
Sample records for maltrato infantil grave

  1. Rehabilitación neuropsicológica en el maltrato infantil


    Fares Otero, Natalia Elena


    El maltrato infantil es uno de los problemas de salud pública más graves en el mundo, que afecta a millones de niños y adolescentes de todas las sociedades y culturas. Existen varias modalidades que incluyen el maltrato físico, psicológico, el abuso sexual, la negligencia y la violencia doméstica. Las víctimas generalmente son vulnerables al maltrato en su propio hogar y los maltratadores son familiares directos. El maltrato crónico provoca una activación frecuente y prolongada de los sistema...

  2. El maltrato infantil


    Mazo Toledo, María


    Se estudia el maltrato infantil desde sus antecedentes, así como su tipología, causas y consecuencias. Además de abordar el abuso sexual de forma más amplia. También se expone la evaluación psicológica junto con sus técnicas. Es fundamental la utilización de medidas para la prevención del maltrato infantil, pues una gran parte de los problemas en el niño se ven reflejados en su vida adulta

  3. Estudio sobre las consecuencias del maltrato infantil en el desarrollo del lenguaje


    Moreno Manso, Juan Manuel


    Con el estudio sobre las consecuencias del maltrato infantil en el desarrollo del lenguaje, intentamos determinar si los malos tratos a la infancia ocasionan repercusiones en dicha área y si existen repercusiones lingüísticas diferenciales según el tipo de maltrato infantil que sufre el niño. Para ello, analizamos muestras de maltrato infantil tales como el abandono físico, abandono emocional, maltrato físico y maltrato emocional. Reflejamos los resultados de la aplicación de las Escalas McCa...

  4. El maltrato infantil y la credibilidad del testimonio en menores


    Fagúndez Gómez, Raquel


    En los últimos años ha aumentado de forma exponencial la investigación acerca del maltrato infantil, ya que se considera un acto reprobable y completamente perjudicial para el menor. Este estudio tiene como finalidad dar a conocer los tipos de maltrato infantil existentes y la metodología que se puede utilizar para detectarlos.

  5. Factores de riesgo del maltrato y abandono infantil desde una perspectiva multicausal


    González-Muriel López, Cristina


    RESUMEN: En este artículo se expone la evolución de los diferentes modelos que han tratado de ofrecer una explicación del maltrato y abandono infantil, modelos que en un principio se basaban en una perspectiva unicausal. Actualmente, el maltrato infantil se encuadra en un marco teórico multicausal; desde este enfoque, se proporciona un análisis de aquellos factores ambientales, familiares e individuales, que se consideran importantes en la explicación del maltrato y abandono infantil intrafam...

  6. Maltrato infantil y desarrollo: hacia una revisión de los factores de resiliencia

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    Gabriela Morelato


    Full Text Available El estudio de la resiliencia en la problemática del maltrato pretende reflexionar sobre la importancia de enfocarse, no sólo en las graves consecuencias que éste produce, sino también en aquellos recursos infantiles que les permiten a los niños retomar su desarrollo. El presente trabajo se propone elaborar una síntesis teórica acerca de las concepciones de la resiliencia en el ámbito del maltrato infantil y realizar una revisión de los principales factores vinculados a la misma. Específicamente, esta revisión busca explicitar factores internos como externos de resiliencia con los que cuentan los niños maltratados, siguiendo los resultados de investigaciones empíricas y análisis teóricos de más de 40 trabajos sobre la temática, que indagan acerca de este proceso y sus aspectos; tarea que tiene como objetivo brindar bases conceptuales para aquellos profesionales que buscan promover potencialidades en la infancia más vulnerable.

  7. Variables que intervienen en el abandono físico o negligencia infantil comparativamente con otros tipos de maltrato infantil


    Moreno Manso, Juan Manuel


    Es un trabajo de investigación en materia de protección de menores, donde se realiza un análisis comparativo entre las distintas tipologías de maltrato infantil, y más concretamente entre el abandono físico o negligencia infantil y el resto de tipos de maltrato a la infancia. La tesis Doctoral se enmarca en los servicios sociales de protección a la Infancia de la ciudad de Badajoz y es el primer estudio científico sobre el maltrato infantil que se realiza en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extr...

  8. El maltrato infantil: un problema mundial

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    Full Text Available Al abordar el maltrato infantil se presentan diversos problemas: desconocimiento de la verdadera proporción de dicha problemática; raíces culturales e históricas profundas; diversidad de opiniones en cuanto a su definición y clasificación; dificultades en la investigación y, finalmente, una diversidad de consideraciones sobre sus repercusiones y su manejo terapéutico. En el presente artículo se estudia el maltrato infantil desde sus antecedentes históricos, así como sus clasificaciones, sus definiciones y su epidemiología. Asimismo, se revisan las repercusiones y se plantean las alternativas de tratamiento que en la bibliografía existente se han manejado como fundamentales para enfrentar este fenómeno cada vez más alarmante. Queda subrayada la necesidad de unificar criterios en cuanto a la definición y clasificación de información científica en torno a datos demográficos que, finalmente, hablarán de la realidad del problema, de los avances relacionados con sus causas, su diagnóstico, sus medidas preventivas y su tratamiento. Es fundamental utilizar medidas tendientes a prevenir el maltrato, pues una gran parte de los problemas en el niño se ven reflejados en la vida adulta. Se comparan las distintas clasificaciones en torno al tema, así como las características tanto del agredido como del agresor en los distintos tipos de maltrato.

  9. Impacto psicológico del maltrato infantil en la sociedad


    Prieto Valderrábano, Lorena


    La autora presenta en este trabajo el maltrato infantil, los tipos de maltrato y sus múltiples consecuencias, el impacto psicosocial que acarrea este acto y el proceso de detección y la evaluación que realiza el psicólogo en estos casos

  10. El Síndrome de Burnout en Operadores y Equipos de Trabajo en Maltrato Infantil Grave Burnout Syndrome in Severe Child Abuse Workers and Work Teams

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    Carmen Gloria Quintana


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación acerca de la percepción del síndrome de burnout en equipos de trabajo en maltrato infantil grave y su relación con aspectos propios de la temática, con los factores personales, grupales, organizacionales y del contexto socio-legal, e identifica y describe los factores protectores. Se utilizó un diseño metodológico de carácter cualitativo. Se trabajó con 19 profesionales de distintos equipos y un grupo de ex trabajadores, todos ligados a los programas de reparación del maltrato infantil grave del SENAME. Los resultados apuntan a definir que la falta de políticas públicas consistentes en el área, es la fuente que, ligada a dinámicas propias de la temática, más fuertemente incide en la aparición del síndrome de burnout en estos equipos. No obstante, fenómenos asociados a aspectos organizacionales también predisponen al burnout.This article presents the results of a research on the perception of Burnout Syndrome in teams working with severe child abuse and its relationship with the theme's inner aspects, personal, group, organizational and socio-legal factors. Moreover, it identifies and describes protective factors. A methodological design of a qualitative nature was used. It involved 19 professionals of various teams and a group of former workers. All of them were involved with SENAME's severe child abuse reparation programs. The results point to the lack of consistent public policies in the area as the cause -tied to the dynamics inherent to this theme- that most strongly influences the onset of Burnout Syndrome in these teams. Nevertheless, phenomena associated to organizational matters also predispose to the syndrome.

  11. El maltrato y el abuso infantil: una propuesta de intervención


    Martín-Jimeno, Arantzazu


    El presente trabajo de fin de grado versa sobre el maltrato infantil y el abuso sexual en especial, realizando una propuesta de intervención para su prevención en segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil. En la primera parte se realiza un recorrido teórico por los conceptos más significativos, como la definición, tipología, factores de riesgo y protectores, efectos y situación del maltrato infantil y del abuso sexual en particular. En la segunda parte se presenta una propuesta de in...

  12. Concepcion del Maltrato Infantil y los Patrones de Crianza


    Ruth E Caicedo-Fonseca


    Existen situaciones y comportamientos de la persona, familia y colectivos, que por diferentes circunstancias pueden propiciar la Violencia Intrafamiliar conllevando al Maltrato Infantil. El que se presenten estos factores predispone a la aparicion del maltrato, pero esto no significa que necesariamente el resultado de tales comportamientos desemboque en violencia contra los miembros del nucleo familiar, pero si es seguro que esas personas son mas vulnerables al problema. Cuando la persona tra...

  13. Maltrato infantil en escuela ecuatoriana de Ambato


    Romero Viamonte, Katherine; Villacís Salazar, Marina Isabel; Jara Vázquez, Ernesto


    Introducción: El maltrato infantil se define como el abuso y la desatención de que son objeto los menores de 18 años; incluye el maltrato físico o psicológico, abuso sexual, desatención, negligencia y explotación comercial o de otro tipo que puedan causar un daño a la salud, al desarrollo o la dignidad del niño, y poner en peligro su supervivencia, en el contexto de una relación de responsabilidad, confianza o poder. Método: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, m...

  14. Factores de riesgo del maltrato y abandono infantil desde una perspectiva multicausal

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este artículo se expone la evolución de los diferentes modelos que han tratado de ofrecer una explicación del maltrato y abandono infantil, modelos que en un principio se basaban en una perspectiva unicausal. Actualmente, el maltrato infantil se encuadra en un marco teórico multicausal; desde este enfoque, se proporciona un análisis de aquellos factores ambientales, familiares e individuales, que se consideran importantes en la explicación del maltrato y abandono infantil intrafamiliar.SUMMARY: In this report is exposed the evolution of the different models which have tried to offer an explanation to the phenomenon of the abuse and children's neglect, models that at first were based in an unicausal perspective. Nowadays, the children's abuse is inserted in a theorical multicausal setting; from this aproach, it is provided an analysis of those familiar, individual and surrounding factors which are considered important in the explanation of abuse and intrafamiliar children's neglect.

  15. El maltrato infantil: aspectos psicológicos y programas de tratamientos


    González Díaz, Adriana


    La presente revisión recoge los aspectos psicológicos derivados del maltrato infantil. Expone la tipología, así la evaluación psicológica de los menores en estos casos y las patologías asociadas al maltrato. Finalmente se exponen los principales programas de intervención y tratamiento en estos casos

  16. Revisión de los principales modelos teóricos explicativos del maltrato infantil


    Juan Manuel Moreno Manso


    En este artículo se describen las cinco formas de maltrato infantil y los principales modelos teóricos que a lo largo de los últimos treinta años han tratado de proporcionar explicaciones sobre los fenómenos de abuso sexual, maltrato físico, abandono físico, maltrato emocional y abandono emocional.


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    María Inés Bringiotti


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza las implicaciones del concepto "familia" señalando la multiplicidad de fenómenos y situaciones incluidos en el mismo. Su elucidación permitirá determinar los diversos tipos de familia y de riesgo que podemos encontrar en nuestro trabajo cotidiano. La evolución de ese concepto está directamente influida por las determinantes socioestructurales y culturales que en cada momento histórico contextualizan a los sujetos, así como las posibles situaciones de riesgo que deben enfrentar y los recursos con los que cuentan. Se analiza la influencia de las representaciones acerca de cómo debe ser una familia, en la actualidad las familias presentan diferentes formas o estructuras y ello no implica el cumplimiento o no de sus funciones. Esto permitirá establecer adecuadamente las diferentes estrategias de prevención y abordaje aplicables a cada situación. Se ejemplificará concretamente con situaciones problemáticas relacionados a los casos de violencia familiar y maltrato infantil, concretamente con la negligencia y el abuso sexual infantil.

  18. El bienestar infantil: Propuesta de Intervención para prevenir el maltrato mediante el desarrollo de habilidades socioemocionales


    Sanz Villarreal, Elena


    El maltrato infantil es un problema social que afecta a niños y niñas de todos los países del mundo, sea cual sea su condición social o económica. La cultura de la violencia está globalizada e influye en todos los ámbitos de la vida. En nuestra sociedad, los menores destacan por su vulnerabilidad: los mismos adultos que deberían protegerles, son los responsables de su maltrato. En este trabajo se realiza un acercamiento al maltrato infantil para sensibilizar a los docentes, dotándoles de estr...

  19. Ajuste social y escolar de jóvenes víctimas de maltrato infantil en situación de acogimiento residencial

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    Alexander Muela


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en examinar el ajuste social y escolar de jóvenes que habían sufrido maltrato en la infancia y se encontraban en situación de acogimiento residencial. Además, pretendíamos comprobar si existían diferencias entre los sujetos sometidos a distintas situaciones de desprotección infantil. En el estudio participaron 318 jóvenes residentes en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco de edades comprendidas entre los 13 y los 18 años (M = 15.35, DT = 1.68 pertenecientes a tres colectivos. El primero de ellos estaba constituido por 69 jóvenes (31 mujeres y 38 varones víctimas de maltrato infantil que se hallaban bajo una medida de protección de acogimiento residencial. El segundo grupo estaba formado por 75 jóvenes (29 mujeres y 46 varones víctimas de maltrato infantil que se encontraban en situación de riesgo de desamparo. Por último, el tercer grupo estaba constituido por 174 jóvenes (95 mujeres y 79 varones que no habían sufrido maltrato. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que, independientemente de la situación de desprotección infantil en la que se encontrasen, los jóvenes víctimas de maltrato infantil mostraban mayores dificultades de adaptación social y escolar que los jóvenes que no habían sufrido maltrato en la infancia.

  20. Interacciones docente-estudiantes y maltrato infantil: análisis microgenético desde la perspectiva sociocultural

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    María Natalia Rodríguez García


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene como objetivo caracterizar las significaciones sobre el maltrato infantil, que emergen en el contexto de un salón de clases de primero de primaria, en un colegio público de la ciudad de Bogotá. Este estudio se sustenta en la perspectiva sociocultural. Desde un enfoque idiográfico y por medio de análisis microgenéticos, se profundizó en el estudio de caso de Martina, quien, a partir de su práctica pedagógica, proporcionó elementos para caracterizar las significaciones que ha construido sobre el maltrato infantil y la manera en cómo estas son comunicadas a los niños. Metodológicamente, se solicitó a la profesora preparar un taller para sus estudiantes orientado hacia la prevención del maltrato infantil. También, se llevó a cabo una entrevista con la docente para complementar los análisis. Los resultados indican que las significaciones del maltrato infantil, que emergen en la práctica educativa de la educadora, están permeadas por un sistema cultural más amplio, a saber, la religión católica, y que a través de lo religioso se comunica con sus estudiantes para alinear sus objetivos a los de ellos. Futuras investigaciones podrían centrarse en el estudio de la práctica docente, de manera detallada, y considerar la cultura como elemento fundamental de la organización escolar.

  1. Explotación sexual comercial infantil: las rutas de vida del maltrato

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    Raquel Méndez Villamizar


    Full Text Available Se aborda el tema de la explotación sexual comercial infantil aportando a la comprensión de las situaciones de riesgo y favorecedoras para el ingreso y la permanencia de niños, niñas y adolescentes a partir de la reconstrucción de las rutas de vida de los sujetos sometidos a esta forma de maltrato infantil. Desde un enfoque etnográfico se lograron 6 rutas de vida: 4 niñas y 2 niños explotados sexualmente en la Comuna Centro de la ciudad de Bucaramanga (Colombia. Se destaca el análisis y documentación sobre el ámbito familiar y social, el contexto de interacción y las prácticas cotidianas de un problema complejo caracterizado por la exclusión, el maltrato y el estigma de los niños en esta situación.

  2. Explotación sexual comercial infantil: las rutas de vida del maltrato

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    Raquel Méndez Villamizar


    Full Text Available Se aborda el tema de la explotación sexual comercial infantil aportando a la comprensión de las situaciones de riesgo y favorecedoras para el ingreso y la permanencia de niños, niñas y adolescentes a partir de la reconstrucción de las rutas de vida de los sujetos sometidos a esta forma de maltrato infantil. Desde un enfoque etnográfico se lograron 6 rutas de vida, 4 niñas y 2 niños explotados sexualmente en la Comuna Centro de la ciudad de Bucaramanga (Colombia. Se destaca el análisis y documentación sobre el ámbito familiar y social, el contexto de interacción y las prácticas cotidianas de un problema complejo caracterizado por la exclusión, el maltrato y el estigma de los niños en esta situación.

  3. Caracterización del maltrato infantil en el barrio Ciudad Porfía de Villavicencio, Meta


    Diaz-Orjuela, Blanca Margarita


    La investigación sobre maltrato infantil, realizada en el barrio Ciudad Porfía de Villavicencio, Meta, con un grupo de menores del Colegio Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento, evidenció el maltrato físico y psicológico, consistente en pellizcos, golpes con correas, rejos y otros objetos, además de gritos y regaños permanentes con vocabulario soez, entre otros. El estudio realizado mostró la confusión que existe entre maltrato y la noción de corrección que tienen los padres respecto a sus hijos. Se ca...

  4. Maltrato infanto juvenil en discapacitados cognitivos Infantile-juvenile ill-treatment in cognitive handicapped

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    Nadieska Benítez Gort


    Full Text Available El maltrato infantil es uno de los temas más álgidos dentro de la práctica médica pediátrica; si a esto se le suma la condición de discapacidad cognitiva que convierte a niños y adolescentes en población más expuesta y menos apta para identificarlo y defenderse, se estaría tratando un problema médico de alta complejidad. Es importante el conocimiento de este tema en el personal de salud más cercano a la familia, lo que puede contribuir a la disminución de la frecuencia del maltrato y a reducir el tiempo de daño al niño o adolescente. Todo lo anterior puede evitar que estos pequeños sean mal diagnosticados y mal tratados a punto de partida de la desorganización conductual y emocional que en ellos pueden aparecer secundarios al maltrato, muchas veces inexplicables para padres y médicos. Es importante poner a disposición de los especialistas de la atención primaria y personal de salud comunitario, algunos apuntes sobre las particularidades del maltrato infantil en niños y adolescentes con necesidades cognitivas especiales, sus causas, tipos y consecuencias más frecuentes para su salud mental. El maltrato infanto juvenil en discapacitados cognitivos no es probablemente infrecuente en las comunidades y sí quizás poco identificado. La capacidad del personal de salud para encontrarlo siempre será oportuna y salvadora, de ahí la necesidad de conocimientos sobre el tema.The infantile ill-treatment is one of the more inhuman subjects in the pediatric medical practice and if to this feature we added the cognitive inability status converting children and adolescents into a more exposed and less able population to identify it and to defend itself, this will becomes in very complex medical problem. It is important the knowledge of this subject by health staff nearest of family, contributing to decrease of ill-treatment frequency and reducing the damage time to child or adolescent. The above mentioned may to avoid that these little

  5. Maltrato infantil: normatividad y psicología forense


    Gerardo A. Hernández M.; Ángela C. Tapias S.


    El presente trabajo documental, de carácter pedagógico, está dirigido a profesionales que trabajen con casos de maltrato infantil. Introduce al lector sobre la normatividad y las instituciones que se encargan de la protección y atención al menor maltratado, además de los instrumentos de evaluación psicológica forense utilizados. Se presenta el aporte de la psicología jurídica para probar el daño psicológico. Finalmente, se propone como plan de acción recurrir a mecanismos alternativos, menos ...



    Jiménez, Lorgio; Donoso, Patricio; Sánchez, Ima-Sumac; Morales, Silvia; Ingrid, Jumbo


    Los/as maestros/as y padres de familia directa o indirectamente cometemos acciones de maltrato infantil, en cualquiera de sus vertientes. Esto nos motivó a realizar un trabajo investigativo con el fin de determinar si el maltrato físico y el psicológico en niños/as de edad escolar influía en el rendimiento académico de ellos/as. Luego del análisis estadístico desarrollado en los experimentos, se llegó a la conclusión de que el maltrato físico no influye en el rendimiento ...

  7. Maltrato infantil: normatividad y psicología forense

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    Gerardo A. Hernández M.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo documental, de carácter pedagógico, está dirigido a profesionales que trabajen con casos de maltrato infantil. Introduce al lector sobre la normatividad y las instituciones que se encargan de la protección y atención al menor maltratado, además de los instrumentos de evaluación psicológica forense utilizados. Se presenta el aporte de la psicología jurídica para probar el daño psicológico. Finalmente, se propone como plan de acción recurrir a mecanismos alternativos, menos punitivos, concretamente a los mecanismos de la justicia restaurativa.

  8. Maltrato infantil y sus consecuencias a largo plazo

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    Laura Carolina Alarcón Forero


    Full Text Available La violencia intrafamiliar constituye una de las formas más frecuentes de violencia encontradas tanto a nivel nacional como internacional y dentro de estas el maltrato infantil presenta cifras alarmantes, y es el objeto de nuestra revisión. Los efectos de este problema repercuten notablemente en aquellos que sobreviven, ya que las consecuencias a largo plazo del maltrato infantil son más perjudiciales para lasvíctimas y sus familias, y más costoso para la sociedad, que las lesiones agudas inmediatas que puedan producir. Las consecuencias a largo plazo para estos niños varían desde efectos nocivos en su desarrollo hasta trastornos psicológicos, psiquiátricos y orgánicos. Es importante resaltar que aún con muy buenas intervenciones no todas tienen el éxito esperado si no se hacen de manera correcta. Esindispensable contar con estrategias de prevención que incluyan personal bien entrenado, una supervisión adecuada, los recursos necesarios, y un tiempo mínimo óptimo para enfrentar el problema y obtener los mejores resultados. ______________________________________________________________________Domestic violence is one of the most common forms of violence found both domestically and internationally. Within these, child abuse has alarming figures. This is the subject of this review. The effects of this problem significantly impact on those who survive; their long-term consequences are most severe and expensive for victimized child and his/her family than associated primary physical injuries. Thelong-term consequences for these children range from adverse effects on its psycholigical development to psychological, psychiatric organic disoders. It is important to note that good speeches are not enough to achieve success if any intervention are not done correctly. All prevention strategies include well-trained staff, appropriate supervision, resources, and a optimal time for addressing this problem to get the best results.



    Gabriela Morelato; Silvina Giménez; José María Vitaliti; Leandro Casari; Georgina Soria


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue explorar desde una mirada clínica la presencia de los factoresprotectores necesarios para otorgar el alta en un proceso terapéutico de casos de maltrato in-fantil confirmados, según la opinión de los profesionales especialistas en su abordaje. Desdela perspectiva cualitativa, se utilizó una muestra no probabilística ocasional constituida por 51médicos, psicólogos, trabajadores sociales y otras disciplinas afines, especialistas en el abordajede casos de maltrato...

  10. El educador social ante el maltrato infantil: Fuentes de información y rol profesional. Un estudio documental

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El maltrato infantil es un problema social muy grave hoy en día. El abuso en la infancia es, además, un problema multidimensional: médico, psicológico, económico y cultural. El presente artículo aboga por la necesidad de solucionar este grave problema desde un enfoque educativo. En este contexto, el Educador Social es un nuevo profesional que tiene que desempeñar un papel relevante en este asunto y, por ello, este artículo define algunas de sus posibles funciones de carácter, fundamentalmente, preventivo. Por otro lado, el autor cree que un profesional competente es aquel que sabe procesar la información. La informática y, en particular, la tecnología CD-ROM, nos permite acceder a bases de datos de todo el mundo. Aquí se hace un estudio bibliográfico a partir de la base de datos ERIC, especializada en temas educativos, y se recogen las principales fuentes de información que todo Educador Social debe manejar para enfrentarse con más eficacia al maltrato de la infancia.SUMMARY: Child maltreatment is a very serious social problem nowadays. Child abuse is, besides, a multidimensional problem: medical, psychological, economic and cultural. The present article advocates an educational approach to solve this grave problem. In this context, the Social Educator is a new professional who has to carry out a relevant role about this subject and, for this reason, the article defines some preventive functions. On the other hand, the author thinks a competitive professional is one who knows how to process information. Computer science and, particulary, CD-ROM technology, allows access to bibliography around the world. This is a bibliographic study that it is based on ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center and it collects those principal sources of information that any Social Educator must know to efficiently face child maltreatment.

  11. Formas de maltrato infantil utilizadas por adultos de un barrio de Santa Marta

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    Diana Acosta Salazar


    Full Text Available Title: Forms of child abuse used by adults of a district in Santa MartaResumenEl maltrato sigue siendo una situación vivida por niños y niñas de todas las clases sociales, sin embargo, este suele presentarse con mayor incidencia en niños que viven bajo situación socioeconómica de pobreza, pudiendo afectar la calidad de vida de los mismos al ser víctimas de los malos tratos experimentados en su entorno familiar y social. El presente estudio tiene como fin describir las formas de maltrato infantil ejercidas por los adultos del barrio Las Malvinas en menores de 18 años. La metodología utilizada fue cuantitativa de características descriptivas y corte trasversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 83 adultos residentes en el barrio Las Malvinas, a los que se le aplicó la encuesta denominada Encuesta para la Detección de Maltrato Infantil o en Riesgo de Sufrirlo, dando como resultado que el maltrato psicológico presentó mayor incidencia; los actos de maltrato en menores fueron propiciados por algún miembro de la familia, y dentro de las situaciones desencadenantes descritas por los adultos encuestados se encuentran el exceso de trabajo y la escasez de dinero.AbstractChild abuse remains a situation experienced by children of all social classes, while this usually occurs with higher incidence in children living under poor socioeconomic status, which may affect the quality of life for these children to be victims of experienced abuse in their family and social environment. This study aims to describe the forms of child abuse used by adults the barrio Las Malvinas in under 18 years, the methodology used was descriptive and quantitative crosscut. The sample consisted of 83 adults living in the neighborhood of Las Malvinas, which is a survey called Survey for the Detection of Child Abuse or at risk for, resulting in the highest incidence psychological abuse, acts of abuse in children were prompted by a family member and in triggering

  12. Maltrato infantil y representaciones de apego: defensas, memoria y estrategias, una revisión [Child Maltreatment and Attachment Representations: Defenses, Memory and Strategies, a Review

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    Andrés Fresno Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo realiza una revisión de la literatura sobre la influencia del maltrato infantil en la conformación de las representaciones del apego. Se describen los principales postulados teóricos respecto de los efectos del maltrato en los procesos defensivos, los sistemas de memoria y las estrategias de apego, elementos discutidos a través de la presentación de un modelo integrativo, el cual es contrastado con estudios empíricos. Se constata que el maltrato infantil afecta la calidad de las representaciones del apego, sin embargo se aprecia que los estudios no logran dar cuenta de toda la complejidad del fenómeno del maltrato. Los postulados teóricos abordados en este trabajo son marginalmente puestos a prueba en las investigaciones que se reportan.

  13. Relación entre el potencial al maltrato infantil y los estilos de afrontamiento al estrés en madres de un centro de salud de Lima


    Condori Aguilar, Mercedes Isabel


    El modelo de procesamiento social aplicado al maltrato infantil propone que existiría relación entre los procesos cognitivos que utiliza el sujeto en su interrelación con el medio y su uso de conductas de maltrato en la relación con sus hijos. En esta investigación se analizó el rol del afrontamiento al estrés en el potencial al maltrato infantil de la madre. El diseño aplicado fue descriptivo correlacional y de carácter no experimental. Se trabajó con una muestra de madres mayores de 18 años...

  14. El maltrato infantil: un problema mundial Child abuse: A worldwide problem

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    Full Text Available Al abordar el maltrato infantil se presentan diversos problemas: desconocimiento de la verdadera proporción de dicha problemática; raíces culturales e históricas profundas; diversidad de opiniones en cuanto a su definición y clasificación; dificultades en la investigación y, finalmente, una diversidad de consideraciones sobre sus repercusiones y su manejo terapéutico. En el presente artículo se estudia el maltrato infantil desde sus antecedentes históricos, así como sus clasificaciones, sus definiciones y su epidemiología. Asimismo, se revisan las repercusiones y se plantean las alternativas de tratamiento que en la bibliografía existente se han manejado como fundamentales para enfrentar este fenómeno cada vez más alarmante. Queda subrayada la necesidad de unificar criterios en cuanto a la definición y clasificación de información científica en torno a datos demográficos que, finalmente, hablarán de la realidad del problema, de los avances relacionados con sus causas, su diagnóstico, sus medidas preventivas y su tratamiento. Es fundamental utilizar medidas tendientes a prevenir el maltrato, pues una gran parte de los problemas en el niño se ven reflejados en la vida adulta. Se comparan las distintas clasificaciones en torno al tema, así como las características tanto del agredido como del agresor en los distintos tipos de maltrato.Several problems are encountered in the study of child abuse: ignorance of its real proportions, deep cultural and historical roots, diversity of opinion as to its definition and classification and, finally, very diverse considerations on its repercussions and therapeutic management. The present study approaches child abuse from its historical precedents, its classifications, definitions and epidemiology. In addition, repercussions are reviewed, and treatment alternatives considered which are held as fundamental to confront this alarmingly increasing phenomenon. It is important to unify

  15. La lucha contra el maltrato infantil desde el ámbito sanitario


    Carmena Hernández, Ana Isabel; Vidal Salcedo, Ana; Jiménez Carabias, María del Rocío


    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Introducción: el maltrato infantil ha sido, y es, una preocupación mundial expresada en multitud de asambleas generales de naciones unidas, con el fin de proteger los derechos de los niños. Desde principios del siglo XX, en España se lleva generando una ley que proteja a la infancia, que fomente unos buenos cuidados y una crianza salu...

  16. Estrategia educativa para el control y prevención del maltrato infantil dirigida a padres de niños con síndrome de Down

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    Eloy Pineda Pérez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. A pesar de que en Cuba existen políticas de protección al menor, aún persisten conductas de maltrato infantil. Al Círculo Infantil Especial "Zunzún" acuden niños con síndrome de Down y algunos de ellos han sufrido alguna forma de maltrato provocado por un familiar, por lo que se realizó esta investigación para conocer algunas características del medio familiar del niño, información sobre diferentes formas de maltrato que conoce la familia y tratar de eliminarlo después de aplicada la estrategia educativa diseñada. MÉTODO. Se realizó una intervención educativa con diseño de estudio antes-después aplicada a los 28 padres (24 madres y 4 padres; un progenitor por niño de los niños con síndrome de Down que asisten a esta institución. Constó de 3 fases y se aplicaron 3 talleres. RESULTADOS. La mayoría de los padres reconocía haber recibido alguna información sobre el tema. Se detectaron varios factores de riesgo asociados. Antes de los talleres las formas de maltrato que generalmente conocían los padres eran el abuso físico y sexual; las acciones que les incitaban al maltrato infantil eran el incumplimiento de órdenes y otras relacionadas con la sexualidad. Después de los talleres mejoró significativamente el conocimiento de los padres. CONCLUSIONES. Los talleres constituyeron una estrategia educativa importante para un mayor conocimiento de padres y madres sobre el maltrato infantil y sus factores de riesgo asociados. Además, mejoró la posibilidad de las familias de controlar y prevenir el maltrato. Estas estrategias pueden utilizarse para la educación armónica de los padres de estos niños y se pueden extender a otras instituciones que atienden a niños con síndrome de Down o, con adaptaciones específicas, a centros que atienden a niños discapacitados.

  17. Maltrato infantil por agresores bajo efecto del alcohol Maltrato infantil a crianças hospitalizadas por agressores sob efeitos do álcool Child maltreatment due to alcohol abuse

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    Lucia Julieta Abuná Salcedo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar el porcentage de maltrato infantil provocado por agresores bajo efecto del consumo de alcohol en niños que fueron hospitalizados, durante las gestiones de 200 a 2003 en un hospital infantil de La Paz, Bolivia. Se realizó una revisión de histórias clínicas en registros de servicio social y de enfermería, identificando los casos de maltrato infantil en las condiciones pretendidas. Se hospitalizaron con este diagnóstico 0,62% del total de hospitalizaciones, de los cuales el 57,9% son provocados por agresores bajo efecto del alcohol. 12,9% de los casos mueren por traumatismo craneoencefálico. Los agresores se clasificaron como bebedores abusivos sin dependencia, con edads entre 20 y 30 años, son familiares de la vítima, con escolaridad hasta la primaria, no tienen empleo fijo y consumen otras drogas. Aunque no se tenga una clara identificacion de la prevalencia del maltrato por la existencia de sub-registros y posiblemente por la subestimación del diagnostico es necessario que se intervenga junto a los niños vitimizados e a los agresores. Ambos pueden estar expostos a condiciones de estressantes.O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a ocorrência de maltrato infantil perpretado por agressor usuário abusivo de álcool. Foram feitas consultas aos prontuários das crianças hospitalizadas no perído de 2000 a 2003, no Hospital del Niño "Dr. Ovidio Aliga Uria". Encontrou-se que, do total de internações 0,62% referiam-se a casos de maus tratos. Destes 57.9% envolviam o agressor usuário abusivo de álcool. Aproximadamente 12,9% das crianças morrem em decorrência de traumatismo crâneo-encefálico. A caracterização dos agressores mostrou que são bebedores abusivos sem dependência; situam-se na faixa etária de 20 a 30 anos; são familiares da criança; têm escolaridade primária/fundamental; não têm emprego fixo e consomem outras drogas. Embora em pequena porcentagem de ocorr

  18. Concepcion del Maltrato Infantil y los Patrones de Crianza

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    Ruth E Caicedo-Fonseca


    Full Text Available Existen situaciones y comportamientos de la persona, familia y colectivos, que por diferentes circunstancias pueden propiciar la Violencia Intrafamiliar conllevando al Maltrato Infantil. El que se presenten estos factores predispone a la aparicion del maltrato, pero esto no significa que necesariamente el resultado de tales comportamientos desemboque en violencia contra los miembros del nucleo familiar, pero si es seguro que esas personas son mas vulnerables al problema. Cuando la persona traduce el castigo fisico como practica educativa, la primera consecuencia es la asociacion del amor con la violencia. El niflo aprende que aquel que mas le ama es tambien aquel que le pega y que tiene derecho a hacerlo, paradojica negativa para el futuro de ese niflo/a que lleva una vision generalizada para sus proximas relaciones como la de esposo/a, o padres, o hijo/a. Para evitar llegar a lo anterior se deben usar las costumbres beneficas que se transmiten de generaci6n en generaci6n como parte del patron cultural, que tienen que ver como los padres, crian, cuidan y educan a sus hijos, dependen de lo aprendido, de lo vivido y la influencia cultural que se ejerce en cads una de las generaciones, llamadas pautas o Patrones de Crianza, que en conjunto se convierten en una garantia para los mas vulnerables: los niflos/as.

  19. Formas de maltrato infantil e interacciones familiares existentes en las familias de niños, niñas y adolescentes de la Unidad de Atención de Totoracocha del Infa-Mies Cuenca, junio a diciembre de 2009


    Quito Sacaquirín, María Esperanza


    FORMASDE MALTRATO INFANTIL E INTERACCIONES FAMILIARES EXISTENTES EN LAS FAMILIAS DE NIÑOS, NIÑAS Y ADOLESCENTES DE LA UNIDAD DE ATENCION TOTORACOCHA DEL INFA-MIES, CUENCA, JUNIO A DICIEMBRE DEL 2009 El Maltrato infantil es un problema social que ha existido siempre, se da en todas las clases sociales o etnias El número de niños, niñas y adolescentes víctimas de maltrato infantil cada vez es mayor, sobre todo dentro de los hogares por sus progenitores y también por las personas que viven bajo...

  20. Los conocimientos acerca del maltrato infantil de los futuros profesionales de la educación: un estudio exploratorio

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    Full Text Available Los profesionales de la educación se encuentran, en su ejercicio profesional, en una posición privilegiada para realizar una detección precoz del maltrato infantil y para identificar posibles casos de riesgo. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, maestros y educadores en general aducen falta de conocimiento y formación para realizar dichas tareas. Es por ello que, en este trabajo deseamos insistir en la necesidad de analizar la formación de los futuros profesionales de la educación en torno al maltrato infantil, tanto en el seno de la familia como fuera de ella, y ya sea ejercido por un adulto o por otros menores. No olvidemos que la identificación temprana de comportamientos violentos y, por supuesto, la puesta en marcha de estrategias sólidas para su prevención requieren disponer de una buena capacitación. Por esta razón, hemos realizado un estudio piloto que nos permitiera conocer la formación que los estudiantes del Grado de Pedagogía tienen sobre el maltrato infantil, utilizando un cuestionario que hemos diseñado específicamente para alcanzar tal propósito. En la realización de un estudio piloto contamos con una muestra de 24 alumnos y alumnas del 4º curso del Grado de Pedagogía. Entre las conclusiones alcanzadas destacamos que, tras analizar los datos derivados del pase piloto, podemos concluir que los futuros pedagogos consideran necesario tener formación específica al respecto, una preparación que, mayoritariamente, consideran insuficiente y muy limitada para poder afrontar sus responsabilidades profesionales en el futuro.

  1. Perfil neuropsicológico y de inteligencia emocional de niños y niñas que han experimentado maltrato infantil o violencia intrafamiliar –VIF-


    Patarroyo-Herrera, Lina Patricia


    El maltrato infantil en Colombia, ha sido abordado desde los factores psicológicos y sociales; pero en el campo de la neuropsicología y la inteligencia emocional no se ha profundizado. El objetivo de este estudio es describir el perfil neuropsicológico y la inteligencia emocional de los niños y niñas que han viven-ciado maltrato infantil comparados con un grupo control. La metodología es de tipo descriptivo, no expe-rimental; en la investigación participaron 30 niños, 15 hacían parte del grup...

  2. El maltrato infantil como consecuencia de los estereotipos de género durante la tarea escolar

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    Lic. Caridad Anay Cala-Montoya


    Full Text Available El maltrato infantil se manifiesta en el proceso de la tarea escolaro las asignaciones donde los procesos de interacción entre padrese hijos durante la misma han presupuesto la emergencia decomportamientos inadecuados, resultado de las desigualdades degénero que persisten en nuestra sociedad y en el sistema familiar,eje de mira en que se enmarca la presente investigación.

  3. Modelo para el estudio y atención del maltrato infantil en el Instituto Nacional de Pediatría: enfoque en derechos humanos, ecológico e interdisciplinario

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    Corina A García Piña


    Full Text Available El maltrato infantil es un atentado a los derechos fundamentales de niñas, niños y adolescentes, producto de prácticas de socialización que aprueban el uso de la violencia y el poder hacia los más vulnerables. El escenario es más complejo debido a que el maltrato infantil ocurre con mayor frecuencia dentro de la familia, entorno que debería proveer confianza, afecto y protección.

  4. Maltrato al anciano en el Ecuador.


    Palacios Zavala, Carlos Renán


    El maltrato, expresado en todas sus formas, especialmente el que se dirige hace grupos vulnerables, es un fenómeno reciente en su estudio pero constante en su Prevalencia en la historia humana, en la actualidad el auge que ha tomado las medidas de prevención del maltrato inicialmente el infantil, luego la mujer e incluso de el las personas con discapacidad, ha relegado en el país el análisis, la discusión, la prevención y la sanción del maltrato contra un grupo poblacional o...

  5. Las instituciones educativas y la comunidad frente al maltrato infantil: una experiencia de investigación acción participativa Educative institutions and the community faced with child maltreatment: an experience of participative action research

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    María Dilia Mieles Barrera


    Full Text Available La investigación "Diagnóstico del Maltrato Infantil en la Comuna 8 del Distrito de Santa Marta", financiada por el Fondo Patrimonial para el Desarrollo de la Investigación de la Universidad del Magdalena (Santa Marta, Colombia y desarrollada por el Grupo de Investigación en Educación Infantil, caracteriza las formas de maltrato infantil (MI más frecuentes en esta zona de la ciudad y describe el papel de las instituciones educativas y la comunidad frente a esta problemática. La metodología Investigación-Acción-Participativa (IAP permitió movilizar la sociedad civil, instituciones educativas y organizaciones gubernamentales para trabajar en el diagnóstico y prevención. Se encontraron todas las formas de maltrato caracterizadas y los principales maltratadores se reconocieron como pertenecientes al grupo familiar. Se identificaron factores protectores en las familias, la comunidad y el Estado. La extrema pobreza y el bajo nivel educativo propician el maltrato y originan condiciones de vida injustas para la infancia, violación de sus derechos y grave daño en su desarrollo integral. Se recomienda: i Desarrollar estrategias de formación y prevención con las familias y la comunidad para disminuir la violencia intrafamiliar y escolar; ii que las instituciones educativas intervengan con una activa función preventiva; iii organizar programas de apoyo social, económico y psicológico, que mejoren la calidad de vida de las familias y contribuyan a la protección de la infancia, con apoyo de universidades, organismos oficiales e institucionales, iv difundir ampliamente los resultados visualizando la preocupante presencia del maltrato infantil y concientizando sobre su prevención.The study entitled "Diagnostic of Child Maltreatment in Commune 8 of the District of Santa Marta" (Diagnóstico del Maltrato Infantil en la Comuna 8 del Distrito de Santa Marta sponsored by the Patrimonial Fund for the Development of Research of the University of

  6. Aplicación del taller estilos de vida sana en el maltrato infantil de los estudiantes del 5º y 6º grado de la Institución Educativa N° 30807


    Huaranga Rivera, Liliana


    El problema de investigación de la presente investigación consiste en:¿De qué manera influye la aplicación del Taller de Estilos de Vida Sano en el maltrato infantil de los estudiantes del 5° y 6° grado de la institución educativa N° 30807? El objetivo: Comprobar la influencia de la aplicación del Taller Estilos de Vida Sano en el maltrato infantil de los estudiantes del 5° y 6° grado la Institución Educativa N° 30807. Y la hipótesis: La aplicación del Taller Estilos de Vida Sano influye sign...

  7. Maltrato infantil en hijos de madres adolescentes en el Hospital Docente Ginecoobstétrico de Guanabacoa (2005-2006 Infantile ill-treatment in children from adolescent mothers born in the Gynecologic and Obstetrics Teaching Hospital of Guanabacoa (2005-2006

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    Ana Campo González


    Full Text Available Introducción: El síndrome de maltrato infantil es un fenómeno que surge con el hombre. No se presenta de forma aislada, sino que involucra gran variedad de factores biopsicosociales. Objetivo: Caracterizar el maltrato infantil en los hijos de madres adolescentes. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo longitudinal de todos los hijos de madres adolescentes que nacieron en el Hospital Ginecoobstétrico de Guanabacoa, durante el periodo 2005-2006. La muestra la conformaron 62 niños en los cuales se constató maltrato. Estos fueron seguidos en consulta mensualmente hasta el año de edad. Se utilizó como fuente de información las historias clínicas de las madres, y el interrogatorio que se les realizó. Los resultados fueron expuestos en tablas. Resultados: El 82,3 % correspondió a madres de 15-19 años, el 50,1 % correspondió a las madres solteras, en un 74,2 % existía disfunción familiar. Coexistió antecedentes de maltrato en las madres en un 60,3 %; la manifestación de maltrato de mayor incidencia en los niños fue la negligencia física con un 62,9 %. Conclusiones: La negligencia física se observa de manera frecuente en las madres adolescentes.Introduction: The infantile ill-treatment syndrome is a phenomenon appearing with the man. It is not present in a isolated way, but involving many biosychosocial factors. Objective: To characterize the infantile ill-treatment in children from adolescent mothers. Methods: A longitudinal, prospective and descriptive study was conducted in all children from adolescent mothers born in the Gynecology and Obstetric Hospital of Guanabacoa during 2005-2006. Sample included 62 children in whom it was possible to confirm the ill-treatment and who were followed-up monthly in the consultation until the first year old. As information source authors used the medical records of mothers and the questioning performed in them. Results were showed in tables. Results: The 82.3 % belonged to

  8. Consideración del problema de maltrato infantil en los planes de estudio de medicina y de especialidades médicas en México

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    José Gabriel Pérez-Rendón


    psiquiatría y medicina legal. B Posgrado: de 78 especialidades del Programa Único de Especialidades Médicas hubo contenidos sobre maltrato infantil en siete (8.97%, cuatro especialidades y tres subespecialidades; en dos de ellas el tópico aparece en el segundo año, en cuatro se ubica en el primero. En un programa no se especificó el nivel en que se debe cursar. El estudio de los contenidos fue obligatorio y presencial dentro del componente denominado “seminario de atención médica”. Conclusiones: de acuerdo con la información obtenida, el tópico de maltrato infantil parece ser poco considerado en los planes de estudio de medicina. Por la magnitud del fenómeno, y la oportunidad que tiene el médico de atender este tipo de casos, es necesario incluirlo en todos los programas de formación médica.

  9. Estrategia educativa para el control y prevención del maltrato infantil dirigida a padres de niños con síndrome de Down Educational strategy for control and prevention of infantile maltreatment aimed to parents of children presenting with Dow's syndrome

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    Eloy Pineda Pérez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. A pesar de que en Cuba existen políticas de protección al menor, aún persisten conductas de maltrato infantil. Al Círculo Infantil Especial "Zunzún" acuden niños con síndrome de Down y algunos de ellos han sufrido alguna forma de maltrato provocado por un familiar, por lo que se realizó esta investigación para conocer algunas características del medio familiar del niño, información sobre diferentes formas de maltrato que conoce la familia y tratar de eliminarlo después de aplicada la estrategia educativa diseñada. MÉTODO. Se realizó una intervención educativa con diseño de estudio antes-después aplicada a los 28 padres (24 madres y 4 padres; un progenitor por niño de los niños con síndrome de Down que asisten a esta institución. Constó de 3 fases y se aplicaron 3 talleres. RESULTADOS. La mayoría de los padres reconocía haber recibido alguna información sobre el tema. Se detectaron varios factores de riesgo asociados. Antes de los talleres las formas de maltrato que generalmente conocían los padres eran el abuso físico y sexual; las acciones que les incitaban al maltrato infantil eran el incumplimiento de órdenes y otras relacionadas con la sexualidad. Después de los talleres mejoró significativamente el conocimiento de los padres. CONCLUSIONES. Los talleres constituyeron una estrategia educativa importante para un mayor conocimiento de padres y madres sobre el maltrato infantil y sus factores de riesgo asociados. Además, mejoró la posibilidad de las familias de controlar y prevenir el maltrato. Estas estrategias pueden utilizarse para la educación armónica de los padres de estos niños y se pueden extender a otras instituciones que atienden a niños con síndrome de Down o, con adaptaciones específicas, a centros que atienden a niños discapacitados.INTRODUCTION. In spite of the fact that in Cuba there are politics of underage protection, even so there are infantile maltreatment behaviors. In

  10. El maltrato a personas mayores atendidas por los Servicios Sociales


    Castilla Mora, María del Rosario


    La presente tesis trata sobre el maltrato a las personas mayores (MPM). El MPM es el último tipo de violencia familiar, junto con la violencia de género y el maltrato infantil, por la que los investigadores se han preocupado, siendo hoy día el que tiene menor relevancia, tanto para la sociedad en general como a nivel político. Fue en Gran Bretaña donde los primeros investigadores comenzaron a estudiar el tema, concretamente Baker y Burston, en el año 1975, centrándose en el maltrato fís...

  11. Manifestaciones bucales del maltrato físico. Reporte de caso

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    Mariana Gamboa


    Full Text Available El Odontopediatra como profesional de la salud puede detectar inicialmente signos y síntomas de maltrato físico por las lesiones buco-faciales que presente un niño. En ocasiones estas señales no pueden ser percibidas a causa de la falta de conocimiento sobre maltrato y abandono infantil. Dentro del maltrato infantil se describen manifestaciones bucales entre las cuales no se menciona la candidiasis bucal El caso clínico motivo de estudio se refiere a un lactante que presentó inicialmente una candidiasis bucal generalizada, que por su complicación derivo en hospitalización, a pesar del tratamiento intrahospitalario progresó a un absceso y posteriomente a una celulitis facial de origen desconocido. Se sospechó que la candidiasis bucal era un signo temprano de una manifestación bucal del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH, cuyo diagnóstico fue descartado mediante pruebas de biología molecular Reacción en Cadena a la Polimerasa (PCR para VIH

  12. Conocimiento sobre el maltrato al adulto mayor por un grupo de ancianos del Policlínico Bernardo Posse


    Martínez Muñoz, Lidiana; Cruz Sánchez, Leticia; Martínez Iglesias, Ivonne; González Carrodeguas, Kenia; Terry Pérez, Emilio


    Introducción: la violencia contra el adulto mayor es un fenómeno mundial que también afecta a los hogares cubanos. Las personas comentan, acerca del maltrato infantil y el maltrato femenino pero se olvidan del maltrato que sufren los ancianos en el vecindario, en las instalaciones de salud y en los hogares, en la actualidad. Objetivo: valorar el conocimiento que posee un grupo de adultos mayores, correspondientes a tres consultorios médicos del Policlínico Bernardo Posse, sobre la violencia a...

  13. Algunos aspectos de interés sobre la violencia y el maltrato infantil Some aspects of interest on violence and child abuse


    Ana Calzada Reyes


    Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de aspectos de interés relacionados con la temática de la violencia, que se consideran de gran valor en la preparación integral del médico de atención primaria. Se hacen consideraciones en relación con el maltrato infantil; una de las tantas formas de expresión de la violencia, lo cual es de importancia en la actualidad para el conocimiento y la práctica médica diaria.A bibliographic review of aspects of interest related to the topic of violence, which ar...

  14. Programa de escuela para padres orientado a disminuir el ídice de maltrato intrafamiliar de los niños/as que asisten a la Escuela Fiscal mixta Remigio Crespo Toral del cantón Cayambe, provincia de Pichincha.


    Túquerrez Pavón, Teresa Mariana


    Elaborar un programa para padres, que incluya talleres de trabajo, conferencias, videos y foros entre otros; orientado a disminuir el maltrato infantil de los niños/as de los segundos y terceros años de educación básica de la Escuela Remigio Crespo Toral. Las causas que inducen al maltrato infantil, el nivel socio económico y socio cultural de los padres y madres de familia; los mismos que conllevan a los tipos de maltrato infantil que recae a los niños/as. La investigación fue de diseño n...

  15. Malestar psicológico, disfunción familiar, maltrato de estudiantes durante la niñez en una universidad privada de Bogotá, Colombia

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    Juan Daniel Gómez


    Full Text Available Estudio derivado de una investigación exploratoria, correlacional-descriptiva, que estudió retrospectivamente el maltrato durante la infancia y su posible relación con el uso de sustancias psicoactivantes entre estudiantes universitarios. El maltrato infantil auto-reportado se evaluó mediante el Cuestionario de Experiencias Adversas Durante la Niñez, y para evaluar la disfunción familiar y el malestar psicológico (distress se aplicó la Escala de Kessler (K10 a 302 estudiantes. Los principales indicadores de maltrato infantil fueron: negligencia =18,2%; maltrato emocional =17.9%; maltrato físico =13.6%; abuso sexual =2.0%. Otros indicadores relevantes fueron: madre/cuidadora agredida, 9.3%; madre/cuidadora golpeada repetidamente por al menos algunos minutos, 5.3%; y madre/cuidadora herida con arma blanca o de fuego, 3.6%. Se concluye que existe relación entre el "abuso emocional y el "abuso físico", y entre el "abuso emocional" y la "disfunción familiar" así como la detección de violencia de género en familias según estrato socioeconómico.

  16. Conocimientos sobre el maltrato infantil en los escenarios asistenciales de la brigada médica cubana en Oruro, Bolivia Knowledge of child abuse in the health care settings of the Cuban Medical Brigade in Oruro, Bolivia

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    Ivette Iglesias Pescoso


    Full Text Available Introducción: el maltrato infantil ha sido históricamente un problema social que ha afectado sobre todo, a los países en vías de desarrollo. Este se ha convertido en un fenómeno alarmante, con raíces socioculturales y psicológicas que aparecen en cualquier nivel económico, social y educativo. Objetivo: identificar los conocimientos que sobre maltrato infantil tienen los padres o tutores que acuden a las consultas de pediatría de la brigada médica cubana en Oruro. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo y transversal, donde se aplicó un cuestionario validado por expertos a 185 padres o tutores de niños atendidos en la(s consulta(s de Pediatría de la brigada médica cubana, en el Departamento de Oruro, Bolivia, durante el periodo de marzo a mayo del año 2008. Resultados: no existe una adecuada información acerca del maltrato infantil y la televisión fue la vía principal de adquisición. El tipo de maltrato más identificado lo constituyó el poco afecto y cariño y como causa fundamental los problemas económicos. El criterio de identificación más predominante fue el niño con moretones y la conducta más difundida fue avisar a la policía. Solo un reducido número de las personas alegaron haber recibido algún tipo de capacitación con respecto al tema. Conclusiones: los conocimientos que tienen los padres o tutores sobre los temas relacionados con el maltrato infantil son escasos, así como la capacitación de los mismos, lo cual ofrece pautas para trazar estrategias de salud en el trabajo comunitario.Background: child abuse has historically been considered a social problem that has mainly affected the developing countries. It has become an alarming phenomenon having sociocultural and psychological roots at any levels such as economic, social and educative ones. Objective: to identify the knowledge that parents or tutors that present to the paediatric consultations of the Cuban Medical Brigade in Oruro have

  17. Maltrato infantil y del adolescente registrado en un hospital de referencia nacional, 2006 - 2011 Child and adolescent abuse recorded at a national referral hospital, 2006 - 2011

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    Lorena Escalante-Romero


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Realizar una descripción de los registros del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño (INSN, desde enero de 2006 hasta septiembre de 2011, sobre maltrato infantil y del adolescente, lo cual permite la caracterización del agredido y del agresor. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un análisis de fuentes secundarias, basado en registros de la "Ficha de evaluación de violencia familiar y maltrato infantil", aplicada por el Módulo de Atención al Maltrato Infantil y del Adolescente en Salud (MAMIS del INSN. La ficha incluye datos del agredido, del agresor y las características de la agresión. Se diferenció el tipo de agresión como: sexual, física, psicológica o por abandono. Se muestran los resultados en frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados. Se incluyeron 1798 registros. El 63,9% eran niñas y el 39,9% fueron adolescentes. El 60,6% de los agresores fueron varones y el 65,8% de las agresiones ocurrieron en casa. El 48,6% fueron registros de agresión sexual, que fue más frecuente en niñas (73,2% y adolescentes (44,4%; en el 9,6% de los casos existió coito. Conclusiones. En los registros del MAMIS del INSN, la agresión en niñas fue la más frecuente; el agresor con frecuencia era un varón y la mayoría de las agresiones ocurrieron en el domicilio del menor. La agresión sexual fue casi la mitad de la serie.Objectives. To describe the records of child and adolescent abuse of the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño (INSN from January 2006 to September 2011, characterizing the victim and perpetrator. Materials and methods. A secondary sources analysis was performed, based on the domestic violence and child abuse records, from froms administered by Child Abuse and Adolescent Health Unit (MAMIS at the INSN. The records include data of the victim, offender and characteristics of the aggression. Types of aggression were categorized as: sexual, physical, psychological or neglection. Frequencies and percentages are presented

  18. Malestar psicológico, disfunción familiar, maltrato de estudiantes durante la niñez en una universidad privada de Bogotá, Colombia


    Gómez,Juan Daniel; Mann,Robert; Hamilton,Hayley; Erickson,Pat; Brands,Bruna; Giesbrecht,Norman; Wright,Maria da Gloria; Cumsille,Francisco; Sapag,Jaime; Khenti,Akwatu


    Estudio derivado de una investigación exploratoria, correlacional-descriptiva, que estudió retrospectivamente el maltrato durante la infancia y su posible relación con el uso de sustancias psicoactivantes entre estudiantes universitarios. El maltrato infantil auto-reportado se evaluó mediante el Cuestionario de Experiencias Adversas Durante la Niñez, y para evaluar la disfunción familiar y el malestar psicológico (distress) se aplicó la Escala de Kessle...

  19. El dibujo y la simbolización en algunos casos de maltrato infantil. // Drawing and symbolization in some cases of child maltreatment. A psychoanalytical look

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    Nicolás Uribe Aramburo.


    Full Text Available This article makes part of a research carried out within the framework of the Master in Psychoanalytical Research, which comes up from the analysis of clinical material obtained from psychotherapeutic work developed during more than three years with children coming to a psychology service of a non-profit institution located in one of Medellin's communes, mainly because of problems related to child maltreatment. In order to obtain such analysis material, we started from the psychoanalytical thesis of psychic determinism and the neutrality of the therapist. For that reason we invited some kids to draw and associate freely, expecting what they showed would be related to their maltreatment experiences. Consequently, the methodology used consisted not only in handing over to children but in leading them to use drawing. // Este artículo es parte de una investigación llevada a cabo en el marco de la Maestría en Investigación psicoanalítica, que surge del análisis del material clínico obtenido en el trabajo psicoterapéutico realizado por más de tres años con población infantil que acudía a un servicio de psicología de una institución sin ánimo de lucro ubicada en una de las comunas de la ciudad de Medellín, principalmente por problemáticas asociadas al maltrato infantil. Para obtener dicho material de análisis partimos de las tesis psicoanalíticas del determinismo psíquico y la neutralidad del terapeuta, razón por la cual invitamos a los niños a dibujar y asociar libremente con la expectativa que de que aquello que exteriorizaran tendría una relación con sus vivencias de maltrato. En consecuencia, la metodología utilizada no sólo consistió en darles la palabra a los niños, sino que también implicó inducirlos a usar el dibujo.

  20. Algunos aspectos de interés sobre la violencia y el maltrato infantil Some aspects of interest on violence and child abuse

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    Ana Calzada Reyes


    Full Text Available Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de aspectos de interés relacionados con la temática de la violencia, que se consideran de gran valor en la preparación integral del médico de atención primaria. Se hacen consideraciones en relación con el maltrato infantil; una de las tantas formas de expresión de la violencia, lo cual es de importancia en la actualidad para el conocimiento y la práctica médica diaria.A bibliographic review of aspects of interest related to the topic of violence, which are of great value in the comprehensive training of the physcian at the primary health care level, is carried out. Considerations are made concerning child abuse, one of the diverse forms of expression of violence that is important at present for the medical knowledge and daily practice.

  1. Morbilidad y maltrato infantil en niños entre 7- 14 años en consulta de Psicología Morbility and infant abuse: 14 years in a Psycology office

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    Ivonne Jiménez Macías


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal a la población infanto juvenil de 7 - 14 años atendidos en el servicio de Psicología perteneciente al Policlínico Comunitario Docente de Camagüey “Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz” , durante el año 2004, con el objetivo de conocer el comportamiento de la morbilidad en consulta, determinar presencia de maltrato infantil en los niños estudiados y relacionar sus formas con la morbilidad encontrada, precisar los antecedentes de bajo peso al nacer y prematuridad en los niños con maltrato, así como la presencia e intensidad de la depresión en los mismos. El universo estuvo constituido por 90 niños, correspondiente a la fuente de datos dada por las historias clínicas individuales elaboradas en consulta, a los cuales se le aplicaron un grupo de cuestionarios tomados de bibliografía consultada y que pasaron a ser el registro primario de la investigación. Se procesaron los datos por métodos de estadística descriptiva y los resultados se expresaron en textos, tablas y gráficas. Se encontró que las afecciones más frecuentes en consulta de Psicología fueron: las situaciones familiares inadecuadas (SFI, los trastornos transitorios situacionales (TTS en SFI, la neurosis infantil y el síndrome ansioso en SFI presentes en un 52.2 % (47 pacientes. En el 85.6 % de los niños estudiados existía maltrato, predominando en el sexo masculino y en el grupo de edad de 7 -10 años, las formas de maltrato predominante fueron: el emocional, la negligencia en los cuidados y el físico. Un 85.7 % de los niños maltratados (66 niños presentó depresión, fundamentalmente a nivel ligero (47 %. No resultó representativa la presencia de bajo peso al nacer y prematuridad en los niños maltratadosA descriptive traversal study was carried out to the juvenile- infant population from 7 to 14 years old assisted in the psychology Service of the “Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz” Policlinic in Camaguey during the year

  2. Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre maltrato infantil en odontólogos de Cartagena (Colombia

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    Katherine Arrieta Vergara


    Full Text Available Objetivos:Describir conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas (CAP sobre maltrato infantil (MIen odontólogos de Cartagena (Colombia.Materiales y métodos:Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en 149 odontólogos, querespondieron un cuestionario estructurado anónimo de autorreporte para evaluar variablessociodemográficas, reporte de sospecha deMIyCAPfrente a este. Los datos fueron analizadosa través de frecuencia y proporciones. Para establecer relaciones entre la sospecha deMIconalgunas variables de interés (sociodemográficas,CAP se utilizó la pruebaχ2con un nivel deconfianza del 95 %.Resultados:La ocurrencia actual de casos de sospecha deMIfue 5,3 % y alguna vez durante supráctica profesional del 34,4 %. Para el nivel deCAPsobreMIse obtuvieron puntajes promediode 16,8/26 8,7/12 y 2,4/8, respectivamente. Al relacionar el nivel de conocimientos y variablessociodemográficas, las actitudes y prácticas, solo se encontró significancia estadística para elestrato socioeconómico (p=0,001, y entre las actitudes, con el lugar de procedencia (p=0,04y edad (p=0,002.Conclusiones:El nivel de conocimiento sobreMIfue deficiente, mientras las actitudes fueronfavorables; sin embargo, al momento de presentarse un caso de sospecha, sus prácticas son inade-cuadas, al no realizar descripción de lesiones, anotaciones en la historia clínica y reporte de casos.

  3. Experiencias de maltrato infantil y transmisión intergeneracional de patrones de apego madre-infante

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    Ana María Mesa


    se ha relacionado con el maltrato materno. Se concluye que el impacto de éste en la relación con el bebé es mayor entre más intensas y prolongadas hayan sido estas vivencias y menor disponibilidad para la madre de figuras de apego alternativas positivas.

  4. Estudio sobre las variables que intervienen en el abandono físico o negligencia infantil


    Moreno Manso, Juan Manuel


    La escasez de estudios en materia de abandono físico o negligencia determinan un desconocimiento bastante importante de la tipología de maltrato infantil, considerada hoy por hoy como la de mayor incidencia, tanto a través de estudios nacionales como internacionales. Por ello, a través del análisis de diecinueve variables individuales, sociales, relacionales y familiares, pretendemos aportar un mayor conocimiento sobre una práctica de desprotección infantil con...

  5. Maltrato institucional a adultos mayores

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    Miriam Rubio Acuña

    Full Text Available El maltrato institucional se refiere a cualquier forma de abuso que ocurre en servicios dirigidos a los ancianos. Esta revisión bibliográfica muestra que el maltrato se presenta con mayor frecuencia en residencias de larga estadía y el tipo más frecuente es la negligencia. Los factores asociados son los que tienen relación con el residente y con el ambiente. Las principales estrategias son invertir recursos sociosanitarios, sensibilizar a la población respecto al maltrato de los ancianos, considerar las necesidades de estos, fortalecer la formación de pregrado de los profesionales de salud en este ámbito y realizar educación continua. El maltrato es un problema social que debe ser abordado de manera integral.

  6. Relación entre el consumo de drogas y maltrato infantil entre estudiantes universitarios de la universidad en Colombia

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    Monica Rosaura Garcia Baquero


    Full Text Available Esta investigación examina la relación entre el uso de drogas en estudiantes de una Universidad Pública en Villavicencio, Colombia, y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez, utilizando como referente teórico la perspectiva bioecológica. Estudio exploratorio retrospectivo, con una muestra de 313 estudiantes de pregrado. El 10.2% de los encuestados refiere haber sido maltratado en la Infancia y la violencia de mayor uso fue la violencia física seguida de la violencia psicológica. El 56.9% de las estudiantes encuestados han consumido sustancias psicoactivas en algún momento de la vida, y su inicio entre los 13 y los 18 años. Se evidencia maltrato en la infancia con manifestaciones de agresiones físicas, al igual que el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, pero no se observa una relación estadísticamente significativa entre maltrato durante la infancia y el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en la muestra estudiada.

  7. La literatura infantil como medio de prevención del abuso sexual infantil


    San Emeterio Herrería, Paula


    RESUMEN: El maltrato infantil y, especialmente, el abuso sexual a menores, es un fenómeno que siempre ha estado presente y, quizás, hoy en día se detecta en mayor medida, aunque no lo suficiente. La trascendencia de tratar este tema y formular métodos de prevención no solo recae en el número de niños y adolescentes que pueden verse afectados, si no, también, en la dificultad de su detección, así como, en la gravedad de sus consecuencias. Existen abundantes recursos y programas para prevenir e...

  8. La incidencia del maltrato intrafamiliar infantil en la violencia física, verbal y psicológica ejercida entre los estudiantes de los quinto años de educación general básica de la Unidad Educativa República del Ecuador


    Calle Suáres, María Fernanda


    El objetivo de la presente investigación esdiagnosticar la incidencia del maltrato intrafamiliar infantil en la violencia física, verbal y psicológica ejercida entre los estudiantes de los quintos años de educación general básica de la Unidad Educativa República del Ecuador, perteneciente al cantón Cuenca, período lectivo 2014-2015. El enfoque del estudio fue cuali-cuantitativo y de corte descriptivo. La población investigada se constituyó por 129 alumnos y alumnas de edades que oscilan entre...

  9. Maltrato al anciano: "una realidad oculta en nuestra sociedad"

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    Rodríguez H. Shirley Catherine


    Full Text Available

    El maltrato al anciano es un hecho cotidiano, no reconocido socialmente como tal, por el contrario, el maltrato es considerado un cuento normal al que se ve expuesto un gran número de personas; que afecta el sistema familiar y a cada uno de sus miembros. Conscientes de la importancia del reconocimiento, identificación, manejo oportuno y adecuado y la intervención que enfermería realice en la situación del maltrato al anciano, se podrá forjar un camino hacia el cambio. La concepción de envejecimiento que tiene la sociedad favorece el maltrato al anciano, situación tan común como el maltrato de esposas y niños. Sumado a ello, los casos de maltrato al anciano son poco reconocidos y denunciados; las situaciones que evidencian el maltrato son negadas o justificadas por la familia, lo cual dificulta el reconocimiento de este hecho.

  10. Algunos factores psicosociales del maltrato infantil en escolares de la enseñanza primaria Some psychological and social factors of child abuse in scholars from primary teaching

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    Dora Lidia Arce Gómez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de una muestra de 32 estudiantes de sexto grado, escogidos al azar de un total de 100 que cursaban ese nivel de enseñanza en el Seminternado "Carlos García Castillo", ubicado en el reparto Versalles de Santiago de Cuba, durante el bimestre enero-febrero del curso académico 2010-2011. A los educandos se les aplicó una encuesta anónima individualizada, previo consentimiento de padres y profesores, así como también 2 tests: uno para determinar la existencia de maltrato infantil (físico, verbal y por descuido y otro para identificar el funcionamiento familiar. Los resultados revelaron que Cuba no escapa del crecimiento mundial del maltrato infantil y que aunque es un país pequeño y con grandes dificultades económicas, invierte cuantiosos recursos en la atención educacional y médico-sanitaria de la población pediátrica; pero como la violencia intrafamiliar es un asunto social y sanitario de gran prioridad, requiere inmediata atención, mayor conocimiento del fenómeno e intervenciones eficaces para prever su ocurrencia o disminuir sus efectos.A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 32 students of sixth grade, randomly selected from a total of 100 who studied in that level in "Carlos García Castillo" day boarding school, located in Versalles neighborhood from Santiago de Cuba was carried out during the bimestre January- February of the academic year 2010-2011. An individualized anonymous survey was applied to the students, with the previous consent of parents and professors, as well as 2 tests: one to determine the existence of child abuse (physically, verbally and caused by negligence and another to identify the family functionability. The results revealed that Cuba does not escape from the world growth of child abuse and that although it is a small country and with great economic difficulties, it invests considerable resources in the educational care as well as in the health of the

  11. El maltrato en las personas con discapacidad


    Revuelta, Lucerga


    El maltrato no solo se realiza por acción sino también por omisión, la indiferencia hacia la persona con discapacidad es una forma de maltrato muy frecuente. Por ejemplo, ignorar y desatender las necesidades de la persona con discapacidad o, al contrario, la sobreprotección son maneras de maltrato. Cuando a un niño con discapacidad el padre o cuidador le hace todo, el niño se siente agredido pues le están incapacitando más de lo que su enfermedad ya lo hace.

  12. Percepción táctil, visual y auditiva en niños víctimas de maltrato intrafamiliar


    Cobos Cali, Martha; Ladera Fernández, Valentina; Perea Bartolomé, María Victoria; García García, Ricardo


    Este trabajo analiza la percepción táctil, visual y auditiva en niños víctimas de maltrato intrafamiliar. Participaron 104 niños divididos en dos grupos. El primero conformado por niños institucionalizados por violencia intrafamiliar (NVVI); el segundo por niños que no han sido víctimas de violencia (NNVI), equiparados en género, edad y escolarización. Se usaron subescalas de percepción visual, auditiva y táctil de la evaluación neuropsicológica infantil. Los resultados muestran que los NVVI ...

  13. Pilares del maltrato y la violencia intrafamiliar


    Antolínez Cáceres, Bertha Rebeca


    Entre los elementos básicos de este ensayo como pilares para el abordaje del maltrato y la violencia, se pretende reflexionar sobre la ansiedad, el estrés, la impotencia que llevan a generar respuestas agresivas hacia sí mismo y hacia el medio; éstas se pueden dar en la convivencia familiar como maltrato o violencia generalizada, violencia de padres a hijos, de hijos a padres, entre hermanos o entre cónyuges.

  14. Maltrato en el adulto mayor institucionalizado


    Eu. Yuly Adams, C.


    El maltrato al adulto mayor es un fenómeno presente tanto en nuestro país como en el extranjero, del que no existen estadísticas claras y actualizadas que permitan evaluar su impacto personal ni social. No obstante, en Chile, en el actual escenario de transición demográfica, se presume su protagonismo. En los establecimientos de larga estadía para adultos mayores, el maltrato, es una situación real y recurrente. Si bien en este ámbito específico las estadísticas son aun más escasas, los me...

  15. Pilares del maltrato y la violencia intrafamiliar

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    Antolínez Cáceres Bertha Rebeca


    Full Text Available

    Entre los elementos básicos de este ensayo como pilares para el abordaje del maltrato y la violencia, se pretende reflexionar sobre la ansiedad, el estrés, la impotencia que llevan a generar respuestas agresivas hacia sí mismo y hacia el medio; éstas se pueden dar en la convivencia familiar como maltrato o violencia generalizada, violencia de padres a hijos, de hijos a padres, entre hermanos o entre cónyuges.

  16. Incidencia del trabajo infantil en el desarrollo de la violencia de género en Ecuador

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    Carlos Raul Carpio Freire


    Full Text Available Actualmente la problemática del trabajo infantil y la violencia de género constituyen un tema de repercusión política y social para el Ecuador. El presente artículo busca determinar si el trabajo infantil es una variable que influye o resulta en maltrato de género; para lo cual se realizó un estudio de regresión lineal al total de niños y niñas y de mujeres ecuatorianas que habitan en las diferentes provincias del Ecuador y que presentan ambas características. De esta manera se busca determinar la relación que existe entre ambas; con el fin de poder plantear propuestas que conlleven a soluciones alternativas para la disminución de este flagelo.

  17. Maltrato institucional a adultos mayores Institutional elder abuse

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    Miriam Rubio Acuña


    Full Text Available El maltrato institucional se refiere a cualquier forma de abuso que ocurre en servicios dirigidos a los ancianos. Esta revisión bibliográfica muestra que el maltrato se presenta con mayor frecuencia en residencias de larga estadía y el tipo más frecuente es la negligencia. Los factores asociados son los que tienen relación con el residente y con el ambiente. Las principales estrategias son invertir recursos sociosanitarios, sensibilizar a la población respecto al maltrato de los ancianos, considerar las necesidades de estos, fortalecer la formación de pregrado de los profesionales de salud en este ámbito y realizar educación continua. El maltrato es un problema social que debe ser abordado de manera integral.Institutional abuse refers to any form of abuse that occurs in services for the elderly. This literature review indicates that abuse occurs more frequently in nursing homes and the most frequent type of neglect. The factors that may relate to the relationship with the resident and the environment. The main strategies relate to social and health invest resources, raising awareness about the abuse of the elderly, consider their needs, strengthen undergraduate education of health professionals in this field and make continuing education. Abuse is a social problem so this must be addressed holistically.

  18. Relación entre el consumo de drogas y maltrato infantil entre estudiantes universitarios de la universidad en Colombia


    Baquero,Monica Rosaura Garcia; Mann,Robert; Hamilton,Hayley; Erickson,Pat; Brands,Bruna; Giesbrecht,Norman; Wright,Maria da Glória Miotto; Cumsille,Francisco; Sapag,Jaime; Khenti,Akwatu


    Esta investigación examina la relación entre el uso de drogas en estudiantes de una Universidad Pública en Villavicencio, Colombia, y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez, utilizando como referente teórico la perspectiva bioecológica. Estudio exploratorio retrospectivo, con una muestra de 313 estudiantes de pregrado. El 10.2% de los encuestados refiere haber sido maltratado en la Infancia y la violencia de mayor uso fue la violencia física segui...

  19. Estrategias de Autocuidado en Equipos Profesionales que Trabajan en Maltrato Infantil Self care Strategies in Professional Teams That Work in Child Maltreatment

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    Alejandra Isabel Santana


    Full Text Available Trabajar profesionalmente en maltrato infantil, implica asumir múltiples impactos, asociados a la temática y a la organización de la tarea. Esto ha llevado a crear Estrategias de Autocuidado para enfrentar esta situación. El objeto del estudio fue identificar las estrategias de los profesionales, a nivel individual y de equipo, y conocer la percepción de efectividad de éstas. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa. La muestra de este estudio estuvo conformada por equipos interdisciplinarios y profesionales. Se utilizaron entrevistas y el análisis de los datos se realizó según la Grounded Theory. Los participantes han desarrollado las siguientes estrategias: individuales extra-laborales y laborales; de equipo, recreativas y laborales. En la percepción de efectividad, éstas se reconocen efectivas en su mayoría. Aún cuando la percepción de ineficacia se sustenta en la autocrítica de éstas.Working professionally in child maltreatment, implies to assume multiple impacts, associate to the thematic and the organization of the task. This implies the creation of Self-care Strategies to face this situation. The aim of this study was to identify the strategies of professionals of this area, at individual and team level, and to investigate the perception of effectiveness of these. A qualitative methodology was used. The participants were professional teams. Interviews were used and the analysis of the data was carried out according to the Grounded Theory. They have developed the following strategies: individual extra-labor and labor strategies; team, recreational and labor strategies. Most of the strategies used are perceived as effective. However, the perception of inefficiency of these strategies is supported in the self-criticism of those.

  20. Inteligencia emocional para la prevención del maltrato entre iguales. Estudio desde la educación social sobre el acoso escolar y ciberacoso en dos centros de Valladolid


    Verdugo Castro, Sonia


    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado aborda la realidad actual del acoso escolar en las aulas y el ciberbullying, introduciendo el papel del educador social como un elemento esencial de los centros educativos. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo partí de lo que supone la violencia sobre un/a menor, recogiendo en el presente escrito las señales de alarma que debemos tener en cuenta ante cualquier sospecha y las consecuencias que el maltrato infantil puede suponer sobre la persona víctima de los suc...

  1. Relación entre el consumo de drogas y maltrato infantil entre estudiantes universitarios de la universidad en Colombia


    Monica Rosaura Garcia Baquero; Robert Mann; Hayley Hamilton; Pat Erickson; Bruna Brands; Norman Giesbrecht; Maria da Glória Miotto Wright; Francisco Cumsille; Jaime Sapag; Akwatu Khenti


    Esta investigación examina la relación entre el uso de drogas en estudiantes de una Universidad Pública en Villavicencio, Colombia, y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez, utilizando como referente teórico la perspectiva bioecológica. Estudio exploratorio retrospectivo, con una muestra de 313 estudiantes de pregrado. El 10.2% de los encuestados refiere haber sido maltratado en la Infancia y la violencia de mayor uso fue la violencia física seguida de la violencia psicológica. El 56.9%...

  2. Evaluación de factores de riesgo en accidentes oculares graves infantiles Assessment of the risk factors for severe ocular accidents in children

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    Sahely Sixto Fuentes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar factores de riesgo en accidentes oculares graves infantiles. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación aplicada, epidemiológica, descriptiva, longitudinal y prospectiva sobre accidentes oculares graves en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial de Pinar del Río (2006-2007. El universo y muestra estuvo constituido por dos grupos de niños de 1- 20 años, ambos sexos y todas las etnias. Primer Grupo: Niños con accidente ocular grave, Segundo Grupo: Niños sin accidente ocular; determinándose una muestra total de 130 seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. Fueron utilizados métodos empíricos y teóricos de investigación científica. Resultados: El trauma ocular representó el 87,8% de los ingresos de urgencia durante el período. Se encontró que el grupo etáreo de 9-12 años (40%, y sexo masculino (89,2% fueron los más afectados. Un 76,9% de los accidentados residía en zona rural. El 96,9% se encontraba fuera de la casa y sin compañía de adultos en el momento del trauma. Predominaron las familias con conocimientos y actitudes evaluados de regulares en relación a los accidentes oculares con un 57,7 % y 60,8% respectivamente. Conclusiones: Se constató elevada frecuencia de traumas oculares infantiles graves en Pinar del Río, precisando sus factores causales de riesgo y dificultades en la prevención de los mismos.Objective: To assess the risk factors for severe ocular accidents in children. Methods: An applied, epidemiological, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective research of the severe ocular accidents was conducted in the Ophthalmologic Service at "Pepe Portilla" Provincial Children Hospital, Pinar del Rio. The target group and the sample were comprised of two groups of children from 1 to 16 years old of both sexes and all ethnics. First group: children and adolescents suffering from severe ocular accidents. Second group: children and adolescents without ocular accidents; a

  3. Maltrato Psicológico Infantil: Sus Consecuencias en la Adolescencia

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    Ana María González Pérez del Villar


    Full Text Available Aborda una importante esfera de la educación de la personalidad infantil: el trato adecuado a los niños por parte de los padres. Los avances tecnológicos del siglo XXI imponen a los estilos de vida de las personas una dinámica peculiar en detrimento muchas veces del tiempo que se dedica a la educación en la primera infancia. No pocas veces los niños son sometidos a situaciones de violencia familiar, en ocasiones de manera consciente, lo cual provoca efectos psicológicos negativos en los menores, que se expresan en comportamientos inadecuados que afectan el normal desarrollo de la personalidad. Entre las actitudes de los padres que afectan al niño encontramos la permisividad, la sobreprotección, la identificación, la inconsistencia, entre otras expuestas en el presente trabajo.

  4. Características del maltrato hacia estudiantes de medicina de una universidad pública del Perú

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    Fernando Munayco-Guillén


    Full Text Available Objetivos.Determinar las características del maltrato hacia estudiantes de Medicina de una universidad pública en la provincia de Ica, Perú. Materiales y métodos. Investigación transversal realizada el 2012 en una muestra probabilística de estudiantes de Medicina de primer a sexto año de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga. Se elaboró una encuesta con un total de 23 ítems en una escala likert, para medir la percepción de maltrato de tipo psicológico, físico, académico y sexual; se usaron análisis estadísticos univariados y bivariados. Resultados. Se encuestaron 281 estudiantes. La percepción de maltrato psicológico fue 96,8%, académico 86,8%, físico 62,6% y sexual 20,6%; el maltrato físico se incrementó durante el ciclo de estudio clínico-quirúrgico (p=0,001. Los médicos docentes y médicos residentes fueron los principales agresores. Estudiantes hombres reportaron con mayor frecuencia haber recibido tareas como castigo, no recibir los créditos por su trabajo, maltrato físico, amenazas verbales, insultos o recibir burlas con respecto a su etnia; mientras que el maltrato sexual fue mayor en mujeres. El reporte de maltrato sexual fue más frecuente en la universidad (45,3%, p=0,002 y el hospital (45,0%, p=0,046. Las mujeres reportaron con mayor frecuencia no saber a quién o dónde acudir para denunciar el maltrato (54,6%, p=0,042 y no denunciarlo porque se detuvo el maltrato (56,9%, p=0,048. Conclusiones.Existe una alta prevalencia de maltrato, donde las características de los estudiantes según el sexo, los ciclos de estudio y el agresor permiten identificar los tipos de maltrato que reciben los estudiantes de medicina.

  5. Análisis de hábitos de alimentación y actividad física en educación infantil. Propuesta educativa para prevenir la obesidad infantil en alumnos de 5-6 años


    Reverte-García, Soledad


    La obesidad infantil está considerada una grave epidemia que atenta contra la salud de los niños en países desarrollados. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es prevenir la obesidad infantil desde el ámbito educativo en el segundo ciclo de educación infantil. Para ello hemos analizado el estado nutricional y el grado de actividad física de una muestra de alumnos de 5-6 años mediante la elaboración de un cuestionario específico, y a partir de los resultados obtenidos se ha desarrollado...

  6. Uso y abuso de drogas entre estudiantes y su relacion con el maltrato durante la ninez en una universidad de Leon, Nicaragua

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    Sobeya Peñalba


    Full Text Available Estudio exploratorio cuantitativo que examina la relación entre el uso de drogas en estudiantes de una universidad en León, Nicaragua y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez. Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con perspectiva bioecológica en 368 participantes, de los cuales 178 (48.4% eran hombres y 190 (51.6% mujeres estudiantes de una universidad de León. Entre los resultados se destaca que la negligencia se encontró en 54.6% de los participantes distribuidos por género de igual forma (56.3% hombres y 53.2% mujeres. En relación al abuso psicológico, éste se representó en el 40.5%, siendo el 70 (39.3% hombres y (79 41.6% mujeres. El 54.1% de los participantes tenían padres que se han separado, 44.3% viven o han vivido en algún momento de su vida con un alcohólico, 28.8% han presenciado que a su madre o cuidadora fuese abusada, 26.1% han vivido o vive con un familiar con enfermedad mental, mientras que un 21.2% ha vivido con un drogadicto. Se puede concluir que el maltrato infantil es común y que la negligencia es un evento cotidiano entre los participantes del estudio.

  7. Presencia del maltrato y abuso sexual en el hogar de estudiantes de secundaria en tres colegios públicos de la ciudad de Santa Marta – Magdalena- (Colombia

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    Yuris Maria Batista Vargas


    Full Text Available Title: Presence of abuse and sexual abuse in the home of high school students in three public schools of the city of Santa Marta - Magdalena-(Colombia.ResumenEl presente estudio se fundamentó en identificar la presencia del maltrato infantil y abuso sexual en el hogar de estudiantes adolescentes, matriculados para el año 2011 en tres colegios públicos de estrato uno de la ciudad de Santa Marta – Magdalena. La muestra estuvo conformada por 230 participantes, en edades entre 14 y 16 años, quienes fueron evaluados a través del ISPCAN, versión para niños/as (ICAST-C. Los resultados señalan la existencia del maltrato físico (13%, psicológico (29% y de abuso sexual (32%. Por otra parte, se encontró que el género femenino obtuvo mayor porcentaje en el maltrato de tipo físico y sexual, mientras que los varones presentan mayor  porcentaje de maltrato psicológico. Se concluye que uno de cada tres estudiantes ha sido objeto de los tipos de abuso en estudio. (DUAZARY 2013 No. 1, 67 - 72AbstractThis study was based on identifying the presence of child abuse and sexual abuse in the home of teenage students, enrolled for 2011 in three public schools in tier one of the city of Santa Marta - Magdalena. The sample consisted of 230 participants, aged between 14 and 16 years, who were evaluated through ISPCAN, children’s version / as (ICAST-C. The results indicate the existence of physical abuse (13%, psychological (29% and sexual abuse (32%. Moreover, it was found that female scored higher percentage of physical abuse and sexual abuse, while males have a higher rate of psychological abuse. It is concluded that one in three students has been the subject of study types of abuse.Keywords: violence; sexual violence; university

  8. El maltrato de género en «Te doy mis ojos» (2003

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    Full Text Available En nuestro país son escasas y de muy reciente aparición las películas que tratan sobre la violencia de género desde una óptica de rechazo y denuncia. Probablemente la más representativa sea Te doy mis ojos. Su visionado pretende contribuir a concienciar y a hacer reflexionar al espectador sobre la grave dad de esta lacra en nuestra sociedad. No cabe duda de que para llevar a cabo este proyecto, sus respon sables tuvieron que emprender una muy seria y rigurosa labor de investigación. En efecto, este film es un auténtico manual (o incluso tratado sobre maltrato de género. En él se recoge prácticamente “todo” lo relacionado con este problema de salud: el círculo de la violencia, el plan de huída, las consultas sanitarias que no detectaron el problema, el sufrimiento de la víctima, su necesidad de apoyo y acompañamiento así como el contexto del maltratador.

  9. A obesidade infantil: um problema emergente


    Sousa, Joana; Loureiro, Isabel; Carmo, Isabel do


    A obesidade é um dos problemas de saúde mais graves que afecta crianças e adolescentes a nível mundial. As evidências sugerem que o problema está a agravar-se rapidamente. O aumento da prevalência de obesidade infantil pode fazer com que a próxima geração apresente indicadores de obesidade no adulto superiores aos indicadores actuais. Pelo facto de a obesidade estar intimamente associada a diferentes patologias crónicas faz com que estejamos perante um enorme desafio para o sistema de cuidado...

  10. Comprensión de la deprivación afectiva a partir del paradigma fenomenológico - existencial


    Ricardo Arturo Jaramillo Moreno; Mercedes Claudia García Escallon


    El maltrato infantil y específicamente la deprivación afectiva es una práctica validada y trasmitida al interior de distintos núcleos sociales, la familia, la escuela y el estado, lo anterior aumenta la necesidad de tomar medidas que permitan actualizar y ampliar los actuales paradigmas que le explican y comprenden. En el presente artículo se propone la comprensión de la deprivación afectiva como una forma de maltrato infantil que va en deterioro del desarrollo, potencializacio...

  11. Inteligencia emocional como alternativa para la prevención del maltrato psicológico en la pareja


    Blázquez Alonso, Macarena; Moreno Manso, Juan Manuel; García-Baamonde Sánchez, Mª Elena


    El artículo destaca la necesidad del empleo de la inteligencia emocional como una alternativa constructiva para la prevención del mal-trato psicológico en la pareja. Basándonos en las investigaciones que afir-man que habitualmente las manifestaciones de maltrato psicológico en la pareja son previas a las físicas (Follingstad, Rutledge, Berg, Hause y Polek, 1990; Loring, 1994; O´Leary, 1999) y que el impacto en las víctimas es igual o superior al ocasionado por el maltrato fisico (Henning y Kl...

  12. Las habilidades motoras en niños víctimas de maltrato físico

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    Eulalia María Amador Rodero


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Aplicar un programa de habilidades motoras en niños víctimas de maltrato físico. Materiales y métodos: Se trata de un estudio cuasiexperimental en el que se aplica el programa de Estimulación de Habilidades Motoras formulado por el grupo POYMOCOR de la Universidad Libre a una población diana conformada por 16 niños víctimas de maltrato físico en la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia; los cuales cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión: haber sido víctimas de maltrato físico y no padecer de alteraciones musculoesquéliticas de origen congénito. La participación de los niños fue voluntaria, pre- via autorización de de la ONG que tiene bajo su cuidado a los niños víctimas de maltrato. El estudio fue autorizado por el Centro de Investigación de la Universidad Libre. Para el análisis de la información se utilizó el programa SPSS para estimar las frecuencias de las variables sociodemográficas y las medias y desviaciones estándar de cada subfactor de la Batería Psicomotriz (BPM de Vitor Da Fonseca, utilizada como instrumento de medición en este proyecto. Las diferencias significativas entre las medias de las puntuaciones de cada subfactor resultado de la evaluación antes y después de la intervención se establecie- ron mediante el test T de Students. Resultados: evidenciaron que el programa de estimulación es efectivo para mejorar las habilidades motoras en niños víctimas de maltrato fisico. Conclusiones: Se concluye que el maltrato físico deja secuelas que interfieren con la ad- quisición y desarrollo de habilidades motoras, pero los programas de estimulación, en este caso el formulado por el grupo investigador, son efectivos para que los niños recuperen sus habilidades y destrezas motoras.

  13. Factores asociados al maltrato del adulto mayor de Antioquia, 2012

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    Sara M. Cano


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar los factores asociados al maltrato del adulto mayor del departamento de Antioquia en el año 2012. Metodología: mediante estudio descriptivo transversal, se caracterizaron los factores demográficos, económicos y de salud mental de la población adulta mayor de Antioquia para el año 2012, con el fin de aportar al análisis de la situación de salud y condiciones de vida del adulto mayor. El estudio se basó en los resultados del instrumento aplicado por la Universidad ces a 4.215 adultos de sesenta años y más de edad, en el cual se indagó sobre percepción de maltrato, funcionamiento cognitivo, nivel de depresión, nivel de ansiedad, apoyo social, escala de recursos sociales, entre otras; los resultados se expandieron a 654.473 adultos del departamento. Resultados: el 72,8% de adultos del departamento son mujeres, 53,7% vive en Medellín, 55% tiene primaria incompleta, 72,9% pertenece a estratos socioeconómicos 1 y 2, 45,1% no registraron ingresos en el último mes, 26,3% tiene riesgo de depresión y 34,4% tiene riesgo de ansiedad, 2,5% reportó haber sufrido descuido, 5,0% necesidades afectivas ignoradas, 1,7% algún caso de agresión física, 0,4% agresión sexual y 1,3%, afirmó haber sufrido maltrato económico. Las variables estrato socioeconómico, tipo de vivienda, etnia, riesgo de depresión, riesgo de ansiedad, riesgo de deterioro cognitivo y red de apoyo fueron las que más ayudaron a explicar la presencia de maltrato. Conclusión: enfrentar este problema requiere de una atención integral a las necesidades de los adultos mayores, participación de todos los sectores de la sociedad y conciencia transgeneracional.

  14. El delito de maltrato a los animales. El maltrato legislativo a su protección.


    García Solé, Marc


    El artículo denuncia que la tutela que ofrece la legislación civil y administrativa en materia de protección de los animales es insuficiente. Expone que, aunque la legislación penal podría haberse convertido en un instrumento válido para mejorar y reforzar esta protección, las modificaciones penales han sido sólo un intento de acallar las demandas que llegaban desde sectores de la sociedad civil, sensibles con el problema del maltrato animal. Su conclusión es que se impone la necesidad...



    José Manuel Pozueco Romero; Juan Manuel Moreno Manso; Macarena Blázquez Alonso; Mª Elena García-Baamonde Sánchez


    En la presente revisión teórica analizamos las posibles relaciones entre la psicopatía subclínica y las diversas manifestaciones de maltrato psicológico en las relaciones íntimas. Para ello es preciso delimitar el concepto de psicopatía subclínica, así como también la problemática del maltrato psicológico en la pareja, también denominado violencia emocional y/o violencia invisible, puesto que es el tipo de maltrato que mayormente perpetran las parejas psicópatas en sus relaciones, todo ...

  16. Psychological maltreatment and its relationship with substance abuse among university students in Kingston, Jamaica

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    Samantha Longman-Mills


    Full Text Available En Jamaica existen altas tasas de abuso de drogas, lo que remarca la necesidad de comprender los motivadores para el abuso de sustancias. El experimentar maltrato psicológico (abuso emocional y negligencia durante la infancia ha sido sugerido como un factor de riesgo para el abuso de sustancias. Este estudio investiga la relación entre maltrato psicológico infantil y el abuso de sustancias en la adultez entre estudiantes universitarios jamaiquinos. Trescientos ochenta y dos (382 estudiantes universitarios fueron seleccionados usando una técnica de muestreo sistemático. Ellos completaron el Cuestionario Escala de Distrés Psicológico de Kessler, así como ítems seleccionado de los cuestionarios de Experiencias Adversas en la Infancia y de Uso de Drogas de CICAD. El 66.7% había experimentado maltrato psicológico. El análisis de Chi-cuadrados identificó una relación significativa entre experimentar maltrato psicológico y abuso de sustancias (p<0.05. Esta investigación provee evidencia en apoyo de una asociación entre la exposición a maltrato psicológico infantil y abuso de sustancias en la adultez.

  17. El delito de maltrato a los animales. El maltrato legislativo a su protección


    García Solé, Marc


    El artículo denuncia que la tutela que ofrece la legislación civil y administrativa en materia de protección de los animales es insuficiente. Expone que, aunque la legislación penal podría haberse convertido en un instrumento válido para mejorar y reforzar esta protección, las modificaciones penales han sido sólo un intento de acallar las demandas que llegaban desde sectores de la sociedad civil, sensibles con el problema del maltrato animal. Su conclusión es que se impone la necesidad de una...

  18. Tendencia de la prevalencia de la obesidad infantil y adolescente en Oviedo durante las décadas 1992-2012


    Llada Suárez, Rubén


    Los últimos cálculos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, OMS (2012) estiman que la obesidad ha alcanzado proporciones epidémicas a nivel mundial, existiendo consenso internacional en considerar que la obesidad infantil es uno de los problemas de salud pública más graves del siglo XXI. La obesidad infantil tiene importantes repercusiones sobre la calidad de vida del niño acarreando múltiples comorbilidades si persiste en la edad adulta. Entre las principales patologías asociadas a la o...

  19. Problemas de conducta en niños víctimas de violencia familiar: reporte de profesores Conduct problems in young victims of family abuse: teachers' report

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    Martha Frías Armenta


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la relación de los problemas de conducta que los niños presentan en la escuela y el maltrato infantil. La muestra la constituyeron 110 menores; 61 fueron identificados como maltratados y 50 fueron de la población general. Se aplicó la lista de chequeo de Achenbach (Achenbach, 1991; Achenbach & McConaughy, 1997 a los maestros, así como la Escala de Tácticas de Conflicto de Straus et al. (1998, la de Depresión de Hamilton (1959, obteniendo también variables demográficas de los niños. Se probó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en donde la variable dependiente fueron los problemas de conducta y las independientes la violencia familiar y la depresión. Los resultados indican que el maltrato tuvo un efecto significativo en los problemas de conducta de los menores, mediada por la depresión. Concluimos que los profesores deben ser entrenados en la detección y atención del maltrato infantil para prevenir problemas sociales graves como la delincuencia.The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between conduct problems that children display at school and child abuse. The sample was constituted by 110 minors; 61 were identified as abused and 50 were from the general population. Achenbach's checklist (Achenbach, 1991; Achenbach & McConaughy, 1997 was administered to teachers, and Straus et al.'s (1998 Tactics of Conflict Scale and Hamilton's (1959 Depression Scale were administered to children. Demographic variables were also considered. A structural equations model was tested wherein the dependent variable was conduct problems, while family violence and depression were the independent variables. Results indicated that child abuse had an indirect effect on children's conduct problems, which was mediated by depression. We concluded that teachers should be trained in detecting and attending child abuse in order to prevent further serious social problems such as delinquency.

  20. Alteraciones en el vínculo materno- infantil: prevalencia, factores de riesgo, criterios diagnósticos y estrategias de evaluación

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    Bruma Palacios-Hernández


    Full Text Available La interacción temprana entre una madre y su bebé durante el primer año de posparto, se centra en la respuesta emocional materna que determina el vínculo materno-infantil, considerado éste un importante mediador en el desarrollo psicosocial del infante. Alteraciones en esta vinculación temprana se asocian a importantes consecuencias en el infante a nivel cognitivo, social, de salud mental y con riesgo de maltrato, abuso infantil y hasta infanticidio. Los factores de riesgo para una alteración en el vínculo materno-infantil incluyen factores de la madre, del bebé, del embarazo, parto y posparto y del ambiente social. El estudio de los aspectos psicosociales de la relación temprana entre una madre y su infante, ha sido de principal interés en países desarrollados; sin embargo, en Latinoamérica la investigación es aún muy escasa. En la presente revisión se exploran las características del vínculo materno-infantil, sus factores de riesgo y consecuencias negativas más asociadas, así como una identificación de las estrategias de evaluación más usadas en diferentes países. La detección temprana de una problemática del vínculo materno-infantil es una estrategia fundamental para diseñar intervenciones de salud específicas y pertinentes que disminuyan las consecuencias adversas y promuevan el bienestar de la diada madre-bebé y su ámbito familiar.


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    José Manuel Pozueco Romero


    Full Text Available En la presente revisión teórica analizamos las posibles relaciones entre la psicopatía subclínica y las diversas manifestaciones de maltrato psicológico en las relaciones íntimas. Para ello es preciso delimitar el concepto de psicopatía subclínica, así como también la problemática del maltrato psicológico en la pareja, también denominado violencia emocional y/o violencia invisible, puesto que es el tipo de maltrato que mayormente perpetran las parejas psicópatas en sus relaciones, todo lo cual nos permitirá ofrecer un conjunto de indicadores para concretar un perfil no psicopatológico del agresor psicópata en la pareja. Delimitamos el perfil general del psicópata integrado en la pareja, así como también el tipo de relaciones íntimas que suelen establecer y los indicadores de maltrato psicológico que representan factores de riesgo de la relación. Finalmente, también revisamos las posibles relaciones entre esos indicadores y los rasgos psicopáticos.

  2. El uso de drogas entre los estudiantes universitarios y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez y la adolescencia


    Gonzalez,Yolanda; Mann,Robert; Hamilton,Hayley; Erickson,Patricia; Sapag,Jaime; Brands,Bruna; Strike,Carol; Simich,Laura; Giesbrecht,Norman; Wright,Maria da Gloria Miotto; Cumsille,Francisco; Khenti,Akwatu


    Panamá, país de tránsito para productores y consumidores de drogas, generando economía emergente, cultura de violencia y maltrato en la familia y comunidad, siendo niños y adolescentes vulnerables al uso y abuso de drogas por exposición prolongada al maltrato. Se determina independencia o relación entre uso y abuso de droga con el maltrato durante la niñez y la adolescencia en estudiantes en una universidad en la ciudad de Panamá. Se aplicó el...

  3. Indicadores de maltrato psicológico asociados a la antigüedad en las relaciones de pareja


    Blázquez-Alonso, Macarena; Moreno-Manso, Juan Manuel; García-Baamonde, M. Elena


    La investigación analiza la variable antigüedad de la relación de pareja y la existencia de manifestaciones de maltrato psicológico en estudiantes universitarios/as. Aporta un mayor conocimiento en lo relativo a la relación entre la antigüedad de pareja y la posibilidad de que aparezcan manifestaciones de maltrato psicológico en el seno de la misma; y analiza la presencia de los diferentes componentes que configuran la interacción coactiva (desvalorización, hostilidad, indiferencia, intimidac...

  4. Repercusiones psicopatológicas de la violencia doméstica en la mujer en función de las circunstancias del maltrato

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    Pedro J. Amor


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se han estudiado las repercusiones psicopatológicas de la violencia doméstica en la mujer en función de las circunstancias del maltrato en una muestra de 212 víctimas en un Servicio de Violencia Familiar. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que la gravedad psicopatológica (estrés postraumático y malestar emocional estaba relacionada con diferentes circunstancias de maltrato: la situación de la mujer en relación con la convivencia con el maltratador, la cercanía de la violencia en el tiempo, los años de sufrimiento del maltrato y la presencia de relaciones sexuales forzadas, así como los episodios de maltrato en la infancia. Por otro lado, se halló que el apoyo social y el apoyo familiar eran variables relacionadas con un menor nivel de gravedad psicopatológica. Se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la práctica clínica y para las investigaciones futuras.

  5. Caracterización del maltrato entre iguales en una muestra de colegios de Barranquilla (Colombia

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    Olga Hoyos


    Full Text Available Los resultados que se presentan describen la incidencia de las diferentes manifestaciones del maltrato entre iguales en una muestra de colegios del Núcleo Educativo N° 2 de la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia. La incidencia del maltrato se determinó a partir de un cuestionario aplicado a una muestra de 332 estudiantes, hombres y mujeres, de la escuela básica secundaria, de los grados 6º a 9º. Se describe la incidencia general y una caracterización del fenómeno en las escuelas de la ciudad desde la perspectiva de sus protagonistas (agresores, víctimas y testigos, y las circunstancias en las que se presenta.

  6. El uso de drogas entre los estudiantes universitarios y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez y la adolescencia


    Gonzalez, Yolanda; Mann, Robert; Hamilton, Hayley; Erickson, Patricia; Sapag, Jaime; Brands, Bruna; Strike, Carol; Simich, Laura; Giesbrecht, Norman; Wright, Maria da Gloria Miotto; Cumsille, Francisco; Khenti, Akwatu


    Panamá, país de tránsito para productores y consumidores de drogas, generando economía emergente, cultura de violencia y maltrato en la familia y comunidad, siendo niños y adolescentes vulnerables al uso y abuso de drogas por exposición prolongada al maltrato. Se determina independencia o relación entre uso y abuso de droga con el maltrato durante la niñez y la adolescencia en estudiantes en una universidad en la ciudad de Panamá. Se aplicó el método cuantitativo, diseño transeccional, correl...

  7. Child delinquency and the prophylaxis of crime in early 20th-century Latin America La delincuencia infantil y la profilaxis del crimen a principios del siglo XX en América Latina

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    Andrés Villaveces


    Full Text Available A fin de ahondar en la visión que predominaba a principios del siglo XX sobre el maltrato infantil, sus efectos sobre el comportamiento de los jóvenes y las estrategias para prevenir la delincuencia juvenil se ofrece una síntesis en inglés de la conferencia " La delincuencia infantil y la profilaxis del crimen" , presentada en 1929 por el pediatra e higienista social colombiano Jorge Bejarano Martínez y se resaltan sus teorías sobre el abuso y la desatención infantil, y la prevención del crimen. Mediante citas del texto original de 88 páginas, esta síntesis presenta los puntos de vista de Bejarano sobre las condiciones sociales que él consideraba cruciales en la etiología de la delincuencia infantil en Colombia (la falta de mecanismos sociales de protección y de oportunidades educacionales para los niños, la pobreza en el hogar, el trabajo infantil, el abandono, y el abuso y la desatención de los niños. Aunque en Colombia aún subsisten problemas de fondo similares, se han logrado avances en la protección de los niños contra el abuso y la desatención para prevenir la delincuencia en etapas posteriores de su vida. Esta conferencia demuestra que Bejarano fue un precursor de estos esfuerzos en América Latina y ofrece elementos sobre los orígenes de las estrategias actuales para reducir la violencia juvenil.

  8. Características del maltrato hacia estudiantes de medicina de una universidad pública del Perú


    Munayco-Guillén, Fernando; Cámara-Reyes, Anais; Muñoz-Tafur, L. Jaime; Arroyo-Hernández, Hugo; Mejia, Christian R; Lem-Arce, Felix; Miranda-Soberón, Ubaldo E


    Objetivos.Determinar las características del maltrato hacia estudiantes de Medicina de una universidad pública en la provincia de Ica, Perú. Materiales y métodos. Investigación transversal realizada el 2012 en una muestra probabilística de estudiantes de Medicina de primer a sexto año de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga. Se elaboró una encuesta con un total de 23 ítems en una escala likert, para medir la percepción de maltrato de tipo psicológico, físico, académico y sexual; se usaron...

  9. Prevalencia del maltrato doméstico en adultos mayores. Policlínica "Alcides Pino". Holguín. 2009


    Marcia Avila-Oliva; Libia Avila-Oliva; Sara Iris Rodríguez-Oliva


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con el objetivo de caracterizar el maltrato doméstico en adultos mayores de dos consultorios del área de salud "Alcides Pino" en el municipio de Holguín en el año 2009. De los seniles que percibieron maltrato estuvieron las edades de 60 a 74 años, predominando el sexo femenino, la escolaridad primaria y las mujeres sin vínculo conyugal, mientras que los mayoritarios estuvieron asociados a hombres casados. Otros aspectos analizados fueron, el tipo de familia o...

  10. Relación entre la violencia en el noviazgo y observación de modelos parentales de maltrato


    Martínez Gómez, Jorge Arturo; Vargas Gutiérrez, Rochy; Novoa Gómez, Mónica


    El objetivo fue describir la posible relación entre las características de la violencia en el noviazgo (recibida y ejercida), en adolescentes y jóvenes, con respecto a la observación de maltrato entre sus padres. El diseño fue descriptivo-correlacional, la muestra fue no probabilística (589 estudiantes, entre los 12-22 años). Los instrumentos fueron: listas de chequeo de experiencias de maltrato en la pareja (violencia recibida -forma A- y violencia ejercida -forma B-) y cuestionario de auto ...

  11. Maltrato intrafamiliar hacia el adulto mayor en el del Policlínico Reynold García de Versalles


    García Rosique, Regla Mercedes; Guisado Zamora, Katia; Torres Triana, Adelaida


    Introducción: el maltrato al adulto mayor emerge como problema social, desde hace pocos años, y no porque antes no existiera, sino porque muchas veces existe en las familias y no sale a la luz pública. Objetivo: identificar maltrato intrafamiliar hacia los adultos mayores. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal en 60 adultos mayores de 60 años, pertenecientes al Consultorio Médico de Familia No. 87, del Policlínico Reynold García, área de Versalles de la...

  12. Presentación atípica de la enfermedad de Alexander infantil sin macrocefalia


    Carmen Esmer; Miguel Villegas-Aguilera; Juan José Morales-Ibarra; Antonio Bravo-Oro


    Introducción: La enfermedad de Alexander consiste en una forma de leucodistrofia poco frecuente que afecta principalmente a los astrocitos; tiene un patrón de herencia autosómica recesiva y es causada por mutaciones en el gen GFAP, localizado en el cromosoma 17q21. Puede presentarse a cualquier edad y la forma infantil se caracteriza por macrocefalia, crisis convulsivas, retraso motor y cognitivo grave y espasticidad o ataxia progresivas. Caso clínico: Paciente de sexo femenino de 8 meses ...

  13. Perfil diferencial de trastornos de personalidad en el consumo de drogas y maltrato

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    Eva Castillo Fernández

    Full Text Available Resumen Existe evidencia empírica que demuestra la relación entre patrones de personalidad, tipos de delitos violentos y consumo de drogas o alcohol. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo examinar la tasa de prevalencia de trastornos de personalidad en prisión (consumidores de drogas y maltratadores, utilizando como grupo control población encarcelada sin este tipo de delitos. Participaron en este estudio 45 hombres del Centro Penitenciario de Albolote, Granada (15 consumidores de drogas, 15 maltratadores y 15 controles que fueron seleccionados mediante la Escala de Severidad de la Adicción (EUROPASI; Bobes et al., 1996 y la Escala de Tácticas de Conflicto (CTS2; Strauss et al., 1996. Para evaluar los trastornos de personalidad se utilizó el Inventario Clínico Multiaxial de Millon. Encontramos que el grupo de consumo de drogas puntúa más alto en los trastornos de personalidad histriónico, antisocial, límite y agresivo-sádico en comparación con el grupo de maltrato y control y que el grupo de maltrato puntúa más alto en el trastorno de personalidad dependiente en comparación con el grupo de drogas y control. Nuestros resultados resaltan la necesidad de tener en cuenta la existencia de trastornos de personalidad en población clínica con el fin de diseñar estrategias de intervención y prevención para el consumo de drogas y el maltrato.

  14. Psychological maltreatment and its relationship with substance abuse among university students in Kingston, Jamaica


    Longman-Mills,Samantha; Haye,Winston De La; Hamilton,Hayley A; Brands,Bruna; Wright,Maria da Gloria; Cumsille,Francisco; Mann,Robert; Khenti,Akwatu


    En Jamaica existen altas tasas de abuso de drogas, lo que remarca la necesidad de comprender los motivadores para el abuso de sustancias. El experimentar maltrato psicológico (abuso emocional y negligencia) durante la infancia ha sido sugerido como un factor de riesgo para el abuso de sustancias. Este estudio investiga la relación entre maltrato psicológico infantil y el abuso de sustancias en la adultez entre estudiantes universitarios jamaiquinos. Trescientos ochenta y dos (382) estudiantes...

  15. El maltrato infantil: mecanismos subyacentes


    Martínez, Gladys S.


    Exposure to traumatic stress during childhood, in the form of abuse or neglect, is related to an increased vulnerability resulting in the development of several pathologies, this relation has been confirmed by epidemiological studies; however, the neural mechanisms underlying such abnormalities are still unknown. Most of the research done has focused on the effects in the infant, and only recently it has begun to focus on the neurobiological changes in the abusive parents. In this article, I ...

  16. El maltrato infantil: mecanismos subyacentes

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    Gladys S. Martínez


    Full Text Available La exposición durante la infancia a estrés traumático, en la forma de abuso o negligencia, está asociada con una mayor vulnerabilidad, la cual resulta en el desarrollo de diversas psicopatologías, relación que ha sido confirmada una y otra vez en estudios epidemiológicos; sin embargo, aún se desconocen los mecanismos neurales que subyacen dichas alteracionesy solo recientemente se han empezado a estudiar los cambios neurobiológicos subyacentes en padres y madres maltratadores. En esta revisión se resumen investigaciones en que se ha abordado esta temática y se presentan algunos de los modelos animales usados para su estudio.

  17. El maltrato infantil: mecanismos subyacentes

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    Martínez, Gladys S.


    Full Text Available Exposure to traumatic stress during childhood, in the form of abuse or neglect, is related to an increased vulnerability resulting in the development of several pathologies, this relation has been confirmed by epidemiological studies; however, the neural mechanisms underlying such abnormalities are still unknown. Most of the research done has focused on the effects in the infant, and only recently it has begun to focus on the neurobiological changes in the abusive parents. In this article, I review some of the studies using animal models of early adverse trauma and present some of the data on neural changes. Further studies of brain abnormalities in abusive parents are still needed.

  18. Prevalencia y factores asociados a maltrato en adultos mayores de la parroquia Yanuncay de la ciudad de Cuenca, 2009


    Flores Benalcazar, Eulogia Magdalena


    Introducción: el maltrato al adulto mayor; es una conducta nociva, destructiva y bochornosa; en contra de su economía física, psicológica, sexual, su autonomía, finanzas, derechos y privilegios conferidos al grupo etario; esta situación es preocupante y novedosa, porque repercute en los ámbitos: político, social, salud y económico. A nivel mundial; la tasa de maltrato en países desarrollados fue del 3 12%; y en países como: México, Argentina, Chile y Perú fue del 36 49%. Objetivo: determinar...

  19. El uso de drogas entre los estudiantes universitarios y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez y la adolescencia

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    Yolanda Gonzalez


    Full Text Available Panamá, país de tránsito para productores y consumidores de drogas, generando economía emergente, cultura de violencia y maltrato en la familia y comunidad, siendo niños y adolescentes vulnerables al uso y abuso de drogas por exposición prolongada al maltrato. Se determina independencia o relación entre uso y abuso de droga con el maltrato durante la niñez y la adolescencia en estudiantes en una universidad en la ciudad de Panamá. Se aplicó el método cuantitativo, diseño transeccional, correlacional, muestreo estratificado, muestra de 377 estudiantes de 12 facultades por afijación proporcional. Instrumento aplicado: "Cuestionario Uso de Drogas y Experiencias Adversas de la niñez". La prueba chi-cuadrado, test de independencia, comprobó no independencia entre uso y abuso de drogas posterior al maltrato como abuso sexual, con p-valor asociado 0,021, al 95% nivel de confianza, con significancia de p< de 0,05; determinantes para consumo posterior: madre maltratada, separación o divorcio de padres, pares consumidores.

  20. Análisis de la situación de maltrato sufrido fuera de la institución por personas mayores en el contexto de la atención residencial


    Carmelo Gómez Martínez; Elena Carrasco Martínez; Inmaculada Martínez Escámez; Pedro Martínez Andreo


    Los ancianos son más vulnerables y determinados condicionantes socioculturales hacen que el maltrato sea poco evidenciado y por ello, poco abordado. Dentro del segmento poblacional de personas mayores, se dan las circunstancias concretas para que se dé el maltrato. Nuestra aportación a la hora de abordar esta cuestión ha sido conocer el número y tipo de casos de maltrato que los ancianos que viven en residencias y que sufren por agentes ajenos a la organización de la misma, tales como la fami...

  1. Miastenia grave y miastenia grave ocular

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    Rosa María Naranjo Fernández

    Full Text Available La miastenia grave es una enfermedad caracterizada por debilidad y fatiga de los músculos voluntarios debido a una trasmisión anómala a nivel de la unión neuromuscular. La prevalencia es aproximadamente de 5 casos/100 000 personas. La miastenia grave puede ser bulbar, ocular o generalizada.Existen formas clínicas en la infancia como son la miastenia neonatal transitoria, la miastenia congénita y la miastenia juvenil. Los músculos oculares, faciales y bulbares son los más frecuentes afectados por la enfermedad. Cuando los síntomas se limitan a la musculatura cercana al ojo se denomina miastenia grave ocular. Una vez el oftalmólogo diagnostica o sospecha la miastenia grave, un neurólogo generalmente dirige la comprobación y tratamiento. El papel del oftalmólogo continúa siendo importante, además de chequear la motilidad y disfunción palpebral y proporcionar el alivio sintomático para estos desórdenes, debe estar alerta a la posibilidad de ambliopía.

  2. La preparación de los estudiantes en formación para la prevención del maltrato

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    Adienne Albite González


    Full Text Available La diversidad cultural que existe en la ELAM, trae consigo costumbres en los estudiantes que puedan reflejar en su modo de actuación cotidiano, manifestaciones para ellos no trascendentales como es el maltrato a otros, el abuso de poder, la supremacía del sexo, la raza, las etnias, la subestimación, entre otras formas, en algunos casos siendo ellos víctimas actuales o haberlo sufrido con anterioridad. En intercambio con los profesores que atienden el trabajo educativo, expresaron que existen estudiantes que reflejan abuso a quienes consideran inferiores prevaleciendo los casos del hombre sobre la mujer, obligándolas a tener sexo, a realizar trabajos de higiene o de cocina, a personas con orientación sexual no acorde para ellos y a practicantes de otras religiones o de otras regiones. Las acciones han sido desde maltratos leves de ofensas hasta acciones violentas con agresiones físicas. Esta situación conlleva a la necesidad de preparar a los estudiantes en el respeto a la diversidad y al derecho común, formando valores que cumplan a diario desde sus relaciones interpersonales y en sus funciones como futuros profesionales de la salud, implicando que no practiquen el maltrato y que aprendan a prevenirlo. Se utilizaron los métodos histórico-lógicos, deducción-inducción y análisis documental. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo: Proponer un conjunto de acciones que contribuya a la preparación de los profesionales de la salud en formación para la prevención del maltrato. Se desarrollará con los estudiantes de premédico y el trabajo interdisciplinar se tributará a las Ciencias Básicas con la asignatura de Pre-vención y promoción de salud.

  3. El partido animalista contra el maltrato animal (PACMA) frente a otros partidos políticos: un análisis comparativo.


    Martínez Mata, Javier


    Este trabajo tiene la ambición de dar a conocer el Partido Animalista Contra el Maltrato Animal (PACMA), un partido político infravalorado y desconocido para gran parte de la población, y explicar la evolución económica del mismo en los años 2013, 2014, 2015 y 2016. En relación a ello, se demostrará matemáticamente la correlación existente entre la evolución contable del partido y el aumento en la consciencia de la sociedad sobre el maltrato animal, el medio ambiente y todo lo que esto conlle...

  4. Análisis de la situación de maltrato sufrido fuera de la institución por personas mayores en el contexto de la atención residencial

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    Carmelo Gómez Martínez


    Full Text Available Los ancianos son más vulnerables y determinados condicionantes socioculturales hacen que el maltrato sea poco evidenciado y por ello, poco abordado. Dentro del segmento poblacional de personas mayores, se dan las circunstancias concretas para que se dé el maltrato. Nuestra aportación a la hora de abordar esta cuestión ha sido conocer el número y tipo de casos de maltrato que los ancianos que viven en residencias y que sufren por agentes ajenos a la organización de la misma, tales como la familia, otros residentes y amigos. Para este estudio se ha elaborado un breve cuestionario en una hoja de Excel para la recogida de datos, que ha sido pasado a las trabajadoras sociales de 4 residencias de personas mayores, en el ámbito geográfico de la Región de Murcia. Los datos recogidos corresponden al periodo de tiempo comprendido entre enero y diciembre de 2013. Los resultados obtenidos nos llevan a pensar que los principales factores de riesgos asociados a este tipo de maltrato es ser mujer, viuda y con una edad de aproximadamente 80 años. El maltrato psicológico ejercicio sobre todo por familiares es el más frecuente.

  5. Maltrato entre pares o "bullying": Una visión actual




    Se presenta una actualización sobre el acoso o maltrato escolar entre pares o "bullying". Se explica su significado, el rol y características de sus actores y sus consecuencias. Se menciona su epidemiología y los factores condicionantes que influyen en su presencia. Se revisan las intervenciones realizadas en los colegios y sus resultados, y se analiza el rol de los prestadores de salud. Se proponen indicaciones de consejería a la familia, con algunos datos útiles para usarlos en la consulta ...

  6. Relaciones Interpersonales y Sintomatología Ansiosa en Niños Víctimas de Maltrato Parental

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    Marisela Ramírez


    Full Text Available El artículo describe cómo la vivencia de maltrato al interior del hogar se asocia a niveles altos de sintomatología ansiosa y a relaciones interpersonales disfuncionales al interior del colegio.Se comparan las relaciones interpersonales en el colegio y los niveles de sintomatología ansiosa en un grupo de 30 niños maltratados por sus padres y un grupo pareado de 30 niños no maltratados. Los maltratados presentan mayor ansiedad, retraimiento social y pasan desapercibidos en situaciones sociales como el estudio y el juego. Sin embargo, son escogidos para guardar un secreto. Se discute como esta dinámica al interior del colegio reforzaría su sintomatología ansiosa y el retraimiento social; que frecuentemente se asocian a las experiencias de maltrato en el hogar.

  7. Temporal relationship between onset of Graves' ophthalmopathy and onset of thyroidal Graves' disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, W. M.; Smit, T.; van der Gaag, R.; Koornneef, L.


    The temporal relationship between the onset of Graves' ophthalmopathy and the onset of thyroidal Graves' disease was evaluated in 125 consecutive patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy. Thyroidal Graves' disease--past or present--was clinically evident in 99 patients (79%): hyperthyroidism in 3 cases.

  8. La infancia en riesgo social desde la sociedad del bienestar

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    M. Ángeles BALSELLS


    Full Text Available El artículo plantea la necesidad de redefinir el concepto de infancia en situación de riesgo social, dado que las avanzadas sociedades del bienestar están siendo escenario de nuevos fenómenos sociales que provocan a su vez la aparición de nuevos colectivos infanto-juveniles en riesgo. Se conoce el maltrato infantil familiar como una causa clara del riesgo social pero, ¿existen otras situaciones, fuera de la familia, que provocan la aparición de poblaciones infantiles en situación de riesgo social?, ¿se puede hablar de infancia en situación de riesgo social cuando no existen maltratos o negligencia en la familia? En definitiva, ¿las sociedades desarrolladas y avanzadas son el escenario de nuevos grupos de riesgo social? Estos son los interrogantes que pretende responder el presente artículo.

  9. Autoestima y adaptación en víctimas de maltrato psicológico por parte de la parej

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    Luz E. Ocampo Otálvaro


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar los niveles de autoestima y adaptación en un grupo de personas con experiencia de maltrato por parte de su pareja en la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia. Se utilizó un diseño transversal, ex post facto; se llevó a cabo un muestreo no probabilístico y se seleccionaron 50 sujetos. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron una entrevista semiestructurada, un cuestionario de autoestima y uno de adaptación. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y de porcentajes. Los resultados mostraron bajos niveles de autoestima y elevados índices de inadaptación; igualmente, se encontró que el tipo de maltrato más común es el psicológico, el cual se acompaña de agresión física, sexual y económica; además, las mujeres fueron quienes más reportaron ser víctimas de esta situación. En conclusión, las personas que son víctimas de maltrato por parte de su pareja tienden a mostrar más bajos niveles de autoestima y más altos índices de inadaptación.

  10. Las multiples violencias de la "violencia" en la escuela: desarrollo de un enfoque teorico y metodologico integrativo

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    María Inés Bringiotti


    Full Text Available Foram investigados diversos tipos de violência, no âmbito escolar, que ocasionam aumento do risco para a ocorrência de maltrato infantil. Na primeira etapa a amostra ficou composta por quatro escolas de Buenos Aires, duas de educação inicial e duas primárias, selecionadas ao acaso, em dois distritos predominantemente com classes sociais diferentes (média e baixa. Foram encontradas correlações entre o potencial de maltrato, a História da Educação, nível sócio econômico e educacional da mãe, problemas comportamentais e emocionais da criança. Mediante a análise de regressão foram obtidos modelos específicos para os dois grupos da amostra e encontrados aspectos de violência social, institucional e na interação com os pares (infantil. Na segunda etapa foram encontradas correlações entre o potencial de maltrato, depressão, apoio social. Foram implementados programas de intervenção para pais e, para docentes e autoridades de um jardim da infância, analisando as variáveis de cambio e as que resistiram a uma modificação.

  11. Desnutrición Crónica Infantil en el Perú: Un problema persistente


    Arlette Beltrán; Janice Seinfeld


    "La desnutrición crónica infantil en el Perú es un problema grave. Según estándares internacionales, casi el 30% de niños menores de cinco años sufre de este mal. A pesar de más de veinte años de políticas y programas contra la desnutrición, la prevalencia de la misma sigue siendo elevada, así como lo son también las diferencias en esta materia entre individuos de distintas regiones y de distintos quintiles de riqueza. Las autoras resumen los resultados obtenidos en su trabajo sobre los deter...

  12. Uso de drogas en estudiantes de una universidad de El Salvador y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez

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    Cristina de Amaya


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la relación entre el uso y abuso de drogas y maltrato durante la niñez en estudiantes de una universidad de la ciudad de San Salvador, El Salvador. La investigación fue exploratoria, con un diseño transversal, siendo la muestra de 272 estudiantes. Como resultado se obtuvo que el 43% (118 de los estudiantes afirmaron haber consumido drogas alguna vez en su vida; las drogas de mayor consumo en los últimos 12 meses fueron el alcohol, el cannabis y el tabaco, con prevalencias del 14% (38, 9.3% (26 y 7% (19 respectivamente. El abuso físico y el abuso verbal fueron los dos tipos de maltrato más frecuentes; el tener amigos que consuman drogas es un factor de riesgo. Adicionalmente existe una relación directa y significativa (< 0.005 entre el uso y abuso de drogas y maltrato físico durante la niñez.

  13. Violencia y maltrato en la familia romana y sus consecuencias : la adolescencia perdida de Tiberio Claudio

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    Milagros Moro Ipola


    Full Text Available El maltrato psicológico es todo aquel que se ejerce contra el normal desarrollo de la personalidad de un niño. Aunque actual, es una situación que niños y adolescentes han venido sufriendo a lo largo de los siglos y cuyas consecuencias se han dejado ver, ya no sólo durante su adolescencia, sino también en la edad adulta. Uno de los casos más significativos de maltrato hacia un menor es el que sufrió el emperador Tiberio ClaudioThe psychological maltreatment is whatever is exercised against the normal development of the personality of a child. Even though it is a current situation, children and teenagers have been suffering it over the centuries and its consequences can be seen not only during the adolescence but in their manhood. One of the most significant cases of maltreatment against a kid is that one Emperor Tiberius Claudius suffered.

  14. La prevención del maltrato al adulto mayor, barrio Paraíso, parroquia José Luis Tamayo, cantón salinas, 2014-2016.


    Martínez Salas, Letty J.


    El maltrato constituye un problema social que afecta al desarrollo humano del adulto mayor que habita en el barrio Paraíso de la parroquia José Luis Tamayo, limitando sus libertades y capacidades. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en analizar cómo prevenir el maltrato hacia estas personas. La metodología utilizada en este estudio es tipo cualitativo, efectuada a través de la entrevista con actores locales, consultas teóricas y bibliográficas, reportes estadísticos, complementadas con ...

  15. Factores asociados al maltrato del adulto mayor de Antioquia, 2012


    Sara M. Cano; María O. Garzón; Ángela M. Segura; Doris Cardona


    Objetivo: determinar los factores asociados al maltrato del adulto mayor del departamento de Antioquia en el año 2012. Metodología: mediante estudio descriptivo transversal, se caracterizaron los factores demográficos, económicos y de salud mental de la población adulta mayor de Antioquia para el año 2012, con el fin de aportar al análisis de la situación de salud y condiciones de vida del adulto mayor. El estudio se basó en los resultados del instrumento aplicado por la Universidad ces a 4.2...

  16. Maltrato e "Incomplitud": Una aproximación a los imaginarios colectivos de la noción de niño en Boyacá.

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    Fabio Aldemar Gómez Sierra


    Full Text Available La intensión que acompaña la redacción de este escrito es abordar la cultura regional a partir de la infancia. La cultura infantil necesita, en este momento histórico, un análisis, una reflexión y una revisión, dadas las graves consecuencias antropológicas y sociológicas que pesan en la humanidad, particularmente en la sociedad Colombiana. Este artículo es solo el preámbulo de una investigación que se esta adelantando, y que hace parte del macroproyecto "sistema axiológico de la vida cotidiana de los habitantes de la región Boyacá" del Instituto Universitario Juan de Castellanos.

  17. Grave number 121 of the argaric site of Castellón Alto (Galera, Granada

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    Molina, Fernando


    Full Text Available A new grave with partly mummified bodies was discovered during fieldwork to prepare the argaric site of Castellón Alto for public visits. Timber slabs and a dry stone wall seal the artificial cave preserving the interior. The human bones belong to one adult and one infant, both with preserved hair and skin fragments. The grave goods comprise several pottery vessels, one dagger, one ax with wooden handle, metal ornaments and fragments of flax and possibly wool.

    Recientes excavaciones en el yacimiento argárico de Castellón Alto con motivo de los trabajos de acondicionamiento para su visita publica han permitido descubrir una sepultura con restos humanos momificados en su interior. La sepultura de tipo covacha se encontraba sellada por tablones de madera y un muro de mampostería. En el interior aparecieron un individuo adulto y un infantil que conservan restos de pelo y piel. El ajuar se compone de varias vasijas cerámicas, un puñal, una azuela con mango de madera y adornos en metal, así como restos de lino y posiblemente lana.

  18. Tuberculose infantil: estudo retrospectivo

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    Boaventura Antonio dos Santos


    Full Text Available Introdução: A tuberculose (TB infantil permanece como uma das doenças mais prevalentes e preocupantes no mundo, sobretudo em nações em desenvolvimento, onde as taxas são ainda mais elevadas e os casos descritos subestimados pela dificuldade em se estabelecer um diagnóstico definitivo. Dessa forma, este estudo tem como objetivo descrever o perfil clínico e epidemiológico dos pacientes com TB infantil pulmonar e extrapulmonar. Métodos: Foram avaliados retrospectivamente, através de questionário, pacientes com idade de até 15 anos, internados no Serviço de Pediatria do HCPA, no período de janeiro de 2002 a setembro de 2007.   Resultados: Dos 52 pacientes incluídos, 63% apresentavam TB pulmonar. Das formas extra-pulmonares, a meningoencefalite foi a mais prevalente (22%. Comorbidades foram dectadas em 31 (60% pacientes, dos quais 15 (29% apresentavam desnutrição grave, 9 (18% HIV positivo e 7 (13% pneumopatia crônica. Das manifestações clínicas, febre e tosse estavam presentes na maioria dos pacientes. O padrão radiológico predominante foi o de consolidação pulmonar (51%. A maioria dos pacientes referia história de contato com paciente bacilífero (64%. Conclusão: A TB pulmonar representa a principal forma de apresentação clínica da TB, sendo o diagnóstico feito de forma presuntiva na maioria dos casos. O diagnóstico baseado na comprovação bacteriológica foi obtido numa minoria de pacientes, demonstrando a importância dos achados clínico-laboratoriais, história epidemiológica e vacinal para o diagnóstico. Nesse sentido, a criação de escores tem se tornado uma ferramenta de fácil acesso e com razoável acurácia para auxiliar o diagnóstico de TB em serviços de baixa complexidade, especialmente o ambulatorial.

  19. Death by suicide in Graves' disease and Graves' orbitopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ferløv-Schwensen, Charlotte; Brix, Thomas Heiberg; Hegedus, Laszlo


    BACKGROUND: Graves' disease is associated with excess morbidity and mortality, but little is known about unnatural manners of death and the potential relation with Graves' orbitopathy. Here we investigate the risk of unnatural death in Graves' patients with orbitopathy (GO) and without (GD), comp...... in the pathophysiological mechanisms of suicidal behavior. Beyond independent confirmation, reasons for this need to be explored in order to introduce preventive measures....... with GD, and 3,965 with GO were identified and matched for age and gender with four subjects from the background population. Manner of death was identified and hazard ratios (HR) for mortality due to unnatural deaths (accident, suicide, violence/homicide, and unknown) were calculated using Cox regression...... analyses, adjusted for pre-existing somatic and psychiatric morbidity. RESULTS: In Graves' disease overall there was an increased risk of death from unknown unnatural manners [HR: 2.01 (95% confidence interval: 1.17-3.45); P=0.012] and of suicide, although the latter difference was not with certainty...

  20. Cambio familiar y maltrato conyugal a la mujer

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    Meil Landwerlin, Gerardo


    Full Text Available According to family resources theory, the empowerment of women caused by the different dimensions of family change during the last decades (deinstitutionalization of the family, female work, higher education, etc has brought about a greater say in the process of negotiation of gender roles inside the family and the couple life. This impowerment of women should have implied also a lower degree of partner violence against women in “modern” family life settings. Based on a survey on violence against women carried out in 1999 in Spain among 20.000 women, the paper analyses using logistic regressions models if different dimensions of family change (female work, cohabitation, among others are associated with lower risks of partner violence against women. Results from such type of analyses show that there is little support to suppose that family change and the corresponding empowerment of women which it implies will bring about a lower risk of partner violence against women.

    Según la teoría de los recursos, la ganancia de recursos de poder por parte de las mujeres derivada de las distintas dimensiones del cambio familiar (desintitucionalización de la familia, incorporación de la mujer al mercado de trabajo, mayor nivel educativo, etc. ha comportado un mayor poder de negociación del contenido de los roles familiares y domésticos. Esta ganancia en recursos de poder debería haberse traducido en una menor violencia conyugal contra las mujeres que viven en uniones “modernas”. A partir de la macroencuesta sobre violencia de género realizada por el Instituto de la Mujer en 1999 se analiza si las distintas dimensiones del cambio familiar están asociadas con un menor riesgo de maltrato. Los resultados obtenidos mediante ajustes de regresión logística indican que el cambio familiar y el correspondiente aumento de poder de negociación de las mujeres no se ha traducido automáticamente en una reducción del riesgo de maltrato.

  1. Malestar psicológico en estudiantes universitarios víctimas de abuso sexual infantil y otros estresores


    Pereda Beltran, Noemí


    El abuso sexual infantil ha sido considerado uno de los problemas de salud pública más graves que tiene que afrontar la sociedad y, especialmente, los niños y jóvenes (MacMillan, 1998). Los estudios realizados confirman que el abuso sexual es un problema mucho más extendido de lo previamente estimado e incluso hasta las tasas de prevalencia más bajas incluyen a un gran número de víctimas. Es importante considerar que el impacto psicoemocional que el abuso sexual llegue a producir en la víctim...

  2. ¿Los estudiantes de educación básica y media son víctimas de maltrato por parte de sus profesores?


    Elvia Sánchez-Jiménez; Edilberto Cepeda-Cuervo


    El objetivo del presente artículo es caracterizar el nivel de victimi - zación de 3.226 estudiantes de educación básica y media, de grados sexto a once, de colegios oficiales de la ciudad de Bogotá, desde su percepción de las manifestaciones de maltrato y / o agresión por parte de sus profesores. El instrumento “Maltrato a estudiante por parte del profesor” consta de 20 ítems de respuesta politómica y en él se describe la frecuencia con la que los estudiantes son víctimas de las manifestacion...


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    Santiago de Ossorno García


    Full Text Available Este estudio analiza la relación entre el maltrato físico en el ámbito familiar y su influencia en variables del contexto educativo (rendimiento académico y conductas sociales. Participaron 2.852 estudiantes con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 17 años. Ent re los resultados se destaca que el alumando maltratado en el ámbito familiar presenta un mayor número de materias reprobadas, menor nivel de aceptación social en el grupo de iguales así como un mayor grado de implicación en las dinámicas de acoso escolar, tanto en el rol de agresor como en el de víctima. Se discuten los resultados en relación con la importancia que tiene el tipo de socialización familiar basado en la coerción y el maltrato y el comportamiento del alumnado en el aula.

  4. Comprensión de la deprivación afectiva a partir del paradigma fenomenológico - existencial

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    Ricardo Arturo Jaramillo Moreno


    Full Text Available El maltrato infantil y específicamente la deprivación afectiva es una práctica validada y trasmitida al interior de distintos núcleos sociales, la familia, la escuela y el estado, lo anterior aumenta la necesidad de tomar medidas que permitan actualizar y ampliar los actuales paradigmas que le explican y comprenden. En el presente artículo se propone la comprensión de la deprivación afectiva como una forma de maltrato infantil que va en deterioro del desarrollo, potencializacion del ser humano y restricción de la dimensión espiritual, facilitando la vulnerabilidad frente a la salud y el bienestar. Este término hace referencia a la carencia de un vínculo sano y suficiente, que garantice un desarrollo integral adecuado. Las causas y consecuencias han sido ampliamente señaladas; aunque se pasa por alto, las restricción de capacidades propiamente humanas, siendo estas producto de una serie de situaciones externas e internas que caracterizan y hacen particular cada historia de maltrato; por ello, la comprensión de este evento se hará desde una perspectiva humanista existencial más específicamente desde el análisis existencial, la logoterapia y la terapia gestalt, hasta llegar a un propuesta de intervención a partir del mentado paradigma.

  5. Análisis diferencial de la percepción de jóvenes sobre maltrato en el noviazgo

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    Carolina Bringas-Molleda


    Full Text Available En este estudio nuestra pretensión es la de conocer el grado devictimización sufrida en una muestra de individuos mexicanos de ambos sexos y escolarizados,y analizar en cada uno de los niveles educativos el poder predictivo de las distintas formas devictimización en la pareja, sobre el uso de las etiquetas de maltrato-sentirse maltratado y tener miedo-.Participaron 3495 estudiantes de México escolarizados a quienes les aplicamos el Cuestionario de Violencia entre Novios.Los niveles de victimización y la percepción de maltrato son mayoresen estudiantes de universidad, en ambos sexos. La percepción de miedo es mayor en las mujeresuniversitarias y en los varones preuniversitarios. Es importante destacar el número de jóvenes quedeclaran no sentirse maltratados ni tener miedo, pues eso dificultará su disposición para finalizar larelación sentimental.

  6. ¿Los estudiantes de educación básica y media son víctimas de maltrato por parte de sus profesores?

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    Elvia Sánchez-Jiménez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es caracterizar el nivel de victimi - zación de 3.226 estudiantes de educación básica y media, de grados sexto a once, de colegios oficiales de la ciudad de Bogotá, desde su percepción de las manifestaciones de maltrato y / o agresión por parte de sus profesores. El instrumento “Maltrato a estudiante por parte del profesor” consta de 20 ítems de respuesta politómica y en él se describe la frecuencia con la que los estudiantes son víctimas de las manifestaciones de violencia y / o agresión evaluadas. Se presentan los resultados del análisis estadístico descriptivo de los datos usando el modelo de teoría de respuesta al ítem de crédito parcial generalizado. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación señalan que, aunque es poco frecuente, los estudiantes de educación básica y media son víctimas de maltrato por parte de algunos de sus profesores.

  7. Graves' disease following subacute thyroiditis. (United States)

    Nakano, Yoshishige; Kurihara, Hideo; Sasaki, Jun


    Subacute thyroiditis is a painful, inflammatory disease frequently accompanied with fever. It is suspected to be a viral infectious disease, while Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease. Thus, there appears to be no etiological relationship between the two diseases. A total of 25,267 thyroid disease patients made their first visits to our thyroid clinic during a period of 24 years between 1985 and 2008. Among them, subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease accounted for 918 patients (3.6%) and 4,617 patients (18.2%), respectively. We have encountered 7 patients (one male and six female) with subacute thyroiditis followed by Graves' disease in this period (0.15% of the 4,617 patients with Graves' disease and 0.76% of the 918 patients with subacute thyroiditis). The age ranges were 40~66 years (mean 48.7 years) at the onset of subacute thyroiditis. The intervals between the onsets of subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease were 1~8 months (mean 4.7 months). Because Graves' disease was preceded by subacute thyroiditis, the signs and symptoms of both diseases were evident together in the intervening period. The diagnosis of Graves' disease in those patients is always difficult because of atypical signs and symptoms and an unclear onset time. The causes of the Graves'disease that followed subacute thyroiditis are still unknown. However, the inflammatory nature of subacute thyroiditis may lead to the activation of the autoimmune response in susceptible subjects, resulting in the onset of Graves' disease. Graves' disease should be suspected when a high blood level of thyroid hormone persists after subacute thyroiditis.

  8. Literatura infantil sobre problemas infantiles: la diabetes


    Lázaro Fernández, Patricia


    Debido al creciente número de casos de diabetes infantil que se está dando en la sociedad actual, no es raro encontrarse en las aulas cada vez más casos de esta enfermedad. Por esta razón, he decidido analizar dos libros sobre esta temática, para hacer un acercamiento del material seleccionado a las aulas y poder desarrollar junto con los niños un aprendizaje colectivo y cooperativo. En este trabajo se expone la importancia de la literatura y la literatura infantil como una ...

  9. Genetics Home Reference: Graves disease (United States)

    ... Email Facebook Twitter Home Health Conditions Graves disease Graves disease Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript to view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Graves disease is a condition that affects the function of ...

  10. Análisis diferencial de la percepción de jóvenes sobre maltrato en el noviazgo

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    Carolina Bringas-Molleda, España.


    Full Text Available (analítico:En este estudio nuestra pretensión es la de conocer el grado de victimización sufrida en una muestra de individuos mexicanos de ambos sexos y escolarizados, y analizar en cada uno de los niveles educativos el poder predictivo de las distintas formas de victimización en la pareja, sobre el uso de las etiquetas de maltrato-sentirse maltratado y tener miedo-. Participaron 3495 estudiantes de México escolarizados a quienes les aplicamos el Cuestionario de Violencia entre Novios.Los niveles de victimización y la percepción de maltrato son mayores en estudiantes de universidad, en ambos sexos. La percepción de miedo es mayor en las mujeres universitarias y en los varones preuniversitarios. Es importante destacar el número de jóvenes que declaran no sentirse maltratados ni tener miedo, pues eso dificultará su disposición para finalizar la relación sentimental.

  11. El maltrato entre iguales por abuso de poder y exclusión social en estudiantes de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Barranquilla

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    Olga Lucía Hoyos de los Ríos


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio descriptivo cuyo objetivo era determinar la incidencia de las manifestaciones del maltrato entre iguales por abuso de poder y exclusión social en una muestra de 116 estudiantes de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Se utilizó un cuestionario para estudiantes, diseñado inicialmente para poblaciones escolares en España y posteriormente adaptado a la población colombiana por Hoyos y Córdoba, y para efectos de esta investigación se realizaron ajustes con relación al contexto universitario. Los resultados confirman la presencia de la situación de maltrato entre iguales en el contexto universitario, aunque la situación no es alarmante. El fenómeno se presenta con algunas particularidades a lo largo de todas las edades y semestres, así como en ambos géneros. Se resalta que el maltrato verbal es el que más se presenta, destacándose el hablar mal de él/ella y poner apodos, seguido de la exclusión social.

  12. Genetisk udredning ved infantile spasmer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Kjærsgaard; Ousager, Lilian Bomme; Møller, Rikke Steensbjerre


    Infantile spasms are a symptom of a severe epileptic encephalopathy. It is important to determine the aetiology for a child's disease. When a standard programme for evaluating the aetiology of the infantile spasms is unsuccessful genetic causes should be considered. We suggest array CGH as the fi......Infantile spasms are a symptom of a severe epileptic encephalopathy. It is important to determine the aetiology for a child's disease. When a standard programme for evaluating the aetiology of the infantile spasms is unsuccessful genetic causes should be considered. We suggest array CGH...

  13. Infantilism: Theoretical Construct and Operationalization (United States)

    Sabelnikova, Y. V.; Khmeleva, N. L.


    The aim of this article is to define and operationalize the construct of infantilism. The methods of theoretical research involve analysis and synthesis. Age and content criteria are analyzed for childhood and adulthood. Infantile traits in an adult are described. Results: The characteristics of adult infantilism in the modern world are defined,…

  14. Thyroid surgery for Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Liu, Zi Wei; Masterson, Liam; Fish, Brian; Jani, Piyush; Chatterjee, Krishna


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease caused by the production of auto-antibodies against the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor, which stimulates follicular cell production of thyroid hormone. It is the commonest cause of hyperthyroidism and may cause considerable morbidity with increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory adverse events. Five per cent of people with Graves' disease develop moderate to severe Graves' ophthalmopathy. Thyroid surgery for Graves' disease commonly falls into one of three categories: 1) total thyroidectomy, which aims to achieve complete macroscopic removal of thyroid tissue; 2) bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy, in which bilateral thyroid remnants are left; and 3) unilateral total and contralateral subtotal thyroidectomy, or the Dunhill procedure. Recent American Thyroid Association guidelines on treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism emphasised the role of surgery as one of the first-line treatments. Total thyroidectomy removes target tissue for the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody. It controls hyperthyroidism at the cost of lifelong thyroxine replacement. Subtotal thyroidectomy leaves a thyroid remnant and may be less likely to lead to complications, however a higher rate of recurrent hyperthyroidism is expected and revision surgery would be challenging. The choice of the thyroidectomy technique is currently largely a matter of surgeon preference, and a systematic review of the evidence base is required to determine which option offers the best outcomes for patients. To assess the optimal surgical technique for Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. We searched the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and PubMed, EMBASE,, and the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). The date of the last search was June 2015 for all databases. We did not apply any language restrictions. Only randomised controlled trials (RCTs) involving participants with a diagnosis

  15. Traumatismo craneal por caída accidental en niños menores de dos años de edad. Mecanismos de producción, consecuencias y diagnóstico diferencial con las lesiones causadas por maltrato infantil.


    Trenchs Sainz de la Maza, Victoria


    1. INTRODUCCIÓN:Muchos padres relatan una caída con traumatismo craneal (TCE) para justificar hematomas subdurales (HSD) y/o hemorragias retinianas (HR) debidas a maltrato. El diagnóstico diferencial entre TCE accidental e inflingido en ausencia de otras lesiones es difícil porque no hay estudios que determinen la prevalencia de HSD y/o HR en los traumatismos por caídas.2. HIPÓTESIS:- El mecanismo de producción y la altura de un caída condicionan las lesiones que aparecen en el niño.- El cono...

  16. Québec y Cataluña: redes y profesionales para la acción socioeducativa con familias, infancia y adolescencia en situación de riesgo social

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    María Ángeles Balsells


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación de campo de pedagogía comparada que se llevó a cabo en Canadá y en España. Concretamente se analizan los resultados en relación a dos objetivos; el primero describir de forma comparada las redes de servicios sociales y las modalidades de acción socioeducativa con familias, infancia y adolescencia en situación de riesgo social; y el segundo analizar los desafíos, retos y dificultades que los profesionales dedicados a la prevención del maltrato infantil de Canadá y España se encuentran en esta intervención con familias multiproblematicas. Este estudio de campo en Québec y Cataluña, se basa en la observación directa de los servicios sociales de base y especializados en prevención del maltrato infantil, en entrevistas en profundidad con los profesionales de las redes de esos servicios y en el análisis documental de los materiales de los mismos. 

  17. Hashimoto's thyroiditis following Graves' disease. (United States)

    Umar, Husaini; Muallima, Nur; Adam, John M F; Sanusi, Harsinen


    Both Graves' disease and chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) are autoimmune diseases of thyroid gland. Graves' disease is caused by stimulation of TSH receptor located on the thyroid gland by an antibody, which is known as TSH receptor antibody (TRAb). Furthermore, this may lead to hyperplasia and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. On the contrary, the cause of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is thought due to a TSH stimulation-blocking antibody (TSBAb) which blocks the action of TSH hormone and subsequently brings damage and atrophy to thyroid gland. Approximately 15-20% of patients with Graves' disease had been reported to have spontaneous hypothyroidism resulting from the chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease). Pathogenesis for chronic thyroiditis following anti-thyroid drug treatment in patients with Graves' disease remains unclear. It has been estimated that chronic thyroiditis or Hashimoto's disease, which occurs following the Graves' disease episode is due to extended immune response in Graves' disease. It includes the immune response to endogenous thyroid antigens, i.e. thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin, which may enhance lymphocyte infiltration and finally causes Hashimoto's thyroiditis. We report four cases of chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease) in patients who have been previously diagnosed with Graves' hyperthyroidism. In three cases, Hashimoto's thyroiditis occurs in 7 to 25 years after the treatment of Grave's disease; while the other case has it only after few months of Grave's disease treatment. The diagnosis of Hashimoto's disease (chronic thyroiditis) was based on clinical manifestation, high TSHs level, positive thyroid peroxidase antibody and thyroglobulin antibody, and supported by positive results of fine needle aspiration biopsy. Moreover, the result of histopathological test has also confirmed the diagnosis in two cases. All cases have been successfully treated by levothyroxine treatment.

  18. Thyroid cancer in Graves' disease: is surgery the best treatment for Graves' disease? (United States)

    Tamatea, Jade A U; Tu'akoi, Kelson; Conaglen, John V; Elston, Marianne S; Meyer-Rochow, Goswin Y


    Graves' disease is a common cause of thyrotoxicosis. Treatment options include anti-thyroid medications or definitive therapy: thyroidectomy or radioactive iodine (I(131) ). Traditionally, I(131) has been the preferred definitive treatment for Graves' disease in New Zealand. Reports of concomitant thyroid cancer occurring in up to 17% of Graves' patients suggest surgery, if performed with low morbidity, may be the preferred option. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of thyroid cancer and surgical outcomes in a New Zealand cohort of patients undergoing thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. This study is a retrospective review of Waikato region patients undergoing thyroid surgery for Graves' disease during the 10-year period prior to 1 December 2011. A total of 833 patients underwent thyroid surgery. Of these, 117 were for Graves' disease. Total thyroidectomy was performed in 82, near-total in 33 and subtotal in 2 patients. Recurrent thyrotoxicosis developed in one subtotal patient requiring I(131) therapy. There were two cases of permanent hypoparathyroidism and one of permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. Eight patients (6.8%) had thyroid cancer detected, none of whom had overt nodal disease. Five were papillary microcarcinomas (one of which was multifocal), two were papillary carcinomas (11 mm and 15 mm) and one was a minimally invasive follicular carcinoma. Thyroid cancer was identified in approximately 7% of patients undergoing surgery for Graves' disease. A low complication rate (<2%) of permanent hypoparathyroidism and nerve injury (<1%) supports surgery being a safe alternative to I(131) especially for patients with young children, ophthalmopathy or compressive symptoms. © 2012 The Authors. ANZ Journal of Surgery © 2012 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

  19. El maltrato familiar hacia las personas mayores. Algunas reflexiones para la delimitación de un territorio de fronteras difusas

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    Jorge Gracia Ibáñez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo contribuir a delimitar los contornos del maltrato hacia las personas mayores en el ámbito familiar una realidad caracterizada por su complejidad. Nos ocuparemos de algunas cuestiones en relación con la definición del fenómeno. Después hablaremos de los elementos esenciales del problema incluidos en su definición que nos ayuden a delimitar las difusas fronteras entre el maltrato familiar hacia los mayores con otras formas de violencia intrafamiliar. Por último planteamos una visión crítica del marco teórico sobre el fenómeno. Con este trabajo pretendemos aportar elementos a la discusión que nos permitan comprender mejor a qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de maltrato familiar contra las personas mayores y nos ayuden a diseñar respuestas eficaces.This paper’s aim is to help to delimitate the borders of elder abuse in the family, a very complex issue. We’ll raise some aspects around the definition. Then we’ll talk about the definition key elements that help us to fix the blurred line between elder abuse and other kinds of family violence. Finally we present a critical view of the theoretical framework. The goal of the paper is to provide elements to the discussion that allow us to better understand what we mean when we talk about elder abuse in the family and that help us to design efficient answers.DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  20. Exposición a violencia entre los padres de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes víctimas de alguna conducta de maltrato en el noviazgo

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    César Armando Rey-Anacona


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar si la exposición a violencia entre los padres podría relacionarse con el informe de haber sido objeto de algún tipo de maltrato por parte de la pareja en el noviazgo. Participaron 149 varones y 254 mujeres entre 15 y 35 años, solteros y sin hijos, comparándose los que informaron al menos una conducta maltratante con los que no, en relación con la exposición a violencia entre los padres. Se encontró que un porcentaje mayor de los participantes que informaron maltrato, presenciaron al menos un acto de violencia entre sus padres, comparado con el porcentaje de participantes que no reportaron maltrato, siendo esta relación más fuerte estadísticamente entre las mujeres que entre los varones y entre los adultos jóvenes que entre los adolescentes. Estos resultados señalan que dicha exposición podría facilitar la victimización y debería contemplarse en los programas de prevención.

  1. Current Concepts in Graves' Disease (United States)

    Girgis, Christian M.; Champion, Bernard L.; Wall, Jack R.


    Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the developed world. It is caused by an immune defect in genetically susceptible individuals in whom the production of unique antibodies results in thyroid hormone excess and glandular hyperplasia. When unrecognized, Graves' disease impacts negatively on quality of life and poses serious risks of psychosis, tachyarrhythmia and cardiac failure. Beyond the thyroid, Graves' disease has diverse soft-tissue effects that reflect its systemic autoimmune nature. Thyroid eye disease is the most common of these manifestations and is important to recognise given its risk to vision and potential to deteriorate in response to radioactive iodine ablation. In this review we discuss the investigation and management of Graves' disease, the recent controversy regarding the hepatotoxicity of propylthiouracil and the emergence of novel small-molecule thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor ligands as potential targets in the treatment of Graves' disease. PMID:23148179

  2. Maltrato Físico Infantil y Apoyo Social: Un Estudio Descriptivo - Comparativo Entre Maltratadores Físicos y No Maltratadores de la Ciudad de Temuco Child Physical Abuse and Social Support: A Descriptive and Comparative Study Between Physical and Non Physical Abusers From the City of Temuco, Chile

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    Paula Medina


    Full Text Available Para realizar intervenciones preventivas o terapéuticas con familias maltratadoras, es relevante conocer los déficit predominantes en la variable apoyo social. Es por ello, que el objetivo del presente estudio es describir y comparar aspectos estructurales y funcionales del apoyo social de padres maltratadores físicos y no maltratadores. Este estudio, es un análisis secundario realizado con datos del proyecto FONDECYT 1960795 "Construcción de un instrumento para detectar potencial maltrato físico infantil". La investigación utiliza diseño de casos y controles, incluye 325 sujetos, 112 maltratadores físicos y 213 no maltratadores. El análisis de datos incluyó análisis univariado de la varianza y análisis de varianza factorial. Los aspectos funcionales del apoyo social resultan ser más significativos al diferenciar padres no maltratadores de padres maltratadores físicos. Se discuten principales hallazgos, implicancias y limitaciones del estudio.To carry out preventive and therapeutic interventions in abusive families, it is very important to consider the huge deficit of social support for these families. For this reason, the outcome of this research is the description and comparison of structural and functional aspects of abusive and non-abusive parent's social support. This investigation is a secondary analysis carried out with data taken from the FONDECYT 1960795, "Building up an instrument to detect potencial physical abuse". For the research a cases-control design is used including 325 subjects, 112 physical abusers and 213 non-physical abusers. The data analysis included a univariate analysis of variance and analysis of factorial variance. The functional aspects of the social support turn out to be more significant when comparing physical abusive parents and non-physical abusive parents. Main discoveries, implications, and limitations are discussed.

  3. Recurrent infantile digital fibromatosis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We present a case of an 8-year-old-boy with recurrent infantile digital fibromatosis (IDF) who presented with new ... Keywords: fibrous tumors, inclusion body fibromatosis, infantile digital fibromatosis, spindle cells, Reye tumor .... watch-and-wait strategy for patients with histologically confirmed IDF nodules that do not cause ...

  4. Auto-estima na forma inativa da oftalmopatia de Graves Inactive Graves' ophthalmopathy and self-esteem

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    Carlos Henrique de Toledo Magalhães


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a auto-estima dos pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves na fase inativa. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 30 pacientes portadores de oftalmopatia de Graves, eutireoideanos, na fase inativa, com idade variando entre 26 e 65 anos, média 43 ± 11,0 anos, denominado grupo estudo e 39 indivíduos que não apresentavam oftalmopatia de Graves, com idade variando entre 18 e 67 anos, média de 41 ± 13,4 anos, selecionados na população geral denominado grupo controle. Para avaliar a auto-estima foi utilizada a escala de auto-estima Rosenberg Unifesp-EPM aplicada por meio de entrevista. Os valores dos escores de auto-estima nos dois grupos estudados foram comparados pelo teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. O mesmo teste foi aplicado com objetivo de comparar os resultados obtidos no grupo oftalmopatia de Graves considerando a gravidade da doença. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada alteração com significância estatística na auto-estima dos pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves (p=0,057. O grupo estudo apresentou, em média, valores inferiores de auto-estima, comparado ao grupo controle. Não houve diferença da auto-estima entre os pacientes dos subgrupos leve e moderado-grave (P=0,2710. CONCLUSÃO: A oftalmopatia de Graves na fase inativa não afetou a auto-estima dos pacientes, no grupo estudado.PURPOSE: To assess the self-esteem of Graves' ophthalmopathy patients in the inactive phase. METHODS: Thirty euthyroid patients were evaluated in the inactive phase of disease with age ranging from 26 to 65 years, average of 43 ± 11,0 years, called study group and 39 individuals without Graves' ophthalmopathy with age ranging from 18 to 67 years, average of 41 ± 13,4 years, selected from the general population called control group. To evaluate the self-esteem the Rosenberg UNIFESP/EPM self-esteem scale, applied by means of an interview, was utilized. The self-esteem scores in the two studied groups were compared by means of the non

  5. Abusos sexuales de menores : análisis del caso en el Colegio Maristas-Sants Les Corts, de Barcelona


    Monté Batalla, Berta


    El abuso sexual constituye una grave vulneración de los derechos fundamentales, y dichas vulneraciones posicionan el abuso sexual como una de las más graves violencias y maltratos contra la infancia que ocurren comúnmente y de forma universal en nuestra sociedad, y por ello los Estados tienen obligaciones internacionales en este ámbito, ya que deben ejercitar la diligencia debida en la protección de los derechos de todos los seres humanos. Por todo ello, se debe luchar por el cese de las viol...

  6. El maltrato psicológico. Causas, consecuencias y criterios jurisprudenciales. El problema probatorio


    Hernández Ramos, Carmelo; Magro Servet, Vicente; Cuéllar Otón, J. Pablo


    Tradicionalmente, la violencia psicológica ha sido considerada como un tipo de violencia «invisible», ya que no se expresa a través de agresiones físicas. Es un hecho admitido que el maltrato psicológico, en sentido estricto, implica siempre conductas dirigidas a causar un daño en la víctima de muy difícil prueba porque, al no tratarse de menoscabos o lesiones físicas, no quedan huellas visibles en la mujer maltratada. Sin embargo, los comportamientos a través de los cuales se manifiesta, son...

  7. Aspectos incomuns da paracoccidioidomicose infantil

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    Achiléa Lisboa Bittencourt


    Full Text Available São relatados dois casos de paracoccidioidomicose (PCM infantil. Em um deles, a principal manifestação da doença foi tumoração abdominal, simulando linfoma maligno não Hodgkin. O outro apresentou acentuado envolvimento articular, com ruptura da cápsula. Representam o segundo e terceiro casos de PCM infantil observados na Bahia, ambos procedentes de áreas urbanas.The authors present two cases of infantil para-coccidioidomycosis. In one case the main presentation was an abdominal mass that mimicked non- Hodgkin lymphoma. In the other case the child had a joint swelling with rupture of the capsule and the clinical diagnosis was piogenic arthritis. They represent the second and third cases of infantile paracoccidioidomycosis observed in the state of Bahia, all coming from urban areas.


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    Yelena V. Sabelnikova


    Full Text Available The aim of the presented research is to define and operationalize theoretically the concept of infantilism and its construct. The content of theoretical construct «infantilism» is analyzed. Methods. The methods of theoretical research involve analysis and synthesis. The age and content criteria are analysed in the context of childhood and adulthood. The traits which can be interpreted as adult infantile traits are described. Results. The characteristics of adult infantilism in modern world taking into account the increasing of information flows and socio-economic changes are defined. The definition of the concept «infantilism» including its main features is given. Infantilism is defined as the personal organization including features and models of the previous age period not adequate for the real age stage with emphasis on immaturity of the emotional and volitional sphere. Scientific novelty. The main psychological characteristics of adulthood are described as the reflection, requirement to work and professional activity, existence of professional self-determination, possession of labor skills, need for selfrealization, maturity of the emotional and volitional sphere. As objective adulthood characteristics are considered the following: transition to economic and territorial independence of a parental family, and also development of new social roles, such as a worker, spouse, and parent. Two options of a possible operationalization of concept are allocated: objective (existence / absence in real human life of objective criteria of adulthood and subjective (the self-report on subjective feeling of existence / lack of psychological characteristics of adulthood. Practical significance consists in a construct operationalization of «infantilism» which at the moment has so many interpretations. That operationalization is necessary for the further analysis and carrying out various researches. 

  9. Optimal management of Graves orbitopathy: a multidisciplinary approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Soeters, M. R.; van Zeijl, C. J. J.; Boelen, A.; Kloos, R.; Saeed, P.; Vriesendorp, T. M.; Mourits, M. P.


    Graves' thyroid disease is a relatively common disorder in endocrinology and general internal medicine practice. Graves' hyperthyroidism is mediated by circulating stimulating autoantibodies. Up to 60% of patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism develop some form of Graves' orbitopathy. Immune

  10. Infantile osteopetrosis with superimposed rickets. (United States)

    Gonen, Korcan Aysun; Yazici, Zeynep; Gokalp, Gokhan; Ucar, Ayse Kalyoncu


    Rickets is a complication of infantile osteopetrosis and pre-treatment recognition of this complication is important. To describe four children with infantile osteopetrosis complicated by rickets (osteopetrorickets) and review the relevant literature. Retrospective chart analysis of four infants with osteopetrorickets and a systematic review of the relevant literature. We saw five children with infantile osteopetrosis, of whom four had superimposed rickets, for a period of 12 years. The review of the literature (including the current four children), yielded 20 children with infantile osteopetrorickets. The children ranged in age from 2 months to 12 months. In all children, hepatosplenomegaly was found. Sixteen (80%) children had visual impairments and eight (40%) children had hearing impairments. Serum calcium-phosphorus product was less than 30 in 18 children (90%). Twelve children (60%) were hypocalcemic and 18 (90%) were hypophosphatemic. In all children, the radiological examination demonstrated diffuse bony sclerosis and metaphyseal splaying and fraying of long bones. Five children (25%) had pathological fracture of extremities and 15 (75%) had rachitic rosary. Rickets as a complication to infantile osteopetrosis is not uncommon. Skeletal roentgenograms are of critical importance in the diagnosis of both osteopetrosis and superimposed rickets.

  11. A produção das desigualdades: análise da relação entre trabalho infantil e indicadores sociais


    Silveira, Natércia Janine Dantas da


    A Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) estima que haja cerca de 118 milhões de crianças em todo o mundo submetidas ao trabalho infantil. No Brasil, há 3,5 milhões de trabalhadores entre 5 e 17 anos. Esse exercício de exploração constitui um grave problema da sociedade, inclusive de Saúde Pública, já que esses trabalhadores estão expostos a uma gama de riscos, quais sejam à saúde, à integridade física e até à vida, podendo torná-los adultos doentes e/ou interrompendo precocemente suas v...



    María Concepción Chávez Zúñiga; Herlinda Madrigal Fritsch; Antonio R. Villa; Noé Guarneros Soto


    Fundamento: La desnutrición infantil indígena sigue siendo un grave problema de salud pública y dado que no existen estudios específicos para conocer el estado de nutrición en esta población se planteó identificar la prevalencia de desnutrición en población indígena del país a través de la Encuesta Nacional de Nutrición de 1999. Métodos: Se seleccionó la muestra rural de las regiones Norte, Centro y Sur con 70% y más de hablantes de lengua indígena. Se obtuvo la distribución de puntuación Z d...


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    Maria Armanda Passas


    Full Text Available Infantile hemangiomas are the most common softtissue tumors of infancy, occurring in approximately 3 to 10 percent of one-year-old children, with predominance in females. Despite the frequency of these tumors, their pathogenesis is not completely understood, and the best approach to their management remains controversial. They have a well-described natural history of rapid growth during early infancy followed by gradual involution, often leading to complete regression. Because of their spontaneous involution, most infantile hemangiomas do not require therapeutic intervention. However, in 10 to 15 % of cases, treatment is necessary because of local complications, life or physiological functioning is threatened or the long-term esthetic risk is too high.

  14. Realidad de maltrato en las relaciones afectivas entre jóvenes mexicanos durante el noviazgo


    Cortés Ayala, Lourdes


    El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral fue estudiar la prevalencia de violencia en el noviazgo en jovenes mexicanos a traves de cuatro estudios. El objetivo del primer estudio ex post facto fue establecer la autopercepción de maltrato, así como los sentimientos de miedo y atrapado que existen entre los miembros de una relación de pareja, y determinar si hay diferencias en la prevalencia de los diferentes tipos de violencia o victimización entre los que se perciben maltratados y los que no, tenien...

  15. Maltreatment and sexual abuse at home concerning schooling adolscents

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    Yuranis Ibeth Henríquez Santoya


    Full Text Available ResumenEl presente estudio consistió en determinar la presencia del maltrato infantil y abuso sexual en el hogar en adolescentes escolarizados con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 16 años, matriculados a 2010 en colegios públicos de la de la ciudad de Santa Marta. Los participantes fueron 229 jóvenes. Las variables medidas fueron la edad, el tipo de maltrato y el género. Los resultados indican que la tendencia al maltrato psicológico fue de 29.3%, de maltrato físico 13.3% y de abuso sexual de 32.3%. Con relación al género se halló que las mujeres han sido objeto en mayor porcentaje de maltrato físico y abuso sexual que los hombres y éstos han sido objeto de mayor maltrato psicológico que las mujeres; respecto a la edad los jóvenes de 14 años presentaron mayor porcentaje de maltrato y abuso que en los otros rangos etarios. Se concluye que tres (3 de cada 10 estudiantes ha sido objeto de abuso sexual, tres ha sido objeto de maltrato psicológico y uno de maltrato físico. (DUAZARY 2011 No. 2, 262 - 269AbstractThe present study was to determine the presence of child maltreatment and sexual abuse at home, concerning schooling adolescents, aged between 14 and 16 years enrolled in public schools belonging to the city of Santa Marta. Participants were 229 young persons. The variables were age, abuse and gender. The results point out: 29.3% for psychological abuse, 32.3% for sexual abuse, and 13.3% for physical abuse. Concerning the gender it was detected that women have been at a higher rate aim of physical mistreatment and sexual abuse than men, but on the other hand men are aim of psychological abuse. With regard to age, young people of 14 years, revealed a higher percentage of maltreatment than the elder ones. We conclude that three of each schooling boy has been object of sexual abuse; three of them have been injured of psychological mistreatment and one of physical abuse.Keywords: abuse; sexual abuse; maltreatment; gender; adolescents

  16. Violencia y TV infantil

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    Valerio Fuenzalida


    Full Text Available Se establece tres razones para discrepar del “criterio reduccionista” que relaciona la violencia televisiva con la violencia real, particularmente en lo atinente a la televisión infantil. A base de las motivaciones infantiles para ver televisión, propone algunas líneas de acción que superen ese reduccionismo y optimicen la relación niños-televisión.

  17. Prevención y promoción del desarrollo infantil: una experiencia en las Escuelas Infantiles


    Ángela Díaz-Herrero; María Teresa Martínez-Fuentes


    Este trabajo presenta un programa de prevención y promoción del desarrollo infantil dirigido a 136 niños entre 1 y 3 años de edad escolarizados en escuela infantil entre los cursos académicos 2005-2006 y 2007-2008. Se efectuaron dos valoraciones anuales del desarrollo psicomotor mediante las Escalas Bayley de Desarrollo Infantil (Bayleyayley, 1993). Tras la primera evaluación se dieron recomendaciones tanto a la familia como a los educadores para fortalecer las competencias de los niños. Los ...

  18. Grave's disease 1835-2002. (United States)

    Weetman, A P


    This brief review describes the history of Graves' disease, starting with the original descriptions by Parry, Graves and von Basedow. The true aetiology of the disorder was uncovered in the 1950s and 1960s, based on the search for a novel thyroid stimulator which turned out to be an immunoglobulin G autoantibody. Assays for these thyroid stimulatory antibodies have been continually refined and their epitopes on the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor are increasingly well characterized. We also understand far more about the genetic and environmental susceptibility factors that predispose to disease, and even thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy has now been better defined as primarily a T-cell-mediated disease resulting from cytokine stimulation of orbital fibroblasts. These advances should improve treatment options for Graves' disease in the foreseeable future.

  19. Infantile spasms and pigmentary mosaicism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars K; Bygum, Anette; Krogh, Lotte N


    Summary We present a 3-year-old boy with pigmentary mosaicism and persistent intractable infantile spasms due to mosaicism of chromosome 7. Getting the diagnosis of pigmentary mosaicism in a child with infantile spasms may not be easy, as most diagnostic work-up is done in infancy, at a time when...

  20. Follow up of Graves' Opthalmopathy after radioiodine therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miah, M.S.R.; Paul, A. K.; Rahman, H.A.


    Graves' ophthalmopathy may first appear or worsen during or after treatment for hyperthyroidism. We followed up 158 Graves' hyperthyroid patients treated with radioiodine of which 49 had Grave's' ophthalmopathy during presentation in Nuclear Medicine Centre, Khulna during the period from 1995 to 2000. The aim of our study is to see the effect of radioiodine in Graves' ophthalmopathy. All the patients received radioiodine at fixed dose regime ranged from 7 mCi to 12 mCi. The duration of follow up was at least 12 months Graves' ophthalmopathy patients, 4 (4/49 i.e., 8.2%) showed exaggeration of ophthalmopathy and the rest (45/49 i.e., 91.8%) remained unchanged. None of ophthalmopathy developed among any of Graves' hyperthyroid or disappeared after radioiodine treatment during follow up period. From the study we concluded that eye changes in Graves' hyperthyroidism remain unchanged or exaggerated after radioiodine therapy and needs ophthalmologist care.(author)

  1. [Thyroid cancer in patients with Grave's Disease]. (United States)

    Mssrouri, R; Benamr, S; Essadel, A; Mdaghri, J; Mohammadine, El H; Lahlou, M-K; Taghy, A; Belmahi, A; Chad, B


    To evaluate the incidence of thyroid carcinoma in patients operated on for Graves' disease, to identify criteria which may predict malignancy, and to develop a practical approach to determine the extensiveness of thyroidectomy. Retrospective study of all patients who underwent thyroidectomy for Graves' disease between 1995 and 2005. 547 patients underwent subtotal thyroidectomy for Graves' disease during this period. Post-operative pathology examination revealed six cases of thyroid cancer (1.1%). All six cases had differentiated thyroid carcinoma (papillary carcinoma in 3 cases, follicular carcinoma in 2 cases and papillo-follicular carcinoma in 1 case). The indication for initial thyroidectomy was a palpable thyroid nodule in 3 cases (50%), failure of medical treatment for Grave's disease in 2 cases (33%), and signs of goiter compression in 1 case (17%). Five patients underwent re-operative total thyroidectomy. This study shows that while malignancy in Grave's disease is uncommon, the presence of thyroid nodule(s) in patients with Grave's disease may be considered as an indication for radical surgery. The most adequate radical surgery in this situation is to perform a total thyroidectomy.

  2. Primary infantile hyperparathyroidism: Clinical, laboratory, and radiographic features in 21 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eftekhari, F.; Yousefzadeh, D.K.


    Two cases of primary infantile hyperparathyroidism (PIH) are reported. In both cases the diagnosis was initially suspected from chest radiographs which were obtained to assess the etiology of fever and respiratory distress in one case and heart murmur in another. The first case responded well to subtotal parathyroidectomy. The second case had many unique features. (1) She never became overtly symptomatic. (2) She displayed a constellation of findings that are not yet emphasized. (3) Her indisputable radiographic findings of hyperparathyroidism vanished spontaneously by two months of age, whereas her biochemical alterations have persisted up to now, 2 1/2 years after birth. (4) Three members of her family have subclinical hyperparathyroidism (elevated serum parathormone, hypercalcemia, and hypophosphatemia). Our review of 19 more cases showed that PIH has no specific clinical symptoms and/or signs. Of the laboratory findings, hypercalcemia was most consistantly encountered. The radiographic findings, although not identical to those described in hyperparathyroid adults, had the greatest diagnostic specificity. The disorder carried a grave prognosis if not diagnosed promptly and managed surgically. (orig.)

  3. Menores expuestos a la violencia de género


    González Fernández, Jenifer


    El TFG Menores Expuesto a la Violencia de Género trata sobre los tipos de maltrato infantil y sus consecuencias, la falta de medidas de protección para los menores víctimas de la Violencia de Género y la deficiente aplicación de las normas, así como las propuestas para proporcionar a los menores una protección integral frente a la Violencia de Género.

  4. Programa de Prevención del Maltrato Escolar en Educación Secundaria en Perú


    Sampém Díaz, María Nery


    Esta investigación nace a partir de la inquietud desde la experiencia como docente de Educación Secundaria, sobre la incidencia del fenómeno del maltrato escolar que viven muchos de los estudiantes, en los diversos contextos educativos, locales, nacionales e internacionales. El aprendizaje de la convivencia es uno de los mayores retos que debe afrontar la educación del siglo XXI, pues la formación integral de la persona como ser individual y social no sólo abarca dotarlos de un cúmu...

  5. Notes on Glasinac: The chronology of princely graves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vasić Rastko


    Full Text Available Princely graves of the Iron Age represent a particular phenomenon in archaeology, which is constantly the subject of interest. They are usually dated to the end of the 6th and the beginning of the 5th century. The author discusses the chronology of princely graves in the Central Balkans and analyses their appearance in each part of this territory: on the Glasinac plateau, in Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija, Montenegro, North Albania and Nordwest Bulgaria. He concludes that they date from the middle of the 7th to the middle of the 4th century, depending on the cultural and socio-economic situation in the respective area. In the middle of the 7th century princely graves in the true sense of the word were known only on the Glasinac plateau, in the Ilijak necropolis. At the end of the 7th and in the beginning of the 6th century they still appear on Glasinac, though in greater number and in various parts of the plateau. In northwest Bulgaria a grave dating to the second half of the 7th century was found, which would, according to grave goods, correspond to the Glasinac princely graves. On the other hand, there are no princely graves in Serbia and north Albania from that time but some outstanding warrior graves are known, belonging possibly to the chiefs of smaller warlike bands, whose power was limited. Princely graves from Arareva gromila on Glasinac, Pilatovići by Požega and Lisijevo Polje by Berane date to the beginning of the second half of the 6th century, and according to their characteristics represent princes, whose power and wealth were considerable and known to the neighbours. Culmination of the rise of the princes in this region was demonstrated by the graves from Novi Pazar, Atenica, and Pećka banja, which date to the end of the 6th and the first quarter of the 5th century. Some decades later there are several rich graves, e.g. the recently discovered grave from Velika Krsna, which could belong to a prince, but can not be compared with the

  6. Effect of 131I therapy on outcomes of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Renfei; Tan Jian; Zhang Guizhi; Yin Liang


    Objective: To analyze the correlation between the therapeutic effect of Graves' hyperthyroidism and the outcomes of Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy, and to explore the effect of 131 I treatment on turnout of Graves' ophthalmopathy. Methods: Six hundreds and fifty-two patients of Graves' disease accompanied with Graves' ophthalmopathy, received one-time 131 I treatment according to routine procedure. We recorded exophthalmometer readings, the signs and symptoms of eyes before therapy. Regular follow-up and appraisal of curative effect were carried out. Results: At least six months after 131 I therapy, the effective rate of Graves' hyperthyroidism and Graves' ophthalmopathy were 94.3% and 73.3% respectively. The total effective rate of hyperthyroidism with ophthalmopathy was 71.2%. There was a significant correlation between the prognosis of Graves' ophthalmopathy and therapeutic efficacy of hyperthyroidism (r=0.302, P 131 I therapy (χ 2 =0.296, P>0.05). Conclusions: The key to treat Graves' ophthalmopathy is the cure of Graves' hyperthyroidism through 131 I therapy. The timely diagnosis and replacement treatment of hypothyroidism can effectively avoid the aggravation of Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy. (authors)

  7. Neonatal and infantile acne vulgaris: an update. (United States)

    Serna-Tamayo, Cristian; Janniger, Camila K; Micali, Giuseppe; Schwartz, Robert A


    Acne may present in neonates, infants, and small children. Neonatal and infantile acne vulgaris are not considered to be rare. The presentation of acne in this patient population sometimes represents virilization and may portend later development of severe adolescent acne. Neonatal and infantile acne vulgaris must be distinguished from other cutaneous disorders seen in newborns and infants. Infantile acne tends to be more pleomorphic and inflammatory, thus requiring more vigorous therapy than neonatal acne.

  8. [Serum glycosaminoglycans in Graves' disease patients]. (United States)

    Winsz-Szczotka, Katarzyna B; Olczyk, Krystyna Z; Koźma, Ewa M; Komosińska-Vassev, Katarzyna B; Wisowski, Grzegorz R; Marcisz, Czesław


    The aim of the study was to determine the blood serum sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and hyaluronic acid (HA) concentration of Graves' disease patients before treatment and after attainment of the euthyroid state. The study was carried out on the blood serum obtained from 17 patients with newly recognised Graves' disease and from the same patients after attainment of the euthyroid state. Graves' patients had not any clinical symptoms neither of ophthalmopathy nor pretibial myxedema. GAGs were isolated from the blood serum by the multistage extraction and purification using papaine hydrolysis, alkali elimination, as well as cetylpyridium chloride binding. Total amount of GAGs was quantified by the hexuronic acids assay. HA content in obtained GAGs sample was evaluated by the ELISA method. Increased serum concentration of sulfated GAGs in non-treated Graves' disease patients was found. Similarly, serum HA level in untreated patients was significantly elevated. The attainment of euthyroid state was accompanied by the decreased serum sulfated GAGs level and by normalization of serum HA concentration. In conclusion, the results obtained demonstrate that the alterations of GAGs metabolism connected with Graves' disease can lead to systemic changes of the extracellular matrix properties.

  9. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome complicated by Grave's disease. (United States)

    Takahashi, Ayumi; Tamura, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Osamu


    The report describes a woman with primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome complicated with Grave's disease. Developing symptoms included a small cutaneous nodule on her finger and subsequently ecchymotic purpura on the cheeks, ears, buttocks and lower legs. Histological examinations showed thrombosed vessels in the dermis without or with hemorrhage, respectively. Laboratory investigation revealed positive lupus anticoagulant and immunogenic hyperthyroidism due to Grave's disease. There is a close relationship between the cutaneous manifestation of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and the activities of Grave's disease and a possible link of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome with Grave's disease was suggested both by the etiology of the disease as well as the disease activity.

  10. Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma : a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Won Kyu; Byun, Woo Mok; Kim, Dong Suk [Yeungnam Univ. School of Medicine, Kyongsan (Korea, Republic of)


    Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma is an uncommon variety of ganglioglioma that shows evidence of glial and ganglionic differentiation accompanied by an extreme desmoplastic reaction. A 16-month-old girl was admitted with a six-day history of left hemiparesis. MR imaging demonstrated a large multiseptated cystic mass, with a solid portion, in the white matter of the right frontotemporoparietal lobe. After contrast injections, the solid portion was clearly enhanced. The presence of desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma was confirmed by surgical resection. We describe the characteristic radiologic and pathologic features of desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma, and include a review of the literature.

  11. Salud y mortalidad infantil en Brasil


    Denisard Alves; Walter Belluzzo


    (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) La salud infantil es un aspecto fundamental del programa de políticas públicas de los países en desarrollo. A lo largo de los años se han puesto en práctica numerosas políticas destinadas al mejoramiento de la salud infantil, con diversos grados de éxito. En Brasil, dichas políticas han llevado a una disminución considerable de los niveles de mortalidad infantil durante los últimos 30 años. Sin embargo, a pesar de esa mejora, las tasas de mortalidad si...

  12. Graves' disease and Thyroid anaplasic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guerrero E, Helena; Quintero A, Flor Maria; Carmona C, Antonio


    A case of a 34 year-old patient is presented, who was diagnosed with Graves' disease and developed a thyroid anaplastic carcinoma from a clinically detected nodular mass. The incidence of thyroid cancer associated with Graves' disease is revisited

  13. [Spanish consensus on infantile haemangioma]. (United States)

    Baselga Torres, Eulalia; Bernabéu Wittel, José; van Esso Arbolave, Diego L; Febrer Bosch, María Isabel; Carrasco Sanz, Ángel; de Lucas Laguna, Raúl; Del Pozo Losada, Jesús; Hernández Martín, Ángela; Jiménez Montañés, Lorenzo; López Gutiérrez, Juan Carlos; Martín-Santiago, Ana; Redondo Bellón, Pedro; Ruíz-Canela Cáceres, Juan; Torrelo Fernández, Antonio; Vera Casaño, Ángel; Vicente Villa, María Asunción


    Infantile haemangiomas are benign tumours produced by the proliferation of endothelial cells of blood vessels, with a high incidence in children under the age of one year (4-10%). It is estimated that 12% of them require treatment. This treatment must be administered according to clinical practice guidelines, expert experience, patient characteristics and parent preferences. The consensus process was performed by using scientific evidence on the diagnosis and treatment of infantile haemangiomas, culled from a systematic review of the literature, together with specialist expert opinions. The recommendations issued were validated by the specialists, who also provided their level of agreement. This document contains recommendations on the classification, associations, complications, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of patients with infantile haemangioma. It also includes action algorithms, and addresses multidisciplinary management and referral criteria between the different specialities involved in the clinical management of this type of patient. The recommendations and the diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms of infantile haemangiomas contained in this document are a useful tool for the proper management of these patients. Copyright © 2015 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. Outcome of very long-term treatment with antithyroid drugs in Graves' hyperthyroidism associated with Graves' orbitopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elbers, Laura; Mourits, Maarten; Wiersinga, Wilmar


    It is still debated which treatment modality for Graves' hyperthyroidism (GH) is most appropriate when Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is present. The preference in our center has been always to continue antithyroid drugs for GH (as the block-and-replace [B-R] regimen) until all medical and/or surgical

  15. Postoperative hypocalcemia after thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. (United States)

    Pesce, Catherine E; Shiue, Zita; Tsai, Hua-Ling; Umbricht, Christopher B; Tufano, Ralph P; Dackiw, Alan P B; Kowalski, Jeanne; Zeiger, Martha A


    It is believed that patients who undergo thyroidectomy for Graves' disease are more likely to experience postoperative hypocalcemia than patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for other indications. However, no study has directly compared these two groups of patients. The aim of this study was to determine whether there was an increased incidence or severity of postoperative hypocalcemia in patients who underwent thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. An institutional review board-approved database was created of all patients who underwent thyroidectomy from 1998 to 2009 at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. There were a total of 68 patients with Graves' disease who underwent surgery. Fifty-five patients who underwent total thyroidectomy were randomly selected and served as control subjects. An analysis was conducted that examined potential covariates for postoperative hypocalcemia, including age, gender, ethnicity, preoperative alkaline phosphatase level, size of goiter, whether parathyroid tissue or glands were present in the specimen, and the reason the patient underwent surgery. Specific outcomes examined were calcium levels on postoperative day 1, whether or not patients experienced symptoms of hypocalcemia, whether or not Rocaltrol was required, the number of calcium tablets prescribed upon discharge, whether or not postoperative tetany occurred, and calcium levels 1 month after discharge. Each outcome was analyzed using a logistic regression. Graves' disease patients had a significantly (p-value Graves' disease and no patient in the control group were readmitted with tetany (p = 0.033). There was a trend, though not significant, toward patients with Graves' disease having a higher prevalence of hypocalcemia the day after thyroidectomy and 1 month later. Patients with Graves' disease are more likely to require increased dosages of calcium as well as experience tetany postoperatively than patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for other indications. This suggests that

  16. Thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Staniforth, Joy U L; Erdirimanne, Senarath; Eslick, Guy D


    The incidence of thyroid carcinoma is increasing worldwide. Graves' disease is the most common hyperthyroid disease. Studies have suggested an increased risk of thyroid malignancy in Graves' disease: there has not yet been a meta-analysis to allow quantitative comparison. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk of thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease, and to gather information on the histological subtypes of carcinoma and the co-existence of thyroid nodules. Several databases and article reference lists were searched. Inclusion criteria included appropriate diagnostic criteria for thyroid conditions and a diagnoses of carcinoma based on histology. 33 studies were selected, all reporting on surgically-resected specimens. The event rate of thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease was 0.07 (95% CI 0.04 to 0.12). There was no data to allow comparison with patients without hyperthyroid diseases. There was no increase in the odds of developing carcinoma in Graves' disease compared to toxic multinodular goitre and toxic uninodular goitre. 88% of thyroid carcinomas in Graves' disease were papillary, with solitary papillary micro-carcinoma (diameter 10 mm or less) comprising 23% of all detected thyroid carcinomas. Patients with Graves' disease and co-existing thyroid nodules were almost 5 times more likely to be diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma than those without nodules. Thyroid malignancy in Graves' disease requiring surgical treatment should be considered as likely as in other hyperthyroid diseases needing surgical treatment. Clinicians should consider screening selected patients with Graves' disease for nodules whilst being aware of potentially over-diagnosing papillary micro-carcinoma. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Prevención y promoción del desarrollo infantil: una experiencia en las Escuelas Infantiles

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    Ángela Díaz-Herrero


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta un programa de prevención y promoción del desarrollo infantil dirigido a 136 niños entre 1 y 3 años de edad escolarizados en escuela infantil entre los cursos académicos 2005-2006 y 2007-2008. Se efectuaron dos valoraciones anuales del desarrollo psicomotor mediante las Escalas Bayley de Desarrollo Infantil (Bayleyayley, 1993. Tras la primera evaluación se dieron recomendaciones tanto a la familia como a los educadores para fortalecer las competencias de los niños. Los resultados indican, de modo global, progresos significativos tanto en el desarrollo mental como psicomotor de los niños que participaron en dicho programa.

  18. PREGO (presentation of Graves' orbitopathy) study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perros, Petros; Žarković, Miloš; Azzolini, Claudio


    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The epidemiology of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) may be changing. The aim of the study was to identify trends in presentation of GO to tertiary centres and initial management over time. METHODS: Prospective observational study of European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres...

  19. Predictive score for the development or progression of Graves' orbitopathy in patients with newly diagnosed Graves' hyperthyroidism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar; Žarković, Miloš; Bartalena, Luigi


    OBJECTIVE: To construct a predictive score for the development or progression of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) in Graves' hyperthyroidism (GH). DESIGN: Prospective observational study in patients with newly diagnosed GH, treated with antithyroid drugs (ATD) for 18 months at ten participating centers f...

  20. Epidemiology and prevention of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar M.; Bartalena, Luigi


    Graves' ophthalmopathy is clinically relevant in approximately 50% of patients with Graves' disease, severe forms affecting 3%-5% of patients. Two age peaks of incidence are observed in the fifth and seventh decades of life, with slight differences between women and men. The disease is more frequent

  1. The 2016 European Thyroid Association/European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy Guidelines for the Management of Graves' Orbitopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bartalena, Luigi; Baldeschi, Lelio; Boboridis, Kostas; Eckstein, Anja; Kahaly, George J.; Marcocci, Claudio; Perros, Petros; Salvi, Mario; Wiersinga, Wilmar M.; Adamidou, Fotini; Anagnostis, Panagiotis; Ayvaz, Goksun; Azzolini, Claudio; Boschi, Antonella; Bournaud, Claire; Clarke, Lucy; Currò, Nicola; Daumerie, Chantal; Dayan, Colin; Fuhrer, Dagmar; Konuk, Onur; Marinò, Michele; Morris, Daniel; Nardi, Marco; Pearce, Simon; Pitz, Susanne; Rudovsky, Gottfried; Vannucchi, Guia; Vardanian, Christine; von Arx, Georg


    Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is the main extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves' disease, though severe forms are rare. Management of GO is often suboptimal, largely because available treatments do not target pathogenic mech anisms of the disease. Treatment should rely on a thorough assessment of the

  2. Uso de drogas en estudiantes de medicina y su relación con experiencias de maltrato durante la infancia y adolescencia en Uruguay

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    Miguel Pizzanelli


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la prevalencia del uso y abuso de sustancias psicoactivas en los estudiantes y su relación con las experiencias adversas durante la infancia y la adolescencia en una investigación de tipo exploratorio, transversal, observacional, basada en el autoreporte de 280 estudiantes universitarios. El consumo reportado de sustancias psicoactivas fue del 72.1%. Las tres sustancias psicoactivas más frecuentemente utilizadas en el último año fueron el alcohol (24.3%, la marihuana (19.3% y el tabaco (16.4%. Un 33.9% de los estudiantes refirieron que sus pares abusaban de sustancias. El maltrato físico y el psicológico fueron las categorías más frecuentemente reportadas. Los estudiantes que afirmaron tener pares que abusaban de sustancias psicoactivas presentaron una probabilidad siete veces mayor de abusar de drogas que el resto de los encuestados. No se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas (< 0.005 entre el reporte de maltrato en ninguna de sus categorías, y el uso o abuso de drogas.

  3. Graves' Disease (United States)

    ... 2011 survey of clinical practice patterns in the management of Graves' disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2012 Dec;97( ... 30 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern time, M-F Follow Us NIH… Turning Discovery Into ... Disease Urologic Diseases Endocrine Diseases Diet & Nutrition ...

  4. Análisis de redes semánticas en un estudio sobre criterios de alta en situaciones de Maltrato a la Niñez y Adolescencia

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    José María Vitaliti


    Full Text Available Este estudio surge de la investigación realizada sobre el “alta” en la problemática del maltrato a la niñez y adolescencia. El propósito del presente artículo es reflexionar sobre la importancia otorgada por los profesionales, a la diversidad categorías emergidas de lo entendido por Alta o finalización del abordaje expuestos por los mismos. El Corpus de datos utilizado surge de la entrevista ad hoc administrada a 67 profesionales de diferentes profesiones que abordan la problemática del Maltrato a la niñez y adolescencia. La técnica del análisis de redes sociales (ARS permitiría analizar los diferentes niveles de importancia y valoración las categorías conceptuales a través de los grafos y matrices construidas para tal fin (Mitchel, 1969; Hanneman, 2001. Los resultados indican que las categorías o conceptos con mayor centralidad e intermediación responden a la interrelación de conceptos que demuestran la fuerza en la dinámica de la red semántica. Estas relaciones responden a diferentes perspectivas y paradigmas tanto disciplinares como etiológicos. Además se observarían con mayor claridad aquellos conceptos que tienen mayor relevancia en el discurso de los profesionales en el abordaje del maltrato a la niñez y adolescencia.

  5. Percepción de maltrato durante la capacitación de médicos residentes Perception of mistreatment during medical residency training

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Mejía


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se realizó para estimar, según referencia de los médicos residentes, la frecuencia con que han sufrido situaciones de violencia, ya sea física, psicológica o sexual, durante su formación y establecer quiénes han sido los perpetradores de estos actos, dado que investigaciones previas sugieren que son frecuentes los maltratos durante ese período. Se entregó una encuesta anónima autoadministrada a todos los residentes de tres hospitales de Buenos Aires. Esta encuesta describía 13 situaciones de maltrato y 10 posibles perpetradores. Respondieron la encuesta 322 residentes (55% mujeres, el 72% correspondía a residencias de orientación clínica, el 22% a quirúrgicas y el 6% a diagnósticas. El 89% de los residentes refirió haber recibido algún tipo de maltrato señalando en promedio ocho ítems cada uno. No se encontraron diferencias entre los centros participantes. El 75% de los residentes refirió haber sufrido críticas por no realizar tareas administrativas, 64% haber recibido gritos, 57% haber sido humillado en público por sus errores, 13% haber sido amenazado con sufrir perjuicios físicos, 10% haber recibido comentarios no deseados de índole sexual, 7% haber sido expuesto a material de contenido pornográfico sin haberlo solicitado, 15% refirió haber sufrido golpes, empujones y 10% haber sufrido discriminación religiosa o racial. Los responsables del maltrato referidos con mayor frecuencia fueron: residentes superiores (26%, jefes de residentes (19%, médicos de planta (14%, jefes de sala (8% y enfermeros (8%. Existe una alta prevalencia de maltrato dentro de la residencia, siendo los principales responsables los residentes de años superiores. Sería necesario un enfoque multidisciplinario para enfrentar este problema.Because previous investigations show that mistreatment during residency is frequent we undertook this research to assess the prevalence of psychological abuse, physical violence and

  6. Mouse Models of Graves' Disease


    Nagayama, Yuji


    Graves' disease is characterized by overstimulation of the thyroid gland with agonistic autoantibodies against the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor, leading to hyperthyroidism and diffuse hyperplasia of the thyroid gland. Our and other laboratories have recently established several animal models of Graves' hyperthyroidism with novel immunization approaches, i.e., in vivo expression of the TSH receptor by injection of syngeneic living cells co-expressing the TSH receptor and major histocompatibility...

  7. TSHR intronic polymorphisms (rs179247 and rs12885526) and their role in the susceptibility of the Brazilian population to Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Bufalo, N E; Dos Santos, R B; Marcello, M A; Piai, R P; Secolin, R; Romaldini, J H; Ward, L S


    Intronic thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor polymorphisms have been associated with the risk for both Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy, but results have been inconsistent among different populations. We aimed to investigate the influence of thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor intronic polymorphisms in a large well-characterized population of GD patients. We studied 279 Graves' disease patients (231 females and 48 males, 39.80 ± 11.69 years old), including 144 with Graves' ophthalmopathy, matched to 296 healthy control individuals. Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor genotypes of rs179247 and rs12885526 were determined by Real Time PCR TaqMan(®) SNP Genotyping. A multivariate analysis showed that the inheritance of the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor AA genotype for rs179247 increased the risk for Graves' disease (OR = 2.821; 95 % CI 1.595-4.990; p = 0.0004), whereas the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor GG genotype for rs12885526 increased the risk for Graves' ophthalmopathy (OR = 2.940; 95 % CI 1.320-6.548; p = 0.0083). Individuals with Graves' ophthalmopathy also presented lower mean thyrotropin receptor antibodies levels (96.3 ± 143.9 U/L) than individuals without Graves' ophthalmopathy (98.3 ± 201.9 U/L). We did not find any association between the investigated polymorphisms and patients clinical features or outcome. We demonstrate that thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor intronic polymorphisms are associated with the susceptibility to Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy in the Brazilian population, but do not appear to influence the disease course.

  8. Efectos psicopatológicos del maltrato doméstico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulina Paz Rincón


    Full Text Available El maltrato doméstico es una situación aversiva que puede provocar un intenso malestarpsicológico. Tradicionalmente, se ha estudiado su repercusión en la adaptación a la vida cotidianay en la salud mental de las víctimas. En este artículo se evalúan sus consecuencias psicológicas en una muestra de 70 mujeres maltratadas. Los resultados apoyan los datos de investigaciones previasacerca de la sintomatología postraumática, encontrándose un porcentaje importante de Trastorno deEstrés Postraumático y de Subsíndrome de Estrés Postraumático. Asimismo, se encontró laexistencia de comorbilidad con depresión. Sin embargo, el porcentaje de mujeres que presentabaalgún otro trastorno de ansiedad fue inferior al señalado en trabajos anteriores, y ninguna de ellaspresentó problemas de abuso de alcohol o drogas. Se describe la presencia de determinadas variablesconcomitantes, destacándose el nivel de inadaptación general y la baja autoestima. Se apuntanconsideraciones de cara al tratamiento a partir de la sintomatología específica encontrada.

  9. Neonatal hypoglycemic brain injury is a cause of infantile spasms




    Neonatal hypoglycemic brain injury is one of the causes of infantile spasms. In the present study, the clinical history and auxiliary examination results of 18 patients who developed infantile spasms several months after neonatal hypoglycemia were retrospectively analyzed. Among the 666 patients with infantile spasms admitted to two pediatric centers between January 2008 and October 2012, 18 patients developed infantile spasms after being diagnosed with neonatal hypoglycemia, defined as a who...

  10. Maltrato familiar del anciano: legislación vigente en 1994

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sánchez Beatriz


    Full Text Available

    Los cambios en la composición familiar, los diferentes roles que ha asumido la mujer dentro y fuera de la familia, los fenómenos migratorios que se han venido presentando en los últimos años, el incremento de las personas ancianas y dentro de ellas las personas dependientes y la aparición de la violencia social como un fenómeno frecuente en el país, son algunas de las múltiples y complejas situaciones que circunscriben y perpetúan las situaciones de maltrato familiar a los ancianos en Colombia. Si bien este fenómeno no es lo que predomina o tipifica a la mayoría de las familias de personas ancianas colombianas, según lo reporta la literatura existente, es importante tener presente que uno de sus componentes característicos es la ausencia de reporte o reconocimiento por parte de los implicados, lo cual puede alterar la percepción real del problema sin que por ello deje de existir.

  11. Análisis diferencial de la percepción de jóvenes sobre maltrato en el noviazgo


    Carolina Bringas-Molleda, España.; Lourdes Cortés-Ayala, México.; María Ángeles Antuña-Bellerín, España; Mirta Flores-Galaz, México.; Javier López-Cepero, España.; Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Díaz, España.


    (analítico):En este estudio nuestra pretensión es la de conocer el grado de victimización sufrida en una muestra de individuos mexicanos de ambos sexos y escolarizados, y analizar en cada uno de los niveles educativos el poder predictivo de las distintas formas de victimización en la pareja, sobre el uso de las etiquetas de maltrato-sentirse maltratado y tener miedo-. Participaron 3495 estudiantes de México escolarizados a quienes les aplicamos el Cuestionario de Violencia entre Novios.Los ni...

  12. Nodular Graves' disease with medullary thyroid cancer. (United States)

    Khan, Shoukat Hussain; Rather, Tanveer Ahmed; Makhdoomi, Rumana; Malik, Dharmender


    Co-existence of thyroid nodules with Graves' disease has been reported in various studies. 10-15% of such nodules harbor thyroid cancer with papillary thyroid cancer being the commonest. Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) in nodules associated with Graves' disease is rare. On literature survey, we came across 11 such cases reported so far. We report a 62-year-old female with Graves' disease who also had a thyroid nodule that on fine-needle aspiration cytology and the subsequent postthyroidectomy histopathological examination was reported to be MTC.

  13. [Association Budd Chiari syndrome, antiphospholipid syndrome and Grave's disease]. (United States)

    Mouelhi, Leila; Chaieb, Mouna; Debbeche, Radhouane; Salem, Mohamed; Sfar, Imene; Trabelsi, Sinda; Gorgi, Yosr; Najjar, Taoufik


    Antiphospholipid syndrome is revealed by Budd Chiari syndrome in 5% of the cases. Antiphospholipid syndrome is characterized by venous or arterial thrombosis, foetal loss and positivity of antiphospholipid antibodies, namely lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin antibodies and anti-beta2-glycoprotein I. Anticardiolipin antibodies was reported in auto-immune thyroid disorders, particularly in Grave's disease. Antiphospholipid syndrome associated to Grave's disease was reported in only three cases. To describe a case report of association of Grave's disease and antiphospholipid syndrome. We report the first case of Grave's disease associated with antiphospholipid syndrome, revealed by Budd Chiari syndrome. Our observation is particular by the fact that it is about a patient presenting a Grave's disease associated with antiphospholipid syndrome revealed by Budd Chiari syndrome. This triple association has never been reported in literature. Although association between antiphospholipid syndrome and Grave's disease was previously described, further studies evaluating the coexistence of these two affections in the same patient would be useful.

  14. Las sombras de la condición humana: factores implicados en la violencia de grupos de riesgo


    Lafuente Casanova, Oscar Pedro; Serrat Moré, Dolores


    La violencia es un importante problema de Salud Pública en el mundo. Históricamente se ha relacionado con determinados colectivos y con diversos factores de riesgo: antecedentes de enfermedad mental, impulsividad, riesgo e intentos de suicidio, autolesiones, maltrato infantil, historial de abusos, problemas relacionados con alcohol, drogas y juego patológico, expediente judicial y trastornos de la personalidad. Para comprobar esta asociación se halló la prevalencia de estos factores en alguno...

  15. Biofeedback: Infant asthma Biofeedback: asma infantil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. J. Nombela


    Full Text Available

    The present study is a revision of the different applications of biofeedback in infantile bronchial asthma. The technique may be used on its own (preferably in the motor area or in conjunction with other techniques such as hypnosis, relaxation, etc. However, it should be stated that previous work published in this field is difficult to interpret since results are inconclusive, it is, therefore, difficult to produce a scientific summary.

    KEY WORDS: Biofeedback; infantile asthma; respiratory biofeedback.

    Con este trabajo se pretende hacer una revisión sobre las distintas aplicaciones del biofeedback en el asma bronquial infantil, bien solo (preferentemente en el campo motriz o bien asociado a otras técnicas de hipnosis, relajación, etc. Aunque es necesario manifestar que la producción científica relacionada con el tema, hace que tenga una difícil valoración dado que sus resultados son no concluyentes y discutibles, lo cual dificulta la elaboración de un resumen científico.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: Biofeedback; asma infantil; biofeedback respiratorio

  16. Effect of abnormal thyroid function on the severity of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prummel, M. F.; Wiersinga, W. M.; Mourits, M. P.; Koornneef, L.; Berghout, A.; van der Gaag, R.


    Many clinicians have the impression that treatment of thyroid dysfunction ameliorates ophthalmopathy in Graves' disease. The aim of our study was to relate thyroid function to the severity of Graves' ophthalmopathy. We studied 90 patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy and Graves' hyperthyroidism in

  17. Ultrasonographic Features of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Patients with Graves' Disease (United States)

    Chung, Jin Ook; Cho, Dong Hyeok; Chung, Dong Jin


    Background/Aims To characterize ultrasonographic findings in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) combined with Graves' disease. Methods Medical records and ultrasonographic findings of 1,013 patients with Graves' disease and 3,380 patients without Graves' disease were analyzed retrospectively. A diagnosis of PTC was based on a pathologic examination. Results The frequency of hypoechogenicity was lower in patients with PTC and Graves' disease than in patients with PTC alone (p Graves' disease was significantly higher than in those with PTC alone (p Graves' disease was characterized by more ill-defined borders and less frequency of overall calcification, punctate calcification, and heterogeneous echogenicity, although the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions Our results suggest that patients with Graves' disease more frequently have atypical PTC findings on ultrasonography. PMID:20195406

  18. Infantile abuse: Radiological diagnosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Teresa Araujo Reyes


    Full Text Available Infantile abuse is a frequent problem, that must be suspected to bediagnosed, the children victims of infantile abuse can present anytype of injury, nevertheless there are associated injuries common toan inferred trauma that constitute radiological patterns highly specific for abuse, among them are the metafisial injuries, posterior costal fractures and first costal arc fractures, fractures of the toracolumbar region, fractures without apparent explanation, fractures in different stage of evolution, subdural hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraparenquimatose contusion and diffuse axonal injury, which combined with the history of the trauma, the age, the development of mental abilities, as well as the mechanism guides the injury diagnose.

  19. The Eye/Brain Radioactivity Ratio for Assessment of Graves Ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, B. W.; Sung, S. K.; Suh, K. S.; Park, W.; Choi, D. J.; Kim, J. S.


    In Graves' disease, changes in orbital tissue and structure are caused by inflammatory infiltration, which induces increase of capillary permeability and breakdown of blood-tissue barriers. Using the uptake of 99m Tc-DTPA in inflammatory lesion, Eye/Brain radioactivity ratios in brain scintigraphy were evaluated in 15 normal controls and 40 Graves' patients. The results were as follows; 1) Eye/Brain radioactivity ratio was significantly higher in Graves' ophthalmopathy group than in control group (p 99m Tc-DTPA brain scintigraphy may be useful to determine the activity of Graves' ophthalmopathy and whether treatment of Graves' ophthalmopathy is necessary or not.

  20. Enhanced thyroid iodine metabolism in patients with triiodothyronine-predominant Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takamatsu, J.; Hosoya, T.; Naito, N.


    Some patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease have increased serum T3 and normal or even low serum T4 levels during treatment with antithyroid drugs. These patients with elevated serum T3 to T4 ratios rarely have a remission of their hyperthyroidism. The aim of this study was to investigate thyroid iodine metabolism in such patients, whom we termed T3-predominant Graves' disease. Mean thyroid radioactive iodine uptake was 51.0 +/- 18.1% ( +/- SD) at 3 h, and it decreased to 38.9 +/- 20.1% at 24 h in 31 patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease during treatment. It was 20.0 +/- 11.4% at 3 h and increased to 31.9 +/- 16.0% at 24 h in 17 other patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease who had normal serum T3 and T4 levels and a normal serum T3 to T4 ratio during treatment (control Graves' disease). The activity of serum TSH receptor antibodies was significantly higher in the patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in control Graves' disease patients. From in vitro studies of thyroid tissue obtained at surgery, both thyroglobulin content and iodine content in thyroglobulin were significantly lower in patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in the control Graves' disease patients. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) activity determined by a guaiacol assay was 0.411 +/- 0.212 g.u./mg protein in the T3-predominant Graves' disease patients, significantly higher than that in the control Graves' disease patients. Serum TPO autoantibody levels determined by immunoprecipitation also were greater in T3-predominant Graves' disease patients than in control Graves' disease patients. Binding of this antibody to TPO slightly inhibited the enzyme activity of TPO, but this effect of the antibody was similar in the two groups of patients

  1. Birth Weight, Gestational Age, and Infantile Colic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Milidou, Ioanna; Søndregaard, Charlotte; Jensen, Morten Søndergaard

    Background Infantile colic is a condition of unknown origin characterized by paroxysms of crying during the first months of life. A few studies have identified low birth weight (BW) as a risk factor among infants born at term, while the association between gestational age (GA) and infantile colic...... interviews of the mother during pregnancy and post partum. Adjusted odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (in brackets) are presented. Infantile colic was defined as crying for more than three hours per day and for more than three days per week (modified Wessel’s criteria). Results A total of 4...... with GA gestational weeks 32-40. Finally, after adjusting for GA...

  2. Death by Suicide in Graves' Disease and Graves' Orbitopathy: A Nationwide Danish Register Study. (United States)

    Ferløv-Schwensen, Charlotte; Brix, Thomas Heiberg; Hegedüs, Laszlo


    Graves' disease (GD) is associated with excess morbidity and mortality, but little is known about unnatural manners of death and the potential relation with Graves' orbitopathy (GO). This study investigated the risk of unnatural death in Graves' patients with and without orbitopathy compared to matched control populations. This was a cohort study covering all adult Danes (≥18 years) diagnosed with GD or GO during 1995-2012. Median follow-up time was 7.9 years (range 0-17.5 years). Utilizing the Danish Register of Causes of Death and the Danish National Patient Registry, 28,461 subjects with GD and 3965 with GO were identified and matched for age and sex with four subjects from the background population. The manner of death was identified, and hazard ratios (HR) for mortality due to unnatural deaths (accident, suicide, violence/homicide, and unknown) were calculated using Cox regression analyses, adjusted for pre-existing somatic and psychiatric morbidity. In Graves' disease overall (GD + GO), there was an increased risk of death from unknown unnatural manners (HR = 2.01 [confidence interval (CI) 1.17-3.45], p = 0.012) and of suicide, although the latter difference was not with certainty statistically significant (HR = 1.43 [CI 1.00-2.04], p = 0.053). There was no significant difference in risk of death from suicide in GD subjects compared to their controls (HR = 1.27 [CI 0.85-1.89], p = 0.253). However, GO patients had a significantly higher risk of death from suicide (HR = 2.71 [CI 1.16-6.32], p = 0.022). Mortality by suicide was increased in Graves' disease overall, most significantly in patients with GO, also after adjustment for pre-existing somatic and psychiatric disease. These findings indicate that GD and GO may have a significant role in the pathophysiological mechanisms of suicidal behavior. Beyond independent confirmation, reasons for this need to be explored in order to introduce preventive measures.

  3. Infantile sexuality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zeuthen, Katrine Egede; Gammelgård, Judy


    When first presented, Freud´s theory of infantile sexuality was a scandal. Not only was the claim that the small child sucking at the mother´s breast experiences a kind of pleasure that Freud without hesitation named sexual, the theory also turned the common understanding of human sexuality up-si...

  4. La desnutrición infantil en el medio rural mexicano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer la situación nutricional de la población infantil del medio rural mexicano, comparándola con la situación previa y localizando las zonas más afectadas. Material y métodos. La muestra estuvo conformada por 38 232 familias, pertenecientes a 855 localidades, seleccionadas probabilísticamente. Se tomaron medidas antropométricas a 31 601 menores de cinco años. El análisis se realizó en consideración a la población de referencia peso/edad, peso/talla y talla/edad. Resultados. La desnutrición global afecta a 42.7% de los niños de acuerdo con el indicador peso/edad (IC= 1.9%; hace 22 años las formas de desnutrición moderada y severa eran de 17.4% y actualmente son de 19.3%. Respecto a talla/edad afecta a 55.9% (IC= 1.9%, y a peso/talla a 18.9%. Conclusiones. La ENAL96 muestra que la desnutrición sigue siendo un problema muy grave, que no se ha solucionado y que sigue afectando a las regiones del sur en donde hay mayor prevalencia de grupos indígenas.

  5. Significance of changes of serum FT3, FT4, s-TSH, TGA, TPO-Ab levels in patients with non-Graves' hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Lindi; Xu Changde; Xu Huogen; Wang Wei; Zhang Jie; Nie Shufen; Gu Zhenqi; Zeng Jihua


    Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of the changes of thyroid-related hormones (FT 3 , FT 4 , s-TSH, TGA, TPO-Ab) levels in patients with Graves' and non-Graves' hyperthyroidism. Methods: Serum FT 3 , FT 4 , TGA, TPO-Ab (with RIA) and s-TSH (with IRMA) were determined in 43 patients with non-Graves' hyperthyroidism, 29 patients with Graves' disease and 40 controls. Results: In both groups of hyperthyroid patients, the serum levels of FT 3 (15.01 ± 11.01 pg/ml in the non - Graves' group and 15.23 ± 9.57pg/ml in the Graves' group), FT 4 (38.30 ± 19.82, 38.87 ± 17.39pg/ml), TGA(33.89 ± 22. 43%, 49.72 ± 20.55% ) and TPO-Ab (1319.24 ± 1037.78, 2023.24 ± 621.00IU/ml) were significantly higher than those (FT 3 , 6.76 ± 2.01pg/ml, FT 4 16.16 ± 2.58pg/ml, TGA 6.76 ± 2.01%, TPO-Ab 0.01 ± 0.01IU/ml) in the controls (all P 3 , FT 4 and s-TSH levels in both groups were not significantly different from each other. Conclusion: In this study, serum TGA and TPO -Ab levels were lower in patients with non-Graves' hyperthyroidism than those in patients with Graves' disease. (authors)

  6. Graves' Disease that Developed Shortly after Surgery for Thyroid Cancer. (United States)

    Yu, Hea Min; Park, Soon Hyun; Lee, Jae Min; Park, Kang Seo


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that may present with various clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism. Patients with Graves' disease have a greater number of thyroid nodules and a higher incidence of thyroid cancer compared with patients with normal thyroid activity. However, cases in which patients are diagnosed with recurrence of Graves' disease shortly after partial thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer are very rare. Here we report a case of hyperthyroid Graves' disease that occurred after partial thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer. In this case, the patient developed hyperthyroidism 9 months after right hemithyroidectomy, and antithyroglobulin autoantibody and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor stimulating autoantibody were positive. Therefore, we diagnosed Graves' disease on the basis of the laboratory test results and thyroid ultrasonography findings. The patient was treated with and maintained on antithyroid drugs. The mechanism of the recurrence of Graves' disease in this patient is still unclear. The mechanism may have been the improper response of the immune system after partial thyroidectomy. To precisely determine the mechanisms in Graves' disease after partial thyroidectomy, further studies based on a greater number of cases are needed.

  7. La red sobre trabajo infantil peligroso (Red Tip

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Walter Varillas


    Full Text Available En el mundo, aproximadamente 351.7 millones de niños entre 5 y 17 años realizaban algún tipo de actividad económica, de ellos 170.5 millones (48.5% realizaban algún tipo de trabajo considerado peligroso. Un alto porcentaje se encuentra en la agricultura, otros en minas, manufacturas, ladrilleras, predominantemente en la economía informal. El Convenio 138 (cobre la edad mínima de admisión en el empleo de la OIT y el Convenio 182 (sobre las peores formas de trabajo infantil, definen como trabajo infantil peligroso el que puede afectar la salud, seguridad y moralidad de los menores. Estudios específicos sobre los menores muestran su susceptibilidad particular frente a los riesgos laborales, aumentando la peligrosidad para su normal desarrollo y crecimiento: "los niños no son adultos pequeños". Los profesionales de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo pueden colaborar con los profesionales y las organizaciones especializadas en el trabajo infantil, en la definición y caracterización de lo que significa el trabajo infantil peligroso. Para ello se ha conformado la Red sobre Trabajo Infantil Peligroso (Red TIP, con la finalidad de articular estos dos espacios, orientados a eliminar el trabajo infantil peligroso y rescatar al menor y devolverle la oportunidad de sonreír ahora y en el futuro.

  8. Graves' disease: thyroid function and immunologic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gossage, A.A.; Crawley, J.C.; Copping, S.; Hinge, D.; Himsworth, R.L.


    Patients with Graves' disease were studied for two years during and after a twelve-month course of treatment. Disease activity was determined by repeated measurements of thyroidal uptake of [/sup 99m/Tc]pertechnetate during tri-iodothyronine administration. These in-vivo measurements of thyroid stimulation were compared with the results of in-vitro assays of Graves, immunoglobulin (TSH binding inhibitory activity--TBIA). There was no correlation between the thyroid uptake and TBIA on diagnosis. Pertechnetate uptake and TBIA both declined during the twelve months of antithyroid therapy. TBIA was detectable in sera from 19 of the 27 patients at diagnosis; in 11 of these 19 patients there was a good correlation (p less than 0.05) throughout the course of their disease between the laboratory assay of the Graves, immunoglobulin and the thyroid uptake. Probability of recurrence can be assessed but sustained remission of Graves' disease after treatment cannot be predicted from either measurement alone or in combination

  9. Graves' disease: thyroid function and immunologic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gossage, A.A.R.; Crawley, J.C.W.; Copping, S.; Hinge, D.; Himsworth, R.L.


    Patients with Graves' disease were studied for two years during and after a twelve-month course of treatment. Disease activity was determined by repeated measurements of thyroidal uptake of [ 9 -9μTc]pertechnetate during tri-iodothyronine administration. These in-vivo measurements of thyroid stimulation were compared with the results of in-vitro assays of Graves, immunoglobulin (TSH binding inhibitory activity - TBIA). There was no correlation between the thyroid uptake and TBIA on diagnosis. Pertechnetate uptake and TBIA both declined during the twelve months of antithyroid therapy. TBIA was detectable in sera from 19 of the 27 patients at diagnosis; in 11 of these 19 patients there was a good correlation (p<0.05) throughout the course of their disease between the laboratory assay of the Graves, immunoglobulin and the thyroid uptake. Probability of recurrence can be assessed but sustained remission of Graves' disease after treatment cannot be predicted from either measurement alone or in combination


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    Laura Negredo


    Full Text Available La descarga, intercambio y producción de pornografía infantil es una conducta delictiva de importancia creciente. La explotación cruel de menores y su vínculo con otros problemas como el abuso sexual despiertan preocupación social y académica. El presente trabajo aborda la naturaleza del fenómeno, las características de los materiales que se etiquetan como pornografía infantil, los rasgos psicológicos de los usuarios y los programas de tratamiento existentes.

  11. Maternal characteristics and toddler temperament in infantile anorexia. (United States)

    Chatoor, I; Ganiban, J; Hirsch, R; Borman-Spurrell, E; Mrazek, D A


    To explore the association between specific maternal characteristics, maternal perceptions of toddler temperament, and infantile anorexia. Three groups of toddlers (aged 12-37 months) participated in this study: toddlers with infantile anorexia (n = 34), picky eaters (n = 34), and healthy eaters (n = 34). Mothers completed questionnaires that assessed their own eating attitudes, marital satisfaction, and their toddlers' temperament, and an interview that explored their attachment representations. Mothers and toddlers were videotaped during a feeding session, and toddlers were weighed and measured. Temperament ratings differentiated between infantile anorexics and healthy eaters (p anorexia.

  12. Hyperparathyroidism after radioactive iodine therapy for Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esselstyn, C.B. Jr.; Schumacher, O.P.; Eversman, J.; Sheeler, L.; Levy, W.J.


    The association of external ionizing radiation to the head and neck and the subsequent development of hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands has been documented in recent years. This also has been demonstrated experimentally in animals. Despite the numbers of patients with Graves disease who have been treated with radioactive iodine, there are no reports in the literature of parathyroid surgery for hyperparathyroidism secondary to earlier treatment with radioactive iodine for Graves disease. This report describes the operative and pathologic findings in four patients with hyperparathyroidism. These patients had previously been treated with radioactive iodine for Graves disease. The pathologic findings at surgery included in three cases a single enlarged hyperplastic gland consistent with a parathyroid adenoma. One patient had hyperplasia of all four glands. The two largest glands and halves of the two remaining glands were removed. In a long-term follow-up of children and adolescents treated with radioactive iodine for Graves disease, Levy and Schumacher found calcium elevations in 10 of 159 patients. The increased incidence of hyperparathyroidism following radioactive iodine treatment for Graves disease in children and adolescents would seem several times higher than normal. Whether adults who have radioactive iodine treatment for Graves disease have a similar increase incidence is not known. Meanwhile it would seem reasonable to suggest that patients whose hyperthyroidism is treated with radioactive iodine should have their serum calcium levels determined at 5-year intervals

  13. Graves' disease: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges (multimedia activity). (United States)

    Kahaly, George J; Grebe, Stefan K G; Lupo, Mark A; McDonald, Nicole; Sipos, Jennifer A


    Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the United States. Graves' disease occurs more often in women with a female:male ratio of 5:1 and a population prevalence of 1% to 2%. A genetic determinant to the susceptibility to Graves' disease is suspected because of familial clustering of the disease, a high sibling recurrence risk, the familial occurrence of thyroid autoantibodies, and the 30% concordance in disease status between identical twins. Graves' disease is an autoimmune thyroid disorder characterized by the infiltration of immune effector cells and thyroid antigen-specific T cells into the thyroid and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor expressing tissues, with the production of autoantibodies to well-defined thyroidal antigens, such as thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin, and the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor. The thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor is central to the regulation of thyroid growth and function. Stimulatory autoantibodies in Graves' disease activate the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor leading to thyroid hyperplasia and unregulated thyroid hormone production and secretion. Below-normal levels of baseline serum thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor, normal to elevated serum levels of T4, elevated serum levels of T3 and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor autoantibodies, and a diffusely enlarged, heterogeneous, hypervascular (increased Doppler flow) thyroid gland confirm diagnosis of Graves' disease (available at: This Resource Center is also available through the website of The American Journal of Medicine ( Click on the “Thyroid/Graves' Disease” link in the “Resource Centers” section, found on the right side of the Journal homepage. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Resolution of Graves' disease after renal transplantation. (United States)

    Lee, Yvonne; Butani, Lavjay; Glaser, Nicole; Nguyen, Stephanie


    We report a case of an adolescent boy with Down's syndrome and ESRD on hemodialysis who developed mild Graves' disease that was not amenable to radioablation, surgery, or ATDs. After 14 months of observation without resolution of Graves' disease, he successfully received a DDRT with a steroid minimization protocol. Thymoglobulin and a three-day course of steroids were used for induction and he was started on tacrolimus, MMF, and pravastatin for maintenance transplant immunosuppression. One month after transplantation, all biochemical markers and antibody profiling for Graves' disease had resolved and remain normal one yr later. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Graves disease hyperthyroidism and glycometabolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Qiting; Zhao Deshan


    The Patients with Graves disease hyperthyroidism are often accompanied by disorder of glycometabolism. β-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance play a main role in this disease, while the immune and genetic factors are also relevant with the disease. The blood glycose level can become normal gradually with the recovery of thyroid hormone after 131 I and antithyroid drug treatment. Therefore, the blood glycose level could be improved and complications could be prevented by early treatment in the patients with Graves disease hyperthyroidism accompanied with glycometabolism disorder is helpful for improving the blood glycose level. (authors)

  16. Microchimerism in Graves' Disease (United States)

    Galofré, Juan C.


    Microchimerism is the presence of cells from one individual in another genetically distinct individual. Pregnancy is the main cause of natural microchimerism through transplacental bidirectional cell trafficking between mother and fetus. The consequences of pregnancy-related microchimerism are under active investigation. However, many authors have suggested a close relationship linking fetal microchimerism and the development of autoimmune diseases. It has been more than ten years now since the demonstration of the presence of a significant high number of fetal microchimeric cells residing in thyroid glands from operated patients with Graves' disease. This intrathyroidal fetal microchimerism is an attractive candidate mechanism for the modulation of Graves' disease in pregnancy and the postpartum period. PMID:22577597

  17. Graves' Disease that Developed Shortly after Surgery for Thyroid Cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hea Min Yu


    Full Text Available Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that may present with various clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism. Patients with Graves' disease have a greater number of thyroid nodules and a higher incidence of thyroid cancer compared with patients with normal thyroid activity. However, cases in which patients are diagnosed with recurrence of Graves' disease shortly after partial thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer are very rare. Here we report a case of hyperthyroid Graves' disease that occurred after partial thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer. In this case, the patient developed hyperthyroidism 9 months after right hemithyroidectomy, and antithyroglobulin autoantibody and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor stimulating autoantibody were positive. Therefore, we diagnosed Graves' disease on the basis of the laboratory test results and thyroid ultrasonography findings. The patient was treated with and maintained on antithyroid drugs. The mechanism of the recurrence of Graves' disease in this patient is still unclear. The mechanism may have been the improper response of the immune system after partial thyroidectomy. To precisely determine the mechanisms in Graves' disease after partial thyroidectomy, further studies based on a greater number of cases are needed.

  18. Neonatal Graves' Disease with Maternal Hypothyroidism. (United States)

    Akangire, Gangaram; Cuna, Alain; Lachica, Charisse; Fischer, Ryan; Raman, Sripriya; Sampath, Venkatesh


    Neonatal Graves' disease presenting as conjugated hyperbilirubinemia is a diagnostic challenge because the differential includes a gamut of liver and systemic diseases. We present a unique case of neonatal Graves' disease in a premature infant with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia born to a mother with hypothyroidism during pregnancy and remote history of Graves' disease. Infant was treated with a combination of methimazole, propranolol, and potassium iodide for 4 weeks. Thyroid function improved after 8 weeks of treatment with full recovery of thyroid function, disappearance of thyroid-stimulating antibodies, and resolution of failure to thrive and conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. This case provides several clinical vignettes as it is a rare, severe, presentation of an uncommon neonatal disease, signs, symptoms, and clinical history presented a diagnostic challenge for neonatologists and endocrinologists, normal newborn screen was misleading, and yet timely treatment led to a full recovery.

  19. [Neonatal hyperthyroidism and maternal Graves disease]. (United States)

    Ben Ameur, K; Chioukh, F Z; Marmouch, H; Ben Hamida, H; Bizid, M; Monastiri, K


    The onset of Graves disease during pregnancy exposes the neonate to the risk of hyperthyroidism. The newborn must be monitored and treatment modalities known to ensure early treatment of the newborn. We report on the case of an infant born at term of a mother with Graves disease discovered during pregnancy. He was asymptomatic during the first days of life, before declaring the disease. Neonatal hyperthyroidism was confirmed by hormonal assays. Hyperthyroidism was treated with antithyroid drugs and propranolol with a satisfactory clinical and biological course. Neonatal hyperthyroidism should be systematically sought in infants born to a mother with Graves disease. The absence of clinical signs during the first days of life does not exclude the diagnosis. The duration of monitoring should be decided according to the results of the first hormonal balance tests. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  20. The changing face of complicated infantile hemangioma treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Menapace, Deanna [Creighton University School of Medicine, Phoenix Regional Campus, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education-MN, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Rochester, MN (United States); Mitkov, Mario [Creighton University School of Medicine, Phoenix Regional Campus, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Towbin, Richard [Phoenix Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Hogeling, Marcia [University of California, Los Angeles, Division of Dermatology, Santa Monica, CA (United States)


    Infantile hemangiomas are the most common vascular tumors of infancy. A multidisciplinary approach including dermatologists, otolaryngologists, plastic surgeons, hematologists/oncologists and interventional/diagnostic radiologists is crucial for appropriate management of children with complicated infantile hemangiomas. Since its unforeseen discovery in 2008, propranolol has become the first-line treatment for infantile hemangiomas, eclipsing systemic corticosteroids and radiologic intervention. There are still, however, uncommon indications for more aggressive interventional management. We review the 2014-updated International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) classification for vascular anomalies. Additionally, we suggest management algorithms for complicated lesions, including recommendations for radiologic and surgical intervention. (orig.)

  1. Psychiatric manifestations of Graves' hyperthyroidism: pathophysiology and treatment options. (United States)

    Bunevicius, Robertas; Prange, Arthur J


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. Other symptoms associated with the disease are goitre, ophthalmopathy, and psychiatric manifestations such as mood and anxiety disorders and, sometimes, cognitive dysfunction. Graves' hyperthyroidism may result in these latter manifestations via the induction of hyperactivity of the adrenergic nervous system. This review addresses the psychiatric presentations, and their pathophysiology and treatment, in patients with hyperthyroidism, based on literature identified by a PubMed/MEDLINE database search. Although the focus is on mental symptoms associated with Graves' disease, it is not always clear from the literature whether patients had Graves' disease: in some studies, the patients were thought to have Graves' disease based on clinical findings such as diffuse goitre or ophthalmopathy or on measurements of thyroid antibodies in serum; however, in other studies, no distinction was made between Graves' hyperthyroidism and hyperthyroidism from other causes. Antithyroid drugs combined with beta-adrenoceptor antagonists are the treatments of choice for hyperthyroidism, as well as for the psychiatric disorders and mental symptoms caused by hyperthyroidism. A substantial proportion of patients have an altered mental state even after successful treatment of hyperthyroidism, suggesting that mechanisms other than hyperthyroidism, including the Graves' autoimmune process per se and ophthalmopathy, may also be involved. When psychiatric disorders remain after restoration of euthyroidism and after treatment with beta-adrenoceptor antagonists, specific treatment for the psychiatric symptoms, especially psychotropic drugs, may be needed.

  2. The Role of Oxidative Stress on the Pathogenesis of Graves' Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miloš Žarković


    Full Text Available Graves' disease is a most common cause of hyperthyroidism. It is an autoimmune disease, and autoimmune process induces an inflammatory reaction, and reactive oxygen species (ROSs are among its products. When balance between oxidants and antioxidants is disturbed, in favour of the oxidants it is termed “oxidative stress” (OS. Increased OS characterizes Graves' disease. It seems that the level of OS is increased in subjects with Graves' ophthalmopathy compared to the other subjects with Graves' disease. Among the other factors, OS is involved in proliferation of orbital fibroblasts. Polymorphism of the 8-oxoG DNA N-glycosylase 1 (hOGG1 involved in repair of the oxidative damaged DNA increases in the risk for developing Grave's disease. Treatment with glucocorticoids reduces levels of OS markers. A recent large clinical trial evaluated effect of selenium on mild Graves' ophthalmopathy. Selenium treatment was associated with an improved quality of life and less eye involvement and slowed the progression of Graves' orbitopathy, compared to placebo.

  3. Variable phenotypes associated with 10q23 microdeletions involving the PTEN and BMPR1A genes.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Menko, F.H.; Kneepkens, C.M.; Leeuw, N. de; Peeters, E.A.; Maldergem, L. van; Kamsteeg, E.J.; Davidson, R.; Rozendaal, L.; Lasham, C.A.; Peeters-Scholte, C.M.; Jansweijer, M.C.E.; Hilhorst-Hofstee, Y.; Gille, J.J.P.; Heins, Y.M.; Nieuwint, A.W.; Sistermans, E.A.


    Infantile juvenile polyposis is a rare disease with severe gastrointestinal symptoms and a grave clinical course. Recently, 10q23 microdeletions involving the PTEN and BMPR1A genes were found in four patients with infantile juvenile polyposis. It was hypothesized that a combined and synergistic

  4. Hickam's dictum: Myasthenia Gravis presenting concurrently with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Sehgal, Shekhar; Rebello, Roshan; Wolmarans, Louise; Elston, Marianne


    We present two patients with Graves' disease and concurrent myasthenia gravis. The impact of the dual diagnosis on the clinical course and the potential for a delayed diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is discussed. Patient 1, a 28-year-old man was diagnosed with Graves' disease following his second respiratory arrest. His history was strongly suggestive of a second pathology. Patient 2, a 66-year-old Cantonese woman with established Graves' disease presented with thionamide-related neutropaenia. Examination revealed bilateral ptosis and right lateral rectus palsy. Both patients had thyrotoxicosis secondary to Graves' disease with concurrent myasthenia gravis. Although neuromuscular weakness is common in Graves' disease, coexisting myasthenia gravis (MG) is rare and can cause profound morbidity. Ocular signs in both diseases may cause diagnostic confusion although ptosis suggests coexisting MG. In both cases, the thyrotoxicosis delayed the diagnosis of MG. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  5. Vitamin D and Graves' disease: a meta-analysis update. (United States)

    Xu, Mei-Yan; Cao, Bing; Yin, Jian; Wang, Dong-Fang; Chen, Kai-Li; Lu, Qing-Bin


    The association between vitamin D levels and Graves' disease is not well studied. This update review aims to further analyze the relationship in order to provide an actual view of estimating the risk. We searched for the publications on vitamin D and Graves' disease in English or Chinese on PubMed, EMBASE, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, China Biology Medical and Wanfang databases. The standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated for the vitamin D levels. Pooled odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI were calculated for vitamin D deficiency. We also performed sensitivity analysis and meta-regression. Combining effect sizes from 26 studies for Graves' disease as an outcome found a pooled effect of SMD = -0.77 (95% CI: -1.12, -0.42; p Graves' disease were more likely to be deficient in vitamin D compared to the controls (OR = 2.24, 95% CI: 1.31, 3.81) with a high heterogeneity (I2 = 84.1%, p Graves' disease.

  6. Impacto do tabagismo parental sobre a asma infantil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco-Javier Gonzalez-Barcala


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a exposição da população infantil à FCA em nossa comunidade e sua relação com os sintomas de asma. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal usando o questionário de estudo ISAAC em crianças e adolescentes da nossa comunidade. Pelo questionário, fez-se a definição por "já ocorreu sibilância", "asma atual", "asma grave" e "asma induzida pelo exercício". O tabagismo parental foi classificado em quatro categorias mutuamente excludentes: 1 nenhum dos pais fuma; 2 somente a mãe fuma; 3 somente o pai fuma; e 4 ambos os pais fumam. Calculou-se a odds ratio da prevalência de sintomas de asma, de acordo com a exposição à FCA, usando regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídas, no total, 10.314 crianças e 10.453 adolescentes. Mais de 51% das crianças e adolescentes foram expostos à FCA em casa. A FCA se associa a uma prevalência mais alta de sintomas de asma, particularmente se a mãe ou ambos os pais fumam. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência da FCA continua a ser alta em nossa comunidade, embora com uma tendência para diminuição nos últimos 15 anos. A FCA se associa a uma prevalência mais alta de asma.

  7. El dibujo infantil /


    Rada Ojer, Ángela


    La autora en este trabajo habla del dibujo infantil que es un lenguaje y una herramienta de alto valor comunicativo y valora cómo las situaciones vitales por las que pasa un niño pueden quedar reflejadas en sus manifestaciones gráficas

  8. Thymic hyperplasia in a patient with Grave's disease. (United States)

    Hamzaoui, Amira A; Klii, Rim R; Salem, Randa R; Kochtali, Ines I; Golli, Mondher M; Mahjoub, Silvia S


    Hyperplastic changes of the thymus may be found in patients with Graves' disease. However, this rarely presents as an anterior mediastinal mass, particularly among adults. In this report, we describe a 46-year old woman with Graves' disease and thymic hyperplasia.

  9. Violencia física marital en Barranquilla (Colombia: prevalencia y factores de riesgo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tuesca R.


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de maltrato físico marital en mujeres en edad fértil que viven con su pareja, así como identificar factores personales, socioeconómicos y de función familiar que se relacionen con el maltrato. Métodos: Estudio transversal sobre una muestra aleatoria de 275 mujeres en edad fértil del barrio Carlos Meissel, de la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia. La información se obtuvo mediante entrevista personal en el hogar a partir de un cuestionario estructurado y siguiendo las recomendaciones éticas y de seguridad para la investigación sobre violencia doméstica contra mujeres de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. En el cuestionario se recogen datos sobre características personales, consumo habitual de alcohol y drogas, función familiar (según test de Apgar Familiar, características socioeconómicas y antecedentes de maltrato físico durante los 12 meses previos a la entrevista. Resultados: La prevalencia de maltrato marital fue del 22,9%, y el grupo de 25-29 años es el más afectado (33,3%. Se asociaron con el maltrato físico el consumo habitual de alcohol en las mujeres (odds ratio, OR = 6,02; intervalo de confianza del 95%, IC del 95%, 1,7-22,2 y en el cónyuge (OR = 10,11; IC del 95%, 5,1-20,1 y el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en el cónyuge (OR = 11.01; IC del 95%, 4,2-29,5. Los ingresos mensuales por debajo de 300.000 pesos colombianos (140 euros también se asociaron con maltrato, así como presencia de disfunción familiar moderada o grave (OR = 16,9; IC del 95%, 4,8-59,0; OR = 81,6; IC del 95%, 18,8-35,5, respectivamente. Conclusiones: La naturaleza transversal del estudio limita la interpretación de los resultados. Sin embargo, se ha observado que en las mujeres de la muestra estudiada en este estudio el maltrato físico de la mujer por parte de su pareja se asocia con factores potencialmente modificables.

  10. Alteraciones psicológicas en menores expuestos a violencia de género: prevalencia y diferencias de género y edad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mª-Vicenta Alcántara


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: La exposición de menores a la violencia del padre hacía la madre es un tipo de maltrato infantil y conlleva consecuencias psicológicas muy negativas. Este trabajo expone las características y prevalencias de ocho síndromes empíricos en menores expuestos. Método: Un total de 91 menores expuestos a violencia de género fueron valorados a través del Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL en un programa de Intervención Psicológica. Se analizan los resultados y prevalencias de ocho síndromes empíricos de la muestra total, por sexo y por edad en comparación con población normal. Resultados: Los menores expuestos a violencia de género remitidos a consulta clínica, difieren significativamente de la población normal. La prevalencia clínica de los síndromes es significativamente superior con respecto a lo esperable en menores de su edad (hasta 10 veces superior. Las niñas y los menores de menor edad suelen manifestar prevalencias superiores. Conclusiones: La exposición a violencia de género determina en los/as menores graves consecuencias psicológicas que influyen negativamente en su bienestar, desarrollo psicológico y salud mental y que hacen necesario atender este importante problema social.

  11. Similarities and differences between infantile and early childhood onset vanishing white matter disease. (United States)

    Zhou, Ling; Zhang, Haihua; Chen, Na; Zhang, Zhongbin; Liu, Ming; Dai, Lifang; Wang, Jingmin; Jiang, Yuwu; Wu, Ye


    Vanishing white matter disease (VWM) is one of the most prevalent inherited leukoencephalopathies in childhood. Infantile VWM is more severe but less understood than the classic early childhood type. We performed a follow-up study on 14 infantile and 26 childhood patients to delineate the natural history and neuroimaging features of VWM. Infantile and childhood patients shared similarities in the incidence of epileptic seizure (35.7 vs. 38.5%) and episodic aggravation (92.9 vs. 84.6%). Developmental delay before disease onset was more common in infantile patients. Motor disability was earlier and more severe in infantile VWM. In survivors with disease durations of 1-3 years, the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) was classified as IV-V in 66.7% of infantile and only 29.4% of childhood patients. Kaplan-Meier survival curve analysis indicated that the 5-year survival rates were 21.6 and 91.3% in infantile and childhood VWM, respectively. In terms of MRI, infantile patients showed more extensive involvement and earlier rarefaction, with more common involvement of subcortical white matter, internal capsule, brain stem and dentate nuclei of the cerebellum. Restricted diffusion was more diffuse or extensive in infantile patients. In addition, four novel mutations were identified. In conclusion, we identified some similarities and differences in the natural history and neuroimaging features between infantile and early childhood VWM.

  12. Brainstem evoked potentials in infantile spasms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyazaki, Masahito; Hashimoto, Toshiaki; Murakawa, Kazuyoshi; Tayama, Masanobu; Kuroda, Yasuhiro


    In ten patients with infantile spasms, brainstem evoked potentials and MRI examinations were performed to evaluate the brainstem involvement. The result of short latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) following the right median nerve stimulation revealed abnormal findings including the absence or low amplitudes of the waves below wave P3 and delayed central conduction time in 7 of the ten patients. The result of auditory brainstem responses (ABR) revealed abnormal findings including low amplitudes of wave V, prolonged interpeak latency of waves I-V and absence of the waves below wave IV in 5 of the ten patients. The result of the MRI examinations revealed various degrees of the brainstem atrophy in 6 of the ten patients, all of whom showed abnormal brainstem evoked potentials. The result of this study demonstrates that patients with infantile spasms are frequently associated with brainstem dysfunction and raises the possibility that brainstem atrophy might be a cause of infantile spasms. (author)

  13. The clinical value of serum thyrotrophin receptor antibody level in patients with Graves ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Chaodian; Shi Yuhong; Yan Bing


    Objective: To explore the value of serum thyrotrophin receptor antibody (TRAb) on the pathological mechanism of Graves ophthalmopathy. Methods: Two hundred and nineteen newly diagnosed Graves disease patients who were divided into Graves ophthalmopathy group (n=121) and without Graves ophthalmopathy group (n=98) were tested serum concentration with thyroid function, thyroperoxidase antibodies (TPOAb), thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb) and TRAb. According to the consensus statement of the European Group on Graves ophthalmopathy, clinical activity score (CAS) and severity evaluation were carried out on Graves ophthalmopathy patients. Results: There was no significant difference in serum concentration of free thyroxine (FT 4 ), free triiodothyronine (FT 3 ), TPOAb and TRAb between the Graves ophthalmopathy group and the without Graves ophthalmopathy group. Serum concentration of TRAb was not correlated with the severity and CAS of Graves ophthalmopathy. Conclusions: The CAS and the severity of Graves ophthalmopathy were irrelevant to the serum concentration of TRAb. Therefore, the correlation between TRAb and Graves ophthalmopathy still needs further study. (authors)

  14. CT findings in patients with infantile epilepsy on ACTH therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Kazunari; Hara, Kimiko; Hakamada, Akira; Miyazaki, Shuji.


    A case of infantile spasms in which subdural hematoma developed after ACTH-Z therapy was reported. The results of CT evaluated before and after the therapy in 17 cases of infantile epilepsy including infantile spasms. Cerebral atrophy due to ACTH-Z therapy was remarkable, especially in the infants under one year old. We should vary careful in employing ACTH-Z therapy for infants of this age. (Ueda, J.)

  15. Thymic hyperplasia in a patient with Grave's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamzaoui Amira A


    Full Text Available Abstract Hyperplastic changes of the thymus may be found in patients with Graves' disease. However, this rarely presents as an anterior mediastinal mass, particularly among adults. In this report, we describe a 46-year old woman with Graves' disease and thymic hyperplasia.

  16. Standardization of 131I therapy for Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Jianlin; Li Yuying; Gao Liuyan; Tang Xiuping; Hu Hongyong


    Objective: To establish the normative and standard measures, to ensure medical safety and quality of care of the patients with Graves disease treated by 131 I therapy. Methods: Formulating and strictly implementing the medical organizational and technical measures of 131 I therapy for Graves disease and regular follow-up. Results: Receiving 131 I treatment of 104 patients, follow-up 6-36 months, no adverse events, the cure rate of 59.6%, the efficient rate is 99.9%. Conclusion: It is important guarantee for the medical quality and safety to standardize the 131 I therapy of Graves disease. (authors)

  17. Enhanced thyroid iodine metabolism in patients with triiodothyronine-predominant Graves' disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takamatsu, J.; Hosoya, T.; Naito, N.; Yoshimura, H.; Kohno, Y.; Tarutani, O.; Kuma, K.; Sakane, S.; Takeda, K.; Mozai, T.


    Some patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease have increased serum T3 and normal or even low serum T4 levels during treatment with antithyroid drugs. These patients with elevated serum T3 to T4 ratios rarely have a remission of their hyperthyroidism. The aim of this study was to investigate thyroid iodine metabolism in such patients, whom we termed T3-predominant Graves' disease. Mean thyroid radioactive iodine uptake was 51.0 +/- 18.1% ( +/- SD) at 3 h, and it decreased to 38.9 +/- 20.1% at 24 h in 31 patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease during treatment. It was 20.0 +/- 11.4% at 3 h and increased to 31.9 +/- 16.0% at 24 h in 17 other patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease who had normal serum T3 and T4 levels and a normal serum T3 to T4 ratio during treatment (control Graves' disease). The activity of serum TSH receptor antibodies was significantly higher in the patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in control Graves' disease patients. From in vitro studies of thyroid tissue obtained at surgery, both thyroglobulin content and iodine content in thyroglobulin were significantly lower in patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in the control Graves' disease patients. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) activity determined by a guaiacol assay was 0.411 +/- 0.212 g.u./mg protein in the T3-predominant Graves' disease patients, significantly higher than that in the control Graves' disease patients. Serum TPO autoantibody levels determined by immunoprecipitation also were greater in T3-predominant Graves' disease patients than in control Graves' disease patients. Binding of this antibody to TPO slightly inhibited the enzyme activity of TPO, but this effect of the antibody was similar in the two groups of patients.

  18. Graves' disease in Albanian children. (United States)

    Gjikopulli, A; Tomori, Sonila; Kollçaku, L; Hoxha, P; Grimci, Lindita; Ylli, Zamira


    Graves' disease (GD) accounts for 10-15% of thyroid disorders in patients less than 18 years of age. It is the most common cause of thyrotoxicosis in children and accounts for at least 95% of cases in children. Pediatric Treatment of Graves' disease consists of anti-thyroid drugs, radioactive iodide and thyroidectomy but the optimal treatment of GD in children is still controversial. To review treatment outcome of pediatric Graves' disease in Albania. Descriptive review of 15 children with Graves' disease, diagnosed from Jan.2007 to Dec. 2013, at the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Centre "Mother Teresa", Albania was performed. All patients, mean age 10.56 ± 3.37 years, (range 2.02-16.09 years) were presented with goiter and increased serum FT4, mean 39.80 ± 16.02 ng/mL, (range 21.0-74.70 ng/mL), serum FT3, mean 12.98 ± 3.45 pg/mL, (range 6.90 -17.90 pg/mL) and suppressed TSH levels, mean 0.02 ± 0.01 mUI/L, (range 0.01-0.05 mUI/L). Anti TSH Receptor were positive in 100% of patients mean value 6.51 ± 3.61 UI/mL (range 1.63 - 14.10 UI/mL). Anti-thyroglobulin and Anti-TPO antibodies were positive in 60% and 46.6% respectively. Clinical course of 15 patients after treatment with anti-thyroid drugs mainly MMI for 3.19 ± 1.48 (range 0.60 - 6.20) years is as follows: seven (46.66%) underwent remission, five out of seven (71.41%) who underwent remission, relapsed. Three of them (20%) were treated with I(131), and two (13.3%) underwent to total thyroidectomy. MMI was the most common first line therapy in the presented patients with Graves' disease. Remission rate was 46.66% after an average 1.48 ± 0.71 years (range 0.60 - 2.70 years) of treatment with anti-thyroid drugs. Remission period was 2.70 ± 0.36 years (2.1 - 3.1 years) Relapse occurred in 71.41% of patient. I(131) and thyroidectomy were used as second line therapy in the present study.

  19. Development of Graves' ophthalmopathy and uveitis after radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease in a patient with HTLA-I associated myelopathy (HAM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozawa, Yasunori; Migita, Masayoshi; Watanabe, Tomoji; Okuda, Itsuko; Takeshita, Akira; Takagi, Akio; Shishiba, Yoshimasa


    HTLV-I carriers or patients with HTLV-I associated myelopathy (HAM) are prone to immune-mediated inflammatory disorders. We present a 44-year-old female with HAM who developed Graves' disease. She developed severe Graves' ophthalmopathy shortly after 131 I therapy, concurrently with a remarkable increase in TSH-receptor antibody titer. Ophthalmopathy was aggravated in spite of prednisolone therapy and euthyroidism being maintained by thyroxine replacement. Uveitis also developed after 131 I therapy and iridocyclitis finally required trabeculotomy. This case suggests that HAM patients may have a higher risk of immune-mediated Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy.(author)

  20. [Diagnostic difficulties in Grave's orbitopathy--case report]. (United States)

    Jedrzejowski, Maciej; Grzesiuk, Wiesław; Szwejda, Elzbieta; Bar-Andziak, Ewa


    Graves' orbitopathy is caused by intraorbital inflammatory reaction due to autoimmune thyroid disease. In most cases the diagnosis is based on the coexistence of typical eye signs and hyperthyroidism symptoms. In presented case, the absence of thyroid dysfunction implicated performance of differential diagnosis. Among many available diagnostic tools nuclear magnetic resonance seems to be the most accurate in confirmation of diagnosis of Graves' orbitopathy.

  1. Graves disease with ophthalmopathy following radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacobson, D.R.; Fleming, B.J.


    The number of patients achieving long-term survival following neck irradiation for Hodgkin's disease and other malignancies is increasing. Paralleling this increase in survivors is the development of late complications of the therapy itself. Eleven patients have previously been reported who developed Graves ophthalmopathy 18 months to seven years after receiving neck radiotherapy for nonthyroidal malignancies. The seven patients who had HLA typing were all HLA-B8 negative, despite the reported association of the HLA-B8 antigen with Graves disease. A patient who is HLA-B8 positive who developed Graves ophthalmopathy and hyperthyroidism nine years after receiving mantle radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease is reported. It is recommended that Graves disease be included among the thyroid diseases that receive consideration during follow-up of patients who have received mantle radiotherapy

  2. Diagnosis of Grave's disease with pulmonary hypertension on chest CT. (United States)

    Lee, Hwa Yeon; Yoo, Seung Min; Kim, Hye Rin; Chun, Eun Ju; White, Charles S

    To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of chest CT findings to diagnose Grave's disease in pulmonary hypertension. We retrospectively evaluated chest CT and the medical records of 13 patients with Grave's disease with (n=6) or without pulmonary hypertension (n=7) and in 17 control patients. Presence of iso-attenuation of diffusely enlarged thyroid glands compared with adjacent neck muscle on non-enhanced CT as a diagnostic clue of Grave's disease, and assessment of pulmonary hypertension on CT has high diagnostic accuracy. Chest CT has the potential to diagnose Grave's disease with pulmonary hypertension in the absence of other information. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Graves' disease with special reference to radiation therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seegenschmidt, M. H.; Heyd, R.; Esser, J.; Mould, R.F.


    Graves' disease, although not malignant, nevertheless can lead to serious events such as permanent loss of vision if it remains untreated. This review article describes the clinical symptoms of the disease, includes a commentary on the Graves' disease subgroup of thyroid-associated orbitipathy (TAO), and defines clinical activity scoring systems which grade the severity of the disease in patients (clinical activity, NOSPECS and LEMO scoring ). An review of radiotherapy in the 1980s is followed by a summary of the 2003 German national survey on radiotherapy for Graves' disease. Radiation therapy technique is then described and discussed. Case histories are from the Alfred Krupp Hospital in Essen. (author)

  4. Højfolkets Grave

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    For the special exhibition 'Højfolkets Grave - Oak Coffins from Borum Eshøj' on Moesgaard Museum in 2007: The development of 3D graphics which was displayed on a big screen in the exhibition. The animation shows - in a very stylistic way - the design principles behind the construction of Bronze Age...

  5. A five-week-old girl with inspiratory stridor due to infantile hemangiopericytoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jonas K; Sørensen, Flemming Brandt; Christensen, Mogens Fjord


    UNLABELLED: A 5-week-old girl with inspiratory stridor is presented. No immediate cause of the stridor was found, but eventually a diagnosis of infantile hemangiopericytoma located in the rhinopharynx was made. After surgery all respiratory symptoms disappeared.CONCLUSION: Infantile hemangioperic......UNLABELLED: A 5-week-old girl with inspiratory stridor is presented. No immediate cause of the stridor was found, but eventually a diagnosis of infantile hemangiopericytoma located in the rhinopharynx was made. After surgery all respiratory symptoms disappeared.CONCLUSION: Infantile...

  6. Guidelines for the treatment of childhood-onset Graves' disease in Japan, 2016. (United States)

    Minamitani, Kanshi; Sato, Hirokazu; Ohye, Hidemi; Harada, Shohei; Arisaka, Osamu


    Purpose behind developing these guidelines: Over one decade ago, the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug, 2006" (Japan Thyroid Association (JTA)) were published as the standard drug therapy protocol for Graves' disease. The "Guidelines for the Treatment of Childhood-Onset Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug in Japan, 2008" were published to provide guidance on the treatment of pediatric patients. Based on new evidence, a revised version of the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug, 2006" (JTA) was published in 2011, combined with the "Handbook of Radioiodine Therapy for Graves' Disease 2007" (JTA). Subsequently, newer findings on pediatric Graves' disease have been reported. Propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced serious hepatopathy is an important problem in pediatric patients. The American Thyroid Association's guidelines suggest that, in principle, physicians must not administer PTU to children. On the other hand, the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug, 2011" (JTA) state that radioiodine therapy is no longer considered a "fundamental contraindication" in children. Therefore, the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Childhood-Onset Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug in Japan, 2008" required revision.

  7. Premature hair greying may predict reduced bone mineral density in Graves' disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Leary, A C


    BACKGROUND: Premature hair greying has been associated with low bone mineral density (BMD), and it may be more frequent in Graves\\' disease. AIMS: To determine whether premature greying is associated with reduced BMD in women with Graves\\' disease and in control women, and to examine whether premature greying is more common in Graves\\' disease. METHODS: Premature greying (> 50% grey by 40 years) and BMD were determined in 44 women with a history of Graves\\' disease and 133 female controls referred for routine BMD measurement. Exclusion criteria included diseases or drugs known to affect BMD. RESULTS: Mean Z and T scores at the lumbar spine were significantly lower (P < 0.04) in subjects with premature greying than in those not prematurely grey among women with Graves\\' disease, but not among control women. Multiple regression confirmed this difference between Graves\\' and control women (P = 0.041). There were no differences at other measurement sites. Of Graves\\' patients, 36% were prematurely grey compared with 25% of control women (P = 0.14). CONCLUSION: Premature greying may be a weak marker for reduced BMD in women with a history of Graves\\' disease, but it is not a marker in normal women.

  8. Predictive factors of thyroid cancer in patients with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Ren, Meng; Wu, Mu Chao; Shang, Chang Zhen; Wang, Xiao Yi; Zhang, Jing Lu; Cheng, Hua; Xu, Ming Tong; Yan, Li


    The best preoperative examination in Graves' disease with thyroid cancer still remains uncertain. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the prevalence of thyroid cancer in Graves' disease patients, and to identify the predictive factors and ultrasonographic features of thyroid cancer that may aid the preoperative diagnosis in Graves' disease. This retrospective study included 423 patients with Graves' disease who underwent surgical treatment from 2002 to 2012 at our institution. The clinical features and ultrasonographic findings of thyroid nodules were recorded. The diagnosis of thyroid cancer was determined according to the pathological results. Thyroid cancer was discovered in 58 of the 423 (13.7 %) surgically treated Graves' disease patients; 46 of those 58 patients had thyroid nodules, and the other 12 patients were diagnosed with incidentally discovered thyroid carcinomas without thyroid nodules. Among the 58 patients with thyroid cancer, papillary microcarcinomas were discovered in 50 patients, and multifocality and lymph node involvement were detected in the other 8 patients. Multivariate regression analysis showed younger age was the only significant factor predictive of metastatic thyroid cancer. Ultrasonographic findings of calcification and intranodular blood flow in thyroid nodules indicate that they are more likely to harbor thyroid cancers. Because the influencing factor of metastatic thyroid cancers in Graves' disease is young age, every suspicious nodule in Graves' disease patients should be evaluated and treated carefully, especially in younger patients because of the potential for metastasis.


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    María Eugenia Reátiga


    Full Text Available En este artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigación descriptiva, que buscaba desde una mirada retrospectiva describir la experiencia que se haya vivido en relación a la situación de intimidación o rechazo por compañeros escolares en 648 estudiantes de primer semestre de estrato socioeconómico medio-alto, de una institución universitaria privada. En general, se halló a través del cuestionario RBQ, que el 41.8% recuerda que fue básicamente observador de esta situación; el 12% recuerda haber sido el victimario o agresor; el 4.8% de la muestra recuerda haber sido víctima y el 13% fue tanto víctima como agresor. Se pudo constatar que el maltrato como tal o agresión y específicamente la victimización en general aumentan en la secundaria, en el caso de la victimización se expresa en este período de modo menos activo, más larvado y mudo por medio del hablar mal y la exclusión.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flávia Paula Magalhães Monteiro


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue analizar el concepto de crecimiento infantil mediante identificación de elementos atributos y consecuencias que componen el fenómeno. Para análisis de concepto que fue basado en 41 estudios, se utilizaron el modelo de análisis evolutivo y la revisión integradora de la literatura. Para selección de las producciones, se buscaron las bases de datos Scopus, Cinahl y Lilacs, el portal de PubMed e la biblioteca Cochrane. El crecimiento se ha presentado diferentes connotaciones, incluyendo aspectos sociales y fisiológicos como parte del dominio físico del desarrollo del niño. Atributos y consecuencias identificadas traen amplia percepción acerca del fenómeno analizado, teniendo en cuenta que vinculan diversos aspectos relacionados con otros estudios sobre crecimiento infantil. La comprensión teórica del desarrollo infantil puede proporcionar a enfermeros conocimiento en profundidad sobre los factores que implican este proceso, facilitando decisiones a través de medidas de intervención.

  11. Preconcepciones de maltrato escolar y su relación con autoestima, autoeficacia y apoyo social en escolares agresores y víctimas de ambos sexos, de edades entre 12 y 19 años de colegios subvencionados de la ciudad de Viña del Mar-Chile


    Ulloa Labbé, Luis Herminio


    El maltrato entre escolares es un problema que se presenta con relativa frecuencia en la población escolar. Es una realidad que se vive en colegios de todo el mundo, convirtiéndose en una preocupación para padres, profesores, estudiantes e investigadores de todo el orbe, y desde diferentes enfoques teóricos o metodológicos se intenta describir, comprender, explicar e intervenir en su solución o abordaje. El maltrato escolar implica una problemática psicosocial que afecta el desarrollo inte...

  12. Immunoreactive 'TSH' in urinary concentrates of Graves' disease patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Herle, A.; Orgiazzi, J.; Greipel, M.A.; Slucher, J.A.; Honbo, K.S.; Hopital de l'Antiquaille, 69 - Lyon


    A double antibody radioimmunoassay was used to analyse immunoreactive thyrotrophin in urinary concentrates from fourteen patients with hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease, in three subjects with primary hypothyroidism, and in six normal subjects. Immunoreactive thyrotrophin was detectable in eleven subjects with Graves' disease, in one subject with primary hypothyroidism, and in four normal subjects. The mean urinary thyrotrophin concentration was significantly higher in Graves' disease (492+-99.9μU/24h(SEM)(n=11)) than in normal subjects (177+-26.4μU/24h(SEM)(n=4)(P [de

  13. Rituximab in relapsing Graves' disease, a phase II study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heemstra, Karen A.; Toes, Rene E.; Sepers, Jan; Pereira, Alberto M.; Corssmit, Eleonora P.; Huizinga, Tom W. J.; Romijn, Johannes A.; Smit, Johannes W.


    Conventional therapies for Graves' disease, consisting of medical therapy or radioiodine are unsatisfactory, because of limited efficacy and adverse events. Interventions aimed at the underlying autoimmune pathogenesis of Graves' disease may be worthwhile to explore. We therefore performed a

  14. Diagnóstico genético e clínico do autismo infantil Genetic and clinical diagnosis of infantile autism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Os principais objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar variáveis selecionadas para um melhor entendimento e diagnóstico do autismo infantil, tais como: achados clínicos e de imagem, critérios diagnósticos, frequência de distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos nos familiares dos propósitos, recorrência familiar e a ocorrência de consanguinidade entre os pais dos propósitos e entre outros casais da família. A amostra foi constituída de 36 propósitos, de ambos os sexos e na faixa etária de 1 a 20 anos, pertencentes a 35 famílias distintas, todos com diagnóstico clínico de autismo infantil. Os resultados foram os seguintes: a deficiência mental foi observada clinicamente em todos os pacientes da amostra e convulsão em 27,8%; distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos foram referidos em pelo menos um familiar dos propósitos (97,14 % das famílias, autismo recorrente em 11,42 % e consanguinidade nos pais (11,42 %, avós e bisavós (2,86 %; achados anormais de tomografia computadorizada de crânio foram verificados em três propósitos. O conjunto destes resultados reforça a sugestão do modelo de herança multifatorial com limiar diferencial para sexo no autismo infantil. A avaliação clínica de todo caso de autismo infantil deverá contemplar sempre os aspectos neurológicos, psiquiátricos e genéticos.The main objectives of this study were to characterize the selected variables for a better understanding and diagnosis of infantile autism such as clinical and image findings, diagnostic criteria, frequency of neuropsychiatric disorders in the subjects' families, familial recurrence and occurrence of consanguinity between the subjetcs' parents and between other couples in the family. The sample was composed of 36 subjects of both sexes, in the age group from 1 through 20 years old, members of 35 distinctive families, all of which presenting clinical diagnosis for infantile autism. Mental retardation was clinically observed in all subjects of the

  15. Graves' Disease Pharmacotherapy in Women of Reproductive Age. (United States)

    Prunty, Jeremy J; Heise, Crystal D; Chaffin, David G


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder in which inappropriate stimulation of the thyroid gland results in unregulated secretion of thyroid hormones resulting in hyperthyroidism. Graves' disease is the most common cause of autoimmune hyperthyroidism during pregnancy. Treatment options for Graves' disease include thioamide therapy, partial or total thyroidectomy, and radioactive iodine. In this article, we review guideline recommendations for Graves' disease treatment in women of reproductive age including the recent guideline from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Controversy regarding appropriate thioamide therapy before, during, and after pregnancy is reviewed. Surgical and radioactive iodine therapy considerations in this patient population are also reviewed. In patients who may find themselves pregnant during therapy or develop Graves' disease during their pregnancy, consideration should be given to the most appropriate treatment course for the mother and fetus. Thioamide therapy should be used with either propylthiouracil or methimazole at appropriate doses that target the upper range of normal to slightly hyperthyroid to avoid creating hypothyroidism in the fetus. Consideration should also be given to the adverse effects of thioamide, such as agranulocytosis and hepatotoxicity, with appropriate patient consultation regarding signs and symptoms. Individuals who wish to breastfeed their infants while taking thioamide should receive the lowest effective dose. Surgery should be reserved for extreme cases and limited to the second trimester, if possible. Radioactive iodine therapy may be used in nonpregnant individuals, with limited harm to future fertility. Radioactive iodine therapy should be withheld in pregnant women and those who are actively breastfeeding. Clinicians should keep abreast of developments in clinical trials and evidence-based recommendations regarding Graves' disease in reproductive-age women for any changes in evidence

  16. Realidad aumentada en Educación Infantil


    Sánchez Rodríguez, José; Ruiz Palmero, Julio; Sánchez Vega, Elena


    Comenzamos por un resumen del marco normativo de la etapa Educación Infantil en el que se indica la necesidad de incluir las tecnologías en la misma. Posteriormente comentamos posibilidades de materiales y recursos tecnológicos para la enseñanza. Por último, detallamos algunas experiencias de uso de la realidad aumentada (RA) con alumnado del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.

  17. [Rituximab: a new therapeutic alternative in Grave's disease]. (United States)

    Tello-Winniczuk, Nina; Díaz-Jouanen, Efraín


    Graves' disease is the most frequent cause of hyperthyroidism, affecting mainly young aged women, with an etiology of autoimmune basis. One of its manifestations, Graves' ophthalmopathy whose pathophysiology is unknown, represents one of the greatest therapeutic challenges in these patients, because they require aggressive treatment with steroids and multiple subsequent reconstructive surgeries in certain cases. It also represents a high burden to the health system. Drugs targeting B cells have been very effective for many autoimmune diseases. Rituximab is a murine humanized monoclonal antibody against CD20 + cells currently being studied in various autoimmune diseases including Graves' disease. The objective of this paper is to expose possible mechanisms by which rituximab could act in both hyperthyroidism and ophthalmopathy of Graves' disease, as well as the experience with its use acquired so far. The employment of rituximab in recently diagnosed patients or with mild ophthalmopathy is questionable with the evidence available today however, we think that it may have a role in refractory cases or those who have a contraindication for steroid use.

  18. Management of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar M.


    Management of Graves' ophthalmopathy is preferably done in a multidisciplinary setting. Smoking is associated with worse disease outcome. (131)I therapy for hyperthyroidism can also worsen ophthalmopathy, especially if administered during active disease or to patients who smoke or have severe

  19. Enhancement of soluble CD28 levels in the serum of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Sun, Zhongwen; Yi, Lixian; Tao, Hong; Huang, Jingfang; Jin, Zhenghong; Xiao, Yang; Feng, Caiyun; Sun, Jing


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland mediated by T cells. CD28, a member of costimulatory molecules, plays a pivotal role in regulating T-cell responses. Plasma-soluble CD28 is one form of CD28 in peripheral blood. To investigate the concentrations of soluble CD28 in patients with Graves' disease, we used a sensitive dual monoclonal antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the soluble form of CD28. Our results suggested that mean concentrations of soluble CD28 in plasma of patients with Graves' disease were 1.79 ±1.52 ng/ml, and levels of soluble CD28 in healthy subjects were only 0.83 ±1.35 ng/ml. Concentrations of soluble CD28 detected in patients with Graves' disease were significantly higher than those of healthy subjects (p Graves' disease. Therefore, aberrant elevation of plasma-soluble CD28 in patients with Graves' disease may reflect the dysregulation of immune system, and may serve as a useful biomarker in Graves' disease diagnosis.

  20. Factores que inciden en la penalización del maltrato animal relacionado con el medio ambiente en Tacna periodo 2012 - 2014


    Larico Portugal, Jorge Josmell


    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal exponer cuáles son los factores que inciden y justifican que el bien jurídico protegido en la penalización como delito del maltrato animal esté considerado en los delitos de medio ambiente. De acuerdo a la Metodología empleada, se catalogó como Descriptiva y Explicativa, bajo la modalidad de (proyecto factible), siendo su diseño de campo, no experimental Descriptivo Explicativo (ex post facto). La Población estuvo constituida por los casos...

  1. Hand activities in infantile masturbation: a video analysis of 13 cases. (United States)

    Hansen, Jonas Kjeldbjerg; Balslev, Thomas


    Infantile masturbation is considered a variant of normal behaviour. The abrupt and spontaneous onset, altered sensorium and autonomic phenomena during episodes may suggest an epileptic fit. Therefore, children with infantile masturbation are often admitted to hospital and undergo unnecessary tests. The purpose of the present study was to provide a detailed description of hand activities in infantile masturbation. The authors reviewed video recordings of 2 boys and 11 girls with infantile masturbation. Position, movements and activities of hands and fingers during episodes were registered. Five patterns of hand activities were registered: Fisting (four infants), grasping of toys, furniture or clothing (ten infants), chorea-like "piano playing" hand movements (two infants), pressure over the diaper/genital region (one infant) and bimanual manipulation of items (four infants). Fisting was primarily observed in the younger infants, and bimanual manipulation was primarily seen in the older infants. Recognizing one or more of the five distinct patterns of hand activities in infantile masturbation may help establishing the diagnosis.

  2. Epidemiological survey of graves' disease in Tianjin area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Shuo; Fang Peihua; Lai Zemin; Chen Bingzhong; Lu Tizhang; Zhou Yinbao; Tan Jian; Ni Xiaoyan


    Objective: To study the incidence of Graves' disease and associated factors. Methods: From 1997.4 to 1999.12, by using cluster and stratified sampling, total of 31530 people aged 6 years and over were surveyed epidemiologically for Graves' disease in five districts and one county of Tianjin area where the study subjects had been resided for at least one year. The researching team consisted of endocrinologists, epidemiologists and technicians and was divided into three branches, they served as investigators, professional experts and technicians, respectively. The serum thyroid hormones, thyroid antibodies, iodine in table salt, urine iodine and B-US were examined for the suspected cases, the final diagnoses were concluded by the professional experts. Results: Eighty-nine patients with Graves' disease were confirmed, 26 (0.166%) of them were males and 63(0.397%) of them were females, the total incidence was 0.282%. The incidence significantly associated with sex (female higher than male, P<0.001), age (50-60 group for male and 30-40 group for female higher than others, P<0.001) and family history (the patients with vs without family history, P<0.001). The survey showed an ascending trend of incidence of Graves' disease, along with decreasing of goiter rate and increasing of iodine contents in table salt and in urine. Further research work should be pursued. Conclusion: This study may provide some theoretical basis for prevention and treatment of Graves' disease

  3. Maltrato en los ancianos: un reto a la atención primaria de salud geriátrica Elderly abuse: a challenge to primary geriatric health care

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Martínez Querol


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en la población de adultos mayores de un consultorio del Médico de Familia del Policínico "Ana Betancourt" del municipio Playa, clasificándose la muestra (93 pacientes por grupos de edades, sexo, nivel escolar, ocupacional, estado civil etc., y se les aplicó una encuesta formulario, en la que, además de sus datos generales, se investigó la estructura y funcionamiento de la familia, sus ingresos económicos y la ayuda recibida, su procedencia, así como también el trato recibido de familiares, amigos, allegados, etc. En la investigación se encontró que 41 (44 % eran objeto de abuso o maltrato en algunas de sus modalidades, siendo el perfil más frecuente el económico financiero con 19 casos (35 %, seguido del maltrato psicológico con 18 (33 %, la desatención en 15 (27 % y el maltrato físico en 3 (5 %. Se relacionó además el funcionamiento familiar de los hogares de donde proceden los ancianos maltratados.A descriptive cross-sectional study was undertaken in the population of older adults from a family physician's office of "Ana Betancourt" Polyclinic, in Playa municipality. The sample (93 patients was classified by groups according to age, sex, educational level, occupation, marital status, etc. In addition to their general data, the family structure and functioning, its incomes, the assistance received, its origin, the treatment given by close relatives and friends, etc., were also investigated by applying a questionnaire-survey. It was found that 41 (44 % were abused or mistreated in some way . The economic financial profile was the most frequent with 19 cases (35 %, followed by psychiological abuse with 18 (33 %, lack of attention in 15 (27 % and physical abuse in 3 (5 %. The family functioning of the houses where the elderly abused lived was also exposed.

  4. Salud infantil, expresión corporal, enfoque globalizador en educación infantil : programa preventivo de la obesidad infantil


    Torres Soltero, Fátima


    La obesidad infantil, es mucho más que un problema simplemente estético, pues su presencia, como hemos podido observar, conlleva una serie de riesgos para los niños/as, en este caso, afectados. Y lo más importante es que estos niños/as cuando sean adultos sepan prevenirla

  5. Impacto emocional en estudiantes de pedagogía ante eventos de maltrato en la práctica profesional / Emotional impact on pedagogy students faced with abuse during professional practice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denisse Alejandra Jaramillo Sandoval


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender la experiencia emocional de los estudiantes de pedagogía al enfrentarse a eventos de maltrato por parte de los docentes del establecimiento, en sus prácticas profesionales. Desde el enfoque cualitativo y utilizando la técnica de incidentes críticos, se entrevistó a 12 estudiantes que experimentaron maltrato durante su práctica y se recabó 15 incidentes críticos. De esta muestra, se categorizaron 5 conductas de maltrato, de las cuales, la angustia, la rabia e inseguridad fueron las principales emociones que manifestaron los estudiantes. Para ellos, dicha experiencia tuvo un intenso impacto emocional, asociándose a altos nivel de estrés. Se discute por una parte que estos eventos provocaron un significativo cuestionamiento en su identidad profesional y, por otra parte, sobre la importancia de fortalecer las habilidades socioemocionales en la formación docente, de modo que se maneje adecuadamente los conflictos y conservar el bienestar psicológico. ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to understand the emotional experience of pedagogy students faced with abusive events caused by teachers of the institution during their professional practice. From the qualitative approach, and using the critical incidents technique, we interviewed 12 students who experienced abuse during their practice and gathered 15 critical incidents. From this sample, it was categorized 5 abusive behaviors of which anguish, anger, and insecurity were the main emotions expressed by the students. For them, such experience had an intense emotional impact associating it with high levels of stress. The discussion that these events caused them to significantly question in their professional identity; and on the other hand, regarding the importance of strengthening the socio-emotional skills in teacher training, so that conflicts are managed properly – thereby maintaining the psychological well-being.

  6. Infantile masturbation and paroxysmal disorders. (United States)

    Omran, Mohammadreza Salehi; Ghofrani, Mohammad; Juibary, Ali Ghabeli


    A recurrent paroxysmal presentation in children leads to different diagnoses and among them are neurologic and cardiac etiologies. Infantile masturbation is not a well known entity and cannot be differentiated easily from other disorders. Aim of this study is to elucidate and differentiate this condition from epileptic seizures. We report 3 cases of 10 to 30 mth old girls of infantile masturbation that their symptoms initiated at 2, 3 and 8 mth of age. These present with contraction and extension of lower extremities, scissoring of legs, perspiration, changing face color. In 2 cases body rocking and legs rubbing initiated then there after. Masturbation is one of the paroxysmal non-epileptic conditions of early infancy and is in differential diagnosis of epileptic seizures.

  7. Changes of hepatofibrosis markers in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Feihua; Xu Haifeng; Zhou Runsuo; Gao Feng; Wang Lei


    Objective: To study the changes of hepatofibrosis markers (IV-C, PC III, HA, LN) in Graves' disease. Methods: Serum levels of hepatofibrosis were measured with RIA in 40 patients with Graves' disease (CD) before any treatment and 35 patients with Graves' disease after successful anti-thyroid drug therapy as well as in 30 controls. Results: The serum IV-C and PC III levels in GD patients were significant higher than those in controls before treatment (P<0.01). After successful treatment, the IV-C, PC III levels dropped markedly (vs before treatment, P<0.01). However, there were no significant differences among the serum HA, LN levels in all the subjects tested. Conclusion: Serum levels of IV-C and PC III increased markedly with hyperthyroidim. When IV-C and PC III levels were taken for assessment of degree of hepatofibeosis, GD must be ruled out first. (authors)

  8. Grave's Disease and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis—An Unusual and Challenging Association


    Shetty, Shiran; Rajasekaran, Senthilkumar; Venkatakrishnan, Leela


    Jaundice in Grave's diseases is uncommon, but when it does occur, complication of thyrotoxicosis (heart failure/infection) or intrinsic liver disease should be considered. Grave's disease can cause asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and rarely acute liver failure. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases like autoimmune hepatitis, or primary biliary cirrhosis. The cause of jaundice in Grave's disease is multifactorial.

  9. Grave's Disease and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis-An Unusual and Challenging Association. (United States)

    Shetty, Shiran; Rajasekaran, Senthilkumar; Venkatakrishnan, Leela


    Jaundice in Grave's diseases is uncommon, but when it does occur, complication of thyrotoxicosis (heart failure/infection) or intrinsic liver disease should be considered. Grave's disease can cause asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and rarely acute liver failure. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases like autoimmune hepatitis, or primary biliary cirrhosis. The cause of jaundice in Grave's disease is multifactorial.

  10. Behandling af infantile spasmer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærsgård, Lars; Rasmussen, Niels


    Infantile spasms (IS) are characterised by neurodevelopmental regression, a unique type of seizures and a hypsarrhythmic EEG pattern. Studies recommend the medical treatment of IS as a positive short-term outcome with respect to the spasms and in the resolution of the hypsarrhythmia. However...

  11. Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Rikke Neess; Garne, Ester; Loane, Maria


    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to present epidemiologic data on infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS) from seven well-defined European regions, and to compare incidence and changes in incidence over time between these regions. METHODS: This was a population-based study using ...

  12. Creatividad y Educación Artística en la etapa de infantil


    Hernando Martín, Carmen


    En el TFG propuesto se desarrolla la creatividad y la educación artística en la etapa de infantil. Para ello, haré hincapié en el dibujo infantil y la representación de la figura humana. Grado en Educación Infantil

  13. Smoking and other lifestyle factors and the risk of Graves' hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Holm, Ingrid A; Manson, Joann E; Michels, Karin B; Alexander, Erik K; Willett, Walter C; Utiger, Robert D


    Hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease is common in women, yet little is known about risk factors for the disease. We sought to determine whether lifestyle factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity level, and body mass index, are risk factors for Graves' hyperthyroidism. This analysis was conducted using data from the Nurses' Health Study II, among 115109 women aged 25 to 42 at entry. Incident reports of women with Graves' hyperthyroidism, confirmed to have the disorder, were included. During 1 328 270 person-years of follow-up, incident diagnoses of Graves' hyperthyroidism were confirmed in 543 women; the 12-year incidence was 4.6 per 1000 women. Cigarette smoking was a predictor of Graves' hyperthyroidism. The hazard ratio among current smokers was 1.93 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.54-2.43), and among past smokers it was 1.27 (95% CI, 1.03-1.56), after adjusting for recent pregnancy, parity, and other variables. Among current smokers, the hazard ratio increased with the intensity of smoking and was 2.63 (95% CI, 1.71-4.04) among women who smoked 25 or more cigarettes daily. Obesity was associated with a decreased risk of Graves' hyperthyroidism. The hazard ratio for the disorder among women with a body mass index of 30 kg/m(2) or higher was 0.68 (95% CI, 0.49-0.92). Alcohol intake and physical activity level were not associated with risk of Graves' hyperthyroidism. Smoking is a risk factor for Graves' hyperthyroidism in women. Obesity may be associated with a reduced risk, although weight loss as the first manifestation of hyperthyroidism cannot be excluded.

  14. Body mass index in male and female children with infantile autism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mouridsen, Svend Erik; Rich, Bente; Isager, Torben


    was to evaluate body mass index (BMI) of children with infantile autism, by comparing the BMI of 117 children with infantile autism with the corresponding BMI percentiles in an age- and sex-matched reference population. The BMI distribution of the male, but not female, children with infantile autism...... was significantly lower than that of the age-matched reference population. There was no evidence that BMI was associated with intelligence or socioeconomic status among children with infantile autism.......Morphometry, the measurement of forms, is an ancient practice. Recently, evidence has grown to support the notion that aberrant neurodevelopment may play a role in the pathophysiology of autism. Is the body, like the brain, affected by abnormal development in these patients? The aim of this study...

  15. Primary biliary cirrhosis associated with Graves' disease in a male patient. (United States)

    Suzuki, Yuji; Ishida, Kazuyuki; Takahashi, Hiroshi; Koeda, Norihiko; Kakisaka, Keisuke; Miyamoto, Yasuhiro; Suzuki, Akiko; Takikawa, Yasuhiro


    Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), which predominantly affects women, has been associated with various autoimmune diseases. Although hypothyroidism accompanying PBC is well documented, the concomitance of PBC and hyperthyroidism is rare. Herein, we report the case of a 62-year-old man who was diagnosed with PBC several years after the development of Graves' disease. This is the first case of a male patient developing PBC with Graves' disease. Both serum alanine aminotransferase levels and serum thyroid hormone levels were normalized after the administration of thiamazole for Graves' disease. However, the cholestatic liver enzyme abnormalities continued, indicating that the PBC was actualized by the administration of thiamazole. After starting ursodeoxycholic acid treatment, cholestatic liver enzyme abnormalities improved. Taken together, when a cholestatic pattern of liver enzymes is observed during follow-up for Graves' disease, an association between Graves' disease and PBC should be considered as a differential diagnosis.

  16. The Early vs. Late Infantile Strabismus Surgery Study: Monitoring Report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    H.J. Simonsz (Huib)


    textabstractAbstract: The Early vs. Late Infantile Strabismus Surgery Study Group is a group of strabismologists and orthoptists who investigate whether early or late surgery is preferable in infantile strabismus, in a non-randomized, prospective, multi-center trial. Infants between six and 18

  17. Grave's Disease and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis—An Unusual and Challenging Association (United States)

    Shetty, Shiran; Rajasekaran, Senthilkumar; Venkatakrishnan, Leela


    Jaundice in Grave's diseases is uncommon, but when it does occur, complication of thyrotoxicosis (heart failure/infection) or intrinsic liver disease should be considered. Grave's disease can cause asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and rarely acute liver failure. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases like autoimmune hepatitis, or primary biliary cirrhosis. The cause of jaundice in Grave's disease is multifactorial. PMID:25755537

  18. A case of infantile osteopetrosis: The radioclinical features with literature update. (United States)

    El-Sobky, Tamer Ahmed; Elsobky, Ezzat; Sadek, Ismaiel; Elsayed, Solaf M; Khattab, Mohamed Fawzy


    Osteopetrosis is a rare hereditary metabolic bone disorder characterized by generalized skeletal sclerosis caused by a defect in bone resorption and remodelling. Infantile autosomal recessive osteopetrosis is one of three subtypes of osteopetrosis and the most severe form. The correct and early diagnosis of infantile osteopetrosis is important for management of complications and for future genetic counselling. Diagnosis is largely based on clinical and radiographic evaluation, confirmed by gene testing where applicable. Therefore, in this case study the classical clinical and radiological signs of a boy with infantile osteopetrosis will be presented with a comprehensive literature update. The differentiating signs from other causes of hereditary osteosclerosing dysplasias are discussed. This case study and review of available literature show that there tends to be a highly unique clinical and skeletal radiographic pattern of affection in infantile osteopetrosis. Although tremendous advances have been made in the elucidation of the genetic defect of osteopetrosis over the past years, the role of accurate clinical and radiological assessment remains an important contributor to the diagnosis of infantile osteopetrosis.


    Vincent, P J; Garg, M K; Singh, Y; Bhalla, V P; Datta, S


    Treatment options for Grave's disease include radio-iodine ablation, which is the standard treatment in the USA, antithyroid drug therapy, which is popular in Japan, and surgery, which is commonly employed in Europe and India. There are very few reports about the outcome of surgery in Grave's disease in the Indian setting. Surgery for Grave's disease is an attractive option in under developed countries to cut short prolonged drug treatment, costly follow up and avoid the need for radio-isotope facilities for 1311 ablation. Aim of the present study was to assess the result of subtotal thyroidectomy in 32 cases of Grave's Disease referred for surgery by the endocrinologist in a teaching hospital. Patients were prepared for surgery with Lugol's iodine and propranalol. Subtotal thyroidectomy was performed by a standard technique, which included dissection and exposure of recurrent laryngeal nerves and parathyroid glands. Actual estimation of weight of the remnant gland was not part of the study. Duration of follow up ranged from 6 months to 4 years. 13 of 32 cases were males. Age ranged from 20 to 57 years. There was 1 death in the immediate post-operative period. There were no cases of permanent hypoparathyroidism or recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. 1 patient developed temporary hypoparathyroidism. 1 patient developed recurrence of hyperthyroidism and 3 cases developed hypothyroidism all within 2 years of surgery. The study has demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of surgery for Grave's Disease in comparison to the reported high incidence of hypothyroidism following radio-iodine therapy and high recurrence rate after anti thyroid drug therapy.

  20. Mortalidad infantil y migración en Chiapas, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olga Lidia Lópes-Gonzáles


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar, en términos causales, la relación entre mortalidad infantil y migración en cuatro zonas socioeconómicas de la región Soconusco en Chiapas, México. El análisis de este estudio se basó en los resultados de una encuesta socio demográfica y de salud con base poblacional (probabilística que se llevó a cabo en el Soconusco, Chiapas en 1996-97. Se contrastan zonas con distinta condición socioeconómica, cultural y productiva. Se realizó análisis de regresión lineal y logística para identificar el efecto de la migración y la mortalidad infantil, así como de la migración y la zona geográfica sobre la tasa de mortalidad infantil. Los datos muestran que aunque más del 70% de la varianza de la mortalidad infantil se explica por la migración, no existe evidencia de una relación causal concluyente. La relación identificada entre mortalidad infantil, migración y zonas geográficas orientan a una explicación alternativa. Planteamos la hipótesis de que en la región estudiada, la magnitud y características de la emigración, así como de las tasas de mortalidad infantil, son consecuencia de las condiciones de vulnerabilidad económica y social de las poblaciones.

  1. Mortalidad infantil y migración en Chiapas, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olga Lidia Lópes-Gonzáles


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar, en términos causales, la relación entre mortalidad infantil y migración en cuatro zonas socioeconómicas de la región Soconusco en Chiapas, México. El análisis de este estudio se basó en los resultados de una encuesta socio demográfica y de salud con base poblacional (probabilística que se llevó a cabo en el Soconusco, Chiapas en 1996-97. Se contrastan zonas con distinta condición socioeconómica, cultural y productiva. Se realizó análisis de regresión lineal y logística para identificar el efecto de la migración y la mortalidad infantil, así como de la migración y la zona geográfica sobre la tasa de mortalidad infantil. Los datos muestran que aunque más del 70% de la varianza de la mortalidad infantil se explica por la migración, no existe evidencia de una relación causal concluyente. La relación identificada entre mortalidad infantil, migración y zonas geográficas orientan a una explicación alternativa. Planteamos la hipótesis de que en la región estudiada, la magnitud y características de la emigración, así como de las tasas de mortalidad infantil, son consecuencia de las condiciones de vulnerabilidad económica y social de las poblaciones.

  2. Prevention of Graves' ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Bartalena, Luigi


    Smoking is the most important risk factor for the occurrence/progression of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO), as well as for its lower/slower response to immunosuppression. Accordingly, refrain from smoking should be urged, both as primary prevention (removal of risk factors in Graves' patients without GO), secondary prevention (early detection and treatment of asymptomatic/very mild GO) and tertiary prevention (reduction of complications/disability of overt GO). A 6-month course of 200 μg/day sodium selenite can prevent progression of mild GO to more severe GO and is, therefore, a form of secondary prevention and, probably, primary prevention. Correction of thyroid dysfunction and stable maintenance of euthyroidism are important preventive measures. The optimal treatment for hyperthyroidism in patients with GO is uncertain, because evidence demonstrating the superiority of antithyroid drugs over thyroid ablation (radioiodine, thyroidectomy, or both) is lacking. If radioiodine is used, low-dose steroid prophylaxis is recommended, particularly in smokers, to prevent radioiodine-associated GO progression. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. El timerosal y las enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Maya


    Full Text Available Se evalúa la relación causal entre el timerosal (etilmercurio, como preservante en las vacunas pediátricas, y el incremento de casos de enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil, como consecuencia de la ampliación de los esquemas de inmunización. Se revisó la información científica, relacionando el timerosal y las evidencias que permitan evaluar una posible asociación causal, con estudios epidemiológicos, ecológicos, biomoleculares y toxicológicos, de bioseguridad, toxicológicos fetales y sobre salud reproductiva. Se encontró múltiples asociaciones entre la exposición a timerosal y las enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil. Tal neurotoxicidad ocurre en los infantes y fetos de gestantes vacunadas por dosis acumulativa de mercurio. Las diversas evidencias implican al timerosal como el agente causante, agravante o disparador de las enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil. La toxicidad del mercurio obligó al retiro progresivo del timerosal de los medicamentos. Lamentablemente, en las vacunas, ha habido una sustancial demora en la demostración de su impacto negativo. Actualmente, existen vacunas sin timerosal, cuyo uso está ocasionando la disminución de la incidencia de las enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil.

  4. Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 affect the severity of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Di Cerbo, Alfredo; Pezzuto, Federica; Di Cerbo, Alessandro


    Graves' disease, the most common form of hyperthyroidism in iodine-replete countries, is associated with the presence of immunoglobulins G (IgGs) that are responsible for thyroid growth and hyperfunction. In this article, we report the unusual case of a patient with acromegaly and a severe form of Graves' disease. Here, we address the issue concerning the role of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) in influencing thyroid function. Severity of Graves' disease is exacerbated by coexistent acromegaly and both activity indexes and symptoms and signs of Graves' disease improve after the surgical remission of acromegaly. We also discuss by which signaling pathways GH and IGF1 may play an integrating role in regulating the function of the immune system in Graves' disease and synergize the stimulatory activity of Graves' IgGs. Clinical observations have demonstrated an increased prevalence of euthyroid and hyperthyroid goiters in patients with acromegaly.The coexistence of acromegaly and Graves' disease is a very unusual event, the prevalence being Graves' disease associated with acromegaly and show that surgical remission of acromegaly leads to a better control of symptoms of Graves' disease.

  5. Total thyroidectomy: is morbidity higher for Graves' disease than nontoxic goiter? (United States)

    Welch, Kellen C; McHenry, Christopher R


    Total thyroidectomy for treatment of Graves' disease is controversial and much of the debate centers on the concern for complications. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morbidity of total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease and determine if it is different than for patients with nontoxic nodular goiter. The rates of life threatening neck hematoma, recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury, transient hypocalcemia, and hypoparathyroidism were determined for consecutive patients with Graves' disease treated with total thyroidectomy from 1996 to 2010. Results were compared with patients who underwent total thyroidectomy for nontoxic nodular goiter during the same period, matched for the weight of the excised thyroid gland. Total thyroidectomy was performed in 111 patients with Graves' disease (group I) and 283 patients with nontoxic nodular goiter (group II). Parathyroid autotransplantation was performed in 31(28%) patients in group I and 98 (35%) patients in group II (P = NS). Comparative analysis of morbidity revealed no significant difference in neck hematoma, 0(0%) (I) versus 3(1%) (II); permanent RLN injury, 0(0%) (I) versus 2(1%) (II); and permanent hypoparathyroidism in 1(1%) (I) versus 1 (0.4%) (II) (P = NS). Transient hypocalcemia was more common in patients with Graves' disease, 80(72%) (I) versus 170 (60%) (II) (P Graves' disease; only transient hypocalcemia occurred more often than in patients with nodular goiter. Total thyroidectomy should be presented as a therapeutic option for all patients with Graves' disease. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Simultaneous induction of Graves' hyperthyroidism and Graves' ophthalmopathy by TSHR genetic immunization in BALB/c mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nan Xia

    Full Text Available Graves' disease is the most common form of autoimmune thyroid disorder, characterized by hyperthyroidism due to circulating autoantibodies. To address the pathological features and establish a therapeutic approach of this disease, an animal model carrying the phenotype of Graves' disease (GD in concert with Graves' Ophthalmopathy (GO will be very important. However, there are no ideal animal models that are currently available. The aim of the present study is to establish an animal model of GD and GO disease, and its pathological features were further characterized.A recombinant plasmid pcDNA3.1- T289 was constructed by inserting the TSHR A-subunit gene into the expression vector pcDNA3.1, and genetic immunization was successfully performed by intramuscular injection of the plasmid pcDNA3.1-T289 on female 8-week-old BALB/c mice. Each injection was immediately followed by in vivo electroporation using ECM830 square wave electroporator. Morphological changes of the eyes were examined using 7.0T MRI scanner. Levels of serum T4 and TSHR antibodies (TRAb were assessed by ELISA. The pathological changes of the thyroid and orbital tissues were examined by histological staining such as H&E staining and Alcian blue staining.More than 90% of the immunized mice spontaneously developed goiter, and about 80% of the immunized mice manifested increased serum T4 and TRAb levels, combined with hypertrophy and hyperplasia of thyroid follicles. A significantly increased synthesis of hyaluronic acid was detected in in the immunized mice compared with the control groups.We have successfully established an animal model manifesting Graves' hyperthyroidism and ophthalmopathy, which provides a useful tool for future study of the pathological features and the development of novel therapies of the diseases.

  7. ¿Igualdad en educación infantil?


    Vélez Sales, Paula


    Treball final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016 Este trabajo tiene como objeto realizar una revisión teórica sobre las desigualdades en la etapa de infantil, sus causas y consecuencias. Para ello, estudiaremos las aportaciones teóricas más relevantes sobre las desigualdades sociales, culturales, económicas y políticas que influyen en la escuela. La metodología se ha basado en las búsquedas bibliográficas relacionadas con el tema de la ...

  8. Graves, Ancestors and Cement in Land disputes in Acholi and Ikland, Uganda

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meinert, Lotte; Willerslev, Rane; Seebach, Sophie Hooge


    graves are made concrete and increasingly cemented indices of belonging in wrangles over land. Belonging is often justified through the presence of ancestor graves on land. The cementing of graves turns them into more concrete and durable proofs of ownership, and the reburial of relatives to disputed......The paper explores the roles of graves, ancestors and concrete pillars in disputes over land across different land-systems, -conflicts, and territory making in northern Uganda by comparing extended cases between Acholi in Gulu district and Ik in Kaabong district . In the post-conflict Acholi region...

  9. Pretibial myxedema without ophthalmopathy: an initial presentation of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Lohiya, Sheela; Lohiya, Vipin; Stahl, Elizabeth J


    To report a rare case of Graves' disease without ophthalmopathy presenting with pretibial myxedema (PM) as an initial presentation. We present the clinical history, physical findings, laboratory studies and biopsy data of a 62-year-old man with a history of uncontrolled type 2 diabetes (DM2) presenting with arm and leg skin lesions in the absence of other physical findings. Histopathology confirmed PM. Graves' disease and its association with PM without Graves' ophthalmopathy and the pertinent literature are reviewed. A 60-year-old man with a history of uncontrolled DM2 presented for glycemic management. He described symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and fatigue for the last 5 to 6 months. He described diffuse chest pain, occasionally associated with palpitations, and a 50-pound weight loss. He also complained of severe itching and burning of his arms and legs for the past several months. Subsequent thyroid studies revealed hyperthyroidism suggestive of Graves' disease. In the interim, he was hospitalized for atrial flutter and was cardioverted. After being started on methimazole, his symptoms abated. His skin lesions were biopsied, and the leg biopsy was consistent with PM. He however had no lid lag or proptosis characteristic of Graves' disease. He subsequently underwent radioiodine ablation. His hyperglycemia was better control led after treatment of his hyperthyroidism. PM is an autoimmune manifestation of Graves' disease. Almost all cases of thyroid dermopathy are associated with relatively severe ophthalmopathy. Usually ophthalmopathy appears first and dermopathy much later. However, this case represents a rare initial presentation of Graves' disease with PM without ophthalmologic symptoms or findings. Hyperthyroidism is typically associated with worsening glycemic control and increased insulin requirements. In patients with diabetes having hyperthyroidism, deterioration in glycemic control should be anticipated and treatment should be adjusted accordingly

  10. Pancytopenia in a Patient with Grave's Disease. (United States)

    Loh, Huai Heng; Tan, Florence


    Pancytopenia can rarely complicate Grave's disease. It can be due to uncontrolled thyrotoxicosis or as a result of rare side effect of antithyroid medication. Pernicious anemia leading to Vitamin B12 deficiency is another rare associated cause. We report a case of a patient with Grave's disease and undiagnosed pernicious anemia whom was assumed to have antithyroid drug induced pancytopenia. Failure to recognize this rare association of pernicious anemia as a cause of pancytopenia had resulted in delay in treatment and neurological complication in our patient.

  11. Development of Graves' ophthalmopathy and uveitis after radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease in a patient with HTLA-I associated myelopathy (HAM)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozawa, Yasunori; Migita, Masayoshi; Watanabe, Tomoji; Okuda, Itsuko; Takeshita, Akira; Takagi, Akio; Shishiba, Yoshimasa (Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo (Japan))


    HTLV-I carriers or patients with HTLV-I associated myelopathy (HAM) are prone to immune-mediated inflammatory disorders. We present a 44-year-old female with HAM who developed Graves' disease. She developed severe Graves' ophthalmopathy shortly after [sup 131]I therapy, concurrently with a remarkable increase in TSH-receptor antibody titer. Ophthalmopathy was aggravated in spite of prednisolone therapy and euthyroidism being maintained by thyroxine replacement. Uveitis also developed after [sup 131]I therapy and iridocyclitis finally required trabeculotomy. This case suggests that HAM patients may have a higher risk of immune-mediated Graves' ophthalmopathy after [sup 131]I therapy.(author).

  12. Genetic susceptibility to Grave's disease. (United States)

    Li, Hong; Chen, Qiuying


    The variety of clinical presentations of eye changes in patients with Graves' disease (GD) suggests that complex interactions between genetic, environmental, endogenous and local factors influence the severity of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO). It is thought that the development of GO might be influenced by genetic factors and environmental factors, such as cigarette smoking. At present, however, the role of genetic factors in the development of GO is not known. On the basis of studies with candidate genes and other genetic approaches, several susceptibility loci in GO have been proposed, including immunological genes, human leukocyte antigen (HLA), cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4), regulatory T-cell genes and thyroid-specific genes. This review gives a brief overview of the current range of major susceptibility genes found for GD.

  13. Development of Graves' disease following radiation therapy in Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loeffler, J.S.; Tarbell, N.J.; Garber, J.R.; Mauch, P.


    Radiation-related thyroid dysfunction is a common occurrence in patients with Hodgkin's disease treated with mantle field radiation. Although chemical and clinical hypothyroidism are most commonly seen, Graves' disease has also been described. We have examined the records of 437 surgically staged patients who received mantle field irradiation between April 1969 and December 1980 to ascertain the frequency of manifestations of Graves' disease. Within this group, seven patients developed hyperthyroidism accompanied by ophthalmic findings typical of those seen in Graves' disease. The actuarial risk of developing Graves' disease at 10 years following mantle irradiation for Hodgkin's disease was 3.3% in female patients and 1% in male patients in this study. The observed/expected ratios were 5.9 and 5.1 for female and male patients, respectively. This observed risk significantly exceeded that seen in the general population

  14. Persistent hyperthyroidism and de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy after total thyroidectomy. (United States)

    Tay, Wei Lin; Loh, Wann Jia; Lee, Lianne Ai Ling; Chng, Chiaw Ling


    We report a patient with Graves' disease who remained persistently hyperthyroid after a total thyroidectomy and also developed de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy 5 months after surgery. She was subsequently found to have a mature cystic teratoma containing struma ovarii after undergoing a total hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy for an incidental ovarian lesion. It is important to investigate for other causes of primary hyperthyroidism when thyrotoxicosis persists after total thyroidectomy.TSH receptor antibody may persist after total thyroidectomy and may potentially contribute to the development of de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy.

  15. Applied anatomy of thyroid arteries for interventional embolization of Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Zhongxiang; Zhao Wei; Hou Jialin; Xiang Shutian; Li Liyuan; Zou Zhirong; Li Xingguo; Song Dianping; Yuan Jianhua


    Objective: To explore the anatomy and imaging manifestations of thyroid arteries for improving the efficiency and lowering the complication in interventional embolization of Graves' disease. Methods: Thyroid arteries were investigated, including 16 adult cadavers (Cadaver group), 8 non-thyropathic patients (Normal group)and 17 Graves patients (Graves group). The inner diameters of the trunk and supplying branches of thyroid artery, the angles between the origination of branches and the beginning of the trunk, and the angles between the trunk of thyroid artery and carotid or subclavian artery were measured. In addition, data of the three groups were statistically analyzed. Results: Many non-thyroid arterial branches arose from thyroid artery, with no statistical difference in their indexes between Cadaver group and Normal group. The thyroid arteries showed much longer, obviously wider in diameter, and larger angles between the trunk of thyroid artery and carotid artery in Graves group than those of Cadaver group and Normal group; outcoming with significant statistical differences; and furthermore, with increase of interglandular branches and dangerous internal and external anastomoses. Conclusions: The specific thyroid arterial changes of Graves' disease are helpful for the interventional embolization. Non-thyroid branches and dangerous anastomoses should not be embolized as far as possible, for decreasing the complications of the interventional procedure for Graves' disease. (authors)

  16. Serum immunoglobulin G4 levels and Graves' disease phenotype. (United States)

    Martin, Carmen Sorina; Sirbu, Anca Elena; Betivoiu, Minodora Andreea; Florea, Suzana; Barbu, Carmen Gabriela; Fica, Simona Vasilica


    We investigated, at diagnosis, the relationship between serum immunoglobulin G4 levels and the main characteristics of Graves' disease: hyperthyroidism severity, goiter size, presence of active Graves' ophthalmopathy, antithyroid antibodies status, and titer. This prospective study included 80 newly diagnosed Graves' disease patients. The main parameters measured at diagnosis: thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine, total triiodothyronine, thyroglobulin, antithyroid peroxidase antibodies, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibodies, immunoglobulin G4. In Graves' disease patients, serum immunoglobulin G4 levels were higher than in general population (p = 0.028) and higher in men compared to women (p = 0.002). Only one female patient with intense hypoechoic goiter, high anti-thyroglobulin antibody, and antithyroid peroxidase antibody titers had an elevated serum immunoglobulin G4 level at diagnosis. Patients with immunoglobulin G4 levels above the 75th percentile (>237.52 mg/dl, N = 20) were younger at Graves' ophthalmopathy onset (p 286.28 mg/dl, N = 8) had lower total triiodothyronine values (p = 0.001) than patients with IgG below the 90th percentile. No significant correlations were found between smoking status (p = 0.58), goiter size (p = 0.50), the presence of ophthalmopathy (p = 0.42) or thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody titers (p = 0.45) and the mean value of immunoglobulin G4 levels at diagnosis. Our data suggest that Graves' disease patients with elevated immunoglobulin G4 levels at diagnosis have a phenotype characterized by higher anti-thyroglobulin antibody and antithyroid peroxidase antibody titers, less severe T3 hyperthyroidism, younger age at ophthalmopathy onset and require a shorter duration of the first methimazole treatment cycle.

  17. Clinical significance of determination of serum TRAb levels in patients with relapsing graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Chunlei; Zhou Jiaqiang; Li Wenpeng


    Objective: To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum TRAb levels in patients with relapsing Graves' disease. Methods: Serum TRAb (with RRA) and several other thyroid-related hormones (TT 4 , TT 3 , TSH, FT 3 , with CLIA) were determined in the following subjects: 1. 25 cases of relapsing Graves' disease after previous successful treatment; 2. 18 cases of recently diagnosed Graves' disease; 3. 31 cases of successfully treated Graves' disease; 4. 15 cases of simple goiter; 5. 10 cases of nodular goiter; 6. 18 cases of hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto disease. Results: Positive rate of TRAb was 76.00% in patients with relapsing Graves' disease and 77.78% in recently diagnosed Graves' disease cases, both being significantly higher than that in all the other sets of patients studied (P<0.01). Conclusion: Determination of serum TRAb levels was helpful for the diagnosis of relapse in Graves' disease

  18. Solitary infantile choriocarcinoma of the liver: MRI findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoef, Marianne van der; Willi, Ulrich V.; Huisman, Thierry A.G.M. [University Children' s Hospital Zurich, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Zurich (Switzerland); Niggli, Felix K. [University Children' s Hospital Zurich, Department of Paediatrics, Zurich (Switzerland)


    Infantile hepatic choriocarcinoma is a rare, highly malignant germ-cell tumour believed to result from a choriocarcinoma of the placenta that spreads to the child. Most infants present with a characteristic clinical picture of anaemia, hepatomegaly and precocious puberty. Imaging findings, including conventional MRI, may be non-specific. To improve the accuracy of diagnosis, we present the imaging findings of contrast-enhanced dynamic MRI in a 4.5-month-old boy with infantile hepatic choriocarcinoma. (orig.)

  19. Factores asociados a síntomas depresivos en trabajadoras sexuales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingrid Mercedes Bohórquez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las condiciones de trabajo y la violencia ejercida contra las trabajadoras sexuales han sido relacionadas con el incremento de las tasas de infecciones de transmisión sexual. Sin embargo, también se encuentran enfermedades que afectan su salud mental. Objetivos: Determinar la magnitud de síntomas depresivos y factores asociados en trabajadoras sexuales. Diseño: Estudio transversal-analítico. Lugar: Centro de salud referencial para la prevención y control de infecciones de transmisión sexual. Participantes: Trabajadoras sexuales. Intervenciones: A 117 trabajadoras sexuales, que fueron atendidas durante los meses de mayo y junio del 2010, se aplicó el test de Beck para medir la sintomatología depresiva y una encuesta para medir los siguientes factores: socio-demográficos, sociales (antecedentes de maltrato físico, psicológico y sexual en el trabajo y hábitos nocivos: alcohol y drogas, conductas sexuales de riesgo y características del trabajo (edad de inicio, años de trabajo, satisfacción con el trabajo. Principales medidas de resultados: Porcentaje de síntomas depresivos y fuerza de asociación entre los factores y la presencia de síntomas depresivos. Resultados: El 56,4% de las trabajadoras sexuales presentó algún nivel de sintomatología depresiva. El nivel de síntomas depresivos graves estuvo presente en 23,9%. Los factores que se encontraron asociados a depresión, independiente del nivel, fue el antecedente de maltrato físico frecuente, con OR=9,46, IC95% 1,05 a 85,07; p=0,045. Los factores asociados a nivel de síntomas depresivos graves fueron: ingreso económico menor a S/. 1 000.00, tener hijos, haberse iniciado en el trabajo sexual antes de los 18 años y consumo de drogas (p<0,05. Conclusiones: Más de 50% de trabajadoras presentó algún nivel de síntomas depresivos, que estuvieron asociados al antecedente de maltrato físico. Para el nivel síntomas depresivos graves, los factores asociados

  20. Postoperative Outcomes in Graves' Disease Patients: Results from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database. (United States)

    Rubio, Gustavo A; Koru-Sengul, Tulay; Vaghaiwalla, Tanaz M; Parikh, Punam P; Farra, Josefina C; Lew, John I


    Current surgical indications for Graves' disease include intractability to medical and/or radioablative therapy, compressive symptoms, and worsening ophthalmopathy. Total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease may be technically challenging and lead to untoward perioperative outcomes. This study examines outcomes in patients with Graves' disease who underwent total thyroidectomy and assesses its safety for this patient population. A retrospective cross-sectional analysis was performed using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample database from 2006 to 2011. Total thyroidectomy performed in patients with Graves' disease, benign multinodular goiter (MNG), and thyroid cancer was identified. Demographic factors, comorbidities, and postoperative complications were evaluated. Chi-square, one-way analysis of variance, and risk-adjusted multivariable logistic regression were performed. Of 215,068 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy during the study period, 11,205 (5.2%) had Graves' disease, 110,124 (51.2%) MNG, and 93,739 (43.6%) thyroid malignancy. Patients with Graves' disease were younger than MNG and thyroid cancer patients (M age  = 42.8 years vs. 55.5 and 51.0 years; p Graves' disease group included a higher proportion of women (p Graves' disease was independently associated with a higher risk of vocal-cord paralysis (odds ratio [OR] = 1.36 [confidence interval (CI) 1.08-1.69]), tracheostomy (OR = 1.35 [CI 1.1-1.67]), postoperative hypocalcemia (OR = 1.65 [CI 1.54-1.77]), and hematoma requiring reoperation (OR = 2.79 [CI 2.16-3.62]) compared to MNG patients. High-volume centers for total thyroidectomy were independently associated with lower risk of postoperative complications, including in patients with Graves' disease. Despite low overall morbidity following total thyroidectomy, Graves' disease patients are at increased risk of postoperative complications, including bleeding, vocal-cord paralysis, tracheostomy, and hypocalcemia. These risks appear

  1. Characteristics of patients with graves disease and intrathyroid hypovascularity compared to painless thyroiditis. (United States)

    Uchida, Toyoyoshi; Shigihara, Nayumi; Takeno, Kageumi; Komiya, Koji; Goto, Hiromasa; Abe, Hiroko; Sato, Junko; Honda, Akira; Fujitani, Yoshio; Watada, Hirotaka


    The purpose of this study was to assess the frequency and sonographic and laboratory characteristics of Graves disease with intrathyroid hypovascularity in Japanese patients and to compare these characteristics in patients with painless thyroiditis. A total of 194 consecutive patients with Graves disease and 21 patients with painless thyroiditis were enrolled. The patients underwent thyroid volume measurement, mean superior thyroid artery peak systolic velocity (PSV) measurement, power Doppler sonography, and proper blood testing to discriminate between Graves disease and painless thyroiditis. Based on the power Doppler sonographic findings, they were divided into 4 groups: from pattern 0 (most hypovascular thyroid) to pattern III (most hypervascular thyroid). Comparisons of multiple thyroid parameters were made among the groups. The prevalence of Graves disease with pattern 0 (n = 27) was 13.9% among the patients with Graves disease. The sonographic and laboratory data for patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 were compared to those of the 21 patients with painless thyroiditis, which typically shows intrathyroid hypovascularity. Free triiodothyronine and thyroxine levels and the superior thyroid artery PSV were significantly lower in patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 than those with patterns I, II, and III (P thyroid volume and thyrotropin receptor antibody level were significantly lower in patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 than those with pattern III. In the comparison between patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 and those with painless thyroiditis and pattern 0, apart from thyrotropin receptor antibody, only the superior thyroid artery PSV was different. Although the clinical features of patients with Graves disease and intrathyroid hypovascularity were similar to those patients with painless thyroiditis, the superior thyroid artery PSV showed a moderate ability to discriminate these patients. © 2014 by the American Institute of

  2. Radiation retinopathy after orbital irradiation for Graves' ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinyoun, J.L.; Kalina, R.E.; Brower, S.A.; Mills, R.P.; Johnson, R.H.


    Recent reports indicate that orbital irradiation for Graves' ophthalmopathy is sometimes beneficial, particularly for dysthyroid optic neuropathy, and is not associated with serious complications. We are aware, however, of four patients who were found to have radiation retinopathy after orbital irradiation for Grave's ophthalmopathy. All four patients have decreased central acuity, and three of the four are legally blind in one or both eyes. Computer reconstruction of the dosimetry, based on computed tomography and beam profiles, shows that errors in dosage calculations and radiotherapy technique probably account for the radiation retinopathy in three of the four patients. Radiotherapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy should be administered only by competent radiotherapists who are experienced in the treatment of this disease. Similar errors in dosage calculations and treatment techniques may account for other reports of radiation retinopathy after reportedly safe dosages

  3. El maltrato familiar y su relación con la ideación suicida en adolescentes escolarizados de instituciones públicas y privadas de las ciudades de Tunja, Duitama y Sogamoso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monica Patricia Perez Prada


    Full Text Available El presente artículo de investigación muestra los resultados de un estudio, cuyo objetivo fue analizar la relación existente entre el maltrato familiar y la ideación suicida en adolescentes escolarizados de colegios públicos y privados de Tunja, Duitama y Sogamoso, mediante un estudio correlacional descriptivo. Se contó con la participación de 676 estudiantes, los cuales se seleccionaron a través de un muestreo no probabilístico de manera intencional. Se aplicó el cuestionario PANSI (Osman, Gutiérrez, Kopper, Barrios & Chiros, 1998 para determinar la ideación suicida y se diseñó uno para establecer la presencia de maltrato familiar. Los resultados muestran una correlación de 0,173, lo que indica una relación débil. Estos resultados no permiten afirmar que el maltrato familiar sea un predictor para la ideación suicida, pero sí se puede presentar como un factor de riesgo. Abstract This paper shows the results of the research which aims to analyze the relationship between domestic abuse and suicidal ideation among adolescent students of public and private schools from Tunja, Duitama and Sogamoso through a descriptive correlational study. 676 studends who were intentionally selected through non-probability sampling were involved. The questionnaire PANSI (Osman, Gutiérrez, Kopper, Barrios & Chiros, 1998 was applied to determine the suicidal ideation and to establish the presence of domestic abuse. The results show a correlation of 0,173 indicating a weak relationship. These results do not support the conclusion that domestic abuse is a predictor for suicidal ideation, but it can be presented as a risk factor.

  4. Thyrotoxic Graves' disease with normal thyroidal technetium-99m pertechnetate uptake

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikekubo, Katsuji; Hino, Megumu; Ito, Hidetomi; Koh, Toshikiyo; Ishihara, Takashi; Kurahachi, Hiroyuki (Kobe City General Hospital (Japan)); Kasagi, Kanji; Hidaka, Akinari; Mori, Toru


    We saw 24 thyrotoxic Graves' patients with normal thyroidal uptake of technetium-99m pertechnetate ({sup 99m}Tc) out of 201 untreated thyrotoxic Graves' patients seen over 4 years. The clinical and laboratory findings for these patients were studied and analyzed. Thyroid uptake and scintigraphic examinations by means of {sup 99m}Tc, TBII and TSab activity measurement clearly distinguished these patients from other thyrotoxic disorders (destruction-induced thyrotoxicosis and autonomously functioning thyroid lesions). Different from other disorders, these patients had not lower but normal thyroid uptake and also showed diffuse and discrete trapping into the enlarged glands. These patients had significantly smaller goiters, a lower serum thyroid hormone level, and lower TBII and TSab activity, when compared with other high {sup 99m}Tc uptake groups with Graves' disease, and their condition could be easily controlled with small amounts of antithyroid drugs. Our study indicates that thyrotoxic Graves' disease with normal {sup 99m}Tc uptake exists and {sup 99m}Tc uptake study and TBII activity measurement is very useful for the diagnosis. The normal {sup 99m}Tc uptake thyrotoxic Graves' patient might be early stage patients with general Graves' disease and their early discrimination from general Graves' patients is very advantageous for treatment and prognosis. (author).

  5. The observation on plasma endothelin levels in patients with graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao Xiaojun; Liu Changshan; Yang Lianrong; Zhang Qiliang; Wang Honggang; Liu Xudong


    Observing the plasma endothelin levels in patients with Graves' disease to probe its clinical significance, plasma endothelin levels were measured in 55 cases of Graves' disease before and after treatment respectively, and these were compared with that of 23 health subjects. Results: plasma endothelin levels in patients with Graves' disease significantly increase, compared with heath subjects (150.4 +- 29.31 ng/L vs 42.80 +- 7.58 ng/L, P < 0.01); post-treatment endothelin levels apparently decrease (97.61 +- 15.99 ng/L vs 150.4 +- 29.31 ng/L, P < 0.01). Plasma endothelin levels in patients with Graves' disease significantly increase, and after treatment the endothelin levels decrease following decreasing of thyroid hormone level and high hemodynamics

  6. Diversidad y educación: el caso del trabajo infantil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Alejandra Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo: conocer los determinantes sociales del trabajo infantil y las políticas para la diversidad en trabajo y educación en Corrientes,  ubicada en el nordeste de Argentina (NEA desde un punto existencial. Método: Se acude al análisis de documentos y estadísticas, además de la consulta a informantes calificados en trabajo y educación. Resultados: El análisis estadístico muestra que las enormes desigualdades regionales persistentes y los problemas de extrema pobreza infantil proporcionan condiciones para que el trabajo infantil aumente. En cuanto a la naturaleza y perfil del trabajo infantil en Corrientes, se observa que hay diversidad de sexo, edad, cultura, tipo de trabajo, duración del día, etc. Conclusiones: El trabajo infantil constituye una flagrante violación de los derechos humanos, que necesita erradicarse a partir de numerosas políticas interministeriales e intersectoriales, siendo necesario políticas de y para la diversidad en educación a fin de incorporar al sistema educativo. Existen informaciones parciales y limitadas, faltando datos oficiales de toda la Provincia, lo que impide pensar en las políticas en y para la diversidad en la escuela que los incluya a través de nuevas metodologías, contenidos, recursos, docentes y gestores proactivos.

  7. Thyroid Ultrasonography in Differentiation between Graves' Disease and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. (United States)

    Pishdad, P; Pishdad, G R; Tavanaa, S; Pishdad, R; Jalli, R


    Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are the most common causes of hyper and hypothyroidism, respectively. Differentiation of these 2 diseases, if the patient is euthyroid, may sometimes be extremely difficult on the basis of clinical and laboratory findings. The purpose of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of gray scale sonography in differentiation of Graves' disease from Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This study included 149 patients divided into three groups, patients with Graves' disease (34 patients, mean age = 36.8 ± 10.17 years), Patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (62 patients, mean age = 33.4 ± 12.16 years) and control group (53 healthy people, mean age = 34.74 ± 16.87 years). Members of all groups were referred to a single radiologist for thyroid sonography for evaluation of thyroid echogenicity pattern. A total of 117 women and 32 men were examined by sonography. The most common sonographic pattern in Hashimoto and Graves' was homogenous hypo-echogenicity which was observed in 45.2% and 47.1% of cases, respectively. Peripheral hypo-echogenicity pattern was seen in 40.3% of Hashimoto's group with 100% specificity and 40.3% sensitivity. Central-hypoechogenic pattern was observed in 17.6% of Graves' group with 100% and 17.6% specificity and sensitivity, respectively. Our findings indicate that sonography has high specificity but low sensitivity in the diagnosis of either Graves' disease or Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It is therefore not possible to differentiate between these two diseases using sonography alone. Confirmation by laboratory data is also needed.

  8. Hypocalcaemia after total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease and for benign atoxic multinodular goitre. (United States)

    Hallgrimsson, Páll; Nordenström, E; Bergenfelz, A; Almquist, M


    Postoperative hypocalcaemia has been reported to be more common after total thyroidectomy (TT) for Graves' disease than after TT for benign atoxic multinodular goitre (MNG). The reasons for this potential association are not clear. In the present study, the frequency and risk factors of hypocalcaemia after TT for Graves' vs MNG were compared. Between January 1999 and October 2009, patients with first-time surgery for Graves' disease or MNG treated with a TT were included in the study. Postoperative hypocalcaemia was defined by symptoms, calcium levels and treatment with calcium and/or vitamin D analogues during postoperative hospital stay, at discharge, and at the 6-week and 6-month follow-ups. Outcomes were compared with Mann-Whitney, chi(2) and Fishers' exact test where appropriate and by multivariable logistic regression analysis. There were 128 patients with Graves' disease and 81 patients with MNG. Patients with Graves' disease were younger than patients with MNG (median age, 35 vs 51 years, p Graves' disease (p Graves' disease, there was no difference in the overall frequency of biochemical hypocalcaemia, low levels of PTH and/or treatment with calcium and vitamin D.

  9. Magnetic Ghosts: Mineral Magnetic Measurements On Roman and Anglo-saxon Graves (United States)

    Linford, N.

    The location of inhumations, in the absence of ferrous grave goods, often presents a considerable challenge to archaeological geophysics given the small physical size of the features and the slight contrast between the fill of the grave and the surround- ing subsoil. Even during excavation, the identification of graves may be complicated where site conditions do not favour the preservation of human skeletal remains and often only a subtle soil stain is likely to survive. A recent initiative in the United King- dom has seen the formation of the Buried Organic Matter Decomposition Integrated with Elemental Status (BODIES) research group, to examine the decomposition of organic artefacts in ancient graves with respect to localised changes in pH, redox po- tential and nutrient status. This paper presents initial results from a limited mineral magnetic study of two grave sites in an attempt to ascertain whether the decomposi- tion of organic remains may lead to a detectable magnetic signature within the soil. Results from a series of isothermal, hysteresis and magneto-thermal experiments will be presented together with surface magnetometer and topsoil susceptibility surveys.

  10. Concomitant Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, presenting as primary hypothyroidism.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cronin, C C


    Hypothyroidism in patients with Graves\\' disease is usually the result of ablative treatment. We describe a 58 year old man with Graves\\' ophthalmopathy and pre-tibial myxoedema, who presented with spontaneous primary hypothyroidism. Circulating TSH receptor antibody activity was increased, while thyroid microsomal antibody was detectable in titres greater than one in one hundred thousand. It is likely that the TSH receptor antibody of Graves\\' disease was ineffective in stimulating hyperthyroidism because of concomitant thyroid destruction due to Hashimoto\\'s disease. Alternatively, primary hypothyroidism could have resulted from the effects of a circulating TSH receptor blocking antibody.

  11. Grave's disease associated with immunoglobulin A nephropathy: A rare association. (United States)

    Khan, I; Bhat, R A; Khan, I; Hameed, I


    Immunoglobulin A (Ig A) nephropathy is the most common form of primary glomerulonephritis. The association of Ig A nephropathy with Grave's disease has not been reported so far. We report a case of 20-year-old female with Grave's disease who presented with edema, facial puffiness, and decreased urine output. She was found to be hypertensive with renal failure and nephrotic range proteinuria. Renal biopsy revealed features of Ig A nephropathy. The patient was treated with oral corticosteroids (1 mg/kg/day). To our knowledge, this is the first case showing association of Grave's disease with Ig A nephropathy.

  12. Resultados do tratamento da pancreatite aguda grave

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franz Robert Apodaca-Torrez

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados do Protocolo de Atendimento de pacientes com diagnóstico de pancreatite aguda grave. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, consecutivamente, a partir de janeiro de 2002, idade, sexo, etiologia, tempo de internação, tipo de tratamento e mortalidade de 37 pacientes portadores de pancreatite aguda grave. RESULTADOS: A idade dos pacientes variou de 20 a 88 anos (média de 50 anos; 27% foram do sexo feminino e 73% do masculino. O tempo médio global de internação foi 47 dias. Treze pacientes foram tratados cirurgicamente; a média de operações realizadas foi duas por paciente. Ocorreram seis óbitos dentre os pacientes submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico (46% e dois óbitos no grupo submetido somente ao tratamento clínico (8,3%. A mortalidade global foi 21% CONCLUSÃO: Após a modificação na forma de abordagem dos pacientes com pancreatite aguda grave, houve diminuição da mortalidade e uma tendência para a conduta expectante.

  13. Grave Tending: With Mom at the Cemetery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolyn Ellis


    Full Text Available This autoethnographic story shows the process of tending the graves of family members. In the past, the author reluctantly accompanied her mother on her visits to the family cemetery. Once there, she took on the role of distant observer as her mother took care of the family cemetery plots. When her mother becomes disabled, the author begins to arrange the flowers on the graves. Doing so leads her to examine the meaning of visiting the cemetery, feel and connect with her losses, and consider the customs she wants to be part of her own death. When her mother dies, the next generation of women in the family—the author, her sister, and sister-in-law—take on the role of tending the graves, connected in their love and respect for their mother and their feelings of family and family responsibility. This story examines the meanings of family rituals around death and how they are passed from generation to generation. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0302285

  14. Oriana Zorrilla, Cuando el Estado Castiga. El maltrato laboral a los empleados públicos en Chile, Editorial Universidad Bolivariana, Santiago, 2005, 359 p.


    Yentzen, Eduardo


    El libro de Oriana Zorrilla es un texto de investigación periodística importante, que instala en el debate nacional un tema que coloca la experiencia existencial del maltrato en el escenario democrático, retratando una realidad desconocida de acoso laboral a los empleados públicos, constituyéndose en un tema político sobre la calidad y profundidad de nuestra democracia. Ya en el prólogo Armando Uribe señala que el libro “es la denuncia bien fundada en la historia personal y colectiva, y tiene...

  15. Endemic characteristics of infantile visceral leishmaniasis in the People's Republic of China. (United States)

    Fu, Qing; Li, Shi-Zhu; Wu, Wei-Ping; Hou, Yan-Yan; Zhang, Song; Feng, Yu; Zhang, Li-Ping; Tang, Lin-Hua


    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was once a severe parasitic disease in China. Thanks to the great efforts of integrated control, VL was eliminated in most epidemic areas, except for certain western provinces (autonomous region) at the end of 1950s. From then on, VL gained less attention and has seemed to spread, especially in the last 15 years. Infants are the most important population threatened by VL. However, there have been few studies on the endemic characteristics of infantile VL in China. Infantile VL cases were collected from the online National Infectious Diseases Reporting System (NIDRS). Statistical description and inference was used to reveal the endemic characteristics in gender, age group, time and regionalism. Spatial analysis was carried out to explore the high risk area for infantile VL in China. A total of 1093 infantile VL cases were reported from 2006 to 2012. There was no statistically significant difference in gender over time. The minimum, maximum and mean age of these cases was 1.1, 35.9 and 13.8 months, respectively. Among them 86.92% were under 2 years of age, and there was a statistically significant difference among age groups over time. An incidence peak appeared in 2008-2009, most cases were distributed in the months September to December, and there was a tail-raising effect in the coming two months of the next year. More than 98% of cases were reported in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Gansu Province and Sichuan Province, accounting for 61.02%, 32.75% and 4.57%, respectively. A total of 56 counties reported infantile VL cases, with the cumulative incidence ranging from 0.02 to 24.57%. There were two main zones of high endemicity for infantile VL in China. The monthly incidence clearly coincides with the number of towns where infantile VL cases were reported. Three fatalities were reported during the study period, the case fatality rate was 2.75‰. The endemic situation of infantile VL is serious, and there are several active foci of

  16. Thyroid Follicular Carcinoma in a Fourteen-year-old Girl with Graves' Disease. (United States)

    Kojima-Ishii, Kanako; Ihara, Kenji; Ohkubo, Kazuhiro; Matsuo, Terumichi; Toda, Naoko; Yamashita, Hiroyuki; Kono, Shinji; Hara, Toshiro


    Here we present the case of a 14-yr-old girl who developed thyroid follicular carcinoma accompanied by Graves' disease. She was diagnosed with Graves' disease at 10 yr of age and soon achieved a euthyroid state after starting treatment. When she was 13 yr of age, her hyperthyroidism and goiter worsened despite medical therapy. Multiple nodules were found in her enlarged thyroid gland by ultrasonography. Her serum Tg level seemed within the normal range. She underwent near-total thyroidectomy for control of thyroid function. Histopathological study demonstrated that multiple oxyphilic follicular neoplasms were surrounded by the thyroid tissue compatible with Graves' disease. Capsular invasion was identified in one of the nodules, and thus the histological diagnosis was minimally invasive follicular carcinoma. She did not have signs suggesting metastasis, and has had no relapse for 18 mo after the operation. Although some previous studies showed a high prevalence of thyroid cancer with an aggressive nature in adult patients with Graves' disease, few reports about thyroid cancer accompanied by Graves' disease are available in children. The present case, however, suggests that careful investigation is needed when we detect thyroid nodules or progressive thyroid enlargement, especially in children with Graves' disease.

  17. Significance of changes of serum TPOAb and TRAb levels in patients with Graves' disease (GD)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Zhongshu Xu Ruiji; Wang Guohong


    Objective: To investigate the significance of changes of serum TPOAb and TRAb levels in patients with Graves' dis- ease (GD). Methods: Serum TPOAb (with RIA) and TRAb (with RRA) levels were determined in 27 patients with Graves' disease, before treatment 10 patients with Graves' disease clinically cured and 35 controls. Results: The serum levels and positive rates of TPOAb and TRAb in patients with Graves' disease before treatment were significantly higher than those in the patients with Graves' disease clinically cured and controls (P<0.01). Conclusion: TPOAb and TRAb were involved in the pathogenesis of Graves' dis- ease and could be used as diagnostic and treatment indicators. (authors)

  18. Biologiske behandlingsmuligheder ved Graves' oftalmopati

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El Fassi, Daniel; Nielsen, Claus Henrik; Hegedüs, Laszlo


    The current medical treatment options for Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO) are unsatisfactory. Recent treatment of GO patients with the B-lymphocyte depleting monoclonal antibody rituximab or with the anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha agents etanercept and infliximab has shown promising results. We...

  19. Intrauterine nicotine exposure, birth weight, gestational age and the risk of infantile colic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Milidou, Ioanna; Søndergaard, Charlotte; Jensen, Morten Søndergaard

    Background and aim: Infantile colic is characterised by crying bouts in a healthy infant during the first months. Smoking in pregnancy and low birth weight (BW) have been previously identified as risk factors for infantile colic. Nicotine acts as a neurotransmitter and is known to affect the intr......Background and aim: Infantile colic is characterised by crying bouts in a healthy infant during the first months. Smoking in pregnancy and low birth weight (BW) have been previously identified as risk factors for infantile colic. Nicotine acts as a neurotransmitter and is known to affect...... the intrauterine central nervous system development, while low BW and premature birth have both been related to adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. We investigated the association between intrauterine nicotine exposure, BW, gestational age (GA) and infantile colic in a large cohort study. Materials and methods......: We used data from the Danish National Birth Cohort. The study on nicotine exposure included 63,128 infants and the study on BW and GA included 62, 785 infants with complete data. Infantile colic was defined according to the modified Wessel’s criteria based on maternal interview 6 months postpartum...

  20. Study progress on free radicals and graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Ruiguo; Jin Jianhua


    Free radical-mediated oxidative injury has been closely implicated in the occurrence and development of many diseases. Graves disease was also accompanied by changes of the free radicals, especially for reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen, et al, and the oxidative stress can cause a certain degree of injury on the thyroid and other human important organs. Antithyroid drug and 131 I treatment of Graves disease, the oxidative and antioxidative parameters can also be changed. (authors)

  1. Transient hypothyroidism after 131I treatment of Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jianfeng; Fang Yi; Zhang Xiuli; Ye Genyao; Xing Jialiu; Zhang Youren


    Objective: To evaluate the results of the transient hypothyroidism after 131 I treatment of Graves disease. Methods: A total of 32 transient hypothyroidism patients treated with 131 I for Graves disease were studied and followed up. Results: Transient hypothyroidism occurred within 2-6 months after 131 I treatment and 19 patients were symptomatic. At diagnosis of transient hypothyroidism, T 3 and T 4 levels were decreased had normal, TSH levels were increased, normal or low. Follow-up examination found that 20 patients were normal and 12 patients had relapse of hyperthyroidism. Conclusions: Therapy of Graves disease with low doses of 131 I causes a high incidence of transient hypothyroidism. After recovery of transient hypothyroidism, some patients have relapse of hyperthyroidism

  2. 131I-therapy of graves' disease and non-immunogenic thyrotoxicosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoeschel, M.; Heinze, H.G.


    From 1977 to 1982, 315 patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis with diffuse and/or nodular goitre or Graves' disease were treated with 131 I. In 246 patients, the results of treatment after 7 months to 5 1/2 years could be evaluated. After a single treatment with 131 I, 72% of the patients with hyperthyroid nodular goitre and 61% of those with diffuse goitre, but only 36% of the patients with Graves' disease showed normal thyroid function. By repeated 131 I treatments - as many as 5 for those with Graves' disease - normal thyroid function could be achieved in nearly all patients examined. Patients with immune thyrotoxicosis, type Graves' disease, showed a high resistance to therapy. A dependence was found between the results of these treatments and previous antithyroidal drug therapy or surgery. The rate of hypothyroidism varied between 4 and 15%. The highest rate of hypothyroidism was observed in operated patients with persistent or recurring thyrotoxicosis. (orig.) [de

  3. Graves hyperthyroidism and pregnancy: a clinical update. (United States)

    Patil-Sisodia, Komal; Mestman, Jorge H


    To provide a clinical update on Graves' hyperthyroidism and pregnancy with a focus on treatment with antithyroid drugs. We searched the English-language literature for studies published between 1929 and 2009 related to management of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy. In this review, we discuss differential diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, management, importance of early diagnosis, and importance of achieving proper control to avoid maternal and fetal complications. Diagnosing hyperthyroidism during pregnancy can be challenging because many of the signs and symptoms are similar to normal physiologic changes that occur in pregnancy. Patients with Graves disease require prompt treatment with antithyroid drugs and should undergo frequent monitoring for signs of fetal and maternal hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Rates of maternal and perinatal complications are directly related to control of hyperthyroidism in the mother. Thyroid receptor antibodies should be assessed in all women with hyperthyroidism to help predict and reduce the risk of fetal or neonatal hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. The maternal thyroxine level should be kept in the upper third of the reference range or just above normal, using the lowest possible antithyroid drug dosage. Hyperthyroidism may recur in the postpartum period as Graves disease or postpartum thyroiditis; thus, it is prudent to evaluate thyroid function 6 weeks after delivery. Preconception counseling, a multidisciplinary approach to care, and patient education regarding potential maternal and fetal complications that can occur with different types of treatment are important. Preconception counseling and a multifaceted approach to care by the endocrinologist and the obstetric team are imperative for a successful pregnancy in women with Graves hyperthyroidism.

  4. Neural mechanisms of oculomotor abnormalities in the infantile strabismus syndrome. (United States)

    Walton, Mark M G; Pallus, Adam; Fleuriet, Jérome; Mustari, Michael J; Tarczy-Hornoch, Kristina


    Infantile strabismus is characterized by numerous visual and oculomotor abnormalities. Recently nonhuman primate models of infantile strabismus have been established, with characteristics that closely match those observed in human patients. This has made it possible to study the neural basis for visual and oculomotor symptoms in infantile strabismus. In this review, we consider the available evidence for neural abnormalities in structures related to oculomotor pathways ranging from visual cortex to oculomotor nuclei. These studies provide compelling evidence that a disturbance of binocular vision during a sensitive period early in life, whatever the cause, results in a cascade of abnormalities through numerous brain areas involved in visual functions and eye movements. Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society.

  5. Monitoramento do desenvolvimento infantil realizado no Brasil La monitoración del desarrollo infantil realizada en Brasil Monitoring of child development held in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvio Cesar Zeppone


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Revisar a literatura científica para verificar como a vigilância do desenvolvimento infantil vem sendo realizada no Brasil. FONTES DE DADOS: Pesquisa em bases de dados (PubMed, Medline, SciELO e Banco de Teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior sobre estudos das práticas médicas em relação à vigilância e ao monitoramento do desenvolvimento infantil no Brasil, de 2000 a 2011. Os termos usados para pesquisa foram: vigilância de desenvolvimento infantil, intervenção precoce, triagem de desenvolvimento e testes de triagem de desenvolvimento. Foram encontrados dez textos referentes ao tema em estudo. Artigos originais, de revisão e teses foram revisados, bem como as listas de referências das publicações sobre o assunto. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Os estudos sobre a prática do monitoramento do desenvolvimento infantil no Brasil apontam uma importante falha, desde a formação do médico pediatra até a prática clínica, em relação a este tema. CONCLUSÕES: Há necessidade urgente, principalmente frente a uma população emergente de prematuros, que os pediatras façam uma reciclagem do conhecimento sobre o desenvolvimento infantil.OBJETIVO: Revisar la literatura científica para verificar cómo la vigilancia del desarrollo infantil viene siendo realizada en Brasil. FUENTES DE DATOS: Investigación en las bases de datos (Pubmed, Medline, SciELO y Base de Tesis CAPES sobre estudios de las prácticas médicas respecto a la vigilancia y monitoración del desarrollo infantil en Brasil de 2000 a 2011. Los términos usados para la investigación fueron: vigilancia de desarrollo infantil, intervención temprana, screening de desarrollo y pruebas de screening de desarrollo. Se encontraron 10 textos relativos al tema en estudio. Artículos originales, de revisión y tesis fueron revisados, así como las listas de referencias de las publicaciones sobre el tema. SÍNTESIS DE LOS DATOS: Los estudios sobre la pr

  6. PREGO (presentation of Graves' orbitopathy) study: changes in referral patterns to European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres over the period from 2000 to 2012

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Perros, Petros; Žarković, Miloš; Azzolini, Claudio; Ayvaz, Göksun; Baldeschi, Lelio; Bartalena, Luigi; Boschi, Antonella; Bournaud, Claire; Brix, Thomas Heiberg; Covelli, Danila; Ćirić, Slavica; Daumerie, Chantal; Eckstein, Anja; Fichter, Nicole; Führer, Dagmar; Hegedüs, Laszlo; Kahaly, George J.; Konuk, Onur; Lareida, Jürg; Lazarus, John; Leo, Marenza; Mathiopoulou, Lemonia; Menconi, Francesca; Morris, Daniel; Okosieme, Onyebuchi; Orgiazzi, Jaques; Pitz, Susanne; Salvi, Mario; Vardanian-Vartin, Cristina; Wiersinga, Wilmar; Bernard, Martine; Clarke, Lucy; Currò, Nicola; Dayan, Colin; Dickinson, Jane; Knežević, Miroslav; Lane, Carol; Marcocci, Claudio; Marinò, Michele; Möller, Lars; Nardi, Marco; Neoh, Christopher; Pearce, Simon; von Arx, George; Törüner, Fosun Baloş


    The epidemiology of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) may be changing. The aim of the study was to identify trends in presentation of GO to tertiary centres and initial management over time. Prospective observational study of European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres. All new referrals with a

  7. The Protocol for the Early vs. Late Infantile Strabismus Surgery Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    H.J. Simonsz (Huib)


    textabstractAbstract. The Early vs. Late Infantile Strabismus SurgerY Study Group is a group of strabismologists and orthoptists who investigate whether early or late surgery is preferable in infantile strabismus, in a non-randomized, prospective, multi-centre trial. Infants between 6 and 18 months

  8. Imaging feature of infratentorial desmoplastic infantile and non-infantile tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Hyun Gi; Lee, Seung Koo [Dept. of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiological Science, Severance Children' s Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Se Hoon [Dept. of Pathology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Severance Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To describe imaging features of infratentorial desmoplastic infantile or non-infantile tumors (DIT/DNIT). Four cases with infratentorial DIT/DNIT from our hospital and 5 cases from literature review were analyzed. Clinical data and MR imaging features were evaluated including location, size, shape, margin, composition, dural attachment, perilesional edema, and metastasis or multiplicity. The mean age was 9.2 years (range, 1-18 years). Most of the patients presented with headache or vomiting (4/9, 44.4%) and had no underlying disease (8/9, 88.9%). The major pathologic subtype was astrocytoma (6/9, 66.7%). On MR, majority of the tumors involved cerebellum and/or spinal cord (8/9, 88.9%) and the mean size of the tumors was 4.2 cm (range, 3.2-5 cm). The tumors were mainly solid (4/9, 44.4%) or mixed (4/9, 44.4%) in composition with lobulated shape (7/9, 77.8%) and well-defined margin (7/9, 77.8%). Two cases (2/7, 28.6%) showed dural attachment and all the cases had no or minimal perilesional edema (100%). Metastasis or multiplicity was frequently seen in 44.4% (4/9). Infratentorial DIT/DNIT occurred in relatively older children and the major tumor type was astrocytoma. They also had atypical imaging features showing mainly solid or mixed in composition with frequent metastasis or multiplicity.

  9. 77 FR 39406 - Safety Zone; Tom Graves Memorial Fireworks, Port Bay, Wolcott, NY (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Tom Graves Memorial Fireworks, Port Bay, Wolcott, NY AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION..., NY. This safety zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of Port Bay during the Tom Graves... necessary to ensure the safety of spectators and vessels during the Tom Graves Memorial Fireworks. This zone...

  10. Personalised immunomodulating treatments for Graves' disease: fact or fiction? (United States)

    Struja, Tristan Mirko; Kutz, Alexander; Fischli, Stefan; Meier, Christian; Müller, Beat; Schütz, Philipp


    Although Graves' disease has been recognised for more than 100 years, its physiopathological mechanisms are incompletely understood. Treatment strategies today mainly focus on suppression of thyroid hormone production by use of antithyroid drugs or radio-iodine, but neglect the underlying immunological mechanisms. Although Graves' disease is often seen as a prototype for an autoimmune mechanism, it is more likely to be a heterogeneous syndrome showing characteristics of both autoimmunity and immunodeficiency. The interplay of these two mechanisms may well characterise the physiopathology of this disease and its complications. Immunodeficiency may be either genetically determined or secondarily acquired. Various triggering events lead to autoimmunity with stimulation of the thyroid gland resulting in the clinical syndrome of hyperthyroidism. Also, relapse risk differs from patient to patient and can be estimated from clinical parameters incorporated into the Graves' Recurrent Events After Therapy (GREAT) score. Accurate risk stratification may help to distinguish high-risk patients for whom a more definitive treatment approach should be used from others where there is a high probability that the disease will recover with medical treatment alone. Several smaller trials having found positive effects of immunosuppressive drugs on recurrence risk in Graves' disease; therefoore, there is great potential in the use of novel immunomodulating drugs in addition to the currently used antithyroid drugs for the successful treatment of this condition. Further in-depth exploration of susceptibility, triggering factors and immunological mechanisms has the potential to improve treatment of Graves' disease, with more personalised, risk-adapted treatment strategies based on the different physiopathological concepts of this heterogeneous condition.

  11. Infantile spasms: A prognostic evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mary Iype


    Full Text Available Background: Few papers address the comprehensive prognosis in infantile spasms and look into the seizure profile and psychomotor outcome. Objective: We aimed to follow up children with infantile spasms to study: a the etiology, demographics, semiology, electroencephalogram (EEG, and radiological pattern; b seizure control, psychomotor development, and EEG resolution with treatment; c the effects of various factors on the control of spasms, resolution of EEG changes, and psychomotor development at 3-year follow-up. Materials and Methods: Fifty newly diagnosed cases with a 1-12 month age of onset and who had hypsarrhythmia in their EEG were recruited and 43 were followed up for 3 years. Results: Of the children followed up, 51% were seizure-free and 37% had a normal EEG at the 3-year follow-up. Autistic features were seen in 74% of the children. Only 22.7% among the seizure-free (11.6% of the total children had normal vision and hearing, speech with narration, writing skills, gross and fine motor development, and no autism or hyperactivity. On multivariate analysis, two factors could predict bad seizure outcome — the occurrence of other seizures in addition to infantile spasms and no response to 28 days of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH. No predictor could be identified for abnormal psychomotor development. Discussion and Conclusion: In our study, we could demonstrate two factors that predict seizure freedom. The cognitive outcome and seizure control in this group of children are comparable to the existing literature. However, the cognitive outcome revealed by our study and the survey of the literature are discouraging.

  12. Presencia de las actuales prioridades de salud infantil y adolescente en los libros de texto escolares Presence of current child and adolescent health priorities in school textbooks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inés M. Barrio Cantalejo


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los libros de texto escolares son una herramienta didáctica para aprender hábitos saludables. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer cómo se recogen en los libros las prioridades de salud infantil y adolescente definidas por las autoridades sanitarias. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo en 3 fases: a identificación de las prioridades según las autoridades sanitarias; b identificación de los mensajes sobre salud de los textos usados en los colegios de un distrito municipal, y c observación de cómo se adecuan estos mensajes a las prioridades. Resultados: La Organización Mundial de la Salud, la Unión Europea, el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, y la Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria definen 24 prioridades. Se recogieron 100 libros de texto y 663 mensajes sobre salud. Las prioridades tratadas con más frecuencia son la alimentación, el ejercicio físico y el impacto de la contaminación medioambiental. Las menos tratadas son el acoso escolar, el maltrato infantil, la pobreza, la autolesión y la obesidad, esta última especialmente en educación infantil y primaria. Conclusiones: Los mensajes sobre salud de los libros no se ajustan suficientemente a las prioridades definidas por las autoridades.Background: Textbooks are an educational tool for learning health habits. The aim of this study was to determine how these textbooks present the health priorities defined by health organizations to children and teenagers. Method: We performed a descriptive study in 3 steps: a the priorities defined by health organizations were identified; b the messages on health in the textbooks used in the schools of a municipality were identified, and c the extent to which these messages fitted the priorities established was analyzed. Results: The World Health Organization, the European Union, the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumption, and the Spanish Society of Public Health and Healthcare Administration define 24

  13. La eficacia de los programas de entrenamiento a padres en las publicaciones recientes


    Valero Aguayo, Luis; Lozano Rodríguez, Isabel


    Se expone una revisión sistemática de los estudios empíricos sobre los programas de entrenamiento a padres realizados en los últimos 16 años. A partir de un filtraje en las principales bases de datos, se analizaron 48 artículos que incluían estudios empíricos, con diseños y datos de resultados, de programas de entrenamietno a padres en distintos tipos de problemas. Este tipo de programas muestra eficacia en la redución de los problemas de conducta, el maltrato infantil, problemas de agresivid...

  14. Los abusos sexuales en menores


    Rivera Gil, Nieves


    El abuso sexual es una tipología del maltrato infantil. El diagnostico de abuso sexual de niñas y niños resulta difícil tanto para familiares como profesionales. En la mayoría de los casos el agresor es un familiar o una persona muy allegada y, en las edades más tempranas. La prevención es un trabajo importante. La prevención debe de ser adecuada y eficaz, en el momento adecuado y con los destinatarios precisos. Actualmente en España y exactamente en Castilla y León los datos que tenemo...

  15. Abuso sexual en menores de edad: generalidades, consecuencias y prevención


    María José Acuña Navas


    Introducción: El abuso sexual en menores de edad es uno de los tipos de maltrato infantil con peores repercusiones en sus víctimas y que usualmente coexiste con otros tipos de violencia. Incluye tanto agravios que no involucran contacto físico como aquellos que sí lo hacen, lo que cubre una amplia gama de posibilidades. Objetivo: Debido a lo trascendental de esta problemática, se realizó está revisión bibliográfica con el fin de exponer la importancia del tema de abuso sexual en menores de ed...


    Garófoli, Adrián; Montoya, Paola; Elías, Carlos; Benzo, Roberto


    El Mal Agudo de Montaña (MAM) es un conjunto de síntomas inespecíficos padecidos por sujetos que ascienden rápidamente desde baja a alta altura sin adecuada aclimatación. Usualmente es autolimitado, pero las formas graves (edema pulmonar y cerebral) pueden causar la muerte. La hipoxemia exagerada en reposo está relacionada con el desarrollo de MAM pero su valor predictivo es limitado. Dado que el ejercicio en altura se acompaña de mayor hipoxemia y síntomas, postulamos el valor predictivo de un simple test de ejercicio para pronosticar MAM grave. Se estudió el valor predictivo de la saturación de oxígeno en reposo y ejercicio submáximo a 2 700m y 4 300m en 63 sujetos que ascendían al cerro Aconcagua (6 962m). Se consideró desaturación de oxígeno con ejercicio a una disminución >=5% respecto al reposo. Se utilizó la escala de Lake-Louise para establecer la presencia de MAM grave. 6 sujetos presentaron MAM grave (9.5%) y requirieron evacuación. La saturación de oxígeno en reposo a 2 700m no fue significativa para clasificar sujetos que luego desarrollaron MAM grave. Por el contrario, la asociación de desaturación durante el ejercicio a 2 700m más la saturación inapropiada en reposo a 4 300m fue significativa para clasificar a los sujetos que desarrollaron MAM grave con un valor predictivo positivo de 80% y un valor predictivo negativo del 97%. Nuestros resultados son relevantes para el montañismo y sugieren la adición de un simple test de ejercicio en la predicción del MAM grave. PMID:20228017

  17. Infantile nystagmus and visual deprivation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fledelius, Hans C; Jensen, Hanne


    PURPOSE: To evaluate whether effects of early foveal motor instability due to infantile nystagmus might compare to those of experimental visual deprivation on refraction in a childhood series. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of data from the Danish Register for Blind and Weaksighted Ch...

  18. Pornografia infantil na Internet: violência sexual ou pornografia?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiana Savoia Landini


    Full Text Available O artigo versa sobre a proliferação da pornografia infantil na internet. Argumento que uma possível explicação para o aumento dessa troca seja o não entendimento, por parte dos internautas, de que a pornografia infantil é uma forma de violência sexual contra a criança. Essa visão é engendrada pela especificidades da troca desse tipo de material na rede.

  19. Pornografia infantil na Internet: violência sexual ou pornografia?


    Tatiana Savoia Landini


    O artigo versa sobre a proliferação da pornografia infantil na internet. Argumento que uma possível explicação para o aumento dessa troca seja o não entendimento, por parte dos internautas, de que a pornografia infantil é uma forma de violência sexual contra a criança. Essa visão é engendrada pela especificidades da troca desse tipo de material na rede.

  20. Clinical experience of radiation therapy for Graves` ophthalmopathy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takahashi, Takeo; Mitsuhashi, Norio; Nagashima, Hisako; Sakurai, Hideyuki; Murata, Osamu; Ishizeki, Kei; Shimaya, Sanae; Hayakawa, Kazushige; Niibe, Hideo [Gunma Univ., Maebashi (Japan). School of Medicine


    The effect of radiation therapy for Graves` ophthalmopathy was evaluated. Ten patients with Graves` ophthalmopathy were treated with radiation therapy between 1992 and 1993 in Gunma University Hospital. All patients had a past history of hyperthyroidism and received 2,000 cGy to the retrobulbar tissues in 20 fractions. Nine of ten patients were treated with radiation therapy after the failure of corticosteroids. Six patients (60%) showed good or excellent responses. The exophthalmos type was more responsive to radiation therapy than the double vision type in this series. Two of five patients with the exophthalmos type demonstrated excellent responses, and their symptoms disappeared almost completely. The improvement of symptoms appeared within 3-6 months, and obvious clinical effects were demonstrated after 6 months of radiotherapy. Radiation therapy was well tolerated, and we have not observed any side effects of radiation therapy. In conclusion, radiation therapy is effective treatment for Graves` ophthalmopathy. (author)

  1. Clinical experience of radiation therapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Takeo; Mitsuhashi, Norio; Nagashima, Hisako; Sakurai, Hideyuki; Murata, Osamu; Ishizeki, Kei; Shimaya, Sanae; Hayakawa, Kazushige; Niibe, Hideo


    The effect of radiation therapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy was evaluated. Ten patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy were treated with radiation therapy between 1992 and 1993 in Gunma University Hospital. All patients had a past history of hyperthyroidism and received 2,000 cGy to the retrobulbar tissues in 20 fractions. Nine of ten patients were treated with radiation therapy after the failure of corticosteroids. Six patients (60%) showed good or excellent responses. The exophthalmos type was more responsive to radiation therapy than the double vision type in this series. Two of five patients with the exophthalmos type demonstrated excellent responses, and their symptoms disappeared almost completely. The improvement of symptoms appeared within 3-6 months, and obvious clinical effects were demonstrated after 6 months of radiotherapy. Radiation therapy was well tolerated, and we have not observed any side effects of radiation therapy. In conclusion, radiation therapy is effective treatment for Graves' ophthalmopathy. (author)

  2. Esclerodermia, tireoidite e miastenia grave: estudo de um caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio L. dos Santos Werneck


    Full Text Available Uma paciente de 36 anos com miastenia grave desenvolveu após dois anos intolerância ao frio, o que conduziu ao diagnóstico de tireoidite de Hashimoto. Quatro anos mais tarde apresentou pele espessada nas mãos (esclerodermia limitada. O quadro clínico e os exames complementares encaminharam o diagnóstico para a forma CREST de esclerodermia sistêmica progressiva. Discute-se a dificuldade diagnóstica da esclerodermia, assim como suas síndromes de superposição. Doença de Hashimoto e miastenia grave constituem associação pouco frequente. A presença de esclerodermia e miastenia grave é rara. Não encontramos na literatura a coincidência destas três doenças.

  3. Radioiodine treatment of Graves' disease. An assessment of its potential risks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graham, G.D.; Burman, K.D.


    Concern about the side effects of radiation exposure has deterred physicians from using radioiodine treatment for Graves' disease, although the efficacy and safety of this treatment have been established in the 35 years since its introduction. In that time, no significant side effects have been discovered. We believe iodine-131 should be considered the treatment of choice in most patients with Graves' disease. This article reviews the current understanding of the risks in radioiodine treatment of Graves' disease, including the risks for teratogenicity, genetic damage, carcinogenesis, and cellular dysfunction

  4. Medical management of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prummel, M. F.; Wiersinga, W. M.


    In most patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism the eye signs are self-limiting and mostly subclinical. However, about one-third of the patients have clinically relevant ophthalmopathy, which can be disabling and disfiguring. The mechanical causes of the symptoms and signs of the eye disease are

  5. Infantile colic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksandra Rurarz


    Full Text Available Infantile colic is one of the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders in infants, usually occurring between 2 weeks to 4 months of age. According to the definition, infantile colic is characterised by episodes of inconsolable crying, generally observed in the evening. Although these symptoms usually resolve spontaneously in the first six months of life, they often cause parental anxiety, leading to repeated medical appointments in search for help. Despite 40 years of research, the causes of this disorder are still unclear; hypersensitivity to cow’s milk protein, lactose intolerance, impaired gut microbiota, immaturity of the nervous system, the negative impact of tobacco smoke, inappropriate childcare techniques and psychosocial factors are believed to be involved in the pathogenesis. The treatment involves behavioural methods, i.e. reducing infant exposure to external stimuli. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to eliminate caffeine and hot spices from their diet and, in some cases, switch to a dairy-free diet. For formula-fed infants, it is recommended to use hydrolysates with a high degree of hydrolysis. Simethicone is commonly used in the pharmacological treatment as it reduces the surface tension of intestinal gases, enabling their easier elimination. The Rome III Diagnostic Criteria recommend to appropriately continue any method if considered effective by the parents, provided that there are no harmful consequences.

  6. Clinical significance of determination of serum BGP levels in patients with Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tu Liping; Zhang Chunyan; Wang Linglong; Yu Yuefang; Zhu Weijie; Cai Ao


    Objective: To study the clinical significance of changes of serum BGP levels in patients with Graves' disease. Methods: Serum BOP levels as well as T 3 , T 4 , FT 3 , FT 4 , TSH, TGA, TMA levels were determined with RIA in 158 patients with Graves' disease and 145 controls. Results: The serum BGP levels in patients with Graves' disease were significantly higher than those in controls (P 3 , T 4 , FT 3 , FT 4 levels, but not with TSH, TGA, TMA. Conclusion: Serum BGP levels is a useful marker for monitoring bone metabolism in patients with Graves' disease. (authors)

  7. El maltrato entre iguales por abuso de poder y exclusión social en estudiantes de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Barranquilla


    Olga Lucía Hoyos de los Ríos; Lidia Margarita Romero Santiago; Sandra Johana Valega Mackenzie; Carmen Molinares Brito


    En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio descriptivo cuyo objetivo era determinar la incidencia de las manifestaciones del maltrato entre iguales por abuso de poder y exclusión social en una muestra de 116 estudiantes de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Se utilizó un cuestionario para estudiantes, diseñado inicialmente para poblaciones escolares en España y posteriormente adaptado a la población colombiana por Hoyos y Córdoba, y para efectos de esta inve...

  8. TFG-MET fusion in an infantile spindle cell sarcoma with neural features

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Flucke, U.E.; Noesel, M.M. van; Wijnen, M.; Zhang, L.; Chen, C.L.; Sung, Y.S.; Antonescu, C.R.


    An increasing number of congenital and infantile sarcomas displaying a primitive, monomorphic spindle cell phenotype have been characterized to harbor recurrent gene fusions, including infantile fibrosarcoma and congenital spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma. Here, we report an unusual spindle cell

  9. Epidemiology, management and outcomes of Graves' disease-real life data. (United States)

    Hussain, Y S; Hookham, J C; Allahabadia, A; Balasubramanian, S P


    Treatment options in Graves' disease are clearly defined, but management practices and the perceptions of success are varied. The outcomes of treatment in large consecutive cohorts of Graves' disease have not been well characterised. The study describes the epidemiology, management strategies and medium term outcomes following anti-thyroid drug treatment, radio-iodine ablation and surgery in Graves' disease. All patients (n = 659) who received treatment for a new diagnosis of Graves' disease in secondary care over a 5 year period were included with a median (interquartile range) follow-up of 42.9 (29-57.5) months. The age adjusted incidence of adult onset Graves' disease in Sheffield, UK was 24.8 per 100,000 per year. Excluding 35 patients lost to follow-up, 93.1% (n = 581) were controlled on anti-thyroid drug treatment. Of these, 73.6% went into remission following withdrawal of anti-thyroid drugs; 5.2% were still undergoing initial therapy; 13.3% lost control whilst on anti-thyroid drugs; and 7.9% went on to have either surgery or radio-iodine ablation whilst controlled on anti-thyroid drugs. Of the 428 patients who achieved remission, 36.7% relapsed. Of 144 patients who had radio-iodine ablation treatment, 5.6% relapsed and needed further treatment. Of 119 patients having surgery, 5.2% had long-term hypoparathyroidism and none had documented long-term recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. In the follow-up, 39.9% of patients underwent surgery or radio-iodine ablation with little morbidity. Up to two-thirds of patients who achieved remission did not relapse. Data on effectiveness and risks of treatments for Graves' disease presented in this study will help clinicians and patients in decision making.

  10. Anxiety and depression are more prevalent in patients with graves' disease than in patients with nodular goitre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bové, Kira Bang; Watt, Torquil; Vogel, Asmus


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Graves' disease has been associated with an increased psychiatric morbidity. It is unclarified whether this relates to Graves' disease or chronic disease per se. The aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with Graves......' disease compared to patients with another chronic thyroid disease, nodular goitre, and to investigate determinants of anxiety and depression in Graves' disease.METHODS: 157 cross-sectionally sampled patients with Graves' disease, 17 newly diagnosed, 140 treated, and 251 controls with nodular goitre......'/probable 'depression'. Determinants of anxiety and depression symptoms in Graves' disease were examined using multiple linear regression.RESULTS: In Graves' disease levels of anxiety (p = 0.008) and depression (p = 0.014) were significantly higher than in controls. The prevalence of depression was 10% in Graves...

  11. F-18-FDG PET of the thyroid in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boerner, A.R.; Voth, E.; Schicha, H.; Wienhard, K.; Wagner, R.


    This study evaluates F-18-FDG PET of the thyroid in Graves' disease. Methods: Thirty patients were investigated the day before radioiodine therapy, 15 patients 3-10 days after radioiodine therapy. Twenty patients with cancer of the head or neck and normal thyroid function served as controls. Results: F-18-FDG uptake was higher in Graves' disease patients than in controls. Negative correlations of F-18-FDG uptake with half-life of radioiodine and absorbed radiation dose due to radioiodine therapy were found along with a positive correlation to autoantibody levels. Conclusion: Thus F-18-FDG PET is likely to give information on the biological activity of Graves' disease as well as on early radiation effects. (orig.) [de

  12. La Muerte en la Lírica Infantil Colonial Mexicana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elsa Malvido


    Full Text Available En este trabajo presentaremos la importancia que la lírica infantil tuvo en la implantación de la cultura occidental en la Nueva España, rastrearemos sus orígenes, intenciones y permanencia en México, destacando uno de sus elementos más constantes: la muerte, así como el papel que desempeñó en las mentes infantiles que la cantaron y representaron. Podrán preguntarse ¿por qué la muerte? y responderemos que después de la conquista castellana de estas tierras, la muerte fue constante, masiva, cotidiana y permanente, todo lo cual se reflejó en las coplas populares; por ejemplo, en el material que hemos consultado compuesto de 193 canciones infantiles, en más de la mitad de ellas se hace referencia, se le menciona, nombra o es el título de las mismas.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elsa Malvido


    Full Text Available En este trabajo presentaremos la importancia que la lírica infantil tuvo en la implantación de la cultura occidental en la Nueva España, rastrearemos sus orígenes, intenciones y permanencia en México, destacando uno de sus elementos más constantes: la muerte, así como el papel que desempeñó en las mentes infantiles que la cantaron y representaron. Podrán preguntarse ¿por qué la muerte? y responderemos que después de la conquista castellana de estastierras, la muerte fue constante, masiva, cotidiana y permanente, todo lo cual se reflejó en las coplas populares; por ejemplo, en el material que hemos consultado compuesto de 193 canciones infantiles, en más de la mitad de ellas se hace referencia, se le menciona, nombra o es el título delas mismas

  14. Important considerations in the management of Graves' disease in pregnant women. (United States)

    Okosieme, Onyebuchi E; Lazarus, John H


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder in which autoantibodies to the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor cause hyperthyroidism through unregulated stimulation of the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor. Effective management of Graves' disease in pregnancy must address the competing fetal and maternal priorities of controlling hyperthyroidism in the mother on the one hand, and on the other, minimizing the impact of maternal disease and antithyroid drugs on the well-being of the fetus. Optimal strategies for achieving this intricate balance are currently a source of continued debate among thyroid experts and studies in recent decades are now providing greater clarity into the risk posed to the unborn baby by the combination of biochemical, immunological and pharmacological hazards arising from Graves' disease and its therapy. This review summarizes the current best practice and highlights important considerations and areas of uncertainty in the management of Graves' disease in pregnant women.

  15. 131I therapy of Graves' disease using lithium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Kenshi


    Lithium is known to cause goiter and hypothyroidism. In the mechanism of goitrogenesis, there is general agreement that lithium inhibits the release of the thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland without significantly impairing other thyroid functions. The present study was undertaken, therefore, to investigate the usefulness of lithium in the radioiodine treatment of Graves' disease. Nine patients with Graves' disease who were all, except one, previously treated with antithyroid drugs were studied. 600 mg of lithium carbonate were administered daily to investigate the effects on thyroidal 131 I uptake, disappearance rate of 131 I from the prelabeled thyroid and the serum concentrations of thyroid hormones. Lithium showed no significant effect on the thyroidal 131 I uptake when the 24 hour thyroidal 131 I uptakes were determined both before and during lithium treatment in the five cases. On the other hand, lithium clearly prolonged the mean value of effective half-lives of 131 I to approximately 8 days vs. 5.1 days before lithium treatment (p 4 and T 3 levels significantly decreased during lithium treatment, from 21.3 to 12.4μg/dl (n=9, p 131 I for the Graves' disease can be reduced by using lithium, the radiation exposure to the total body is decreased. Moreover, it is possible to perform the 131 I therapy while improving the thyrotoxicosis with lithium. Finally, it is concluded that lithium is a very useful drug to be combined with the 131 I therapy of Graves' disease. (author)

  16. Endemic characteristics of infantile visceral leishmaniasis in the People’s Republic of China (United States)


    Background Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was once a severe parasitic disease in China. Thanks to the great efforts of integrated control, VL was eliminated in most epidemic areas, except for certain western provinces (autonomous region) at the end of 1950s. From then on, VL gained less attention and has seemed to spread, especially in the last 15 years. Infants are the most important population threatened by VL. However, there have been few studies on the endemic characteristics of infantile VL in China. Methods Infantile VL cases were collected from the online National Infectious Diseases Reporting System (NIDRS). Statistical description and inference was used to reveal the endemic characteristics in gender, age group, time and regionalism. Spatial analysis was carried out to explore the high risk area for infantile VL in China. Results A total of 1093 infantile VL cases were reported from 2006 to 2012. There was no statistically significant difference in gender over time. The minimum, maximum and mean age of these cases was 1.1, 35.9 and 13.8 months, respectively. Among them 86.92% were under 2 years of age, and there was a statistically significant difference among age groups over time. An incidence peak appeared in 2008-2009, most cases were distributed in the months September to December, and there was a tail-raising effect in the coming two months of the next year. More than 98% of cases were reported in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Gansu Province and Sichuan Province, accounting for 61.02%, 32.75% and 4.57%, respectively. A total of 56 counties reported infantile VL cases, with the cumulative incidence ranging from 0.02 to 24.57%. There were two main zones of high endemicity for infantile VL in China. The monthly incidence clearly coincides with the number of towns where infantile VL cases were reported. Three fatalities were reported during the study period, the case fatality rate was 2.75‰. Conclusions The endemic situation of infantile VL is

  17. A mild Grave's ophthalmopathy during pregnancy. (United States)

    Abbouda, Alessandro; Trimboli, Pierpaolo; Bruscolini, Alice


    Thyroid ophthalmopathy is a complication most commonly associated with Grave's disease. The disease course ranges from mild to severe, with severe cases resulting in major visual impairment. A complete ophthalmic examination in a 35-year-old secundigravida to 14 weeks of gestation presented to the hospital for a routine ophthalmological examination with eyelid retraction in the right eye was made. We studied the course of ocular disease through the gestation with orbit ecography and a 3T MRI. A diagnosis of Grave's Ophthalmopathy was made. This case presents an unusual course of the GD during pregnancy and a normal post-partum relapse, according to the Th1/Th2 balance. The frequent follow-up and the use of MRI allowed a prompt identification and complete control of the disease.

  18. Computer assisted analysis of hand radiographs in infantile hypophosphatasia carriers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chodirker, B.N.; Greenberg, C.R.; Manitoba Univ., Winnipeg, MB; Roy, D.; Cheang, M.; Evans, J.A.; Manitoba Univ., Winnipeg, MB; Manitoba Univ., Winnipeg, MB; Reed, M.H.; Manitoba Univ., Winnipeg, MB


    Hand radiographs of 49 carriers of infantile hypophosphatasia and 67 non-carriers were evaluated using two Apple IIe Computer Programs and Apple Graphics Tablet. CAMPS was used to determine the bone lengths and calculate the metacarpophalangeal profiles. A newly developed program (ADAM) was used to determine bone density based on percent cortical area of the second metacarpal. Carriers of infantile hypophosphatasia had significantly less dense bones. (orig.)

  19. Violencia intragénero: proyecto de investigación sobre la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la ejecución del maltrato.


    Lagar Méndez, Jesús Manuel


    Trabajo Fin de Grado, curso 2016/2017 [ES] La Violencia intragénero es aquella que se produce dentro de una relación entre personas del mismo sexo con el objetivo de dominar y controlar a la pareja. Se ha encontrado que la prevalencia es igual o mayor que en relaciones heterosexuales, pero en España no contamos con datos oficiales. Por otro lado, las dinámicas en la pareja violenta y los correlatos que predicen el maltrato en la violencia intragénero son similares a los que se dan en la vi...

  20. Airway complication occurring during radioiodine treatment for Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinuya, Seigo; Yoneyama, Tatsuya; Michigishi, Takatoshi


    Airway complications rarely occur in 131 I radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease. This study presents two cases in which 131 I therapy caused this acute complication. The patients complained of the symptom 6 h and 33 h after administration of 131 I. A histamine H1 receptor antagonist and hydrocortisone rapidly resolved symptoms in both cases. These two cases remind physicians that 131 I therapy for Graves' disease may cause potentially life-threatening complications. (author)

  1. Comparative Study on the Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator in Graves' Disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dong Sup; Koh, Chang Soon; Lee, Mun Ho


    In order to study the role of LATS in the pathogenesis of the Graves' disease, the serum activity of the LATS was determined by the bioassay of the modified McKenzie method. The subjects examined in the study consisted of 76 individuals including 12 cases of normal control, 54 cases with typical Graves' disease and 10 cases of chronic thyroiditis. The data observed in the patients with the Graves' disease were analyzed in comparison with the clinical features, laboratory findings, and responsiveness to the treatment. The results obtained are as follows: 1) None of the subjects which did not have the Graves' disease showed a positive LATS activity, except one case with the chronic thyroiditis. 2) Twenty-two oui of the 54 cases with the Graves' disease showed positive results for LATS (40.7%). The positivity was significantly higher in the patients who had been treated with antithyroid regimen but still showed hyperthyroidism than in the patients who had not been treated. 3) The activity of LATS was gradually decreased or even became absent as the hyperthyroidism was corrected after the treatment. 4) No significant difference was noticed in age and-sex between the positive and negative groups of LATS. 5) There was no evidence of significant correlation between the LATS activity and clinical features.

  2. Las inteligencias múltiples en Educación Infantil


    Ceballos González, Eric


    El objetivo del presente trabajo fin de grado es dar una visión de la posibilidades que nos ofrece las inteligencias múltiples para trabajarlas en la educación infantil. Apoyándose en la base de la las teorías de la inteligencia y los avances de la misma hasta llegar a la teoría de las Inteligencias múltiples. Tomando como mayor representante de dicha teoría a Howard Gadner Grado en Educación Infantil

  3. Hypocalcaemia following thyroidectomy for treatment of Graves' disease: implications for patient management and cost-effectiveness. (United States)

    Hughes, O R; Scott-Coombes, D M


    No consensus exists on optimal treatment for Graves' disease once anti-thyroid medication fails to induce remission. Total thyroidectomy is a more cost-effective treatment than radioactive iodine or life-long anti-thyroid medication, but hypocalcaemia is an important complication, leading to longer hospital admissions and increased prescription costs. This study aimed to compare the relative risk of hypocalcaemia requiring medical treatment for patients with Graves' disease. Prospective cohort study of patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease and for multinodular goitre, calculating serum calcium levels 24-hours post-operatively and prescription rates. Mean corrected calcium concentrations 24 hours post-operatively were 2.05 mmol/l for Graves' disease patients and 2.14 mmol/l for multinodular goitre patients (p = 0.003). Biochemical hypocalcaemia developed in 92 per cent (n = 34) of Graves' disease patients and 71 per cent (n = 43) of multinodular goitre patients (p = 0.012). Graves' disease patients were more likely to be prescribed calcium supplementation pre-discharge (p = 0.037). Total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease carries an increased risk of hypocalcaemia at 24 hours, and of calcium supplementation pre-discharge. Graves' disease patients should be informed of the increased risk of hypocalcaemia associated with total thyroidectomy, and this risk must be factored into future cost-effectiveness analysis.

  4. El diagnóstico positivo de autismo infantil


    Velázquez Argota, Juana; Lozano Pérez, Teresa


    Se revisan los límites del síndrome autístico y la evolución del concepto de autismo infantil desde Kanner hasta las clasificaciones psiquiátricas más recientes. Se informan los resultados de nuestras investigaciones en el diagnóstico positivo del autismo infantil. La anamnesis remota es de poco valor, más relevantes para el diagnóstico constituyen el examen del paciente en el presente y las escalas de cuantificación del autismo (las cuales son de utilidad en el diagnóstico diferencial entre ...



    Mirás-Puente, Tania


    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, en la especialidad Maestro en Educación Infantil, está centrado en la presentación de una propuesta de intervención, fundamentalmente lúdica, cuyo fin es aportar un recurso a los docentes atendiendo a diferentes tipos de aprendizajes. El carácter lúdico es considerado, ya que el juego es uno de los enfoques metodológicos en la etapa infantil. Esta metodología, sostenida en una motivación de aprendizaje, promoverá un ambiente adecuado para la construcción d...

  6. Cultura, self e autonomia: bases para o protagonismo infantil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Fernandes Senna Pires

    Full Text Available Neste artigo são discutidas as bases do protagonismo (ou participação infantil na sociedade: cultura, construção do self e autonomia. São apresentados os principais fundamentos teóricos da abordagem sociocultural construtivista ao se discutir o self como sistema complexo e dinâmico, co-construído mediante a interação entre sujeito ativo e canalizações culturais. Diante das práticas culturais relacionadas à institucionalização da infância, analisam-se como crenças e valores podem contribuir para a participação infantil nos processos decisórios e para a superação das limitações atuais. Conclui-se que a abordagem co-construtivista, efetivamente, pode contribuir para a promoção do protagonismo infantil, visto que destaca as dimensões da cultura e do sujeito construtivo, aí implicadas.

  7. Management of infantile hemangiomas: Current trends

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gomathy Sethuraman


    Full Text Available Infantile hemangiomas (IH are common vascular tumours. IH have a characteristic natural course. They proliferate rapidly during the early infantile period followed by a period of gradual regression over several years. Most of the uncomplicated IH undergo spontaneous involution, with a small proportion of cases requiring intervention. These are children with IH in life-threatening locations, local complications like haemorrhage, ulceration and necrosis and functional or cosmetic disfigurements. Systemic corticosteroids have been the first line of treatment for many years. Recently, non-selective beta-blockers, such as oral propranalol and topical timolol, have emerged as promising and safer therapies. Other treatment options include interferon α and vincristine which are reserved for life-threatening haemangiomas that are unresponsive to conventional therapy. This review mainly focuses on the current trends and evidence-based approach in the management of IH.

  8. Lógico matemática y psicomotricidad en Educación Infantil


    Carrera Alonso, Ana


    El presente trabajo tiene dos partes diferenciadas: una primera, sobre la investigación entre los nexos o solapamientos que unen la psicomotricidad y la lógico-matemática en educación infantil y, otra fase, es una propuesta de intervención en el aula para desarrollar la lógica-matemática y la psicomotricidad en el tercer curso del segundo ciclo de la Educación Infantil. Además se añaden una serie de conclusiones y reflexiones sobre lo anteriormente señalado. Grado en Educación Infantil...

  9. Uso de drogas en estudiantes universitarios y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez en una universidad de San Salvador, El Salvador

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Alfredo Martínez Díaz


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la relación entre el uso de drogas en estudiantes universitarios de una universidad en San Salvador y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez. Este estudio fue de corte transversal, siendo el tamaño de la muestra de 272 estudiantes, con un error muestral del 5%. Los resultados más importantes fueron: el 6.6% de los estudiantes manifestó haber sufrido abuso sexual, el 24.6% abuso físico y el mismo porcentaje fue reportado para el abuso verbal mientras que el 12.9% reportó negligencia emocional o física. El 55.1% reportó distress psicológico mínimo. El 43% ha consumido drogas alguna vez en su vida. El 58.45% tiene amigos que usan drogas. El alcohol, el cannabis y el tabaco son las drogas más usadas. El 70% de los estudiantes que usan drogas sufrieron algún tipo de maltrato. En cuanto a las asociaciones, sólo en el abuso físico se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa con una probabilidad de error menor al 0.05. Los datos no pueden ser generalizados a los estudiantes universitarios de San Salvador, El Salvador.

  10. Grave pit modifications and wooden structures in the Great Moravian graves and their information potential for cognition of the social structure of the Great Moravian society

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mazuch, Marian; Hladík, Marek


    Roč. 54, č. 2 (2013), s. 45-55 ISSN 1211-7250 R&D Projects: GA ČR GP13-20936P Keywords : Early Middle Ages * Great Moravia * Mikulčice * burial sites * graves * grave pits * burial pits * wooden structures * funeral rite * social structure * GIS * statistics Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  11. Fonoaudiologia e educação infantil: uma parceria necessária Speech therapy and infantile education: a necessary partnership


    Poliana Carla Santos Maranhão; Sabrina Maria Pimentel da Cunha Pinto; Cristiane Monteiro Pedruzzi


    OBJETIVO: investigar as informações que os professores de educação infantil possuem em relação a Fonoaudiologia na escola, bem como sobre temas ligados à área de linguagem. MÉTODOS: foi aplicado um questionário, contendo 17 questões objetivas em uma amostra com 73 professores de educação infantil da rede municipal de ensino da cidade de Maceió-AL. RESULTADOS: os participantes relacionaram a atuação fonoaudiológica na escola à presença de alterações no desenvolvimento da criança. O índice de p...

  12. Graves' disease and toxic nodular goiter - radioiodine therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schicha, H.; Dietlein, M.


    At the 15th conference on the human thyroid in Heidelberg in 2001 the following aspects of the radioiodine therapy of benign thyroid disorders were presented: General strategies for therapy of benign thyroid diseases, criterions for conservative or definitive treatment of hyperthyroidism as first line therapy and finally preparation, procedural details, results, side effects, costs and follow-up care of radioiodine therapy as well as legal guidelines for hospitalization in Germany. The diagnosis Graves' hyperthyroidism needs the decision, if rather a conservative treatment or if primary radioiodine therapy is the best therapeutic approach. In the USA 70-90% of these patients are treated with radioiodine as first line therapy, whereas in Germany the conservative therapy for 1-1.5 years is recommended for 90%. This review describes subgroups of patients with Graves' disease showing a higher probability to relapse after conservative treatment. Comparing benefits, adverse effects, costs, and conveniences of both treatment strategies the authors conclude that radioiodine therapy should be preferred as first line therapy in 60-70% of the patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism. (orig.) [de

  13. Regression of the carotid intima media thickness by propylthiouracil therapy in Graves' hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Bilir, Cemil; Gökosmanoglu, Feyzi; Caliskan, Mustafa; Cinemre, Hakan; Akdemir, Ramazan


    One of the cardiovascular effects of hyperthyroidism is increased carotid intima media thickness (CIMT). The aim of this study is to investigate the CIMT in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism and the effect of propylthiouracil (PTU) therapy on CIMT. Twenty-six patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism and 33 healthy controls were included in the study. CIMT was measured at the right and left external carotid arteries in every patient in both groups. CIMT was measured before and after the PTU therapy in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism. There was a significant difference in CIMT between the group of Graves' hyperthyroid patients and the control group (0.72 versus 0.55 mm, P treatment, CIMT decreased significantly compared with the baseline values [0.84 (0.54-1.3) to 0.72 (0.50-1.2), change 0.12 mm, P hyperthyroidism is associated with atherosclerosis as assessed by CIMT. Treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism with PTU decreases the CIMT.

  14. CD28/CTLA-4/ICOS haplotypes confers susceptibility to Graves' disease and modulates clinical phenotype of disease. (United States)

    Pawlak-Adamska, Edyta; Frydecka, Irena; Bolanowski, Marek; Tomkiewicz, Anna; Jonkisz, Anna; Karabon, Lidia; Partyka, Anna; Nowak, Oskar; Szalinski, Marek; Daroszewski, Jacek


    Graves' disease, an autoimmune disease with heterogeneous symptoms including Graves' orbitopathy, has a combined genetic/environmental background, where variations within CD28/CTLA-4/ICOS genes are considered as disease markers.Association of CD28c.17+3T>C(rs3116496), CTLA-4g.319C>T(rs5742909), CTLA-4c.49A>G(rs231775), CTLA-4g.*642AT(8_33), CT60(rs3087243), Jo31(rs11571302), ICOSc.1554+4GT(8_15) polymorphisms with susceptibility to Graves' disease and clinical outcome was investigated. The study group comprised of 561 Polish Caucasians, including 172 unrelated Graves' disease patients. CTLA-4c.49A>G, CTLA-4g.319C>T, and CT60 were genotyped by PCR-RFLP; Jo31 and CD28c.17+3C>T by minisequencing; CTLA-4g.*642AT(8_33) and ICOSc.1554+4GT(8_15)-PCR and fluorescence-based technique. CD28c.17+3T>C(rs3116496)T/CTLA-4g.319C>T(rs5742909)C/CTLA-4c.49A>G(rs231775)G/CTLA-4g.*642AT(8_33)(AT 16-21 )/CT60(rs3087243)G/Jo31(rs11571302)G/ICOSc.1554+4GT(8_15)(m) and TCA(AT Graves' disease, especially in males, as well as overall Graves' orbitopathy development with severe outcome. TCG(AT 16-21 )GG(l) haplotype increased risk of Graves' disease and reduced the chance of successful medical treatment. Although this haplotype was mainly observed in patients without signs of Graves' orbitopathy, if Graves' orbitopathy developed it favored a Graves' orbitopathy outcome. Haplotype TCA(AT >21 )GT(m) increased Graves' disease risk in women and, in all patients, was linked to Graves' disease without Graves' orbitopathy. TCG(AT Graves' disease risk factor, whereas CT60 was an independent factor for disease progression. Sporadic Graves' disease was related to presence of CTLA-4c.49A>G[A] and the rare CTLA-4g.319C>T[T] allele variant. Familial background of the disease was exclusively associated with CTLA-4g.*642AT(8_33)[AT >21 ]/[AT >21 ] genotype. CD28/CTLA-4/ICOS loci may confer inherited susceptibility to Graves' disease or may be involved in susceptibility to Graves' disease and play a

  15. Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and management of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Schilling, J S


    Hyperthyroidism, or thyrotoxicosis, results when the body's tissues are exposed to excessive levels of thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroidism affects 2% of women but only one-tenth as many men. Graves' disease is the most common form of hyperthyroidism, often occurring in young adults. It is an autoimmune disorder with an important genetic component. Hyperthyroidism's hallmarks include goiter and myriad signs and symptoms related to increased metabolic activity in virtually all body tissues. Increased sensitivity to circulating catecholamines adds to the clinical picture. Diagnosed by patient history, physical examination, and laboratory tests, Graves' disease is treated with antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, and/or surgery, plus supportive therapy. A good treatment outcome can be expected; long-term follow-up is indicated.

  16. CEREN: un centro enfocado en la calidad de vida de la población infantil


    Centeno, Analía


    El Centro de Estudios en Nutrición y Desarrollo Infantil (CEREN) aborda e interviene en problemáticas de alimentación, nutrición, cuidados, crecimiento y desarrollo infantil. Fue creado con un claro enfoque social, integral y multidisciplinario con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de la población infantil de la Provincia.

  17. An update on the medical treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Marinò, Michele; Latrofa, Francesco; Menconi, Francesca; Chiovato, Luca; Vitti, Paolo


    Medical treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism is based on the use of thionamides; namely, methimazole and propylthiouracil. In the past, methimazole was preferred by European endocrinologists, whereas propylthiouracil was the first choice for the majority of their North American colleagues. However, because of the recent definition of a better side-effect profile, methimazole is nowadays the first choice world while. Although thionamides are quite effective for the short-term control of Graves' hyperthyroidism, a relatively high proportion of patients relapses after thionamide withdrawal. Other possible medical treatments, include iodine and compounds containing iodine, perchlorate, lithium (as an adjuvant in patients undergoing radioiodine therapy), β-adrenergic antagonists, glucocorticoids, and some new molecules still under investigation. Management of Graves' hyperthyroidism using thionamides as well as the other available medical treatments is here reviewed in detail, with a special mention of situations such as pregnancy and lactation, as well as neonatal and fetal thyrotoxicosis.

  18. Follow-up of newborns of mothers with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Levy-Shraga, Yael; Tamir-Hostovsky, Liran; Boyko, Valentina; Lerner-Geva, Liat; Pinhas-Hamiel, Orit


    Overt neonatal Graves' disease is rare, but may be severe, even life threatening, with deleterious effects on neural development. The main objective of this study was to describe the course of thyrotropin (TSH) and free thyroxin (fT4) levels, as well as postnatal weight gain in relation to fT4 levels, in neonates born to women with Graves' disease without overt neonatal thyrotoxicosis. Such information is important to deduce the optimal schedule for evaluation. We conducted a retrospective chart review of neonates born to mothers with Graves' disease between January 2007 and December 2012. The records were reviewed for sex, gestational age, birth weight, maternal treatment during pregnancy, and maternal thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) level. For each visit in the clinic, the data included growth parameters, presence of symptoms suspected for hyperthyroidism, blood test results (levels of TSH, fT4, and TSI), and treatment. Ninety-six neonates were included in the study (49 males), with a total of 320 measurements of thyroid function tests (TSH and fT4). Four neonates (4%) had overt neonatal Graves' disease; one of them along with nine others were born preterm. In 77 (92.9%) of the remaining 83 neonates (the subclinical group), fT4 levels were above the 95th percentile on day 5. All had normal fT4 on day 15. A negative association was found between fT4 and weight gain during the first two weeks. In this cohort, most neonates born to mothers with Graves' disease had a subclinical course with abnormal fT4 levels that peaked at day 5. After day 14, all measurements of fT4 returned to the normal range, although measurements of TSH remained suppressed for up to three months. Elevated fT4 was associated with poor weight gain.

  19. Manipulative therapies for infantile colic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dobson, D.; Lucassen, P.L.; Miller, J.J.; Vlieger, A.M.; Prescott, P.; Lewith, G.


    BACKGROUND: Infantile colic is a common disorder, affecting around one in six families, and in 2001 was reported to cost the UK National Health Service in excess of pound65 million per year (Morris 2001). Although it usually remits by six months of age, there is some evidence of longer-term sequelae

  20. [Grave's disease in 2009]. (United States)

    Philippe, Jacques


    Grave's disease is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland characterized by hyperthyroidism, a homogenous goiter and occasionally an ophtalmopathy. It occurs in less than 1% of the population with a large predominance in women (10/1). Treatment is directed to inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis with carbimazole during 12-18 months. Recurrence rates after stopping treatment is about 50%; in these patients, radioactive iodine is the preferred treatment.

  1. Quality control of 131I treatment of graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Zeng; Liu Guoqiang


    To make a preliminary quality control (QC) criteria and apply on the various stages of clinic 131 I treatment of Graves' disease in order to decrease the early happening of hypothyroidism and enhance the onetime 131 I cure rate of Graves' disease, the quality control criteria in the stochastic outpatient with 131 I treatment, such as plan of the indication, contraindication, method of treatment, matters needing attention, follow-up observation and curative effect appraisal, patient selection, RAIU, thyroid gland weight measurement and 131 I dose criteria for the various steps of 131 I medication were determined. The 131 I treatment effects of Graves' disease including the once-cure rate, the improving rate, duplicate cure rate and the early happening rate of hypothyroidism were analyzed in patients with applying QC and without QC ccriteria. The results showed that the oncecure rate in patients with applying QC criteria was increased from 76.6% to 90.9% (P≤0.01); the improving rate was decreased from 12.2% to 7.0% (P≤0.01); the duplicate cure rate was increased from 90.1% to 93.0% (P>0.05); the early happening rate of hypothyroidism was decreased from 11.0% to 2.1% (P≤0.01). The 131 I treatment of Graves' disease applying with QC criteria had tremendously improved the oncecure rate and decreased the early happening of hypothyroidism rate. (authors)

  2. ¿Hay diferencias entre la violencia grave y la violencia menos grave contra la pareja?: un análisis comparativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Echeburúa


    Full Text Available En este estudio ex post facto se lleva a cabo una descripción de las características presentadas por 1.081 casos denunciados por violencia contra la mujer en las comisarías de la Ertzaintza del País Vasco. En primer lugar, se presentan las variables psicológicas y sociodemográficas del agresor y de la víctima, así como de la relación de pareja. Y en segundo lugar, se determinan las diferencias más significativas entre la violencia grave y la violencia menos grave en relación con esas mismas variables. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que tanto los agresores como las víctimas tienden a ser jóvenes, con una sobrerrepresentación de agresores y víctimas extranjeros inmigrantes. En el caso de los maltratadores graves, tienden a ser celosos o posesivos, a sentirse humillados por la ruptura de la pareja, lo que redunda directamente en un descenso de su autoestima y a consumir abusivamente alcohol o drogas. Por lo que se refiere a las víctimas de la violencia grave, se suelen sentir con frecuencia en peligro de muerte y están más fácilmente en circunstancias de vulnerabilidad, como una edad muy joven, una personalidad muy dependiente, una situación de enfermedad crónica o de dependencia económica, un consumo de drogas o un entorno de soledad. Se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la investigación y para la práctica clínica.

  3. A report of three cases of untreated Graves' disease associated with pancytopenia in Malaysia. (United States)

    Rafhati, Abdullah Noor; See, Chee Keong; Hoo, Fan Kee; Badrulnizam, Long Bidin Mohamed


    Generally, clinical presentations of Graves' disease range from asymptomatic disease to overt symptomatic hyperthyroidism with heat intolerance, tremor, palpitation, weight loss, and increased appetite. However, atypical presentation of Graves' disease with hematological system involvement, notably pancytopenia, is distinctly uncommon. Hereby, we present and discuss a series of three untreated cases of Graves' disease clinically presented with pancytopenia and the hematological abnormalities that responded well to anti-thyroid treatment. With resolution of the thyrotoxic state, the hematological parameters improved simultaneously. Thus, it is crucial that anti-thyroid treatment be considered in patients with Graves' disease and pancytopenia after a thorough hematological evaluation.

  4. Graves' ophthalmopathy evaluated by infrared eye-movement recordings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feldon, S.E.; Unsoeld, R.


    Thirteen patients with varying degrees of Graves' ophthalmopathy were examined using high-resolution infrared oculography to determine peak velocities for horizontal eye movements between 3 degrees and 30 degrees. As severity of the orbital disease increased, peak velocities became substantially lower. Vertical-muscle surgery failed to have any effect on peak velocity of horizontal eye movements. In contrast, orbital decompression caused notable improvement in peak velocity of eye movements. Eye-movement recordings, which provide a measure of extraocular muscle function rather than structure, may provide a safe, sensitive, and accurate method for classifying and following up patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy


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    María Auxiliadora Robles-Bello


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende destacar un ámbito de trabajo de la Psicología Clínica que se ha convertido en una disciplina propia de actuación en la población infantil, para ello se trata de esclarecer el concepto actual de atención temprana y su estructuración territorial vigente en nuestro país. Comenzamos por una definición general de la atención infantil temprana, se continúa especificando los inicios de la atención temprana en España y sus pioneros para finalizar planteando como se estructura este servicio en las diversas Comunidades Autónomas, y en particular en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía.

  6. Clinical significance and changes of TRAb and TSI assay in patients with Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Xiaolin; Zhang Haiyan


    Objective: To explore the changes and clinical significance of TRAb and TSI detection in patients with Graves' disease. Methods: Serum TRAb and TSI levels were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and thyroid hormone levels were detected by microparticle enzyme immunoassay, including normal controls, Graves' disease in period of onset, catabsis group and hashimotos thyroiditis group. Results: The positive rate of TRAb and TSI in Graves' in period of onset group is 86.67% and 95.0%, TGA and TMA in hashimotos thyroiditis group is 85.29% and 91.18%, respectively. More importantly these results were significant difference than normal controls. Conclusions: It's very important for Graves' disease patients to detect TRAb, TSI, TGA, TMA and thyroid hormone simulta-neously, especially to the curative effect and prognosis criterin in patients with Graves' disease and antidi-astole in patients with hashimotos thyroiditis. (authors)

  7. El manejo de la diabetes en educación infantil


    Espinosa Fernández, Lucía


    Los objetivos principales de este trabajo son dar a conocer la diabetes Tipo 1 en la escuela a toda la comunidad educativa e integrar al alumno que padece esta enfermedad en el aula. Por ello, se ha diseña un plan de actuación para que puedan llevarlo a cabo en las aulas de Educación Infantil e implicar alumnos, maestros y padres con esta enfermedad Grado en Educación Infantil

  8. Ciencias Experimentales en el aula de Educación Infantil


    Zamalloa Echevarría, Teresa


    Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas, Destinatario: Estudiante Mediante la metodología de ABP el alumnado de tercer curso del grado de Educación infantil elaborará propuestas didácticas en grupos para el estudio de los contenidos de ciencias experimentales empleando diferentes estrategias y recursos didácticos para la enseñanza/aprendizaje del medio físico y natural en Educación Infantil.

  9. Mortalidad infantil: Análisis de un decenio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rogelio León López


    Full Text Available Se efectúo un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo con la finalidad de conocer el comportamiento de la mortalidad infantil en el policlínico docente "30 de Noviembre" durante el decenio 1985-1994. El universo de estudio estuvo conformado por los 29 fallecidos menores de un año ocurridos en el período referido en dicha área de salud. Se calculó la tasa de mortalidad infantil en sus diferentes componentes en cada año motivo de estudio. Se encontró que la tasa de mortalidad infantil en nuestra área tiene un comportamiento cíclico, que la mortalidad neonatal precoz fue la que más fallecidos aportó y que las principales causas de muerte fueron la sepsis, el bajo peso al nacer y la hipoxia. Se enfatiza en la importancia de establecer un Plan de Medidas encaminado a disminuir la mortalidad infantil del áreaA descriptive and retrospective study was conducted aimed at knowing the behavior of infant mortality rate at the "30 de Noviembre" Teaching Polyclinic from 1985 to 1994. The 29 infants under one year who died in that health area during that period were studied. Infant mortality rate in its different components was calculated by every year under study. It was found that infant mortality rates in our area had a cyclical behavior, that early neonatal mortality had the highest number of deaths, and that the main cause of death were sepsis, low birth weight and hypoxia. Emphasis is made on the need of implementing a plan of measures to reduce infant mortality rate in the area

  10. ¿Hay diferencias entre la violencia grave y la violencia menos grave contra la pareja?: un análisis comparativo


    Enrique Echeburúa; Javier Fernández-Montalvo; Paz de Corral


    En este estudio ex post facto se lleva a cabo una descripción de las características presentadas por 1.081 casos denunciados por violencia contra la mujer en las comisarías de la Ertzaintza del País Vasco. En primer lugar, se presentan las variables psicológicas y sociodemográficas del agresor y de la víctima, así como de la relación de pareja. Y en segundo lugar, se determinan las diferencias más significativas entre la violencia grave y la violencia menos grave en relación con esas mismas v...

  11. An evaluation of supervoltage orbital irradiation for Graves' opthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teng, C.S.; Crombie, A.L.; Hall, R.; Ross, W.M.


    Twenty patients with moderately severe ophthalmopathy due to Graves' disease or ophtalmic Graves' disease were treated by supervoltage orbital radiotherapy generated by a linear accelerator. Seven patients (35%) showed some response within 3 weeks of the treatment, four patients (20%) improved minimally while nine patients (45%) were unchanged. Improvement was noted mainly in soft tissue changes while proptosis decreased in only four patients. With one exception, ophthalmoplegia did not improve after the radiotherapy. The benefit obtained with the treatment was not impressive. (author)

  12. Remission of Grave's disease after oral anti-thyroid drug treatment. (United States)

    Ishtiaq, Osama; Waseem, Sabiha; Haque, M Naeemul; Islam, Najmul; Jabbar, Abdul


    To evaluate remission rate of anti-thyroid drug treatment in patients with Grave's disease, and to study the factors associated with remission. A cross sectional study. The Endocrine Department of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi from 1999 to 2000. Seventy four patients of Grave's disease were recruited who were prescribed medical treatment. Grave's disease was diagnosed in the presence of clinical and biochemical hyperthyroidism along with anti-microsomal (AMA) and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (ATA) and thyroid scan. These patients were prescribed oral anti-thyroid drugs using titration regime and followed at 3, 6, 12 and 18 months. Patients were categorized into two groups: "remission group" and "treatment failure group" and results were compared using a chi-square test, t-test and logistic regression model with significance at p disease on initial presentation.

  13. A case of severe autoimmune hepatitis associated with Graves' disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samia Abdulla Bokhari


    Full Text Available Graves' disease is a common condition and is known to have a wide range of effects on a variety of organs. Hepatic dysfunction ranging from mild to severe due to direct effect of high circulating thyroid hormones as well as a deleterious effect of antithyroid medications (methimazole and propylthiouracil has been well - documented in literature. However, severe autoimmune hepatitis (AIH associated with Graves' disease is rare and limited to few case reports only. A 38-year-old woman presented with abdominal pain and yellowish discolouration of conjunctivae. On investigation, she was found to have Graves' disease and AIH. The liver histopathology showed typical features of AIH. She responded excellently to glucocorticoid therapy with normalisation of thyroid function and liver histology. The case is discussed with relevant literature review.

  14. Secrets of a Mass Grave (United States)

    Ament, Caitlin Marie; Graham, Theodore J.


    This article presents a unit of study in which students examine skeletons and draw conclusions from the evidence they find in a simulated mass grave. The activity involves the foundation of forensic anthropology--interpreting the structure of skeletal remains to determine sex, age, height, and possible cause of death. Working through a series of…

  15. Intervención de educación intercultural en educación infantil


    López Pastor, Claudia


    Este trabajo abarca el tema de la interculturalidad, y más concretamente la interculturalidad en infantil. Para llevar a cabo esta propuesta he realizado una serie de actividades relacionadas con el juego para que sean trabajadas con los niños y las niñas de educación infantil de cinco y seis años. Todo ello ha sido diseñado basándome en un marco teórico que recoge ideas y conocimientos de diferentes autores. Grado en Educación Infantil

  16. Fonoaudiologia e educação infantil: uma parceria necessária Speech therapy and infantile education: a necessary partnership

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Poliana Carla Santos Maranhão


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: investigar as informações que os professores de educação infantil possuem em relação a Fonoaudiologia na escola, bem como sobre temas ligados à área de linguagem. MÉTODOS: foi aplicado um questionário, contendo 17 questões objetivas em uma amostra com 73 professores de educação infantil da rede municipal de ensino da cidade de Maceió-AL. RESULTADOS: os participantes relacionaram a atuação fonoaudiológica na escola à presença de alterações no desenvolvimento da criança. O índice de professores da amostra que obtiveram contato com o fonoaudiólogo na escola é de 4,1%. Estes educadores relatam que apenas 57,5% receberam informações sobre a aquisição de linguagem e o desenvolvimento da escrita. CONCLUSãO: com a realização da presente pesquisa foi possível confirmar a necessidade de reforçar as ações fonoaudiológicas na escola, bem como a parceria entre fonoaudiólogos e professores.PURPOSE: to investigate the knowledge of infantile education teachers about the speech therapy at school, as well as on subjects regarding language area. METHODS: 73 infantile education teachers in public schools of Maceió-AL answered a questionnaire containing 17 objective questions. RESULTS: the participants related the performance of speech therapy staff at schools to the presence of alterations in children development. Only 4.1% of the teachers have had contact with some speech therapist at school. These educators report that only 57.5% received information about language acquisition and development of writing. CONCLUSION: upon accomplishing this research it was possible to confirm the necessity for reinforcing speech therapy related actions in school, as well as the partnership among speech therapists and teachers.

  17. Lectura e Inteligencias Múltiples en Educación Infantil


    Carretero-Delgado, Susana


    El fracaso escolar tiene consecuencias negativas importantes tanto a nivel individual como social. Los problemas de lectura son unas de las principales causas de este fracaso. En este trabajo de investigación se ha hecho una exploración sobre el rendimiento lector con alumnos de Educación Infantil para establecer su posible relación con las inteligencias múltiples. Se evaluaron 30 alumnos de Educación Infantil de entre 5 y 6 años con el cuestionario de inteligencias múltiples y una prueba de ...

  18. Predictive factors for intraoperative excessive bleeding in Graves' disease. (United States)

    Yamanouchi, Kosho; Minami, Shigeki; Hayashida, Naomi; Sakimura, Chika; Kuroki, Tamotsu; Eguchi, Susumu


    In Graves' disease, because a thyroid tends to have extreme vascularity, the amount of intraoperative blood loss (AIOBL) becomes significant in some cases. We sought to elucidate the predictive factors of the AIOBL. A total of 197 patients underwent thyroidectomy for Graves' disease between 2002 and 2012. We evaluated clinical factors that would be potentially related to AIOBL retrospectively. The median period between disease onset and surgery was 16 months (range: 1-480 months). Conventional surgery was performed in 125 patients, whereas video-assisted surgery was performed in 72 patients. Subtotal and near-total/total thyroidectomies were performed in 137 patients and 60 patients, respectively. The median weight of the thyroid was 45 g (range: 7.3-480.0 g). Univariate analysis revealed that the strongest correlation of AIOBL was noted with the weight of thyroid (p Graves' disease, and preparation for blood transfusion should be considered in cases where thyroids weigh more than 200 g. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Taiwan.

  19. Anxiety and depression are more prevalent in patients with graves' disease than in patients with nodular goitre. (United States)

    Bové, Kira Bang; Watt, Torquil; Vogel, Asmus; Hegedüs, Laszlo; Bjoerner, Jakob Bue; Groenvold, Mogens; Bonnema, Steen Joop; Rasmussen, Åse Krogh; Feldt-Rasmussen, Ulla


    Graves' disease has been associated with an increased psychiatric morbidity. It is unclarified whether this relates to Graves' disease or chronic disease per se. The aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with Graves' disease compared to patients with another chronic thyroid disease, nodular goitre, and to investigate determinants of anxiety and depression in Graves' disease. 157 cross-sectionally sampled patients with Graves' disease, 17 newly diagnosed, 140 treated, and 251 controls with nodular goitre completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The differences in the mean HADS scores between the groups were analysed using multiple linear regression, controlling for socio-demographic variables. HADS scores were also analysed dichotomized: a score >10 indicating probable 'anxiety'/probable 'depression'. Determinants of anxiety and depression symptoms in Graves' disease were examined using multiple linear regression. In Graves' disease levels of anxiety (p = 0.008) and depression (p = 0.014) were significantly higher than in controls. The prevalence of depression was 10% in Graves' disease versus 4% in nodular goitre (p = 0.038), anxiety was 18 versus 13% (p = 0.131). Symptoms of anxiety (p = 0.04) and depression (p = 0.01) increased with comorbidity. Anxiety symptoms increased with duration of Graves' disease (p = 0.04). Neither thyroid function nor autoantibody levels were associated with anxiety and depression symptoms. Anxiety and depression symptoms were more severe in Graves' disease than in nodular goitre. Symptoms were positively correlated to comorbidity and duration of Graves' disease but neither to thyroid function nor thyroid autoimmunity.

  20. Linear Nevus Sebaceum Syndrome and Infantile Spasms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J Gordon Millichap


    Full Text Available Two infants with linear nevus sebaceum syndrome and infantile spasms are reported from Safra Childrens Hospital, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel; and Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.

  1. Evaluation of the patients with Grave's ophthalmopathy after the corticosteroids treatment. (United States)

    Petrović, Mirjana Janićijević; Sarenac, Tatjana; Srećković, Suncica; Petrović, Marko; Vulović, Dejan; Janićijević, Katarina


    Graves' ophthalmopthy is one of the most common causes of exophthalmos as well as the most common manifestation of Graves' disease. The treatment of Graves' ophthalmopathy includes ophthalmological and endocrinological therapy. The aim of this study was to clinically evaluate the patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy treated with corticosteroids. Evaluation of 21 patients was performed in the Ophthalmology Clinic and Endocrinology Clinic, Clinical Centre Kragujevac, in the period from 2009 to 2010. They were treated with pulse doses of intravenous corticosteroids. They were referred to ophthalmologist by endocrinologist in euthyroid condition in the active phase of Graves' ophthalmopathy (ultrasonography of orbit findings and positive findings of antithyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibody--anti-TSH R Ab). The clinical activity score (CAS) and NO SPECS classification for evaluation of disease severity were used. Ophthalmological examination includes: best corrected visual acuity, slit-lamp exam, Hertels' test, direct ophthalmoscopy and ultrasonography of the orbit. According to our results 76.19% of the patients were female; mean age of the patients was 35.2 +/- 5.6 years. According to CAS classification after 6 months of the treatment recovery was shown in 23.81% of the patients, partial amelioration in 47.62% and no clinical amelioration in 28.57% of the patients. We achieved better results with male, young patients with high clinical activity score. Good results were observed after the first dose of corticosteroids, much better CAS after the third dose, which maintained until 6 months after the first treatment. Our results signify that intravenous pulse dose of corticosteroids treatment of the patients with Graves' ophthalmopthy is safe, comfortable, clinically justified and accessible for the clinicians and patients. Positive results are achieved after the first dose with increasing trend up to the third dose, which was maintained for the next three months.

  2. Tratamiento de la enfermedad de Graves Basedow

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    Hernando Vargas-Uricoechea


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión narrativa rigurosa de la literatura inglesa y en español sobre diferentes aspectos de la Enfermedad de Graves-Basedow e hipertiroidismo. Esta patología –parte de la llamada “enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune”- se produce como consecuencia de la presencia de anticuerpos circulantes que se unen y activan al receptor de tirotropina, desencadenándose generalmente el hipertiroidismo en asociación con un estrés agudo. En este artículo actualizamos tanto el manejo de hipertiroidismo como el de problemas especiales con el que puede estar asociado. La fisiopatología y el diagnóstico de la Enfermedad de Graves-Basedow son motivo de otra publicación.

  3. O desenvolvimento corporal na educação infantil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Pacheco da Silva Santos


    Full Text Available Este artigo é resultado de um estudo realizado em uma creche pública pertencente à rede municipal de educação de Sinop - MT. Objetivamos compreender o movimento corporal das crianças como parte do desenvolvimento integral das crianças. E também entender como os profissionais trabalham a especificidade do corpo infantil, dos movimentos das crianças durante a rotina da instituição de uma turma de crianças de dois a três anos de idade. Optamos em focalizar a pesquisa na área da Educação Infantil por entender que as crianças desta faixa etária apresentam características importantes no desenvolvimento corporal, visto que muitas vezes na educação infantil o movimento é considerado como ‘indisciplina’, fazendo com que a criança, na maioria das vezes permanece quietas e sentadas em suas cadeiras. Diante de tal propósito, buscamos uma metodologia que nos possibilitasse apreender o movimento corporal da criança e encontramos na pesquisa qualitativa, através da ‘observação participante’, trilhas que nos conduziram à construção de conhecimentos. Como pesquisadora, permanecemos na instituição investigada por quase três meses, em horários intercalados, utilizando o caderno de campo, no qual registramos as observações realizadas, bem como as entrevistas com as professoras da referida turma. Os principais referenciais utilizados para o estudo foram: Vygotsky, Piaget, Vitor Fonseca e Henri Wallon. De acordo com o observado em campo e leituras teóricas, ressaltamos com este estudo a importância do movimento para as crianças e sua contribuição no desenvolvimento infantil pleno.Palavras-chave: educação; educação infantil; maternal II; movimento; sociointeracionismo.

  4. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Facilitating Surgical Resection of Infantile Massive Intracranial Immature Teratoma. (United States)

    Kitahara, Takahiro; Tsuji, Yoshihito; Shirase, Tomoyuki; Yukawa, Hiroyuki; Takeichi, Yasuhiro; Yamazoe, Naohiro


    Immature teratoma (IMT) is the most frequent histological subtype of infantile intracranial teratoma, the most common congenital brain tumor. IMT contains incompletely differentiated components resembling fetal tissues. Infantile intracranial IMT has a dismal prognosis, because it is often inoperable due to its massive size and high vascularity. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has been shown to be effective in decreasing tumor volume and vascularity to facilitate surgical resection in other types of infantile brain tumors. However, only one recent case report described the effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for infantile intracranial IMT in the literature, even though it is common entity with a poor prognosis in infants. Here, we describe the case of a 2-month-old male infant with a very large intracranial IMT. Maximal surgical resection was first attempted but was unsuccessful because of severe intraoperative hemorrhage. Neoadjuvant carboplatin and etoposide (CARE) chemotherapy was then administered with the aim of shrinking and devascularizing the tumor. After neoadjuvant chemotherapy, tumor size did not decrease, but intraoperative blood loss significantly decreased and near-total resection was achieved by the second and third surgery. The patient underwent adjuvant CARE chemotherapy and has been alive for 3 years after surgery without tumor regrowth. Even when neoadjuvant chemotherapy does not decrease tumor volume of infantile intracranial IMT, surgical resection should be tried because chemotherapy can facilitate surgical resection and improve clinical outcome by reducing tumor vascularity.

  5. Documentation of Urn Graves of Knovíz Culture by RPAS

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    Jaroslav Šedina


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the documentation, positional determination of urn graves of the Knovíz culture (1200 - 1000 BC, and geometric and positional determination of tumulus at the archaeological site located near the village Ctiněves, in the Usti region in the Czech Republic. Several hundred urn graves are located in the archaeological site and it is one of the biggest burial sites of Knovíz culture in the Czech Republic. RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System was used for the documentation and positional determination of urn graves and tumulus. RPAS was equipped by visible spectral range, two near-infrared range, multispectral and thermal camera (one camera for a single flight. The result is a unique data set documenting this archaeological site. Thanks to the suitable winter and spring conditions in 2016 urn graves and tumulus could be detected on the basis of vegetation symptoms. The paper is also focused on how to process the data and creation of a differential digital surface model.

  6. A 3-year-old girl with Graves' disease with literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yo Han Ho


    Full Text Available Graves' disease, the main cause of hyperthyroidism in the pediatric age group, is very rare in children younger than 4 years old but can seriously interfere with growth and development if not recognized and treated. Here we report a case of a 3-year-old girl with Graves' disease who presented with goiter, exophthalmos, heat intolerance, and hyperactivity. At her first visit, her serum concentrations of triiodothyronine (T3 and free thyroxine (free T4 were normal, whereas that of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH was decreased. Antimicrosomal antibody was 7,053.94 IU/mL, and TSH-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin was 31.62%. A thyroid scan showed diffuse enlargement with markedly increased uptake of both thyroid glands. Although T3 and free T4 levels were initially normal, she developed hyperthyroidism 3 months later. She was finally diagnosed with Graves' disease and treated with methimazole for 6 months. This is the first report of Graves' disease in children younger than 4 years old in Korea.

  7. Maus-tratos infantis: um resgate da história e das políticas de proteção Maltrato infantil: un rescate de la historia y de las políticas de protección Child abuse: a review of the history and protection policies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine Baccarat de Godoy Martins


    Full Text Available O estudo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica, cujo objetivo foi conhecer e divulgar a evolução histórica da violência contra a criança, bem como as políticas desenvolvidas na atenção à violência contra menores, além de discutir a importância da prevenção e da atuação dos profissionais de saúde. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada na base de dados MEDLINE, LILACS e SciELO, selecionando-se os estudos com os descritores: Violência, Agressão, Maus-Tratos, Síndrome da Criança Maltratada, Pediatria, não se fazendo restrição aos idiomas espanhol, inglês e francês. A literatura mostra a importância de ações preventivas e a necessidade de discussões e reflexões entre os diferentes setores que possam culminar em políticas e estratégias preventivas, diagnósticas e terapêuticas, além da relevância de incluir o tema na formação dos profissionais de saúde para que possam contribuir para o diagnóstico, tratamento e profilaxia do abuso infantil, rompendo as cadeias de determinação e fatalidade.El estudio tuvo por objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica, con la finalidad de conocer y divulgar la evolución histórica de la violencia contra los niños, así como las políticas desarrolladas en la atención a la violencia contra menores; además se discute la importancia de la prevención y de la actuación de los profesionales de la salud. La investigación bibliográfica fue realizada en la base de datos MEDLINE, LILACS y SciELO, seleccionando los estudios con las palabras claves: Violencia, Agresión, Maltrato, Síndrome del Niño Maltratado y, Pediatría; no se hizo restricción a los idiomas castellano, inglés y francés. La literatura muestra la importancia de las acciones preventivas y la necesidad de discutir y reflexionar, entre los diferentes sectores, para que culminen en políticas y estrategias preventivas, diagnósticas y terapéuticas. Es relevante incluir el tema en la formación de los

  8. Modified lateral orbital wall decompression in Graves' orbitopathy using computer-assisted planning. (United States)

    Spalthoff, S; Jehn, P; Zimmerer, R; Rana, M; Gellrich, N-C; Dittmann, J


    Graves' orbitopathy, a condition seen in the autoimmune syndrome Graves' disease, affects the fatty tissue and muscles inside the orbit. Graves' orbitopathy is associated with increasing exophthalmos and sometimes leads to compressive dysthyroid optic neuropathy, resulting in progressive vision loss. Dysthyroid compressive optic neuropathy, functional problems, and cosmetic problems are the main indications for surgical decompression of the orbit, especially if conservative treatment has not led to a reduction in symptoms. Many surgical techniques are described in the literature. This article presents a modification of the lateral orbital wall osteotomy, involving the rotation and reduction of the osteotomized bone segment using preoperative planning, intraoperative computed navigation, and piezoelectric surgery. This new method combines the advantages of different techniques and appears to be a valid approach to the treatment of severe cases of Graves' orbitopathy. Copyright © 2017 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Infantile pyoderma gangrenosum.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McAleer, Maeve A


    Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is rare in infants. There have been 12 cases of PG in infants (<12 months old) reported in the past 25 years, to our knowledge. Six of these cases have been successfully controlled with systemic steroids, and one case with topical steroids alone. We report a case of an 8-month-old infant whose PG was aggressive and unresponsive to systemic steroids. Adjuvant treatment with cyclosporine was required to achieve healing. We review the previous cases of infantile PG and the therapeutic options in this age group.

  10. Hipoacusia neurosensorial infantil


    Santos Santos, Saturnino


    En nuestro medio existe un déficit de información acerca de la importancia de los factores de riesgo implicados en la aparición de hipoacusia neurosensorial infantil y de las etiologías encontradas. Se estudió retrospectivamente una población de 2.656 niños enviados a nuestro centro para valoración auditiva por presentar factores de riesgo. 481 niños fueron diagnosticados de hipoacusia neurosensorial uni o bilateral de cualquier grado. La edad media al diagnóstico de hipoacusia neurosensorial...

  11. Radioiodine therapy of autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and of Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guhlmann, C.A.; Rendl, J.; Boerner, W.


    We studied the effects of radioiodine therapy (RIT) for autonomously functioning thyroid nodules (AFTNs) and Graves' disease on thyroid function and size up to one year after RIT. In 230 patients with AFTNs, a dose of 300 Gy was effective in about 90% of the cases 6 months after RIT. Out of 65 patients suffering from Graves' disease, 5 patients (8%) had persisting hyperthyroidism 6 months after RIT with a dose of 150 Gy. This group consisted exclusively of patients with manifest hyperthyroidism at the time of RIT. As determined by ultrasonography 6 months after RIT, a reduction of thyroid size by about 40% and 60% was observed in patients with AFTNs and Graves' disease, respectively. (orig.) [de

  12. CT volumetric measurements of the orbits in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krahe, T.; Schlolaut, K.H.; Poss, T.; Trier, H.G.; Lackner, K.; Bonn Univ.; Bonn Univ.


    The volumes of the four recti muscles and the orbital fat was measured by CT in 40 normal persons and in 60 patients with clinically confirmed Graves' disease. Compared with normal persons, 42 patients (70%) showed an increase in muscle volume and 28 patients (46.7%) an increase in the amount of fat. In nine patients (15%) muscle volume was normal, but the fat was increased. By using volumetric measurements, the amount of fat in the orbits in patients with Graves' disease could be determined. (orig.) [de

  13. Radioiodine therapy versus antithyroid medications for Graves' disease. (United States)

    Ma, Chao; Xie, Jiawei; Wang, Hui; Li, Jinsong; Chen, Suyun


    Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. Both antithyroid medications and radioiodine are commonly used treatments but their frequency of use varies between regions and countries. Despite the commonness of the diagnosis, any possible differences between the two treatments with respect to long-term outcomes remain unknown. To assess the effects of radioiodine therapy versus antithyroid medications for Graves' disease. We performed a systematic literature search in the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and EMBASE and the trials registers ICTRP Search Portal and The date of the last search was September 2015 for all databases. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the effects of radioiodine therapy versus antithyroid medications for Graves' disease with at least two years follow-up. Two authors independently screened titles and abstracts for relevance. One author carried out screening for inclusion, data extraction and 'Risk of bias' assessment and a second author checked this. We presented data not suitable for meta-analysis as descriptive data. We analysed the overall quality of evidence utilising the GRADE instrument. We included two RCTs involving 425 adult participants with Graves' disease in this review. Altogether 204 participants were randomised to radioiodine therapy and 221 to methimazole therapy. A single dose of radioiodine was administered. The duration of methimazole medication was 18 months. The period of follow-up was at least two years, depending on the outcome measured. For most outcome measures risk of bias was low; for the outcomes health-related quality of life as well as development and worsening of Graves' ophthalmopathy risks of performance bias and detection bias were high in at least one of the two RCTs.Health-related quality of life appeared to be similar in the radioiodine and methimazole treatment groups, however no quantitative data were reported (425 participants; 2 trials; low quality evidence

  14. Treatment choice, satisfaction and quality of life in patients with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Conaglen, Helen M; Tamatea, Jade A U; Conaglen, John V; Elston, Marianne S


    Thyrotoxicosis, most often caused by Graves' disease (GD), when treated inadequately may result in premature mortality. There is little consensus as to which of the 3 treatment options available - antithyroid drugs (ATD), radioactive iodine (RAI) and surgery, is better. (i) To assess factors involved in treatment choice and treatment satisfaction in patients treated for Graves' disease; (ii) To assess quality of life (QoL) following treatment of Graves' disease. Participants were selected from a prospective study cohort assessing thyrotoxicosis incidence and severity. Of the 172 eligible patients with Graves' disease, 123 treated patients participated (64% had received ATD only, 11% RAI and 25% total thyroidectomy, the latter 2 usually after a period of ATD), along with 18 untreated patients with newly diagnosed Graves' disease (overall participation rate, 73%). Consented patients completed a questionnaire detailing factors involved in treatment choice, QoL and satisfaction with treatment. Participants reported that the most important factors in choosing a treatment were the following: the effects on activities of daily living, concern about use of radioiodine, possibility of depression or anxiety, and doctor's recommendations. Satisfaction levels were high across all 3 treatment types. QoL 1-year following treatment was higher than in untreated patients, and comparable with other international studies. Patient satisfaction with therapy and QoL does not differ by treatment type. Therefore, clinical and social factors, in combination with patient choice and resource availability, should determine which treatment modality patients with Graves' disease should receive. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Measurements of Actual Effective Half - Life in 131I Therapy for Graves' Hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    So, Yong Seon; Kim, Myung Seon; Kwon, Ki Hyun; Kim, Seok Whan; Kim, Tae Hyung; Han, Sang Woong; Kim, Eun Sil; Kim, Chong Soon


    Radioiodine[131I] has been used for the treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism since the late 1940's and is now generally regarded as the treatment of choice for Graves' hyperthyroidism who does not remit following a course of antithyroid drugs. But for the dose given, several different protocols have been described by different centers, each attempting to reduce the incidence of long-term hypothyroidism while maintaining an acceptable rate control of Graves' hyperthyroidism. Our goals were to evaluate effective half-life and predict absorbed dose in Graves' hyperthyroidism patients, therefore, to calculate and read minister radioiodine activity needed to achieve aimed radiation dose. Our data showed that the mean effective 131I half-life for Graves' disease is 5.3 days(S.D=0.88) and mean biologic half-life is 21 days, range 9.5-67.2 days. The mean administered activity and the mean values of absorbed doses wet: 532 MBq(S.D.=254), 112 Gy (S.D.=50.9), respectively. The mean activity needed to achieve aimed radiation dose were 51 MBq and marked differences of 131I thyroidal uptake between tracer and therapy occurred in our study. We are sure that the dose calculation method that uses 5 days thyroidal 131I uptake measurements after tracer and therapy dose, provides sufficient data about the effective treatment in Graves' hyperthyroidism.

  16. Failure to thrive and cognitive development in toddlers with infantile anorexia. (United States)

    Chatoor, Irene; Surles, Jaclyn; Ganiban, Jody; Beker, Leila; Paez, Laura McWade; Kerzner, Benny


    The goal of this study was to examine the relative contributions of growth deficiency and psychosocial factors to cognitive development in toddlers with infantile anorexia. Eighty-eight toddlers, ranging in age from 12 to 33 months, were enrolled in this study. Toddlers were evaluated by 2 child psychiatrists and placed into 1 of 3 groups: infantile anorexia, picky eater, and healthy eater. All 3 groups were matched for age, race, gender, and socioeconomic status (SES). Toddlers underwent nutritional evaluations and cognitive assessments with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Toddlers and their mothers were also videotaped during feeding and play interactions, which later were rated independently by 2 observers. On average, toddlers with infantile anorexia performed within the normal range of cognitive development. However, the Mental Developmental Index (MDI) scores of the healthy eater group (MDI = 110) were significantly higher than those of the infantile anorexia (MDI = 99) and picky eater (MDI = 96) groups. Within the infantile anorexia group, correlations between MDI scores and the toddlers' percentage of ideal body weight approached statistical significance (r =.32). Across all groups, the toddlers' MDI scores were associated with the quality of mother-child interactions, SES level, and maternal education level. Collectively, these variables explained 22% of the variance in MDI scores. This study demonstrated that psychosocial factors, such as mother-toddler interactions, maternal education level, and SES level, are related to the cognitive development of toddlers with feeding problems and explain more unique variance in MDI scores than nutritional status.

  17. Chylothorax Associated with Substernal Goiter in Graves' Disease Treated with Radioactive Iodine. (United States)

    Young Oh, Seo; Hyun Kim, Bo; Young Kim, Do; Min Lee, Kyu; Jin Lee, Min; Su Kim, Sung; Ho Kim, Jong; Kyung Jeon, Yun; Soo Kim, Sang; Ki Kim, Yong; Joo Kim, In


    We present a rare case of chylothorax associated with an intrathoracic goiter in Graves' disease that was treated with radioactive iodine. A 23-year-old woman with Graves' disease was referred to our clinic with a pleural effusion, dyspnea, characteristic bilateral proptosis, and a diffuse goiter. The pleural fluid biochemistry was consistent with chylothorax. However, the chylothorax did not decrease with conservative therapy. Therefore, RAI was administered. Subsequently, the chylothorax and goiter improved more quickly than expected. This case illustrates that chylothorax associated with a substernal goiter in Graves' disease can be treated successfully with radioactive iodine instead of surgery.

  18. Activation of latent Graves' disease in children. Review of possible psychosomatic mechanisms. (United States)

    Morillo, E; Gardner, L I


    In some children, psychological events have appeared to be important in the triggering of Graves' disease. This report examines the case histories of three children in whom the appearance of symptomatology of Graves' disease was associated with depression following the death of a loved one. An analysis of neuroendocrine and immunologie pathways suggests that depression, set off by bereavement, causes low levels of norepinephrine in the brain. The latter in turn may mediate an increase in ACTH and cortisol, leading to reductions in immune surveillance and resultant production of thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins, hence the development of Graves' disease.

  19. Efeito da hipertermia na pancreatite aguda grave experimental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurício Gustavo Ieri Yamanari

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar os efeitos da hipertermia na pancreatite aguda (PA grave experimental induzida por ácido taurocólico. MÉTODO: A PA grave foi induzida pela injeção retrógrada de ácido taurocólico a 2,5% ou 5% no ducto pancreático principal. Após a indução, os animais foram colocados numa gaiola contendo duas lâmpadas de 100 W. A temperatura corporal foi aumentada para 39,5ºC e mantida neste nível por 45 minutos. Foram estudados taxa de mortalidade em 72 horas, permeabilidade vascular no pâncreas, porcentagem de água no tecido pancreático, amilase sérica, histologia (edema, necrose acinar e infiltrado inflamatório e níveis séricos de IL-6 e IL-10. RESULTADOS: Não houve alteração em nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: Não há benefício da hipertermia na PA grave experimental induzida por ácido taurocólico.

  20. Hyperparathyroidism after radioactive iodine therapy for Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawamura, Juichi; Tobisu, Kenichi; Sanada, Shingo


    Herein we report a 36-year-old man with hyperparathyroidism and a past history of internal irradiation to the thyroid. Twelve years previously at age 24 years he had received 8 mCi of radioactive iodine for Graves' disease. An additional dose of 4 mCi was required 3 years later. A right lower parathyroid adenoma (28 x 23 x 20 mm, 5.7 g) was found at neck exploration. Although the association of external ionizing radiation to the head and neck and the subsequent development of hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands has been described in recent years, there are only 4 cases in the literature of parathyroid surgery for hyperparathyroidism secondary to earlier treatment with radioactive iodine for Graves' disease. In a long-term follow-up of 180 patients treated with radioactive iodine for Graves' disease, neither hypercalcemia nor hypophosphatemia was found. Whether internal radiation therapy can be a causative factor in the development of hyperparathyroidism should be elucidated in future. However, it seems reasonable to suggest that patients whose hyper-thyroidism has been treated with radioactive iodine should have their scrum calcium levels examined at 5-year intervals. (author)

  1. The curative effect analysis of 131I-therapy on patients with Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Qin; Lu Shujun; Lu Tianhe


    To investigate the curative effect of 131 I-therapy on Graves' disease, the authors analyse conditions of patients who have received 131 I-therapy (n -674). These results showed that the incidence of fully recover, improve, Graves' disease and invalid is 80.11%, 7.28%, 11.87% and 0.74% respectively. Therefore, 131 I-therapy on Graves' disease is convenient. It has little side effect, low cost and better curative effect, it is one of the best therapeutic methods to treat hyperthyroidism

  2. Graves' orbitopathy: Management of difficult cases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar M.


    Management of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO) is based on three pillars: to stop smoking, to restore and maintain euthyroidism, and to treat the eye changes according to severity and activity of GO. Difficulties are frequently encountered in each of these three management issues. The advice to

  3. Graves' disease associated with infectious mononucleosis due to primary Epstein-Barr virus infection: report of 3 cases. (United States)

    Akahori, Hiroshi; Takeshita, Yumie; Saito, Reina; Kaneko, Shuichi; Takamura, Toshinari


    Although the etiology of Graves' disease is still not clear, it is generally suggested that environmental factors such as infections contribute to the development of Graves' disease. We report here three cases of Graves' disease which presented simultaneously with infectious mononucleosis due to primary EBV infection. Acute EBV infection might play an important role in the onset of Graves' disease. These three women complained of a sore throat or neck pain, resembling subacute thyroiditis. In the case of thyrotoxicosis accompanied by sore throat or neck pain, Graves' disease must be distinguished from subacute thyroiditis.

  4. Quantitative analysis of infantile ureteropelvic junction obstruction by diuretic renography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ueno, Shigeru; Suzuki, Yutaka; Murakami, Takeshi; Yokoyama, Seishichi; Hirakawa, Hitoshi; Tajima, Tomoo; Makuuchi, Hiroyasu [Tokai Univ., Isehara, Kanagawa (Japan). School of Medicine


    Infantile hydronephrosis detected by ultrasonography poses a clinical dilemma on how to treat the condition. This article reports a retrospective study to evaluate infantile hydronephrosis due to suspected ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction by means of standardized diuretic renography and to speculate its usefulness for quantitative assessment and management of this condition. Between November 1992 and July 1999, 43 patients who had the disease detected in their fetal or infantile period were submitted to this study. Standardized diuretic renograms were obtained with {sup 99m}Tc-labeled diethylene-triaminepenta-acetate (Tc-99m-DTPA) or {sup 99m}Tc-labeled mercaptoacetyl triglycine (Tc-99m-MAG3) as radiopharmaceuticals. Drainage half-time clearance (T 1/2) of the activity at each region of interest set to encompass the entire kidney and the dilated pelvis was used as an index of quantitative analysis of UPJ obstruction. Initial T 1/2s of 32 kidneys with suspected UPJ obstruction were significantly longer than those of 37 without obstruction. T 1/2s of kidneys which had undergone pyeloplasty decreased promptly after surgery whereas those of units followed up without surgery decreased more sluggishly. These findings demonstrate that a standardized diuretic renographic analysis with T 1/2 can reliably assess infantile hydronephrosis with UPJ obstruction and be helpful in making a decision on surgical intervention. (author)

  5. Quantitative analysis of infantile ureteropelvic junction obstruction by diuretic renography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueno, Shigeru; Suzuki, Yutaka; Murakami, Takeshi; Yokoyama, Seishichi; Hirakawa, Hitoshi; Tajima, Tomoo; Makuuchi, Hiroyasu


    Infantile hydronephrosis detected by ultrasonography poses a clinical dilemma on how to treat the condition. This article reports a retrospective study to evaluate infantile hydronephrosis due to suspected ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction by means of standardized diuretic renography and to speculate its usefulness for quantitative assessment and management of this condition. Between November 1992 and July 1999, 43 patients who had the disease detected in their fetal or infantile period were submitted to this study. Standardized diuretic renograms were obtained with 99m Tc-labeled diethylene-triaminepenta-acetate (Tc-99m-DTPA) or 99m Tc-labeled mercaptoacetyl triglycine (Tc-99m-MAG3) as radiopharmaceuticals. Drainage half-time clearance (T 1/2) of the activity at each region of interest set to encompass the entire kidney and the dilated pelvis was used as an index of quantitative analysis of UPJ obstruction. Initial T 1/2s of 32 kidneys with suspected UPJ obstruction were significantly longer than those of 37 without obstruction. T 1/2s of kidneys which had undergone pyeloplasty decreased promptly after surgery whereas those of units followed up without surgery decreased more sluggishly. These findings demonstrate that a standardized diuretic renographic analysis with T 1/2 can reliably assess infantile hydronephrosis with UPJ obstruction and be helpful in making a decision on surgical intervention. (author)

  6. Síndrome da criança espancada: uma reflexão acerca da história, causas e consequências das sevícias infantis


    Finkler, Angie


    O maltrato à criança, por definição é a ação ou omissão, física, emocional ou sexual, dirigida contra sua integridade física ou psicológica. Datada de priscas eras, a violência infantil é tema recorrente, cujos estudos interdisciplinares demonstram a fragilidade do assunto. Mais do que tratar as vítimas desta síndrome, a plena, imediata e eficaz identificação de casos podem auxiliar na prevenção e tratamento de adultos cujo únicos sentimentos conhecidos são de rancor, ódio e raiva, seja de se...

  7. Neural stem cells for disease modeling and evaluation of therapeutics for infantile (CLN1/PPT1) and late infantile (CLN2/TPP1) neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. (United States)

    Sima, Ni; Li, Rong; Huang, Wei; Xu, Miao; Beers, Jeanette; Zou, Jizhong; Titus, Steven; Ottinger, Elizabeth A; Marugan, Juan J; Xie, Xing; Zheng, Wei


    Infantile and late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are lysosomal storage diseases affecting the central nervous system (CNS). The infantile NCL (INCL) is caused by mutations in the PPT1 gene and late-infantile NCL (LINCL) is due to mutations in the TPP1 gene. Deficiency in PPT1 or TPP1 enzyme function results in lysosomal accumulation of pathological lipofuscin-like material in the patient cells. There is currently no small-molecular drug treatment for NCLs. We have generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from three patient dermal fibroblast lines and further differentiated them into neural stem cells (NSCs). Using these new disease models, we evaluated the effect of δ-tocopherol (DT) and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPBCD) with the enzyme replacement therapy as the control. Treatment with the relevant recombinant enzyme or DT significantly ameliorated the lipid accumulation and lysosomal enlargement in the disease cells. A combination therapy of δ-tocopherol and HPBCD further improved the effect compared to that of either drug used as a single therapy. The results demonstrate that these patient iPSC derived NCL NSCs are valid cell- based disease models with characteristic disease phenotypes that can be used for study of disease pathophysiology and drug development.

  8. p27kip1 expression distinguishes papillary hyperplasia in Graves' disease from papillary thyroid carcinoma. (United States)

    Erickson, L A; Yousef, O M; Jin, L; Lohse, C M; Pankratz, V S; Lloyd, R V


    In most cases, the histopathologic and cytologic distinction between Graves' disease and papillary thyroid carcinoma is relatively easy, but on occasion Graves' disease may simulate a thyroid papillary carcinoma. For example, papillary fronds with fibrovascular cores may be present in both Graves' disease and papillary carcinoma. p27kip1 (p27) is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitory protein that has been shown to be an independent prognostic factor in a variety of human tumors. Our previous studies of p27 expression in hyperplastic and neoplastic endocrine lesions showed that the level of p27 was quite different in these two conditions. To determine if this distinction could also be made between Graves' disease and papillary carcinoma, we analyzed expression of p27 and other cell cycle proteins in a series of cases of Graves' disease with papillary hyperplasia and a series of papillary thyroid carcinomas. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues from 61 randomly selected patients with thyroid disease, including 29 cases of Graves' disease with papillary architectural features and 32 cases of papillary carcinoma, were analyzed for expression of p27, Ki-67, and DNA topoisomerase II alpha (topo II alpha) by immunostaining. The distribution of immunoreactivity was analyzed by quantifying the percentage of positive nuclei that was expressed as the labeling index (LI) plus or minus the standard error of the mean. The papillary hyperplasia of Graves' disease had a p27 LI of 68.2 +/- 3.1 (range, 24 to 88), whereas papillary carcinomas had a LI of 25.6 +/- 2.5 (range, 12 to 70) (P hyperplasia in Graves' disease and papillary carcinoma. These results indicate that p27 protein expression is significantly higher in papillary hyperplasia of Graves' disease compared to papillary carcinoma, which may be diagnostically useful in difficult cases.

  9. Change in Practice over Four Decades in the Management of Graves' Disease in Scotland. (United States)

    Smith, D M; Dutta, S; Ahmed, F; Thaha, M A


    There is continuing debate on the optimal treatment for Grave's thyrotoxicosis with a resultant variation in clinical practice. The present study aimed to ascertain changes in practice in the treatment of Grave's thyrotoxicosis in Tayside, Scotland, over the past four decades. Methods. The "Scottish automated follow-up register" (SAFUR) was queried to identify all patients treated for Grave's thyrotoxicosis from 1968 to 2007 inclusive. Patients were divided into 4 groups (Groups A to D) according to the decades. Demographic profile, treatment modalities, radioactive iodine (RAI) dose, and recurrence rates were studied and outcomes were compared by χ (2) test and ANOVA using SPSS v15.0. A p value of Grave's thyrotoxicosis over the 4 decades. Use of RAI has increased from 43.1% in Group A to 68% in Group D (p Grave's thyrotoxicosis suggests increasing use of RAI as the preferred first line of treatment. Furthermore, using a single higher dose of RAI and adoption of total thyroidectomy have decreased recurrence rates.

  10. Trauma y Maltrato Infantil y Atención Prehospitalaria de Urgencias.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Academia Nacional de Medicina Capítulo Norte de Santander


    La Academia de Medicina seguirá trabajando en los procesos de Educación y capacitación en los diferentes niveles tanto profesionales como tecnológicos en su compromiso de aportar al mejoramiento del recurso Humano que presta atención a la comunidad y de manera muy especial en estos temas referentes al trauma...

  11. Ontogeny of memory: An update on 40 years of work on infantile amnesia. (United States)

    Madsen, Heather Bronwyn; Kim, Jee Hyun


    Given the profound influence that early life experiences can have upon psychosocial functioning later in life, it is intriguing that most adults fail to recall autobiographical events from their early childhood years. Infantile amnesia is the term used to describe this phenomenon of accelerated forgetting during infancy, and it is not unique to humans. Over the years, information garnered from animal studies has provided clues as to the neurobiological basis of infantile amnesia. The purpose of this review is to provide a neurobiological update on what we now know about infantile amnesia since the publication of Campbell and Spear's seminal review on the topic more than 40 years ago. We present evidence that infantile amnesia is unlikely to be explained by a unitary theory, with the protracted development of multiple brain regions and neurotransmitter systems important for learning and memory likely to be involved. The recent discovery that exposure to early life stress can alleviate infantile amnesia offers a potential explanation as to how early adversity can so profoundly affect mental health in adulthood, and understanding the neurobiological basis for this early transition may lead to the development of effective therapeutic interventions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. The controversial role of food allergy in infantile colic: evidence and clinical management. (United States)

    Nocerino, Rita; Pezzella, Vincenza; Cosenza, Linda; Amoroso, Antonio; Di Scala, Carmen; Amato, Francesco; Iacono, Giuseppe; Canani, Roberto Berni


    Food allergies (FAs) are an increasing problem in Western countries, affecting up to 10% of young children. FAs are frequently associated with gastrointestinal manifestations. The role of FAs as a potential causative factor for infantile colic (IC) is still controversial. We report the most recent evidence on the pathogenesis, clinical and diagnostic aspects of FA-induced infantile colic (IC) and suggest a stepwise diagnostic approach. We selected articles on clinical and immunologic features, pathogenesis and management of FAs and IC from of 1981 to 2015. Original and review articles were identified through selective searches performed on PubMed, using the following terms: colic, infantile colic, food allergy and infantile colic, infantile colic treatment. The possible relationship between FAs and IC derives from the presence of dysmotility with visceral hypersensitivity and dysbiosis, demonstrated in both conditions, and the clinical response to dietary interventions. Unfortunately, the design of the studies, poor characterization of atopy and different dietary approaches limit the understanding of the importance of FAs in subjects with IC. The role of FAs in IC subjects without other symptoms of atopy remains controversial. However, where there is a suspicion of FAs, a short trial with an extensively hydrolyzed cow's proteins formula or, if breast fed, with maternal elimination diet may be considered a reasonable option.

  13. Treating the thyroid in the presence of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hegedüs, Laszlo; Bonnema, Steen J; Smith, Terry J


    The etiology of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) remains enigmatic. Optimal therapeutic choices for the hyperthyroidism associated with Graves' disease (GD) in the presence of GO remain controversial. Whether antithyroid drugs (ATDs), radioiodine (RAI), or thyroidectomy should be favored in such patients...... - independent of extent - do not influence the natural course of GO. RAI can cause de novo development or progression of GO, which is largely preventable with oral steroid prophylaxis. In patients with mild GO, the thyroid treatment is largely independent of GO. Moderate to severe GO should be treated promptly...

  14. Dissociative disorder due to Graves' hyperthyroidism: a case report. (United States)

    Mizutani, Kaoru; Nishimura, Katsuji; Ichihara, Atsuhiro; Ishigooka, Jun


    We report the case of a 20-year-old Japanese woman with no psychiatric history with apparent dissociative symptoms. These consisted of amnesia for episodes of shoplifting behaviors and a suicide attempt, developing together with an exacerbation of Graves' hyperthyroidism. Patients with Graves' disease frequently manifest various psychiatric disorders; however, very few reports have described dissociative disorder due to this disease. Along with other possible causes, for example, encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroid disease, clinicians should be aware of this possibility. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. La enfermedad de Graves, signos y síntomas


    Young, P.; Finn, B. C.; Bruetman, J. E.


    La enfermedad de Graves es la causa más común de hipertiroidismo, es de patogenia autoinmune. Se distingue clínicamente de otras formas de hipertiroidismo por la presencia de bocio difuso, oftalmopatía y ocasionalmente mixedema pretibial. En este artículo describimos la vida y obra de Robert Graves, realizando posteriormente una revisión de los signos y síntomas de la enfermedad. En el mundo de la medicina actual, en donde la tecnología juega un rol preponderante, queremos recordar la importa...

  16. Transumbilical laparoscopic treatment of Congenital Infantile Fibrosarcoma of the Ileum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Scirè


    Full Text Available Congenital-Infantile Fibrosarcoma (CIF is a malignant mesenchymal tumor representing 10-20% of soft-tissue tumors. Complete surgical resection is generally the treatment of choice. The most recurrent cytogenetic abnormality was identified as the traslocation t(12;15(p13:q25, which bears the fusion of Tel gene EVT6 with TrkC gene. This study describes a case of infantile fibrosarcoma of the ileum in a female newborn examined for intestinal occlusion and its laparoscopic treatment.

  17. Infección odontogénica grave: Posibles factores predictores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar García-Roco Pérez


    Full Text Available Se analizaron factores que pudieran predisponer a una infección odontogénica grave que requiera cuidados intensivos. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo a 100 pacientes ingresados consecutivamente con infección odontogénica severa en el Hospital "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" de Camagüey desde 1999 al 2001. A partir de las historias clínicas se estudiaron diferentes variables que incluyeron parámetros médicos, sociales y procedimientos dentales previos. Se prestó particular atención al resultado de los cultivos bacterianos. La edad media de los 59 pacientes masculinos y 41 femeninos fue de 41 ± 15,8 años; 18 pacientes requirieron cuidados intensivos. El 41 % de los pacientes era de bajo nivel de escolaridad; 11 pacientes graves (61,1 % y 42 no graves (51,2 % eran fumadores. Dos pacientes (11,1 % de los graves y 8 (9,8 % de los no graves referían consumo excesivo de bebidas alcohólicas. La prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas fue mayor entre los no graves (31,7 %. La afección subyacente más común fue la osteítis periapical (70 % de los episodios infecciosos, seguido por la extracción dental en el 27,5 % de los graves y 10,9 % de los no graves. Ninguno de estos factores predijo la necesidad de cuidados intensivos. No existieron diferencias significativas en cuanto a síntomas, demora en solicitar atención médica, procedimientos dentales previos o terapéutica antimicrobiana. Predominaron los estreptococos aerobios (grupo S. milleri asociados con bacterias anaerobias variadas. No se encontraron variables sociales o clínicas predictoras de un curso grave en infecciones odontogénicas. Todos los pacientes deben ser cuidadosamente monitoreados para evitar complicaciones severas.Those factors that may predispose to a severe odontogenic infection requiring intensive care were analyzed. An observational descriptive study was conducted among 100 patients that were consecutively admitted with severe odontogenic infection at

  18. Psychiatric disorders in the parents of individuals with infantile autism: a case-control study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mouridsen, Svend Erik; Rich, Bente; Isager, Torben


    The rates and types of psychiatric disorders were studied in the parents of individuals with infantile autism (IA).......The rates and types of psychiatric disorders were studied in the parents of individuals with infantile autism (IA)....

  19. Vecu de la grossesse et maladies infantiles chez les Mahou de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Il ressort que les femmes mahou de la ville de Bouaké associent les connaissances scientifiques et culturelles pour déterminer l'étiologie des maladies infantiles. Le non-respect des consultations prénatales, la mauvaise alimentation de la mère et l'insuffisance de repos favorisent les maladies infantiles. Dans la culture ...

  20. Grave's Eye disease developing following radioiodine treatment for toxic nodular goitre. (United States)

    Tahrani, A A; Rangan, S; Moulik, P


    The development of Grave's ophthalmopathy (GO) following radioiodine (RI) treatment for Grave's thyrotoxicosis, though controversial, is well described. The development of ophthalmopathy following RI treatment for toxic nodular goitre is much less recognised. We report a 49 year-old female patient who developed thyrotoxicosis and GO after receiving RI treatment for toxic nodular goitre and we also review the relevant literature.

  1. Infantile choriocarcinoma: a case report with MRI, angiography and bone scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sashi, R.; Sato, K.; Hirano, H.; Tomura, N.; Watarai, J.; Ishida, A.; Morita, M.


    Infantile and maternal choriocarcinoma is a very rare disease. We report a case with the characteristic clinical features of infantile choriocarcinoma: developing anemia, hemorrhagic liver tumors, rapid progression to death and maternal choriocarcinoma. Bone scintigraphy showed increased uptake by the liver tumors. In this case there were two possible primary sites: the placenta of this pregnancy and a hydatidiform mole that had been present 2 years previously. (orig.). With 1 fig

  2. La violencia contra la mujer en la pareja: Un estudio en el ámbito de la atención primaria Intimate partner violence: A survey conducted in the primary care setting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Ruiz-Pérez


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de violencia contra la mujer en la pareja en una muestra de mujeres asistentes por cualquier motivo a centros de atención primaria, y analizar las características de esta violencia. Métodos: Estudio transversal en 23 consultas de atención primaria de Andalucía, Madrid y Valencia. La muestra incluye 1.402 mujeres entre 18 y 65 años de edad elegidas aleatoriamente en estas consultas. Entre las variables recogidas mediante cuestionario autoadministrado se incluyeron la existencia de maltrato fisico, emocional o sexual, su temporalidad, su frecuencia y su duración. Resultados: El 32% del total de mujeres en la muestra tuvo algún tipo de maltrato a lo largo de su vida. El 7% presentó en algún momento de su vida maltrato físico y emocional a la vez, el 14% maltrato emocional, el 3% maltrato emocional y sexual conjuntamente y el 6% los 3 tipos de maltrato. El 52% de las mujeres que refirieron los 3 tipos de maltrato lo habían sufrido durante más de 5 años. Hay una mayor probabilidad de padecer maltrato en la actualidad habiéndolo sufrido con una pareja anterior en el pasado (odds ratio = 3,30; intervalo de confianza del 95%, 2,10-5,18. Conclusiones: Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la magnitud de la violencia contra la mujer en la pareja en nuestro ámbito. Los profesionales de la salud se encuentran en una situación privilegiada para abordar este grave problema de salud pública.Objectives: To determine the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV in a sample of women attending primary care centers for any reason and to analyze the characteristics of this violence. Methods: A cross sectional study was performed in 23 primary care centers in three regions of Spain (Andalusia, Madrid and Valencia. The sample included 1,402 randomly selected adult women aged between 18 and 65 years attending these centers. Among the variables collected through a self-administered questionnaire were the

  3. Pooled genome wide association detects association upstream of FCRL3 with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Khong, Jwu Jin; Burdon, Kathryn P; Lu, Yi; Laurie, Kate; Leonardos, Lefta; Baird, Paul N; Sahebjada, Srujana; Walsh, John P; Gajdatsy, Adam; Ebeling, Peter R; Hamblin, Peter Shane; Wong, Rosemary; Forehan, Simon P; Fourlanos, Spiros; Roberts, Anthony P; Doogue, Matthew; Selva, Dinesh; Montgomery, Grant W; Macgregor, Stuart; Craig, Jamie E


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune thyroid disease of complex inheritance. Multiple genetic susceptibility loci are thought to be involved in Graves' disease and it is therefore likely that these can be identified by genome wide association studies. This study aimed to determine if a genome wide association study, using a pooling methodology, could detect genomic loci associated with Graves' disease. Nineteen of the top ranking single nucleotide polymorphisms including HLA-DQA1 and C6orf10, were clustered within the Major Histo-compatibility Complex region on chromosome 6p21, with rs1613056 reaching genome wide significance (p = 5 × 10 -8 ). Technical validation of top ranking non-Major Histo-compatablity complex single nucleotide polymorphisms with individual genotyping in the discovery cohort revealed four single nucleotide polymorphisms with p ≤ 10 -4 . Rs17676303 on chromosome 1q23.1, located upstream of FCRL3, showed evidence of association with Graves' disease across the discovery, replication and combined cohorts. A second single nucleotide polymorphism rs9644119 downstream of DPYSL2 showed some evidence of association supported by finding in the replication cohort that warrants further study. Pooled genome wide association study identified a genetic variant upstream of FCRL3 as a susceptibility locus for Graves' disease in addition to those identified in the Major Histo-compatibility Complex. A second locus downstream of DPYSL2 is potentially a novel genetic variant in Graves' disease that requires further confirmation.

  4. Histological Changes in Autoimmune Hepatitis with Graves' Disease: A Child Case Report. (United States)

    Yamada, Mamiko; Shibata, Hironori; Masugi, Yohei; Ishi, Tomohiro; Kameyama, Kaori; Ebinuma, Hirotoshi; Hasegawa, Tomonobu


    We herein report a child case of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) accompanied with Graves' disease. Elevated aminotransferase levels were found in a 12-year-old Japanese girl with Graves' disease. In her first liver biopsy, necrosis and inflammation was limited to the centrilobular area, while the second biopsy showed different findings. Namely, portal injury newly appeared, including interface hepatitis, which represents the histological characteristics of AIH. As the histological findings at the onset of AIH do not always show typical findings, a re-biopsy is considered to be important in individuals suspected to have AIH. AIH should be included in the differential diagnosis of liver dysfunction in Graves' disease, even in children.

  5. Comparison of Bilateral Axillo-Breast Approach Robotic Thyroidectomy with Open Thyroidectomy for Graves' Disease. (United States)

    Kwon, Hyungju; Yi, Jin Wook; Song, Ra-Yeong; Chai, Young Jun; Kim, Su-jin; Choi, June Young; Lee, Kyu Eun


    There is an ongoing debate about whether robotic thyroidectomy (RT) is appropriate for Graves' disease. The aim of this study was to compare the safety of bilateral axillo-breast approach (BABA) RT with that of open thyroidectomy (OT) in patients with Graves' disease. From January 2008 to June 2014, 189 (44 BABA RT and 145 OT) patients underwent total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. Recurrence of Graves' disease, intraoperative blood loss, hospital stay, and complication rates including recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) palsy and hypoparathyroidism were analyzed between BABA RT and OT groups, after propensity score matching according to age, gender, body mass index, surgical indication, the extent of operation, excised thyroid weight, and follow-up period. No patient experienced recurrence of Graves' disease after median follow-up of 35.0 months. Intraoperative blood loss (151.8 ± 165.4 mL vs. 134.5 ± 75.4 mL; p = 0.534) and hospital stay (3.4 ± 0.7 day vs. 3.3 ± 0.7 day; p = 0.564) were not different between BABA RT and OT groups. Complication rates including transient RLN palsy (11.4 vs. 11.4%; p = 1.000), transient hypoparathyroidism (18.2 vs. 20.5%; p = 0.787), permanent RLN palsy (0 vs. 2.3%; p = 0.315), and permanent hypoparathyroidism (2.3 vs. 2.3%; p = 1.000) were also comparable between groups. BABA RT for Graves' disease showed comparable surgical completeness and complications to conventional OT. BABA RT can be recommended as an alternative surgical option for patients with Graves' disease who are concerned about cosmesis.

  6. The clinical experience of interventional embolization in treatment of graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Zhenhai; Wang Xiaochuan; Liu Longtu; Wang Xiuhua; Wang Zubin


    Objective: To evaluate the method and result of thyroid artery embolization as a new therapy for Graves disease. Methods: Ten patients with Graves disease underwent selective thyroid artery embolization. Totally 25 thyroid arteries were embolized with PVA microspheres. The indications to this therapy were as following: Graves disease with recurrent clinical symptoms or with leucopenia during the period of treating with administration of antithyroid drugs or recurrence after subtotal thyroidectomy. Results: Serum level of thyroid hormones dropped significantly [median FT 3 from 20.90 pmol/L (13.36-50.92 pmol/L) to 7.81 pmol/L (3.67-35.3 pmol/L), median FT 4 from 57.9 pmol/L (30.96-57.9 pmol/L) to 28.13 pmol/L (20.44-39.60 pmol/L), (P < 0.005)] and then followed-up for 5-8 months. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism were controlled in 7 patients and the remaining 3 cases were treated with lower dosage of antithyroid drug therapy. None serious complications were found. Conclusions: thyroid artery embolization represents a promising new method for treating Graves disease with safety and good clinical results. Further investigation would be required to assess its long-term effect

  7. Graves' orbitopathy as a rare disease in Europe: a European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) position statement

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Perros, P.; Hegedüs, L.; Bartalena, L.; Marcocci, C.; Kahaly, G. J.; Baldeschi, L.; Salvi, M.; Lazarus, J. H.; Eckstein, A.; Pitz, S.; Boboridis, K.; Anagnostis, P.; Ayvaz, G.; Boschi, A.; Brix, T. H.; Currò, N.; Konuk, O.; Marinò, M.; Mitchell, A. L.; Stankovic, B.; Törüner, F. B.; von Arx, G.; Zarković, M.; Wiersinga, W. M.


    Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is an autoimmune condition, which is associated with poor clinical outcomes including impaired quality of life and socio-economic status. Current evidence suggests that the incidence of GO in Europe may be declining, however data on the prevalence of this disease are sparse.

  8. La territorialidad de los cuerpos en el abuso sexual infantil intrafamiliar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saldarriaga Pérez, Jorge Eduardo


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos años se ha dado una expansión del interés investigativo, además de acciones legales, en torno al abuso sexual infantil, considerado un delito que viola los derechos humanos y una constricción al desarrollo infantil. Esta problemática atraviesa diversos escenarios sociales, especialmente la familia, pensada como nicho de protección, seguridad y formación para los niños y niñas. Por lo tanto, desde el tema y el campo del abuso sexual infantil, se pretende en esta investigación comprender las prácticas culturales que sustentan esta problemática al interior de algunas familias en la ciudad de Pereira. Además, y desde este nudo problémico, planteamos una investigación cualitativa, con un marco epistémico desde el construccionismo social, como referente conceptual en el enfoque de la seguridad humana, con claves analíticas en la teoría de la estructuración y metodológicas desde la hermenéutica doble. El objetivo de la investigación fue comprender las prácticas culturales que sustentan el abuso sexual infantil al interior de algunas familias en la Ciudad de Pereira.

  9. Uso de drogas en estudiantes universitarios y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez en una universidad de San Salvador, El Salvador


    Díaz,Eduardo Alfredo Martínez; Mann,Robert; Hamilton,Hayley; Erickson,Pat; Brands,Bruna; Giesbrecht,Norman; Wright,Maria da Gloria Miotto; Cumsille,Francisco; Sapag,Jaime; Khenti,Akwatu


    El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la relación entre el uso de drogas en estudiantes universitarios de una universidad en San Salvador y su relación con el maltrato durante la niñez. Este estudio fue de corte transversal, siendo el tamaño de la muestra de 272 estudiantes, con un error muestral del 5%. Los resultados más importantes fueron: el 6.6% de los estudiantes manifestó haber sufrido abuso sexual, el 24.6% abuso físico y el mismo porcentaje fue repor...

  10. Two adolescent patients with coexistent Graves' disease and Moyamoya disease in Korea. (United States)

    Cheon, Chong Kun; Kim, Su Yung; Yoo, Jae-Ho


    Moyamoya disease is a cerebrovascular condition that results in the narrowing of the vessels of the circle of Willis and collateral vessel formation at the base of the brain. Although relationships between Graves' disease and cerebrovascular accidents in Moyamoya disease are obscure, the coexistence of the two diseases is noteworthy. Moyamoya disease has been rarely reported in adolescent patients with thyrotoxicosis. Recently, we encountered two adolescent Korean patients with Moyamoya disease associated with Graves' disease who presented with episodic right-sided hemiparesis and syncope. These two girls who had Graves' disease had no history of other diseases or head trauma. A thyroid function test revealed a euthyroid state and a high thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor antibody titer at that time. The patients were diagnosed with Moyamoya disease based on brain magnetic resonance angiography and cerebral four-vessel angiography. The patients underwent cranial revascularization by encephalo-duroarterio-synangiosis as soon as a diagnosis was made, which resulted in successful symptom resolution. They fared well and had no additional neurological symptoms as of their last follow-up visits. Here, we report these two cases of confirmed Moyamoya disease complicated by Graves' disease with a review of the literature, and discuss the possible association between the two diseases. To our knowledge, this is the first report in South Korea on Moyamoya disease associated with Graves' disease in adolescents with a euthyroid.

  11. Habitat Evaluation Procedures Report; Graves Property - Yakama Nation.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ashley, Paul; Muse, Anthony


    A habitat evaluation procedures (HEP) analysis was conducted on the Graves property (140 acres) in June 2007 to determine the number of habitat units to credit Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) for providing funds to acquire the property as partial mitigation for habitat losses associated with construction of McNary Dam. HEP surveys also documented the general ecological condition of the property. The Graves property was significantly damaged from past/present livestock grazing practices. Baseline HEP surveys generated 284.28 habitat units (HUs) or 2.03 HUs per acre. Of these, 275.50 HUs were associated with the shrubsteppe/grassland cover type while 8.78 HUs were tied to the riparian shrub cover type.

  12. Infantile holocord cellular ependymoma with communicating hydrocephalus: unusual presentation of a rare case. (United States)

    Aryan, Saritha; Ghosal, Nandita; Aziz, Zarina A; Hegde, A S; Dadlani, Ravi


    We present a case of infantile holocord ependymoma in a 4-month-old boy who presented with infection of ventriculoperitoneal shunt done elsewhere for a communicating hydrocephalus. On magnetic resonance imaging, a diffuse holocord T2-hyperintense, T1-hypointense intramedullary bulky lesion with syringomyelia in the cervical level was seen. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of infantile holocord ependymoma. As the extent of morbidity associated with a spinal cord tumor is high, an increased level of suspicion and the need for a complete spinal cord screening in a case of infantile hydrocephalus without obvious clinical and radiological evidence of intracranial abnormality is emphasized.

  13. Fatal and non-fatal adverse events of glucocorticoid therapy for Graves' orbitopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marcocci, Claudio; Watt, Torquil; Altea, Maria Antonietta


    The objective of this study was to investigate the side effects of glucocorticoid (GC) therapy observed by European thyroidologists during the treatment of Graves' orbitopathy (GO).......The objective of this study was to investigate the side effects of glucocorticoid (GC) therapy observed by European thyroidologists during the treatment of Graves' orbitopathy (GO)....

  14. Un acercamiento al cuento infantil desde la perspectiva de género. Estereotipos en el cuento infantil

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    Nuria Méndez-Garita


    Full Text Available ¿Cuáles son los papeles que desempeñan cada una de las mujeres que son parte de la sociedad? ¿Cómo exige un hombre que se comporte una mujer? ¿Habrán cambiado los estereotipos femeninos y masculinos que muy claramente nos presentan los cuentos? ¿Seguimos propiciando como personas los estereotipos? ¿Se está dando la inversión tanto en los cuentos como en nuestras vidas? A partir de mito griego de la Medusa, se introduce el tema del género y la literatura, sobre todo en aquella que se reconoce como literatura infantil. Desde la perspectiva de género, se pueden tratar diferentes tópicos, en este caso, el artículo se centra en los estereotipos y confrontan los que se derivan de la mujer ángel y la mujer demonio. A lo largo de la historia, la elaboración del mundo simbólico, del significado y del sentido han estado en las mentes de los varones, los que han configurado una representación del mundo a su imagen y semejanza. Son ellos el prototipo, patrón y medida de lo existente. En los cuentos infantiles podemos ver claramente los estereotipos impuestos por la cultura patriarcal; pero también, cómo algunos de ellos son capaces de subvertir el orden establecido. Lo más importante es que la lectura de cuentos infantiles y de la literatura en general, sirve para movernos y conmovernos como lectores; para que nos marque, porque nos interpela.

  15. Abuso sexual infantil, trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y su tratamiento.

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    Denise Saboya


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aborda las modalidades de tratamientos sistémicos y cognitivos en sujetos que padecieron Abuso Sexual Infantil (ASI y posteriormente desarrollaron trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, específicamente anorexia y bulimia. Summit (1983 agrupa las acciones familiares y/o judiciales en relación al abuso bajo el nombre de Síndrome de Acomodación al Abuso Sexual Infantil (SAASI. Este incluye cinco etapas: el secreto, el desamparo, el entrampamiento y la acomodación, la revelación tardía y no convincente y por último la retracción. En aquellos casos de desconfianza y negación por parte de la figura materna u otros miembros significativos del grupo familiar ante la develación del abuso, se observa el desarrollo de los trastornos de la alimentación (Losada, 2011. En los niños que presentan trastornos de la conducta alimentaria se observa que hicieron la tentativa de contar el ASI y no fueron escuchados, dando lugar al SAASI y pidiendo ayuda nuevamente pero con su cuerpo portando un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria. Se considera imprescindible el desarrollo de un programa de tratamiento para la comorbilidad entre el abuso sexual infantil y los trastornos de la alimentación, siguiendo el concepto de eclecticismo técnico, inspirado en Lazarus (1992. Se considera relevante que el profesional este abierto a la posibilidad de emplear lo mejor de cada enfoque y escuela para así atender mejor a las diversas necesidades de los pacientes. This work approaches the modalities of systemic and cognitive fastened treatments that suffered sexual infantile abuse and later they developed disorders of the food conduct, specifically anorexia and bulimia. Summit (1983 it groups these familiar or judicial actions under the name of Syndrome of Accommodation to the Sexual Infantile Abuse (SAASI. This one includes five stages: the secret, the abandonment, the entrampamiento and the accommodation, the late and not convincing revelation and

  16. [Echo-tracking technology for evaluating femoral artery endothelial function in patients with Grave's disease]. (United States)

    Wei, Wei; Wang, Jingyuan; Zhao, Qiaoling; Yang, Jinru


    To assess the value of echo-tracking technology in evaluating endothelial function of the femoral artery in patients with Grave's disease. Thirty-four patients with Grave's disease patients and 30 normal adults as controls were recruited in this study. The intima-media thickness (IMT), arterial stiffness (β), pressure strain elastic modulus (Ep), arterial compliance (AC), pulse wave conducting velocity (PWVβ) and augmentation index (AI) parameters were examined using echo-tracking technology for evaluating the right femoral arterial elasticity. Compared with the control subjects, the patients with Grave's disease showed significantly increased β, Ep, and PWVβ and significantly decreased AC (P0.05). In patients with Grave's disease, β and Ep were positively correlated with FT3, FT4, TT3, TT4, and PWVβ was positively correlated with FT3 and FT4. Echo-tracking technology can provide more accurate quantitative evidences for early diagnosis of femoral artery endothelial dysfunction in patients with Grave's disease, but the influence of procedural factors on the measurement accuracy should be considered in the evaluation.

  17. Ecocardiograma e fatores de risco cardiovascular em obesos graves


    Elaine Gonçalves Moreira Rocha, Isaura


    Introducão: Alterações em parâmetros hemodinâmicos e na função cardíaca ocorrem na obesidade grave, em associação a outros fatores de risco cardiovascular, como dislipidemia, hipertensão arterial e diabete melito. Material e métodos: Foi descrito o perfil clínico, metabólico, ecocardiográfico e o risco de doença cardiovascular, avaliado através do escore de Framingham, em 32 obesos graves candidatos à gastroplastia, no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, entre jane...

  18. Interdisciplinary management of infantile colic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Miguel Becerra-Granados


    This article presents a structural review of evidence on the fundamentals and progress in the treatment of infantile colic, and compiles the characteristics of this pathology, the medical and nutritional therapeutic measures, the clinical approach and the techniques to help the patient and his family. This study seeks to provide technical tools to health professionals whose target population is children younger than 2 years of age.

  19. Thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma simultaneously existing with Graves' disease: a case report. (United States)

    Arai, Nobuhiko; Inaba, Makoto; Ichijyo, Takamasa; Kagami, Hiroshi; Mine, Yutaka


    Thyrotropin-producing pituitary tumor is relatively rare. In particular, concurrent cases associated with Graves' disease are extremely rare and only nine cases have been reported so far. We describe a case of a thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma concomitant with Graves' disease, which was successfully treated. A 40-year-old Japanese woman presented with mild signs of hyperthyroidism. She had positive anti-thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody, anti-thyroglobulin antibody, and anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody. Her levels of serum thyroid-stimulating hormone, which ranged from low to normal in the presence of high levels of serum free thyroid hormones, were considered to be close to a state of syndrome of inappropriate secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a macropituitary tumor. The coexistence of thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma and Graves' disease was suspected. Initial therapy included anti-thyroid medication, which was immediately discontinued due to worsening symptoms. Subsequently, surgical therapy for the pituitary tumor was conducted, and her levels of free thyroid hormones, including the thyroid-stimulating hormone, became normal. On postoperative examination, her anti-thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody levels decreased, and the anti-thyroglobulin antibody became negative. The coexistence of thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma and Graves' disease is rarely reported. The diagnosis of this condition is complicated, and the appropriate treatment strategy has not been clearly established. This case suggests that physicians should consider the coexistence of thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma with Graves' disease in cases in which thyroid-stimulating hormone values range from low to normal in the presence of thyrotoxicosis, and the surgical treatment of thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma could be the first-line therapy in patients with both thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma

  20. Espacio infantil y ludoteca


    Lejarraga Molinero, Nekane


    Este proyecto desarrolla el estudio y análisis de un cambio de uso de un proyecto de uso administrativo en la ciudad de Pamplona. La realización de un cambio de uso de un edificio administrativo a un ESPACIO INFANTIL Y LUDOTECA en el barrio de la Rochapea. Se trata fundamentalmente de un centro lúdico junto al río Arga en el que puedan jugar y desarrollarse de una forma controlada los niños de este nuevo barrio.

  1. Selvadministreret ventrikelsondeernaering hos et barn med infantil autisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyrborg, J


    An example of self-administered gastric tube nutrition in a boy aged 15 years with infantile autism is presented. The boy would neither eat nor drink in the normal manner since the age of eight years and has gradually administered tube-feeding himself. This patient does not fulfill the internatio......An example of self-administered gastric tube nutrition in a boy aged 15 years with infantile autism is presented. The boy would neither eat nor drink in the normal manner since the age of eight years and has gradually administered tube-feeding himself. This patient does not fulfill...... the international criteria for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. A possible etiological factor and the education/psychological attitudes to the compulsive symptom are discussed. Udgivelsesdato: 1991-Oct-14...

  2. Determinantes sociais e psicológicos do comportamento alimentar infantil


    Andrade, Maria da Graça Massano de Amorim de Mavigné, 1961-


    Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Saúde), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2014 A redução da taxa de crescimento da obesidade infantil é um dos principais objetivos de saúde, a nível nacional e internacional, o que reforça a importância da aquisição de hábitos alimentares saudáveis nos primeiros anos da infância. Uma vasta evidência empírica aponta para a influência de uma multiplicidade de determinantes do comportamento alimentar infantil, sendo contudo neces...

  3. Aproximación al discurso referido en el habla infantil


    María José Gallucci; Yanira Pinto


    En aquest treball estudiem l’ús del discurs referit en la parla infantil. Descrivim l’estil directe, l’estil indirecte i les cites onomatopeiques des d’una perspectiva sintacticopragmàtica en una mostra de 28 parlants pertanyents al Corpus de habla infantil (Shiro, 1996) tenint en compte el tipus de cita, els marcs introductors, els verbs més freqüents que emmarquen les cites i l’atribució de la paraula. També indaguem, en funció del tipus de l’entrevista analitzada i de les ta...

  4. Presentación Monográfico Educación Infantil


    Fernández Martínez, Pilar; Ríos García, Isabel; Fernández Martínez, María del Pilar; Ramos Xavier, Gelta Terezinha


    En este Monográfico de la RIE hemos abordado aspectos teóricos y prácticos en distintos escenarios del quehacer educativo en la Educación Infantil que contribuyen al desarrollo social, afectivo, cognitivo y organizativo. En los trabajos que aparecen en él, de una alta calidad investigadora pero muy arraigados a las aulas y a las realidades cotidianas de la escuela infantil, encontramos un punto de unión bajo el enfoque sociocultural de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, que establece qu...

  5. Clinical value of serum TRAb levels determination in diagnosis of Graves's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Zhaosui; Huang Chunhong; Liu Kaiyuan; Huang Shengli


    Objective: To investigate the clinical diagnostic value of serum TRAb levels determination in patients with Graves' disease. Methods: Serum TRAb (with RRA), FT 3 , FT 4 , TSH (with CLIA) levels were measured in 223 patients with Graves' disease both before and 6, 12, 36 months after treatment with antithyroid drugs (ATD) as well as in 50 controls. Results: Positive rate of serum TRAb was 93.3% in patients with Graves' disease before treatment. Six months after ATD therapy the positive rate dropped to 41.3%, being still significantly higher than that in controls (P<0.05). The TRAb positive rate dropped steadily with 12 (18.3% ), 24 (8.9% ) and 36 months (4.9%) of ATD treatment. In the 21 patients who had hyperthyroidism recurred after the course of treatment, TRAb remained positive in 18 of them (80.7%). Conclusion: Persistent positive TRAb despite euthyroid status in patients with Graves' disease after seemingly successful ATD treatment donates persistent immunodysfunction and possible recurrence. It is mandatory to continue ATD treatment until TRAb negative. (authors)

  6. Significados culturais da asma infantil Cultural meanings of the infantile asthma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirna Albuquerque Frota


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os significados culturais da asma infantil com origem na mãe-cuidadora. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Pesquisa qualitativa realizada em 2004, no município de Fortaleza, CE. Foi utilizada a observação participante com abordagem etnográfica e entrevistas com sete mães acompanhantes de seus filhos em unidade de emergência hospitalar. Os significados das falas das mães foram identificados utilizando-se a técnica de análise temática. ANÁLISE DOS RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas duas categorias de discussão; na primeira, "desinformação sobre a doença", foi possível perceber que as mães não são informadas sobre a doença do filho. Na segunda categoria, "cuidado cultural", as mães referem informações sobre os cuidados e utilizam recursos do saber popular para prevenir a asma dos filhos, como o cuidado ambiental e a utilização de remédios caseiros à base de plantas medicinais. CONCLUSÕES: As características de desinformação e desconhecimento materno em relação à asma do filho mostram a necessidade de haver um trabalho educativo intenso, dialógico e problematizador em estreita colaboração com o tratamento, visando à melhoria do prognóstico da doença.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the cultural meanings of infantile asthma from the perspective of the mother/carer of the child. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: Qualitative research conducted in 2004, in the city of Fortaleza (Northeastern Brazil. An ethnographic approach was utilized, consisting of participant observation and interviews with seven mothers, accompanying their children in a hospital emergency ward. Thematic analysis was the technique employed when identifying the meanings of mothers' discourse. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: Two discussion categories were identified: "disinformation on illness" in which it was possible to perceive that the mothers were not informed with respect to their children's illness; and "cultural care" in which they relate information on

  7. Educación sobre sexualidad en círculos infantiles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arelys Martín Pérez


    Full Text Available Se evalúa la eficacia de un proyecto de educación sexual para niños asistentes a círculos infantiles, mediante un diseño cuasi-experimental. Se aplica un sistema de influencias educativas a un grupo estudio compuesto por preescolares del Círculo Infantil "Sonrisas Infantiles". Se evalúan los conocimientos iniciales y finales de éste y del grupo control perteneciente al Círculo Infantil "Sueños de Rosas", ambos del municipio Sancti Spíritus, pero de distintas áreas de salud. Se indica que la muestra total fue de 71 niños de ambos sexos; se realizan en total 22 actividades y se elabora una batería de 10 pruebas para medir de forma cualitativa los conocimientos de los preescolares sobre: conocimientos del propio cuerpo, identificación sexual y reproducción. Se demuestra la eficacia del proyecto por la diferencia significativa en las proporciones de respuestas correctas del grupo experimental con respecto al grupo control al final del experimentoSUMMARY: The effectiveness of a quasi-experimental design-based sex educational program for day-care center children is evaluated. An educational influence system is applied to an experimental group comprised of "Sonrisas Infantiles" day-care center pre-school children. The initial and final knowledge of the above-mentioned group and the control group from "Sueños de Rosa" day care center are assessed. Both day care centers are located in Sancti Spiritus municipality but in different health areas. The total sample covered 71 children of both sexes, 22 activities were carried out and a set of 10 tests for qualitatively measuring the pre-school children's knowledge on human body, sexual identification and reproduction was prepared. The project effectiveness is proved by the significant differences in correct answers between the experimental group and the control group at the end of the experiment

  8. La desnutrición infantil en el medio rural mexicano Children malnutrition in rural Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer la situación nutricional de la población infantil del medio rural mexicano, comparándola con la situación previa y localizando las zonas más afectadas. Material y métodos. La muestra estuvo conformada por 38 232 familias, pertenecientes a 855 localidades, seleccionadas probabilísticamente. Se tomaron medidas antropométricas a 31 601 menores de cinco años. El análisis se realizó en consideración a la población de referencia peso/edad, peso/talla y talla/edad. Resultados. La desnutrición global afecta a 42.7% de los niños de acuerdo con el indicador peso/edad (IC= 1.9%; hace 22 años las formas de desnutrición moderada y severa eran de 17.4% y actualmente son de 19.3%. Respecto a talla/edad afecta a 55.9% (IC= 1.9%, y a peso/talla a 18.9%. Conclusiones. La ENAL96 muestra que la desnutrición sigue siendo un problema muy grave, que no se ha solucionado y que sigue afectando a las regiones del sur en donde hay mayor prevalencia de grupos indígenas.Objective. To evaluate the nutritional status of the infantile population in rural Mexico, compare it with previous data and situate the most affected areas. Material and Methods. The sample consisted of 38 232 families, from 855 randomly selected communities. Anthropometry was obtained from 31 601 children under five years of age and analysis was performed considering the reference values of weight/age, weight/height and height/age. Results. Overall malnutrition affects 42.7 of children according to weight/age indicator (CI= 1.9%. Moderate and severe malnutrition 22 years ago was 17.4% and now these affect 19.3%. Further data show that 55.9% are malnourished according to height/age, and 18.9% according to weight/height. Conclusions. The ENAL 96 shows that malnutrition is still a severe national problem which has not improved in the last 22 years. The areas of highest prevalence are the southern states which have mostly Indian population.

  9. Clinical studies on thyroid CT number in Graves' disease and destructive thyrotoxicosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamijo, Keiichi


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate CT Hounsfield unit (H.U.) of the thyroid in hyperthyroid and euthyroid Graves' disease and destructive thyrotoxicosis. The mean thyroid CT number in 95 controls was 122±18 H.U.(±SD) and did not change significatly with advancing age. The mean thyroid CT number (±SD) of 85±22 H.U. in 60 patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease was significantly lower than either in normal controls or 116±22 H.U. in 11 patients with euthyroid Graves' disease. Comparison of thyroid hormones and TSH receptor Ab values of untreated patients with a normal and an abnormally low thyroid CT number showed that serum total and free T 3 were significantly higher in the latter group than the former group. With respect to the effect of methimazol (MMI) on the thyroid CT number, in the untreated 10 patients with a low thyroid CT number, the initial mean CT number was 65±11 H.U. and increased significantly to 76±14 H.U. after treatment with MMI. In contrast, in 6 patients with a normal thyroid CT number prior to therapy, the initial mean thyroid CT number was 102±11 H.U. and fell significantly to 84±16 H.U. after treatment with MMI. The thyroid CT number in destructive thyrotoxicosis is markedly decreased to less than 70 H.U. and the mean values of 57±7 H.U. in 6 patients with silent thyroiditis and of 61±5 H.U. in 7 with subacute thyroiditis differ significantly from Graves' disease. In conclusion, the thyroid CT number is significantly reduced in hyperthyroid Graves' disease, normal in euthyroid Graves' disease and markedly decreased in destructive thyrotoxicosis. The high T-3 value seemed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of a decline in the thyroid CT number in Graves' disease. An antithyroid drug therapy caused two different changes in the thyroid CT number, depending on whether the thyroid CT number prior to therapy was normal or low. (author)

  10. A 27-year-old woman diagnosed as polycystic ovary syndrome associated with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Jung, Jung Hwa; Hahm, Jong Ryeal; Jung, Tae Sik; Kim, Hee Jin; Kim, Ho Soo; Kim, Sungsu; Kim, Soo Kyoung; Lee, Sang Min; Kim, Deok Ryong; Choi, Won Jun; Seo, Yeong Mi; Chung, Soon Il


    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and Graves' disease are the common causes of menstrual irregularity leading to infertility in women of child-bearing age. A 21-year-old female patient visited us with complaints of oligomenorrhea and hand tremor. She was diagnosed as having PCOS and hyperthyroid Graves' disease, simultaneously. She had low body weight (BMI: 16.4 kg/m(2)), mild hirsutism, and thyrotoxicosis. The patient was treated with anti-thyroid drug and beta-blocker for about two years, and then recovered to normal thyroid function. Although some studies have suggested a connection between PCOS and autoimmune thyroiditis, no study indicated that PCOS is associated with Graves' disease until now. Here, we describe the first case report of a lean woman with normal insulin sensitivity presenting PCOS and Graves' disease simultaneously.

  11. Doença de Graves associada à artrite idiopática juvenil Graves' disease associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa de Matos Santos Mendonça Marques


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam o caso de uma menina de 10 anos de idade com diagnóstico de doença de Graves (DG, em tratamento com propiltiouracil, que desenvolveu uveíte e artrite poliarticular e cuja mãe também tem DG e lúpus discoide. São discutidos os diagnósticos diferenciais de artrite inflamatória que surge em uma criança com doença tireoidiana autoimune medicada com drogas antitireóideas.The authors report the case of a 10-year-old girl with Graves' disease (GD, treated with propylthiouracil, who developed uveitis and polyarticular arthritis, and whose mother also had GD and discoid lupus. The differential diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis that appears in a child with autoimmune thyroid disease managed with antithyroid drugs is discussed.

  12. Raman spectroscopy of gemstones on the necklaces from ancient graves at the Castle of Devin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gregor, M.; Vanco, L.; Kadlecikova, M.; Breza, J.


    The subjects of Raman and X-ray analyses were the beads from two necklaces found in ancient graves from the 11'"t"h and 12"t"h centuries at the Castle of Devin. One of the necklaces, consisting of 23 beads, was found in tomb 12/1980. Inside the grave, an incomplete skeleton of a woman was found, oriented in the west - east direction. The skull, shoulder blades and lower limbs were preserved in good condition. The grave contained a rich inventory: a silver ear-ring at the left side of the skull, a necklace between the shoulder blades and a ring on the right side at the height of the right hand. The other necklace, consisting of six stones, was found in grave 145/1985 in which, similarly like in the first grave, a woman's skeleton was discovered. The stones were found below the mandible. All beads are drilled through axially. (authors)

  13. Early Infantile Leigh-like Gene Defects Have a Poor Prognosis: Report and Review

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    Majid Alfadhel


    Full Text Available Solute carrier family 19 (thiamine transporter, member 3 ( SCL19A3 gene defect produces an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder associated with different phenotypes and acronyms. One of the common presentations is early infantile lethal Leigh-like syndrome. We report a case of early infantile Leigh-like SLC19A3 gene defects of patients who died at 4 months of age with no response to a high dose of biotin and thiamine. In addition, we report a novel mutation that was not reported previously. Finally, we review the literature regarding early infantile Leigh-like SLC19A3 gene defects and compare the literature with our patient.

  14. Generalised pruritus as a presentation of Grave's disease. (United States)

    Tan, Ce; Loh, Ky


    Pruritus is a lesser known symptom of hyperthyroidism, particularly in autoimmune thyroid disorders. This is a case report of a 27-year-old woman who presented with generalised pruritus at a primary care clinic. Incidental findings of tachycardia and a goiter led to the investigations of her thyroid status. The thyroid function test revealed elevated serum free T4 and suppressed thyroid stimulating hormone levels. The anti-thyroid antibodies were positive. She was diagnosed with Graves' disease and treated with carbimazole until her symptoms subsided. Graves' disease should be considered as an underlying cause for patients presenting with pruritus. A thorough history and complete physical examination are crucial in making an accurate diagnosis. Underlying causes must be determined before treating the symptoms.

  15. Cranial computed tomography in infantile spasms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howitz, P.; Neergaard, K.; Pedersen, H.


    Out of 109 children with infantile spasms (IS), prospectively tested during the years 1976 to 1979 in Denmark, 52 children were examined by cranial computed tomography (CT). The classification of IS into cryptogenic (CR), symptomatic (SY) and doubtful (DO) was done clinically without considering the CT-finding. Sixty per cent of the scannings were abnormal. Only 6/30 (20%) of the children in ACTH treatment were found to develop cerebral atrophy which means that this finding is not an obligatory side-effect of ACTH treatment of children with IS. Normal CT-findings were found in 50% of the CR and 50% of the SY + DO-groups, and could not be used as a prognostic tool for estimating the mental development. This was also the case for children with cerebral atrophy. Abnormal CT-findings (minus atrophy) were highly correlated to the group with clinical symptoms and indicate an extremely unsatisfying long-term mental prognosis. CT-scanning is a valuable tool for the examination of clearing children with infantile spasms. (authors)

  16. Propuesta de prevención primaria del maltrato infantil: modelo teórico explicativo para identificar factores histórico-bio-psico-socio-culturales

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    Arturo Sahagún Morales


    Full Text Available The child maltreatment is a social and public health problem of multifactorial character that, in major or minor measure, include a wide range of cultural, historical, social, juridical, economic, political, psychological and biological situations that understand a intrincate framework of violence, addictions, diseases, abandon, disinterest, abuses, negligence and poverty. In this situation, the present work tries to serve as theoretical contribution in the field of the psychology for the unification of criteria in the field of the primary prevention of the infantile mistreatment. As a hypothetical approach, we affirm which the theoretical analysis of the historical, biological, psychological, social and cultural factors that are involved in the phenomenon of the child mistreatment will allow to establish an integral definition that contemplates the totality of the problem and that facilitates the production of effective programs of primary prevention. General objective is to describe and analyze theoretically which are the historical, biological, psychological, social and cultural factors involved in child maltreatment and to describe the interaction between them, also, to generate a comprehensive definition in order to establish the structure that should have all the primary prevention programs of child maltreatment and in turn, to develop a way to proposed a theoretical model of a program for the primary prevention of child maltreatment. On the other hand, this work is a documentary study because it seeks to develop a theoretical conceptual frame to form a body of ideas on a subject of study (Galán, 2011. Among other things it is concluded that the elements traditionally used as the traditional aggressor-victim model with which to has been addressed child abuse and the fact consider the cases of abuse as emerging only in the family environment represent a limited perspective that does not allow effective interventions and programs in terms

  17. Clinical studies on thyroid CT number in Graves' disease and destructive thyrotoxicosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamijo, Keiichi (Kamijo Thyroid and Pituitary Clinic, Sapporo (Japan))


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate CT Hounsfield unit (H.U.) of the thyroid in hyperthyroid and euthyroid Graves' disease and destructive thyrotoxicosis. The mean thyroid CT number in 95 controls was 122[+-]18 H.U.([+-]SD) and did not change significatly with advancing age. The mean thyroid CT number ([+-]SD) of 85[+-]22 H.U. in 60 patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease was significantly lower than either in normal controls or 116[+-]22 H.U. in 11 patients with euthyroid Graves' disease. Comparison of thyroid hormones and TSH receptor Ab values of untreated patients with a normal and an abnormally low thyroid CT number showed that serum total and free T[sub 3] were significantly higher in the latter group than the former group. With respect to the effect of methimazol (MMI) on the thyroid CT number, in the untreated 10 patients with a low thyroid CT number, the initial mean CT number was 65[+-]11 H.U. and increased significantly to 76[+-]14 H.U. after treatment with MMI. In contrast, in 6 patients with a normal thyroid CT number prior to therapy, the initial mean thyroid CT number was 102[+-]11 H.U. and fell significantly to 84[+-]16 H.U. after treatment with MMI. The thyroid CT number in destructive thyrotoxicosis is markedly decreased to less than 70 H.U. and the mean values of 57[+-]7 H.U. in 6 patients with silent thyroiditis and of 61[+-]5 H.U. in 7 with subacute thyroiditis differ significantly from Graves' disease. In conclusion, the thyroid CT number is significantly reduced in hyperthyroid Graves' disease, normal in euthyroid Graves' disease and markedly decreased in destructive thyrotoxicosis. The high T-3 value seemed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of a decline in the thyroid CT number in Graves' disease. An antithyroid drug therapy caused two different changes in the thyroid CT number, depending on whether the thyroid CT number prior to therapy was normal or low. (author).

  18. Competencias desde la perspectiva intercultural para el grado de educación infantil

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    adecuar sus titulaciones hacia el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, a través de la planificación de los grados en Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria. La propuesta de competencias específicas desde la perspectiva intercultural para Educación infantil, puede resultar un interesante punto de partida.

  19. A controlled monitoring study of simulated clandestine graves using 3D ground penetrating radar

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    van Schoor, Michael


    Full Text Available A controlled three-dimensional ground penetrating radar monitoring study over simulated clandestine graves was conducted near Pretoria, South Africa, in which the detectability of graves as a function of post-burial interval was assessed...

  20. Graves' disease presenting as right heart failure with severe pulmonary hypertension


    Furqan Mohd Akram Khan; Anannya Mukherji; Shekhar T. Nabar; Ashwini G


    We report a patient who presented to our institution with clinical features of right sided heart failure and hyperthyroidism. Diagnosis of grave's disease induced reversible severe pulmonary hypertension leading to severe tricuspid regurgitation and right sided heart failure was made after all the common causes were ruled out using the biochemical and radiological investigations and review of literature. Graves disease is a common cause hyperthyroidism, is an immune system disorder that resul...