
Sample records for macroalgas nas comunidades

  1. Música: uma imgagem sonora nas comunidades eclesiais de base


    Roberto Barroso da Rocha


    Esta dissertação tem o propósito de analisar a função social da música nas CEBs (Comunidades Eclesiais de Base), que possui bases bíblicas e está presente nos dias atuais. A primeira parte trata da função social da música na Bíblia chegando até os dias atuais com uma breve narrativa da história da música ocidental. A segunda parte aborda a música nas CEBs e a Teologia da Libertação como parte importante do contexto musical, onde os ideais da Teologia de Libertação são divulgados pela música; ...


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    Elcione Luciana da Silva


    Full Text Available O conceito do turismo étnico vem se desenvolvendo nas últimas décadas e envolve a valorização cultural e possibilidade de promover diversas experiências e inter-relações entre visitantes e comunidades quilombolas. Este artigo versa sobre as comunidades quilombolas (Mata dos Crioulos, Vargem do Inhaí e Quartel de Indaiá – Diamantina/MG, que vêm sofrendo conflitos e pressões de ordem territorial, o que dificulta ainda mais a manutenção da cultura local. O objetivo desta pesquisa é sugerir o desenvolvimento do turismo étnico nas mesmas como forma de desenvolvimento local e valorização do patrimônio cultural material e imaterial. Para alcançar o resultado da pesquisa foram utilizadas referências bibliográficas e documentais. Palavra-chaves: Turismo étnico; comunidades quilombolas; conflitos ambientais e territoriais.

  3. Desenvolvimento sustentável como uma forma de mitigar o impacto negativo da globalização nas comunidades locais

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    Bonder, Cintia


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo mostrar alguns impactos da globalização nas comunidades locais e como o desenvolvimento sustentável pode trabalhar estes impactos. Para tanto, apresenta alguns conceitos de globalização e suas correntes de pensamento; trata de discutir o desenvolvimento sustentável e a globalização; e por fim, discute o impacto da globalização nas comunidades locais e como minimizá-los

  4. Estudo da dinâmica de macroalgas em flutuantes de duas comunidades ribeirinhas na bacia do Tarumã-Mirim (área rural de Manaus/AM por alunos do ensino fundamental / STUDY OF THE DYNAMICS OF FLOATING MACROALGAL IN TWO COMMUNITIES IN RIPARIAN BASIN TARUMÃ-MIRIM (RURAL AREA OF MANAUS / AM BY STUDENTS OF BASIC EDUCATION

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    Domitila Pascoaloto


    Full Text Available O presente estudo faz parte de um projeto voltado para Educação ambiental na bacia do Tarumã-Mirim. Em abril/2008 seis alunos do ensino fundamental acompanharam, por quinze dias, a presença de macroalgas em três flutuantes da comunidade Nossa Senhora de Fátima, a flutuação do nível do igarapé nesses flutuantes e a distância entre a sede da comunidade o porto principal. Também foi feito o levantamento das macroalgas na comunidade Nossa Senhora do Livramento. Macroalgas estiveram presentes em todos os locais, em ambas as comunidades. A distância entre a sede da comunidade e o flutuante principal variou 1,4 metros; a variação do nível de água no igarapé foi de 0,33 a 0,92 metros. As características químicas da água foram semelhantes (ácidas e pouco mineralizadas. Os alunos verificaram que a presença das macroalgas esteve mais relacionada com as características físicas dos locais (substrato estável e incidência de luz solar.


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    Full Text Available Durante la época seca en febrero y la época de lluvias en junio de 2004, fueron ubicados en el Golfo de Urabá seis estaciones con transectos paralelos a la línea de costa rocosa. Allí se removió la biomasa macroalgal de ocho cuadrantes de 1 m2 por cada estación de muestreo y distribuidos desde el supralitoral hasta tres metros de profundidad. Se estimó el porcentaje de cobertura de las microalgas; se determinó la riqueza numérica de especies y las biomasas húmeda y seca; y se midieron algunas variables fisicoquímicas. Se encontró un total de 30 taxones de macroalgas de las cuales 20 pertenecen a la división Rhodophyta. cinco Phaeophyta y cinco Chorophyta. Las especies más frecuentes y con mayor biomasa para la costa noroccidental, fueron Sargassum polyceratíum. Laurencia obtusa y L papulosa y para el costado nororiental, Grateloupia fílicina y Chladophora vagabunda. Se concluyó que existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las comunidades algales de ambos costados y que las diferencias en el gradiente vertical y de la salinidad del agua, condujeron a diferencias en las comunidades establecidas sobre el litoral rocoso de ambos costados.


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    Domitila Pascoaloto


    Full Text Available Foram investigadas as comunidades de macroalgas do rio Negro, no município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira. Em setembro/2007 foram visitados cinco sítios amostrais, próximos à sede da cidade; em Março/2008 foram investigados oito sítios amostrais, entre a comunidade Amium (hemisfério norte e a sede da cidade (hemisfério sul; em agosto de 2008 foram investigadas as comunidades de macroalgas e a qualidade da água do rio Negro e onze afluentes, entre os rios Içana (hemisfério norte e Marie, no hemisfério sul; em abril/2009 foram coletadas macroalgas e água no rio Negro e em igarapés de água com tonalidade vermelha, na sede da cidade; em maio/2009 foram feitas coletas de água no rio Negro entre a comunidade de Cucuí, onde o rio Negro entra no Brasil e a sede do município. As águas dos locais apresentaram características típicas de rio de “água preta”: pH ácido ( 6,0 mgO2/L. As entidades ecológicas de macroalgas observadas pertenceram aos gêneros Batrachospermum Roth (Batrachospermaceae, Rhodophyta; Microspora Thuret (Microsporaceae, Chorophyta, Oedogonium Link ex Hirn (Oedogoniaceae, Chorophyta; Oscillatoria Vaucher ex Gomont (Oscillatoriaceae, Cyanophyta; Phormidium Kützing ex Gomont (Phormidiaceae, Cyanophyta; Spirogyra Link (Zygnemaceae, Chlorophyta; Tabellaria Ehrenberge ex Kützing (Fragilariophyceae, Bacillariophyta. Na sede da cidade, a macroalga mais freqüente (50% dos registros foi Spirogyra spp.. Foram encontradas macroalgas com hábitos eplilíticos e efíticos Gametófitos de Batrachospermum spp. foram observados em três sítios amostrais (em troncos ou rochas em setembro/2007, período de águas mais baixas, porém não foram encontradas macroalgas nesses locais em março/2008, quando o rio estava mais cheio. No entanto, em agosto de 2008, quando o rio também estava em período de águas altas, foram observados, em fragmentos rochosos na orla da sede do município, filamentos férteis de Batrachospermum sp

  7. Diversidad de macroalgas asociada con un manto de rodolitos tropical de Brasil


    Amado-Filho, GM; Maneveldt, GW; Pereira-Filho, GH; Manso, RCC; Bahia, RG.; Barros-Barreto, MB; Guimarães, SMPB


    Se describen las poblaciones de las macroalgas submareales predominantemente tropicales que crecen sobre rodolitos entre 4 y 18 m de profundidad en la parte sur del estado de Espirito Santo (Brasil). Muestreos cualitativos y cuantitativos revelaron comunidades ricas en especies de algas, incluyendo 167 especies. Tres especies de rodofitas son nuevas adiciones a la flora marina de Brasil (Lithothamnion muelleri, Scinaia aborealis y Mesophyllum engelhartii). Las marcadas diferencias estacionale...

  8. Stress proteins and auxiliary anti-stress compounds in intertidal macroalgae Proteínas de estrés y compuestos anti-estrés auxiliares en algas marinas intermareales

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    Edgardo Cruces


    Full Text Available Intertidal macroalgae are exposed to strong variation in the physical environment and thus, diverse anti-stress mechanisms are displayed by these organisms. Stress proteins (also called heat shock proteins, HSPs have been invoked as potential protective mechanism, especially during stressful action of temperature and solar radiation. Therefore, macroalgae have not normally been used as model organisms in studies of these molecules. The present study compiles the existing information from intertidal species in the context of major factors that have been reported to induce them, e.g. temperature, enhanced solar radiation, contaminants, etc. Additionally, in order to address the question whether the expression of these proteins operates in intertidal macroalgae complementarily with other protective mechanisms, a case study of induction of HSPs after exposure to UV radiation and high temperature in two upper littoral species, Ulva sp. and Porphyra columbina, from southern Chile is presented. In parallel, two well-known responses to stress, photoinhibition of photochemical reactions (Fv/Fm and ROS scavenging were measured. The results indicated that, although stress proteins were detected in a time span between 3 and 24 h, the responses were not correlated with photochemical and antioxidative response. Overall, the study outlines a potential role of stress proteins in ecophysiological responses developed to cope mainly with high temperature and UV radiation. However, other rapid metabolic adjustments (e.g. high thermo-tolerance of photosynthesis and efficient ROS scavenging, together with other biomolecules (mycosporines, phenols, polyamines, etc. and morpho-functional adaptations to the intertidal life (e.g. small size, high area/volume ratio are also important.Las macroalgas marinas intermareales están expuestas a extrema variación en las condiciones ambientales y por ello desarrollan una serie de mecanismos anti-estrés. Las proteínas de estr

  9. Macroalgas de riachos da Floresta Nacional de Irati, região centro-sul do Estado do Paraná, Sul do Brasil Stream macroalgae of Irati National Forest, mid-southern Paraná State, Southern Brazil

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    Ciro Cesar Zanini Branco


    Full Text Available Estudos florísticos das comunidades de macroalgas lóticas no Brasil são quase que exclusivamente baseadas em material do Estado de São Paulo. Informações sobre macroalgas de riachos são virtualmente ausentes no Estado do Paraná. Considerando a carência de trabalhos sobre estes importantes produtores primários de ambientes lóticos, foi realizado um estudo mais amplo, a fim de conhecer melhor a biodiversidade das comunidades de macroalgas no Paraná. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o levantamento florístico das comunidades de macroalgas da Floresta Nacional de Irati (Flona de Irati, uma unidade de conservação que protege uma área de Floresta Ombrófila Mista (Mata de Araucária. Os estudos foram desenvolvidos em 11 riachos, através de duas coletas realizadas durante os períodos de 19-21 de julho/2005 e 2-4 de fevereiro/2006. Em cada riacho foi estabelecido um segmento de 10 metros de extensão, no qual foi realizado o exame visual detalhado do substrato a fim de determinar a presença de macroalgas. Além da presença das macroalgas, as seguintes variáveis ambientais foram medidas em cada data de amostragem: temperatura, turbidez, condutividade específica, pH, oxigênio dissolvido, profundidade, nutrientes, cor da água e demanda química de oxigênio (DQO. O levantamento taxonômico resultou na identificação de 23 táxons e mostrou a dominância, em termos de número de táxons, de Chlorophyta sobre as demais divisões. O gênero Phormidium Kützing ex Gomont foi o único representado por mais de uma espécie. De modo geral, a maioria das espécies encontradas na Flona de Irati tem sido reportada em estudos prévios, entretanto, uma parte significativa das macroalgas inventariadas foi formada por táxons de ocorrência rara em riachos brasileiros ou, até mesmo, prováveis novidades para a ciência.Surveys of stream macroalgal communities in Brazil are almost exclusively based on data from S

  10. A aprendizagem nas organizações: comunidades de prática e letramento digital

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    Christiane Heemann


    Full Text Available O cenário mundial vem sofrendo inúmeras mudanças decorrentes do processo de globalização e surgimento sucessivo de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Para as organizações, tal mudança contínua faz com que elas busquem a necessidade de investir no seu capital intelectual. Uma resposta a essas transformações é a Educação Corporativa por meio da Educação a Distância, em que as organizações encontraram espaço para atender a um grande número de pessoas. Esta expansão se justifica pelos custos elevados da educação presencial, limitações geográficas e de tempo. Nas empresas também ocorre aprendizagem, e o engajamento em atividades online e as diversas interações levam a diferentes tipos de aprendizagem que requerem a apropriação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação pelos participantes. Tal aprendizagem está ligada ao letramento digital que demanda uma nova maneira de ser no mundo e de se relacionar. O domínio perfeito para se refletir sobre a aliança do conhecimento, aprendizagem e prática no local de trabalho é a ideia de comunidade de prática (LAVE e WENGER, 2006. Este trabalho almeja discutir a imbricação da aprendizagem no trabalho junto às comunidades de prática, buscando entender como os indivíduos constroem conhecimento por meio das práticas sociais.

  11. Deconstruction of Macroalgae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Seema [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Scullin, Chessa [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Simmons, Blake [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    The goal of this collaborative project was to explore the feasibility of using macroalgae as a feedstock for biofuel. Specifically to focus on the conversion of macroalgae to biofuels or other valuable co-products which are low carbon, cost-effective, and sustainable. The main objectives were to develop a library of the composition of macroalgae, develop optimal pretreatments, investigate and determine and optimize enzymatic cocktails capable of efficiently hydrolyzing the resultant polysaccharides into monomeric sugars. The initial technical objective was to identify, verify, and develop new modes of pre-treatment and evaluate enzymes for hydrolysis of macroalgae to fermentable sugars.


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    Luís Henrique Rauber


    Full Text Available O presente artigo propõe discutir a importância do uso das comunidades virtuais na atualidade e sua relação com as crises de imagem nas organizações. Entendendo que o público usuário das marcas (cliente-consumidor, a partir do contato e da possibilidade de interação com estas comunidades virtuais, pode opinar e, também, receber informações sobre os produtos e serviços (sejam estas positivas ou negativas, estabelecer-se-ão exemplos de como isso ocorre, mencionando a comunidade virtual oficial da Coca-Cola na rede social Orkut. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Comunidades virtuais. Crises de imagem. Rede social. Publicidade. Coca-Cola.

  13. Macroalgae Butanol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Broad Funding Opportunity Announcement Project: E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company (DuPont) and Bio Architecture Lab, Inc. (BAL) are exploring the commercial viability of producing fuel-grade isobutanol from macroalgae (seaweed). Making macroalgae an attractive substrate for biofuel applications however, will require continued technology development. Assuming these developments are successful, initial assessments suggest macroalgae aquafarming in our oceans has the potential to produce a feedstock with cost in the same range as terrestrial-based substrates (crop residuals, energy crops) and may be the feedstock of choice in some locations. The use of macroalgae also diversifies the sources of U.S. biomass in order to provide more options in meeting demand for biofuels. The process being developed will use a robust industrial biocatalyst (microorganism) capable of converting macroalgal-derived sugars directly into isobutanol. Biobutanol is an advanced biofuel with significant advantages over ethanol, including higher energy content, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and the ability to be blended in gasoline at higher levels than ethanol without changes to existing automobiles or the fuel industry infrastructure. Butamax™ is currently commercializing DuPont’s biobutanol fermentation technology that uses sugar and starch feedstocks.

  14. Análises dos principais sais presentes nas águas de poços tubulares em duas comunidades rurais do município de Pombal-PB

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    Alan Dél Carlos Gomes Chaves


    Full Text Available RESUMO – O uso de água subterrânea captada de poços tubulares para suprir a demanda desse insumo no processo de irrigação para produção de hortaliças nas comunidades de Várzea Comprida dos Oliveiras e Bezerro, vem ocorrendo de forma sistemática pelos agricultores que vivem e trabalham nas suas pequenas propriedades rurais. A água subterrânea é uma reserva estratégica cada vez mais usada devido à escassez hídrica enfrentada pela nossa região nos últimos anos.  A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em 2 etapas, sendo a primeira delas o reconhecimento da área de estudo através de visitas in loco nas propriedades dos produtores, na qual foi realizado o levantamento quantitativo dos poços artesianos existentes na comunidade Várzea Comprida dos Oliveiras e na comunidade Bezerro, onde verificou-se um total de 18 (dezoito poços tubulares, na qual a primeira consta com 11 (onze poços e a outra com 07 (sete, além da análise da água do rio Piranhas que margeia as duas comunidades. Na segunda etapa foram realizadas as coletas de águas dos poços para análise em laboratório. O trabalho teve como finalidade analisar os principais sais presentes nas águas dos poços tubulares das referidas comunidades. Os parâmetros selecionados para avaliar os níveis da qualidade da água dos poços tubulares foram os seguintes: K+, Na+, Ca+2, Mg+2, SO42- , CO32-,, HCO3-,Cl-, CaCO3-. Com base nos dados obtidos dos elementos que foram analisados destacam-se o Cloreto e o Sódio que apresentaram resultados variando entre 0,4 a 2,7 mmolc L-1 e 0,2 e 3,68 mmolc L-1 respectivamente, não causando preocupação na utilização da água na irrigação das culturas e nem prejuízo ao sistema de irrigação. Analysis the main salts presents in waters of pool tube in two communities countrified the municipality of Pombal -PBABSTRACT – The use of groundwater extracted from pool to supply the demand of this input in the irrigation process for production of

  15. Effects of Drifting Macroalgae in Eelgrass Ecosystems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Canal Vergés, Paula; Valdemarsen, Thomas Bruun; Kristensen, Erik


    and physical damage on eelgrass can occur when macroalgae are drifting as bedload. The ballistic effect of moving macroalgae on surface sediment was tested in the field as well as in a series of annular flume experiments, where simultaneous measurements of macroalgae transport and turbidity were measured...

  16. Macroalgas bentônicas associadas a bancos de Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen J.V. Lamour. (Rhodophyta - Gigartinales em duas praias do litoral baiano Macroalgae associated with banks of Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen J.V. Lamour. (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales on two beaches on the coast of Bahia

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    Iara Oliveira Costa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho caracteriza a estrutura e dinâmica das comunidades de macroalgas bentônicas associadas a populações de H. musciformis ocorrentes em formações recifais nas praias de Stella Maris (Salvador e Itacimirim (Camaçari. As coletas ocorreram entre agosto de 2007 e junho de 2008. As formações recifais foram divididas em compartimentos com base no hidrodinamismo. Utilizou-se três transectos em cada compartimento, onde foram dispostos cinco quadrados de 20 x 20 cm. Foram obtidos dados de riqueza, biomassa, percentual de importância (Pi%, diversidade (H' e equitabilidade (J'. Na área estudada ocorreram 60 espécies: 30 Rhodophyta, 20 Chlorophyta e 10 Ochrophyta; biomassa média de 136 g.m-² (peso seco; e índices médios de H' e J' de 2,7 e 0,97, respectivamente. Houve predominância das rodofíceas, tanto em riqueza específica quanto em valores de biomassa. Foi encontrada maior contribuição do grupo morfo-funcional de algas corticadas. Dentre a flora associada, Gelidiella acerosa, Sargassum cymosum e Palisada perforata apresentaram maiores valores de biomassa. O compartimento recifal mais representativo em riqueza específica e biomassa foi a região frontal do recife. As comunidades das praias estudadas foram consideradas distintas devido à fisionomia das formações recifais.This study characterized the structure and dynamics of macroalgae communities associated with benthic populations of H. musciformis occurring in reef formations on the beaches of Stella Maris (Salvador and Itacimirim (Camaçari, Bahia. The samples were collected between August 2007 and June 2008. The reef formations were divided into compartments based on hydrodynamics. Three transects where made for each compartment, and each of these had five quadrants of 20 x 20cm. Data about the richness, biomass, percentage of importance (Pi%, diversity (H' and evenness (J' was collected. The study recorded 60 species, 30 Rhodophyta, 20 Chlorophyta and 10 Ochrophyta

  17. Mercados educacionais e a comunidade Education markets and the community

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    Sally Power


    Full Text Available Os defensores de abordagens baseadas no mercado para a educação invocam, às vezes, a necessidade de "empoderamento" (empowerment das comunidades nas tomadas de decisão educacionais para justificar a reforma dos sistemas educacionais públicos convencionais. Com base em exemplos da Austrália, da Inglaterra e do País de Gales, da Nova Zelândia e dos eua, este artigo explora as maneiras complexas e contraditórias como as políticas educacionais contemporâneas usam o conceito de envolvimento das comunidades. Ele demonstra mais ainda que o papel e o impacto do envolvimento das comunidades nas escolas nada têm de simples. O artigo conclui que, se o envolvimento das comunidades quer ter efeitos progressistas, ele deve ser articulado com uma política de educação democrática mais ampla.The proponents of market-based approaches to education have sometimes invoked the need for community empowerment in educational decision-making to justify the reform of conventional state educational systems. Drawing upon examples from Australia, England and Wales, New Zealand and the usa, this paper explores the complex and contradictory ways in which the concept of community involvement is used in contemporary education policy. It further demonstrates that the role and impact of community involvement in schools are by no means straightforward. The paper concludes that, if community involvement is to be progressive in its effects, it will need to be articulated with a broader democratic politics of education.

  18. Planctomycetes and macroalgae, a striking association

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    Olga Maria Lage


    Full Text Available Planctomycetes are part of the complex microbial biofilm community of a wide range of macroalgae. Recently, some studies began to unveil the great diversity of Planctomycetes present in this microenvironment and the interactions between the two organisms. Culture dependent and independent methods revealed the existence of a great number of species but, so far, only less than ten species have been isolated. Planctomycetes comprise the genera Rhodopirellula, Blastopirellula and Planctomyces, Phycisphaera and the uncultured class OM190 and some other taxa have only been found in this association.Several factors favour the colonization of macroalgal surfaces by planctomycetes. Many species possess holdfasts for attachment. The macroalgae secrete various sulphated polysaccharides that are the substrate for the abundant sulfatases produced by planctomycetes. Specificity between planctomycetes and macroalgae seem to exist which may be related to the chemical nature of the polysaccharides produced by each macroalga. Furthermore, the peptidoglycan-free cell wall of planctomycetes allows them to resist the action of several antimicrobial compounds produced by the macroalgae or other bacteria in the biofilm community that are effective against biofouling by other microorganisms.Despite the increase in our knowledge on the successful planctomycetes-macroalgae association, a great effort to fully understand this interaction is needed.

  19. Macroalgae δ15N values in well-mixed estuaries: Indicator of anthropogenic nitrogen input or macroalgae metabolism? (United States)

    Raimonet, Mélanie; Guillou, Gaël; Mornet, Françoise; Richard, Pierre


    Although nitrogen stable isotope ratio (δ15N) in macroalgae is widely used as a bioindicator of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to the coastal zone, recent studies suggest the possible role of macroalgae metabolism in δ15N variability. Simultaneous determinations of δ15N of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) along the land-sea continuum, inter-species variability of δ15N and its sensitivity to environmental factors are necessary to confirm the efficiency of macroalgae δ15N in monitoring nitrogen origin in mixed-use watersheds. In this study, δ15N of annual and perennial macroalgae (Ulva sp., Enteromorpha sp., Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus) are compared to δ15N-DIN along the Charente Estuary, after characterizing δ15N of the three main DIN sources (i.e. cultivated area, pasture, sewage treatment plant outlet). During late winter and spring, when human activities produce high DIN inputs, DIN sources exhibit distinct δ15N signals in nitrate (NO) and ammonium (NH): cultivated area (+6.5 ± 0.6‰ and +9.0 ± 11.0‰), pasture (+9.2 ± 1.8‰ and +12.4‰) and sewage treatment plant discharge (+16.9 ± 8.7‰ and +25.4 ± 5.9‰). While sources show distinct δN- in this multiple source catchment, the overall mixture of NO sources - generally >95% DIN - leads to low variations of δN-NO at the mouth of the estuary (+7.7 to +8.4‰). Even if estuarine δN-NO values are not significantly different from pristine continental and oceanic site (+7.3‰ and +7.4‰), macroalgae δ15N values are generally higher at the mouth of the estuary. This highlights high anthropogenic DIN inputs in the estuary, and enhanced contribution of 15N-depleted NH in oceanic waters. Although seasonal variations in δN-NO are low, the same temporal trends in macroalgae δ15N values at estuarine and oceanic sites, and inter-species differences in δ15N values, suggest that macroalgae δ15N values might be modified by the metabolic response of macroalgae to environmental parameters (e

  20. Detection of macroalgae blooms by complex SAR imagery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen, Hui; Perrie, William; Liu, Qingrong; He, Yijun


    Highlights: • Complex SAR imagery enables better recognition of macroalgae patches. • Combination of different information in SAR matrix forms new index factors. • Proposed index factors contribute to unsupervised recognition of macroalgae. -- Abstract: Increased frequency and enhanced damage to the marine environment and to human society caused by green macroalgae blooms demand improved high-resolution early detection methods. Conventional satellite remote sensing methods via spectra radiometers do not work in cloud-covered areas, and therefore cannot meet these demands for operational applications. We present a methodology for green macroalgae bloom detection based on RADARSAT-2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Green macroalgae patches exhibit different polarimetric characteristics compared to the open ocean surface, in both the amplitude and phase domains of SAR-measured complex radar backscatter returns. In this study, new index factors are defined which have opposite signs in green macroalgae-covered areas, compared to the open water surface. These index factors enable unsupervised detection from SAR images, providing a high-resolution new tool for detection of green macroalgae blooms, which can potentially contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms related to outbreaks of green macroalgae blooms in coastal areas throughout the world ocean

  1. Complexidade, desenvolvimento sustentÃvel, comunicaÃÃo - o Programa um MilhÃo de Cisternas em comunidades do CearÃ


    Ana ValÃria Feitosa Dias


    Este estudo analisa o Programa Um MilhÃo de Cisternas (P!MC), considerando os aspectos da comunicaÃÃo e da sustentabilidade nas comunidades de Livramento, MunicÃpio de IrauÃuba, e Araponga, MunicÃpio de Itapipoca. Realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo nas duas comunidades, que constou da aplicaÃÃo de entrevistas dirigidas com 31 famÃlias de Livramento e Araponga; e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com lideranÃas locais comunitÃrias e integrantes das organizaÃÃes nÃo governamentais (ON...

  2. Antifouling Compounds from Marine Macroalgae. (United States)

    Dahms, Hans Uwe; Dobretsov, Sergey


    Marine macroalgae produce a wide variety of biologically-active metabolites that have been developed into commercial products, such as antibiotics, immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic agents, and cosmetic products. Many marine algae remain clean over longer periods of time, suggesting their strong antifouling potential. Isolation of biogenic compounds and the determination of their structure could provide leads for the development of environmentally-friendly antifouling paints. Isolated substances with potent antifouling activity belong to fatty acids, lipopeptides, amides, alkaloids, lactones, steroids, terpenoids, and pyrroles. It is unclear as yet to what extent symbiotic microorganisms are involved in the synthesis of these compounds. Algal secondary metabolites have the potential to be produced commercially using genetic and metabolic engineering techniques. This review provides an overview of publications from 2010 to February 2017 about antifouling activity of green, brown, and red algae. Some researchers were focusing on antifouling compounds of brown macroalgae, while metabolites of green algae received less attention. Several studies tested antifouling activity against bacteria, microalgae and invertebrates, but in only a few studies was the quorum sensing inhibitory activity of marine macroalgae tested. Rarely, antifouling compounds from macroalgae were isolated and tested in an ecologically-relevant way.

  3. Implantação do programa “enfermagem na comunidade de fé”: relato de experiência

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    Gina Andrade Abdala


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever o processo de implantação do programa “Enfermagem na Comunidade Fé” no Brasil. Síntese dos dados: Trata-se de um relato de experiência, realizada em 2011, sobre a implantação do programa “Enfermagem na Comunidade Fé” no Brasil. Inicialmente, estabeleceu-se uma parceria entre o Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo e o Church Health Center em Memphis. O currículo do Church Health Center foi traduzido, revisado e implementado em quatro módulos: espiritualidade, saúde holística, profissionalismo e comunidade. Foram realizados dois cursos. O primeiro, em 2013, contou com a participação de 34 enfermeiros em período integral. O segundo, oferecido em 2016, na modalidade semipresencial, teve 20 participantes. A implantação do programa foi efetiva, uma vez que possibilitou instrumentalizar enfermeiros com uma visão holística e capacidade reflexiva para atuarem em seus locais de origem, seja em hospitais e clínicas, seja nas comunidades de fé, como multiplicadores de uma prática humanitária que valoriza todas as dimensões do ser humano. Conclusão: O programa vem se consolidando no Brasil e poderá ser uma ponte para um melhor enfrentamento das dificuldades de saúde encontradas nas comunidades.

  4. Development of Radiation Breeding Technology of Macroalgae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Jongil; Park, J. H.; Song, B. S.; Kim, J. K.; Kim, J. H.; Lee, H. J.; Yang, H. Y.


    Macroalgae has been utilized as food material from long time ago, and recently newly recognized as functional materials and the source of bio-fuel. But, the study on the macroalgae is just beginning and the study on radiation effect and radiation breeding technology was not reported. In this study, the effect of radiation on the macroalgae Porphyra was investigated for the development of new mutant strains. Prphyra was successively cultivated in the laboratory chamber with optimized growth condition. Also, the radiation sensitivity of Porphyra was determined. To develop the mutant strain, irradiated Porphyra strains were screened for better growth and higher resistance against oxidative stress. The selected Porphyra was further cultivated in ocean site. Also, several genes from mutant Porphyra was heterologous expressed and studied for its dunctionality. This results can provide mutation technology of macroalgae and further contribute in the activation of fishery industry and national health enhancement.

  5. Development of Radiation Breeding Technology of Macroalgae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Jongil; Park, J. H.; Song, B. S.; Kim, J. K.; Kim, J. H.; Lee, H. J.; Yang, H. Y.


    Macroalgae has been utilized as food material from long time ago, and recently newly recognized as functional materials and the source of bio-fuel. But, the study on the macroalgae is just beginning and the study on radiation effect and radiation breeding technology was not reported. In this study, the effect of radiation on the macroalgae Porphyra was investigated for the development of new mutant strains. Prphyra was successively cultivated in the laboratory chamber with optimized growth condition. Also, the radiation sensitivity of Porphyra was determined. To develop the mutant strain, irradiated Porphyra strains were screened for better growth and higher resistance against oxidative stress. The selected Porphyra was further cultivated in ocean site. Also, several genes from mutant Porphyra was heterologous expressed and studied for its dunctionality. This results can provide mutation technology of macroalgae and further contribute in the activation of fishery industry and national health enhancement

  6. Democracia participativa nas comunidades carentes cariocas com Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora: Gestão e planejamento democráticos das políticas públicas urbanas


    Marcio André Conde Martins


    Desde o fim da era das remoções, o foco de preocupação do Estado em relação às favelas tem se deslocado da urbanização para a violência, em especial para o tráfico de drogas. A militarização da questão da violência urbana se manifesta de forma definitiva com a inauguração das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora nas comunidades carentes cariocas. A despeito dos aspectos positivos imediatos, a ausência de participação popular no processo de ocupação pelo Estado desses espaços segregados têm levant...

  7. Platform construction of molecular breeding for utilization of brown macroalgae. (United States)

    Takagi, Toshiyuki; Kuroda, Kouichi; Ueda, Mitsuyoshi


    Brown macroalgae are characterized by a large size and high productivity without requiring arable land, fresh water, and fertilizer. Furthermore, since brown macroalgae contain little or no lignin, simple biorefinery processing can efficiently produce sugars from this material. Therefore, brown macroalgae have attracted attention as an alternative feedstock for bioethanol production. However, the utilization of biotechnologies previously developed for terrestrial biomass processing results in difficulties in the bioconversion of brown macroalgae. Recently, several studies have developed biotechnologies for using major carbohydrates of brown macroalgae, such as laminarin, mannitol, and alginate. This review focuses on these fermentation biotechnologies using natural or engineered microorganisms. Copyright © 2017 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Comunidades afro e experiência cristã

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    Boaventura, Josuel dos Santos


    Full Text Available A centralidade e a universalidade da mensagem cristã, de uma forma indireta, encontram-se presentes nas "outras religiões" que, no definir do concilio vaticano II, contêm "sementes do verbo". Confrontando as comunidades afro brasileiras com a mensagem cristã que receberam, torna-se necessário realizar uma síntese, com uma nova e emergente reflexão teológica, que contempla o povo negro e o modo de expressar sua fé no Deus de Jesus Cristo, que salva e liberta

  9. Meiofaunal assemblages associated with native and non-indigenous macroalgae (United States)

    Veiga, Puri; Sousa-Pinto, Isabel; Rubal, Marcos


    Meiofauna is a useful tool to detect effects of different disturbances; however, its relevance in the frame of biological invasions has been almost fully neglected. Meiofaunal assemblages associated with the invasive macroalga Sargassum muticum were studied and compared with those associated with two native macroalgae (Bifurcaria bifurcata and Chondrus crispus). We used a linear mixed model to determine the influence of habitat size (i.e. macroalgal biomass) in shaping meiofaunal assemblages. Results showed that habitat size (i.e. macroalgal biomass) shaped meiofaunal assemblages influencing its abundance, richness and structure. However, the identity of macroalga (i.e. species) appears also to play a significant role, particularly the differences of complexity among the studied species may shape their meiofaunal assemblages. Finally, the invasive macroalga appears to influence positively species richness. Our results highlight the need of including different faunal components to achieve a comprehensive knowledge on effects of invasive macroalgae and that meiofaunal assemblages may be a valuable tool to examine them.

  10. Tracking macroalgae introductions in North Atlantic oceanic islands (United States)

    Micael, Joana; Parente, Manuela I.; Costa, Ana C.


    The Azores archipelago was selected as a case study since there are few studies on macroalgae introduction in oceanic islands. While at a global scale, around 3 % of macroalgae are considered non-indigenous; in the remote oceanic islands of the Azores, over 6 % of the marine algal flora is non-indigenous. The taxa distribution pattern of non-indigenous species in the Azores is significantly different from the distribution pattern in the globe. The most representative group was Rhodophyta species, being 84 % of the total non-indigenous macroalgae, mainly introduced via maritime traffic. This study highlights the vulnerability of remote islands to the introduction of macroalgae and the need to develop further studies on other archipelagos to understand whether the observed vulnerability is generally characteristic of oceanic islands. The development of local monitoring and mitigation programs and the necessity of regulatory and preventive measures for the maritime traffic vector are strongly suggested.

  11. Substantial role of macroalgae in marine carbon sequestration

    KAUST Repository

    Krause-Jensen, Dorte; Duarte, Carlos M.


    Vegetated coastal habitats have been identified as important carbon sinks. In contrast to angiosperm-based habitats such as seagrass meadows, salt marshes and mangroves, marine macroalgae have largely been excluded from discussions of marine carbon sinks. Macroalgae are the dominant primary producers in the coastal zone, but they typically do not grow in habitats that are considered to accumulate large stocks of organic carbon. However, the presence of macroalgal carbon in the deep sea and sediments, where it is effectively sequestered from the atmosphere, has been reported. A synthesis of these data suggests that macroalgae could represent an important source of the carbon sequestered in marine sediments and the deep ocean. We propose two main modes for the transport of macroalgae to the deep ocean and sediments: macroalgal material drifting through submarine canyons, and the sinking of negatively buoyant macroalgal detritus. A rough estimate suggests that macroalgae could sequester about 173 TgC yr â '1 (with a range of 61-268 TgC yr â '1) globally. About 90% of this sequestration occurs through export to the deep sea, and the rest through burial in coastal sediments. This estimate exceeds that for carbon sequestered in angiosperm-based coastal habitats.

  12. Substantial role of macroalgae in marine carbon sequestration

    KAUST Repository

    Krause-Jensen, Dorte


    Vegetated coastal habitats have been identified as important carbon sinks. In contrast to angiosperm-based habitats such as seagrass meadows, salt marshes and mangroves, marine macroalgae have largely been excluded from discussions of marine carbon sinks. Macroalgae are the dominant primary producers in the coastal zone, but they typically do not grow in habitats that are considered to accumulate large stocks of organic carbon. However, the presence of macroalgal carbon in the deep sea and sediments, where it is effectively sequestered from the atmosphere, has been reported. A synthesis of these data suggests that macroalgae could represent an important source of the carbon sequestered in marine sediments and the deep ocean. We propose two main modes for the transport of macroalgae to the deep ocean and sediments: macroalgal material drifting through submarine canyons, and the sinking of negatively buoyant macroalgal detritus. A rough estimate suggests that macroalgae could sequester about 173 TgC yr â \\'1 (with a range of 61-268 TgC yr â \\'1) globally. About 90% of this sequestration occurs through export to the deep sea, and the rest through burial in coastal sediments. This estimate exceeds that for carbon sequestered in angiosperm-based coastal habitats.

  13. Macroalgae - Production and Biorefining in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seghetta, Michele; Hou, Xiaoru; Bastianoni, Simone

    Macroalgae is a key biomass for the development of circular economy. This study analyzes the environmental sustainability of a macroalgae production and conversion system in Denmark. A brown algae model based on Laminaria digitata and Saccharina latissima is utilized as feedstock for a biorefinery...... system which produces bioethanol, fish feed and liquid fertilizers. A Life Cycle Assessment was conducted from cradle to grave; i.e. from cultivation and harvest of biomass, to the use phase of the products....

  14. Bruxas da Serra: Estudo numa comunidade beirã


    Carvalho, Clara


    O tema deste trabalho é o estudo das manifestações do discurso da bruxaria numa pequena comunidade beirã situada nas faldas da serra do Caramulo. Nesta aldeia trabalham como "bruxas" cinco dos seus habitantes. Com este trabalho pretendi descrever os métodos utilizados por essas cinco pessoas e os mecanismos que levam a restante população a utilizar esse discurso. Não se trata aqui de um levantamento e análise das diversas figuras designadas pelo termo "bruxa" , tal como foi realizado por Lisó...

  15. Characterisation of estuarine intertidal macroalgae by laser-induced fluorescence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gameiro, Carla; Utkin, Andrei B.; Sousa Dias Cartaxana, Paulo Jorge


    The article reports the application of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) for the assessment of macroalgae communities of estuarine intertidal areas. The method was applied for the characterisation of fifteen intertidal macroalgae species of the Tagus estuary, Portugal, and adjacent coastal area...... spectra were determined by differences in the main fluorescing pigments: phycoerythrin, phycocyanin and chlorophyll a (Chl a). In the green and brown macroalgae groups, the relative significance of the two emission maxima seems to be related to the thickness of the photosynthetic layer. In thick...... macroalgae, like Codium tomentosum or Fucus vesiculosus, the contribution of the far-red emission fluorescence peak was more significant, most probably due to re-absorption of the emitted red Chl a fluorescence within the dense photosynthetic layer. Similarly, an increase in the number of layers of the thin...

  16. Atividades Marcárias como Recursos de Elaboração da Face em Comunidades Virtuais de Marca: Análise de uma Comunidade Virtual de Consumidores Da Coca-Cola

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    André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão


    Full Text Available As relações interpessoais sofreram mudanças expressivas após a inserção da internet na vida social. Deste contexto, podemos destacar as comunidades virtuais e, mais especificamente, comunidades virtuais de marcas. Assumindo que o “eu” seja uma construção social promovida nas interações sociais, este estudo objetiva analisar o comportamento verbal de participantes de comunidades virtuais de marcas em relação a estas como meio de elaboração de suas faces (Goffman, 2006. Neste sentido, assumimos a noção de o que e como dizemos as coisas são comportamentos sociais (Austin, 1990 e utilizamos o conceito de “atividades marcárias”, desenvolvido por Leão e Mello (2009. Para tal, selecionamos uma comunidade de consumidores da Coca-Cola como terreno investigativo, onde realizamos uma “netnografia da comunicação”, suportada por uma análise de discurso funcional. Por fim, aspectos teóricos e práticos são considerados. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v9i2.2168

  17. Characterization of sediment trapped by macroalgae on a Hawaiian reef flat (United States)

    Stamski, Rebecca E.; Field, Michael E.


    Reef researchers studying community shifts in the balance between corals and fleshy macroalgae have noted that algae are often covered with sediment. This study characterizes sediment trapping by macroalgae within a Hawaiian reef habitat and constrains the controls on this process. Sediment-laden macroalgae were sampled and macroalgal cover was assessed on a wide (˜1 km) reef flat off south-central Molokai. Macroalgae trapped a mean of 1.26 (±0.91 SD) grams of sediment per gram of dry weight biomass and that sediment was dominantly terrigenous mud (59% by weight). It was determined that biomass, as a proxy for algal size, and morphology were not strict controls on the sediment trapping process. Over 300 metric tons of sediment were estimated to be retained by macroalgae across 5.75 km 2 of reef flat (54 g m -2), suggesting that this process is an important component of sediment budgets. In addition, understanding the character of sediment trapped by macroalgae may help constrain suspended sediment flux and has implications for nutrient dynamics in reef flat environments.

  18. Technical and Economic Evaluation of Macroalgae Cultivation for Fuel Production (Draft)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feinberg, D. A.; Hock, S. M.


    The potential of macroalgae as sources of renewable liquid and gaseous fuels is evaluated. A series of options for production of macroalgae feedstock is considered. Because of their high carbohydrate content, the fuel products for which macroalgae are most suitable are methane and ethanol. Fuel product costs were compared with projected fuel costs in the year 1995.

  19. Comunidades de aprendizaje mediadas por redes informáticas Comunidades de aprendizagem mediadas pelas redes informáticas Computer-Network-Mediated Learning Communities

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    Luis Facundo Maldonado-Granado


    grupos consolidados e três grupos em processo de consolidação, docentes (de quatro matérias nas três escolas e estudantes. Estas comunidades interatuaram através de atividades de aprendizagem mediada por tecnologias, incluídas um software de representação de conhecimento mediante ontologias (Simas, um software para a representação gráfica e solução cooperativa de problemas (Coolmodes e uma plataforma web para fomentar a construção da comunidade (portal Colômbia Aprende. É descrito o processo de construção da comunidade e uma análise dos produtos logrados nas quatro matérias usando os ambientes informáticos. Como factores determinantes na conformação da comunidade, são identificados a qualidade da plataforma tecnológica, as habilidades no manejo tecnológico e em atividades de entretenimento, e a atitude e a cultura dois atores para o trabalho cooperativo.This article describes the results of a study entitled "Simas and CoolModes in the Development of Basic Competencies; An Experience in the Formation of a Technology-mediated Learning Community." It was conducted at the INEM School in Bucaramanga (Colombia; two schools in Cundinamarca also took part. Three learning communities were formed with researchers (interaction between two consolidated groups and three in the process of consolidation, teachers (teachers of four different subjects at the three schools were involved and students. These communities interacted through the development of technology-mediated learning activities. The technology included knowledge representation software that takes advantage of ontologies (Simas, software for graphic representation and collaborative problem-solving (CoolModes, and a web platform to promote the construction of the community (portal Colombia Aprende. The process used to construct the community is described, and the products obtained in the four subject areas, through the use of different computer environments, are analyzed. The factors identified

  20. Macroalgae Extracts From Antarctica Have Antimicrobial and Anticancer Potential

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    Rosiane M. Martins


    Full Text Available Background: Macroalgae are sources of bioactive compounds due to the large number of secondary metabolites they synthesize. The Antarctica region is characterized by extreme weather conditions and abundant aggregations of macroalgae. However, current knowledge on their biodiversity and their potential for bio-prospecting is still fledging. This study evaluates the antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity of different extracts of four macroalgae (Cystosphaera jacquinotii, Iridaea cordata, Himantothallus grandifolius, and Pyropia endiviifolia from the Antarctic region against cancer and non-cancer cell lines.Methods: The antimicrobial activity of macroalgae was evaluated by the broth microdilution method. Extracts were assessed against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 19095, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 4083, Escherichia coli ATCC29214, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027, Candida albicans ATCC 62342, and the clinical isolates from the human oral cavity, namely, C. albicans (3, C. parapsilosis, C. glabrata, C. lipolytica, and C. famata. Cytotoxicity against human epidermoid carcinoma (A-431 and mouse embryonic fibroblast (NIH/3T3 cell lines was evaluated with MTT colorimetric assay.Results: An ethyl acetate extract of H. grandifolius showed noticeable antifungal activity against all fungal strains tested, including fluconazole-resistant samples. Cytotoxicity investigation with a cancer cell line revealed that the ethyl acetate extract of I. cordata was highly cytotoxic against A-431 cancer cell line, increasing the inhibitory ratio to 91.1 and 95.6% after 24 and 48 h exposure, respectively, for a concentration of 500 μg mL−1. Most of the algal extracts tested showed little or no cytotoxicity against fibroblasts.Conclusion: Data suggest that macroalgae extracts from Antarctica may represent a source of therapeutic agents.HIGHLIGHTSDifferent macroalgae samples from Antarctica were collected and the lyophilized biomass of each macroalgae was extracted

  1. Effective production of fermentable sugars from brown macroalgae biomass. (United States)

    Wang, Damao; Kim, Do Hyoung; Kim, Kyoung Heon


    Brown macroalgae are renewable and sustainable biomass resources for the production of biofuels and chemicals, owing to their high levels of carbohydrates and low levels of lignin. To increase the biological usage of brown macroalgae, it is necessary to depolymerize the polysaccharides that generate macroalgal monomeric sugars or sugar derivatives and to convert them into fermentable sugars for the production of biofuels and chemicals. In this review, we discuss the chemical and enzymatic saccharification of the major carbohydrates found in brown macroalgae and the use of the resulting constituents in the production of biofuels and chemicals, as well as high-value health-benefiting functional oligosaccharides and sugars. We also discuss recently reported experimental results, novel enzymes, and technological breakthroughs that are related to polysaccharide depolymerization, fermentable sugar production, and the biological conversion of non-favorable sugars for fermentation using industrial microorganisms. This review provides a comprehensive perspective of the efficient utilization of brown macroalgae as renewable resources for the production of biofuels and chemicals.


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    Hapolo Hibson de Souza Ferreira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal compreender as dimensões da sustentabilidade ambiental na comunidade de Bom Socorro do Zé Açu e quais as principais implicações nos modos de vida da população local, pois a comunidade vem apresentando mudanças socioeconômicas e espaciais nos últimos anos, refletindo nas implicações socioambientais que repercutem na reprodução do seu espaço. Esta pesquisa está pautada na reflexão sobre a questão do crescimento econômico versus sustentabilidade na Amazônia, mas especificamente na comunidade de Bom Socorro do Zé Açu. O método utilizado para a análise dos dados foi o sistêmico e a coleta foi feita por meio de aplicação de formulários socioambientais, observação participante e entrevistas com os moradores da comunidade. Para tal, foi feito o levantamento dos problemas ambientais na comunidade, evidenciando a problemática dos resíduos sólidos que vem impactando diretamente essa localidade, pela falta de um local apropriado para a destinação dos mesmos, as pessoas queimam e/ ou jogam o lixo nos terrenos baldios e nos barrancos próximos ao lago do Zé Açu, colocando em risco a saúde dos mesmos. Dentre outros problemas, destaca-se a retirada da mata nativa na comunidade para que se possam fazer mais construções que acarreta na perda de um elemento importante na regulação do micro-clima local, principalmente pelo fato da temperatura ter aumentado devido à impermeabilização do solo pela introdução do calçamento nas ruas. Outra problemática está em torno do assoreamento do lago do Zé Açu que devido à retirada da vegetação ciliar, tanto para a extração de areia, como para criação de bovinos, está pondo em risco esse elemento importante na vida dessa comunidade. A relevância desta pesquisa está no fato de que as informações aqui levantadas, podem auxiliar na elaboração de uma agenda ambiental importante que deve ser discutida e levada em considera

  3. Macroalgae - an environmental problem or a resource from an eMergy perspective?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seghetta, Michele; Østergård, Hanne; Bastianoni, Simone

    Eutrophication is an environmental problem in a majority of shallow water basins all over the world. The flow of nutrients into the water basin leads to an undesired flowering of macroalgae and their decomposition decreases dissolved oxygen which hampers heterothrophic organisms from breathing....... Could the macroalgae biomass be harvested and used for biofuels in a sustainable way? Two case studies are analyzed: Orbetello Lagoon, Italy, and Køge bay, Denmark. Today, macroalgae are collected and stored in landfills to limit the problem. This study models a scenario where the macroalgae are used...

  4. Role of marine macroalgae in plant protection & improvement for sustainable agriculture technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seham M. Hamed


    Full Text Available Marine macroalgae are plant-like organisms with simple internal structures that generally live in coastal areas. They mainly include different communities of red, brown and green macroalgae. Marine macroalgae commonly occupy intertidal and sublittoral-to-littoral zones on rocks and other hard substrata. They are considered to be an excellent natural biosource in different aspects of agricultural fields. They have great proficiency in improving soil physical and chemical properties. Marine macroalgae are also characterized by producing a large array of biologically active biocidal substances against plant-infecting pathogens. Unfortunately, most available literatures on marine macroalgae and their derivatives mainly focused on their pharmaceutical applications but their potential utilization in sustainable agriculture development is still often regarded as a secondary goal. However, a relatively considerable dataset on marine macroalgae showed that they could play a major role in plant protection and improvement. This review summarizes different aspects of potential macroalgal applications in agriculture. Commercial production and exploitation of specific compounds with interesting biotechnological importance from marine macroalgae including microbicides, nematicides, insecticides, biofertilizers, biostimulators and soil conditioners are highlighted and discussed in detail. Bioactive compounds like fatty acids (in particular polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs, proteins (amino acids, bioflavonoids, sulfated polysaccharides, carotenoids, polyphenols and carbohydrates are considered to have bactericidal, antiviral and fungicidal effects against some plant-infecting pathogens. These biocontrol agents provide multiple benefits and act as useful pointers for improving cultivation practices in diverse habitats. Marine macroalgae can be generally considered as promising multifunctional bioinoculants and ecofriendly environmental tools in recent trends

  5. Promoção de saúde e a sensibilidade epistemológica da categoria 'comunidade'

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    Castiel Luis David


    Full Text Available Pela 'sensibilidade epistemológica', ferramenta argumentativa baseada no conceito epidemiológico de 'sensibilidade' ajustada ao campo da epistemologia, se faz uma discussão sobre o alcance da categoria 'comunidade' na promoção de saúde. São apresentadas breves revisões de tópicos de suas respectivas propostas e uma sucinta descrição do uso sociológico do conceito 'comunidade', formulado por Tönnies. Também são abordadas questões de definição das comunidades contemporâneas. Sugere-se que formulações hegemônicas da promoção de saúde não levam em conta fundamentos filosóficos e aspectos socioculturais cruciais. Assim, sofrem de profundos descompassos teóricos que fragilizam seus pressupostos e produzem resultados insuficientes nas intervenções neles baseadas.

  6. A comunidade remanescente de quilombo do Engenho Siqueira: territorialidade, identidade quilombola e potencialidade da agroecologia

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    Gondim de Araújo Marli


    Full Text Available A comunidade negra rural camponesa do Engenho Siqueira pratica modos de produção agrícola e pesqueira herdados de seus antepassados. Pretende-se explicar neste texto as compatibilidades culturais e técnicas entre os atuais modos de produção desenvolvidos e a agroecologia. A agriculturatradicional, como atividade principal dessa comunidade, constitui uma das referências no manejo sustentável dos ecossistemas desta região litorânea. Foram feitas quatorze entrevistas semiestruturadas com moradores mais antigos do engenho e agricultores(as. Os resultados indicam que essa população parece não ter mantido recentemente vinculação subalterna com o sistema monocultor da cana-de-açúcar, quer no assalariamento nas usinas próximas quer no cultivo de cana na comunidade. Por outro lado, as práticas agrícolas epesqueiras ali desenvolvidas apresentam grande potencialidade agroecológica, como ficou demonstrando durante o estudo.

  7. Interações planta/beija-flor em tres comunidades vegetais da parte sul do Parque Nacional Natural Chiribiquete, Amazonas (Colombia)


    Liliana Rosero Lasprila


    Resumo: Na parte sul do Parque Nacional Natural Chiribiquete, foram estudadas as interações planta/beija-flor em três comunidades vegetais diferenciadas em estrutura e composição florística: bosque de terra firme, bosque baixo das formações rochosas do Tepuy e bosque de "colúvio", que é transicional entre as duas anteriores comunidades. Foi determinada a composição florística das plantas ornitófilas, os atributos florais, fenologia da floração e oferta do recurso floral ao longo do ano nas tr...


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    Angela Barros Fonseca Berto


    Full Text Available Estudo sobre a prática de projetos de responsabilidade social no Ensino Superior gerados por meio de situações-problema enfrentadas pela comunidade e que precisam receber atenção especial por parte das instituições de Ensino Superior. Entendemos por Responsabilidade Social Universitária a capacidade que tem a universidade de difundir e colocar em prática um conjunto de princípios e valores, por meio de quatro processos essenciais: gestão, docência, pesquisa e extensão, comprometendo-se assim, do ponto de vista social, com a comunidade universitária e com o próprio país. Trata-se de uma nova política de gestão nas organizações, minimizando os impactos e os efeitos que são gerados diariamente dentro e fora da instituição, responsável esta pelas conseqüências sociais induzidas pela mesma operação da organização. Este novo modelo de gestão baseia-se em fins éticos, justos e sustentáveis de desenvolvimento social e tem o desejo de promover normas e regulamentações. Para tanto pretende-se ressignificar alguns conceitos ligados à responsabilidade utilizando-se como aporte teórico as idéias de Subirats, Vallaeys, Jiménez de La Jara e Calderón (2006 . É possível concluir que o afastamento do primeiro setor (organizações estatais frente à responsabilidade social contribui para o avanço das ações do terceiro setor e as práticas de responsabilidade social tornam-se uma constante nas instituições, especialmente as privadas. Por conhecerem de perto a comunidade e seus projetos as universidades podem dar respostas mais concretas aos problemas, respeitando as peculiaridades éticas e culturais de cada região. Os projetos socioacadêmicos desenvolvem nos alunos e na comunidade a autonomia, o exercício da cidadania, a qualidade de vida promovendo a geração de renda e uma relação de reciprocidade e enriquecimento mútuos entre seus alunos e a comunidade.

  9. Checklist of Macroalgae in Waisai Coast, Raja Ampat

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    Retno Suryandari


    Full Text Available Macroalgae are very abundant organisms in Indonesian coastal zone. They comprise 8.6% of the total marine organisms.The aim of the research was to identify macroalgae in Waisai Coast Raja Ampat. The results showed that 38 macroalgae were found in Waisai Coast Raja Ampat but only 29 species of macroalgae can be identified. Macroalgae found in Waisai Coast Raja Ampat are green algae, red algae and brown algae. Green algae found and identified are Caulerpa macra (Weber-van Bosse Draisma & Prud’homme, Caulerpa racemosa var. macrophysa (Sonder wx Kutzing W.R.Taylor,  Caulerpa sertularoides (S. Gmelin Howe f. brevipes (J. Agardh Svedilus, Caulerpa cupressoides (Vahl C. Agardh, Halimeda discoidea Decaisne, Halimeda Opuntia (Linnaeus J.V. Lamoroux, Halimeda tuna (J. Ellis & Solander J.V. Lamoroux, Halimeda cylindraceae Decaisne, Halimeda macroloba Decaisne, Avrainvillea erecta (Berkeley A. Gepp & E.S. Gepp, Codium geppiorum O.C.Schmidt, Boergesenia forbesii (Hardvey Feldmann, Valonia ventricosa J. Agardh, Dictyosphaeria cavernosa (Forsskål Børgesen, Chaetomorpha spiralisOkamura, Anadyomene wrightii Harvey ex. J. E. Gray, Neomeris annulata Dickie. Red algae species found and successfully identified areAcanthophora spicifera (M. Vahl Børgesen, Laurencia papilosa (C. Agardh Greville, Gracilaria salicornia (C. Agardh E.Y. Dawson, Amphiora fragilissima (Linnaeus J.V. Lamoroux, Hypnea pannosa J. Agardh. Brown algae species  found and identified are Hormophysa cuneiformis (J.F. Gmelin P.C. Silva, Sargassum aquifolium (Turner C. Agardh, Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh, Turbinaria ornata (Turner J. Agardh, Padina australis Hauck, Canistrocarpus cervicornis (Kutzing De Paula & De Clerck Hydroclathrus clatratus (C. Agardh M. Howe. The only species found in Indonesia is Sargassum aquifolium.

  10. Microphytobenthos and benthic macroalgae determine sediment organic matter composition in shallow photic sediments

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    A. K. Hardison


    Full Text Available Microphytobenthos and benthic macroalgae play an important role in system metabolism within shallow coastal bays. However, their independent and interactive influences on sediment organic matter (SOM are not well understood. We investigated the influence of macroalgae and microphytobenthos on SOM quantity and quality in an experimental mesocosm system using bulk and molecular level (total hydrolyzable amino acids, THAA; phospholipid linked fatty acids, PLFA; pigment analyses. Our experiment used an incomplete factorial design made up of two factors, each with two levels: (1 light (ambient vs. dark and (2 macroalgae (presence vs. absence of live macroalgae. Over the course of the 42-day experiment, total organic carbon (TOC and total nitrogen (TN increased under ambient light by 173 ± 14 and 141 ± 7%, respectively, compared to in the dark (78 ± 29 and 39 ± 22%. THAA comprised a substantial fraction of SOM (~ 16% of TOC, 35% of TN and followed TOC and TN accumulation patterns. Mole percent composition of the THAA pool indicated that SOM was composed of more labile organic material (e.g., L-glutamic acid, phenylalanine under ambient light conditions while SOM in dark treatments was more degraded, with higher proportions of glycine and D-alanine. PLFA content, which represents viable biomass, made up ~ 1% of TOC and contained high levels of algal fatty acids in the light, particularly PLFA derived from diatoms. In the presence of microphytobenthos (i.e., light and macroalgae treatments, SOM lability increased, resulting in the observed increases in bacterial PLFA concentrations. Macroalgae, which were added to half of the light treatments, decreased SOM accumulation compared to light treatments without macroalgae, with TOC and TN increasing by only 130 ± 32 and 94 ± 24%, respectively. This decrease likely resulted from shading by macroalgae, which reduced production of microphytobenthos. The presence of macroalgae decreased SOM lability as

  11. Microphytobenthos and benthic macroalgae determine sediment organic matter composition in shallow photic sediments (United States)

    Hardison, A. K.; Canuel, E. A.; Anderson, I. C.; Tobias, C. R.; Veuger, B.; Waters, M. N.


    Microphytobenthos and benthic macroalgae play an important role in system metabolism within shallow coastal bays. However, their independent and interactive influences on sediment organic matter (SOM) are not well understood. We investigated the influence of macroalgae and microphytobenthos on SOM quantity and quality in an experimental mesocosm system using bulk and molecular level (total hydrolyzable amino acids, THAA; phospholipid linked fatty acids, PLFA; pigment) analyses. Our experiment used an incomplete factorial design made up of two factors, each with two levels: (1) light (ambient vs. dark) and (2) macroalgae (presence vs. absence of live macroalgae). Over the course of the 42-day experiment, total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) increased under ambient light by 173 ± 14 and 141 ± 7%, respectively, compared to in the dark (78 ± 29 and 39 ± 22%). THAA comprised a substantial fraction of SOM (~ 16% of TOC, 35% of TN) and followed TOC and TN accumulation patterns. Mole percent composition of the THAA pool indicated that SOM was composed of more labile organic material (e.g., L-glutamic acid, phenylalanine) under ambient light conditions while SOM in dark treatments was more degraded, with higher proportions of glycine and D-alanine. PLFA content, which represents viable biomass, made up ~ 1% of TOC and contained high levels of algal fatty acids in the light, particularly PLFA derived from diatoms. In the presence of microphytobenthos (i.e., light and macroalgae treatments), SOM lability increased, resulting in the observed increases in bacterial PLFA concentrations. Macroalgae, which were added to half of the light treatments, decreased SOM accumulation compared to light treatments without macroalgae, with TOC and TN increasing by only 130 ± 32 and 94 ± 24%, respectively. This decrease likely resulted from shading by macroalgae, which reduced production of microphytobenthos. The presence of macroalgae decreased SOM lability as well, which

  12. Modelling the effects of drifting macroalgae in coastal waters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Canal Vergés, Paula; Jørgensen, Charlotte; Flindt, Mogens


    It is well-known that opportunistic macroalgae starts to drift at low current velocities (Flindt et al. 2007) and that the nutrient transport in many aquatic systems are dominated by this process. New studies have shown, that at this current velocities, macroalgae moves as bedload transport creat...... obtained by flume experiments and field observations in protected and semi-protected shallow estuarine waters....

  13. Modelling potential production of macroalgae farms in UK and Dutch coastal waters

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    J. van der Molen


    Full Text Available There is increasing interest in macroalgae farming in European waters for a range of applications, including food, chemical extraction for biofuel production. This study uses a 3-D numerical model of hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry to investigate potential production and environmental effects of macroalgae farming in UK and Dutch coastal waters. The model included four experimental farms in different coastal settings in Strangford Lough (Northern Ireland, in Sound of Kerrera and Lynn of Lorne (north-west Scotland and in the Rhine plume (the Netherlands, as well as a hypothetical large-scale farm off the UK north Norfolk coast. The model could not detect significant changes in biogeochemistry and plankton dynamics at any of the farm sites averaged over the farming season. The results showed a range of macroalgae growth behaviours in response to simulated environmental conditions. These were then compared with in situ observations where available, showing good correspondence for some farms and less good correspondence for others. At the most basic level, macroalgae production depended on prevailing nutrient concentrations and light conditions, with higher levels of both resulting in higher macroalgae production. It is shown that under non-elevated and interannually varying winter nutrient conditions, farming success was modulated by the timings of the onset of increasing nutrient concentrations in autumn and nutrient drawdown in spring. Macroalgae carbohydrate content also depended on nutrient concentrations, with higher nutrient concentrations leading to lower carbohydrate content at harvest. This will reduce the energy density of the crop and thus affect its suitability for conversion into biofuel. For the hypothetical large-scale macroalgae farm off the UK north Norfolk coast, the model suggested high, stable farm yields of macroalgae from year to year with substantial carbohydrate content and limited environmental effects.

  14. Modelling potential production of macroalgae farms in UK and Dutch coastal waters (United States)

    van der Molen, Johan; Ruardij, Piet; Mooney, Karen; Kerrison, Philip; O'Connor, Nessa E.; Gorman, Emma; Timmermans, Klaas; Wright, Serena; Kelly, Maeve; Hughes, Adam D.; Capuzzo, Elisa


    There is increasing interest in macroalgae farming in European waters for a range of applications, including food, chemical extraction for biofuel production. This study uses a 3-D numerical model of hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry to investigate potential production and environmental effects of macroalgae farming in UK and Dutch coastal waters. The model included four experimental farms in different coastal settings in Strangford Lough (Northern Ireland), in Sound of Kerrera and Lynn of Lorne (north-west Scotland) and in the Rhine plume (the Netherlands), as well as a hypothetical large-scale farm off the UK north Norfolk coast. The model could not detect significant changes in biogeochemistry and plankton dynamics at any of the farm sites averaged over the farming season. The results showed a range of macroalgae growth behaviours in response to simulated environmental conditions. These were then compared with in situ observations where available, showing good correspondence for some farms and less good correspondence for others. At the most basic level, macroalgae production depended on prevailing nutrient concentrations and light conditions, with higher levels of both resulting in higher macroalgae production. It is shown that under non-elevated and interannually varying winter nutrient conditions, farming success was modulated by the timings of the onset of increasing nutrient concentrations in autumn and nutrient drawdown in spring. Macroalgae carbohydrate content also depended on nutrient concentrations, with higher nutrient concentrations leading to lower carbohydrate content at harvest. This will reduce the energy density of the crop and thus affect its suitability for conversion into biofuel. For the hypothetical large-scale macroalgae farm off the UK north Norfolk coast, the model suggested high, stable farm yields of macroalgae from year to year with substantial carbohydrate content and limited environmental effects.

  15. Como satisfazer nossas necessidades de interagir online em diferentes níveis de intimidade? Um estudo sobre a comunicação nas comunidades virtuais

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    Mariana Santiago de Matos-Silva


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o uso que vem sendo feito das chamadas comunidades virtuais. Entrevistamos membros de algumas comunidades e constatamos que, nelas, muitas vezes desconhecidos se aproximavam e iniciavam uma relação de amizade. Os ambientes das comunidades investigadas, contudo, não ofereciam recursos para o aprofundamento dessas relações, pois não disponibilizavam espaços ou recursos que permitissem a interação de poucas pessoas ou até mesmo de apenas duas. Por esse motivo, quando desejavam se aproximar mais intimamente de outros membros, os participantes dessas comunidades virtuais recorriam a ambientes complementares, tais como o MSN e o Skype. Palavras-chave: comunidades virtuais; redes sociais; internet; intimidade.

  16. Design and Analysis of Offshore Macroalgae Biorefineries. (United States)

    Golberg, Alexander; Liberzon, Alexander; Vitkin, Edward; Yakhini, Zohar


    Displacing fossil fuels and their derivatives with renewables, and increasing sustainable food production are among the major challenges facing the world in the coming decades. A possible, sustainable direction for addressing this challenge is the production of biomass and the conversion of this biomass to the required products through a complex system coined biorefinery. Terrestrial biomass and microalgae are possible sources; however, concerns over net energy balance, potable water use, environmental hazards, and uncertainty in the processing technologies raise questions regarding their actual potential to meet the anticipated food, feed, and energy challenges in a sustainable way. Alternative sustainable sources for biorefineries are macroalgae grown and processed offshore. However, implementation of the offshore biorefineries requires detailed analysis of their technological, economic, and environmental performance. In this chapter, the basic principles of marine biorefineries design are shown. The methods to integrate thermodynamic efficiency, investment, and environmental aspects are discussed. The performance improvement by development of new cultivation methods that fit macroalgae physiology and development of new fermentation methods that address macroalgae unique chemical composition is shown.

  17. Comunidades virtuais gerando identidades na sociedade em rede

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    Cynthia Harumy Watanabe Corrêa


    Full Text Available

    A revolução tecnológica concentrada nas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs, que possibilita a conexão mundial via redes de computadores, promove alterações significativas na base material da sociedade, ao estabelecer uma interdependência global entre os países e modificar as relações entre economia, Estado-nação e sociedade.  O uso crescente de redes como a Internet resultou na criação de um novo tipo de organização social, a sociedade em rede, que permite a formação de comunidades virtuais, grupos humanos constituídos pela identificação de interesses comuns.  Neste artigo, elaborado a partir de revisão teórica, abordaremos a formação dessas comunidades como uma estratégia do indivíduo para adquirir uma nova identidade, uma vez que as identidades culturais estão se fragmentando em conseqüência do processo de globalização, que é inerente à modernidade.

  18. Discussão sobre comunidade e características das comunidades rurais no município de Catalão (GO / Discussion on community and characteristics of the rural communities in the municipality of Catalão (GO

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    Juniele Martins Silva


    Full Text Available Nos estudos sobre comunidade há, principalmente, duas perspectivas. As discussões clássicas consideram como principal foco a diferenciação entre comunidade e sociedade, sendo que a comunidade tem como características a homogeneidade, a base territorial e o sentimento de localidade. Já as perspectivas contemporâneas avançam nas análises ao considerar as diferenças individuais, além da base territorial não ser critério essencial para sua existência, pois é possível pertencer a uma comunidade mesmo à distância. Considerando as mudanças que o conceito de comunidade passaram e a importância do seu entendimento na atualidade, o presente artigo tem como objetivo compreender as principais discussões de comunidade e as características das comunidades rurais Custódia, Ribeirão, São Domingos e Tambiocó, no município de Catalão (GO. Os procedimentos adotados para a elaboração desse artigo foram levantamento e revisão de obras pertinente à temática e aplicação de formulário de entrevista a 75 responsáveis pelas unidades produtivas das localidades selecionadas, o que representou um percentual de 34,70% das famílias, sendo 19 (35,18% na Custódia, 21 (35% na Ribeirão, 17 (33,33% na São Domingos e 18 (35,29% na Tambiocó.

  19. Macroalgae Decrease Growth and Alter Microbial Community Structure of the Reef-Building Coral, Porites astreoides (United States)

    Vega Thurber, Rebecca; Burkepile, Deron E.; Correa, Adrienne M. S.; Thurber, Andrew R.; Shantz, Andrew A.; Welsh, Rory; Pritchard, Catharine; Rosales, Stephanie


    With the continued and unprecedented decline of coral reefs worldwide, evaluating the factors that contribute to coral demise is of critical importance. As coral cover declines, macroalgae are becoming more common on tropical reefs. Interactions between these macroalgae and corals may alter the coral microbiome, which is thought to play an important role in colony health and survival. Together, such changes in benthic macroalgae and in the coral microbiome may result in a feedback mechanism that contributes to additional coral cover loss. To determine if macroalgae alter the coral microbiome, we conducted a field-based experiment in which the coral Porites astreoides was placed in competition with five species of macroalgae. Macroalgal contact increased variance in the coral-associated microbial community, and two algal species significantly altered microbial community composition. All macroalgae caused the disappearance of a γ-proteobacterium previously hypothesized to be an important mutualist of P. astreoides. Macroalgal contact also triggered: 1) increases or 2) decreases in microbial taxa already present in corals, 3) establishment of new taxa to the coral microbiome, and 4) vectoring and growth of microbial taxa from the macroalgae to the coral. Furthermore, macroalgal competition decreased coral growth rates by an average of 36.8%. Overall, this study found that competition between corals and certain species of macroalgae leads to an altered coral microbiome, providing a potential mechanism by which macroalgae-coral interactions reduce coral health and lead to coral loss on impacted reefs. PMID:22957055

  20. Macroalgae decrease growth and alter microbial community structure of the reef-building coral, Porites astreoides.

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    Rebecca Vega Thurber

    Full Text Available With the continued and unprecedented decline of coral reefs worldwide, evaluating the factors that contribute to coral demise is of critical importance. As coral cover declines, macroalgae are becoming more common on tropical reefs. Interactions between these macroalgae and corals may alter the coral microbiome, which is thought to play an important role in colony health and survival. Together, such changes in benthic macroalgae and in the coral microbiome may result in a feedback mechanism that contributes to additional coral cover loss. To determine if macroalgae alter the coral microbiome, we conducted a field-based experiment in which the coral Porites astreoides was placed in competition with five species of macroalgae. Macroalgal contact increased variance in the coral-associated microbial community, and two algal species significantly altered microbial community composition. All macroalgae caused the disappearance of a γ-proteobacterium previously hypothesized to be an important mutualist of P. astreoides. Macroalgal contact also triggered: 1 increases or 2 decreases in microbial taxa already present in corals, 3 establishment of new taxa to the coral microbiome, and 4 vectoring and growth of microbial taxa from the macroalgae to the coral. Furthermore, macroalgal competition decreased coral growth rates by an average of 36.8%. Overall, this study found that competition between corals and certain species of macroalgae leads to an altered coral microbiome, providing a potential mechanism by which macroalgae-coral interactions reduce coral health and lead to coral loss on impacted reefs.

  1. Antimicrobial activity of extracts from macroalgae Ulva lactuca against clinically important Staphylococci is impacted by lunar phase of macroalgae harvest. (United States)

    Deveau, A M; Miller-Hope, Z; Lloyd, E; Williams, B S; Bolduc, C; Meader, J M; Weiss, F; Burkholder, K M


    Staphylococcus aureus is a common human bacterial pathogen that causes skin and soft tissue infections. Methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus (MRSA) are increasingly drug-resistant, and thus there is great need for new therapeutics to treat Staph. aureus infections. Attention has focused on potential utility of natural products, such as extracts of marine macroalgae, as a source of novel antimicrobial compounds. The green macroalgae Ulva lactuca produces compounds inhibitory to human pathogens, although the effectiveness of U. lactuca extracts against clinically relevant strains of Staph. aureus is poorly understood. In addition, macroalgae produce secondary metabolites that may be influenced by exogenous factors including lunar phase, but whether lunar phase affects U. lactuca antimicrobial capacity is unknown. We sought to evaluate the antibacterial properties of U. lactuca extracts against medically important Staphylococci, and to determine the effect of lunar phase on antimicrobial activity. We report that U. lactuca methanolic extracts inhibit a range of Staphylococci, and that lunar phase of macrolagae harvest significantly impacts antimicrobial activity, suggesting that antimicrobial properties can be maximized by manipulating time of algal harvest. These findings provide useful parameters for future studies aimed at isolating and characterizing U. lactuca anti-Staphylococcal agents. The growing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant human pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has intensified efforts towards discovery and development of novel therapeutics. Marine macroalgae like Ulva lactuca are increasingly recognized as potential sources of antimicrobials, but the efficacy of U. lactuca extracts against common, virulent strains of Staph. aureus is poorly understood. We demonstrate that U. lactuca methanolic extracts inhibit a variety of clinically relevant Staphylococcus strains, and that the antimicrobial activity can

  2. Content of polyphenol compound in mangrove and macroalga extracts (United States)

    Takarina, N. D.; Patria, M. P.


    Polyphenol or phenolic are compounds containing one or more hydroxyl group of the aromatic ring [1]. These compounds have some activities like antibacterial, antiseptic, and antioxidants. Natural resources like mangrove and macroalga were known containing these compounds. The purpose of the research was to investigate polyphenol content in mangrove and macroalga. Materials used in this research were mangrove (Avicennia sp.) leaves and the whole part of macroalga (Caulerpa racemosa). Samples were dried for 5 days then macerated in order to get an extract. Maceration were done using methanol for 48 hours (first) and 24 hours (second) continously. Polyphenol content was determined using phytochemical screening on both extracts. The quantitative test was carried out to determine catechin and tannin as polyphenol compound. The result showed that catechin was observed in both extracts while tannin in mangrove extract only. According to quantitative test, mangrove has a higher content of catechin and tannin which were 12.37-13.44 % compared to macroalga which was 2.57-4.58 %. Those indicated that both materials can be the source of polyphenol compound with higher content on mangrove. Moreover, according to this result, these resources can be utilized for advanced studies and human needs like medical drug.

  3. Biogas from Macroalgae: is it time to revisit the idea?

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    Hughes Adam D


    Full Text Available Abstract The economic and environmental viability of dedicated terrestrial energy crops is in doubt. The production of large scale biomass (macroalgae for biofuels in the marine environment was first tested in the late 1960’s. The culture attempts failed due to the engineering challenges of farming offshore. However the energy conversion via anaerobic digestion was successful as the biochemical composition of macroalgae makes it an ideal feedstock. The technology for the mass production of macroalgae has developed principally in China and Asia over the last 50 years to such a degree that it is now the single largest product of aquaculture. There has also been significant technology transfer and macroalgal cultivation is now well tried and tested in Europe and America. The inherent advantage of production of biofuel feedstock in the marine environment is that it does not compete with food production for land or fresh water. Here we revisit the idea of the large scale cultivation of macroalgae at sea for subsequent anaerobic digestion to produce biogas as a source of renewable energy, using a European case study as an example.


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    Full Text Available El comportamiento ecológico de las comunidades macroalgales en el Caribe cordobés es desconocido, por lo tanto para determinar la diversidad, la abundancia y la distribución de las especies se evaluó la estructura de las comunidades macrolagales asociadas a litoral rocoso del departamento de Córdoba durante los meses de mayo de 2004 hasta octubre de 2005, estableciendo siete puntos de muestreo; cuatro en la ecorregión Morrosquillo y tres en la ecorregión Darién. Para establecer la cobertura de las macroalgas, se utilizó un cuadrante de 625 cm2 con cinco repeticiones dispuestas al azar en cada punto de muestreo. Se reportaron 50 especies de algas bentónicas, de las cuales 27 son rodofitas, 17 clorofitas y 12 feofitas; de las 20 familias encontradas, Dictyotaceae presentó el mayor número de especies (10, seguida por Gracilariaceae (7 y Rhodomelaceae (7 y Halymeniaceae (4. Los géneros con mayor número de especies fueron Gracilaria (6, Padina (5 y Caulerpa (4. La composición de las comunidades macroalgales asociadas al sector comprendido entre Punta Bolívar y Punta Mestizos estuvo integrada por tres divisiones, siendo las rodofitas las que presentaron mayor porcentaje de cobertura (78%, seguida por las clorofitas (14% y finalmente las feofitas (9%. En el sector que comprende el litoral que va desde Punta Broqueles hasta Puerto Escondido, las rodofitas mostraron el mayor porcentaje de cobertura (62%, seguida por las feofitas (23% y finalmente las clorofitas (15%. El análisis de clasificación (UPGMA, registró un coeficiente de afinidad del 57%, indicando que la estructura y la composición de las comunidades algales asociadas se comportaron de manera similar en las dos ecorregiones; este comportamiento mostró la conformación de unidades estables en cada punto de muestreo, manifestando cierta homogeneidad espacial, lo cual puede estar relacionado con el tipo de sustrato y las perturbaciones ambientales propias de cada estación.

  5. Transuranium elements in macroalgae at Monaco following the Chernobyl accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holm, E.; Ballestra, S.; Lopez, J.J.; Barci-Funel, G.; Ardisson, G.


    The atmospheric deposition and transfer of transuranium elements (TU) to macroalgae at Monaco following the Chernobyl accident has been studied. The deposition of TU was small compared to most fission products: 239+240 Pu and 241 Am could not be detected in water or algae, 242 Cm was the dominant α emitter detected in Chernobyl fallout. Concentration factors of TU for the macroalgae are estimated

  6. Bioremediation capacity, nutritional value and biorefining of macroalga Saccharina latissima

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Silva Marinho, Goncalo

    Macroalgae have the ability to assimilate and convert waste nutrients (N and P) into valuable biomass. In this context, they have been extensively studied for their bioremediation potential for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA). With a global aquaculture production of 23.8 million tonnes...... attention as sustainable feedstock for biorefinery. Nevertheless, macroalgae resources are still very little explored in western countries. The aim of this study was fulfilled by the investigation of the bioremediation potential of the macroalga Saccharina latissima cultivated at a reference site (control...... two growing seasons enhanced the biomass yield and thus value, but not the bioremediation capacity. Harvest time had a significant impact in overall chemical composition, while cultivation site did not generally result in marked differences. The growth of epiphytic organisms from July to November...


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    Angela Barros Fonseca Berto


    Full Text Available Estudo com o objetivo de investigar as práticas de responsabilidade social em uma instituição de ensino superior através de projetos gerados por meio de situações-problema enfrentadas pela comunidade. Trata-se de uma nova política de gestão nas organizações, minimizando os impactos e os efeitos que são gerados diariamente dentro e fora da instituição, responsável esta pelas consequências sociais induzidas pela mesma operação da organização. Este novo modelo de gestão baseia-se em fins éticos, justos e sustentáveis de desenvolvimento social e tem o desejo de promover normas e regulamentações. Para tanto se pretende ressignificar alguns conceitos ligados à responsabilidade utilizando-se como aporte teórico as idéias de Subirats, Vallaeys, Jiménez de La Jara e Calderón (2006. Esta pesquisa de cunho qualitativo - estudo de caso múltiplo - interpreta os projetos de Responsabilidade Social praticados nos Institutos Superiores de Ensino (ISECENSA – Campos dos Goytacazes /RJ – Brasil. Utiliza-se como amostra cinco projetos socioacadêmicos desenvolvidos no período de 2006 – 2008, em quatro cursos de graduação. É possível concluir que o afastamento do primeiro setor (organizações estatais frente à responsabilidade social contribui para o avanço das ações do terceiro setor e as práticas de responsabilidade social tornam-se uma constante nas instituições, especialmente as privadas. Por conhecerem de perto a comunidade e seus projetos, as universidades podem dar respostas mais concretas aos problemas, respeitando as peculiaridades éticas e culturais de cada região. Os projetos socioacadêmicos desenvolvem nos alunos e na comunidade a autonomia, o exercício da cidadania, a qualidade de vida promovendo a geração de renda e uma relação de reciprocidade e enriquecimento mútuos entre seus alunos e a comunidade.

  8. Macroalgae-Derived Ingredients for Cosmetic Industry—An Update

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    Filipa B. Pimentel


    Full Text Available Aging is a natural and progressive declining physiological process that is influenced by multifactorial aspects and affects individuals’ health in very different ways. The skin is one of the major organs in which aging is more evident, as it progressively loses some of its natural functions. With the new societal paradigms regarding youth and beauty have emerged new concerns about appearance, encouraging millions of consumers to use cosmetic/personal care products as part of their daily routine. Hence, cosmetics have become a global and highly competitive market in a constant state of evolution. This industry is highly committed to finding natural sources of functional/bioactive-rich compounds, preferably from sustainable and cheap raw materials, to deliver innovative products and solutions that meet consumers’ expectations. Macroalgae are an excellent example of a natural resource that can fit these requirements. The incorporation of macroalgae-derived ingredients in cosmetics has been growing, as more and more scientific evidence reports their skin health-promoting effects. This review provides an overview on the possible applications of macroalgae as active ingredients for the cosmetic field, highlighting the main compounds responsible for their bioactivity on skin.

  9. Microphytobenthos and benthic macroalgae determine sediment organic matter composition in shallow photic sediments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hardison, A.K.; Canuel, E.A/; Anderson, I.C.; Tobias, C.R.; Veuger, B.; Waters, M.N.


    Microphytobenthos and benthic macroalgae play an important role in system metabolism within shallow coastal bays. However, their independent and interactive influences on sediment organic matter (SOM) are not well understood. We investigated the influence of macroalgae and microphytobenthos on SOM

  10. A Comparison of Lignin, Macroalgae, Wood and Straw Fast Pyrolysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trinh, Ngoc Trung; Jensen, Peter Arendt; Dam-Johansen, Kim


    these biomasses. The fast pyrolysis of macroalgae showed a promising result with a bio-oil yield of 65 wt% dry ash free basis (daf) and 76 % energy recovery in the bio-oil while the lignin fast pyrolysis provides a bio-oil yield of 47 wt% daf and energy recovery in bio-oil of 45 %. The physiochemical properties...... of the bio-oils were characterized with respect to higher heating value (HHV), molecular mass distribution, viscosity, pH, density, thermal behaviors, elemental concentrations, phase separation and aging. The lignin and macroalgae oil properties were different compared to those of the wood and straw oils......A fast pyrolysis study on lignin and macroalgae (non-conventional biomass) and wood and straw (conventional biomass) were carried out in a pyrolysis centrifugal reactor at pyrolysis temperature of 550 ºC. The product distributions and energy recoveries were measured and compared among...

  11. Potential of macroalgae for biodiesel production: Screening and evaluation studies. (United States)

    Abomohra, Abd El-Fatah; El-Naggar, Amal Hamed; Baeshen, Areej Ali


    Nowadays, biofuel production is a fast expanding industry and is facing a growing dilemma about a feedstock source capable of keeping up with demand. Recently, macroalgae have been attracting a wide attention as a source for biofuel. In the present study, ten macroalgae were collected and screened as biodiesel feedstocks. As a result of their high biomass production and relatively high lipid content, Ulva lactuca, Padina boryana and Ulva intestinalis showed the highest significant lipids and fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) areal productivities among the studied species. Saturated fatty acids (SAFs) showed insignificant differences in the selected species, with noticeably significant higher polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) content in U. lactuca by 4.2 and 3 times, with respect to P. boryana and U. intestinalis, respectively. The recorded increase in PUFAs was attributed to higher content of C16:4n-3, C18:3n-3 and C18:4n-3. By lipid fractionation, P. boryana showed significant higher concentration of neutral lipids (37.7 mg g -1 CDW, representing 46.7% of total fatty acids) in comparison to U. lactuca and U. intestinalis, which showed 16% and 17% lower neutral lipid fractions, respectively. In addition, biodiesel characteristics of the studied macroalgae complied with that of international standards. Furthermore, oil-free residual biomass can be readily converted into fermentable sugars or biogas due to its high carbohydrates content, which adds to the economics of macroalgae as biofuel feedstock. In conclusion, the present study confirmed that macroalgae represent an attractive alternative renewable feedstock for biodiesel and other biofuels. Copyright © 2017 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Estratégias persuasivas (Alpha versus Ômega) nas mensagens publicitárias: os efeitos no consumo de álcool pelos jovens


    Marcondes, Luciana Passos


    Campanhas de marketing social são desenvolvidas para abordar comportamentos problemáticos de bebida e reduzir o potencial de danos entre os jovens, também para promover o consumo moderado de álcool e um comportamento responsável. Em muitas ocasiões, o início do uso do álcool é incentivado por fatores interpessoais e particulares, incluindo aspectos biológicos, domésticos e ambientais. Assim, ações vêm gerando debates e recebendo atenção especial nas comunidades acadêmica e empresarial nas últ...

  13. Macroalgae and macrozoobenthos of the Pčinja river

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    Simić Vladica M.


    Full Text Available During autumn and spring periods of 1998, 1999 and 2000, 4 taxa of macroalgae (divisions of Cyanophyta, Rhodophyta, Chrysophyta and Chlorophyta and 78 taxa of macrozoobenthos were found in 10 localities of Pčinja River, in a part of its watercourse through Serbia. Macroalga Cladophora glomerata was the most numerous among representatives. The find of red alga Lemanea sp. which was recorded for the first time at this biotope in Serbia, is significant. From representatives of macrozoobenthos the greatest number of species was found in the groups of Epheromeroptera, Trichoptera and larvae of Diptera. Majority of species of macrozoobenthos have wide geographic distribution, and in relation to ecological factors they are mainly eurivalent forms.

  14. Comparative Studies on the Carbohydrate Composition of Marine Macroalgae: Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mack, R. W.


    The purpose of this subcontract is to evaluate carbohydrates from macroalgae common to the Gulf of Mexico. Information from these analyses will be used to provide an indication of the feasibility of fermenting macroalgae to ethanol. Knowledge of the carbohydrates will allow for assessment of required pretreatments and utilization efficiencies in converting algal feedstocks to ethanol.

  15. Eelgrass re-establishment in shallow estuaries is affected by drifting macroalgae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Canal-Verges, Paula; Potthoff, M.; Hansen, F. T.


    surface sediment. Furthermore, drifting macroalgae ballistically damage eelgrass beds and increase seedling mortality. The frequency and impact of drifting macroalgae in Odense Fjord was evaluated with an agent-based model. The aims of this model were to understand and predict the mobility...... resuspension in bare bottoms and on rooted vegetation due to ballistic impacts in areas affected by algae drift. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved....

  16. Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta macroalgae: a source of health promoting phytochemicals. (United States)

    Santos, Sonia A O; Vilela, Carla; Freire, Carmen S R; Abreu, Maria H; Rocha, Silvia M; Silvestre, Armando J D


    A detailed study of the lipophilic composition of Codium tomentosum, Ulva lactuca, Gracilaria vermiculophylla and Chondrus crispus macroalgae cultivated in the Portuguese coast was carried out by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry before and after alkaline hydrolysis. Their long-chain aliphatic alcohols and monoglycerides compositions are reported for the first time. Additionally, other new compounds were also identified: phytol and neophytadiene in C. tomentosum, U. lactuca and G. vermiculophylla and stigmasterol, α-tocopherol and 24-methylenecholesterol in C. tomentosum. The lipophilic fraction of the studied macroalgae are mainly constituted by fatty acids (110.1-1030.5mgkg(-1) of dry material) and sterols (14.8-1309.1mgkg(-1) of dry material). C. tomentosum showed to be a valuable source of stigmasterol (1229.0mgkg(-1) of dry material) and α-tocopherol (21.8mgkg(-1) of dry material). These results are a relevant contribution for the valorisation of these macroalgae species as sources of valuable phytochemicals. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos de um riacho de serra em Itatinga, São Paulo, Brasil Structure of a benthic macroinvertebrates community in a mountain stream in Itatinga, São Paulo, Brazil

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    Ludmilla O. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos de um riacho de terceira ordem foi analisada em duas estações do ano, chuvosa e seca. Substratos artificiais foram amostrados semanalmente, ao longo de 56 dias para a coleta de macroinvertebrados, nas duas estações do ano. A composição da comunidade foi caracterizada por uma baixa diversidade, ou seja, presença de muitas espécies raras e poucas espécies abundantes nas duas estações do ano. Uma alta dominância de Chironomidae (Diptera nas duas estações, seguida de Baetidae (Ephemeroptera e Ancylidae (Mollusca, respectivamente nas estações chuvosa e seca, foi característico. Os resultados obtidos reforçam a grande importância de Chironomidae na comunidade bentônica de riachos e salientam a influência da sazonalidade sobre a estruturação destes organismos.The benthic macroinvertebrates community of a third order stream was studied during the wet and dry seasons. The community was analyzed using artificial substrates sampled weekly during 56 days in each season. The community composition was characterized by low species diversity, with high number of rare species and few abundant species for both seasons. A high dominance of Chinonomidae (Diptera for both seasons, followed by Baetidae (Ephemeroptera and Ancylidae (Mollusca, respectively for the wet and dry seasons, was found. The results reinforced the high importance of Chironomidae and the seasonal effect determining the stream benthic community structure.

  18. Trace element seasonality in marine macroalgae of different functional-form groups. (United States)

    Malea, Paraskevi; Chatziapostolou, Anastasia; Kevrekidis, Theodoros


    Novel information on the seasonality of element accumulation in seaweeds is provided. Seasonal patterns of As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, U, V and Zn concentrations in macroalgae belonging to different functional-form groups (Ulva intestinalis, Ulva rigida, Codium fragile, Gracilaria gracilis) from the Thessaloniki Gulf, Aegean Sea were determined and compared. Uni- and multivariate data analyses were applied. Element concentrations generally decreased during spring and/or summer, probably due to the growth effect, but a reverse trend, particularly in Ulva species, was also observed. Most elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sr) in Ulva species displayed a comparatively low monthly variability, indicating that the extent of seasonal variation is closely related to thallus morphology and growth strategy. In particular, these data suggest that Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb and Sr contents in fast-growing, sheet-like macroalgae are less influenced by the season, compared to their contents in coarsely-branched and thick-leathery macroalgae; therefore, sheet-like macroalgae may be more appropriate to be used in biomonitoring of coastal waters. The data presented could be utilized in the development of biomonitoring programmes for the protection of coastal environments. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Macroalgas submareales de la bahía de Todos Santos, Baja California, México Submareal macroalgae of the Todos Santos Bay, Baja California, Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Aguilar-Rosas


    Full Text Available Con el fin de identificar y caracterizar la composición de especies de la zona submareal de la bahía de Todos Santos, Baja California, México; se realizaron muestreos de macroalgas marinas bentónicas en 7 sitios durante 1995-2000. Como resultado de 25 buceos Scuba entre 3 y 33 m de profundidad se encontraron 150 especies de macroalgas para el área de estudio; 10 son Chlorophyta, 26 Phaeophyta y 114 Rhodophyta. Del total, 47 son registros nuevos para el área de estudio y 2 de éstos, Faucheocolax attenuata Setchell y Minium parvum R.L. Moe, son nuevos para la flora marina del Pacífico de México. Se incluye una revisión de las investigaciones en las que se han considerado las macroalgas presentes en la bahía de Todos Santos y una discusión sobre la composición de las especies encontradas, su distribución vertical y reproducción, así como sobre las especies epífitas y parásitas del área.In order to identify and characterize the species composition of the subtidal zone of the Todos Santos Bay, Baja California, Mexico, benthic marine macroalgae were sampled at 7 sites from 1995 to 2000. As a result of 25 scuba at derds for the study area, of which Faucheocolax attenuata Setchell and R.L Moe Minium parvum are new to the marine flora of Pacific Mexico. We include a research that consider the macroalpths between 3 and 33 m we found a total of 150 species of macroalgae for the study area, of which 10 are Chlorophyta, 26 Phaeophyta and 114 Rhodophyta; 47 species represent new recogae in the Todos Santos Bay and a discussion on the composition of species found, its vertical distribution and reproduction, particularly the species epiphytes and parasites present in the study area.

  20. Macroalgae Analysis A National GIS-based Analysis of Macroalgae Production Potential Summary Report and Project Plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roesijadi, Guritno; Coleman, Andre M.; Judd, Chaeli; Van Cleve, Frances B.; Thom, Ronald M.; Buenau, Kate E.; Tagestad, Jerry D.; Wigmosta, Mark S.; Ward, Jeffrey A.


    The overall project objective is to conduct a strategic analysis to assess the state of macroalgae as a feedstock for biofuels production. The objective in FY11 is to develop a multi-year systematic national assessment to evaluate the U.S. potential for macroalgae production using a GIS-based assessment tool and biophysical growth model developed as part of these activities. The initial model development for both resource assessment and constraints was completed and applied to the demonstration areas. The model for macroalgal growth was extended to the EEZ off the East and West Coasts of the United States, and a plan to merge the findings for an initial composite assessment was developed. In parallel, an assessment of land-based, port, and offshore infrastructure needs based on published and grey literature was conducted. Major information gaps and challenges encountered during this analysis were identified. Also conducted was an analysis of the type of local, state, and federal requirements that pertain to permitting land-based facilities and nearshore/offshore culture operations

  1. Comparative study on metal biosorption by two macroalgae in saline waters: single and ternary systems. (United States)

    Figueira, Paula; Henriques, Bruno; Teixeira, Ana; Lopes, Cláudia B; Reis, Ana T; Monteiro, Rui J R; Duarte, A C; Pardal, M A; Pereira, E


    The biosorption capability of two marine macroalgae (green Ulva lactuca and brown Fucus vesiculosus) was evaluated in the removal of toxic metals (Hg, Cd and Pb) from saline waters, under realistic conditions. Results showed that, independently of the contamination scenario tested, both macroalgae have a remarkable capacity to biosorb Hg and Pb. In single-contaminant systems, by using only c.a. 500 mg of non-pre-treated algae biomass (size macroalgae exhibited a similar selectivity toward the target metals: Hg > Pb> > Cd, although Pb removal by U. lactuca was more inhibited than that achieved by F. vesiculosus. Under the experimental conditions used, none of the macroalgae was effective to remove Cd (maximum removal of 20 %). In all cases, the kinetics of biosorption was mathematically described with success. Globally, it became clear that the studied macroalgae may be part of simple, efficient, and cost-effective water treatment technologies. Nevertheless, Fucus vesiculosus has greater potential, since it always presented higher initial sorption rates and higher removal efficiencies.

  2. Apparent characteristics and taxonomic study of macroalgae in Pattani Bay

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    Naruemol Pianthumdee


    Full Text Available 2A survey on macroalgae in Pattani Bay was carried out to build up a database resource for the management of algae in the area. From February 2004 to March 2005, samples of macroalgae from 10 sites were randomly collected monthly. Macroalgae were found at 4 sites in the north of the bay, namely Laem Tachi, Lighthouse, Ban Bu Di and Ban Ta Lo Samilae; 3 sites in the east, namely Ban Da To, the Yaring River Mouth and Ban Bang Pu and only one site in the south at Ban Tanyong Lu Lo. Twelve species of 3 divisions of macroalgae were detected. They were Division Cyanophyta, Lyngbya majuscula (Dillwyn Harvey ex Gomont; Division Chlorophyta; Ulva intestinalis Linnaeus, U. pertusa Kjellman and U. reticulata Forsskal, Rhizoclonium riparium (Roth Harvey, R. tortuosum Kutzing, Chaetomorpha crassa (C. Agardh Kutzing and Cladophora sp.; and Division Rhodophyta, namely Gracilaria tenuistipitata Chang et Xia, G. fisheri (Xia et Abbott Abbott, Zhang et Xia, Hypnea spinella (C. Agardh Kutzing and Acanthophora spicifera (Vahl B∅rgesen. Among them, four species were new recordings at Pattani Bay: Lyngbya majuscula, Rhizoclonium riparium, R. tortuosum and Acanthophora spicifera. Most of these seaweeds were found at the east sites in the dry season from February to September 2004 and from January to March 2005. Only a few species could be found in the wet season from November to December 2004.

  3. Diversity of pigmented Gram-positive bacteria associated with marine macroalgae from Antarctica. (United States)

    Leiva, Sergio; Alvarado, Pamela; Huang, Ying; Wang, Jian; Garrido, Ignacio


    Little is known about the diversity and roles of Gram-positive and pigmented bacteria in Antarctic environments, especially those associated with marine macroorganisms. This work is the first study about the diversity and antimicrobial activity of culturable pigmented Gram-positive bacteria associated with marine Antarctic macroalgae. A total of 31 pigmented Gram-positive strains were isolated from the surface of six species of macroalgae collected in the King George Island, South Shetland Islands. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities ≥99%, 18 phylotypes were defined, which were clustered into 11 genera of Actinobacteria (Agrococcus, Arthrobacter, Brachybacterium, Citricoccus, Kocuria, Labedella, Microbacterium, Micrococcus, Rhodococcus, Salinibacterium and Sanguibacter) and one genus of the Firmicutes (Staphylococcus). It was found that five isolates displayed antimicrobial activity against a set of macroalgae-associated bacteria. The active isolates were phylogenetically related to Agrococcus baldri, Brachybacterium rhamnosum, Citricoccus zhacaiensis and Kocuria palustris. The results indicate that a diverse community of pigmented Gram-positive bacteria is associated with Antartic macroalgae and suggest its potential as a promising source of antimicrobial and pigmented natural compounds. © FEMS 2015. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  4. Conhecimento e uso da carnaúba e da algaroba em comunidades do Sertão do Rio Grande do Norte, Nordeste do Brasil

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    Laís Costa Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Em comunidades rurais do Vale do Açu, sertão do Rio Grande do Norte, investigaram-se o conhecimento e uso de Copernicia prunifera (carnaúba, palmeira nativa do Nordeste do Brasil; e de Prosopis juliflora (algaroba, leguminosa originária do Peru, intencionalmente introduzida na mesma região na década de 1940. Foram entrevistados 74 moradores de quatro comunidades estabelecidas no Município de Carnaubais, que citaram o uso de 142 espécies vegetais, nativas e introduzidas. Os dados foram analisados considerando-se a faixa etária dos entrevistados e as categorias de uso das plantas por eles citadas. Avaliou-se o índice de significado cultural de cada espécie que apontou seu valor para a sobrevivência biológica e cultural dos membros da comunidade. Os usos da carnaúba citados por 59% dos informantes se enquadravam nas categorias artesanato, combustível e medicinal. A categoria que mais contribuía para o uso da carnaúba era a categoria construção (UDs Coper 0,72. A algaroba tem uso como combustível e forragem, citados por 61% dos entrevistados. Calculou-se o valor da diversidade de uso mostrando que a categoria combustível (UDs Pros 0,37 era a que mais contribuía para o uso da algaroba nas comunidades rurais. Apesar do desequilíbrio ambiental ocasionado por sua introdução, a algaroba ajuda na subsistência das comunidades estudadas e aumentou o repertório de espécies fornecedoras de madeira para lenha, carvão e construção. A carnaúba, antes bastante utilizada pela população, vem sendo substituída por outras espécies, sendo estas atualmente as novas fontes de renda para a população local.

  5. Optimum Fermentation Process for Red Macroalgae Gelidium latifolium and Gracillaria verrucosa

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    Mujizat Kawaroe


    Full Text Available Red macroalgae have the potential to be processed into bioethanol due to their high carbohydrate and low lignin content. Gelidium latifolium and Gracilaria verrucosa are red macroalgae commonly found in Indonesian seas. Sometimes an over-supply of red macroalgae is rejected by the food industry, which opens up opportunities for others uses, e.g. for producing bioethanol. The objectives of this research were to analyze the influence of sulfuric acid concentration on hydrolysis of G. latifolium and G. verrucosa and to calculate the optimum fermentation process to produce bioethanol. G. latifolium and G. verrucosa were hydrolyzed using H2SO4 at concentrations of 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4%, at a temperature of 121 °C and a pressure of 1.5 bar for 45 minutes. The process of fermentation was done using Saccharomyces cerevisiae in anaerobic conditions for 4, 5, 6 and 7 days. The results show that the optimum H2SO4 concentrations to hydrolyze G. latifolium and G. verrucosa were 1% and 2% respectively. The number of S. cerevisiae cells in hydrolysate G. latifolium and G. verrucosa increased in the third adaptation. S. cerevisiae can convert sugar from G. latifolium and G. verrucosa into bioethanol through fermentation. The highest bioethanol yields were achieved on days five and six. Therefore, red macroalgae can be seen as a potential raw material for bioethanol production.

  6. Protective role of marine macroalgae extracts against STZ induced diabetic rats

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    Marine macroalgae


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the anti-diabetic activity of marine macroalgae extracts (n = 31, purification and characterization of sulphated galactopyran (SGP from Gracilaria opuntia (FM4 in diabetic rats. Methods: The animals were separated into groups and STZ (55 mg/kg body weight was used to induce diabetics. Glucose, HbA1c, insulin, C-peptide levels and in vivo antioxidant levels were estimated and histopathological studies were done in STZ-induced diabetic and marine macroalgae treated rats. Results: Based on glucose and HbA1c levels and in vivo antioxidant levels, among the 31 marine macroalgae extracts, FM4 has showed high anti-diabetic activity. Hence, FM4 was purified and characterized by 1H-NMR spectra and FT-IR as sulphated galactopyran. During the survival analysis, SGP at dose of 100 mg/kg showed significant (P < 0.05 survival rate and elevations in C-peptide and insulin levels. The histopathological modulations of SGP were observed in diabetic rat tissues such as liver, kidney and brain. Hence obtained results reveal that SGP treated diabetic rats has significant changes in C-peptide and insulin levels which regulates the blood glucose levels and recovered the histopathological changes. Conclusions: Marine macroalgae have significant anti-diabetic activity. Hence, they could be used as nutraceutical supplement or natural green remedy against diabetes mellitus.

  7. Selecting reliable and robust freshwater macroalgae for biomass applications.

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    Rebecca J Lawton

    Full Text Available Intensive cultivation of freshwater macroalgae is likely to increase with the development of an algal biofuels industry and algal bioremediation. However, target freshwater macroalgae species suitable for large-scale intensive cultivation have not yet been identified. Therefore, as a first step to identifying target species, we compared the productivity, growth and biochemical composition of three species representative of key freshwater macroalgae genera across a range of cultivation conditions. We then selected a primary target species and assessed its competitive ability against other species over a range of stocking densities. Oedogonium had the highest productivity (8.0 g ash free dry weight m⁻² day⁻¹, lowest ash content (3-8%, lowest water content (fresh weigh: dry weight ratio of 3.4, highest carbon content (45% and highest bioenergy potential (higher heating value 20 MJ/kg compared to Cladophora and Spirogyra. The higher productivity of Oedogonium relative to Cladophora and Spirogyra was consistent when algae were cultured with and without the addition of CO₂ across three aeration treatments. Therefore, Oedogonium was selected as our primary target species. The competitive ability of Oedogonium was assessed by growing it in bi-cultures and polycultures with Cladophora and Spirogyra over a range of stocking densities. Cultures were initially stocked with equal proportions of each species, but after three weeks of growth the proportion of Oedogonium had increased to at least 96% (±7 S.E. in Oedogonium-Spirogyra bi-cultures, 86% (±16 S.E. in Oedogonium-Cladophora bi-cultures and 82% (±18 S.E. in polycultures. The high productivity, bioenergy potential and competitive dominance of Oedogonium make this species an ideal freshwater macroalgal target for large-scale production and a valuable biomass source for bioenergy applications. These results demonstrate that freshwater macroalgae are thus far an under-utilised feedstock with

  8. Fast pyrolysis of lignin, macroalgae and sewage sludge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trinh, N.T.


    Non-conventional biomass feedstock may also be applicable for fast pyrolysis processes. Among the forms of non-conventional biomasses, macroalgae, lignin (industrial residue) and sewage sludge may be attractive materials due to their low price, non-competitiveness with food crops and the possible utilization of solid wastes. Besides, a fast pyrolysis process can be used as a process to densify the biomass and produce bioslurry, a mixture of bio-oil and pyrolytic char. The bioslurry is found to be a possible feedstock for pressurized gasification plants. Thus, the aims of this project are to investigate fast pyrolysis properties of lignin, sewage sludge and macroalgae on a lab scale PCR and characterize their bio-oil properties. Bioslurry properties with respect to use as a feedstock for pressurized gasification is also investigated. Lignin and sewage sludge PCR pyrolysis provided bio-oil yields of 47 and 54 wt% daf, and oil energy recovery of 45 and 50 %, respectively. While the macroalgae PCR pyrolysis showed promising results with an organic oil yield of 65 wt% daf and an oil energy recovery of 76 %. The HHV of the lignin, sewage sludge and macroalgae oils were 29.7, 25.7 and 25.5 MJ/kg db respectively, and that are higher than that of typical bioiv oil from conventional biomasses (23-24 MJ/kg db). Almost all metals feedstock contents were contained in the chars at temperatures of 550 - 575 deg. C for lignin, sewage sludge and macroalgae PCR pyrolysis. Due to high feedstock nitrogen and sulfur contents, also a high level of nitrogen and sulfur of macroalgae and sewage sludge oils were observed compared to conventional bio-oil and this may limit their further industrial applications. The lignin char had a high proportion of small size particles, a HHV of 21 MJ/kg db and were almost free of chloride and sulfur, thus it is considered as a promising fuel for gasification or combustion; whereas macroalgae and sewage sludge chars containing high amounts of

  9. Partilha do sensível na comunidade: interseções entre psicologia e teatro


    Rocha,Tatiana Gomes da; Kastrup,Virginia


    O objetivo deste artigo é promover uma discussão sobre psicologia e teatro, buscando compreender algumas relações e efeitos possíveis quando ambos se aproximam e se voltam para a produção de subjetividade nas comunidades populares. Um conceito central é o de partilha do sensível, formulado por Jacques Rancière. O texto discute as formas que a partilha do sensível configura tanto no teatro quanto na psicologia comunitária quando estes se propõem a ser vetores da transformação social, e aponta ...

  10. Radionuclide accumulation in green and brown macroalgae at the Bulgarian Black Sea coast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strezov, A.; Nonova, T.


    The concentration of technogenic and natural radionuclides were measured in brown and green macroalgae from the Bulgarian Black Sea coast for the period 1996 and 2003 using low-level gamma spectroscopy. Mean values and concentration range for the studied species enables the comparison of the nuclide content in macroalgae showing that brown algae accumulate the studied radionuclides to a higher extent. (author)

  11. Biomass and Habitat Characteristics of Epiphytic Macroalgae in the Sibuti Mangroves, Sarawak, Malaysia. (United States)

    Isa, Hasmidah Md; Kamal, Abu Hena Mustafa; Idris, Mohd Hanafi; Rosli, Zamri; Ismail, Johan


    Mangroves support diverse macroalgal assemblages as epibionts on their roots and tree trunks. These algae provide nutrients to the primary consumers in the aquatic food web and have been reported to be substantial contributors to marine ecosystems. The species diversity, biomass, and habitat characteristics of mangrove macroalgae were investigated at three stations in the Sibuti mangrove estuary, Sarawak, Malaysia, from November 2012 to October 2013. Three groups of macroalgae were recorded and were found to be growing on mangrove prop roots, namely Rhodophyta ( Caloglossa ogasawaraensis , Caloglossa adhaerens , Caloglossa stipitata , Bostrychia anomala, and Hypnea sp.), Chlorophyta ( Chaetomorpha minima and Chaetomorpha sp.), and Phaeophyta ( Dictyota sp.). The biomass of macroalgae was not influenced ( p >0.05) by the season in this mangrove forest habitat. The macroalgal species Hypnea sp. contributed the highest biomass at both Station 1 (210.56 mg/cm 2 ) and Station 2 (141.72 mg/cm 2 ), while the highest biomass was contributed by B. anomala (185.89 mg/cm 2 ) at Station 3. This study shows that the species distribution and assemblages of mangrove macroalgae were influenced by environmental parameters such as water nutrients, dissolved solids, and salinity in the estuarine mangrove habitats of Sibuti, Sarawak.

  12. A voz da Comunidade na Preparação de Megaevento: Rio 2016


    Sebastião, Sónia Pedro; Lemos, Ana Isabel


    Este artigo trata da importância da comunidade na preparação de megaeventos, tomando como exemplo os Jogos Olímpicos do Rio de Janeiro, em 2016. Recorrendo ao e-clipping de notícias de três jornais diários brasileiros, é feita uma análise quantitativa dos temas abordados e das vozes presentes nas notícias. Adicionalmente é feita a análise qualitativa das notícias recolhidas em que existia associação entre protestos e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016. Verifica-se a distância entre os interesses da o...

  13. Efecto de la macroalga Caulerpa sertularioides en el desarrollo del camarón Penaeus californiensis (Decapoda: Peneidae

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    Marco Antonio Porchas Cornejo


    Full Text Available El efecto de la macroalga Caulerpa sertularioides sobre el crecimiento, sobrevivencia y producción en cautiverio del camarón café Penaeus californiensis (Holmes, 1900 a temperaturas invernales (14 a 21°C se estudió en La Paz, B.C.S., México. Se utilizaron nueve unidades experimentales (Tres por el tratamiento consistiendo en tanques plásticos de150 l de capacidad. El crecimiento del camarón con la presencia directa de la macroalga fue de 3.98 ± 0.4 g después de 10 semanas de cultivo, la sobrevivencia fue del 100 % y el rendimiento de 36.24 ± 4.3 g. Estos resultados fueron significativamente más altos que los obtenidos en presencia indirecta, y en ausencia de la macroalga, los cuales no presentaron diferencias significativas entre sí. El crecimiento, sobrevivencia y producción en la presencia indirecta de la macroalga fueron de 0.73 ± 0.4 g, 75± 10% and 7.8 + 1.2 g respectivamente. En ausencia de la macroalga, se obtuvieron valores de 0.46 ± 0.4 g, 68.7 ± 12% y 5.6 ±1.1 g. La presencia directa de la macroalga tiene un efecto positivo y significativo en el desarrollo del camarón café en cautiverio.The effect of the macroalga Caulerpa sertularioides on the growth, survival and yield of captive yellowleg shrimp Penaeus californiensis (Holmes, 1900 at winter temperatures (14 to 21°C was studied at La Paz, B.C.S., México. Nine experimental units (three per treatment consisting in 150 l-fiberglass tanks were used. Shrimp growth with macroalgal presence was 3.98 ± 0.4 g after 10 weeks, survival was 100% and yield 36.24 ± 4.3 g. These results were better than those obtained with indirect presence, and absence of the macroalga, which were not different among themselves. Under indirect macroalgal presence growth, survival and yield were 0.73 ± 0.4 g, 75± 10% and 7.8 ± 1.2 g. Without macroalgae, corresponding values were 0.46 ± 0.4 g, 68.7 ± 12% and 5.6 ±1.1 g. Significant differences were found between "absence" and "indirect

  14. Interaction strength between different grazers and macroalgae mediated by ocean acidification over warming gradients. (United States)

    Sampaio, E; Rodil, I F; Vaz-Pinto, F; Fernández, A; Arenas, F


    Since the past century, rising CO 2 levels have led to global changes (ocean warming and acidification) with subsequent effects on marine ecosystems and organisms. Macroalgae-herbivore interactions have a main role in the regulation of marine community structure (top-down control). Gradients of warming prompt complex non-linear effects on organism metabolism, cascading into altered trophic interactions and community dynamics. However, not much is known on how will acidification and grazer assemblage composition shape these effects. Within this context, we aimed to assess the combined effects of warming gradients and acidification on macroalgae-herbivore interactions, using three cosmopolitan species, abundant in the Iberian Peninsula and closely associated in nature: the amphipod Melita palmata, the gastropod Gibbula umbilicalis, and the green macroalga Ulva rigida. Under two CO 2 treatments (ΔCO 2 ≃ 450 μatm) across a temperature gradient (13.5, 16.6, 19.9 and 22.1 °C), two mesocosm experiments were performed to assess grazer consumption rates and macroalgae-herbivore interaction, respectively. Warming (Experiment I and II) and acidification (Experiment II) prompted negative effects in grazer's survival and species-specific differences in consumption rates. M. palmata was shown to be the stronger grazer per biomass (but not per capita), and also the most affected by climate stressors. Macroalgae-herbivore interaction strength was markedly shaped by the temperature gradient, while simultaneous acidification lowered thermal optimal threshold. In the near future, warming and acidification are likely to strengthen top-down control, but further increases in disturbances may lead to bottom-up regulated communities. Finally, our results suggest that grazer assemblage composition may modulate future macroalgae-herbivore interactions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Recursos y enlaces sobre comunidades de aprendizaje


    Ferrer Esteban, Gerard


    Obras y artículos sobre el proyecto Comunidades de Aprendizaje desarrollado en el Estado español. Tesis doctorales sobre comunidades de aprendizaje. Fundamentación teórica de las comunidades de aprendizaje. Sitios en Internet relacionados con las comunidades de aprendizaje y proyectos afines de desarrollo comunitario en contextos escolares.

  16. Discurso e prática religiosa nas Comunidades Eclesiais de Base italianas e brasileiras: um estudo comparativo com base na teoria da mudança social de Max Weber (Speech and religious practice in the Basic Ecclesial Communities in Italy and Brazil

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    Marinete Luzia Francisca de Souza


    Full Text Available Este estudo é uma reflexão sobre  o discurso e a prática nas comunidades Eclesiais de Base no Brasil e na Itália. Buscamos demonstrar, a partir de uma pesquisa empírica e teórica, as relações entres duas Comunidades Eclesiais de Base, a Comunidade San Paolo (Roma-IT e a Prelazia de São Félix (Mato Gross-BR, demonstrando que estas baseiam-se em dois elementos: resultam das discussões  advindas do Concílio Vaticano II e estão fortemente ligadas a seus líderes. E, ainda, que tais comunidades ligam-se por fortes laços simbólicos. Este fato permitiu-nos concluir  que a Teologia da Libertação empenhou-se em promover mudanças sociais e em criar um corpo simbólico que a corroborasse. Tais análises foram sustentadas pela teoria da transformação social de Max Weber e, ainda, pelos estudos  de Karl Mannheim e de  Glock e Stark. Palavras-chaves:Transformação social, Teologia da Libertação, prática, discurso. Abstract This study is a reflection of the discourse and practice on the Basic Ecclesial communities in Brazil and Italy. We try to show, from an empirical and theoretical research, the relations between two Christian Base Communities: the San Paolo Community (Rome – IT and the Prelature of São Félix (BR – Mato Grosso, based on two factors: the result of discussions arising out of Vatican II, and the strong link to its leaders. Such communities bind by strong symbolic ties that really allowed us to conclude that Liberation Theology endeavored to promote social changes and to create a symbolic body that corroborates it. Such analysis was supported by the theory of social transformation of Max Weber, by the studies of Karl Mannheim and Glock and Stark. Keywords: Social Transformation; Liberation Theology, Practice, Discourse.

  17. Review on toxicity testing with marine macroalgae and the need for method standardization--exemplified with copper and phenol. (United States)

    Eklund, Britta T; Kautsky, Lena


    Toxic effects on macroalgae have been compiled. Eighty-two articles have been found in literature during 1959-2000. A total of 120 substances were investigated using 65 different macroalgae species. About one-third of the tested compounds were organic substances (33%), another third metal-organic substances (35%), and the last third were oils (14%), metals (8%), detergents (7.5%) and other inorganic chemicals (2.5%). Half of the substances were only tested once on a single species. Likewise, toxicity data has only been reported for one chemical tested on a single occasion for about half of the 65 species. Thus little is known about the toxic effects on marine macroalgae. The objectives of the previous studies undertaken varied and therefore the toxicity data was presented in numerous ways, e.g. using different exposure times, temperature, light intensity, light regime, salinity, and nutrients, which makes a direct comparison of the data difficult. This review also shows that many stages in the lifecycle of macroalgae are often more sensitive to toxic substances than other aquatic organisms. Consequently, tests using macroalgae may discover toxicity earlier, which would in turn also protect the fauna. If toxic compounds have a negative affect on the distribution and growth of structurally and functionally dominating macroalgae, there may indirectly be a large and harmful influence on the whole marine coastal ecosystem. For this reason tests on macroalgae should be included in control programs along the coasts.

  18. Una experiencia de educación popular en salud nutricional en dos comunidades del Estado de Jalisco, México

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    Isabel Valadez Figueroa


    Full Text Available Este trabajo, da cuenta de un proceso de Educación Popular, en dos comunidades del estado de Jalisco México, con el objetivo de introducir el concentrado de Alfalfa en la dieta habitual de los habitantes, como fuente alimentaria alterna, disponible en esas regiones, dado que estudios realizados han demostrado que contiene un alto nivel de proteínas, vitaminas y aminoácidos esenciales, y puede ser utilizado para complementar y mejorar la nutrición de los niños. Recurso no aprovechado por el desconocimiento relativo de sus propiedades y del procedimiento para su obtención y por utilizarse como forraje. Se trabajo en cuatro etapas: 1 conocimiento de la comunidad, 2 abordaje comunitario, 3 formación de grupos de trabajo y 4 programa educativo, con la herramienta del autodiagnóstico, en base a dos ejes temáticos: la alimentación familiar y el concentrado de alfalfa como forma de mejorarla, desarrollados simultáneamente. Se tuvo como resultados que se aceptara el concentrado de alfalfa y se conformaran grupos comunitarios, manteniéndose actualmente un tipo de organización en cada comunidad.

  19. Una experiencia de educación popular en salud nutricional en dos comunidades del Estado de Jalisco, México

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    Valadez Figueroa Isabel


    Full Text Available Este trabajo, da cuenta de un proceso de Educación Popular, en dos comunidades del estado de Jalisco México, con el objetivo de introducir el concentrado de Alfalfa en la dieta habitual de los habitantes, como fuente alimentaria alterna, disponible en esas regiones, dado que estudios realizados han demostrado que contiene un alto nivel de proteínas, vitaminas y aminoácidos esenciales, y puede ser utilizado para complementar y mejorar la nutrición de los niños. Recurso no aprovechado por el desconocimiento relativo de sus propiedades y del procedimiento para su obtención y por utilizarse como forraje. Se trabajo en cuatro etapas: 1 conocimiento de la comunidad, 2 abordaje comunitario, 3 formación de grupos de trabajo y 4 programa educativo, con la herramienta del autodiagnóstico, en base a dos ejes temáticos: la alimentación familiar y el concentrado de alfalfa como forma de mejorarla, desarrollados simultáneamente. Se tuvo como resultados que se aceptara el concentrado de alfalfa y se conformaran grupos comunitarios, manteniéndose actualmente un tipo de organización en cada comunidad.

  20. Antimicrobial activity of methanolic extracts of selected marine macroalgae against some pathogenic microorganisms

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    Ehab Omer Abdalla


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the antimicrobial activity of methanolic extracts of six marine macroalgae belonging to green algae (Chlorophyceae, brown algae (Phaeophyceae and the red algae (Rhodophyceae collected from the intertidal area of the Sudanese Red Sea coast near Port Sudan. Methods: Methanol was used for extracting the active principles of the algae and the disc diffusion method was performed to examine the activity and the minimum inhibitory concentration of the samples against four pathogenic bacteria and two fungi. Results: All tested algal extracts exhibited considerable bioactivity and inhibited the growth of all pathogenic microorganisms under investigation. The green alga Caulerpa racemosa produced the maximum inhibition zone (21 mm against Candida albicans while the red alga Laurencia papillosa showed low antimicrobial activity with the minimum inhibition zone of 10 mm against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The tested algal extracts did not show any special antimicrobial influence on the selected microorganisms when they were considered as Grampositive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi but the most efficient methanolic extracts in inhibiting microbial growth were those of green macroalgae followed by the brown and the red macroalgae respectively. Conclusions: The study demonstrated that the tested marine macroalgae from Sudanese Red Sea coast may represent a potential and alternative source for secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity.

  1. Stable nitrogen isotopes in coastal macroalgae: Geographic and anthropogenic variability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viana, Inés G.; Bode, Antonio


    Growing human population adds to the natural nitrogen loads to coastal waters. Both anthropogenic and natural nitrogen is readily incorporated in new biomass, and these different nitrogen sources may be traced by the measurement of the ratio of stable nitrogen isotopes (δ 15 N). In this study δ 15 N was determined in two species of macroalgae (Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus), and in nitrate and ammonium to determine the relative importance of anthropogenic versus natural sources of nitrogen along the coast of NW Spain. Both algal species and nitrogen sources showed similar isotopic enrichment for a given site, but algal δ 15 N was not related to either inorganic nitrogen concentrations or δ 15 N in the water samples. The latter suggests that inorganic nitrogen inputs are variable and do not always leave an isotopic trace in macroalgae. However, a significant linear decrease in macroalgal δ 15 N along the coast is consistent with the differential effect of upwelling. Besides this geographic variability, the influence of anthropogenic nitrogen sources is evidenced by higher δ 15 N in macroalgae from rias and estuaries compared to those from open coastal areas and in areas with more than 15 × 10 3 inhabitants in the watershed. These results indicate that, in contrast with other studies, macroalgal δ 15 N is not simply related to either inorganic nitrogen concentrations or human population size but depends on other factors as the upwelling or the efficiency of local waste treatment systems. - Highlights: ► Anthropogenic versus upwelling nitrogen effect on macroalgal δ 15 N was studied. ► The influence of populations and upwelling has not been made before on macroalgal δ 15 N. ► Natural variability has not been taken into account in most biomonitoring studies. ► Upwelling explains most of the variability in δ 15 N in macroalgae

  2. Radionuclide uptake in red macroalgae from the Bulgarian Black Sea coast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nonova, Tz.; Strezov, A.


    Technogenic and natural radionuclide content in red macroalgae (Ceramium rubrum, Corallina officinalis and Callithamnion corymbosum) from the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, collected in the period 1992-2003, was studied by low-level gamma-spectrometry. The data show that the nuclide concentrations depend on macroalgae species and coast locations. The highest nuclide content was measured in Ceramium rubrum species. The 137 Cs mean value is 9.8 Bq/kg, 19.6 Bq/kg for 226 Ra and 17 Bq/kg for 210 Pb. The radionuclide pollution is considerably small due to the absence of nuclear facilities along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. (author)

  3. Growth and metal bioconcentration by conspecific freshwater macroalgae cultured in industrial waste water


    Michael B. Ellison; Rocky de Nys; Nicholas A. Paul; David A. Roberts


    The bioremediation of industrial waste water by macroalgae is a sustainable and renewable approach to the treatment of waste water produced by multiple industries. However, few studies have tested the bioremediation of complex multi-element waste streams from coal-fired power stations by live algae. This study compares the ability of three species of green freshwater macroalgae from the genus Oedogonium, isolated from different geographic regions, to grow in waste water for the bioremediation...

  4. Alien macroalgae in Denmark - a broad-scale national perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Mads S.; Wernberg, Thomas; Stæhr, Peter Anton


    Most studies documenting the importance of alien macroalgae relative to native species are based on smaller-scale sampling programmes. Between 1989 and 2003, a Danish monitoring programme collected data on the percentage cover of macroalgae at more than 600 locations throughout the country. We...... examined this data set to estimate the relative abundance of alien species in the algal flora on large spatiotemporal scales, i.e. across depth ranges, regions and years. Of the 10 alien macroalgal species known to inhabit Danish coastal waters, nine were found in the survey. Most of the alien species were...... only present in low quantities (alien species, Sargassum muticum and Bonnemaisonia hamifera, constituted 2-7% of the assemblages, depending on depth, region and year. Sargassum muticum was abundant from 0 to 5 m in the northwestern region...

  5. Alien macroalgae in Denmark - A broad-scale national perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, M. S.; Wernberg, T.; Stæhr, P.


    Most studies documenting the importance of alien macroalgae relative to native species are based on smaller-scale sampling programmes. Between 1989 and 2003, a Danish monitoring programme collected data on the percentage cover of macroalgae at more than 600 locations throughout the country. We...... examined this data set to estimate the relative abundance of alien species in the algal flora on large spatiotemporal scales, i.e. across depth ranges, regions and years. Of the 10 alien macroalgal species known to inhabit Danish coastal waters, nine were found in the survey. Most of the alien species were...... only present in low quantities (alien species, Sargassum muticum and Bonnemaisonia hamifera, constituted 2-7% of the assemblages, depending on depth, region and year. Sargassum muticum was abundant from 0 to 5 m in the northwestern region...

  6. Potencial de cultivo da macroalga Kappaphycus alvarezii no litoral de Santa Catarina


    Santos, Alex Alves dos


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Aqüicultura, Florianópolis, 2014. Os cultivos da macroalga K. alvarezii em monocultivo ou integrados com moluscos (Crassostrea gigas e Perna perna) podem proporcionar benefícios ambientais e econômicos. Este trabalho avaliou o potencial de cultivo da macroalga Kappaphycus alvarezii no parque aquícola de Santa Catarina. O primeiro trabalho identificou a capacidade do parque e...

  7. Spatial distribution of macroalgae along the shores of Kongsfjorden (West Spitsbergen using acoustic imaging

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    Kruss Aleksandra


    Full Text Available The identification of macroalgal beds is a crucial component for the description of fjord ecosystems. Direct, biological sampling is still the most popular investigation technique but acoustic methods are becoming increasingly recognized as a very efficient tool for the assessment of benthic communities. In 2007 we carried out the first acoustic survey of the littoral areas in Kongsfjorden. A 2.68 km2 area comprised within a 12.40 km2 euphotic zone was mapped along the fjord’s coast using single- and multi-beam echosounders. The singlebeam echosounder (SBES proved to be a very efficient and reliable tool for macroalgae detection in Arctic conditions. The multibeam echosounder (MBES was very useful in extending the SBES survey range, even though it’s ability in discriminating benthic communities was limited. The final result of our investigation is a map of the macroalgae distribution around the fjord, showing 39% macroalgae coverage (1.09 km2 of investigated area between isobaths -0.70 m and -30 m. Zonation analysis showed that most of the studied macroalgae areas occur up to 15 m depth (93%. These results were confirmed by biological sampling and observation in key areas. The potential of acoustic imaging of macrophytes, and a proposed methodology for the processing of acoustic data, are presented in this paper along with preliminary studies on the acoustic reflectivity of macroalgae, also highlighting differences among species. These results can be applied to future monitoring of the evolution of kelp beds in different areas of the Arctic, and in the rest of the world.

  8. Effects of marine and freshwater macroalgae on in vitro total gas and methane production. (United States)

    Machado, Lorenna; Magnusson, Marie; Paul, Nicholas A; de Nys, Rocky; Tomkins, Nigel


    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of twenty species of tropical macroalgae on in vitro fermentation parameters, total gas production (TGP) and methane (CH4) production when incubated in rumen fluid from cattle fed a low quality roughage diet. Primary biochemical parameters of macroalgae were characterized and included proximate, elemental, and fatty acid (FAME) analysis. Macroalgae and the control, decorticated cottonseed meal (DCS), were incubated in vitro for 72 h, where gas production was continuously monitored. Post-fermentation parameters, including CH4 production, pH, ammonia, apparent organic matter degradability (OMd), and volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations were measured. All species of macroalgae had lower TGP and CH4 production than DCS. Dictyota and Asparagopsis had the strongest effects, inhibiting TGP by 53.2% and 61.8%, and CH4 production by 92.2% and 98.9% after 72 h, respectively. Both species also resulted in the lowest total VFA concentration, and the highest molar concentration of propionate among all species analysed, indicating that anaerobic fermentation was affected. Overall, there were no strong relationships between TGP or CH4 production and the >70 biochemical parameters analysed. However, zinc concentrations >0.10 g x kg(-1) may potentially interact with other biochemical components to influence TGP and CH4 production. The lack of relationship between the primary biochemistry of species and gas parameters suggests that significant decreases in TGP and CH4 production are associated with secondary metabolites produced by effective macroalgae. The most effective species, Asparagopsis, offers the most promising alternative for mitigation of enteric CH4 emissions.

  9. Effects of marine and freshwater macroalgae on in vitro total gas and methane production.

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    Lorenna Machado

    Full Text Available This study aimed to evaluate the effects of twenty species of tropical macroalgae on in vitro fermentation parameters, total gas production (TGP and methane (CH4 production when incubated in rumen fluid from cattle fed a low quality roughage diet. Primary biochemical parameters of macroalgae were characterized and included proximate, elemental, and fatty acid (FAME analysis. Macroalgae and the control, decorticated cottonseed meal (DCS, were incubated in vitro for 72 h, where gas production was continuously monitored. Post-fermentation parameters, including CH4 production, pH, ammonia, apparent organic matter degradability (OMd, and volatile fatty acid (VFA concentrations were measured. All species of macroalgae had lower TGP and CH4 production than DCS. Dictyota and Asparagopsis had the strongest effects, inhibiting TGP by 53.2% and 61.8%, and CH4 production by 92.2% and 98.9% after 72 h, respectively. Both species also resulted in the lowest total VFA concentration, and the highest molar concentration of propionate among all species analysed, indicating that anaerobic fermentation was affected. Overall, there were no strong relationships between TGP or CH4 production and the >70 biochemical parameters analysed. However, zinc concentrations >0.10 g x kg(-1 may potentially interact with other biochemical components to influence TGP and CH4 production. The lack of relationship between the primary biochemistry of species and gas parameters suggests that significant decreases in TGP and CH4 production are associated with secondary metabolites produced by effective macroalgae. The most effective species, Asparagopsis, offers the most promising alternative for mitigation of enteric CH4 emissions.

  10. La Comunidad reconocida: familias, escuelas, regantes y vecinos

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    García de la Cruz Herrero, J. José


    Full Text Available Not available

    En este trabajo se estudia la intervención del Derecho en la comunidad. Se parte de una definición social de comunidad rechazando como tales aquellas que el Derecho llama comunidades pero no lo son socialmente. El Derecho interviene en las comunidades como la familia, pero lo hace pensando esencialmente en los individuos que la componen no en la comunidad social como tal. El diseño individualista del Derecho occidental vigente impide o, incluso, produce consecuencias no buscadas cuando el Derecho actúa sobre comunidades sociales.

  11. Resiliência e reconhecimento em neocomunidades: o caso da comunidade quilombola morro de São João (TO

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    Alex Pizzio da Silva


    Full Text Available O cenário atual, caracterizado pelas transformações sociais e econômicas impostas pela globalização, tem produzido novos condicionamentos sociais, impactando diretamente as comunidades tradicionais e ampliando a vulnerabilidade. Cada comunidade apresenta maior ou menor capacidade de superação das adversidades. Aquelas que conseguem superá-las e ainda e se fortalecerem são consideradas pelos estudiosos como resilientes. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o resultado de uma investigação realizada na comunidade quilombola Morro de São João, no Estado do Tocantins, em que se analisaram sua capacidade de resiliência e os fatores que possibilitam essa condição. A pesquisa desenvolvida possui natureza quanti-qualitativa e foi realizada por meio de um estudo de caso, utilizando como técnicas de coleta de dados a entrevista não estruturada, a observação participante, pesquisa documental, questionário e história de vida, que ocorreram durante as viagens ao campo, ocasião que permitiu também a participação nas cerimônias e nos festejos da comunidade. Os principais conceitos utilizados na análise teórica foram resiliência, neocomunidades, reconhecimento e cultura como recurso. A análise demonstrou que a comunidade possui capacidade de superação das adversidades, e o reconhecimento da identidade cultural constitui um fator de promoção da resiliência.

  12. Pretreatment of macroalgae for volatile fatty acid production. (United States)

    Pham, Thi Nhan; Um, Youngsoon; Yoon, Hyon Hee


    In this study, a novel method was proposed for the biological pretreatment of macroalgae (Laminaria japonica, Pachymeniopsis elliptica, and Enteromorpha crinita) for production of volatile fatty acid (VFA) by anaerobic fermentation. The amount of VFA produced from 40 g/L of L. japonica increased from 8.3 g/L (control) to 15.6 g/L when it was biologically pretreated with Vibrio harveyi. The biological treatment of L. japonica with Vibrio spp. was most effective likely due to the alginate lyase activity of Vibrio spp. However, a considerable effect was also observed after biological pretreatment of P. elliptica and E. crinita, which are red and green algae, respectively. Alkaline pretreatment of 40 g/L of L. japonica with 0.5 N NaOH resulted in an increase of VFA production to 12.2 g/L. These results indicate that VFA production from macroalgae can be significantly enhanced using the proposed biological pretreatments. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Preference of the herbivorous marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus for different macroalgae (United States)

    You, Cuihong; Zeng, Fangui; Wang, Shuqi; Li, Yuanyou


    The decomposition of a large amount of unexploited macroalgal resource along the coast of China often results in heavy environmental pollution. In order to pave a way of using macroalgae as the dietary ingredient of rabbitfish Siganus canaliculatus, one of a few farmed herbivorous marine teleosts in China, its preference (feeding selectivity) for different macroalgae was determined in this study. Seven seaweed species abundantly inhabiting the coast of east Guangdong Province were exposed simultaneously to rabbitfish juveniles in laboratory (multiple-choice feeding) with their content and absolute intake assayed. It was found that the most preferred algae were Ulva prolifera, Gracilaria lemaneiformis and Chaetomorpha linum, less preferred algae were U. pertusa and Porphyra haitanensis, and least preferred ones were Sargassum fusiforme and Corallina sessilis. Such an order did not change when one to four relatively preferred seaweeds were removed. The preferred seaweeds were richer in protein and soluble sugar thus higher in energy than the least preferred. In addition, this fish was found to favor filamentous and flat algae rather than calcified ones. Accordingly, the richness of nutrients and morphological characteristics determined the preference of S. canaliculatus for tested macroalgae.

  14. Understanding the association of Escherichia coli with diverse macroalgae in the lagoon of Venice. (United States)

    Quero, Grazia M; Fasolato, Luca; Vignaroli, Carla; Luna, Gian Marco


    Recent studies provided evidence that the macroalga Cladopohora in lakes hosts associated Escherichia coli, with consequences on the environmental and human health. We expanded these investigations to other macroalgae (Ulva spp., Sargassum muticum and Undaria pinnatifida) widespread in the lagoon of Venice (Italy). Attached E. coli were abundant, accounting up to 3,250 CFU gram(-1) of alga. Macroalgal-associated isolates belonged to all E. coli phylogroups, including pathogenic ones, and to Escherichia cryptic clades. Attached E. coli showed potential to grow even at in situ temperature on macroalgal extracts as only source of carbon and nutrients, and ability to produce biofilm in vitro. The genotypic diversity of the attached isolates was high, with significant differences between algae and the overlying water. Our evidences suggest that attached populations consist of both resident and transient strains, likely resulting from the heterogeneous input of fecal bacteria from the city. We report that cosmopolitan and invasive macroalgae may serve as source of E. coli, including pathogenic genotypes, and that this habitat can potentially support their growth. Considering the global diffusion of the macroalgae here studied, this phenomenon is likely occurring in other coastal cities worldwide and deserves further investigations from either the sanitary and ecological perspectives.

  15. Understanding the association of Escherichia coli with diverse macroalgae in the lagoon of Venice (United States)

    Quero, Grazia M.; Fasolato, Luca; Vignaroli, Carla; Luna, Gian Marco


    Recent studies provided evidence that the macroalga Cladopohora in lakes hosts associated Escherichia coli, with consequences on the environmental and human health. We expanded these investigations to other macroalgae (Ulva spp., Sargassum muticum and Undaria pinnatifida) widespread in the lagoon of Venice (Italy). Attached E. coli were abundant, accounting up to 3,250 CFU gram-1 of alga. Macroalgal-associated isolates belonged to all E. coli phylogroups, including pathogenic ones, and to Escherichia cryptic clades. Attached E. coli showed potential to grow even at in situ temperature on macroalgal extracts as only source of carbon and nutrients, and ability to produce biofilm in vitro. The genotypic diversity of the attached isolates was high, with significant differences between algae and the overlying water. Our evidences suggest that attached populations consist of both resident and transient strains, likely resulting from the heterogeneous input of fecal bacteria from the city. We report that cosmopolitan and invasive macroalgae may serve as source of E. coli, including pathogenic genotypes, and that this habitat can potentially support their growth. Considering the global diffusion of the macroalgae here studied, this phenomenon is likely occurring in other coastal cities worldwide and deserves further investigations from either the sanitary and ecological perspectives.

  16. Biofuel potential production from the Orbetello lagoon macroalgae: A comparison with sunflower feedstock

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bastianoni, Simone; Coppola, Fazio; Tiezzi, Enzo [Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, Siena University, via della Diana, 2A, 53100 Siena (Italy); Colacevich, Andrea; Borghini, Francesca; Focardi, Silvano [Department of Environmental Sciences, Siena University, via Mattioli 4, 53100 Siena (Italy)


    The diversification of different types and sources of biofuels has become an important energy issue in recent times. The aim of this work is to evaluate the use of two kinds of renewable feedstocks in order to produce biodiesel. We have analyzed the potential production of oil from two species of macroalgae considered as waste coming out from a lagoon system involved in eutrophication and from sunflower seeds. We have tested oil extraction yields of both feedstock. Furthermore, a comparison has been carried out based on the emergy approach, in order to evaluate the sustainability and environmental performance of both processes. The results show that, under present conditions, considering oil extraction yields, the production of oil from sunflower seeds is feasible, because of the lower value of transformity of the final product with respect to macroalgae. On the other hand, the results demonstrate that with improvements of oil extraction methodology, macroalgae could be considered a good residual biomass usable for biofuel production. (author)

  17. Deoxy-liquefaction of three different species of macroalgae to high-quality liquid oil. (United States)

    Li, Jinhua; Wang, Guoming; Chen, Ming; Li, Jiedong; Yang, Yaoyao; Zhu, Qiuyan; Jiang, Xiaohuan; Wang, Zonghua; Liu, Haichao


    Three species of macroalgae (Ulva lactuca, Laminaria japonica and Gelidium amansii) were converted into liquid oils via deoxy-liquefaction. The elemental analysis, FTIR and GC-MS results showed that the three liquid oils were all mainly composed of aromatics, phenols, alkanes and alkenes, other oxygen-containing compounds, and some nitrogen-containing compounds though there were some differences in terms of their types or contents due to the different constituents in the macroalgae feedstocks. The oxygen content was only 5.15-7.30% and the H/C molar ratio was up to 1.57-1.73. Accordingly, the HHV of the three oils were 42.50, 41.76 and 40.00 MJ/kg, respectively. The results suggested that U. lactuca, L. japonica and G. amansii have potential as biomass feedstock for fuel and chemicals and that deoxy-liquefaction technique may be an effective way to convert macroalgae into high-quality liquid oil. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. First record of Ostreopsis cfr. ovata on macroalgae in the Northern Adriatic Sea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monti, Marina; Minocci, Marco; Beran, Alfred; Ivesa, Ljiljana


    Ostreopsis ovata is an epiphytic potentially toxic dinoflagellate. It has a world-wide distribution, normally associated with other epiphytic or benthic dinoflagellates. In tropical seas O. ovata is often associated with the genera Gambierdiscus, Coolia and Prorocentrum, causing cinguatera fish poisoning. Recently, Ostreopsis spp. blooms in the Tyrrhenian and southern Adriatic Sea have been related to human health problems, such as breathing and skin irritation. Here we report the first record of Ostreopsis cfr. ovata in the Northern Adriatic Sea. O. cfr. ovata was isolated from macroalgae in two areas, the Gulf of Trieste (Italy) and close to Rovinj (Croatia). The microalga was identified by scanning electron microscopy and by fluorescence light microscopy. Size range and thecal pore structure were similar to those described for O. cfr. ovata in previous studies. Ostreopsis cfr. ovata was present on all the macroalgae collected, particularly browns and reds. The microalgal association on macroalgae was mostly composed of Ostreopsis sp., Coolia monotis and Coscinodiscus sp

  19. First record of Ostreopsis cfr. ovata on macroalgae in the Northern Adriatic Sea

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monti, Marina [Department of Biological Oceanography, National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, Via Auguste Piccard 54, 34010 Trieste (Italy)]. E-mail:; Minocci, Marco [Department of Biological Oceanography, National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, Via Auguste Piccard 54, 34010 Trieste (Italy); Beran, Alfred [Department of Biological Oceanography, National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, Via Auguste Piccard 54, 34010 Trieste (Italy); Ivesa, Ljiljana [Ruder Boskovic Institute, Center for Marine Research, G. Paliaga 5, 52210 Rovinj (Croatia)


    Ostreopsis ovata is an epiphytic potentially toxic dinoflagellate. It has a world-wide distribution, normally associated with other epiphytic or benthic dinoflagellates. In tropical seas O. ovata is often associated with the genera Gambierdiscus, Coolia and Prorocentrum, causing cinguatera fish poisoning. Recently, Ostreopsis spp. blooms in the Tyrrhenian and southern Adriatic Sea have been related to human health problems, such as breathing and skin irritation. Here we report the first record of Ostreopsis cfr. ovata in the Northern Adriatic Sea. O. cfr. ovata was isolated from macroalgae in two areas, the Gulf of Trieste (Italy) and close to Rovinj (Croatia). The microalga was identified by scanning electron microscopy and by fluorescence light microscopy. Size range and thecal pore structure were similar to those described for O. cfr. ovata in previous studies. Ostreopsis cfr. ovata was present on all the macroalgae collected, particularly browns and reds. The microalgal association on macroalgae was mostly composed of Ostreopsis sp., Coolia monotis and Coscinodiscus sp.

  20. Produtos artesanais de identidade territorial: o desenvolvimento do patrimônio natural e cultural na comunidade Mocambeiro - Brasil

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    Rita de Castro Engler


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta parte dos resultados da pesquisa extensionista realizada na comunidade Mocambeiro, Matozinhos, Minas Gerais, entre 2015 e 2016, cidade em que o CEDTec, Centro de Estudos em Design e Tecnologia, promoveu oficinas de produtos artesanais de identidade territorial, inspirados nas figurações rupestres das grutas, abrigos e cavernas pré-históricas, ali existentes. A proposta busca valorizar o trabalho de produção artesanal da população local, principalmente as donas de casa, buscando ligação com a arte e o design. Realiza-se a contextualização dos símbolos do patrimônio arqueológico da região cárstica da APA (Área de Proteção Ambiental de Lagoa Santa. A memória cultural, história e patrimônio arqueológico são abordados, através das oficinas de educação e arte, em um ambiente de troca, aprendizado e aperfeiçoamento para novas atividades, que estimulem a geração de renda e o empreendedorismo. Os procedimentos para a execução do projeto se dividem em três etapas: estudos para elaboração de oficinas e desenvolvimento de produtos, utilizando os materiais que possam ser encontrados na região de Matozinhos; desenvolvimento de oficinas para a comunidade de Mocambeiro e avaliação das atividades; desenvolvimento de produtos, a partir dos resultados, destinados a servirem se suporte para a continuidade do projeto, valendo-se da identidade local. Foi verificada a possibilidade de produção criativa e novas áreas de atuação do design nas comunidades artesãs, práticas indispensáveis à construção de valorização do artesanato local, atual e do futuro.

  1. Incubação de empreendimentos turísticos solidários para o desenvolvimento nas comunidades tradicionais em Guaraqueçaba (PR

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    Isabel Jurema Grimm


    Full Text Available Promover o protagonismo de comunidades no processo de desenvolvimento do turismo local tem estimulado a constituição de incubadoras de empreendimentos solidários. Tal processo amplia a intervenção social, politica e econômica do poder público e fortalece a organização comunitária para responder as questões de geração de trabalho e renda, com base em experiências solidárias e cooperativas. Nesse artigo são analisadas as ações da Incubadora Tecnológica de Cooperativas Populares (ITCP/UFPR no processo de formação da cadeia produtiva do turismo comunitário, em Barra do Superagüi, município de Guaraqueçaba, Paraná. Metodologicamente compõe-se de estudo de caso, com observação direta e entrevistas com gestores do projeto. Os resultados apontam indícios da incubação de empreendimentos turísticos contribuírem para fortalecer a comunidade local com vistas ao desenvolvimento territorial, e na articulação de ações do projeto com políticas públicas de economia solidária e do turismo, que surgem em comunidades, que desejam oferecer produtos, serviços e atrair visitantes.

  2. Analysis of Environmental Physical-Chemical Factors and Macroalga Species In The Coastal Water of Nusalaut, Central Maluku - Indonesia

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    Karel Melsasail


    Full Text Available The physical-chemical factors of environment are very influential on the presence and the growth of macrolaga in waters. Well-maintained water habitat is a good environment for the growth of macroalgae. A research has been conducted on the physicochemical environmental factors and the macroalgae species in the coastal waters of Nusalaut Island using transect method, and it was a survey research on four different observation stations. The results of the research showed that station I (Amet Village has the best physicochemical factors for the presence and the growth of macroalgae, compared to station II (Nalahia Village, station III (Sila Village and station IV (Leinitu Village. The most widely found macro algae are from the Rhodophyta class, with a total of 17 species of macroalgae, of which 15 species are found in station I.

  3. An economic model for offshore cultivation of macroalgae

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijk, van Wim; Schoot, van der Jan Rinze; Edwards, Maeve; Queguineur, Benoit; Champenois, Jennifer; Mooney, Karen; Barrento, Sara


    Algae biomass is considered as a potential non-fossil source of raw materials to produce fuel, feed, chemicals and materials. For this purpose microalgae as well as macroalgae can be used, and in this report we focus on the latter. More than 99% of the world production of aquatic plants is produced

  4. Spatio-temporal distribution patterns of the invasive macroalga Sargassum muticum within a Danish Sargassum-bed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, M. S.; Wernberg, T.; Stæhr, P. A.


    Sargassum muticum was first observed in Scandinavia in Limfjorden (Denmark) in 1984, where it is now the most abundant and conspicuous macroalga. Despite the ecological importance of Sargassum, few studies have described seasonal patterns within Scandinavian Sargassum beds. We quantified the dyna...... and sediment stress limits Sargasum in shallow waters, and the presence of stable boulder substratum facilitate Sargassum. Competition for space from other macroalgae and herbivory are probably of minor importance.......Sargassum muticum was first observed in Scandinavia in Limfjorden (Denmark) in 1984, where it is now the most abundant and conspicuous macroalga. Despite the ecological importance of Sargassum, few studies have described seasonal patterns within Scandinavian Sargassum beds. We quantified...... the dynamics of macroalgae among years and seasons along a depth transect through a typical Sargassum bed in Limfjorden. The annual investigations (summer transects 1989-1999) showed a gradual increase in the dominance of Sargassum, especially at the 2-4-m depth interval. Significant seasonal dynamics...

  5. In situ monitoring of molecular changes during cell differentiation processes in marine macroalgae through mass spectrometric imaging. (United States)

    Kessler, Ralf W; Crecelius, Anna C; Schubert, Ulrich S; Wichard, Thomas


    Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometric imaging (MALDI-MSI) was employed to discriminate between cell differentiation processes in macroalgae. One of the key developmental processes in the algal life cycle is the production of germ cells (gametes and zoids). The gametogenesis of the marine green macroalga Ulva mutabilis (Chlorophyta) was monitored by metabolomic snapshots of the surface, when blade cells differentiate synchronously into gametangia and giving rise to gametes. To establish MSI for macroalgae, dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a known algal osmolyte, was determined. MSI of the surface of U. mutabilis followed by chemometric data analysis revealed dynamic metabolomic changes during cell differentiation. DMSP and a total of 55 specific molecular biomarkers, which could be assigned to important stages of the gametogenesis, were detected. Our research contributes to the understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying macroalgal cell differentiation. Graphical abstract Molecular changes during cell differentiation of the marine macroalga Ulva were visualized by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometric imaging (MALDI-MSI).

  6. Stable nitrogen isotopes in coastal macroalgae: Geographic and anthropogenic variability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viana, Inés G., E-mail:; Bode, Antonio


    Growing human population adds to the natural nitrogen loads to coastal waters. Both anthropogenic and natural nitrogen is readily incorporated in new biomass, and these different nitrogen sources may be traced by the measurement of the ratio of stable nitrogen isotopes (δ{sup 15}N). In this study δ{sup 15}N was determined in two species of macroalgae (Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus), and in nitrate and ammonium to determine the relative importance of anthropogenic versus natural sources of nitrogen along the coast of NW Spain. Both algal species and nitrogen sources showed similar isotopic enrichment for a given site, but algal δ{sup 15}N was not related to either inorganic nitrogen concentrations or δ{sup 15}N in the water samples. The latter suggests that inorganic nitrogen inputs are variable and do not always leave an isotopic trace in macroalgae. However, a significant linear decrease in macroalgal δ{sup 15}N along the coast is consistent with the differential effect of upwelling. Besides this geographic variability, the influence of anthropogenic nitrogen sources is evidenced by higher δ{sup 15}N in macroalgae from rias and estuaries compared to those from open coastal areas and in areas with more than 15 × 10{sup 3} inhabitants in the watershed. These results indicate that, in contrast with other studies, macroalgal δ{sup 15}N is not simply related to either inorganic nitrogen concentrations or human population size but depends on other factors as the upwelling or the efficiency of local waste treatment systems. - Highlights: ► Anthropogenic versus upwelling nitrogen effect on macroalgal δ{sup 15}N was studied. ► The influence of populations and upwelling has not been made before on macroalgal δ{sup 15}N. ► Natural variability has not been taken into account in most biomonitoring studies. ► Upwelling explains most of the variability in δ{sup 15}N in macroalgae.

  7. Tendências dos estudos com idosos mais velhos na comunidade: uma revisão sistemática (internacional

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    Idiane Rosset


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou identificar e analisar as tendências e tipos de estudos, publicados no país e no exterior, envolvendo idosos >80 anos residentes na comunidade. Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura nacional nas bases de dados LILACS e SciELO e internacional nas bases PUBMED e EMBASE, nas duas últimas décadas. Selecionaram-se 162 referências internacionais e 12 nacionais. Predominou a área das ciências biológicas, tanto no nível nacional (50% quanto internacional (74,1%. Todos os trabalhos nacionais foram observacionais, sendo 91,7% de estudos transversais. Dentre os internacionais, 93,3% foram observacionais. Destes, 48,1% de estudos transversais e 37,6% de estudos de corte. Os Estados Unidos foram responsáveis por 41,4% do total de publicações internacionais. O Brasil e a China foram os únicos países em desenvolvimento a apresentar produções internacionais. Apesar do significativo aumento no número de produções científicas internacionais a partir de 2005, o mesmo ainda não foi constatado em nível nacional.


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    Nelson Russo de Moraes


    Full Text Available RESUMO Na busca por caminhos para o seu desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade os seres humanos se organizaram em grupamentos de diversos níveis de complexidade, fazendo surgir comunidades (com estruturas mais simples e relacionadas à afetividade e sociedades (pautadas por mecanismos legais estruturados como leis e contratos. Neste campo, considerando a tradição e a cultura dos povos, foram se esculpindo as comunidades tradicionais. A delimitação conceitual de povos e comunidades tradicionais e a convergência entre este tema com a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável foi muito fortalecido no Brasil após a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988 e no seu desdobramento legislações que buscam regular as relações e os conflitos de interesse entre atores sociais diversos. Dentre os diversos temas e termos tratados nas últimas décadas, a aplicação do termo “território” na interlocução com comunidades tradicionais tem exigido bons debates teóricos e muitos estudos sobre a relação do homem com a natureza. Este artigo trata do diálogo teórico sobre este novo campo, com o intuito de ajudar na estruturação científica e prática da aplicação do termo “território”.          PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Comunidade Tradicional. Cultura. Território.     ABSTRACT In the search for ways for its development and sustainability humans have organized themselves into groups of different levels of complexity, giving rise communities (with simpler structures and related to affectivity and companies (guided by legal mechanisms structured as laws and contracts. In this field, considering the tradition and culture of the people, they were carving up the traditional communities. The conceptual delimitation of peoples and traditional communities and the convergence between this theme with the promotion of sustainable development was greatly strengthened in Brazil after the promulgation of the Constitution of 1988 and its offshoot

  9. Fatores de risco e medidas profiláticas nas pneumonias adquiridas na comunidade Risk factors and prophylaxis of community-acquired pneumonias

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    Full Text Available Este artigo revisa os efeitos do envelhecimento, tabagismo, DPOC, insuficiência cardíaca, colonização da orofaringe, aspiração (micro e macro, alcoolismo, cirrose hepática, deficiência nutricional, imunossupressão e fatores ambientais sobre o risco de adquirir pneumonia na comunidade e sua gravidade. Na segunda parte, é feita revisão sobre a ação profilática das vacinas antiinfluenza e antipneumococo, assim como a ação das drogas antivirais, na profilaxia e tratamento das pneumonias adquiridas na comunidade.This article reviews the effects of aging, tobacco-smoking, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, heart failure, oropharyngeal colonization, aspiration (micro and macro, alcoholism, hepatic cirrhosis, nutritional deficiency, immunosuppression, and environmental factors on the risk of community-acquired pneumonia and its severity. In the second part, the authors review the prophylactic action of anti-influenza and anti-pneumococcus vaccines as well as the role of prevention and treatment of antiviral agents in community-acquired pneumonia.

  10. The Effect of CO2 Injection on Macroalgae Gelidium latifolium Biomass Growth Rate and Carbohydrate Content

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    Mujizat Kawaroe


    Full Text Available There are many species of macroalga grow in marine ecosystem and potentially as raw material for bioethanol resource. Bioethanol is a conversion result of carbohydrate, one of macroalgae biomass content. The exploration of macroalgae require information about  growth rate ability to determine availability in the nature. This research analyze growth rate and carbohydrate content of marine macroalga Gelidium latifolium on cultivation using varied injection of carbon dioxide and aeration. The treatments were control (K, 2000 cc CO2 injection and aeration (P1, 3000 cc CO2 injection and aeration (P2, 2000 cc CO2 injection without aeration (P3, and 3000 cc CO2 injection without aeration (P4. Samples weight were 3 gram in early cultivation on laboratorium scale for 42 days observation. The results showed that the daily growth rate Gelidium latifolium during the study ranged from 0.02-1.06%. The highest daily growth rate was 1.06±0.14% (P2. Carbohydrate yield was 18.23% in early cultivation then 19.40% (K and P2, 20.40% (P1, 16.87% (K3, and 16.40% (P4 after cultivation. The high of carbohydrates value may not guarantee the sustainable Gelidium latifolium biomass utilization as raw material for bioethanol production because of the low growth rate, thus it is necessary to modified and encourage cultivation method effectively. Keywords: CO2 injection, growth rate, carbohydrate, macroalgae, Gelidium latifolium

  11. The Effect of Various Species of Macroalgae on the Growth, Survival, and Toxicity of Karenia brevis (United States)

    Gardner, K. G.; Lovko, V. J.; Henry, M. S.


    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis produce toxins that result in negative impacts to both humans and the environment. Little is known about the termination stages of these blooms, and few viable control mechanisms have been suggested. Natural, algae derived compounds have been proposed as a way to limit bloom growth and reduce brevetoxins in the water column. The work presented here examines the ability of macroalgae to inhibit the growth or survival of K. brevis, similar to what has been demonstrated with other red tide species. Additionally, we attempted to determine if macroalgae decreases water column brevetoxins which, to our knowledge, has not been tested with macroalgae but has been demonstrated in other studies with microalgal species. The macroalgae species Dictyota sp. and Gracilaria sp. caused 100% mortality of K. brevis in under 24 hours. Compared to the control, 7 other species significantly decreased the growth rate of K. brevis. The Dictyota treatments showed significant toxin reduction and increase of the antitoxin brevanol. These results indicate that some combination of compounds produced by macroalgae inhibit growth and survival of K. brevis and possibly limit their toxin production. Future studies will attempt to isolate and identify these compounds and test their effects on other marine organisms such as diatoms. Determining the interactions between HAB species K. brevis and macroalgal species will provide insights on the mechanism of bloom termination and a potential control method.

  12. Macroalgae blooms and δ15N in subtropical coastal lagoons from the Southeastern Gulf of California: Discrimination among agricultural, shrimp farm and sewage effluents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinon-Gimate, Alejandra; Soto-Jimenez, Martin F.; Ochoa-Izaguirre, Maria Julia; Garcia-Pages, Eynar; Paez-Osuna, Federico


    Macroalgae blooms of Gracilaria vermiculophylla, Hypnea spinella and Spyridia filamentosa have been found in coastal lagoons in the SE Gulf of California. Agriculture, livestock, shrimp and poultry farms and sewage contribute anthropogenic nitrogen to the systems. The δ 15 N of these sources, water column and macroalgae were studied in order to identify the N supply for macroalgae blooms. δ 15 N of three species of macroalgae (4.3-13.6 per mille ) were enriched compared to the water column (δ 15 N-NO 3 - 3.7-6.8 per mille ), probably because of fractioning from the macroalgae. δ 15 N of POM (1.4-10.3 per mille ) was similar to the water column but the relationship was unclear. Depending on the site, macroalgae showed different δ 15 N values since some sites receive more or less influence from one given source of the associated watershed, which is reflected in the different δ 15 N values of the macroalgae of the same system and in the relative contributions of the sources.

  13. Demineralization of Sargassum spp. Macroalgae Biomass: Selective Hydrothermal Liquefaction Process for Bio-Oil Production


    Díaz-Vázquez, Liz M.; Rojas-Pérez, Arnulfo; Fuentes-Caraballo, Mariela; Robles, Isis V.; Jena, Umakanta; Das, K. C.


    Algae biomasses are considered a viable option for the production of biofuel because of their high yields of oil produced per dry weight. Brown macroalgae Sargassum spp. are one of the most abundant species of algae in the shores of Puerto Rico. Its availability in large quantity presents a great opportunity for use as a source of renewable energy. However, high ash content of macroalgae affects the conversion processes and the quality of resulting fuel products. This research studied the eff...

  14. La transición de una comunidad agrícola a turística: Ixtapan de la Sal, México.

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    Graciela Cruz Jiménez


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE Ao longo deste trabalho abordamos três formas sob as quais tem vindo a desenvolver o turismo no Estado do México, dois deles promovidos pela política de turismo a nível federal e estadual, portanto, são levantadas as políticas "de cima" e "de fora e o terceiro surgiu nas comunidades rurais próprios. a primeira abordagem é orientada por modelos macroeconômicos e critérios destinados a criar condições para incentivar o investimento privado. a segunda é para a política de desenvolvimento social que tem sido como principal confia o desenvolvimento do turismo cultural como uma estratégia econômica. E o terceiro refere-se a uma forma de turismo que vem das próprias comunidades de economia do trabalho.

  15. Methane production from marine macroalgae. A literature study with comments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Josefsen, K.; Aasen, I.M.


    This report is a survey of the published literature on fermentation of marine macroalgae to produce methane. The emphasis is placed on modern fermentation process development, including both bio-technological and economic parameters. Marine macroalgae are mostly good feedstock for methane fermentation. The main carbohydrates in seaweeds are alginate, laminaria and mannitol. Both the N and P content of kelp are usually high enough to avoid nutrient limitation. The biogass produced from marine macroalgae usually contains 50 - 65% methane. Experimentally methane yields in the order of 0.35 - 0.43 m{sup 3}/kg volatile solids (VS) have been obtained from Macrocystis pyrifera and 0.20 - 0.30 m{sup 3}/kg VS for Laminaria sp. at long retention times (50-60 days) in completely mixed reactors. The maximum reported production rate in a completely mixed reactor is 2.7 vol CH{sub 4}/reactor volume x day for M. pyrifera. In reactor configurations giving longer solids retention times (SRT) than liquid retention times (LRT), the highest reported productivity was 3.3 vol/vol x day, with loading rate 9.6 kg VS/m{sup 3} x day, HRT 10 days and SRT 23 days. There are discussions of special problems related to fermentation of marine algae, in particular the sulphur content, the toxicity of H{sub 2}S and the precipitation of heavy metals as sulphides. 72 refs., 5 figs., 13 tabs.

  16. Utilização de ostra e macroalga como biofiltro para efluentes de cultivo de camarão marinho


    Iru Menezes Guimarães


    A eficiência de um sistema de tratamento integrado para melhorar a qualidade da água de viveiros de camarão foi avaliada utilizando-se processos sedimentação, filtração por ostras e absorção por macroalgas, assim como também foram avaliadas diferentes densidades de ostra e macroalga no tratamento de efluentes de sistemas autotrófico e heterotrófico de cultivo de camarão. Espécie nativa de ostra (Crassostrea rhizophorae) e macroalga (Gracilaria sp.) foram selecionadas devido a disponibil...

  17. Anti-Phytopathogenic Activities of Macro-Algae Extracts

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    Ingrid Ramírez


    Full Text Available Aqueous and ethanolic extracts obtained from nine Chilean marine macro-algae collected at different seasons were examined in vitro and in vivo for properties that reduce the growth of plant pathogens or decrease the injury severity of plant foliar tissues following pathogen infection. Particular crude aqueous or organic extracts showed effects on the growth of pathogenic bacteria whereas others displayed important effects against pathogenic fungi or viruses, either by inhibiting fungal mycelia growth or by reducing the disease symptoms in leaves caused by pathogen challenge. Organic extracts obtained from the brown-alga Lessonia trabeculata inhibited bacterial growth and reduced both the number and size of the necrotic lesion in tomato leaves following infection with Botrytis cinerea. Aqueous and ethanolic extracts from the red-alga Gracillaria chilensis prevent the growth of Phytophthora cinnamomi, showing a response which depends on doses and collecting-time. Similarly, aqueous and ethanolic extracts from the brown-alga Durvillaea antarctica were able to diminish the damage caused by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV in tobacco leaves, and the aqueous procedure is, in addition, more effective and seasonally independent. These results suggest that macro-algae contain compounds with different chemical properties which could be considered for controlling specific plant pathogens.

  18. Macroalgae-Derived Biofuel: A Review of Methods of Energy Extraction from Seaweed Biomass

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    John J. Milledge


    Full Text Available The potential of algal biomass as a source of liquid and gaseous biofuels is a highly topical theme, but as yet there is no successful economically viable commercial system producing biofuel. However, the majority of the research has focused on producing fuels from microalgae rather than from macroalgae. This article briefly reviews the methods by which useful energy may be extracted from macroalgae biomass including: direct combustion, pyrolysis, gasification, trans-esterification to biodiesel, hydrothermal liquefaction, fermentation to bioethanol, fermentation to biobutanol and anaerobic digestion, and explores technical and engineering difficulties that remain to be resolved.

  19. Pneumonia adquirida na comunidade numa criança saudável por Acinetobacter

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    G. Moreira Silva


    Full Text Available Resumo: O género Acinetobacter tem sido implicado numa grande variedade de doenças infecciosas, em particular, nas infecções associadas aos cuidados de saúde. Actualmente há evidência a enfatizar o papel deste microrganismo nas infecções adquiridas na comunidade.É relatado o caso de uma criança previamente saudável, de 28 meses de idade, internada por febre associada a tosse e dor localizada no hemitórax esquerdo e cuja radiografia torácica revelou pneumonia necrotisante do lobo inferior. A investigação diagnóstica efetuada permitiu o diagnóstico de Pneumonia adquirida na comunidade a Acinetobacter lwoffii.A criança partilhava frequentemente o seu equipamento respiratório com familiares idosos com doença pulmonar crónica obstrutiva. Dado não terem sido apurados outros factores de risco, considera-se que a partilha do equipamento poderá ter sido o foco infeccioso.Os autores pretendem alertar para a possibilidade de Pneumonia adquirida na comunidade por Acinetobacter lwoffii, numa criança previamente saudável, relacionada com o mau uso e limpeza dos nebulizadores. Este caso realça o papel emergente desta bactéria, mesmo no contexto comunitário. Abstract: Acinetobacter is involved in a variety of infectious diseases primarily associated with healthcare. Recently there has been increasing evidence of the important role these pathogens play in community acquired infections.We report on the case of a previously healthy child, aged 28 months, admitted for fever, cough and pain on the left side of the chest, which on radiographic examination corresponded to a lower lobe necrotizing pneumonia. After detailed diagnostic work–up, community acquired Acinetobacter lwoffii pneumonia was diagnosed.The child had frequently shared respiratory equipment with elderly relatives with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. As there were no other apparent risk factors, it could

  20. Effects of Ocean Acidification and Temperature Increases on the Photosynthesis of Tropical Reef Calcified Macroalgae. (United States)

    Scherner, Fernando; Pereira, Cristiano Macedo; Duarte, Gustavo; Horta, Paulo Antunes; E Castro, Clovis Barreira; Barufi, José Bonomi; Pereira, Sonia Maria Barreto


    Climate change is a global phenomenon that is considered an important threat to marine ecosystems. Ocean acidification and increased seawater temperatures are among the consequences of this phenomenon. The comprehension of the effects of these alterations on marine organisms, in particular on calcified macroalgae, is still modest despite its great importance. There are evidences that macroalgae inhabiting highly variable environments are relatively resilient to such changes. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate experimentally the effects of CO2-driven ocean acidification and temperature rises on the photosynthesis of calcified macroalgae inhabiting the intertidal region, a highly variable environment. The experiments were performed in a reef mesocosm in a tropical region on the Brazilian coast, using three species of frondose calcifying macroalgae (Halimeda cuneata, Padina gymnospora, and Tricleocarpa cylindrica) and crustose coralline algae. The acidification experiment consisted of three treatments with pH levels below those occurring in the region (-0.3, -0.6, -0.9). For the temperature experiment, three temperature levels above those occurring naturally in the region (+1, +2, +4°C) were determined. The results of the acidification experiment indicate an increase on the optimum quantum yield by T. cylindrica and a decline of this parameter by coralline algae, although both only occurred at the extreme acidification treatment (-0.9). The energy dissipation mechanisms of these algae were also altered at this extreme condition. Significant effects of the temperature experiment were limited to an enhancement of the photosynthetic performance by H. cuneata although only at a modest temperature increase (+1°C). In general, the results indicate a possible photosynthetic adaptation and/or acclimation of the studied macroalgae to the expected future ocean acidification and temperature rises, as separate factors. Such relative resilience may be a result of the

  1. Investigation of mangrove macroalgae as biomonitors of estuarine metal contamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Melville, Felicity [Department of Environmental Sciences/Institute of Water and Environmental Resource Management, University of Technology, Sydney, PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007 (Australia)], E-mail:; Pulkownik, Alex [Department of Environmental Sciences/Institute of Water and Environmental Resource Management, University of Technology, Sydney, PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007 (Australia)


    This study examined the potential use of macroalgae epiphytic on mangrove aerial roots as biomonitors of estuarine contamination. The metal concentrations of macroalgae were investigated in four estuaries in the vicinity of Sydney, Australia, and compared to water and sediment metal concentrations over three seasonal surveys. Macroalgal metal concentrations (copper, zinc, cadmium, chromium, lead, nickel, manganese and iron) appeared to be more associated with sediment metal concentrations than water concentrations, suggesting they may be useful biomonitors of estuarine sediment contamination. Algae in the more contaminated estuaries generally contained higher metal concentrations. However, concentrations of iron, nickel and manganese appeared to be similar in the algae despite the varying sediment concentrations, while accumulation of copper, zinc, lead and chromium appeared to be associated with ambient environmental concentrations. The uptake of metals also varied among the different species, suggesting that algal parameters, such as morphology, may also influence metal uptake and accumulation.

  2. Efficient ethanol production from brown macroalgae sugars by a synthetic yeast platform. (United States)

    Enquist-Newman, Maria; Faust, Ann Marie E; Bravo, Daniel D; Santos, Christine Nicole S; Raisner, Ryan M; Hanel, Arthur; Sarvabhowman, Preethi; Le, Chi; Regitsky, Drew D; Cooper, Susan R; Peereboom, Lars; Clark, Alana; Martinez, Yessica; Goldsmith, Joshua; Cho, Min Y; Donohoue, Paul D; Luo, Lily; Lamberson, Brigit; Tamrakar, Pramila; Kim, Edward J; Villari, Jeffrey L; Gill, Avinash; Tripathi, Shital A; Karamchedu, Padma; Paredes, Carlos J; Rajgarhia, Vineet; Kotlar, Hans Kristian; Bailey, Richard B; Miller, Dennis J; Ohler, Nicholas L; Swimmer, Candace; Yoshikuni, Yasuo


    The increasing demands placed on natural resources for fuel and food production require that we explore the use of efficient, sustainable feedstocks such as brown macroalgae. The full potential of brown macroalgae as feedstocks for commercial-scale fuel ethanol production, however, requires extensive re-engineering of the alginate and mannitol catabolic pathways in the standard industrial microbe Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we present the discovery of an alginate monomer (4-deoxy-L-erythro-5-hexoseulose uronate, or DEHU) transporter from the alginolytic eukaryote Asteromyces cruciatus. The genomic integration and overexpression of the gene encoding this transporter, together with the necessary bacterial alginate and deregulated native mannitol catabolism genes, conferred the ability of an S. cerevisiae strain to efficiently metabolize DEHU and mannitol. When this platform was further adapted to grow on mannitol and DEHU under anaerobic conditions, it was capable of ethanol fermentation from mannitol and DEHU, achieving titres of 4.6% (v/v) (36.2 g l(-1)) and yields up to 83% of the maximum theoretical yield from consumed sugars. These results show that all major sugars in brown macroalgae can be used as feedstocks for biofuels and value-added renewable chemicals in a manner that is comparable to traditional arable-land-based feedstocks.

  3. Design and economic analysis of a macroalgae-to-butanol process via a thermochemical route

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okoli, Chinedu O.; Adams, Thomas A.; Brigljević, Boris; Liu, Jay J.


    Highlights: • Novel macroalgae-to-butanol plants are designed and assessed for U.S. and S. Korea. • The lowest MBSP of 1.97 $/L was obtained for the S. Korean natural gas import plant. • S. Korean plant with no fossil utilities had lowest CO_2 avoided cost of 620 $/tCO_2e. • Macroalgae-to-butanol plants CO_2 avoided costs are competitive with other biofuels. • CO_2 avoided costs of assessed plants are most sensitive to changes in gasoline price. - Abstract: In this work, a first of its kind assessment of butanol production from macroalgae through a thermochemical route is carried out. Different process configurations were designed and simulated in Aspen Plus to quantify their mass and energy balances. Furthermore, economic and environmental metrics such as the minimum butanol selling price (MBSP), and cost of CO_2 equivalent emissions (CO_2e) avoided were used to assess the potential of the different configurations under different market scenarios, with comparisons carried out amongst the configurations as well as against standard literature references of similar processes. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was used to assess the impact that changes in key parameters have on the considered metrics. The results show that configurations which import natural gas and electricity as utility sources alongside the macroalgae feedstock offer the lowest MBSP, however they do poorly when cost of CO_2e avoided is considered. On the other hand, the configurations which utilize only macroalgae offer the best potential for cost of CO_2e avoided but have the poorest values for MBSP. In addition, the cost of CO_2e avoided obtained for the best configurations are in line with literature references. However, the MBSP values are higher than literature references for butanol derived from cellulosic feedstock primarily due to the high ash content in seaweed. The sensitivity analyses results show that changes in gasoline prices have a very significant effect on the plant

  4. Proximate - Production of Macroalgae for Human Consumption in the Pacific Northwest (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This proposal will focus on the production of fresh macroalgae in a land-based system. This type of production system avoids the regulatory and permitting issues...

  5. Growth - Production of Macroalgae for Human Consumption in the Pacific Northwest (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This proposal will focus on the production of fresh macroalgae in a land-based system. This type of production system avoids the regulatory and permitting issues...

  6. Stable nitrogen isotopes in coastal macroalgae: geographic and anthropogenic variability. (United States)

    Viana, Inés G; Bode, Antonio


    Growing human population adds to the natural nitrogen loads to coastal waters. Both anthropogenic and natural nitrogen is readily incorporated in new biomass, and these different nitrogen sources may be traced by the measurement of the ratio of stable nitrogen isotopes (δ(15)N). In this study δ(15)N was determined in two species of macroalgae (Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus), and in nitrate and ammonium to determine the relative importance of anthropogenic versus natural sources of nitrogen along the coast of NW Spain. Both algal species and nitrogen sources showed similar isotopic enrichment for a given site, but algal δ(15)N was not related to either inorganic nitrogen concentrations or δ(15)N in the water samples. The latter suggests that inorganic nitrogen inputs are variable and do not always leave an isotopic trace in macroalgae. However, a significant linear decrease in macroalgal δ(15)N along the coast is consistent with the differential effect of upwelling. Besides this geographic variability, the influence of anthropogenic nitrogen sources is evidenced by higher δ(15)N in macroalgae from rias and estuaries compared to those from open coastal areas and in areas with more than 15×10(3) inhabitants in the watershed. These results indicate that, in contrast with other studies, macroalgal δ(15)N is not simply related to either inorganic nitrogen concentrations or human population size but depends on other factors as the upwelling or the efficiency of local waste treatment systems. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. An evaluation of the toxicity and bioaccumulation of bismuth in the coastal environment using three species of macroalga

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kearns, James; Turner, Andrew


    Bismuth is a heavy metal whose biogeochemical behaviour in the marine environment is poorly defined. In this study, we exposed three different species of macroalga (the chlorophyte, Ulva lactuca, the phaeophyte, Fucus vesiculosus, and the rhodophyte, Chondrus crispus) to different concentrations of Bi (up to 50 μg L −1 ) under controlled, laboratory conditions. After a period of 48-h, the phytotoxicity of Bi was measured in terms of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching, and adsorption and internalisation of Bi determined by ICP after EDTA extraction and acid digestion, respectively. For all algae, both the internalisation and total accumulation of Bi were proportional to the concentration of aqueous metal. Total accumulation followed the order: F. vesiculosus > C. crispus > U. lactuca; with respective accumulation factors of about 4200, 1700 and 600 L kg −1 . Greatest internalisation (about 33% of total accumulated Bi) was exhibited by C. crispus, the only macroalga to display a phytotoxic response in the exposures. A comparison of the present results with those reported in the literature suggests that Bi accumulation by macroalgae is significantly lower than its accumulation by marine plankton (volume concentration factors of 10 5 to 10 7 ), and that the phytotoxicity of Bi is low relative to other heavy metals like Ag and Tl. - Highlights: • Very little is understood about the biogeochemistry of bismuth. • We exposed three species of coastal macroalga to variable concentrations of Bi. • Greatest accumulation was exhibited by Fucus vesiculosus. • Greatest internalisation was exhibited by Chondus crispus. • C. crispus was the only macroalga to display a toxic response. - Bismuth is accumulated by three species of marine macroalga but exhibits only moderate toxicity to the rhodophyte, Chondrus crispus.

  8. Comunidades Ribeirinhas Amazônicas

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    Luiz Cláudio Moreira Melo Júnior


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a dinâmica recente (2008/2014 do uso de recursos naturais pelas comunidades ribeirinhas localizadas em um vasto território da fronteira aberta ao longo do rio Arapiuns, no oeste do estado do Pará. A pesquisa foi feita por meio da aplicação de questionários semiestruturados com a população dessas localidades. Mapas de uso coletivo dos recursos naturais foram construídos para cada comunidade estudada, a partir dos múltiplos usos sociais dos recursos naturais. Como principais resultados, o estudo evidenciou que as dinâmicas socioambientais e territoriais das comunidades ribeirinhas foram fortemente alteradas desde o início das atividades de concessão florestal na região.

  9. Allelopathic interactions between the opportunistic species Ulva prolifera and the native macroalga Gracilaria lichvoides.

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    Dong Xu

    Full Text Available Allelopathy, one type of direct plant competition, can be a potent mechanism through which plant communities are structured. The aim of this study was to determine whether allelopathic interactions occur between the opportunistic green tide-forming species Ulva prolifera and the native macroalga Gracilaria lichvoides, both of which were collected from the coastline of East China sea. In laboratory experiments, the presence of G. lichvoides at 1.25 g wet weight L(-1 significantly inhibited growth and photosynthesis of U. prolifera at concentrations of 1.25, 2.50, and 3.75 g wet weight L(-1 (p0.05. Culture medium experiments further confirmed that some allelochemicals may be released by both of the tested macroalgae, and these could account for the observed physiological inhibition of growth and photosynthesis. Moreover, the native macroalgae G. lichvoides was a stronger competitor than the opportunistic species U. prolifera. Collectively, the results of the present study represent a significant advance in exploring ecological questions about the effects of green tide blooms on the macroalgal community.

  10. Mujeres Creando Comunidad: Feminización de la comunidad

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    Raquel Alfaro


    Full Text Available This work is a critical examination of the very foundations that gave rise to the thought-provoking alternative community proposed by Mujeres Creando Comunidad. I show that the special feature of this project is the fact that it arises from within a feminist social movement that is predominatly indigenous.  This allows the movement to take the Andean ethical principle of human coexistance (the “being-as-one-with-the-Other” to its limits, to successfully transcend patriarchal paradigms underlying both indigenous and Western societies, and to postulate a possible space of coexistance where relations between men and women are symmetrical.  I emphasize the fact that it is the connection of this project to ancestral anti-patriarchal wars that prevents it (as distinct from other feminist currents, from becoming a futile inversion of energies in its efforts to create of a balance between the male and the female poles. This is because at no time does Mujeres Creando Comunidad lose sight that gender asymmetries respond to a structural and systemic problem. En este trabajo analizo críticamente las bases de articulación de la sugerente comunidad alternativa propuesta por Mujeres Creando Comunidad. Muestro que la particularidad de este proyecto reside en el hecho de surgir desde un movimiento social feminista predominantemente indígena. Esto le permite llevar al límite un principio ético andino de coexistencia (el-estar-en-común-con-el-Otro, trascender con éxito marcos patriarcales subyacentes tanto a sociedades indígenas como occidentales, y postular un espacio posible de convivencia donde las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres sean simétricas.  Destaco el hecho de que la filiación de este proyecto a guerras anti-patriarcales ancestrales impide que, a diferencia de otras corrientes feministas, resulte una inversión (o desgaste de energía en la creación de un balance (muchas veces aparente entre los polos masculino y femenino, pues no

  11. Sobre a diversidade de sentidos de comunidade

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    Silva, Rosalina Carvalho da


    Full Text Available Nosso objetivo neste trabalho foi realizar algumas reflexões sobre as implicações da expansão do uso do termo comunidade e sua diversidade de sentidos. Pretendemos discutir os usos indiscriminados do termo nem sempre acompanhados da devida reflexão e crítica. A partir das perspectivas da sociologia, saúde e psicologia social identificamos que o termo ainda permanece arraigado aos ideais de comunidades naturais próprios aos períodos do feudalismo e do pós-revolução industrial. Esta concepção pode camuflar formas impositivas de trabalho em muitos dos quais o termo comunidade é empregado praticamente como sinônimo de população-alvo e participação comunitária é vista meramente como freqüência às atividades propostas por profissionais que determinam quem são as comunidades. Comprometem-se assim, as práticas emancipatórias. Para repensarmos comunidades, hoje, consideramos necessário relevar os aspectos processuais relacionais, dialógicos e identitários em constantes mudanças. Assim, a condição de comunidade extrapola a delimitação geográfica para as possibilidades de pertencimento e participação através dos espaços simbolicamente delimitados

  12. Mollusc diversity associated with the non-indigenous macroalga Asparagopsis armata Harvey, 1855 along the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. (United States)

    Rubal, Marcos; Costa-Garcia, Ricardo; Besteiro, Celia; Sousa-Pinto, Isabel; Veiga, Puri


    The aims of this study were to explore mollusc assemblages associated with the non-indigenous macroalga Asparagopsis armata, to compare them with those on other macroalgae at the study region and to explore potential differences on mollusc assemblages between two regions in the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, where A. armata is present. To achieve this, at each region, four intertidal shores were sampled. Twenty-nine mollusc species were reported and thus, A. armata harboured similar or higher diversity than other annual macroalgae in this area. When compared with perennial macroalgae, results depend on the species and studied area. Moreover, significant differences in structure of mollusc assemblages between the two studied regions were found. However, these were due to differences in the relative abundance of species rather than the presence of exclusive species at each region. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. The effects of s-triazines on selected marine macroalgae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lewey, S.A.; Nummela, E.C.


    Although s-triazines have been used as herbicides for many years, their use and that of other herbicides and fungicides, in antifouling compounds is only fairly recent. The Hamble estuary, Hampshire UK has been identified as one such site. Investigations were conducted into the effects of s-triazines on selected marine macroalgae, local to that area

  14. Estudo das comunidades de marcas em sites de redes sociais sobre os níveis de autoconexão, lealdade e qualidade


    Borges Junior, Olegário


    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Paulo de Paula Baptista Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. Defesa: Curitiba,15/04/2011 Bibliografia: fls. 130-139 Área de concentração: Estratégia e Organizações Resumo: A presente pesquisa estuda a relação entre lealdade, autoconexão e qualidade percebida das marcas Apple, Nike e Nokia nas comunidades de marca localizadas nos sites de redes sociais Faceboo...

  15. Macroalgae for CO2 Capture and Renewable Energy - A Pilot Project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wiley, Kristine [Gas Technology Inst., Des Plaines, IL (United States)


    The objective of this project was to demonstrate, at a pilot scale, the beneficial use of carbon dioxide (CO2) through a technology designed to capture CO2 from fossil-fuel fired power plant stack gas, generating macroalgae and converting the macroalgae at high efficiency to renewable methane that can be utilized in the power plant or introduced into a natural gas pipeline. The proposed pilot plant would demonstrate the cost-effectiveness and CO2/ NOx flue-gas removal efficiency of an innovative algal scrubber technology where seaweeds are grown out of water on specially-designed supporting structures contained within greenhouses where the plants are constantly bathed by recycled nutrient sprays enriched by flue gas constituents. The work described in this document addresses Phase 1 of the project only. The scope of work for Phase 1 includes the completion of a preliminary design package; the collection of additional experimental data to support the preliminary and detailed design for a pilot scale utilization of CO2 to cultivate macroalage and to process that algae to produce methane; and a technological and economic analysis to evaluate the potential of the system. Selection criteria for macroalgae that could survive the elevated temperatures and potential periodic desiccation of near desert project sites were identified. Samples of the selected macroalgae species were obtained and then subjected to anaerobic digestion to determine conversions and potential methane yields. A Process Design Package (PDP) was assembled that included process design, process flow diagram, material balance, instrumentation, and equipment list, sizes, and cost for the Phase 2 pilot plant. Preliminary economic assessments were performed under the various assumptions made, which are purposely conservative. Based on the results, additional development work should be conducted to delineate the areas for improving efficiency, reducing

  16. Allelochemicals Produced by Brown Macroalgae of the Lobophora Genus Are Active against Coral Larvae and Associated Bacteria, Supporting Pathogenic Shifts to Vibrio Dominance. (United States)

    Morrow, Kathleen M; Bromhall, Katrina; Motti, Cherie A; Munn, Colin B; Bourne, David G


    Pervasive environmental stressors on coral reefs are attributed with shifting the competitive balance in favor of alternative dominants, such as macroalgae. Previous studies have demonstrated that macroalgae compete with corals via a number of mechanisms, including the production of potent primary and secondary metabolites that can influence coral-associated microbial communities. The present study investigates the effects of the Pacific brown macroalga Lobophora sp. (due to the shifting nature of the Lobophora species complex, it will be referred to here as Lobophora sp.) on coral bacterial isolates, coral larvae, and the microbiome associated with the coral Porites cylindrica. Crude aqueous and organic macroalgal extracts were found to inhibit the growth of coral-associated bacteria. Extracts and fractions were also shown to inhibit coral larval settlement and cause mortality at concentrations lower (pathogenic. Macroalgae (e.g., seaweeds) can physically and chemically interact with corals, causing abrasion, bleaching, and overall stress. This study contributes to a growing body of evidence suggesting that macroalgae play a critical role in shifting the coral holobiont equilibrium, which may promote the invasion of opportunistic pathogens and cause coral mortality, facilitating additional macroalgal growth and invasion in the reef. Thus, macroalgae not only contribute to a decline in coral fitness but also influence coral reef ecosystem structure. © Crown copyright 2016.

  17. Confluência do Capital Social, Empoderamento e Governança Ambiental na Sadia Qualidade de Vida em Comunidades Rurais no Ceará

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    Magda Cristina de Sousa

    Full Text Available Resumo: A compreensão da forma como capital social, empoderamento e governança ambiental se relacionam em escala local pode fortalecer o papel do poder público e de instituições privadas na implementação de estratégias de promoção da qualidade de vida. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar a confluência do capital social, empoderamento e governança ambiental para a sadia qualidade de vida, em comunidades rurais, no Ceará. Para tanto, foram utilizados dados primários obtidos junto a representantes das comunidades. A operacionalização dos conceitos analisados foi realizada por meio da construção de índices agregados. Como principal método de análise foi estimado um modelo de equações estruturais. Os resultados mais relevantes mostraram que o capital social e o empoderamento se relacionam entre si na promoção da sadia qualidade de vida nas comunidades estudadas, enquanto a governança ambiental não consegue promover mudanças nesse sentido. Ficou evidente a importância da participação da comunidade no desenvolvimento/envolvimento melhorando, assim, o acesso a direitos sociais com a participação responsável e solidária para alcançar a sadia qualidade de vida, em um meio ambiente com equilíbrio ecológico, às presentes e futuras gerações.

  18. Anthropogenic nitrogen input traced by means of δ 15N values in macroalgae: Results from in-situ incubation experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deutsch, Barbara; Voss, Maren


    The macroalgae species Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyta), Polysiphonia sp., and Ceramium rubrum (Rhodophyta) originally grown at an unpolluted brackish site of the southern Baltic Sea were incubated for 10 and 14 days at 12 stations along a salinity gradient in a highly polluted estuary. We have expected an adaptation of the initially low δ 15 N values to the higher ones within the incubation period. In addition to the macroalgae the δ 15 N values of NO 3 - were measured to evaluate fractionation processes of the source nitrate. Inside the estuary, δ 15 N-NO 3 - values were 6.2-9.7 per mille , indicating anthropogenic nitrogen sources. The red macroalgae adequately reflected the nitrate isotope values in the surrounding waters, whereas for F. vesiculosus the results were not that clear. The reasons were assumed to be higher initial δ 15 N values of F. vesiculosus and presumably a too slow nitrogen uptake and growth rate. The method of macroalgae incubations seems suitable as a simple monitoring to study the influence of anthropogenic nitrogen loading in an estuarine environment

  19. The effect of nutrient enrichment on the growth, nucleic acid concentrations, and elemental stoichiometry of coral reef macroalgae. (United States)

    Reef, Ruth; Pandolfi, John M; Lovelock, Catherine E


    The growth rate hypothesis (GRH) links growth rates with organism elemental stoichiometry. Support for the GRH was found for many animal species, but less so for plants. This is the first study to test the GRH in macroalgae. Tropical coral reef macroalgae from three lineages, Caulerpa serrulata (Chlorophyta), Laurencia intricata (Rhodophyta), and Sargassum polyphyllum (Phaeophyceae) were grown enriched with nitrogen or phosphorous and under control conditions at Heron Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Growth rate, photosynthesis, nucleic acid composition, and elemental stoichiometry were measured. Nutrient enrichment had positive effects on photosynthetic rates and on investment in RNA. However, growth rate was not correlated with either photosynthetic rates or RNA content; thus, we did not find support for the GRH in tropical macroalgae. Macroalgae, especially L. intricata, accumulated P to very high levels (>0.6% of dry weight). The growth rate response to tissue P concentrations was unimodal. Above 0.21%, P accumulation had negative effects on growth. Nitrogen was not stored, but evidence of futile cycling was observed. The capacity to store large amounts of P is probably an adaptation to the low and patchy nutrient environment of the tropical oceans.

  20. Effects of three macroalgae, Ulva linza (Chlorophyta), Corallina pilulifera (Rhodophyta) and Sargassum thunbergii (Phaeophyta) on the growth of the red tide microalga Prorocentrum donghaiense under laboratory conditions (United States)

    Wang, Renjun; Xiao, Hui; Wang, You; Zhou, Wenli; Tang, Xuexi


    Allelopathic effects of several concentrations of fresh tissue and dry powder of three macroalgae, Ulva linza, Corallina pilulifera and Sargassum thunbergii, on the red tide microalga Prorocentrum donghaiense were evaluated in microcosms. Preliminary studies on the algicidal effects of one aqueous and four organic solvent extracts from the macroalgae on the microalga were carried out to confirm the existence of allelochemicals in the tissues of the macroalgae. The effects of macroalgal culture medium filtrate on P. donghaiense were investigated using initial or semi-continuous filtrate addition. Furthermore, the potential effects of the microalga on these three macroalgae were also tested. The results of the microcosm assay showed that the growth of P. donghaiense was strongly inhibited by using fresh tissues and dry powder of the three macroalgae. Both aqueous and methanol extracts of the macroalgae had strong growth inhibitory effects on P. donghaiense, while the other three organic solvent extracts (acetone, ether and chloroform) had no apparent effect on its growth; this suggested that the allelochemicals from these three macroalga had relatively high polarities. The three macroalgal culture medium filtrates exhibited apparent growth inhibitory effect on the microalgae under initial or semi-continuous addition, which suggested that the cells of P. donghaiense are sensitive to the allelochemicals. In contrast, P. donghaiense had no apparent effect on the growth of the macroalgae in coexistence experiment.

  1. PET-Saúde: uma experiência prática de integração ensino-serviço-comunidade

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    Vinicius Santos Ferreira

    Full Text Available Este trabalho relata a experiência de integração ensino-serviço-comunidade vivenciada por membros de equipes de Saúde da Família e graduandos de Medicina e Enfermagem participantes do PET-Saúde da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. A referida integração contextualizou-se com o desenvolvimento do projeto "Unidos contra a dengue", mobilização conjunta da instituição de ensino com o serviço de saúde e a comunidade no combate à dengue no bairro Nossa Senhora da Vitória, Ilhéus-Bahia. O foco das ações desse projeto foram as atividades de educação em saúde, nas quais se empregou preferencialmente metodologias ativas de ensino e aprendizagem. A mobilização contou com a participação expressiva da população das mais diversas faixas etárias. O sucesso do projeto ressalta a importância da implantação de programas como o PET-Saúde, que fortalecem a interação entre ensino-serviço-comunidade - importante para construção de serviços de saúde mais qualificados, capazes de inter-relacionar promoção, prevenção e assistência à saúde, possibilitando ações nessa área mais próximas das reais necessidades do SUS. Com esta experiência, espera-se ter contribuído para a formação de graduandos em saúde e qualificação em serviço de profissionais dessa área mais dispostos a trabalhar de forma integrada e integradora com a comunidade.

  2. Diatom Control - Production of Macroalgae for Human Consumption in the Pacific Northwest (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This proposal will focus on the production of fresh macroalgae in a land-based system. This type of production system avoids the regulatory and permitting issues...

  3. Influência da internet na comunidade acadêmico-científica da área de saúde pública


    Cuenca,Angela Maria Belloni; Tanaka,Ana Cristina d'Andretta


    OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência da internet nas atividades acadêmico-científicas da comunidade brasileira que atua na área de saúde pública. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, centrado na opinião de 237 docentes vinculados aos programas de pós-graduação em saúde pública, nos níveis mestrado e doutorado, no Brasil, em 2001. Para a obtenção dos dados, optou-se por questionário auto-aplicado via web e correio postal. A análise estatística foi feita por meio de proporções, médias e desvios-padrão. RESU...

  4. Macroalgas e seus usos – alternativas para as indústrias brasileiras

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    Bárbara Monique de Freitas Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available As macroalgas marinhas são divididas em três grandes grupos: algas verdes, pardas e vermelhas. Elas vêm sendo utilizadas há milênios pelos povos orientais como parte importante de sua dieta alimentar. Os teores de nutrientes diferem de acordo com o grupo aos qual pertencem, no entanto, suas características nutricionais justificam o incremento desses vegetais na alimentação humana. O alto teor proteico, o elevado conteúdo de fibras e ainda o grande número de minerais são extremamente importantes para suplementação das necessidades nutricionais humanas. No entanto, além de seu uso como alimento, as algas têm sido utilizadas como suplemento de rações para diversos animais, adubos sólidos ou líquidos, no desenvolvimento de diversos cosméticos, como xampus, hidratantes, cremes anti-idade e fontes de produtos químicos diversos, dentre os quais se destacam certas mucilagens conhecidas como ficocolóides, ou colóides de algas. Estas últimas substâncias são classificadas em três grupos básicos em função de sua estrutura química e propriedades reológicas: os ágares (ágar-ágar ou agaranas, as carragenanas e os alginatos. O objetivo deste artigo é atualizar o leitor sobre as pesquisas realizadas nos últimos anos com macroalgas marinhas, abrangendo várias áreas na qual as macroalgas tem se destacado.

  5. Effects of macroalgae, with emphasis on Sargassum spp., on coral reef recruitment processes in Martinique (French West Indies)


    Thabard, Marie


    Many coral reef ecosystems have undergone profound ecological changes over the past decades leading sometimes to a shift from coral to macroalgal-dominated areas. In Martinique (Caribbean region), the proliferation of macroalgae is an important phenomenon. Coral reef resilience, involving reef building species recruitment, might be modified by macroalgal presence. This work aimed at understanding reef recruitment processes in areas dominated either by macroalgae, coral or intermediate, based ...

  6. La empresa como comunidad moral: modelo para armar

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    Leticia Naranjo Galvez


    Full Text Available Este ensayo presenta una propuesta para considerar la empresa como una comunidad moral. Esto es, como un espacio de interacciones personales dentro del cual no sólo se juega el impacto de la organización en su entorno socioeconómico amplio, sino también la calidad ética de la vida cotidiana de las personas dentro de la empresa. En la primera parte se establecen algunas de las condiciones con las cuales tendría que cumplir una comunidad para que fuera un modelo plausible de comunidad moral empresarial. Para ello, se identifican, en primer lugar, algunas características definitorias de una organización específicamente empresarial y, en segundo lugar, de una comunidad moral en general. Estas últimas se apoyan fundamentalmente en las nociones que Charles Taylor y Ernst Tugendhat tienen, respectivamente, de agencia moral y de comunidad moral. En la segunda parte, se elabora una ficción sobre los posibles modos en que se daría la conformación de una comunidad moral, y sobre lo que esto implica en términos de distintas formas de convivencia. En la tercera sección, se muestran algunas consecuencias que se seguirían del análisis de la anterior ficción, en cuanto a los elementos éticos que configurarían la vida cotidiana de una comunidad empresarial. Con esto se espera, finalmente, llamar la atención sobre la importancia que tendrían estos elementos, a la hora de aproximarse al asunto de la ética empresarial asumiendo la perspectiva de la vida comunitaria en las organizaciones.

  7. Macroalgas marinas afectadas por flotas de arrastre de camarón en el Mar Caribe de Colombia

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    Lennin Flórez-Leiva


    en ambas sitios de estudio. La biomasa de macroalgas registradas en cada lance fue mucho menor que la registrada de camarones y descartes. La evidencia que presenta este estudio sobre la existencia de macroalgas en la captura acompañante de la flota de arrastre de camarón y la acción prolongada de esta pesquería en el mar Caribe de Colombia, indican que es urgente implementar modificaciones en las redes para disminuir su efecto abrasivo sobre los fondos.

  8. Capital social, política social y migración desde comunidades tradicionales y nuevas comunidades de origen en México

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    Douglas S. Massey


    Full Text Available En este artículo analizamos pautas de emigración y retorno de las comunidades mexicanas localizadas en regiones tradicionalmente emisoras y en nuevas comunidades de emigración. Las regiones tradicionales de origen se ubican en los Estados más occidentales de México, mientras que las nuevas están localizadas en el sur de Ciudad de México o cerca de la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos. Realizamos estimaciones de modelos discretos de historia de eventos que predicen la probabilidad de salida y retorno en los primeros viajes a los Estados Unidos, y de salida y retorno en viajes posteriores a los Estados Unidos. En ambos tipos de comunidades encontramos que el capital social es decisivo para incrementar las probabilidades de salida en el cir las probabilidades de partida de los viajes siguientes, que están más influenciados por el capital humano relativo a la migración. Los migrantes de ambos grupos de comunidades usan la migración internacional como medio para financiar la adquisición de viviendas y de negocios, pero los migrantes de nuevas comunidades emisoras buscan primero negocio y luego las propiedades inmobiliarias, mientras que entre los de comunidades tradicionales es a la inversa. Los esfuerzos por parte de los Estados Unidos de impedir las migraciones entre México y Estados Unidos militarizando la frontera han fallado, especialmente entre los migrantes de comunidades emisoras tradicionales que tienen tradiciones migratorias muy establecidas y acceso al capital humano y social específico a la migración.

  9. Trabalho fabril e observação participante: comentário ao livro Entre a Fábrica e a Comunidade

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    João Freire


    Full Text Available Esta nota crítica é já tardia, em relação à obra a que se refere, e disso me penitencio. Mas, apesar do desejo de a ter produzido rapidamente – como o autor sabe –, só agora encontrei tempo bastante para a reler cuidadosamente e confirmar algumas impressões da primeira leitura. Trata-se do livro Entre a Fábrica e a Comunidade: subjectividades e práticas de classe no operariado do calçado, Porto, Afrontamento, 2000, que – conforme é dito nas linhas iniciais – publica o essencial da tese de dou...

  10. French Brittany macroalgae screening: composition and methane potential for potential alternative sources of energy and products. (United States)

    Jard, G; Marfaing, H; Carrère, H; Delgenes, J P; Steyer, J P; Dumas, C


    Macroalgae are biomass resources that represent a valuable feedstock to be used entirely for human consumption or for food additives after some extractions (mainly colloids) and/or for energy production. In order to better develop the algal sector, it is important to determine the capacity of macroalgae to produce these added-values molecules for food and/or for energy industries on the basis of their biochemical characteristics. In this study, ten macroalgae obtained from French Brittany coasts (France) were selected. The global biochemical composition (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, fibers), the presence and characteristics of added-values molecules (alginates, polyphenols) and the biochemical methane potential of these algae were determined. Regarding its biochemical composition, Palmaria palmata is interesting for food (rich in nutrients) and for anaerobic digestion (0.279 LCH4/gVS). Saccharina latissima could be used for alginate extraction (242 g/kgTS, ratio between mannuronic and guluronic acid M/G=1.4) and Sargassum muticum for polyphenol extraction (19.8 g/kgTS). Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Por um novo conceito de comunidade: redes sociais, comunidades pessoais, inteligência coletiva

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    Rogério da Costa


    Full Text Available Este texto trata basicamente da transmutação do conceito de "comunidade" em "redes sociais". Esta mudança se deve em grande parte à explosão das comunidades virtuais no ciberespaço, fato que acabou gerando uma série de estudos não apenas sobre essa nova maneira de se fazer sociedade, mas igualmente sobre a estrutura dinâmica das redes de comunicação. No centro dessa transformação, conceitos como capital social, confiança e simpatia parcial são invocados para que possamos pensar as novas formas de associação que regulam a atividade humana em nossa época.

  12. Participação da comunidade educativa na gestão escolar The participation of the education community in school management

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    Luísa Veloso


    Full Text Available O presente texto discute as modalidades de participação da comunidade educativa na gestão escolar, examinando essa dimensão já há muito tempo presente na agenda política portuguesa. Centra-se na análise da dimensão organizacional de 297 escolas portuguesas, tendo como base informações contempladas nos relatórios da avaliação externa nos anos lectivos 2006/2007, 2007/2008 e 2008/2009. O corpus analisado permitiu atender a dois eixos centrais dos processos de participação: a modalidade de integração da comunidade envolvente na vida escolar e os processos e limitações inerentes à participação de dois grupos de actores - os encarregados de educação e os alunos. Apesar de as imagens organizacionais das escolas presentes nos relatórios de avaliação externa serem semelhantes entre si, são significativos os aspectos diferenciadores. Os processos de participação não se mostram consolidados da mesma forma nas diferentes organizações escolares e nos respectivos territórios, mas assiste-se à crescente importância da presença dos vários agentes nas tarefas de gestão escolar. Esse envolvimento implica um conhecimento que se requer cada vez mais aprofundado sobre os processos de construção das aprendizagens culturais que atravessam as escolas. Detecta-se a presença de diferentes agentes nas escolas estudadas, o que acompanha uma mudança na concepção de comunidade educativa, a qual abarca alunos, professores, encarregados de educação e a comunidade envolvente em que as escolas se inserem.This text discusses the modes of participation of the education community in school management, examining a dimension that has long been present in the Portuguese political agenda. It centers on the analysis of the organizational dimension of 297 Portuguese schools, based on information made available in the external assessment reports for the academic years of 2006/2007, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. The corpus analyzed made it

  13. Community contributions to a FHU team work Las contribuciones de la comunidad para el trabajo del equipo de un PSF As contribuições da comunidade para o trabalho da equipe de um PSF

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    Maria José Sanches Marin


    participação nas ações de saúde de uma Unidade de Saúde da Família. Trata-se de estudo de análise documental, a partir de atas de 24 reuniões mensais da equipe com a comunidade. Após a leitura dos registros, os assuntos discutidos foram agrupados em quatro temáticas: recursos materiais e humanos, acesso aos serviços de saúde de maior complexidade, adesão da comunidade às atividades oferecidas pela unidade e promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças. Constata-se que, embora as discussões vislumbrem a visão integral da saúde e possibilitem co-responsabilidade, fortalecimento do vínculo e troca de informação, ainda é necessário maior avanço para se obter a efetiva participação da comunidade na co-gestão do sistema de saúde.

  14. Reduced cover of drifting macroalgae following nutrient reduction in Danish coastald waters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Jonas Ribergaard; Dromph, Karsten Mikael; Göke, Cordula


    conditions and environmental characteristics. The cover of drifting algae was positively related to total nitrogen concentration and Secchi depth but negatively related to exposure, salinity and mean summer temperature. The cover of drifting macroalgae showed significant declines over the past two decades...

  15. Comunidades de palmas en América

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    Con base en la bibliografía disponible analizamos la flora de palmas americanas respecto a la prevalencia de diferentes características morfológicas y ecológicas de las comunidades en las que están ensambladas las especies. Las comunidades estudiadas de palmas de América tropical tuvieron 19.......3 ± 11.3 DE especies. Los principales factores que determinan la riqueza de especies en las comunidades son el clima, los suelos, la hidrología y la topografía. Los bosques tropicales lluviosos de tierras bajas no-inundados son los más ricos en especies, en tanto que los bosques que se inundan o que...... spp), (vi) Palmas Acaulescentes Grandes (28 spp), (vii) Palmas Acaulescentes Pequeñas (56 sp), (viii) Palmas Lianoides (12 spp). Las ocho formas biológicas están representadas de manera diferente en las comunidades de palmas. Las categorías de Palmas Pequeñas y las Palmas de Gran Tamaño dominan...

  16. Anthropogenic nitrogen input traced by means of {delta} {sup 15}N values in macroalgae: Results from in-situ incubation experiments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deutsch, Barbara [Baltic Sea Research Institute, Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock (Germany)]. E-mail:; Voss, Maren [Baltic Sea Research Institute, Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock (Germany)


    The macroalgae species Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyta), Polysiphonia sp., and Ceramium rubrum (Rhodophyta) originally grown at an unpolluted brackish site of the southern Baltic Sea were incubated for 10 and 14 days at 12 stations along a salinity gradient in a highly polluted estuary. We have expected an adaptation of the initially low {delta} {sup 15}N values to the higher ones within the incubation period. In addition to the macroalgae the {delta} {sup 15}N values of NO{sub 3} {sup -} were measured to evaluate fractionation processes of the source nitrate. Inside the estuary, {delta} {sup 15}N-NO{sub 3} {sup -} values were 6.2-9.7 per mille , indicating anthropogenic nitrogen sources. The red macroalgae adequately reflected the nitrate isotope values in the surrounding waters, whereas for F. vesiculosus the results were not that clear. The reasons were assumed to be higher initial {delta} {sup 15}N values of F. vesiculosus and presumably a too slow nitrogen uptake and growth rate. The method of macroalgae incubations seems suitable as a simple monitoring to study the influence of anthropogenic nitrogen loading in an estuarine environment.

  17. Macroalgae as a Biomass Feedstock: A Preliminary Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roesijadi, Guritno; Jones, Susanne B.; Snowden-Swan, Lesley J.; Zhu, Yunhua


    A thorough of macroalgae analysis as a biofuels feedstock is warranted due to the size of this biomass resource and the need to consider all potential sources of feedstock to meet current biomass production goals. Understanding how to harness this untapped biomass resource will require additional research and development. A detailed assessment of environmental resources, cultivation and harvesting technology, conversion to fuels, connectivity with existing energy supply chains, and the associated economic and life cycle analyses will facilitate evaluation of this potentially important biomass resource.

  18. KAROTENOID DARI MAKROALGAE DAN MIKROALGAE: POTENSI KESEHATAN APLIKASI DAN BIOTEKNOLOGI [Carotenoids from Macroalgae and Microalgae: Health Potential, Application and Biotechnology


    Leenawaty Limantara3); Budhi Prasetyo1); AB. Susanto2); Helly de Fretes1)*


    Algae, both micro and macroalgae, is one of the largest producers of carotenoids. The major composition of carotenoid on algae are β-carotene, astaxanthin, luthein, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, and fucoxanthin which have important roles for human health. Carotenoids were produced by several microalgae species such as Dunaliella sallina, Haemotococcus pluvialis, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Spirulina platensis, Nannnochloropsis oculata, and also from some macroalgae species such as Kappaphycus alvarez...

  19. Profiling of the Molecular Weight and Structural Isomer Abundance of Macroalgae-Derived Phlorotannins

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    Natalie Heffernan


    Full Text Available Phlorotannins are a group of complex polymers of phloroglucinol (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene unique to macroalgae. These phenolic compounds are integral structural components of the cell wall in brown algae, but also play many secondary ecological roles such as protection from UV radiation and defense against grazing. This study employed Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC with tandem mass spectrometry to investigate isomeric complexity and observed differences in phlorotannins derived from macroalgae harvested off the Irish coast (Fucus serratus, Fucus vesiculosus, Himanthalia elongata and Cystoseira nodicaulis. Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content assays were used as an index for producing phlorotannin fractions, enriched using molecular weight cut-off dialysis with subsequent flash chromatography to profile phlorotannin isomers in these macroalgae. These fractions were profiled using UPLC-MS with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM and the level of isomerization for specific molecular weight phlorotannins between 3 and 16 monomers were determined. The majority of the low molecular weight (LMW phlorotannins were found to have a molecular weight range equivalent to 4–12 monomers of phloroglucinol. The level of isomerization within the individual macroalgal species differed, resulting in substantially different numbers of phlorotannin isomers for particular molecular weights. F. vesiculosus had the highest number of isomers of 61 at one specific molecular mass, corresponding to 12 phloroglucinol units (PGUs. These results highlight the complex nature of these extracts and emphasize the challenges involved in structural elucidation of these compounds.

  20. Enteroparasitoses em pré-escolares de comunidades favelizadas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Costa-Macedo Lêda Maria da


    Full Text Available A prevalência das enteroparasitoses foi verificada através de inquérito coproparasitológico realizado de março de 1990 a outubro de 1991, em 1.381 pré-escolares provenientes de quatro comunidades faveladas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Por meio da técnica de Blagg et al. (1955, foi encontrada uma positividade geral de 54,5. Os parasitos mais freqüentes foram Giardia lamblia e Ascaris lumbricoides, em cerca de 25,0% das crianças investigadas. Correlação estatisticamente significativa foi observada entre idade e positividade nas crianças menores de três anos. Sugerimos que tratamento antiparasitário e modificações ambientais sejam implementados para o controle das infecções parasitárias nesta população.

  1. Indicativos e características da aprendizagem em uma comunidade virtual de enfermagem Indicativos y características del aprendizaje en una comunidad virtual de enfermería Evidences and characteristics of the learning in a nursing virtual community

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    Viviane Modesto Ferraz


    Full Text Available O estudo aborda a aprendizagem em enfermagem em um ambiente virtual constituído na internet. OBJETIVOS: verificar indicativos de aprendizagem no conteúdo das mensagens textuais; e caracterizar os indicativos verificados nas mensagens eletrônicas. METODOLOGIA: procedimento metodológico foi o "survey interseccional", com abordagem quantitativa. O material de estudo foi o total de mensagens válidas postadas na primeira fase da comunidade, 864 mensagens. O cenário do estudo foi uma comunidade virtual de enfermagem. O processo de análise foi a leitura inspecional; a partir disso, foi elaborado um conjunto de categorias empíricas que indicaram a aprendizagem na comunidade. RESULTADOS: observou-se que os membros na comunidade aprendem, fundamentalmente, questionando e solicitando auxílios. CONCLUSÃO: é possível, através dos ambientes virtuais, adquirir conhecimento para a vida e colaborar com a aprendizagem do outro. Este contato com a diversidade de pensamentos, favorecida pelo mundo digital, pode constituir um novo espaço de construção e circulação do saber.El estudio aborda el aprendizaje en enfermería en un ambiente virtual constituido en la Internet. OBJETIVOS: verificar indicativos de aprendizaje en el contenido de los mensajes de texto, y caracterizar los indicativos registrados en los mensajes electrónicos. METODOLOGÍA: procedimiento metodológico fue el "survey interseccional", con un enfoque cuantitativo. El material de estudio fue el total de mensajes válidas enviadas en la primera fase de la comunidad, 864 mensajes. El escenario fue una comunidad virtual de enfermería. Proceso de análisis fue la lectura de inspección y de este, preparado una serie de categorías empíricas que indican el aprendizaje en la comunidad. RESULTADOS: Se observó que los miembros de la comunidad aprenden principalmente por cuestionar y pedir ayuda. CONCLUSIÓN: Es posible por medio de ambientes virtuales adquirir conocimientos para la vida

  2. Bioremediation for coal-fired power stations using macroalgae. (United States)

    Roberts, David A; Paul, Nicholas A; Bird, Michael I; de Nys, Rocky


    Macroalgae are a productive resource that can be cultured in metal-contaminated waste water for bioremediation but there have been no demonstrations of this biotechnology integrated with industry. Coal-fired power production is a water-limited industry that requires novel approaches to waste water treatment and recycling. In this study, a freshwater macroalga (genus Oedogonium) was cultivated in contaminated ash water amended with flue gas (containing 20% CO₂) at an Australian coal-fired power station. The continuous process of macroalgal growth and intracellular metal sequestration reduced the concentrations of all metals in the treated ash water. Predictive modelling shows that the power station could feasibly achieve zero discharge of most regulated metals (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn) in waste water by using the ash water dam for bioremediation with algal cultivation ponds rather than storage of ash water. Slow pyrolysis of the cultivated algae immobilised the accumulated metals in a recalcitrant C-rich biochar. While the algal biochar had higher total metal concentrations than the algae feedstock, the biochar had very low concentrations of leachable metals and therefore has potential for use as an ameliorant for low-fertility soils. This study demonstrates a bioremediation technology at a large scale for a water-limited industry that could be implemented at new or existing power stations, or during the decommissioning of older power stations. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. The potential of freshwater macroalgae as a biofuels feedstock and the influence of nutrient availability on freshwater macroalgal biomass production (United States)

    Yun, Jin-Ho

    Extensive efforts have been made to evaluate the potential of microalgae as a biofuel feedstock during the past 4-5 decades. However, filamentous freshwater macroalgae have numerous characteristics that favor their potential use as an alternative algal feedstock for biofuels production. Freshwater macroalgae exhibit high rates of areal productivity, and their tendency to form dense floating mats on the water surface imply significant reductions in harvesting and dewater costs compared to microalgae. In Chapter 1, I reviewed the published literature on the elemental composition and energy content of five genera of freshwater macroalgae. This review suggested that freshwater macroalgae compare favorably with traditional bio-based energy sources, including terrestrial residues, wood, and coal. In addition, I performed a semi-continuous culture experiment using the common Chlorophyte genus Oedogonium to investigate whether nutrient availability can influence its higher heating value (HHV), productivity, and proximate analysis. The experimental study suggested that the most nutrient-limited growth conditions resulted in a significant increase in the HHV of the Oedogonium biomass (14.4 MJ/kg to 16.1 MJ/kg). Although there was no significant difference in productivity between the treatments, the average dry weight productivity of Oedogonium (3.37 g/m2/day) was found to be much higher than is achievable with common terrestrial plant crops. Although filamentous freshwater macroalgae, therefore, have significant potential as a renewable source of bioenergy, the ultimate success of freshwater macroalgae as a biofuel feedstock will depend upon the ability to produce biomass at the commercial-scale in a cost-effective and sustainable manner. Aquatic ecology can play an important role to achieve the scale-up of algal crop production by informing the supply rates of nutrients to the cultivation systems, and by helping to create adaptive production systems that are resilient to

  4. Experimentação política da amizade em comunidades da internet a partir da teoria dos afetos de Espinosa

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    Lívia Godinho Nery Gomes Azevedo


    Full Text Available A compreensão da amizade em sua qualidade política designa um vínculo privilegiado de abertura à alteridade que permite ao corpo experimentações de afetar outros corpos e por eles ser afetado, cujos efeitos podem suscitar transformações na potência de agir. A concepção do corpo em Espinosa, sustentada pela unidade corpo-alma e capacidade de afeto, constitui um elemento precioso para a compreensão da presença e das intensidades afetivas em jogo nas relações de amizades na internet, as quais excluem contato físico. O presente projeto buscou investigar e analisar a maneira com que as comunidades na internet estão sendo utilizadas favorecendo a experimentação política da amizade. As narrativas revelaram que as comunidades da internet se constituem um espaço propício de trocas de ideias e experiências que aumentam a capacidade de reflexão dos sujeitos. As relações mediadas pela internet também favorecem novos modos de organização política e de exercício da cidadania.

  5. A macroalgae-based biotechnology for water remediation: Simultaneous removal of Cd, Pb and Hg by living Ulva lactuca. (United States)

    Henriques, Bruno; Rocha, Luciana S; Lopes, Cláudia B; Figueira, Paula; Duarte, A C; Vale, Carlos; Pardal, M A; Pereira, E


    Metal uptake from contaminated waters by living Ulva lactuca was studied during 6 days, under different relevant contamination scenarios. In mono-metallic solutions, with concentrations ranging from 10 to 100 μg L -1 for Hg, 10-200 μg L -1 for Cd, and 50-1000 μg L -1 for Pb, macroalgae (500 mg L -1 , d.w.) were able to remove, in most cases 93-99% of metal, allowing to achieve water quality criteria regarding both surface and drinking waters. In multi-metallic solutions, comprising simultaneously the three metals, living macroalgae still performed well, with Hg removal (c.a. 99%) not being significantly affected by the presence of Cd and Pb, even when those metals were in higher concentrations. Removal efficiencies for Cd and Pb varied between 57 and 96%, and 34-97%, respectively, revealing an affinity of U. lactuca toward metals: Hg > Cd > Pb. Chemical quantification in macroalgae, after bioaccumulation assays demonstrated that all Cd and Hg removed from solution was really bound in macroalgae biomass, while only half of Pb showed to be sorbed on the biomass. Overall, U. lactuca accumulated up to 209 μg g -1 of Hg, up to 347 μg g -1 of Cd and up to 1641 μg g -1 of Pb, which correspond to bioconcentration factors ranging from 500 to 2200, in a dose-dependent accumulation. Pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order and Elovich models showed a good performance in describing the kinetics of bioaccumulation, in the whole period of time. In the range of experimental conditions used, no mortality was observed and U. lactuca relative growth rate was not significantly affected by the presence of metals. Results represent an important contribution for developing a macroalgae-based biotechnology, applied for contaminated saline water remediation, more "green" and cost-effective than conventional treatment methods. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Simultaneous Estimation of Hydrochlorothiazide, Hydralazine Hydrochloride, and Reserpine Using PCA, NAS, and NAS-PCA. (United States)

    Sharma, Chetan; Badyal, Pragya Nand; Rawal, Ravindra K


    In this study, new and feasible UV-visible spectrophotometric and multivariate spectrophotometric methods were described for the simultaneous determination of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), hydralazine hydrochloride (H.HCl), and reserpine (RES) in combined pharmaceutical tablets. Methanol was used as a solvent for analysis and the whole UV region was scanned from 200-400 nm. The resolution was obtained by using multivariate methods such as the net analyte signal method (NAS), principal component analysis (PCA), and net analyte signal-principal component analysis (NAS-PCA) applied to the UV spectra of the mixture. The results obtained from all of the three methods were compared. NAS-PCA showed a lot of resolved data as compared to NAS and PCA. Thus, the NAS-PCA technique is a combination of NAS and PCA methods which is advantageous to obtain the information from overlapping results.

  7. Anaerobic digestion of macroalgae: methane potentials, pre-treatment, inhibition and co-digestion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bangsø Nielsen, Henrik; Heiske, Stefan


    In the present study we tested four macroalgae species – harvested in Denmark – for their suitability of bioconversion to methane. In batch experiments (53 WC) methane yields varied from 132 ml g volatile solids1 (VS) for Gracillaria vermiculophylla, 152 ml g VS1 for Ulva lactuca, 166 ml g VS1...

  8. La comunidad según Max Weber: desde el tipo ideal de la Vergemeinschaftung hasta la comunidad de los combatientes

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    Pablo de Marinis


    Full Text Available La problematización de la comunidad es omnipresente en la contemporaneidad. Tanto en la forma de artefactos construidos "desde arriba" por la programática estatal, como en la forma de agrupamientos identitarios conformados "desde abajo", proliferan por doquier las referencias comunitarias. Pero no es la primera vez que esto sucede: también a finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX la problemática de la comunidad estaba al orden del día en la agenda político-intelectual. De maneras diversas, los sociólogos clásicos intentaron dar cuenta de ella. Este texto pondrá el foco en el pensamiento de Max Weber. Allí, no sólo se verá una concepción de la comunidad entendida como antecedente histórico de la sociedad moderna (rasgo que justamente las historias de la sociología suelen enfatizar en mayor medida, sino también otras dos nociones de la comunidad: en una, ella aparece como concepto sociológico fundamental, como un tipo ideal abstracto y general de relaciones sociales; en la otra, la comunidad adquiere un carácter político-utópico de primer rango, y es el nombre que se le pone a aquellos acontecimientos que quizás puedan recalentar el lazo social en un contexto societal signado por la racionalización y el desencanto. De la mano de este análisis, se espera encontrar en aquellas viejas elaboraciones weberianas alguna inspiración para comprender los perfiles de estas variadas configuraciones comunitarias del presente.

  9. KAROTENOID DARI MAKROALGAE DAN MIKROALGAE: POTENSI KESEHATAN APLIKASI DAN BIOTEKNOLOGI [Carotenoids from Macroalgae and Microalgae: Health Potential, Application and Biotechnology

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    Leenawaty Limantara3


    Full Text Available Algae, both micro and macroalgae, is one of the largest producers of carotenoids. The major composition of carotenoid on algae are β-carotene, astaxanthin, luthein, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, and fucoxanthin which have important roles for human health. Carotenoids were produced by several microalgae species such as Dunaliella sallina, Haemotococcus pluvialis, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Spirulina platensis, Nannnochloropsis oculata, and also from some macroalgae species such as Kappaphycus alvarezii, Sargassum sp, and Caulerpa sp. Carotenoids from algae has been proven as a powerful antioxidant and may prevent some degenerative diseases, cardiovascular, and cancer. Carotenoid also has been applied as a natural dye and dietary supplements. Biotechnology has been developed to increase the production of carotenoids from micro- and macroalgae. The large-scale cultivation of microalgae, either in open or closed system are shown to increase carotenoid production. During cultivation, some stress conditions can be specifically manipulated to optimize carotenoid production from microalgae.

  10. Land use, macroalgae, and a tumor-forming disease in marine turtles.

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    Kyle S Van Houtan

    Full Text Available Wildlife diseases are an increasing concern for endangered species conservation, but their occurrence, causes, and human influences are often unknown. We analyzed 3,939 records of stranded Hawaiian green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas over 28 years to understand fibropapillomatosis, a tumor-forming disease linked to a herpesvirus. Turtle size is a consistent risk factor and size-standardized models revealed considerable spatial and temporal variability. The disease peaked in some areas in the 1990s, in some regions rates remained constant, and elsewhere rates increased. Land use, onshore of where the turtles feed, may play a role. Elevated disease rates were clustered in watersheds with high nitrogen-footprints; an index of natural and anthropogenic factors that affect coastal eutrophication. Further analysis shows strong epidemiological links between disease rates, nitrogen-footprints, and invasive macroalgae and points to foraging ecology. These turtles now forage on invasive macroalgae, which can dominate nutrient rich waters and sequester environmental N in the amino acid arginine. Arginine is known to regulate immune activity, promote herpesviruses, and contribute to tumor formation. Our results have implications for understanding diseases in aquatic organisms, eutrophication, herpesviruses, and tumor formation.

  11. In vitro Antibacterial Activities of the Marine Macroalgae\\" Laurencia Snyderiae\\" and \\"Sargassum Angustifolium\\" Against Human Pathogens

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    behrouz Derakhshesh


    Full Text Available Background: Nowadays widespread applications of antibiotics caused to create resistant microorganisms and increased additive antibiotic resistance in all over the world. Thus, researches linked to investigate new antimicrobial agents that are produced in natural way have great significance to achieve new pharmaceutics resources. Based on many accomplished researches, some macroalgae have found to show noticeable antimicrobial and antifungal activities. Methods: In this research antimicrobial activity of organic extracts of the macroalgae "Laurencia snyderiae" and Sargassum angustifolium (which has been collected from coasts of Boushehr port was tested against 3 Gram- positive bacteria Streptococous mutans, Streptococous salivaris and Streptococous sanguis as well as 4 Gram- negative bacteria Salmonella typhi, Proteus vulgaris, Shigella flexniu and Micrococos luteus. Extraction was carried out using maceration method, methanol and chloroform extracts was obtained. Antimicrobial activities of the final extracts was tested using two methods agar disk diffusion method and serial tube dilution method (in order to determine Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC. Results: Results of bioassay showed the tested macroalgae exhibited the highest antibacterial activity against Gram- negative bacteria, S. typhi and Gram- negative bacteria M. Luteus exhibited the highest resistant against algal extracts. Conclusion: red alga L. snyderiae exhibited higher antibacterial activity than brown alga S. angustifolium against tested bacteria strains.

  12. Avaliação da contaminação mercurial mediante análise do teor de Hg total em amostras de cabelo em comunidades ribeirinhas do Tapajós, Pará, Brasil

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    Pinheiro Maria da Conceição Nascimento


    Full Text Available Este estudo avalia a contaminação mercurial em comunidades de pescadores em quatro localidades nas margens do rio Tapajós: Rainha, Barreiras, São Luís do Tapajós e Paraná-Mirim. Análises toxocológicas das amostras de cabelo foram realizadas por espectofotometria de absorção atômica. Os níveis de mercúrio total em amostras de cabelo variaram entre 2,9µg/g e 71,5µg/g. Os valores mais baixos foram encontrados na comunidade de Paraná-Mirim. Os mais elevados, em São Luís do Tapajós e Barreiras, cerca de seis a sete vezes superiores ao valor estabelecido. As diferenças entre as concentrações médias de mercúrio total nas amostras, coletadas em populações ribeirinhas, a montante e a jusante do rio Tapajós em Itaituba, não apresentaram significância estatística (p > 0,05. Conclui-se que a exposição humana ao mercúrio por ingestão de peixes contaminados constitui risco potencial para o aparecimento de sintomas e sinais da doença de Minamata, o que recomenda a manutenção de um programa de vigilância epidemiológica.

  13. Gobierno abierto en la Comunidad Valenciana

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    Giménez Chornet, Vicent


    Full Text Available El Gobierno Abierto es uno de los retos de la transparencia al permitir difundir la información de la actividad y operaciones de los gobernantes locales, permitiendo que estos puedan ser supervisados por la comunidad de vecinos. En el presente artículo se analiza la implantación del Gobierno Abierto en los municipios de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se han categorizado los temas susceptibles de difundir en la web municipal, y tras su análisis estadístico se demuestra el bajo porcentaje de municipios que alcanzan a publicar la mayor parte de las categorías.

  14. Algunos apuntes sobre comunidad

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    Clara Pérez Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Comunidad es, entre los temas de estudio del curriculum de los residentes en Medicina General Integral, uno de aquellos en las que mayores dificultades encontramos para poderlo impartir, pues la bibliografía sobre el tema está un tanto dispersa. Es un aspecto que los propios residentes no evalúan con justeza; sin embargo es de sumo interés que como profesionales de la salud no obviemos que nuestro trabajo de promoción, prevención y tratamiento, debe darse a nivel de individuo, pero también en las familias y en la comunidad como un todo, y por lo tanto debamos incorporar, al menos, nociones de lo que es una comunidad y qué es participación comunitaria para tener idea de cómo fomentarla, única vía para que nuestras acciones de salud sean más efectivasCommunity is one of the most difficult subjects to be taught among those included in the curriculum of General Comprehensive Medicine residents, since bibliography on this topic is a bit dispersed. This aspect, which is not properly evaluated by residents, is very important for health professionals to do our work of promotion, prevention and treatment not only at the level of the individual, but also at the level of the family and of the community as a whole. Therefore, we need to have some notions about community and community participation to be able to promote them, as the only way to make our health actions more effective


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    Asprilla-Perea Jeferson


    Full Text Available Se valoró el potencial de Proechimys semispinosus (ratón de espinas como especiepromisoria para el departamento del Chocó, según su uso tradicional en comunidadesnegras y a través de ensayos de laboratorio como aporte nutricional de su carne. Laalimentación es el principal uso que los pobladores de estas comunidades le dana la especie, y la trampa de cajón es la técnica de cacería que más se utiliza parasu captura. El sabor de la carne de este roedor goza de buena aceptación por partede sus consumidores, y no se han asociado enfermedades humanas a la ingesta dela misma. A nivel socioeconomico, aunque es una importante fuente de proteinapara las comunidades, su carne no se comercializa con frecuencia. Los ensayosde laboratorio mostraron que su carne posee características bromatológicas (20%proteínas, 78% humedad, 0.40% grasas, 0.97% Cenizas y 3.34 Kcal/100 g similaresa carnes domésticas de origen porcino, vacuno y aviar, así como también a otrassilvestres como la guagua (Cuniculus paca y el cuy (Cavia porcellus. Por lotanto, P. semispinosus es una especie de fauna silvestre con potencial promisoriopara comunidades negras en el departamento del Chocó, ya que es ampliamenteutilizado como alimento en localidades rurales de la región (que es la mayor partedel territorio y su carne cuenta con un importante valor nutricional

  16. Comunidad del conocimiento Ecosalud Etv

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    Laura Magaña Valladares


    Full Text Available El Proyecto Liderazgo en Ecosalud para las Enfermedades Transmitidas por Vectores (ETV en América Latina y el Caribe colocó entre los principales objetivos de trabajo la conformación de una comunidad del conocimiento que garantizara la sostenibilidad de la estrategia de capacitación. Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación documental centrada en la construcción de una comunidad del conocimiento desde el Portal de la iniciativa, aprovechando las bondades del trabajo colaborativo que brinda la perspectiva de la web 2.0 y colocando a las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones como un agente clave al servicio de la salud pública en la región.

  17. Lipoproteínas: metabolismo y lipoproteínas aterogénicas


    Carlos Carvajal


    Los lípidos viajan en sangre en diferentes partículas conteniendo lípidos y proteínas llamadas lipoproteínas. Hay cuatro clases de lipoproteínas en sangre: quilomicrones, VLDL, LDL y HDL. Los quilomicrones transportan triglicéridos (TAG) a tejidos vitales (corazón, musculo esquelético y tejido adiposo). El hígado secreta VLDL que redistribuye TAG al tejido adiposo, corazón y músculo esquelético. LDL transporta colesterol hacia las células y HDL remueve colesterol de las células de vuelta al h...

  18. Climate change and ocean acidification effects on seagrasses and marine macroalgae. (United States)

    Koch, Marguerite; Bowes, George; Ross, Cliff; Zhang, Xing-Hai


    Although seagrasses and marine macroalgae (macro-autotrophs) play critical ecological roles in reef, lagoon, coastal and open-water ecosystems, their response to ocean acidification (OA) and climate change is not well understood. In this review, we examine marine macro-autotroph biochemistry and physiology relevant to their response to elevated dissolved inorganic carbon [DIC], carbon dioxide [CO2 ], and lower carbonate [CO3 (2-) ] and pH. We also explore the effects of increasing temperature under climate change and the interactions of elevated temperature and [CO2 ]. Finally, recommendations are made for future research based on this synthesis. A literature review of >100 species revealed that marine macro-autotroph photosynthesis is overwhelmingly C3 (≥ 85%) with most species capable of utilizing HCO3 (-) ; however, most are not saturated at current ocean [DIC]. These results, and the presence of CO2 -only users, lead us to conclude that photosynthetic and growth rates of marine macro-autotrophs are likely to increase under elevated [CO2 ] similar to terrestrial C3 species. In the tropics, many species live close to their thermal limits and will have to up-regulate stress-response systems to tolerate sublethal temperature exposures with climate change, whereas elevated [CO2 ] effects on thermal acclimation are unknown. Fundamental linkages between elevated [CO2 ] and temperature on photorespiration, enzyme systems, carbohydrate production, and calcification dictate the need to consider these two parameters simultaneously. Relevant to calcifiers, elevated [CO2 ] lowers net calcification and this effect is amplified by high temperature. Although the mechanisms are not clear, OA likely disrupts diffusion and transport systems of H(+) and DIC. These fluxes control micro-environments that promote calcification over dissolution and may be more important than CaCO3 mineralogy in predicting macroalgal responses to OA. Calcareous macroalgae are highly vulnerable to OA

  19. Growth and metal bioconcentration by conspecific freshwater macroalgae cultured in industrial waste water. (United States)

    Ellison, Michael B; de Nys, Rocky; Paul, Nicholas A; Roberts, David A


    The bioremediation of industrial waste water by macroalgae is a sustainable and renewable approach to the treatment of waste water produced by multiple industries. However, few studies have tested the bioremediation of complex multi-element waste streams from coal-fired power stations by live algae. This study compares the ability of three species of green freshwater macroalgae from the genus Oedogonium, isolated from different geographic regions, to grow in waste water for the bioremediation of metals. The experiments used Ash Dam water from Tarong power station in Queensland, which is contaminated by multiple metals (Al, Cd, Ni and Zn) and metalloids (As and Se) in excess of Australian water quality guidelines. All species had consistent growth rates in Ash Dam water, despite significant differences in their growth rates in "clean" water. A species isolated from the Ash Dam water itself was not better suited to the bioremediation of that waste water. While there were differences in the temporal pattern of the bioconcentration of metals by the three species, over the course of the experiment, all three species bioconcentrated the same elements preferentially and to a similar extent. All species bioconcentrated metals (Cu, Mn, Ni, Cd and Zn) more rapidly than metalloids (As, Mo and Se). Therefore, bioremediation in situ will be most rapid and complete for metals. Overall, all three species of freshwater macroalgae had the ability to grow in waste water and bioconcentrate elements, with a consistent affinity for the key metals that are regulated by Australian and international water quality guidelines. Together, these characteristics make Oedogonium a clear target for scaled bioremediation programs across a range of geographic regions.

  20. Growth and metal bioconcentration by conspecific freshwater macroalgae cultured in industrial waste water

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    Michael B. Ellison


    Full Text Available The bioremediation of industrial waste water by macroalgae is a sustainable and renewable approach to the treatment of waste water produced by multiple industries. However, few studies have tested the bioremediation of complex multi-element waste streams from coal-fired power stations by live algae. This study compares the ability of three species of green freshwater macroalgae from the genus Oedogonium, isolated from different geographic regions, to grow in waste water for the bioremediation of metals. The experiments used Ash Dam water from Tarong power station in Queensland, which is contaminated by multiple metals (Al, Cd, Ni and Zn and metalloids (As and Se in excess of Australian water quality guidelines. All species had consistent growth rates in Ash Dam water, despite significant differences in their growth rates in “clean” water. A species isolated from the Ash Dam water itself was not better suited to the bioremediation of that waste water. While there were differences in the temporal pattern of the bioconcentration of metals by the three species, over the course of the experiment, all three species bioconcentrated the same elements preferentially and to a similar extent. All species bioconcentrated metals (Cu, Mn, Ni, Cd and Zn more rapidly than metalloids (As, Mo and Se. Therefore, bioremediation in situ will be most rapid and complete for metals. Overall, all three species of freshwater macroalgae had the ability to grow in waste water and bioconcentrate elements, with a consistent affinity for the key metals that are regulated by Australian and international water quality guidelines. Together, these characteristics make Oedogonium a clear target for scaled bioremediation programs across a range of geographic regions.

  1. Descobrindo a Comunidade Otaku Portuguesa: os Fãs Online

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    Catarina Navio


    Full Text Available O anime é uma parte integrante da cultura nipónica e cada vez mais espalhada pelo mundo, com uma vasta comunidade de okatus (fãs. Este artigo pretende interrogar de que forma a pequena comunidade em Portugal se organiza longe do público em geral e como se relaciona com os media, sejam os tradicionais ou os digitais. A pesquisa consistiu em entrevistas a fãs que organizam a comunidade, como organizadores de eventos de fãs e administradores de fóruns de discussão, e num inquérito a fãs comuns.


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    Joélcio Gonçalves Soares


    padrones de población de las comunidades, así como, sus dinámicas, investigan-se las mudanzas ocurridas en la suya organización espacial entre 1960 y 2011. El desarrollo del trabajo tuve como base: a levantamiento de bibliografía relacionada a la cuestión de la comunidad como estructura socioespacial y de los faxinais como comunidades tradicionales; b análisis de la Carta del Ministério do Exército de 1966 y de imágenes del Google Earth de 2011; c pesquisa con observación en campo y entrevistas con miembros de las comunidades. Puede ser observado, en el periodo analizado, que las cuatro comunidades han tenido dinámicas diferenciadas, siendo que tres de ellas se desestructuraran, no teniendo más el faxinal, sobretodo en que concierne al uso comunitario de la tierra para creación, y solo una mantiene preservadas esas características.

  3. Changes in ultrastructure and histochemistry of two red macroalgae strains of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales), as a consequence of ultraviolet B radiation exposure. (United States)

    Schmidt, Eder Carlos; Scariot, Lidiane Angela; Rover, Ticiane; Bouzon, Zenilda Laurita


    Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) affects macroalgae in many important ways, including reduced growth rate, reduction of primary productivity and changes in cell biology and ultrastructure. Among red macroalgae, Kappaphycus alvarezii is of economic interest by its production of kappa carrageenan. Only a few reports have examined the changes in macroalgae ultrastructure and cell biology resulting from UVB radiation exposure. Therefore, we examined two strains of K. alvarezii (green and red) exposed to UVB for 3 h per day during 28 days and then processed them for histochemical and electron microscopy analysis. Reaction with Toluidine Blue showed an increase in the thickness of the cell wall and Periodic Acid-Schiff stain showed a decrease in the number of starch grains. UVBR also caused changes in the ultrastructure of cortical and subcortical cells, which included increased thickness of the cell wall and number of free ribosomes and plastoglobuli, reduced intracellular spaces, changes in the cell contour, and destruction of chloroplast internal organization. Based on these lines of evidence, it was evident by the ultrastructural changes observed that UVBR negatively affects intertidal macroalgae and, by extension, their economic viability.

  4. Diagnóstico do senso de comunidade: estudo de caso empreendimento habitacional São Lourenço, Londrina, PR

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    Mariana Alves Shigeharu

    Full Text Available Resumo Um dos problemas apontados em recentes pesquisas em áreas de habitação de interesse social no Brasil é a retenção dos moradores, associada à satisfação do morar. Assim, este artigo propõe a mensuração do senso de comunidade a partir da sistematização de instrumentos existentes. Formata um questionário aplicado em 274 unidades habitacionais com 95% de nível de confiança (α e 5 (cinco de margem de erro (E para a avaliação dos dados socioeconômicos, comportamentais e espaciais, e adiciona dois outros métodos: a observação in loco e o mapeamento das relações de vizinhança. O estudo faz a sobreposição dos dados mapeados como estratégia de análise multidimensional para o cotejamento de variáveis. Os resultados revelam diretrizes de organização espacial de EHIS para o desenvolvimento do senso de comunidade e evidencia áreas de movimento de pessoas e de interações sociais. Também apontam aspectos socioeconômicos e comportamentais associados para a construção do senso de comunidade, como a existência de um maior número de moradores, a satisfação em morar no local e a expectativa de permanecer no bairro. Esta pesquisa contribui na síntese dos elementos de avaliação, na aplicação empírica em estudo de caso, nas discussões de organização espacial de áreas de empreendimentos de habitação social e na mensuração de fatores considerados subjetivos do ambiente construído vinculados à qualidade de vida.

  5. UAS-NAS Stakeholder Feedback Report (United States)

    Randall, Debra; Murphy, Jim; Grindle, Laurie


    The need to fly UAS in the NAS to perform missions of vital importance to national security and defense, emergency management, science, and to enable commercial applications has been continually increasing over the past few years. To address this need, the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Integrated Aviation Systems Program (IASP) formulated and funded the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) Project (hereafter referred to as UAS-NAS Project) from 2011 to 2016. The UAS-NAS Project identified the following need statement: The UAS community needs routine access to the global airspace for all classes of UAS. The Project identified the following goal: To provide research findings to reduce technical barriers associated with integrating UAS into the NAS utilizing integrated system level tests in a relevant environment. This report provides a summary of the collaborations between the UAS-NAS Project and its primary stakeholders and how the Project applied and incorporated the feedback.

  6. Capital social das comunidades beneficiadas pelo programa de combate à pobreza rural - PCPR/Projeto São José - PSJ - estado do Ceará

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    Ahmad Saeed Khan


    Full Text Available A proposição deste estudo foi identificar e analisar o capital social tangível e intangível de comunidades beneficiadas com os recursos do Programa de Combate a Pobreza Rural -PCPR/Projeto São José no Estado do Ceará. Os dados são originários de entrevistas diretas com beneficiários e líderes de comunidades onde foram implantados subprojetos de abastecimento de água, ação fundiária, eletrificação rural e mecanização agrícola. Determinou-se o índice de capital social para cada subprojeto. Os resultados indicaram que as associações possuem um nível médio de acumulação de capital social e que os recursos aplicados pelo PCPR/PSJ contribuíram para avançar na acumulação deste capital nas associações e/ou comunidades.The objective of this study was to identify and analyze tangible and intangible social capital of benefited communities by the resources of rural Poverty Reduction Program in the State of Ceará. Data were obtained by interviewing individuals and leaders of communities benefited by projects such as water supply, land reform, rural electrification and agricultural mechanization. A social capital index was built for each type of project. The results indicated that communities have medium level of social capital accumulation and resources supplied by this program contributed to increase social capital in these communities.

  7. El papel de la universidad en Comunidades de Aprendizaje

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    Antonio Aguilera


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describen y analizan las existentes y posibles relaciones entre la universidad y las Comunidades de Aprendizaje, así como los beneficios para ambas que se derivan de la colaboración entre ellas. Para ello nos centramos en el papel que la universidad puede desempeñar en los procesos de transformación en Comunidades de Aprendizaje que se están llevando a cabo en diferentes centros educativos. Se exponen las experiencias de las universidades de Barcelona y Sevilla. Se sugiere una segunda vía de colaboración que tiene que ver con la transformación de los propios centros universitarios en Comunidades de Aprendizaje.

  8. Comprendiendo el community-based tourism desde la comunidad

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    Esteban Ruiz


    Full Text Available El creciente impulso del Community-based tourism (CBT como vía para un turismo sostenible y estrategia para el desarrollo social nos obliga a profundizar en su comprensión. En este artículo proponemos como táctica teórico-metodológica la focalización analítica en la comunidad. El referente empírico de la investigación es el turismo comunitario (TC en Ecuador, donde se han seleccionado cinco comunidades para llevar a cabo un estudio etnográfico en profundidad. Como conclusión planteamos un marco comprensivo del TC que tiene tres pilares básicos: la centralidad analítica de las comunidades, la consideración del TC como `traducción´ antes que como `adaptación´ al mercado, y el carácter fortalecedor —antes que debilitador— del TC para las comunidades. De aquí se derivan una serie de indicadores cualitativos que sirven para encarar, desde el punto de vista teórico, la comprensión general del CBT y asimismo son útiles para la evaluación de la sostenibilidad de proyectos y experiencias de CBT

  9. Production of liquid biofuels (biodiesel and bioethanol) from brown marine macroalgae Padina tetrastromatica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashokkumar, Veeramuthu; Salim, Mohd Razman; Salam, Zainal; Sivakumar, Pandian; Chong, Cheng Tung; Elumalai, Sanniyasi; Suresh, Veeraperumal; Ani, Farid Nasir


    Highlights: • Integrated concept of biofuels production from brown macroalgae P. tetrastromatica. • The activation energy was determined as Ea = 34.314 kJ mol"−"1. • Brown marine alga produced 7.8% of biodiesel by acid and alkali transesterification. • The fuel properties of Padina biodiesel meet the ASTM specifications. • Spent biomass of Padina yields 16.1% of bioethanol after fermentation process. - Abstract: In this study, an integrated biomass conversion concept of producing liquid biofuels from brown marine macroalga Padina tetrastromatica was investigated. The algal biomass was collected from the Mandapam coastal region and processed under laboratory. Various parameters were studied to extract crude lipids from the biomass. A kinetic study was conducted for extracting the lipids from the biomass, which follows the first order kinetics and the lipid yield was 8.15 wt.%. The activation energy; Ea = 34.314 kJ mol"−"1 and their thermodynamic parameters were determined. Since the crude algal lipids contain high amount of free fatty acids, a sequential transesterification technique was examined and 7.8% of biodiesel (78 mg/g algal biomass) yield was obtained. The biodiesel was analyzed by "1H and "1"3C–NMR spectroscopy and the conversion yield was estimated. Further, the biodiesel fuel properties were investigated and found that all the features fit the required ASTM D6751 specification limits. The residual biomass after lipid extraction was further explored for bioethanol production through the anaerobic fermentation process. The ethanol yield obtained after saccharification and fermentation were estimated and 161 mg/g residue biomass was reported. The theoretical yield of conversion of hydrolysate to bioethanol was estimated and found to be 83.4%. Therefore, this study demonstrates that macroalga P. tetrastromatica biomass has great potential to produce liquid biofuels such as biodiesel and bioethanol.

  10. Establecimiento de una comunidad de práctica de investigadores ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    elaboración de políticas y comunidades para manejar de forma ... y el establecimiento de un centro de eco-salud en una comunidad , cuyo objetivo es analizar ..... materiales y prácticas de trabajo .... en materia de seguridad alimentaria en su ...

  11. El tarwi o chocho: una de las principales fuentes de proteína vegetal de las comunidades indígenas de los Andes Centrales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Planchuelo, Ana M.


    Full Text Available El lupino andino (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet conocido también como tarwi o chocho, es una especie de leguminosa nativa de los Andes Centrales. Su domesticación se remonta a los principios de la cultura Nazca y desde ese entonces hasta la actualidad el cultivo está ampliamente difundido en las laderas montañosas y en los altos valles de Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia. La importancia del lupino para las comunidades andinas prehispánicas quedo documentada en pinturas de cerámicas y en tributos encontrados en tumbas de 100-150 años AC. Diversas técnicas de lavado y de mejoramiento vegetal fueron aplicadas desde la antigüedad para eliminar los alcaloides tóxicos que le confieren el sabor amargo a la planta y los granos. El tarwi, el maíz. los frijoles, los pseudocereales, quinoa y amaranto y la papa junto a otras raíces y tubérculos constituyen la comida básica de muchas culturas andinas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los componentes nutricionales de los granos del lupino andino para compararlos con los otros constituyentes de la dieta de las comunidades campesinas. Se analizaron por medio de técnicas fitoquímicas distintas variedades de tarwi. Se determinaron los contenidos de proteínas y grasas y los patrones de ácidos grasos. Los resultados muestran que la ingesta de lupinos, que provee un buen balance de proteínas y grasas en combinación con el maíz y los tubérculos, que aportan los hidratos de carbono, forman una dieta balanceada y de alto valor nutricional.

  12. Ultrasound assisted methods for enhanced extraction of phycobiliproteins from marine macro-algae, Gelidium pusillum (Rhodophyta). (United States)

    Mittal, Rochak; Tavanandi, Hrishikesh A; Mantri, Vaibhav A; Raghavarao, K S M S


    Extraction of phycobiliproteins (R-phycoerythrin, R-PE and R-phycocyanin, R-PC) from macro-algae is difficult due to the presence of large polysaccharides (agar, cellulose etc.) present in the cell wall which offer major hindrance for cell disruption. The present study is aimed at developing most suitable methodology for the primary extraction of R-PE and R-PC from marine macro-algae, Gelidium pusillum(Stackhouse) Le Jolis. Such extraction of phycobiliproteins by using ultrasonication and other conventional methods such as maceration, maceration in presence of liquid nitrogen, homogenization, and freezing and thawing (alone and in combinations) is reported for the first time. Standardization of ultrasonication for different parameters such as ultrasonication amplitude (60, 90 and 120µm) and ultrasonication time (1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10mins) at different temperatures (30, 35 and 40°C) was carried out. Kinetic parameters were estimated for extraction of phycobiliproteins by ultrasonication based on second order mass transfer kinetics. Based on calorimetric measurements, power, ultrasound intensity and acoustic power density were estimated to be 41.97W, 14.81W/cm 2 and 0.419W/cm 3 , respectively. Synergistic effect of ultrasonication was observed when employed in combination with other conventional primary extraction methods. Homogenization in combination with ultrasonication resulted in an enhancement in efficiency by 9.3% over homogenization alone. Similarly, maceration in combination with ultrasonication resulted in an enhancement in efficiency by 31% over maceration alone. Among all the methods employed, maceration in combination with ultrasonication resulted in the highest extraction efficiency of 77 and 93% for R-PE and R-PC, respectively followed by homogenization in combination with ultrasonication (69.6% for R-PE and 74.1% for R-PC). HPLC analysis was carried out in order to ensure that R-PE was present in the extract and remained intact even after processing

  13. Sewage pollution in Negril, Jamaica: effects on nutrition and ecology of coral reef macroalgae (United States)

    Lapointe, B. E.; Thacker, K.; Hanson, C.; Getten, L.


    Coral reefs in the Negril Marine Park (NMP), Jamaica, have been increasingly impacted by nutrient pollution and macroalgal blooms following decades of intensive development as a major tourist destination. A baseline survey of DIN and SRP concentrations, C:N:P and stable nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) of abundant reef macroalgae on shallow and deep reefs of the NMP in 1998 showed strong P-limitation and evidence of increasing sewage pollution. In 1999, a sewage collection and treatment project began diverting wastewater from the resort and urban areas to a pond system that discharged partially-treated effluent into the South Negril River (SNR). These sewage discharges significantly increased concentrations of NH{4/+} and SRP (N:P ˜13) in the SNR, which flows into Long Bay and around Negril's "West End". Concentrations of SRP, the primary limiting nutrient, were higher on shallow reefs of the West End in 2001 compared to 1998. Stable nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) of abundant reef macroalgae on both shallow and deep reefs of the West End in 2002 were significantly higher than baseline values in 1998, indicating an escalating impact of sewage nitrogen pollution over this timeframe. The increased nutrient concentrations and δ15N enrichment of reef macroalgae correlated with blooms of the chlorophyte Chaetomorpha linum in shallow waters of Long Bay and Codium isthmocladum and Caulerpa cupressoides on deep reefs of the West End. Sewage treatment systems adjacent to coral reefs must include nutrient removal to ensure that DIN and SRP concentrations, after dilution, are below the low thresholds noted for these oligotrophic ecosystems.


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    António Vieira


    Full Text Available O estudo da glaciação plistocénica no Noroeste de Portugal tem interessado a comunidade científica desde finais do século XIX. Das várias serras minhotas, apenas a do Gerês e da Peneda são consensualmente consideradas como áreas montanhosas afetadas pelas glaciações quaternárias, embora outras montanhas, apesar de mais baixas, pareçam evidenciar idênticos efeitos das glaciações. Apresenta-se neste trabalho uma síntese dos conhecimentos atuais e as perspetivas de investigação dos vestígios glaciares nas montanhas do NW de Portugal.

  15. Identidade, pertencimento e engajamento político nas mídias sociais

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    Pedro Simonard


    Full Text Available Adotando uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, este artigo analisa as mudanças introduzidas pelas mídias sociais na sociedade partindo de conceitos como identidade, território e políticas públicas e sua transposição para o mundo virtual, aqui considerado objeto multidisciplinar. As mídias sociais como território de pertencimento, onde é possível a governos estabelecerem mecanismos de controle de políticas públicas mais democráticas e participativas devido à interação virtual, são premissas defendidas neste artigo, que ao final mostra como governo e comunidade hoje têm a possibilidade de dialogar e construir ações, projetos e programas a partir do engajamento e do ativismo político praticado nas redes sociais. Como metodologia, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica que permitiu a discussão de conceitos oriundos de distintas áreas de conhecimento, estabelecendo uma relação entre identidade, território e mídias sociais.

  16. Distribution of vascular plants and macroalgae along salinity and elevation gradients in Oregon tidal marshes (United States)

    Sea level rise due to global climate change may affect the spatial distribution of plants and macroalgae within tidal estuaries. We present preliminary results from on-going research in Oregon to determine how these potential abiotic drives correlate with the presence or absence...

  17. Evaluation of impacts of climate change and local stressors on the biotechnological potential of marine macroalgae: a brief theoretical discussion of likely scenarios

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    Paulo A. Horta


    Full Text Available Climate change can be associated with variations in the frequency and intensity of extreme temperatures and precipitation events on the local and regional scales. Along coastal areas, flooding associated with increased occupation has seriously impacted products and services generated by marine life, in particular the biotechnological potential that macroalgae hold. Therefore, this paper analyzes the available information on the taxonomy, ecology and physiology of macroalgae and discusses the impacts of climate change and local stress on the biotechnological potential of Brazilian macroalgae. Based on data compiled from a series of floristic and ecological works, we note the disappearance in some Brazilian regions of major groups of biotechnological interest. In some cases, the introduction of exotic species has been documented, as well as expansion of the distribution range of economically important species. We also verify an increase in the similarities between the Brazilian phycogeographic provinces, although they still remain different. It is possible that these changes have resulted from the warming of South Atlantic water, as observed for its surface in southeastern Brazilian, mainly during the winter. However, unplanned urbanization of coastal areas can also produce similar biodiversity losses, which requires efforts to generate long-term temporal data on the composition, community structure and physiology of macroalgae.

  18. Temporal pattern in the bloom-forming macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum and Ulva pertusa in seagrass beds, Swan Lake lagoon, North China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Xiaomei; Zhou, Yi; Liu, Peng; Wang, Feng; Liu, Bingjian; Liu, Xujia; Xu, Qiang; Yang, Hongsheng


    Highlights: • We conducted an annual survey of bloom-forming macroalgae in a lagoon. • C. linum biomass reached 1712 ± 780 g DW m −2 at the northern part of the lagoon. • Macroalgae δ 15 N values indicated a land-based source of N enrichment to the blooms. • High nutrient concentrations near the river mouth supported the blooms. • C. linum blooms induced the loss of seagrasses and benthic filter feeders. - Abstract: Seagrasses that are distributed over a large area of the Swan Lake, Weihai, China, support a productive ecosystem. In recent years, however, frequent macroalgal blooms have changed the ecosystem structure and threatened the seagrasses. To understand the bloom-forming macroalgae we conducted a yearly field survey of Swan Lake. Results indicated that the macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum and Ulva pertusa both exhibited a much higher productivity and attained a greater maximum biomass (of 1712 ± 780 g DW m −2 and 1511 ± 555 g DW m −2 , respectively) than was the case for the seagrasses. The mean annual atomic ratios of C/N, C/P and N/P in C. linum were 14.31 ± 4.45, 402.82 ± 130.25, and 28.12 ± 2.08, respectively. The δ 15 N values (11.09 ± 0.91‰ for C. linum; 9.27 ± 2.83‰ for U. pertusa) indicated a land-based source of N enrichment to the macroalgal blooms. High concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the lagoon, particularly near the river mouth, supported the blooms

  19. Comunidade virtual de educação especial


    Rodrigues, Manuel Jorge


    A Comunidade Virtual de Educação Especial (CVEE) pretende ser uma Comunidade de Prática Online para todos os profissionais da educação que, directa ou indirectamente, estão ligados à Educação Especial. É um projecto desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado “As TIC na Educação e Formação”, da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.

  20. Pretreatment of the macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum for the production of bioethanol - Comparison of five pretreatment technologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz-Jensen, Nadja; Thygesen, Anders; Thomsen, Sune Tjalfe


    -assisted pretreatment (PAP) and ball milling (BM), to determine effects of the pretreatment methods on the conversion of C. linum into ethanol by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). WO and BM showed the highest ethanol yield of 44. g ethanol/100. g glucan, which was close to the theoretical ethanol......A qualified estimate for pretreatment of the macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum for ethanol production was given, based on the experience of pretreatment of land-based biomass. C. linum was subjected to hydrothermal pretreatment (HTT), wet oxidation (WO), steam explosion (STEX), plasma...... yield of 57. g ethanol/100. g glucan. A 64% higher ethanol yield, based on raw material, was reached after pretreatment with WO and BM compared with unpretreated C. linum, however 50% of the biomass was lost during WO. Results indicated that the right combination of pretreatment and marine macroalgae...

  1. Apicultura na comunidade areias em sistemas agroecológicos e de produção orgânica

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    Elaine Barbosa Muniz


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho, compartilhar os resultados obtidos com o projeto de extensão: “Sistema orgânico e agroecológico de criação de abelhas na comunidade Areias”-PROEX/UFGD, assentamentolocalizado no Município de Nioaque,MS.O enfoque da ação esteve direcionado nas técnicas de manejo com abelhas, para a produção do mel, que fossem apropriadas para o êxito da atividade naquela região, lugar de área pantaneira. Com essa atividade, pretendeu-se à autosuficiência dos assentados, para futuramente, por meio da produção de mel, alcançar em melhoria alimentar e também geração de receita e renda. Durante a ação foram desenvolvidos, mensalmente, cursos práticos e teóricos, associados ao acompanhamento das atividades diversas, tendo, nesse processo, o cuidado de atentar para cada época do calendário de manejo apícola. O acompanhamento eo alcance dos objetivos programados foram avaliados a cada 30 dias. Após encerramento de cada etapa na escala de produção, os envolvidos foram reunidos para avaliar as atividades realizadas, mediante painel geral, para que assim os dados quantitativos e qualitativos, fossem colhidos de forma participativa. Desta maneira os produtores puderam fazer uma profunda reflexão dos encaminhamentos realizados durante todo o processo, identificando as possibilidades de êxito, bem como os problemas que ocorreram, favorecendo a construção de sistemas melhorados.Houve comprometimento de todos os envolvidos na execução desta prática, que após a primeira coleta de mel verificou-se um resultado satisfatório em relação ao aspecto econômico, bem como propiciou satisfação nas relações sociais comunitárias, pois as diversas reuniões e atividades desenvolvidas coletivamente uniram as famílias da comunidade. Isso promoveu o despertar de interesse em outras famílias do assentamento Areias, que passaram a manifestar o desejo em integrarem o grupo e atuarem com a apicultura.

  2. Turismo, patrimonio y comunidades indígenas

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    Edna Camila Acero Tinoco


    Full Text Available Si bien es cierto que el capital impacta las diversas dinámicas existentes en el comercio, se debe tener en cuenta que la comunidad que habita en cualquier espacio donde se genere ese comercio ha tenido diferentes transformaciones a lo largo del tiempo en búsqueda de sus necesidades, creando medios sociales de comercio a partir de la naturaleza que los rodea (Marx, 1971, p. 37. Una de las actividades económicas que genera transformaciones e impactos es el fenómeno turístico, que a pesar de su orientación productivista lleva consigo una connotación sociológica importante, dada la posibilidad de interacción simbólica entre la visión del consumidor turístico y la del sujeto receptor. Dicha interacción genera intercambios culturales complejos y transformaciones en las dinámicas locales debido a la necesidad naciente de conocer lo desconocido y redescubrir al otro, como una forma de materializar el turismo e industrializar la cultura. Los beneficios económicos del turismo no se convierten en beneficios sociales, pues son diseñados sin conocer la realidad de las comunidades. Así mismo, es inevitable el cambio en los comportamientos generales debido a la transformación de la estructura cultural como consecuencia de los intercambios sociales. El turismo es el que determina cómo deben actuar, comportarse, vestirse, qué deben mostrar y qué pueden vender las comunidades, por lo cual, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, estas maquillan sus cuerpos y buscan recrear el discurso del buen salvaje por medio de la danza, los cantos, las lenguas aborígenes y el aspecto de sumisión. Es por lo anterior que el objetivo de esta investigación es, grosso modo, conocer los impactos que genera la actividad turística en las comunidades indígenas a partir del discurso colonial. Este discurso sigue siendo reproducido como una forma de vender un producto turístico llamado cultura y patrimonio, representado en las diferentes comunidades indígenas del

  3. Contribution of residual proteins to the thermomechanical performance of cellulosic nanofibrils isolated from green macroalgae (United States)

    Jiaqi Guo; Khan Mohammad Ahsan Uddin; Karl Mihhels; Wenwen Fang; Päivi Laaksonen; J. Y. Zhu; Orlando J. Rojas


    Cellulosic nanofibrils (CNFs) were isolated from one of the most widespread freshwater macroalgae, Aegagropila linnaei. The algae were first carboxylated with a recyclable dicarboxylic acid, which facilitated deconstruction into CNFs via microfluidization while preserving the protein component. For comparison, cellulosic fibrils were also isolated by chemical treatment...

  4. Accumulation of Cu and Zn from antifouling paint particles by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turner, Andrew; Pollock, Heather; Brown, Murray T.


    The marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, has been exposed to different concentrations of antifouling paint particles (4-200 mg L -1 ) in the presence of a fixed quantity of clean estuarine sediment and its photosynthetic response and accumulation of Cu and Zn monitored over a period of 2 days. An immediate (<2 h) toxic effect was elicited under all experimental conditions that was quantitatively related to the concentration of contaminated particles present. Likewise, the rate of leaching of both Cu and Zn was correlated with the concentration of paint particles added. Copper accumulation by the alga increased linearly with aqueous Cu concentration, largely through adsorption to the cell surface, but significant accumulation of Zn was not observed. Thus, in coastal environments where boat maintenance is practiced, discarded antifouling paint particles are an important source of Cu, but not Zn, to U. lactuca. - The marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, is able to accumulate Cu but not Zn from discarded antifouling paint particles.

  5. Accumulation of Cu and Zn from antifouling paint particles by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Turner, Andrew, E-mail: [School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA (United Kingdom); Pollock, Heather [School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA (United Kingdom); Brown, Murray T. [School of Biological Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA (United Kingdom)


    The marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, has been exposed to different concentrations of antifouling paint particles (4-200 mg L{sup -1}) in the presence of a fixed quantity of clean estuarine sediment and its photosynthetic response and accumulation of Cu and Zn monitored over a period of 2 days. An immediate (<2 h) toxic effect was elicited under all experimental conditions that was quantitatively related to the concentration of contaminated particles present. Likewise, the rate of leaching of both Cu and Zn was correlated with the concentration of paint particles added. Copper accumulation by the alga increased linearly with aqueous Cu concentration, largely through adsorption to the cell surface, but significant accumulation of Zn was not observed. Thus, in coastal environments where boat maintenance is practiced, discarded antifouling paint particles are an important source of Cu, but not Zn, to U. lactuca. - The marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, is able to accumulate Cu but not Zn from discarded antifouling paint particles.

  6. Modelling Macroalgae Productivity In An Estuary. A Biorremediation To Nutrient Discharges In The Ecosystems. (United States)

    Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Ferreira, J. G.; Nunes, J. P.

    Enhanced nutrient load to estuaries and coastal waters due to anthropogenic activities is damaging aquatic ecosystems, resulting in water pollution and eutrophication prob- lems. It is important to quantify the production of photosynthetic organisms, as they play an important role in controlling nitrogen removal and nitrogen fluxes between the sediments and the water column. In turbid estuaries, such as those on the NE Atlantic coast of Europe, benthic primary producers such as macroalgae may play an important part in carbon fixation and nutrient removal, since pelagic production is often strongly light-limited. Estuarine seaweeds are primarily located in intertidal areas, which are characterised by shallow waters and strong tidal currents. Due to high concentrations of suspended particulate matter in the water column, light is rapidly attenuated, limiting macroal- gae production during part of the tidal cycle. An accurate representation of sediment dynamics is essential for the determination of the light energy available for the algae, which is a key factor in reliable primary production estimates. In tidal flats, the sedi- ment dynamics is made more complex by the formation of tidal pools during low tide, where water quickly becomes clear, allowing more light to penetrate through the water column. In the present work a model is developed to calculate macroalgae production in the intertidal areas of estuaries, considering the factors mentioned above. The model is tested for the Tagus estuary (Portugal), and a Gross Primary Production of 3300 g m-2 y-1 was obtained. That results in a total nitrogen removal of 440 gN m-2 y-1. The results show that the macroalgae community plays an impor- tant role in the nitrogen cycle in estuaries and nutrient export to the open sea, acting as a biorremediation for the increased nutrient loading problem.

  7. Demineralization of Sargassum spp. Macroalgae Biomass: Selective Hydrothermal Liquefaction Process for Bio-Oil Production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Díaz-Vázquez, Liz M., E-mail:; Rojas-Pérez, Arnulfo; Fuentes-Caraballo, Mariela; Robles, Isis V. [Department of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus, San Juan, PR (United States); Jena, Umakanta [Bioenergy Laboratory, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV (United States); Das, K. C. [College of Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (United States)


    Algae biomasses are considered a viable option for the production of biofuel because of their high yields of oil produced per dry weight. Brown macroalgae Sargassum spp. are one of the most abundant species of algae in the shores of Puerto Rico. Its availability in large quantity presents a great opportunity for use as a source of renewable energy. However, high ash content of macroalgae affects the conversion processes and the quality of resulting fuel products. This research studied the effect of different demineralization treatments of Sargassum spp. biomass, subsequent hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL), and bio-oil characterization. Demineralization constituted five different treatments: nanopure water, nitric acid, citric acid, sulfuric acid, and acetic acid. Performance of demineralization was evaluated by analyzing both demineralized biomass and HTL products by the following analyses: total carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, ash content, caloric content, metals analysis, Fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and GCMS analysis. HTL of Sargassum spp. before and after citric acid treatment was performed in a 1.8 L batch reactor system at 350°C with a holding time of 60 min and high pressures (5–21 MPa). Demineralization treatment with nitric acid was found the most effective in reducing the ash content of the macroalgae biomass from 27.46 to 0.99% followed by citric acid treatment that could reduce the ash content to 7%. Citric acid did not show significant leaching of organic components such as carbohydrates and proteins, and represented a less toxic and hazardous option for demineralization. HTL of untreated and citric acid treated Sargassum spp. resulted in bio-oil yields of 18.4 ± 0.1 and 22.2 ± 0.1% (ash-free dry basis), respectively.

  8. Demineralization of Sargassum spp. Macroalgae Biomass: Selective Hydrothermal Liquefaction Process for Bio-Oil Production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Díaz-Vázquez, Liz M.; Rojas-Pérez, Arnulfo; Fuentes-Caraballo, Mariela; Robles, Isis V.; Jena, Umakanta; Das, K. C.


    Algae biomasses are considered a viable option for the production of biofuel because of their high yields of oil produced per dry weight. Brown macroalgae Sargassum spp. are one of the most abundant species of algae in the shores of Puerto Rico. Its availability in large quantity presents a great opportunity for use as a source of renewable energy. However, high ash content of macroalgae affects the conversion processes and the quality of resulting fuel products. This research studied the effect of different demineralization treatments of Sargassum spp. biomass, subsequent hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL), and bio-oil characterization. Demineralization constituted five different treatments: nanopure water, nitric acid, citric acid, sulfuric acid, and acetic acid. Performance of demineralization was evaluated by analyzing both demineralized biomass and HTL products by the following analyses: total carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, ash content, caloric content, metals analysis, Fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and GCMS analysis. HTL of Sargassum spp. before and after citric acid treatment was performed in a 1.8 L batch reactor system at 350°C with a holding time of 60 min and high pressures (5–21 MPa). Demineralization treatment with nitric acid was found the most effective in reducing the ash content of the macroalgae biomass from 27.46 to 0.99% followed by citric acid treatment that could reduce the ash content to 7%. Citric acid did not show significant leaching of organic components such as carbohydrates and proteins, and represented a less toxic and hazardous option for demineralization. HTL of untreated and citric acid treated Sargassum spp. resulted in bio-oil yields of 18.4 ± 0.1 and 22.2 ± 0.1% (ash-free dry basis), respectively.

  9. Demineralization of Sargassum spp. macroalgae biomass: selective hydrothermal liquefaction process for bio-oil production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liz M Díaz-Vázquez


    Full Text Available Algae biomasses are considered a viable option for the production of biofuel because of their high yields of oil produced per dry weight. Brown macroalgae Sargassum spp. are one of the most abundant species of algae in the shores of Puerto Rico. Its availability in large quantity presents a great opportunity for use as a source of renewable energy. However, high ash content of macroalgae affects the conversion processes and the quality of resulting fuel products. This research studied the effect of different demineralization treatments of Sargassum spp. biomass, subsequent hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL and bio-oil characterization. Demineralization constituted five different treatments: nanopure water, nitric acid, citric acid, sulfuric acid, and acetic acid. Performance of demineralization was evaluated by analyzing both demineralized biomass and HTL products by the following analyses: total carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, ash content, caloric content, metals analysis, Fourier Transform Infrared - Attenuated Total Reflectance (FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM, and GCMS analysis. HTL of Sargassum spp. before and after citric acid treatment, was performed in a 1.8 L batch reactor system at 350°C with a holding time of 60 min and high pressures (5-21 MPa. Demineralization treatment with nitric acid was found the most effective in reducing the ash content of the macroalgae biomass from 27.46% to 0.99% followed by citric acid treatment that could reduce the ash content to 7%. Citric acid did not show significant leaching of organic components such as carbohydrates and proteins, and represented a less toxic and hazardous option for demineralization. HTL of untreated and citric acid treated Sargassum spp. resulted in bio-oil yields of 18.4±0.1 % and 22.2±0.1 % (ash free dry basis, respectively.

  10. Nutrient and metal pollution of the eastern Gulf of Finland coastline: Sediments, macroalgae, microbiota

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gubelit, Yulia; Polyak, Yulia; Dembska, Grazyna; Pazikowska-Sapota, Grazyna; Zegarowski, Lukasz; Kochura, Dmitry; Krivorotov, Denis; Podgornaya, Elena; Burova, Olga; Maazouzi, Chafik


    The anthropogenic pollution along the coastline of the eastern Gulf of Finland was studied through a range of methods, including analyses of metal contamination in water, surface sediments, accumulated algal biomass and its correlation with resistant microbiota. According to concentrations, the main pollutants in water were copper and manganese. Influence of Nuclear Power Plant was remarkable in adjacent areas and was expressed in high concentrations of molybdenum, nickel, copper and other elements in the water. Relatively high concentrations of copper, lead and zinc were found in sediments. Microbial tolerance appeared to be correlated with the concentration of the metals in sediments. Higher tolerance levels were found in sediment samples from more polluted stations. Macroalgae, which were massively developed in the coastal zone, had shown high level of metal bioaccumulation. Analyses of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content of algal tissues allowed the estimation of additional nutrient loading from accumulated decaying algal biomass on the coastal zone of the eastern Gulf of Finland. Mass development of algae in coastal area may contribute to accumulation of organic matter and associated metals. In our study the highest metal concentrations in sediments were found at the sites with dense and continuous layer of fresh and decaying macroalgal biomass, accompanied by hypoxic conditions. Also our study has shown that accumulated biomass may be a significant source of nutrients in the coastal ecosystem. - Highlights: • We studied heavy metal pollution in the coastline of the eastern Gulf of Finland. • Sediments, water, mass macroalgae and microbiota were included into analyses. • Eutrophication and nutrient loading remain the main problem of the studied area. • Macroalgae contribute to accumulation of organic matter, nutrient, and heavy metal. • Pollution in the studied area is caused by a combination of different factors.

  11. Nutrient and metal pollution of the eastern Gulf of Finland coastline: Sediments, macroalgae, microbiota

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gubelit, Yulia, E-mail: [Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Polyak, Yulia [Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Dembska, Grazyna; Pazikowska-Sapota, Grazyna; Zegarowski, Lukasz [Maritime Institute in Gdansk, Department of Environmental Protection, Gdansk (Poland); Kochura, Dmitry; Krivorotov, Denis; Podgornaya, Elena; Burova, Olga [Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology (RIHOPHE), Federal Medical Biological Agency, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Maazouzi, Chafik [Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Laboratoire d' Écologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (LEHNA), Lyon (France)


    The anthropogenic pollution along the coastline of the eastern Gulf of Finland was studied through a range of methods, including analyses of metal contamination in water, surface sediments, accumulated algal biomass and its correlation with resistant microbiota. According to concentrations, the main pollutants in water were copper and manganese. Influence of Nuclear Power Plant was remarkable in adjacent areas and was expressed in high concentrations of molybdenum, nickel, copper and other elements in the water. Relatively high concentrations of copper, lead and zinc were found in sediments. Microbial tolerance appeared to be correlated with the concentration of the metals in sediments. Higher tolerance levels were found in sediment samples from more polluted stations. Macroalgae, which were massively developed in the coastal zone, had shown high level of metal bioaccumulation. Analyses of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content of algal tissues allowed the estimation of additional nutrient loading from accumulated decaying algal biomass on the coastal zone of the eastern Gulf of Finland. Mass development of algae in coastal area may contribute to accumulation of organic matter and associated metals. In our study the highest metal concentrations in sediments were found at the sites with dense and continuous layer of fresh and decaying macroalgal biomass, accompanied by hypoxic conditions. Also our study has shown that accumulated biomass may be a significant source of nutrients in the coastal ecosystem. - Highlights: • We studied heavy metal pollution in the coastline of the eastern Gulf of Finland. • Sediments, water, mass macroalgae and microbiota were included into analyses. • Eutrophication and nutrient loading remain the main problem of the studied area. • Macroalgae contribute to accumulation of organic matter, nutrient, and heavy metal. • Pollution in the studied area is caused by a combination of different factors.

  12. Gene expression patterns of the coral Acropora millepora in response to contact with macroalgae (United States)

    Shearer, T. L.; Rasher, D. B.; Snell, T. W.; Hay, M. E.


    Contact with macroalgae often causes coral mortality, but the roles of abrasion versus shading versus allelopathy in these interactions are rarely clear, and effects on gene expression are unknown. Identification of gene expression changes within corals in response to contact with macroalgae can provide insight into the mode of action of allelochemicals, as well as reveal transcriptional strategies of the coral that mitigate damage from this competitive interaction, enabling the coral to survive. Gene expression responses of the coral Acropora millepora after long-term (20 days) direct contact with macroalgae ( Chlorodesmis fastigiata, Dictyota bartayresiana, Galaxaura filamentosa, and Turbinaria conoides) and short-term (1 and 24 h) exposure to C. fastigiata thalli and their hydrophobic extract were assessed. After 20 days of exposure, T. conoides thalli elicited no significant change in visual bleaching or zooxanthellae PSII quantum yield within A. millepora nubbins, but stimulated the greatest alteration in gene expression of all treatments. Chlorodesmis fastigiata, D. bartayresiana, and G. filamentosa caused significant visual bleaching of coral nubbins and reduced the PSII quantum yield of associated zooxanthellae after 20 days, but elicited fewer changes in gene expression relative to T. conoides at day 20. To evaluate initial molecular processes leading to reduction of zooxanthella PSII quantum yield, visual bleaching, and coral death, short-term exposures to C. fastigiata thalli and hydrophobic extracts were conducted; these interactions revealed protein degradation and significant changes in catalytic and metabolic activity within 24 h of contact. These molecular responses are consistent with the hypothesis that allelopathic interactions lead to alteration of signal transduction and an imbalance between reactive oxidant species production and antioxidant capabilities within the coral holobiont. This oxidative imbalance results in rapid protein degradation

  13. Analyzing redox balance in a synthetic yeast platform to improve utilization of brown macroalgae as feedstock

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    C.A. Contador


    Full Text Available Macroalgae have high potential to be an efficient, and sustainable feedstock for the production of biofuels and other more valuable chemicals. Attempts have been made to enable the co-fermentation of alginate and mannitol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae to unlock the full potential of this marine biomass. However, the efficient use of the sugars derived from macroalgae depends on the equilibrium of cofactors derived from the alginate and mannitol catabolic pathways. There are a number of strong metabolic limitations that have to be tackled before this bioconversion can be carried out efficiently by engineered yeast cells.An analysis of the redox balance during ethanol fermentation from alginate and mannitol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae using metabolic engineering tools was carried out. To represent the strain designed for conversion of macroalgae carbohydrates to ethanol, a context-specific model was derived from the available yeast genome-scale metabolic reconstructions. Flux balance analysis and dynamic simulations were used to determine the flux distributions. The model indicates that ethanol production is determined by the activity of 4-deoxy-l-erythro-5-hexoseulose uronate (DEHU reductase (DehR and its preferences for NADH or NADPH which influences strongly the flow of cellular resources. Different scenarios were explored to determine the equilibrium between NAD(H and NADP(H that will lead to increased ethanol yields on mannitol and DEHU under anaerobic conditions. When rates of mannitol dehydrogenase and DehRNADH tend to be close to a ratio in the range 1–1.6, high growth rates and ethanol yields were predicted. The analysis shows a number of metabolic limitations that are not easily identified through experimental procedures such as quantifying the impact of the cofactor preference by DEHU reductase in the system, the low flux into the alginate catabolic pathway, and a detailed analysis of the redox balance. These results show that

  14. Aminas biogênicas em macroalgas marinhas do Estado do Ceará, Brasil Biogenic amines in marine macroalgae of the state of Ceará, Brazil

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    Daniel Barroso de Alencar


    Full Text Available Muitas aminas são comumente encontradas em alimentos de origem vegetal e animal, porém apenas um pequeno número é de interesse por produzirem reações adversas se ingeridas e absorvidas no organismo humano. Dentre elas, a histamina e a tiramina podem desencadear sintomas de intoxicação. As algas marinhas são amplamente consumidas pelos povos orientais, e, no Ocidente, seu consumo encontra-se em expansão. O Brasil não tem esta tradição, mas a diversidade de espécies encontradas no litoral brasileiro as torna potencialmente úteis como alimento humano. Para promovê-las com essa finalidade, são necessários estudos químicos e bioquímicos. No presente trabalho, treze espécies de macroalgas marinhas coletadas na praia do Pacheco, no município de Caucaia - CE, foram preliminarmente analisadas quanto à presença de histamina e tiramina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. A identificação destas aminas biogênicas foi feita com base nos tempos de retenção dos padrões comerciais de dicloridrato de histamina e cloridrato de tiramina, comparados com aqueles correspondentes aos mesmos compostos nos extratos algais. Nenhuma das treze espécies estudadas neste trabalho apresentou histamina e/ou tiramina em quantidades capazes de provocar sintomas de intoxicação através do seu consumo.Many amines are commonly found in food of both animal and vegetable origin, however only a small number is of interest since they produce diverse reactions when ingested and absorbed by humans. Among them, histamine and tyramine can cause intoxication symptoms. Marine algae are consumed widely by the eastern civilizations, and in the West, their consumption is expanding. Brazil does not have this tradition, but the diversity of species found throughout the Brazilian coast line make marine algae potentially useful for human ingestion. For such, it is necessary to perform chemical and biochemical studies. In this study, thirteen species of

  15. Antibacterial activity of extracts of six macroalgae from the northeastern brazilian coast

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    Lima-Filho José Vitor M.


    Full Text Available Hexane, chloroform and ethanol extracts of six marine macroalgae (Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta from North Ceará coast (Northeast Brazil were evaluated for antibacterial activity by the single disk method. Best results were shown by the hexane extracts of Amansia multifida against enteric Gram-negative strains such as Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi, S. cholerae-suis, Serratia marcescens, Vibrio cholerae and the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus.

  16. Padrão de mortalidade da comunidade judaica de Belo Horizonte no século XX Mortality pattern of jewish community of Belo Horizonte in the XXth century

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    Débora Balabram


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Fatores genéticos e ambientais são conhecidos por sua importância na gênese de grande parte das doenças. É possível estudá-los pela observação da prevalência de agravos nas populações, bem como das causas de mortalidade, buscando-se uma correlação com os hábitos sociais e origens étnicas e familiares dos indivíduos. Nestes estudos, destacam-se as comunidades nas quais podem-se verificar vínculos sociais e genéticos entre seus membros. A comunidade judaica de Belo Horizonte se encaixa nesses critérios. Ela se consolidou na década de 20 do século passado e, atualmente, a Federação Israelita de Minas Gerais (FISEMG tem cadastro de aproximadamente 600 famílias. Este estudo pretende definir o padrão de mortalidade nessa comunidade, e como ele se modificou a partir de sua formação. MÉTODOS: Foram recuperados dados a partir dos arquivos do Instituto Histórico Israelita Mineiro, da FISEMG e dos Cemitérios Israelita e do Bonfim, oriundos de registros históricos e guias de sepultamento, no período de 1926 a 2003. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 601 registros de óbitos, sendo 61,6% de homens e 38,4% de mulheres. As doenças infecto-parasitárias, dentre elas a tuberculose, ocorreram com maior freqüência nas décadas de 30 e 40 e decresceram nas décadas seguintes. As doenças do aparelho circulatório foram as causas de óbito mais prevalentes a partir da década de 40. CONCLUSÃO: Houve mudança nos padrões de mortalidade da população judaica de Belo Horizonte.OBJECTIVE: Genetic and environmental factors are known for their importance in the genesis of the majority of diseases. It is possible to study them through the observation of prevalence of diseases, and also the mortality causes, relating it to social habits and ethnical and familial origins of the individuals. In those studies, communities in which there are social and genetic links stand out. The jewish community of Belo Horizonte fits these criteria

  17. O falar da comunidade negra de João Ramalho

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    João Roberto Inácio Ribeiro


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    Este trabalho pretende explorar algumas peculiaridades lingüísticas da comunidade negra de João Ramalho, na região de Assis, SP, tendo em vista o isolamento em que essa comunidade vive. Este isolamento é resultado de uma atitude bastante resistente à inter-relação com membros de outros grupos.

  18. Biopoder e UPPs: alteridade na experiência do policiamento permanente em comunidades cariocas

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    Thiago Benedito Livramento Melicio


    Full Text Available O artigo visa refletir sobre a experiência do efetivo policial permanente em dois conjuntos de comunidades cariocas, inserido no escopo das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP. Foram realizados dois estudos exploratórios, em agosto e dezembro de 2010. Na esteira do conceito foucaultiano de biopoder, discute-se a UPP como rede de relações de poder que a compõe e a legitima, pensando-se o local em que se instala, a política de Estado a que responde, os atores com que opera e as produções históricas das relações entre Estado e territórios populares. O campo de análise constitui-se, assim, nas práticas e saberes localizados no cotidiano e nos efeitos produzidos com a presença do policial na paisagem da favela. Se novas regras são trazidas com as UPPs, novas identificações são mobilizadas e as modulações de conjunto abrem lacunas, o governo de si não se produz sozinho, mas combina-se com diversidades na gestão da vida.

  19. Valuable biomolecules from nine North Atlantic red macroalgae: Amino acids, fatty acids, carotenoids, minerals and metals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Razi Parjikolaei, Behnaz; Bruhn, Annette; Eybye, Karin Loft


    In modern society, novel marine resources are scrutinized pursuing compounds of use in the medical, pharmaceutical, biotech, food or feed industry. Few of the numerous marine macroalgae are currently exploited. In this study, the contents of nutritional compounds from nine common North Atlantic r...

  20. Herbivory on macro-algae affects colonization of beach-cast algal wrack by detritivores but not its decomposition

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    Philip Eereveld


    Full Text Available Spatial subsidies have increasingly been considered significant sources of matter and energy to unproductive ecosystems. However, subsidy quality may both differ between subsidizing sources and vary over time. In our studies, sub-littoral herbivory by snails or isopods on red or brown macro-algae induced changes in algal tissues that affected colonization of beach-cast algal wrack by supra-littoral detritivores (amphipods. However, microbial decay and decomposition through the joint action of detritivores and microbes of algal wrack in the supra-littoral remained unaffected by whether or not red or brown algae had been fed upon by snails or isopods. Thus, herbivory on marine macro-algae affects the cross-system connection of sub-littoral and supra-littoral food webs transiently, but these effects diminish upon ageing of macro-algal wrack in the supra-littoral zone.

  1. Influência da internet na comunidade acadêmico-científica da área de saúde pública The Internet influence on the academic-scientific public health community


    Angela Maria Belloni Cuenca; Ana Cristina d'Andretta Tanaka


    OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência da internet nas atividades acadêmico-científicas da comunidade brasileira que atua na área de saúde pública. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, centrado na opinião de 237 docentes vinculados aos programas de pós-graduação em saúde pública, nos níveis mestrado e doutorado, no Brasil, em 2001. Para a obtenção dos dados, optou-se por questionário auto-aplicado via web e correio postal. A análise estatística foi feita por meio de proporções, médias e desvios-padrão. RESU...

  2. Nutritional and Functional Bioactivity Value of Selected Azorean Macroalgae: Ulva compressa, Ulva rigida, Gelidium microdon, and Pterocladiella capillacea. (United States)

    Paiva, Lisete; Lima, Elisabete; Neto, Ana Isabel; Marcone, Massimo; Baptista, José


    This study presents information on the biochemical composition (dry weight basis), nutritional aspects, and angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory properties of selected macroalgae (Ulva compressa, Ulva rigida, Gelidium microdon, and Pterocladiella capillacea) from Azores. Moisture content was very high (83.2% to 90.0% of fresh weight). Total dietary fiber (33.7% to 41.0%) that presented a good balance of both soluble and insoluble fibers (15.5% to 19.2% and 18.2% to 21.8%, respectively) was the most abundant component in these macroalgae. Protein and ash (ranged from 15.7% to 23.4% and 10.7% to 20.7%, respectively) were the 2nd most abundant components in red and green macroalgae, respectively. Moderate soluble carbohydrate contents (14.5% to 19.8%) were found in all species. Lipid contents were low (1.0% to 4.3%), particularly in Ulva species (1.0% to 1.7%), but contained higher unsaturated fatty acids (FAs) (7.5% to 32.9% and 29.6% to 69.2% of total FA for monounsaturated fatty acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid groups, respectively) than saturated fatty acid (23.3% to 46.8% of total FA) contents. All the macroalgal proteins had high digestibility in vitro (82.2% to 89.4%, relatively to sodium caseinate), contained high quantity of essential amino acids (45.3% to 58.1% of total amino acids), but in different proportions, and were rich in aspartic and glutamic acids that together account for 17.2% to 36.2% of the total amino acids. These results suggested that regular consumption of the selected macroalgae may improve human health and revealed that they can be used for producing food supplements for human and animal nutrition and/or pharmaceuticals with potential effect on the regional economy. Furthermore, the ACE-inhibitory IC 50 values of 0.095 to 0.695 mg/mL for the <1 kDa protein hydrolysate fraction revealed a potential impact on hypertension disorder. © 2017 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  3. Educação e saúde: territórios de responsabilidade, comunidade e demandas sociais

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    Roseli Esquerdo Lopes

    Full Text Available Este trabalho integra a pesquisa "Ações Básicas de Saúde e a Construção do SUS: Cidadania, Direitos e Políticas Públicas", que questiona, a partir de uma perspectiva sócio-histórica, a Estratégia de Saúde da Família. Discute-se a inclusão/exclusão na Atenção Básica de demandas comunitárias e daquelas referentes a problemáticas não tradicionalmente acolhidas pela saúde, como das pessoas com deficiência ou portadoras de transtorno mental, enfocando-se a ação dos agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS. Destaca-se o papel da formação dos estudantes e a possibilidade de potencializar a integração ensino-serviço para as demandas desses grupos populacionais. Trabalhou-se com três experiências, nas cidades de São Paulo e de São Carlos (SP, buscando definir estratégias para a sensibilização e formação dos ACS para lidar com demandas trazidas pela comunidade. O envolvimento real com a comunidade e a sensibilização/capacitação do ACS acerca das necessidades de grupos populacionais específicos e das demandas sociais para além da saúde básica são estratégias fundamentais para efetivar a noção de responsabilidade territorial em saúde e a real universalização da atenção.

  4. Laboratory experiments examining inducible defense show variable responses of temperate brown and red macroalgae Experimentos de laboratorio para examinar las defensas inducibles muestran respuestas variables en macroalgas pardas y rojas de ambientes templados

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    Full Text Available Macroalgae can defend themselves against generalist and specialist herbivores via morphological and/or chemical traits. Herein we examined the defensive responses (via relative palatability of two brown (Lessonia nigrescens, Glossophora kunthii and two red algae (Grateloupia doryphora, Chondracanthus chamissoi from the northern-central coast of Chile against selected generalist meso-herbivores. Two laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate whether (i algae can respond generally to grazing pressure of meso-herbivores (amphipods, isopods and juvenile sea urchins and whether (ii these algal responses were inducible. In order to examine palatability and thus effectiveness of responses, feeding assays were run after each experiment using fresh algal pieces and artificial agar-based food. Lessonia nigrescens responded to amphipods but not to sea urchins, and G. kunthii showed inducible response against one species of amphipods. Grateloupia doryphora did not respond against any of the tested grazers, whereas C. chamissoi responded against one species of amphipods and the tested isopod. Our results indicate variable responses of macroalgae against selected generalist meso-herbivores and evidence of an inducible defense in the brown alga G. kunthii.Muchas macroalgas poseen la capacidad de defenderse contra herbívoros generalistas y especialistas utilizando defensas químicas y/o morfológicas. En este trabajo se examinó la respuesta de la palatabilidad ante meso-herbívoros generalistas de dos algas pardas (Lessonia nigrescens, Glossophora kunthii y dos algas rojas (Grateloupia doryphora, Chondracanthus chamissoi de la costa Norte de Chile. Se realizaron dos experimentos de laboratorio para investigar si: (i las algas pueden responder al pastoreo realizado por meso-herbivoros generalistas (anfípodos, isópodos y erizos juveniles y (ii si la respuesta de estas algas es inducible. Para examinar la palatabilidad y de esta forma la efectividad

  5. Chemical characterization of 21 species of marine macroalgae common in Norwegian waters: benefits of and limitations to their potential use in food and feed (United States)

    Biancarosa, Irene; Belghit, Ikram; Bruckner, Christian G; Liland, Nina S; Waagbø, Rune; Amlund, Heidi; Heesch, Svenja


    Abstract BACKGROUND In the past few years, much effort has been invested into developing a new blue economy based on harvesting, cultivating and processing marine macroalgae in Norway. Macroalgae have high potential for a wide range of applications, e.g. as source of pharmaceuticals, production of biofuels or as food and feed. However, data on the chemical composition of macroalgae from Norwegian waters are scant. This study was designed to characterize the chemical composition of 21 algal species. Both macro‐ and micronutrients were analysed. Concentrations of heavy metals and the metalloid arsenic in the algae were also quantified. RESULTS The results confirm that marine macroalgae contain nutrients which are relevant for both human and animal nutrition, the concentrations whereof are highly dependent on species. Although heavy metals and arsenic were detected in the algae studied, concentrations were mostly below maximum allowed levels set by food and feed legislation in the EU. CONCLUSION This study provides chemical data on a wide range of algal species covering the three taxonomic groups (brown, red and green algae) and discusses both benefits of and potential limitations to their use for food and feed purposes. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry. PMID:29193189

  6. Infestación por triatominos en comunidades indígenas de Valledupar, Colombia Infestação por barbeiros em comunidades indígenas de Valledupar, Colômbia Infestation by triatomine bugs in indigenous communities of Valledupar, Colombia

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    Marleny Montilla


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Calcular los índices infestación por triatominos en comunidades indígenas en Colombia. MÉTODOS: Se realizó estudio descriptivo en 19 comunidades indígenas del municipio de Valledupar Departamento de Cesar, Colombia. Durante junio a diciembre de 2007 se recolectaron triatominos por búsqueda activa en las viviendas de los indígenas. Los insectos luego fueron identificados por las claves de Lent & Wygodzinsky. Se desarrolló estudio del proceso infectivo en modelo animal y análisis enzimático de cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi, detectadas en heces de triatominos. RESULTADOS: Rhodnius prolixus presentó índice de densidad en las viviendas de 154,7%, Triatoma dimidiata de 102,45%, Triatoma maculata de 109,25% y Panstrogylus geniculatus de 0,3%. El índice promedio de infestación de las cuatro especies fue de 40,54% y, el de infección con T. cruzi de 9,4%. De cinco hemocultivos positivos para T. cruzi, tres se caracterizaron por isoenzimas, clasificándose en T. cruzi grupo I. El estudio de las biopsias reveló pocas características patológicas durante el proceso de infección con las cepas de T. cruzi aisladas de triatominos domiciliados. CONCLUSIÓN: Los altos índices de infestación por triatominos en las viviendas y el índice de infección por T. cruzi, evidencian la transmisión activa de la enfermedad de Chagas, situación que amerita la aplicación de medidas de control vectorial y el estudio seroepidemilógico de la población en riesgo. La identificación de las cepas de T. cruzi como grupo I concuerda con otros estudios realizados en esta región colombiana.OBJETIVO: Calcular índices de infestação por barbeiros em comunidades indígenas da Colômbia. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo em 19 comunidades do município de Valledupar, departamento de Cesar, Colômbia. A coleta de barbeiros foi realizada por busca ativa nas casas dos indígenas de junho e dezembro de 2007. A identificação taxonômica foi feita conforme Lent

  7. Controlos veterinários nas importações de subprodutos técnicos de origem animal, sua caracterização e seu enquadramento na legislação da União Europeia


    Silva, Janice Gonçalves Duarte


    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária A presente dissertação aborda a temática dos controlos veterinários de produtos de origem animal e de subprodutos técnicos de origem animal aquando da entrada de produtos provenientes de países terceiros autorizados a exportar para o mercado europeu e sistematiza os procedimentos de controlo que são realizados nas fronteiras da União Europeia enquadrando a respectiva base legal que os suportam na Comunidade Europeia, ...

  8. Cross-shelf transport of sub-thermocline nitrate by the internal tide and rapid (3-6 h) incorporation by an inshore macroalga (United States)

    Ladah, Lydia B.; Filonov, Anatoliy; Lavín, Miguel F.; Leichter, James J.; Zertuche-González, José A.; Pérez-Mayorga, Diana M.


    During summer in shallow waters off Baja California, Mexico, the internal tide is a dominant thermal feature of the water column. However, its importance for sub-thermocline nutrient provision to benthic macroalgae is unknown. In order to determine if internal motions provide nutrients to macroalgae in summer, Ulva lactuca was outplanted at inshore stations for short (3 and 6 h) intervals, at the surface, 5 and 10 m depth, and tissue nitrogen content was measured before and after each deployment. Concurrently temperature, currents, and nutrients were measured using moored thermistors, current profilers, CTDs, Niskin bottles, and an in-situ UV absorbance nitrate sensor (ISUS). Discrete pulses of cool, nutrient-rich water were horizontally displaced at least 4 km on the shelf and shoaled more than 20 m depth at the semidiurnal frequency, resulting in more than a 10-fold change in the concentration of nitrate. Inshore, tissue nitrogen of Ulva outplants increased significantly during longer exposures to this cool water. At this site, the semidiurnal signal dominates water column temperature fluctuations from April to November, with summer showing the greatest cooling (up to 5 °C) in a one-hour period. We estimated that 11% of the days of a year show internal waves that would cause a significant change in nutrient availability to macroalgae at 5 m depth. This study supports the hypothesis that nitrate can reach and be rapidly incorporated by inshore macroalgae such as Ulva through transport forced by the internal tide, and that even very short (internal tide provides a significant, yet understudied, high frequency nutrient source to inshore primary producers, particularly in summer.

  9. Autonomía, socialización y comunidad tseltal.

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    Antonio Paoli


    Full Text Available Se caracteriza a la autonomía entre los tseltales en el estado de Chiapas, México y se muestran algunas pautas fundamentales de socialización e integración social tradicional. En este artículo se presenta a modo de hipótesis algunas tendencias sobre la ruptura de formas ancestrales de integración y solidaridad. Nos aproximamos a su lengua, su organización social y su historia política. Las tres dimensiones son complementarias, ya que pretendemos ubicar al lector en una amplia perspectiva para que desde ella se comprenda la socialización y así entender la integración social y algunas de sus grandes rupturas. Tratamos de presentar una introducción a su autonomía, principalmente la pequeña comunidad y la comarca india o comunidad de comunidades, pero se apunta también a lo familiar y al pueblo indio.

  10. La cultura ambiental. Una mirada desde la comunidad Venceremos

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    Msc. Bertha Nudis Ferrer-Hechavarría


    Full Text Available Este trabajo constituye una aproximación al estudio de la cultura ambiental como elemento necesario en el camino al desarrollo comunitario. Parte de un breve análisis conceptual de la cultura para luego llegar a la cultura ambiental de acuerdo con las consideraciones de la autora. Momento singular resulta el que destaca la necesidad de que las comunidades enfrenten los problemas ambientales en el camino al desarrollo y sean depositarias de una cultura ambiental que lo posibilite. En este empeño tiene gran importancia la implementación de proyectos comunitarios, pues las comunidades constituyen grupos sociales claves en la solución de los problemas ambientales a nivel global y local. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, ha sido diseñado y ya se implementa un proyecto de educación ambiental para el desarrollo local sostenible en una comunidad que lleva como nombre Venceremos; tiene, entre sus distintas líneas de desarrollo, a la cultura ambiental.


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    William B. Batista


    Full Text Available El Parque Nacional El Palmar, Entre Ríos, preserva desde 1965 el mayor remanente de la sabana de Butia yatay , un ecosistema rico en especies amenazado por la actividad humana. Para estudiar el funcio - namiento de este ecosistema y gestionar su preservación, es necesario contar con una adecuada carac - terización de la heterogeneidad de su vegetación. En este trabajo presentamos una clasificación fitoso - ciológica de las comunidades vegetales de la sabana del Parque, describimos su estructura, composición y diversidad florística y detallamos su distribución en el paisaje. Con el fin de estratificar la obtención de datos, delimitamos primero las principales unidades geomorfológicas del paisaje. En la primavera de 1999 y en el verano siguiente, realizamos censos florísticos completos en 73 “stands” de sabana con diferentes historias de incendio, distribuidos en las diferentes unidades geomorfológicas. Utilizamos técnicas de análisis multivariado y clasificación numérica para agrupar los censos en comunidades y las especies en grupos florísticos. Finalmente, resumimos las diferencias entre las comunidades en un esca - lamiento multidimensional métrico. Obtuvimos 7 comunidades, descriptas por 20 grupos florísticos. El patrón de similitudes entre estas comunidades sugiere que la heterogeneidad florística se ordena según dos componentes, uno asociado con diferencias en la textura del suelo y el otro con diferencias en el régimen de humedad del suelo. Tres de las comunidades, afines entre sí, se distribuyen en las terrazas altas e interfluvios que conforman la matriz del paisaje, en correspondencia con diferencias graduales de topografía y suelos. Estas comunidades cambian sucesionalmente por el avance de la lignificación des - encadenada por la exclusión del ganado y mantenida por la escasez de incendios naturales. Las restantes cuatro comunidades aparecen estrictamente asociadas con afloramientos rocosos, dep

  12. Spatial distribution pattern analysis of subtidal macroalgae assemblages by a non-destructive rapid assessment method (United States)

    Guinda, Xabier; Juanes, José Antonio; Puente, Araceli; Echavarri-Erasun, Beatriz


    The extensive field work carried out over the last century has allowed the worldwide description of general distribution patterns and specific composition of rocky intertidal communities. However, the information concerning subtidal communities on hard substrates is more recent and scarce due to the difficulties associated with working in such environments. In this work, a non-destructive method is applied to the study and mapping of subtidal rocky bottom macroalgae assemblages on the coast of Cantabria (N Spain) which is quick, easy and economical. Gelidium corneum and Cystoseira baccata were the dominant species, however, the composition and coverage of macroalgae assemblages varied significantly at different locations and depth ranges. The high presence of Laminaria ochroleuca and Saccorhiza polyschides, characteristic of colder waters, shows the transitional character of this coastal area. The results obtained throughout this study have been very useful to the application of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60/EC) and could be of great interest for the future conservation and management of these ecosystems (e.g. Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC).

  13. Effects of organic loading rate on biogas production from macroalgae: Performance and microbial community structure. (United States)

    Sun, Meng-Ting; Fan, Xiao-Lei; Zhao, Xiao-Xian; Fu, Shan-Fei; He, Shuai; Manasa, M R K; Guo, Rong-Bo


    Macroalgae biomass has been considered as a promising feedstock for biogas production. In order to improve the efficiency of anaerobic digestion (AD) of macroalgae, semi-continuous fermentation was conducted to examine the effects of organic loading rate (OLR) on biogas production from Macrocystis pyrifer. Results showed that, under OLRs of 1.37, 2.74, 4.12 and 6.85kgVS substrate /(m 3 ·d), the average unit biogas yields were 438.9, 477.3, 480.1 and 188.7mL/(gVS substrate d), respectively. It indicated that biogas production was promoted by the increased OLR in an appropriate range while inhibited by the OLR beyond the appropriate range. The investigation on physical-chemical parameters revealed that unfavorable VFAs concentration, pH and salinity might be the main causes for system failure due to the overrange OLR, while the total phenols failed to reach the inhibitory concentration. Microbial community analysis demonstrated that several bacterial and archaeal phyla altered with increase in OLR apparently. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Bioremediation of reject water from anaerobically digested waste water sludge with macroalgae (Ulva lactuca, Chlorophyta). (United States)

    Sode, Sidsel; Bruhn, Annette; Balsby, Thorsten J S; Larsen, Martin Mørk; Gotfredsen, Annemarie; Rasmussen, Michael Bo


    Phosphorus and biologically active nitrogen are valuable nutrient resources. Bioremediation with macroalgae is a potential means for recovering nutrients from waste streams. In this study, reject water from anaerobically digested sewage sludge was successfully tested as nutrient source for cultivation of the green macroalgae Ulva lactuca. Maximal growth rates of 54.57±2.16% FW d(-1) were achieved at reject water concentrations equivalent to 50 μM NH4(+). Based on the results, the growth and nutrient removal was parameterised as function of NH4(+) concentration a tool for optimisation of any similar phycoremediation system. Maximal nutrient removal rates of 22.7 mg N g DW(-1) d(-1) and 2.7 mg P g DW(-1) d(-1) were achieved at reject water concentrations equivalent to 80 and 89 μM NH4(+), respectively. A combined and integrated use of the produced biomass in a biorefinery is thought to improve the feasibility of using Ulva for bioremediation of reject water. Copyright © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  15. Trophic categorization in the Rías Baixas (NW Spain: nutrients in water and in macroalgae

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    Rubén Villares


    Full Text Available Marine eutrophication caused by an excess supply of nutrients is a serious problem in many coastal areas throughout the world. In the present study we used the capacity of macroalgae (Ulva and Enteromorpha to integrate the nutrient regime of a water body in order to examine the trophic categorization in the embayments studied. We found that the trophic categorization established based on nutrient levels in macroalgae differed from that established based on concentrations in the water. The waters of the innermost areas of the inlets were the most nutrient enriched; the algae appeared to be more affected by specific local conditions and did not display the gradient of decreasing nutrient concentrations from inner to outer areas that was observed in the water samples. The lack of correspondence between nutrients in the water and in the algae in the present study may have been due to the heterogeneous nutrient conditions found in coastal areas, so that the intertidal algae did not adequately reflect the nutrient levels of the inner zones of the embayments under study.


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    Nuchnudee Chaisatit


    Full Text Available Resumen: Abillal es una comunidad rural, ubicada en el municipio de Manzanillo, Estado de Colima. Cuenta con riquezas tanto naturales como culturales donde los pobladores están realizando la actividad turística rural pero no está dando buen resultado por la falta de conocimiento y asesoría del plan estratégica para un óptimo manejo integral del turismo. Objetivo: Mejorar el plan estratégico comercial para impulsar el turismo rural en la comunidad del Abillal. La investigación se desarrolló con la metodología deductiva a través del trabajo de campo y análisis de  los indicadores para conocer los factores de la demanda turística. Resultado Mediante un análisis para identificar las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas (FODA le logro realizar un plan de acción con estrategias que permitieran el impulso turístico de la comunidad de Abillal entre las acciones implementadas se realizó el levantamiento del inventario turístico rural en la comunidad del Abillal, se incluyó e involucro a los ejidatarios en las actividades turísticas y se realizaron los primeros recorridos a la comunidad rural obteniendo muy buenos resultados y propiciando de esta manera la derrama económica  en la comunidad. Palabras Clave: Turismo Rural. Estrategia. Abillal. Mexico

  17. Mechanisms of metal tolerance in marine macroalgae, with emphasis on copper tolerance in Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta. (United States)

    Moenne, Alejandra; González, Alberto; Sáez, Claudio A


    Green and red macroalgae are closely related organisms, and with terrestrial plants, and constitute the base of marine food webs in coastal ecosystems. Green and red seaweeds, as all living organisms, require essential metals, such as copper, iron, zinc, which can act as co-factors for several proteins and enzymes; however, these metals in excess can induce stress and impair cell viability. Most important negative effects of metal excess are related to the induction of an oxidative stress condition, characterized by the over-accumulation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). In this respect, copper, abundant in wastewaters disposed to coastal environments from domestic and industrial activities, has been one of the most studied metals. Different investigations have provided evidence that green and red macroalgae display several defenses against copper excess to prevent, or at least reduce, stress and damage, among which are cellular exclusion mechanisms, synthesis of metal-chelating compounds, and the activation of the antioxidant system. Most important defense mechanisms identified in green and red seaweed involve: metal-binding to cell wall and epibionts; syntheses of metallothioneins and phytochelatins that accumulate in the cytoplasm; and the increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase, and greater production of antioxidant metabolites as glutathione and ascorbate in organelles and the cytoplasm. In this review, we go through historical records, latest advances, and pending tasks aiming to expand our current knowledge on defense mechanisms to copper excess in green and red macroalgae, with emphasis on biochemical and molecular aspects. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Peculiaridades do controle da tuberculose em um cenário de violência urbana de uma comunidade carente do Rio de Janeiro Peculiarities of tuberculosis control in a scenario of urban violence in a disadvantaged community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Fabiana Barbosa Assumpção de Souza; Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa; Solange Cesar Cavalcante; Antonio Ruffino Netto; Luciane Blanco Lopes; Marcus Barreto Conde


    OBJETIVO: Descrever as dificuldades e peculiaridades encontradas por profissionais de saúde durante o tratamento e a investigação de contatos de pacientes com tuberculose (TB) em comunidades carentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem qualitativa realizado nas unidades de saúde localizadas na Área Programática 1.0, no município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, com taxa de incidência de TB de 240/100.000 habitantes. Foram selecionados para o estudo dois visitadores domiciliares e um auxiliar de enfermage...

  19. Ação de Mediação para Inclusão Social de Comunidades Acción de Mediación para la Inclusión Social de Comunidades

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    Isa Maria Freire


    Full Text Available Introdução: A informação tornou-se um instrumento capaz de modificar a consciência do indivíduo e do grupo, em que ele se encontra socialmente incluído. Por isso, torna-se necessário pensar na coletividade e nos benefícios advindos de ações de informação mediadas por profissionais da informação a serem promovidas junto a comunidades ou a grupos sociais. Objetivo: Implementar  uma ação de mediação da informação para criar a interface virtual “Blog da Comunidade Santa Clara”, visando disseminar o tesouro de conhecimentos das pessoas depositárias da memória social e do saber da Santa Clara, que posteriormente gerou o projeto de extensão “Curso Gerenciamento de Blogs”. Metodologia: Pesquisa-ação, metodologia coerente com a teoria e ação, que possibilitou registrar o conhecimento dos moradores da Comunidade Santa Clara (CSC no que diz respeito a seus ofícios e talentos, e ainda investigar como esses conhecimentos são transmitidos dentro e fora da Comunidade. Resultados: Os moradores da Comunidade, após participarem do Curso Gerenciamento de Blogs, se tornaram os disseminadores informacionais da CSC ajudando a construir a identidade social da Comunidade e identidade virtual. Conclusões: Com o tesouro de conhecimentos registrado e disseminado na web, a Comunidade tem possibilidade de obter reconhecimento perante a sociedade civil, a exemplo de instituições que desejam investir na CSC com criação de projetos que beneficiem a população.

  20. Capacidade de idosos da comunidade para desenvolver Atividades de Vida Diária e Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária Capacidad de los ancianos de una da comunidad en desenvlover Actividades de Vida Diaria y Actividades Instrumentales de Vida Diaria Elder's community capacity to develop Daily Life Activities and Daily Instrumental Life Activities

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    Efraim Carlos Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Identificar algumas características sociais e demográficas de idosos de uma comunidade em Goiânia (GO; avaliar a capacidade dos mesmos para as atividades de vida diária (AVD e atividades instrumentais de vida (AIVD. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, envolvendo 95 idosos da comunidade de uma área de abragência do Programa Saúde da Família, em Goiânia. Foram realizadas: entrevista e avaliação de AVD e AIVD. RESULTADOS: Participaram 95 idosos, com predomínio da faixa etária de 60 a 69 anos (60%, sexo feminino (60%, estado civil casado (49,5%, religião católica (54,7% renda menor ou igual a 1 salário mínimo (45,3% e moradia própria (89,5%. Foram identificados independência máxima nas AVD (57,9% e comprometimento nas AIVD (72,6%. CONCLUSÃO: Os participantes apresentaram, predominantemente, independência para as atividades no domicílio e dependência para as atividades fora dele.OBJETIVOS: Identificar algunas características sociales y demográficas de ancianos de una comunidad, en Goiânia (GO; evaluar la capacidad de los mismos para actividades de la vida diaria (AVD y actividades instrumentales de vida (AIVD. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal que involucró a 95 ancianos de la comunidad de uan área de competencia del Programa Salud de la Familia, en Gioânia. Fueron realizadas: entrevista y evaluación de AVD y AIVD. RESULTADOS: Participaron 95 ancianos, con predominio del grupo etáreo de 60 a 69 años (60%, sexo femenino (60%, estod civil casado (49,5%, religión católica (54,7% ingreso menor o igual a 1 salario mínimo (45,3% y morada propia (89,5%. Fueron identificados independencia máxima en las AVD (57,9% y compromiso en las AIVD (72,6%. CONCLUSIÓN: Los participantes presentaron, predominantemente, independencia para las actividades en el domicilio y dependencia para las actividades fuera de él.OBJECTIVE: To identify social and demographic characteristics of elderly people and to measure their capability to

  1. Asexual propagation in the coral reef macroalga Halimeda (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales) : production, dispersal and attachment of small fragments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Walters, LJ; Coyer, JA; Hunter, CL; Beach, KS; Vroom, PS


    Siphonous, green macroalgae of the genus Halimeda are ubiquitous and ecologically important in tropical and subtropical marine environments. It has been hypothesized that the abundance of Halimeda on coral reefs is in part due to the ability of this genus to propagate asexually via vegetative

  2. Influence of environmental factors on benthic macroinvertebrate communities of urban streams in Vereda habitats, Central Brazil Influência de variáveis ambientais na comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos de córregos urbanos de Veredas, Brasil Central

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    Renata de Moura Guimaraes Souto


    integridade do habitat nas comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentônicos têm aumentado nos anos recentes, entretanto, não há estudos avaliando a influência da urbanização nas comunidades de macroinvertebrados em córregos de veredas. Assim, ampliar o conhecimento da relação entre as variáveis abióticas e fauna bentônica é muito importante para a compreensão do funcionamento dos processos ecológicos e da integridade dos ecossistemas aquáticos. Este estudo investigou a influência de variáveis físicas e químicas nas comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentônicos ao longo de um gradiente de distúrbios antrópicos em quatro córregos de Vereda em Uberlândia (MG; um em uma área preservada e três na área urbana MÉTODOS: as amostras foram coletadas nas estações seca e chuvosa RESULTADOS: A análise de componentes principais separou o córrego da área preservada daqueles da área urbana por apresentar menores valores de DBO, DQO, tamanho do sedimento, condutividade, detergentes, pH, sólidos depositáveis e sólidos totais dissolvidos. Grupos sensíveis à poluição (e.g., Ephemeroptera e Trichoptera foram associados ao córrego da área preservada e grupos mais tolerantes (Chironomidae e Oligochaeta tiveram maior abundância nos córregos da área urbana. A Análise de Correspondência Canônica indicou que oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade, DBO, óleos e graxas e turbidez explicaram 56% da variação na distribuição e abundância de macroinvertebrados; CONCLUSÕES: comunidades bentônicas de córregos de Vereda em áreas urbanas no Bioma Cerrado parecem ser altamente afetadas pelas atividades humanas que aumentam a poluição orgânica da água e a sedimentação.

  3. Os adolescentes na rede: uma reflexão sobre as comunidades virtuais

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    Nádia Laguárdia de Lima


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta resultados parciales de una encuesta realizada en foros de algunas comunidades de Orkut formadas por adolescentes. Pregunta la posibilidad de que las comunidades virtuales funcionen como un espacio de expresión de singularidades, contribuyendo a la formación reflexiva y crítica de los adolescentes, o, por el contrario, si sirven para su segregación en el mercado de consumo. Se presentan algunos datos recogidos de las comunidades de Orkut y una reflexión sobre esta investigación de los autores de psicología social, psicoanálisis, sociología y filosofía que examinan la cultura contemporánea. Se concluye que, a pesar de las diferentes formas de uso de las redes sociales virtuales, en las comunidades encuestadas hubo predominio de una estandarización de los discursos, imágenes y significados sociales, una lógica segregacionista que borra las singularidades.

  4. Prebiotics from marine macroalgae for human and animal health applications.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Sullivan, Laurie


    The marine environment is an untapped source of bioactive compounds. Specifically, marine macroalgae (seaweeds) are rich in polysaccharides that could potentially be exploited as prebiotic functional ingredients for both human and animal health applications. Prebiotics are non-digestible, selectively fermented compounds that stimulate the growth and\\/or activity of beneficial gut microbiota which, in turn, confer health benefits on the host. This review will introduce the concept and potential applications of prebiotics, followed by an outline of the chemistry of seaweed polysaccharides. Their potential for use as prebiotics for both humans and animals will be highlighted by reviewing data from both in vitro and in vivo studies conducted to date.

  5. Somos uma comunidade de prática? Are we a community of practice?

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    Guilherme Lima Moura


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a caracterização de um possível caso de CdP, em comparação com outros tipos de arranjos grupais presentes nas organizações, de acordo com a definição fundadora de Ettiene Wenger. Trata-se de um estudo de caso sobre uma empresa de consultoria organizacional que há mais de 10 anos realizava - e publicava em livro - uma pesquisa em que fazia a intrigante pergunta: "somos uma comunidade de prática?". Uma década depois, voltou-se a essa empresa para fazer às pessoas que com ela se relacionam a mesma pergunta (e outras mais, que pudessem contribuir para a identificação mais precisa das CdPs. Na conclusão este artigo revela que os entrevistados, mesmo identificando em sua experiência profissional diversos elementos que são típicos das CdPs, não se consideram efetivamente uma CdP. Diante de tal negativa, fica a pergunta: será possível realmente a existência de comunidades de prática em organizações da produção e do trabalho?In spite of the growing number of discussions about communities of practice in organizational theory, there have been still few academic studies on this subject in Brazil. As empirical basis, this paper takes the example of a consulting firm that had conducted and published a research on communities of practice, 10 years earlier, and had asked itself: "are we a community of practice?" The author addressed people still working at that company, asking them the same question (and others to improve the understanding on the meaning of a community of practice. In conclusion, the research shows that the interviewees, even identifying in their professional experience typical elements of the communities of practice, do not consider the organization, in fact, a community of practice. At last, the question remains: are there really communities of practice in production and work organizations?

  6. Chemical characterization of 21 species of marine macroalgae common in Norwegian waters: benefits of and limitations to their potential use in food and feed. (United States)

    Biancarosa, Irene; Belghit, Ikram; Bruckner, Christian G; Liland, Nina S; Waagbø, Rune; Amlund, Heidi; Heesch, Svenja; Lock, Erik-Jan


    In the past few years, much effort has been invested into developing a new blue economy based on harvesting, cultivating and processing marine macroalgae in Norway. Macroalgae have high potential for a wide range of applications, e.g. as source of pharmaceuticals, production of biofuels or as food and feed. However, data on the chemical composition of macroalgae from Norwegian waters are scant. This study was designed to characterize the chemical composition of 21 algal species. Both macro- and micronutrients were analysed. Concentrations of heavy metals and the metalloid arsenic in the algae were also quantified. The results confirm that marine macroalgae contain nutrients which are relevant for both human and animal nutrition, the concentrations whereof are highly dependent on species. Although heavy metals and arsenic were detected in the algae studied, concentrations were mostly below maximum allowed levels set by food and feed legislation in the EU. This study provides chemical data on a wide range of algal species covering the three taxonomic groups (brown, red and green algae) and discusses both benefits of and potential limitations to their use for food and feed purposes. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.

  7. The profile of professionals in health and education fields at work in their communities Perfil de profissionais nas áreas de saúde e educação atuando em suas comunidades

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    Mark Anthony Beinner


    Full Text Available Social roles mold attitudes of actors who play the part in the community, and affect behavioral and moral attitudes and social conscience. There is a diversity of behaviors that demonstrates the extension to which individuals are in constant participation in the community life. A group profile of professional's health and education may supply information on the disciplinary approach in Community Health. Objective: to examine the profile of professionals at work in the Health and Education fields. Subjects participated in answering questions concerning professional work, leisure/religious activities, feeding/sleep habits, prevention and contraceptive methods, medical and/or psychological treatment and medicine/herbal use. Characteristics of the professional group regarding life style and the paradox of the practice of safe sex behavior were recorded. There exists the possibility to improve the quality of life for people in communities by reducing the sources of stress and tension by promoting physical and mental health. Methods should be investigated to allow for the promotion of a quality of life in a small fraction of the population engaged in health and education work in their own communities.Papéis sociais moldam as atitudes dos atores que participam na comunidade e afetam as atitudes comportamentais, morais e a consciência social. Há uma diversidade de comportamentos que demonstra a extensão em que os indivíduos estão em constante participação na vida da comunidade. O perfil de um grupo de profissionais em saúde e educação poderia fornecer informação disciplinar sobre a saúde da comunidade. Objetivo: examinar o perfil de profissionais da saúde e da educação. Os sujeitos participaram respondendo questões sobre trabalho profissional, atividades de lazer e religiosas, hábitos de alimentação e sono, métodos de prevenção e de contracepção, tratamento médico e/ou psicológico e uso de medicamentos/plantas medicinais

  8. Thermal pyrolysis characteristics of macroalgae Cladophora glomerata. (United States)

    Gao, Wenhua; Chen, Kefu; Zeng, Jinsong; Xu, Jun; Wang, Bin


    The Cladophora glomerata (C. glomerata) is a kind of widely distributed macroalgae in the freshwater ecosystems. It primarily consists of carbohydrates that can be converted into biofuel by pyrolysis. In this study, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to investigate the thermal behavior and kinetics of C. glomerata during the pyrolysis process. The results showed that heating rates slightly affect the decomposition properties of C. glomerata; with the heating rates increasing, the maximum peak of weight loss rate shifted to higher temperatures. The activation energies of C. glomerata pyrolysis reaction were 244.25 and 238.07kJ/mol, respectively, as calculated by Friedman and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) methods. The pre-exponential factor and reaction order were determined by Coats-Redfern model, and applied to simulate the pyrolysis process of C. glomerata. The model calculated data and experimental data were consistent. This study could provide theoretical supports for designing C. glomerata conversion processes. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Comunidades virtuales y producción de inteligencia económica y competitiva


    Carvalho, Andrea Vasconcelos


    CARVALHO, Andréa Vasconcelos . Comunidades virtuales y producción de inteligencia económica y competitiva. Inteligencia y Seguridad: revista de análisis y prospectiva, v. 3, p. 13-45, 2007 Se defiende que las comunidades virtuales ofrecen información útil para la generación de inteligencia económica y competitiva. Así, se identifican y describen las principales aplicaciones de las comunidades virtuales para la producción de estos tipos de inteligencia. Sin embargo, no se disponen...


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    Renato Monteiro Athias


    Full Text Available Os métodos qualitativos vêm sendo crescentemente aplicados na pesquisa em saúde coletiva, dentre eles encontra-se a etnografia largamente desenvolvido pela antropologia. A construção de uma etnografia sobre os serviços de saúde na área indígena Pankararu teve como objetivo inicial o conhecimento da estrutura organizacional e de funcionamento do serviço de saúde na região, bem como de, ao longo de sua construção, identificar pontos de fortalecimento e entraves, que possam apoiar ações a nível micro e no macro sistema de saúde indígena, com vistas a estimular a melhoria e aperfeiçoamento permanente do serviço oferecido à comunidade Pankararu. Foi elaborada como parte do estágio Opcional em Saúde da População Indígena, por meio de uma parceria entre a Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde da Família da cidade do Salvador-Bahia e a Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Foi desenvolvida no período de 2 meses, através da inclusão das Residentes nas Equipes Multiprofissionais de Saúde Indígena (EMSI, sendo realizada observação participante, além de disponibilizar alguns serviços à comunidade Pankararu, como: Educação popular em saúde, atendimentos individuais e em grupo, visitas domiciliares, capacitações, etc. Essa produção está subdividida em sete tópicos, como: Estruturação dos serviços de saúde na área Pankararu, as equipes, formação dos profissionais, programas de saúde na área Pankararu, dentre outros.

  11. La comunidad en transformación. Análisis del cambio en la comunidad del ?Doctorado de Psicología Social Crítica? producido por las TIC?s

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    Maya Ninova


    Full Text Available A partir de la definición de comunidad virtual de Rheingold pretendemos hacer un análisis de la comunidad virtual del ?Doctorado de Psicología Social Crítica? (DPSC. La introducción y el uso masivo de las TIC?s (Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación ha generado una transformación muy significativa en la forma de participar en una comunidad como la que encontramos en los DPSC. En esta comunicación pretendemos analizar cómo la introducción de esta nueva forma de relación ha generado cambios en la modalidad de nuestras interacciones y de nuestra identidad como miembros de la comunidad DPSC; para ello contaremos con entrevistas realizadas a los coordinadores de DPSC. Analizaremos la transformación de DPSC a partir de la teoría de P. Lévy.

  12. Accumulation of alkaline earth metals by the green macroalga Bryopsis maxima. (United States)

    Takahashi, Shigekazu; Aizawa, Kyoko; Nakamura, Saki; Nakayama, Katsumi; Fujisaki, Shingo; Watanabe, Soichiro; Satoh, Hiroyuki


    Twenty-five days after the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in 2011, we collected samples of the green macroalga Bryopsis maxima from the Pacific coast of Japan. Bryopsis maxima is a unicellular, multinuclear, siphonous green macroalga. Radiation analysis revealed that B. maxima emitted remarkably high gamma radiation of (131)I, (134)Cs, (137)Cs, and (140)Ba as fission products of (235)U. Interestingly, B. maxima contained naturally occurring radionuclides derived from (226)Ra and (228)Ra. Analysis of element content revealed that B. maxima accumulates many ocean elements, especially high quantities of the alkaline earth metals Sr (15.9 g per dry-kg) and Ba (3.79 g per dry-kg), whereas Ca content (12.5 g per dry-kg) was lower than that of Sr and only 61 % of the mean content of 70 Japanese seaweed species. Time-course analysis determined the rate of radioactive (85)Sr incorporation into thalli to be approximately 0.13 g Sr per dry-kg of thallus per day. Subcellular fractionation of B. maxima cells showed that most of the (85)Sr was localized in the soluble fraction, predominantly in the vacuole or cytosol. Given that (85)Sr radioactivity was permeable through a dialysis membrane, the (85)Sr was considered to be a form of inorganic ion and/or bound with a small molecule. Precipitation analysis with sodium sulfate showed that more than 70% of the Sr did not precipitate as SrSO4, indicating that a proportion of the Sr may bind with small molecules in B. maxima.


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    Marcelo Pupim Gozzi


    Full Text Available O avanço do uso das redes de computadores, em especial a Internet, associado às facilidades trazidas pelas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, tem favorecido a expansão das interações entre pessoas dispersas geograficamente. Profissionais e estudantes têm aproveitado essas oportunidades de comunicação para o seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, por meio da aprendizagem e conseqüente construção do conhecimento em rede, por meio da formação de comunidades virtuais. Nesse sentido, este artigo vem discutir os aspectos destas comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem que favorecem o processo de gestão do conhecimento. Por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas, tornou-se possível considerar que existe a possibilidade de desencadear um ciclo de gestão do conhecimento em comunidades virtuais orientadas para a aprendizagem, quando as pessoas que a compõe tenham interesses comuns, sentem-se a ela pertinentes e estejam dispostos a aprender, por meio da construção do conhecimento. Torna-se interessante, portanto, utilizar as comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem quando objetiva-se favorecer a construção de conhecimento de forma organizada e gerenciada. Palavras-chave: gestão do conhecimento, comunidades, aprendizagem, mediação, tecnologia.

  14. Low-molecular-weight organoiodine and organobromine compounds released by polar macroalgae--the influence of abiotic factors. (United States)

    Laturnus, F; Giese, B; Wiencke, C; Adams, F C


    The influence of temperature, light, salinity and nutrient availability on the release of volatile halogenated hydrocarbons was investigated in the Antarctic red macroalgal species Gymnogongrus antarcticus Skottsberg. Compared to standard culture condition, an increase in the release rates of iodocompounds was generally found for the exposure of the alga to altered environmental conditions. Macroalgae exhibited higher release rates after adaptation for two months to the changed factors, than after short-term exposure. Monitoring the release rates during a 24 h incubation period (8.25 h light, 15.75 h darkness) showed that changes between light and dark periods had no influence on the release of volatile halocarbons. Compounds like bromoform and 1-iodobutane exhibited constant release rates during the 24 h period. The formation mechanisms and biological role of volatile organohalogens are discussed. Although marine macroalgae are not considered to be the major source of biogenically-produced volatile organohalogens, they contribute significantly to the bromine and iodine cycles in the environment. Under possible environmental changes like global warming and uncontrolled entrophication of the oceans their significance may be increase.

  15. Identificación de indicadores de desarrollo endógeno en comunidades campesinas

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    Bertha Lucía Martínez Mahr


    necesidades percibidas por los integrantes de las comunidades bajo estudio, de la observación de las características contextuales, se podrá elaborar una estrategia primordialmente educativa que permita a las comunidades alcanzar un eficaz proceso de transformación.

  16. Anaerobic co-digestion of Tunisian green macroalgae Ulva rigida with sugar industry wastewater for biogas and methane production enhancement. (United States)

    Karray, Raida; Karray, Fatma; Loukil, Slim; Mhiri, Najla; Sayadi, Sami


    Ulva rigida is a green macroalgae, abundantly available in the Mediterranean which offers a promising source for the production of valuable biomaterials, including methane. In this study, anaerobic digestion assays in a batch mode was performed to investigate the effects of various inocula as a mixture of fresh algae, bacteria, fungi and sediment collected from the coast of Sfax, on biogas production from Ulva rigida. The results revealed that the best inoculum to produce biogas and feed an anaerobic reactor is obtained through mixing decomposed macroalgae with anaerobic sludge and water, yielding into 408mL of biogas. The process was then investigated in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) which led to an overall biogas production of 375mL with 40% of methane. Further co-digestion studies were performed in an anaerobic up-flow bioreactor using sugar wastewater as a co-substrate. A high biogas production yield of 114mL g -1 VS added was obtained with 75% of methane. The co-digestion proposed in this work allowed the recovery of natural methane, providing a promising alternative to conventional anaerobic microbial fermentation using Tunisian green macroalgae. Finally, in order to identify the microbial diversity present in the reactor during anaerobic digestion of Ulva rigida, the prokaryotic diversity was investigated in this bioreactor by the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method targeting the 16S rRNA gene. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. An evaluation of the toxicity and bioaccumulation of cisplatin in the marine environment using the macroalga, Ulva lactuca

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Easton, Cecilia; Turner, Andrew; Sewell, Graham


    The cytotoxic drug, cisplatin (cis-PtCl 2 (NH 3 ) 2 ), has been added to cultures of the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, under various experimental conditions. Both accumulation and internalisation over a 48 h period was greater when cisplatin was added to coastal sea water (salinity = 33) from a distilled water solution than when added to either sea water or estuarine water (salinity = 16.5) from a saline solution. This effect is attributed to the greater abundance of the more reactive monoaqua complex (cis-PtCl(OH 2 )(NH 3 ) 2 + ) in the distilled water solution and kinetic constraints on its conversion back to cis-PtCl 2 (NH 3 ) 2 in sea water. Despite its mode of action at the cellular level, cisplatin added up to concentrations of 150 nM did not incur a measurable reduction in the efficiency of photochemical energy conversion under any of experimental conditions tested. - Highlights: → This study is the first to examine the biogeochemistry and toxicity of a cytotoxic drug in the marine environment. → Cisplatin is accumulated and internalised by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca. → Accumulation is greater when the drug is administered from a distilled water solution than from a saline solution. → Results are consistent with the greater abundance of the more reactive aquated complexes in pure water. → Cisplatin is not phytotoxic to the alga over the concentration range (<150 nM) studied. - The cytotoxic drug, cisplatin, is accumulated and internalised by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, but is not phytotoxic up to concentrations of 150 nM

  18. Salt tolerance of estuarine benthic macroalgae in the Kattegat-Baltic Sea area

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, A.; Sand-Jensen, K.


    Tolerance of benthic marine macroalgae to low salinities is believed to be a main determinant of their vertical distribution across the marine coastline and their horizontal distribution from oceanic regions into low-saline bays, fjords and estuaries. Salt tolerance should also be important......, Denmark (salinity: 16 psu, tide 10 cm) to maintain photosynthesis after 4 days exposure to declining salinities (16 to 0 psu). Overall, the algal community had a high short-term tolerance to low salinities because 35 of 44 species maintained more than half the photosynthetic capacity at salinities lower...

  19. Influence of macroalgae diversity on radionuclide and heavy metal accumulation in Bulgarian Black Sea ecosystems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nonova, Tz.; Strezov, A.; Ivanov, D.; Stankov, D.


    Radionuclides and toxic metals in Black Sea green, brown and red macroalgae were investigated using Low-level Gamma Spectroscopy and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry AAS (FAAS, ETAAS). All algae samples were collected along the whole Bulgarian coast during the period 1996 - 2004. The obtained data show that radionuclide and metal concentrations depend on the macrophytes type and are higher in red Ceramium species. Tendencies in the concentration pollutants variations during the studied period are examined and all data give information about different macrophytic species ability to accumulate certain elements from one and the same sampling location The possibilities to use Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta algae phylums as bioindicators in marine environment are investigated. All obtained results show that use of macroalgae reduces the need of complex studies on chemical speciation of aquatic contaminants and makes algae valuable indicators for the seawater quality assessment. Higher levels are obtained at the northern part of the Black Sea due to seawater current circulation, originating from Danube, Dnyeper and Dnester river outflow and also at the southern part of the coast. All data show that there is no serious contamination along the Bulgarian coast

  20. Subtidal eelgrass/macroalgae surveys for the proposed breakwaters at the US Coast Guard Station at Ediz Hook, Washington, March 1993

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shreffler, D.K. [Battelle/Marine Sciences Lab., Sequim, WA (US)


    In 1993, the US Coast Guard proposed to construct two breakwaters and a debris boom to protect its existing pier and moored vessels inside Ediz Hook in Port Angeles Harbor, Washington. To assist the US Army Corps of Engineers -- Seattle District in determining the potential environmental impacts of the proposed breakwaters, Battelle/Marine Sciences Laboratory performed subtidal SCUBA surveys as specified in the Washington Department of Fisheries intermediate eelgrass/macroalgae habitat survey guidelines. The objectives of the subtidal surveys were to (1) quantify the shoot densities of eelgrass; (2) provide percent cover estimates for non-eelgrass macroalgae species; (3) develop a site map indicating the qualitative distribution of eelgrass/macroalgae species, substrate characterization, approximate depth contours, and the approximate location of the proposed project features; and (4) document the time and date of the surveys, turbidity/visibility, presence of invertebrate/vertebrate species, and anecdotal observations pertinent to habitat characterization of the project site. A total of 14 dives along 12 transects (T1--T12) were successfully completed between March 15 and March 17, 1993. Eelgrass was observed on all of the transects except T7 and T8 at the western debris barrier and T12 along the waterward margin of the existing T-pier. The vicinity of the proposed east breakwater had the highest eelgrass shoot densities (up to 89 shoots/m{sup 2}) observed by the divers. Macroalgae and invertebrate species diversity were also highest at the east breakwater site. The low eelgrass densities observed at the west debris barrier site (0 to 14 shoots/m{sup 2}) can be attributed mostly to the lack of suitable substrate. The existing layer of wood debris armoring the bottom at the west project site currently limits, and in the areas of heaviest deposition probably precludes, the growth of eelgrass. As was expected, no eelgrass was observed at the south breakwater site.

  1. Prebiotics from Marine Macroalgae for Human and Animal Health Applications (United States)

    O’Sullivan, Laurie; Murphy, Brian; McLoughlin, Peter; Duggan, Patrick; Lawlor, Peadar G.; Hughes, Helen; Gardiner, Gillian E.


    The marine environment is an untapped source of bioactive compounds. Specifically, marine macroalgae (seaweeds) are rich in polysaccharides that could potentially be exploited as prebiotic functional ingredients for both human and animal health applications. Prebiotics are non-digestible, selectively fermented compounds that stimulate the growth and/or activity of beneficial gut microbiota which, in turn, confer health benefits on the host. This review will introduce the concept and potential applications of prebiotics, followed by an outline of the chemistry of seaweed polysaccharides. Their potential for use as prebiotics for both humans and animals will be highlighted by reviewing data from both in vitro and in vivo studies conducted to date. PMID:20714423


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    Geraldo Morceli Bolzani Júnior


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 RESUMO Nos estudos de desenvolvimento local, o conceito de capital social surgiu como um dos componentes essenciais dos processos de desenvolvimento de comunidades. Ao mesmo tempo, ao se afirmar como diferencial competitivo do século XXI, o conhecimento fez surgir a disciplina gestão do conhecimento que passou a trabalhar a interação social como elemento-chave na gestão do conhecimento organizacional. O Administrador, ao compreender as interações que acontecem tanto nos processos de desenvolvimento local como, principalmente, nos processos de gestão do conhecimento organizacional, no contexto de uma economia globalizada que expõe as empresas e as comunidades a uma competição cada vez mais acirrada, dominará diferenciais que irão lhe conferir capacidade de intervenção em ambientes economicamente e socialmente complexos. A competitividade nesses ambientes implica em uma integração da ação entre indivíduos, organizações e comunidades empreendedoras no que diz respeito a sua prática e identidade. O conceito de comunidade de prática (Wenger, 1998 utilizado pelos autores para a compreensão dessas questões é uma ferramenta de gestão do conhecimento que tem um histórico de aplicação de sucesso em grandes corporações como Banco Mundial, IBM e outras. Ao apresentar o conceito de comunidades de prática do ponto de vista organizacional e de interesse do Administrador, esse artigo também busca fazer, exploratoriamente, uma análise das possibilidades da aplicação do conceito como aglutinador das ações individuais, organizacionais e comunitárias dentro da perspectiva de desenvolvimento dos setores público, privado e terceiro setor. Palavras-chave: capital social, comunidades de prática, gestão do conhecimento, gestão organizacional, desenvolvimento da comunidade, terceiro setor.     ABSTRACT Modern management implies in knowledge

  3. Homogalactanas sulfatadas da macroalga verde Codium isthmocladum: aspectos estruturais e farmacológicos


    Farias, Eduardo Henrique Cunha de [UNIFESP


    Galactanas e o termo utilizado para designar polissacarideos que contem galactose. Homogalactanas sulfatadas, SG 1 e SG 2, foram extraidas de macroalga marinha verde Codium isthmocladum apos proteolise, fracionamento por acetona a frio e cromatografia de troca-ionica. A massa molecular foi determinada por cromatografia de gel-filtracao em HPLC e deteccao por indice de refracao e UV, sendo que SG 1 apresenta massa molecular media ao redor de 12 kDa e SG 2 de 15,0 kDa. Analises estruturais empr...

  4. HPLC fucoxanthin profiles of a microalga, a macroalga and a pure fucoxanthin standard

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    Su Chern Foo


    Full Text Available Data in this article illustrate representative fucoxanthin chromatograms of a microalga, Chaetoceros calcitrans; a macroalga, Saccharina japonica and; a pure fucoxanthin standard. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC eluted fucoxanthin at the 7.008±0.024th min. This data article refers to the research article ‘‘Antioxidant capacities of fucoxanthin-producing algae as influenced by their carotenoid and phenolic contents’’ Foo et al. [1]; where a more comprehensive data interpretation and analysis is explained.

  5. Ensino na comunidade e inteligência coletiva: partilhando saberes com o WIKI

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    Antonio Pithon Cyrino

    Full Text Available As novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação têm permitido a produção de inovações no processo de ensino-aprendizagem no ensino superior. Neste estudo de intervenção e pesquisa em disciplina de ensino em comunidade da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Unesp (FMB-Unesp, procura-se explorar tais possibilidades mediante o envolvimento de alunos, professores e membros da própria comunidade. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se uma página Wiki, com informações produzidas pelos alunos a respeito de um bairro da cidade de Botucatu, com o objetivo de criar um ambiente de troca, interação, cooperação e produção compartilhada de conhecimentos entre esses sujeitos. Um grupo de jovens dessa comunidade recebeu treinamento no uso do Wiki, o que lhes permitiu incluir na página informações novas sobre o território. A análise mostra que na produção textual desses jovens ganhou destaque alguns elementos significativos de seu cotidiano. A presença de um professor tutor na comunidade foi essencial para o êxito do processo. Os resultados alcançados apontam a viabilidade e potencialidade do uso do Wiki como ferramenta de inteligência coletiva, por permitir a troca de saberes entre alunos e comunidade, valorizando toda forma de conhecimento e a expressão das singularidades.

  6. Recent developments on biofuels production from microalgae and macroalgae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kumar, Kanhaiya; Ghosh, Supratim; Angelidaki, Irini


    and infrastructure requirement. Hydrogen production by microalgae through biophotolysis seems interesting as it directly converts the solar energy into hydrogen. However, the process has not been scaled-up till today. Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is more promising due to handling of wet biomass at moderate......Biofuels from algae are considered as promising alternatives of conventional fossil fuels, as they can eliminate most of the environmental problems. The present study focuses on all the possible avenues of biofuels production through biochemical and thermochemical conversion methods in one place......, bringing together both microalgae and macroalgae on the same platform. It provides a brief overview on the mechanism of different biofuel production from algae. Factors affecting the biofuel process and the associated challenges have been highlighted alongwith analysis of techno-economic study available...

  7. A study of extraction and characterization of alginates obtained from brown macroalgae Sargassum duplicatum and Sargassum crassifolium from Indonesia

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    Decky J. Indrani


    Full Text Available Background: Worldwide commercially available alginate have been used for tissue engineering purposes. The macroalgae Sargassum obtained from Indonesia have been used for various purposes, however, they have not been applied for tissue engineering scaffolds. Purpose: This study was aimed to extract alginate from the macroalgae Sargassum from Indonesia sea and to characterize in morphology, chemical element and functional groups. Methods: Macroalgae Sargassum duplicatum (S. Duplicatum and Sargassum crassifolium (S. Crassifolium were collected from Banten, Indonesia. Extraction of alginates were carried out using the alkaline extraction procedure. Scanning electron microscopy as well as X-ray Fluorescence and Fouirer Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy were used to characterize the extracted powders. Obtained data from the extracted powders were compared to those of the commercially available alginate. Results: Extraction using the alkaline method has resulted in S.duplicatum and S.crassifolium alginate powders. Alginate particles were suggested as irregular shapes with various dimension. Element components were mainly Na and Ca, whereas, minor elements were considered as negative impurities. COO- and C-O-C groups were evident in the finger print regio. The characteristics of Alginates extracted from the macroalgae S.duplicatum and S.crassifolium found similar to those of the commercially available alginate. Conclusion: Extraction obtained from the macroalgae S.duplicatum and S.crassifolium showed the typical alginate and the morphology, chemical element and functional groups were in agreement with those of the commercially available alginate.Latar belakang: Alginat dari berbagai penjuru dunia telah digunakan untuk kegunaan rekayasa jaringan. Alginat dari alga makro Sargassum yang diperoleh dari Indonesia telah digunakan untuk berbagai kegunaan, namun ini belum diterapkan untuk scaffold jaringan. Tujuan: Untuk mengekstrak alginat dari alga makro

  8. Influence of synthetic surfactants on the uptake of Pd, Cd and Pb by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Masakorala, Kanaji [School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA (United Kingdom); Turner, Andrew [School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA (United Kingdom)], E-mail:; Brown, Murray T. [School of Biological Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA (United Kingdom)


    Uptake of Pd, Cd and Pb by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, has been studied in the presence of an anionic (sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS), cationic (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide; HDTMA) and non-ionic (Triton X-100; TX) surfactant. Compared with the surfactant-free system, metal sorption was reduced in the presence of SDS or TX. Neither surfactant, however, had any measurable impact on cell membrane permeability, determined by leakage of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA), or on metal internalisation. We attribute these observations to the stabilisation of aqueous Cd and Pb by SDS and the shielding of otherwise amenable sorption sites by TX. Presence of HDTMA resulted in a reduction in the extent of both sorption and internalisation of all metals and a significant increase in the leakage of DFAA. Thus, by enhancing membrane permeability, HDTMA exerts the greatest influence on metal behaviour in the presence of U. lactuca. - Synthetic surfactants exert a significant impact on the uptake and internalisation of metals by a marine macroalga.

  9. Influence of synthetic surfactants on the uptake of Pd, Cd and Pb by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masakorala, Kanaji; Turner, Andrew; Brown, Murray T.


    Uptake of Pd, Cd and Pb by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, has been studied in the presence of an anionic (sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS), cationic (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide; HDTMA) and non-ionic (Triton X-100; TX) surfactant. Compared with the surfactant-free system, metal sorption was reduced in the presence of SDS or TX. Neither surfactant, however, had any measurable impact on cell membrane permeability, determined by leakage of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA), or on metal internalisation. We attribute these observations to the stabilisation of aqueous Cd and Pb by SDS and the shielding of otherwise amenable sorption sites by TX. Presence of HDTMA resulted in a reduction in the extent of both sorption and internalisation of all metals and a significant increase in the leakage of DFAA. Thus, by enhancing membrane permeability, HDTMA exerts the greatest influence on metal behaviour in the presence of U. lactuca. - Synthetic surfactants exert a significant impact on the uptake and internalisation of metals by a marine macroalga

  10. The Hawaiian freshwater algae biodiversity survey (2009–2014): systematic and biogeographic trends with an emphasis on the macroalgae (United States)


    Background A remarkable range of environmental conditions is present in the Hawaiian Islands due to their gradients of elevation, rainfall and island age. Despite being well known as a location for the study of evolutionary processes and island biogeography, little is known about the composition of the non-marine algal flora of the archipelago, its degree of endemism, or affinities with other floras. We conducted a biodiversity survey of the non-marine macroalgae of the six largest main Hawaiian Islands using molecular and microscopic assessment techniques. We aimed to evaluate whether endemism or cosmopolitanism better explain freshwater algal distribution patterns, and provide a baseline data set for monitoring future biodiversity changes in the Hawaiian Islands. Results 1,786 aquatic and terrestrial habitats and 1,407 distinct collections of non-marine macroalgae were collected from the islands of Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui, Lanai and Hawaii from the years 2009–2014. Targeted habitats included streams, wet walls, high elevation bogs, taro fields, ditches and flumes, lakes/reservoirs, cave walls and terrestrial areas. Sites that lacked freshwater macroalgae were typically terrestrial or wet wall habitats that were sampled for diatoms and other microalgae. Approximately 50% of the identifications were of green algae, with lesser proportions of diatoms, red algae, cyanobacteria, xanthophytes and euglenoids. 898 DNA sequences were generated representing eight different markers, which enabled an assessment of the number of taxonomic entities for genera collected as part of the survey. Forty-four well-characterized taxa were assessed for global distribution patterns. This analysis revealed no clear biogeographic affinities of the flora, with 27.3% characterized as “cosmopolitan”, 11.4% “endemic”, and 61.3% as intermediate. Conclusions The Hawaiian freshwater algal biodiversity survey represents the first comprehensive effort to characterize the non

  11. Construyendo el dispositivo de comunidades de aprendizaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cecilia Martinez


    Full Text Available El trabajo de enseñar requiere revisar perspectivas y desafíos, hacer preguntas y enfrentarse a dilemas muchas veces respondidos en soledad. La organización pedagógica e institucional de la escuela secundaria es una condición que dificulta un abordaje más colectivo de los problemas que se vivencian en las aulas. En estas condiciones surgió Comunidades de Aprendizaje, un proyecto que convoca a las escuelas a la construcción de propuestas interdisciplinarias de enseñanza a través de prácticas colaborativas y solidarias entre docentes. El proyecto, desarrollado desde el sindicato docente Unión de Educadores de la Provincia de Córdoba comenzó a implementarse en 2016 como prueba piloto. Se seleccionaron docentes que hicieron las veces de coordinadores de estas comunidades y que atravesaron un intenso proceso de formación. Este artículo presenta un análisis del proceso de formación de los coordinadores y las estrategias que construimos junto a ellos para poder desarrollar estas comunidades en los contextos específicos de las escuelas. Articular con el director, pensar la enseñanza más allá de la capacitación, desarrollar colectivamente un guión conjetural, construir un modo de escucha a los docentes, trabajar con la implicación, y articular con el compañero coordinador y el equipo de UEPC; fueron las principales estrategias.

  12. Biological validation of physical coastal waters classification along the NE Atlantic region based on rocky macroalgae distribution (United States)

    Ramos, Elvira; Puente, Araceli; Juanes, José Antonio; Neto, João M.; Pedersen, Are; Bartsch, Inka; Scanlan, Clare; Wilkes, Robert; Van den Bergh, Erika; Ar Gall, Erwan; Melo, Ricardo


    A methodology to classify rocky shores along the North East Atlantic (NEA) region was developed. Previously, biotypes and the variability of environmental conditions within these were recognized based on abiotic data. A biological validation was required in order to support the ecological meaning of the physical typologies obtained. A database of intertidal macroalgae species occurring in the coastal area between Norway and the South Iberian Peninsula was generated. Semi-quantitative abundance data of the most representative macroalgal taxa were collected in three levels: common, rare or absent. Ordination and classification multivariate analyses revealed a clear latitudinal gradient in the distribution of macroalgae species resulting in two distinct groups: one northern and one southern group, separated at the coast of Brittany (France). In general, the results based on biological data coincided with the results based on physical characteristics. The ecological meaning of the coastal waters classification at a broad scale shown in this work demonstrates that it can be valuable as a practical tool for conservation and management purposes.

  13. An evaluation of the toxicity and bioaccumulation of cisplatin in the marine environment using the macroalga, Ulva lactuca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Easton, Cecilia [School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA (United Kingdom); Turner, Andrew, E-mail: [School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA (United Kingdom); Sewell, Graham [School of Health Professions, University of Plymouth, Peninsula Allied Health Centre, Plymouth PL6 8BH (United Kingdom)


    The cytotoxic drug, cisplatin (cis-PtCl{sub 2}(NH{sub 3}){sub 2}), has been added to cultures of the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, under various experimental conditions. Both accumulation and internalisation over a 48 h period was greater when cisplatin was added to coastal sea water (salinity = 33) from a distilled water solution than when added to either sea water or estuarine water (salinity = 16.5) from a saline solution. This effect is attributed to the greater abundance of the more reactive monoaqua complex (cis-PtCl(OH{sub 2})(NH{sub 3}){sub 2}{sup +}) in the distilled water solution and kinetic constraints on its conversion back to cis-PtCl{sub 2}(NH{sub 3}){sub 2} in sea water. Despite its mode of action at the cellular level, cisplatin added up to concentrations of 150 nM did not incur a measurable reduction in the efficiency of photochemical energy conversion under any of experimental conditions tested. - Highlights: > This study is the first to examine the biogeochemistry and toxicity of a cytotoxic drug in the marine environment. > Cisplatin is accumulated and internalised by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca. > Accumulation is greater when the drug is administered from a distilled water solution than from a saline solution. > Results are consistent with the greater abundance of the more reactive aquated complexes in pure water. > Cisplatin is not phytotoxic to the alga over the concentration range (<150 nM) studied. - The cytotoxic drug, cisplatin, is accumulated and internalised by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, but is not phytotoxic up to concentrations of 150 nM

  14. Biochars derived from wasted marine macro-algae (Saccharina japonica and Sargassum fusiforme) and their potential for heavy metal removal in aqueous solution. (United States)

    Poo, Kyung-Min; Son, Eun-Bi; Chang, Jae-Soo; Ren, Xianghao; Choi, Yun-Jung; Chae, Kyu-Jung


    For the purpose of reusing wasted marine macro-algae generated during cultivation, harvesting, processing and selling processes, biochars derived from Saccharina japonica (known as kelp) and Sargassum fusiforme (known as hijikia) were characterized and their removal capacities for Cu, Cd, and Zn in aqueous solution were assessed. Feedstocks, S. japonica, S. fusiforme, and also pinewood sawdust as a control, were pyrolyzed at 250, 400, 500, 600 and 700 °C. In evaluating heavy metal removal capacities, SJB (S. japonica biochar) showed the best performance, with removal efficiencies of more than 98% for the three heavy metals when pyrolyzed at over 400 °C. SFB (S. fusiforme biochar) also showed good potential as an adsorbent, with removal efficiencies for the three heavy metals of more than 86% when pyrolyzed at over 500 °C. On the contrary, the maximum removal efficiencies of PSB (pinewood sawdust biochar) were 81%, 46%, and 47% for Cu, Cd, and Zn, respectively, even at 700 °C, the highest pyrolysis temperature. This demonstrates that marine macro-algae were advantageous in terms of production energy for removing heavy metals even at relatively low pyrolysis temperatures, compared with PSB. The excellent heavy metal adsorption capacities of marine macro-algae biochars were considered due to their higher pH and more oxygen-containing functional groups, although the specific surface areas of SJB and SFB were significantly lower than that of PSB. This research confirmed that the use of marine macro-algae as a heavy metal adsorbent was suitable not only in the removal of heavy metals, but also in terms of resource recycling and energy efficiency. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. A multiresidue approach for the simultaneous quantification of antibiotics in macroalgae by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Leston, Sara; Freitas, Andreia; Rosa, João; Barbosa, Jorge; Lemos, Marco F L; Pardal, Miguel Ângelo; Ramos, Fernando


    Together with fish, algae reared in aquaculture systems have gained importance in the last years, for many purposes. Besides their use as biofilters of effluents, macroalgae's rich nutritional profiles have increased their inclusion in human diets but also in animal feeds as sources of fatty acids, especially important for the fish industry. Nonetheless, algae are continuously exposed to environmental contaminants including antibiotics and possess the ability for bioaccumulation of such compounds. Therefore, the present paper describes the development and validation of an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous quantification of antibiotics in the green macroalgae Ulva lactuca. This multi-residue method enables the determination of 38 compounds distributed between seven classes and was fully validated according to EU Decision 2002/657/EC. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Deashing macroalgae biomass by pulsed electric field treatment. (United States)

    Robin, Arthur; Sack, Martin; Israel, Alvaro; Frey, Wolfgang; Müller, Georg; Golberg, Alexander


    Among all biomass constituents, the ashes are major hurdles for biomass processing. Ashes currently have low market value and can make a non-negligible fraction of the biomass dry weight significantly impacting its further processing by degrading equipment, lowering process yield, inhibiting reactions and decreasing products qualities. However, most of the current treatments for deashing biomass are of poor efficiency or industrial relevance. This work is the first report on the use of Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) to enhance deashing of biomass from a high ash content green marine macroalga, Ulva sp., using hydraulic pressing. By inducing cell permeabilization of the fresh biomass, PEF was able to enhance the ash extraction from 18.4% (non-treated control) to 37.4% of the total ash content in average, significantly enhancing the extraction of five of the major ash elements (K, Mg, Na, P and S) compared to pressing alone. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Lie. kū́nas

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    Simas Karaliūnas


    Full Text Available LIТН. kū́nas “BODY”SummaryThe cognates of Lith. kū́nas “body” and Latv. kûnis (kи̃пе, kũņа “body; chrysalis; caterpil­lar of a butterfly; bee pupae” are supposed to be Lith. kūпа “carrion”, pa-kū́nė “sore, furuncle; upper lamella, a layer under the roots”, Latv. kипа “wart, excrescence”, kunis “bottom of a sheaf” and others. Lith. kū́nas, kūпа may represent substantivized forms of the adjective Latv. kûns“round, obese, stout”, while Latv. kûnis, kũņа, kūne seem to be derivatives of the suffixes *-o-*-ā-, *-ē-.

  18. Spatial variation in the structure and composition of the herbaceous community in a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil Variação espacial na estrutura da comunidade herbácea em uma região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil

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    KA. Silva


    Full Text Available In the arid and semiarid environments of the world, microhabitats serve as models for the structure of vegetation communities. The goal of this study was to identify differences in the structures of the herbaceous communities growing on a crystalline substrate and those growing on a sedimentary substrate in a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. One hundred 1 × 1 m plots were established in each area for quantitative sampling, with 69 species recorded in the crystalline area and 76 in the sedimentary area. The average plant density was higher in the sedimentary area, and average diameters and heights were greater in the crystalline area. The families and species with a high Importance Value Index (IVI and a high Mixed Ecological Value Index (MEVI differed between the areas. Of the species with high densities, only four were found in both areas. Shannon-Weiner diversity index values in the crystalline (2.96 nats/ind.-1 and sedimentary (2.89 nats/ind.-1 areas were similar. Evenness values on both substrates were also similar (0.72 and 0.71 in the crystalline and sedimentary areas, respectively. This study shows that variations in plant establishment conditions between crystalline and sedimentary areas in a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil should be considered as structure-modeling factors for the herbaceous community.Nos ambientes áridos e semiáridos do mundo, os micro-habitats modelam a estrutura das comunidades vegetais. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar diferenças nas estruturas das comunidades herbáceas instaladas sobre o solo do embasamento cristalino e a bacia sedimentar em uma região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil. Foram estabelecidas 100 parcelas de 1 × 1 m em cada área para amostragem das comunidades. Foram registradas 69 espécies na área cristalina e 76 na área sedimentar. A densidade média das plantas foi maior na área sedimentar e os diâmetros e as alturas médias foram maiores na área cristalina. As fam

  19. Effects of filamentous macroalgae on growth and survival of eelgrass, Zostera marina, seedlings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Jonas; Krause-Jensen, Dorte; Olesen, Birgit

    of oxygen and sulphide and their diurnal variations in the mats were measured using microelectrodes. Seedling growth rates declined 99 % from controls to the high C. linum cover treatment and 55 % to the high imitation algae treatment. But due to high water flow rates anoxic conditions failed to develop...... on a 2-factorial laboratory experiment. Eelgrass seedlings were grown with three different heights and two different types of algae mats: Chaetomorpha linum and artificial macroalgae. The two types of mats were used to separate the physical and metabolic effects of algal presence. Concentrations...

  20. Utilização das principais plantas medicinais em uma comunidade rural

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    Francisco de Assis Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Estudo descritivo-analítico, realizado na comunidade rural de Pitanga da Estrada-PB, objetivando-se estudar as principais plantas medicinais utilizadas pelas mulheres da comunidade e comparar o uso popular com o recomendado na literatura. Observou-se algumas discordâncias no uso popular quando se compara com o recomendado pela literatura e em especial às propriedades terapêuticas ou indicações para o uso.

  1. Macro-algae biomass and cover from nearshore regions of the Nantorium War Memorial, Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii, 1966-2005 (NODC Accession 0040082) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Department of Zoology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, incorporated surveys of macro-algae as part of the Zoology 439L "Laboratory in Ecology" during annual field...

  2. Macro-algae Biomass and Cover from Nearshore Regions of the Natatorium War Memorial, Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii 1966-2005 (NODC Accession 0040082) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Department of Zoology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, incorporated surveys of macro-algae as part of the Zoology 439L "Laboratory in Ecology" during annual field...

  3. Potencial para maricultura da carragenófita Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen J.V. Lamour. (Gigartinales - Rhodophyta na Ilha da Marambaia, Baía de Sepetiba, RJ, Brasil Mariculture potential of carragenophyta Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen J.V. Lamour. (Gigartinales - Rhodophyta on Marambaia Island, Baía de Sepetiba, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

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    Renata Perpetuo Reis


    Full Text Available A falta da prática de cultivo comercial de macroalgas no Brasil junto com a crescente demanda do mercado nacional de ficocolóides é suprida pela importação de algas e colheita em bancos naturais, principalmente na costa nordestina. Na busca de um cultivo em pequena escala para uso das comunidades litorâneas foi implantado um cultivo experimental com H. musciformis, na Ilha da Marambaia, RJ (43º59'35" W e 23º04'00" S. Ao todo foram testadas nove técnicas de fixação da alga nas unidades experimentais de maricultura (UEM. Nos experimentos realizados entre a primavera de 2003 e o outono de 2004, as taxas de crescimento geralmente foram negativas. Entre os invernos de 2004 e 2005, foram na maioria positivas. O fitobentos próximo à UEM foi analisado para verificar o crescimento dessa espécie na assembléia e no cultivo. Observou-se maior percentual de anfípodas e de matéria orgânica nas UEM e a presença de carposporófitos em épocas de baixa salinidade em ambos os locais. Atribuiu-se o baixo rendimento da taxa de crescimento aos fatores ambientais como: ressacas, aderência de matéria orgânica nas algas, herbivoria e danos as UEM por ação antrópica. Constatou-se que o tratamento fixando a muda com abraçadeira foi o de mais fácil manuseio e baixo custo e que somente com a conscientização da comunidade litorânea e remuneração salarial para esta atividade será possível exercer o cultivo de H. musciformis com sucesso.Lack of practice in commercial cultivation of macroalgae in Brazil allied with an increased demand for phycocolloids in the national market is met by importing algae and cropping from natural beds, especially on the Northeastern coast. Seeking to establish small scale cultivation for the use of coastal communities, experimental cultivation was implanted with H. musciformis on Marambaia Island, Rio de Janeiro (43º59'35'' W - 23º04'00'' S. Nine different techniques for fixation of algae to ropes were tested in

  4. Comunidades virtuales de práctica y aprendizaje


    Rodríguez Illera, José Luis


    Las comunidades virtuales, sean de práctica o de aprendizaje según una distinción habitual, han adquirido un lugar central en la sociedad actual, especialmente por los avancestecnológicos y la denominada web social.

  5. Sujeto liberal y comunidad : Rawls y la unión social


    Thiebaut, Carlos


    Este artículo pone de relieve la importancia que tiene para el liberalismo pensar la idea de comunidad. El análisis del modelo liberal de sociedad muestra como en tal propuesta hay motivos relacionados con el bien común, lo cual distancia el liberalismo político del libertarismo. Ahora bien, enfrente de la comunidad homogénea defendida por los comunitaristas, Rawls propone una sociedad compleja y diferenciada que se estructura no a partir de una doctrina comprehensiva, sino mediante una conce...

  6. Distribution, diversity and bioprospecting of bioactive compounds from cryptic fungal communities associated with endemic and cold-adapted macroalgae in Antarctica (United States)

    We surveyed the distribution and diversity of fungi associated with eight macroalgae from Antarctica and their capability to produce bioactive compounds. The collections yielded 148 fungal isolates identified using molecular methods into 21 genera and 43 species. The most frequent taxa were Geomyces...

  7. Práticas de integração ensino-serviço-comunidade: Reorientando a formação médica

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    Edermeson Roque Malheiro Brandão

    Full Text Available Os cursos de graduação em Medicina vêm sofrendo transformações nas últimas décadas. A adoção de metodologias ativas de ensino tem crescido significativamente para atender às novas demandas sociais. Este trabalho descreve a experiência das Práticas de Integração Ensino-Serviço-Comunidade (Piesc como eixo de apoio do modelo de reorientação na formação médica da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia. As Piesc têm como campo de atuação uma Unidade de Saúde da Família, onde os discentes desenvolvem atividades do primeiro ao quarto ano, seguindo o Método do Arco de Charles Maguerez, que possui cinco passos principais: Observação da Realidade; Pontos-Chave; Teorização; Hipóteses de Solução; e Aplicação à Realidade. Essas práticas integradas proporcionam uma aproximação precoce entre os discentes e o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS por meio das teorizações semanais e do trabalho em equipe multiprofissional, estimulando o desenvolvimento do olhar crítico da situação local de saúde e possibilitando estabelecer vínculos com a equipe e a comunidade. Assim, as Piesc revelam-se como um eixo de apoio fundamental na reorientação da formação médica.

  8. Numerical aerodynamic simulation (NAS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, V.L.; Ballhaus, W.F. Jr.; Bailey, F.R.


    The Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Program is designed to provide a leading-edge computational capability to the aerospace community. It was recognized early in the program that, in addition to more advanced computers, the entire computational process ranging from problem formulation to publication of results needed to be improved to realize the full impact of computational aerodynamics. Therefore, the NAS Program has been structured to focus on the development of a complete system that can be upgraded periodically with minimum impact on the user and on the inventory of applications software. The implementation phase of the program is now under way. It is based upon nearly 8 yr of study and should culminate in an initial operational capability before 1986. The objective of this paper is fivefold: 1) to discuss the factors motivating the NAS program, 2) to provide a history of the activity, 3) to describe each of the elements of the processing-system network, 4) to outline the proposed allocation of time to users of the facility, and 5) to describe some of the candidate problems being considered for the first benchmark codes

  9. Acción colectiva y conflicto de intereses: el caso de la comunidad campesina de Catac

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    Serafín Osorio Bautista


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone la comprensión de los cambios en la comunidad de Catac como resultado de la acción colectiva ante los desafíos del contexto que se configuran como oportunidades y restricciones, y frente a las exigencias internas que se expresan como demandas de los grupos de interés o facciones que conforman la comunidad. En una comunidad heterogénea como Catac, la acción colectiva no es algo que se da por supuesto sino una acción deliberada; sin embargo, tiende a ser frágil y generalmente se rompe ante las presiones externas y las relaciones de poder definidas en términos de facciones al interior de la comunidad.

  10. Non-destructive alpha-particle activation analysis of P, Cl, K and Ca in marine macro-alga samples using synthetic multielement reference material as comparative standard

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwata, Y.; Naitoh, H.; Suzuki, N.


    A Synthetic Reference Material (SyRM) composed with accurately known amounts of 12 elements has been prepared. The elemental composition of the SyRM is closely similar to that of marine macro-algae sample. The elemental composition of the SyRM was regulated by the starting materials used for the synthesis. The SyRM was used as a comparative standard for non-destructive alpha-particle activation analysis of marine macro-alga samples. P, Cl, K and Ca were determined simultaneously without correction for alpha range due to difference in the elemental composition between the analytical samples and the comparative standard. (author) 19 refs.; 4 tabs

  11. Antioxidative sulphated polygalactans from marine macroalgae as angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitors. (United States)

    Makkar, Fasina; Chakraborty, Kajal


    Antioxidant and antihypertensive potential of the sulphated polygalactans isolated from the marine macroalgae Kappaphycus alvarezii and Gracilaria opuntia were assessed by utilising different in vitro systems. The galactans isolated from K. alvarezii possessed significantly greater antioxidative properties as determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH IC 90 0.97 mg/mL) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS .+ IC 90 0.72 mg/mL) scavenging activities than those isolated from G. opuntia (DPPH IC 90 1.2 mg/mL and ABTS 0.86 mg/mL). The sulphated polygalactan →4)-4-O-sulphonato-(2-O-methyl)-β-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→4)-3,6-anhydro-(2-O-methyl)-α-D-galactopyranan from K. alvarezii showed greater angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity (IC 50 0.02 μg/mL) than →3)-4-O-sulphonato-(6-O-acetyl)-β-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→4)-3,6-anhydro-(2-O-sulphonato)-α-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→3)-4-O-sulphonato-(6-O-acetyl)-β-D-xylosyl-(1→3)-4-O-sulphonato-(6-O-acetyl)-β-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→4)-3,6-anhydro-(2-O-sulphonato)-α-D-galactopyranan motif extracted from G. opuntia (IC 50 0.70 μg/mL). Structure activity correlation studies displayed that the ACE inhibitory properties of titled polygalactans were directly proportional to their electronic properties and inversely with the steric and hydrophobic characteristics. Putative ACE inhibitory mechanism of action of sulphated galactans from marine macroalgae corroborated the structure bioactivity correlation analysis.

  12. Protegiendo Nuestra Comunidad: empowerment participatory education for HIV prevention. (United States)

    McQuiston, C; Choi-Hevel, S; Clawson, M


    To be effective, HIV/AIDS interventions must be culturally and linguistically appropriate and must occur within the context of the specific community in which they are delivered. In this article, the development of a culture-specific lay health advisor (LHA) program, Protegiendo Nuestra Comunidad, for recently immigrated Mexicans is described. This program is one component of a collaborative inquiry research project involving community participants and researchers working as partners in carrying out and assessing a program for the prevention of HIV/AIDS. The collaborative inquiry process was applied as an empowerment philosophy and methodology of Paulo Freire and an ecological framework was used for the development of Protegiendo Nuestra Comunidad. The use of principles of empowerment for curriculum development, teaching methodology, and program delivery are described.

  13. Production and characterization of enzymatic cocktail produced by Aspergillus niger using green macroalgae as nitrogen source and its application in the pre-treatment for biogas production from Ulva rigida. (United States)

    Karray, Raida; Hamza, Manel; Sayadi, Sami


    Marine macroalgae are gaining more and more importance as a renewable feedstock for durable bioenergy production, but polysaccharides of this macroalgae are structurally complex in its chemical composition. The use of enzymatic hydrolysis may provide new pathways in the conversion of complex polysaccharides to fermentable sugars. In this study, an enzymatic cocktail with high specificity was first isolated from Aspergillus niger using the green macroalgae Ulva rigida as nitrogen source. The cocktail is rich on β-glucosidase, pectinase and carboxy-methyl-cellulase (CMCase). The highest activity was obtained with β-glucosidase (109IUmL(-1)) and pectinase (76IUmL(-1)), while CMCase present the lowest activity 4.6IUmL(-1). The U. rigida pre-treatment with this enzymatic cocktail showed high rate of reduced sugar release, and could bring promising prospects for enzymatic pre-treatment of the biogas production from U. rigida biomass which reached 1175mLgCODint(-1). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. The plastid genome of the red macroalga Grateloupia taiwanensis (Halymeniaceae.

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    Michael S DePriest

    Full Text Available The complete plastid genome sequence of the red macroalga Grateloupia taiwanensis S.-M.Lin & H.-Y.Liang (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta is presented here. Comprising 191,270 bp, the circular DNA contains 233 protein-coding genes and 29 tRNA sequences. In addition, several genes previously unknown to red algal plastids are present in the genome of G. taiwanensis. The plastid genomes from G. taiwanensis and another florideophyte, Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui, are very similar in sequence and share significant synteny. In contrast, less synteny is shared between G. taiwanensis and the plastid genome representatives of Bangiophyceae and Cyanidiophyceae. Nevertheless, the gene content of all six red algal plastid genomes here studied is highly conserved, and a large core repertoire of plastid genes can be discerned in Rhodophyta.

  15. The Plastid Genome of the Red Macroalga Grateloupia taiwanensis (Halymeniaceae) (United States)

    DePriest, Michael S.; Bhattacharya, Debashish; López-Bautista, Juan M.


    The complete plastid genome sequence of the red macroalga Grateloupia taiwanensis S.-M.Lin & H.-Y.Liang (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) is presented here. Comprising 191,270 bp, the circular DNA contains 233 protein-coding genes and 29 tRNA sequences. In addition, several genes previously unknown to red algal plastids are present in the genome of G. taiwanensis. The plastid genomes from G. taiwanensis and another florideophyte, Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui, are very similar in sequence and share significant synteny. In contrast, less synteny is shared between G. taiwanensis and the plastid genome representatives of Bangiophyceae and Cyanidiophyceae. Nevertheless, the gene content of all six red algal plastid genomes here studied is highly conserved, and a large core repertoire of plastid genes can be discerned in Rhodophyta. PMID:23894297

  16. Suministro de agua domiciliar a tres comunidades indígenas, Guatemala


    Salvador Otazu, Roberto


    Este proyecto fin de carrera se propone dotar a comunidades indígenas de Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, Departamento de Alta Verapaz (Guatemala), de un mínimo de condiciones higiénico sanitarias básicas, como es el disponer de agua corriente. Se ha tomado como modelo a seguir la ampliación de la red de abastecimiento existente en San Pablo Comunja, a las comunidades de Chimenja, Esperanza Seamay y Nuevo Secapur. Se ampliarán el número de manantiales de abastecimiento (localización, aforos...

  17. Retratos da vida: relatos dos jovens do dança comunidade


    Sarto, Karina Cristofoletti; Marcellino, Nelson Carvalho


    RESUMO: Parte de uma pesquisa de campo, realizada junto ao grupo Dança Comunidade, como um estudo de caso, este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar se a dança vista na interface entre os conteúdos artísticos, sociais e físico-esportivos do lazer pode ou não contribuir para a inserção de jovens da periferia das grandes cidades. A pesquisa nos mostrou que alguns jovens conseguiram autonomia financeira, tornaram-sereconhecidos na sua comunidade, perceberam que através da dança suas vidas mudara...

  18. Partilha do sensível na comunidade: interseções entre psicologia e teatro Sharing the sensible in the community: intersections between psychology and theater

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    Tatiana Gomes da Rocha


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é promover uma discussão sobre psicologia e teatro, buscando compreender algumas relações e efeitos possíveis quando ambos se aproximam e se voltam para a produção de subjetividade nas comunidades populares. Um conceito central é o de partilha do sensível, formulado por Jacques Rancière. O texto discute as formas que a partilha do sensível configura tanto no teatro quanto na psicologia comunitária quando estes se propõem a ser vetores da transformação social, e aponta entraves quando estes se limitam à representação convencional dos conflitos sociais. Outro aspecto considerado é a necessidade de dar mais relevo aos processos de produção de desejo na comunidade.This essay aims to discuss psychology and theater, their relations and possible effects when they are both involved with the production of subjectivity in popular communities. One main concept is the distribution of the sensible, created by Jacques Rancière. The text analyses the distribution of the sensible performed by the theater and by community psychology when they search social transformation. This study's conclusions indicate that the persistence of the conventional representation of the social conflicts constitutes an obstacle shared by psychology and theater, and point to the necessity of giving more relevance to the production of desire in the community.

  19. Revivendo experiências: em foco a leitura em comunidades

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    Marlene Edite Pereira Rezende

    Full Text Available Este artigo teve como objetivo recuperar, de forma destacada, duas experiências de trabalho de extensão na UFMG: o carro-biblioteca da ECI\\UFMG e a implantação das Bibliotecas Públicas e Biblioteca Móvel do COLTEC\\UFMG. A estas experiências somaram-se ainda as informações sobre as atividades de extensão, através de Carros-Biblioteca, realizadas no âmbito da Biblioteca Pública Estadual Luiz de Bessa e pelo SESC. Revendo estas experiências torna-se patente a importância destas ações para as comunidades, mas, revelam-se também as dificuldades/limitações para a continuidade e ampliação destes serviços que são de caráter significativo para a população. Destaca-se também que os projetos visam permitir o acesso à leitura em comunidades com carências socioculturais, mas, demostram, de forma crítica, a realidade e os desafios dos municípios de Caparaó e Alto Caparaó na administração e manutenção das bibliotecas lá instaladas. Argumenta-se ainda, como aspecto significativo, a necessidade de articulação das comunidades, de forma a reivindicarem junto aos gestores públicos o atendimento aos direitos da população.

  20. Metabolomic response of a marine bacterium to 3,6-anhydro-l-galactose, the rare sugar from red macroalgae, as the sole carbon source. (United States)

    Yun, Eun Ju; Yu, Sora; Kim, Sooah; Kim, Kyoung Heon


    Marine red macroalgae have received much attention as sustainable resources for producing bio-based products. Therefore, understanding the metabolic pathways of carbohydrates from red macroalgae, in fermentative microorganisms, is crucial for efficient bioconversion of the carbohydrates into bio-based products. Recently, the novel catabolic pathway of 3,6-anhydro-l-galactose (AHG), the main component of red macroalgae, was discovered in a marine bacterium, Vibrio sp. strain EJY3. However, the global metabolic network in response to AHG remains unclear. Here, the intracellular metabolites of EJY3 grown on AHG, glucose, or galactose were comparatively profiled using gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The global metabolite profiling results revealed that the metabolic profile for AHG significantly differed from those for other common sugars. Specifically, the metabolic intermediate of the AHG pathway, 3,6-anhydrogalactonate, was detected during growth only in the presence of AHG; thus, the recently discovered key steps in AHG catabolism was found not to occur in the catabolism of other common sugars. Moreover, the levels of metabolic intermediates related to glycerolipid metabolism and valine biosynthesis were higher with AHG than those with other sugars. These comprehensive metabolomic analytical results for AHG in this marine bacterium can be used as the basis for having fermentative microbial strains to engineered to efficiently utilize AHG from macroalgal biomass. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. [Spectral characteristics variations of chromophoric dissolved organic matter during growth of filamentous green macroalgae]. (United States)

    Jiang, De-gang; Huang, Qing-hui; Li, Jian-hua


    As an important component of dissolved organic matter (DOM), chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) plays a central role in the global biogeochemical carbon cycle. Macroalgae are essential producers in aquatic ecosystems. They can release a considerable part of photosynthetic products as CDOM. So changes in optical properties of CDOM are studied on filamentous green macroalgae-Chadophorasle found in tidal flats of a brackish Lake Beihu in natural field condition by using spectrometry. Humic-like fluorescence peaks and protein-like fluorescence peaks detected by fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectrum (EEMS) change little in control experiment but increase dramatically in incubation experiment. Applying parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) together with fluorescence excitation-emission matrix can get four components of CDOM (C1, C2, C3 and C4) which are relative to humic-like fluorescence peak A(C), M and protein-like fluorescence peak B, T respectively. In incubation experiment four components increase by 211.5%, 255.8%, 75.3% and 129.3% respectively while in control experiment components have little changes except C1 decreasing by 34.3%. Absorption coefficient alpha (355) increases by 92.9% and has positive significant correlation (P CDOM molecular weight and composition, M and S values in incubation experiment are smaller than in control experiment, which illustrate that aromatic and macromolecular CDOM is produced in growth of Chadophorasle. All results indicate that growth of Chadophorasle can change the content and composition of CDOM.

  2. Retrospective analysis of diversity and species composition of marine macroalgae of Hainan Island (China) (United States)

    Titlyanov, Eduard A.; Titlyanova, Tamara V.; Xia, Bangmei; Bartsch, Inka


    Retrospective analysis of diversity and species composition of marine macroalgae of Hainan Island in the period 1933-1992 is presented in this paper. There are two extensive sample collection periods of benthic macroalgae: the early collection (EC) covers a period between the early 1930s and the 1980s before considerable urbanization and reef degradation took place and a late collection (LC) was performed in 1990/1992 during a phase of rapid urbanization. Analysis of data also including an earlier published inventory of green algae covering the same collection sites (Titlyanov et al. 2011a) revealed that the marine flora of the island comprises 426 taxa in total, with 59% red algae, 18% brown algae and 23% green algae. In total 59 species of red algae, 11 species of brown algae and 37 species of green algae sampled during the LC are new records for Hainan Island. Considerable floristic changes between EC and LC became evident. In the LC there were significantly more filamentous, tubular or fine blade-like, and often epiphytic, green and red algae with a high surface-to-volume ratio. Additionally a reduction of green, brown and red algal species with larger fleshy or foliose thalli and a low surface-to-volume ratio was observed. It is assumed that the changes reflect the degradation of the coral reef ecosystem around Hainan, which was damaged by human activities especially in the 1950s-1970s.

  3. Lipid content and fatty acid composition of Mediterranean macro-algae as dynamic factors for biodiesel production

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    Dahlia M. El Maghraby


    Full Text Available Using the total lipid contents and fatty acid profiles, the marine macro-algae Jania rubens (Rhodophyceae, Ulva linza (Chlorophyceae and Padina pavonica (Phaeophyceae were evaluated for biodiesel production during the spring, summer and autumn. Seawater parameters such as pH, salinity and temperature were measured. The total lipid content varied from 1.56% (J. rubens to 4.14% (U. linza of dry weight, with the highest values occurring in spring. The fatty acid methyl ester profiles were analysed using gas chromatography. The highest percentage of total fatty acids was recorded in P. pavonica, with 6.2% in autumn, whereas the lowest was in J. rubens, with 68.6% in summer. The relative amount of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids was significantly higher in P. pavonica than in the other macro-algae. Seasonal variations in pH, salinity and temperature had no significant effect on the total lipid and fatty acid contents. Principal component analysis grouped brown and green algae together, whereas red alga grouped out. Furthermore, methyl ester profiles indicate that brown and green seaweeds are preferred, followed by red seaweeds, which appears to have little potential for oil-based products. Therefore, these seaweeds are not targets for biodiesel production.

  4. Impact of seaweed beachings on dynamics of δ15N isotopic signatures in marine macroalgae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemesle, Stéphanie; Mussio, Isabelle; Rusig, Anne-Marie; Menet-Nédélec, Florence; Claquin, Pascal


    Highlights: • Two coastal sites (COU, GM) in the Bay of Seine affected by summer seaweed beachings. • The same temporal dynamics of the algal δ 15 N at the two sites. • N and P concentrations in seawater of the two sites dominated by riverine sources. • A coupling between seaweed beachings and N sources of intertidal macroalgae. - Abstract: A fine-scale survey of δ 15 N, δ 13 C, tissue-N in seaweeds was conducted using samples from 17 sampling points at two sites (Grandcamp-Maisy (GM), Courseulles/Mer (COU)) along the French coast of the English Channel in 2012 and 2013. Partial triadic analysis was performed on the parameter data sets and revealed the functioning of three areas: one estuary (EstA) and two rocky areas (GM ∗ , COU ∗ ). In contrast to oceanic and anthropogenic reference points similar temporal dynamics characterized δ 15 N signatures and N contents at GM ∗ and COU ∗ . Nutrient dynamics were similar: the N-concentrations in seawater originated from the River Seine and local coastal rivers while P-concentrations mainly from these local rivers. δ 15 N at GM ∗ were linked to turbidity suggesting inputs of autochthonous organic matter from large-scale summer seaweed beachings made up of a mixture of Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta and Chlorophyta species. This study highlights the coupling between seaweed beachings and nitrogen sources of intertidal macroalgae

  5. Socialización preventiva en las Comunidades de Aprendizaje

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    Ainhoa Flecha


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina las características específicas de las Comunidades de Aprendizaje que pueden contribuir a la superación de la violencia de género. En primer lugar, examinamos las aportaciones del feminismo dialógico que están articulando formas de solidaridad femenina orientadas a la prevención y superación de la violencia de género en las escuelas. En segundo lugar, examinamos las contribuciones en torno a las nuevas masculinidades y su impacto en la lucha contra esta problemática. Finalmente, se desarrolla la aportación que representa la socialización preventiva en el trabajo que se está haciendo con niños, niñas y adolescentes en las Comunidades de Aprendizaje.

  6. Biological Pretreatment of Mexican Caribbean Macroalgae Consortiums Using Bm-2 Strain (Trametes hirsuta and Its Enzymatic Broth to Improve Biomethane Potential

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    Raúl Tapia-Tussell


    Full Text Available The macroalgae consortium biomass in the Mexican Caribbean represents an emerging and promising biofuel feedstock. Its biological pretreatment and potential for energetic conversion to biomethane were investigated, since some macroalgae have hard cell walls that present an obstacle to efficient methane production when those substrates are used. It has been revealed by anaerobic digestion assays that pretreatment with a Bm-2 strain (Trametes hirsuta isolated from decaying wood in Yucatan, Mexico was 104 L CH4 kg·VS−1; In fact, the fungal pretreatment produced a 20% increase in methane yield, with important amounts of alkali metals Ca, K, Mg, Na of 78 g/L, ash 35.5% and lignin 15.6%. It is unlikely that high concentrations of ash and alkali metals will produce an ideal feedstock for combustion or pyrolysis, but they can be recommended for a biological process.

  7. El registro de franquiciadores en el marco de las competencias de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra


    Lara González, Rafael


    Se ha creado un Registro de franquiciadores a nivel del Estado que garantiza la centralización de los datos relativos a las empresas franquiciadoras que operen en más de una Comunidad Autónoma, a los efectos de información y publicidad; y, a este fin, se fijan las directrices técnicas y de coordinación entre los registros similares que puedan establecer las Comunidades Autónomas. En todo caso, la llevanza del Registro de franquiciadores corresponde a las Comunidades Autónomas d...

  8. Comunidad Hispana de Everquest 2


    Ybáñez Domínguez, Ainhoa


    Comunidad Hispana de Everquest 2 programada en PHP, incluye administración propia de secciones, integración con login de foro vBulletin 4, integración con login de galería multimedia Coppermine, e integración con login de wiki Mediawiki de forma parcial. Comunitat Hispana d'Everquest 2 programada en PHP, inclou administració pròpia de seccions, integració amb identificació a fòrum vBulletin 4, integració amb identificació a galeria multimèdia Coppermine, i integració amb identificació a wi...

  9. La educación superior en las comunidades wichí del noreste salteño

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    Gloria Mancinelli


    Full Text Available El artículo indaga en las experiencias que realizan jóvenes de comunidades wichí del noreste de Salta al ser interpelados por un equipo de extensión universitaria. Se procura dar cuenta, cómo la presencia de proyectos de extensión universitaria en comunidades indígenas orienta en los últimos años una relación particular e histórica entre la universidad y los pueblos indígenas donde se redefinen ciertas dinámicas socio-educativas. En algunas experiencias de extensión universitaria que se han ido realizando con las comunidades indígenas, en tanto se promueven espacios de transferencias y de co-producción de conocimientos, podemos ver que se generan formas de acceso a educación superior universitaria que muestran recorridos diferentes a los que suponen las políticas educativas y particularmente las universidades. El artículo se propone, tomando como estudio de caso la relación entre un programa de extensión universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata y un grupo de jóvenes de comunidades wichí que estudian allí, analizar qué implicancias tienen estas experiencias en el espacio socio territorial de estas comunidades y de qué modo anexan nuevos horizontes educativos en estas poblaciones.

  10. Efecto del fotoperiodo y la razón camarón:macroalga en la remoción de nitrógeno amoniacal total por Gracilaria vermiculophylla, en cultivo con Litopenaeus vannamei, sin recambio de agua

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    Adolfo Sánchez-Romero


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del fotoperiodo y la relación de biomasa camarón:macroalga en la remoción de nitrógeno amoniacal total (NAT, por la macroalga Gracilaria vermiculophylla, en cultivo con camarón Litopenaeus vannamei, sin recambio de agua. Se evaluaron cuatro fotoperiodos: 12:12, 14:10, 16:08 y 24:00 h de luz:oscuridad y dos relaciones de biomasa camarón:macroalga, 1:4 y 1:8. El diseño experimental fue factorial de 4x2 con cuatro réplicas por tratamiento. Las menores concentraciones de NAT (0,55 ± 0,17 mg L-1, N-NO² (0,145 ± 0,29 mg L-1 y N-NO3 (3,13 ± 0,73 mg L-1 se registraron en la relación 1:8. Las mayores tasas de crecimiento de la macroalga (3,07 ± 1,44% día-1 se obtuvieron con fotoperiodo de 24:00 h y relación de biomasa 1:8. La mayor tasa de incorporación de N en la macroalga (0,31 ± 0,12 mg N L-1 día-1 ocurrió en las mismas condiciones. El crecimiento del camarón fue similar al reportado en sistemas tradicionales de recirculación. La integración de G. vermiculophylla en el sistema sin recambio, fue capaz de mantener los niveles de compuestos nitrogenados tóxicos en niveles favorables para el crecimiento de L. vannamei.


    A small format 35 mm hand-held camera with color infrared slide film was used to map blooms of benthic green macroalgae upon mudflats of Yaquina Bay estuary on the central Oregon coast, U.S.A. Oblique photographs were taken during a series of low tide events, when the intertidal...

  12. Optimization of renewable pinene production from the conversion of macroalgae Saccharina latissima

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scullin, Chessa [Joint BioEnergy Inst. (JBEI), Emeryville, CA (United States); Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States); Stavila, Vitalie [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States); Skarstad, Anita [Statoil Research Center, Trondheim (Norway); Keasling, Jay D. [Joint BioEnergy Inst. (JBEI), Emeryville, CA (United States); Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States); Simmons, Blake A. [Joint BioEnergy Inst. (JBEI), Emeryville, CA (United States); Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States); Singh, Seema [Joint BioEnergy Inst. (JBEI), Emeryville, CA (United States); Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The enzymatic hydrolysis of Saccharina latissima with laminarinase was compared to hydrolysis with different combinations of cellulase and hemicellulase enzyme mixtures. The hemicellulase mixture resulted in similar release of glucose, while the cellulase mixture released 40% more glucose than laminarinase alone. The combination of a laminarinase augmented with a cellulase mixture resulted in a 53% increase of glucose release from S. latissima than laminarinase. Increasing biomass loading above 4% (w/v) reduced the sugar yield. Resulting macroalgae hydrolysates were used as a carbon source for the production of pinene, making use of a novel two plasmid Escherichia coli system. The macroalgal hydrolysates were suitable for the novel microbial production of pinene with no further treatment and/or purification.

  13. Psicologia e saúde: a terapia comunitária como instrumento de sensibilização para o trabalho com comunidades na formação do Psicólogo

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    Marta Fuentes-Rojas

    Full Text Available A participação do psicólogo na atenção primária implica uma preparação para esse campo de trabalho. A terapia comunitária vem de encontro a essa proposta oferecendo ao psicólogo um instrumento de trabalho de promoção e prevenção em saúde mental. Este trabalho corresponde ao relato de experiência da autora no curso de Psicologia, sendo que, na reformulação do currículo desse curso, foi possível incluir a terapia comunitária a partir do 2º semestre de 2005, com a finalidade de oferecer aos alunos(as uma visão diferente em relação à promoção e à prevenção em saúde nas comunidades. Foi possível observar que os alunos(as desenvolveram uma postura crítica em relação ao uso das técnicas e de sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento das comunidades, sensibilizaram-se com a sua dor e o seu sofrimento, ressignificando, assim, o próprio conceito de sofrimento. Do atendimento clínico/individual, avançaram na direção de um trabalho mais coletivo e comunitário.

  14. Annabela Rita, Fernando Cristóvão (e ds., Daniela Marcheschi (Prefácio. Fabricar a Inovação – O Processo Criativo em Questão nas Ciências, nas Letras e nas Artes

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    Luísa Marinho Antunes


    Full Text Available Recensione del volume Annabela Rita e Fernando Cristóvão (eds. Fabricar a Inovação – O Processo Criativo em Questão nas Ciências, nas Letras e nas Artes, coord. Prefácio Daniela Marcheschi. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2016. Stampa (pp.396 seguita dalla versione italiana della Prefazione.

  15. Estudio epidemiológico de salud oral en adultos. Comunidad Valenciana, 2006


    Eustaquio Raga, Mª Vicenta


    RESUMEN En las últimas dos décadas se han venido realizando estudios epidemiológicos de salud oral en adultos en las diferentes comunidades autónomas españolas. Así la ausencia de dicho estudio de ámbito autonómico valenciano justifica plenamente su realización. En la realización del presente estudio nos hemos propuesto como objetivo general el evaluar el estado de salud bucodental de la población adulta y mayor de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se ha diseñado un estudio transversal o de p...

  16. La comunidad del naciente : por una biopolítica afirmativa del exceso


    Gómez Montañez, César Mario


    Quisiéramos, en respuesta a Jean-Luc Nancy, arriesgar un desarrollo de la cuestión de la comunidad que, a su vez, nos permita resignificar la individualidad y la inmanencia. En otras palabras, se trata de rearticular individuo y comunidad desde nuevos supuestos. La cuestión es retomar el tono extático que demanda Nancy, esa figura del exceso propuesta por Bataille, y evidenciarlo en el modelo que propone Gilbert Simondon para la individuación, y Roberto Esposito para la communitas. El trabajo...

  17. Biosorption removal of benzene and toluene by three dried macroalgae at different ionic strength and temperatures: Algae biochemical composition and kinetics. (United States)

    Flores-Chaparro, Carlos E; Chazaro Ruiz, Luis Felipe; Alfaro de la Torre, Ma Catalina; Huerta-Diaz, Miguel Angel; Rangel-Mendez, Jose Rene


    Release of low-molecular aromatic hydrocarbons (HC) into natural waters brings severe consequences to our environment. Unfortunately very limited information is available regarding the treatment of these pollutants. This work evaluated the use of brown, green and red macroalgae biomass as biosorbents of benzene and toluene, two of the most soluble HC. Raw seaweed biomasses were completely characterized, then evaluated under different temperatures and ionic strengths to assess their potential as biosorbents and to elucidate the biosorption mechanisms involved. Brown macroalgae registered the highest removal capacities for benzene and toluene (112 and 28 mg·g -1 , respectively), and these were not affected at ionic strength < 0.6 M. Langmuir and Sips isotherm equations well described biosorption data, and the pseudo-second order model provided the best fit to the kinetics rate. Hydrocarbons are adsorbed onto the diverse chemical components of the cell wall by London forces and hydrophobic interactions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Pobrecito hablador. Conflictos por la libre participación en una comunidad colaborativa

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    Adolfo Estalella Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente estudio es el resultado de la investigación etnográfica de un weblog colaborativo. Un entorno abierto a la participación y libre expresión de cualquier usuario. La comunidad tiene como objetivo la producción de noticias significativas, para lo cual recurre a un sistema colectivo de filtrado de la información que sirve para jerarquizar las contribuciones de los usuarios. A través de este sistema de filtrado y mediante el mecanismo de registro (por el que los usuarios crean una identidad permanente la comunidad segmenta la visibilidad y credibilidad de las informaciones según procedan de usuarios registrados o anónimos. El estudio demuestra que los procesos de selección y filtrado no sólo jerarquizan la información, sino que organizan y estructuran socialmente a la comunidad.

  19. Effects of sodium bicarbonate concentration on growth, photosynthesis, and carbonic anhydrase activity of macroalgae Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis, Gracilaria vermiculophylla, and Gracilaria chouae (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). (United States)

    Zhou, Wei; Sui, Zhenghong; Wang, Jinguo; Hu, Yiyi; Kang, Kyoung Ho; Hong, Hye Ran; Niaz, Zeeshan; Wei, Huihui; Du, Qingwei; Peng, Chong; Mi, Ping; Que, Zhou


    There is potential for bicarbonate to improve crop yields and economic efficiency of marine algae. However, few studies have focused on the effect of bicarbonate on the growth, photosynthesis, and enzyme activity associated with carbon utilization, especially in commercial macroalgae. Here, the addition of bicarbonate (up to 420 mg L(-1)) to macroalgal cultures has been evaluated for Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis, Gracilaria vermiculophylla, and Gracilaria chouae with respect to growth rate, photosynthetic activity, carbonic anhydrase activity, and biochemical composition. The results showed that the effects of NaHCO3 on growth, chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin, photosynthetic oxygen evolution, photochemical parameters of PSI and PSII, carbonic anhydrase activity, and nitrogen content were significant (P 336 mg L(-1) for Gp. lemaneiformis and >420 mg L(-1) for the other two species). Moreover, species-specific differences induced by supplementation with bicarbonate were discovered during culture. Optimal concentrations of NaHCO3 used in this study were 252 mg L(-1) for Gp. lemaneiformis and 336 mg L(-1) for G. vermiculophylla and G. chouae. These results suggest that an adequate supplementation of sodium bicarbonate is a viable strategy for promoting growth and photosynthetic activity in some macroalgae as well as for improving biochemical composition. The study will help to accelerate the growth rate of algae and improve the quality of thalli, and will also be useful for enhancing the understanding of carbon utilization in macroalgae.

  20. Muestra del vocabulario empleado por la Comunidad Gay de Bogotá

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    Étienne Gagné


    Full Text Available Este trabajo lexicográfico presenta una muestra del léxico empleado por la comunidad de jóvenes gays que se reúnen en establecimientos de la localidad de Chapinero (Bogotá. La práctica lexicográfica es una de las vías de entrada a la observación y el estudio de comunidades que permiten entender mejor la dinámica de la interacción en las grandes urbes. El documento que presentamos es parte de un proyecto que desarrollamos para la Maestría en Lingüística Española del Instituto Caro y Cuervo.

  1. Analisis de la comunidad de malezas en trigo cultivado sobre distintos antecesores Analysis of weed community in wheat crop grown on different precedent crops

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    E. Requesens


    Full Text Available Comparou-se a composição e freqüência relativa das espécies e dos índices de diversidade e dominância da comunidade infestante de três áreas de trigo que foram cultivadas com trigo, milho e batata anteriormente. O estudo foi realizado na região de Mar del Plata, Província de Buenos Aires Argentina. Em cada área, realizou-se 40 amostragens de 1m2, dispostos de forma regular no campo, antes da aplicação dos herbicidas. Foram observadas pequenas diferenças entre as três comunidades florísticas levantadas, porém importantes mudanças foram verificadas na freqüência relativa de algumas espécies. Stellaria media foi a espécie mais freqüente, quando a cultura foi procedida de trigo e milho e sendo apenas superada por Solanum tuberosum quando a cultura do trigo teve como antecessor a cultura da batata. Algumas espécies como Chenopodium album, Zea maiz, Solanum tuberosum, Polygonum aviculares, Ammi viznaga, Veronica persica e Taraxacum officinalis incrementaram suas freqüências relativas nas áreas de trigo precedidas de milho e batata. Por outro lado, a freqüência relativa de outras espécies como Apium leptophyllum, Polygonum aviculares e Matricaria chamomilla decresceram nos mesmos locais. As mudanças específicas nas freqüências relativas não afetaram os parâmetros estruturais das comunidades infestantes, os quais mostraram valores similares de alta diversidade específica e baixa dominância.Relative frequency of species, diversity and dominance indexes of the weed community in three wheat crops grown in field of 40 ha where wheat, corn or potato were grown int he previous season, were analyzed. The study was performed in Mar del Plata, Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina. The ocurring species were registred in each of forth 1 m2 samples distributed in a regular arrangement at each field. This was done previous to application of herbicides. Small differences between communities in floristic composition and richness

  2. Macroalgae Laminaria digitata and Saccharina latissima as Potential Biomasses for Biogas and Total Phenolics Production: Focusing on Seasonal and Spatial Variations of the Algae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    D'Este, Martina; Alvarado-Morales, Merlin; Ciofalo, Anna


    Laminaria digitata (L. digitata) and Saccharina latissima (S. latissima) are the most common species of macroalgae in the north Atlantic and north Pacific. Because of their interesting composition, they have recently attracted attention as useful biomass for various purposes such as for biochemic......Laminaria digitata (L. digitata) and Saccharina latissima (S. latissima) are the most common species of macroalgae in the north Atlantic and north Pacific. Because of their interesting composition, they have recently attracted attention as useful biomass for various purposes...... such as for biochemicals and bioenergy production. Nevertheless their composition varies according to the season and to the local environmental conditions. Therefore, in this study different samples harvested throughout a year and in different locations in Denmark were analyzed. The aim of the study was identifying...

  3. Studies of marine macroalgae: saline desert water cultivation and effects of environmental stress on proximate composition. Final subcontract report. [Gracilaria tikvahiae; Ulva lactuca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ryther, J.H.; DeBusk, T.A.; Peterson, J.E.


    The results presented in this report address the growth potential of marine macroalgae cultivated in desert saline waters, and the effects of certain environmental stresses (e.g., nitrogen, salinity, and temperature) on the proximate composition of several marine macroalgae. Two major desert saline water types were assayed for their ability to support the growth of Gracilaria, Ulva, and Caulerpa. Both water types supported short term growth, but long term growth was not supported. Carbohydrate levels in Gracilaria were increased by cultivation under conditions of high salinity, low temperature, and low nitrogen and phosphorous availability. Data suggests that it may be possible to maximize production of useful proximate constituents by cultivating the algae under optimum conditions for growth, and then holding the resulting biomass under the environmental conditions which favor tissue accumulation of the desired storage products. 16 refs., 21 figs., 19 tabs.

  4. Design of a macroalgae amperometric biosensor; application to the rapid monitoring of organophosphate insecticides in an agroecosystem. (United States)

    Nunes, G S; Lins, J A P; Silva, F G S; Araujo, L C; Silva, F E P S; Mendonça, C D; Badea, M; Hayat, A; Marty, J-L


    The immobilization of enzymes onto transducer support is a mature technology and has been successfully implemented to improve biocatalytic processes for diverse applications. However, there exists still need to design more sophisticated and specialized strategies to enhance the functional properties of the biosensors. In this work, a biosensor platform based on innovative fabrication strategy was designed, and employed for the detection of organophosphate (OP) in natural waters. The biosensor was prepared by incorporating acetylcholinesterase enzyme (AChE) to the graphite paste modified with tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) mediator, along with the use of a macroalgae (Cladaphropsis membranous) as a functional immobilization support. The novel immobilization design resulted in a synergic effect, and led to enhanced stability and sensitivity of the biosensor. The designed biosensor was used to analyze methyl parathion OP insecticide in water samples collected from a demonstrably contaminated lake of São Luis Island, Maranhão, Northeast of Brazil. Water analysis revealed that the aquatic ecosystem was polluted by sub-ppm concentrations of the OP insecticide, and a good correlation was found between values obtained through biosensor and GC-MS techniques. Our results demonstrated that macroalgae-biosensor could be used as a low-cost and sensitive screening method to detect target analyte. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Ritmos biológicos y uso del tiempo en una comunidad mapuche aislada

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    Negro, A.


    Full Text Available Este proyecto persigue establecer la influencia de factores ambientales y culturales sobre los patrones temporales de poblaciones humanas. Estudiamos la comunidad mapuche de Milaín Currical (Neuquén en distintas estaciones, registrando el ciclo diario sueño-vigilia y otros parámetros relacionados con cambios cíclicos en el comportamiento y la fisiología de los habitantes. El objetivo es lograr una explicación englobadora del uso del tiempo en poblaciones bajo distintas condiciones ambientales. Asimismo, se registró la variación estacional en los procesos migratorios y en variables epidemiológicas. Las variables ambientales (fotoperíodo, temperatura, lluvias exhibieron ciclos anuales de gran amplitud. La comunidad presenta variaciones estacionales con claras diferencias entre verano e invierno, incluyendo cambios de horario de sus actividades y del ciclo sueño-vigilia, que correlacionan con variaciones ambientales. Las consultas médicas tuvieron un pico hacia el final del invierno. La comunidad realiza una migración anual entre las tierras de veranada y de invernada, que puede ser correlacionada con las variables ambientales, en particular el fotoperíodo. El estudio de comunidades sujetas a cambios temporales profundos en el ambiente (sin sincronizadores artificiales ofrece un excelente modelo para la investigación del sistema cronobiológico humano.

  6. Anti-Inflammatory and Antinociceptive Effects of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of an Edible Red Macroalgae Sarcodia ceylanica

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    Chieh-Chih Shih


    Full Text Available Research so far has only shown that edible red macroalgae, Sarcodia ceylanica has the ability to eliminate free radicals and anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial properties. This study was conducted both in vitro and in vivo on the ethyl acetate extract (PD1 of farmed red macroalgae in order to explore its anti-inflammatory properties. In order to study the in vitro anti-inflammatory effects of PD1, we used lipopolysaccharide (LPS to induce inflammatory responses in murine macrophages. For evaluating the potential in vivo anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects of PD1, we used carrageenan-induced rat paw edema to produce inflammatory pain. The in vitro results indicated that PD1 inhibited the LPS-induced pro-inflammatory protein, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS in macrophages. Oral PD1 can reduce carrageenan-induced paw edema and inflammatory nociception. PD1 can significantly inhibit carrageenan-induced leukocyte infiltration, as well as the protein expression of inflammatory mediators (iNOS, interleukin-1β, and myeloperoxidase in inflammatory tissue. The above results indicated that PD1 has great potential to be turned into a functional food or used in the development of new anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive agents. The results from this study are expected to help scientists in the continued development of Sarcodia ceylanica for other biomedical applications.

  7. A comunidade: da sociologia clássica à sociologia contemporânea

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    Alan Delazeri Mocellim


    Full Text Available A comunidade é um dos conceitos de maior importância, desde o nascimento da Sociologia. Sua relevância permanece tal que o debate em torno de sua definição é contínuo, adentrando a teoria social contemporânea. Recorrente nesse debate é a dicotomia entre comunidade e sociedade e entre a forma de vida tradicional e a moderna. Neste artigo, debatem-se algumas das principais teorizações clássicas e contemporâneas sobre a ideia de comunidade, enfocando principalmente as teorias que contrapõem as relações sociais comunitárias e a individualização característica da vida moderna. Entre os “clássicos” da Sociologia, optou-se por debater as teorias de Émile Durkheim e Ferdinand Tönnies, e, entre as teorias contemporâneas, optou-se pelas de Michel Maffesoli e Zygmunt Bauman. O objetivo aqui é demarcar divergências e similitudes entre suas diferentes abordagens.

  8. Premio Unión Internacional de arquitectos, UNESCO. Comunidad de artistas en Chiguayante

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    Francisca Jiménez


    Full Text Available El proyecto trata de una comunidad autosuficiente, que disminuye el impacto ambiental, la contaminación, y recicla variados elementos. Al mismo tiempo emplea energía pasiva solar y eólica, así como desarrolla el aprovechamiento de aguas lluvias y el reciclado de aguas servidas. Esto, obviamente, disminuye la importación de recursos hacia el vecindario y reduce la eliminación de sólidos y líquidos desde la comunidad.

  9. Axé, práticas corporais e Aids nas religiões africanistas do Recife, Brasil

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    Luis Felipe Rios


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as respostas das religiões afro-brasileiras à epidemia de Aids no Recife, considerando a estrutura simbólica religiosa. Baseando-se em observações participantes e em entrevistas em profundidade realizadas com líderes religiosos afro-brasileiros e técnicos de saúde pública e de ONG, destaca a importância do "axé", a categoria nativa utilizada para pensar os eventos corporais, para entender a história da Aids nessa comunidade religiosa. Axé é energia mística, vitalidade corporal. Ele é manipulado em rituais religiosos e simbolicamente associado a sangue, suor e sêmen. Nos tempos de HIV, os rituais de escarificação corporais e a troca de fluidos durante as transações sexuais, formas para a circulação do axé e elementos-chave para o cultivo deste, também se tornam meio para a transmissão do HIV. Esses elementos foram o foco do diálogo entre as instituições religiosas e o sistema de saúde pública, um processo que gerou mudanças nas práticas religiosas de regulação da reprodução social e da vida sexual dos adeptos.



    Salas, N.; Lengua, R.; Becerra, E.; Bazán, D.; Santome, S.; Córdova, C.


    En el presente trabajo, se  determinó el contenido de Carbohidratos, polifenoles y  sulfatos en muestras de macroalgas marinas, las que se recolectaron en la  Bahía de Pisco-Ica y  en la  playa de Barranco. Las muestras estudiadas son las siguientes:    Macrocystis Pyrifera, Ulva Nematoidea, Lessonia Trabeculata, Chondracanthus Chamissoi. Se observó que el alga     Chondracanthus Chamissoi  femenina  es la que tiene mayor cantidad de carbohidratos,  el   alga Macrocystis Pyrifera  es la que  ...

  11. Una Estrategia de Desarrollo Local: Comunidad de San Luis Sesma, México

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    Diosey Lugo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza la problemática que guarda San Luís Sesma, comunidad perteneciente al municipio de Mazapiltepec de Juárez, Puebla, desde una perspectiva de análisis que nos permita comprender la relación que guarda esta comunidad con su territorio y que se ha mantenido relativamente marginada, con una producción autárquica de los sistemas agropecuarios, además de una desarticulación institucional, el crecimiento de la migración hacia otras regiones como estrategia de subsistencia y de aumentar el ingreso familiar en la incorporación hacia otros sectores. Ante lo anterior, un grupo de estudiantes del Postgrado en Estrategias Agrícolas Regional del Colegio de Posgraduados, Campus Puebla, encuentran una oportunidad para proponer líneas de acción estratégicas de corto y mediano plazo en el sector agropecuario, en base a los recursos naturales disponibles de la comunidad, y el involucramiento de los actores sociales a través de la organización como elemento articulador del grupo de productores de San Luís Sesma y la participación de las instituciones gubernamentales mediante los programas estatales y federales que promuevan una transferencia de tecnología, de experiencias, de recursos, de tal manera que todo lo anterior coadyuve a aumentar los sistemas de producción y por ende se vea reflejado en mejores ingresos para los productores de la comunidad.

  12. Plan de marketing turístico de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra


    Altarriba García, Beñat Enrique


    Este proyecto consiste en la elaboración de un Plan de Marketing turístico de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. Hoy en día e históricamente, el turismo es un importante motor económico y de desarrollo a nivel mundial. Es un sector a tener muy en cuenta tanto por los gobiernos como por las empresas ya que de su incentivación depende el empleo de millones de personas y los ingresos y beneficios de muchas empresas y comunidades. Es por esta razón, por lo que decidí realizar este Plan de Marketin...

  13. Optimization of renewable pinene production from the conversion of macroalgae Saccharina latissima. (United States)

    Scullin, Chessa; Stavila, Vitalie; Skarstad, Anita; Keasling, Jay D; Simmons, Blake A; Singh, Seema


    Enzymatic hydrolysis of Saccharina latissima with laminarinase was compared to hydrolysis with different combinations of cellulase and hemicellulase enzyme mixtures. The hemicellulase mixture resulted in similar release of glucose, while the cellulase mixture released 40% more glucose than laminarinase alone. The combination of a laminarinase augmented with a cellulase mixture resulted in a 53% increase of glucose release from S. latissima than laminarinase. Increasing biomass loading above 4% (w/v) reduced the sugar yield. Resulting macroalgae hydrolysates were used as a carbon source for the production of pinene, making use of a novel two plasmid Escherichia coli system. The macroalgal hydrolysates were suitable for the novel microbial production of pinene with no further treatment and/or purification. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  14. Macroalgae and phytoplankton as indicators of ecological status of Danish coastal waters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carstensen, Jacob; Krause-Jensen, Dorte; Dahl, Karsten

    This report contributes to the development of tools that can be applied to assess the five classes of ecological status of the Water Framework Directive based on the biological quality elements phytoplankton and macroalgae. Nitrogen inputs and concentrations representing reference conditions...... and boundaries between the five ecological status classes were calculated from estimates of nitrogen inputs from Denmark to the Danish straits since 1900 combined with expert judgement of the general environmental conditions of Danish waters during different time periods. From these calculated nitrogen...... concentrations and a macroalgal model ecological status class boundaries were established for six macroalgal indicators in a number of Danish estuaries and coastal areas. Furthermore, site-specific correlations between concentrations of nitrogen and chlorophyll a were used to define reference conditions...

  15. Los Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera asociados con agallas de Cinípidos (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae en la Comunidad de Madrid

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    Gómez, J. F.


    Full Text Available Information about the chalcid wasp parasitoid community (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea associated with galls of Cynipidae in Madrid (Spain is compiled and updated. Studied material includes more than 1000 published and unpublished records from samplings in 80 sites in the Madrid region carried out over twenty three years by the research team. A check-list of 121 species, 19 of them provisionally identified, from 6 families of Chalcidoidea is provided as follows: 26 Eurytomidae, 27 Torymidae, 9 Ormyridae, 33 Pteromalidae, 9 Eupelmidae and 17 Eulophidae. Ormyrus rufimanus Mayr, 1904 and Idiomacromerus semiaeneus (Szelenyi, 1957 are recorded for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula. For each family and genus of Chalcidoidea data are given on biology, diversity and distribution in Comunidad de Madrid. The composition of the chalcid wasp parasitoid community associated with gall wasps in Comunidad de Madrid is discussed and compared to the same community data from the Iberian Peninsula and the Western Palaearctic. Species from the Iberian community of chalcid parasitoids that are missing from Madrid region, exclusive species and potentially present species are also commented upon. Finally two appendices are presented as follows: a list of the Chalcidoidea species reared from 73 different galls made by 71 cynipid species from Madrid with associated parasitoid records, and a final appendix with full record data of all studied material, including information on the sampling localities with X, Y georeferenced coordinates, host galls and host plants.

    Se compila y actualiza la información existente sobre la comunidad parasitoide de Chalcidoidea, asociada a agallas de cinípidos (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae en la Comunidad de Madrid. Los datos corresponden a más de 1000 registros, tanto de datos publicados, como inéditos, correspondientes a colectas en 80 localidades de Madrid efectuadas por el equipo investigador a lo largo de 23 a

  16. Removing constraints on the biomass production of freshwater macroalgae by manipulating water exchange to manage nutrient flux.

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    Andrew J Cole

    Full Text Available Freshwater macroalgae represent a largely overlooked group of phototrophic organisms that could play an important role within an industrial ecology context in both utilising waste nutrients and water and supplying biomass for animal feeds and renewable chemicals and fuels. This study used water from the intensive aquaculture of freshwater fish (Barramundi to examine how the biomass production rate and protein content of the freshwater macroalga Oedogonium responds to increasing the flux of nutrients and carbon, by either increasing water exchange rates or through the addition of supplementary nitrogen and CO2. Biomass production rates were highest at low flow rates (0.1-1 using raw pond water. The addition of CO2 to cultures increased biomass production rates by between 2 and 25% with this effect strongest at low water exchange rates. Paradoxically, the addition of nitrogen to cultures decreased productivity, especially at low water exchange rates. The optimal culture of Oedogonium occurred at flow rates of between 0.5-1, where uptake rates peaked at 1.09 for nitrogen and 0.13 for phosphorous. At these flow rates Oedogonium biomass had uptake efficiencies of 75.2% for nitrogen and 22.1% for phosphorous. In this study a nitrogen flux of 1.45 and a phosphorous flux of 0.6 was the minimum required to maintain the growth of Oedogonium at 16-17 g and a crude protein content of 25%. A simple model of minimum inputs shows that for every gram of dry weight biomass production (g, Oedogonium requires 0.09 of nitrogen and 0.04 of phosphorous to maintain growth without nutrient limitation whilst simultaneously maintaining a high-nutrient uptake rate and efficiency. As such the integrated culture of freshwater macroalgae with aquaculture for the purposes of nutrient recovery is a feasible solution for the bioremediation of wastewater and the

  17. Removing Constraints on the Biomass Production of Freshwater Macroalgae by Manipulating Water Exchange to Manage Nutrient Flux (United States)

    Cole, Andrew J.; de Nys, Rocky; Paul, Nicholas A.


    Freshwater macroalgae represent a largely overlooked group of phototrophic organisms that could play an important role within an industrial ecology context in both utilising waste nutrients and water and supplying biomass for animal feeds and renewable chemicals and fuels. This study used water from the intensive aquaculture of freshwater fish (Barramundi) to examine how the biomass production rate and protein content of the freshwater macroalga Oedogonium responds to increasing the flux of nutrients and carbon, by either increasing water exchange rates or through the addition of supplementary nitrogen and CO2. Biomass production rates were highest at low flow rates (0.1–1−1) using raw pond water. The addition of CO2 to cultures increased biomass production rates by between 2 and 25% with this effect strongest at low water exchange rates. Paradoxically, the addition of nitrogen to cultures decreased productivity, especially at low water exchange rates. The optimal culture of Oedogonium occurred at flow rates of between 0.5–1−1, where uptake rates peaked at 1.09 g.m−−1 for nitrogen and 0.13 g.m−−1 for phosphorous. At these flow rates Oedogonium biomass had uptake efficiencies of 75.2% for nitrogen and 22.1% for phosphorous. In this study a nitrogen flux of 1.45 g.m−−1 and a phosphorous flux of 0.6 g.m−−1 was the minimum required to maintain the growth of Oedogonium at 16–17 g DW.m−−1 and a crude protein content of 25%. A simple model of minimum inputs shows that for every gram of dry weight biomass production (g DW.m−−1), Oedogonium requires 0.09 g.m−−1 of nitrogen and 0.04 g.m−−1 of phosphorous to maintain growth without nutrient limitation whilst simultaneously maintaining a high-nutrient uptake rate and efficiency. As such the integrated culture of freshwater macroalgae with aquaculture for the purposes of nutrient recovery is a feasible solution for the

  18. New application of two Antarctic macroalgae Palmaria decipiens and Desmarestia menziesii in the synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles (United States)

    González-Ballesteros, N.; González-Rodríguez, J. B.; Rodríguez-Argüelles, M. C.; Lastra, M.


    In this study, two Antarctic macroalgae (Rhodophyta Palmaria decipiens and Phaeophyta Desmarestia menziessi) were selected in order to report their use for the biosynthesis of nanomaterials. Two aqueous extracts of the macroalgae were prepared and their reducing activity, total phenolic content and DPPH scavenging activity were determined, showing that brown seaweed has higher antioxidant activity than red seaweed. Aqueous extracts were used as an eco-friendly, one-pot synthetic route to obtain gold and silver nanoparticles acting both as reducing and stabilizing agents. The nanoparticles obtained were characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), demonstrating the formation of gold and silver nanoparticles with mean diameters of 36.8 ± 5.3 and 11.5 ± 3.3 nm for Au@PD and Au@DM and 7.0 ± 1.2 nm and 17.8 ± 2.6 nm in the case of Ag@PD and Ag@DM. Lastly, functional groups of the biomolecules present in the extracts were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) prior to, and after, the synthesis of the nanoparticles, in order to obtain information about the biomolecules involved in the reducing and stabilization process.

  19. Complex Effects of Ecosystem Engineer Loss on Benthic Ecosystem Response to Detrital Macroalgae.

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    Francesca Rossi

    Full Text Available Ecosystem engineers change abiotic conditions, community assembly and ecosystem functioning. Consequently, their loss may modify thresholds of ecosystem response to disturbance and undermine ecosystem stability. This study investigates how loss of the bioturbating lugworm Arenicola marina modifies the response to macroalgal detrital enrichment of sediment biogeochemical properties, microphytobenthos and macrofauna assemblages. A field manipulative experiment was done on an intertidal sandflat (Oosterschelde estuary, The Netherlands. Lugworms were deliberately excluded from 1× m sediment plots and different amounts of detrital Ulva (0, 200 or 600 g Wet Weight were added twice. Sediment biogeochemistry changes were evaluated through benthic respiration, sediment organic carbon content and porewater inorganic carbon as well as detrital macroalgae remaining in the sediment one month after enrichment. Microalgal biomass and macrofauna composition were measured at the same time. Macroalgal carbon mineralization and transfer to the benthic consumers were also investigated during decomposition at low enrichment level (200 g WW. The interaction between lugworm exclusion and detrital enrichment did not modify sediment organic carbon or benthic respiration. Weak but significant changes were instead found for porewater inorganic carbon and microalgal biomass. Lugworm exclusion caused an increase of porewater carbon and a decrease of microalgal biomass, while detrital enrichment drove these values back to values typical of lugworm-dominated sediments. Lugworm exclusion also decreased the amount of macroalgae remaining into the sediment and accelerated detrital carbon mineralization and CO2 release to the water column. Eventually, the interaction between lugworm exclusion and detrital enrichment affected macrofauna abundance and diversity, which collapsed at high level of enrichment only when the lugworms were present. This study reveals that in nature the

  20. Complex Effects of Ecosystem Engineer Loss on Benthic Ecosystem Response to Detrital Macroalgae. (United States)

    Rossi, Francesca; Gribsholt, Britta; Gazeau, Frederic; Di Santo, Valentina; Middelburg, Jack J


    Ecosystem engineers change abiotic conditions, community assembly and ecosystem functioning. Consequently, their loss may modify thresholds of ecosystem response to disturbance and undermine ecosystem stability. This study investigates how loss of the bioturbating lugworm Arenicola marina modifies the response to macroalgal detrital enrichment of sediment biogeochemical properties, microphytobenthos and macrofauna assemblages. A field manipulative experiment was done on an intertidal sandflat (Oosterschelde estuary, The Netherlands). Lugworms were deliberately excluded from 1× m sediment plots and different amounts of detrital Ulva (0, 200 or 600 g Wet Weight) were added twice. Sediment biogeochemistry changes were evaluated through benthic respiration, sediment organic carbon content and porewater inorganic carbon as well as detrital macroalgae remaining in the sediment one month after enrichment. Microalgal biomass and macrofauna composition were measured at the same time. Macroalgal carbon mineralization and transfer to the benthic consumers were also investigated during decomposition at low enrichment level (200 g WW). The interaction between lugworm exclusion and detrital enrichment did not modify sediment organic carbon or benthic respiration. Weak but significant changes were instead found for porewater inorganic carbon and microalgal biomass. Lugworm exclusion caused an increase of porewater carbon and a decrease of microalgal biomass, while detrital enrichment drove these values back to values typical of lugworm-dominated sediments. Lugworm exclusion also decreased the amount of macroalgae remaining into the sediment and accelerated detrital carbon mineralization and CO2 release to the water column. Eventually, the interaction between lugworm exclusion and detrital enrichment affected macrofauna abundance and diversity, which collapsed at high level of enrichment only when the lugworms were present. This study reveals that in nature the role of this

  1. Avaliação da qualidade da água de consumo por comunidades ribeirinhas em áreas de exposição a poluentes urbanos e industriais nos municípios de Abaetetuba e Barcarena no estado do Pará, Brasil

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    Adaelson Campelo Medeiros


    Full Text Available Resumo Apesar dos grandes avanços tecnológicos introduzidos nos processos de tratamento das águas de consumo humano, as utilizadas para abastecimento tornaram-se um grande problema de saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade das águas consumidas em duas comunidades ribeirinhas no Estado do Pará expostas a poluentes domésticos e industriais. Foram realizadas quatro campanhas de amostragem nas duas comunidades e as variáveis utilizadas para o cálculo do Índice de Qualidade da Água (IQA foram pH, Sólidos Totais, Cloreto, Fluoreto, Dureza e N-Nitrato. As águas utilizadas para consumo humano na Comunidade Maranhão, onde não há contaminação por poluentes industriais, apresentaram amostras adequadas, com melhora no período seco; já as águas de Vila do Conde, local próximo à atividade industrial, estiveram em ambos os períodos sazonais com qualidade inaceitável para consumo humano. Os principais parâmetros afetados foram o pH e o N-Nitrato, com valores até 25 vezes a referência da legislação brasileira para água de consumo humano. Esses resultados indicaram maior interferência antrópica no entorno da Vila do Conde em Barcarena, necessitando-se de avaliações clínicas por profissionais especializados sobre o estado de saúde desta população.

  2. Estructura y daños en las comunidades de octocorales (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea de la Reserva Ecológica Siboney-Juticí, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

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    Yunier Olivera Espinosa


    Full Text Available Se estudió la comunidad de octocorales del arrecife de macizos y canales de la Reserva Ecológica Siboney- Juticí (sur oriente de Cuba con el objetivo de caracterizar su composición, estructura y estado de conservación, así como inferir a partir de estas las condiciones ambientales imperantes en el área. La investigación se realizó entre enero y junio de 2009, en seis localidades ubicadas entre 12m y 17m de profundidad. Como unidad de muestreo se empleó un marco de 1m², el cual fue puesto en zigzag cada 2m sobre la superficie del arrecife de macizos. Se determinó, por localidad, la densidad de colonias y se infirieron los grados de severidad, constancia ambiental, tensión hidrodinámica y el Índice Comparativo de Contaminación. Se determinaron, además, los daños en la comunidad de octocorales. Se analizaron 752 colonias e identificaron 25 especies de octocorales. Eunicea flexuosa y Gorgonia ventalina fueron las especies más abundantes. La densidad fluctuó entre 3.58±1.84 colonias/m² y 7.58±2.16 colonias/ m² (densidad de baja a moderada tendiendo a baja. En la zona se infirió una tensión hidrodinámica entre baja y alta, con niveles de contaminación bajos y moderados, y un ambiente generalmente favorable y constante. Los daños de tipo mecánico fueron los más frecuentes, siendo G. ventalina la especie con más colonias dañadas. La comunidad de octocorales del hábitat de macizos y canales de la Reserva Ecológica Siboney-Juticí presentó un buen estado de conservación.Structure and injuries of octocoral communities (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea of Ecological Reserve Siboney-Juticí, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. In the spur-and-groove reefs of the Ecological Reserve Siboney-Juticí (Southeast Cuba octocorals are one of the predominant components of the sessile fauna. Main objectives of the present paper are characterizing the composition, structure and conservation status of the octocoral communities and assessing on the

  3. Techno-Economic Analysis of Biofuel Production from Macroalgae (Seaweed

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    Mohsen Soleymani


    Full Text Available A techno-economic evaluation of bioenergy production from macroalgae was carried out in this study. Six different scenarios were examined for the production of different energy products and by-products. Seaweed was produced either via the longline method or the grid method. Final products of these scenarios were either ethanol from fermentation, or electricity from anaerobic digestion (AD. By-products were digestate for AD, and animal feed, or electricity and digestate, for the fermentation pathway. Bioenergy breakeven selling prices were investigated according to the cost components and the feedstock supply chain, while suggestions for potential optimization of costs were provided. The lowest production level of dry seaweed to meet 0.93 ($/L for ethanol fuel and 0.07 $/kW-h for electricity was found to be 0.68 and 3.7 million tonnes (dry basis, respectively. At the moment, biofuel production from seaweed has been determined not to be economically feasible, but achieving economic production may be possible by lowering production costs and increasing the area under cultivation.

  4. Techno-Economic Analysis of Biofuel Production from Macroalgae (Seaweed). (United States)

    Soleymani, Mohsen; Rosentrater, Kurt A


    A techno-economic evaluation of bioenergy production from macroalgae was carried out in this study. Six different scenarios were examined for the production of different energy products and by-products. Seaweed was produced either via the longline method or the grid method. Final products of these scenarios were either ethanol from fermentation, or electricity from anaerobic digestion (AD). By-products were digestate for AD, and animal feed, or electricity and digestate, for the fermentation pathway. Bioenergy breakeven selling prices were investigated according to the cost components and the feedstock supply chain, while suggestions for potential optimization of costs were provided. The lowest production level of dry seaweed to meet 0.93 ($/L) for ethanol fuel and 0.07 $/kW-h for electricity was found to be 0.68 and 3.7 million tonnes (dry basis), respectively. At the moment, biofuel production from seaweed has been determined not to be economically feasible, but achieving economic production may be possible by lowering production costs and increasing the area under cultivation.

  5. Removal of eutrophication factors and heavy metal from a closed cultivation system using the macroalgae, Gracilaria sp. (Rhodophyta) (United States)

    Kang, Kyoung Ho; Sui, Zhenghong


    In this study, the ability of macroalgae Gracilaria sp. of removing eutrophication factors and toxic heavy metals Al, Cr, and Zn in a closed cultivation system is reported. The results show that the concentration of the three heavy metals decreased significantly during the experimental period in an algal biomass dependent manner. The biofiltration capacity of the alga for Al, Cr, and Zn is 10.1%-72.6%, 52.5%-83.4% and 36.5%-91.7%, respectively. Using more materials resulted in stronger heavy metal removal. Additionally, the concentration of chl- a, TN, TP and DIN of water samples from aquariums involving large, medium, and small algal biomass cultivation increased first and then decreased during the experiment. COD value of all three groups decreased with time and displayed algal biomass dependency: more algae resulting in a greater COD value than those of less biomass. Furthermore, changes in COD reflect an obvious organic particles deprivation process of algae. This is the first report on heavy metal removal effect by Gracilaria species. The results suggest that macroalgae can be used as a biofilter for the treatment of nutrient-enriched or heavy-metal polluted water, to which an appropriate time range should be carefully determined.


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    Pello Aramendi Jauregui


    Full Text Available El Plan de Actuación 2007-2011 del gobierno cántabro apuesta por el impulso de la igualdad de oportunidades, la equidad y la apertura de los centros educativos a la comunidad. Este plan se desglosa en catorce objetivos específicos que pretenden avanzar hacia índices más altos de idoneidad, la mejora de la imagen del profesorado, el fomento de la competencia plurilingüe, la integración de las TIC en el currículum, la modernización de la gestión de la Administración y de los centros educativos de la comunidad. El objetivo de este artículo es describir y analizar las políticas relacionadas con el fomento de la innovación en los centros educativos de la Comunidad de Cantabria. La investigación ha desarrollado una metodología mixta (cuantitativa y cualitativa y para la recogida de información se han utilizado cuestionarios, grupos de discusión y estudios de caso. La muestra seleccionada asciende a 45 centros educativos de enseñanza obligatoria. Los resultados de la investigación indican que el profesorado está bien informado en relación con las líneas maestras de la política innovadora de la comunidad, está satisfecho con la labor realizada en la última legislatura, manifiesta no estar demasiado de acuerdo con los criterios de selección de proyectos por parte de la Administración y con la asesoría recibida para su desarrollo. Los centros educativos innovadores de la comunidad autónoma se caracterizan por la dedicación al proyecto, desarrollan más procesos de reflexión grupal, el tiempo trabajado es más productivo y su profesorado está más satisfecho con la asesoría recibida.

  7. Estrategia de Marketing Social propuesta en la comunidad rural Vivero

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    Gradys Caridad SEGUÍ LEÓN


    Full Text Available Con la creación de La Casas de Orientación a la Mujer y a la Familia (COMF en la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC en el año 1990, se inició una nueva etapa de atención a la mujer y la familia cubana, ofreciendo asesoría y ayuda sobre diversos temas como drogadicción, violencia doméstica, alcoholismo, etc. No obstante, en la COMF aún no se realizan estrategias de atención a la violencia psicológica ejercida en mujeres por sus parejas, fenómeno que se acrecienta, sobre todo en las comunidades rurales. El presente trabajo pretende atender la violencia psicológica ejercida contra la mujer en la comunidad rural Vivero, tributando así al desarrollo social de la misma desde una estrategia de marketing social. En la estrategia se dan a conocer acciones que funcionan en unidades de desarrollo, a través de las tres direcciones específicas, en aras de ejercer el sistema de influencias requerida, en función de lograr la adopción del producto social que se propone. El marketing social se plantea como objetivo apropiar a las mujeres de los conocimientos esenciales sobre la violencia psicológica, de una manera informativa con el uso de los medios de comunicación así como dinámica y participativa dentro de la misma comunidad.

  8. Iron Deficiency in Seagrasses and Macroalgae in the Red Sea Is Unrelated to Latitude and Physiological Performance

    KAUST Repository

    Anton, Andrea; Hendriks, Iris E.; Marbà , Nú ria; Krause-Jensen, Dorte; Garcias Bonet, Neus; Duarte, Carlos M.


    Iron can limit primary production in shallow marine systems, especially in tropical waters characterized by carbonated sediments, where iron is largely trapped in a non-available form. The Red Sea, an oligotrophic ecosystem characterized by a strong N-S latitudinal nutrient gradient, is a suitable setting to explore patterns in situ of iron limitation in macrophytes and their physiological performance under different iron regimes. We assessed the interactions between environmental gradients and physiological parameters of poorly-studied Red Sea macrophytes. Iron concentration, chlorophyll a concentration, blade thickness, and productivity of 17 species of macrophytes, including seven species of seagrasses and 10 species of macroalgae, were measured at 21 locations, spanning 10 latitude degrees, along the Saudi Arabian coast. Almost 90% of macrophyte species had iron concentrations below the levels indicative of iron sufficiency and more than 40% had critically low iron concentrations, suggesting that iron is a limiting factor of primary production throughout the Red Sea. We did not identify relationships between tissue iron concentration, chlorophyll a concentration and physiological performance of the 17 species of seagrass and macroalgae. There was also no latitudinal pattern in any of the parameters studied, indicating that the South to North oligotrophication of the Red Sea is not reflected in iron concentration, chlorophyll a concentration or productivity of Red Sea macrophytes.

  9. Iron Deficiency in Seagrasses and Macroalgae in the Red Sea Is Unrelated to Latitude and Physiological Performance

    KAUST Repository

    Anton, Andrea


    Iron can limit primary production in shallow marine systems, especially in tropical waters characterized by carbonated sediments, where iron is largely trapped in a non-available form. The Red Sea, an oligotrophic ecosystem characterized by a strong N-S latitudinal nutrient gradient, is a suitable setting to explore patterns in situ of iron limitation in macrophytes and their physiological performance under different iron regimes. We assessed the interactions between environmental gradients and physiological parameters of poorly-studied Red Sea macrophytes. Iron concentration, chlorophyll a concentration, blade thickness, and productivity of 17 species of macrophytes, including seven species of seagrasses and 10 species of macroalgae, were measured at 21 locations, spanning 10 latitude degrees, along the Saudi Arabian coast. Almost 90% of macrophyte species had iron concentrations below the levels indicative of iron sufficiency and more than 40% had critically low iron concentrations, suggesting that iron is a limiting factor of primary production throughout the Red Sea. We did not identify relationships between tissue iron concentration, chlorophyll a concentration and physiological performance of the 17 species of seagrass and macroalgae. There was also no latitudinal pattern in any of the parameters studied, indicating that the South to North oligotrophication of the Red Sea is not reflected in iron concentration, chlorophyll a concentration or productivity of Red Sea macrophytes.

  10. The Japanese alga Polysiphonia morrowii (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) on the South Atlantic Ocean: first report of an invasive macroalga inhabiting oyster reefs (United States)

    Croce, M. Emilia; Parodi, Elisa R.


    Conspicuous tufts of the filamentous algae Polysiphonia Greville inhabit the reefs of Crassostrea gigas on the Atlantic Patagonian coast. The population was recorded for the first time in 1994 and identified as P. argentinica. This study exhaustively investigated the morphology and reproduction of specimens and the seasonality of the population. The results revealed the identity of the specimens as the invasive Japanese macroalga Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey, on the basis of several striking features: the setaceous and tufted thalli, the corymbose growing apices, the endogenous axillary branches, the urceolate cystocarps and the sharply pointed branches. Sexual reproduction was evidenced; however, fertile male gametophytes were absent in the samples. The population was found almost all year round, but its abundance became higher in autumn and winter. The present study constitutes the first record of this invasive macroalga on the South Atlantic Ocean; the fourth record of an exotic macroalgal species on the Atlantic Patagonian coast; and the first record of an invasive species related to the establishment of C. gigas in Atlantic Patagonia.

  11. High electron mobility in Ga(In)NAs films grown by molecular beam epitaxy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyashita, Naoya; Ahsan, Nazmul; Monirul Islam, Muhammad; Okada, Yoshitaka; Inagaki, Makoto; Yamaguchi, Masafumi


    We report the highest mobility values above 2000 cm 2 /Vs in Si doped GaNAs film grown by molecular beam epitaxy. To understand the feature of the origin which limits the electron mobility in GaNAs, temperature dependences of mobility were measured for high mobility GaNAs and referential low mobility GaInNAs. Temperature dependent mobility for high mobility GaNAs is similar to the GaAs case, while that for low mobility GaInNAs shows large decrease in lower temperature region. The electron mobility of high quality GaNAs can be explained by intrinsic limiting factor of random alloy scattering and extrinsic factor of ionized impurity scattering.

  12. Interacciones de las proteínas disulfuro isomerasa y de choque térmico Hsc70 con proteínas estructurales recombinantes purificadas de rotavirus

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    Luz Y. Moreno


    Full Text Available Introducción. La entrada de rotavirus a las células parece estar mediado por interacciones secuenciales entre las proteínas estructurales virales y algunas moléculas de la superficie celular. Sin embargo, los mecanismos por los cuales el rotavirus infecta la célula diana aún no se comprenden bien. Existe alguna evidencia que muestra que las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus VP5* y VP8* interactúan con algunas moléculas de la superficie celular. La disponibilidad de las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus recombinantes en cantidad suficiente se ha convertido en un aspecto importante para la identificación de las interacciones específicas de los receptores virus-célula durante los eventos tempranos del proceso infeccioso. Objetivo. El propósito del presente trabajo es realizar un análisis de las interacciones entre las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus recombinante VP5*, VP8* y VP6, y las proteínas celulares Hsc70 y PDI utilizando sus versiones recombinantes purificadas. Materiales y métodos. Las proteínas recombinantes de rotavirus VP5* y VP8* y las proteínas recombinantes celulares Hsc70 y PDI se expresaron en E. coli BL21 (DE3, mientras que VP6 se expresó en células MA104 con virus vaccinia recombinante transfectada. La interacción entre el rotavirus y las proteínas celulares se estudió mediante ELISA, co-inmunoprecipitación y SDS-PAGE/ Western. Resultados. Las condiciones óptimas para la expresión de proteínas recombinantes se determinaron y se generaron anticuerpos contra ellas. Los resultados sugirieron que las proteínas virales rVP5* y rVP6 interactúan con Hsc70 y PDI in vitro. También se encontró que éstas proteínas virales recombinantes interactúan con Hsc70 en las balsas lipídicas (“Rafts” en un cultivo celular. El tratamiento de las células, ya sea con DLP o rVP6 produjo significativamente la inhibición de la infección por rotavirus. Conclusión. Los resultados permiten concluir que r

  13. Marine macroalgae in the agronomy and potential use of floating sargassum for manure production in the San Andres and Providencia Archipelago, Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bula Meyer, German


    An account is made on the use of marine macroalgae in agronomy and the potential that floating Sargassum arriving to san Andres and Providencia has for this activity. This Sargassum, which has been a nuisance for the tourist economy of the islands, promises to be an excellent resource for manure production


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    Carolina Alzate


    Full Text Available Este artículo hace un estudio comparativo de dos relatos de viaje hispanoamericanos del siglo XIX: Viaje a la Tierra Santa (1870 de Fray Vicente Cuesta y Viajes de un colombiano en Europa (1862 de José María Samper. El estudio sigue la conformación de la subjetividad de cada narrador, caracterizado como fiel y como ciudadano, respectivamente, y las coordenadas de los diferentes tipos de comunidades que figuran y proponen para sus repúblicas. El contexto de reflexión sobre ambos textos no se limita al espacio nacional o continental, sino que incluye, por supuesto, los escenarios más amplios en los que se inscriben: la comunidad eclesiástica, cuyo centro está en Roma y los imperios modernos del siglo XIX, el inglés en particular.This article is a comparative analysis of two travel narratives written by two Hispanic American writers: Viaje a la Tierra Santa (1870, by Fray Vicente Cuesta, and Viajes de un colombiano en Europa (1862, by José María Samper. The analysis focuses on the way they build up their subjectivities, (one of them as a catholic, the other as a citizen, and on the type of communities they want their republics to be. The context of this analysis is not only national Hispanic American history: these texts are also to be read and located in the scenario of the religious community whose center is Rome and in the scenario of the 19th century modern empires, and specifically in the English empire.

  15. Programa Mais Educação: impactos e perspectivas nas escolas do campo

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    Cláudia da Mota Darós Parente


    : ampliação da jornada escolar; registro de matrículas em tempo integral no Censo Escolar; fornecimento de recursos humanos, pedagógicos e financeiros; alterações nos espaços físicos; oferta de atividades pedagógicas, culturais, artísticas e esportivas; melhoria no processo de comunicação com a comunidade; fornecimento de formação continuada; alterações no projeto político-pedagógico e no currículo escolar; alterações no comportamento dos alunos; melhoria no desempenho da escola; melhoria na qualidade da alimentação escolar; desenvolvimento de parcerias; utilização de outros espaços físicos. Por meio de uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa, foram identificados importantes impactos do programa nas escolas do campo, principalmente, no que se refere à ampliação das oportunidades educativas. Porém, os benefícios alcançados ocorrem em meio aos problemas históricos presentes nas escolas do campo, não superados em virtude do formato do Programa Mais Educação e que dependem da contrapartida dos governos locais (estados, municípios e Distrito Federal. Apresenta reflexões sobre os limites e possibilidades do Programa Mais Educação e do tempo integral nas escolas do campo brasileiras.

  16. La transformación educativa y social en las comunidades de aprendizaje

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este artículo se analiza la innovación, la calidad, la participación, la organización y la transformación educativa en las comunidades de aprendizaje. Comienza con el análisis general del contexto en el que se desarrollan las comunidades de aprendizaje, describiendo los aspectos más importantes de la sociedad del conocimiento. A continuación se realiza una aproximación a las bases teóricas de las comunidades de aprendizaje, desarrollando el proceso de transformación de un centro educativo en una comunidad de aprendizaje, estando implicados en este proyecto los diferentes colectivos de la comunidad educativa. También se desarrollan los aspectos organizativos de las comunidades de aprendizaje, analizando los trabajos por comisiones, los recursos y los planteamientos institucionales. Finalmente, se describe el funcionamiento de las comisiones mixtas de trabajo que organizan y gestionan los distintos proyectos, y los grupos interactivos que son una metodología fundamental para acelerar el aprendizaje.ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the innovation, quality, participation, organization and educational transformation of the learning communities. It begins with a general analysis of context in which the learning communities are developed, describing the most important aspects of the society of knowledge. Next, take place an approximation of the theoretical bases of the learning communities, that develop the transformation process of an educational centre into a learning community, where different members of the learning community are involved. It is also developed organizatives aspects of the learning communities, analysing the work done by the commissions, resources and institutional expositions. Finally, it describes how the mixed working commissions operate, organize and manage all the different projects and the interactive groups, which are an essential element to accelerate the learning.SOMMAIRE: Cet article analyse l

  17. Notas sobre o fantasma nas toxicomanias

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    Walter Firmo de Oliveira Cruz

    Full Text Available O presente artigo foi apresentado na Jornada Clínica da Associação Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre - "A direção da cura nas toxicomanias: o sujeito em questão em outubro de 2003. Através da discussão de um caso clínico, busca evidenciar a importância da relação existente entre a fantasmática do sujeito e a escolha do objeto nas toxicomanias. Aborda ainda a toxicomania como sintoma da contemporaneidade, bem como traços da estética que a compõe.

  18. Repensar la Comunidad desde La Base: aportes de una investigación situada

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    Maria Daniela Osorio


    Full Text Available En este artículo reflexionamos en torno a la noción de comunidad, a partir de un proceso de investigación etnográfico. Para realizarlo habitamos durante un espacio-tiempo en el Ateneu Cooperatiu La Base, una experiencia asociativa en Barcelona. Las nociones que compartimos en este texto, surgen de la articulación de: i la experiencia de habitar en el colectivo; ii las diferentes posiciones por las que transita una investigadora-activista y iii las lecturas relacionadas con el campo-tema. De la articulación construida, surgen tres ejes de análisis que buscan poner en tensión tres nociones básicas sobre la Comunidad: la relación con el territorio (en tanto espacio geolocalizado, la identidad colectiva y los vínculos. Proponemos tres ejes como posibilidad para la multiplicación del concepto: i la necesidad del compartir espacio-tiempo de los cuerpos en las dinámicas colectivas, como posibilidad para los buenos encuentros; ii el partir de la diferencia como herramienta política para la construcción de lo común; iii la visibilización y el reconocimiento de la interdependencia identificando todas las necesidades, sobre todo las de cuidado y afecto para una vida en comunidad. Poner en tensión la noción de la comunidad, pretende aportar a los debates que surgen en el campo social y político en la actualidad y acompaña la preocupación por la necesidad de mundos vivibles.

  19. Levantamento etnobotânico de plantas medicinais na comunidade quilombola Carreiros, Mercês – Minas Gerais

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    Flávia M. C. Ferreira


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar as espécies medicinais utilizadas pela comunidade quilombola Carreiros, bem como traçar o perfil social das famílias desta comunidade. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas da comunidade, sendo um representante de cada família. Para fins de registro foram coletados dois exemplares de cada espécie medicinal identificada, os quais foram conservados na forma de exsicatas e mantidos no Laboratório de Ecologia do IF Sudeste MG – Campus Rio Pomba. As mulheres aparentemente desempenham importante papel social e estão bastante envolvidas no conhecimento das plantas medicinais. Nota-se, que o conhecimento existente foi adquirido de forma empírica e éevidente entre as famílias a preocupação em repassar os conhecimentos tradicionais sobre o uso das plantas medicinais aos jovens. Dentre as principais espécies utilizadas pela comunidade estão: Citrus Sinensis L., Psidium guajava L., Leonurus sibiricus L., Citrus Limonia (Osbeck, Carica sp., Vernonia condensataBacker, Sechuium edule (Jacq. Sw, Sansevieria trifasciata Prain, Malpighia glabra L., e Saccharum zofficinarum L..

  20. Impacto ambiental del manejo de desechos sólidos ordinarios en una comunidad rural


    Salas Jiménez, Juan Carlos; Quesada Carvajal, Hilda


    El propósito de este artículo es identificar y evaluarlos impactos ambientales en cada una de las etapas de la actividad de recuperación de desechos sólidos ordinarios en una comunidad rural. Con el fin de definir las acciones por ejecutar para prever, impedir, minimizar y mitigar los efectos adversos sobre el entorno natural y social. La recuperación de los desechos ordinarios en comunidades rurales tiene un enfoque ambientalista, pero sus actividades deben planificarse de tal modo que mitig...

  1. Estructura de la comunidad de peces en el sistema Candelaria-Panlau, Campeche, México


    Luis Amado Ayala-Pérez; Obed Agustín Avilés-Alatriste; José Luis Rojas-Galaviz


    Se describe el comportamiento de los parámetros de temperatura, salinidad, transparencia del agua y temperatura ambiente, y de la abundancia y diversidad de la comunidad del peces del sistema Candelaria-Panlau en escalas temporal y espacial. Los trabajos de campo se realizaron de manera mensual en cinco estaciones entre abril de 1993 y abril de 1994. La comunidad de peces quedó representada por 50 especies con 7 926 organismos y 144.7 kg de peso. Los valores de abundancia y diversidad de la c...

  2. Centros educativos que dan respuesta a los retos educativos actuales implicando a la comunidad escolar: Dos estudios de casos

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    Carmen Álvarez


    Full Text Available Objeto: Explorar formas actuales de participación entre los centros educativos y sus comunidades escolares que demuestran ser satisfactorias.Diseño/metodología: Se realizan dos estudios de caso en dos escuelas innovadoras siguiendo un modelo de investigación cualitativa, realizando observación participante, entrevistas y foros de debate con las personas implicadas.Aportaciones y resultados: Se analizan cuatro prácticas para aproximar escuela y comunidad: la Acción Tutorial, la Apertura del Centro a la Comunidad, la implementación de Grupos Interactivos y la creación de una Comisión de Familias.Limitaciones: Los resultados no son representativos de lo que sucede en el común de las escuelas.Implicaciones prácticas: Cada centro debe explorar sus propias posibilidades y límites para favorecer la relación centro-comunidad apostando por el máximo de formas organizativas colaborativas entre los diferentes agentes para dar respuestas conjuntas a los retos educativos actuales.Implicaciones sociales: Toda la comunidad educativa debe ser bien recibida en los centros escolares para contribuir a la mejora escolar del alumnado y que haya una verdadera implicación comunitaria.Valor añadido: cuando se genera una fuerte sinergia entre el conjunto de los componentes de la comunidad educativa todos sus miembros pueden aportar respuestas a los retos actuales del ámbito escolar en un plano horizontal.

  3. Diversity and distribution Patterns of the infralittoral green macroalgae from Potiguar basin, Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil


    Cocentino,Adilma de Lourdes Montenegro; Fujii,Mutue Toyota; Reis,Thiago Nogueira de Vasconcelos; Guimarães-Barros,Nathalia Cristina; Rocha,Marcia de França; Neumann-Leitão,Sigrid


    Diversity and distribution pattern of the infralittoral green macroalgae at Potiguar basin, Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil were analyzed from material collected at depths varying from 2 to 100 m. Collections were carried out with two types of dredges during four campaigns: July 2002, May and November 2003 and May 2004 at 43 stations. Chlorophyta is represented by 54 species, five varieties and three forms. The most representative family is Caulerpaceae, and the most diverse genus is...

  4. Migración y estructuras sociales en una comunidad campesina: Catahuasi

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    Full Text Available L'article analyse le processus migratoire affectant les communautés paysannes de la province de Yauyos et ses effets à la fois économiques et sociaux dans le lieu même d'origine des migrants, particulièrement dans la communauté paysanne de Catahuasi. El artículo analiza el proceso migratorio que afecta las comunidades campesinas en la provincia de Yauyos y sus efectos tanto económicos como sociales en el lugar mismo de origen de los migrantes, particularmente en la comunidad de Catahuasi. The aim of this paper is to analyse the migratory process that affects the peasant communities of the Yauyos Province, and both its economical and social effects within the migrant's own place, especially in the peasant community of Catahuasi.

  5. Estrategias de resistencia indígena frente al desarrollo minero: La comunidad de Likantatay ante un posible traslado forzoso


    Carrasco, Anita; Fernández, Eduardo


    Este artículo revisa el complejo panorama que enfrenta la comunidad indígena atacameña de Likantatay ante las consecuencias de un proyecto de desarrollo minero que implican el traslado forzoso de dicha comunidad si este proyecto se concreta. Se analizan las estrategias de resistencia indígena que presenta y/o puede presentar la comunidad así como los discursos y estrategias ideológicas elaborados por la corporación minera para desarrollar los intereses del capital. El análisis se enmarca dent...

  6. Comunidade quilombola Manoel Ciriaco dos Santos : identidade e famílias negras em movimento


    Ribeiro, Dandara dos Santos Damas


    Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Liliana de Mendonça Porto Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social. Defesa: Curitiba, 23/11/2015 Inclui referências : f. 229-238 Resumo: Esta dissertação, baseada na etnografia realizada junto à "Comunidade Quilombola Manoel Ciriaco dos Santos", localizada em Guaíra/PR, problematiza a vinculação direta entre a legitimidade da reivindicação territorial das comunidades q...

  7. Historiar e comparar literatura como meio e análise de comunidades: espaços literaturizados como exemplo e proposta = Historicizing and comparing literature as a means and analysis of self-assessment communities: literature spaces as an example and proposal

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    Feijó, Elias J. Torres


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente texto é sugerir e convidar para uma reflexão sobre a historiografia e o comparatismo literários no que diz respeito à sua viabilidade, eficácia e utilidade. E, também, convidar para pensar outras formas de estudar a literatura que possam ser relevantes e práticas e relacionáveis com a sociedade, entendendo a literatura como parte da cultura e dos processos sociais e analisando-a como um meio que permita produzir conhecimento sobre aspetos sociais. Farei uso, neste sentido, e de maneira sintética, de dous casos em que comunidades podem ver-se afetadas por determinados usos do literário (no caso, Cien Años de Soledad, de García Márquez e O Diário de um mago, de Paulo Coelho através do vínculo entre espaços geo-humanos e geo-culturais e discursos literários; historiar e/ou comparar processos deste tipo pode oferecer uma linha de pesquisa importante para entender (diversos róis da literatura nas sociedades e deitar luz sobre os modos de pensar, classificar e atuar das comunidades em foco

  8. A SMART NAS Toolkit for Optimality Metrics Overlay, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The innovation proposed is a plug-and-play module for NASA's proposed SMART NAS (Shadow Mode Assessment using Realistic Technologies for the NAS) system that...

  9. Interação ensino, serviços e comunidade: desafios e perspectivas de uma experiência de ensino-aprendizagem na atenção básica

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    Célia Regina Rodrigues Gil

    Full Text Available As Práticas de Interação Ensino, Serviço e Comunidade (PIN são módulos curriculares do curso deMedicina da Universidade Estadual de Londrina e têm como objetivo possibilitar aos estudantes uma inserção nas Unidades Saúde da Família (USF que lhes permita compreender os determinantes do processo saúde-doença, a importância das medidas de promoção e prevenção e da USF como espaço do cuidado. As atividades são desenvolvidas nos quatro primeiros anos do curso, em módulos de cerca de 102 horas, por meio de conteúdos seqüenciais construídos mediante mapas conceituais que abrangem desde o conhecimento do território até atividades médicas da atenção básica. Os resultados mais evidentes são: a diversificação dos cenários de ensino-aprendizagem, a inserção precoce dos estudantes na rede básica e o desenvolvimento de habilidades voltadas à humanização do atendimento e ao cuidado centrado no paciente. Como desafios, destacam-se a necessidade de tornar mais atrativas as práticas em saúde nas unidades locais afim de aumentar a adesão dos estudantes, docentes e das equipes locais.

  10. Uso popular de plantas medicinais por mulheres da comunidade quilombola de Furadinho em Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brasil

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    L. R. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho realizar um levantamento do uso popular de plantas medicinais por mulheres da Comunidade Quilombola de Furadinho em Vitória da Conquista-Bahia. O trabalho foi realizado na comunidade Quilombola de Furadinho, visando identificar as principais plantas utilizadas com fins medicinais, as formas de obtenção, sua indicação medicinal, a parte da planta utilizada, as formas de preparo, bem como as formas de obtenção e transmissão deste conhecimento. Para a realização dessa pesquisa foram entrevistadas 14mulheres com idades variadas, moradoras dessa comunidade, através de questionários semi estruturados, e análise descritiva. Constatou-se um vasto conhecimento relacionado ao uso de plantas medicinais entre as entrevistadas, o qual foi adquirido de forma oral através de pais e avós. As plantas medicinais utilizadas são em sua maioria cultivadas em quintais, sendo as folhas a parte mais utilizada nas preparações medicamentosas, e a principal forma de preparo são os chás. Foram identificadas 30 plantas com fins medicinais e terapêuticos, sendo a Erva cidreira, o Capim santo, o Hortelã grosso, a Arruda e a Erva doce as mais utilizadas.Popularized use of medicinal plants by women of Quilombo of Furadinho community in Vitoria da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil Abstract: This work aimed to carry out a survey of the popular use of medicinal plants by women of Furadinho Quilombo Community in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. The work was conducted in the Furadinho Quilombo Community, aiming at identifying the main plants used for medical purposes, the ways of obtaining, its indication medicinal, the part of the plant used, the forms of preparation, as well as ways of obtaining and transmission of this knowledge. For the realization of this research were interviewed 14 women with ages varied, dwell in this community, through semi-structured questionnaires, and descriptive analysis. It was found a vast knowledge related to

  11. Tropical Atlantic marine macroalgae with bioactivity against virulent and antibiotic resistant Vibrio

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    Giselle Cristina Silva


    Full Text Available The antibacterial activity of ethanol, methanol, hexane and acetone-based extracts of the macroalgae Padina gymnospora (PG, Hypnea musciformes (HM, Ulva fasciata (UF and Caulerpa prolifera (CP was investigated. The disk diffusion method was used to evaluate the algae antimicrobial effect against standard strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella enterica and five virulent antibiotic-resistant strains of V. brasiliensis, V. xuii and V. navarrensis (isolated from the hemolymph of Litopenaeus vannamei. Ethanol extracts of PG and HM inhibited all Vibrio strains. E. coli and P. aeruginosa were only susceptible to ethanol extracts of PG. Among the methanol extracts, only UF was bioactive, inhibiting V. navarrensis. The observed inhibitory effect of ethanol extracts of PG, HM and UF against virulent antibiotic-resistant bacteria suggests these macroalgal species constitute a potential source of bioactive compounds.

  12. Effects of urbanisation on macroalgae and sessile invertebrates in southeast Australian estuaries (United States)

    Fowles, Amelia E.; Stuart-Smith, Rick D.; Stuart-Smith, Jemina F.; Hill, Nicole A.; Kirkpatrick, Jamie B.; Edgar, Graham J.


    The influence of anthropogenic and environmental factors on the composition, cover and dominance of macroalgae and sessile invertebrates was assessed in three capital city estuaries in south-eastern Australia. Heavy metals and proximity to ports showed the strongest relationships to the distribution of sessile reef biota after accounting for natural environmental gradients. The densities of laminarian, fucoid, brown and red foliose algae were negatively correlated with heavy metals, both in Port Phillip Bay (Melbourne) and the Derwent (Hobart), while turf, filamentous algae and some invertebrates were favoured. Sydney Harbour possessed a different pattern, with the laminarian kelp Ecklonia radiata most abundant near the main shipping port, probably because of biotic interactions involving urchin grazing in the lower estuary. Identifying drivers of benthic community pattern represents a key challenge for effective conservation management, particularly for estuaries affected by multiple anthropogenic impacts.

  13. Comunidades y territorio en la costa del Ecuador


    Guerrero Burgos, Rafael


    Se propone una definición teórica de la comunidad territorial sustentada en el concepto de identificación y la teoría del desarrollo rural territorial con el objeto de analizar las principales cadenas productivas que surcan la costa centro sur del Ecuador. Además se estudia a los principales movimientos agrarios que caracterizan un territorio que es sobre todo agrario y rural.



    César Luis Cuevas-Velázquez; Alejandra A. Covarrubias-Robles


    El dogma que relaciona la función de una proteína con una estructura tridimensional definida ha sido desafiado durante los últimos años por el descubrimiento y caracterización de las proteínas conocidas como proteínas no estructuradas o desordenadas. Estas proteínas poseen una elevada flexibilidad estructural la cual les permite adoptar estructuras diferentes y, por tanto, reconocer ligandos diversos conservando la especificidad en el reconocimiento de los mismos. A las proteínas de este tipo...

  15. Salud, salud mental, música y musicoterapia en una comunidad indígena colombiana. Cota, 2012-2014

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    Leonardo Alfonso Morales-Hernández


    Conclusiones. La reetnización es una decisión política con implicaciones culturales, organizativas y de salud. Las comunidades reetnizadas no pueden ser equiparadas con la sociedad dominante ni con otros grupos indígenas en cuanto a decisiones en salud. La salud pública requiere un diálogo intercultural que permita el trabajo adecuado con estas comunidades.

  16. Comunidades de software libre en Argentina: motivaciones, participación, militancia

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    Agustín Zanotti


    Full Text Available El artículo retoma indagaciones sobre comunidades de software libre en Argentina para analizar sus formas de participación y militancia. Nos enfocamos en las motivaciones que convocan a los miembros de comunidades y proyectos, las cuales se asocian a las potencialidades tanto técnicas como sociales del modelo libre de producción de software. El análisis nos lleva a comprender que las formas de solidaridad al interior de estos grupos se encuentran inescindiblemente unidas a una búsqueda personal y a necesidades cotidianas de sus participantes. Las comunidades generan y distribuyen capitales o recursos de manera retributiva, en función de sus contribuciones y aportes. Sobre la base de ciertas identidades geeks/hackers ligadas a estos entusiastas informáticos, tales espacios fortalecen vínculos, relaciones de pertenencia y experiencias compartidas. Junto con ello se van construyendo definiciones éticas y políticas en relación al software y los diferentes temas que hacen a la agenda local de los colectivos.El texto abre la discusión sobre las formas de militancia que existen detrás de estos colectivos y la construcción del software libre como un objeto político. Inscribimos de este modo el debate en una reflexión más amplia sobre la acción colectiva y los movimientos sociales contemporáneos.

  17. Evaluación del tratamiento anaerobio de las aguas residuales de una comunidad universitaria

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    Sandra Crombet Grillet


    Full Text Available En las universidades cubanas más del 65 % de los estudiantes son becarios y se presta especial atención a la gestión de las aguas domésticas generadas en las comunidades y residencias universitarias. Este trabajo presenta la remoción de la materia orgánica en las aguas domésticas de la comunidad universitaria Antonio Maceo de la Universidad de Oriente empleando, a escala de laboratorio, dos sistemas: reactor UASB y laguna anaerobia. Los sistemas anaerobios evaluados, alcanzaron una remoción de la DQO superior al 70 % y una disminución de las bacterias coliformes totales desde 72x105 NMP/100 mL hasta 16 NMP/100 mL. La clarificación con alumbre mejora las características estéticas del efluente. Cualquiera de las variantes (UASB o laguna anaerobia pueden ser aplicadas para la remoción de la materia orgánica en las aguas domésticas de la comunidad universitaria.

  18. Ocean Acidification Accelerates the Growth of Two Bloom-Forming Macroalgae. (United States)

    Young, Craig S; Gobler, Christopher J


    While there is growing interest in understanding how marine life will respond to future ocean acidification, many coastal ecosystems currently experience intense acidification in response to upwelling, eutrophication, or riverine discharge. Such acidification can be inhibitory to calcifying animals, but less is known regarding how non-calcifying macroalgae may respond to elevated CO2. Here, we report on experiments performed during summer through fall with North Atlantic populations of Gracilaria and Ulva that were grown in situ within a mesotrophic estuary (Shinnecock Bay, NY, USA) or exposed to normal and elevated, but environmentally realistic, levels of pCO2 and/or nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). In nearly all experiments, the growth rates of Gracilaria were significantly increased by an average of 70% beyond in situ and control conditions when exposed to elevated levels of pCO2 (p0.05). The δ13C content of both Gracilaria and Ulva decreased two-to-three fold when grown under elevated pCO2 (pacidification, a process that will intensify in the coming decades.

  19. La mejora de la participación de la comunidad en la escuela con grupos interactivos

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    Carmen Álvarez-Álvarez


    Full Text Available La revisión de la literatura científica sobre la participación de la comunidad en los centros educativos ha demostrado sus beneficios en el clima de las escuelas y en el nivel de aprendizaje de sus alumnos. Sin embargo, la participación real y efectiva de la comunidad sigue siendo una asignatura pendiente en la mayoría de los centros educativos. Este artículo explora las posibilidades de aumentar dicha participación a partir de una estrategia específica a nivel de aula: los grupos interactivos. Esta práctica ha sido identificada por la investigación europea como una forma efectiva de mejorar el aprendizaje y la convivencia entre los estudiantes. El artículo presenta un estudio de caso en España que analiza el incremento de la participación de la comunidad cuando se asocia a esta práctica de apoyo directo al aprendizaje. Los resultados confirman que los grupos interactivos eliminan barreras para la participación de la comunidad y tienen un efecto de “bola de nieve” al aumentar la participación en otros ámbitos escolares. Finalmente, se comentan las implicaciones del estudio para futuras investigaciones.

  20. Allelopathic inhibition of photosynthesis in the red tide-causing marine alga, Scrippsiella trochoidea (Pyrrophyta), by the dried macroalga, Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta) (United States)

    Ye, Changpeng; Liao, Heping; Yang, Yufeng


    The red tide-causing microalga, Scrippsiella trochoidea was co-cultured with different quantities of dried macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis under laboratory conditions, to characterize the allelopathic inhibition effect of the seaweed on photosynthesis of the microalga. Photosynthetic oxygen evolution was measured, and chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence transient O-J-I-P (O, J, I and P point in primary photochemistry reaction curve in photosystem II) curves associated with its specific parameters were determined. A concentration-dependent inhibition of S. trochoidea was observed when the dried seaweed was added. The rate of light-saturated maximum photosynthetic oxygen evolution (Pmax) was markedly decreased, and the O-J-I-P curve coupled with its specific parameters was reduced. The inhibitory effects of the macroalga on the microalga, according to the JIP-test (the relative fluorescence analysis based on O-J-I-P curve) and the activity of oxygen evolution, include a decrease in the number of active reaction centers, the blocking-up of the electron transport chain, and the damage to the oxygen-evolving complex. This study suggests that dried G. lemaneiformis is effective in inhibiting photosynthesis of S. trochoidea, and could thus be a potential candidate for mitigating S. trochoidea blooms.

  1. Aprendizagem como ato de participação: a história de uma comunidade de prática

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    Ana Silvia Rocha Ipiranga

    Full Text Available Comunidade de prática não é algo novo, mas recentemente tem recebido especial atenção por parte das organizações, mediante o incentivo à sua criação e desenvolvimento, como forma de gerir o conhecimento organizacional. Com foco no tópico "segurança da informação", este artigo analisa a história de uma comunidade de prática de um banco federal. A aprendizagem é vista de uma perspectiva social que remete à interação, troca de experiências e diálogo. Dessa forma, as evidências empíricas do trabalho da comunidade de prática foram conseguidas através da narração de histórias de seus membros. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevista temática e interpretados a partir da articulação de um instrumento de análise da narrativa. Pelo conflito que se estabeleceu na história da comunidade de prática examinada, é sugerido o suporte da empresa à sua dispersão. Portanto, o caso suscita questões a serem mais amplamente refletidas em estudos de outras comunidades.

  2. Occurrence of arsenic in selected marine macroalgae from two coastal areas of South Australia. [Rhodophyceae; phaeophyceae; Chlorophyceae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maher, W.A.; Clarke, S.M.


    Total arsenic concentrations have been measured in macroalgae specimens from two coastal areas of South Australia. Phaeophyta in both areas were found to contain elevated arsenic concentrations (42.2-179 g/sup -1/ and 26.3-65.3 g/sup -1/) relative to Rhodophyta (17.6-31.3 g/sup -1/ and 12.5-16.2 g/sup -1/) and Chlorophyta (6.3-16.3 g/sup -1/ and 9.9-10.8 g/sup -1/). 13 references, 3 tables.


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    María Ángeles Tenor Peña


    Full Text Available El mercado turístico internacional persigue satisfacer las preferencias de un turista que cada vez más busca experimentar el destino con comunidad incluida. En este sentido, la República Dominicana es un interesante caso de estudio para analizar la evolución que el turismo comunitario, desarrollado por y para la comunidad, está teniendo en un país en el que la actividad turística es uno de los pilares de su economía. Se ha analizado cómo la República Dominicana se está adaptando a las tendencias del mercado y cuáles son las repercusiones en el crecimiento y desarrollo de la comunidad. Para ello ha sido un claro referente la publicación de Villareal, R. y Van der Horst, A. (2008, y han resultado clave para las conclusiones a las que se han llegado los datos obtenidos a partir del trabajo de campo realizado.

  4. Interacciones entre plantas y microorganismos del suelo: Consecuencias para la dinámica de comunidades vegetales


    Lozano Bernal, Yudi M.


    En esta tesis doctoral pretendemos aclarar aspectos fundamentales relacionados con la interacción entre plantas y microorganismos del suelo y sus consecuencias para la dinámica de las comunidades vegetales. Pretendemos comprobar si las comunidades microbianas están determinando interacciones negativas y/o positivas entre plantas; si tras el abandono de tierras dedicadas al cultivo, las plantas y los microorganismos del suelo siguen patrones sucesionales, y si los microorganismo...

  5. Qualidade e credibilidade para além do Jornalismo. A informação local nas mídias sociais.

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    Luciana Gomes FERREIRA


    Full Text Available As organizações de comunicação online vem enfatizando a importância das narrativas das mídias sociais  para engajar suas audiências pois já é visível que as redes sociais na internet reformularam o conceito de “notícia”. O objetivo deste artigo é confrontar a ideia de credibilidade jornalística, estabelecida no contexto deontológico, com o fluxo comunicacional quase sem mediação nas redes sociais online, e se a comunicação que é produzida nessas mídias mantém a proposta de promover  engajamento cívico e capital social na Comunidade. Para fundamentar esta hipótese é usado referencial teórico da Ciência da Informação que utiliza a Semiótica para estudar este fenômeno, pois desenvolve a ideia de que a comunicação, e a percepção de qualidade do que se comunica, é resultado da produção de significados e não simples exposição dos fatos.

  6. Familia and Comunidad-Based Saberes: Learning in an Indigenous Heritage Community (United States)

    Urrieta, Luis, Jr.


    This article explores how children and youth learned indigenous heritage "saberes" (knowings) through intent community participation in Nocutzepo, Mexico. The "familia" (family) and "comunidad" (community)-based saberes were valuable for skills acquisition, but most important for learning indigenous forms of…

  7. Promotores As Advocates for Community Improvement: Experiences of the Western States REACH Su Comunidad Consortium. (United States)

    Kutcher, Rachel; Moore-Monroy, Martha; Bello, Elizur; Doyle, Seth; Ibarra, Jorge; Kunz, Susan; Munoz, Rocio; Patton-Lopez, Megan; Sharkey, Joseph R; Wilger, Susan; Alfero, Charlie


    The REACH Su Comunidad Consortium worked with 10 communities to address disparities in access to healthy food and physical activity opportunities among Hispanic populations through policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) strategies. Community health workers took leadership roles in the implementation of PSE strategies in partnership with local multisector coalitions. This article describes the role of community health workers in PSE change, the technical and professional development support provided to the REACH Su Comunidad Communities, and highlights professional development needs of community health workers engaging in PSE strategies.

  8. Monitoreo ante inundaciones en comunidades de la cuenca baja del Rio Ostúa y Lago Guija, Guatemala

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    Carla Gordillo


    Full Text Available El proyecto de investigación Pridca BC 96: Sistema de Monitoreo ante inundaciones en comunidades de la cuenca baja del Rio Ostúa y Lago de Guija, se desarrolló de julio 2014 a diciembre 2015. Las actividades ejecutadas consistieron en la caracterización de la cuenca, elaboración de mapa de susceptibilidad municipal, campaña de sensibilización y taller de selección de comunidades. Se generó un mapa de amenaza y riesgo ante inundación en toda la cuenca y se logró el acercamiento con las comunidades a través de una herramienta social. Se realizó un taller con información recopilada, donde se seleccionaron dos comunidades a beneficiar y se realizó una campaña de sensibilización. Se capacitó a los miembros de la Asociación de Monitoreo y Protección Ambiental Regional, socios locales estratégicos. Las campañas de capacitación desarrolladas para Los Llanitos y La Unión-La Esperanza, fueron sobre la temática de gestión integrada de riesgo ante inundaciones. Se elaboró el mapa de amenazas de las dos comunidades y se realizó un estudio de conocimiento actitudes y prácticas. En colaboración de Conred se capacitaron y se elaboraron los planes de emergencia y SAT, se ha iniciado la acreditación de las mismas como Coordinadoras Locales. Se adquirió equipos de monitoreo de alerta que fueron instalados en la parte alta y media de la cuenca: Estación meteorológica, pluviómetros, sensores de rio y los equipos de comunicación. Se capacitaron en el uso de los mismos y se realizó simulación de emergencia a inundaciones con los pobladores de las dos comunidades beneficiadas.

  9. El estudio de la comunidad como un espacio para leer y escribir

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    Judith Kalman


    Full Text Available El estudio de la comunidad como un espacio para leer y escribir La investigación reportada en este artículo responde a la demanda actual de construir propuestas de educación de adultos en general, y de alfabetización en particular, relevantes y pertinentes para los contextos cotidianos de los usuarios de estos programas. Define a la alfabetización como el aprender a manipular y utilizar el lenguaje deliberadamente para participar en eventos socialmente valorados. A partir de un marco teórico-metodológico cualitativo, presenta los hallazgos de un estudio de una comunidad marginada a las orillas de la Ciudad de México en el cual se exploró las oportunidades y escenarios locales para leer y escribir así como las situaciones cotidianas que favorecen la apropiación de la cultura escrita. Presenta una caracterización de cuatro diferentes espacios sociales comunitarios (la Iglesia, la familia, el puesto de periódicos, la historia reciente de su desarrollo y su ubicación en la vida comunicativa de los miembros de la comunidad. Concluye que para incrementar la calidad de la educación de adultos, particularmente lo referente a los usos y conocimientos de la lengua escrita, es indispensable no desestimar el carácter dinámico de los espacios de lectura y escritura.


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    Anselmo Arellanes Meixueiro


    Full Text Available Esta investigación fue realizada en dos comunidades del estado de Oaxaca, San Ildefonso Sola y San Miguel Achiutla, ubicadas en dos regiones distintas de esta entidad, la primera perteneciente a la Región Sierra Sur y la segunda a la Mixteca. Ambas comunidades son consideradas como pobres y marginadas según datos oficiales, presentan diversas carencias materiales que influyen negativamente en su bienestar. Esta mala condición ha prevalecido en los hogares de ambas comunidades a pesar del esfuerzo de los pobladores por superarla, ya que realizan diversas actividades con el fin de obtener recursos suficientes para satisfacen sus necesidades, sin embargo cuentan con recursos muy limitados que les impide potencializar sus resultados. Dentro de las actividades que realizan son agricultura de subsistencia, venta de productos de palma, pan, tortillas, mezcal (estas actividades se han realizado en las comunidades de manera tradicional, han sido heredadas de generación en generación, productos de traspatio (la mayoría de los hogares cultivan frutas o verduras de uso diario en la cocina o para remedios caseros, también crían animales que contribuyen en sus actividades como burros, mulas, caballos o bueyes, y otros que les proporcionan alimentos o son alimento como gallinas, cerdos, chivos, borregos, etc. y comercialización de productos de abarrotes, en pocos casos realizan algún tipo de trabajo asalariado. Adicionalmente, la mayoría de los hogares también reciben apoyo de programas sociales, los cuales coordinados por la secretaría de Desarrollo Social (SEDESOL, buscan contribuir en la superación de la pobreza, los cuales les proporcionan recursos complementarios. Los casos anteriores, también van vinculados fuertemente con otros elementos, como son las características sociodemográficas de los hogares, los cuales se ha probado influyen en el nivel de bienestar social de los hogares en estudio. Por tanto, el propósito de la investigaci

  11. La biocolonialidad en las relaciones entre investigadores de la biodiversidad y las comunidades en Colombia

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    Yilson Javier Beltrán Barrera


    Full Text Available Históricamente en Colombia ha existido una relación de dominio epistémico y político ejercida por los investigadores de la biodiversidad hacia las comunidades que proveen de conocimiento a los primeros. Inicialmente, se aborda sucintamente aquel proceso histórico para mostrar que aún hoy se encuentra dicha relación de dominio como producto de una razón dominante que se evidencia en la aplicación del método cartesiano de investigación científica. Se devela así que la relación entre investigadores y comunidades está inserta en esa lógica de dominio que los países del Norte ejercen como estrategia política de control de la biodiversidad (biocolonialidad sobre países megadiversos como Colombia. A continuación, se confronta la posición política de un científico colombiano frente a la aplicación de los principios del método de la investigación acción participativa (IAP por profesores colombianos de las ciencias básicas en su relación investigativa con una comunidad del pueblo Ticuna en el Amazonas colombiano. Se concluye que la aplicación de dichos principios propicia el compromiso político y ético necesario para realizar un nuevo contrato entre comunidades e investigadores de la biodiversidad.

  12. The potential of acidophilic macroalgae as part of passive bioremediation technology for acid mine drainage in constructed wetlands

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Cheng, Po-Hsun


    Full Text Available macroalgae as part of passive bioremediation technology for acid mine drainage in constructed wetlands PH CHENG1,3, PJ OBERHOLSTER1,2, A-M BOTHA3 1CSIR Natural Resources and the Environment, PO Box 320, Stellenbosch, 7599, South Africa 2Department... of diverse benthic algal species to AMD provides the option to utilise them in AMD remediation as part of passive bioremediation technology in constructed wetlands. The purpose of the study was to investigate the bioaccumulation of metals and trace metal...

  13. Elementos do paradigma sociocrítico nas práticas do cuidado de enfermagem: revisão integrativa

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    Silvana Ceolin


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as evidências disponíveis nas teses brasileiras sobre os elementos do paradigma sociocrítico na construção do conhecimento e das práticas do cuidado de enfermagem. Método: Revisão integrativa de literatura realizada no Banco de Teses da Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior e na Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações. Resultados: De um montante de 320 teses, somente 19 apresentaram elementos do paradigma sociocrítico em sua construção, dentre os quais se destacaram o emprego de investigações participativas (principalmente pesquisa-ação, que apresentam interação entre pesquisador e participantes; o uso de técnicas de coleta de dados como grupos focais e círculos de cultura; e referenciais teóricos que permitem analisar os fenômenos em sua complexidade. Conclusão: O suporte do paradigma sociocrítico atribui à enfermagem o caráter de uma ciência prática e a serviço da comunidade, comprometida com a transformação social a partir do empoderamento das pessoas.

  14. Análisis de las competencias informacionales en la comunidad académica del CICIMAR-IPN

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    Teresa de Jesús Barriga Ramírez


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Caracterizar la competencias informacionales de la comunidad académica y los bibliotecarios del CICIMAR-IPN. Métodos. Se aplicó una encuesta la cual fue complementada con entrevistas a los directivos y coordinadores de los programas de posgrado del centro. Resultados. Se identificaron diversas falencias en la comunidad, como: la necesidad de fomento del uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación entre los docentes e investigadores; la difusión y reconocimiento de las normas de propiedad intelectual entre los estudiantes; y el desarrollo de competencias directivas y pedagógicas para la transmitisión de conocimientos entre los bibliotecarios. Conclusiones. Se evidencia la necesidad de crear un programa de alfabetización informacional para la comunidad académica del CICIMAR-IPN, que contribuya a la generación y transferencia de conocimientos para promover su excelencia.

  15. El anciano en las comunidades indígenas Páez y Zenú

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    Canencio Benavides Doris


    Full Text Available

    Son muchos los pueblos indígenas existentes en Colombia, entre ellos encontramos a los zenues y a los paeces. Los primeros se encuentran localizados al noreste de Córdoba; los paeces están ubicados en diferentes lugares del departamento del Cauca. En estas dos comunidades indígenas existen algunas diferencias dadas no solo por su ubicación geográfica, sino por aspectos organizacionales e históricos. Pero no se puede desconocer las similitudes que existen entre ellas como es el concepto del anciano dentro de la comunidad, su rol en la familia y el respeto que se le tiene como transmisor de valores y creencias.


  16. La comunidad se activa en los telecentros.


    Rodas Rodas, Enma Beatriz


    La presente investigación pretende contribuir al estudio de la aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TICs) para promover y sustentar un desarrollo humano sostenible en las zonas más desfavorecidas de nuestro país y provincia. Dentro de este amplio contexto de estudio, analizaremos el desarrollo de los Telecentros en los lugares donde ya están funcionando, centrándonos en aquellos cuyo principal objetivo sea contribuir al desarrollo humano de comunidades y colec...


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    Fermín Bonmatí Antón


    Full Text Available En la Comunidad Valenciana se aprecia una fuerte correlación entre nivel demográfico de los municipios y nivel de envejecimiento, medido este último en función del porcentaje de población con 65 o más años sobre el total del censo municipal. Aquellos municipios con menos de 2.000 hab. ofrecen, por lo general, grados de vejez más acentuados que los que están por encima de dicho nivel demográfico. Por otro lado, se aprecian niveles de envejecimiento mayores en la Montaña alicantina y en el interior de las provincias de Valencia y sobre todo Castellón que en los espacios litoral y el Sur de la Comunidad. Hemos comprobado la confirmación en 1986 de las situaciones que se daban cinco años antes.

  18. Los Servicios de Inteligencia ante los retos de la Comunidad Internacional

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    Torres Muro, Federico


    Full Text Available El título de mi contribución a este número de la revista Arbor, «Los Servicios de inteligencia ante los retos de la comunidad internacional", posiblemente debería completarse con la frase, para las que aquéllos deben tener respuesta. Me explico. Es obvio que la comunidad internacional tiene que afrontar retos como el hambre, la pobreza, el cambio climático, que no menciono en mi artículo ya que no entran dentro del ámbito de actuación de los servicios de inteligencia, aunque ningún analista cualificado los ignoraría. No obstante, he creído conveniente centrar mi descripción, necesariamente sucinta, del panorama actual de las relaciones internacionales en aquellos factores que entiendo afectan directamente a la seguridad internacional y, por tanto, a la tarea de los servicios de inteligencia.

  19. La importancia de Comunidades imaginadas y de Benedict Anderson

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    Craig Calhoun


    Full Text Available El remarcable libro Comunidades imaginadas de Benedict Anderson reconfiguró el estudio de las naciones y el nacionalismo. Sorprendentemente original, rompió con el excesivo énfasis que hasta el momento se ponía en el continente europeo y con los argumentos falsamente polarizados sobre si las naciones existían desde siempre o eran meros epifenómenos de los estados modernos. Comunidades imaginadas dirige la atención a la dinámica de la imaginación organizada social y culturalmente como proceso que se encuentra en el corazón de la cultura política, la comprensión de uno mismo y la solidaridad, idea que, como innovación de primer orden en la comprensión de los ‘imaginarios sociales’, tuvo una influencia que va más allá del estudio del nacionalismo. Sin embargo, el enfoque de Anderson conservó el incapié en las condiciones materiales que configuran la cultura y en las instituciones que facilitan su reproducción, desde periódicos y novelas a censos, mapas y museos.


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    Full Text Available Se trata de una práctica de educación para la salud desarrollada con un grupo de adolescentes, estudiantes de una escuela pública en una comunidad rural, planteando la sexualidad humana. Objetivamente se buscó identificar el significado del proceso de la adolescencia y los temas de interés acerca de la sexualidad en ese periodo de la vida en esa comunidad. La práctica, inspirada en la propuesta pedagógica de Paulo Freire, fue desarrollada en un pequeño municipio de Rio Grande do Sul, durante cuatro encuentros realizados en el primer semestre del 2006, con la participación de catorce estudiantes. Los encuentros y el material elaborado por los estudiantes fueron registrados y analizados, tomándose como base los objetivos de la práctica. Los resultados indicaron la familia, los amigos, la iglesia y la cultura local, como referencias importantes para esos jóvenes. Ya los temas de interés no difieren de los temas de los adolescentes del contexto urbano, solo añaden los valores que influyen sobre la percepción de su sexualidad.

  1. Fluxos e territorialidade: comunidade quilombola como linha de fuga

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    Ione Maria Ghislene Bentz


    Full Text Available Este texto tem por objetivo o estudo da cultura quilombola na migração para espaços urbanos. O território urbano em foco é a Comunidade Quilombola Areal da Baronesa, situada em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. O referencial teórico tem inspiração nos desdobramentos das máquinas semióticas desenvolvidas por Deleuze e Guattari, com ênfase nos conceitos de fluxos e territorialidade. Serão analisados os significados simbólicos dos artefatos - comportamentos, rituais, práticas cotidianas, entre outras manifestações da Comunidade do Areal. As práticas de cultura estimulam as práticas de design. Essas práticas oferecem insumos para a discussão que as consideram como ecossistemas cujos processos projetuais criativos são capazes de produzir artefatos que transformam a realidade social. Serão contempladas a produção dos efeitos de sentidos, as expressões de cultura, o exercício do poder simbólico, as expressões do desejo e a inovação social.

  2. El “consentimiento” negociado entre dos comunidades mineras mexicanas y las trasnacionales Goldcorp y Ternium


    Blanca Ruth Santos Cordero; Eleocadio Martínez Silva


    En este artículo se busca reconstruir la dinámica de la relación entre empresas trasnacionales y comunidades rurales mexicanas, a partir de dos estudios de caso: la minera canadiense Goldcorp, en Mazapil, Zacatecas, y la italo-argentina Ternium, en San Miguel Arcángel, en Aquila, Michoacán. La hipótesis sostiene que la racionalidad de la máxima ganancia y el cálculo del riesgo están presentes en las negociaciones entabladas entre las comunidades campesinas y las corporaciones. Y, si bien e...


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    José Geraldo Bezerra Galvão Júnior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou realizar um diagnóstico de caracterização dos sistemas de criação de aves adotados na Comunidade Rural Base Física, município de Ipanguaçu/RN, com o intuito de produzir subsídios para orientação de ações de suporte técnico à comunidade local. Foram elaborados e aplicados 50 questionários, com questões relacionadas ao perfil socioeconômico dos criadores e aos aspectos zootécnicos relativos à criação de aves. Posteriormente, os dados foram agrupados e analisados graficamente, utilizando-se planilha eletrônica. Na análise dos resultados, a maioria dos entrevistados corresponderam ao gênero feminino (70%, faixa etária de 41 a 60 anos (50%, representados em sua maioria por agricultores (52%, apresentando renda familiar de menos de 1 salário mínimo (16%, até 2 salários (20% e acima de 2 salários mínimos (34%. Na análise das respostas referentes aos aspectos zootécnicos da criação de aves, constatou-se um rebanho efetivo de 1046 aves, onde 81% dos entrevistados mantinham a criação para consumo da família. A avicultura representa grande importância na agricultura familiar da região, tanto na questão de segurança alimentar para a família quanto no aspecto econômico. A alimentação foi considerada o principal fator limitante para o desenvolvimento da criação, seguida da área para criação e presença de doenças nas aves. Programas de capacitação e assistência técnica devem ser implantados, para que possa haver um incremento quantitativo e qualitativo da criação de aves, principalmente, ligados aos aspectos de manejo alimentar e sanitário, bem como, no delineamento de modelos produtivos que expressem competitividade no setor. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: avicultura, sistemas de criação, agricultura familiar.

  4. Comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje, espacios dinámicos para enfrentar el Siglo XXI

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    Claudia Zúñiga Vega


    Full Text Available Una de las funciones primordiales de las universidades como entes formadores, consiste en satisfacer las necesidades que exige la nueva sociedad de la información. Los académicos no sólo tienen que limitarse a transmitir los contenidos de su especialidad, sino que deben colaborar con los estudiantes para que construyan el conocimiento dentro de este nuevo contexto social, donde la capacidad de autoformación se convierte en una actividad imprescindible.Las comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje, por medio del uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, brindan a los docentes espacios para el aprendizaje activo, donde la reflexión, la discusión y el intercambio producen experiencias significativas. También se convierten en sitios para realizar trabajos y actividades en conjunto como son los proyectos de investigación, extensión, acción social y los programas de formación interuniversitaria.Esta publicación tiene como objetivo destacar la importancia de las comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje en el quehacer universitario y presentar el caso de la Comunidad Virtual de Aprendizaje Ambiental (CVAA en Costa Rica, un sitio Web para apoyar la incorporación del eje ambiental en la vida universitaria

  5. First-principle natural band alignment of GaN / dilute-As GaNAs alloy

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    Chee-Keong Tan


    Full Text Available Density functional theory (DFT calculations with the local density approximation (LDA functional are employed to investigate the band alignment of dilute-As GaNAs alloys with respect to the GaN alloy. Conduction and valence band positions of dilute-As GaNAs alloy with respect to the GaN alloy on an absolute energy scale are determined from the combination of bulk and surface DFT calculations. The resulting GaN / GaNAs conduction to valence band offset ratio is found as approximately 5:95. Our theoretical finding is in good agreement with experimental observation, indicating the upward movements of valence band at low-As content dilute-As GaNAs are mainly responsible for the drastic reduction of the GaN energy band gap. In addition, type-I band alignment of GaN / GaNAs is suggested as a reasonable approach for future device implementation with dilute-As GaNAs quantum well, and possible type-II quantum well active region can be formed by using InGaN / dilute-As GaNAs heterostructure.

  6. Auto-Suggest Capability via Machine Learning in SMART NAS, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — We build machine learning capabilities that enables the Shadow Mode Assessment using Realistic Technologies for the NAS (SMART NAS) system to synthesize, optimize,...


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    Lucia Margarete dos Reis


    Full Text Available El estúdio buscó identificar la percepción social sobre las políticas públicas para hacer frente al abuso de drogas en una comunidad con altos índices de violencia vinculada al narcotráfico. Descriptivo y transversal, realizado en una comunidad del noroeste de Paraná, utilizando um cuestionario estructurado aplicado a 358 residentes. Los datos fueron analizados com el Statistical Software Analisys , com análisis descriptivo simple. Sólo el 13,9% de los encuestado sinformaron de medidas para la prevención del uso y lucha contra el tráfico de drogas y la violencia en la comunidad. La presencia de drogas de abuso (24,9%, la inseguridad en el cuidado de la salud (20,9% y en la seguridad pública (13,7% fueron los problemas más importantes de la comunidad. Aumentar la vigilancia (55,3% se reportó como la acción más importante para combatir el consumo de drogas. La percepción social de los encuestados señaló la ausencia de prevención y de lucha contra el tráfico de drogas en la comunidad.

  8. Testing for the induction of anti-herbivory defences in four Portuguese macroalgae by direct and water-borne cues of grazing amphipods


    Yun, H. Y.; Cruz, J.; Treitschke, M.; Wahl, Martin; Molis, M.


    Herbivory is a key factor in regulating plant biomass, thereby driving ecosystem performance. Algae have developed multiple adaptations to cope with grazers, including morphological and chemical defences. In a series of experiments we investigated whether several species of macroalgae possess anti-herbivore defences and whether these could be regulated to demand, i.e. grazing events. The potential of direct grazing on defence induction was assessed for two brown (Dictyopteris membranacea, Fuc...

  9. Impacto ambiental del manejo de desechos sólidos ordinarios en una comunidad rural

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    Juan Carlos Salas Jiménez


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es identificar y evaluarlos impactos ambientales en cada una de las etapas de la actividad de recuperación de desechos sólidos ordinarios en una comunidad rural. Con el fin de definir las acciones por ejecutar para prever, impedir, minimizar y mitigar los efectos adversos sobre el entorno natural y social. La recuperación de los desechos ordinarios en comunidades rurales tiene un enfoque ambientalista, pero sus actividades deben planificarse de tal modo que mitiguen los impactos negativos, principalmente por la degradación estética del ambiente.

  10. Comunidades de memoria y procesos de drama en la escuela

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    Jorge Arcila


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina las etapas iniciales del proyecto de investigación "Integrando drama y memoria histórica en la escuela colombiana: Una comunidad de drama y memoria en el aula", que tuvo lugar en la Escuela Normal Distrital María Montessori en Bogotá, Colombia. Los alumnos del grado 10º de la clase de teatro exploraron el significado pedagógico de la memoria colectiva y de la historia no oficial a través de prácticas de remembranza mediadas por herramientas dramáticas dentro de un contexto escolar. En el artículo se analiza la constitución de comunidades de memoria en el salón de clase y la indagación de memorias olvidadas (en este caso la historia de Manuel Saturio Valencia, uno de los últimos colombianos ejecutados por el Estado en 1907. Este proyecto de drama-remembranza revisa también el rol del docente y las concepciones y prácticas pedagógicas del ejercicio del teatro en la educación.

  11. Cyanobacteria and macroalgae in ecosystem of the Neva estuary

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    Nikulina V. N.


    Full Text Available The Baltic Sea and Neva estuary are plagued by coastal eutrophication. In order to estimate the scale of the problem, quantitative estimates of phytoplankton and macroalgal mats were determined in the Neva estuary. Long-term monitoring (1982–2009 of phytoplankton showed changes in its species composition and abundance. Summer phytoplankton biomass increased significantly in the 1990s, with concomitant changes in species composition, despite a decline of nutrients in the Neva estuary. The cyanobacteria Planktothrix agardhii became a dominant species. The summer biomass of phytoplankton reached a maximum of 5.2 ± 0.4 mg·L-1 in 2002–2004. Monitoring of macroalgal community in the coastal area of the Neva estuary from 2002 to 2009 showed the dominance of the filamentous green alga Cladophora glomerata in the phytobenthos. Average biomass of macroalgae in inner and outer estuary differed significantly at 132 ± 29 and 310 ± 67 g DW·m-2, respectively. This study showed, that fluctuations in macroalgal biomass reflected human influence on estuary, although it was less sensitive to human impact than the phytoplankton community. Thus qualitative and quantitative characteristics of phytoplankton and macroalgal blooms can indicate anthropogenic influence on the ecosystem, and help to better manage the Neva estuary.

  12. Potential adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution using green macroalgaePosidonia oceanica. (United States)

    Allouche, F.-N.; Yassaa, N.


    The use of inexpensive biological materials, such as marine algae for removing dyes from contaminated industrial effluents appears as a potential alternative method. The aim of this study is to investigate the aptitude of marine macroalgae Posidonia Oceanica local biomass abundant on the coasts of Algeria for selective sorption of methylene blue (MB) from an aqueous solution in batch experiments at 20 °C. A maximum percentage removal of Posidonia oceanica occurs at pH 5. Equilibrium isotherm data were analyzed using the Langmuir and the Freundlich isotherms. The adsorption equilibrium of methylene blue was best describe by Langmuir model than the Freundlich model. The maximum sorption capacity was 357 mgg-1at pH 5. The sorption data were very well described by the pseudo-second-order model. Keywords: Posidonia oceanica, Methylene blue (MB), Biosorption, Isotherm Equilibrium, Kinetics; Modelling.

  13. Dilemas da masculinidade em comunidades de leitores da revista Men's Health

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    Jair de Souza Ramos

    Full Text Available Neste artigo, analiso as representações sobre masculinidade e cuidado de si em comunidades de leitores da revista Men's Health. Com base na análise de tópicos e postagens em comunidades online, abordo desde as tensões em torno da oposição homossexual / heterossexual na autodefinição dos leitores, até a ênfase em um corpo concebido, a um só tempo, como saudável e masculino. Meu objetivo é examinar a construção de uma imagem de si masculina entre estes leitores, que se valem de temas, problemas e técnicas de si que estão presentes na revista, mas, sobretudo, além dela, e que dizem respeito a um determinado estilo de masculinidade, em que a expressão de si através da exposição do corpo desempenha um papel primordial.

  14. Sistema de salud pública y comunidades indígenas de la Provincia de Formosa

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    Cristina S. Mirassou


    Full Text Available Relato de la experiencia de la autora en el ejercicio de la medicina y la salud pública entre los aborígenes de la provincia de Formosa, Argentina; la experiencia cubre 34 años, 11 de los cuales la realizó en una pequeña comunidad Wichí ubicada en el extremo noroeste, lindante con la provincia de Salta, Bolivia y Paraguay. De los 530 162 habitantes de la provincia 43 358 (6.5% son pueblos originarios de las etnias Wichí, Qom, y Pilagá. Los problemas particulares de estas comunidades se deben a las distancias entre las comunidades y los servicios médicos regulares, y a las diferencias culturales. La situación mejoró en los últimos 30 años al facilitar y acercar los servicios médicos a las poblaciones, incorporar y mejorar la preparación de las parteras aborígenes, formar agentes sanitarios, auxiliares médicos y la mejora de las condiciones sociales en general. Los resultados más destacados fueron la disminución de los índices de mortalidad infantil, de la incidencia de tuberculosis, ninguna muerte por meningitis tuberculosa desde 1999. Es de importancia haber incorporado a la enseñanza los idiomas propios de las etnias y el manifiesto respeto a sus diferentes costumbres. Los cambios originaron nuevos riesgos: accidentes viales, alcoholismo en los jóvenes, obesidad, diabetes (antes no diagnosticada, y crisis de liderazgo en las comunidades.

  15. García Ballesteros, A., dir., 2006: Inmigrantes emprendedores en la Comunidad de Madrid [Reseña bibliográfica


    Cebrián, Juan A.


    Es reseña de : CEBRIÁN, J. A. (2007), “Instituto de Estadística, 2005: Atlas Estadístico de la Comunidad de Madrid 2005, Madrid, Consejería de Economía e Innovación Tecnológica, Comunidad de Madrid, 199 páginas”


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    Francisco Rodrigues da Silva Neto


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 O objetivo central deste estudo foi analisar a migração de japoneses para a Amazônia peruana e sua consolidação em Puerto Maldonado (Madre de Dios. Três foram as principais causas desse processo: 1 Uma política contínua em prol da imigração japonesa para o Peru durante as primeiras décadas do século XX voltada para prover mão-de-obra nas fazendas de cana-de-açúcar e algodão da costa; 2 Envolvimento dos imigrantes japoneses em atividades econômicas demandadas durante a expansão da exploração da borracha na Amazônia peruana; e 3 Fortalecimento dessas atividades após a queda da economia da borracha para garantir o fornecimento de produtos necessários à população remanescente, inclusive, substituindo produtos não mais importados ou fornecidos por grandes empresas. A Amazônia peruana tornou-se cada vez mais atrativa para os imigrantes japoneses inconformados com as más condições de trabalho nas fazendas da costa, engrossando assim a migração para essa região. A própria existência de uma comunidade mais ou menos organizada que serviu de suporte na Amazônia peruana permitiu fortalecer a vinda de mais migrantes. Em Puerto Maldonado, os japoneses se dedicaram à produção de hortifrutigranjeiros e outros produtos agrícolas para suprir o mercado local, estabeleceram pequenos comércios, e forneciam alguns serviços especializados

  17. Regulatory perspective on NAS recommendations for Yucca Mountain standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brocoum, S.J.; Nesbit, S.P.; Duguid, J.A.; Lugo, M.A.; Krishna, P.M.


    This paper provides a regulatory perspective from the viewpoint of the potential licensee, the US Department of Energy (DOE), on the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report on Yucca Mountain standards published in August 1995. The DOE agrees with some aspects of the NAS report; however, the DOE has serious concerns with the ability to implement some of the recommendations in a reasonable manner

  18. Empoderamiento, vulnerabilidad y participación comunitaria de las mujeres en comunidades cercanas a Nueva Cinchona


    Casasola Vargas, Karla


    Los espacios públicos en muchas comunidades están relegados a unas pocas personas, las cuales trabajan para cumplir objetivos a corto plazo. Con el tiempo, estos espacios se han politizado y perdido su razón de ser, como, en algún momento, lo fueron las juntas progresistas. La mujer ha logrado entrar en estos espacios; pero no siempre toma decisiones. Este artículo evidencia las formas de empoderamiento que las mujeres asumen en algunos espacios públicos rurales de las comunidades cercanas a ...

  19. El proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de las Ciencias experimentales en una comunidad de aprendizaje


    Ortega Quevedo, Vanessa


    La finalidad de este estudio es analizar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las Ciencias Experimentales en una comunidad de aprendizaje. Para ello, se ha realizado una pequeña investigación sobre cómo profesores de un centro que ostenta el cargo de Comunidad de Aprendizaje trabajan las ciencias. Además, diseñan y llevan a la práctica una intervención que fusiona los modelos didácticos más usuales en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Experimentales, con la concepción comunicativa de la enseñanz...


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    María Carolina Merchán Garzón


    Full Text Available

    Introducción: Las infecciones parasitarias intestinales son un importante problema de salud púbica. Las parasitosis como la giardiasis, son de particular relevancia para el estudio de la salud en comunidades aisladas en Colombia.

    Objetivo: describir la frecuencia de infección por G. intestinalis en 21 comunidades aisladas colombianas (18 comunidades indígenas y 3 comunidades negras.

    Materiales y Métodos: análisis microscópico en campo de muestras de materia fecal de 671 muestras de voluntarios de 21 comunidades aisladas colombianas. Cálculo de prevalencia por comunidad y descripción de las condiciones nutricionales y de manejo de agua y excretas en las comunidades.

    Resultados: la prevalencia global de infección por G. intestinalis en las comunidades aisladas estudiadas fue del 11% en comunidades indígenas y del 9% en comunidades negras. Las prevalencias por comunidad varían entre 0% hasta el 63%. El 100% de los individuos evaluados presentó algún tipo de parasitismo intestinal.

    Discusión: el parasitismo intestinal por G. intestinalis tiene prevalencias similares a otros grupos indígenas de Sur América. La causa del parasitismo intestinal debe ser considerada según comunidad y de acuerdo a factores de riesgo conocidos, como manejo de excretas y acceso a agua potable.



    Introduction: Intestinal parasitic infections are a major problem of public health. Parasitic diseases such as giardiasis, are relevant for the study of health in isolated communities in Colombia.

    Objective: To describe the frequency of G. intestinalis infection in 21 isolated communities in Colombia (18 indigenous communities and 3

  1. Assessing the diversity of bacterial communities associated with plants Avaliação da diversidade de comunidades bacterianas associadas às plantas

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    Fernando Dini Andreote


    Full Text Available Plant-bacteria interactions result from reciprocal recognition between both species. These interactions are responsible for essential biological processes in plant development and health status. Here, we present a review of the methodologies applied to investigate shifts in bacterial communities associated with plants. A description of techniques is made from initial isolations to culture-independent approaches focusing on quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction in real time (qPCR, Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE, clone library construction and analysis, the application of multivariate analyses to microbial ecology data and the upcoming high throughput methodologies such as microarrays and pyrosequencing. This review supplies information about the development of traditional methods and a general overview about the new insights into bacterial communities associated with plants.As interações planta-bactéria resultam de um reconhecimento recíproco de ambas espécies. Estas interações são responsáveis por processos biológicos essenciais para o desenvolvimento e a proteção das plantas. Este trabalho revisa as metodologias aplicadas na investigação de alterações nas comunidades bacterianas associadas às plantas. Uma descrição das técnicas é feita, desde o isolamento até a aplicação de técnicas independentes de cultivo, destacando as técnicas de qPCR, Gel de Eletroforese em Gradiente Desnaturante (DGGE, construção e análise de bibliotecas de clones, a aplicação de análise multivariada em dados de ecologia microbiana, e as novas metodologias de alto processamento de amostras como microarranjos e pirosequenciamento. Em resumo, esta revisão fornece informações sobre o desenvolvimento das técnicas tradicionais e uma visão geral sobre as novas tendências dos estudos de comunidades bacterianas associadas às plantas.

  2. UAS-NAS Flight Test Series 3: Test Environment Report (United States)

    Hoang, Ty; Murphy, Jim; Otto, Neil


    The desire and ability to fly Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) is of increasing urgency. The application of unmanned aircraft to perform national security, defense, scientific, and emergency management are driving the critical need for less restrictive access by UAS to the NAS. UAS represent a new capability that will provide a variety of services in the government (public) and commercial (civil) aviation sectors. The growth of this potential industry has not yet been realized due to the lack of a common understanding of what is required to safely operate UAS in the NAS. NASA's UAS Integration in the NAS Project is conducting research in the areas of Separation Assurance/Sense and Avoid Interoperability (SSI), Human Systems Integration (HSI), and Communications (Comm), and Certification to support reducing the barriers of UAS access to the NAS. This research is broken into two research themes namely, UAS Integration and Test Infrastructure. UAS Integration focuses on airspace integration procedures and performance standards to enable UAS integration in the air transportation system, covering Detect and Avoid (DAA) performance standards, command and control performance standards, and human systems integration. The focus of Test Infrastructure is to enable development and validation of airspace integration procedures and performance standards, including integrated test and evaluation. In support of the integrated test and evaluation efforts, the Project will develop an adaptable, scalable, and schedulable relevant test environment capable of evaluating concepts and technologies for unmanned aircraft systems to safely operate in the NAS. To accomplish this task, the Project is conducting a series of human-in-the-loop (HITL) and flight test activities that integrate key concepts, technologies and/or procedures in a relevant air traffic environment. Each of the integrated events will build on the technical achievements, fidelity, and

  3. The emergence and outcomes of collective action: an institutional and ecosystem approach A emergência e os resultados da ação coletiva: uma abordagem institucional e ecossistêmica

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    Célia Futtema


    Full Text Available Participation in collective action is frequently studied through a community-based analysis, with focus on the social features of the participants and on the ecological features of the managed system. This study addresses the importance of scaling down to household level to understand different individual incentives to collaborate (or not as well as scaling up to the landscape level to evaluate the ecological outcome of the local forms of collective action. A study of a riparian community of 33 households in the Lower Amazon located between two distinct ecosystems -a privately owned upland forest and a communally owned floodplain- reveals that household-based analysis uncovers how heterogeneity within the community leads to different incentives for participation in the communal floodplain, while systemic analysis reveals that interconnection between the managed ecosystem and adjacent ecosystem influences the decisions to participate as well as the ecological outcomes of the collective actions.A participação numa ação coletiva é estudada com freqüência por meio de uma análise baseada nas comunidades e enfocada nas características sociais dos participantes e nas características ecológicas do sistema manejado. Este estudo refere-se à importância de se limitar a análise ao nível das famílias para compreender os diferentes incentivos individuais que colaboram (ou não, assim como de se ampliar a análise ao nível da esfera territorial a fim de se avaliar o resultado ecológico das formas locais de ação coletiva. Um estudo feito numa comunidade costeira de 33 famílias na Baixa Amazonia situada entre dois ecosistemas diferentes -uma mata/floresta de propriedade privada situada em terras altas e uma planície pluvial pertencente a uma comunidade- revela que a análise baseada nas famílias mostra que a heterogeneidade dentro da comunidade conduz a diferentes incentivos para participar das atividades na planície pluvial. A an

  4. Entender y respaldar la protección liderada por la comunidad


    Carstensen, Nils


    Respaldar las estrategias de protección lideradas por la comunidad local podría mejorar significativamente el impacto de las intervenciones relacionadas con la protección pero los actores externos primero necesitan reconocer el potencial que tiene la gente en peligro para convertirse en actores independientes.


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    César Luis Cuevas-Velázquez


    Full Text Available El dogma que relaciona la función de una proteína con una estructura tridimensional definida ha sido desafiado durante los últimos años por el descubrimiento y caracterización de las proteínas conocidas como proteínas no estructuradas o desordenadas. Estas proteínas poseen una elevada flexibilidad estructural la cual les permite adoptar estructuras diferentes y, por tanto, reconocer ligandos diversos conservando la especificidad en el reconocimiento de los mismos. A las proteínas de este tipo, altamente hidrofílicas y que se acumulan ante condiciones de déficit hídrico (sequía, salinidad, congelamiento se les ha denominado hidrofilinas. En plantas, las hidrofilinas mejor caracterizadas son las proteínas LEA (del inglés Late Embryogenesis Abundant que se acumulan abundantemente en la semilla seca y en tejidos vegetativos cuando las plantas se exponen a condiciones de limitación de agua. Evidencia reciente ha demostrado que las proteínas LEA se requieren para que las plantas toleren y se adapten a condiciones de baja disponibilidad de agua. Esta revisión describe los datos más relevantes que asocian las características fisicoquímicas de estas proteínas con su flexibilidad estructural y cómo se afecta ésta por las condiciones ambientales; así como, aquéllos relacionados con sus posibles funciones en la célula vegetal ante situaciones de limitación de agua.

  6. A formação do capital social em uma comunidade de baixa renda.

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    Souto-Maior Fontes, Breno Augusto


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva analisar as inserções em redes egocentradas de indivíduos de uma comunidade de baixa renda na cidade do Recife. A partir de algumas considerações iniciais sobre redes egocentradas, ensaiamos uma análise de redes construídas em uma comunidade de baixa renda. Os dados de que dispomos para análise foram extraídos de uma pesquisa empírica em uma comunidade de baixa renda na cidade do Recife. O nosso objetivo é verificar o quão de particular existe nessas populações de baixa renda, e o que se pode extrair de regularidades em redes egocentradas, e também observar, a partir de índices de capital social construídos, que posições diferenciadas na estrutura social podem existir quando se introduz a variável "rede social". Interessa-nos particularmente discutir as hipóteses de FLAP sobre relações sociais como recursos ou como capital. Os índices construídos nos remeterão a três grandes blocos de questões: (a o número de relações onde se inscrevem capacidades potenciais para ajudas; (b a extensão das redes de ajuda, função da intensidade das relações; e (c os recursos que podem ser alocados a partir dessas relações. As bases empíricas desse artigo dizem respeito a informações extraídas de redes egocentradas da comunidade de Chão de Estrelas, Recife. Foram aplicados 295 questionários, a partir de amostra aleatória simples em um universo de 1.131 domicílios (sendo escolhida uma pessoa adulta por domicílio.

  7. Comunidades virtuales de videojugadores: Comportamiento emocional y social en poupée girl

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    Mª Esther del Moral Pérez


    Full Text Available El fenómeno de los videojuegos supera el mero entretenimiento individual, creando redes entre los jugadores que favorecen sus interacciones para compartir experiencias exitosas, competir, intercambiar trucos, dar solución a problemas de diversa índole... Estas comunidades virtuales contribuyen a la socialización de los jugadores, activando canales para la comunicación y propiciando un flujo de información muy ágil entre ellos. Se convierten en instrumentos eficaces para potenciar y compartir conocimientos a partir de objetivos comunes desde un contexto lúdico, como resultado de la inteligencia colectiva. En ocasiones, se establecen fuertes relaciones empáticas y afectivas apoyadas en el reconocimiento mutuo, provocando la emergencia de líderes, capaces incluso de impulsar comportamientos miméticos entre los usuarios. El presente estudio analiza la comunidad de videojugadores de Poupée Girl, videojuego japonés online, centrado en vestir a una muñeca virtual y conseguirle todos los accesorios y ropa posibles, donde a modo de alter ego, los jugadores la cuidan, visten y peinan como si de ellos mismos se tratara. El interés de esta comunidad radica en las interesantes relaciones existentes entre sus miembros, donde se observan situaciones de ayuda y aprendizaje mutuo, de solidaridad y empatía.

  8. Dislipidemias en comunidades pehuenches de Alto Biobio chileno Dyslipidemias in Pehuenche communities from Chilean Alto Bio Bio

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    Claudia Navarrete Briones


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 400 habitantes (mayores de 15 años de edad de las comunidades pehuenches de Alto Biobio en Chile, de mayo a octubre del 2011, a fin de determinar la prevalencia de dislipidemias en esta población. La información necesaria se recolectó sobre la base de la normativa y los criterios del Ministerio de Salud y como resultados generales de las concentraciones plasmáticas promedio y la prevalencia de dislipidemias figuraron: colesterol total de 169,20 ±26,36 mg/dL y 8,2 %; lipoproteínas de baja densidad de 89,93 ±23,31 mg/dL y 4,5 %; triglicéridos de 145,89 ±48,96 mg/dL y 53,0 %; y lipoproteínas de alta densidad de 50 ±8,87 mg/dL y 28,3 %. Las cifras fueron inferiores en el grupo etario de 15-24 años y en personas de ascendencia pehuenche, con una pobre asociación a sobrepeso u obesidad abdominal; en general, resultaron menores a las de los citadinos.A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 400 people (over 15 years from Pehuenche communities of the Chilean Alto Biobio, from May to October 2011, in order to determine the prevalence of dyslipidemias in this population. Necessary information was collected on the basis of regulations and criteria of the Ministry of Health, and as general results of average plasma levels and prevalence of dyslipìdemia were: total cholesterol 169.20 ± 26.36 mg/dL and 8.2%; low-density lipoproteins 89.93 ± 23.31 mg/dL and 4.5%; triglycerides 145.89 ± 48.96 mg/dL and 53.0%; and high-density lipoproteins 50 ±8.87 mg/dL and 28.3%. The values were lower in the age group of 15-24 years and in Pehuenche people with poor association with abdominal obesity or overweight; in general, they were lower than those of the city people.

  9. La creación de comunidades de aprendizaje mutuo como factor de desarrollo de capital social*


    Molina de Barbosa, Clara Inés; Universidad de San Buenaventura Bogotá


    Cuando hay un bajo nivel de acumulación de capital social en una comunidad, es importante demostrarles a sus integrantes que las relaciones de cooperación, confianza y manejo de la información a través de las redes sociales contribuyen a formar tejido y al logro de mayores beneficios individuales y grupales. La ausencia total de este tipo de capital, conduce a una fragmentación que deriva en graves conflictos sociales. Por estas razones, la creación de una comunidad de aprendizaje mutuo para ...


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    Carlos F. Candelaria -Silva


    Full Text Available La cartografía de arrecifes coralinos se ha constituido en una valiosa herramienta para conocer diversos fenómenos y procesos biológicos que ocurren en estas comunidades, relacionados con su dimensión espacial. Los mapas se han empleado para representar la conformación topográfica de la formación arrecifal, los patrones de distribución de los corales y otras especies, como referentes para estudios de sucesión y para propósitos aplicados relacionados con programas de conservación y desarrollo sustentable. En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta metodológica de mapeo subacuático, aplicada a la comunidad arrecifal de Bahía San Agustín, Huatulco, Oaxaca, que puede ser utilizada en otros sitios del Pacífico Tropical Mexicano. El protocolo de mapeo consiste en cuatro fases generales: 1 planeación y organización; 2 levantamiento topográfico; 3 procesamiento de la información; y, 4 cartografía. Se obtuvieron dos mapas batimétricos, uno de representación bidimensional (2D y otro tridimensional (3D, que muestran características del relieve complementarias.

  11. Community helping services: dynamic of formation and expressiveness of the cultural care Comunidad mutirante: dinâmica de formación y expresividad del cuidado cultural Comunidade mutirante: dinâmica de formação e expressividade do cuidado cultural

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    Fátima Luna Pinheiro Landim


    Full Text Available Community helping services is an expression used by the social movements to designate families that live in shacks installed in a public area intended for building of own house at a community helping system. Studies in ethnonursing that aimed: in order to detail dynamic configuration in a community helping service. It took place in an community helping area located in the outskirts of Fortaleza, Ceará. The community members acting as general informants from the local culture, while eight (8 women heads-of-families, working as key informers. The data collect used the Observation-Participation-Reflection Model. The analyses were processing by the time that the dates were collected, considering the categories: inserting in the community helping culture to obtain their history; community helping is not a slum -describing the formation dynamic. Established that the formation dynamic of the community helping go on the own house representation as a symbol of " a better life". To assimilate such expression introducing in own cultural universe is a challenge for the nursing to assist a care culture congruent.Comunidad "mutirante" es una expresión utilizada por los movimientos sociales para designar familias que habitan barracas instaladas en terreno público destinado a la construción comunitaria de las casas que esas familias habitarán. Estudio en etnoenfermagem, que tuvo como objetivo: describir la dinámica de formación de una comunidad mutirante. Fue realizado en un área de construcción comunitaria localizada en la periferia de Fortaleza-Ceará-Brasil. Los miembros de la comunidad actuaron como informantes generales de la cultura local, mientras que ocho mujeres jefes de familia fueron informantes llave. La colecta de datos utilizó el modelo de Observación-Participación-Refleja. Los análises fueron siendo procesados al mismo tiempo en que los datos fueron colectados, considerando las categorías: Insertándose en la cultura mutirante para

  12. Pivôs utilizados nas brincadeiras de faz-de-conta de crianças brasileiras de cinco grupos culturais Pivots used in make-believe play by Brazilian children from five different cultural groups

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    Yumi Gosso


    Full Text Available O presente estudo comparou os pivôs utilizados nas transformações simbólicas de brincadeiras imaginativas de crianças de cinco grupos culturais brasileiros (41 meninas e 35 meninos, de quatro a seis anos de idade: de uma pequena comunidade praiana, de uma aldeia indígena e de três grupos de níveis socioeconômicos diferentes (alto, baixo e misto de uma metrópole. Os pivôs foram classificados como elementos naturais, utensílios e brinquedos. Constatou-se que: (i a escolha de pivôs relacionou-se com os objetos disponíveis: as crianças indígenas e da comunidade praiana usaram mais elementos naturais; as indígenas, mais utensílios e as da metrópole, mais brinquedos manufaturados; (ii objetos pouco estruturados prestaram-se a um grande número de transformações simbólicas; (iii meninas usaram mais reproduções de seres vivos e meninos, de veículos e armas. Em suma, os resultados indicam que as crianças, através dos pivôs, refletem nas brincadeiras sua individualidade e os valores de sua cultura.In the present study, the pivots used for symbolic transformations in imaginative play by children from 5 cultural groups were compared. The participants were 76 children (41 girls and 35 boys, four to six years old from five Brazilian cultural groups: a small seashore community, a village of Brazilian Indians, and three urban groups of different socioeconomic status (SES from a metropolis (low SES, high SES, and mixed SES. The pivots were classified as natural elements, utensils, and toys. The results showed that: (i the choice of pivots was associated with the available objects: Indian and seashore children used more natural elements; Indian children used more utensils and urban children, more toys; (ii objects that were low structured suited a large variety of symbolic transformations; (iii girls used more models of living beings, and boys, models of vehicles and weapons. In brief, the results indicate that the children, through

  13. Isolation and characterization of marine bacteria from macroalgae Gracilaria salicornia and Gelidium latifolium on agarolitic activity for bioethanol production (United States)

    Kawaroe, M.; Pratiwi, I.; Sunudin, A.


    Gracilaria salicornia and Gelidium latifolium have high content of agar and potential to be use as raw material for bioethanol. In bioethanol production, one of the processes level is enzyme hydrolysis. Various microorganisms, one of which is bacteria, can carry out the enzyme hydrolysis. Bacteria that degrade the cell walls of macroalgae and produce an agarase enzyme called agarolytic bacteria. The purpose of this study was to isolate bacteria from macroalgae G. salicornia and G. latifolium, which has the highest agarase enzyme activities, and to obtain agarase enzyme characteristic for bioethanol production. There are two isolates bacteria resulted from G. salicornia that are N1 and N3 and there are two isolates from G. latifolium that are BSUC2 and BSUC4. The result of agarase enzyme qualitative test showed that isolates bacteria from G. latifolium were greater than G. salicornia. The highest agarolitic index of bacteria from G. salicornia produced by isolate N3 was 2.32 mm and isolate N3 was 2.27 mm. Bacteria from G. latifolium produced by isolate BSUC4 was 4.28 mm and isolate BSUC2 was 4.18 mm, respectively. Agarase enzyme activities from isolates N1 and N3 were optimum working at pH 7 and temperature 30 °C, while from isolates BSUC4 was optimum at pH 7 and temperature 50 °C. This is indicated that the four bacteria are appropriate to hydrolyze macro alga for bioethanol production.

  14. Análise da estrutura de comunidades arbóreas de uma floresta amazônica de Terra Firme aplicada ao manejo florestal Analysis of the structure of tree communities of a amazonian forest applied to management

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    João Carlos Zenaide Oliveira Alves


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar e descrever a estrutura das comunidades arbóreas de uma floresta de terra firme sob regime de manejo na Amazônia Oriental, localizada no município de Almeirim, Pará, Brasil. O levantamento florístico foi realizado em 1.400,30 ha de uma Unidade de Produção Anual (UPA, do Plano de Manejo Florestal da empresa ORSA Florestal. Todos os indivíduos com DAP > 30 cm foram inventariados, registrando-se 77.834 árvores distribuídas em 57 famílias, 229 gêneros e 556 espécies. Oito comunidades foram identificadas por meio de uma analise de agrupamento, apresentando alta diversidade e equibilidade florística (H" médio = 4,25 e J" médio = 0,75. As comunidades apresentaram 138 espécies comuns, 119 espécies de ocorrência exclusiva e 377 espécies raras, representadas por apenas um indivíduo. As espécies que mais se destacaram foram: Dinizia excelsa, Vouacapoua americana, Goupia glabra, Mouriri brachyanthera, Parinari excelsa, Manilkara bidentada, Tachigalia mymecophyla e Licania micrantha. Algumas espécies de valor comercial apresentaram variações importantes na densidade, sugerindo risco de extinção em comunidades onde as espécies apresentam densidade muito baixa. Sugerimos que os planos de manejo considerem as várias comunidades ecológicas encontradas nas UPAs evitando assim variações significativas, causadas pela exploração e seus impactos, na composição florística e estrutura das comunidades existentes.To demonstrate the importance of the ecological concept for forest management, the object of this work was to identify and describe the structure of tree communities of a tropical forest under management in the Eastern Amazonia, located in Almeirim municipality, in the state of Pará, Brazil. The floristic survey was undertaken in a terra-firme tropical forest of 1,400.30 hectares. All individuals with DBH > 30 cm were inventoried, registering 77,834 trees distributed in 57

  15. Familia - Escuela - Comunidad: pilares para la inclusión

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    Rafael Bell Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En el artículo se aborda, desde la perspectiva del enfoque histórico-cultural, la necesidad del establecimiento de una sólida relación familia-escuela-comunidad a fin de asegurar su decisiva contribución para el logro del real acceso de las personas con alguna discapacidad a la cultura, que se reconoce como la más prometedora vía para su desarrollo humano.

  16. Los múltiples rostros de la pobreza en una comunidad maya de la Península de Yucatán

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    Edgar Robles-Zavala


    Full Text Available El presente estudio pretende rescatar la voz de los hogares más empobrecidos y marginados de una comunidad maya en la Península de Yucatán. El enfoque analítico del estudio se basa en la Teoría de los Medios de Vida Sustentables, que identifica el conjunto de recursos o activos de los hogares, el marco institucional que determina el acceso a los mismos y el contexto de vulnerabilidad constituido por factores externos a los hogares o a la propia comunidad. Se utilizaron técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas para analizar los discursos sobre la pobreza en setenta hogares. Se concluye que la pobreza en esta comunidad ha sido generada y mantenida por una estructura institucional que ha limita-do las capacidades de la comunidad para su desarrollo. Este marco institucional está constituido por conductas de corrupción, incapacidad institucional, programas de desarrollo poco focalizados. Estos problemas podrán ser resueltos a través de políticas participativas a nivel local.

  17. Fibras, tejidos de la comunidad indígena u´wa de la Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, vigencia y transformaciones

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    Ángela Liliana Dotor Robayo


    Full Text Available Este artículo es parte del fomento, la reconstrucción y el mantenimiento del patrimonio de la identidad y la cultura de la comunidad indígena U’wa desde la universidad; muestra la actualidad, la vigencia y las transformaciones de las fibras textiles e indumentaria de la comunidad y su evolución. Teniendo en cuenta el contexto actual de las comunidades indígenas del país y la lucha diaria por mantener vivas sus identidades frente al conflicto y a la globalización que permean cada vez más la vida cotidiana, se muestra cómo con frecuencia esta confrontación termina en el abandono o cesión de sus costumbres ancestrales por unas populares. Para el desarrollo del proyecto se hizo un acercamiento y visitas al resguardo de U´wa del norte de Boyacá, se interactuó con sus integrantes y se hizo un inventario de la producción de tejidos, fibras e indumentaria de la comunidad.

  18. Chemical and physical environmental conditions underneath mat- and canopy-forming macroalgae, and their effects on understorey corals. (United States)

    Hauri, Claudine; Fabricius, Katharina E; Schaffelke, Britta; Humphrey, Craig


    Disturbed coral reefs are often dominated by dense mat- or canopy-forming assemblages of macroalgae. This study investigated how such dense macroalgal assemblages change the chemical and physical microenvironment for understorey corals, and how the altered environmental conditions affect the physiological performance of corals. Field measurements were conducted on macroalgal-dominated inshore reefs in the Great Barrier Reef in quadrats with macroalgal biomass ranging from 235 to 1029 g DW m(-2) dry weight. Underneath mat-forming assemblages, the mean concentration of dissolved oxygen was reduced by 26% and irradiance by 96% compared with conditions above the mat, while concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and soluble reactive phosphorous increased by 26% and 267%, respectively. The difference was significant but less pronounced under canopy-forming assemblages. Dissolved oxygen declined and dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity increased with increasing algal biomass underneath mat-forming but not under canopy-forming assemblages. The responses of corals to conditions similar to those found underneath algal assemblages were investigated in an aquarium experiment. Coral nubbins of the species Acropora millepora showed reduced photosynthetic yields and increased RNA/DNA ratios when exposed to conditions simulating those underneath assemblages (pre-incubating seawater with macroalgae, and shading). The magnitude of these stress responses increased with increasing proportion of pre-incubated algal water. Our study shows that mat-forming and, to a lesser extent, canopy-forming macroalgal assemblages alter the physical and chemical microenvironment sufficiently to directly and detrimentally affect the metabolism of corals, potentially impeding reef recovery from algal to coral-dominated states after disturbance. Macroalgal dominance on coral reefs therefore simultaneously represents a consequence and cause of coral reef degradation.

  19. Chemical and physical environmental conditions underneath mat- and canopy-forming macroalgae, and their effects on understorey corals.

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    Claudine Hauri


    Full Text Available Disturbed coral reefs are often dominated by dense mat- or canopy-forming assemblages of macroalgae. This study investigated how such dense macroalgal assemblages change the chemical and physical microenvironment for understorey corals, and how the altered environmental conditions affect the physiological performance of corals. Field measurements were conducted on macroalgal-dominated inshore reefs in the Great Barrier Reef in quadrats with macroalgal biomass ranging from 235 to 1029 g DW m(-2 dry weight. Underneath mat-forming assemblages, the mean concentration of dissolved oxygen was reduced by 26% and irradiance by 96% compared with conditions above the mat, while concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and soluble reactive phosphorous increased by 26% and 267%, respectively. The difference was significant but less pronounced under canopy-forming assemblages. Dissolved oxygen declined and dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity increased with increasing algal biomass underneath mat-forming but not under canopy-forming assemblages. The responses of corals to conditions similar to those found underneath algal assemblages were investigated in an aquarium experiment. Coral nubbins of the species Acropora millepora showed reduced photosynthetic yields and increased RNA/DNA ratios when exposed to conditions simulating those underneath assemblages (pre-incubating seawater with macroalgae, and shading. The magnitude of these stress responses increased with increasing proportion of pre-incubated algal water. Our study shows that mat-forming and, to a lesser extent, canopy-forming macroalgal assemblages alter the physical and chemical microenvironment sufficiently to directly and detrimentally affect the metabolism of corals, potentially impeding reef recovery from algal to coral-dominated states after disturbance. Macroalgal dominance on coral reefs therefore simultaneously represents a consequence and cause of coral reef degradation.

  20. UAS-NAS Integrated Human in the Loop: Test Environment Report (United States)

    Murphy, Jim; Otto, Neil; Jovic, Srba


    The desire and ability to fly Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) is of increasing urgency. The application of unmanned aircraft to perform national security, defense, scientific, and emergency management are driving the critical need for less restrictive access by UAS to the NAS. UAS represent a new capability that will provide a variety of services in the government (public) and commercial (civil) aviation sectors. The growth of this potential industry has not yet been realized due to the lack of a common understanding of what is required to safely operate UAS in the NAS. NASA's UAS Integration in the NAS Project is conducting research in the areas of Separation Assurance/Sense and Avoid Interoperability (SSI), Human Systems Integration (HSI), and Communication to support reducing the barriers of UAS access to the NAS. This research was broken into two research themes namely, UAS Integration and Test Infrastructure. UAS Integration focuses on airspace integration procedures and performance standards to enable UAS integration in the air transportation system, covering Sense and Avoid (SAA) performance standards, command and control performance standards, and human systems integration. The focus of the Test Infrastructure theme was to enable development and validation of airspace integration procedures and performance standards, including the execution of integrated test and evaluation. In support of the integrated test and evaluation efforts, the Project developed an adaptable, scalable, and schedulable relevant test environment incorporating live, virtual, and constructive elements capable of validating concepts and technologies for unmanned aircraft systems to safely operate in the NAS. To accomplish this task, the Project planned to conduct three integrated events: a Human-in-the-Loop simulation and two Flight Test series that integrated key concepts, technologies and/or procedures in a relevant air traffic environment. Each of


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    Simoní Saraiva Bordignon


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la percepción del padre adolescente cuanto a su interacción con el servicio de salud, escuela y comunidad. Se trata de un recorte de la investigación multicéntrica Redes Sociales de Apoyo a la Paternidad en la adolescencia, con abordaje cualitativo, exploratorio, descriptivo, realizado con 14 padres adolescentes en un hospital universitario. Las en trevistas semiestructuradas ocurrieron seis meses después del nacimiento del hijo, entre 2009 y 2010. Se utilizó análisis textual discurs iva y referencial teórico de Urie Bronfenbrenner para la construcción de tres categorías: Percepción de los padres adolescentes cuant o a su interacción con la escuela, con los servicios de salud y la comunidad. Los padres adolescentes se mostraron receptivos a los es tudios formales, presentes y participativos en los servicios de salud y comunidad. Las posibles dificultades de interacción entre los adolescentes padres y los ambientes estudiados parecen originarse de la falta de organización y preparo adecuado para el acogimiento de éstos.

  2. Microsensor Studies of Oxygen and Light-Distribution in the Green Macroalga Codium Fragile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)



    to multiple scattering in the medullary tissue. The constant intensity of visible light below 0.2 mm was thus a result of the combined effects of absorption and backscattering from the medulla. The oxygen exchange between the alga and the surrounding water was diffusion-limited with a steep O-2 gradient......Scalar irradiance, oxygen concentration, and oxygenic photosynthesis were measured at 0.1 mm spatial resolution within the tissue of the siphonous green macroalga Codium fragile subsp. tomentosoides (van Goer) Silva by fiber-optic scalar irradiance microsensors and oxygen microelectrodes......, The scalar irradiance of visible light was strongly attenuated in the outer 0.2 mm of the tissue but was nearly constant for the subsequent 1.0 mm of photosynthetic tissue. Far-red scalar irradiance at 750 nm increased below the tissue surface to a maximum of 200% of incident irradiance at 1.2 mm depth due...

  3. Hydrothermal liquefaction of Gracilaria gracilis and Cladophora glomerata macro-algae for biocrude production. (United States)

    Parsa, Mehran; Jalilzadeh, Hamoon; Pazoki, Maryam; Ghasemzadeh, Reza; Abduli, MohammadAli


    The potential of Gracilaria gracilis (G. gracilis) and Cladophora glomerata (C. glomerata) macro-algae species harvested from Caspian Sea for biocrude oil production under Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) reaction at 350 °C and 15 min has been investigated. Furthermore, the effect of using recycled aqueous phase as the HTL reaction solvent was studied. The biocrude yield for G. gracilis and C. glomerata was 15.7 and 16.9 wt%, respectively with higher heating value (HHV) of 36.01 and 33.06 MJ/kg. The sources of each existing component in bio-oil were identified by GC-MS based on their suggested reaction pathways. Moreover, after two series of aqueous solution recycling, experiments showed that the bio-oil yield significantly increased compared with the initial condition. This increasing directly relates with recovery of carbon content from the aqueous solution residue. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  4. Herramientas digitales de trabajo colaborativo para comunidades de práctica


    Rodera Bermúdez, Ana María


    Manual recopilatorio de servicios de la web 2.0 susceptibles de ser utilizados en comunidades de práctica. Manual recopilatori de serveis de la web 2.0 susceptibles de ser utilitzats en comunitats de pràctica. Manual compilation of web 2.0 services that can be used in communities of practice.

  5. Diversity and abundance of the bacterial community of the red Macroalga Porphyra umbilicalis: did bacterial farmers produce macroalgae?

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    Lilibeth N Miranda

    Full Text Available Macroalgae harbor microbial communities whose bacterial biodiversity remains largely uncharacterized. The goals of this study were 1 to examine the composition of the bacterial community associated with Porphyra umbilicalis Kützing from Schoodic Point, ME, 2 determine whether there are seasonal trends in species diversity but a core group of bacteria that are always present, and 3 to determine how the microbial community associated with a laboratory strain ( established in the presence of antibiotics has changed. P. umbilicalis blades (n = 5, fall 2010; n = 5, winter 2011; n = 2, clonal were analyzed by pyrosequencing over two variable regions of the 16 S rDNA (V5-V6 and V8; 147,880 total reads. The bacterial taxa present were classified at an 80% confidence threshold into eight phyla (Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Planctomycetes, Chloroflexi, Actinobacteria, Deinococcus-Thermus, Firmicutes, and the candidate division TM7. The Bacteroidetes comprised the majority of bacterial sequences on both field and lab blades, but the Proteobacteria (Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria were also abundant. Sphingobacteria (Bacteroidetes and Flavobacteria (Bacteroidetes had inverse abundances on natural versus blades. Bacterial communities were richer and more diverse on blades sampled in fall compared to winter. Significant differences were observed between microbial communities among all three groups of blades examined. Only two OTUs were found on all 12 blades, and only one of these, belonging to the Saprospiraceae (Bacteroidetes, was abundant. Lewinella (as 66 OTUs was found on all field blades and was the most abundant genus. Bacteria from the Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes that are known to digest the galactan sulfates of red algal cell walls were well-represented. Some of these taxa likely provide essential morphogenetic and beneficial nutritive factors to P. umbilicalis and may have had

  6. À espera da seca que vem: capacidade adaptativa em comunidades rurais do semiárido


    Mancal, Ansu; Lima, Patrícia Verônica Pinheiro Sales; Khan, Ahmad Saeed; Mayorga, Maria Irles de Oliveira


    Este artigo avalia a disponibilidade de recursos necessários para criação de capacidade adaptativa em comunidades rurais do semiárido brasileiro. A pesquisa utiliza dados primários obtidos por meio de aplicação de questionários. Dada a grande extensão geográfica da região, adota-se como recorte uma amostra de comunidades rurais inseridas em áreas susceptíveis à desertificação no Estado do Ceará. A discussão é feita a partir de um sistema de indicadores definido por meio de consultas a especia...


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    Luis Enrique Pincheira Muñoz


    Full Text Available La presente reflexión, pretende considerar la acción vigente de la radio comunitaria como un espacio educativo no formal en el acontecer de la comunidad la que no se refleja en la oferta programática de la radioemisora de tipo comercial. El gran desafío del medio de comunicación radial del siglo XXI es lograr captar la necesidad del auditor para ser un receptor activo, para que de esta forma sienta que este medio comunicativo es una opción válida donde se considera su opinión como un integrante de la comunidad. Datos de la Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones, en Chile existen hoy día 370 radios de mínima cobertura, conocidas como radio “comunal” o “comunitaria”, apelando al espíritu y objetivo que las convoca para estar en el aire y servir a una población específica. Hay muchos ejemplos de radios comunitarias, en nuestro país, que hacen loable el intento por dar un cariz humanizador a la comunicación radial para cumplir el rol participativo, educativo y social.

  8. Barreras y oportunidades para el desarrollo de comunidades energéticas sostenibles en España. Estudio comparativo con Estados Unidos y Alemania


    Romero Rubio, María del Carmen


    Las comunidades energéticas sostenibles son organizaciones en las que sus miembros se implican fuertemente para gestionar su propia energía, generarla con la máxima eficiencia y utilizar fuentes renovables. Estas comunidades aprovechan, en la medida de lo posible, los recursos locales de que disponen (energía solar, eólica, biomasa, etc.), con el fin de aumentar su autonomía y disminuir la dependencia de suministros externos. Dentro de un sistema de generación distribuida, las comunidades...

  9. Saga Cigana: narrativas (auto biográficas intergeracionais na comunidade do bairro Sumaré no município de Sobral-CE

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    Liana Liberato Lopes Carlos


    Full Text Available Quem são, como vivem, o que pensam os integrantes de várias gerações ciganas? O que sabemos sobre eles são transmitidos por eles mesmos ou pelo filtro do preconceito, da discriminação e do estigma? Em que medida o diálogo intercultural permeia a visão que a sociedade tem da comunidade cigana? Este artigo descreve e analisa três narrativas autobiográficas intergeracionais ciganas compostas por uma família organizada em pai, filha e tio, que serão denominados de: SOL, LUA e ESTRELA, respectivamente. A comunidade cigana em estudo está situada no Bairro Sumaré, no município de Sobral, no Ceará. As narrativas orais foram coletadas em forma de entrevistas semiestruturadas. O principal resultado da pesquisa nos revela que a comunidade cigana ainda vive envolta no preconceito, na estigmatização. Percebemos, na pesquisa que, a comunidade faz sua história para enfrentar as situações de estigma e exclusão sócio-cultural, com atitudes de resistências, mantendo seus costumes e jeito de ser. Por fim, compreendemos que ouvir a comunidade cigana, suas vozes, para servirmos como amplificadores de suas resistências, possibilita manter e recuperar suas identidades culturais, no que diz respeito às suas origens.


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    Sheira Nanety Thomas Henríquez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la vulnerabilidad global ante el cambio climático y se definieron líneas de acción de adaptación y mitigación a corto, mediano y largo plazo en once comunidades indígenas y afrodescendientes del municipio Laguna de Perlas, RAAS, Nicaragua. Por medio de la caracterización socioeconómica y biofísica de las once comunidades, validación y análisis de variables e indicadores de vulnerabilidad global ante el cambio climático, identificándose el estado de ocho ángulos de vulnerabilidad global en cada comunidad. La validación y análisis de variables demuestra una percepción comunal de los líderes de las once comunidades y alcance institucional que requiere un cambio de paradigma para enfrentar el cambio climático, revelando además que las once comunidades presentaron una vulnerabilidad global media (47.1%, que sitúa a todos los tipos de vulnerabilidad en esta condición a excepción de la vulnerabilidad ideológico-cultural. Las comunidades con mayores vulnerabilidades son: La Fe (56.9%, Raití Pura (50.3% y San Vicente (49.9%. Se proponen algunas acciones de adaptación y mitigación a corto, mediano y largo plazo, las cuales requerirán la participación comunitaria e institucional a nivel municipal, regional y nacional para reducir las vulnerabilidades ante el cambio climático.SummaryWe assessed the global vulnerability to climate change and defined lines of action for adaptation and mitigation in the short, medium and long term in eleven Indigenous and Afrodescendant communities of the Pearl Lagoon municipality, RAAS, Nicaragua. Through the socioeconomic and biophysics characterization of the eleven communities, validation and analysis of variables and indicators of global vulnerability to climate change, it was possible to identify the status of eight angles of global vulnerability in each community. The validation and analysis of variables shows a community perception of the leaders of the eleven communities and


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    Francisco Coelho Mendes


    Full Text Available Visando minimizar os impactos socioambientais, socioculturais e econômicos, surgiu o turismo sustentável. Portanto, este estudo tem por objetivo caracterizar como a Associação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Comunidade de Chã de Jardim (ADESCO, em Areia na Paraíba, desenvolve o turismo, e quais as ações e os incentivos que a associação mantém para perpetuar a prática da sustentabilidade na comunidade. A metodologia adotada é do tipo pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, de caráter exploratório, com base no levantamento bibliográfico, consulta documental e pesquisa de campo (visita técnica e entrevista. Os resultados mostram que a ADESCO, através de ações, estratégias e projetos, ajuda desenvolver o turismo criativo, responsável e sustentável, pensando-se no bem-estar das pessoas, no bem receber o turista, e na sustentabilidade do meio ambiente e dos recursos naturais.

  12. Historiar las comunidades a partir de la memoria de los colectivos

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    Arlene Urdaneta Quintero


    Full Text Available La construcción y aprendizaje del conocimiento desde diferentes disciplinas requiere la comprensión del co ntexto histórico de aquellos espacios sociales en los cuales está inserto el individuo. Necesidad que responde a las demandas de la sociedad contemporánea y a las modalidades que se introducen en el proceso de aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales al enfren tar los cambios introducidos por la globalización. Se pretende considerar los derroteros metodológicos para abordar e interpretar la historia desde los registros más recientes y significativos de la comunidad, de la vida cotidiana y de la memoria colectiva para conocer desde la identidad del ciudadano popular caribeño a la sociedad contemporánea y los problemas que enfrenta. De este modo se comprenden las transformaciones de las comunidades rurales y urbanas, en la mediana y larga duración, a partir de las experiencias colectivas entendidas en el contexto local, regional, nacional y mundial.

  13. Competencia de los Integrantes de una Comunidad de Práctica-Edición Única


    América Martínez Sánchez


    El capital humano, uno de los más importantes activos de la sociedad de conocimiento se concreta en la forma de comunidades de práctica (CoP). Los integrantes de la CoP realizan una función de conocimiento y sus competencias son factor determinante en la generación y adquisición, transferencia y uso de conocimiento. El foco de indagación en esta investigación, es: �Cuáles son las competencias que despliegan los miembros de una comunidad de práctica y qué relación tienen con el ...

  14. Evaluación de los patrones alimentarios y la nutrición en cuatro comunidades rurales


    Aguirre-Arenas Judith; Escobar-Pérez Margarita; Chávez-Villasana Adolfo


    Objetivo. Estudiar el efecto del cambio agrícola y del subsecuente cambio social sobre la situación nutricional en cuatro comunidades de diferentes regiones y climas de México, las que desde el inicio de los años setenta cambiaron la agricultura tradicional de maíz por el cultivo comercial de sorgo. Material y métodos. Se volvió a aplicar una encuesta dietética y nutricional (1996) para evaluar el cambio en hábitos de consumo y el estado de nutrición de los niños de cuatro comunidades que hab...


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    Flávia Slompo Pinto


    Full Text Available Resenha do livro CARRANZA, Brenda; MARIZ, Cecília; CAMURÇA, Marcelo (organizadores. Novas Comunidades Católicas: em busca do espaço pós-moderno. Aparecida, SP: Idéias e Letras, 2009, 288pp. ISBN: 978-85-7698-034-6.

  16. Né pour être esclave: migration transnationale des bergers d'une comunidad andine

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nuijten, M.C.M.; Lorenzo, D.


    This article discusses the transnational migration of Peruvian shepherds from the central Andes to ranches on the west coast of the United States. On the basis of ethnographic research in the comunidad campesina (peasant community) of Usibamba, we delve into the consequences of this long-term

  17. La construcción ciudadana como nueva forma de poder (interrelación social con énfasis holístico para las comunidades

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    David Mieles


    Full Text Available La construcción ciudadana como nueva forma de poder (interrelación social con énfasis holístico para las comunidades, viene a constituirse en una verdadera forma de participación ciudadana; ya que al desarrollar en los habitantes de las comunidades el verdadero significado de ciudadano(a, transmitiendo y explicando cuáles son los deberes y obligaciones que como ciudadanos debemos demandar y cumplir, se fomenta el empoderamiento de esa comunidad en las decisiones importantes que se tomen para beneficio o perjuicio de la misma.


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    Carolina Blanco Alvarado


    Full Text Available El Acuerdo de Cartagena ha sido considerado como el cimiento de la “construcción inte - gracionista” de los países andinos, el cual puede seguir adelante si se adopta una visión finalmente integradora. En el presente artículo se pretende analizar el proceso andino de integración desde la faceta política y jurídica, teniendo en cuenta que la producción académica de la Comunidad Andina se ha limitado a la perspectiva económica. Los avances investigativos en dichas facetas se fundamentan, principalmente, en el análisis de la legitimidad de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN, y en la necesidad de contextualizar a los estados andinos frente a la nueva realidad mundial en aspectos que superan el ámbito económico.

  19. Os significados do uso de álcool entre jovens quilombolas

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    Roseane Amorim da Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo buscou investigar os significados do uso de álcool entre os jovens de duas comunidades quilombolas, Castainho e Estivas, localizadas em Garanhuns/PE. A pesquisa é qualitativa e foi desenvolvida em dois momentos. No primeiro realizamos observação participante nas comunidades, em seguida entrevistas semiestruturadas com homens e mulheres jovens. Os dados foram analisados com base na Interseccionalidade de gênero, classe social e raça/ etnia. Os jovens fazem uso de álcool em diferentes momentos e com diversas finalidades: enfrentar situações difíceis, lidar com estados emocionais desagradáveis, se divertirem, socializarem com os amigos e outras. Ressaltamos os efeitos dos marcadores sociais, gênero, classe e raça/etnia nas vivências dos jovens que repercutem no uso de álcool e a importância de considerar esses fatores nas práticas de prevenção e promoção de saúde na busca de contribuir a qualidade de vida da juventude.

  20. Comunidades de briófitos reofílicos en un caño de montaña, en San Francisco, Cundinamarca, Colombia

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    Linares Castillo Edgar Leonardo


    Full Text Available The rheophilic bryophyte vegetation of a montan e stream between 2450-2650 m alt, near San Francisco, in the northwest of Cundinamarca, on the western slope of the Colombian Cordillera Oriental, was studied following the Zürich-Montpellier approach. Recognized were: 1 community of Thamnobryum fasciculatum and Monoelea gottschei. under foresto and 2 community of Brachythecium plumosum and Platyhypnidium aquaticum. outside the forest. The structure, floristic composition and ecological aspects were considered.Se estudió la vegetación de briófitos reofílicos en un caño de montaña, en el gradiente altitudinal entre 2450 y 2650 m. Se hallaron dos comunidades: una comunidad de Thamnobryum fasciculatum y Monoelea gottschei propia del interior del bosque y otra comunidad de Brachythecium plumosum y Platyhypnidium aquaticum de los potreros. Se registró la estructura, composición florística, los rasgos ecológicos y la distribución de las comunidades.


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    Daniele Maria Vieira do Nascimento


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é colaborar com o tema da aprendizagem organizacional, mais especificamente com a temática dos processos de aprendizagem existentes nas organizações e a mudança estratégica das mesmas. A pesquisa se propôs a entender qual a relação entre os processos de aprendizagem organizacional e a mudança estratégica, de acordo com os conceitos da teoria da aprendizagem situada e da teoria da aprendizagem pela experiência e reflexiva. A teoria da aprendizagem situada entende a aprendizagem como uma atividade situada em um dado contexto sociocultural. Os principais conceitos relacionados a essa teoria são o de participação periférica legítima e de comunidades de prática. A teoria da aprendizagem pela experiência é descrita como um processo contínuo de reorganização e reconstrução da experiência. Enquanto que a aprendizagem reflexiva envolve o acesso e o reacesso a suposições, e é tida como um processo ativo de reconhecimento e (reinterpretação de uma experiência, previamente apreendida, em um novo contexto. A maioria das definições de aprendizagem inclui conceitos de mudança e a relação com a aprendizagem existe porque a mudança estratégica é direcionada para criar um novo tipo de alinhamento entre as práticas básicas da empresa e as (novas características do ambiente. Contudo, verificou-se que ainda há pouco consenso sobre a relação entre o tema da aprendizagem e o da mudança nas organizações. Viu-se que tanto a aprendizagem organizacional pode contribuir para mudanças estratégicas incrementais nas organizações, como também mudanças radicais podem levar a empresa a repensar suas práticas e, conseqüentemente, aprender com elas.

  2. Foraminíferos epibióticos en la comunidad Sesil de las raíces de mangle

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    Losada Muñoz Diego


    Full Text Available Se presenta la composición específica de la biocenosis de foraminíferos epibióticos sobre la comunidad de las raíces de mangle rojo (Rhizophora mangle. Tal biocenosis se encuentra dominada por Planorbulina mediterranensis.  Sobre la base de las observaciones realizadas, se plantea un modelo hipotético en el cual la eficiencia de conversión de energía y superación de la competencia por espacio, por parte de los componentes de la comunidad sésil, explican su estructura.

  3. Comunidades em redes sociais na internet: um estudo de caso dos fotologs brasileiros | Communities in Social Networks on the internet: a case study of Brazilian photologs

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    Raquel Recuero


    Full Text Available Resumo Redes sociais online são grupos de atores que se constituem através da interação mediada pelo computador. Essas interações são capazes de estabelecer novas formas sociais de grupos e comunidades. Através da discussão de diversos conceitos de comunidade e comunidade virtual, propõe-se o estudo das comunidades virtuais como uma forma de rede social. Esse debate teórico é discutido então no campo de estudo constituído pelo Fotolog, durante os anos de 2005 e 2006. O fotolog é um sistema que permite aos usuários a publicação de fotografias, textos e comentários. Dos dados coletados através de formas qualitativas e quantitativas, propomos uma tipologia para as comunidades virtuais baseada em sua estrutura (a rede em si e sua composição (tipos de laços sociais e capital social. Esses tipos são definidos como comunidades virtuais emergentes, comunidades virtuais de associação e comunidades virtuais híbridas. Palavras-chave redes sociais, comunidades virtuais, fotolog. Abstract Online social networks are groups of actors formed by computer-mediated social interaction. These interactions are capable of establishing new social forms of groups and communities. Based on a discussion over several concepts of community and virtual community we propose the virtual community as a specific form of online social network. This theoretical debate is brought to the field studying the system named Fotolog during 2005 and 2006. Fotolog ( is a web service that allows for its users to post photographs or images with an associated text and other users may comment on each other’s posts. From the collected data, we propose a typology for communities found in these networks, based on their structure (network and composition (social ties and social capital. We define three types of communities as associative virtual communities, emergent virtual communities and hybrid virtual communities. Keywords social networks, virtual

  4. À espera da seca que vem: capacidade adaptativa em comunidades rurais do semiárido

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    Ansu Mancal

    Full Text Available Este artigo avalia a disponibilidade de recursos necessários para criação de capacidade adaptativa em comunidades rurais do semiárido brasileiro. A pesquisa utiliza dados primários obtidos por meio de aplicação de questionários. Dada a grande extensão geográfica da região, adota-se como recorte uma amostra de comunidades rurais inseridas em áreas susceptíveis à desertificação no Estado do Ceará. A discussão é feita a partir de um sistema de indicadores definido por meio de consultas a especialistas (método Delphi e subdividido em quatro dimensões da capacidade adaptativa: capital social, capital econômico, capital humano e capital natural, pressupondo que a capacidade adaptativa é definida pela disponibilidade de um conjunto de recursos capazes de promover o bem-estar local. A análise da distribuição dos indicadores selecionados mostra que as comunidades possuem baixos níveis de recursos necessários para adaptação, sendo que os pontos mais críticos são destacados na dimensão de capital humano. No contexto observado acredita-se que as ações governamentais que poderiam melhorar a capacidade adaptativa das comunidades rurais do semiárido em relação às secas não encontram ambiente social propício para expressarem seu potencial, sendo o maior desafio a adoção de estratégias integradas de educação e capacitação da população que atuem de forma transversal em todas as políticas voltadas para o desenvolvimento local.

  5. Ambientes de aprendizaje y proyectos escolares con la comunidad

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    Pablo Carranza


    Full Text Available La investigación propende a contribuir con posibilidades de trabajo de una matemática escolar que trascienda los compartimentos estancos de contenidos, las formas mecanizadas de aprehensión y las desvinculaciones con el contexto socio-cultural de los estudiantes. Sienta sus bases en los fundamentos de la Educación Matemática Crítica, particularmente en lo que concierne a ambientes de aprendizaje. El interés está puesto en explorar las potencialidades de proyectos interdisciplinarios como generadores de sentido para los conocimientos escolares. En este caso esto se realiza en el marco de acciones que vinculan a la universidad con la comunidad. En particular, a través de la elaboración de un molino para una pobladora rural (proyecto concluido así como de un secadero solar para una escuela rural (proyecto en ejecución, estando involucrados estudiantes de niveles no universitarios (terciario en el primer caso y secundario en el segundo en ambas acciones. Entre las principales contribuciones de este tipo de trabajo se resalta la “resignificación” de los aprendizajes escolares y del propio sistema escolar por parte de todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa. También se procura identificar fortalezas y debilidades de la experiencia a efectos de elaborar lineamientos para futuros proyectos interdisciplinarios.

  6. Health-promoting ingredients from four selected Azorean macroalgae. (United States)

    Paiva, Lisete; Lima, Elisabete; Neto, Ana Isabel; Marcone, Massimo; Baptista, José


    This study presents, for the first time, the nutritional and health promoting aspects of four selected Azorean macroalgae (Ulva compressa, Ulva rigida, Gelidium microdon and Pterocladiella capillacea) in terms of total lipids, fatty acids (FA) profile, n6/n3 and hypocholesterolemic (h)/hypercholesterolemic (H) FA ratios, minerals, total essential amino acids (AA), anti-ageing and anti-phenylketonuria AA content, coenzyme Q 10 , α-tocopherol, total phenolics, antioxidant properties and energy value, on a dry weight basis. The results revealed low lipid content (1.02-4.32%) but significant PUFA content (29.57-69.22% of total FA), suitable FA ratios (0.48-9.49 for n6/n3 and 1.26-4.22 for h/H), balanced macromineral ratios (0.27-1.91 for Na/K and 0.15-1.07 for Ca/Mg), appreciable amount of essential AA (45.27-58.13% of total AA), high amount of anti-ageing AA, low Phe content, coenzyme Q 10 (1.25-8.27μg/g), α-tocopherol (2.61-9.14mg/100g), high total phenolic content (27.70-55.07mg of gallic acid equivalents/g extract), significant free radical scavenging activity (29.32-47.73%) and valuable energy content (6.80-9.80kJ/g). A regular consumption of these algae either directly or through food supplements may improve human health or may have a protective effect on some diseases and ageing process. They can also be used for producing pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals with potential economic value. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  7. Cadmium, copper and lead in macroalgae from the Veracruz Reef System, Gulf of Mexico: Spatial distribution and rainy season variability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horta-Puga, Guillermo; Cházaro-Olvera, Sergio; Winfield, Ignacio; Avila-Romero, Marisol; Moreno-Ramírez, Margarita


    Highlights: ► Cd, Cu, and Pb were determined in macroalgae from Veracruz Reefs, Gulf of Mexico. ► Mean concentrations were lower or similar to those from other coastal areas. ► Cd and Pb levels are controlled by fluvial discharge. ► Sediment scavenging also controls environmental trace metal levels. ► Pb environmental concentrations have been decreasing in the lasts two decades. -- Abstract: This study focused on the spatial distribution of trace metals in the Veracruz Reef System in the Southern Gulf of Mexico, and its variability in the early (July) and late (September) rainy season of 2008, by analyzing the concentration of Cd, Cu and Pb in benthic macroalgae. Mean concentrations are lower (Pb 295 ± 347 ng g −1 , Cd 17.9 ± 15.0 ng g −1 ), or similar (Cu 3.4 ± 4.5 μg g −1 ) to those reported from other coastal areas. Cd and Pb concentrations are influenced by the discharge of the Jamapa River, evidencing a fluvial control on coastal trace metal levels. Also, Cd and Cu concentrations were lower in the late rainy season, when there is a high load of suspended sediments derived from fluvial discharge, which probably adsorb dissolved metals decreasing their bioavailability. Pb concentrations have been decreasing in the last two decades in the SGM, after the banning of leaded-gasoline in the late 20th century

  8. El “consentimiento” negociado entre dos comunidades mineras mexicanas y las trasnacionales Goldcorp y Ternium

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    Blanca Ruth Santos Cordero


    Full Text Available En este artículo se busca reconstruir la dinámica de la relación entre empresas trasnacionales y comunidades rurales mexicanas, a partir de dos estudios de caso: la minera canadiense Goldcorp, en Mazapil, Zacatecas, y la italo-argentina Ternium, en San Miguel Arcángel, en Aquila, Michoacán. La hipótesis sostiene que la racionalidad de la máxima ganancia y el cálculo del riesgo están presentes en las negociaciones entabladas entre las comunidades campesinas y las corporaciones. Y, si bien en ellas se ha establecido una hegemonía de la racionalidad económica capitalista, el consentimiento ha sido activo y negociado.

  9. Kohlberg e a "Comunidade Justa": promovendo o senso ético e a cidadania na escola

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    Biaggio Angela Maria Brasil


    Full Text Available Este trabalho descreve a técnica de educação moral intitulada "comunidade justa", proposta por Kohlberg e seus colaboradores da Universidade de Harvard, e que tem fundamento na teoria de julgamento moral do mesmo autor. Partindo da técnica anteriormente proposta, de discussão de dilemas hipotéticos em grupo, resume as observações feitas em programa do tipo "comunidade justa", realizado em cidade do meio-oeste americano e apresenta uma análise estatística em que se verifica o aumento dos escores de maturidade moral de alunos participantes do programa. Discute-se também a aplicação desses programas para o contexto brasileiro.

  10. Hipersensibilidade a fungos em crianças asmáticas de uma comunidade do Recife, Pernambuco Hypersensitivity to molds in asthmatic children from a community of Recife, Pernambuco

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    Ana Carla de Albuquerque Osório


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: identificar a sensibilização a testes cutâneos de hipersensibilidade imediata para fungos em crianças asmáticas, residentes em comunidade urbana de baixa renda. MÉTODOS: no período de março de 1997 a junho de 1998 foram avaliadas 13 crianças com mais de três episódios de dispnéia nos últimos 12 meses, selecionadas a partir de um estudo transversal, em que todos os 123 escolares de 6 a 10 anos residentes na comunidade responderam ao questionário International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Nas 13 crianças com asma em atividade, foram aplicados testes cutâneos de hipersensibilidade imediata para avaliar resposta a seis extratos fúngicos padronizados: Aspergillus mix, Penicillium mix, Hormodendrum cladosporidiodes, Alternaria tenius, Helminthosporium interseninatum e Mold mix. RESULTADOS: dentre as 13 crianças analisadas, 12 apresentaram sensibilididade a pelo menos um dos fungos testados (12/13, cujos extratos com maior frequência de positividade foram: Aspergillus mix (7/13, Penicillium mix (6/13 e Hormodendrum cladosporidiodes (5/13. CONCLUSÕES: a freqüência elevada de hipersensibilidade aos extratos de fungos nas crianças avaliadas sugere a necessidade de estudos analíticos observacionais para esclarecer uma possível associação causal entre fungos e asma.OBJECTIVES: to identify prick test hypersensitivity to molds in asthmatic school children in a low-income urban community. METHODS: thirteen children who had more than three asthma attacks in the last 12 months from March'1997 to June'1998 were evaluated. These children were selected from a previous cross-sectional survey studying 123 children from 6 to 10 years old residing at the low-income urban community of Campo do Banco-Várzea, Recife, Pernambuco. The 123 children were tested by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood survey to determine asthma. The 13 asthmatic children selected were evaluated with the prick test

  11. Ecophysiology of Antarctic macroalgae: effects of environmental light conditions on photosynthetic metabolism Ecofisiología de macroalgas marinas antárticas: efectos de las condiciones de luz sobre el metabolismo fotosintético

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    I. GÓMEZ


    Full Text Available Daylength is the major environmental factor affecting the seasonal photosynthetic performance of Antarctic macroalgae. For example, the "season anticipation" strategy of large brown algae such as Ascoseira mirabilis and Desmarestia menziesii are based on the ability of their photosynthetic apparatus to make use of the available irradiance at increasing daylengths in late winter-spring. The seasonal development and allocation of biomass along the lamina of A. mirabilis are related to a differential physiological activity in the plant. Thus, intra-thallus differentiation in O2-based photosynthesis and carbon fixation represents a morpho-functional adaptation that optimizes conversion of radiant energy to primary productivity. In Desmarestia menziesii, reproductive phases show different photosynthetic characteristics. Small gametophytes and early stages of sporophytes, by virtue of their fine morphology, have a high content of pigments per weight unit, a high photosynthetic efficiency, very low light requirements for photosynthesis, and they are better suited to dim light conditions than adult sporophytes. This strategy ensures the completion of the life-cycle under seasonally changing light conditions. Low light requirements for growing and photosynthesizing are developed to cope with Antarctic seasonality and constitute adaptations to expand depth zonation of macroalgae. No differences in net Pmax and photosynthetic efficiency (a among algae growing at depths between 10 and 30 m, suggest a low potential for photoacclimation enabling algae to grow over a wide range of prevailing light conditions. However, shortenings in the daily period during which plants are exposed to saturation irradiances for photosynthesis (Hsat and low carbon balance (daily P/R ratios at depths close to or larger than 30 m negatively affect primary productivity. In general, photosynthetic rates of Antarctic macroalgae at 0 °C are comparable to those measured in species

  12. Consideraciones éticas para la realización de investigaciones en comunidades nativas de la selva amazónica del Perú

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    Duilio Fuentes D


    Full Text Available El progreso de la medicina se ha debido al desarrollo de investigaciones, en ese contexto, conciente o inconcientemente algunos investigadores en su afán de responder a sus inquietudes han atropellado los intereses del ser humano, dando origen a documentos internacionales de ética en investigación. En todos estos casos éticamente escandalosos y controversiales, los participantes involucrados fueron personas vulnerables. Dentro de ellos se puede incluir a las minorías étnicas comprendidas por las llamadas comunidades indígenas, nativas o aborígenes, que son numerosas tanto en la región andina como en la selva amazónica de nuestro país. Ante esta realidad, para realizar una investigación que tenga validez científica y ética debemos tratar de responder las siguientes preguntas: ¿es ético investigar en una comunidad nativa problemas que no son prevalentes o no son beneficiosos para ellos? ¿qué riesgos puede haber al investigar en una comunidad indígena? ¿cómo debe formularse el proceso de consentimiento informado? ¿a quién se le pide el consentimiento? ¿qué beneficios durante y después de la investigación deberían tener estas comunidades nativas? ¿es ético aprovechar las muestras biológicas de una investigación en una comunidad nativa para poder investigar otros problemas que no estaban estipulados en el consentimiento informado del estudio original? ¿debería crearse una guía normativa de investigación ética en estas comunidades?

  13. Levels of some Trace Metals in Macroalgae from the Red Sea in Egypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aboul-Naga, Wafiqa Mohamed


    The concentrations of iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), Copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and cobalt (Co) in ten macroalgae species from the Red Sea coastal water varied widely and also the trend of abundance of each metal also differed from one group to another. Concentration factors varied among species for iron (Fe) copper (Cu) manganese (Mn), but with iron (Fe) showing generally high concentration factors. Highly significant (P<0.05) relationships were found between manganese (Mn) and Nickel (Ni), and, Zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu). Moreover, moderate correlations were observed between manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) and chromium (Cr), indicating that manganese (Mn) is the most accumulated metal in the macro algae of the Red Sea. In spite of the level of trace metals in the macro algae of the Red Sea. In spite of the level of trace metals in the macro algae, dominance is moderate relative to other sea areas subjected to intensive pollution. That is, the results indicated a nonpolluted environment. (author)

  14. Low temperature grown GaNAsSb: A promising material for photoconductive switch application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tan, K. H.; Yoon, S. F.; Wicaksono, S.; Loke, W. K.; Li, D. S. [School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore); Saadsaoud, N.; Tripon-Canseliet, C. [Laboratoire d' Electronique et Electromagnétisme, Pierre and Marie Curie University, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris (France); Lampin, J. F.; Decoster, D. [Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), UMR CNRS 8520, Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, BP 60069, 59652 Villeneuve d' Ascq Cedex (France); Chazelas, J. [Thales Airborne Systems, 2 Avenue Gay Lussac, 78852 Elancourt (France)


    We report a photoconductive switch using low temperature grown GaNAsSb as the active material. The GaNAsSb layer was grown at 200 °C by molecular beam epitaxy in conjunction with a radio frequency plasma-assisted nitrogen source and a valved antimony cracker source. The low temperature growth of the GaNAsSb layer increased the dark resistivity of the switch and shortened the carrier lifetime. The switch exhibited a dark resistivity of 10{sup 7} Ω cm, a photo-absorption of up to 2.1 μm, and a carrier lifetime of ∼1.3 ps. These results strongly support the suitability of low temperature grown GaNAsSb in the photoconductive switch application.

  15. UAS Integration in the NAS: Detect and Avoid (United States)

    Shively, Jay


    This presentation will cover the structure of the unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) integration into the national airspace system (NAS) project (UAS-NAS Project). The talk also details the motivation of the project to help develop standards for a detect-and-avoid (DAA) system, which is required in order to comply with requirements in manned aviation to see-and-avoid other traffic so as to maintain well clear. The presentation covers accomplishments reached by the project in Phase 1 of the research, and touches on the work to be done in Phase 2. The discussion ends with examples of the display work developed as a result of the Phase 1 research.

  16. [Use of macroalgae for the evaluation of organic pollution in the Preto river, northwest of São Paulo State]. (United States)

    Necchi Júnior, O; Branco, H Z; Dip, M R


    The Preto River, located in the northwest of São Paulo State, receives a total wastewater load of 15.150 kg DBO day-1, from which 13.685 kg DBO day-1 (90.5%) corresponds to domestic sewage, and the city of São José do Rio Preto contributes with 12.400 kg DBO day-1 (90% of domestic sewage). During the period from August 1990 through January 1991, monthly sampling was carried out to evaluate the use of macroalgae as bioindicator of organic pollution. Five sampling sites were established along the main river and the following variables were analised: temperature, conductance, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD, total and fecal coliforms, and composition and abundance of macroalgal communities. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, correlation coefficient, cluster analysis (four different approaches) and converted to biological indices (species deficit, relative pollution, saprobity, diversity and uniformity indices). A wide range in water quality was found (particularly for conductance, oxygen, BOD and COD) among the sampling sites, which were classified into three groups (polluted, moderately polluted and unpolluted/weakly polluted). As regards the occurrence and abundance of macroalgae the Rhodophyta were found only in unpolluted or weakly polluted sites, whereas Cyanophyta occurred mostly under high pollution load; the Chlorophyta species were observed under a wide range of conditions. Among the biological indices, saprobity was the most sensitive and correlated to all water variables and the other indices. Cluster analyses showed that the composition of macroalgal communities was consistent with the levels of organic pollution in the Preto River.

  17. Evaluación de los patrones alimentarios y la nutrición en cuatro comunidades rurales

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    Aguirre-Arenas Judith


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estudiar el efecto del cambio agrícola y del subsecuente cambio social sobre la situación nutricional en cuatro comunidades de diferentes regiones y climas de México, las que desde el inicio de los años setenta cambiaron la agricultura tradicional de maíz por el cultivo comercial de sorgo. Material y métodos. Se volvió a aplicar una encuesta dietética y nutricional (1996 para evaluar el cambio en hábitos de consumo y el estado de nutrición de los niños de cuatro comunidades que habían sido estudiadas 12 años antes (1984. Resultados. La alimentación continuó diversificándose con mejor calidad proteica, el consumo de alimentos industrializados aumentó y el de maíz bajó. En promedio el estado nutricional de los niños mejoró, a pesar de que desde el punto de vista agrícola el cultivo comercial de sorgo entró en crisis y las comunidades han vuelto parcialmente a cultivar maíz, a diversificar la producción o a abandonarla migrando. Conclusiones. A pesar de, primero, haber dejado el cultivo tradicional de maíz y, después, de haber tenido problemas con el cultivo comercial de sorgo, las comunidades han seguido mejorando sus condiciones nutricionales. No obstante, dicha mejoría se debe, sobre todo, a su capacidad para llevar a la práctica estrategias de sobrevivencia, a la ayuda económica que les brinda la población que emigra y a una mejor disponibilidad alimentaria.

  18. "Sempre tivemos mulheres nos cantos e nas cordas": uma pesquisa sobre o lugar feminino nas corporações musicais

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    Mayara Pacheco Coelho


    Full Text Available O presente artigo insere-se em projeto de pesquisa-intervenção sobre a música e suas articulações identitárias nas corporações musicais da região dos Campos das Vertentes, em especial São João del-Rei e cidades vizinhas. Nessa região, a música tem papel significativo na formação da identidade cultural dos cidadãos e na história dos municípios. O recorte atual apresenta uma investigação sobre determinações de gênero, visando conhecer como se dá a participação de musicistas nas bandas e orquestras da região. Para tanto, utilizou-se a análise arqueológica do discurso, a fim de contrapor falas de musicistas às falas de músicos das corporações e, também, às falas masculinas presentes na filosofia e ao discurso utópico sobre a mulher. Observou-se que as diferenças de gênero tradicionais conservam-se encobertas no cotidiano das corporações musicais. Entretanto, observou-se também que as musicistas começam a ser reconhecidas nas corporações e, sobretudo, reconhecem-se como capazes de, nelas, alçarem voos.

  19. Screening of antimicrobial activity of macroalgae extracts from the Moroccan Atlantic coast. (United States)

    El Wahidi, M; El Amraoui, B; El Amraoui, M; Bamhaoud, T


    The aim of this work is the screening of the antimicrobial activity of seaweed extracts against pathogenic bacteria and yeasts. The antimicrobial activity of the dichloromethane and ethanol extracts of ten marine macroalgae collected from the Moroccan's Atlantic coast (El-Jadida) was tested against two Gram+ (Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus) and two Gram- (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) human pathogenic bacteria, and against two pathogenic yeasts (Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans) using the agar disk-diffusion method. Seven algae (70%) of ten seaweeds are active against at least one pathogenic microorganisms studied. Five (50%) are active against the two studied yeast with an inhibition diameter greater than 15 mm for Cystoseira brachycarpa. Six (60%) seaweeds are active against at least one studied bacteria with five (50%) algae exhibiting antibacterial inhibition diameter greater than 15 mm. Cystoseira brachycarpa, Cystoseira compressa, Fucus vesiculosus, and Gelidium sesquipedale have a better antimicrobial activity with a broad spectrum antimicrobial and are a potential source of antimicrobial compounds and can be subject of isolation of the natural antimicrobials. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  20. Estructura de la comunidad de peces en el sistema Candelaria-Panlau, Campeche, México

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    Luis Amado Ayala-Pérez


    Full Text Available Se describe el comportamiento de los parámetros de temperatura, salinidad, transparencia del agua y temperatura ambiente, y de la abundancia y diversidad de la comunidad del peces del sistema Candelaria-Panlau en escalas temporal y espacial. Los trabajos de campo se realizaron de manera mensual en cinco estaciones entre abril de 1993 y abril de 1994. La comunidad de peces quedó representada por 50 especies con 7 926 organismos y 144.7 kg de peso. Los valores de abundancia y diversidad de la comunidad fueron: 0.09 ind/m², 1.61 g/m² 18.25 g/ind, H’n = 1.879, J = 0.475 y D = 5.681. Las especies con dominio ecológico fueron: Cathorops melanopus, Diapterus rhombeus, Anchoa mitchilli, Sphoeroides testudineus, Bairdiella chrysura, B. ronchus, Cynoscion arenarius, y C. nebulosus, que en conjunto representan el 90.9 % en número y el 78.9 % en peso de la captura total. Las matrices de valores de los parámetros ambientales y de abundancia numérica de la comunidad de peces, fueron sometidas a un análisis de factores con el método de extracción de componentes principales, su representación gráfica confirma la definición de especies dominantes y demuestra que la salinidad, estación cinco y mes de febrero son los componentes que caracterizan al sistema y a la comunidad de peces.The environmental and ecological patterns of the fish community in Candelaria-Panlau system (Mexico are described. Parameters of the water temperature, salinity and transparency, and density, biomass and diversity of the fish community were analyzed. Between April 1993 and April 1994 five stations were sampled monthly. The fish community had 50 species (7 926 individuals, 144.7 kg of weight. The abundance and diversity values for the fish community were: 0.09 ind/m² ; 1.61 g/m²; 18.25 g/ind ; H'n = 1.879; J = 0.475 and D = 5.681. The species with ecological dominance were: Cathorops melanopus, Diapterus rhombeus, Anchoa mitchilli, Sphoeroides testudineus, Bairdiella