
Sample records for lokasi longsor p2plr-batan


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    Agus Aan Jiwa Permana


    Full Text Available Setiap saat Indonesia mengalami ancaman bencana alam. Hal ini sudah dibuktikan dengan adanya bencana alam yang beruntun menimpa negara ini. Mulai dari tsunami, gunung meletus, banjir, tanah longsor, dan gempa. Dengan adanya hal-hal semacam ini, terpikirkan bagaimana caranya untuk melakukan pencegahan awal agar dampak kerugian material dan korban yang ditimbulkan dapat lebih diminimalisir. Misalnya saja bencana tanah longsor sering terjadi di Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Hal ini terjadi karena penambangan dan minimnya daerah tangkapan air sehingga menjadi penyebab maraknya kasus-kasus longsor di Kulon Progo baik karena aktivitas penambangan yang dilakukan legal atau ilegal. Khusus daerah yang menjadi sasaran penambangan emas di Yogya adalah Kecamatan Kokap. Sehingga menyebabkan banyak kejadian tanah longsor di daerah tersebut. Dengan kondisi daerah yang sering mengalami bahaya longsor, nampaknya perlu dikembangkan sebuah sistem informasi geografis yang dapat membantu dalam manajemen resiko bencana tanah tanah longsor yang terjadi di Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Sehingga nantinya jika sistem ini dapat dikembangkan, dapat membantu melakukan analisis resiko dari dampak bencana tanah longsor di era cyber seperti saat ini. Lokasi yang menjadi titik rawan bencana, diharapkan dapat dideteksi dan hasilnya dapat dianalisis untuk kepentingan lebih lanjut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sudah dapat menghasilkan peta bahaya longsor dalam tiga kategori yaitu tinggi, sedang, dan rendah.   Kata-kata kunci: Tanah Longsor,  Bencana Alam,  Sistem Informasi Geografis.

  2. Analisis Risiko Tanah Longsor Desa Tieng Kecamatan Kejajar Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    Elna Multi Astuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Desa Tieng Kecamatan Kejajar secara umum memiliki kondisi topografi yang dapat menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya tanah longsor seiring dengan perkembangan perkembangan aktivitas manusia. Untuk mengantisipasi dan mencegah terjadinya bencana alam tanah tanah longsor, maka perlu disediakan peta risiko tanah tanah longsor di Desa Tieng yang merupakan perpaduan antara peta bahaya dan peta kerentanan sebagai bahan pertimbangan yang penting dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan tanah longsor. Penyusunan peta bahaya, kerentanan, dan risiko tanah longsor menggunakan ArcGIS dan ILWIS dengan menggunakan parameter hujan, lereng lahan, geologi, keberadaan sesar, kedalaman tanah, penggunaan lahan, infrastruktur, kepadatan pemukiman. Skoring dan pemberatan digunakan dalam penentuan peta bahaya dan  kerentanan. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel acak berstrata dengan berdasarkan zona bahaya tanah longsor di lokasi penelitian.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa zona tingkat bahaya tanah longsor terbagi menjadi 3 zona yaitu zona bahaya tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Wilayah pemukiman berada pada zona bahaya tinggi dan sedang. Tingkat kerentanan total merupakan fungsi dari tingkat kerentanan fisik, sosial, dan ekonomi. Tingkat kerentanan fisik menggunakan faktor persentase kawasan terbangun, kepadatan bangunan, dan jenis material banguan. Tingkat kerentanan sosial menggunakan faktor kepadatan penduduk, persentase penduduk usia tua-balita, dan penduduk wanita. Tingkat kerentanan ekonomi menggunakan faktor persentase rumah tangga yang bekerja di sektor rentan, dan persentase rumah tangga miskin. Masyarakat Desa Tieng membuat sistem terassering untuk berkebun dan membuat bangunan penahan dari batu untuk mengurangi bahaya tanah longsor.  Kesimpulan penelitian ini Desa Tieng berada pada risiko tanah longsor sedang dan tinggi. Penduduk yang berada pada zona risiko tinggi sebaiknya direlokasi terutama penduduk

  3. Risiko Kerugian Akibat Longsor di Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat

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    Fathiyya Ulfa


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan provinsi yang memiliki riwayat kejadian longsor tertinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang sering terjadi longsor adalah Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur. Pada dua tahun terakhir telah terjadi dua kali pergerakan tanah di daerah yang berbeda di Desa Cibanteng. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi besar risiko kerugian bencana longsor pada masa akan datang sehingga bantuan saat terjadi longsor dapat dioptimalkan. Untuk memprediksi besar risiko kerugian digunakan variabel bahaya, kerentanan dan kapasitas kebencanaan longsor. Masing-masing variabel memiliki beberapa indikator tertentu yakni penggunaan tanah, lereng, dan kepadatan penduduk. Penghitungan risiko kerugian dilakukan menggunakan metode overlay masing-masing variabel. Hasil penelitian adalah berupa prediksi risiko kerugian sebesar Rp. 10,1 milyar. Besar risiko kerugian tersebut didapat dari nilai bangunan, jaringan jalan, jaringan listrik dan produktivitas pertanian. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wilayah risiko bencana longsor mendominasi dibagian selatan Desa Cibanteng.   ABSTRACT West Java Province is a province have a high landslide history in Indonesia. One of the area in West Java Province which often occuring a landslide is Cibanteng Village, Sukaresmi District, Cianjur Regency. In the last two years has been soil movement twice in different areas in the village Cibanteng. This study aims to predict big losses from landslides in future so that assistance can be optimized during a landslide. To predict the risk of loss used hazards variable, vulnerabilities and capacities of landslide disasters. Each variables have some specific indicators namely landuse, slope, and population density. The calculation of losses risk using overlay method in each variable. The results are prediction of losses risk of Rp. 10.1 billion. Great of losses risk can be assessed from value of building , road networks


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    Riki Irawan


    Full Text Available PT. Madubaru yang berlokasi di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta bergerak di bidang agro industry dengan memiliki satu pabrik gula dan satu pabrik alkohol dan spiritus, yang dikenal dengan nama PG/PS Madukismo. PG/PS Madubaru di tuntut untuk dapat menciptakan kinerja pemasaran dan penjualan gula pasir yang handal. Dalam pemenuhan sasaran tersebut ada beberapa kendala yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan yaitu dalam proses penjualan gula pasir yang dilakukan tidak tercapai target yang diinginkan. Untuk lokasi yang sudah ada belum dilakukan evaluasi kembali untuk dinyatakan layak atau tidak untuk dilakukan pemasaran kembali dilokasi tersebut. Informasi ini diperoleh berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan Yudi Pratama selaku wakil Kepala Bagian Pemasaran di PT. Madubaru PG-PS Madukismo. Oleh karena itu PT. Madubaru ingin membuka cabang untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap lokasi lama yang sudah menjadi lokasi pemasaran sebelumnya. Akan tetapi PT. Madubaru membutuhkan lokasi yang strategis dengan kriteria lokasi yang tepat. Sehingga dapat memaksimalkan penjualan. Dalam mengoptimalkan hal itu tentu ada berbagai kriteria yang saling berlawanan seperti halnya lokasi yang baik tentunya memiliki harga yang sesuai. Sedangkan dalam memilih lokasi lama ini PT. Madubaru melakukan secara manual. Subjek dalam  penelitian ini, adalah aplikasi system pendukung keputusan yang digunakan untuk membantu proses pemilihan lokasi dan evaluasi lokasi lama yang sesuai dengan kriteria-kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh PT. Madubaru. Desain system dengan model proses Modified waterfall. Setelah implementasi selesai, hasil dari system ini, memberikan rekomendasi alternative lokasi yang terbaik serta mengevaluasi lokasi yang sudah ada sehingga dapat diketahui apakah dilajutkan atau tidak lokasi pemasaran tersebut, dengan mengacuh kepada kriteria yang sudah ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode perhitungan AHP. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan perangkat

  5. KONDISI SOSIAL-MASYARAKAT PADA KARAKTERISTIK FISIK LINGKUNGAN DALAM MEMPENGARUHI RISIKO LONGSOR DI KARANGSAMBUNG-KEBUMEN (Social-Population Condition on The Physical Environment Characteristics in Influence The Risk of Landslide in Karangsambung

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    Puguh Dwi Raharjo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Faktor fisik, sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan memainkan peran kunci kerentanan longsor dalam menentukan risikonya. Kecamatan Karangsambung Kabupaten Kebumen merupakan daerah dengan ragam topografi dan litologi yang memiliki intensitas tanah longsor tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan sosial-masyarakat pada setiap desa di Kecamatan Karangsambung dalam mempengaruhi risiko tanah longsor. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis mengenai faktor fisik lingkungan berupa pembuatan peta ancaman longsor. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP digunakan sebagai metode dalam pembuatan peta ancaman yang diolah dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG. Ancaman longsor dihubungkan dengan kondisi sosial-masyarakat dan lingkungan, sehingga terlihat peranannya dalam mengurangi risiko longsor. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa Desa Totogan, Pujotirto, Wadasmalang, Kaligending, Plumbon, Banioro dan Tlepok memiliki tingkat ancaman longsor yang tinggi. Namun kondisi sosial-masyarakat sangat baik dalam mengatasi dampak dan mitigasi bencana longsor, kecuali pada Banioro. Desa Totogan juga memiliki ancaman longsor akan tetapi kerugian lingkungan apabila terjadi longsor tidak tinggi. Kondisi sosial-masyarakat di setiap desa sangat berpengaruh terhadap risiko longsor pada Kecamatan Karangsambung yang sering terjadi longsor. ABSTRACT Physical, social, economic and environment factors play a role in susceptibility the landslides risk. Subdistricts of Karangsambung - Kebumen is a region with diverse topography and lithology which has a high-intensity landslides. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of socio-community in Karangsambung which influencing the landslides risk. In this study, we analytedevery environmental physical factors to give the landslide hazard map. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP is used as a method to processing landslides maps using Geographic Information System (GIS. The landslides hazard associated

  6. Model Lokasi Menara BTS ditinjau dari Faktor – faktor penentu lokasi Menara BTS di Surabaya

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    Dynastya Dynastya


    Full Text Available Perkembangan tower Base Transceiver Station (BTS di Kota Surabaya berlangsung sangat pesat. Keberadaan tower BTS yang mulai menjamur di kawasan permukiman mengakibatkan protes dari masyarakat yang takut akan dampak negatif tower BTS. Perkembangan jumlah penggunaan telepon genggam di kota Surabaya dapat diasumsikan bahwa kebutuhan jaringan komunikasi nirkabel bertambah. Untuk mengatur hal tersebut diperlukan adanya suatu pengendalian tower BTS di Kota Surabaya untuk meminimalisasi gangguan terhadap estetika kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan hubungan faktor penentu lokasi menara BTS terhadap lokasi menara BTS di Surabaya dengan menggunakan kajian teoritis dari berbagai pustaka.  Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persebaran lokasi tower BTS tersebut kemudian diiterasi menurut pendapat pakar dengan menggunakan analisa delphi. Yang kemudian digunakan untuk menyusun hubungannya dengan lokasi tower BTS dengan analisa regresi logistik. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor yang menjadi penentu lokasi tower BTS, yang menurut konsensus pakar adalah faktor faktor kepadatan penduduk, biaya sewa lahan, ketinggian menara, jenis lokasi menara, faktor pola ruang, faktor keamanan, dan faktor coverage service area. Hasil konsensus tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan analisa regresi logistik sehingga menghasilkan model regresi yang menunjukkan peluang faktor yang berpengaruh dan seberapa besar pengaruhnya terhadap lokasi menara BTS.

  7. Evaluasi Lokasi Pengembangan Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak

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    Tettuko Wiwengku Adhiyakso


    Full Text Available Pelabuhan baru akan direncanakan oleh pemerintah kota sebagai  antisipasi melonjaknya tingkat kedatangan kapal yang diterima Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak di tahun mendatang. Terdapat 6 lokasi yang salah satunya akan dikembangkan oleh pemerintah sebagai pelabuhan diantaranya adalah di Teluk Lamong, Socah Madura, Tanjung Bumi Madura, Tanjung Bulupandan Madura, Gresik Selatan, dan Gresik Utara. Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan indikasi adanya stagnasi di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak dengan cara melakukan peramalan (forecasting kemudian mengevaluasi manakah dari keenam lokasi tersebut yang sangat tepat dan cocok untuk menampung limpahan kapal dari Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak dengan cara menganalisa satu persatu lokasi tersebut dari sudut pandang pemilik barang, dengan menghitung transport cost dari beberapa pelabuhan kandidat tersebut. Sehingga diperoleh suatu lokasi alternatif pengembangan pelabuhan dengan pertimbangan transport cost yang paling minimum menuju lokasi-lokasi industri. Evaluasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu pemerintah untuk menetapkan lokasi pelabuhan yang tepat dari sisi kacamata ekonomi.

  8. Prognostic value of PLR in various cancers: a meta-analysis.

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    Xin Zhou

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Recently, more and more studies investigated the association of inflammation parameters such as the Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR and the prognosis of various cancers. However, the prognostic role of PLR in cancer remains controversial. METHODS: We conducted a meta-analysis of published studies to evaluate the prognostic value of PLR in various cancers. In order to investigate the association between PLR and overall survival (OS, the hazard ratio (HR and its 95% confidence interval (CI were calculated. RESULTS: A total of 13,964 patients from 26 studies were included in the analysis. The summary results showed that elevated PLR was a negative predictor for OS with HR of 1.60 (95%CI: 1.35-1.90; Pheterogeneity <0.001. Subgroup analysis revealed that increased PLR was a negative prognostic marker in patients with gastric cancer (HR = 1.35, 95%CI: 0.80-2.25, Pheterogeneity = 0.011, colorectal cancer (HR = 1.65, 95%CI: 1.33-2.05, Pheterogeneity = 0.995, hepatocellular carcinoma (HR = 3.07, 95% CI: 2.04-4.62, Pheterogeneity = 0.133, ovarian cancer (HR = 1.57, 95%CI: 1.07-2.31, Pheterogeneity = 0.641 and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC (HR = 1.85, 95% CI: 1.42-2.41, Pheterogeneity = 0.451 except for pancreatic cancer (HR = 1.00, 95%CI: 0.92-1.09, Pheterogeneity = 0.388. CONCLUSION: The meta-analysis demonstrated that PLR could act as a significant biomarker in the prognosis of various cancers.

  9. Study on Geotechnique and Geohydrology in Failure Areas, P2PLR-BATAN, Serpong

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heri-Syaeful; Suharji; Sartapa; Suparjo-AS


    Failures in reverse side of 50 and 52 building, first en occurred in early 2002, temporary treatment on slope failure which conducted in the middle of the year 2002 has not solved the problem, because it did not consider the aspect of geo technique and geohydrology that causing the failure. Geo technique and geohydrology study in failure area covered field work, laboratory work and geo technic/geohydrology analysis. Field works includes topographic mapping, core drilling, hand auger, groundwater level monitoring, standard penetration test and undisturbed sampling. Laboratory work includes index properties and engineering properties test. Studio works covered geotechnical analysis for the calculation of safety factor, while geohydrology analysis to understand the groundwater system. Slope stability analysis resulting the small number of safety factor, between 0,305-1,637 on normal condition, 0,293-1,597 on saturated condition and 0,205-1,075 on earthquake condition. From the geohydrology analysis, concluded that water clogging still occurs in several areas of slope, causing the excess of pore water pressure and decreasing the value of soil shear strength. (author)

  10. Performance of BATAN-SANS instrument

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikram, Abarrul; Insani, Andon [National Nuclear Energy Agency, P and D Centre for Materials Science and Technology, Serpong (Indonesia)


    SANS data from some standard samples have been obtained using BATAN-SANS instrument in Serpong. The experiments were performed for various experimental set-ups that involve different detector positions and collimator lengths. This paper describes the BATAN-SANS instrument briefly as well as the data taken from those experiments and followed with discussion of the results concerning the performance and calibration of the instrument. The standard samples utilized in these experiments include porous silica, polystyrene-poly isoprene, silver behenate, poly ball and polystyrene-poly (ethylene-alt-propylene). Even though the results show that BATAN-SANS instrument is in good shape, but rooms for improvements are still widely open especially for the velocity selector and its control system. (author)

  11. The REGENT-PLR-precompiler, execution logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Enderle, G.; Steil, A.


    The REGENT-PLR-Precompiler is part of the integrated CAD-system REGENT. The algorithms of REGENT-subsystems are contained in modular program units, modules. Beyond the possibilities of the base language PL/1 the programmer of the moduls can be use the REGENT-facilities; dynamic program linkage, dynamic data management and error message handling. For easy and safe use of these facilities they are realized as PL/1-extensions. The PLR-Precompiler is able to translate the extensions into PL/1. This report contains a description of the internal program logic of the REGENT-PLR-Precompiler. (orig.) [de

  12. Intercomparison Of Activity Measurements Of Co-58, Y-88, Ho-166m, Tc-99m, dan I-131 Between P3KRBiN and Laboratory Within BATAN And Hospitals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nazaroh; Ermi-Juita; Hermawan-Candra


    One way to maintain traceability and to keep consistency of the measurement result of radioactivity was intercomparison program. According with Surat Keputusan Kepala BATAN No.73/KA/IV/99, one of tasks and functions of standardization laboratory is to coordinate an intercomparison program of radioactivity measurement. In the year of 2000, intercomparison program of activity measurements between P3KRBiN and 10 laboratories within BATAN and 12 hospitals were carried out. For intercomparison of Co-58, Y-88, and Ho-166m, there were 3 laboratories within BATAN which have more than 50% difference compared with P3KRBiN measurements and for intercomparison of Tc-99m, dan I-131, there were 2 Dose-Calibrators belongs to hospitals which have more than 30% difference compared with P3KRBiN measurements. From that result it can be concluded that intercomparison of activity measurements are very important and needs continuously to maintain traceability and to keep consistency of measurement result. (author)

  13. BATAN Activities in Developing Nuclear Knowledge Management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darmawati, S.


    Full text: BATAN (National Atomic Energy Agency of Indonesia) was established in 1964, and after the issuance of Law 10 of 1997 it become National Nuclear Energy Agency. During the last seven years, BATAN has suffered the loss of many of its valuable human resources due to the zero-growth policy of the government in recruiting new staffs. The uncertain future of nuclear power programme in Indonesia has also reduced the interest of young generation to study nuclear related subjects, resulting in the closing of several departments in universities that once offered nuclear sciences as subject of studies. These situations triggered management of BATAN to develop various efforts to keep nuclear knowledge exist and disseminate among BATAN itself, university students, and public as a whole. BATAN has in recent years established higher school of nuclear technology and organized various nuclear related training programmes, and also in cooperation with other governmental organizations establish nuclear zones, nuclear information centres and nuclear corners in public as well as in high school areas throughout Indonesia. All these efforts are aimed to transfer and preserve nuclear knowledge for the better future of the applications of nuclear science and technology in Indonesia. (author

  14. Pressurized Lunar Rover (PLR) (United States)

    Creel, Kenneth; Frampton, Jeffrey; Honaker, David; McClure, Kerry; Zeinali, Mazyar; Bhardwaj, Manoj; Bulsara, Vatsal; Kokan, David; Shariff, Shaun; Svarverud, Eric

    The objective of this project was to design a manned pressurized lunar rover (PLR) for long-range transportation and for exploration of the lunar surface. The vehicle must be capable of operating on a 14-day mission, traveling within a radius of 500 km during a lunar day or within a 50-km radius during a lunar night. The vehicle must accommodate a nominal crew of four, support two 28-hour EVA's, and in case of emergency, support a crew of six when near the lunar base. A nominal speed of ten km/hr and capability of towing a trailer with a mass of two mt are required. Two preliminary designs have been developed by two independent student teams. The PLR 1 design proposes a seven meter long cylindrical main vehicle and a trailer which houses the power and heat rejection systems. The main vehicle carries the astronauts, life support systems, navigation and communication systems, lighting, robotic arms, tools, and equipment for exploratory experiments. The rover uses a simple mobility system with six wheels on the main vehicle and two on the trailer. The nonpressurized trailer contains a modular radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) supplying 6.5 kW continuous power. A secondary energy storage for short-term peak power needs is provided by a bank of lithium-sulfur dioxide batteries. The life support system is partly a regenerative system with air and hygiene water being recycled. A layer of water inside the composite shell surrounds the command center allowing the center to be used as a safe haven during solar flares. The PLR 1 has a total mass of 6197 kg. It has a top speed of 18 km/hr and is capable of towing three metric tons, in addition to the RTG trailer. The PLR 2 configuration consists of two four-meter diameter, cylindrical hulls which are passively connected by a flexible passageway, resulting in the overall vehicle length of 11 m. The vehicle is driven by eight independently suspended wheels. The dual-cylinder concept allows articulated as well as double

  15. Association between platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and overall survival (OS) of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Hu, D-H; Yu, S-M


    Some studies investigated the association between platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and the survival of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, the results remained inconclusive. Thus, we performed this meta-analysis. Published studies were searched in PubMed and EMBASE. The strength of association was assessed by calculating odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). In total, 6 studies with 1446 HCC patients were included in this meta-analysis. HCC with higher PLR showed an increased death risk (OR = 1.59; 95%CI, 1.15-2.20; P < 0.0001). However, the heterogeneity was high (I2=89.2%). When the study by Li et al. was excluded, the heterogeneity decreased (I2=20%). Further, the result was still positive (OR = 1.70; 95%CI, 1.42-2.04; P < 0.00001). In conclusion, this meta-analysis suggested that PLR was significantly associated with the OS of HCC.

  16. Characterization of the groundwater in the Eastern side of Batan, Aklan aquifer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sucgang, Raymond J.; Pabroa, Preciosa Corazon B.; Petrache, Christina A.; Lapay, Rosebelly P.; Luces, Arnicole B.


    Groundwater is constantly being recycled and replenished by rainfall. However, because of the uneven distribution of rain and the heavy use of water in some areas, some basins/aquifers are experiencing environmental stress. To delineate the ground water recharge areas for the eastern side of Batan, Aklan, Philippines and to assess the vulnerability of the aquifer to pollution and sea water intrusion, measurements on the filled parameters, pH, conductivity, as well as, the eight major ions, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, nitrate, sulfate, and bicarbonate were made. Some geochemical processes were recognized in the Batan, Aklan basin. The most important processes are: water-bedrock interaction, and sea water intrusion. The groundwater in the eastern Batan, Aklan basin is predominantly of the calcium magnesium bicarbonate type. Two clusters of water type were found. Cluster 1 (Aby, Mandong Manukan and Poblacion Magkawit) and Cluster 2 (Banica Hill,Banica Plain, Poblacion Acacia and Angas (1)). Recharge in Cluster 1 becomes sodium chloride dominated due to possible impending brackish water intrusion. Recharge in the Cluster 2 does not show salinisation/seawater intrusion and may indicate active recharge to the subsurface water. The overall quality of subsurface water in the eastern side of Batan, Aklan can be considered good and compliant with the limits set forth by the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water, for the physicochemical parameters, except for the Angas (1) and Angas creek waters which have very acidic pH. As far as radioactivity is concerned, the whole basin had water which were below the regulatory limit for alpha emitters which is 0.1 Becquerels per litter and also below the limit for beta emitters which is 1.0 Bq/L. Radioactivity concentration of the water samples were tested using a Packard Liquid Scintillation Counter. (author)

  17. Implementasi Data Mining Dalam Data Bencana Tanah Longsor Di Jawa Barat Menggunakan Algoritma Fp-Growth

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    Castaka Agus Sugianto


    Full Text Available Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu zona rawan longsor di Indonesia. Pengurangan resiko bencana diantaranya adalah peringatan dini dengan langkah awal menganalisis data yang ada. Salah satu cara menganalisis data ini yaitu dengan teknik data mining. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola hubungan aturan assosiatif antara suatu kombinasi data dan membentuk pola kombinasi datasets dengan menggunakan algoritma Fp-growth dalam data bencana tanah longsor yang di dapat dari Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat periode data dari 2011 sampai dengan 2016. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan nilai confidence tertinggi sebesar 1 dengan premises malam, jalan rusak dan conclusion hujan deras dan premises tanah labil, korban jiwa, sore dengan conclusion hujan deras yang berarti keterkaitan satu kondisi dengan kondisi lain sebesar 100%. Untuk nilai support tertinggi dalam pola asosiatif didapatkan sebesar 0,629 dengan confidence 0,901 dengan premises rumah rusak dan conclusion hujan deras yang berarti 90% keterkaitan dengan kejadian 63% kemunculan.

  18. Analisis Hubungan Kluster Industri dengan Penentuan Lokasi Pelabuhan: Studi Kasus Pantai Utara Pulau Jawa

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    Maulana Prasetya Simbolon


    Full Text Available Proses distribusi barang merupakan suatu rangkaian proses yang terkait dalam upaya penguasaan areal pasar terluas melalui maksimisasi penjualan dan minimisasi biaya produksi (transportasi. Sebagian contoh nyata di beberapa wilayah, proses distribusi barang tidak didasarkan pada aspek minimisasi biaya transportasi/trucking (teori lokasi tradisional dimana pengiriman barang tidak melalui pelabuhan muat yang dekat dengan lokasi industri. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan hubungan antara industri dengan penentuan lokasi pelabuhan serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode komparasi hasil perhitungan model deterministik (Linear Programming dan Gravitasi dengan Pembatas Tunggal dengan data yang ada, serta analisis korelasi (model uji kebebasan dan Crammer’s-Coefficient of Association dalam mengukur keeratan hubungan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam penentuan lokasi pelabuhan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan adanya hubungan/ korespondensi antara lokasi pelabuhan dengan lokasi industri dimana lokasi kluster industri terlebih dahulu ada dan diikuti lokasi pelabuhan. Faktor utama yang berpengaruh dalam penentuan lokasi pelabuhan adalah jumlah kunjungan kapal. Prosentase hasil komparasi (selisih hasil perhitungan model gravitasi dengan data yang ada untuk variabel jumlah kunjungan kapal (2,2%; daya tampung gudang/CY (2,3%; biaya transportasi/trucking (12,7%. Nilai koefisien korelasi variabel jumlah kunjungan kapal = 0,866 (keeratan hubungan: kuat/tinggi, daya tampung gudang/CY = 0,878 (kuat/tinggi, biaya transportasi (inland = 0,699 (sedang/cukup. Persebaran muatan (ekspor dari: Jawa Timur ke pelabuhan Tanjung Perak (97%, Tanjung Emas (1%, Tanjung Priok (2%; Jawa Tengah & D.I.Yogyakarta ke pelabuhan Tanjung Emas (72%, Tanjung Perak (15%, Tanjung Priok (13%; Jawa Barat ke pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (97,2%, Tanjung Emas (1,5%, Tanjung Perak (1,3%; DKI Jakarta & Banten ke pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (99

  19. Clarence Batan: Giving a voice to Filipino Youth | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Sep 29, 2014 ... Find out more about Clarence Batan's research: Read Batan's ethnography of the people of Talim Island: An Ethnographic Account of ... As the world observed International Youth Day (August 12), IDRC asked researchers:.

  20. Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) are associated with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. (United States)

    Zhao, Zhidan; Liu, Jianhua; Wang, Jiaxin; Xie, Tinyan; Zhang, Qiuhuan; Feng, Sisi; Deng, Hui; Zhong, Baiyun


    This retrospective study aimed to investigate the associations between the platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and disease severity in patients with chronic HBV infection-related liver disease (CHB). Patients with CHB were retrospectively identified. Clinical data for 172 HBV-infected patients and 40 healthy controls were collected from the electronic patient medical record system database of our hospital. HBV-related-compensated-cirrhosis patients (HBV-CC patients) had a significantly lower mean PLR than did other patients (PHBV-related-decompensated-cirrhosis patients (HBV-DC patients) had a significantly higher mean NLR than did any other patients (PHBV DNA (r=0.264, PHBV DNA in both HBV-CC patients (r=-0.116, P=0.044) and HBV-DC patients (r=0.456, P=0.008). In HBV-Active-Carriers patients (HBV-AC patients), the PLR was positively correlated with serum HBeAg level (r=0.321, P=0.023). In HBV-DC patients, the NLR was positively correlated with serum HBeAg level (r=0.372, P=0.033). In the logistic regression prediction model, a predictive probability cutoff of 0.392 had the highest sensitivity and specificity (sensitivity, 91.2%; specificity, 84.0%) in distinguishing between HBV-CC and HBV-AC patients. A NLR cutoff value of 2.94 had the highest sensitivity and specificity (sensitivity, 81.8%; specificity, 88.2%) in distinguishing between HBV-DC and HBV-CC patients. The PLR and NLR partially reflect the amounts of serum HBV DNA and serum HBeAg levels circulating in CHB patients. The logistic regression model including the PLR and age most accurately distinguished between HBV-CC and HBV-AC patients. The NLR may be useful for follow-up in HBV-CC patients to predict disease progression. In summary, the PLR and NLR provided a supplementary means for effectively managing chronic HBV infection and disease. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Pembuatan Aplikasi Memantau Lokasi Anak Berbasis Android Menggunakan Location Based Service

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    Hendra Pria Utama


    Full Text Available Pada era global seperti sekarang ini perkembangan teknologi sangat pesat terutama pada smartphone. Perkembangan teknologi smartphone yang begitu cepat menghasilkan dampak positif bagi manusia. Dampak positif tersebut antara lain kecepatan, kemudahan akses, dan kenyamanan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Sudah banyak aplikasi pada smartphone yang dibuat guna mempermudah aktivitas sehari-hari manusia, contohnya aplikasi menetukan letak lokasi pengguna. Dengan adanya aplikasi menentukan letak lokasi pengguna, pengguna dapat dengan mudah menentukan letak lokasi diri sendiri ataupun orang lain, seperti misalnya lokasi anak. Sering kali anak membolos sekolah dan keluar malam tanpa sepengetahuan orang tua mereka. Berdasarkan permasalahan terseut dibangun aplikasi memantau lokasi anak berbasis mobile guna memudahkan para orang tua memantau lokasi anak- anak mereka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle dengan teknik waterfall. Aplikasi memantau lokasi anak ini berbasis android menggunakan bahasa pemrograman java, database MySQL, serta Location Based Service (LBS sebagai penunjuk lokasi anak. Untuk metode pengujian aplikasi menggunakan metode Black Box Testing. Hasil Black Box Testing dari aplikasi memantau lokasi anak berbasis android menggunakan LBS ini menunjukan bahwa semua fungsi yang terdapat pada aplikasi ini telah berhasil berjalan sesuai fungsinya.

  2. Combination of preoperative NLR, PLR and CEA could increase the diagnostic efficacy for I-III stage CRC. (United States)

    Peng, Hong-Xin; Yang, Lin; He, Bang-Shun; Pan, Yu-Qin; Ying, Hou-Qun; Sun, Hui-Ling; Lin, Kang; Hu, Xiu-Xiu; Xu, Tao; Wang, Shu-Kui


    Inflammation plays an important role in the development and progression of CRC. The members of inflammatory biomarkers, preoperative NLR and PLR, have been proved by numerous studies to be promising prognostic biomarkers for CRC. However, the diagnostic value of the two biomarkers in CRC remains unknown, and no study reported the combined diagnostic efficacy of NLR, PLR and CEA. Five hundred and fifty-nine patients with I-III stage CRC undergoing surgical resection and 559 gender- and age-matched healthy controls were enrolled in this retrospective study. NLR and PLR were calculated from preoperative peripheral blood cell count detected using white blood cell five classification by Sysmex XT-1800i Automated Hematology System and serum CEA were measured by electrochemiluminescence by ELECSYS 2010. The diagnostic performance of NLR, PLR and CEA for CRC was evaluated by ROC curve. Levels of NLR and PLR in the cases were significantly higher than them in the healthy controls. ROC curves comparison analyses showed that the diagnostic efficacy of NLR (AUC=.755, 95%CI=.728-.780) alone for CRC was significantly higher than PLR (AUC=.723, 95%CI=.696-.749, P=.037) and CEA (AUC=.690, 95%CI=.662-.717, P=.002) alone. In addition, the diagnostic efficacy of the combination of NLR, PLR and CEA(AUC=.831, 95%CI=.807-.852)for CRC was not only significantly higher than NLR alone but also higher than any combinations of the two of these three biomarkers (PCRC diagnostic biomarker, even for early stage CRC, and the combination of NLR, PLR and CEA could significantly improve the diagnostic efficacy. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Kualitas Karaginan dari Rumput Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii pada Lokasi Berbeda di Perairan Maluku Tenggara

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    Bayu - kumayanjati


    Full Text Available Rumput laut jenis Kappaphycus alvarezii merupakan jenis rumput laut yang dibudidayakan di Maluku Tenggara. Rumput laut jenis ini merupakan rumput laut penghasil karaginan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas karaginan dari rumput laut K. alvarezii yang dibudidayakan di tiga lokasi di Maluku Tenggara, yaitu Letman, Letvuan dan Revav. Kualitas karaginan yang diamati antara lain rendemen, kadar air, kadar abu, viskositas, gel strength, dan derajat putih. Rumput laut diekstrak dengan metode perlakuan alkali dengan larutan NaOH 9%. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan program statistik IBM SPSS Statistics 24 untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas karaginan dari tiga lokasi tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas karaginan dari tiga lokasi berbeda nyata (<0,05 untuk semua parameter. Karaginan dari rumput laut Letvuan memiliki nilai rendemen dan gel strength terbaik dibandingkan rumput laut Letman dan Revav, yaitu 43,25% untuk rendemen dan 207,50 g/cm2 untuk gel strength. Karaginan dari rumput laut Revav memiliki nilai viskositas terbaik yaitu sebesar 54,39 cP. Karaginan dari rumput laut Letman memiliki kenampakan terbaik dibandingkan dengan Letvuan dan Revav dengan nilai derajat putih sebesar 68,22%. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, maka hanya karaginan dari lokasi Revav yang memenuhi standar kualitas FAO.

  4. Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Android Berbasis Lokasi Untuk Pencarian Distribution Point

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    Ayu Laksmi Pandhita


    Full Text Available Wilayah STO Pati terdapat lebih dari 500 Distribution Point (DP. Jumlah DP yang banyak di wilayah STO Pati dan luasnya wilayah, membuat petugas kesulitan mengingat lokasi DP. Petugas sudah memiliki alat bantu Sistem Informasi Kastemer (SISKA tetapi tidak dilengkapi peta sehingga petugas masih mengalami kendala dalam mencari lokasi DP. DP juga berhubungan dengan RK dan rumah pelanggan. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kuisioner, wawancara, dan pengukuran fisik. Kemudian dianalisis untuk menentukan kebutuhan user dan kebutuhan sistem. Implementasi aplikasi memanfaatkan Android Development Tools (ADT, Google Maps API, dan web service. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan 2 metode, yaitu Black Box dan pengujian lapagan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi android pencarian DP berbasis lokasi dengan memanfaatkan GPS dan konsep Location Based Service (LBS yang dapat memberikan informasi lokasi DP, RK, rumah pelanggan, dan memberikan informasi rute yang dapat ditempuh serta dapat melakukan panggilan telepon kepada pelanggan. Hasil pengujian sistem dengan metode Black Box didapatkan persentase 100% yang menyatakan bahwa aplikasi sudah berjalan sesuai dengan kebutuhan sistem. Presisi GPS yang dimiliki aplikasi android pencarian Distribution Point(DP berbasis lokasi kurang dari 7 meter, hasil ini diperoleh dengan membandingkan koordinat dari aplikasi yang dihasilkan dan GPS Garmin 785

  5. Penentuan Alternatif Lokasi Pengembangan Kawasan Agroindustri Berbasis Komoditas Pertanian Unggulan Di Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Ajeng Nugrahaning Dewanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan alternatif lokasi pengembangan kawasan agroindustri berbasis komoditas pertanian unggulan di Kabupaten Lamongan guna meningkatkan nilai tambah sektor pertanian. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan beberapa alat analisis yakni analisis LQ dan analisis Shift Share yang digunakan untuk menentukan komoditas unggulan, analisis regresi linier berganda untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap penentuan lokasi kawasan agroindustri, serta analisa pembobotan untuk menentukan lokasi yang paling potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan agroindustri. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh bahwa komoditas pertanian unggulan di kabupaten Lamongan adalah komoditas padi. Selanjutnya didapatkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penentuan lokasi pengembangan agroindustri di Kabupaten Lamongan yakni tenaga kerja, aksesibilitas, listrik kuantitas bahan baku, dan pasar. Kemudian berdasarkan faktor-faktor tersebut didapatkan lokasi-lokasi yang potensial untuk pengembangan kawasan agroindustri berbasis komoditas unggulan di Kabupaten Lamongan yakni Kecamatan Babat, Paciran, Kedungpring, Lamongan, Modo, dan Brondong.

  6. Arquitectura y contextos funerarios wari en Batan Urqu, Cusco


    Zapata, Julinho


    Funerary Architecture and Contexts at Batan Urqu, CuscoThe site of Batan Urqu, located in the Huaro Valley, in the province of Quispicanchi, Cusco, was continuously occupied from the Formative Period until European contact. Excavations revealed that during the Middle Horizon a complex of funerary buildings and structures had been constructed within a rectangular area demarcated by a wall. Data recovered by the author from excavations of the Wari funerary complex between August and October of ...

  7. The PLR-DTW method for ECG based biometric identification. (United States)

    Shen, Jun; Bao, Shu-Di; Yang, Li-Cai; Li, Ye


    There has been a surge of research on electrocardiogram (ECG) signal based biometric for person identification. Though most of the existing studies claimed that ECG signal is unique to an individual and can be a viable biometric, one of the main difficulties for real-world applications of ECG biometric is the accuracy performance. To address this problem, this study proposes a PLR-DTW method for ECG biometric, where the Piecewise Linear Representation (PLR) is used to keep important information of an ECG signal segment while reduce the data dimension at the same time if necessary, and the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is used for similarity measures between two signal segments. The performance evaluation was carried out on three ECG databases, and the existing method using wavelet coefficients, which was proved to have good accuracy performance, was selected for comparison. The analysis results show that the PLR-DTW method achieves an accuracy rate of 100% for identification, while the one using wavelet coefficients achieved only around 93%.

  8. Aplikasi Pencari Lokasi Ukm Di Tembalang Menggunakan Location Based Service

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    Iqoniyoma Faundra


    Full Text Available SMEs (Small-Medium Enterprises is the one of economical meters in Indonesia. Research step in designing the application is to determine of main problem and purpose, analysis which covering general description, functional and non-functional need. Android base aplication to search UKM Tembalang which made for searching SMEs location, and give more information about SMEs business. UKM Tembalang is a client server base aplication which made by using java programing language with eclipse software and MySQL database. Location data will be save in database which focusing on taking coorndinate that use GPS to get map and Google Maps APIs for get the route. The use of Google Maps API service and GPS make the aplication better in taking the location coordinate.beside that, the aplication also get for searching position SMEs in Tembalang, with the aplication location searching SMEs. Keywords – SMEs; Android; Location Based Service (LBS; MySQL; GPS Abstrak - UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah merupakan salah satu tombak perekonomian di Indonesia Aplikasi Pencari Lokasi UKM Tembalang Berbasis Android yang dibuat untuk pencarian lokasi UKM dan memberi informasi lebih tentang sebuah usaha. UKM Tembalang merupakan aplikasi berbasis client server yang dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman java dengan software eclipse dan menggunakan basisdata MySQL. Data lokasi kafe akan disimpan dalam basisdata yang dititik beratkan pada pengambilan koordinat yang memanfaatkan GPS untuk mendapatkan peta dan Google Maps APIs untuk mendapatkan rute. Penggunaan layanan Google Maps API dan GPS menjadikan aplikasi menjadi lebih baik dalam pengambilan koordinat lokasi. Selain itu aplikasi ini juga dapat mencari letak lokasi UKM di Tembalang, dengan adanya aplikasi pencari lokasi UKM, pengguna dapat dengan mudah menemukan UKM yang dinginkan, beserta informasi UKM yang diambil dari google maupun website dari UKM tersebut.

  9. The Study of Radiation of Gamma-Ray Background at Sedimentology Laboratorium, P3TIR, BATAN, Using Gamma Spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lubis, Ali Arman; Aliyanta, Barokah; Darman


    The measurement of background radiation of gamma-ray has been done at Sedimentology Laboratory, SDAL building, P3TIR, BATAN using gamma spectrometer. The measurement was done without shielding with the range of energy between 50 keV and 1500 keV. The identified radiations are coming from environmental radionuclide and man-made radionuclide as well with 32 energy peaks. The environmental radionuclides are from Uranium series, Thorium series, and 4 0 K having dose rate of 12.510 ± O.980, 36.408 ± 3.243, 9.455 ±O.016 n Sv/day, respectively, whilst man-made radionuclide is 6 O C o having dose rate of O.136 ±O.078 n Sv/day

  10. Model Integrasi Keputusan Lokasi, Perutean Kendaraan, dan Pengendalian Persediaan Pada Sistem Rantai Pasok Tiga Eselon

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    Nova Saragih


    Full Text Available Keputusan lokasi, perutean kendaraan, dan kebijakan persediaan merupakan keputusan yang saling terkait satu dengan yang lain. Keputusan pengendalian persediaan, seperti ukuran lot pemesanan dan frekuensi pemesanan akan mempengaruhi baik itu ongkos persediaan dan ongkos transportasi. Sebagai contoh, pengiriman dalam kuantitas yang sedikit dan frekuensi yang sering menyebabkan pengurangan ongkos persediaan tetapi membutuhkan tambahan ongkos transportasi. Selanjutnya, keputusan perutean dan keputusan pengendalian persediaan akan mempengaruhi keputusan pemilihan lokasi sebab pemilihan lokasi ditentukan berdasarkan kriteria ongkos sistem minimum. Kegagalan dalam melibatkan ongkos persediaan dan ongkos transportasi ke dalam pertimbangan ketika memilih lokasi dapat menyebabkan sub-optimalitas sebab keputusan pemilihan lokasi memiliki dampak yang besar pada ongkos persediaan dan ongkos transportasi. Oleh karena itu, bagaimana memilih lokasi, menentukan rute kendaraan, dan mengendalikan persediaan yang optimal menjadi isu yang penting dalam merancang sebuah sistem logistik. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model integrasi yang secara simultan mengoptimisasikan keputusan lokasi, rute kendaraan, dan pengendalian persediaan pada sistem rantai pasok tiga eselon yang belum pernah dikembangkan sebelumnya. Entitas yang terlibat dalam rantai pasok kajian terdiri dari satu Pemasok, multi Depot, dan multi Ritel. Karakteristik permintaan yang dipertimbangkan dalam penelitian ini bersifat probabilistik dan jumlah produk terdiri dari satu produk. Model integrasi yang dikembangkan selanjutnya dipecahkan dengan metode optimal dan metode heuristik. Setelah dilakukan perbandingan dengan model dekomposisi diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa model integrasi menghasilkan ongkos total sistem yang lebih kecil.

  11. Development of new design mechanical seal tester for Primary Loop Recirculation Pump (PLR Pump)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukushima, Naoki; Koshiba, Koremutsu


    The mechanical seal for a Primary Loop Recirculation Pump (PLR Pump) is an important part of a BWR plant. This study describes a new mechanical seal tester developed to certify mechanical seal performance before installation in a PLR Pump on site. (author)


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    Mustika Mustika


    Full Text Available Demak district is a district that has quite a lot of mangrove forests, beautiful expanse of mangrove is a natural potential that can be developed as a regional tourism assets. Mangrove Park is one of the utilization of conservation area into tourism areas of education and recreation The Selection of Planning site locations required an appropriate location in the terms of land use, The appropriate land is a land that has a Mangrove area which still leafy, natural (unprocessed and intended as a tourism area, an easy accessibility, the network infrastructure is also needed in the election of location in order to support the available facilities in the building. In addition, the view of the inside and outside of the site that will be a tourism place attraction. Decision Support System can be used as a tool to help the site selection process that involves many criteria. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP can be used to analyze which support the decision to choose a location. Phases of AHP used in this research is the identification of causes, preparation of hierarchy, prioritization, consistency, and the priority weight. From the Implementation of the method on the study case successfully find the best location for mangrove park, it is in the village Bedono it has the highest total global priorities 1.2349. Keywords: Site Location, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Mangrove Park Kabupaten Demak adalah kabupaten yang memiliki hutan mangrove yang cukup banyak, hamparan mangrove yang indah merupakan potensi alam yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai aset pariwisata daerah. Mangrove Park adalah salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan kawasan konservasi menjadi kawasan wisata edukasi dan rekreasi. Pemilihan lokasi tapak perencanaan diperlukan sebuah lokasi yang tepat dari segi peruntukan lahan, lahan yang tepat adalah lahan yang memiliki area Mangrove yang masih rimbun, alami (belum diolah dan diperuntukkan sebagai kawasan wisata, aksebilitas yang mudah dijangkau, jaringan


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    Amula Nurfiarini


    yang sama. Jika dibandingkan dengan kriteria pengambilan keputusan terhadap tingkat kesesuaian habitat, menunjukkan sebanyak 17 lokasi berada pada kategori kelayakan tinggi, dan 11 lokasi kategori kelayakan sedang. Prioritas lokasi restocking, terpilih tiga lokasi dengan nilai kelayakan tertinggi yakni perairan Batu Karas dan Pananjung Barat (Pangandaran, serta Perairan Karang Asem (Trenggalek.

  14. Pemilihan Lokasi Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dengan Pendekatan SIG Partisipatif di Wilayah Pantai Kabupaten Demak

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    Elida Nurrohmah


    Full Text Available Penentuan lokasi kawasan konservasi berkaitan dengan keputusan penggunaan lahan, yang melibatkan banyak aktor dan faktor. Analisis yang bersifat multifaktor dapat diselesaikan dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG, namun penilaiannya hanya berdasarkan pada penilaian tunggal dari seseorang ataupun suatu institusi. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengintegrasikan analisis yang bersifat multiaktor dan multifaktor melalui analisis multikriteria dengan SIG berbasis partisipasi masyarakat untuk memilih lokasi kawasan konservasi mangrove. Kriteria yang dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan lokasi ini meliputi aspek (i fisik, (ii sosial, (iii pembiayaan, dan (iv ancaman. Kriteria aspek fisik disusun berdasarkan hasil analisis kesesuaian lahan untuk mangrove. Kriteria aspek sosial, pembiayaan, dan ancaman disusun berdasarkan data sosial kependudukan yang diperoleh melalui studi literatur. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses pemilihan lokasi ini terletak pada penentuan bobot kriteria melalui perbandingan kriteria berpasangan dan dianalisis dengan teknik Analytical Hierarchial Process (AHP, serta penggalian informasi lokal melalui pemetaan partisipatif. Bobot kriteria setiap pemangku kepentingan diintegrasikan dengan data spasial melalui operasi perkalian raster untuk menghasilkan lokasi kawasan konservasi mangrove terpilih kombinasi seluruh pemangku kepentingan. Hasil analisis kesesuaian lahan menunjukkan bahwa lahan dengan kelas sesuai untuk mangrove seluas 11.564 ha (94,8% dari luas daerah penelitian dan sesuai marginal seluas 629 ha. Pemangku kepentingan pada tingkat lokal (kelompok mangrove, petani tambak, dan tokoh masyarakat lebih memprioritaskan aspek sosial dibandingkan aspek fisik, pembiayaan, dan ancaman; sedangkan pemerintah daerah lebih memprioritaskan aspek pembiayaan. Dengan prioritas tersebut, lokasi kawasan konservasi mangrove  paling memenuhi prioritas pemangku kepentingan (prioritas I didapati seluas 51,7 ha; terletak di wilayah

  15. A New Marker to Determine Prognosis of Acute Pancreatitis: PLR and NLR Combination

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    Kaplan Mustafa


    Full Text Available Background: We aimed to investigate the prognostic importance of platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR and neutro - phil-lymphocyte ratio(NLR combination for patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis and its relationship with mortality. Methods: This retrospective study was included 142 patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. Ranson, Atlanta and BISAP 0h, 24h and 48h scores of the patients were calculated by examining their patient files. The patients were divided into three groups as low-risk, medium-risk and high-risk patients according to their PLR and NLR levels. Results: The number of patients with acute pancreatitis complications such as necrotizing pancreatitis, acute renal failure, sepsis and cholangitis was significantly higher in the high-risk group compared to other groups. Mortality rate was found to be 90% in the high-risk group, 16% in the medium-risk group, and 1.9% in the low-risk group. The number of patients with a Ranson score of 5 and 6, a severe Atlanta score, a BISAP 0h score of 3 and 4, a BISAP 24h and 48h score of 4 and 5 was higher in the high-risk group compared to other groups. PLR-NLR combination, Atlanta and Ranson scores, and C-reactive protein level were determined to be independent risk factors predicting mortality in stepwise regression model. PLR-NLR combination had the highest area under curve value in terms of predicting acute claspancreatitis prognosis and had a similar diagnostic discrimination with other scoring systems. Conclusion: In our study it was found that PLR-NLR combination had a similar prognostic importance with other scoring systems used to determine acute pancreatitis prognosis.


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    Budi Santosa


    Full Text Available Geographical Information System Base On Web Location Materials Dig Sub-Province of Ponorogo can give information concerning dig materials situation had by area of Ponorogo. This System will present map of Sub-Province area administration of Ponorogo along with dig materials location dots. Where every the dig materials location dot will give description of detail from each dig materials. Methodologies engineer software used to build this system is Waterfall which is covering engineer system, analyse, scheme, coding, conservancy and examination. Programming language the used is Arcview, Macromedia Flash, PHP 4, and Mysql Sistem Informasi Geografis Berbasis Web Lokasi Bahan Galian Kabupaten Ponorogo dapat memberikan informasi mengenai letak bahan galian yang dimiliki daerah Ponorogo. Sistem ini akan menampilkan peta administrasi daerah Kabupaten Ponorogo beserta titik-titik lokasi bahan galian. Dimana setiap titik lokasi bahan galian tersebut akan memberikan keterangan detail dari masing-masing bahan galian. Metodologi rekayasa perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem ini adalah Waterfall yang meliputi rekayasa sistem, analisis, perancangan, pemrograman, pengujian dan pemeliharaan. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah ArcView, Macromedia Flash, PHP 4, dan MySQL

  17. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Lokasi Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar di Kota Padang

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    Yudhi Hartadi


    Full Text Available Lembaga bimbingan belajar (Bimbel merupakan sebuah lembaga non formal yang melayani pendidikan siswa yang dilakukan di luar jam sekolah. Saat ini, bimbel telah menjadi suatu kebutuhan pagi para siswa, khususnya siswa yang akan melanjutkan studinya ke perguruan tinggi. Di Kota Padang terdapat  lebih dari 50 lembaga bimbel untuk tingkat SMA  yang tersebar di sejumlah kecamatan.  Banyaknya lembaga bimbel yang ada secara tidak langsung mengakibatkan masyarakat kesulitan untuk mendapatkan informasi lokasi lembaga bimbel tersebut, khususnya bagi para pendatang baru. Untuk itu, perlu dibangun Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG lokasi lembaga bimbel di Kota Padang berbasis web. SIG ini dibangun dengan menggunakan metode waterfall. Pembangunan SIG ini diawali dengan melakukan analisis kebutuhan, perancangan sistem, serta implementasi dan pengujian sistem. Analisis kebutuhan dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data-data yang diperlukan dalam membangun sistem. Perancangan sistem meliputi perancangan arsitektur, basis data, dan perancangan user interface. Implementasi sistem menggunakan basis data PostgreSQL dengan ekstensi PostGIS, serta bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Javascript. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan metode black-box yang berfokus pada fungsional sistem. Hasil dari pengujian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa SIG lokasi lembaga bimbel di Kota Padang berbasis web telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan fungsional sistem.


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    I Wayan Aryadi


    Full Text Available Seiring dengan perkembangan kebutuhan bit rate dan kapasitas layanan data yang meningkat di wilayah Kota Denpasar, diperlukan perencanaan lokasi site BTS (Base Transceiver Station yang dapat melayani kebutuhan pelanggan secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Untuk memperoleh nilai bit rate yang maksimal dibutuhkan jari-jari sel yang kecil. Dengan perbandingan luas wilayah sebesar 130,48 km2 jika dibagi dengan 399 balai banjar di Kota Denpasar maka diperoleh coverage area 0,327 km2 per banjar dengan jari-jari sel sekitar 285 m. Maka pada penelitian ini lokasi site BTS yang digunakan adalah pada Balai Banjar di Kota Denpasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang lokasi site BTS layanan 3G-WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access untuk wilayah Pemerintah Kota Denpasar sesuai data sebaran penduduk dan mengetahui perbandingan jumlah site BTS secara teoritis untuk layanan 3G-WCDMA memanfaatkan Balai Banjar Pemerintah Kota Denpasar dengan model pemetaan secara geografis. Metode penelitian terdiri dari 3 alur, yaitu perkiraan pertumbuhan pelanggan 3G-WCDMA dan Offered Bit Quantity (OBQ per desa di Kota Denpasar, Perhitungan jumlah dan jari-jari site secara teoritis per desa di Kota Denpasar, dan Pemetaan site di Kota Denpasar memanfaatkan Balai Banjar. Perhitungan secara teoritis menunjukkan bahwa 257 site yang diperlukan untuk melingkupi seluruh wilayah Denpasar. Sementara pemetaan secara geografis dengan memanfaatkan lokasi Balai Banjar adalah sebanyak 311 site. Dari 311 site, 155 site (49,84% terdapat pada kawasan Balai Banjar dan 156 site (50,16% terdapat di luar kawasan Balai Banjar.

  19. Nuclear material safeguards technology development in the new structure of BATAN organization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ilyas, Zurias


    Full text: The implementation of Nuclear Energy Act No. 10/97 has led to a restructuring in BATAN organization in July 1999. A new unit, Center for Nuclear Material Safeguards Technology (PTPBN), was established to be especially in charge of safeguards facilities. The main responsibility of this unit is to develop the technology of safeguards and physical protection. The function of this unit is also to analyze the operational technical aspect of the International Convention of Nuclear. The duties of Center for Nuclear Material Safeguards Technology can be seen from the various programs set up for every fiscal year. The programs for the year 2000 were: Analyses of SSAC implementation in BATAN; Development of Safeguards information system; Creation of database of physical protection technology; Physical protection simulator for Bandung reactor research; Development of detector technology for physical protection system; Identification of BATAN activities and facilities submitted to IAEA in order to be in line with the Additional Protocol to the agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in connection with the Treaty on Non-Proliferation on Nuclear Weapons, which was ratified on September 29th, 1999 in Vienna, Austria; Seminar on Safeguards technology held in Jakarta in September 2000. The program of 2001 will be focusing on the continuation of the previous year's program as well as the creation of new ones, such as: Collaboration with other countries. At initial stage experts from JBC-Japan were invited to share their expertise on their safeguards information system; Development of education and training for safeguards operators by emphasizing more on the techniques of nuclear materials measurement; Seminar on Safeguards technology scheduled for December 2001 by inviting experts from IAEA and modem countries; Field survey to determine the location of radionuclide station in Indonesia in

  20. Location Based Service sebagai Penunjuk Lokasi Hotel di Kota Semarang Berbasis Augmented Reality

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    Indra Permana


    Full Text Available Semarang dikenal sebagai kota yang unik karena mempunyai destinasi wisata yang dipengaruhi oleh banyaknya etnis yang ada. Selain keunikan pariwisatanya, Kota Semarang juga dapat dipandang sebagai kota bisnis, terbukti dengan menjamurnya tempat usaha seperti restaurant, cafe dan yang paling pesat pertumbuhannya saat ini yaitu hotel. Belakangan ini pertumbuhan hotel di Semarang sudah kian pesat. Hal ini juga berpengaruh kepada para pendatang ataupun wisatawan yang singgah di Kota Semarang. Dari banyaknya jumlah hotel yang ada, bukan tidak mungkin jika para pendatang merasa bingung saat mencari hotel yang sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Tentunya para pendatang memerlukan aplikasi yang dapat menampilkan lokasi dan informasi lengkap tentang hotel di Kota Semarang. Untuk dapat mewujudkan gagasan tersebut, maka dilakukan sejumlah metode penelitian antara lain studi literatur, mendefinisikan kebutuhan, pengumpulan data hotel pada Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Semarang, perancangan dan implementasi aplikasi, serta melakukan pengujian terhadap aplikasi kepada beberapa orang responden. Aplikasi dirancang dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan pengguna ketika hendak mencari hotel di Kota Semarang. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah channel “SMARTEL” (Semarang Augmented Reality Hotel Location pada aplikasi Junaio untuk mencari lokasi hotel di Kota Semarang. Basis Augmented Reality dipilih karena sifatnya yang real time saat menampilkan data atau informasi ,serta mempunyai tampilan visual yang interaktif. Channel akan menampilkan POI (Point of Interest atau dalam penelitian kali ini yaitu informasi lokasi hotel, yang didasarkan pada lokasi pengguna saat ini berada, atau dikenal dengan istilah LBS (Location Based Service. Dengan adanya channel ini, pengguna dapat lebih mempersingkat waktu dan lebih mudah dalam menemukan dan menuju ke lokasi hotel yang berada di Kota Semarang. Karena SMARTEL masih dalam bentuk channel, maka harapan untuk penelitian

  1. Potensi Bencana Geologi Pada Penambangan Emas dan Lempung di Desa Cihonje Kecamatan Gumelar Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Asmoro Widagdo


    Full Text Available Desa Cihonje di Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas, memiliki sumber daya mineral seperti emas dan tanah liat kaolin. Kedua mineral ini telah dilakukaneksploitasi oleh masyarakat setempat. Pemanfaatan sumber daya ini telah memberikan kemakmuran bagi warga setempat. Namun, upaya pertambangan tidak dalam kondisi baik dan masih belum berlisensi. Penggalian emas dan tanah liat di sekitar area perumahan telah membawa dampak yang sangat mengkhawatirkan terhadap keselamatan para penambang dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini pada potensi bencana yang mungkin menjadi ancaman bagi masyarakat setempat dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung. observasi lapangan ini dilakukan dengan memetakan lokasi operasi pertambangan, perubahan lingkungan dilakukan deskripsi, mengambil gambar dan wawancara dengan penduduk dan para penambang. pertambangan emas primer mengambil urat mineral dengan membuat sumur vertikal dan horizontal. sumur ini sangat dalam dan mencapai puluhan meter. Hal ini telah mengancam keselamatan para penambang, mengganggu penggunaan lahan sebagai daerah pertanian, yang mempengaruhi ketersediaan sumber air tanah, menyebabkan tanah longsor dan mencemari sumber air sungai. pertambangan emas sekunder pada deposito aluvial di tepi sungai telah menyebabkan kerusakan lahan pertanian, erosi sungai dan pencemaran air. Pertambangan tanah liat telah menyebabkan perubahan dalam pengaturan lingkungan dan potensi longsor.

  2. Implementasi Cell ID dan GPS dalam Pencarian Lokasi Fasilitas Kesehatan Terdekat

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    Fahmi Candra Permana


    Full Text Available Cell ID dan GPS merupakan layanan berbasis lokasi dan teknologi yang banyak membantu manusia dalam hal navigasi dan penemuan tempat-tempat yang bermanfaat di sekitarnya. Salah satu komponen utama dari teknologi ini dapat diterapkan pada telepon seluler. Dalam penelitian ini, dirancang sebuah aplikasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi berdasar implementasi dari Cell ID dan GPS untuk mengetahui posisi user dan lokasi fasilitas kesehatan terdekat di sekitar user dan penggunaan JSON sebagai sarana untuk menyimpan database pada web. Aplikasi ini diimplementasikan pada telepon seluler dengan sistem operasi Android. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Cell ID dan GPS dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik dengan memanfaatkan akses Internet dan Google Maps untuk mencari fasilitas kesehatan terdekat dan menggambarkan daerah sekitar user.

  3. Phytoplankton diversity in the bioremediation pool in PTAPB-BATAN Yogyakarta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wijiyono; Artiningsih, Sri


    Research has been done on Phytoplankton Diversity in Bioremediation Pool in PTAPB-BATAN Yogyakarta. This study aims to determine the diversity of phytoplankton and phytoplankton species are numerous in the bioremediation pool in PTAPB BATAN. This study is an observational study conducted from September to November 2012. The population in this study is all kinds of phytoplankton that live in the bioremediation pool. The sample was filtered with all phytoplankton plankton net at each sampling point. This study was conducted to determine the point of sampling as much as 3 points, namely at the inlet, the center of the pond, and exit channel, with each point done 3 times repetition. Sampling was done by taking as much as 50 liters of water at each sample point, the water sample is filtered directly into the plankton net. Filtered water put into flakon bottles. Observation and identification of plankton were done in the laboratory. The research found as many as 21 species of phytoplankton consisting of Scenedesmus acuminatus, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Closterium moniiferum, Pleurosigma sp., Rivularia bullata, Chroococcus sp., Cocconeis sp., Pinnularia viridis, Navicula sp., Spirogyra sp., Thiopedia rosea, Cyclotella sp., Minidiscus sp., Achnantes sp., ChIorella sp., Oscillatoria sp., Hemiaulus sp., Surirella sp., Chattonella sp., Thalasiossira mala, Leuvenia sp. Phytoplankton density value of 5.330 ind / I. Phytoplankton diversity index value was 2.6062, included in the medium category. (author)

  4. The Study of External Radiation Dose for Radiation Worker at PRSG-BATAN Serpong

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sunarningsih; Mashudi; A Lilik W; Yosep S


    The study of External radiation dose for radiation worker at PRSG-BATAN Serpong has been carried out. The sample is taken from the System Reactor division (BSR), Operation Reactor division, (BOR) Safety division UPN, UJM and head of PRSG by setting Thermoluminescence Dosemeter (TLD) on the chest, then is detected by a tool TLD reader model 6600. The aim of this study is to evaluate the occupational exposure dose that has been accepted by the radiation worker for the last five years. The result in average doses at BSR is 0,99 mSv, BOR is 3,27 mSv, at BK is 0,69 mSv and UPN + UJM + head of PRSG is 0,03 mSv. The result highest doses at BSR is 6,58 mSv, BOR is 28,94 mSv, BK is 4,24 mSv, and UPN UJM Head of PRSG is 0,52 mSv. Dose interval radiation worker at PRSG BATAN ttd - 28,98 mSv. To overall the external personal dose acceptant for radiation worker at PRSG BATAN one below maximum permissible dose acceptant that allowed by BAPETEN, that is 20 mSv in average every year during five years. (author)

  5. Sistem Cerdas Reservasi dan Pemantauan Parkir pada Lokasi Kampus Berbasis Konsep Internet of Things

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    Dody Ichwana Putra


    Full Text Available At present time, the people who use vehicles on the campus is increasing. It makes more difficult to find an empty slot parking area on the campus. This study aims to develop a system parking reservation and monitoring on-campus area using NFC and IoT concept. NFC was used to confirm booking code that generated by the system. In the parking area, ultrasonic sensors were installed to detect parking space availability. IoT concept has been applied to build this system. Apps on users smartphone can do the reservation process to the desired parking location via internet. Black box testing was done by building a prototype using the number of data locations parking slots in the Andalas University. The test results showed that this system has been able to detect the location of vacant parking slots and do reservations with time for sending data to the server is 0.7952 sec. Penggunaan kendaraan yang semakin meningkat di lokasi kampus pada saat ini mengakibatkan semakin sulitnya menemukan tempat parkir kosong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem reservasi dan pemantauan parkir pada lokasi kampus menggunakan NFC dan konsep IoT. NFC digunakan untuk melakukan konfirmasi dari kode pemesanan yang telah dihasilkan oleh sistem. Pada lokasi parkir, sensor jarak ultrasonik dipasang untuk mendeteksi ketersediaan parkir. Konsep IoT telah diterapkan untuk membangun sistem ini. Aplikasi pada perangkat telepon cerdas telah berhasil melakukan reservasi pada lokasi parkir yang diinginkan melalui Internet. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan pengujian kotak menggunakan data uji jumlah tempat parkir yang ada di lingkungan kampus Universitas Andalas. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem telah mampu mendeteksi lokasi parkir yang kosong dan melakukan reservasi dengan waktu pengiriman data ke server selama 0.7952 detik.

  6. Experimental photoallergic contact dermatitis (photo-ACD) and persistent light reactivity (PLR) induced by bisphenol-A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maguire, H.C. Jr.


    Bisphenol-A, a compound widely used in the plastics industry, clinically has been reported to induce photo-ACD and PLR. In mice, the authors find that Bisphenol-A (Bis-A) is a substantial photosensitizer and can serve as a model compound for the study of the cutaneous disorder, PLR. Mice were photosensitized by 2 daily applications of 1% Bis-A followed by irradiation of the skin site with UVB (280-320nm) and UVA (320-400nm). Sometimes, intradermal C.parvum (30 μ g) and/or pretreatment with cyclophosphamide (Cy; 50mg/kg) was used for nonspecific immunopotentiation. Photochallenge of an ear with chemical followed by UVA is usually done on Day 6. The reaction is consistent with that of delayed type hypersensitivity. Positive photochallenge sites react to UVA alone, thereby mimicking the clinical condition of the persistent light reactor

  7. Lokasi Dan Kelompok Teater Indonesia 2001-2005 (Analisis Rubrik Teater Majalah Tempo

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    Nurhadi Nurhadi


    Full Text Available Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kelompok-kelompok teater yang berkecimpung dalam pementasan teater di Indonesia dan peta lokasi pementasan sebagaimana diulas dalam majalah Tempo tahun 2001-2005. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan kelompok teater yang paling konsisten dalam mementaskan suatu naskah setiap tahunnya adalah Teater Koma. Kelompok teater berikutnya yang relatif banyak berkiprah dari tahun 2001-2005 berdasarkan artikel rubrik teater Tempo yaitu Teater Mandiri, Teater Garasi, dan Actors Unlimited Bandung. Kelompok teater pada jajaran berikutnya yang mementaskan lebih dari satu kali pada periode 2001-2005, yaitu Teater Gandrik, Bengkel Teater, dan Mainteater Jakarta. Lokasi pementasan teater selama 2001-2005 berdasarkan rubrik teater majalah Tempo sebagian besar berlangsung di berbagai gedung teater di Jakarta. Perbandingan jumlah lokasi pertunjukannya adalah sebagai berikut: Jakarta (50 pementasan, Yogyakarta (6 pementasan, Surakarta (2 pementasan dan Bandung (1 pementasan. Abstract: This article aims to describe the theater groups being active in theater performances in Indonesia and the performance location map as reviewed in Tempo magazine in 2001-2005. The research result has shown that the most consistent theater group in performing a script each year is Teater Koma. The next group which have relatively many performances in 2001-2005 according to Tempo’s articles are Teater Mandiri, Teater Garasi, and Actors Unlimited Bandung. The next level groups which have more than one performance in 2001-2005 are Teater Gandrik, Bengkel Teater, and Mainteater Jakarta. The theater performance locations in 2001-2005, according to Tempo’s articles, mostly took place in Jakarta’s theater houses. The ratio of performance locations amount is as follows: Jakarta (50 performances, Yogyakarta (6 performances, Surakarta (2 performances, and Bandung (1 performance. Key Words: theater performance location, theater group, Tempo magazine

  8. Assessment of Intercomparison of Radionuclide Activity Measurement between P3KRBiN-BATAN and NMIJ/AIST-JAPAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nazaroh; Pujadi; Hermawan Candra; Ermi Juita; Holnisar


    On every radionuclide activity measurements or any measurements always contain uncertainties. The uncertainties come from standard source, equipment to be used, condition of measurements (background) and sample (measurement). Those elements should be taken into account in the measurement result evaluation. To know the result of activity measurement was in a good agreement or not, it can be done by intercomparison. A good result of a measurement if it was nearly with the result of international/primary laboratories measurements such as System Internationale de Reference (SIR)-Franch, National Metrology Institute of Japan- Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (NMIJ/AIST or Physikalisch Technische Bundes-anstalt (PTB) and the absolute value of E n should be less than 1. The result of intercomparison between Center for Research and Development of Radiation Safety and Nuclear Biomedicine (P3KRBiN) -BATAN and NMIJ/AIST were in a good agreement for activity measurement of 125 I (E n =0.193), 58 Co(E n =0.503), 88 Y(E n =0.035) and 59 Fe(E n =0.632), by using gamma spectrometry counting system (HPGe detector) and 166m Ho(E n =0.492), by using Merlin Gerin Ionization chamber. (author)

  9. [Biometric identification method for ECG based on the piecewise linear representation (PLR) and dynamic time warping (DTW)]. (United States)

    Yang, Licai; Shen, Jun; Bao, Shudi; Wei, Shoushui


    To treat the problem of identification performance and the complexity of the algorithm, we proposed a piecewise linear representation and dynamic time warping (PLR-DTW) method for ECG biometric identification. Firstly we detected R peaks to get the heartbeats after denoising preprocessing. Then we used the PLR method to keep important information of an ECG signal segment while reducing the data dimension at the same time. The improved DTW method was used for similarity measurements between the test data and the templates. The performance evaluation was carried out on the two ECG databases: PTB and MIT-BIH. The analystic results showed that compared to the discrete wavelet transform method, the proposed PLR-DTW method achieved a higher accuracy rate which is nearly 8% of rising, and saved about 30% operation time, and this demonstrated that the proposed method could provide a better performance.

  10. Enhancement of Visual Field Predictions with Pointwise Exponential Regression (PER) and Pointwise Linear Regression (PLR). (United States)

    Morales, Esteban; de Leon, John Mark S; Abdollahi, Niloufar; Yu, Fei; Nouri-Mahdavi, Kouros; Caprioli, Joseph


    The study was conducted to evaluate threshold smoothing algorithms to enhance prediction of the rates of visual field (VF) worsening in glaucoma. We studied 798 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and 6 or more years of follow-up who underwent 8 or more VF examinations. Thresholds at each VF location for the first 4 years or first half of the follow-up time (whichever was greater) were smoothed with clusters defined by the nearest neighbor (NN), Garway-Heath, Glaucoma Hemifield Test (GHT), and weighting by the correlation of rates at all other VF locations. Thresholds were regressed with a pointwise exponential regression (PER) model and a pointwise linear regression (PLR) model. Smaller root mean square error (RMSE) values of the differences between the observed and the predicted thresholds at last two follow-ups indicated better model predictions. The mean (SD) follow-up times for the smoothing and prediction phase were 5.3 (1.5) and 10.5 (3.9) years. The mean RMSE values for the PER and PLR models were unsmoothed data, 6.09 and 6.55; NN, 3.40 and 3.42; Garway-Heath, 3.47 and 3.48; GHT, 3.57 and 3.74; and correlation of rates, 3.59 and 3.64. Smoothed VF data predicted better than unsmoothed data. Nearest neighbor provided the best predictions; PER also predicted consistently more accurately than PLR. Smoothing algorithms should be used when forecasting VF results with PER or PLR. The application of smoothing algorithms on VF data can improve forecasting in VF points to assist in treatment decisions.

  11. Review on the progress of BATAN-PNRI research collaboration on superionic conductors: December 1994 - November 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aziz, K Jahja; Nurdin, Efendi; Safei, Purnama; Arie, Widowati [BATAN, Jakarta (Indonesia); Virginia, S Calix; Marsongkohadi,


    Beginning in 1994, a total of 3 (three) workshops (`The Utilization of Research Reactors-Neutron Scattering`) have been held yearly in Jakarta. Back in December 1994, a joint research collaboration on the subject of superionic conductors between PNRI and BATAN was proposed and approved by the steering committee. The two principal scientists were V.S. Calix (PNRI) and AK Jahja (BATAN). The general arrangement was that PNRI is responsible for the sample preparation and the preliminary studies on the samples` physical properties (e.g., x-ray studies, DSC thermal measurements and frequency -dependent resistivity studies), whereas BATAN is responsible for structural studies using HRPD neutron diffraction measurements. For the period of December 1994 - December 1995, the superionic samples were the single phase {beta}`-alumina and the double phase {beta},{beta}-alumina (K{sub 1+x}Fe{sub 11}O{sub 17}). Neutron diffraction measurements were supposed to be taken at room- and elevated temperatures. For the period of November 1996 - November 1997, new compounds have been proposed, in this case it is the non-stoichiometric Cu-based Rubidium Copper Iodide Chloride compounds, again the distribution of responsibility/workload stays the same as previously agreed to by BATAN and PNRI. The full report and results of this cooperation is presented. Activities covered so far at both laboratories are outlined. Although the high temperature neutron scattering measurements have not been completed, a further cooperation involving the preparation and neutron scattering measurements of materials in thin-film and single crystalline morphology is proposed. (author)


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    Syahrial Bakhtiar


    Full Text Available Abstract: Learning Strategies, School Locations, and Fundamental Motor Skills of Elementary School Students. This study is aimed at measuring the effects of learning strategies and school locations on students’ fundamental motor skills. It is an experimental study which employs the 2x2 factorial design. The subjects of the experiment were students from elementary schools in Padang who were selected through multi stage random sampling. Data were collected using the TMGD-2 test and analyzed using the two-way ANOVA. The findings of the study show that the fundamental motor skills of the students who are taught with the Game Series Learning Strategy (GSLL are better than those taught with the Conven­tional Learning Strategy (CLS. With regard to school locations, the fundamental motor skills of students in the urban areas are better than those in the suburbs. The findings also reveal an interaction of the ef­fects of learning strategies and school locations on the students’ fundamental motor skills. The students in the urban areas who learn through the GSLL have better fundamental motor skills than those who learn through the CLS. On the other hand, the students in the rural areas who learn through the GSLL demonstrate lower fundamental motor skills than those who learn through the CLS.    Keywords: learning strategy, physical education, fundamental motor skills Abstrak: Strategi Pembelajaran, Lokasi Sekolah, dan Kemampuan Gerak Dasar Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur perbedaan strategi pembelajaran dan lokasi sekolah siswa berikut interaksinya terhadap kemampuan gerak dasar. Subjek eksperimen adalah seluruh siswa SD kota Padang yang dipilih dengan multi stage random sampling dan menggunakan rancangan fak­torial 2x2. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes TGMD-2 dan dianalisis dengan ANAVA dua jalur. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kemampuan gerak dasar siswa yang diberi perlakuan Strategi Pembelajaran Rangkaian Permainan

  13. mPLR-Loc: an adaptive decision multi-label classifier based on penalized logistic regression for protein subcellular localization prediction. (United States)

    Wan, Shibiao; Mak, Man-Wai; Kung, Sun-Yuan


    Proteins located in appropriate cellular compartments are of paramount importance to exert their biological functions. Prediction of protein subcellular localization by computational methods is required in the post-genomic era. Recent studies have been focusing on predicting not only single-location proteins but also multi-location proteins. However, most of the existing predictors are far from effective for tackling the challenges of multi-label proteins. This article proposes an efficient multi-label predictor, namely mPLR-Loc, based on penalized logistic regression and adaptive decisions for predicting both single- and multi-location proteins. Specifically, for each query protein, mPLR-Loc exploits the information from the Gene Ontology (GO) database by using its accession number (AC) or the ACs of its homologs obtained via BLAST. The frequencies of GO occurrences are used to construct feature vectors, which are then classified by an adaptive decision-based multi-label penalized logistic regression classifier. Experimental results based on two recent stringent benchmark datasets (virus and plant) show that mPLR-Loc remarkably outperforms existing state-of-the-art multi-label predictors. In addition to being able to rapidly and accurately predict subcellular localization of single- and multi-label proteins, mPLR-Loc can also provide probabilistic confidence scores for the prediction decisions. For readers' convenience, the mPLR-Loc server is available online ( Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Safety aspects of using Ag-In-Cd absorber made by PT. Batan Teknologi (Persero) in the core of multi purposes reactor G.A. Siwabessy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anggoro Septilarso; Zulkarnain; Heryudo Kusumo


    Safety Evaluation has been carried out for the using of Ag-In-Cd Absorber made by PT. Batan Teknologi (Persero) in the core of Multi Purposes Reactor G.A. Siwabessy (RSG-GAS). PT. Batan Teknologi (Persero) only licensed by NUKEM GmbH to produce Fuel Element and Control Element U-Al, U 3 O 8 -Al dan U 3 Si 2 -Al, and not including to produce Ag-In-Cd Absorber. But, BAPETEN evaluator think that the danger would be greater if RSG-GAS use the older absorber than use Ag-In-Cd Absorber made by PT. Batan Teknologi. For this purposes, BAPETEN set some requirements and acceptance criteria to be met by the absorber, that is cold test, hot test, shutdown margin value, control rod drop test and visual test. The test show that Ag-In-Cd Absorber meets all the requirements and acceptance criteria required by BAPETEN. (author)

  15. Calculation analysis of Wims/D4-Batan-2DIFF neutron spectrum on RSG-GAS with cadmium ratio

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radianti, I.B.; Zuhair; Hamzah, A.


    The calculation analysis of WIMS/D4-BATAN-2DIFF neutron spectrum was performed by comparison the calculation result of cadmium ratio with the experiment result on CIP, IP2, IP3 and IP4 irradiation positions of RSG GAS tenth core. The foils of Au, Mn and Co were used for determination of the measured and calculated cadmium ratios. Spectrum calculation was done in 69 energy group with 541 energy group (till 10 MeV) cross section of foil absorption reaction. The difference values between cadmium ratio calculation and experiment result for all cases were in interval of 11.0%-26.3% which are out of measurement deviation range. From these result, it concluded that the use of WIM /D4 in generating group constant is not sufficient to obtain the neutron spectrum, especially for non-fuel region

  16. Association of epicardial adipose tissue thickness and inflammation parameters with CHA2DS2-VASc score in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation

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    Akdag S


    Full Text Available Serkan Akdag, Hakki Simsek, Musa Sahin, Aytac Akyol, Ramazan Duz, Naci Babat Department of Cardiology, Yuzuncu Yil University Medical Faculty, Van, Turkey Background: Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT, mean platelet volume (MPV, platelet-to- lymphocyte ratio (PLR, and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR have been shown to be helpful in predicting adverse cardiovascular events. However, to date, in the literature, there have been no studies demonstrating the relationship between EAT, MPV, PLR, NLR, and thromboembolism risk in atrial fibrillation (AF. Therefore, we examined the relationship between EAT, MPV, PLR, NLR, and CHA2DS2-VASc score used for the evaluation of thromboembolism risk in patients with AF.Methods: The study included 96 consecutive patients with AF and 52 age- and sex-matched control subjects. We calculated CHA2DS2-VASc risk score for each patient and measured baseline EAT thickness, MPV, PLR, NLR, left atrial volume index, and left ventricular ejection fraction.Results: The group with high CHA2DS2-VASc score had higher EAT (7.2±1.5 vs 5.9±1.2 mm, P<0.001, MPV (9.1±1.1 vs 8.4±1.0 fL, P=0.004, PLR (152.3±28.4 vs 126.7±25.4, P=0.001, and NLR (4.0±1.6 vs 3.2±1.3, P<0.001 compared to group with low-intermediate CHA2DS2-VASc score. Moreover, CHA2DS2-VASc score was found to be positively correlated with EAT (r=0.623, P<0.001, MPV (r=0.350, P=0.004, PLR (r=0.398, P=0.001, and NLR (r=0.518, P<0.001.Conclusion: Our study results demonstrated that EAT thickness, MPV, PLR, and NLR were associated with the thromboembolic risk exhibited by CHA2DS2-VASc score in patients with nonvalvular AF. Keywords: atrial fibrillation, epicardial adipose tissue, platelet, neutrophil, mean platelet volume

  17. An approach in determining the baseline data on the natural background radioactivity of Batanes province, its implications to national security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyes, Rolando Y.


    whole country, with the eight (8) areas identified as high-risk areas to be given priority attention. With the use of simple ranking analysis, these high-risk areas were prioritized and Metro Manila/NCR ranked 1st for having received the highest possible level of risk exposure. The other areas, according to priority, are Cebu, Davao, Northern Luzon covering regions 1 and 2, Baguio City, General Santos City, Zamboanga, and former US Naval Base in Subic and Air Base in Clark. A survey on the level of awareness of residents of Batan Island on the basics of radiation/radioactivity was also conducted. Results of the survey revealed an average level of awareness of 35.06%, prior to information dissemination, and the figure increased to 58.84% after the information dissemination in the form of a primer, showing an increased of 23.78 percentage points. This shows that education and information dissemination are powerful tools in increasing the awareness of the public on matters related to radiation, its beneficial and harmful effects, and more importantly after this study, the basic responses and courses of action in the event of a radiological or nuclear incident/disaster. Overall, the study showed a sample of a method for obtaining, through measurement, and presentation of baseline data on radioactivity. This was the first time that a syatematic approach to determine the districution and abundance of the radioelement potassium, uranium and thorium for baseline study by ground gamma ray spectrometric technique was conducted in the country. This approach offers a practical alternative to the costly airborne and carborne survey techniques that is within the financial capabilities of developing countries like the Philippines. The scheme for replicating the performance of baseline studies in other areas of the country will follow the methods adopted in the study, with improvements, depending on the environmental and security situation of the survey area. (Author)


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    Susiono Susiono


    Full Text Available Dampak negatip akibat harmonik pada sistem distribusi daya listrik akan menjadi masalah yang sangatserius pada masa yang akan datang. Hal ini terjadi karena semakin meningkatnya penggunaan peralatan listrikberbasis elektronika daya, di masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Active power line conditioner ( APLC adalah filter aktif yang dapat digunakan untuk mereduksi cacat gelombang tegangan sinusoida yang diakibatkan oleh harmonik pada sistem distribusi daya listrik. Masalah yang timbul adalah bagaimana menentukan lokasi pemasangan filter tersebut pada jaringan distribusi bila ada beberapasumber harmonik dengan orde yang berbeda (multiple source harmonics. Penentuan lokasi pemasangan filterdapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan metode pusat beban,disesuaikan untuk sistem radial tanpa sectionalizer,selanjutnya dilakukan optimasi untuk menentukan arus injeksi dari filter.Simulasi menunjukkan hasil yang cukupbaik, cacat harmonik total (THD lebih dari 9,8% menjadi kurang dari 0,4 %

  19. Postirradiation examination of a low enriched U3Si2-Al fuel element manufactured and irradiated at Batan, Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suripto, A.; Sugondo, S.; Nasution, H.


    The first low-enriched U 3 Si 2 -Al dispersion plate-type fuel element produced at the Nuclear Fuel Element Center, BATAN, Indonesia, was irradiated to a peak 235 U burnup of 62%. Postirradiation examinations performed to data shows the irradiation behavior of this element to be similar to that of U 3 Si 2 -Al plate-type fuel produced and tested at other institutions. The main effect of irradiation on the fuel plates is a thickness increase of 30--40 μm (2.5-3.0%). This thickness increase is almost entirely due to the formation of a corrosion layer (Boehmite). The contribution of fuel swelling to the thickness increase is rather small (less than 10 μm) commensurate with the burnup of the fuel and the relatively moderate as-fabricated fuel volume fraction of 27% in the fuel meat


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    Pertiwi Andarani


    Full Text Available Limbah elektronik adalah masalah yang muncul di Indonesia karena mengandung bahan yang berpotensi berbahaya. Dalam rangka menciptakan manajemen yang ramah lingkungan dari limbah elektronik, fasilitas yang memadai diperlukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih lokasi yang optimal untuk mengembangkan fasilitas pengolahan limbah elektronik (FLPE. Pemilihan lokasi yang optimal dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode model ELECTRE III. ELECTRE adalah keluarga metode analisis keputusan multi-kriteria yang berasal di Eropa. Kriteria yang dipilih untuk analisis ini adalah penduduk setempat, penduduk yang dilayani, persentase belanja bulanan, harga rata-rata rumah tangga per unit, populasi pengangguran, status finansial dari penduduk lokal, jarak dari fasilitas yang telah ada, dan jarak dari pelabuhan terdekat. ELECTRE III membutuhkan penentuan tiga ambang batas, yaitu ambang kelalaian (q, ambang batas preferensi (p, dan ambang veto (v dalam upaya untuk lebih beradaptasi dengan ketidakpastian. Bobot masing-masing kriteria yang ditentukan sesuai dengan kepentingan relatif terhadap kriteria lain. Lokasi optimal untuk FPLE adalah Provinsi Banten berdasarkan model ELECTRE III.   Kata Kunci: limbah elektronik, fasilitas, optimasi, ELECTRE Abstract E-waste is an emerging issue in Indonesia due to its potentially hazardous content and some precious metal. In order to create an environmentally sound management of e-waste, a facility is necessary. The objectives of this study are to to select the optimal location of e-waste dismantling and sorting facility (DSF/FLPE.  The optimal location selection was conducted using the method of ELECTRE III model. ELECTRE is a family of multi-criteria decision analysis methods that originated in Europe. The criteria chosen for this analysis are local population, population served, the percentage of monthly expenditure, average household price per unit, unemployed population, financial status of the local population

  1. Evaluation of Hazardous Material Management Safety in the Chemical Laboratory in BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The management safety of the hazardous material (B3) in the chemical laboratory of BATAN was evaluated. The evaluation is necessary to be done because B3 is often used together with radioactive materials in the laboratory, but the attention to the safety aspect of B3 is not paid sufficiently in spite of its big potential hazard. The potential hazard generated from the nature of B3 could be flammable, explosive, oxidative, corrosive and poisonous. The handling of B3 could be conducted by enforcing the labelling and classification in the usage and disposal processes. Some observations of the chemical laboratory of BATAN show that the management safety of hazardous material in compliance with the government regulation no. 74 year 2001 has not been dully conducted. The management safety of B3 could be improved by, designating one who has adequate skill in hazardous material safety specially as the B3 safety officer, providing the Material Safety Data Sheet that is updated periodically to use in the laboratory and storage room, updating periodically the inventory of B3, performing training in work safety periodically, and monitoring the ventilation system intensively in laboratory and storage room. (author)


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    Full Text Available Kota Solo merupakan salah satu kota terbesar di Jawa Tengah selain kota Semarang yang dijadikan sebagai ibukota propinsi. Dalam hal perekonomian kota Solo memiliki peranan penting terutama dalam bidang industri dan perdagangan. Sebagai penunjang perekonomian di bidang industri dan perdagangan, di kota Solo terdapat pasar (pasar tradisional dan pasar modern (pusat perbelanjaan. Pasar – pasar tersebut dikelola oleh Dinas Pasar yang merupakan instansi pemerintahan yang ada di kota Solo. Pasar – pasar tersebut banyak tersebar di beberapa kecamatan di kota Solo. Karena banyaknya pasar yang tersebar di wilayah kecamatan yang ada di kota Solo maka dinas pasar khususnya dan masyarakat umumnya tidak dapat secara pasti mendapatkan informasi tentang keberadaan lokasi dan fasilitas – fasilitas yang ada di pasar seperti barang yang dijual, dan jumlah kios. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat Sistem Informasi Geografis berbasis web untuk mengetahui lokasi pasar tradisional dan pasar modern (pusat perbelanjaan, barang yang dijual, dan jumlah kios. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara dan pencarian di Internet. Metode yang dilakukan dalam merancang sistem informasi geografis pasar tradisional dan pasar modern (pusat perbelanjaan di kota Solo berbasis web adalah dengan menganalisa kebutuhan sistem, merancang sistem, melakukan digitasi peta dengan perangkat lunak ArcView 3.3, mengimplementasikan program dengan PHP dan MySQL, dan menguji program. Untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap aplikasi ini dilakukan dengan metode black box test dan alpha test. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Pemetaan Lokasi Pasar Tradisional dan Pasar Modern (Pusat Perbelanjaan di Kota Solo Berbasis Web yang dapat digunakan dinas pasar dan masyarakat untuk mengetahui lokasi pasar, barang yang dijual dipasar, dan jumlah kios.

  3. Motor power calculation for driving conveyor chain in gamma irradiator BATAN 2x250 k curie

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ari Satmoko; Syamsurrijal Ramdja; Sutomo Budihardjo


    Recently, an Irradiator BATAN 2X250 k Curie for agricultural product is under design. The installation is provided by the gamma source about 2x250 k Curie. Agricultural products are carried into carriers and these carriers are hanged on the conveyor chain. The chain moves into a radiation chamber following the trajectoire. The chain is drived by motor. For this reason, the calculation is performed to determine the motor power. After resolving the force equilibrium equation, the force and power of the motor needed to drive the chain are obtained. Numerical method by using V Basic language is used to resolve the equation. The calculation result shows the correlation between friction coefficient and motor power. From the evaluation, it is decided that the friction coefficient should be less than 0,015. By this friction, the motor power is about 3. 13 k Watt. From the evaluation, it is also obtained that the radius of the curve trajectory shall not be too small. Combination between high friction and small curve radius could lead to the locked condition in which high power motor are not be able to move the conveyor chain). (author)


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    Martha Amelia Fadjrin


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh lokasi sekolah, promosi sekolah,persepsi, dan lingkungan teman sebaya terhadap minat siswa memilih jurusanAP di SMK Swasta Kota Semarang baik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas Xjurusan AP di SMK Swasta Kota Semarang yang berjumlah 203siswa.Sampel yang digunakan adalah keseluruhan dari populasi. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda, uji asumsi klasik, dan analisis deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1 Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan lokasi sekolah, promosi sekolah, persepsi, dan lingkungan teman sebaya secara simultan terhadap minat siswa memilih jurusanAP sebesar76.7%. 2 Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan lokasi sekolah secara parsial terhadap minat siswa memilih jurusansebesar 9,42%. 3 Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan promosi sekolah secara parsial terhadap minat siswa memilihjurusan sebesar 11,56%. 4 Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan persepsi secara parsial terhadap minat siswa memilih jurusan sebesar 16,7%.5 Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan teman sebaya secara parsial terhadap minat siswa memilihjurusan sebesar 9,6%.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara lokasi sekolah, promosi sekolah, persepsi, dan lingkungan teman sebaya terhadap minat siswa memilih jurusan AP di SMK Swasta Kota Semarang baik secara partial maupun secara simultan. This research aimed to find out and anlayze the influences of school location, school promotion, perception and environtment of students’ peer onstudents’ interest in choosing office administration study program at Private Vocational High Schools in Semarang.The population in this study was all students office administration subject in private vocational high school in Semarang, which were 203students in total number. The sample was the whole population The method of data

  5. Deteksi Jarak Lokasi Gangguan Pada Saluran Transmisi 500 Kv Cilegon Baru - Cibinong Menggunakan Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS

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    Muhamad Otong


    Full Text Available Pada saluran transmisi diperlukan metode deteksi lokasi gangguan yang akurat dan cepat untuk mengurangi waktu pencarian, sehingga mempercepat proses perbaikan. Dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode Transformasi Park dan Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS, dapat dideteksi jarak lokasi gangguan secara langsung setelah terjadinya gangguan dengan cara menganalisa gelombang berjalan pada saluran transmisi. Saat terjadi gangguan, akan menyebabkan timbulnya gelombang berjalan yang berupa tegangan dan arus. Tegangan dan arus ini akan ditransformasikan oleh transformasi park pada kedua ujung saluran untuk mendapatkan waktu kedatangan gelombang berjalan, yang mana terdapat perbedaan waktu pada tiap ujung saluran dikarenakan adanya perbedaan jarak yang ada. Perbedaan waktu ini akan di input kedalam ANFIS untuk mendapatkan jarak lokasi gangguan. Dengan membandingkan jumlah nilai keanggotaan dan pemilihan input, maka diperoleh desain ANFIS terbaik adalah dengan jumlah nilai keanggotaan (MF 5 serta input perbedaan waktu ∆tV dan ∆tI (V dan I dengan nilai Mean Absolute Error (MAE sebesar 1,33.

  6. Identification and characterization of cis-acting elements involved in the regulation of ABA- and/or GA-mediated LuPLR1 gene expression and lignan biosynthesis in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) cell cultures. (United States)

    Corbin, Cyrielle; Renouard, Sullivan; Lopez, Tatiana; Lamblin, Frédéric; Lainé, Eric; Hano, Christophe


    Pinoresinol lariciresinol reductase 1, encoded by the LuPLR1 gene in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.), is responsible for the biosynthesis of (+)-secoisolariciresinol, a cancer chemopreventive phytoestrogenic lignan accumulated in high amount in the hull of flaxseed. Our recent studies have demonstrated a key role of abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of LuPLR1 gene expression and thus of the (+)-secoisolariciresinol synthesis during the flax seedcoat development. It is well accepted that gibberellins (GA) and ABA play antagonistic roles in the regulation of numerous developmental processes; therefore it is of interest to clarify their respective effects on lignan biosynthesis. Herein, using flax cell suspension cultures, we demonstrate that LuPLR1 gene expression and (+)-secoisolariciresinol synthesis are up-regulated by ABA and down-regulated by GA. The LuPLR1 gene promoter analysis and mutation experiments allow us to identify and characterize two important cis-acting sequences (ABRE and MYB2) required for these regulations. These results imply that a cross-talk between ABA and GA signaling orchestrated by transcription factors is involved in the regulation of lignan biosynthesis. This is particularly evidenced in the case of the ABRE cis-regulatory sequence of LuPLR1 gene promoter that appears to be a common target sequence of GA and ABA signals. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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    Ketut Buda Artana


    Full Text Available This paper presents a case study in selecting the best location for a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU in Bali. FSRU is an alternative to replace a conventional shore LNG terminal. The selection involves several criteria/attributes that can be grouped into two general criteria, namely qualitative and quantitative criteria. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM approach is utilized to solve the selection problem, considering the capability of this method in solving multi-criteria problem with mutual conflict. Qualitative criteria are evaluated using AHP method to calculate weight of each criterion. Moreover, decision matrix algorithm is then utilized to convert preference of stakeholders into, consecutively, probability assignment, total probability assignment and preference degree eventually. Quantitative criteria are also converted into preference degree and entropy method is used to rank the alternatives. Selected location would be the alternative having the highest entropy. Four alternatives are under consideration. Those alternatives are Benoa, Celukan Bawang, Pemaron and Gilimanuk. This research found that Celukan Bawang is the best location for the FSRU. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Paper ini menyajikan pemilihan lokasi Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU untuk proses distribusi LNG dari Ladang Tangguh ke Bali. FSRU merupakan alternatif pengganti LNG receiving terminal di darat. Pemilihan lokasi ini melibatkan kriteria kualitatif dan kuantitatif dan metode Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM digunakan untuk melakukan pemilihan mengingat metode ini dapat memberi solusi tepat saat mutual conflict terjadi pada beberapa kriteria pemilihan. Penilaian terhadap beberapa alternatif didasarkan atas nilai masing-masing kriteria yang diperoleh dari kuisioner terhadap beberapa stakeholders. Untuk kriteria kualitatif dicari relative weight dengan menggunakan metode Analitik Hierarki Proses (AHP. Nilai relative weight ini

  8. Reducing firing of an early pottery making kiln at Batan Grande, Peru: A Moessbauer study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagner, U.; Gebhard, R.; Haeusler, W.; Hutzelmann, T.; Riederer, J.; Shimada, I.; Sosa, J.; Wagner, F.E.


    Material from field firing experiments using a 2,700-year old Formative kiln at Batan Grande, Peru, was studied by X-ray diffraction and Moessbauer spectroscopy. The experiments explore the technology involved in producing the gray and black reduced ware for which Cupisnique and other Formative ceramics are justly known. During firing, the iron-bearing compounds in clays undergo characteristic changes which depend on kiln temperature and atmosphere. These changes can be observed in the Moessbauer spectra. By comparing spectra of an appropriate clay fired in field experiments and in the laboratory with the spectra of ancient ceramics, a description of Formative firing techniques in a reducing environment is attempted

  9. Improved performances of 36 m small-angle neutron scattering spectrometer BATAN in Serpong Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Putra, Edy Giri Rachman; Bharoto; Santoso, Eddy; Ikram, Abarrul


    SMARTer, a 36 m small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) spectrometer owned by the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) was installed at the Neutron Scattering Laboratory (NSL) in Serpong, Indonesia. Lots of works on replacing, upgrading and improving the control system, experimental methods, data collection and reduction in the last two years have been carried out to optimize the performance of SMARTer. Some standard samples such as silver behenate, monodisperse polystyrene nanoparticle, porous silica and block copolymer PS-PEP film were measured for the inter-laboratory comparison.

  10. Immunomagnetic separation combined with colony immunoblotting for selective enrichment and detection of piliated Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains. (United States)

    Yang, Z Q; Wei, Y F; Rao, S Q; Gao, L; Yin, Y Q; Xue, F; Fang, W M; Gu, R X; Jiao, X A


    Piliated Lactobacillus rhamnosus (pLR) strains have attracted much attention owing to their excellent mucus adhering capacity and immunomodulatory effects. Here, we aimed to develop a rapid, sensitive method for isolating pLR strains in complex ecosystems using immunomagnetic separation (IMS) with colony immunoblotting (CIB). Magnetic nanobeads (diameter: 180 nm) conjugated with anti-pLR SpaA pilin antibodies (anti-SpaA) were prepared and used to preconcentrate pLR strains in samples, followed by confirmation with anti-SpaA-based CIB analysis. Under optimized experimental conditions, IMS-CIB selectively recovered pLR strains from 10 7  CFU ml -1 of faecal microbiota samples spiked with 2·9 × 10 1 to 2·4 × 10 6  CFU ml -1 of pLR strains. No positive colonies were detected in samples without addition of pLR strains. The detection limit of IMS-CIB was 29 CFU pLR ml -1 of faecal microbiota, which is much lower than that of CIB without IMS preconcentration (2·0 × 10 4  CFU ml -1 ). IMS-CIB allowed selective preconcentration of pLR strains in highly heterogeneous bacterial suspensions and direct detection of pLR colonies, which remained readily available for subsequent isolation. Our findings established an effective method for selective enrichment and detection of pLR strains. © 2016 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  11. Construction of electron beam machine 350 keV/10 mA for multipurpose application of thin sample at P3TM-BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Research and development starting in 1984 of electron beam technology in Indonesia is first briefly presented. BATAN assigned to the Yogyakarta Nuclear Center the project of constructing an electron beam machine of 350 keV/10 mA for multipurpose applications especially for thin samples for duration of five years. The main objective of the project was the young scientists training and demonstration purposes in operation and maintenance of the machine. The engineers have learned through experience of the low energy ion accelerator (150 kV) many techniques to construct the system component such as E-gun, high voltage, vacuum, beam optics, scanning horn and window, beam stopper, and conveyer as well as the embedded control system. Because of the window cooling system, the uses of the machine are limited for irradiating a thin sample of plastics, hydrogel, powder, or liquid. Future plans for modification of the machine are stated. (S. Ohno)

  12. A New Challenge to Research Ethics: Patients-Led Research (PLR) and the Role of Internet Based Social Networks. (United States)

    Lamas, Eugenia; Salinas, Rodrigo; Vuillaume, Dominique


    A characteristic feature of the development of health-related social networks is the emergence of internet-based virtual communities, composed of patients. These communities go beyond the mere interchange of information concerning their conditions, intervening in the planning and execution of clinical research, including randomised controlled trials, in collaboration with health professionals. That was the case, in 2009, when patients suffering amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a rare and severe disease, conducted a clinical trial in USA, organising themselves through an online platform. This initiative launched a new model for the planning and conduction of clinical research: "Participants-Led Research" (PLR). The distinctive particularities of this new research paradigm represent a challenge to the traditional standards used for judging the ethical soundness of clinical investigation. That is the case, for example, of informed consent. This article aims at identifying the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) posed by PLR and the relevant concepts that may help in solving them. The following issues, in particular, are analysed, that may give place to a new social contract for the ethical assessment of clinical research: consent for participating in research and personal integrity; data protection and confidentiality; benefits sharing and intellectual property.

  13. First magnon of BATAN's neutron triple-axis spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    I Sumirat


    The National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) has one dedicated spectrometer for inelastic neutron scattering experiments. The instrument is a thermal neutron triple-axis spectrometer known as SN1. SN1 was installed in 1992 in the experimental hall of G. A. Siwabessy Research Reactor, Serpong, Banten. Malfunctions of the hardware and software have prevented the instrument from performing inelastic scattering measurements since 1996. The 2011-2015 five years project has been initiated to revitalize and optimize the SN1. The project serves as a preparation for the utilization of SN1 for the investigation of lattice dynamics, spin wave and magnetic excitations in condensed matters that will be started in 2016. In 2013, SN1 has successfully been repaired and was able to measure phonon dispersion relation of available single crystals, i.e., Cu, pyrolytic graphite (PG), Ge, and Al. In 2015, the first experiment on magnetic excitation to investigate magnon dispersion relation of a known Fe single crystal has been carried out. Standard methods of inelastic scattering measurements, i.e., a constant-energy transfer hω with either fixed final neutron energy E f = 14.7 MeV or fixed incoming neutron energy E i = 30.59 MeV, and a constant momentum transfer Q with fixed incoming neutron energy E i = 30.59 MeV, were applied to measure the low-energy magnetic excitations. For fixed E f measurement, a 5-cm thick PG filter was set between the sample and the analyzer to eliminate λ/n harmonics. To limit the energy and momentum spreads of the beam, collimations of 40 minutes were applied before and after the sample. The spin waves were measured along the three principal symmetry directions of [00ζ], [ζζ0], and [ζζζ] . The measured magnons were compared to values in reference and were found to be in a good agreement with them. With such accomplishments, we are convinced that SN1 is now ready for its inelastic scattering application and will become one of BATAN

  14. Elemental Characterization of Soil and Sediment Using NAA Technique for BATAN Inter Laboratory Comparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Syukria Kurniawati; Diah Dwiana Lestiani; Natalia Adventini


    Elemental characterization of soil and sediment samples using neutron activation analysis (NAA) for BATAN inter laboratory comparison have been conducted. TAR laboratory have been accredited by KAN since 2006, participating the test to evaluate and maintain its capability as testing laboratory that implemented ISO/IEC 17025. Samples from PTBIN were dried at 110°C for 2 hours and homogenized. The samples were irradiated at rabbit system of Multi-Purpose Reactor G.A Siwabessy for 1, 2, 10 and 60 minutes, then counted using HPGe gamma spectrometer. Several statistical test were applied such as μ-test, relative deviation, acceptance criteria for accuracy and precision. The result showed that soil contains V, Al, Ca, Mn, Na, K, As, Fe, Zn and Hg. From accuracy and precision, final status for 9 elements were passed but Ca was rejected, while V, Al, Mn, Cr, Fe, Zn and Co were detected in sediment samples. Final status for V, Al, Mn, Cr, Fe and Co elements were passed but Zn was rejected. (author)


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    Abd. Rahman As-Syakur


    Full Text Available STUDY OF HIDROLOGICAL CONDITION FOR ARTIFICIAL REEF LOCATION  IN TANJUNG BENOA BALIOne of the tourism which was demanded by the tourists are underwater activity, namely scuba diving and seawalker, where the main target underwater tourism activities is the beauty of the underwater in the form of coral and reef fish. The purpose of this study is to determine the hydrological condition of artificial reefs in Tanjung Benoa, Bali. The method used in determining the location is a purposive sampling method. Sampling was carried out in three (3 stations and taken randomly in the study site (Tanjung Benoa. Measurement of hydrological conditions include the temperature, salinity, water clarity, current, depth, turbidity, TSS, DO, Nitrate, Phosphate. Hydrological conditions measurements carried out in situ (direct and in laboratory. Data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative by comparing the quality of water based on the Ministry of the Environment Decree No. 51 of 2004 on Sea Water Quality Standard. Based on the results of hydrological conditions measurements, conditions of environmental parameters are still within the tolerance limit for the growth of marine biota. The basic conditions of the waters is not suitable for the placement of artificial reefs, this is because the substrate is muddy sand, where the basic conditions of these waters will submerge artificial reef into the sand.Keywords: artificial reef, hidrological condition, Tanjung BenoaABSTRAKSalah satu wisata yang sangat diminati oleh para wisatawan adalah wisata bawah air, yaitu scuba diving dan seawalker, dimana dalam kegiatan wisata bawah air yang menjadi target utama yaitu keindahan bawah air berupa terumbu karang dan ikan karang. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kondisi hidrologis terumbu karang buatan di Tanjung Benoa-Bali. Metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan lokasi sampling adalah metode sampling pertimbangan, yaitu metode pengambilan lokasi dan sampel didasarkan atas

  16. A New Control System Software for SANS BATAN Spectrometer in Serpong, Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bharoto; Putra, Edy Giri Rachman


    The original main control system of the 36 meter small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) BATAN Spectrometer (SMARTer) has been replaced with the new ones due to the malfunction of the main computer. For that reason, a new control system software for handling all the control systems was also developed in order to put the spectrometer back in operation. The developed software is able to control the system such as rotation movement of six pinholes system, vertical movement of four neutron guide system with the total length of 16.5 m, two-directional movement of a neutron beam stopper, forward-backward movement of a 2D position sensitive detector (2D-PSD) along 16.7 m, etc. A Visual Basic language program running on Windows operating system was employed to develop the software and it can be operated by other remote computers in the local area network. All device positions and command menu are displayed graphically in the main monitor or window and each device control can be executed by clicking the control button. Those advantages are necessary required for developing a new user-friendly control system software. Finally, the new software has been tested for handling a complete SANS experiment and it works properly.

  17. Monitored natural attenuation study of flood-borne nutrient run-offs in the marine environment of Napti, Batan, Aklan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sucgang, Raymond J.; Jamangal, Gorgonio; Manuntag, Monica; Templonuevo, Javie Gabriel; Wong, Carlene Dianne; Campos, Ace Bryan; Rafailes, Ma. Cherry


    Climate change-effected flooding transmits land-based nutrients to the marine environment. In this study, nitrate and phosphate levels in sediment and water were measured and compared in six sites in Napti, Batan, Aklan : Site 1-nerritic zone receiving flood water from waterways connected to agricultural areas; Site 2- intertidal community with mangal mangrove vegetation upstream of site 1; Site 3- waterway upstream of site 2; Site 4 - another area of waterway upstream of sites 1&2; SIte 5 - nipa mangrove plantation area upstream of site 4, and Site 6 - waterway upstream of sites 1 to 5 and in close proximity to agricultural areas. Soil and water chemistry were determined during pre and post typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) flood event, using ion chromatography; bicarbonate was determined by titrimetry. Post flood measurements were performed in two sampling regimes, four months aprat. An average loading rate of nitrated at ∼15 parts per million/day was observed in all the sites. Concentrations of ions were significantly diminished (more than 10 times), during the second post flood measurement in sites with riparian vegetation (sites 2&5) while no significant changes in pollutant concentrations were found in the other sites without riparian vegetation. Conditions that maximize nitrate and nutrient removal in sediments were found to be neutral pH, high bicarbonate, and anoxic conditions. Evidences of denitrification and natural attenuation of pollutants by riparian vegetation were established in the study. (author)

  18. Sistem Informasi Geografis Lokasi Lembaga Pendidikan Berbasis Islam (RA s.d. Pesantren di Kabupaten Cilacap

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    Isti Qomariyah Kumala Dewi


    Full Text Available Lembaga pendidikan berbasis Islam di Kabupaten Cilacap berjumlah cukup banyak dan tersebar di seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Cilacap. Namun, informasi tentang lembaga pendidikan berbasis Islam di Kabupaten Cilacap masih sedikit diketahui oleh masyarakat. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan hal ini adalah ketersediaan data yang sedikit dan tidak lengkap, sedangkan kebutuhan informasi masyarakat cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu, sistem informasi geografis ini dirancang dan dibangun untuk menyediakan informasi lokasi dan profil tentang lembaga pendidikan berbasis Islam yang ada di Kabupaten Cilacap secara lebih lengkap. Perancangan dan pembangunan sistem informasi geografis pada penelitian ini menggunakan model proses waterfall. Analisis kebutuhan dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan membaca dokumen hasil survai. Perancangan sistem dibuat dengan mendefinisikan spesifikasi teknis dan pemodelan dengan ERD, DFD, dan Kamus Data. Sistem informasi geografis dibangun berbasis web dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, basis data MySQL, dan basis peta Google Maps API. Pengujian perangkat lunak dilakukan menggunakan metode black-box. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah SIG sekolah Islam dapat menampilkan peta penunjuk lokasi dan data sekolah Islam untuk pengguna dengan cepat dan praktis jika dibandingkan dengan pencarian melalui peta konvensional dan pencarian manual melalui mesin pencari di internet. SIG sekolah Islam dapat dijangkau dengan mudah karena berbasis situs web. Data sekolah dalam SIG sekolah Islam dapat diperbarui sewaktu-waktu dengan mudah karena aplikasi ini mempunyai halaman admin. Aplikasi SIG sekolah Islam dapat menjadi salah satu rekomendasi dan alternatif solusi penyedia informasi tentang sekolah Islam di Kabupaten Cilacap.

  19. Role of protein farnesylation events in the ABA-mediated regulation of the Pinoresinol-Lariciresinol Reductase 1 (LuPLR1) gene expression and lignan biosynthesis in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). (United States)

    Corbin, Cyrielle; Decourtil, Cédric; Marosevic, Djurdjica; Bailly, Marlène; Lopez, Tatiana; Renouard, Sullivan; Doussot, Joël; Dutilleul, Christelle; Auguin, Daniel; Giglioli-Guivarc'h, Nathalie; Lainé, Eric; Lamblin, Frédéric; Hano, Christophe


    A Linum usitatissimum LuERA1 gene encoding a putative ortholog of the ERA1 (Enhanced Response to ABA 1) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana (encoding the beta subunit of a farnesyltransferase) was analyzed in silico and for its expression in flax. The gene and the protein sequences are highly similar to other sequences already characterized in plants and all the features of a farnesyltransferase were detected. Molecular modeling of LuERA1 protein confirmed its farnesyltransferase nature. LuERA1 is expressed in the vegetative organs and also in the outer seedcoat of the flaxseed, where it could modulate the previously observed regulation operated by ABA on lignan synthesis. This effect could be mediated by the regulation of the transcription of a key gene for lignan synthesis in flax, the LuPLR1 gene, encoding a pinoresinol lariciresinol reductase. The positive effect of manumycin A, a specific inhibitor of farnesyltransferase, on lignan biosynthesis in flax cell suspension systems supports the hypothesis of the involvement of such an enzyme in the negative regulation of ABA action. In Arabidopsis, ERA1 is able to negatively regulate the ABA effects and the mutant era1 has an enhanced sensitivity to ABA. When expressed in an Arabidopsis cell suspension (heterologous system) LuERA1 is able to reverse the effect of the era1 mutation. RNAi experiments in flax targeting the farnesyltransferase β-subunit encoded by the LuERA1 gene led to an increase LuPLR1 expression level associated with an increased content of lignan in transgenic calli. Altogether these results strongly suggest a role of the product of this LuERA1 gene in the ABA-mediated upregulation of lignan biosynthesis in flax cells through the activation of LuPLR1 promoter. This ABA signaling pathway involving ERA1 probably acts through the ABRE box found in the promoter sequence of LuPLR1, a key gene for lignan synthesis in flax, as demonstrated by LuPLR1 gene promoter-reporter experiments in flax cells using wild

  20. Burn-Up Calculation of the Fuel Element in RSG-GAS Reactor using Program Package BATAN-FUEL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mochamad Imron; Ariyawan Sunardi


    Calculation of burn lip distribution of 2.96 gr U/cc Silicide fuel element at the 78 th reactor cycle using computer code program of BATAN-FUEL has been done. This calculation uses inputs such as generated power, operation time and a core assumption model of 5/1. Using this calculation model burn up for the entire fuel elements at the reactor core are able to be calculated. From the calculation it is obtained that the minimum burn up of 6.82% is RI-50 at the position of A-9, while the maximum burn up of 57.57% is RI 467 at the position of 8-7. Based on the safety criteria as specified in the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) RSG-GAS reactor, the maximum fuel burn up allowed is 59.59%. It then can be concluded that pattern that elements placement at the reactor core are properly and optimally done. (author)


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    Rully A Hendrawan


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Banyak lokasi penjualan produk Telkom yang tidak dapat teratasi karena banyaknya permintaan tapi kurangnya sales yang melayani konsumen. Aplikasi berbasis web akan dibuatkan dengan meggunakan peta google yang terintegrasi menggunakan basis data yang disesuaikan dengan perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam menyelesaikan penelitian ini yaitu dengan melakukan visualisasi sales dan letak lokasi penjualan di setiap STO (Sentral Telepon Otomatis menggunakan Google Map serta melakukan proyeksi permintaan produk guna mengetahui besarnya pangsa pasar di setiap STO. Sebelum memasuki halaman untuk memasukkan data, dibuatkan login admin dan form pengisian data yang diperlukan untuk memudahkan pengisian data tanpa harus mengubah ke dalam basis data Oracle secara langsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menunjukkan lokasi STO serta Plaza yang dimiliki oleh Telkom dengan cara memunculkan grafik pada gambar peta di Google Map dan melakukan perhitungan proyeksi permintaan produk Telkom di masa mendatang dengan menggunakan metode simple exponential smoothing. Hasil akhir dalam penelitian ini adalah aplikasi yang sudah terintegrasi dengan baik serta memberikan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan penjualan yang rendah untuk di

  2. Evaluation of the prognostic value of platelet to lymphocyte ratio in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. (United States)

    Wang, Yuchen; Attar, Bashar M; Fuentes, Harry E; Jaiswal, Palashkumar; Tafur, Alfonso J


    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is increasingly common, potentially fatal cancer type globally. Platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) as a biomarker for systemic inflammation has recently been recognized as a valuable prognostic marker in multiple cancer types. The aim of the present study was to assess the prognostic value of PLR in HCC patients and determine the optimal cut-off value for risk stratification. We retrospectively analyzed patients with diagnosis of HCC (screened by ICD-9 code, confirmed with radiographic examination and/or biopsy) at a large public hospital during 15 years (Jan 2000 through July 2015). PLR, among other serology laboratory values were collected at diagnosis of HCC. Its association with overall survival was evaluated with Cox proportional hazard model. Among 270 patients with HCC, 57 (21.1%) patients died within an average follow-up of 11.9 months. PLR at diagnosis was significantly different between survivors and deceased (128.9 vs. 186.7; P=0.003). In multivariate analysis, aspartate transaminase (AST) (HR 2.022, P<0.001) and PLR (HR 1.768, P=0.004) independently predicted mortality. The optimal cut-off value for PLR was determined to be 220 by receiver-operating characteristics curve, and high PLR group had significantly higher mortality (HR 3.42, P<0.001). Our results indicated that elevated PLR at diagnosis above 220 predicted poor prognosis in HCC patients. PLR is a low-cost and convenient tool, which may serve as a useful prognostic marker for HCC.

  3. The relationship between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    Hülya Günbatar


    Full Text Available Objective: There is a strong relationship between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS and cardiovascular disease (CVD. Chronic intermittent hypoxia, inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction may create etiologic mechanisms, connection between OSAS to CVD. Inflammation play an important role in the development of CVD. Platelet- Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR and Neutrophil-lymphocyte Ratio (NLR are new biomarkers showing inflammation. This study was designed to investigate the association between PLR, NLR and relationship between severity of OSAS, polysomnographic parameters and PLR. Methods: This was a cohort study in which patients who had undergone a full night polysomnography for diagnosis of OSA were recruited. Patients were divided according to their apnea hypopnea index (AHI scores into OSAS negative simple snoring (Group 1; AHI 30 groups. Results: A total of 111 patients were included in this study. There were 26, 22 and 63 patients in Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. PLR were significantly different between groups (Group 1: 87.12, Group 2: 103.6, Group 3: 112.5, p < 0.05. PLR were significantly correlated with NLR, AHI, oxygen desaturation index, average and minimum O2 saturation values (p < 0.05. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that PLR is an independent predictor of CVD. PLR cut-off value for demonstrating the presence of CVD is higher than 86.03. Conclusion: In the light of these findings, PLR is strongly associated with the severity of OSAS. PLR might be used as a biomarker to predict CVD in OSAS patients.

  4. Prognostic and clinicopathological significance of platelet to lymphocyte ratio in esophageal cancer: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Deng, Juhong; Zhang, Peng; Sun, Yue; Peng, Ping; Huang, Yu


    The prognostic and clinicopathological significance of the platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) has been studied in various cancers. However, studies examining the role of PLR in esophageal cancer have not yielded consistent results. The purpose of this meta-analysis was to study the prognostic and clinicopathological significance of PLR in esophageal cancer patients. We performed a literature search in three major databases: PubMed, Web of Science and Embase (up until May 1, 2017). The clinicopathologic significance of PLR and its prognostic significance were analyzed. Our meta-analysis consisted of 13 studies with 4,621 patients. The pooled hazard ratios (HRs) showed that a high PLR was associated with poor survival of esophageal cancer [HR =1.283; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.173-1.404; Panalysis revealed that elevated PLR was associated with poor survival in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (HR =1.281; 95% CI: 1.098-1.493; P=0.002). The pooled odds ratio (OR) indicated that high PLR was also associated with the depth of tumor invasion (OR =1.543, 95% CI: 1.269-1.876, P<0.001), lymph node metastasis (OR =1.427, 95% CI: 1.195-1.705, P<0.001), tumor length (OR =1.81, 95% CI: 1.331-2.461, P<0.001), and Tumor stage (OR =1.459, 95% CI: 1.235-1.724, P<0.001). Our results demonstrate that elevated PLR was significantly associated with poor prognosis of esophageal cancer. Furthermore, the high PLR might predict worse clinicopathological features of esophageal cancer patients.

  5. Prognostic role of platelet to lymphocyte ratio in non-small cell lung cancers: A meta-analysis including 3,720 patients. (United States)

    Zhao, Qing-Tao; Yuan, Zheng; Zhang, Hua; Zhang, Xiao-Peng; Wang, Hui-En; Wang, Zhi-Kang; Duan, Guo-Chen


    Platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) was recently reported as a useful index in predicting the prognosis of lung cancer. However, the prognostic role of PLR in lung cancer remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between PLR and clinical outcome of lung cancer patients through a meta-analysis. Relevant literatures were retrieved from PubMed, Ovid, the Cochrane Library and Web of Science databases. Meta-analysis was performed using hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) as effect measures. A total of 5,314 patients from 13 studies were finally enrolled in the meta-analysis. The summary results showed that elevated PLR predicted poorer overall survival (OS) (HR: 1.526, 95%CI: 1.268-1.836, p analysis revealed that increased PLR was also associated with poor OS in NSCLC treated by surgical resection (HR: 1.884, 95%CI: 1.308-2.714, P 160 (HR: 1.842, 95%CI: 1.523-2.228, P  0.05) in patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC).This meta-analysis result suggested that elevated PLR might be a predicative factor of poor prognosis for NSCLC patients. © 2016 UICC.

  6. Increased platelet-lymphocyte ratio closely relates to inferior clinical features and worse long-term survival in both resected and metastatic colorectal cancer: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of 24 studies. (United States)

    Chen, Nan; Li, Wanling; Huang, Kexin; Yang, Wenhao; Huang, Lin; Cong, Tianxin; Li, Qingfang; Qiu, Meng


    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. However, the prognostic and clinical value of platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) in colorectal cancer was still unclear, which attracted more and more researchers' considerable attention. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the relationship between PLR and survival as well as clinical features of CRC update to September 2016. The hazard ratio (HR) or odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated to access the association. We included 24 eligible studies with a total of 13719 patients. Elevated PLR predicted shorter overall survival (OS) (HR=1.47; 95%CI, 1.28-1.68; p<0.001), poorer disease-free survival (DFS) (HR=1.51; 95% CI, 1.2-1.91; p=0.001), and worse recurrence-free survival (RFS) (HR=1.39; 95% CI, 1.03-1.86; p=0.03), but had nothing to do with Cancer-specific survival (CSS) (HR=1.14; 95% CI, 0.92-1.42; p=0.223). After trim and fill method, the connection between PLR and DFS disappeared (HR=1.143; 95%CI, 0.903-1.447; p=0.267). By subgroup analyze, we found that increased PLR predicated a worse OS and DFS in patients who underwent surgery, and this prognostic role also shown both in metastatic and nonmetastatic patients. In addition, elevated PLR was associated with poorly differentiated tumor (OR=1.51; 95% CI, 1.26-1.81; p<0.001), higher tumor stage (OR=1.25; 95% CI, 1.05-1.49; p=0.012), lymphovascular invasion (LVI) (OR=1.25; 95% CI, 1.09-1.43; p=0.001), and the recurrence of CRC (OR=2.78; 95% CI, 1.36-5.68; p=0.005). We indicated that pretreatment PLR was a good prognostic marker for CRC patients. High PLR was related to worse OS, RFS and poor clinical characteristics.

  7. Assessment of the potential diagnostic value of serum p53 antibody for cancer: a meta-analysis.

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    Jun Zhang

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Mutant p53 protein over-expression has been reported to induce serum antibodies against p53. We assessed the diagnostic precision of serum p53 (s-p53 antibodies for diagnosis of cancer patients and compared the positive rates of the s-p53 antibody in different types of cancers. METHODS: We systematically searched PubMed and Embase, through May 31, 2012. Studies were assessed for quality using QUADAS (quality assessment of studies of diagnostic accuracy. The positive likelihood ratio (PLR and negative likelihood ratio (NLR were pooled separately and compared with overall accuracy measures using diagnostic odds ratios (DORs and Area under the curve(AUC. Meta regression and subgroup analyses were done, and heterogeneity and publication bias were assessed. RESULTS: Of 1089 studies initially identified, 100 eligible studies with 23 different types of tumor met the inclusion criteria for the meta-analysis (cases = 15953, controls = 8694. However, we could conduct independent meta analysis on only 13 of 36 types of tumors. Approximately 56% (56/100 of the included studies were of high quality (QUADAS score≥8. The summary estimates for quantitative analysis of serum p53 antibody in the diagnosis of cancers were: PLR 5.75 (95% CI: 4.60-7.19, NLR 0.81 (95%CI: 0.79-0.83 and DOR 7.56 (95% CI: 6.02-9.50. However, for the 13 types of cancers on which meta-analysis was conducted, the ranges for PLR (2.33-11.05, NLR (0.74-0.97, DOR (2.86-13.80, AUC(0.29-0.81, and positive rate (4.47%-28.36% indicated significant heterogeneity. We found that breast, colorectal, esophageal, gastric, hepatic, lymphoma, lung and ovarian cancer had relatively reasonable diagnostic accuracy. The remaining results of the five types of cancers suggested that s-p53 antibody had limited value. CONCLUSIONS: The current evidence suggests that s-p53 antibody has potential diagnostic value for cancer, especially for breast, colorectal, esophageal, gastric, hepatic

  8. Probabilitas Tegangan Sentuh Dan Tegangan Langkah Di Lokasi Rencana Gardu Induk 500 kV Antosari

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    Abdul Latif


    Full Text Available Semakin berkembangnya pertindustrian di Indonesia, maka kebutuhan daya listrik yang dibutuhkan semakin meningkat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daya listrik tersebut pada tahun 2016, PT PLN (Persero merencanakan pembangunan GITET 500 kV Antosari. Pembangunan GITET 500 kV Antosari merupakan tindak lanjut dari rencana PT PLN (Persero yang akan menambah pasokan energi listrik ke Bali melalui sistem interkoneksi Jawa – Bali menggunakan jaringan transmisi SUTET 500 kV, dimulai dari GITET 500 kV Paiton dan akan sampai di GITET 500 kV Antosari. Untuk mengamankan gardu induk dari ancaman sambaran petir, salah satu cara yang digunakan adalah dengan mengamankan sistem perntanahan dilokasi gardu induk. Maka dipilih sistem pentanahan grid di lokasi rencana pembangunan Gardu Induk 500 kV Antosari. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis perbandingan ukuran luas pentanahan dengan kedalaman batang konduktor terhadap tahanan pentanahan grid, tegangan sentuh, tegangan langkah dan probabilitas timbulnya tegangan sentuh dan tegangan langkah. Data tahanan tanah yang didapatkan dari pengukuran secara langsung digunakan untuk mengetahui  nilai tahanan jenis tanah kemudian digunakan untuk menghitung tahanan pentanahan grid, tegangan sentuh, tegangan langkah dan probabilitas tegangan sentuh dan tegangan langkah. Perhitungan tahanan pentanahan grid menggunakan persamaan IEEE, Standard 80-2000 sedangkan untuk perhitungan tegangan sentuh dan tegangan langkah menggunakan IEEE, Standard 665-1995. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di lokasi gardu induk untuk kondisi tanah basah dengan luas grid 3 m x 3 m dan kedalaman 5 m didapatkan nilai tahanan pentanahan grid 0,49 ohm dan nilai tegangan langkah 125 volt dengan probabilitas 0,72%. Sedangkan untuk kondisi tanah kering dengan luas grid 3 m x 3m dan kedalaman 5 didapatkan nilai tahanan pentanahan grid 1,11 ohm dan nilai tegangan langkah 281 volt dengan probabilitas 0,72%. Dari hasil analisis juga menunjukan dengan luas grid 3 m x 3

  9. The clinical use of the platelet/lymphocyte ratio and lymphocyte/monocyte ratio as prognostic predictors in colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Guo, Ya-Huan; Sun, Hai-Feng; Zhang, Yan-Bing; Liao, Zi-Jun; Zhao, Lei; Cui, Jie; Wu, Tao; Lu, Jian-Rong; Nan, Ke-Jun; Wang, Shu-Hong


    Conflicting evidence exists regarding the effects of platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and lymphocyte/monocyte ratio(LMR) on the prognosis of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. This study aimed to evaluate the roles of the PLR and LMR in predicting the prognosis of CRC patients via meta-analysis. Eligible studies were retrieved from the PubMed, Embase,andChina National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) databases, supplemented by a manual search of references from retrieved articles. Pooled hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated using the generic inverse variance and random-effect model to evaluate the association of PLR and LMR with prognostic variables in CRC, including overall survival (OS), cancer-specific survival (CSS) and disease-free survival (DFS). Thirty-three studies containing 15,404 patients met criteria for inclusion. Pooled analysis suggested that elevated PLR was associated with poorer OS (pooled HR = 1.57, 95% CI: 1.41 - 1.75, p< 0.00001, I2=26%) and DFS (pooled HR = 1.58, 95% CI: 1.31 - 1.92, p< 0.00001, I2=66%). Conversely, high LMR correlated with more favorable OS (pooled HR = 0.59, 95% CI: 0.50 - 0.68, p< 0.00001, I2=44%), CSS (pooled HR = 0.54, 95% CI: 0.40 - 0.72, p< 0.00001, I2=11%) and DFS (pooled HR = 0.82, 95% CI: 0.71- 0.94,p=0.005, I2=29%). Elevated PLR was associated with poor prognosis, while high LMR correlated with more favorable outcomes in CRC patients. Pretreatment PLR and LMR could serve as prognostic predictors in CRC patients.

  10. Prognostic value of platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in pancreatic cancer: a comprehensive meta-analysis of 17 cohort studies. (United States)

    Zhou, Yongping; Cheng, Sijin; Fathy, Abdel Hamid; Qian, Haixin; Zhao, Yongzhao


    Several studies were conducted to explore the prognostic value of platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) in pancreatic cancer and have reported contradictory results. This study aims to summarize the prognostic role of PLR in pancreatic cancer. Embase, PubMed and Cochrane Library were completely searched. The cohort studies focusing on the prognostic role of PLR in pancreatic cancer were eligible. The overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) were analyzed. Fifteen papers containing 17 cohort studies with pancreatic cancer were identified. The results showed patients that with low PLR might have longer OS when compared to the patients with high PLR (hazard ratio=1.28, 95% CI=1.17-1.40, P analysis model, ethnicity, sample size and cut-off value. Further analyses based on the adjusted potential confounders were conducted, including CA199, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, modified Glasgow Prognostic Score, albumin, C-reactive protein, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, stage, tumor size, nodal involvement, tumor differentiation, margin status, age and gender, which confirmed that low PLR was a protective factor in pancreatic cancer. In addition, low PLR was significantly associated with longer PFS when compared to high PLR in pancreatic cancer (hazard ratio=1.27, 95% CI=1.03-1.57, P =0.03; I 2 =33%). In conclusion, it was found that high PLR is an unfavorable predictor of OS and PFS in patients with pancreatic cancer, and PLR is a promising prognostic biomarker for pancreatic cancer.

  11. Association of the Preoperative Neutrophil-to-ymphocyte Count Ratio and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Count Ratio with Clinicopathological Characteristics in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Cancer

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    Sang Mi Kim


    Full Text Available BackgroundSeveral inflammatory biomarkers, especially a high preoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte count ratio (NLR and platelet-to-lymphocyte count ratio (PLR, are known to be indicator of poor prognosis in several cancers. However, very few studies have evaluated the significance of the NLR and PLR in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC. We evaluated the association of the preoperative NLR and PLR with clinicopathological characteristics in patients with PTC.MethodsThis study included 1,066 female patients who underwent total thyroidectomy for PTC. Patients were stratified into 4 quartiles by preoperative NLR and PLR. And the combination of preoperative NLR and PLR was calculated on the basis of data obtained value of tertile as follows: patients with both an elevated PLR and an elevated NLR were allocated a score of 2, and patients showing one or neither were allocated a score of 1 or 0, respectively.ResultsThe preoperative NLR and PLR were significantly lower in patients aged ≥45 years and in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The PLR was significantly higher in patients with tumor size >1 cm (P=0.021.When the patients were categorized into the aforementioned four groups, the group with the higher preoperative PLR was found to have a significantly increased incidence of lateral lymph node metastasis (LNM (P=0.018. However, there are no significant association between the combination of preoperative NLR and PLR and prognostic factors in PTC patients.ConclusionThese results suggest that a preoperative high PLR were significant associated with lateral LNM in female patients with PTC.

  12. Preoperative platelet-lymphocyte ratio is superior to neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic factor for soft-tissue sarcoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Que, Yi; Qiu, Haibo; Li, Yuanfang; Chen, Yongming; Xiao, Wei; Zhou, Zhiwei; Zhang, Xing


    Inflammation can promote tumor growth, invasion, angiogenesis and even metastasis. Inflammatory markers have been identified as prognostic indicators in various malignances. This study compared the usefulness of platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) with that of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) for predicting outcomes of patients who underwent radical resection for soft tissue sarcoma (STS). We included 222 STS patients in this retrospective study. Kaplan-Meier curves and multivariate Cox proportional models were used to calculate overall survival (OS) and disease free survival (DFS). In univariate analysis, elevated PLR and NLR were both significantly associated with decreased OS. In multivariate analysis, PLR (HR: 2.60; 95 % CI: 1.17–5.74, P = 0.019) but not NLR was still identified as independent predictors of outcome. Median OS was 62 and 76 months for the high PLR and low PLR groups, respectively. High PLR and NLR were both significantly associated with shorter DFS in univariate analysis, with median DFS of 18 and 57 months in the high PLR and low PLR groups. In multivariate analysis, elevated PLR (HR: 1.77; 95 % CI: 1.05–2.97, P = 0.032) was also related to decreased DFS. Our findings provide a new and valuable clue for diagnosing and monitoring STS. Prediction of disease progression is not only determined by the use of clinical or histopathological factors including tumor grade, tumor size, and tumor site but also by host-response factors such as performance status, weight loss, and systemic inflammatory response. They also significantly affect clinical outcomes. Thus, PLR can be used to enhance clinical prognostication. Furthermore, the PLR can be assessed from peripheral blood tests that are routinely available without any other complicated expenditure, thus providing lower cost and greater convenience for the prognostication. Elevated preoperative PLR as an independent prognostic factor is superior to NLR in predicting clinical outcome in patients with STS

  13. Study of aquifer's characteristic at BPLP-BATAN, Cipanas, West Java

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    I Gde Sukadana; Adi Gunawan Muhammad


    Farms Observational Land Agricultural (BPLP) BATAN lies at Palasari's Village, Cipanas's district, Cianjur's regency, West Java. The currently used water resources, come from shallow well that groundwater's quality adverse, brownish rust colored, so indecent being utilized as source of fresh water. Drilling activity of groundwater exploration is objected in order to obtain aquifer's characteristics which cover lithology, porosity of lithology, ground water condition that interpreted from well cutting, bores-hole geophysical data, pumping test data and water quality on the aquifer. These Regions constitute geologically volcanic rock, varied of volcanic breccia with grain size of sand to boulder. Potential aquifers at these regions are conglomeratic sandstone, breccias, and sandstone. The result of drilling activity shows that its lithology are yield of soil (depth 0-6 m), breccia (36-38 m), middle-rough sandstone (depth 38-40 m), breccia (40-52 m), sandy breccia (depth 52-97 m) and inter spaced tuff with middle-rough sandstone (depth 97-125 m). As a result, therefore, the well has been constructed with straight PVC pipe 6'', on depth of 0-40 m made by grouting cements, screen is assembled on depth of 60-82 m and 90-110 m. Result of pumping test that well's with maximum debit 17,25 L/sec, and optimum debit 13,2 L/sec. Static water level on 11 m depth. Current assembled pump is 5 L/sec on the 86 m depth. Result of groundwater quality test in laboratory shows that the water has good quality with fresh water quality standard, which mean that the water is suitable to be consumed. (author)

  14. Neutron scattering study on cathode LiMn2O4 and solid electrolyte 5(Li2O)(P2O5)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kartini, E.; Putra, Teguh P.; Jahya, A. K.; Insani, A.; Adams, S.


    Neutron scattering is very important technique in order to investigate the energy storage materials such as lithium-ion battery. The unique advantages, neutron can see the light atoms such as Hydrogen, Lithium, and Oxygen, where those elements are negligible by other corresponding X-ray method. On the other hand, the energy storage materials, such as lithium ion battery is very important for the application in the electric vehicles, electronic devices or home appliances. The battery contains electrodes (anode and cathode), and the electrolyte materials. There are many challenging to improve the existing lithium ion battery materials, in order to increase their life time, cyclic ability and also its stability. One of the most scientific challenging is to investigate the crystal structure of both electrode and electrolyte, such as cathodes LiCoO 2 , LiMn 2 O 4 and LiFePO 4 , and solid electrolyte Li 3 PO 4 . Since all those battery materials contain Lithium ions and Oxygen, the used of neutron scattering techniques to study their structure and related properties are very important and indispensable. This article will review some works of investigating electrodes and electrolytes, LiMn 2 O 4 and 5(Li 2 O)(P 2 O 5 ), by using a high resolution powder diffraction (HRPD) at the multipurpose research reactor, RSG-Sywabessy of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Indonesia

  15. Comparison of the prognostic values of preoperative inflammation-based parameters in patients with breast cancer.

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    Hideya Takeuchi

    Full Text Available Peripheral blood-derived inflammation-based markers, including C-reactive protein (CRP, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR, lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR, and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR are indicators of prognosis in various malignant tumors. The present study aimed to identify the inflammation-based parameters that are most suitable for predicting outcomes in patients with breast cancer. Two hundred ninety-six patients who underwent surgery for localized breast cancer were reviewed retrospectively. The association between clinicopathological factors and inflammation-based parameters were investigated. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses were performed to identify independent prognostic indicators associated with disease-free survival (DFS. The NLR level correlated significantly with tumor size (P<0.05. The PLR level correlated with the expression of estrogen receptor and lymph node involvement (P<0.05. Univariate analysis revealed that lower CRP and PLR values as well as tumor size, lymph node involvement, and nuclear grade were significantly associated with superior DFS (CRP: P<0.01; PLR, tumor size, lymph node involvement, and nuclear grade: P<0.05. On multivariate analysis, CRP (hazard ratio [HR]: 2.85, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.03-7.88, P<0.05, PLR (HR: 2.61, 95% CI: 1.07-6.36, P<0.05 and nuclear grade (HR: 3.066, 95% CI: 1.26-7.49, P<0.05 were significant prognostic indicators of DFS in patients with breast cancer. Neither LMR nor NLR significantly predicted DFS. Both preoperative CRP and PLR values were independently associated with poor prognosis in patients with breast carcinoma; these were superior to other inflammation-based scores in terms of prognostic ability.

  16. Introduction and utilization of mixer-settler for uranium purification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    A mixer settler made by Amersham was designed to separate U from the waste arising from 9 9 M o production using enriched U > 93 % 2 35 U as the raw material to be fissioned. The separation is based on liquid-liquid extraction, organic and aqueous phase, with counter current, the solution continuously flows while the two phases are mixed and settled. This equipment consists of two cycles, the first one for separation U from fission products while the second cycle for separating U from Pu. Each cycle consists of 10 extraction stages, 6 scrubbing stages, 12 stripping stages, 1 stages for solvent washing and another 1 stage for solvent conditioning. From the first cycle to the second one is equipped with solvent washing unit so that the solvent can be used continuously. It is also equipped with micro pumps to regulate the suction and emission of the waste and feed thanks of feed and solvent, as well as burette containing the reagent. Ever since the commissioning this mixer settler has been utilized. This equipment can be utilized for U purification from heavy metals using the product of U processing as the feed material by studying the appropriate solution and applicable solvent. The same also will do for U separation from impurities is the waste of fuel production and other wastes solvent. The same also will do for U separation from impurities in the waste of fuel production and other wastes containing U generated from research activities. The centers within BATAN that can utilize this mixer settler are P2BGGN, P2TBDU, P2PLR, P3TkN and P3TM

  17. Detection of progression of glaucomatous visual field damage using the point-wise method with the binomial test. (United States)

    Karakawa, Ayako; Murata, Hiroshi; Hirasawa, Hiroyo; Mayama, Chihiro; Asaoka, Ryo


    To compare the performance of newly proposed point-wise linear regression (PLR) with the binomial test (binomial PLR) against mean deviation (MD) trend analysis and permutation analyses of PLR (PoPLR), in detecting global visual field (VF) progression in glaucoma. 15 VFs (Humphrey Field Analyzer, SITA standard, 24-2) were collected from 96 eyes of 59 open angle glaucoma patients (6.0 ± 1.5 [mean ± standard deviation] years). Using the total deviation of each point on the 2(nd) to 16(th) VFs (VF2-16), linear regression analysis was carried out. The numbers of VF test points with a significant trend at various probability levels (pbinomial test (one-side). A VF series was defined as "significant" if the median p-value from the binomial test was binomial PLR method (0.14 to 0.86) was significantly higher than MD trend analysis (0.04 to 0.89) and PoPLR (0.09 to 0.93). The PIS of the proposed method (0.0 to 0.17) was significantly lower than the MD approach (0.0 to 0.67) and PoPLR (0.07 to 0.33). The PBNS of the three approaches were not significantly different. The binomial BLR method gives more consistent results than MD trend analysis and PoPLR, hence it will be helpful as a tool to 'flag' possible VF deterioration.

  18. Design basis threat analysis and implementation of the physical protection system at Nuclear Facility of BATAN Yogyakarta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    An analysis to determine the design basis threat (DBT) and its follow-up through the implementation of physical protection system at the nuclear facility of BATAN Yogyakarta has been done. Methodology used for the analysis is based on the IAEA guidance for the development and maintenance of a DBT. Based on the analysis results, it can be concluded that the threat motivation is influenced by political situation (related to the government policy), criminal, sabotage and theft. The characteristics of threats are: not so well organized, terror, theft of materials information, involving insider (collusion), and intimidation to workers. Potential threat could from guests/students who take a practical job or laboratory exercise. Therefore, it is necessary to be anticipated the possibility and its impact of turmoil/demonstrators such as destruction of: lighting, road, fence, sabotage on the electric and communication lines, surrounding the Yogyakarta nuclear facility

  19. Platelet to lymphocyte ratio as a novel prognostic tool for gallbladder carcinoma (United States)

    Pang, Qing; Zhang, Ling-Qiang; Wang, Rui-Tao; Bi, Jian-Bin; Zhang, Jing-Yao; Qu, Kai; Liu, Su-Shun; Song, Si-Dong; Xu, Xin-Sen; Wang, Zhi-Xin; Liu, Chang


    AIM: To preliminarily investigate the prognostic significance of the platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) in patients with gallbladder carcinoma (GBC). METHODS: Clinical data of 316 surgical GBC patients were analyzed retrospectively, and preoperative serum platelet and lymphocyte counts were used to calculate the PLR. The optimal cut-off value of the PLR for detecting death was determined by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The primary outcome was overall survival, which was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. The log-rank test was used to compare the differences in survival. Then, we conducted multivariate Cox analysis to assess the independent effect of the PLR on the survival of GBC patients. RESULTS: For the PLR, the area under the ROC curve was 0.620 (95%CI: 0.542-0.698, P = 0.040) in detecting death. The cut-off value for the PLR was determined to be 117.7, with 73.6% sensitivity and 53.2% specificity. The PLR was found to be significantly positively correlated with CA125 serum level, tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) stage, and tumor differentiation. Univariate analysis identified carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA125 and CA199 levels, PLR, TNM stage, and the degree of differentiation as significant prognostic factors for GBC when they were expressed as binary data. Multivariate analysis showed that CA125 > 35 U/mL, CA199 > 39 U/mL, PLR ≥ 117.7, and TNM stage IV were independently associated with poor survival in GBC. When expressed as a continuous variable, the PLR was still an independent predictor for survival, with a hazard ratio of 1.018 (95%CI: 1.001-1.037 per 10-unit increase, P = 0.043). CONCLUSION: The PLR could be used as a simple, inexpensive, and valuable tool for predicting the prognosis of GBC patients. PMID:26074706


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    Suwardi Suwardi


    Full Text Available MODEL SIMULATION OF GEOMETRY AND STRESS-STRAIN VARIATION OF BATAN FUEL PIN PROTOTYPE DURING IRRADIATION TEST IN RSG-GAS REACTOR*. The first short fuel pin containing natural UO2 pellet in Zry4 cladding has been prepared at the CNFT (Center for Nuclear Fuel Technology then a ramp test will be performed. The present work is part of designing first irradiation experiments in the PRTF (Power Ramp Test Facility of RSG-GAS 30 MW reactor. The thermal mechanic of the pin during irradiation has simulated. The geometry variation of pellet and cladding is modeled by taking into account different phenomena such as thermal expansion, densification, swelling by fission product, thermal creep and radiation growth. The cladding variation is modeled by thermal expansion, thermal and irradiation creeps. The material properties are modeled by MATPRO and standard numerical parameter of TRANSURANUS code. Results of irradiation simulation with 9 kW/m LHR indicates that pellet-clad contacts onset from 0.090 mm initial gaps after 806 d, when pellet radius expansion attain 0.015 mm while inner cladding creep-down 0.075 mm. A newer computation data show that the maximum measured LHR of n-UO2 pin in the PRTF 12.4 kW/m. The next simulation will be done with a higher LHR, up to ~ 25 kW/m. MODEL SIMULASI VARIASI GEOMETRI DAN STRESS-STRAIN DARI PROTOTIP BAHAN BAKAR PIN BATAN SELAMA UJI IRADIASI DI REAKTOR RSG-GAS. Pusat Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklir (PTBBN telah menyiapkan tangkai (pin bahan bakar pendek perdana yang berisi pelet UO2 alam dalam kelongsong paduan zircaloy untuk dilakukan uji iradiasi daya naik. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari perancangan percobaan iradiasi pertama di PRTF (Power Ramp Test Fasility yang terpasang di reaktor serbaguna RSG-GAS berdaya 30 MW. Telah dilakukan pemodelan dan simulasi kinerja termal mekanikal pin selama iradiasi. Variasi geometri pelet dan kelongsong selama pengujian dimodelkan dengan memperhatikan fenomena ekspansi termal


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    Supriyanto Rohadi


    Full Text Available Observasi nilai percepatan gravitasi dilakukan di Riau (Lokasi - X. Data pengamatan yang didapat diolah sedemikian rupa sehingga didapatkan nilai anomali gravitasi. Secara umum anomali gravitasi terdiri dari anomali bouger, anomali regional, dan anomali residu. Anomali Bouguer dan anomali Residu di wilayah pengamatan menunjukkan area anomali gravitasi tinggi di bagian selatan, sedangkan anomali gravitasi rendah di bagian utara. Selanjutnya peta anomali tersebut dibuat permodelan dua dimensi berbasis Metode Talwani. Dari hasil pemodelan menggunakan model poligon metode Talwani didindikasikan adanya patahan naik dengan penurunan massa pada bagian tengahnya (graben. Model patahan ini merupakan sistem pembentuk sedimen pada wilayah penelitian.    Observationof the gravity is conducted in Riau (Location - X. Observational data is processed in such a way to obtain the value of the gravity anomaly. In general, the gravity anomaly is composed of bougeranomaly, regional anomaly, and residualanomaly. High Bouguer anomaly and Residual anomaly observed in the region the southarea, while the low gravity anomaly in the north area. Furthermore, the anomaly map generate by using two-dimensional modeling based on Talwani method. From two dimensiononal modeling (2-Dindicate that fault models due to the loss of mass in the middle (graben. This fault model is a system forming sediment in the study area.

  2. Prediction of Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma by Using Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio. (United States)

    Ozgonul, Cem; Sertoglu, Erdim; Mumcuoglu, Tarkan; Ozge, Gokhan; Gokce, Gokcen


    To assess the levels of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX) and to compare the NLR and PLR results of patients with PEX, PEX glaucoma (PXG), and healthy controls. In total, 34 patients with PEX, 29 patients with PXG, and 42 healthy subjects were enrolled in this retrospective study. Complete ophthalmologic examination and complete blood count measurements were performed of all subjects. Complete blood counts were performed within 2 h of blood collection. There was a significant difference in NLR between PEX and control groups (p = 0.012) and PXG and control groups (p = 0.003). Also, a significant difference was found in PLR values between control and PXG groups (p = 0.024). Our study for the first time provides evidence that PLR and NLR may be useful for predicting the prognosis of PEX patients and progression to PXG.

  3. Changes in arterial blood pressure induced by passive leg raising predict hypotension during the induction of sedation in critically ill patients without severe cardiac dysfunction. (United States)

    Yu, Tao; Pan, Chun; Guo, Feng-mei; Yang, Yi; Qiu, Hai-bo


    Hypotension due to the induction of sedation with dexmedetomidine infusion may be harmful in critically ill patients. Changes in pulse pressure induced by the passive leg raising test (PLR-ΔPP) as marker of fluid responsiveness, assessed prior to sedation, may predict hemodynamic changes. The present study was to investigate the power of the PLR test in critically ill patients in predicting hypotension induced by the induction of dexmedetomidine sedation. Fluid responsiveness was estimated by a passive leg raising (PLR) test before dexmedetomidine sedation. Patients were assigned to either the "Nonresponders" or "Responders" group according to their hemodynamic responses to the PLR test ("Nonresponders", PLR-ΔPP pressure, heart rate (HR), and central venous pressure (CVP) were measured at each phase of the study procedure. Hemodynamic fluctuations during the use of dexmedetomidine sedation were recorded and compared between the two groups. Fifty patients had a median (25% - 75% interquartile range) of 71 (61 - 78) years old were studied. At baseline, 39 of the 50 patients were "Nonresponders" and 11 were "Responders". Following dexmedetomidine sedation, patients classified as "Responders" had a significantly greater systolic blood pressure decrease during the induction of dexmedetomidine sedation than the "Nonresponders" ((-26.3 ± 6.8)% vs. -11.8 ± 8.5)%, P blood pressure. Finally, PLR-ΔPP was positively correlated with changes in systolic blood pressure (PLR-ΔSBP) (r(2) = 0.576; P AUC for PLR-ΔPP was 0.84 (95%CI 0.71 - 0.93). PLR-ΔPP predicted hypotension with a sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of 92%. The fluid responsiveness assessment pre-sedation was found to predict blood pressure fluctuation during the induction of dexmedetomidine sedation. The PLR test conducted prior to sedation may be a useful tool to identify patients with a high risk of hemodynamic events and may be used to indicate the need for prophylactic treatment.

  4. Determination dimension and technical specification of the cylindrical pneumatics for the tote movement on multipurpose the gamma irradiator BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muhammad Subhan; Ari Satmoko


    BATAN develops irradiator gamma category IV in cooperation with IZOTOP (Hungary). Transportation technology products that will be developed uses rail system to pool. Products that will be irradiated are put into tote then placed on the transportation rail, when tote has been in irradiated room tote enters into irradiated rack. The movement of the tote during on irradiated rack will be driven by the pneumatic system. Based on data from Isotop there are 14 cylindrical pneumatics that are in the irradiated room. Through the results analysis then used double acting cylinder type from the Festo pneumatics catalog. Through the results calculation that the force used on all types of cylinders for movement tote still much smaller than of force bent permitted. Beside that there are 4 group a pneumatic have common specifications they are group one cylindrical C1, C3, C12 and C14 they are group two cylindrical C2, C4, C11, and C13 they are group three cylindrical C7, C9, C15 and C17 they are group four cylindrical C10 and C17. (author)

  5. The Relationship Between 14C Urea Breath Test Results and Neutrophil/Lymphocyte and Platelet/Lymphocyte Ratios

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    Ertan Şahin


    Full Text Available Aim: Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR are used as inflammatory markers in several diseases. However, there are little data regarding the diagnostic ability of NLR and PLR in Helicobacter pylori. We aimed to assess the association between the 14C urea breath test (14C-UBT results and NLR and PLR in H. pylori diagnosis. Methods: Results of 89 patients were retrospectively analysed in this study. According to the 14C-UBT results, patients were divided into two groups: H. pylori (+ and H. pylori (- (control group. Haematological parameters, including hemoglobine, white blood cell (WBC count, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, NLR, platelet count, and PLR were compared between the two groups. Results: The mean total WBC count, neutrophil count, NLR and PLR in H. pylori (+ patients were significantly higher than in the control group (p<0.001 for all these parameters. In the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, the cut-off value for NLR and PLR for the presence of H. pylori was calculated as ≥2.39 [sensitivity: 67.3%, specificity: 79.4%, area under the curve (AUC: 0.747 (0.637-0.856, p<0.0001] and ≥133.3 [sensitivity: 61.8%, specificity: 55.9%, AUC: 0.572 (0.447-0.697, p<0.05], respectively. Conclusion: The present study shows that NLR and PLR are associated with H. pylori positivity based on 14C-UBT, and they can be used as an additional biomarker for supporting the 14C-UBT results.

  6. Association of High Density Lipoprotein with Platelet to Lymphocyte and Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratios in Coronary Artery Disease Patients

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    Jayesh H. Prajapati


    Full Text Available Background. We aimed to evaluate a relationship between platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR with high density lipoprotein (HDL cholesterol levels in coronary artery disease (CAD patients. Methods. A total of 354 patients with angiographically confirmed coronary blockages were enrolled in the study. Hematological indices and lipid profiling data of all the patients were collected. Results. We have observed significant association between HDL and PLR (P=0.008 and NLR (P=0.009; however no significant relationship was obtained with HDL and isolated platelet (P=0.488, neutrophil (P=0.407, and lymphocyte (P=0.952 counts in CAD patients. The association was subjected to gender specific variation as in males PLR (P=0.024 and NLR (P=0.03 were highly elevated in low HDL patients, whereas in females the elevation could not reach the statistically significant level. The PLR (217.47 versus 190.3; P=0.01 and NLR (6.33 versus 5.10; P=0.01 were significantly higher among the patients with acute coronary syndrome. In young patients the PLR (P=0.007 and NLR (P=0.001 were inversely associated with HDL, whereas in older population only NLR (P=0.05 had showed a significant association. Conclusion. We conclude that PLR and NLR are significantly elevated in CAD patients having low HDL levels.

  7. Optimasi Penempatan Lokasi Potensial Menara Baru Bersama Pada Sistem Telekomunikasi Seluler Dengan Menggunakan Fuzzy Clustering Di Daerah Sidoarjo

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    Muthmainnah Muthmainnah


    Full Text Available Mengikuti perkembangan jumlah pelanggan seluler yang semakin pesat, para operator terus berusaha membangun infrastruktur agar layanan dan kualitasnya semakin meningkat. Salah satu infrastruktur penyelenggaraan yang terus menerus dibangun adalah Base Transceiver Station. Namun, pembangunan BTS tersebut harus mempertimbangkan estetika dan kesesuaian dengan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan metode Fuzzy Clustering dan Harmony Search untuk mengoptimalkan penempatan lokasi potensial menara baru sehingga diperoleh solusi yang optimal. Selain RTRW, titik potensial juga dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan titik pusat cluster melalui metode Fuzzy C-Means. Setelah itu titik menara baru dapat dioptimasi dengan menggunakan metode Harmony Search dengan meminimalkan fungsi path loss. Hasil optimasi menunjukan bahwa untuk layanan 2G membutuhkan penambahan BTS sebanyak 343 BTS yang mampu melayani kebutuhan trafik sebesar 42230 Erlang, sedangkan untuk layanan 3G membutuhkan penambahan BTS sebanyak 278 BTS yang mampu melayani Offered Bit Quantity (OBQ sebesar 1160857  Kbps dengan total luas coverage BTS nya sebesar 60.798 km2. namun dari segi jumlah menaranya tidak terjadi penambahan pada kedua jenis layanan ini. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar dapat mengefisienkan penggunaan menara eksisting. Dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering diperoleh 3 (tiga jumlah cluster yang optimal di setiap kecamatan.

  8. Uji Adaptasi Galur Mutan Harapan Padi Gogo pada Lokasi Lahan Kering Dataran Tinggi Iklim Basah

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    Full Text Available Adaptation Test of Promising Upland Rice Mutant Line On Dry Highland With Wet Climate. Upland rice productivity is still low, productivity can be improved by using high yielding varieties through the breeding programs, by the Agency for agricultural research (BATAN. Test adaptation is necessary to determine the superiority of promising lines. The objective of this research was to determine adaptability, performance of growth, and productivity of mutant lines of upland rice. Research used randomized complete block design (RAK single factor with 10 lines of treatment the results of gene mutation and 2 check varieties with three replications. Those treatments were PMG 01/Psj, PMG 02/Psj, PMG 03/Psj, PMG 04/Psj, PMG 05/Psj, PMG 06/Psj, PMG 07/Psj, PMG 08/Psj, PMG 09/Psj, PMG 10/Psj, Limboto and Local. The research was conducted on August 2014 until February 2015 in Tiga Village, District Susut, Bangli regency at high dry land wet climate. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (Annova and LSD test at 5% level. The results showed that tested of promising mutant lines show significant differences were observed in all parameters. Treatment of lines PMG 05/Psj, PMG 06/Psj, and PMG 08/Psj gave a yield of 2.22; 2.66; and 3.18 tons GKG/ha or higher than Limboto and Local check varieties as big as 2.04 and 0.90 tones GKG/ha. The three lines showed the parameters of flowering dates, number of filled grain, empty grain, and weight of 1000 grain, harvest time, KAR leaf, and chlorophyll better than check varieties. Lines of PMG 08/Psj gave the results 36.49% higher than Limboto and 71.78% higher than local varieties.

  9. Combination of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio and platelet lymphocyte ratio is a useful predictor of postoperative survival in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Feng JF


    Full Text Available Ji-Feng Feng,1 Ying Huang,2 Jin-Shi Liu1 1Department of Thoracic Surgery, 2Department of Operating Theatre, Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, Hangzhou, People's Republic of China Background: Recent studies have shown that the presence of systemic inflammation correlates with poor survival in various types of cancers. This study investigated the usefulness of a novel inflammation-based prognostic system, using the combination of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR, collectively named the CNP, for predicting survival in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC. Materials and methods: The CNP was calculated on the basis of data obtained on the day of admission: patients with both elevated NLR (>3.45 and PLR (>166.5 were allocated a score of 2, and patients showing one or neither were allocated a score of 1 or 0, respectively. Results: The CNP was associated with tumor length (P<0.001, differentiation (P=0.021, depth of invasion (P<0.001, and nodal metastasis (P<0.001. No significant differences were found between the CNP and morbidity. However, significant differences were found between the CNP and mortality (P<0.001. The overall survival in the CNP 0, CNP 1, and CNP 2 groups were 63.4%, 50.0%, and 20.2%, respectively (CNP 0 versus CNP 1, P=0.014; CNP 1 versus CNP 2, P<0.001. Multivariate analyses showed that CNP was a significant predictor of overall survival. CNP 1–2 had a hazard ratio (HR of 1.964 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.371–2.814, P<0.001 for overall survival. CNP (HR =1.964, P<0.001 is superior to NLR (HR =1.310, P=0.053 or PLR (HR =1.751, P<0.001 as a predictive factor. Conclusion: The CNP is considered a useful predictor of postoperative survival in patients with ESCC. The CNP is superior to NLR or PLR as a predictive factor in patients with ESCC. Keywords: esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC, neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR, platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR, overall survival

  10. The Quality Standard 50-SG-Q8 Application On Research And Development Activities In P2TRR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nababan, N.; Rofei, A.


    Utilization of nuclear reactor installation should reference safety, Environment, and instalation requrement, and shoul incorporate user requirement. The requirement are adequately addressed in the IAEA standar No. 50-sg-Q8 for R and D work in nuclear instalation. A study to this standar has been carried out and it is found that there are three important factor of QA methodologi necessary to be aplied for R and D activities. They are management responsibilities, performance of the R and D works, and carrying out assesment over the R and D project. The R and D activities performing in Centre for Recearch Reaktor Technology Development (P2TRR) shoul meet the requirement in the R and D program assigned by Batan management, Such as Strastegy and Policy (jakarta), Strategic Plan (Restra), and Five-Year Plan. A study to this program also has been carried out and it is found that QA methodologies are necessary to be aplied, Especially during the data gathering activities, and its contribution to the safety function or as input to actual nuclear reactor installation or systems

  11. Reactor recirculation pump test loop

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taka, Shusei; Kato, Hiroyuki


    A test loop for a reactor primary loop recirculation pumps (PLR pumps) has been constructed at Ebara's Haneda Plant in preparation for production of PLR pumps under license from Byron Jackson Pump Division of Borg-Warner Corporation. This loop can simulate operating conditions for test PLR pumps with 130 per cent of the capacity of pumps for a 1100 MWe BWR plant. A main loop, primary cooling system, water demineralizer, secondary cooling system, instrumentation and control equipment and an electric power supply system make up the test loop. This article describes the test loop itself and test results of two PLR pumps for Fukushima No. 2 N.P.S. Unit 1 and one main circulation pump for HAZ Demonstration Test Facility. (author)

  12. Prognostic evaluation of platelet to lymphocyte ratio in patients with colorectal cancer. (United States)

    Lu, Chong; Gao, Peng; Yang, Yuchong; Chen, Xiaowan; Wang, Longyi; Yu, Dehao; Song, Yongxi; Xu, Qingzhou; Wang, Zhenning


    Growing evidence indicates that inflammation plays an important role in cancer progression and prognosis; however, the prognostic role of platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) in colorectal cancer (CRC) is unknown. A cohort of 1845 CRC patients from the Department of Surgical Oncology at The First Hospital of China Medical University (CMU-SO) was retrospectively analyzed. Harrell's concordance index (c-index) was used to determine the optimal cut-off value of PLR and evaluate its predictive ability. Our results from CMU-SO indicated that the overall survival (OS) rate was significantly lower in the high-PLR group compared with the low-PLR group ( P = 0.001). A similar result was observed for the cancer-specific survival (CSS) rate between these two groups ( P = 0.001). The multivariate analysis indicated that high PLR was an independent prognostic indicator of poor OS (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.356, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.117-1.647, P = 0.002) and CSS (HR = 1.364, 95% CI = 1.111-1.675, P = 0.003). In addition, the c-indexes of TNM staging combined with PLR were greater than those of TNM staging alone (OS: 0.768 vs. 0.732; CSS: 0.785 vs. 0.746). In conclusion, elevated PLR is a negative prognostic indicator of CRC and may serve as an additional index of the current TNM staging system for predicting CRC.

  13. Neutron scattering study on cathode LiMn{sub 2}O{sub 4} and solid electrolyte 5(Li{sub 2}O)(P{sub 2}O{sub 5})

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kartini, E., E-mail:; Putra, Teguh P., E-mail:; Jahya, A. K., E-mail:; Insani, A., E-mail: [Technology Center for Nuclear Industry Materials, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Serpong 15314 (Indonesia); Adams, S. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore-117576 (Singapore)


    Neutron scattering is very important technique in order to investigate the energy storage materials such as lithium-ion battery. The unique advantages, neutron can see the light atoms such as Hydrogen, Lithium, and Oxygen, where those elements are negligible by other corresponding X-ray method. On the other hand, the energy storage materials, such as lithium ion battery is very important for the application in the electric vehicles, electronic devices or home appliances. The battery contains electrodes (anode and cathode), and the electrolyte materials. There are many challenging to improve the existing lithium ion battery materials, in order to increase their life time, cyclic ability and also its stability. One of the most scientific challenging is to investigate the crystal structure of both electrode and electrolyte, such as cathodes LiCoO{sub 2}, LiMn{sub 2}O{sub 4} and LiFePO{sub 4}, and solid electrolyte Li{sub 3}PO{sub 4}. Since all those battery materials contain Lithium ions and Oxygen, the used of neutron scattering techniques to study their structure and related properties are very important and indispensable. This article will review some works of investigating electrodes and electrolytes, LiMn{sub 2}O{sub 4} and 5(Li{sub 2}O)(P{sub 2}O{sub 5}), by using a high resolution powder diffraction (HRPD) at the multipurpose research reactor, RSG-Sywabessy of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Indonesia.

  14. Evaluation of platelet lymphocyte ratio and 90-day mortality in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (United States)

    Kumar, Praneel; Law, Stephanie; Sriram, Krishna B


    Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) have high mortality and health care costs. The platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) is a marker of inflammation and has been reported to be elevated in patients with AECOPD compared to stable state. In this study, we sought to evaluate the association of the PLR in patients with AECOPD with 90-day mortality. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of patients admitted to our institution with a primary diagnosis of AECOPD between January 2014 and July 2014. Blood test results on admission were recorded. The primary outcomes were 90-day mortality. One hundred and eighty-one AECOPD patients were considered for the study. Death had occurred in 16 (9%) patients within 90 days of hospital discharge. Univariable analysis identified age, haemoglobin, neutrophil count, and urea level, neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and PLR as being associated with increased 90-day mortality. Multivariable logistic regression analysis variables demonstrated that only PLR (P=0.03) was significantly associated with death at 90 days. Receiver operator characteristic analysis identified PLR ≥235 had a sensitivity of 63% and specificity of 74% in predicting 90-day mortality. PLR was ≥235 was also associated with worse survival (days) [mean ± standard deviation (SD): PLR ≥235 vs. PLR <235: 512±358 vs. 626±346, P=0.004]. A PLR ≥235 was significantly associated with 90-day mortality, which may provide prognostic guidance to clinicians.

  15. Techno-economic simulation data based deterministic and stochastic for product engineering research and development BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrus Zacharias; Abdul Jami


    Researches conducted by Batan's researchers have resulted in a number competences that can be used to produce goods and services, which will be applied to industrial sector. However, there are difficulties how to convey and utilize the R and D products into industrial sector. Evaluation results show that each research result should be completed with techno-economy analysis to obtain the feasibility of a product for industry. Further analysis on multy-product concept, in which one business can produce many main products, will be done. For this purpose, a software package simulating techno-economy I economic feasibility which uses deterministic and stochastic data (Monte Carlo method) was been carried out for multi-product including side product. The programming language used in Visual Basic Studio Net 2003 and SQL as data base processing software. This software applied sensitivity test to identify which investment criteria is sensitive for the prospective businesses. Performance test (trial test) has been conducted and the results are in line with the design requirement, such as investment feasibility and sensitivity displayed deterministically and stochastically. These result can be interpreted very well to support business decision. Validation has been performed using Microsoft Excel (for single product). The result of the trial test and validation show that this package is suitable for demands and is ready for use. (author)

  16. Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index Predicts the Clinical Outcome in Patients With mCRPC Treated With Abiraterone

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    Cristian Lolli


    Full Text Available Background: A systemic immune-inflammation index (SII based on neutrophil (N, lymphocyte (L, and platelet (P counts has shown a prognostic impact in several solid tumors. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prognostic role of SII in mCRPC patients treated with abiraterone post docetaxel.Patients and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed consecutive mCRPC patients treated with abiraterone after docetaxel in our Institutions. X-tile 3.6.1 software, cut-off values of SII, NLR defined as N/L and PLR as P/L. Overall survival (OS and their 95% Confidence Intervals (95% CI was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method and compared with the log-rank test. The impact of SII, PLR and NLR on OS was evaluated by Cox regression analyses and on PSA response rates were evaluated by binary logistic regression.Results: A total of 230 mCRPC patients treated abiraterone were included. SII ≥535, NLR ≥3 and PLR ≥210 were considered as elevated levels (high risk groups. The median OS was 17.3 months, 21.8 months in SII <535 group and 14.7 months in SII ≥535 (p < 0.0001. At univariate analysis ECOG performance status, previous enzalutamide, visceral metastases, SII, NLR and PLR predicted OS. In multivariate analysis, ECOG performance status, previous enzalutamide, visceral metastases, SII and NLR remained significant predictors of OS (HR = 5.08, p < 0.0001; HR = 2.12, p = 0.009, HR = 1.77, 95% p = 0.012; HR = 1.80, p = 0.002; and HR = 1.90, p = 0.001, respectively, whereas, PLR showed a borderline ability only (HR = 1.41, p = 0.068.Conclusion: SII and NLR might represent an early and easy prognostic marker in mCRPC patients treated with abiraterone. Further studies are needed to better define their impact and role in these patients.


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    Tukiran Surbakti


    Full Text Available The neutronic parameters are required in the safety analysis of the RSG-GAS research reactor. The RSG-GAS research reactor, MTR (Material Testing Reactor type is used for research and also in radioisotope production. RSG-GAS has been operating for 30 years without experiencing significant obstacles. It is managed under strict requirements, especially fuel management and fuel burn-up calculations. The reactor is operated under the supervision of the Regulatory Body (BAPETEN and the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency. In this paper, the experience of managing RSG-GAS core fuels will be discussed, there are hundred possibilities of fuel placements on the reactor core and the strategy used to operate the reactor will be crucial. However, based on strict calculation and supervision, there is no incorrect placement of the fuels in the core. The calculations were performed on working core by using the WIMSD-5B computer code with ENDFVII.0 data file to generate the macroscopic cross-section of fuel and BATAN-FUEL code were used to obtain the neutronic parameter value such as fuel burn-up fractions. The calculation of the neutronic core parameters of the RSG-GAS research reactor was carried out for U3Si2-Al fuel, 250 grams of mass, with an equilibrium core strategy. The calculations show that on the last three operating cores (T90, T91, T92, all fuels meet the safety criteria and the fuel burn-up does not exceed the maximum discharge burn-up of 59%. Maximum fuel burn-up always exists in the fuel which is close to the position of control rod.

  18. Bauran Pemasaran (4P+Physical Evidence Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Menggunakan Jasa Laboratorium Klinik Prodia Surakarta

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    Sarsi Hartiningsih


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This research is a descriptive study, provides an overview of the influence of the dimensions of the marketing mix consisting of product, price, promotion, distribution channels/locations and the physical evidence against the customers decisions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of each variable product, price, promotion, distribution channels/locations and the physical evidence against the customers decision in using the services of Prodia Clinical Laboratory in Surakarta. The samples used were 75 consumers. Instument test result data indicates that every marketing mix variables (5P has the highest r count>r table and Cronbach's alpha values>0.60 so that the data is valid and reliable and can be used for further research. Hypothesis test results show that each variable product, price, promotion, distribution channels/locations and physical evidence has the value t count>t table with a significance value of r tabel dan nilai cronbach’s alpha > 0.60 sehingga data bersifat valid dan reliabel dan dapat digunakan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing variabel produk, harga, promosi, saluran distribusi/lokasi dan bukti fisik mempunyai nilai t hitung > t tabel dengan nilai signifikasi < 0.05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk, harga, promosi, saluran distribusi/lokasi dan bukti fisik berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam menggunakan jasa Laboratorium Klinik Prodia Kata kunci  : produk, harga, promosi, saluran distribusi/lokasi dan bukti fisik keputusan konsumen.

  19. Los batanes hidráulicos de la cuenca del Guadalquivir a fines de la Edad Media. Explotación y equipamiento técnico

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    Cordóba de la Llave, Ricardo


    Full Text Available This paper aims to be a technological analysis of the waterpowered fulling mills working in the Guadalquivir basin in the Late Middle Ages. After briefl y reviewing the process of fulling woollen cloth, this paper focuses on the discussion about the origin and spread of fulling mills in Europe and the Iberian Peninsula. It then describes the features of their architecture and it looks at the places where they were located on the most important rivers of the basin. The main chapter is devoted to studying how they worked, analyzing the systems used for making better use of water-power (dams, channels, vertical water wheels and camshafts and the various components or pieces of machinery (castle, beams, triphammers, stack. The study ends with a brief refl ection on the technology used in the mills.

    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el análisis tecnológico de los batanes hidráulicos que funcionaron en la cuenca del Guadalquivir a fi nes de la Edad Media. Tras repasar brevemente el proceso de abatanado de los paños de lana, el artículo se centra en la discusión acerca del origen y difusión del batán hidráulico en Europa y en la Península Ibérica. A continuación se describen los rasgos de su arquitectura y se exponen los lugares donde se ubicaron en los ríos más importantes de la cuenca. El capítulo principal es el dedicado a estudiar su funcionamiento, analizando los sistemas empleados para el aprovechamiento de la energía hidráulica (presas, canales, ruedas hidráulicas y árbol de levas y los diversos componentes o piezas de la maquinaria (castillo, astiles, mazos, pila. Una breve refl exión sobre la pervivencia a lo largo de los siglos de la tecnología utilizada en los batanes cierra el trabajo.

  20. Pengaruh Lebar Fasad, Warna Interior, dan Lokasi Meja Kasir terhadap Persepsi Aman dan Sikap Konsumen pada Convenience Store

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    Imtihan Hanum


    Full Text Available Pesatnya perkembangan convenience store berkontribusi terhadap tingginya angka kejahatan pada toko. Pedoman convenience store dan teori-teori yang terkait menunjukkan bahwa visibilitas dari convenience store penting untuk menekan maksud kriminal. Namun, faktor yang dikembangkan untuk mendorong persepsi keamanan dan perilaku konsumen tidak jelas dijelaskan. Penelitian ini menguji variabel yang dapat menekan maksud kriminal melalui peningkatan persepsi aman konsumen dan perilaku dalam toko. Percobaan ini menggunakan 43 responden untuk mengevaluasi stimulus gambar simulasi interior dari convenience store. Data dari respon dianalisis dengan ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lokasi kasir jauh dari pintu keluar dengan kombinasi warna dingin dianggap aman oleh responden, sedangkan lokasi counter jauh dari pintu keluar memberikan efek positif pada perilaku konsumen. Sedangkan variabel muka bangunan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan dalam membangun persepsi konsumen dan perilaku. Hasil eksperimen diharapkan menjadi kenyamanan pedoman desain dari convenience store dan mengembangkan pengetahuan desain. Di masa depan, kita dapat mempelajari jenis lain dari toko atau fungsi lain dengan masalah yang sama.Kata Kunci: convenience store; pencegahan kejahatan; perilaku konsumen; persepsi aman.Influence of Façade Width, Interior Color and Cashier Desk Location on Security Perception and Client Behavior in Convenience StoresThe rapid development of the convenience store contributes to the rising occurence of retail crime. Convenience store guidelines and related theories show that visibility in convenience store interiors is important to suppress criminal intents. However, the factors developed to improve security perception and client behavior are not clearly described. In this study variables were examined that may suppress criminal intent through the improvement of security perception and consumer behavior in convenience stores. In the

  1. Genetic affinities between the Yami tribe people of Orchid Island and the Philippine Islanders of the Batanes archipelago (United States)


    Background Yami and Ivatan islanders are Austronesian speakers from Orchid Island and the Batanes archipelago that are located between Taiwan and the Philippines. The paternal genealogies of the Yami tribe from 1962 monograph of Wei and Liu were compared with our dataset of non-recombining Y (NRY) chromosomes from the corresponding families. Then mitochondrial DNA polymorphism was also analyzed to determine the matrilineal relationships between Yami, Ivatan, and other East Asian populations. Results The family relationships inferred from the NRY Phylogeny suggested a low number of paternal founders and agreed with the genealogy of Wei and Liu (P Philippine people was closer than that between Yami and Ivatan, suggesting that the Orchid islanders were colonized separately by their nearest neighbors and bred in isolation. However a northward gene flow to Orchid Island from the Philippines was suspected as Yami and Ivatan peoples both speak Western Malayo-Polynesian languages which are not spoken in Taiwan. Actually, only very little gene flow was observed between Yami and Ivatan or between Yami and the Philippines as indicated by the sharing of mtDNA haplogroup B4a1a4 and one O1a1* Y-STR lineage. Conclusions The NRY and mtDNA genetic information among Yami tribe peoples fitted well the patrilocal society model proposed by Wei and Liu. In this proposal, there were likely few genetic exchanges among Yami and the Philippine people. Trading activities may have contributed to the diffusion of Malayo-Polynesian languages among them. Finally, artifacts dating 4,000 YBP, found on Orchid Island and indicating association with the Out of Taiwan hypothesis might be related to a pioneering stage of settlement, as most dating estimates inferred from DNA variation in our data set ranged between 100-3,000 YBP. PMID:21281460

  2. A Novel Inflammation-Based Stage (I Stage Predicts Overall Survival of Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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    Jian-Pei Li


    Full Text Available Recent studies have indicated that inflammation-based prognostic scores, such as the Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS, modified GPS (mGPS and C-reactive protein/Albumin (CRP/Alb ratio, platelet–lymphocyte ratio (PLR, and neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR, have been reported to have prognostic value in patients with many types of cancer, including nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC. In this study, we proposed a novel inflammation-based stage, named I stage, for patients with NPC. A retrospective study of 409 newly-diagnosed cases of NPC was conducted. The prognostic factors (GPS, mGPS, CRP/Alb ratios, PLR, and NLR were evaluated using univariate and multivariate analyses. Then, according to the results of the multivariate analyses, we proposed a I stage combination of independent risk factors (CRP/Alb ratio and PLR. The I stage was calculated as follows: patients with high levels of CRP/Alb ratio (>0.03 and PLR (>146.2 were defined as I2; patients with one or no abnormal values were defined as I1 or I0, respectively. The relationships between the I stage and clinicopathological variables and overall survival (OS were evaluated. In addition, the discriminatory ability of the I stage with other inflammation-based prognostic scores was assessed using the AUCs (areas under the curves analyzed by receiver operating characteristics (ROC curves. The p value of <0.05 was considered to be significant. A total of 409 patients with NPC were enrolled in this study. Multivariate analyses revealed that only the CRP/Alb ratio (Hazard ratio (HR = 2.093; 95% Confidence interval (CI: 1.222–3.587; p = 0.007 and PLR (HR: 2.003; 95% CI: 1.177–3.410; p = 0.010 were independent prognostic factors in patients with NPC. The five-year overall survival rates for patients with I0, I1, and I2 were 92.1% ± 2.9%, 83.3% ± 2.6%, and 63.1% ± 4.6%, respectively (p < 0.001. The I stage had a higher area under the curve value (0.670 compared with other systemic inflammation


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    I Nyoman Radiarta


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi kelayakan perairan untuk budi daya rumput laut dengan menggunakan metode long line berdasarkan parameter lingkungan di perairan Kecamatan Moro Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Sebanyak 87 stasiun telah dikumpulkan selama survai lapangan pada bulan Agustus dan Oktober 2004. Data parameter lingkungan dan data penginderaan jauh selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan sistem informasi geografis dan multi kriteria analisis. Dari total potensial lokasi penelitian seluas 417 km2 (jarak 1 km dari garis pantai, kategori sangat layak di temukan di perairan sekitar Pulau Sugie dan Pulau Combol seluas 110 km2. Hasil verifikasi dari klasifikasi tingkat kelayakan menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 44% dari budi daya yang ada menempati kategori sangat layak. Terdapat sekitar 6% yang menempati perairan dengan kategori tidak layak. This study was conducted to identify suitability site for seaweed culture using long line method based on environmental parameters in adjacent water of Moro Sub District, Riau Island Province. Field observation was primary data sources used in this study that was conducted on August and October 2000. Total of 87 sampling stations were collected during the field survey. Environmental data together with remote sensing data were analyzed using geographic information system and multi criteria analysis. The final result showed that from the total potential site of about 417 km2 (1 km buffer from coastline, area around Sugie Island and Combol Island (about 110 km2 were classified as highly suitable. The result has been verified with the existing seaweed aquaculture. About 44% of existing seaweed culture matched with highly suitable site and about 6% was located in unsuitable site.

  4. Clinical implications of six inflammatory biomarkers as prognostic indicators in Ewing sarcoma

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    Li YJ


    Full Text Available Yong-Jiang Li, Xi Yang, Wen-Biao Zhang, Cheng Yi, Feng Wang, Ping Li Department of Oncology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, People’s Republic of China Abstract: Cancer-related systemic inflammation responses have been correlated with cancer development and progression. The prognostic significance of several inflammatory indicators, including neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR, platelet–lymphocyte ratio (PLR, Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS, C-reactive protein to albumin ratio (CRP/Alb ratio, lymphocyte–monocyte ratio (LMR, and neutrophil–platelet score (NPS, were found to be correlated with prognosis in several cancers. However, the prognostic role of these inflammatory biomarkers in Ewing sarcoma has not been evaluated. This study enrolled 122 Ewing patients. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC analysis was generated to determine optimal cutoff values; areas under the curves (AUCs were assessed to show the discriminatory ability of the biomarkers; Kaplan–Meier analysis was conducted to plot the survival curves; and Cox multivariate survival analysis was performed to identify independent prognostic factors. The optimal cutoff values of CRP/Alb ratio, NLR, PLR, and LMR were 0.225, 2.38, 131, and 4.41, respectively. CRP/Alb ratio had a significantly larger AUC than NLR, PLR, LMR, and NPS. Higher levels of CRP/Alb ratio (hazard ratio [HR] 2.41, P=0.005, GPS (HR 2.27, P=0.006, NLR (HR 2.07, P=0.013, and PLR (HR 1.85, P=0.032 were significantly correlated with poor prognosis. As the biomarkers had internal correlations, only the CRP/Alb ratio was involved in the multivariate Cox analysis and remained an independent prognostic indicator. The study demonstrated that CRP/Alb ratio, GPS, and NLR were effective prognostic indicators for patients with Ewing sarcoma, and the CRP/Alb ratio was the most robust prognostic indicator with a discriminatory ability superior to that of the other indicators; however, PLR, LMR, and

  5. Modification Of Origen2's Libraries For RSG-Gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Purwadi, Mohammad Dhandhang


    The Origen2 code is a versatile computer code for analixing nuclide characteristics in the nuclear materials.the code is used broadly, and the libraries have been adjusted in the conventional reactor types.Today, the code has become the main tool which support nuclear material safeguard programs in PPTRR-BATAN but its library is not adjusted to the conventional reactor types. Today, the code has become the main tool which supports nuclear material safeguard Programs in PPTR-BATAN but its library is not adjusted for RSG-Gas yet. In this work effort to adjust the libraries to RSG-Gas condition was carried out. The nuclides in the libraries are grouped as actinide, fission products, activation product and structure material. Totally, there are 1700 nuclides of ORIGEN2 libraries that must be adjusted.. In this work so far only 80 nuclides have been adjusted

  6. The Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio May Predict Benefit from Chemotherapy in Lung Cancer

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    Dan Liu


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the impact of the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR on overall survival (OS and to explore the value of changes in the NLR and PLR with treatment as a response indicator. Methods: A total of 934 patients were eligible for retrospective analysis between 2008 and 2014. The pretreatment and post-treatment PLR and NLR in all patients were calculated based on complete blood counts. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses were performed to determine the associations of the PLR and NLR with OS. Results: The pretreatment NLR and PLR were correlated with different disease status and response to chemotherapy. Patients with lower NLR and PLR had a significantly better complete response (CR rate to chemotherapy versus those with a higher NLR and PLR (p< 0.001. The NLR and PLR were sustained in patients who obtained a CR compared with moderate or poor response patients. The lower NLR of pretreatment was independently associated with a favourable prognosis in whole patients with lung cancer (HR: 0.69, 95% CI, 0.55-0.85, p< 0.001. In the patients under control after chemotherapy, the NLR of post-chemotherapy had a greater impact on survival, and the low NLR level maintained during chemotherapy was identified a predictor for favourable survival. PLR was not an independent prognostic indicator in the whole cohort or any subgroups. Conclusion: Our results suggested that NLR was well-connected with outcomes and response to chemotherapy in patients with lung cancer. As a response indicator, NLR may predict benefit from chemotherapy and improve patient selection.

  7. Reactions of R(2)P-P(SiMe(3))Li with [(R'(3)P)(2)PtCl(2)]. A general and efficient entry to phosphanylphosphinidene complexes of platinum. Syntheses and structures of [(eta(2)-P=(i)Pr(2))Pt(p-Tol(3)P)(2)], [(eta(2)-P=(t)Bu(2))Pt(p-Tol(3)P)(2)], [{eta(2)-P=(N(i)Pr(2))(2)}Pt(p-Tol(3)P)(2)] and [{(Et(2)PhP)(2)Pt}(2)P(2)]. (United States)

    Domańska-Babul, Wioleta; Chojnacki, Jaroslaw; Matern, Eberhard; Pikies, Jerzy


    The reactions of lithium derivatives of diphosphanes R(2)P-P(SiMe(3))Li (R = (t)Bu, (i)Pr, Et(2)N and (i)Pr(2)N) with [(R'(3)P)(2)PtCl(2)] (R'(3)P = Et(3)P, Et(2)PhP, EtPh(2)P and p-Tol(3)P) proceed in a facile manner to afford side-on bonded phosphanylphosphinidene complexes of platinum [(eta(2)-P=R(2))Pt(PR'(3))(2)]. The related reactions of Ph(2)P-P(SiMe(3))Li with [(R'(3)P)(2)PtCl(2)] did not yield [(eta(2)-P=PPh(2))Pt(PR'(3))(2)] and resulted mainly in the formation of [{(R'(3)P)(2)Pt}(2)P(2)], Ph(2)P-PLi-PPh(2), (Me(3)Si)(2)PLi and (Me(3)Si)(3)P. Crystallographic data are reported for the compounds [(eta(2)-P=R(2))Pt(p-Tol(3)P)(2)] (R = (t)Bu, (i)Pr, ((i)Pr(2)N)(2)P) and for [{(Et(2)PhP)(2)Pt}(2)P(2)].

  8. New Predictive Parameters of Bell"s Palsy: Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio

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    Doğan Atan


    Full Text Available Background: Bell’s palsy is the most frequent cause of unilateral facial paralysis. Inflammation is thought to play an important role in the pathogenesis of Bell’s palsy. Aims: Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR are simple and inexpensive tests which are indicative of inflammation and can be calculated by all physicians. The aim of this study was to reveal correlations of Bell’s palsy and degree of paralysis with NLR and PLR. Study Design: Case-control study. Methods: The retrospective study was performed January 2010 and December 2013. Ninety-nine patients diagnosed as Bell’s palsy were included in the Bell’s palsy group and ninety-nine healthy individuals with the same demographic characteristics as the Bell’s palsy group were included in the control group. As a result of analyses, NLR and PLR were calculated. Results: The mean NLR was 4.37 in the Bell’s palsy group and 1.89 in the control group with a statistically significant difference (p<0.001. The mean PLR was 137.5 in the Bell’s palsy group and 113.75 in the control group with a statistically significant difference (p=0.008. No statistically significant relation was detected between the degree of facial paralysis and NLR and PLR. Conclusion: The NLR and the PLR were significantly higher in patients with Bell’s palsy. This is the first study to reveal a relation between Bell’s palsy and PLR. NLR and PLR can be used as auxiliary parameters in the diagnosis of Bell’s palsy.

  9. The prognostic value of systemic and local inflammation in patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Wang J


    Full Text Available Jie Wang,1,* Shengzi Wang,1 Xinmao Song,1,* Wenjiao Zeng,2 Shuyi Wang,3 Fu Chen,1 Hao Ding1 1Department of Radiation Oncology, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hospital, Fudan University, 2Department of Pathology, Shanghai Medical School, Fudan University, 3Department of Pathology, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Background: Cancer-related systemic inflammation has been demonstrated to be associated with poor outcome in multiple types of cancers. Meanwhile, the local inflammation, which is characterized by dense intratumoral immune infiltrate, is a favorable predictor of survival outcome. Purpose: To evaluate the role of systemic and local inflammation in predicting outcome in patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Patients and methods: In this retrospective study, 120 patients who had undergone postoperative radiotherapy were enrolled. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR, as calculated from pretreatment whole blood counts, were used to indicate systemic inflammation. The optimal cutoff values of NLR and PLR were determined using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs density, as assessed by pathologist review of hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides, was used to represent local inflammation. Overall survival (OS and recurrence-free survival (RFS were assessed using the Kaplan–Meier method and multivariate Cox regression analysis. Results: The best cutoff was 2.79 for NLR and 112 for PLR. Kaplan–Meier analysis revealed that high NLR, high PLR, and low TILs density were significantly correlated with inferior OS and RFS, respectively (all P<0.05. The Cox proportional multivariate hazard model showed that a high pretreatment PLR and a low TILs density were both independently correlated with poor OS and RFS, respectively (all P<0.05. Conclusion


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    Aminudin Rais


    Full Text Available Museum  Gunungapi  Merapi (MGM merupakan  wahana  wisata  yang dirancang sebagai  wahana  edukasi  konservasi  yang  berkelanjutan  serta  pengembangan  ilmu kebencanaan  gunung  api,  gempa  bumi,  dan  bencana  alam  lainnya. Terbatasnya media informasi yang terdapat di Museum Gunungapi Merapi menyebabkan pengunjung mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami informasi dan ditambah lagi perlu adanya tour guide untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih tentunya dengan berbagai keterbatasan, sehingga perlu dikembangkan aplikasi yang dapat membantu pengunjung untuk memudahkan akses informasi di lingkungan Museum Gunungapi Merapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan model proses pengembangan sistem Waterfall diawali dengan tahap analisis definisi persyaratan yaitu analisis kebutuhan. Dilanjutkan dengan tahap perancangan sistem dan perangkat lunak yaitu perancangan proses dan perancangan interface. Kemudian Implementasi sistem menggunakan ADT dan CodeIgniter. Pengujian yang dilakukan pada aplikasi menggunakan metode black box test, dan pengujian kecepatan pemindaian QR Code. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi MGM Apps (frontend yang digunakan pengunjung untuk mengakses informasi dengan melakukan pemindaian QR Code dan Web Administrator MGM (backend digunakan oleh pengelola museum untuk mengelola informasi. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan menunjukan bahwa aplikasi layak dan dapat digunakan.Kata Kunci: Museum Gunungapi Merapi,QR Code, Sistem Layanan Berbasis Lokasi.

  11. The Prognostic Role of the Platelet-Lymphocytes Ratio in Gastric Cancer: A Meta-Analysis.

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    Zhengshui Xu

    Full Text Available Systemic inflammatory parameters, such as the elevator PLR (platelet-lymphocyte ratio, the NLR (neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and the platelet count (PLT, have been found to be associated with the prognosis in gastric cancer; however, these results, especially those relating to the PLR, remain inconsistent. So we aimed to evaluate the prognostic role of the PLR in gastric cancer by conducting and presenting the findings of this meta-analysis.We conducted a systematic literature search in PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Library to evaluate the prognostic value of the PLR in gastric cancer. The quality of the included studies was evaluated using the Newcastle Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale (NOS. The hazard ratio (HR /Odds Ratio (OR and its 95% confidence were pooled using a random effects model. A funnel plot based on overall survival was used to evaluate the publication bias.It total, 8 studies comprising 4513 patients with gastric cancer met the pre-setting inclusion criteria. In comparison to the normal PLR, an elevated PLR was correlated with a higher risk of lymph node metastasis with an OR of 1.50 (95% Cl:1.24-1.82; I2 = 17% and serosal invasion (T3 +T4 risk with an OR of 2.01 (95% Cl: 1.49-2.73; I2 = 55%, and an elevated PLR also increased the advanced stage (III +IV risk with an OR of 1.99 (95% Cl: 1.60-2.46; I2 = 28%. An elevated PLR was not a reliable predictor for OS with an HR of 0.99 (95% CI: 0.9-1.1; I2 = 12%.An elevated PLR was correlated with a higher risk of lymph node metastasis, serosal invasion and advanced stage (III +IV risk in gastric cancer; however, the PLR may not act as a negative predictor for the overall survival of gastric cancer.

  12. Predictive role of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios for diagnosis of acute appendicitis during pregnancy

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    Fatih Mehmet Yazar


    Full Text Available Acute appendicitis (AA is not uncommon during pregnancy but can be difficult to diagnose. This study evaluated the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR in addition to conventional diagnostic indicators of the disease to diagnose AA during pregnancy. Age, gestational age, white blood cell (WBC count, Alvarado scores, C-reactive protein (CRP, lymphocyte count, NLR and PLR were compared among 28 pregnant women who underwent surgery for AA, 35 pregnant women wrongly suspected as having AA, 29 healthy pregnant women, and 30 nonpregnant healthy women. Mean WBC counts and CRP levels were higher in women with proven AA than in those of control groups (all p < 0.05. Among all the groups, the median NLR and PLR were significantly different in women with proven AA (all p < 0.05. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to determine cut-off values for WBC count, CRP, lymphocyte count, NLR and PLR, and multiple logistic regression analysis showed that NLR and PLR used with routine methods could diagnose AA with 90.5% accuracy. Used in addition to routine diagnostic methods, NLR and PLR increased the accuracy of the diagnosis of AA in pregnant women.

  13. Predictive value of platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in severe degenerative aortic valve stenosis

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    Efe Edem


    Full Text Available Background: Aortic valve stenosis (AVS is the most common cause of left ventricular outflow obstruction, and its prevalence among elderly patients causes a major public health burden. Recently, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR has been recognized as a novel prognostic biomarker that offers information about both aggregation and inflammation pathways. Since PLR indicates inflammation, we hypothesized that PLR may be associated with the severity of AVS due to chronic inflammation pathways that cause stiffness and calcification of the aortic valve. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively enrolled 117 patients with severe degenerative AVS, who underwent aortic valve replacement and 117 control patients in our clinic. PLR was defined as the absolute platelet count divided by the absolute lymphocyte count. Severe AVS was defined as calcification and sclerosis of the valve with a mean pressure gradient of >40 mmHg. Results: PLR was 197.03 ± 49.61 in the AVS group and 144.9 ± 40.35 in the control group, which indicated a statistically significant difference (P < 0.001. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC curve analysis demonstrated that PLR values over 188 predicted the severity of aortic stenosis with a sensitivity of 87% and a specificity of 70% (95% confidence interval = 0.734–0.882; P < 0.001; area under ROC curve: 0.808. Conclusion: We suggest that the level of PLR elevation is related to the severity of degenerative AVS, and PLR should be used to monitor patients' inflammatory responses and the efficacy of treatment, which will lead us to more closely monitor this high-risk population to detect severe degenerative AVS at an early stage.

  14. Kelayakan Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Kegiatan Pertambangan Rakyat di Kabupaten Sleman

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    Farida Afriani Astuti


    Full Text Available Kabupaten Sleman memiliki 19 titik lokasi penambangan rakyat yang belum memiliki ijin dari pemerintah. Kegiatan penambangan menghasilkan dampak positif dan negatif bagi lingkungan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai kelayakan ekonomi dan lingkungan sebagai dasar untuk memberikan ijin bagi kegiatan pertambangan rakyat tersebut. Penentuan kelayakan ekonomi dan lingkungan menggunakan metode pengharkatan. Kelayakan ekonomi kegiatan penambangan menggunakan 3 parameter sebagai dasar evaluasi, baik untuk penambangan di bukit maupun di sungai. Parameter kegiatan penambangan di bukit adalah umur tambang, potensi pasar dan pemanfaatan bahan galian, dan benefit cost ratio (BCR. Sedangkan parameter kegiatan penambangan di sungai adalah perbandingan cadangan terhadap penggunaan bahan galian (PCPBG, potensi pasar dan pemanfaatan bahan galian, dan benefit cost ratio (BCR. Adapun parameter kelayakan lingkungan adalah jenis dampak yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan penambangan, yaitu Dampak Penting Hipotetik (DPH, Dampak Tidak Penting Hipotetik 1 (DTPH 1, dan Dampak Tidak Penting Hipotetik 2 (DTPH 2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari aspek kelayakan ekonomi terdapat 10 titik lokasi tidak layak, 5 titik lokasi kurang layak, dan 4 titik lokasi layak. Sedangkan dari aspek kelayakan lingkungan terdapat 12 titik lokasi tidak layak, 4 titik lokasi kurang layak, dan 3 titik lokasi layak.

  15. Incident factor as a learning aspect to enhance safety culture in the experimental fuel element installation of PTBN - BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heri Hardiyanti; Agus Sartono; Bambang Herutomo; AS Latief


    The safety of a nuclear facility depends not only on the fulfillment of all technical requirements, but also on the role of non-technical aspects. The primary causation of incidents or accidents in a nuclear facility is human error which is non-technical. Therefore, in order to enhance safety, efforts from the technical aspects are as important as efforts to deal with the human factor which can be done through the application of safety culture in the facility. Incidents that took place in the Experimental Fuel Element Installation (EFEI) of PTBN - BATAN from 2011 to 2012 were caused by aging instruments and human error. In order to prevent accidents and to enhance safety, non-technical efforts that were done in the EFEI were, interalia, the obligations on all personnel to attend the pre-lab briefing, to prepare a work proposal, to compose a HIRADC (hazard identification, risk assessment, and determining control) document, to utilize self protection devices, to perform a routine maintenance, and to practice safe behavior. All personnel were involved in all those efforts. Safety is the first priority and can always be improved in the facility. A strong commitment of and cooperation between the top management and the staff are needed. (author)

  16. Modification of fuel failure detection system at multi-purpose reactor RSG-GAS, BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haruyama, Mitsuo; Shitomi, Hajime; Nakamura, Kiyoshi


    As one of the technical cooperation activity based on the Annex III, the Cooperation in the Area of Reactor Physics and Technology, of the Arrangement between the National Energy Agency (BATAN) and the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI), the modification of the Fuel Failure Detection System (FFDS) was carried out by the joint work at the Multi-purpose Reactor RSG-G.A. Siwabessy (RSG-GAS). The system takes the delayed neutron detection method. In normal state, as the background, it measures the gloss delayed neutron concentration emitted in the primary coolant from the fission product (FP) nuclides, which are resulted from a very small amount of fissile material contamination on the fuel plate surface at the fabrication process. When a failure happened at fuel cladding, FP leaks from the fuel meat into the primary coolant. The system shows so higher indication than at normal state, then, the fuel failure can be detected at the early stage and be minimized the damages to the reactor facility and to the environment. The system has been installed at first since November 1994 and applied for reactor operation. However, recently it is not easy to maintain the system for aging degradation and shortage of the spare units and the parts difficult to find in the markets. The modification of FFDS is required for safe and steady reactor operation. The design requirements of the modification are, - To save the system units currently used and the spares on hand as long as practicable, and/or - To replace the system units with those easy to maintain or to obtain at the markets. The modified system obtained around twice of higher sensitivity for delayed neutron detection than before and more reliable monitoring possibility with redundancy. The specification, installation, adjustment methods and characteristics of the modified system and the modus operandi of FFDS at high power reactor operation are described in this paper. (author)

  17. Diagnostic Accuracy of Preoperative Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratios in Detecting Occult Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinomas in Benign Multinodular Goitres

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    Dimitrios K. Manatakis


    Full Text Available Objective. To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte (NLR and platelet-to-lymphocyte (PLR ratios in detecting occult papillary thyroid microcarcinomas in benign, multinodular goitres. Methods. 397 total thyroidectomy patients were identified from the institutional thyroid surgery database between 2007 and 2016 (94 males, 303 females, mean age 53 ± 14.5 years. NLR and PLR were calculated as the absolute neutrophil and absolute platelet counts divided by the absolute lymphocyte count, respectively, based on the preoperative complete blood cell count. Results. NLR was significantly higher in carcinomas and microcarcinomas compared to benign pathology (p=0.026, whereas a direct association could not be established for PLR. Both NLR and PLR scored low in all parameters of diagnostic accuracy, with overall accuracy ranging between 45 and 50%. Conclusions. As surrogate indices of the systemic inflammatory response, NLR and PLR are inexpensive and universally available from routine blood tests. Although we found higher NLR values in cases of malignancy, NLR and PLR cannot effectively predict the presence of occult papillary microcarcinomas in otherwise benign, multinodular goitres.

  18. Relationship between platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio and coronary slow flow. (United States)

    Oylumlu, Muhammed; Doğan, Adnan; Oylumlu, Mustafa; Yıldız, Abdülkadir; Yüksel, Murat; Kayan, Fethullah; Kilit, Celal; Amasyalı, Basri


    The coronary slow flow phenomenon (CSFP), which is characterized by delayed distal vessel opacification in the absence of significant epicardial coronary disease, is an angiographic finding. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and coronary blood flow rate. This is a retrospective observational study. It was based on two medical centers. A total of 197 patients undergoing coronary angiography were included in the study, 95 of whom were patients with coronary slow flow without stenosis in coronary angiography and 102 of whom had normal coronary arteries and normal flow. The PLR was higher in the coronary slow flow group compared with the control groups (p=0.001). In the correlation analysis, PLR showed a significant correlation with left anterior descending (LAD) artery thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) frame count. After multiple logistic regression, high levels of PLR were independently associated with coronary slow flow, together with hemoglobin. PLR was higher in patients with CSFP, and we also showed that PLR was significantly and independently associated with CSFP.

  19. New superhindered polydentate polyphosphine ligands P(CH2CH2P(t)Bu2)3, PhP(CH2CH2P(t)Bu2)2, P(CH2CH2CH2P(t)Bu2)3, and their ruthenium(II) chloride complexes. (United States)

    Gilbert-Wilson, Ryan; Field, Leslie D; Bhadbhade, Mohan M


    The synthesis and characterization of the extremely hindered phosphine ligands, P(CH(2)CH(2)P(t)Bu(2))(3) (P(2)P(3)(tBu), 1), PhP(CH(2)CH(2)P(t)Bu(2))(2) (PhP(2)P(2)(tBu), 2), and P(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)P(t)Bu(2))(3) (P(3)P(3)(tBu), 3) are reported, along with the synthesis and characterization of ruthenium chloro complexes RuCl(2)(P(2)P(3)(tBu)) (4), RuCl(2)(PhP(2)P(2)(tBu)) (5), and RuCl(2)(P(3)P(3)(tBu)) (6). The bulky P(2)P(3)(tBu) (1) and P(3)P(3)(tBu) (3) ligands are the most sterically encumbered PP(3)-type ligands so far synthesized, and in all cases, only three phosphorus donors are able to bind to the metal center. Complexes RuCl(2)(PhP(2)P(2)(tBu)) (5) and RuCl(2)(P(3)P(3)(tBu)) (6) were characterized by crystallography. Low temperature solution and solid state (31)P{(1)H} NMR were used to demonstrate that the structure of RuCl(2)(P(2)P(3)(tBu)) (4) is probably analogous to that of RuCl(2)(PhP(2)P(2)(tBu)) (5) which had been structurally characterized.

  20. Diagnostic validity of hematologic parameters in evaluation of massive pulmonary embolism. (United States)

    Ates, Hale; Ates, Ihsan; Kundi, Harun; Yilmaz, Fatma Meric


    The aim of this study was to determine the hematologic parameter with the highest diagnostic differentiation in the identification of massive acute pulmonary embolism (APE). A retrospective study was performed on patients diagnosing with APE between June 2014 and June 2016. All radiological and laboratory parameters of patients were scanned through the electronic information management system of the hospital. PLR was obtained from the ratio of platelet count to lymphocyte count, NLR was obtained from the ratio of neutrophil count to lymphocyte count, WMR was obtained from white blood cell in mean platelet volume ratio, MPR was obtained from the ratio of mean platelet volume to platelet count, and RPR was obtained from the ratio of red distribution width to platelet count. Six hundred and thirty-nine patients consisting of 292 males (45.7%) and 347 females (54.3%) were included in the research. Independent predictors of massive risk as compared to sub-massive group were; pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (PASP) (OR=1.40; P=.001), PLR (OR=1.59; P<.001), NLR (OR=2.22; P<.001), WMR (OR=1.22; P<.001), MPR (OR=0.33; P<.001), and RPR (OR=0.68; P<.001). Upon evaluation of the diagnostic differentiation of these risk factors for massive APE by employing receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, it was determined that PLR (AUC±SE=0.877±0.015; P<.001), and NLR (AUC±SE=0.893±0.013; P<.001) have similar diagnostic differentiation in diagnosing massive APE and these two parameters are superior over PASP, MPR, WMR, and RPR. We determined that the levels of NLR and PLR are superior to other parameters in the determination of clinical severity in APE cases. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Inflammatory markers in blood and serum tumor markers predict survival in patients with epithelial appendiceal neoplasms undergoing surgical cytoreduction and intraperitoneal chemotherapy. (United States)

    Chua, Terence C; Chong, Chanel H; Liauw, Winston; Zhao, Jing; Morris, David L


    The study examines the role inflammatory and tumor markers as biomarkers to preoperatively predict outcome in patients with epithelial appendiceal neoplasm undergoing cytoreduction and intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Associations between baseline variables, tumor markers [CEA (carcinoembyronic antigen], CA125, CA199), inflammatory markers including neutrophils-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and C-reactive protein (CRP) with progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were examined in patients undergoing surgical cytoreduction and intraperitoneal chemotherapy for epithelial appendiceal neoplasm. A total of 174 patients with epithelial appendiceal neoplasm (low-grade pseudomyxoma, n = 117; appendiceal cancer, n = 57) underwent cytoreduction. On univariate analysis, all 3 inflammatory and tumor markers predicted for both PFS and OS, respectively; NLR ≤ 2.6 (P = 0.01, P = 0.002), PLR ≤ 166 (P = 0.006, P = 0.016), CRP ≤ 12.5 (P = 0.001, P = 0.008), CEA (P 37 (P = 0.003), and a CRP > 12.5 (P = 0.013). A higher peritoneal cancer index (PCI > 24) was associated with elevation in CEA > 12, CA125 > 39, CA199 > 37, PLR > 166 and CRP > 12. The tumor histologic subtype was associated with CA 199 levels. The results from this investigation suggest that preoperative inflammatory markers in blood and serologic tumor markers may predict outcomes and are associated with tumor biology in patients with epithelial appendiceal neoplasm undergoing cytoreduction and intraperitoneal chemotherapy treatment.

  2. Contribution of diffusion-weighted MR imaging for predicting benignity of complex adnexal masses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomassin-Naggara, Isabelle; Darai, Emile; Cuenod, Charles A.; Fournier, Laure; Toussaint, Irwin; Marsault, Claude; Bazot, Marc


    The purpose of this study was to prospectively assess the contribution of diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) for characterizing complex adnexal masses. Seventy-seven women (22-87 years old) with complex adnexal masses (30 benign and 47 malignant) underwent MR imaging including DWI before surgery. Conventional morphological MR imaging criteria were recorded in addition to b 1,000 signal intensity and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements of cystic and solid components. Positive likelihood ratios (PLR) were calculated for predicting benignity and malignancy. The most significant criteria for predicting benignity were low b 1,000 signal intensity within the solid component (PLR = 10.9), low T2 signal intensity within the solid component (PLR = 5.7), absence of solid portion (PLR = 3.1), absence of ascites or peritoneal implants (PLR = 2.3) and absence of papillary projections (PLR = 2.3). ADC measurements did not contribute to differentiating benign from malignant adnexal masses. All masses that displayed simultaneously low signal intensity within the solid component on T2-weighted and on b 1,000 diffusion-weighted images were benign. Alternatively, the presence of a solid component with intermediate T2 signal and high b 1,000 signal intensity was associated with a PLR of 4.5 for a malignant adnexal tumour. DWI signal intensity is an accurate tool for predicting benignity of complex adnexal masses. (orig.)

  3. Contribution of diffusion-weighted MR imaging for predicting benignity of complex adnexal masses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomassin-Naggara, Isabelle [Hopital Tenon, Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Pariss, Department of Radiology, Paris (France); Universite Rene Descartes, LRI-EA4062, Paris (France); Darai, Emile [Hopital Tenon, Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Pariss, Department of Gynecology-Obstetrics, Paris (France); Cuenod, Charles A.; Fournier, Laure [Universite Rene Descartes, LRI-EA4062, Paris (France); Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou (HEGP), Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris, Department of Radiology, Paris (France); Toussaint, Irwin; Marsault, Claude; Bazot, Marc [Hopital Tenon, Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Pariss, Department of Radiology, Paris (France)


    The purpose of this study was to prospectively assess the contribution of diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) for characterizing complex adnexal masses. Seventy-seven women (22-87 years old) with complex adnexal masses (30 benign and 47 malignant) underwent MR imaging including DWI before surgery. Conventional morphological MR imaging criteria were recorded in addition to b{sub 1,000} signal intensity and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements of cystic and solid components. Positive likelihood ratios (PLR) were calculated for predicting benignity and malignancy. The most significant criteria for predicting benignity were low b{sub 1,000} signal intensity within the solid component (PLR = 10.9), low T2 signal intensity within the solid component (PLR = 5.7), absence of solid portion (PLR = 3.1), absence of ascites or peritoneal implants (PLR = 2.3) and absence of papillary projections (PLR = 2.3). ADC measurements did not contribute to differentiating benign from malignant adnexal masses. All masses that displayed simultaneously low signal intensity within the solid component on T2-weighted and on b{sub 1,000} diffusion-weighted images were benign. Alternatively, the presence of a solid component with intermediate T2 signal and high b{sub 1,000} signal intensity was associated with a PLR of 4.5 for a malignant adnexal tumour. DWI signal intensity is an accurate tool for predicting benignity of complex adnexal masses. (orig.)

  4. Consensual pupillary light response in the red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans). (United States)

    Dearworth, James R; Sipe, Grayson O; Cooper, Lori J; Brune, Erin E; Boyd, Angela L; Riegel, Rhae A L


    Purpose of this study was to determine if the turtle has a consensual pupillary light response (cPLR), and if so, to compare it to its direct pupillary light response (dPLR). One eye was illuminated with different intensities of light over a four log range while keeping the other eye in darkness. In the eye directly illuminated, pupil diameter was reduced by as much as approximately 31%. In the eye not stimulated by light, pupil diameter was also reduced but less to approximately 11%. When compared to the directly illuminated eye, this generated a ratio, cPLR-dPLR, equal to 0.35. Ratio of slopes for log/linear fits to plots of pupil changes versus retinal irradiance for non-illuminated (-1.27) to illuminated (-3.94) eyes closely matched at 0.32. cPLR had time constants ranging from 0.60 to 1.20min; however, they were comparable and not statistically different from those of the dPLR, which ranged from 1.41 to 2.00min. Application of mydriatic drugs to the directly illuminated eye also supported presence of a cPLR. Drugs reduced pupil constriction by approximately 9% for the dPLR and slowed its time constant to 9.58min while simultaneous enhancing constriction by approximately 6% for the cPLR. Time constant for the cPLR at 1.75min, however, was not changed. Results support that turtle possesses a cPLR although less strong than its dPLR. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. 2SNP heritability and effects of genetic variants for neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lin, Bochao Danae; Carnero-Montoro, Elena; Bell, Jordana T; Boomsma, Dorret I; de Geus, Eco J; Jansen, Rick; Kluft, Cornelis; Mangino, Massimo; Penninx, Brenda; Spector, Tim D; Willemsen, Gonneke; Hottenga, Jouke-Jan


    Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) are important biomarkers for disease development and progression. To gain insight into the genetic causes of variance in NLR and PLR in the general population, we conducted genome-wide association (GWA) analyses and

  6. Pencarian Kelompok Tani Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis bagi Penyuluh di Kabupaten Agam

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    Yossi Prima Ariyani


    Full Text Available Kabupaten Agam adalah salah satu kabupaten di Sumatera Barat yang 38,20% dari jumlah penduduknya bekerja di sektor pertanian. Pemerintah Kabutpaten Agam sangat menggalakkan pengembangan sektor pertanian dengan pengembangan kelembagaan dan komoditas unggulan setiap kelompok tani. Penyuluhan bagi setiap kelompok tani yang dilakukan oleh penyuluh-penyuluh dan dikelola oleh Badan Pelaksana Penyuluhan Pertanian Perikanan Kehutanan dan Ketahanan Pangan (BP4K2P. Dengan jumlah kelompok tani kurang lebih 1.737 kelompok dan tersebar di 2.232,30 km2  akan menyulitkan bagi BP4K2P terutama penyuluh untuk mengetahui lokasi setiap kelompok tani. Sebuah sistem informasi yang berbasis lokasi kelompok tani menjadi solusi bagi penyuluh dalam menemukan informasi setiap kelompok tani yang ada. Perangkat lunak dibangun dari rangkaian proses berurutan yang meliputi tahap analisis, desain, pengodean, dan pengujian. Analsis didapatkan kebutuhan fungsional sistem dirumuskan dengan kemampuan melakukan pencarian berdasarkan nama kelompok tani, kenagarian, jenis kelompok dan komoditi unggulan serta menampilkan rute menuju lokasi kelompok tani. Aplikasi dibangun berbasis web dengan memanfaatkan Google Maps sebagai peta dasarnya. Pengolahan data spasial memanfaatkan fitur PostGIS. Pengujian sistem dilakukan degan secara blackbox testing yang berfokus pada kemampuan fungsioanl sistem. Hasil dari pengujian yang dilakukan oleh tujuh orang penguji terhadap 7 kebutuhan fungsional menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dibangun telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan fungsional sistem yang dirancang.

  7. Penentuan Lokasi DG dan Kapasitor Bank dengan Rekonfigurasi Jaringan Untuk Memperoleh Rugi Daya Minimal Pada Sistem Distribusi Radial Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

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    Ridho Fuaddi


    Full Text Available Jaringan distribusi yang paling umum digunakan ialah sistem dengan bentuk radial. Sistem ini memiliki bentuk yang sederhana serta biaya investasinya yang terbilang murah. Namun, kualitas pelayanan dayanya relatif buruk yang terjadi akibat adanya rugi daya pada saluran yang cukup besar. Hal itu terjadi karena jaringan distribusi yang merupakan ujung dari saluran transmisi memiliki perbandingan rasio R/X yang tinggi sehingga mengakibatkan rugi daya yang besar. Terdapat beberapa cara untuk mengurangi rugi daya pada jaringan distribusi yakni dengan menggunakan rekonfigurasi jaringan, pemasangan kapasitor bank dan pemasangan unit distributed generation (DG pada sistem distribusi. Pada tugas akhir ini, algoritma genetika merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk memecahkan suatu pencarian nilai dalam masalah optimasi penentuan lokasi DG dan kapasitor bank serta rekonfigurasi jaringan yang tepat untuk mendapatkan rugi daya yang paling minimal. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan pada penelitian ini, diperoleh perbaikan rugi daya nyata paling optimal sebesar 94,92 % terhadap kondisi awal sistem distribusi radial 33-bus standart IEEE melalui penggabungan pemasangan DG dan kapasitor bank serta rekonfigurasi jaringan.

  8. The platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of patient outcomes in ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Ma, X-M; Sun, X; Yang, G-W; Yu, M-W; Zhang, G-L; Yu, J; Zhang, Y; Wang, X-M


    The platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) is a predictive clinical biomarker for different cancers. However, the results of several studies investigating the association between the PLR and the prognosis of ovarian cancer have been inconclusive. Therefore, there is a need to conduct a meta-analysis to estimate the prognostic value of the PLR in ovarian cancer. We searched the EMBASE, Medline, PubMed, and Web of Science databases to identify clinical studies that had evaluated the association between the PLR and ovarian cancer prognosis. Outcomes evaluated included overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). We also analyzed PLR differences between malignant ovarian masses and the controls. Twelve relevant studies that comprised 2340 patients were selected for the meta-analysis. The results revealed that elevated PLR was significantly associated with poor OS (hazard ratio (HR) 1.63, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05-2.56, p < 0.01) and PFS (HR 1.61, 95% CI 1.03-2.51, p < 0.01). The PLRs in malignant cases were higher than in controls (mean difference = 63.57, 95% CI 39.47-87.66, p < 0.00001). An elevated PLR is associated with poor prognosis in patients with ovarian cancer. The PLR could be employed as a prognostic marker in patients with ovarian cancer.

  9. Potential diagnostic value of serum p53 antibody for detecting colorectal cancer: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Meng, Rongqin; Wang, Yang; He, Liang; He, Yuanqing; Du, Zedong


    Numerous studies have assessed the diagnostic value of serum p53 (s-p53) antibody in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC); however, results remain controversial. The present study aimed to comprehensively and quantitatively summarize the potential diagnostic value of s-p53 antibody in CRC. The present study utilized databases, including PubMed and EmBase, systematically regarding s-p53 antibody diagnosis in CRC, accessed on and prior to 31 July 2016. The quality of all the included studies was assessed using quality assessment of studies of diagnostic accuracy (QUADAS). The result of pooled sensitivity, pooled specificity, positive likelihood ratio (PLR) and negative likelihood ratio (NLR) were analyzed and compared with overall accuracy measures using diagnostic odds ratios (DORs) and area under the curve (AUC) analysis. Publication bias and heterogeneity were also assessed. A total of 11 trials that enrolled a combined 3,392 participants were included in the meta-analysis. Approximately 72.73% (8/11) of the included studies were of high quality (QUADAS score >7), and all were retrospective case-control studies. The pooled sensitivity was 0.19 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.18-0.21] and pooled specificity was 0.93 (95% CI, 0.92-0.94). Results also demonstrated a PLR of 4.56 (95% CI, 3.27-6.34), NLR of 0.78 (95% CI, 0.71-0.85) and DOR of 6.70 (95% CI, 4.59-9.76). The symmetrical summary receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.73. Furthermore, no evidence of publication bias or heterogeneity was observed in the meta-analysis. Meta-analysis data indicated that s-p53 antibody possesses potential diagnostic value for CRC. However, discrimination power was somewhat limited due to the low sensitivity.

  10. Current status of production and research of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soenarjo, Sunarhadijoso; Tamat, Swasono R.


    The use of radioactive preparation in Indonesia has sharply increased during the past years, indicated by increase of the number of companies utilizing radioisotopes during 1985 to 1999. It has been clearly stressed in the BATAN's Strategic Plan for 1994-2014 that the production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals is one of five main industrial fields within the platform of the Indonesian nuclear industry. Research programs supporting the production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals as well as development of production technology are undertaken by the Research Center for Nuclear Techniques (RCNT) in Bandung and by the Radioisotope Production Center (RPC) in Serpong, involving cooperation with other research center within BATAN, universities and hospitals as well as overseas nuclear research institution. The presented paper describes production and research status of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals in Indonesia after the establishment of P.T. Batan Teknologi in 1996, a government company assigned for activities related to the commercial application of nuclear technology. The reviewed status is divided into two short periods, i.e. before and after the Chairman Decree No. 73/KA/IV/1999 declaring new BATAN organizational structure. Subsequent to the Decree, all commercial requests for radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals are fulfilled by P.T. Batan Teknologi, while demands on novel radioactive preparations or new processing technology, as well as research and development activities should be fulfilled by the Center for the Development of Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals (CDRR) through non-commercial arrangement. The near-future strategic research programs to response to dynamic public demand are also discussed. The status of research cooperation with JAERI (Japan) is also reported. (author)

  11. Prognostic value of the C-reactive protein to albumin ratio: a novel inflammation-based prognostic indicator in osteosarcoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li YJ


    Full Text Available Yong-Jiang Li,1,* Kai Yao,2,* Min-Xun Lu,2 Wen-Biao Zhang,1 Cong Xiao,2 Chong-Qi Tu2 1Department of Oncology, 2Department of Orthopedics, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, People’s Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Abstract: The prognostic role of the C-reactive protein to albumin ratio (CRP/Alb ratio in patients with osteosarcoma has not been investigated. A total of 216 osteosarcoma patients were enrolled in the study. Univariate and multivariate survival analyses between the groups were performed and Kaplan–Meier analysis was conducted to plot the survival curves. Receiver operating characteristic curves were generated and areas under the curve (AUCs were compared to assess the discriminatory ability of the inflammation-based indicators, including CRP/Alb ratio, Glasgow prognostic score (GPS, neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR, and platelet–lymphocyte ratio (PLR. The optimal cutoff value was 0.210 for CRP/Alb ratio with a Youden index of 0.319. Higher values of CRP/Alb ratio were significantly associated with poorer overall survival in univariate (HR =2.62, 95% CI =1.70–4.03; P<0.001 and multivariate (HR =2.21, 95% CI =1.40–3.49; P=0.001 analyses. In addition, the CRP/Alb ratio had significantly higher AUC values compared with GPS (P=0.003, NLR (P<0.001, and PLR (P<0.001. The study demonstrated that the CRP/Alb ratio is an effective inflammation-based prognostic indicator in osteosarcoma, which potentially has a discriminatory ability superior to that of other inflammatory indicators including GPS, NLR, and PLR. Keywords: osteosarcoma, CRP to albumin ratio, prognosis

  12. Evaluation of Influence Factors within Implementing of Nuclear Safety Culture in Embarking Countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Situmorang, J.


    The evaluation of the implementation nuclear safety culture at BATAN has been performed. BATAN is Indonesia’s national nuclear energy agency. Nowadays, BATAN is planning to develop an experimental power reactor. To implement the nuclear safety culture BATAN has issued BATAN chairman regulation (Perka BATAN 200). Perka BATAN is the reference for individuals and organizations to implement nuclear safety culture which includes basic principles, mechanisms, assessment, as well as the implementation of the application of safety culture. It covers the establishment of safety policies, program development, program implementation, development and measurement of safety culture. Each facilities within BATAN is expected to well implement a safety culture. The implementation of safety culture is developed by considering the characteristics, attributes and indicators. The characteristics, attributes and indicators referenced are elaborated from the IAEA. The activities to strengthen safety culture are monthly workshop with participants is head of every facilities, safety leadership training and workshop for safety division manager in every facilities. It is also issued a handbook of safety that is distributed to all employees BATAN.

  13. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios: are they useful for predicting gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sargın MA


    Full Text Available Mehmet Akif Sargın, Murat Yassa, Bilge Dogan Taymur, Ayhan Celik, Emrah Ergun, Niyazi Tug Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Research and Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey Objective: We aimed to investigate whether the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR could be utilized to screen for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM.Subjects and methods: NLR and PLR were assessed by retrospective analysis of 762 healthy and pregnant women with GDM. The patients were stratified into four groups, as follows: GDM (n=144, impaired glucose tolerance (n=76, only screen positive (n=238, and control (n=304.Results: The leukocyte, neutrophil, and lymphocyte counts were significantly higher in the study groups compared with the control group (P=0.001; P<0.01. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups with respect to the NLR and PLR (P>0.05.Conclusion: We do not recommend that blood NLR and PLR can be used to screen for GDM. However, increase in the leukocyte count is an important marker for GDM as it provides evidence of subclinical inflammation. Keywords: inflammation, lymphocytes, neutrophils, platelets, pregnancy

  14. A new development on measurement and control software of SANS BATAN spectrometer (SMARTer) in Serpong, Indonesia (United States)

    Bharoto, Suparno, Nadi; Putra, Edy Giri Rachman


    In 2005, the main computer for data acquisition and control system of Small-angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) BATAN Spectrometer (SMARTer) was replaced since it halted to operate the spectrometer. According to this replacement, the new software for data acquisition and control system has been developed in-house. Visual Basic programming language is used in developing the software. In the last two years, many developments have been made both in the hardware and also the software to conduct the experiment is more effective and efficient. Lately, the previous motor controller card (ISA Card) was replaced with the programmable motor controller card (PCI Card) for driving one motor of position sensitive detector (PSD), eight motors of four collimators, and six motors of six pinhole discs. This new control system software makes all motors can be moved simultaneously, then it reduces significantly the consuming time of setting up the instrument before running the experiment. Along with that development, the new data acquisition software under MS Windows operating system is also developed to drive a beam stopper in X-Y directions as well as to read the equipment status such as position of the collimators and PSD, to acquire neutron counts on monitor and PSD detectors, and also to manage 12 samples position automatically. A timer object which is set in one second to read the equipment status via serial port of the computer (RS232C), and general purpose interface board (GPIB) for reading the total counts of each pixel of the PSD from histogram memory was used in this new software. The experiment result displayed in real time on the main window, and the data is saved in the special format for further data reduction and analysis. The new software has been implemented and performed for experiment using a preset count or preset time mode for absolute scattering intensity method.

  15. A new development on measurement and control software of SANS BATAN spectrometer (SMARTer) in Serpong, Indonesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bharoto,; Suparno, Nadi; Putra, Edy Giri Rachman [Center for Technology of Nuclear Industrial Materials, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong, Tangerang 15314, Banten, Indonesia (Indonesia)


    In 2005, the main computer for data acquisition and control system of Small-angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) BATAN Spectrometer (SMARTer) was replaced since it halted to operate the spectrometer. According to this replacement, the new software for data acquisition and control system has been developed in-house. Visual Basic programming language is used in developing the software. In the last two years, many developments have been made both in the hardware and also the software to conduct the experiment is more effective and efficient. Lately, the previous motor controller card (ISA Card) was replaced with the programmable motor controller card (PCI Card) for driving one motor of position sensitive detector (PSD), eight motors of four collimators, and six motors of six pinhole discs. This new control system software makes all motors can be moved simultaneously, then it reduces significantly the consuming time of setting up the instrument before running the experiment. Along with that development, the new data acquisition software under MS Windows operating system is also developed to drive a beam stopper in X-Y directions as well as to read the equipment status such as position of the collimators and PSD, to acquire neutron counts on monitor and PSD detectors, and also to manage 12 samples position automatically. A timer object which is set in one second to read the equipment status via serial port of the computer (RS232C), and general purpose interface board (GPIB) for reading the total counts of each pixel of the PSD from histogram memory was used in this new software. The experiment result displayed in real time on the main window, and the data is saved in the special format for further data reduction and analysis. The new software has been implemented and performed for experiment using a preset count or preset time mode for absolute scattering intensity method.

  16. The application of bonded magnet MQP-0 on an electrical direct current motor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ridwan; Mujamilah; Gunawan


    Isotropic bonded magnet materials using NdFeB produced by rapid quench method, has advantages that can be easily adapted to the costumer demand. The synthesized bonded magnets are mixed of cpoxy resin or polyester as matrix binder with powder magnet of MQP-O The proportions of polymer and magnetic powder are 4060; 50:50; and 6040 volume % of magnet composites. The characterization of magnetic properties was determined by Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) at P3IB-BATAN and the density was measured by piknometer. The highest energy product maximum, (BH) m ax of magnet composite synthesized by P3IB-BATAN in this activity is 435 MGOeThe quality of magnet components has been tested empirically by changing the magnetic components of an electric direct current motor found in the local market by magnetic components synthesized by P 3IB-BA TAN. The max imum rotation resulted by using P3IB-BATAN is 40 0 00 rpm The magnetic components synthesized in these research activities are functionally work and comparatively the same with the magnetic components found in the local market as an import commodities

  17. Brachial cuff measurements of blood pressure during passive leg raising for fluid responsiveness prediction. (United States)

    Lakhal, K; Ehrmann, S; Benzekri-Lefèvre, D; Runge, I; Legras, A; Dequin, P-F; Mercier, E; Wolff, M; Régnier, B; Boulain, T


    The passive leg raising maneuver (PLR) for fluid responsiveness testing relies on cardiac output (CO) measurements or invasive measurements of arterial pressure (AP) whereas the initial hemodynamic management during shock is often based solely on brachial cuff measurements. We assessed PLR-induced changes in noninvasive oscillometric readings to predict fluid responsiveness. Multicentre interventional study. In ICU sedated patients with circulatory failure, AP (invasive and noninvasive readings) and CO measurements were performed before, during PLR (trunk supine, not modified) and after 500-mL volume expansion. Areas under the ROC curves (AUC) were determined for fluid responsiveness (>10% volume expansion-induced increase in CO) prediction. In 112 patients (19% with arrhythmia), changes in noninvasive systolic AP during PLR (noninvasiveΔ(PLR)SAP) only predicted fluid responsiveness (cutoff 17%, n=21, positive likelihood ratio [LR] of 26 [18-38]), not unresponsiveness. If PLR-induced change in central venous pressure (CVP) was at least of 2 mm Hg (n=60), suggesting that PLR succeeded in altering cardiac preload, noninvasiveΔ(PLR)SAP performance was good: AUC of 0.94 [0.85-0.98], positive and negative LRs of 5.7 [4.6-6.8] and 0.07 [0.009-0.5], respectively, for a cutoff of 9%. Of note, invasive AP-derived indices did not outperform noninvasiveΔ(PLR)SAP. Regardless of CVP (i.e., during "blind PLR"), noninvasiveΔ(PLR)SAP more than 17% reliably identified fluid responders. During "CVP-guided PLR", in case of sufficient change in CVP, noninvasiveΔ(PLR)SAP performed better (cutoff of 9%). These findings, in sedated patients who had already undergone volume expansion and/or catecholamines, have to be verified during the early phase of circulatory failure (before an arterial line and/or a CO measuring device is placed). Copyright © 2012 Société française d’anesthésie et de réanimation (Sfar). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  18. Platelet–lymphocyte ratios: a potential marker for pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis in COPD patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen G


    Full Text Available Guozhong Chen, Chunling Wu, Zhiying Luo, Yiming Teng, Suping Mao Department of Respiratory Medicine, Yiwu Central Hospital, Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China Background: In recent decades, morbidity and mortality have been found to be significantly increased in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB. Platelet–lymphocyte ratio (PLR is an indicator for inflammatory diseases. This study aims to investigate whether PLR could act as a potential marker for patients with COPD complicated with PTB.Methods: In this retrospective study, laboratory characteristics of 87 COPD patients complicated with PTB (determined by Mycobacterium tuberculosis positive culture from sputum or bronchial lavage fluid and 83 COPD patients (as the control group, determined by M. tuberculosis culture negativity from sputum or bronchial lavage fluid were investigated. Data obtained on the day of admission were analyzed.Results: PLR >216.82 was identified as the optimal cutoff value for discriminating COPD patients with PTB (sensitivity 92.4%, specificity 84.5%, positive-predictive value 91.6%, negative-predictive value 86.2%, and area under the curve [AUC] was 0.87 from patients with COPD alone. The AUC of PLR was significantly greater than that of neutrophil–lymphocyte count ratio (AUC, 0.74; 95% confidence interval, 0.67–0.81; P<0.01.Conclusion: PLR could be developed as a valuable maker for identifying tuberculosis infection in COPD patients. Keywords: platelet to lymphocyte ratio, pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  19. Current status of production and research of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals in Indonesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soenarjo, Sunarhadijoso; Tamat, Swasono R. [Center for Development of Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals, National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Kawasan Puspiptek, Serpong, Tangerang (Indonesia)


    The use of radioactive preparation in Indonesia has sharply increased during the past years, indicated by increase of the number of companies utilizing radioisotopes during 1985 to 1999. It has been clearly stressed in the BATAN's Strategic Plan for 1994-2014 that the production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals is one of five main industrial fields within the platform of the Indonesian nuclear industry. Research programs supporting the production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals as well as development of production technology are undertaken by the Research Center for Nuclear Techniques (RCNT) in Bandung and by the Radioisotope Production Center (RPC) in Serpong, involving cooperation with other research center within BATAN, universities and hospitals as well as overseas nuclear research institution. The presented paper describes production and research status of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals in Indonesia after the establishment of P.T. Batan Teknologi in 1996, a government company assigned for activities related to the commercial application of nuclear technology. The reviewed status is divided into two short periods, i.e. before and after the Chairman Decree No. 73/KA/IV/1999 declaring new BATAN organizational structure. Subsequent to the Decree, all commercial requests for radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals are fulfilled by P.T. Batan Teknologi, while demands on novel radioactive preparations or new processing technology, as well as research and development activities should be fulfilled by the Center for the Development of Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals (CDRR) through non-commercial arrangement. The near-future strategic research programs to response to dynamic public demand are also discussed. The status of research cooperation with JAERI (Japan) is also reported. (author)

  20. Correlation between central venous pressure and peripheral venous pressure with passive leg raise in patients on mechanical ventilation. (United States)

    Kumar, Dharmendra; Ahmed, Syed Moied; Ali, Shahna; Ray, Utpal; Varshney, Ankur; Doley, Kashmiri


    Central venous pressure (CVP) assesses the volume status of patients. However, this technique is not without complications. We, therefore, measured peripheral venous pressure (PVP) to see whether it can replace CVP. To evaluate the correlation and agreement between CVP and PVP after passive leg raise (PLR) in critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation. Prospective observational study in Intensive Care Unit. Fifty critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation were included in the study. CVP and PVP measurements were taken using a water column manometer. Measurements were taken in the supine position and subsequently after a PLR of 45°. Pearson's correlation and Bland-Altman's analysis. This study showed a fair correlation between CVP and PVP after a PLR of 45° (correlation coefficient, r = 0.479; P = 0.0004) when the CVP was correlation was good when the CVP was >10 cmH2O. Bland-Altman analysis showed 95% limits of agreement to be -2.912-9.472. PVP can replace CVP for guiding fluid therapy in critically ill patients.

  1. Penyebaran Batuan Situs Purbakala Candi Palgading di Dusun Palgading, Desa Sinduharjo, Kecamatan Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan Menggunakan Metode Resistivitas Dipole Dipole

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Usmardin Usmardin


    Full Text Available Candi Palgading yang terletak di Desa Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, D.I.Yogyakarta tanggal 1 Juli 2009 sampai 4 Juli 2009 dengan menggunakan alat Resistivitymeter. Pemetaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran dan kedalaman batuan penyusun candi pada Situs Candi Palgading serta sebagai sumber informasi bagi usaha penemuan benda-benda purbakala yang terpendam dalam tanah. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan 8 lintasan ukur, dan mencakup luas daerah pengukuran ±1000 m2. Lintasan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 dan 8 mengambil jarak rentang elektroda (a = 3 m sedangkan lintasan 7 jarak rentang elektrodanya (a = 2 m. Keseluruhan lintasan menggunakan n = 1 sampai dengan n = 7. Pengolahan data menggunakan software Res2dinv dan surfer. Nilai resistivitas yang digunakan untuk menentukan batuan penyusun candi adalah nilai resistivitas batu andesit. Hasilnya menunjukkan profil nilai resistivitas batuan penyusun candi 750 Ohm-m sampai 5000 Ohm-m yang berada hingga kedalaman rata-rata 4,5 m sebagai batu andesit. Terdapat 7 lokasi yang diduga merupakan batu andesit penyusun Candi Palgading sedangkan salah satu lokasi yang lain merupakan batuan andesit bukan penyusun candi. Batuan candi pada ketujuh lokasi tersebut salah satunya telah tersingkap yakni di lokasi 4 sedangkan lokasi yang lain batuan candinya masih terpendam.

  2. Novel elastic, lattice dynamics and thermodynamic properties of metallic single-layer transition metal phosphides: 2H-M 2P (Mo2P, W2P, Nb2P and Ta2P) (United States)

    Yin, Jiuren; Wu, Bozhao; Wang, Yanggang; Li, Zhimi; Yao, Yuanpeng; Jiang, Yong; Ding, Yanhuai; Xu, Fu; Zhang, Ping


    Recently, there has been a surge of interest in the research of two-dimensional (2D) phosphides due to their unique physical properties and wide applications. Transition metal phosphides 2H-M 2Ps (Mo2P, W2P, Nb2P and Ta2P) show considerable catalytic activity and energy storage potential. However, the electronic structure and mechanical properties of 2D 2H-M 2Ps are still unrevealed. Here, first-principles calculations are employed to investigate the lattice dynamics, elasticity and thermodynamic properties of 2H-M 2Ps. Results show that M 2Ps with lower stiffness exhibit remarkable lateral deformation under unidirectional loads. Due to the largest average Grüneisen parameter, single-layer Nb2P has the strongest anharmonic vibrations, resulting in the highest thermal expansion coefficient. The lattice thermal conductivities of Ta2P, W2P and Nb2P contradict classical theory, which would predict a smaller thermal conductivity due to the much heavier atom mass. Moreover, the calculations also demonstrate that the thermal conductivity of Ta2P is the highest as well as the lowest thermal expansion, owing to its weak anharmonic phonon scattering and the lowest average Grüneisen parameter. The insight provided by this study may be useful for future experimental and theoretical studies concerning 2D transition metal phosphide materials.

  3. Simultaneously measured pupillary light reflex and heart rate variability in healthy children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daluwatte, C; Yao, G; Miles, J H


    We investigated the potential inter-relationship between two measures of autonomic nervous system: pupillary light reflex (PLR) and heart rate variability (HRV), in healthy children of 8–16 years old. PLR was measured at both dark- and light-adapted conditions with various stimulation intensities. Simultaneously measured HRV was obtained in five different PLR testing phases: before PLR test, light-adapted PLR test, dark adaptation, dark-adapted PLR test and after PLR test. The frequency domain HRV parameters measured during the PLR test were significantly different from those measured during rest. Both the regression analysis and factor analysis indicated that PLR and HRV parameters were not correlated, which suggests that they may provide complementary assessment of different aspects of the overall autonomic nervous system. (paper)

  4. Simultaneously measured pupillary light reflex and heart rate variability in healthy children

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Daluwatte, C; Yao, G [Department of Biological Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 (United States); Miles, J H, E-mail: [Child Health and Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 (United States)


    We investigated the potential inter-relationship between two measures of autonomic nervous system: pupillary light reflex (PLR) and heart rate variability (HRV), in healthy children of 8–16 years old. PLR was measured at both dark- and light-adapted conditions with various stimulation intensities. Simultaneously measured HRV was obtained in five different PLR testing phases: before PLR test, light-adapted PLR test, dark adaptation, dark-adapted PLR test and after PLR test. The frequency domain HRV parameters measured during the PLR test were significantly different from those measured during rest. Both the regression analysis and factor analysis indicated that PLR and HRV parameters were not correlated, which suggests that they may provide complementary assessment of different aspects of the overall autonomic nervous system. (paper)

  5. Preoperative lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio represents a superior predictor compared with neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios for colorectal liver-only metastases survival

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peng JH


    Full Text Available Jianhong Peng,1,* Hui Li,2,* Qingjian Ou,1,* Junzhong Lin,1 Xiaojun Wu,1 Zhenhai Lu,1 Yunfei Yuan,1 Desen Wan,1 Yujing Fang,1 Zhizhong Pan1 1Department of Colorectal Surgery, State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China; 2Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Abstract: Systemic inflammation was recognized as an essential factor contributing to the development of malignancies. This study aimed to investigate the prognostic value of preoperative lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR, and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR in patients with colorectal liver-only metastases (CLOM undergoing hepatectomy. We retrospectively enrolled 150 consecutive patients with CLOM between 2000 and 2012. The optimal cutoff values of continuous LMR, NLR, and PLR were determined using the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Recurrence-free survival (RFS and overall survival (OS related to the LMR, NLR, and PLR were analyzed using both Kaplan–Meier and multivariate Cox regression methods. Elevated LMR (≥2.82 and lower NLR (<4.63 were significantly associated with better RFS and OS in patients with CLOM after hepatectomy, instead of lower PLR (<150.17. Multivariate Cox analysis identified elevated LMR as the only independent inflammatory factor for better RFS (hazard ratio, 0.591; 95% CI, 0.32–0.844; P=0.008 and OS (hazard ratio, 0.426; 95% CI, 0.254–0.716; P=0.001. In the subgroup analysis, elevated LMR was a significant favorable factor in both 5-year RFS and OS of patients with male gender, lymph node metastases, colon cancer, liver tumor with the largest diameter <5 cm, preoperative carcinoembryonic antigen level <200 ng/mL, negative hepatitis B virus infection, non

  6. Evaluation of blood neutrophil to lymphocyte and platelet to lymphocyte ratios according to plasma glucose status and serum insulin-like growth factor 1 levels in patients with acromegaly. (United States)

    Üçler, R; Aslan, M; Atmaca, M; Alay, M; Ademoğlu, E N; Gülşen, I


    Cardiovascular, respiratory, and cerebrovascular diseases and malignancies are responsible for morbidity and mortality in acromegaly. Also these diseases are associated with chronic inflammation. The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) are currently gaining interest as new markers of inflammation. Moreover, increased morbidity and mortality are positively correlated with the presence of diabetes and levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in acromegaly. The objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between these markers and acromegaly according to plasma glucose status and serum IGF-1 levels. We retrospectively analyzed data from 61 acromegaly patients who were in a newly diagnosed period (35 male, 26 female; mean age 38.13 ± 13.98). Patients with normal plasma glucose (n = 27), impaired fasting glucose (n = 18), and diabetes mellitus (n = 16) were categorized into three different groups. NLR and PLR were compared between the study groups and were evaluated according to IGF-1 levels. There were no statistically significant differences in NLR and PLR measurements among the study groups (p > 0.05). However, there were significant positive correlations between NLR and IGF-1 levels and between PLR and IGF-1 levels when all patients were evaluated (r = 0.334, p = 0.011 and r = 0.277, p = 0.035, respectively). This is the first report studying the relationship of NLR and PLR with glucose status and IGF-1 levels in acromegaly patients. Our study results suggest that subclinical inflammation may play a role in increased incidence of mortality and morbidity, which depends on uncontrolled IGF-1 levels in patients with acromegaly. © The Author(s) 2015.

  7. Bilateral passive leg raising attenuates and delays tourniquet deflation-induced hypotension and tachycardia under spinal anaesthesia: a randomised controlled trial. (United States)

    Huang, Go-Shine; Wang, Chih-Chien; Hu, Mei-Hua; Cherng, Chen-Hwan; Lee, Meei-Shyuan; Tsai, Chien-Sung; Chan, Wei-Hung; Hsieh, Xhang-Xian; Lin, Leou-Chyr


    The pneumatic tourniquet is frequently used in total knee arthroplasty. Tourniquet deflation may result in hypotension and tachycardia caused by the rapid shift of blood volume back to the ischaemic limb and a decrease in cardiac preload. Passive leg raising (PLR) represents a 'self-volume challenge' that can result in an increase in preload. Such a PLR-induced increase in preload was hypothesised to attenuate the decrease in preload resulting from tourniquet deflation. To evaluate the effect of PLR on hypotension and tachycardia following tourniquet deflation. A randomised controlled trial. Single medical centre. Seventy patients who underwent unilateral total knee arthroplasty were randomised into two groups: tourniquet deflation with PLR (n = 35) or without PLR (control group, n = 35). Patients in both groups were administered a single dose of plain bupivacaine for spinal anaesthesia. The pneumatic tourniquet was inflated on the thigh and the surgery was performed. The study composed of four steps: for the PLR group, step 1 - inflation of the tourniquet while the patient was supine; step 2 - the patient's legs were raised to a 45° angle; step 3 - the tourniquet was deflated while the patient's legs were still raised; and step 4 - the legs were returned to the supine position. In the control group, the same perioperative procedure was used, but PLR was not conducted. The patients' blood pressure and heart rate were measured before, during and after tourniquet deflation. After tourniquet deflation, the magnitude of the changes in blood pressure and heart rate was less in the PLR group than that in the control group. In addition, the blood pressure nadir also occurred later in the PLR group than in the controls. Bilateral PLR is a simple, reversible manoeuvre that mimics rapid fluid loading. Bilateral PLR attenuates the severity of, and delays the time to, hypotension and tachycardia following deflation of a lower limb tourniquet. number

  8. Air-water two-phase flow in a four by four rod bundle with partial length rods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohta, Motoki; Kamei, Akihiro; Mizutani, Yoshitaka; Hosokawa, Shigeo; Tomiyama, Akio


    Partial length rods (PLR) are used in fuel bundles of BWR to reduce pressure drops in two-phase regions and to optimize the power distribution. Since little is known about effects of PLR on two-phase flows, air-water two-phase flow around PLRs in a four by four rod bundle is visualized by using a high-speed video camera. The experimental apparatus consists of acrylic channel box and transparent rods. Air and water at atmospheric pressure and room temperature are used for the gas and liquid phases, respectively. The ranges of the gas and liquid volume fluxes, J G and J L , are 0.4 L G L , the flow pattern in the downstream of PLR transits to slug flow, and the flow patterns in the surrounding subchannels transit to bubbly flow due to the redistribution of gas flow. (2) In annular flow, the liquid film on the PLR forms a liquid column above the end cap of PLR. Droplets are generated by column breakup and deposit on liquid films on the neighboring rods. (3) The liquid film thickness on the surface of neighbor rods facing the PLR increases and it reduces that on their opposite surface in the downstream of PLR. (author)

  9. The relation of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, and mean platelet volume with the presence and severity of Behçet's syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sevil Alan


    Full Text Available Behçet's syndrome (BS is associated with chronic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. Although there have been extensive investigations on neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR, and mean platelet volume (MPV in many diseases, their roles in BS is unclear. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate NLR, PLR, and MPV levels in BS patients and explore their clinical significance. The study included 254 patients with BS and 173 healthy individuals. Age, sex, age of onset, duration of disease, smoking, Behçet activity score, total white blood counts, neutrophil, platelet, and T lymphocyte counts of the patients were recorded. White blood cell (WBC, neutrophil, platelet, NLR, and PLR were significantly higher in patients with BS when compared with healthy controls (all p  0.05. In the BS group, PLR and MPV were significantly different among the three severity groups (p = 0.037 and p = 0.016, respectively. We showed that any laboratory markers were not associated with joint, eye, central nervous system, large vessel, or gastrointestinal involvement in BS. NLR was shown to be an independent factor for BS by multivariate analysis. We suggest that NLR can be considered to be a diagnostic criterion of BS given the support of the findings from larger prospective studies.

  10. Pemberian Pupuk N, P, dan K Berdasarkan Pengelolaan Hara Spesifik Lokasi untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kedelai (Review

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    Full Text Available Applicationof N, P, and K Fertilizer Based on Site-Specific Nutrient Management for An increase of Productivity of Soybean. Soybean productivity in Indonesia is still low, it is about 1.25 t ha-1.This is due to the same dose of fertilizer in all location.In this case, fertilization is on the recommendation i.e. 25-75 kg urea ha-1 + 50-100 kg SP-36 ha-1 + 50-100 kg KCl ha-1 for soybean in all locations.Though each location farmland have different levels of soil fertility. Soybean commodities can compete with other plants when minimum productivity of 2.18 t ha-1 of dry beans, it is able to provide a higher profit than corn. To that end, soybean fertilizer recommended by site-specific nutrient management (SSNM by using the method of paddy soil test device, and dry soil test device that can determine soil nutrient classes to categories of low, medium and high.N fertilizer on soil classes, including low, medium, and high dose respectively at 174, 152, and 117 kg urea ha-1. For P fertilizer application on soil nutrient classes, including low, medium, and high doserespectively at 104,80, and 40 kg ha-1 SP-36. Likewise K fertilizer application on soil nutrient classes, including low, medium, and high each at doses of 210, 190, and 150 kg ha-1 KCl. In addition, supported by the use of new varieties of soybean large seed that high productivity and achieve the results expected in all locations soybean.Then the government provides support for input subsidies in the form of primary production facilities such as seed, fertilizer, and pesticides that farmers are interested in returning to planting soybeans and soybean prices ensure incentives for farmers. Things like this will spur farmers to increase productivity so that soybean self-sufficiency is achieved. In the end domestic soybean demand can be met so that the government no longer to import soybeans.

  11. Proposal on ''standardized high current solid targets for cyclotron production of diagnostic and therapeutic radionuclides''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suparman, Ibon


    The Center for the Development of Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals - National Nuclear Energy Agency (P2RR-BATAN) has one Cyclotron type CS-30 with maximum 30 MeV proton energy. It is used since 1990 for 201 Tl production. The main use of 201 Tl in Indonesia is for diagnosis and assessment of myocardial ischaemia, especially diagnosis of coronary artery disease, viability of the heart muscle and forecasting the outcome for patients with coronary disease. The Cyclotron facility is supported with a solid target station, two hot cells and the chemical equipment for electroplating. The yield of 201 Tl production currently achieved around 40-50%. The irradiation technique and chemical separation should be improved. We are also very interested in the development of the production of 103 Pd via 103 Rh (p,n) 103 Pd reaction. The objective of this proposal will support the main program of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) in enhancement of health care and in providing Cyclotron produced radiopharmaceuticals for hospitals

  12. ZrCu2P2 and HfCu2P2 phosphides and their crystal structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lomnitskaya, Ya.F.


    Isostructural ZrCu 2 P 2 and HfCu 2 P 2 compounds are prepared for the first time. X-ray diffraction analysis (of powder, DRON-2.0 diffractometer, FeKsub(α) radiation) was used to study crystal structure of HfCu 2 P 2 phosphide belonging to the CaAl 2 Si 2 structural type (sp. group P anti 3 m 1, R=0.095). Lattice parameters the compounds are as follows: for ZrCu 2 P 2 a=0.3810(1), c=0.6184(5); for HfCu 2 P 2 a=0.3799(1), c=0.6160(2) (nm). Atomic parameters in the HfCu 2 P 2 structure and interatomic distances are determined

  13. Pendugaan Struktur Patahan Dengan Metode Gaya Berat

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    Ibrahim Sota


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pendugaan struktur patahan mengguankan metode gayaberat. Kontras densitas tersebut berasosiasi dengan ketebalan sedimen dan keberadaan struktur patahan atau lipatan. Untuk mengetahui lokasi patahan dan lipatan maka anomali residual terlebih dahulu dipisahkan dari anomali total (anomali Bouguer dengan metode perata-rataan bergerak. Kontur anomali residual memperlihatkan keberadaan lipatan dan patahan secara kualitatif sedangkan interpretasi kuantitatif dengan pemodelan kedepan 2D memperlihatkan secara jelas lokasi patahan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa lokasi patahan/sesar naik berada di bagian timurlaut yang berorientasi baratlaut-tenggara sedangkan patahan/sesar normal tersebar secara lokal yang juga berorientasi baratlaut-tenggara.

  14. Indonesia's present status and needs of human resource development in nuclear field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruslan, Jeni; Sagala, F.P.


    BATAN, started out as a governmental committee established in 1954, has a new organizational structure, based on Presidential Decree of 1998. BATAN has developed its researches in almost practically all-nuclear fields. The situation in Indonesia has been much influenced by the economic crisis, which still being faced by Indonesia. BATAN's strategic planning is described in four areas, those are: 1. Basic human needs, 2. Energy, natural resources and environment, 3. Industry, 4. Socio-cultural and institution. Priority has been given to fulfill, as well as to promote agriculture, health and the industry related to people's welfare, which may develop and improve the immediate needs of the people. In the meantime, we have made considerable investments in manpower development in anticipation of the introduction of nuclear power. BATAN, as of September 1999, has 3889 employees, 26 % of them have bachelor degree, 6 % hold master degrees, and only 2% hold doctoral degree, a total of 34 % employees with university education. Others 11 % have either non-vocational or vocational education beyond High School. The rest of 55 % have high school education or lower, they are administrative clerks (25 %) or technicians (30 %). In the human resources development, BATAN's Education and Training Center, in collaboration with some universities and other national/international institutions, is managing education and training programs for employees. To date, there are 43 BATAN employees studying in various universities in Japan, while another 42 employees are studying in six different countries. Research and Development that have more direct impact to the community will become a priority in the coming years. Without undermining the importance of basic research in advanced fields, we will expect to have more research on application to optimize utilization of research reactors and related facilities for the benefit of both the energy and non-energy sectors. (Tanaka, Y.)

  15. Association of nutritional status and serum albumin levels with development of toxicity in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with paclitaxel-cisplatin chemotherapy: a prospective study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arrieta, Oscar; Michel Ortega, Rosa M; Villanueva-Rodríguez, Geraldine; Serna-Thomé, Maria G; Flores-Estrada, Diana; Diaz-Romero, Consuelo; Rodríguez, Cindy M; Martínez, Luis; Sánchez-Lara, Karla


    A frequent manifestation of advanced NSCLC is malnutrition, even though there are many studies which relate it with a poor survival, its relation with toxicity has not yet been consistently reported. The aim of this study was to associate malnutrition and albumin serum levels with the occurrence of chemotherapy-induced toxicity in cisplatin plus paclitaxel chemotherapy-treated NSCLC. We prospectively evaluated 100 stage IV NSCLC patients treated with paclitaxel (175 mg/m 2 ) and cisplatin (80 mg/m 2 ). Malnutrition was assessed using SGA prior treatment. Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) and the Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) were used to determine the presence of systemic inflammatory response (SIR) and were related to the development of toxicity. Toxicity was graded according to NCI CTCAE version 3.0 after two chemotherapy cycles. Median age was 58 ± 10 years, 51% of patients were malnourished, 50% had albumin ≤3.0 mg/mL. NLR ≥ 5 was associated with basal hypoalbuminemia (mean ranks, 55.7 vs. 39 p = 0.006), ECOG = 2 (47.2 vs. 55.4 p = 0.026) and PLR ≥ 150 were significantly related with a basal body mass index ≤20 (56.6 vs. 43.5; p = 0.02) and hypoalbuminemia (58.9 vs. 41.3; p = 0.02). Main toxicities observed after 2 cycles of chemotherapy were alopecia (84%), nausea (49%), neuropathy (46%), anemia (33%), lymphopenia (31%), and leukopenia (30%). Patients malnourished and with hypoalbuminemia developed more chemotherapy-induced toxicity overall when compared with those without malnutrition (31 vs 22; p = 0.02) and normal albumin (mean ranks, 62 vs 43; p = 0.002), respectively. Hypoalbuminemia was associated with anemia (56 vs 47; p = 0.05), fatigue (58 vs 46; p = 0.01), and appetite loss (57.1 vs 46.7; p = 0.004) compared with normal albumin. PLR ≥ 150 was related with the development of toxicity grade III/IV (59.27 vs. 47.03 p = 0.008) and anemia (37.9 vs 53.8 p = 0.004). SIR parameters were associated with malnutrition, weight loss and

  16. Association of nutritional status and serum albumin levels with development of toxicity in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with paclitaxel-cisplatin chemotherapy: a prospective study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martínez Luis


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A frequent manifestation of advanced NSCLC is malnutrition, even though there are many studies which relate it with a poor survival, its relation with toxicity has not yet been consistently reported. The aim of this study was to associate malnutrition and albumin serum levels with the occurrence of chemotherapy-induced toxicity in cisplatin plus paclitaxel chemotherapy-treated NSCLC. Methods We prospectively evaluated 100 stage IV NSCLC patients treated with paclitaxel (175 mg/m2 and cisplatin (80 mg/m2. Malnutrition was assessed using SGA prior treatment. Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR and the Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR were used to determine the presence of systemic inflammatory response (SIR and were related to the development of toxicity. Toxicity was graded according to NCI CTCAE version 3.0 after two chemotherapy cycles. Results Median age was 58 ± 10 years, 51% of patients were malnourished, 50% had albumin ≤3.0 mg/mL. NLR ≥ 5 was associated with basal hypoalbuminemia (mean ranks, 55.7 vs. 39 p = 0.006, ECOG = 2 (47.2 vs. 55.4 p = 0.026 and PLR ≥ 150 were significantly related with a basal body mass index ≤20 (56.6 vs. 43.5; p = 0.02 and hypoalbuminemia (58.9 vs. 41.3; p = 0.02. Main toxicities observed after 2 cycles of chemotherapy were alopecia (84%, nausea (49%, neuropathy (46%, anemia (33%, lymphopenia (31%, and leukopenia (30%. Patients malnourished and with hypoalbuminemia developed more chemotherapy-induced toxicity overall when compared with those without malnutrition (31 vs 22; p = 0.02 and normal albumin (mean ranks, 62 vs 43; p = 0.002, respectively. Hypoalbuminemia was associated with anemia (56 vs 47; p = 0.05, fatigue (58 vs 46; p = 0.01, and appetite loss (57.1 vs 46.7; p = 0.004 compared with normal albumin. PLR ≥ 150 was related with the development of toxicity grade III/IV (59.27 vs. 47.03 p = 0.008 and anemia (37.9 vs 53.8 p = 0.004. Conclusion SIR parameters were associated with

  17. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte Ratio, Platelet-to-lymphocyte Ratio, and C-reactive Protein as New and Simple Prognostic Factors in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer Treated With Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: A Systemic Review and Meta-analysis. (United States)

    Semeniuk-Wojtaś, Aleksandra; Lubas, Arkadiusz; Stec, Rafał; Syryło, Tomasz; Niemczyk, Stanisław; Szczylik, Cezary


    Inflammation plays a crucial role in cancer development. In this study, we evaluate the prognostic values of systemic inflammation markers such as neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and C-reactive protein (CRP) for the progression-free survival and overall survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. PubMed and the Cochrane Library databases were searched for published studies on the effect of NLR, PLR, and CRP in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. In the meta-analysis, NLR (hazard ratio [HR], 2.01; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.27-3.18; P = .003) and PLR (HR, 6.96; 95% CI, 5.04-9.62; P < .001) had a significant influence on progression-free survival, whereas all considered proinflammatory markers had a significant impact on overall survival: NLR (HR, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.67-2.73; P < .001), PLR (HR, 14.67; 95% CI, 11.10-19.57; P < .001), and CRP (HR, 1.96; 95% CI, 1.26-3.05; P = .003). Inflammation markers such as NLR, PLR, and CRP are predictors of clinical outcome and could provide additional information to individualize treatment. Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. The 2s2p 4P0sub(5/2) - 2p24Psup(e)sub(5/2)-transition in O VI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sjoedin, R.; Pihl, J.; Hallin, R.; Lindskog, J.; Marelius, A.


    The Li-like doubly excited transitions 2s2p 4 P 0 sub(5/2) - 2p 2 4 Psup(e)sub(5/2) in O VI has been studied with the beam-foil technique. Oxygen ion beams with energies between 4.5 to 9 MeV were used. The wavelength of the transition was measured to 944.0+-0.5 A and the lifetime for the upper level 2p 2 4 Psup(e) was measured to be 0.51+-0.04 ns. (Auth.)

  19. 公共出借權計畫之本質與價值 The Essence of an Public Lending Right System

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    Jeong-yeou Chiu


    Full Text Available 無Stocks, titles, loan estimates and grants make the payment of Public Lending Right, plus with the hybrid system of estimates mentioned. PLR is growing but more complicated than ever. Nevertheless, some of the reasons for convincing people of realizing PLR are controversial. To be sure, the PLR-related issues are full of the academic value. While government, library, author, reader, and bookshop working together with a rational correlation, PLR certainly becomes harmonious and be a well designed policy. The case of the UK PLR has been introduced and given a meaningful thinking to us. The positive attitudes of library toward PLR system and the emphasis on the relationship between publishing market and library are of importance. Non-book material and digital information are also the future of PLR implement. Taiwan's PLR system and payment, if to be employed, should simply begin with and be recognized as a culture policy to evade the difficulties of immediately revising the copyright or other national policies.

  20. Neuropharmacology of purinergic receptors in human submucous plexus: Involvement of P2X₁, P2X₂, P2X₃ channels, P2Y and A₃ metabotropic receptors in neurotransmission. (United States)

    Liñán-Rico, A; Wunderlich, J E; Enneking, J T; Tso, D R; Grants, I; Williams, K C; Otey, A; Michel, K; Schemann, M; Needleman, B; Harzman, A; Christofi, F L


    The role of purinergic signaling in human ENS is not well understood. We sought to further characterize the neuropharmacology of purinergic receptors in human ENS and test the hypothesis that endogenous purines are critical regulators of neurotransmission. LSCM-Fluo-4/(Ca(2+))-imaging of postsynaptic Ca(2+) transients (PSCaTs) was used as a reporter of synaptic transmission evoked by fiber tract electrical stimulation in human SMP surgical preparations. Pharmacological analysis of purinergic signaling was done in 1,556 neurons (identified by HuC/D-immunoreactivity) in 235 ganglia from 107 patients; P2XR-immunoreactivity was evaluated in 19 patients. Real-time MSORT (Di-8-ANEPPS) imaging tested effects of adenosine on fast excitatory synaptic potentials (fEPSPs). Synaptic transmission is sensitive to pharmacological manipulations that alter accumulation of extracellular purines: Apyrase blocks PSCaTs in a majority of neurons. An ecto-NTPDase-inhibitor 6-N,N-diethyl-D-β,γ-dibromomethyleneATP or adenosine deaminase augments PSCaTs. Blockade of reuptake/deamination of eADO inhibits PSCaTs. Adenosine inhibits fEPSPs and PSCaTs (IC50 = 25 µM), sensitive to MRS1220-antagonism (A3AR). A P2Y agonist ADPβS inhibits PSCaTs (IC50 = 111 nM) in neurons without stimulatory ADPbS responses (EC50 = 960 nM). ATP or a P2X1,2,2/3 (α,β-MeATP) agonist evokes fast, slow, biphasic Ca(2+) transients or Ca(2+) oscillations (ATP,EC50 = 400 mM). PSCaTs are sensitive to P2X1 antagonist NF279. Low (20 nM) or high (5 µM) concentrations of P2X antagonist TNP-ATP block PSCaTs in different neurons; proportions of neurons with P2XR-immunoreactivity follow the order P2X2 > P2X1 > P2X3; P2X1 + P2X2 and P2X3 + P2X2 are co-localized. RT-PCR identified mRNA-transcripts for P2X1-7, P2Y1,2,12-14R. Purines are critical regulators of neurotransmission in human ENS. Purinergic signaling involves P2X1, P2X2, P2X3 channels, P2X1 + P2X2 co-localization and inhibitory P2Y or A3 receptors. These are

  1. Towards P2P XML Database Technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Y. Zhang (Ying)


    textabstractTo ease the development of data-intensive P2P applications, we envision a P2P XML Database Management System (P2P XDBMS) that acts as a database middle-ware, providing a uniform database abstraction on top of a dynamic set of distributed data sources. In this PhD work, we research which

  2. Pengaruh Tes Elevasi Tungkai Secara Pasif terhadap Variasi Pletismograf untuk Penilaian Responsivitas Cairan pada Pasien yang Dilakukan Pembedahan dengan Anestesi Umum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bahtiar Susanto


    Full Text Available Fluid responsiveness assessments have shown to be an important matter in perioperative fluid optimization. Respiratory variations in pulse oximetry plethysmographic waveform amplitude (∆POP and passive leg raising have been shown as promising indicators due to the ability to predict fluid responsiveness. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of passive leg raising (PLR on ∆POP to predict fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated patients after induction of general anesthesia. This was a trialon 30 patients referred for surgery under general anesthesia, aged 18–60 years and ASA physical status I or II, during the period of February–March 2015 at the Central Surgical Installation of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. Patients were studied immediately after the induction of general anesthesia. This trial use the paired t test, Wilcoxon test, and ANOVA for statistical analysis. Vital signs and ∆POP were recorded at baseline, before, and after PLR. PLR induced changes in ∆POP with a ∆POP greater than 13% compared to the initial PLR allowed discrimination between responders and nonresponders to 6/30. There was a significant decrease in ∆POP in responders when compared to the nonresponders(p<0.05. ∆POP can be reduced by PLR and fluid responsiveness can be predicted noninvasively in mechanically ventilated patients during general anesthesia.

  3. Komposisi Nutrisi Rumput Laut Calcareous Halimeda opuntia pada Lingkungan Perairan Indonesia

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    Nurhayati Nurhayati


    Full Text Available Halimeda opuntia merupakan rumput laut Chlorophyta berkapur yang memiliki kandungan nutrisi untuk pangan fungsional. Namun, pergeseran komposisi nutrisi dapat terjadi akibat perubahan lingkungan akibat limpasan nutrien dan bahan organik lainnya yang umum terjadi di perairan pesisir Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi pergeseran kandungan nutrisi H. opuntia yang tumbuh di zona intertidal agar dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pemilihan lokasi pengambilan bahan baku H. opuntia untuk produk fungsional. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di empat lokasi perairan di Indonesia, yaitu perairan Binuangeun (Banten, Lampung Selatan, Lombok Timur (Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Konawe Selatan (Sulawesi Tenggara. Karakteristik nutrisi dari rumput laut target meliputi kadar air, abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, dan serat kasar. Informasi lingkungan dari habitat sampel ditunjukkan melalui variabel kimia air yaitu DO, pH, salinitas, pCO2, kalsium aragonit, nitrogen anorganik terlarut, serta fosfat anorganik terlarut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kondisi lingkungan eutrofik berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap komposisi nutrisi H. opuntia. pH dan salinitas menjadi faktor determinan positif (R2 = 0,75 pada p<0,05 terhadap kadar karbohidrat, sementara nitrogen anorganik terlarut menjadi faktor determinan negatif terhadap kadar protein dan lemak (R2= 0,81 dan 0,61 pada p<0,05. Berdasarkan kandungan nutrisinya, maka H. opuntia yang diperoleh dari habitat alamiah merupakan bahan baku produk fungsional yang  lebih baik dibandingkan dengan biota selaras dari perairan eutrofik.

  4. Extending an Afrikaans pronunciation dictionary using Dutch resources and P2P/GP2P

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Loots, L


    Full Text Available . This is compared to the more common approach of extending the Afrikaans dictionary by means of graphemeto-phoneme (G2P) conversion. The results indicate that the Afrikaans pronunciations obtained by P2P and GP2P from the Dutch dictionary are more accurate than...

  5. Network-Aware DHT-Based P2P Systems (United States)

    Fayçal, Marguerite; Serhrouchni, Ahmed

    P2P networks lay over existing IP networks and infrastructure. This chapter investigates the relation between both layers, details the motivations for network awareness in P2P systems, and elucidates the requirements P2P systems have to meet for efficient network awareness. Since new P2P systems are mostly based on DHTs, we also present and analyse DHT-based architectures. And after a brief presentation of different existing network-awareness solutions, the chapter goes on effective cooperation between P2P traffic and network providers' business agreements, and introduces emerging DHT-based P2P systems that are network aware through a semantic defined for resource sharing. These new systems ensure also a certain context-awareness. So, they are analyzed and compared before an open end on prospects of network awareness in P2P systems.

  6. Indonesian country report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Munawir Zulqarnain, M.


    BATAN started to study EB (electron beam) flue gas treatment in 2001 after a joint memorandum of understanding on application of EB flue gas treatment in Power Plant between BATAN (National Nuclear Energy Agency), BPPT (Technology Implementation and Assessment Agency) and Indonesia Power Company was signed. Among several power plants (coal or oil) in Indonesia only one is installed with flue gas treatment equipment. This is to reduce CO 2 emission from the newest of coal power plant in Indonesia with 1200 MWe. The BATAN starts by seeking and learning data and engineering concept and processes from other countries to install an EB flue gas treatment equipment. The role of demonstration plant installation is very important to the future EB flue gas treatment in Indonesia. (S. Ohno)

  7. Desempenho do exame colpocitológico com revisão por diferentes observadores e da captura híbrida II no diagnóstico da neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical graus 2 e 3 Performance of cervical cytology with review by different observers and hybrid capture II in the diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grades 2 and 3

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    André Luís Ferreira Santos


    Full Text Available Para avaliar o desempenho da colpocitologia (CO de encaminhamento e daquela coletada no serviço de referência, com revisão por diferentes técnicas e observadores, e da captura híbrida II (CH II no diagnóstico da neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIC de alto grau, foram incluídas 105 mulheres atendidas entre agosto de 2000 e junho de 2001 por atipias pré-neoplásicas na CO. Todas foram submetidas à coleta de nova CO e CH II para detecção do DNA-HPV. Foi realizada biópsia cervical em 91, sendo o diagnóstico histológico considerado padrão ouro. Foram descritas a sensibilidade, especificidade e razão de verossimilhança positiva (RVP dos métodos propedêuticos com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%. A sensibilidade e especificidade da CO de encaminhamento foi de 57% e 82% para o diagnóstico de NIC 2 e 3, e a RVP de 3,2 (IC95%: 1,5-6,8. A CO do serviço mostrou uma sensibilidade e especificidade 79% e 84%, respectivamente e RVP de 5,0 (IC95%: 2,5-10,0. A sensibilidade (86%, especificidade (80% e RVP (4,3 foram semelhantes com a revisão lenta realizada pelo segundo observador, havendo uma queda significativa da sensibilidade (64% à revisão rápida pelo terceiro observador. A CH II mostrou alta sensibilidade (100%, baixa especificidade (43% e baixa RVP (1,7, IC95%: 1,4-2,2.To evaluate the performance of initial cervical cytology and that collected at the reference service with a review conducted by different observers and techniques, as well as hybrid capture II, in the diagnosis of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN, 105 women attended from August 2000 to June 2001 for preneoplastic atypia upon cervical cytology were included. A new cervical cytology and hybrid capture II for DNA-HPV were conducted in all the patients. Cervical biopsies were taken in 91 women. Performance of the investigative procedures was described by estimating the sensitivity, specificity, and positive likelihood ratio (PLR, with a 95

  8. The investigation of complete blood counting parameters in deep venous thrombosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmet Çalışkan


    Full Text Available Objective: The role of inflammation in the deep venous thrombosis (DVT process has been explained in various studies. Hence, the role of inflammatory markers in this illness has been researched previouslyin the literature. Recent years, such as parameters, neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR, among complete blood count have been frequently started to use as an expression of inflammatory marker. In the current study, the relation between complete blood count parameters and DVT was investigated. Methods: 50 patients admitted to our clinic with the diagnosis of acute DVT (28 female, 22 male were included in the study. The patients were diagnosed by clinical symptoms and Doppler USG. Patients with additional illness that can form an inflammatory response were excluded. 30 healthy volunteers were included as a control group. Routine complete blood counts of these patients were examined retrospectively. Routine complete blood counts and nonselective inflammatory markers, red cell distribution width (RDW, white cells (WBC, NLR, and PLR measurements were examined statistically. Results: The mean age of patients included in study was 46.2±14.2 and 53% of them were female. When the groups were examined in terms of hematological parameters, lymphocyte (2.6±0.8 and 2.1±0.7, p=0.003 and platelet (322±144 and 264±66, p=0.042 values were detected to be higher. Hemoglobin (13.2±2.0 and 14.6±1.5, p=0.002 and hematocrit (38.7±5.1 and 42.8±6.9, p<0.001 values were detected to be less while the WBC, neutrophil, NLR, RDW and PLR were similar. Regarding the two groups with and without anticoagulant therapy, in the DVT group, there were no significant differences detected in terms of age, gender, and hematological parameters. Conclusion: In this study, there were no significant differences between healthy volunteers blood count parameters of patients taken into consideration with pure DVT. There is no significant change shown.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.S. Pudjijanto


    Full Text Available Aspek keselamatan penggunaaan radiasi gamma, khususnya penggunaan iradiator gamma perlu ditekankan untuk menjamin keselamatan personil maupun keselamatan lingkungan. Keselamatan radiasi pekerja diperhitungkan pada saat fasilitas iradiasi beroperasi normal dan ketika sedang dilakukan bongkar-muat sumber radiasi dan perawatan/perbaikan fasilitas dengan sumber radiasi berada di dalam kolam penyimpan atau di rak khusus penyimpan sumber. Jenis dan tebal dinding beton ruang papar yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai perisai radiasi perlu dipertimbangkan, agar paparan radiasi di lingkungan fasilitas iradiator ini memenuhi kriteria keselamatan radiasi yang ditetapkan BAPETEN. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan PensilBaris1.2 dengan teknik integrasi kernel titik dan sebagai pembanding digunakan program MCNP5 dengan teknik Monte Carlo. Fasilitas iradiator gamma inovatif yang akan didesain berdimensi panjang 13 m, lebar 6 m dan tinggi 4 m. Radiasi gamma bersumber dari 36-52 batang Cobalt-60 beraktivitas total 500 kCi yang disusun tegak berjajar yang berjarak sama dalam sepasang rak sejajar bertingka dua dengan panjang 135 cm dan tinggi 100 cm. Jarak pisang antara sepasang rak sumber gamma ditetapkan 120 cm. Hasil perhitungan program PensilBaris1.2 untuk dinding beton dengan kerapatan 2,45 g/cm3 berturut-turut memberikan 141,6; 164,4 dan 154,9 cm dan program MCNP5 berturut-turut memberikan ketebalan 145, 155 dan 140 cm. Perbedaan hasil dari kedua tool ini, selain disebabkan oleh teknik dan metode komputasi yang berbeda, disebabkan karena adanya perbedaan pustaka data tampang interaksi foton dengan materi dan faktor bangkit dosis yang digunakan. Hasil perhitungan menggunakan PensilBaris1.2 dengan kerapatan 2,35 g/cm3 memberikan tebal dinding beton dalam arah memanjang, melebar dan meninggi berturut-turut 147,4; 170,7 dan 161,4 cm. Kedalaman benam minimal ujung atas sumber dari permukaan air kolam menggunakan PensilBaris1.2 sebesar 4,85 meter untuk laju

  10. Neuropharmacology of Purinergic Receptors in Human Submucous Plexus: Involvement of P2X1, P2X2, P2X3 Channels, P2Y and A3 Metabotropic Receptors in Neurotransmission (United States)

    Liñán-Rico, A.; Wunderlich, JE.; Enneking, JT.; Tso, DR.; Grants, I.; Williams, KC.; Otey, A.; Michel, K.; Schemann, M.; Needleman, B.; Harzman, A.; Christofi, FL.


    Rationale The role of purinergic signaling in the human ENS is not well understood. We sought to further characterize the neuropharmacology of purinergic receptors in human ENS and test the hypothesis that endogenous purines are critical regulators of neurotransmission. Experimental Approach LSCM-Fluo-4-(Ca2+)-imaging of postsynaptic Ca2+ transients (PSCaTs) was used as a reporter of neural activity. Synaptic transmission was evoked by fiber tract electrical stimulation in human SMP surgical preparations. Pharmacological analysis of purinergic signaling was done in 1,556 neurons from 234 separate ganglia 107 patients; immunochemical labeling for P2XRs of neurons in ganglia from 19 patients. Real-time MSORT (Di-8-ANEPPS) imaging was used to test effects of adenosine on fast excitatory synaptic potentials (fEPSPs). Results Synaptic transmission is sensitive to pharmacological manipulations that alter accumulation of extracellular purines. Apyrase blocks PSCaTs in a majority of neurons. An ecto-NTPDase-inhibitor 6-N,N-diethyl-D-β,γ-dibromomethyleneATP or adenosine deaminase augments PSCaTs. Blockade of reuptake/deamination of eADO inhibits PSCaTs. Adenosine inhibits fEPSPs and PSCaTs (IC50=25μM), sensitive to MRS1220-antagonism (A3AR). A P2Y agonist ADPβS inhibits PSCaTs (IC50=111nM) in neurons without stimulatory ADPβS responses (EC50=960nM). ATP or a P2X1,2,2/3 (α,β-MeATP) agonist evokes fast, slow, biphasic Ca2+ transients or Ca2+ oscillations (EC50=400μM). PSCaTs are sensitive to P2X1 antagonist NF279. Low (20nM) or high (5μM) concentrations of P2X antagonist TNP-ATP block PSCaTs in different neurons; proportions of neurons with P2XR-ir follow the order P2X2>P2X1≫P2X3; P2X1+ P2X2 and P2X3+P2X2 are co-localized. RT-PCR identified mRNA-transcripts for P2X1-7,P2Y1,2,12-14R. Responsive neurons were also identified by HuC/D-ir. Conclusions Purines are critical regulators of neurotransmission in the human enteric nervous system. Purinergic signaling involves

  11. Managing P2P services via the IMS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liotta, A.; Lin, L.


    The key aim of our work was to illustrate the benefits and means to deploy P2P services via the IMS. Having demonstrated the technical viability of P2P-IMS we have also found a way to add a new management dimension to existing P2P systems. P2P-IMS comes with a natural "data management" mechanism,

  12. Safety Culture as a Pillar of Defense-in-Depth Implementation at the Experimental Fuel Element Installation, Batan Indonesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hardiyanti, H.; Herutomo, B.; Suryaman, G.K., E-mail: [Center for Nuclear Fuel Technology – National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) Tangerang (Indonesia)


    Defence-in-depth (DID) needs to be implemented not only in a nuclear power plant, but also in a non-reactor nuclear facility. The application of safety culture in a nuclear facility is one way of DID implementation. Safety culture aims at the performance of safe works, the prevention of deviation, and the accomplishment of quality operation. It is in accordance with the first level of DID concept which is the prevention of abnormal operation and failures that is done through conservative design and high quality in construction and operation. Experimental Fuel Element Installation (EFEI) is a nonreactor nuclear facility that belongs to BATAN (the National Nuclear Energy Agency of the Republic of Indonesia) that functions as its research and development facility on power reactor fuel production. The objective of safety culture implementation in the EFEI is to encourage workers to have a stronger sense of responsibility on safety and to contribute actively for its development. The enhancement of safety culture in the EFEI refers to the attributes of a strong safety culture listed in the IAEA Safety Standard Series No.GS-G-3.5 (The Management System for Nuclear Installations Safety Guide). The strategies performed were: a) Internalization of safety values through activities such as briefings, “coffee morning”, visual management, workshops, and training; b) Enhancement of leadership effectiveness through activities such as senior management visits, safety leadership training, and personnel qualification training; c) Integration of safety into all work processes through activities such as setting up HIRADC (hazard identification, risk assessment, and determining controls) documents, setting up WHA (workplace hazard assessment), and routine housekeeping; d) Learning about safety through activities such as occupational health and safety inspections, safety self-assessments, open reporting on safety incidents, and participation in the FINAS (fuel incident notification

  13. Improved performance of photosynthetic light response equations with unified parameters for rice leaves with different SPAD values

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, J.; Peng, S.; Kong, W.


    The rectangular hyperbola (RH), Mitscherlich (M) and YE equation were applied to describe the photosynthetic light response (PLR) curves measured from rice leaves with different SPAD values, to reveal the relationship between SPAD values and parameters in different equations, and to establish the modified PLR equations. The parameters in PLR equations are largely varied. SPAD value, as an indicator of leaf N contents, was highly correlated to the parameter of Pnmax in RH, M and YE equations. Incorporating the factor SPAD into PLR equations, the modified equations (MRH, MM, and MYE) were established which were feasible to describing the PLR curves for leaves with different SPAD values using the identical parameters for the ten PLR curves as a whole, and perform much better than the general PLR equations (GRH, GM, and GYE). It indicated that incorporating easy available indicators of leaf physiological and morphological traits in the PLR equations, such as SPAD as an indicator of leaf N or Chlorophyll contents, is an easy way to overcome the shortcoming of parameters variation in PLR equations between individuals of the same specie growing in different environments. Further validation should be done for different crops with both SPAD and other possible factors. (author)

  14. Cryptocurrency Networks: A New P2P Paradigm

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    Sergi Delgado-Segura


    Full Text Available P2P networks are the mechanism used by cryptocurrencies to disseminate system information while keeping the whole system as much decentralized as possible. Cryptocurrency P2P networks have new characteristics that propose new challenges and avoid some problems of existing P2P networks. By characterizing the most relevant cryptocurrency network, Bitcoin, we provide details on different properties of cryptocurrency networks and their similarities and differences with standard P2P network paradigms. Our study allows us to conclude that cryptocurrency networks present a new paradigm of P2P networks due to the mechanisms they use to achieve high resilience and security. With this new paradigm, interesting research lines can be further developed, both in the focused field of P2P cryptocurrency networks and also when such networks are combined with other distributed scenarios.

  15. Music2Share - Copyright-Compliant Music Sharing in P2P Systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kalker, Ton; Epema, Dick H.J.; Hartel, Pieter H.; Lagendijk, R. (Inald) L.; van Steen, Martinus Richardus; van Steen, Maarten

    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks are generally considered to be free havens for pirated content, in particular with respect to music. We describe a solution for the problem of copyright infringement in P2P networks for music sharing. In particular, we propose a P2P protocol that integrates the functions

  16. Music2Share --- Copyright-Compliant Music Sharing in P2P Systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kalker, T.; Epema, D.; Hartel, P.; Lagendijk, I.; van Steen, M.R.


    Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are generally considered to be free havens for pirated content, in particular with respect to music. We describe a solution for the problem of copyright infringement in P2P networks for music sharing. In particular, we propose a P2P protocol that integrates the functions

  17. Anonymity in P2P Systems (United States)

    Manzanares-Lopez, Pilar; Muñoz-Gea, Juan Pedro; Malgosa-Sanahuja, Josemaria; Sanchez-Aarnoutse, Juan Carlos

    In the last years, the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) applications to share and exchange knowledge among people around the world has experienced an exponential growth. Therefore, it is understandable that, like in any successful communication mechanism used by a lot of humans being, the anonymity can be a desirable characteristic in this scenario. Anonymity in P2P networks can be obtained by means of different methods, although the most significant ones are broadcast protocols, dining-cryptographer (DC) nets and multiple-hop paths. Each of these methods can be tunable in order to build a real anonymity P2P application. In addition, there is a mathematical tool called entropy that can be used in some scenarios to quantify anonymity in communication networks. In some cases, it can be calculated analytically but in others it is necessary to use simulation to obtain the network entropy.

  18. Evaluation of RSG-GAS Core Management Based on Burnup Calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lily Suparlina; Jati Susilo


    Evaluation of RSG-GAS Core Management Based on Burnup Calculation. Presently, U 3 Si 2 -Al dispersion fuel is used in RSG-GAS core and had passed the 60 th core. At the beginning of each cycle the 5/1 fuel reshuffling pattern is used. Since 52 nd core, operators did not use the core fuel management computer code provided by vendor for this activity. They use the manually calculation using excel software as the solving. To know the accuracy of the calculation, core calculation was carried out using two kinds of 2 dimension diffusion codes Batan-2DIFF and SRAC. The beginning of cycle burn-up fraction data were calculated start from 51 st to 60 th using Batan-EQUIL and SRAC COREBN. The analysis results showed that there is a disparity in reactivity values of the two calculation method. The 60 th core critical position resulted from Batan-2DIFF calculation provide the reduction of positive reactivity 1.84 % Δk/k, while the manually calculation results give the increase of positive reactivity 2.19 % Δk/k. The minimum shutdown margin for stuck rod condition for manual and Batan-3DIFF calculation are -3.35 % Δk/k dan -1.13 % Δk/k respectively, it means that both values met the safety criteria, i.e <-0.5 % Δk/k. Excel program can be used for burn-up calculation, but it is needed to provide core management code to reach higher accuracy. (author)

  19. Crossed molecular beam-tunable laser determination of velocity dependence of intramultiplet mixing: K(4p2P1/2)+He →K(4p2P3/2)+He

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, R.W.; Goddard, T.P.; Parravano, C.; Warner, J.


    The velocity dependence of intramultiplet mixing, K(4p 2 P 1 / 2 ) +He→K(4p 2 P 3 / 2 )+He, has been measured over the relative velocity range v=1.3--3.4 km/sec. The cross section appears to fit a linear function Q (v) =A (v-v 0 ), where a=6.3 x 10 -4 A 2 and v 0 = 7.9 x 10 4 cm/sec. The value of A is obtained by normalization to the literature thermal average cross section. The intramultiplet mixing theory of Nikitin is modified to yield Q (v) for the process. The modified theory correctly exhibits detailed balancing, and it is normalized to provide a very good fit to the observed Q (v). The magnitude of the normalization factor, however, is larger than that predicted from recent pseudopotential calculations of the excited state potentials. The temperature dependence of intramultiplet mixing is predicted. The use of laser polarization to determine the m/subj/ dependence of the process K(4p 2 P 3 / 2 +He→K(4p 2 P 1 / 2 )+He and other collision processes of excited 2 P 3 / 2 states is examined


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    Ika Arfiani


    Full Text Available Pertumbuhan pengguna layanan mobile data dan mobile internet di Indonesia meningkat pesat dibandingkan voice dan sms. Sehingga kehidupan manusia bagai tak terpisah antara jarak, tempat, dan waktu. Dengan mudahnya manusia dapat melakukan komunikasi dan mengakses informasi tak peduli dimanapun dia tempatnya. Apalagi dengan beragamnya alat komunikasi yang kini beredar ditengah masyarakat, salah satunya adalah smartphone android. Permasalahan yang umum dihadapi adalah bagaimana membangun suatu aplikasi pada platform Android untuk pencarian lokasi toko roti dan kue beserta alamatnya. Hal tersebut telah terjawab dengan adanya sistem operasi android yang open source, Dengan adanya aplikasi ini maka pengguna yang mempunyai tingkat kesibukan atau mobilitas yang tinggi tidak perlu lagi mencari lokasi toko roti dengan mencari ataupun bertanya dimana lokasi toko roti yang terdekat, karena Aplikasi ini telah menyediakan fitur pencarian secara lengkap, sehingga pengguna dapat mencari lokasi toko roti yang terdekat kapanpun dan dimanapun hanya dengan ponsel Android yang dimilikinya. Kelebihan aplikasi ini dapat digunakan untuk membantu mencari lokasi toko roti dan kue berdasarkan jenis tokonya serta lokasi yang terdekat dari posisi kita berada. Aplikasi ini akan menampilkan secara detail informasi dari toko yang ada berupa nama, alamat, nomor telepon, gambar / foto dan tampilan peta yang bersumber dari Google Maps.Hasil pengujian sistem menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat memberikan informasi lokasi toko kepada pengguna, melakukan panggilan telepon ke toko yang dituju, melakukan share promosi, serta menampilkan map sekaligus rute terpendek menuju lokasi merchant yang ingin dituju. Rute terpendek yang didapat telah mampu menemukan lokasi tujuan dengan jarak yang relative pendek dan tergambar dalam google map. Kata Kunci : Android, Mobile Application, Rute Terpendek, Location Based Service,

  1. Electron excitation cross sections for the 2s(2)2p(3)4S(O) -- 2s(2)2p(3)2D(O) (forbidden) and 4S(O) -- 2s2p(4) 4P (resonance) transitions in O II (United States)

    Zuo, M.; Smith, Steven J.; Chutjian, A.; Williams, I. D.; Tayal, S. S.; Mclaughlin, Brendan M.


    Experimental and theoretical excitation cross sections are reported for the first forbidden transition 4S(O) -- 2S(2)2p(3) 2D(O) (lambda-lambda 3726, 3729) and the first allowed (resonance) transition 4S(O) -- 2s2p(4) 4P(lambda-833) in O II. Use is made of electron energy loss and merged-beams methods. The electron energy range covered is 3.33 (threshold) to 15 eV for the S -- D transition, and 14.9 (threshold) to 40 eV for the S -- P transition. Care was taken to assess and minimize the metastable fraction of the O II beam. An electron mirror was designed and tested to reflect inelastically backscattered electrons into the forward direction to account for the full range of polar scattering angles. Comparisons are made between present experiments and 11-state R-matrix calculations. Calculations are also presented for the 4S(O) -- 2s(2)2p(3)2P(O) (lambda-2470) transition.

  2. Controlling P2P File-Sharing Networks Traffic


    García Pineda, Miguel; HAMMOUMI, MOHAMMED; Canovas Solbes, Alejandro; Lloret, Jaime


    Since the appearance of Peer-To-Peer (P2P) file-sharing networks some time ago, many Internet users have chosen this technology to share and search programs, videos, music, documents, etc. The total number of P2P file-sharing users has been increasing and decreasing in the last decade depending on the creation or end of some well known P2P file-sharing systems. P2P file-sharing networks traffic is currently overloading some data networks and it is a major headache for netw...

  3. Prognostic value of platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in oncologic outcomes of esophageal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiangwei; Wang, Yang; Zhao, Linping; Sang, Shaowei; Zhang, Lin


    The platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) is a useful prognostic factor in several cancers. However, the prognostic role of PLR in esophageal cancer remains controversial. The aim of this study is to evaluate the association between PLR and the oncologic outcome of esophageal cancer patients through a meta-analysis. Relevant articles were researched from Embase, PubMed, and Web of Science databases. The meta-analysis was performed using hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) as effect measures. Finally, 19 articles with 6134 patients were included in our study. The summary results indicated that the elevated PLR was negatively related to overall survival (HR= 1.263; 95% CI 1.094, 1.458). The subgroup analysis revealed that increased PLR was associated with poor overall survival in esophageal cancer patients for Asians (HR=1.252; 95% CI 1.141, 1.373) but not for Caucasians (HR=1.463; 95% CI 0.611, 3.502). When the patients were segregated by pathological type, sample size, and HR estimate method, high PLR was also significantly correlated with poor overall survival. In contrast, elevated PLR was not statistically associated with disease-free survival or cancer-specific survival. High PLR is associated with poor overall survival in patients with esophageal cancer. PLR may be a significant predictive biomarker in patients with esophageal cancer. Further large-cohort studies are needed to confirm these findings.

  4. Pre Design of Beam Parameter Control System for Electron Beam Machine (EBM) 350 keV/10 mA in the Center for Accelerator and Material Process Technology - BATAN Yogyakarta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Pre design of beam parameter control system for Electron Beam Machine (EBM) 350 keV/10 mA had an objective to find a control system algorithm for EBM in The Center For Accelerator and Material Process Technology (Pusat Teknologi dan Proses Bahan/PTAPB) - BATAN Yogyakarta. The design was based on the beam parameter model of EBM. The model shown a relationship between the dose parameter setting and the beam energy setting which it was being a problem in setting the beam parameters.The control system algorithm was found by getting compensator equations from the beam parameter model of EBM. The equations would omit the relation between the radiation dose parameter and beam energy parameter, so that the parameters could be adjusted easily. The result of the control system algorithm examine based on simulation shown that the setting of beam parameter value could be done by giving the accelerating voltage value and the filament current value as the operator had determined the value. The value of radiation dose and beam energy would be adjusted as its function of the filament current value and the accelerating voltage value. (author)

  5. Determination of the 1s2{\\ell }2{{\\ell }}^{\\prime } state production ratios {{}^{4}P}^{o}/{}^{2}P, {}^{2}D/{}^{2}P and {{}^{2}P}_{+}/{{}^{2}P}_{-} from fast (1{s}^{2},1s2s\\,{}^{3}S) mixed-state He-like ion beams in collisions with H2 targets (United States)

    Benis, E. P.; Zouros, T. J. M.


    New results are presented on the ratio {R}m={σ }{T2p}( {}4P)/{σ }{T2p}({}2P) concerning the production cross sections of Li-like 1s2s2p quartet and doublet P states formed in energetic ion-atom collisions by single 2p electron transfer to the metastable 1s2s {}3S component of the He-like ion beam. Spin statistics predict a value of R m = 2 independent of the collision system in disagreement with most reported measurements of {R}m≃ 1{--}9. A new experimental approach is presented for the evaluation of R m having some practical advantages over earlier approaches. It also allows for the determination of the separate contributions of ground- and metastable-state beam components to the measured spectra. Applying our technique to zero-degree Auger projectile spectra from 4.5 MeV {{{B}}}3+ (Benis et al 2002 Phys. Rev. A 65 064701) and 25.3 MeV {{{F}}}7+ (Zamkov et al 2002 Phys. Rev. A 65 062706) mixed state (1{s}2 {}1S,1s2s {}3S) He-like ion collisions with H2 targets, we report new values of {R}m=3.5+/- 0.4 for boron and {R}m=1.8+/- 0.3 for fluorine. In addition, the ratios of {}2D/{}2P and {{}2P}+/{{}2P}- populations from either the metastable and/or ground state beam component, also relevant to this analysis, are evaluated and compared to previously reported results for carbon collisions on helium (Strohschein et al 2008 Phys. Rev. A 77 022706) including a critical comparison to theory.

  6. Medicinal chemistry of adenosine, P2Y and P2X receptors. (United States)

    Jacobson, Kenneth A; Müller, Christa E


    Pharmacological tool compounds are now available to define action at the adenosine (ARs), P2Y and P2X receptors. We present a selection of the most commonly used agents to study purines in the nervous system. Some of these compounds, including A1 and A3 AR agonists, P2Y1R and P2Y12R antagonists, and P2X3, P2X4 and P2X7 antagonists, are potentially of clinical use in treatment of disorders of the nervous system, such as chronic pain, neurodegeneration and brain injury. Agonists of the A2AAR and P2Y2R are already used clinically, P2Y12R antagonists are widely used antithrombotics and an antagonist of the A2AAR is approved in Japan for treating Parkinson's disease. The selectivity defined for some of the previously introduced compounds has been revised with updated pharmacological characterization, for example, various AR agonists and antagonists were deemed A1AR or A3AR selective based on human data, but species differences indicated a reduction in selectivity ratios in other species. Also, many of the P2R ligands still lack bioavailability due to charged groups or hydrolytic (either enzymatic or chemical) instability. X-ray crystallographic structures of AR and P2YRs have shifted the mode of ligand discovery to structure-based approaches rather than previous empirical approaches. The X-ray structures can be utilized either for in silico screening of chemically diverse libraries for the discovery of novel ligands or for enhancement of the properties of known ligands by chemical modification. Although X-ray structures of the zebrafish P2X4R have been reported, there is scant structural information about ligand recognition in these trimeric ion channels. In summary, there are definitive, selective agonists and antagonists for all of the ARs and some of the P2YRs; while the pharmacochemistry of P2XRs is still in nascent stages. The therapeutic potential of selectively modulating these receptors is continuing to gain interest in such fields as cancer, inflammation, pain

  7. Development of Data Acquisition and Measurement Software for Neutron Triple Axis Spectrometer at BATAN-Serpong, Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B Bharoto


    Full Text Available The Neutron Scattering Laboratory at the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN possesses several neutron beam instruments for materials science research. One of the instruments is a neutron triple-axis spectrometer (TAS. Due to the malfunction of the main computer, the original main control system had to be replaced with a new one. For this reason, a new data acquisition and measurement software program based on GNU C++ programming language was developed for restoring the spectrometer's functionality. However, using the resulting control system, triple-axis mode experiments were very difficult to perform and their types that can be performed were limited. In order to conduct the experiments more effectively and efficiently, several improvements in both hardware and software have been developed. The Visual Basic programming language was used in developing the data acquisition and measurement software that makes it possible for all motors to move simultaneously, so that the time spent for the experiments is reduced significantly. Also, programmable motor controller cards were used for driving all the 23 motors of the instrument. All the 23 axes can be controlled by clicking the appropriate buttons or inputting text command in the main window of the software's user interface. The software has also been used to perform an elastic experiment, as well as an inelastic experiment for investigating the phenomenon of phonon. The software developed is more user friendly than the older ones, since the spectrometer status and the experiment results can be displayed in real time at the windows, and it also makes experiments more effective and efficient since the experiments can be automated and run without any user intervention until the experiments finish. /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso

  8. P SETT2

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. P SETT2,. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 41 Issue 2 April 2018 pp 60. Magnetic measurements, Raman and infrared spectra of metal–ligand complex derived from CoCl 2 · 6H 2 O and 2-benzoyl pyridine · S DATTA A S MAHAPATRA P SETT2, ...

  9. Radiative lifetimes of the 2s2p2(4P) metastable levels of N III (United States)

    Fang, Z.; Kwong, Victor H. S.; Parkinson, W. H.


    The radiative decay rates of N III 175 nm intersystem lines were measured in the laboratory by recording the time dependence of photon intensities emitted as the 2s2p2(4P) metastable term of N(2+) ions decay to the 2s22p(2P0) ground term. A cylindrical radio frequency ion trap was used to store the electron impact-produced N(2+) ions. The radiative decay signals were analyzed by multiexponential least-squares fits to the data. The measured radiative decay rates to the ground term are 1019(+/- 64)/s for 4P sub 1/2, 74.5(+/- 5.4)/s for 4P sub 3/2, and 308( +/- 22)/s for 4P sub 5/2. Comparisons of the measured values with theoretical values are presented.

  10. Criticality Analysis of the U-H2O Subcritical Assembly Modified for Rand D of the High Temperature Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Syarip; Tri-Wulan-Tjiptono; Tegas-Sutondo


    A criticality analysis of the natural uranium - light water sub-criticalassembly available at the P3TM-BATAN Yogyakarta, converted into a naturaluranium - graphite system has been performed. The purpose of this study is toprovide the research facility on the basic static and kinetics studies forthe high temperature reactor (HTR) in which the HTR fuel system is underdevelopment at the P3TM. For the purpose of this study, a neutroniccalculation was performed using WIMSD/4 code, to determine the neutronmultiplication factor for various fuel configurations of the sub-criticalassemblies. The results show that the effective neutron multiplication factor(k ef ) for U-Be-H 2 O and U-Be-He systems are 1.0474 and 1.4666 respectively,while for the graphite moderated systems with coolants of H 2 O or He(U-C-H 2 O and U-C-He) systems, the corresponding k ef are 0.787 and 0.4211respectively. The results conclude that the modification of U-H 2 O toU-C-H 2 O system, in accordance with neutronic is quite feasible, safe, cheapand practical, and in addition, the treatment of H 2 O is relatively easy.(author)

  11. Functional and molecular evidence for heteromeric association of P2Y1 receptor with P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors in mouse granulocytes. (United States)

    Ribeiro-Filho, Antonio Carlos; Buri, Marcus Vinicius; Barros, Carlos Castilho; Dreyfuss, Juliana Luporini; Nader, Helena Bonciani; Justo, Giselle Zenker; Craveiro, Rogério Bastos; Pesquero, João Bosco; Miranda, Antonio; Ferreira, Alice Teixeira; Paredes-Gamero, Edgar Julian


    All hematopoietic cells express P2 receptors, however pharmacological characteristics such as expression and affinity in granulocytes are unknown. Pharmacological characteristics of P2 receptors were evaluated by Ca(2+) measurements using Fura-2 fluorophore. P2 receptors expression were analyzed by flow cytometry and RT-PCR. P2 interaction were shown by coimmunoprecipitation, western blotting and FRET. Granulocytes were responsive to P2Y agonists, whereas P2X agonists were ineffective. Ca(2+) increase, elicited by ADP and UTP was dependent on intracellular stocks and sensitive to G-coupled receptor inhibition. Moreover, MRS2179, a specific antagonist of the P2Y1 receptor, abolished ADP response. Interestingly, ADP and UTP exhibited full heterologous desensitization, suggesting that these agonists interact with the same receptor. The heteromeric association between P2Y1 receptor and the P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors was shown by immunoprecipitation and FRET analysis. Clear evidence of heteromeric association of P2Y receptors was found during the evaluation of P2 receptors present in mice granulocytes, which could impact in the classical pharmacology of P2Y receptors in granulocytes.

  12. Clinical Significance of Preoperative Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio versus Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio in Patients with Small Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ji-Feng Feng


    Full Text Available Recent studies have shown that the presence of systemic inflammation correlates with poor survival in various of cancers. The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic values of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR in patients with small cell carcinoma of the esophagus (SCCE. Preoperative NLR and PLR were evaluated in 43 patients with SCCE from January 2001 to December 2010. The prognostic significance of both markers was then determined by both uni- and multivariate analytical methods. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC curves were also plotted to verify the accuracy of NLR and PLR for survival prediction. Patients with PLR ≥150 had significantly poorer (relapse-free survival RFS and (overall survival OS compared to patients with PLR <150. However, RFS or OS did not differ according to NLR categories (<3.5 and ≥3.5. The areas under the curve (AUC indicated that PLR was superior to NLR as a predictive factor. The results of the present study conclude that PLR is superior to NLR as a predictive factor in patients with SCCE.

  13. Prognostic roles of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and platelet to lymphocyte ratio in ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis of retrospective studies. (United States)

    Zhao, Zhe; Zhao, Xinrui; Lu, Jingjing; Xue, Jing; Liu, Peishu; Mao, Hongluan


    The systemic inflammatory response markers have been reported to be associated with the prognosis of various cancers. We conducted this meta-analysis of retrospective studies to evaluate and identify the prognostic impact of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) on ovarian cancer. PubMed, EMBASE, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure databases were included to search for eligible studies. The following terms were used: "neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio", "NLR", "platelet to lymphocyte ratio", "PLR", "ovarian cancer", "ovary cancer", "ovarian carcinoma", "ovary carcinoma", "ovarian neoplasm", "ovary neoplasm", "ovarian tumor", and "ovary tumor". The random-effects model was chosen to estimate the pooled HR with 95% CI. Heterogeneity between studies was assessed by Higgins I 2 value. The stability and heterogeneity of studies were analyzed by sensitivity analysis. Publication bias was examined by Egger's test and Begg's test with the funnel plots. 13 studies consisting of 3467 patients were considered for meta-analysis. We found that the high NLR had a poor prognostic impact on OS and PFS in ovarian cancer, with a pooled HR 1.70, 95% CI 1.35-2.15 and HR 1.77, 95% CI 1.48-2.12, respectively. Similarly, the results showed the high PLR adversely affected OS and PFS in ovarian cancer, with a pooled HR 2.05, 95% CI 1.70-2.48 and HR 1.85, 95% CI 1.53-2.25, respectively. In conclusion, we found that both NLR and PLR had an unfavorable impact on PFS and OS of patients with ovarian cancer. Our meta-analysis supported that NLR/PLR could be effective prognostic predictors of ovarian cancer.

  14. Determinants of Default in P2P Lending.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Serrano-Cinca

    Full Text Available This paper studies P2P lending and the factors explaining loan default. This is an important issue because in P2P lending individual investors bear the credit risk, instead of financial institutions, which are experts in dealing with this risk. P2P lenders suffer a severe problem of information asymmetry, because they are at a disadvantage facing the borrower. For this reason, P2P lending sites provide potential lenders with information about borrowers and their loan purpose. They also assign a grade to each loan. The empirical study is based on loans' data collected from Lending Club (N = 24,449 from 2008 to 2014 that are first analyzed by using univariate means tests and survival analysis. Factors explaining default are loan purpose, annual income, current housing situation, credit history and indebtedness. Secondly, a logistic regression model is developed to predict defaults. The grade assigned by the P2P lending site is the most predictive factor of default, but the accuracy of the model is improved by adding other information, especially the borrower's debt level.

  15. Determinants of Default in P2P Lending. (United States)

    Serrano-Cinca, Carlos; Gutiérrez-Nieto, Begoña; López-Palacios, Luz


    This paper studies P2P lending and the factors explaining loan default. This is an important issue because in P2P lending individual investors bear the credit risk, instead of financial institutions, which are experts in dealing with this risk. P2P lenders suffer a severe problem of information asymmetry, because they are at a disadvantage facing the borrower. For this reason, P2P lending sites provide potential lenders with information about borrowers and their loan purpose. They also assign a grade to each loan. The empirical study is based on loans' data collected from Lending Club (N = 24,449) from 2008 to 2014 that are first analyzed by using univariate means tests and survival analysis. Factors explaining default are loan purpose, annual income, current housing situation, credit history and indebtedness. Secondly, a logistic regression model is developed to predict defaults. The grade assigned by the P2P lending site is the most predictive factor of default, but the accuracy of the model is improved by adding other information, especially the borrower's debt level.

  16. Research and development efforts in the implementation of nuclear power programme in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suhaemi, T.


    Research and development efforts in the implementation of nuclear power programme in Indonesia are presented. According to Indonesia Law, the National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) is an official body which is reponsible for all aspects of nuclear development. In implementing the nuclear power, BATAN together with the State Electricity Corporation (PLN) have pioneered the introduction of nuclear power plant in Indonesia by carrying out various activities, studies, seminars, workshops and report writings. A nuclear power planning study was carried out jointly with the International Atomic Energy Agency. The feasibility studies were also carried out by NIRA, an Italian consultant firm in cooperation with BATAN and PLN. To improve research and development, BATAN has established 5 research nuclear centres which function as centres of basic and applied research, isotope and radiation application, standardization and calibration and uranium exploration. Nowadays BATAN is constructing a sophisticated and multidisciplinary complex at Serpong near Jakarta. It is hoped that the participation of the national industry can be synchronized to the construction of the first nuclear power in Indonesia. To endorse the movement towards the industrial and technological future, the National Centre for Research, Science and Technology (known as PUSPITEK) has been established. There will be 12 different laboratories providing facilities for research and development of all aspects of technology. For training manpower, BATAN has established the Education and Training Centre (PUSDIKLAT). BATAN has also collaborated with universities, such as Gadjahmada University in Yogyakarta, in establishing Nuclear Engineering Division in the School of Engineering. 6 refs, 3 figs

  17. Theoretical investigation of the Omega(g,u)(+/-) states of K2 dissociating adiabatically up to K(4p 2P(3/2)) + K(4p 2P(3/2)). (United States)

    Jraij, A; Allouche, A R; Magnier, S; Aubert-Frécon, M


    A theoretical investigation of the electronic structure of the K(2) molecule, including spin-orbit effects, has been performed. Potential energies have been calculated over a large range of R up to 75a(0) for the 88 Omega(g,u)(+/-) states dissociating adiabatically into the limits up to K(4p (2)P(3/2))+K(4p (2)P(3/2)). Equilibrium distances, transition energies, harmonic frequencies, as well as depths for wells and heights for barriers are reported for all of the bound Omega(g,u)(+/-) states. Present ab initio calculations are shown to be able to reproduce quite accurately the small structures (wells and barrier) displayed at very long-range (R>50a(0)) by the (2,3)1(u) and (2)0(g)(-) purely long-range states. As the present data could help experimentalists, we make available extensive tables of energy values versus internuclear distances in our database at the web address

  18. Heavy particle excitation of the 2s22p52P3/2-2s22p52P1/2 transition in fluorine-like Fe XVIII and Ni XX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keenan, F.P.; Reid, R.H.G.


    Cross sections and rate coefficients for excitation of the 2s 2 2p 52 P 3/2 -2s 2 2p 52 P 1/2 transition in fluorine-like Fe XVIII and Ni XX by proton (p), deuteron (d), triton (t) and α-particle (α) impact have been calculated using the close-coupled impact parameter method. At temperatures close to or below those of maximum Fe XVIII and Ni XX fractional abundance in ionisation equilibrium, the p,d and t rates are found to be comparable and are much greater than the rates due to α collisions. However, at high temperatures the situation is reversed, with the α rates being about a factor of two larger than those due to the other particles. The effects of adopting the present atomic data in calculations of the electron density or ion temperature sensitive emission line ratios are briefly discussed. (author)

  19. High Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Poor Prognosis and Clinicopathological Characteristics in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miao Zhang


    Full Text Available Background. We aimed to evaluate the correlation of platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR with prognosis and clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer. Methods. The PubMed and Embase databases were searched. Hazard ratio (HR with 95% confidence interval (CI was used to summarize disease-free survival (DFS and overall survival (OS. Odds ratio (OR was used to summarize tumor clinicopathological characteristics. Results. High PLR was associated with poor DFS and OS (DFS: HR = 1.47, 95% CI = 1.16–1.85, and Tau2 = 0.070; OS: HR = 1.88, 95% CI = 1.27–2.80, and Tau2 = 0.192. A Galbraith plot indicated that the studies by Allan et al. and Cihan et al. contributed the heterogeneity of DFS and OS, respectively. There were significant differences in the incidence of high PLR between stage II–IV and stage I groups (OR = 1.86, 95% CI = 1.20–2.90, and Tau2 < 0.001, between lymph node-positive and lymph node-negative groups (OR = 1.52, 95% CI = 1.22–1.91, and Tau2 =0.014, and between metastasis-positive and metastasis-negative groups (OR = 4.24, 95% CI = 2.73–6.59, and Tau2 < 0.001. Conclusions. Our results indicated that PLR was associated with poor prognosis of breast cancer and adequately predicted clinicopathological characteristics.

  20. Neutrophil to Lymphocyte and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratios Are More Effective than the Fournier's Gangrene Severity Index for Predicting Poor Prognosis in Fournier's Gangrene. (United States)

    Yim, Sang Un; Kim, Sun Woo; Ahn, Ji Hoon; Cho, Yang Hyun; Chung, Hoseok; Hwang, Eu Chang; Yu, Ho Song; Oh, Kyung Jin; Kim, Sun-Ouck; Jung, Seung Il; Kang, Taek Won; Kwon, Dong Deuk; Park, Kwangsung


    We investigated the value of the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) as markers of mortality in patients with Fournier's gangrene. Records from 62 patients treated for Fournier's gangrene between 2003 and 2014 were reviewed retrospectively. Data were collected regarding medical history, symptoms, physical examination findings, admission laboratory tests, and the extent of body surface area involved (%). Fournier's Gangrene Severity Index score, NLR, and PLR were calculated. The data were assessed separately for surviving and deceased patients. Of the 62 patients, 36 survived (58%, group 1) and 26 died (42%, group 2). Parameters that were statistically different between the two groups (p Fournier's Gangrene Severity Index score, and admission laboratory parameters, including body temperature, heart rate, bicarbonate, albumin, and serum calcium. The average body surface area affected in group 2 was statistically different from that of group 1 (6.0% versus 2.3%, p = 0.001). A high Fournier's Gangrene Severity Index score (>9), high NLR (>8), and high PLR (>140) were associated more frequently with group 2 patients. Multivariable regression analysis showed that high NLR (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 4.66; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.25-17.3; p = 0.022) and high PLR (adjusted OR, 11.6; 95% CI, 2.7-49.5; p = 0.001) were independent prognostic factors for poor prognosis from Fournier's gangrene. However, the Fournier's Gangrene Severity Index score did not shown any statistically significant effect on mortality (p = 0.086). The Fournier's Gangrene Severity Index scoring system was not associated with determining poor prognosis, however, high NLR and high PLR were associated with predictors of mortality in patients with Fournier's gangrene.

  1. Data Sharing in DHT Based P2P Systems (United States)

    Roncancio, Claudia; Del Pilar Villamil, María; Labbé, Cyril; Serrano-Alvarado, Patricia

    The evolution of peer-to-peer (P2P) systems triggered the building of large scale distributed applications. The main application domain is data sharing across a very large number of highly autonomous participants. Building such data sharing systems is particularly challenging because of the “extreme” characteristics of P2P infrastructures: massive distribution, high churn rate, no global control, potentially untrusted participants... This article focuses on declarative querying support, query optimization and data privacy on a major class of P2P systems, that based on Distributed Hash Table (P2P DHT). The usual approaches and the algorithms used by classic distributed systems and databases for providing data privacy and querying services are not well suited to P2P DHT systems. A considerable amount of work was required to adapt them for the new challenges such systems present. This paper describes the most important solutions found. It also identifies important future research trends in data management in P2P DHT systems.

  2. Determination of Uranium In UO2 And U3O8 Powder Using UV-VIS Spectrophotometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Natalia Adventini; Diah Dwiana Lestiani; Muhayatun; Endah Damastuti


    Lab. TAR PTNBR BATAN - Bandung has been accredited by National Accreditation Committee on May 2 nd , 2006 as a test laboratory with number LP-311-ID, has to maintain its laboratory performance by participating in a proficiency test. In this activity, the determination of uranium in 2 samples of UO 2 with A1 and A2 codes and other 2 samples of U 3 O 8 with B1 and B2 codes using UV-Vis spectrophotometry was carried out. Colouring method was used by reacting thiocyanate ion with the uranyl ion in acidic solution to develop a stable yellow colour of uranyl thiocyanate complex solution and measured at wavelength of 380 nm. The result gave that concentration of uranium in A1, A2, B1 and B2 samples were 77.95; 75.29; 64.58 and 63.69% respectively. The Z-score value for A samples was - 1.99, meanwhile for B samples the Z score value of between laboratory was −1.29 with intra laboratory was -1,09. It meant that Z-score values for both samples were in good category. From this result, it showed that UV-Vis spectrophotometry is one of the several methods that can be used to determine uranium in UO 2 and U 3 O 8 powder. The Lab. TAR’s proficiency test for determination of uranium in UO 2 and U 3 O 8 gave a good result and it was hoped to support BATAN's program in the nuclear fuel field. (author)

  3. Maximum error-bounded Piecewise Linear Representation for online stream approximation

    KAUST Repository

    Xie, Qing; Pang, Chaoyi; Zhou, Xiaofang; Zhang, Xiangliang; Deng, Ke


    Given a time series data stream, the generation of error-bounded Piecewise Linear Representation (error-bounded PLR) is to construct a number of consecutive line segments to approximate the stream, such that the approximation error does not exceed a prescribed error bound. In this work, we consider the error bound in L∞ norm as approximation criterion, which constrains the approximation error on each corresponding data point, and aim on designing algorithms to generate the minimal number of segments. In the literature, the optimal approximation algorithms are effectively designed based on transformed space other than time-value space, while desirable optimal solutions based on original time domain (i.e., time-value space) are still lacked. In this article, we proposed two linear-time algorithms to construct error-bounded PLR for data stream based on time domain, which are named OptimalPLR and GreedyPLR, respectively. The OptimalPLR is an optimal algorithm that generates minimal number of line segments for the stream approximation, and the GreedyPLR is an alternative solution for the requirements of high efficiency and resource-constrained environment. In order to evaluate the superiority of OptimalPLR, we theoretically analyzed and compared OptimalPLR with the state-of-art optimal solution in transformed space, which also achieves linear complexity. We successfully proved the theoretical equivalence between time-value space and such transformed space, and also discovered the superiority of OptimalPLR on processing efficiency in practice. The extensive results of empirical evaluation support and demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithms.

  4. Maximum error-bounded Piecewise Linear Representation for online stream approximation

    KAUST Repository

    Xie, Qing


    Given a time series data stream, the generation of error-bounded Piecewise Linear Representation (error-bounded PLR) is to construct a number of consecutive line segments to approximate the stream, such that the approximation error does not exceed a prescribed error bound. In this work, we consider the error bound in L∞ norm as approximation criterion, which constrains the approximation error on each corresponding data point, and aim on designing algorithms to generate the minimal number of segments. In the literature, the optimal approximation algorithms are effectively designed based on transformed space other than time-value space, while desirable optimal solutions based on original time domain (i.e., time-value space) are still lacked. In this article, we proposed two linear-time algorithms to construct error-bounded PLR for data stream based on time domain, which are named OptimalPLR and GreedyPLR, respectively. The OptimalPLR is an optimal algorithm that generates minimal number of line segments for the stream approximation, and the GreedyPLR is an alternative solution for the requirements of high efficiency and resource-constrained environment. In order to evaluate the superiority of OptimalPLR, we theoretically analyzed and compared OptimalPLR with the state-of-art optimal solution in transformed space, which also achieves linear complexity. We successfully proved the theoretical equivalence between time-value space and such transformed space, and also discovered the superiority of OptimalPLR on processing efficiency in practice. The extensive results of empirical evaluation support and demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithms.

  5. Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio in mood disorders: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Mazza, Mario Gennaro; Lucchi, Sara; Tringali, Agnese Grazia Maria; Rossetti, Aurora; Botti, Eugenia Rossana; Clerici, Massimo


    The immune and inflammatory system is involved in the etiology of mood disorders. Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and monocyte/lymphocyte ratio (MLR) are inexpensive and reproducible biomarkers of inflammation. This is the first meta-analysis exploring the role of NLR and PLR in mood disorder. We identified 11 studies according to our inclusion criteria from the main Electronic Databases. Meta-analyses were carried out generating pooled standardized mean differences (SMDs) between index and healthy controls (HC). Heterogeneity was estimated. Relevant sensitivity and meta-regression analyses were conducted. Subjects with bipolar disorder (BD) had higher NLR and PLR as compared with HC (respectively SMD = 0.672; p analysis evidenced an influence of bipolar phase on the overall estimate whit studies including subjects in manic and any bipolar phase showing a significantly higher NLR and PLR as compared with HC whereas the effect was not significant among studies including only euthymic bipolar subjects. Meta-regression showed that age and sex influenced the relationship between BD and NLR but not the relationship between BD and PLR. Meta-analysis was not carried out for MLR because our search identified only one study when comparing BD to HC, and only one study when comparing MDD to HC. Subjects with major depressive disorder (MDD) had higher NLR as compared with HC (SMD = 0.670; p = 0.028; I 2  = 89.931%). Heterogeneity-based sensitivity analyses and meta-regression confirmed these findings. Our meta-analysis supports the hypothesis that an inflammatory activation occurs in mood disorders and NLR and PLR may be useful to detect this activation. More researches including comparison of NLR, PLR and MLR between different bipolar phases and between BD and MDD are needed. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Fluid responsiveness predicted by transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen in patients with circulatory failure: a prospective study. (United States)

    Xu, Jingyuan; Peng, Xiao; Pan, Chun; Cai, Shixia; Zhang, Xiwen; Xue, Ming; Yang, Yi; Qiu, Haibo


    Significant effort has been devoted to defining parameters for predicting fluid responsiveness. Our goal was to study the feasibility of predicting fluid responsiveness by transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen (PtcO 2 ) in the critically ill patients. This was a single-center prospective study conducted in the intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Shock patients who presented with at least one clinical sign of inadequate tissue perfusion, defined as systolic blood pressure 40 mmHg in previously hypertensive patients or the need for vasopressive drugs; urine output 4 mmol/l, for less than 24 h in the absence of a contraindication for fluids were eligible to participate in the study. PtcO 2 was continuously recorded before and during a passive leg raising (PLR) test, and then before and after a 250 ml rapid saline infusion in 10 min. Fluid responsiveness is defined as a change in the stroke volume ≥10% after 250 ml of volume infusion. Thirty-four patients were included, and 14 responded to volume expansion. In the responders, the mean arterial pressure, central venous pressure, cardiac output, stroke volume and PtcO 2 increased significantly, while the heart rate decreased significantly by both PLR and volume expansion. Changes in the stroke volume induced either by PLR or volume expansion were significantly greater in responders than in non-responders. The correlation between the changes in PtcO 2 and stroke volume induced by volume expansion was significant. Volume expansion induced an increase in the PtcO 2 of 14% and PLR induced an increase in PtcO 2 of 13% predicted fluid responsiveness. This study suggested the changes in PtcO 2 induced by volume expansion and a PLR test predicted fluid responsiveness in critically ill patients. Trial registration NCT02083757.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andi Parenrengi


    Full Text Available Karakterisasi genetika rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui variasi genetika rumput laut K. alvarezii dari beberapa lokasi budi daya di Sulawesi Selatan yakni Polmas, Pinrang, Takalar, dan Bantaeng. Sampel dipreservasi dengan menggunakan larutan TNES-Urea sebelum ekstraksi DNA. Ekstraksi genom DNA dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode konvensional fenol-khloroform. Amplifikasi DNA dilakukan dengan teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR. Untuk dokumentasi riset, hasil PCR dielektroforesis pada agarosa gel dengan menggunakan buffer TBE. Data dianalisis menggunakan program Tools for Population Genetic Analyses (TFPGA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima “primers” (P-40, P-50, DALRP, Ca01, dan Ca-02 yang digunakan dapat menghasilkan beberapa fragmen spesifik yang mengindikasikan fragmen spesifik spesies dan lokasi budi daya K. alvarezii. Keragaan genetika intra dan inter lokasi rumput laut menunjukkan variasi yang relatif kecil yang ditandai dengan rendahnya perbedaan jumlah/ukuran fragmen DNA, polimorfisme, indeks similaritas, dan jarak genetikanya. Total fragmen yang didapatkan dari lima primer adalah 47—55 pada ukuran fragmen 175—2.600 bp, sedangkan polimorfisme dan indeks similaritas masing-masing adalah 3,6%—31,0% dan 0,79%—0,99%. Jarak genetika antar beberapa lokasi K. alvarezii berkisar antara 0,1758—0,5689 di mana kekerabatan yang terdekat didapatkan antara Takalar dan Bantaeng. Genetic characterization of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii was observed using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD technique to reveal the genetic variability of seaweed from different locations in South Sulawesi. The sample of farmed seaweed K. alvarezii was collected from Polmas, Pinrang, Takalar, and Bantaeng. Genomic DNA was extracted by using the conventional method of phenol-chloroform. Sample was preserved by TNES-Urea buffer prior to

  8. The influence of iris color on the pupillary light reflex. (United States)

    Bergamin, O; Schoetzau, A; Sugimoto, K; Zulauf, M


    This study was carried out to investigate the effect of iris color on the pupillary light reflex (PLR) in normal healthy volunteers. Pupil perimetry was performed on 50 healthy volunteers with the Octopus 1-2-3 automated perimeter. Within the 30-deg visual field, 33 test locations were investigated four times. Stimulus parameters were Goldmann size V (1.72 degrees), intensity 1632 cd/m2, stimulus time 200 ms, background illumination 0 cd/m2, and interstimulus interval 3 s. Pupillometric parameters studied were initial pupil size, amplitude (magnitude of pupillary contraction), latency time, contraction time, pre-PLR movement, contraction velocity, and redilation velocity. Pupillometric parameters were investigated by analysis of variance by the independent variables blue and brown irides. Iris color (blue vs brown) influenced statistically significantly (P movement (0.328 mm2/s vs 0.325 mm2/s). Pupillary contraction amplitude and velocity depended on iris color, whereas pupil size and latency time were independent of iris color. Therefore, iris color might be considered when, evaluating pupillary movements in pupil perimetry.

  9. Near-threshold electron-impact excitation of the (2p53s2)2P3/2,1/2 autoionizing states in sodium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borovik, A; Zatsarinny, O; Bartschat, K


    The ejected-electron excitation functions of the J = 3/2, 1/2 components of the (2p 5 3s 2 ) 2 P leading autoionizing doublet in sodium atoms were measured at an incident electron energy resolution of 0.25 eV over the incident electron energy range from the lowest excitation threshold up to 36 eV. On the basis of 56-state R-matrix (close-coupling) calculations, the observed strong near-threshold structures were classified as negative-ion resonances with likely configurations 2p 5 3s 2 3p and 2p 5 3s3p 2

  10. Resource trade-off in P2P streaming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alhaisoni, M.; Liotta, A.; Ghanbari, M.


    P2P TV has emerged as a powerful alternative solution for multimedia streaming over the traditional client-server paradigm. It has proven to be a valid substitute for online applications which offer video-on-demand and real-time video. This is mainly due to the scalability and resiliency that P2P

  11. Tables of Shore and Fano parameters for the helium resonances 2s/sup 2/ /sup 1/S, 2p/sup 2/ /sup 1/D, and 2s 2p /sup 1/P excited in p-He collisions E/sub p/ = 33 to 150 keV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bordenave-Montesquieu, A.; Benoit-Cattin, P.; Gleizes, A.; Merchez, H.


    Absolute values of Shore and Fano parameters are tabulated for the helium atom 2s/sup 2/ /sup 1/S, 2p/sup 2/ /sup 1/D, and 2s 2p /sup 1/P resonances produced by a proton beam. Observations were made on the spectra of ejected electrons. The important variation of the shape of the resonances with ejection angle is illustrated for E/sub p/ = 100 keV; the variation with proton energy is shown at 30/sup 0/.

  12. The prognostic value of lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio in retinopathy of prematurity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Xiang Hu


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate the associations between development of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP and serum lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR, and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was performed, involving infants who were screened for ROP from January 2015 to December 2015. Preterm newborns of ≤32 gestational weeks with ROP were enrolled as the observation group, and non-ROP infants were enrolled as the control group, whose complete blood cell were measured within the first 24h of life. The levels of NLR, LMR and PLR were determined in all groups. The data obtained were analyzed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: In this study, 40 cases of ROP were enrolled and 40 cases of non-ROP as controls. The LMR levels were significantly higher (P<0.001 in ROP group (3.96±1.16 compared to non-ROP group (2.85±0.79. The NLR levels were significantly lower (P=0.035 in ROP group {median [interquartile range (IQR], 0.88 (0.67-1.46} compared to non-ROP group [median (IQR, 1.20 (0.85-1.89]. The median PLR values were 61.99 (IQR, 50.23-75.98 in ROP group and 69.24 (IQR, 55.52-88.12 in non-ROP group (P=0.104. Logistic regression analysis suggested that LMR was an independent risk factor for ROP (OR: 0.275; 95% CI: 0.134-0.564; P=0.001. CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate that higher LMR is independently and significantly associated with the development of ROP, and the LMR may be invoked as a predictive tool for identifying risk for ROP.

  13. Diagnostic value of CD10 and Bcl2 expression in distinguishing cutaneous basal cell carcinoma from squamous cell carcinoma and seborrheic keratosis. (United States)

    Gaballah, Mohammad A; Ahmed, Rehab-Allah


    The distinction between cutaneous basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and seborrheic keratosis (SK), which are common entities in clinical practice, can be difficult clinically and histologically. CD10 and Bcl2 antigens are important factors in tumor growth, survival and spread. The aim of the present study is to define the frequency of CD10 and Bcl2 expression in such cutaneous tumors and its relation to the clinicopathological characteristics as well as their possible diagnostic utility. CD10 and Bcl2 immunohistochemistry was performed on 30 BCC, 20 SCC and 15 SK. 93.3% of SK cases and 53.3% of BCC cases showed significant expression of CD10 in tumor cells when compared either with each other or with SCC cases (100% negative). Stromal CD10 expression was positive in 50% of BCC cases and 75% of SCC cases. Stromal CD10 expression was significantly higher in high risk BCC and BCC with infiltrating deep margins; furthermore, it showed a significant positive correlation with grade of SCC. A significant inverse correlation between CD10 expression in stromal and tumor cells of BCC was present. Bcl2 was significantly expressed in 93.3% of SK cases and 80% of BCC cases when compared with SCC cases (100% negative). It was found that for distinguishing BCC from SK, only CD10 expression in tumor cells provided a high diagnostic value with positive likelihood ratio (PLR) was 7.00. In addition, CD10 and Bcl2 expression in tumor cells could give convincing diagnostic value to distinguish SCC from SK (PLR=15.00 for each marker). Moreover, for differentiating BCC from SCC, only Bcl2 in the tumor cells could provide a high diagnostic value (PLR=5.5). In conclusion, CD10 and Bcl2 can help in differentiating cutaneous BCC from SK and SCC. The overexpression of CD10 in the stromal cells of SCC and some variants of BCC suggests the invasive properties of such tumors. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  14. Risk Management of P2P Internet Financing Service Platform (United States)

    Yalei, Li


    Since 2005, the world’s first P2P Internet financing service platform Zopa in UK was introduced, in the development of “Internet +” trend, P2P Internet financing service platform has been developed rapidly. In 2007, China’s first P2P platform “filming loan” was established, marking the P2P Internet financing service platform to enter China and the rapid development. At the same time, China’s P2P Internet financing service platform also appeared in different forms of risk. This paper focuses on the analysis of the causes of risk of P2P Internet financing service platform and the performance of risk management process. It provides a solution to the Internet risk management plan, and explains the risk management system of the whole P2P Internet financing service platform and the future development direction.

  15. Transition probabilities for the 3s2 3p(2P0)-3s3p2(4P) intersystem lines of Si II (United States)

    Calamai, Anthony G.; Smith, Peter L.; Bergeson, S. D.


    Intensity ratios of lines of the spin-changing 'intersystem' multiplet of S II (4P yields 2P0) at 234 nm have been used to determine electron densities and temperatures in a variety of astrophysical environments. However, the accuracy of these diagnostic calculations have been limited by uncertainties associated with the available atomic data. We report the first laboratory measurement, using an ion-trapping technique, of the radiative lifetimes of the three metastable levels of the 3s3p2 4P term of Si II. Our results are 104 +/- 16, 406 +/- 33, and 811 +/- 77 micro-s for lifetimes of the J = 1/2, 5/2, and 3/2 levels, respectively. A-values were derived from our lifetimes by use of measured branching fractions. Our A-values, which differ from calculated values by 30 percent or more, should give better agreement between modeled and observed Si II line ratios.

  16. Phosphorus retention in surface-flow constructed wetlands targeting agricultural drainage water

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dantas Mendes, Lipe Renato; Tonderski, Karin; Iversen, Bo Vangsø


    Surface-flow constructed wetlands (CWs) are potential cost-efficient solutions to mitigate phosphorus (P) loads from agricultural areas to surface waters. Hydraulic and phosphorus loading rates (HLR and PLR) are critical parameters that regulate P retention in these systems. The present study aim...

  17. Photoionization from the 6p 2P3/2 state of neutral cesium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haq, S. U.; Nadeem, Ali


    We report the photoionization studies of cesium from the 6p 2 P 3/2 excited state to measure the photoionization cross section at and above the first ionization threshold, oscillator strength of the highly excited transitions, and extension in the Rydberg series. The photoionization cross section at the first ionization threshold is measured as 25 (4) Mb and at excess energies 0.02, 0.04, 0.07, and 0.09 eV as 21, 19, 17, and 16 Mb, respectively. Oscillator strength of the 6p 2 P 3/2 → nd 2 D 5/2 (23 ≤ n ≤ 60) Rydberg transitions has been extracted utilizing the threshold value of photoionization cross section and the recorded nd 2 D 5/2 photoionization spectra.

  18. (p,2p) experiments at the University of Maryland cyclotron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roos, P.G.


    Some of the (p,2p) work which has been carried out at the Maryland Cyclotron is discussed. A brief introduction to the (p,2p) reaction is presented, and the types of experimental techniques utilized in (p,2p) studies are discussed. A brief introduction is given to the various theoretical treatments presently available to analyze (p,2p) reaction data. Secondly, experimental and theoretical studies of (p,2p) on d, 3 He, and 4 He carried out by the Maryland group are presented. Thirdly, (p,2p) results are discussed for 6 Li, 7 Li, and 12 C at 100 MeV. Fourthly, the effects of distortion on the experimental data are considered by presenting theoretical calculations for 12 C and 40 Ca at various bombarding energies

  19. PPADS and suramin as antagonists at cloned P2Y- and P2U-purinoceptors. (United States)

    Charlton, S J; Brown, C A; Weisman, G A; Turner, J T; Erb, L; Boarder, M R


    1. The effect of suramin and pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulphonic acid (PPADS) on the stimulation of phospholipase C in 1321N1 cells transfected with the human P2U-purinoceptor (h-P2U-1321N1 cells) or with the turkey P2Y-purinoceptor (t-P2Y-1321N1 cells) was investigated. 2-Methylthioadenosine triphosphate (2MeSATP) was used as the agonist at t-P2Y-1321N1 cells and uridine triphosphate (UTP) at h-P2U-1321N1 cells. 2. Suramin caused a parallel shift to the right of the concentration-response curves for 2MeSATP in the t-P2Y-1321N1 cells, yielding a Schild plot with a slope of 1.16 +/- 0.08 and a pA2 value of 5.77 +/- 0.11. 3. Suramin also caused a shift to the right of concentration-response curves for UTP in the h-P2U-1321N1 cells, and on Schild plots gave a slope different from unity (1.57 +/- 0.19) and an apparent pA2 value of 4.32 +/- 0.13. Suramin was therefore a less potent antagonist at the P2U-purinoceptor than the P2Y-purinoceptor. 4. In the presence of the ectonucleotidase inhibitor, ARL 67156 (6-N,N-diethyl-beta,gamma-dibromomethylene-D-ATP) there was no significant difference in the EC50 or shapes of curves with either cell type, and no difference in pA2 values for suramin. 5. PPADS caused an increase in the EC50 for 2MeSATP in the t-P2Y-1321N1 cells. The Schild plot had a slope different from unity (0.55 +/- 0.15) and an X-intercept corresponding to an apparent pA2 of 5.98 +/- 0.65. 6. PPADS up to 30 microM had no effect on the concentration-response curve for UTP with the h-P2U-1321N1 cells. 7. In conclusion, suramin and PPADS show clear differences in their action at the 2 receptor types, in each case being substantially more effective as an antagonist at the P2Y-purinoceptor than at the P2U-purinoceptor. Ectonucleotidase breakdown had little influence on the nature of the responses at the two receptor types, or in their differential sensitivity to suramin.

  20. Saccharomyces cerevisiae GTPase complex: Gtr1p-Gtr2p regulates cell-proliferation through Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ran-binding protein, Yrb2p

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yonggang; Nakashima, Nobutaka; Sekiguchi, Takeshi; Nishimoto, Takeharu


    A Gtr1p GTPase, the GDP mutant of which suppresses both temperature-sensitive mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RanGEF/Prp20p and RanGAP/Rna1p, was presently found to interact with Yrb2p, the S. cerevisiae homologue of mammalian Ran-binding protein 3. Gtr1p bound the Ran-binding domain of Yrb2p. In contrast, Gtr2p, a partner of Gtr1p, did not bind Yrb2p, although it bound Gtr1p. A triple mutant: yrb2Δ gtr1Δ gtr2Δ was lethal, while a double mutant: gtr1Δ gtr2Δ survived well, indicating that Yrb2p protected cells from the killing effect of gtr1Δ gtr2Δ. Recombinant Gtr1p and Gtr2p were purified as a complex from Escherichia coli. The resulting Gtr1p-Gtr2p complex was comprised of an equal amount of Gtr1p and Gtr2p, which inhibited the Rna1p/Yrb2 dependent RanGAP activity. Thus, the Gtr1p-Gtr2p cycle was suggested to regulate the Ran cycle through Yrb2p

  1. Tables of Shore and Fano parameters for the helium resonances 2s21S, 2p21D, and 2s 2p 1P excited in p-He collisions E/sub p/ = 33 to 150 keV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bordenave-Montesquieu, A.; Benoit-Cattin, P.; Gleizes, A.; Merchez, H.


    Absolute values of Shore and Fano parameters are tabulated for the helium atom 2s 2 1 S, 2p 2 1 D, and 2s 2p 1 P resonances produced by a proton beam. Observations were made on the spectra of ejected electrons. The important variation of the shape of the resonances with ejection angle is illustrated for E/sub p/ = 100 keV; the variation with proton energy is shown at 30 0

  2. Comparing Pedophile Activity in Different P2P Systems


    Raphaël Fournier; Thibault Cholez; Matthieu Latapy; Isabelle Chrisment; Clémence Magnien; Olivier Festor; Ivan Daniloff


    International audience; Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are widely used to exchange content over the Internet. Knowledge of pedophile activity in such networks remains limited, despite having important social consequences. Moreover, though there are different P2P systems in use, previous academic works on this topic focused on one system at a time and their results are not directly comparable. We design a methodology for comparing KAD and eDonkey, two P2P systems among the most prominent ones and ...

  3. Tungsten phosphanylarylthiolato complexes [W{PhP(2-SC6H4)2-kappa3S,S',P} 2] and [W{P(2-SC6H4)3-kappa4S,S',S",P}2]: synthesis, structures and redox chemistry. (United States)

    Hildebrand, Alexandra; Lönnecke, Peter; Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Luminita; Hey-Hawkins, Evamarie


    PhP(2-SHC6H4)2 (PS2H2) reacts with WCl6 with reduction of tungsten to give the air-sensitive tungsten(IV) complex [W{PhP(2-SC6H4)2-kappa(3)S,S',P}2] (1). 1 is oxidised in air to [WO{PhPO(2-SC6H4)2-kappa(3)S,S',O}{PhP(2-SC6H4)2-kappa(3)S,S',P}] (2). The attempted synthesis of 2 by reaction of 1 with iodosobenzene as oxidising agent was unsuccessful. [W{P(2-SC6H4)3-kappa(4)S,S',S",P}2] (3) was formed in the reaction of P(2-SHC6H4)3 (PS3H3) with WCl6. The W(VI) complex 3 contains two PS3(3-) ligands, each coordinated in a tetradentate fashion resulting in a tungsten coordination number of eight. The reaction of 3 with AgBF4 yields the dinuclear tungsten complex [W2{P(2-SC6H4)3-kappa(4)S,S',S",P}3]BF4 (4). Complexes 1-4 were characterised by spectral methods and X-ray structure determination.

  4. Excitation mechanisms of 2s1/2-2p3/2 and 2p1/2-2p3/2 transitions in U82+ through U89+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Decaux, V.; Beiersdorfer, P.; Osterheld, A.


    A model based on detailed calculations of the electron-impact excitation of n = 2 electrons in the Li- to Ne-like uranium ions was developed to interpret and explain measurements on EBIT (Electron Beam Ion Trap). While only considering the direct excitation process provided a good model for the electric dipole (El) transitions, it was necessary for the magnetic dipole (Ml) spectrum to include various additional excitation processes in the model. In particular, the model was expanded to include electron-impact excitation of n = 3 levels followed by radiative cascades. Moreover, excitation by the ionization of 2s 1/2 , 2p 1/2 , and 2p 3/2 electrons and by radiative capture of beam electrons into excited levels was added. The new model demonstrates that the dipole-forbidden lines are almost exclusively produced by indirect excitation processes

  5. Mono(p-tolyl)platinum(II) and bis(p-tolyl)platinum(II) complexes of diethylsulfide as reagents for organoplatinum synthesis. Structures of [Pt(p-Tol)2(µ-SEt2)]2 and PtCl(p-Tol)(bpy) (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koten, G. van; Casado Lacabra, M.A.; Canty, A.J.; Lutz, M.H.; Patel, J.; Spek, A.L.; Sun, H.


    The complex trans-PtCl(p-Tol)(SEt{2}){2} is obtained from the reaction of [Pt(p-Tol){2}(SEt{2})]{2} with PtCl{2}(SEt{2}){2} and SEt{2} in mole ratio 1:2:2. The mono(p-tolyl)platinum(II) and bis(p-tolyl)platinum(II) complexes of diethylsulfide react with 2, 2'-bipyridine to form the complexes

  6. Electron impact excitation-autoionisation of the (2s2)1S, (2p2)1D and (2s2p)1P autoionising states of helium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samardzic, O.; Hurn, J.A.; Weigold, E.; Brunger, M.J.


    The electron impact excitation of the (2s 2 ) 1 S, (2p 2 ) 1 D and (2s2p) 1 P autoionising states of helium and their subsequent radiationless decay was studied by observation of the ejected electrons. The present work was carried out at an incident energy of 94.6 eV and for ejected electron scattering angles in the range 25-135 deg C. The lineshapes observed in the present ejected electron spectra are analysed using the Shore-Balashov parametrisation. As part of the analysis procedure, numerically rigorous confidence limits were determined for the derived parameters. No previous experimental or theoretical work has been undertaken at the incident energy of the present investigation but, where possible, the resulting parameters are qualitatively compared against the 80 eV results of other experiments and theory. 37 refs., 4 figs

  7. Introduction of neutron research facilities in Indonesia Nuclear Agency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishida, Masayuki; Muslih, M. Refai; Minakawa, Nobuaki


    In this report, some facilities for neutron diffraction installed in Indonesia nuclear Agency (BATAN) are introduced. Rough sketch of BATAN, and facility arrangement in the reactor hall and the guide hall are schematically shown. The four facilities (powder diffractometer, four-circle goniometer, three-axis goniometer and neutron radiography system) are installed in the reactor hall and the three (small angle neutron scattering (SANS), high resolution SANS and high resolution powder diffractometer) in the guide hall. Neutron wavelengths determined from four hk1 planes of standard Si powder by the BATAN's neutron diffraction facility are compared with those measured by the similar facility in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). The neutron diffraction profile of W-fiber reinforced Cu composite is measured by the BATAN's facility. The experimental results show the strong 110 preferred orientation to the fiber direction. (author)

  8. Are neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio as effective as Fournier's gangrene severity index for predicting the number of debridements in Fourner's gangrene? (United States)

    Kahramanca, Sahin; Kaya, Oskay; Özgehan, Gülay; Irem, Burak; Dural, Ibrahim; Küçükpınar, Tevfik; Kargıcı, Hülagü


    Fournier's gangrene (FG) is a rapidly progressive and necrotizing infection of the subcutaneous and fascial tissues with a high mortality rate. In the present study, we aimed to investigate prognostic factors and analyze the outcomes of 68 patients in a tertiary reference hospital. Patients admitted to the emergency department were investigated retrospectively between January 2006 and January 2013 and divided into two groups. The patients in Group I (G1) required one debridement, and Group II (G2) patients required more than one. Patient demographic and clinical characteristics were encoded. Fournier's Gangrene Severity Index (FGSI) scores, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratios (NLR), and platelet-lymphocyte ratios (PLR) were calculated. Prognostic factors were compared between the groups. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in terms of mean age, female-male ratio, or duration of symptoms on admission; however, there were more infection sources, predisposal factors, and positive culture results in G2. Additionally, hospital stay, total cost, and mortality rate values were high in G2. We found statistically higher NLR and PLR ratios in G2, but there was no significant difference in FGSI scores between the groups. The FGSI scoring system was not found to be valuable in determining prognosis. However, NLR and PLR were valuable, and previous use of NLR and PLR for determining Fournier's gangrene prognosis could not be found in the English literature.

  9. Inter-laboratory project q calibration of SANS instruments using silver behenate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikram, Abarrul; Gunawan; Edy Giri, Putra; Suzuki, Jun-ichi; Knott, Robert


    The inter-laboratory project for q-calibration of SANS (small angle neutron scattering) using silver behenate was carried out among Indonesia National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) and Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO). The standard sample of silver behenate, [CH 3 (CH 2 ) 20 COOAg](AgBE), has been assessed as an international standard for the calibration of both x-ray and neutron scattering instruments. The results indicate excellent agreement for q calibration obtained among the three laboratories, BATAN, JAERI and ANSTO. (Y. Kazumata)

  10. Measurement of the hyperfine structure of the 4d2D3/2,5/2 levels and isotope shifts of the 4p2P3/2->4d2D3/2 and 4p2P3/2->4d2D5/2 transitions in gallium 69 and 71

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehse, Steven J.; Fairbank, William M.; Lee, Siu Au


    The hyperfine structure of the 4d 2 D 3/2,5/2 levels of 69,71 Ga is determined. The 4p 2 P 3/2 ->4d 2 D 3/2 (294.50-nm) and 4p 2 P 3/2 ->4d 2 D 5/2 (294.45-nm) transitions are studied by laser-induced fluorescence in an atomic Ga beam. The hyperfine A constant measured for the 4d 2 D 5/2 level is 77.3±0.9 MHz for 69 Ga and 97.9± 0.7 MHz for 71 Ga (3σ errors). The A constant measured for the 4d 2 D 3/2 level is -36.3±2.2 MHz for 69 Ga and -46.2±3.8 MHz for 71 Ga. These measurements correct sign errors in the previous determination of these constants. For 69 Ga the hyperfine B constants measured for the 4d 2 D 5/2 and the 4d 2 D 3/2 levels are 5.3±4.1 MHz and 4.6±4.2 MHz, respectively. The isotope shift is determined to be 114±8 MHz for the 4p 2 P 3/2 ->4d 2 D 3/2 transition and 115±7 MHz for the 4p 2 P 3/2 ->4d 2 D 5/2 transition. The lines of 71 Ga are shifted to the blue. This is in agreement with previous measurement. [copyright] 2001 Optical Society of America

  11. Quadrupole and monopole generalized oscillator strength for 2p-3p, 2p-4p transition of neon atomic in the velocity formulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomis, L; Diedhiou, I; Tall, M S; Diallo, S; Diatta, C S; Niassy, B


    The quadrupole and monopole generalized oscillator strengths (GOS) as a function of momentum transfer are calculated for the 2p-3p and 2p-4p transitions of the neon atom using the analytical Hartree-Fock (HF) wavefunctions for the ground-state and the wavefunctions for the excited states which are obtained numerically from the modified HF Slater equation. Calculations are carried out by using the HF method and random phase approximation with exchange in the velocity formulation. The positions and the number of the extrema in the GOS have received particular attention in the evaluation. Our calculated monopole GOS of 2p-3p transition in velocity form reveals one maximum located between the experimental and theoretical results of other authors. The disagreement between our first maximum of the quadrupole GOS 2p-3p transition with the experimental and other theoretical ones is unimportant. The extrema of the monopole and quadrupole GOS of 2p-4p transition are given in this paper. The results of velocity form study also show that the electron correlation effects are important around the maxima and are found to influence the positions of the extrema insignificantly

  12. Comparing Pedophile Activity in Different P2P Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raphaël Fournier


    Full Text Available Peer-to-peer (P2P systems are widely used to exchange content over the Internet. Knowledge of pedophile activity in such networks remains limited, despite having important social consequences. Moreover, though there are different P2P systems in use, previous academic works on this topic focused on one system at a time and their results are not directly comparable. We design a methodology for comparing KAD and eDonkey, two P2P systems among the most prominent ones and with different anonymity levels. We monitor two eDonkey servers and the KAD network during several days and record hundreds of thousands of keyword-based queries. We detect pedophile-related queries with a previously validated tool and we propose, for the first time, a large-scale comparison of pedophile activity in two different P2P systems. We conclude that there are significantly fewer pedophile queries in KAD than in eDonkey (approximately 0.09% vs. 0.25%.

  13. Microscopic model accounting of 2p2p configurations in magic nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamerdzhiev, S.P.


    A model for account of the 2p2h configurations in magic nuclei is described in the framework of the Green function formalism. The model is formulated in the lowest order in the phonon production amplitude, so that the series are expansions not over pure 2p2h configurations, but over con figurations of the type ''1p1h+phonon''. Equations are obtained for the vertex and the density matrix, as well as an expression for the transition probabilities, that are extensions of the corresponding results of the theory of finite Fermi systems, or of the random-phase approximation to the case where the ''1p1h+phonon'' configurations are taken into account. Corrections to the one-particle phenomenological basis which arise with account for complicated configurations are obtained. Comparison with other approaches, using phonons, has shown that they are particular cases of the described model

  14. Impact of CYP2C19 phenotypes on escitalopram metabolism and an evaluation of pupillometry as a serotonergic biomarker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Noehr-Jensen, L; Zwisler, S; Larsen, F


    PURPOSE: To investigate the impact of cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) phenotypes on escitalopram metabolism and to evaluate pupillometry as a serotonergic biomarker. METHODS: This was a double-blind, crossover design study with single and multiple doses of 10 mg escitalopram and placebo in panels...... of CYP2C19 extensive (EM) and poor metabolisers (PM). Pupillometry was measured by a NeurOptics Pupillometer-PLR. RESULTS: Five PM and eight EM completed the study. The CYP2C19 phenotype significantly affected the metabolism of escitalopram. The area under the time-plasma concentration curve (AUC(0......-24)) was 1.8-fold higher in PM than in EM after both single and multiple doses. Escitalopram treatment did not affect the maximum pupil size, but it did statistically significantly decrease the relative amplitude of the pupil light reflex compared to the placebo; this effect was equal in both phenotype...

  15. PPADS: an antagonist at endothelial P2Y-purinoceptors but not P2U-purinoceptors. (United States)

    Brown, C; Tanna, B; Boarder, M R


    1. Bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cells contain two co-existing receptors for extracellular ATP, the P2Y and P2U-purinoceptors. Here we have determined whether the proposed P2X-purinoceptor antagonist, pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2', 4'-disulphonic acid (PPADS) could distinguish between these two receptor subtypes. 2. Cells labelled with myo-[2-3H]-inositol were stimulated with increasing concentrations of either the P2Y-agonist, 2MeSATP, or the P2U-agonist, UTP in the absence or presence of 30 microM PPADS. The accumulation of total [3H]-inositol (poly)phosphates mediated by 2MeSATP was markedly attenuated by PPADS, whereas the response to UTP was not significantly affected. 3. Stimulation of BAE cells with increasing concentrations of ATP showed a reduced response in the presence of 10 microM PPADS, but this effect of the antagonist was not significant. By contrast, inhibition of the response to ADP was profound and highly significant. 4. These observations show that PPADS is not a selective P2X-purinoceptor antagonist, but is able to distinguish between P2Y- and P2YU-purinoceptors in BAE cells, and indicate that this compound may provide a useful tool in the study of multiple subtypes of P2-purinoceptors. Furthermore the results are consistent with the hypothesis that ATP interacts with both receptor subtypes, but that the action of ADP is primarily at the P2Y-purinoceptor in these endothelial cells.

  16. Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio: A new inflammatory marker for the diagnosis of preterm premature rupture of membranes (United States)

    Toprak, Erzat; Bozkurt, Murat; Dinçgez Çakmak, Burcu; Özçimen, Emel Ebru; Silahlı, Musa; Ender Yumru, Ayşe; Çalışkan, Eray


    Objective: Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is closely related with maternal and fetal complications. Therefore, early diagnosis is extremely important to provide maternal and fetal well-being. Many inflammatory markers have been evaluated for their ability to diagnose membrane rupture at early stages. We aimed to investigate the relationship between the platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and preterm premature membrane rupture. Material and Methods: In this study, 121 pregnant women with PPROM and 96 age-matched pregnant women with spontaneous preterm labor who were admitted to our hospital between January 2014 and December 2015 were enrolled. Demographic data, complete blood cell count results, and neonatal outcomes were recorded. Results: The neutrophil and platelet counts were higher in the PPROM group (9948.4±3393.2 vs. 7466.1±1698.5/mm3 and 244.5±60 vs. 210.6±64.8/mm3, respectively, ppremature rupture of membranes was evaluated using an ROC curve. The sensitivity and specificity of the PLR was 57.8% and 73.7%, respectively, at a threshold >117.14 (p<0.001). Conclusion: The PLR might be a cost effective, easy to use, and practical marker for the early diagnosis of PPROM, which can help to determine the appropriate waiting time for delivery and provide maternal and fetal well-being. PMID:28890425

  17. Bandwidth Reduction via Localized Peer-to-Peer (P2P Video

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ken Kerpez


    Full Text Available This paper presents recent research into P2P distribution of video that can be highly localized, preferably sharing content among users on the same access network and Central Office (CO. Models of video demand and localized P2P serving areas are presented. Detailed simulations of passive optical networks (PON are run, and these generate statistics of P2P video localization. Next-Generation PON (NG-PON is shown to fully enable P2P video localization, but the lower rates of Gigabit-PON (GPON restrict performance. Results here show that nearly all of the traffic volume of unicast video could be delivered via localized P2P. Strong growth in video delivery via localized P2P could lower overall future aggregation and core network bandwidth of IP video traffic by 58.2%, and total consumer Internet traffic by 43.5%. This assumes aggressive adoption of technologies and business practices that enable highly localized P2P video.

  18. Mobile P2P Web Services Using SIP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guido Gehlen


    Full Text Available Telecommunication networks and the Internet are growing together. Peer-to-Peer (P2P services which are originally offered by network providers, like telephony and messaging, are provided through VoIP and Instant Messaging (IM by Internet service providers, too. The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS is the answer of the telecommunication industry to this trend and aims at providing Internet P2P and multimedia services controlled by the network operators. The IMS provides mobility and session management as well as message routing, security, and billing.

  19. Sistem Pembayaran Parkir Menggunakan NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION Berbasis ANDROID dan Teknologi INTERNET OF THINGS

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    Dody Ichwana


    Full Text Available Intisari— Paper ini menjelaskan rancang bangun sistem pembayaran parkir menggunakan NFC (Near Field Communication dan GPS (Global Position System untuk menciptakan metode pembayaran parkir yang lebih cerdas. Kontribusi yang diberikan dari hasil penelitian adalah menerapkan konsep pervasive computing dan Internet of Things (IoT di dalam pembangunan sistem parkir, sehingga pengguna menjadi lebih nyaman untuk memarkirkan kendaraan mereka. Lokasi parkir dipasang wifi dan nama SSID yang unik.  Sistem akan  melakukan sensing kepada pengguna yang memasuki lokasi parker menggunakan IMEI. Pembayaran parkir menggunakan aplikasi pada smartphone dengan NFC Enable dengan cara didekatkan pada NFC reader pada sistem. Pengguna melakukan tap pada smartphone dengan NFC Enable ke NFC reader untuk melakukan proses inisialisasi awal parkir kendaraan yang akan mencatat ID pengguna, date, dan saldo virtual money. Aplikasi pada smartphone akan mencatat koordinat lokasi parkir kendaraan sesuai lokasi parkir yang dipilih oleh pengguna. Selanjutnya, aplikasi akan membantu pengguna menemukan lokasi kendaraan ketika penguuna terlupa. Sistem pembayaran parkir pada penelitian ini telah berhasil dibangun dengan menghindari penggunaan kertas untuk tiket sehingga akan lebih memudahkan pengguna dan lebih ramah lingkungan.

  20. Deletion of GOLGA2P3Y but not GOLGA2P2Y is a risk factor for oligozoospermia. (United States)

    Sen, Sanjukta; Agarwal, Rupesh; Ambulkar, Prafulla; Hinduja, Indira; Zaveri, Kusum; Gokral, Jyotsna; Pal, Asoke; Modi, Deepak


    The AZFc locus on the human Y chromosome harbours several multicopy genes, some of which are required for spermatogenesis. It is believed that deletion of one or more copies of these genes is a cause of infertility in some men. GOLGA2LY is one of the genes in the AZFc locus and it exists in two copies, GOLGA2P2Y and GOLGA2P3Y. The involvement of GOLGA2LY gene copy deletions in male infertility, however, is unknown. This study aimed to investigate the association of deletions of GOLGA2P2Y and GOLGA2P3Y gene copies with male infertility and with sperm concentration and motility. The frequency of GOLGA2P3Y deletion was significantly higher in oligozoospermic men compared with normozoospermic men (7.7% versus 1.2%; P = 0.0001), whereas the frequency of GOLGA2P2Y deletion was comparable between oligozoospermic and normozoospermic men (10.3% versus 11.3%). The deletion of GOLGA2P3Y but not GOLGA2P2Y was significantly higher (P = 0.03) in men with gr/gr rearrangements, indicating that GOLGA2P3Y deletions increase the susceptibility of men with gr/gr rearrangements to oligozoospermia. Furthermore, men with GOLGA2P3Y deletion had reduced sperm concentration and motility compared with men without deletion or with deletion of GOLGA2P2Y. These findings indicate GOLGA2P3Y gene copy may be candidate AZFc gene for male infertility. Copyright © 2015 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. P2P Data Management in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network

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    Nida Sahar Sayeda


    Full Text Available The rapid growth in wireless technologies has made wireless communication an important source for transporting data across different domains. In the same way, there are possibilities of many potential applications that can be deployed using WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks. However, very limited applications are deployed in real life due to the uncertainty and dynamics of the environment and scare resources. This makes data management in WSN a challenging area to find an approach that suits its characteristics. Currently, the trend is to find efficient data management schemes using evolving technologies, i.e. P2P (Peer-to-Peer systems. Many P2P approaches have been applied in WSNs to carry out the data management due to similarities between WSN and P2P. With the similarities, there are differences too that makes P2P protocols inefficient in WSNs. Furthermore, to increase the efficiency and to exploit the delay tolerant nature of WSNs, where ever possible, the mobile WSNs are gaining importance. Thus, creating a three dimensional problem space to consider, i.e. mobility, WSNs and P2P. In this paper, an efficient algorithm is proposed for data management using P2P techniques for mobile WSNs. The real world implementation and deployment of proposed algorithm is also presented

  2. Benzazole derivatives: V. The reactivity of some 2-p-tolyl-and 2-p-methylstyryl-benzimidazolium salts

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    Cernatescu Corina


    Full Text Available The reactivity of the p-substituted methyl group in 1-methyl-2-p-tolylbenzimidazolium and 1-methyl-2-p-methylstyrylbenzimidazolium iodides with p-nitroso-dimethylaniline (p-NDMA and aromatic aldehydes was studied. According to literature data on the steric effects produced by the bulky N-l methyl group, the 2-p-tolyl substituted salt does not react with p-NDMA. On the other hand, 2-p-methylstyryl substituted salts give condensation reactions, similarly to 1,2,3-trimethylbenzimidazolium iodides. The compounds obtained from the reaction with aromatic aldehydes can be used as dyeing substances, photosensitizers or as dienic monomers, due to the conjugated chain from C-2.

  3. P2P-based botnets: structural analysis, monitoring, and mitigation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yan, Guanhua [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Eidenbenz, Stephan [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Ha, Duc T [UNIV AT BUFFALO; Ngo, Hung Q [UNIV AT BUFFALO


    Botnets, which are networks of compromised machines that are controlled by one or a group of attackers, have emerged as one of the most serious security threats on the Internet. With an army of bots at the scale of tens of thousands of hosts or even as large as 1.5 million PCs, the computational power of botnets can be leveraged to launch large-scale DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, sending spamming emails, stealing identities and financial information, etc. As detection and mitigation techniques against botnets have been stepped up in recent years, attackers are also constantly improving their strategies to operate these botnets. The first generation of botnets typically employ IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channels as their command and control (C&C) centers. Though simple and easy to deploy, the centralized C&C mechanism of such botnets has made them prone to being detected and disabled. Against this backdrop, peer-to-peer (P2P) based botnets have emerged as a new generation of botnets which can conceal their C&C communication. Recently, P2P networks have emerged as a covert communication platform for malicious programs known as bots. As popular distributed systems, they allow bots to communicate easily while protecting the botmaster from being discovered. Existing work on P2P-based hotnets mainly focuses on measurement of botnet sizes. In this work, through simulation, we study extensively the structure of P2P networks running Kademlia, one of a few widely used P2P protocols in practice. Our simulation testbed incorporates the actual code of a real Kademlia client software to achieve great realism, and distributed event-driven simulation techniques to achieve high scalability. Using this testbed, we analyze the scaling, reachability, clustering, and centrality properties of P2P-based botnets from a graph-theoretical perspective. We further demonstrate experimentally and theoretically that monitoring bot activities in a P2P network is difficult

  4. Progress in the development of uranium silicide (U3Si2) fuel at BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suripto, A.; Soentono, S.


    After successful fabrication of two full-size prototype fuel elements containing ∼3.0 gU/cm 3 in the form of U 3 Si 2 -Al dispersion now undergoing irradiation in the Reaktor Serba Guna G.A. Siwabessy (RSG-GAS) core since 1990, further development in U 3 Si 2 -A2 dispersion fuel element manufacturing has been pursued, whose progress in discussed in this paper, with a special attention on the use of much higher-loading aimed at obtaining a better understanding on the influence of higher-loading on fuel core and plate manufacturing and quality. At present, high-loading U 3 Si 2 -AI dispersion miniplates are being manufactured for preparing some mini-fuel elements to be test-irradiated in the new MTR in-pile loop of the RSG-GAS. (author)

  5. Supporting Collaboration and Creativity Through Mobile P2P Computing (United States)

    Wierzbicki, Adam; Datta, Anwitaman; Żaczek, Łukasz; Rzadca, Krzysztof

    Among many potential applications of mobile P2P systems, collaboration applications are among the most prominent. Examples of applications such as Groove (although not intended for mobile networks), collaboration tools for disaster recovery (the WORKPAD project), and Skype's collaboration extensions, all demonstrate the potential of P2P collaborative applications. Yet, the development of such applications for mobile P2P systems is still difficult because of the lack of middleware.

  6. pO2 and pCO2 increment in post-dialyzer blood: the role of dialysate. (United States)

    Sombolos, Kostas I; Bamichas, Gerasimos I; Christidou, Fotini N; Gionanlis, Lazaros D; Karagianni, Anna C; Anagnostopoulos, Theodoros C; Natse, Taïsir A


    Blood returning from a dialyzer during hemodialysis has a higher pO2 and pCO2 content than blood entering the dialyzer, and this has been attributed to the dialysate. The present study investigates this phenomenon. Acid-base and blood-gas parameters (pH, pO2, pCO2 and HCO3) were measured in three groups of stable chronic hemodialysis patients (A, B, and C) undergoing high-flux hemodialysis. In group A (n = 15), "arterial" (a) and "venous" (v) samples were withdrawn simultaneously before dialysis (samples A0), 5 min after circulation of the blood with the dialysate in the by-pass mode (samples A5), and 5 min after high-flux hemodialysis at a zero ultrafiltration rate (samples A10). In group B (n = 11) (a) and (v) samples were withdrawn simultaneously before dialysis (samples B0), 5 min after isolated-ultrafiltration with closed dialysate ports ("isolated-closed" ultrafiltration) (samples B5), and 5 min after high-flux hemodialysis at a zero ultrafiltration rate (samples B10). In group C (n = 14), after an initial arterial blood sample withdrawal before hemodialysis (sample C0), high-flux hemodialysis at a zero ultrafiltration rate was initiated. Five minutes later, blood and dialysate samples were withdrawn simultaneously from the hemodialysis lines (samples C5). In all cases blood and dialysate (bicarbonate) flow rates were set at 0.300 and 0.700 L/min, respectively. FLX-18 hemodialyzers (membrane PEPA 1.8 m2) were used in this study. Analysis of variance revealed significant changes only in venous samples. A comparison of arterial and venous samples revealed no differences between groups A and B before the initiation of dialysis (A0a vs. A0v and B0a vs. B0v, P = NS). The pO2 content was higher in A5v samples than in A5a samples (83.5 +/- 11.2 vs. 88.8 +/- 14.0 mm Hg, P pO2, pCO2, and HCO3 in comparison to A10v samples (P pO2 and pCO2 values in A5v and A10v samples increased by 6.3% and 12.1% and by 1.29% and 52% in comparison to corresponding values of A5a and A10

  7. Organotin(IV Derivatives of 2-Acetylpyridine-N(4-Phenylthiosemicarbazone, HAP4P, and 2-Hydroxyacetophenone-N(4-Phenylthiosemicarbazone, H2DAP4P: Crystal and Molecular Structure of [SnMe2(DAP4P] and [SnBu2(DAP4P

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    Sousa Gerimário F. de


    Full Text Available The reactions of 2-acetylpyridine-N(4-phenylthiosemicarbazone, HAP4P, and 2-hydroxyacetophenone-N(4-phenylthiosemicarbazone, H2DAP4P, with R4-mSnXm (m = 2, 3; R = Me, nBu, Ph and X = Cl, Br led to the formation of hexa- and penta-coordinated organotin(IV complexes, which were studied by microanalysis, IR, ¹H-NMR and Mössbauer spectroscopies. The molecular structures of [SnMe2(DAP4P] and [Sn nBu2(DAP4P] were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. In the compounds [SnClMe2(AP4P] and [SnBrMe2(AP4P], the deprotonated ligand AP4P- is N,N,S-bonded to the Sn(IV atoms, which exhibit strongly distorted octahedral coordination. The structures of [SnMe2(DAP4P] and [Sn nBu2(DAP4P] revealed that the DAP4P2- anion acts as a O,N,S-tridentate ligand. In these cases, the Sn(IV atoms adopt a strongly distorted trigonal bipyramidal configuration where the azomethine N and the two C atoms are on the equatorial plane while the O and the S atoms occupy the axial positions.

  8. n-p Short-Range Correlations from (p,2p+n) Measurements (United States)

    Tang, A.; Watson, J. W.; Aclander, J.; Alster, J.; Asryan, G.; Averichev, Y.; Barton, D.; Baturin, V.; Bukhtoyarova, N.; Carroll, A.; Gushue, S.; Heppelmann, S.; Leksanov, A.; Makdisi, Y.; Malki, A.; Minina, E.; Navon, I.; Nicholson, H.; Ogawa, A.; Panebratsev, Yu.; Piasetzky, E.; Schetkovsky, A.; Shimanskiy, S.; Zhalov, D.


    We studied the 12C(p,2p+n) reaction at beam momenta of 5.9, 8.0, and 9.0 GeV/c. For quasielastic (p,2p) events pf, the momentum of the knocked-out proton before the reaction, was compared (event by event) with pn, the coincident neutron momentum. For |pn|>kF=0.220 GeV/c (the Fermi momentum) a strong back-to-back directional correlation between pf and pn was observed, indicative of short-range n-p correlations. From pn and pf we constructed the distributions of c.m. and relative motion in the longitudinal direction for correlated pairs. We also determined that 49±13% of events with |pf|>kF had directionally correlated neutrons with |pn|>kF.

  9. Deletion of P2X2 and P2X3 receptor subunits does not alter motility of the mouse colon

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    Matthew DeVries


    Full Text Available Purinergic P2X receptors contribute to neurotransmission in the gut. P2X receptors are ligand-gated cation channels that mediate synaptic excitation in subsets of enteric neurons. The present study evaluated colonic motility in vitro and in vivo in wild type (WT and P2X2 and P2X3 subunit knockout (KO mice. The muscarinic receptor agonist, bethanechol (0.3-3 micromolar, caused similar contractions of the longitudinal muscle in colon segments from WT, P2X2 and P2X3 subunit KO mice. Nicotine (1-300 micromolar, acting at neuronal nicotinic receptors, caused similar longitudinal muscle relaxations in colonic segments from WT and P2X2 and P2X3 subunit KO mice. Nicotine-induced relaxations were inhibited by nitro-L-arginine (NLA, 100 micromolar and apamin (0.1 micromolar which block inhibitory neuromuscular transmission. ATP (1-1000 micromolar caused contractions only in the presence of NLA and apamin. ATP-induced contractions were similar in colon segments from WT, P2X2 and P2X3 KO mice. The mouse colon generates spontaneous migrating motor complexes (MMCs in vitro. The MMC frequency was higher in P2X2 KO compared to WT tissues; other parameters of the MMC were similar in colon segments from WT, P2X2 and P2X3 KO mice. 5-Hydroxytryptophan-induced fecal output was similar in WT, P2X2 and P2X3 KO mice. These data indicate that nicotinic receptors are located predominately on inhibitory motor neurons supplying the longitudinal muscle in the mouse colon. P2X2 or P2X3 subunit containing receptors are not localized to motorneurons supplying the longitudinal muscle. Synaptic transmission mediated by P2X2 or P2X3 subunit containing receptors is not required for propulsive motility in the mouse colon.

  10. Nagłowek strony Open Journal Systems Pomoc Użytkownik Jesteś zalogowany jako... mkwiatkowski Moje czasopisma Mój profil Wyloguj Język / Language Zawartość czasopisma Wyszukaj Przeglądaj wg numeru wg autora wg tytułu Inne czasopisma Wielkość tekstu Make font size smaller Make font size default Make font size larger Informacje dla czytelników dla autorów dla bibliotekarzy Start O czasopiśmie Moje konto Wyszukaj Aktualny numer Archiwum Start > Studia de Cultura VIII(2 "Cyfrowa humanistyka" > Bagieńska-Masiota "Public lending right" jako narzędzie wspierania twórczości narodowej. Uwagi na tle nowelizacji ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych w zakresie wynagrodzenia za użyczenie egzemplarzy utworów przez biblioteki publiczne

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    Aleksandra Bagieńska-Masiota


    Full Text Available The article raises the issue of the introduction of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights in 2015 regarding Institutions Public Lending Rights (PLR. This institution originated in the legal culture of the nineteenth Century in Western Europe, rewarding authors for the free loan of their books by libraries. The article discusses the basic provisions of the Polish Act on Copyright and Related Rights in the field of PLR, in the following aspects: the institutions covered by PLR; entities entitled to receive compensation, the method of calculating fees and absolute amounts in lending copies (payer; Fund Manager.

  11. Measuring interstitial pH and pO2 in mouse tumors. (United States)

    Jain, Rakesh K; Munn, Lance L; Fukumura, Dai


    This protocol outlines methods to measure two extravascular parameters, interstitial pH and partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), in mouse tumors. The method for measuring interstitial pH uses fluorescence ratio imaging microscopy (FRIM) of the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5,6-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). The method for measuring interstitial pO2 is based on the oxygen-dependent quenching of the phosphorescence of albumin-bound palladium meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin, and can be used to measure microvascular as well as interstitial pO2. In addition, the two methods can be used sequentially to measure both pH and pO2 in the same tissues.

  12. pCO2 And pH regulation of cerebral blood flow

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    SeongHun eYoon


    Full Text Available CO2 Serves as one of the fundamental regulators of cerebral blood flow. It is widely considered that this regulation occurs through pCO2-driven changes in pH of the cerebral spinal fluid, with elevated and lowered pH causing direct relaxation and contraction of the smooth muscle, respectively. However, some findings also suggest that pCO2 acts independently of and/or in conjunction with altered pH. This action may be due to a direct effect of cerebral spinal fluid pCO2 on the smooth muscle as well as on the endothelium, nerves, and astrocytes. Findings may also point to an action of arterial pCO2 on the endothelium to regulate smooth muscle contractility. Thus, the effects of pH and pCO2 may be influenced by the absence/presence of different cell types in the various experimental preparations. Results may also be influenced by experimental parameters including myogenic tone as well as solutions containing significantly altered HCO3- concentrations, i.e., solutions routinely employed to differentiate the effects of pH from pCO2. In sum, it appears that pCO2, independently and in conjunction with pH, may regulate cerebral blood flow.

  13. An analysis of pH, pO2 and pCO2 in the peritoneal fluid of dogs with ascites of various etiologies. (United States)

    Glińska-Suchocka, K; Sławuta, P; Jankowski, M; Kubiak, K; Spużak, J; Borusewicz, P


    The aim of the study was to assess pH, pO2 and pCO2 in peritoneal fluid. The study was conducted on a group of 22 dogs with symptoms of ascites. Group 1 consisted of 4 dogs with adenocarcinoma, group 2--of 6 dogs with glomerulonephritis, group 3 of 8 dogs with hepatic cirrhosis and group 4 of 4 dogs with bacterial peritonitis. An abdominal cavity puncture was performed in all dogs and the fluid was drawn into a heparinized syringe in order to assess pH, pO2 and pCO2 . The analysis of pH in the peritoneal fluid revealed statistically significant differences between group 4 and groups 1 (p=0.01), 2 (p=0.01), and 3 (p=0.01). The lowest pH value compared to the other studied groups was recorded in group 4. In group 4, the pO2 was the lowest compared to the other groups (group 1 p=0.01, group 2 p=0.01, group 3 p=0.01). The value of pCO2 was the highest in group 4 compared to groups 1, 2, and 3. The study found statistically significant differences in pH, pCO2 and pCO2 between group 4 (the group of dogs with bacterial peritonitis) and the other groups of dogs. This was probably linked to the pathogenesis of peritonitis. As a result of an inflammatory reaction within the peritoneal cavity, there is an increase in fibrin accumulations leading to a decreased oxygen supply causing the oxidative glucose metabolism to change into a non-oxidative glucose metabolism. This, in turn, causes a decrease in pH, acidosis, and a low oxidoreduction potential. It also impairs phagocytosis and activates proteolytic enzymes which create ideal conditions for the growth of anaerobic bacteria. The obtained results indicate that the pH, pO2 and pCO2 may be used to differentiate bacterial peritonitis from ascites of other etiologies.

  14. P2P-Based Data System for the EAST Experiment (United States)

    Shu, Yantai; Zhang, Liang; Zhao, Weifeng; Chen, Haiming; Luo, Jiarong


    A peer-to-peer (P2P)-based EAST Data System is being designed to provide data acquisition and analysis support for the EAST superconducting tokamak. Instead of transferring data to the servers, all collected data are stored in the data acquisition subsystems locally and the PC clients can access the raw data directly using the P2P architecture. Both online and offline systems are based on Napster-like P2P architecture. This allows the peer (PC) to act both as a client and as a server. A simulation-based method and a steady-state operational analysis technique are used for performance evaluation. These analyses show that the P2P technique can significantly reduce the completion time of raw data display and real-time processing on the online system, and raise the workload capacity and reduce the delay on the offline system.

  15. Effects of Cooling Fluid Flow Rate on the Critical Heat Flux and Flow Stability in the Plate Fuel Type 2 MW TRIGA Reactor


    H. P. Rahardjo; V. I. Sri Wardhani


    The conversion program of the 2 MW TRIGA reactor in Bandung consisted of the replacement of cylindrical fuel (produced by General Atomic) with plate fuel (produced by BATAN). The replacement led into the change of core cooling process from upward natural convection type to downward forced convection type, and resulted in different thermohydraulic safety criteria, such as critical heat flux (CHF) limit, boiling limit, and cooling fluid flow stability. In this paper, a thermohydraulic safety an...

  16. Microglia P2Y13 Receptors Prevent Astrocyte Proliferation Mediated by P2Y1 Receptors

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    Clara Quintas


    Full Text Available Cerebral inflammation is a common feature of several neurodegenerative diseases that requires a fine interplay between astrocytes and microglia to acquire appropriate phenotypes for an efficient response to neuronal damage. During brain inflammation, ATP is massively released into the extracellular medium and converted into ADP. Both nucleotides acting on P2 receptors, modulate astrogliosis through mechanisms involving microglia-astrocytes communication. In previous studies, primary cultures of astrocytes and co-cultures of astrocytes and microglia were used to investigate the influence of microglia on astroglial proliferation induced by ADPβS, a stable ADP analog. In astrocyte cultures, ADPβS increased cell proliferation through activation of P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptors, an effect abolished in co-cultures (of astrocytes with ∼12.5% microglia. The possibility that the loss of the ADPβS-mediated effect could have been caused by a microglia-induced degradation of ADPβS or by a preferential microglial localization of P2Y1 or P2Y12 receptors was excluded. Since ADPβS also activates P2Y13 receptors, the contribution of microglial P2Y13 receptors to prevent the proliferative effect of ADPβS in co-cultures was investigated. The results obtained indicate that P2Y13 receptors are low expressed in astrocytes and mainly expressed in microglia. Furthermore, in co-cultures, ADPβS induced astroglial proliferation in the presence of the selective P2Y13 antagonist MRS 2211 (3 μM and of the selective P2Y12 antagonist AR-C66096 (0.1 μM, suggesting that activation of microglial P2Y12 and P2Y13 receptors may induce the release of messengers that inhibit astroglial proliferation mediated by P2Y1,12 receptors. In this microglia-astrocyte paracrine communication, P2Y12 receptors exert opposite effects in astroglial proliferation as a result of its cellular localization: cooperating in astrocytes with P2Y1 receptors to directly stimulate proliferation and in

  17. A distributed incentive compatible pricing mechanism for P2P networks (United States)

    Zhang, Jie; Zhao, Zheng; Xiong, Xiao; Shi, Qingwei


    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems are currently receiving considerable interest. However, as experience with P2P networks shows, the selfish behaviors of peers may lead to serious problems of P2P network, such as free-riding and white-washing. In order to solve these problems, there are increasing considerations on reputation system design in the study of P2P networks. Most of the existing works is concerning probabilistic estimation or social networks to evaluate the trustworthiness for a peer to others. However, these models can not be efficient all the time. In this paper, our aim is to provide a general mechanism that can maximize P2P networks social welfare in a way of Vickrey-Clarke-Groves family, while assuming every peer in P2P networks is rational and selfish, which means they only concern about their own outcome. This mechanism has some desirable properties using an O(n) algorithm: (1) incentive compatibility, every peer truly report its connection type; (2) individually rationality; and (3) fully decentralized, we design a multiple-principal multiple-agent model, concerning about the service provider and service requester individually.

  18. Phase diagram of ZnCr2pA12-2pS(Se)4 and Zn1-pCdpCr2S(Se)4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Afif, K.; Benyoussef, A.; Hamedoun, M.; Hourmatallah, A.


    We compute the phase diagram of the nonmetallic compounds ZnCr2 p A1 2-2p S(Se) 4 (I[S,Se]) and Zn 1-p Cd p Cr 2 S(Se) 4 (II[S,Se]). We consider the bond-diluted Ising model on the spinel B site (S.B.S.) lattice with competitive exchange interactions, i.e. the ferromagnetic exchange interaction J 1 between nearest neighbours (n.n.) and the antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction J 2 between next-nearest neighbours' (n.n.n.) (and/or the more distant superexchange interactions J i (i > 1). Dilution and competition are found to be responsible for the spill glass phase and the percolation behaviour. (author)

  19. Evaluation of Visual Field and Imaging Outcomes for Glaucoma Clinical Trials (An American Ophthalomological Society Thesis). (United States)

    Garway-Heath, David F; Quartilho, Ana; Prah, Philip; Crabb, David P; Cheng, Qian; Zhu, Haogang


    To evaluate the ability of various visual field (VF) analysis methods to discriminate treatment groups in glaucoma clinical trials and establish the value of time-domain optical coherence tomography (TD OCT) imaging as an additional outcome. VFs and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness (RNFLT) measurements (acquired by TD OCT) from 373 glaucoma patients in the UK Glaucoma Treatment Study (UKGTS) at up to 11 scheduled visits over a 2 year interval formed the cohort to assess the sensitivity of progression analysis methods. Specificity was assessed in 78 glaucoma patients with up to 11 repeated VF and OCT RNFLT measurements over a 3 month interval. Growth curve models assessed the difference in VF and RNFLT rate of change between treatment groups. Incident progression was identified by 3 VF-based methods: Guided Progression Analysis (GPA), 'ANSWERS' and 'PoPLR', and one based on VFs and RNFLT: 'sANSWERS'. Sensitivity, specificity and discrimination between treatment groups were evaluated. The rate of VF change was significantly faster in the placebo, compared to active treatment, group (-0.29 vs +0.03 dB/year, P <.001); the rate of RNFLT change was not different (-1.7 vs -1.1 dB/year, P =.14). After 18 months and at 95% specificity, the sensitivity of ANSWERS and PoPLR was similar (35%); sANSWERS achieved a sensitivity of 70%. GPA, ANSWERS and PoPLR discriminated treatment groups with similar statistical significance; sANSWERS did not discriminate treatment groups. Although the VF progression-detection method including VF and RNFLT measurements is more sensitive, it does not improve discrimination between treatment arms.


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    Notowinarto Notowinarto


    Full Text Available Sepanjang pesisir pantai pada perairan di kawasan Kecamatan Bulang Kota Batam sebagai lokasi penelitian dengan banyak dijumpai pemukiman penduduk dan industri galangan kapal (Shipyard serta banyak mengeluarkan limbah yang langsung dibuang keperairan terbuka. Sampai saat ini masih minim informasi tentang populasi bakteri heterotrof, sehingga di perlukan pengkajian secara biologi perairan yakni bagaimana populasi bakteri Heterotrof di perairan Pulau Bulang Batam. Tujuan mengetahui estimasi total bakteri umum dan virus (TBU;TBV serta hubungan antara padatan populasi bakteri dengan kondisi in-situ kualitas antar perairan yang berbeda. Penelitian bersifat lapangan insitu dengan pengambilan sampling secara teknik purposive sampling dan ek-situ yakni sampel air segera di bawa ke Laboratorium Uji Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan Balai Budidaya Laut. Analisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan kuantitatif untuk mencari hubungan antara perkiraan populasi bakteri heterotrof dengan kondisi kualitas air antar lokasi sampling menggunakan pendekatan analisis sidik ragam (Ansira. Hasil sebagai berikut: a bahwa diperkiraan populasi bakteri heterotroph baik total bakteri umum (TBU maupun total bakteri virus (TBV yang nyata dengan kecenderungan (trend meningkat akibat adanya perubahan kualitas in-situ perairan, yakni pada lokasi Kuala Bulang 2 dan Selat Awa; b Kandungan nitrat memperlihatkan kisaran nilai yang tinggi berada di lokasi Selat Awa dan terendah terdapat pada stasiun Teluk Sepaku serta ammonium memperlihatkan nilai tertinggi pada stasiun Kuala Bulang Dua dan kandungan phospat kandungan tertinggi di stasiun Selat Awa, sehingga akan menimbulkan terjadinya peledakan populasi (blooming; dan c Hubungan korelasi antar stasiun pengamatan terhadap sebaran kepadatan total bakteri umum maupun vibrio (TBU/TBV tampaknya tidak nyata (non-signifikan. Walaupun tingkat hubungan (nilai r lebih dari 50%. Begitupula terhadap parameter kualitas air, hanya ada indikasi korelasi

  1. Agricultural production - Phase 2. Indonesia. Controlled release pesticide formulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vollner, L.


    At the request of the Government of Indonesia, an IAEA expert undertook a two weeks mission from 2 to 15 April 1991, and continued it from the 9 to 22 November 1991 at the Center for Application of Isotopes and Radiation (CAIR) of the National Atomic Energy Agency, BATAN in Jakarta. Expert discussed the project and carried out experiments together with the staff of the center, introducing shellac (description in part II) as a candidate for controlled release formulations. Formulations of carbofuran, butachlor, 2,4-D and diazinon were carried out, using sand and cocconut shells as carriers. Release rates of a.i. into water have been checked and further work has been discussed. Expert assessed further needs for supply of instruments, accessories and chemicals. (author)

  2. Purinergní P2X rodina a specifické vlastnosti P2X7 podtypu

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jindřichová, Marie; Zemková, Hana


    Roč. 62, č. 2 (2013), s. 40-46 ISSN 1210-6313 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GPP304/12/P371 Institutional support: RVO:67985823 Keywords : extracellular ATP * purinergic P2X family * P2X7 receptor * cell proliferation and apoptosis Subject RIV: ED - Physiology

  3. In vitro cell culture pO2 is significantly different from incubator pO2. (United States)

    Bambrick, L L; Kostov, Y; Rao, G


    Continuous noninvasive monitoring of peri-cellular liquid phase pO2 in adherent cultures is described. For neurons and astrocytes, this approach demonstrates that there is a significant difference between predicted and observed liquid phase pO2. Particularly at low gas phase pO2s, cell metabolism shifts liquid phase pO2 significantly lower than would be predicted from the O2 gas/air equilibrium coefficient, indicating that the cellular oxygen uptake rate exceeds the oxygen diffusion rate. The results demonstrate the need for direct pO2 measurements at the peri-cellular level, and question the widely adopted current practice of relying on setting the incubator gas phase level as means of controlling pericellular oxygen tension, particularly in static culture systems that are oxygen mass transfer limited. Copyright © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).

  4. Optimasi Peletakan Base Transceiver Station Di Kabupaten Mojokerto Menggunakan Algoritma Differential Evolution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahadi Arif Nugraha


    Full Text Available Salah satu aspek penting dalam perencanaan infrastruktur jaringan seluler adalah Base Transceiver Station (BTS yang merupakan sebuah pemancar dan penerima sinyal telephone seluler. Di satu sisi, peningkatan jumlah menara memang akan mendukung tercapainya pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap layanan telekomunikasi. Namun di sisi lain, penempatan menara yang  tanpa perencanaan serta koordinasi yang tepat akan menimbulkan jumlah menara yang berlebih sehingga dapat mengganggu estetika lingkungan, tata ruang suatu wilayah, dan radiasi gelombang radio yang tidak terkontrol sehingga sangat mengganggu. Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, maka dapat diselesaikan dengan cara menyusun suatu master plan yang lengkap dan rinci tentang penataan lokasi menara di Kabupaten Mojokerto untuk lima tahun mendatang. Penataan lokasi menara dilakukan dengan menggunakan algoritma Differential Evolution (DE untuk menemukan solusi penataan menara yang baik berdasarkan luas cakupan area sel yang dihasilkan, kemudian menggunakan software MapInfo sebagai media visualisasi peta lokasi penempatan menara telekomunikasi. Dalam perancangan menara BTS tahun 2019, Kabupaten Mojokerto membutuhkan 106 menara BTS 2G dan 36 menara BTS 3G. Penempatan menara BTS 2G dan 3G menggunakan algoritma differential evolution mampu mengoptimalkan 2,94% dari luas wilayah Kabupaten Mojokerto

  5. Systemic immune-inflammation index predicting chemoradiation resistance and poor outcome in patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Suo Tong


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There is increasing evidence that the existence of systemic inflammation response is correlated with poor prognosis in several solid tumors. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the association between systemic immune-inflammation index (SII and therapy response and overall survival in patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC. The prognostic values of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR, platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR, and prognostic nutritional index (PNI were also evaluated. Methods In total, 332 patients with new diagnosis of stage III NSCLC were included in this retrospective analysis. SII was defined as platelet counts × neutrophil counts/lymphocyte counts. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC curve was used to evaluate the optimal cut-off value for SII, NLR, PLR and PNI. Univariate and multivariate survival analysis were performed to identify the factors correlated with overall survival. Results Applying cut-offs of ≥ 660 (SII, ≥ 3.57 (NLR, ≥ 147 (PLR, ≤ 52.95 (PNI, SII ≥ 660 was significantly correlated with worse ECOG PS (< 0.001, higher T stage (< 0.001, advanced clinical stage (p = 0.019, and lower response rate (p = 0.018. In univariate analysis, SII ≥ 660, NLR ≥ 3.57, PLR ≥ 147, and PNI ≤ 52.95 were significantly associated with worse overall survival (p all < 0.001. Patients with SII ≥ 660 had a median overall survival of 10 months, and patients with SII < 660 showed a median overall survival of 30 months. In multivariate analysis only ECOG PS (HR, 1.744; 95% CI 1.158–2.626; p = 0.008, T stage (HR, 1.332; 95% CI 1.032–1.718; p = 0.028, N stage (HR, 1.848; 95% CI 1.113–3.068; p = 0.018, SII (HR, 2.105; 95% CI 1.481–2.741; p < 0.001 and NLR ≥ 3.57 (HR, 1.934; 95% CI 1.448–2.585; p < 0.001 were independently correlated with overall survival. Conclusions This study demonstrates that the SII is an

  6. Investing in a new generation of knowledge leaders | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Investing in a new generation of knowledge leaders. 27 avril 2015. Image. IDRC Communications. Where are they now? Awatef Ketiti · Clarence Batan · Deirdre Anne McKay · Henry Juarez. Awatef Ketiti Linking ICTs, gender, and societies across the Mediterranean Sea. Clarence Batan Giving a voice to Filipino Youth.

  7. Quenching of I(2P1/2) by O3 and O(3P). (United States)

    Azyazov, Valeriy N; Antonov, Ivan O; Heaven, Michael C


    Oxygen-iodine lasers that utilize electrical or microwave discharges to produce singlet oxygen are currently being developed. The discharge generators differ from conventional chemical singlet oxygen generators in that they produce significant amounts of atomic oxygen. Post-discharge chemistry includes channels that lead to the formation of ozone. Consequently, removal of I(2P1/2) by O atoms and O3 may impact the efficiency of discharge driven iodine lasers. In the present study, we have measured the rate constants for quenching of I(2P1/2) by O(3P) atoms and O3 using pulsed laser photolysis techniques. The rate constant for quenching by O3, (1.8 +/- 0.4) x 10(-12) cm3 s-1, was found to be a factor of 5 smaller than the literature value. The rate constant for quenching by O(3P) was (1.2 +/- 0.2) x 10(-11) cm3 s-1.

  8. P2P XQuery and the StreetTiVo application

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    P.A. Boncz (Peter); Y. Zhang (Ying)


    textabstractIn the AmbientDB project, we are building MonetDB/XQuery, an open-source XML DBMS (XDBMS) with support for distributed querying and P2P services. Our work is motivated by the hypothesis that P2P is a disruptive paradigm that should change the nature of database technology. Most of the

  9. An Overview of Acoustic Detection Analysis. (United States)


    PL(r) and NL are typically determined from publica - tions that give geographic and seasonal values for these parameters. The left-hand side of the...In Seguridad hence) 14 p., Oct 1980, AD A092 733 wiorthwstern University, Evanston, IL PP 297 - Classified PP 3o9 Bowes, Marianne, Brchling, Frank P

  10. Time-resolved pH/pO2 mapping with luminescent hybrid sensors. (United States)

    Schröder, Claudia R; Polerecky, Lubos; Klimant, Ingo


    A method for simultaneous and referenced 2D mapping of pH and pO2 is described. The experimental setup combines a fast gateable CCD camera as detector, a LED as excitation light source and a single-layer sensor membrane as optical transducer. The planar optode comprises a lipophilic fluorescein derivative (lifetime approximately 5 ns) and platinum(II) mesotetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin (approximately 70 micros in the absence of a quencher) immobilized in a hydrogel matrix. Depending on the fluorescent pH indicator, a pH transition in the physiological range (pH 6-pH 8) or in the near-basic region (pH 7-pH 9) can be achieved. The measuring scheme involves the time-resolved acquisition of images in three windows during a series of square-shaped excitation pulses. A method allowing the calculation of both parameters from these three images is presented. The pH/pO2 hybrid sensor incorporating the pH indicator 2',7'-dihexyl-5(6)-N-octadecyl-carboxamidofluorescein was characterized in detail. The pH and pO2 were determined with a maximum deviation of 0.03 pH unit and 6.5 hPa pO2, respectively, within the range of pH 7.6-pH 8.7 and 0-200 hPa pO2 in test measurements. The ionic strength (IS) cross-sensitivity was found to be relatively small (pH/IS pO2/IS pO2 images obtained in natural marine sediment are presented.

  11. Preventing Cartilage Degeneration in Warfighters by Elucidating Novel Mechanisms Regulating Osteocyte-Mediated Perilacunar Bone Remodeling (United States)


    hypothesis using mouse models and human PTOA tissue. We aim to determine: 1) the extent to which mechanical loading regulates PLR in a TGFβ- dependent manner ...the major goals of the project? Major Goals Aim 1: Determine the extent to which mechanical loading regulates PLR in a TGFβ- dependent manner . Aim...dependent manner . Overview: We conducted all of the analyses proposed in Aim 1. As described below, these studies convincingly demonstrate that PLR

  12. Mean platelet volume in bipolar disorder: the search for an ideal biomarker

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mert DG


    Full Text Available Derya Guliz Mert,1 Hatice Terzi2 1Department of Psychiatry, 2Department of Hematology, Faculty of Medicine, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey Background: The pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD remains a mystery. In this context, interest in the role of the immune and inflammatory systems in BD has been increasing. We aimed to compare the routine hemogram values of BD patients with those of the participants in the healthy control group, to assess the inflammation levels of the two groups. Mean platelet volume (MPV can be obtained as routine hemogram parameters and may aid in the detection of systemic inflammation. Subjects and methods: This study was conducted with BD (manic episode inpatients (n=132 and healthy controls (n=135. Abnormally distributed variables (ie, neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio [NLR], platelet–lymphocyte ratio [PLR], neutrophils, lymphocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit [HCT], mean corpuscular volume [MCV], mean corpuscular hemoglobin [MCH], mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration [MCHC], red cell distribution width [RDW], MPV, and plateletcrit [PCT] were compared using the Mann–Whitney U-test. Student’s t-test was used to compare the mean ages and white blood cell, red blood cell, and platelet counts of the patients with BD against those of the participants in the control group. Results: The comparisons revealed that while the mean WBC and the median NLR, PLR, neutrophil, lymphocyte, MPV, and PCT values were significantly higher in the patients with BD (P<0.05, the median hemoglobin, RBC, HCT, and MCHC values were significantly higher in the control group (P<0.05. Conclusion: Comparisons of hemogram values of patients with BD against those of the healthy control group revealed that inflammatory cells (absolute neutrophil count, platelet count, PCT, and MPV and ratios (NLR, PLR seem to be altered during manic episodes. These findings support the hypothesis that inflammatory activation occurs in BD during manic

  13. Computational simulation of passive leg-raising effects on hemodynamics during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. (United States)

    Shin, Dong Ah; Park, Jiheum; Lee, Jung Chan; Shin, Sang Do; Kim, Hee Chan


    The passive leg-raising (PLR) maneuver has been used for patients with circulatory failure to improve hemodynamic responsiveness by increasing cardiac output, which should also be beneficial and may exert synergetic effects during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). However, the impact of the PLR maneuver on CPR remains unclear due to difficulties in monitoring cardiac output in real-time during CPR and a lack of clinical evidence. We developed a computational model that couples hemodynamic behavior during standard CPR and the PLR maneuver, and simulated the model by applying different angles of leg raising from 0° to 90° and compression rates from 80/min to 160/min. The simulation results showed that the PLR maneuver during CPR significantly improves cardiac output (CO), systemic perfusion pressure (SPP) and coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) by ∼40-65% particularly under the recommended range of compression rates between 100/min and 120/min with 45° of leg raise, compared to standard CPR. However, such effects start to wane with further leg lifts, indicating the existence of an optimal angle of leg raise for each person to achieve the best hemodynamic responses. We developed a CPR-PLR model and demonstrated the effects of PLR on hemodynamics by investigating changes in CO, SPP, and CPP under different compression rates and angles of leg raising. Our computational model will facilitate study of PLR effects during CPR and the development of an advanced model combined with circulatory disorders, which will be a valuable asset for further studies. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Measurement and analysis of P2P IPTV program resource. (United States)

    Wang, Wenxian; Chen, Xingshu; Wang, Haizhou; Zhang, Qi; Wang, Cheng


    With the rapid development of P2P technology, P2P IPTV applications have received more and more attention. And program resource distribution is very important to P2P IPTV applications. In order to collect IPTV program resources, a distributed multi-protocol crawler is proposed. And the crawler has collected more than 13 million pieces of information of IPTV programs from 2009 to 2012. In addition, the distribution of IPTV programs is independent and incompact, resulting in chaos of program names, which obstructs searching and organizing programs. Thus, we focus on characteristic analysis of program resources, including the distributions of length of program names, the entropy of the character types, and hierarchy depth of programs. These analyses reveal the disorderly naming conventions of P2P IPTV programs. The analysis results can help to purify and extract useful information from chaotic names for better retrieval and accelerate automatic sorting of program and establishment of IPTV repository. In order to represent popularity of programs and to predict user behavior and popularity of hot programs over a period, we also put forward an analytical model of hot programs.

  15. Measurement and Analysis of P2P IPTV Program Resource

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wenxian Wang


    Full Text Available With the rapid development of P2P technology, P2P IPTV applications have received more and more attention. And program resource distribution is very important to P2P IPTV applications. In order to collect IPTV program resources, a distributed multi-protocol crawler is proposed. And the crawler has collected more than 13 million pieces of information of IPTV programs from 2009 to 2012. In addition, the distribution of IPTV programs is independent and incompact, resulting in chaos of program names, which obstructs searching and organizing programs. Thus, we focus on characteristic analysis of program resources, including the distributions of length of program names, the entropy of the character types, and hierarchy depth of programs. These analyses reveal the disorderly naming conventions of P2P IPTV programs. The analysis results can help to purify and extract useful information from chaotic names for better retrieval and accelerate automatic sorting of program and establishment of IPTV repository. In order to represent popularity of programs and to predict user behavior and popularity of hot programs over a period, we also put forward an analytical model of hot programs.

  16. Estimation of operators’ fatigue using optical methods for determination of pupil activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krzysztof Różanowski


    Full Text Available Introduction The purpose of this study was to develop and initially validate an objective, yet quick, method for assessment of human fatigue. This aim can be achieved by the use of an optical, non-contact method of analysis of pupil activity. The study involved 2 phenomena typical for the behavior of the human pupil: pupillary reflex and pupillary movements. The 1st phenomenon is related to the pupillary light reflex (PLR, which presents the results of physiological adaptation mechanisms of the human eye. The pupillary unrest index (PUI is an additional parameter referring to the tendency for instability of the pupil. Material and methods Indicators of these 2 mechanisms were assessed under the same experimental laboratory conditions. Assessment was conducted on a group of volunteers (N = 10 during 4 controlled series of measurements performed at night. Pupillary reflex parameters associated with PLR and pupillary unrest index (PUI were recorded using F²D Fit-For-Duty, a commercially available system made by AMTech Pupilknowlogy GmbH. Baseline pupil diameter, oscillations, reflex latency, maximum reaction time, pupil constriction time, pupil dilation time, and constriction amplitude were recorded. Results As a result of the study, we were able to demonstrate correlation and confirm the usefulness of PLR and PST methods in the assessment of sleep deprivation. Parameters of PLR that may indicate human fatigue were identified. The effect of light impulse sequences on the dynamics of pupillary reflex and the relationship between PUI (pupillary unrest index measurement duration and sleepiness assessment validity, were assessed. Conclusions The results of the pilot studies were sufficient to develop minimum requirements for a PLR sensor that would be capable of estimating the level of fatigue with accuracy of a PUI method, but at a 5 times faster rate.

  17. Identification of 6H1 as a P2Y purinoceptor: P2Y5. (United States)

    Webb, T E; Kaplan, M G; Barnard, E A


    We have determined the identity of the orphan G-protein coupled receptor cDNA, 6H1, present in activated chicken T cells, as a subtype of P2Y purinoceptor. This identification is based on first on the degree of sequence identity shared with recently cloned members of the P2Y receptor family and second on the pharmacological profile. Upon transient expression in COS-7 cells the 6H1 receptor bound the radiolabel [35S]dATP alpha S specifically and with high affinity (Kd, 10 nM). This specific binding could be competitively displaced by a range of ligands active at P2 purinoceptors, with ATP being the most active (K (i)), 116 nM). Such competition studies have established the following rank order of activity: ATP ADP 2-methylthioATP alpha, beta-methylene ATP, UTP, thus confirming 6H1 as a member of the growing family of P2Y purinoceptors. As the fifth receptor of this type to be identified we suggest that it be named P2Y5.

  18. The Predictive Value of Neutrophil-Lymphocyte and Platelet-Lymphocyte Ratio for the Effusion Viscosity in Otitis Media With Chronic Effusion. (United States)

    Elbistanli, Mustafa Suphi; Koçak, Hasan Emre; Acipayam, Harun; Yiğider, Ayşe Pelin; Keskin, Mehmet; Kayhan, Fatma Tülin


    The objective of the authors' study was to investigate the predictive value of the neutrophil-lymphocyte rate (NLR) and platelet-lymphocyte rate (PLR) in otitis media with effusion and the correlation of the effusion type with these ratios. Retrospective case-control study. One hundred twenty-six pediatric patients diagnosed otitis media with chronic effusion and had ventilation tube inserted between October 2015 and July 2016 were included in the study group and 124 healthy children, who applied for the routine examination and had blood count analysis, were included in the control group. The patients in the study group were divided into 2 groups regarding the effusion viscosity, which was obtained from the patients' operation files. Seventy-one patients were included in the serous group and 55 patients in the mucous group. The NLR and PLR rates of the groups were compared and statistically evaluated. The average NLR and PLR rates were significantly higher in the study group than in the control group (P = 0.000, P = 0.004 respectively). Comparison of the serous and mucous groups with the control group revealed a significant difference between the control group and the serous group regarding the NLR and PLR (P = 0.000; P = 0.000 respectively), but not between the control group and mucous group (P = 0.694; P = 0.691 respectively). Neutrophil-lymphocyte rate and PLR had a predictive value for otitis media with effusion and additionally it was a laboratory indicator supporting the typing of the viscosity of the fluid accumulated in the middle ear.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arief Nugroho


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis. Pada tahun 2012 ditetapkan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB dengan ditemukannya dua kasus leptospirosis di dua kecamatan dengan satu kasus meninggal. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan faktor lingkungan terhadap kejadian leptospirosis di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Rancangan penelitian yaitu cross sectional dilakukan melalui observasi lokasi, pengukuran lingkungan abiotik dan observasi kondisi rumah penduduk. Lokasi penelitian di Dusun Banjar, Desa Picisan RT 3 RW 1 Kecamatan Sendang, Kabupaten Tulungagung. Besar sampel sebanyak 50 rumah. Analisis data berupa analisis deskriptif dan statistik dengan uji Chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya sampah terbuka di depan atau belakang rumah berhubungan dengan kejadian leptospirosis dan mempunyai resiko 16,3 kali lebih besar dalam penyebaran leptospirosis. pH, salinitas dan kelembaban udara menunjang pertumbuhan bakteri Leptospira sp. pada badan air alami. Kata kunci: leptospirosis, Tulungagung, lingkungan

  20. The 5s25p2 - (5s25p5d + 5s5p3 + 5s25p6s + 5s25p7s) transitions in Sb II and 5s25p - (5s5p2 + 5s2nl) transitions in Sb III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arcimowicz, B.; Joshi, Y.N.; Kaufman, V.


    The spectrum of antimony was photographed in the 575-2300 A region (1A 10 -10 m) using a hollow cathode and a triggered spark source. The analysis of the 5s 2 5p 2 - (5s 2 5p5d + 5s5p 3 + 5s 2 5p6s + 5s 2 5p7s) transitions in Sb II spectrum was revised and interpreted on the basis of multiconfiguration interaction calculations. Accurate wavelength measurements of Sb III lines lead to a revised ground-state 5s 2 5p 2 P interval value of 6574.5 cm -1 . (author). 15 refs., 9 tabs., 1 fig

  1. Temporal geochemical trends in northern Luzon arc lavas (Philippines): implications on metasomatic processes in the island arc mantle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maury, R.C.; Bellon, H.; Jacques, D.; Defant, J.; Joron, J.L.; Mcdermott, F.; Vidal, Ph.


    Neogene and Quaternary lavas from Batan, Babuyan de Claro, Camiguin and Calayan islands (northern Luzon arc) display temporal increases in incompatible elements including Cs, Rb, Ba, K, La, Ce, Th, U, Ta, Hf and Zr from volcanoes older than 3 Ma to younger ones. These enrichments occur either within a single island (Batan) or within an island group (from Calayan to Camiguin and Babuyan). We show that these enrichments result from incompatible element input into the mantle wedge rather than from partial melting or fractionation effects. The fact that highly incompatible elements display temporal enrichment patterns in Batan lavas whatever their chemical properties indicates that hydrous fluids are not the only metasomatic agents operating in the mantle wedge and that slab-derived melts (adakitic magmas) may also be involved. The coupled temporal variation patterns of large ion lithophile elements and Sr-Nd isotopes suggest that the metasomatic budgets beneath the southern group of islands are mainly controlled by hydrous fluids inputs. In contrast, young Batan lavas likely derive from a mantle source mostly metasomatized by adakitic magmas. (authors)

  2. A de-novo interstitial microduplication involving 2p16.1-p15 and mirroring 2p16.1-p15 microdeletion syndrome: Clinical and molecular analysis. (United States)

    Mimouni-Bloch, Aviva; Yeshaya, Josepha; Kahana, Sarit; Maya, Idit; Basel-Vanagaite, Lina


    Microdeletions of various sizes in the 2p16.1-p15 chromosomal region have been grouped together under the 2p16.1-p15 microdeletion syndrome. Children with this syndrome generally share certain features including microcephaly, developmental delay, facial dysmorphism, urogenital and skeletal abnormalities. We present a child with a de-novo interstitial 1665 kb duplication of 2p16.1-p15. Clinical features of this child are distinct from those of children with the 2p16.1-p15 microdeletion syndrome, specifically the head circumference which is within the normal range and mild intellectual disability with absence of autistic behaviors. Microduplications many times bear milder clinical phenotypes in comparison with corresponding microdeletion syndromes. Indeed, as compared to the microdeletion syndrome patients, the 2p16.1-p15 microduplication seems to have a milder cognitive effect and no effect on other body systems. Limited information available in genetic databases about cases with overlapping duplications indicates that they all have abnormal developmental phenotypes. The involvement of genes in this location including BCL11A, USP34 and PEX13, affecting fundamental developmental processes both within and outside the nervous system may explain the clinical features of the individual described in this report. Copyright © 2015 European Paediatric Neurology Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Theoretical Stark broadening parameters for spectral lines arising from the 2p5ns, 2p5np and 2p5nd electronic configurations of Mg III (United States)

    Colón, C.; Moreno-Díaz, C.; Alonso-Medina, A.


    In the present work we report theoretical Stark widths and shifts calculated using the Griem semi-empirical approach, corresponding to 237 spectral lines of Mg III. Data are presented for an electron density of 1017 cm-3 and temperatures T = 0.5-10.0 (104K). The matrix elements used in these calculations have been determined from 23 configurations of Mg III: 2s22p6, 2s22p53p, 2s22p54p, 2s22p54f and 2s22p55f for even parity and 2s22p5ns (n = 3-6), 2s22p5nd (n = 3-9), 2s22p55g and 2s2p6np (n = 3-8) for odd parity. For the intermediate coupling (IC) calculations, we use the standard method of least-squares fitting from experimental energy levels by means of the Cowan computer code. Also, in order to test the matrix elements used in our calculations, we present calculated values of 70 transition probabilities of Mg III spectral lines and 14 calculated values of radiative lifetimes of Mg III levels. There is good agreement between our calculations and experimental radiative lifetimes. Spectral lines of Mg III are relevant in astrophysics and also play an important role in the spectral analysis of laboratory plasma. Theoretical trends of the Stark broadening parameter versus the temperature for relevant lines are presented. No values of Stark parameters can be found in the bibliography.

  4. Prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in acute pulmonary embolism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Wang, Qian; Ma, Junfen; Jiang, Zhiyun; Ming, Liang


    Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) have been reported to predict prognosis of acute pulmonary embolism (PE). However, the prognostic value of NLR and PLR remained inconsistent between studies. The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the prognostic role of NLR and PLR in acute PE. We systematically searched Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science and CNKI for relative literature up to March 2017. The pooled statistics for all outcomes were expressed as odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). The statistical analyses were performed using Review Manager 5.3.5 analysis software and Stata software. Totally 7 eligible studies consisting of 2323 patients were enrolled in our meta-analysis. Elevated NLR was significantly associated with overall (short-term and long-term) mortality (OR 10.13, 95% CI 6.57-15.64, Panalysis revealed that NLR and PLR are promising biomarkers in predicting prognosis in acute PE patients. We suggest NLR and PLR be used routinely in the PE prognostic assessment.

  5. Excitation of the (2p2)1D and (2s2p)1P autoionizing states of helium by 200 eV electron impact

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godunov, A.L.; McGuire, J.H.; Schipakov, V.S.; Crowe, A.


    We report full second Born calculations with inclusion of post-collision interactions for excitation of the (2p 2 ) 1 D and (2s2p) 1 P autoionizing states of helium by 200 eV electron impact. The calculations are compared to (e, 2e) measurements of McDonald and Crowe (McDonald D G and Crowe A 1993 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 26 2887-97) and Lower and Weigold (Lower J and Weigold E 1990 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 23 2819-45). It is shown that post-collision interactions or Coulomb interactions in the final state between the scattered particle, the ejected electron and the recoil ion have a strong influence on both the direct ionization and resonance profiles around the binary lobe. The second-order terms in the amplitude of double electron excitation also play an observable role under these kinematic conditions. Reasonable agreement is found between the full-scale calculations and the experimental data. (author). Letter-to-the-editor

  6. P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors regulate pancreatic Ca²+-activated K+ channels differently

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klærke, Susanne Edeling Hede; Amstrup, Jan; Klærke, Dan Arne


    Extracellular ATP is an important regulator of transepithelial transport in a number of tissues. In pancreatic ducts, we have shown that ATP modulates epithelial K+ channels via purinergic receptors, most likely the P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors, but the identity of the involved K+ channels was not cle...

  7. The P2P approach to interorganizational workflows

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aalst, van der W.M.P.; Weske, M.H.; Dittrich, K.R.; Geppert, A.; Norrie, M.C.


    This paper describes in an informal way the Public-To-Private (P2P) approach to interorganizational workflows, which is based on a notion of inheritance. The approach consists of three steps: (1) create a common understanding of the interorganizational workflow by specifying a shared public

  8. Proceeding of the Eighth Scientific Presentation on Nuclear Safety Technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geni Rina Sunaryo; Sony Tjahjani, D.T.; Anhar Riza Antariksawan; Sudarno; Djoko Hari Nugroho; Roziq Himawan; Ari Satmoko; Histori; Sumijanto


    The Proceeding of Scientific Meeting and Presentation is routine activity that held in National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) by Centre for Development of Nuclear Safety Technology for monitoring the research activity which was achieved in BATAN. The aims of the proceeding to able to information and reference for nuclear safety technology. There are 30 papers which separated index. (PPIN)

  9. Proceedings of Sixth National Seminar of Waste Management Technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sucipta; Zainus Salimin; Lubis, Erwansyah; Herlan Martono; Aisyah; Syahrir; Erini Yuwatini; Thamzil Las; Kusnanto


    The sixth proceedings of the seminar on technology of waste management held by National Nuclear Energy Agency on June 24, 2007. The aim of seminar is to increase strengthening of radioactive waste management infrastructure to support a success in nuclear energy program in Indonesia. The proceedings consist of 32 articles from researcher of BATAN and outside BATAN. (PPIKSN)

  10. Research and development activities of a neutron generator facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darsono Sudjatmoko; Pramudita Anggraita; Sukarman Aminjoyo


    The neutron generator facility at YNRC is used for elemental analysis, nuclear data measurement and education. In nuclear data measurement the focus is on re-evaluating the existing scattered nuclear activation cross-section to obtain systematic data for nuclear reactions such as (n,p), (n,α), and (n,2n). In elemental analysis it is used for analyzing the Nitrogen (N), Phosphor (P) and Potassium (K) contents in chemical and natural fertilizers (compost), protein in rice, soybean, and corn and pollution level in rivers. The neutron generator is also used for education and training of BATAN staff and university students. The facility can also produce neutron generator components. (author)

  11. Isotope shift of 40,42,44,48Ca in the 4s 2S1/2 → 4p 2P3/2 transition (United States)

    Gorges, C.; Blaum, K.; Frömmgen, N.; Geppert, Ch; Hammen, M.; Kaufmann, S.; Krämer, J.; Krieger, A.; Neugart, R.; Sánchez, R.; Nörtershäuser, W.


    We report on improved isotope shift measurements of the isotopes {}{40,42,{44,48}}Ca in the 4{{s}}{ }2{{{S}}}1/2\\to 4{{p}}{ }2{{{P}}}3/2 (D2) transition using collinear laser spectroscopy. Accurately known isotope shifts in the 4{{s}}{ }2{{{S}}}1/2\\to 4{{p}}{ }2{{{P}}}1/2(D1) transition were used to calibrate the ion beam energy with an uncertainty of {{Δ }}U≈ +/- 0.25 {{V}}. The accuracy in the D2 transition was improved by a factor of 5-10. A King-plot analysis of the two transitions revealed that the field shift factor in the D2 line is about 1.8(13)% larger than in the D1 transition which is ascribed to relativistic contributions of the 4{{{p}}}1/2 wave function.

  12. P2P Network Lending, Loss Given Default and Credit Risks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guangyou Zhou


    Full Text Available Peer-to-peer (P2P network lending is a new mode of internet finance that still holds credit risk as its main risk. According to the internal rating method of the New Basel Accord, in addition to the probability of default, loss given default is also one of the important indicators of evaluation credit risks. Proceeding from the perspective of loss given default (LGD, this paper conducts an empirical study on the probability distribution of LGDs of P2P as well as its influencing factors with the transaction data of Lending Club. The results show that: (1 the LGDs of P2P loans presents an obvious unimodal distribution, the peak value is relatively high and tends to concentrate with the decrease of the borrower’s credit rating, indicating that the distribution of LGDs of P2P lending is similar to that of unsecured bonds; (2 The total asset of the borrower has no significant impact on LGD, the credit rating and the debt-to-income ratio exert a significant negative impact, while the term and amount of the loan produce a relatively strong positive impact. Therefore, when evaluating the borrower’s repayment ability, it is required to pay more attention to its assets structure rather than the size of its total assets. When carrying out risk control for the P2P platform, it is necessary to give priority to the control of default rate.

  13. 2s 2p 3P10 → 2s21S0 intercombination line in beryllium-like krypton, molybdenum and tungsten

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glass, R.


    Transition probabilities are evaluated for the 2s 2p 3 P 1 0 → 2s 2 1 S 0 transition in beryllium-like ions for krypton, molybdenum and tungsten, using configuration-interaction wavefunctions. The importance of the 2s 3p 1 P 1 0 configuration is considered

  14. Forward $\\pi^{+-}$ production in p-$O_2$ and p-$N_2$ interactions at 12 GeV/c

    CERN Document Server

    Catanesi, M.G.; Edgecock, R.; Ellis, M.; Gossling, C.; Bunyatov, S.; Krasnoperov, A.; Popov, B.; Tereschenko, V.; Di Capua, E.; Vidal-Sitjes, G.; Artamonov, A.; Giani, S.; Gilardoni, S.; Gorbunov, P.; Grant, A.; Grossheim, A.; Ivanchenko, A.; Ivanchenko, V.; Kayis-Topaksu, A.; Panman, J.; Papadopoulos, I.; Tcherniaev, E.; Tsukerman, I.; Wiebusch, C.; Zucchelli, P.; Blondel, A.; Borghi, S.; Morone, M.C.; Prior, G.; Schroeter, R.; Meurer, C.; Gastaldi, U.; Mills, G.B.; Graulich, J.S.; Gregoire, G.; Bonesini, M.; Ferri, F.; Kirsanov, M.; Bagulya, A.; Grichine, V.; Polukhina, N.; Palladino, V.; Coney, L.; Schmitz, D.; Barr, G.; Bobisut, F.; Gibin, D.; Guglielmi, A.; Mezzetto, M.; Dumarchez, J.; Dore, U.; Orestano, D.; Pastore, F.; Tonazzo, A.; Tortora, L.; Booth, C.; Howlett, L.; Bogomilov, M.; Kolev, D.; Tsenov, R.; Piperov, Stefan; Temnikov, P.; Apollonio, M.; Chimenti, P.; Giannini, G.; Burguet-Castell, J.; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; Gomez-Cadenas, J.J.; Martin-Albo, J.; Sorel, M.


    Measurements of double-differential charged pion production cross-sections in interactions of 12 GeV/c protons on O_2 and N_2 thin targets are presented in the kinematic range 0.5 GeV/c < p_{\\pi} < 8 GeV/c and 50 mrad < \\theta_{\\pi} < 250 mrad (in the laboratory frame) and are compared with p--C results. For p--N_2 (p--O_2) interactions the analysis is performed using 38576 (7522) reconstructed secondary pions. The analysis uses the beam instrumentation and the forward spectrometer of the HARP experiment at CERN PS. The measured cross-sections have a direct impact on the precise calculation of atmospheric neutrino fluxes and on the improved reliability of extensive air shower simulations by reducing the uncertainties of hadronic interaction models in the low energy range. In particular, the present results allow the common hypothesis that p--C data can be used to predict the p--N_2 and p--O_2 pion production cross-sections to be tested.

  15. Analisis Zona Permeabel Fluida Sistem Panas Bumi Gunungapi Slamet Berdasarkan Analisis Kerapatan Kelurusan Citra SRTM Dan Struktur Geologi

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    Sachrul Iswahyudi


    Full Text Available Keberadaan manifestasi panasbumi di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet tidak dapat dipisahkan dari zona-zona permeabilitas yang berkembang. Lokasi-lokasi lulus air tersebut (zona permeabel yang memungkinkan terbentuknya sirkulasi fluida tempat air masuk untuk mengisi reservoir panas bumi dan air keluar ke permukaan bumi sebagai manifesatasi mata air panasbumi di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet. Publikasi yang berupa hasil penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi zona-zona permeabel tersebut berdasarkan anaslisis kerapatan kelurusan yang terekam dalam citra SRTM. Identifikasi kelurusan-kelurusan pada citra berdasarkan komponen-komponen interpretasi citra, yaitu tona, tekstur, pola, bentuk dan relief. Hasil analisis tersebut dikompilasi dengan data struktur geologi regional yang sebelumnya telah diidentifikasi dan data lapangan berupa manifestasi mata air panas. Lokasi-lokasi dengan kerapatan kelurusan yang tinggi pada citra SRTM umumnya bersesuaian dengan zona struktur geologi regional keberadaan manifestasi mata air panas. Daerah tersebut memanjang relatif utara-selatan di bagian barat dan timur-barat di bagian selatan peta. Daerah-daerah inilah yang merupakan daerah lulus air tempat fluida bersirkulasi membentuk sistem panasbumi Gunungapi Slamet.

  16. Observation of $\\eta_{c}(2S) \\to p \\bar p$ and search for $X(3872) \\to p \\bar p$ decays

    CERN Document Server

    Aaij, Roel


    The first observation of the decay $\\eta_{c}(2S) \\to p \\bar p$ is reported using proton-proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $3.0\\rm \\, fb^{-1}$ recorded by the LHCb experiment at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. The $\\eta_{c}(2S)$ resonance is produced in the decay $B^{+} \\to [c\\bar c] K^{+}$. The product of branching fractions normalised to that for the $J/\\psi$ intermediate state, ${\\cal R}_{\\eta_{c}(2S)}$, is measured to be \\begin{align*} {\\cal R}_{\\eta_{c}(2S)}\\equiv\\frac{{\\mathcal B}(B^{+} \\to \\eta_{c}(2S) K^{+}) \\times {\\mathcal B}(\\eta_{c}(2S) \\to p \\bar p)}{{\\mathcal B}(B^{+} \\to J/\\psi K^{+}) \\times {\\mathcal B}(J/\\psi\\to p \\bar p)} =~& (1.58 \\pm 0.33 \\pm 0.09)\\times 10^{-2}, \\end{align*} where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. No signals for the decays $B^{+} \\to X(3872) (\\to p \\bar p) K^{+}$ and $B^{+} \\to \\psi(3770) (\\to p \\bar p) K^{+}$ are seen, and the 95\\% confidence level upper limits on their relative branching ratios ar...


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    Suyadi Mitrowihardjo


    Full Text Available Catechins Content and Quality (Colour, Flavor, Appearance of Six Tea Clones (Camellia sinensis (L. O. Kuntze at Different Altitude Growings  ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi klon-klon yang dapat memberikan katekin dan kualitas hasil yang tinggi yang diharapkan bermanfaat sebagai arahan perbaikan dalam pengembangan tanaman teh ke depan. Ketinggian tempat tumbuh (1200 – 1300 m dari permukaan laut dan 700 – 900 m dari permukaan laut yang diduga berpengaruh terhadap kualitas hasil juga dievaluasi, karena terkait dengan ketersediaan lahan pengembangan. Analisis catechin (C, epicatechin (EC, epigallocatechin (EGC, epicatechin gallate (ECG, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG dilakukan dengan metode HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography, sedang evaluasi kualitas (warna air seduhan, flavor, kenampakan dilakukan oleh tiga orang tester teh bersertifi kat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa total katekin yang tinggi diperlihatkan TRI 2025, PGL 10, GMB 9 di lokasi ketinggian 1200-1300 m dpl, dan total katekin tinggi juga diperlihatkan PGL 15, GMB 9, dan PGL 10 di lokasi ketinggian 700 – 900 m dpl. Skor warna air seduhan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan antar klon maupun antar lokasi, namun skor flavor GMB 7 dan PGL 15 unggul di lokasi atas maupun di lokasi bawah. Ada kecenderungan skor fl avor lebih unggul di lokasi bawah dibanding dengan lokasi atas. Skor kenampakan ampas setelah teh diseduh tinggi untuk PGL 15, TRI 2025, dan GMB 9 di lokasi atas, sedang TRI 2025 tinggi di lokasi bawah. Serupa dengan skor fl avor, skor kenampakan ampas teh berkecenderungan unggul di lokasi bawah. Kata kunci: Teh, ketinggian tempat, katekin, kualitas (warna air seduhan, fl avor, kenampakan  ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to fi nd out high catechins content and quality of six tea clones which might contribute to tea clone improvements in the future. Altitudes growing (1200 – 1300 m above sea level and 700 – 900 m above sea level which

  18. Is combination of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and platelet lymphocyte ratio a useful predictor of postoperative survival in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma?

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    Tanoglu A


    Full Text Available Alpaslan Tanoglu,1 Ergenekon Karagoz,2 Nurettin Yiyit,3 Ufuk Berber4 1Department of Gastroenterology, 2Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, 3Department of Thoracic Surgery, 4Department of Pathology, GATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital, Uskudar, TurkeyWe read with interest the recent article entitled "Combination of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and platelet lymphocyte ratio is a useful predictor of postoperative survival in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma" by Feng et al.1 In their study, authors aimed to investigate the usefulness of a novel inflammation-based prognostic system, using the combination of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR, for predicting survival in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC. Finally, they concluded that combination of NLR and PLR is a useful predictor of postoperative survival in patients with ESCC and combination of these parameters is superior to NLR or PLR as a predictive factor in patients with ESCC. We would like to thank the authors for their contribution.View original paper by Feng and colleagues.

  19. Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) induces COX-2 expression and PGE2 formation via S1P receptor 2 in renal mesangial cells. (United States)

    Völzke, Anja; Koch, Alexander; Meyer Zu Heringdorf, Dagmar; Huwiler, Andrea; Pfeilschifter, Josef


    Understanding the mechanisms of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P)-induced cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 expression and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) formation in renal mesangial cells may provide potential therapeutic targets to treat inflammatory glomerular diseases. Thus, we evaluated the S1P-dependent signaling mechanisms which are responsible for enhanced COX-2 expression and PGE2 formation in rat mesangial cells under basal conditions. Furthermore, we investigated whether these mechanisms are operative in the presence of angiotensin II (Ang II) and of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Treatment of rat and human mesangial cells with S1P led to concentration-dependent enhanced expression of COX-2. Pharmacological and molecular biology approaches revealed that the S1P-dependent increase of COX-2 mRNA and protein expression was mediated via activation of S1P receptor 2 (S1P2). Further, inhibition of Gi and p42/p44 MAPK signaling, both downstream of S1P2, abolished the S1P-induced COX-2 expression. In addition, S1P/S1P2-dependent upregulation of COX-2 led to significantly elevated PGE2 levels, which were further potentiated in the presence of Ang II and IL-1β. A functional consequence downstream of S1P/S1P2 signaling is mesangial cell migration that is stimulated by S1P. Interestingly, inhibition of COX-2 by celecoxib and SC-236 completely abolished the migratory response. Overall, our results demonstrate that extracellular S1P induces COX-2 expression via activation of S1P2 and subsequent Gi and p42/p44 MAPK-dependent signaling in renal mesangial cells leading to enhanced PGE2 formation and cell migration that essentially requires COX-2. Thus, targeting S1P/S1P2 signaling pathways might be a novel strategy to treat renal inflammatory diseases. © 2013.

  20. Surface photovoltage study of InP and Zn3P2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thurgate, S.M.; Lacuesta, T.D.; Huck, N.R.


    The surface photovoltage spectra of InP and Zn 3 P 2 were measured using a Kelvin probe to determine the contact potential difference between the sample and the probe as a function of the wavelength of illuminating light. The features in the resulting spectra were found to be sensitive to ion bombardment. The photovoltage spectra obtained from the InP differed from previously reported SPC spectra in that it showed clear evidence of surface states (or interfacial states) at 0.86 eV and 0.68 eV above VBM. It was found that the features in the spectrum of Zn 3 P 2 were reduced by ion bombardment, but not removed completely, whereas the features in the InP spectra were completely removed. Exposure of the ion bombarded urface to air restored the features of Zn 3 P 2 but only produced a small change in the spectrum of the InP. The loss of features in the InP spectra can be attributed to damage in the substrate caused by the ion bombardment even though the oxide layer was not removed before the damage occurred. Zn 3 P 2 was not as sensitive to ion damage as InP. (orig.)

  1. Supporting seamless mobility for P2P live streaming. (United States)

    Kim, Eunsam; Kim, Sangjin; Lee, Choonhwa


    With advent of various mobile devices with powerful networking and computing capabilities, the users' demand to enjoy live video streaming services such as IPTV with mobile devices has been increasing rapidly. However, it is challenging to get over the degradation of service quality due to data loss caused by the handover. Although many handover schemes were proposed at protocol layers below the application layer, they inherently suffer from data loss while the network is being disconnected during the handover. We therefore propose an efficient application-layer handover scheme to support seamless mobility for P2P live streaming. By simulation experiments, we show that the P2P live streaming system with our proposed handover scheme can improve the playback continuity significantly compared to that without our scheme.

  2. Supporting Seamless Mobility for P2P Live Streaming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eunsam Kim


    Full Text Available With advent of various mobile devices with powerful networking and computing capabilities, the users' demand to enjoy live video streaming services such as IPTV with mobile devices has been increasing rapidly. However, it is challenging to get over the degradation of service quality due to data loss caused by the handover. Although many handover schemes were proposed at protocol layers below the application layer, they inherently suffer from data loss while the network is being disconnected during the handover. We therefore propose an efficient application-layer handover scheme to support seamless mobility for P2P live streaming. By simulation experiments, we show that the P2P live streaming system with our proposed handover scheme can improve the playback continuity significantly compared to that without our scheme.

  3. Atomic energy law in Indonesia Perundang-undangan tenaga atom di Indonesia/

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poernomo, Moendi.


    Levels of the development of the National Atomic Energy Agency of Indonesia covering the reorganization and the president's decree concerning the agency since 1958 are presented. The National Atomic Energy Agency BATAN is responsible for application of radioactive materials over the country and the protection of the general public against radioactive hazards. BATAN's missions are embodied with the atomic energy law. (SMN)

  4. Post test analysis of TEPSS tests -P2-, -P3-, -P5- and -P7- using the system code RELAP5/MOD 3.2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luebbesmeyer, D.


    For the PANDA-Test-Facility (TEPSS configuration) post-test calculations and analyses have been performed for experiment -P2- (Early Start), -P3- (PCC start up), -P5- (Symmetric case, Two PCCs only) and -P7- (Severe Accident). Post test calculations have been performed with the system code RELAP5/Mod 3.2 using two different nodalization of the PANDA facility namely a basis nodalization and a much reduced one. The general trend of the calculations can be summarised: RELAP5/Mod3.2 calculated the general trends of the experiments sufficiently accurate; Using the reduced nodalization the results seem to be slightly more accurate than for the basic nodalization; On the other hand, calculations based on the reduced nodalization are not significantly faster than those with basic nodalization; The mass error is in the order of 200 to 900 kg. (author)

  5. First domestic primary loop recircuration pump for boiling water reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuda, Minoru; Taka, Shusei; Kato, Hiroyuki


    Two primary loop recirculation (PLR) pumps for the second unit of the Fukushima No. 2 Nuclear Power Station of the Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc., have been manufactured by Ebara Corporation. They are the first domestically produced pumps for commercial power plants and were manufactured under license from Byron Jackson Pump Division of Borg Warner Corporation. This article describes the special features of pump design and stress analysis, and the results of the 700 hours of factory loop tests, which are all essential for the PLR pump. (author)

  6. The diagnostic utility of sonographic carotid flow time in determining volume responsiveness. (United States)

    Shokoohi, Hamid; Berry, Grant W; Shahkolahi, Murteza; King, Jackson; King, Jordan; Salimian, Mohammad; Poshtmashad, Ameneh; Pourmand, Ali


    We aimed to predict volume responsiveness and to assess the diagnostic accuracy of carotid flow time (FTc) with the change in hydration status before and after a passive leg raise (PLR) maneuver. Participants who presented at a community health fair in a dehydrated state following a prolonged fast while observing the month of Ramadan were recruited. Sonographic FTc measurements were obtained in the semi-Fowler position and after a PLR maneuver while participants were in a fasting state and repeated approximately 3 hours after breaking their fast. In total, 123 participants with mean age of 47±14 years, 55% male, were enrolled. Participants had fasted for an average of 16.9 hours and consumed an average of 933 mL between the 2 ultrasound measurements. Mean FTc values were significantly lower in the fasting state compared with the nonfasting state (312±22 vs 345±25milliseconds, P value change in FTc of ≥5% provides a reliable diagnostic accuracy for predicting fluid status. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. A 2-layer and P2P-based architecture on resource location in future grid environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pei Erming; Sun Gongxin; Zhang Weiyi; Pang Yangguang; Gu Ming; Ma Nan


    Grid and Peer-to-Peer computing are two distributed resource sharing environments developing rapidly in recent years. The final objective of Grid, as well as that of P2P technology, is to pool large sets of resources effectively to be used in a more convenient, fast and transparent way. We can speculate that, though many difference exists, Grid and P2P environments will converge into a large scale resource sharing environment that combines the characteristics of the two environments: large diversity, high heterogeneity (of resources), dynamism, and lack of central control. Resource discovery in this future Grid environment is a basic however, important problem. In this article. We propose a two-layer and P2P-based architecture for resource discovery and design a detailed algorithm for resource request propagation in the computing environment discussed above. (authors)

  8. Fluctuating seawater pH/pCO2 regimes are more energetically expensive than static pH/pCO2 levels in the mussel Mytilus edulis. (United States)

    Mangan, Stephanie; Urbina, Mauricio A; Findlay, Helen S; Wilson, Rod W; Lewis, Ceri


    Ocean acidification (OA) studies typically use stable open-ocean pH or CO 2 values. However, species living within dynamic coastal environments can naturally experience wide fluctuations in abiotic factors, suggesting their responses to stable pH conditions may not be reflective of either present or near-future conditions. Here we investigate the physiological responses of the mussel Mytilus edulis to variable seawater pH conditions over short- (6 h) and medium-term (2 weeks) exposures under both current and near-future OA scenarios. Mussel haemolymph pH closely mirrored that of seawater pH over short-term changes of 1 pH unit with acidosis or recovery accordingly, highlighting a limited capacity for acid-base regulation. After 2 weeks, mussels under variable pH conditions had significantly higher metabolic rates, antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation than those exposed to static pH under both current and near-future OA scenarios. Static near-future pH conditions induced significant acid-base disturbances and lipid peroxidation compared with the static present-day conditions but did not affect the metabolic rate. These results clearly demonstrate that living in naturally variable environments is energetically more expensive than living in static seawater conditions, which has consequences for how we extrapolate future OA responses in coastal species. © 2017 The Authors.

  9. A Simple FSPN Model of P2P Live Video Streaming System


    Kotevski, Zoran; Mitrevski, Pece


    Peer to Peer (P2P) live streaming is relatively new paradigm that aims at streaming live video to large number of clients at low cost. Many such applications already exist in the market, but, prior to creating such system it is necessary to analyze its performance via representative model that can provide good insight in the system’s behavior. Modeling and performance analysis of P2P live video streaming systems is challenging task which requires addressing many properties and issues of P2P s...

  10. Glutamatergic neurotransmission from melanopsin retinal ganglion cells is required for neonatal photoaversion but not adult pupillary light reflex.

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    Anton Delwig

    Full Text Available Melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs in the eye play an important role in many light-activated non-image-forming functions including neonatal photoaversion and the adult pupillary light reflex (PLR. MRGCs rely on glutamate and possibly PACAP (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide to relay visual signals to the brain. However, the role of these neurotransmitters for individual non-image-forming responses remains poorly understood. To clarify the role of glutamatergic signaling from mRGCs in neonatal aversion to light and in adult PLR, we conditionally deleted vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT2 selectively from mRGCs in mice. We found that deletion of VGLUT2 in mRGCs abolished negative phototaxis and light-induced distress vocalizations in neonatal mice, underscoring a necessary role for glutamatergic signaling. In adult mice, loss of VGLUT2 in mRGCs resulted in a slow and an incomplete PLR. We conclude that glutamatergic neurotransmission from mRGCs is required for neonatal photoaversion but is complemented by another non-glutamatergic signaling mechanism for the pupillary light reflex in adult mice. We speculate that this complementary signaling might be due to PACAP neurotransmission from mRGCs.

  11. The reaction of TcCl3(Me2PhP)3 with dithio ligands. Synthesis, characterization and X-ray crystal structures of [TcCl2(Me2PhP)2(Me2dtp)]and [Tc(Me2PhP)(Etxan)3](Me2PhP=dimethylphenylphosphine, Me2dtp-=O,O'-dimethyldithiophosphate, Etxan-=ethylxanthate)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lorenz, B.; Schmidt, K.; Hiller, W.; Abram, U.; Huebener, R.


    Trichlorotris (dimethylphenylphosphine)technetium(III); [TcCl 3 (Me 2 PhP) 3 ], reacts with dithio ligands to form chelate complexes of different compositions and coordinations geometries. The reaction with ethylxanthate (Etxan - ) yields the diamagnetic seven-coordinate [Tc(Me 2 PhP)(Etxan) 3 ], which crystallizes monoclinic in the space group P2 2 /c with Z = 4 (a = 18.44(5), b = 9.2(1), c = 15.36(6) A, β = 104.3(2) ). The final R value is 0.029. The metal has a pentagonal-bipyramidal environment. With ammonium dimethyldithiophosphate, (NH 4 )Me 2 dtp, [TcCl 3 (Me 2 PhP) 3 ] forms the paramagnetic [TcCl 2 (Me 2 PhP) 2 (Me 2 dtp) in which the technetium atom has a distorted octahedral coordination sphere. The compound crystallizes orthorhombic, space group Pbcn, with Z = 4 (a = 16.20(1), b = 10.445(1), c 14.878(1)). The final R value is 0.031. The chloro ligands are in trans arrangement. (orig.)

  12. pO2 measurements in arteriolar networks. (United States)

    Torres Filho, I P; Kerger, H; Intaglietta, M


    Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that the average arteriolar pO2 in the hamster skinfold preparation is lower than arterial systemic pO2. In the present work we tested the hypothesis that there is a longitudinal gradient of pO2 along precapillary vessels. Experiments were performed in Syrian golden hamsters bearing a dorsal skin chamber. The oxygen-dependent quenching of phosphorescence of palladium-porphyrin complexes was used to measure intravascular pO2 in the microcirculation. Arterioles were classified in four orders according to their position in the network, first-order vessels being the entrance points. Simultaneous determinations of diameter (D), red blood cell velocity, and systemic blood gases were also made. There was a significant fall of pO2 between vessels of different orders. First-order arterioles (mean D = 64 microns) had pO2 of 51.8 +/- 9.8 mm Hg (mean +/- SD) which was equivalent to approximately equal to 73% of the arterial systemic pO2. Within the arteriolar network, further decreases of intravascular pO2 were measured, leading to a pO2 of 34.0 +/- 7.9 mm Hg in terminal arterioles (mean D = 7.7 microns). In some vessels pO2 was measured in different positions of the same arteriole. The average longitudinal arteriolar oxygen saturation gradient was 3.4 +/- 0.4 delta %/mm (range 0.8-7.2). A significant and positive correlation was found between pO2 and microhemodynamic parameters when arterioles were grouped according to their order. This relation was not significant for venules which showed a mean pO2 of 30.8 +/- 10.8 mm Hg. Tissue pO2 averaged 24.6 +/- 5.8 mm Hg. We conclude that: (1) There is an oxygen loss in arterial vessels larger than 100 micrograms in diameter, (2) arteriolar pO2 in this preparation depends on the position of the vessel within the network, (3) a substantial portion of oxygen delivery to the hamster skin is provided by the arteriolar network, and (4) only a small pO2 gradient exists between terminal

  13. Mean platelet volume, neutrophil to lyphocyte ratio and platelet to lymphocyte ratio in psoriasis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mehmet Ünal


    Full Text Available Background and Design: It has been demonstrated that ratio of neutrophil and platelet count systemic inflammation and is associated with prognosis of many cardiovascular diseases, malignates and chronic inflammatory diseases.As far as it is known, there are no studies investigating neutrophil/lymphocyeratio(NLR, platelet/lymphocyte ratio(PLR and mean platelet volume(MPV values together within the context of psoriasis, a chronic and systemic inflammatory disease. Materials and Methods: 320 patients followed up in our polyclinic with psoriasis vulgaris and 200 healthy persons were evaluated in the study. Results: Leukocyte, neutrophil, platelet, MPV, NLR and PLR values in patients with psoriasis were significantly higher, and lymphocyte count, on the other hand, was significantly lower than those of the control group. No significant difference was found between MPV, NLR and PLR values of patients with or without a family history, nail and joint involvement. Conclusions: These parameters may be made use of as cheap and easily applicable methods in predicting which psoriasis patients are under the risk of cardiovascular disease. PLR is a better inflammation marker than MPV and NLR in patients with psoriasis. We did not observe a significant relationship between MPV, NLR and PLR values and such disease characteristics as severity of disease, joint involvement, nail involvement and duration of disease in patients with psoriasis. So, we believe that there is little information on the extent to which MPV,NLR and PLR might be useful regarding these characteristics.

  14. Differentiating Puerariae Lobatae Radix and Puerariae Thomsonii Radix using HPTLC coupled with multivariate classification analyses. (United States)

    Wong, Ka H; Razmovski-Naumovski, Valentina; Li, Kong M; Li, George Q; Chan, Kelvin


    Puerariae Lobatae Radix (PLR), the root of Pueraria lobata, is a traditional Chinese medicine for treating diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Puerariae Thomsonii Radix (PTR), the root of Pueraria thomsonii, is a closely related species to PLR and has been used as a PLR substitute in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to compare the classification accuracy of high performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) with that of ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) in differentiating PLR from PTR. The Matlab functions were used to facilitate the digitalisation and pre-processing of the HPTLC plates. Seven multivariate classification methods were evaluated for the two chromatographic methods. The results demonstrated that the HPTLC classification models were comparable to the UPLC classification models. In particular, k-nearest neighbours, partial least square-discriminant analysis, principal component analysis-discriminant analysis and support vector machine-discriminant analysis showed the highest rate of correct species classification, whilst the lowest classification rate was obtained from soft independent modelling of class analogy. In conclusion, HPTLC combined with multivariate analysis is a promising technique for the quality control and differentiation of PLR and PTR. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Aslina Br. Ginting


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK PEMBUATAN SUMBER RADIASI GAMMA ISOTOP 137Cs DENGAN AKTIVITAS 20 mCi DARI PEB U3Si2-Al PASCA IRADIASI DALAM CONTAINER STAINLESS STEEL. Kegiatan uji pasca iradiasi pelat elemen bakar (PEB U3Si2-Al banyak menghasilkan larutan dengan keaktifan yang sangat tinggi. Larutan tersebut mengandung isotop 137Cs, uranium serta transuranium yang mempunyai waktu paroh panjang dan berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Namun larutan tersebut memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi karena dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku untuk pembuatan sumber radiasi sinar gamma isotop 137Cs. Hal ini dapat membantu bidang industri dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sumber radioaktif dalam negeri karena selama ini kebutuhan isotop 137Cs di Indonesia masih tergantung dari industri luar negeri. Selain itu, pengadaan dan transportasi isotop 137Cs dari luar negeri serta dalam penggunaannya memerlukan persyaratan yang cukup ketat dari Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BAPETEN, sehingga menyebabkan harga isotop 137Cs menjadi mahal sampai di Indonesia. Dengan alasan tersebut, BATAN sebagai lembaga litbang nuklir di Indonesia perlu mempelajari pembuatan sumber radiasi gamma isotop 137Cs dari larutan hasil pengujian bahan bakar nuklir U3Si2-Al pasca iradiasi. Manfaat isotop 137Cs sangat luas antara lain digunakan dalam menganalisis sampel lingkungan, industri migas, konstruksi, radiografi, perikanan, rumah sakit dan pertambangan. Pembuatan sumber radiasi gamma isotop 137Cs dimulai dari pengumpulan larutan hasil pengujian PEB U3Si2-Al. Larutan larutan hasil pengujian mengandung isotop 137Cs dan isotop lainnya dikumpulkan menjadi satu dalam botol dengan volume 65 mL. Pemisahan isotop 137Cs dari hasil fisi lainnya dilakukan dengan metode penukar kation menggunakan zeolit Lampung dengan berat 45 gr. Hasil pemisahan diperoleh 137Cs-zeolit dalam fasa padat dan isotop lainnya berada dalam fasa cair. Padatan137Cs-zeolit kering kemudian kemudian ditimbang dan diukur aktivitasnya menggunakan spektrometer

  16. Proceeding on the scientific meeting and presentation on accelerator technology and its applications: physics, nuclear reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pramudita Anggraita; Sudjatmoko; Darsono; Tri Marji Atmono; Tjipto Sujitno; Wahini Nurhayati


    The scientific meeting and presentation on accelerator technology and its applications was held by PTAPB BATAN on 13 December 2011. This meeting aims to promote the technology and its applications to accelerator scientists, academics, researchers and technology users as well as accelerator-based accelerator research that have been conducted by researchers in and outside BATAN. This proceeding contains 23 papers about physics and nuclear reactor. (PPIKSN)

  17. Proceeding of the Scientific Meeting and Presentation on Basic Research in Nuclear Science and Technology. Part I : Physics, Reactor Physics and Nuclear Instrumentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sudjatmoko; Karmanto, Eko Edy; Supartini, Endang


    Scientific Meeting and Presentation on Basic Research in Nuclear Science and Technology is a routine activity was held by PPNY BATAN for monitoring the research Activity which achieved in BATAN. The Proceeding contains a proposal about basic which has physics; reactor physics and nuclear instrumentation. This proceedings is the first part from two part which published in series. There are 33 articles which have separated index

  18. Proceeding of the National Seminar on Research and Management of Nuclear Equipment. Book I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tjipto Sujitno; Syarip; Agus Taftazani; Elisabeth Supriyatni; Prayitno; MVPurwani; Budi Setiawan; Prajitno; Rany Saptaaji; Bambang Siswanto; Eko Priyono; Jumari


    The scientific meeting and presentation on accelerator technology and its applications was held by PTAPB BATAN on 13 December 2011. This meeting aims to promote the technology and its applications to accelerator scientists, academics, researchers and technology users as well as accelerator-based accelerator research that have been conducted by researchers in and outside BATAN. This proceeding contains 23 papers about physics and nuclear reactor. (PPIKSN)

  19. Proceeding on the Scientific Meeting and Presentation on Accelerator Technology and Its Applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Susilo Widodo; Darsono; Slamet Santosa; Sudjatmoko; Tjipto Sujitno; Pramudita Anggraita; Wahini Nurhayati


    The scientific meeting and presentation on accelerator technology and its applications was held by PSTA BATAN on 30 November 2015. This meeting aims to promote the technology and its applications to accelerator scientists, academics, researchers and technology users as well as accelerator-based accelerator research that have been conducted by researchers in and outside BATAN. This proceeding contains 20 papers about physics and nuclear reactor. (PPIKSN)

  20. Diagnostic significance of pleural fluid pH and pCO2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K.E. Sobhey


    Results: We conducted this study on 50 patients with pleural effusions of different causes. The patients were classified into 5 groups according to the cause. For all the patients, measurement of pleural pH, pCO2, pO2, HCO3, protein, LDH, glucose and WBC was done. We observed lowest pH in complicated parapneumonic effusion (empyema 6.80 ± 0.15 and highest pH was observed in transudative effusion 7.47 ± 0.07. Tuberculous effusion has pH lower than pH of malignant effusion 7.17 ± 0.017 and 7.39 ± 0.08, respectively. Post pleurodesis malignant effusion has pH lower than pH of malignant effusion 7.28 ± 0.17 and 7.39 ± 0.08, respectively. There is a strong inverse correlation between pH and pCO2, WBC, LDH and protein (r = −0.813 and p < 0.001, (r = −0.796 and p, 0.001, (r = −0.829 and p, 0.001 and (r = −.837 and p, 0.001, respectively. While there is a weak correlation between pH and glucose of pleural fluid (r = 0.249 and p = 0.066. The highest increase of PNL numbers was in empyema (20169 ± 8094.8 cells/cc.The highest increase of lymphocytes was in malignant effusions (4285.00 ± 2948.20 cells/cc and tuberculous effusion (3977.7 ± 3169 cells/cc.

  1. Synthesis and characterization of technetium(III) complexes containing 2,2'-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthroline. X-ray crystal structures of cis (Cl),trans(P)-[TcCl2(P(CH3)2C6H5)2(bpy)]B(C6H5)4, cis (Cl),trans(P)-[TcCl2(P(CH3)2C6H5)2(phen)]B(C6H5)4, and cis (Cl),trans(P)-[TcCl2(P(CH3CH2)(C6H5)2)2(bpy)]SO3CF3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilcox, B.E.; Ho, D.M.; Deutsch, E.


    Technetium(III) complexes of the general formula cis(Cl),trans(P)-[TcCl 2 (P) 2 L] + , where (P) is dimethylphenylphosphine (PMe 2 Ph) or ethyldiphenylphosphine (PEtPh 2 ) and L is 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy), 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine (Me 2 bpy), or 1,10-phenanthroline (phen), have been synthesized and characterized. They are prepared by L substitution onto, with concomitant displacement of one chloride and one phosphine ligand from, the mer-TcCl 3 (P) 3 starting material in refluxing ethanol. Analysis of these complexes by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (in the positive ion mode) provides fingerprint mass spectra that exhibit peaks assigned to the molecular ion M + as well as peaks assigned to M + minus one or more monodentate ligands. Results of single-crystal x-ray structure determinations of cis(Cl),trans(P)-[TcCl 2 (PMe 2 Ph) 2 (bpy)]BPh 4 (A), cis(Cl),trans(P)-[TcCl 2- (PMe 2 Ph) 2 (phen)]BPh 4 (B), and cis(Cl),trans(P)-[TcCl 2 (PEtPh 2 ) 2 (bpy)]SO 3 CF 3 (C), with formula weights of 921.62, 945.64, and 903.65, respectively are reported. 26 refs., 5 figs., 5 tabs

  2. Strategies for P2P connectivity in reconfigurable converged wired/wireless access networks. (United States)

    Puerto, Gustavo; Mora, José; Ortega, Beatriz; Capmany, José


    This paper presents different strategies to define the architecture of a Radio-Over-Fiber (RoF) Access networks enabling Peer-to-Peer (P2P) functionalities. The architectures fully exploit the flexibility of a wavelength router based on the feedback configuration of an Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) and an optical switch to broadcast P2P services among diverse infrastructures featuring dynamic channel allocation and enabling an optical platform for 3G and beyond wireless backhaul requirements. The first architecture incorporates a tunable laser to generate a dedicated wavelength for P2P purposes and the second architecture takes advantage of reused wavelengths to enable the P2P connectivity among Optical Network Units (ONUs) or Base Stations (BS). While these two approaches allow the P2P connectivity in a one at a time basis (1:1), the third architecture enables the broadcasting of P2P sessions among different ONUs or BSs at the same time (1:M). Experimental assessment of the proposed architecture shows approximately 0.6% Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) degradation for wireless services and 1 dB penalty in average for 1 x 10(-12) Bit Error Rate (BER) for wired baseband services.

  3. [1,2-Bis(diisopropyl-phosphan-yl)ethane-κ(2) P,P'](carbonato-κ(2) O,O')nickel(II). (United States)

    Morales-Becerril, Illan; Flores-Alamo, Marcos; Garcia, Juventino J


    In the crystal of the title compound, [Ni(CO3)(C14H32P2)], the metal center in each of three independent mol-ecules shows slight tetra-hedral distortion from ideal square-planar coordination geometry, with angles between the normals to the planes defined by the cis-P-Ni-P and cis-O-Ni-O fragments of 3.92 (17), 0.70 (16) and 2.17 (14)° in the three mol-ecules. In the crystal, there are inter-molecular C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds that show a laminar growth in the ab plane.

  4. Kinetics of the Reactions of O((sup 3)P) and Cl((sup 2)P) with HBr and Br2 (United States)

    Nicovich, J. M.; Wine, P. H.


    A laser flash photolysis-resonance fluorescence technique has been employed to study the kinetics of reactions (1)-(4) as a function of temperature. (1) O((sup 3)P) + Br2 yields BrO + Br((sup 2)P(sub 3/2)) at 255-350 K; (2) Cl((sup 2)P) + Br2 yields BrCl + Br((sup 2)P(sub 3/2)) at 298-401 K; (3) O((sup 3)P) + HBr yields OH + Br((sup 2)P(sub J)) at 250-402 K; (4) Cl((sup 2)P) + HBr yields HCl + Br((sup 2)P(sub J)) at 257-404 K. In all cases, the concentration of the excess reagent, i.e, HBr or Br2, was measured in situ in the slow flow system by UV-visible photometry. Heterogeneous dark reactions between XBr (X equals H or Br) and the photolytic precursors for Cl((sup 2)P) and O((sup 3)P) (Cl2 and O3, respectively) were avoided by injecting minimal amounts of precursor into the reaction mixture immediately upstream from the reaction zone. The following Arrhenius expressions summarize our results (errors are 2 sigma and represent precision only, units are cu cm/(molecule.s): k(sub 1) = (1.76 +/- 0.80) x 10(exp -11 exp[(40 +/- 100)/T]; k(sub 2) = (2.40 +/- 1.25) x 12(exp -10) exp[-(144 +/- 176)/T]; k(sub 3) = (5.11 +/- 2.82) x 10(exp -12) exp[-(1450 +/- 160)/T]; k(sub 4) = (2.25 +/- 0.56) x 10(exp -11) exp[-(400 +/- 80)/T]. The consistency (or lack thereof) of our results with those reported in previous kinetics and dynamics studies of reactions (1)-(4) is discussed.

  5. Bifunctional Derivative of p,p'-Dichlorochalcone. Part II. Synthesis of a Novel Compound 2-[2-Carboxymethylthio-2-(4-chlorophenylethyl]-2-(4-chlorophenyl-4-thiazolidinone

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roger Dommisse


    Full Text Available The synthesis of 2-[2-carboxymethylthio-2-(4-chlorophenyl ethyl]-2-(4-chlorophenyl - 4-thiazolidinone (1 from p, p'- dichlorochalcone using thioglycollic acid in the presence of ammonium carbonate is described. Structural assignment and stereochemistry are discussed.

  6. Towards secure mobile P2P applications using JXME


    Domingo Prieto, Marc; Prieto Blázquez, Josep; Herrera Joancomartí, Jordi; Arnedo Moreno, Joan


    Mobile devices have become ubiquitous, allowing the integration of new information from a large range of devices. However, the development of new applications requires a powerful framework which simplifies their construction. JXME is the JXTA implementation for mobile devices using J2ME, its main value being its simplicity when creating peer-to-peer (P2P) applications on limited devices. On that regard, an issue that is becoming very important in the recent times is being able to provide ...

  7. Theoretical investigations of open-shell systems: 1. Spectral simulation of the 2s(2)p(2) (2)D <- 2s(2)2p (2)P(o) valence transition in the boron diargon cluster, and 2. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of boron in solid molecular hydrogen (United States)

    Krumrine, Jennifer Rebecca

    This dissertation is concerned in part with the construction of accurate pairwise potentials, based on reliable ab initio potential energy surfaces (PES's), which are fully anisotropic in the sense that multiple PES's are accessible to systems with orientational electronic properties. We have carried out several investigations of B (2s 22p 2Po) with spherical ligands: (1)an investigation of the electronic spectrum of the BAr2 complex and (2)two related studies of the equilibrium properties and spectral simulation of B embedded in solid pH 2. Our investigations suggest that it cannot be assumed that nuclear motion in an open-shell system occurs on a single PES. The 2s2p2 2 D modeled theoretically; the excited potential energy surfaces of the five-fold degenerate B(2s2p2 2D) state within the ternary complex are computed using a pairwise-additive model. A collaborative path integral molecular dynamics investigation of the equilibrium properties of boron trapped in solid para-hydrogen (pH2) and a path integral Monte Carlo spectral simulation. Using fully anisotropic pair potentials, coupling of the electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom is observed, and is found to be an essential feature in understanding the behavior and determining the energy of the impure solid, especially in highly anisotropic matrices. We employ the variational Monte Carlo method to further study the behavior of ground state B embedded in solid pH2. When a boron atom exists in a substitutional site in a lattice, the anisotropic distortion of the local lattice plays a minimal role in the energetics. However, when a nearest neighbor vacancy is present along with the boron impurity, two phenomena are found to influence the behavior of the impure quantum solid: (1)orientation of the 2p orbital to minimize the energy of the impurity and (2)distortion of the local lattice structure to promote an energetically favorable nuclear configuration. This research was supported by the Joint Program for Atomic

  8. Síntesis del 3-p-metoxibenzoil-4-hidroxi-6-p-metoxifenil-2H-piran-2-ona

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Soledad Ortiz


    Full Text Available During the study of conditions to prepare p-methoxybenzoylacetic acid methyl ester fromp-methoxyacetophenone andmethyl carbonate using sodium hydride in refluxing ethyl ether, the desired product was obtained with 82% yield. Moreover, a slight variation in reaction conditions, such as solvent and temperature, the 3-p-methoxy benzoyl-4-hydroxi-6-p-methoxyphenyl-2H-pyran-2-one was obtained as an unexpected major product.


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    Ratih Ayu Indraswari


    Full Text Available Periklanan atau advertising sangat erat hubungannya dengan bisnis atau usaha. Dari sisi konsumen tentu sangat membutuhkan informasi mengenai sebuah produk atau jasa agar kebutuhan dapat terpenuhi dengan efektif. Disamping itu, teknologi perangkat bergerak berkembang cukup pesat dan sudah semakin menyatu dengan kehidupan personal manusia, sehingga secara langsung maupun tidak langsung perangkat bergerak yang dibawa oleh seseorang dapat menjadi sebuah pemancar yang memberikan informasi keberadaan mereka. Oleh sebab itu, dikembangkan sebuah sistem advertising yang dapat memberikan informasi promosi, iklan, dan lain-lain secara langsung kepada konsumen sesuai dengan lokasi saat itu. Tujuan dikembangkannya sistem ini adalah untuk memberikan solusi advertising yang tepat sasaran dan memudahkan konsumen untuk mengetahui promosi yang sedang berlaku pada booth yang sedang mereka kunjungi. Sistem didukung oleh konsep Indoor Localization yang memungkinkan untuk menentukkan lokasi pengguna yang berada didalam ruangan atau gedung. Konsep Indoor Localization diimplementasikan dengan melakukan klasifikasi terhadap data sinyal yang didapat pada waktu tertentu dengan metode Binary Tree Support Vector Machine. Dari data-data tersebut dilakukan pelatihan dan prediksi untuk menentukan lokasi. Tingkat akurasi hasil deteksi lokasi menghasilkan persentase benar sebesar 73%.

  10. The 4p3(2P) ns, nd configurations of Se I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazzoni, M.


    The photoabsorption spectrum of Se I has been photographed in the 1100-900 A wavelength region, using a flash-pyrolisys system: About twenty lines were observed, most of them for the first time. With the support of Hartree-Fock calculations they have been identified and assigned to the 4p 4 →4p 3 ns 3 P(n=7-14) and 4p 4 →4p 3 nd 3 D (n=5-17) series, both converging on the limit 4p 3 ( 2 P 3/2 ). (orig.)

  11. Research of using mobile agents for information discovery in P2P networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lan Yan; Yao Qing


    The technology of P2P is a new network-computing model that has great value of commerce and technology. After analyzing the current information discovery technology in P2P network, a new solution that is based on mobile agent is proposed. The mobile agent solution can reduce the need of bandwidth, be adapt to the dynamic of P2P network, and be asynchronous and be very fault tolerant. (authors)

  12. p - n junction diodes fabricated from isolated electrospun fibers of (P(NDI2ODT2)) and an inorganic p-doped semiconductor (United States)

    Rosado, Alexander; Pinto, Nicholas


    A simple method to fabricate, under ambient conditions and within seconds, p - n diodes using an individual electrospun poly{[N, N'-bis(2-octyldodecyl)-naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximide)-2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5'-(2,2'-bithiophene)}-(P(NDI2ODT2)) fiber and a commercially available p-doped Si/SiO2 substrate is presented. Band bending at the fiber/Si+ interface leads to asymmetric I-V characteristic curves resembling that of a diode. The diode turn-on voltage was in the range 1V and was unaffected via UV light irradiation. The rectification ratio however could be tuned reversibly thereby making this device multifunctional. In addition to being a rectifier, the advantage of our design is the complete exposure of the rectifying junction to the surrounding environment. This has the advantage of making them attractive candidates in the potential fabrication of low power, sensitive and rapid response photo-sensors. NSF

  13. Analysis of sparse data in logistic regression in medical research: A newer approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Devika


    Full Text Available Background and Objective: In the analysis of dichotomous type response variable, logistic regression is usually used. However, the performance of logistic regression in the presence of sparse data is questionable. In such a situation, a common problem is the presence of high odds ratios (ORs with very wide 95% confidence interval (CI (OR: >999.999, 95% CI: 999.999. In this paper, we addressed this issue by using penalized logistic regression (PLR method. Materials and Methods: Data from case-control study on hyponatremia and hiccups conducted in Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India was used. The outcome variable was the presence/absence of hiccups and the main exposure variable was the status of hyponatremia. Simulation dataset was created with different sample sizes and with a different number of covariates. Results: A total of 23 cases and 50 controls were used for the analysis of ordinary and PLR methods. The main exposure variable hyponatremia was present in nine (39.13% of the cases and in four (8.0% of the controls. Of the 23 hiccup cases, all were males and among the controls, 46 (92.0% were males. Thus, the complete separation between gender and the disease group led into an infinite OR with 95% CI (OR: >999.999, 95% CI: 999.999 whereas there was a finite and consistent regression coefficient for gender (OR: 5.35; 95% CI: 0.42, 816.48 using PLR. After adjusting for all the confounding variables, hyponatremia entailed 7.9 (95% CI: 2.06, 38.86 times higher risk for the development of hiccups as was found using PLR whereas there was an overestimation of risk OR: 10.76 (95% CI: 2.17, 53.41 using the conventional method. Simulation experiment shows that the estimated coverage probability of this method is near the nominal level of 95% even for small sample sizes and for a large number of covariates. Conclusions: PLR is almost equal to the ordinary logistic regression when the sample size is large and is superior in small cell

  14. Bone phenotypes of P2 receptor knockout mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Orriss, Isabel; Syberg, Susanne; Wang, Ning


    The action of extracellular nucleotides is mediated by ionotropic P2X receptors and G-protein coupled P2Y receptors. The human genome contains 7 P2X and 8 P2Y receptor genes. Knockout mice strains are available for most of them. As their phenotypic analysis is progressing, bone abnormalities have...... been observed in an impressive number of these mice: distinct abnormalities in P2X7-/- mice, depending on the gene targeting construct and the genetic background, decreased bone mass in P2Y1-/- mice, increased bone mass in P2Y2-/- mice, decreased bone resorption in P2Y6-/- mice, decreased bone...... formation and bone resorption in P2Y13-/- mice. These findings demonstrate the unexpected importance of extracellular nucleotide signalling in the regulation of bone metabolism via multiple P2 receptors and distinct mechanisms involving both osteoblasts and osteoclasts....

  15. Eyeing up the Future of the Pupillary Light Reflex in Neurodiagnostics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charlotte A. Hall


    Full Text Available The pupillary light reflex (PLR describes the constriction and subsequent dilation of the pupil in response to light as a result of the antagonistic actions of the iris sphincter and dilator muscles. Since these muscles are innervated by the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, respectively, different parameters of the PLR can be used as indicators for either sympathetic or parasympathetic modulation. Thus, the PLR provides an important metric of autonomic nervous system function that has been exploited for a wide range of clinical applications. Measurement of the PLR using dynamic pupillometry is now an established quantitative, non-invasive tool in assessment of traumatic head injuries. This review examines the more recent application of dynamic pupillometry as a diagnostic tool for a wide range of clinical conditions, varying from neurodegenerative disease to exposure to toxic chemicals, as well as its potential in the non-invasive diagnosis of infectious disease.

  16. Abscisic acid regulates pinoresinol-lariciresinol reductase gene expression and secoisolariciresinol accumulation in developing flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seeds. (United States)

    Renouard, Sullivan; Corbin, Cyrielle; Lopez, Tatiana; Montguillon, Josiane; Gutierrez, Laurent; Lamblin, Frédéric; Lainé, Eric; Hano, Christophe


    Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), the main phytoestrogenic lignan of Linum usitatissimum, is accumulated in the seed coat of flax during its development and pinoresinol-lariciresinol reductase (PLR) is a key enzyme in flax for its synthesis. The promoter of LuPLR1, a flax gene encoding a pinoresinol lariciresinol reductase, contains putative regulatory boxes related to transcription activation by abscisic acid (ABA). Gel mobility shift experiments evidenced an interaction of nuclear proteins extracted from immature flax seed coat with a putative cis-acting element involved in ABA response. As ABA regulates a number of physiological events during seed development and maturation we have investigated its involvement in the regulation of this lignan synthesis by different means. ABA and SDG accumulation time courses in the seed as well as LuPLR1 expression were first determined in natural conditions. These results showed that ABA timing and localization of accumulation in the flax seed coat could be correlated with the LuPLR1 gene expression and SDG biosynthesis. Experimental modulations of ABA levels were performed by exogenous application of ABA or fluridone, an inhibitor of ABA synthesis. When submitted to exogenous ABA, immature seeds synthesized 3-times more SDG, whereas synthesis of SDG was reduced in immature seeds treated with fluridone. Similarly, the expression of LuPLR1 gene in the seed coat was up-regulated by exogenous ABA and down-regulated when fluridone was applied. These results demonstrate that SDG biosynthesis in the flax seed coat is positively controlled by ABA through the transcriptional regulation of LuPLR1 gene.

  17. A comparison of the neutrophil-lymphocyte, platelet-lymphocyte and monocyte-lymphocyte ratios in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients - a retrospective file review. (United States)

    Özdin, Selçuk; Sarisoy, Gökhan; Böke, Ömer


    Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and monocyte-lymphocyte ratio (MLR) have recently been used as indicators of inflammation. Higher MLR and PLR values have been determined in the euthymic and manic periods in patients with bipolar disorder compared to a control group. High NLR values were determined in the only study investigating this ratio in schizophrenia patients. The purpose of this study was to compare NLR, PLR and MLR values and complete blood count elements in patients receiving treatment and hospitalized due to schizophrenic psychotic episode and bipolar disorder manic episode. All patients meeting the inclusion criteria among subjects receiving treatment and hospitalized due to schizophrenia-psychotic episode and bipolar affective disorder-manic episode at the Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Faculty Psychiatry Department, Turkey, in 2012-2016 were included in our study. A total of 157 healthy donors were included as a control group. White blood cell (WBC), neutrophil, lymphocyte, platelet and monocyte numbers were noted retrospectively from complete blood counts at time of admission, and NLR, PLR and MLR were calculated from these. NLR, PLR and MLR values and platelet numbers in this study were higher and lymphocyte numbers were lower in bipolar disorder patients compared to the controls. Elevation in NLR, MLR and PLR values and neutrophil numbers and lower lymphocyte numbers were determined in schizophrenia patients compared to the controls. Higher NLR and MLR values were found in schizophrenia patients compared to bipolar disorder. Findings of our study supported the inflammation hypothesis for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

  18. Proceeding of the National Seminar on Research and Management of Nuclear Equipment: Book II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tjipto Sujitno; Syarip; Agus Taftazani; Elisabeth Supriyatni; Prayitno; MV Purwani; Budi Setiawan; Prajitno; Rany Saptaaji; Bambang Siswanto; Eko Priyono; Jumari


    The scientific meeting and presentation on accelerator technology and its applications was held by PTAPB BATAN on 11 September 2013. This meeting aims to promote the technology and its applications to accelerator scientists, academics, researchers and technology users as well as accelerator-based accelerator research that have been conducted by researchers in and outside BATAN. This proceeding contains 49 papers about , chemistry, physics, accelerator, nuclear instrument and nuclear reactor, etc. (PPIKSN)

  19. Trisomy 2p: Analysis of unusual phenotypic findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lurie, I.W.; Ilyina, H.G.; Gurevich, D.B. [Belorussian Research Institute of Hereditary Disease, Minsk (Russian Federation)] [and others


    We present three probands with partial trisomies 2p21-23 due to ins(4;2)(q21;p21p23) pat, 2p23-pter due to t(2;4)(p23;q35)mat, and 2p21-pter due to t(2;11)(p21;q23.3)mat. More than 50 cases of partial trisomy 2p have been reviewed and some abnormalities, unusual for most other types of structural autosomal imbalance, have been found in patients with inherited forms of 2p trisomy and in their non-karyotyped sibs. Neural tube defects (anencephaly, occipital encephalocele, and spina bifida) were found in five probands and 4/6 affected non-karyotyped sibs. The only triplicated segment common to all was 2p24. Different forms of {open_quotes}broncho-pulmonary a/hypoplasia{close_quotes} (including two cases of lung agenesis) were described in four patients (overlapping triplicated segment was 2p21-p25). Three patients (with overlapping triplicated segment 2p23-p25) had diaphragmatic hernia. Abnormal rotation of the heart or L-transposition of large vessels (with or without visceral heterotaxia) was found in two infants (overlapping triplicated segment 2p23-p24). In two patients with common triplicated segment 2p22.3-p25, neuroblastoma has been described. The occurrence of all these defects may be explained either by the action of the same gene(s) mapped to 2p24 or by action of some independent factors located in different segments of the short arm. Although the latter hypothesis is much less probable, it can not be rejected at the present time. We propose the existence of a genetic system controlling surveillance of an abnormal embryo to explain the phenotypic differences between patients with the same imbalance within a family. In some {open_quotes}restrictive{close_quotes} combinations the abnormal embryos will die, although in {open_quotes}permissive{close_quotes} combinations they can survive. 47 refs., 2 figs., 3 tabs.

  20. Interaction of GABAA receptors with purinergic P2X2 receptors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shrivastava, A.


    GABA A Rs in the spinal cord are evolving as an important target for drug development against pain. Purinergic P2X 2 Rs are also expressed in spinal cord neurons and are known to cross-talk with GABA A Rs. Here we investigated a possible 'dynamic' interaction between GABA A Rs and P2X 2 Rs using co-immunoprecipitation and FRET studies in HEK cells along with co-localization and single particle tracking studies in spinal cord neurons. Our results suggest that a significant proportion of P2X 2 Rs forms a transient complex with GABA A Rs inside the cell, thus stabilizing these receptors and using them for co-trafficking to the cell surface. P2X 2 Rs and GABA A Rs are then co-inserted into the cell membrane and are primarily located extra-synaptically. Furthermore, agonist induced activation of P2X 2 Rs results in disassembly of the receptor complex and destabilization of GABA A Rs whereas P2X 2 Rs are stabilized and form larger clusters. Antagonist-induced blocking of P2XRs results in co-stabilization of this receptor complex at the cell surface. These results suggest a novel mechanism where association of P2XRs with other receptors could be used for specific targeting to the neuronal membrane, thus providing an extrasynaptic receptor reserve that could regulate the excitability of neurons. We further conclude that blocking the excitatory activity of excessively released ATP under diseased state by P2XR antagonists could simultaneously enhance synaptic inhibition mediated by GABA A Rs.(author) (author) [de

  1. Isoelectronic comparison of the Al-like 3s23p 2P-3s3p24P transitions in the ions P III-Mo XXX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jupen, C.; Curtis, L.J.


    New observations of the 3s 2 3p 2 P-3s3p 2 4 P intercombination transitions in Al-like ions have been made for Cl V from spark spectra recorded at Lund and for Kr XXIV and Mo XXX from spectra obtained at the JET tokamak. The new results have been combined with other identifications of these transitions along the sequence and empirically systematized and compared with theoretical calculations. A set of smoothed and interpolated values for the excitation energies of the 3s3p 2 4 P levels in P III-Mo XXX is presented. (orig.)

  2. Immunocytochemical analysis of P2X2 in rat circumvallate taste buds. (United States)

    Yang, Ruibiao; Montoya, Alana; Bond, Amanda; Walton, Jenna; Kinnamon, John C


    Our laboratory has shown that classical synapses and synaptic proteins are associated with Type III cells. Yet it is generally accepted that Type II cells transduce bitter, sweet and umami stimuli. No classical synapses, however, have been found associated with Type II cells. Recent studies indicate that the ionotropic purinergic receptors P2X2/P2X3 are present in rodent taste buds. Taste nerve processes express the ionotropic purinergic receptors (P2X2/P2X3). P2X2/P2X3(Dbl-/-) mice are not responsive to sweet, umami and bitter stimuli, and it has been proposed that ATP acts as a neurotransmitter in taste buds. The goal of the present study is to learn more about the nature of purinergic contacts in rat circumvallate taste buds by examining immunoreactivity to antisera directed against the purinergic receptor P2X2. P2X2-like immunoreactivity is present in intragemmal nerve processes in rat circumvallate taste buds. Intense immunoreactivity can also be seen in the subgemmal nerve plexuses located below the basal lamina. The P2X2 immunoreactive nerve processes also display syntaxin-1-LIR. The immunoreactive nerves are in close contact with the IP(3)R3-LIR Type II cells and syntaxin-1-LIR and/or 5-HT-LIR Type III cells. Taste cell synapses are observed only from Type III taste cells onto P2X2-LIR nerve processes. Unusually large, "atypical" mitochondria in the Type II taste cells are found only at close appositions with P2X2-LIR nerve processes. P2X2 immunogold particles are concentrated at the membranes of nerve processes at close appositions with taste cells. Based on our immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopical studies we believe that both perigemmal and most all intragemmal nerve processes display P2X2-LIR. Moreover, colloidal gold immunoelectron microscopy indicates that P2X2-LIR in nerve processes is concentrated at sites of close apposition with Type II cells. This supports the hypothesis that ATP may be a key neurotransmitter in taste transduction

  3. The Efficacy and Safety of Topical Rocuronium Bromide to Induce Bilateral Mydriasis in Hispaniolan Amazon Parrots ( Amazona ventralis ). (United States)

    Baine, Katherine; Hendrix, Diane V H; Kuhn, Sonia E; Souza, Marcy J; Jones, Michael P


    The efficacy and safety of topically applied rocuronium in Hispaniolan Amazon parrots ( Amazona ventralis ) was assessed in a group of 10 adult birds. A complete ophthalmic examination (including Schirmer tear test, ocular reflexes, applanation tonometry, fluorescein staining, and slit-lamp biomicroscopy) was performed, and rocuronium bromide (0.15 mg in both eyes) was administered. Pupillary light reflex (PLR) and pupillary diameter were recorded in a darkened room at the following time points: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 300, and 360 minutes, and 24 hours. Fluorescein staining in both eyes was performed at 24 hours. By 10 minutes, PLR was absent in all birds (at 5 minutes, 8 birds; at 10 minutes, remaining 2 birds). Pupil diameter differed significantly from baseline at all time points. Additionally, PLR was decreased in 7/10 birds at 360 minutes and normal in all birds at 24 hours. Superficial corneal ulceration was observed at 24 hours in the left eye of 2/10 of the birds after fluorescein stain application. This study demonstrated that rocuronium bromide was an effective mydriatic agent in Hispaniolan Amazon parrots with rapid onset and prolonged duration of action.

  4. Semiconducting La2AuP3, the metallic conductor Ce2AuP3, and other rare-earth gold phosphides Ln2AuP3 with two closely related crystal structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eschen, M.; Kotzyba, G.; Kuennen, B.; Jeitschko, W.


    The compounds Ln 2 AuP 3 were synthesized by reaction of the elemental components in evacuated silica tubes. Their crystal structures were determined from single-crystal diffractometer data. The compounds with Ln = La, Ce, and Pr crystallize with an orthorhombic U 2 NiC 3 type structure (Pnma, Z = 4). The structure refinement for Ce 2 AuP 3 resulted in a = 774.14(6) pm, b = 421.11(4) pm, c = 1612.3(1) pm, R = 0.019 for 1410 structure factors and 38 variable parameters. For Pr 2 AuP 3 a residual of R = 0.024 was obtained. Nd 2 AuP 3 crystallizes with a monoclinic distortion of this structure: P2 1 /c, Z = 4, a = 416.14(4) pm, b = 768.87(6) pm, c = 1647.1(2) pm, β = 104.06(1) , R = 0.022 for 1361 F values and 56 variables. The near-neighbor coordinations of the two structures are nearly the same. In both structures the gold and phosphorus atoms form two-dimensionally infinite nets, where the gold atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated by phosphorus atoms with Au-P distances varying between 245.8 and 284.2 pm. Two thirds of the phosphorus atoms form pairs with single-bond distances varying between 217.7 and 218.9 pm. Thus, using oxidation numbers the structures can be rationalized with the formulas (Ln +3 ) 2 [AuP 3 ] -6 and (Ln +3 ) 2 Au +1 (P 2 ) -4 P -3 . Accordingly, La 2 AuP 3 is a diamagnetic semiconductor. Pr 2 AuP 3 is semi-conducting with an antiferromagnetic ground state, showing metamagnetism with a critical field of B c = 0.5(±0.1) T. In contrast, the cerium compound is a metallic conductor, even though its cell volume indicates that the cerium atoms are essentially trivalent, as is also suggested by the ferro- or ferrimagnetic behavior of the compound. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Risda Muli


    Full Text Available Pencemaran tanah yang diakibatkan oleh penambangan minyak bumi berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan, vegetasi, dan kelimpahan arthropoda. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian dampak pencemaran minyak bumi di tanah terhadap komunitas Arthropoda. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan struktur komunitas arhtropoda tanah di sekitar lokasi eksplorasi minyak bumi. Kelembapan, pH, suhu tanah, dan kadar TPH tanah diukur dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap indeks keanekaragaman, dominansi, dan kemerataan arthropoda. Penelitian dilakukan di sumur minyak bumi Desa Mangunjaya Kecamatan Babat Toman pada tanggal 19-24 Februari 2015. Arthropoda dikoleksi menggunakan pit fall traps dan corong barlese-tullgren, pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 96 titik. Identifikasi arthropoda dilakukan di Laboratorium Entomologi Jurusan Hama Penyakit Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian. Analisis kadar TPH tanah menggunakan metode Gravimetri dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Fakultas MIPA Universitas Sriwijaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata TPH dan pH tanah di lokasi eksplorasi minyak bumi yang dilakukan oleh Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba lebih rendah daripada eksplorasi oleh masyarakat. Kelembaban dan suhu tanah di lokasi eksplorasi oleh Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba lebih tinggi daripada di lokasi eksplorasi masyarakat. Kadar TPH, pH, kelembaban, dan suhu tanah tidak berpengaruh terhadap indeks keanekaragaman, dominansi, dan kemerataan arhtropoda. Rata-rata indeks keanekaragaman arthropoda tergolong rendah dengan nilai indeks kurang dari 1. Soil contamination caused by the extraction of petroleum affects the environment, vegetation, and abundance of arthropods. Therefore, it is necessary to study the impact of oil pollution on the ground against arthropod community. The research has conducted to determine the differences of terrestrial arthropod around petroleum exploration. Moisture, pH, temperature, and soil TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon

  6. Interstitial deletion 1p as a result of a de novo reciprocal 1p;2p translocation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hertz, Jens Michael; Jensen, P H


    A 5-month-old female patient with psychomotor retardation and minor dysmorphisms is described. Cytogenetic analysis using high-resolution banding technique revealed an interstitial deletion of the short arm of one chromosome 1 (p21----p22.2) resulting from a de novo translocation t(1;2)(p22;p25)....

  7. P2X1 receptors and the endothelium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LS Harrington


    Full Text Available Adenosine triphosphate (ATP is now established as a principle vaso-active mediator in the vasculature. Its actions on arteries are complex, and are mediated by the P2X and P2Y receptor families. It is generally accepted that ATP induces a bi-phasic response in arteries, inducing contraction via the P2X and P2Y receptors on the smooth muscle cells, and vasodilation via the actions of P2Y receptors located on the endothelium. However, a number of recent studies have placed P2X1 receptors on the endothelium of some arteries. The use of a specific P2X1 receptor ligand, a, b methylene ATP has demonstrated that P2X1 receptors also have a bi-functional role. The actions of ATP on P2X1 receptors is therefore dependant on its location, inducing contraction when located on the smooth muscle cells, and dilation when expressed on the endothelium, comparable to that of P2Y receptors.

  8. Hyperoxia-induced p47phox activation and ROS generation is mediated through S1P transporter Spns2, and S1P/S1P1&2 signaling axis in lung endothelium. (United States)

    Harijith, Anantha; Pendyala, Srikanth; Ebenezer, David L; Ha, Alison W; Fu, Panfeng; Wang, Yue-Ting; Ma, Ke; Toth, Peter T; Berdyshev, Evgeny V; Kanteti, Prasad; Natarajan, Viswanathan


    Hyperoxia-induced lung injury adversely affects ICU patients and neonates on ventilator assisted breathing. The underlying culprit appears to be reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced lung damage. The major contributor of hyperoxia-induced ROS is activation of the multiprotein enzyme complex NADPH oxidase. Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) signaling is known to be involved in hyperoxia-mediated ROS generation; however, the mechanism(s) of S1P-induced NADPH oxidase activation is unclear. Here, we investigated various steps in the S1P signaling pathway mediating ROS production in response to hyperoxia in lung endothelium. Of the two closely related sphingosine kinases (SphKs)1 and 2, which synthesize S1P from sphingosine, only Sphk1(-/-) mice conferred protection against hyperoxia-induced lung injury. S1P is metabolized predominantly by S1P lyase and partial deletion of Sgpl1 (Sgpl1(+/-)) in mice accentuated lung injury. Hyperoxia stimulated S1P accumulation in human lung microvascular endothelial cells (HLMVECs), and downregulation of S1P transporter spinster homolog 2 (Spns2) or S1P receptors S1P1&2, but not S1P3, using specific siRNA attenuated hyperoxia-induced p47(phox) translocation to cell periphery and ROS generation in HLMVECs. These results suggest a role for Spns2 and S1P1&2 in hyperoxia-mediated ROS generation. In addition, p47(phox) (phox:phagocyte oxidase) activation and ROS generation was also reduced by PF543, a specific SphK1 inhibitor in HLMVECs. Our data indicate a novel role for Spns2 and S1P1&2 in the activation of p47(phox) and production of ROS involved in hyperoxia-mediated lung injury in neonatal and adult mice. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  9. Absolute emission cross sections for electron-impact excitation of Zn+(4p 2P) and (5s 2S) terms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rogers, W.T.; Dunn, G.H.; Olsen, J.O.; Reading, M.; Stefani, G.


    Absolute emission cross sections for electron-impact excitation of the 3d 10 4p 2 P and 3d 10 5s 2 S terms of Zn + have been measured from below threshold to about 790 eV 2 P and 390 eV 2 S using the crossed-charged-beams technique. Both transitions have the abrupt onset at threshold characteristic of positive-ion excitation. The 2 P cross section shows considerable structure in the interval from threshold to near 20 eV, above which it falls off smoothly. Agreement with five-state close-coupling theory is excellent below 100 eV when cascading is included in the theory. Above 100 eV, the data lie above the theory. The peak value of the 2 P cross section is 9.4 x 10 -16 cm 2 essentially at threshold, while the peak value of the 2 S cross section is about 0.47 x 10 -16 cm 2 . The net linear polarization of the 3d 10 4p 2 P emission was measured (unresolved from the 3d 10 4d 2 D→3d 10 4p 2 P cascading transition), and these data were used to correct the cross-section data for anisotropy of the emitted light. The effective lifetime of the 3d 9 4s 2 2 D/sub 3/2/ level was measured by observing exponential decay of the 589.6-nm photons resulting from its decay

  10. The 3"r"d inter laboratory comparison in the determination of elements in foodstuff with neutron activation analysis method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muji Wiyono; Dadong Iskandar; Wahyudi


    The 3"r"d inter laboratory comparison in the determination of elements in the foodstuff with NAA method held by PTBIN-BATAN Laboratory has been carried out. Six laboratories in BATAN were participated in the program with each code were: Lab. 01, Lab. 02, Lab. 03, Lab. 04, Lab. 05 and Lab. 06. Lab KKL PTKMR-BATAN was a participant with Lab. 06 code number. The received samples of foodstuff were prepared and irradiated in the RS-03 rabbit system of GA. Siwabessy multi purpose reactor. The irradiated samples were counted by using gamma spectrometer with HPGe detector to determine the content of elements. Result of the analysis was reported to the coordinator to be evaluated whether the sample was passed or rejected. Result of the coordinator laboratory evaluated that, 9 elements identified by Lab. KKL PTKMR-BATAN had four elements such as; Al, K, Cu and Se were passed (accepted) and other elements such as; Mn, Na, Ca, Fe and Zn were rejected. The elements number that passed in the 3"r"d inter laboratory comparison was less than those of earlier inter laboratory comparison, this was due to elemental content in the analyzed samples was very low. (author)

  11. Convergence of Internet and TV: The Commercial Viability of P2P Content Delivery (United States)

    de Boever, Jorn

    The popularity of (illegal) P2P (peer-to-peer) file sharing has a disruptive impact on Internet traffic and business models of content providers. In addition, several studies have found an increasing demand for bandwidth consuming content, such as video, on the Internet. Although P2P systems have been put forward as a scalable and inexpensive model to deliver such content, there has been relatively little economic analysis of the potentials and obstacles of P2P systems as a legal and commercial content distribution model. Many content providers encounter uncertainties regarding the adoption or rejection of P2P networks to spread content over the Internet. The recent launch of several commercial, legal P2P content distribution platforms increases the importance of an integrated analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT).

  12. Neutrophil to lymphocyte with monocyte to lymphocyte ratio and white blood cell count in prediction of lung cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thang Thanh Phan


    Full Text Available Background Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths in both sexes, while it is very difficult for screenings and early detection. Aims This study aims to clarify the role of systematic inflammation markers, including white blood cell (WBC, neutrophil (NEU, monocyte (MONO, platelet (PLT, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR, monocyte to lymphocyte ratio (MLR and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR in prediction of lung cancer. Methods A case-control study was conducted on 1,315 primary lung cancer patients and 1,315 healthy adults with matched age and gender at Cho Ray hospital. NLR, MLR and PLR were calculated by using neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte and platelet count which were recalled from laboratory database. With 600 cases in the derivation set, the logistic regression with univariate analysis was used to identify the impacted marker, then developing the optimal prediction model for lung cancer by logistic regression with multivariate method. The diagnostic values of optimal model consisting of sensitivity (Sen, specificity (Spe, positive predictive value (PPV, negative predictive value (NPV and the area under the ROC curve (AUC value were extracted and verified on all data, in validation set. Results The median values of WBC, NEU, MONO, PLT, NLR, MLR and PLR in lung cancer were not significantly difference between histological subtypes and clinical stages (p > 0.05, but higher than the values in control group (p < 0.01. Multivariates analysis shows that NLR, MLR and WBC were three parameters that have the significant impact of the optimal prediction model (p < 0.01. The AUC value, sensitivity and specificity of the optimal model for lung cancer detection were 0.881, 73.5 per cent (95 per cent CI:70.3–76.6 and 87.7 per cent (95 per centCI:85.2–89.9, respectively. Whereas, the PPV and NPV values of prediction model were 85.7 per cent (95 per cent CI:82.8–88.2 and 76.8 (95 per centCI:73.9–79.5, respectively. Among three

  13. Immunocytochemical analysis of P2X2 in rat circumvallate taste buds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang Ruibiao


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Our laboratory has shown that classical synapses and synaptic proteins are associated with Type III cells. Yet it is generally accepted that Type II cells transduce bitter, sweet and umami stimuli. No classical synapses, however, have been found associated with Type II cells. Recent studies indicate that the ionotropic purinergic receptors P2X2/P2X3 are present in rodent taste buds. Taste nerve processes express the ionotropic purinergic receptors (P2X2/P2X3. P2X2/P2X3Dbl−/− mice are not responsive to sweet, umami and bitter stimuli, and it has been proposed that ATP acts as a neurotransmitter in taste buds. The goal of the present study is to learn more about the nature of purinergic contacts in rat circumvallate taste buds by examining immunoreactivity to antisera directed against the purinergic receptor P2X2. Results P2X2-like immunoreactivity is present in intragemmal nerve processes in rat circumvallate taste buds. Intense immunoreactivity can also be seen in the subgemmal nerve plexuses located below the basal lamina. The P2X2 immunoreactive nerve processes also display syntaxin-1-LIR. The immunoreactive nerves are in close contact with the IP3R3-LIR Type II cells and syntaxin-1-LIR and/or 5-HT-LIR Type III cells. Taste cell synapses are observed only from Type III taste cells onto P2X2-LIR nerve processes. Unusually large, “atypical” mitochondria in the Type II taste cells are found only at close appositions with P2X2-LIR nerve processes. P2X2 immunogold particles are concentrated at the membranes of nerve processes at close appositions with taste cells. Conclusions Based on our immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopical studies we believe that both perigemmal and most all intragemmal nerve processes display P2X2-LIR. Moreover, colloidal gold immunoelectron microscopy indicates that P2X2-LIR in nerve processes is concentrated at sites of close apposition with Type II cells. This supports the hypothesis

  14. KOMPOSISI JENIS DAN FUNGSI PEKARANGAN (Studi kasus desa Giripurwo, Kecamatan Girimulyo, DI Yogyakarta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Junaidah Junaidah


    Full Text Available Homegarden is one form of agroforestry complex which has a diverse structure and species composition. This research is aimed to (1 Determine the composition on 3 (three levels development of homegarden, (2 Determine the function of crops on 3 (three levels development of homegarden.  The sample location was done purposively based on the availability of data and information obtained in the field.  The number of homegarden which will be observed is 12 piece who representing 3 (three levels development of homegarden, namely early homegarden, intermediate homegarden and advanced homegarden. Observations and measurements of vegetation used census (100% on the entire plot. The results showed each level  development of homegarden have different  structure and composition of species. More advanced the level development of  homegarden, the number of woody plants increased while the number of crops decreased. This condition causes changes in the environmental conditions at under the stand. The function of homegardenat Giripurwo village is as a source of food, timber, trade commodities, spices, medicine, social, craft materials and ornamental plants. Pekarangan salah satu bentuk agroforestri komplek dimana memiliki struktur dan komposisi jenis yang sangat beragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 Mengetahui komposisi jenis pekarangan pada berbagai tingkat perkembangan, (2 Mengetahui  fungsi pekarangan pada berbagai tingkat perkembangan. Penentuan sampel lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive berdasarkan ketersediaan data dan informasi yang diperoleh di lapangan. Pekarangan yang diamati berjumlah 12 buah yang mewakili 3 tingkat perkembangan pekarangan, yaitu: pekarangan awal, pekarangan menengah dan pekarangan lanjut. Pengamatan dan pengukuran vegetasi secara sensus (100 % pada seluruh plot ukur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur dan komposisi pada tiap tingkat perkembangan pekarangan berbeda. Semakin lanjut tingkat perkembangan pekarangan

  15. Osteocyte-Intrinsic TGF-β Signaling Regulates Bone Quality through Perilacunar/Canalicular Remodeling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neha S. Dole


    Full Text Available Poor bone quality contributes to bone fragility in diabetes, aging, and osteogenesis imperfecta. However, the mechanisms controlling bone quality are not well understood, contributing to the current lack of strategies to diagnose or treat bone quality deficits. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β signaling is a crucial mechanism known to regulate the material quality of bone, but its cellular target in this regulation is unknown. Studies showing that osteocytes directly remodel their perilacunar/canalicular matrix led us to hypothesize that TGF-β controls bone quality through perilacunar/canalicular remodeling (PLR. Using inhibitors and mice with an osteocyte-intrinsic defect in TGF-β signaling (TβRIIocy−/−, we show that TGF-β regulates PLR in a cell-intrinsic manner to control bone quality. Altogether, this study emphasizes that osteocytes are key in executing the biological control of bone quality through PLR, thereby highlighting the fundamental role of osteocyte-mediated PLR in bone homeostasis and fragility.

  16. Osteocyte-Intrinsic TGF-β Signaling Regulates Bone Quality through Perilacunar/Canalicular Remodeling. (United States)

    Dole, Neha S; Mazur, Courtney M; Acevedo, Claire; Lopez, Justin P; Monteiro, David A; Fowler, Tristan W; Gludovatz, Bernd; Walsh, Flynn; Regan, Jenna N; Messina, Sara; Evans, Daniel S; Lang, Thomas F; Zhang, Bin; Ritchie, Robert O; Mohammad, Khalid S; Alliston, Tamara


    Poor bone quality contributes to bone fragility in diabetes, aging, and osteogenesis imperfecta. However, the mechanisms controlling bone quality are not well understood, contributing to the current lack of strategies to diagnose or treat bone quality deficits. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) signaling is a crucial mechanism known to regulate the material quality of bone, but its cellular target in this regulation is unknown. Studies showing that osteocytes directly remodel their perilacunar/canalicular matrix led us to hypothesize that TGF-β controls bone quality through perilacunar/canalicular remodeling (PLR). Using inhibitors and mice with an osteocyte-intrinsic defect in TGF-β signaling (TβRII ocy-/- ), we show that TGF-β regulates PLR in a cell-intrinsic manner to control bone quality. Altogether, this study emphasizes that osteocytes are key in executing the biological control of bone quality through PLR, thereby highlighting the fundamental role of osteocyte-mediated PLR in bone homeostasis and fragility. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  17. Evaluating Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Cost Metrics for P2P Multimedia Streaming

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poderys, Justas; Soler, José


    To help users of P2P communication systems perform better-than-random selection of communication peers, Internet Engineering Task Force standardized the Application Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) protocol. The ALTO provided data-routing cost metric, can be used to rank peers in P2P communicati...

  18. Fuzzy-rule-based Adaptive Resource Control for Information Sharing in P2P Networks (United States)

    Wu, Zhengping; Wu, Hao

    With more and more peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies available for online collaboration and information sharing, people can launch more and more collaborative work in online social networks with friends, colleagues, and even strangers. Without face-to-face interactions, the question of who can be trusted and then share information with becomes a big concern of a user in these online social networks. This paper introduces an adaptive control service using fuzzy logic in preference definition for P2P information sharing control, and designs a novel decision-making mechanism using formal fuzzy rules and reasoning mechanisms adjusting P2P information sharing status following individual users' preferences. Applications of this adaptive control service into different information sharing environments show that this service can provide a convenient and accurate P2P information sharing control for individual users in P2P networks.

  19. Comparing passive leg raising and suprasystolic ankle occlusion responses to quantify age-related microcirculatory status

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henrique Silva


    Full Text Available The skin provides an easy accessible vascular network to assess microcirculation by laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF, and transcutaneous (tc gasometry, widely known techniques used for this purpose. the objective of this study was to assess and compare the microcirculation status of different age subjects, knowing that the ageing process progressively affects macro and microcirculatory vessels. We’ve chosen to compare dynamical responses to two provocation tests – passive leg raising (PLR and ankle occlusion - in 59 healthy subjects, 35 young (22.1 ± 3.7 years old. in Group 1, and 24 older (50.8 ± 7.6 years old. in Group 2, selected after informed consent. Local blood flow, tcpO2 and transepidermal water loss (TEWL were measured in distal locations of the lower limb. PLR and ankle occlusion significantly reduced blood flow and tcpO2 in both groups, while no changes were found for TEWL. While the magnitude of the hyperemic response was found to be significantly reduced in group 2, no differences were found during ankle occlusion. tcpO2-dependent parameters were also significantly different between groups. These results seem to confirm the usefulness of these experimental models to distinguish the microcirculatory function of subjects with different ages, with PLR being more sensible in detecting age-related changes.

  20. Electron Excitation Cross Sections for the S II Transitions: 3s(exp 2)3p(exp 3) 4S(exp o) approaches 3s(exp 2)3p(exp 3) 2D(exp o), 2P(exp o), and 3s3p(exp 4) 4P (United States)

    Liao, C.; Chutjian, A.; Hitz, D.; Tayal, S. S.


    Experimental and theoretical collisional excitation cross sections are reported for the transitions 3s(exp 2)3p(exp 3)4S(exp o) approaches 3s(exp 2)3p(exp 3) 2D(exp o), 2P(exp o), and 3s3P(exp 4) 4P in S II. The transition wavelengths (energies) are 6716 A (1.85 eV), 4069 A (3.05 eV), and 1256 A (9.87 eV), respectively. In the experiments, use is made of the energy-loss merged-beams method. The metastable fraction of the S II beam was assessed and minimized. The contribution of elastically scattered electrons was reduced by the use of a lowered solenoidal magnetic field and a modulated radio-frequency voltage on the analyzing plates and by retarding grids to reject the elastically scattered electrons with larger Larmor radii. For each transition, comparisons are made among experiments, the new 19 state R-matrix calculation, and three other close-coupling calculations.

  1. The three-loop splitting functions P{sup (2)}{sub qg} and P{sup (2,N{sub F})}{sub gg}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ablinger, J.; Schneider, C. [Johannes Kepler Univ., Linz (Austria). Research Inst. for Symbolic Computation (RISC); Behring, A. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany); RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Theoretische Teilchenphysik und Kosmologie; Bluemlein, J.; Freitas, A. de [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany); Von Manteuffel, A. [Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI (United States). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy


    We calculate the unpolarized twist-2 three-loop splitting functions P{sup (2)}{sub qg}(x) and P{sup (2,N{sub F})}{sub gg}(x) and the associated anomalous dimensions using massive three-loop operator matrix elements. While we calculate P{sup (2,N{sub F})}{sub gg}(x) directly, P{sup (2)}{sub qg}(x) is computed from 1200 even moments, without any structural prejudice, using a hierarchy of recurrences obtained for the corresponding operator matrix element. The largest recurrence to be solved is of order 12 and degree 191. We confirm results in the foregoing literature.

  2. Effect of high pN2 and high pD2 on NH3 production, H2 evolution, and HD formation by nitrogenases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jensen, B.B.; Burris, R.H.


    We have investigated the effect of the partial pressure of N2 and D2 on HD formation, H2 evolution, and NH3 production by nitrogenase from Klebsiella pneumoniae and Clostridium pasteurianum. By using pressures up to 4 atm, we have been able to extend the concentration range of N2 and D2 in our investigations beyond that used in previous studies. The pN2 dependence of HD formation with constant pD2 ideally shows no HD formation under zero pN2, reaches a peak which depends on the pD2, and then decreases to zero at very high pN2. K. pneumoniae and C. pasteurianum nitrogenases differ in their Ki(D2) for nitrogen fixation. C. pasteurianum nitrogenase had the lower activity for formation of HD. With K. pneumoniae nitrogenase, D2 enhanced H2 evolution from 31% of the electron flux partitioned to H2 in the absence of D2 to 51% of the electron flux partitioned to H2 at 400 kPa of D2. With C. pasteurianum nitrogenase, the equivalent values were 33% and 48% of the total electron flux. Our results support previou findings on the mechanism for nitrogenase-catalyzed reductions proposed by W. W. Cleland

  3. Studies of a series of [Ni(P(R)2N(Ph)2)2(CH3CN)]2+ complexes as electrocatalysts for H2 production: substituent variation at the phosphorus atom of the P2N2 ligand. (United States)

    Kilgore, Uriah J; Stewart, Michael P; Helm, Monte L; Dougherty, William G; Kassel, W Scott; DuBois, Mary Rakowski; DuBois, Daniel L; Bullock, R Morris


    A series of [Ni(P(R)(2)N(Ph)(2))(2)(CH(3)CN)](BF(4))(2) complexes containing the cyclic diphosphine ligands [P(R)(2)N(Ph)(2) = 1,5-diaza-3,7-diphosphacyclooctane; R = benzyl (Bn), n-butyl (n-Bu), 2-phenylethyl (PE), 2,4,4-trimethylpentyl (TP), and cyclohexyl (Cy)] have been synthesized and characterized. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that the cations of [Ni(P(Bn)(2)N(Ph)(2))(2)(CH(3)CN)](BF(4))(2) and [Ni(P(n-Bu)(2)N(Ph)(2))(2)(CH(3)CN)](BF(4))(2) have distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometries. The Ni(0) complex [Ni(P(Bn)(2)N(Ph)(2))(2)] was also synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction studies and shown to have a distorted tetrahedral structure. These complexes, with the exception of [Ni(P(Cy)(2)N(Ph)(2))(2)(CH(3)CN)](BF(4))(2), all exhibit reversible electron transfer processes for both the Ni(II/I) and Ni(I/0) couples and are electrocatalysts for the production of H(2) in acidic acetonitrile solutions. The heterolytic cleavage of H(2) by [Ni(P(R)(2)N(Ph)(2))(2)(CH(3)CN)](BF(4))(2) complexes in the presence of p-anisidine or p-bromoaniline was used to determine the hydride donor abilities of the corresponding [HNi(P(R)(2)N(Ph)(2))(2)](BF(4)) complexes. However, for the catalysts with the most bulky R groups, the turnover frequencies do not parallel the driving force for elimination of H(2), suggesting that steric interactions between the alkyl substituents on phosphorus and the nitrogen atom of the pendant amines play an important role in determining the overall catalytic rate. © 2011 American Chemical Society

  4. Validation of gamma spectrometer in spectroscopy laboratory of education and training center BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugino; Tulisna; Anda Sanusi; Sugito


    Gamma spectrometer used to determine the type and activity of gamma emitting radionuclides, such as the measurement of environmental radioactivity and neutron activation analysis (NAA). In order to obtain precise and accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis, the gamma spectrometer should be validated. Validation of the gamma spectrometer was conducted on the confirmation of identity, differential linearity, performance, efficiency calibration, precision test, and accuracy test. Confirmation of identity conducted by energy calibration testing conducted and showed the largest energy deviation of 0.3 keV. Differential linearity testing showed the highest count difference of 6.9 %. Test Results for 1 year showed the lowest resolution of 1.82 keV, in accordance with the initial resolution of 1.8 keV. Value of lowest P/C is 59.8, according to the first P/C of 60. The lowest relative efficiency of 28.6 %, according to the initial efficiency of 30 %. Calibration curve shows that for more than 200 keV energy, the relationship of Ln Energy vs Ln Efficiency is a straight line with equation Ln(ε) = 7.211-0.8173 Ln(E), while for less than 100 keV energy the the equation Ln(ε) = -13.34+6.712Ln(E)+0.06894 Ln(E)"2, in accordance with the theory and references. Precision test conducted by chi square value of 10.6, according to probability of 5 % to 95 %. Testing the accuracy is shown from the results of comparative tests of measuring I-131 activity in 2009 with good results, the difference in the results of 2.35 % with the uncertainty of 6 %. (author)

  5. A recurrent deletion syndrome at chromosome bands 2p11.2-2p12 flanked by segmental duplications at the breakpoints and including REEP1. (United States)

    Stevens, Servi J C; Blom, Eveline W; Siegelaer, Ingrid T J; Smeets, Eric E J G L


    We identified an identical and recurrent 9.4-Mbp deletion at chromosome bands 2p11.2-2p12, which occurred de novo in two unrelated patients. It is flanked at the distal and proximal breakpoints by two homologous segmental duplications consisting of low copy repeat (LCR) blocks in direct orientation, which have >99% sequence identity. Despite the fact that the deletion was almost 10 Mbp in size, the patients showed a relatively mild clinical phenotype, that is, mild-to-moderate intellectual disability, a happy disposition, speech delay and delayed motor development. Their phenotype matches with that of previously described patients. The 2p11.2-2p12 deletion includes the REEP1 gene that is associated with spastic paraplegia and phenotypic features related to this are apparent in most 2p11.2-2p12 deletion patients, but not in all. Other hemizygous genes that may contribute to the clinical phenotype include LRRTM1 and CTNNA2. We propose a recurrent but rare 2p11.2-2p12 deletion syndrome based on (1) the identical, non-random localisation of the de novo deletion breakpoints in two unrelated patients and a patient from literature, (2) the patients' phenotypic similarity and their phenotypic overlap with other 2p deletions and (3) the presence of highly identical LCR blocks flanking both breakpoints, consistent with a non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR)-mediated rearrangement.

  6. SEBARAN ASPEK KERUANGAN TIPE LONGSORAN DI DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI ALO PROVINSI GORONTALO (Spread of Spatial Aspect of Landslide Types at Alo Watershed in Gorontalo Province

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fitryane Lihawa


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sebaran aspek keruangan tipe longsoran di DAS Alo Provinsi Gorontalo telah dikaji dan dievaluasi menggunakan bentuk Peta Sebaran Tipe Longsoran Skala 1 : 50.000. Lokasi penelitian ini meliputi seluruh wilayah DAS Alo Provinsi Gorontalo dengan luas 7.588 Ha. Penentuan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara Accidental Sampling yaitu dengan melakukan penelusuran di seluruh wilayah yang rawan longsor di DAS Alo untuk menemukan titik-titik kejadian longsoran. Dalam pengkajian tipe dan sebaran longsoran, dilakukan pengamatan dan pengukuran terhadap kejadian longsoran yang terjadi pada seluruh wilayah DAS Alo yaitu sejumlah 15 (lima belas titik kejadian longsoran.  Tipe longsoran ditentukan melalui pengukuran dan pengamatan morfometri longsoran untuk menentukan indeks klasifikasi longsoran dan hasil analisis tersebut di plot ke dalam Peta Lokasi Sebaran Tipe Longsoran Skala 1 : 50.000 untuk mengetahui sebaran keruangan dari kejadian longsoran di DAS Alo Provinsi Gorontalo. Berdasarkan analisis morfometri dan indeks klasifikasi longsoran menunjukkan bahwa tipe longsoran yang terjadi adalah rotational slide, planar slide, slide flow dan rock block slide. Kejadian longsoran yang terjadi di DAS Alo Provinsi Gorontalo tersebar pada wilayah dengan kemiringan lereng curam dan sangat curam dengan bentuk permukaan lereng cembung dan cenderung lurus. Kejadian longsoran juga terjadi pada wilayah dengan tekstur tanah lempung dan lempung berlanau, serta jenis batuan vulkanik dan batuan beku yang mengandung silika tinggi dan telah mengalami pelapukan. Berdasarkan wilayah  administrasi, kejadian longsoran tersebar di wilayah Kecamatan Tibawa, Kecamatan Pulubala dan Kecamatan Isimu Utara.    ABSTRACT Distribution of spatial aspect of landslide at ALO Watershed of Gorontalo Province has been studied by providing it through form of spread landslide maps at scale of 1 : 50.000. Research site involved all areas of ALO Watershed in Gorontalo Province as having an

  7. Value added products with popular low grade rice varieties of Andhra Pradesh. (United States)

    Anitha, G; Rajyalakshmi, P


    Eight Popular Low Grade Rice Varieties (PLRVs) MTU 3626, MTU 1001, MTU 1010, MTU 4870 and NLR 145, NLR 34242, NLR 30491, NLR 34449, (developed and released by ANGR agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh) having poor cooking quality were selected for the study. ANGRAU variety BPT 5204 popularly consumed as staple rice was used as check. Eight products of traditional/commercial importance were standardized incorporating PLRVs as a major ingredient in the form of rice flour (burfi, noodles and extruded snack product and vennaundalu (butter coated balls), palathalikalu (dough rolled into strips, steamed/cooked in milk); rice semolina (instant kheer mix and instant upma mix), and flaked rice (nutritious bar). The products were evaluated for nutritional, cooking quality characteristics, consumer acceptability and shelf-life. Consumer acceptability of the PLR products was carried out with 60 farm women based on 9 point hedonic scale. Shelf-life of the products (packed in both metalized PP and PE pouches) was evaluated monthly for chemical, microbiological and sensory parameters. Energy values of control and PLR products showed no significant difference. Upon cooking, PLR Noodles showed no significant difference with water absorption and volume but more (p instant kheer mix (92%) and extruded product (88%). As per sensory scores, all the PLR products were well accepted with no observable changes in flavor or taste upon storage. PLR products showed increased (P noodles and highest for burfi (though in safe limits). Extruded snacks (control and PLR) showed no microbial growth during the entire storage period. Considering the poor marketability of PLRVs for consumption as staple rice, the study signifies the utilitarian value of PLRVs in making products of convenience/commercial importance.

  8. An investigation into the 2 Si(p,gamma)30P reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oberholzer, P.


    In the experiment reported here, information was obtained on the energy levels of 30 P by means of the 2 Si(p,gamma) 30 P-reaction. The experimental work was done with two accelerators, the 3 MV Van de Graaff- accelerator of the AEB and the 2,5 MV Van de Graaff-accelerator of the P.U. for C.H.E. A 60 cm 3 - and a 80 cm 3 Ge(Li)-detector were used. The excitation curve of the 2 Si + p-reaction was measured in the 1,3 - 2,0 MeV energy range. In order to calculate proton energies which were more accurate, the Q-value of the reaction was redetermined. The gamma decay of 12 resonances in the energy range l,l - 1,9 MeV was studied. The branching ratios of 25 bound levels in 30 P were determined, as well as the excitation energy and branching ratios of two new bound levels. A different value for the excitation energy of one bound level was found. The mean lifetimes of 12 bound levels were measured by means of the doppler shift attenuation method and the results were compared to those of other groups using different methods of lifetime measurement. Spin and parity assignments based on Weisskopf estimates were made for a number of resonance states, as well as for one new bound state. The experimental results were compared with the results of two models

  9. Clinical implications of nonspecific pulmonary nodules identified during the initial evaluation of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwon, Minsu [Eulji University School of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Eulji Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Sang Hoon; Lee, Yoon Se; Roh, Jong-Lyel; Choi, Seung-Ho; Nam, Soon Yuhl; Kim, Sang Yoon [Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology, Songpa-gu, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Choong Wook [Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We aimed to identify the clinical implications of nonspecific pulmonary nodules (NPNs) detected in the initial staging workup for patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Medical records of patients who had been diagnosed and treated in our hospital were retrospectively analysed. After definite treatment, changes of NPNs detected on initial evaluation were monitored via serial chest computed tomography. The associations between NPNs and the clinicopathological characteristics of primary HNSCC were evaluated. Survival analyses were performed according to the presence of NPNs. The study consisted of 158 (49.4%) patients without NPNs and 162 (50.6%) patients with NPNs. The cumulative incidence of probabilities of pulmonary malignancy (PM) development at 2 years after treatment were 9.0% and 6.2% in NPN-negative and NPN-positive patients, respectively. Overall and PM-free survival rates were not significantly different according to NPN status. Cervical lymph node (LN) involvement and a platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) ≥126 increased the risk of PMs (both P <0.05). NPNs detected in the initial evaluation of patients with HNSCC did not predict the risk of pulmonary malignancies. Cervical LN involvement and PLR ≥126 may be independent prognostic factors affecting PM-free survival regardless of NPN status. (orig.)

  10. P2X receptors in epithelia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leipziger, Jens Georg


    P2X receptors are ubiquitously expressed in all epithelial tissues but their functional roles are less well studied. Here we review the current state of knowledge by focusing on functional effects of P2X receptor in secretory and in absorptive tissues. In glandular tissue like the parotid gland...

  11. Theoretical Stark widths and shifts of spectral lines of 2p5nf and 2p55g configurations of Mg III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moreno-Díaz, Cristina; Alonso-Medina, Aurelia; Colón, Cristóbal


    In this paper, we report theoretical Stark widths and shifts calculated using the Griem semi-empirical approach, which corresponds to 111 spectral lines of Mg III. The values of these Stark broadening parameters of spectral lines that arise from levels of 2p 5 nf and 2p 5 5g configurations of Mg III are presented in the literature for the first time. The aim of this work is to provide values to estimate the electron density of plasma Mg III in astrophysics and industrial applications. The data are presented for the temperatures T = 0.5–10.0 (10 4 K) and for an electron density of 10 17 cm −3 . The matrix of elements used in these calculations has been determined from 23 configurations of Mg III: 2s 2 2p 6 , 2s 2 2p 5 3p, 2s 2 2p 5 4p, 2s 2 2p 5 4f and 2s 2 2p 5 5f for the even parity and 2s 2 2p 5 ns (n = 3–6), 2s 2 2p 5 nd (n = 3–9), 2s 2 2p 5 5g and 2s2p 6 np (n = 3–8) for the odd parity. For the intermediate coupling calculations, we use the standard method of least square fitting from experimental energy levels by means of Cowan’s computer code. Lines with wavelengths of 134.6460, 135.2800, 189.0380, 190.0043, 192.8424, 408.2939 and 409.4375 nm have high probabilities and also have high values of broadening. Therefore, these lines can be used in some applications. A common regularity for the Stark width of the 189.038 nm spectral line of Mg III is discussed. (paper)

  12. Determining the high variability of pCO2 and pO2 in the littoral zone of a subtropical coastal lake

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denise Tonetta


    Full Text Available The aquatic metabolism comprises production and mineralization of organic matter through biological processes, such as primary production and respiration that can be estimated by gases concentration in the water column. AIM: The study aimed to assess the temporal variability of pCO2 and pO2 in the littoral zone of a subtropical coastal lake. Our hypotheses are i high variability in meteorological conditions, such as temperature and light, drive the high variability in pCO2 and pO2, and ii the lake is permanently heterotrophic due to the low phosphorus concentration. METHODS: We estimated pCO2 from pH-alkalinity method, and pO2 from dissolved oxygen concentration and water temperature measured in free-water during 24 hours in the autumn, winter, spring and summer. RESULTS: Our findings showed that limnological variables had low temporal variability, while the meteorological variables and pCO2 presented a high coefficient of variation, which is representative of each climatic season. In autumn and winter, it was recorded that the lake was supersaturated in CO2 relative to the atmosphere, while in spring and summer CO2 concentration was below the concentration found in the atmosphere. Over 24 hours, pCO2 also showed high variability, with autumn presenting higher concentration during the night when compared to daytime. Water temperature and chlorophyll a were negatively correlated with pCO2, while pO2 was positively correlated with wind and light. CONCLUSION: Agreeing with our first hypothesis, pCO2 showed an expressive temporal variation in a subtropical lake associated to the high variability in meteorological conditions. On the other hand, our second hypothesis was not confirmed, since Peri Lake exported CO2 to the atmosphere in some periods and in others, CO2 was removed from the atmosphere.

  13. Prolonged triglyceride storage in macrophages: pHo trumps pO2 and TLR4. (United States)

    Lu, Mingfang; Kho, Terry; Munford, Robert S


    Lipid-laden macrophages contribute to pathologies as diverse as atherosclerosis and tuberculosis. Three common stimuli are known to promote macrophage lipid storage: low tissue oxygen tension (pO2), low extracellular pH (pHo), and exposure to agonists such as bacterial LPS. Noting that cells responding to low pO2 or agonistic bacterial molecules often decrease pHo by secreting lactic and other carboxylic acids, we studied how pHo influences the stimulation of triacylglycerol (TAG) storage by low pO2 and LPS. We found that TAG retention after incubation for 48-72 h was inversely related to pHo when primary macrophages were cultured in 21% oxygen, 4% oxygen, or with LPS at either oxygen concentration. Maintaining pHo at ~7.4 was sufficient to prevent the increase in prolonged TAG storage induced by either low pO2 or LPS. The strong influence of pHo on TAG retention may explain why lipid-laden macrophages are found in some tissue environments and not in others. It is also possible that other long-term cellular changes currently attributed to low pO2 or bacterial agonists may be promoted, at least in part, by the decrease in pHo that these stimuli induce.

  14. Integrating XQuery and P2P in MonetDB/XQuery*

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Y. Zhang (Ying); P.A. Boncz (Peter); M. Arenas (Marcelo); J. Hidders


    textabstractMonetDB/XQuery* is a fully functional publicly available XML DBMS that has been extended with distributed and P2P data management functionality. Our (minimal) XQuery language extension XRPC adds the concept of RPC to XQuery, and exploits the set-at-a-time database processing model to

  15. New alkali metal diphosphates how materials to preserve the security of the environment: CsNaCu(P2O7), Rb2Cu(P2O7) and CsNaCo(P2O7) synthesis and crystal structure determination (United States)

    Chernyatieva, Anastasiya; Filatova, Alyona; Spiridonova, Dariya; Krivovichev, Sergey


    In this work we describe preliminary results of the synthesis and of a crystal-chemical study of synthetic phosphates with transition metals. Due to the increasing requirements for environmental safety specialists from various industries, we are searching for sustainable forms of immobilization of hazardous waste during storage. We are also developing a component-based waste for new materials. In our continued exploratory synthesis of compounds containing transition-metals, we were able to produce the new diphosphate phases CsNaCu(P2O7), Rb2Cu(P2O7) and CsNaCo(P2O7). A crystal chemical study has allowed us to identify new phosphates. Crystals of CsNaCu(P2O7) (Phase 1) is orthorhombic, crystallizes in space group Pmn21, with a = 5.147(8), b = 15.126(2), c = 9.717(2) Å, V = 756.20 Å3, R1 = 0.066 and Rb2Cu(P2O7) (Phase 2) is orthorhombic as well, crystallizes in space group Pmcn, with a = 5.183(8), b = 10.096(1), c = 15.146(3) Å, V = 793.55 Å3, R1 = 0.063, they have been obtained by high-temperature reaction of RbNO3, CsNO3, Cu(NO3)2, NaOH and (NH4)4P2O7. Synthetic crystals of the phosphate of copper and rubidium were studied in detail by us on the structures of Rb2Cu(P2O7) and Rb2Cu3(P2O7)2 - new alkali metal copper diphosphates (CHERNYATIEVA et al., 2008). Here we report the synthesis, the structure and the properties of the title compounds and we compare these phases with the previously discovered K2CuP2O7 (ELMAADI et al., 1995) and CsNaMnP2O7 (HUANG et al., 1998). These structures crystallize in other space groups, although their structures are also based on 2-D layers, formed by P2O7 groups combined with polyhedra of the transition metals (CHERNYATIEVA et al., 2012). A crystal chemical study has allowed us to identify even new diphosphates CsNaCu(P2O7) (Phase 3). Crystals of CsNaCoP2O7 is monoclinic, space group P 21/n, with a = 7,424(2), b = 7,648(1), c = 12,931(3)Å, β = 90,71(2)° , V = 734.2(3) Å3 and R1 = 0.060. The structure is based framework of Co

  16. Neutronic design of the RSG-GAS silicide core

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sembiring, T.M.; Kuntoro, I.; Hastowo, H. [Center for Development of Research Reactor Technology National Nuclear Energy Agency BATAN, PUSPIPTEK Serpong Tangerang, 15310 (Indonesia)


    The objective of core conversion program of the RSG-GAS multipurpose reactor is to convert the fuel from oxide, U{sub 3}O{sub 8}-Al to silicide, U{sub 3}Si{sub 2}-Al. The aim of the program is to gain longer operation cycle by having, which is technically possible for silicide fuel, a higher density. Upon constraints of the existing reactor system and utilization, an optimal fuel density in amount of 3.55 g U/cc was found. This paper describes the neutronic parameter design of the silicide equilibrium core and the design of its transition cores as well. From reactivity control point of view, a modification of control rod system is also discussed. All calculations are carried out by means of diffusion codes, Batan-EQUIL-2D, Batan-2DIFF and -3DIFF. The silicide core shows that longer operation cycle of 32 full power days can be achieved without decreasing the safety criteria and utilization capabilities. (author)

  17. Evaluation of the prognostic value of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in patients with hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute pancreatitis. (United States)

    Wang, Yuchen; Fuentes, Harry E; Attar, Bashar M; Jaiswal, Palash; Demetria, Melchor

    Recent studies attribute promising prognostic values to various inflammatory biomarkers in acute pancreatitis, including the following: the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and red cell distribution width (RDW). We aimed to determine the performance of these biomarkers for detecting disease severity in patients with hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute pancreatitis (HTG-AP). We retrospectively reviewed 110 patients with HTG-AP and compared the NLR, PLR, and RDW in different severity groups. We performed receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis to identify the optimal cut-off value for NLR to predict severe AP. NLR was significantly higher in patients with severe AP than mild and moderately severe AP (14.6 vs. 6.9, p analysis (Odds ratio 6.71, p = 0.019). NLR represents an inexpensive, readily available test with a promising value to predict disease severity in HTG-AP. Among the three inflammatory biomarkers, NLR has the highest discriminatory capacity for severe HTG-AP, with an optimal cut-off value of 10. Copyright © 2017 IAP and EPC. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lily Suparlina


    Full Text Available Parameter neutronik dibutuhkan dalam mendesain teras reaktor riset. Reaktor riset jenis MTR (Material Testing Reactor sangat diminati karena dapat digunakan baik untuk riset dan juga produksi radio isotop. Reaktor riset yang ada saat ini sudah tua sehingga dibutuhkan desain reaktor yang mempunyai teras kompak. Desain teras reaktor riset yang sudah ada saat ini belum cukup memadai untuk memenuhi persyaratan di dalam UCD yang telah ditetapkan yaitu fluks neutron termal di teras 1x1015 n/cm2s, oleh karena itu perlu dibuat desain teras reaktor baru sebagai alternatif yang kompak dan dapat menghasilkan fluks neutron tinggi. Telah dilakukan perhitungan dan analisis terhadap manajemen bahan bakar desain teras kompak dengan konfigurasi teras 5x5, berbahan bakar U9Mo-Al dan tinggi teras aktif 70 cm. Tujuan dari riset ini untuk memperoleh fluks neutron di teras memenuhi kebutuhan seperti yang telah ditetapkan di UCD dengan panjang siklus operasi minimum 20 hari pada daya 50 MW. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan paket program komputer WIMSD-5B untuk menggenerasi tampang lintang makroskopik bahan bakar dan Batan-FUEL untuk memperoleh nilai parameter neutronik serta Batan-3DIFF untuk perhitungan nilai reaktivitas batang kendali. Perhitungan parameter neutronik teras reaktor riset ini dilakukan untuk bahan bakar U-9Mo-Al dengan tingkat muat bervariasi dan 2 macam pola pergantian bahan bakar yaitu teras segar dan teras setimbang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada teras segar, tingkat muat 235U sebesar 360 gram, 390 gram dan 450 gram memenuhi kriteria keselamatan dan kriteria penerimaan di UCD dengan nilai fluks neutron termal di teras lebih dari 1x1015 n/cm2s dan panjang siklus >20 hari, sedangkan pada teras setimbang panjang siklus dapat terpenuhi hanya untuk tingkat muat 450 gram. Kata kunci: desain teras reaktor, bahan bakar UMo, pola bahan bakar, WIMS, BATAN-FUEL   Research reactor core design needs neutronics parameter calculation use computer

  19. Proceeding of the Scientific Meeting and Presentation on Basic Research in Nuclear of the Scientific and Technology Part II : Nuclear Chemistry; Process Technology and Radioactive Waste Management; Environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sudjatmoko; Karmanto, Eko Edy; Endang-Supartini


    Scientific Meeting and Presentation on Basic Research in Nuclear Science and Technology is a routine activity was held by Yogyakarta Nuclear Research Centre, National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) for monitoring the research activity which achieved in BATAN. The Proceeding contains a proposal about basic which has Nuclear Chemistry, Process Technology, Radioactive Waste Management and Environment. This proceeding is the second part from two part which published in series. There are 61 articles which have separated index

  20. Copper Selenidophosphates Cu4P2Se6, Cu4P3Se4, Cu4P4Se3, and CuP2Se, Featuring Zero-, One-, and Two-Dimensional Anions. (United States)

    Kuhn, Alexander; Schoop, Leslie M; Eger, Roland; Moudrakovski, Igor; Schwarzmüller, Stefan; Duppel, Viola; Kremer, Reinhard K; Oeckler, Oliver; Lotsch, Bettina V


    Five new compounds in the Cu/P/Se phase diagram have been synthesized, and their crystal structures have been determined. The crystal structures of these compounds comprise four previously unreported zero-, one-, and two-dimensional selenidophosphate anions containing low-valent phosphorus. In addition to two new modifications of Cu4P2Se6 featuring the well-known hexaselenidohypodiphosphate(IV) ion, there are three copper selenidophosphates with low-valent P: Cu4P3Se4 contains two different new anions, (i) a monomeric (zero-dimensional) selenidophosphate anion [P2Se4](4-) and (ii) a one-dimensional selenidophosphate anion [Formula: see text], which is related to the well-known gray-Se-like [Formula: see text] Zintl anion. Cu4P4Se3 contains one-dimensional [Formula: see text] polyanions, whereas CuP2Se contains the 2D selenidophosphate [Formula: see text] polyanion. It consists of charge-neutral CuP2Se layers separated by a van der Waals gap which is very rare for a Zintl-type phase. Hence, besides black P, CuP2Se constitutes a new possible source of 2D oxidized phosphorus containing layers for intercalation or exfoliation experiments. Additionally, the electronic structures and some fundamental physical properties of the new compounds are reported. All compounds are semiconducting with indirect band gaps of the orders of around 1 eV. The phases reported here add to the structural diversity of chalcogenido phosphates. The structural variety of this family of compounds may translate into a variety of tunable physical properties.

  1. Testing of a prototype of calibration facility for noble gas monitoring using 41Ar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saibathulham, Holnisar; Wurdiyanto, Gatot; Marsum, Pujadi


    A prototype of a calibration facility for noble gas monitoring using 41 Ar in the PTKMR-BATAN has been tested. The facility was designed in such a way that the standard source of gas can be reused. The radioactive 41 Ar source was obtained by thermal neutron reaction of 40 Ar(n, γ) 41 Ar using a thermal neutron flux of 4.8×10 13 neutrons per cm 2 per second in two minutes on the multipurpose G.A. Siwabessy Reactor (Batan, Serpong, Indonesia). Gamma spectrometry was used to measure the radioactivity and purity of 41 Ar. The spectrum of the 41 Ar observed yields an energy of 1294 keV because of the highest intensity (99.2%). The activity of 41 Ar was 2821 kBq and 4% of the expanded uncertainty. The time required for 41 Ar to reach homogeneity was 7 min, and the effectiveness of resuse was 53%. - Highlights: ► Testing of a calibration facility prototype for noble gas monitor using 41 Ar in PTKMR-BATAN. ► This facility was designed such that a standard radioactive gas source can be used repeatedly. ► Standardization of the 41 Ar is performed using gamma spectrometry. ► The time required for the 41 Ar gas to be distributed evenly throughout the cavity of the facility was 7 min. ► The effectiveness of repeated use was 53%.

  2. The roles of P2Y2 purinergic receptors in osteoblasts and mechanotransduction.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanghui Xing

    Full Text Available We previously demonstrated, using osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells, that P2Y2 purinergic receptors are involved in osteoblast mechanotransduction. In this study, our objective was to further investigate, using a knockout mouse model, the roles of P2Y2 receptors in bone mechanobiology. We first examined bone structure with micro-CT and measured bone mechanical properties with three point bending experiments in both wild type mice and P2Y2 knockout mice. We found that bones from P2Y2 knockout mice have significantly decreased bone volume, bone thickness, bone stiffness and bone ultimate breaking force at 17 week old age. In order to elucidate the mechanisms by which P2Y2 receptors contribute to bone biology, we examined differentiation and mineralization of bone marrow cells from wild type and P2Y2 knockout mice. We found that P2Y2 receptor deficiency reduces the differentiation and mineralization of bone marrow cells. Next, we compared the response of primary osteoblasts, from both wild type and P2Y2 knockout mice, to ATP and mechanical stimulation (oscillatory fluid flow, and found that osteoblasts from wild type mice have a stronger response, in terms of ERK1/2 phosphorylation, to both ATP and fluid flow, relative to P2Y2 knockout mice. However, we did not detect any difference in ATP release in response to fluid flow between wild type and P2Y2 knock out osteoblasts. Our findings suggest that P2Y2 receptors play important roles in bone marrow cell differentiation and mineralization as well as in bone cell mechanotransduction, leading to an osteopenic phenotype in P2Y2 knockout mice.

  3. Determination of prompt neutron decay constant of the AP-600 reactor core

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Surbakti, T.


    Determination of prompt neutron decay constant of the AP-600 reactor core has been performed using combination of two codes WIMS/D4 and Batan-2DIFF. The calculation was done at beginning of cycle and all of control rods pulled out. Cell generation from various kinds of core materials was done with 4 neutron energy group in 1-D transport code (WIMS/D4). The cell is considered for 1/4 fuel assembly in cluster model with square pitch arrange and then, the dimension of its unit cell is calculated. The unit cell consist of a fuel and moderator unit. The unit cell dimension as input data of WIMS/D4 code, called it annulus, is obtained from the equivalent unit cell. Macroscopic cross sections as output was used as input on neutron diffusion code Batan-2DIFF for core calculation as appropriate with three enrichment regions of the fuel of AP-600 core, namely 2, 2.5, and 3%. From result of diffusion code ( Batan-2DIFF) is obtained the value of delayed neutron fraction of 6.932E-03 and average prompt neutron life-time of 26.38 μs, so that the value of prompt neutron decay constant is 262.8 s-1. If it is compared the calculation result with the design value, the deviation are, for the design value of delayed neutron fraction is 7.5E-03, about 8% and the design value of average prompt neutron life time is 19.6 μs, about 34% respectively. The deviation because there are still unknown several core components of AP-600, so it didn't include in calculation yet

  4. Observation of the strongest 5s2 5p6 5d-(5s2 5p5 5d6s+5s25p6 7p) transitions in Au XI to Bi XV ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Churilov, S.S.; Joshi, Y.N.


    The spectra of gold till bismuth were studied in the 90-135 A region. Nine most intense lines belonging to the 5s 2 5p 6 5d-5s 2 5p 5 5d6s array were identified in Au XI to Bi XV ions. The 5s 2 5p 6 7p 2 P 3/2,1/2 levels in Au XI and the 5s 2 5p 6 7p 2 P 3/2 level in Hg XII were also identified. The observed wavelengths and intensities agree quite well with the Hartree-Fock calculations. (orig.)

  5. Multi-species interactions impact the accumulation of weathered 2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethylene (p,p'-DDE) from soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelsey, Jason W.; White, Jason C.


    The impact of interactions between the earthworms Eisenia foetida and Lumbricus terrestris and the plants Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita maxima on the uptake of weathered p,p'-DDE from soil was determined. Although some combinations of earthworm and plant species caused significant changes in the p,p'-DDE burden in both organisms, the effects were species specific. Contaminant bioconcentration in C. pepo was increased slightly by E. foetida and by 3-fold when the plant was grown with L. terrestris. E. foetida had no effect on the contaminant BCF by C. maxima, but L. terrestris caused a 2-fold reduction in p,p'-DDE uptake by the plant. Contaminant levels in E. foetida and L. terrestris were unaffected by C. pepo. When grown with C. maxima, the concentration of p,p'-DDE decreased by approximately 4-fold and 7-fold in E. foetida and L. terrestris, respectively. The data suggest that the prediction of contaminant bioavailability should consider interactions among species. - Interactions between earthworms and plants affect both the phytoextraction and bioaccumulation of p,p'-DDE in soil

  6. Effective role of CaO/P2O5 ratio on SiO2-CaO-P2O5 glass system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Kiran


    Full Text Available In the present work, the effect of the CaO/P2O5 ratio on the composition of sol-gel synthesized 58SiO2-(19 − xP2O5–(23 + xCaO (x = 0, 5, 10 and 15 mol% glass samples was studied. Further, the effect of NBO/BO ratio on hydroxy carbonated apatite layer (HCA forming ability based on dissolution behavior in simulated body fluid (SBF solution was also investigated. CaO/P2O5 ratios of synthesized glass samples were 1.2, 2, 3.6, and 9.5, respectively. NBO/BO ratios were obtained using Raman spectroscopic analysis as 0.58, 1.20, 1.46, and 1.78, respectively. All samples were soaked in the SBF solution for 7 days. The calculated weight losses of these samples were 58%, 64%, 83%, and 89% for corresponding NBO/BO ratios. The increase in CaO/P2O5 ratio increases the NBO/BO ratios. However, the increase in NBO/BO ratio increases HCA forming ability of SBF treated samples. The HCA crystalline layer formation was confirmed through X-ray Diffraction (XRD, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM, Raman and Infrared spectroscopic analysis. Higher CaO/P2O5 ratio favors the increase in HCA formation for SBF treated calcium phospho silicate glasses.

  7. Chronic administration of the selective P2X3, P2X2/3 receptor antagonist, A-317491, transiently attenuates cancer-induced bone pain in mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Rikke Rie; Nasser, Arafat; Falk, Sarah


    The purinergic P2X3 and P2X2/3 receptors are in the peripheral nervous system almost exclusively confined to afferent sensory neurons, where they are found both at peripheral and central synapses. The P2X3 receptor is implicated in both neuropathic and inflammatory pain. However, the role of the ......X3 receptor in chronic cancer-induced bone pain is less known. Here we investigated the effect of systemic acute and chronic administration of the selective P2X3, P2X2/3 receptor antagonist (5-[[[(3-Phenoxyphenyl)methyl][(1S)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-naphthalenyl]amino]carbonyl]-1...

  8. Suppression of Zeeman relaxation in cold collisions of 2P1/2 atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tscherbul, T. V.; Dalgarno, A.; Buchachenko, A. A.; Lu, M.-J.; Weinstein, J. D.


    We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of angular momentum depolarization in cold collisions of 2 P atoms in the presence of an external magnetic field. We show that collision-induced Zeeman relaxation of Ga( 2 P 1/2 ) and In( 2 P 1/2 ) atoms in cold 4 He gas is dramatically suppressed compared to atoms in 2 P 3/2 states. Using rigorous quantum-scattering calculations based on ab initio interaction potentials, we demonstrate that Zeeman transitions in collisions of atoms in 2 P 1/2 electronic states occur via couplings to the 2 P 3/2 state induced by the anisotropy of the interaction potential. Our results suggest the feasibility of sympathetic cooling and magnetic trapping of 2 P 1/2 -state atoms, such as halogens, thereby opening up exciting areas of research in precision spectroscopy and cold-controlled chemistry.

  9. A novel combinational pH-PCO2 microelectrode. (United States)

    Rao, X; Ma, Y


    A novel combinational pH-PCO2 microelectrode based on a neutral carrier hydrogen ion exchanger is described. It is easy to fabricate and allows pH and PCO2 to be measured simultaneously. The microelectrode has a 5-microns tip. The PCO2 microelectrode exhibits a linear response in the range 1.75 x 10(-5)-10(-2) mol/liter with a Nernstian slope of 57.0 mV/decade at 25 degrees C. The detection limit is 10(-5) mol/liter. The pH microelectrode exhibits a linear response in the range pH 4-12 with a Nernstian slope of 60.0 mV/decade at 25 degrees C. The 95% steady-state response time of the PCO2 microelectrode is about 2 min, while it is about 10 s for pH microelectrode. The electromotive force drift is 4.3 mV/h (PCO2) and 2.6 mV/h (pH), respectively. The lifetime is 3 to 4 days. The microelectrode can measure pH and PCO2 in body fluids simultaneously with satisfactory results. It is also a good basic electrode for enzyme microelectrolysis.

  10. Desain Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA berbasis D-D Neutron Generator 2,45 MeV untuk Uji Fasilitas BNCT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Desman P. Gulo


    Full Text Available Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT is one of the cancer treatments that are being developed in nowadays. In order to support BNCT treatment for cancer that exists in underneath skin like breast cancer, the facility needs a generator that is able to produce epithermal neutron. One of the generator that is able to produce neutron is D-D neutron generator with 2.45 MeV energy. Based on the calculation of this paper, we found that the total production of neutron per second (neutron yield from Neutron Generator (NG by PSTA-BATAN Yogyakarta is 2.55×1011 n/s. The energy and flux that we found is in the range of quick neutron. Thus, it needs to be moderated to the level of epithermal neutron which is located in the interval energy of 1 eV to 10 KeV with 109 n/cm2s flux. This number is the recommendation standard from IAEA. Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA is needed in order to moderate the quick neutron to the level of epithermal neutron. One part of BSA that has the responsibility in moderating the quick neutron to epithermal neutron is the moderator. The substance of moderator used in this paper is MgF2 and A1F3. The thickness of moderator has been set in in such a way by using MCNPX software in order to fulfill the standard of IAEA. As the result of optimizing BSA moderator, the data obtain epithermal flux with the total number of 4.64×108 n/cm2/s for both of moderators with the thickness of moderator up to 15 cm. At the end of this research, the number of epithermal flux does not follow the standard of IAEA. This is because the flux neutron that is being produced by NG is relatively small. In conclusion, the NG from PSTA-BATAN Yogyakarta is not ready to be used for the BNCT treatment facility for the underneath skin cancer like breast cancer.

  11. A Molecular Cobalt Catalyst Architected and TiO2 Modified p-GaInP2 Photoelectrode for Hydrogen Production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gu, Jing; Yan, Yong; Young, James; Steirer, Kenneth; Neale, Nathan R.; Turner, John A.


    We demonstrate that by employing a hybrid molecular/semiconductor interface with atomic layer deposited (ALD) TiO2 as an intermediate layer, a robust and corrosion resistant GaInP2-TiO2-cobaltoxime-TiO2 photocathode can be operated in alkaline media (pH =13).

  12. [μ-1,2-Bis(diphenylphosphinoethane-κ2P:P′]bis{[1,2-bis(diphenylphosphinoethane-κ2P,P′]cyanidocopper(I} methanol disolvate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rong Wang


    Full Text Available The title centrosymmetric complex, [Cu2(CN2(C26H24P23]·2CH3OH, consists of two five-membered [Cu(dppeCN] rings [dppe is 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphinoethane] bridged by one μ2-dppe ligand, and two methanol solvent molecules. The angles around the central metal atom indicate that each CuI atom is located in the center of a distorted tetrahedron. The coordination sphere of each CuI atom is formed by three P atoms from two dppe ligands, and one C atom from the cyanide ligand. The crystal structure is stabilized by O—H...N hydrogen bonds, which are formed by the O—H donor group from methanol and the N-atom acceptor from a cyanide ligand.

  13. Synergistic action between inhibition of P2Y12/P2Y1 and P2Y12/thrombin in ADP- and thrombin-induced human platelet activation (United States)

    Nylander, Sven; Mattsson, Christer; Ramström, Sofia; Lindahl, Tomas L


    The objective of this study was to investigate if there is a synergistic effect of a combination of P2Y12 and P2Y1 inhibition and P2Y12 and thrombin inhibition, on ADP- and thrombin-induced platelet activation, respectively. The rationale being that these combinations will cause a concurrent inhibition of both Gαq and Gαi signalling.Blood from healthy volunteers was preincubated with AR-C69931MX, a reversible P2Y12 antagonist; MRS2179, a reversible P2Y1 antagonist; or melagatran, a direct reversible thrombin inhibitor; alone or in various combinations prior to activation with ADP or thrombin. Platelet function in whole blood was assessed by flow cytometry using the antibody PAC-1 to estimate the expression of active αIIbβ3 (the fibrinogen receptor GPIIb/IIIa). A synergistic effect was evaluated by comparing the concentrations in the different combinations with those of corresponding equipotent concentrations of each single inhibitor alone. The equipotent single concentrations were experimentally obtained from concentration response curves performed in parallel.A synergistic effect regarding inhibition of ADP-induced platelet activation (10 μM) was obtained with different combinations of AR-C69931MX and MRS2179.Inhibition of thrombin-induced platelet activation (2 nM) with combinations of AR-C69931MX and the thrombin inhibitor melagatran did also result in a strong synergistic effect.To our knowledge, this is the first time that data supporting a synergistic effect has been published for the inhibitor combinations described.Whether this synergistic effect in vitro also results in an improved antithrombotic effect in vivo with or without an increased risk of bleeding remains to be studied in well-conducted clinical studies. PMID:15265806

  14. Synthesis of P1-(11-phenoxyundecyl)-P2-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-α-D-rhamnopyranosyl-α-D-glucopyranosyl) diphosphate and P1-(11-phenoxyundecyl)-P2-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-α-D-galactopyranosyl) diphosphate for the investigation of biosynthesis of O-antigenic polysaccharides in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli O104. (United States)

    Torgov, Vladimir; Danilov, Leonid; Utkina, Natalia; Veselovsky, Vladimir; Brockhausen, Inka


    Two new phenoxyundecyl diphosphate sugars were synthesized for the first time: P 1 -(11-phenoxyundecyl)-P 2 - (2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-α-D-rhamnopyranosyl-α-D-glucopyranosyl) diphosphate and P 1 -(11-phenoxyundecyl)-P 2 -(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-α-D-galactopyranosyl) diphosphate to study the third step of biosynthesis of the repeating units of O-antigenic polysaccharides in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E.coli O104 respectively. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. (p,2p) study of high-momentum components at 2.1 GeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Treuhaft, R.N.


    A (p,2p) experiment designed to isolate interactions with small numbers of fast nuclear constituents is described. Special attention is paid to the experimental manifestation and description of a correlated pair of nucleons in the nucleus. Phase space calculations are presented for the proton-pair three-body final state and for final states with larger number of particles. The Two Armed Spectrometer System (TASS) is described in detail. The data suggest the possibility of isolating an interaction with one or two nucleons in the nucleus which may have momenta far in excess of those described in a Fermi gas model

  16. (p,2p) study of high-momentum components at 2. 1 GeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Treuhaft, R.N.


    A (p,2p) experiment designed to isolate interactions with small numbers of fast nuclear constituents is described. Special attention is paid to the experimental manifestation and description of a correlated pair of nucleons in the nucleus. Phase space calculations are presented for the proton-pair three-body final state and for final states with larger number of particles. The Two Armed Spectrometer System (TASS) is described in detail. The data suggest the possibility of isolating an interaction with one or two nucleons in the nucleus which may have momenta far in excess of those described in a Fermi gas model.

  17. Optic nerve pH and PO2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Daniella B; Stefánsson, Einar; Kiilgaard, Jens Folke


    Earlier studies have demonstrated that carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs) increase optic nerve oxygen tension (ONPO(2)) in pigs. We hypothesized that the mechanism of this effect was either a CO(2) increase or a pH decrease in tissue and blood. To test this hypothesis we investigated and compared...... how optic nerve pH (ONpH) and ONPO(2) are affected by: (1) carbonic anhydrase inhibition; (2) respiratory acidosis, and (3) metabolic acidosis. We measured ONpH with a glass pH electrode and ONPO(2) with a polarographic oxygen electrode. One of the electrodes was placed in the vitreous cavity 0.5 mm...

  18. Calculations of resonances parameters for the ((2s2) 1Se, (2s2p) 1,3P0) and ((3s2) 1Se, (3s3p) 1,3P0) doubly excited states of helium-like ions with Z≤10 using a complex rotation method implemented in Scilab (United States)

    Gning, Youssou; Sow, Malick; Traoré, Alassane; Dieng, Matabara; Diakhate, Babacar; Biaye, Mamadi; Wagué, Ahmadou


    In the present work a special computational program Scilab (Scientific Laboratory) in the complex rotation method has been used to calculate resonance parameters of ((2s2) 1Se, (2s2p) 1,3P0) and ((3s2) 1Se, (3s3p) 1,3P0) states of helium-like ions with Z≤10. The purpose of this study required a mathematical development of the Hamiltonian applied to Hylleraas wave function for intrashell states, leading to analytical expressions which are carried out under Scilab computational program. Results are in compliance with recent theoretical calculations.

  19. Hal2p functions in Bdf1p-involved salt stress response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lei Chen

    Full Text Available The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bdf1p associates with the basal transcription complexes TFIID and acts as a transcriptional regulator. Lack of Bdf1p is salt sensitive and displays abnormal mitochondrial function. The nucleotidase Hal2p detoxifies the toxic compound 3' -phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphate (pAp, which blocks the biosynthesis of methionine. Hal2p is also a target of high concentration of Na(+. Here, we reported that HAL2 overexpression recovered the salt stress sensitivity of bdf1Δ. Further evidence demonstrated that HAL2 expression was regulated indirectly by Bdf1p. The salt stress response mechanisms mediated by Bdf1p and Hal2p were different. Unlike hal2Δ, high Na(+ or Li(+ stress did not cause pAp accumulation in bdf1Δ and methionine supplementation did not recover its salt sensitivity. HAL2 overexpression in bdf1Δ reduced ROS level and improved mitochondrial function, but not respiration. Further analyses suggested that autophagy was apparently defective in bdf1Δ, and autophagy stimulated by Hal2p may play an important role in recovering mitochondrial functions and Na(+ sensitivity of bdf1Δ. Our findings shed new light towards our understanding about the molecular mechanism of Bdf1p-involved salt stress response in budding yeast.

  20. Measurement of the ratio of inclusive cross sections $\\sigma (p\\bar{p} \\rightarrow Z+2~b~\\text{jets}) / \\sigma (p\\bar{p} \\rightarrow Z+ \\text{2 jets})$ in $p\\bar{p}$ collisions at $\\sqrt s=1.96$ TeV

    CERN Document Server

    Abazov, V.M.; Acharya, Bannanje Sripath; Adams, Mark Raymond; Adams, Todd; Agnew, James P; Alexeev, Guennadi D; Alkhazov, Georgiy D; Alton, Andrew K; Askew, Andrew Warren; Atkins, Scott; Augsten, Kamil; Avila, Carlos A; Badaud, Frederique; Bagby, Linda F; Baldin, Boris; Bandurin, Dmitry V; Banerjee, Sunanda; Barberis, Emanuela; Baringer, Philip S; Bartlett, JFrederick; Bassler, Ursula Rita; Bazterra, Victor; Bean, Alice L; Begalli, Marcia; Bellantoni, Leo; Beri, Suman B; Bernardi, Gregorio; Bernhard, Ralf Patrick; Bertram, Iain A; Besancon, Marc; Beuselinck, Raymond; Bhat, Pushpalatha C; Bhatia, Sudeep; Bhatnagar, Vipin; Blazey, Gerald Charles; Blessing, Susan K; Bloom, Kenneth A; Boehnlein, Amber S; Boline, Daniel Dooley; Boos, Edward E; Borissov, Guennadi; Borysova, Maryna; Brandt, Andrew; Brandt, Oleg; Brock, Raymond L; Bross, Alan D; Brown, Duncan Paul; Bu, Xue-Bing; Buehler, Marc; Buescher, Volker; Bunichev, Viacheslav Yevgenyevich; Burdin, Sergey; Buszello, Claus Peter; Camacho-Perez, Enrique; 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Ilchenko, Yuriy; Illingworth, Robert A; Ito, Albert S; Jabeen, Shabnam; Jaffre, Michel J; Jayasinghe, Ayesh; Jeong, Min-Soo; Jesik, Richard L; Jiang, Peng; Johns, Kenneth Arthur; Johnson, Emily; Johnson, Marvin E; Jonckheere, Alan M; Jonsson, Per Martin; Joshi, Jyoti; Jung, Andreas Werner; Juste, Aurelio; Kajfasz, Eric; Karmanov, Dmitriy Y; Katsanos, Ioannis; Kaur, Manbir; Kehoe, Robert Leo Patrick; Kermiche, Smain; Khalatyan, Norayr; Khanov, Alexander; Kharchilava, Avto; Kharzheev, Yuri N; Kiselevich, Ivan Lvovich; Kohli, Jatinder M; Kozelov, Alexander V; Kraus, James Alexander; Kumar, Ashish; Kupco, Alexander; Kurca, Tibor; Kuzmin, Valentin Alexandrovich; Lammers, Sabine Wedam; Lebrun, Patrice; Lee, Hyeon-Seung; Lee, Seh-Wook; Lee, William M; Lei, Xiaowen; Lellouch, Jeremie; Li, Dikai; Li, Hengne; Li, Liang; Li, Qi-Zhong; Lim, Jeong Ku; Lincoln, Donald W; Linnemann, James Thomas; Lipaev, Vladimir V; Lipton, Ronald J; Liu, Huanzhao; Liu, Yanwen; Lobodenko, Alexandre; Lokajicek, Milos; Lopes de Sa, Rafael; Luna-Garcia, Rene; Lyon, Adam Leonard; Maciel, Arthur KA; Madar, Romain; Magana-Villalba, Ricardo; Malik, Sudhir; Malyshev, Vladimir L; Mansour, Jason; Martinez-Ortega, Jorge; McCarthy, Robert L; Mcgivern, Carrie Lynne; Meijer, Melvin M; Melnitchouk, Alexander S; Menezes, Diego D; Mercadante, Pedro Galli; Merkin, Mikhail M; Meyer, Arnd; Meyer, Jorg Manfred; Miconi, Florian; Mondal, Naba K; Mulhearn, Michael James; Nagy, Elemer; Narain, Meenakshi; Nayyar, Ruchika; Neal, Homer A; Negret, Juan Pablo; Neustroev, Petr V; Nguyen, Huong Thi; Nunnemann, Thomas P; Hernandez Orduna, Jose de Jesus; Osman, Nicolas Ahmed; Osta, Jyotsna; Pal, Arnab; Parashar, Neeti; Parihar, Vivek; Park, Sung Keun; Partridge, Richard A; Parua, Nirmalya; Patwa, Abid; Penning, Bjoern; Perfilov, Maxim Anatolyevich; Peters, Reinhild Yvonne Fatima; Petridis, Konstantinos; Petrillo, Gianluca; Petroff, Pierre; Pleier, Marc-Andre; Podstavkov, Vladimir M; Popov, Alexey V; Prewitt, Michelle; Price, Darren; Prokopenko, Nikolay N; Qian, Jianming; Quadt, Arnulf; Quinn, Gene Breese; Ratoff, Peter N; Razumov, Ivan A; Ripp-Baudot, Isabelle; Rizatdinova, Flera; Rominsky, Mandy Kathleen; Ross, Anthony; Royon, Christophe; Rubinov, Paul Michael; Ruchti, Randal C; Sajot, Gerard; Sanchez-Hernandez, Alberto; Sanders, Michiel P; Santos, Angelo Souza; Savage, David G; Savitskyi, Mykola; Sawyer, HLee; Scanlon, Timothy P; Schamberger, RDean; Scheglov, Yury A; Schellman, Heidi M; Schwanenberger, Christian; Schwienhorst, Reinhard H; Sekaric, Jadranka; Severini, Horst; Shabalina, Elizaveta K; Shary, Viacheslav V; Shaw, Savanna; Shchukin, Andrey A; Simak, Vladislav J; Skubic, Patrick Louis; Slattery, Paul F; Smirnov, Dmitri V; Snow, Gregory R; Snow, Joel Mark; Snyder, Scott Stuart; Soldner-Rembold, Stefan; Sonnenschein, Lars; Soustruznik, Karel; Stark, Jan; Stoyanova, Dina A; Strauss, Michael G; Suter, Louise; Svoisky, Peter V; Titov, Maxim; Tokmenin, Valeriy V; Tsai, Yun-Tse; Tsybychev, Dmitri; Tuchming, Boris; Tully, Christopher George T; Uvarov, Lev; Uvarov, Sergey L; Uzunyan, Sergey A; Van Kooten, Richard J; van Leeuwen, Willem M; Varelas, Nikos; Varnes, Erich W; Vasilyev, Igor A; Verkheev, Alexander Yurievich; Vertogradov, Leonid S; Verzocchi, Marco; Vesterinen, Mika; Vilanova, Didier; Vokac, Petr; Wahl, Horst D; Wang, Michael HLS; Warchol, Jadwiga; Watts, Gordon Thomas; Wayne, Mitchell R; Weichert, Jonas; Welty-Rieger, Leah Christine; Williams, Mark Richard James; Wilson, Graham Wallace; Wobisch, Markus; Wood, Darien Robert; Wyatt, Terence R; Xie, Yunhe; Yamada, Ryuji; Yang, Siqi; Yasuda, Takahiro; Yatsunenko, Yuriy A; Ye, Wanyu; Ye, Zhenyu; Yin, Hang; Yip, Kin; Youn, Sungwoo; Yu, Jiaming; Zennamo, Joseph; Zhao, Tianqi Gilbert; Zhou, Bing; Zhu, Junjie; Zielinski, Marek; Zieminska, Daria; Zivkovic, Lidija


    We measure the ratio of cross sections, $\\sigma(p\\bar{p}\\rightarrow Z+2~b~\\text{jets})$/$\\sigma(p\\bar{p}\\rightarrow Z+\\text{2 jets})$, for associated production of a $Z$ boson with at least two jets with transverse momentum $p_T^{\\rm jet} > 20$ GeV and pseudorapidity $|\\eta^{\\rm jet}| < 2.5$. This measurement uses data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9.7 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the \\DO experiment in Run II of Fermilab's Tevatron \\ppbar Collider at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. The measured integrated ratio of $0.0236\\pm0.0043\\left(\\mbox{stat}\\right)\\pm0.0020\\left(\\mbox{syst}\\right)$ is in agreement with predictions from next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD and the Monte Carlo event generators {\\sc pythia} and {\\sc alpgen}.

  1. Dialectics of public and market regulation of a region and municipality socio-economic development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksandr Ivanovich Tatarkin


    Full Text Available Motives of improving public regulation influence to socio-economic and social processes, increasing quality and effectiveness of public (PR and market (MR regulators, their optimal and flexible cooperation were examined in the article. The essence and content of public-legal regulators (PLR in the sustainable and balanced development of territories, regions and country as a whole was reviewed. The PLR was classified by criteria of the “scale” of their regulation influence, regulation methods and consequences. Special attention was paid to the quality of PLR of federal and intergovernmental relations at the regional and municipal levels. Recommendations to improve the effectiveness of public and market regulators in regional and territorial development were suggested.

  2. The establishment and implementation of safety culture policy in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antariksawan, A.R.; Suharno; Arbie, B.


    This paper describes the progress in the establishment and implementation of safety culture in Indonesia, especially in BATAN, with special attention given to the development of safety culture indicators. The spirit of safety culture implementation is marked firstly by declaration of Policy Statement by the Head of BATAN. In order to monitor the implementation of safety culture, six indicators are established. Based on those indicators, it is seemed that at present the progress of implementation of safety culture is quite good enough. (author)

  3. Data transport and management in P2P Data Management in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sahar, S.; Shaikh, F.K.


    The rapid growth in wireless technologies has made wireless communication an important source for transporting data across different domains. In the same way, there are possibilities of many potential applications that can be deployed using WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks). However, very limited applications are deployed in real life due to the uncertainty and dynamics of the environment and scare resources. This makes data management in WSN a challenging area to find an approach that suits its characteristics. Currently, the trend is to find efficient data management schemes using evolving technologies, i.e. P2P (Peer-to-Peer) systems. Many P2P approaches have been applied in WSNs to carry out the data management due to similarities between WSN and P2P. With the similarities, there are differences too that makes P2P protocols inefficient in WSNs. Furthermore, to increase the efficiency and to exploit the delay tolerant nature of WSNs, where ever possible, the mobile WSNs are gaining importance. Thus, creating a three dimensional problem space to consider, i.e. mobility, WSNs and P2P. In this paper, an efficient algorithm is proposed for data management using P2P techniques for mobile WSNs. The real world implementation and deployment of proposed algorithm is also presented. (author)

  4. [pH values in the pharynx of the patients presenting with compromised nasal breathing of inflammatory and non-inflammatory genesis concomitant with gastroesophageal reflux disease]. (United States)

    Subbotina, M V; Temnikova, I V; Onuchina, E V


    The objective of the present study was to estimate the influence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) on the pH values in the pharynx and nose. It included 87 patients at the age varying from 18 to 81 years admitted to the Irkutsk-based Railway Clinical Hospital and allocated to four groups. Group 1 was comprised of 25 patients presenting with gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), group 2 consisted of 29 patients with CRS in the absence of GERD, group 3 included 22 patients with nasal septum deformations (NSD) and GERD, group 4 included 11 patients with NSD and motor rhinitis without GERD. The control group was formed from 10 volunteers. pH was measured by the contact method with the use ofEkokhim indicator paper. Gastroesophageal reflux disease was diagnosed following the recommendations of the Montreal consensus. It was shown that pH values in the pharynx of the patients with compromised nasal breathing of any origin in combination with GERD were lower than in the absence of GERD and in the healthy volunteers. The study groups did not differ in terms of pH values in the nasal cavity. It is concluded that pH values 4 or lower may serve as the criterion for pharyngo-laryngeal reflux (PLR) concomitant with HERD while pH 5 occurs more frequently in the patients with compromised nasal breathing of any etiology, regardless of the presence or absence of GERD.Disordered nasal breathing of any genesis in the patients presenting with gastroesophageal reflux disease was associated with the feeling of the lump in the throat, congestion of the respiratory tract and the nose, pain in the ears, cardialgia, and irregular heartbeat. It isrecommended to use pH measurements as a criterion for diagnostics of pharyngo-laryngeal reflux in the patients presenting with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

  5. A comparison of the prognostic value of preoperative inflammation-based scores and TNM stage in patients with gastric cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pan QX


    Full Text Available Qun-Xiong Pan,* Zi-Jian Su,* Jian-Hua Zhang, Chong-Ren Wang, Shao-Ying KeDepartment of Oncosurgery, Quanzhou First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Quanzhou, Fujian, People’s Republic of China*These authors contributed equally to this workBackground: People’s Republic of China is one of the countries with the highest incidence of gastric cancer, accounting for 45% of all new gastric cancer cases in the world. Therefore, strong prognostic markers are critical for the diagnosis and survival of Chinese patients suffering from gastric cancer. Recent studies have begun to unravel the mechanisms linking the host inflammatory response to tumor growth, invasion and metastasis in gastric cancers. Based on this relationship between inflammation and cancer progression, several inflammation-based scores have been demonstrated to have prognostic value in many types of malignant solid tumors.Objective: To compare the prognostic value of inflammation-based prognostic scores and tumor node metastasis (TNM stage in patients undergoing gastric cancer resection.Methods: The inflammation-based prognostic scores were calculated for 207 patients with gastric cancer who underwent surgery. Glasgow prognostic score (GPS, neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR, platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR, prognostic nutritional index (PNI, and prognostic index (PI were analyzed. Linear trend chi-square test, likelihood ratio chi-square test, and receiver operating characteristic were performed to compare the prognostic value of the selected scores and TNM stage.Results: In univariate analysis, preoperative serum C-reactive protein (P<0.001, serum albumin (P<0.001, GPS (P<0.001, PLR (P=0.002, NLR (P<0.001, PI (P<0.001, PNI (P<0.001, and TNM stage (P<0.001 were significantly associated with both overall survival and disease-free survival of patients with gastric cancer. In multivariate analysis, GPS (P=0.024, NLR (P=0.012, PI (P=0.001, TNM stage (P<0.001, and degree of

  6. Identification of rabbit cytochromes P450 2C1 and 2C2 as arachidonic acid epoxygenases. (United States)

    Laethem, R M; Koop, D R


    Microsomes prepared from COS-1 cells transiently expressing rabbit cytochromes P450 2C1 and 2C2 catalyzed the metabolism of arachidonic acid to predominantly 11,12- and 14,15-epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) when microsomal epoxide hydrolase activity was inhibited by 0.2 mM 1,2-epoxy-3,3,3-trichloropropane. P450 2C2 catalyzed the formation of 11,12-EET and 14,15-EET at a ratio of 3.0 and also produced 19-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (19-HETE). The 11,12-EET, 14,15-EET, and 19-HETE represented 48.3, 15.9, and 12.8%, respectively, of the total metabolites formed. P450 2C1 produced a similar but distinct ratio of 11,12-EET to 14,15-EET (2.0) and did not produce any detectable 19-HETE. The 11,12-EET and 14,15-EET represented 63.0 and 31.1%, respectively, of the total metabolites formed. The 8,9- and 5,6-EETs were not detected with either enzyme. The ratio of the 11,12-EET to 14,15-EET was 1.5 with P450 2CAA, a P450 arachidonic acid epoxygenase (P450 2CAA) that had an amino-terminal sequence identical to that of P450 2C2 [J. Biol. Chem. 267:5552-5559 (1992)]. P450 2C1, 2C2, and 2CAA metabolized lauric acid. The ratio of omega-1- to omega-hydroxylated laurate was 3.6, 3.4, and 2.4 for P450 2CAA, P450 2C2, and P450 2C1, respectively. Purified P450 2CAA had a slightly greater apparent molecular weight than expressed P450 2C2 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. The results clearly establish that rabbit P450 2C1 and 2C2 are arachidonic acid epoxygenases, and they suggest that P450 2CAA and 2C2 are very similar but may not be identical isoforms.

  7. Superconductivity in SrNi2P2 single crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ronning, Filip [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Bauer, Eric D [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Park, Tuscon [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Thompson, Joe D [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    Heat capacity, magnetic susceptibility, and resistivity of SrNi{sub 2}P{sub 2} single crystals are presented, illustrating the structural transition at 325 K, and bulk superconductivity at 1.4 K. The magnitude of {Tc}, fits to the heat capacity data, the small upper critical field H{sub c2} = 390 Oe, and {kappa} = 2.1 suggests a conventional fully gapped superconductor. With applied pressure we find that superconductivity persists into the so-called 'collapsed tetragonal' phase, although the transition temperature is monotonically suppressed with increasing pressure. This argues that reduced dimensionality can be a mechanism for increasing the transition temperatures of layered NiP, as well as layered FeAs and NiAs, superconductors.

  8. Chlorido{[(E-2-(diphenylphosphanylbenzylidene](furan-2-ylmethylamine-κP}gold(I

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    Haleden Chiririwa


    Full Text Available In the title complex, [AuCl(C24H20NOP], the ligand has N, P and O electron-donating atoms but the AuI atom is coordinated only by the `soft' P atom and an additional Cl atom in an almost linear fashion. Important geometrical parameters include Au—P = 2.2321 (13 Å, Au—Cl = 2.2820 (13 Å and P—Au—Cl = 176.49 (5°. The furan ring is disordered over two positions in a 0.51 (2:0.49 (2 ratio.

  9. Interaction of Ne(2p54p), Ar(3p54p) and Kr(4p55p) excited atoms with He and Ne atoms. Processes of collisional depolarization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zagrebin, A.L.; Lednev, M.G.


    Quasimolecular terms Ne(2p 5 4p)+He, Ar(3p 5 4p)+He,Ne and Kr(4p 5 5p)+He,Ne are calculated within the framework of one-configuration method of effective Hamiltonian. The results of calculations agree with the experimental data

  10. Nuclear transparency in 90 deg.c.m. quasielastic A(p,2p) reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aclander, J.; Alster, J.; Kosonovsky, I.; Malki, A.; Mardor, I.; Mardor, Y.; Navon, I.; Piasetzky, E.; Asryan, G.; Barton, D.S.; Buktoyarova, N.; Bunce, G.; Carroll, A.S.; Gushue, S.; Makdisi, Y.I.; Roser, T.; Tanaka, M.; Averiche, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Shimanskiy, S.


    We summarize the results of two experimental programs at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron of BNL to measure the nuclear transparency of nuclei measured in the A(p,2p) quasielastic scattering process near 90 deg. in the pp center of mass. The incident momenta varied from 5.9 to 14.4 GeV/c, corresponding to 4.8 2 2 . Taking into account the motion of the target proton in the nucleus, the effective incident momenta extended from 5.0 to 15.8 GeV/c. First, we describe the measurements with the newer experiment, E850, which had more complete kinematic definition of quasielastic events. E850 covered a larger range of incident momenta, and thus provided more information regarding the nature of the energy dependence of the nuclear transparency. In E850 the angular dependence of the nuclear transparency near 90 deg. and the nuclear transparency deuterons were studied. Second, we review the techniques used in an earlier experiment, E834, and show that the two experiments are consistent for the carbon data. E834 also determines the nuclear transparencies for lithium, aluminum, copper, and lead nuclei as well as for carbon. A determination of the (π + ,π + p) transparencies is also reported. We find for both E850 and E834 that the A(p,2p) nuclear transparency, unlike that for A(e,e ' p) nuclear transparency, is incompatible with a constant value versus energy as predicted by Glauber calculations. The A(p,2p) nuclear transparency for carbon and aluminum increases by a factor of two between 5.9 and 9.5 GeV/c incident proton momentum. At its peak the A(p,2p) nuclear transparency is ∼80% of the constant A(e,e ' p) nuclear transparency. Then the nuclear transparency falls back to a value at least as small as that at 5.9 GeV/c, and is compatible with the Glauber level again. This oscillating behavior is generally interpreted as an interplay between two components of the pN scattering amplitude; one short ranged and perturbative, and the other long ranged and strongly absorbed

  11. Fabrication of a TiO2-P25/(TiO2-P25+TiO2 nanotubes junction for dye sensitized solar cells

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    Nguyen Huy Hao


    Full Text Available The dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC, which converts solar light into electric energy, is expected to be a promising renewable energy source for today's world. In this work, dye sensitized solar cells, one containing a single layer and one containing a double layer, were fabricated. In the double layer DSSC structure, the under-layer was TiO2-P25 film, and the top layer consisted of a mixture of TiO2-P25 and TiO2 nanotubes. The results indicated that the efficiency of the DSSC with the double layer structure was a significant improvement in comparison to the DSSC consisting of only a single film layer. The addition of TiO2-P25 in the top layer caused an improvement in the adsorption of dye molecules on the film rather than on the TiO2 nanotubes only. The presence of the TiO2 nanotubes together with TiO2-P25 in the top layer revealed the enhancement in harvesting the incident light and an improvement of electron transport through the film.

  12. L_p- and S_{p,q}^rB-discrepancy of (order 2) digital nets


    Markhasin, Lev


    Dick proved that all order $2$ digital nets satisfy optimal upper bounds of the $L_2$-discrepancy. We give an alternative proof for this fact using Haar bases. Furthermore, we prove that all digital nets satisfy optimal upper bounds of the $S_{p,q}^r B$-discrepancy for a certain parameter range and enlarge that range for order $2$ digitals nets. $L_p$-, $S_{p,q}^r F$- and $S_p^r H$-discrepancy is considered as well.

  13. Observation of the Forbidden Magnetic Dipole Transition 6{sup 2}P{sub ½} --> 7{sup 2}P{sub ½} in Atomic Thallium (United States)

    Chu, S.


    A measurement of the 6{sup 2}P{sub ½} --> 7{sup 2}P{sub ½} forbidden magnetic dipole matrix element in atomic thallium is described. A pulsed, linearly polarized dye laser tuned to the transition frequency is used to excite the thallium vapor from the 6{sup 2}P{sub ½} ground state to the 7{sup 2}P{sub ½} excited state. Interference between the magnetic dipole M1 amplitude and a static electric field induced E1 amplitude results in an atomic polarization of the 7{sup 2}P{sub ½} state, and the subsequent circular polarization of 535 nm fluorescence. The circular polarization is seen to be proportional to / as expected, and measured for several transitions between hyperfine levels of the 6{sup 2}P{sub ½} and 7{sup 2}P{sub ½} states. The result is = -(2.11 +- 0.30) x 10{sup -5} parallel bar e parallel bar dirac constant/2mc, in agreement with theory.

  14. Optic nerve pH and PO2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Daniella B; Stefánsson, Einar; Kiilgaard, Jens Folke


    Earlier studies have demonstrated that carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs) increase optic nerve oxygen tension (ONPO(2)) in pigs. We hypothesized that the mechanism of this effect was either a CO(2) increase or a pH decrease in tissue and blood. To test this hypothesis we investigated and compared...... how optic nerve pH (ONpH) and ONPO(2) are affected by: (1) carbonic anhydrase inhibition; (2) respiratory acidosis, and (3) metabolic acidosis. We measured ONpH with a glass pH electrode and ONPO(2) with a polarographic oxygen electrode. One of the electrodes was placed in the vitreous cavity 0.5 mm...... over the optic nerve in the eyes of domestic pigs....

  15. 11th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing

    CERN Document Server

    Barolli, Leonard; Amato, Flora


    P2P, Grid, Cloud and Internet computing technologies have been very fast established as breakthrough paradigms for solving complex problems by enabling aggregation and sharing of an increasing variety of distributed computational resources at large scale. The aim of this volume is to provide latest research findings, innovative research results, methods and development techniques from both theoretical and practical perspectives related to P2P, Grid, Cloud and Internet computing as well as to reveal synergies among such large scale computing paradigms. This proceedings volume presents the results of the 11th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud And Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2016), held November 5-7, 2016, at Soonchunhyang University, Asan, Korea.

  16. A New Caching Technique to Support Conjunctive Queries in P2P DHT (United States)

    Kobatake, Koji; Tagashira, Shigeaki; Fujita, Satoshi

    P2P DHT (Peer-to-Peer Distributed Hash Table) is one of typical techniques for realizing an efficient management of shared resources distributed over a network and a keyword search over such networks in a fully distributed manner. In this paper, we propose a new method for supporting conjunctive queries in P2P DHT. The basic idea of the proposed technique is to share a global information on past trials by conducting a local caching of search results for conjunctive queries and by registering the fact to the global DHT. Such a result caching is expected to significantly reduce the amount of transmitted data compared with conventional schemes. The effect of the proposed method is experimentally evaluated by simulation. The result of experiments indicates that by using the proposed method, the amount of returned data is reduced by 60% compared with conventional P2P DHT which does not support conjunctive queries.

  17. P2P Lending Risk Contagion Analysis Based on a Complex Network Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qi Wei


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes two major channels of P2P lending risk contagion in China—direct risk contagion between platforms and indirect risk contagion with other financial organizations as the contagion medium. Based on this analysis, the current study constructs a complex network model of P2P lending risk contagion in China and performs dynamics analogue simulations in order to analyze general characteristics of direct risk contagion among China’s online P2P lending platforms. The assumed conditions are that other financial organizations act as the contagion medium, with variations in the risk contagion characteristics set under the condition of significant information asymmetry in Internet lending. It is indicated that, compared to direct risk contagion among platforms, both financial organizations acting as the contagion medium and information asymmetry magnify the effect of risk contagion. It is also found that the superposition of media effects and information asymmetry is more likely to magnify the risk contagion effect.

  18. Energies and E1, M1, E2, and M2 transition rates for states of the 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 3}, 2s2p{sup 4}, and 2p{sup 5} configurations in nitrogen-like ions between F III and Kr XXX

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rynkun, P., E-mail: [Department of Physics and Information Technologies, Lithuanian University of Educational Science, Studentu 39, LT-08106 Vilnius (Lithuania); Jönsson, P. [Group for Materials Science and Applied Mathematics, Malmö University, 20506 Malmö (Sweden); Gaigalas, G. [Department of Physics and Information Technologies, Lithuanian University of Educational Science, Studentu 39, LT-08106 Vilnius (Lithuania); Vilnius University, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, A. Goštauto 12, LT-01108 Vilnius (Lithuania); Froese Fischer, C. [National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8420 (United States)


    Based on relativistic wavefunctions from multiconfiguration Dirac–Hartree–Fock and configuration interaction calculations, E1, M1, E2, and M2 transition rates, weighted oscillator strengths, and lifetimes are evaluated for the states of the (1s{sup 2})2s{sup 2}2p{sup 3},2s2p{sup 4}, and 2p{sup 5} configurations in all nitrogen-like ions between F III and Kr XXX. The wavefunction expansions include valence, core–valence, and core–core correlation effects through single–double multireference expansions to increasing sets of active orbitals. The computed energies agree very well with experimental values, with differences of only 300–600 cm{sup −1} for the majority of the levels and ions in the sequence. Computed transitions rates are in close agreement with available data from MCHF-BP calculations by Tachiev and Froese Fischer [G.I. Tachiev, C. Froese Fischer, A and A 385 (2002) 716].

  19. Evolutionary Game Theory-Based Evaluation of P2P File-Sharing Systems in Heterogeneous Environments

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    Yusuke Matsuda


    Full Text Available Peer-to-Peer (P2P file sharing is one of key technologies for achieving attractive P2P multimedia social networking. In P2P file-sharing systems, file availability is improved by cooperative users who cache and share files. Note that file caching carries costs such as storage consumption and processing load. In addition, users have different degrees of cooperativity in file caching and they are in different surrounding environments arising from the topological structure of P2P networks. With evolutionary game theory, this paper evaluates the performance of P2P file sharing systems in such heterogeneous environments. Using micro-macro dynamics, we analyze the impact of the heterogeneity of user selfishness on the file availability and system stability. Further, through simulation experiments with agent-based dynamics, we reveal how other aspects, for example, synchronization among nodes and topological structure, affect the system performance. Both analytical and simulation results show that the environmental heterogeneity contributes to the file availability and system stability.

  20. Study of the quasi-free scattering at the reaction 2H(p,2p)n at Esub(p)0 = 14.1 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Helten, H.J.


    The breakup reaction 2 H(p,2p)n was studied at Ep = 14.1 MeV in complete coincidence experiments on quasifree pp scattering in a systematic range of cinematic situations of the pp-subsystem for c.m. production angles between 90 0 and 140 0 and different violation of the quasifree condition as well on interferences with final-state interaction processes. The absolute differential breakup cross section was compared with approximate solutions of the Faddeev equations with separable s-wave potentials without explicite Coulomb interaction according to Ebenhoeh. The agreement is generally good referring to the form of the spectra, but the theoretical amplitude is in the mean 20% to high. The permanent independence of the quasifree breakup from the scattering parameter asub(pp) doesn't suggest to use this process for the determination of nn-scattering lengths from the mirror reaction 2 H(n,2n)p. (orig.)

  1. Chemical Separation Technique of Strontium-90 in the Soil Water as theStandard Methods for Environmental Radioactivity Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ngasifudin-Hamdani; Suratman; Djoko-Sardjono, Ign; Winduanto-Wahyu SP


    Research about separation technique of strontium-90 from its materialmatrix using chemical precipitation method has been done. That technique wasapplied on the detection of radionuclide strontium-90 containing in the soilwater of near nuclear reactor facility P3TM BATAN in three location. The twoimportant parameters used in this technique were growth time of Y-90 andstirring time. The result shown that activity of strontium-90 in the pos-01was between 1.801x10 -19 - 9.616x10 -17 μCi/cm 3 , pos-02 was8.448x10 -19 - 1.003x X 10 -16 μCi/cm 3 and pos-03 was 6.719x10 -19 - 11.644x10 -16 μCi/cm 3 . From those data shown that activity of Sr-90in the soil water of near nuclear reactor facility P3TM BATAN was still belowthe limit value of maximum concentration permitted i.e. 4.0x10 -7 -3.5x10 -6 μCi/cm 3 . The statistic test using analysis of varian twofactorial with random block design shown that the activity of Sr-90 in thesoil water was influenced by the interaction which take place between growthlong time of Y-90 and stirring long time. (author)

  2. Towards Accurate Node-Based Detection of P2P Botnets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chunyong Yin


    Full Text Available Botnets are a serious security threat to the current Internet infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a novel direction for P2P botnet detection called node-based detection. This approach focuses on the network characteristics of individual nodes. Based on our model, we examine node’s flows and extract the useful features over a given time period. We have tested our approach on real-life data sets and achieved detection rates of 99-100% and low false positives rates of 0–2%. Comparison with other similar approaches on the same data sets shows that our approach outperforms the existing approaches.

  3. A decision support model for investment on P2P lending platform. (United States)

    Zeng, Xiangxiang; Liu, Li; Leung, Stephen; Du, Jiangze; Wang, Xun; Li, Tao


    Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, as a novel economic lending model, has triggered new challenges on making effective investment decisions. In a P2P lending platform, one lender can invest N loans and a loan may be accepted by M investors, thus forming a bipartite graph. Basing on the bipartite graph model, we built an iteration computation model to evaluate the unknown loans. To validate the proposed model, we perform extensive experiments on real-world data from the largest American P2P lending marketplace-Prosper. By comparing our experimental results with those obtained by Bayes and Logistic Regression, we show that our computation model can help borrowers select good loans and help lenders make good investment decisions. Experimental results also show that the Logistic classification model is a good complement to our iterative computation model, which motivates us to integrate the two classification models. The experimental results of the hybrid classification model demonstrate that the logistic classification model and our iteration computation model are complementary to each other. We conclude that the hybrid model (i.e., the integration of iterative computation model and Logistic classification model) is more efficient and stable than the individual model alone.

  4. A decision support model for investment on P2P lending platform.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiangxiang Zeng

    Full Text Available Peer-to-peer (P2P lending, as a novel economic lending model, has triggered new challenges on making effective investment decisions. In a P2P lending platform, one lender can invest N loans and a loan may be accepted by M investors, thus forming a bipartite graph. Basing on the bipartite graph model, we built an iteration computation model to evaluate the unknown loans. To validate the proposed model, we perform extensive experiments on real-world data from the largest American P2P lending marketplace-Prosper. By comparing our experimental results with those obtained by Bayes and Logistic Regression, we show that our computation model can help borrowers select good loans and help lenders make good investment decisions. Experimental results also show that the Logistic classification model is a good complement to our iterative computation model, which motivates us to integrate the two classification models. The experimental results of the hybrid classification model demonstrate that the logistic classification model and our iteration computation model are complementary to each other. We conclude that the hybrid model (i.e., the integration of iterative computation model and Logistic classification model is more efficient and stable than the individual model alone.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muslimin Muslimin


    Full Text Available Optimalisasi produksi rumput laut memerlukan teknologi budidaya yang tepat. Rumput laut Sargassum sp. mudah mengalami kerontokan talus. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi perlunya kajian penerapan metode kantong untuk budidaya rumput laut Sargassum sp. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respons pertumbuhan rumput laut Sargassum sp. yang dibudidayakan dengan metode kantong pada beberapa tingkat kedalaman. Penelitian dilakukan di dua lokasi berbeda yakni perairan Kabupaten Pohuwato Provinsi Gorontalo dan perairan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Utara pada bulan Maret-Mei 2016. Desain penelitian menggunakan RAL faktorial yang terdiri atas faktor wadah kantong (tanpa kantong, wadah kantong dengan ukuran mata jaring 1,5; 0,75; dan 0,25 inci dan kedalaman (permukaan 0; 50; 100; 150; dan 200 cm masing-masing diulang lima kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor wadah kantong dan kedalaman, serta interaksi keduanya berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan rumput laut Sargassum sp. pada taraf uji 5% (P<0,05 di kedua lokasi penelitian. Pertumbuhan terbaik diperoleh dari perlakuan K0D0 (tanpa kantong dan di permukaan air sedangkan pertumbuhan terendah terjadi pada perlakuan K3D4 (kantong meshsize 0,25 inci pada kedalaman 200 cm. Bobot tertinggi di lokasi-I mencapai 235,8 g dan terendah 19,2 g; sedangkan di lokasi-II tertinggi 208,4 g dan terendah 42,2 g. Penggunaan kantong rumput laut kurang efektif dalam memacu pertumbuhan rumput laut Sargassum sp. Pertumbuhan sangat dipengaruhi oleh intensitas cahaya, karenanya budidaya Sargassum sp. perlu memperhatikan faktor kedalaman perairan yang berkorelasi dengan intensitas cahaya matahari. Optimization of seaweed production requires an appropriate cultivation technology. The thallus of Sargassum sp. is easy to break. This was the underlying reason to study the application of bag method in cultivating Sargassum sp. The research aimed to find out the growth response of Sargassum sp

  6. Oncogenic c-Myc-induced lymphomagenesis is inhibited non-redundantly by the p19Arf–Mdm2p53 and RP–Mdm2p53 pathways


    Meng, X; Carlson, NR; Dong, J; Zhang, Y


    The multifaceted oncogene c-Myc plays important roles in the development and progression of human cancer. Recent in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that the p19Arf–Mdm2p53 and the ribosomal protein (RP)–Mdm2p53 pathways are both essential in preventing oncogenic c-Myc-induced tumorigenesis. Disruption of each pathway individually by p19Arf deletion or by Mdm2C305F mutation, which disrupts RP-Mdm2 binding, accelerates Eμ-myc transgene-induced pre-B/B-cell lymphoma in mice at seemingly s...

  7. The diagnostic value of preoperative inflammatory markers in craniopharyngioma: a multicenter cohort study. (United States)

    Chen, Ming; Zheng, Shi-Hao; Yang, Min; Chen, Zhi-Hua; Li, Shi-Ting


    To compare the different levels of preoperative inflammatory markers in peripheral blood samples between craniopharyngioma (CP) and other sellar region tumors so as to explore their differential diagnostic value. The level of white blood cell (WBC), neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, platelet, albumin, neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR), derived NLR (dNLR), platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR), monocyte lymphocyte ratio (MLR) and prognostic nutritional index (PNI) were compared between the CP and other sellar region tumors. A receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis was performed to evaluate the diagnostic significance of the peripheral blood inflammatory markers and their paired combinations for CP including its pathological types. Patients with CP had higher levels of pre-operative WBC, lymphocyte and PNI. The papillary craniopharyngioma (PCP) group had higher neutrophil count and NLR than the adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma (ACP) and healthy control groups whereas the ACP group had higher platelet count and PNI than the PCP and healthy control groups. There were not any significant differences in preoperative inflammatory markers between the primary and recurrent CP groups. The AUC values of WBC, neutrophil, NLR + PLR and dNLR + PLR in PCP were all higher than 0.7. Inflammation seems to be closely correlated with CP's development. The preoperative inflammatory markers including WBC, neutrophil, NLR + PLR and dNLR + PLR may differentially diagnose PCP, pituitary tumor (PT) and Rathke cleft cyst (RCC). In addition, some statistical results in this study indirectly proved previous experimental conclusions and strictly matched CP's biological features.

  8. The 2H(p,2p)n reaction at 508 MeV. Part I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Punjabi, V.; Perdrisat, C.F.; Aniol, K.A.; Epstein, M.B.; Huber, J.P.; Margaziotis, D.J.; Bracco, A.; Davis, C.A.; Gubler, H.P.; Lee, W.P.; Poffenberger, P.R.; van Oers, W.T.H.; Postma, H.; Sebel, H.J.; Stetz, A.W.


    Differential cross sections for the reaction 2 H(p,2p)n at T p = 507 and 508 MeV are presented. The proton angle pairs chosen were 41.5 degrees with 41.4 and 50.0, 30.1 degrees with 44.0, 53,75, 61.0, and 68.0, 38.1 degrees -38.0 degrees, 44.1 degrees - 44.0 degrees, 47.1 degrees - 47.0 degrees and 50.0 degrees - 50.0 degrees. The data range over an energy window 100 MeV wide on one of the proton energies, the second energy being defined by the kinematic condition of a single neutron recoiling. The data are compared with the impulse approximation (IA) prediction and with the results of a nonrelativistic calculation of the six lowest-order Feynman diagrams describing the reaction. A previously known missing strength for the reaction in the small neutron recoil region is confirmed with much smaller experimental uncertainty; the missing strength persists up to 150 MeV/c neutron recoil. The onset of a systematic section excess relative to the IA near neutron recoil momentum 200 MeV is explored in detail. (Author) (37 refs., 17 figs.)

  9. Study of TiO2(1 1 0)-p(1x1), p(1x2) and p(1x3) surface structures by impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy (ICISS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asari, E.; Souda, R.


    The surface structure of TiO 2 (1 1 0)-p(1x1), p(1x2) and p(1x3) were studied using impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy (ICISS). We found that (i) the height of bridging oxygen for the p(1x1) is comparative to that of bulk structure, (ii) the p(1x2) surface has the added Ti 2 O 3 unit rows proposed by Onishi et al. and also the oxygen atoms rows between Ti 2 O 3 unit rows and (iii) the p(1x3) surface is constructed with the same added Ti 2 O 3 unit rows as that in the p(1x2) surface, but the bridging oxygen rows exist between the Ti 2 O 3 unit rows

  10. Frequency metrology on the 4s(2)S(1/2)-4p(2)P(1/2) transition in Ca-40(+) for a comparison with quasar data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wolf, A.L.; van den Berg, S.A.; Gohle, C.; Salumbides, E.J.; Ubachs, W.M.G.; Eikema, K.S.E.


    High accuracy frequency metrology on the 4s S 12 2 -4p P 12 2 transition in calcium ions is performed using laser cooled and crystallized ions in a linear Paul trap. Calibration is performed with a frequency comb laser, resulting in a transition frequency of f=755 222 766.2 (1.7) MHz. The accuracy

  11. Early prediction of coma recovery after cardiac arrest with blinded pupillometry. (United States)

    Solari, Daria; Rossetti, Andrea O; Carteron, Laurent; Miroz, John-Paul; Novy, Jan; Eckert, Philippe; Oddo, Mauro


    Prognostication studies on comatose cardiac arrest (CA) patients are limited by lack of blinding, potentially causing overestimation of outcome predictors and self-fulfilling prophecy. Using a blinded approach, we analyzed the value of quantitative automated pupillometry to predict neurological recovery after CA. We examined a prospective cohort of 103 comatose adult patients who were unconscious 48 hours after CA and underwent repeated measurements of quantitative pupillary light reflex (PLR) using the Neurolight-Algiscan device. Clinical examination, electroencephalography (EEG), somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP), and serum neuron-specific enolase were performed in parallel, as part of standard multimodal assessment. Automated pupillometry results were blinded to clinicians involved in patient care. Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC) at 1 year was the outcome endpoint. Survivors (n = 50 patients; 32 CPC 1, 16 CPC 2, 2 CPC 3) had higher quantitative PLR (median = 20 [range = 13-41] vs 11 [0-55] %, p < 0.0001) and constriction velocity (1.46 [0.85-4.63] vs 0.94 [0.16-4.97] mm/s, p < 0.0001) than nonsurvivors. At 48 hours, a quantitative PLR < 13% had 100% specificity and positive predictive value to predict poor recovery (0% false-positive rate), and provided equal performance to that of EEG and SSEP. Reduced quantitative PLR correlated with higher serum neuron-specific enolase (Spearman r = -0.52, p < 0.0001). Reduced quantitative PLR correlates with postanoxic brain injury and, when compared to standard multimodal assessment, is highly accurate in predicting long-term prognosis after CA. This is the first prognostication study to show the value of automated pupillometry using a blinded approach to minimize self-fulfilling prophecy. Ann Neurol 2017;81:804-810. © 2017 American Neurological Association.

  12. Effects of perinatal combined exposure to 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p'-DDE) and tributyltin (TBT) on rat female reproductive system. (United States)

    Makita, Yuji


    1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p'-DDE) is the most prevalent metabolite of DDT used as a pesticide before and tributyltin (TBT) compounds are used primarily as antifouling agents on vessels, ships, and aqua culture facilities, as they exert biocidal actions. Currently, p,p'-DDE and TBT are ubiquitously distributed in the environment and bio-accumulated in marine products, especially fish or shellfish. Thus, oral p,p'-DDE and TBT intake through marine products is demonstrated to be rather high in Japan. Consequently, the fetus and neonate will be exposed to p,p'-DDE and TBT via mother. Therefore, effects of perinatal combined exposure to p,p'-DDE and TBT on the female reproductive system after maturation have been investigated in rat female offspring of dams ingesting 125ppm p,p'-DDE (approximately 10mg/kg) and 25ppm TBT (approximately 2mg/kg) during the perinatal period from gestation to lactation. In the present study, no deleterious reproductive outcomes were recognized in p,p'-DDE and/or TBT-treated dams. In contrast, growth retardation had developed in rat female offspring following perinatal exposure to TBT and sustained even after cessation of exposures. Further, reduced ovarian weights with elevated serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations were observed in the reproductive system of matured female offspring following perinatal exposure to TBT. At present, biological relevance of these alterations remains unknown, but there is a possibility that these alterations lead to reproductive malfunctions in matured female offspring. Copyright © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Accuracy of methods for detecting an irregular pulse and suspected atrial fibrillation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Taggar, Jaspal S; Coleman, Tim; Lewis, Sarah; Heneghan, Carl; Jones, Matthew


    Pulse palpation has been recommended as the first step of screening to detect atrial fibrillation. We aimed to determine and compare the accuracy of different methods for detecting pulse irregularities caused by atrial fibrillation. We systematically searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and LILACS until 16 March 2015. Two reviewers identified eligible studies, extracted data and appraised quality using the QUADAS-2 instrument. Meta-analysis, using the bivariate hierarchical random effects method, determined average operating points for sensitivities, specificities, positive and negative likelihood ratios (PLR, NLR); we constructed summary receiver operating characteristic plots. Twenty-one studies investigated 39 interventions (n = 15,129 pulse assessments) for detecting atrial fibrillation. Compared to 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) diagnosed atrial fibrillation, blood pressure monitors (BPMs; seven interventions) and non-12-lead ECGs (20 interventions) had the greatest accuracy for detecting pulse irregularities attributable to atrial fibrillation (BPM: sensitivity 0.98 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.92-1.00), specificity 0.92 (95% CI 0.88-0.95), PLR 12.1 (95% CI 8.2-17.8) and NLR 0.02 (95% CI 0.00-0.09); non-12-lead ECG: sensitivity 0.91 (95% CI 0.86-0.94), specificity 0.95 (95% CI 0.92-0.97), PLR 20.1 (95% CI 12-33.7), NLR 0.09 (95% CI 0.06-0.14)). There were similar findings for smartphone applications (six interventions) although these studies were small in size. The sensitivity and specificity of pulse palpation (six interventions) were 0.92 (95% CI 0.85-0.96) and 0.82 (95% CI 0.76-0.88), respectively (PLR 5.2 (95% CI 3.8-7.2), NLR 0.1 (95% CI 0.05-0.18)). BPMs and non-12-lead ECG were most accurate for detecting pulse irregularities caused by atrial fibrillation; other technologies may therefore be pragmatic alternatives to pulse palpation for the first step of atrial fibrillation screening. © The European Society of Cardiology 2015.

  14. Dual pO2/pCO2 fibre optic sensing film. (United States)

    Davenport, John J; Hickey, Michelle; Phillips, Justin P; Kyriacou, Panayiotis A


    A fibre optic multi-sensor has been developed for biomedical sensing applications using a tip coating solution sensitive to both oxygen and carbon dioxide. An oxygen sensitive phosphorescence quenching complex based on platinum octaethylporphyrin (PtOEP) was combined with a carbon dioxide sensitive phosphorescence compound based on 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid trisodium salt (HPTS). When excited by blue light (470 nm), the resultant coating had two fluorescent peaks at 515 nm (green) and 645 nm (red) which responded to partial pressure of CO 2 and O 2 respectively. The sensor was tested in vitro and shown to be able to measure CO 2 and O 2 simultaneously and in real time, with calibration constants of 0.0384 kPa -1 and 0.309 kPa -1 respectively. The O 2 sensitive peak received some overlap from the 515 nm peak (0.38% of peak intensity) as well as some cross-sensitivity (maximum, 5.1 kPa pCO 2 gave a measurement equivalent to 0.43 kPa of O 2 , a ratio of 0.08 : 1). However, these effects can be subtracted from measurements and no significant cross-sensitivity or overlap was seen in CO 2 measurements from O 2 . This novel compound presents great potential for use in medical sensors and we expect it to be important to a wide range of future applications.

  15. V2 and cP/CP

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vikner, Sten; Christensen, Ken Ramshøj; Nyvad, Anne Mette


    As in Nyvad et al. (2017), we will explore a particular derivation of (embedded) V2, in terms of a cP/CP-distinction, which may be seen as a version of the CP-recursion analysis (de Haan & Weerman 1986; Vikner 1995 and many others). e idea is that because embedded V2 clauses do not allow extraction......, whereas other types of CP-recursion clauses do (Christensen et al. 2013a; 2013b; Christensen & Nyvad 2014), CP-recursion in embedded V2 is assumed to be fundamentally di erent from other kinds of CP-recursion, in that main clause V2 and embedded V2 involve a CP (“big CP”), whereas other clausal...... projections above IP are instances of cP (“little cP”)....

  16. New lanthanide hydrogen phosphites LnH (P03H)2 2H20

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Durand, J.; Tijani, N.; Cot, L.; Loukili, M.; Rafiq, M.


    LnH ((P0 3 H) 2 2H 2 0 is prepared from lanthanide oxide and phosphorous acid with Ln = La, Y, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er or Tm. By thermal gravimetric analysis LnH (P0 3 H) 2 and LnH 2 P 2 0 5 (P0 3 H) 2 are obtained. The three salts are orthorhombic. Parameters and space groups are given for the three salts of each lanthanide. 4 tabs., 13 refs

  17. Evidence for requirement of tyrosine phosphorylation in endothelial P2Y- and P2U- purinoceptor stimulation of prostacyclin release. (United States)

    Bowden, A.; Patel, V.; Brown, C.; Boarder, M. R.


    1. The release of prostacyclin (PGI2) from vascular endothelial cells is stimulated by ATP acting at G protein-coupled P2-purinoceptors. Here we investigate the hypothesis that tyrosine protein phosphorylations are involved in this response. 2. The use of Western blots with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies showed that 30 microM 2MeSATP (selective for P2Y-purinoceptors), 300 microM UTP (selective for P2U-purinoceptors) and 300 microM ATP (effective at both these purinoceptors), each stimulate the tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins in bovine cultured aortic endothelial cells. Each of these agonists also stimulates 6-keto PGF1 alpha accumulation in the medium (an index of PGI2 release) in these cells in the same period. 3. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor, genistein, inhibits the 6-keto PGF1 alpha response with the same concentration-dependency (1-100 microM) as the tyrosine phosphorylation response. 4. Tyrphostin, a structurally and functionally distinct tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is also a potent inhibitor (0.1-10 microM) of the 6-keto PGF1 alpha response. 5. Neither tyrphostin nor genistein inhibit the phospholipase C response to P2-purinoceptor stimulation. Furthermore, these inhibitors do not affect the 6-keto PGF1 alpha response to ionomycin. 6. These results show that the regulation of vascular endothelial cells by ATP acting at both P2Y- and P2U-purinoceptors involves the stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation, and suggest that this is a necessary event for the purinoceptor-mediated stimulation of PGI2 production. Images Figure 1 Figure 5 PMID:8590971

  18. Energy Dependence of Nuclear Transparency in C (p,2p) Scattering (United States)

    Leksanov, A.; Alster, J.; Asryan, G.; Averichev, Y.; Barton, D.; Baturin, V.; Bukhtoyarova, N.; Carroll, A.; Heppelmann, S.; Kawabata, T.; Makdisi, Y.; Malki, A.; Minina, E.; Navon, I.; Nicholson, H.; Ogawa, A.; Panebratsev, Yu.; Piasetzky, E.; Schetkovsky, A.; Shimanskiy, S.; Tang, A.; Watson, J. W.; Yoshida, H.; Zhalov, D.


    The transparency of carbon for (p,2p) quasielastic events was measured at beam momenta ranging from 5.9 to 14.5 GeV/c at 90° c.m. The four-momentum transfer squared (Q2) ranged from 4.7 to 12.7 (GeV/c)2. We present the observed beam momentum dependence of the ratio of the carbon to hydrogen cross sections. We also apply a model for the nuclear momentum distribution of carbon to obtain the nuclear transparency. We find a sharp rise in transparency as the beam momentum is increased to 9 GeV/c and a reduction to approximately the Glauber level at higher energies.

  19. Energy-Crossing and Its Effect on Lifetime of the 4s24p 2P3/2 Level for Highly Charged Ga-Like Ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan Jian-Zhong; Zhang Deng-Hong; Chang Zhi-Wei; Shi Ying-Long; Dong Chen-Zhong


    The multi-configuration Dirac—Fock method is employed to calculate the energy levels and transition probabilities for the electric dipole allowed (E1) and forbidden (M1, E2) lines for the 4s 2 4p, 4s4p 2 and 4s 2 4d configurations of highly charged Ga-like ions from Z = 68–95. The lifetimes of the 4s 2 4p 2 P 3/2 level of the ground configuration are also derived. Based on our calculations, it is found that the energy level of the 4s 2 4p 2 P 3/2 is higher than that of the 4s4p 2 4 P 1/2 for the high-Z Ga-like ions with Z ≥ 74, so as to generate an energy crossing at Z = 74. The effect of the energy crossing is important to the calculation of the 4s 2 4p 2 P 3/2 level lifetime for Ga-like ions with Z ≥ 74. (atomic and molecular physics)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Widjonarko Widjonarko


    Full Text Available Disaster is a real fact that sometimes less attention by both government and society. This is reflected from the hustle bustle of activity that occurs after the disaster compared with efforts to minimize the impact of disasters. Coexist with a culture of disaster has not become either by the government or the public. One push to institutionalize a culture coexist with disaster is to drive the community to better identify more closely the potential disaster and to encourage people to be able to map out the potential disaster in the environment around them.Kembang Arum Society in general does not fully know and understand the potential and landslide conditions in their neighborhood. The Community knew after the collapse of the cliff retaining embankments. People were not so attentive to cutting hills activities in surround them. This research resulted the map of lanslide situation. basedon that,  the society of Kembang Arum will be know that the existing condition will change in high risk of landslides in the long term,especially in areas with hills and steep slopes.

  1. The pH and pCO2 dependence of sulfate reduction in shallow-sea hydrothermal CO2 - venting sediments (Milos Island, Greece). (United States)

    Bayraktarov, Elisa; Price, Roy E; Ferdelman, Timothy G; Finster, Kai


    Microbial sulfate reduction (SR) is a dominant process of organic matter mineralization in sulfate-rich anoxic environments at neutral pH. Recent studies have demonstrated SR in low pH environments, but investigations on the microbial activity at variable pH and CO2 partial pressure are still lacking. In this study, the effect of pH and pCO2 on microbial activity was investigated by incubation experiments with radioactive (35)S targeting SR in sediments from the shallow-sea hydrothermal vent system of Milos, Greece, where pH is naturally decreased by CO2 release. Sediments differed in their physicochemical characteristics with distance from the main site of fluid discharge. Adjacent to the vent site (T ~40-75°C, pH ~5), maximal sulfate reduction rates (SRR) were observed between pH 5 and 6. SR in hydrothermally influenced sediments decreased at neutral pH. Sediments unaffected by hydrothermal venting (T ~26°C, pH ~8) expressed the highest SRR between pH 6 and 7. Further experiments investigating the effect of pCO2 on SR revealed a steep decrease in activity when the partial pressure increased from 2 to 3 bar. Findings suggest that sulfate reducing microbial communities associated with hydrothermal vent system are adapted to low pH and high CO2, while communities at control sites required a higher pH for optimal activity.

  2. A Local Scalable Distributed EM Algorithm for Large P2P Networks (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — his paper describes a local and distributed expectation maximization algorithm for learning parameters of Gaussian mixture models (GMM) in large peer-to-peer (P2P)...

  3. G-ROME : semantic-driven capacity sharing among P2P networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Exarchakos, G.; Antonopoulos, N.; Salter, J.


    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a model for sharing network capacity on demand among different underloaded and overloaded P2P ROME-enabled networks. The paper aims to target networks of nodes with highly dynamic workload fluctuations that may experience a burst of traffic and/or

  4. Accelerated FoxP2 evolution in echolocating bats.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gang Li

    Full Text Available FOXP2 is a transcription factor implicated in the development and neural control of orofacial coordination, particularly with respect to vocalisation. Observations that orthologues show almost no variation across vertebrates yet differ by two amino acids between humans and chimpanzees have led to speculation that recent evolutionary changes might relate to the emergence of language. Echolocating bats face especially challenging sensorimotor demands, using vocal signals for orientation and often for prey capture. To determine whether mutations in the FoxP2 gene could be associated with echolocation, we sequenced FoxP2 from echolocating and non-echolocating bats as well as a range of other mammal species. We found that contrary to previous reports, FoxP2 is not highly conserved across all nonhuman mammals but is extremely diverse in echolocating bats. We detected divergent selection (a change in selective pressure at FoxP2 between bats with contrasting sonar systems, suggesting the intriguing possibility of a role for FoxP2 in the evolution and development of echolocation. We speculate that observed accelerated evolution of FoxP2 in bats supports a previously proposed function in sensorimotor coordination.

  5. Associations between lifestyles and neutrophil-lymphocyte and platelet-lymphocyte ratios in colorectal cancer. (United States)

    Hong, Chuyuan; Wei, Yisheng; Jiang, Jianxin; Zhao, Chuxiong; Liang, Guojian; Wang, Guoqiang; Yang, Hui


    To explore the etiology of the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) abnormalities in colorectal cancer. In total, 230 patients with histopathologically confirmed colorectal cancer from August 2009 to August 2011 were recruited to our study. The associations between lifestyles (smoking, alcohol and pickled food consumption) and pretreatment NLR and PLR were estimated using the Kruskal-Wallis tests and linear regression model. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed a significant association between pickled food intake and pretreatment NLR but not PLR (P = 0.002, 0.057, respectively). Pairwise comparisons showed that, compared with those with a moderately frequent (2-3 times/week) and an infrequent (≤ once a week) intake of pickled food, high frequency (≥ four times/week) consumption of pickled food had a higher pretreatment NLR (P = 0.01, 0.007, respectively). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed pretreatment NLR increased significantly in high frequency (≥ four times/week) consumption of pickled food (P frequency intake of pickled food possibly contributes to higher NLR, which may reflect a systemic inflammatory response in colorectal cancer. © 2013 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  6. A novel energy-saving method for air-cooled chiller plant by parallel connection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Xiaosong; Xu Guoying; Chan, K.T.; Yi Xia


    A novel method was put forward for improving the energy efficiency of air-cooled water chiller plant operating on part load conditions. The conventional multiple-chiller plant was proposed to be integrated into one refrigeration cycle, by connecting those separate compressors, condensers and evaporators in parallel, respectively. The integrated multiple-chiller plant uses the electronic expansion valve to control refrigerant flow, achieving variable condensing temperature control. A prototype composed of four reciprocating compressors (including one variable-speed compressor), with total nominal cooling capacity of 120 kW was simulated and experimented. Both the simulative and experimental results indicated that applying this novel energy-saving method, the air-cooled chiller plant could get a significant performance improvement on various part load ratio (PLR) conditions, due to the apparent decrease of condensing temperature and some increase of evaporating temperature. Under the same outdoor temperature of 35 o C, when the PLR decreased from 100% to 50%, the COP increased by about 16.2% in simulation and 9.5% in experiment. Also, the practical refrigeration output ratio of the system was 55% on the condition of 50% PLR

  7. Peripheral nerve P2 basic protein and the Guillain-Barre syndrome : In vitro demonstration of P2-specific antibody-secreting cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Luijten, J.A.F.M.; Jong, W.A.C. de; Demel, R.A.; Heijnen, C.J.; Ballieux, R.E.


    An immune response to the peripheral nerve basic protein P2 may be operative in the pathogenesis of the Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). A method is described for the purification of P2 of human origin. Purified P2 was used to investigate whether lymphocytes derived from peripheral blood of GBS

  8. The subcellular distribution of the human ribosomal "stalk" components: P1, P2 and P0 proteins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tchórzewski, Marek; Krokowski, Dawid; Rzeski, Wojciech


    The ribosomal "stalk" structure is a distinct lateral protuberance located on the large ribosomal subunit in prokaryotic, as well as in eukaryotic cells. In eukaryotes, this ribosomal structure is composed of the acidic ribosomal P proteins, forming two hetero-dimers (P1/P2) attached...

  9. P2X7 receptors in satellite glial cells mediate high functional expression of P2X3 receptors in immature dorsal root ganglion neurons

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    Chen Yong


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The purinergic P2X3 receptor (P2X3R expressed in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG sensory neuron and the P2X7 receptor (P2X7R expressed in the surrounding satellite glial cell (SGC are two major receptors participating in neuron-SGC communication in adult DRGs. Activation of P2X7Rs was found to tonically reduce the expression of P2X3Rs in DRGs, thus inhibiting the abnormal pain behaviors in adult rats. P2X receptors are also actively involved in sensory signaling in developing rodents. However, very little is known about the developmental change of P2X7Rs in DRGs and the interaction between P2X7Rs and P2X3Rs in those animals. We therefore examined the expression of P2X3Rs and P2X7Rs in postnatal rats and determined if P2X7R-P2X3R control exists in developing rats. Findings We immunostained DRGs of immature rats and found that P2X3Rs were expressed only in neurons and P2X7Rs were expressed only in SGCs. Western blot analyses indicated that P2X3R expression decreased while P2X7R expression increased with the age of rats. Electrophysiological studies showed that the number of DRG neurons responding to the stimulation of the P2XR agonist, α,β-meATP, was higher and the amplitudes of α,β-meATP-induced depolarizations were larger in immature DRG neurons. As a result, P2X3R-mediated flinching responses were much more pronounced in immature rats than those found in adult rats. When we reduced P2X7R expression with P2X7R-siRNA in postnatal and adult rats, P2X3R-mediated flinch responses were greatly enhanced in both rat populations. Conclusions These results show that the P2X7R expression increases as rats age. In addition, P2X7Rs in SGCs exert inhibitory control on the P2X3R expression and function in sensory neurons of immature rats, just as observed in adult rats. Regulation of P2X7R expression is likely an effective way to control P2X3R activity and manage pain relief in infants.

  10. Multilevel Bloom Filters for P2P Flows Identification Based on Cluster Analysis in Wireless Mesh Network

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    Xia-an Bi


    Full Text Available With the development of wireless mesh networks and distributed computing, lots of new P2P services have been deployed and enrich the Internet contents and applications. The rapid growth of P2P flows brings great pressure to the regular network operation. So the effective flow identification and management of P2P applications become increasingly urgent. In this paper, we build a multilevel bloom filters data structure to identify the P2P flows through researches on the locality characteristics of P2P flows. Different level structure stores different numbers of P2P flow rules. According to the characteristics values of the P2P flows, we adjust the parameters of the data structure of bloom filters. The searching steps of the scheme traverse from the first level to the last level. Compared with the traditional algorithms, our method solves the drawbacks of previous schemes. The simulation results demonstrate that our algorithm effectively enhances the performance of P2P flows identification. Then we deploy our flow identification algorithm in the traffic monitoring sensors which belong to the network traffic monitoring system at the export link in the campus network. In the real environment, the experiment results demonstrate that our algorithm has a fast speed and high accuracy to identify the P2P flows; therefore, it is suitable for actual deployment.

  11. LMFBR transducer performance in SLSF tests P1 and P2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    English, J.J.; Anderson, T.T.; Kuzay, T.M.; Wilson, R.E.; Pedersen, D.R.; Kaiser, W.C.; Klingler, W.B.


    The reliability and problem areas of sodium-immersed thermocouples, pressure transducers and flowmeters are presented for experiments P1 and P2 of the Sodium Loop Safety Facility (SLSF). The SLSF is a doubly-contained sodium loop situated in a core position of the Engineering Test Reactor at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

  12. Equations for effective nuclear fields taking account of 2p2h configurations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamerdzhiev, S.P.


    Equations taking into account 1p1h and 2p2h configurations were obta+ned by means of effective fields in the nucleus. The consideration is restricted by the even-even Fermi system only with particle-hole interaction and by the first order with respect to an external field, which corresponds to the case of an even-even nucleus without pairing in a weak external field. The principal results of the investigation are as follows: a set of equations for effective fields V 2 and V 4 is obtained by the Green function method; the solutxon of the set makes it possible to consider 1p1h and 2p2h configurations consecutively and dispense with the Hartree-Fock self-consistence. The equations for V 2 and V 4 can be used to obtain quantum equations taking into account 2p2h configurations and their effect on 1p1h states. Allowance for integration regions far removed from the Fermi surface results in the appearance of the V 4 0 seed portion in the V 4 effective field. Taking into account 2p2h configurations at V 4 0 not equal to 0 changes the form of the seed multipole operator of a nucleus; a new term appears in the expression for transition probability. As a rule, the V 4 0 value was neglected in investigations dealing with the 2p2h configuration

  13. 1H-MRS evaluation of breast lesions by using total choline signal-to-noise ratio as an indicator of malignancy: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Wang, Xin; Wang, Xiang Jiang; Song, Hui Sheng; Chen, Long Hua


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the use of total choline signal-to-noise ratio (tCho SNR) criteria in MRS studies for benign/malignant discrimination of focal breast lesions. We conducted (1) a meta-analysis based on 10 studies including 480 malignant breast lesions and 312 benign breast lesions and (2) a subgroup meta-analysis of tCho SNR ≥ 2 as cutoff for malignancy based on 7 studies including 371 malignant breast lesions and 239 benign breast lesions. (1) The pooled sensitivity and specificity of proton MRS with tCho SNR were 0.74 (95 % CI 0.69-0.77) and 0.76 (95 % CI 0.71-0.81), respectively. The PLR and NLR were 3.67 (95 % CI 2.30-5.83) and 0.25 (95 % CI 0.14-0.42), respectively. From the fitted SROC, the AUC and Q* index were 0.89 and 0.82. Publication bias was present (t = 2.46, P = 0.039). (2) Meta-regression analysis suggested that neither threshold effect nor evaluated covariates including strength of field, pulse sequence, TR and TE were sources of heterogeneity (all P value >0.05). (3) Subgroup meta-analysis: The pooled sensitivity and specificity were 0.79 and 0.72, respectively. The PLR and NLR were 3.49 and 0.20, respectively. The AUC and Q* index were 0.92 and 0.85. The use of tCho SNR criteria in MRS studies was helpful for differentiation between malignant and benign breast lesions. However, pooled diagnostic measures might be overestimated due to publication bias. A tCho SNR ≥ 2 as cutoff for malignancy resulted in higher diagnostic accuracy.

  14. Bis{2-[(diisopropylphosphanylamino]pyridine-κ2N1,P}copper(I hexafluoridophosphate

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    Özgür Öztopcu


    Full Text Available The crystal structure of the title compound, [Cu(C11H19N2P2]PF6, is composed of discrete [Cu(PN-iPr2]+ cations [PN-iPr is 2-(diisopropylphosphanylaminopyridine] and PF6− anions. The Cu(I atom is bis-chelated by two independent PN-iPr ligands. It has a distorted tetrahedral coordination by two P atoms [Cu—P = 2.2277 (4 and 2.2257 (4 Å] and two pyridine N atoms [Cu—N = 2.0763 (11 and 2.0845 (12 Å]. Bond angles about Cu vary from 85.11 (3 (P—Cu—N to 130.37 (2° (P—Cu—P. In the crystal, N—H...F hydrogen bonds link the Cu complexes and the PF6− anions into continuous chains, which show a cross-bedded spatial arrangement. In addition, several weaker C—H...F interactions contribute to the coherence of the structure.

  15. A study of the Ne 2s2p{sup 5}({sup 3}P)3s and 3p correlation satellites up to 75 eV above threshold

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yarzhemsky, V G [RAS Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Moscow (Russian Federation); Amusia, M Ya [Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel); Bolognesi, P; Avaldi, L, E-mail: lorenzo.avaldi@imip.cnr.i [CNR-Istituto di Metodologie Inorganiche e dei Plasmi, Area della Ricerca di Roma 1, CP 10, 00016 Monterotondo Scalo (Italy)


    The 2s2p{sup 5}({sup 3}P)3s {sup 2}P, 3p {sup 2}D and {sup 2}S satellite states of neon have been studied at several energies from 5 to 75 eV above their respective thresholds. The relative intensities of the satellite states with respect to their main lines shed light on the nature of the many-electron correlations leading to the formation of these satellites. The experimental results are compared with a calculation which makes use of a random phase approximation with exchange (RPAE) cross sections, and takes into account the shake-up and direct knock-out channels as well as their interference.

  16. Detecting P2P Botnet in Software Defined Networks

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    Shang-Chiuan Su


    Full Text Available Software Defined Network separates the control plane from network equipment and has great advantage in network management as compared with traditional approaches. With this paradigm, the security issues persist to exist and could become even worse because of the flexibility on handling the packets. In this paper we propose an effective framework by integrating SDN and machine learning to detect and categorize P2P network traffics. This work provides experimental evidence showing that our approach can automatically analyze network traffic and flexibly change flow entries in OpenFlow switches through the SDN controller. This can effectively help the network administrators manage related security problems.

  17. Using of P2P Networks for Acceleration of RTE Tasks Solving

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    Adrian Iftene


    Full Text Available In the last years the computational Grids have become an important research area in large-scale scientific and engineering research. Our approach is based on Peer-to-peer (P2P networks, which are recognized as one of most used architectures in order to achieve scalability in key components of Grid systems. The main scope in using of a computational Grid was to improve the computational speed of systems that solve complex problems from Natural Language processing field. We will see how can be implemented a computational Grid using the P2P model, and how can be used SMB protocol for file transfer. After that we will see how we can use this computational Grid, in order to improve the computational speed of a system used in RTE competition [1], a new complex challenge from Natural Language processing field.

  18. Electronic structure and X-ray spectroscopic properties of YbNi_2P_2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shcherba, I.D.; Bekenov, L.V.; Antonov, V.N.; Noga, H.; Uskokovic, D.; Zhak, O.; Kovalska, M.V.


    Highlights: • We present new experimental and theoretical data for YbNi_2P_2. • The presence of divalent and trivalent Yb ion found in YbNi_2P_2. • The calculation show good agreement with the experimental measurements. - Abstract: X-ray absorption spectrum at the Yb L_3 edge and X-ray emission spectra of Ni and P at the K and L_2_,_3 edges have been studied experimentally and theoretically in the mixed valent compound YbNi_2P_2 with ThCr_2Si_2 type crystal structure. The electronic structure of YbNi_2P_2 is investigated using the fully relativistic Dirac linear muffin-tin orbital (LMTO) band-structure method. The effect of the spin–orbit (SO) interaction and Coulomb repulsion U on the electronic structure of YbNi_2P_2 is examined in the frame of the LSDA + SO + U method. The core-hole effect in the final states as well as the effect of the electric quadrupole E_2 transitions have been investigated. A good agreement between the theory and the experiment was found. Both the trivalent and the divalent Yb ions in YbNi_2P_2 are reflected in the experimentally measured Yb L_3 X-ray absorption spectrum simultaneously. We found that the best agreement between the experimental spectrum and sum of the theoretically calculated Yb"2"+ and Yb"3"+ spectra is achieved with 73% ytterbium ions in 2+ state and 27% ions in 3+ state.

  19. RNAi-mediated pinoresinol lariciresinol reductase gene silencing in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seed coat: consequences on lignans and neolignans accumulation. (United States)

    Renouard, Sullivan; Tribalatc, Marie-Aude; Lamblin, Frederic; Mongelard, Gaëlle; Fliniaux, Ophélie; Corbin, Cyrielle; Marosevic, Djurdjica; Pilard, Serge; Demailly, Hervé; Gutierrez, Laurent; Hano, Christophe; Mesnard, François; Lainé, Eric


    RNAi technology was applied to down regulate LuPLR1 gene expression in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seeds. This gene encodes a pinoresinol lariciresinol reductase responsible for the synthesis of (+)-secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), the major lignan accumulated in the seed coat. If flax lignans biological properties and health benefits are well documented their roles in planta remain unclear. This loss of function strategy was developed to better understand the implication of the PLR1 enzyme in the lignan biosynthetic pathway and to provide new insights on the functions of these compounds. RNAi plants generated exhibited LuPLR1 gene silencing as demonstrated by quantitative RT-PCR experiments and the failed to accumulate SDG. The accumulation of pinoresinol the substrate of the PLR1 enzyme under its diglucosylated form (PDG) was increased in transgenic seeds but did not compensate the overall loss of SDG. The monolignol flux was also deviated through the synthesis of 8-5' linked neolignans dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol glucoside (DCG) and dihydro-dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol glucoside (DDCG) which were observed for the first time in flax seeds. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  20. Calculations of resonances parameters for the ((2s2) 1Se, (2s2p) 1,3P0) and ((3s2) 1Se, (3s3p) 1,3P0) doubly excited states of helium-like ions with Z≤10 using a complex rotation method implemented in Scilab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gning, Youssou; Sow, Malick; Traoré, Alassane; Dieng, Matabara; Diakhate, Babacar; Biaye, Mamadi; Wagué, Ahmadou


    In the present work a special computational program Scilab (Scientific Laboratory) in the complex rotation method has been used to calculate resonance parameters of ((2s 2 ) 1 S e , (2s2p) 1,3 P 0 ) and ((3s 2 ) 1 S e , (3s3p) 1,3 P 0 ) states of helium-like ions with Z≤10. The purpose of this study required a mathematical development of the Hamiltonian applied to Hylleraas wave function for intrashell states, leading to analytical expressions which are carried out under Scilab computational program. Results are in compliance with recent theoretical calculations. - Highlights: • Resonance energy and widths computed for doubly excited states of helium-like ions. • Well-comparable results to the theoretical literature values up to Z=10. • Satisfactory agreements with theoretical calculations for widths

  1. Review of Brookhaven nuclear transparency measurements in (p, 2p) reactions at large Q2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carroll, Alan S.


    In this contribution we summarize the results of two experiments to measure the transparency of nuclei in the (p, 2p) quasi-elastic scattering process near 90 deg in the pp center-of-mass. The incident momenta went from 6 to 14.4 GeV/c, corresponding to 4.8 2 2 . First, we describe the measurements with the newer experiment, E850, which has more complete kinematic definition of quasi-elastic events. E850 covers a larger range of incident momenta, and thus provides more information regarding the nature of the unexpected fall in the transparency above 9 GeV/c. Second, we review the techniques used in an earlier experiment, E834, and show that the two experiments are consistent for the carbon data. We use the transparencies measured in the five nuclei from Li to Pb to set limits on the rate of expansion for protons involved in quasi-elastic scattering at large momentum transfer. (author)

  2. Investigation of the interactions of critical scale-up parameters (pH, pO2 and pCO2) on CHO batch performance and critical quality attributes. (United States)

    Brunner, Matthias; Fricke, Jens; Kroll, Paul; Herwig, Christoph


    Understanding process parameter interactions and their effects on mammalian cell cultivations is an essential requirement for robust process scale-up. Furthermore, knowledge of the relationship between the process parameters and the product critical quality attributes (CQAs) is necessary to satisfy quality by design guidelines. So far, mainly the effect of single parameters on CQAs was investigated. Here, we present a comprehensive study to investigate the interactions of scale-up relevant parameters as pH, pO 2 and pCO 2 on CHO cell physiology, process performance and CQAs, which was based on design of experiments and extended product quality analytics. The study used a novel control strategy in which process parameters were decoupled from each other, and thus allowed their individual control at defined set points. Besides having identified the impact of single parameters on process performance and product quality, further significant interaction effects of process parameters on specific cell growth, specific productivity and amino acid metabolism could be derived using this method. Concerning single parameter effects, several monoclonal antibody (mAb) charge variants were affected by process pCO 2 and pH. N-glycosylation analysis showed positive correlations between mAb sialylation and high pH values as well as a relationship between high mannose variants and process pH. This study additionally revealed several interaction effects as process pH and pCO 2 interactions on mAb charge variants and N-glycosylation pattern. Hence, through our process control strategy and multivariate investigation, novel significant process parameter interactions and single effects were identified which have to be taken into account especially for process scale-up.

  3. Manejo de Identidades en Sistemas P2P Basado en DHT

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    Ricardo Villanueva


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta las redes P2P, donde se analizara la manera en la cual los nodos se relacionan entre sí y de que forma en la cual se distribuyen al entrar a la red.  Cada nodo al crear una red o unirse a una ya existente posee un identificador el cual da origen a la manera en la que se distribuyen los siguientes nodos que se unirán a la red, la falla radica en que uno de los nodos ya enlazados a la red existente pueden ser maliciosos y originar puntos de ataque a la red afectando la confidencialidad de la información distribuida entre los demás nodos de la red o modificar el enrutamiento de la información suministrada a través de la capa de aplicación, ya que estos nodos solo con el hecho de estar en la red son responsables de la comunicación que se realiza entre ciertos nodos localizados en el anillo. Se indicaran detalladamente los procesos de conexión, comunicación y estabilización de los nodos por medio de la simulación de las redes P2P en ovelay weaver, mostrando consigo las características y resultados de la simulación.   Abstract This paper contains information relating to what concerns the networks P2P, there was analyzed the way in which the nodes relate between yes and of which it forms the organization in which they are distributed on having entered to the network. Every node on having created a network or to join the already existing one possesses an identifier which gives origin to the way in which there are distributed the following nodes that will join the network, The fault takes root in that one of the nodes already connected to the existing network they can be malicious and in originating points of assault to the network affecting the confidentiality of the information distributed between other nodes of the network or to modify the routing of the information supplied across the cap of application, since these nodes only with the fact of being in the network are responsible for the communication that is

  4. Proceedings of national seminar neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agus Taftazani; Muhayatun Santoso; Budi Haryanto; Khatarina Oginawati


    Proceedings of national seminar neutron activation analysis in 2010 with the theme of the Role of Nuclear Analytical Techniques in the Field of Environment, Health and Industry. The seminar was organized by Indonesians Neutron Activation Analysis and BATAN Forum. These proceedings contain the result of environmental research in BATAN, universities and institutions associated with the application on neutron activation analysis technique. The purpose of these proceedings was as a useful source of information to spur research and development of activation analysis applications in various fields for the Indonesian welfare. There are 40 articles. (PPIKSN).

  5. Current status of neutron scattering research and accelerator technology in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ridwan; Ikram, Abarul; Wuryanto


    The neutron beam generated from steady state reactor 30 MW RSG-GAS are used mainly for neutron scattering studies and isotope production. There are seven neutron scattering facilities under responsible and operated by Research and Development Center for Materials Science and Technology of National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) of Indonesia. In this report, current conditions of the facilities namely, DN1-M, HRPD, FCD/TD, SANS, HRSANS, TAS and NRF and research activities will be described. Also, a part of research activities by using accelerator technology at Batan-Yogyakarta will be reviewed. (author)

  6. Proceedings of a Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology. 1999/2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suhadi, F.; Ismachin, Moch; Manurung, Simon


    Proceedings of scientific meeting on research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology has been presented on Feb 23-24 2000. This activity for a routine activity that was held by Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology to disseminate research and development results of BATAN activity. The Scientific meeting is an information exchange facility among researcher manager and industrialist for using isotope technology in industry efficiency. The proceeding consist of 6 article from keynotes' speaker and 39 articles from BATAN participant as well as outside. The articles is indexing separately

  7. Duplication of 17(p11.2p11.2) in a male child with autism and severe language delay. (United States)

    Nakamine, Alisa; Ouchanov, Leonid; Jiménez, Patricia; Manghi, Elina R; Esquivel, Marcela; Monge, Silvia; Fallas, Marietha; Burton, Barbara K; Szomju, Barbara; Elsea, Sarah H; Marshall, Christian R; Scherer, Stephen W; McInnes, L Alison


    Duplications of 17(p11.2p11.2) have been associated with various behavioral manifestations including attention deficits, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, autistic traits, and language delay. We are conducting a genetic study of autism and are screening all cases for submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities, in addition to standard karyotyping, and fragile X testing. Using array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis of data from the Affymetrix GeneChip(R) Human Mapping Array set, we detected a duplication of approximately 3.3 Mb on chromosome 17p11.2 in a male child with autism and severe expressive language delay. The duplication was confirmed by measuring the copy number of genomic DNA using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Gene expression analyses revealed increased expression of three candidate genes for the Smith-Magenis neurobehavioral phenotype, RAI1, DRG2, and RASD1, in transformed lymphocytes from Case 81A, suggesting gene dosage effects. Our results add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that duplications of 17(p11.2p11.2) result in language delay as well as autism and related phenotypes. As Smith-Magenis syndrome is also associated with language delay, a gene involved in acquisition of language may lie within this interval. Whether a parent of origin effect, gender of the case, the presence of allelic variation, or changes in expression of genes outside the breakpoints influence the resultant phenotype remains to be determined. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  8. P2X4: A fast and sensitive purinergic receptor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaanus Suurväli


    Full Text Available Extracellular nucleotides have been recognized as important mediators of activation, triggering multiple responses via plasma membrane receptors known as P2 receptors. P2 receptors comprise P2X ionotropic receptors and G protein-coupled P2Y receptors. P2X receptors are expressed in many tissues, where they are involved in a number of functions including synaptic transmission, muscle contraction, platelet aggregation, inflammation, macrophage activation, differentiation and proliferation, neuropathic and inflammatory pain. P2X4 is one of the most sensitive purinergic receptors (at nanomolar ATP concentrations, about one thousand times more than the archetypal P2X7. P2X4 is widely expressed in central and peripheral neurons, in microglia, and also found in various epithelial tissues and endothelial cells. It localizes on the plasma membrane, but also in intracellular compartments. P2X4 is preferentially localized in lysosomes, where it is protected from proteolysis by its glycosylation. High ATP concentration in the lysosomes does not activate P2X4 at low pH; P2X4 gets activated by intra-lysosomal ATP only in its fully dissociated tetra-anionic form, when the pH increases to 7.4. Thus, P2X4 is functioning as a Ca2+-channel after the fusion of late endosomes and lysosomes. P2X4 modulates major neurotransmitter systems and regulates alcohol-induced responses in microglia. P2X4 is one of the key receptors mediating neuropathic pain. However, injury-induced upregulation of P2X4 expression is gender dependent and plays a key role in pain difference between males and females. P2X4 is also involved in inflammation. Extracellular ATP being a pro-inflammatory molecule, P2X4 can trigger inflammation in response to high ATP release. It is therefore involved in multiple pathologies, like post-ischemic inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, airways inflammation in asthma, neurodegenerative diseases and even metabolic syndrome. Although P2X4 remains poorly

  9. Effective nucleon-nucleon t matrix in the (p,2p) reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudo, Y.; Kanayama, N.; Wakasugi, T.


    The cross sections and the analyzing powers for the /sup 40/Ca(p-arrow-right,2p) reactions at E/sub p/ = 76.1, 101.3, and 200 MeV are calculated in the distorted-wave impulse approximation using the Love-Franey effective nucleon-nucleon interaction. It is shown that the calculated individual contributions of the central, spin-orbit, and tensor parts in the Love-Franey interaction to the cross sections and the analyzing powers strongly depend on the incident proton energies. The spectroscopic factors extracted are consistent with the other reaction studies

  10. Comparing manually-developed and data-driven rules for P2P learning

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Loots, L


    Full Text Available Phoneme-to-phoneme (P2P) learning provides a mechanism for predicting the pronunciation of a word based on its pronunciation in a different accent, dialect or language. The authors evaluate the effectiveness of manually-developed as well...

  11. NMR studies of the helical antiferromagnetic compound EuCo2P2 (United States)

    Higa, N.; Ding, Q.-P.; Kubota, F.; Uehara, H.; Yogi, M.; Furukawa, Y.; Sangeetha, N. S.; Johnston, D. C.; Nakamura, A.; Hedo, M.; Nakama, T.; Ōnuki, Y.


    In EuCo2P2, 4f electron spins of Eu2+ ions order antiferromagnetically below a Néel temperature TN = 66.5 K . The magnetic structure below TN was reported to be helical with the helix axis along the c-axis from the neutron diffraction study. We report the results of 153Eu, 59Co and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on EuCo2P2 using a single crystal and a powdered sample. In the antiferromagnetic (AFM) state, we succeeded in observing 153Eu, 59Co and 31P NMR spectra in zero magnetic field. The sharp 153Eu zero field NMR (ZF NMR) lines indicate homogeneous Eu ordered moment. The 59Co and 31P ZF NMR spectra showed an asymmetric spectral shape, indicating a distribution of the internal magnetic induction at each nuclear position. The AFM propagation vector k characterizing the helical AFM state can be determined from the internal magnetic induction at Co site. We have determined the model-independent value of the AFM propagation vector k distributed from (0, 0, 0.86)2π/c to (0, 0, 0.73)2π/c, where c is the lattice parameter.

  12. Formation of Co2P in the combustion regime

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muchaik, S.V.; Dubrov, A.N.; Lynchak, K.A.


    Combustion of the system Co-P produces the compounds Co 2 P, CoP and CoP 3 , the first two being producible in the combustion regime, while for synthesis of stoichiometric Co 2 P at normal argon pressure, an original mixture with a certain excess of phosphorus is required. The present experiments were performed with electrolytic cobalt powder and red phosphorus. As the Co-P mixture is diluted by the final product (Co 2 P) there is a decrease in combustion temperature and rate, unaccompanied by any of the anomalies seen with dilution by cobalt. It can be suggested that although the combustion in the Co-P system and, possibly, i-- other phosphide systems, is not gasless in its kinetic aspects the combustion mechanism is similar to that in gasless systems. It is shown that formation of the phosphide Co=3''P and specimens wyth composition Co-Co 2 P in the combustion regime occurs with participation of a lIqui] phase of eutectic composition. Combustion occurs in a self-oscillating regime. The temperature for Co 2 P formation is close to its melting point, and the process activation energy comprises 205 kJ/mole


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    Carlos F. Rivas


    Full Text Available The surface of TiO2 was modified with the nucleotides adenosine 3’-monophosphate (AMP’3 and Adenosine 5’-monophosphate (AMP’5. The adsorption of nucleotides was adjusted to Langmuir ́s adsorption model, determining that the optimal condition for TiO 2 modification was at neutral pH. UV-Visible Diffuse Reflectance and IR Attenuated Total Reflectance spectra show that the chemisorption of nucleotides take placed on TiO 2 anatase. The new catalysts (TiO 2 -nucleotide improved the photodegradation of p -nitrophenol in a wide range of pH as compared with the titanium dioxide precursor. Most photoactivity was generated by using the new photocatalytic in the degradation of p -nitrophenol at pH = 6, obtaining high values for the pseudo first order kinetic constant (0.0254 min -1 and 0.0244 min -1 for TiO 2 -AMP’3 and TiO 2 -AMP’5, respectively. For all pH, the trend obtained for the photodegradation was: TiO 2 -AMP ́3 @ TiO 2 -AMP’5 > TiO 2 . Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics shows that the contribution of the surface reac tion rate governs the oxidation of the contaminant.

  14. Testing a Cloud Provider Network for Hybrid P2P and Cloud Streaming Architectures


    Cerviño Arriba, Javier; Rodríguez, Pedro; Trajkovska, Irena; Mozo Velasco, Alberto; Salvachúa Rodríguez, Joaquín


    The number of online real-time streaming services deployed over network topologies like P2P or centralized ones has remarkably increased in the recent years. This has revealed the lack of networks that are well prepared to respond to this kind of traffic. A hybrid distribution network can be an efficient solution for real-time streaming services. This paper contains the experimental results of streaming distribution in a hybrid architecture that consist of mixed connections among P2P and Clou...

  15. Alfalfa mosaic virus replicase proteins P1 and P2 interact and colocalize at the vacuolar membrane

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijden, van der M.W.; Carette, J.E.; Reinhoud, P.J.; Haegi, A.; Bol, J.F.


    Replication of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) RNAs depends on the virus-encoded proteins P1 and P2. P1 contains methyltransferase- and helicase-like domains, and P2 contains a polymerase-like domain. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed an interaction between in vitro translated-P1 and P2 and

  16. Synthesis of CaO-SiO2-P2O5 mesoporous bioactive glasses with high P2O5 content by evaporation induced self assembly process. (United States)

    Zhao, Shan; Li, Yanbao; Li, Dongxu


    Mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBGs) of the CaO-SiO(2)-P(2)O(5) system containing relatively high P(2)O(5) contents (10-30 mol%) were prepared from a sol-gel. An evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) technique was used with poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(propylene oxide)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (EO(20)-PO(70)-EO(20), P123) acting as a template. The structural, morphological and textural properties of MBGs were investigated by small-angle X-ray diffraction (SAXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and a N(2) sorption/desorption technique. SAXRD and TEM results display the reduced long-range ordering of mesopores with increasing P(2)O(5) content. N(2) sorption/desorption analysis shows that all three samples exhibit a type IV isotherm with type H1 hysteresis loops, characteristic of independent cylindrical slim pore channels and this material has a Barret-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) model pore size of ~4 nm and BET specific surface area ~430 m(2)/g. NMR results indicate a more condensed framework for samples with 30 mol% P(2)O(5) than samples with 10 mol% P(2)O(5). For in vitro bioactivity tests where samples were soaked in simulated body fluid (SBF), samples with 30 mol% P(2)O(5) showed higher crystallinity than those with lower P(2)O(5) contents Silicon concentration increased in SBF solution during the soaking period, which indicates MBGs can be degradable in SBF solution.

  17. Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio as Novel Markers for Diagnosis of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Amin Bahrami


    Full Text Available Background: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL is a common otologic disease characterized by a loss of hearing greater than 30 dB in three consecutive frequen­cies which occurs in less than 72 hours. Objective: To investigate the role of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR on sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL. Search strategy: A PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, OVID, EMBASE and Google Scholar search (date last searched April 2016 without any time, language and location restriction was done. Inclusion criteria: All case-control studies, which have been investigated the relationship of NLR and PLR with the occurrence of SSNHL were included in our meta-analysis. Results: A total of 5 case-control studies were included in the study. All 5 studies have been reported NLR of patients and control groups (611 patients and 804 controls. Our analysis showed that the mean NLR of patients is 1.12 (0.82-1.43 unit higher than that of controls with 95% CI which is statistically significant. Also, 3 studies have been reported PLR of patients and control groups (512 patients and 705 controls. Our analysis showed that the mean PLR of patients is 0.57 (0.08-1.05 unit higher than that of controls with 95% CI which is statistically significant too. Conclusions: This meta-analysis confirmed the relationship of NLR and PLR with SSNHL. Therefore, these parameters can be considered as new markers in diagnosis of SSNHL. 

  18. Analysis Of Temperature Effects On Reactivity Of The Rsg-Gas Core Using Silicide Fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Surbakti, Tukiran; Pinem, Surian


    RSG-GAS has been operating using new silicide fuels so that it is necessary to estimate and to measure the effect of temperature on reactivity of the core. The parameters to be determined due to temperature effect are reactivity coefficient of moderator temperature, temperature coefficient of fuel element and power reactivity coefficient. By doing a couple compensation method, determination of reactivity coefficient as well as the reactivity coefficient of moderator temperature can be obtained. Furthermore, coefficient of the reactivity was successfully estimated using the combination of WIMS-D4 and Batan-2DIFF. The cell calculation was done by using WIMS-D4 code to get macroscopic cross section and Batan-2DIFF code is used for core calculation. The calculation and experimental results of reactivity coefficient do not show any deviation from RSG-GAS safety margin. The results are -2,84 sen/ o C, -1,29 sen/MW and -0,64 sen/ o C for reactivity coefficients of temperature, power, fuel element and moderator temperature, respectively. All of 3 parameters are absolutely met with safety criteria

  19. The pH and pCO2 dependence of sulfate reduction in shallow-sea hydrothermal CO2 – venting sediments (Milos Island, Greece) (United States)

    Bayraktarov, Elisa; Price, Roy E.; Ferdelman, Timothy G.; Finster, Kai


    Microbial sulfate reduction (SR) is a dominant process of organic matter mineralization in sulfate-rich anoxic environments at neutral pH. Recent studies have demonstrated SR in low pH environments, but investigations on the microbial activity at variable pH and CO2 partial pressure are still lacking. In this study, the effect of pH and pCO2 on microbial activity was investigated by incubation experiments with radioactive 35S targeting SR in sediments from the shallow-sea hydrothermal vent system of Milos, Greece, where pH is naturally decreased by CO2 release. Sediments differed in their physicochemical characteristics with distance from the main site of fluid discharge. Adjacent to the vent site (T ~40–75°C, pH ~5), maximal sulfate reduction rates (SRR) were observed between pH 5 and 6. SR in hydrothermally influenced sediments decreased at neutral pH. Sediments unaffected by hydrothermal venting (T ~26°C, pH ~8) expressed the highest SRR between pH 6 and 7. Further experiments investigating the effect of pCO2 on SR revealed a steep decrease in activity when the partial pressure increased from 2 to 3 bar. Findings suggest that sulfate reducing microbial communities associated with hydrothermal vent system are adapted to low pH and high CO2, while communities at control sites required a higher pH for optimal activity. PMID:23658555

  20. An Investigation of the Effects of the Mean Platelet Volume, Platelet ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    May 22, 2018 ... ratio (PLR), and platelet values for predicting mortality in patients with sepsis. Materials and Methods: This .... Rheumatoid arthritis. Table 2: The .... et al. reported in their study conducted on hemodialysis patients that the PLR ...