influenced by the polarity of the elastomeric matrix and by the particle size, as a consequence of the milling conditions of the filler used.

  13. EL español andino. II parte

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    Rubén Arboleda Toro


    Full Text Available En el número 13 de esta revista (nov. del 2000 se publicó una primera parte del estudio sobre el español andino. Presentamos ahora una segunda parte que comprende aspectos histórico-geográficos de Nariño y Putumayo andinos, región de Colombia donde se habla esa variedad, y una descripción general de su realidad lingüística. Esperamos que sean objeto de otra publicación la descripción de los rasgos dialectales del español andino, parte nuclear del trabajo, y la presentación de la metodología y el corpus. En esto nos encontramos trabajando. Incluimos no obstante un inventario de rasgos más amplio que el presentado en la primera parte. Pero por ahora se trata de eso, de un inventario ilustrativo, no del análisis en el que estamos empeñados, en el marco del contacto de lenguas, el cambio lingüístico y la relación entre la norma y las posibilidades del sistema. Para contextualizar esta segunda parte, incluimos, a manera de introducción, un resumen de la primera.

  14. Higienización de las manos: El cotidiano del profesional de la salud en una unidad de internación pediátrica Higiene das mãos: O cotidiano do profissional da saúde numa unidade de internação pediátrica Hand cleaning: Every day of the health professionals in a pediatric inpatient unit

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    Ione Corrêa


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Describir el comportamiento en relación con la higienización de las manos de los profesionales de salud que actúan en la unidad de internación pediátrica de un hospital universitario. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo en el que la población de estudio fue el personal sanitario que laboraba en una unidad de internación pediátrica de un hospital universitario, en total 43 personas. La toma de la información fue realizada a través del proceso de observación y aplicación de encuesta sobre la técnica del lavado de las manos al momento de inicio del estudio y la segunda al mes de realizada la primera. Resultados. En solo 7% de las observaciones realizadas los participantes se lavaron las manos antes de realizar el procedimiento, y de éstos uno de cada dos siguió los pasos descritos en la técnica. La falla más frecuente en el lavado de manos se presentó en el paso de restregar la palma de la mano derecha contra el dorso de la mano izquierda entrelazando los dedos y viceversa (18%. Conclusión. Los participantes en este estudio no tienen el hábito de lavarse las manos de acuerdo con la técnica recomendada. Los datos sugieren la necesidad de promover acciones educativas para cambiar el comportamiento y las actitudes del personal de salud con relación a los pasos de la técnica del lavado de las manos antes y después de la realización de los procedimientos.Objetivo. Descrever o comportamento em relação com a higiene das mãos dos profissionais de saúde que atuam na unidade de internação pediátrica de um hospital universitário. Metodologia. Estudo descritivo no que a população de estudo foi o pessoal sanitário que laborava numa unidade de internação pediátrica de um hospital universitário, ao todo 43 pessoas. A tomada da informação foi realizada através do processo de observação e aplicação de enquete sobre a técnica da lavagem das mãos ao momento de início do estudo e a segunda ao mês de realizada

  15. The Search for Another Earth–Part II

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Permanent link: Keywords. Exoplanets, earth, super-earth, diamond planet, neptune, habitability, extra-terrestrial life. Abstract. In the first part, we discussed the various methods for thedetection of planets outside the solar system known as theexoplanets. In this part ...

  16. ANASTOMOSIS ENTRE LA RAMA PROFUNDA DEL NERVIO CUBITAL Y EL NERVIO MEDIANO EN LA MANO. Anastomosis between the deep branch of the ulnar nerve and the median nerve in the hand

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    Luis E Criado del Río


    Full Text Available Introducción: La anastomosis de Riche-Cannieu (ARC es una variación anatómica formada entre la rama tenar del nervio mediano (NM y la rama profunda del nervio cubital (NC. Debido a la importancia clínica y electromiográfica su descripción anatómica es de gran interés, ya que debido a esta variación anatómica existen distintas formas de inervación motora a nivel de la mano. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizaron disecciones cadavéricas en 38 manos (19 cadáveres de ambos sexos formolizados en solución al 5 %, de entre 50 y 70 años de edad. Se utilizó instrumental y técnicas convencionales de disección. Resultados: En la rama profunda del NC no se evidenciaron variaciones y finalizaba su recorrido en el músculo aductor del pulgar. En el 86,84%  de los casos emerge una rama que se anastomosa con el NM de diferentes formas. Esta rama anastomótica, en el 50% de las manos, era una arcada nerviosa de considerable calibre entre el NC y NM, que daba ramas motoras a los músculos de la eminencia tenar. Discusión: El conocimiento de esta anastomosis es muy importante ya que, en casos de lesión del nervio mediano o cubital, puede causar confusión clínica, quirúrgica y en los hallazgos electromiográficos. Debido a su alta frecuencia fue considerada un rasgo anatómico normal. Introduction: The Riche-Cannieu anastomosis (RCA is an anatomic variation formed between the thenar branch of the median nerve and the deep branch of the ulnar nerve. Its anatomical description is of great interest because of its clinical and electromyographic relevance. Due to the RCA, there are various types of hand motor innervation. Materials and Methods: Thirty eight hands from 19 corpses (formolized in a 5% solution whose ages ranged from 50 to 70 years old were dissected. Conventional instruments and techn-iques were used. Results: The pathway of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve did not show variations and ended at the adductor pollicis muscle. In 86

  17. Reproduce and die! Why aging? Part II

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schuiling, GA

    Whilst in part I of this diptych on aging the question why aging exists at all is discussed; this part deals with the question which mechanisms underly aging and, ultimately, dying. It appears that aging is not just an active process as such - although all kinds of internal (e.g., oxigen-free

  18. Getting to the Source: a Survey of Quantitative Data Sources Available to the Everyday Librarian: Part II: Data Sources from Specific Library Applications

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    Lisa Goddard


    Full Text Available This is the second part of a two-part article that provides a survey of data sources which are likely to be immediately available to the typical practitioner who wishes to engage in statistical analysis of collections and services within his or her own library. Part I outlines the data elements which can be extracted from web server logs, and discusses web log analysis tools. Part II looks at logs, reports, and data sources from proxy servers, resource vendors, link resolvers, federated search engines, institutional repositories, electronic reference services, and the integrated library system.

  19. Complexometric determination, Part II: Complexometric determination of Cu2+-ions

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    Rajković Miloš B.


    Full Text Available A copper-selective electrode of the coated wire type based on sulphidized copper wire was applied successfully for determining Cu(II ions by complexometric titration with the disodium salt of EDTA (complexon III. By the formation of internal complex compounds with the Cu(II ion, the copper concentration in the solution decreases, and all this is followed by a change of potential of the indicator system Cu-DWISE (or Cu-EDWISE/SCE. At the terminal point of titration, when all the Cu(II ions are already utilized for the formation of the complex with EDTA, there occurs a steep rise of potential, thus enabling us, through the first or second derivative to note the quantity of copper that is present in the solution. Copper-selective electrode showed a responsivity towards titration with EDTA as a complexing agent, with the absence of "fatigue" due to a great number of repeated measurings. Errors occurring during quantitative measurements were more a characteristic of the overall procedure which involve, because of the impossibility of the complete absence of subjectivity, a constant error, and the reproducibility of the results confirmed this fact. The disodium salt of EDTA appeared as a very efficient titrant in all titrations and with various concentrations ot Cu(II ions in the solution, with somewhat weaker response at lower concentrations in the solution.

  20. A Conversation with William A. Fowler Part II (United States)

    Greenberg, John


    Physicist William A.Fowler initiated an experimental program in nuclear astrophysics after World War II. He recalls here the Steady State versus Big Bang controversy and his celebrated collaboration with Fred Hoyle and Geoffrey and Margaret Burbidge on nucleosynthesis in stars. He also comments on the shift away from nuclear physics in universities to large accelerators and national laboratories.

  1. Interview-Based Qualitative Research in Emergency Care Part II: Data Collection, Analysis and Results Reporting (United States)

    Ranney, Megan L.; Meisel, Zachary; Choo, Esther K.; Garro, Aris; Sasson, Comilla; Morrow, Kathleen


    Qualitative methods are increasingly being used in emergency care research. Rigorous qualitative methods can play a critical role in advancing the emergency care research agenda by allowing investigators to generate hypotheses, gain an in-depth understanding of health problems or specific populations, create expert consensus, and develop new intervention and dissemination strategies. In Part I of this two-article series, we provided an introduction to general principles of applied qualitative health research and examples of its common use in emergency care research, describing study designs and data collection methods most relevant to our field (observation, individual interviews, and focus groups). Here in Part II of this series, we outline the specific steps necessary to conduct a valid and reliable qualitative research project, with a focus on interview-based studies. These elements include building the research team, preparing data collection guides, defining and obtaining an adequate sample, collecting and organizing qualitative data, and coding and analyzing the data. We also discuss potential ethical considerations unique to qualitative research as it relates to emergency care research. PMID:26284572

  2. Interview-based Qualitative Research in Emergency Care Part II: Data Collection, Analysis and Results Reporting. (United States)

    Ranney, Megan L; Meisel, Zachary F; Choo, Esther K; Garro, Aris C; Sasson, Comilla; Morrow Guthrie, Kate


    Qualitative methods are increasingly being used in emergency care research. Rigorous qualitative methods can play a critical role in advancing the emergency care research agenda by allowing investigators to generate hypotheses, gain an in-depth understanding of health problems or specific populations, create expert consensus, and develop new intervention and dissemination strategies. In Part I of this two-article series, we provided an introduction to general principles of applied qualitative health research and examples of its common use in emergency care research, describing study designs and data collection methods most relevant to our field (observation, individual interviews, and focus groups). Here in Part II of this series, we outline the specific steps necessary to conduct a valid and reliable qualitative research project, with a focus on interview-based studies. These elements include building the research team, preparing data collection guides, defining and obtaining an adequate sample, collecting and organizing qualitative data, and coding and analyzing the data. We also discuss potential ethical considerations unique to qualitative research as it relates to emergency care research. © 2015 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.

  3. Bacteria on the hands of school-age children at a Pediatric Hospitalization Unit Bacterias presentes en las manos de los niños en edad escolar en la Unidad de Internación Pediátrica Bactérias presentes nas mãos dos meninos em idade escolar na unidade de internação pediátrica

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    Marcela Cristina Candido De Almeida


    Full Text Available Objective. To estimate the prevalence of bacteria isolated in samples from the hands of school-age children at a hospitalization unit. Methodology. In 2009, strains were cultured from the hands of 90 school-age children at the pediatric hospitalization unit of Hospital Estadual Bauru (São Paulo, Brazil. After culture of the samples, the isolated bacteria were identified. Results. In 98% of the samples taken from the children, bacteria were isolated. Coagulase-negative Staphilococcus was isolated in 64% of the samples, followed by Staphilococcus aureus (5% and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1%. Conclusion. In most of the samples from the children's hands, bacteria were isolated. Therefore, educative actions about hygiene habits in- and outside the hospital environment should be reinforced, aimed at children and their companions.Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia de bacterias aisladas en las manos de los niños en edad escolar en una unidad de internación. Metodología. En 2009 se hicieron cultivos de las manos de 90 niños en edad escolar de la unidad de internación pediátrica del Hospital Estadual Bauru (São Paulo, Brasil. Se hizo cultivo de las muestras y posteriormente se realizó identificación de las bacterias aisladas. Resultados. En el 98% de las muestras tomadas a los niños se hicieron aislamientos de bacterias. Stafilococcus coagulasa negativa se aisló en el 64% de las muestras; Staphilococcus aureus, en un 5%, y Pseudomonas aeruginosa, en un 1%. Conclusión. En la mayor parte de las muestras de las manos de los niños internados se aislaron bacterias, por lo que se deben reforzar las acciones educativas a los niños y a sus acompañantes en relación con los hábitos de higiene en el ambiente hospitalario y fuera de él.Estimar a prevalência de bactérias isoladas em mostras das mãos dos meninos em idade escolar numa unidade de internação. Metodologia. Em 2009 se fizeram cultivos das mãos de 90 meninos em idade escolar da unidade de

  4. Asymmetric synthesis of α-amino acids via homologation of Ni(II) complexes of glycine Schiff bases. Part 3: Michael addition reactions and miscellaneous transformations. (United States)

    Aceña, José Luis; Sorochinsky, Alexander E; Soloshonok, Vadim


    The major goal of this review is a critical discussion of the literature data on asymmetric synthesis of α-amino acids via Michael addition reactions involving Ni(II)-complexes of amino acids. The material covered is divided into two conceptually different groups dealing with applications of: (a) Ni(II)-complexes of glycine as C-nucleophiles and (b) Ni(II)-complexes of dehydroalanine as Michael acceptors. The first group is significantly larger and consequently subdivided into four chapters based on the source of stereocontrolling element. Thus, a chiral auxiliary can be used as a part of nucleophilic glycine Ni(II) complex, Michael acceptor or both, leading to the conditions of matching vs. mismatching stereochemical preferences. The particular focus of the review is made on the practical aspects of the methodology under discussion and mechanistic considerations.

  5. A study of drying and cleaning methods used in preparation for fluorescent penetrant inspection - Part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brasche, L.; Lopez, R.; Larson, B.


    Fluorescent penetrant inspection is the most widely used method for aerospace components such as critical rotating components of gas turbine engines. Successful use of FPI begins with a clean and dry part, followed by a carefully controlled and applied FPI process, and conscientious inspection by well trained personnel. A variety of cleaning methods are in use for cleaning of titanium and nickel parts with selection based on the soils or contamination to be removed. Cleaning methods may include chemical or mechanical methods with sixteen different types studied as part of this program. Several options also exist for use in drying parts prior to FPI. Samples were generated and exposed to a range of conditions to study the effect of both drying and cleaning methods on the flaw response of FPI. Low cycle fatigue (LCF) cracks were generated in approximately 40 nickel and 40 titanium samples for evaluation of the various cleaning methods. Baseline measurements were made for each of the samples using a photometer to measure sample brightness and a UVA videomicroscope to capture digital images of the FPI indications. Samples were exposed to various contaminants, cleaned and inspected. Brightness measurements and digital images were also taken to compare to the baseline data. A comparison of oven drying to flash dry in preparation for FPI has been completed and will be reported in Part I. Comparison of the effectiveness of various cleaning methods for the contaminants will be presented in Part II. The cleaning and drying studies were completed in cooperation with Delta Airlines using cleaning, drying and FPI processes typical of engine overhaul processes and equipment. The work was completed as part of the Engine Titanium Consortium and included investigators from Honeywell, General Electric, Pratt and Whitney, and Rolls Royce

  6. Instructional climates in preschool children who are at-risk. Part II: perceived physical competence. (United States)

    Robinson, Leah E; Rudisill, Mary E; Goodway, Jacqueline D


    In Part II of this study, we examined the effect of two 9-week instructional climates (low-autonomy [LA] and mastery motivational climate [MMC]) on perceived physical competence (PPC) in preschoolers (N = 117). Participants were randomly assigned to an LA, MMC, or comparison group. PPC was assessed by a pretest, posttest, and retention test with the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance. A significant Treatment x Time interaction (p < .001) was present, supporting that MMC participants reported significantly higher PPC scores over time, while no positive changes were present in LA and comparison participants. The results show that an MMC leads to psychological benefits related to achievement motivation. These findings should encourage early childhood educators to consider the effect of instructional climates on children's self-perception.

  7. Teatro y memoria: la recreación del mundo rural en Las manos, de José Ramón Fernández, Yolanda Pallín y Javier G. Yagüe

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    Vilches de Frutos, M. Francisca


    Full Text Available Current research on twentieth-century Spanish theater reveals a high number of historical plays, a tendency that has continued during the last five years. Some of the most significant writers currently writing for the stage are actively revising the recent past in their work. In this context, three playwrights stand out —Jose Ramon Fernandez, Yolanda Pallin and Javier G. Yague— thanks to the critical and commercial success of their Las manos (Hands, a play about young people who live in a rural area of Spain during the decade of the 1960s. The study of the play's themes and its reception bring to light the reasons behind this historical recreation and the favorable response accorded it by critics and audiences.El análisis de las representaciones escénicas llevadas a cabo en España durante el siglo XX permite apreciar la existencia de un elevado número de obras históricas. Esta tendencia ha tenido continuidad en el último lustro, donde algunos de los más destacados autores dramáticos no han dudado en iniciar una revisión del pasado reciente. En este contexto no debe sorprender el éxito crítico y comercial alcanzado por José Ramón Fernández, Yolanda Pallín y Javier G. Yagüe con Las manos, una obra protagonizada por jóvenes pertenecientes al ámbito rural español en la década de los sesenta. El estudio de sus claves temáticas y de su recepción permitirá explicar las razones para recrear este período histórico y las causas de su excelente acogida.

  8. Pensar con el ojo, pensar con la mano = Thinking with your eye, thinking with your hand

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    Juan Manuel Sánchez de la Chica


    Full Text Available ResumenDefiniendo Asís Cabrero la arquitectura como un arte visual-utilitario, se remonta a los orígenes de la especie para explicar cuáles son elementos de la consciencia que intervienen en la obra del hombre. La táctica de supervivencia humana se basa en una técnica voluntaria, variable, personal e inventiva, en contraste con el instinto de los demás seres de la naturaleza. A este animal rapaz, cuyo pensamiento está determinado por su sentido de la vista, se le añade la inteligencia que proviene de la habilidad de la mano para fabricar herramientas. Este animal de órganos intercambiables es capaz de especializarse con cada una de las herramientas que construye para igualarse a cada uno de los animales especializados. Así, el hombre construye herramientas para hacer frente a una naturaleza variable y cambiante, ya sea un cuchillo, un hacha o un refugio.Siendo la arquitectura causa del sentir óptico, es principalmente el pensamiento útil de la mano el que interviene en la elaboración de la arquitectura. Para Cabrero, la materia se convierte en material a través de la herramienta, para ser aparejado, para poder construir. Son las herramientas las que evolucionan a lo largo de la historia, permaneciendo la materia siempre igual en la naturaleza. Asís Cabrero investiga cinco arquitecturas primitivas relacionadas con cinco materias primeras. Así, estudia la estructura cupular, el dintel, el entramado, la estructura laminar y la estructura desmontable en relación con el uso racional del barro, la piedra, la madera, el ramaje y la piel.La diversa disponibilidad material en la trayectoria profesional de Asís Cabrero, desde el aislamiento de la posguerra a la apertura de los años sesenta, hace que podamos establecer diferentes edades en la obra de Francisco de Asís Cabrero según el material y las herramientas que utiliza.Palabras claveFrancisco Cabrero, arquitectura, instrumentos, material, estructura, herramientas

  9. Short-term effects of air pollution on respiratory morbidity at Rio de Janeiro--Part II: health assessment. (United States)

    Sousa, S I V; Pires, J C M; Martins, E M; Fortes, J D N; Alvim-Ferraz, M C M; Martins, F G


    The effects of air pollution on health have been studied worldwide. Given that air pollution triggers oxidative stress and inflammation, it is plausible that high levels of air pollutants cause higher number of hospitalisations. This study aimed to assess the impact of air pollution on the emergency hospitalisation for respiratory disease in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study was divided in two parts: Part I specifically addressing the air pollution assessment and Part II addressing the health assessment. Accordingly, this Part II aimed to estimate the association between the concentrations of PM₁₀, SO₂ and CO observed in Rio de Janeiro and the number of emergency hospitalisations at a central hospital due to respiratory diseases. The pollutant concentrations were measured at two different sites in Rio de Janeiro, but the excess relative risks were calculated based on the concentrations observed at one of the sites, where limits were generally exceeded more frequently, between September 2000 and December 2005. A time series analysis was performed using the number of hospitalisations, divided in three categories (children until 1 year old, children aged between 1 and 5 years old and elderly with 65 years old or more) as independent variable, the concentrations of pollutants as dependent variables and temperature, relative humidity, long term trend, and seasonality as confounders. Data were analysed using generalised additive models with smoothing for some of the dependent variables. Results showed an excess risk of hospitalisation for respiratory disease higher than 2% per 10 μg m⁻³ increase in PM₁₀ concentrations for children under 5 years old, of 2% per 10 μg m⁻³ increase in SO₂ for elderly above 65 years old and around 0.1% per 10 μg m⁻³ increase in CO for children under 1 year and elderly. Other studies have found associations that are in agreement with the results achieved in this study. The study suggests that the ambient levels of air

  10. Diagnóstico de factores de riesgo relacionados con la accidentabilidad de mano en trabajadores de una empresa refresquera Diagnostic of risk factor related to the accidentes of hand in workers of solf-drinks industry

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    Gabriela Betzabé Pérez-Manriquez


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de que se profundice en el reconocimiento de factores de riesgos derivados de este tipo de empresas y de estas actividades específicamente, para que se prevengan y minimicen los efectos a la salud de forma integral al interior de las empresas, el presente trabajo pretende determinar los factores de riesgo potencialmente relacionados con los accidentes de mano. Objetivos: Determinar los factores de riesgo relacionados con los accidentes en mano para identificar que permitan disminuir la posibilidad de accidentes de mano mediante la modificación, eliminación y/o control de los factores presentes. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y longitudinal llevado a cabo en la población trabajadora del área de ventas, compuesta por 206 ayudantes y 81 agentes, de una Cooperativa productora Bebidas frutales de la Ciudad de México, en el periodo de 2007-2009. Se empleo el Método de Freeman Modificado para el Diagnóstico Situacional. Resultados: Los factores de riesgo relacionados con accidentes de mano identificados y jerarquizados son: en primer lugar los psicosociales derivados de Organización Laboral (ritmo acelerado de la actividad y la Condición Insegura (traslado del personal en la defensa trasera del camión; en segundo lugar se encontraron los Ergonómicos (movimientos repetitivos, manejo manual de cargas, junto con el Acto Inseguro (omisión del uso del equipo de protección personal, y la Condición Insegura (tipo de unidad, puerta y material transportado; y falta de capacitación; finalmente en tercer lugar los psicosociales de Organización Laboral (jornada indefinida mínima de 8 horas máxima de 14 y Condición Insegura (objetos punzocortantes en cajas. Conclusiones: Los accidentes de mano constituyen un problema de salud pública importante a nivel nacional e internacional. Es de suma importancia identificar los factores de riesgo que se relacionan con su génesis como son: los factores

  11. Pedagogical progeniture or tactical translation? George Fordyce's additions and modifications to William Cullen's philosophical chemistry--Part II. (United States)

    Taylor, Georgette


    This paper compares the affinity theories and the associated affinity diagrams of William Cullen (1710-1790) and George Fordyce (1736-1802), exploring in particular one episode that took place during the brief hiatus between Fordyce's student years at Edinburgh University and the start of his own pedagogical career in London. This investigation complements that contained in Part I of this paper, which compared the chemistry courses given by Cullen and Fordyce, demonstrating that the knowledge originally imparted to Fordyce by Cullen in his Edinburgh lectures was augmented and translated by Fordyce for his own pedagogical purposes. Part II offers greater insight into the flow of knowledge between Fordyce and Cullen. Their correspondence suggests that the relationship between master and student transmuted into something more complicated after Fordyce left Edinburgh, while the model of knowledge transmission between the two can be seen to be more collaborative than might be expected.

  12. The removal of toxic metals from liquid effluents by ion exchange resins. Part VI: Manganese(II/H+/Lewatit K2621

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    Francisco J. Alguacil


    Full Text Available In this sixth part of the series, Manganese(II was removed from aqueous solutions by the cationic exchange resin Lewatit K2621. The investigation was performed under various experimental conditions such as the stirring speed associated with the system, aqueous pH, temperature, resin dosage and the ionic strength of the solution. The performance of the resin against the loading of metals from metal-binary solutions as well as the removal of Manganese(II from the solutions using multiwalled carbon nanotubes and functionalized (carboxylic groups multiwalled carbon nanotubes, were also investigated. Experimental results fit well with the pseudo-first kinetic order model, whereas fit of the data show that at 20 °C the process responded well to the diffusion controlled model, and that at 60 °C, the system is controlled by the moving boundary model. Adsorption data is better related to the Freundlich isotherm. Elution of the Manganese(II loaded onto the resin was investigated using acidic (H2SO4 or HCl solutions.

  13. Zn(II, Mn(II and Sr(II Behavior in a Natural Carbonate Reservoir System. Part I: Impact of Salinity, Initial pH and Initial Zn(II Concentration in Atmospheric Conditions

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    Auffray B.


    Full Text Available The sorption of inorganic elements on carbonate minerals is well known in strictly controlled conditions which limit the impact of other phenomena such as dissolution and/or precipitation. In this study, we evidence the behavior of Zn(II (initially in solution and two trace elements, Mn(II and Sr(II (released by carbonate dissolution in the context of a leakage from a CO2 storage site. The initial pH chosen are either equal to the pH of the water-CO2 equilibrium (~ 2.98 or equal to the pH of the water-CO2-calcite system (~ 4.8 in CO2 storage conditions. From this initial influx of liquid, saturated or not with respect to calcite, the batch experiments evolve freely to their equilibrium, as it would occur in a natural context after a perturbation. The batch experiments are carried out on two natural carbonates (from Lavoux and St-Emilion with PCO2 = 10−3.5 bar, with different initial conditions ([Zn(II]i from 10−4 to 10−6 M, either with pure water or 100 g/L NaCl brine. The equilibrium regarding calcite dissolution is confirmed in all experiments, while the zinc sorption evidenced does not always correspond to the two-step mechanism described in the literature. A preferential sorption of about 10% of the concentration is evidenced for Mn(II in aqueous experiments, while Sr(II is more sorbed in saline conditions. This study also shows that this preferential sorption, depending on the salinity, is independent of the natural carbonate considered. Then, the simulations carried out with PHREEQC show that experiments and simulations match well concerning the equilibrium of dissolution and the sole zinc sorption, with log KZn(II ~ 2 in pure water and close to 4 in high salinity conditions. When the simulations were possible, the log K values for Mn(II and Sr(II were much different from those in the literature obtained by sorption in controlled conditions. It is shown that a new conceptual model regarding multiple Trace Elements (TE sorption is

  14. Ni(II) and Cu(II) binding with a 14-aminoacid sequence of Cap43 protein, TRSRSHTSEGTRSR. (United States)

    Zoroddu, M A; Kowalik-Jankowska, T; Kozlowski, H; Salnikow, K; Costa, M


    The tetradecapeptide containing the 10 aminoacid repeated sequence on the C-terminus of the Ni(II)-induced Cap43 protein, was analyzed for Ni(II) and Cu(II) binding. A combined pH-metric and spectroscopic UV-VIS, EPR, CD and NMR study of Ni(II) and Cu(II) binding to the blocked CH3CO-Thr-Arg-Ser-Arg-Ser-His-Thr-Ser-Glu-Gly-Thr-Arg-Ser-Arg-NH2 (Ac-TRSRSHTSEGTRSR-Am) peptide, modeling a part of the C-terminal sequence of the Cap43 protein, revealed the formation of octahedral complexes involving imidazole nitrogen of histidine, at pH 5.5 and pH 7 for Cu(II) and Ni(II), respectively; a major square planar 4N-Ni(II) complex (about 100% at pH 9, log K* = -28.16) involving imidazole nitrogen of histidine and three deprotonated amide nitrogens of the backbone of the peptide was revealed; a 3N-Cu(II) complex (maximum about 70% at pH 7, log K*=-13.91) and a series of 4N-Cu(II) complexes starting at pH 5.5 (maximum about 90% at pH 8.7, log K* = -21.39 for CuH(-3)L), were revealed. This work supports the existence of a metal binding site at the COOH-terminal part of the Cap43 peptide.

  15. Critical thinking and accuracy of nurses' diagnoses. Part II: application of cognitive skills and guidelines for self-development Pensamiento crítico y precisión de los diagnósticos de enfermería. II Parte: aplicación de habilidades cognitivas y guia para el autodesarrollo Pensamento crítico e acurácia dos diagnósticos de enfermagem. Parte II: aplicação de habilidades cognitivas e guia para o auto-desenvolvimento

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    Margaret Lunney


    Full Text Available Part I of this article, the author explained the difficulties of achieving accuracy of nurses' diagnoses, the relevance of critical thinking to the achievement of accuracy, and newer views of critical thinking. In Part II, the critical thinking dimensions identified as important for nursing practice are applied in the diagnostic process using a case study of a 16 year old girl with type 1 diabetes. Application of seven cognitive skills and ten habits of mind illustrate the importance of using critical thinking for accuracy of nurses' diagnoses. Ten strategies are proposed for self-development of critical thinking abilities.En la I Parte del artículo, el autor explicó las dificultades para alcanzar la precisión de los diagnósticos de enfermería, la relevancia del pensamiento crítico en el logro de esa precisión y las nuevas perspectivas de ese pensamiento. En la II Parte las dimensiones del pensamiento crítico, consideradas como importantes para la práctica de enfermería, son aplicadas en el estudio de caso de una joven de 16 años con Diabetes de tipo 1. La aplicación de las siete habilidades cognitivas y de las diez formas de pensar, ilustra la importancia del uso del pensamiento crítico para la precisión de los diagnósticos de enfermería. Se proponen diez estratégias para el auto-desarrollo de habilidades volcadas al pensamiento crítico.Na Parte I deste artigo, o autor explicou as dificuldades em alcançar a acurácia dos diagnósticos de enfermagem, a relevância do pensamento crítico no alcance dessa acurácia e as mais novas perspectivas desse pensamento. Na Parte II, as dimensões do pensamento crítico identificadas como importantes para a prática de enfermagem são aplicadas em um estudo de caso de uma menina de 16 anos com Diabetes do tipo 1. A aplicação das sete habilidades cognitivas e das dez formas de pensar ilustram a importância do uso do pensamento crítico para a acurácia dos diagnósticos de enfermagem

  16. Cubby : Multiscreen Desktop VR Part II

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gribnau, M.W.; Djajadiningrat, J.P.


    In this second part of our 'Cubby: Multiscreen Desktop VR' trilogy, we will introduce you to the art of creating a driver to read an Origin Instruments Dynasight input device. With the Dynasight, the position of the head of the user is established so that Cubby can display the correct images on its

  17. PACE. A Program for Acquiring Competence in Entrepreneurship. Part II: Becoming an Entrepreneur. Unit G: Resources for Managerial Assistance. Research and Development Series No. 194 B-7. (United States)

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

    This three-part curriculum for entrepreneurship education is primarily for postsecondary level, including four-year colleges and adult education, but it can be adapted for special groups or vocational teacher education. The emphasis of the seven instructional units in Part II is establishing business. Unit G focuses on obtaining managerial…

  18. Procedimiento para diseñar el muestreo eólico en una región promisoria. Parte II.Implementación y aplicación; Procedure to design sampling of the wind speed in a promissory region. Part II. Implementation and application

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    Eduardo Terrero Matos


    Full Text Available En la Parte I de este artículo fue establecido el algoritmo general de un procedimiento para el diseño del muestreo de la velocidad del viento cuyos resultados tengan la capacidad de minimizar el error probable medio durante una estimación del comportamiento espacio-temporal de la velocidad del viento. En la Parte II se describe el algoritmo de selección de puntos de muestreo y el algoritmo para el cálculo del error probable de estimación. El procedimiento para diseñarlas redes de muestreo eólico es implementado en una aplicación informática que facilita la aplicación del procedimiento a la selección de los puntos donde se ubicarán las torres anemométricas en una región promisoria del municipio Moa en la Provincia Holguín, Cuba. Los resultados obtenidos son comparados con el diseño obtenido en el año 2007 por la Empresa de Ingeniería y Proyectos de Electricidad del Ministerio de Energía y Minas de la República de Cuba.In Part I of this article was established the general algorithmof a procedure for the sampling design of the wind speed and the results have the ability to minimize the average probable error for an estimate of the conduct spatiotemporal wind speed. In Part II the selection algorithm of sampling points and the algorithm for calculating the probable error estimation is described. The procedure for the samplingdesign is implemented in an computer software that facilitates the application from the procedure to the selection of the points where theanemometer towers will be located in a promissory region of the municipality Moa in the province Holguín, Cuba. The results are compared with the design obtained in 2007 by the Empresa de Ingeniería y Proyectos de Electricidad of the Ministry of Energy and Mines of the Republic of Cuba.

  19. A case study of packaging waste collection systems in Portugal - Part II: Environmental and economic analysis. (United States)

    Pires, Ana; Sargedas, João; Miguel, Mécia; Pina, Joaquim; Martinho, Graça


    An understanding of the environmental impacts and costs related to waste collection is needed to ensure that existing waste collection schemes are the most appropriate with regard to both environment and cost. This paper is Part II of a three-part study of a mixed packaging waste collection system (curbside plus bring collection). Here, the mixed collection system is compared to an exclusive curbside system and an exclusive bring system. The scenarios were assessed using life cycle assessment and an assessment of costs to the waste management company. The analysis focuses on the collection itself so as to be relevant to waste managers and decision-makers who are involved only in this step of the packaging life cycle. The results show that the bring system has lower environmental impacts and lower economic costs, and is capable of reducing the environmental impacts of the mixed system. However, a sensitivity analysis shows that these results could differ if the curbside collection were to be optimized. From economic and environmental perspectives, the mixed system has few advantages. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. A microencapsulation process of liquid mercury by sulfur polymer stabilization/solidification technology. Part II: Durability of materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez-Delgado, A.; Guerrero, A.; Lopez, F. A.; Perez, C.; Alguacil, F. J.


    Under the European LIFE Program a microencapsulation process was developed for liquid mercury using Sulfur Polymer Stabilization/Solidification (SPSS) technology, obtaining a stable concrete-like sulfur matrix that allows the immobilization of mercury for long-term storage. The process description and characterization of the materials obtained were detailed in Part I. The present document, Part II, reports the results of different tests carried out to determine the durability of Hg-S concrete samples with very high mercury content (up to 30 % w/w). Different UNE and RILEM standard test methods were applied, such as capillary water absorption, low pressure water permeability, alkali/acid resistance, salt mist aging, freeze-thaw resistance and fire performance. The samples exhibited no capillarity and their resistance in both alkaline and acid media was very high. They also showed good resistance to very aggressive environments such as spray salt mist, freeze-thaw and dry-wet. The fire hazard of samples at low heat output was negligible. (Author)

  1. PACE. A Program for Acquiring Competence in Entrepreneurship. Part II: Becoming an Entrepreneur. Unit A: Developing the Business Plan. Research and Development Series No. 194 B-1. (United States)

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

    This three-part curriculum for entrepreneurship education is primarily for postsecondary level, including four-year colleges and adult education, but it can be adapted for special groups or vocational teacher education. The emphasis of the seven instructional units in Part II is establishing a business. Unit A focuses on developing a business…

  2. Multiobjective Optimization for Fixture Locating Layout of Sheet Metal Part Using SVR and NSGA-II

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    Yuan Yang


    Full Text Available Fixture plays a significant role in determining the sheet metal part (SMP spatial position and restraining its excessive deformation in many manufacturing operations. However, it is still a difficult task to design and optimize SMP fixture locating layout at present because there exist multiple conflicting objectives and excessive computational cost of finite element analysis (FEA during the optimization process. To this end, a new multiobjective optimization method for SMP fixture locating layout is proposed in this paper based on the support vector regression (SVR surrogate model and the elitist nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II. By using ABAQUS™ Python script interface, a parametric FEA model is established. And the fixture locating layout is treated as design variables, while the overall deformation and maximum deformation of SMP under external forces are as the multiple objective functions. First, a limited number of training and testing samples are generated by combining Latin hypercube design (LHD with FEA. Second, two SVR prediction models corresponding to the multiple objectives are established by learning from the limited training samples and are integrated as the multiobjective optimization surrogate model. Third, NSGA-II is applied to determine the Pareto optimal solutions of SMP fixture locating layout. Finally, a multiobjective optimization for fixture locating layout of an aircraft fuselage skin case is conducted to illustrate and verify the proposed method.

  3. Mechanical performance of carbon-epoxy laminates. Part II: quasi-static and fatigue tensile properties

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    José Ricardo Tarpani


    Full Text Available In Part II of this work, quasi-static tensile properties of four aeronautical grade carbon-epoxy composite laminates, in both the as-received and pre-fatigued states, have been determined and compared. Quasi-static mechanical properties assessed were tensile strength and stiffness, tenacity (toughness at the maximum load and for a 50% load drop-off. In general, as-molded unidirectional cross-ply carbon fiber (tape reinforcements impregnated with either standard or rubber-toughened epoxy resin exhibited the maximum performance. The materials also displayed a significant tenacification (toughening after exposed to cyclic loading, resulting from the increased stress (the so-called wear-in phenomenon and/or strain at the maximum load capacity of the specimens. With no exceptions, two-dimensional woven textile (fabric pre-forms fractured catastrophically under identical cyclic loading conditions imposed to the fiber tape architecture, thus preventing their residual properties from being determined.

  4. Magnetic resonance imaging of the elbow. Part II: Abnormalities of the ligaments, tendons, and nerves

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kijowski, Richard; Tuite, Michael; Sanford, Matthew [University of Wisconsin Hospital, Department of Radiology, Madison, WI (United States)


    Part II of this comprehensive review on magnetic resonance imaging of the elbow discusses the role of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluating patients with abnormalities of the ligaments, tendons, and nerves of the elbow. Magnetic resonance imaging can yield high-quality multiplanar images which are useful in evaluating the soft tissue structures of the elbow. Magnetic resonance imaging can detect tears of the ulnar collateral ligament and lateral collateral ligament of the elbow with high sensitivity and specificity. Magnetic resonance imaging can determine the extent of tendon pathology in patients with medial epicondylitis and lateral epicondylitis. Magnetic resonance imaging can detect tears of the biceps tendon and triceps tendon and can distinguishing between partial and complete tendon rupture. Magnetic resonance imaging is also helpful in evaluating patients with nerve disorders at the elbow. (orig.)

  5. The PIP-II Conceptual Design Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ball, M. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Burov, A. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Chase, B. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Chakravarty, A. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Chen, A. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Dixon, S. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Edelen, J. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Grassellino, A. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Johnson, D. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Holmes, S. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Kazakov, S. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Klebaner, A. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Kourbanis, I. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Leveling, A. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Melnychuk, O. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Neuffer, D. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Nicol, T. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Ostiguy, J. -F. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Pasquinelli, R. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Passarelli, D. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Ristori, L. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Pellico, W. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Patrick, J. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Prost, L. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Rakhno, I. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Saini, A. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Schappert, W. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Shemyakin, A. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Steimel, J. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Scarpine, V. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Vivoli, A. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Warner, A. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Yakovlev, V. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Ostroumov, P. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Conway, Z. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States)


    The Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) encompasses a set of upgrades and improvements to the Fermilab accelerator complex aimed at supporting a world-leading neutrino program over the next several decades. PIP-II is an integral part of the strategic plan for U.S. High Energy Physics as described in the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) report of May 2014 and formalized through the Mission Need Statement approved in November 2015. As an immediate goal, PIP-II is focused on upgrades to the Fermilab accelerator complex capable of providing proton beam power in excess of 1 MW on target at the initiation of the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (LBNF/DUNE) program, currently anticipated for the mid- 2020s. PIP-II is a part of a longer-term goal of establishing a high-intensity proton facility that is unique within the world, ultimately leading to multi-MW capabilities at Fermilab....

  6. Plasma Astrophysics, part II Reconnection and Flares

    CERN Document Server

    Somov, Boris V


    This well-illustrated monograph is devoted to classic fundamentals, current practice, and perspectives of modern plasma astrophysics. The first part is unique in covering all the basic principles and practical tools required for understanding and working in plasma astrophysics. The second part presents the physics of magnetic reconnection and flares of electromagnetic origin in space plasmas within the solar system; single and double stars, relativistic objects, accretion disks, and their coronae are also covered. This book is designed mainly for professional researchers in astrophysics. However, it will also be interesting and useful to graduate students in space sciences, geophysics, as well as advanced students in applied physics and mathematics seeking a unified view of plasma physics and fluid mechanics.

  7. A comprehensive review with potential significance during skull base and neck operations, Part II: glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, and hypoglossal nerves and cervical spinal nerves 1-4. (United States)

    Shoja, Mohammadali M; Oyesiku, Nelson M; Shokouhi, Ghaffar; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Chern, Joshua J; Rizk, Elias B; Loukas, Marios; Miller, Joseph H; Tubbs, R Shane


    Knowledge of the possible neural interconnections found between the lower cranial and upper cervical nerves may prove useful to surgeons who operate on the skull base and upper neck regions in order to avoid inadvertent traction or transection. We review the literature regarding the anatomy, function, and clinical implications of the complex neural networks formed by interconnections between the lower cranial and upper cervical nerves. A review of germane anatomic and clinical literature was performed. The review is organized into two parts. Part I discusses the anastomoses between the trigeminal, facial, and vestibulocochlear nerves or their branches and other nerve trunks or branches in the vicinity. Part II deals with the anastomoses between the glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory and hypoglossal nerves and their branches or between these nerves and the first four cervical spinal nerves; the contribution of the autonomic nervous system to these neural plexuses is also briefly reviewed. Part II is presented in this article. Extensive and variable neural anastomoses exist between the lower cranial nerves and between the upper cervical nerves in such a way that these nerves with their extra-axial communications can be collectively considered a plexus. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. A microencapsulation process of liquid mercury by sulfur polymer stabilization/solidification technology. Part II: Durability of materials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    López-Delgado, A.


    Full Text Available Under the European LIFE Program a microencapsulation process was developed for liquid mercury using Sulfur Polymer Stabilization/Solidification (SPSS technology, obtaining a stable concrete-like sulfur matrix that allows the immobilization of mercury for long-term storage. The process description and characterization of the materials obtained were detailed in Part I. The present document, Part II, reports the results of different tests carried out to determine the durability of Hg-S concrete samples with very high mercury content (up to 30 % w/w. Different UNE and RILEM standard test methods were applied, such as capillary water absorption, low pressure water permeability, alkali/acid resistance, salt mist aging, freeze-thaw resistance and fire performance. The samples exhibited no capillarity and their resistance in both alkaline and acid media was very high. They also showed good resistance to very aggressive environments such as spray salt mist, freeze-thaw and dry-wet. The fire hazard of samples at low heat output was negligible.

    Dentro del Programa Europeo LIFE, se ha desarrollado un proceso de microencapsulación de mercurio liquido, utilizando la tecnología de estabilización/solidificación con azufre polimérico (SPSS. Como resultado se ha obtenido un material estable tipo concreto que permite la inmovilización de mercurio y su almacenamiento a largo plazo. La descripción del proceso y la caracterización de los materiales obtenidos, denominados concretos Hg-S, se detallan en la Parte I. El presente trabajo, Parte II, incluye los resultados de los diferentes ensayos realizados para determinar la durabilidad de las muestras de concreto Hg-S con un contenido de mercurio de hasta el 30 %. Se han utilizado diferentes métodos de ensayo estándar, UNE y RILEM, para determinar propiedades como la absorción de agua por capilaridad, la permeabilidad de agua a baja presión, la resistencia a álcali y ácido, el comportamiento en

  9. Joint stability characteristics of the ankle complex in female athletes with histories of lateral ankle sprain, part II: clinical experience using arthrometric measurement. (United States)

    Kovaleski, John E; Heitman, Robert J; Gurchiek, Larry R; Hollis, J M; Liu, Wei; Pearsall, Albert W


    This is part II of a 2-part series discussing stability characteristics of the ankle complex. In part I, we used a cadaver model to examine the effects of sectioning the lateral ankle ligaments on anterior and inversion motion and stiffness of the ankle complex. In part II, we wanted to build on and apply these findings to the clinical assessment of ankle-complex motion and stiffness in a group of athletes with a history of unilateral ankle sprain. To examine ankle-complex motion and stiffness in a group of athletes with reported history of lateral ankle sprain. Cross-sectional study. University research laboratory. Twenty-five female college athletes (age = 19.4 ± 1.4 years, height = 170.2 ± 7.4 cm, mass = 67.3 ± 10.0 kg) with histories of unilateral ankle sprain. All ankles underwent loading with an ankle arthrometer. Ankles were tested bilaterally. The dependent variables were anterior displacement, anterior end-range stiffness, inversion rotation, and inversion end-range stiffness. Anterior displacement of the ankle complex did not differ between the uninjured and sprained ankles (P = .37), whereas ankle-complex rotation was greater for the sprained ankles (P = .03). The sprained ankles had less anterior and inversion end-range stiffness than the uninjured ankles (P ankle-complex laxity and end-range stiffness were detected in ankles with histories of sprain. These results indicate the presence of altered mechanical characteristics in the soft tissues of the sprained ankles.

  10. Converting Eucalyptus biomass into ethanol: Financial and sensitivity analysis in a co-current dilute acid process. Part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, R.; Treasure, T.; Phillips, R.; Jameel, H.; Saloni, D.; Wright, J.; Abt, R.


    The technical and financial performance of high yield Eucalyptus biomass in a co-current dilute acid pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis process was simulated using WinGEMS registered and Excel registered . Average ethanol yield per dry Mg of Eucalyptus biomass was approximately 347.6 L of ethanol (with average carbohydrate content in the biomass around 66.1%) at a cost of 0.49 L -1 of ethanol, cash cost of ∝0.46 L -1 and CAPEX of 1.03 L -1 of ethanol. The main cost drivers are: biomass, enzyme, tax, fuel (gasoline), depreciation and labor. Profitability of the process is very sensitive to biomass cost, carbohydrate content (%) in biomass and enzyme cost. Biomass delivered cost was simulated and financially evaluated in Part I; here in Part II the conversion of this raw material into cellulosic ethanol using the dilute acid process is evaluated. (author)

  11. [The external patello-tibial transfixation (EPTT). Part II: Clinical application and results]. (United States)

    Ishaque, B; Gotzen, L; Ziring, E; Petermann, J


    In part I of the paper the biomechanical and technical background of the EPTT using the MPT fixator and the indications for this procedure have been described. In part II we report about the clinical application of the EPTT in 67 patients with a wide spectrum of repairs and reconstructions of the extensor mechanism. 48 patients had fresh injuries, 18 of them with severe concomitant knee lesions and 19 patients had neglected rsp. unsuccessfully operated injuries. There were 4 deep infections, two of them related to the MPT fixator. In the patients with uneventful healing the fixator remained in place for 7.3 weeks in average. The clinical, isokinetic and radiological results were reviewed in 17 patients with an average follow-up time of 37.3 months. There were 5 patients with partial patellectomy and tendon reattachment because of lower patella pole comminution and 12 patients with tendon reattachment ruptured at the inferior patella pole or suture repair in midsubstance rupture. The clinical results according to the IKDC score were rated in 3 patients as normal, in 10 patients as nearly normal and in 4 patients as abnormal. This rating was highly dependend on the subjective judgement by the patients who considered their operated knees not as normal as the contralateral knees. From our clinical experiences and results we can derive that the EPTT enables the surgical management of extensor mechanism disruptions with a minimum of internal fixation material and provides a safe protection of the repairs and reconstructions during the healing period. The EPTT allows immediate unrestricted functional rehabilitation and early walking without crutches. Thus the EPTT represents an effective alternative to the patello-tibial cerclage with a wire or synthetic ligaments.

  12. Long-term solar activity and terrestrial connections. Part II: at the beckon of the sun?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. D. Diamantides


    Full Text Available The research task described herein aims at the structuring of an analytical tool that traces the time course of geophysical phenomena, regional or global, and compares it to the course of long-term solar conditions, long-term meaning decades or a few centuries. The model is based on the premise that since in a last analysis the preponderance of atmospheric, hydrospheric, and, possibly, some aspects of geospheric phenomena are, or have been, powered by energy issuing from the sun - either now or in the past - the long-term behavior of such phenomena is ultimately "connected" to long-term changes occurring in the sun itself. Accordingly, the proposed research firstly derives and models a stable surrogate pattern for the long-term solar activity, secondly introduces a transfer-function algorithm for modeling the connection between the surrogate and terrestrial phenomena viewed as partners in the connection, and thirdly probes the connection outcome for episodic or unanticipated effects that may arise due to the fact that in the present context, the connection, should it exist, is very likely nonlinear. Part I of the study presents the theory of the concept, while Part II demonstrates the concept's pertinence to a number of terrestrial phenomena.Key words. Solar activity · Kolmogorov algorithm

  13. PACE. A Program for Acquiring Competence in Entrepreneurship. Part II: Becoming an Entrepreneur. Unit F: How to Finance the Business. Research and Development Series No. 194 B-6. (United States)

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

    This three-part curriculum for entrepreneurship education is primarily for postsecondary level, including four-year colleges and adult education, but it can be adapted for special groups or vocational teacher education. The emphasis of the seven instructional units in Part II is establishing a business. Unit F focuses on financing the business. It…

  14. PACE. A Program for Acquiring Competence in Entrepreneurship. Part II: Becoming an Entrepreneur. Unit B: Where to Locate the Business. Research and Development Series No. 194 B-2. (United States)

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

    This three-part curriculum for entrepreneurship education is primarily for postsecondary level, including four-year colleges and adult education, but it can be adapted for special groups or vocational teacher education. The emphasis of the seven instructional units in Part II is on establishing a business. Unit B focuses on choosing a business…

  15. PACE. A Program for Acquiring Competence in Entrepreneurship. Part II: Becoming an Entrepreneur. Unit C: Legal Issues and Small Business. Research and Development Series No. 194 B-3. (United States)

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

    This three-part curriculum for entrepreneurship education is primarily for postsecondary level, including four-year colleges and adult education, but it can be adapted for special groups or vocational teacher education. The emphasis of the seven instructional units in Part II is establishing a business. Unit C focuses on legal issues that affect…

  16. PACE. A Program for Acquiring Competence in Entrepreneurship. Part II: Becoming an Entrepreneur. Unit D: Government Regulations and Small Businesses. Research and Development Series No. 194 B-4. (United States)

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

    This three-part curriculum for entrepreneurship education is primarily for postsecondary level, including four-year colleges and adult education, but it can be adapted for special groups or vocational teacher education. The emphasis of the seven instructional units in Part II is establishing a business. Unit D focuses on business regulations at…

  17. Acuity and case management: a healthy dose of outcomes, part II. (United States)

    Craig, Kathy; Huber, Diane L


    This is the second of a 3-part series presenting 2 effective applications-acuity and dosage-that describe how the business case for case management (CM) can be made. In Part I, dosage and acuity concepts were explained as client need-severity, CM intervention-intensity, and CM activity-dose prescribed by amount, frequency, duration, and breadth of activities. Part I also featured a specific exemplar, the CM Acuity Tool, and described how to use acuity to identify and score the complexity of a CM case. Appropriate dosage prescription of CM activity was discussed. Part II further explains dosage and presents two acuity instruments, the Acuity Tool and AccuDiff. Details are provided that show how these applications produce opportunities for better communication about CM cases and for more accurate measurement of the right content that genuinely reflects the essentials of CM practice. The information contained in the 3-part series applies to all CM practice settings and contains ideas and recommendations useful to CM generalists, specialists, and supervisors, plus business and outcomes managers. The Acuity Tools Project was developed from frontline CM practice in one large, national telephonic CM company. Dosage: A literature search failed to find research into dosage of a behavioral intervention. The Huber-Hall model was developed and tested in a longitudinal study of CM models in substance abuse treatment and reported in the literature. Acuity: A structured literature search and needs assessment launched the development of the suite of acuity tools. A gap analysis identified that an instrument to assign and measure case acuity specific to CM activities was needed. Clinical experts, quality specialists, and business analysts (n = 7) monitored the development and testing of the tools, acuity concepts, scores, differentials, and their operating principles and evaluated the validity of the Acuity Tools' content related to CM activities. During the pilot phase of

  18. PACE. A Program for Acquiring Competence in Entrepreneurship. Part II: Becoming an Entrepreneur. Unit E: Choosing the Type of Ownership. Research and Development Series No. 194 B-5. (United States)

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

    This three-part curriculum for entrepreneurship education is primarily for postsecondary level, including four-year colleges and adult education, but it can be adapted for special groups or vocational teacher education. The emphasis of the seven instructional units in Part II is establishing a business. Unit E focuses on the three major types of…

  19. Interaction of Zn(II) with hematite nanoparticles and microparticles: Part 2. ATR-FTIR and EXAFS study of the aqueous Zn(II)/oxalate/hematite ternary system. (United States)

    Ha, Juyoung; Trainor, Thomas P; Farges, François; Brown, Gordon E


    Sorption of Zn(II) to hematite nanoparticles (HN) (av diam=10.5 nm) and microparticles (HM) (av diam=550 nm) was studied in the presence of oxalate anions (Ox2-(aq)) in aqueous solutions as a function of total Zn(II)(aq) to total Ox2-(aq) concentration ratio (R=[Zn(II)(aq)]tot/[Ox2-(aq)]tot) at pH 5.5. Zn(II) uptake is similar in extent for both the Zn(II)/Ox/HN and Zn(II)/Ox/HM ternary systems and the Zn(II)/HN binary system at [Zn(II)(aq)](tot)system than for the Zn(II)/Ox/HM ternary and the Zn(II)/HN and Zn(II)/HM binary systems at [Zn(II)(aq)]tot>4 mM. In contrast, Zn(II) uptake for the Zn(II)/HM binary system is a factor of 2 greater than that for the Zn(II)/Ox/HM and Zn(II)/Ox/HN ternary systems and the Zn(II)/HN binary system at [Zn(II)(aq)]totternary system at both R values examined (0.16 and 0.68), attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) results are consistent with the presence of inner-sphere oxalate complexes and outer-sphere ZnOx(aq) complexes, and/or type A ternary complexes. In addition, extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopic results suggest that type A ternary surface complexes (i.e., >O2-Zn-Ox) are present. In the Zn(II)/Ox/HN ternary system at R=0.15, ATR-FTIR results indicate the presence of inner-sphere oxalate and outer-sphere ZnOx(aq) complexes; the EXAFS results provide no evidence for inner-sphere Zn(II) complexes or type A ternary complexes. In contrast, ATR-FTIR results for the Zn/Ox/HN sample with R = 0.68 are consistent with a ZnOx(s)-like surface precipitate and possibly type B ternary surface complexes (i.e., >O2-Ox-Zn). EXAFS results are also consistent with the presence of ZnOx(s)-like precipitates. We ascribe the observed increase of Zn(II)(aq) uptake in the Zn(II)/Ox/HN ternary system at [Zn(II)(aq)]tot>or=4 mM relative to the Zn(II)/Ox/HM ternary system to formation of a ZnOx(s)-like precipitate at the hematite nanoparticle/water interface.

  20. Japanese contributions to IAEA INTOR workshop, phase two A, part 2, chapter I: introduction, and chapter II: summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Sigeru; Tomabechi, Ken; Fujisawa, Noboru; Iida, Hiromasa; Sugihara, Masayoshi; Seki, Masahiro; Honda, Tsutomu; Kasai, Masao; Itoh, Shin-ichi.


    This report corresponds to Chapters I and II of Japanese contribution report to IAEA INTOR Workshop, Phase Two A, Part 2. The major objectives of the INTOR workshop, Phase Two A, Part 2 are to study critical technical issues, and to assess scientific and technical data bases, and to finally upgrade the INTOR design concept. To study critical technical issues that affect the feasibility or practicability of the INTOR design concept, the following five groups are organized; (A) Impurity control, (B) RF heating and current drive, (C) Transient electromagnetics, (D) Maintainability, (E) Technical benefit. In addition to those groups, the three disciplinary groups are organized to assess the worldiode scientific and technical data bases that exist now and that will exist 4-5 years to support the detailed design and construction of an INTOR-like machine, and to identify additional R D that is required; (F) Physics, (G) Engineering, (H) Nuclear. (author)

  1. Evaluación de la exposición al riesgo por vibraciones en el segmento mano brazo en compañías del sector metalmecánico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanni de Jesús Arias-Castro

    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio consistió en la medición y evaluación de las aceleraciones originadas por herramientas vibrátiles tales como: pulidoras, amoladoras, taladros, entre otras, y su comparación con los límites de exposición permisibles registrados en la norma ISO 5349 de 2002 para el segmento corporal mano brazo. El estudio se desarrolló en cuatro (4 empresas del sector metalmecánico de la Ciudad de Cali, que inicialmente obligó a realizar una visita preliminar con el fin de seleccionar los procesos y herramientas e identificar las personas expuestas. Desde el punto de vista físico y fisiológico, los componentes estudiados fueron: la aceleración, velocidad y amplitud que son los parámetros asociados a vibraciones, además de la dirección en términos vectoriales, según la postura del segmento corporal involucrado y el grado de compromiso de los sistemas biomecánicos y fisiológicos del ser humano. A través del estudio se pudo evidenciar que las evaluaciones realizadas a 15 tipos de herramientas no sobrepasaron los límites permisibles de exposición establecidos en la Conferencia Americana de Higienistas Industriales Gubernamentales de los Estados Unidos ACGIH 2014, que corresponde a 2. 8 m/s². En la Empresa A, se pudo establecer que el nivel de aceleración más elevado lo presentó la Pulidora Dewalt con un valor de 0. 796571 m/s², para la Empresa B, en el caso del mismo equipo presentó una aceleración de 0. 6653 m/s², en el caso de la Empresa C, la aceleración más significativa la presentó una Pulidora Bosh con una aceleración de 0. 5857 m/s², por último, en la Empresa D con una aceleración de 0,4048 m/s², la Esmeriladora. En el artículo se realiza un resumen de los conceptos más importantes relacionados con vibraciones en el segmento corporal mano brazo, así como de los equipos y herramientas utilizados para su respectiva medición y evaluación.

  2. Introduction of organic/hydro-organic matrices in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and mass spectrometry: a tutorial review. Part II. Practical considerations. (United States)

    Leclercq, Amélie; Nonell, Anthony; Todolí Torró, José Luis; Bresson, Carole; Vio, Laurent; Vercouter, Thomas; Chartier, Frédéric


    Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are increasingly used to carry out analyses in organic/hydro-organic matrices. The introduction of such matrices into ICP sources is particularly challenging and can be the cause of numerous drawbacks. This tutorial review, divided in two parts, explores the rich literature related to the introduction of organic/hydro-organic matrices in ICP sources. Part I provided theoretical considerations associated with the physico-chemical properties of such matrices, in an attempt to understand the induced phenomena. Part II of this tutorial review is dedicated to more practical considerations on instrumentation, instrumental and operating parameters, as well as analytical strategies for elemental quantification in such matrices. Two important issues are addressed in this part: the first concerns the instrumentation and optimization of instrumental and operating parameters, pointing out (i) the description, benefits and drawbacks of different kinds of nebulization and desolvation devices and the impact of more specific instrumental parameters such as the injector characteristics and the material used for the cone; and, (ii) the optimization of operating parameters, for both ICP-OES and ICP-MS. Even if it is at the margin of this tutorial review, Electrothermal Vaporization and Laser Ablation will also be shortly described. The second issue is devoted to the analytical strategies for elemental quantification in such matrices, with particular insight into the isotope dilution technique, particularly used in speciation analysis by ICP-coupled separation techniques. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Multiscale modeling, simulations, and experiments of coating growth on nanofibers. Part II. Deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buldum, A.; Clemons, C.B.; Dill, L.H.; Kreider, K.L.; Young, G.W.; Zheng, X.; Evans, E.A.; Zhang, G.; Hariharan, S.I.


    This work is Part II of an integrated experimental/modeling investigation of a procedure to coat nanofibers and core-clad nanostructures with thin-film materials using plasma-enhanced physical vapor deposition. In the experimental effort, electrospun polymer nanofibers are coated with aluminum materials under different operating conditions to observe changes in the coating morphology. This procedure begins with the sputtering of the coating material from a target. Part I [J. Appl. Phys. 98, 044303 (2005)] focused on the sputtering aspect and transport of the sputtered material through the reactor. That reactor level model determines the concentration field of the coating material. This field serves as input into the present species transport and deposition model for the region surrounding an individual nanofiber. The interrelationships among processing factors for the transport and deposition are investigated here from a detailed modeling approach that includes the salient physical and chemical phenomena. Solution strategies that couple continuum and atomistic models are used. At the continuum scale, transport dynamics near the nanofiber are described. At the atomic level, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are used to study the deposition and sputtering mechanisms at the coating surface. Ion kinetic energies and fluxes are passed from the continuum sheath model to the MD simulations. These simulations calculate sputtering and sticking probabilities that in turn are used to calculate parameters for the continuum transport model. The continuum transport model leads to the definition of an evolution equation for the coating-free surface. This equation is solved using boundary perturbation and level set methods to determine the coating morphology as a function of operating conditions

  4. Drugs, money and society (Part II). (United States)

    Walley, Tom


    Pharmacoeconomics started as marketing but has developed into a valuable tool in the fuller assessment of drug therapies. Its principles are now widely accepted, and many countries have government-funded agencies with responsibility for its application, most notably the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence in England. Many clinical pharmacologists are active in this area, and the discipline itself is part of the clinical pharmacology trainees' curriculum. Further developments will include value-based pricing and its use in cost sharing arrangements between health service and manufacturers.

  5. The Many Meanings of History, Part II (United States)

    Szasz, Ferenc M.


    This article contains a collection of quotations about history collected by Professor Szasz. The first part of the collection appeared in the August 1974 issue of "The History Teacher." Readers are invited to send in other definitions they have found. (Author/RM)

  6. Personalized translational epilepsy research - Novel approaches and future perspectives: Part II: Experimental and translational approaches. (United States)

    Bauer, Sebastian; van Alphen, Natascha; Becker, Albert; Chiocchetti, Andreas; Deichmann, Ralf; Deller, Thomas; Freiman, Thomas; Freitag, Christine M; Gehrig, Johannes; Hermsen, Anke M; Jedlicka, Peter; Kell, Christian; Klein, Karl Martin; Knake, Susanne; Kullmann, Dimitri M; Liebner, Stefan; Norwood, Braxton A; Omigie, Diana; Plate, Karlheinz; Reif, Andreas; Reif, Philipp S; Reiss, Yvonne; Roeper, Jochen; Ronellenfitsch, Michael W; Schorge, Stephanie; Schratt, Gerhard; Schwarzacher, Stephan W; Steinbach, Joachim P; Strzelczyk, Adam; Triesch, Jochen; Wagner, Marlies; Walker, Matthew C; von Wegner, Frederic; Rosenow, Felix


    Despite the availability of more than 15 new "antiepileptic drugs", the proportion of patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy has remained constant at about 20-30%. Furthermore, no disease-modifying treatments shown to prevent the development of epilepsy following an initial precipitating brain injury or to reverse established epilepsy have been identified to date. This is likely in part due to the polyetiologic nature of epilepsy, which in turn requires personalized medicine approaches. Recent advances in imaging, pathology, genetics, and epigenetics have led to new pathophysiological concepts and the identification of monogenic causes of epilepsy. In the context of these advances, the First International Symposium on Personalized Translational Epilepsy Research (1st ISymPTER) was held in Frankfurt on September 8, 2016, to discuss novel approaches and future perspectives for personalized translational research. These included new developments and ideas in a range of experimental and clinical areas such as deep phenotyping, quantitative brain imaging, EEG/MEG-based analysis of network dysfunction, tissue-based translational studies, innate immunity mechanisms, microRNA as treatment targets, functional characterization of genetic variants in human cell models and rodent organotypic slice cultures, personalized treatment approaches for monogenic epilepsies, blood-brain barrier dysfunction, therapeutic focal tissue modification, computational modeling for target and biomarker identification, and cost analysis in (monogenic) disease and its treatment. This report on the meeting proceedings is aimed at stimulating much needed investments of time and resources in personalized translational epilepsy research. This Part II includes the experimental and translational approaches and a discussion of the future perspectives, while the diagnostic methods, EEG network analysis, biomarkers, and personalized treatment approaches were addressed in Part I [1]. Copyright © 2017

  7. Topics in Finance: Part II--Financial Analysis (United States)

    Laux, Judy


    The second article in a series designed to supplement the introductory financial management course, this essay addresses financial statement analysis, including its impact on stock valuation, disclosure, and managerial behavior. [For "Topics in Finance Part I--Introduction and Stockholder Wealth Maximization," see EJ1060345.

  8. Technical realisation of the VISA-II project, phase I, part IV, IZ-165-o268-1962

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavicevic, M.


    Project VISA-II is described in IX chapters as follows: introduction, definition of experiments and possibilities of performance; VISA-II channel, new experimental space in the RA reactor; hydraulic tests in the VISA-II channel; measurement of fast neutron and gamma flux in VISA-II channels; measurement of water flow through different VISA-2 irradiation capsules; fabrication of VISA-II capsules; corrosion and heavy water purity problems; safety problems of experiment VISA-2; experimental operation of VISA-II. This chapter VI includes documentation for each type of capsule, review about each experiment within the VISA-II project, the objective and purpose of the experiment as well as experimental device [sr

  9. Long-term solar activity and terrestrial connections. Part II: at the beckon of the sun?

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    N. D. Diamantides

    Full Text Available The research task described herein aims at the structuring of an analytical tool that traces the time course of geophysical phenomena, regional or global, and compares it to the course of long-term solar conditions, long-term meaning decades or a few centuries. The model is based on the premise that since in a last analysis the preponderance of atmospheric, hydrospheric, and, possibly, some aspects of geospheric phenomena are, or have been, powered by energy issuing from the sun - either now or in the past - the long-term behavior of such phenomena is ultimately "connected" to long-term changes occurring in the sun itself. Accordingly, the proposed research firstly derives and models a stable surrogate pattern for the long-term solar activity, secondly introduces a transfer-function algorithm for modeling the connection between the surrogate and terrestrial phenomena viewed as partners in the connection, and thirdly probes the connection outcome for episodic or unanticipated effects that may arise due to the fact that in the present context, the connection, should it exist, is very likely nonlinear. Part I of the study presents the theory of the concept, while Part II demonstrates the concept's pertinence to a number of terrestrial phenomena.

    Key words. Solar activity · Kolmogorov algorithm

  10. Ultra-violet radiation: hazard in workplaces? (part II)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Yusof Mohd Ali


    Not many workers are aware that apart from chemicals, physical agents, noise and machines which are known to be hazardous in workplaces, there exist another source of hazard which is equally important to be recognised and respected, that is hazard due to ultrviolet radiation (UV). This is the continuation of part I, which was discussed in the later issue. In this part, hazard of ultraviolet radiation were briefly discused i.e. effects on the skin and the eyes. Other subjects discussed are exposure limits, how to assess the radiation, protection against ultraviolet radiation

  11. Método OMO para a organización de la mano de obra

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    Pezzi Peñalver, Fernando


    Full Text Available The present method has been used by the Instituto Nacional de Industria in several works. It is applicable practically to all types of works provided that they are not too small. The aim is to organize the tasks of the workers on the sites. First the entire work is divided into pieces or sections and then these are subdivided into tasks that the various bodies have to carry out. For this purpose, a small technical team is needed, to carry out the division into sections and finally to inspect how this has been executed. In this manner it is possible to improve the execution quality, reduce the costs of the work, make it easier to accomplish the work within the set out time and to improve the workers' income. This method does not include the elaboration of the working plan, or the needs for workers; or the needs for machinery and materials or the quality control of these nor any aspect of the work that is not closely related to the aim. All these aspects are supposed to be established and regulated by other procedures.El presente método ha sido empleado por el Instituto Nacional de Industria en varias de sus obras. Es aplicable, prácticamente, a toda clase de obras, con tal de que no sean demasiado pequeñas. Su objeto es organizar el trabajo del personal obrero de las obras. Consiste en dividir previamente toda la obra en trozos o «fracciones», y estos trozos, a su vez, en los trabajos que los distintos gremios habrán de realizar en ellos. Para su funcionamiento es necesario un pequeño equipo técnico, que realiza el «troceado» previo, y después revisa los trabajos realizados. Se consigue mejorar la calidad de la ejecución, reducir el coste de la obra, facilitar el cumplimiento del plazo y mejorar los ingresos del personal obrero. Este método no incluye la elaboración del plan de obra, ni la aportación de las necesidades de mano de obra, maquinaría y materiales, ni el control de calidad de estos últimos, ni

  12. Seguridad pública y neoconservadurismo en la Argentina neoliberal: La construcción social de la "inseguridad" durante los años noventa: "combate a la delincuencia", "tolerancia cero" y "mano dura"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Cerruti


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se indaga el modo en que se construyó a la "inseguridad" en un problema público-político durante la segunda mitad de la década de los noventa como una modalidad de representación en términos delictivos y de gestión policíaca de la conflictividad y la inseguridad social. Se parte de la hipótesis de que dicha construcción formó parte de un proceso de transformación de la sociedad argentina asociado con la reforma neoliberal del Estado. Para demostrarlo, brevemente se sitúan, como antecedentes inmediatos al período de análisis, algunas de las principales consecuencias sociales de la reforma neoliberal iniciada durante la última dictadura cívico-militar (1976-1983 y se destaca al período hiperinflacionario (1989-1990 como el momento en el que emergen los discursos sobre la "inseguridad". Luego, se analiza en detalle el modo en que durante la década de los noventa la "inseguridad" se conformó como una de las principales preocupaciones de la opinión pública, uno de los temas decisivos en las disputas políticas y se introdujo como eje prioritario en la agenda de gobierno del presidente Carlos Menem a través de una campaña mediático-política de "combate a la delincuencia" ordenada en los términos de la "mano dura" y la "tolerancia cero". A través de dicha indagación, se argumenta que la "inseguridad" constituyó el vórtice de una matriz discursiva que legitimó un paradigma neoconservador de gestión de las consecuencias sociales de la reestructuración económica neoliberal y operó como un mecanismo reproductor de la exclusión social.

  13. Failure analysis of leakage on titanium tubes within heat exchangers in a nuclear power plant. Part II: Mechanical degradation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gong, Y.; Yang, Z.G. [Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai (China); Yuan, J.Z. [Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., Haiyan, Zhejiang Province (China)


    Serious failure incidents like clogging, quick thinning, and leakage frequently occurred on lots of titanium tubes of heat exchangers in a nuclear power plant in China. In the Part I of the whole failure analysis study with totally two parts, factors mainly involving three kinds of electrochemical corrosions were investigated, including galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, and hydrogen-assisted corrosion. In the current Part II, through microscopically analyzing the ruptures on the leaked tubes by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), another four causes dominantly lying in the aspect of mechanical degradation were determined - clogging, erosion, mechanical damaging, and fretting. Among them, the erosion effect was the primary one, thus the stresses it exerted on the tube wall were also supplementarily evaluated by finite element method (FEM). Based on the analysis results, the different degradation extents and morphologies by erosion on the tubes when they were clogged by different substances such as seashell, rubber debris, and sediments were compared, and relevant mechanisms were discussed. Finally, countermeasures were put forward as well. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  14. Notes on the Birds of Central Oaxaca, Part II: Columbidae to Vireonidae

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    John M. Forcey


    Full Text Available Notas sobre las aves de Oaxaca central, parte II: Columbidae a Vireonidae Se reportan  nuevos datos que amplían y clarifican nuestro conocimiento del estatus y distribución de 70 especies de aves en la región central del Estado de Oaxaca. Las observaciones se realizaron abarcando partes de los distritos de Etla, Ixtlan, Tlacolula, y Zaachila, dentro de un círculo de radio de 35 km alrededor de la Ciudad de Oaxaca. El reporte se basa en observaciones tomadas durante 738 días, comprendidos entre diciembre 1996 y marzo 2002. Los hábitats principalmente visitados fueron pino-encino (incluyendo zonas pequeñas de pino-encino-oyamel y pino-encino mezclado con pastizales, matorral de encino, matorral subtropical, vegetación riparia, y vegetación secundaria, campos agrícolas y otros (incluyendo áreas urbanas, como jardines y parques. Las siguientes especies se reportan por primera vez en la zona: Heliomaster constantii, Tilmatura dupontii, Empidonax flaviventris, Empidonax virescens, Myiarchus crinitus, Myiodynastes luteiventris, Vireo philadelphicus, Vireo olivaceus y Vireo flavoviridis. Además, las siguientes diez especies se han reportado anteriormente una sola vez o solamente en los Conteos Navideños: Caprimulgus ridgwayi (residente,Panyptila sanctihieronymi (residente local, Amazilia cyanocephala (residente local, Amazilia viridifrons, Lamprolaima rhami, Momotus mexicanus (residente en la Sierra Juárez, Sayornis phoebe, Myiozetetes similis (residente, Pachyramphus major (residente y Vireo griseus. Se reportan datos de la reproducción de 25 especies, 18 de las cuales no se habían registrado como reproduciéndose en la zona antes. De estos, 24 se pueden agrupar como reproduciéndose en los meses de abril a julio, y 17 se reproducen en zonas riparias, seis de ellos casi exclusivamente.

  15. Programas de mano de la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José Martí: Experiencias de trabajo en su gestión, recuperación y utilización de la tecnología para lograr su interoperabilidad = Programs of hand of the Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José Martí: Experiences of work in its management, recovery and use of the technology to achieve its interoperability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amparo Hernández Barrios


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se exponen las experiencias alcanzadas e influencias que ha tenido las nuevas estrategias organizacionales y rediseño informático de la BNCJM en el trabajo con los programas de mano de la institución. Se abordan aspectos relacionados al cambio que ha ocurrido en el tratamiento de la colección, de fondos bibliográficos a colección archivística, según las características de los programas de mano. Se sugiere el software ICA-AtoM como solución para la representación de estos documentos y se exponen algunas funcionalidades en cuanto a exportaciones/importaciones del software que posibilitan la interoperabilidad con el Sistema de Gestión Bibliográfico Koha. Programas de mano Interoperabilidad Representación Tecnología Descripción Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José Martí = This article presents the experiences and influences that have had the new organizational strategies and computer redesign of the BNCJM in the work with the hand programs of the institution. It deals with aspects related to the change that has occurred in the treatment of the collection, from bibliographical collections to archival collection, according to the characteristics of the hand programs. The ICA-AtoM software is suggested as a solution for the representation of these documents and some functionalities in terms of exports / imports of the software that allow the interoperability with the Koha Bibliographic Management System are presented. Hand programs Interoperability Representation Technology Description National Library of Cuba José Martí.

  16. Preliminary Guideline for the High Temperature Structure Integrity Assessment Procedure Part II. High Temperature Structural Integrity Assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jae Han; Kim, J. B.; Lee, H. Y.; Park, C. G.; Joo, Y. S.; Koo, G. H.; Kim, S. H


    A high temperature structural integrity assessment belongs to the Part II of a whole preliminary guideline for the high temperature structure. The main contents of this guideline are the evaluation procedures of the creep-fatigue crack initiation and growth in high temperature condition, the high temperature LBB evaluation procedure, and the inelastic evaluations of the welded joints in SFR structures. The methodologies for the proper inelastic analysis of an SFR structures in high temperatures are explained and the guidelines of inelastic analysis options using ANSYS and ABAQUS are suggested. In addition, user guidelines for the developed NONSTA code are included. This guidelines need to be continuously revised to improve the applicability to the design and analysis of the SFR structures.

  17. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (83rd, Phoenix, Arizona, August 9-12, 2000). Miscellaneous, Part II. (United States)

    Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

    The Miscellaneous, Part II Section of the proceedings contains the following eight papers: "Academic Letters of Recommendation: Perceived Ethical Implications and Harmful Effects of Exaggeration" (David L. Martinson and Michael Ryan); "It's All about the Information Salience Effects on the Perceptions of News Exemplification"…

  18. Atmospheric fluoride pollution. Part II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hasegawa, T; Yamazaki, Y


    In East Osaka, agricultural crops either died or showed poor growth in the neighborhood of a factory producing white cosmetic bottles. Since fluorite was used as a material and there was no damage before the establishment of the factory, it was suspected that fluorine compounds were causing the damage. Quantitative analysis was performed on the agricultural crops and the exhaust gas as well as the dust particles in order to determine the fluorine content. Gas samplers were used to collect the dusts from the surrounding atmosphere. The fluorine content of dust near the factory was about 93 mg per cubic meter per day, and in some parts, as high as 1.54 mq per cubic meter per day. Relatively larger quantities of fluorine were measured at the southwestern and southeastern area of the factory, corresponding to the general wind pattern. Rice and soy beans from the neighborhood of the factory showed concentrations of fluorine and, especially in the leaves of the damaged crops, the concentrations were several hundred times higher than those of the undamaged leaves.

  19. Contamination smoke: a simulation of heavy metal containing aerosols from fires in plutonium glove boxes: part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buijs, K.; Chavane de Dalmassy, B.; Baumgaertner, E.


    The study of the dispersion of plutonium bearing aerosols during glove box fires on a laboratory scale has been, in part I of this work, focussed on fires of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA - the major glove box construction material) whose surfaces were contaminated with cerium-europium oxide powder as a substitute for plutonium-uranium oxide. The present part II completes the study with comparative fire experiments involving contaminated samples of various glove box materials burning in or exposed to the flames of the standardized 0.6 MW fire source previously developed. Beyond spreading of the Ce-Eu-oxide powder as mentioned above, the other important surface contamination process is used, i.e. deposition and subsequent drying of droplets from acid cerium-europium solutions. It is shown that, among the tested materials, and with the exception of synthetic glove rubber, burning PMMA spreads the most radioactive contamination. On the other hand, this potential risk is much lower for fires involving materials contaminated from solution deposition than from powder or pellets. Attempts to measure the airborne contaminant particle sizes did not yield conclusive results. They suggest, however, that contamination from solutions leads to smaller heavy-metal containing aerosol particles than contamination with powder

  20. Biological markers for anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD: A consensus statement. Part II: Neurochemistry, neurophysiology and neurocognition (United States)

    Bandelow, Borwin; Baldwin, David; Abelli, Marianna; Bolea-Alamanac, Blanca; Bourin, Michel; Chamberlain, Samuel R.; Cinosi, Eduardo; Davies, Simon; Domschke, Katharina; Fineberg, Naomi; Grünblatt, Edna; Jarema, Marek; Kim, Yong-Ku; Maron, Eduard; Masdrakis, Vasileios; Mikova, Olya; Nutt, David; Pallanti, Stefano; Pini, Stefano; Ströhle, Andreas; Thibaut, Florence; Vaghix, Matilde M.; Won, Eunsoo; Wedekind, Dirk; Wichniak, Adam; Woolley, Jade; Zwanzger, Peter; Riederer, Peter


    Objective Biomarkers are defined as anatomical, biochemical or physiological traits that are specific to certain disorders or syndromes. The objective of this paper is to summarise the current knowledge of biomarkers for anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Methods Findings in biomarker research were reviewed by a task force of international experts in the field, consisting of members of the World Federation of Societies for Biological Psychiatry Task Force on Biological Markers and of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Anxiety Disorders Research Network. Results The present article (Part II) summarises findings on potential biomarkers in neurochemistry (neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine or GABA, neuropeptides such as cholecystokinin, neurokinins, atrial natriuretic peptide, or oxytocin, the HPA axis, neurotrophic factors such as NGF and BDNF, immunology and CO2 hypersensitivity), neurophysiology (EEG, heart rate variability) and neurocognition. The accompanying paper (Part I) focuses on neuroimaging and genetics. Conclusions Although at present, none of the putative biomarkers is sufficient and specific as a diagnostic tool, an abundance of high quality research has accumulated that should improve our understanding of the neurobiological causes of anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD. PMID:27419272

  1. Transition metal complexes with pyrazole-based ligands.Part 29. Reactions of zinc(II and mercury(II thiocyanate with 4-acetyl-3-amino-5-methylpyrazole

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The work is concerned with the crystal and molecular structures of zinc(II and mercury(II complexes with 4-acetyl-3-amino-5-methyl-pyrazole (aamp of the coordination formulae [Zn(NCS2(aamp2] and (Haamp2[Hg(SCN4]. The zinc(II complex was obtained by the reaction of a warm methanolic solution of aamp with a mixture of zinc(II nitrate and ammonium thiocyanate, whereas the mercury(II complex was prepared by the reaction of a warm ethanolic solution of aamp and a warm, slightly acidified aqueous solution of [Hg(SCN4]2-. Both complexes have a tetrahedral geometry, which in the case of zinc complex is formed by monodentate coordination of two aamp molecules and two isothiocyanate groups. The Zn(II and Hg(II atoms have significantly deformed coordination geometry. In both crystal structures the pyrazole derivative has a planar form, probably stabilized by an intramolecular N–H···O hydrogen bond. Apart from the X-ray structural analysis, the isolated complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, conductometric measurements and thermal analysis.

  2. Differences between easy- and difficult-to-mill chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes. Part II: protein, lipid and mineral composition. (United States)

    Wood, Jennifer A; Knights, Edmund J; Campbell, Grant M; Choct, Mingan


    Part I introduced the concept of easy- and difficult-to-mill chickpea genotypes, the broad chemical composition of their seed fractions and proposed mechanistic explanations for physical differences consistent with observed variation in milling ease. Part II continues this research by delving deeper into the amino acid, fatty acid and mineral components. No association between fatty acid composition and ease of milling was observed. However, particular amino acids and mineral elements were identified that further support roles of lectins, pectins and mineral-facilitated binding in the adhesion of chickpea seed coat and cotyledons. These differences suggest underlying mechanisms that could be exploited by breeding programmes to improve milling performance. This study shows that the content and composition of amino acids, fatty acids and minerals within different chickpea tissues vary with seed type (desi and kabuli) and within desi genotypes in ways that are consistent with physical explanations of how seed structure and properties relate to milling behaviour. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry.

  3. Neutronics and thermohydraulics of the reactor C.E.N.E. Part II; Analisis neutronico y termohidraulico del reactor C.E.N.E. Parte II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caro, R


    In this report the analysis of neutronics thermohydraulics and shielding of the 10 HWt swimming pool reactor C.E.N.E is included. In each of these chapters is given a short description of the theoretical model used, along with the theoretical versus experimental checking carried out, whenever possible, with the reactors JEN-I and JEN-II of Junta de Energia Nuclear. (Author) 11 refs.

  4. Kafka, Borges, and the creation of consciousness, Part II: Borges--a life of letters encompassing everything and nothing. (United States)

    Ogden, Thomas H


    The ways in which Kafka and Borges struggled with the creation of consciousness in their lives and in their literary works are explored in this two-part essay. In Part II, a biographical sketch of Jorge Luis Borges is juxtaposed with a close reading of one of his fictions, "The Library of Babel" (1941a). In this story, the universe is an infinite Library, a psychological/literary space comprised of books that contain everything that has ever been or ever will be written. By the end of the story, Borges becomes a character in his own fiction. This development was paralleled in Borges's "real life" as he invented a persona named "Borges," a literary creation that allowed Borges to become a character in a story that was his life. The essay concludes with a comparison of the ways in which Borges and Kafka each used writing as a way of creating his own distinctive form of consciousness, and, in so doing, contributed to the creation of twentieth-century consciousness.

  5. The Tölz Temporal Topography Study: mapping the visual field across the life span. Part II: cognitive factors shaping visual field maps. (United States)

    Poggel, Dorothe A; Treutwein, Bernhard; Calmanti, Claudia; Strasburger, Hans


    Part I described the topography of visual performance over the life span. Performance decline was explained only partly by deterioration of the optical apparatus. Part II therefore examines the influence of higher visual and cognitive functions. Visual field maps for 95 healthy observers of static perimetry, double-pulse resolution (DPR), reaction times, and contrast thresholds, were correlated with measures of visual attention (alertness, divided attention, spatial cueing), visual search, and the size of the attention focus. Correlations with the attentional variables were substantial, particularly for variables of temporal processing. DPR thresholds depended on the size of the attention focus. The extraction of cognitive variables from the correlations between topographical variables and participant age substantially reduced those correlations. There is a systematic top-down influence on the aging of visual functions, particularly of temporal variables, that largely explains performance decline and the change of the topography over the life span.

  6. Tratamento sistêmico da psoríase - Parte II: Imunomoduladores biológicos Systemic treatment of psoriasis - Part II: Biologic immunomodulator agents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lúcia Arruda


    Full Text Available Em continuidade ao capítulo da edição anterior dos Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, nesta segunda parte da EMC-D serão discutidas as novas drogas, os imunomoduladores biológicos, que agem em determinadas fases da imunopatogênese da doença, modificando fenotipicamente sua evolução. Também serão discutidos alguns aspectos imunológicos que, atualmente, são responsáveis pelo desencadeamento da doençaAs part of its continued studies of psoriasis, this second part of the Continuing Medical Education in Dermatology segment of the Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia introduces biological immunomodulators. Also known as "biologics", these drugs act on the immunopathogenetic steps of psoriasis by changing its features and progression. This paper also reviews some of the immunologic aspects of psoriasis.

  7. Designer ligands. Part 15. Synthesis and characterisation of novel Mn(lI), Ni(II) and Zn(II) complexes of 1,10-phenanthroline-derived ligands

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Wellington, Kevin W


    Full Text Available Series of manganese(II), nickel(II) and zinc(II) complexes have been prepared using 1,10-phenanthroline-derived ligands, and their coordination geometries have been assigned using infrared data. It is apparent that, depending on the ligand...

  8. Exploration of Logistics Information Technology (IT) Solutions for the Royal Saudi Naval Force Within the Saudi Naval Expansion Program II (SNEP II) (United States)



  9. NSLS-II booster timing system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheblakov, P.; Karnaev, S.; De Long, J.


    NSLS-II light source includes the main storage ring with beam lines and injection part consisting of 200 MeV linac, a full-energy 3 GeV booster synchrotron and two transport lines. The booster timing system is a part of NSLS-II timing system which uses hardware from MicroResearch Finland: Event Generator (EVG) and Event Receivers (EVRs). The booster timing is based on the events coming from NSLS-II EVG: 'Pre-Injection', 'Injection', 'Pre-Extraction', 'Extraction'. These events are referenced to the selected RF bucket of the storage ring and correspond to the first RF bucket of the booster. EVRs provide triggers both for the injection and the extraction pulse devices. EVRs also provide the timing of booster cycle operation and generation of events for cycle-to-cycle updates of pulsed and ramping parameters, and synchronization of the booster beam instrumentation devices. This paper describes the final design of the booster timing system. The timing system functional diagrams and block diagram are presented. (authors)

  10. Química general II


    Olba Torrent, Amparo


    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València Temes de l'assignatura: Química general II del primer curs del Grau de Química Topics of the course: General Chemistry II in the first year of the Degree in Chemistry

  11. Factura trifocal abierte de radio y abierta de cúbito con síndrome compartimental asociado en paciente politraumatizado


    Nistal Rodríguez, Francisco Javier; Fernández de la Mela, R.; Escudero Marcos, R.; García Alonso, Manuel


    Producción Científica Presentamos este caso clínico con una fractura poco frecuente, trifocal de radio , asociada a una lesión severa de partes blandas y síndrome compartimental de antebrazo y mano derecha .

  12. Ultrasonic inspection of heavy section steel components: the PISC II final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nichols, R.W.; Crutzen, S.


    This Symposium represented the end of the PISC (Programme for Inspection of Steel Components), II Round Robin Test Project, and the book is the final report. The contents are divided into three parts: part 1 contains contributions from the PISC Management Group, part II contains individual contributions, part III contains views of Licensing Authorities. All the twenty three papers presented in the three parts are selected for INIS and indexed separately. (author)

  13. Standing on shaky ground- US patent-eligibility of isolated DNA and genetic diagnostics after AMP v. USPTO - Part II (practical implications & chances for Supreme Court Review)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Minssen, Timo; Nilsson, David


    This is the second part of a four-partite article discussing the US Federal Circuit decision in AMP v. USPTO , also known as the ACLU /Myriad "gene patenting" case ("Myriad"). Part I commenced with a description of the legal framework and an explanation of how the decision relates to the recently...... of the outcome, i.e. the three different opinions of the Federal Circuit judges Lourie, Moore & Bryson who comprised the panel (3). Part II will now continue the tale with a detailed analysis of the decision's practical implications (4), which is followed by a closer look on the chances for an ultimate Supreme...

  14. Has the tsunami arrived? Part II. (United States)

    Halverson, Dean; Glowac, Wayne


    Healthcare is an industry in the midst of significant change. After years of double-digit cost increases, the system has reached a tipping point. Where once only employers were heard crying out for change, the call is now coming from all levels of American society. The voice that is most important to effect change is the newest--that of the consumer. In part two of our overview of the healthcare tsunami, we hope to offer you some insights and practical ideas on how to improve the return on investment of your marketing. We believe those who work to understand the new market forces and react with insight will not just survive during the tsunami, they will thrive.

  15. Conference on the Trend in Income Inequality in the U.S. Part I, Trends in Inequality of Well-Offness in the United States since World War II. Part 2, Conference Overview: Conceptual Issues, Data Issues, and Policy Implications (United States)

    Taussig, Michael K.; Danziger, Sheldon

    The first part of this document summarizes the current state of knowledge on trends in inequality of economic well-being in the United States since World War II. It surveys alternative answers to the often asked question: Has inequality in the U.S. increased, decreased, or remained roughly the same over a period of time? Intelligent laymen, and…

  16. The evolution of myiasis in humans and other animals in the Old and New Worlds (part II): biological and life-history studies. (United States)

    Stevens, Jamie R; Wallman, James F; Otranto, Domenico; Wall, Richard; Pape, Thomas


    Myiasis, which is the dipteran parasitism of living vertebrates, occurs in several forms - ranging from benign to fatal, opportunistic to obligate - and seems to have evolved through two distinct routes: saprophagous and sanguinivorous. However, the convergent evolution of morphological and life-history traits seems to have had a major role in confusing the overall picture of how myiasis evolved and this simplistic division is further complicated by the existence of both ectoparasitic and endoparasitic species of myiasis-causing Diptera, the evolutionary affinities of which remain to be resolved. As discussed in part I of this review, if we are to elucidate how the different forms of parasitism arose, it is essential to separate the evolution of the various groups of myiasis-causing flies from the evolution of the myiasis habit per se. Accordingly, whereas we focused on recent landmark phylogenetics studies in part I, we use this framework to analyse relevant biochemical, immunological, behavioural, biogeographical and fossil evidence to elucidate the evolution of myiasis in part II.

  17. Part I. Mechanisms of injury associated with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy; Part II. Exsolution of volatiles (United States)

    Howard, Danny Dwayne

    Part I - Shock waves are focused in extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) machines to strengths sufficient to fracture kidney stones. Substantial side effects-most of them acute-have resulted from this procedure, including injury to soft tissue. The focusing of shock waves through various layers of tissue is a complex process which stimulates many bio-mechano-chemical responses.This thesis presents results of an in vitro study of the initial mechanical stimulus. Planar nitrocellulose membranes of order 10 um thick were used as models of thin tissue structures. Two modes of failure were recorded: Failure due to cavitation collapsing on or near the membranes, and failure induced by altering the structure of shock waves. Tests were done in water at and around F2 to characterize the extent of cavitation damage, and was found to be confined within the focal region, 1.2 cm along the axis of focus.Scattering media were used to simulate the effects of acoustic nonuniformity of tissue and to alter the structure of focusing shock waves. 40 um diameter (average) hollow glass spheres were added to ethylene glycol, glycerine and castor oil to vary the properties of the scattering media. Multiple layer samples of various types of phantom tissue were tested in degassed castor oil to gauge the validity of the scattering media. The scattering media and tissue samples increased the rise time decreased strain rate in a similar fashion. Membranes were damaged by the decreased strain rate and accumulated effects of the altered structure: After about 20 or so shocks immersed in the scattering media and after about 100 shocks behind the tissue samples. The mode of failure was tearing with multiple tears in some cases from about .1 cm to about 3 cm depending of the number of shocks and membrane thickness.Part II - This work examines the exsolution of volatiles-carbon dioxide from water-in a cylindrical test cell under different pressure conditions. Water was supersaturated with

  18. Mejora de la calidad y disminución de costos de censos y encuestas utilizando computadores de mano (PDA. Una aplicación en Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antich-Montero, Daniel


    Full Text Available Los datos sobre la población en países en desarrollo se obtienen principalmente de las visitas a los hogares. Ejércitos de entrevistadores recolectan esos datos usando cuestionarios en papel (PAPI, paper and pencil method, pero tal información se infesta de errores no aleatorios. La reciente tecnología de las entrevistas asistidas por computadora (CAPI es un avance importante sobre PAPI en lo que respecta a reducción de errores y los tiempos de espera en la disponibilidad de los datos. Pero la tecnología CAPI ha sido de difícil implementación en los países en desarrollo debido a restricciones ergonómicas, costos y delincuencia asociada a las computadoras portátiles (laptops. Por esto, el Centro Centroamericano de Población (CCP ha desarrollado un sistema CAPI para PDA (Personal Digital Assistant o computadora de mano, que podría revolucionar la forma en que los datos son obtenidos, reduciendo el fraude, errores, tiempos y costos incluso para encuestas complejas. Este artículo reporta las lecciones aprendidas de usar este sistema en el estudio CRELES en Costa Rica.

  19. Mejora de la calidad y disminución de costos de censos y encuestas utilizando computadores de mano (PDA. Una aplicación en Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeisson Hidalgo-Céspedes


    Full Text Available Los datos sobre la población en países en desarrollo se obtienen principalmente de las visitas a los hogares. Ejércitos de entrevistadores recolectan esos datos usando cuestionarios en papel (PAPI, paper and pencil method, pero tal información se infesta de errores no aleatorios. La reciente tecnología de las entrevistas asistidas por computadora (CAPI es un avance importante sobre PAPI en lo que respecta a reducción de errores y los tiempos de espera en la disponibilidad de los datos. Pero la tecnología CAPI ha sido de difícil implementación en los países en desarrollo debido a restricciones ergonómicas, costos y delincuencia asociada a las computadoras portátiles (laptops. Por esto, el CCP ha desarrollado un sistema CAPI para PDA (Personal Digital Assistant o computadora de mano, que podría revolucionar la forma en que los datos son obtenidos, reduciendo el fraude, errores, tiempos y costos incluso para encuestas complejas. Este artículo reporta las lecciones aprendidas de usar este sistema en el estudio CRELES en Costa Rica.

  20. Stochastic theory of nonequilibrium steady states. Part II: Applications in chemical biophysics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ge Hao; Qian Min; Qian Hong


    The mathematical theory of nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) has a natural application in open biochemical systems which have sustained source(s) and sink(s) in terms of a difference in their chemical potentials. After a brief introduction in Section , in Part II of this review, we present the widely studied biochemical enzyme kinetics, the workhorse of biochemical dynamic modeling, in terms of the theory of NESS (Section ). We then show that several phenomena in enzyme kinetics, including a newly discovered activation–inhibition switching (Section ) and the well-known non-Michaelis–Menten-cooperativity (Section ) and kinetic proofreading (Section ), are all consequences of the NESS of driven biochemical systems with associated cycle fluxes. Section is focused on nonlinear and nonequilibrium systems of biochemical reactions. We use the phosphorylation–dephosphorylation cycle (PdPC), one of the most important biochemical signaling networks, as an example (Section ). It starts with a brief introduction of the Delbrück–Gillespie process approach to mesoscopic biochemical kinetics (Sections ). We shall discuss the zeroth-order ultrasensitivity of PdPC in terms of a new concept — the temporal cooperativity (Sections ), as well as PdPC with feedback which leads to biochemical nonlinear bistability (Section ). Also, both are nonequilibrium phenomena. PdPC with a nonlinear feedback is kinetically isomorphic to a self-regulating gene expression network, hence the theory of NESS discussed here could have wide applications to many other biochemical systems.

  1. A-Part Gel, an adhesion prophylaxis for abdominal surgery: a randomized controlled phase I-II safety study [NCT00646412]. (United States)

    Lang, Reinhold; Baumann, Petra; Schmoor, Claudia; Odermatt, Erich K; Wente, Moritz N; Jauch, Karl-Walter


    Intra-abdominal surgical intervention can cause the development of intra-peritoneal adhesions. To reduce this problem, different agents have been tested to minimize abdominal adhesions; however, the optimal adhesion prophylaxis has not been found so far. Therefore, the A-Part(®) Gel was developed as a barrier to diminish postsurgical adhesions; the aim of this randomized controlled study was a first evaluation of its safety and efficacy. In this prospective, controlled, randomized, patient-blinded, monocenter phase I-II study, 62 patients received either the hydrogel A-Part-Gel(®) as an anti-adhesive barrier or were untreated after primary elective median laparotomy. Primary endpoint was the occurrence of peritonitis and/or wound healing impairment 28 ± 10 days postoperatively. As secondary endpoints anastomotic leakage until 28 days after surgery, adverse events and adhesions were assessed until 3 months postoperatively. A lower rate of wound healing impairment and/or peritonitis was observed in the A-Part Gel(®) group compared to the control group: (6.5 vs. 13.8 %). The difference between the two groups was -7.3%, 90 % confidence interval [-20.1, 5.4 %]. Both treatment groups showed similar frequency of anastomotic leakage but incidence of adverse events and serious adverse events were slightly lower in the A-Part Gel(®) group compared to the control. Adhesion rates were comparable in both groups. A-Part Gel(®) is safe as an adhesion prophylaxis after abdominal wall surgery but no reduction of postoperative peritoneal adhesion could be found in comparison to the control group. This may at least in part be due to the small sample size as well as to the incomplete coverage of the incision due to the used application. NCT00646412.

  2. The equivalence myth of quantum mechanics-part II (United States)

    Muller, F. A.

    The author endeavours to show two things: first, that Schrödingers (and Eckarts) demonstration in March (September) 1926 of the equivalence of matrix mechanics, as created by Heisenberg, Born, Jordan and Dirac in 1925, and wave mechanics, as created by Schrödinger in 1926, is not foolproof; and second, that it could not have been foolproof, because at the time matrix mechanics and wave mechanics were neither mathematically nor empirically equivalent. That they were is the Equivalence Myth. In order to make the theories equivalent and to prove this, one has to leave the historical scene of 1926 and wait until 1932, when von Neumann finished his magisterial edifice. During the period 1926-1932 the original families of mathematical structures of matrix mechanics and of wave mechanics were stretched, parts were chopped off and novel structures were added. To Procrustean places we go, where we can demonstrate the mathematical, empirical and ontological equivalence of 'the final versions of' matrix mechanics and wave mechanics. The present paper claims to be a comprehensive analysis of one of the pivotal papers in the history of quantum mechanics: Schrödingers equivalence paper. Since the analysis is performed from the perspective of Suppes structural view ('semantic view') of physical theories, the present paper can be regarded not only as a morsel of the internal history of quantum mechanics, but also as a morsel of applied philosophy of science. The paper is self-contained and presupposes only basic knowledge of quantum mechanics. For reasons of length, the paper is published in two parts; Part I appeared in the previous issue of this journal. Section 1 contains, besides an introduction, also the papers five claims and a preview of the arguments supporting these claims; so Part I, Section 1 may serve as a summary of the paper for those readers who are not interested in the detailed arguments.

  3. 14 CFR 21.303 - Replacement and modification parts. (United States)


    ... conforms to the drawings in the design; and (4) That the fabrication processes, construction, and assembly... AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS AND PARTS Approval of Materials, Parts, Processes, and... the configuration of the part; and (ii) Information on dimensions, materials, and processes necessary...

  4. Combustion chemistry and flame structure of furan group biofuels using molecular-beam mass spectrometry and gas chromatography - Part II: 2-Methylfuran. (United States)

    Tran, Luc-Sy; Togbé, Casimir; Liu, Dong; Felsmann, Daniel; Oßwald, Patrick; Glaude, Pierre-Alexandre; Fournet, René; Sirjean, Baptiste; Battin-Leclerc, Frédérique; Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina


    This is Part II of a series of three papers which jointly address the combustion chemistry of furan and its alkylated derivatives 2-methylfuran (MF) and 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) under premixed low-pressure flame conditions. Some of them are considered to be promising biofuels. With furan as a common basis studied in Part I of this series, the present paper addresses two laminar premixed low-pressure (20 and 40 mbar) flat argon-diluted (50%) flames of MF which were studied with electron-ionization molecular-beam mass spectrometry (EI-MBMS) and gas chromatography (GC) for equivalence ratios φ=1.0 and 1.7, identical conditions to those for the previously reported furan flames. Mole fractions of reactants, products as well as stable and reactive intermediates were measured as a function of the distance above the burner. Kinetic modeling was performed using a comprehensive reaction mechanism for all three fuels given in Part I and described in the three parts of this series. A comparison of the experimental results and the simulation shows reasonable agreement, as also seen for the furan flames in Part I before. This set of experiments is thus considered to be a valuable additional basis for the validation of the model. The main reaction pathways of MF consumption have been derived from reaction flow analyses, and differences to furan combustion chemistry under the same conditions are discussed.

  5. EBR-II: search for the lost subassembly

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, R.W.; Buschman, H.W.; Poloncsik, J.; Remsburg, J.S.; Sine, H.W.


    Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II) has been operating for nearly 20 years as part of the foundation of the US Department of Energy's LMFBR development program. During that time, the EBR-II fuel-handling system has performed extremely well, especially considering the conditions under which much of the system operates and the reliability required to maintain the high plant factor routinely demonstrated by EBR-II. Since EBR-II is a pool-type reactor, much of the fuel handling is done remotely within the sodium-filled primary tank at 371 0 C. Activities involved in locating a misplaced fuel subassembly in the primary tank are described

  6. Validación de la prueba de dibujo del reloj - versión de Manos - como prueba de cribado para detectar demencia en una población adulta mayor de Lima, Perú Validation of the clock drawing test - Manos´ version - as a screening test for detection of dementia in older persons of Lima, Peru

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilton Custodio


    Full Text Available Introducción. La prueba de dibujo del reloj versión de Manos (PDR-M es un instrumento de evaluación cognitiva breve para la detección de demencia. Objetivos. Evaluar la validez y confiabilidad de la PDR-M para discriminar entre pacientes con demencia y sujetos controles sanos. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluaron sujetos mayores de 65 años de edad, excluyendo los que presentaban enfermedades concomitantes graves y con dificultades auditivas o visuales. Se recogieron datos demográficos y se les realizó PDR-M y Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE. A los individuos del grupo de demencia se les realizó además evaluaciones clínicas, de laboratorio, neuropsicológicas y tomografía cerebral. Se calculó la sensibilidad y especificidad de la PDR-M así como el área bajo la curva ROC. Resultados. Se evaluó 210 individuos, 103 con diagnóstico confirmado de demencia y 107 controles sanos, con edad y sexo similares en ambos grupos; y mayor nivel educativo en el grupo control. Estableciendo un punto de corte de 7 se obtuvo una sensibilidad de 99,0% y una especificidad de 83,5%. Cuando se compararon las áreas bajo la curva ROC de la PDR-M y del MMSE no se encontraron diferencias significativas. Conclusiones. La PDR-M es un instrumento breve y confiable para la detección de demencia en la población urbana de Lima en el Perú.Introduction. The clock drawing test (PDR-M - Manos´ version - is a brief cognitive assessment tool for dementia detection. Objectives. To assess the validity and reliability of the PDR-M to discriminate between patients with dementia and healthy control subjects. Materials and methods. We evaluated subjects over 65 years of age, excluding those with severe concomitant diseases and those with hearing or visual impairment. We obtained demographic data and performed the PDR-M and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE. Subjects of the dementia group were also submitted to clinical, laboratory and neuropsychological evaluations

  7. Neuroscience in Nazi Europe Part III

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zeidman, Lawrence A; Kondziella, Daniel


    In Part I, neuroscience collaborators with the Nazis were discussed, and in Part II, neuroscience resistors were discussed. In Part III, we discuss the tragedy regarding european neuroscientists who became victims of the Nazi onslaught on “non-Aryan” doctors. Some of these unfortunate...... of neuroscience, we pay homage and do not allow humanity to forget, lest this dark period in history ever repeat itself....

  8. The Influence of Injection Pockets on the Performance of Tilting-Pad Thrust Bearings - Part II: Comparison Between Theory and Experiment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heinrichson, Niels; Fuerst, Axel; Santos, Ilmar


    This is Part II of a two-part series of papers describing the effects of high-pressure injection pockets on the operating conditions of tilting-pad thrust bearings. The paper has two main objectives. One is an experimental investigation of the influence of an oil injection pocket on the pressure...... and without oil injection) on the pressure distribution and oil film thickness. Measurements of the distribution of pressure and oil film thickness are presented for tilting-pad thrust bearing pads of approx. 100 cm^2 surface area. Two pads are measured in a laboratory test rig at loads of approx. 1.5 MPa...... and approx. 4.0 MPa and velocities of up to 33 m/s. One pad has a plain surface. The other pad has a conical injection pocket at the pivot point and a leading-edge taper. The measurements are compared to theoretical values obtained using a three-dimensional thermoelastohydrodynamic (TEHD) numerical model...

  9. Developing a research agenda for reducing the stigma of addictions, part II: Lessons from the mental health stigma literature. (United States)

    Corrigan, Patrick W; Schomerus, Georg; Shuman, Valery; Kraus, Dana; Perlick, Debbie; Harnish, Autumn; Kulesza, Magdalena; Kane-Willis, Kathleen; Qin, Sang; Smelson, David


    Although advocates and providers identify stigma as a major factor in confounding the recovery of people with SUDs, research on addiction stigma is lacking, especially when compared to the substantive literature examining the stigma of mental illness. A comprehensive review of the stigma literature that yielded empirically supported concepts and methods from the mental health arena was contrasted with the much smaller and mostly descriptive findings from the addiction field. In Part I of this two part paper (American Journal of Addictions, Vol 26, pages 59-66, this issue), constructs and methods from the mental health stigma literature were used to summarize research that seeks to understand the phenomena of addiction stigma. In Paper II, we use this summary, as well as the extensive literature on mental illness stigma change, to outline a research program to develop and evaluate strategies meant to diminish impact on public and self-stigma (eg, education and contact). The paper ends with recommendations for next steps in addiction stigma research. (Am J Addict 2017;26:67-74). © 2016 American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry.

  10. Towards multi-resolution global climate modeling with ECHAM6-FESOM. Part II: climate variability (United States)

    Rackow, T.; Goessling, H. F.; Jung, T.; Sidorenko, D.; Semmler, T.; Barbi, D.; Handorf, D.


    This study forms part II of two papers describing ECHAM6-FESOM, a newly established global climate model with a unique multi-resolution sea ice-ocean component. While part I deals with the model description and the mean climate state, here we examine the internal climate variability of the model under constant present-day (1990) conditions. We (1) assess the internal variations in the model in terms of objective variability performance indices, (2) analyze variations in global mean surface temperature and put them in context to variations in the observed record, with particular emphasis on the recent warming slowdown, (3) analyze and validate the most common atmospheric and oceanic variability patterns, (4) diagnose the potential predictability of various climate indices, and (5) put the multi-resolution approach to the test by comparing two setups that differ only in oceanic resolution in the equatorial belt, where one ocean mesh keeps the coarse 1° resolution applied in the adjacent open-ocean regions and the other mesh is gradually refined to 0.25°. Objective variability performance indices show that, in the considered setups, ECHAM6-FESOM performs overall favourably compared to five well-established climate models. Internal variations of the global mean surface temperature in the model are consistent with observed fluctuations and suggest that the recent warming slowdown can be explained as a once-in-one-hundred-years event caused by internal climate variability; periods of strong cooling in the model (`hiatus' analogs) are mainly associated with ENSO-related variability and to a lesser degree also to PDO shifts, with the AMO playing a minor role. Common atmospheric and oceanic variability patterns are simulated largely consistent with their real counterparts. Typical deficits also found in other models at similar resolutions remain, in particular too weak non-seasonal variability of SSTs over large parts of the ocean and episodic periods of almost absent

  11. STARFIRE-II studies. Summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, C.C.; Brooks, J.N.; Ehst, D.A.; Smith, D.L.; Sze, D.K.


    The US Department of Energy's Office of Fusion Energy has initiated several studies during FY-1985 called Tokamak Power System Studies (TPSS). The TPSS is being carried out by several laboratories, universities and industry with the general objective of developing innovative physics and technology concepts to improve the commercial attractiveness of tokamak power reactors. The effort of Argonne National Laboratory, entitled STARFIRE-II, is an effort to update and improve STARFIRE, which was the last comprehensive conceptual design study in the US of a commercial tokamak power plant. The STARFIRE-II effort has developed a number of goals in order to improve fusion commercial power plants based in part on several recent studies. The primary goals for STARFIRE-II are listed

  12. EBR-II high-ramp transients under computer control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forrester, R.J.; Larson, H.A.; Christensen, L.J.; Booty, W.F.; Dean, E.M.


    During reactor run 122, EBR-II was subjected to 13 computer-controlled overpower transients at ramps of 4 MWt/s to qualify the facility and fuel for transient testing of LMFBR oxide fuels as part of the EBR-II operational-reliability-testing (ORT) program. A computer-controlled automatic control-rod drive system (ACRDS), designed by EBR-II personnel, permitted automatic control on demand power during the transients

  13. On the Processing of Spalling Experiments. Part II: Identification of Concrete Fracture Energy in Dynamic Tension (United States)

    Lukić, Bratislav B.; Saletti, Dominique; Forquin, Pascal


    This paper presents a second part of the study aimed at investigating the fracture behavior of concrete under high strain rate tensile loading. The experimental method together with the identified stress-strain response of three tests conducted on ordinary concrete have been presented in the paper entitled Part I (Forquin and Lukić in Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 2017. In the present paper, Part II, the investigation is extended towards directly determining the specific fracture energy of each observed fracture zone by visualizing the dynamic cracking process with a temporal resolution of 1 µs. Having access to temporal displacement fields of the sample surface, it is possible to identify the fracture opening displacement (FOD) and the fracture opening velocity of any principle (open) and secondary (closed) fracture at each measurement instance, that may or may not lead to complete physical failure of the sample. Finally, the local Stress-FOD curves were obtained for each observed fracture zone, opposed to previous works where indirect measurements were used. The obtained results indicated a much lower specific fracture energy compared to the results often found in the literature. Furthermore, numerical simulations were performed with a damage law to evaluate the validity of the proposed experimental data processing and compare it to the most often used one in the previous works. The results showed that the present method can reliably predict the specific fracture energy needed to open one macro-fracture and suggested that indirect measurement techniques can lead to an overestimate of specific fracture energy due to the stringent assumption of linear elasticity up-to the peak and the inability of having access to the real post-peak change of axial stress.

  14. A thermoelectric power generating heat exchanger: Part II – Numerical modeling and optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarhadi, Ali; Bjørk, Rasmus; Lindeburg, Niels; Viereck, Peter; Pryds, Nini


    Highlights: • A comprehensive model was developed to optimize the integrated TEG-heat exchanger. • The developed model was validated with the experimental data. • The effect of using different interface materials on the output power was assessed. • The influence of TEG arrangement on the power production was investigated. • Optimized geometrical parameters and proper interface materials were suggested. - Abstract: In Part I of this study, the performance of an experimental integrated thermoelectric generator (TEG)-heat exchanger was presented. In the current study, Part II, the obtained experimental results are compared with those predicted by a finite element (FE) model. In the simulation of the integrated TEG-heat exchanger, the thermal contact resistance between the TEG and the heat exchanger is modeled assuming either an ideal thermal contact or using a combined Cooper–Mikic–Yovanovich (CMY) and parallel plate gap formulation, which takes into account the contact pressure, roughness and hardness of the interface surfaces as well as the air gap thermal resistance at the interface. The combined CMY and parallel plate gap model is then further developed to simulate the thermal contact resistance for the case of an interface material. The numerical results show good agreement with the experimental data with an average deviation of 17% for the case without interface material and 12% in the case of including additional material at the interfaces. The model is then employed to evaluate the power production of the integrated system using different interface materials, including graphite, aluminum (Al), tin (Sn) and lead (Pb) in a form of thin foils. The numerical results show that lead foil at the interface has the best performance, with an improvement in power production of 34% compared to graphite foil. Finally, the model predicts that for a certain flow rate, increasing the parallel TEG channels for the integrated systems with 4, 8, and 12 TEGs

  15. Start II, red ink, and Boris Yeltsin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arbatov, A.


    Apart from the vulnerability implied by the START II treaty, it will bear the burden of the general political opposition to the Yeltsin administration. START II will be seen as part of an overall Yeltsin-Andrei Kozyrev foreign policy that is under fire for selling out Russian national interests in Yugoslavia, the Persian Gulf, and elsewhere. This article discusses public opinion concerning START II, the cost of its implementation, and the general purpose of the treaty

  16. The sociogeometry of inequality: Part II (United States)

    Eliazar, Iddo


    The study of socioeconomic inequality is of prime economic and social importance, and the key quantitative gauges of socioeconomic inequality are Lorenz curves and inequality indices - the most notable of the latter being the popular Gini index. In this series of papers we present a sociogeometric framework to the study of socioeconomic inequality. In this part we focus on the gap between the rich and the poor, which is quantified by gauges termed disparity curves. We shift from disparity curves to disparity sets, define inequality indices in terms of disparity sets, and introduce and explore a collection of distance-based and width-based inequality indices stemming from the geometry of disparity sets. We conclude with mean-absolute-deviation (MAD) representations of the inequality indices established in this series of papers, and with a comparison of these indices to the popular Gini index.

  17. Part I. A study of the decays D → Kππeν and D → K*πeν. Part II. SLD Cherenkov Ring Imaging Detector development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huber, J.S.


    A thesis in two independent halves. Part I. A search for the exclusive semileptonic decay modes D + → bar K ππ + ν e and D + → bar K * πe + ν e are presented using data from the Fermi-lab photoproduction experiment E691. With good sensitivity, the author observes no signals in the channels D + → K - π + π degrees e + ν e and D + → bar K degrees π + π - e + ν e , and set upper limits that represent only a small fraction of the inclusive semileptonic branching ration. The experiment was conducted at the Fermi-lab tagged Photon Laboratory, using a large acceptance spectrometer with silicon microvertex detector to extract a large, clean charm sample. Part II. The physics, design, and results of the Stanford Large Detector (SLD) Cherenkov Ring Imaging Detector (CRID) are described. The physics motivation and performance for the SLD CRID, the principles of Cherenkov detection, and a description of the SLD CRID are combined with a detailed description of the production and testing of the mirrors. In addition, results from the engineering run and cosmic ray tests demonstrate the current status of the system

  18. Resolution of the Task A-11 reactor-vessel materials-toughness safety issue. Part I. Main report. Part II. Staff responses to public comments, and Appendices A and B

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, R.


    This report provides the NRC position with respect to the reactor pressure vessel safety analysis required according to the rules given in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10 (10 CFR). An analysis is required whenever neutron irradiation reduces the Charpy V-notch upper shelf energy level in the vessel steel to 50 ft-lb or less. Task A-11 was needed because the available engineering methodology for such an analysis utilized linear elastic fracture mechanics principles, which could not fully account for the plastic deformation or stable crack extension expected at upper shelf temperatures. The Task A-11 goal was to develop an elastic-plastic fracture mechanics methodology, applicable to the beltline region of a pressurized water reactor vessel, which could be used in the required safety analysis. The goal was achieved with the help of a team of recognized experts. Part I of this volume contains the For Comment NUREG-0744, originally published in September 1981 and edited to accommodate comments from the public and the NRC staff. Edited segments are noted by vertical marginal lines. Part II of this volume contains the staff's responses to, and resolution of, the public comments received

  19. A thermomechanical constitutive model for cemented granular materials with quantifiable internal variables. Part II - Validation and localization analysis (United States)

    Das, Arghya; Tengattini, Alessandro; Nguyen, Giang D.; Viggiani, Gioacchino; Hall, Stephen A.; Einav, Itai


    We study the mechanical failure of cemented granular materials (e.g., sandstones) using a constitutive model based on breakage mechanics for grain crushing and damage mechanics for cement fracture. The theoretical aspects of this model are presented in Part I: Tengattini et al. (2014), A thermomechanical constitutive model for cemented granular materials with quantifiable internal variables, Part I - Theory (Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 10.1016/j.jmps.2014.05.021). In this Part II we investigate the constitutive and structural responses of cemented granular materials through analyses of Boundary Value Problems (BVPs). The multiple failure mechanisms captured by the proposed model enable the behavior of cemented granular rocks to be well reproduced for a wide range of confining pressures. Furthermore, through comparison of the model predictions and experimental data, the micromechanical basis of the model provides improved understanding of failure mechanisms of cemented granular materials. In particular, we show that grain crushing is the predominant inelastic deformation mechanism under high pressures while cement failure is the relevant mechanism at low pressures. Over an intermediate pressure regime a mixed mode of failure mechanisms is observed. Furthermore, the micromechanical roots of the model allow the effects on localized deformation modes of various initial microstructures to be studied. The results obtained from both the constitutive responses and BVP solutions indicate that the proposed approach and model provide a promising basis for future theoretical studies on cemented granular materials.

  20. Preliminary design analysis of the ALT-II limiter for TEXTOR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koski, J.A.; Boyd, R.D.; Kempka, S.M.; Romig, A.D. Jr.; Smith, M.F.; Watson, R.D.; Whitley, J.B.; Conn, R.W.; Grotz, S.P.


    Installation of a large toroidal belt pump limiter, Advanced Limiter Test II (ALT-II), on the TEXTOR tokamak at Juelich, FRG is anticipated for early 1986. This paper discusses the preliminary mechanical design and materials considerations undertaken as part of the feasibility study phase for ALT-II

  1. Cubby : Multiscreen Desktop VR Part III

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Djajadiningrat, J.P.; Gribnau, M.W.


    In this month's final episode of our 'Cubby: Multiscreen Desktop VR' trilogy we explain how you read the InputSprocket driver from part II, how you use it as input for the cameras from part I and how you calibrate the input device so that it leads to the correct head position.

  2. GEOSAF Part II. Demonstration of the operational and long-term safety of geological disposal facilities for radioactive waste. IAEA international intercomparison and harmonization project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumano, Yumiko; Bruno, Gerard [International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria). Vienna International Centre; Tichauer, Michael [IRSN, Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France); Hedberg, Bengt [Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Stockholm (Sweden)


    International intercomparison and harmonization projects are one of the mechanisms developed by the IAEA for examining the application and use of safety standards, with a view to ensuring their effectiveness and working towards harmonization of approaches to the safety of radioactive waste management. The IAEA has organized a number of international projects on the safety of radioactive waste management; in particular on the issues related to safety demonstration for radioactive waste management facilities. In 2008, GEOSAF, Demonstration of The Operational and Long-Term Safety of Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste, project was initiated. This project was completed in 2011 by delivering a project report focusing on the safety case for geological disposal facilities, a concept that has gained in recent years considerable prominence in the waste management area and is addressed in several international safety standards. During the course of the project, it was recognized that little work was undertaken internationally to develop a common view on the safety approach related to the operational phase of a geological disposal although long-term safety of disposal facility has been discussed for several decades. Upon completion of the first part of the GEOSAF project, it was decided to commence a follow-up project aiming at harmonizing approaches on the safety of geological disposal facilities for radioactive waste through the development of an integrated safety case covering both operational and long-term safety. The new project was named as GEOSAF Part II, which was initiated in 2012 initially as 2-year project, involving regulators and operators. GEOSAF Part II provides a forum to exchange ideas and experience on the development and review of an integrated operational and post-closure safety case for geological disposal facilities. It also aims at providing a platform for knowledge transfer. The project is of particular interest to regulatory

  3. Cardiac nuclear medicine, part II: diagnosis of coronary artery diseas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Polak, J.F.; Holman, B.L.


    Diagnosing coronary artery disease is difficult and requires careful consideration of the roles and limitations of the tests used. Standard ECG tests are not reliable indicators of the presence of disease in asymptomatic patients. Thallium stress testing to assess ischemia and exercise ventriculography to assess functional status of the heart are limited in sensitivity and specificity. This is the second of a three-part series on cardiac nuclear medicine. Part I (Med. Instrum., May-June, 1981) focused on the commonly used examinations in cardiac physiology and pathophysiology. Part III will focus on myocardial infarction and other cardiac diseases

  4. La desaplicación de normas estatutarias por parte del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Víctor Orozco Solano


    Full Text Available Estudio sobre el mecanismo de la desaplicación de normas estatuarias por inconstitucionalidad utilizado por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones y su posible intromisión en la esfera de competencia de la Sala Constitucional. Expone la naturaleza del recurso de amparo, el control de constitucionalidad y la aplicación del instrumento procesal en materia electoral con el objetivo de determinar la procedencia o no de dicha atribución en manos del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones.

  5. Instrumentation: Photodiode Array Detectors in UV-VIS Spectroscopy. Part II. (United States)

    Jones, Dianna G.


    A previous part (Analytical Chemistry; v57 n9 p1057A) discussed the theoretical aspects of diode ultraviolet-visual (UV-VIS) spectroscopy. This part describes the applications of diode arrays in analytical chemistry, also considering spectroelectrochemistry, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), HPLC data processing, stopped flow, and…

  6. Vaccines for viral and bacterial pathogens causing acute gastroenteritis: Part II: Vaccines for Shigella, Salmonella, enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) enterohemorragic E. coli (EHEC) and Campylobacter jejuni (United States)

    O’Ryan, Miguel; Vidal, Roberto; del Canto, Felipe; Carlos Salazar, Juan; Montero, David


    In Part II we discuss the following bacterial pathogens: Shigella, Salmonella (non-typhoidal), diarrheogenic E. coli (enterotoxigenic and enterohemorragic) and Campylobacter jejuni. In contrast to the enteric viruses and Vibrio cholerae discussed in Part I of this series, for the bacterial pathogens described here there is only one licensed vaccine, developed primarily for Vibrio cholerae and which provides moderate protection against enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) (Dukoral®), as well as a few additional candidates in advanced stages of development for ETEC and one candidate for Shigella spp. Numerous vaccine candidates in earlier stages of development are discussed. PMID:25715096

  7. Synchrotron X-ray CT characterization of titanium parts fabricated by additive manufacturing. Part II. Defects. (United States)

    Scarlett, Nicola Vivienne Yorke; Tyson, Peter; Fraser, Darren; Mayo, Sheridan; Maksimenko, Anton


    Synchrotron X-ray tomography (SXRT) has been applied to the study of defects within three-dimensional printed titanium parts. These parts were made using the Arcam EBM(®) (electron beam melting) process which uses powdered titanium alloy, Ti64 (Ti alloy with approximately 6%Al and 4%V) as the feed and an electron beam for the sintering/welding. The experiment was conducted on the Imaging and Medical Beamline of the Australian Synchrotron. The samples represent a selection of complex shapes with a variety of internal morphologies. Inspection via SXRT has revealed a number of defects which may not otherwise have been seen. The location and nature of such defects combined with detailed knowledge of the process conditions can contribute to understanding the interplay between design and manufacturing strategy. This fundamental understanding may subsequently be incorporated into process modelling, prediction of properties and the development of robust methodologies for the production of defect-free parts.

  8. Charged NUT field : [Part] I. Motion of test particles and [Part] II. Cosmic censorship

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krori, K.D.


    Some properties of the charged NUT field are studied. In the first part of the paper, some general aspects of the charged NUT field have been investigated using uncharged and charged particles. The behaviour of the particles near the singularity has also been considered. In the second part of the paper, the charged NUT sources in the context of cosmic censorship hypothesis are studied. Motion of charged particles in the equatorial plane and along the axis is considered. From this investigation the interesting result is discovered that by such a bombardment of charged test particles, the existing event horizons cannot be destroyed but, in contrast to the Reissner-Nordstrom field, naked singularities do not get enveloped by event horizons. (author)

  9. The Role of Formal and Informal Forces in Shaping Consumption and Implications for Sustainable Society: Part II

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oksana Mont


    Full Text Available Looking at consumption from a societal perspective, we can see that purchasing and behavior decisions are influenced by many factors, not the least which are what the people around us and in the media are doing. Other factors include economic influences, the marketing of products and technological innovations, and regulations governing consumption. This article, Part II, argues that in order to understand consumption, we need to move beyond the dominant (economic understanding of consumers and consumer behavior, and think about the origins of our preferences, needs, and desires. A thorough understanding of consumption is informed by the contributions of sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, and behavioral scientists, who study the socio-cultural, social, and psychological contexts in which consumer behavior is embedded. These disciplines offer rich and complex explanations of human behavior, which in turn illuminate the discussion on how consumer behavior can be made more sustainable.

  10. Compressor Part II: Volute Flow Predictions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Tai Lee


    Full Text Available A numerical method that solves the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations is used to study an inefficient component of a shipboard air-conditioning HCFC-124 compressor system. This high-loss component of the centrifugal compressor was identified as the volute through a series of measurements given in Part I of the paper. The predictions were made using three grid topologies. The first grid closes the connection between the cutwater and the discharge diffuser. The other two grids connect the cutwater area with the discharge diffuser. Experiments were performed to simulate both the cutwater conditions used in the predictions. Surface pressures along the outer wall and near the inlet of the volute were surveyed for comparisons with the predictions. Good agreements between the predicted results and the measurements validate the calculations. Total pressure distributions and flow stream traces from the prediction results support the loss distribution through the volute. A modified volute configuration is examined numerically for further loss comparison.

  11. Introduction of organic/hydro-organic matrices in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and mass spectrometry: A tutorial review. Part II. Practical considerations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leclercq, Amélie, E-mail: [CEA Saclay, DEN, DANS, DPC, SEARS, Laboratoire de développement Analytique Nucléaire Isotopique et Elémentaire, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Nonell, Anthony, E-mail: [CEA Saclay, DEN, DANS, DPC, SEARS, Laboratoire de développement Analytique Nucléaire Isotopique et Elémentaire, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Todolí Torró, José Luis, E-mail: [Universidad de Alicante, Departamento de Quimica Analitica, Nutricion y Bromatología, Ap. de Correos, 99, 03080 Alicante (Spain); Bresson, Carole, E-mail: [CEA Saclay, DEN, DANS, DPC, SEARS, Laboratoire de développement Analytique Nucléaire Isotopique et Elémentaire, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Vio, Laurent, E-mail: [CEA Saclay, DEN, DANS, DPC, SEARS, Laboratoire de développement Analytique Nucléaire Isotopique et Elémentaire, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Vercouter, Thomas, E-mail: [CEA Saclay, DEN, DANS, DPC, SEARS, Laboratoire de développement Analytique Nucléaire Isotopique et Elémentaire, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Chartier, Frédéric, E-mail: [CEA Saclay, DEN, DANS, DPC, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    Graphical abstract: This tutorial review is dedicated to the analysis of organic/hydro-organic matrices by ICP techniques. A state-of-the-art focusing on sample introduction, relevant operating parameters optimization and analytical strategies for elemental quantification is provided. - Highlights: • Practical considerations to perform analyses in organic/hydro-organic matrices. • Description, benefits and drawbacks of recent introduction devices. • Optimization to improve plasma tolerance towards organic/hydro-organic matrices. • Analytical strategies for elemental quantification in organic/hydro-organic matrices. - Abstract: Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are increasingly used to carry out analyses in organic/hydro-organic matrices. The introduction of such matrices into ICP sources is particularly challenging and can be the cause of numerous drawbacks. This tutorial review, divided in two parts, explores the rich literature related to the introduction of organic/hydro-organic matrices in ICP sources. Part I provided theoretical considerations associated with the physico-chemical properties of such matrices, in an attempt to understand the induced phenomena. Part II of this tutorial review is dedicated to more practical considerations on instrumentation, instrumental and operating parameters, as well as analytical strategies for elemental quantification in such matrices. Two important issues are addressed in this part: the first concerns the instrumentation and optimization of instrumental and operating parameters, pointing out (i) the description, benefits and drawbacks of different kinds of nebulization and desolvation devices and the impact of more specific instrumental parameters such as the injector characteristics and the material used for the cone; and, (ii) the optimization of operating parameters, for both ICP-OES and ICP-MS. Even if it is at the margin of this tutorial review

  12. Introduction of organic/hydro-organic matrices in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and mass spectrometry: A tutorial review. Part II. Practical considerations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leclercq, Amélie; Nonell, Anthony; Todolí Torró, José Luis; Bresson, Carole; Vio, Laurent; Vercouter, Thomas; Chartier, Frédéric


    Graphical abstract: This tutorial review is dedicated to the analysis of organic/hydro-organic matrices by ICP techniques. A state-of-the-art focusing on sample introduction, relevant operating parameters optimization and analytical strategies for elemental quantification is provided. - Highlights: • Practical considerations to perform analyses in organic/hydro-organic matrices. • Description, benefits and drawbacks of recent introduction devices. • Optimization to improve plasma tolerance towards organic/hydro-organic matrices. • Analytical strategies for elemental quantification in organic/hydro-organic matrices. - Abstract: Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are increasingly used to carry out analyses in organic/hydro-organic matrices. The introduction of such matrices into ICP sources is particularly challenging and can be the cause of numerous drawbacks. This tutorial review, divided in two parts, explores the rich literature related to the introduction of organic/hydro-organic matrices in ICP sources. Part I provided theoretical considerations associated with the physico-chemical properties of such matrices, in an attempt to understand the induced phenomena. Part II of this tutorial review is dedicated to more practical considerations on instrumentation, instrumental and operating parameters, as well as analytical strategies for elemental quantification in such matrices. Two important issues are addressed in this part: the first concerns the instrumentation and optimization of instrumental and operating parameters, pointing out (i) the description, benefits and drawbacks of different kinds of nebulization and desolvation devices and the impact of more specific instrumental parameters such as the injector characteristics and the material used for the cone; and, (ii) the optimization of operating parameters, for both ICP-OES and ICP-MS. Even if it is at the margin of this tutorial review

  13. LHC related projects and studies - Part (II)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rossi, L.; De Maria, R.


    The session was devoted to address some aspects of the HL-LHC (High Luminosity LHC) project and explore ideas on new machines for the long term future. The session had two parts. The former focused on some of the key issues of the HL-LHC projects: beam current limits, evolution of the collimation system, research plans for the interaction region magnets and crab cavities. The latter explored the ideas for the long term future projects (LHeC and HE-LHC) and how the current research-development program for magnets and RF structures could fit in the envisaged scenarios

  14. [Neurohumoral mechanisms for vasovagal syncopes. Part II]. (United States)

    Gajek, Jacek; Zyśko, Dorota


    Vasovagal syncope is defined as a reflex loss of consciousness related to reaction to various stimuli as orthostatic stress, pain or emotions connected with loss of muscle postural tone. In the second part of the paper the authors describe the possible role of the particular neurohumoral factors and autonomic nervous system in the development of vasovagal syncope. The studies on the involvement of neurohumoral factors in vasovagal syncope can play a key role in a more precise evaluation of affected patients, long term prophylaxis against syncopal events and may contribute to development of more reliable diagnostic tests.

  15. The Influence of Injection Pockets on the Performance of Tilting-Pad Thrust Bearings: Part II – Comparison Between Theory and Experiment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heinrichson, Niels; Santos, Ilmar


    This is Part II of a two-part series of papers describing the effects of high pressure injection pockets on the operating conditions of tilting-pad thrust bearings. Measurements of the distribution of pressure and oil film thickness are presented for tilting-pad thrust bearing pads of approximately...... 100 cm2 surface area. Two pads are measured in a laboratory test-rig at loads of approximately 0.5, 1.5 and 4.0 MPa and velocities of up to 33 m/s. One pad has a plain surface. The other pad has a conical injection pocket at the pivot point and a leading edge taper. The measurements are compared...... to theoretical values obtained using a three dimensional thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic (TEHD) numerical model. At low and intermediate loads the theoretical pressure distribution corresponds well to the measured values for both pads although the influence of the pocket is slightly underestimated. At high loads...

  16. Histologic features of alopecias: part II: scarring alopecias. (United States)

    Bernárdez, C; Molina-Ruiz, A M; Requena, L


    The diagnosis of disorders of the hair and scalp can generally be made on clinical grounds, but clinical signs are not always diagnostic and in some cases more invasive techniques, such as a biopsy, may be necessary. This 2-part article is a detailed review of the histologic features of the main types of alopecia based on the traditional classification of these disorders into 2 major groups: scarring and nonscarring alopecias. Scarring alopecias are disorders in which the hair follicle is replaced by fibrous scar tissue, a process that leads to permanent hair loss. In nonscarring alopecias, the follicles are preserved and hair growth can resume when the cause of the problem is eliminated. In the second part of this review, we describe the histologic features of the main forms of scarring alopecia. Since a close clinical-pathological correlation is essential for making a correct histopathologic diagnosis of alopecia, we also include a brief description of the clinical features of the principal forms of this disorder. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and AEDV. All rights reserved.

  17. Producción y mano de obra en las haciendas jesuíticas del Buenos Aires colonial: La Chacarita y Las Conchas en el siglo XVIII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olivero Guidobono, Sandra


    Full Text Available The haciendas La Chacarita and Las Conchas, located at the Pago de la Costa in the Buenos Aires countryside, were destined to provide the supplies to the Major College of San Ignacio and to supply the regional market. The exploitation of these lands followed the basic pattern of other Jesuit properties in the territory: it combined stock raising, craft industry and grain production. This paper analyses the level of output of these haciendas and the role of the slave workforce, paying special attention to its structure and components.

    Situadas en el Pago de la Costa, en la campaña bonaerense, las haciendas de La Chacarita y Las Conchas, estaban destinadas a proveer de recursos al Colegio Grande de San Ignacio y a abastecer a un mercado regional. La producción en estas tierras, reproducía el esquema básico de otras propiedades jesuíticas de la Gobernación: combinaba la producción ganadera con la artesanal y el cultivo del cereal. El presente trabajo analiza el grado de producción de estas haciendas y la importancia del empleo de mano de obra esclava, atendiendo especialmente a su estructura y composición.

  18. Rise, fall and resurrection of chromosome territories: a historical perspective. Part II. Fall and resurrection of chromosome territories during the 1950s to 1980s. Part III. Chromosome territories and the functional nuclear architecture: experiments and models from the 1990s to the present. (United States)

    Cremer, T; Cremer, C


    Part II of this historical review on the progress of nuclear architecture studies points out why the original hypothesis of chromosome territories from Carl Rabl and Theodor Boveri (described in part I) was abandoned during the 1950s and finally proven by compelling evidence forwarded by laser-uv-microbeam studies and in situ hybridization experiments. Part II also includes a section on the development of advanced light microscopic techniques breaking the classical Abbe limit written for readers with little knowledge about the present state of the theory of light microscopic resolution. These developments have made it possible to perform 3D distance measurements between genes or other specifically stained, nuclear structures with high precision at the nanometer scale. Moreover, it has become possible to record full images from fluorescent structures and perform quantitative measurements of their shapes and volumes at a level of resolution that until recently could only be achieved by electron microscopy. In part III we review the development of experiments and models of nuclear architecture since the 1990s. Emphasis is laid on the still strongly conflicting views about the basic principles of higher order chromatin organization. A concluding section explains what needs to be done to resolve these conflicts and to come closer to the final goal of all studies of the nuclear architecture, namely to understand the implications of nuclear architecture for nuclear functions.

  19. Aesthetic Pursuits: Windows, Frames, Words, Images--Part II (United States)

    Burke, Ken


    In Part I of this study (Burke, 2005), the author presented the essentials of Image Presentation Theory--IPT--and its application to the analytical explication of various spatial designs in and psychological responses to images, from the illusions of depth in what is referred to as "windows" in cinema theory to the more patterned abstractions of…

  20. The Search for Another Earth – Part II

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In this part, we will describe various kinds of ... the Earth will also be discussed. 1. .... life. system is oxygen rich because the interstellar cloud from which the Sun and the solar planets were born .... a habitable planet must be rocky in order to sustain liquid ... helped in keeping the atmosphere of the Earth habitable for a long.

  1. Oral Assessment Kit, Levels II & III. Draft. (United States)

    Agrelo-Gonzalez, Maria; And Others

    The assessment packet includes a series of oral tests to help develop speaking as an integral part of second language instruction at levels II and III. It contains: 8 mini-tests for use at level II; 9 mini-tests for use at level III; a rating scale and score sheet masters for evaluating performance on these tests; and a collection of suggested…

  2. [Low grade renal trauma (Part II): diagnostic validity of ultrasonography]. (United States)

    Grill, R; Báca, V; Otcenásek, M; Zátura, F


    The aim of the study was to verify whether ultrasonography can be considered a reliable method for the diagnosis of low-grade renal trauma. The group investigated included patients with grade I or grade II blunt renal trauma, as classified by the AAST grading system, in whom ultrasonography alone or in conjunction with computed tomography was used as a primary diagnostic method. B-mode ultrasound with a transabdominal probe working at frequencies of 2.5 to 5.0 MHz was used. Every finding of post-traumatic changes in the renal tissues, i.e., post-contusion hypotonic infiltration of the renal parenchyma or subcapsular haematoma, was included. The results were statistically evaluated by the Chi-square test with the level of significance set at 5%, using Epi Info Version 6 CZ software. The group comprised 112 patients (43 women, 69 men) aged between 17 and 82 years (average, 38 years). It was possible to diagnose grade I or grade II renal injury by ultrasonography in only 60 (54%) of them. The statistical significance of ultrasonography as the only imaging method for the diagnosis of low-grade renal injury was not confirmed (p=0.543) Low-grade renal trauma is a problem from the diagnostic point of view. It usually does not require revision surgery and, if found during repeat surgery for more serious injury of another organ, it usually does not receive attention. Therefore, the macroscopic presentation of grade I and grade II renal injury is poorly understood, nor are their microscopic findings known, because during revision surgery these the traumatised kidneys are not usually removed and their injuries at autopsy on the patients who died of multiple trauma are not recorded either. The results of this study demonstrated that the validity of ultrasonography for the diagnosis of low-grade renal injury is not significant, because this examination can reveal only some of the renal injuries such as perirenal haematoma. An injury to the renal parenchyma is also indicated by

  3. Intermediación en el mercado laboral de mano de obra inmigrante extranjera en la región de Murcia: el caso de las empresas de trabajo temporal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Andreo Tudela


    Full Text Available Este artículo, enfocado como un estudio de caso, aborda la intermediación laboral a través de las empresas de trabajo temporal (ETT en un contexto geográfi co concreto, la Región de Murcia, y con una población específi ca, las personas inmigrantes extranjeras. La especialización que las ETT de la Región de Murcia han experimentado en el sector agrícola con la gestión de la mano de obra inmigrante extranjera supone un ejemplo de efi ciencia sin parangón en la intermediación laboral en España, una experiencia que merece ser objeto de estudio para su posible traslación a otros sectores de actividad y contextos geográfi cos, así como a otras entidades de intermediación públicas. Ello no debe obviar la necesaria crítica sobre la calidad del empleo que promueven las ETT, caracterizado en el caso que nos ocupa por ser contratos de muy corta duración y sin apenas continuidad en el tiempo.

  4. Introduction to Part III: Application of LCA in Practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenbaum, Ralph K.


    While Part II of this book presents the theoretical foundation and methodology of LCA, Part III is dedicated to a comprehensive discussion of how this methodology has been adapted and applied in practice. The chapters of Part III provide an easily readable and accessible introduction to different...

  5. Guidelines for acute ischemic stroke treatment: part II: stroke treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sheila Cristina Ouriques Martins


    Full Text Available The second part of these Guidelines covers the topics of antiplatelet, anticoagulant, and statin therapy in acute ischemic stroke, reperfusion therapy, and classification of Stroke Centers. Information on the classes and levels of evidence used in this guideline is provided in Part I. A translated version of the Guidelines is available from the Brazilian Stroke Society website (

  6. Indigenous instrumentation for mass spectrometry: Part II - development of plasma source mass spectrometers. PD-5-3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nataraju, V.


    The growing demands from analytical community, for a precise isotope ratio and ultra trace concentration measurements, has lead to significant improvement in mass spectrometer instrumentation development with respect to sensitivity, detection limits, precision and accuracy. Among the many analytical techniques available, plasma source mass spectrometers like Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS), multi collector (MC) ICPMS and Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry (GDMS), have matured into reliable tools for the above applications. Where as ICPMS is by far the most successful method for aqueous solutions, GDMS is being applied for bulk and impurity analysis of conducting as well non-conducting solids. VPID, BARC has been developing mass spectrometers for different inorganic applications of DAE users. Over the years expertise has been developed in all the aspects of mass spectrometry instrumentation. Part 1 of this indigenous instrumentation on mass spectrometry gives details of magnetic sector instruments with either EI or TI source for isotopic ratio analysis. The present paper is a continuation of that on plasma source and quadrupole mass spectrometers. This paper covers i) ICP-QMS, ii) MC-ICPMS, iii) GDMS and iv) QMS

  7. UNISIST II: Special Report. (United States)

    Hattery, Lowell H., Ed.


    The major part of this report of the Intergovernmental Conference on Scientific and Technical Information (UNISIST II), held in Paris May 28-June 1, 1979, focuses on three sets of recommendations which were unanimously approved after combining the recommendations proposed by various groups and blocs: (1) recommendations to the United Nations…

  8. Synthesis and characterisation of Cu(II), Ni(II), Mn(II), Zn(II) and VO(II ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Synthesis and characterisation of Cu(II), Ni(II), Mn(II), Zn(II) and VO(II) Schiff base complexes derived from o-phenylenediamine and acetoacetanilide. N RAMAN*, Y PITCHAIKANI RAJA and A KULANDAISAMY. Department of Chemistry, VHNSN College, Virudhunagar 626 001, India e-mail:

  9. Acessibilidade da estrutura física hospitalar para a prática da higienização das mãos Accesibilidad de la estructura física para la práctica hospitalaria de higiene de las manos Accessibility of the infrastructure for the hospital practice of hand hygiene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Fernanda do Prado


    Full Text Available A higienização das mãos é o procedimento mais simples e eficaz na prevenção e controle das infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. Contudo, a adesão a esta prática é excessivamente baixa. Considera-se a infraestrutura inadequada dos serviços de saúde um dos fatores relacionados à baixa adesão. Diante disso, conduziu-se um estudo observacional e transversal para avaliar a infraestrutura hospitalar para a prática da higienização das mãos. Os sujeitos e a fonte de informação foram médicos, enfermeiros e a estrutura das unidades de um hospital da região noroeste do Paraná. Utilizou-se para a coleta de dados um instrumento estruturado e, para a análise, a estatística descritiva. Os insumos e equipamentos, tais como pias e dispensadores para a prática da higienização das mãos, eram limitados. Existem falhas na infraestrutura para a prática da higienização das mãos, o que pode comprometer a qualidade da assistência e a segurança do paciente.La higiene de las manos es el procedimiento más simples y eficaz en la prevención y control de las infecciones relacionadas con el cuidado de la salud. Sin embargo, la adhesión a esta práctica es muy baja. Se considera la infraestructura inadecuada de los servicios de salud como uno de los factores relacionados con la falta de adherencia. Por lo tanto, se realizó un estudio observacional transversal para evaluar la infraestructura hospitalaria para la práctica de la higiene de las manos. Los sujetos y las fuentes de información eran médicos, enfermeras y la estructura de las unidades de un hospital en el noroeste de Paraná. Se utilizó, para la recolección de datos, un instrumento estructurado y, para el análisis, la estadística descriptiva. Los suministros y equipamientos, tales como lavabos y dispensadores para la práctica de la higiene de las manos era limitada. Hay deficiencias en la infraestructura para la práctica de la higiene de las manos que pueden

  10. Biologically active new Fe(II, Co(II, Ni(II, Cu(II, Zn(II and Cd(II complexes of N-(2-thienylmethylenemethanamine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. SPÎNU


    Full Text Available Iron(II, cobalt(II, nickel (II, copper (II, zinc(II and cadmium(II complexes of the type ML2Cl2, where M is a metal and L is the Schiff base N-(2-thienylmethylenemethanamine (TNAM formed by the condensation of 2-thiophenecarboxaldehyde and methylamine, were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis as well as magnetic and spectroscopic measurements. The elemental analyses suggest the stoichiometry to be 1:2 (metal:ligand. Magnetic susceptibility data coupled with electronic, ESR and Mössbauer spectra suggest a distorted octahedral structure for the Fe(II, Co(II and Ni(II complexes, a square-planar geometry for the Cu(II compound and a tetrahedral geometry for the Zn(II and Cd(II complexes. The infrared and NMR spectra of the complexes agree with co-ordination to the central metal atom through nitrogen and sulphur atoms. Conductance measurements suggest the non-electrolytic nature of the complexes, except for the Cu(II, Zn(II and Cd(II complexes, which are 1:2 electrolytes. The Schiff base and its metal chelates were screened for their biological activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the metal chelates were found to possess better antibacterial activity than that of the uncomplexed Schiff base.

  11. Combustion chemistry and flame structure of furan group biofuels using molecular-beam mass spectrometry and gas chromatography – Part II: 2-Methylfuran (United States)

    Tran, Luc-Sy; Togbé, Casimir; Liu, Dong; Felsmann, Daniel; Oßwald, Patrick; Glaude, Pierre-Alexandre; Fournet, René; Sirjean, Baptiste; Battin-Leclerc, Frédérique; Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina


    This is Part II of a series of three papers which jointly address the combustion chemistry of furan and its alkylated derivatives 2-methylfuran (MF) and 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) under premixed low-pressure flame conditions. Some of them are considered to be promising biofuels. With furan as a common basis studied in Part I of this series, the present paper addresses two laminar premixed low-pressure (20 and 40 mbar) flat argon-diluted (50%) flames of MF which were studied with electron-ionization molecular-beam mass spectrometry (EI-MBMS) and gas chromatography (GC) for equivalence ratios φ=1.0 and 1.7, identical conditions to those for the previously reported furan flames. Mole fractions of reactants, products as well as stable and reactive intermediates were measured as a function of the distance above the burner. Kinetic modeling was performed using a comprehensive reaction mechanism for all three fuels given in Part I and described in the three parts of this series. A comparison of the experimental results and the simulation shows reasonable agreement, as also seen for the furan flames in Part I before. This set of experiments is thus considered to be a valuable additional basis for the validation of the model. The main reaction pathways of MF consumption have been derived from reaction flow analyses, and differences to furan combustion chemistry under the same conditions are discussed. PMID:24518895

  12. História de uma experiência singular de ensino – Parte II: o caso das disciplinas “Físicas Básicas”, da UFBA

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    José Fernando Moura Rocha


    Full Text Available   Neste trabalho relata-se uma experiência singular de ensino, realizada no Curso de Física, Licenciatura, noturno, na Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA, envolvendo o conteúdo da física universitária básica. Nesta experiência, os conteúdos foram estruturados em bases históricas, pelo menos em sua maior parte, e ministrados através das disciplinas Físicas Básicas I, II, III e IV, segundo uma abordagem simultaneamente histórica, fenomenológica (experimental, matemática e conceitual. Estas disciplinas são oferecidas paralelamente às tradicionais Físicas Gerais e Experimentais I, II, III e IV, que são destinadas aos alunos da área de ciências exatas, inclusive aos alunos da Licenciatura em Física, noturno.

  13. Overlooked Talent Sources and Corporate Strategies for Affirmative Action. Part II (United States)

    Iacobelli, John L.; Muczyk, Jan P.


    Part Two of the two-part article describes corporate strategies for affirmative action in order to obtain the most qualified individuals available for professional positions among minority and female candidates. (Author/BP)

  14. 49 CFR Appendix II to Part 805 - Employees Required To Submit Statements (United States)


    ...—Employees Required To Submit Statements Statements of employment and financial interests are required of the... 49 Transportation 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Employees Required To Submit Statements II...) Office of the managing director: (1) Legislative affairs officer. (2) Program analysis officer. (d...

  15. Los ancianos como actores sociales

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    Full Text Available En este artículo se recogen las discusiones de grupo que se realizaron durante cuatro meses en Barcelona como preparación del "II congreso de la gent gran" (II congreso de ancianos de esta ciudad, en noviembre de 1993. las discusiones se llevaron a cabo en las sedes de cada distrito, previa presentación de la ponencia por parte de un técnico. los componentes de los grupos son personas mayores sensibilizadas y comprometidas que forman parte del consejo de bienestar social del ayuntamiento de Barcelona. la metodología utilizada es cualitativa para el análisis del discurso, que se ha estructurado en los siguientes puntos: bajo el epígrafe "los ancianos como ciudadanos de derechos y obligaciones" se recogen los temas de valoración de la vejez, la familia, la jubilación, las implicaciones de los ancianos como ciudadanos de derechos y deberes y las funciones sociales de los ancianos.-- sobre estos temas, los mayores expresaron sus opiniones, que se vertieron, resumidamente, en la redacción final de la ponencia. aquí se recogen y se han analizado los materiales que ofrecen una versión de primera mano sobre lo que opinan los ancianos respecto al tema de "la valoración de la vejez".

  16. 78 FR 21405 - Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Grand... (United States)


    ... Indian Tribe of Utah (Cedar City Band of Paiutes, Kanosh Band of Paiutes, Koosharem Band of Paiutes... of fragmentary mammal bones; and 1 mano. Walhalla Ruin is part of a larger complex of hundreds of... Paiutes) (formerly Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah (Cedar City Band of Paiutes, Kanosh Band of Paiutes...

  17. 48 CFR 14.201-3 - Part II-Contract clauses. (United States)


    ... CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES SEALED BIDDING Solicitation of Bids 14.201-3 Part II—Contract clauses... law or by this regulation and any additional clauses expected to apply to any resulting contract, if...

  18. GSTARS computer models and their applications, Part II: Applications (United States)

    Simoes, F.J.M.; Yang, C.T.


    In part 1 of this two-paper series, a brief summary of the basic concepts and theories used in developing the Generalized Stream Tube model for Alluvial River Simulation (GSTARS) computer models was presented. Part 2 provides examples that illustrate some of the capabilities of the GSTARS models and how they can be applied to solve a wide range of river and reservoir sedimentation problems. Laboratory and field case studies are used and the examples show representative applications of the earlier and of the more recent versions of GSTARS. Some of the more recent capabilities implemented in GSTARS3, one of the latest versions of the series, are also discussed here with more detail. ?? 2008 International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation and the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research.

  19. Lisímetro de pesagem de grande porte. parte II: consumo hídrico do coqueiro anão verde irrigado Large-scale weighing lysimeter. part II: water requirements of the irrigated dwarf-green coconut

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    Inajá F. Sousa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho, como segunda parte de uma pesquisa realizada no Estado de Sergipe, objetiva determinar a evapotranspiração e o coeficiente de cultura na fase de crescimento do coqueiro anão-verde (Cocos nucifera L., com base em medições lisimétricas e no modelo do balanço de energia, segundo a razão de Bowen. Obteve-se a evapotranspiração de referência pelo método de Penman-Monteith, na escala diária em todo o período experimental. O sistema de aquisição de dados foi programado para a automação da coleta de todos os sensores necessários à obtenção dos componentes do balanço de energia. O consumo hídrico do coqueiro durante a fase de crescimento é de 1.263,30 mm, com média diária de 3,90 mm d-1. O coeficiente de cultura nessa fase fenológica da palmeira varia entre 0,50 e 1,80, com média de 0,96.This paper, as Part II of a research carried out in Sergipe state, aims to determine evapotranspiration and crop coefficient of dwarf-green coconut (Cocos nucifera L. based on lysimeter measurements and Bowen ratio-energy balance method. The reference evapotranspiration was obtained by the Penman-Monteith approach on daily-scale during the experimental period. The data acquisition system was used to obtain all data from the sensors necessary to determine the energy balance components. The water requirements of coconut palm during the phenological growth stage is 1263.30 mm, with daily average of 3.90 mm d-1. The crop coefficient during this phenological growth stage varies between 0.50 and 1.80, with daily mean of 0.96.

  20. Complexes of cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II), cadmium(II) and dioxouranium(II) with thiophene-2-aldehydethiosemicarbazone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Balwan; Misra, Harihar


    Metal complexes of thiosemicarbazides have been known for their pharmacological applications. Significant antitubercular, fungicidal and antiviral activities have been reported for thiosemicarbazides and their derivatives. The present study describes the systhesis and characterisation of complexes of Co II , Cu II , Zn II ,Cd II and UO II with thiosemicarbazone obtained by condensing thiophene-2-aldehyde with thiosemicarbazide. 17 refs., 2 tables. (author)


    Human Engineering Inst., Cleveland, OH.


  2. Angiotensin II and Renal Tubular Ion Transport

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    Patricia Valles


    Evidence for the regulation of H+-ATPase activity in vivo and in vitro by trafficking/exocytosis has been provided. An additional level of H+-ATPase regulation via protein synthesis may be important as well. Recently, we have shown that both aldosterone and angiotensin II provide such a mechanism of regulation in vivo at the level of the medullary collecting tubule. Interestingly, in this part of the nephron, the effects of aldosterone and angiotensin II are not sodium dependent, whereas in the cortical collecting duct, both aldosterone and angiotensin II, by contrast, affect H+ secretion by sodium-dependent mechanisms.

  3. Quality control of outpatient imaging examinations in North Rhine-Westphalia. Part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krug, B.; Boettge, M.; Zaehringer, M.; Reinecke, T.; Coburger, S.; Harnischmacher, U.; Luengen, M.; Lauterbach, K.W.; Lehmacher, W.; Lackner, K.


    Purpose: In the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany, a survey was conducted on radiologic examinations ordered by general practitioners (GPs). Part II of this study aims to determine the quality of the process and outcome. The reference standard is the assessment of both radiologists and physicians without board certification in radiology working at a university hospital and in outpatient facilities. Materials and Methods: All GPs in NRW were asked to cooperate. Participating GPs filled out a questionnaire for each patient. The patients recorded the symptoms prompting the imaging examinations. The radiologists or other physicians performing the examinations were asked to provide the images and written reports and to complete a questionnaire. A file was created for each of the 394 patients with image documentation of at least one examination. Each file, which included medical history, physical findings, imaging documentation and written report, was sequentially forwarded to a board-certified radiologist and to a physician without board certification in radiology working in a university hospital and in an outpatient facility. All physicians were requested to complete a structured questionnaire for each file. Results: The referral diagnoses were rated as medically plausible in 81%, the indications for imaging found correct in 76%, the examination techniques considered appropriate in 69%, the clinical question answered in 63%, the interpretation judged medically correct in 50% and all incidental findings documented in 49%. In retrospect, 32% of the examinations were judged superfluous. The sequence of multiple examinations performed on a particular patient was rated as appropriate in 51%. The interpretation revealed specialty-related differences. The plausibility of the referral diagnoses had a significant impact on the appropriateness of subsequent diagnostic investigations. Marked deficits showed sonography, performance by non-radiologists, self

  4. Demanda de mano de obra y rentabilidad de bancos forrajeros en Esparza, Costa Rica Labor demand and profitability of fodder banks in Esparza, Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz Yaneth Sánchez Sarmiento


    Full Text Available En Esparza (Costa Rica se evaluó la viabilidad de invertir en bancos forrajeros (BF como alternativa de suplementación para vacas en sistema doble propósito durante la época seca (125 días. Se usaron como indicadores de rentabilidad el Valor Presente Neto (VPN y la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR. Se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad para el incremento del precio de la leche, los concentrados, la gallinaza y la mano de obra. Los modelos se elaboraron comparando los BF de plantas leñosas perennes de corte y acarreo de Cratylia argentea + caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum (BFC y de ramoneo Leucaena leucocephala (BFL vs. suplementos comerciales tipos concentrado y gallinaza. En los BFC se requirieron 71.1 jornales/año y el análisis financiero indicó que son rentables al compararlos con la gallinaza (VPN = US$362.2, TIR = 17% y concentrados (VPN = US$1953.9; TIR=39%. En BFL se requirieron 13 jornales/año y fueron igualmente rentables en comparación con gallinaza (VPN = US$1594.7; TIR = 21% y con concentrados (VPN = US$3619.6; TIR=35%. Los modelos fueron sensibles a la producción y cambios de precios en la leche, gallinaza, concentrados y el valor del jornal. Los BF son una buena alternativa para la suplementación de ganado en la época seca y una importante fuente de empleo en la región; sin embargo, los altos costos de la mano de obra contratada pueden limitar la adopción.We made a financial analysis in order to assess the feasibility to invest in Fodder Banks as an alternative for supplementing animals in dual purpose systems during the dry season (125 days. Models were constructed to compare cutting and carrying of perennial woody fodder banks (Veranera Cratylia argentea + sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum and browsing fodder banks of Leucaena leucocephala with two supplements: concentrates and chicken manure. The indicators used for the financial evaluation of the systems were Net Present Value (NPV and Internal Return Rate

  5. TRUPACT-II, a regulatory perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gregory, P.C.; Spooner, O.R.


    The Transuranic Package Transporter II (TRUPACT-II) is a US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) certified Type B packaging for the shipment of contact-handled transuranic (CH-TRU) material by the US Department of Energy (DOE). The NRC approved the TRUPACT-II design as meeting the requirements of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71) and issued Certificate of Compliance (CofC) Number 9218 to the DOE. There are currently 15 certified TRUPACT-IIs. Additional TRUPACT-IIs will be required to make more than 15,000 shipments of CH-TRU waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) site near Carlsbad, New Mexico. The TRUPACT-II may also be used for the DOE inter-site and intra-site shipments of CH-TRU waste. The Land Withdrawal Act (Public Law 102-579), enacted by the US Congress, October 30, 1992, and an agreement between the DOE and the State of New Mexico, signed August 4, 1987, both stipulate that only NRC approved packaging may be used for shipments of TRU waste to the WIPP. Early in the TRUPACT-II development phase it was decided that the transportation system (tractor, trailer, and TRUPACT-II) should be highway legal on all routes without the need for oversize and/or overweight permits. In large measure, public acceptance of the DOE's efforts to safely transport CH-TRU waste depends on the public's perception that the TRUPACT-II is in compliance with all applicable regulations, standards, and quality assurance requirements. This paper addresses some of the numerous regulations applicable to Type B packaging, and it describes how the TRUPACT-II complies with these regulations

  6. Sustainable gasification–biochar systems? A case-study of rice-husk gasification in Cambodia, Part II: Field trial results, carbon abatement, economic assessment and conclusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shackley, Simon; Carter, Sarah; Knowles, Tony; Middelink, Erik; Haefele, Stephan; Haszeldine, Stuart


    In part I we described the gasification technology and characterised the physio-chemical properties and environmental impacts of the rice husk char (RHC) by-product. In part II we present summary results from field trials using the RHC, and provide an estimate of the carbon abatement and economic evaluation of the system. Statistically significant yield increases are demonstrated for RHC addition in irrigated rice cultivation (33% increase in paddy rice yield for a 41.5 t (dry weight) RHC application per hectare). The carbon abatement from the RHC addition is approximately 0.42 t CO 2 t −1 rice husk; including energy generation from gasification this increases to ca. 0.86 tCO 2 t −1 . Assuming a carbon value of $5 t CO 2 t −1 , and agronomic value of $3 t −1 RHC based on the field trials, the economic value of the RHC varies from $9 t −1 (including only recalcitrant carbon) to $15 t −1 (including avoided emissions from energy production). We summarise results from parts I and II, concluding that the gasification–biochar system meets many of the criteria of sustainability, but requires better waste water management and more field trials to demonstrate repeatable agronomic efficacy of RHC application. - Highlights: ► Field trials show statistically significant rice yield increases using rice husk char (RHC). ► Carbon abatement of 0.42 t CO 2 t −1 rice husk from RHC production. ► Bioenergy generation via gasification gives carbon abatement of 0.44 t CO 2 t −1 husk. ► Total carbon abatement is therefore ca. 0.86 t CO 2 t −1 husk. ► Agronomic value from trials is $3 t −1 char; assuming $5 CO 2 t −1 , the total value of RHC is $9–$15 t −1 .

  7. European Nuclear Decommissioning Training Facility II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demeulemeester, Y.


    SCK-CEN co-ordinates a project called European Nuclear Decommissioning Training Facility II (EUNDETRAF II) in the Sixth Framework Programme on Community activities in the field of research, technological development and demonstration for the period 2002 to 2006. This was a continuation of the FP5 project EUNDETRAF. EUNDETRAF II is a consortium of main European decommissioners, such as SCK-CEN, EWN (Energie Werke Nord, Greifswald Germany), Belgatom (Belgium), SOGIN Societa Gestione Impiantio Nucleari, Italy), Universitaet Hannover (Germany), RWE NUKEM (United Kingdom), DECOM Slovakia Slovakia), CEA Centre d'Energie Atomique, France), UKAEA (United Kingdom's Atomic Energy Agency, United Kingdom) and NRG (Nuclear Research and consultancy Group, Netherlands). The primary objective of this project is to bring together this vast skill base and experience; to consolidate it for easy assimilation and to transfer to future generations by organising a comprehensive training programme.Each training course has a one-week theoretical and a one-week practical component. The theoretical part is for a broader audience and consists of lectures covering all the main aspects of a decommissioning. The practical part of the course includes site visits and desk top solutions of anticipated decommissioning problems. Due to operational constraints and safety considerations, the number of participants to this part of the course is strictly limited. The partners intend to organise altogether two two-week EUNDETRAF II training courses over a period of three years. Another goal is to disseminate the existing theory as well as the practical know-how to personnel of the third countries. Finally it is important to bring together the principal decommissioning organisations undertaking various decommissioning activities. The project creates a forum for regular contacts to exchange information and experiences for mutual benefit of these organisations as well as to enhance skill base in Europe to

  8. Testing and Analysis of a Composite Non-Cylindrical Aircraft Fuselage Structure . Part II; Severe Damage (United States)

    Przekop, Adam; Jegley, Dawn C.; Lovejoy, Andrew E.; Rouse, Marshall; Wu, Hsi-Yung T.


    The Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project aimed to develop aircraft technologies enabling significant fuel burn and community noise reductions. Small incremental changes to the conventional metallic alloy-based 'tube and wing' configuration were not sufficient to achieve the desired metrics. One airframe concept identified by the project as having the potential to dramatically improve aircraft performance was a composite-based hybrid wing body configuration. Such a concept, however, presented inherent challenges stemming from, among other factors, the necessity to transfer wing loads through the entire center fuselage section which accommodates a pressurized cabin confined by flat or nearly flat panels. This paper discusses a finite element analysis and the testing of a large-scale hybrid wing body center section structure developed and constructed to demonstrate that the Pultruded Rod Stitched Efficient Unitized Structure concept can meet these challenging demands of the next generation airframes. Part II of the paper considers the final test to failure of the test article in the presence of an intentionally inflicted severe discrete source damage under the wing up-bending loading condition. Finite element analysis results are compared with measurements acquired during the test and demonstrate that the hybrid wing body test article was able to redistribute and support the required design loads in a severely damaged condition.

  9. Mn(II), Zn(II) and VO(II) Schiff

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Journal of Chemical Sciences; Volume 113; Issue 3. Synthesis and characterisation of Cu(II), Ni(II), Mn(II), Zn(II) and VO(II) Schiff base complexes derived from o-phenylenediamine and acetoacetanilide. N Raman Y Pitchaikani Raja A Kulandaisamy. Inorganic Volume 113 Issue 3 June 2001 pp 183-189 ...

  10. Psychiatric emergencies (part II): psychiatric disorders coexisting with organic diseases. (United States)

    Testa, A; Giannuzzi, R; Sollazzo, F; Petrongolo, L; Bernardini, L; Dain, S


    In this Part II psychiatric disorders coexisting with organic diseases are discussed. "Comorbidity phenomenon" defines the not univocal interrelation between medical illnesses and psychiatric disorders, each other negatively influencing morbidity and mortality. Most severe psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression, show increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease, related to poverty, use of psychotropic medication, and higher rate of preventable risk factors such as smoking, addiction, poor diet and lack of exercise. Moreover, psychiatric and organic disorders can develop together in different conditions of toxic substance and prescription drug use or abuse, especially in the emergency setting population. Different combinations with mutual interaction of psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders are defined by the so called "dual diagnosis". The hypotheses that attempt to explain the psychiatric disorders and substance abuse relationship are examined: (1) common risk factors; (2) psychiatric disorders precipitated by substance use; (3) psychiatric disorders precipitating substance use (self-medication hypothesis); and (4) synergistic interaction. Diagnostic and therapeutic difficulty concerning the problem of dual diagnosis, and legal implications, are also discussed. Substance induced psychiatric and organic symptoms can occur both in the intoxication and withdrawal state. Since ancient history, humans selected indigene psychotropic plants for recreational, medicinal, doping or spiritual purpose. After the isolation of active principles or their chemical synthesis, higher blood concentrations reached predispose to substance use, abuse and dependence. Abuse substances have specific molecular targets and very different acute mechanisms of action, mainly involving dopaminergic and serotoninergic systems, but finally converging on the brain's reward pathways, increasing dopamine in nucleus accumbens. The most common

  11. Value of flexible resources, virtual bidding, and self-scheduling in two-settlement electricity markets with wind generation - Part II: ISO Models and Application

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kazempour, Jalal; Hobbs, Benjamin F.


    In Part II of this paper, we present formulations for three two-settlement market models: baseline cost-minimization (Stoch-Opt); and two sequential market models in which an independent system operator (ISO) runs real-time (RT) balancing markets after making day-ahead (DA) generating unit...... commitment decisions based upon deterministic wind forecasts, while virtual bidders arbitrage the two markets (Seq and SeqSS). The latter two models differ in terms of whether some slow-start generators can self-schedule in the DA market while anticipating probabilities of RT prices. Models in Seq and Seq......-SS build on components of the two-settlement equilibrium model (Stoch-MP) defined in Part I of this paper [1]. We then provide numerical results for all four models. A simple single-node case illustrates the economic impacts of flexibility, virtual bidding, and self-schedules, and is followed by a larger...

  12. Transport properties of gaseous ions over a wide energy range. Part III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellis, H.W.; Thackston, M.G.; McDaniel, E.W.; Mason, E.A.


    This paper updates and extends in scope our two previous papers entitled ''Transport Properties of Gaseous Ions over a Wide Energy Range.'' The references to the earlier publications (referred to as ''Part I'' and ''Part II'') are I, H. W. Ellis, R. Y. Pai, E. W. McDonald, E. A. Mason, and L. A. Viehland, ATOMIC DATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES 17, 177--210 (19876); and II, H. W. Ellis, E. W. McDaniel, D. L. Albritton, L. A. Veihland, S. L. Lin, and E. A. Mason, ATOMIC DATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES 22, 179--217 (1978). Parts I and II contained compilations of experimental data on ionic mobilities and diffusion coefficients (both longitudinal and transverse) for ions in neutral gase (almost exclusively at room temperature) in an externally applied electric field

  13. PIO I-II tendencies case study. Part 1. Mathematical modeling

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    Adrian TOADER


    Full Text Available In the paper, a study is performed from the perspective of giving a method to reduce the conservatism of the well known PIO (Pilot-Induced Oscillation criteria in predicting the susceptibility of an aircraft to this very harmful phenomenon. There are three interacting components of a PIO – the pilot, the vehicle, and the trigger (in fact, the hazard. The study, conceived in two parts, aims to underline the importance of human pilot model involved in analysis. In this first part, it is shown, following classical sources, how the LQG theory of control and estimation is used to obtain a complex model of human pilot. The approach is based on the argument, experimentally proved, that the human behaves “optimally” in some sense, subject to his inherent psychophysical limitations. The validation of such model is accomplished based on the experimental model of a VTOL-type aircraft. Then, the procedure of inserting typical saturation nonlinearities in the open loop transfer function is presented. A second part of the paper will illustrate PIO tendencies evaluation by means of a grapho-analytic method.

  14. Developing of risk-hedging CO2-emission policy. Part II: risks associated with measures to limit emissions, synthesis and conclusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harvey, L.D.D.


    This paper is Part II of a two-part series in which the risk associated with unrestrained greenhouse-gas emissions, and with measures to limit emissions, are reviewed. The following risks associated with these efforts to limit CO 2 emissions are reviewed here: (1) resources might be diverted from other urgent needs; (2) economic growth might be reduced; (3) reduction measures might cost more than expected; (4) early action might cost more than later action; (5) reduction measures might have undesired side effects; (6) reduction measures might require heavy-handed government intervention; and (7) reduction measures might not work. With gradual implementation of a diversified portfolio of measures, these risks can be greatly reduced. Based on the review of risks associated with measures to limit emissions here, and the review of the risk associated with unrestrained emissions presented in Part I, it is concluded that a reasonable near-term (20-30 year) risk hedging strategy is one which seeks to stabilize global fossil CO 2 emissions at the present (early 1990s) level. This is turn implies an emission reduction of 26% for industrialized countries as a whole and 40-50% for Canada and the USA if developing country emissions are to increase by no more than 60%, which in itself would require major assistance from the industrialized countries. The framework and conclusions presented here are critically compared with so-called optimization frameworks. 82 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs

  15. Stability Improvement of High-Pressure-Ratio Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor by Asymmetrical Flow Control-Part II: Nonaxisymmetrical Self-Recirculation Casing Treatment. (United States)

    Zheng, Xinqian; Zhang, Yangjun; Yang, Mingyang; Bamba, Takahiro; Tamaki, Hideaki


    This is part II of a two-part paper involving the development of an asymmetrical flow control method to widen the operating range of a turbocharger centrifugal compressor with high-pressure ratio. A nonaxisymmetrical self-recirculation casing treatment (SRCT) as an instance of asymmetrical flow control method is presented. Experimental and numerical methods were used to investigate the impact of nonaxisymmetrical SRCT on the surge point of the centrifugal compressor. First, the influence of the geometry of a symmetric SRCT on the compressor performance was studied by means of numerical simulation. The key parameter of the SRCT was found to be the distance from the main blade leading edge to the rear groove (S r ). Next, several arrangements of a nonaxisymmetrical SRCT were designed, based on flow analysis presented in part I. Then, a series of experiments were carried out to analyze the influence of nonaxisymmetrical SRCT on the compressor performance. Results show that the nonaxisymmetrical SRCT has a certain influence on the performance and has a larger potential for stability improvement than the traditional symmetric SRCT. For the investigated SRCT, the surge flow rate of the compressor with the nonaxisymmetrical SRCTs is about 10% lower than that of the compressor with symmetric SRCT. The largest surge margin (smallest surge flow rate) can be obtained when the phase of the largest S r is coincident with the phase of the minimum static pressure in the vicinity of the leading edge of the splitter blades.

  16. The PIP-II Reference Design Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lebedev, Valeri, [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); et al.


    The Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) is a high-intensity proton facility being developed to support a world-leading neutrino program over the next two decades at Fermilab. PIP-II is an integral part of the U.S. Intensity Frontier Roadmap as described in the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) report of May 2014 [1]. As an immediate goal PIP-II is focused on upgrades to the Fermilab accelerator complex capable of providing a beam power in excess of 1 MW on target at the initiation of LBNF [1,2] operations. PIP-II is a part of a longer-term concept for a sustained campaign of upgrades and improvements to achieve multi-MW capabilities at Fermilab. PIP-II is based on three major thrusts. They are (1) the recently completed upgrades to the Recycler and Main Injector (MI) for the NOvA experiment, (2) the Proton Improvement Plan [3] currently underway, and (3) the Project X Reference Design [4]. Note that: The Proton Improvement Plan (PIP) consolidates a set of improvements to the existing Linac, Booster, and Main Injector (MI) aimed at supporting 15 Hz Booster beam operation. In combination, the NOvA upgrades and PIP create a capability of delivering 700 kW beam power from the Main Injector at 120 GeV; The scope of the Project X Reference Design Report was aimed well beyond PIP. It described a complete concept for a multi-MW proton facility that could support a broad particle physics program based on neutrino, kaon, muon, and nucleon experiments [5,6]. The Project X conceptual design has evolved over a number of years, incorporating continuous input on physics research goals and advances in the underlying technology development programs [7,8,9]. PIP-II, to high degree, inherits these goals as the goals for future developments and upgrades. This document (PIP-II Reference Design Report) describes an initial step in the development of the Fermilab accelerating complex. The plan described in this Report balances the far-term goals of the Laboratory

  17. Operation of industrial electrical substations. Part II: practical applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez Jimenez, Juan J; Zerquera Izquierdo, Mariano D; Beltran Leon, Jose S; Garcia Martinez, Juan M; Alvarez Urena, Maria V; Meza Diaz, Guillermo [Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico)]. E-mails:;;;;;


    The practical application of the methodology explained in Part 1 in a Cuban industry is the principal objective of this paper. The calculus of the economical operation of the principal transformers of the industrial plant is shown of the one very easy form, as well as the determination of the equations of the losses when the transformers operate under a given load diagram. It is calculated the state load which will be passed to the operation in parallel. [Spanish] El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la aplicacion practica de la metodologia, en una industria cubana, que se explico en la Parte 1. El calculo de la operacion economica de los principales transformadores de la planta industrial se muestra de una forma muy facil, asi como la determinacion de las ecuaciones de las perdidas cuando los transformadores operan bajo un diagrama de carga dado. Se calcula la carga de estado que se pasa a la operacion en paralelo.

  18. Adsorption of Pb(II), Cu(II), Cd(II), Zn(II), Ni(II), Fe(II), and As(V) on bacterially produced metal sulfides. (United States)

    Jong, Tony; Parry, David L


    The adsorption of Pb(II), Cu(II), Cd(II), Zn(II), Ni(II), Fe(II) and As(V) onto bacterially produced metal sulfide (BPMS) material was investigated using a batch equilibrium method. It was found that the sulfide material had adsorptive properties comparable with those of other adsorbents with respect to the specific uptake of a range of metals and, the levels to which dissolved metal concentrations in solution can be reduced. The percentage of adsorption increased with increasing pH and adsorbent dose, but decreased with increasing initial dissolved metal concentration. The pH of the solution was the most important parameter controlling adsorption of Cd(II), Cu(II), Fe(II), Ni(II), Pb(II), Zn(II), and As(V) by BPMS. The adsorption data were successfully modeled using the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Desorption experiments showed that the reversibility of adsorption was low, suggesting high-affinity adsorption governed by chemisorption. The mechanism of adsorption for the divalent metals was thought to be the formation of strong, inner-sphere complexes involving surface hydroxyl groups. However, the mechanism for the adsorption of As(V) by BPMS appears to be distinct from that of surface hydroxyl exchange. These results have important implications to the management of metal sulfide sludge produced by bacterial sulfate reduction.

  19. Distribution of Si II in the Galactic center (United States)

    Graf, P.; Herter, T.; Gull, G. E.; Houck, J. R.


    A map of the Galactic center region in the forbidden Si II 34.8-micron line is presented. The line emission arises from within the photodissociation region (PDR) associated with the neutral gas ring surrounding an ionized gas core confined within 2 pc of the Galactic center. Si II is a useful probe of the inner regions of the ring since it is always optically thin. The Si II data, when analyzed in conjunction with O I, C II, and molecular measurements, outlines the transition region between the PDR and the surrounding molecular cloud. The Si II emission is found to extend beyond that of the O II into the neutral gas ring. Although the interpretation is not unique, the data are consistent with a constant gas-phase abundance of silicon within the inner part of the PDR while the gaseous silicon is depleted by molecule formation in the transition region.

  20. As sure as tax, rain or death (Part II) : digitalisation dragons?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Staal, Anne


    Tax evasion, delayed trains & untidy death seem to be parts of our daily lives. But what about the digitalisation dragons? Will they wipe away B2B sales and procurement as we know it, our will we see a more nuanced picture? The first Part on this topic so far has attracted 3700+ readers at our PSF

  1. Lagrangian intersection Floer theory anomaly and obstruction, part II

    CERN Document Server

    Fukaya, Kenji; Ohta, Hiroshi; Ono, Kaoru


    This is a two-volume series research monograph on the general Lagrangian Floer theory and on the accompanying homological algebra of filtered A_\\infty-algebras. This book provides the most important step towards a rigorous foundation of the Fukaya category in general context. In Volume I, general deformation theory of the Floer cohomology is developed in both algebraic and geometric contexts. An essentially self-contained homotopy theory of filtered A_\\infty algebras and A_\\infty bimodules and applications of their obstruction-deformation theory to the Lagrangian Floer theory are presented. Volume II contains detailed studies of two of the main points of the foundation of the theory: transversality and orientation. The study of transversality is based on the virtual fundamental chain techniques (the theory of Kuranishi structures and their multisections) and chain level intersection theories. A detailed analysis comparing the orientations of the moduli spaces and their fiber products is carried out. A self-co...

  2. Slag Behavior in Gasifiers. Part II: Constitutive Modeling of Slag

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Massoudi, Mehrdad [National Energy Technology Laboratory; Wang, Ping


    The viscosity of slag and the thermal conductivity of ash deposits are among two of the most important constitutive parameters that need to be studied. The accurate formulation or representations of the (transport) properties of coal present a special challenge of modeling efforts in computational fluid dynamics applications. Studies have indicated that slag viscosity must be within a certain range of temperatures for tapping and the membrane wall to be accessible, for example, between 1,300 °C and 1,500 °C, the viscosity is approximately 25 Pa·s. As the operating temperature decreases, the slag cools and solid crystals begin to form. Since slag behaves as a non-linear fluid, we discuss the constitutive modeling of slag and the important parameters that must be studied. We propose a new constitutive model, where the stress tensor not only has a yield stress part, but it also has a viscous part with a shear rate dependency of the viscosity, along with temperature and concentration dependency, while allowing for the possibility of the normal stress effects. In Part I, we reviewed, identify and discuss the key coal ash properties and the operating conditions impacting slag behavior.

  3. Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of biologically active tetraazamacrocyclic complexes of Mn(II, Co(II, Ni(II, Pd(II and Pt(II

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    Monika Tyagi


    Full Text Available Complexes of Mn(II, Co(II, Ni(II, Pd(II and Pt(II were synthesized with the macrocyclic ligand, i.e., 2,3,9,10-tetraketo-1,4,8,11-tetraazacycoletradecane. The ligand was prepared by the [2 + 2] condensation of diethyloxalate and 1,3-diamino propane and characterized by elemental analysis, mass, IR and 1H NMR spectral studies. All the complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductance, magnetic susceptibility measurements, IR, electronic and electron paramagnetic resonance spectral studies. The molar conductance measurements of Mn(II, Co(II and Ni(II complexes in DMF correspond to non electrolyte nature, whereas Pd(II and Pt(II complexes are 1:2 electrolyte. On the basis of spectral studies an octahedral geometry has been assigned for Mn(II, Co(II and Ni(II complexes, whereas square planar geometry assigned for Pd(II and Pt(II. In vitro the ligand and its metal complexes were evaluated against plant pathogenic fungi (Fusarium odum, Aspergillus niger and Rhizoctonia bataticola and some compounds found to be more active as commercially available fungicide like Chlorothalonil.

  4. Monitoração da adesão à higienização das mãos: uma revisão de literatura Monitorización de la adhesión a la higiene de las manos: una revisión de literatura Monitoring adherence to hand hygiene: a literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Cristina de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Pesquisas realizadas demonstram falta de padronização dos métodos de avaliação da aderência dos profissionais de saúde à prática da higienização das mãos. Assim, este estudo de revisão objetivou identificar os diferentes métodos utilizados para avaliação da aderência a essa prática, referendados na literatura por meio de consulta às seguintes bases de dados - Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Medical Analysis Retrieval System Online e Scientific Eletronic Library Online nas quais foram identificados 210 estudos, dentre os quais foram selecionados 34 artigos divulgados entre os anos de 2001 a 2010. O estudo apresenta os diferentes métodos adotados para realizar a avaliação da aderência aos procedimentos de higienização das mãos e aponta seus pontos fortes e fragilidades, a fim de subsidiar uma análise crítica por parte dos profissionais de saúde, com o intuito de favorecer a escolha do método mais adequado a cada instituição e realidade.Investigaciones realizadas demuestran falta de patronización de los métodos de evaluación de la adherencia de los profesionales de salud a la práctica de la higiene de las manos. Así, este estudio de revisión tuvo como objetivo identificar los diferentes métodos utilizados para la evaluación de la adherencia a esa práctica, refrendados en la literatura por medio de consulta a las siguientes bases de datos - Literatura Latino-Americana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud, Medical Analysis Retrieval System Online e Scientific Eletronic Library Online en las cuales fueron identificados 210 estudios, de los cuales fueron seleccionados 34 artículos difundidos entre los años de 2001 a 2010. El estudio presenta los diferentes métodos adoptados para realizar la evaluación de la adherencia a los procedimientos de higiene de las manos y señala sus puntos fuertes y fragilidades, a fin de subsidiar un análisis crítico por parte de los profesionales

  5. Water radiological surveillance (II)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pablo San Martin de, M.


    This paper summarizes the characteristics of the Environmental Surveillance Radiological Networks (ESRN) currently operating in CEDEX. In the first part, the Spanish Continental Waters ESRN has been presented. This second one describes Spanish Costal Waters ESRN and the High Sensitivity Networks in Continental and Marine Waters. It also presents the Radiological Surveillance of Drinking Waters that CEDEX carries out in waters of public consumption management by the Canal de Isabel II (CYII) and by the Mancomunity of Canals Taibilla (M.C.T.). The legislation applicable in each case is reviewed as well. Due to its extension the article has been divided into two parts. As Spanish Continental Waters ESRN has been reviewed in the first part, the others ESRN are discussed in this second one. (Author) 10 refs

  6. Neutronics and thermohydraulics of the reactor C.E.N.E. Part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caro, R.


    In this report the analysis of neutronics thermohydraulics and shielding of the 10 HWt swimming pool reactor C.E.N.E is included. In each of these chapters is given a short description of the theoretical model used, along with the theoretical versus experimental checking carried out, whenever possible, with the reactors JEN-I and JEN-II of Junta de Energia Nuclear. (Author) 11 refs

  7. Homology modeling and docking of AahII-Nanobody complexes reveal the epitope binding site on AahII scorpion toxin. (United States)

    Ksouri, Ayoub; Ghedira, Kais; Ben Abderrazek, Rahma; Shankar, B A Gowri; Benkahla, Alia; Bishop, Ozlem Tastan; Bouhaouala-Zahar, Balkiss


    Scorpion envenoming and its treatment is a public health problem in many parts of the world due to highly toxic venom polypeptides diffusing rapidly within the body of severely envenomed victims. Recently, 38 AahII-specific Nanobody sequences (Nbs) were retrieved from which the performance of NbAahII10 nanobody candidate, to neutralize the most poisonous venom compound namely AahII acting on sodium channels, was established. Herein, structural computational approach is conducted to elucidate the Nb-AahII interactions that support the biological characteristics, using Nb multiple sequence alignment (MSA) followed by modeling and molecular docking investigations (RosettaAntibody, ZDOCK software tools). Sequence and structural analysis showed two dissimilar residues of NbAahII10 CDR1 (Tyr27 and Tyr29) and an inserted polar residue Ser30 that appear to play an important role. Indeed, CDR3 region of NbAahII10 is characterized by a specific Met104 and two negatively charged residues Asp115 and Asp117. Complex dockings reveal that NbAahII17 and NbAahII38 share one common binding site on the surface of the AahII toxin divergent from the NbAahII10 one's. At least, a couple of NbAahII10 - AahII residue interactions (Gln38 - Asn44 and Arg62, His64, respectively) are mainly involved in the toxic AahII binding site. Altogether, this study gives valuable insights in the design and development of next generation of antivenom. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. DOE underground storage tank waste remediation chemical processing hazards. Part I: Technology dictionary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeMuth, S.F.


    This document has been prepared to aid in the development of Regulating guidelines for the Privatization of Hanford underground storage tank waste remediation. The document has been prepared it two parts to facilitate their preparation. Part II is the primary focus of this effort in that it describes the technical basis for established and potential chemical processing hazards associated with Underground Storage Tank (UST) nuclear waste remediation across the DOE complex. The established hazards involve those at Sites for which Safety Analysis Reviews (SARs) have already been prepared. Potential hazards are those involving technologies currently being developed for future applications. Part I of this document outlines the scope of Part II by briefly describing the established and potential technologies. In addition to providing the scope, Part I can be used as a technical introduction and bibliography for Regulatory personnel new to the UST waste remediation, and in particular Privatization effort. Part II of this document is not intended to provide examples of a SAR Hazards Analysis, but rather provide an intelligence gathering source for Regulatory personnel who must eventually evaluate the Privatization SAR Hazards Analysis


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    Y. A. Vasyuk


    Full Text Available A review is devoted to a comorbidity of myocardial infarction and anxious and depressive disorders. In the first part (Rational Pharmacother. Cardiol. 2007;3:41-51 data concerning prevalence of depression in myocardial infarction, pathophysiological mechanisms connecting depression and ischemic heart disease (IHD were given. Influence of concomitant depressive disorders on clinical state and forecast of patients after myocardial infarction was discussed. The second part of the review is devoted to the anxious disorders in myocardial infarction as well as to influence of anxious and depressive disorders on life quality of patients with myocardial infarction. Besides, contemporary approaches to the therapy of anxious and depressive disorders in patients with IHD are discussed.

  10. Belle-II Experiment Network Requirements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asner, David [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Bell, Greg [ESnet; Carlson, Tim [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Cowley, David [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Dart, Eli [ESnet; Erwin, Brock [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Godang, Romulus [Univ. of South Alabama, Mobile, AL (United States); Hara, Takanori [High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba (Japan); Johnson, Jerry [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Johnson, Ron [Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Johnston, Bill [ESnet; Dam, Kerstin Kleese-van [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Kaneko, Toshiaki [High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba (Japan); Kubota, Yoshihiro [NII; Kuhr, Thomas [Karlsruhe Inst. of Technology (KIT) (Germany); McCoy, John [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Miyake, Hideki [High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba (Japan); Monga, Inder [ESnet; Nakamura, Motonori [NII; Piilonen, Leo [Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ. (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA (United States); Pordes, Ruth [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Ray, Douglas [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Russell, Richard [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Schram, Malachi [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Schroeder, Jim [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Sevior, Martin [Univ. of Melbourne (Australia); Singh, Surya [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Suzuki, Soh [High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba (Japan); Sasaki, Takashi [High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba (Japan); Williams, Jim [Indiana Univ., Bloomington, IN (United States)


    The Belle experiment, part of a broad-based search for new physics, is a collaboration of ~400 physicists from 55 institutions across four continents. The Belle detector is located at the KEKB accelerator in Tsukuba, Japan. The Belle detector was operated at the asymmetric electron-positron collider KEKB from 1999-2010. The detector accumulated more than 1 ab-1 of integrated luminosity, corresponding to more than 2 PB of data near 10 GeV center-of-mass energy. Recently, KEK has initiated a $400 million accelerator upgrade to be called SuperKEKB, designed to produce instantaneous and integrated luminosity two orders of magnitude greater than KEKB. The new international collaboration at SuperKEKB is called Belle II. The first data from Belle II/SuperKEKB is expected in 2015. In October 2012, senior members of the Belle-II collaboration gathered at PNNL to discuss the computing and neworking requirements of the Belle-II experiment with ESnet staff and other computing and networking experts. The day-and-a-half-long workshop characterized the instruments and facilities used in the experiment, the process of science for Belle-II, and the computing and networking equipment and configuration requirements to realize the full scientific potential of the collaboration's work.

  11. Coordinator(a) de Servicios Clinicos. Parte I (Unidad I-IV). Parte II (Unidad V-VI). Guia. Documento de Trabajo (Clinical Services Coordinator. Part I. Units I-IV. Part II. Units V-VI. Guide. Working Document). (United States)

    Puerto Rico State Dept. of Education, Hato Rey. Area for Vocational and Technical Education.

    This guide is intended for instructing secondary students in the occupation of clinical services coordinator in a hospital. The first part contains four units on the following subjects: the occupation of clinical services coordinator; interpersonal relationships; ethical/legal aspects; and communications (telephone, intercom, and others). For each…

  12. Management strategies to effect change in intensive care units: lessons from the world of business. Part II. Quality-improvement strategies. (United States)

    Gershengorn, Hayley B; Kocher, Robert; Factor, Phillip


    The success of quality-improvement projects relies heavily on both project design and the metrics chosen to assess change. In Part II of this three-part American Thoracic Society Seminars series, we begin by describing methods for determining which data to collect, tools for data presentation, and strategies for data dissemination. As Avedis Donabedian detailed a half century ago, defining metrics in healthcare can be challenging; algorithmic determination of the best type of metric (outcome, process, or structure) can help intensive care unit (ICU) managers begin this process. Choosing appropriate graphical data displays (e.g., run charts) can prompt discussions about and promote quality improvement. Similarly, dashboards/scorecards are useful in presenting performance improvement data either publicly or privately in a visually appealing manner. To have compelling data to show, ICU managers must plan quality-improvement projects well. The second portion of this review details four quality-improvement tools-checklists, Six Sigma methodology, lean thinking, and Kaizen. Checklists have become commonplace in many ICUs to improve care quality; thinking about how to maximize their effectiveness is now of prime importance. Six Sigma methodology, lean thinking, and Kaizen are techniques that use multidisciplinary teams to organize thinking about process improvement, formalize change strategies, actualize initiatives, and measure progress. None originated within healthcare, but each has been used in the hospital environment with success. To conclude this part of the series, we demonstrate how to use these tools through an example of improving the timely administration of antibiotics to patients with sepsis.

  13. Impact of a commercial glyphosate formulation on adsorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions on paddy soil. (United States)

    Divisekara, T; Navaratne, A N; Abeysekara, A S K


    Use of glyphosate as a weedicide on rice cultivation has been a controversial issue in Sri Lanka, due to the hypothesis that the metal complexes of commercial glyphosate is one of the causative factors of Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) prevalent in some parts of Sri Lanka. The effect of commercial glyphosate on the adsorption and desorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions on selective paddy soil studied using batch experiments, over a wide concentration range, indicates that the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model is obeyed at low initial metal ion concentrations while the Freundlich adsorption isotherm model obeys at high metal ion concentrations in the presence and absence of glyphosate. For all cases, adsorption of both Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions obeys pseudo second order kinetics, suggesting that initial adsorption is a chemisorption process. In the presence of glyphosate formulation, the extent of adsorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions on soil is decreased, while their desorption is increased at high concentrations of glyphosate. Low concentrations of glyphosate formulation do not significantly affect the desorption of metal ions from soil. Reduction of adsorption leads to enhance the concentration of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions in the aqueous phase when in contact with soil. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. [Verrucous pastern dermatitis syndrome in heavy draught horses. Part II: Clinical findings]. (United States)

    Geburek, F; Deegen, E; Hewicker-Trautwein, M; Ohnesorge, B


    In the present field study the skin of the feet of 37 heavy draught horses of different breeds showing verrucous pastern dermatitis was examined clinically. Included were the degree of severity of the disease and the prevalence of anatomically normal structures associated with the skin: fetlock tufts of hair ("feathering"), ergots, chestnuts, bulges in the pastern region, cannon circumference. Each horse was examined for Chorioptes sp. skin mites. Information was also collected on the development of the skin alterations and housing conditions and feeding. These individual data were correlated with the clinical degree of severity of verrucous pastern dermatitis, which was evaluated using a numerical code (scoring system). In addition, punch biopsies were taken from the diseased skin of the feet and from healthy skin of the neck for comparative patho-histological examination (see Part III). Verrucous pastern dermatitis is a chronic disease which can be divided into four groups: scaling (group I), hyperkeratotic and hyperplastic plaque-like lesions (group II), tuberous skin masses (group III), and verrucous skin lesions with rugged surfaces (group IV). No correlation was found between the clinical degree of severity of the skin lesions and sex, breed, amount of work, use of stallions for breeding, grooming condition of the hair, white markings in the foot region, or Chorioptes sp. infestation. In regard to feeding it was found that the amount of maize and oats fed had some influence on the clinical degree of severity. Statistical analysis revealed a significant correlation between the clinical degree of severity and the age, the grooming condition of the hooves, and the mean cannon circumference. The prevalence of fetlock tufts of hair, chestnuts, ergots, and anatomically normal bulges in the pastern region also increased significantly with the clinical degree of severity. Furthermore the study revealed that the clinical degree of severity depended on the hygienic

  15. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Beck Depression Inventory-II in Bariatric Surgery Candidates (United States)

    Hall, Brian J.; Hood, Megan M.; Nackers, Lisa M.; Azarbad, Leila; Ivan, Iulia; Corsica, Joyce


    Screening for depression is an integral part of psychological evaluations conducted prior to bariatric surgery. The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) is the most commonly used measure of depression in these treatment evaluations. The reliability and validity of the BDI-II has not yet been evaluated within bariatric surgery-seeking samples,…

  16. Effect of Cu(II), Cd(II) and Zn(II) on Pb(II) biosorption by algae Gelidium-derived materials. (United States)

    Vilar, Vítor J P; Botelho, Cidália M S; Boaventura, Rui A R


    Biosorption of Pb(II), Cu(II), Cd(II) and Zn(II) from binary metal solutions onto the algae Gelidium sesquipedale, an algal industrial waste and a waste-based composite material was investigated at pH 5.3, in a batch system. Binary Pb(II)/Cu(II), Pb(II)/Cd(II) and Pb(II)/Zn(II) solutions have been tested. For the same equilibrium concentrations of both metal ions (1 mmol l(-1)), approximately 66, 85 and 86% of the total uptake capacity of the biosorbents is taken by lead ions in the systems Pb(II)/Cu(II), Pb(II)/Cd(II) and Pb(II)/Zn(II), respectively. Two-metal results were fitted to a discrete and a continuous model, showing the inhibition of the primary metal biosorption by the co-cation. The model parameters suggest that Cd(II) and Zn(II) have the same decreasing effect on the Pb(II) uptake capacity. The uptake of Pb(II) was highly sensitive to the presence of Cu(II). From the discrete model it was possible to obtain the Langmuir affinity constant for Pb(II) biosorption. The presence of the co-cations decreases the apparent affinity of Pb(II). The experimental results were successfully fitted by the continuous model, at different pH values, for each biosorbent. The following sequence for the equilibrium affinity constants was found: Pb>Cu>Cd approximately Zn.

  17. Kreditní rizika z pohledu Basel II


    Čabrada, Jiří


    The thesis "Credit risk from Basel II point of view" deals with new capital concept with main focus on the credit risk. The particular emphasis is laid on the chief issue of Basel II concept i.e. internal models. The thesis quite in detail describes the usage of basel parameters - LGD particularly - in various day-to-day business processes of credit institutions. An individual part of the thesis is devoted to credit risk mitigants and their impacts on the amount of capital requirements. The a...

  18. Pediatric cancer gone viral. Part II: potential clinical application of oncolytic herpes simplex virus-1 in children

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    Gregory K Friedman

    Full Text Available Oncolytic engineered herpes simplex viruses (HSVs possess many biologic and functional attributes that support their use in clinical trials in children with solid tumors. Tumor cells, in an effort to escape regulatory mechanisms that would impair their growth and progression, have removed many mechanisms that would have protected them from virus infection and eventual virus-mediated destruction. Viruses engineered to exploit this weakness, like mutant HSV, can be safely employed as tumor cell killers, since normal cells retain these antiviral strategies. Many preclinical studies and early phase trials in adults demonstrated that oncolytic HSV can be safely used and are highly effective in killing tumor cells that comprise pediatric malignancies, without generating the toxic side effects of nondiscriminatory chemotherapy or radiation therapy. A variety of engineered viruses have been developed and tested in numerous preclinical models of pediatric cancers and initial trials in patients are underway. In Part II of this review series, we examine the preclinical evidence to support the further advancement of oncolytic HSV in the pediatric population. We discuss clinical advances made to date in this emerging era of oncolytic virotherapy.

  19. Physical therapy in the 21st century (Part II): evidence-based practice within the context of evidence-informed practice. (United States)

    Dean, Elizabeth


    Part II of this two-part introduction to this Special Issue on physical therapy practice in the 21st century outlines a health-focused strategy for physical therapists to lead in the assault on lifestyle conditions, global health care priorities, described in Part I. Consistent with contemporary definitions of physical therapy, its practice, professional education, and research, physical therapy needs to reflect 21st-century health priorities and be aligned with global and regional public health strategies. A proposed focus on health emphasizes clinical competencies, including assessments of health, lifestyle health behaviors, and lifestyle risk factors; and the prescription of interventions to promote health and well-being in every client or patient. Such an approach is aimed to increase the threshold for chronic conditions over the life cycle and reduce their rate of progression, thereby preventing, delaying, or minimizing the severity of illness and disability. The 21st-century physical therapist needs to be able to practice such competencies within the context of a culturally diverse society to effect positive health behavior change. The physical therapist is uniquely positioned to lead in health promotion and prevention of the lifestyle conditions, address many of their causes, as well as manage these conditions. Physical therapists need to impact health globally through public and social health policy as well as one-on-one care. This role is consistent with contemporary definitions of physical therapy as the quintessential noninvasive health care practitioner, and the established efficacy and often superiority of lifestyle and lifestyle change on health outcomes compared with invasive interventions, namely, drugs and surgery. A concerted commitment by physical therapists to health and well-being and reduced health risk is consistent with minimizing the substantial social and economic burdens of lifestyle conditions globally.

  20. Physicochemical properties of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoates of Mn(II, Co(II, Ni(II and Zn(II

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    Full Text Available The complexes of Mn(II, Co(II, Ni(II, Cu(II and Zn(II with 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid anion of the formula: M(C10H11O52·nH2O, where n = 6 for Ni(II, n = 1 for Mn(II, Co(II, Cu(II, and n = 0 for Zn, have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, X–ray diffraction measurements, thermogravimetry and magnetic studies. They are crystalline compounds characterized by various symmetry. They decompose in various ways when heated in air to 1273 K. At first, they dehydrate in one step and form anhydrous salts. The final products of decomposition are oxides of the respective metals (Mn2O3, Co3O4, NiO, CuO, ZnO. The solubilities of the analysed complexes in water at 293 K are in the orders of 10-2 – 10-4 mol dm-3. The magnetic susceptibilities of the Mn(II, Co(II, Ni(II and Cu(II complexes were measured over the range of 76–303 K and the magnetic moments were calculated. The results show that the 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoates of Mn(II, Co(II and Ni(II are high-spin complexes but that of Cu(II forms a dimer [Cu2(C10H11O54(H2O2]. The carboxylate groups bind as monodentate or bidentate chelating or bridging ligands.

  1. La Historia de la Contabilidad, vía privilegiada de aproximación a la investigación histórica: Cuentas de los fondos recibidos por la Factoría General de los Reinos de España para financiar la guerra de Felipe II contra el Papa Pablo IV y Enrique II de Francia (1556-1559 PARTE 1

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    Esteban Hernández Esteve


    Full Text Available La Historia de la Contabilidad, vía privilegiada de aproximación a la investigación histórica: Cuentas de los fondos recibidos por la Factoría General de los Reinos de España para financiar la guerra de Felipe II contra el Papa Pablo IV y Enrique II de Francia (1556-1559 PARTE 1


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    A.B. Sugak


    Full Text Available Pericarditis maybe caused by different agents: viruses, bacteria, tuberculosis, and it may be autoimmune. All these types of diseases have similar clinical signs, but differ by prevalence, prognosis and medical tactics. Due to achievements of radial methods of visualization, molecular biology, and immunology, we have an opportunity to provide early specific diagnostics and etiological treatment of inflammatory diseases of pericardium. The second part of lecture presents main principles of differential diagnostics of specific types of pericarditis, gives characteristics of several often accruing types of disease, and describes treatment and tactics of management of patients with pericarditis.Key words: children, pericarditis.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2009;8(3:76-81

  3. TRUPACT-II 157 Examination Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barry H. O'Brien; Jeffrey M. Lacy; Kip E. Archibald


    This report presents the results of examination and recovery activities performed on the TRUPACT-II 157 shipping container. The container was part of a contact-handled transuranic waste shipment being transported on a truck to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico when an accident occurred. Although the transport vehicle sustained only minor damage, airborne transuranic contamination was detected in air samples extracted from inside TRUPACT-II 157 at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. Consequently, the shipping container was rejected, resealed, and returned to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory where the payload was disassembled, examined, and recovered for subsequent reshipment to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. This report documents the results of those activities

  4. TRUPACT-II 157 Examination Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barry H. O& #39; Brien; Jeffrey M. Lacy; Kip E. Archibald


    This report presents the results of examination and recovery activities performed on the TRUPACT-II 157 shipping container. The container was part of a contact-handled transuranic waste shipment being transported on a truck to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico when an accident occurred. Although the transport vehicle sustained only minor damage, airborne transuranic contamination was detected in air samples extracted from inside TRUPACT-II 157 at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. Consequently, the shipping container was rejected, resealed, and returned to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory where the payload was disassembled, examined, and recovered for subsequent reshipment to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. This report documents the results of those activities.

  5. El tratamiento jurídico de las migraciones internacionales a través de las regulaciones globalistas de gestión de mano de obra (The Legal Treatment of International Migrations Through Globalized Labour Management Regulation

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    Iker Barbero González


    Full Text Available This article deals with the emerging global tendency to regulate international migrations, not by regarding a universal humanitarian and labour Law, but according to neoliberal normative production standards: flexibility, informality, governance… Supranational institutions such as the WTO, the IOM or the EU are establishing normative agreements (GATS, the NAFTA, the EEC… that regulate migrations as labour and in profit of the global markets. The new contractual models become fragmented titles that recognize rights as immigrant workers and not as a persons or human beings, placing in a legal limbo those who migrate outside the established mechanisms and that not meet the qualification requirements of the global workforce. This text is addressed to the analysis of the categorization of migrants as disposable labour in the global management of the flows.Este texto está dedicado al análisis de la categorización del migrante como mera “mano de obra” en la gestión global de los flujos. Existe una tendencia global a regular las migraciones, no desde un Derecho formal universal, sino desde lo que podría ser denominado en sentido amplio “Soft Law”. Así, las distintas normas que, a nivel mundial, se encargan de ordenar las migraciones son creadas de acuerdo a los criterios de producción jurídica característicos de la etapa contemporánea de globalización neoliberal: flexibilidad, informalidad, descentralización, gobernanza, etc. Instituciones supranacionales como la OIM, la OMC o la Unión Europea (con la intervención de los Estados nación o sin ella establecen estándares normativos (el AGCS o GATS, el TLCNA, la Blue Card, etc, mediante los cuales se regulan los flujos de migrantes atendiendo a las necesidades del mercado mundial. Los nuevos modelos contractuales se convierten en títulos fragmentados reconocedores de derechos en tanto que trabajador inmigrante y no como persona o ser humano, situando de esta manera, en un penoso

  6. Adsorption efficiencies of calcium (II ion and iron (II ion on activated carbon obtained from pericarp of rubber fruit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orawan Sirichote


    Full Text Available Determination of adsorption efficiencies of activated carbon from pericarp of rubber fruit for calcium (II ion and iron (II ion has been performed by flowing the solutions of these ions through a column of activated carbon. The weights of activated carbon in 500 mL buret column (diameter 3.2 cm for flowing calcium (II ion and iron (II ion solutions were 15 g and 10 g, respectively. The initial concentration of calcium ion was prepared to be about eight times more diluted than the true concentration found in the groundwater from the lower part of southern Thailand. Calcium (II ion concentrations were analysed by EDTA titration and its initial concentration was found to be 23.55 ppm. With a flow rate of 26 mL/min, the adsorption efficiency was 11.4 % with passed through volume 4.75 L. Iron (II ion concentrations were analysed by spectrophotometric method; its initial concentration was found to be 1.5565 ppm. At a flow rate of 22 mL/min, the adsorption efficiency was 0.42 % with passed through volume of 34.0 L.

  7. Ubiquitylation and degradation of elongating RNA polymerase II

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wilson, Marcus D; Harreman, Michelle; Svejstrup, Jesper Q


    During its journey across a gene, RNA polymerase II has to contend with a number of obstacles to its progression, including nucleosomes, DNA-binding proteins, DNA damage, and sequences that are intrinsically difficult to transcribe. Not surprisingly, a large number of elongation factors have....... In this review, we describe the mechanisms and factors responsible for the last resort mechanism of transcriptional elongation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: RNA polymerase II Transcript Elongation....

  8. Sears Point Tidal Marsh Restoration Project: Phase II (United States)

    Information about the SFBWQP Sears Point Tidal Marsh Restoration Project: Phase II, part of an EPA competitive grant program to improve SF Bay water quality focused on restoring impaired waters and enhancing aquatic resources.

  9. Synthesis and spectral studies of manganese(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II), cadmium(II) and mercury(II) complexes of 4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran-3-carboxaldehyde hydrazone derivatives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nawar, N.; Khattab, M.A.; Bekheit, M.M.; El-Kaddah, A.H.


    A few complexes of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) with 4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran-3-(carboxaldehyde-4-chlorobenzylhydrazone) (BCBH) and 4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran-3-(carboxaldehyde-4-methylbenzylhydrazone) (BMBH) have been synthesised and characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductivities, magnetic measurements and infrared (IR) and visible spectral studies. The IR spectra show that BCBH and BMBH behave as bidentate ligands either in the keto or enol form. (author). 24 refs., 2 tabs

  10. Empirical Psycho-Aesthetics and Her Sisters: Substantive and Methodological Issues--Part II (United States)

    Konecni, Vladimir J.


    Empirical psycho-aesthetics is approached in this two-part article from two directions. Part I, which appeared in the Winter 2012 issue of "JAE," addressed definitional and organizational issues, including the field's origins, its relation to "sister" disciplines (experimental philosophy, cognitive neuroscience of art, and neuroaesthetics), and…

  11. Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activity of Mn(II, Fe(II, Co(II, Ni(II, Cu(II, Zn(II, and Cd(II Complexes of N-Thiophenoyl-N′-Phenylthiocarbohydrazide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Yadav


    Full Text Available Mn(II, Fe(II, Co(II, Ni(II, Cu(II, Zn(II, and Cd(II complex of N-thiophenoyl -N′-phenylthiocarbohydrazide (H2 TPTH have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic susceptibility measurements, infrared, NMR, electronic, and ESR spectral studies. The complexes were found to have compositions [Mn(H TPTH2], [Co(TPTH (H2O2], [Ni(TPTH (H2O2], [Cu(TPTH], [Zn(H TPTH], [Cd(H TPTH2], and [Fe(H TPTH2(EtOH]. The magnetic and electronic spectral studies suggest square planar geometry for [Cu(TPTH], tetrahedral geometry for [Zn(TPTH] and [Cd(H TPTH2], and octahedral geometry for rest of the complexes. The infrared spectral studies of the 1 : 1 deprotonated complexes suggest bonding through enolic oxygen, thiolato sulfur, and both the hydrazinic nitrogens. Thus, H2TPTH acts as a binegative tetradentate ligand. H2 TPTH and its metal complexes have been screened against several bacteria and fungi.

  12. On Railroad Tank Car Puncture Performance: Part II - Estimating Metrics (United States)


    This paper is the second in a two-part series on the puncture performance of railroad tank cars carrying hazardous materials in the event of an accident. Various metrics are often mentioned in the open literature to characterize the structural perfor...

  13. Unknown facets of Well-Known Scientists Series - Part II

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    V S Dixit


    Full Text Available 1st in the series of articles on “Unknown Facets of well-known Scientists” was about Sir Frederick Grant Banting, co-discoverer of Insulin, who also researched in Aviation and Diving Medicines, results of which brought extraordinary benefits for Flight crew during the World War II. The article was published in the previous issue of the Journal Unknown facets could be celebrated attributes, talents or otherwise, but it is necessary that we get to know fully about the “great mind". THIS ARTICLE IS ABOUT DR WERNER THEODOR OTTO FORSSMANN, A CARDIOLOGIST, WHO BECAME A UROLOGIST! Does the name Dr Forssmann ring a bell? He shared the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with “Andre Cournand and Dickinson Richards". The trio was awarded for their “discoveries concerning heart catheterization and pathological changes in the circulatory system". Dr Forssmann was nominated for performing an experiment in which he introduced a catheter into a vein of his arm, further passing it onward into his heart It was risky. This was in the year 1929. Subject of this article is the self-experimentation he carried out and what happened later.

  14. Global limit load solutions for thick-walled cylinders with circumferential cracks under combined internal pressure, axial force and bending moment − Part II: Finite element validation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Yuebing; Lei, Yuebao; Gao, Zengliang


    Global limit load solutions for thick-walled cylinders with circumferential internal/external surface and through-wall defects under combined positive/negative axial force, positive/negative global bending moment and internal pressure have been developed in Part I of this paper. In this Part II, elastic-perfectly plastic 3-D finite element (FE) analyses are performed for selected cases, covering a wide range of geometries and load combinations, to validate the developed limit load solutions. The results show that these limit load solutions can predict the FE data very well for the cases with shallow or deep and short cracks and are conservative. For the cases with very long and deep cracks, the predictions are reasonably accurate and more conservative. -- Highlights: • Elastic-perfectly plastic 3D finite element limiting analyses of cylinders. • Thin/thick-walled cylinders with circumferential surface defects. • Combined loading for pressure, end-force and global bending moment. • Totally 1458 cases analysed and tabulated normalised results provided. • Results used to validate the developed limit load solutions in Part I of this paper

  15. Microbunching phenomena in LCLS-II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Venturini, M. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Qiang, J. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Papadopoulos, C. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Ding, Y. [SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States); Emma, P. [SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States); Huang, Z. [SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States); Marcus, G. [SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States); Marinelli, A. [SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States); Nosochkov, Y. [SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States); Raubenheimer, T. [SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States); Wang, L. [SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States); Woodley, M. [SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States)


    The microbunching instability has long been recognized as a potential limiting factor to the performance of X-ray FELs. It is of particular relevance in LCLS-II due, in part, to a layout that includes a long bypass beamline between the Linac and the undulators. Here we focus on two aspects of the instability that highlight the importance of 3D effects.

  16. Complex dynamics in diatomic molecules. Part II: Quantum trajectories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, C.-D.; Weng, H.-J.


    The second part of this paper deals with quantum trajectories in diatomic molecules, which has not been considered before in the literature. Morse potential serves as a more accurate function than a simple harmonic oscillator for illustrating a realistic picture about the vibration of diatomic molecules. However, if we determine molecular dynamics by integrating the classical force equations derived from a Morse potential, we will find that the resulting trajectories do not consist with the probabilistic prediction of quantum mechanics. On the other hand, the quantum trajectory determined by Bohmian mechanics [Bohm D. A suggested interpretation of the quantum theory in terms of hidden variable. Phys. Rev. 1952;85:166-179] leads to the conclusion that a diatomic molecule is motionless in all its vibrational eigen-states, which also contradicts probabilistic prediction of quantum mechanics. In this paper, we point out that the quantum trajectory of a diatomic molecule completely consistent with quantum mechanics does exist and can be solved from the quantum Hamilton equations of motion derived in Part I, which is based on a complex-space formulation of fractal spacetime [El Naschie MS. A review of E-Infinity theory and the mass spectrum of high energy particle physics. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2004;19:209-36; El Naschie MS. E-Infinity theory - some recent results and new interpretations. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2006;29:845-853; El Naschie MS. The concepts of E-infinity. An elementary introduction to the cantorian-fractal theory of quantum physics. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2004;22:495-511; El Naschie MS. SU(5) grand unification in a transfinite form. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2007;32:370-374; Nottale L. Fractal space-time and microphysics: towards a theory of scale relativity. Singapore: World Scientific; 1993; Ord G. Fractal space time and the statistical mechanics of random works. Chaos, Soiltons and Fractals 1996;7:821-843] approach to quantum

  17. Anesthesia and ventilation strategies in children with asthma: part II - intraoperative management. (United States)

    Regli, Adrian; von Ungern-Sternberg, Britta S


    As asthma is a frequent disease especially in children, anesthetists are increasingly providing anesthesia for children requiring elective surgery with well controlled asthma but also for those requiring urgent surgery with poorly controlled or undiagnosed asthma. This second part of this two-part review details the medical and ventilatory management throughout the perioperative period in general but also includes the perioperative management of acute bronchospasm and asthma exacerbations in children with asthma. Multiple observational trials assessing perioperative respiratory adverse events in healthy and asthmatic children provide the basis for identifying risk reduction strategies. Mainly, animal experiments and to a small extent clinical data have advanced our understanding of how anesthetic agents effect bronchial smooth muscle tone and blunt reflex bronchoconstriction. Asthma treatment outside anesthesia is well founded on a large body of evidence.Perioperative prevention strategies have increasingly been studied. However, evidence on the perioperative management, including mechanical ventilation strategies of asthmatic children, is still only fair, and further research is required. To minimize the considerable risk of perioperative respiratory adverse events in asthmatic children, perioperative management should be based on two main pillars: the preoperative optimization of asthma treatment (please refer to the first part of this two-part review) and - the focus of this second part of this review - the optimization of anesthesia management in order to optimize lung function and minimize bronchial hyperreactivity in the perioperative period.

  18. Emission factors of air pollutants from CNG-gasoline bi-fuel vehicles: Part II. CO, HC and NOx. (United States)

    Huang, Xiaoyan; Wang, Yang; Xing, Zhenyu; Du, Ke


    The estimation of emission factors (EFs) is the basis of accurate emission inventory. However, the EFs of air pollutants for motor vehicles vary under different operating conditions, which will cause uncertainty in developing emission inventory. Natural gas (NG), considered as a "cleaner" fuel than gasoline, is increasingly being used to reduce combustion emissions. However, information is scarce about how much emission reduction can be achieved by motor vehicles burning NG (NGVs) under real road driving conditions, which is necessary for evaluating the environmental benefits for NGVs. Here, online, in situ measurements of the emissions from nine bi-fuel vehicles were conducted under different operating conditions on the real road. A comparative study was performed for the EFs of black carbon (BC), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) for each operating condition when the vehicles using gasoline and compressed NG (CNG) as fuel. BC EFs were reported in part I. The part II in this paper series reports the influence of operating conditions and fuel types on the EFs of CO, HC and NOx. Fuel-based EFs of CO showed good correlations with speed when burning CNG and gasoline. The correlation between fuel-based HC EFs and speed was relatively weak whether burning CNG or gasoline. The fuel-based NOx EFs moderately correlated with speed when burning CNG, but weakly correlated with gasoline. As for HC, the mileage-based EFs of gasoline vehicles are 2.39-12.59 times higher than those of CNG vehicles. The mileage-based NOx EFs of CNG vehicles are slightly higher than those of gasoline vehicles. These results would facilitate a detailed analysis of the environmental benefits for replacing gasoline with CNG in light duty vehicles. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Chemical speciation of Pb(II, Cd(II, Hg(II, Co(II, Ni(II, Cu(II and Zn(II binary complexes of l-methionine in 1,2-propanediol-water mixtures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Padma Latha


    Full Text Available Chemical speciation of Pb(II, Cd(II, Hg(II, Co(II, Ni(II, Cu(II and Zn(II complexes of L-methionine in 0.0-60 % v/v 1,2-propanediol-water mixtures maintaining an ionic strength of 0.16 M at 303 K has been studied pH metrically. The active forms of ligand are LH2+, LH and L-. The predominant species detected are ML, MLH, ML2, ML2H, ML2H2 and MLOH. Models containing different numbers of species were refined by using the computer program MINIQUAD 75. The best-fit chemical models were arrived at based on statistical parameters. The trend in variation of complex stability constants with change in the dielectric constant of the medium is explained on the basis of electrostatic and non-electrostatic forces.

  20. Dynamic simulation of a circulating fluidized bed boiler system part II: Simulation of a boiler system operating in a power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Seong Il; Choi, Sang Min; Yang, Jong In


    A case of dynamic performance simulation model of a CFB boiler is presented in this study. The dynamic system of a CFB boiler in an operating power plant and the transient behavior of sub-models is described in the accompanying paper, Part I. The current paper, Part II, describes the model extension for the CFB boiler system in a power plant. The open loop model in Paper I was expanded by applying a set of PID (Proportional-integral-differential) control loops. In the control loop, pressure, temperature, mass flow rate of the main steam, the drum water level and the oxygen level at the stack were controlled. Dynamic performance was simulated to check the response of the closed control loop. Finally, performance of the total boiler system for a range of operation load of the power plant was simulated, where the parameters were calculated and control variables were maintained at the set values by PID control. Dynamic performance of a boiler at a selected load variation case was simulated and compared with actual measurements and their transient response characteristics were discussed. The simulation can also directly produce useful operation parameters, which are not measurable, but could be used for engineering evaluation

  1. Dynamic simulation of a circulating fluidized bed boiler system part II: Simulation of a boiler system operating in a power plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Seong Il; Choi, Sang Min; Yang, Jong In [Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon(Korea, Republic of)


    A case of dynamic performance simulation model of a CFB boiler is presented in this study. The dynamic system of a CFB boiler in an operating power plant and the transient behavior of sub-models is described in the accompanying paper, Part I. The current paper, Part II, describes the model extension for the CFB boiler system in a power plant. The open loop model in Paper I was expanded by applying a set of PID (Proportional-integral-differential) control loops. In the control loop, pressure, temperature, mass flow rate of the main steam, the drum water level and the oxygen level at the stack were controlled. Dynamic performance was simulated to check the response of the closed control loop. Finally, performance of the total boiler system for a range of operation load of the power plant was simulated, where the parameters were calculated and control variables were maintained at the set values by PID control. Dynamic performance of a boiler at a selected load variation case was simulated and compared with actual measurements and their transient response characteristics were discussed. The simulation can also directly produce useful operation parameters, which are not measurable, but could be used for engineering evaluation.

  2. A model for emergency department end-of-life communications after acute devastating events--part II: moving from resuscitative to end-of-life or palliative treatment. (United States)

    Limehouse, Walter E; Feeser, V Ramana; Bookman, Kelly J; Derse, Arthur


    The model for emergency department (ED) end-of-life communications after acute devastating events addresses decision-making capacity, surrogates, and advance directives, including legal definitions and application of these steps. Part II concerns communications moving from resuscitative to palliative and end-of-life treatments. After completing the steps involved in determining decision-making, emergency physicians (EPs) should consider starting palliative measures versus continuing resuscitative treatment. As communications related to these end-of-life decisions increasingly fall within the scope of emergency medicine (EM) practice, we need to become educated about and comfortable with them. © 2012 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.

  3. Fiber, Fabric and Fashion. Environment II. (United States)

    Arizona State Univ., Tempe.

    A competency-based instructional guide for grades 7-14, this volume is one of three parts, each of which focuses on a different environment (psychomotor, cognitive, or affective), and each of which includes competencies and learning activities for each of three instructional levels. The topics for this volume (Environment II--cognitive) are…


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    Cătălin IANCU


    Full Text Available As was presented in the first part of this review paper, lately, many theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out to develop one of the most interesting aspects of the science and nanotechnology which is called carbon-related nanomaterials. In this review paper are presented some of the most exciting and important developments in the synthesis, properties, and applications of low-dimensional carbon nanomaterials. In this part of the paper are presented the synthesis techniques used to produce the two-dimensional carbon nanomaterials (including graphene, and also the most important properties and potential applications of graphene.

  5. A primer of drug safety surveillance: an industry perspective. Part II: Product labeling and product knowledge. (United States)

    Allan, M C


    To place the fundamentals of clinical drug safety surveillance in a conceptual framework that will facilitate understanding and application of adverse drug event data to protect the health of the public and support a market for pharmaceutical manufacturers' products. Part II of this series discusses specific issues regarding product labeling, such as developing the labeling, changing the labeling, and the legal as well as commercial ramifications of the contents of the labeling. An adverse event report scenario is further analyzed and suggestions are offered for maintaining the product labeling as an accurate reflection of the drug safety surveillance data. This article also emphasizes the necessity of product knowledge in adverse event database management. Both scientific and proprietary knowledge are required. Acquiring product knowledge is a part of the day-to-day activities of drug safety surveillance. A knowledge of the history of the product may forestall adverse publicity, as shown in the illustration. This review uses primary sources from the federal laws (regulations), commentaries, and summaries. Very complex topics are briefly summarized in the text. Secondary sources, ranging from newspaper articles to judicial summaries, illustrate the interpretation of adverse drug events and opportunities for drug safety surveillance intervention. The reference materials used were articles theoretically or practically applicable in the day-to-day practice of drug safety surveillance. The role of clinical drug safety surveillance in product monitoring and drug development is described. The process of drug safety surveillance is defined by the Food and Drug Administration regulations, product labeling, product knowledge, and database management. Database management is subdivided into the functions of receipt, retention, retrieval, and review of adverse event reports. Emphasis is placed on the dynamic interaction of the components of the process. Suggestions are offered

  6. Studies on the sediments of Vembanad Lake, Kerala state: Part II - Distribution of phosphorus

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Murty, P.S.N.; Veerayya, M.

    in the estuarine region has been attributed to several factors. The impoverishment of Mn and Co can be due to (i) desorption of these elements from the river borne detritus on coming into contact with saline waters, (ii) dredging operations which may lead...

  7. The differentiation of the character of solid lesions in the breast in the compression sonoelastography. Part II: Diagnostic value of BIRADS-US classification, Tsukuba score and FLR ratio


    Dobruch-Sobczak, Katarzyna


    Sonoelastography is a dynamically developing method of ultrasound examination used to differentiate the character of focal lesions in the breasts. The aim of the Part II of the study is to determine the usefulness of sonoelastography in the differentiation diagnosis of focal breast lesions including the evaluation of the diagnostic value of Tsukuba score and FLR ratio in characterizing solid lesions in the breasts. Furthermore, the paper provides a comparison of classic B-mode imaging and son...

  8. cobalt (ii), nickel (ii)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Department of Chemistry Bayero University, P. M. B. 3011, Kano, Nigeria. E-mail: ABSTRACT. The manganese (II), cobalt (II), nickel (II) and .... water and common organic solvents, but are readily soluble in acetone. The molar conductance measurement [Table 3] of the complex compounds in.

  9. MHC Class II and Non-MHC Class II Genes Differentially Influence Humoral Immunity to Bacillus anthracis Lethal Factor and Protective Antigen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith A. James


    Full Text Available Anthrax Lethal Toxin consists of Protective Antigen (PA and Lethal Factor (LF, and current vaccination strategies focus on eliciting antibodies to PA. In human vaccination, the response to PA can vary greatly, and the response is often directed toward non-neutralizing epitopes. Variable vaccine responses have been shown to be due in part to genetic differences in individuals, with both MHC class II and other genes playing roles. Here, we investigated the relative contribution of MHC class II versus non-MHC class II genes in the humoral response to PA and LF immunization using three immunized strains of inbred mice: A/J (H-2k at the MHC class II locus, B6 (H-2b, and B6.H2k (H-2k. IgG antibody titers to LF were controlled primarily by the MHC class II locus, whereas IgG titers to PA were strongly influenced by the non-MHC class II genetic background. Conversely, the humoral fine specificity of reactivity to LF appeared to be controlled primarily through non-MHC class II genes, while the specificity of reactivity to PA was more dependent on MHC class II. Common epitopes, reactive in all strains, occurred in both LF and PA responses. These results demonstrate that MHC class II differentially influences humoral immune responses to LF and PA.

  10. A shot parameter specification subsystem for automated control of PBFA II accelerator shots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spiller, J.L.


    The author reports on the shot parameter specification subsystem (SPSS), an integral part of the automatic control system developed for the Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator II (PBFA II). This system has been designed to fully utilize the accelerator by tailoring shot parameters to the needs of the experimenters. The SPSS is the key to this flexibility. Automatic systems will be required on many pulsed power machines for the fastest turnaround, the highest reliability, and most cost effective operation. These systems will require the flexibility and the ease of use that is part of the SPSS. The author discusses how the PBFA II control system has proved to be an effective modular system, flexible enough to meet the demands of both the fast track construction of PBFA II and the control needs of Hermes III. This system is expected to meet the demands of most future machine changes

  11. Processes on Uncontrolled Aerodromes and Safety Indicators - Part II

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    Vladimír Plos


    Full Text Available This article follows on the Part I, where the basic processes on uncontrolled aerodromes were introduced. The uncontrolled aerodromes face with the growing traffic and from that result the higher workload on AFIS officer. This means a higher potential for dangerous situations.The article describes some models of sub-processes and creates several safety indicators related to the operation at uncontrolled aerodromes. Thanks to monitoring and evaluation of safety indicators can be adopted targeted safety measures and thus increase safety on small uncontrolled aerodromes.

  12. Impacts of Realistic Urban Heating. Part II: Air Quality and City Breathability (United States)

    Nazarian, Negin; Martilli, Alberto; Norford, Leslie; Kleissl, Jan


    Urban morphology and inter-building shadowing result in a non-uniform distribution of surface heating in urban areas, which can significantly modify the urban flow and thermal field. In Part I, we found that in an idealized three-dimensional urban array, the spatial distribution of the thermal field is correlated with the orientation of surface heating with respect to the wind direction (i.e. leeward or windward heating), while the dispersion field changes more strongly with the vertical temperature gradient in the street canyon. Here, we evaluate these results more closely and translate them into metrics of "city breathability," with large-eddy simulations coupled with an urban energy-balance model employed for this purpose. First, we quantify breathability by, (i) calculating the pollutant concentration at the pedestrian level (horizontal plane at z≈ 1.5 -2 m) and averaged over the canopy, and (ii) examining the air exchange rate at the horizontal and vertical ventilating faces of the canyon, such that the in-canopy pollutant advection is distinguished from the vertical removal of pollution. Next, we quantify the change in breathability metrics as a function of previously defined buoyancy parameters, horizontal and vertical Richardson numbers (Ri_h and Ri_v , respectively), which characterize realistic surface heating. We find that, unlike the analysis of airflow and thermal fields, consideration of the realistic heating distribution is not crucial in the analysis of city breathability, as the pollutant concentration is mainly correlated with the vertical temperature gradient (Ri_v ) as opposed to the horizontal (Ri_h ) or bulk (Ri_b ) thermal forcing. Additionally, we observe that, due to the formation of the primary vortex, the air exchange rate at the roof level (the horizontal ventilating faces of the building canyon) is dominated by the mean flow. Lastly, since Ri_h and Ri_v depend on the meteorological factors (ambient air temperature, wind speed, and

  13. The removal of toxic metals from liquid effluents by ion exchange resins. Part II: cadmium(II/ sulphate/Lewatit TP260

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alguacil, F. J.


    Full Text Available The adsorption of cadmium (II, from aqueous sulphate solutions, on Lewatit TP260 resin has been investigated in batch equilibrium experiments. The influence of pH and temperature on metal adsorption capacity have also been examined. The kinetic performance of the resin has been assesed and the results have been correlated by the pore diffusion model. The resin has been used in mini-columns to study its performance under dynamics conditions. The desorption of metal ion is achieved using sulphuric acid (0.25M and 0.5M.

    Se estudia la adsorción de cadmio(II, de disoluciones en medio sulfato, sobre la resina Lewatit TP260. La adsorción del metal se ha investigado en función del pH, la temperatura y el tiempo de contacto con la resina. Los estudios cinéticos permiten correlacionar el proceso de intercambio iónico con el modelo de difusión en poro. Se ha empleado el sistema en mini columnas para evaluar el comportamiento de la resina bajo condiciones dinámicas. La desorción del metal se lleva a cabo con disoluciones de ácido sulfúrico (0,25M y 0,5M.

  14. Exploring the metal coordination properties of the pyrimidine part of purine nucleobases: isomerization reactions in heteronuclear Pt(II)/Pd(II) of 9-methyladenine. (United States)

    Ibáñez, Susana; Albertí, Francisca M; Sanz Miguel, Pablo J; Lippert, Bernhard


    The synthesis and characterization of three heteronuclear Pt(2)Pd(2) (4, 5) and PtPd(2) (6) complexes of the model nucleobase 9-methyladenine (9-MeA) is reported. The compounds were prepared by reacting [Pt(NH(3))(3)(9-MeA-N7)](ClO(4))(2) (1) with [Pd(en)(H(2)O)(2)](ClO(4))(2) at different ratios r between Pt and Pd, with the goal to probe Pd(II) binding to any of the three available nitrogen atoms, N1, N3, N6 or combinations thereof. Pd(II) coordination occurs at N1 and at the deprotonated N6 positions, yet not at N3. 4 and 5 are isomers of [{(en)Pd}(2){N1,N6-9-MeA(-)-N7)Pt(NH(3))(3)}(2)](ClO(4))(6)·nH(2)O, with a head-head orientation of the two bridging 9-MeA(-) ligands in 4 and a head-tail orientation in 5. 6 is [{(en)Pd}(2)(OH)(N1,N6-9MeA(-)-N7)Pt(NH(3))(3)](ClO(4))(4)·4H(2)O, hence a condensation product between [Pt(NH(3))(3)(9-MeA-N7)](2+) and a μ-OH bridged dinuclear (en)Pd-OH-Pd(en) unit, which connects the N1 and N6 positions of 9-MeA(-) in an intramolecular fashion. 4 and 5, which slowly interconvert in aqueous solution, display distinct structural differences such as significantly different intramolecular Pd···Pd contacts (3.124 0(16) Å in 4; 2.986 6(14) Å in 5), among others. Binding of (en)Pd(II) to the exocyclic N6 atom in 4 and 5 is accompanied by a large movement of Pd(II) out of the 9-MeA(-) plane and a trend to a further shortening of the C6-N6 bond as compared to free 9-MeA. The packing patterns of 4 and 5 reveal substantial anion-π interactions.

  15. Applications of multiple change point detections to monthly streamflow and rainfall in Xijiang River in southern China, part II: trend and mean (United States)

    Chen, Yongqin David; Jiang, Jianmin; Zhu, Yuxiang; Huang, Changxing; Zhang, Qiang


    This article, as part II, illustrates applications of other two algorithms, i.e., the scanning F test of change points in trend and the scanning t test of change points in mean, to both series of the normalized streamflow index (NSI) at Makou section in the Xijiang River and the normalized precipitation index (NPI) over the watershed of Xijiang River. The results from these two tests show mainly positive coherency of changes between the NSI and NPI. However, some minor negative coherency patches may expose somewhat impacts of human activities, but they were often associated with nearly normal climate periods. These suggest that the runoff still depends upon well the precipitation in the Xijiang catchment. The anthropogenic disturbances have not yet reached up to violating natural relationship on the whole in this river.

  16. Tritium system design for the mirror reactors FPD-I, FPD-II, and FPD-III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finn, P.A.


    The tritium system design for the Fusion Power Demonstration Reactor (FPD-I, II, and III) is described. The device operates at 25% availability. For FPD-II, an engineering mode using tritium neutral beams is part of the design

  17. The 'miniskirt' counter array at CDF II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Artikov, A.; Budagov, Yu.; Bellettini, G.


    Muon detection is fundamental to many of the interesting analyses at CDF II. For more efficient muon registration in Run II it was decided to increase geometrical coverage. The so-called 'miniskirt' counters are part of this upgrade. The original design parameters of the 'miniskirt' and mixed 'miniskirt' scintillation counters for the CDF Muon System are presented. The modifications, testing and installation of these counters within the CDF Upgrade Project are described in detail. The timing characteristics of mixed 'miniskirt' counters are also investigated using cosmic muons. The measurements show that the time resolution does not exceed 2.2 ns

  18. A full-field residual stress estimation scheme for fitness-for-service assessment of pipe girth welds: Part II – A shell theory based implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Shaopin; Dong, Pingsha; Pei, Xianjun


    With the two key controlling parameters identified and their effectiveness demonstrated in Part I of this study series for constructing a continuous residual stress profile at weld region, a classical shell theory based model is proposed in this paper (Part II) for describing through-thickness residual stress distributions of both axial and hoop components at any axial location beyond weld region. The shell theory based model is analytically constructed through an assembly of two parts: One represents weld region and the other represents the remaining component section away from weld. The final assembly of the two parts leads to a closed form solution to both axial and hoop residual stress components as a function of axial distance from weld toe position. The effectiveness of the full-field residual stress estimation scheme is demonstrated by comparing with a series of finite element modeling results over a broad range of pipe weld geometries and welding conditions. The present development should provide a consistent and effective means for estimating through-thickness residual stress profile as a continuous function of pipe geometry, welding heat input, as well as material characteristics. - Highlights: • A shell theory based two-part assembly model is developed for generalizing residual stress distributions. • A full-field estimation of through-thickness residual stress profiles can be achieved. • The proposed estimation scheme offers both consistency and mechanics basis in residual stress profile generation. • An estimation scheme for welding-induced plastic zone size is proposed and validated. • The shell theory based estimation scheme can also provide a reasonable estimate on distortion in radial direction

  19. Evolution of thermal-hydraulics testing in EBR-II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golden, G.H.; Planchon, H.P.; Sackett, J.I.; Singer, R.M.


    A thermal-hydraulics testing and modeling program has been underway at the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) for 12 years. This work culminated in two tests of historical importance to commercial nuclear power, a loss of flow without scram and a loss of heat sink wihout scram, both from 100% initial power. These tests showed that natural processes will shut EBR-II down and maintain cooling without automatic control rod action or operator intervention. Supporting analyses indicate that these results are characteristic of a range of sizes of liquid metal cooled reactors (LMRs), if these reactors use metal driver fuel. This type of fuel is being developed as part of the Integral Fast Reactor Program at Argonne National Laboratory. Work is now underway at EBR-II to exploit the inherent safety of metal-fueled LMRs with regard to development of improved plant control strategies. (orig.)

  20. The Russia Corporate Governance Manual : Part I. Corporate Governance Introduced


    International Finance Corporation; U.S. Department of Commerce


    The Russia corporate governance manual has been divided into and is published in six parts: (i) corporate governance introduced; (ii) good board practices; (iii) shareholder rights; (iv) information disclosure and transparency; (v) special focus section; and (vi) annexes model corporate governance documents. The first four parts contain chapters that focus on core corporate governance issu...

  1. Arbitrary order 2D virtual elements for polygonal meshes: part II, inelastic problem (United States)

    Artioli, E.; Beirão da Veiga, L.; Lovadina, C.; Sacco, E.


    The present paper is the second part of a twofold work, whose first part is reported in Artioli et al. (Comput Mech, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s00466-017-1404-5), concerning a newly developed Virtual element method (VEM) for 2D continuum problems. The first part of the work proposed a study for linear elastic problem. The aim of this part is to explore the features of the VEM formulation when material nonlinearity is considered, showing that the accuracy and easiness of implementation discovered in the analysis inherent to the first part of the work are still retained. Three different nonlinear constitutive laws are considered in the VEM formulation. In particular, the generalized viscoelastic model, the classical Mises plasticity with isotropic/kinematic hardening and a shape memory alloy constitutive law are implemented. The versatility with respect to all the considered nonlinear material constitutive laws is demonstrated through several numerical examples, also remarking that the proposed 2D VEM formulation can be straightforwardly implemented as in a standard nonlinear structural finite element method framework.

  2. Light echoes - Type II supernovae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaefer, B.E.


    Type II supernovae (SNs) light curves show a remarkable range of shapes. Data have been collected for the 12 Type II SNs that have light curve information for more than four months past maximum. Contrary to previous reports, it is found that (1) the decay rate after 100 days past maximum varies by almost an order of magnitude and (2) the light curve shapes are not bimodally distributed, but actually form a continuum. In addition, it is found that the extinctions to the SNs are related to the light curve shapes. This implies that the absorbing dust is local to the SNs. The dust is likely to be part of a circumstellar shell emitted by the SN progenitor that Dwek (1983) has used to explain infrared echoes. The optical depth of the shell can get quite large. In such cases, it is found that the photons scattered and delayed by reflection off dust grains will dominate the light curve several months after peak brightness. This light echo offers a straightforward explanation of the diversity of Type II SN light curves. 22 references

  3. Strategic planning for hotel operations: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company (Part II). (United States)

    Shriver, S J


    The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1992. One key to its success is its strategic planning process. In this second part of a two-part article, Stephen Shriver concludes his review of the Ritz-Carlton's approach to strategic planning. Shriver begins by outlining some key steps in plan development and goes on to describe how the Ritz-Carlton disseminates, implements, and evaluates the plan.

  4. Epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in Poland: part II. What are the causes of the different epidemiological situation in various regions of Poland? (United States)

    Rowińska-Zakrzewska, Ewa; Korzeniewska-Koseła, Maria; Roszkowski-Śliż, Kazimierz


    influence transmission of tuberculosis. There is also the possibility that the differences in the epidemiological situation in various regions of Poland are caused by historical events. In the past the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis was much worse in the east of Europe than in the west. Just after the Second World War, according to the changes of the Polish territory, many Polish citizens (mainly ancestors of those from Group I) were displaced from the east to the west. In conclusion, the greater number of patients lost from observation, together with the higher density of population in the regions from Group I in comparison with those from Group II, seems to be partly responsible for the difference in the epidemiological situation in the two regions. It is also possible that some patients from Group I are more susceptible to infection and disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis due to their ancestors, who lived in the east of Europe.

  5. Providing all global energy with wind, water, and solar power, Part II: Reliability, system and transmission costs, and policies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delucchi, Mark A.; Jacobson, Mark Z.


    This is Part II of two papers evaluating the feasibility of providing all energy for all purposes (electric power, transportation, and heating/cooling), everywhere in the world, from wind, water, and the sun (WWS). In Part I, we described the prominent renewable energy plans that have been proposed and discussed the characteristics of WWS energy systems, the global demand for and availability of WWS energy, quantities and areas required for WWS infrastructure, and supplies of critical materials. Here, we discuss methods of addressing the variability of WWS energy to ensure that power supply reliably matches demand (including interconnecting geographically dispersed resources, using hydroelectricity, using demand-response management, storing electric power on site, over-sizing peak generation capacity and producing hydrogen with the excess, storing electric power in vehicle batteries, and forecasting weather to project energy supplies), the economics of WWS generation and transmission, the economics of WWS use in transportation, and policy measures needed to enhance the viability of a WWS system. We find that the cost of energy in a 100% WWS will be similar to the cost today. We conclude that barriers to a 100% conversion to WWS power worldwide are primarily social and political, not technological or even economic. - Research highlights: → We evaluate the feasibility of global energy supply from wind, water, and solar energy. → WWS energy can be supplied reliably and economically to all energy-use sectors. → The social cost of WWS energy generally is less than the cost of fossil-fuel energy. → Barriers to 100% WWS power worldwide are socio-political, not techno-economic.

  6. The simulation of transients in thermal plant. Part II: Applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morini, G.L.; Piva, S.


    This paper deals with the simulation of the transients of thermal plant with control systems. In the companion paper forming part I of this article [G.L. Morini, S. Piva, The simulation of transients in thermal plant. Part I: Mathematical model, Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2138-2144] it has been described how a 'thermal-library' of customised blocks can be built and used, in an intuitive way, to study the transients of any kind of thermal plant. Each component of plant such as valves, boilers, and pumps, is represented by a single block. In this paper, the 'thermal-library' approach is demonstrated by the analysis of the dynamic behaviour of a central heating plant of a typical apartment house during a sinusoidal variation of the external temperature. A comparison of the behaviour of such a plant with three way valve working either in flow rate or in temperature control, is presented and discussed. Finally, the results show the delaying effect of the thermal capacity of the building on the performance of the control system

  7. Part I. Analyzing the distribution of gas law questions in chemistry textbooks. Part II. Chlorine-35 NQR spectra of group 1 and silver dichloromethanesulfonates (United States)

    Gillette, Gabriel

    Part I. Two studies involving the gas law questions in eight high school and Advanced Placement/college chemistry textbooks were performed using loglinear analysis to look for associations among six variables. These variables included Bloom's Taxonomy (higher-order, lower-order), Book Type (high school, college), Question Format (multiple-choice, problem, short answer), Question Placement (in-chapter, end-of-chapter, test bank), Representation (macroscopic, microscopic, symbolic), and Arkansas Science Standard (conceptual, mathematical; gas laws, pressure conversion, stoichiometry). The first study, involving the conceptual gas law questions, found the Book Type and Question Placement variables had the biggest impact, each appearing in 5 of the 11 significant associations. The second study, involving the mathematical gas law questions, found the Question Placement had the biggest impact, appearing in 7 of the 11 significant associations, followed by Book Type and the Arkansas Science Standard variables, which appeared in 5 of the 11 significant associations. These studies showed that compared to the high school books, college books have fewer multiple-choice questions (compared to short-answer and problem questions), fewer in-chapter questions (compared to end-of-chapter and test bank questions), fewer questions in the chapters and more questions at the end of the chapters and fewer multiple-choice questions in and at the end of the books and more multiple-choice questions in the test banks. Part II. The dichloromethanesulfonate salts of several +1 charged cations, M+Cl2CHSO3 - (M = Li, Na, K, Rb Ag, Cs Tl) were synthesized and studied by 35Cl nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR). Dichloromethanesulfonic acid was prepared by the methanolysis of dichloromethanesulfonyl chloride, which was neutralized with the metal carbonates to produce the corresponding metal dichloromethanesulfonate salts. This study completed the NQR investigation of the family of chloroacetates

  8. Peak-summer East Asian rainfall predictability and prediction part II: extratropical East Asia (United States)

    Yim, So-Young; Wang, Bin; Xing, Wen


    The part II of the present study focuses on northern East Asia (NEA: 26°N-50°N, 100°-140°E), exploring the source and limit of the predictability of the peak summer (July-August) rainfall. Prediction of NEA peak summer rainfall is extremely challenging because of the exposure of the NEA to midlatitude influence. By examining four coupled climate models' multi-model ensemble (MME) hindcast during 1979-2010, we found that the domain-averaged MME temporal correlation coefficient (TCC) skill is only 0.13. It is unclear whether the dynamical models' poor skills are due to limited predictability of the peak-summer NEA rainfall. In the present study we attempted to address this issue by applying predictable mode analysis method using 35-year observations (1979-2013). Four empirical orthogonal modes of variability and associated major potential sources of variability are identified: (a) an equatorial western Pacific (EWP)-NEA teleconnection driven by EWP sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, (b) a western Pacific subtropical high and Indo-Pacific dipole SST feedback mode, (c) a central Pacific-El Nino-Southern Oscillation mode, and (d) a Eurasian wave train pattern. Physically meaningful predictors for each principal component (PC) were selected based on analysis of the lead-lag correlations with the persistent and tendency fields of SST and sea-level pressure from March to June. A suite of physical-empirical (P-E) models is established to predict the four leading PCs. The peak summer rainfall anomaly pattern is then objectively predicted by using the predicted PCs and the corresponding observed spatial patterns. A 35-year cross-validated hindcast over the NEA yields a domain-averaged TCC skill of 0.36, which is significantly higher than the MME dynamical hindcast (0.13). The estimated maximum potential attainable TCC skill averaged over the entire domain is around 0.61, suggesting that the current dynamical prediction models may have large rooms to improve

  9. E-READING II: words database for reading by students from Basic Education II. (United States)

    Oliveira, Adriana Marques de; Capellini, Simone Aparecida


    To develop a database of words of high, medium and low frequency in reading for Basic Education II. The words were taken from the teaching material for Portuguese Language, used by the teaching network of the State of São Paulo in the 6th to the 9th year of Basic Education. Only nouns were selected. The frequency with which each word occurred was recorded and a single database was created. In order to classify the words as of high, medium and low frequency, the decision was taken to work with the distribution terciles, mean frequency and the cutoff point of the terciles. In order to ascertain whether the words of high, medium and low frequency corresponded to this classification, 224 students were assessed: G1 (6th year, n= 61); G2 (7th year, n= 44); G3 (8th year, n= 65); and G4 (9th year, n= 54). The lists of words were presented to the students for reading out loud, in two sessions: 1st) words of high and medium frequency and 2nd) words of low-frequency. Words which encompassed the exclusion criteria, or which caused discomfort or joking on the part of the students, were excluded. The word database was made up of 1659 words and was titled 'E - LEITURA II' ('E-READING II', in English). The E-LEITURA II database is a useful resource for the professionals, as it provides a database which can be used for research, educational and clinical purposes among students of Basic Education II. The professional can choose the words according to her objectives and criteria for elaborating evaluation or intervention procedures involving reading.

  10. Small Business Management. Part II. A Suggested Adult Course Outline. (United States)

    New York State Education Dept., Albany. Bureau of Continuing Education Curriculum Development.

    This teacher's guide is a companion to "Small Business Management Part I" published by the New York State Education Department in 1968. The course outlined by the guide is primarily for those who aspire to own and operate their own business, and those in business who wish to improve their operations. The course consists of six lessons covering…

  11. Solar Energy Education. Reader, Part II. Sun story. [Includes glossary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Magazine articles which focus on the subject of solar energy are presented. The booklet prepared is the second of a four part series of the Solar Energy Reader. Excerpts from the magazines include the history of solar energy, mythology and tales, and selected poetry on the sun. A glossary of energy related terms is included. (BCS)

  12. Cr(III,Mn(II,Fe(III,Co(II,Ni(II,Cu(II and Zn(II Complexes with Diisobutyldithiocarbamato Ligand

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Tarique


    Full Text Available The synthesis of sulphur and nitrogen containing dithiocarbamato ligand derived from diisobutylamine as well as its coordination compounds with 3d series transition metals is presented. These synthesized compounds were characterized on the basis of elemental analysis, conductometric measurements and IR spectral studies. The analytical data showed the stoichiometry 1:2 and 1:3 for the compounds of the types ML2 {M=Mn(II, Co(II, Ni(II, Cu(II and Zn(II} and M'L3{M'=Cr(III and Fe(III} respectively. The conductometric measurements proved the non-electrolytic behaviour of all the compounds. The bidentate nature of dithiocarbamato moiety was confirmed on the basis of IR spectral data.

  13. 77 FR 58473 - Minimum Technical Standards for Class II Gaming Systems and Equipment (United States)


    ... to all equipment, including computer, electronic, or other technologic aids used with Class II games..., computer, or other technologic aids in connection with the play of Class II games. This part establishes... gaming system, causes a discontinuance of game play or other component functions. Financial instrument...

  14. Pattern-recognition system application to EBR-II plant-life extension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, R.W.; Radtke, W.H.; Mott, J.E.


    A computer-based pattern-recognition system, the System State Analyzer (SSA), is being used as part of the EBR-II plant-life extension program for detection of degradation and other abnormalities in plant systems. The SSA is used for surveillance of the EBR-II primary system instrumentation, primary sodium pumps, and plant heat balances. Early results of this surveillance indicate that the SSA can detect instrumentation degradation and system performance degradation over varying time intervals, and can provide derived signal values to replace signals from failed critical sensors. These results are being used in planning for extended-life operation of EBR-II

  15. ¿Seguridad para la gente, o seguridad para el Estado?


    Camacho Guizado, Alvaro


    El tema de la seguridad ciudadana suscita profundas controversias. Forma parte del repertorio ideológico favorito de políticos típicamente conservadores, tema de las clases propietarias que reclaman mayor protección de la fuerza pública y de ciudadanos asustados que claman por una mano dura que les proteja en sus vidas y bienes; espacio de construcción social de clases peligrosas y elementos amenazantes e indeseables para el buen rostro de una sociedad. De otra parte, miradas alternativas que...

  16. Influencia del apoyo de la enfermera en el éxito de la lactancia materna


    Martínez Dávila, Desirée


    La autora realiza una investigación en un hospital privado de Salamanca para conocer de primera mano qué tipo de información se le da a las madres acerca de la lactancia materna. Previamente la autora realiza un estudio sobre el puerperio, la lactancia materna y el apoyo que deben recibir las madres por parte del personal de enfermería.

  17. Estudio comparativo del tiro: balonkorf con dos manos; baloncesto con una mano


    García Pérez, Leontino


    Hace cuatro años, por motivos profesionales, llegué a Estepona, villa malagueña de la Costa del Sol; (lugar donde resido). En dicha zona conocí un deporte nuevo para mí, un deporte nuevo pero que tenía características parecidas a deportes conocidos y con el gran atractivo de ser un deporte mixto, y por esta causa lo podían jugar todos los alumnos de una clase, grupos de amigos, familiares, etc. La práctica del Balonkorf en la Costa del Sol y especialmente en los municipios de Estepona, F...

  18. Designing carbon markets, Part II: Carbon markets in space

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fankhauser, Samuel; Hepburn, Cameron


    This paper analyses the design of carbon markets in space (i.e., geographically). It is part of a twin set of papers that, starting from first principles, ask what an optimal global carbon market would look like by around 2030. Our focus is on firm-level cap-and-trade systems, although much of what we say would also apply to government-level trading and carbon offset schemes. We examine the 'first principles' of spatial design to maximise flexibility and to minimise costs, including key design issues in linking national and regional carbon markets together to create a global carbon market.

  19. Historia de la Conservación Preventiva. Parte II


    García Fernández, Isabel M.


    La segunda parte de la historia de la conservación preventiva comienza en 1990; esta etapa es mucho más corta que la primera,pero más prolífica en materiales, proyectos y publicaciones. Vamos a ver cómo desde sus inicios, la conservación preventiva ha ido cobrando protagonismo en todos los ámbitos relacionados con la preservación y uso del patrimonio. En este artículo vamos a destacar los hitos fundamentales que han conseguido afianzar esta disciplina en los últimos 25 años y valorar- su desa...

  20. Centric relation: concepts revision and recording techniques. Part II


    Orozco Varo, Ana; Arroyo Cruz, Gema; Martinez De Fuentes, Rafael; Ventura de la Torre, Javier; Cañadas Rodríguez, Diego; Jiménez-Castellanos Ballesteros, Emilio


    La relación céntrica ha sido objeto de disparidad de criterios en la odontología durante más de un siglo. A lo largo de este trabajo, vamos a exponer diferentes métodos usados tanto para obtener el registro, como para comprobar su certeza y corroborar la posición condilar. Dado que no existe evidencia científica en el tema, en este trabajo, revisaremos los estudios experimentales que aparecen en la literatura. Los hemos divididos en dos partes, la primera relacionada con la definición de rela...