
Sample records for los andes fueguinos

  1. Palabras y silencios: la retórica del poder en los Andes

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    Full Text Available PAROLES ET SILENCES : LA RETHORIQUE DU POUVOIR DANS LES ANDES. La parole condense différents arguments et formes de pouvoir dans les sociétés andines. Le domaine social et le cadre cérémoniel appartiennent à ceux qui articulent bien les mots. La différenciation entre la valeur octroyée à la parole et celle correspondant aux silences implique diverses modalités de prestige de reconnaissance sociale et de pouvoir rituel dans les Andes. Les personnes, les vivants et les savants exercent une maîtrise subtile de la parole face aux étrangers, aux défunts et aux sots, qui demeurent socialement “muets”, silencieux. La palabra condensa diferentes argumentos y formas de poder en las sociedades andinas. El dominio social y el ámbito ceremonial pertenecen a los buenos articuladores de palabras. La diferenciación entre el valor otorgado a la palabra y el que corresponde a los silencios implica diferentes modalidades de prestigio, reconocimiento social y poder ritual en los Andes. Las personas, los vivos y los sabios ejercen un dominio exquisito de la palabra frente a los extraños, los difuntos y los “necios” que permanecen socialmente “mudos”, callados. WORDS AND SILENCES: THE RHETORIC OF POWER IN THE ANDES. Words have different meanings and means to exercise power in Andean societies. Social power and ceremonial environments belong people who are fluent in language. The difference between the value ascribed to the spoken word and that ascribed to silence implies several kinds of prestige, social recognition and ritual power in the Andes. “Ordinary”, alive and wise people exert an exquisite authority with words as compared with strange, dead and “stupid people” who remain socially 'dumb', silent.

  2. Primer registro del frutero pechinegro Pipreola lubomirskii (Aves, Cotingidae en la vertiente occidental de los Andes

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    Letty Salinas


    Full Text Available El frutero pechinegro, Pipreola lubomirskii, es un cotíngido registrado como raro y de distribución local en los Andes del Norte. Antes del presente registro sólo había sido reportado para la vertiente oriental del Perú y Ecuador, así como los Andes del sur de Colombia. El presente registro amplia su distribución a los bosques montañosos de la vertiente occidental de los Andes peruanos, habiéndose encontrado en los bosques nublados del valle del río Zaña, en el departamento de Cajamarca (6º50’-6º52’ latitud S, 79º10’-79º07’ longitud O.

  3. De Los ríos profundos a Lituma en los andes: La respuesta de Mario Vargas Llosa a José María Arguedas

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    Marie-Madeleine Gladieu


    Full Text Available La novela de Mario Vargas Llosa Lituma en los Andes1 poco tiene que ver, aparentemente, con el mundo narrativo de José María Arguedas: las nuevas aventuras de un personaje ficticio bien conocido de los lectores, presente en varias obras anteriores de aquel autor, en nada se asemejan a las del niño Ernesto ni a las de otro protagonista arguediano. Los Andes sirven de decorado para los dos relatos, pero entre la naturaleza y los pueblos que se suceden en Los ríos profundos2en toda su diversidad, y los paisajes hoscos y siempre peligrosos por los que cruza Lituma, apenas reconoce el lector aquella parte del sur peruano. Algunos detalles, sin embargo, al examinar bien el texto y el contexto de Lituma en los Andes, llaman la atención.

  4. Memoria de los Andes, memoria de la naturaleza


    Usselmann, Pierre


    Hace más de 35 años, terminando su tesis (1965), OlivierDollfus destacó la importancia de los Andes, “inmenso ysuntuoso campo”, para futuras investigaciones. En ese entonces sus estudios trataban de la geomorfología; escribía que “una de sus razones de ser es justamente este vaivén constante entre la observación de los procesos actuales y el intento de explicación, es decir el análisis de las formas heredadas” (1964). Esta preocupación, esta noción de memoria de la naturaleza, complementaria ...

  5. Finanzas de la Universidad de Los Andes

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    Rosa Aura Casal de Altuve


    Full Text Available El objetivo primario de este artículo es el de fungir de base comparativa para otros estudios de países latinoamericanos que podrían estar considerando síntomas similares en el área de la investigación contable. El punto de partida lo representa un estudio de caso de los profesores del Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad de los Andes. El artículo analiza la relación entre investigación y enseñanza y si el departamento está o no cumpliendo con sus objetivos. Un objetivo secundario consiste en la determinación de los posibles factores que han tenido una influencia significativa en el desempeño de la investigación y de la enseñanza por parte de los investigadores. Basándose en entrevistas y recolección directa de datos, se consideran las estrategias institucionales para fijar los objetivos de las actividades de investigación


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    Fernando Javier Santa Cecilia Mateos


    Full Text Available Este artículo aproxima a la realidad física de la cordillera Occidental de los Andes. Un espacio geográfico donde los caracteres geológicos relacionados con el vulcanismo adquieren una relevancia especial en la configuración del paisaje andino. Los nevados y llanuras intermedias o altiplanos, son los dos elementos que constituyen la imagen de la puna andina, un territorio situado por encima de los 4.000 metros, ámbito intermedio entre los valles húmedos o yungas y las más altas cumbres de los Andes. A la singularidad volcánica habría que añadir la relacionada con el modelado glaciar, los aspectos hidrográficos y la biogeografia en esta área. El artículo toma como ejemplo de estudio la puna de Sajama en eldepartamento de Oruro, en la frontera boliviano-chilena.Abstract. This article approaches the physical reality of the Western Cordillera of the Andes. A geographical space where characters related geological volcanism are of particular importance in shaping the landscape Andean. The intermediate plains or mountains and plateaus, are the two elements that make up the image of the Andean puna, an area located above 4,000 meters, the middle ground between Yungas wet valley and the highest peaks of the Andes. A volcanic uniqueness should add that related to glacier modeling, hydrographic aspects and biogeography in this area. The article uses the example of the highlands of Sajama study in thedepartment of Oruro in Bolivian-Chilean border.

  7. Geografía, café y prosperidad en los andes occidentales de Colombia

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    Juan Barón


    Full Text Available Compuesta por los departamentos de Antioquia, Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda y Valle del Cauca, los Andes Occidentales ha sido por mucho años una de las regiones más prósperas de Colombia. Esta prosperidad se ha traducido en condiciones de vida e infraestructura superiores a las del resto del país. El éxito y bienestar que presentan hoy en día los Andes Occidentales están estrechamente ligados a la concentración de la producción de café, que se dio allí durante gran parte del siglo XX. El arraigo del café en la región no sólo se dio debido a que la geografía ofrecía las condiciones ideales para el cultivo, sino también a las instituciones cafeteras creadas para organizar la industria del café. A pesar de esta prosperidad, el constante descenso del precio internacional del café después del rompimiento del pacto de cuotas de producción en 1989, sumado al estancamiento de la industria manufacturera en algunos departamentos de la región, han afectado las economías departamentales menos diversificadas. Es así como la región de los Andes Occidentales Colombianos presenta las tasas de desempleo más altas del país, tasas que se han visto afectadas aún más con la crisis financiera internacional a través del menor flujo de remesas que los trabajadores oriundos de la región, y residentes en el exterior envían a sus familias.

  8. Estrés y síntomas en personal de salud del Hospital Universitario de Los Andes.


    Manzanilla, María D.; Molina de González Méndez, Tivizay; Caltagirone, Raimondo; Vera , Mariflor; Torres, Adrián R.


    Editorial. ¡Ya tenemos símbolo, ícono o logotipo!. Now we have symbol, icono or logo!. Salinas, Pedro José Accidentes domésticos en ancianos. Municipio Libertador. Mérida. 1993-1996. Domestics accidents in elderly people. Libertador County of Mérida State. 1993-1996. Salinas, Pedro José Rojas Márquez, Reina Estrés y síntomas en personal de salud del Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Stress and symptoms in health staff of the Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Méri...

  9. Paleohidrología de los últimos 25000 años en los Andes bolivianos

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    Full Text Available PALÉOHYDROLOGIE DES DERNIÈRES 25 000 ANNÉES DANS LES ANDES BOLIVIENNES. Nous présentons une reconstruction climatique de haute résolution de l’Altiplano bolivien (Andes Centrales basée sur des données géomorphologiques, sédimentologiques, palynologiques et provenant de l’analyse des faunes d’ostracodes. Nous avons déterminé (1, de manière semi-quantitative, la température ainsi que (2 de façon quantitative, les variations des niveaux lacustres depuis la fin du Pléistocène (25 000 ans BP. Les principaux résultats obtenus sont les suivants: de 25 000 à 18 000 ans BP, les températures atmosphériques sont basses ainsi que les niveaux des lacs entre 18 000 et 15 000/14 000 ans BP, la présence d’une lacune de sédimentation est indicatrice d’une phase climatique sèche pendant le Tardi-Glaciaire (15 000/14 000 - 10 500, les lacs (phase Tauca et les glaciers se sont étendus de 10 500 à 8000 ans BP, les lacs et les glaciers reculent très rapidement pendant que la température globale moyenne augmente à l’Holocène moyen (8 000-3 900 ans BP, le climat régional est globalement de type sec autour de 3900 ans BP, le niveau du lac Titicaca monte fortement des conditions relativement humides s’installent alors et se maintiennent par la suite pendant le Petit âge de la Glace (16ème-19ème siècles, des conditions froides et humides prévalent. En base a datos geomorfológicos, sedimentológicos, palinológicos y el análisis de fauna de ostrácodos, se ha determinado (1, de manera semicuantitativa, la temperatura así como (2 los cambios cuantificados de las variaciones de los niveles lacustres desde el final del Pleistoceno (25 000 años BP. Los principales resultados obtenidos son los siguientes: de 25 000 a 18 000 años BP, las temperaturas atmosféricas son bajas así como los niveles de los lagos entre 18 000 y 15 000/14 000 años BP, una fase climática seca es definida por la presencia de una laguna de sedimentaci

  10. Migraciones en la puna: su relación con el uso de los recursos naturales del departamento Los Andes Migraciones en la puna: su relación con el uso de los recursos naturales del departamento Los Andes

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    Francisco R. Barbarán


    Full Text Available From an historic and demographic perspective, as well as the use of natural resources, we analyzed the relationship between human migrations and the economic activities of Los Andes Department, West of the Salta Province, in NW Argentina. Using the residual method, we calculated migratory balances between Argentinean population censuses carried out in 1947,1960, 1970, 1980 and 2001. The migratory balances were negative for all the periods studied. When the train started to run through Ramal C-14, the workers who built it have to find jobs somewhere else. At the same time, the railway made easier for the natives, to find better economicopportunities out of the Puna. The close of mine La Casualidad by the end of the 70’s, the low creation of jobs by the remaining mining operations, focused in to hire qualified technicians no available in Los Andes and the privatization of the railway in early 90’s, were important factors of emigration. Despite of cattle rising as the main economic activity in rural areas, it is practiced without any technology of management. The overgrazing caused for that reason, has reduced almost to the half the quantity of sheep by inhabitant between 1947 and 2001. That is why the local people have to press more on the wildlife, trading illegally with vicuña (Vicugna vicugna fiber. Despite of a touristic development plan, a law promoting sheep rising and a census of vicuña population carried out by the provincial government, these recent actions should be part of a development project of regional scale, oriented to the sustainable use of the natural resources of Los Andes Department. That project would create jobs and discourage emigration.Desde una perspectiva histórica, demográfica y del uso de los recursos naturales, analizamos la relación existente entre las migraciones humanas y las actividades económicas en el departamento Los Andes, ubicado al W de la provincia de Salta, en el Noroeste Argentino. Usando el m

  11. Ausentismo laboral de causa médica en el Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes.


    Parada de Denis, María Eugenia; Rivas Padilla, Fernando; Moreno Barrios, Reyla; Rincón, Eglis; Mejía, Zurayma; Mora, Dania Margarita


    Editorial. ¡Ya tenemos símbolo, ícono o logotipo!. Now we have symbol, icono or logo!. Salinas, Pedro José Accidentes domésticos en ancianos. Municipio Libertador. Mérida. 1993-1996. Domestics accidents in elderly people. Libertador County of Mérida State. 1993-1996. Salinas, Pedro José Rojas Márquez, Reina Estrés y síntomas en personal de salud del Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Stress and symptoms in health staff of the Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Méri...

  12. Identificación, caracterización y dinámica de las geoformas glaciales y periglaciales en la Cordillera de los Andes a través de sensores remotos


    Falaschi, Daniel


    El presente trabajo de Tesis Doctoral tuvo el objetivo de estudiar los glaciares y glaciares de escombros en tres regiones montañosas a lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes Argentina: Monte San Lorenzo (Provincia de Santa Cruz), Volcán Domuyo (Provincia de Neuquén), y Nevados de Cachi (Provincia de Salta). Cada uno de estos sitios presenta características climáticas propias, representativas de tres porciones particulares de los Andes: Andes Patagónicos Meridionales, Andes Centrales Meridion...

  13. Caracterización morfométrica de la microcuenca de la quebrada los Andes, El Carmen de Viboral, Antioquia-Colombia Morphometrical characterization in los Andes watershed, El Carmen de Viboral, Antioquia-Colombia

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    Yimmy Montoya Moreno


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron algunas características morfométricas básicas en la microcuenca de la quebrada Los Andes en el departamento de Antioquia (Colombia. La microcuenca tiene un área pequeña (Some morphometric characteristic were evaluated in the watershed of creek Los Andes department of Antioquia (Colombia. The headwater has a small area (<20km² with main direction in the axis S-N, with an elevation range between 2.700 and 2.200 m. asl. It presents a network of drainage well structured, for which presents a time of concentration of the water over 5 hours. The watershed is of class Kc2 with a high slope and a system of drainage subdendritic. This research permitted to identify the uses of the soil, being the adequate use the one that presented greater percentage (55% and the use is recommended conservationist in general for all headwater.

  14. Linchamientos y conflicto político en Los Andes Lynchings and Political conflict in The Andes

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    Carlos M. Vilas


    Full Text Available En 2004, los alcaldes de dos municipalidades de la región aimara de los Andes fueron linchados en la aparente culminación de agudos conflictos políticos internos y entre las respectivas comunidades y el Estado central. En este artículo se discuten ambos casos con el fin de ilustrar las transformaciones experimentadas en años recientes en la organización y la dinámica interna de las comunidades andinas, y de la articulación conflictiva de la política local en los procesos e instituciones de más amplio alcance. Precariedad social e incapacidad o renuencia del Estado para responder con eficacia a demandas básicas de determinados grupos de población configuran enmarcamientos socioeconómicos e institucionales de los linchamientos. En contraste con enfoques que enfatizan en factores culturales tradicionales o en un supuesto nacionalismo indígena, en el artículo se destaca la gravitación de fenómenos y procesos político- institucionales recientes en la transformación cultural y política de las comunidades, en el modo en que éstas procesan sus conflictos internos y con el Estado central.In 2004, two municipalitys mayors form the aimara Andes of Peru and Bolivia were subjected to mass lynchings as a result of the apparent culmination of violent political confrontations. This paper deals with these events as dramatic illustrations of the transformations the Andean communities experienced during recent decades in their internal dynamics, as well as in the articulation of local politics to processes and institutions beyond the communal limits. Structural precariousness combined with the state's inability or reluctance to come to terms with social or political demands from relevant segments of the people in the communities set the socioeconomic and institutional stage for lynchings. In contrast with approaches relating these events to an alleged indigenous cultural identity, the analysis points to the impact of the communities' political

  15. Bofedales: high altitude peatlands of the central Andes Bofedales: turberas de alta montaña de los Andes centrales

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    Full Text Available There is an exceptional group of alpine peatlands in the world situated in the arid grasslands of the central Andes. The peatlands in northern Chile occur in the most arid part of their range. Members of the Juncaceae are the primary peat-forming plant species. Fresh and mildly saline groundwaters originate from glaciers, snowmelt and rain are the water sources for the northern Chile peatlands. Paleoecological investigations suggest that some peatlands are recent features of the landscape having developed within the last three thousand years or less. These peatlands are unique, extremely fragile water features sensitive to climate changes and human disturbances such as regional mining activity. Much more work is required to develop scientifically based sound management and conservation programs for the rare plants and animals that live in them and to ensure the future livelihoods of the indigenous peoples who depend on themExiste un grupo excepcional de turberas (bofedales de alta montaña en el mundo situados en la estepa árida de los Andes centrales. Los bofedales en el norte de Chile están presentes en la parte más árida de su rango. Las principales especies de plantas responsables de la formación de turba corresponden a miembros de Juncaceae. El agua fresca y medianamente salina de los bofedales proviene de agua subterránea asociada a riachuelos proveniente de glaciares, derretimiento de nieve y lluvia. Investigaciones paleoecológicas sugieren que algunos bofedales son integrantes recientes del paisaje, habiéndose desarrollado durante los últimos tres mil años o menos. Estos bofedales son entidades únicas, extremadamente frágiles por su dependencia del agua, sensibles a los cambios climáticos y vulnerables a la alteración humana tal como la actividad minera en la región. Se requiere mucho más trabajo para desarrollar programas de manejo y conservación, con sólidas bases científicas, de las plantas y animales que viven en

  16. Distribución de Stenocercus guentheri (Sauria: Iguanidae en el sur de los Andes de Colombia

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    Castro Herrera Fernando


    Full Text Available The morphology of a population of Stenocercus guentherifrom Colombia is described in detail and compared to information from ecuadorean specimens. The range of the species is extended northward to include the colombian departments (provinces of Nariño and Cauca along the Andes. Some field observations about bahavior, habitat, and reproduction are included.El presente trabajo describe las características de Stenocercus guentheri, en las poblaciones del sur de Colombia y hace una comparación con la información del Ecuador. Se amplía su rango de distribución geográfica hacia el norte de Suramérica, incluyendo los departamentos de Nariño y Cauca en los Andes de Colombia. Se incluyen datos de campo sobre hábitat, hábitos y reproducción.

  17. Religión, género y construcción de una sexualidad en los Andes (Siglos XVI y XVII. Una acercamiento provisional

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    Armas Asin, Fernando


    Full Text Available This study emphasizes the conceptual changes in regard to sex, sexuality and general genre relations in the Andes, in the 16th and 17th centuries, in the context of the establishment of the colonial society. It is analyzed the way in which a new discourse on the body was developed as a consequence of the deeply represive baroque culture. This culture recreated religious values which controlled every aspect of the daily life. It also enforced a rigid legislation which ruled through society as a whole.

    El estudio busca enfatizar los cambios conceptuales que se produjeron en torno al sexo, la sexualidad, y, en términos generales, en las relaciones de género en los Andes en los siglos XVI y XVII, en un contexto de establecimiento de la sociedad colonial. Se analiza cómo se construyó un nuevo discurso sobre el cuerpo en los Andes como consecuencia de la cultura barroca, profundamente represiva. Dicha cultura recreó valores religiosos que controlaban todos los aspectos de la vida diaria, además de poner en marcha una legislación muy rígida que reguló toda la sociedad.

  18. Altitudinal vegetation belts in the high-Andes of central Chile (33°S Pisos altitudinales de vegetación en los Andes de Chile central (33°S

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    Lohengrin A. Cavieres


    Full Text Available The limits of alpine vegetation belts have been established mainly based on physiognomic criteria. However, a more objective approach for fixing limits of vegetation belts are methods based on species composition and relative abundance of each species. While these methods are more time consuming, they are more detailed and permit the detection of physical factors affecting the limits of vegetation belts. In this paper we: 1 describe the altitudinal changes of vegetation above timberline, 2 compare vegetation belts defined with physiognomy and two floristic methods (a qualitative one based on altitudinal changes in species composition, and a quantitative one based on changes in dominant species; and 3 detect some environmental factors responsible for the altitudinal distribution of alpine vegetation between 2100 and 3700 masl in the Andes of Santiago, central Chile (33°S. There was a complete agreement between the different methods in delimiting the subalpine belt. However, in the lower alpine belt (the cushion's belt floristic methods subdivided it in 2-3 sub-belts. In the floristic methods, elevations 3500-3700 that formed the higher alpine belt segregated in separate ways because they have no species in common. Physiognomic descriptions lose relevant information about species distribution, especially at higher elevations. Mean annual temperature and nitrogen content of soil are the main environmental factors affecting the altitudinal limits of vegetation belts in the central Chilean AndesLa delimitación de los pisos altitudinales de vegetación andina se ha basado principalmente en criterios fisionómicos. Sin embargo, un criterio más objetivo para la delimitación es usar métodos basados en la composición y abundancia relativa de las especies presentes. Mientras estos métodos requieren de un mayor esfuerzo de muestreo, son más detallados y permiten detectar factores físicos involucrados en la delimitación altitudinal de la vegetaci

  19. Arquitectura precerámica en la cordillera de los Andes, Piruru frene a la diversidad de los datos

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    Elisabeth Bonnier


    Full Text Available Los datos sobre la arquitectura precerámica en la cordilleraandina provienen de cinco sitios: La Galgada, Piruru, Huaricoto, Shillacotoy Kotosh. Contexto arqueológico y rasgos arquitectónicos específicos permitenidentificar la función ceremonial de esta arquitectura. La descripciónde las construcciones religiosas pone en evidencia un conjunto pertinente decaracteres comunes. El espacio ceremonial, construido y sin construir, se articulaalrededor del doble elemento arquitectónico fundamental, el fogón yel piso. Para analizar el piso a dos niveles, dos neologismos, pericausto y epicaustohan sido creados. El análisis arquitectónico muestra que el piso es elespacio sagrado por excelencia. Los fechados 14C de los sitios estudiadosdestacan la larga duración del Precerámico Final con arquitectura. A la luz delos últimos trabajos en Piruru y de los cambios arquitectónicos perceptiblesen este sitio, la hipótesis, formulada a principios de este decenio, sobre ·taexistencia de una tradición religiosa única propia de los Andes Centrales, seestá reconsiderando.

  20. LA CUEVA ALIHUÉN, NUEVOS REGISTROS DE PINTURAS RUPESTRES EN LA VEGA DE MAIPÚ (SAN MARTÍN DE LOS ANDES, PATAGONIA, ARGENTINA (The Alihuén Cave, New Records of Cave Paintings in the Maipú Valley (San Martín de los Andes, Patagonia, Argentina

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    Alberto Enrique Pérez


    Full Text Available Se presenta el resultado de las nuevas investigaciones de pinturas rupestres en la vega Maipú, San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina; donde se destaca la presencia de motivos zoomorfos, especialmente camélidos, de escasa representación hasta la fecha en el registro zooarqueológico local. El sitio Cueva Alihuén amplía la diversidad de motivos y técnicas de las pinturas rupestres de la vega Maipú, lo que nos permite plantear aspectos tanto biogeográficos respecto a la fauna como sobre la circulación de información y movilidad. Ambos aspectos nos permiten, nuevamente, aunar ambas vertientes de la cordillera de los Andes, compartiendo, integrando y complementando cada vez más características con el resto de los sitios que componen la cuenca hidrográfica de Valdivia, cuyo sector inferior constituye nuestra área de estudio. ENGLISH: New results from research on the cave paintings of the Maipú Valley, San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina, highlight the presence of zoomorphic motifs, especially camelids which have been underrepresented in the local zooarchaeological record. The Alihuén cave site expands the range of motifs and techniques known from the cave paintings of the Maipú Valley that allows us to raise issues regarding both biogeographic wildlife, and on the flow of information and human mobility. These aspects allow us to share and integrate the increasingly complementary features on both sides of the Andes with the rest of the sites that comprise the Valdivia River basin, whose lower section composed our study area.

  1. Las puntas y rejas prehispánicas de metal en los Andes y su continuidad hasta el presente

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    Full Text Available Les pointes et les socs préhispaniques en métal dans les Andes et leur continuité jusqu’à aujourd’hui Résumé: Cet article tente de montrer la continuité entre les instruments à usages multiples composés de pointes et des socs en cuivre arsenical insérés sur des manches en bois qui ont été élaborés à partir de 900 d. C. par les Sicán de Batán Grande, département de Lambayeque (Pérou, et certains instruments en acier utilisés actuellement dans les Andes du nord du Pérou et du sud de l’Équateur : les barretas, barretillas, barretones et les petites pelles. Il s’agit d’indiquer, sur la base d’informations ethnographiques, la relation entre ces instruments et les allachus, kituchis et chaquitacllas dont se servent les paysans des hautes terres du centre et du sud du Pérou, ceci dans le but de contribuer à l’élaboration d’une histoire de la technologie andine. Este artículo intenta, por un lado, mostrar la continuidad entre las herramientas multiusos elaboradas a partir de 900 d.C. por los sicanes de Batán Grande, departamento de Lambayeque (Perú, compuestas por puntas y rejas de cobre arsenical insertadas en cabos de madera y algunos de los instrumentos de acero utilizados actualmente en los Andes del norte del Perú y del sur del Ecuador: barretas, barretillas, barretones y pequeñas lampas. Y por otro, indicar, en base a datos etnográficos, la relación entre estos instrumentos y los allachus, kituchis y chaquitacllas que emplean los campesinos de las tierras alto andinas del centro y el sur del Perú. Esto con la finalidad de abogar para la elaboración de una historia de la tecnología andina. Prehispanic metal points and ploughshares in the Andes and their continuity until the present Abstract: This article shows the continuity in the production of multiple use tools that where made beginning AD 900 by the Sicán people of Batán Grande, in the Department of Lambayeque, Peru. These tools are arsenical cooper

  2. Contribución del programa 'Nieves y glaciares tropicales' (NGT al conocimiento de la variabilidad climática en los Andes

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    Full Text Available CONTRIBUTION DU PROGRAMME “NEIGES ET GLACIERS TROPICAUX” (NGT À LA CONNAISSANCE DE LA VARIABILITÉ CLIMATIQUE DANS LES ANDES. Les glaciers tropicaux sont d’excellents indicateurs de l’évolution du climat à cause de leur extrême sensibilité aux variations des paramètres météorologiques tels que les températures, la radiation, les précipitations etc. (Pouyaud et al., 1995. Ils ont enregistré les implications climatiques des phénomènes El Niño (ENSO et ils peuvent donner des informations précieuses sur leur fréquence et leur amplitude. Ce sont aussi des objets hydrologiques et les populations andines exploitent leurs ressources. Ils peuvent évoluer très rapidement. Le recul actuel, accéléré et généralisé des glaciers des Andes centrales a des conséquences hydrologiques et peut constituer des risques naturels. L’ORSTOM et ses partenaires scientifiques andins ont mis en route depuis 1991 un vaste programme de suivi dans l’ensemble des Andes tropicales. On évalue les résultats de ce programme jusqu’à la fin 1997. Los glaciares tropicales son excelentes indicadores de la evolución del clima por su extrema sensibilidad a las variaciones de los parámetros meteorológicos como las temperaturas, la radiación y las precipitaciones, etc. (Pouyaud et al., 1995. Bajo este concepto, han registrado las implicaciones climáticas de los fenómenos El Niño-Oscilación del Sur (ENSO y pueden proporcionar valiosas informaciones sobre su frecuencia y su magnitud. Son también objetos hidrológicos, cuyos recursos son aprovechados por las sociedades andinas, susceptibles de evoluciones futuras muy rápidas. El actual retroceso, generalizado y acelerado, de los glaciares de los Andes centrales y sus consecuencias en términos de hidrología o de riesgos naturales, condujeron al ORSTOM y sus contrapartes científicas andinas a lanzar desde 1991 un amplio programa de monitoreo de estos glaciares en el conjunto de los Andes tropicales

  3. Ordenar para controlar. Ordenamiento espacial y control político en las Llanuras del Caribe y en los Andes Centrales Neogranadinos. siglo XVIII

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    Beatriz Patiño Millán


    Full Text Available Marta Herrera Ángel. Ordenar para Controlar. Ordenamiento espacial y control político en las Llanuras del Caribe y en los Andes Centrales Neogranadinos. Siglo XVIII. Bogotá: Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia - Academia Colombiana de Historia, 2002, pp. 343. En este libro Marta Herrera estudia la estructuración del ordenamiento espacial y político durante el siglo XVIII de las llanuras del Caribe, nombre con el cual denomina el ámbito espacial correspondiente a las gobernaciones de Cartagena y Santa Marta,  y los Andes Centrales, apelativo que utiliza para referirse a los territorios de la provincia de Santafé y la jurisdicción de la ciudad de Tunja.

  4. Las sociedades anónimas cruzan los Andes: los inversores chilenos en Neuquén al comenzar el siglo XX

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    Graciela Blanco


    Full Text Available El territorio de Neuquén, en el norte de la Patagonia, atrajo la mirada de diversos inversores privados a partir del avance militar que realizó el Estado nacional sobre los grupos indígenas y de la conquista de las tierras del sur argentino; tierras que fueron ofrecidas a particulares en propiedad o arrendamiento en condiciones muy beneficiosas. Este trabajo analiza la conformación en Chile, en los primeros años del siglo XX, de sociedades anónimas que explicitaban como objetivo central la intención de comprar tierras a ambos lados de la Cordillera de los Andes para la explotación agroganadera y la comercialización, y estudia específicamente el origen, itinerario y organización productiva de una de esas sociedades en Neuquén.Neuquen territory, in the north of the Patagonia, attracted the look of diverse investors after from the military advance that realized the national State on the indigenous groups and of the conquest of the lands of the Argentine's south, lands that were offered to individuals in property or lease in very beneficial conditions. This work analyzes the conformation in Chile, in the first years of the 20th century, of joint-stock companies that stated explicitly as central aim the intention of buying lands on both sides of the Mountain chain of the Andes for the agricultural and livestock exploitation and the commercialization, and there studies specifically the origin, itinerary and productive organization of one of these companies in Neuquen.

  5. The Southern Central Andes vertical axis tectonic rotations: relations with the deformation pattern Rotaciones tectónicas según ejes verticales en los Andes Centrales del Sur: relaciones con el patrón de deformación

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    Claudia Prezzi


    Full Text Available Along the Central Andes a pattern of vertical axis tectonic rotations has been paleomagnetically identified. Such rotations are counterclockwise north of Arica Deflection (~19°S and clockwise to the south. Different hypothesis and models have been proposed to explain the Central Andean Rotation Pattern (CARP. However, the CARP is a subject of ongoing debate. Recently, the quantity, quality, and geographic distribution of paleomagnetic data have expanded greatly. Such expansion has been accompanied by an increase in the knowledge of the deformation periods in the Andes, allowing a more detailed analysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of the detected rotations. We compiled and analyzed the available Cenozoic paleomagnetic data for the region extending between 19° and 27.5°S. The results suggest the possible existence of different rotational domains with distinct characteristics. We propose that in the Southern Central Andes, a close correlation would exist between the style and the temporal and spatial pattern of deformation and the amount of recorded vertical axis rotations. However, in order to further investigate such relationship, new paleomagnetic studies are necessary, particularly in the Eastern Cordillera domain, in Paleogene rocks cropping out in the Altiplano-Puna and in Neogene rocks of the forearc.En los Andes Centrales se ha identificado un patrón de rotaciones tectónicas según ejes verticales a través de estudios paleomagnéticos. Dichas rotaciones son en sentido antihorario al norte del codo de Arica (~19°S y en sentido horario hacia el sur. Distintos autores han propuesto diferentes hipótesis y modelos para tratar de explicar el Patrón de Rotaciones de los Andes Centrales (PRAC. Sin embargo, el PRAC sigue siendo objeto de debate. Recientemente, la cantidad, calidad y la distribución geográfica de los datos paleomagnéticos ha aumentado de manera notable. Dicho incremento ha sido acompañado por un importante

  6. La Cordillera de los Andes: presentación de los problemas geomorfológicos

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    érites sont souvent déblayées sur les pentes fortes par le ruissellement et les divers glissements et éboulements. El alzamiento en bóveda del Ponto-plioceno ha dado a los .Andes su volumen montañoso actual y ha llevado a más de 4000 m superficies de erosión elaboradas durante e! Terciario. Estas superficies o 'puna' son muy probablemente poligénicas y policíclicas. Están dominadas por grandes cordilleras que son generalmente horsts que delimitan los sectores de surrección máxima, horsts que son posteriores a la elaboración de la superficie de las mesetas. Esta superficie está deformada tanto sobre los bordes de las cuencas interiores como sobre los flancos de la montaña donde ella ha sido disectada y reducida a bandas. Algunas veces esta superficie ha podido desaparecer debido a su recorte en lo alto de los flancos de los grandes valles, sobretodo en los dos extremos de la cadena. A un nivel inferior, se desarrollaron aplanamientos menores durante el Plioceno y posiblemente durante el Cuaternario antiguo, en sectores que habían permanecido relativamente estables: son los 'glacis' de erosión en lazos del altiplano perú-boliviano o las superficies de abrasión retocadas en 'glacis' sobre los abombamientos costeros perú-chilenos. Algunos grandes valles están adaptados a las grandes direcciones estructurales consecutivas a los movimientos del fin de Terciario (la adaptación del conjunto va acompañada a menudo de numerosas inadaptaciones locales. Otros valles siguen antiguas direcciones estructurales, anteriores al alzamiento andino. El Cuaternario está marcado por una serie de períodos fríos acompañados de glaciaciones en la montaña. Se ha podido determinar lar existencia de cuatro glaciaciones distintas de las cuales una al menos remonta al Cuaternario antiguo. Las glaciaciones recientes son contemporáneas de las glaciaciones del Cuaternario reciente de Europa y de América del Norte. Sus causas hay que buscarlas, para las latitudes medias, en un

  7. Tectogénesis, orogénesis y volcanismo en los Andes del Sur del Perú

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    -volcans essentiellement andésitiques a donné à la Cordillère Occidentale sa physionomie actuelle. En el Sur del Perú, los plegamientos andinos (tectogenesis no han sido generadores de relieves importantes, mientras que los movimientos epeirogénicos han creado verdaderamente el relieve de los Andes (orogénesis dando lugar a un volcanismo de un poder considerable. Desde el punto de vista geomorfológico, las estructuras puestas en lugar por los movimientos tangenciales andinos han dejado de expresarse topográficamente hacia mediados del Mioceno a raíz del aplanamiento general de la región (superficie de la Puna. Igualmente, los relieves importantes creados por los movimientos epeirogénicos y las acumulaciones volcánicas que los acompañaban (Volcanismo Toquepala del Eoceno y Volcanismo Tacaza del Oligo-Mioceno, han sido por completo enrasados. En estas condiciones, lo esencial del volumen actual de los Andes fue obra de la orogénesis y del volcanismo de los últimos 15 millones de años La puesta en lugar se ha efectuado en dos etapas. La primera ha comenzado por acumulaciones ignimbríticas (Formación Huaylillas que han fosilizado la superficie del aplanamiento en todo el Sur del Perú Este volcanismo de fisura correspondía al comienzo de un período de distensión que se tradujo por el levantamiento de los Andes al final del Mioceno. Después de una corta interrupción (durante la cual hay que colocar una fase de compresión durante el Plioceno, la segunda etapa ha sido marcada por el levantamiento de toda la región, quedando comprendida la zona costera. El comienzo de esta nueva fase de distensión ha dado lugar a emisiones ignimbríticas y piroplásticas (Formación Maure, Sillar, Formaciones Sencca y Capillune cuyos productos han llenado las cuencas de erosión resultantes del rejuvenecimiento de la superficie de la Puna. Como resultado, a medida que el levantamiento ha tomado amplitud (Pleistoceno, el volcanismo ha cambiado de carácter, y bajo la cubierta de ignimbr

  8. La implantación de la viruela en los Andes, la historia de un holocausto

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    Uriel García Cáceres


    Full Text Available La historia de las epidemias de viruela en los Andes tiene el carácter tétrico del relato de un holocausto. Esta presentación está destinada a resaltar las etapas más importantes del proceso de la implantación de la viruela en las poblaciones andinas en general y, en particular, en el Perú, desde principio del siglo XVI hasta nuestros días.

  9. Clima laboral relacionado al desempeño académico de los docentes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Peruana los Andes Huancayo 2014


    Huatuco Mateo, Wilfredo Alcides


    OBJETIVO: Determinar la relación entre el clima laboral y el desempeño académico en los docentes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Peruana Los Andes – Huancayo 2014.TIPO DE ESTUDIO: correlacional, prospectivo, transversal, observacional. DISEÑO: correlacional causal, POBLACION: 200 docentes y 394 estudiantes. MUESTRA calculada solo para los estudiantes mediante la fórmula de proporciones llegando a 310, TECNICA DE RECOLECCION DE DATOS: encuesta con el INSTRUMENTO: Cuest...

  10. Distribución y densidad de la trucha Oncorhynchus mykiss (Salmoniformes: Salmonidae en los Andes venezolanos

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    Jaime E. Péfaur


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se informa acerca de la distribución espacial y la abundancia de las poblaciones de la trucha arcoiris silvestre en los Andes Venezolanos, con base en recolectas en 68 estaciones de muestreo durante un año. Ubicadas entre 500 y 4000 msnm en siete cuencas hidrográficas de los ríos más importantes de los Andes de Venezuela. Un total de 612 individuos fueron obtenidos en estaciones por encima de los 1700 m. La mayoría de los peces de recogieron en las cuencas de los ríos Chama (43%, Motatán (21% y Santo Domingo (32%, con sólo algunos ejemplares recolectados en los ríos Negro (1.75% y La Grita (0-33%, y con ausencia de capturas en los ríos Escalante y Mocotíes. Los machos adultos superan numéricamente a las hembras en una posición de 2.15: 1. Los juveniles conforman un 56.7% del total de capturas, con una proporción de 1.30 juveniles por adulto. El tamaño de los especímenes varió desde 2.0 a 21.8 cm. Con casi la mitad de ellos dentro del intervalo 5.1 - 10.0 cm. El peso de los ejemplares también presentó una amplia variación, con un máximo de 317.0g.Spatial distribution and relative abundance of wild rainbow trout populations were studied in 68 stations located between 500 and 4000 masl in seven hydrological basins of the most important Andean rivers of Venezuela during a year of sampling. A total of 612 individuals were obtained above 1700 m. Most fishes were obtained from the Chama ( 43%, Motatán (21% and Santo Domingo (32% rivers, very few in the Negro (1.75% and La Grita (0.33% rivers, and none in the Escalante and Mocotíes rivers basins. Adult males were more abundant than females in a 2.15:1 proportion. Juveniles made a 56.7% of captures, with a proportion of 1.30 juveniles per adult. Individual sizes varied from 2.0 to 21.8 cm, most within the interval 5.1 - 10.0 cm; the weight of specimens also showed an ample variation, with a maximum of 317.0 g.

  11. Humanos salvajes y monos altruistas. Reflexiones sobre Darwin

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    Jorge Martinez Contreras


    Full Text Available RESUMEN   Darwin propuso en 1871 que preferiría descender de un mono que de los “salvajes”. El mono es un babuino hamadryas que, en un relato de Brehm, salva a un infante de una jauría. Los “salvajes” son los fueguinos a los que visitó en los años 1830. ¿Por qué Darwin fue tan buen observador del comportamiento animal y por qué no dudo discernir en qué consistía la sociedad de cazadores-recolectores de los cuatro grupos de Tierra del Fuego?. Esto es lo que tratamos de dilucidar en este trabajo.   Palabras clave: Darwin, fueguinos, hamadryas, altruismo, egoísmo.

  12. Parasite loads and altitudinal distribution of Liolaemus lizards in the central Chilean Andes Cargas parasitarias y distribución de lagartijas Liolaemus en los Andes de Chile central

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    Full Text Available This study compared the distributions of ten species of Liolaemus lizards in the central Chilean Andes to the distributions of four types of parasites: malaria-causing Plasmodium, gut nematodes, ticks, and mites. We wanted to see if parasite numbers might be a factor in determining distributional limits of the lizards. We found that there was no evidence of malarial infestation of the lizards, that ticks were almost absent, that more often than not mite numbers decreased at the distributional limits of the lizards, and that gut nematodes confined to the herbivorous lizards in our sample may well be beneficial rather than detrimental. Rather than parasitism, other biotic interactions (e.g., predation or competition are more likely candidates as factors influencing lizard elevational distributions, as are abiotic characteristics such as microhabitat availabilities and thermal factorsEste estudio compara las distribuciones de diez especies de lagartijas Liolaemus en los Andes de Chile central, con las distribuciones de cuatro tipos de parásitos: Plasmodium causantes de malaria, nemátodos intestinales, garrapatas y ácaros. Quisimos verificar si los números de parásitos pudieran ser un factor determinante de los límites de distribución de las lagartijas. Encontramos que no había evidencia de infestación por malaria en las lagartijas; que las garrapatas estaban casi ausentes; que los números de ácaros más a menudo decrecían que aumentaban en los límites distribucionales de las lagartijas; y que los nemátodos intestinales confinados a las lagartijas herbívoras en nuestra muestra bien podían ser beneficiosos antes que dañinos. Más bien que parasitismo, otras interacciones bióticas (e.g., depredación o competencia son candidatos más probables como factores que influyen las distribuciones altitudinales de las lagartijas, además de características abióticas tales como la disponibilidad de microhábitats y los factores térmicos

  13. Taxonomía y biogeografía de cuatro especies de Psectrascelis (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae de la Precordillera y Cordillera de los Andes en Mendoza, Argentina

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    Gustavo E. FLORES


    Full Text Available El género neotropical Psectrascelis Solier (Pimeliinae: Nycteliini comprende 75 especies que se distribuyen desde el sur de Perú hasta el sur de Argentina y Chile. En este aporte se revisan las cuatro especies de Psectrascelis que habitan en el noroeste de la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina, en los cordones montañosos de la Precordillera y Cordillera de los Andes: P. deplanata (Lacordaire, 1830, P. vestita (Lacordaire, 1830, P. mamillonea (Lacordaire, 1830 y P. semistrigosa Fairmaire, 1903. Se proveen redescripciones con nuevos caracteres morfológicos, fotografías de adultos y de los pronotos, e ilustraciones de genitalia masculinos. Se consigna la distribución geográfica y rangos altitudinales para cada especie, estableciendo las provincias biogeográficas que habitan. Se presenta una discusión acerca de los patrones de distribución de las especies de Psectrascelis y de otros artrópodos epigeos que habitan en los cordones montañosos de la Precordillera y Cordillera de los Andes.

  14. Luchas y defensas escondidas. Pluralismo legal y cultural como una práctica de resistencia creativa en la gestión local del agua en los Andes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boelens, R.A.


    En los Andes, los derechos de agua se materializan en procesos de lucha social. El artículo examina cómo la lucha por el agua de los colectivos locales no puede comprenderse sin su enraizamiento en subcorrientes dinámicas: los cimientos multicapas, a menudo ocultos, de los derechos de agua. Aquí se

  15. Flora y vegetación leñosa de los bosques de los Andes en la región de Madidi, La Paz (Bolivia)


    Fuentes Claros, Alfredo Fernando


    Introducción: La región del Madidi en el noroeste de Bolivia es una de las más biodiversas del mundo, por incluir un amplio rango altitudinal desde los 200 hasta más de 6000 m, y floras de los Andes y la Amazonía, dos de las regiones biogeográficas más diversas del mundo. Esta región comprende territorios de tres áreas protegidas de interés nacional (Madidi, Apolobamba y Pilón Lajas), superpuestas a comunidades indígenas, campesinas, y áreas de exploración hidrocarburífera, lo cual ha generad...

  16. Un réseau d'observation des glaciers dans les Andes tropicales

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    Full Text Available Par leur grande sensibilité au changement climatique, les glaciers tropicaux sont d’excellents indicateurs de l’évolution du climat et, en même temps, des objets hydrologiques susceptibles d’évoluer rapidement dans le futur. On montre que l’actuel recul accéléré des glaciers dans les Andes centrales et les conséquences qu’il peut avoir en matière hydrologique et de risques naturels rendent nécessaire un programme de surveillance de ces glaciers au niveau de toute la chaîne, ce que l’ORSTOM contribue à faire depuis 1991. UNA RED DE OBSERVACIÓN DE LOS GLACIARES EN LOS ANDES TROPICALES. Por su gran sensibilidad al cambio climático, los glaciares tropicales son excelentes indicadores de la evolución del clima, así como objectos hidrológicos susceptibles de una evolución rápida en el futuro. Considerando el actual retroceso acelerado de los glaciares en los Andes centrales y las consecuencias que puede tener a nivel hidrológico así como en el campo de los riesgos naturales, es necesario un programa de monitoreo de los glaciares a nivel de toda la cordillera, que es lo que ORSTOM contribuye a hacer desde 1991. A GLACIER MONITORING NETWORK IN THE TROPICAL ANDES. The high sensibility of Tropical glaciers to climatic forcing make it possible to use them as reliable indicators of climate evolution, as well as hydrological systems which could change rapidly in the future. Considering the present increase in glacier retreat in central Andes and the consequences induced by this evolution on water resources and natural hazards, a monitoring program at a large scale appears to be highly desirable. This has been the objective of ORSTOM since 1991.

  17. Hallazgos citogenéticos en los pacientes de la Unidad de Genética Médica de la Universidad de Los Andes en Mérida, Venezuela

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    Dionora Araque


    Full Text Available El siguiente estudio tiene por finalidad identificar los hallazgos citogenéticos en los pacientes de la Unidad de Genética Médica de la Universidad de Los Andes, en Mérida, Venezuela, para determinar la prevalencia y tipo de alteraciones cromosómicas. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal, en los pacientes evaluados desde enero de 2005 a enero de 2012. El estudio citogenético fue realizado por técnica convencional de banda G. De un total de 716 estudios citogenéticos realizados, 113 (15,78% presentaron algún tipo de alteración de los cromosomas autosómicos y la trisomía 21 fue la más frecuente con 95 (84,07%; 71 (9,92% de los cromosomas sexuales y la monosomía del X fue la más común con 67 (94,37%. La trisomía 21 constituye el principal tipo de alteración cromosómica en este estudio y los revisados, siendo la trisomía libre la forma más común. La monosomía del X constituye la segunda anormalidad cromosómica y la primera de los cromosomas sexuales, resaltando la alta frecuencia de mosaicismo con una línea celular con monosomía del X y otra línea celular normal. Es pertinente difundir la importancia del análisis citogenético en la práctica médica, como recurso útil en estudio de pacientes con alteraciones cromosómicas. Cytogenetic findings in the patients of the Unit of Medical Genetics University of Los Andes, in Mérida, Venezuela Abstract The following study aims to identify the cytogenetic findings in the patients of the Unit of Medical Genetics of the University of Los Andes in Merida, Venezuela to determine the prevalence and type of chromosomal abnormalities. An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed in the patients evaluated from january 2005 to january 2012. The cytogenetic study was realized by conventional technique G-banding. A total of 716 of cytogenetic studies performed, 113 (15,78% had some type of alteration of autosomal chromosomes and

  18. Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación: Una utopía realizada en la Universidad de los Andes

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    Full Text Available Entre las tarjetas perforadas, las reglas de cálculo, los libros de Fortran y Cobol, y los cursos de algoritmos, sistemas de información y teoría de juegos, los jóvenes Alfredo Amore, Xavier Caicedo y Diego Escobar recibieron el 28 de agosto de 1970 su grado como los primeros Ingenieros de Sistemas y Computación del país. Por la celebración de su aniversario 40, la Revista de Ingeniería se propone hacer memoria sobre el proceso de creación de este programa y sus primeros egresados, pues constituyen un hito determinante en la historia de la ingeniería colombiana, gestado desde la Universidad de los Andes.

  19. Ensayos metodologicos para la investigacion de reservorios de Leishmania spp en los Andes venezolanos Methodological assay for research of reservoirs of Leishmania spp. in the Venezuelan Andes

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    Ana Lugo Yarbuh


    Full Text Available Se describen dos técnicas, presuntiva y confirmativa, para la investigación de mamíferos que pudieran ser reservorios de Leishmania que parasitan al hombre. Se investigan los cambios en los títulos de inmovilización y aglutinación de promastigotos de cultivo por los sueros de animales normales y expuestos una o varias veces a la inoculación intradérmica de pequeñas dosis de promastigotos vivos. Se registra una caída de los títulos de aglutinación en los sueros de hamsteres, de Holochilus venezuelae y de Didelphis marsupialis después de la inoculación con L. mexicana mexicana de Panamá y de L. gamhami de la región de los Andes venezolanos. Se discute la natureza de estos fenómenos. Se han hecho xenodiagnósticos con Lutzomyia townsendi en Holochilus venezuelae y Sigmodon hispidus infectados experimentalmente com L. mexicana mexicana, L. mexicana amazonensis, L. braziliensis y L. garnhami. Las pruebas fueron leidas mediante el examen microscópico de las gotitas de heces excretadas entre las 108 y 132 horas después de la ingesta infectante, tras colorearlas con Giemsa. Se obtuvieron resultados positivos en 23% de los experimentos usando mamíferos con lesiones localizadas, dejando a los flebótomos ingurgitarse libremente sobre animales anestesiados que poseian una hasta varias lesiones localizadas.Presumptive and confirmative techniques for searching mammals which could be reservoirs for Leishmania parasites from man are described. The changes of immobilising and agglutinating titers for promastigotes from culture by sera from normal and exposed mammals after single or repeated intradermal inoculation of promastigotes are described. A fall in titers of agglunation is observed in sera from hamsters, Holochilus venezuelae and Didelphis marsupialis after inoculation with L. mexicana mexicana from Panama and L. garnhami from the Venezuelan Andes region. The nature of this phenomenon is discussed. Xenodiagnoses were made with

  20. Ilustración arqueológica en los Andes (1850-1890

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    Joanne Pillsbury

    Full Text Available Resumen En términos generales, es posible trazar en las publicaciones europeas sobre los Andes una trayectoria histórica en el curso de cuatro siglos, desde un sistema de representación que está íntimamente atado – y afiliado – a la palabra escrita, a uno donde las imágenes se convierten en la razón de ser de la publicación. Esta trayectoria refleja el campo de la arqueología en sí mismo, desde sus orígenes en una tradición de anticuarios dominada por las preocupaciones filológicas durante los siglos XVI y XVII, al siglo XIX, donde las evidencias fotográficas ganan fuerza frente a las escritas. Este documento se centra en el pico de esta trayectoria: los atlas arqueológicos creados entre 1850 y 1890, en particular el trabajo de Wilhelm Reiss y Alphons Stübel y su publicación en tres volúmenes titulada “The necropolis of Ancon in Peru” (“La necrópolis de Ancón en el Perú”. El presente estudio analiza el papel de la ilustración arqueológica en la iluminación, la difusión y comprensión de un pasado pre-inca durante el siglo XIX, y en última instancia, cómo las imágenes dan forma a la construcción del conocimiento.

  1. Contenidos de uranio de lavas recientes en el sector sur de los Andes centrales

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    Guerra, N.


    Full Text Available We have studied the distribution of U in modern lava -flows of the southern part from the Central Andes (16°-28° S. For a given SiO2, content of the rocks, U abundance increases from west to east in a transects to the Andean Belt, while the depth of the subduction zone increases and the thickness of the continental curst decreases. Besides, U content tends to inerease steadly with the latitude, while the thick of the continental crust and the depth of the seismic zone decreases southward. Thus, on the basis of the available data, we are in a position to suggest that the U behavior in the studied lavas depends on the alkalanity and magmatic history of each volcanic center.

    Se presenta un estudio de distribución de U en lavas modernas del sector sur de los Andes centrales (16°-28° S. Para rocas de contenidos similares en SiO2 la abundancia de U crece de oeste a este en un perfil transversal al cordón andino, mientras que aumenta la profundidad de subducción, y disminuye la potencia de la corteza continental. Además, mientras la potencia de la corteza continental y la profundidad de la zona sísmica de Benioff disminuyen hacia el sur, U tiende a aumentar con la latitud. Así, y basado en los datos disponibles, estamos en posición de sugerir que el comportamiento de U en las rocas estudiadas, depende de la alcalinidad y de la historia magmática de cada centro volcánico.

  2. Aproximaciones Biológicas y Fisicoquímicas en el tratamiento de contaminantes: un resumen del aporte de la Universidad de los Andes

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    Jenny Dussan Garzón


    Full Text Available Este resumen pretende dar una visión global de los aportes de la Universidad de los Andes en el tratamiento de aguas y suelos con la presencia de compuestos de difícil degradación o tiempo de vida media prolongado, tales como fármacos (Ciclofosfamida, lodos aceitosos y derivados de la industria del petróleo (Tolueno, Xileno, Fenol derivados de la industria textil, química y pesticidas (Bisphenol A, AMBI, Glifosato, Isoproturon y Metobromuron, usando tecnologías ya sea basadas en procesos biológicos (biorremediación y bioadsorción o de oxidación avanzada (foto-Fenton. /This summary intends to give a global view of the Universidad de los Andes contributions related to the water and soil treatment in the presence of recalcitrant or long half-life aquatic pollutants such as drugs (Cyclophosphamide, oil sludge and petroleum (Toluene, Xylene and Phenol, textile, chemical (Bisphenol A, AMBI and pesticides (Glyphosate, Isoproturon, and Metobromuron industry derived products based on biological (bioremediation and bioadsortion and advanced oxidation (Photo-Fenton approaches.

  3. Categorías conceptuales sobre la producción y gerencia del conocimiento en la Universidad de los Andes (ULA)


    Rincón de Parra, Haydeé Cecilia; Briceño, Magally


    Esta investigación presenta como objetivo construir categorías conceptuales, a partir de lo expresado por un grupo de diez profesores-investigadores, sobre la forma en que se gerencia el proceso de producción de conocimiento en la Universidad de Los Andes. Para la recogida y análisis de los datos se consideraron algunos lineamientos de la Teoría Fundamentada. Se construyeron cinco categorías conceptuales: a) producción de conocimiento, b) filosofía del conocimiento como sustento, c) difusión ...

  4. Poder y sociedad en los Andes: Manuel Isidoro Belzu, un caudillo popular. Bolivia, 1848-1855

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    Luis Javier Ortíz Mesa


    Full Text Available En este ensayo quiero referirme a un gobernante boliviano, Manuel Isidoro Belzu, presidente entre los años de 1848 y 1855. Con una larga carrera militar de casi 25 años, en un ambiente de permanente inestabilidad política y con una fascinante estrategia, Belzu ha sido percibido por algunos historiadores y literatos como un «Caudillo del Pueblo», otros lo calificaron como un demagogo y algunos más como el presidente para la Bolivia de entonces. Manuel Isidoro Belzu nació al tiempo que se vislumbraba la Bolivia Republicana en 1808. Fue un hombre pobre como muchos de sus conciudadanos, predominantemente indígenas. No obstante, Belzu fue un mestizo, expresión de los cambios raciales que desde la Colonia se produjeron en la población de la Audiencia de Charcas cuya sede y capital fue Chuquisaca o Sucre, donde tuvo asiento el emporio minero más importante y productivo de los Andes, el Cerro Rico de Potosí.


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    Irene Garibotti


    Full Text Available La liquenometría es una técnica de datación que estima la edad de exposición de una superficie a partir del diámetro de los líquenes que crecen en ella. El objetivo de este estudio es calibrar la curva de crecimiento de Rhizocarpon subgénero Rhizocarpon en los Andes Patagónicos, y aplicarla para reconstruir las fluctuaciones glaciares durante los últimos siglos. Para ello se investigaron seis glaciares, tres en el norte y tres en el sur de los Andes Patagónicos, en los cuales se realizaron mediciones del diámetro de ejemplares del subgénero Rhizocarpon en sitios de edad conocida (sitios control y sitios de edad desconocida. La edad de los sitios control se determinó fehacientemente a partir de información histórica. Los datos liquenométricos relevados en estos sitios control fueron utilizados para calibrar la curva de crecimiento. La relación entre el tamaño de los líquenes y la edad de la superficie (curva de crecimiento es lineal, indicando que los líquenes del subgénero Rhizocarpon tienen una tasa de crecimiento constante a lo largo del tiempo. Esta curva se extiende por 270 años. Aplicación de la curva a los datos liquenométricos relevados en las morenas de edad desconocida permitió establecer la cronología de la secuencia de morenas de los seis glaciares bajo estudio. Los datos liquenométricos fueron contrastados con datos dendrocronológicos, mostrando una gran concordancia entre los métodos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran dos períodos principales de formación de morenas. El primer período se extiende desde la mitad del siglo XVII hasta finales del siglo XIX, y está caracterizado por morenas muy prominentes. El segundo período se extiende desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta finales del siglo XX, y esta caracterizado por la formación de un gran número de morenas pequeñas.

  6. Recursos hídricos en los Andes: Lago Titicaca

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    Full Text Available RESSOURCES EN EAUX DANS LES ANDES : LAC TITICACA. Une analyse par régression a été menée entre les variations de niveau du Lac Titicaca et les entrées du système (apports des affluents et précipitations. Les coefficients de corrélation, quoique relativement faibles, montrent aux abords du lac un effet de persistance qui diminue lorsque les stations sont éloignées du plan d’eau. L’inertie du lac se manifeste l’année suivante pour les affluents du lac et évidemment pour le lac lui-même. Ces résultats confirment la présence d’un mécanisme de rétro alimentation (effet boomerang. Cela montre que le système du Lac Titicaca est fragile, face à une utilisation excessive de ses eaux. Las regresiones estudiadas de cambios de nivel en el lago Titicaca contra precipitaciones y aportes en su cuenca, aunque relativamente bajas, muestran un efecto de persistencia en las proximidades del lago que decrece conforme las estaciones se alejan de éste. Lo que evidencia que la inercia del lago se manifiesta en el período siguiente (lag uno en los afluentes del lago y obviamente en el propio lago, fenómeno que parece confirmar la presencia de un mecanismo de retroalimentación (efecto boomerang. Este comportamiento muestra la fragilidad del lago frente a un aprovechamiento consuntivo excesivo. WATER RESOURCES IN THE ANDES: LAKE TITICACA. The studied regressions of the level changes in the Lake Titicaca versus the rainfall and the runoff in the basin, even being relatively low, show an effect of persistence in the proximity of the lake which decreases as we go away from it. This makes evident that the lake inertia manifests itself the following period (lag one in the lake tributaries and obviously in the lake itself, phenomenon which seems to confirm the presence of a feedback mechanism (boomerang effect. This behaviour shows the fragility of the lake against the excessive consumptive uses of the waters in its basin.

  7. El tarwi o chocho: una de las principales fuentes de proteína vegetal de las comunidades indígenas de los Andes Centrales


    Planchuelo, Ana M.; Fuentes, Esteban P.


    El lupino andino (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) conocido también como tarwi o chocho, es una especie de leguminosa nativa de los Andes Centrales. Su domesticación se remonta a los principios de la cultura Nazca y desde ese entonces hasta la actualidad el cultivo está ampliamente difundido en las laderas montañosas y en los altos valles de Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia. La importancia del lupino para las comunidades andinas prehispánicas quedo documentada en pinturas de cerámicas y en tributos encontrado...

  8. Del santuario al caserío: acerca de la neolitización en la Cordillera de los Andes Centrales

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    Full Text Available Les faits archéologiques mis en évidence sur le site de Piruru ouvrent des perspectives nouvelles sur la sédentarisation et l'apparition du village dans les Andes centrales. Piruru présente, au Précéramique Final (3000/2500 - 1800/1500 av.JC, une longue période de construction à des fins religieuses avant que n'existent, au Formatif Initial et Moyen (1800/1500 - 800/600 av.JC, des structures à usage domestique. Cette antériorité de l'architecture publique et cérémonielle, observable à l'échelle régionale, permet de proposer l'hypothèse qu'au Précéramique Final, les sanctuaires montagnards jouent un rôle catalyseur, non seulement dans la naissance et le développement de l'architecture, mais aussi dans l'organisation spatiale des communautés en cours de sédentarisation. Durant la longue occupation du Précéramique Final, plus de 1000 ans, les premières phases de la séquence de Piruru montrent l'existence de petits temples, qui sont les plus anciens connus actuellement dans les Andes centrales. Ensuite, la phase plus récente du temple P1 permet de relier Piruru aux autres sanctuaires connus, et de définir la tradition Mito, courant religieux qui se manifeste dans les Andes d'Ancash et de Huánuco, durant la deuxième partie du Précéramique Final. Au Formatif Initial, dans le même temps où la céramique est introduite sur le site, Piruru devient un petit habitat groupé, premier exemple connu à ce jour en montagne. Au cours d'un processus long de plus de 700 ans, les transformations dans l'organisation globale de l'habitat indiquent un degré croissant de sédentarité, et montrent le passage d'un hameau utilisé de façon saisonnière à un village habité de façon permanente, la sédentarité paraissant acquise au début du Formatif Moyen. Los hechos arqueológicos puestos en evidencia en el sitio de Piruru ofrecen nuevas perspectivas sobre la sedentarización y la aparición de la aldea en los Andes centrales

  9. El clima de la vertiente del Pacífico de los Andes Centrales y sus implicaciones geomorfológicas El clima de la vertiente del Pacífico de los Andes Centrales y sus implicaciones geomorfológicas

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    Jose Úbeda Palenque


    ífico de los Andes Centrales, entre 15°S y 19°S, debido a que los procesos mediante los cuales se desarrolla el modelado del relieve o morfogénesis están controlados por las variables termo-pluviométricas y la fito-estabilización. Además, la geodinámica interna de la región se encuentra igualmente relacionada con las condiciones climáticas, que determinan la cuantía del aporte de sedimentos a la fosa oceánica (Kulm et al. 1977, afectando a la tasa de erosión por subducción en el plano de contacto entre las placas y a la composición de los magazas que se forman bajo el erógeno andino. En esta ponencia se analizan los efectos del clima en la geodinámica externa, en un marco teórico en el que se considera que un sistema morfoclimático es un conjunto integrado por los agentes y procesos morfogenéticos que realizan el modelado del relieve en un territorio, en función de sus características bioclimáticas, y un dominio o piso morfoclimático es el ámbito espacial en el que se desarrolla un determinado sistema morfoclimático.En primer lugar se realiza una presentación del clima en los Andes Centrales, los factores que controlan su configuración media y sus principales características, presentando diagramas elaborados a partir de datos termo-pluviométricos recogidos en una serie de observatorios regularmente distribuidos por la región. En segundo lugar, se diferencias dos dominios climáticos, uno en el altiplano, relacionado con las precipitaciones de componente amazónica, y otro en la rampa que desciende hacia el océano y en la costa del Pacífico, asociado a la situación anticiclónica permanente al O de la cordillera. En tercer lugar, se propone una compartimentación de la fachada occidental de la cordillera en intervalos altitudinales o pisos bioclimáticos, para cuya definición se han empleado como bioindicadores la ausencia de vegetación (por causas térmicas o hídricas o su presencia con un cambio altitudinal de facies (supraforestal

  10. APROPIACIÓN INCA EN LA CORDILLERA DE CHILLA, SUROESTE DE LOS ANDES DEL ECUADOR: EL CASO DEL SITIO GUIÑAYZHU (Inca Appropriation in the Chilla Mountain Range, Southwest of the Andes of Ecuador: the Case of the Guiñayzhu Site

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    Mary Jadán V.


    Full Text Available En este artículo se discuten los resultados del trabajo realizado en el sitio Guiñayzhu, al suroeste de los Andes del Ecuador. Esta investigación revela que el sitio, además de presentar evidencias de poblaciones locales, tiene colcas o qullcas para el almacenaje de productos, terrazas de pirca y caminos empedrados entre otras instalaciones. Se interpreta que Guiñayzhu es uno de los sitios de la cordillera de Chilla que refleja la expansión del incario y expresa una efectiva dominación de esta región como un enclave estratégico del imperio en su avance hacia el norte. ENGLISH: In this article, the results of research carried out in Guiñayzhu, located at the southwest of the Andes of Ecuador, are discussed. This work reveals that in addition to presenting evidence of local populations, the site has colcas or qullqas for the storage of products, terraces of pirca, and roads paved with stone, among other constructions. Guiñayzhu is interpreted as one of the sites of the Chilla mountain range that reflects the expansion of the Inca and expresses an effective domination of this region, representing a strategic enclave of the empire in its advance northward.

  11. Breeding system of Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae in two populations on different slopes of the Andes Sistema reproductivo de Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae en dos poblaciones ubicadas en diferentes laderas de los Andes

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    Full Text Available Plant breeding systems are considered to reflect species' life history characteristics, selection due to biotic or abiotic factors, pollination conditions, or a combination of these. Reproductive systems may vary over ecological gradients. The breeding system of the ornithophilous Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae from temperate South America was studied by pollination treatments: manual self-pollination, manual cross-pollination, automatic self-pollination, and natural pollination. These treatments were conducted in a coastal western and an Andean eastern population. Embothrium coccineum was found to be self-incompatible and highly dependent on the pollinating agent at both sites. However, pollen limitations were greater in the coastal population, as breeding efficiency was lower. Populations have different floral visitors whose identity differentially affects reproductive efficiency and pollen flow in E. coccineumLos sistemas de compatibilidad reproductiva en las plantas son considerados una manifestación de la historia de vida, de la selección ante factores abióticos ó bióticos, de las condiciones de polinización o una de combinación de esos factores. El sistema reproductivo de una especie puede variar a lo largo de un gradiente ecológico-ambiental. El sistema reproductivo de Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae, un árbol ornitófilo endémico de los bosques templados de sur de Sudamérica, fue estudiado mediante experimentos de polinización: autopolinización manual, polinización manual cruzada, autopolinización automática y polinización natural en flores descubiertas. Este trabajo se realizó en una población costera al oeste de la cordillera de los Andes y una población andina ubicada al este de la cordillera de los Andes. En ambas poblaciones se encontró que E. coccineum es autoimcompatible y altamente dependiente de los agentes polinizadores en ambos sitios. Sin embargo, la limitación por polen fue mayor en la poblaci


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    Lone Aagesen


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la distribución de especies de plantas vasculares endémicas de la porción sur de los Andes centrales (sudoeste de Bolivia y noroeste de Argentina. En el análisis se incluyeron 540 especies endémicas de la región estudiada (aproximadamente 720.600 km2. La mayoría de las especies endémicas se halla en ambientes semiáridos, entre 1500-3500 m s.m., encontrándose principalmente en valles, laderas y mesetas del topográficamente complejo sur de los Andes centrales. Las áreas de endemismos aquí halladas se presentan consecuentemente en ambientes áridos y no en ambientes húmedos subtropicales de las Yungas tucumano-bolivianas, a pesar de que en esta última región la diversidad de plantas vasculares es mayor. Se identificaron un total de 17 patrones de distribución bien definidos, y parcialmente solapados. El patrón de distribución más amplio define un área general de endemismos para los Andes centrales. Esta área se extiende a lo largo de casi toda la región y está delimitada por especies que se distribuyen en ambientes desérticos a sub-húmedos en laderas, valles o regiones altoandinas. Casi todas las restantes áreas de endemismo se encuentran anidadas dentro del patrón de distribución amplio antes citado, superponiéndose en el sentido norte-sur a lo largo de pendientes y valles de los Andes y de las Sierras Pampeanas. A pesar del sesgo observado en la distribución hacia ambientes áridos, aproximadamente la mitad de las especies endémicas están restringidas a unas pocas áreas de alto endemismo, las que se encuentran en yuxtaposición con las zonas más lluviosas de la región. Estas áreas de alto endemismo incluyen los rangos de hábitat más amplios de la región en términos de altitud y precipitación, siendo las especies endémicas igualmente variables en sus requerimientos de humedad y elevación. Las unidades fitogeográficas previamente definidas por diversos autores no fueron encontradas

  13. Luchas y defensas escondidas. Pluralismo legal y cultural como una práctica de resistencia creativa en la gestión local del agua en los Andes

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    Boelens, Rutgerd


    Full Text Available In the Andes, water rights are enforced in processes of social struggle. This paper explains how water struggles by Andean user collectives cannot be understood aside from their rootedness in dynamic ‘undertows’: the multi-layered, often concealed water-rights foundations. They entwine plural legal sources and livelihood strategies; there, water rights are shaped materially and discursively. Undertows also constitute the socio-territorial home bases for communities’ efforts to upscale their water rights battlegrounds into broader political-legal networks. In practice, this often happens in disguised political forms: through ‘mimicry’ shields and strategies, which also enable them to shop around in rulers’ power factory. Dynamic sub-surface creation and proliferation of water rights repertoires constitute a strong source of defense against encroachment and disciplinary policies.

    En los Andes, los derechos de agua se materializan en procesos de lucha social. El artículo examina cómo la lucha por el agua de los colectivos locales no puede comprenderse sin su enraizamiento en subcorrientes dinámicas: los cimientos multicapas, a menudo ocultos, de los derechos de agua. Aquí se entrelazan estrategias comunitarias y fuentes socio-legales plurales. Las subcorrientes alimentan los socio-territorios y las culturas hidráulicas, estableciendo las bases para la defensa de los derechos locales hacia redes político-legales multi-escala. En la práctica, los arreglos y derechos propios a menudo están disfrazados por medio de escudos y estrategias de mimetismo (o imitación, que también permiten hacer uso de los medios de poder dominantes. La creación y la proliferación subsuperficiales de los repertorios sociolegales locales constituyen una importante fuente de defensa contra la usurpación de los derechos de agua y las políticas disciplinarias.

  14. Actividad microbiológica y biomasa microbiana en suelos cafetaleros de los Andes venezolanos

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    Jorge E. Paolini Gómez


    Full Text Available En Venezuela el café (Coffea arabica L. ocupa un área aproximada de 200 000 ha, distribuidos principalmente en las zonas montañosas de Los Andes. Tradicionalmente, el café se cultiva con pocos insumos bajo la sombra de árboles de la familia de las leguminosas y de otros arbustos. En años recientes con la adopción de cultivares de alta productividad, notable precocidad y tamaño reducido se está produciendo café a plena exposición solar con fertilización mineral y uso de pesticidas. Las propiedades microbiológicas del suelo especialmente aquellas relacionadas con el flujo de energía y el reciclaje de nutrientes responden de forma rápida y sensible a los cambios de las condiciones del suelo mucho antes que por ejemplo el carbono orgánico, y de este modo, suministran una información anticipada sobre las alteraciones de la calidad del mismo. En este estudio se comparó la actividad microbiológica (respiración basal, la biomasa microbiana y los parámetros ecofisiológicos en suelos a nivel superficial (0-5 cm de ocho fincas cafetaleras en los municipios de Mérida y Trujillo donde se encuentran tres sistemas de producción: tradicional, convencional y orgánico. Las fincas con agricultura orgánica presentaron los mayores valores de carbono orgánico total, carbono hidrosoluble, respiración basal y biomasa microbiana en comparación con las de manejo tradicional y convencional; con lo cual la producción orgánica es un sistema de manejo más sostenible por la mayor conservación de los recursos naturales y la producción más amigable y armónica con el ambiente. En el caso del manejo convencional, la adición de fertilizantes y pesticidas afecta de forma negativa el bienestar de los microorganismos y los hace más ineficientes en el uso del carbono y la energía.

  15. Efectos del cambio climático sobre especies de plantas vasculares del sur de los Andes Centrales: un estudio en el noroeste de Argentina (NOA)


    Godoy Bürki, Ana Carolina


    La región de los Andes Tropicales es considerada como una región muy vulnerable al cambio climático porque presenta una alta diversidad y endemismo y porque posee una gran variabilidad altitudinal. Si bien se ha efectuado un gran número de predicciones sobre los cambios que ocurrirán en el clima, pocos estudios evaluaron el impacto que éste tendrá sobre las distribuciones de las especies. En este estudio se estima el efecto del cambio climático sobre la distribución y la conservación de espec...

  16. Orquídeas en los alrededores de Bogotá

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    Schneider Martín


    Full Text Available La ciudad de Bogotá, Capital de la República de Colombia, está situada en una fértil altiplanicie de la Cordillera Oriental de los Andes. El clima de esta región lo determinan principalmente dos factores: su situación en los trópicos y su altura en los Andes. EI medio tropical es la causa de una gran constancia de la temperatura, mientras que la situación elevada en los Andes reduce considerablemente la temperatura que debiéramos esperar dada la cercanía del Ecuador. Bogotá y sus alrededores forman parte de la llamada "tierra fría" colombiana, que corresponde a la zona tropical moderada.  Esta zona comprende las alturas entre los 2000 y 3500 metros sobre el nivel del mar, donde las temperaturas medias anuales fluctúan entre 17 y 8 centígrados.

  17. Comunidad y desarrollo en los Andes Peruanos: una crítica etnográfica al programa de modernidad/colonialidad

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    Pieter de Vries


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas la desconstrucción del desarrollo, conocida como el 'postdesarrollismo', ha cobrado gran auge en las ciencias sociales. En Latino-américa el programa teórico denominado modernidad/colonialidad/descolonialidad (MCD se propone descolonizar el pensamiento moderno re-escribiendo la historia global a partir de la experiencia colonial. Arturo Escobar, uno de los mayores teóricos del paradigma postdevelopmentalista se apoya en el proyecto MCD para pensar 'alternativas a la modernidad'(o transmodernidad. En este artículo propongo someter la perspectiva postdesarrollista y el proyecto MCD a un test etnográfico. Para eso me centro en las visiones y experiencias de Usibamba, una comunidad en los Andes Centrales Peruanos. La etnografía gira alrededor de la siguiente pregunta: ¿porqué los usibambinos, a pesar de todas sus experiencias negativas con el aparato del desarrollo, insisten en reivindicar la promesa del desarrollo? El programa de MCD nos permite entender el impasse de la comunidad en Usibamba? ¿Conceptos como pluriverso y transmodernidad nos permiten entender los deseos y aspiraciones de los usibambinos? Para responder a estas preguntas me apoyo en un análisis Žižekian que distingue entre 'lo actual', 'lo virtual', y lo 'Real'de la comunidad.

  18. Reconstrucción espacial y temporal de la ocurrencia de avalanchas de nieve en los Andes patagónicos utilizando técnicas dendrocronológicas Dendrochronological reconstruction of spatial and temporal patterns of snow avalanches in the Patagonian Andes

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    Full Text Available Las avalanchas de nieve representan un importante riesgo natural en diversas regiones montañosas alrededor del mundo. Daños a infraestructura y pérdidas de vidas humanas son reportados frecuentemente en relación a eventos catastróficos de avalanchas. En los Andes, numerosas obras de infraestructura se ubican en zonas vecinas a senderos de avalanchas, de las que poco se conoce sobre sus alcances máximos, periodos de retorno y presiones de impacto. A través de la implementación de técnicas dendrocronológicas hemos reconstruido las fechas de ocurrencia y áreas de influencia de eventos pasados de avalanchas de nieve. Ejemplares de Nothofagus pumilio con perturbaciones visibles de avalanchas fueron muestreados en sectores del canal, bordes y zonas de frenado de 11 senderos de avalanchas ubicados en Loma de las Pizarras, próximo a El Chaltén, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Además, áreas de control fueron muestreadas para determinar las condiciones de crecimiento en árboles no afectados por avalanchas. Nuestros análisis indican que las cicatrices, las variaciones de excentricidad en el leño, los cambios abruptos de crecimiento y la presencia de leño de tensión son los principales indicadores dendrocronológicos en N. pumilio asociados a la ocurrencia de avalanchas. Basados en una ponderación cuantitativa de los indicadores y en la profundidad de muestreo, calculamos un índice de ocurrencia de eventos, el cual nos permitió determinar para cada sendero los años con ocurrencia de avalanchas. Considerando de manera integral la actividad de avalanchas en los 11 senderos muestreados, los años con mayor ocurrencia de eventos fueron 1936, 1966, 1978 y 1995. Complementariamente, registros climáticos fueron analizados con el objetivo de determinar las relaciones entre los años con ocurrencia de avalanchas y las variaciones mensuales de precipitación y temperatura. Se observa que los años con gran frecuencia de avalanchas est


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    Diego Falconí Travez


    Full Text Available Pablo Palacio, escritor ecuatoriano de la segunda década del siglo pasado, se encargó de construir en sus relatos un catálogo de cuerpos raros con sexualidades ambiguas e inquietantes que se alejan del canon andino al que él pertenece. No obstante, una de las cuestiones que más llama la atención es que varios de esos cuerpos son disciplinados por ciertos discursos de poder de un modo violento. Este trabajo explora desde la teoría literaria dichas vejaciones tomando en consideración la violencia sobre las identidades de mujeres y homosexuales en dos de sus relatos, e indaga sobre cuestiones como la economía de la representación, la  violencia, su relación con el texto literario y la vulnerabilidad, como requisito sine qua non de las vejaciones, en ciertos cuerpos en la zona de los Andes.

  20. Los misioneros salesianos y la polémica sobre la extinción de los Selk’nam de Tierra del Fuego

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    María Andrea Nicoletti


    Full Text Available El proceso de extinción de los selk’nam generó una polémica dentro de la congregación de los salesianos alrededor de las causas que suscitaron su desaparición. Por medio de la reducción «Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria» llevada a cabo por monseñor Fagnano en 1893, se puso en marcha un plan de evangelización y «civilización» de los selk’nam. Estos aborígenes buscaban refugio en la reducción ante la persecución y asesinato perpetrados por los estancieros fueguinos. Las acechanzas, el contagio de enfermedades a las que los aborígenes no eran inmunes y el impacto cultural que provocó el sistema de reducciones, contribuyeron a su extinción. Los misioneros salesianos, protagonistas del proceso reduccional, analizaron las causas de la extinción poniendo el acento fundamentalmente en las matanzas de los estancieros y la violencia aplicada por las autoridades estatales, aun admitiendo las ocasionadas por el cambio cultural. La siguiente generación de salesianos, desde el estudio de las fuentes y la construcción de su propia historia, desplazó la causa violenta hacia motivos fisiológicos y culturales, con el fin de no poner en tela de juicio el rol que las familias de estancieros Braun Menéndez y Menéndez Behety, colaboradoras con la obra salesiana, tuvieron en este nefasto proceso.

  1. El represamiento y aluvión del río Santa Cruz, Andes Principales (31°40'S), provincia de San Juan


    Patricio E. D'odorico; Daniel J. Pérez; Nicolás Sequeira; Luis Fauqué


    En la región de los Andes Principales sanjuaninos, existe una alta concentración de deslizamientos, cuyos depósitos han originado represamientos naturales. El colapso de estos diques generados por movimientos de ladera es el proceso evolutivo más probable de estas geoformas. El análisis de imágenes satelitales y fotos aéreas permite reconstruir las características y el origen de los deslizamientos que formaron esos diques naturales. En esta región de los Andes Principales, el rápido levantami...

  2. Variaciones de un glaciar de montaña en los Andes de Chile central en las últimas dos décadas

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    Full Text Available VARIATIONS D’UN GLACIER DE MONTAGNE DANS LES ANDES DU CHILI CENTRAL AU COURS DES DEUX DERNIÈRES DÉCENNIES. Les résultats du bilan de masse du glacier Echaurren Norte sont présentés. Il s’agit d’un glacier de montagne de 0,4 km2 situé dans les Andes du Chili central, à 50 km à l’est de Santiago, à une altitude moyenne de 3 750 m. Ce programme de la Direction Générale d’Eaux du Chili a permis de recueillir régulièrement une information sur les bilans de masse pendant 18 ans, entre les années 1975 et 1993. C’est le seul registre de bilan de masse d’un glacier au Chili. L’ablation pendant la période de fonte a été de 252 cm d’eau en moyenne annuelle, avec une accumulation hivernale moyenne de 280 cm d’eau. Le bilan net est positif pour la période, mais on observe une grande variation interannuelle. Le bilan positif du glacier Echaurren Norte contraste avec le recul généralisé des autres glaciers du Chili central. Se presentan resultados del balance de masa del glaciar Echaurren Norte, un glaciar de montaña de 0,4 km2 ubicado a una altitud media de 3 750 m.s.n.m., en los Andes de Chile central, 50 km al este de Santiago. Los datos, recolectados como parte de un programa regular de la Dirección General de Aguas, Chile, cubren un período de 18 años, desde 1975 a 1993 y constituyen el único registro de balance de masa de un glaciar en Chile. La ablación durante el período de deshielo fue de 252 cm eq. en agua anuales en promedio, con una acumulación invernal promedio de 280 cm eq. en agua. El balance neto para el período es positivo, pero existe una gran variación interanual. El balance positivo del glaciar Echaurren Norte contrasta con el retroceso generalizado en otros glaciares de Chile central. VARIATIONS OF A MOUNTAIN GLACIER IN THE CENTRAL CHILEAN ANDES DURING THE LAST TWENTY YEARS. Mass balance results for Echaurren Norte Glacier are presented. This mountain glacier, with an area of 0,4 km2, is located at

  3. Andes: An intelligent homework helper (United States)

    van de Sande, Brett; Vanlehn, Kurt; Treacy, Don; Shelby, Bob; Wintersgill, Mary


    Andes ( is an intelligent tutor homework system designed for use as the homework portion of an introductory physics course. It encourages students to use good problem solving techniques and provides immediate feedback on each step of a problem solution along with hints on request. I will discuss how Andes works, from a student perspective, and present research demonstrating its effectiveness as a pedagogical tool. Then, I will discuss using Andes as a tool for conducting education research, briefly reviewing several studies conducted using Andes. Finally, I will show how logs of student solutions to Andes problems can be used to develop cognitive models of student learning.

  4. Determinantes del acceso a los productos financieros en los hogares colombianos


    Santiago Rodríguez-Raga; Félix Francisco Riaño Rodríguez


    Existe evidencia que establece una asociación positiva entre el acceso a productos financieros, la riqueza y calidad de vida de los hogares, en especial de los hogares pobres. En este ámbito, este estudio busca entender los determinantes del acceso a los diferentes productos financieros en los hogares de Colombia, utilizando un modelo econométrico con base en la información contenida en la Encuesta Longitudinal Colombiana (ELCA) de la Universidad de los Andes. Como conclusión se encuentra que...

  5. Mario Alberto Cajas Sarria (2015. La historia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia, 1886-1991. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes & Universidad ICESI

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    Michael Cruz Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El libro del profesor Mario Alberto Cajas Sarria, que es resultado de su tesis doctoral en derecho en la Universidad de los Andes, realiza una narración de la historia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia desde su creación en 1886 hasta su validación a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente de 1991. Para ello toma como elemento central decisiones judiciales que efectuaron control constitucional en cuatro temas que sirven de hilos conductores: los estados de excepción, las leyes por vicios de trámite, los tratados internacionales y las reformas a la constitución. Así, el trabajo no sólo se detiene en las categorías jurídicas que orbitan alrededor de estos tópicos sino que, a partir de las decisiones judiciales, de la prensa y de fuentes secundarias, ilumina el contexto político y los ambientes institucionales en los que la Corte Suprema ejerció el control de constitucionalidad en algunas coyunturas en la trayectoria del régimen político colombiano.

  6. Resignificación de la muerte en los Andes: La festividad de Wiñay Pacha o todas las almas en Santiago de Chile

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    Francisca Fernández Droguett


    Full Text Available Desde el 2009 diversas organizaciones y agrupaciones de danza y música andina, han comenzado a conmemorar el día de difuntos en la ciudad de Santiago, denominándola Wiñay Pacha o Todas Almas. El siguiente artículo tiene por objetivo caracterizar esta práctica festiva desde los elementos culturales que configuran la visión de la muerte de los pueblos indígenas de Los Andes, a través de la vivencia del duelo y la forma de conmemorar a los difuntos, para luego reflexionar el modo en que se ha ido resignificando en el contexto urbano, mediante la revisión de su origen como festividad y su expresión como reivindicación de otros modos de vivenciar la muerte. La investigación se aborda desde una aproximación etnográfica, utilizando para la recopilación de datos la revisión bibliográfica, observación participante y entrevistas en profundidad.

  7. De la complementariedad a la voluntad de Aplanar los Andes: representaciones de la naturaleza y pensamiento económico y político en el Perú del siglo XX

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    Full Text Available DE LA COMPLÉMENTARITÉ À LA VOLONTÉ D’APLANIR LES ANDES : REPRÉSENTATIONS DE LA NATURE ET PENSÉE ÉCONOMIQUE ET POLITIQUE AU PÉROU AU COURS DU XXÈME SIÈCLE. La représentation la plus courante du territoire péruvien à l’échelle nationale est celle qui le divise en trois régions dites “naturelles”, la costa, la sierra et la selva. Mais cette division et chacun de ses éléments peuvent prendre différents sens et ont orienté la réflexion politique tantôt vers l’idée d’une complémentarité entre ces trois ensembles et entre les “étages écologiques” qui les composent, tantôt vers celle d’une opposition insurmontable entre les Andes et leur piémont côtier - le piémont amazonien n’étant que plus rarement au centre des débats -. Cette seconde “traduction” de la nature semble aujourd’hui la plus influente et la représentation “négative” de la montagne comme espace de pauvreté et d’isolement tend dans le contexte du néolibéralisme à l’emporter sur celle, plus positive et tout aussi construite, qui présente les Andes comme un territoire ayant permis la conservation d’une culture indigène authentique. La representación más común del territorio peruano a nivel nacional es la división en tres regiones consideradas como “naturales”, la costa, la sierra y la selva. Pero esa división y cada uno de sus elementos pueden tener diversos significados, de tal forma que guiaron la reflexión política en ocasiones hacia la idea de una complementariedad entre las tres partes y entre los pisos ecológicos que las componen, y otras veces hacia la de una oposición insalvable entre los Andes y su piedemonte costeño (mientras el amazónico suscitaba menos interés. La segunda de estas “traducciones” de la naturaleza parece ser hoy en día la más influyente: la representación “negativa” de la sierra como espacio de pobreza y de aislamiento tiende, dentro del contexto del neoliberalismo, a prevalecer sobre aqu

  8. Síndrome de burnout – estrés laboral y su influencia en el desempeño de los docentes de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Peruana los Andes – 2015


    Cantorin Poma, Oscar Luis


    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la influencia existente entre el Síndrome de Burnout (estrés laboral) y el Desempeño delos docentes de la facultad de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Peruana los Andes. Tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, donde se utilizó el tipo de investigación descriptiva correccional-causal que tiene el propósito de describir situaciones o eventos de relaciones y causalidad entre ambas variables. Para responder a las interrogantes ...

  9. Ethnoecology of the tropical Andes avian indicators of landscape change in highland Ecuador.

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    Sarmiento, F. O.


    traditionnelles associées à ces preuves ornithologiqiies nous aident à comprendre la dynamique des pat/sages culturels, avec des oiseaux comme mandataires des synergies qui affectent les complexités de la nature et de la culture. Un paradoxe de la conservation est révélé par les indicateurs aviaires. Les quatre espèces choisies sont des cas où le changement de paysage et la diversité biologique nous ont donné des aperçus des avancées ethnologiques. À la différence de la préservation offerte par des réserves naturelles absolues, l'intendance du paysage, les droits de passage de la conservation et les paysages culturels sont enumeres sur la liste de scénarios pour la conservation des forêts humides, une liste qui comprend les lieux sacrés et les endroits spirituels comme des valeurs intangibles dans les Andes tropicales méritant une protection. [es] Cuatro especies de aves andinas ofrecen pistas para replantear la etnoecología de las pluviisilvas neotropicales, desafiando la noción de conservación basada solamente en recursos hídricos y biodiversidad. Usando evidencias, tanto arqueológicas como ecológicas actuales, se argumenta que el rol de los humanos en la formación y el mantenimiento de los paisajes altoandinos es un factor importante para la conservación de los bosques tropicales montanos húmedos, en particular en las montañas ecuatoriales. El ejemplo de las aves demuestra los lazos intrínsecos que unen cultura y naturaleza en los Andes tropicales. El conocimiento tradicional asociado a las pistas ornitológicas ayuda a entender la dinámica de los paisajes culturales, usando a las aves como aproximación a las sinergias que afectan tanto a la cultura andina como a la naturaleza en toda su complejidad. Una paradoja de conservación destaca en los indicadores de avifauna. Las cuatro especies seleccionadas señalan casos en donde el cambio de paisaje y la diversidad siguen de cerca los avances etnoecológicos. A diferencia de la preservación en

  10. Los costos de la expedición militar a Chile, 1815-1818

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    Beatriz Bragoni


    Full Text Available Este trabajo explora las estrategias utilizadas para financiar la creación y el sostenimiento del Ejército de los Andes y los instrumentos fiscales utilizados para conseguirlo. El análisis de los distintos rubros que integraban las cajas del ejército permite examinar el peso de los recursos aportados por el gobierno central y por la jurisdicción cuyana. Asimismo, analiza el destino de los fondos a través del estudio de los presupuestos del ejército, con el objetivo de ponderar el peso que tuvieron los salarios en el total de los gastos militares durante la etapa previa al cruce de los Andes, y en la posterior, cuando el ejército estaba en Chile bajo severas condiciones fiscales de los gobiernos patriotas.

  11. Estrés académico en estudiantes de la Facultad de Farmacia y Bioanálisis, Universidad de los Andes, Mérida-Venezuela


    Labrador Chacón, Carmen Zulay


    En esta tesis se ha tenido como objetivo, estudiar el estrés académico, así como algunos recursos psicosociales empleados, para su afrontamiento, en estudiantes de la Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida-Venezuela. La muestra estuvo constituida por 856 estudiantes del curso regular, de la Facultad de Farmacia y Bioanálisis. Para la medición del nivel de estrés académico se empleó el Cuestionario de Evaluación del Estrés Académico (CEEA) (Joan De Pablo, 2002). Para medir las variables sociodemográ...

  12. Uso de redes sociales en las revistas científicas de la Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela

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    Christian Alexander Martínez-Guerrero


    Full Text Available En una sociedad donde las barreras parecen día a día más difusas, las Redes Sociales (RRSS constituyen uno los principales vehículos de comunicación directo para acceder, compartir, usar y apropiarse de contenidos que hasta hace algún tiempo implicaba mayores labores. El objetivo de este estudio fue ofrecer un diagnóstico sobre la participación en estos canales, como medios adecuados para la divulgación de conocimientos, en cada una de las 90 revistas científicas de la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA, abordado desde una metodología de trabajo de carácter documental, con diseño no experimental-transversal de tipo descriptivo, donde se determinó la presencia -y sus respectivas características- de los objetos de estudio en dos RRSS horizontales-generalistas: Facebook y Twitter, y dos verticales, de contenido y de perfiles profesionales: Youtube y LinkedIn, dadas sus capacidades de apertura y penetración en una parte importante de la población que tiene conexión a la Red. Sin embargo, se percibió que apenas el 22,3 % de las publicaciones periódicas analizadas es miembro de al menos una de estas RRSS, algunas no cuentan con constante actividad y, por tanto, la cifra de suscriptores es corta y su alcance limitado. Se recomienda al personal que allí hace vida académica procurar esfuerzos para alcanzar mejores índices de visibilidad y difusión, así como el registro en más comunidades virtuales y el trabajo constante en el mantenimiento de ellas.

  13. El tarwi o chocho: una de las principales fuentes de proteína vegetal de las comunidades indígenas de los Andes Centrales

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    Planchuelo, Ana M.


    Full Text Available El lupino andino (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet conocido también como tarwi o chocho, es una especie de leguminosa nativa de los Andes Centrales. Su domesticación se remonta a los principios de la cultura Nazca y desde ese entonces hasta la actualidad el cultivo está ampliamente difundido en las laderas montañosas y en los altos valles de Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia. La importancia del lupino para las comunidades andinas prehispánicas quedo documentada en pinturas de cerámicas y en tributos encontrados en tumbas de 100-150 años AC. Diversas técnicas de lavado y de mejoramiento vegetal fueron aplicadas desde la antigüedad para eliminar los alcaloides tóxicos que le confieren el sabor amargo a la planta y los granos. El tarwi, el maíz. los frijoles, los pseudocereales, quinoa y amaranto y la papa junto a otras raíces y tubérculos constituyen la comida básica de muchas culturas andinas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los componentes nutricionales de los granos del lupino andino para compararlos con los otros constituyentes de la dieta de las comunidades campesinas. Se analizaron por medio de técnicas fitoquímicas distintas variedades de tarwi. Se determinaron los contenidos de proteínas y grasas y los patrones de ácidos grasos. Los resultados muestran que la ingesta de lupinos, que provee un buen balance de proteínas y grasas en combinación con el maíz y los tubérculos, que aportan los hidratos de carbono, forman una dieta balanceada y de alto valor nutricional.

  14. Abundancia y biomasa de macroinvertebrados edáficos en la temporada lluviosa, en tres usos de la tierra, en los Andes colombianos

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    Pardo Luis C


    Full Text Available COMPENDIO los usos evaluados fueron pastizal, cafetal y bosque secundario (Vereda Villa del Rosario, Aprox. 3º 33' 16â€? Latitud Norte y 76º 36' 01â€? Longitud Oeste, altitud 1.500 a 1.820m., precipitación 960 a 1.050 mm/año, 19.8 a 21.2º C con la metodología TSBF. Se implementaron tres monolitos por uso y cada uno se subdividió en cuatro estratos (hojarasca, 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, y 20-30 cm, las variables densidad y biomasa por parcela y estrato se examinaron a través de ANOVAS y Post-Anovas. En abundancia la supremacía fue de hormigas (25584 ejemplares, miriápodos (4808 ejemplares y lombrices (1984 ejemplares, la diferencia significativa la marcaron los miriápodos (F=4.84, P=0.014 asociados con bosque y cafetal con sombrío. En biomasa los grupos más importantes fueron miriápodos (701.05 g m-2, 58.71%, lombrices (90.64 g m-2; 7.59%, chisas (27.07 g m-2; 2.26% hor­migas (20.90 g m-2; 1.75% y arañas (15.71 g m-2 ; 1.31%, con diferencias significativas en hormigas (F=4.17, P=0.024 y arañas (F=3.43, P=0.4024; También hubo diferencias estadísticas significativas en la densidad y biomasa de macroinvertebrados y los estratos de los monolitos, los resultados indican que estos organismos expresan en su población y biomasa respuestas ambientales asociadas más con la estructura del agroecosistema que con la variación química, física o microbiológica del hábitat; se recomienda discriminar taxonómicamente los grupos funcionales y ampliar los muestreos a la temporada seca. Palabras clave: uso del suelo, macroinvertebrados edáficos, densidad, abundancia, agroecosistemas, Andes colombianos. ABSTRACT Abundance and biomass of soil macroinvertabrates during the rainy season in three land use systems in the Colombian Andes. Using the TSBF methodology, three land use systems—pastures, coffee plantation, and secondary forest— were evaluated in the rural community of Villa del Rosario, located in the

  15. Limitación de la conservación de variedades nativas por variedades mejoradas: Estudio de caso de la papa en los Andes centrales del Ecuador

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    MSc. María Cecilia Dávila


    Full Text Available La conservación de la biodiversidad para la alimentación y la agricultura, es una actividad importante a nivel mundial para asegurar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, pero dicha actividad está siendo limitada por varios factores. Este estudio de caso analiza cómo la adopción de variedades mejoradas de papa limita la conservación de la diversidad de las variedades nativas a nivel de granja o chakra en seis comunidades indígenas en los Andes centrales ecuatorianos. Los resultados muestran que la adopción de variedades mejoradas ha desplazado una amplia gama de variedades locales tradicionales de los campos de agricultores que, junto con las condiciones socioeconómicas y ambientales que caracterizaron el sitio de estudio, han socavado la diversidad genética de variedades cultivadas de papa en las fincas. Palabras clave: Conservación en finca, diversidad de papa, variedades mejoradas, variedades nativas.

  16. Determinantes del acceso a los productos financieros en los hogares colombianos

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    Santiago Rodríguez-Raga


    Full Text Available Existe evidencia que establece una asociación positiva entre el acceso a productos financieros, la riqueza y calidad de vida de los hogares, en especial de los hogares pobres. En este ámbito, este estudio busca entender los determinantes del acceso a los diferentes productos financieros en los hogares de Colombia, utilizando un modelo econométrico con base en la información contenida en la Encuesta Longitudinal Colombiana (ELCA de la Universidad de los Andes. Como conclusión se encuentra que los principales determinantes del acceso a productos financieros son el nivel de ingreso o riqueza, la educación y la estabilidad en términos laborales.

  17. Diversidad y dinámica de un bosque subandino de altitud en la región norte de los Andes colombianos

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    Jesús Oswaldo Velásquez Restrepo


    Full Text Available Los bosques sub-Andinos poseen alta diversidad biológica, de los cuales poco se conoce sobre su dinámica natural. Se evaluaron patrones de diversidad y biomasa, tasas de mortalidad y reclutamiento en dos parcelas permanentes de una hectárea cada una, establecidas en bosques en altitudes entre los 2 000-2 200msnm, en la vertiente Oriental de la cordillera Occidental del norte de los Andes en Colombia. Se determino diversidad de especies mediante el índice alpha de Fisher, la dinámica del bosque se evaluó mediante tres censos durante nueve anos. En total, se hallaron 1 964 individuos con un diámetro a la altura del pecho DAP≥10cm. pertenecientes a 222 especies, 113 géneros y 60 familias. La riqueza media de especies fue de 156 especies por hectárea y un índice alpha medio de Fisher de 56.2/h. Las tasas de mortalidad y reclutamiento fueron de 0.88% y 1.16% respectivamente, lo cual no indica que se presente un efecto externo proveniente del calentamiento global sobre la dinámica del bosque. La biomasa aérea promedio fue de 243.44±9.82tn/ha con un incremento anual promedio de 2.9ton/ha, valor superior a los reportados, lo cual sugiere que el equilibrio para este bosque no se ha alcanzado. De acuerdo con las observaciones de campo, este bosque parece estar recuperándose de una alteración pasada.

  18. Las especies nativas y la deforestación en los Andes. Una visión histórica, social y cultural en Cochabamba, Bolivia

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    Full Text Available LES ESPECES NATIVES ET LA DÉFORESTATION DANS LES ANDES - UNE VISION HISTORIQUE, SOCIALE ET CULTURELLE A COCHABAMBA, BOLIVIE. Ce travail présente les résultats de 3 ans d’observations de terrain, de conversations avec les paysans, complétées par une large révision bibliographique. à travers une reconstitution historique, sociale et culturelle, il essaie de montrer la dynamique régressive de la végétation andine, en particulier à Cochabamba. Les forêts résiduelles, les documents des chroniqueurs des XVIè et XVIIè siècles, des explorateurs et les travaux actuels des chercheurs sont les éléments qui permettent d’imaginer les associations végétales et les types de boisements qui existaient dans le passé. En partant d’une analyse des modes d’utilisation de l’espace par les différentes sociétés qui ont peuplé les Andes, ses vallées et ses zones hautes, depuis la préhistoire jusqu’à notre époque, cette étude procède à une interprétation des causes de la déforestation, si alarmante aujourd’hui. Ainsi, les effets de l’augmentation de la population, la pression du bétail, le rôle des mines, la construction des chemins de fer sont analysés sous l’éclairage de leur influence sur la végétation native. Les implications de la fabrication de la chicha, du foncier et des nombreuses guerres ou batailles militaires sur la dégradation de l’environnement sont aussi prises en compte. La connaissance des éléments du passé amène, en conclusion, à présenter de futures pistes de travail, techniques et sociales, pour réduire ou contrecarrer la déforestation. El presente estudio suma los frutos de 3 años de observaciones de campo y de intercambios con los campesinos a una revisión bibliográfica amplia. Intenta presentar, mediante una reconstitución histórica, social y cultural, la dinámica regresiva de la vegetación andina, en particular en Cochabamba. Las huellas de los bosques relictos, los documentos de

  19. Resilience and adaptations of rural communities and agricultural land use in the tropical Andes: Coping with environmental and socio-economic changes

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    Stadel, Ch.


    Full Text Available In spite of a long settlement history of the tropical Andes, rural farming communities have always been exposed to conditions of ecological and economic vulnerability, risks, and even disasters. This has resulted, at certain times and in some regions, to a destabilization of livelihoods and to a manifestation of various forms of marginalization, to poverty or outmigration. However, Andean communities , over a long time, have given admirable testimonies of resilience and adaptations in the face of adverse conditions or new challenges. This paper examines the potentials and different facets of resilience and adaptation strategies of the rural campesinado in the tropical Andes. It emphasizes the proven traditional concepts of verticality, complementarity, reciprocity, and mutual community support, which to date support the feasibility and sustainability of Andean farming and community survival. In spite of this recognition, it is argued that Andean rural livelihoods always had to adapt to new developments, to threats and challenges, as well as to opportunities and alternative potentials. In the face of an almost ubiquitous penetration of modernization, new technologies, and economic and cultural globalization, the fundamental question arises, whether this can be considered as a path to progress and development, or as a threat to the survival of small-scale farming and rural community living. The paper concludes by formulating, albeit in a tentative form, some general suggestions for ‘development’ approaches and for research priorities in the rural Andes.

    A pesar de una tradición muy extensa del asentamiento humano en los Andes tropicales, las comunidades campesinas siempre enfrentaron condiciones de vulnerabilidad ecológica y económica, con varios riesgos, y aun desastres. Eso ha resultado, en diversos tiempos y en algunas regiones, en una estabilización de la superviviencia humana y en varias manifestaciones de marginalización, de

  20. Population dynamics of the rat Microryzomys minutus (Rodentia: Muridae in the Venezuelan Andes

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    Daniel R Cabello


    Full Text Available The population dynamics of the small forest rice rat Microryzomys minutus, a murid rodent that occurs in the high altitudes of the northern and central Andes, was studied in disturbed and primary environments in a cloud forest of the Venezuelan Andes (Juan Pablo Peñaloza National Park, 8º11’N, 71º49’W. We collected 121 animals (66♀♀ and 55♂♂ between 1995 and 1998, using pitfall traps with formalin. Adult males were heavier than adult females. Relative abundance was much greater in the disturbed environments (over 10 individuals in some periods than in the primary cloud forest: 4-8 individuals. In the disturbed environments, the rats were extremely abundant in the first sampling period, and less frequent afterwards. In the cropland, abundance showed some fluctuations during the study and displayed two small abundance peaks in March-June 1997 and 1998. In the mined area, the rats had irregular fluctuations until March-June 1997 and were not recorded in July-October 1997. The occurrence of this rat in both disturbed and natural habitats confirms the wide ecological tolerance of this species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(2: 651-. Epub 2006 Jun 01.Se analizó la dinámica poblacional de las pequeñas ratas silvestres del arroz Microryzomys minutus en ambientes alterados y primarios, en un bosque nublado de los Andes venezolanos. El estudio fue basado en 121 animales (66♀♀ y 55♂♂ recolectados entre 1995 y 1998, usando trampas que contenían formalina. Esta especie está presente en ambos hábitats lo que confirma su amplia tolerancia ecológica. La abundancia poblacional fue mayor en ambientes alterados que en los no alterados. M. minutus presenta dimorfismo sexual en el peso: los machos son más pesados que las hembras.

  1. Les flux de matières dissoutes et particulaires des Andes de Bolivie vers le rio Madeira en Amazonie brésilienne

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    Full Text Available Le Rio Madeira est le principal affluent méridional de l’Amazone et le deuxième tributaire andin du bassin. L’utilisation des données obtenues en Bolivie par le PHICAB (1, et au Brésil sur le réseau du DNAEE (2, a permis de suivre l’évolution des flux de matières dissoutes et particulaires, depuis les Andes jusqu’à l’Amazone. Les flux de matières en solution [36 106 t an-1 à Villabella (3] augmentent progressivement d’amont en aval avec les débits. Les flux de matières en suspension diminuent du piedmont andin jusqu’à Villabella (258 106 t an-1 du fait d’une forte sédimentation. Ensuite, les différences notables observées au Brésil posent clairement le problème des modes d’échantillonnage et de calcul des flux sédimentaires. LOS FLUJOS DE MATERIA DISUELTA Y PARTICULAR DESDE LOS ANDES DE BOLIVIA HASTA EL RÍO MADEIRA EN EL AMAZONAS DE BRASIL. El río Madeira es el principal afluente meridional del Amazonas, y el segundo tributario andino de la cuenca. La utilización de los datos obtenidos en Bolivia por el PHICAB (1, y en el Brasil sobre la red del DNAEE (2 permite conocer la evolución de los flujos de materia disuelta y particular, desde los Andes hasta el Amazonas. Los aportes en materia disuelta [36 106 t año-1 en Villabella (3] aumentan progresivamente de aguas arriba para aguas abajo, con el caudal. Los flujos de materias en suspensión disminuyen desde el Piedemonte hasta Villabella (258 106 t año-1 por causa de una fuerte sedimentación. Después, las diferencias notables observadas en el Brasil colocan claramente el problema de los tipos de muestreo y de cálculo de los flujos de sedimentos. THE DISSOLVED AND SEDIMENT YIELDS FROM THE ANDES OF BOLIVIA TO THE MADEIRA RIVER IN THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON. The Madeira river is the main Southern tributary of the Amazon, and the second Andean tributary of the drainage basin. The use of Bolivian data from the PHICAB (1, and Brazilian data from the DNAEE (2, allow to

  2. Andes: An Intelligent Homework System for Introductory Physics (United States)

    van de Sande, Brett; VanLehn, K.; Hausmann, R.; Treacy, D.; Shelby, R.


    We know that students benefit from solving homework problems under the guidance of an expert (human) tutor. The Andes system ( is designed for students to solve homework problems under the guidance of an expert computer tutor. Andes encourages students to use sound problem solving techniques and provides immediate right/wrong feedback on each step of a solution. On request, Andes also provides hints based on previous student actions. I will discuss how Andes works, from a student's perspective, and summarize research that demonstrates its effectiveness as a pedagogical tool. I will also discuss how Andes can function as a tool for conducting educational research, presenting an investigation of students' hint usage as an example.

  3. Nurse effect in seedling establishment: facilitation and tolerance to damage in the Andes of central Chile Efecto nodriza en el establecimiento de plántulas: facilitación y tolerancia al daño en los Andes de Chile central

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    ás relevante en ambientes estresantes. Este efecto sería particularmente importante durante el periodo de establecimiento de las plántulas debido a su alta vulnerabilidad a factores bióticos y abióticos como herbivoría y desecación. La tolerancia a la herbivoría evidencia la capacidad de las plantas de recrecer y reproducirse después del daño, pero esta capacidad es recurso-dependiente. En los Andes de Chile central, la planta en cojín Laretia acaulis (Apiaceae atenúa el efecto del estrés ambiental, aumentando la supervivencia de diversas especies de plantas asociadas. Proponemos que las plántulas que se encuentren creciendo dentro de los cojines de L. acaulis deberían evidenciar niveles mayores de tolerancia en relación a aquellas plántulas creciendo fuera de los cojines. Para probar esta hipótesis se llevó a cabo un experimento de campo con dos especies nativas perennes: Hordeum comosum (Poaceae y Haplopappus anthylloides (Asteraceae. Plántulas de ambas especies fueron sembradas dentro y fuera de los cojines de L. acaulis, y la mitad de ellas recibieron daño manual (50 % tejido foliar removido. En general, las plántulas que se encontraron creciendo dentro del cojín evidenciaron una mayor supervivencia independientemente del tratamiento de daño. A pesar de que la ubicación de las plántulas no afectó la respuesta en tolerancia por parte de H. anthylloides, sí afectó significativamente la tolerancia de H. comosum. Por lo tanto, encontramos valores similares para la supervivencia de plántulas de H. comosum dentro de los cojines, pero la supervivencia de plántulas dañadas fuera de los cojines fue significativamente menor que la de plántulas control. Se pudo evidenciar la ocurrencia de efecto nodriza por parte de L. acaulis sobre el establecimiento de ambas especies y conjuntamente un aumento en la tolerancia al daño para H. comosum en este hábitat estresante

  4. Caracterización de semillas de lupino (Lupinus mutabilis sembrado en los Andes de Colombia

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    Ortega-David Eduar


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se identificaron las propiedades físicas, composicionales y fisicoquímicas de la semilla de Lupino (Lupinus mutabilis cultivado en Nariño (Andes de Colombia. Su composición se determinó realizando análisis proximales de semilla completa, tegumento y cotiledones. Además se determinó el contenido de minerales y su composición elemental. Se estableció cuantitativamente el contenido de alcaloides presentes y su perfil composicional. Se determinaron propiedades físicas como la forma y el tamaño de la semilla. Se determinaron las propiedades fisicoquímicas como la capacidad de retención de agua y el pH. Las cantidades de nutrientes de la semilla son menores que los valores reportados en la literatura. Se presenta una variación en cuanto al perfil de alcaloides, siendo la esparteína la segunda sustancia de mayor presencia. La hidratación de la semilla conduce a un incremento de 1.72 veces su tamaño original. Se puede sugerir que la proteína posee afinidad hidrofílica evidenciada por la elevada capacidad de retención de agua de la semilla. La identificación de estas propiedades permite reconocer el potencial de la semilla para su futuro aprovechamiento.

  5. Les Andes Centrales Tropicales vues par deux géographes: Isaiah Bowman et Carl Troll

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    Full Text Available Deux visions des Andes vues par deux géographes, Isaiah BOWMAN et Carl TROLL, au caractère et au milieu intellectuel différents. L'auteur étudie dans l'un et l'autre cas la méthode d'analyse de l'espace géographique et les conclusions tirées par chacun d'eux. I. BOWMAN, Américain, convaincu qu'une économie mercantiliste fondée sur l'exportation permettra aux Etats andins d'accéder à un modèle de développement, décrit les vastes contrées amazoniennes comme un futur El Dorado entre les mains de colons. L'aménagement des basses plaines selon des schémas nord-américains est le pilier de l'économie alors que les Andes abritant les communautés indigènes constituent un frein au développement. De ce fait il laisse de côté l'étude des paysanneries andines. Toute différente est la démarche de Carl TROLL dont la formation à la fois en sciences humaines et naturelles, lui permet de cerner l'espace géographique comme cadre de vie des sociétés. L'utilisation des étages écologiques, le développement de l'Empire Inca fondé sur l'étage des 'punas', la démarche historique des analyses minutieuses de Carl TROLL donne un éclairage nouveau aux relations des sociétés andines et des milieux naturels avec lesquels elles composent. Dos puntos de vista de los Andes por dos geógrafos, Isaiah BOWMAN y Carl TROLL con carácter y medio intelectual distintos. El autor estudia en ambos casos el método de análisis del espacio geográfico y las conclusiones sacadas por cada uno de ellos. I. BOWMAN, americano, convencido que una economía mercantil fundada sobre la exportación permitirá a los estados andinos acceder a un modelo de desarrollo, describe las extensas llanuras amazónicas como un El Dorado futuro entre las manos de los colonos. El desarrollo de las llanuras bajas según esquemas norteamericanos constituye el pilar de la economía mientras los Andes abrigando las comunidades indígenas se comportan como un freno al


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    Full Text Available El presente artículo es producto de los desarrollos investigativos y reflexivos de la experiencia educativa “Construcción de subjetividades políticas de niñas, niños y jóvenes quechuahablantes, en el contexto de la experiencia ‘Comunidades Andinas Educativas’ en los Andes centrales del Perú: un referente de educación alternativa”. Desarrollada entre los años 2008-2009 y 2012, con la participación integral de los actores que formaron parte de esta investigación en el distrito de Pucará, provincia de Huancayo, departamento de Junín, Andes centrales del Perú. El trabajo se presentó como tesis de la Maestría en Desarrollo Educativo y Social en el Centro Internacional de Educación y Desarrollo Humano (Cinde y la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Bogotá, Colombia, 2013. Desde el contexto de recuperación de la experiencia educativa, se buscó significar conocimientos en torno a la construcción de subjetividades políticas de niñas, niños y jóvenes andinos considerando su universo sociocultural y socioambiental, diverso y particularizado de las comunidades andinas quechuas. La investigación se enmarcó en la modalidad de la sistematización de experiencias educativas mediante el establecimiento de unidades categoriales interpretativas devenidas de los hitos o momentos centrales, referidas a los procesos de formación y constitución de Asociaciones Educativas Infantiles (AEI y de interpretación, para este caso en la formación de habilidades interculturales y de sostenibilidad medioambiental. Dicho trabajo develó aportes significativos relacionados con la educación comunitaria y alternativa en el aporte a los procesos de motivación y construcción de subjetividades Políticas de niñas, niños y jóvenes andinos, desde contexto sociocultural y socioambiental particularizado y diverso del universo y cosmovisión andina.

  7. Patrones de diversidad alfa en tres fragmentos de bosques montanos en la región norte de los Andes, Colombia

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    Wilson López


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analizaron los patrones de diversidad alfa en tres áreas protegidas de bosque con base en información florística proveniente de seis parcelas permanentes de 1ha -dos en cada área protegida-. Las regiones de estudio están localizadas a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal, en la parte norte de la cordillera central de los Andes, Colombia. Para los análisis, se generaron dos categorías de acuerdo al tamaño de los árboles: dosel (diámetro a la altura del pecho mayor o igual a 10cm y sotobosque (diámetro a la altura del pecho mayor o igual a un cm y menor a 10cm. Las curvas especies-área mostraron diferencias en riqueza para las dos categorías de tamaño en las tres regiones. Las curvas especies-individuos, en cambio, fueron independientes con respecto al tamaño de los individuos, excepto en la región de Belmira. La diversidad, medida con el índice alfa de Fisher, mostró una fuerte tendencia a la estabilización en muestras mayores a 1 000 individuos. Ni las curvas de especies-área ni las de especies-individuos fueron asintóticas; sin embargo, la tasa de acumulación de especies (z en Belmira alcanzó valores muy bajos (0.05 en comparación con Anorí y Angelópolis (0.25 en cada caso. El índice alfa de Fisher permitió además entender la magnitud de las diferencias relativas en diversidad entre regiones o tipos de bosque en gradientes altitudinales, aun cuando el tamaño de la muestra fue relativamente pequeño. Los resultados de este estudio soportan la limitación en dispersión como el principal mecanismo en estructurar las comunidades de especies a escalas muy finas, y un incremento continuo de procesos denso-dependientes en determinar la estructura de la comunidad en escalas espaciales más grandes. Igualmente, los resultados de este estudio proponen que la denso-dependencia tiende a aumentar positivamente con la altitud.Alpha diversity patterns in three fragmented forests of Northern Andes

  8. Nuevos resultados del estudio del sitio Ajej I: un aporte a la variabilidad de estrategias de los canoeros fueguinos

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    Ernesto Luis Piana


    Full Text Available El estudio del sitio Ajej I, ubicado cronológicamente entre 1300 y 1400 años AP, es resultado de una excavación de rescate realizada en la costa norte del Canal Beagle. La región fue ocupada desde el séptimo milenio AP por cazadores-recolectores litorales. Los análisis realizados permiten postular que el sitio se caracteriza por: a una baja recurrencia de ocupación; b la selectividad de caza de pinnípedos frente a otros recursos; c su representación diferencial de partes anatómicas y d una baja variabilidad actividades realizadas con el instrumental lítico. Asimismo, proveyó una fecha temprana para la presencia del arco y la flecha en la región austral. Los resultados permiten discutir sobre la diversidad de estrategias implementadas por los cazadores-recolectores canoeros.The study of the archaeological site Ajej I dated between 1300 and 1400 BP is the result of a rescue excavation carried out in the northern coast of the Beagle Channel, an area peopled by sea littoral hunter-gatherers since the seventh millennium BP. The analyses results pinpoint that the site is characterized by: a a low redundant occupation; b a selectivity of the pinnipeds as preys; c a differential distribution of their anatomical parts; and d a low diversity of activities carried with the lithic instruments. Besides, these studies provided an early date to the presence of bows and arrows in such an austral region. Results enable to discuss on the variability of the strategies carried on by those sea nomads.

  9. Cronología, identidad, urbanismo y estado en los Andes Centrales y surcentrales entre los siglos V a X D.C.: algunas reflexiones finales


    Kaulicke, Peter


    Chronology, Identity, Urbanism and State in the Central and South Central Andes between V and X Centuries AD: Some Final ConclusionsThe article doesn´t have an abstract El artículo no presenta resumen

  10. Ecología y ocupación del espacio en los Andes Tropicales durante los últimos veinte milenios

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    Full Text Available Les Andes tropicales sont constituées par un ensemble de facettes écologiques dont le nombre est fonction du volume montagneux, du régime thermique a la base, de la diversité des modelés, du stock floristique, des effets de façade et d'abri, des modalités d'utilisation de l'espace. L'utilisation de ces facettes par les sociétés d'abord non agricoles, ensuite agricoles, a été très différente. Dans cette zone climatique les changements du climat au cours du Quaternaire ont moins affecté le milieu qu'aux latitudes moyennes, a l'exception des cotes touchées par les variations eustatiques. Aussi, une remarque importante est la constance de l'habitat au cours des 20 derniers millénaires, variant cependant en fonction des diverses facettes écologiques dont le comportement était différent suivant les modifications climatiques. Les glaciations dans les Andes sont relativement synchrones de celles des montagnes des latitudes moyennes, au moins pour le Quaternaire récent elles seraient dues a une meilleure distribution des précipitations au cours de l'année, a une nébulosité plus constante et a un abaissement des températures compris entre 5 et 9º. Les avancées glaciaires entre 20.000 et 16.000 et 14.000 et 10.000 ans BP ont eu des conséquences diverses suivant les milieux humides ou secs et les effets de dominance (en général glace au dessus de 4.000 m mais, jusque vers 2.900 m en Colombie et seulement 4.800 m dans les Andes sèches. Des processus périglaciaires se développent sur 1.000-1.500 m en contrebas dans les Andes sèches alors qu'ils n'affectent qu'une marge très étroite dans les Andes humides (500 m. L'englacement n'a jamais constitué une coupure dans la circulation N-S dans les Andes. Si la haute montagne entre 5 et 10º S était difficilement franchissable, les vallées et bassins intra andins situés entre 1.500 et 3.400 m étaient tièdes, avec une humidité mieux répartie durant l'année, moins secs qu

  11. Factores de riesgo ambientales y alimentarios para la fluorosis dental, Andes, Antioquia, 2015

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    Gustavo A. Posada-Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar los factores ambientales y alimentarios asociados a la fluorosis dental en la población de 12 a 15 años del municipio de Andes en el año 2015, para generar propuestas de intervención en salud bucal. Metodología: estudio de casos y controles, con un control por caso. Con una población de 206 adolescentes de 12 a 15 años. Criterios de selección: adolescentes con diagnóstico de fluorosis dental entre 2012 y 2014, reportados al Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica; se excluyeron aquellas personas que no tuvieran dientes erupcionados en más de un 50%, restauraciones amplias o caries extensas, dientes fracturados y edentulos totales. Los casos fueron seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple, los controles a conveniencia. Se realizó examen clínico para clasificar según el Índice de Dean la presencia y nivel de fluorosis dental, se aplicó encuesta a los padres para indagar sobre hábitos de autocuidado, e identificar posibles fuentes de exposición a flúor. Se analizaron variables sociodemográficas, alimentarias y comportamentales, ambientales y clínicas, se utilizaron Chi2 de Pearson – or con intervalos de confianza del 95%. Se efectúo análisis de contenido de concentración de flúor en muestras de agroquímicos, alimentos, agua de consumo humano, sal, cremas dentales y suelos. Resultados: mediante regresión logística binaria usando el método stepwise los resultados mostraron una asociación entre manipulación de agroquímicos y fluorosis dental (or = 2,093; 95% 1,017 y 4,307. Conclusión: la manipulación de agroquímicos es un factor de riesgo para la aparición de la fluorosis dental en los adolescentes del municipio de Andes.

  12. Ontogenia de los estróbilos, desarrollo de los esporangios y esporogénesis de Equisetum giganteum (Equisetaceae en los Andes de Colombia

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    Edgar Javier Rincón Barón


    , los núcleos y nucléolos presentan fluorescencia roja, inducida por coloración con safranina O, mientras que los eláteres y las células de la pared del esporangio presentan autofluorescencia amarillo-naranja.Ontogeny of strobili, sporangia development and sporogenesis in Equisetum giganteum (Equisetaceae from the Colombian Andes. Studies on the ontogeny of the strobilus, sporangium and reproductive biology of this group of ferns are scarce. Here we describe the ontogeny of the strobilus and sporangia, and the process of sporogenesis using specimens of E. giganteum from Colombia collected along the Rio Frio, Distrito de Sevilla, Piedecuesta, Santander, at 2 200m altitude. The strobili in different stages of development were fixed, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, sectioned using a rotatory microtome and stained with the safranin O and fast green technique. Observations were made using differential interference contrast microscopy (DIC or Nomarski microscopy, an optical microscopy illumination technique that enhances the contrast in unstained, transparent. Strobili arise and begin to develop in the apical meristems of the main axis and lateral branches, with no significant differences in the ontogeny of strobili of one or other axis. Successive processes of cell division and differentiation lead to the growth of the strobilus and the formation of sporangiophores. These are formed by the scutellum, the manubrium or pedicel-like, basal part of the sporangiophore, and initial cells of sporangium, which differentiate to form the sporangium wall, the sporocytes and the tapetum. There is not formation of a characteristic arquesporium, as sporocytes quickly undergo meiosis originating tetrads of spores. The tapetum retains its histological integrity, but subsequently the cell walls break down and form a plasmodium that invades the sporangial cavity, partially surrounding the tetrads, and then the spores. Towards the end of the sporogenesis the tapetum disintegrates

  13. Subvolcanic contact metasomatism at El Laco Volcanic Complex, Central Andes Metasomatismo de contacto subvolcánico en el Complejo Volcánico El Laco, Andes centrales

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    José A Naranjo


    Full Text Available Studies of drill cores from the Pasos Blancos area at El Laco in the central Andes, northern Chile, give evidence of an intense and extensive subvolcanic contact-metasomatic process. This process resulted from shallow-level emplacement of very volatile-rich iron-oxide magma, with discharge of volatiles that resulted in extensive fracturing of overlying volcanic rocks. The brecciated rocks were altered (mainly extensive scapolitization and formation of pyroxene by hot magmatic fluids emitted from the cooling intrusion , and accompanied by magnetite deposition. With time and decreasing temperature, the metasomatic fluids evolved to fluids of hydrothermal character, and a final recent geothermal event took place that deposited superficial gypsum over a large part of the El Laco Volcanic Complex.Estudios realizados en testigos de sondajes en el area de Pasos Blancos en El Laco, en los Andes Centrales del norte de Chile, dan evidencias de un intenso y extenso proceso subvolcánico de metasomatismo de contacto. Este proceso es el resultado de un emplazamiento a poca profundidad de un magma de óxido de fierro muy rico en volátiles y cuya descarga de gases produjo un intenso fracturamiento de las rocas sobrepuestas. Las rocas brechizadas fueron alteradas (principalmente una extensa escapolitización y formación de piroxeno, junto con la depositación de magnetita, por los fluidos magmáticos calientes emitidos por la intrusión durante su enfriamiento. Los fluidos metasomáticos evolucionaron en el tiempo y con la disminución de temperatura, a fluidos de carácter hidrotermal y finalmente tuvo lugar un evento geotérmico reciente, el cual depositó yeso superficial en gran parte del Complejo Volcánico El Laco.

  14. Changing Student Attitudes using Andes, An Intelligent Homework System (United States)

    van de Sande, Brett; Vanlehn, Kurt; Treacy, Don; Shelby, Bob; Wintersgill, Mary


    The size of introductory physics lectures often inhibits personal homework assistance and timely corrective feedback. Andes, an intelligent homework help system designed for two semesters of introductory physics, can fill this need by encouraging students to use sound problem solving techniques and providing immediate feedback on each step of a solution. On request, Andes provides principles-based hints based on previous student actions. A multi-year study at the U.S. Naval Academy demonstrates that students using Andes perform better than students working the same problems as graded pencil and paper homeworks. In addition, student attitude surveys show that Andes is preferred over other homework systems. These findings have implications for student attitudes toward, and mastery of, physics. See for more information.

  15. Relación entre los factores de circulación atmosférica regional y de la cupla océano - atmósfera con los derrames extremos de los ríos San Juan y Mendoza


    Poblete, Arnobio G.; Aguiar, Laura A.


    Dada la crisis hídrica que soporta Cuyo en la actualidad, agudizada desde 2010, resulta fundamental investigar la variabilidad temporal de los derrames anuales de los ríos de los Andes Áridos, que dependen esencialmente de la provisión de agua proveniente de un régimen nival de alta montaña, con el fin de identificar sus tendencias decrecientes y caracterizar sus periodos extremos; por ser los más perjudiciales para las actividades socioeconómicas. Los autores estudiaron la estructu...


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    Arnobio G. Poblete


    Full Text Available This article aims to study in depth the role the anticyclone subtropical eastern South Pacific (ASPSO on the nival precipitation in the arid Andes, its seasonal variability, fluctuations in the long and medium scale and associations with snowfall. For this reason, the incidence on the ratio of precipitation, the SST in the South Pacific Ocean, precipitable water, wind zonal, Radiation in Outgoing Long Wave and Omega were analyzed. The methodology consisted in the evaluation of the ASPSO through the definition of an index, based on Santiago de Chile (PSGO measured surface atmospheric pressure. This would allow its surveillance and the processing of its temporal behavior in the statistical analysis. The results showed significant time - space associations within the involved variables, which confirmed in all cases the negative impact of ASPSO related to snowfall in the Andes mountains. period 1909-2015.


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    García Nestor


    Full Text Available El "tripeperro" (Philodendron longirrhizum es una planta hemiepífi ta de ampliadistribución en Los Andes de Colombia. En la región del Eje Cafetero colombiano seemplean las raíces aéreas de esta especie como fi bra para elaborar canastos y artesanías.Esta actividad tiene una larga tradición en la región y se concentra en el municipiode Filandia (departamento del Quindío. En los últimos años se ha presentado unadisminución en la oferta de raíces adecuadas para la actividad artesanal en todas lasáreas donde tradicionalmente se obtiene el "tripeperro". Se evaluó el efecto de laextracción sobre la estructura de tamaños, la densidad y el rendimiento de las raíces,comparando poblaciones en áreas con extracción del recurso con poblaciones enáreas sin extracción. Los resultados indican que, aunque la extracción parece noafectar la densidad poblacional, sí tiene efectos signifi cativos sobre la estructura detamaños y, en consecuencia, sobre el rendimiento de las raíces. La disponibilidad deeste recurso en las áreas con extracción es hasta cinco o seis veces menor que en delas áreas sin extracción.

  18. Una ruina habitada desde el presente: vestigios del horror, la resistencia y el duelo. A propósito de La Ilíada de Teatro de los Andes (2000

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    María Gabriela Aimaretti


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe y analiza la obra La Ilíada (2000 de Teatro de los Andes que, retomando el texto homérico desde el contexto boliviano y latinoamericano, ofrece una interpretación crítica del pasado reciente de las dictaduras cívico-militares y el presente neoliberal. Esa lectura es posible gracias al diseño de una compleja arquitectura discursiva, visual, lingüística —con apelación al quechua y español– y musical —combinando tradiciones vernáculas y europeas–, que reelabora numerosos y variados intertextos. Nutrido de los aportes de la crítica cultural latinoamericana y los estudios de la memoria, y considerando el marco socio-histórico en el que se inserta y con el que discute la obra; este ensayo reflexiona sobre las formas de representación del dolor y la violencia, y las prácticas de la resistencia y de duelo, a propósito de un espectáculo que se postula a sí mismo como la memoria de un pasado-presente traumático del cual es necesario aprender.

  19. Las ignimbritas del complejo volcánico Coranzuli (Puna Argentina-Andes Centrales

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    Martí, J.


    Full Text Available The Coranzulí is a large Upper Miocene volcanic complex located on a NE-SW and NW-SE regional faults intersection, at 66º 15' W 23º S, in the Northwest of Argentina in Jujuy province. It corresponds to one of four large volcanic complexes which represent the end of Transversal Volcanic Chaines in La Puna Argentina in the Central Andes. The volcanic activity was characterized by at least four separate ignimbrite eruptions which produced four different ignimbrite sheets. These are well welded, very crystal-rich, lithie poor ignimbrites and have a moderate to high pumice content. The total volume of the Coranzuli ignimbrites exeededs 650 Km3. Preliminary data indicate that the eruption oeeurred from a homogeneous magmatic chamber without zoning. The emplacement characteristics of the ignimbrites and the lack of basal or interbedded plinian fall deposits suggest that the eruptions developed quickly to massive proportions.El Coranzuli es uno de los grandes complejos volcánicos que representan el remate final de las Cadenas Volcánicas Transversales de la Puna Argentina, en los Andes Centrales. Se trata de un complejo volcánico del Mioceno superior situado a los 66º 15' W 23º S en el NW de Argentina en la provincia de Jujuy, en la intersección entre dos fallas regionales de dirección NE-SW y NW-SE, respectivamente. La actividad eruptiva se caracterizó por la existencia de, al menos, cuatro erupciones ignimbríticas que produjeron cuatro diferentes mantos ignimbríticos. Se trata de ignimbritas bien soldadas, muy ricas en cristales, pobre en fragmentos líticos y que presentan un contenido en fragmentos pumíticos de moderado a alto. El volumen total que representan estas ignimbritas supera los 650 km3. Los datos preliminares indican que el magma juvenil deriva de una cámara magmática homogénea no zonada. Las características de emplazamiento de estas ignimbritas, así como la falta de depósitos plinianos de caída en la base o

  20. Estimation de l'aléa sismique dans les Andes nord équatoriennes

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    Full Text Available Les Andes Nord équatoriennes ont connu de nombreux séismes historiques destructeurs. Pour caractériser l’aléa sismique de la région andine, nous avons fait une révision critique de la sismicité historique et de l’ensemble des failles actives de l’Équateur. Les deux sources majeures de l’aléa sismique sont respectivement la subduction superficielle pour la région côtière et le système transpressif des hautes Andes pour la région andine. Ce système est composé de failles décrochantes dextres d’orientation N30-35°E (failles du Rio Chingual-La Sofia et Pallatanga qui limitent respectivement au Nord et au Sud des failles inverses N-S du relais compressif de la vallée interandine (failles de Quito et de Latacunga. L’étude des mécanismes au foyer superficiels des Andes équatoriennes nous a permis de calculer une vitesse de raccourcissement crustal de 4.6 mm/a selon une direction N92°E et d’estimer des temps de récurrence et des périodes de retour. Un séisme de Mw = 5 pourrait se produire tous les 0.5 an, de Mw = 6 tous les 4.5 ans, de Mw = 7 tous les 45.4 ans. De même, sur une période de temps de 33 ans, 66 séismes de Mw=5 peuvent être attendus, 7 séismes de Mw=6 et 1 séisme de Mw=7. Enfin, nous avons estimé pour l’ensemble des sources sismogènes de la région andine des magnitudes maximales probables et des temps de récurrence. Un séisme de magnitude 7 à 7.5 peut se produire sur la faille du Rio Chingual tous les 400±440 ans et de magnitude 6.7 à 7.2 tous les 380±320 ans sur la faille de Pallatanga. Dans la vallée interandine, la faille de Quito est susceptible d’engendrer un séisme de magnitude 6.6 à 7.6 tous les 930±300 ans. LA AMENAZA SÍSMICA EN LOS ANDES ECUATORIANOS. Los Andes del Norte del Ecuador son una región sismogénica mayor, donde se puede contabilizar muchos terremotos históricos destructores. A fin de determinar la amenaza sísmica sobre la región andina, se hizo la asociaci

  1. Historia, mito, memoria: armas del presente y pilares de identidad. La política de la memoria. Interpretación indigena de la historia de los Andes Colombianos

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    Sonia M. Jaimes


    Full Text Available Historia, mito, memoria: armas del presente y pilares de identidad Joanne Rappaport, La Política de la Memoria. Interpretación Indígena de la Historia en los Andes Colombianos. Popayán: Editorial Universidad del Cauca-Serie Estudios Sociales, 2000. Traducción de José Ramón Martín. Pp: 260. Entre 1978 Y1982 la antropóloga norteamericana Joanne Rappaport visitó la región del Suroccidente colombiano con el propósito de llevar a cabo una investigación sobre la concepción del espacio sagrado de una comunidad indígena. Su objeto de estudio: los paeces, hoy conocidos como Nasa nombre que apela a una reivindicación identitaria ancestral. De acuerdo a Rappaport remitirse al estudio de una comunidad indígena, exige que el ejercicio se haga bajo una mirada de carácter «totalizante», en gran medida por la estructura misma del pensamiento y la cosmovisión indígena.

  2. Glaciation in the Andes during the Lateglacial and Holocene (United States)

    Rodbell, Donald T.; Smith, Jacqueline A.; Mark, Bryan G.


    This review updates the chronology of Andean glaciation during the Lateglacial and the Holocene from the numerous articles and reviews published over the past three decades. The Andes, which include some of the world's wettest and driest mountainous regions, offer an unparalleled opportunity to elucidate spatial and temporal patterns of glaciation along a continuous 68-degree meridional transect. The geographic and altitudinal extent of modern glaciers and the sensitivity of both modern and former glaciers to respond to changes in specific climatic variables reflect broad-scale atmospheric circulation and consequent regional moisture patterns. Glaciers in the tropical Andes and in the mid-latitude Andes are likely to have been far more sensitive to changes in temperature than glaciers in the dry subtropical Andes. Broad-scale temporal and spatial patterns of glaciation during the Lateglacial are apparent. In the southernmost Andes, the Lateglacial chronology appears to have a strong Antarctic signature with the best-dated moraines correlating closely with the Antarctic Cold Reversal. The southernmost Andes do not appear to have experienced a significant ice advance coeval with the Younger Dryas (YD) climatic reversal. At the other end of the Andes, from ˜0 to 9°N, a stronger YD connection may exist, but critical stratigraphic and geochronologic work is required before a YD ice advance can be fully demonstrated. In the central Andes of Peru, well-dated moraines record a significant ice readvance at the onset of the YD, but ice was retreating during much of the remaining YD interval. The spatial-temporal pattern of Holocene glaciation exhibits tantalizing but incomplete evidence for an Early to Mid-Holocene ice advance(s) in many regions, but not in the arid subtropical Andes, where moraines deposited during or slightly prior to the Little Ice Age (LIA) record the most extensive advance of the Holocene. In many regions, there is strong evidence for Neoglacial

  3. Los programas de transferencias condicionadas: ¿hacia la inclusión ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jan 3, 2011 ... ... is an economist and graduate student at the Universidad de los Andes. ... Call for proposals: Innovations for the economic inclusion of marginalized youth ... issue profiling evidence to empower women in the labour market.

  4. Aplicación de tres índices bióticos en el río San Juan, Andes, Colombia (Application of three biotic indexes in the river San Juan, Andes, Colombia

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    Mailedt Paola Murillo Torrentes


    Full Text Available Durante los meses de febrero, mayo, agosto y octubre del año 2014, se evaluó la calidad del agua del río San Juan. Para tal fin se establecieron seis puntos de muestreo donde se recolectaron muestras de agua y macroinvertebrados acuáticos para los análisis fisicoquímicos e hidrobiológicos. Se aplicaron y modificaron los índices bióticos EPT (efemerópteros, plecópteros, tricópteros, BMWP/Col (Biological Monitoring Working Party y ASPT (Average Score per Taxon basados en las comunidades de macroinvertebrados acuáticos capturados. Los resultados de las variables fisicoquímicas y los índices bióticos indican que las estaciones E1 y E2 son las que presentan menor grado de contaminación, en las demás estaciones disminuye considerablemente la calidad del agua debido a las actividades económicas desarrolladas en el sector y a su cercanías con el casco urbano del municipio de Andes. De los tres índices analizados, el ASPT modificado y adaptado al río San Juan es el que mejor se relaciona con las condiciones ambientales del río en tanto las características de los macroinvertebrados acuáticos recolectados y analizados en el trayecto objeto de estudio. (Abstract. During the months of February, May, August and October 2014, the water quality of the San Juan River was assessed. To this aim, six sampling points were established, where water samples and macroinvertebrates for physical-chemical and hydrobiological analysis were collected. Three biotic indexes were applied and one modified: EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, BMWP / Col (Biological Monitoring Working Party and ASPT (Average Score per Taxon based on the captured communities of aquatic macroinvertebrates. The results of the physical-chemical variables and biotic indixes indicate that E1 and E2 stations are those with lower degree of contamination, other stations considerably decreased water quality due to economic activities around, and the short distance with the

  5. How do two Lupinus species respond to temperature along an altitudinal gradient in the Venezuelan Andes? ¿Cómo responden dos especies de Lupinus a la temperatura en un gradiente altitudinal en los Andes venezolanos?

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    Full Text Available Temperature determines plant formations and species distribution along altitudinal gradients. Plants in the tropical high Andes, through different physiological and morphological characteristics, respond to freezing night temperatures and high daytime energy inputs which occur anytime of the year. The main objective of this study was to characterize day and night temperature related responses of two Lupinus species with different altitudinal ranges (L. meridanus, 1,800-3,600 and L. eromonomos, 3,700-4,300 m of altitude. Are there differences in night low temperature resistance mechanisms between the species along the gradient? How do these species respond, in terms of optimum temperature for photosynthesis, to increasing altitude? Lupinus meridanus shows frost avoidance, in contrast to L. eromonomos, which tolerates freezing at higher altitudes. Optimum temperature for photosynthesis decreases along the gradient for both species. Maximum C0(2 assimilation rates were higher in L. meridanus, while L. eromonomos showed decreasing C0(2 assimilation rates at the higher altitude. In most cases, measured daily leaf temperature is always within the 80 % of optimum for photosynthesis. L. meridanus7 upper distribution limit seems to be restricted by cold resistance mechanisms, while L. eromonomos7 to a combination of both cold resistance and to C0(2 assimilation responses at higher altitudes.La temperatura determina las formaciones vegetales y la distribución de especies a lo largo de gradientes altitudinales. Las plantas en los altos Andes tropicales, a través de diferentes características morfológicas y fisiológicas, responden a temperaturas congelantes nocturnas y altas entradas energéticas durante el día en cualquier momento del año. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue caracterizar las respuestas relacionadas con temperaturas diurnas y nocturnas en dos especies de Lupinus con diferente distribución altitudinal (L. meridanus, 1

  6. Lo colectivo y el agua: entre los derechos y las prácticas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bustamante Zenteno, R.R.


    Reseña: La reivindicación de los derechos colectivos ha sido parte importante de las luchas de las organizaciones sociales que gestionan el agua en los Andes. Las formas de lo colectivo y las reglas en torno a su constitución están muy vinculadas a la existencia de estas organizaciones y a la

  7. El desarrollo de los cibermedios venezolanos

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    Elías Said Hung


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se analizan 68 medios digitales en Venezuela, a partir de los resultados obtenidos entre octubre y noviembre de 2010, en el marco del proyecto "Los Cibermedios en Colombia y América Latina", realizado desde la Universidad del Norte, con el apoyo de la Universidad de los Andes (Venezuela, con el fin de determinar el grado de adopción del ciberperiodismo y de las web 2.0 en este país. El estudio parte del modelo de análisis propuesto por Rodríguez-Martínez, Codina y Pedraza-Jiménez (2010. Los resultados apuntan a un bajo desarrollo de los cibermedios en Venezuela y la necesidad de un profundo debate y acciones orientadas al aprovechamiento de las potencialidades de las TIC desde los medios digitales en dicho país.

  8. Andes 1997 Gravity Data (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Central Andes gravity data (6,151 records) were compiled by Professor Gotze and the MIGRA Group. This data base was received in April, 1997. Principal gravity...

  9. ANDES: An Underground Laboratory in South America (United States)

    Dib, Claudio O.

    ANDES (Agua Negra Deep Experiment Site) is an underground laboratory, proposed to be built inside the Agua Negra road tunnel that will connect Chile (IV Region) with Argentina (San Juan Province) under the Andes Mountains. The Laboratory will be 1750 meters under the rock, becoming the 3rd deepest underground laboratory of this kind in the world, and the first in the Southern Hemisphere. ANDES will be an international Laboratory, managed by a Latin American consortium. The laboratory will host experiments in Particle and Astroparticle Physics, such as Neutrino and Dark Matter searches, Seismology, Geology, Geophysics and Biology. It will also be used for the development of low background instrumentation and related services. Here we present the general features of the proposed laboratory, the current status of the proposal and some of its opportunities for science.

  10. Les effets de l’émigration paysanne dans les Andes équatoriennes : une lecture photographique

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    Nasser Rebaï


    Full Text Available Dans les Andes équatoriennes, les effets de l’émigration paysanne sont partout visibles. Si dans la province de l’Azuay, on assiste à la diminution des superficies cultivées et à la réorganisation des tâches agricoles, on observe par ailleurs l’émergence d’une agriculture commerciale orientée vers le marché urbain régional. En procédant à la description de photographies prises à la campagne comme à la ville, nous chercherons à expliquer l’ensemble de ces mutations, avant de nous interroger plus largement sur l’avenir des exploitations familiales dans cette région.En los Andes ecuatorianos, los efectos de la migración campesina son visibles por todas partes. Si en la provincia del Azuay, se asiste a la disminución de las superficies cultivadas y a la reorganización de las tareas agrícolas, observamos por otro lado la emergencia de una agricultura comercial orientada hacia el mercado urbano regional. Procediendo a la descripción de fotografías tomadas en la campo como en la ciudad, procuraremos explicar el conjunto de estas mutaciones, antes de preguntarnos más ampliamente sobre el futuro de las explotaciones familiares en esta región.

  11. Estudio exploratorio de los laminados de bambú Guadua angustifolia como material estructural


    López,Luis Felipe; Correal,Juan Francisco


    Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio experimental, desarrollado en la Universidad de los Andes en Bogotá D.C., Colombia, acerca del potencial de los laminados de guadua (Guadua angustifolia Kunt) como material estructural. La influencia de la dirección de las fibras y de la ubicación de las láminas de guadua en las propiedades mecánicas es discutida en detalle. Los esfuerzos de diseño a compresión, tracción, corte y flexión de los laminados de guadua son comparados con los resp...

  12. Mallas y flujos : acción colectiva, cambio social, quinua y desarrollo regional indígena en los Andes Bolivianos

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laguna, P.


    This thesis studies collective action and social change in indigenous rural organisations (IRO) in the Bolivian Andes. I focus on the effects and importance that these organisations have in the historical process of regional development as social spaces that encapsulate different projects of


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    Leonardo Uzcategui


    Full Text Available Con el continuo crecimiento de Internet y todas sus aplicaciones, desde comercio electrónico, redes sociales, hasta el Internet de las cosas (IoT = Internet of Thinks, los ataques a las redes se han vuelto más comunes y sofisticados. Por tanto, se hace necesario nuevas medidas de protección, las cuales deben ser más elaboradas y perfeccionadas para que puedan garantizar que las redes de datos operen de manera segura y así poder brindar continuidad a todos los servicios prestados; estas medidas incluyen métodos de detección y repuesta en tiempo real a los intentos de intrusión. En este artículo, se propone un estudio de ataques de escaneo de puertos y/o DoS (Denial of Service encontrados en análisis realizados a los enlaces WAN (Wide Area Network que interconectan la Universidad de los Andes (ULA, Mérida, Venezuela, con Internet, a través de la Red de Datos de la ULA, RedULA. Asimismo, se hacen comparaciones con estadísticas internacionales, así como el análisis del origen de dichos ataques y su respectiva identificación. Los resultados muestran que si bien RedULA no es víctima de paquetes mal formados, si lo es de tráfico excesivo, lo cual se presume sea producto de un malware.

  14. El fraude académico en la universidad de los andes ¿qué, qué tanto y por qué ?

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    José Fernando Mejía


    Full Text Available In this article we present the results of a research project in which we describe academic cheating at Universidad de los Andes and identify possible factors associated with the students' decision to cheat or not to do it. The participants were 1.194 undergraduate students who answered a survey in which they identified cheating behaviors, rated them according to how serious they considered them, admitted types of cheating committed, rated reasons that would make them cheat or stop them from doing it and evaluate different arguments related to two moral dilemmas. Ninety four percent of students admitted having committed at least one type of cheating. We found differences in types and frequencies of cheating across academic departments. Academic overload and specific types of evaluation were among the reasons most commonly mentioned for cheating. While those who rated highly heteronomic arguments were more prone to cheating, those who rated highly autonomic arguments were more prone to not cheating. However, a closer look at the relation between cheating and moral development did not lead to definite conclusions. The results made us realized that it is a severe problem that needs to be addressed, among other approaches, from a pedagogical perspective. We suggest some ideas about it.

  15. Glaciers et évolution climatique dans les Andes boliviennes. Glacier de Zongo et glacier de Chacaltaya Cordillère Royale, 16°S

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    Full Text Available SEDIMENTOLOGY OF THE HUANCANE FORMATION (NEOCOMIAN OF THE CUSCO REGION AND ITS RELATION TO SEA LEVEL VARIATIONS. The Huancane formation (Neocomian of the Cusco region is mainly composed of quartz sandstones which are deposited in fluvial environments. The facies recognized are organized in a vertical sequence: fluvial sheet sandstones, oxidized or eroded surface, the shale facies of alluvial plain and unusual limestone facies of possible marine origin. These vertical facies sequences show that eustatic sea level variations controlled the fluvial sedimentation. The rivers came from the NE and were fed by the erosion of the Brazilian Shield. The sedimentation developed above the boundary of the SW edge of the Eastern basin, and the Cusco-Puno Swell which had locale horst and grabens inherited from pre-neocomian relief. GLACIARES Y EVOLUCIÓN CLIMÁTICA EN LOS ANDES BOLIVIANOS GLACIAR DE ZONGO Y GLACIAR DE CHACALTAYA, CORDILLERA REAL, 16°S. Por su sensibilidad y su plazo de respuesta breve, el glaciar es de un gran interés para analizar la evolución y la variabilidad actuales del clima entre los trópicos. Se presentan los métodos de determinación del balance de masas y del balance hidrológico, con una frecuencia de mediciones mensual. Los resultados recogidos durante tres años (1991-1994 muestran una grande variabilidad. Ésta es controlada sobre todo por la extensión del periodo de precipitaciones en medio de la temporada cálida que dura más o menos 6 meses. Los eventos ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation son asociados a balances netamente negativos, lo que es demostrado por la respuesta del glaciar al episodio de 1991-1992 y por la reconstrucción de los balances efectuados en base a los datos hidrológicos durante los dos últimos decenios. El retroceso acelerado de los glaciares tropicales desde los años 1980 es vinculado a la vez a una sucesión de eventos ENSO y al recalentamiento atmosférico. GLACIERS AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTION IN

  16. Los indios cuzcos de Chile colonial : estrategias semánticas,usos de la memoria y gestión de identidades entre inmigrantes andinos (siglos XVI-XVII)1


    Valenzuela-Márquez, Jaime


    El artículo explora la inmigración de indígenas de los Andes en Chile colonial y las estrategias que desarrollaron para insertarse en el medio urbano de Santiago. En particular, se estudia la emergencia de un gentilicio, el cuzco, como categoría de identidad, como autoreferencia construida por los mismos inmigrantes y heredada por sus descendientes, y como denominación recogida por las instancias coloniales. This article explores the immigration of Indians from the Andes in Chile colonial ...

  17. Aves y endemismo en los bosques relictos de la vertiente occidental andina del norte del Perú y sur del Ecuador

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    Jeremy N. M. Flanagan


    Full Text Available Los bosques relictos de las vertientes occidentales de los Andes del norte del Perú y el sur del Ecuador forman parte de dos regiones, una la denominada región de endemismo tumbesina (caracterizada principalmente por bosques secos y otra, en altitudes mayores, la región de endemismo del sur de los Andes centrales (caracterizada por bosques nublados y páramo. La región tumbesina es reconocida por albergar gran cantidad de aves endémicas, muchas de las cuales están amenazadas, y también por el alto grado de deforestación y fragmentación de sus hábitats naturales. Este artículo presenta un resumen del estado de conservación de dichas aves y bosques, con recomendaciones para mejorar la conservación de los últimos bosques de la vertiente occidental.

  18. Constuccion social de comuninad y migración en Usibamba : un estudio sobre el impacto de los procesos de globalización en los Andes centrales del Perú

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gilvonio Perez, J.M.


    The research for the thesis was conducted in the village of Usibamba, located in a high-Andean area called Alto Cunas east from the Mantaro Valley in the Peruvian Central Andes. Special attention was paid to the institutional context and the everyday life conditions in which the social construction

  19. Water and sediment quality of the Lake Andes and Choteau Creek basins, South Dakota, 1983-2000 (United States)

    Sando, Steven Kent; Neitzert, Kathleen M.


    The Bureau of Reclamation has proposed construction of the Lake Andes/Wagner Irrigation Demonstration Project to investigate environmental effects of irrigation of glacial till soils substantially derived from marine shales. During 1983-2000, the U.S. Geological Survey collected hydrologic, water-quality, and sediment data in the Lake Andes and Choteau Creek Basins, and on the Missouri River upstream and downstream from Choteau Creek, to provide baseline information in support of the proposed demonstration project. Lake Andes has a drainage area of about 230 mi2 (square miles). Tributaries to Lake Andes are ephemeral. Water-level fluctuations in Lake Andes can be large, and the lake has been completely dry on several occasions. The outlet aqueduct from Lake Andes feeds into Garden Creek, which enters Lake Francis Case just upstream from Fort Randall Dam on the Missouri River. For Lake Andes tributary stations, calcium, magnesium, and sodium are approximately codominant among the cations, and sulfate is the dominant anion. Dissolved-solids concentrations typically range from about 1,000 mg/L (milligrams per liter) to about 1,700 mg/L. Major-ion concentrations for Lake Andes tend to be higher than the tributaries and generally increase downstream in Lake Andes. Proportions of major ions are similar among the different lake units (with the exception of Owens Bay), with calcium, magnesium, and sodium being approximately codominant among cations, and sulfate being the dominant anion. Owens Bay is characterized by a calcium sulfate water type. Dissolved-solids concentrations for Lake Andes typically range from about 1,400 to 2,000 mg/L. Whole-water nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations are similar among the Lake Andes tributaries, with median whole-water nitrogen concentrations ranging from about 1.6 to 2.4 mg/L, and median whole-water phosphorus concentrations ranging from about 0.5 to 0.7 mg/L. Whole-water nitrogen concentrations in Lake Andes are similar among the

  20. Disappearance of the glacier on Mama Cotacachi: ethnoecological research and climate change in the Ecuadorian Andes

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    Rhoades, R.


    Full Text Available A first documented case study of a disappearing glacier in the snow capped volcano Cotacahi in Ecuador is presented with the studies belonging to the social sciences in relation to climate change and its impact on the population of the Equatorial Andes. With the use of multiple source methodology, including ethnographic analyzes, visual representations, repetitive photography, critical mapping by the local communities, longitudinal surveys, even archival research, as well as interviews to social actors and utilization of spatial data in a geographical information system (GIS. It is concluded that the documented disappearance of the glacier on the Cotacahi serves as an urgent call for action to the important dearth of social research related to global change from the ethnoecological perspective, with a cultural, local approach.

    Se presenta el primer estudio documentado de la desaparición del glaciar del nevado Cotacachi en el Ecuador, con los estudios que corresponden a las ciencias sociales en relación con el cambio climático y su impacto en la población de los Andes ecuatoriales. Mediante el uso de una metodología que incluye análisis etnográficos, representaciones visuales, fotografía repetitiva, mapeo crítico por parte de las comunidades locales, encuestas longitudinales e incluso investigación de archivos, así como también entrevistas a actores sociales, y utilización de los datos espaciales en un sistema de información geográfica (SIG. Se concluye que la desaparición documentada del glaciar del Cotacachi sirve como una llamada de atención urgente a la importante falta de investigaciones sociales relacionadas con el cambio global desde el punto de vista etnoecológico, con un enfoque cultural local.

  1. Rock Glacier Response to Climate Change in the Argentinian Andes (United States)

    Drewes, J.; Korup, O.; Moreiras, S.


    Rock glaciers are bodies of frozen debris and ice that move under the influence of gravity in permafrost areas. Rock glaciers may store a large amount of sediments and play an important role as prime movers of debris in the Andean sediment cascade. However, little is known about how much sediment and water rock glaciers may store at the mountain-belt scale, and the few existing estimates vary considerably. We address this question for the Argentinian Andes, for which a new glacial inventory containing more than 6500 rock glaciers gives us the opportunity to analyse their relevance within the sediment cascade. We examine the inventory for catchments in five sub-regions, i.e. the Desert Andes (22°-31°S); the Central Andes (31°-36°S); the Northern Andes of Patagonia (36°-45°S); the Southern Andes of Patagonia (45°-52°S); and Tierra del Fuego (52°-55°S), together with climate variables of the WorldClim datasets, and digital topographic data, to estimate how rock-glacier extents may change under different past and future climate scenarios. We observe for the northern Desert Andes that rock glacier toes are at 4000 to 5000 m a.s.l. and a mean annual temperature range of 3° and 8°C, though most rock glaciers are in areas with mean annual temperatures between -5 and 5°C, marking a distinct thermal niche. Rock glaciers are traditionally viewed as diagnostic of sporadic alpine permafrost and their toes are often near the annual mean 0°C isotherm. However, we find that only rock glaciers in the southern Desert Andes and Central Andes are located where annual mean temperature is -2°C. Future scenarios project an increase of > four degrees in these areas, which may further degrade ground ice and potentially change the rates at which rock glaciers advance. Where active rock glaciers become inactive their coarse material, which was formerly bound by ice, may be released into the sediment cascade, whereas accelerating or rapidly downwasting rock glaciers may either

  2. Steady-state exhumation pattern in the central Andes SE Peru

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ruiz, G.M.H.; Carlotto, V.; van Heiningen, P.S.; Andriessen, P.A.M.


    The Western Cordillera of SE Peru is part of the Central Andes and is situated to the west of the Eastern Andes from which it is separated by the northern termination of the Altiplano - the Inter-Andean Valley. It is a volcanic-volcano-detrital chain that developed in the Palaeogene, and is

  3. Floristic changes in alpine plant communities induced by the cushion plant Azorella madreporica (Apiaceae in the Andes of central Chile Cambios florísticos en comunidades de plantas alpinas inducidos por la planta en cojín Azorella madrepórica (Apiaceae en los Andes de Chile central

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    . Este trabajo evalúa el efecto de una planta en cojín, Azorella madrepórica (Apiaceae, sobre la riqueza de especies, abundancia de especies, diversidad y equitatividad de la comunidad de plantas vasculares en dos altitudes en los Andes de Chile central. Teóricamente, el impacto de esta especie nodriza sobre la estructura comunitaria debería ser mayor a mayor altitud. Los resultados mostraron que la proporción de especies de plantas asociadas con plantas en cojín aumenta con la altitud, y que la abundancia de algunas especies también es mayor al interior de cojines que en el suelo desnudo. Aunque la riqueza relativa de especies al interior de los cojines aumenta con la altitud, la diversidad y la equidad fueron mayores en el suelo desnudo. Los resultados sugieren que la importancia de las plantas en cojín sobre la estructura comunitaria cambia con la altitud, produciendo mayores diferencias en los ensambles de especies presentes dentro y fuera de A. madrepórica en la mayor altitud. Basándonos en esto, sugerimos que otros atributos además de la riqueza de especies deben ser incluidos en futuros estudios para analizar el impacto de las especies nodrizas en la estructura de las comunidades a lo largo de gradientes ambientales.

  4. Diversification of clearwing butterflies with the rise of the Andes. (United States)

    De-Silva, Donna Lisa; Elias, Marianne; Willmott, Keith; Mallet, James; Day, Julia J


    Despite the greatest butterfly diversity on Earth occurring in the Neotropical Andes and Amazonia, there is still keen debate about the origins of this exceptional biota. A densely sampled calibrated phylogeny for a widespread butterfly subtribe, Oleriina (Nymphalidae: Ithomiini) was used to estimate the origin, colonization history and diversification of this species-rich group. Neotropics. Ancestral elevation and biogeographical ranges were reconstructed using data generated from detailed range maps and applying the dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis model using stratified palaeogeographical time slice matrices. The pattern of diversification through time was examined by comparing constant and variable rate models. We also tested the hypothesis that a change in elevation is associated with speciation. The Oleriina likely originated in the Andes in the Early to Middle Miocene and rapidly diversified to include four genera all of which also originated in the Andes. These clades, together with four species groups, experienced varying spatial and temporal patterns of diversification. An overall early burst and decreasing diversification rate is identified, and this pattern is reflected for most subclades. Changes in the palaeogeological landscape, particularly the prolonged uplift of the Andes, had a profound impact on the diversification of the subtribe. The Oleriina mostly remained within the Andes and vicariant speciation resulted in some instances. Dynamic dispersal occurred with the disappearance of geological barriers such as the Acre System and the subtribe exploited newly available habitats. Our results confirm the role of the Andean uplift in the evolution of Neotropical biodiversity.

  5. Los coquitos (chrysomelidae) de los pastos en los andes venezolanos "coquito pulga de los pastos" chaetocnema sp.


    Briceño Vergara, Armando J.


    Editorial. Suniaga Q., José La codorniz fuente proteica para consumo humano. Díaz Cuellar, Doraida R. y González, Diomary Diagnóstico de parásitos gastrointestinales en bovinos y su importancia en la productividad de los sistemas ganaderos. Castillo O., Mayela; Hernández, Javier A.; Betancourt, Arquímedes y Suniaga Q., José Nutrición vegetal (II). Moyeja Santana, Juan de Jesús Nutrición vegetal (III). Moyeja Santana, Juan de Jesús Plagas chupadoras de las cítrica...

  6. Secuencias y consecuencias de algunos procesos de neolitización en los Andes




    Se describen los principales procesos constitutivos de la "neolitización" andina. El Area Central Andina constituye la primera de Sudamérica donde se ha observado una sedentarización de los grupos humanos previamente a la adopción (o invención) de la agricultura. Desde el 6000 AP existen instalaciones permanentes en el litoral de Perú, orientadas a una explotación óptima de los recursos marinos. En cambio, los más antiguos indicios de especies vegetales manipuladas provienen de cuencas intera...

  7. Participación de los estudiantes en el gobierno escolar Liceo Los Andes, Buga, 2014-2015


    Viáfara Zapata, María Yenny; Solarte Bastidas, Mario Fernando


    La presente investigación se justifica por cuanto creemos que el Gobierno Escolar facilita y promueve el desarrollo de Competencias Ciudadanas en los estudiantes, competencias encaminadas a formar ciudadanos con valores y capaces de ejercer sus derechos y cumplir con sus obligaciones. De otra parte, porque si bien las I.E. están avocadas a cumplir la ley en especial el Gobierno Escolar provoca el desarrollo de acciones para su organización e impulsa la participación de los estu...

  8. Recuperación de la biomasa mediante la sucesión secundaria, Cordillera Central de los Andes, Colombia

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    Jorge Ignacio del Valle


    Full Text Available En bosques secundarios premontanos tropicales es escasa la información sobre el tiempo requerido para recuperar la biomasa aérea y subterránea de los primarios. Por lo tanto, establecimos 33 parcelas de 0.1ha entre 550 y 1 700m en bosques secundarios que cubrían estadios serales de 3 a 36 años y estimamos la biomasa de las plantas y de las raíces gruesas con ecuaciones locales. Así como la biomasa de las pasturas y barbechos por cosecha de 54 y 18 parcelas, respectivamente. También se calculó la edad de las parcelas con informantes locales, sensores remotos, C14 y anillos de crecimiento. En cada parcela medimos la biomasa aérea viva por hectárea (Bav y la de las raíces gruesas por hectárea (Brg. Modelamos la Bav y Brg en función de la edad mediante la ecuación de von Bertalanfy con asíntotas de 247t/ha (Bav y 66t/ha (Brg resultantes de la medición de 33 parcelas de 0.1ha en los bosques primarios. Con la razón Brg/Bav=f(t estimamos 87 años para que los bosques secundarios recuperen la Bav existente en los primarios y 217 años para recuperar la Brg. La tasa máxima de crecimiento instantáneo de la Bav fue 6.95t/ha/año a los 10 años y la tasa media máxima de crecimiento 6.26t/ha/año a los 17 años. La media ponderada de la tasa de crecimiento absoluto de la Bav alcanzó 4.57t/ha/año y la relativa 10% anual. La razón Brg/Bav inicialmente aumenta muy aceleradamente hasta 4-5 años (25%, luego disminuye hasta 25 años (18% para luego incrementar hasta 26.7Biomass recovery through secondary succession in the Cordillera Central de los Andes, Colombia. Estimations on biomass recovery rates by secondary tropical forests are needed to understand the complex tropical succession, and their importance on CO2 capture, to offset the warming of the planet. We conducted the study in the Porce River Canyon between 550 and 1 700m.a.s.l. covering tropical and premontane moist belts. We established 33 temporary plots of 50mx20m in secondary

  9. Mixed bird flocks: patterns of activity and species composition in a region of the Central Andes of Colombia Bandadas mixtas de aves: patrones de actividad y composición de especies en una región de la Cordillera Central de los Andes de Colombia

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    Enrique Arbeláez-Cortés


    Full Text Available Mixed bird flocks are groups of individuals from different species that travel and forage together. Such groups are common in several bird communities around the world. We present species composition and activity patterns of mixed bird flocks in a region of the Central Andes of Colombia. We compared the number of species per flock, as well as the number of flocks among 3 different habitats. We tested hypotheses concerning the flocks daily activity and the co-occurrences of species within them. We recorded 75 species, and the species number per flock varied from 4 to 21. Our data suggest that habitat affects the number of flocks but not their species number, and that the activity of flocks is similar throughout the day. In addition, the association of birds in flocks is affected by interspecific facilitation, with some species co-occurrences found more times than expected by chance. We hypothesize that some tanager species could have a role in flock cohesion. We witnessed 2 predator attacks upon flocks, a number of agonistic interactions among flock members, and squirrels following bird flocks. Our results meet some general patterns described for mixed bird flocks.Las bandadas mixtas de aves son grupos de individuos de diferentes especies que viajan y forrajean juntos, y son comunes en varias comunidades de aves alrededor del mundo. Presentamos la composición de especies y los patrones de actividad de las bandadas mixtas de aves en una región de la Cordillera Central de los Andes Colombianos. Comparamos el número de especies por bandada y el número de bandadas en 3 hábitats distintos. Evaluamos hipótesis relacionadas con la actividad de las bandadas durante el día y la presencia simultánea de especies en estos grupos. Observamos 75 especies, y el número de especies por bandada varió entre 4 y 21. Nuestros datos indican que el hábitat parece afectar el número de bandadas pero no su número de especies y que la actividad de las bandadas

  10. Ontogenia de los estróbilos, desarrollo de los esporangios y esporogénesis de Equisetum giganteum (Equisetaceae en los Andes de Colombia

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    Edgar Javier Rincón Barón


    Full Text Available Estudios sobre la ontogenia del estróbilo, los esporangios y la biología reproductiva de Equisetum son escasos, por lo tanto, para la especie E. giganteum, se estudiaron estos aspectos en especímenes recolectados a orillas del Río Frío, Santander, Colombia (2 200m. Los estróbilos en diferentes etapas de maduración fueron fijados, deshidratados, embebidos en parafina, seccionados en micrótomo rotatorio y teñidos con safranina O-fast green. Las observaciones se efectuaron mediante un microscopio óptico de alta resolución con contraste diferencial de interferencia (DIC y microscopio de fluorescencia. Los estróbilos se inician a partir del meristemo apical, tanto en el eje principal como en los laterales, sin diferencias en el proceso de ontogenia y esporogénesis entre estróbilos de diferentes ejes. Sucesivas mitosis y diferenciación celular conducen al crecimiento del estróbilo, y a la formación de los esporangióforos peltados, formados por el manubrio, o porción basal con aspecto de pedicelo, el escutelo, o porción apical aplanada y las iniciales del esporangio, los cuales se diferenciarán para formar la pared del esporangio, los esporocitos y el tapete. No se forma arquesporio y los esporocitos experimentan meiosis para formar tétradas de esporas. El tapete mantiene la integridad histológica hasta la formación de las tétradas y en esa etapa forma un plasmodio que invade la cavidad esporangial la cual rodea parcialmente las tétradas y luego las esporas, y aparecen las cámaras plasmodiales, un término propuesto aquí para las formaciones designadas en inglés "tapetal gaps". La pared del esporangio queda reducida a dos capas celulares: una externa con engrosamientos lignificados en todas las paredes celulares y una interna picnótica. Al finalizar la esporogénesis, el tapete degenera, y las esporas, con exosporio, perisporio delgado, casi membranáceo y eláteres quedan libres en la cavidad esporangial. El esporodermo

  11. Litterfall production under pine plantations in the southern Andes region of Ecuador

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    Pablo Quichimbo


    Full Text Available Litterfall research is an interesting aspect in environmental studies due to its significance in nutrient cycling specially in regions like the Andes where the interactions between biomass production and its decomposition is poorly understood. This study is focusing in the litterfall biomass production under pine plantations in southern Ecuador. The litterfall production was studied for five months at two-week intervals in three pine forest sites located in the southern Andes region of Ecuador. Monthly litterfall production ranged between 1067-1907 kg ha-1, in comparison with other coniferous stands around the world, this study revealed a higher litterfall production for tropical areas and particularly the highest production under pine plantations in the Andes region. This high litterfall production highlights the upmost importance of this forest component as a potential nutrient reservoir involved in the global nutrient cycling under landscapes dominated by this exotic forest specie in the tropical Andes.

  12. Análisis de los ácidos kaurénicos presentes en Espeletiopsis angustifolia Cuatrec. de los Andes venezolanos

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    Juan Carmona


    Full Text Available Analysis of kaurenic acids present in Espeletiopsis angustifolia Cuatrec. from the Venezuelan Andes. Leaves of Espeletiopsis angustifolia were collected at paramo of San José de Acequias (Mérida State at 2870 m.a.s.l. The dried leaves were minced and extracted with hexane-diethyl ether (3:1. This extract was shaken with 0.5 N NaOH to separate the acid fraction which was purified by flash chromatography. An aliquote of it was methylated with diazomethane and analyzed by GC-MS which permitted to identify ent-kaurenic acid (18.6%, ent-15α-O-isovaleroxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid (16.2%, ent-15α-hidroxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid (grandiflorolic acid, 9.2%, ent-kauranic acid (4.9%, ent-kaur-9(11,16-diene-19-oic acid (grandiflorenic acid, 4.5% and ent-15α-O-acetoxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid (3.4%. The neutral fraction yielded ent-kaur-16-en-19-ol (kaurenol, 32.7% and several long-chain wax n-alkanes with predominance of odd carbon number alkanes: heptacosane (38.3%, nonacosane (21.0% and entriacontane (4.6%

  13. Charles Darwin in the Andes (United States)

    Bizzo, Nelio; Bizzo, Luis Eduardo Maestrelli


    Considering geological time as an important epistemological obstacle to the construction of ideas on biological evolution, a study was carried out on the so-called "Darwin Papers". The conclusion was that Charles Darwin's excursion in the Andes during March-April 1835 was a crucial step in this regard. An expedition was carried out in…

  14. Photosynthetic performance of Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth Bartl. (Caryophyllaceae in a high-elevation site of the Andes of central Chile Desempeño fotosintético de Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth Bartl. (Caryophyllaceae en los Andes de Chile central

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    Full Text Available Photosynthesis of Colobanthus quitensis and mesoclimatic conditions of air temperature and light intensity during the growing season were investigated at 2,650 m in the central Chilean Andes. On three typical days of the growing period (January, March and May, CO2 exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured. In addition, a series of fluorescence response curves with increasing light intensity at different temperatures were performed to estimate the propensity of Andean C. quitensis populations to be photoinhibited. Net Photosynthesis (Pn was low (ca. 2.0 mmol CO2 m-2s-1 during the morning and noon in days with high photosynthetic active radiation (PAR, above 1,800 mmol photons m-2s-1. Pn increased in the afternoon (3.5-4.8 mmol CO2 m-2s-1 when PAR decreased to ca. 1,400 mmol photons m-2s-1 and leaf temperature were ca. 20 °C. Fv/Fm in the diurnal periods was between 0.7-0.75 without evidence of photoinhibition. Leaves at 15 and 22 °C exhibited a slow decrease of F PSII with the increase in actinic light intensity, although the fraction of reaction centers open (expressed by qP remained higher at 22 °C. NPQ was saturated at light intensities close to 500 mmol photons m-2s-1 in leaves at 22 °C and at higher intensities at 15 °C, suggesting that NPQ could be a mechanism of energy dissipation at high light intensity and high leaf temperature in the field. Our results indicated that C. quitensis is not photodamaged during the diurnal cycle and that the low Pn registered during some diurnal periods are likely to be related with photorespiration, which has been suggested as an efficient protective mechanism for photoinhibition in alpine plants. Our results are also compared with the photosynthetic performance of C. quitensis populations from the maritime AntarcticSe estudió la fotosíntesis de Colobanthus quitensis y las condiciones mesoclimáticas de temperatura del aire e intensidad lumínica a 2.650 m en los Andes de Chile central. Se

  15. Is tourism damaging ecosystems in the Andes? Current knowledge and an agenda for future research. (United States)

    Barros, Agustina; Monz, Christopher; Pickering, Catherine


    Despite the popularity of tourism and recreation in the Andes in South America and the regions conservation value, there is limited research on the ecological impacts of these types of anthropogenic use. Using a systematic quantitative literature review method, we found 47 recreation ecology studies from the Andes, 25 of which used an experimental design. Most of these were from the Southern Andes in Argentina (13 studies) or Chile (eight studies) with only four studies from the Northern Andes. These studies documented a range of impacts on vegetation, birds and mammals; including changes in plant species richness, composition and vegetation cover and the tolerance of wildlife of visitor use. There was little research on the impacts of visitors on soils and aquatic systems and for some ecoregions in the Andes. We identify research priorities across the region that will enhance management strategies to minimise visitor impacts in Andean ecosystems.

  16. Geology, petrology and geochemistry of the dome complex of Huequi volcano, southern Chile Geología, petrología y geoquímica de los domos volcánicos del volcán Huequi, Chile meridional

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    Sebastian F.L Watt


    Full Text Available Huequi, a little-known volcano in the southern part of the Andean southern volcanic zone (SSVZ, shows a regionally unusual eruption style, mineralogy and geochemistry. The volcano comprises multiple highly-eroded lava domes. Past eruptions were accompanied by relatively minor explosive activity, most recently from 1890-1920. The rocks erupted by Huequi range from basaltic andesite to dacite, and are highly distinctive when compared to other volcanoes of the SSVZ, being K-poor and Al-rich, and containing euhedral hornblende phenocrysts. Overall compositions suggest a notably water-rich magma source, evolving through high levels of fractionation and subsequent degassing to produce highly porphyritic dome-forming andesites. The ultimate causes of water-rich magmas at this point in the arc remain unclear.El volcán Huequi es poco conocido, que se ubica en la provincia sur de la zona Volcánica Sur de los Andes (ZVSS. Sus tipos de erupción y características mineralógicas y geoquímicas son poco comunes a nivel regional. El volcán presenta múltiples domos poco erosionados. Las erupciones estuvieron acompañadas por una actividad explosiva secundaria, siendo las más recientes las ocurridas entre los años 1890 y 1920. Los magmas del Huequi son de composición andesítico-basáltica a dacítica. Si se las compara con rocas eruptadas por otros centros volcánicos de la ZVSS de los Andes, las del Huequi se caracterizan por ser pobres en K, ricas en Al y por presentar fenocristales euhedrales de anfíbola. Las composiciones totales sugieren una fuente magmática rica en H2O, que se desarrolla a través de niveles de cristalización fraccionada y desgasificación subsecuente, que producen domos volcánicos andesíticos altamente porfíricos. Sin embargo, la causa última que genera magmas ricos en H2O, en esta parte de los Andes, sigue aún sin explicación.

  17. SRTM Perspective of Colored Height and Shaded Relief Laguna Mellquina, Andes Mountains, Argentina (United States)


    This depiction of an area south of San Martin de Los Andes, Argentina, is the first Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)view of the Andes Mountains, the tallest mountain chain in the western hemisphere. This particular site does not include the higher Andes peaks, but it does include steep-sided valleys and other distinctive landforms carved by Pleistocene glaciers. Elevations here range from about 700 to 2,440 meters (2,300 to 8,000 feet). This region is very active tectonically and volcanically, and the landforms provide a record of the changes that have occurred over many thousands of years. Large lakes fill the broad mountain valleys, and the spectacular scenery here makes this area a popular resort destination for Argentinians.Three visualization methods were combined to produce this image: shading, color coding of topographic height and a perspective view. The shade image was derived by computing topographic slope in the north-south direction. Northern slopes appear bright and southern slopes appear dark, as would be the case at noon at this latitude in the southern hemisphere. Color coding is directly related to topographic height, with green at the lower elevations, rising through yellow, red, and magenta, to white at the highest elevations. The perspective is toward the west, 20 degrees off horizontal with 2X vertical exaggeration. The back (west) edge of the data set forms a false skyline within the Andes Range.Elevation data used in this image was acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour, launched on February 11, 2000. SRTM used the same radar instrument that comprised the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) that flew twice on Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1994. SRTM was designed to collect three-dimensional measurements of Earth's surface. To collect the 3-D data, engineers added a 60-meter-long (200-foot) mast, installed additional C-band and X-band antennas, and improved

  18. Diseño de la estrategia de Inglés con propósitos específicos en un contexto extracurricular para el aprendizaje del Inglés técnico médico en estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes


    Montes De Oca Sánchez, Irma Verónica


    1. Introducción. 2. Planteamiento de la propuesta de trabajo 3. Marco Teórico 4. Metodología 5. Resultados 6. Conclusiones y Recomendaciones. En el proceso de formación profesional del médico que realiza sus estudios en la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, se incluye la preparación en el dominio de competencias en inglés; misma que comprende el aprendizaje del inglés con propósitos generales (EGP) y no abarca el aprendizaje de aspectos específicos relacionados ...

  19. Fault-controlled development of shallow hydrothermal systems: Structural and mineralogical insights from the Southern Andes (United States)

    Roquer, T.; Arancibia, G.; Rowland, J. V.; Iturrieta, P. C.; Morata, D.; Cembrano, J. M.


    Paleofluid-transporting systems can be recognized as meshes of fracture-filled veins in eroded zones of extinct hydrothermal systems. Here we conducted meso-microstructural analysis and mechanical modeling from two exhumed exposures of the faults governing regional tectonics of the Southern Andes: the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System (LOFS) and the Andean Transverse Faults (ATF). A total of 107 fractures in both exposures were analyzed. The ATF specific segment shows two tectonic solutions that can be modeled as Andersonian and non-Andersonian tectonic regimes: (1) shear (mode II/III) failure occurs at differential stresses > 28 MPa and fluid pressures 85-98% lithostatic in the non-Andersonian regime. Additionally, the LOFS exposure cyclically fails in extension (mode I) or extension + shear (modes I + II/III) in the Andersonian regime, at differential stresses 40-80% lithostatic. In areas of spatial interaction between ATF and LOFS, these conditions might favor: (1) the storage of overpressured fluids in hydrothermal systems associated with the ATF faults, and (2) continuous fluid flow through vertical conduits in the LOFS faults. These observations suggest that such intersections are highly probable locations for concentrated hydrothermal activity, which must be taken into consideration for further geothermal exploration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. PhD CONICYT grants, Centro de Excelencia en Geotermia de los Andes (CEGA-FONDAP/CONICYT Project #15090013), FONDECYT Project #1130030 and Project CONICYT REDES #140036.


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    Griselda Ostertag


    Full Text Available En el desarrollo del presente documento se analizan las principales variables meteorológicas, temperatura y precipitación, que caracterizan y definen el clima de la Cordillera de los Andes en la Patagonia, provincia de Neuquén, particularmente en el área que ocupa la alta cuenca del río Neuquén. En esta etapa, de tipo descriptiva, el análisis estadístico refleja la situación de la climatología regional en el nivel medio histórico mediante la evaluación del comportamiento de las variables mencionadas durante los últimos 25 años. En este período se han registrado eventos extremadamente húmedos como así también situaciones de sequía. El objetivo es realizar una evaluación climática a partir de la información “in situ” de estaciones meteorológicas, información satelital y análisis estadístico para definir a posteriori, en cuál clasificación climática puede encuadrarse la zona de estudio, qué tipos climáticos pueden definirse en función de la bibliografía existente al respecto, y evaluar el grado de ajuste que presentan los climas determinados con los demás componentes del paisaje tales como vegetación y suelos.

  1. Carbunco: una investigación clínica en los andes peruanos




    Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas del carbunco (ántrax) en los pacientes de una zona de altura peruana. Material y Métodos: Se captó veintinueve casos sospechosos de carbunco cutáneo, todos residentes de Santiago de Chocorvos. En once pacientes se realizó un estudio histopatológico de las lesiones cutáneas, en seis casos un estudio con coloración de Gram de frotises de lesiones cutáneas. Resultados: Todos los pacientes presentaron una infección limitada a nivel cutáneo. Las les...

  2. Estudio florístico de los páramos de pajonal meridionales de Ecuador

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    Jesús Izco


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo es un estudio de la flora de los páramos de pajonal seriales de distintos macizos montañosos de los Andes del Sur de Ecuador (provincias de Azuay y Loja comprendidos entre los 2850 m y 3635 m. Fueron identificadas 43 familias de plantas vasculares, 120 géneros y 216 especies. La flora local es comparada con la de otros páramos de pajonal andinos; la riqueza florística (géneros y especies es analizada por tramos altitudinales y se establece la flora característica de cada tramo del territorio estudiado. De forma complementaria, discutimos las influencias biogeográficas de la flora de los páramos de pajonal.

  3. SRTM Colored Height and Shaded Relief: Laguna Mellquina, Andes Mountains, Argentina (United States)


    This depiction of an area south of San Martin de Los Andes, Argentina, is the first Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) view of the Andes Mountains, the tallest mountain chain in the western hemisphere. This particular site does not include the higher Andes peaks, but it does include steep-sided valleys and other distinctive landforms carved by Pleistocene glaciers. Elevations here range from about 700 to 2,440 meters(2,300 to 8,000 feet). This region is very active tectonically and volcanically, and the landforms provide a record of the changes that have occurred over many thousands of years. Large lakes fill the broad mountain valleys, and the spectacular scenery here makes this area a popular resort destination for Argentinians.Two visualization methods were combined to produce this image: shading and color coding of topographic height. The shade image was derived by computing topographic slope in the north-south direction. Northern slopes appear bright and southern slopes appear dark, as would be the case at noon at this latitude in the southern hemisphere. Color coding is directly related to topographic height, with green at the lower elevations, rising through yellow, red, and magenta, to white at the highest elevations.Elevation data used in this image was acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour, launched on February 11, 2000. SRTM used the same radar instrument that comprised the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR)that flew twice on the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1994. SRTM was designed to collect three-dimensional measurements of the Earth's surface. To collect the 3-D data, engineers added a 60-meter-long (200-foot) mast, installed additional C-band and X-band antennas, and improved tracking and navigation devices. The mission is a cooperative project between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) of the U

  4. Chemical and isotopic investigations of runoff in a mountainous watershed, Venezuelan Andes (Rio Bocono)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cornieles, M.; Moreau, A.; Valles, V.; Travi, Y.


    The Rio Bocono watershed, located in the Western part of Venezuela on the South western side of Andes is considered by the 'Ministerio de1 Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables' (MARN) as a priority zone for environmental management. The studies of relation between flow, dissolved elements and solid transport are essential to estimate soil degradation and sediment deposition which provokes loss of depth in the dam reservoir at the Southern margin of the basin. Because of the large surface which reach 1540 km 2 , the lack of equipment and the flash flood character of the river do not enable the flow mechanisms and transit times to be determined using usual hydrologic methods; therefore this problem has been approached by the way of chemical and isotopic investigation

  5. New ICT in the Peruvian Andes: Theoretical Foundation and Bibliographical Balance

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    Mario Sánchez-Dávila


    Full Text Available On the one hand, this paper explains the theoretical foundations on which this proposal for digital anthropology in the Peruvian Andes is based (on the origins of digital anthropology, discussions on oral and written technology, and theories of digital technology as social practice. And, on the other hand, this paper presents a bibliographical balance of the studies on the new ICT in the Peruvian Andes (on identity expression, productive development and formal education in the Andean world.

  6. Pobladores de los andes. Entre la riqueza y la pobreza The inhabitants of the andes. Between wealth and poverty

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    Aracely Burgos


    Full Text Available

    La Región Andina (R.A es uno de los sistemas montañosos más grandes del mundo; atraviesa los países de Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia y Venezuela. Este trabajo describe, hace un acercamiento y propone estrategias en tres aspectos que pueden catalogar la “riqueza” y la “pobreza”de estos países: 1. biodiversidad, 2. producción agropecuaria y 3. cultura alimentaria (expresada como seguridad alimentaria en habitantes sobre los 2000 msnm cuyas características de vida son únicas.La información se obtuvo a partir de revisión debases de datos nacionales e internacionales y enrevistas especializadas en cada área y en cada país.La tendencia fue información generalizada para habitantes de la R.A. en cada país o para Latinoamérica; aunque también se encontraron estudios específicos para habitantes sobre los 2000m. La biodiversidad de esta región, expresadaen número de especies y áreas de bosques, es catalogada como mega y a su vez de prioridad enconservación. La producción agropecuaria, sector de un alto impacto económico, ocupa importantes áreas que son aprovechadas con pocos cultivos; requiere uso eficiente de factores productivos, desarrollo y/o aplicación de innovación tecnológica y ampliación dela capacidad para enfrentar diversos riesgos. Encuanto a cultura alimentaria en la mayoría de los países resulta prioritario incrementar el nivel de salud, especialmente en niños y habitantes rurales. Se podría sintetizar que la R.A. es una de las más ricas y a su vez más pobre, a nivel mundial. Pensarlaen un presente y futuro digno requiere de planteamientos estratégicos contundentes que con lleven a1. superar la inercia mental de la realidad actual de pobreza, 2. investigar, 3. tecnificar, 4. educar y 5.hacer inversión económica. La cooperación internacional entre los países será un elemento decisivo.
    The Andean Region

  7. A millennium of metallurgy recorded by lake sediments from Morococha, Peruvian Andes. (United States)

    Cooke, Colin A; Abbott, Mark B; Wolfe, Alexander P; Kittleson, John L


    To date, information concerning pre-Colonial metallurgy in South America has largely been limited to the archaeological record of artifacts. Here, we reconstruct a millennium of smelting activity in the Peruvian Andes using the lake-sediment stratigraphy of atmospherically derived metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag, Sb, Bi, and Ti) and lead isotopic ratios (206Pb/ 207Pb) associated with smelting from the Morococha mining region in the central Peruvian Andes. The earliest evidence for metallurgy occurs ca. 1000 A.D., coinciding with the fall of the Wari Empire and decentralization of local populations. Smelting during this interval appears to have been aimed at copper and copper alloys, because of large increases in Zn and Cu relative to Pb. A subsequent switch to silver metallurgy under Inca control (ca. 1450 to conquest, 1533 A.D.) is indicated by increases in Pb, Sb, and Bi, a conclusion supported by further increases of these metals during Colonial mining, which targeted silver extraction. Rapid development of the central Andes during the 20th century raised metal burdens by an order of magnitude above previous levels. Our results represent the first evidence for pre-Colonial smelting in the central Peruvian Andes, and corroborate the sensitivity of lake sediments to pre-Colonial metallurgical activity suggested by earlier findings from Bolivia.

  8. Ecuador y los objetivos del milenio : inversiones para la conservación del agua

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    Fabián Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza si se justifica la inversión en la protección del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (SNAP. El nivel de inversión del Estado ecuatoriano fue estimado a partir de las necesidades de financiamiento del SNAP. Los beneficios económicos fueron estimados a partir de la oferta de agua de las áreas protegidas que se encuentran a lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes. La metodología para evaluar si es conveniente o no la inversión del Estado en la protección del SNAP fue la relación beneficio - costo (B/C. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que solo los valores piso de la relación B/C justifican la inversión del Estado.

  9. Cómo los indígenas mejoran su calidad de vida a través del desistimiento. Protección de reservas de agua en Ecuador

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    Oliver Hoelcke


    Full Text Available La gente en Los Andes lucha por cada gota de agua. De ese líquido vital dependen cientos de miles de personas que habitan en el valle. Sin embargo, cada año llega menos agua a los pequeños poblados. Garantizar el abastecimiento del recurso es la meta de El Plan de Manejo Páramo.

  10. Glacier shrinkage and water resources in the Andes (United States)

    Francou, Bernard; Coudrain, Anne

    For more than a century glaciers around the world have been melting as air temperatures rise due to a combination of natural processes and human activity. The disappearance of these glaciers can have wide-ranging effects, such as the creation of new natural hazards or changes in stream flow that could threaten water suppliesSome of the most dramatic melting has occurred in the Andes mountain range in South America. To highlight the climatic and glacial change in the Andes and to encourage the scientific community to strengthen the glacier observation network that stretches from Colombia to the Patagonian ice fields, the Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA), Perú, and the Institute of Research and Development (IRD), France, recently organized the second Symposium on Mass Balance of Andean Glaciers in Huaráz,Perú.

  11. A Million-Year Record of Glaciation in the Tropical Andes (United States)

    Smith, J. A.; Seltzer, G. O.; Rodbell, D. T.; Farber, D. L.; Finkel, R. C.


    We present a longterm record of glaciation in the tropical Andes based on cosmogenic dating (10Be) of boulders on moraines. Well-preserved moraines in deglaciated valleys bordering the Junin Plain in central Peru ( ˜11° S, 76° W, 4000 m) were deposited during several glacial cycles extending back more than one million years before present (1 Myr BP). The presence of boulders with zero-erosion 10Be exposure ages >1 Myr constrains boulder erosion rates to relatively low values. For boulders at high altitudes, however, even low boulder erosion rates (0.3 to 0.5 m/Myr) make calculated old exposure ages markedly older [e.g., ˜20% older for a zero-erosion age of 400,000 10Be years (400 10Be kyr)]. Exposure ages recalculated with boulder erosion rates of 0.3 m/Myr straddle interglacial marine isotope stage (MIS) 11 ( ˜430-390 kyr BP), fall within glacial MIS 12 ( ˜480-430 kyr BP), but skip over glacial MIS 16 ( ˜670-630 kyr BP), perhaps the largest ice volume of the past 2 Myr. Increasing the erosion rate used in the calculations to 0.5 m/Myr moves ages into both MIS 11 and MIS 16. If we assume that the older Andean glaciations were indeed synchronous with global ice volume, our data suggest that boulder preservation cannot be treated as a simple linear process. Conversely, the data may be suggesting correctly that glaciation of the tropical Andes was not synchronous with the global glaciations as inferred from the marine isotope record. Our chronology for the last glacial maximum (LGM) in the region supports the idea of asynchrony between the global ice volume record and the terrestrial record of glaciation in the tropical Andes. The LGM in the Junin region of Peru and in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia (16° S 68° W) occurred ˜34 to 22 10Be kyr BP and was less extensive than older glaciations. Asynchrony between the LGM in the Northern Hemisphere ( ˜21 kyr BP) and the tropical Andes suggests that previous glaciations in the tropical Andes may have been

  12. Natural gas across the Andes : a case study of an international business venture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueroa, E.B.; Smith, B.


    This book describes the challenges and complexities of constructing the GasAndes pipeline from Argentinian gas fields across the Andes to Santiago in Chile. The project was a joint international effort between Canada's NOVA Corporation, Chile's Gasco and Gener, and Argentina's Compania General de Combustibles and Techint Compania Tecnica Internacional. The book relates how NOVA Gas International, together with its partners, accomplished the task of constructing the first major natural gas pipeline across the Andes mountains despite significant challenges such as steep mountain slopes, many river crossings, high altitude, high winds and bitter cold. It describes how the partnership developed and how political and socio-economic issues were dealt with. It demonstrates how business practices were modified to deal with local conditions and to ensure that the fragile environment of the Andean meadows was protected. It also describes how the builders of the pipeline addressed the concerns of communities along the pipeline route. The pipeline was constructed at a time when democracy was returning and market economies were shifting from a reduced role of government in the energy sector. The 463 km GasAndes pipeline has been in operation since August 7, 1997. refs., tabs., figs.

  13. Tectonics, hydrothermal zoning, and uranium in the central Andes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gabelman, J W


    The geological features of the Peruvian Andes are discussed in some detail. The geologic history of the Andrean tectonics was found to be virtually the same as that represented in both North and South American Cordillera. The study indicated that Andrean hydrothermal mineralization occurred intermittently but in close time relation with accompanying deformations from the late Cretaceous or early Tertiary up to the present. The mineralization cycle is discussed as it relates to several metals, particularly uranium. Uranium is believed to occupy the same several temperature--environmental positions in the Andes that it does throughout the rest of the western hemisphere Cordillera. Even though uranium is present in minor quantities in several high-to-moderate-temperature environments, the bulk of uranium present in the cycle is believed to precipitate in the subepithermal environment.

  14. Gastrointestinal parasites of Lamas in the Bolivian Andes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen, Anne Malene; Nees, Ellinor Spörndly; Monrad, Jesper

    A cross sectional study was conducted to determine prevalences and intensities of gastrointestinal (GIT) parasites in lamas in the Bolivian Andes. A quantitative and qualitative necro-copro-parasitlogical study was performed on 33 lamas between October and December 2007. At the time of necropsy t...

  15. Reflections on Andes' Goal-Free User Interface (United States)

    VanLehn, Kurt


    Although the Andes project produced many results over its 18 years of activity, this commentary focuses on its contributions to understanding how a goal-free user interface impacts the overall design and performance of a step-based tutoring system. Whereas a goal-aligned user interface displays relevant goals as blank boxes or empty locations that…

  16. Between Andes and Amazon: the genetic profile of the Arawak-speaking Yanesha. (United States)

    Barbieri, Chiara; Heggarty, Paul; Yang Yao, Daniele; Ferri, Gianmarco; De Fanti, Sara; Sarno, Stefania; Ciani, Graziella; Boattini, Alessio; Luiselli, Donata; Pettener, Davide


    The Yanesha are a Peruvian population who inhabit an environment transitional between the Andes and Amazonia. They present cultural traits characteristic of both regions, including in the language they speak: Yanesha belongs to the Arawak language family (which very likely originated in the Amazon/Orinoco lowlands), but has been strongly influenced by Quechua, the most widespread language family of the Andes. Given their location and cultural make-up, the Yanesha make for an ideal case study for investigating language and population dynamics across the Andes-Amazonia divide. In this study, we analyze data from high and mid-altitude Yanesha villages, both Y chromosome (17 STRs and 16 SNPs diagnostic for assigning haplogroups) and mtDNA data (control region sequences and 3 SNPs and one INDEL diagnostic for assigning haplogroups). We uncover sex-biased genetic trends that probably arose in different stages: first, a male-biased gene flow from Andean regions, genetically consistent with highland Quechua-speakers and probably dating back to Inca expansion; and second, traces of European contact consistent with Y chromosome lineages from Italy and Tyrol, in line with historically documented migrations. Most research in the history, archaeology and linguistics of South America has long been characterized by perceptions of a sharp divide between the Andes and Amazonia; our results serve as a clear case-study confirming demographic flows across that 'divide'. © 2014 The Authors. American journal of physical Anthropology published by Wiley Periodocals, Inc.


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    Full Text Available Se usaron técnicas de captura, observación directa y registro indirecto para obtenerun inventario de mamíferos en un bosque andino de Colombia. Se realizaronmuestreos entre octubre de 1998 y abril de 1999 en la Reserva Río Blanco (Manizales,Departamento de Caldas, entre 2200 - 3750 m de altitud. Para capturar pequeñosmamíferos no voladores se usaron trampas Sherman. Para capturar murciélagos seusaron mallas de niebla y colectas manuales. Para registrar medianos y grandesmamíferos se usaron trampas Tomahawk, puntos de observación, recorridos, trampasde huellas, rastros y encuestas. Se registraron 42 especies de mamíferospertenecientes a doce órdenes. El inventario de pequeños mamíferos no voladoresy murciélagos es incompleto; se dan sugerencias para complementarlo. Las trampasde huellas, los rastros y las encuestas fueron técnicas más eficientes para registrarmedianos y grandes mamíferos, que la captura con trampas Tomahawk, los recorridosy los puntos de observación. Se hacen observaciones y se dan recomendacionespara implementar las diferentes técnicas en bosques andinos.

  18. Las cuencas cenozoicas y su control en el volcanismo de los Complejos Nevados de Chillan y Copahue-Callaqui (Andes del Sur, 36-39°S Cenozoic basins and their control on volcanism of Nevados de Chillan and Copahue-Callaqui complexes (36-39°S, Southern Andes

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    Juan Pablo Radic


    Full Text Available La Cordillera Principal de los Andes entre los 36° y 39°S constituye un excelente lugar para el estudio de la relación entre volcanismo y tectónica. Por medio del análisis tectonoestratigráfico de las cuencas cenozoicas se ha podido reconocer una clara coincidencia espacial entre estructuras de primer orden pertenecientes a estas cuencas y la distribución del volcanismo plio-pleistocénico. Las cuencas cenozoicas comenzaron su desarrollo durante el Oligoceno-Mioceno como depresiones extensionales, conformando un sistema de al menos tres subcuencas orientadas N-S y conectadas por dos zonas de acomodación estructural. Posteriormente este sistema de cuencas fue tectónicamente invertido hacia finales del Mioceno y los antiguos depocentros fueron deformados y exhumados, reutilizando las fallas originalmente extensionales. Las zonas de acomodación estructural permanecieron como estructuras de primer orden a escala de cuenca y constituyeron zonas de debilidad que favorecieron el posterior desarrollo del volcanismo y magma-tismo en los complejos volcánicos Nevados de Chillan y Copahue-Callaqui. Cada uno de estos complejos volcánicos se caracteriza por una orientación de sus centros de emisión, morfología y depósitos volcánicos en forma subparalela a la orientación de las zonas de acomodación estructural inmediatamente por debajo.The Cordillera Principal at 36° to 39°S is an excellent place to address the relationship between tectonics and volcanism. Based on tectonostratigraphic analysis of the Cenozoic basins it has been possible to recognize a clear spatial coincidence between first order basin scale structures and Plio-Pleistocene volcanism. Cenozoic basins started in the Oligocene-Miocene as extensional depocenters, characterized by at least three north-south oriented sub-basins connected by two structural accommodation zones. Towards the Late Miocene this extensional system was tectonically inverted deforming and uplifting the

  19. Las dinámicas de comercialización de la quinua en los países andinos: ¿qué oportunidades y retos para la agricultura familiar campesina?


    Baudoin, Andrea; Lacroix, Pierril; Bazile, Didier; Chia, Eduardo


    La revalorización de la quinua despierta muchos intereses tanto en los países andinos como europeos y americanos. Este producto andino antes marginado y circunscrito al autoconsumo ha entrado en la dieta de la población urbana de los países andinos y su consumo se difunde en EEUU, Europa y en otras partes del mundo. En los Andes los precios en chacra aumentan y el sector quinuero ha pasado a ser un sector atractivo para las inversiones. De esta chenopodiácea se está comercializando una gran v...

  20. Conservación de los Bosques Relictos del NO de Perú

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    Eric F. Rodríguez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente documento resume las conclusiones obtenidas en el «Taller sobre Bosques Relictos de las Vertientes Occidentales Andinas del Norte del Perú y Sur del Ecuador», desarrollado en el marco del X Congreso Nacional de Botánica, Trujillo-Perú, el 04 de mayo del 2004. En este taller se llegaron a las siguientes conclusiones, dirigidas principalmente a los gobiernos regionales y concejos provinciales que incluyen a los departamentos de Cajamarca, Lambayeque, La Libertad y Piura: ·El Perú esta reconocido entre los países tropicales con mayor diversidad vegetal. La región norte del país incluye un porcentaje alto de esa diversidad. Entre los ecosistemas importantes que concentra la diversidad en esta región se encuentran los bosques relictos de la vertiente occidental de los Andes (Piura, Lambayeque, Cajamarca, La Libertad, considerados unos de los más altamente endémicos en todo el mundo. Estos bosques que se extienden hasta los 12°S, tienen tanto una diversidad muy elevada como un gran índice de endemismo. Muchas de estas especies están restringidas a bosques relictos individuales, tales como en los siguientes departamentos:

  1. Especies de género Lutzomyia (Psychodidae, Phlebotominae en áreas de transmisión de leishmaniasis tegumentaria y visceral en el departamento de Santander, en la cordillera oriental de los Andes colombianos

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    Claudia Magaly Sandoval


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los flebótomos desde el punto de vista de salud pública son especialmente conocidos como los únicos insectos vectores de las leishmaniasis y demuestran una interesante biodiversidad en algunas zonas como la cordillera de los Andes en Suramérica. Este estudio presenta las especies de flebótomos organizadas por municipios y zonas endémicas que pueden encontrarse en el departamento de Santander, ubicado sobre la cordillera oriental andina en Colombia. Objetivo. Presentar una actualización del inventario de las especies del género Lutzomyia en el departamento de Santander,señalar la distribución y discutir algunos aspectos de la ecología de las especies de mayor importancia en salud pública. Materiales y métodos. Durante 1998 a 2001 en 12 municipios se realizaron capturas de flebótomos utilizando trampas de luz tipo CDC miniatura, entre las 19:00-6:00 horas, también capturas con cebo humano protegido utilizando aspiradores manuales entre las 18:00-20:00 horas, ocasionalmente aspiración directa sobre troncos de árboles entre las 8:00-11:00 horas y capturas de flebótomos en reposo sobre las paredes en horario diurno. Resultados. Se capturaron un total de 3.972 flebótomos distribuidos en 41 especies; de éstas, 16 especies son nuevos registros para esta región del país. En las zonas consideradas endémicas para leishmaniasis tegumentaria americana se destacaron por su abundancia, presencia en el intradomicilio e importancia epidemiológica L. gomezi, L. trapidoi, L. panamensis, L. ovallesi y L. yuilli yuilli. En las zonas de leishmaniasis visceral americana predominó L. longipalpis.

  2. Glacier loss and hydro-social risks in the Peruvian Andes (United States)

    Mark, Bryan G.; French, Adam; Baraer, Michel; Carey, Mark; Bury, Jeffrey; Young, Kenneth R.; Polk, Molly H.; Wigmore, Oliver; Lagos, Pablo; Crumley, Ryan; McKenzie, Jeffrey M.; Lautz, Laura


    Accelerating glacier recession in tropical highlands and in the Peruvian Andes specifically is a manifestation of global climate change that is influencing the hydrologic cycle and impacting water resources across a range of socio-environmental systems. Despite predictions regarding the negative effects of long-term glacier decline on water availability, many uncertainties remain regarding the timing and variability of hydrologic changes and their impacts. To improve context-specific understandings of the effects of climate change and glacial melt on water resources in the tropical Andes, this article synthesizes results from long-term transdisciplinary research with new findings from two glacierized Peruvian watersheds to develop and apply a multi-level conceptual framework focused on the coupled biophysical and social determinants of water access and hydro-social risks in these settings. The framework identifies several interacting variables-hydrologic transformation, land cover change, perceptions of water availability, water use and infrastructure in local and regional economies, and water rights and governance-to broadly assess how glacier change is embedded with social risks and vulnerability across diverse water uses and sectors. The primary focus is on the Santa River watershed draining the Cordillera Blanca to the Pacific. Additional analysis of hydrologic change and water access in the geographically distinct Shullcas River watershed draining the Huaytapallana massif towards the city of Huancayo further illuminates the heterogeneous character of hydrologic risk and vulnerability in the Andes.

  3. Seismicity, fault plane solutions, depth of faulting, and active tectonics of the Andes of Peru, Ecuador, and southern Colombia (United States)

    Suarez, G.; Molnar, P.; Burchfiel, B. C.


    The long-period P waveforms observed for 17 earthquakes in the Peruvian Andes during 1963-1976 are compared with synthetic waveforms to obtain fault-plane solutions and focal depths. The morphological units of the Peruvian Andes are characterized: coastal plains, Cordillera Occidental, altiplano and central high plateau, Cordillera Oriental, and sub-Andes. The data base and analysis methodology are discussed, and the results are presented in tables, diagrams, graphs, maps, and photographs illustrating typical formations. Most of the earthquakes are shown to occur in the transition zone from the sub-Andes to the Cordillera Oriental under formations of about 1 km elevation at focal depths of 10-38 km. It is suggested that the sub-Andean earthquakes reflect hinterland deformation of a detached fold and thrust belt, perhaps like that which occurred in parts of the Canadian Rockies. From the total crustal shortening evident in Andean morphology and the shortening rate of the recent earthquakes it is estimated that the topography and crustal root of the Andes have been formed during the last 90-135 Myr.

  4. Dynamics of a Puelche foehn event in the Andes

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    Lea Beusch


    Full Text Available In this numerical modelling study, we investigate a Puelche foehn event (25–26 March 2014 in the southern Andes – a region with sparse observations. The synoptic environment as well as the mesoscale structure and the dynamics of the easterly wind are examined with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF analyses and a simulation with the mesoscale non-hydrostatic limited-area weather prediction model COSMO with a grid spacing of 2.2 km.The large-scale synoptic situation leading to this Puelche event is characterized by a mid-tropospheric cut-off low above the mountain range, the formation of a coastal surface low, as well as high pressure extending over the southern Andes. Easterly winds extend throughout the entire troposphere, indicative of a deep foehn flow. In the free troposphere, the easterlies are geostrophically balanced and develop in association with increasing pressure to the south. In contrast, within the planetary boundary layer, the easterly winds occur predominantly due to an increasing cross-range large-scale pressure gradient with only a weak geostrophic component. Kinematic trajectories indicate that a significant part of the Puelche air mass originates from above an inversion on the upstream side of the Andes. Some air parcels, however, ascend on the upstream side to crest height as the boundary layer deepens during daytime and/or flow through gaps across the mountain range. Hence, this Puelche event shares characteristics of both a blocked and a non-blocked foehn type.

  5. Nueva especie de rana (Atelopus de Los Farallones de Cali, Cordillera Occidental de Colombia

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    Kattan Gustavo


    Full Text Available Durante la realización de colecciones herpetológicas en el Departamento del Valle del Cauca, fue encontrada una especie no descrita de Atelopus (Anura: Bufonidae en los farallones de Cali, a 2600 m de altura. Esta es la primera especie en este género que se encuentra a elevaciones superiores a 2000 m en la Cordillera Occidental. Se conocen varias especies de Atelopus en las Cordilleras Central y Oriental de Colombia y en los Andes ecuatorianos (COCHRAN y GOIN 1970; PETERS 1973; RIVERO 1963 y probablemente futuras colecciones herpetológicas continuaran revelando nuevas especies en las partes altas de la Cordillera Occidental.

  6. L'enfant et le terroir. La construction de l'identité paysanne dans une communauté des Andes péruviennes

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    Full Text Available Cet article propose quelques pistes de travail sur l'identité et la notion de personne à partir de l'étude du statut de l'enfant. L'auteur montre notamment comment le lieu de naissance établit les bases de l'identité paysanne andine en inscrivant le nouveau-né dans un triple environnement (social, familial, mythique qui définit son appartenance à la lignée paternelle ou maternelle et, au-delà du groupe lignager, à la communauté. EL NIÑO Y LA TIERRA. LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE LA IDENTITAD CAMPESINA EN UNA COMUNIDAD DE LOS ANDES PERUANOS. Este artículo propone algunas pistas de investigación sobre la identidad y la noción de persona a partir del estudio del estatus del niño. La autora muestra en particular cómo el lugar de nacimiento establece las bases de la identidad campesina andina al ubicar al recién nacido en un triple entorno (el grupo social, la familia y los mitos que define su pertenencia a la rama paterna y, más allá del linaje a la comunidad. THE CHILD AND THE LAND. THE CONSTRUCTION OF PEASANT’S IDENTITY IN A COMMUNITY OF THE PERUVIAN ANDES. This paper proposes a few lines of research about identity and the notion of the human being based on the study of the status of the infant. The author shows how birth-place establishes the basis of Andean peasant's identity by allowing the infant to fit into a triple environment (the social group, the extended family and the myths. This environment defines if infant belongs to the paternal or maternal line and, beyond the lineage, to the community.

  7. Retroceso de glaciares en el Perú: consecuencias sobre los recursos hídricos y los riesgos geodinámicos

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    Full Text Available RECUL DES GLACIERS AU PÉROU : CONSÉQUENCES SUR LES RESSOURCES EN EAU ET LES RISQUES GÉODYNAMIQUES. Les Andes du Pérou possèdent encore entre 4 500 et 6 700 m d’importantes masses glaciaires. Sur quelques glaciers représentatifs, on a mesuré un recul important ces dernières décennies, ce qui a provoqué et continue à provoquer la formation de nouveaux lacs glaciaires, certains d’entre eux constituant un danger permanent. D’autre part cette évolution, si elle persiste, aura tendance à diminuer l’alimentation des cours d’eau, ce qui va se marquer surtout pendant la période d’étiage. On apporte quelques données sur le recul des langues glaciaires en Cordillère Blanche. La connaissance du phénomène a permis d’entreprendre des actions visant à réduire, voire supprimer le danger que représentent ces lacs. Dans le même temps, on en a profité pour construire des retenues permettant de stocker l’eau et de répondre dans des meilleures conditions à la demande venant de divers secteurs, comme l’agriculture, la consommation domestique, l’énergie et l’industrie. Los Andes peruanos poseen todavía importantes masas glaciares entre los 4 500 y 6 700 msnm. En algunos glaciares representativos se ha medido estos últimos decenios un retroceso marcado, lo cual ha ocasionado, y actualmente continúa originando, la formación de nuevas lagunas, algunas de ellas con condiciones de peligrosidad latente. Por otro lado, si esta evolución permanece, puede provocar una disminución del recurso hídrico que abastece a los ríos, que sería muy sensible durante la época de estío. Se muestra en forma sucinta datos acerca del retroceso de algunos glaciares en la Cordillera Blanca. Con el conocimiento del fenómeno que viene ocurriendo se han tomado acciones relacionadas a disminuir o evitar los riesgos representados por las lagunas peligrosas. Al mismo tiempo, aprovechando estas reservas de agua, se construyen pequeños embalses para

  8. Rapid Diversification and Time Explain Amphibian Richness at Different Scales in the Tropical Andes, Earth's Most Biodiverse Hotspot. (United States)

    Hutter, Carl R; Lambert, Shea M; Wiens, John J


    The Tropical Andes make up Earth's most species-rich biodiversity hotspot for both animals and plants. Nevertheless, the ecological and evolutionary processes underlying this extraordinary richness remain uncertain. Here, we examine the processes that generate high richness in the Tropical Andes relative to other regions in South America and across different elevations within the Andes, using frogs as a model system. We combine distributional data, a newly generated time-calibrated phylogeny for 2,318 frog species, and phylogenetic comparative methods to test the relative importance of diversification rates and colonization times for explaining Andean diversity at different scales. At larger scales (among regions and families), we find that faster diversification rates in Andean clades most likely explain high Andean richness. In contrast, at smaller temporal and spatial scales (within family-level clades within the Andes), diversification rates rarely explain richness patterns. Instead, we show that colonization times are important for shaping elevational richness patterns within the Andes, with more species found in habitats colonized earlier. We suggest that these scale-dependent patterns might apply to many other richness gradients. Recognition of this scale dependence may help to reconcile conflicting results among studies of richness patterns across habitats, regions, and organisms.

  9. Developing services for climate impact and adaptation baseline information and methodologies for the Andes (United States)

    Huggel, C.


    Impacts of climate change are observed and projected across a range of ecosystems and economic sectors, and mountain regions thereby rank among the hotspots of climate change. The Andes are considered particularly vulnerable to climate change, not only due to fragile ecosystems but also due to the high vulnerability of the population. Natural resources such as water systems play a critical role and are observed and projected to be seriously affected. Adaptation to climate change impacts is therefore crucial to contain the negative effects on the population. Adaptation projects require information on the climate and affected socio-environmental systems. There is, however, generally a lack of methodological guidelines how to generate the necessary scientific information and how to communicate to implementing governmental and non-governmental institutions. This is particularly important in view of the international funds for adaptation such as the Green Climate Fund established and set into process at the UNFCCC Conferences of the Parties in Cancun 2010 and Durban 2011. To facilitate this process international and regional organizations (World Bank and Andean Community) and a consortium of research institutions have joined forces to develop and define comprehensive methodologies for baseline and climate change impact assessments for the Andes, with an application potential to other mountain regions (AndesPlus project). Considered are the climatological baseline of a region, and the assessment of trends based on ground meteorological stations, reanalysis data, and satellite information. A challenge is the scarcity of climate information in the Andes, and the complex climatology of the mountain terrain. A climate data platform has been developed for the southern Peruvian Andes and is a key element for climate data service and exchange. Water resources are among the key livelihood components for the Andean population, and local and national economy, in particular for

  10. Manejo y conservación del suelo y agua en los Andes del Sur de Ecuador


    Ochoa Cueva, Pablo Alejandro


    El manejo y la conservación de los recursos suelo y agua han sido y son motivo de gran preocupación para la sostenibilidad del Planeta en cuanto a la soberanía alimentaria y el desarrollo de la vida en general, esto se remarca en los países en vías de desarrollo que presentan fuertes contrastes, como lo es el Ecuador. Las limitaciones en la recolección de los datos climatológicos, de suelo, cobertura vegetal, entre otros; así como la aplicación de metodologías que se adapten a las realidades ...

  11. Carbunco: una investigación clínica en los andes peruanos

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    David Salinas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas del carbunco (ántrax en los pacientes de una zona de altura peruana. Material y Métodos: Se captó veintinueve casos sospechosos de carbunco cutáneo, todos residentes de Santiago de Chocorvos. En once pacientes se realizó un estudio histopatológico de las lesiones cutáneas, en seis casos un estudio con coloración de Gram de frotises de lesiones cutáneas. Resultados: Todos los pacientes presentaron una infección limitada a nivel cutáneo. Las lesiones se iniciaban con mácula asociada a parestesias o prurito; posteriormente, evolucionaba a una pápula y luego a una úlcera; inicialmente, el fondo de la úlcera era cubierta con una escara de color amarillento, para luego adquirir un color negruzco. Una imagen sugestiva de B. anthracis fue identificada en la coloración Gram de una lesión cutánea. Conclusiones: El carbunco es una zoonosis que puede ocurrir en zonas de elevada altitud. Las características clínicas del carbunco cutáneo en la altura son similares a las descritas en la literatura científica.

  12. Facies volcánicas del depósito de avalancha de detritos del volcán Tata Sabaya, Andes Centrales Volcanic facies of the debris avalanche deposit of Tata Sabaya Volcano, Central Andes

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    Benigno Godoy


    Full Text Available Las avalanchas de detritos, asociadas a colapsos parciales de edificios volcánicos, son fenómenos comunes en la evolución de un volcán. Este tipo de flujos son por inestabilidades, que pueden deberse a factores tales como la existencia de zonas afectadas por alteración hidrotermal, cambios climáticos, terremotos, intrusión de magmas en zonas superficiales (criptodomos y/o diques y/o movimiento de fallas bajo el edificio volcánico o cercanas a él. El producto final de estos flujos -denominado depósito de avalancha de detritos (DAD- presenta morfologías típicas de cerrillos y drenajes cerrados. En los Andes Centrales se han reconocido, al menos, 14 centros volcánicos con depósitos de avalancha asociados, entre los que está el volcán Tata Sabaya (Bolivia. El colapso que ha dado origen a este depósito podría haberse generado por una combinación de actividad sísmica y magmática en el volcán. El depósito asociado al colapso parcial de este volcán se distribuye sobre la parte baja del flanco sur del volcán y sobre la parte noroccidental de la cuenca del salar de Coipasa. Cubre una superficie de más de 230 km² y tiene un volumen estimado de 6±1 km³. Sobre la base de las composiciones litológicas, se ha establecido que el depósito está constituido por 6 tipos distintos de cerrillos, los cuales son: lávicos, piroclásticos, sedimentarios mixtos, brecha piroclástica y andesítico-basálticos. Considerando el tipo predominante de cerrillos y su distribución espacial dentro del depósito, se ha definido 6 facies diferentes (Facies de Bloques Toreva, Facies de Cerrillos Volcánicos, Facies Central, Facies de Cerrillos Sedimentarios, Facies Mixta y Facies de Cerrillos de Brecha Piroclástica. Tomando en cuenta la distribución espacial de estas facies, se propone la estructura del paleovolcán previa a su colapso parcial.Debris avalanches associated with partial sector collapse of volcanic edifices are common phenomena in the

  13. Función pulmonar en niños sanos de 7 y 8 años de las comunas de Cerro Navia y Los Andes expuestos a diferentes niveles de contaminación por MP10

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    Daniel Cebulj Navarrete


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar si difieren los valores espirométricos evaluados en niños sanos de 7- 8 años provenientes de comunas con niveles históricos de alta versus baja contaminación atmosférica en Chile. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, no experimental, exploratorio y transversal y ex post facto causa y efecto. Se realizaron en total 261 encuestas de salud respiratoria y calificaron, según criterios de inclusión, 110 niños sanos de 7 y 8 años (55 niños en cada comuna. Se realizaron exámenes espirométricos: Con espirómetro de turbina SPIROBANK G, considerando variables VEF1, FEF25-75, PEF y CVF. La obesidad, actividad física, contaminación intramuros por calefacción y exposición a humo de tabaco también fueron descritas. Resultados: Las variables espirométricas analizadas VEF1 y FEF25-75 mostraron diferencias significativas (p<0.05 y PEF mostró diferencias altamente significativas (p <0.005 según localidad, es decir, que la media de estas variables en Los Andes, comuna agroindustrial con baja contaminación atmosférica, es mayor que la de Cerro Navia, comuna con altos niveles de contaminación del aire. En la variable PEF se encontró, además, significancia entre género. La CVF no presentó diferencia entre comunas. Conclusiones: Los niños sanos de 7 y 8 años que habitan en comunas donde la exposición a contaminación atmosférica es alta presentan una menor función pulmonar comparada con los niños sanos, de similares características, que habitan en comunas con bajos niveles de contaminación atmosférica. Existen otros factores que podrían influir en el detrimento de la función pulmonar y que en este estudio fueron descritos como factores confundentes.


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    Pedro López Atencio


    Full Text Available La presente investigación tuvo como propósito central evaluar la insatisfacción por la imagen corporal y su relación con la baja autoestima por la apariencia física en estudiantes de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Los Andes en Mérida Venezuela. El estudio fue de tipo no experimental correlacional. La muestra estuvo constituida por 189 estudiantes, 27% masculino y 73% femenino, con una edad promedio de 19,58 años ± 1,57 (varones 19,81 años ± 1,74 y para las mujeres 20,24 años ± 1,76. Los participantes fueron seleccionados de los cursos del primer año de las carreras de: medicina, enfermería y nutrición, los cuales fueron seleccionados de forma intencional. El instrumento empleado para determinar la Insatisfacción por la Imagen Corporal fue el Body Shape Questionnaire (Cooper y Taylor, 1987. El método de Graffar Modificado fue utilizado para determinar el estrato socioeconómico de los participantes (Méndez y De Méndez, 1994. A los datos se les aplicó el análisis descriptivo (frecuencia, porcentajes, media e inferencial (ANOVA de un solo factor a través del paquete estadístico SPSS versión 9.0. Entre los principales hallazgos en el estudio se pudo determinar una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la insatisfacción con la imagen corporal, la baja autoestima por la apariencia física con el género χ2 (2, N= 189 = 9,686, p=0,008. A través de ANOVA se pudo determinar que las diferencias en las medias para los niveles de insatisfacción y baja autoestima con la imagen corporal y el género son estadísticamente significativas, F=11,236; p=0,008, F=10,23; p=0,002 respectivamente. Conclusiones: los resultados obtenidos permiten sugerir sobre la relación que existe entre la insatisfacción y la baja autoestima por la apariencia física, existiendo un rechazo por la propia imagen corporal causada por la percepción distorsionada o no de la misma, lo que podría afectar la autoestima por la

  15. La arquitectura de los puestos de pastoreo en las tierras altas del norte argentino (Susques, provincia de Jujuy

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    Jorge Tomasi


    Full Text Available En este artículo nos proponemos analizar las características que presentan los puestos de pastoreo en las tierras altas de la provincia de Jujuy, en el noroeste argentino. El análisis considerará las lógicas de emplazamiento, las configuraciones y las materialidades de estos puestos. Tomaremos en cuenta particularmente los sentidos que la topografía tiene en la configuración de la arquitectura doméstica. Estas construcciones tienen un sentido específico en el marco de los sistemas de asentamiento de los grupos pastoriles, en relación con las estrategias de movilidad de las familias junto con los rebaños. El estudio se basa en el material del trabajo de campo etnográfico que se ha venido desarrollando desde el 2004 en la localidad de Susques, el cual ha implicado un relevamiento sistemático de los distintos tipos de asentamiento, en el marco de una investigación sobre las espacialidades y la arquitectura pastoril en los Andes.

  16. Andes hantavirus variant in rodents, southern Amazon Basin, Peru. (United States)

    Razuri, Hugo; Tokarz, Rafal; Ghersi, Bruno M; Salmon-Mulanovich, Gabriela; Guezala, M Claudia; Albujar, Christian; Mendoza, A Patricia; Tinoco, Yeny O; Cruz, Christopher; Silva, Maria; Vasquez, Alicia; Pacheco, Víctor; Ströher, Ute; Guerrero, Lisa Wiggleton; Cannon, Deborah; Nichol, Stuart T; Hirschberg, David L; Lipkin, W Ian; Bausch, Daniel G; Montgomery, Joel M


    We investigated hantaviruses in rodents in the southern Amazon Basin of Peru and identified an Andes virus variant from Neacomys spinosus mice. This finding extends the known range of this virus in South America and the range of recognized hantaviruses in Peru. Further studies of the epizoology of hantaviruses in this region are warranted.

  17. Andes Hantavirus Variant in Rodents, Southern Amazon Basin, Peru


    Razuri, Hugo; Tokarz, Rafal; Ghersi, Bruno M.; Salmon-Mulanovich, Gabriela; Guezala, M. Claudia; Albujar, Christian; Mendoza, A. Patricia; Tinoco, Yeny O.; Cruz, Christopher; Silva, Maria; Vasquez, Alicia; Pacheco, Víctor; Ströher, Ute; Guerrero, Lisa Wiggleton; Cannon, Deborah


    We investigated hantaviruses in rodents in the southern Amazon Basin of Peru and identified an Andes virus variant from Neacomys spinosus mice. This finding extends the known range of this virus in South America and the range of recognized hantaviruses in Peru. Further studies of the epizoology of hantaviruses in this region are warranted.

  18. Diversos usos instrumentales del aparato masticatorio en restos humanos de la Patagonia Argentina

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    Kozameh, Livia Febes


    Full Text Available Desgastes dentarios atípicos y disarmónicos, asociados a patologías sugirieron la posibilidad que los mismos se hubieran producido por una actividad masticatoria excesiva y no alimentaria. La variedad de rastros registrados sugiere el uso de la boca con fines instrumentales, como recurso posiblemente constante. Los casos seleccionados son seis y sus rasgos predominantes se describen sucintamente. 1 Muestra dentaria de canoeros fueguinos. Fracturas cuspídeas pulimentadas únicamente en denticiones femeninas.2Resto de cazador canoero del Beagle. Notables desgastes dentarios con distintas angulaciones a modo de zigzag. Raíces en función oclusal con procesos alveolares concomitantes. 3Resto de cazador pedestre de Tierra del Fuego. Disminución del tamaño coronal de los dientes anteriores y primeros premolares, con pérdida completa de su morfología. Los bordes incisales exhiben tres planos de desgaste con diferentes direcciones. 4 y 5Cazadores de Santa Cruz. En uno de ellos los desgastes coronales son convexos en todos sus dientes. Patologías alveolares. En el otro ejemplar el desgaste tornó cilíndricas las coronas de las piezas anteriores. 6Resto femenino de Chubut. Pérdida prematura de los cuatro dientes anteriores con compromiso óseo y canino transpuesto.

  19. A new species of Trechisibus from Peruvian Andes (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Trechinae

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    Pedro Delgado


    Full Text Available In this work the new species Trechisibus (s. str. delestali sp. n., is described from the southern Peruvian Andes. The morphological differences with the geographically closest species of the subgenus are also presented and discussed.

  20. The Glaciation of the Ecuadorian Andes (United States)

    Schubert, Carlos

    This pleasing book fills the gap in the knowledge about Pleistocene and recent glaciation between Colombia and Peru. A significant amount of data exists already for Colombia and Venezuela and for Peru, Bolivia, and, particularly, Chile. Hastenrath has now given us a description of glaciers and glaciation underneath the equator in the Andes.The book begins with brief summaries of the physiography and the atmospheric circulation, which give the general setting of Ecuador. Then follow detailed descriptions of the glaciers and glacial morphology of all the important mountains of the Western and Eastern Cordilleras. These are well illustrated, and a particularly useful feature is the comparison of old photographs and paintings of glaciers with modern photographs, many taken by the author. All illustrate the spectacular retreat of the glaciers in the Ecuadorian Andes during the last century and correlate quite well with observations elsewhere. This retreat is snown quantitatively in Table 4, in terms of decrease in glacier-covered area since the glacial advance of moraine stage III. The area of present-day glaciers is about 10% of the area during that stage (compared with about 1.5% in the Sierra Nevada de Mérida, Venezuela). A series of maps show the glacial morphology of the mountains (unfortunately, some of the maps have been included within the binding, thus losing some information; they could have been reduced somewhat to fit a single page or, if too large, could have been included in the pocket, together with the map of Chimborazo-Carihuairazo).

  1. Geología de los alrededores de los ríos caleufú y meliquina, provincia de Neuquén: El volcanismo de la Formación Huitrera


    Palotti, Priscila F.; Jait, Damian M.; Orts, Darío Leandro; Litvak, Vanesa Dafne; Ramos, Victor Alberto


    En este trabajo se ha relevado la región localizada al sur de la Villa Meliquina, en la provincia del Neuquén, zona poco estudiada desde el punto de vista geológico. Esta se sitúa entre las localidades de San Martín de los Andes y San Carlos de Bariloche, donde afloran volcanitas aquí asignadas a la Formación Huitrera. En este sector se diferencian dos dominios con distintas características estructurales: un sector occidental, en la región del lago Filo Hua Hum, donde predominan plegamientos ...

  2. El feto agresivo. Parto, formación de la persona y mito-historia en los Andes

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    Platt, Tristan


    Full Text Available Partiendo de un estudio etnográfico y lingüístico sobre la mortalidad materna en Bolivia, este trabajo etno-obstétrico trata de la concepción, la gestación y el parto en una comunidad quechua-hablante de Potosí. Analiza el paralelismo planteado entre la formación temprana de la persona y los orígenes mito-históricos de la sociedad. La sustancia pagana pre-hispánica fluye constantemente hacia una sociedad de conversos, dando realidad al concepto jurídico de “indio originario”. Se propone superar la oposición entre las interpretaciones “esencialistas” e “hibridistas” de la sociedad indígena, al mostrar que el “originario” necesariamente se construye por los comuneros como “esencial”, pero sin por eso negar su constante transformación histórica. Los ritos de separación del “feto agresivo” de la madre también plantean preguntas a los psicoanalistas sobre la influencia que pueden tener las experiencias perinatales sobre la formación individual en diferentes contextos históricos y culturales.

  3. Autoatención en Salud Oral en el Pueblo Yanacona de los Andes del Sur de Colombia

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    Edson Jair Ospina Lozano


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. El pueblo indígena Yanacona tiene sus propias estrategias de entender y atender su proceso salud/enfermedad, referido particularmente a la cavidad oral. En estas actividades no se involucran terapeutas de la medicina tradicional ni de la medicina occidental, las realizan las mismas personas. Objetivo: identificar y analizar las prácticas de autoatención en salud oral de la población Yanacona de los resguardos de Caquiona y Pancitará. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó el método etnográfico. Las técnicas fueron la entrevista semi-estructurada y la observación participante. La información se consignó en el diario de campo. El universo de trabajo fueron las familias de los resguardos de Pancitará y Caquiona. Las unidades de análisis las conformaron cinco familias que cumplían los criterios de inclusión: auto adscripción indígena, los ingresos económicos, la tenencia de dos o más hijos y la escolaridad de la madre.  Resultados: Para los integrantes de este pueblo indígena la boca es necesaria para comer y comunicarse. Las personas reconocen las enfermedades y otras dolencias en su cavidad oral y disponen de conocimientos y destrezas para enfrentarlas, principalmente plantas medicinales y medicamentos farmacéuticos. La caries dental es reconocida como la única enfermedad que afecta a la boca. Se reconoce un origen mágico de las aftas bucales. Los cuidados de la boca implican el uso de cepillo y crema dental y la masticación de una planta -chulco-. Conclusiones. La autoatención en salud oral es una estrategia que le permite a este pueblo indígena solucionar parcialmente los inconvenientes relacionados con su salud/enfermedad oral.

  4. Autoatención en Salud Oral en el Pueblo Yanacona de los Andes del Sur de Colombia

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    Edson Jair Ospina Lozano


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. El pueblo indígena Yanacona tiene sus propias estrategias de entender y atender su proceso salud/enfermedad, referido particularmente a la cavidad oral. En estas actividades no se involucran terapeutas de la medicina tradicional ni de la medicina occidental, las realizan las mismas personas. Objetivo: identificar y analizar las prácticas de autoatención en salud oral de la población Yanacona de los resguardos de Caquiona y Pancitará. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó el método etnográfico. Las técnicas fueron la entrevista semi-estructurada y la observación participante. La información se consignó en el diario de campo. El universo de trabajo fueron las familias de los resguardos de Pancitará y Caquiona. Las unidades de análisis las conformaron cinco familias que cumplían los criterios de inclusión: auto adscripción indígena, los ingresos económicos, la tenencia de dos o más hijos y la escolaridad de la madre.  Resultados: Para los integrantes de este pueblo indígena la boca es necesaria para comer y comunicarse. Las personas reconocen las enfermedades y otras dolencias en su cavidad oral y disponen de conocimientos y destrezas para enfrentarlas, principalmente plantas medicinales y medicamentos farmacéuticos. La caries dental es reconocida como la única enfermedad que afecta a la boca. Se reconoce un origen mágico de las aftas bucales. Los cuidados de la boca implican el uso de cepillo y crema dental y la masticación de una planta -chulco-. Conclusiones. La autoatención en salud oral es una estrategia que le permite a este pueblo indígena solucionar parcialmente los inconvenientes relacionados con su salud/enfermedad oral.

  5. Contribución al conocimiento de los Machiloidea de Colombia (Archaeognatha: Insecta Contribución al conocimiento de los Machiloidea de Colombia (Archaeognatha: Insecta

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    Sturm Helmut


    Full Text Available Se describen cuatro nuevas especies y una subespecie de Meinertellidae recolectadas en Colombia y en un bosque pluvial cerca de Manaos, Brasil. Son las siguientes: Meinertellus adisi, M. bogotensis santaemartae, Neomachilellus aboucbaari, N. amazonicus y N. rangeli. Se discute la posición sistemática de los ejemplares recolectados cerca de Bogotá, en el valle del río Magdalena y en la Cordillera Oriental cerca de Neiva. Se da una clave para los géneros suramericanos de la familia.Four new species and one new subspecies of Meinertellidae occurring respectively in Colombia and in the rain forest near Manaus, Brazil, are described:  Meinertellus adisi, M. bogotensis santaemartae , Neomachilellus abouchaari, N. amazonicus and N. rangeli. The systematical position of specimens collected near Bogota, in the Magdalena Valley and in the Eastern Andes near Neiva is discussed. A key for the South American genera of the family is given.

  6. An elusive new species of Marsupial Frog (Anura: Hemiphractidae: Gastrotheca from the Andes of northern Peru

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    William E. Duellman


    Full Text Available A new species of marsupial frog, genus Gastrotheca, is described from high-elevation grasslands in the Andes in Región Amazonas in northernPeru, where even calling males are well hidden in deep moss. The new species is distinguished from all congeners by its unique color pattern that includes a narrow, blackbordered, yellow middorsal stripe. The species apparently belongs to the Gastrotheca plumbea Group, which ranges in the Andes from northern Colombia to northern Peru.

  7. Caries dental en niños de 0-5 años del municipio de Andes, Colombia. Evaluación mediante el sistema internacional de detección y valoración de caries - ICDAS

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    Blanca S. Ramírez-Puerta


    Full Text Available La falta de información de la situación de caries dental en la primera infancia en Andes, limita las acciones en el marco de la Alianza por un Futuro libre de Caries. Objetivo: establecer la situación de caries dental de los niños y niñas de 0 a 5 años del Municipio de Andes, Colombia. Metodología: fueron examinados 623 niños y niñas para evaluar la presencia y severidad de las lesiones de caries, con base en criterios del Sistema Internacional para la detección y evaluación de caries - icdas. Se calcularon las proporciones de experiencia y prevalencia de caries dental, y los índices cICDAS 5-6 opd y cICDAS 1-6 opd. Resultados: el 38,2% tenía experiencia de caries dental severa, cuando se incluyen las lesiones iniciales y moderadas de caries dental la experiencia fue 88,4%. Al año de edad, el 4,9% tenía lesiones severas de caries dental, y a los 5 años el 53,6% presentó este tipo de lesiones. El índice cICDAS 5-6 opd fue 0,15±0,8 al año de edad y 2,79±3,6 a los 5 años; el valor del indicador aumenta a 1,97±2,9 y 9,61±4,6 respectivamente, cuando se incluyen lesiones iniciales y moderadas de caries dental, cICDAS 1-6 opd. Discusión: la enfermedad está presente desde el primer año en el 58,8%, el doble de lo reportado en el país a esta edad (29,3%. Conclusión: los hallazgos resaltan la necesidad de diseñar estrategias integrales para el control de la enfermedad, que involucren la salud bucal en políticas y programas de primera infancia.

  8. Analysis of La Dehesa paleo-landslide. Central Pre-Andes of Argentina (United States)

    Tapia Baldis, Carla; Rothis, Luis Martín; Perucca, Laura; Esper Angillieri, María; Vargas, Horacio; Ponce, David; Allis, Carlos


    The main objective of this paper is to consider the influence of Quaternary faults as likely triggering factor for rockslides occurrence in the Central Pre-Andes, a region with intense shallow seismic activity. A rockslide deposit was selected as study case, placed in the western flank of La Dehesa and Talacasto (DT) range (31°3‧37″ S and 68°46‧ 8″ W). Applied methodology includes the characterization of main discontinuities, reconstruction of the topography using a high-resolution digital elevation model, safety factor calculation along the sliding surface and, Newmark displacements estimation for three different hypothetical seismic scenarios, recreated from existing neotectonic local information. Equilibrium-limit method's results confirm that study case, La Dehesa rockslide (LDR), had a stable and safe slope's configuration under static conditions. However, a seismic horizontal coefficient between 0.2 and 0.3 decreases safety factor below the safety threshold. Newmark's displacements for different seismic reconstructed scenarios varies between 4.1 and 15.9 cm, values that agreed with a coherent failure process, likely triggered by Pleistocene to Holocene seismogenic sources in Central Pre-Andes. LDR trigger could be assigned mainly to an earthquake related to La Dehesa Quaternary fault (LDF) activity; however, similar movements produced by neighboring faults should not be discarded. LDR triggering related to climatic conditions is despised. Finally, the methodology presented in this work is easy to reproduce and may be applied to other rockslides located in the mountainous areas of the Central Pre-Andes of Argentina.

  9. Cuando ya no se puede tomar trago ni chacchar coca. When alcohol can no longer be drunk or coca leaves chewed. the case of the “protestants” in the Peruvian central Andes

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    Caroline Magny


    Full Text Available Desde hace mucho tiempo el alcohol y la coca ocupan un lugar central en las comunidades andinas. Hasta ahora en el distrito de Churcampa (Huancavelica, Perú, los católicos, mayoritarios, siguen explicando al visitante lo siguiente: “acá no se puede hacer nada sin trago ni coca”. No obstante, durante las ultimas décadas, muchas personas en este distrito – así como en muchos otros distritos de los Andes peruanos – se han convertido y siguen convirtiéndose al “protestantismo” (termino genérico usado por los católicos para referirse en forma general a las Iglesias evangélicas. Esta conversión implica, entre otras cosas, dejar completamente de masticar hojas de coca y de beber cualquier tipo de bebidas alcohólicas. En esta exposición proponemos analizar hasta qué punto y bajo qué modalidades estas restricciones alimenticias afectan a los conversos (quienes siguen siendo minoritarios en el distrito en su vida social cotidiana.Alcohol and coca have played a central role in Andean communities for many centuries. Nowadays, in the district of Churcampa (Huancavelica, Peru, the Catholic people, who are the majority, still explain to visitors that “here you can’t do anything without trago [alcohol] and coca”. Yet, over the past decades, many men and women in this district - as well as in many other districts of the Peruvian Andes - have been converting to “Protestantism” (a generic term used by Catholics to refer to the Evangelical Churches. This conversion implies, among other things, completely giving up chewing of coca leaves and drinking of any type of alcoholic drink. The aim of this article is to analyze to what extent and how these restrictions in the dietary habits affect converted people in their everyday social life.alcohol, coca leaves, religion, conversion, evangelic Churches, Peru


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    Full Text Available Estudiamos algunas características morfométricas y el estado reproductivo deespecímenes de ambos sexos de Anolis tolimensis en una población de los Andescolombianos (Tena, Cundinamarca; 2250 m. Las observaciones se hicieron en unbosque secundario, entre las épocas de lluvia (noviembre 2004 y febrero 2005 y desequía (diciembre 2004 - enero 2005. En el campo realizamos recorridos diurnosentre las 8:00 y 18:00 horas y recolectamos individuos de forma manual y con lazada.En el laboratorio medimos los individuos y determinamos el estado reproductivo.Las hembras adultas y juveniles presentaron mayor longitud rostro-cloacal que losmachos. El tamaño mínimo promedio de madurez sexual en machos fue 43.7 mmy en hembras 46.4 mm. El estado reproductivo más común en hembras adultas fuevitelogénico y ovígero, el menos frecuente fue ovígero con dos huevos oviductales.Esta condición de ovo-retención podría relacionarse con condiciones ambientalesdesfavorables. No se encontraron hembras adultas en estado previtelogénico. Hubopresencia generalizada de un huevo oviductal. Entre los periodos de muestreose encontró que los machos fueron sexualmente activos y observamos presenciageneralizada de hembras embarazadas o con huevos oviductales. Estas observacionesindicarían reproducción continua de A. tolimensis a lo largo del año

  11. Holocene tephra-fall deposits of southern and austral Andes volcanic zones (33-54oS): eruption recurrence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naranjo, J.A.; Polanco, E.; Lara, L; Moreno, H; Stern, C.R


    Radiometric 14 C dating is a very useful tool to study the chronostratigraphy of pyroclastic deposits. In addition, 14 C ages are essential parameters for the estimation of the recurrence time of the explosive volcanic activity. The origin, distribution and relative age of mappable Holocene tephra-fall deposits of the Southern Andes Volcanic Zone (SVZ) and Austral Andes Volcanic Zone (AVZ) from 33 o S-54 o S, were studied and their recurrence period is analysed (au)

  12. Distribución y conservación de especies amenazadas en Mesoamérica, Chocó y Andes tropicales Distribution and conservation of endangered species in Mesoamerica, Chocó and Tropical Andes

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    María Cecilia Londoño-Murcia


    Full Text Available En este estudio se modeló el nicho ecológico proyectado como distribución potencial de 313 especies amenazadas en Mesoamérica, Chocó y los Andes tropicales, según las listas de la UICN. De estas especies, 285 fueron plantas y 28 fueron vertebrados terrestres. La superposición de las distribuciones de las especies amenazadas cubrió prácticamente toda la región. Ecuador mostró cerca del 30% de su área con 50 especies. Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua y Panamá mostraron > 50, aunque en 50% de su área. El Salvador y Honduras, de 11 a 20 en > 50% de su área y México de 1 a 5 especies en > 50% de su área. La distribución de estas especies en áreas transformadas (agricultura y áreas urbanas varió del 11al 30%; El Salvador, Panamá y Guatemala mostraron > 50% de la distribución; Colombia, Honduras y México This study modeled ecological niches projected as potential distributions for 313 endangered species listed in the IUCN for Mesoamerica, Chocó and Tropical Andes, of which 285 were plants, and 28 terrestrial vertebrates. Overlapping of endangered species distributions covered most of the region. Ecuador showed close to 30% of its area with 50 endangered species. Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua y Panama showed more than 50 endangered species in 50% of its area with endangered species (21 to 50 species were Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Panama. El Salvador and Honduras showed > 50% of its area with 11 to 20 endangered species; Mexico showed 50% of endangered species in transformed areas; Colombia, Honduras and Mexico showed < 40%, and Belize and Ecuador showed < 25% of endangered species in transformed areas, respectively. El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua and Mexico showed a high proportion of endangered species in transformed areas for the Classes Amphibia, Liliopsida, Polipodiopsida, and the Orders Asterales, Fabales, Laurales, Myrtales, Scrophulariales and Rubiales. Less than 35% of endangered

  13. Late Pleistocene glaciations of the arid subtropical Andes and new results from the Chajnantor Plateau, northern Chile (United States)

    Ward, Dylan J.; Cesta, Jason M.; Galewsky, Joseph; Sagredo, Esteban


    The spatiotemporal pattern of glaciation along the Andes Mountains is an important proxy record reflecting the varying influence of global and regional circulation features on South American climate. However, the timing and extent of glaciation in key parts of the orogen, particularly the deglaciated arid Andes, are poorly constrained. We present new cosmogenic 10Be and 36Cl exposure ages for glacial features on and near the Chajnantor Plateau (23 °S). The new dates, although scattered due to cosmogenic inheritance, imply that the most recent extensive glacial occupation ended before or during the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We discuss this new record in the context of published glacial chronologies from glacial features in Peru, Bolivia, and northern Chile rescaled using the latest cosmogenic 10Be production rate calibration for the tropical Andes. The results imply regionally synchronous moraine stabilization ca. 25-40 ka, 15-17 ka, and 12-14 ka, with the youngest of these moraines absent in records south of ∼20 °S, including in our new Chajnantor area chronology. This spatial pattern implicates easterly moisture in generating sufficient snowfall to glaciate the driest parts of the Andes, while allowing a role for westerly moisture, possibly modulated by the migration of the Southern Westerly Wind belt, in the regions near and south of the Atacama Desert.

  14. On the extension of the analytic nodal diffusion solver ANDES to sodium fast reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ochoa, R.; Herrero, J.J.; Garcia-Herranz, N.


    Within the framework of the Collaborative Project for a European Sodium Fast Reactor, the reactor physics group at UPM is working on the extension of its in-house multi-scale advanced deterministic code COBAYA3 to Sodium Fast Reactors (SFR). COBAYA3 is a 3D multigroup neutron kinetics diffusion code that can be used either as a pin-by-pin code or as a stand-alone nodal code by using the analytic nodal diffusion solver ANDES. It is coupled with thermal-hydraulics codes such as COBRA-TF and FLICA, allowing transient analysis of LWR at both fine-mesh and coarse-mesh scales. In order to enable also 3D pin-by-pin and nodal coupled NK-TH simulations of SFR, different developments are in progress. This paper presents the first steps towards the application of COBAYA3 to this type of reactors. ANDES solver, already extended to triangular-Z geometry, has been applied to fast reactor steady-state calculations. The required cross section libraries were generated with ERANOS code for several configurations. Here some of the limitations encountered when attempting to apply the Analytical Coarse Mesh Finite Difference (ACMFD) method - implemented inside ANDES - to fast reactor calculations are discussed and the sensitivity of the method to the energy-group structure is studied. In order to reinforce some of the conclusions obtained two calculations are presented. The first one involves a 3D mini-core model in 33 groups, where the ANDES solver presents several issues. And secondly, a benchmark from the NEA for a small 3D FBR in hexagonal-Z geometry in 4 energy groups is used to verify the good convergence of the code in a few-energy-group structure. (author)


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    Mercedes Carrasquero


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un estudio sobre la característica y particularidades de los centros de desarrollo científicos y humanístico (CDCH de la Universidad de los Andes, Universidad del Zulia y la Universidad Nacional Experimental "francisco de Mirando". Dado que la universidad es la casa de la sociedad, tiene el deber insoluble de participar en el desarrollo económico, social, cultural, político y tecnológico nacional y regional. De allí urge la necesidad de visualizar dentro de un escenario que promocione la actividad científica y académica articulada a las exigencias y requerimientos de la sociedad. Por eso se impone una revisión de las condiciones actuales e inmediatas futuras de los CDCH a objeto de potenciar sus fortalezas y oportunidades y atender con prontitud sus debilidades y amenazas.

  16. The forest vegetation of Ramal de Guaramacal in the Venezuelan Andes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cuello, A.N.L.; Cleef, A.M.


    Montane forest community composition of Ranial de Guaramacal, Venezuelan Andes, was studied along the altitudinal gradient on both sides of the range with different slope expositions. Thirty five 0.1 ha plots were Surveyed, with variable intervals of 30 to 150 meters between 1350 in and 2890 in and

  17. The forest vegetation of Ramal de Guaramacal in the Venezuelan Andes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cuello A., N.L.; Cleef, A.M.


    Montane forest community composition of Ramal de Guaramacal, Venezuelan Andes, was studied along the altitudinal gradient on both sides of the range with different slope expositions. Thirty five 0.1 ha plots were surveyed, with variable intervals of 30 to 150 meters between 1350 m and 2890 m and

  18. Tumor sólido pseudopapilar de páncreas. Presentación de un caso reportado en Hospital Universitario de Los Andes, Mérida-Venezuela

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    Naisbet Ortega-Vásquez


    Full Text Available El tumor sólido pseudopapilar de páncreas es una neoplasia de bajo grado de malignidad, de etiología incierta y relativamente raro con una incidencia de 0.2 a 2.7% entre los tumores de páncreas exocrino. Se presenta con mayor frecuencia en mujeres jóvenes, siendo muy raro en varones, y existen pocos casos de mortalidad asociados a éste tumor. Pueden encontrarse incidentalmente o dar síntomas abdominales inespecíficos. Presentamos el caso de paciente femenina de 16 años de edad, quien consultó por saciedad temprana y dolor abdominal tipo cólico en epigastrio e hipocondrio derecho. Se realizó endoscopia digestiva superior punción con aguja guiada (PAF guiada por ultrasonido endoscópico de lesión quística en cola de páncreas, con hallazgos compatibles con tumor sólido pseudopapilar de páncreas. Se realizó Pancreatectomía córporo-caudal con estudio de biopsia, los cuales confirmaron el diagnóstico preoperatorio. El tumor sólido pseudopapilar pancreático incluye entre sus manifestaciones clínicas dolor abdominal, sensación de plenitud o saciedad temprana, masa abdominal, náuseas y vómitos, entre otras. La tomografía axial computarizada puede revelar masa heterogénea grande y encapsulada. El diagnóstico definitivo se realiza con el estudio histopatológico y el tratamiento de elección es la cirugía, la cual por sí sola tiene un nivel elevado de curación. Solid-pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas. A report in the Hospital Universitario de Los Andes, Mérida-Venezuela Abstract Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas is a neoplasm of low malignant, of uncertain etiology and relatively rare with an incidence of 0.2 to 2.7% between exocrine pancreatic tumors. It occurs most often in young women and is very rare in men, and there are few cases of mortality associated with this tumor. May be found incidentally or give nonspecific abdominal symptoms. We report the case of a female patient aged 16, who consulted with

  19. Les régimes thermiques et pluviométriques de Pachachaca (Andes Centrales du Pérou: contribution à la connaissance des rythmes saisonniers dans le climat de la Puna

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    Full Text Available A partir des données thermiques et pluviométriques fournies par la station de Pachachaca, on tente de définir les rythmes saisonniers du climat de la Puna vers 4000 m. d'altitude. Trois saisons s'individualisent nettement: une saison sèche de 4 mois, une saison de début des précipitations de septembre à décembre, et les mois très pluvieux (janvier à mars. La variabilité des températures tout au long de la série trentenaire, est due principalement à celle des minima une tendance au réchauffement des minima s'est dessinée récemment depuis les années 1965. La dispersion des totaux pluviométriques est forte depuis 1943 et des changements tendanciels peuvent intervenir la saison sèche est toujours très marquée relativement, par contre la saison humide peut connaître de fortes fluctuations, au niveau des totaux accumulés, mais aussi de la répartition mensuelle des précipitations: une tendance récente a vu l'accroissement sensible des chutes de début de saison humide, au détriment de celles du maximum des pluies. On s'interroge sur l'extension possible de ces remarques à l'ensemble des hautes Andes du Pérou. A partir de los datos térmicos y pluviométricos dados por la estación de Pachachaca, se trata de determinar los ritmos estacionales del clima de la Puna cerca de los 4000 metros s.n.m. Tres períodos se destacan de una manera clara: uno seco de cuatro meses, uno de principio de precipitaciones desde setiembre hasta diciembre, y finalmente los meses con mucha lluvia (enero-marzo. La variabilidad de las temperaturas durante toda la serie de treinta años es principalmente la consecuencia de las mínimas una tendencia al recalentamiento de las mínimas se ha destacado recientemente, desde los años 1965. La dispersión de los totales pluviométricos es fuerte desde 1943 (año de inicio de la serie y algunos cambios de tendencia pueden ocurrir la temporada seca es siempre relativamente muy marcada, pero al contrario la

  20. Colobanthus Quitensis (H.B.K. Bartl. (Caryophyllaceae en los Andes Colombianos

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    Aguirre C. Jaime


    Full Text Available Colobantbus quitensis y Deschampsia antarctica son las dos únicas fanerogamas nativas presentes hoy dia en el continente antártico (Green, 1970. La primera tiene una distribución amplia en regiones templadas y frías de América Latina, desde la Tierra del Fuego hasta México (Moore, 1972.  En noviembre de 1978 se realizó una exploración geobotánica corta al Páramo Alto del Almorzadero en la Cordillera Oriental, Departamento de Santander; en el piso pantanoso de un vallecito a 3.900 m (El Tutal se encontraron algunas maticas dispersas de Colobanthus quitensis (biótipo laxa cerca de una corriente lenta de agua. El hallazgo anterior de Colobanthus quitensis en la región del Nevado del Ruiz en la Cordillera Central motivó la elaboración del presente trabajo, con el fin de dar a conocer los caracteres morfológicos, palinológicos y sociológicos de esta interesante especie.

  1. Los repositorios como herramienta para la recuperación del patrimonio bibliográfico: el caso de seis bibliotecas públicas municipales del departamento de Antioquia

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    Wilson Castaño Muñoz


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo tiene como objetivo principal evidenciar la importancia de implementar un repositorio digital en la investigaciones sobre la recuperación del patrimonio bibliográfico de seis bibliotecas públicas de los municipios de Andes, El Carmen de Viboral, Puerto Berrio, Sonsón, Turbo y Yarumal del departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Se presenta brevemente el concepto de patrimonio-bibliográfico y se abordan los repositorios institucionales y digitales como categoría analítica y alternativa para la recuperación, organización y difusión de información patrimonial. The following article has as main objective to demonstrate the importance of implementing a digital repository in the research about the bibliographical patrimony recovery in six public libraries in municipalities located in the department of Antioquia, Colombia such as Andes, el Carmen de Viboral, Puerto Berrío, Sonsón, Turbo and Yarumal. The concept of bibliographical patrimony appears briefly in the article and the institutional and digital repositories are approached as an analytical and alternative category for the recovery, organization and dissemination of the patrimony information. .

  2. Palm harvest impact in the western Amazon, Andes and Pacific lowlands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    Palms are the most useful group of plants in tropical American forests and in this project we study the effect of extraction and trade of palms on forests in the western Amazon, Andes, and Pacific lowlands. We determine the size of the resource by making palm community studies in the different...

  3. Reabsorción de nitrógeno y fósforo foliar en árboles de bosques montanos en los Andes centrales de Colombia

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    Miguel Vera


    Full Text Available Se determinaron las concentraciones y los porcentajes de reabsorción de nitrógeno y fósforo foliar en cinco especies de árboles de un bosque montano bajo (BMB a 1850 m.s.n.m. y en cinco de un bosque montano alto (BMA a 2800 m.s.n.m en la Cordillera Central colombiana, asi como la disponibilidad de nitrógeno y fósforo del suelo. Los porcentajes de reabsorción de N y P no fueron significativamente diferentes entre las especies de estos dos bosques. A pesar de esto, se observó que la reabsorción de P foliar tendió a ser mayor en las especies del BMB donde la concentración de P en el suelo fue significativamente más baja (3.2 ppm vs. 9.0 ppm. Cuando la reabsorción de P foliar se expresó como función de la concentración en hojas maduras en 12 tipos de bosques montanos tropicales, se encontró una correlación negativa y estadísticamente significativa. Estos resultados sugieren que los porcentajes de reabsorción de P foliar en bosques montanos estarían controlados parcialmente por la disponibilidad del elemento.Mature leaves and litterfall were collected between November 1992 and February 1993 from one to three individuals of five canopy tree species of a lower montane rain forest (LMRF at 1850 m. and five canopy tree species of an upper montane rain forest (UMRF at 2800 m. in the Central Andes of Colombia, to determine the concentrations and percentage retranslocation of nitrogen and phosphorus. The availability of these two nutrients was measured in the soils, by means of extracts of NH3-NH4, NO2-NO3 and PO4, and incubations of surface soil samples (0-10 cm to measure the rates of nitrogen mineralization and nitrification. In the species of the LMRF the average concentration of N in mature leaves (1.19 % dry weight and litterfall (0.87 % was significantly higher than in mature leaves (0.90 % and litterfall (0.59 % of the tree species of the UMRF. Percentage retranslocation of N and P were not significantly different between the

  4. Political-Philosophical Perspectives about the Notions of Indian, Inca, and Mestizo on the «Comentarios reales de los Incas»

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    Alejandro Javier Viveros Espinosa


    Full Text Available This essay posits certain political-philosophical perspectives on the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega’s Primera parte de los Comentarios reales de los Incas (1609. To this purpose we will develop two hermeneutical movements. The first refers to a theoretical and methodological questioning related to the notion of Indian as a discursive construction during colonial times in the Andes area. The second deploys a critical exercise grounded on the interaction between the notions of Indian, Inca, and Mestizo, which is focused on how they build alternative subjectivities. Both movements consolidate an interpretation about the Inca Garcilaso’s political-philosophical reflections, remarking his proposals of a bifurcated modern civilizational project in the New World.

  5. Tectonic control of erosion in the southern Central Andes (United States)

    Val, Pedro; Venerdini, Agostina L.; Ouimet, William; Alvarado, Patricia; Hoke, Gregory D.


    Landscape evolution modeling and global compilations of exhumation data indicate that a wetter climate, mainly through orographic rainfall, can govern the spatial distribution of erosion rates and crustal strain across an orogenic wedge. However, detecting this link is not straightforward since these relationships can be modulated by tectonic forcing and/or obscured by heavy-tailed frequencies of catchment discharge. This study combines new and published along-strike average rates of catchment erosion constrained by 10Be and river-gauge data in the Central Andes between 28°S and 36°S. These data reveal a nearly identical latitudinal pattern in erosion rates on both sides of the range, reaching a maximum of 0.27 mm/a near 34°S. Collectively, data on topographic and fluvial relief, variability of rainfall and discharge, and crustal seismicity suggest that the along-strike pattern of erosion rates in the southern Central Andes is largely independent of climate, but closely relates to the N-S distribution of shallow crustal seismicity and diachronous surface uplift. The consistently high erosion rates on either side of the orogen near 34°S imply that climate plays a secondary role in the mass flux through an orogenic wedge where the perturbation to base level is similar on both sides.

  6. Innovación en métodos computacionales en la Universidad los Andes

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    Hernando Durán


    Full Text Available En 1967, se presentó en el Winter Power Meeting de laIEEE, en Nueva York, lo que constituyó tal vez elavance más importante en esa década respecto a métodoscomputacionales para calcular flujos de potenciaen redes eléctricas de centenares de nodos y pararesolver sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y no linealesde gran tamaño [1]. Hasta ese entonces, los flujos decarga más grandes que se podían resolver no pasabande sistemas de decenas de nodos.

  7. Plant community variation across a puna landscape in the Chilean Andes Variación en la comunidad vegetal de un paisaje de puna en los Andes chilenos

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    Full Text Available We describe patterns of plant species and growth form abundance in the puna vegetation of Parque Nacional Lauca, Chile. At more than 4,300 m, the extreme habitat of the study site supported relatively few species. These few species, however, represented a diverse array of growth forms that were organized with respect to distinct environmental gradients. Both species richness and growth form diversity increased with the degree of habitat rockiness and on more xeric north and east facing slopes. These xeric, rocky sites supported the greatest overall abundance of cushion forms. Less rocky sites with more soil development supported a greater abundance of tussock grass and shrub forms. Congeneric species occupied distinct microhabitats and were often markedly divergent in growth form. These patterns suggest that water and thermal stress are critical forces shaping functional form as well as community organization in the high Andean punaDescribimos los patrones de abundancia de las especies vegetales y las formas de vida en la vegetación de puna en el Parque Nacional Lauca, Chile. A una altitud que excede los 4.300 m de altitud, el hábitat extremo de nuestro sitio de estudio presenta relativamente pocas especies. Dichas especies, sin embargo, representan un arreglo diverso de formas de vida organizadas con respecto a distintos gradientes ambientales. Tanto la riqueza de especies como el hábito de crecimiento aumentaron en los suelos más rocosos y en las pendientes expuestas al norte y al este, cuya vegetación es más xerófila. Dichos sitios presentaron la mayor abundancia en formas de cojines. Los sitios menos rocosos con un suelo más desarrollado presentaron una mayor abundancia de pastos y arbustos. Distintos microhábitats fueron ocupados por especies congénericas que con frecuencia divergieron en su hábito de crecimiento. Los patrones observados sugieren que el agua y el estrés térmico son fuerzas críticas que moldean la forma

  8. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Author Affiliations. G E DELGADO1 V SAGREDO2. Laboratorio de Cristalografía, Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101, Venezuela; Laboratorio de Magnetismo en Sólidos, Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101, ...

  9. El cura y sus hijos osos o el recorrido civilizador de los hijos de un cura y una osa

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    Full Text Available LE CURE ET SES ENFANTS OURS OU LE PARCOURS CIVILISATEUR DES ENFANTS D’UN CURE ET D’UNE OURSE. Cet article constitue un essai d’interprétation de deux versions quechuas cuzquéniennes du récit panandin connu comme “Jean de l’Ours” ou “Le fils de l’ours”. A partir d’une analyse du symbolisme du récit, la logique profonde qui l’ordonne est mise en lumière: la société humaine et civilisée ne peut se perpétuer sans établir des échanges et une coopération avec les êtres sauvages de l’au-delà. Les protagonistes, fils d’un curé et d’une ourse, ainsi que le curé lui-même, sont les héros médiateurs d’un récit mythique dont la logique prétend aussi s’appliquer aux relations interethniques dans les Andes. Este artículo presenta un ensayo de interpretación de dos versiones quechuas cuzqueñas del relato panandino conocido como “Juan Oso” o “El hijo del oso”. A partir de un análisis del simbolismo del relato, se saca a luz la lógica profunda que lo ordena: la sociedad humana y civilizada no puede perpetuarse sin establecer un intercambio y una cooperación con los seres salvajes del más allá. Los protagonistas, hijos de un cura y una osa, así como el cura mismo, son los héroes mediadores de un relato mítico cuya lógica pretende también aplicarse a las relaciones interétnicas en los Andes. THE PRIEST AND HIS BEAR CHILDREN OR THE PASSAGE TO CIVILIZATION OF THE CHILDREN OF A PRIEST AND A SHE-BEAR. This article sets out to interpret two Cuzco Quechua versions of the pan-Andean tale known as “Juan Oso” or “The Bear’s Son”. The analysis of the story’s symbolism sheds light on the profound logic on which it is based: human and civilized society cannot survive without establishing interchange and cooperation with wild beings from the other world. The protagonist, the son of the priest and the she-bear, as well as the priest himself, are the mediator heroes of a tale whose logic also applies to interethnic

  10. Mountain building in the central Andes (United States)

    Kono, Masaru; Fukao, Yoshio; Yamamoto, Akihiko


    The Central Andes is the middle part of the Andean chain between about 13°S and 27°S, characterized by the parallel running high mountain chains (the Western and Eastern Cordilleras) at the edges of high plateaus with a height of about 4000 m and a width of 200 to 450 km (the Altiplano-Puna). From the examination of geophysical and geological data in this area, including earthquakes, deformation, gravity anomaly, volcanism, uplift history, and plate motion, we conclude that the continued plate subduction with domination of compressive stress over the entire arc system is the main cause of the tectonic style of the Central Andes. We propose that the present cycle of mountain building has continued in the Cenozoic with the most active phase since the Miocene, and that the present subduction angle (30°) is not typical in that period but that subduction with more shallowly dipping oceanic lithosphere has prevailed at least since the Miocene, because of the young and buoyant slab involved. This situation is responsible for the production of a broad zone of partial melt in the mantle above the descending slab. Addition of volcanic materials was not restricted to the western edge (where active volcanoes of the Western Cordillera exist) but extended to the western and central portion of the Altiplano-Puna. The western half of the Central Andes is essentially isostatic because the heat transferred with the volcanic activities softened the crust there. In the eastern edge, the thermal effect is small, and the crust is strongly pushed by the westward moving South American plate. This caused the shortening of crustal blocks due to reverse faulting and folding in the Eastern Cordillera and Amazonian foreland. The magmatism and crustal accretion are dominant at the western end of the mountain system and decrease eastward, while the compression and consequent crustal shortening are strongest at the eastern end and wane toward west. These two processes are superposed between

  11. Oroclinal Bending and Mountain Uplift in the Central Andes (United States)

    Mpodozis, C.; Arriagada, C.; Roperch, P.


    The large paleomagnetic database now available for the Central Andes permits a good understanding of the overall spatial and temporal variations of rotations. Mesozoic to Early Paleogene rocks along the forearc of northern Chile (23°-28°S) record significant clockwise rotations (>25°) [Arriagada et al., 2006, Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2005TC001923]. Along the forearc of southern Peru, counterclockwise rotations recorded within flat lying red-beds (Moquegua Formation) increase from about -30° at 17.5°S to - 45° at15.5°S and decrease through time from the late Eocene to the late Oligocene-early Miocene [Roperch et al., 2006, Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2005TC001882]. Recently published thermo-chronological studies show evidence for strong exhumation within Bolivian Eastern Cordillera and the Puna plateau starting in the Eocene while structural studies indicate that the majority of crustal shortening in the Eastern Cordillera occurred during the Eocene-Oligocene, although the final stages of deformation may have continued through the Early Miocene. Rotations in the Peruvian and north Chilean forearc thus occurred at the same time than deformation and exhumation/uplift within the Eastern Cordillera. In contrast Neogene forearc rocks in southern Peru and northern Chile do not show evidences of rotation but low magnitude (10°) counterclockwise rotations are usually found in mid to late Miocene rocks from the northern Altiplano. These Neogene rotations are concomitant with shortening in the Sub-Andean zone and sinistral strike-slip faulting along the eastern edge of the northern Altiplano. We interpret the rotation pattern along the southern Peru and north Chile forearc as a result of strong late Eocene- late Oligocene oroclinal bending of the Central Andes associated with shortening gradients along the Eastern Cordillera associated both with the Abancay deflection and the Arica bend. The amount and spatial distribution of pre-Neogene shortening needed to account for

  12. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Laboratorio de Cristalografía, Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101, Venezuela; Centro de Estudios de Semiconductores, Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101, Venezuela; Laboratorio de Análisis Químico y Estructural, ...

  13. Cyber Foraging for Improving Survivability of Mobile Systems (United States)


    Cyber-Foraging for Improving Survivability of Mobile Systems Sebastián Echeverría ( Universidad de los Andes) Grace A. Lewis James Root Ben...NUMBERS FA8721-05-C-0003 6. AUTHOR(S) Sebastián Echeverría ( Universidad de los Andes), Grace A. Lewis, James Root, & Ben Bradshaw 7. PERFORMING

  14. Sr and Nd isotopic and trace element compositions of Quaternary volcanic centers of the Southern Andes (United States)

    Futa, K.; Stern, C.R.


    Isotopic compositions of samples from six Quaternary volcanoes located in the northern and southern extremities of the Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ, 33-46??S) of the Andes and from four centers in the Austral Volcanic Zone (AVZ, 49-54??S) range for 87Sr 86Sr from 0.70280 to 0.70591 and for 143Nd 144Nd from 0.51314 to 0.51255. The ranges are significantly greater than previously reported from the southern Andes but are different from the isotopic compositions of volcanoes in the central and northern Andes. Basalts and basaltic andesites from three centers just north of the Chile Rise-Trench triple junction have 87Sr 86Sr, 143Nd 144Nd, La Yb, Ba La, and Hf Lu that lie within the relatively restricted ranges of the basic magmas erupted from the volcanic centers as far north as 35??S in the SVZ of the Andes. The trace element and Sr and Nd isotopic characteristics of these magmas may be explained by source region contamination of subarc asthenosphere, with contaminants derived from subducted pelagic sediments and seawater-altered basalts by dehydration of subducted oceanic lithosphere. In the northern extremity of the SVZ between 33?? and 34??S, basaltic andesites and andesites have higher 87Sr 86Sr, Rb Cs, and Hf Lu, and lower 143Nd 144Nd than basalts and basaltic andesites erupted farther south in the SVZ, which suggests involvement of components derived from the continental crust. In the AVZ, the most primitive sample, high-Mg andesite from the southernmost volcanic center in the Andes (54??S) has Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and K Rb and Ba La similar to MORB. The high La Yb of this sample suggests formation by small degrees of partial melting of subducted MORB with garnet as a residue. Samples from centers farther north in the AVZ show a regionally regular northward increase in SiO2, K2O, Rb, Ba, Ba La, and 87Sr 86Sr and decrease in MgO, Sr, K Rb, Rb Cs, and 143Nd 144Nd, suggesting increasingly greater degrees of fractional crystallization and associated intra

  15. Hybrid Literacies: The Case of a Quechua Community in the Andes (United States)

    de la Piedra, Maria Teresa


    Drawing on data from an ethnographic study in a Quechua rural community in the Peruvian Andes, this article examines hybrid literacy practices among bilingual rural speakers in the context of the household and the community. I examine the coexistence of two types of textual practices that operate side by side, at times integrated in the same…


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    Hernández P Orlando


    Full Text Available Recently revised models on global tectonics describe the convergence of the North Andes, Nazca, Caribbean and South American Plates and their seismicity, volcanism, active faulting and extreme
    topography. The current plate boundaries of the area are mainly interpreted from volcanic and seismic datasets with variable confidence levels. New insights on the isostatic state and plate boundaries of
    the northwestern Andes Mountains can be obtained from the spectral analysis of recently available gravity and topography data.
    Isostatically disturbed terrain produces free-air anomalies that are highly correlated with the gravity effects of the terrain. The terrain gravity effects (TGE and free air gravity anomalies (FAGA of the
    Andes mountains spectral correlation data confirms that these mountains are isostatically disturbed. Strong negative terrain-correlated FAGA along western South America and the Greater and Lesser Antilles are consistent with anomalously deepened mantle displaced by subducting oceanic plates.

    Inversion of the compensated terrain gravity effects (CTGE reveals plate subduction systems with alternating shallower and steeper subduction angles. The gravity modeling highlights crustal
    deformation from plate collision and subduction and other constraints on the tectonism of the plate boundary zones for the region.

  17. Climate in the Western Cordillera of the Central Andes over the last 4300 years (United States)

    Engel, Zbyněk; Skrzypek, Grzegorz; Chuman, Tomáš; Šefrna, Luděk; Mihaljevič, Martin


    The Distichia peat core obtained in the Carhuasanta valley near Nevado Mismi, Cordillera Chila, provides information on climatic and environmental conditions over the last ˜4300 years. The relative changes in the stable carbon isotope composition of plant remains preserved in the core reflect major temperature fluctuations in the Western Cordillera of the southern Peruvian Andes. These temperature variations can be additionally linked with the changes in precipitation patterns by analysing C% and C/N ratio in the core. Relatively warm and moist conditions prevailed from 4280 to 3040 cal. yrs BP (BC 2330-1090) with a short colder dry episode around 3850 cal. yrs BP (BC 1900). The most prominent climate changes recorded in the peat occurred between 3040 and 2750 cal. yrs BP (BC 1090-800) when the initial warming turned to a rapid cooling to temperatures at least 2 °C lower than the mean for the Late Holocene. Initially drier conditions within this event turned to a short wet phase after 2780 cal. yrs BP (BC 830) when the temperature increased again. This event coincides with significant changes in peat and ice core records in the Central Andes matching the timing of the global climate event around 2.8 cal. ka BP. Climatic conditions in the study area became relatively dry and stable after the event for about 800 years. Highly variable temperatures and humidity prevailed during the last 2000 years when an extended warm and relatively humid period occurred between 640 and 155 cal. yrs BP (AD 1310-1795) followed by predominantly colder and drier conditions. The established δ13C peat record represents the first continuous proxy for the temperature in the southern Peruvian Andes dated by the AMS 14C. Distichia peat is wide spread in the Andes and the proposed approach can be applied elsewhere in high altitudes, where no other traditional climate proxies are available.

  18. The analytic nodal diffusion solver ANDES in multigroups for 3D rectangular geometry: Development and performance analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lozano, Juan-Andres; Garcia-Herranz, Nuria; Ahnert, Carol; Aragones, Jose-Maria


    In this work we address the development and implementation of the analytic coarse-mesh finite-difference (ACMFD) method in a nodal neutron diffusion solver called ANDES. The first version of the solver is implemented in any number of neutron energy groups, and in 3D Cartesian geometries; thus it mainly addresses PWR and BWR core simulations. The details about the generalization to multigroups and 3D, as well as the implementation of the method are given. The transverse integration procedure is the scheme chosen to extend the ACMFD formulation to multidimensional problems. The role of the transverse leakage treatment in the accuracy of the nodal solutions is analyzed in detail: the involved assumptions, the limitations of the method in terms of nodal width, the alternative approaches to implement the transverse leakage terms in nodal methods - implicit or explicit -, and the error assessment due to transverse integration. A new approach for solving the control rod 'cusping' problem, based on the direct application of the ACMFD method, is also developed and implemented in ANDES. The solver architecture turns ANDES into an user-friendly, modular and easily linkable tool, as required to be integrated into common software platforms for multi-scale and multi-physics simulations. ANDES can be used either as a stand-alone nodal code or as a solver to accelerate the convergence of whole core pin-by-pin code systems. The verification and performance of the solver are demonstrated using both proof-of-principle test cases and well-referenced international benchmarks

  19. High-resolution paleoclimate records of Holocene hydroclimatic variability in the Eastern Colombian Andes from Lago de Tota (United States)

    Ahmed, M. N.; Bird, B. W.; Escobar, J.; Polissar, P. J.


    The Northern Hemisphere (NH) South American Monsoon (SAM) is a significant source of precipitation for the North Andes (north of 0˚) and has major control over regional hydroclimate variability. Holocene-length histories of NH SAM variability are few compared to the Southern Hemisphere (SH), limiting understanding of how these systems are connected on orbital and shorter timescales. Here, we present multi-proxy lake-sediment-based paleoclimate and paleohydrologic reconstructions from Lago de Tota, Colombia, using sedimentological, geochemical and leaf-wax hydrogen isotopic indicators from radiometically dated cores. The results indicate periods of wet and dry climate phases during the past 9000 BP with an average Holocene sedimentation rate 33cm/kyr. An increase in total organic matter (TOM) content and finer grain-size distributions was observed from 8000 to 3200 BP, suggesting a period of high lake level. This was followed by lower TOM and coarser grain sizes, suggesting lower lake levels from 3200 BP to the present. Although Tota's lake level pattern is antiphased with other lake level reconstructions from the NH and SH Andes, it is consistent with hypothesized changes in atmospheric convection over the Andes during the Holocene and the way in which they would be modified by the so-called dry island effect in the Colombian Andes. This suggests that a common forcing mechanism can be invoked to explain differing millennial-scale Andean hydroclimate changes, namely atmospheric convection. Orbital and Pacific atmosphere-forcing are therefore likely to have played a significant role in driving pan-Andean hydroclimate variability based on their inter-hemispheric influence on Andean convection.

  20. La fuerza de los caminos sonoros: caminata y música en Qoyllurit’i

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    Zoila Mendoza


    Full Text Available En este trabajo exploro la relación intrínseca que existe para los pobladores del distrito de Pomacanchi, Cusco, entre el caminar al santuario del Señor de Qoyllurit’i y la música que los acompaña. Mi atención se centra en la relación con la melodía chakiri wayri y, en menor medida, con la del alawaru. En esta relación intrínseca entre música y camino se revela, por un lado, la primacía que para los pobladores andinos tiene la unidad de lo visual y lo auditivo en los procesos cognitivos. Por otro, al explorar esta relación en el contexto de la caminata, una tercera dimensión sensorial clave en dichos procesos cognitivos también aparece claramente. Se trata del sentido de la cinestesia o sensación del movimiento. En otras palabras, la unidad de lo visual, lo sonoro y el movimiento es lo que hace de la participación en la fiesta en honor al Señor de Qoyllurit’i una experiencia única e imborrable. La obvia primacía de la unidad de los tres sentidos en la experiencia de peregrinación de los pomacanchinos al Señor de Qoyllurit’i no es única o exclusiva de este contexto festivo o de este pueblo. Simplemente esta experiencia nos permite analizar más de cerca un fenómeno que creo extendido en los Andes.

  1. Recuperación de la biomasa mediante la sucesión secundaria, Cordillera Central de los Andes, Colombia

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    Jorge Ignacio del Valle


    Full Text Available En bosques secundarios premontanos tropicales es escasa la información sobre el tiempo requerido para recuperar la biomasa aérea y subterránea de los primarios. Por lo tanto, establecimos 33 parcelas de 0.1ha entre 550 y 1 700m en bosques secundarios que cubrían estadios serales de 3 a 36 años y estimamos la biomasa de las plantas y de las raíces gruesas con ecuaciones locales. Así como la biomasa de las pasturas y barbechos por cosecha de 54 y 18 parcelas, respectivamente. También se calculó la edad de las parcelas con informantes locales, sensores remotos, C14 y anillos de crecimiento. En cada parcela medimos la biomasa aérea viva por hectárea (Bav y la de las raíces gruesas por hectárea (Brg. Modelamos la Bav y Brg en función de la edad mediante la ecuación de von Bertalanfy con asíntotas de 247t/ha (Bav y 66t/ha (Brg resultantes de la medición de 33 parcelas de 0.1ha en los bosques primarios. Con la razón Brg/Bav=f(t estimamos 87 años para que los bosques secundarios recuperen la Bav existente en los primarios y 217 años para recuperar la Brg. La tasa máxima de crecimiento instantáneo de la Bav fue 6.95t/ha/año a los 10 años y la tasa media máxima de crecimiento 6.26t/ha/año a los 17 años. La media ponderada de la tasa de crecimiento absoluto de la Bav alcanzó 4.57t/ha/año y la relativa 10% anual. La razón Brg/Bav inicialmente aumenta muy aceleradamente hasta 4-5 años (25%, luego disminuye hasta 25 años (18% para luego incrementar hasta 26.7

  2. Temporal Analysis of Andes Virus and Sin Nombre Virus Infections of Syrian Hamsters (United States)


    Microbiology . All Rights Reserved. Temporal Analysis of Andes Virus and Sin Nombre Virus Infections of Syrian Hamsters Victoria Wahl-Jensen,1 Jennifer...Ye, C., J. Prescott , R. Nofchissey, D. Goade, and B. Hjelle. 2004. Neutralizing antibodies and Sin Nombre virus RNA after recovery from hantavirus

  3. Glacial lakes of the Central and Patagonian Andes (United States)

    Wilson, Ryan; Glasser, Neil F.; Reynolds, John M.; Harrison, Stephan; Anacona, Pablo Iribarren; Schaefer, Marius; Shannon, Sarah


    The prevalence and increased frequency of high-magnitude Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) in the Chilean and Argentinean Andes suggests this region will be prone to similar events in the future as glaciers continue to retreat and thin under a warming climate. Despite this situation, monitoring of glacial lake development in this region has been limited, with past investigations only covering relatively small regions of Patagonia. This study presents new glacial lake inventories for 1986, 2000 and 2016, covering the Central Andes, Northern Patagonia and Southern Patagonia. Our aim was to characterise the physical attributes, spatial distribution and temporal development of glacial lakes in these three sub-regions using Landsat satellite imagery and image datasets available in Google Earth and Bing Maps. Glacial lake water volume was also estimated using an empirical area-volume scaling approach. Results reveal that glacial lakes across the study area have increased in number (43%) and areal extent (7%) between 1986 and 2016. Such changes equate to a glacial lake water volume increase of 65 km3 during the 30-year observation period. However, glacial lake growth and emergence was shown to vary sub-regionally according to localised topography, meteorology, climate change, rate of glacier change and the availability of low gradient ice areas. These and other factors are likely to influence the occurrence of GLOFs in the future. This analysis represents the first large-scale census of glacial lakes in Chile and Argentina and will allow for a better understanding of lake development in this region, as well as, providing a basis for future GLOF risk assessments.

  4. ¿A qué grupo étnico perteneció la misteriosa tribu enoo (Estrecho de Magallanes, 1599?

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    David Williams


    Full Text Available En 1599, el marino holandés Oliver van Noort halló en el Estrecho de Magallanes a un grupo de nativos de talla semejante a la de los europeos de la época, con cuerpos y tórax amplios. Los mismos cazaban pingüinos para alimentarse y vestirse, usaban arcos y flechas, vivían en cuevas naturales, y eran presuntamente canoeros. En un confuso episodio, la mayoría de ellos fueron muertos mediante armas de fuego, cautivándose varios niños. Uno de ellos enseñó a sus captores algunas palabras de su propio idioma, de las que destacamos el autónimo de la tribu: 1. Se han realizado varios intentos de identificar la etnia a la cual pertenecían los infortunados nativos, concluyéndose en general que se trataba de alacalufes. Sobre la base de las palabras rescatadas por Van Noort, y con ayuda de otro documento poco conocido, el autor concluye que los enoo pertenecían a la etnia yamana –también conocida como yaganes– o que eran una tribu mixta yámana-chon. Además, desde que la zona en que fueron hallados los enoo en el siglo XVI es cercana a aquella ocupada por la tribu huemul, mixta fueguino-chon, hallada en el siglo XIX, se plantea la hipótesis de que los segundos pudieran ser descendientes de los primeros.

  5. Air temperature change in the northern and southern tropical Andes linked to North-Atlantic stadials and Greenland interstadials (United States)

    Urrego, Dunia H.; Hooghiemstra, Henry


    We use eight pollen records reflecting climatic and environmental change from northern and southern sites in the tropical Andes. Our analysis focuses on the signature of millennial-scale climate variability during the last 30,000 years, in particular the Younger Dryas (YD), Heinrich stadials (HS) and Greenland interstadials (GI). We identify rapid responses of the vegetation to millennial-scale climate variability in the tropical Andes. The signature of HS and the YD are generally recorded as downslope migrations of the upper forest line (UFL), and are likely linked to air temperature cooling. The GI1 signal is overall comparable between northern and southern records and indicates upslope UFL migrations and warming in the tropical Andes. Our marker for lake level changes indicates a north to south difference that could be related to moisture availability. The direction of air temperature change recorded by the Andean vegetation is consistent with millennial-scale cryosphere and sea surface temperature records from the American tropics, but suggests a potential difference between the magnitude of temperature change in the ocean and the atmosphere.

  6. Aridity changes in the temperate-Mediterranean transition of the Andes since ad 1346 reconstructed from tree-rings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christie, Duncan A.; Quesne, Carlos le [Universidad Austral de Chile, Laboratorio de Dendrocronologia, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales, Valdivia (Chile); Boninsegna, Jose A.; Morales, Mariano S.; Villalba, Ricardo [Instituto Argentino de Nivologia, Glaciologia y Ciencias Ambientales, IANIGLA, Departamento de Dendrocronologia e Historia Ambiental, Mendoza (Argentina); Cleaveland, Malcolm K.; Stahle, David W. [University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Tree-Ring Laboratory, Department of Geosciences, Fayetteville, AR (United States); Lara, Antonio [Universidad Austral de Chile, Laboratorio de Dendrocronologia, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales, Valdivia (Chile); Universidad Austral de Chile, Forest Ecosystem Services under Climatic Fluctuations (Forecos), Valdivia (Chile); Mudelsee, Manfred [Climate Risk Analysis, Hanover (Germany); Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven (Germany)


    The Andes Cordillera acts as regional ''Water Towers'' for several countries and encompasses a wide range of ecosystems and climates. Several hydroclimatic changes have been described for portions of the Andes during recent years, including glacier retreat, negative precipitation trends, an elevation rise in the 0 isotherm, and changes in regional streamflow regimes. The Temperate-Mediterranean transition (TMT) zone of the Andes (35.5 -39.5 S) is particularly at risk to climate change because it is a biodiversity hotspot with heavy human population pressure on water resources. In this paper we utilize a new tree-ring network of Austrocedrus chilensis to reconstruct past variations in regional moisture in the TMT of the Andes by means of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). The reconstruction covers the past 657 years and captures interannual to decadal scales of variability in late spring-early summer PDSI. These changes are related to the north-south oscillations in moisture conditions between the Mediterranean and Temperate climates of the Andes as a consequence of the latitudinal position of the storm tracks forced by large-scale circulation modes. Kernel estimation of occurrence rates reveals an unprecedented increment of severe and extreme drought events during the last century in the context of the previous six centuries. Moisture conditions in our study region are linked to tropical and high-latitude ocean-atmospheric forcing, with PDSI positively related to Nino-3.4 SST during spring and strongly negatively correlated with the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) during summer. Geopotential anomaly maps at 500-hPa show that extreme dry years are tightly associated with negative height anomalies in the Ross-Amundsen Seas, in concordance with the strong negative relationship between PDSI and AAO. The twentieth century increase in extreme drought events in the TMT may not be related to ENSO but to the positive AAO trend during late-spring and

  7. High altitude C4 grasslands in the northern Andes: relicts from glacial conditions?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boom, A.; Mora, G.; Cleef, A.M.; Hooghiemstra, H.


    The altitudinal vegetation distribution in the northern Andes during glacial time differed from the present-day conditions as a result of temperature and precipitation change. New evidence indicate that as a response to a reduced atmospheric partial CO2 pressure (pCO2), the competitive balance

  8. Mammalian carnivore occupancy is inversely related to presence of domestic dogs in the high Andes of Ecuador. (United States)

    Zapata-Ríos, Galo; Branch, Lyn C


    Although the Andes have long been occupied by people, habitat loss, fragmentation through deforestation, and other human activities such as introduction of invasive species have increased drastically during the past century. The Ecuadorian Andes are considered a biodiversity hotspot. However, the fauna and threats to the region are poorly studied, and understanding of factors that shape the distribution of species in habitats disturbed by human activities is needed to identify and mitigate region-wide threats to wildlife. We evaluated factors associated with patterns of occurrence of Andean carnivores in landscapes of the northern Ecuadorian Andes, particularly habitat loss, fragmentation, and occupancy of domestic dogs, and determined whether thresholds occurred for these factors beyond which carnivore occurrence declined markedly. Five study areas (each 20 x 20 km) were surveyed with a total effort of 2,800 camera trap nights. Occupancies of four of the eight carnivores known from the region were best predicted by occupancy of domestic dogs rather than measures of habitat loss and fragmentation [Andean fox (Pseudalopex culpaeus), puma (Puma concolor), striped hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus semistriatus), and Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus)]. The two largest carnivores, puma and Andean bear, demonstrated significant threshold responses to the presence of domestic dogs at two sites. Four smaller carnivores were recorded too infrequently to model occupancy, and at least two of these species appear to be in decline. The magnitude of domestic dog impacts on native species in tropical areas like the Ecuadorian Andes currently are not recognized. Results of our study indicate that small and large carnivores are in urgent need of conservation and clearly point to dogs as a significant threat to a broad range of native species.

  9. Setting practical conservation priorities for birds in the Western Andes of Colombia. (United States)

    Ocampo-Peñuela, Natalia; Pimm, Stuart L


    We aspired to set conservation priorities in ways that lead to direct conservation actions. Very large-scale strategic mapping leads to familiar conservation priorities exemplified by biodiversity hotspots. In contrast, tactical conservation actions unfold on much smaller geographical extents and they need to reflect the habitat loss and fragmentation that have sharply restricted where species now live. Our aspirations for direct, practical actions were demanding. First, we identified the global, strategic conservation priorities and then downscaled to practical local actions within the selected priorities. In doing this, we recognized the limitations of incomplete information. We started such a process in Colombia and used the results presented here to implement reforestation of degraded land to prevent the isolation of a large area of cloud forest. We used existing range maps of 171 bird species to identify priority conservation areas that would conserve the greatest number of species at risk in Colombia. By at risk species, we mean those that are endemic and have small ranges. The Western Andes had the highest concentrations of such species-100 in total-but the lowest densities of national parks. We then adjusted the priorities for this region by refining these species ranges by selecting only areas of suitable elevation and remaining habitat. The estimated ranges of these species shrank by 18-100% after accounting for habitat and suitable elevation. Setting conservation priorities on the basis of currently available range maps excluded priority areas in the Western Andes and, by extension, likely elsewhere and for other taxa. By incorporating detailed maps of remaining natural habitats, we made practical recommendations for conservation actions. One recommendation was to restore forest connections to a patch of cloud forest about to become isolated from the main Andes. © 2014 Society for Conservation Biology.

  10. Empresarios de Los Andes de la colonia a la independencia: Dos estudios de casos de Jujuy

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    Viviana Conti


    Full Text Available El artículo estudia la trayectoria de dos empresarios de Jujuy entre la colonia y la temprana independencia: Manuel de Tezanos Pinto y Joseph de Alvarado. Ambos fueron inmigrantes del último periodo borbónico y sus vidas se cruzaron en el Potosí bajo colonial al incorporarse en la misma red de paisanaje, a partir de donde ingresarán a la misma familia por matrimonio. En este contexto, las redes y los vínculos trazados previamente fueron los que permitieron la subsistencia y reproducción de las empresas ya existentes. Se analizan vínculos mercantiles, de paisanaje, familiares y diferentes estrategias comerciales que involucraban al espacio andino y que revelan las distintas opciones que los flujos mercantiles ofrecían al sector empresarial.This paper studies the lifetime of two businessmen from Jujuy during the period between the Colony and the early Independence: Manuel de Tezanos Pinto andjosep de Alvarado. They both became immigrants in the last Borbon period and met in the late colonial Potosi when joining the same native-net; eventually, they share by marriage. In this context, it was the nets and bonds -traced previously- the ones that allowed the subsistence and reproduction of the companies already in existence. Mercantile, native-net and family bonds are analyzed along with the different commercial strategies which used to involve the Andean space and that reveal the different options that the mercantile flows offered to the business sector.

  11. Facing unprecedented drying of the Central Andes? Precipitation variability over the period AD 1000–2100

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neukom, Raphael; Salzmann, Nadine; Huggel, Christian; Rohrer, Mario; Calanca, Pierluigi; Acuña, Delia; Christie, Duncan A; Morales, Mariano S


    Projected future trends in water availability are associated with large uncertainties in many regions of the globe. In mountain areas with complex topography, climate models have often limited capabilities to adequately simulate the precipitation variability on small spatial scales. Also, their validation is hampered by typically very low station density. In the Central Andes of South America, a semi-arid high-mountain region with strong seasonality, zonal wind in the upper troposphere is a good proxy for interannual precipitation variability. Here, we combine instrumental measurements, reanalysis and paleoclimate data, and a 57-member ensemble of CMIP5 model simulations to assess changes in Central Andes precipitation over the period AD 1000–2100. This new database allows us to put future projections of precipitation into a previously missing multi-centennial and pre-industrial context. Our results confirm the relationship between regional summer precipitation and 200 hPa zonal wind in the Central Andes, with stronger Westerly winds leading to decreased precipitation. The period of instrumental coverage (1965–2010) is slightly dryer compared to pre-industrial times as represented by control simulations, simulations from the past Millennium, ice core data from Quelccaya ice cap and a tree-ring based precipitation reconstruction. The model ensemble identifies a clear reduction in precipitation already in the early 21st century: the 10 year running mean model uncertainty range (ensemble 16–84% spread) is continuously above the pre-industrial mean after AD 2023 (AD 2028) until the end of the 21st century in the RCP2.6 (RCP8.5) emission scenario. Average precipitation over AD 2071–2100 is outside the range of natural pre-industrial variability in 47 of the 57 model simulations for both emission scenarios. The ensemble median fraction of dry years (defined by the 5th percentile in pre-industrial conditions) is projected to increase by a factor of 4 until 2071

  12. Importance of water quality on plant abundance and diversity in high-alpine meadows of the Yerba Loca Natural Sanctuary at the Andes of north-central Chile Importancia de la calidad del agua sobre la abundancia y diversidad vegetal en vegas altoandinas del Santuario Natural Yerba Loca en los Andes de Chile centro-norte

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    Full Text Available Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits have influenced surface water quality in high-Andes of north-central Chile since the Miocene. Water anomalies may reduce species abundance and diversity in alpine meadows as acidic and metal-rich waters are highly toxic to plants The study assessed the importance of surface water quality on plant abundance and diversity in high-alpine meadows at the Yerba Loca Natural Santuary (YLNS, central Chile (33°15' S, 70°18' W. Hydrochemical and plant prospecting were carried out on Piedra Carvajal, Chorrillos del Plomo and La Lata meadows the growing seasons of 2006 and 2007. Direct gradient analysis was performed through canonical correspondence analysis (CCA to look for relationships among water chemistry and plant factors. High variability in water chemistry was found inside and among meadows, particularly for pH, sulphate, electric conductivity, hardness, and total dissolved Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Fe. Data on species abundance and water chemical factors suggests that pH and total dissolved Cu are very important factor determining changes in plant abundance and diversity in study meadows. For instance, Festuca purpurascens, Colobanthus quitensis, and Arenaria rivularis are abundant in habitals with Cu-rich waters while Festuca magellanica, Patosia clandestina, Plantago barbata, Werneria pygmea, and Erigeron andícola are abundant in habitals with dilute waters.Los megadepósitos de pórfidos de Cu-Mo han influido sobre la calidad de las aguas superficiales en las zonas altoandinas del centro-norte de Chile desde el Mioceno. Estas alteraciones en la calidad de las aguas podrían afectar negativamente a la vegetación presente en las vegas altoandinas, ya que las aguas acidas y ricas en metales son altamente tóxicas para las plantas. En este estudio se evaluó el efecto de la calidad de las aguas en la abundancia y diversidad florística de las vegas altoandinas del Santuario de la Naturaleza Yerba Loca (SNYL, en Chile central (33

  13. La región de los Andes: una visión general y una propuesta de investigación La región de los Andes: una visión general y una propuesta de investigación

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    Miroslawa Czerny


    Full Text Available This paper refers to the unevenness on the quality of life originated by the environmental settings that are calibrated by the different human activities on the natural systems. We emphasize the issue of vulnerability of the poorest societies, looking for explanations that support that condition and the social responsibility of administrators to change those inequalities.Este artículo se refiere a las desigualdades de calidad de vida que se originan en las ofertas ambientarles y se calibran por las diferentes actuaciones humanas en los sistemas naturales. Se toca el tema de la vulnerabilidad de las sociedades más pobres, buscando explicaciones que mantienen esa condición y la responsabilidad social de los administradores para cambiar estas desigualdades.

  14. Efecto insecticida de los aceites esenciales de algunas lamiáceas sobre Tecia solanivora Povolny en condiciones de laboratorio

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    Ramìrez julian Ernesto


    Full Text Available La papa, el producto agrícola más importante en la economía de
    los andes colombianos, tiene en la polilla guatemalteca (Tecia
    solanivora Povolny su principal plaga, cuyo control se basa en
    el uso intensivo de plaguicidas. Una alternativa potencial a la
    aplicación de estos insumos es el uso de productos vegetales.
    En condiciones controladas, el presente trabajo evaluó el efecto
    de los aceites esenciales de Ocimum basilicum, O. majorana,
    M. piperita, O. vulgare, P. cablin, R. officinalis, S. officinalis y
    T. vulgaris sobre los huevos, larvas y adultos de T. solanivora
    al ser aplicados directamente sobre los tubérculos, y sobre la
    superficie del suelo. No se encontró ningún efecto de los tratamientos
    sobre el desarrollo larval ni sobre la longevidad de
    los adultos. En las dos modalidades de aplicación estudiadas,
    los aceites de P. cablin y T. vulgaris en una concentración del
    0,25% produjeron una reducción significativa en la viabilidad
    de los huevos. Al aumentar la humedad del suelo y el volumen
    de aplicación de los aceites, los aceites de O. basilicum, O.
    majorana, M. piperita, R. officinalis también tuvieron acción
    ovicida. Estos resultados son evidencia del potencial de estos
    aceites como controladores de Tecia solanivora.

  15. Plagas chupadoras de las cítricas (naranjo, limonero, mandarina) en los andes venezolanos.


    Briceño Vergara, Armando J.


    Editorial. Suniaga Q., José La codorniz fuente proteica para consumo humano. Díaz Cuellar, Doraida R. y González, Diomary Diagnóstico de parásitos gastrointestinales en bovinos y su importancia en la productividad de los sistemas ganaderos. Castillo O., Mayela; Hernández, Javier A.; Betancourt, Arquímedes y Suniaga Q., José Nutrición vegetal (II). Moyeja Santana, Juan de Jesús Nutrición vegetal (III). Moyeja Santana, Juan de Jesús Plagas chupadoras de las cítrica...

  16. Prediction of extreme floods in the Central Andes by means of Complex Networks (United States)

    Boers, Niklas; Bookhagen, Bodo; Barbosa, Henrique; Marwan, Norbert; Kurths, Jürgen; Marengo, Jose


    Based on a non-linear synchronisation measure and complex network theory, we present a novel framework for the prediction of extreme events of spatially embedded, interrelated time series. This method is general in the sense that it can be applied to any type of spatially sampled time series with significant interrelations, ranging from climate observables to biological or stock market data. In this presentation, we apply our method to extreme rainfall in South America and show how this leads to the prediction of more than 60% (90% during El Niño conditions) of extreme rainfall events in the eastern Central Andes of Bolivia and northern Argentina, with only 1% false alarms. From paleoclimatic to decadal time scales, the Central Andes continue to be subject to pronounced changes in climatic conditions. In particular, our and past work shows that frequency as well as magnitudes of extreme rainfall events have increased significantly during past decades, calling for a better understanding of the involved climatic mechanisms. Due to their large spatial extend and occurrence at high elevations, these extreme events often lead to severe floods and landslides with disastrous socioeconomic impacts. They regularly affect tens of thousands of people and produce estimated costs of the order of several hundred million USD. Alongside with the societal value of predicting natural hazards, our study provides insights into the responsible climatic features and suggests interactions between Rossby waves in polar regions and large scale (sub-)tropical moisture transport as a driver of subseasonal variability of the South American monsoon system. Predictable extreme events result from the propagation of extreme rainfall from the region of Buenos Aires towards the Central Andes given characteristic atmospheric conditions. Our results indicate that the role of frontal systems originating from Rossby waves in polar latitudes is much more dominant for controlling extreme rainfall in

  17. Nuclear Data for Safe Operation and Waste Transmutation: ANDES (Accurate Nuclear Data for nuclear Energy Sustainability); Datos nucleares para la operacion segura y la transmutacion de residuos: Andes (Datos Nucleares Precisos para la Sostenibilidad de la Energia Nuclear)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez, E. M.


    Nuclear research within the 7th Framework Program (FP7 and FP7+2) of EURATOM has devoted a significant fraction of its efforts to the development of advanced nuclear fuel cycles and reactor concepts, mainly fast reactors, aiming to improve the long term sustainability by reduction of the final wastes, optimal use of natural resources and improvement of safety in the present and future nuclear installations. The new design need more accurate basic nuclear data for isotopes, like minor actinides, potentially playing an important role in the operation, fuel concept, safety or final wastes of those reactors and fuel cycles. Four projects, ANDES, ERINDA, EUFRAT and CHANDA, supported by EURATOM within the FP7 and FP7+2, have put together most of the European Nuclear Data community to respond efficiently and in a coordinated way to those needs. This paper summarizes the objectives, and main achievements of ANDES, the project responsible for most of the measurements and technical achievements that was coordinated by CIEMAT. Indeed, CIEMAT has coordinated the nuclear data R and D projects within EURATOM during the last 7 years (NUDATRA domain of EUROTRANS, and ANDES) and will continue this coordination in the CHANDA project till 2017. (Author)

  18. Mammalian carnivore occupancy is inversely related to presence of domestic dogs in the high Andes of Ecuador.

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    Galo Zapata-Ríos

    Full Text Available Although the Andes have long been occupied by people, habitat loss, fragmentation through deforestation, and other human activities such as introduction of invasive species have increased drastically during the past century. The Ecuadorian Andes are considered a biodiversity hotspot. However, the fauna and threats to the region are poorly studied, and understanding of factors that shape the distribution of species in habitats disturbed by human activities is needed to identify and mitigate region-wide threats to wildlife. We evaluated factors associated with patterns of occurrence of Andean carnivores in landscapes of the northern Ecuadorian Andes, particularly habitat loss, fragmentation, and occupancy of domestic dogs, and determined whether thresholds occurred for these factors beyond which carnivore occurrence declined markedly. Five study areas (each 20 x 20 km were surveyed with a total effort of 2,800 camera trap nights. Occupancies of four of the eight carnivores known from the region were best predicted by occupancy of domestic dogs rather than measures of habitat loss and fragmentation [Andean fox (Pseudalopex culpaeus, puma (Puma concolor, striped hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus semistriatus, and Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus]. The two largest carnivores, puma and Andean bear, demonstrated significant threshold responses to the presence of domestic dogs at two sites. Four smaller carnivores were recorded too infrequently to model occupancy, and at least two of these species appear to be in decline. The magnitude of domestic dog impacts on native species in tropical areas like the Ecuadorian Andes currently are not recognized. Results of our study indicate that small and large carnivores are in urgent need of conservation and clearly point to dogs as a significant threat to a broad range of native species.

  19. Apatite fission-track dating of erosion in the eastern Andes, Bolivia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crough, S.T.


    Three samples from a Triassic-age batholith in the eastern Andes northeast of La Paz, Bolivia yield apatitic fission-track ages of 11-13 Ma. Interpreting these young ages as due to uplift and erosion requires approximately 2.5-5.0 km of erosion in the past 12 Ma, an amount which is consistent with the known geology and which is typical of many active mountain ranges. (orig.)

  20. Glacial recession in the Tropical Andes from the Little Ice Age: the case of Ampato Volcanic Complex (Southern Peru (United States)

    Alcalá, J.; Palacios, D.; Zamorano, J. J.


    the Ampato volcanic complex (15º24´- 15º 51´ S, 71º 51´ - 73º W; 6.288 masl), one of the most important complexes of the northern sector of the CVZ. Photointerpretation of aerial photographs and teledetection through satellite images of Huayuray Valley (15º 41´ 14´´ S - 71º 51´ 53´´ W), located to the north of the complex, aided in accurately reconstructing the area occupied by the ice mass at different times (LIA, 1955, 2000 and 2008). Also the paleo-ELA (Equilibrium Line Altitude) and the ELA were calculated using the Accumulation Area (AA) method (Kaser and Osmaston, 2002; Osmaston, 2005) in a GIS. The ELA shows the relationship between climate and glacier mass balance (González Trueba, 2005). The data from Huayuray Valley show that the glaciers reached a minimum altitude of 5400 masl and covered an area of ~2.81 Km2 during the LIA. The paleo-ELA was located at ~5780 masl, ~120 m below the current ELA (~5900 m). Based on a vertical thermal gradient of 0.65ºC/100 m, the temperature during this event would have been about 0.7º C colder than present temperature in the Ampato volcanic complex. In 1955, Huayuray glacier covered ~2.45 km2, 12.8% less than in the LIA. In the same year, the glaciers in the Huayuray valley reached a minimum elevation of ~5660 masl and the ELA rose ~20 m, to 5800 masl. In only 45 years (1955 - 2000) the surface area of the ice was significantly reduced (~1 km2), i.e. 40.8%. The ELA continued to rise, until it reached 5890 masl in 2000. From 2000 - 2008, the Huayuray glacier was reduced to ~0.78 km2 and the ELA rised ~10 m to reach the 5900 masl These results from the CVZ confirm the dramatic recession of the glaciers in the tropical Andes during recent decades. They also suggest that if the rate of recession associated with the period 2000-2008 continues, glaciers in the Ampato volcanic complex will disappear in 10 years approximately. References González Trueba, J.J. (2005): La Pequeña Edad del Hielo en los Picos de

  1. Millennial-scale vegetation changes in the tropical Andes using ecological grouping and ordination methods

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Urrego, D.H.; Hooghiemstra, H.; Rama-Corredor, O.; Martrat, B.; Grimalt, J.O.; Thompson, L.; Bush, M.B.; González-Carranza, Z.; Hanselman, J.; Valencia, B.; Velásquez-Ruiz, C.


    We compare eight pollen records reflecting climatic and environmental change from northern and southern sites in the tropical Andes. Our analysis focuses on the last 30 000 years, with particular emphasis on the Pleistocene to Holocene transition. We explore ecological grouping and downcore

  2. Angiosperm flora and biogeography of the páramo region of Colombia, northern Andes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Londoño, C.; Cleef, A.; Madriñan, S.


    Páramo is the neotropical high elevation ecosystem in the northern Andes and Central America consisting of multiple dissected open areas above 3000 m a.s.l. Complex evolutionary processes that occurred within these ecosystems gave rise to a unique tropical Andean flora. Previous phytogeographical

  3. Calculated WIMP signals at the ANDES laboratory: comparison with northern and southern located dark matter detectors (United States)

    Civitarese, O.; Fushimi, K. J.; Mosquera, M. E.


    Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are possible components of the Universe’s dark matter (DM). The detection of WIMPs is signaled by the recoil of the atomic nuclei which form a detector. CoGeNT at the Soudan Underground Laboratory (SUL) and DAMA at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) have reported data on annual modulation of signals attributed to WIMPs. Both experiments are located in laboratories in the Northern Hemisphere. DM detectors are planned to operate (or already operate) in laboratories in the Southern Hemisphere, including SABRE at Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory (SUPL) in Australia, and DM-ICE in Antarctica. In this work we have analyzed the dependence of diurnal and annual modulation of signals, pertaining to the detection of WIMP, on the coordinates of the laboratory, for experiments which may be performed in the planned new Agua Negra Deep Experimental Site (ANDES) underground facility, to be built in San Juan, Argentina. We made predictions for NaI and Ge-type detectors placed in ANDES, to compare with DAMA, CoGeNT, SABRE and DM-ICE arrays, and found that the diurnal modulation of the signals, at the ANDES site, is amplified at its maximum value, both for NaI (Ge)-type detectors, while the annual modulation remains unaffected by the change in coordinates from north to south.

  4. Calculated WIMP signals at the ANDES laboratory: comparison with northern and southern located dark matter detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Civitarese, O; Mosquera, M E; Fushimi, K J


    Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are possible components of the Universe’s dark matter (DM). The detection of WIMPs is signaled by the recoil of the atomic nuclei which form a detector. CoGeNT at the Soudan Underground Laboratory (SUL) and DAMA at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) have reported data on annual modulation of signals attributed to WIMPs. Both experiments are located in laboratories in the Northern Hemisphere. DM detectors are planned to operate (or already operate) in laboratories in the Southern Hemisphere, including SABRE at Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory (SUPL) in Australia, and DM-ICE in Antarctica. In this work we have analyzed the dependence of diurnal and annual modulation of signals, pertaining to the detection of WIMP, on the coordinates of the laboratory, for experiments which may be performed in the planned new Agua Negra Deep Experimental Site (ANDES) underground facility, to be built in San Juan, Argentina. We made predictions for NaI and Ge-type detectors placed in ANDES, to compare with DAMA, CoGeNT, SABRE and DM-ICE arrays, and found that the diurnal modulation of the signals, at the ANDES site, is amplified at its maximum value, both for NaI (Ge)-type detectors, while the annual modulation remains unaffected by the change in coordinates from north to south. (paper)

  5. Spatio-Temporal Patterns of the 2010–2015 Extreme Hydrological Drought across the Central Andes, Argentina

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    Juan Antonio Rivera


    Full Text Available During the period 2010–2015, the semi-arid Central Andes in Argentina (CAA experienced one of the most severe and long-lasting hydrological droughts on record. Since the snowmelt is the most important source of water, the reduced snowfall over the mountains propagated the drought signal through the streamflows in the adjacent foothills east of the Andes ranges. Motivated by the widespread impacts on the socio-economic activities in the region, this study aims to characterize the recent hydrological drought in terms of streamflow deficits. Based on streamflow data from 20 basins, we used the standardized streamflow index (SSI to characterize hydrological droughts during the period 1971–2016. We found that the regional extent of the 2010–2015 hydrological drought was limited to the basins located north of 38° S, with mean duration of 67 months and maximum drought severity exhibiting a heterogeneous pattern in terms of spatial distribution and time of occurrence. The drought event reached extreme conditions in 14 of the 15 basins in the CAA, being record-breaking drought in six of the basins. This condition was likely driven by a cooling in the tropical Pacific Ocean resembling La Niña conditions, which generated a decrease in snowfall over the Andes due to suppressed frontal activity.

  6. Posibles efectos en la salud asociados con la metalurgia precolombina.

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    Alvaro Javier Idrovo


    Full Text Available En el Viejo Mundo algunos investigadores piensan que los efectos adversos en la salud relacionados con la exposición a arsénico influyeron para que se cambiara de usar aleaciones de cobre con arsénico a otras menos tóxicas. En este artículo se evalúa esta hipótesis para las tres grandes tradiciones metalúrgicas precolombinas: Andes centrales, área intermedia y occidente mexicano. Los artefactos metálicos revelan que las concentraciones de arsénico en los Andes centrales fueron similares a las del Viejo Mundo (0,5% a 1%, en el área intermedia los valores eran muy inferiores, mientras en el occidente mexicano fueron muy superiores (7% a 25%. En los Andes centrales se observó inicialmente el uso de bronce arsenical, pero rápidamente se conocieron las aleaciones de cobre-estaño; estas últimas fueron cada vez más preferidas y difundidas por todo el imperio inca. Las evidencias, osteológicas y en objetos artísticos, de amputaciones de los pies entre individuos moches de los Andes centrales apoyan la idea de la presencia de la ?enfermedad del pie negro? entre las poblaciones precolombinas. En conclusión, es posible que los efectos nocivos del arsénico se hayan observado en el Nuevo Mundo, y favorecido el cambio hacia aleaciones menos tóxicas. Se requieren nuevos estudios específicos para verificar esta hipótesis.

  7. Macroinvertebrate community response to acid mine drainage in rivers of the High Andes (Bolivia).

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Damme, P.A. van; Hamel, C.; Ayala, A.; Bervoets, L.


    Several High Andes Rivers are characterized by inorganic water pollution known as acid mine drainage (AMD). The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between metal concentrations in the sediments and the macroinvertebrate communities in two river basins affected by AMD. In general, the

  8. Cenozoic basin thermal history reconstruction and petroleum systems in the eastern Colombian Andes (United States)

    Parra, Mauricio; Mora, Andres; Ketcham, Richard A.; Stockli, Daniel F.; Almendral, Ariel


    Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic retro-arc foreland basins along the eastern margin of the Andes in South America host the world's best detrital record for the study of subduction orogenesis. There, the world's most prolific petroleum system occur in the northernmost of these foreland basin systems, in Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, yet over 90% of the discovered hydrocarbons there occur in one single province in norteastern Venezuela. A successful industry-academy collaboration applied a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the north Andes with the aim of investigating both, the driving mechanisms of orogenesis, and its impact on hydrocarbon accumulation in eastern Colombia. The Eastern Cordillera is an inversion orogen located at the leading edge of the northern Andes. Syn-rift subsidence favored the accumulation of km-thick organic matter rich shales in a back-arc basin in the early Cretaceous. Subsequent late Cretaceous thermal subsidence prompted the accumulation of shallow marine sandstones and shales, the latter including the Turonian-Cenomanian main hydrocarbon source-rock. Early Andean uplift since the Paleocene led to development of a flexural basin, filled with mainly non-marine strata. We have studied the Meso-Cenozoic thermal evolution of these basins through modeling of a large thermochronometric database including hundreds of apatite and zircon fission-track and (U-Th)/He data, as well as paleothermometric information based on vitrinite reflectance and present-day temperatures measured in boreholes. The detrital record of Andean construction was also investigated through detrital zircon U-Pb geochronometry in outcrop and borehole samples. A comprehensive burial/exhumation history has been accomplished through three main modeling strategies. First, one-dimensional subsidence was used to invert the pre-extensional lithospheric thicknesses, the magnitude of stretching, and the resulting heat flow associated to extension. The amount of eroded section and

  9. Primer registro del ratón colombiano del bosque Chilomys instans (Cricetidae: Rodentia en Cajamarca: actualizando el listado de mamíferos del Perú

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    César E. Medina


    Full Text Available El roedor Chilomys instans (Thomasomyini, Cricetidae es una especie común en la comunidad de mamíferos que habita los Andes del Norte en Sudamérica. Aquí presentamos el primer registro de la especie para el Perú, en base a la revisión morfológica de tres ejemplares colectados en el departamento de Cajamarca (Andes del Centro. Se presentan comentarios sobre la taxonomía de C. instans e información sobre su historia natural. La amplia distribución del género Chilomys en los Andes pone de manifiesto la necesidad de realizar la revisión taxonómica de éste género para esclarecer los límites de las especies que la conforman.

  10. A glacial record of the last termination in the southern tropical Andes (United States)

    Bromley, G. R.; Schaefer, J. M.; Winckler, G.; Hall, B. L.; Todd, C. E.; Rademaker, K.


    The last glacial termination represents the highest-magnitude climate change of the last hundred thousand years. Accurate resolution of events during the termination is vital to our understanding of how - and why - the global climate system transitions from a full glacial to interglacial state, as well as the causes of abrupt climate change during the late-glacial period. Palaeoclimate data from low latitudes, though relatively sparse, are particularly valuable, since the tropical ocean and atmosphere likely play a crucial role in Quaternary climate variability on all timescales. We present a detailed glacier record from the Andes of southern Peru (15°S), resolved with 3He surface-exposure dating and spanning the last glacial maximum and termination. Our dataset reveals that glaciers in this part of the Southern Hemisphere maintained their Late Pleistocene maxima for several millennia and that the onset of the termination may have occurred relatively late. Deglaciation was punctuated by two major advances during the late-glacial period. Following the glacial-interglacial transition, our preliminary chronologic and morphologic data suggest that, in contrast to the Northern Hemisphere, glaciers in the southern tropical Andes have experienced overall shrinkage during the Holocene.

  11. A new genus of Platynini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Argentina


    ROIG-JUÑENT, Sergio


    Los Platynini constituyen un grupo de carábidos distribuidos ampliamente en América del Sur, existiendo la mayor diversidad de especies en las regiones tropicales de altura de Los Andes. En la Argentina y Chile, la mayoría de las especies de Platynini se hallan distribuidas en áreas extracordilleranas, conociéndose pocos datos para la región Andina. A partir de recolecciones realizadas en la Precordillera y Cordillera de los Andes en Mendoza (Argentina), se hallaron ejemplares pertenecientes ...

  12. Volcanic deformation in the Andes (United States)

    Riddick, S.; Fournier, T.; Pritchard, M.


    We present the results from an InSAR survey of volcanic activity in South America. We use data from the Japanese Space Agency's ALOS L-band radar satellite from 2006-2009. The L-band instrument provides better coherence in densely vegetated regions, compared to the shorter wave length C-band data. The survey reveals volcano related deformation in regions, north, central and southern, of the Andes volcanic arc. Since observations are limited to the austral summer, comprehensive coverage of all volcanoes is not possible. Yet, our combined observations reveal volcanic/hydrothermal deformation at Lonquimay, Llaima, Laguna del Maule, and Chaitén volcanoes, extend deformation measurements at Copahue, and illustrate temporal complexity to the previously described deformation at Cerro Hudson and Cordón Caulle. No precursory deformation is apparent before the large Chaitén eruption (VEI_5) of 2 May 2008, (at least before 16 April) suggesting rapid magma movement from depth at this long dormant volcano. Subsidence at Ticsani Volcano occurred coincident with an earthquake swarm in the same region.


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    Mar\\u00EDa Victoria M\\u00E1rquez


    Full Text Available Se indaga en la participación y los usos de los espacios burocráticos y administrativos por parte de la élite colonial en el siglo XVIII. Para ello se aborda el caso de una familia de grandes tratantes del comercio interregional- los Mendiolaza- cuyos intereses se asentaron en diversos puntos de la región andina. Así se propone una mirada comparativa sobre las estrategias de un mismo entramado social o red de relaciones. El artículo hace foco en dos lugares, Córdoba y Huancavelica, en tanto se trata de ámbitos nucleares en la actividad de esta familia, pero también, de regiones contrastantes cuyas realidades escasamente podrían paragonarse: Córdoba una jurisdicción de frontera, dedicada mayormente a la ganadería mular y ubicada lejos de los principales centros del poder colonial; Huancavelica, una ciudad minera, bajo jurisdicción real por ser la única zona productora de mercurio americano y sometida a la influencia y los intereses de la corte virreinal de Lima. Se constata el establecimiento de alianzas matrimoniales, compadrazgos y amistades que configuraron estrategias de poder tan eficaces como el ejercicio mismo de un oficio en la administración colonial. Asimismo se establece, para el caso específico abordado, que el apoyo sistemático a las controvertidas medidas borbónicas- y a sus funcionarios- fue un aspecto esencial para su propia consolidación, dentro de los espacios de poder locales en los que se avecindaron.

  14. Drunken Speech and the Construction of Meaning: Bilingual Competence in the Southern Peruvian Andes. (United States)

    Harvey, Penelope M.


    Examination of the language use of drunken speakers in a bilingual Southern Peruvian Andes community found that drunken speakers were less constrained in their linguistic choices by individual linguistic competence and of differential status between speaker and addressee, and they exploited the ambiguities in implicit social meanings that normally…


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    Amaya Marisol


    Full Text Available A new species of Columnea belonging to the section Collandra (Gesneriaceae from La Serranía de los Paraguas in the Department of Valle del Cauca (Cordillera Occidental, Colombia, is described and illustrated.

  16. Amalgamation and small-scale gold mining in the ancient Andes


    Brooks, William E.; Schwörbel, Gabriela; Castillo, Luis Enrique


    In 1532, the volume of gold provided by Atahualpa, the Inka king, as ransom for his release from the Spanish was hard evidence for the efficient small-scale gold mining that took place before European contact and the number of gold occurrences in the Andes. At Huancavelica, Perú, mercury occurs as a native metal and as cinnabar [HgS], which was used for pigments, funeral preparations, and retorted to obtain mercury. Using Inductively Coupled Plasma analysis (ICP), an average of 15 ppm (parts...

  17. Dinámica del carbono en los ecosistemas de páramo de los Andes neotropicales: revisión de literatura sobre modelos y parámetros relevantes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sevink, J.; Tonneijck, F.H.; Kalbitz, K.; Cammeraat, L.H.; Cuesta, F.; Sevink, J.; Llambí, L.D.; De Bièvre, B.; Posner, J.


    Resumen Los suelos del páramo almacenan cantidades excepcionales de carbono debido a las condiciones edáficas y climáticas sobre las cuales se desarrollan. Este gran reservorio de carbono está amenazado debido a los efectos del cambio climático y las dinámicas de uso de la tierra. No obstante, el

  18. Mio-Pliocene aridity in the south-central Andes associated with Southern Hemisphere cold periods. (United States)

    Amidon, William H; Fisher, G Burch; Burbank, Douglas W; Ciccioli, Patricia L; Alonso, Ricardo N; Gorin, Andrew L; Silverhart, Perri H; Kylander-Clark, Andrew R C; Christoffersen, Michael S


    Although Earth's climate history is best known through marine records, the corresponding continental climatic conditions drive the evolution of terrestrial life. Continental conditions during the latest Miocene are of particular interest because global faunal turnover is roughly synchronous with a period of global glaciation from ∼6.2-5.5 Ma and with the Messinian Salinity Crisis from ∼6.0-5.3 Ma. Despite the climatic and ecological significance of this period, the continental climatic conditions associated with it remain unclear. We address this question using erosion rates of ancient watersheds to constrain Mio-Pliocene climatic conditions in the south-central Andes near 30° S. Our results show two slowdowns in erosion rate, one from ∼6.1-5.2 Ma and another from 3.6 to 3.3 Ma, which we attribute to periods of continental aridity. This view is supported by synchrony with other regional proxies for aridity and with the timing of glacial ‟cold" periods as recorded by marine proxies, such as the M2 isotope excursion. We thus conclude that aridity in the south-central Andes is associated with cold periods at high southern latitudes, perhaps due to a northward migration of the Southern Hemisphere westerlies, which disrupted the South American Low Level Jet that delivers moisture to southeastern South America. Colder glacial periods, and possibly associated reductions in atmospheric CO 2 , thus seem to be an important driver of Mio-Pliocene ecological transitions in the central Andes. Finally, this study demonstrates that paleo-erosion rates can be a powerful proxy for ancient continental climates that lie beyond the reach of most lacustrine and glacial archives.

  19. Influence of spatial resolution on precipitation simulations for the central Andes Mountains (United States)

    Trachte, Katja; Bendix, Jörg


    The climate of South America is highly influenced by the north-south oriented Andes Mountains. Their complex structure causes modifications of large-scale atmospheric circulations resulting in various mesoscale phenomena as well as a high variability in the local conditions. Due to their height and length the terrain generates distinctly climate conditions between the western and the eastern slopes. While in the tropical regions along the western flanks the conditions are cold and arid, the eastern slopes are dominated by warm-moist and rainy air coming from the Amazon basin. Below 35° S the situation reverses with rather semiarid conditions in the eastern part and temperate rainy climate along southern Chile. Generally, global circulation models (GCMs) describe the state of the global climate and its changes, but are disabled to capture regional or even local features due to their coarse resolution. This is particularly true in heterogeneous regions such as the Andes Mountains, where local driving features, e. g. local circulation systems, highly varies on small scales and thus, lead to a high variability of rainfall distributions. An appropriate technique to overcome this problem and to gain regional and local scale rainfall information is the dynamical downscaling of the global data using a regional climate model (RCM). The poster presents results of the evaluation of the performance of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model over South America with special focus on the central Andes Mountains of Ecuador. A sensitivity study regarding the cumulus parametrization, microphysics, boundary layer processes and the radiation budget is conducted. With 17 simulations consisting of 16 parametrization scheme combinations and 1 default run a suitable model set-up for climate research in this region is supposed to be evaluated. The simulations were conducted in a two-way nested mode i) to examine the best physics scheme combination for the target and ii) to

  20. Diagnóstico de clima organizacional. Caso de estudio: Universidad de Los Andes–Táchira “Dr. Pedro Rincón Gutiérrez”


    Rangel Rangel, Milagros; Castro de Bustamante, Jeannett


    El objetivo de la presente investigación se orienta a diagnosticar el Clima Organizacional predominante en la Universidad de Los Andes “Dr. Pedro Rincón Gutiérrez. Con esta finalidad, y asumiendo una posición de complementariedad de métodos y técnicas de carácter cuantitativo y cualitativo, se aplicó una adaptación del Cuestionario de Clima Organizacional de Litwin y Stringer (1968) a una muestra de 47 docentes seleccionados por muestreo estratificado simple. Complementariam...

  1. Racialization of the Bilingual Student in Higher Education: A Case from the Peruvian Andes (United States)

    Zavala, Virginia


    In the Andes, a phonological transference known as "motoseo" has acquired ideological weight. People think that bilingual speakers of Quechua and Spanish "confuse" the vowels when speaking Spanish and that they are inferior to the ones who do not. In this article, I analyze the ideological agenda of the racialized verbal…


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    Full Text Available This research determined the level of influence that assertive style of communication of teachers in the school learning. We used an experimental design; the sample included twelve teachers for the experimental group, and other twelve for the control group of the Empresarial de los Andes School (Department of Huila. The results show that school’s a stage of social life where the educational processes of the teachers have a deep character communicative and the institution have not recognized the importance of communication in processes like the personality, socialization and learning development. Similarly, was established that both, teachers and students, use alternate indirect ways of communication, which does not allow a proper process of personal interaction. It was shown, that with appropriate intervention, the communication channels are optimized, improving the academic performance of students.

  3. "Nervios" and "Modern Childhood": Migration and Shifting Contexts of Child Life in the Ecuadorian Andes. (United States)

    Pribilsky, Jason


    Argues that beyond explanations predicated on psychological ideas of separation and attachment, "nervios," a depression-like disorder among children in the southern Ecuadorian Andes, reflects the limits of children's abilities to accept terms of family life increasingly defined through transnational migration and new consumption…

  4. Caracterización del registro bioarqueológico de Bahía Valentín, Tierra del Fuego: una aproximación desde la tafonomía

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    Tessone, Augusto


    Full Text Available Las condiciones de hallazgo de los materiales óseos humanos procedentes de bahía Valentín -donde predominan restos en superficie, sin relación anató- mica y con altos grados de perdidas óseas- nos condujo a evaluar en primera instancia la composición e integridad del registro bioarqueológico desde una perspectiva tafonómica. En un trabajo previo se presentaron los resultados alcanzados en el estudio de materiales obtenidos en el marco del proyecto Arqueología de la Margen Suroriental del Archipiélago Fueguino. En esta oportunidad, manteniendo la misma perspectiva de análisis, se incluye la muestra recuperada por el PEOAF entre los años 1984 y 1988. En primer lugar, se establece el número mínimo de individuos, contemplando la representación anatómica, elementos maduros o inmaduros y proximidad espacial. En segundo lugar, con el fin de identificar los procesos postmorten de destrucción y redepositación actuantes, se identificaron y cuantificaron las modificaciones de las superficies óseas del conjunto recuperado: meteorización, pérdida ósea, marcas de roedores, carnívoros y raíces y termoalteración. Finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados obtenidos para la caracterización del registro bioarqueológico del área bajo estudio.

  5. Barren Miocene granitoids in the Central Andean metallogenic belt, Chile: Geochemistry and Nd-Hf and U-Pb isotope systematics Granitoides estériles del Mioceno en la franja metalogénica de los Andes Centrales, Chile: geoquímica e isotopía de Nd-Hf y U-Pb

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    Katja Deckart


    Full Text Available Four Middle-to-Late Miocene barren plutonic complexes that occur between the giant porphyry copper deposits of the central Chilean Andes were selected for U-Pb LA-ICPMS geochronology and Hf-isotope systematics on single zircon grains. Major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope whole rock geochemical studies were under-taken to compare with slightly younger or coeval barren and fertile intrusive rocks between 32° and 34°S. The studied granitoids yield resolvable crystallization ages of 11.3±0.1 Ma (Cerro Mesón Alto massif, 10.3±0.2 Ma (La Gloria pluton, 14.9±0.2 Ma/14.9±0.1 Ma (Yerba Loca stock and 11.2±0.1 Ma/14.7±0.1 Ma (San Francisco Batholith. Major and trace elements discard an adakitic signature as suggested for coeval porphyric intrusions at 32°S, slightly younger mineralized porphyries at Río Blanco-Los Bronces deposit and other Cenozoic adakites. Volcanic host rocks are less fractionated than the intrusive rock units. The same observation can be made for the unmineralized northern plutons compared to the southern ones. Initial Sr-Nd isotope data show insignificant variation (0.703761-0.704118 and 0.512758-0.512882, plotting in the mantle array. Trace element enrichment can be explained by addition of subducted-slab fluids and/or terrigenous sediments to the mantle wedge prior to and/or slight crustal input during magma ascent. Zircon grains separated from these barren intrusives share a similar initial εHf i-data variation for the younger age group (10-12 Ma; 7.04-9.54 and show a more scattered range for the older one (14-15 Ma; 8.50-15.34; both sets plot between the DM and CLTUR evolution lines. There is evidence that magma evolution was slightly distinct through time from older to younger barren magmatism, compared to a few fertile porphyritic rocks from Río Blanco-Los Bronces porphyry copper deposit. It is suggested that chronological inconsistencies within these complexes might be related to differential shortening

  6. Adaptive institutions? Peasant institutions and natural models facing climatic and economic changes in the Colombian Andes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feola, Giuseppe


    In the Colombian Andes, peasants have co-evolved with their environment for centuries, but it is uncertain whether traditional informal institutions and natural models are adapting to current and possibly unprecedented economic and climatic disturbances. This study investigated institutional



    Mar\\u00EDa Victoria M\\u00E1rquez


    Se indaga en la participación y los usos de los espacios burocráticos y administrativos por parte de la élite colonial en el siglo XVIII. Para ello se aborda el caso de una familia de grandes tratantes del comercio interregional- los Mendiolaza- cuyos intereses se asentaron en diversos puntos de la región andina. Así se propone una mirada comparativa sobre las estrategias de un mismo entramado social o red de relaciones. El artículo hace foco en dos lugares, Córdoba y Huancavelica, en tanto s...

  8. Hydrological Modeling of Highly Glacierized Basins (Andes, Alps, and Central Asia

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    Nina Omani


    Full Text Available The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT was used to simulate five glacierized river basins that are global in coverage and vary in climate. The river basins included the Narayani (Nepal, Vakhsh (Central Asia, Rhone (Switzerland, Mendoza (Central Andes, Argentina, and Central Dry Andes (Chile, with a total area of 85,000 km2. A modified SWAT snow algorithm was applied in order to consider spatial variation of associated snowmelt/accumulation by elevation band across each subbasin. In previous studies, melt rates varied as a function of elevation because of an air temperature gradient while the snow parameters were constant throughout the entire basin. A major improvement of the new snow algorithm is the separation of the glaciers from seasonal snow based on their characteristics. Two SWAT snow algorithms were evaluated in simulation of monthly runoff from the glaciered watersheds: (1 the snow parameters are lumped (constant throughout the entire basin and (2 the snow parameters are spatially variable based on elevation bands of a subbasin (modified snow algorithm. Applying the distributed SWAT snow algorithm improved the model performance in simulation of monthly runoff with snow-glacial regime, so that mean RSR decreased to 0.49 from 0.55 and NSE increased to 0.75 from 0.69. Improvement of model performance was negligible in simulations of monthly runoff from the basins with a monsoon runoff regime.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akimkin, V.; Wiebe, D.; Pavlyuchenkov, Ya.; Zhukovska, S.; Semenov, D.; Henning, Th.; Vasyunin, A.; Birnstiel, T.


    We present a self-consistent model of a protoplanetary disk: 'ANDES' ('AccretioN disk with Dust Evolution and Sedimentation'). ANDES is based on a flexible and extendable modular structure that includes (1) a 1+1D frequency-dependent continuum radiative transfer module, (2) a module to calculate the chemical evolution using an extended gas-grain network with UV/X-ray-driven processes and surface reactions, (3) a module to calculate the gas thermal energy balance, and (4) a 1+1D module that simulates dust grain evolution. For the first time, grain evolution and time-dependent molecular chemistry are included in a protoplanetary disk model. We find that grain growth and sedimentation of large grains onto the disk midplane lead to a dust-depleted atmosphere. Consequently, dust and gas temperatures become higher in the inner disk (R ∼ 50 AU), in comparison with the disk model with pristine dust. The response of disk chemical structure to the dust growth and sedimentation is twofold. First, due to higher transparency a partly UV-shielded molecular layer is shifted closer to the dense midplane. Second, the presence of big grains in the disk midplane delays the freeze-out of volatile gas-phase species such as CO there, while in adjacent upper layers the depletion is still effective. Molecular concentrations and thus column densities of many species are enhanced in the disk model with dust evolution, e.g., CO 2 , NH 2 CN, HNO, H 2 O, HCOOH, HCN, and CO. We also show that time-dependent chemistry is important for a proper description of gas thermal balance.

  10. Surface uplift in the Central Andes driven by growth of the Altiplano Puna Magma Body. (United States)

    Perkins, Jonathan P; Ward, Kevin M; de Silva, Shanaka L; Zandt, George; Beck, Susan L; Finnegan, Noah J


    The Altiplano-Puna Magma Body (APMB) in the Central Andes is the largest imaged magma reservoir on Earth, and is located within the second highest orogenic plateau on Earth, the Altiplano-Puna. Although the APMB is a first-order geologic feature similar to the Sierra Nevada batholith, its role in the surface uplift history of the Central Andes remains uncertain. Here we show that a long-wavelength topographic dome overlies the seismically measured extent of the APMB, and gravity data suggest that the uplift is isostatically compensated. Isostatic modelling of the magmatic contribution to dome growth yields melt volumes comparable to those estimated from tomography, and suggests that the APMB growth rate exceeds the peak Cretaceous magmatic flare-up in the Sierran batholith. Our analysis reveals that magmatic addition may provide a contribution to surface uplift on par with lithospheric removal, and illustrates that surface topography may help constrain the magnitude of pluton-scale melt production.

  11. Crustal balance and crustal flux from shortening estimates in the Central Andes (United States)

    Hindle, David; Kley, Jonas; Oncken, Onno; Sobolev, Stephan


    The Central Andes of South America form the second largest high elevation plateau on earth. Extreme elevations have formed on a noncollisional margin with abundant associated arc magmatism. It has long been thought that the crustal thickness necessary to support Andean topography was not accounted for by known crustal shortening alone. We show that this may in part be due to a two-dimensional treatment of the problem. A three-dimensional analysis of crustal shortening and crustal thickness shows that displacement of material towards the axis of the bend in the Central Andes has added a significant volume of crust not accounted for in previous comparisons. We find that present-day crustal thickness between 12°S and 25°S is accounted for (∼-10% to ∼+3%)with the same shortening estimates, and the same assumed initial crustal thickness as had previously led to the conclusion of a ∼25-35% deficit in shortening relative to volume of crustal material. We suggest that the present-day measured crustal thickness distribution may not match that predicted due to shortening, and substantial redistribution of crust may have occurred by both erosion and deposition at the surface and lower crustal flow in regions of the thermally weakened middle and lower crust.

  12. Presencia del género Stegomastodon entre los restos fósiles de mastodontes de Chile (Gomphotheriidae, Pleistoceno superior

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    Alberdi, M. T.


    Full Text Available New Gomphotheriidae fossils encouraged the authors to study recently obtained them and review some others materials of this family that were classified in 2000 as Cuvieronius hyodon (Fischer. Together with new tusks remains, the recovery of the anterior portion of the cranial symphysis (alveolar zone of a skull from Taguatagua is remarkable. The morphology of the available tusks and the characteristics of the anterior part of the symphysis allow the assignment of these remains to Stegomastodon. The occurrence of this genus at the end of the Pleistocene in Chile is established. Fossils are compared with others remains from South America and probable dispersal routes through the Andes cordillera are discussed.Nuevos materiales fósiles de Gomphotheriidae obtenidos recientemente, estimularon a los autores a estudiarlos y a revisar algunos otros restos de esta familia, que habían sido asignados, el año 2000, a Cuvieronius hyodon (Fischer. Junto a nuevos restos de defensas, destaca la recuperación de la parte anterior de la sínfisis craneal (zona alveolar de un cráneo de Taguatagua. La morfología de las defensas disponibles y las características de la porción anterior de la sínfisis, permiten asignar estos materiales al género Stegomastodon, fundamentando así la presencia de este género en el Pleistoceno terminal de Chile. Se comparan con otros restos de América del Sur y se discuten las probables vías de migración de estos mamíferos a través de la cordillera de los Andes.

  13. Vulnerability to climate change and community based adaptation in the Peruvian Andes, a stepwise approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lasage, R.; Muis, S.; Sardella, C.S.E.; van Drunen, M.A.; Verburg, P.H.; Aerts, J.C.J.H.


    The livelihoods of people in the Andes are expected to be affected by climate change due to their dependence on glacier water. The observed decrease in glacier volume over the last few decades is likely to accelerate during the current century, which will affect water availability in the region.

  14. Culture and landslide risk in the Central Andes of Bolivia and Peru


    Nicholas Roberts


    Culture and its heritage play a major role in determining landslide risk in the Central Andes. Examples of some of these many possible influences are provided from natural and social science literature and from the author’s recent work in Bolivia. Landslide risk appears to have generally increased throughout the last millennium, due largely to anthropogenic modification of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and coping capacity. These changes result from both local and distant pressures and from ...

  15. The effect of highly variable topography on the spatial distribution of Aniba perutilis (Lauraceae in the Colombian Andes

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    José C. Fagua


    Full Text Available Topography is a factor that can significantly affect the diversity and the distribution of trees species in tropical forests. Aniba perutilis, a timber species listed as vulnerable to extinction, is widely distributed in Andean forest fragments, especially in those with highly variable topography. Based on field surveys and logistic regression analyses, we studied the population structure and the effect of highly variable topography on the spatial distribution of this tree in three protected forest fragments in the central Andes of Colombia. Individuals of A. perutilis were mainly found on mountain ridges and hills with gentle slopes; no individuals were found in valleys. Using a species distribution model with presence/absence data, we showed that the available habitat for A. perutilis is significantly smaller than the extension of the fragments and much smaller than the extension of the currently protected areas. Our results have important implications for the conservation of A. perutilis and likely for other threatened Andean tree species, which can also have locally restricted distributions due to highly variable local topography.La topografía es un factor que puede afectar considerablemente la diversidad y la distribución de las especies de árboles tropicales. Aniba perutilis, una especie de árbol maderable vulnerable a la extinción, está ampliamente distribuida en fragmentos de bosques andinos, especialmente en aquellos con topografía altamente variable. A partir de trabajo de campo y análisis de regresión logística, estudiamos la estructura de la población y los efectos de la topografía sobre la distribución espacial de este árbol en tres fragmentos de bosque en la cordillera central de Colombia que actualmente se encuentran protegidos. Los individuos de A. perutilis se encontraron principalmente en los filos de montaña y colinas con gradientes topográficos suaves; no se encontraron individuos en los valles. A partir de un

  16. Impact of Santiago de Chile urban atmospheric pollution on anthropogenic trace elements enrichment in snow precipitation at Cerro Colorado, Central Andes (United States)

    Cereceda-Balic, F.; Palomo-Marín, M. R.; Bernalte, E.; Vidal, V.; Christie, J.; Fadic, X.; Guevara, J. L.; Miro, C.; Pinilla Gil, E.


    Seasonal snow precipitation in the Andes mountain range is evaluated as an environmental indicator of the composition of atmospheric emissions in Santiago de Chile metropolitan area, by measuring a set of representative trace elements in snow samples by ICP-MS. Three late winter sampling campaigns (2003, 2008 and 2009) were conducted in three sampling areas around Cerro Colorado, a Central Andes mountain range sector NE of Santiago (36 km). Nevados de Chillán, a sector in The Andes located about 500 km south from the metropolitan area, was selected as a reference area. The experimental results at Cerro Colorado and Nevados de Chillán were compared with previously published data of fresh snow from remote and urban background sites. High snow concentrations of a range of anthropogenic marker elements were found at Cerro Colorado, probably derived from Santiago urban aerosol transport and deposition combined with the effect of mining and smelting activities in the area, whereas Nevados de Chillán levels roughly correspond to urban background areas. Enhanced concentrations in surface snow respect to deeper samples are discussed. Significant differences found between the 2003, 2008 and 2009 anthropogenic source markers profiles at Cerro Colorado sampling points were correlated with changes in emission sources at the city. The preliminary results obtained in this study, the first of this kind in the southern hemisphere, show promising use of snow precipitation in the Central Andes as a suitable matrix for receptor model studies aimed at identifying and quantifying pollution sources in Santiago de Chile.

  17. Intraseasonal variability of organized convective systems in the Central Andes: Relationship to Regional Dynamical Features (United States)

    Mohr, K. I.; Slayback, D. A.; Nicholls, S.; Yager, K.


    The Andes extend from the west coast of Colombia (10N) to the southern tip of Chile (53S). In southern Peru and Bolivia, the Central Andes is split into separate eastern and western cordilleras, with a high plateau (≥ 3000 m), the Altiplano, between them. Because 90% of the Earth's tropical mountain glaciers are located in the Central Andes, our study focuses on this region, defining its zonal extent as 7S-21S and the meridional extent as the terrain 1000 m and greater. Although intense convection occurs during the wet season in the Altiplano, it is not included in the lists of regions with frequent or the most intense convection. The scarcity of in-situ observations with sufficient density and temporal resolution to resolve individual storms or even mesoscale-organized cloud systems and documented biases in microwave-based rainfall products in poorly gauged mountainous regions have impeded the development of an extensive literature on convection and convective systems in this region. With the tropical glaciers receding at unprecedented rates, leaving seasonal precipitation as an increasingly important input to the water balance in alpine valley ecosystems and streams, understanding the nature and characteristics of the seasonal precipitation becomes increasingly important for the rural economies in this region. Previous work in analyzing precipitation in the Central Andes has emphasized interannual variability with respect to ENSO, this is the first study to focus on shorter scale variability with respect to organized convection. The present study took advantage of the University of Utah's Precipitation Features database compiled from 14 years of TRMM observations (1998-2012), supplemented by field observations of rainfall and streamflow, historical gauge data, and long-term WRF-simulations, to analyze the intraseasonal variability of precipitating systems and their relationship regional dynamical features such as the Bolivian High. Through time series and

  18. Uplift sequence of the Andes at 30°S: Insights from sedimentology and U/Pb dating of synorogenic deposits (United States)

    Suriano, J.; Mardonez, D.; Mahoney, J. B.; Mescua, J. F.; Giambiagi, L. B.; Kimbrough, D.; Lossada, A.


    The South Central Andes at 30°S represent a key area to understand the Andes geodynamics as it is in the middle of the flat slab segment and all the morphotectonic units of the Central Andes are well developed. This work is focused in the proximal synorogenic deposits of the Western Precordillera, in the La Tranca valley, in order to unravel the uplift sequence of this belt. Nine facies associations were recognized; most of them represent piedmont facies with local provenance from Precordillera and were deposited in the wedge-top depozone, as is expected for proximal sinorogenic deposits. However there are intercalations of transference fluvial systems, which show mixed provenance indicating that Permo-Triassic igneous rocks were already exposed to the west (Frontal Cordillera). There are also lacustrine deposits which are interpreted as the result of damming by fault activity at east of the studied basin. Finally, two maximum depositional ages at ca. 11 Ma and 8 Ma of these deposits indicate that the onset of uplift of the Precordillera at 30°S is little older than 11 Ma. These data change two previous ideas about the evolution of the Precordillera: its uplift at 30° S is younger than proposed by previous works and it is nearly synchronous along strike.

  19. Genome of Plant Maca (Lepidium meyenii) Illuminates Genomic Basis for High-Altitude Adaptation in the Central Andes. (United States)

    Zhang, Jing; Tian, Yang; Yan, Liang; Zhang, Guanghui; Wang, Xiao; Zeng, Yan; Zhang, Jiajin; Ma, Xiao; Tan, Yuntao; Long, Ni; Wang, Yangzi; Ma, Yujin; He, Yuqi; Xue, Yu; Hao, Shumei; Yang, Shengchao; Wang, Wen; Zhang, Liangsheng; Dong, Yang; Chen, Wei; Sheng, Jun


    Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp, 2n = 8x = 64), belonging to the Brassicaceae family, is an economic plant cultivated in the central Andes sierra in Peru (4000-4500 m). Considering that the rapid uplift of the central Andes occurred 5-10 million years ago (Ma), an evolutionary question arises regarding how plants such as maca acquire high-altitude adaptation within a short geological period. Here, we report the high-quality genome assembly of maca, in which two closely spaced maca-specific whole-genome duplications (WGDs; ∼6.7 Ma) were identified. Comparative genomic analysis between maca and closely related Brassicaceae species revealed expansions of maca genes and gene families involved in abiotic stress response, hormone signaling pathway, and secondary metabolite biosynthesis via WGDs. The retention and subsequent functional divergence of many duplicated genes may account for the morphological and physiological changes (i.e., small leaf shape and self-fertility) in maca in a high-altitude environment. In addition, some duplicated maca genes were identified with functions in morphological adaptation (i.e., LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS) and abiotic stress response (i.e., GLYCINE-RICH RNA-BINDING PROTEINS and DNA-DAMAGE-REPAIR/TOLERATION 2) under positive selection. Collectively, the maca genome provides useful information to understand the important roles of WGDs in the high-altitude adaptation of plants in the Andes. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Temporal variations in the diet of the exotic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss in an Andean-Patagonian canopied stream Variación temporal en la dieta de la trucha exótica arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss en un arroyo forestado de los Andes patagónicos

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    Full Text Available We examined seasonal and diel variation in prey species composition and biomass in the diet of the exotic rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1972. The study was carried out in the upper-forested sections of a low order stream in Andean-Patagonia. We studied the importance of functional feeding groups of aquatic invertebrates and the relative contribution of terrestrial and aquatic prey items in order to assess the pathways connecting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems along a stream food web. Trout fed on approximately 40 invertebrate species and scrapers were consistently selected, suggesting their increased vulnerability to predation. However in terms of biomass, rainbow trout diet was mostly composed by shredders which emphasized the role of the allochthonous plant detritus pathway in food webs of forested small streams. Trout individuals fed more intensively in spring and summer and during daytime. Terrestrial items constituted a minor proportion of the diet implying that this component did not represent a significant subsidy for this fish population. As a consequence, the top-down effect on the aquatic community does not appear to be dampened since trout do not strongly preyed on terrestrial invertebrates.Se estudió la variación estacional y diaria en la composición y biomasa de las especies presa en la dieta de la exótica trucha arco iris Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1972 en la sección superior de un arroyo boscoso de bajo orden en los Andes patagónicos. Se analizó la importancia de los grupos funcionales alimentarios de invertebrados acuáticos y la contribución relativa de las presas de origen terrestre y acuático para evaluar las vías tróficas que conectan los ecosistemas acuático y terrestre circundantes. Las truchas consumieron aproximadamente unas 40 especies de invertebrados y los raspadores fueron consistentemente seleccionados, sugiriendo una alta vulnerabilidad a la depredación. Sin embargo en términos de

  1. Estructura y composición de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en ríos altoandinos del Ecuador y Perú. Diseño de un sistema de medida de la calidad del agua con índices multimétricos


    Villamarín Flores, Christian Patricio


    [spa] En la presente tesis se muestrearon ríos sobre los 2000 msnm (ríos altoandinos tropicales) que se distribuyen en la amplia región de los Andes del Norte (Ecuador) y los Andes Centrales (Perú) en Sudamérica. El muestreo de las 123 localidades se realizó en época seca, las cuales se seleccionaron tomando en cuenta su grado de alteración, que van desde sin o poca alteración (referencia) hasta muy alterados. En una primera instancia se analizaron las carácteristicas fisicoquímicas e hid...

  2. Late Pleistocene glacial fluctuations in Cordillera Oriental, subtropical Andes (United States)

    Martini, Mateo A.; Kaplan, Michael R.; Strelin, Jorge A.; Astini, Ricardo A.; Schaefer, Joerg M.; Caffee, Marc W.; Schwartz, Roseanne


    The behavior of subtropical glaciers during Middle to Late Pleistocene global glacial maxima and abrupt climate change events, specifically in Earth's most arid low-latitude regions, remains an outstanding problem in paleoclimatology. The present-day climate of Cordillera Oriental, in arid northwestern Argentina, is influenced by shifts in subtropical climate systems, including the South American Summer Monsoon. To understand better past glacier-subtropical climates during the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 26.5-19 ka) and other time periods, we combined geomorphic features with forty-two precise 10Be ages on moraine boulders and reconstructed paleo-equilibrium line altitudes (ELA) at Nevado de Chañi (24°S) in the arid subtropical Andes. We found a major glacial expansion at ∼23 ± 1.6 ka, that is, during the global LGM. Additional glacial expansions are observed before the global LGM (at ∼52-39 ka), and after, at 15 ± 0.5 and 12 ± 0.6 ka. The ∼15 ka glacial event was found on both sides of Chañi and the ∼12 ka event is only recorded on the east side. Reconstructed ELAs of the former glaciers exhibit a rise from east to west that resembles the present subtropical climate trajectory from the Atlantic side of the continent; hence, we infer that this climate pattern must have been present in the past. Based on comparison with other low-latitude paleoclimate records, such as those from lakes and caves, we infer that both temperature and precipitation influenced past glacial occurrence in this sector of the arid Andes. Our findings also imply that abrupt deglacial climate events associated with the North Atlantic, specifically curtailed meridional overturning circulation and regional cooling, may have had attendant impacts on low subtropical Southern Hemisphere latitudes, including the climate systems that affect glacial activity around Nevado de Chañi.

  3. La construcción del conocimiento sobre la enseñanza desde la perspectiva de los futuros docentes

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    María A. Chacón-Corzo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo indagar sobre la construcción del conocimiento sobre la enseñanza de los futuros docentes y caracterizarlo con base en sus percepciones. Es un estudio cualitativo que pretende comprender e interpretar los significados y creencias acerca del conocimiento docente. Participaron diecinueve cursantes del último semestre de la carrera de Educación Básica Integral de la Universidad de Los Andes Dr. Pedro Rincón Gutiérrez en el estado Táchira -Venezuela. Las entrevistas y diarios reflexivos de los pasantes fueron la técnica e instrumento para recolectar la información. Los datos se analizaron con el programa Atlas-ti 6. Producto del análisis emergieron las categorías: Conocimiento pedagógico, desarrollo de la competencia reflexiva y experiencias formativas; éstas explican las dimensiones acerca del conocimiento docente de los futuros profesores. En conclusión, los participantes asumen el conocimiento pedagógico a partir de la organización y gestión de la clase; consideran la planificación y la evaluación como procesos inherentes a la actividad del docente; otorgan especial interés a las estrategias de enseñanza para potenciar los aprendizajes y preponderan las prácticas profesionales como un ámbito importante, aunque declaran que durante el trayecto formativo tuvieron escasas oportunidades de interactuar en los contextos escolares. En síntesis, la construcción del conocimiento docente es un proceso complejo y multidimensional derivado de variadas fuentes; exige procesos reflexivos que den cuenta de sus progresos y limitaciones, de manera que los futuros docentes alcancen mayores niveles de reflexión y asuman el aprendizaje permanente como una condición de la carrera docente 3.

  4. A través de los Andes: Estrategias sociales y redes de poder entre Córdoba y Huancavelica en el siglo XVIII


    Márquez, María Victoria


    Se indaga en la participación y los usos de los espacios burocráticos y administrativos por parte de la élite colonial en el siglo XVIII. Para ello se aborda el caso de una familia de grandes tratantes del comercio interregional- los Mendiolaza- cuyos intereses se asentaron en diversos puntos de la región andina. Así se propone una mirada comparativa sobre las estrategias de un mismo entramado social o red de relaciones. El artículo hace foco en dos lugares, Córdoba y Huancavelica, en tanto s...

  5. Phytogeography of the vascular páramo flora of Ramal de Guaramacal (Andes, Venezuela) and its ties to other páramo floras


    Cuello, N.L.; Cleef, A.M.; Aymard, G.


    Ramal de Guaramacal is an outlier and lower elevation mountain range located at the northeastern end of the Venezuelan Andes. Phytogeographical patterns and affinities of the low altitude and wet vascular páramo flora of Ramal de Guaramacal, have been studied with emphasis in to the analysis of the floristic connections of the Guaramacal páramo flora with the neighboring dry páramos of the Sierra Nevada de Mérida and other páramo floras of the northern Andes and Central America. A total of 25...

  6. Transferencia de metales de suelo a planta en áreas mineras: Ejemplos de los Andes peruanos y de la Cordillera Prelitoral Catalana


    Durán Cuevas, Paola


    Las actividades mineras generan una elevada cantidad de residuos metálicos que contaminan el suelo ya sea química, física y/o biológicamente. Estos residuos pueden permanecer en el suelo por un largo plazo. Esta permanencia es especialmente grave en el caso de los compuestos inorgánicos como es el caso de los metales pesados, que no pueden ser degradados. Su persistencia, acumulación progresiva y/o su transferencia a las cadenas tróficas pone en riesgo a la salud humana, animal y la de los ec...

  7. La chola en el imaginario de la ciudad: decolonialidad y resistencia en Los Andes bolivianos

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    Cleverth Carlos Cárdenas Plaza


    Full Text Available El texto expone cómo la chola paceña, por medio de la fiesta popular del Gran Poder, logró revertir los estereotipos negativos que se urdieron acerca de ella. Especialmente, desde principios del siglo XX, cuando se desarrolló todo un discurso destinado a rezagar a su grupo social. Larson (2001, lo llamo el discurso del antimestizaje. Para revertir tales estereotipos, se usó el prestigio de la fraternidad y se mostró su potencial económico, mediante ello se ha reivindicado su lugar en la sociedad. Pero, sobre todo, impuso su vestimenta, su marcador étnico más visible, ante una sociedad que discrimina y racializa.

  8. Quantitative Temperature Reconstructions from Holocene and Late Glacial Lake Sediments in the Tropical Andes using Chironomidae (non-biting midges) (United States)

    Matthews-Bird, F.; Gosling, W. D.; Brooks, S. J.; Montoya, E.; Coe, A. L.


    Chironomidae (non-biting midges) is a family of two-winged aquatic insects of the order Diptera. They are globally distributed and one of the most diverse families within aquatic ecosystems. The insects are stenotopic, and the rapid turnover of species and their ability to colonise quickly favourable habitats means chironomids are extremely sensitive to environmental change, notably temperature. Through the development of quantitative temperature inference models chironomids have become important palaeoecological tools. Proxies capable of generating independent estimates of past climate are crucial to disentangling climate signals and ecosystem response in the palaeoecological record. This project has developed the first modern environmental calibration data set in order to use chironomids from the Tropical Andes as quantitative climate proxies. Using surface sediments from c. 60 lakes from Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador we have developed an inference model capable of reconstructing temperatures, with a prediction error of 1-2°C, from fossil assemblages. Here we present the first Lateglacial and Holocene chironomid-inferred temperature reconstructions from two sites in the tropical Andes. The first record, from a high elevation (4153 m asl) lake in the Bolivian Andes, shows persistently cool temperatures for the past 15 kyr, punctuated by warm episodes in the early Holocene (9-10 kyr BP). The chironomid-inferred Holocene temperature trends from a lake sediment record on the eastern Andean flank of Ecuador (1248 m asl) spanning the last 5 millennia are synchronous with temperature changes in the NGRIP ice core record. The temperature estimates suggest along the eastern flank of the Andes, at lower latitudes (~1°S), climate closely resemble the well-established fluctuations of the Northern Hemisphere for this time period. Late-glacial climate fluctuations across South America are still disputed with some palaeoecological records suggesting evidence for Younger Dryas

  9. Investigations on vertical crustal movements in the Venezuelan Andes by gravimetric methods (United States)

    Drewes, H.


    A precise gravimetric network has been installed in the Venezuelan Andes to study eventual gravity changes due to vertical tectonic movements. The design and the measurements of the network are described and the accuracy is estimated. In the center of the region a local gravity network has been reobserved three times. The detected variations are discussed. In order to obtain a genuine statement as far as possible about the significance of observed gravity changes, requirements for the procedure of monitoring precise gravity networks are pointed out.

  10. New GPS velocity field in the northern Andes (Peru - Ecuador - Colombia): heterogeneous locking along the subduction, northeastwards motion of the Northern Andes (United States)

    Nocquet, J.; Mothes, P. A.; Villegas Lanza, J.; Chlieh, M.; Jarrin, P.; Vallée, M.; Tavera, H.; Ruiz, G.; Regnier, M.; Rolandone, F.


    Rapid subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the northen Andes margin (~6 cm/yr) results in two different processes: (1) elastic stress is accumulating along the Nazca/South American plate interface which is responsible for one of the largest megathrust earthquake sequences during the last century. The 500-km-long rupture zone of the 1906 (Mw= 8.8) event was partially reactivated by three events from the 1942 (Mw = 7.8), 1958 (Mw = 7.7), to the 1979 (Mw = 8.2). However, south of latitude 1°S, no M>8 earthquake has been reported in the last three centuries, suggesting that this area is slipping aseismically (2) permanent deformation causes opening of the Gulf of Guayaquil, with northeastwards motion of the Northern Andean Block (NAB). We present a new GPS velocity field covering the northern Andes from south of the Gulf of Guayaquil to the Caribbean plate. Our velocity field includes new continuously-recording GPS stations installed along the Ecuadorian coast, together with campaign sites observed since 1994 in the CASA project (Kellogg et al., 1989). We first estimate the long-term kinematics of the NAB in a joint inversion including GPS data, earthquake slip vectors, and quaternary slip rates on major faults. The inversion provides an Euler pole located at long. -107.8°E, lat. 36.2°N, 0.091°/Ma and indicates little internal deformation of the NAB (wrms=1.2 mm/yr). As a consequence, 30% of the obliquity of the Nazca/South America motion is accommodated by transcurrent to transpressive motion along the eastern boundary of the NAB. Residual velocities with respect to the NAB are then modeled in terms Models indicate a patchwork of highly coupled asperities encompassed by aseismic patches over the area of rupture of the M~8.8 1906 earthquake. Very low coupling is found along the southern Ecuadorian and northern Peru subduction.

  11. Distichia acicularis sp. nov. – a new cushion forming Juncaceae from the high Andes of Ecuador

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik; Lægaard, Simon


    Distichia acicularis is described as a new species of Juncaceae. It occurs in the high Andes of Ecuador between 3200 m and 4200 m above sea level. Its closest relative is D. muscoides Nees & Meyen from which it is distinct through its narrow, linear, mucronate leafblades and its 1–3 mm long...

  12. Estudio preliminar de la profilaxis de la epilepsia en acúmulos, con midazolam.


    Paredes L., Gustavo A.; Andrade, M.; Vielma, Marly; Rondón, Juana


    Editorial. ¡Ya tenemos símbolo, ícono o logotipo!. Now we have symbol, icono or logo!. Salinas, Pedro José Accidentes domésticos en ancianos. Municipio Libertador. Mérida. 1993-1996. Domestics accidents in elderly people. Libertador County of Mérida State. 1993-1996. Salinas, Pedro José Rojas Márquez, Reina Estrés y síntomas en personal de salud del Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Stress and symptoms in health staff of the Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Méri...

  13. Actividad de la arginasa sérica en pacientes con carcinoma gástrico.


    Alarcón Corredor, Oscar Marino; Tauil B., Eduar; Ramírez de Fernandez, María; D'Jésus A., Iraima; Navarro, Fanny; Alfonzo, Reina; Carrero M., Pablo E.; Rondón, Carlos


    Editorial. ¡Ya tenemos símbolo, ícono o logotipo!. Now we have symbol, icono or logo!. Salinas, Pedro José Accidentes domésticos en ancianos. Municipio Libertador. Mérida. 1993-1996. Domestics accidents in elderly people. Libertador County of Mérida State. 1993-1996. Salinas, Pedro José Rojas Márquez, Reina Estrés y síntomas en personal de salud del Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Stress and symptoms in health staff of the Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Méri...

  14. Tiroidectomia total en afecciones benignas de la glándula tiroides.


    Lucena Olavarrieta, Jorge R.; Coronel, Paúl; Orellana, Ysabelen


    Editorial. ¡Ya tenemos símbolo, ícono o logotipo!. Now we have symbol, icono or logo!. Salinas, Pedro José Accidentes domésticos en ancianos. Municipio Libertador. Mérida. 1993-1996. Domestics accidents in elderly people. Libertador County of Mérida State. 1993-1996. Salinas, Pedro José Rojas Márquez, Reina Estrés y síntomas en personal de salud del Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Stress and symptoms in health staff of the Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Méri...

  15. Accidentes domésticos en ancianos. Municipio Libertador. Mérida. 1993 - 1996.


    Rojas Márquez, Reina; Salinas, Pedro José


    Editorial. ¡Ya tenemos símbolo, ícono o logotipo!. Now we have symbol, icono or logo!. Salinas, Pedro José Accidentes domésticos en ancianos. Municipio Libertador. Mérida. 1993-1996. Domestics accidents in elderly people. Libertador County of Mérida State. 1993-1996. Salinas, Pedro José Rojas Márquez, Reina Estrés y síntomas en personal de salud del Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Stress and symptoms in health staff of the Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Méri...

  16. Editorial. ¡Ya tenemos símbolo, ícono o logotipo!


    Salinas, Pedro José


    Editorial. ¡Ya tenemos símbolo, ícono o logotipo!. Now we have symbol, icono or logo!. Salinas, Pedro José Accidentes domésticos en ancianos. Municipio Libertador. Mérida. 1993-1996. Domestics accidents in elderly people. Libertador County of Mérida State. 1993-1996. Salinas, Pedro José Rojas Márquez, Reina Estrés y síntomas en personal de salud del Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Stress and symptoms in health staff of the Hospital Universitario de Los Andes. Méri...

  17. Cold Episodes, Their Precursors and Teleconnections in the Central Peruvian Andes (1958-2009) (United States)

    Sulca, J. C.; Vuille, M. F.; Trasmonte, G.; Silva, Y.; Takahashi, K.


    The Mantaro valley (MV) is located in the central Peruvian Andes. Occasionally, cold episodes are observed during the austral summer (January-March), which strongly damage crops. However, little is known about the causes and impacts of such cold episodes in the MV. The main goal of this study is thus to characterize cold episodes in the MV and assess their large-scale circulation and teleconnections over South America (SA) during austral summer. To identify cold events in the MV daily minimum temperature for the period 1958-2009 from Huayao station, located within the MV was used. We defined a cold episode as the period when daily minimum temperature drops below the 10-percentile for at least one day. Several gridded reanalysis and satellite products were used to characterize the large-scale circulation, cloud cover and rainfall over SA associated with these events for same period. Cold episodes in the MV are associated with positive OLR anomalies, which extend over much of the central Andes, indicating reduced convective cloud cover during these extremes, but also affirm the large-scale nature of these events. At the same time, northeastern Brazil (NEB) registers negative OLR anomalies, strong convective activity and enhanced cloud cover because displacement of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) toward the northeast of its climatologic position. Further, it is associated with a weakening of the Bolivian High - Nordeste Low (BH-NL) system at upper levels, but also influenced by a low-level migratory high-pressure center develops at 30°S, 50°W; propagating from mid- to low latitudes as part of an extratropical Rossby wave train. In conclusion, cold episodes in the MV appear to be caused by radiative cooling associated with reduced cloudiness, rather than cold air advection. The reduced cloud cover in turn results from a robust large-scale pattern of westerly wind anomalies over central Peruvian Andes, inhibiting moisture influx, convective activity and

  18. Tectonic geomorphology of the Andes with SIR-A and SIR-B (United States)

    Bloom, Arthur L.; Fielding, Eric J.


    Data takes from SIR-A and SIR-B (Shuttle Imaging Radar) crossed all of the principal geomorphic provinces of the central Andes between 17 and 34 S latitude. In conjunction with Thematic Mapping images and photographs from hand-held cameras as well as from the Large Format Camera that was flown with SIR-B, the radar images give an excellent sampling of Andean geomorphology. In particular, the radar images show new details of volcanic rocks and landforms of late Cenozoic age in the Puna, and the exhumed surfaces of tilted blocks of Precambrian crystalline basement in the Sierras Pampeanas.

  19. Glacier monitoring and glacier-climate interactions in the tropical Andes: A review (United States)

    Veettil, Bijeesh Kozhikkodan; Wang, Shanshan; Florêncio de Souza, Sergio; Bremer, Ulisses Franz; Simões, Jefferson Cardia


    In this review, we summarized the evolution of glacier monitoring in the tropical Andes during the last few decades, particularly after the development of remote sensing and photogrammetry. Advantages and limitations of glacier mapping, applied so far, in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia are discussed in detail. Glacier parameters such as the equilibrium line altitude, snowline and mass balance were given special attention in understanding the complex cryosphere-climate interactions, particularly using remote sensing techniques. Glaciers in the inner and the outer tropics were considered separately based on the precipitation and temperature conditions within a new framework. The applicability of various methods to use glacier records to understand and reconstruct the tropical Andean climate between the Last Glacial Maximum (11,700 years ago) and the present is also explored in this paper. Results from various studies published recently were analyzed and we tried to understand the differences in the magnitudes of glacier responses towards the climatic perturbations in the inner tropics and the outer tropics. Inner tropical glaciers, particularly those in Venezuela and Colombia near the January Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), are more vulnerable to increase in temperature. Surface energy balance experiments show that outer tropical glaciers respond to precipitation variability very rapidly in comparison with the temperature variability, particularly when moving towards the subtropics. We also analyzed the gradients in glacier response to climate change from the Pacific coast towards the Amazon Basin as well as with the elevation. Based on the current trends synthesised from recent studies, it is hypothesized that the glaciers in the inner tropics and the southern wet outer tropics will disappear first as a response to global warming whereas glaciers in the northern wet outer tropics and dry outer tropics show resistance to warming trends due to

  20. GIS as a tool in participatory natural resource management: Examples from the Peruvian Andes


    Bussink, C.


    Metadata only record Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are often seen as incompatible with participatory processes. However, since the late 1990s, attempts have been made in numerous projects around the world to define 'best practices' for improved natural resource management projects that integrate participation and accurate spatial information, using GIS (for example, see This article describes a project in the Peruvian Andes where spatial informa...

  1. The Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (mjo) on Extreme Rainfall Over the Central and Southern Peruvian Andes (United States)

    Heidinger, H.; Jones, C.; Carvalho, L. V.


    Extreme rainfall is important for the Andean region because of the large contribution of these events to the seasonal totals and consequent impacts on water resources for agriculture, water consumption, industry and hydropower generation, as well as the occurrence of floods and landslides. Over Central and Southern Peruvian Andes (CSPA), rainfall exceeding the 90th percentile contributed between 44 to 100% to the total Nov-Mar 1979-2010 rainfall. Additionally, precipitation from a large majority of stations in the CSPA exhibits statistically significant spectral peaks on intraseasonal time-scales (20 to 70 days). The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is the most important intraseasonal mode of atmospheric circulation and moist convection in the tropics and the occurrence of extreme weather events worldwide. Mechanisms explaining the relationships between the MJO and precipitation in the Peruvian Andes have not been properly described yet. The present study examines the relationships between the activity and phases of the MJO and the occurrence of extreme rainfall over the CSPA. We found that the frequency of extreme rainfall events increase in the CSPA when the MJO is active. MJO phases 5, 6 and 7 contribute to the overall occurrence of extreme rainfall events over the CSPA. However, how the MJO phases modulate extreme rainfall depends on the location of the stations. For instance, extreme precipitation (above the 90th percentile) in stations in the Amazon basin are slightly more sensitive to phases 2, 3 and 4; the frequency of extremes in stations in the Pacific basin increases in phases 5, 6 and 7 whereas phase 2, 3 and 7 modulates extreme precipitation in stations in the Titicaca basin. Greater variability among stations is observed when using the 95th and 99th percentiles to identify extremes. Among the main mechanisms that explain the increase in extreme rainfall events in the Peruvian Andes is the intensification of the easterly moisture flux anomalies, which


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    Full Text Available Entre agosto de 2005 y julio de 2006 estudiamos la fenología, la biología floral y elsistema reproductivo de una población de Oenocarpus bataua (Palmae en los Andescolombianos. Evaluamos el sistema de polinización y determinamos la abundancia,el comportamiento y la eficiencia de los polinizadores. La población floreció a lolargo del año con un pico entre diciembre y enero. Cada inflorescencia pasa poruna fase masculina, una intermedia no reproductiva y una fase femenina. La antesisocurre en la noche, con producción de aromas y aumento en la temperatura de lasinflorescencias. Durante la fase masculina la temperatura de la inflorescencia fue 5.8ºC, mayor que la temperatura ambiental y mayor que el aumento de la temperaturaen la fase femenina 4.2 ºC. El aroma floral está compuesto predominantemente porα-gurjuneno, ciclozativeno y trans-cariofileno. Las flores fueron visitadas por 81especies de artrópodos, principalmente de Coleópteros. Las inflorescencias en fasemasculina son visitadas en busca de alimento (polen, tejidos vegetales, presa ylugar para apareamiento. Las flores femeninas no ofrecen recompensas y atraen a lospolinizadores por mimetismo químico. La similitud entre los compuestos químicosdel aroma de las inflorescencias en fase masculina y femenina de O. bataua es alta(92%, como ocurre en otras especies de palmas. O. bataua es monoica, xenogámica,autoincompatible y dicogámica con protandria marcada. No encontramos evidenciade transporte de polen a grandes distancias por el viento y al parecer la polinizaciónes principalmente por Coleópteros. Las siguientes especies fueron los polinizadoresmás efectivos, Baridinae Gen 4, sp. 1, Phyllotrox sp. 35, Anchylorhynchus sp.2, Anchylorhynchus tricarinatus (Curculionidae y Mystrops sp. 1 (Nitidulidae,los cuales son responsables del 97 % del flujo de polen entre inflorescencias. Ladependencia mutua, el grado de interrelación y la distribución geográfica similarentre O. bataua

  3. Holocene compression in the Acequión valley (Andes Precordillera, San Juan province, Argentina): Geomorphic, tectonic, and paleoseismic evidence (United States)

    Audemard, M.; Franck, A.; Perucca, L.; Laura, P.; Pantano, Ana; Avila, Carlos R.; Onorato, M. Romina; Vargas, Horacio N.; Alvarado, Patricia; Viete, Hewart


    The Matagusanos-Maradona-Acequión Valley sits within the Andes Precordillera fold-thrust belt of western Argentina. It is an elongated topographic depression bounded by the roughly N-S trending Precordillera Central and Oriental in the San Juan Province. Moreover, it is not a piggy-back basin as we could have expected between two ranges belonging to a fold-thrust belt, but a very active tectonic corridor coinciding with a thick-skinned triangular zone, squeezed between two different tectonic domains. The two domains converge, where the Precordillera Oriental has been incorporated to the Sierras Pampeanas province, becoming the western leading edge of the west-verging broken foreland Sierras Pampeanas domain. This latter province has been in turn incorporated into the active deformation framework of the Andes back-arc at these latitudes as a result of enhanced coupling between the converging plates due to the subduction of the Juan Fernández ridge that flattens the Nazca slab under the South American continent. This study focuses on the neotectonics of the southern tip of this N-S elongated depression, known as Acequión (from the homonym river that crosses the area), between the Del Agua and Los Pozos rivers. This depression dies out against the transversely oriented Precordillera Sur, which exhibits a similar tectonic style as Precordillera Occidental and Central (east-verging fold-thrust belt). This contribution brings supporting evidence of the ongoing deformation during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene of the triangular zone bounded between the two leading and converging edges of Precordillera Central and Oriental thrust fronts, recorded in a multi-episodic lake sequence of the Acequión and Nikes rivers. The herein gathered evidence comprise Late Pleistocene-Holocene landforms of active thrusting, fault kinematics (micro-tectonic) data and outcrop-scale (meso-tectonic) faulting and folding of recent lake and alluvial sequences. In addition, seismically

  4. La geografía diferencial de los derechos: entre la regulación del trabajo forzado en los países coloniales y la disociación entre trabajadores e indígenas en los Andes (1920-1954)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barragàn, R.; Caruso, Laura; Stagnate, Andrés


    En los países andinos de Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia, los indígenas podían representar entre el 60 y hasta el 90% de su población; vivían relativamente autónomos en comunidades, pero cuando lo hacían en haciendas se encontraban sujetos a relaciones laborales descritas bajo diversos grados de

  5. Overriding plate shortening and extension above subduction zones : A parametric study to explain formation of the Andes Mountains

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schellart, Wouter P.


    Mountain building above subduction zones, such as observed in the Andes, is enigmatic, and the key parameter controlling the underlying dynamics remains a matter of considerable debate. A global survey of subduction zones is presented here, illustrating the correlation between overriding plate

  6. ASTER Andes (United States)


    In this image of the Andes along the Chile-Bolivia border, the visible and infrared data have been computer enhanced to exaggerate the color differences of the different materials. The scene is dominated by the Pampa Luxsar lava complex, occupying the upper right two-thirds of the scene. Lava flows are distributed around remnants of large dissected cones, the largest of which is Cerro Luxsar. On the middle left edge of the image are the Olca and Parumastrato volcanoes, which appear in blue due to a lack of vegetation (colored red in this composite). This image covers an area 60 kilometers (37 miles) wide and 60 kilometers (37 miles) long in three bands of the reflected visible and infrared wavelength region. It was acquired on April 7, 2000.The image is located at 21 degrees south latitude, 68.3 degrees west longitude. Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) is one of five Earth-observing instruments launched December 18, 1999, on NASA's Terra satellite. The instrument was built by Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry. A joint U.S./Japan science team is responsible for validation and calibration of the instrument and the data products. Dr. Anne Kahle at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, is the U.S. science team leader; Moshe Pniel of JPL is the project manager. ASTER is the only high-resolution imaging sensor on Terra. The primary goal of the ASTER mission is to obtain high-resolution image data in 14 channels over the entire land surface, as well as black and white stereo images. With revisit time of between 4 and 16 days, ASTER will provide the capability for repeat coverage of changing areas on Earth's surface.The broad spectral coverage and high spectral resolution of ASTER will provide scientists in numerous disciplines with critical information for surface mapping and monitoring dynamic conditions and temporal change. Examples of applications include monitoring glacial advances and retreats

  7. Complex brittle deformation pattern along the Southern Patagonian Andes (Argentina) (United States)

    Barberón, Vanesa; Sue, Christian; Ronda, Gonzalo; Ghiglione, Matías


    The Southern Patagonian Andes is located in the southern extreme of the Pacific subduction zone, where the Antartic oceanic plate sinks underneath South America. The history of the area begins with compression during Paleozoic, Jurassic extension associated to the rift and opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, then a sag stage in the Lower Cretaceous followed by a foreland phase as a result of plate tectonics (Ghiglione et al., 2016). The kinematic study is concentrated in the Argentinean foothills, between 46°40' and 48° SL. We measured around 800 fault planes and their striaes with the sense of movement in order to characterize the stress field. The software used to make the stress inversion were Tensor (Delvaux, 2011) and Multiple Inverse Method MIM (Yamaji et al., 2011). The stress field map was built with the results of the MIM. We present new data from 48 sites located in the northern sector of the Southern Patagonian Andes. The measurements were made in several rocks from Paleozoic to Lower Cretaceous, even though most were taken in pyroclastic jurassic rocks from El Quemado Complex. Paleostress tensors obtained are mostly strike-slip, although a 25% is normal and there are a few compresional. The pattern of faults found is complex. In some sites the tensor can be locally linked to satellite images and observations from the field or be related to a major thrust front. There is no clear correlation between the age and/or lithology with the tensor since the youngest rocks measured are Lower Cretaceous. Probably there are several generations of family faults connected to different and recent tectonic phases then the paleostress tensors might correspond to the latest tectonic events.

  8. Changes in Andes snow cover from MODIS data, 2000-2016 (United States)

    Saavedra, Freddy A.; Kampf, Stephanie K.; Fassnacht, Steven R.; Sibold, Jason S.


    The Andes span a length of 7000 km and are important for sustaining regional water supplies. Snow variability across this region has not been studied in detail due to sparse and unevenly distributed instrumental climate data. We calculated snow persistence (SP) as the fraction of time with snow cover for each year between 2000 and 2016 from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite sensors (500 m, 8-day maximum snow cover extent). This analysis is conducted between 8 and 36° S due to high frequency of cloud (> 30 % of the time) south and north of this range. We ran Mann-Kendall and Theil-Sens analyses to identify areas with significant changes in SP and snowline (the line at lower elevation where SP = 20 %). We evaluated how these trends relate to temperature and precipitation from Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications-2 (MERRA2) and University of Delaware datasets and climate indices as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Southern Annular Mode (SAM), and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Areas north of 29° S have limited snow cover, and few trends in snow persistence were detected. A large area (34 370 km2) with persistent snow cover between 29 and 36° S experienced a significant loss of snow cover (2-5 fewer days of snow year-1). Snow loss was more pronounced (62 % of the area with significant trends) on the east side of the Andes. We also found a significant increase in the elevation of the snowline at 10-30 m year-1 south of 29-30° S. Decreasing SP correlates with decreasing precipitation and increasing temperature, and the magnitudes of these correlations vary with latitude and elevation. ENSO climate indices better predicted SP conditions north of 31° S, whereas the SAM better predicted SP south of 31° S.

  9. El impacto del cambio climático en los glaciares del complejo volcánico Nevado Coropuna, (Cordillera Occidental de los Andes Centrales)


    Ubeda Palenque, José


    El objetivo de la investigación ha sido evaluar el impacto del cambio climático en los glaciares del Nevado Coropuna, que en la actualidad recubren el área de cumbres de ese complejo de edificios volcánicos alcanzando una superficie de casi medio centenar de km2. El interés del trabajo de investigación se debe a tres razones principales: 1) De esas masas de hielo depende el abastecimiento de varias decenas de miles de personas; 2) El escenario de riesgo que se deduce de la localización vulner...

  10. [Fertility and reproductive behavior in Peru: Andes mountains and the Amazon basin]. (United States)

    Fort, A L


    "The article attempts to discuss the historical and contemporary situations of [fertility among] populations residing in the two least studied areas of Peru: the Andes mountains and the Amazon basin. The study starts with a review of the 'demographic catastrophe' that the Spanish presence meant to the people of these areas.... The harmful effects of the 'rubber boom' and, more recently, of the 'oil boom', periods are also reviewed." Fertility trends in the two areas are analyzed, with a focus on marriage, breast-feeding, and contraceptive use. (SUMMARY IN ENG) excerpt

  11. The role of climate in the accumulation of lithium-rich brine in the Central Andes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godfrey, L.V.; Chan, L.-H.; Alonso, R.N.; Lowenstein, T.K.; McDonough, W.F.; Houston, J.; Li, J.; Bobst, A.; Jordan, T.E.


    Highlights: • δ 7 Li of waters and rocks in the Central Andes were measured. • Halite/brine partition coefficients of lithium and δ 7 Li of halite were determined. • Li-rich brines have a high component of fluids of geothermal origin. • Removal of lithium by clays is minor relative to other regions of the world. • The weathering flux of lithium and sodium decouple according to climate state. - Abstract: Lithium-rich brine within the sub-surface of the Salar del Hombre Muerto (SHM) salt pan in the Andes of northwestern Argentina has a chemical and isotopic composition which is consistent with Li derived from several sources: the modern halite saturated lagoon, Li-rich salts and brines formed recently, and dissolution of halite which precipitated from ancient saline lakes. SHM lies in the closed basin that includes part of the massive Cerro Galán caldera which is drained by the Río los Patos, which is responsible for 90% of surface runoff into the salar. The low Li isotope composition, +3.4‰, of this river is consistent with significant contributions of geothermal spring water. As water drains through the volcaniclastic deposits which cover a large proportion of the basin, Li removal, as indicated by decreasing Li/Na, occurs but without significant isotope fractionation. This indicates a mechanism of surface sorption onto smectite or ferrihydrite rather than Li incorporation into octahedral structural sites of clays. These observations suggest that conditions in this high altitude desert have limited the dilution of hydrothermal spring water as well as the formation of clay minerals, which jointly have allowed the Li resource to accumulate rapidly. Changes in climate on a multi-millennial time scale, specifically in the hydrologic budget, have resulted in solute accumulation rates that have been variable through time, and decoupled Li and Na fluxes. Inflow to the salar under modern conditions has high Li/Na (7.9 × 10 −3 by wt) with δ 7 Li

  12. Two new species of Leptanilloides Mann, 1823 (Formicidae: Dorylinae from the Andes of southern Ecuador

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thibaut Delsinne


    Full Text Available Two new species of Leptanilloides are described: L. copalinga Delsinne & Donoso sp. nov., and L. prometea Delsinne & Donoso sp. nov., based on workers collected in the leaf litter and soil of the Andes of southern Ecuador. Both species belong to the L. biconstricta species-group (formally diagnosed here. The metatibial gland, considered a synapomorphy for Dorylinae, is observed in L. prometea sp. nov. but seems absent in L. copalinga sp. nov. We provide a COI DNA barcode for both species and a revised key for the worker caste of all known species in the genus. We also describe a single male identified as a potential new Leptanilloides species on the basis of morphology. Furthermore, its mitochondrial COI gene sequence does not match any previously barcoded species. However, we refrain from giving it a specific name because of our lack of knowledge about the worker caste. So far, half of the 14 Leptanilloides species have been discovered above 1500 m in the mountain forests or páramos of the Ecuadorian Andes, confirming, if needed, the biological significance of these threatened habitats.

  13. Diversification in the Andes: age and origins of South American Heliotropium lineages (Heliotropiaceae, Boraginales). (United States)

    Luebert, Federico; Hilger, Hartmut H; Weigend, Maximilian


    The uplift of the Andes was a major factor for plant diversification in South America and had significant effects on the climatic patterns at the continental scale. It was crucial for the formation of the arid environments in south-eastern and western South America. However, both the timing of the major stages of the Andean uplift and the onset of aridity in western South America remain controversial. In this paper we examine the hypothesis that the Andean South American groups of Heliotropium originated and diversified in response to Andean orogeny during the late Miocene and a the subsequent development of aridity. To this end, we estimate divergence times and likely biogeographical origins of the major clades in the phylogeny of Heliotropium, using both Bayesian and likelihood methods. Divergence times of all Andean clades in Heliotropium are estimated to be of late Miocene or Pliocene ages. At least three independent Andean diversification events can be recognized within Heliotropium. Timing of the diversification in the Andean lineages Heliotropium sects.Heliothamnus, Cochranea, Heliotrophytum, Hypsogenia, Plagiomeris, Platygyne clearly correspond to a rapid, late Miocene uplift of the Andes and a Pliocene development of arid environments in South America. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Transboundary protected area proposals along the Southern Andes of Chile and Argentina: Status of current efforts (United States)

    Peter Keller


    An evolving network of protected areas along the southern Andes of Chile and Argentina-the heart of Patagonia-are in various stages of evaluation and potential Transboundary Protected Area designations. This paper examines three such efforts. The first proposal is the North Andean-Patagonia Regional Eco-Corridor, which was the subject of a recent bilateral meeting...

  15. The Wiphala Genomics: the deployment of molecular markers in small-scale potato crop systems in the Bolivian Andes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Puente, D.


    The deployment of molecular markers in the small-scale potato systems in the Bolivian Andes takes place within two contradictory understandings of potato biodiversity. On the one hand, biodiversity is understood as raw material; farmers' varieties have no intrinsic value, value is added by breeders

  16. Kas Arnold Rüütel valetas süümevannet andes? / Anneli Ammas, Garel Püüa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ammas, Anneli, 1962-


    Autorite hinnangul tekib 31. augustil Eesti Ekspressis ilmunud artikli põhjal, milles käsitleti Johannes Hindi represseerimist, küsimus, kas Arnold Rüütel on valetanud Eesti Vabariigile korduvalt süümevannet andes. TÜ professori Kalle Meruski seisukoht. Lisa: Rüütel käskis kontrolli tugevdada

  17. Aspectos que influyen en las estrategias de marketing de distribución y publicidad en Huancayo, Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Maria Matas Castañeda


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es analizar la situación actual de las principales estrategias de marketing en las variables de distribución y comunicación de Huancayo, capital del departamento de Junín, una de las más importantes zonas de los Andes Centrales del Perú. Esta región tiene como ciudad próxima de importancia a la ciudad de Lima, la capital peruana, que se encuentra a unas ocho horas con los medios de transporte actuales, después de atravesar los Andes y llegar hasta la costa. La mayoría de carreteras en los Andes y hasta la selva han sido sin asfaltar y complicadas aun los últimos años, por lo que el desplazamiento entre ciudades lo hacían pocas personas. Ello explica que tenga formas de distribución y comunicación propias. La llegada del primer centro comercial y la utilización de medios digitales están transformando las formas tradicionales de distribución y comunicación. El trabajo también analiza cómo se manifiesta la variable de comunicación en el marketing mix de las empresas huancaínas y cómo han influido la llegada de los medios digitales.

  18. The System Nobody Sees: Irrigated Wetland Management and Alpaca Herding in the Peruvian Andes


    Verzijl, A.; Guerrero Quispe, S.


    Increasingly, attention in regional, national, and international water governance arenas has focused on high-altitude wetlands. However, existing local water management practices in these wetlands are often overlooked. This article looks at the irrigation activities of alpaca herders in the community of Ccarhuancho in the Central Andes of Peru. For more than two centuries, they have been constructing small-scale irrigation canals to maintain and expand the local wetlands, called bofedales. Th...

  19. MATERIAS PRIMAS, CONTEXTO Y PROCEDENCIA DE CUENTAS DE COLLAR EN LOS SITIOS ALAMITO (DEPTO. ANDALGALÁ, CATAMARCA (Raw Materials, Context, and Provenance of Necklace Beads at Alamito Sites (Andalgalá Department, Catamarca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Soledad Gianfrancisco


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de análisis físicos y químicos efectuados sobre un conjunto de bienes ornamentales procedentes de los sitios Alamito. La identificación de materia prima alóctona empleada para su manufactura y la ausencia de elementos sustanciales que den cuenta de una producción local de los mismos nos permiten plantear la hipótesis de que fueron adquiridos mediante mecanismos de intercambio, como otros de los tantos productos que circularon en el flujo interregional de bienes en el contexto macrorregional del área surandina. ENGLISH: This paper presents the results of physical and chemical analyses carried out on a set of ornamental goods from Alamito sites. The identification of allochthonous material used for their manufacture and the absence of substantial elements that would indicate local production allow us to put forward the hypothesis that these ornamental goods were acquired through trade, like many other products that circulated through the interregional flow of goods in the macro-regional context of the southern Andes.

  20. Constraints on deformation of the Southern Andes since the Cretaceous from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (United States)

    Maffione, Marco; Hernandez-Moreno, Catalina; Ghiglione, Matias C.; Speranza, Fabio; van Hinsbergen, Douwe J. J.; Lodolo, Emanuele


    The southernmost segment of the Andean Cordillera underwent a complex deformation history characterized by alternation of contractional, extensional, and strike-slip tectonics. Key elements of southern Andean deformation that remain poorly constrained, include the origin of the orogenic bend known as the Patagonian Orocline (here renamed as Patagonian Arc), and the exhumation mechanism of an upper amphibolite facies metamorphic complex currently exposed in Cordillera Darwin. Here, we present results of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) from 22 sites in Upper Cretaceous to upper Eocene sedimentary rocks within the internal structural domain of the Magallanes fold-and-thrust belt in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). AMS parameters from most sites reveal a weak tectonic overprint of the original magnetic fabric, which was likely acquired upon layer-parallel shortening soon after sedimentation. Magnetic lineation from 17 sites is interpreted to have formed during compressive tectonic phases associated to a continuous N-S contraction. Our data, combined with the existing AMS database from adjacent areas, show that the Early Cretaceous-late Oligocene tectonic phases in the Southern Andes yielded continuous contraction, variable from E-W in the Patagonian Andes to N-S in the Fuegian Andes, which defined a radial strain field. A direct implication is that the exhumation of the Cordillera Darwin metamorphic complex occurred under compressive, rather than extensional or strike-slip tectonics, as alternatively proposed. If we agree with recent works considering the curved Magallanes fold-and-thrust belt as a primary arc (i.e., no relative vertical-axis rotation of the limbs occurs during its formation), then other mechanisms different from oroclinal bending should be invoked to explain the documented radial strain field. We tentatively propose a kinematic model in which reactivation of variably oriented Jurassic faults at the South American continental margin controlled

  1. Unexpected Climatological Behavior of MLT Gravity Wave Momentum Flux in the Lee of the Southern Andes Hot Spot (United States)

    DeWit, R. J.; Janches, D.; Fritts, D. C.; Stockwell, R. G.; Coy, L.


    The Southern Argentina Agile MEteor Radar (SAAMER), located at Tierra del Fuego (53.7degS, 67.7degW), has been providing near-continuous high-resolution measurements of winds and high-frequency gravity wave (GW) momentum fluxes of the mesopause region since May 2008. As SAAMER is located in the lee of the largest seasonal GW hot spot on Earth, this is a key location to study GWs and their interaction with large-scale motions. GW momentum flux climatologies are shown for the first time for this location and discussed in light of these unique dynamics. Particularly, the large eastward GW momentum fluxes during local winter are surprising, as these observations cannot be explained by the direct upward propagation of expected large-amplitude mountain waves (MWs) through the eastward stratospheric jet. Instead, these results are interpreted as secondary GWs propagating away from stratospheric sources over the Andes accompanying MW breaking over the Southern Andes.

  2. Los paradigmas de la ‘nueva’ ruralidad a debate: el proyecto de desarrollo de los pueblos indígenas y negros del Ecuador

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    Víctor Bretón Solo de Zaldívar


    actuación. Los resultados  de esta experiencia en los Andes del Ecuador permitirá revisar, al final del ensayo, sobre el proyecto  cultural del neoliberalismo y sus implicaciones para  el movimiento indígena ecuatoriano.

  3. Estimation of slip scenarios of mega-thrust earthquakes and strong motion simulations for Central Andes, Peru (United States)

    Pulido, N.; Tavera, H.; Aguilar, Z.; Chlieh, M.; Calderon, D.; Sekiguchi, T.; Nakai, S.; Yamazaki, F.


    We have developed a methodology for the estimation of slip scenarios for megathrust earthquakes based on a model of interseismic coupling (ISC) distribution in subduction margins obtained from geodetic data, as well as information of recurrence of historical earthquakes. This geodetic slip model (GSM) delineates the long wavelength asperities within the megathrust. For the simulation of strong ground motion it becomes necessary to introduce short wavelength heterogeneities to the source slip to be able to efficiently simulate high frequency ground motions. To achieve this purpose we elaborate "broadband" source models constructed by combining the GSM with several short wavelength slip distributions obtained from a Von Karman PSD function with random phases. Our application of the method to Central Andes in Peru, show that this region has presently the potential of generating an earthquake with moment magnitude of 8.9, with a peak slip of 17 m and a source area of approximately 500 km along strike and 165 km along dip. For the strong motion simulations we constructed 12 broadband slip models, and consider 9 possible hypocenter locations for each model. We performed strong motion simulations for the whole central Andes region (Peru), spanning an area from the Nazca ridge (16^o S) to the Mendana fracture (9^o S). For this purpose we use the hybrid strong motion simulation method of Pulido et al. (2004), improved to handle a general slip distribution. Our simulated PGA and PGV distributions indicate that a region of at least 500 km along the coast of central Andes is subjected to a MMI intensity of approximately 8, for the slip model that yielded the largest ground motions among the 12 slip models considered, averaged for all assumed hypocenter locations. This result is in agreement with the macroseismic intensity distribution estimated for the great 1746 earthquake (M~9) in central Andes (Dorbath et al. 1990). Our results indicate that the simulated PGA and PGV for

  4. East of the Andes: The genetic profile of the Peruvian Amazon populations. (United States)

    Di Corcia, T; Sanchez Mellado, C; Davila Francia, T J; Ferri, G; Sarno, S; Luiselli, D; Rickards, O


    Assuming that the differences between the Andes and the Amazon rainforest at environmental and historical levels have influenced the distribution patterns of genes, languages, and cultures, the maternal and paternal genetic reconstruction of the Peruvian Amazon populations was used to test the relationships within and between these two extreme environments. We analyzed four Peruvian Amazon communities (Ashaninka, Huambisa, Cashibo, and Shipibo) for both Y chromosome (17 STRs and 8 SNPs) and mtDNA data (control region sequences, two diagnostic sites of the coding region, and one INDEL), and we studied their variability against the rest of South America. We detected a high degree of genetic diversity in the Peruvian Amazon people, both for mtDNA than for Y chromosome, excepting for Cashibo people, who seem to have had no exchanges with their neighbors, in contrast with the others communities. The genetic structure follows the divide between the Andes and the Amazon, but we found a certain degree of gene flow between these two environments, as particularly emerged with the Y chromosome descent cluster's (DCs) analysis. The Peruvian Amazon is home to an array of populations with differential rates of genetic exchanges with their neighbors and with the Andean people, depending on their peculiar demographic histories. We highlighted some successful Y chromosome lineages expansions originated in Peru during the pre-Columbian history which involved both Andeans and Amazon Arawak people, showing that at least a part of the Amazon rainforest did not remain isolated from those exchanges. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. "Comprender los rituales ganaderos en los Andes y más allá. Etnografías de lidias herranzas y arrierías". Juan Javier Rivera Andía (ed.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Héctor Manuel Medina Miranda


    Full Text Available El estudio de las prácticas ganaderas en las sociedades amerindias nos obliga, en todos los casos, a atestiguar la avidez con la que dichos grupos se apropiaron de los animales que no existían en el “nuevo continente”. Nos apremia a contemplar la capacidad de innovación indígena, que sin dilación incluyó a los nuevos ganados en las prácticas rituales y el pensamiento mítico preexistente. En algunas regiones de América, hablar de “ganadería prehispánica” equivaldría a disertar acerca de la “hípica azteca”, la “urbanística gitana”, la “agricultura antártica” o cualquier otra de las asignaturas imposibles que Umberto Eco imaginara para su novela El péndulo de Foucault. Sin embargo, este no es el caso de la región andina, donde la crianza de camélidos –principalmente la llama y la alpaca– han ocupado un lugar por demás importante desde tiempos inmemorables.

  6. Compositional data supports decentralized model of production and circulation of artifacts in the pre-Columbian south-central Andes. (United States)

    Lazzari, Marisa; Pereyra Domingorena, Lucas; Stoner, Wesley D; Scattolin, María Cristina; Korstanje, María Alejandra; Glascock, Michael D


    The circulation and exchange of goods and resources at various scales have long been considered central to the understanding of complex societies, and the Andes have provided a fertile ground for investigating this process. However, long-standing archaeological emphasis on typological analysis, although helpful to hypothesize the direction of contacts, has left important aspects of ancient exchange open to speculation. To improve understanding of ancient exchange practices and their potential role in structuring alliances, we examine material exchanges in northwest Argentina (part of the south-central Andes) during 400 BC to AD 1000 (part of the regional Formative Period), with a multianalytical approach (petrography, instrumental neutron activation analysis, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) to artifacts previously studied separately. We assess the standard centralized model of interaction vs. a decentralized model through the largest provenance database available to date in the region. The results show: ( i ) intervalley heterogeneity of clays and fabrics for ordinary wares; ( ii ) intervalley homogeneity of clays and fabrics for a wide range of decorated wares (e.g., painted Ciénaga); ( iii ) selective circulation of two distinct polychrome wares (Vaquerías and Condorhuasi); ( iv ) generalized access to obsidian from one major source and various minor sources; and ( v ) selective circulation of volcanic rock tools from a single source. These trends reflect the multiple and conflicting demands experienced by people in small-scale societies, which may be difficult to capitalize by aspiring elites. The study undermines centralized narratives of exchange for this period, offering a new platform for understanding ancient exchange based on actual material transfers, both in the Andes and beyond.

  7. Culture and landslide risk in the Central Andes of Bolivia and Peru

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    Nicholas Roberts


    Full Text Available Culture and its heritage play a major role in determining landslide risk in the Central Andes. Examples of some of these many possible influences are provided from natural and social science literature and from the author’s recent work in Bolivia. Landslide risk appears to have generally increased throughout the last millennium, due largely to anthropogenic modification of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and coping capacity. These changes result from both local and distant pressures and from contemporaneous and pervious cultural factors. Consequently, holistic examination of landslide risk necessitates consideration of culture and its heritage.

  8. Entre la teoría y la técnica: los inicios de la fisiología de altura en el Perú

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    Full Text Available ENTRE LA THEORIE ET LA TECHNIQUE : LES DEBUTS DE LA PHYSIOLOGIE D’ALTITUDE AU PEROU. Dans cet article, l’auteur analyse l’histoire de la physiologie péruvienne en mettant l’accent sur l’émergence de deux processus distincts, et parfois opposés, qui caractérisent les premières années des études sur l’altitude au Pérou : d’un côté, la proposition d’affirmations théoriques ambitieuses sur la particularité biologique de la vie dans les Andes, et de l’autre, l’accent mis sur l’aspect technologique, les instruments et l’équipement sophistiqué pour réaliser des expériences trés spécialisées. L’auteur conclut en affirmant que paradoxalement, le caractère routinier et répétitif des deux processus finit par provoquer une certaine perte de l’originalité du travail de terrain. En este ensayo el autor analiza la historia de la fisiología peruana concentrándose en la emergencia de dos procesos distintos, y a veces enfrentados, que caracterizaron los primeros años de estudios sobre la altura en el Perú. Tenemos por un lado, la propuesta de ambiciosas afirmaciones teóricas sobre la particularidad biológica de la vida en los Andes, y por otro lado, el énfasis en el dominio tecnológico de instrumentos y equipo sofisticado, para realizar experimentos muy particulares. El ensayo concluye afirmando que paradójicamente ambos procesos, al volverse rutinarios y repetitivos, terminaron produciendo cierta perdida de la originalidad en el campo. BETWEEN THEORY AND TECHNOLOGY: THE FIRST STEP IN THE PHYSIOLOGY OF ALTITUDE IN PERU. In this essay the author revises the history of peruvian physiology focusing in the emergence of two different and somewhat confronted developments which characterized the first years of high altitude studies in Peru. In the one had the proposal of ambitious theoretical assertions of the biological peculiarity of human life in the Andes. On the other hand, the emphasis in technological expertise of

  9. The Neogene rise of the tropical Andes facilitated diversification of wax palms (Ceroxylon: Arecaceae) through geographical colonization and climatic niche separation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sanín, María José; Kissling, W. Daniel; Bacon, Christine D.


    The tropical Andes are a biodiversity hotspot, partly due to their rich and complex floristic composition. A fundamental question regarding this outstanding biodiversity is what role the Andean orogeny has played in species diversification. Ceroxylon is a genus of endemic Andean palms that stands...... gradients. Ancestral areas were reconstructed under a model allowing for founder-event speciation and climatic niches were inferred from climatic variables at present-day occurrences of all species. Niche evolution in a phylogenetic framework was evaluated by testing differences between the climatic niches...... of clades. Our analyses identified four main clades, with a general pattern of diversification through geographical colonization from south to north after the Pliocene uplift of the northern Andes. Adaptation to low temperatures was conserved at the generic level, with climatic niche differentiation among...

  10. Permafrost distribution map of San Juan Dry Andes (Argentina) based on rock glacier sites (United States)

    Esper Angillieri, María Yanina


    Rock glaciers are frozen water reservoirs in mountainous areas. Water resources are important for the local populations and economies. The presence of rock glaciers is commonly used as a direct indicator of mountain permafrost conditions. Over 500 active rock glaciers have been identified, showing that elevations between 3500 and 4500 m asl., a south-facing or east-facing aspect, areas with relatively low solar radiation and low mean annual air temperature (-4 to 0 °C) favour the existence of rock glaciers in this region. The permafrost probability model, for Dry Andes of San Juan Province between latitudes 28º30‧S and 32°30‧S, have been analyzed by logistic regression models based on the active rock glaciers occurrence in relation to some topoclimatic variables such as altitude, aspect, mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation and solar radiation, using optical remote sensing techniques in a GIS environment. The predictive performances of the model have been estimated by known rock glaciers locations and by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC). This regional permafrost map can be applied by the Argentinean Government for their recent initiatives which include creating inventories, monitoring and studying ice masses along the Argentinean Andes. Further, this generated map provides valuable input data for permafrost scenarios and contributes to a better understanding of our geosystem.

  11. Importancia de la heterogeneidad de hábitats para la biodiversidad de hormigas en los Andes de Colombia

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    Mónica Ramírez Ramírez


    Full Text Available Entre marzo y octubre de 2002 se compararon los ensamblajes de hormigas que forrajean en el suelo en un sistema no manejado (reserva natural El Ciprés y en algunas fincas vecinas. En dos transectos de 100 m se instalaron estaciones de muestreo cada 10 m con trampa de caída (pitfall y cebo de atún epígeo durante 880 h y 92 días respectivamente. En 1471 eventos de captura se determinaron 68 especies distribuidas en 26 géneros y 8 subfamilias. En el sistema silvopastoril- guayaba y en monocultivo de granadilla (Passiflora ligularis dominaron las especies de hormigas mientras que la distribución fue más equitativa en los usos del terreno con estructura vegetal más compleja (bosque, café, sucesión temprana y banco de forrajes. El sistema silvopastoril-guayaba fue el más rico en especies (31 seguido por café (30 y por el bosque y la sucesión temprana (29. El flujo de especies fue alto en bosque, café y sucesión temprana, indicando que la calidad de la matriz es factor importante para el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad.

  12. Seasonal and high-resolution variability in hydrochemistry of the Andes-Amazon (United States)

    Burt, E.; West, A. J.


    Stream hydrochemistry acts as a record of integrated catchment processes such as the amount of time it takes precipitation to flow through the subsurface and become streamflow (water transit times), water-rock interaction and biogeochemical cycling. Although it is understood that sampling interval affects observed patterns in hydrochemistry, most studies collect samples on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly schedule due to lack of resources or the difficulty of maintaining automated sampling devices. Here, we attempt to combine information from two sampling time scales, comparing a year-long hydrochemical time series to data from a recent sub-daily sampling campaign. Starting in April 2016, river, soil and rain waters have been collected every two weeks at five small catchments spanning the tropical Andes and Amazon - a natural laboratory for its gradients in topography, erosion rates, precipitation, temperature and flora. Between January and March, 2017, we conducted high frequency sampling for approximately one week at each catchment, sampling at least every four hours including overnight. We will constrain young water fractions (Kirchner, 2016) and storm water fluxes for the experimental catchments using stable isotopes of water as conservative tracers. Major element data will provide the opportunity to make initial constraints on geochemical and hydrologic coupling. Preliminary results suggest that in the Amazon, hydrochemistry patterns are dependent on sampling frequency: the seasonal cycle in stable isotopes of water is highly damped, while the high resolution sampling displays large variability. This suggests that a two-week sampling interval is not frequent enough to capture rapid transport of water, perhaps through preferential flow networks. In the Andes, stable isotopes of water are highly damped in both the seasonal and high resolution cycle, suggesting that the catchment behaves as a "well-mixed" system.

  13. Preliminary Results From the CAUGHT Experiment: Investigation of the North Central Andes Subsurface Using Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Tomography (United States)

    Ryan, J. C.; Ward, K. M.; Porter, R. C.; Beck, S. L.; Zandt, G.; Wagner, L. S.; Minaya, E.; Tavera, H.


    Jamie Ryan, Kevin M. Ward, Ryan Porter, Susan Beck, George Zandt, Lara Wagner, Estela Minaya, and Hernando Tavera The University of Arizona The University of North Carolina San Calixto Observatorio, La Paz, Bolivia IGP, Lima, Peru In order to investigate the interplay between crustal shortening, lithospheric removal, and surface uplift we have deployed 50 broadband seismometers in northwestern Bolivia and southern Peru as part of the interdisciplinary Central Andean Uplift and Geodynamics of High Topography (CAUGHT) project. The morphotectonic units of the central Andes from west to east, consist of the Western Cordillera, the active volcanic arc, the Altiplano, an internally drained basin (~4 km elevation), the Eastern Cordillera, the high peaks (~6 km elevation) of an older fold and thrust belt, the Subandean zone, the lower elevation active fold and thrust belt, and the foreland Beni basin. Between northwestern Bolivia and southern Peru, the Altiplano pinches out north of Lake Titicaca as the Andes narrow northward. The CAUGHT seismic instruments were deployed between 13° to 18° S latitudes to investigate the crust and mantle lithosphere of the central Andes in this transitional zone. In northwest Bolivia, perpendicular to the strike of the Andes, there is a total of 275 km of documented upper crustal shortening (15° to 17°S) (McQuarrie et al, 2008). Associated with the shortening is crustal thickening and possibly lithospheric removal as the thickening lithospheric root becomes unstable. An important first order study is to compare upper crustal shortening estimates with present day crustal thickness. To estimate crustal thickness, we have calculated receiver functions using an iterative deconvolution method and used common conversion point stacking along the same profile as the geologically based shortening estimates. In our preliminary results, we observed a strong P to S conversion corresponding to the Moho at approximately 60-65 km depth underneath the

  14. La necesidad de un Código de Construcción Sostenible para Bogotá: ¿Cómo construir una propuesta?

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    Clemencia Escallón


    Full Text Available La Universidad de los Andes recibió en 2010 el encargo, desde las secretarías de Planeación y Ambiente del Distrito Capital, de revisar, evaluar y diagnosticar el actual Código de Construcción de Bogotá y proponer el marco conceptual que permitiera su actualización a la luz de la sostenibilidad. En este artículo se comentarán las diferencias entre código y estándar, el enfoque planteado para la revisión y las estrategias propuestas por el equipo de la Universidad de los Andes.

  15. First evidence of tumor-like anomaly infestation in Copepods from the central Indian Ridge

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Bhandare, C.; Ingole, B.S.

    manuscript. This is the contribution No. 4338 of NTO, Goa. References 1 Peralta P & Claps M. Plankton of a high mountain shallow lake (Los Horcones, High Los Andes Cordillera, Mendoza, Argentina). Verhandlungen der Int. Vereinigung fuer Theoretische und...

  16. Historia de niños en la guerra

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    Silvia Monroy Alvarez


    Full Text Available Los caminos a la violencia. Vinculación y trayectorias de los niños en los grupos armados ilegales en Colombia. Gustavo Andrade Martínez-Guerra. Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Ciencias Políticas, Colección Prometeo, Bogotá, 2010, 169 págs.

  17. La pluviométrie au Pérou pendant les phases ENSO et LNSO

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    Full Text Available Les données mensuelles (1960-1990 de précipitations de 21 stations situées dans les trois domaines physiques du Pérou (côte, Andes et plaine amazonienne sont analysées lors des phases ENSO et LNSO de l’Oscillation Australe du Pacifique. Ce n’est qu’à Piura, dans la région côtière du Nord, que les excédents sont significatifs en phase ENSO (test de Kolmogorov-Smirnov mais les volumes précipités sont très différents d’un événement à l’autre. Ailleurs, n’apparaît pas de différence significative entre les pluies des phases ENSO (ou LNSO et celles des périodes normales. Toutefois, la pluviométrie est souvent déficitaire dans les Andes en phase ENSO en période LNSO, elle est également déficitaire au Sud des Andes, mais plus souvent excédentaire au Nord. Dans la plaine amazonienne, la variabilité spatio-temporelle est trop importante lors des deux phases pour que soit esquissé un comportement général. LA PLUVIOMETRÍA EN EL PERÚ DURANTE LAS FASES ENSO Y LNSO. Los datos mensuales (1960-1990 de precipitación de 21 estaciones ubicadas en la Costa, la Sierra y la Selva de Perú son estudiados durante las fases ENSO y LNSO de la Oscilación del Sur del Pacífico. Las lluvias de Piura, en el norte de la Costa, son las únicas que presentan excesos significativos (test de Kolmogorov-Smirnov durante la fase ENSO pero los volúmenes cambian mucho de un evento a otro. No hay, en otros lugares, diferencia significativa entre las lluvias de las fases ENSO (o LNSO y las lluvias de años normales. Pero, muchas veces, la pluviosidad es deficitaria en los Andes durante los ENSO durante los eventos LNSO, las lluvias son también deficitarias en los Andes del Sur, pero más veces hay excesos en el Norte. En la Selva Amazónica, la variabilidad espacio-temporal es demasiado grande para dibujar un comportamiento general. RAINFALL IN PERU DURING THE ENSO AND LNSO PHASES. Monthly rainfall data (1960-1990 taken from 21 stations in three


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    Ana Paula Salcedo


    Full Text Available El paisaje patagónico se caracteriza en líneas generales por la cordillera de los Andes al Oeste, las mesetas de origen sedimentario y basáltico en la porción central y los valles y faldeos dispuestos en sentido Oeste-Este. Dentro de la unidad de mesetas basálticas el macizo de Somuncura es el de mayor dimensión en la Patagonia, ocupando una importante superficie de las provincias de Río Negro y Chubut. El manto basáltico que lo constituye actúa como un gran reservorio del agua que infiltra producto de las precipitaciones, lo que da lugar a la formación de numerosas vertientes en la periferia de la meseta, siendo un importante recurso para el asentamiento humano y el desarrollo de actividades agrícolas y ganaderas. Sin embargo, durante las últimas décadas, distintos factores han confluido en detrimento de las potencialidades para el desarrollo rural en la región, conllevando a un progresivo despoblamiento, a la retracción de las actividades productivas e incluso al abandono de los campos.

  19. Una nueva especie de Lepidoblepharis (Sauria, Gekkonidae de la Cordillera Central de Colombia Una nueva especie de Lepidoblepharis (Sauria, Gekkonidae de la Cordillera Central de Colombia

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    Ayala Stephen C.


    Full Text Available A third Lepidoblepharis is described from temperate elevations in the Colombian Andes. Unlike L. colombianus or L. duolepis, the new species from central Antioquia is a small, moderately short toed species, reaching about 30 mm snout-vent length. Most specimens have prominent rust colored dorsolateral stripes on the tail. Una tercera especie de Lepidoblepharis se describe de zonas templadas de los Andes de Colombia. A diferencia de L. colombianus o L. duolepis, la nueva especie de Antioquia es una especie de menor tamaño que alcanza unos 30 mm de longitud rostro-ano, y los dedos son moderadamente cortos. La mayoría de los ejemplares tiene franjas dorsolaterales muy notorias de color herrumbre en la cola.

  20. Factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico entre los años 2013 a 2016: estudio de casos y controles

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    Juan-David Vega P.


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico en el servicio de urgencias de la Clínica Especializada Los Andes, de la ciudad de Tunja, entre los años 2013 a 2016. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles; los casos correspondieron a 97 pacientes con ataque cerebrovascular isquémico (infarto cerebral isquémico y accidente isquémico transitorio y los controles a 291 pacientes sin ataque cerebrovascular isquémico que ingresaron a urgencias entre los años 2013 a 2016. Resultados: El sexo femenino correspondió al 56,7% (55 de los casos y al 54,6% de los controles (154 (p = 0,069. La media de edad en el grupo caso fue de 73,7 años [DE: 10,5 años] y en los controles de 64,5 años [DE: 11,3 años]. Los factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico fueron: antecedente de ataque cerebrovascular isquémico [OR 7,7 IC 95% 3,2; 18 p= 0,000], tabaquismo [OR 4,4 IC 95% 1,1; 18 p= 0,022], dislipidemia [OR 3 IC 95% 1,2; 7,5 p= 0,017], edad igual o mayor a 70 años [OR 2,3 IC 95% 1,3; 4,1 p= 0,002] e hipertensión arterial [OR 1,8 IC 95% 1,06; 3,3 p= 0,029]. Conclusiones: Los factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico fueron, en orden de importancia, antecedente de ataque cerebrovascular isquémico, tabaquismo, dislipidemia, edad igual o mayor a 70 años e hipertensión arterial. Abstract: Objective: To determine the factors associated with ischaemic cerebrovascular accidents (ICVA in the Emergency Department of the Andes Specialist Clinic of the city of Tunja, between the years 2013 and 2016. Patients and methods: A case-control study was conducted in which the cases consisted of 97 patients with ICVA (ischaemic cerebral infarction and transient ischaemic accident, and the controls were 291 patients with no ICVA, who were admitted to the Emergency Department between the years 2013 and 2016. Results: There were 56.7% (55

  1. Body image dissatisfaction and low self-esteem due to physical appeareance in students of the faculty of medicine at the university of los andes (mérida, venezuela

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    Pedro López Atencio


    Full Text Available The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate body image dissatisfaction in relation to low self-esteem due to physical appearance in students of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Los Andes in Mérida, Venezuela.  It was a non-experimental and correlational study.  The sample included 189 students (27% male and 73% female with an average age of 19.58 ± 1.57 (men: 19.81 years of age ± 1.74 and women: 20.24 years of age ± 1.76.  Participants were intentionally selected from first-year courses of the Medicine, Nursing and Nutrition programs.  The Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ (Cooper and Taylor, 1987 was the instrument used to measure body image dissatisfaction and Graffar’s modified method (Méndez and De Méndez, 1994 was applied to determine the participants’ socioeconomic status.  A descriptive analysis (frequency, percentages, mean and an inferential analysis (one-way ANOVA were applied to the data using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 9.0.  One of the most important findings in this study was the determination of a statistically significant relationship between dissatisfaction and body image and between low self-esteem and gender χ2 (2, N= 189 = 9.686, p=0.008.  Using ANOVA also helped determine that differences in the mean for dissatisfaction and low self-esteem levels with body image and gender are statistically significant, F= 11.236; p=0.008, F=10.23; p=0.002, respectively.  Conclusions: results obtained suggest a relationship between dissatisfaction and low self-esteem due to physical appearance. Consequently, subjects reject their body image because of a distorted or undistorted perception of their physical appearance, which can possibly affect self-esteem.  Moreover, it is observed that the students’ psychological health is more related to their satisfaction with their body-image than to the way their body image is perceived. Consequently, this group of participants must be

  2. The Potential for Dispersal of Onchocerciasis in Ecuador in Relation to the Distribution of the Vector Simulium exiguum (Diptera:Simuliidae

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    Charalambous M


    Full Text Available The future dispersal of onchocerciasis in Ecuador is dependent on the distribution of cytotypes of the vector species complex Simulium exiguum. Over the last 14 years, collections of larvae have been made from over 25 rivers, between 80-1600 m altitude, from various sites on both sides of the Andes. Analysis of larval polytene chromosomes was used to determine the distributions of each cytotype. On the western side of the Andes, the Cayapa cytotype (the only cytotype directly incriminated as a vector has a distribution from Santo Domingo de los Colorados northwards. The Quevedo and Bucay cytotypes occur from Santo Domingo de los Colorados southwards. On the eastern side of the Andes, the Aguarico cytotype occurs in the Rio Aguarico and a new cytotype is present in the tributaries of the Rio Napo. Whether the disease will spread south of Santo Domingo and on the eastern side of the Andes depends on vector capacity of the cytotypes and the dispersal patterns of individuals infected with onchocerciasis. At present the Aguarico, Bucay and Quevedo cytotypes are known to be efficient hosts, but their biting preferences and biting densities have not yet been evaluated

  3. LOS CAMINOS DEL GUERRERO”. ENTREVISTA CON DENISE Y. ARNOLD / "The Warrior’s Paths". Interview With Denise Y. Arnold

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    Francisco Pazzarelli


    parafrasear a Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, buena parte de la producción actual de Denise se ha ocupado de llevar hacia los Andes algunas de las preocupaciones que parecían “típicas” de tierras bajas, logrando acceder a las interpretaciones andinas de conceptos y categorías que parecían ajenos a las tierras altas. Así, nociones como “depredación ontológica” o “apropiación de subjetividades” devinieron parte de explicaciones que lentamente comenzaron (y continúan cada vez más cobrando sentido en los Andes. Todo ello, claro, en el marco de una impronta etnográfica que caracteriza toda su producción, que se define por una densidad descriptiva y analítica (en español y en aymara, la mayoría de las veces que no siempre es fácil de encontrar. En esta entrevista, realizada en una tarde de primavera en la biblioteca de ILCA, en La Paz, Denise señala los tambos de sus recorridos y desenrolla las madejas de algunas de sus propuestas más difundidas, recordando decisiones, azares, alegrías, frustraciones  y develando también las razones que hacen imprescindible continuar con el estudio de sus ideas.

  4. Marked spatial gradient in the topographic evolution of the Andes spanning the Chilean flat-slab transition: evidence from stable isotope paleoaltimetry and zircon double dating (United States)

    Hoke, G. D.; McPhillips, D. F.; Giambiagi, L.; Garzione, C. N.; Mahoney, J. B.; Strecker, M. R.


    The major changes in the subduction angle of the Nazca plate are often hypothesized to have important consequences for the tectonic evolution of the Andes. Temporal and spatial patterns of topographic growth and exhumation are indicators that should help elucidate any linkages to subduction angle. Here, we combine observations from stable isotope paleoaltimetry with detrital zircon double dating between 30 and 35°S to demonstrate a consistent increase in surface and rock uplift in the Andes south of 32°S. The stable isotope data are from Miocene pedogenic carbonates collected from seven different basin sequences spanning different tectonic and topographic positions in the range. Paleoelevations between 1 km and 1.9 km are calculated using modern local isotope-elevation gradients along with carbonate-formation temperatures determined from clumped isotope studies in modern soils. Present day, low elevation foreland localities were at their present elevations during the Miocene, while three of the intermontane basins experienced up to 2 km of surface uplift between the end of deposition during the late Miocene and present. Detrital zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He and U-Pb double dating in three modern drainage basins (Tunuyán, Arroyo Grande and Río de los Patos) reveals clear Miocene exhumation signals south of the flat slab with no recent exhumation apparent at 32°S. The exhumation pattern is consistent with paleoaltimetry results. Interestingly, the maximum inferred surface uplift is greatest where the crust is thinnest, and the timing of the observed changes in elevation and exhumation has not been linked to any documented episodes of large-magnitude crustal shortening in the eastern half of the range. The spatial pattern of surface uplift and exhumation seems to mimic the Pampean flat slab's geometry, however, it could be equally well explained by eastward migration of a crustal root via ductile deformation in the lower crust and is not related to flat-slab subduction.

  5. Landscape structure and live fences in Andes Colombian agrosystems: upper basin of the Cane-Iguaque River

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    Javier Otero


    economic and ecological interest, decreasing the pressure on natural forest. Improving the network of live fences constitutes an important strategy for the sustainable management of the rural landscape of the Andino orobiome of Colombia and similar areas in the tropics. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (4: 1183-1192. Epub 2009 December 01.El cambio del uso del suelo ha generado una nueva configuración del paisaje en el Orobioma Andino de los Andes tropicales, dando lugar a un mosaico de cultivos y potreros interrumpidos por pequeños fragmentos de bosque y cercas vivas, con la disminución sobre la biodiversidad de este bioma. En la cuenca alta del río Cane- Iguaque (Boyaca-Colombia, ubicada entre 2 600-3 000 metros de altitud sobre la cordillera Oriental, se realizó un estudio de caracterización de estructura, patrones y evolución del paisaje y de las cercas vivas, en tres periodos 1960, 1984 y 2004, como herramienta para la conservación de la biodiversidad y alternativa en el manejo de los sistemas agrícolas. Se utilizó una metodología de interpretación de imágenes de satélite de alta resolución, bajo el enfoque de la ecología del paisaje y la utilización de métricas del paisaje. El bosque original esta altamente transformado por pastizales y cultivos, las cercas vivas ocupan apenas el 4.6% del área de estudio pero por su distribución se constituyen en elementos importantes para la biodiversidad. Se observa un incremento en las cercas vivas, entre los años 1960 y 1984. Sin embargo en este mismo período se da una disminución en la longitud, debido a la tendencia de aumento en el cultivo de papa y por la extracción de recursos de madera y leña. Para la zona de estudio es muy importante la producción agrícola y la conservación de la biodiversidad, y puede ser mejorada mediante la utilización de cercas vivas. Por tanto, las cercas deben considerarse como elementos multifuncionales del paisaje que contribuyen en el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad y aportan

  6. How typical are the last 20,000 years of climatic and vegetation change in the tropical Andes? (United States)

    Gosling, W. D.; Urrego, D. H.; Hanselman, J. A.; Valencia, B.; Bush, M. B.; Silman, M. R.


    A consensus of global circulation models highlights the southern tropical Andes as the biodiversity hotspot most likely to experience biome shift in the next century. The pace of the ongoing change finds its nearest parallel in that of the Younger Dryas at high latitudes. However, in the tropical Andes of Peru and Bolivia we find that there was no such rapid temperature change within the last 40,000 years. Rates of temperature change across the deglacial interval (which may begin as early as c. 22,000 cal. yr BP) are one to two orders of magnitude slower than those forecasted for the next century, and differed little from those of the full glacial. Indeed, the fastest rates of vegetation change are responses to Holocene drought and human activity, not Pleistocene/Holocene warming. Sedimentary data from long records on the Altiplano provide records of earlier interglacials (MIS 5e, 7 and 9), but do not have the chronological control to provide assessments of rate of change. Nevertheless, those records do provide evidence of marked similarities in the development of each interglacial, with some divergence seen at full interglacial conditions.

  7. Long-Term Single-Dose Efficacy of a Vesicular Stomatitis Virus-Based Andes Virus Vaccine in Syrian Hamsters

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    Joseph Prescott


    Full Text Available Andes virus (ANDV is highly pathogenic in humans and is the primary etiologic agent of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS in South America. Case-fatality rates are as high as 50% and there are no approved vaccines or specific therapies for infection. Our laboratory has recently developed a replication-competent recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV-based vaccine that expressed the glycoproteins of Andes virus in place of the native VSV glycoprotein (G. This vaccine is highly efficacious in the Syrian hamster model of HCPS when given 28 days before challenge with ANDV, or when given around the time of challenge (peri-exposure, and even protects when administered post-exposure. Herein, we sought to test the durability of the immune response to a single dose of this vaccine in Syrian hamsters. This vaccine was efficacious in hamsters challenged intranasally with ANDV 6 months after vaccination (p = 0.025, but animals were not significantly protected following 1 year of vaccination (p = 0.090. The decrease in protection correlated with a reduction of measurable neutralizing antibody responses, and suggests that a more robust vaccination schedule might be required to provide long-term immunity.

  8. Preliminary Depositional and Provenance Records of Mesozoic Basin Evolution and Cenozoic Shortening in the High Andes, La Ramada Fold-Thrust Belt, Southern-Central Andes (32-33°S) (United States)

    Mackaman-Lofland, C.; Horton, B. K.; Fuentes, F.; Constenius, K. N.; McKenzie, R.; Alvarado, P. M.


    The Argentinian Andes define key examples of retroarc shortening and basin evolution above a zone of active subduction. The La Ramada fold-thrust belt (RFTB) in the High Andes provides insights into the relative influence and temporal records of diverse convergent margin processes (e.g. flat-slab subduction, convergent wedge dynamics, structural inversion). The RFTB contains Mesozoic extensional basin strata deformed by later Andean shortening. New detrital zircon U-Pb analyses of Mesozoic rift sediments reveal: (1) a dominant Permo-Triassic age signature (220-280 Ma) associated with proximal sources of effective basement (Choiyoi Group) during Triassic synrift deposition; (2) upsection younging of maximum depositional ages from Late Triassic through Early Cretaceous (230 to 100 Ma) with the increasing influence of western Andean arc sources; and (3) a significant Late Cretaceous influx of Paleozoic (~350-550 Ma) and Proterozoic (~650-1300 Ma) populations during the earliest shift from back-arc post-extensional subsidence to upper-plate shortening. The Cenozoic detrital record of the Manantiales foreland basin (between the Frontal Cordillera and Precordillera) records RFTB deformation prior to flat-slab subduction. A Permo-Triassic Choiyoi age signature dominates the Miocene succession, consistent with sources in the proximal Espinacito range. Subordinate Mesozoic (~80-250 Ma) to Proterozoic (~850-1800 Ma) U-Pb populations record exhumation of the Andean magmatic arc and recycling of different structural levels in the RFTB during thrusting/inversion of Mesozoic rift basin strata and subjacent Paleozoic units. Whereas maximum depositional ages of sampled Manantiales units cluster at 18-20 Ma, the Estancia Uspallata basin (~50 km to the south) shows consistent upsection younging of Cenozoic populations attributed to proximal volcanic centers. Ongoing work will apply low-temperature thermochronology to pinpoint basin accumulation histories and thrust timing.

  9. Mesozoic–Cenozoic Evolution of the Western Margin of South America: Case Study of the Peruvian Andes

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    Laura Gonzalez


    Full Text Available Based on the structural style and physiographic criteria, the Central Andes of Peru can be divided into segments running parallel to the Pacific coast. The westernmost segment, the Coastal Belt, consists of a Late Jurassic–Cretaceous volcanic arc sequence that was accreted to the South American craton in Cretaceous times. The Mesozoic strata of the adjacent Western Cordillera represent an ENE-vergent fold-and-thrust belt that formed in Eocene times. Tight upright folds developed above a shallow detachment horizon in the West, while more open folds formed above a deeper detachment horizon towards the East and in the neighboring Central Highlands. A completely different style with steeply dipping reverse faults and open folds affecting the Neoproterozoic crystalline basement is typical for the Eastern Cordillera. The Subandean Zone is characterized by mainly NE-vergent imbricate thrusting which occurred in Neogene times. A quantitative estimate of the shortening of the orogen obtained from balanced cross-sections indicates a total shortening of 120–150 km (24%–27%. This shortening was coevel with the Neogene westward drift of South America, occurred at rates between 3 and 4.7 mm/year and was responsible for the high elevation of the Peruvian Andes.

  10. Bare Rocks and Fallen Angels: Environmental Change, Climate Perceptions and Ritual Practice in the Peruvian Andes

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    Karsten Paerregaard


    Full Text Available One of the many dimensions of globalization is climate change that in recent years has caused much concern in the developed world. The aim of this article is to explore how people living on the margins of the global world conceive climate change. Drawing on ethnographic field data from the 1980s and today it examines how the ritual practice and the religious belief of a rural community in the Peruvian Andes has changed during the last 27 years and how the villagers perceive this change. It argues that the villagers traditionally conceive the environment as co-habited by humans and non-humans but that recent environmental change in the Andes has caused a shift in this world-view. Today, many villagers have adopted the global vocabulary on climate change and are concerned with their own impact in the environment. However, the villagers reject the idea that it is human activities in other parts of the world that cause environmental problems in their community and claim that these must be addressed locally. It suggests that even though the villagers’ reluctance to subscribe to the global discourse of climate change makes them look like the companions of climate skeptics in the developed world, their reasons are very different.

  11. Long-term carbon accumulation in Andes peatlands (United States)

    Huaman, Yizet; Moreira-turq, Patricia; Willems, Bram; Espinoza, Raul; Turq, Bruno; Apaéstegui, James; Llanos, Romina


    High-altitude peatlands of the Andes still remain relatively unexplored since most of the studies on carbon capture in tropical soils have focused on peatlands in low altitude areas, leaving aside the importance of the study of high mountain wetlands, currently called "bofedales" located between 3000 and 5000 masl, covering most of the Andes mountains in South America. These peatlands in turn may also represent important paleoclimatic records. In this study, we investigated three peatland cores (APA-01, APA2-01, and APA2-02) at different altitudes (4210 m, 4420 m and 4432 m, respectively) in high Andean Peatlands of southern Peru. The peatland studied is located at the headwater basin Cachi River, in the town of Ayacucho, Peru. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role played by past climatic changes on the peatlands carbon accumulation. Each core was sectioned centimeter by centimeter and sub samples (n = 31) were collected for radiocarbon dating by AMS (acceleration mass spectrometer) and were used to create a sedimentological model based on the program Clam2.2R. The concentrations of carbon and nitrogen were determined from a C / H / N elemental analyzer and the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) were also analyzed. The bulk density was determined based on the volume occupied by the sediment (g /cm3). Finally, the carbon accumulation rate (gC m-2año-1) was determined. The three cores were characterized by two sedimentary units, the results present in the first sedimentary unit of APA01 an average long-term carbon accumulation rate of 59 gC m-2año-1, APA2-01 with 32 gC m-2año-1 and finally APA2-02 with 24 gC m-2año-1; for the second sedimentary unit we have: APA01 on average 17 gC m-2año-1, APA2-01 with 33 gC m-2año-1 and finally APA2-02 with 49 gC m-2año-1. In conclusion, we can say that the carbon accumulation rate for the first sedimentary unit of the three cores decreases as the altitude increases; on the other hand, we have the

  12. Selection of astrophysical/astronomical/solar sites at the Argentina East Andes range taking into account atmospheric components

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Piacentini, R.D.; García, B.; Micheletti, M.I.; Salum, G.; Freire, M.; Maya, J.; Mancilla, A.; Crinó, E.; Mandát, Dušan; Pech, M.; Bulik, T.


    Roč. 57, č. 12 (2016), s. 2559-2574 ISSN 0273-1177 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 7AMB14AR005; GA MŠk LE13012; GA MŠk LG14019; GA MŠk LM2015046 Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : astrophysical * astronomical * solar: sites * Argentina -Andes: atmospheric components Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics Impact factor: 1.401, year: 2016

  13. Diversity of the genus Polylepis (Rosaceae, Sanguisorbeae in the Peruvian Andes

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    Wilfredo Mendoza


    Full Text Available This study provides information on the diversity of Peruvian species of Polylepis. Nineteen (19 species are reported here (more than 70% of the 27 species registered for the whole Andean region. As a result, Peru could be considered as the country with the largest diversity of Polylepis species, in comparison with Bolivia (13, Ecuador (7, Argentina (4, Colombia (3, Chile (2, and Venezuela (1. The species occur in 19 departments of Peru, with the majority of them in Cusco (10 and Ayacucho (8. Species diversity is mostly concentrated in the Peruvian southern Andes (15 species, with the region becoming the potential center of diversification of the genus Polylepis. Regarding their altitudinal distribution, the greatest diversity (18 is found between 3000 and 4000 m.

  14. Importancia de la heterogeneidad de hábitats para la biodiversidad de hormigas en los Andes de Colombia

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    Armbrecht Inge


    Full Text Available Entre marzo y octubre de 2002 se compararon los ensamblajes de hormigas que forrajean en el suelo en un sistema no manejado (reserva natural El Ciprés y en algunas fincas vecinas. En dos transectos de 100 m se instalaron estaciones de muestreo cada 10 m con trampa de caída (pitfall y cebo de atún epígeo durante 880 h y 92 días respectivamente. En 1471 eventos de captura se determinaron 68 especies distribuidas en 26 géneros y 8 subfamilias. En el sistema silvopastoril- guayaba y en monocultivo de granadilla (Passiflora ligularis dominaron las especies de hormigas mientras que la distribución fue más equitativa en los usos del terreno con estructura vegetal más compleja (bosque, café, sucesión temprana y banco de forrajes. El sistema silvopastoril-guayaba fue el más rico en especies (31 seguido por café (30 y por el bosque y la sucesión temprana (29. El flujo de especies fue alto en bosque, café y sucesión temprana, indicando que la calidad de la matriz es factor importante para el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad.

  15. Trophic polymorphism, habitat and diet segregation in Percichthys trucha (Pisces : Percichthyidae) in the Andes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ruzzante, D.E.; Walde, S.J.; Cussac, V.E.


    Divergent natural selection affecting specific trait combinations that lead to greater efficiency in resource exploitation is believed to be a major mechanism leading to trophic polymorphism and adaptive radiation. We present evidence of trophic polymorphism involving two benthic morphs within...... Percichthys trucha, a fish endemic to temperate South America. In a series of lakes located in the southern Andes, we found two morphs of P. trucha that could be distinguished on the basis of gill raker length and five other morphological measures, most of which are likely associated with the use of food...

  16. Fragmentation of Andes-to-Amazon connectivity by hydropower dams. (United States)

    Anderson, Elizabeth P; Jenkins, Clinton N; Heilpern, Sebastian; Maldonado-Ocampo, Javier A; Carvajal-Vallejos, Fernando M; Encalada, Andrea C; Rivadeneira, Juan Francisco; Hidalgo, Max; Cañas, Carlos M; Ortega, Hernan; Salcedo, Norma; Maldonado, Mabel; Tedesco, Pablo A


    Andes-to-Amazon river connectivity controls numerous natural and human systems in the greater Amazon. However, it is being rapidly altered by a wave of new hydropower development, the impacts of which have been previously underestimated. We document 142 dams existing or under construction and 160 proposed dams for rivers draining the Andean headwaters of the Amazon. Existing dams have fragmented the tributary networks of six of eight major Andean Amazon river basins. Proposed dams could result in significant losses in river connectivity in river mainstems of five of eight major systems-the Napo, Marañón, Ucayali, Beni, and Mamoré. With a newly reported 671 freshwater fish species inhabiting the Andean headwaters of the Amazon (>500 m), dams threaten previously unrecognized biodiversity, particularly among endemic and migratory species. Because Andean rivers contribute most of the sediment in the mainstem Amazon, losses in river connectivity translate to drastic alteration of river channel and floodplain geomorphology and associated ecosystem services.

  17. Metodología para la identificación de características académicas a tener en cuenta en un sistema de alertas tempranas para la prevención del abandono


    Gómez Sarmiento, Juliana; Ochoa, Antonio


    En este trabajo se diseñó y desarrolló una metodología para la identificación de características académicas que hacen parte del sistema de alertas tempranas para la prevención del abandono que se está construyendo en la Universidad de los Andes. Aunque la tasa de abandono de estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad de los Andes es más baja que la de Colombia, existe una preocupación y un interés por prevenir y reducir este fenómeno. De acuerdo con cifras del Sistema para la Prevención de la ...

  18. Exploring pain in the Andes--learning from the Quichua (Inca) people experience. (United States)

    Incayawar, Mario; Saucier, Jean-François


    There is a mounting recognition that culture profoundly shapes human pain experience. The 28 million indigenous people of the Andes in South America, mainly the Quichua (Inca) people, share a distinctive culture. However, little is known about their pain experience and suffering. The aim of the present study was to explore how Quichua adults perceive, describe, and cope with the pain. An exploratory qualitative/descriptive study was conducted with a convenience sample of 40 Quichua adults, including 15 women and 25 men, in the Northern Highlands of Ecuador. Data were collected through structured interviews of approximately 3 h, using a Quichua questionnaire called "The Nature of Pain" [Nanay Jahua Tapuicuna]. The interviews covered the notions of causation of pain, vulnerability to pain, responses to pain, aggravating factors, frequent locations of pain, types of pain, duration, characteristics of pain, control of pain, pathways to care, and preventive measures of pain. Basic descriptive analyses were performed. The Quichuas' pain experience is complex and their strategies to cope with it are sophisticated. According to the Quichuas, emotions, life events, co-morbid conditions, and spirits, among others factors play an important role in the origin, diagnosis, and treatment of pain. They strongly embrace biomedicine and physicians as well as Quichua traditional medicine and traditional healers. Family members and neighbors are also valuable sources of health care and pain control. The pathway to pain care that the Quichua people prefer is inclusive and pluralistic. The knowledge of the Quichua ethnographic "emic" details of their belief system and coping strategies to control pain are clinically useful not only for the health professional working in the Andes, some Quichua cultural characteristics related to pain could be useful to the culturally competent health practitioner who is making efforts to provide high-quality medical care in rural and multicultural

  19. Extreme hydrometeorological events in the Peruvian Central Andes during austral summer and their relationship with the large-scale circulation (United States)

    Sulca, Juan C.

    In this Master's dissertation, atmospheric circulation patterns associated with extreme hydrometeorological events in the Mantaro Basin, Peruvian Central Andes, and their teleconnections during the austral summer (December-January-February-March) are addressed. Extreme rainfall events in the Mantaro basin are related to variations of the large-scale circulation as indicated by the changing strength of the Bolivian High-Nordeste Low (BH-NL) system. Dry (wet) spells are associated with a weakening (strengthening) of the BH-NL system and reduced (enhanced) influx of moist air from the lowlands to the east due to strengthened westerly (easterly) wind anomalies at mid- and upper-tropospheric levels. At the same time extreme rainfall events of the opposite sign occur over northeastern Brazil (NEB) due to enhanced (inhibited) convective activity in conjunction with a strengthened (weakened) Nordeste Low. Cold episodes in the Mantaro Basin are grouped in three types: weak, strong and extraordinary cold episodes. Weak and strong cold episodes in the MB are mainly associated with a weakening of the BH-NL system due to tropical-extratropical interactions. Both types of cold episodes are associated with westerly wind anomalies at mid- and upper-tropospheric levels aloft the Peruvian Central Andes, which inhibit the influx of humid air masses from the lowlands to the east and hence limit the potential for development of convective cloud cover. The resulting clear sky conditions cause nighttime temperatures to drop, leading to cold extremes below the 10-percentile. Extraordinary cold episodes in the MB are associated with cold and dry polar air advection at all tropospheric levels toward the central Peruvian Andes. Therefore, weak and strong cold episodes in the MB appear to be caused by radiative cooling associated with reduced cloudiness, rather than cold air advection, while the latter plays an important role for extraordinary cold episodes only.

  20. The Neogene rise of the tropical Andes facilitated diversification of wax palms (Ceroxylon: Arecaceae) through geographic colonization and climatic niche separation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sanín, M.J.; Kissling, W.D.; Bacon, C.D.; Borchsenius, F.; Galeano, G.; Svenning, J.-C.; Olivera, J.; Ramírez, R.; Trénel, P.; Pintaud, J.-C.


    The tropical Andes are a biodiversity hotspot, partly due to their rich and complex floristic composition. A fundamental question regarding this outstanding biodiversity is what role the Andean orogeny has played in species diversification. Ceroxylon is a genus of endemic Andean palms that stands

  1. Novel Strain of Andes Virus Associated with Fatal Human Infection, Central Bolivia (United States)

    Cruz, Cristhopher D.; Vallejo, Efrain; Agudo, Roberto; Vargas, Jorge; Blazes, David L.; Guevara, Carolina; Laguna-Torres, V. Alberto; Halsey, Eric S.; Kochel, Tadeusz J.


    To better describe the genetic diversity of hantaviruses associated with human illness in South America, we screened blood samples from febrile patients in Chapare Province in central Bolivia during 2008–2009 for recent hantavirus infection. Hantavirus RNA was detected in 3 patients, including 1 who died. Partial RNA sequences of small and medium segments from the 3 patients were most closely related to Andes virus lineages but distinct (1 hantaviruses; the highest prevalence was among agricultural workers. Because of the high level of human exposure to hantavirus strains and the severity of resulting disease, additional studies are warranted to determine the reservoirs, ecologic range, and public health effect of this novel strain of hantavirus. PMID:22515983

  2. Mecanismos de intercambio en períodos de transición: el caso de los arrendamientos de dos estancias de la Puna jujeña (1813-1819

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    Conti, Viviana E.


    Full Text Available Not available.

    Las condiciones de desarrollo y consolidación del sistema colonial mercantilista en los Andes Meridionales se modifican rápidamente en la segunda mitad del XVIII. Pero se trata de una modificación ambigua: renacer de la minería potosina y reverdecer del comercio por un lado, pero reiteradas crisis estructurales -guerras y sequias-« por el otro. En la primera década del XIX es evidente el deterioro de todo el sistema pero también las estrategias asumidas para detenerlo. En este artículo se examinan los arrendamientos de tierras en plena Guerra de Independencia como fuente rentística colonial, acceso alternativo a bienes y moneda y conjunto de estrategias comerciales del campesinado de la Puna jujeña. Se concluye que estos campesinos mantuvieron su producción e intercambios captando moneda en el circuito mercantil. Los arrendamientos, como antes el tributo, marcan el éxito de las estrategias indígenas en el manejo de plata y bienes frente al mercado y al pago mismo de sus obligaciones.

  3. The ethno-politics of water security: contestations of ethnicity and gender in strategies to control water in the Andes of Peru

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vera-Delgado, J.


    This thesis is the result of a multidisciplinary research which tries to explain water injustices and the threats to water rights access and control experienced by indigenous peasants of the Peruvian Andes. It attempts to contribute to the analysis of the interactions between ethnicity and

  4. Regionalisation of Hydrological Indices to Assess Land-Use Change Impacts in the Tropical Andes (United States)

    Buytaert, W.; Ochoa Tocachi, B. F.


    Andean ecosystems are major water sources for cities and communities located in the Tropical Andes; however, there is a considerable lack of knowledge about their hydrology. Two problems are especially important: (i) the lack of monitoring to assess the impacts of historical land-use and cover change and degradation (LUCCD) at catchment scale, and (ii) the high variability in climatic and hydrological conditions that complicate the evaluation of land management practices. This study analyses how a reliable LUCCD impacts assessment can be performed in an environment of high variability combined with data-scarcity and low-quality records. We use data from participatory hydrological monitoring activities in 20 catchments distributed along the tropical Andes. A set of 46 hydrological indices is calculated and regionalized by relating them to 42 physical catchment properties. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is performed to maximise available data while minimising redundancy in the sets of variables. Hydrological model parameters are constrained by estimated indices, and different behavioural predictions are assembled to provide a generalised response on which we assess LUCCD impacts. Results from this methodology show that the attributed effects of LUCCD in pair-wise catchment comparisons may be overstated or hidden by different sources of uncertainty, including measurement inaccuracies and model structural errors. We propose extrapolation and evaluation in ungauged catchments as a way to regionalize LUCCD predictions and to provide statistically significant conclusions in the Andean region. These estimations may deliver reliable knowledge to evaluate the hydrological impact of different watershed management practices.

  5. Efecto de la tala de Podocarpus glomeratus (Podocarpaceae sobre la estructura de un bosque de neblina en los Andes (Cochabamba, Bolivia

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    Ariel Isaías Ayma-Romay


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo fueron analizados los efectos de la tala sobre la estructura, composición y la regeneración natural de un bosque andino de neblina. Se instalaron 40 parcelas de 707 m2 para medir individuos >10 cm DAP y sub-parcelas de 5 m2 para evaluar la regeneración de individuos <10 cm DAP y de 1 m2 para evaluar el banco de semillas. Se evaluó la densidad y cobertura de todos los árboles. Se realizó un análisis cluster para establecer las categorías de cobertura de dosel y un análisis de componentes principales para determinar su asociación con la densidad de diferentes especies de plántulas. La tala ha modificado la cobertura (p= <0,001 generando doseles de poco a fuertemente intervenidos. Los claros de dosel favorecen a las heliófitas (Myrsine pseudocrenata, Vallea stipularis, Nectandra sp., Trichilia hirta, Miconia theaezans, algunas esciófitas que requieren luz en clases avanzadas (Podocarpus glomeratus y Myrcianthes osteomeloides y otros arbustos (Solanaceae, Verbenaceae y otras. Por otra parte, algunas esciófitas reducen su densidad en doseles inter- venidos (Weinmannia microphylla, Condalia weberbaueri, Blepharocalix salicifolius y Styloceras columnare. El manejo del bosque debe mantener la cobertura de individuos > 60 cm DAP, la creación de reservas en bosques maduros y prácticas de facilitación para el crecimiento de especies de árboles claves.

  6. La Universidad colombiana y el fomento al espíritu empresarial en la década de los 80: Una perspectiva histórica y crítica

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    Luis ernesto Romero Ortiz


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El presente artículo resume los aspectos centrales de un trabajo de investigación realizado por el autor para el Magister en Dirección universitaria de la universidad de Los Andes de Bogotá. En el escrito se formula algunas tesis explicativas del resurgimiento del interés de la universidad Colombiana por el fomento al Espíritu empresarial, en especial la crisis económica, el desempleo profesional y la revisión del concepto  de la universidad acerca del papel  que debe  cumplir en el desarrollo del país. Se plantea igualmente la nueva estrategia de la relación universidad/ desarrollo que surge especialmente al interior de las facultades  de administración en la década de los ochenta y se llama a la reflexión sobre la necesidad de que esta acción de fomento al espíritu empresarial se asuma con todo el rigor académico para que sus resultados sean realmente una respuesta útil a las exigencias del país en un momento actual.

  7. Diagnostic of annual cycle and effects of the ENSO about the maximum intensity of duration rains between 1 and 24 hours at the Andes of Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poveda, German; Mesa, Oscar; Toro, Vladimir; Agudelo, Paula; Alvarez, Juan F; Arias, Paola; Moreno, Hernan; Salazar, Luis; Vieira, Sara


    We study the distribution of maximum rainfall events during the annual cycle, for storms ranging from 1 to 24-hour in duration; by using information over 51 rain gauges locate at the Colombian Andes. Also, the effects of both phases of ENSO (El Nino and La Nina) are quantified. We found that maximum rainfall intensity events occur during the rainy periods of march-may and September-November. There is a strong similarity between the annual cycle of mean total rainfall and that of the maximum intensities of rainfall over the tropical Andes. This result is quite consistent throughout the three ranges of the Colombian Andes. At inter annual timescales, we found that both phases of ENSO are associated with disturbances of maximum rainfall events; since during La Nina there are more intense precipitation events than during El Nino, overall, for durations longer than 3 hours, rainfall intensity gets reduced by one order of magnitude with respect to shorter durations (1-3 hours). The most extreme recorded rainfall events are apparently not associated with the annual and inter annual large scales forcing and appear to be randomly generated by the important role of the land surface atmosphere in the genesis and dynamics of intense storm over central Colombia

  8. A new species of Telmatobius (Amphibia, Anura, Telmatobiidae from the Pacific slopes of the Andes, Peru

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    Alessandro Catenazzi


    Full Text Available We describe a new species of Telmatobius from the Pacific slopes of the Andes in central Peru. Specimens were collected at 3900 m elevation near Huaytará, Huancavelica, in the upper drainage of the Pisco river. The new species has a snout–vent length of 52.5 ± 1.1 mm (49.3–55.7 mm, n = 6 in adult females, and 48.5 mm in the single adult male. The new species has bright yellow and orange coloration ventrally and is readily distinguished from all other central Peruvian Andean species of Telmatobius but T. intermedius by having vomerine teeth but lacking premaxillary and maxillary teeth, and by its slender body shape and long legs. The new species differs from T. intermedius by its larger size, flatter head, and the absence of cutaneous keratinized spicules (present even in immature females of T. intermedius, and in males by the presence of minute, densely packed nuptial spines on dorsal and medial surfaces of thumbs (large, sparsely packed nuptial spines in T. intermedius. The hyper-arid coastal valleys of Peru generally support low species richness, particularly for groups such as aquatic breeding amphibians. The discovery of a new species in this environment, and along a major highway crossing the Andes, shows that much remains to be done to document amphibian diversity in Peru.

  9. Elevational Shifts in the Topographic Position of Polylepis Forest Stands in the Andes of Southern Peru

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    Johanna M. Toivonen


    Full Text Available The patchy distribution of high-Andean treeline forests has provoked discussion about the relative importance of anthropogenic and climatic causes of this pattern, both of which vary with topography. We aimed to understand the topographic controls on the distribution of Polylepis subsericans treeline forests in the Andes of southern Peru, and the changes in these controls along an elevational gradient. We mapped Polylepis forests in the Cordillera Urubamba, Cusco, using high-resolution aerial images and related forest cover to topographic variables extracted from a digital terrain model (30-m resolution. The variables were selected based on their expected biological relevance for tree growth at high elevations. We constructed logistic regression models of forest cover, separately for each of five 100-m elevational belts. To deal with spatial autocorrelation, models were based on randomized 10% subsampling of the data with 1000 repetitions. The results suggest a consistent shift in topographic preference with elevation, with forests at lower elevations showing a preference for topographically protected sites near rivers and forests at higher elevations being increasingly restricted to north-facing and well-drained sites. Our study offers the first indication of the ability of Andean treeline forests to benefit from the topographic heterogeneity of the high-Andes. Providing that dispersal and establishment are possible, local relocation between microsites could help these forests to persist regionally in spite of changing climatic conditions.

  10. Cosmogenic 10Be Dating of Early and Latest Holocene Moraines on Nevado Salcantay in the Southern Peruvian Andes (United States)

    Licciardi, J. M.; Schaefer, J. M.; Lund, D. C.


    A two-fold sequence of nested lateral and end moraines was mapped in a glacial trough emanating from the southwest flank of Nevado Salcantay (6271 m; ~13°S latitude), the highest peak in the Cordillera Vilcabamba of southern Peru. The field area is situated 25 km due south of the archaeological site of Machu Picchu. Outer and inner moraines in the sequence were deposited by valley glaciers that terminated ~5 km and ~3 km, respectively, from their headwall on the Salcantay summit massif. Cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure dating of granitic boulders sampled on the Salcantay moraines is underway and has provided the first numerical ages for these deposits. Initial results indicate ages of 8.1 ± 0.1 10Be ka for the outer moraine and 200 ± 20 10Be years for the sharp-crested inner moraine. These ages are derived using the CRONUS-Earth 10Be exposure age calculator (version 2.0) and expressed with respect to the Lal- Stone production rate scaling scheme using the standard atmosphere. The outer and inner moraine ages correspond to glacial events during the early and latest Holocene, respectively. Further 10Be dating of the mapped moraines and similar deposits observed in adjacent drainages on Nevado Salcantay is anticipated to yield a high-resolution chronology of valley glaciation in this segment of the southern Peruvian Andes. The new results bridge an important gap between existing Andean glacier records to the north and south, and complement available ice core and lacustrine paleoclimate records in the vicinity, thereby expanding spatial and temporal coverage for identifying patterns of Holocene climate change in the tropical Andes. Notably, the inner moraine age correlates with the timing of the Little Ice Age as defined in northern mid- and high latitude glacier records, and suggests considerable expansion of valley glaciers in the southern Peruvian Andes during this climatic minimum. Apart from their paleoclimatic significance, the initial results also demonstrate


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    Mauro Carlos Moschetti


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En 1999, se aprobó en la Provincia de San Luis (Argentina la creación de las denominadas 'Escuelas Experimentales Autogestionadas', inspiradas en el modelo charter norteamericano aunque con importantes diferencias. Este artículo describe la experiencia y explora las circunstancias por las que el proyecto fue desarticulado y abandonado prematuramente. El estudio incluyó un profundo análisis documental y entrevistas con referentes del proyecto, ex-funcionarios del Ministerio de Educación e integrantes de las asociaciones adjudicatarias. Se encontraron profundas incompatibilidades entre los principios rectores del proyecto - democratización, cooperativismo, autonomía y pluralidad -, las prácticas del sistema político provincial, y las estructuras y lógicas de poder tradicionales organizadas a nivel nacional.

  12. The Real of Community, the Desire for Development and the Performance of Egalitarianism in the Peruvian Andes: A Materialist–Utopian Account

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vries, de P.A.


    The paper proposes a materialist–utopian perspective for explaining the persistence of community in the Andes by drawing upon Lacanian theory and the thought of the Peruvian Marxist José Carlos Mariátegui. What characterizes the Andean comunidad are not notions of belonging and identity, but the

  13. Diversidad de mariposas (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea y su relación con el paisaje de alta montaña en los Andes nororientales de Colombia

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    Olarte-Quiñonez, C. A.


    Full Text Available Diversity of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea and their relationship with the highlands’ landscape in the northeastern Andes of Colombia The Andean region harbors a great variety of ecosystems, including the characteristic high mountain zones. The biological diversity in these zones, however, is declining as the result of changes in land use, particularly the introduction of agriculture and cattle ranching. Changes in the high mountain landscape can be appropriately monitored using diversity indicators such as butterflies, one of the most important indicator species. We chose twelve sampling points in the paramo (high altitude moor complexes Almorzadero, Santurbán and El Tamá, located in the northeastern region of Colombia to collect adult butterflies within transects of 100 x 4 m, along an altitudinal gradient of 500 m. We recorded 69 species, from five families. Diversity values of the diurnal butterfly communities varied among the different areas of vegetation coverage associated with each transect. Conserved vegetation coverage (i.e. dense forest, scrublands and scrublands, and paramo and subparamo showed the highest values of diversity, while perturbed coverage (i.e. fragmented forests, pastures and agriculture areas presented the lowest values of diversity. Analysis of the community structure showed that endemic butterfly species were associated with fragmented areas in the high mountains. Findings from this study, the first of its kind to determine changes in butterfly diversity in highlands in northeastern Colombia, may help to generate conservation strategies in places where there is high endemism and diversity

  14. The high Andes, gene flow and a stable hybrid zone shape the genetic structure of a wide-ranging South American parrot

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    Schaefer H Martin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background While the gene flow in some organisms is strongly affected by physical barriers and geographical distance, other highly mobile species are able to overcome such constraints. In southern South America, the Andes (here up to 6,900 m may constitute a formidable barrier to dispersal. In addition, this region was affected by cycles of intercalating arid/moist periods during the Upper/Late Pleistocene and Holocene. These factors may have been crucial in driving the phylogeographic structure of the vertebrate fauna of the region. Here we test these hypotheses in the burrowing parrot Cyanoliseus patagonus (Aves, Psittaciformes across its wide distributional range in Chile and Argentina. Results Our data show a Chilean origin for this species, with a single migration event across the Andes during the Upper/Late Pleistocene, which gave rise to all extant Argentinean mitochondrial lineages. Analyses suggest a complex population structure for burrowing parrots in Argentina, which includes a hybrid zone that has remained stable for several thousand years. Within this zone, introgression by expanding haplotypes has resulted in the evolution of an intermediate phenotype. Multivariate regressions show that present day climatic variables have a strong influence on the distribution of genetic heterogeneity, accounting for almost half of the variation in the data. Conclusions Here we show how huge barriers like the Andes and the regional environmental conditions imposed constraints on the ability of a parrot species to colonise new habitats, affecting the way in which populations diverged and thus, genetic structure. When contact between divergent populations was re-established, a stable hybrid zone was formed, functioning as a channel for genetic exchange between populations.

  15. An Ancestral Language to Speak with the "Other": Closing down Ideological Spaces of a Language Policy in the Peruvian Andes (United States)

    Zavala, Virginia


    Using a multilayered, ethnographic and critical approach to language policy and planning, this article examines a language policy favoring Quechua in Apurímac in the Southern Peruvian Andes, which is being imagined as an integrated community unified by the local language. This study presents a case in which top-down policies open up ideological…

  16. Constraints on sediment transfer from the Andes to the coast of northern Chile (United States)

    Binnie, Steven; Liermann, Ariane; Dunai, Tibor; Dewald, Alfred; Heinze, Stefan


    While rates of denudation have been suggested as having the potential to link tectonic processes with climate in many settings, the roles that sediment transport must also play have been largely neglected. It is the transport, or not, of eroded material, not necessarily the rate at which that material is produced which is the critical factor in many models of tectonic-climatic interactions. The notable lack of sediment in sections of the Peru-Chile trench has been implicated as a key control of subduction zone processes and consequently Andean mountain building, but little empirical data on sediment transport in the region exists. Here, we present the initial results of a study aiming to constrain the westward transfer of sediment from the Andes Mountains to the Pacific Coast of northern Chile by using in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides. Fluvial sediments were collected at the mouths of several large catchments between 19° S and 26° S, where they drain into the Pacific, and also from upstream locations within each catchment. Sample sites were selected in order to investigate the cosmogenic nuclide derived basin-averaged denudation rates of the western flank of the Andes, and to compare this with the cosmogenic nuclide concentrations of fluvial sediments further downstream where the catchments exit to the coast. A simplistic interpretation of the cosmogenic 10Be concentrations as denudation rates gives results varying between ~10 and 300 m/Myr. We would expect the most rapid erosion to occur on the steeper, wetter western Andean flank and for slower erosion to be recorded from the more gentle sloping, hyperarid/arid regions between the foothills of the Andes and the Pacific coast. This pattern is observed in some basins but in others the nuclide concentrations imply the opposite, with several-fold higher erosion rates measured for the large catchments sampled at the coast in comparison to their mountainous Andean headwaters. One explanation for this unusual


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    Martha Díaz-Perilla


    Full Text Available El propósito fue determinar el efecto del consumo diario de aguacate, fuente de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados sobre los niveles de lípidos sanguíneos en personas con dislipidemia. La muestra estuvo conformada por 30 pacientes de la Clínica de los Andes de Tunja, entre los 30 y 65 años. Se evaluaron los datos antropométricos, la frecuencia de consumo de alimentos y el perfil lipídico. Se les suministró a los pacientes 250 g de aguacate al día por cuatro semanas. Se empleó la estadística descriptiva y la prueba T de hipótesis con un nivel de significancia p< 0.05. Durante las cuatro semanas el aumento de peso de los hombres fue de 2.7 K y de las mujeres de 2.3 K (p<0.05. El nivel de colesterol total disminuyó en 14% (p<0.05 y el de LDL en 16% (P<0.05; el valor de HDL aumentó en un 19% (P<0.05, y el de los TG en un 12% (p =0.037. El 27% de la muestra normalizó los niveles de CT, el 30% los de LDL, el 91% aumentó el nivel de HDL y el 20% aumentó los de TG. El índice de riesgo de presentar enfermedad cardiovascular (CT/ HDL disminuyó en 29%. Según el test de Framinghan, 4 pacientes presentan más de un 20% de riesgo a 10 años de presentar cardiopatía coronaria. Los resultados muestran que el aguacate como fuente de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados, puede ser utilizado dentro del plan de alimentación de pacientes con dislipidemia, incluyéndolo dentro del aporte energético para evitar así un aumento de peso por su alta densidad calórica. En conclusión, en la población estudiada se evidenció el efecto benéfico del consumo diario de aguacate en términos de disminución de los niveles de colesterol total y LDL yaumento de HDL, resultados que tienen implicaciones como medida preventiva de la enfermedad coronaria.

  18. Los renacuajos de los anuros (Amphibia altoandinos de Venezuela: morfología externa y claves

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    Abraham Mijares-Urrutia


    Full Text Available Se hizo una revisión de las referencias pertinentes y se examinaron una serie de lotes de renacuajos representativos (al menos una especie por cada género de los anuros altoandinos de Venezuela. Se presentan también una lista de 41 caracteres con algunas ilustraciones explicativas, intentando describir en detalle la morfología externa larvaria de esos anuros. Se propone emplear la medición de ángulos respecto al eje longitudinal del cuerpo para establecer la forma de la punta de la cola y la ubicación del aparato oral. Igualmente, se tomaron 19 medidas para determinar las proporciones morfológicas. Se incluye una clave para identificar a partir exclusi-vamente de caracteres morfológicos externos (presencia/ausencia, tamaño, forma, número, ubicación, etc., los cuales no se modifican (o apenas se modifican ligeramente a lo largo de los estadios de desarrollo larvario más jóvenes e intermedios. Esta clave sirve para identificar los renacuajos al nivel de familia y género de las ranas y sapos que habitan en la región antes mencionada. La clave abarca seis familias y 11 géneros. Adicionalmente, y como un modelo de este trabajo, se describe e ilustra por primera vez el renacuajo de Hyla pelidna, coincidiendo bastante bien con las características larvarias del grupo de H. labialis (fórmula de filas de queratodontes 1/2 o 2/2, papilas marginales en filas múltiples, diastema rostral presente, abertura cloacal diestra y abdominal [separado de la aleta ventral], aletas caudales más anchas que la musculatura caudal a la mitad de su longitud, abertura narinal con un anillo carnoso, liso, no protuberante. Este trabajo representa el primer esfuerzo para compilar en idioma español la morfología larvaria de los anfibios anuros.A literature review and examination of several lots of tadpoles representative of the high Venezuelan Andes species (at least one species per genus allowed identification of 41 useful characters. These are presented

  19. A systematic reassessment and paleogeographic review of fossil xenarthra from Peru

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    ôte nord (désert de Cupisnique ainsi que dans les Andes à proximité du lac Titicaca (grotte de Casa del Diablo. Des datations 14C traduisent que la majorité des mammifères fossiles découverts au Pérou sont d’âge Lujanien. Sur la côte et probablement également en Amazonie, les Xénarthres proviennent de localités à ciel ouvert mais pas de grottes comme dans les Andes. Au Pérou comme dans l’ensemble de l’Amérique du Sud, les grands Xénarthres se sont éteints au début de l’Holocène. Una revisión de los xenartros peruanos, así como el descubrimiento de nuevos especímenes, han incrementado nuestro conocimiento sobre el Orden en este país. Cerca de treinta localidades pertenecientes a tres regiones geográficas (el bosque amazónico, los Andes y la costa han brindado restos de Xenartros en el Perú. Thalassocnus, del Mio-Plioceno de la Formación Pisco, es el único Xenartro pre-pleistocénico bien conocido. Los Phyllopaga (Megatheriidae, Nothrotheriidae, Mylodontidae y Megalonychidae y Cingulata (Pampatheriidae y Glyptodontidae pleistocénicos son escasos en la región amazónica, abundantes en la costa y muy frecuentes en los Andes (entre 2 500 y 4 500 metros de altitud. Los Cingulata no son tan diversos y están representados solo por Holmesina cf. paulacoutoi a lo largo de la costa norte y Glyptodon clavipes en los Andes. El milodóntido Glossotherium sp. es reportado en toda la costa peruana y el escelidoterino Scelidodon chilensis es abundante en los Andes y en la costa norte. Notrotéridos pleistocénicos solo han sido hallados en la región amazónica (Nothropus priscus de Río Acre. Por su parte, los Megatheriidae están bien diversificados y ampliamente distribuidos geográficamente. La forma tropical Eremotherium (E. laurillardi está registrada en la costa norte y posiblemente representada en la región amazónica por un espécimen gigantesco. El género Megatherium de clima templado está representado en el Perú por un linaje

  20. Limnología de un Lago Tropical de Alta Montaña, en Ecuador: características de los sedimentos y tasa de sedimentación

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    Günter Gunkel


    Full Text Available Se han realizado estudios sedimentológicos en el Lago San Pablo, un lago tropical de alta montaña, situado en los Andes del Ecuador, a 2 660 m sobre el nivel del mar. El lago presenta características propias de un estado eutrófico y, como consecuencia de esto se ha observado un crecimiento intenso de macrófitas y un hypolimnion anóxico con contenido de sulfitos orgánicos en los sedimentos. A partir de las características físico-químicas de los sedimentos superficiales, se ha podido establecer una distribución homogénea de éstos a lo largo y ancho del fondo de la cubeta. Los perfiles verticales mostraron altos contenidos de fósforo (4.3 g/kg en peso seco y una baja relación Fe/P (4.0, indicando una deficiente capacidad de retención de fósforo. La tasa de sedimentación pudo ser determinada mediante la aplicación de la prueba de 210 Pb, con la cual se obtuvo un valor de 3.5 mm/año. El análisis del contenido de 137 Cs no fue significativo debido a los bajos valores obtenidos. Los análisis verticales de sedimentos destacan el incremento de los depósitos de fósforo durante los últimos 110 años, pero este incremento representa el 50% de la concentración previa, lo cual es bastante moderado. En el pasado los ingresos de fósforo al lago también fueron altos, y se debieron a procesos naturales. Los lagos tropicales de alta montaña estudiados en el Ecuador, muestran una tendencia hacia la eutroficación. Este hecho es contradictorio, ya que estos lagos se encuentran en zonas poco pobladas y de bajo desarrollo de la vegetación.Equatorial high mountain lakes are a special type of lake occurring mainly in the South American Andes as well as in Central Africa and Asia. They occur at altitudes of a few thousand meters above sea level and are cold-water lakes (< 20°C. Relatively little is known about them. A long-term limnological study was therefore undertaken at Lake San Pablo, Ecuador, to analyze the basic limnological

  1. Hydrological interaction between glacier and páramos in the tropical Andes: implications for water resources availability (United States)

    Villacís, Marcos; Cadier, Eric; Mena, Sandra; Anaguano, Marcelo; Calispa, Marlon; Maisisncho, Luis; Galárraga, Remigio; Francou, Bernard


    Preliminary hydro glacier estimates indicate that glacier contribution to the average annual consumption (5.6 m3 s-1) of the city of Quito (Capital of Ecuador, ~2'500.000 inhabitants, 2800 masl) represents only about 2%-4% of the total supply for human consumption. However, at the local level at the Antizana volcano (0°28'S, 78°09'W), the mass balance analysis of the system composed by the Humboldt catchment (area of 15.1 km2, 15% of glaciarized area, 5% of moraines area, 80% of the area is páramo-endemic ecosystem of the tropical Andes, range from 5670 masl to 4000 masl) and Los Crespos catchment (area of 2.4 km2, 67% glaciarized area, 27% moraines area, range from 5670 masl to 4500 masl), which is nested into the Humboldt catchment, allows us to identify that due to the presence of the glacier reservoirs there is an additional contribution of 24% to the annual volume at the Humboldt catchment and it helps to regulate the runoff during the dry season, where the daily additional glacier contribution from November to February in some cases could reach t 40%. The Humboldt catchment has similar physiographic characteristics than the sites where new diversions will be built in the future in order to satisfy the increasing demand of water for human consumption of the city of Quito and its surrounding populations. Based on detail hydrological observations (every 15 minutes measurements) during 2005 to 2009 and sporadic environmental trace analysis during the same period, the annual percentage of glacier contribution from the Humboldt catchment could potentially be as high as 37% due in part to the glacier melt contribution that gets infiltrated over 4750 masl it is then delivered around 4100 masl through underground circulation. Some of the sites where the glacier contribution reaches de surface has been identified through field work and the glacier origin of this water have been confirmed using a conductivity measurement, which seems to be a good indicator in when

  2. Reasons for an outstanding plant diversity in the tropical Andes of Southern Ecuador

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    Michael Richter


    Full Text Available Long-term field studies in the scope of a multidisciplinary project in southern Ecuador revealed extraordinary high species numbers of many organismic groups. This article discusses reasons for the outstanding vascular plant diversity using a hierarchical scale-oriented top-down approach (Grüninger 2005, from the global scale to the local microscale. The global scale explains general (paleo- ecological factors valid for most parts of the humid tropics, addressing various hypotheses and theories, such as the “greater effective evolutionary time”, constant input of “accidentals”, the “seasonal variability hypothesis”, the “intermediate disturbance hypothesis”, and the impact of soil fertility. The macroscale focuses on the Andes in northwestern South America. The tropical Andes are characterised by many taxa of restricted range which is particularly true for the Amotape-Huancabamba region, i.e. the so called Andean Depression, which is effective as discrete phytogeographic transition as well as barrier zone. Interdigitation of northern and southern flora elements, habitat fragmentation, geological and landscape history, and a high speciation rate due to rapid genetic radiation of some taxa contribute to a high degree of diversification. The mesoscale deals with the special environmental features of the eastern mountain range, the Cordillera Real and surrounding areas in southern Ecuador. Various climatic characteristics, the orographic heterogeneity, the geologic and edaphic conditions as well as human impact are the most prominent factors augmenting plant species diversity. On microscale, prevailing regimes of disturbance and environmental stresses, the orographic basement, as well as the general role on the various mountain chains are considered. Here, micro-habitats e.g. niches for epiphytes, effects of micro-relief patterns, and successions after small-sized disturbance events are screened. Direct effects of human impact are

  3. Calcite Twin Analysis in the Central Andes of Northern Argentina and Southern Bolivia (United States)

    Hardesty, E.; Hindle, D.


    The use of calcite twinning to infer compression directions and strain axes patterns has been applied widely in both fold and thrust belts, and continental interiors. Calcite twinning is noted to be one of the most precise methods for determining the internal strain of deformed rocks. Until now, such data from the deformed plate boundary of the Central Andes were lacking. This study has examined twinning orientations along the deformed Andean foreland (southern Bolivia and northern Argentina) from -25 to -20 latitude. In the Central Andes, we find an abundance of calcite twins in intervals of the Cretaceous age Yacorite limestone. Twin samples were collected, measured for orientation and type (I and II can be best used for strain analysis), and processed using the Groshong method, to give resultant strain tensors. The orientations of the twin short axes trend mostly NE-SW, which is close to the plate convergence direction. However, in a limited number of samples from the north, adjacent to the southern culmination of the active Subandean fold thrust belt, they trend NW-SE. This difference may be related to the more active, or more recent, shortening of the southern portion of the Eastern Cordillera, south of the culmination of the Subandean belt. This implies that twin short axes vary consistently with respect to geographic location and local tectonic regime. NW-SE trends in the northern region match well with fault kinematic studies in rocks pre-dating the San Juan del Oro unconformity (9-10 Ma). NE-SW trends in the south could correspond to much younger (~1-3 Ma) fault kinematic trends. In the Eastern Cordillera, where there is present day tectonic activity, the plunges of the twin short axes are found to be almost horizontal. This suggests that the twins were formed after folding occurred.

  4. Pathogenesis and host response in Syrian hamsters following intranasal infection with Andes virus.

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    David Safronetz


    Full Text Available Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS, also referred to as hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS, is a rare but frequently fatal disease caused by New World hantaviruses. In humans HPS is associated with severe pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock; however, the pathogenesis of this disease remains unclear largely due to a lack of suitable animal models for the study of disease progression. In this study we monitored clinical, virological, pathophysiological parameters and host immunological responses to decipher pathological factors and events in the lethal Syrian hamster model of HPS following intranasal inoculation of Andes virus. Transcriptional profiling of the host gene responses demonstrated a suppression of innate immune responses in most organs analyzed during the early stage of infection, except for in the lung which had low level activation of several pro-inflammatory genes. During this phase Andes virus established a systemic infection in hamsters, with viral antigen readily detectable in the endothelium of the majority of tissues analyzed by 7-8 days post-inoculation. Despite wide-spread infection, histological analysis confirmed pathological abnormalities were almost exclusively found in the lungs. Immediately preceding clinical signs of disease, intense activation of pro-inflammatory and Th1/Th2 responses were observed in the lungs as well as the heart, but not in peripheral organs, suggesting that localized immune-modulations by infection is paramount to pathogenesis. Throughout the course of infection a strong suppression of regulatory T-cell responses was noted and is hypothesized to be the basis of the aberrant immune activations. The unique and comprehensive monitoring of host immune responses to hantavirus infection increases our understanding of the immuno-pathogenesis of HPS and will facilitate the development of treatment strategies targeting deleterious host immunological responses.

  5. Cold episodes in the Peruvian Central Andes: Composites, Types, and their Impacts over South America (1958-2014) (United States)

    Sulca, J. C.; Vuille, M. F.; Roundy, P. E.; Trasmonte, G.; Silva, Y.; Takahashi, K.


    The Mantaro basin (MB) is located in the central Peruvian Andes. Occasionally, cold episodes are observed during austral summer (January-March), that strongly damage crops. However, little is known about the causes and impacts of such cold episodes. The main goal of this study is thus to characterize cold episodes in the MB and assess their large-scale circulation and teleconnections over South America (SA) during austral summer. To identify cold events in the MB daily minimum temperature (Tmin) for the period 1958-2014 from Huayao station, located within the MB was used. A cold episode is defined when daily minimum temperature drops below its 10-percentile for at least one day. Additionally, to study the sensitivity between physical mechanisms associated with cold episodes and temperature, cold episodes are classified in three groups: Weak cold episodes (7.5 ≤ Tmin ≤ 10 percentile), strong cold episodes (Tmin ≤ 2.5 percentile), but excluding the 9 coldest events (Tmin ≤ 0 ͦ C), henceforth referred to as extraordinary cold episodes. Several gridded reanalysis were used to characterize the large-scale circulation, cloud cover and rainfall over SA associated with these events. Weak and strong cold episodes in the MB are mainly associated with a weakening of the Bolivian High-Nordeste Low system by tropical-extratropical interactions. Both types of cold episodes are associated with westerly wind anomalies at mid- and upper-tropospheric levels aloft the Peruvian Central Andes, which inhibit the influx of humid air masses from the lowlands to the east and hence limit the development of cloud cover (e.g., positive OLR anomalies over MB). The resulting clear sky conditions cause nighttime temperatures to drop, leading to cold extremes below 10-percentile. Simultaneously, northeastern Brazil (NEB) registers negative OLR anomalies, strong convection and enhanced cloud cover because displacement of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) toward the northeast of

  6. Meteorological Conditions of Floods In The Chilean Andes Mountains (United States)

    Vergara, J.

    Catastrophic floods occurred on mountains River during 2000 and 2001. The meteo- rological conditions of flood during the last five years have analyzed. For example, the flood of June 29 of 2000 occurred after one of extremely wettest June of the last 40 years were snowfall was 991cm in the Aconcagua Valley. Infrequently storms activ- ity generated a huge snowfall and rainfall over the Andes mountains on June of 2000 (1525mm in El Maule Valley) and the end of the unusually period, the flood was trig- gered by rising temperatures on the mountains and heavy rain (199mm in 24 hours) fall over the fresh snow on the morning of June 29 and floods wave developed and moved down along of the all river located on Central part of Chile, the foods peak was 2970.5m3/s on the El Maule basin in the morning of June 29. The regional meteoro- logical models with the hydrological forecasting was used for alert of the floods.

  7. The role of biomass in a pilot town of Venezuelan Andes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Padilla, A.; Sanchez, R.; Briceno, L.; Urbina, E. [Universidad de los Andes, Lab. de Bioenergia, Merida (Venezuela)


    This work analyses some factors of the energy crisis in a town of Venezuelan Andes (Llano del Hato, 3500 m.a.s.l.). The socioeconomics and climatic conditions in this region make the use of firewood as fuel mandatory. There are extensive desertified areas due to the extraction of plant species for firewood. It has been determined that there are diverse species in the area whose energy potential is superior to that reported in the literature, however, they are incorrectly used and are in danger of extinction. The absence of firewood drives peasants to use manure as a source of fuel. Parallel to the laboratory testing of different raw materials, a program of environmental education and optimisation of biomass to obtain energy is under way. It is hoped that pilot plans like this will expand to all of the Andean region. (Author)

  8. Tracing oxidative weathering from the Andes to the lowland Amazon Basin using dissoved rhenium (United States)

    Dellinger, M.; Hilton, R. G.; West, A. J.; Torres, M.; Burton, K. W.; Clark, K. E.; Baronas, J. J.


    Over long timescales (>105 yrs), the abundance of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is determined by the balance of the major carbon sources and sinks. Among the major carbon sources, the oxidation of organic carbon contained within sedimentary rocks ("petrogenic" carbon, or OCpetro) is thought to result in CO2 emission of similar magnitude to that released by volcanism. Rhenium (Re) has been proposed as a proxy for tracing OCpetro oxidation. Here we investigate the source, behavior and flux of dissolved and particulate rhenium (Re) in the Madre de Dios watershed (a major Andean tributary of the Amazon River) and the lowlands, aiming to characterize the behavior of Re in river water and quantify the flux of CO2 released by OCpetro oxidation. Measured Re concentrations in Andean rivers range from 0.07 to 1.55 ppt. In the Andes, Re concentration do not change significantly with water discharge, whereas in the lowlands, Re concentration decrease at high water discharge. Mass balance calculation show that more than 70% of the dissolved Re is sourced from the oxidation of OCpetro the Andes-floodplain system. We calculate dissolved Re flux over a hydrological year to estimate the rates of oxidative weathering, and the associated CO2 release from OCpetro. Rates are high in the Andean headwaters, consistent with estimates from other mountain rivers with similar rates of physical erosion. We find evidence that a significant amount of additional oxidation (Re flux) happens during floodplain transport. These results have important implications for improving our understanding of the source and processes controlling Re in rivers, and allowing us to quantify long-term OCpetro cycling in large river basins.

  9. Naos, clima y glaciares en el Estrecho de Magallanes durante el siglo XVI

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    Prieto, María del Rosario


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    El objetivo de este trabajo es lograr una aproximación al clima y a los fenómenos de glaciación ocurridos en el Estrecho de Magallanes durante el siglo XVI y parte del XVII a través de registros históricos. Se complementan los resultados obtenidos por investigadores de otras disciplinas paleoclimáticas en el área, verificándose si las fuentes históricas corroboran las conclusiones de esos autores, quienes postulan un intervalo muy frío entre 1520 y 1670. Para realizar esta investigación se utilizaron los “diarios o relaciones de navegación” de los primeros marinos españoles que pasaron por el Estrecho, recopilados en su mayor parte en Archivos históricos españoles. A través de la técnica del análisis de contenido se verificó la estabilidad en el vocabulario referido al clima y los glaciares a lo largo de esas centurias y se calificó los eventos de acuerdo a su magnitud. Se determinaron diversas categorías de las cuales se han seleccionado precipitaciones sólidas y líquidas, temperatura, dirección del viento y ocurrencia de tormentas para analizar en este trabajo. Se estudió especialmente la presencia de témpanos en el Estrecho y las descripciones de los glaciares fueguinos y del sur de la Patagonia chilena como indicadores de bajas temperaturas. Se concluye que existen referencias directas a la presencia de témpanos proveniente de glaciares en el Estrecho, sólo en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. El avance de los hielos supondría una acentuación de las condiciones de frío durante esa centuria, lo que puede ser corroborado por los datos de los navíos que consignan temperaturas estivales frías y muy frías en la vertiente pacífica. Estos datos coincidirían con los resultados de R. Villalba en cuanto a que el intervalo 1520 a 1670 fue uno de los más fríos de la Pequeña Edad Glaciar.

  10. Changes in Andes snow cover from MODIS data, 2000–2016

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    F. A. Saavedra


    Full Text Available The Andes span a length of 7000 km and are important for sustaining regional water supplies. Snow variability across this region has not been studied in detail due to sparse and unevenly distributed instrumental climate data. We calculated snow persistence (SP as the fraction of time with snow cover for each year between 2000 and 2016 from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS satellite sensors (500 m, 8-day maximum snow cover extent. This analysis is conducted between 8 and 36° S due to high frequency of cloud (>  30 % of the time south and north of this range. We ran Mann–Kendall and Theil–Sens analyses to identify areas with significant changes in SP and snowline (the line at lower elevation where SP  =  20 %. We evaluated how these trends relate to temperature and precipitation from Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications-2 (MERRA2 and University of Delaware datasets and climate indices as El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO, Southern Annular Mode (SAM, and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO. Areas north of 29° S have limited snow cover, and few trends in snow persistence were detected. A large area (34 370 km2 with persistent snow cover between 29 and 36° S experienced a significant loss of snow cover (2–5 fewer days of snow year−1. Snow loss was more pronounced (62 % of the area with significant trends on the east side of the Andes. We also found a significant increase in the elevation of the snowline at 10–30 m year−1 south of 29–30° S. Decreasing SP correlates with decreasing precipitation and increasing temperature, and the magnitudes of these correlations vary with latitude and elevation. ENSO climate indices better predicted SP conditions north of 31° S, whereas the SAM better predicted SP south of 31° S.

  11. Trypanosomiasis americana en el Perú: I. El insector vector y los animales que actúan de reservorio de la enfermedad de Chagas en la región sudoccidental

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    Arístides Herrer


    Full Text Available Como resultado de observaciones llevadas a cabo durante los meses de enero a marzo de 1952, sobre varios aspectos de la enfermedad de Chagas en la región sudoccidental del Perú, se informa lo siguiente: 1. El Triatoma infestans es el único vector de la enfermedad de Chagas en la mencionada región. Su actual distribución abarcaría la vertiente occidental de los Andes desde el paralelo 14 al 18 de latitud sur, y desde el nivel del mar hasta las proximidades de los 3.500 me tros de altitud. 2. En la mayoría de las localidades el T. infestans se encuentra infectado por el Trypanosoma cruzi variando la incidencia de la infección de acuerdo con los animales domésticos sobre los cuales se alimenta el triatomino. Los lugares donde se crían o encierra cobayos siempre ofrecen mayor incidencia de la infección. 3. En busca de infecciones naturales al T. cruzi, por medio de observaciones de sangre fueron revisados 356 animales domésticos, entre los que se encuentran 297 cobayos, 32 perros, 14 conejos, 8 gatos y 5 cerdos. De éstos, en 17 cobayos y un gato fué posible verificar la infección. 4. En el valle de Moquegua se observó un caso de asociación entre el T. infestans y ratones grises, en las proximidades de una casa que parecía no se encontraba infestada por este triatomino. Tanto los triatomas como también los ratones capturados se encontraban infectados por el T. cruzi. 5. Finalmente se presentan algunas consideraciones sobre el rol de reservorio de la enfermedad de Chagas que desempeñarían ciertos animales domésticos en la región sudoccidental del Perú.

  12. Uso de marcadores moleculares microsatélites para determinar condición de homocigosis y heterocigosis en roedores producidos en el Bioterio de la Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela


    R. De Jesús; N. Rodríguez; W. Torres; Y. Moreno; J. O'Callaghan


    Los animales de laboratorio no consanguíneos, producidos en los bioterios para la investigación, tienen una alta probabilidad de incrementar su consanguinidad; así como los animales consanguíneos, tienen una alta probabilidad de alterar su homocigosis por la introgresión de genes que no corresponden al genoma de los mismos. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar marcadores moleculares microsatélites del adn extraído de ratones pertenecientes a las colonias de ratones BALB/C//BIOULA, ...

  13. A further contribution to the knowledge of two inadequately known species of geophilid centipedes from the Andes of South-Central Chile, currently assigned to the genus Plateurytion Attems, 1909 (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha). (United States)

    Pereira, Luis Alberto


    Two poorly known species of geophilid centipedes from the Andes of South-Central Chile, i.e., Plateurytion mundus (Chamberlin, 1955) and Plateurytion zapallar (Chamberlin, 1955) (Myriapoda: Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha), are herein redescribed and illustrated after type specimens of both taxa and new material of the latter, rectifying the condition of the coxosternites of the second maxillae, which are medially joined through a narrow, hyaline and non-areolate membranous isthmus only (instead of "broadly fused as in Pachymerium", as stated by Chamberlin), this being consistent with the current generic assignment of these species under Plateurytion Attems, 1909. New data on many morphological features of specific value, until now unknown, are also given for both taxa. Plateurytion zapallar is reported for the first time from Coquimbo region, 11 Km N of Los Vilos (Elqui province), Valparaíso region, Quebrada Huaquén, Pichicuy (Petorca province), La Campana National Park (Quillota province), and Quebrada el Tigre, Cachagua (Valparíso province). A key for identification of the South American species currently included in Plateurytion is given.

  14. Pedological and mineralogical investigations on a soil-paleosoil sequence within Andosols in the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes (region Laramate, 14.5S) (United States)

    Leceta Gobitz, Fernando; Mächtle, Bertil; Schukraft, Gerd; Meyer, Hans-Peter; Eitel, Bernhard


    An integrated research project of environmental sciences focuses on a group of four Andosol profiles in Western flank of the Peruvian southern Andes. Aim of this study is to contribute to the reconstruction of the paleo environmental conditions in the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes. Standard pedological and sedimentological analysis has been conducted in order to identify morphological and geochemical features generated by climatic variations during the middle and late Holocene. Though a provenance analysis of sediments, all potential lithological sources around the town of Laramate are being examined under the scanning electron microscope, in order to find significant mineralogical associations downward the soil-profile. Preliminary results reveal two edaphic cycles within a soil-paleo soil-sequence: a relative poor developed "Ah" topsoil, mostly composed by fine grain sediments, is underlain by a well preserved "2Ah" paleo soil; a "2Bwt" subsoil exhibits signs of alteration and clay translocation; parent material in slight weathered statement at "2C" culminates the sequence. Mineralogical analytical data supports the premise, that materials in the uppermost horizons are relatable to distal geological units of the Western and Eastern Cordillera, therefore also related to other described aeolian archives from the region: "Desert Margin Loess" at the Andean foot-zone and "Mixed Loess" in the Puna grassland. The amphibole varieties Actinolite, Mg-Hornblende and Edenite could be only distinguished within the soil sediments. The fluvial transport to its current position is excluded, insofar mentioned varieties stem from the granodiorites of Coastal Batholite (downstream the study area), and the vulcanites of the Anta und Andahuaylas Formation (eastward the continental divide). References: Eitel, B., et al. (2005). "Geoarchaeological evidence from desert loess in the Nazca-Palpa region, southern Peru : Palaeoenvironmental changes and their impact on Pre

  15. Multiproxy Holocene paleoclimate records from the southern Peruvian Andes - what new can we learn from the stable carbon isotope composition of high altitude organic matter deposits? (United States)

    Skrzypek, Grzegorz; Engel, Zbyněk


    Interpretation of the Central Andean paleoclimate over the last millennia still represents a research challenge demanding deeper studies [1,2]. Several high-resolution paleoclimate proxies for the last 10,000 years have been developed for the northern hemisphere. However, similar proxies are very limited for South America, particularly for high altitudes where, for example, tree-ring chronologies are not available and instrumental records are very limited. Consequently, our knowledge of high altitude climate changes in arid regions of the Peruvian Andes mainly relies on ice-core and lake deposit studies. In our study, we used a new alternative proxy for interpretation of palaeoclimate conditions based on a peat core taken from the Carhuasanta Valley at the foot of Nevado Mismi in the southern Peruvian Andes (15° 30'S, 71° 43'W, 4809m a.s.l.). The stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of Distichia peat reflects mainly the relative variation of the mean air temperature during subsequent growing seasons [3], and allows reconstructions of palaeotemperature changes. In contrast, peat organic carbon concentration (C % wt) records mainly wetness in the valley, directly corresponding to the changes in runoff in the upper part of the catchment. The most prominent climate changes recorded in the peat over last 4ka occurred between 3040 and 2750 cal. yrs BP. The initial warming turned to a very rapid cooling to temperatures at least 2° C lower than the mean for the Late Holocene. Initially drier conditions within this event turned to a short wet phase after 2780 cal. yrs BP, when the temperature increased again. This event coincides with significant changes in peat and ice core records in the Central Andes that match the timing of the global climate event around 2.8 cal. ka BP. Climatic conditions in the study area became relatively dry and stable after the event for about 800 years. Highly variable temperatures and humidity prevailed during the last 2000 years, when

  16. Un género nuevo de Platynini (Coleoptera: Carabidae de la Argentina A new genus of Platynini (Coleoptera: Carabidae from Argentina

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    Sergio ROIG-JUÑENT


    Full Text Available Los Platynini constituyen un grupo de carábidos distribuidos ampliamente en América del Sur, existiendo la mayor diversidad de especies en las regiones tropicales de altura de Los Andes. En la Argentina y Chile, la mayoría de las especies de Platynini se hallan distribuidas en áreas extracordilleranas, conociéndose pocos datos para la región Andina. A partir de recolecciones realizadas en la Precordillera y Cordillera de los Andes en Mendoza (Argentina, se hallaron ejemplares pertenecientes a dos especies de dicha tribu de carábidos. El estudio de este material ha permitido establecer dos nuevas especies cuyos caracteres justifican su agrupación en un nuevo género, Austroglyptolenus nov. gen. La presencia de una carena dorsal en la protibia y el poseer la base del lóbulo medio esclerotizado agruparían a Austroglyptolenus nov. gen. con los géneros Glyptolenus Bates y Glyptolenoides Perrault. De ellos se diferencia por la forma de los metatarsitos, ausencia de diente en el saco interno y la presencia de un anillo de espículas en la bursa copulatriz. Por ello las especies de Austroglyptolenus nov. gen., A. mendozensis sp. nov. y A. precordillerae sp. nov. están más relacionadas con las especies de América del Sur tropical que con los Platynini australes extramontanos de la Argentina y Chile. En este aporte se proveen las descripciones e ilustraciones del género y de las nuevas especies, así como también claves para identificar los nuevos taxones.Platynini is a widespread tribe of carabids in South America, having the largest diversity of species in the tropical highlands of Andes. In Argentina and Chile, most of the platinine species are distributed in extra-Andean regions. Several specimens of platynine have been found in samples from the Precordillera and the Andes in Mendoza (Argentina. The study of these materials revealed two new species, whose characters justify the creation of a new genus, Austroglyptolenus gen. nov. The

  17. Unraveling the diversification history of grasshoppers belonging to the “Trimerotropis pallidipennis” (Oedipodinae: Acrididae species group: a hotspot of biodiversity in the Central Andes

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    Noelia Verónica Guzmán


    Full Text Available The Andean Mountain range has been recognized as one of the biodiversity hotspots of the world. The proposed mechanisms for such species diversification, among others, are due to the elevation processes occurring during the Miocene and the intensive glacial action during the Pleistocene. In this study we investigated the diversification history of the grasshopper Trimerotropis pallidipennis species complex which shows a particularly wide latitudinal and altitudinal distribution range across the northern, central and southern Andes in South America. Many genetic lineages of this complex have been so far discovered, making it an excellent model to investigate the role of the central Andes Mountains together with climatic fluctuations as drivers of speciation. Phylogenetics, biogeographic and molecular clock analyses using a multi-locus dataset revealed that in Peru there are at least two, and possibly four genetic lineages. Two different stocks originated from a common ancestor from North/Central America—would have dispersed toward southern latitudes favored by the closure of the Panama Isthmus giving rise to two lineages, the coastal and mountain lineages, which still coexist in Peru (i.e., T. pallidipennis and T. andeana. Subsequent vicariant and dispersal events continued the differentiation process, giving rise to three to six genetic lineages (i.e., clades detected in this study, which were geographically restricted to locations dispersed over the central Andes Mountains in South America. Our results provide another interesting example of “island diversification” motored by the topography plus unstable climatic conditions during the Pleistocene, pointing out the presence of a hotspot of diversification in the Andean region of Peru.

  18. Endemic human fasciolosis in the Bolivian Altiplano. (United States)

    Parkinson, M; O'Neill, S M; Dalton, J P


    Fasciolosis, caused by trematodes of the genus Fasciola, is an emerging disease of humans. One of the highest levels of human fasciolosis hepatica is found amongst the indigenous Aymaran people of the Northern Bolivian Altiplano. A meta-analysis of epidemiological surveys from 38 communities in the region demonstrates that fasciolosis has been endemic in the region since at least 1984 and is a zoonosis of rural communities. Human and bovine fasciolosis is associated with the communities lying in the plain from Lake Titicaca to La Paz, predominantly in the Los Andes province. In Los Andes incidences of up to 67% of population cohorts were found, and prevalence is age-related with the highest infection rate in children aged 8-11 years.

  19. Los niños y los videojuegos


    Orrego Gaviria, Jaime; Fundación Valle de Lili


    Los niños y los videojuegos / Efectos perjudiciales de la utilización de los videojuegos por los niños y adolescentes/ Efectos benéficos de la de la utilización de los videojuegos por los niños y adolescentes/ Recomendaciones para favorecer el uso adecuado/ Sistema de clasificación de los videojuegos

  20. Pucarilla-Cerro Tipillas volcanic complex: the oldest recognized caldera in the southeastern portion of central volcanic zone of Central Andes?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guzman, Silvina; Petrinovic, Ivan [CONICET -IBIGEO. Museo de Cs. Naturales, Universidad de Salta, Mendoza 2 (4400), Salta (Argentina)], E-mail:


    We recognize the most eastern and oldest collapse caldera structure in the southern portion of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. A description of Middle-Upper Miocene successions related to explosive- effusive events is presented. The location of this centre close to Cerro Galn Caldera attests a recurrence in the volcanism between 12 and 2 Ma in this portion of the Altiplano - Puna Plateau.

  1. Proliferation of hydroelectric dams in the Andean Amazon and implications for Andes-Amazon connectivity. (United States)

    Finer, Matt; Jenkins, Clinton N


    Due to rising energy demands and abundant untapped potential, hydropower projects are rapidly increasing in the Neotropics. This is especially true in the wet and rugged Andean Amazon, where regional governments are prioritizing new hydroelectric dams as the centerpiece of long-term energy plans. However, the current planning for hydropower lacks adequate regional and basin-scale assessment of potential ecological impacts. This lack of strategic planning is particularly problematic given the intimate link between the Andes and Amazonian flood plain, together one of the most species rich zones on Earth. We examined the potential ecological impacts, in terms of river connectivity and forest loss, of the planned proliferation of hydroelectric dams across all Andean tributaries of the Amazon River. Considering data on the full portfolios of existing and planned dams, along with data on roads and transmission line systems, we developed a new conceptual framework to estimate the relative impacts of all planned dams. There are plans for 151 new dams greater than 2 MW over the next 20 years, more than a 300% increase. These dams would include five of the six major Andean tributaries of the Amazon. Our ecological impact analysis classified 47% of the potential new dams as high impact and just 19% as low impact. Sixty percent of the dams would cause the first major break in connectivity between protected Andean headwaters and the lowland Amazon. More than 80% would drive deforestation due to new roads, transmission lines, or inundation. We conclude with a discussion of three major policy implications of these findings. 1) There is a critical need for further strategic regional and basin scale evaluation of dams. 2) There is an urgent need for a strategic plan to maintain Andes-Amazon connectivity. 3) Reconsideration of hydropower as a low-impact energy source in the Neotropics.

  2. Proliferation of hydroelectric dams in the Andean Amazon and implications for Andes-Amazon connectivity.

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    Matt Finer

    Full Text Available Due to rising energy demands and abundant untapped potential, hydropower projects are rapidly increasing in the Neotropics. This is especially true in the wet and rugged Andean Amazon, where regional governments are prioritizing new hydroelectric dams as the centerpiece of long-term energy plans. However, the current planning for hydropower lacks adequate regional and basin-scale assessment of potential ecological impacts. This lack of strategic planning is particularly problematic given the intimate link between the Andes and Amazonian flood plain, together one of the most species rich zones on Earth. We examined the potential ecological impacts, in terms of river connectivity and forest loss, of the planned proliferation of hydroelectric dams across all Andean tributaries of the Amazon River. Considering data on the full portfolios of existing and planned dams, along with data on roads and transmission line systems, we developed a new conceptual framework to estimate the relative impacts of all planned dams. There are plans for 151 new dams greater than 2 MW over the next 20 years, more than a 300% increase. These dams would include five of the six major Andean tributaries of the Amazon. Our ecological impact analysis classified 47% of the potential new dams as high impact and just 19% as low impact. Sixty percent of the dams would cause the first major break in connectivity between protected Andean headwaters and the lowland Amazon. More than 80% would drive deforestation due to new roads, transmission lines, or inundation. We conclude with a discussion of three major policy implications of these findings. 1 There is a critical need for further strategic regional and basin scale evaluation of dams. 2 There is an urgent need for a strategic plan to maintain Andes-Amazon connectivity. 3 Reconsideration of hydropower as a low-impact energy source in the Neotropics.

  3. Genetic continuity after the collapse of the Wari empire: mitochondrial DNA profiles from Wari and post-Wari populations in the ancient Andes. (United States)

    Kemp, Brian M; Tung, Tiffiny A; Summar, Marshall L


    The Wari empire flourished in the central, highland Peruvian Andes from AD 600-1000, and although the events that led to its demise are unknown, archaeological evidence indicates that Wari control waned at the end of the first millennium. Here, we test the hypothesis that, despite the major shift in social and political organization at the fall of the Wari empire, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) composition of populations from the Ayacucho Basin, the former imperial heartland of the empire, remained essentially unchanged. Results show that mtDNA haplogroup frequencies among the Wari and post-Wari groups differ, but the difference is not statistically significant (chi2 = 5.886, df = 3, P = 0.1172). This is the first study in the Andes to use haplotypic data to evaluate the observed genetic distance between two temporally distinct prehispanic populations (F(ST) = 0.029) against modeled expectations of four possible evolutionary scenarios. None of these simulations allowed the rejection of continuity. In total, at both the haplogroup and haplotype levels these data do not allow us to reject the hypothesis that post-Wari individuals sampled in this study are the maternal descendants of those sampled from the Wari era site of Conchopata. However, genetic homogeneity in the mitochondrial gene pool, as seen in the late prehispanic southern Andes, may also characterize our study region. But, prior to this research, this was unknown. If our new data show mtDNA homogeneity, then this could limit the detection of female migration if, in fact, it occurred. Nonetheless, the novel mtDNA data presented here currently do not support the hypothesis that there was an influx of genetically distinct females into the former Wari heartland after the Wari collapse. Copyright 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  4. Landslide susceptibility near highways is increased by 1 order of magnitude in the Andes of southern Ecuador, Loja province (United States)

    Brenning, A.; Schwinn, M.; Ruiz-Páez, A. P.; Muenchow, J.


    Mountain roads in developing countries are known to increase landslide occurrence due to often inadequate drainage systems and mechanical destabilization of hillslopes by undercutting and overloading. This study empirically investigates landslide initiation frequency along two paved interurban highways in the tropical Andes of southern Ecuador across different climatic regimes. Generalized additive models (GAM) and generalized linear models (GLM) were used to analyze the relationship between mapped landslide initiation points and distance to highway while accounting for topographic, climatic, and geological predictors as possible confounders. A spatial block bootstrap was used to obtain nonparametric confidence intervals for the odds ratio of landslide occurrence near the highways (25 m distance) compared to a 200 m distance. The estimated odds ratio was 18-21, with lower 95% confidence bounds >13 in all analyses. Spatial bootstrap estimation using the GAM supports the higher odds ratio estimate of 21.2 (95% confidence interval: 15.5-25.3). The highway-related effects were observed to fade at about 150 m distance. Road effects appear to be enhanced in geological units characterized by Holocene gravels and Laramide andesite/basalt. Overall, landslide susceptibility was found to be more than 1 order of magnitude higher in close proximity to paved interurban highways in the Andes of southern Ecuador.

  5. Landslide susceptibility near highways is increased by one order of magnitude in the Andes of southern Ecuador, Loja province (United States)

    Brenning, A.; Schwinn, M.; Ruiz-Páez, A. P.; Muenchow, J.


    Mountain roads in developing countries are known to increase landslide occurrence due to often inadequate drainage systems and mechanical destabilization of hillslopes by undercutting and overloading. This study empirically investigates landslide initiation frequency along two paved interurban highways in the tropical Andes of southern Ecuador across different climatic regimes. Generalized additive models (GAM) and generalized linear models (GLM) were used to analyze the relationship between mapped landslide initiation points and distance to highway while accounting for topographic, climatic and geological predictors as possible confounders. A spatial block bootstrap was used to obtain non-parametric confidence intervals for the odds ratio of landslide occurrence near the highways (25 m distance) compared to a 200 m distance. The estimated odds ratio was 18-21 with lower 95% confidence bounds > 13 in all analyses. Spatial bootstrap estimation using the GAM supports the higher odds ratio estimate of 21.2 (95% confidence interval: 15.5-25.3). The highway-related effects were observed to fade at about 150 m distance. Road effects appear to be enhanced in geological units characterized by Holocene gravels and Laramide andesite/basalt. Overall, landslide susceptibility was found to be more than one order of magnitude higher in close proximity to paved interurban highways in the Andes of southern Ecuador.

  6. Diversity of bacteria producing pigmented colonies in aerosol, snow and soil samples from remote glacial areas (Antarctica, Alps and Andes) (United States)

    González-Toril, E.; Amils, R.; Delmas, R. J.; Petit, J.-R.; Komárek, J.; Elster, J.


    Four different communities and one culture of pigmented microbial assemblages were obtained by incubation in mineral medium of samples collected from high elevation snow in the Alps (Mt. Blanc area) and the Andes (Nevado Illimani summit, Bolivia), from Antarctic aerosol (French station Dumont d'Urville) and a maritime Antarctic soil (King George Island, South Shetlands, Uruguay Station Artigas). Molecular analysis of more than 200 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that all cultured cells belong to the Bacteria domain. The phylogenetic comparison with the currently available rDNA database allowed the identification of sequences belonging to Proteobacteria (Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-proteobacteria), Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes phyla. The Andes snow culture was the richest in bacterial diversity (eight microorganisms identified) and the maritime Antarctic soil the poorest (only one). Snow samples from Col du midi (Alps) and the Andes shared the highest number of identified microorganisms (Agrobacterium, Limnobacter, Aquiflexus and two uncultured Alphaproteobacteria clones). These two sampling sites also shared four sequences with the Antarctic aerosol sample (Limnobacter, Pseudonocardia and an uncultured Alphaproteobacteria clone). The only microorganism identified in the maritime Antarctica soil (Brevundimonas sp.) was also detected in the Antarctic aerosol. The two snow samples from the Alps only shared one common microorganism. Most of the identified microorganisms have been detected previously in cold environments (Dietzia kujamenisi, Pseudonocardia Antarctica, Hydrogenophaga palleronii and Brebundimonas sp.), marine sediments (Aquiflexus balticus, Pseudomonas pseudoalkaligenes, Pseudomonas sp. and one uncultured Alphaproteobacteria), and soils and rocks (Pseudonocardia sp., Agrobactrium sp., Limnobacter sp. and two uncultured Alphaproteobacetria clones). Air current dispersal is the best model to explain the presence of very specific microorganisms, like those

  7. Between the Ecstasy and the Writing – Santa Teresa de los Andes’s Intimate Diary

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    Leandro Garcia Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Lives, trajectories, frustrations, discoveries and verifications.  These are some of the several sensations perceived when we research the daily writing.  These narratives cannot been read as truth because we can feel the fictional intention in some of the autobiographical writings.  Some of them were written during times of suffering, that’s why these reading bring to light some unspoken ghosts and pains, spread into the paper through a desperate writing.  This situation tends to get worse when God himself participates in this dialogue, as we can read in the mystical diaries of some saints.  In this paper, we want to deal with these questions looking inside Santa Teresa de los Andes Intimate Diary, a Chilean carmelite nun, canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1993.  Teresa left an interesting personal archive compound of letters, notes and the most important – her Spiritual Diary.  Published in Brazil only in 2000, we are going to use this publication in order to do our study theoretic conclusions. 

  8. Phytogeography of the vascular páramo flora of Ramal de Guaramacal (Andes, Venezuela) and its ties to other páramo floras

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cuello, N.L.; Cleef, A.M.; Aymard, G.


    Ramal de Guaramacal is an outlier and lower elevation mountain range located at the northeastern end of the Venezuelan Andes. Phytogeographical patterns and affinities of the low altitude and wet vascular páramo flora of Ramal de Guaramacal, have been studied with emphasis in to the analysis of the

  9. Infection of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells by ANDES Hantavirus enhances pro-inflammatory state, the secretion of active MMP-9 and indirectly enhances endothelial permeability

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    Lopez-Lastra Marcelo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Andes virus (ANDV, a rodent-borne Hantavirus, is the major etiological agent of Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS in South America, which is mainly characterized by a vascular leakage with high rate of fatal outcomes for infected patients. Currently, neither specific therapy nor vaccines are available against this pathogen. ANDV infects both dendritic and epithelial cells, but in despite that the severity of the disease directly correlates with the viral RNA load, considerable evidence suggests that immune mechanisms rather than direct viral cytopathology are responsible for plasma leakage in HCPS. Here, we assessed the possible effect of soluble factors, induced in viral-activated DCs, on endothelial permeability. Activated immune cells, including DC, secrete gelatinolytic matrix metalloproteases (gMMP-2 and -9 that modulate the vascular permeability for their trafficking. Methods A clinical ANDES isolate was used to infect DC derived from primary PBMC. Maturation and pro-inflammatory phenotypes of ANDES-infected DC were assessed by studying the expression of receptors, cytokines and active gMMP-9, as well as some of their functional status. The ANDES-infected DC supernatants were assessed for their capacity to enhance a monolayer endothelial permeability using primary human vascular endothelial cells (HUVEC. Results Here, we show that in vitro primary DCs infected by a clinical isolate of ANDV shed virus RNA and proteins, suggesting a competent viral replication in these cells. Moreover, this infection induces an enhanced expression of soluble pro-inflammatory factors, including TNF-α and the active gMMP-9, as well as a decreased expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-10 and TGF-β. These viral activated cells are less sensitive to apoptosis. Moreover, supernatants from ANDV-infected DCs were able to indirectly enhance the permeability of a monolayer of primary HUVEC. Conclusions Primary human DCs

  10. Clave para la determinación de exuvias pupales de los quironómidos (Diptera: Chironomidae de ríos altoandinos tropicales

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    Narcís Prat


    Full Text Available Chironomidae es una familia cosmopolita de dípteros nematóceros que comprende más de 20 000 especies descritas. Sin embargo, la diversidad de géneros y especies presentes en la región andina del Neotrópico es poco conocida. Por tal motivo se desarrolló una clave taxonómica para identificar las pupas y exuvias pupales de 46 géneros de la familia Chironomidae presentes en ríos de alta montaña ubicados en la cordillera de los Andes por encima de los 2 000msnm. Se utilizó material de colección obtenido de levantamientos faunísticos y estudios de biomonitoreo en diferentes ríos y quebradas de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. La clave incluye ilustraciones y breves descripciones taxonómicas de todos los géneros incluyendo algunos que aún no han sido descritos formalmente. Para estos últimos se siguió la nomenclatura usada por Roback & Coffman (1983. Para los géneros Cricotopus y Género 1 se incluyen claves para la determinación de las morfoespecies más comunes. En el ensamblaje de quironómidos de la región altoandina domina la subfamilia Orthocladiinae (22 géneros seguida por Chironominae (13 géneros, patrón que contrasta con la dominancia de Chironominae en las zonas de menor altura de la región Neotropical. Se encontraron seis géneros pertenecientes a la subfamilia Tanypodinae, mientras que para Podonominae y Diamesinae estuvieron presentes tres y dos géneros respectivamente. Esta clave podría llegar a ser muy útil en estudios de la deriva y programas de biomonitoreo de los ríos altoandinos neotropicales.

  11. Astronomical tuning of long pollen records reveals the dynamic history of montane biomes and lake levels in the tropical high Andes during the Quaternary

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Torres, V.; Hooghiemstra, H.; Lourens, L.; Tzedakis, P.C.


    Long pollen records from two sediment cores of the basin of Bogotá (Colombia) are presented, reflecting the dynamic history of environmental and vegetation changes in the tropical high Andes during the Quaternary. An astronomically tuned age model has been developed by using the visual correlation

  12. Agro-Ecología en los Andes Peruanos

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    áreas rurales que en las urbanas, y es aún peor en la región andina. ... forma sustentable de aumentar el rendimiento general agrícola, reducir la ... Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (IDRC) de Canadá, que cuenta con el ...

  13. Análisis genético molecular del Oso Andino ( Tremarctos ornatus en el norte de los andes (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador: Una visión global

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    M. Ruiz-García


    G10B, G10C y G10X. Un exhaustivo análisis genético poblacional permitió determinar los siguientes aspectos fundamentales: (1 No existencia de equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg ni en el conjunto global de muestras ni en el conjunto particular de muestras para cada uno de esos países, al utilizar los tests exactos con cadenas de Markov y con el método de Fisher.

  14. Trauma and violence in the Wari empire of the Peruvian Andes: warfare, raids, and ritual fights. (United States)

    Tung, Tiffiny A


    This study examines bioarchaeological evidence for violence during the period of Wari imperialism in the Peruvian Andes through analysis of skeletal trauma from three populations dating to AD 650-800. The samples are from contemporaneous archaeological sites: Conchopata, a Wari heartland site in central highland Peru; Beringa, a community of commoners in the Majes valley of the southern Wari hinterland; and La Real, a high status mortuary site, also in the Majes valley. Given the expansionist nature of Wari and its military-related iconography and weaponry, it is hypothesized that Wari imperialism was concomitant with greater levels of violence relative to other prehispanic groups in the Andes. It is also hypothesized that differential articulation with the Wari empire (e.g., heartland vs. hinterland groups) affected the frequency and patterning of trauma. Results show that cranial trauma frequency of the three Wari era samples is significantly greater than several other Andean skeletal populations. This suggests that Wari rule was associated with high levels of violence, though it may not have always been related to militarism. The three adult samples show similar frequencies of cranial trauma (Conchopata = 26%; Beringa = 33%; La Real = 31%). This may suggest that differential positioning in the Wari empire had little effect on exposure to violence. Sex-based differences in cranial trauma frequencies are present only at La Real, but wound patterning differs between the sexes: females display more wounds on the posterior of the cranium, while males show more on the anterior. These data suggest that Wari rule may have contributed to violence. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  15. Importancia de la heterogeneidad de hábitats para la biodiversidad de hormigas en los Andes de Colombia Importance of habitat heterogeneity for ant biodiversity in the Colombian Andes

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    Mónica Ramírez Ramírez


    Full Text Available Entre marzo y octubre de 2002 se compararon los ensamblajes de hormigas que forrajean en el suelo en un sistema no manejado (reserva natural El Ciprés y en algunas fincas vecinas. En dos transectos de 100 m se instalaron estaciones de muestreo cada 10 m con trampa de caída (pitfall y cebo de atún epígeo durante 880 h y 92 días respectivamente. En 1471 eventos de captura se determinaron 68 especies distribuidas en 26 géneros y 8 subfamilias. En el sistema silvopastoril- guayaba y en monocultivo de granadilla (Passiflora ligularis dominaron las especies de hormigas mientras que la distribución fue más equitativa en los usos del terreno con estructura vegetal más compleja (bosque, café, sucesión temprana y banco de forrajes. El sistema silvopastoril-guayaba fue el más rico en especies (31 seguido por café (30 y por el bosque y la sucesión temprana (29. El flujo de especies fue alto en bosque, café y sucesión temprana, indicando que la calidad de la matriz es factor importante para el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad.In order to compare the ant assamblages in the Natural Reserve El Ciprés (Valle- Colombia and its neighboring farms, periodical ant sampling was carried out between March and October 2002. Each site had two transects of 100m with 10 sampling points. Each sampling point contained a pitfall trap and epigeal tuna bait established for 880 h and 92 days, respectively. In addition, the vegetal structure of each place was characterised. A total of 1471 ants were collected representing 68 species in 26 genera and 8 subfamilies. Two agricultural systems, the silvopastoral guava and passion fruit (Passiflora ligularis monoculture, typically presented ant species that over numbered other species whereas sites with more complex vegetation structure (i.e. forest, coffee, early succession and fodder banks had a more equitable distribution for the ant species. In terms of ant richness, the guava system was the richest (31 spp


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    Santiago Alvarez


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute diferenças e hierarquias encontradas nos ritos fúnebres de uma comunidade camponesa na região sudeste dos andes colombianos. Nessa comunidade - afetada por diferentes expressões de violência -, os funerais emergem como formas seletivas de manifestação de solidariedade social. De fato, na população analisada foram observadas notáveis diferenças quantitativas e qualitativas na organização e evolução de tais cerimônias fúnebres. As diferenças estão relacionadas ao sexo e à posição social do morto, bem como à forma pela qual ele ou ela morreu. Em um extremo das representações e práticas sociais relacionadas à morte encontram-se os enterros de homens jovens, mortos tragicamente. Estes são objeto de um culto particular, sendo glorificados pela comunidade. No outro extremo, a comunidade expressa sua rejeição às mulheres suicidas, rejeição que se coloca em evidência, especialmente, durante a evolução dos funerais.This article discusses the differences and hierarchies found in the funeral rites of a peasant community in the southwestern region of the Colombian Andes. In this community - affected by different expressions of violence - funerals emerge as selective forms for the manifestation of social solidarity. In the population considered, marked qualitative and quantitative differences in the organization and evolution of these funeral rites were, in fact, observed. The differences are related to the sex and social position of the deceased, as well as to the way in which he or she died. At one extreme of the social practices and representations associated with death are the burials of young men killed tragically. These are the object of a particular cult, and are glorified by the community. At the other extreme, the community expresses its rejection of women who have committed suicide, an attitude which is particularly evident during the course of the funeral.

  17. Records of new or poorly known migratory birds from Laguna del Otun, Los Nevados National Natural Park, Risaralda, Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Acevedo Charry, Orlando; Matta Camacho, Nubia E; Moncada Alvarez, Ligia Ines


    Colombia is important for migratory birds. Despite this, we do not know where they are during their crossing or residency in the country, and which species use paramo. We registered new migratory bird species for Laguna Del Otun, immersed in a complex of wetlands declared a Ramsar site since 2008. The lagoon is located in the Los Nevados National Natural Park at 3932 m asl, in paramo ecosystems of the Central Andes of Colombia. During five field trips between 2010-2012 we recorded four new migratory bird species for the park: Anas acuta, Pandion haliaetus, Riparia riparia, and Dendroica petechia. We also registered an altitudinal range extension for two additional migratory species which had only been recorded below 3500 m: Tringa flavipes and Hirundo rustica. These findings suggest these species could tolerate high mountain conditions and use the paramo. It's needed inquiry about migratory dynamics and high mountain habitat use by migratory birds.

  18. Pablo Palacio: Corporal Violence on Impossible Identities in the Zone of the Andes

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    Falconí Travez, Diego Fernando


    Full Text Available Pablo Palacio was an Ecuadorian writer who, in the 1920’s, built within his narrative a catalog of rare bodies with ambiguous and disturbing sexualities, characterizations that are quite different from ones portrayed in the Andean tradition to which Palacio belongs. Nonetheless one of the most issues striking facts of these characters is that their bodies are disciplined by certain discourses of power in a violent way. This paper explores trough literary theory such abuse and violence on women and homosexual identities in two of his stories. The aim of the paper is to investigate issues such as violence, economy of representation, its relationship with the literary text and vulnerability, as a sine qua non norm of abuse, in certain bodies in the area of the Andes.

  19. Distributional patterns of cecropia (Cecropiaceae: a panbiogeographic analysis

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    Franco Rosselli Pilar


    Full Text Available A panbiogeographic analysis of the distributional patterns of 60 species of Cecropia was carried out. Based on the distributional ranges of 36 species, we found eight generalized tracks for Cecropia species. whereas distributional patterns of 24 species were uninformative for the analysis. The major concentration of species of Cecropia is in the Neotropical Andean region. where there are three generalized tracks and two nodes. The northern Andes in Colombia and Ecuador are richer than the Central Andes in Perú. they contain two generalized tracks; one to the west and another to the east, formed by individual tracks of eight species each. There are four generalized tracks outside the Andean region: two in the Amazonian region in Guayana-Pará and in Manaus. one in Roraima. one in Serra do Mar in the Atlantic forest of Brazil and one in Central America. Speciation in Cecropia may be related to the Andean first uplift.Con base en la distribución de 60 especies del género Cecropia, se hizo un análisis panbiogeográfico. Se construyeron 8 trazos generalizados con base en el patrón de distribución de 36 especies; la distribución de las demás especies no aportaba información para la definición de los trazos. La región andina tiene la mayor concentración de especies de Cecropia representada por la presencia de tres trazos generalizados y dos nodos; los dos trazos con mayor número de especies se localizan en su parte norte, en Colombia y Ecuador y el otro en los Andes centrales en Perú. Se encontraron además, cuatro trazos extrandinos: dos en la región amazónica, en Pará-Guayana y en Manaus, uno en Roraima, uno en Serra do Mar en la Selva Atlánfíca del Brasil y uno en Centro América. La especiación en Cecropia parece estar relacionada con el primer levantamiento de los Andes.

  20. Glacialmorphological reconstruction of glacier advances and glacial lake outburst floods at the Cachapoal glacier in the Dry Central Andes of Chile (34°S) (United States)

    Iturrizaga, Lasafam; Charrier, Reynaldo


    Throughout the Andes Mountain range of South America a general trend of glacier shrinkage has taken place in the last century. Only a few glaciers have shown a rather non-continuous trend of glacier retreat and temporally advanced or even surged during the mid-19th to 20th century. One of the earliest assumed glacier surges has occurred in the upper Cachapoal catchment area at the homonymous glacier. In climatic respect the Cachapoal glacier is located in the transition zone from the most southern part of the Dry Central Andes of Chile to the more humid zone of the Wet Andes. The region is affected mainly by winter precipitation deriving from the Westerlies. The debris-covered, 12 km-long Cachapoal glacier represents one of the largest valley glaciers in the Central Andes. It is an avalanche-fed glacier with an almost 1500 m-high head wall in its upper catchment area flowing down from Picos del Barroso (5180 m) and terminates at an elevation of 2630 m a.s.l. with a bifurcated glacier tongue. A large moraine complex, almost 2 km in length and 500 m in width, separates the two glacier lobes. During times of advanced glacier tongue positions the Ríos Molina and Cachapoal may be have blocked independently at two distinct localities which are situated about 2300 m apart from each other. A blockage with temporal lake formation has occurred at least in the years 1848, 1955 and 1981 (cf. Plagemann 1887, Peña 1981), from which the rupture of the earliest glacier barrier has been the most devastating. This event is locally reminded as "la gran avenida en seco" in the historical record. Geomorphological evidence of the past historical and modern glacier expansions is given in the proglacial area by a fresh dead-ice hummocky topography and glacial trimlines at the valley flanks. More down valley broad outwash plains and boulder clusters indicate past high energy floods produced by glacier lake outbursts. Regarding the small size of the catchment area of the Río Molina

  1. (Plio-)Pleistocene alluvial-lacustrine basin infill evolution in a strike-slip active zone (Northern Andes, Western-Central Cordilleras, Colombia)




    The (Plio)-Pleistocene Zarzal Formation was deposited in the Cauca Depression and Quindío-Risaralda Basin between the Western and Central Cordilleras (Northern Andes). This area is structurally located on the transcurrent Romeral Fault System (RFS). Because of the interaction between the Nazca plate and the Chocó-Panamá block (an active indenter), the RFS strike-slip component changes direction around the study zone (dextral in the south, senestral in the north). Zarzal sediments are the olde...

  2. Una nueva especie de Calyptranthes Sw. (Myrtaceae de Colombia

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    Parra Osorio Carlos Alberto


    Full Text Available Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Calyptranthes (Myrtaceae de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta de Colombia. Se discuten las afinidades taxonómicas de la nueva especie y su distribución en los Andes del norte de Suramérica.A new species of Calyptranthes (Myrtaceae from Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in Colombia, is described and illustrated. The taxonomic affinities and the distribution of the new species in the Andes of the northern part of Southamerica are discussed.

  3. Frecuencia de criptorquidia y factores asociados en recién nacidos


    Chirinos M, Jorge Luis; Gómez P, Roald E; Osuna C, Jesús A; Arata-Bellabarba, Gabriela


    Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de las anormalidades del descenso testicular y los factores asociados en recién nacidos (RN). Métodos: Se realizó un estudio clínico observacional tipo caso control. Durante el período noviembre 2007- Agosto 2008, se examinaron en el Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de los Andes (IAHULA) todos los RN con criptorquidia, los cuales se compararon con 105 RN sin criptorquidia (grupo control). Datos complementarios fueron obtenidos mediante una encuesta...

  4. Frecuencia de criptorquidia y factores asociados en recién nacidos


    Chirinos, Jorge; Gómez Pérez, Roald; Osuna Ceballos, Jesús A.; Arata de Bellabarba, Gabriela


    Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de las anormalidades del descenso testicular y los factores asociados en recién nacidos (RN). Métodos: Se realizó un estudio clínico observacional tipo caso control. Durante el período noviembre 2007-Agosto 2008, se examinaron en el Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de los Andes (IAHULA) todos los RN con criptorquidia, los cuales se compararon con 105 RN sin criptorquidia (grupo control). Datos complementarios fueron obtenidos mediante una encue...

  5. «Sangres» para propiciar la vida: metáforas y creencias sobre la concepción «humana» en el altiplano andino

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    Vicente Martín, Patricia


    Full Text Available This article reflects on the participation of telluric entities in regulating and propitiating fertility in general and «human» fertility in particular in the Andes region. The first part of this study deals with the participation of telluric forces in the breeding of livestock and the propitiation of plant life, as well as resources in general. In view of the visibility of these propitiatory rites, the genesis of new individuals is couched in a language in which references to «blood» and excessive heat abound. This study of the notions relating to conception and human fertility in the Andes involves the systematization of references found in ethnographic literature, and presentation of my own research in rural areas of southern Potosi (Bolivia. I then go on to consider the bodily rhetoric of life-promoting pregnant bodies and their specificities with a view to probing more deeply into the concept of fertility of the people of the Andean plateau.Este artículo tiene como objetivo la reflexión sobre la participación de las entidades tutelares en la regulación y propiciación de la fertilidad en general y de la «humana» en particular en los Andes. La primera parte del estudio aborda la participación de las fuerzas telúricas en la multiplicación del ganado y la propiciación de la vida vegetal, así como de las riquezas en general. Frente a la visibilidad de estos ritos propiciatorios, la génesis de los nuevos individuos se enmascara en un lenguaje en el cual abundan las referencias a las «sangres» y al exceso de calor. El estudio de las ideas acerca de la concepción y la fertilidad humana en los Andes pasa por una sistematización de las referencias halladas en la literatura etnográfica, y por la exposición de mis propias investigaciones en áreas rurales de Potosí. Tras ello se abordan las retóricas corporales de los cuerpos gestantes que propician la vida y sus especificidades con el fin de ahondar en la compresión de los

  6. Using terrestrial laser scanning for differential measurement of interannual rock glacier movement in the Argentine Dry Andes (United States)

    Kane, Renato R.

    Argentina has recently implemented laws to protect glaciers and buried ice in the Andes to improve the sustainability of scarce, long-term water resources. Therefore, all glaciers and buried ice terrains must be located and avoided in any commercial alterations of the landscape. Buried ice in this remote and often dangerous terrain typically is located via the use of remote-sensing techniques. This thesis applies one such technique, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) in the form of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), to detect rock glacier movement that is indicative of flowing, buried ice not visible in near surface excavations. TLS surveys were completed at two locales, Los Azules and El Altar, in both AD 2013 and AD 2014 on landscapes where buried ice is suspected to have produced the current surface forms. Multiple TLS scans were co-registered with the use of benchmarks, both between scans and between years, which introduced quantifiable positional errors. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) were derived from the point cloud data by standardizing the spacing of the points in the horizontal direction, creating 0.1 m by 0.1 m cells with elevation as the cell value. The DEMs for each year were subtracted from each other to yield a change in elevation. The surface roughness of the rock glaciers (vertical variability within each cell) was empirically determined and evaluated as a threshold for results. Both sites showed sub-decimeter interannual movements, and the direction of their movement is typical of forms with buried ice. The results of the study were validated using independent GPS data showing annual movement rates. Despite the downslope movement of these rock glaciers, the volume of ice contained within them remains unclear, and further study is required to assess the volume of water contained.

  7. Representación social de "los argentinos", "los españoles", "los latinoamericanos" y "los europeos" en estudiantes universitarios argentinos


    Néstor Daniel Roselli


    El objetivo de la investigación es descriptivo: producir una caracterización de cómo los estudiantes universitarios argentinos definen subjetivamente a los referidos grupos nacionales ("los "los argentinos", "los españoles" y supranacionales, "los latinoamericanos" y "los europeos"). Sin embargo, no esun mero estudio de estereotipos nacionales. La originalidad consiste en el encuadre metodológico, propio de análisis de las representaciones sociales. Se basa en un análisis estadístico d...

  8. Effect of Moxidectin Treatment at Peripartum on Gastrointestinal Parasite Infections in Ewes Raised under Tropical Andes High Altitude Conditions (United States)

    Vargas-Duarte, J. J.; Lozano-Márquez, H.; Grajales-Lombana, H. A.; Manrique-Perdomo, C.; Martínez-Bello, D. A.; Saegerman, C.; Raes, M.; Kirschvink, N.


    This study tested the impact of moxidectin at peripartum on nematode fecal egg count (FEC) and clinical parameters on ewes in the high altitude tropical Andes of Colombia. FEC and clinical evaluations were performed on 9 occasions in 43 naturally infected ewes before and during gestation and after lambing. Moxidectin (Mox, 200 µg kg−1) was applied at late pregnancy (T 1, n = 15) or 48 hours after parturition (T 2, n = 14). 14 untreated ewes served as controls (C). Suckling lambs (n = 58) remained untreated and underwent four clinical and parasitological evaluations until 8 weeks after birth. Mox efficacy equaled 99.3% (T 1) and 96.9% (T 2). Highest mean FEC value reflecting periparturient nematode egg rise (PPER) was recorded in C ewes at 4–6 weeks after lambing. Significant FEC reductions were found in T 1 (94.8%) and T 2 (96.7%) ewes (p ewes-group independent increase in FEC before weaning (p < 0.05). Clinical parameters (anemia and diarrhea) showed time- and treatment-related differences (p < 0.05). Monitoring of FEC and clinical parameters linked to gastrointestinal parasite infections allowed demonstrating that postpartum or preweaning are two critical periods to nematode infection for sheep raised under tropical Andes high altitude conditions. Use of Mox as anthelmintic treatment prevented PPER. PMID:26078913

  9. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Author Affiliations. B K Jain1 N G Kelkar2 K P Khmemchandani1. Department of Physics, Tilak Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400 098, India; Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de los Andes, Columbia ...

  10. Estudio clínico y microbiológico de la infección urinaria asociada a catéter, en los servicios de medicina interna de un hospital universitario venezolano

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    Pedro Quijada-Martínez

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar las características clínicas y microbiológicas de las infecciones del tracto urinario asociadas acatéter (ITUAC en pacientes hospitalizados en los servicios de Medicina Interna del Hospital Universitario de Los Andes (HULA, Mérida, Venezuela y establecer la distribución clonal de Enterobacteriaceae multirresistentes productoras de esta infección. Materiales y métodos. Se estudiaron 73 pacientes adultos con cateterismo vesical, durante enero a julio de 2015. El procesamiento microbiológico de las muestras de orina se realizó por métodos convencionales y automatizados. Las β-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE y carbapenemasas fueron detectadas fenotípicamente. La tipificación clonal se determinó por la amplificación de secuencias repetitivas por PCR. Resultados. El 53,4% de los pacientes eran varones, con una edad media de 50,6 años. El promedio de permanencia del catéter fue de 10,9 + 6,5 días/paciente. El 54,8% de los pacientes tuvo urocultivos positivos. Las levaduras fueron el principal agente etiológico (44,7%, seguido por las enterobacterias (29,8%. Las enterobacterias, Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Acinetobacter baumannii produjeron BLEE y carbapenemasas asociadas a otros marcadores de resistencia. Dos grupos clonales fueron identificados en cepas de E. coli y K. pneumoniae multirresistentes, los cuales circularon en la unidad de trauma shock de la emergencia de adulto. Conclusiones. Los hallazgos de este estudio permiten evidenciar la necesidad de adoptar estrictos criterios que justifiquen el uso del catéter vesical y la duración del mismo, así como el implementar programas para prevenir y controlar la diseminación de clonas bacterianas multirresistentes en pacientes con ITUAC en los servicios de medicina interna del HULA.

  11. Sensitivity of glaciation in the arid subtropical Andes to changes in temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation (United States)

    Vargo, L. J.; Galewsky, J.; Rupper, S.; Ward, D. J.


    The subtropical Andes (18.5-27 °S) have been glaciated in the past, but are presently glacier-free. We use idealized model experiments to quantify glacier sensitivity to changes in climate in order to investigate the climatic drivers of past glaciations. We quantify the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) sensitivity (the change in ELA per change in climate) to temperature, precipitation, and shortwave radiation for three distinct climatic regions in the subtropical Andes. We find that in the western cordillera, where conditions are hyper-arid with the highest solar radiation on Earth, ELA sensitivity is as high as 34 m per % increase in precipitation, and 70 m per % decrease in shortwave radiation. This is compared with the eastern cordillera, where precipitation is the highest of the three regions, and ELA sensitivity is only 10 m per % increase in precipitation, and 25 m per % decrease in shortwave radiation. The high ELA sensitivity to shortwave radiation highlights the influence of radiation on mass balance of high elevation and low-latitude glaciers. We also consider these quantified ELA sensitivities in context of previously dated glacial deposits from the regions. Our results suggest that glaciation of the humid eastern cordillera was driven primarily by lower temperatures, while glaciations of the arid Altiplano and western cordillera were also influenced by increases in precipitation and decreases in shortwave radiation. Using paleoclimate records from the timing of glaciation, we find that glaciation of the hyper-arid western cordillera can be explained by precipitation increases of 90-160% (1.9-2.6× higher than modern), in conjunction with associated decreases in shortwave radiation of 7-12% and in temperature of 3.5 °C.

  12. Kinematics, Exhumation, and Sedimentation of the North Central Andes (Bolivia): An Integrated Thermochronometer and Thermokinematic Modeling Approach (United States)

    Rak, Adam J.; McQuarrie, Nadine; Ehlers, Todd A.


    Quantifying mountain building processes in convergent orogens requires determination of the timing and rate of deformation in the overriding plate. In the central Andes, large discrepancies in both timing and rate of deformation prevent evaluating the shortening history in light of internal or external forcing factors. Geologic map patterns, age and location of reset thermochronometer systems, and synorogenic sediment distribution are all a function of the geometry, kinematics, and rate of deformation in a fold-thrust-belt-foreland basin (FTB-FB) system. To determine the timing and rate of deformation in the northern Bolivian Andes, we link thermokinematic modeling to a sequentially forward modeled, balanced cross section isostatically accounting for thrust loads and erosion. Displacement vectors, in 10 km increments, are assigned variable ages to create velocity fields in a thermokinematic model for predicting thermochronometer ages. We match both the pattern of predicted cooling ages with the across strike pattern of measured zircon fission track, apatite fission track, and apatite (U-Th)/He cooling ages as well as the modeled age of FB formations to published sedimentary sections. Results indicate that northern Bolivian FTB deformation started at 50 Ma and may have begun as early as 55 Ma. Acceptable rates of shortening permit either a constant rate of shortening ( 4-5 mm/yr) or varying shortening rates with faster rates (7-10 mm/yr) at 45-50 Ma and 12-8 Ma, significantly slower rates (2-4 mm/yr) from 35 to 15 Ma and indicate the northern Bolivian Subandes started deforming between 19 and 14 Ma.

  13. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Author Affiliations. GIANFRANCO SPAVIERI1 GEORGE T GILLIES2. Centro de Física Fundamental, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, 5101-Venezuela; Department of Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901-4714, USA ...

  14. Laboratorio de Andrología, una esperanza para la reproducción.


    Heras, Adriana


    EDITORIAL La Investigación en la Universidad de Los Andes Dagert Boyer, Manuel ARTÍCULOS Produciendo bienes útiles a la sociedad. Laboratorio de Fermentaciones Sistema integrado Parque Metropolitano Albarregas-Sistema de Transporte Masivo. La ULA a la vanguardia de los estudios celulares. Al aplicar la Citometría de Flujo. Heras, Adriana Investigación en el Núcleo Táchira. Posso, Fausto ...

  15. Manejo sustentable de Ecosistemas Tropicales.


    Consejo de Desarrollo Científico, Humanístico y Tecnológico (CDCHT)


    EDITORIAL La Investigación en la Universidad de Los Andes Dagert Boyer, Manuel ARTÍCULOS Produciendo bienes útiles a la sociedad. Laboratorio de Fermentaciones Sistema integrado Parque Metropolitano Albarregas-Sistema de Transporte Masivo. La ULA a la vanguardia de los estudios celulares. Al aplicar la Citometría de Flujo. Heras, Adriana Investigación en el Núcleo Táchira. Posso, Fausto ...

  16. Geopolítica del Ambiente: Una visión de conjunto de las Ciencias Políticas.


    Consejo de Desarrollo Científico, Humanístico y Tecnológico (CDCHT)


    EDITORIAL La Investigación en la Universidad de Los Andes Dagert Boyer, Manuel ARTÍCULOS Produciendo bienes útiles a la sociedad. Laboratorio de Fermentaciones Sistema integrado Parque Metropolitano Albarregas-Sistema de Transporte Masivo. La ULA a la vanguardia de los estudios celulares. Al aplicar la Citometría de Flujo. Heras, Adriana Investigación en el Núcleo Táchira. Posso, Fausto ...

  17. Aplicación de técnicas de Microdiálisis en pacientes humanos.


    Consejo de Desarrollo Científico, Humanístico y Tecnológico (CDCHT)


    EDITORIAL La Investigación en la Universidad de Los Andes Dagert Boyer, Manuel ARTÍCULOS Produciendo bienes útiles a la sociedad. Laboratorio de Fermentaciones Sistema integrado Parque Metropolitano Albarregas-Sistema de Transporte Masivo. La ULA a la vanguardia de los estudios celulares. Al aplicar la Citometría de Flujo. Heras, Adriana Investigación en el Núcleo Táchira. Posso, Fausto ...

  18. Mérida centro de las estrategias teleinformáticas en el país.


    Mora Newman, Herbert


    EDITORIAL La Investigación en la Universidad de Los Andes Dagert Boyer, Manuel ARTÍCULOS Produciendo bienes útiles a la sociedad. Laboratorio de Fermentaciones Sistema integrado Parque Metropolitano Albarregas-Sistema de Transporte Masivo. La ULA a la vanguardia de los estudios celulares. Al aplicar la Citometría de Flujo. Heras, Adriana Investigación en el Núcleo Táchira. Posso, Fausto ...

  19. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    G E Delgado1 A J Mora1 P Grima-Gallardo2 S Durán2 M Muñoz2 M Quintero2. Laboratorio de Cristalografía, Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101, Venezuela; Centro de Estudios de Semiconductores, Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los ...

  20. Caracterización de la circulación atmosférica y la temperatura superficial del mar asociadas a extremos de caudal de ríos andinos y su variabilidad en baja frecuencia


    Araneo, Diego C.


    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo se centra en determinar los mecanismos asociados a la variabilidad de los caudales de los ríos andinos en relación con la circulación atmosférica y la Temperatura Superficial del Mar (TSM) como forzante del sistema climático. Para la circulación atmosférica el estudio se extiende desde la escala sinóptica a la climática. A lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes se identifican dos zonas en las cuales el comportamiento de los caudales de los ríos muest...

  1. The Andes hantavirus NSs protein is expressed from the viral small mRNA by a leaky scanning mechanism. (United States)

    Vera-Otarola, Jorge; Solis, Loretto; Soto-Rifo, Ricardo; Ricci, Emiliano P; Pino, Karla; Tischler, Nicole D; Ohlmann, Théophile; Darlix, Jean-Luc; López-Lastra, Marcelo


    The small mRNA (SmRNA) of all Bunyaviridae encodes the nucleocapsid (N) protein. In 4 out of 5 genera in the Bunyaviridae, the smRNA encodes an additional nonstructural protein denominated NSs. In this study, we show that Andes hantavirus (ANDV) SmRNA encodes an NSs protein. Data show that the NSs protein is expressed in the context of an ANDV infection. Additionally, our results suggest that translation initiation from the NSs initiation codon is mediated by ribosomal subunits that have bypassed the upstream N protein initiation codon through a leaky scanning mechanism.

  2. First web-based database on total phenolics and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of fruits produced and consumed within the south Andes region of South America. (United States)

    Speisky, Hernan; López-Alarcón, Camilo; Gómez, Maritza; Fuentes, Jocelyn; Sandoval-Acuña, Cristian


    This paper reports the first database on antioxidants contained in fruits produced and consumed within the south Andes region of South America. The database ( ) contains over 500 total phenolics (TP) and ORAC values for more than 120 species/varieties of fruits. All analyses were conducted by a single ISO/IEC 17025-certified laboratory. The characterization comprised native berries such as maqui ( Aristotelia chilensis ), murtilla ( Ugni molinae ), and calafate ( Barberis microphylla ), which largely outscored all other studied fruits. Major differences in TP and ORAC were observed as a function of the fruit variety in berries, avocado, cherries, and apples. In fruits such as pears, apples, apricots, and peaches, a significant part of the TP and ORAC was accounted for by the antioxidants present in the peel. These data should be useful to estimate the fruit-based intake of TP and, through the ORAC data, their antioxidant-related contribution to the diet of south Andes populations.

  3. Diversity of bacteria producing pigmented colonies in aerosol, snow and soil samples from remote glacial areas (Antarctica, Alps and Andes)


    González-Toril , E.; Amils , R.; Delmas , R. J.; Petit , J.-R.; Komárek , J.; Elster , J.


    Four different communities and one culture of pigmented microbial assemblages were obtained by incubation in mineral medium of samples collected from high elevation snow in the Alps (Mt. Blanc area) and the Andes (Nevado Illimani summit, Bolivia), from Antarctic aerosol (French station Dumont d'Urville) and a maritime Antarctic soil (King George Island, South Shetlands, Uruguay Station Artigas). Molecular analysis of more than 200 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that all cultured cells be...

  4. Influences of the ENSO, oscillation Madden-Julian, waves of the east, hurricanes and moon phases on the diurnal cycle of precipitation at the tropical Andes of Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poveda, German; Mesa, Oscar; Agudelo, Paula; Alvarez, Juan; Arias, Paola; Moreno, Hernan; Salazar, Luis; Toro, Vladimir; Vieira, Sara


    We study the effects of large-scale ocean-atmospheric, astronomic phenomena on the diurnal cycle of precipitation at the tropical Andes of Colombia. Such phenomena include both phases of El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), namely El Nino and La Nina, the intra seasonal Madden-Julian oscillation, tropical easterly waves (4-8 days), moon phases and hurricanes over the Atlantic and eastern pacific oceans. We found a clear-cut effect of both ENSO phases: El Nino is associated with a diminished rainfall diurnal cycle, and La Nina intensifies it. Thus, ENSO modulates precipitation in Colombia at timescales ranging from hours to decades. We identified a close association with different phases of the Madden-Julian oscillation, as the diurnal cycle is intensified (larger amplitude) during its westerly phase, but it gets decreased during its easterly phase. For both ENSO and the Madden-Julian oscillation we identified a clear-cut influence on the amplitude of the diurnal cycle, yet the phase is conserved for the most part. Tropical easterly waves appear to affect the diurnal cycle, but no clear overall signal is pervasive throughout the region. We al so found a significant statistical association with hurricanes occurring over the northeastern pacific ocean with the diurnal cycle of precipitation at rain gages located over the eastern slope of the eastern range of the Colombian Andes. Rainfall at all the remaining slopes of the Andes is statistically associated with hurricanes occurring at the tropical north Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea. Moon phases are not statistically associated with the diurnal cycle and daily total rainfall

  5. Synchronous fire activity in the tropical high Andes: an indication of regional climate forcing. (United States)

    Román-Cuesta, R M; Carmona-Moreno, C; Lizcano, G; New, M; Silman, M; Knoke, T; Malhi, Y; Oliveras, I; Asbjornsen, H; Vuille, M


    Global climate models suggest enhanced warming of the tropical mid and upper troposphere, with larger temperature rise rates at higher elevations. Changes in fire activity are amongst the most significant ecological consequences of rising temperatures and changing hydrological properties in mountainous ecosystems, and there is a global evidence of increased fire activity with elevation. Whilst fire research has become popular in the tropical lowlands, much less is known of the tropical high Andean region (>2000 masl, from Colombia to Bolivia). This study examines fire trends in the high Andes for three ecosystems, the Puna, the Paramo and the Yungas, for the period 1982-2006. We pose three questions: (i) is there an increased fire response with elevation? (ii) does the El Niño- Southern Oscillation control fire activity in this region? (iii) are the observed fire trends human driven (e.g., human practices and their effects on fuel build-up) or climate driven? We did not find evidence of increased fire activity with elevation but, instead, a quasicyclic and synchronous fire response in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, suggesting the influence of high-frequency climate forcing on fire responses on a subcontinental scale, in the high Andes. ENSO variability did not show a significant relation to fire activity for these three countries, partly because ENSO variability did not significantly relate to precipitation extremes, although it strongly did to temperature extremes. Whilst ENSO did not individually lead the observed regional fire trends, our results suggest a climate influence on fire activity, mainly through a sawtooth pattern of precipitation (increased rainfall before fire-peak seasons (t-1) followed by drought spells and unusual low temperatures (t0), which is particularly common where fire is carried by low fuel loads (e.g., grasslands and fine fuel). This climatic sawtooth appeared as the main driver of fire trends, above local human influences and fuel build

  6. Volcanic impediments in the progressive development of pre-Columbian civilizations in the Ecuadorian Andes (United States)

    Hall, Minard L.; Mothes, Patricia A.


    Archaeological investigations in Ecuador have proposed that there appear to be hiatus or anomalous jumps in the progressive development of pre-Columbian indigenous cultures, based upon the fact that their ceramics and tools demonstrate abrupt advances in their sophistication at several horizons in the soil profile. Because some of these horizons are clearly associated with volcanic ash layers, archaeologists have sought a causal relation with volcanism, that is, the eruptive events or their products severely interfered with the early inhabitants, resulting in their abandonment of certain areas. Geological studies of the young volcanoes in the Ecuadorian Andes carried out during the past two decades now allow us to make a more thorough evaluation of the role of volcanism during the Holocene. This contribution briefly describes the principal Holocene volcanic events and the distribution of the corresponding eruptive products found along the InterAndean Valley, from southern Colombia to central Ecuador. Only those events that were sufficiently large that they could have had a detrimental effect on the valley's early residents are discussed. Dacitic and rhyolitic ash flows, as well as numerous debris flows (lahars) have occurred frequently and their deposits cover many valleys and floodplains, where early inhabitants probably settled. The enormous Chillos Valley lahar, associated with the 4500 yBP eruption of Cotopaxi volcano, buried soils containing ceramics of the early Formative Period. However, the greatest impact upon mankind was probably not these short-lived violent events, but rather the burying of settlements and agricultural fields by ash fallout, the effect of which may have lasted hundreds of years. Ash fall layers are observed in pre-Columbian cultural horizons in the soil profile, occurring in the InterAndean Valley, the lower flanks of the Andes, and along Ecuador's Pacific coast, the oldest corresponding to the 5800 yBP eruption of Cotopaxi. This brief

  7. Hydrological response in catchments whit debris covered glaciers in the semi-arid Andes, Chile (United States)

    Caro, A.; McPhee, J.; MacDonell, S.; Pellicciotti, F.; Ayala, A.


    Glaciers in the semi-arid Andes Cordillera in Chile have shrank rapidly during the 20th century. Negative mass balance contributes to increase the surface area of debris-covered glaciers. Recent research in Chile suggests that contributions from glaciers to summer season river flow in dry years is very important, however hydrological processes determining the glacier contribution are still poorly understood in the region. This work seeks to determine appropriate parameters for the simulation of melt volume in two watersheds dominated by debris-covered glaciers, in order to understand its variability in time and space, in the area with the largest population in Chile. The hydrological simulation is performed for the Tapado (30°S) and Pirámide (33ºS) glaciers, which can be defined as cold and temperate respectively. To simulate the hydrological behaviour we adopt the physically-based TOPographic Kinematic wave APproximation model (TOPKAPI-ETH). The hydrometeorological records necessary model runs have been collected through fieldwork from 2013 to 2015. Regarding the calibration of the model parameters melting ETI, its observed that the value for TF in Pirámide is a third of the value for Tapado glacier, while SRF is half in Tapado regarding to Pirámide. The runoff in the glaciers, the constant snow and ice storage are higher in Tapado regarding Pirámide. Results show a contribution of glacial outflow to runoff during 2015 of 55% in Tapado and 77% in Pirámide, with maximum contributions between January and March in Tapado and Pirámide between November and March, presenting the relevance of the permanence of snow cover during spring and shelter that provides debris-covered in reducing the melting glacier. The results have allowed to know the relevance of the glacier contribution to mountain streams, allowing to know the calibration parameters most relevant in the hydrology balance of glacier basins in the Andes.

  8. Modeling Soil Organic Carbon Variation Along Climatic and Topographic Trajectories in the Central Andes (United States)

    Gavilan, C.; Grunwald, S.; Quiroz, R.; Zhu, L.


    The Andes represent the largest and highest mountain range in the tropics. Geological and climatic differentiation favored landscape and soil diversity, resulting in ecosystems adapted to very different climatic patterns. Although several studies support the fact that the Andes are a vast sink of soil organic carbon (SOC) only few have quantified this variable in situ. Estimating the spatial distribution of SOC stocks in data-poor and/or poorly accessible areas, like the Andean region, is challenging due to the lack of recent soil data at high spatial resolution and the wide range of coexistent ecosystems. Thus, the sampling strategy is vital in order to ensure the whole range of environmental covariates (EC) controlling SOC dynamics is represented. This approach allows grasping the variability of the area, which leads to more efficient statistical estimates and improves the modeling process. The objectives of this study were to i) characterize and model the spatial distribution of SOC stocks in the Central Andean region using soil-landscape modeling techniques, and to ii) validate and evaluate the model for predicting SOC content in the area. For that purpose, three representative study areas were identified and a suite of variables including elevation, mean annual temperature, annual precipitation and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), among others, was selected as EC. A stratified random sampling (namely conditioned Latin Hypercube) was implemented and a total of 400 sampling locations were identified. At all sites, four composite topsoil samples (0-30 cm) were collected within a 2 m radius. SOC content was measured using dry combustion and SOC stocks were estimated using bulk density measurements. Regression Kriging was used to map the spatial variation of SOC stocks. The accuracy, fit and bias of SOC models was assessed using a rigorous validation assessment. This study produced the first comprehensive, geospatial SOC stock assessment in this

  9. The major cellular sterol regulatory pathway is required for Andes virus infection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josiah Petersen


    Full Text Available The Bunyaviridae comprise a large family of RNA viruses with worldwide distribution and includes the pathogenic New World hantavirus, Andes virus (ANDV. Host factors needed for hantavirus entry remain largely enigmatic and therapeutics are unavailable. To identify cellular requirements for ANDV infection, we performed two parallel genetic screens. Analysis of a large library of insertionally mutagenized human haploid cells and a siRNA genomic screen converged on components (SREBP-2, SCAP, S1P and S2P of the sterol regulatory pathway as critically important for infection by ANDV. The significance of this pathway was confirmed using functionally deficient cells, TALEN-mediated gene disruption, RNA interference and pharmacologic inhibition. Disruption of sterol regulatory complex function impaired ANDV internalization without affecting virus binding. Pharmacologic manipulation of cholesterol levels demonstrated that ANDV entry is sensitive to changes in cellular cholesterol and raises the possibility that clinically approved regulators of sterol synthesis may prove useful for combating ANDV infection.

  10. A measurement of the cosmic microwave background from the high Chilean Andes (United States)

    Miller, Amber Dawn

    A measurement of the angular spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) between l = 50 and l = 400 is described. Data were obtained using HEMT radiometers at 30 and 40 GHz with angular resolutions of ≈1 deg and ≈0.7 deg respectively and with SIS based receivers at 144 GHz with angular resolution of ≈0.2 deg. Observations were made from Cerro Toco in the Chilean altiplano at an altitude of 17,000 feet in the Northern Chilean Andes. We find that the angular spectrum rises from l = 50 to a peak at l ≈ 200 and falls off at higher angular scales. A peak in the angular spectrum with amplitude, deltaTl ≈ 85muK is thus located for the first time with a single instrument at l ≈ 200. In addition, we find that the detected anisotropy has the spectrum of the CMB. Cosmological implications of this result are discussed.

  11. Killing the snake of poverty : local perceptions of poverty and well-being and people’s capabilities to improve their lives in the Southern Andes of Peru

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miyashita, A.


    Despite the generalised image of comuneros of the Southern Andes of Peru as living in poverty, a closer examination of the daily lives of the campesinos provides a more dynamic perspective. Some households claim that their lives are improving, others that their lives are the same, while many report

  12. Agujeros negros clasicos y cuanticos en teoria de cuerdas


    Ortin, Tomas


    Introductory lectures on classical and quantum string black holes (supergravity, branes and dualities) given at the VII School "La Hechicera" of Relativity, Fields and Astrophysics, held in the University of Los Andes, Merida (Venezuela) 2001. Fully in Spanish.

  13. Estudio e implementación de metodologías para el análisis de hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos en zonas remotas frías de los andes peruanos


    Maza Mejía, Ily Marilú


    Los compuestos orgánicos persistentes (COPs) como los pesticidas organoclorados, bifenilos policlorados (PCBs) y los hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos (PAHs) son sustancias de características hidrofóbicas, es decir, poco solubles en medios acuosos. Además, presentan gran resistencia química y biológica y, cuando son liberados al medio ambiente, tienden a ingresar a la cadena trófica y, en consecuencia, se magnifican y acumulan en diversos ecosistemas. Los materiales de características lip...

  14. The effect of drainage on organic matter accumulation and plant communities of high-altitude peatlands in the Colombian tropical Andes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.C. Benavides


    Full Text Available The tropical Andes store and regulate water outflow that serves nearly 60 million people. Most of the water is for un-managed agricultural irrigation. In this work I report how the drainage of peatlands has adversely affected the development of plant communities and recent carbon accumulation in a páramo massif at 2500 to 3800 m altitude in the northern Andes. I surveyed vegetation and water chemistry in 26 peatlands with differing intensities of drainage. Peat cores to 50 cm from two sites with contrasting drainage histories were dated using 210Pb, and used to compare historical vegetation changes and carbon accumulation rates. (A Species composition was much affected by drainage, which resulted in a reduction in cover of Sphagnum and other peat-forming species, and the encroachment of sedges and Juncus effusus. The ability of peat to store water and carbon was also reduced in drained peatlands. Vegetation records show a shift towards sedge-Juncus communities around 50 years ago when agricultural use of water increased. (B Peat and carbon accumulation rates were lower in drained sites, indicating either greater decomposition rates of the upper peat column or lower production by the changed plant communities. The ecological services offered by peatlands to agrarian communities downstream are important. Measures to prevent peatland destruction are needed urgently.

  15. El impacto del liderazgo en los resultados de los estudiantes: Un análisis de los efectos diferenciales de los tipos de liderazgo


    Robinson, Viviane M. J.; Lloyd, Claire A.; Rowe, Kenneth J.


    El propósito de este estudio fue examinar el impacto relativo de los diferentes tipos de liderazgo en los resultados académicos y no académicos de los estudiantes. La metodología consistió en el análisis de los resultados de 27 estudios publicados sobre la relación entre liderazgo y resultados de los estudiantes. El primer meta-análisis, que incluyó 22 de los 27 estudios, implicó una comparación de los efectos de la transformación y liderazgo instructivo en los resultados de los estudiantes. ...

  16. Late cenozoic tectonic and geomorphic evolution of the Patagonian Andes between 42oS and 52oS, southern Chile assessed using fission-track thermochronology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomson, S.N; Herve, F; Stockhert, B.; Brix, M.R.; Adriasola, A


    Fission-track (FT) analysis has been applied in the Patagonian Andes of southern Chile to assess the late Cenozoic geomorphic and tectonic response of the overriding plate to subduction of the Chile rise active oceanic spreading centre (Thomson et al., 2001). The timing and nature of tectonic uplift and denudation along the southern parts of the major transpression intra-arc Liquine-Ofqui fault (LOF) system have also been investigated (Thomson, 2001, submitted). Results from 130 FT ages (72 zircon and 58 apatite ages) and 39 apatite track length measurements reveal initiation of rapid cooling and denudation at ca. 30 Ma at the western margin of southern continental South America. This was followed by a ca. 200km eastward migration of the locus of maximum denudation to the position of the present day topographic divide between ca. 30 Ma and ca. 12 to 10 Ma. East of the Andean divide less than 3 km of denudation has occurred since the Late Cretaceous. Enhanced denudation is interpreted to be the result of increased tectonic uplift driven by a large increase in convergence rates at ca. 28 to 26 Ma that triggered orographically enhanced precipitation on the west-side of the Patagonian Andes allowing increased erosion by fluvial incision and mass transport processes. The eastward migration of the locus of maximum denudation can be related to either coeval eastward migration of the retro-arc deformation front, the effects of subduction erosion in the overriding plate at the Peru-Chile trench or shallowing of the angle of subduction. Away from the influence of the LOF the process of spreading centre subduction and collision itself coincides with an overall slow-down in denudation rates in the overriding plate most likely caused by a major reduction in the main tectonic force driving tectonic uplift in the upper plate to subduction. In contrast to the Andes south of ca. 46 o S, increased cooling and denudation related to transpression induced rock uplift and erosion along

  17. Drymonia squamosa (Gesneriaceae, una especie nueva del Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquídeas (Antioquia, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Se describe e ilustra una especie nueva de Drymonia (Gesneriaceae de la Cordillera Occidental de los Andes colombianos, departamento de Antioquia. La nueva especie, Drymonia squamosa, se distingue por tener los pecíolos cubiertos con escamas, el envés de la lámina foliar glabrescente y punteado, el cáliz con la base engrosada y los lóbulos lanceolados, la corola vilosa a lanosa, y el estilo con tricomas glandulares. Adicionalmente, D. squamosa es categorizada como vulnerable (VU siguiendo los criterios de la IUCN.

  18. Turismo en el valle del Colca y sus impactos en el desarrollo


    Córdova Aguilar, Hildegardo


    El turismo es una actividad que se viene proponiendo como la salida a los cuellos de botella que aparecen en la gestión de los procesos de desarrollo en territorios marginales, tal como es el caso de los Andes. La pobreza de las poblaciones que viven en zonas montañosas obliga a repensar las formas de desarrollo, para que las mismas les permitan una transferencia real de bienes materiales y los lleven a elevar su calidad de vida. Estos bienes, por lo general, no se producen localmente y ello ...

  19. Los indios y los empedrados sotaquireños

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edwin Giovanni Quesada-Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Este artículo de investigación describe la preparación de los platos culinarios tradicionales del municipio de Sotaquirá (Boyacá, que hacen parte de los saberes ancestrales que han prevalecido generacionalmente en los habitantes del municipio; ya que caracterizan la identidad sotaquireña. También se exponen algunos elementos sobre la gestión de la administración municipal (2012-2015 para promover la permanencia y reconocimiento de estos saberes como patrimonio cultural. El contenido del artículo es el resultado de la investigación “Identidad campesina en torno a los oficios tradicionales en el municipio de Sotaquirá (2013-2015”; que tuvo como fin describir las costumbres culturales en torno a los oficios tradicionales, que configuran la identidad campesina de los habitantes del municipio de Sotaquirá. El enfoque metodológico fue cualitativo desde la corriente socio-critica; se usaron la entrevista y la observación participante para reconocer la importancia de los platos que se configuran como aspectos fundamentales de la identidad de los sotaquireños. Se destaca que este trabajo logró generar espacios de reflexión con los entrevistados respecto de los oficios tradicionales culinarios del municipio en torno al reconocimiento del valor de los platos como patrimonio cultural y las particularidades del plato de acuerdo con los contextos familiares.

  20. Plaadid / Lauri Sommer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sommer, Lauri, 1973-


    Uutest plaatidest Dashboard Confessional "The Places You Have Come...", "The Music", Guy Klucevsek "The Heart Of The Andes", Kiss "The Very Best Of...", Lee Ann Womack "Something Worth Leaving Behind", Los Lobos "Good Morning Aztlan", Lepo Sumera "Kammermusik", "Estraadiklassika"

  1. Motivaciones de los Consumidores para Asistir a los Mercados de los Agricultores de Utah


    Curtis, Kynda; Gumirakiza, J. Dominique


    Los mercados de los agricultores (FM por sus siglas en inglés) ofrecen oportunidades a los agricultores locales y pequeñas empresas para vender directamente a los consumidores, incrementar su base de clientes, así como probar nuevos productos y estrategias de precios.

  2. Carbon stabilization mechanisms in soils in the Andes (United States)

    Jansen, Boris; Cammeraat, Erik


    The volcanic ash soils of the Andes contain very large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) per unit area. Consequently, they constitute significant potential sources or sinks of the greenhouse gas CO2. Climate and/or land use change potentially have a strong effect on these large SOM stocks. To clarify the role of chemical and physical stabilisation mechanisms in volcanic ash soils in the montane tropics, we investigated carbon stocks and stabilization mechanisms in the top- and subsoil along an altitudinal transect in the Ecuadorian Andes. The transect encompassed a sequence of paleosols under forest and grassland (páramo), including a site where vegetation cover changed in the last century. We applied selective extraction techniques, performed X-ray diffraction analyses of the clay fraction and estimated pore size distributions at various depths in the top- and subsoil along the transect. In addition, from several soils the molecular composition of SOM was further characterized with depth in the current soil as well as the entire first and the top of the second paleosol using GC/MS analyses of extractable lipids and Pyrolysis-GC/MS analyses of bulk organic matter. Our results show that organic carbon stocks in the mineral soil under forest a páramo vegetation were roughly twice as large as global averages for volcanic ash soils, regardless of whether the first 30cm, 100cm or 200cm were considered. We found the carbon stabilization mechanisms involved to be: i) direct stabilization of SOM in organo-metallic (Al-OM) complexes; ii) indirect protection of SOM through low soil pH and toxic levels of Al; and iii) physical protection of SOM due to a very high microporosity of the soil (Tonneijck et al., 2010; Jansen et al. 2011). When examining the organic carbon at a molecular level, interestingly we found extensive degradation of lignin in the topsoil while extractable lipids were preferentially preserved in the subsoil (Nierop and Jansen, 2009). Both vegetation

  3. Tectonic, volcanic, and climatic geomorphology study of the Sierras Pampeanas Andes, northwestern Argentina (United States)

    Bloom, A. L.; Strecker, M. R.; Fielding, E. J.


    A proposed analysis of Shuttle Imaging Radar-B (SIR-B) data extends current research in the Sierras Pampeanas and the Puna of northwestern Argentina to the determination - by the digital analysis of mountain-front sinuousity - of the relative age and amount of fault movement along mountain fronts of the late-Cenozoic Sierras Pampeanas basement blocks; the determination of the age and history of the boundary across the Andes at about 27 S latitude between continuing volcanism to the north and inactive volcanism to the south; and the determination of the age and extent of Pleistocene glaciation in the High Sierras, as well as the comparative importance of climatic change and tectonic movements in shaping the landscape. The integration of these studies into other ongoing geology projects contributes to the understanding of landform development in this active tectonic environment and helps distinguish between climatic and tectonic effects on landforms.

  4. Black carbon and other light-absorbing impurities in the Andes of Northern Chile (United States)

    Rowe, P. M.; Cordero, R.; Warren, S. G.; Pankow, A.; Jorquera, J.; Schrempf, M.; Doherty, S. J.; Cabellero, M.; Carrasco, J. F.; Neshyba, S.


    Black carbon (BC) and other light-absorbing impurities in snow absorb solar radiation and thus have the potential to accelerate glacial retreat and snowmelt. In Chile, glaciers and seasonal snow are important sources of water for irrigation and domestic uses. In July 2015 (Austral winter) we sampled snow in the western Andes in a north-south transect of Chile from 18 S to 34 S. Most of the sampled snow had fallen during a single synoptic event, during 11-13 July. The snow was melted and passed through 0.4 micrometer nuclepore filters. Preliminary estimates indicate that (1) the ratio of BC to dust in snow increases going south from Northern to Central Chile, and (2) in snow sampled during the two weeks following the snowstorm, the impurities were concentrated in the upper 5 cm of snow, indicating that the surface layer became polluted over time by dry deposition.

  5. Scale of human mobility in the southern Andes (Argentina and Chile): A new framework based on strontium isotopes. (United States)

    Barberena, Ramiro; Durán, Víctor A; Novellino, Paula; Winocur, Diego; Benítez, Anahí; Tessone, Augusto; Quiroga, María N; Marsh, Erik J; Gasco, Alejandra; Cortegoso, Valeria; Lucero, Gustavo; Llano, Carina; Knudson, Kelly J


    The goal of this article is to assess the scale of human paleomobility and ecological complementarity between the lowlands and highlands in the southern Andes during the last 2,300 years. By providing isotope results for human bone and teeth samples, we assess a hypothesis of "high residential mobility" suggested on the basis of oxygen isotopes from human remains. We develop an isotopic assessment of human mobility in a mountain landscape combining strontium and oxygen isotopes. We analyze bone and teeth samples as an approach to life-history changes in spatial residence. Human samples from the main geological units and periods within the last two millennia are selected. We present a framework for the analysis of bioavailable strontium based on the combination of the geological data with isotope results for rodent samples. The 87 Sr/ 86 Sr values from human samples indicate residential stability within geological regions along life history. When comparing strontium and oxygen values for the same human samples, we record a divergent pattern: while δ 18 O values for samples from distant regions overlap widely, there are important differences in 87 Sr/ 86 Sr values. Despite the large socio-economic changes recorded, 87 Sr/ 86 Sr values indicate a persisting scenario of low systematic mobility between the different geological regions. Our results suggest that strontium isotope values provide the most germane means to track patterns of human occupation of distinct regions in complex geological landscapes, offering a much higher spatial resolution than oxygen isotopes in the southern Andes. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 infection is frequent in rural communities of the southern Andes of Peru. (United States)

    Ita, Fanny; Mayer, Erick F; Verdonck, Kristien; Gonzalez, Elsa; Clark, Daniel; Gotuzzo, Eduardo


    To evaluate the presence of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection in isolated rural communities in the southern Andes of Peru. We conducted a cross-sectional study in five communities located in three provinces in Ayacucho, Peru. The five communities are located at >3000 meters above sea level and are mainly rural, and more than 85% of the population speaks Quechua. Volunteers aged 12 years and older were included. Clinical and epidemiological data were collected, along with a blood sample for serological testing. We included 397 participants; their median age was 41 years (interquartile range 31-57 years) and 69% were women. According to our definitions, 98% were of Quechua origin. HTLV-1 was diagnosed in 11 people: 0/164 in Cangallo, 3/154 (2%) in Vilcashuaman, and 8/79 (10%) in Parinacochas. There were no cases of HTLV-2. All the HTLV-1-positive participants were born in Ayacucho and were of Quechua origin; they ranged in age from 29 to 87 years (median 56 years) and 10/11 were women. Ten were apparently healthy, and one woman was diagnosed with HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). Three out of 11 had a family member with a lower limb impairment compatible with HAM/TSP. The fact that HTLV-1 infection was present in two out of three provinces suggests that HTLV-1 could be highly endemic in the southern Andes in the Quechua population. Copyright © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  7. Structural control on arc volcanism: The Caviahue Copahue complex, Central to Patagonian Andes transition (38°S) (United States)

    Melnick, Daniel; Folguera, Andrés; Ramos, Victor A.


    This paper describes the volcanostratigraphy, structure, and tectonic implications of an arc volcanic complex in an oblique subduction setting: the Caviahue caldera Copahue volcano (CAC) of the Andean margin. The CAC is located in a first-order morphotectonic transitional zone, between the low and narrow Patagonian and the high and broad Central Andes. The evolution of the CAC started at approximately 4-3 Ma with the opening of the 20 × 15 km Caviahue pull-apart caldera; Las Mellizas volcano formed inside the caldera and collapsed at approximately 2.6 Ma; and the Copahue volcano evolved in three stages: (1) 1.2-0.7 Ma formed the approximately 1 km thick andesitic edifice, (2) 0.7-0.01 Ma erupted andesitic-dacitic subglacial pillow lavas, and (3) 0.01-0 Ma erupted basaltic-andesites and pyroclastic flows from fissures, aligned cones, and summit craters. Magma ascent has occurred along planes perpendicular to the least principal horizontal stress, whereas hydrothermal activity and hot springs also occur along parallel planes. At a regional scale, Quaternary volcanism concentrates along the NE-trending, 90 km long Callaqui-Copahue-Mandolegüe lineament, the longest of the southern volcanic zone, which is here interpreted as an inherited crustal-scale transfer zone from a Miocene rift basin. At a local scale within the CAC, effusions are controlled by local structures that formed at the intersection of regional fault systems. The Central to Patagonian Andes transition occurs at the Callaqui-Copahue-Mandolegüe lineament, which decouples active deformation from the intra-arc strike-slip Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone to the south and the backarc Copahue-Antiñir thrust system.

  8. Los Neutrinos Los Neutrinos

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    Julián Félix


    Full Text Available From all the proposals to understand the structure of matter, and the way the natural world is conformed, the one about neutrinos is the most enigmatic, abstract, and foreign to immediate experience; however, this is the one that has delved more deeply over the nearly eighty years since it was formulated by Wolfgang Pauli –in 1930- as a radical proposition to understand nucleon decay, and the decay of other particles, without the violation of the principle of conservation of energy and momentum at subatomic level. This proposition has evolved through the years, and from Pauli’s original idea only the basic elements remain.This article contains the tale of the hypothesis of neutrinos, its early history, its evolution up to present day, and the efforts done nowadays to study them. In summary, this is the physics of neutrinos. De todas las propuestas para entender la estructura de la materia, y la conformación del mundo natural, los neutrinos es la más enigmática, abstracta, y ajena a la experiencia inmediata; sin embargo, es la que más hondo ha ido calando a lo largo de los ya casi ochenta años de haber sido formulada por Wolfgang Pauli –en el año 1930- como una medida radical para entender el decaimiento de los nucleones, y otras partículas, sin que se violara el principio de la conservación de la energía y del momento a nivel subatómico. La propuesta ha evolucionado a lo largo de los años, y de la idea original de Pauli ya sólo lo básico permanece. En este artículo está el relato de la hipótesis de los neutrinos, su historia primera, su evolución hasta el presente, los esfuerzos que en la actualidad se realizan para estudiarlos. En breve, ésta es la física de los neutrinos.

  9. Impact of glaciations on the long-term erosion in Southern Patagonian Andes (United States)

    Simon-Labric, Thibaud; Herman, Frederic; Baumgartner, Lukas; Shuster, David L.; Braun, Jean; Reiners, Pete W.; Valla, Pierre G.; Leuthold, Julien


    The Southern Patagonian Andes are an ideal setting to study the impact of Late-Cenozoic climate cooling and onset of glaciations impact on the erosional history of mountain belts. The lack of tectonic activity during the last ~12 Myr makes the denudation history mainly controlled by surface processes, not by tectonics. Moreover, the glaciations history of Patagonia shows the best-preserved records within the southern hemisphere (with the exception of Antarctica). Indeed, the dry climate on the leeward side of Patagonia and the presence of lava flows interbedded with glacial deposits has allowed an exceptional preservation of late Cenozoic moraines with precise dating using K-Ar analyses on lava flow. The chronology of moraines reveals a long history covering all the Quaternary, Pliocene, and up to the Upper Miocene. The early growth of large glaciers flowing on eastern foothills started at ~7-6 Myr, while the maximum ice-sheet extent dates from approximately 1.1 Myr. In order to quantify the erosion history of the Southern Patagonian Andes and compare it to the glaciations sediment record, we collected samples along an age-elevation profile for low-temperature thermochronology in the eastern side of the mountain belt (Torres del Paine massif). The (U-Th)/He age-elevation relationship shows a clear convex shape providing an apparent long-term exhumation rate of ~0.2 km/Myr followed by an exhumation rate increase at ~6 Myr. Preliminary results of 4He/3He thermochronometry for a subset of samples complete the erosion history for the Plio-Pleistocene epoch. We used inverse procedure predicting 4He distributions within an apatite grain using a radiation-damage and annealing model to quantify He-diffusion kinetics in apatite. The model also allows quantifying the impact of potential U-Th zonation throughout each apatite crystal. Inversion results reveal a denudation history composed by a pulse of denudation at ~6 Ma, as suggested by the age-elevation relationship

  10. Methane fluxes from a wet puna ecosystem in the Peruvian Andes (United States)

    Jones, Sam; Diem, Torsten; Priscila Huaraca Quispe, Lidia; Quispe Ccahuana, Adan Julian; Meir, Patrick; Arn Teh, Yit


    Discrepancies exist between top-down and bottom-up estimates of the tropical South American atmospheric methane budget. This suggests that current source-sink inventories fail to adequately characterise the landscapes of the region. This may be particularly true of Andean environments where very few field observations have been made. The high tropical Andes, between tree and permanent snow-lines, is home to diverse grass, shrub and giant rosette dominated ecosystems known variously from Venezuela to northern Chile and Argentina as paramo, jalca and puna. In humid regions these are characterised by wet, organic-rich mineral soils, peat-forming wetlands and shallow lakes. Such conditions are likely to promote methane production and potentially represent a regionally significant source to the atmosphere that should be considered. We report on methane fluxes from a bunch-grass dominated puna habitat at 3500 m above sea level in south-eastern Peru. Mean annual temperature and precipitation are 11 °C and 2500 mm, respectively. Temperature is aseasonal but experiences considerable diurnal variations with overnight frosting common-place. In contrast, rainfall is intensely episodic and has a pronounced wet season between September and March. Sampling encompassed a range of topographic features, such as grassland on freely draining, gently inclined or steep slopes and depressions containing bogs, over a 3 ha ridge to basin transition. Monthly sampling was carried out between January 2011 and June 2013 to investigate seasonal variability in methane fluxes. Intensive sampling campaigns were conducted to investigate spatial and short-term variations on a daily basis in two nine-day campaigns during wet and dry season. The site was a net source of methane to the atmosphere during the period of study. Methane fluxes were dominated by emissions from bogs, whereas, freely draining grassland exhibited weak source or marginal sink activity. Temporal variations were most notable at

  11. Late holocene ice core records of climate and environment from the Tropical Andes, Peru

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    ère Blanche (granodiorite. Les pics les plus récents sont en partie synchrones de l’événement beaucoup plus important de 400 à 620 A.D. que l’on rencontre à Quelccaya, ce qui suggère pour celui-ci une grande extension. L’épisode de forte concentration de poussières le plus récent enregistré à Quelccaya et daté de 830 à 960 A.D. permet d'observer de faibles concentrations sur le Huascarán. C’est un argument de plus pour relier le début de cet épisode d’émission de poussières avec les activités agricoles préhistoriques du bassin du Titicaca (Thompson et al., 1988. DATOS CLIMÁTICOS Y MEDIOAMBIENTALES DEDUCIDOS DE TESTIGOS DE HIELO DE LOS ANDES TROPICALES (PERÚ EN EL HOLOCENO RECIENTE. Se compara la historia del clima y del medio ambiente reconstruida a partir de los testigos de hielo obtenidos del casquete de hielo de Quelccaya (13º56’S, 70º50’W, 5 670 m.s.n.m y de la “Garganta” del Huascarán (9º 06’S, 77º36’W, 6 048 m s.n.m. Los parámetros analizados son el ratio isotópico del oxígeno ( 18O considerado como un indicador de las temperaturas, el polvo indisoluble, y, solamente en Huascarán, la concentración en nitratos (NO3-, que es un indicador de las fluctuciones de la vegetación en la selva amazónica. L os perfiles del  18O y del NO3- en el Huascarán para los últimos 3 000 años muestran que hubo un decenso general de las temperaturas acompañado por una disminución de la actividad biológica en la cuenca amazónica, con valores mínimos durante la Pequeña Edad de Hielo, de 200 a 500 años BP. Después hubo un rápido aumento del  18O, que alcanzó los niveles de 3 000 años BP. Este recalentamiento rápido dominó durante los dos últimos siglos en ambos sitios. Los niveles del NO3- en el Huascarán aumentaron también durante este lapso de tiempo, aunque menos rápidamente. Existe la evidencia de un pequeño enriquecimiento isotópico (recalentamiento entre 1 150 y 900 años BP, que podría estar

  12. Mass Balance of Cenozoic Andes-Amazon Source to Sink System—Marañón Basin, Peru

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    Gérôme Calvès


    Full Text Available We investigate the mass balance of the Cenozoic Andes-Amazon source to sink system using rock uplift proxies and solid sedimentation of the Marañón Basin in Peru. The evolution of sedimentation rates is calibrated with regional structural restored cross-section. The quantification of eroded sediments from reliefs to sedimentary basin is achieved with ×10 Myr resolution and compared to present day proxies from the HYBAM (HYdrologie et Biogéochimie du Bassin Amazonien Critical Zone Observatory. Erosion of the early Andean landforms started during the Upper Mesozoic period, but sediment rates significantly increase during the Neogene. This is in agreement with the calibrated increase of rock uplift in the Andean orogenic belt.


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    Ji Son Jang


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan algunos resultados de una investigación sobre la selección pronominal acerca del uso del usted, llevada a cabo en tres municipios del departamento colombiano de Antioquia: la ciudad de Medellín (zona urbana; Carmen de Viboral (zona semirrural, y Andes (zona rural. La población estudiada está constituida por los informantes de edades entre 13 y 34 años. La variable social para este artículo es el lugar de la vivienda de los informantes (zona urbana, semirrural o rural. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se aplicó un cuestionario, en el cual aparecen distintos tipos interaccionales, a los informantes en las zonas mencionadas; se obtuvieron 1940 informantes. La estadística muestra que, en la gran mayoría de relaciones interpersonales, en Andes se usa más el usted que en Carmen de Viboral y, en este último municipio, más que en Medellín.

  14. The ethno-politics of water security: contestations of ethnicity and gender in strategies to control water in the Andes of Peru


    Vera-Delgado, J.


    This thesis is the result of a multidisciplinary research which tries to explain water injustices and the threats to water rights access and control experienced by indigenous peasants of the Peruvian Andes. It attempts to contribute to the analysis of the interactions between ethnicity and gender, and to understand how these form an intrinsic part of the contemporary ethno-politics of water. It also critically analyses the role of state interventions and international financial aid programme...

  15. Valoración, partición y distribución de la tierra de los resguardos indígenas en una localidad andina venezolana. Santa Bárbara de Chachopo

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    Samudio A., Edda O.


    Full Text Available The article examines the process of the establishment of Indian reserves (resguardos in the Venezuelan Andes in the late sixteenth century, and the experiences of their dissolution three centuries later. The main objective of the study is to analyze the appraisal, partition and distribution of the Indian reserves of Merida, assessing the role of the factors that were key elements in that process. The study includes aspects of the extinction of lands that were given with common and non-transferable title to the Indians settlements of Merida. The case of the pueblo of Santa Barbara de Chachopo is here offered as an example.

    El artículo examina el proceso mediante el cual los Resguardos indígenas que fueron establecidos en la región andina venezolana en el tardío siglo XVI experimentaron su disolución tres centurias más tarde. El objetivo central de este trabajo es analizar la valoración, partición y distribución de esos Resguardos Indígenas de Mérida, tratando de apreciar la intervención de los factores que participan en ese hecho; para el estudio de los aspectos contemplados en el proceso de extinción de las tierras que fueron otorgadas, con carácter común e intransferible, a los pueblos de indios de Mérida; en esta ocasión, se tomó como ejemplo el caso de Santa Bárbara de Chachopo.

  16. Photosynthetic responses to temperature and light of Antarctic and Andean populations of Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae Respuestas fotosintéticas a la temperatura y a la luz de poblaciones antarticas y andinas de Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae

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    Full Text Available Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth, 1831 Bartling (Caryophyllaceae is characterized by a wide latitudinal distribution, ranging between the tropical high Andes and the Antarctic Peninsula. Although both habitat types are characterized by cold and freezing temperatures, important microclimatic differences exist during the growing season. Hence, important differences in the response of the photosynthetic apparatus to abiotic factors could be expected between Antarctic and Andean populations of C. quitensis. We studied the relationship between net photosynthesis, leaf temperature and light intensity in two populations of C. quitensis, one from La Parva in the Andes of central Chile and the other from King George Island, in the Maritime Antarctic. Plants from both populations were grown in the laboratory at 15 °C under 250 μmol photons m-2 s-1, with a 16/8 h light/dark photoperiod. Twenty plants (about two months old of each population were transferred to a 4 °C chamber with the same light and photoperiod conditions as above to assess the photosynthetic acclimation capacity. At 15 °C, populations differed in their optimum leaf temperature for photosynthesis, being 24.0 °C in individuals from the Andes and 18.6 °C in individuals from the Antarctic. In contrast, Antarctic individuals showed the highest net photosynthesis rate under both temperature treatments, with the lowest light compensation and saturation points. Antarctic individuals had higher photosynthetic activity at lower temperatures compared to individuals from the Andes. Our results suggest that C. quitensis has adapted photosynthetic performance of individuals growing in different localities to the prevailing climatic conditions. Differences in photosynthetic responses to temperature and light are discussed in relation to ecotypic differentiation between two populations studiedColobanthus quitensis es una especie ampliamente distribuida, que crece desde los Andes tropicales hasta la Pen

  17. Aymaras, peruanos y chilenos en los Andes ariqueños: Resistencia y conflicto frente a la chilenización del norte de Chile

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    Alberto Díaz Araya


    Full Text Available Este artículo reflexiona desde un punto de vista de la antropología histórica las reacciones y articulaciones que generaron las comunidades Aymaras del área de Arica entre los años 1901 y 1926, periodo reconocido como “chilenización”, ante la presencia del Estado chileno, asumiendo posturas identitarias sociopolíticas en un ambiente de conflicto nacional.

  18. Tectonostratigraphic reconstruction Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary in the northwestern Andes: from extensional tectonics to arc accretion. (United States)

    Zapata, S.; Patino, A. M.; Cardona, A.; Mejia, D.; Leon, S.; Jaramillo, J. S.; Valencia, V.; Parra, M.; Hincapie, S.


    Active continental margins characterized by continuous convergence experienced overimposed tectonic configurations that allowed the formation of volcanic arcs, back arc basins, transtensional divergent tectonics or the accretion of exotic volcanic terranes. Such record, particularly the extensional phases, can be partially destroyed and obscure by multiple deformational events, the accretion of exotic terranes and strike slip fragmentation along the margin. The tectonic evolution of the northern Andes during the Mesozoic is the result of post Pangea extension followed by the installation of a long-lived Jurassic volcanic arc (209 - 136 ma) that apparently stops between 136 Ma and 110 Ma. The Quebradagrande Complex has been define as a single Lower Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary unit exposed in the western flank of the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes that growth after the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous magmatic hiatus. The origin of this unit have been related either to an oceanic volcanic arc or a marginal basin environment. The existence of such contrasting models reflect the regional perspective followed in published studies and the paucity of detail analysis of the volcano-sedimentary sequences.We integrate multiple approaches including structural mapping, stratigraphy, geochemistry, U-Pb provenance and geochronology to improve the understanding of this unit and track the earlier phases of accumulation that are mask on the overimposed tectonic history. Our preliminary results suggest the existence of different volcano-sedimentary units that accumulated between 100 Ma and 82 Ma.The older Lower Cretaceous sequences was deposited over Triassic metamorphic continental crust and include a upward basin deepening record characterized by thick fan delta conglomerates, followed by distal turbidites and a syn-sedimentary volcanic record at 100 ma. The other sequence include a 85 - 82 Ma fringing arc that was also formed close to the continental margin or

  19. Over three millennia of mercury pollution in the Peruvian Andes (United States)

    Cooke, Colin A.; Balcom, Prentiss H.; Biester, Harald; Wolfe, Alexander P.


    We present unambiguous records of preindustrial atmospheric mercury (Hg) pollution, derived from lake-sediment cores collected near Huancavelica, Peru, the largest Hg deposit in the New World. Intensive Hg mining first began ca. 1400 BC, predating the emergence of complex Andean societies, and signifying that the region served as a locus for early Hg extraction. The earliest mining targeted cinnabar (HgS) for the production of vermillion. Pre-Colonial Hg burdens peak ca. 500 BC and ca. 1450 AD, corresponding to the heights of the Chavín and Inca states, respectively. During the Inca, Colonial, and industrial intervals, Hg pollution became regional, as evidenced by a third lake record ≈225 km distant from Huancavelica. Measurements of sediment-Hg speciation reveal that cinnabar dust was initially the dominant Hg species deposited, and significant increases in deposition were limited to the local environment. After conquest by the Inca (ca. 1450 AD), smelting was adopted at the mine and Hg pollution became more widely circulated, with the deposition of matrix-bound phases of Hg predominating over cinnabar dust. Our results demonstrate the existence of a major Hg mining industry at Huancavelica spanning the past 3,500 years, and place recent Hg enrichment in the Andes in a broader historical context. PMID:19451629

  20. Usnea christhinae spec. nov. from South America

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    Jan Bystrek


    Full Text Available A new lichen species Usnea christhinae Bystrek is described from the Patagonia Andes, the reserve upon lake Onelli in the National Park Los Glaciares. It belongs to subgenus Protousnea Motyka emend. Bystrek and is closely related to U. cavernosa Tucker.

  1. Globale paradys of plaaslike hel?

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Duiwelskloof (André Brink), Lituma en los Andes ... “Hallowed Ground” – Violent Femmes. 1. ..... bewus van ander magte wat in die area aktief is, in die besonder .... “revolting sex, deceit and the sly torture of children” (8), asook “defile-.

  2. A new high-altitude species of centipede from the Andes of Ecuador (Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha, Schendylidae). (United States)

    Pereira, Luis Alberto


    Pectiniunguis aequatorialis sp. nov. (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: Schendylidae) is described and illustrated on the basis of specimens collected in the Cayambe-Coca Ecological Reserve in the High Andes of Ecuador. The new species is characterized by having ventral pore-fields on the anterior region of the trunk only, a trait that is shared by a single Neotropical congener: Pectiniunguis ascendens Pereira, Minelli Barbieri, 1994 to which it is similar and is compared taxonomically. This is only the second report of a species of the genus Pectiniunguis Bollman, 1889 from mainland Ecuador. The other taxon is Pectiniunguis roigi Pereira, Foddai Minelli, 2001, so far only known from the type locality, Limoncocha (Sucumbíos Province), and herein reported for the first time from Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo-Galeras (Napo Province).

  3. Observations of the Breakdown of Mountain Waves Over the Andes Lidar Observatory at Cerro Pachon on 8/9 July 2012 (United States)

    Hecht, J. H.; Fritts, D. C.; Wang, L.; Gelinas, L. J.; Rudy, R. J.; Walterscheid, R. L.; Taylor, M. J.; Pautet, P. D.; Smith, S.; Franke, S. J.


    Although mountain waves (MWs) are thought to be a ubiquitous feature of the wintertime southern Andes stratosphere, it was not known whether these waves propagated up to the mesopause region until Smith et al. (2009) confirmed their presence via airglow observations. The new Andes Lidar Observatory at Cerro Pachon in Chile provided the opportunity for a further study of these waves. Since MWs have near-zero phase speed, and zero wind lines often occur in the winter upper mesosphere (80 to 100 km altitude) region due to the reversal of the zonal mean and tidal wind, MW breakdown may routinely occur at these altitudes. Here we report on very high spatial/temporal resolution observations of the initiation of MW breakdown in the mesopause region. Because the waves are nearly stationary, the breakdown process was observed over several hours; a much longer interval than has previously been observed for any gravity wave breakdown. During the breakdown process observations were made of initial horseshoe-shaped vortices, leading to successive vortex rings, as is also commonly seen in Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of idealized and multiscale gravity wave breaking. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) structures were also observed to form. Comparing the structure of observed KHI with the results of existing DNS allowed an estimate of the turbulent kinematic viscosity. This viscosity was found to be around 25 m2/s, a value larger than the nominal viscosity that is used in models.

  4. Vitamin D status is associated with underweight and stunting in children aged 6-36 months residing in the Ecuadorian Andes. (United States)

    Mokhtar, Rana R; Holick, Michael F; Sempértegui, Fernando; Griffiths, Jeffrey K; Estrella, Bertha; Moore, Lynn L; Fox, Matthew P; Hamer, Davidson H


    There is limited knowledge on vitamin D status of children residing in the Andes and its association with undernutrition. We evaluated the vitamin D status of children residing in a low socio-economic status (SES) setting in the Ecuadorian Andes and assessed the association between vitamin D status, stunting and underweight. We hypothesized that children who were underweight would have lower serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels and lower 25(OH)D levels would be associated with a higher risk of stunting. We conducted a cross-sectional secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial, the Vitamin A, Zinc and Pneumonia study. Children had serum 25(OH)D concentrations measured. A sensitivity analysis was undertaken to determine a vitamin D cut-off specific for our endpoints. Associations between serum 25(OH)D and underweight (defined as weight-for-age Z-score≤-1) and stunting (defined as height-for-age Z-score≤-2) were assessed using multivariate logistic regression. Children residing in five low-SES peri-urban neighbourhoods near Quito, Ecuador. Children (n 516) aged 6-36 months. Mean serum 25(OH)D concentration was 58·0 (sd 17·7) nmol/l. Sensitivity analysis revealed an undernutrition-specific 25(OH)D cut-off of DDD levels were more likely to be stunted (aOR=2·8; 95 % CI 1·6, 4·7). Low serum 25(OH)D levels were more common in underweight and stunted Ecuadorian children.

  5. Historia natural y conservación de los mutualismos planta-animal del bosque templado de Sudamérica austral Natural history and conservation of plant-animal mutualisms in the temperate forest of southern South America

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    Full Text Available El bosque templado de Sudamérica austral (BTSA se caracteriza por poseer un biota altamente endémica y una flora que exhibe una de las más altas incidencias de polinización biótica (particularmente ornitofilia y dispersión animal (particularmente endozoocoria registradas para cualquier bioma templado. A la luz de importantes avances realizados en los últimos años en el conocimiento de estas interacciones, en este trabajo realizamos una revisión sobre (1 los grupos animales que intervienen en estos mutualismos y su importancia relativa, (2 la estructura comunitaria de estas interacciones, y (3 la existencia de variación geográfica en estas relaciones en base a estudios similares realizados en dos o más localidades a ambos lados de los Andes. También comparamos los mutualismos entre plantas y animales del BTSA con los presentes en otros biomas. Por último, reseñamos la evidencia existente sobre los efectos que la deforestación, la fragmentación, y otras formas de perturbación antrópica están teniendo sobre estos mutualismos. Este trabajo avala la hipótesis de que la alta riqueza de plantas que son polinizadas o dispersadas por vertebrados depende de un ensamble extremadamente pobre de animales mutualistas. Por el contrario, en el caso de la polinización por invertebrados este trabajo revela que las flores entomófilas del BTSA interactúan con un ensamble insospechadamente diverso de insectos, rico en grupos taxonómicos exclusivos de este bioma. Aunque muchos de estos mutualismos parecen ser resilientes, otros aparentan tener un alto grado de sensibilidad a distintas formas de perturbación antrópicaThe temperate forest of southern South America (TFSSA has a highly endemic biota with a flora that exhibits one of the highest incidences of biotic pollination (particularly ornithophily and animal dispersal (particularly endozoochory found in any temperate biome worldwide. Much knowledge has been gained in the last few years on

  6. Evidence of Teleconnections between the Peruvian central Andes and Northeast Brazil during extreme rainfall events (United States)

    Sulca, J. C.; Vuille, M. F.; Silva, F. Y.; Takahashi, K.


    Knowledge about changes in regional circulation and physical processes associated with extreme rainfall events in South America is limited. Here we investigate such events over the Mantaro basin (MB) located at (10°S-13°S; 73°W-76°W) in the central Peruvian Andes and Northeastern Brazil (NEB), located at (9°S-15°S; 39°W-46°W). Occasional dry and wet spells can be observed in both areas during the austral summer season. The main goal of this study is to investigate potential teleconnections between extreme rainfall events in MB and NEB during austral summer. We define wet (dry) spells as periods that last for at least 3 (5) consecutive days with rainfall above (below) the 70 (30) percentile. To identify the dates of ocurrence of these events, we used daily accumulated rainfall data from 14 climate stations located in the Mantaro basin for the period 1965 to 2002. In NEB we defined a rainfall index which is based on average daily gridded rainfall data within the region for the same period. Dry (wet spells) in the MB are associated with positive (negative) OLR anomalies which extend over much of the tropical Andes, indicating the large-scale nature of these events. At 200 hPa anomalous easterly (westerly) zonal winds aloft accompany wet (dry) spells. Composite anomalies of dry spells in MB reveal significant contemporaneous precipitation anomalies of the opposite sign over NEB, which suggest that intraseasonal precipitation variability over the two regions may be dynamically linked. Indeed upper-tropospheric circulation anomalies over the central Andes extend across South America and appear to be tied to an adjustment in the Bolivian High-Nordeste Low system. Dry (wet) spells in NEB are equally associated with a large-scale pattern of positive (negative) OLR anomalies; however, there are no related significant OLR anomalies over the MB during these events. Dry (wet) spells are associated with robust patterns of anomalous wind fields at both low and upper

  7. High-resolution dynamic downscaling of CMIP5 output over the Tropical Andes (United States)

    Reichler, Thomas; Andrade, Marcos; Ohara, Noriaki


    Our project is targeted towards making robust predictions of future changes in climate over the tropical part of the South American Andes. This goal is challenging, since tropical lowlands, steep mountains, and snow covered subarctic surfaces meet over relatively short distances, leading to distinct climate regimes within the same domain and pronounced spatial gradients in virtually every climate quantity. We use an innovative approach to solve this problem, including several quadruple nested versions of WRF, a systematic validation strategy to find the version of WRF that best fits our study region, spatial resolutions at the kilometer scale, 20-year-long simulation periods, and bias-corrected output from various CMIP5 simulations that also include the multi-model mean of all CMIP5 models. We show that the simulated changes in climate are consistent with the results from the global climate models and also consistent with two different versions of WRF. We also discuss the expected changes in snow and ice, derived from off-line coupling the regional simulations to a carefully calibrated snow and ice model.

  8. Evaluation of TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA performance in the Central Andes region and its dependency on spatial and temporal resolution

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    M. L. M. Scheel


    Full Text Available Climate time series are of major importance for base line studies for climate change impact and adaptation projects. However, for instance, in mountain regions and in developing countries there exist significant gaps in ground based climate records in space and time. Specifically, in the Peruvian Andes spatially and temporally coherent precipitation information is a prerequisite for ongoing climate change adaptation projects in the fields of water resources, disasters and food security. The present work aims at evaluating the ability of Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA to estimate precipitation rates at daily 0.25° × 0.25° scale in the Central Andes and the dependency of the estimate performance on changing spatial and temporal resolution. Comparison of the TMPA product with gauge measurements in the regions of Cuzco, Peru and La Paz, Bolivia were carried out and analysed statistically. Large biases are identified in both investigation areas in the estimation of daily precipitation amounts. The occurrence of strong precipitation events was well assessed, but their intensities were underestimated. TMPA estimates for La Paz show high false alarm ratio.

    The dependency of the TMPA estimate quality with changing resolution was analysed by comparisons of 1-, 7-, 15- and 30-day sums for Cuzco, Peru. The correlation of TMPA estimates with ground data increases strongly and almost linearly with temporal aggregation. The spatial aggregation to 0.5°, 0.75° and 1° grid box averaged precipitation and its comparison to gauge data of the same areas revealed no significant change in correlation coefficients and estimate performance.

    In order to profit from the TMPA combination product on a daily basis, a procedure to blend it with daily precipitation gauge measurements is proposed.

    Different sources of errors and uncertainties introduced by the sensors, sensor

  9. The Mass Elevation Effect of the Central Andes and Its Implications for the Southern Hemisphere's Highest Treeline

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    Wenhui He


    Full Text Available One of the highest treelines in the world is at 4810 m above sea level on the Sajama Volcano in the central Andes. The climatological cause of that exceptionally high treeline position is still unclear. Although it has been suggested that the mass elevation effect (MEE explains the upward shift of treelines in the Altiplano region, the magnitude of MEE has not yet been quantified for that region. This paper defines MEE as the air temperature difference in summer at the same elevation between the inner mountains/plateaus (Altiplano and the free atmosphere above the adjacent lowlands of the Andean Cordillera. The Altiplano air temperature was obtained from the Global Historical Climatology Network-Monthly temperature database, and the air temperature above the adjacent lowlands was interpolated based on the National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research Reanalysis 1 data set. We analyzed the mean air temperature differences for January, July, and the warm months from October to April. The air temperature was mostly higher on the Altiplano than over the neighboring lowlands at the same altitude. The air temperature difference increased from the outer Andean east-facing slope to the interior of the Altiplano in summer, and it increased from high latitudes to low latitudes in winter. The mean air temperature in the Altiplano in summer is approximately 5 K higher than it is above the adjacent lowlands at the same mean elevation, averaging about 3700 m above sea level. This upward shift of isotherms in the inner part of the Cordillera enables the treeline to climb to 4810 m, with shrub-size trees reaching even higher. Therefore, the MEE explains the occurrence of one of the world’s highest treelines in the central Andes.

  10. Socioeconomic status and chronic child malnutrition: Wealth and maternal education matter more in the Peruvian Andes than nationally. (United States)

    Urke, Helga B; Bull, Torill; Mittelmark, Maurice B


    This study investigated the association of parents' socioeconomic status (SES) with child stunting in the Peruvian Andes and in Peru nationally. It was hypothesized that the relationship of SES to child stunting would be weaker in the Andean compared with the national sample. This is consistent with earlier research indicating that the relationship of SES to health may be weak in poor regions. The data were from the Demographic and Health Survey 2004 to 2006. Two samples of children 3 to 60 months old were compared: a national sample (n = 1426) and an Andean sample (n = 543). Malnutrition was measured using the indicator "stunting," which is small stature for age. Socioeconomic status was measured using parental education, occupation, and household wealth index (WI). In both samples, SES was significantly related to stunting. The odds of stunting in the poorest WI quintile were significantly higher than in the richest quintile. The same pattern was observed in children of mothers having incomplete primary education compared with children of mothers having complete secondary or higher education. The odds of stunting were significantly lower in children of mothers working at home compared with mothers in professional occupations. The associations of WI and maternal education with stunting were significantly stronger in the Andean compared with the national sample; the study did not find support for the hypothesis. Even in very poor regions such as the Andes, SES may be associated with child health, suggesting the importance of public health measures to overcome the health disadvantages experienced by children living in low SES households. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Redefinición y tendencias del concepto de estrategia para el gerente colombiano




    En Colombia son pocos los estudios especializados realizados sobre estrategia y pensamiento estratégico con referencia al empresario y las empresas. La indagación muestra algunas investigaciones realizadas sobre la materia en la Universidad del Rosario, en la Universidad de los Andes y en la Universidad Icesi, pioneras en este tipo de estudios; que buscan conocer un poco acerca de cómo piensan y actúan los gerentes colombianos. Ésta vez, la pregunta sobre el tema se traslada al grupo de gesti...

  12. Frugivoría y dispersión de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua (Arecaceae en un bosque de los Andes colombianos Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae in a forest from the Colombian Andes

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    Rosario Rojas-Robles


    Full Text Available En zonas bajas tropicales, en bosques continuos y relativamente poco intervenidos, los frutos de la palma Oenocarpus bataua Mart., son consumidos por diversas especies de vertebrados, sin embargo, no hay estudios de dispersión de más largo plazo con esta especie. Entre agosto 2005-septiembre 2006 se realizaron observaciones de remoción de frutos, conteo de frutos comidos, observaciones focales, registros de frugivoría mediante trampas fotográficas, experimentos de dispersión y parcelas para determinar distribución espacial de Oenocarpus bataua. Cinco especies de mamíferos comen, dispersan, entierran (Sciurus granatensis, Microsciurus mimulus, Dasyprocta punctata y Proechimys sp., tapan (Marmosa robinsoni y llevan a las cuevas (Marmosa robinsoni y Proechimys sp., los frutos de O. bataua, sin dañar la semilla. El 21.7% de los frutos fueron dispersados, 13.2% roídos o pelados, 5.6% tapados, enterrados y llevados a cuevas. La distancia media de remoción de semillas y frutos fue 3.1m, aunque en menor proporción se registraron eventos de dispersión > a 50m. La abundante producción, el tamaño, el peso, la intensa remoción de los frutos por frugívoros, las cortas distancias de dispersión, la ausencia de frugívoros de gran porte disminuidos por cacería y fragmentación, encargados de la dispersión de larga distancia y el aumento de roedores, especialmente ardillas que presionan fuertemente el recurso frutos, generan una lluvia de semillas espacialmente restringida, posiblemente responsable de los patrones de distribución agregados en semillas, plántulas y posteriormente en juveniles y sub-adultos.Seed dispersal is a key process that determines the spatial structure and dynamics of populations of plants, establishes the potential area of recruitment and in this way, the basis for subsequent processes such as predation, germination, competition and growth. The purpose of this research was to identify the guild of frugivores of the



    Ramos Sánchez, Rodrigo Estalin; Hernández Hernández, Mario; Vilchez Siccha, Arquímedes


    La investigación tuvo como propósito proponer un modelo de evaluación de carácter interactivo para la modalidad semipresencial que considere las dimensiones esenciales y la aplicación del mismo en un curso de derecho. El modelo propuesto incluye los lineamientos teóricos, metodológicos y operativos que relacionan los componentes del aprendizaje y la evaluación en la educación semipresencial. Utilizamos métodos teóricos: inductivo – deductivo, analítico – sintético e histórico, y los métodos e...

  14. Privatizing Water in the Chilean Andes: The Case of Las Vegas de Chiu-Chiu

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    Manuel Prieto


    Full Text Available The Chilean water model has been described as a textbook example of a free-market water system. This article contributes to the critiques of this model by showing the effect of its implementation in the Atacameño community of Chiu-Chiu, located in the Atacama Desert in the south-central Andes. In this community, the privatization of water rights ignored local water management practices that had produced a high-altitude wetland (known as a vega. This led to the inhabitants’ dispossession of crucial water rights and to wetland degradation. This process belies statements that the Chilean model relies on an unregulated market and instead highlights the state’s role in marginalizing local irrigation practices by reducing the water consumption of the indigenous population while keeping the copper mining industry (the main source of Chilean income and related growing urban populations supplied with water.

  15. Seminario venezolano de educación matemática: una visión y una experiencia universitaria en educación preescolar y básica integral


    Rivas, Pedro José


    El artículo forma parte de una conferencia dictada por el autor, en la que esboza una experiencia de desarrollo institucional de la Universidad de los Andes, a partir de la creación de un Seminario cuya mirada ofrece variados significados y nuevos discursos pedagógicos sobre el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de los saberes matemáticos escolares de los niños y pubertos ubicados en la llamada franja crítica del currículo y la escolarización, justamente donde se esconde uno de los espacios académico...

  16. Aprendizaje interdependiente en un programa de posgrado de formación de profesores de matemáticas


    Pinzón, Álvaro Andrés; Gómez, Pedro; Acebedo, Moisés


    En este documento y video, describimos un programa de formación de profesores de matemáticas de secundaria en ejercicio. Se trata de la Maestría en Educación Matemátca (MAD) de la Universidad de los Andes. Este programa se diseñó con base en las ideas de la teoría social del aprendizaje. Presentamos evidencias de cómo el esquema metodológico del programa promueve el aprendizaje interdependiente en los profesores en formación. El video presenta evidencias de los diferentes contextos en los que...

  17. An annotated checklist of trees and relatives in tropical montane forests from southeast Peru: the importance of continue collecting


    Farfan-Rios, William; Garcia-Cabrera, Karina; Salinas, Norma; Raurau-Quisiyupanqui, Mireya N.; Silman, Miles R.


    Los Andes están considerados como los puntos calientes más diversos de los trópicos, dentro de estos se encuentra el Parque Nacional del Manu, cuyas complejas condiciones climáticas y fisiográficas albergan una mega-diversidad y endemismo. En el presente trabajo se presenta una lista anotada de especies arbóreas y afines a lo largo de un gradiente de elevación desde los bosques submontanos a 800 m hasta la línea de bosque a 3625 m en la Reserva de Biosfera del Manu. En base a una red de 21 pa...

  18. Características de uso de plaguicidas químicos y riesgos para la salud en agricultores de la sierra central del Perú


    Ymelda Montoro; Rocío Moreno; Luis Gomero; Maria Reyes


    Con el objetivo de conocer las características sobre el uso e impactos en la salud de los plaguicidas químicos de uso agrícola en las provincias de Chupaca y Concepción en los andes centrales del Perú, se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo transversal entre abril y junio del año 2005, por medio de un cuestionario aplicado a 435 agricultores. Asimismo, se exploró la ubicación de los centros de expendio y la frecuencia de ventas de productos, además, se evaluó los casos de intoxicación reportado...

  19. La Cordillera Oriental Colombiana, Transecto Sumapaz

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hammen, van der T.; Rangel, J.O.; Cleef, A.M.


    The publication of this volume (volume 7) concludes the publication of the study of the Transects of Buritaca (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), Parque Los Nevados (Cordillera Central), Tatamá (Western Cordillera) and Sumapaz (Eastern Cordillera) in the Colombian Andes. The latter three studies

  20. El presente como categoría histórica

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    Jhon Rozo Mila


    Full Text Available La historia y el presente en el espejo de la globalización. Hugo Fazio Vengoa.Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Historai, Centro de Estudios Socioculturales e Internacionales (CESO, Bogotá, 2008, 174 págs.