
Sample records for linfoma intravascular tratado

  1. High grade primary adrenal intravascular large B-cell lymphoma manifesting as Addison disease Linfoma intravascular de alto grado de células B grandes y origen suprarrenal que se manifiesta en forma de enfermedad de Addison

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    J. Venizelos


    Full Text Available We report a rare case of a 68 aged male who presented with adrenal failure and was diagnosed of high grade large B-cell lymphoma primarily arising in the adrenal glands. The patient was administrated with additional chemotherapy but he passed away 7 months later due to infection in the lungs. Intravascular lymphoma should be suspected in patients with bilateral adrenal masses who present with rapidly progressive adrenal insufficiency.Publicamos el caso poco frecuente de un varón de 68 años de edad que debutó con insuficiencia adrenal y fue diagnosticado de linfoma de alto grado de células B grandes ubicado principalmente en las glándulas suprarrenales. Al paciente le administraron quimioterapia adicional, pero falleció 7 meses después de infección pulmonar. El linfoma intravascular debe sospecharse en los pacientes con masas suprarrenales bilaterales que presenten insuficiencia adrenal rápidamente progresiva.

  2. Linfoma intravascular do pulmão: A propósito de um caso clínico com boa resposta à terapêutica

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    M. Felizardo


    Full Text Available Resumo: O linfoma intravascular é uma forma muito rara de linfoma não Hodgkin de células grandes B. Caracte-riza-se pela proliferação celular tumoral de linfócitos limitada aos pequenos vasos, particularmente nos capilares. Apresentamos o caso de uma doente de 54 anos, não fumadora, que foi admitida no nosso hospital para investigação de um quadro com quatro meses de evolução de febre, sudorese nocturna, emagrecimento não quantificado e dispneia progressiva. Ao exame objectivo apresentava-se febril, taquicárdica e polipneica. Analiticamente, destacava-se anemia, leucocitose e LDH elevada. Gasometria arterial -FiO2 1 l/m: PaO2-63,6 mm Hg. A telerradiografia de tórax revelava infiltado intersticial difuso. Foram excluídas todas as causas de febre de origem indeterminada. O diagnóstico foi realizado por biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica e foi prescrita terapêutica citostática combinada e rituximab com boa resposta clínica. Relatamos o caso pela dificuldade diagnóstica e pela boa resposta à terapêutica.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (6: 857-868 Abstract: Intravascular lymphoma is a very rare form of large B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, characterised by the presence of lymphoma cells in the lumina of small vessels only, particulary in the capillaries. We report a 54 year-old female non-smoker, admitted to hospital for further examination of a four month long clinical condition involving high fever, night sweats, unqualified weight loss and progressive dyspnea. Patient’s temperature was 38.5 ºC, pulse 100/min and respiratory 22 cycles/min.Patient’s haemoglobin was 9.4 g/dL, she had leukocytosis, elevated LDH and arterial blood gas analysis with moderate hypoxaemia (FiO2 1 l/m: PaO2-63.6 mm Hg. Chest X-ray revealed diffuse interstitial changes. All the possible causes of unknown origin fever were excluded.Diagnosis was made through lung biopsy and treatment

  3. Primary lymphoma of the liver treated by extended hepatectomy and chemotherapy: a case report Linfoma primário do fígado tratado por hepatectomia ampliada e quimioterapia: relato de caso

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    Eleazar Chaib


    Full Text Available Primary lymphoma of the liver is an extremely rare entity. A case of anaplastic large B-cell (both CD-20 and lambda positive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that was confined to the liver in a 33-year-old man is reported. The patient was treated with an extended right hepatectomy and combination chemotherapy: cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine, and prednisone. The patient was disease free 24 months after the procedure.O linfoma primário do fígado é uma entidade extremamente rara. Os autores relatam um caso de linfoma não-Hodgkin de células B grandes anaplásicas (positivo para CD-20 e Lambda em um paciente do sexo masculino de 33 anos. O tumor estava localizado no lobo hepático direito e foi tratado por hepatectomia direita ampliada e quimioterapia pós-operatória com ciclofosfamida, adriamicina, vincristina e prednisone. Vinte quatro meses de seguimento o paciente encontra-se sem recidiva tumoral.

  4. Linfoma de Burkitt oral: relato de caso Oral Burkitt's lymphoma: case report

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    Roseana de Almeida Freitas


    Full Text Available O linfoma de Burkitt é um raro e agressivo tipo de linfoma não-Hodgkin pobremente diferenciado. O presente relato trata de uma criança do sexo masculino, com sete anos de idade, que foi examinada na Clínica de Odontopediatria do Departamento de Odontologia da UFRN, exibindo uma massa tumoral na região de pré-molares mandibulares com mobilidade dentária. O exame radiográfico revelou uma área radiolúcida difusa e o diagnóstico histopatológico foi de linfoma de Burkitt. O paciente foi tratado por poliquimioterapia e obteve completa remissão da patologia.Burkitt's lymphoma is a poorly differentiated rare and aggressive type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This article reports the case of a male child aged seven years, who was examined at the Odontopediatric Clinic of the UFRN Dentistry Department. The patient presented a tumor in the premolar region of the mandible; teeth were mobile in this region. Radiology revealed a diffuse radioluscent area which was diagnosed histopathologically as Burkitt's lymphoma. The patient was treated with polychemotherapy; complete remission of the disease was attained.

  5. Linfoma óseo primario

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    Onilda Labrada Silva


    Full Text Available El linfoma primario de hueso es definido histológicamente como un linfoma extra ganglionar, afecta los huesos y puede ser desarrollado por una enfermedad sistémica. Se presentó un caso de linfoma óseo primario en el Hospital General Docente “Ernesto Guevara de la Serna” de las Tunas en el año 2013, descrito como una forma muy rara de manifestación de los linfomas. Paciente masculino de 72 años de edad, con dolor a nivel del calcáneo derecho, inflamación e impotencia funcional. Se realizaron estudios imaginológicos que revelaron la existencia de osteoporosis y un tumor óseo primario de tipo linfomatoso

  6. Linfoma Nasal de Células T/Natural Killer Extranodal Refractario Mal Diagnosticado, Tratado de Manera Exitosa: Informe de Caso. (United States)

    Saavedra Ramírez, José Domingo


    El linfoma de células T/natural killer extranodal ("extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma", ENKL) nasal es un linfoma no Hodgkin (LNH) agresivo y poco común para el cual no se ha establecido un tratamiento de referencia claro, especialmente en el escenario de la enfermedad recidivante/refractaria. Debido a su rareza, no se han llevado a cabo ensayos aleatorizados específicamente en ENKL nasal; sin embargo, los informes de caso y las series de caso pequeñas ofrecen un conocimiento importante sobre nuevos tratamientos potenciales. Presentamos el informe de caso de un paciente con ENKL nasal (previamente mal diagnosticado como una sinusitis crónica recidivante) en quien la enfermedad progresó durante la quimioterapia con múltiples agentes pero respondió al tratamiento de segunda línea con pralatrexato como agente único. Analizamos opciones de tratamiento para el ENKL nasal recidivante/refractario y sugerimos que el pralatrexato se evalúe más a fondo en este escenario clínico.

  7. Linfoma hepático primario: Evolución favorable con quimioterapia combinada con rituximab Primary hepatic lymphoma: favorable outcome with chemotherapy plus rituximab

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    I. Serrano-Navarro


    Full Text Available Comunicamos el caso de una paciente con un linfoma hepático primario tratado con éxito con quimioterapia combinada con rituximab. Utilizando los "encabezamientos estándar para búsquedas bibliográficas informatizadas" (Medical Subject Heading revisamos los casos publicados hasta la fecha de esta infrecuente entidad.This article describes the case of a patient with a non-Hodgkin primary hepatic lymphoma who was successfully treated with chemotherapy combined with rituximab. Using the Medical Subject Headings the published reports of this rare entity were reviewed.

  8. Linfoma do sistema nervoso central: ensaio iconográfico

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    Fabiano Reis


    Full Text Available Ilustramos este ensaio iconográfico de linfoma do sistema nervoso central com imagens de ressonância magnética obtidas em nosso serviço nos últimos 13 anos e discutimos algumas das principais características radiológicas deste tipo de linfoma, primário e secundário. O linfoma sistema nervoso central é um tumor relativamente infrequente, mas alguns achados na ressonância magnética podem sugerir este diagnóstico.

  9. Asociación de linfomas malignos con herpes virus I y II

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    Ashley Efraín Alarcon-Rozas


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Conocer la prevalencia de la seropositividad para herpes virus I y II en pacientes con linfomas non Hodgkin y su asociación con el linaje celular (B ó T. Pacientes y métodos: Se tomó una muestra de 60 pacientes en el Hospital Almenara de agosto de 1999 a diciembre del 2000 todos ellos pacientes con diagnostico establecido de linfoma non Hodgkin nuevos o en primera recaída, el análisis se realizó mediante bioestadística descriptiva. Resultados: La mediana de la edad fue de 59 años, 2/3 fueron varones, 65% pacientes nuevos y el linfoma primario fue extraganglionar en un 58% de los casos. El 80% de los linfomas fueron a células B y mas del 90% en estadios avanzados (III y IV, ningún caso fue positivo para IgM herpes I o II y 25% tuvieron serología positiva IgG para herpes I o II (2/3 positivos para IgG I de los cuales el 93% fueron a células B. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de seropositividad para herpes virus I y II en pacientes con linfoma non Hodgkin es del 25%, mayormente asociado a células B, además de tener un porcentaje considerable de linfomas a células T (25% y linfomas extranodales (58%; para evaluar la posibilidad de asociación entre este virus y los linfomas requerimos de un estudio caso-control.

  10. Linfoma não Hodgkin gástrico Gastric non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

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    Renata O. Costa


    Full Text Available Os linfomas extralinfonodais representam aproximadamente 1/3 de todos os linfomas não Hodgkin (LNH e, embora possam ter início em qualquer tecido, mais frequentemente acometem o trato gastrointestinal, sendo o estômago o órgão responsável pela grande maioria dos casos. Os linfomas primários gástricos são comumente LNH, sendo representados em mais de 95% dos casos pelo linfoma difuso de grandes células B e pelo linfoma MALT (mucosa associated lymphoid tissue. De evolução indolente, o linfoma MALT destaca-se por ser um modelo de câncer secundário à estimulação antigênica crônica exercida por uma bactéria denominada Helicobacter pylori (HP. No outro polo, situa-se o linfoma difuso de células B (LDGCB, que, de patogênese duvidosa, pode tratar-se de uma transformação de LNH MALT ou ainda se caracterizar por um linfoma "de novo". Neste estudo, revisamos a literatura, enfatizando aspectos importantes à prática clínica destes linfomas.Extranodal lymphomas account for about 30% of all non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL, and although they can originate in any tissue, the gastrointestinal tract is the most commonly affected structure with the stomach being the most common subtype. Diffuse Large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL and MALT (mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma account for more than 95% of the cases of gastric lymphoma. The indolent development of MALT lymphoma stands out as it is a type of cancer subject to chronic antigen stimulation by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Conversely, diffuse large B cell lymphomas, whose pathogenesis is uncertain, can be a transformation from MALT NHL or perhaps a new type of lymphoma. In this study we carried out a review of the literature, stressing the key aspects of these lymphomas in the clinical practice.

  11. Linfoma de celulas B de la zona marginal extraganglionar del tejido linfoide asociado a mucosa (linfoma MALT de pulmón

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    Carlos Vergara-Uzcategui


    Full Text Available Los Linfomas Pulmonares Primarios son extremadamente raros (0,4% de los linfomas extraganglionares, y generalmente son de tejido linfoide asociado a mucosas (tipo MALT, con ocasionales linfomas de células grandes difusos. Los síntomas son inespecíficos, y casi la mitad de los pacientes son asintomáticos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 56 años de edad, quien presentó durante 7 meses accesos diarios de tos seca, de predominio nocturno, asociados en el último mes a fiebre de 39ºC, disnea a medianos esfuerzos y expectoración verduzca. Los exámenes de laboratorio fueron normales. La radiografía de tórax mostró el mediastino ensanchado, un proceso en lóbulo medio con efecto atelectásico, y un nódulo en hemitórax izquierdo. La tomografía computarizada (TC torácica de alta resolución evidenció proceso alveolar derecho en lóbulo medio y un nódulo pulmonar izquierdo calcificado de tipo inespecífico. El estudio inmunohistoquímico de la biopsia pulmonar fue compatible con Linfoma de Células B de la zona marginal extraganglionar del tejido linfoide asociado a mucosa (Linfoma MALT de pulmón. La TC corporal y la Tomografía por Emisión de Positrones (PET evidenciaron importantes hallazgos complementarios para determinar la extensión de la enfermedad. El paciente se trato con quimioterapia y actualmente se encuentra en buenas condiciones, sin recidiva de la sintomatología. Dado lo infrecuente de la patología se presenta este caso y se hace una revisión de la literatura

  12. Linfoma primario de hueso con afectación multicéntrica

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    Marcelo Graziadio


    Full Text Available El linfoma primario de hueso es una enfermedad infrecuente, que tiene una presentación y evolución diferente a los linfomas de otras localizaciones. Se presenta un caso de linfoma primario de hueso de localización craneana y esternal de rápido crecimiento. En su evolución, realizada la exéresis de la lesión primaria de calota, presentó aparición de nuevas lesiones de rápido crecimiento a nivel craneano y fémur y progresión de lesión preesternal que, con anatomía patológica de linfoma no Hodgkin difuso de células grandes B, inició R-CHOPP (ciclofosfamida, doxorrubicina, vincristina, prednisona y rituximab con rápida disminución de todas las lesiones sin evidencia de progresión al cabo de los seis ciclos.

  13. Apresentação cutânea inicial de linfomas na infância


    Oliveira,Maria Christina Lopes Araujo de; Pereira,Luciana Baptista; Rodrigues,Priscila Cezarino; Sampaio,Keyla Cunha; Oliveira,Benigna Maria de; Viana,Marcos Borato


    Os linfomas cutâneos compreendem um grupo heterogêneo de desordens linfoproliferativas que envolvem a pele e são classificados como um subgrupo dos linfomas não Hodgkin. No período de 1981 a 2007, 100 casos de linfomas em crianças foram admitidos no Serviço de Hematologia, do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, sendo que nove apresentaram manifestação cutânea inicial. Três pacientes foram classificados como linfoma cutâneo primário e seis como sistêmicos. Sete pacie...

  14. Linfoma tiroideo en paciente con tiroiditis de Hashimoto


    Carmen Aravena G.; Daniela Aguayo Y.; Francisca Marín A.; Felipe Cayumil F.


    INTRODUCCIÓN: El linfoma tiroideo (LT) es una neoplasia infrecuente (menos del 1% de linfomas y menos del 2% de neoplasias tiroideas). Su incidencia es mayoritaria en mujeres, entre 60 y 75 años. La tiroiditis de Hashimoto es un importante factor de riesgo. El objetivo es destacar la importancia del estudio precoz del bocio rápidamente progresivo. PRESENTACIÓN DEL CASO: Hombre de 63 años, con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, tabaquismo crónico activo e hipotiroidismo por tiroiditis de H...

  15. Amiloidosis sistémica y linfoma no Hodgkin

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    Daniel V. Drake Sosa


    Full Text Available La amiloidosis sistémica se caracteriza por el depósito extracelular de proteína amiloide en uno o más órganos. Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 62 años de edad, con antecedentes de lesiones papulosas, amarillentas y brillantes, fundamentalmente en el tronco y las extremidades; con formación de placas profundas y dolorosas de más de un año de evolución, así como lesiones papulosas purpúricas en el abdomen y muslos. El paciente también refirió dolores abdominales y articulares. Los exámenes complementarios demostraron anemia, una eritrosedimentación acelerada, eosinofilia y trastornos de la función hepática. El ultrasonido abdominal informó hepatomegalia, mientras que el medulograma reveló una médula ósea infiltrada por linfocitos pequeños, con depresión del sistema eritropoyético y ligero aumento de mielocitos eosinófilos del sistema granulopoyético, sugestivos de un Linfoma No Hodgking. La biopsia cutánea demostró el depósito de sustancia amiloide en la dermis superior y en las paredes vasculares. El paciente fue tratado con prednisona y ciclofosfamida, obteniéndose una mejoría de su cuadro clínico

  16. Complicaciones neurológicas en pacientes con leucemias y linfomas


    Gatti, Carolina; Russo, M. J.; Pazos, M.; Tizio, S.; Bunzel, S.; Borzi, A.


    Las leucemias y linfomas pueden afectar el sistema nervioso (SN) por invasión directa o indirecta del tumor. Se ha reportado en 5 a 29% de pacientes con linfomas y en 13% de leucemias agudas. Objetivos: Conocer las complicaciones neurológicas con el fin de implementar un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuados, mejorar la calidad de vida y el tiempo de supervivencia.

  17. Linfoma não-Hodgkin em crianças com imunodeficiência: relato de cinco casos


    Oliveira,Maria Christina L. A.; Rodrigues,Adriana R.; Sampaio,Keyla C.; Gomes,Ana Cecília S. C.; Viana,Marcos B.


    Neste estudo é relatado o quadro clínico de cinco crianças com linfoma não-Hodgkin secundário a imunodeficiência ou imunossupressão: três portadoras do vírus da imunodeficiência humana, uma com imunodeficiência primária e uma após transplante hepático. De acordo com a classificação atual, os tipos histológicos foram: linfoma linfoblástico de células B precursoras (2), linfoma cutâneo de grandes células anaplásico (1), linfoma de células B periféricas, sugestivo de Burkitt (1), e linfoma linfo...

  18. Mucormicosis yeyunal en paciente con linfoma de Hodgkin Jejunal mucormycosis in a patient with Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    B. Madrigal


    Full Text Available Comunicamos un caso de mucormicosis intestinal en un hombre de 46 años de edad, diagnosticado de enfermedad de Hodgkin clásica, estadio IV-B. Durante la primera fase de la quimioterapia, sufrió una hemorragia digestiva masiva secundaria a una úlcera yeyunal por zigomicosis tipo mucor, diagnosticada por biopsia endoscópica. El paciente fue tratado con antifúngicos y resección quirúrgica del intestino afectado. En la cirugía, se apreció una doble perforación yeyunal cubierta. El estudio anatomopatológico de la pieza confirmó el diagnóstico previo. Tras un año de seguimiento, el paciente está recuperado y su linfoma de Hodgkin en remisión completa. Tras una extensa revisión de la literatura, según nuestro conocimiento, este es el segundo caso publicado en la literatura de mucormicosis intestinal en un paciente con linfoma de Hodgkin.We report a case of intestinal mucormycosis in a 46-year-old male diagnosed with classical Hodgkin's disease, IV-B stage. During the first phase of chemotherapy he had a massive digestive bleeding event secondary to a jejunal ulcer, and zygomicosis mucor-type was diagnosed by endoscopic biopsy. The patient was treated with antifungal drugs and surgical resection of the intestine involved. At surgery a double covered perforation of the jejunum was seen. Pathological examination confirmed the previous diagnosis. After one year of follow-up the patient is doing well, and his lymphoma is on remission. To our best knowledge this is the second case of intestinal mucormycosis in a patient with Hodgkin's lymphoma reported in the medical literature.

  19. Linfomas de la órbita y anexos oculares: Correlación clínico patológica de 25 casos

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    Erica A. Rojas Bilbao


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron las características clínicas, histológicas y la evolución de una cohorte de pacientes con linfomas de la órbita y anexos oculares. Entre 1995 y 2008 se estudiaron 25 casos de linfomas de la órbita y anexos oculares en un centro oncológico de referencia. En cada caso se analizó el inmunofenotipo usando un panel de anticuerpos monoclonales (CD45, CD20, CD3, CD5, CD23, BCL2, BCL6, BCL10, Ki67, CD30, CD15, BCL1, Kappa, Lambda, CD138. Las lesiones fueron evaluadas utilizando el sistema de clasificación de linfomas (OMS, 2008. Se analizaron 23 linfomas primarios y dos secundarios. Los subtipos histológicos fueron: 16 linfomas B de la zona marginal asociados a las mucosas (MALT, cuatro linfomas difusos de células grandes B, dos linfomas foliculares y un paciente con linfoma Hodgkin. De los 25 casos estudiados, 22 presentaron estadios localizados. El linfoma MALT fue el subtipo más frecuente. En este estudio se observó enfermedad localizada en la mayoría de los casos y con baja progresión a distancia.





    El linfoma de células B del tipo de la pierna, es una neoplasia rara y agresiva, con características clínicas, morfológicas e inmunofenotípicas distintivas. Está clasificada dentro del grupo de linfomas cutáneos primarios de células B y se presenta en edades avanzadas, con predominio en mujeres y altas tasas de recurrencia. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 63 años de edad, con diagnóstico clínico e inmunofenotípico de linfoma cutáneo de células B del tipo de la pierna. Primary cutaneous...

  1. Linfoma não-Hodgkin de órbita: relato de caso Non-Hodgkin orbital lymphoma: case report

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    Cristiane do Prado Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo é relatar manifestação incomum de linfoma não-Hodgkin de órbita. Paciente masculino, de 75 anos, se apresentou com queixa de lacrimejamento crônico bilateral. Havia feito dacriocistorrinostomia endonasal à direita e à esquerda por duas vezes, sem sucesso. Ao exame, massas de consistência fibroelástica, em topografia das "bolsas" de gordura das pálpebras inferiores e proptose axial. O paciente negava outros sintomas ou sinais sistêmicos. Hemograma sem alteração, hormônios tireoidianos normais. A tomografia computadorizada mostrava infiltrado difuso na órbita e proptose axial. Biópsia de gordura orbitária e de medula óssea diagnosticaram linfoma não-Hodgkin. O paciente foi tratado com quimioterapia, sendo em seguida submetido à cirurgia da via lacrimal bilateral, com resolução do quadro. A doença sistêmica que exigia diagnóstico e tratamento adequados para que se tivesse bom prognóstico estava mascarada pelo quadro de epífora bilateral.The purpose is to report an unusual case of orbital non-Hodgkin lymphoma. A 75-year-old man presented with bilateral chronic epiphora complaint and inferior eyelid tumors, axial proptosis, without previous systemic manifestation. The patient was submitted to bilateral endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy twice and the epiphora complaint persisted. The inferior eyelid and bone marrow biopsy revealed non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The patient was treated with systemic chemotherapy and dacryocystorhinostomy with good resolution. The precise diagnosis and the treatment were very important to reach a good resolution of the bilateral epiphora complaint.

  2. Linfoma no-Hodgkin del sistema nervioso central


    Iglesias Rozas, José Rafael, 1942-


    Diecisiete imágenes de un linfoma no-Hodgkin del sistema nervioso central en una paciente de 66 años. Seventeen pictures of a non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the central nervous system in a 66-year-old female patient.

  3. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de pacientes con linfomas primarios del sistema nervioso central (LPSN y sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA

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    Luis E Raez


    Full Text Available La incidencia del linfoma primario del sistema nervioso central (LPSNC ha crecido rápidamente. El LPSNC as una complicación letal en pacientes con SIDA. Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue estudiar la historia natural, métodos diagnósticos, al tratamiento y los factores pronósticos para la sobrevida de 75 pacientes con LPSNC y SIDA seguidos en el Jackson Memorial Hospital/Universidad de Miami. Resultados: La edad media fue de 37 años. El 84% de los pacientes eran hombres y el 55% hispanos. Factores de riesgo más comunes para SIDA fueron homosexualidad y múltiples compañeros sexuales. La cuenta promedio de CD4 fue de 15/ul y al promedio de LDH fue 1.5 veces al normal. La tomografía computarizada del cerebro mostraba lesiones múltiples en el 44% de los pacientes. Gammagrafia computarizada de emisión de fotones con talio-201 (SPECT del cerebro se realizó en 2/3 de los pacientes. Las histologías más comunes en las biopsias fueron: linfoma inmunoblástico y linfoma de células grandes. La radiación craneana fue ineficiente en el 50% de los pacientes tratados. La sobrevida promedio del grupo fue de 2.2 meses. Análisis univariado y multivariado mostraron que la mayor sobrevida se asociaba con una buena capacidad funcional (ECOG=1-2 vs 3-4. La presencia previa de infecciones oportunistas, la presencia de factores de riesgo de SIDA, las cuentas de CD4, niveles de LDH y raza no mostraron influencia en la sobrevida. Conclusiones: LPSNC es una neoplasia con pronóstico muy pobre y corta sobrevida aun con radioterapia del SNC. La capacidad funcional parece ser al factor de sobrevida más importante. No se encontraron diferencias en la presentación clínica ni el resultado entre pacientes hispanos y no hispanos. ( Rev Med Hered 1999; 10:96-104 .

  4. Linfoma orbitario: reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Javier Andrés Galnares Olalde


    Full Text Available El linfoma orbitario es un tipo de tumor muy infrecuente que afecta a la órbita y a sus anexos. En raras ocasiones es bilateral. Es de vital importancia hacer un diagnóstico temprano para darle un tratamiento oportuno y así prevenir complicaciones. Nosotros reportamos un caso de un paciente del sexo femenino de 66 años que se presenta al servicio de urgencias de oftalmología por una celulitis periorbitaria. Al no remitir el cuadro, se le hospitalizó para realizar estudios complementarios que concluyeron que se trataba de un linfoma no Hodgkin de tipo B de la zona marginal (MALT. Los aspectos referentes a este tipo de linfoma como su epidemiología, etiología, etapas, diagnóstico y tratamiento se discuten en este reporte de caso.

  5. Linfoma primario del sistema nervioso central en un paciente inmunocompetente

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    José Málaga-Zenteno


    Full Text Available El linfoma primario del sistema nervioso central (LPSNC constituye el 2% de los linfomas extranodales y entre 0,3% y 1,5% de todas las neoplasias intracraneales en pacientes inmunocompetentes, siendo más frecuente a partir de los 60 años. Reportamos el caso de un paciente varón de 76 años, sin antecedentes médicos de importancia, que inició su enfermedad con inestabilidad en la marcha, dificultad para mover el hemicuerpo izquierdo, a predominio braquial, cefalea holocraneal y mareos. Ingresó a emergencia despierto, parcialmente desorientado, Glasgow 14 y ptosis palpebral derecha; además, hemiparesia e hipoestesia izquierda, a predominio crural. Por tomografía computarizada cerebral se evidenció imagen captadora de contraste en región frontoparietal derecha, intra y extra craneal, edema cerebral y desplazamiento de la línea media. Se realizó craneotomía y biopsia del tumor, diagnosticándose linfoma difuso de células grandes B del sistema nervioso central. Fue VIH negativo. Se descartó otro tumor primario y metástasis. Recibió esquema CHOD/BVAM y radioterapia. Evolucionó favorablemente. Según resonancia magnética cerebral postratamiento, desapareció el tumor.

  6. Linfoma No Hodgkin Primario de Mama: Reporte de un Caso.

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    H. Gámez Oliva


    Full Text Available El linfoma no Hodgkin primario de la mama es una patología poco frecuente, constituye menos del 0,5% de todos los tumores mamarios malignos, debido a que carecen de características propias, tanto clínicas, mamográficas como ultrasonográficas. Es difícil el diagnóstico preoperatorio, la citología mediante BAAF tiene mejor rendimiento que el estudio con material congelado ya que este último tiende a confundirse con el carcinoma. En la actualidad se prefiere el tratamiento con quimioterapia tanto para el tratamiento local como para el regional. Presentamos el caso de un linfoma no Hodgkin primario de la mama en una paciente de 72 años.





    Los linfomas cutáneos primarios de células B constituyen cerca del 2025% de todos los linfomas. El linfoma cutáneo primario de células B tipo centro folicular es el subtipo más frecuente y se manifiesta principalmente en pacientes adultos con una edad media de 58 años (1), la diseminación extracutánea es muy rara y se presenta con nódulos, tumores o placas solitarios o en grupo usualmente localizados en cabeza o tronco. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con un linfoma primario cutáneo tipo ...

  8. Linfoma renal: espectro de imagens na tomografia computadorizada Renal lymphoma: spectrum of computed tomography findings

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    Carol Pontes de Miranda Maranhão


    Full Text Available O acometimento renal no linfoma é raro, uma vez que o rim não possui tecido linfóide. O envolvimento secundário é mais freqüente, ocorrendo em até um terço das autópsias dos portadores de linfoma. Alguns autores acreditam que esta seja a única forma de acometimento renal, questionando a existência do linfoma primário. O linfoma renal representaria metástases hematogênicas ou invasão direta do tumor ocorrendo no espaço perirrenal. A partir destes tipos de envolvimento decorrem as formas de apresentação do linfoma renal: múltiplos nódulos, massa solitária, invasão renal por doença retroperitoneal contígua, doença perirrenal e infiltração difusa. Neste trabalho são discutidas e apresentadas imagens destas diferentes formas de acometimento.Isolated renal lymphoma is rare due to the absence of lymphoid tissue in kidneys. Secondary involvement occurs more frequently and is reported in up to 1/3 of the autopsies of patients who died from lymphoma. Some authors believe this is actually the only existing form of renal lymphoma. The involvement of the kidney by lymphoma would occur through hematogenic metastasis or direct tumor invasion of the perirenal space. These different types of involvement determine the several forms of renal lymphoma presentation: multiple nodules, solitary mass, renal invasion from contiguous retroperitoneal disease, perirenal disease and diffuse infiltration. In this study the imaging findings features of the different forms of involvement are presented and discussed.

  9. Apresentação cutânea inicial de linfomas na infância Initial cutaneous manifestation of lymphomas in children

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    Maria Christina Lopes Araujo de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os linfomas cutâneos compreendem um grupo heterogêneo de desordens linfoproliferativas que envolvem a pele e são classificados como um subgrupo dos linfomas não Hodgkin. No período de 1981 a 2007, 100 casos de linfomas em crianças foram admitidos no Serviço de Hematologia, do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, sendo que nove apresentaram manifestação cutânea inicial. Três pacientes foram classificados como linfoma cutâneo primário e seis como sistêmicos. Sete pacientes apresentaram linfoma de células T, um, linfoma linfoblástico B e um, imunofenótipo indefinido. Nenhum óbito ocorreu nos pacientes com linfoma cutâneo primárioCutaneous lymphomas comprise a heterogeneous group of lymphoproliferative disorders with skin involvement and are classified as a subgroup of non-Hodgkin lymphomas. From 1981 to 2007, 100 children with non-Hodgkin lymphomas were admitted to the Hematology Unit of the Federal University of Minas Gerais Teaching Hospital. In nine of these children, the skin was involved at the onset of the disease. Three patients were classified as having primary cutaneous lymphoma, while in six the disease was systemic with cutaneous involvement. In seven patients, the immunophenotype was T-cell, in one it was B-cell, and in the remaining case the immunophenotype was indefinable. No deaths occurred in any of the children with primary cutaneous lymphoma

  10. 178. Linfoma cardíaco. Una neoplasia infrecuente

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    E. Sandoval


    Conclusiones: Los linfomas cardíacos son de alto grado de agresividad. La localización principal es la aurícula derecha, con clínica inespecífica y variable. No existe claro consenso sobre el tratamiento de elección, pero parece haber mayor supervivencia con tratamiento combinado con quimioterapia con antraciclínicos y radioterapia.

  11. Intravascular "mulberry-like" bodies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Flemming Brandt; Klebe, J G; Henriques, U V


    Intravascular "mulberry-like" bodies in a stillborn female infant with moderate maceration are reported. The histogenesis of these structures is discussed based on light-microscopic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural findings. No demonstrable causal relation between the intravascular lesion...... and fetal death was found, the cause of death being attributed to intrauterine asphyxia. It is concluded, that intravascular "mulberry-bodies" most likely represent artifacts due to red blood cell autolysis.......Intravascular "mulberry-like" bodies in a stillborn female infant with moderate maceration are reported. The histogenesis of these structures is discussed based on light-microscopic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural findings. No demonstrable causal relation between the intravascular lesions...

  12. Linfoma T Intestinal Monomórfico CD56+. Primer Caso Informado en Colombia y Revisión de la Literatura

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    Orlando Ricaurte G


    Full Text Available Mujer de 80 años con hallazgo incidental de masa abdominal en mesogastrio, a quien le realizan resección de intestino delgado por sospecha de absceso con síndrome adherencial. El estudio patológico de la pieza quirúrgica demostró compromiso por  linfoma no Hodgkin T monomórfico CD56+. Los linfomas T del tubo digestivo son inusuales, correspondiendo a 5% de las neoplasias linfoides de esta localización. El linfoma intestinal T monomórfico CD56+, corresponde a 10 - 20% de los linfomas T intestinales, se presenta en regiones donde la enfermedad celiaca es infrecuente y no se asocia a enteropatía. Su curso es agresivo y habitualmente se manifiesta como una emergencia quirúrgica por obstrucción o perforación intestinal.

  13. Linfoma no Hodgkin primario de sistema nervioso central en un paciente pediátrico sin inmunodeficiencia relacionada

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    Rocío Cárdenas-Cardos


    Full Text Available El linfoma no Hodgkin primario de sistema nervioso central es una afección poco frecuente en la población pediátrica. No existen (o son pocas las recomendaciones o estudios clínicos que sean útiles para definir la mejor opción terapéutica. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el caso de una niña con linfoma primario de sistema nervioso central, sin ninguna inmunodeficiencia asociada, y realizar de una revisión cualitativa de la literatura especializada sobre esta enfermedad en niños. Se ha postulado la posibilidad de cambios citogenéticos que pudieran explicar la heterogeneidad en el comportamiento de esta enfermedad pues se ha visto que es distinto al de otros linfomas en presentaciones habituales. La experiencia de tratamiento en niños con linfoma se basa en resultados de tratamientos obtenidos en pacientes adultos, con regímenes basados principalmente en antimetabolitos como metotrexato y citarabina. Aún es controvertida la utilidad de la radioterapia craneal, la cual sólo se recomienda en casos específicos.

  14. Burkitt-like lymphoma in an infant: a case report Linfoma burkitt-like em um lactente: relato de caso

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    Claudete Esteves Klumb


    Full Text Available Childhood non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, including Burkitt and Burkitt-like, are rarely diagnosed in infants. A case of B-cell lymphoma in a 13-month-old girl with extensive abdominal disease, ascites, pleural effusion, and tumor lysis syndrome is reported. Phenotypic analysis showed a germinal center B-cell phenotype, and a B-cell clonality was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. There was no evidence of Epstein-Barr and HIV infection. The case herein reported emphasizes the need for considering the diagnosis of lymphoma even in very young children.Os linfomas não Hodgkin da infância, incluindo os linfomas de Burkitt e Burkitt-like são raros em lactentes. Um caso de linfoma não Hodgkin B em uma lactente de 13 meses de idade é descrito. Ao diagnóstico a paciente apresentava extenso comprometimento abdominal associado à ascite, derrame pleural e síndrome de lise tumoral. A análise imunofenotípica mostrou um fenótipo compatível com células linfóides oriundas do centro germinativo e a origem clonal dessas células foi demonstrada por reação em cadeia da polimerase. Não foi demonstrada associação do linfoma com infecção pelo vírus Epstein-Barr e/ou virus da imunodeficiência adquirida. O caso apresentado enfatiza a necessidade de considerar o diagnóstico de linfoma mesmo em lactentes.

  15. Linfoma primario cutáneo difuso de células B grandes, tipo pierna (LPCDCBG-TP), localizado en cuero cabelludo


    Felipe Fereira, Oristel I; Leonardo, Eugenio; Hernández Vázquez, Juan


    Los linfomas primarios cutáneos de células B se consideran actualmente como categoría distintiva de los linfomas primarios cutáneos y se reconocen subtipos característicos dentro de ellos. Se presenta un caso de linfoma primario cutáneo difuso de células B grandes, tipo pierna, con localización en el cuero cabelludo, donde se pudo disponer de estudios inmunohistoquímicos para su tipificación, que mostraron positividad para los marcadores CD20, bcl-2 y MUM-1, y negatividad para CD3 y bcl-6. Es...

  16. Linfoma primário de cólon: relato de caso Primary colorectal lymphoma: case report

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    Rafael Luís Luporini


    Full Text Available O linfoma colorretal primário é uma doença rara (0.2 a 0.6% de todas as neoplasias colônicas, apresentando pior prognóstico quando comparado com o linfoma gástrico primário ou com o adenocarcinoma do cólon. É uma doença com sintomatologia inespecífica, o que dificulta o diagnóstico precoce. O objetivo deste relato é mostrar um caso de linfoma primário do cólon, revisar critérios diagnósticos e tratamento.The primary colorectal lymphoma is a rare disease (0.2 to 0.6% of all colonic neoplasias, that has a worse prognosis than primary gastric lymphoma or colon adenocarcinoma. The poor signals makes the early diagnosis difficult. The objectives of this report is to describe a case of primary colon lymphoma, revise diagnosis criteria and treatment.

  17. Linfoma angioinmunoblástico de células T

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    Gargantilla P


    Full Text Available Se trata de un linfoma muy agresivo, con una mediana de supervivencia en torno a los 3 años. En cuanto al tratamiento, se han ensayado varias modalidades terapéuticas entre las cuales se encuentran los corticoides, los fármacos citotóxicos (vorinostat, romidepsin, panbinostat y belinostat y los inmunomoduladores (rituximab, lenalidomide.

  18. Linfoma B Difuso de Grandes Células Esclerosante do Mediastino

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    Ma. Teresa Magalhães Godinho


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Objectivos: Estabelecer a apresentação clínica, diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico do linfoma B difuso de grandes células esclerosante do mediastino. Apesar de conhecido dcsde 1980, este linfoma B de alto grau de malignidade com origem no timo, e, ainda hoje, muitas vezes confundido com tumores germinativos, carcinoma do timo, ou Doença de Hodgkin e correlacionado com urn mau prognóstico. Métodos: Revisão de 12 doentes com Linfoma difuso de grandcs células do mediastino anterior, diagnosticados no nosso Seniço entre 1993 e Junho de 2000. Resultados: O grupo é constituido por 10 mulheres e 2 homens, com idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 59 anos (média 28; mediana 24. Todos os doentes cram sintomaticos. A radiografia do tórax mostrava uma massa de grandes dimcnsões, situada no mediastino anterior, por vezes acompanhada de derrame pleural (4 docntes e/ou pericárdico (2 doentes. Na TAC tonácica, eram visíveis áreas de atenuação hfdrica e de necrose. Três doentes fueram Ressonancia Magnética do tórax. Analiticamente, estes casos caracterizaram-se por valores elevados da LDH sérica, com β2 microglobulina normal. As biópsias foram realizadas por mediastinotomia anterior em 9 doentes e por toracotomia lateral nos outros 3. Anatomo-patologicamente foram identificados aspectos característicos dos Linfomas difusos de grandes cclulas com esclerose e a origem B confirmada por imuno-histoquímica. Os doentes foram submctidos a Quimioterapia (CHOP e Radioterapia (35-45 Gy. A taxa de remissao completa foi de 75%. Nove doentes estao vivos e Iivres de doença 6 meses a 7 anos após o diagnostico.Conclusão: 0 Linfoma difuso de grandes celulas esclerosante do mediastino apresenta-se como urn tumor volumoso do mediastino anterior, essencialmente na mulher jovem. Os doentes sao habitualmente sintomaticos. A radiografia de torax e a TAC mostram uma massa

  19. Linfoma tipo Malt pulmonar: presentación de un caso y revisión de la bibliografía

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    Ana María Nazario Dolz

    Full Text Available El linfoma pulmonar primario es de presentación poco frecuente y representa solo el 0,5 a 1 % de los procesos tumorales malignos del pulmón. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con diagnóstico histológico de linfoma tipo MALT de pulmón, ingresado y operado en el Hospital "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba. El paciente fue seguido por consulta de cirugía y oncología con más de 3 años de intervalo libre de enfermedad. El linfoma tipo Malt es una entidad poco frecuente, con diagnóstico preoperatorio prácticamente nulo, lo que dificulta su manejo adecuado.

  20. Comprometimento medular por linfoma tipo Burkitt: relato de um caso

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    Murillo Côrtes Drummond


    Full Text Available Registro de caso de linfoma tipo Burkitt com comprometimento intrarraqueano em criança de três anos de idade. Considerações sobre esse tipo de tumor são feitas em função do caso observado e de dados da literatura.

  1. Púrpura trombocitopênica idiopática e linfoma não-Hodgkin de células T na infância


    Borges,Alessandra C.; Pizza,Maria; Borsato,Maria Luisa; Silva,Helena R. M.; Castro,Helaine C.; Luporini,Silvia M.; Bruniera,Paula


    Os linfomas representam 10% de todos os tumores malignos da infância e, destes, os linfomas não-Hodgkin são os mais freqüentes. Crianças com doenças auto-imunes apresentam maior probabilidade de desenvolver doenças linfoproliferativas, podendo ocorrer antes, durante ou após o aparecimento da neoplasia. A associação de púrpura trombocitopênica idiopática e linfomas é infreqüente (3%), principalmente na faixa etária pediátrica. Duas teorias tentam explicar a origem desta associação. Na primeira...

  2. Intravascular pulmonary metastases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shepard, J.A.O.; Moore, E.H.; Templeton, P.A.; McLoud, T.C.


    The diagnosis of intravascular metastatic tumor emboli to the lungs is rarely made. The authors present a characteristic radiographic finding of intravascular lung metastases that they observed in four patients with diagnoses or right atrial myoxoma, invasive renal cell carcinoma, invasive pelvic osteosarcoma, and recurrent pelvic chondrosarcoma. Substantiation of intravascular pulmonary metastases was achieved by means of autopsy, pulmonary artery biopsy, and surgical documentation of tumor invasion of the inferior vena cava or pelvic veins. In all four cases, chest computed tomography (CT) demonstrated branching, beaded opacities extending from the hila into the periphery of the lung in the distribution of pulmonary arteries. In one case, similar findings were observed in magnetic resonance (MR) images of the chest. Follow-up studies in three cases showed progressive enlargement and varicosity of the abnormal pulmonary artery consistent with proliferation of intravascular tumor. In the case of metastatic osteosarcoma, intraluminal ossification was also observed at CT. In three of four cases, pulmonary infarction was demonstrated in the distribution of the abnormal pulmonary arteries seen at CT as small, peripheral, wedge-shaped opacities. The demonstration of progressively dilated and beaded pulmonary arteries in patients with extrathoracic malignancies is suggestive of intravascular lung metastases, particularly when accompanied by peripheral infarction

  3. Intravascular "mulberry-like" bodies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Flemming Brandt; Klebe, J G; Henriques, U V


    Intravascular "mulberry-like" bodies in a stillborn female infant with moderate maceration are reported. The histogenesis of these structures is discussed based on light-microscopic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural findings. No demonstrable causal relation between the intravascular lesions...... and fetal death was found, the cause of death being attributed to intrauterine asphyxia. It is concluded, that intravascular "mulberry-bodies" most likely represent artifacts due to red blood cell autolysis....

  4. Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the oral cavity Linfoma difuso de grandes células B primário de boca

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    Bruno Correia Jham


    Full Text Available Lymphomas arising within the oral cavity account for only 3.5% of all oral malignancies. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is a non-Hodgkin lymphoma subtype characterized by diffuse proliferation of large neoplastic B lymphoid cells. This paper reports a case of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma affecting the oral cavity of a Brazilian woman, along with its clinical, microscopical, immunohistochemical, and molecular features.Linfomas correspondem a 3,5% de todos os casos de lesões malignas de boca. O linfoma difuso de grandes células B é um subtipo de linfoma não-Hodgkin caracterizado pela proliferação difusa de células linfóides B. Este artigo relata um caso de linfoma difuso de grandes células B localizado na cavidade bucal de uma mulher brasileira, incluindo os achados clínicos, microscópicos, imuno-histoquímicos e moleculares.

  5. 21 CFR 870.3375 - Cardiovascular intravascular filter. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cardiovascular intravascular filter. 870.3375... Cardiovascular intravascular filter. (a) Identification. A cardiovascular intravascular filter is an implant that... and Revision of 2/12/90 (K90-1)” and (ii) “Guidance for Cardiovascular Intravascular Filter 510(k...

  6. Intravascular malignant lymphomatosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin-Duverneuil, N.; Lafitte, F.; Chiras, J.; Mokhtari, K.; Behin, A.; Hoang-Xuan, K.


    Intravascular malignant lymphomatosis is a rare and probably often overlooked disease characterised by massive intravascular proliferation of lymphoid cells, usually with a poor prognosis. CT and MRI appearances are nonspecific; the most suggestive finding being both asymmetrical, bilateral, contrast enhancing high-signal areas on T2 weighting and infarct-like lesions of the cortex and basal ganglia. We report two patients with previously unreported dural and spinal cord involvement. (orig.)

  7. Intravascular malignant lymphomatosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin-Duverneuil, N.; Lafitte, F.; Chiras, J. [Service de Neuroradiologie Charcot, Batiment Babinski, Hopital de la Salpetriere, 75013 Paris (France); Mokhtari, K. [Service de Neuropathologie, Hopital de la Salpetriere, 75013 Paris (France); Behin, A.; Hoang-Xuan, K. [Departement de Neurologie, Hopital de la Salpetriere, 75013 Paris (France)


    Intravascular malignant lymphomatosis is a rare and probably often overlooked disease characterised by massive intravascular proliferation of lymphoid cells, usually with a poor prognosis. CT and MRI appearances are nonspecific; the most suggestive finding being both asymmetrical, bilateral, contrast enhancing high-signal areas on T2 weighting and infarct-like lesions of the cortex and basal ganglia. We report two patients with previously unreported dural and spinal cord involvement. (orig.)

  8. Mapping intravascular ultrasound controversies in interventional cardiology practice.

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    David Maresca

    Full Text Available Intravascular ultrasound is a catheter-based imaging modality that was developed to investigate the condition of coronary arteries and assess the vulnerability of coronary atherosclerotic plaques in particular. Since its introduction in the clinic 20 years ago, use of intravascular ultrasound innovation has been relatively limited. Intravascular ultrasound remains a niche technology; its clinical practice did not vastly expand, except in Japan, where intravascular ultrasound is an appraised tool for guiding percutaneous coronary interventions. In this qualitative research study, we follow scholarship on the sociology of innovation in exploring both the current adoption practices and perspectives on the future of intravascular ultrasound. We conducted a survey of biomedical experts with experience in the technology, the practice, and the commercialization of intravascular ultrasound. The collected information enabled us to map intravascular ultrasound controversies as well as to outline the dynamics of the international network of experts that generates intravascular ultrasound innovations and uses intravascular ultrasound technologies. While the technology is praised for its capacity to measure coronary atherosclerotic plaque morphology and is steadily used in clinical research, the lack of demonstrated benefits of intravascular ultrasound guided coronary interventions emerges as the strongest factor that prevents its expansion. Furthermore, most of the controversies identified were external to intravascular ultrasound technology itself, meaning that decision making at the industrial, financial and regulatory levels are likely to determine the future of intravascular ultrasound. In light of opinions from the responding experts', a wider adoption of intravascular ultrasound as a stand-alone imaging modality seems rather uncertain, but the appeal for this technology may be renewed by improving image quality and through combination with

  9. Advanced Hodgkin's lymphoma: results in 216 patients treated with ABVD in Brazil Linfoma de Hodgkin em estádio avançado: resultados do tratamento em 216 pacientes tratados com ABVD no Brasil

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    Luciana Britto


    Full Text Available The outcome of Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL has markedly improved over the last few decades, placing HL among the human cancers with highest cure rates. However, data about treatment outcomes in developing countries are scarce. From 1996 to 2005, 370 consecutive patients with HL treated in three public institutions in Rio de Janeiro were identified. A total of 216 patients who presented with advanced stage (IIB-IV HL were selected for the present analysis. Patients with advanced disease were treated with ABVD, complemented or not by radiation therapy. The median follow-up time of survivors was 6.3 years (1-11.8. Fifteen patients died during first-line treatment. The complete remission rate was 80%. The 5-year progression-free survival (PFS and the 5-year overall survival (OS probabilities were 69% and 83%, respectively. The 5-year PFS in low-risk and high-risk patients were 81% and 62% (p=0.003, respectively. The 5-year OS in low-risk and high-risk International Prognostic Score patients were 89% and 78% (p=0.02, respectively. The present study provides a representative estimate of current treatment results for advanced HL in public institutions in an urban area in Brazil. It is clear that full treatment can be given to most patients, although those with very low socio-economic status might require special attention and support. Since Brazil is a large country, with substantial interregional heterogeneity, a nationwide registry of HL patients is currently being implemented.Os resultados do tratamento do linfoma de Hodgkin (LH melhoraram substancialmente ao longo das últimas décadas e tornaram o LH uma das neoplasias humanas com maior chance de cura. Entretanto, os dados sobre tratamento em países em desenvolvimento são escassos. Entre 1996 e 2005, 370 pacientes consecutivos com LH tratados em três instituições públicas no Rio de Janeiro foram identificados. Destes, 216 em estádio avançado (IIB-IV foram selecionados para esta análise. Os

  10. Lymphoma and broncho-pneumonia in a calf; Linfoma e broncopolmonite in un vitello Linfoma e broncopolmonite in un vitello

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lallemand, M.; Francoz, D.; Latouche, J. S. [Université de Montreal, Quebec (Canada)


    A one and a half month old Holstein calf was presented with a chronic respiratory condition. Clinical examination revealed cachexia and lymphadenopathy and wheezes and crepitations on auscultation. Blood cell count indicated a non-regenerative microcytic anaemia and marked lymphopenia. Broncho-pneumonia due to Mycoplasma bovis was diagnosed after radiography and cytobacteriology of transtracheal lavage. A large cell lymphoma was suspected after finding a high proportion of large lymphocytes in a lymph node puncture aspirate. Serology for bovine leukosis was negative. A diagnosis of juvenile lymphoma associated with M. bovis broncho-pneumonia was established. The diagnosis was confirmed on post-mortem. Juvenile lymphoma is rare. Affected animals are aged between two and six months and systematically present generalised lymphadenopathy. This disease is always fatal. When an animal is presented with generalised lymphadenopathy, this condition should be eliminated by lymph node puncture of a moderately hypertrophied lymph node before other tests are performed [Italian] Una vitella di razza Holstein di un mese e mezzo viene colpita da una patologia respiratoria cronica. All´esame clinico si evidenzia cachessia e poli-adenomegalia, sibili e crepitii all´auscultazione. L´esame emocromocitometrico con formula leucocitaria evidenzia un´anemia microcitica non rigenerativa e linfopenia marcata. Le immagini radiografiche e l´esame citobatteriologico del liquido di lavaggio transtracheale mettono in evidenza una broncopolmonite da Mycoplasma bovis. L´alta percentuale di grandi linfociti rinvenuta in un campione prelevato tramite ago-aspirazione da un linfonodo depone a favore di un linfoma a grandi cellule. L´esame sierologico per la leucosi bovina è negativo. Viene formulata la diagnosi di linfoma giovanile, associato a broncopolmonite da Mycoplasma bovis. L´animale viene sottoposto a eutanasia e l´esame necroscopico conferma la diagnosi.

  11. Linfomas gástricos tipo Malt: experiencia en la Unidad de Gastroenterología del HSJD y revisión de la literatura

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    Martín Alonso Gámez


    Full Text Available Los linfomas gástricos tipo MALT se originan en el tejido linfoide asociado a la mucosa. En 1983 Isaacson , denominó así a estos tumores porque derivan de un tejido linfoide organizado similar a las placas de Peyer el cual normalmente no está presente en la mucosa gástrica. Hacen parte de los linfomas gastrointestinales primarios y se clasifican en alto o bajo grado de acuerdo a sus características histológicas. Para decir que un linfoma gástrico es primario y no el resultado de una metástasis, se requieren ciertas condiciones señaladas desde 1961 por Dawson modificadas de acuerdo a los avances tecnológicos: Ausencia de adenopatías periféricas. Compromiso principalmente del estómago. Cuadro hemático normal. Histología confirmatoria.

  12. The Role of Rituximab in Lymphomas O papel do Rituximab nos linfomas

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    Bertrand Coiffier


    Full Text Available Over the last years the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma underwent a great advance in relation to the diagnosis, classification, high-dose chemotherapy, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Simultaneously with this, there was the development of new drugs and support therapy which enabled an improvement in the evolution and survival of the patients. The use of monoclonal antibodies against cancer cells is an old idea and in this report the results of the role of the anti-CD20-Rituximab in lymphomas is discussed.Nos últimos anos o tratamento do linfomas não Hodgkin apresentou um grande avanço no diagnóstico, classificação, quimioterapia com altas doses e o transplante de células percursoras hematopoiéticas. Simultaneamente houve o desenvolvimento de novas drogas e no tratamento de suporte o que possibilita um avanço na evolução e sobrevida dos pacientes. A idéia do emprego de anticorpos monoclonais no tratamento do câncer é antiga e neste relato são apresentados os resultados e o papel do anti-CD20-Rituximab nos linfomas.

  13. Linfoma no Hodgkin primario de mama, revisión de la literatura y presentación de un caso

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    Caridad Verdecia Cañizares


    Full Text Available El linfoma no Hodgkin primario de la mama es una entidad poco frecuente en pediatría y representa el 0,4 al 0,5 % de todos los tumores mamarios malignos. Debido a que carecen de características propias, tanto clínicas, citológicas como ecográficas, resulta muy difícil establecer el diagnóstico preoperatorio. Se presenta el caso de un linfoma no Hodgkin primario de la mama en una paciente de 3 años que llegó en estadio avanzado de la enfermedad, y se subraya la importancia del tratamiento en un equipo multidisciplinario.

  14. Linfomas de la órbita y anexos oculares: Correlación clínico patológica de 25 casos Orbital and ocular adnexal lymphomas: Clinico-pathological correlation in 25 cases

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    Erica A. Rojas Bilbao


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron las características clínicas, histológicas y la evolución de una cohorte de pacientes con linfomas de la órbita y anexos oculares. Entre 1995 y 2008 se estudiaron 25 casos de linfomas de la órbita y anexos oculares en un centro oncológico de referencia. En cada caso se analizó el inmunofenotipo usando un panel de anticuerpos monoclonales (CD45, CD20, CD3, CD5, CD23, BCL2, BCL6, BCL10, Ki67, CD30, CD15, BCL1, Kappa, Lambda, CD138. Las lesiones fueron evaluadas utilizando el sistema de clasificación de linfomas (OMS, 2008. Se analizaron 23 linfomas primarios y dos secundarios. Los subtipos histológicos fueron: 16 linfomas B de la zona marginal asociados a las mucosas (MALT, cuatro linfomas difusos de células grandes B, dos linfomas foliculares y un paciente con linfoma Hodgkin. De los 25 casos estudiados, 22 presentaron estadios localizados. El linfoma MALT fue el subtipo más frecuente. En este estudio se observó enfermedad localizada en la mayoría de los casos y con baja progresión a distancia.Clinical, histological features and outcome of a cohort of patients with orbital and adnexal lymphoproliferative tumors were evaluated. Twenty-five cases in an oncologic referral center from 1995 to 2008, were included in the study. Each case had detailed immunophenotypic analysis using a panel of monoclonal antibodies (CD45, CD20, CD3, CD5, CD23, BCL2, BCL6, BCL10, Ki67, CD30, CD15, BCL1, Kappa, Lambda, CD138. Lesions were classified by using WHO (2008 lymphomas classification. Twenty-three patients were found to have primary and two secondary lymphomas. Histological subtypes were: 16 patients with marginal zone B cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma, four diffuse large B cell lymphomas, two mantle cell lymphomas, two follicular lymphomas, and one Hodgkin lymphoma. Among the 25 patients studied, 22 had localized stage. Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma was the most frequent type of primary orbital

  15. Linfoma No Hodgkin, manifestaciones oftalmológicas: Presentación de 1 caso

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    Tomás Ramírez Castro

    Full Text Available Se presenta un paciente con Linfoma no Hodgkin linfocítico estadio IV y Retinosis Pigmentaria de base diagnosticado en el Centro de Referencia Nacional de Retinosis Pigmentaria, con manifestaciones oftalmológicas de esta neoplasia, remitido, además, al Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología. Se ilustra con imágenes estas lesiones infrecuentes.

  16. Linfoma não-Hodgkin endobrônquico Endobronchial involvement in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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    Mauro Zamboni


    Full Text Available Os linfomas não-Hodgkin fazem parte de um grupo de doenças malignas linfoproliferativas com diferentes padrões de comportamento, de tratamento e de prognóstico. Eles podem comprometer as estruturas intratorácicas, particularmente o mediastino e o parênquima pulmonar, em alguma fase do curso da doença. Entretanto, o envolvimento endobrônquico é extremamente raro, mesmo na presença de doença avançada. Os autores relatam um caso de linfoma não-Hodgkin endobrônquico e fazem revisão da literatura.Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas belong to a group of lymphoproliferative malignancies with different behavior, treatment and prognostic patterns. During the course of the disease, they may affect the thoracic structures - especially the mediastinum and the pulmonary parenchyma. However endobronchial involvement is extremely uncommon, even in presence of advanced disease. Here, we report a case of non-Hodgkin’s endobronchial lymphoma and make a review of the literature.

  17. Burkitt's lymphoma of the duodenum in a patient with AIDS Linfoma de Burkitt do duodeno em um paciente com AIDS

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    Marcelo Corti


    Full Text Available Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of B-cell type is the second most common neoplasm after Kaposi's sarcoma, among patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Most non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases that are associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome involve extranodal sites, especially the digestive tract and the central nervous system. We report a case of primary lymphoma of the duodenum in a patient with AIDS. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed pseudopolypoid masses found in the second portion of the duodenum. A complete diagnostic study including histological, immunohistochemical and virological analyses showed high-grade B-cell Burkitt's lymphoma. The Epstein-Barr virus genome was detected in biopsies by immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization.O linfoma não-Hodgkin de células B é a segunda neoplasia mais comum em pacientes com infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana depois do sarcoma de Kaposi. A maioria dos casos de linfoma não-Hodgkin associados com a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida envolve locais extraganglionares, especialmente o trato digestivo e o sistema nervoso central. Nós relatamos um caso de linfoma primário do duodeno em um paciente com AIDS. Uma endoscopia digestiva alta mostrou massas pseudopolipóides encontradas na segunda porção do duodeno. Um estudo diagnóstico completo incluindo exames histológicos, imunohistoquímicos e virológicos mostrou um linfoma de células B tipo Burkitt. Detectou-se genoma do vírus Epstein-Barr em biópsias por hibridização in situ e imuno-histoquímica.

  18. High grade primary adrenal intravascular large B-cell lymphoma manifesting as Addison disease Linfoma intravascular de alto grado de células B grandes y origen suprarrenal que se manifiesta en forma de enfermedad de Addison


    J. Venizelos; D. Tamiolakis; M. Lambropoulou; G. Alexiadis; G. Petrakis; N. Papadopoulos


    We report a rare case of a 68 aged male who presented with adrenal failure and was diagnosed of high grade large B-cell lymphoma primarily arising in the adrenal glands. The patient was administrated with additional chemotherapy but he passed away 7 months later due to infection in the lungs. Intravascular lymphoma should be suspected in patients with bilateral adrenal masses who present with rapidly progressive adrenal insufficiency.Publicamos el caso poco frecuente de un varón de 68 años de...

  19. 21 CFR 880.5200 - Intravascular catheter. (United States)


    ... Devices § 880.5200 Intravascular catheter. (a) Identification. An intravascular catheter is a device that consists of a slender tube and any necessary connecting fittings and that is inserted into the patient's vascular system for short term use (less than 30 days) to sample blood, monitor blood pressure, or...

  20. Aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos do linfoma em bovinos: 128 casos (1965-2013

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    Welden Panziera


    Full Text Available Por meio de um estudo retrospectivo, os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de 128 casos de linfoma bovino são descritos. Dos protocolos que informavam o sexo (n=111, 84,7% correspondiam a fêmeas e 15,3% a machos. Dos protocolos em que constava a raça (n=108, a mais prevalente foi a holandesa (63%. Em relação à idade (n=107, houve uma variação entre um e 14 anos. A maioria dos bovinos era adulta (89,7% e a maior concentração dos casos ocorreu ao redor de 5-8 anos (57,9%. Em relação aos sinais clínicos (n=89, linfadenomegalia foi o achado mais frequentemente observado (74,1%. Outros sinais clínicos, principalmente aqueles relacionados com os sistemas respiratório (dispneia, estertoração pulmonar e taquipneia, cardiovascular (taquicardia, edema subcutâneo e pulso venoso positivo, digestório (atonia ruminal, timpanismo e diarreia e nervoso (paresia dos membros pélvicos e andar cambaleante, foram pouco prevalentes. Na necropsia (n=125, 71,2% dos bovinos apresentavam aumento de volume dos linfonodos; essa linfadenomegalia foi classificada como localizada em 89,6% dos casos e generalizada em 10,3% dos casos. Dos protocolos que informavam os linfonodos acometidos (n=58, a distribuição foi a seguinte: mesentéricos (51,7%, mediastínicos (37,9%, pré-escapulares (29,3%, ilíacos internos (27,6%, inguinais superficiais (25,8% e traqueobrônquicos (18,9%. Além dos linfonodos, outros órgãos comumente afetados pelo linfoma neste estudo incluíram: coração (40%, fígado (15,2%, rim (14,4%, abomaso (12,8%, útero (11,2%, intestino (10,4% e pulmão (7,2%. A presença de massas tumorais no canal vertebral foi observada em poucos casos (3,2%. Com base na epidemiologia e na localização das lesões, a maioria dos casos (96% foi classificada como linfoma enzoótico e o restante (4% como linfoma esporádico. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo irão auxiliar clínicos de grandes animais e patologistas veterin

  1. Role of informed consent for intravascular contrast media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hopper, K.D.; Tyler, H.N. Jr.


    To evaluate the usefulness of different degrees of informed consent for intravascular contrast media, the authors divided 100 patients into four groups: (1) informed consent with no information on intravascular contrast media, (2) simple written informed consent that detailed common risks, (3) detailed written informed consent that detailed all known risks, and (4) MD informed consent, during which a radiologist discussed all known risks of intravascular contrast media. Physician counseling time for group 4 averaged 11.4 minutes. On a postprocedure test about the common complications and risk factors of intravascular contrast media, the average scores were: group 1, 38.4%; group 2, 68.2%; group 3, 63.2%; and group 4, 69.8%. There was no statistical difference between groups 2-4 on the postprocedure test. If informed consent is to be used prior to intravascular contrast media administration, a simple written consent detailing the common risks and risk factors appears to be the best method

  2. Primary cardiac lymphoma in dogLinfoma cardíaco primário em cão

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    Mirela Tinucci Costa


    Full Text Available Lymphomas are malignant neoplasm characterized by proliferation of lymphocytes that originate primarily in lymphoid organ such as lymph nodes, liver, spleen and bone marrow. However the feature of continuous migration of lymphocytes in different organs, this tumor can develop in any organ. Although lymphoma is a very common hematopoietic neoplasm in dogs, cardiac location is rare. The diagnosis of primary cardiac lymphoma may be performed when there is involvement of the heart and / or the pericardium without evidence of involvement in other organs. In veterinary medicine there are few reports on the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of cardiac lymphoma. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to describe a case of cardiac lymphoma in which the patient responded favorably to chemotherapy employee with disease-free interval of 19 months and highlight the importance of including this neoplasm in the differential diagnosis of diseases that affect the cardiovascular system. Os linfomas são neoplasias caracterizadas pela proliferação maligna de linfócitos, que originamse principalmente em órgão linfóides como linfonodos, fígado, baço e medula óssea. Entretanto pela característica de contínua migração dos linfócitos por diferentes órgãos, esta neoplasia pode se desenvolver em qualquer órgão. Embora o linfoma seja a neoplasia hematopoiética de maior incidência em cães, a localização cardíaca é rara. O diagnóstico de linfoma cardíaco primário pode ser realizado quando há envolvimento do coração e/ou pericárdio sem evidências de ocorrência de órgãos linfáticos ou extranodais. Em medicina veterinária existem poucos relatos sobre o diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico desta neoplasia cardíaca. Portanto o objetivo do presente relato é descrever um caso de linfoma cardíaco em que o paciente respondeu favoravelmente ao tratamento quimioterápico empregado com intervalo livre de doença de 19 meses e salientar a

  3. Hemi-Intravascular Stenting for Supermicrosurgical Anastomosis


    Kensuke Tashiro, MD; Shuji Yamashita, MD; Mitsunaga Narushima, MD; Isao Koshima, MD; Shimpei Miyamoto, MD


    Background:. Although supermicrosurgical anastomosis is a widely known reconstructive microsurgical technique, it is difficult to perform. To expand the clinical use of supermicrosurgery, we used hemi-intravascular stenting (hemi-IVaS), which is performed by inserting an intravascular stent into one side of the vessel. We conducted lymphaticovenular anastomosis, free perforator flap transfer, and fingertip replantation with supermicrosurgical anastomosis using hemi-IVaS technique and examined...

  4. Linfoma T subcutâneo do tipo paniculite: relato de um caso acometendo paciente pediátrico Subcutaneous panniculitic T cell lymphoma: a case report affecting a child

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    Lúcia de Noronha


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam um caso de linfoma T subcutâneo do tipo paniculite em uma paciente feminina de 3 anos, apresentando havia um mês múltiplos nódulos subcutâneos, indolores, disseminados no abdome, região peitoral e cervical. Ao exame histopatológico, evidenciou-se um linfoma T infiltrando tecido adiposo subcutâneo. Os linfomas T subcutâneos representam uma entidade clinicopatológica distinta, sendo raro o acometimento pediátrico.We report a case of lypotrophic lymphoma affecting a 3-year-old child with 1-month history of nontender subcutaneous nodules disseminated throughout the abdomen, chest and cervical region. Histological examination showed a T-cell lymphoma affecting the subcutaneous tissue. Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma is an unusual cutaneous T-cell lymphoma that rarely affects pediatric patients.

  5. O papel da Fludarabina no tratamento dos linfomas não Hodgkin de baixo grau de malignidade The role of Fludarabine in the treatment of low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas

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    Gino Santini


    Full Text Available Dentro das perspectivas futuras do tratamento dos linfomas não Hodgkin (LMH está aquela de melhorar os resultados com os denominados linfomas de baixo grau de malignidade. Dentro do estado-da-arte atual, este grupo de linfomas pode ser considerado incurável. Desde o observar-e-esperar até o transplante alogênico de medula óssea, muitas dúvidas existem e devem ser esclarecidas. O objetivo desta revisão é de apresentar e discutir a utilização da Fludarabina , isolada ou associada à antraciclínicos e alquilantes no tratamento dos linfomas não Hodgkin de baixo grau de malignidade (LBG.Concerning to the perspective of low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma remains the challenge to find the best treatment improving the objective responses and the possibility of cure . Low-grade lymphoma may be currently considered a group of incurable diseases. From watch-and-wait until allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, many doubts exist and should be clarify. The aim of this article is to present and to discuss the role of Fludarabine, alone or in combination with anthracyclines and/or cyclophosphamide, in the treatment of low-grade lymphomas.

  6. Mapping Intravascular Ultrasound Controversies in Interventional Cardiology Practice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maresca, D.; Adams, S.; Maresca, B.; Van der Steen, A.F.W.


    Intravascular ultrasound is a catheter-based imaging modality that was developed to investigate the condition of coronary arteries and assess the vulnerability of coronary atherosclerotic plaques in particular. Since its introduction in the clinic 20 years ago, use of intravascular ultrasound

  7. Modelos animales y células derivadas para su uso en la determinación de compuestos útiles en el tratamiento de linfomas de células T


    Bustelo, Xosé R.; Ruiz Macías, Sergio; Santos de Dios, Eugenio


    Modelos animales y células derivadas para su uso en la determinación de compuestos útiles en el tratamiento de linfomas de células T. La presente invención se encuadra dentro del campo de la biotecnología. Se refiere a un método para evaluar si un compuesto es efectivo en la prevención y/o tratamiento de una enfermedad asociada a linfomas de células T.

  8. Processos linfoproliferativos da pele: parte 2 - linfomas cutâneos de células T e de células NK Processos linfoproliferativos da pele: part 2 - cutaneous T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas

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    José Antonio Sanches Jr


    Full Text Available Os linfomas cutâneos de células T/NK constituem um grupo de doenças linfoproliferativas extranodais atualmente classificadas e subdivididas de acordo com o comportamento clínico segundo consenso da Organização Mundial de Saúde e da Organização Européia para Pesquisa e Tratamento do Câncer. Os linfomas cutâneos de células T/NK de comportamento clínico indolente compreendem a micose fungóide clássica, a micose fungóide foliculotrópica, a reticulose pagetóide, a cútis laxa granulomatosa, o linfoma cutâneo primário de grande célula anaplásica, a papulose linfomatóide, o linfoma subcutâneo de célula T paniculite-símile e o linfoma cutâneo primário de pequena e média célula T CD4+ pleomórfica. Os linfomas cutâneos de células T/NK de comportamento agressivo incluem a síndrome de Sézary, o linfoma extranodal de célula T/NK, tipo nasal, o linfoma cutâneo primário agressivo de célula T CD8+ epidermotrópica, o linfoma cutâneo de célula T gd e o linfoma cutâneo primário de célula T periférica, não especificado. O linfoma-leucemia de células T do adulto e a neoplasia hematodémica CD4+CD56+, embora considerados linfomas sistêmicos, são aqui abordados por apresentarem-se inicialmente na pele em significativo número de pacientes. O diagnóstico desses processos é realizado pelo exame histopatológico complementado pela análise do fenótipo das células neoplásicas, imprescindível no processo classificatório. O estadiamento para a avaliação da extensão anatômica da doença considera além do envolvimento cutâneo, o estado clínico e histológico dos linfonodos e das vísceras. Avaliação hematológica é fundamental na caracterização da síndrome de Sézary. Os tratamentos preconizados incluem terapêuticas dirigidas exclusivamente à pele, modificadores da resposta biológica e quimioterapia sistêmica.The cutaneous NKT/cell lymphomas are a group of extranodal lymphoproliferative disorders

  9. Linfoma não-Hodgkin bilateral do seio cavernoso como manifestação inicial da síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida: relato de caso

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    Alan Kardec Barreira Junior


    Full Text Available Relato de caso com acometimento bilateral do seio cavernoso causado por linfoma não-Hodgkin em um paciente com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. Paciente de 51 anos infectado pelo vírus da imunodeficiência adquirida há dois anos, sem terapia antirretroviral, apresentou-se com acometimento dos V e VI nervos cranianos bilateralmente. Exame de tomografia computadorizada de órbitas mostrou-se dentro da normalidade. Como a hipótese diagnóstica principal era afecção do ápice orbitário ou do seio cavernoso, foi realizado exame de imagem por ressonância magnética que evidenciou lesão compatível com linfoma acometendo os seios cavernosos. Apesar da raridade dos linfomas primários do sistema nervoso central, essa condição deve ser considerada entre os diagnósticos diferenciais nos pacientes imunodeprimidos que apresentem oftalmoplegia e sinais radiológicos sugestivos de lesão infiltrativa do seio cavernoso.

  10. Intravascular (catheter) MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, A.M.; Hurst, G.C.; Katz, D.E.; Dverk, J.L.; Wiesen, E.J.; Czerski, L.W.; Malaya, R.; Bellon, E.M.


    Intravascular MR probes allow excellent spatial resolution and have the potential to detect arterial wall microstructure. Ultrasonic intravascular probes suggest that detailed morphologic information can assist clinical decision making. Catheter MR probes of 2--7 mm outside diameter (OD) were built of copper wire, Teflon, and parts from standard commercial catheters. The probes were connected to the surface coil receiver input of our Picker VISTA 2055HP 1.5-T imaging system. The extant (linear) body coil was used for transmit. Phantoms were constructed of coaxial glass MR tubes, filled with doped water. Watanabe rabbit aorta and human autopsy iliac artery specimens were examined within 4 hours of excision or stored by freezing. In vivo iliac arteries in dogs under general anesthesia were imaged, with percutaneous placement of the probe. Results are presented

  11. Linfoma tipo MALT de la glándula parótida Lymphoma type MALT of the parotid gland

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    Carlos Frómeta Neira


    Full Text Available Los linfomas tipo MALT (tejido linfoideo asociado a mucosa, constituyen la variedad más recientemente descubierta de los linfomas no Hodgkin, tienen lugar fundamentalmente en la mucosa gástrica asociados a infección por Helycobacter pylori, y en la glándula tiroides en relación con la tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Sin embargo, internacionalmente se han descrito casos en glándulas salivales asociados a linfoadenitis. La naturaleza de la lesión a menudo no puede ser determinada solo por el estudio citológico; se hace necesario el análisis histopatológico para el diagnóstico definitivo en la mayoría de los casos. El presente estudio muestra un paciente masculino con aumento de volumen bilateral de ambas glándulas parótidas y diagnóstico citohistopatológico de un proceso linfoepitelial benigno, el cual desarrolló un linfoma tipo MALT en relación con la glándula parótida derecha.The lymphomas type MALT or the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, are the most recent variety of non-Hodgkin lymphomas present mainly in the gastric mucosa associated with Helycobacter pylori infection and in the thyroid gland in relation to Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Frequently the origin of this lesion can't be determined only by cytology study, thus it is necessary the histopathology analysis for a definitive diagnosis in most cases. Present paper includes the case of male patient with bilateral volume increase of both parotid glands and a diagnosis cytopathological of a benign lymphoepithelial process and the development of a type MALT lymphoma in relation to the right parotid gland.

  12. Assessing intravascular fluid status

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The assessment of intravascular fluid volume is a difficult undertaking in both the intensive care unit and theatre situation ... equally applicable to pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. .... airway pressure, the more difficult it becomes to interpret ...

  13. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) (United States)

    ... Jr, Silberstein LE, et al, eds. Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice . 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2013:chap 141. Thachil J, Toh CH. Current concepts in the management of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Thromb Res . 2012;129 ...

  14. Novel approaches to the management of disseminated intravascular coagulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Levi, M. [=Marcel M.; de Jonge, E.; van der Poll, T.; ten Cate, H.


    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a syndrome characterized by systemic intravascular activation of coagulation, leading to widespread deposition of fibrin in the circulation. We addressed the issue of whether there is evidence that this fibrin deposition contributes to multiple organ

  15. Linfoma cutâneo de células B: relato de caso Cutaneous B-cell lymphoma: a case report

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    Mariana de Gusmão Nunes


    Full Text Available Os linfomas cutâneos são classificados em linfomas de células B ou de células T, sendo os primeiros menos freqüentes. O linfoma cutâneo de células B (LCCB pode ser primário ou secundário, tendo o último história natural mais agressiva, com pior prognóstico. Os autores apresentam um caso de LCCB secundário com três anos de evolução, curso indolente, sem envolvimento de outros órgãos além da pele, com ótima resposta ao tratamento quimioterápico. A distinção entre LCCB primário e secundário é muito difícil de ser realizada, uma vez que eles são clínica e histopatologicamente indistinguíveis. Deve-se sempre pesquisar o acometimento de órgãos internos para então definir o prognóstico.Cutaneous lymphomas are classified as either type B cell or T cell lymphoma, the former type being less frequent. Cutaneous B cell lymphoma (CBCL may be primary or secondary. The latter has a more aggressive natural history with a worse prognostic. In this paper, the authors present a secondary CBCL case with a three-year evolution, indolent course, without involvement of other organs beside the skin and with optimal response to chemotherapeutic treatment. The distinction between primary and secondary CBCL is very difficult to determine insofar as they are clinically and histopathologically indistinguishable. It is always necessary to investigate whether internal organs have been affected prior to defining the prognosis.

  16. Effector CD4+ T cells recognize intravascular antigen presented by patrolling monocytes. (United States)

    Westhorpe, Clare L V; Norman, M Ursula; Hall, Pam; Snelgrove, Sarah L; Finsterbusch, Michaela; Li, Anqi; Lo, Camden; Tan, Zhe Hao; Li, Songhui; Nilsson, Susan K; Kitching, A Richard; Hickey, Michael J


    Although effector CD4 + T cells readily respond to antigen outside the vasculature, how they respond to intravascular antigens is unknown. Here we show the process of intravascular antigen recognition using intravital multiphoton microscopy of glomeruli. CD4 + T cells undergo intravascular migration within uninflamed glomeruli. Similarly, while MHCII is not expressed by intrinsic glomerular cells, intravascular MHCII-expressing immune cells patrol glomerular capillaries, interacting with CD4 + T cells. Following intravascular deposition of antigen in glomeruli, effector CD4 + T-cell responses, including NFAT1 nuclear translocation and decreased migration, are consistent with antigen recognition. Of the MHCII + immune cells adherent in glomerular capillaries, only monocytes are retained for prolonged durations. These cells can also induce T-cell proliferation in vitro. Moreover, monocyte depletion reduces CD4 + T-cell-dependent glomerular inflammation. These findings indicate that MHCII + monocytes patrolling the glomerular microvasculature can present intravascular antigen to CD4 + T cells within glomerular capillaries, leading to antigen-dependent inflammation.

  17. Inusual presentación de un Linfoma B cutáneo en un paciente joven Unusual presentation of a cutaneous B Lymphoma in a young male


    M V Calzinari; M Tellez; A Guglielmone; C M Velázquez; V N Dilsizian


    Se reporta el caso de un paciente masculino de 23 años de edad, que se presenta con una úlcera de región latero cervical, única, sin compromiso del estado general. Se solicita estudio histopatológico de la lesión e inmunomarcación, con diagnóstico de Linfoma no Hodgkin B de células grandes cutáneos primarios. Se realiza una revisión sobre los Linfomas no Hodgkin B de células grandes cutáneos primarios, siendo anecdótica la presentación en pacientes jóvenes.We report a case of a 23 year old ma...

  18. Linfoma não-Hodgkin em adultos: perfil proteico do LCR e do soro de 25 doentes

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    Full Text Available Vinte e cinco pacientes com linfoma não-Hodgkin estudados para detecção de sinais e sintomas de comprometimento neurológico foram investigados quanto ao perfil proteico do líquido cefalorraqueano (LCR. Amostras de LCR e de soro sanguíneo colhidas no mesmo período foram estudadas comparativamente para analisar a barreira hemato-encefálica e a produção intratecal de IgG .Em 48% dos doentes foram registradas queixas e/ou sinais ao exame neurológico. A análise demonstrou: aumento das proteínas totais no LCR em 52%; imunoliberação local em um paciente HIV soropositivo; aumento de globulinas gama no LCR de dois pacientes na ausência de células neoplásicas no LCR e melhora clínica pós-quimioterapia; e registro de banda oligoclonal apenas no LCR em um doente HTLV-I soropositivo. Esses dados mostram que o estudo do perfil proteico no LCR contribui para a caracterização das manifestações do linfoma não-Hodgkin no sistema nervoso.


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    Marchiori Edson


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho são descritos os aspectos tomográficos de alta resolução dos linfomas pulmonares e feita correlação com os achados anatomopatológicos. Com este objetivo, foram revisados as tomografias computadorizadas de alta resolução do tórax e os dados histopatológicos de dez pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de linfoma não-Hodgkin ou de doença de Hodgkin. Os resultados obtidos foram confrontados com os descritos na literatura. Os achados radiológicos mais comumente vistos neste estudo foram as consolidações parenquimatosas, localizadas, com broncogramas aéreos de permeio (n = 8. Em menor freqüência, foram encontrados múltiplos nódulos parenquimatosos (n = 4, espessamento peribroncovascular (n = 3 e opacidades em vidro fosco (n = 2. Na correlação com a anatomia patológica, as consolidações corresponderam a preenchimento alveolar por células neoplásicas, o espessamento peribroncovascular se deveu a infiltração das bainhas peribroncovasculares por células linfomatosas e a atenuação em vidro fosco se associou com infiltração dos septos alveolares por tais células.

  20. Linfoma não-Hodgkin em crianças com imunodeficiência: relato de cinco casos Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in children with immunodeficiency: report of five cases

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    Maria Christina L. A. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Neste estudo é relatado o quadro clínico de cinco crianças com linfoma não-Hodgkin secundário a imunodeficiência ou imunossupressão: três portadoras do vírus da imunodeficiência humana, uma com imunodeficiência primária e uma após transplante hepático. De acordo com a classificação atual, os tipos histológicos foram: linfoma linfoblástico de células B precursoras (2, linfoma cutâneo de grandes células anaplásico (1, linfoma de células B periféricas, sugestivo de Burkitt (1, e linfoma linfoblástico de células T precursoras (1. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a quimioterapia, sendo que dois estão em remissão clínica, dois morreram e um continua em tratamento. Após a introdução da terapia anti-retroviral combinada e o aumento dos transplantes de órgãos sólidos ocorre maior risco de neoplasia nesses pacientes. Desse modo, é importante o seguimento desses pacientes para determinar os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias e definir adequada estratégia de tratamento.The outcomes of five children with non-Hodgkin's lymphomas associated with immunodeficiency or immunosuppression is reported: three children with HIV, one with primary immunodeficiency and one after liver transplantation. According to the REAL classification, two patients had precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphomas, one had an anaplastic large cell lymphoma, one had a peripheral B-cell neoplasm suggestive of Burkitt's lymphoma, and one had precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma. All patients received chemotherapy. Two are in complete remission, two died and one remains under treatment. There has been an increasing awareness of the risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and lymphoproliferative disorders after active antiretroviral therapy and with the expansion of solid organ transplant programs in the pediatric setting. Thus, for these patients it is important to establish risk factors for hematological disorders and determine the optimal and safest

  1. Linfoma primario del sistema nervioso central en una paciente con lupus eritematoso sistémico

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    C. N. Pisoni


    Full Text Available Se presenta una paciente de 36 años con diagnóstico de lupus eritematoso sistémico tratada con prednisona y ciclofosfamida que se internó por cefalea, hemiparesia y hemianestesia braquiocrural derecha de dos semanas de evolución. Se realizó una tomografía computada y una resonancia magnética nuclear de cerebro que mostraron una lesión nodular frontal izquierda. Se efectuó una biopsia a cielo abierto de la lesión cerebral cuyo diagnóstico histopatológico fue linfoma B de celulas grandes, difuso. Se inició radioterapia, no completó el tratamiento por complicaciones y falleció. Son muy pocos los casos publicados de linfoma primario del sistema nervioso central asociado a lupus eritematoso sistémico.A 36 year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus was admitted to our hospital with headache, brachiocrural hemiparesis and hemianesthesia. She had been treated with prednisone and cyclophosphamide. CT scan and MRI revealed a 15 mm nodular mass enhanced with gadolinium in left frontal convexity. CNS biopsy was performed and a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma was diagnosed. She was treated with radiation therapy without response and died. There are few reports of erythematosus systemic lupus associated with primary central nervous system lymphoma.

  2. The Incidence of Intravascular Needle Entrance during Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Injection. (United States)

    Taghavi Zenouz, Ali; Ebrahimi, Hooman; Mahdipour, Masoumeh; Pourshahidi, Sara; Amini, Parisa; Vatankhah, Mahdi


    Dentists administer thousands of local anesthetic injections every day. Injection to a highly vascular area such as pterygomandibular space during an inferior alveolar nerve block has a high risk of intravascular needle entrance. Accidental intravascular injection of local anesthetic agent with vasoconstrictor may result in cardiovascular and central nervous system toxicity, as well as tachycardia and hypertension. There are reports that indicate aspiration is not performed in every injection. The aim of the present study was to assess the incidence of intravascular needle entrance in inferior alveolar nerve block injections. Three experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons performed 359 inferior alveolar nerve block injections using direct or indirect techniques, and reported the results of aspiration. Aspirable syringes and 27 gauge long needles were used, and the method of aspiration was similar in all cases. Data were analyzed using t-test. 15.3% of inferior alveolar nerve block injections were aspiration positive. Intravascular needle entrance was seen in 14.2% of cases using direct and 23.3% of cases using indirect block injection techniques. Of all injections, 15.8% were intravascular on the right side and 14.8% were intravascular on the left. There were no statistically significant differences between direct or indirect block injection techniques (P = 0.127) and between right and left injection sites (P = 0.778). According to our findings, the incidence of intravascular needle entrance during inferior alveolar nerve block injection was relatively high. It seems that technique and maneuver of injection have no considerable effect in incidence of intravascular needle entrance.

  3. Linfoma de Burkitt primario de la cavidad oral en una paciente con sida. Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Marcelo Corti


    Full Text Available Los linfomas no Hodgkin (LNH son un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades linfoproliferativas con elevada prevalencia en pacientes infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH. La inmunodeficiencia asociada al sida predispone al desarrollo de LNH, incluyendo el linfoma de Burkitt (LB. El LB es un subtipo infrecuente y agresivo de LNH con elevada frecuencia en pacientes con sida. Se asocia a una alta tasa de replicación celular (determinada por el índice Ki67 y con alta frecuencia de compromiso extranodal como forma de presentación clínica de la neoplasia. Se presenta una paciente con sida que desarrolló un LB primario de la cavidad oral y se realiza una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema.

  4. Disseminated intravascular and intracardiac thrombosis after cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Deepak K Tempe


    Full Text Available Massive intracardiac and intravascular thrombosis is a rare complication following cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB. Most of the cases of the disseminated thrombosis have been reported in patients undergoing complex cardiac surgeries and those receiving antifibrinolytic agents during CPB. We report the occurrence of disseminated intravascular and intracardiac thrombosis after CPB in a patient undergoing mitral valve replacement in which no antifibrinolytic agent was used. The possible pathophysiology and management of the patient is discussed.

  5. The Incidence of Intravascular Needle Entrance during Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Injection

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    Sara Pourshahidi


    Full Text Available

    Background and aims. Dentists administer thousands of local anesthetic injections every day. Injection to a highly vascular area such as pterygomandibular space during an inferior alveolar nerve block has a high risk of intravascular needle entrance. Accidental intravascular injection of local anesthetic agent with vasoconstrictor may result in cardiovascular and central nervous system toxicity, as well as tachycardia and hypertension. There are reports that indicate aspiration is not performed in every injection. The aim of the present study was to assess the incidence of intravascular needle entrance in inferior alveolar nerve block injections.

    Materials and methods. Three experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons performed 359 inferior alveolar nerve block injections using direct or indirect techniques, and reported the results of aspiration. Aspirable syringes and 27 gauge long needles were used, and the method of aspiration was similar in all cases. Data were analyzed using t-test.

    Results. 15.3% of inferior alveolar nerve block injections were aspiration positive. Intravascular needle entrance was seen in 14.2% of cases using direct and 23.3% of cases using indirect block injection techniques. Of all injections, 15.8% were intravascular on the right side and 14.8% were intravascular on the left. There were no statistically significant differences between direct or indirect block injection techniques (P = 0.127 and between right and left injection sites (P = 0.778.

    Conclusion. According to our findings, the incidence of intravascular needle entrance during inferior alveolar nerve block injection was relatively high. It seems that technique and maneuver of injection have no considerable effect in incidence of intravascular needle entrance.

  6. Linfomas plasmoblásticos del tracto gastrointestinal en pacientes con sida

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    Alejandro Avilés-Salas


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV tienen 200 veces más riesgo de desarrollar un linfoma no Hodgkin (LNH con respecto a la población general. El linfoma plasmoblástico (LP representa menos del 3% de todos los LNH asociados con el HIV. El objetivo de este estudio es informar las características clínico-patológicas de 5 pacientes con enfermedad HIV/sida y LP del tracto gastrointestinal. Se revisaron de forma retrospectiva los casos de LP del tracto gastrointestinal diagnosticados en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de la Ciudad de México en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2000 al 2009. Se analizaron las características clínico-patológicas y se realizaron cortes de bloques de tejidos embebidos en parafina para reacciones de inmunohistoquímica. La presencia del virus de Epstein Barr (VEB se examinó por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR in situ. De los cinco pacientes, cuatro fueron hombres y una mujer, con una mediana de edad de 29 años. Tres tumores se localizaron en la región anorrectal, uno en colon ascendente y el restante en el estómago. Histológicamente, todos los tumores se caracterizaron por una proliferación difusa de células grandes de aspecto plasmoblástico. Las células neoplásicas fueron CD 138/MUM-1 positivas y CD 20 / PAX-5 negativas. En cuatro pacientes se detectó el genoma del VEB en las células neoplásicas mediante PCR in situ. La mediana de seguimiento fue 18 meses; tres pacientes estaban vivos con enfermedad y dos sobreviven sin evidencias de la neoplasia. El diagnóstico precoz de LP como una entidad clínico-patológica es importante para establecer el tratamiento correcto y mejorar el pronóstico de estos pacientes.

  7. Contribuição da medicina nuclear para a avaliação dos linfomas

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    Sapienza Marcelo T.


    Full Text Available A medicina nuclear permite a caracterização funcional de tecidos, acrescentando dados à avaliação anatômica realizada por outros métodos de imagem, como a tomografia computadorizada, ressonância magnética ou ultra-som. Além do diagnóstico e estadiamento, as informações funcionais fornecidas pela medicina nuclear são particularmente úteis no seguimento e avaliação de resposta terapêutica dos pacientes com linfoma. A presença de massa residual após quimioterapia ou a infiltração de linfonodos de pequenas dimensões são exemplos de situações nas quais a avaliação isolada de características anatômicas é insuficiente. Os principais métodos utilizados são a cintilografia com gálio-67, traçador com alta afinidade por transferrina e receptores de ferro, e os estudos com flúor-deoxiglicose, emissor de pósitron que permite a caracterização do metabolismo de glicose nos tecidos. Outros traçadores, como o tálio-201, sestamibi-Tc99m e octreotide-In111, também são utilizados em menor escala na avaliação dos pacientes com linfoma. Os mecanismos de captação, principais indicações dos estudos, limitações e resultados de literatura serão revistos.

  8. Cicatrização de feridas: estudo comparativo em ratos hipertensos não tratados e tratados com inibidor da enzima conversora da angiotensina

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    Maria de Lourdes Pessole Biondo-Simões

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Reconhecer a interferência do captopril na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas de ratos hipertensos. MÉTODOS: Distribuíram-se 111 ratos em quatro grupos: controle normotenso (N=30; controle hipertenso (N=30, os quais receberam 1 ml/dia de solução de cloreto de sódio a 0.9% por via oral; grupo experimento (N=31, hipertensos que receberam 7,5mg/kg/dia de captopril e um grupo aferição (N=20, 10 hipertensos e 10 normotensos, nos quais aferiu-se a pressão na aorta abdominal, no último dia de experimento. Após 15 dias de medicação, fez-se uma incisão da pele e da tela subcutânea, na região médio-dorsal dos grupos I, II e III, seguida de síntese. Ressecaram-se as cicatrizes de 10 animais de cada grupo, no 4.º, 7.º e 14.º dias após a operação, que divididas em duas partes foram enviadas para a tensiometria e para análise histológica. RESULTADOS: A pressão arterial média de 83,18 ± 7,51 mmHg nos normotensos e 151,36 ± 10,51 mmHg nos hipertensos. As cicatrizes dos hipertensos tratados e não tratados eram menos resistentes que as dos normotensos, nos tempos iniciais (p<0,05 e que ao 14.º dia as resistências se igualaram. Não houve diferença entre o grupo tratado e o não tratado. A densidade de colágeno total foi maior nos normotensos em todos os tempos (p<0,05 e não houve diferença entre hipertensos tratados e não tratados. A epitelização, a reação inflamatória e a formação do tecido de granulação foi semelhante nos três grupos. CONCLUSÕES: O captopril, em ratos, não modifica a cicatrização, ficando as diferenças relacionadas à hipertensão.

  9. Fluorescent Method for Observing Intravascular Bonghan Duct

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    Byung-Cheon Lee


    Full Text Available Observation of intra-vascular threadlike structures in the blood vessels of rats is reported with the images by differential interference contrast microscope, and fluorescence inverted microscope of the acridine-orange stained samples. The confocal microscope image and the hematoxylin-eosin staining revealed the distinctive pattern of nuclei distribution that clearly discerned the threadlike structure from fibrin, capillary, small venule, arteriole, or lymph vessel. Physiological function of the intra-vascular thread in connection with acupuncture is discussed. Especially, this threadlike duct can be a circulation path for herb-liquid flow, which may provide the scientific mechanism for therapeutic effect of herbal acupuncture.

  10. Intravascular bronchio-alveolar tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mata, J.M.; Caceres, J.; Prat, J.; Lopez, J.I.; Velilla, O.


    In 1975 Dail and Liebow described the clinical and pathological characteristics of a pulmonary tumor which they dominated intravascular bronchio-alveolar tumor (IVBAT). Our aim is to acquaint radiologists with the existence of this tumor by describing the radiologic findings in 2 patients with IVBAT, 1 with hepatic involvement ant the other with pulmonary osteoarthropathy. (author). 7 refs.; 2 figs

  11. Expresión del factor de transcripción SOX11: Su implicancia en el linfoma de células del manto

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    Alejandro Roisman


    Full Text Available El gen SOX11, perteneciente a la familia de genes SOXC, es un factor de transcripción involucrado en la neurogénesis embrionaria y el remodelado tisular, participando asimismo en el control de la proliferación celular. Su rol en la linfomagénesis es desconocido. Estudios recientes han mostrado expresión proteica nuclear aberrante y sobreexpresión de los niveles de transcripto de SOX11 en pacientes con linfoma de células del manto (LCM. Si bien la mayoría de estos linfomas presentan un curso clínico agresivo, existe un subgrupo de pacientes con enfermedad indolente, sugiriendo una mayor heterogeneidad de esta patología. Actualmente, existen contradicciones respecto de la asociación entre la expresión del gen SOX11 y la evolución clínica del LCM; mientras algunos autores relacionan la ausencia de expresión de SOX11 con buen pronóstico, otros lo encuentran asociado a un curso clínico adverso. Esta diferencia en la expresión estaría relacionada a mecanismos epigenéticos, metilación del ADN y modificaciones a nivel de histonas, que permitirían la expresión aberrante de este gen en algunas neoplasias linfoides, incluyendo LCM. La profundización del conocimiento del gen SOX11 en LCM hará factible, sin duda, lograr una mayor comprensión de los mecanismos involucrados en la patogénesis y/o progresión de este linfoma, así como del rol de SOX11 en estos procesos.

  12. Design, construction, and validation of a rotary multifunctional intravascular diagnostic catheter combining multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging and intravascular ultrasound. (United States)

    Bec, Julien; Xie, Hongtao; Yankelevich, Diego R; Zhou, Feifei; Sun, Yang; Ghata, Narugopal; Aldredge, Ralph; Marcu, Laura


    We report the development and validation of an intravascular rotary catheter for bimodal interrogation of arterial pathologies. This is based on a point-spectroscopy scanning time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy technique enabling reconstruction of fluorescence lifetime images (FLIm) and providing information on arterial intima composition and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) providing information on arterial wall morphology. The catheter design allows for independent rotation of the ultrasonic and optical channels within an 8 Fr outer diameter catheter sheath and integrates a low volume flushing channel for blood removal in the optical pathways. In the current configuration, the two channels consist of (a) a standard 3 Fr IVUS catheter with single element transducer (40 MHz) and (b) a side-viewing fiber optic (400 μm core). Experiments conducted in tissue phantoms showed the ability of the catheter to operate in an intraluminal setting and to generate coregistered FLIm and IVUS in one pull-back scan. Current results demonstrate the feasibility of the catheter for simultaneous bimodal interrogation of arterial lumen and for generation of robust fluorescence lifetime data under IVUS guidance. These results facilitate further development of a FLIm-IVUS technique for intravascular diagnosis of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases including vulnerable plaques.

  13. Quinine-induced disseminated intravascular coagulation. (United States)

    Spearing, R L; Hickton, C M; Sizeland, P; Hannah, A; Bailey, R R

    Recurrent disseminated intravascular coagulation occurred in 3 women after ingestion of quinine tablets for cramp. All had circulating quinine-dependent antibodies to platelets and in 2 there was initial evidence of antibody consumption, with low titres that rose steeply over the next few days and remained high for many months.

  14. Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging of Peripheral Arteries as an Adjunct to Balloon Angioplasty and Atherectomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korogi, Yukunori; Hirai, Toshinori; Takahashi, Mutsumasa


    This article reviews many of the applications of intravascular ultrasound (US) imaging for peripheral arterial diseases. In vitro studies demonstrate an excellent correlation between ultrasound measurements of lumen and plaque crossectional area compared with histologic sections. In vivo clinical studies reveal the enhanced diagnostic capabilities of this technology compared with angiography. Intravascular US imaging can provide valuable information on the degree, eccentricity, and histologic type of stenosis before intervention, and on the morphological changes in the arterial wall and the extent of excision after intervention. Intravascular US may also serve as a superior index for gauging the diameter of balloon, stent, laser probe, and/or atherectomy catheter appropriate for a proposed intervention. Significant new insights into the mechanisms of balloon angioplasty and atherectomy have been established by intravascular US findings. Intravascular US imaging has been shown to be a more accurate method than angiography for determining the cross-sectional area of the arterial lumen, and for assessing severity of stenosis. Quantitative assessment of the luminal cross-sectional area after the balloon dilatation should be more accurate than angiography as intimal tears or dissections produced by the dilatation may not be accurately evaluated with angiography. At the present time, intravascular US is still a controversial imaging technique. Outcome studies are currently being organized to assess the clinical value and cost effectiveness of intravascular ultrasound in the context of these interventional procedures

  15. Ictericia febril colestásica como forma de presentación de linfoma de Hodgkin

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    Max Schindler


    Full Text Available La ictericia febril colestásica como forma de presentación de los linfomas de Hodgkin es un cuadro muy infrecuente. Describimos aquí un caso de síndrome febril prolongado asociado a ictericia progresiva, en el que el diagnóstico de la enfermedad se realiza a través de la biopsia hepática, dada la ausencia de afectación ganglionar que caracteriza a esta enfermedad. Destacamos asimismo el cuadro clínico avanzado y el compromiso multisistémico de una enfermedad rápidamente evolutiva.

  16. Biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina (BAAF) para el diagnóstico de linfoma no hodking cutáneo asociado a HTLV I-II. Presentación de caso.


    Núñez Carrión., Ericka Cecilia


    INTRODUCCIÓN: El HTLV-1 es el primer retrovirus oncógeno humano que fue aislado por vez primera. Más tarde se demostró que el virus del linfoma leucemia de células T humanas (HTLV-1) era el agente causal de la Leucemia/linfoma de células T del adulto (ATL). EL HTLV-1 es más común en Japón y en el Caribe que en los Estados Unidos. También se ha descrito posteriormente en varios países latinoamericanos incluyendo Perú. El HTLV-1 pertenece a la familia de los retrovirus humanos, con tropismo pos...

  17. Actividad laboral en una cohorte de pacientes con linfoma non Hodgkin

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    R. Molina Villaverde


    Full Text Available Introducción. La actividad laboral en el cáncer es un aspecto psicosocial que ha recibido poca atención hasta el momento actual, a pesar de considerarse una dimensión de la calidad de vida para estos pacientes. Objetivos. La reinserción y adaptación al entorno laboral fueron investigados en una cohorte de pacientes con linfoma no Hodgkin para describir los factores que influyen en la vuelta al trabajo de estos enfermos. Pacientes y métodos. El estudio incluyó 37 pacientes consecutivos diagnosticados de un linfoma no Hodgkin y empleados en el momento del diagnóstico. El cuestionario incluyó aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos y laborales (32 variables en total. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité Ético y de Investigación Cínica del Hospital La Paz. Todos los pacientes dieron su consentimiento para participar en el estudio y para la utilización de los datos de su historia clínica. Resultados. El 86,5% de los pacientes pasaron a inactivos tras comenzar el tratamiento de la enfermedad y un 32,5% lo seguían estando tras éste. No hubo diferencias en la influencia de las distintas variables analizadas con respecto a la actividad laboral tras el diagnóstico. Sin embargo, el realizar un trabajo predominantemente físico y la presencia de secuelas derivadas del tumor o del tratamiento de éste, sí influyeron en la reinserción laboral una vez finalizado el tratamiento específico. La mayoría de los pacientes no creían que el tener la enfermedad les perjudicaría en su puesto de trabajo y, en casi todos los casos, tanto sus compañeros como sus jefes conocían que tenían un tumor. Conclusiones. Éste es el primer estudio exploratorio en nuestro país acerca de la reinserción laboral de los pacientes diagnosticados de un linfoma. Son necesarios más trabajos para establecer las dificultades que tienen este tipo de enfermos en la reinserción laboral y establecer las medidas adecuadas para la mejora de este proceso

  18. O Tratado de Tordesilhas e sua projeção

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    Héctor José Tanzi


    Full Text Available (primeiro parágrafo do artigo Em fins de 1479, Castela e Portugal derimiam momentaneamente os trâmites de uma cruel contenda, num tratado de paz pelo qual Fernando e Isabel logravam uma efetiva elevação ao trono e Afonso V de Portugal abandonava a idéia de casar-se com a filha bastarda de Henrique IV, chamada a Beltraneja; esse foi o Tratado das Tercerías de Moura. Porém, ao  mesmo tempo que punha fim ao pleito dinástico, regulamentava-se a questão africana do Reino de Fez e reconhecia-se a Portugal a posse de Guiné, Açores e Cabo Verde, " ... e todas as ilhas que agora se tem descoberto e qualquer outras ilhas que se acharem e se conquistarem das ilhas da Canária para baixo contra Guiné..." no tratado chamado de Alcaçobas.

  19. Intravascular volume after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoff, R.G.


    Intravascular volume after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage A subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) from a ruptured cerebral aneurysm is a devastating disorder with an often poor prognosis. The occurrence of delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) is one of the most important factors determining outcome in

  20. Renal Sympathetic Denervation System via Intraluminal Ultrasonic Ablation: Therapeutic Intravascular Ultrasound Design and Preclinical Evaluation. (United States)

    Chernin, Gil; Szwarcfiter, Iris; Bausback, Yvonne; Jonas, Michael


    To assess the safety and performance of a nonfocused and nonballooned ultrasonic (US) catheter-based renal sympathetic denervation (RDN) system in normotensive swine. RDN with the therapeutic intravascular US catheter was evaluated in 3 experiments: (i) therapeutic intravascular US RDN vs a control group of untreated animals with follow-up of 30, 45, and 90 days (n = 6; n = 12 renal arteries for each group); (ii) therapeutic intravascular US RDN vs radiofrequency (RF) RDN in the contralateral artery in the same animal (n = 2; n = 4 renal arteries); and (iii) therapeutic intravascular US RDN in a recently stent-implanted renal artery (n = 2; n = 4 renal arteries). In the first experiment, therapeutic intravascular US RDN was safe, without angiographic evidence of dissection or renal artery stenosis. Neuronal tissue vacuolization, nuclei pyknosis, and perineuronal inflammation were evident after RDN, without renal artery wall damage. Norepinephrine levels were significantly lower after therapeutic intravascular US RDN after 30, 45, and 90 days compared with the control group (200.17 pg/mg ± 63.35, 184.75 pg/mg ± 44.51, and 203.43 pg/mg ± 58.54, respectively, vs 342.42 pg/mg ± 79.97). In the second experiment, deeper neuronal ablation penetrance was found with therapeutic intravascular US RDN vs RF RDN (maximal penetrance from endothelium of 7.0 mm vs 3.5 mm, respectively). There was less damage to the artery wall after therapeutic intravascular US RDN than with RF RDN, after which edema and injured endothelium were seen. In the third experiment, denervation inside the stent-implanted segments was feasible without damage to the renal artery wall or stent. The therapeutic intravascular US system performed safely and reduced norepinephrine levels. Deeper penetrance and better preservation of vessel wall were observed with therapeutic intravascular US RDN vs RF RDN. Neuronal ablations were observed in stent-implanted renal arteries. Copyright © 2017 SIR. Published

  1. Hemi-Intravascular Stenting for Supermicrosurgical Anastomosis

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    Kensuke Tashiro, MD


    Conclusions:. Hemi-IVaS could be a useful alternative to conventional intravascular stenting techniques and is also effective for supermicrosurgical perforator-to-perforator anastomosis. Further studies are needed to improve the success rate and to explore its other possible utilizations in supermicrosurgery.

  2. Techniques for Intravascular Foreign Body Retrieval

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woodhouse, Joe B.; Uberoi, Raman


    As endovascular therapies increase in frequency, the incidence of lost or embolized foreign bodies is increasing. The presence of an intravascular foreign body (IFB) is well recognized to have the potential to cause serious complications. IFB can embolize and impact critical sites such as the heart, with subsequent significant morbidity or mortality. Intravascular foreign bodies most commonly result from embolized central line fragments, but they can originate from many sources, both iatrogenic and noniatrogenic. The percutaneous approach in removing an IFB is widely perceived as the best way to retrieve endovascular foreign bodies. This minimally invasive approach has a high success rate with a low associated morbidity, and it avoids the complications related to open surgical approaches. We examined the characteristics, causes, and incidence of endovascular embolizations and reviewed the various described techniques that have been used to facilitate subsequent explantation of such materials

  3. Infiltración meningea por leucemia a celulas plasmáticas y por linfoma no Hodgkin: estudio citomorfologico en el liquido cefalo-raquideo

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    Arnaldo Tabares Olives


    Full Text Available Son presentadas las características citomorfológicas anormales encontradas en el LCR de dos pacientes, uno de ellos sufriendo de leucemia aguda a células plasmáticas y otro de linfoma mixto no Hodgkin. Se enfatiza la importancia del estudio del LCR en estas patologias.

  4. Hemi-Intravascular Stenting for Supermicrosurgical Anastomosis (United States)

    Yamashita, Shuji; Narushima, Mitsunaga; Koshima, Isao; Miyamoto, Shimpei


    Background: Although supermicrosurgical anastomosis is a widely known reconstructive microsurgical technique, it is difficult to perform. To expand the clinical use of supermicrosurgery, we used hemi-intravascular stenting (hemi-IVaS), which is performed by inserting an intravascular stent into one side of the vessel. We conducted lymphaticovenular anastomosis, free perforator flap transfer, and fingertip replantation with supermicrosurgical anastomosis using hemi-IVaS technique and examined its usefulness. Methods: Between January 2013 and February 2015, 11 anastomoses in 11 cases of lymphaticovenular anastomosis for lymphedema patients, 14 anastomoses in 7 cases of free perforator flap transfer with supermicrosurgical perforator-to-perforator anastomosis, and 9 anastomoses in 5 cases of fingertip replantation were performed using hemi-IVaS. Time required for anastomosis and complications were examined. Flap survival rate was also examined in free perforator flap transfer cases and fingertip replantation cases. Results: In all cases, anastomoses were performed without complications such as inadvertent catching of the back wall of the vessel during the procedure or the need for reanastomoses. The average time required to complete the anastomosis was 16.4 ± 3.20 minutes using the hemi IVaS technique. All flaps survived in the supermicrosurgical perforator-to-perforator anastomosis as well as fingertip replantation cases. Conclusions: Hemi-IVaS could be a useful alternative to conventional intravascular stenting techniques and is also effective for supermicrosurgical perforator-to-perforator anastomosis. Further studies are needed to improve the success rate and to explore its other possible utilizations in supermicrosurgery. PMID:29263952

  5. Rotational multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging and intravascular ultrasound: bimodal system for intravascular applications (United States)

    Ma, Dinglong; Bec, Julien; Yankelevich, Diego R.; Gorpas, Dimitris; Fatakdawala, Hussain; Marcu, Laura


    Abstract. We report the development and validation of a hybrid intravascular diagnostic system combining multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIm) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) for cardiovascular imaging applications. A prototype FLIm system based on fluorescence pulse sampling technique providing information on artery biochemical composition was integrated with a commercial IVUS system providing information on artery morphology. A customized 3-Fr bimodal catheter combining a rotational side-view fiberoptic and a 40-MHz IVUS transducer was constructed for sequential helical scanning (rotation and pullback) of tubular structures. Validation of this bimodal approach was conducted in pig heart coronary arteries. Spatial resolution, fluorescence detection efficiency, pulse broadening effect, and lifetime measurement variability of the FLIm system were systematically evaluated. Current results show that this system is capable of temporarily resolving the fluorescence emission simultaneously in multiple spectral channels in a single pullback sequence. Accurate measurements of fluorescence decay characteristics from arterial segments can be obtained rapidly (e.g., 20 mm in 5 s), and accurate co-registration of fluorescence and ultrasound features can be achieved. The current finding demonstrates the compatibility of FLIm instrumentation with in vivo clinical investigations and its potential to complement conventional IVUS during catheterization procedures. PMID:24898604

  6. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Following Induction of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Disseminated Intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) has been reported following use of Misoprostol which is an old drug with new indications in Obstetrics and. Gynecology. Its effectiveness, low cost, stability in tropical conditions and ease of administration as well as side effects like gastrointestinal effect, uterine ...

  7. Linfoma primario de páncreas en un paciente de 27 anos de edad. Reporte de un caso

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    Andrea Fargier Paoli


    Full Text Available Los linfomas representan una pequeña fracción de todas las neoplasias malignas de páncreas, siendo inferior al 1 o 2%, y es aún más extremadamente extraño en individuos menores de 35 años, por lo que presentamos caso de linfoma primario de páncreas en un paciente de 27 años de edad, que presentó ictericia y dolor abdominal, como única sintomatología. El ultrasonido abdominal solo reportó litiasis biliar mixta, por lo que se programó cirugía electiva para colecistectomía y exploración biliar. El hallazgo intraoperatorio inesperadamente indicó una tumoración a nivel de cabeza del páncreas, y se procedió a realizar una biopsia de la lesión, colecistectomía e inserción de tubo de Kher en la vía biliar principal, ante la imposibilidad de manejo endoscópico posterior con endoprotesis. Adicionalmente, se inicio un protocolo de estudio postoperatorio, hacia la búsqueda de marcadores tumorales y tomografía axial computarizada (TAC abdomino-pélvica, esta última evidenció tumoración en cabeza de páncreas sin infiltración a órganos vecinos o estructuras vasculares. El estudio histopatológico mostro un linfoma de páncreas, por lo que se complementaron los estudios de extensión e inició tratamiento a base de quimioterapia. En la actualidad tiene 6 meses de tratamiento con adecuada respuesta al mismo, dada por una disminución en el tamaño del tumor corroborada por tomografía y desaparición de la ictericia. Debido a los pocos casos reportados de linfoma primario de páncreas en individuos menores de 35 años, decidimos reportar este caso a fin evidenciar la importancia de un diagnóstico preoperatorio correcto, para evitar terapéuticas inadecuadas. Primary Lymphoma of Pancreas in a 27 year-old patient. A case report Abstract Pancreatic lymphomas is a rare (less than 1-2% pancreatic malignant neoplasms, but is extremely rare in under 35 yearsold. A rare case of Primary Lymphoma of Pancreas in a 27 years old patient is

  8. Environmental risk factors related to the development of canine non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Fatores de risco ambientais relacionados ao desenvolvimento do linfoma não Hodgkin canino

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    Danielle Almeida Zanini


    Full Text Available This research aimed to investigate the possible risk factors associated with the development of canine non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Owners of 83 dogs with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and of 84 healthy dogs answered an epidemiological questionnaire. Dogs who lived outside of the house and within 100 meters of busy streets or avenues (defined as more than 50 vehicles per minute had a higher risk for developing the disease (OR: 3.1, 95% CI: 1.4-6.9, P=0.005. These results suggest that air pollution derived from vehicle traffic may be associated with the development of canine non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os possíveis fatores de risco ambientais, associados com o desenvolvimento de linfoma não-Hodgkin nos cães. Um questionário epidemiológico foi aplicado aos proprietários de 83 cães com linfoma não-Hodgkin e 84 proprietários de cães saudáveis. Os cães que viviam permanentemente no lado de fora da casa e em torno de 100 metros de ruas movimentadas ou avenidas (mais de 50 veículos por minuto tiveram um maior risco de desenvolvimento da doença (OR: 3,1, IC 95%: 1,4-6,9, P=0,005. Esses resultados sugerem que a poluição do ar oriunda do tráfego veicular pode estar associada com o desenvolvimento de linfomas não-Hodgkin canino.

  9. Newer techniques for intravascular and intraoperative neurointerventional procedures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Higashida, R.T.; Halbach, V.V.; Hieshima, G.B.; Yang, P.


    A videotape demonstrating newer techniques used in intravascular and intraoperative embolization procedures will be presented. The authors discuss the use of some of the newer embolic agents, real-time digital subtraction angiography, roadmapping techniques, and the use of microcatheters and steerable micro guide wires, which has greatly facilitated neurovascullar embolization procedures and enhanced patient safety. A number of actual intraoperative and intravascular cases will be shown demonstrating treatment of vascular malformations of the brain and spinal cord, carotid cavernous sinus fistulas, aneurysms and dural arteriovenous malformations. The indications for treatment, patient selection, technical preparation and newer methodologies and approaches to complex vascular lesions of the brain and spinal cord are discussed in detail

  10. Linfomas não-Hodgkin extranodais em Salvador-Bahia: aspectos clínicos e classificação histopatológica segundo a OMS-2001 Extranodal non-Hodgkins lymphomas in Salvador, Brazil: clinical aspects and histopathological classification according to the WHO-2001 guidelines

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    Marinho M. Silva Neto


    Full Text Available Linfomas não-Hodgkin (LNH extranodais representam cerca de um terço de todos os linfomas e atualmente apresentam taxa de incidência maior que a de linfomas nodais. Diferenças entre LNH nodais e extranodais incluem etiologia, formas de apresentação e resposta terapêutica, entretanto não dispomos de dados na nossa população. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar os LNH extranodais diagnosticados no Hospital Aristides Maltez, em Salvador-Bahia. Foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, 145 diagnósticos de linfoma não-Hodgkin, segundo a OMS-2001, no período de janeiro de 1999 a julho de 2001. A freqüência de linfomas extranodais foi de 30,3%. A idade média dos pacientes foi de 55,6 anos e a relação homem/mulher foi de 1:1. A maioria dos pacientes apresentava estadios avançados (III ou IV de Ann Arbor, presença de sintomas B, LDH normal, bom desempenho pela escala do ECOG e IPI entre zero e dois. Nove pacientes estão vivos e em remissão completa (22,5% após um seguimento médio de 23 meses. O sítio extranodal mais comumente acometido foram as tonsilas, seguidas pela cavidade oral, pele e trato gastrointestinal, dentre outros. O linfoma difuso de grandes células B foi o mais comum subtipo histológico, seguido pelo linfoma anaplásico de grandes células. Concluímos que o mais freqüente sítio extranodal de apresentação em nosso estudo difere da maioria da literatura, porém nossa freqüência de linfoma extranodal é semelhante à mesma.Extranodal non-Hodgkins lymphomas represent approximately one third of all lymphomas and currently have an incidence higher than nodal lymphomas. Differences in etiology, presentation and outcome of these lymphomas have been reported. However, there are no data in our population. This study was carried out in the Pathological Anatomy Service of Aristides Maltez Hospital in Salvador, Bahia. One hundred and forty-five non-Hodgkins lymphomas cases according to the WHO-2001 classification

  11. Emergency treatment by intravascular embolization in traumatic carotid cavernous fistula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Jun; Sun Zengtao; Liu Zuoqin; Liu Yanjun; Li Fengxin


    Objective: To discuss the method of intervenfional intravascular treatment in traumatic carotid cavernous fistula (TCCF) and the significance of clinical application in emergency. Methods: In 297 eases of TCCF, 36 cases were treated by interventional intravascular embolization by detachable balloon, embolization orificium or occlusion in one side of carotid artery. In the 36 cases, serious epistaxis occurred in 22 eases, cortical vein inflow in 9 cases, intracranial hemorrhage in 3 cases, aggravation of eyesight in 3 cases, and limb dysfunction in 2 cases. Results: Fistula was successfully embolized and internal carotid artery remained patent in 19 cases. Complete embolization of orificium or internal carotid artery was achieved in 17 eases. The serious epistaxias in 22 cases and intracranial hemorrhage in 3 cases stopped. Eyesight recovered in 2 eases and improved in 1 case. Limb dysfunction improved evidently in 2 cases. Conclusion: Intravascular embolization treatment is the first therapeutic choice for TCCF, especially in emergency. It is necessary, safe and effective. (authors)

  12. Non Hodgkin T cell lymphoma: an atypical clinical presentation Linfoma não Hodgkin de células T citotóxico: uma apresentação clínica atípica

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    Paula Maio


    Full Text Available Cytotoxic lymphomas comprise a spectrum of peripheral T-cell lymphomas that can have a initial or late cutaneous presentation. We describe a 46-year-old man from Cape Verde, with a dermatosis involving his face and trunk, consisting of monomorphic papules with a smooth surface and both motor and sensory polyneuropathy.The hypothesis of leprosy was supported by the clinical and initial hystopathological findings and the patient was referred to our hospital with suspected Hansen's disease. In the new skin and lymph node biopsies a lymphocyte population was identified whose immunohystochemistry study allowed the diagnosis of T-cell lymphoma with expression of cytotoxic markers. The patient was started on chemotherapy with initial remission of the skin lesions but, subsequently, progression of systemic disease.Os linfomas citotóxicos compreendem um espectro de linfomas de células T periféricos e linfomas Natural Killer que podem ter expressão cutânea primária ou secundária. Descrevemos o caso de um homem com 46 anos de idade, natural de Cabo Verde,com dermatose envolvendo a face e tronco constituída por pápulas monomorfas superfície lisa e polineuropatia sensitivo motora.A hipótese de Hanseníase foi colocada suportada por achados histopatológicos sugestivos sendo o doente referenciado à consulta de Doença de Hansen do nosso hospital. Em biopsia de pele e de gânglio identificou-se proliferação linfocitária cujo estudo imunohistoquímico permitiu o diagnóstico de linfoma T com expressão de marcadores citotóxicos. Iniciou quimioterapia verificando-se inicialmente remissão parcial das lesões cutâneas mas posteriormente a progressão da doença sistémica.

  13. Linfoma não-Hodgkin apresentando-se como massa hepática única Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as a single liver mass

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    Mila Correia Góis Peixoto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as principais características de imagem do linfoma não-Hodgkin apresentando-se como massa hepática única. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizamos estudo retrospectivo mediante análise de casos de pacientes com massa hepática única aos exames de ultrassonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, com diagnóstico histológico de linfoma não-Hodgkin. Esses exames foram analisados por dois examinadores em consenso. RESULTADOS: Identificamos três pacientes, todos do sexo masculino, na quinta década de vida, com quadro clínico inespecífico e que apresentavam massa hepática única e com diagnóstico de linfoma não-Hodgkin. Na ultrassonografia a lesão hepática apresentava-se como massa com aspecto "em alvo" nos três casos estudados. Na tomografia computadorizada observou-se massa hipodensa e heterogênea, com realce anelar em todos os casos. Na ressonância magnética as lesões apresentavam-se heterogêneas, hipointensas em T1 e hiperintensas em T2, e também com realce anelar após a injeção do contraste. Nenhum paciente apresentava linfonodomegalia ou comprometimento de outras vísceras sólidas no momento do diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO: Na presença de massa hepática solitária e com aspecto "em alvo" deve-se considerar, entre as hipóteses, o diagnóstico de linfoma.OBJECTIVE: To describe the main imaging findings of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as a single liver mass. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was developed with analysis of cases where a single liver mass was observed at ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and histologically diagnosed as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The studies were reviewed by two observers in consensus. RESULTS: Three male patients in the fifth decade of life, with non-specific clinical manifestations and single liver mass diagnosed as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were identified. A hepatic lesion with target sign was observed at

  14. Asian-variant intravascular lymphoma in the African race

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    Holly Geyer


    Full Text Available Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL is an exceptionally rare form of non- Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL distinguished by the preferential growth of neoplastic cells within blood vessel lumen. Challenging to detect and deemed disseminated at diagnosis, this condition is characterized by a highly aggressive, inconspicuous course with a high mortality rate. We describe the case of a 48 year-old African-American female presenting with a two month history of low-grade fevers and malaise. Laboratory data was notable for anemia, thrombocytopenia, elevated liver function tests, and hematuria. An extensive workup for infectious, rheumatologic and malignant causes was negative. Her symptoms progressed and within two weeks, she was admitted for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC. Her course was complicated by diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage and ultimately, care was withdrawn. Autopsy identified widespread CD-20 positive intravascular large B-cell lymphoma with significant hepatosplenic involvement, characteristic of the Asian variant IVLBCL. This case uniquely highlights development of the Asian variant IVLBVL in a previously undescribed race. Identified by its intraluminal vascular growth pattern, IVLBCL generally spares lymphatic channels. Diagnosis and differentiation of this condition from other hematological malignancies via skin, visceral and bone marrow biopsy is imperative as anthracycline-containing chemotherapies may significantly improve clinical outcomes. This article outlines the common presentation, natural course, and treatment options of IVLBCL, along with the histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and chromosomal aberrations common to this condition.

  15. Importância da cintilografia com gálio-67 no linfoma cutâneo primário de células B: relato de dois casos


    Attab,Cyomara Sanches; Moriguchi,Sônia Marta; Paton,Eduardo José Alencar; Alencar,Mário Henrique Leite de; Rocha,Euclides Timóteo da


    Os autores relatam dois casos de linfoma cutâneo de células B, nos quais o correto estadiamento, tratamento e seguimento foram possíveis graças à combinação de exames convencionais e a cintilografia com gálio-67.

  16. Gallium SPECT detection of neoplastic intravascular obstruction of the superior vena cava

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swayne, L.C.; Kaplan, I.L.


    A rare case of an intravascular neoplastic obstruction of the superior vena cava is discussed. The lesion was detected with gallium single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) despite a normal appearance on a concurrent radiographic CT study. A computer-generated composite SPECT-CT image confirmed the intravascular localization of the radioisotope, and a subsequent CT-guided transthoracic needle biopsy revealed a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma

  17. 21 CFR 880.5440 - Intravascular administration set. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Intravascular administration set. 880.5440 Section 880.5440 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL HOSPITAL AND PERSONAL USE DEVICES General Hospital and Personal Use...

  18. Intravascular photoacoustic imaging of human coronary atherosclerosis (United States)

    Jansen, Krista; van der Steen, Antonius F. W.; Springeling, Geert; van Beusekom, Heleen M. M.; Oosterhuis, J. Wolter; van Soest, Gijs


    We demonstrate intravascular photoacoustic imaging of human coronary atherosclerotic plaque. We specifically imaged lipid content, a key factor in vulnerable plaques that may lead to myocardial infarction. An integrated intravascular photoacoustics (IVPA) and ultrasound (IVUS) catheter with an outer diameter of 1.25 mm was developed. The catheter comprises an angle-polished optical fiber adjacent to a 30 MHz single-element transducer. The ultrasonic transducer was optically isolated to eliminate artifacts in the PA image. We performed measurements on a cylindrical vessel phantom and isolated point targets to demonstrate its imaging performance. Axial and lateral point spread function widths were 110 μm and 550 μm, respectively, for PA and 89 μm and 420 μm for US. We imaged two fresh human coronary arteries, showing different stages of disease, ex vivo. Specific photoacoustic imaging of lipid content, is achieved by spectroscopic imaging at different wavelengths between 1180 and 1230 nm.

  19. Púrpura trombocitopênica idiopática e linfoma não-Hodgkin de células T na infância Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in childhood

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    Alessandra C. Borges


    Full Text Available Os linfomas representam 10% de todos os tumores malignos da infância e, destes, os linfomas não-Hodgkin são os mais freqüentes. Crianças com doenças auto-imunes apresentam maior probabilidade de desenvolver doenças linfoproliferativas, podendo ocorrer antes, durante ou após o aparecimento da neoplasia. A associação de púrpura trombocitopênica idiopática e linfomas é infreqüente (3%, principalmente na faixa etária pediátrica. Duas teorias tentam explicar a origem desta associação. Na primeira, a trombocitopenia seria decorrente da produção de auto-anticorpos antiplaquetas pelo clone tumoral. Na segunda, a PTI seria resultado de um estímulo antigênico persistente, secundário a uma desordem na proliferação linfóide. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar a associação infreqüente na infância entre púrpura trombo-citopênica idiopática e linfoma não-Hodgkin de células T.Lymphomas represent 10% of all malignant tumors in childhood and from these non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are the most frequent. Children who have autoimmune diseases have a higher probability of developing lymphoproliferative diseases, which can happen before, during or after the appearance of the neoplasia. The association between idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and lymphomas is not common (3% especially in children. Two theories try to explain the origin of this association. In the first one, the thrombocytopenia would be a result of an autoantibody anti-blood platelet production by the tumoral clone. In the second one, the idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura would be a result of a persistent antigenic stimulus subordinate to a disorder in the lymphoid proliferation. The aim of this work is to report the unusual association between idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in childhood.

  20. Renal denervation by intravascular ultrasound: Preliminary in vivo study (United States)

    Sinelnikov, Yegor; McClain, Steve; Zou, Yong; Smith, David; Warnking, Reinhard


    Ultrasound denervation has recently become a subject of intense research in connection with the treatment of complex medical conditions including neurological conditions, development of pain management, reproduction of skin sensation, neuropathic pain and spasticity. The objective of this study is to investigate the use of intravascular ultrasound to produce nerve damage in renal sympathetic nerves without significant injury to the renal artery. This technique may potentially be used to treat various medical conditions, such as hypertension. The study was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Ultrasound was applied to renal nerves of the swine model for histopathological evaluation. Therapeutic ultrasound energy was delivered circumferentially by an intravascular catheter maneuvered into the renal arteries. Fluoroscopic imaging was conducted pre-and post-ultrasound treatment. Animals were recovered and euthanized up to 30 hours post procedure, followed by necropsy and tissue sample collection. Histopathological examination showed evidence of extensive damage to renal nerves, characterized by nuclear pyknosis, hyalinization of stroma and multifocal hemorrhages, with little or no damage to renal arteries. This study demonstrates the feasibility of intravascular ultrasound as a minimally invasive renal denervation technique. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of this technique and its related clinical significance.

  1. Infiltração do sistema nervoso central e das meninges nos linfomas com representação leucemica

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    Marcos R. G. de Freitas


    Full Text Available Os autores fazem referência a 4 pacientes com representação leucêmica no decurso de linfomas malignos que apresentaram infiltração de células neoplasicas no sistema nervoso central e meninges. É feito o estudo anatomopatoló-gico, encontrando-se em 2 deles a formação de nódulos leucêmicos no parênquima nervoso. Nos outros dois, houve regressão total de sintomatologia neurológica com o uso do metotrexate por via intratecal.

  2. Therapeutic intervention in disseminated intravascular coagulation: have we made any progress in the last millennium?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Levi, Marcel; de Jonge, Evert; van der Poll, Tom


    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a syndrome characterized by systemic intravascular activation of coagulation, leading to widespread deposition of fibrin in the circulation. Recent knowledge on important pathogenetic mechanisms that may lead to DIC has resulted in novel preventive and

  3. Modelos animales y células derivadas para su uso en la determinación de compuestos útiles en el tratamiento de linfomas de células T


    Bustelo, Xosé R.; Ruiz Macías, Sergio; Santos de Dios, Eugenio


    [ES] La presente invención se encuadra dentro del campo de la biotecnología. Se refiere a un método para evaluar si un compuesto es efectivo en la prevención y/o tratamiento de una enfermedad asociada a linfomas de células T.

  4. Intravascular catheter sepsis | Mer | South African Medical Journal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Intravascular devices are an integral component of modern-day medical practice. They are used to administer intravenous fluids, medications, blood products and parenteral nutrition. In addition, they serve as a valuable monitor of the haemodynamic status of critically ill patients.

  5. Disseminated intravascular coagulation in meningococcal sepsis. Case 7

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zeerleder, S.; Zürcher Zenklusen, R.; Hack, C. E.; Wuillemin, W. A.


    We report on a man (age: 49 years), who died from severe meningococcal sepsis with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and extended skin necrosis. We discuss in detail the pathophysiology of the activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis during sepsis.



    Lazo, Rodrigo Polanco; Villanueva, Felipe Yáñez


    El presente artículo examina las relaciones entre los tratados de inversión y los tratados de doble tributación, considerando que, en la actual evolución de ambos tipos de acuerdos, sus disposiciones pueden presentar superposiciones en aspectos tales como estándares de protección, transparencia, trato nacional, cláusula de la nación más favorecida, expropiación y transferencias de capital. Tomando el ejemplo de los tratados suscritos por Chile, en este trabajo se examinan las consecuencias de...

  7. Implicaciones para el Ecuador del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos en relación a los medicamentos y a la salud.


    Logroño Barrionuevo, Milton Efraín



  8. Intravascular pulmonary metastases from sarcoma: appearance on computed tomography in 3 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ting, P.T.; Burrowes, P.W.; Gray, R.R.


    Various common malignant neoplasms (ie, liver, kidney, stomach and breast) have been reported to embolize to the pulmonary arterial system. This uncommon occurrence can also result from metastatic sarcoma. We report 3 cases- 2 chondrosarcomas and 1 osteosarcoma-associated with intravascular motastases to the pulmonary vasculature and discuss the clinical presentation and differentiating radiologic features on computed tomography (CT). Intravascular pulmonary tumour emboli may present with nonspecific respiratory symptoms or remain completely asymptomatic, and therefore, many patients are often misdiagnosed with thromboembolic disease or undiagnosed until autopsy. Chest CTs in all our patients demonstrated a striking pattern of multifocal tubular branching beaded opacities along the pulmonary vasculature in a multilobular distribution. Our observations and a review of the literature indicate that chest CT is the most useful diagnostic tool for detecting intravascular pulmonary tumour emboli. CT can distinguish this entity from mucous plugging by demonstrating the normal adjacent bronchus. The tubular nature of these metastases distinguishes them from the more common parenchymal metastases. (author)

  9. Intravascular brachytherapy in prevention of the secondary restenosis angioplasty transluminal coronaries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mejia, S.


    The radiotherapy coronary intravascular has demonstrated in a convincing way in clinical and experimental studies that produces a favorable decrease of the restenosis process. There is enough evidence to define this technique as the main current therapeutic option in the handling of the reestenosis intra stent. Accumulated experience exists of up to 3 years in patient's treaties with radiation gamma and multiple studies in several centers that demonstrate similar benefits with issuing beta. The present articulates it revises a series of radiotherapy systems and makes a setting a day on the employment of the brachytherapy intravascular in cardiologic patient

  10. Utilização de efluente tratado em complexo industrial automotivo

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    Sandro Carlos Pohl

    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste trabalho, realizaram-se modificações nos sistemas produtivo e de tratamento de efluentes em um complexo industrial automotivo a fim de possibilitar a utilização do efluente tratado no sistema de torres de resfriamento. Inicialmente, realizou-se um balanço hídrico nos processos industriais para determinar o consumo de água e analisou-se a qualidade do efluente tratado quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos em dois pontos do sistema de tratamento de efluentes: no decantador secundário (P1 do tratamento físico-químico e na saída da lagoa de polimento (P2. Essas análises mostraram que o efluente tratado no decantador secundário não tem capacidade de atender às especificações da água de circulação das torres de resfriamento sem a realização de muitas alterações em seu tratamento, optando-se pela utilização do efluente tratado na saída da lagoa de polimento após modificações, como: alteração na concentração de ácido fosfórico e de ácido nítrico da solução de limpeza dos tanques de fosfatização, elevação em 50% da capacidade de aeração da lagoa aerada e troca do coagulante sulfato de alumínio pelo cloreto férrico no tratamento físico-químico. Assim, os parâmetros do efluente tratado na lagoa de polimento aproximaram-se aos parâmetros especificados para água de torres de resfriamento. A introdução desse efluente na proporção de 40% do volume da água de circulação na torre de resfriamento resultou em elevação do ciclo de dureza e redução no ciclo de sílica. A utilização de um filtro abrandador na saída da lagoa de polimento proporcionou a redução dos parâmetros de qualidade da água para valores similares aos da água de recirculação nas torres de resfriamento.

  11. Currently available methodologies for the processing of intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography images. (United States)

    Athanasiou, Lambros; Sakellarios, Antonis I; Bourantas, Christos V; Tsirka, Georgia; Siogkas, Panagiotis; Exarchos, Themis P; Naka, Katerina K; Michalis, Lampros K; Fotiadis, Dimitrios I


    Optical coherence tomography and intravascular ultrasound are the most widely used methodologies in clinical practice as they provide high resolution cross-sectional images that allow comprehensive visualization of the lumen and plaque morphology. Several methods have been developed in recent years to process the output of these imaging modalities, which allow fast, reliable and reproducible detection of the luminal borders and characterization of plaque composition. These methods have proven useful in the study of the atherosclerotic process as they have facilitated analysis of a vast amount of data. This review presents currently available intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography processing methodologies for segmenting and characterizing the plaque area, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages, and discusses the future trends in intravascular imaging.

  12. Intravascular imaging with a storage phosphor detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shikhaliev, Polad M; Petrek, Peter; Matthews, Kenneth L II; Fritz, Shannon G [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA (United States); Bujenovic, L Steven [PET Imaging Center, Our Lady of the Lake Medical Center, Baton Rouge, LA (United States); Xu Tong, E-mail: pshikhal@lsu.ed [Department of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada)


    The aim of this study is to develop and test an intravascular positron imaging system based on a storage phosphor detector for imaging and detecting vulnerable plaques of human coronary arteries. The radiotracer F18-FDG accumulates in vulnerable plaques with inflammation of the overlying cap. The vulnerable plaques can, therefore, be imaged by recording positrons emitted from F18-FDG with a detector inserted into the artery. A prototype intravascular detector was constructed based on storage phosphor. The detector uses a flexible storage phosphor tube with 55 mm length, 2 mm diameter and 0.28 mm wall thickness. The intravascular detector is guided into the vessel using x-ray fluoroscopy and the accumulated x-ray signal must be erased prior to positron imaging. For this purpose, a light diffuser, 0.9 mm in diameter and 55 mm in length, was inserted into the detector tube. The light diffuser was connected to a laser source through a 2 m long optical fiber. The diffuser redirected the 0.38 W laser light to the inner surface of the phosphor detector to erase it. A heart phantom with 300 cm{sup 3} volume and three coronary arteries with 3.2 mm diameter and with several plaques was constructed. FDG solution with 0.5 {mu}Ci cm{sup -3} activity concentration was filled in the heart and coronary arteries. The detector was inserted in a coronary artery and the signal from the plaques and surrounding background activity was recorded for 2 min. Then the phosphor detector was extracted and read out using a storage phosphor reader. The light diffuser erased the signal resulting from fluoroscopic exposure to level below that encountered during positron imaging. Vulnerable plaques with area activities higher than 1.2 nCi mm{sup -2} were visualized by the detector. This activity is a factor of 10-20 lower than that expected in human vulnerable plaques. The detector was able to image the internal surface of the coronary vessels with 50 mm length and 360{sup 0} circumference. Spatial

  13. O transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas no tratamento dos linfomas não Hodgkin Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for non-Hodgkin lymphomas

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    Renata Baldissera


    Full Text Available No final da década de 70, ocorreu o primeiro relato de sucesso com a utilização de quimioterapia de alta dose, seguida de transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas autólogo (TCTH auto, em pacientes com linfoma não Hodgkin (LNH. Desde então, o TCTH autólogo vem se constituindo em um importante instrumento na estratégia de tratamento dos LNH. Inúmeros estudos, em vários subtipos de linfomas, têm consolidado o papel do TCTH autólogo, principalmente como resgate em recidivas de doença. O melhor momento para a incorporação desta estratégia depende do subtipo do linfoma, do status de doença previamente ao transplante (sensível ou resistente e de fatores clínico-biológicos associados à doença. Em recidiva sensível de linfoma difuso de grandes células, o TCTH autólogo é a terapia de escolha. Nestes pacientes, o transplante promove taxas de resposta completa em até 50% dos casos, comparado a aproximadamente 15%, quando esse resgate é realizado com protocolos quimioterápicos convencionais. O seu papel como parte da terapia de indução de remissão não está totalmente estabelecido. Em linfomas indolentes, principalmente folicular, é a terapia de escolha nas recidivas sensíveis à quimioterapia de resgate. Em linfomas de células do manto, o TCTH autólogo tem se incorporado à terapia de primeira linha, como consolidação de remissão. As indicações de TCTH alogênico em LNH têm se limitado aos casos de refratariedade ao tratamento convencional e recidiva pós-transplante autólogo, em pacientes jovens e sem comorbidades, em decorrência da alta toxicidade associada à utilização de regimes de condicionamento mieloablativos. A utilização de regimes de condicionamento de intensidade reduzida tem reduzido a toxicidade e ampliado o seu uso nos LNH recidivados ou refratários.High-dose chemotherapy (HDT followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT has proved to provide significant advantage regarding

  14. El Tratado de Lisboa (Un juego de espejos rotos

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    Juan Manuel de Faramiñán Gilbert


    Full Text Available El fracaso del Tratado por el que se establece una Constitución para Europa produjo un periodo de incertidumbre y perplejidad del que ha costado mucho sobreponerse. Por un momento, todo parecía resquebrajarse y se tuvo la sensación de que la imagen de unidad en la diversidad, que con tanta dificultad se había forjado, se partía hecha añicoscomo un espejo roto. No obstante, como en un “juego de espejos rotos”, el ideal europeísta se ha ido recomponiendo con un gran esfuerzo, dando lugar a un texto, el Tratado de Lisboa, que encierra una solución de compromiso con el fin de saldar la crisis cuando el futuro de la Unión Europea parecía oscurecerse. Como en los poemas de Alejandra Pizarnik, “cuando el palacio de la noche encierra su hermosura, pulsaremos los espejos hasta que nuestros rostros canten como ídolos” y, así fue como con un esfuerzo milimetrado se ha ido recomponiendo este rompecabezas de cristales con el fin de que en él se refleje, otra vez, la ansiada imagen global. Como se señala enPreámbulo del Tratado de Lisboa, deberemos estar resueltos a salvar una nueva etapa en proceso de integración europea y habrá que recordar “la importancia histórica de que la división del continente europeo haya tocado a su fin y la necesidad de sentar unas bases firmes para la construcción de la futura Europa”.

  15. Leiomyosarcoma of the Uterus with Intravascular Tumor Extension and Pulmonary Tumor Embolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDonald, Douglas K.; Kalva, Sanjeeva P.; Fan, C.-M.; Vasilyev, Aleksandr


    We report the case of a 48-year-old woman presenting with recurrent uterine leiomyosarcoma (LMS) associated with right iliac vein and inferior vena cava (IVC) invasion and left lower lobe pulmonary tumor embolus. Because the prognosis and treatment differ from that of thrombotic pulmonary emboli, the differentiating imaging characteristics of intravascular tumor embolism are reviewed. To our knowledge, only two other cases of intravenous uterine leiomyosarcomatosis have been described in the existing literature, and this is the first reported case of the entity with associated intravascular tumor embolism


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    Rodrigo Polanco Lazo

    Full Text Available El presente artículo examina las relaciones entre los tratados de inversión y los tratados de doble tributación, considerando que, en la actual evolución de ambos tipos de acuerdos, sus disposiciones pueden presentar superposiciones en aspectos tales como estándares de protección, transparencia, trato nacional, cláusula de la nación más favorecida, expropiación y transferencias de capital. Tomando el ejemplo de los tratados suscritos por Chile, en este trabajo se examinan las consecuencias de las trasposiciones de ambos acuerdos, desde el punto de vista de sus mecanismos de solución de controversias, como en lo referido a los conflictos de jerarquía normativa entre esos dos tipos de tratados. Asimismo, se efectúa un análisis sobre iniciativas de tipo multilateral que afectan a ambas categorías de acuerdos como el Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS.

  17. La Salud y el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC.

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    Gustavo Malagón Londoño


    Se pregunta uno si con el espectro proyectado las pretensiones de obligar a normas rígidas de patentes, propiedad intelectual y otras inherentes se lograría un tratado justo o mas bien se agravaría la situación de los países en serios problemas actualmente...

  18. Classificação dos linfomas não-Hodgkin: estudo morfológico e imunoistoquímico de 145 casos Classification of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: morphological and immunological study of 145 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristiane Bedran Milito


    Full Text Available A classificação dos linfomas não-Hodgkin tem sido, ao longo dos últimos trinta anos, motivo de controvérsia. Várias classificações têm sido propostas em busca de um consenso entre patologistas e clínicos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar criticamente três destas classificações através do estudo retrospectivo de 145 casos de linfomas primários de gânglio linfático selecionados do Serviço de Anatomia Patológica do Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho, entre 1979 e 1995. Os casos revistos foram classificados pelas propostas da Working Formulation, de Kiel e da Real. Testes imunoistoquímicos com os anticorpos anti-CD45, anti-CD20, anti-CD45RO e anti-CD30 foram realizados. Cento e sete casos (73,7% apresentaram fenótipo B; 33 casos (22,7%, fenótipo T; e quatro casos foram nulos (linfoma anaplásico de grandes células. Foi possível prever o fenótipo pela morfologia em 89,4% dos casos. Os linfomas de alto grau predominaram (59,2%, sendo o linfoma centroblástico o de maior freqüência (31,7% . Os linfomas foliculares representaram 29 casos (20%, com maior incidência dos de grandes células (31% do que dos de pequenas células (27,5%. Quando comparadas as três classificações, observamos que determinados grupos da Working Formulation abrigam múltiplas entidades. Isto se deve ao fato de a classificação da Working Formulation ser baseada somente em achados morfológicos e, por isso, deve ter seu uso desaconselhado. Já a classificação de Kiel e a da Real devem ter o seu emprego estimulado, pois apresentam, além de uma boa análise histopatológica, um estudo imunológico que define entidades biológicas correlacionando-se, quando possível, com a célula de origem.The non-Hodgkin's lymphomas classifications have been a controversial reason for the last thirty years. Many classifications have been proposed trying to achieve a consensus among pathologists and clinicians. The objective of this study was

  19. Cardiovascular disease in haemodialysis: role of the intravascular innate immune system. (United States)

    Ekdahl, Kristina N; Soveri, Inga; Hilborn, Jöns; Fellström, Bengt; Nilsson, Bo


    Haemodialysis is a life-saving renal replacement modality for end-stage renal disease, but this therapy also represents a major challenge to the intravascular innate immune system, which is comprised of the complement, contact and coagulation systems. Chronic inflammation is strongly associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients on haemodialysis. Biomaterial-induced contact activation of proteins within the plasma cascade systems occurs during haemodialysis and initially leads to local generation of inflammatory mediators on the biomaterial surface. The inflammation is spread by soluble activation products and mediators that are generated during haemodialysis and transported in the extracorporeal circuit back into the patient together with activated leukocytes and platelets. The combined effect is activation of the endothelium of the cardiovascular system, which loses its anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties, leading to atherogenesis and arteriosclerosis. This concept suggests that maximum suppression of the intravascular innate immune system is needed to minimize the risk of CVD in patients on haemodialysis. A potential approach to achieve this goal is to treat patients with broad-specificity systemic drugs that target more than one of the intravascular cascade systems. Alternatively, 'stealth' biomaterials that cause minimal cascade system activation could be used in haemodialysis circuits.

  20. Disseminated intravascular coagulation caused by moojenactivase, a procoagulant snake venom metalloprotease. (United States)

    Sartim, Marco A; Cezarette, Gabriel N; Jacob-Ferreira, Anna L; Frantz, Fabiani G; Faccioli, Lucia H; Sampaio, Suely V


    Snake venom toxins that activate coagulation factors are key players in the process of venom-induced coagulopathy, and account for severe clinical manifestations. The present study applies a variety of biochemical, hematological, and histopathological approaches to broadly investigate the intravascular and systemic effects of moojenactivase (MooA), the first described PIIId subclass metalloprotease isolated from Bothrops sp. venom that activates coagulation factors. MooA induced consumption coagulopathy with high toxic potency, characterized by prolongation of prothrombin and activated partial thromboplastin time, consumption of fibrinogen and the plasma coagulation factors X and II, and thrombocytopenia. MooA promoted leukocytosis and expression of the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α, accompanied by tissue factor-dependent procoagulant activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. This metalloprotease also caused intravascular hemolysis, elevated plasma levels of creatine kinase-MB, aspartate transaminase, and urea/creatinine, and induced morphopathological alterations in erythrocytes, heart, kidney, and lungs associated with thrombosis and hemorrhage. Diagnosis of MooA-induced disseminated intravascular coagulation represents an important approach to better understand the pathophysiology of Bothrops envenomation and develop novel therapeutic strategies targeting hemostatic disturbances. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  1. Valor pronóstico del análisis semicuantitativo del grado de fijación de la 2.[.[18f]fluoro-2-deoxi-d-glucosa mediante tomografía por emisión de positrones en pacientes pediátricos con linfoma


    Borrego Dorado, Isabel


    El linfoma es una neoplasia relativamente frecuente en niños y adolescentes jóvenes constituyendo del 10% al 15% de todas las neoplasias que aparecen durante la edad pediátrica1, 2. Su pronóstico ha mejorado gracias al desarrollo de nuevos tratamientos en las 2 últimas décadas3, presentando un amplio rango de supervivencia global a los 5 años, que varía desde el 75% en los linfoma no hodgkin (LNH) hasta el 90% en la en¬fermedad de Hodgkin (EH)4-6. Por otra parte, la duración e intensidad del ...

  2. Linfoma primário do sistema nervoso central Primary central nervous system lymphoma

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    Marcelo Bellesso


    Full Text Available O linfoma primário do sistema nervoso central (LPSNC é um linfoma extralinfonodal que, ao diagnóstico, encontra-se restrito ao parênquima cerebral, às meninges e/ou cordão espinhal e/ou olhos. Sua incidência triplicou nas últimas três décadas para 0,4 casos por 100.000 habitantes, representando 4% dos tumores do sistema nervoso central (SNC. Embora pacientes infectados pelo HIV tenham 3.600 vezes maior risco para o desenvolvimento do LPSNC, a incidência não aumentou apenas neste grupo de pessoas. Dados sugerem reduções da incidência de LPSNC em pacientes infectados após a introdução de drogas anti-retrovirais. Cerca de 90% dos casos de LPSNC são classificados como linfoma difuso de grandes células B, 10% têm envolvimento ocular e 10% são HIV positivos. A apresentação clínica depende da localização tumoral, prevalecendo os sintomas neurológicos em detrimento aos sistêmicos. Os exames de tomografia computadorizada (TC e ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM são essenciais para o diagnóstico, porém o exame confirmatório deve ser o anatomopatológico. O estadiamento deve ser feito com exames de imagem e biópsia de medula óssea (BMO bilateral. Os principais fatores de mau prognóstico são: performance status do paciente acima de 1, idade superior a 60 anos, DHL elevada, hiperproteinorraquia e acometimento de área cerebral não hemisférica. Alguns fatores de prognóstico biológicos também podem influenciar na sobrevida, a exemplo da expressão de Bcl-6, que confere melhor prognóstico. O tratamento de escolha é a combinação de quimioterapia contendo altas doses de metotrexate e radioterapia (RDT. Devido às altas taxas de neurotoxicidade associada à RDT, seu uso tem ficado mais restrito aos pacientes idosos, e os recidivados ou refratários.Primary Central Nervous System lymphoma (PCNSL is an extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the brain, leptomeninges, spinal cord or eyes. The incidence of PCNSL increased

  3. Perfil lipídico sérico de ratos tratados com surfactante

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    Karina Ferreira de Castro


    Full Text Available A aterosclerose é uma doença multifatorial, lenta e progressiva e a hiperlipidemia um dos fatores potenciais no desenvolvimento de doenças cardíacas ateroscleróticas. As vantagens da indução das dislipidemias experimentais são a produção de lesões ateromatosas em curto espaço de tempo; adequado controle dietético e fatores ambientais; a possibilidade de estudos sobre a reversibilidade de lesões ateroscleróticas e ensaios pré-clínicos de substâncias hipolipidêmicas. Este estudo visou avaliar o perfil lipídico sérico de ratos tratados com surfactante. Foram utilizados 28 ratos Wistar, machos, albinos, adultos e hígidos. Estes foram distribuídos em quatro grupos experimentais formados por sete animais cada, a saber: Grupo I – (controle; Grupo II – tratado com tyloxapol, na dose de 500 mg/kg de peso corporal, via intraperitoneal a cada 48 horas, durante duas semanas; Grupo III – tratado com tyloxapol na dose de 500 mg/kg de peso corporal, via intraperitoneal a cada 48 horas, durante três semanas; Grupo IV – tratado com tyloxapol na dose de 500 mg/kg de peso corporal, via intraperitoneal a cada 48 horas, durante quatro semanas. Na avaliação do perfil lipídico, os valores de triacilgliceróis e HDL demonstraram que o grupo III diferiu significativamente do grupo I e os valores de colesterol total e LDL indicaram que o grupo I diferiu significativamente dos grupos II, III e IV. Conclui-se que o surfactante tyloxapol foi efetivo na indução da hiperlipidemia.

  4. Fluorescent Method for Observing Intravascular Bonghan Duct


    Byung-Cheon Lee; Ku Youn Baik; Hyeon-Min Johng; Baekkyoung Sung; Kyung Soon Soh; Dae-In Kang; Kwang-Sup Soh


    Observation of intra-vascular threadlike structures in the blood vessels of rats is reported with the images by differential interference contrast microscope, and fluorescence inverted microscope of the acridine-orange stained samples. The confocal microscope image and the hematoxylin-eosin staining revealed the distinctive pattern of nuclei distribution that clearly discerned the threadlike structure from fibrin, capillary, small venule, arteriole, or lymph vessel. Physiological function of ...

  5. Linfomas asociados con la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana: subtipos histológicos y asociación con los virus de Epstein Barr y Herpes-8 AIDS related lymphomas: Histopathological subtypes and association with Epstein Barr virus and Human Herpes virus type-8

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    Marcelo Corti


    Full Text Available Los linfomas no Hodgkin (LNH constituyen la segunda neoplasia definitoria de Sida más frecuente. En el presente trabajo se evaluaron 48 casos de linfomas asociados con la enfermedad debida al virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV diagnosticados en la División Histopatología del Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas de la Academia Nacional de Medicina. Se incluyeron en la investigación 5 mujeres y 43 hombres con una mediana de edad al momento del diagnóstico de la neoplasia de 37 años. La evaluación morfológica se realizó en cortes coloreados con hematoxilina-eosina, estudio inmunohistoquímico para la detección del virus de Epstein Barr (VEB en 48/48 casos, y mediante sonda oligonucleotídica biotinilada para la detección del ADN del Herpes virus humano tipo-8 (HHV-8 en 14/14 linfomas plasmoblásticos (LP. Todos fueron linfomas de fenotipo B, con un curso clínico agresivo y enfermedad neoplásica avanzada al momento del diagnóstico. Se pudo demostrar la fuerte asociación del VEB con los linfomas asociados al sida, con frecuencias que variaron según el subtipo histológico: 16/21 (76% para los linfomas difusos de grandes células; 1/3 casos (33% de linfomas de Burkitt y 3/4 (75% en los linfomas primarios del sistema nervioso central. Globalmente, el genoma del VEB se detectó en 20/28 (71% de las muestras de biopsias de LNH de esta serie. La detección del HHV-8 resultó negativa en los 14 LP. Los linfomas de Hodgkin fueron más frecuentes en varones,18/20 (90%, con un curso clínico agresivo y franco predominio de los subtipos histológicos de peor pronóstico (90% de casos. En estas neoplasias también se comprobó una frecuente asociación patogénica con el VEB (90% de casos.Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL of the B-cell type are the second most common neoplasm among patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection and AIDS. Here, we evaluated 48 cases of AIDS-related lymphomas (ARL diagnosed at the

  6. Heartbeat OCT: In vivo intravascular megahertz-optical coherence tomography

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T. Wang (Tianshi); A.F.H. Pfeiffer (Andreas); E.S. Regar (Eveline); W. Wieser (Wolfgang); H.M.M. van Beusekom (Heleen); C.T. Lancée (Charles); T. Springeling (Tirza); I. Krabbendam (Ilona); A.F.W. van der Steen (Ton); R. Huber (Roman); G. van Soest (Gijs)


    textabstractCardiac motion artifacts, non-uniform rotational distortion and undersampling affect the image quality and the diagnostic impact of intravascular optical coherence tomography (IV-OCT). In this study we demonstrate how these limitations of IV-OCT can be addressed by using an imaging

  7. Intravascular stenting (IVaS) method for fingertip replantation. (United States)

    Narushima, Mitsunaga; Mihara, Makoto; Koshima, Isao; Gonda, Koichi; Takuya, Iida; Kato, Harunosuke; Nakanishi, Kenji; Yamamoto, Yusuke; Araki, Jun; Abe, Hiroaki; Mundinger, Gerhard S; Kikuchi, Kazuki; Uehara, Eri


    Remarkable progress has been made in microsurgery. However, fingertip replantation following amputation has not gained much popularity because of its technical difficulty. We have developed the intravascular stenting (IVaS) method, in which a nylon monofilament is placed inside the vessel lumen to act as a temporary stent, facilitating anastomosis completion. This report describes 7 fingertip replantations using the IVaS method. Intravascular stent size varied from 4-0 to 6-0 (0.199-0.07 mm diameter). There were no cases in which the back wall of a vessel became inadvertently caught in the anastomosis. The overall survival rate for distal digital replants was 85% (6/7 replants). It is very difficult to evenly anastomose vessels of differing diameter, especially on a supermicrosurgical scale. In this respect, the IVaS method plays a role in stably anchoring the 2 vessel ends, allowing for the even spacing of suture knots, even in vessels of different caliber. Because of its ease of use and exactitude, many surgeons may be able to use the IVaS method to reliably complete small anastomoses in fingertip replantations.

  8. Intravascular catheter related infections in children admitted on the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    peripheral venous intravascular catheters uncoated with no antibiotic or antiseptic, was done. Social demographic characteristics, anthropometry, clinical examination including the catheter site were determined at enrollment. The children had their blood, catheter tip and hub samples taken off for culture and sensitivity as ...

  9. Heterogeneous Intravascular Ultrasound Findings of Stent Thrombosis


    Morofuji, Toru; Inaba, Shinji; Aisu, Hiroe; Takahashi, Kayo; Saito, Makoto; Higashi, Haruhiko; Yoshii, Toyofumi; Sumimoto, Takumi


    Objective The underlying mechanisms of stent thrombosis are not completely understood. Methods We experienced 12 definite stent thrombosis cases (1 early, 1 late, and 10 very late) at our hospital from July 2011 to April 2016 and evaluated the possible causes of stent thrombosis by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). Results Five different potential morphological causes of stent thrombosis (neoatherosclerosis, stent malapposition, stent fracture, edge dissection, and stent underexpansion) were d...

  10. Linfoma primário de células T no líquido cefalorraquidiano de cão: relato de caso

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    L.F. Moraes


    Full Text Available Relata-se o diagnóstico de linfoma primário no sistema nervoso central em um cão Labrador Retrievier, de 10 anos de idade, que apresentava episódios convulsivos, incoordenação nos membros posteriores, head tilt, ataxia e sensibilidade diminuída no lado esquerdo. Constataram-se alterações laterais esquerdas, como ausências de propriocepção e de posicionamento tátil, alterações posteriores nas provas de carrinho de mão e de reação ao pulo e diminuição da extensão da postura e hemilocomoção. No líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR, houve predomínio de linfócitos atípicos, caracterizados pela presença de anisocitose e anisocariose, nucléolos evidentes e anisonucleose, basofilia e microvacuolização citoplasmáticas, mitoses atípicas e corpúsculos linfoglandulares, compatíveis com linfoma, confirmado pelo exame histológico e imunocitoquímico, o qual revelou origem T, com expressão CD3+ e CD79-. A tomografia computadorizada não foi conclusiva e evidenciou diversas áreas hipodensas e intensificação de contraste na região de sulcos e giros do parênquima encefálico. A coleta do LCR foi essencial na rapidez do diagnóstico definitivo, indicando a natureza rara desta lesão primária.

  11. Intravascular radiation for restenosis prevention: could it be the holy grail?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, S.B.


    This brief editorial discusses the use of intravascular radiation in preventing restenosis after angioplasty in coronary interventions. Results in porcine coronary arteries and clinical applications are briefly reported. (UK)

  12. Use of carbon dioxide as an intravascular contrast agent: A review of current literature


    Ali, Fahad; Mangi, Muhammad Asif; Rehman, Hiba; Kaluski, Edo


    Use of X-ray contrast allows us to differentiate between two or more adjacent structures on radiographic studies. The X-ray contrast agent can be the one with increase X-ray absorption, like iodine and a barium X-ray contrast agent or the one with decrease X-ray absorption like air and carbon dioxide contrast agent. Each contrast agent possesses different risks and benefits in various ways. Carbon dioxide as an intravascular contrast agent can be used as an alternative intravascular contrast ...

  13. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of disseminated intravascular coagulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Levi, M. [=Marcel M.; Toh, C. H.; Thachil, J.; Watson, H. G.


    The diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) should encompass both clinical and laboratory information. The International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) DIC scoring system provides objective measurement of DIC. Where DIC is present the scoring system correlates with

  14. Comparison of utility of blood cultures from intravascular catheters and peripheral veins: a systematic review and decision analysis. (United States)

    Falagas, Matthew E; Kazantzi, Maria S; Bliziotis, Ioannis A


    Blood cultures are sometimes obtained from intravascular catheters for convenience. However, there is controversy regarding this practice. The authors compared the diagnostic test characteristics of blood cultures obtained from intravascular catheters and peripheral veins. Relevant studies for inclusion in this review were identified through PubMed (January 1970-October 2005) and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Studies that reported clear definitions of true bacteraemia were included in the analysis. Two reviewers independently extracted the data. Six studies were included in the analysis, providing data for 2677 pairs of blood cultures obtained from an intravascular catheter and a peripheral venipuncture. A culture obtained from an intravascular catheter was found to be a diagnostic test for bacteraemia with better sensitivity (OR 1.85, 95 % CI 1.14-2.99, fixed effects model) and better negative predictive value (almost with statistical significance) (OR 1.55, 95 % CI 0.999-2.39, fixed effects model) but with less specificity (OR 0.33, 95 % CI 0.18-0.59, random effects model) and lower positive predictive value (OR 0.41, 95 % CI 0.23-0.76, random effects model) compared to a culture taken by peripheral venipuncture. In a group of 1000 patients, eight additional patients with true bacteraemia would be identified and 59 falsely diagnosed as having bacteraemia by a blood culture obtained from an intravascular catheter compared to results of the peripheral blood culture. Given the consequences of undertreating patients with bacteraemia, the authors believe that, based on the available evidence, at least one blood culture should be obtained from the intravascular catheter.

  15. Intravascular ultrasound evaluation of a pseudolesion created by stent placement in the right artery. (United States)

    Zientek, D M; Rodgers, G P


    The creation of a pseudolesion after guidewire placement in tortuous arterial segments is a well recognized phenomenon. Intravascular ultrasound has been useful in assessing deployment of intracoronary stents and equivocal angiographic findings. We present a case in which a pseudolesion was not observed until after placement of an intracoronary stent. Intravascular ultrasound demonstrated no dissection or significant lesion; however, there was focal calcification just distal to the stent providing a substrate for the distorted vessel architecture. The lesion resolved with removal of the guidewire.

  16. Combined hyponatremia and hypocalcemia after intravascular absorption of 1.5% glycine during operative hysteroscopy. A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sherif S. Sultan


    Full Text Available Intravascular absorption of distending media may complicate operative hysteroscopy. Consequences differ according to type, amount and speed of absorption of the distending media. We report a case of intravascular absorption of more than one liter of 1.5% glycine. A 36 years old female developed metabolic acidosis, hyponatremia and hypocalcemia during operative hysteroscopy scheduled for resection of a uterine fibroid. Serum sodium reached down to 119 mmol/l and ionized calcium to 0.898 mmol/l. Serial estimations of arterial blood gases and serum electrolytes were followed. Management was successful in preventing serious side effects. Meticulous monitoring of distending media input/output balance remains the cornerstone in prevention of intravascular absorption.

  17. Intravascular Young's modulus reconstruction using a parametric finite element model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baldewsing, R.A.; Oomens, C.W.J.; Steen, van der A.F.W.; Yuhas, D.; Schneider, S.C.


    IntraVascular UltraSound (IVUS) elastography may be used to detect vulnerable, rupture prone plaques, which are held responsible for the majority of acute coronary syndromes. IVUS elastography accomplishes this by visualising local incremental radial strain of arteries, in so-called elastograms.

  18. Intravascular brachytherapy: a model for the calculation of the dose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pirchio, Rosana; Martin, Gabriela; Rivera, Elena; Cricco, Graciela; Cocca, Claudia; Gutierrez, Alicia; Nunez, Mariel; Bergoc, Rosa; Guzman, Luis; Belardi, Diego


    In this study we present the radiation dose distribution for a theoretical model with Montecarlo simulation, and based on an experimental model developed for the study of the prevention of restenosis post-angioplasty employing intravascular brachytherapy. In the experimental in vivo model, the atherosclerotic plaques were induced in femoral arteries of male New Zealand rabbits through surgical intervention and later administration of cholesterol enriched diet. For the intravascular irradiation we employed a 32P source contained within the balloon used for the angioplasty. The radiation dose distributions were calculated using the Monte Carlo code MCNP4B according to a segment of a simulated artery. We studied the radiation dose distribution in the axial and radial directions for different thickness of the atherosclerotic plaques. The results will be correlated with the biologic effects observed by means of histological analysis of the irradiated arteries (Au)

  19. Transbiliary intravascular ultrasound-guided diagnostic biopsy of an inaccessible pancreatic head mass

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeffrey Forris Beecham Chick, MD, MPH, DABR


    Full Text Available Percutaneous image-guided biopsies of pancreatic malignancies may prove challenging and nondiagnostic due to a variety of anatomic considerations. For patients with complex post-surgical anatomy, such as a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, diagnosis via endoscopic ultrasound with fine-needle aspiration may not be possible because of an inability to reach the proximal duodenum. This report describes the first diagnostic case of transbiliary intravascular ultrasound-guided biopsy of a pancreatic head mass in a patient with prior Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for which a diagnosis could not be achieved via percutaneous and endoscopic approaches. Transbiliary intravascular ultrasound-guided biopsy resulted in a diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, allowing the initiation of chemotherapy.

  20. Linfoma Difuso de Grandes Células  de Intestino Delgado: Relato de Caso Diffuse Large -Cell Lymphoma of Small Bowel: Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Nunes Medina Coeli


    Full Text Available Introdução: Os tumores do intestino delgado são raros, de diagnóstico difícil e quando malignos, têm prognóstico ruim. Os linfomas primários representam menos de 2% de todos os tumores gastrointestinais malignos, sendo na sua maioria do subtipo de células B. Casuística: Foi relatado um caso raro de linfoma de intestino delgado em uma paciente do sexo feminino de 77 anos, que procurou atendimento médico com sintomas inespecíficos e um quadro anêmico. Os exames radiológicos foram fundamentais para esclarecimento, diagnóstico e propedêutica. Os marcadores tumorais foram negativos e as provas de atividade inflamatória, positivas. Na internação, a paciente teve piora súbita do quadro clínico, necessitando de cirurgia. No intra-operatório, foi identificado lesão perfurativa em jejuno proximal de aspecto ulcerado com aderências na bexiga e fundo do útero. A paciente não evoluiu bem, falecendo após três dias. A patologia confirmou Linfoma Não Hodgkin Difuso de Grandes Células B, com elevado índice de proliferação celular. Discussão: O diagnóstico radiológico pré-operatório do tumor do intestino delgado só é obtido em um pequeno percentual de pacientes sintomáticos. Estudos por imagem demonstram aspectos morfológicos do tipo infiltrativo, polipóide ou aneurismático. Geralmente, ocorre acometimento circunferencial da alça, com espessamento irregular das pregas, de extensão variável. Conclusão: O objetivo deste estudo foi documentar um raro tumor do intestino delgado do tipo Linfoma Não-Hodgkin Difuso de Grandes Células B, multicêntrico, de difícil diagnóstico e com rápida evolução dos sintomas, que culminaram com quadro de obstrução intestinal aguda, necessitando de cirurgia de emergência. Introduction: Tumors of the small bowel are rare, but when they are malignant they have a poor prognosis. The primary lymphomas represent less than 2% of all malignant gastrointestinal tumors, and the majority

  1. Dosimetric model for intravascular brachytherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flower, E.E.; Stroud, D.B.


    Full text: Intravascular brachytherapy has been shown to be a prophylaxis for restenosis. Adventitial macrophages, which are extremely radiosensitive, initiate neointima formation. A model of the dose levels of the treatment range is developed, assuming that the adventitia is the target tissue. If the adventitia receives a dose of less than 10 Gy, it is assumed the treatment will be ineffective. If the dose to any part of the wall is above 30 Gy, it is assumed that the treatment could be detrimental. Hence the treatment range is between 10 and 30 Gy, with 20 Gy being the optimum dosage to the adventitia. An algorithm using numerical integration of published dose kernels calculates the dose at any point surrounding a beta ( 32 P) line source of finite length. Dose profiles were obtained to demonstrate edge effects. For long lesions, the source is often stepped along the artery. Dose changes due to separation or overlapping of sources during source stepping procedures were also determined. Isodose curves were superimposed on intravascular ultrasound images to demonstrate dose levels. For an exposure time of 60 seconds with a 200mCi source, the optimum dose of 20 Gy occurs at a distance 1.94mm from the centre of the source. The upper limit of the treatment dose range (30 Gy) occurs at 1.59mm. The lower limit of the treatment dose range (10 Gy) occurs at 2.7mm. Significant perturbations to the treatment dose range can be caused by non-centering of the source, edge effects and separation or overlapping of sources in stepping procedures. Despite these concerns, many successful procedures have been reported and this implies that the model is over simplified and requires modifications. Copyright (2000) Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine

  2. Pulsed arterial spin labeling using TurboFLASH with suppression of intravascular signal. (United States)

    Pell, Gaby S; Lewis, David P; Branch, Craig A


    Accurate quantification of perfusion with the ADC techniques requires the suppression of the majority of the intravascular signal. This is normally achieved with the use of diffusion gradients. The TurboFLASH sequence with its ultrashort repetition times is not readily amenable to this scheme. This report demonstrates the implementation of a modified TurboFLASH sequence for FAIR imaging. Intravascular suppression is achieved with a modified preparation period that includes a driven equilibrium Fourier transform (DEFT) combination of 90 degrees-180 degrees-90 degrees hard RF pulses subsequent to the inversion delay. These pulses rotate the perfusion-prepared magnetization into the transverse plane where it can experience the suitably placed diffusion gradients before being returned to the longitudinal direction by the second 90 degrees pulse. A value of b = 20-30 s/mm(2) was thereby found to suppress the majority of the intravascular signal. For single-slice perfusion imaging, quantification is only slightly modified. The technique can be readily extended to multislice acquisition if the evolving flow signal after the DEFT preparation is considered. An advantage of the modified preparation scheme is evident in the multislice FAIR images by the preservation of the sign of the magnetization difference. Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  3. El leasing financiero internacional en el tratado UNIDROIT


    Flores Doña, Mª Sierra


    El Tratado UNIDROIT se refiere al contrato de leasing financiero internacional, esto es, al celebrado entre una Sociedad de leasing y un empresario con establecimientos (principal o secundario) situados en el territorio de dos Estados contratantes y caracterizado porque la primera adquiere elementos integrantes del patrimonio empresarial a un fabricante, según las instrucciones recibidas por su cliente y a quien se le entregará para su uso a cambio del pago de cuotas períodicas, al margen de ...

  4. Perioperative Intravascular Fluid Assessment and Monitoring: A Narrative Review of Established and Emerging Techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sumit Singh


    Full Text Available Accurate assessments of intravascular fluid status are an essential part of perioperative care and necessary in the management of the hemodynamically unstable patient. Goal-directed fluid management can facilitate resuscitation of the hypovolemic patient, reduce the risk of fluid overload, reduce the risk of the injudicious use of vasopressors and inotropes, and improve clinical outcomes. In this paper, we discuss the strengths and limitations of a spectrum of noninvasive and invasive techniques for assessing and monitoring intravascular volume status and fluid responsiveness in the perioperative and critically ill patient.

  5. Evaluation of CT virtual intravascular endoscopy in fenestrated stent grafts: a preliminary study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, Z. [Dept. of Imaging and Applied Physics, Curtin Univ. of Tech., Perth, WA (Australia); Allen, Y.; Fitzsimmons, B.; Hartely, D. [Cook R and D, WA (Australia); Lawrence-Brown, M. [Dept. of Public Health, Curtin Univ. of Tech., Perth, WA (Australia)


    We aim in this study to investigate the potential value of CT virtual intravascular endoscopy in patients diagnosed with abdominal aortic aneurysms undergoing fenestrated stent grafts. Both pre-and post-fenestration (within 3 months of implantation) multislice CT data were collected in eight patients and used for generation of virtual endoscopy images in our preliminary study. Variable fenestrations were deployed in 25 aortic branches with scallop fenestration implanted in six aortic ostia, large fenestration in four aortic ostia and small fenestration in 15 renal ostia, respectively. Measurements of the aortic ostia diameters both pre- and post-fenestration were successfully performed with virtual intravascular endoscopy visualization, and endovascular stents as well as their relationship to the aortic ostia were clearly demonstrated. Our results showed that there was no significant change of diameter of the aortic ostia following fenestrated stem grafts. Endovascular stents were clearly visualized on virtual endoscopy images, and no apparent deformity or malrotation was observed in this small group. Our preliminary study provides new insights into anatomic configuration/dimension of aortic ostia and endovascular stents, and virtual intravascular endoscopy could be a valuable technique to follow-up patients treated with fenestrated stent grafts. (orig.)

  6. Evaluation of CT virtual intravascular endoscopy in fenestrated stent grafts: a preliminary study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Z.; Allen, Y.; Fitzsimmons, B.; Hartely, D.; Lawrence-Brown, M.


    We aim in this study to investigate the potential value of CT virtual intravascular endoscopy in patients diagnosed with abdominal aortic aneurysms undergoing fenestrated stent grafts. Both pre-and post-fenestration (within 3 months of implantation) multislice CT data were collected in eight patients and used for generation of virtual endoscopy images in our preliminary study. Variable fenestrations were deployed in 25 aortic branches with scallop fenestration implanted in six aortic ostia, large fenestration in four aortic ostia and small fenestration in 15 renal ostia, respectively. Measurements of the aortic ostia diameters both pre- and post-fenestration were successfully performed with virtual intravascular endoscopy visualization, and endovascular stents as well as their relationship to the aortic ostia were clearly demonstrated. Our results showed that there was no significant change of diameter of the aortic ostia following fenestrated stem grafts. Endovascular stents were clearly visualized on virtual endoscopy images, and no apparent deformity or malrotation was observed in this small group. Our preliminary study provides new insights into anatomic configuration/dimension of aortic ostia and endovascular stents, and virtual intravascular endoscopy could be a valuable technique to follow-up patients treated with fenestrated stent grafts. (orig.)

  7. An experimental method for detecting blood splatter from retractable phlebotomy and intravascular devices. (United States)

    Haiduven, Donna; Applegarth, Shawn; Shroff, Miloni


    This study was designed to evaluate the safety of retractable intravascular devices in terms of their potential to produce blood splatter. A method for measuring this blood splatter designed by the research team was used to evaluate 3 specific intravascular devices. Scientific filters were positioned around the retraction mechanisms of the devices and weighed with an analytical scale, both before and after activation, in a simulated vein containing mock venous blood. The difference in filter mass was used as the primary unit of analysis to detect blood splatter. In addition, the filters were visually inspected for the presence or absence of blood. A paired t-test revealed significant differences in the prefilter and postfilter groups for 2 of the 3 devices tested (P blood was detected on 23% to 40% of the scientific filters for 2 of the devices. Our findings indicate a potential for bloodborne pathogen exposure with the use of intravascular devices with a retractable mechanism. This experiment may serve as a model in the design and implementation of future sharps device evaluation protocols to validate the threat of bloodborne pathogen exposure.

  8. Criptosporidiosis experimental en ratones albinos tratados con Metilprednisolona


    Hurtado, María del P; Bruzual, Elizabeth; Arcay, Lucila; de la Parte, María A; Brito, Ana


    Cryptosporidium spp., es un coccidio intracelular de distribución mundial responsable de un síndrome entérico en el hospedador inmunocompetente e inmunocomprometido. Se estudio la influencia inmunosupresora de la metilprednisolona (MP) en la evolución de la criptoporidiosis experimental en ratones de laboratorio. Se utilizaron dos grupos de cuatro ratones machos jóvenes cada uno; el primer grupo incluyó cuatro ratones infectados y tratados en forma interdiaria con MP a dosis de 16 mg/kg de pe...



    Vaccaro, Christian Schmitz


    O esforço para integrar-se economicamente se enquadra em uma ampla tendência de globalização, especialmente econômica e comercial, que impera em nosso mundo há algum tempo. Isso leva ao cumprimento de altas exigências para poder competir nos mercados mundiais. O Canadá tem assinado múltiplos tratados de livre comércio com várias nações. Para os fins do presente trabalho, centrar-nos-emos particularmente na relação entre propriedade intelectual e tratados de livre comércio, examinando as dispo...

  10. Endoscopic staging of low-grade gastric malt lymphoma Estadificación por ecoendoscopia en el linfoma gástrico tipo malt de bajo grado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. J. Varas


    Full Text Available Introduction: endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS has already proven useful in the assessment of submucosal lesions, and the staging of gastrointestinal cancer, particularly gastric MALT-type lymphoma. The goal of this paper was EUS staging. Patients and method: 24 patients (10 females, 14 males with a median age of 56 years and possibly gastric MALT lymphoma (25 cases were studied using videoendoscopy, biopsies, and echoendoscopy with 7.5- and 20-MHz radial EUS, and also with 12- and 20-MHz miniprobes (MPs. Nineteen patients were definitely evaluated (7 females, 12 males as having 20 MALT-type lymphomas, as five patients were post-hoc disregarded when an invasive, high-grade gastric lymphoma (3c or plasmocytoma (2c was subsequently demonstrated. Of these 19 patients, all had T1 lesions except for two with T2 lesions; one patient had a gastroduodenal T1 lymphoma. Echographic findings with MPs were compared to EUS (gold standard and histology both before and after eradication. Then, patients were followed up every 1-3-6 months using videoendoscopy and MPs. Results: echoendoscopy correctly identified T stages in 90% of cases. MPs identified T stages in 88% of cases, and N stages in 33% of cases, with results being slightly inferior to those obtained with conventional EUS (91 vs. 45%; they were consequently used for follow-up. After eradication, all but two patients are in complete remission and have been followed every 1-3-6 months using MPs without echographic abnormalities, except for a patient who relapsed.Introducción: la ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE ha demostrado ya su utilidad en la evaluación de las lesiones submucosas, en la estadificación del cáncer digestivo en general, y del linfoma gástrico tipo MALT en particular. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la estadificación por USE. Pacientes y método: veinticuatro enfermos (10 mujeres y 14 varones con edad media de 56 años y con posible linfoma gástrico tipo MALT (25 casos fueron

  11. Importância da cintilografia com gálio-67 no linfoma cutâneo primário de células B: relato de dois casos


    Attab, Cyomara Sanches; Moriguchi, Sônia Marta; Paton, Eduardo José Alencar; Alencar, Mário Henrique Leite de; Rocha, Euclides Timóteo da


    Os autores relatam dois casos de linfoma cutâneo de células B, nos quais o correto estadiamento, tratamento e seguimento foram possíveis graças à combinação de exames convencionais e a cintilografia com gálio-67. The authors describe two cases of cutaneous B-cell lymphoma where correct staging, treatment and follow-up could be achieved through a combination of conventional imaging studies and gallium-67 scintigraphy.

  12. Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma Presenting with Diffuse Gallbladder Wall Thickening: A Case Report and Literature Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sayf Al-Katib


    Full Text Available Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma is a rare subtype of extranodal diffuse B-cell lymphoma characterized by proliferation of neoplastic cells within the lumen of small and medium sized vessels. Clinical and imaging findings are nebulous as the intravascular subtype of lymphoma can involve a multitude of organs. Involvement of the gallbladder is extremely uncommon, and imaging findings can be easily confused for more prevalent pathologies. We report a case of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma in an 83-year-old male and review clinical presentation and imaging findings on CT, ultrasound, hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid (HIDA scan, and MRI. It is important for the radiologist to know about this disease as the imaging findings are atypical of other types of lymphoma, and this may lead to a delay in diagnosis and treatment.

  13. Effects of Hypoxia on Erythrocyte Membrane Properties—Implications for Intravascular Hemolysis and Purinergic Control of Blood Flow

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryszard Grygorczyk


    Full Text Available Intravascular hemolysis occurs in hereditary, acquired, and iatrogenic hemolytic conditions but it could be also a normal physiological process contributing to intercellular signaling. New evidence suggests that intravascular hemolysis and the associated release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP may be an important mechanism for in vivo local purinergic signaling and blood flow regulation during exercise and hypoxia. However, the mechanisms that modulate hypoxia-induced RBC membrane fragility remain unclear. Here, we provide an overview of the role of RBC ATP release in the regulation of vascular tone and prevailing assumptions on the putative release mechanisms. We show importance of intravascular hemolysis as a source of ATP for local purinergic regulation of blood flow and discuss processes that regulate membrane propensity to rupture under stress and hypoxia.

  14. Linfoma no Hodgkin primario de mama, revisión de la literatura y presentación de un caso Primary non-Hodgkin breast lymphoma, literature review and a case a presentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caridad Verdecia Cañizares


    Full Text Available El linfoma no Hodgkin primario de la mama es una entidad poco frecuente en pediatría y representa el 0,4 al 0,5 % de todos los tumores mamarios malignos. Debido a que carecen de características propias, tanto clínicas, citológicas como ecográficas, resulta muy difícil establecer el diagnóstico preoperatorio. Se presenta el caso de un linfoma no Hodgkin primario de la mama en una paciente de 3 años que llegó en estadio avanzado de la enfermedad, y se subraya la importancia del tratamiento en un equipo multidisciplinario.The primary non-Hodgkin breast lymphoma is a not frequent entity in children and account for the 0,4 to 0,5% of the malignant breast tumors. Due to they lack of own clinical, cytological and echography features, it is very difficult to made the preoperative diagnosis. This is the case of a primary non-Hodgkin breast lymphoma in a patient aged 3 with an advanced stage of disease, emphasizing the significance of treatment in a multidisciplinary staff.

  15. Mechanical scanning in intravascular ultrasound imaging: Artifacts and driving mechanisms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    H. ten Hoff (H.); E.J. Gussenhoven (Elma); C.M. Korbijn (Carin); F. Mastik (Frits); C.T. Lancée (Charles); N. Bom (Klaas)


    textabstractObjective: Currently, intravascular ultrasound (US) imaging catheters are developed and produced to provide a complementary diagnostic method in the treatment of blood vessel obstructive disease. Typical catheter dimensions are a diameter of 1–2.5 mm and a length of 1–1.5 m. A real-time

  16. El Sistema del Tratado Antártico, Posición de Chile como País Puente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Urbina Paredes


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta al Tratado Antártico y al sistema y régimen internacional a que da lugar, a cincuenta años de su firma en Washington, Estados Unidos, el 1 de diciembre de 1959. Los retos de la época y los propósitos del Tratado fueron satisfactoriamente superados, pero hoy se enfrenta a nuevos problemas y desafíos, no tanto de carácter político, sino científico, derivados sobre todo del cambio climático, la creciente actividad turística, el daño al medio ambiente y la seguridad de la navegación marítima y aérea. Chile es un actor clave en la Antártida y en el sistema del Tratado Antártico y ofrece sus potencialidades como país puente al ser el más cercano al continente para el desarrollo de las actividades antárticas en general. En su vinculación internacional sobre la materia, lo hace bajo el marco del Tratado Antártico, pero más aún, desarrolla capacidades concretas de acuerdo con las mayores y nuevas demandas que el sistema antártico deberá enfrentar para ponerlas a disposición de la comunidad internacional.

  17. Monooxignase ensymic system of a liver of rats exposed to intravascular laser irradiation of blood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ibadova, G.A.


    Experimental study of the dynamic monooxidation of liver enzymic system was carried out on rats with experimental salmonellosis and the influence of the blood intravascular laser irradiation of blood on these enzymes was revealed. It was determined that by experimental salmonellosis oppression of the MOES activity of hepatocytes occurred. The blood intravascular irradiation by He-Ne laser promotes MOES oppression in rats suffered from salmonellosis. IVLIB as well as UV-laser show pronounced effect on the enzymes detoxication protection, mobilize their resistance to endogenic intoxication under the conditions of experimental salmonellosis. (author)

  18. Use of an Intravascular Fluorescent Continuous Glucose Sensor in ICU Patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Strasma, Paul J.; Finfer, Simon; Flower, Oliver; Hipszer, Brian; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Macken, Lewis; Sechterberger, Marjolein; van der Voort, Peter H. J.; DeVries, J. Hans; Joseph, Jeffrey I.


    Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in intensive care patients. In product development studies at 4 ICUs, the safety and performance of an intravascular continuous glucose monitoring (IV-CGM) system was evaluated in 70 postsurgical patients. The GluCath

  19. Thyroid storm complicated by bicytopenia and disseminated intravascular coagulation. (United States)

    Tokushima, Yoshinori; Sakanishi, Yuta; Nagae, Kou; Tokushima, Midori; Tago, Masaki; Tomonaga, Motosuke; Yoshioka, Tsuneaki; Hyakutake, Masaki; Sugioka, Takashi; Yamashita, Shu-ichi


    Male, 23. Thyroid storm. Delirium • diarrhea • fever • hypertension • hyperventilation • tachycardia • weight loss. -. -. Endocrinology and Metabolic. Unusual clinical course. The clinical presentation of thyroid storm includes fever, tachycardia, hypertension, and neurological abnormalities. It is a serious condition with a high mortality rate. Furthermore, some other complications affect the clinical course of thyroid storm. Although it is reported that prognosis is poor when thyroid storm is complicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DIC) and leukopenia, reports of such cases are rare. A 23-year-old man presented with delirium, high pyrexia, diarrhea, and weight loss of 18 kg over 2 months. According to the criteria of Burch and Wartofsky, he was diagnosed with thyroid storm on the basis of his symptom-complex and laboratory data that confirmed the presence of hyperthyroidism. Investigations also found leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation, all of which are very rare complications of thyroid storm. We successfully treated him with combined therapy including anti-thyroid medication, despite leukopenia. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential in ensuring a good outcome for patients with this rare combination of medical problems.

  20. Hemostasia normal y coagulación intravascular diseminada en obstetricia Normal hemostasis and disseminated intravascular clotting in Obstetrics

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    Danilo Nápoles Méndez


    Full Text Available En el período gravido - puerperal, la coagulación sanguínea sufre cambios que se impone conocer para interpretar correctamente esos trastornos cuando se presentan en esta etapa, teniendo en cuenta las posibles complicaciones y el peligro para la vida que pueden presentarse. El objetivo del presente artículo es proporcionar a los obstetras una revisión bibliográfica que les permita actualizarse acerca del tema y facilite su modo de actuación ante pacientes con coagulación intravascular diseminada. Se concluye que es preciso diagnosticar tempranamente el proceso en la fase bioquímica de bajo grado y aplicar en las féminas el tratamiento expedito de la enfermedad de base para eliminar las complicaciones o disminuir su ocurrenciaIn the period from pregnancy to puerperium, blood clotting suffers changes which are important to be known in order to interpret correctly those dysfunctions when they appear in this stage, keeping in mind the possible complications and the danger for life which can take place. The objective of the present work is to provide the obstetricians a literature review that allows them to be updated about the topic and facilitate their performance in case of patients with disseminated intravascular clotting. It is concluded that it is necessary to have an early diagnosis on the process during the low grade biochemical phase and to apply in these women the expedite treatment of the base disease to eliminate complications or to decrease their occurrence.

  1. Revisión sistemática del linfoma plasmablástico intraoral en paciente con virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. A propósito de un caso

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    Estefanía Alvarez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los linfomas son los tumores no epiteliales malignos más frecuente en la cavidad oral y región maxilofacial. El riesgo de los pacientes con VIH de presentar esta enfermedad es 200 veces mayor en comparación con la población general. El linfoma plasmablástico es una neoplasia agresiva poco frecuente. La clasificación del 2008 de la OMS lo define como una proliferación difusa de células grandes neoplásicas semejantes a inmunoblastos B con inmunofenotipo de células plasmáticas, con la mayoría de los casos asociados a pacientes con VIH. El propósito de este artículo es presentar una revisión sistemática de esta enfermedad junto a un caso clínico de difícil diagnóstico por su expresión clínica, en el que el estudio histopatológico fue determinante. Abstract: Lynphomas are the most common malignant non-epithelial tumours in the oral cavity and maxilofacial región. The risk of HIV patients presenting with this condition is 200 times more compared to the general population. Plasmablastic lymphoma is a rare aggresive neoplasm. The WHO 2008 classification defines it as a diffuse proliferation of large neoplastic cells, such as B immunoblasts with plasma inmunophenotype cells, with most cases being associated with HIV patients. The purpose of this article is to present a systematic review of this pathology together with a case of difficult diagnosis due to its clinical expression, and in which the histopathology study was decisive. Palabras clave: Linfoma plasmablástico, Virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, Neoplasia, Keywords: Plasmablastic lynphoma, Human inmunodefiency virus, Neoplasm

  2. Coagulación intravascular diseminada = Disseminated intravascular coagulation

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    Arango Barrientos, Marcos


    Full Text Available La coagulación intravascular diseminada (CID es una entidad clínica frecuente que se presenta como fenómeno secundario a diversas enfermedades entre las cuales se destacan las infecciones graves, las neoplasias y las catástrofes obstétricas. Se caracteriza por una activación difusa y simultánea de los sistemas endógenos de la coagulación y la fibrinólisis. El depósito de pequeños trombos en la circulación conduce finalmente a disfunción orgánica múltiple y en algunos casos a la muerte. Las manifestaciones clínicas pueden incluir fenómenos trombóticos y hemorrágicos. Se ha propuesto un puntaje de fácil aplicación para simplificar el diagnóstico de la entidad. El tratamiento incluye el control específico de la causa subyacente que favorece la aparición de la CID, el soporte con hemoderivados en pacientes con manifestaciones de sangrado y la anticoagulación terapéutica en pacientes con trombosis mayores. El desarrollo de CID es un factor pronóstico adverso que aumenta significativamente la tasa de mortalidad. En este artículo de revisión se incluyen los siguientes aspectos de la CID: historia, epidemiología, clasificación, entidades asociadas, fisiopatología, clínica, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico.

  3. Consensus standards for acquisition, measurement, and reporting of intravascular optical coherence tomography studies: a report from the International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Standardization and Validation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falk, Erling


    The purpose of this document is to make the output of the International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (IWG-IVOCT) Standardization and Validation available to medical and scientific communities, through a peer-reviewed publication, in the interest of improving...

  4. Consensus standards for acquisition, measurement, and reporting of intravascular optical coherence tomography studies : A report from the International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Standardization and Validation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    G.J. Tearney (Guillermo); E.S. Regar (Eveline); T. Akasaka (Takashi); S. Adriaenssens (Stef); P. Barlis (Peter); H.G. Bezerra (Hiram); B.E. Bouma (Brett); N. Bruining (Nico); J.-M. Cho (Jin-Man); S. Chowdhary (Saqib); M.A. Costa (Marco); R. de Silva (Ranil); J. Dijkstra (Jouke); C. di Mario (Carlo); D. Dudeck (Darius); E. Falk (Erling); M.D. Feldman (Marc); P.J. Fitzgerald (Peter); H.M. Garcia-Garcia (Hector); N. Gonzalo (Nieves); J.F. Granada (Juan); G. Guagliumi (Giulio); N.R. Holm (Niels); Y. Honda (Yasuhiro); F. Ikeno (Fumiaki); Y. Kawasaki; W. Kochman (Waclav); L. Koltowski (Lukasz); T. Kubo (Takashi); T. Kume (Teruyoshi); H. Kyono (Hiroyuki); C.C.S. Lam (Cheung Chi Simon); G. Lamouche (Guy); D.P. Lee (David); M.B. Leon (Martin); A. Maehara (Akiko); O. Manfrini (Olivia); G.S. Mintz (Gary); K. Mizuno (Kyiouchi); M-A.M. Morel (Marie-Angèle); S. Nadkarni (Seemantini); H. Okura (Hiroyuki); H. Otake (Hiromasa); A. Pietrasik (Arkadiusz); F. Prati (Francesco); L. Rber (Lorenz); M. Radu (Maria); N. Rieber (Nikolaus); M. Riga (Maria); S.M. Rollins; M. Rosenberg (Mireille); V. Sirbu (Vasile); P.W.J.C. Serruys (Patrick); K. Shimada; T. Shinke (Toshiro); J. Shite (Junya); E. Siegel (Eliot); S. Sonada (Shinjo); U. Suter (Ueli); S. Takarada (Shigeho); A. Tanaka (Atsushi); M. Terashima (Mitsuyasu); T. Troels (Thim); M. Uemura (Mayu); G.J. Ughi (Giovanni); H.M.M. van Beusekom (Heleen); A.F.W. van der Steen (Ton); G.A. van Es (Gerrit Anne); G. van Soest (Gijs); R. Virmani (Renu); S. Waxman (Sergio); N.J. Weissman (Neil); G. Weisz (Giora)


    textabstractObjectives: The purpose of this document is to make the output of the International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (IWG-IVOCT) Standardization and Validation available to medical and scientific communities, through a peer-reviewed publication, in the

  5. El Tratado de Asunción y el Mercosur

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    Miguel Berthet


    Full Text Available Texto de la conferencia pronunciada por el Embajador Dr. Miguel Berthet -Director de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales Y de Comercio Exterior de los Ministerios'de Relaciones Exteriores y de Economía y Finaszas- en nuestra Facultad. el 25 de abril de 1991, explicando el significado y alcance del Tratado de Asunción. ,suscrito pocos dias antes de esta exposición. La conferencia estuvo principalmente orientada a dar nociones básicas para los estudiantes

  6. El tratado secreto del Barón de Río Branco: la alianza entre Brasil y Ecuador, 1904

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    Luís Cláudio Villafañe G. Santos


    Full Text Available Es casi desconocida en las historiografías de Brasil y Ecuador la existencia de un tratado militar secreto entre ambos países, rmado el 5 de mayo de 1904, dirigido contra las pretensiones territoriales de Perú. El artículo estudia una creciente tensión entre Brasil y Perú, que disputaban un área de 442 mil kilómetros cuadrados en la Amazonía. Por iniciativa del Barón de Río Branco, se rmó un tratado secreto de alianza militar entre Brasil y Ecuador. Si bien este acuerdo no fue raticado por los países rmantes, fue de suma importancia para forzar al gobierno peruano a iniciar negociaciones con Brasil, que años más tarde resultaron en el tratado de límites entre los dos países.

  7. Efecto de los Tratados de Libre Comercio, Acuerdos Comerciales y Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión sobre los Flujos de Inversión Extranjera Directa: un análisis para América Latina entre 2001-2014


    Dávila Barragán, Jimena Alejandra; Orozco Jaramillo, Camilo


    Este documento investiga los efectos que tienen los Tratados de Libre Comercio (TLC), demás Acuerdos Comerciales (AC) y Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión (TBI) sobre los flujos de Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED), por medio de un pseudo - panel conformado por un total de total de 960 individuos (construidos con país de origen y de destino) para 15 países de América Latina durante el período 2001-2014 -- Los resultados sugieren que los TLC no incluyen en los flujos de IED que ingresan a Amér...

  8. P-shaped Coiled Stator Ultrasound Motor for Rotating Intravascular Surgery Device

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    Toshinobu ABE


    Full Text Available The primary focus of this paper is the development of an ultra-miniature ultrasound motor for use in the human blood vessel. Since the size of the drive source for rotating the atherectomy device and intravascular ultrasonography system are large currently in practical use, it is installed outside the body, and the rotational power for the atherectomy device and intravascular ultrasonography system are transmitted through the long tortuous blood vessel. Such systems suffer from the problem that the rotation becomes non-uniform, and the problem that the available time is limited. We have therefore developed a P-shaped coiled stator ultrasound motor as a miniature ultrasound motor for rotating the ultrasound sensor for use in blood vessels in order to solve these problems. In this paper, we describe measurement of the torque, revolution speed, output power, efficiency, and particle motion on acoustic waveguide of the P-shaped coiled stator ultrasound motor.

  9. Intravascular ultrasound assessment of minimumlumen area and intimal hyperplasia in in-stent restenosis after drug-eluting or bare-metal stent implantation. The Nordic Intravascular Ultrasound Study (NIVUS)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Vikman, Saila; Antonsen, Lisbeth


    presenting with a DES or bare-metal stent (BMS) in-stent restenosis. Methods: The ``Nordic Intravascular Ultrasound Study (NIVUS)'' study was conducted in Nordic and Baltic countries as a prospective multicenter registry. Two hundred nine patients (DES n = 121 and BMS n = 88) with instent restenosis were...

  10. Combined hyponatremia and hypocalcemia after intravascular absorption of 1.5% glycine during operative hysteroscopy. A case report


    Sherif S. Sultan


    Intravascular absorption of distending media may complicate operative hysteroscopy. Consequences differ according to type, amount and speed of absorption of the distending media. We report a case of intravascular absorption of more than one liter of 1.5% glycine. A 36 years old female developed metabolic acidosis, hyponatremia and hypocalcemia during operative hysteroscopy scheduled for resection of a uterine fibroid. Serum sodium reached down to 119 mmol/l and ionized calcium to 0.898 mmol/l...

  11. Local intravascular coagulation and fibrin deposition on intestinal ischemia-reperfusion in rats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schoots, Ivo G.; Levi, Marcel; Roossink, E. H. Paulina; Bijlsma, Pieter B.; van Gulik, Thomas M.


    Background. This study investigates intravascular coagulation and thrombotic obstruction in the splanchnic vasculature after intestinal ischemia in relation to epithelial integrity and function. Methods. Intestinal ischemia was induced in rats by superior mesenteric artery occlusion for 20 or 40

  12. Reduction of exit-site infections of tunnelled intravascular catheters among neutropenic patients by sustained-release chlorhexidine dressings: results from a prospective randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Chambers, S T; Sanders, J; Patton, W N; Ganly, P; Birch, M; Crump, J A; Spearing, R L


    Exit-site and tunnel infections of tunnelled central intravascular catheters are a frequent source of morbidity among neutropenic patients and may necessitate catheter removal. They require antimicrobial therapy that increases healthcare costs and is associated with adverse drug reactions. A prospective randomized clinical trial was conducted among adult patients undergoing chemotherapy in a haematology unit. Tunnelled intravascular catheters were randomized to receive the control of a standard dressing regimen as recommended by the British Committee for Standards in Haematology, or to receive the intervention of a sustained-release chlorhexidine dressing. Follow-up data were available in 112 of 114 tunnelled intravascular catheters which were randomized. Exit-site or combined exit-site/tunnel infections occurred in 23 (43%) of 54 catheters in the control group, and five (9%) of 58 catheters in the intervention group [odds ratio (OR) for intervention group compared with control group =0.13, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 0.04-0.37, P<0.001]. More tunnelled intravascular catheters were prematurely removed from the control group than the intervention group for documented infections [20/54 (37%) vs 6/58 (10%), OR=0.20, 95%CI 0.53-0.07]. However, there was no difference in the numbers of tunnelled intravascular catheters removed for all proven and suspected intravascular catheter-related infections [21/54 (39%) vs 19/58 (33%)], or in the time to removal of catheters for any reason other than death or end of treatment for underlying disease. Thus chlorhexidine dressings reduced the incidence of exit-site/tunnel infections of indwelling tunnelled intravascular catheters without prolonging catheter survival in neutropenic patients, and could be considered as part of the routine management of indwelling tunnelled intravascular catheters among neutropenic patients.

  13. Design of low noise transimpedance amplifier for intravascular ultrasound

    KAUST Repository

    Reda, Dina


    In this paper, we study transimpedance amplifiers for capacitive sensing applications with a focus on Intravascular Ultra Sound (IVUS). We employ RF noise cancellation technique on capacitive feedback based transimpedance amplifiers. This technique eliminates the input-referred noise of TIAs completely and enhances the dynamic range of front-end electronics. Simulation results verify the proposed technique used in two different TIA topologies employing shunt-shunt feedback. ©2009 IEEE.

  14. Polymer coating embolism from intravascular medical devices - a clinical literature review. (United States)

    Chopra, Amitabh M; Mehta, Monik; Bismuth, Jean; Shapiro, Maksim; Fishbein, Michael C; Bridges, Alina G; Vinters, Harry V

    Over the past three decades, lubricious (hydrophobic and/or hydrophilic) polymer-coated devices have been increasingly adopted by interventional physicians and vascular surgeons to access and treat a wider range of clinical presentations. Recent clinical literature highlights the presence of polymer coating emboli within the anatomy - a result of coating separation from an intravascular device - and associates it with a range of adverse clinical sequelae. The 2015 U.S. Food and Drug Administration safety communication titled "Lubricious Coating Separation from Intravascular Medical Devices" acknowledges these concerns and concludes that it will work with stakeholders to develop nonclinical test methodologies, establish performance criteria, and identify gaps in current national and international device standards for coating integrity performance. Despite this communication and multiple case reports from interventional physicians, pathologists, dermatologists and other involved physician specialties, polymer coating embolism remains clinically underrecognized. This article consolidates the available literature on polymer coating embolism (1986-2016) and highlights the following relevant information for the physician: (a) the history and elusive nature of polymer coating embolism; (b) potential incidence rates of this phenomenon; (c) reported histologic findings and clinical effects of polymer emboli in the anatomy; (d) the importance of the collaborative clinician-pathologist partnership to report polymer embolism findings; and (e) the importance to study particulate release from intravascular devices so as to further understand and potentially evolve coated interventional technologies. Preliminary research on coatings highlights the potential of using iterations of coatings on medical devices that attain the desired therapeutic result and mitigate or eliminate particulates altogether. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas em linfoma Hodgkin Stem cell transplantation in Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Rosane I. Bittencourt


    Full Text Available O linfoma Hodgkin(LH é uma malignidade hematológica que conta com um armamentário terapêutico selecionado de acordo com o estadiamento e a classificação prognóstica de cada doente. A sobrevida dos pacientes tratados para o LH clássico vem aumentando significativamente, com taxas de cura entre 80%-85%. Entretanto, 20%-25% são refratários aos tratamentos iniciais e cerca de 30% recaem após ter alcançado resposta completa. Os pacientes considerados com falha à terapia de primeira linha ainda têm uma segunda chance de cura se apresentarem quimiossensibilidade aos esquemas de salvamento, seguido por uma das modalidades de transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH. O TCTH autólogo representa uma estratégia atrativa para os pacientes com LH que falham ao tratamento convencional de primeira linha. Os resultados em termos de sobrevidas livre de doença e global são superiores aos esquemas de salvamento com quimioterapia convencional. Este procedimento tem finalidade curativa para 50% dos pacientes em segunda remissão quimiossensíveis e pode levar a remissões duráveis naqueles com mais de duas linhas de terapia. Atualmente, o TCTH alogênico, basicamente com condicionamento de intensidade reduzida (RIC, está indicado em pacientes com recaída precoce após o TCTH autólogo ou em pacientes bastante jovens com refratariedade a mais de duas linhas de tratamento convencional.Hodgkin's Lymphoma is a hematologic malignancy with a wide range of therapeutic options that must be chosen according to the stage and the prognostic classification of each patient. The overall survival of patients treated for classic Hodgkin's Lymphoma is increasing significantly, with current cure rates being between 80% and 85%. Nevertheless, 20% to 25% are refractory to the initial treatment and about 30% relapse after having reached a complete response. Patients that have failed standard therapy still have a second chance of cure if they present

  16. Exposição ambiental e ocupacional a agrotóxicos e o linfoma não Hodgkin

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    Vanessa Indio do Brasil da Costa

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este ensaio versa sobre a exposição a agrotóxicos e o risco de desenvolvimento de linfoma não Hodgkin (LNH, um tipo de câncer hematológico que teve aumento progressivo nas últimas décadas no Brasil e no mundo. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa para avaliar a associação de agrotóxicos com a indução de LNH. A pesquisa mostrou que os agrotóxicos ácido diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D, diazinona, glifosato e malationa estão associados a essa neoplasia e compartilham alguns mecanismos de carcinogenicidade. Essas informações podem subsidiar medidas regulatórias mais restritivas e que contemplem a realidade da exposição a misturas de agrotóxicos, amplamente utilizados no meio rural e urbano.

  17. Sarcoma de Kaposi y linfomas no hodgkinianos asociados con infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana HIV associated to Kaposi's sarcoma and non-Hodgkin lymphomas

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    Bertha Beatriz Socarrás Ferrer


    Full Text Available El SIDA es producido por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, tiene la particularidad de infectar y destruir las células del sistema inmune, lo que producen un estado de inmunosupresión irreversible y progresivo en el organismo que se hace susceptible a múltiples infecciones virales, micóticas y bacterianas. Se describen múltiples neoplasias en estos pacientes, pero solo algunos muestran directa relación con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, y su aparición implica el diagnóstico del SIDA: sarcoma de Kaposi, linfomas no hodgkinianos, linfoma cerebral primario y carcinoma de cérvix uterino. El tratamiento de estos pacientes es difícil debido a los problemas provocados por la infección del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana que debilita el sistema inmunitarioAIDS is produced by HIV. It has the particularity of infecting and destroying the immune system cells, producing an irreversible and progressive immunodepression state in the organism, which makes it susceptible to multiple viral, mycotic and bacterial infections. Several neoplasias are described in these patients, but only some of them show a direct relation to the HIV and its appearance implies the AIDS diagnosis: Kaposi’s sarcoma, non-hodgkin lymphomas, primary brain lymphoma and uterine cervix carcinoma. The treatment of these patients is difficult due to the problems provoked by the HIV infection that weakens the immunity system

  18. Intravascular near-infrared fluorescence molecular imaging of atherosclerosis: toward coronary arterial visualization of biologically high-risk plaques (United States)

    Calfon, Marcella A.; Vinegoni, Claudio; Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Jaffer, Farouc A.


    New imaging methods are urgently needed to identify high-risk atherosclerotic lesions prior to the onset of myocardial infarction, stroke, and ischemic limbs. Molecular imaging offers a new approach to visualize key biological features that characterize high-risk plaques associated with cardiovascular events. While substantial progress has been realized in clinical molecular imaging of plaques in larger arterial vessels (carotid, aorta, iliac), there remains a compelling, unmet need to develop molecular imaging strategies targeted to high-risk plaques in human coronary arteries. We present recent developments in intravascular near-IR fluorescence catheter-based strategies for in vivo detection of plaque inflammation in coronary-sized arteries. In particular, the biological, light transmission, imaging agent, and engineering principles that underlie a new intravascular near-IR fluorescence sensing method are discussed. Intravascular near-IR fluorescence catheters appear highly translatable to the cardiac catheterization laboratory, and thus may offer a new in vivo method to detect high-risk coronary plaques and to assess novel atherosclerosis biologics.

  19. Voz e qualidade de vida de pacientes tratados de câncer avançado de laringe


    Vaneli de Cassia Colombo Rossi


    Resumo: OBJETIVO: Avaliar qualidade de vida e voz de pacientes tratados de câncer avançado de laringe por laringectomia total ou quimioradioterapia exclusiva com preservação de órgão. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: 30 pacientes tratados de câncer avançado de laringe livres da doença há pelo menos quatro anos: dez laringectomizados totais sem produção de voz esofágica (SVE); dez laringectomizados totais com voz traqueoesofágica (VTE) e dez com voz laríngea. A qualidade de vida foi mensurada pelos protoco...

  20. Intravascular ultrasound assessed incomplete stent apposition and stent fracture in stent thrombosis after bare metal versus drug-eluting stent treatment the Nordic Intravascular Ultrasound Study (NIVUS)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kosonen, Petteri; Vikman, Saila; Jensen, Lisette Okkels


    This prospective multicenter registry used intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in patients with definite stent thrombosis (ST) to compare rates of incomplete stent apposition (ISA), stent fracture and stent expansion in patients treated with drug-eluting (DES) versus bare metal (BMS) stents. ST...... is a rare, but potential life threatening event after coronary stent implantation. The etiology seems to be multifactorial....

  1. Late adverse reactions to intravascular iodinated contrast media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Webb, Judith A.W.; Stacul, Fulvio; Thomsen, Henrik S.; Morcos, Sameh K.


    Late adverse reactions to intravascular iodinated contrast media are defined as reactions occurring 1 h to 1 week after contrast medium injection. They have received increasing interest over the past decade, but their prevalence remains uncertain and their pathophysiology is not fully understood. The Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology decided to review the literature and to issue guidelines. An extensive literature search was carried out and summarized in a report. Based on the available information, simple guidelines have been drawn up. The report and guidelines were discussed at the 8th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology in Genoa. Late adverse reactions after intravascular iodinated contrast medium include symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache, itching, skin rash, musculoskeletal pain, and fever. A significant proportion of these reactions is unrelated to the contrast medium; however, allergy-like skin reactions are well-documented side effects of contrast media with an incidence of approximately 2%. Late reactions appear to be commoner after non-ionic dimers. The majority of late skin reactions after contrast medium exposure are probably T-cell-mediated allergic reactions. Patients at increased risk of late skin reactions are those with a history of previous contrast medium reaction and those on interleukin-2 treatment. Most skin reactions are self-limiting and resolve within a week. Management is symptomatic and similar to the management of other drug-induced skin reactions. (orig.)


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    Pedro Vicente Obando Ordóñez


    Full Text Available Colombia se encuentra en el proceso de negociar un Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos. La comunidad académica y las organizaciones educativas, a nivel mundial, previenen a los países de los peligros existentes en involucrar a la educación en las negociaciones de tipo comercial. El artículo explica las modalidades en la comercialización de servicios y da ejemplos de la manera como se realizan en el sector de la educación. Se incluye una información general sobre el GATS (Acuerdo General de Comercialización de Servicios en los procesos de negociación del Tratado. Por medio de ejemplos se analizan las barreras que existen en la forma de suministro de servicios educativos. Concluye el artículo con la presentación de cuatro escenarios posibles para la educación en el marco de la globalización.

  3. Offline fusion of co-registered intravascular ultrasound and frequency domain optical coherence tomography images for the analysis of human atherosclerotic plaques

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Räber, Lorenz; Heo, Jung Ho; Radu, Maria D


    To demonstrate the feasibility and potential usefulness of an offline fusion of matched optical coherence tomography (OCT) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)/virtual histology (IVUS-VH) images.......To demonstrate the feasibility and potential usefulness of an offline fusion of matched optical coherence tomography (OCT) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)/virtual histology (IVUS-VH) images....

  4. Legitimidad y finalidad de los capítulos de propiedad intelectual en los tratados de libre comercio (TLC)


    Frankel, Susy


    Una visión analítica de la realidad actual permite apreciar un auge de los Tratados de Libre Comercio, mientras se presenta un estancamiento en las negociaciones multilaterales de comercio. Si bien la negociación de los TLC no se limita a los países desarrollados, los negociados por los países en desarrollo no tienden a contemplar mejoras en los estándares de propiedad intelectual. Algunos de los capítulos relativos a la propiedad intelectual incluidos en los Tratados de Libre Comercio simple...

  5. [Optimal intravascular brachytherapy: safety and radiation protection, reliability and precision guaranteed by guidelines, recommendations and regulatory requirements]. (United States)

    Quast, Ulrich; Kaulich, Theodor W; Lorenz, Joachim


    The success of intravascular brachytherapy relies entirely on the interdisciplinary approach. Interventional cardiologists, radiation oncologists and medical physicists must form a team from day 1. All members of the team need special knowledge and regular training in the field of vascular radiation therapy. Optimization of intravascular brachytherapy requires the use of standardized methods of dose specification, recording and reporting. This also implies using standardized methods of source calibration in terms of absorbed dose to water and having methods for simple internal control of the dosimetric quantities of new or replaced sources. Guidance is offered by international recommendations (AAPM TG 60, DGMP Report 16, NCS and EVA GEC-ESTRO). LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RADIATION PROTECTION--WHAT'S NEW?: In Europe, new legal requirements on radiation protection issues have to be fulfilled. For Germany, the revised "Strahlenschutzverordnung" has been released recently. Nearly all organizational and medical processes are affected. For intravascular brachytherapy, several changes of requirements have to be considered. However, to follow these requirements does not cause serious problems. DGMP REPORT 16: GUIDELINES FOR MEDICAL PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF INTRAVASCULAR BRACHYTHERAPY: Evaluation of clinical results by comparison of intravascular brachytherapy treatment parameters is possible only if the prescribed dose and the applied dose distribution are reported clearly, completely and uniformly. The DGMP guidelines thus recommend to prescribe the dose to water at the system related reference point PRef at 2 mm radial distance for intracoronary application (and at 5 mm for peripheral vessels). The mean dose at 1 mm tissue depth (respectively at 2 mm) should be reported in addition. To safely define the planning target volume from the injured length, safety margins of at least 5 mm (10 mm) have to be taken into account on both ends. Safety margins have also to be considered for

  6. Los tratados silogísticos de Boecio: sus fuentes, historia e influencia en la cristiandad latina

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    Manuel Correia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describen los contenidos de un tratado sobre lógica aristotélica escrito por Boecio en el VI d. C, llamado por nuestras ediciones modernas De syllogismo categórico (=DSC. A través de sus contenidos, es posible mostrar: (i la importancia de este tratado en el proceso de transmisión de la lógica de Aristóteles al medioevo latino; (ii su relación con otro tratado monográfico similar, titulado por la crítica moderna Introductio ad syllogismos categóricos (ISC y su relación temática con DSC; (iii las fuentes más probables de ambos tratados; y, finalmente, (iv su influencia en el medioevo latino. La hipótesis que se defiende en este artículo es que los contenidos lógicos de este tratado, en particular la clasificación de las proposiciones categóricas, contenida en el corazón del DSC, entregan no solo el objeto temático al tratado, sino también coherencia argumentativa y unidad. En especial, el estudio de esta clasificación permite demostrar la unidad de DSC y en particular que el segundo libro de DSC es genuino y no espurio como sostuvieron, no hace mucho, los estudiosos Murari y McKinlay; además, esta misma clasificación permite apreciar su diferencia con ISC, por el hecho de que este último tratado posee una clasificación diferente a la de DSC. La base de la hipótesis propuesta se halla en que la clasificación mencionada es un intento por generar, a partir de los elementos preposicionales, las principales operaciones lógicas definidas por Aristóteles en sus escritos lógicos, asunto que en la revisión de De Rijk (1964 no quedó totalmente establecidoIn this article, the author describes the contents of a treatise on Aristotelian logic, written by Boethius in the sixth century A.D., titled in our modern editions as De syllogismo categórico (DSC. It is possible to show, through the contents: (i the importance of this treatise for the transmission process of Aristotle's logic to the Latin medieval

  7. Nostalgia of the Encomienda. Rereading Juan Suárez de Peralta's Tratado del descubrimiento (1589

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique González González


    Full Text Available The work Tratado del descubrimiento de las Yndias y su conquista, written  by the New Spain Creole Juan Suárez de Peralta around 1589, has traditionally been read as just another Conquest chronicle, scarcely interesting in its first chapters, but fully vivid in its “second” part, where the author  tells of the so-called conspiracy of Martín Cortés,  Second Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca. This paper, however, suggests that the Tratado, in keeping with its title, must be read as a treatise in which Suárez de Peralta pleads for the legitimacy of the encomienda and offers an account of the fateful —as he sees them— consequences  brought about by the Crown's rulings to suppress it. Therefore, the Tratado must be considered within the great debates of the time on how conquered peoples, conquerors and their descendants  should be treated. Although not a professional lawyer, Suárez de Peralta turns out to be a resourceful and convincing writer. Far from offering a linear account  of a series of events, he takes advantage of ambiguity in order  to argue, from different  viewpoints,  on several issues. Sensing that he defends a lost cause, his allegation oozes irony, disillusion, and nostalgia.

  8. Pulmonary intravascular lymphoma detected by FDG PET-CT: a case report. (United States)

    Kohan, A A; Paganini, L; Biedak, P; Arma, J I; Dalurzo, M C L; Garcia-Monaco, R D


    Intravascular lymphoma is a rare subtype of extranodal Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Its prognosis is poor in a high percentage of cases due to its insidious appearance and low clinical suspicion. Its diagnosis is usually only reached after an autopsy. It may affect different organs as a whole or only one organ. It is extremely rare that the lung is the only damaged organ. Its diagnosis depends of the clinician's suspicion and proper evaluation with imaging studies as well as correct selection of the organ to be biopsied. When detected on time, the treatment of choice is a combination of a series of chemotherapy associated to a monoclonal antibody (anti-CD20). We present the case of a male patient who underwent a positron emission tomography-computed tomography with 2-[F-18]-fluoro-2 deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) due to symptoms suggestive of a lymphoproliferative disease with no clear structural abnormalities. The images led to a diagnosis of pulmonary intravascular large B cell lymphoma. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier España, S.L. and SEMNIM. All rights reserved.

  9. Effect of catecholamines and insulin on plasma volume and intravascular mass of albumin in man

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hilsted, J; Christensen, N J; Larsen, S


    1. The effect of intravenous catecholamine infusions and of intravenous insulin on plasma volume and intravascular mass of albumin was investigated in healthy males. 2. Physiological doses of adrenaline (0.5 microgram/min and 3 microgram/min) increased peripheral venous packed cell volume...... significantly; intravenous noradrenaline at 0.5 microgram/min had no effect on packed cell volume, whereas packed cell volume increased significantly at 3 micrograms of noradrenaline/min. No significant change in packed cell volume was found during saline infusion. 3. During adrenaline infusion at 6 micrograms...... in packed cell volume, plasma volume, intravascular mass of albumin and transcapillary escape rate of albumin during hypoglycaemia may be explained by the combined actions of adrenaline and insulin....

  10. The lateral neostriatum is necessary for compensatory ingestive behaviour after intravascular dehydration in female rats. (United States)

    Lelos, M J; Harrison, D J; Rosser, A E; Dunnett, S B


    Aberrant striatal function results in an array of physiological symptoms, including impaired consummatory and regulatory behaviours, which can lead to weight loss and dehydration. It was hypothesised, therefore, that cell loss in the neostriatum may contribute to altered fluid intake by regulating physiological signals related to dehydration status. To test this theory, rats with lesions of the lateral neostriatum and sham controls underwent a series of physiological challenges, including the experimental induction of intracellular and intravascular dehydration. No baseline differences in prandial or non-prandial drinking were observed, nor were differences in locomotor activity evident between groups. Furthermore, intracellular dehydration increased water intake in lesion rats in a manner comparable to sham rats. Interestingly, a specific impairment was evident in lesion rats after subcutaneous injection of poly-ethylene glycol was used to induce intravascular dehydration, such that lesion rats failed to adapt their water intake to this physiological change. The results suggest that the striatal lesions resulted in regulatory dysfunction by impairing motivational control over compensatory ingestive behaviour after intravascular hydration, while the physiological signals related to dehydration remain intact. Loss of these cells in neurodegenerative disorders, such Huntington's disease, may contribute to regulatory changes evident in the course of the disease. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Hydrophilic Polymer Embolism: Implications for Manufacturing, Regulation, and Postmarket Surveillance of Coated Intravascular Medical Devices. (United States)

    Mehta, Rashi I; Mehta, Rupal I


    Hydrophilic polymers are ubiquitously applied as surface coatings on catheters and intravascular medical technologies. Recent clinical literature has heightened awareness on the complication of hydrophilic polymer embolism, the phenomenon wherein polymer coating layers separate from catheter and device surfaces, and may be affiliated with a range of unanticipated adverse reactions. Significant system barriers have limited and delayed reporting on this iatrogenic complication, the full effects of which remain underrecognized by healthcare providers and manufacturers of various branded devices. In 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration acknowledged rising clinical concerns and stated that the agency would work with stakeholders to further evaluate gaps that exist in current national and international device standards for coated intravascular medical technologies. The present article reviews current knowledge on this complication as well as factors that played a role in delaying detection and dissemination of information and new knowledge once hazards and clinical risks were identified. Furthermore, organ-specific effects and adverse reaction patterns are summarized, along with implications for device manufacturing, safety assurance, and regulation. Qualitative and quantitative particulate testing are needed to optimize coated intravascular device technologies. Moreover, general enhanced processes for medical device surveillance are required for timely adverse event management and to ensure patient safety.

  12. Linfoma cutâneo primário de grandes células B de apresentação atípica: relato de caso Primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma of atypical presentation: case report

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    Antônio René Diógenes de Sousa


    Full Text Available Linfomas cutâneos primários são definidos como neoplasias linfocíticas que se apresentam clinicamente na pele sem doença extracutânea no momento do diagnóstico e até por 6 meses após. Os autores relatam o caso de um paciente masculino, idoso, com história de pápulas em axila, há 3 meses, que evoluíram para ulceração. Ao exame, úlcera profunda de bordos irregulares, infiltrados, em axila direita. Exames físico e complementares não evidenciaram doença à distância. O histopatológico mostra infiltrado dérmico denso e difuso de linfócitos atípicos. A imuno-histoquímica evidencia expressão de antígenos CD20 e bcl-2, com CD10 negativo, configurando diagnóstico de linfoma cutâneo difuso de grandes células B. Neste tipo de linfoma, é rara a manifestação cutânea primária, assim como a incidência é menor em homens e a localização, mais comum em membros inferioresPrimary cutaneous lymphomas are defined as lymphocytic neoplasias that present themselves clinically in the skin without extracutaneous disease at diagnosis and up to 6 months after it. The authors report the case of an elderly male patient, with a three- month-history of papules in the axilla which evolved into painful ulceration. Examination found deep ulcer with irregular borders ,infiltrates, in the right axilla. Physical and additional examinations did not evidence disease at distance. Histopathology revealed dense and diffuse dermic sample infiltrate of atypical lymphocytes. Imunohistochemistry shows expression of CD20 and bcl-2 antigens , with negative CD10, configuring diagnosis of cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma. In this type of cutaneous lymphoma, primary cutaneous manifestation is rare ,the incidence in men is lower and it is most commonly located in the lower limbs

  13. Disseminated intravascular coagulation as an unusual presentation of an Epstein-Barr virus infection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Steijn, JHM; van Tol, KM; van Essen, LH; Gans, ROB


    Epstein-Barr viral (EBV)-infection usually presents as fever, sore throat, fatigue, lymphadenopathy and atypical lymphocytosis. We describe a patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation as the presenting symptom caused by a primary EBV infection. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

  14. Tratado de libre comercio entre Colombia e Israel. Perspectivas generales y oportunidades para el sector agrícola colombiano


    Triviño Ortega, Sebastián; Prada Vanegas, Harold Sebastián


    Las estrategias tendientes a la diversificación de los mercados de exportación e internacionalización de la economía por parte del gobierno colombiano y sus políticas gubernamentales han incluido la firma de una serie de Tratados de Libre Comercio, entre ellos el TLC de última generación firmado con El Estado de Israel. Estos tratados además de abordar temas tradicionales de comercio, tratan nuevos capítulos en inversiones y servicios. Así mismo se analizan las principales políticas por parte...

  15. Aceros sinterizados tratados al vapor para la fabricación de componentes de amortiguadores bitubo

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    Cambronero, L. E. G.


    Full Text Available In this work, properties of three sintered and steam treated alloyed irons were analysed. These materials were Fe+2Cu, Fe+0.6C+0.5Cu, and Fe+0.45P+2.5Cu, which were obtained by powder mixing. Once pressed and sintered, samples were steam treated (surface treatment which is characteristic of sintered irons. Density, hardness and tensile strength were obtained on sintered and steam treated samples, within their microstructure analysis. Also, a tribological study was carried out since some parts of shock absorbers are working under friction.

    En este trabajo se analizan las propiedades de tres hierros aleados sintetizados y tratados al vapor. Los materiales seleccionados son el Fe+2Cu, Fe+0.6C+0.5Cu, y Fe+0.45P+2.5Cu, obtenidos por mezcla elemental de polvos. Una vez compactados y sintetizados, se sometieron a un tratamiento de recubrimiento característico de los hierros, como es el tratamiento al vapor. En los materiales sintetizados y tratados al vapor, se determinaron su densidad, dureza y resistencia a tracción, junto con su análisis microestructural. Así mismo dado que algunos de los componentes de los amortiguadores bitubo están sometidos a esfuerzos de fricción, se analizaron el comportamiento tribologíco de los materiales obtenidos tanto en estado sintetizado como tratados al vapor.

  16. Intravascular versus surface cooling for targeted temperature management after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glover, Guy W; Thomas, Richard M; Vamvakas, George


    , maintenance and rewarming phases in addition to adverse events. All-cause mortality, as well as a composite of poor neurological function or death, as evaluated by the Cerebral Performance Category and modified Rankin scale were analysed. RESULTS: For patients managed at 33 °C there was no difference between......BACKGROUND: Targeted temperature management is recommended after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and may be achieved using a variety of cooling devices. This study was conducted to explore the performance and outcomes for intravascular versus surface devices for targeted temperature management after...... out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. METHOD: A retrospective analysis of data from the Targeted Temperature Management trial. N = 934. A total of 240 patients (26%) managed with intravascular versus 694 (74%) with surface devices. Devices were assessed for speed and precision during the induction...

  17. Legitimidad y finalidad de los capítulos de propiedad intelectual en los tratados de libre comercio (TLC

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    Susy Frankel


    Full Text Available Una visión analítica de la realidad actual permite apreciar un auge de los Tratados de Libre Comercio, mientras se presenta un estancamiento en las negociaciones multilaterales de comercio. Si bien la negociación de los TLC no se limita a los países desarrollados, los negociados por los países en desarrollo no tienden a contemplar mejoras en los estándares de propiedad intelectual. Algunos de los capítulos relativos a la propiedad intelectual incluidos en los Tratados de Libre Comercio simplemente reafirman los estándares del acuerdo sobre los ADPIC, mientras que otros se orientan a ampliar el cubrimiento y alcance de los derechos internacionales de propiedad intelectual. El presente artículo se concentra en estudiar la legitimidad y la finalidad de los capítulos de propiedad intelectual en los Tratados de Libre Comercio, así como la relación entre los capítulos sobre propiedad intelectual y el sistema multilateral de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC que facilita los TLC y los límites racionales de la propiedad intelectual en el contexto comercial.

  18. New treatment strategies for disseminated intravascular coagulation based on current understanding of the pathophysiology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Levi, Marcel; de Jonge, Evert; van der Poll, Tom


    A variety of clinical conditions may cause systemic activation of coagulation, ranging from insignificant laboratory changes to severe disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). DIC consists of a widespread, systemic activation of coagulation, resulting in diffuse fibrin deposition in small and

  19. Los tratados y el jardín renacentista en Italia. Principios, metodologías y técnicas


    Taffuri, Tullio


    La tesis destaca la influencia que ejerció la teoría, las técnicas y la metodología de proyecto de los principales tratados de la época renacentista en la concepción, diseño y realización de algunos de los más importantes jardines de la época. Los tratados de Vitruvio, Alberti, Filarete, Di Giorgio, Serlio, Palladio, Colonna y Del Riccio establecen una nueva estética y una nueva visión del mundo, basadas en la geometría elemental y en los números simples. En la Grecia antigua, Platón y Pitágo...

  20. Management of subarachnoid hemorrhage classified grade V. Possibility of intravascular treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uzura, Masahiko; Oshima, Kousuke; Morishima, Hiroyuki; Uchida, Kazuyoshi; Watanabe, Hiroyuki; Nakamura, Homare; Tanaka, Katsuyuki; Sekino, Hiroaki; Akashi, Katsuya [St. Marianna Univ., Kawasaki, Kanagawa (Japan). School of Medicine


    Management outcomes in poor-grade patients (World Federation of Neurological Surgeons Committee on a Universal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Grading Scale Grade V) with ruptured cerebral aneurysms have historically been unsatisfactory. In the present study, we examined the possibility of intravascular treatment for ruptured aneurysm detected by 3-Dimensional CT angiography (3D-CTA) in poor-grade SAH patients. From April 1997 to July 2000, 3D-CTA was performed on 54 of 73 patients admitted with Grade V subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Excluding 3 patients who underwent emergency surgery for ruptured aneurysms and intracerebral hematomas, CT findings from the remaining 51 patients were analyzed. The study included 23 men and 28 women, ranging in age from 28 to 91 with an average age of 63.6. The patients' initial scores on the Glasgow Coma Scale upon admission were 3 in 36 patients (including 19 patients who had undergone cardio-pulmonary arrest), 4 in 11 patients, 5 in 2 patients, and 6 in 2 patients. Ruptured aneurysms responsible for SAH were clearly delineated in 41 aneurysms from 39 patients, with 32 aneurysms in the anterior circulation and 9 in the posterior circulation. Patients with Glasgow Coma Scale of 4 or higher whose score did not progressively decrease for 12 hours after symptom onset were considered for intravascular treatment. In our study, 4 of 39 patients (10.3%) met these criteria. Glasgow Outcome Scale results were good recovery in 1 case, moderate disability in 1 case, severe disability in 1 case, and death in the remaining 48 cases. These results suggest that the management course for poor-grade (WFNS Grade V) SAH patients who retain brain stem reflexes contain the following: identification of aneurysms by 3D-CTA, maintenance of adequate sedation and external drainage to treat acute hydrocephalus, continued minimum 12-hour observation, monitoring levels of consciousness where possible, and consideration of aggressive therapy including

  1. Pretextos y contextos olvidados : arte, ciencia y técnica en algunos tratados contables de la Inglaterra Tudor

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    Juan Lanero Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente estudio pretende ver, desde una perspectiva amplia, los dos tratados de James Peele (1553, 1569. The pathe waye (1569, en su conjunto, se aparta de forma considerable de los tratados publicados con anterioridad; y por lo que se refiere a su primer libro (1553, dispone de suficientes rasgos diferenciadores para que en el todo y en las partes sea una pieza bien distinta de tratados anteriores. Algunos detalles de The maner and fourme provienen directamente de Pacioli o a través del primer tratado inglés de partida doble, obra de Hugh Oldcastle (1543, o de Ympyn. La influencia de éste, por su tratado holandés/francés (1543 y la traducción inglesa (1547, se aprecia en The pathe waye en el cierre del Libro Mayor y en la forma que ambos tienen de tratar las operaciones de trueque. Es un hecho que Manzoni (1540 está presente en The moner and fourme en lo tocante a la numeración de las partidas en el Diario y a su referencia en el texto. Por lo que se refiere a la organización de los libros de cuentas, también existen resonancias de Weddington. La excelencia es la cualidad que destaca en los dos tratado, en particular en The pathe waye. Peele supo recoger en sus libros las tendencias más innovadoras de la partida doble provenientes de los autores que le precedieron. Está demostrado que Mellis manejó, aunque no siempre de forma apropiada, los tratados de Peele para su reedición de Oldcastle (1588. Y se puede decir lo mismo de John Carpenter (1632. Pele comprendió los verdaderos principios de la partida doble; pero sus excelentes tratados se quedaron injustamente olvidados en la penumbra de los pretextos, la competencia de los contextos y casi ningún paratexto que los valorara en su justiprecio que fue, y sigue siendo, elevado.The present paper tries to have a look, from a broad perspective, at James Peele's two treatises (1553, 1569. The pathe waye (1569, as a whole, drifts away considerably from the treatises previously

  2. Proceso de negociación del tratado sobre el comercio de armas: tensiones y dinámicas de poder


    del Castillo Briceño, Paula Johana


    El interés del presente estudio de caso es analizar la articulación de las dinámicas de poder y estrategias de negociación detrás de un proceso tan complejo como el de la creación del Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas.El estudio examina la evolución de las tensiones principales entre los Estados participantes frente al Tratado y resalta las lógicas de poder al interior de las negociaciónes, así como los factores externos que influyeron para solucionar o agravar dichas tensiones. Con el apoyo...

  3. Ana?lisis cinemático de la marcha en pacientes con pie zambo tratados mediante el me?todo de Ponseti frente a la te?cnica quiru?rgica de liberacio?n posterior


    Ferrando, A.; Salom Taverner, M.; Page, A.


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto consiste en valorar la evolución de la marcha en niños en edad preadolescente tratados mediante el método de Ponseti frente a los tratados mediante liberación posterior a partir de técnicas de valoración de la marcha mediante análisis biomecánico. Material y Métodos Estudio retrospectivo de casos y controles aprobado por el comité de ética. Grupo 1: 28 niños (39 pies) tratados mediante liberación posterior. Grupo 2: 18 pacientes (31 pies) tratados median...

  4. Dosimetry in intravascular brachytherapy; Calculos dosimetricos em braquiterapia intravascular

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campos, Laelia Pumilla Botelho


    Among the cardiovascular diseases responsible for deaths in the adult population in almost all countries of the world, the most common is acute myocardial infarction, which generally occurs because of the occlusion of one or more coronary arteries. Several diagnostic techniques and therapies are being tested for the treatment of coronary artery disease. Balloon angioplasty has been a popular treatment which is less invasive than traditional surgeries involving revascularization of the myocardium, thus promising a better quality of life for patients. Unfortunately, the rate of restenosis (re-closing of the vessel) after balloon angioplasty is high (approximately 30-50% within the first year after treatment).Recently, the idea of delivering high radiation doses to coronary arteries to avoid or delay restenosis has been suggested. Known as intravascular brachytherapy, the technique has been used with several radiation sources, and researchers have obtained success in decreasing the rate of restenosis in some patient populations. In order to study the radiation dosimetry in the patient and radiological protection for the attending staff for this therapy, radiation dose distributions for monoenergetic electrons and photons (at nine discrete energies) were calculated for blood vessels of diameter 0.15, o,30 and 0.45 cm with balloon and wire sources using the radiation transport code MCNP4B. Specific calculations were carried out for several candidate radionuclides as well. Two s tent sources (metallic prosthesis that put inside of patient's artery through angioplasty) employing {sup 32} P are also simulated. Advantages and disadvantages of the various radionuclides and source geometries are discussed. The dosimetry developed here will aid in the realization of the benefits obtained in patients for this promising new technology. (author)

  5. Dosimetry in intravascular brachytherapy; Calculos dosimetricos em braquiterapia intravascular

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campos, Laelia Pumilla Botelho


    Among the cardiovascular diseases responsible for deaths in the adult population in almost all countries of the world, the most common is acute myocardial infarction, which generally occurs because of the occlusion of one or more coronary arteries. Several diagnostic techniques and therapies are being tested for the treatment of coronary artery disease. Balloon angioplasty has been a popular treatment which is less invasive than traditional surgeries involving revascularization of the myocardium, thus promising a better quality of life for patients. Unfortunately, the rate of restenosis (re-closing of the vessel) after balloon angioplasty is high (approximately 30-50% within the first year after treatment).Recently, the idea of delivering high radiation doses to coronary arteries to avoid or delay restenosis has been suggested. Known as intravascular brachytherapy, the technique has been used with several radiation sources, and researchers have obtained success in decreasing the rate of restenosis in some patient populations. In order to study the radiation dosimetry in the patient and radiological protection for the attending staff for this therapy, radiation dose distributions for monoenergetic electrons and photons (at nine discrete energies) were calculated for blood vessels of diameter 0.15, o,30 and 0.45 cm with balloon and wire sources using the radiation transport code MCNP4B. Specific calculations were carried out for several candidate radionuclides as well. Two s tent sources (metallic prosthesis that put inside of patient's artery through angioplasty) employing {sup 32} P are also simulated. Advantages and disadvantages of the various radionuclides and source geometries are discussed. The dosimetry developed here will aid in the realization of the benefits obtained in patients for this promising new technology. (author)

  6. Ventricular metastasis resulting in disseminated intravascular coagulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Davis Ian D


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC complicates up to 7% of malignancies, the commonest solid organ association being adenocarcinoma. Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC has rarely been associated with DIC. Case presentation A 74-year-old woman with TCC bladder and DIC was found to have a cardiac lesion suspicious for metastatic disease. The DIC improved with infusion of plasma and administration of Vitamin K, however the cardiac lesion was deemed inoperable and chemotherapy inappropriate; given the patients functional status. We postulate that direct activation of the coagulation cascade by the intraventricular metastasis probably triggered the coagulopathy in this patient. Conclusion Cardiac metastases should be considered in cancer patients with otherwise unexplained DIC. This may influence treatment choices.

  7. Prevention of adverse reactions to intravascular contrast media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soyer, P.; Levesque, M.


    The exact mechanisms of adverse reactions to contrast media are still imperfectly known. However, these reactions may be classified as idiosyncratic. Non-idiosyncratic reactions can be prevented by using new, non-ionic contrast agents. Idiosyncratic reactions can be prevented by specific premedication. Patients with a history of idiosyncratic reaction may benefit from corticosteroids and antihistamines administered prophylactically. Patients who seem to be more likely than others to react to contrast media must be premedicated, the risk of reaction being identified and evaluated by questioning. It has recently been suggested that all patients about to receive an intravascular injection of contrast medium should also be premedicated [fr

  8. Protection against high intravascular pressure in giraffe legs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Karin K; Hørlyck, Arne; Østergaard, Kristine Hovkjær


    The high blood pressure in giraffe leg arteries renders giraffes vulnerable to edema. We investigated in 11 giraffes whether large and small arteries in the legs and the tight fascia protect leg capillaries. Ultrasound imaging of foreleg arteries in anesthetized giraffes and ex vivo examination....... All three findings can contribute to protection of the capillaries in giraffe legs from a high arterial pressure....... revealed abrupt thickening of the arterial wall and a reduction of its internal diameter just below the elbow. At and distal to this narrowing, the artery constricted spontaneously and in response to norepinephrine and intravascular pressure recordings revealed a dynamic, viscous pressure drop along...

  9. An Implantable Intravascular Pressure Sensor for a Ventricular Assist Device

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luigi Brancato


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to investigate the intravascular application of a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS pressure sensor to directly measure the hemodynamic characteristics of a ventricular assist device (VAD. A bio- and hemo-compatible packaging strategy is implemented, based on a ceramic thick film process. A commercial sub-millimeter piezoresistive sensor is attached to an alumina substrate, and a double coating of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS and parylene-C is applied. The final size of the packaged device is 2.6 mm by 3.6 mm by 1.8 mm. A prototype electronic circuit for conditioning and read-out of the pressure signal is developed, satisfying the VAD-specific requirements of low power consumption (less than 14.5 mW in continuous mode and small form factor. The packaged sensor has been submitted to extensive in vitro tests. The device displayed a temperature-independent sensitivity (12 μ V/V/mmHg and good in vitro stability when exposed to the continuous flow of saline solution (less than 0.05 mmHg/day drift after 50 h. During in vivo validation, the transducer has been successfully used to record the arterial pressure waveform of a female sheep. A small, intravascular sensor to continuously register the blood pressure at the inflow and the outflow of a VAD is developed and successfully validated in vivo.

  10. Slow clearance gadolinium-based extracellular and intravascular contrast media for three-dimensional MR angiography. (United States)

    Bremerich, J; Colet, J M; Giovenzana, G B; Aime, S; Scheffler, K; Laurent, S; Bongartz, G; Muller, R N


    The objective of this study was to assess two new slow-clearance contrast media with extracellular and intravascular distribution for magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Extracellular Gd-DTPA-BC(2)glucA and intravascular Gd(DO3A)(3)-lys(16) were developed within the European Biomed2 MACE Program and compared with two reference compounds, intravascular CMD-A2-Gd-DOTA and extracellular GdDOTA, in 12 rats. Pre- and post-contrast three-dimensional MR (TR/TE = 5 msec/2.2 msec; isotropic voxel size 0.86 mm(3)) was acquired for 2 hours. Signal-to-noise enhancement (DeltaSNR) was calculated. Two minutes after injection, all contrast media provided strong vascular signal enhancement. The DeltaSNR for Gd-DTPA-BC(2)glucA, Gd(DO3A)(3)-lys(16), CMD-A2-Gd-DOTA, and GdDOTA were 13.0 +/- 1.8, 25.0 +/- 3.2, 25.0 +/- 4.0, and 18.0 +/- 3.4, respectively. Gd-DTPA-BC(2)glucA, Gd(DO3A)(3)-lys(16), and CMD-A2-Gd-DOTA cleared slowly from the circulation, whereas GdDOTA cleared rapidly. Vascular DeltaSNR at 2 hours were 2.9 +/- 0.6, 25.0 +/- 3.2, 25.0 +/- 4.0, and 0.4 +/- 1.0. Gd(DO3A)(3)-lys(16) provided strong vascular and minor background enhancement, and thus may be useful for MRA or perfusion imaging. Gd-DTPA-BC(2)glucA produces persistent enhancement of extracellular water, and thus may allow quantification of extracellular distribution volume and assessment of myocardial viability.

  11. Ischemia monitoring in off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery using intravascular near-infrared spectroscopy

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    Zerkowski Hans-Reinhard


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery, manipulations on the beating heart can lead to transient interruptions of myocardial oxygen supply, which can generate an accumulation of oxygen-dependent metabolites in coronary venous blood. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability of intravascular near-infrared spectroscopy as a monitoring method to detect possible ischemic events in off-pump coronary artery bypass procedures. Methods In 15 elective patients undergoing off-pump myocardial revascularization, intravascular near-infrared spectroscopic analysis of coronary venous blood was performed. NIR signals were transferred through a fiberoptic catheter for signal emission and collection. For data analysis and processing, a miniature spectrophotometer with multivariate statistical package was used. Signal acquisition and analysis were performed before and after revascularization. Spectroscopic data were compared with hemodynamic parameters, electrocardiogram, transesophageal echocardiography and laboratory findings. Results A conversion to extracorporeal circulation was not necessary. The mean number of grafts per patient was 3.1 ± 0.6. An intraoperative myocardial ischemia was not evident, as indicated by electrocardiogram and transesophageal echocardiography. Continuous spectroscopic analysis showed reproducible absorption spectra of coronary sinus blood. Due to uneventful intraoperative courses, clear ischemia-related changes could be detected in none of the patients. Conclusion Our initial results show that intravascular near-infrared spectroscopy can reliably be used for an online intraoperative ischemia monitoring in off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery. However, the method has to be further evaluated and standardized to determine the role of spectroscopy in off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery.

  12. Intravascular ultrasonic-photoacoustic (IVUP) endoscope with 2.2-mm diameter catheter for medical imaging. (United States)

    Bui, Nhat Quang; Hlaing, Kyu Kyu; Nguyen, Van Phuc; Nguyen, Trung Hau; Oh, Yun-Ok; Fan, Xiao Feng; Lee, Yong Wook; Nam, Seung Yun; Kang, Hyun Wook; Oh, Junghwan


    Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging is extremely important for detection and characterization of high-risk atherosclerotic plaques as well as gastrointestinal diseases. Recently, intravascular photoacoustic (IVPA) imaging has been used to differentiate the composition of biological tissues with high optical contrast and ultrasonic resolution. The combination of these imaging techniques could provide morphological information and molecular screening to characterize abnormal tissues, which would help physicians to ensure vital therapeutic value and prognostic significance for patients before commencing therapy. In this study, integration of a high-frequency IVUS imaging catheter (45MHz, single-element, unfocused, 0.7mm in diameter) with a multi-mode optical fiber (0.6mm in core diameter, 0.22 NA), an integrated intravascular ultrasonic-photoacoustic (IVUP) imaging catheter, was developed to provide spatial and functional information on light distribution in a turbid sample. Simultaneously, IVUS imaging was co-registered to IVPA imaging to construct 3D volumetric sample images. In a phantom study, a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) tissue-mimicking arterial vessel phantom with indocyanine green (ICG) and methylene blue (MB) inclusion was used to demonstrate the feasibility of mapping the biological dyes, which are used in cardiovascular and cancer diagnostics. For the ex vivo study, an excised sample of pig intestine with ICG was utilized to target the biomarkers present in the gastrointestinal tumors or the atherosclerotic plaques with the proposed hybrid technique. The results indicated that IVUP endoscope with the 2.2-mm diameter catheter could be a useful tool for medical imaging. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. La crítica de Hicks al Tratado del Dinero de Keynes

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    Alexander Tobón


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar que la crítica que hace Hicks al Tratado del Dinero de Keynes es incorrecta. Para ello, presentamos el modelo de Keynes, mostrando que la igualdad entre la inversión y el ahorro es una condición de equilibrio monetario y no una identidad. Este resultado no puede ser obtenido en el análisis de Hicks.

  14. El tratado de Derecho Administrativo del Profesor Rodolfo Carlos Barra

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    Daniel Hugo Martins


    Full Text Available En el "Tratado" cuyos primeros dos tomos han sido públicados recientemente, Barra se propone aplicar la "tesis cuatripartita" al derecho administrativo, con base en la "filosofía perenne" y la interpretación tomista del derecho."Este trabajo -dice- propugna la sistematización y mediatización del Derecho Administrativo, como rama del derecho público que garantiza el cumplimiento del acto justo en las relaciones de justicia distributiva y está referido a la regulación de la relación jurídica Estado (Administración Pública - administrado"

  15. Tratados y recetarios de técnica industrial en la España medieval. La Corona de Castilla, siglos XV - XVI


    Criado Vega, Teresa


    El eje de esta tesis es analizar las técnicas industriales en la Corona de Castilla en la Baja Edad Media, a través de los recetarios y tratados técnicos localizados en distintas bibliotecas hispanas, como prueba evidente de que tales conocimientos no se transmitieron de forma oral únicamente, sino que fueron recogidos de forma escrita. Esta es una realidad constatada en el resto de Europa, donde han sido estudiados diversos recetarios y tratados, algunos de los cuales han sido utilizados par...

  16. Interventional and intravascular MR angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ladd, M.E.; Debatin, J.F.


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a number of characteristics which make it attractive for guidance of intravascular therapeutic procedures, including high soft tissue contrast, imaging in any arbitrary oblique plane, lack of ionizing radiation, and the ability to provide functional information, such as flow velocity and volume per unit time. For MR guidance of vascular interventions to be safe, catheters and guidewires must be visualized relative to the vascular system and surrounding tissues. A number of approaches for making instruments visible in an MR environment are presented, including both passive and active techniques. Passive techniques depend on contrast agents or susceptibility artifacts, whereas active techniques, including MR tracking, MR profiling, and active field inhomogeneity, use some form of electrical coil built into the instrument. The potential for obtaining high-resolution images of the vessel wall using coils built into a catheter is also discussed. These images provide the capability to distinguish and identify various plaque components. The additional capabilities of MRI could potentially open up new applications beyond those currently performed under X-ray fluoroscopic guidance. (orig.) [de

  17. Linfomas no Hodgkin: Área metropolitana de Bucaramanga Non-Hodgkin lymphomas from Bucaramanga metropolitan area

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alberto García Ramírez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Ninguna neoplasia ha generado tanta confusión en sus sistemas de clasificación como los linfomas no Hodgkin (LNH. Una correcta tipificación es necesaria para el diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento. Objetivos: clasificar los LNH del registro poblacional de cáncer del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga. Pacientes y métodos: SSe realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal, utilizando como población los pacientes con LNH del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga de enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2006. La información se obtuvo de las historias clínicas y de inmunohistoquímica en bloques de parafina. Se utilizo la clasificación de linfomas de la OMS. Resultados: Se estudiaron 320 pacientes y se encontró predominio de la enfermedad en la 6ª y 7ª década. La distribución por género fue mayor en hombres con 61,26% y mujeres 45,6%. El sitio anatómico de compromiso más frecuente fue ganglios cervicales con 25,6%. La mayoría expresaron antígenos B, 86,8%, y T, 1,8%. El subtipo más frecuente fue difuso de célula grande en el 29,6%. Conclusiones: La mayoría los LNH del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga son de linajes B, nodales y de célula grande difuso. Fue evidente el uso limitado de otras técnicas para la clasificación de estas neoplasias en nuestra región. Salud UIS 2011; 43(1: 39-47Introduction: There is not a neoplasm that has generated such confusion on its classification system such as the Non- Hodgkin's lymphoma. An adequate classification is necessary for diagnosis, prognostic and treatment. Objectives: To classify the NHL from the Bucaramanga metropolitan area poblational cancer registry. Patients and methods: An observational cross-sectional study was made, using as population the patients with NHL from the Bucaramanga metropolitan area from January 2000 until December 2006. The information was obtained from the clinical records and inmunohistochemistry in paraffin blocks. The WHO lymphoma

  18. Os desafios do Brasil na implementação do Tratado sobre o Comércio de Armas (2013 - 2016)


    Frota, Luiz Phelipe Pimenta


    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Economia, Sociedade e Política da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Relações Internacionais e Integração. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Oliveira Vieira O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a posição da política externa do Brasil em relação ao Tratado sobre Comércio de Armas - TCA. Este tratado, que foi propos...

  19. Why Have So Many Intravascular Glucose Monitoring Devices Failed? (United States)

    Smith, John L; Rice, Mark J


    Secondary to the inherent limitations of both point-of-care and central laboratory glucose technologies, continuous glucose measurement has recently enjoyed a high level of investment. Because of the perceived advantages by some of measuring in the intravascular space compared to the subcutaneous tissue, a number of technologies have been developed. In this review, we evaluate nine systems that have shown promise, although only one of these has been cleared for sale in the United States. The detection methodology, regulatory status, technical issues, and company circumstance surrounding each technology are examined. © 2015 Diabetes Technology Society.

  20. Focus on the research utility of intravascular ultrasound - comparison with other invasive modalities

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    Hoye Angela


    Full Text Available Abstract Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS is an invasive modality which provides cross-sectional images of a coronary artery. In these images both the lumen and outer vessel wall can be identified and accurate estimations of their dimensions and of the plaque burden can be obtained. In addition, further processing of the IVUS backscatter signal helps in the characterization of the type of the plaque and thus it has been used to study the natural history of the atherosclerotic evolution. On the other hand its indigenous limitations do not allow IVUS to assess accurately stent struts coverage, existence of thrombus or exact site of plaque rupture and to identify some of the features associated with increased plaque vulnerability. In order this information to be obtained, other modalities such as optical coherence tomography, angioscopy, near infrared spectroscopy and intravascular magnetic resonance imaging have either been utilized or are under evaluation. The aim of this review article is to present the current utilities of IVUS in research and to discuss its advantages and disadvantages over the other imaging techniques.

  1. Robust intravascular optical coherence elastography by line correlations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soest, Gijs van; Mastik, Frits; Jong, Nico de; Steen, Anton F W van der


    We present a new method for intravascular optical coherence elastography, which is robust against motion artefacts. It employs the correlation between adjacent lines, instead of subsequent frames. Pressure to deform the tissue is applied synchronously with the line scan rate of the optical coherence tomography (OCT) instrument. The viability of the method is demonstrated with a simulation study. We find that the root mean square (rms) error of the displacement estimate is 0.55 μm, and the rms error of the strain is 0.6%. It is shown that high-strain spots in the vessel wall, such as observed at the sites of vulnerable atherosclerotic lesions, can be detected with the technique

  2. Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Maria S. Khan MD, FACP


    Full Text Available Case Presentation . A 69-year-old Hispanic male, with a past history of diabetes and coronary disease, was admitted for fever, diarrhea, and confusion of 4 weeks duration. Physical examination showed a disoriented patient with multiple ecchymoses, possible ascites, and bilateral scrotal swelling. Hemoglobin was 6.7, prothrombin time (PT 21.4 seconds with international normalized ratio 2.1, partial thromboplastin time (PTT 55.6 seconds, fibrin split 10 µg/L, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH 1231 IU/L. Except for a positive DNA test for Epstein–Barr virus (EBV infection, extensive diagnostic workup for infections, malignancy, or a neurological cause was negative. Mixing studies revealed a nonspecific inhibitor of PT and PTT but Factor VIII levels were normal. The patient was empirically treated with antibiotics but developed hypotension and died on day 27 of admission. At autopsy, patient was found to have intravascular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma involving skin, testes, lung, and muscles. The malignant cells were positive for CD20, CD791, Mum-1, and Pax-5 and negative for CD3, CD5, CD10, CD30, and Bcl-6. The malignant cells were 100% positive for Ki-67. Discussion . Intravascular large cell B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL is rare form of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and tends to proliferate within small blood vessels, particularly capillaries and postcapillary venules. The cause of its affinity for vascular bed remains unknown. In many reports, IVLBCL was associated with HIV, HHV8, and EBV infections. The fact that our case showed evidence of EBV infection lends support to the association of this diagnosis to viral illness. The available literature on this subject is scant, and in many cases, the diagnosis was made only at autopsy. The typical presentation of this disorder is with B symptoms, progressive neurologic deficits, and skin findings. Bone marrow, spleen, and liver are involved in a minority of patients. Nearly all patients have elevated LDH

  3. High speed intravascular photoacoustic imaging of atherosclerotic arteries (Conference Presentation) (United States)

    Piao, Zhonglie; Ma, Teng; Qu, Yueqiao; Li, Jiawen; Yu, Mingyue; He, Youmin; Shung, K. Kirk; Zhou, Qifa; Kim, Chang-Seok; Chen, Zhongping


    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the industrialized nations. Accurate quantification of both the morphology and composition of lipid-rich vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque are essential for early detection and optimal treatment in clinics. In previous works, intravascular photoacoustic (IVPA) imaging for detection of lipid-rich plaque within coronary artery walls has been demonstrated in ex vivo, but the imaging speed is still limited. In order to increase the imaging speed, a high repetition rate laser is needed. In this work, we present a high speed integrated IVPA/US imaging system with a 500 Hz optical parametric oscillator laser at 1725 nm. A miniature catheter with 1.0 mm outer diameter was designed with a 200 μm multimode fiber and an ultrasound transducer with 45 MHz center frequency. The fiber was polished at 38 degree and enclosed in a glass capillary for total internal reflection. An optical/electrical rotary junction and pull-back mechanism was applied for rotating and linearly scanning the catheter to obtain three-dimensional imaging. Atherosclerotic rabbit abdominal aorta was imaged as two frame/second at 1725 nm. Furthermore, by wide tuning range of the laser wavelength from 1680 nm to 1770 nm, spectroscopic photoacoustic analysis of lipid-mimicking phantom and an human atherosclerotic artery was performed ex vivo. The results demonstrated that the developed IVPA/US imaging system is capable for high speed intravascular imaging for plaque detection.

  4. Intravascular photoacoustic imaging: a new tool for vulnerable plaque identification. (United States)

    Jansen, Krista; van Soest, Gijs; van der Steen, Antonius F W


    The vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque is believed to be at the root of the majority of acute coronary events. Even though the exact origins of plaque vulnerability remain elusive, the thin-cap fibroatheroma, characterized by a lipid-rich necrotic core covered by a thin fibrous cap, is considered to be the most prominent type of vulnerable plaque. No clinically available imaging technique can characterize atherosclerotic lesions to the extent needed to determine plaque vulnerability prognostically. Intravascular photoacoustic imaging (IVPA) has the potential to take a significant step in that direction by imaging both plaque structure and composition. IVPA is a natural extension of intravascular ultrasound that adds tissue type specificity to the images. IVPA utilizes the optical contrast provided by the differences in the absorption spectra of plaque components to image composition. Its capability to image lipids in human coronary atherosclerosis has been shown extensively ex vivo and has recently been translated to an in vivo animal model. Other disease markers that have been successfully targeted are calcium and inflammatory markers, such as macrophages and matrix metalloproteinase; the latter two through application of exogenous contrast agents. By simultaneously displaying plaque morphology and composition, IVPA can provide a powerful prognostic marker for disease progression, and as such has the potential to transform the current practice in percutaneous coronary intervention. Copyright © 2014 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Aspectos contábeis do Tratado de Itaipu : análise das práticas de avaliação dos ativos imobilizados da empresa Itaipu Binacional


    Nascimento, José Orcélio do


    Nos anos setenta do século vinte, houve uma expansão na produção de energia elétrica no Brasil. Em 26 de abril de 1973, foi celebrado o Tratado de Itaipu entre Brasil e Paraguai, o que possibilitou a construção de uma usina hidrelétrica na fronteira entre os dois países: a Itaipu Binacional, que é regida pelo Tratado de Itaipu e seus anexos. A contabilidade desta entidade apresenta singularidades como o Anexo C do Tratado de Itaipu que define as bases financeiras e de prestação dos serviços d...

  6. Epidemiología y bioinformática en el estudio de la leucemia linfoma de células t del adulto asociada a la infección con vlht-1


    Salcedo-Cifuentes, Mercedes; Restrepo, Oscar; García-Vallejo, Felipe


    Objetivos Establecer la relación entre el número de provirus VLHT-1 y las características de la cromatina adyacente en casos de Leucemia Linfoma de Células T del Adulto. Metodología Se realizó una revisión sistemática y un metaanálisis de la literatura publica que considero como variables de estudio los provirus por cromosoma y características estructurales y funcionales de la cromatina adyacente a los sitios de integración. La concordancia entre los resultados de la evaluación que emitieron ...

  7. El Tratado de Versalles y el huevo de la serpiente


    Cruset, María Eugenia


    Si algo enseña la historia es que no hay verdadero y pacífico desarrollo sin verdad, justicia y reparación. O, dicho en sentido negativo, nada hay más explosivo y destructivo para cualquier país que las arbitrariedades e inequidades. Este año se cumplen 90 años de uno de los episodios más gráficos de lo que estamos diciendo: el Tratado de Versalles, que firmado el 28 de junio de 1919 significó el fin de la Primer Guerra Mundial con la humillante derrota de Alemania. Flagrante situación de arb...

  8. Significado prognóstico dos graus histológicos do linfoma de Hodgkin do tipo esclerose nodular Prognostic significance of histopathological grading of nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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    Luís Fernando Pracchia


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A esclerose nodular (EN, do tipo histológico freqüente do linfoma de Hodgkin (LH, apresenta grande variabilidade em sua composição celular. Na década de 80, pesquisadores do British National Lymphoma Investigation (BNLI propuseram uma subclassificação histológica do LH EN. Eles identificaram dois graus histológicos - o LH EN grau I (LH EN I e o LH EN grau II (LH EN II - e demonstraram que os portadores de LH EN II apresentavam menor sobrevida em comparação aos portadores de LH EN I. Outros estudos, entretanto, não reproduziram esses achados. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o significado prognóstico da graduação histológica proposta pelo BNLI. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo que incluiu 69 casos de LH EN. Mais de 90% dos casos foram tratados com terapia combinada ou quimioterapia exclusiva, não havendo diferença no tipo de tratamento oferecido a depender do grau histológico. RESULTADOS: Trinta e cinco casos (51% foram classificados com EN I e 34 (49% como EN II. Não observamos diferenças na distribuição de outros fatores prognósticos entre os portadores dos dois graus. Remissão completa após o tratamento inicial foi obtida em 85,7% dos casos de EN I e em 82,4% dos casos de EN II (p = 0,75. A probabilidade estimada de sobrevida global em cinco anos foi de 67% para EN I e de 83,5% para EN II (p = 0,13 e a taxa de sobrevida livre de doença em cinco anos foi de 85,2% versus 87%, respectivamente (p = 0,72. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta população de pacientes uniformemente tratados a graduação histológica BNLI não esteve associada com o prognóstico do LH EN.BACKGROUND: Nodular sclerosis (NS, a frequent histological subtype of Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL, presents great variability in its cellular composition. In the 80's, researchers of the British National Lymphoma Investigation (BNLI proposed a histological-based subclassification for NS HL. They identified two histological grades - NS HL grade I (NS HL I and NS HL grade

  9. Association of insulin resistance and coronary artery remodeling: an intravascular ultrasound study


    Kim, Sang-Hoon; Moon, Jae-Youn; Lim, Yeong Min; Kim, Kyung Ho; Yang, Woo-In; Sung, Jung-Hoon; Yoo, Seung Min; Kim, In Jai; Lim, Sang-Wook; Cha, Dong-Hun; Cho, Seung-Yun


    Background There are few studies that investigated the correlation between insulin resistance (IR) and the coronary artery remodeling. The aim of the study is to investigate the association of IR measured by homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and coronary artery remodeling evaluated by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). Methods A total of 298 consecutive patients who received percutaneous coronary interventions under IVUS guidance were retrospectively enrolled. The val...

  10. Death following intravascular administration of contrast media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shehadi, W.H.


    Adverse reactions to intravascularly administered contrast media preceding death and the autopsy findings in 44 patients are presented. There is a wide scatter of the age distribution of fatal reactions. The highest incidence is in the 50-70 year age group. Similar observations were obtained from the 405 deaths due to contrast media reported to the Food and Drug Administration of the United States. In the same age group the number of reactions is highest, likewise the autopsy findings. The predominant autopsy findings are pulmonary edema, congestion and hemorrhage; arteriosclerosis, both general and coronary. In the younger age group the autopsy findings are limited mostly to the respiratory tract. Fatal reactions to contrast media occur often without warning and most deaths occur within 15 min to 6 hours. Reactions to contrast media occur without relation to sex or age. (orig.)

  11. A Recepção dos Tratados Internacionais em Matéria Tributária pelo Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro


    Bianca Castellar de Faria


    A presente dissertação objetiva analisar a forma de recepção dos tratados internacionais em matéria tributária pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Para isso, é fundamental verificar a relação entre o direito internacional e o direito interno, por meio da análise das teorias monista e dualista. Apresenta-se o Direito Tributário Internacional como uma das variações do Direito Internacional Público, com o objetivo de introduzir a matéria tributária. Estudam-se os tratados como uma das principa...

  12. Conceptual source design and dosimetric feasibility study for intravascular treatment: a proposal for intensity modulated brachytherapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Si Yong; Han, Eun Young; Palta, Jatinder R. [College of Medicine, Florida Univ., Florida (United States); Ha, Sung W. [College of Medicine, Seoul National Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To propose a conceptual design of a novel source for intensity modulated brachytherapy. The source design incorporates both radioactive and shielding materials (stainless steel or tungsten), to provide an asymmetric dose intensity in the azimuthal direction. The intensity modulated intravascular brachytherapy was performed by combining a series of dwell positions and times, distributed along the azimuthal coordinates. Two simple designs for the beta-emitting sources, with similar physical dimensions to a {sub 90}Sr/Y Novoste Beat-Cath source, were considered in the dosimetric feasibility study. In the first design, the radioactive and materials each occupy half of the cylinder and in the second, the radioactive material occupies only a quarter of the cylinder. The radial and azimuthal dose distributions around each source were calculated using the MCNP Monte Carlo code. The preliminary hypothetical simulation and optimization results demonstrated the 87% difference between the maximum and minimum doses to the lumen wall, due to off-centering of the radiation source, could be reduced to less than 7% by optimizing the azimuthal dwell positions and times of the partially shielded intravascular brachytherapy sources. The novel brachytherapy source design, and conceptual source delivery system, proposed in this study show promising dosimetric characteristics for the realization of intensity modulated brachytherapy in intravascular treatment. Further development of this concept will center on building a delivery system that can precisely control the angular motion of a radiation source in a small-diameter catheter.

  13. Conceptual source design and dosimetric feasibility study for intravascular treatment: a proposal for intensity modulated brachytherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Si Yong; Han, Eun Young; Palta, Jatinder R.; Ha, Sung W.


    To propose a conceptual design of a novel source for intensity modulated brachytherapy. The source design incorporates both radioactive and shielding materials (stainless steel or tungsten), to provide an asymmetric dose intensity in the azimuthal direction. The intensity modulated intravascular brachytherapy was performed by combining a series of dwell positions and times, distributed along the azimuthal coordinates. Two simple designs for the beta-emitting sources, with similar physical dimensions to a 90 Sr/Y Novoste Beat-Cath source, were considered in the dosimetric feasibility study. In the first design, the radioactive and materials each occupy half of the cylinder and in the second, the radioactive material occupies only a quarter of the cylinder. The radial and azimuthal dose distributions around each source were calculated using the MCNP Monte Carlo code. The preliminary hypothetical simulation and optimization results demonstrated the 87% difference between the maximum and minimum doses to the lumen wall, due to off-centering of the radiation source, could be reduced to less than 7% by optimizing the azimuthal dwell positions and times of the partially shielded intravascular brachytherapy sources. The novel brachytherapy source design, and conceptual source delivery system, proposed in this study show promising dosimetric characteristics for the realization of intensity modulated brachytherapy in intravascular treatment. Further development of this concept will center on building a delivery system that can precisely control the angular motion of a radiation source in a small-diameter catheter

  14. Relation between lung perfusion defects and intravascular clots in acute pulmonary thromboembolism: assessment with breath-hold SPECT-CT pulmonary angiography fusion images. (United States)

    Suga, Kazuyoshi; Yasuhiko, Kawakami; Iwanaga, Hideyuki; Tokuda, Osamu; Matsunaga, Naofumi


    The relation between lung perfusion defects and intravascular clots in acute pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) was comprehensively assessed on deep-inspiratory breath-hold (DIBrH) perfusion SPECT-computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) fusion images. Subjects were 34 acute PTE patients, who had successfully performed DIBrH perfusion SPECT using a dual-headed SPECT and a respiratory tracking system. Automated DIBrH SPECT-CTPA fusion images were used to assess the relation between lung perfusion defects and intravascular clots detected by CTPA. DIBrH SPECT visualized 175 lobar/segmental or subsegmental defects in 34 patients, and CTPA visualized 61 intravascular clots at variable locations in 30 (88%) patients, but no clots in four (12%) patients. In 30 patients with clots, the fusion images confirmed that 69 (41%) perfusion defects (20 segmental, 45 subsegmental and 4 lobar defects) of total 166 defects were located in lung territories without clots, although the remaining 97 (58%) defects were located in lung territories with clots. Perfusion defect was absent in lung territories with clots (one lobar branch and three segmental branches) in four (12%) of these patients. In four patients without clots, nine perfusion defects including four segmental ones were present. Because of unexpected dissociation between intravascular clots and lung perfusion defects, the present fusion images will be a useful adjunct to CTPA in the diagnosis of acute PTE.

  15. One-stage surgery for removal of intravascular leiomyomatosis extending to right ventricle. (United States)

    Chiang, Ching-Shu; Chen, Po-Lin; Kuo, Tzu-Ting; Chen, I-Ming; Wu, Nai-Yuan; Chang, Hsiao-Huang


    Intravascular leiomyomatosis (IVL) is a rare nonmalignant tumor that can be fatal if untreated. A 49-year-old nulliparous Asian woman who underwent hysterectomy and left salpingo-oophorectomy for multiple uterine leiomyomas 18 months prior presented complaining of intermittent palpitation and chest tightness for approximately 1 month. Echocardiography revealed a large mobile tumor mass extending from the inferior vena cava (IVC) to the right atrium that partially obstructed IVC flow and tricuspid inflow. Thoracicabdominopelvic computed tomography revealed a left adnexal tumor (4.8 × 2.5 cm) causing intravascular obstruction extending from the left internal iliac vein to the IVC, right atrium, and right ventricle. IVL with right heart involvement INTERVENTIONS:: Under cardiopulmonary bypass, a one-stage surgery combining sternotomy and laparotomy was performed. The tumor was approached and extracted via sternotomy, and tumor detachment and removal of residual tumors was accomplished via laparotomy. A firm, smooth, and regularly shape tumor 15.5 × 5.5 × 2.5 in size was completely removed and histopathologically confirmed as IVL. The patient tolerated the surgical procedure well and no postoperative complication was noted. We describe a one-stage surgical approach to completely remove an IVL extending to the right ventricle.

  16. Plasma volume, intravascular albumin and its transcapillary escape rate in patients with extensive skin disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Parving, H H; Worm, A M; Rossing, N


    Plasma volume and plasma concentration and transcapillary escape rate of albumin (TER alb), i.e. the fraction of intravascular mass of albumin that passes to the extravascular space per unit time, were determined using 125I-labelled human albumin in eight patients with extensive skin disease....... Plasma volume and plasma albumin concentration were reduced (P less than 0-05). Thus the intravascular albumin mass was moderately decreased to an average of 0-55 +/- 0-06 (s.d.) g/cm height compared with a normal mean value of 0-77 +/- 0-07 (s.d.) g/cm. This 29% decrease is statistically significant (P...... less than 0-001). The transcapillary escape rate of albumin (TER alb) was significantly elevated, mean 8-6 +/- 1-1 (s.d.) % X h-1, as compared to normal subjects, mean 5-6 +/- 1-1 (s.d.) % X h-1, (+54%, P less than 0-001). The same patients were studied again after a 1-week treatment with prednisone...

  17. Disseminated intravascular coagulation or acute coagulopathy of trauma shock early after trauma? A prospective observational study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansson, Per Ingemar; Sorensen, Anne Marie; Perner, Anders


    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: It is debated whether the early trauma induced coagulopathy (TIC) in severely injured patients reflects disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with a fibrinolytic phenotype, acute coagulopathy of trauma shock (ACoTS) or yet other entities. This study investigated the...

  18. Development of sup 1 sup 9 sup 2 Ir radiation sources for intravascular irradiation

    CERN Document Server

    Kogure, H; Iwamoto, S; Iwata, K; Kawauchi, Y; Nagata, Y; Sorita, T; Suzuki, K


    Intravascular brachytherapy is a novel therapy for preventing the restenosis of coronary artery by use of low-dose irradiation. JAERI and Kyoto University have been developing sup 1 sup 9 sup 2 Ir radiation sources by the cooperative research project entitled as 'The research on safety and effectiveness of the intravascular brachytherapy for preventing restenosis of the coronary artery disease' since 1998. The radiation source was introduced into the stenosis through a catheter (a guide-tube to insert directly into vascular) to irradiate the diseased part. Ten sup 1 sup 9 sup 2 Ir seed sources (phi 0.4 mm x 2.5 mm) were positioned between nylon spacers (phi 0.3 mm x 1.0 mm) in a flexible covering tube and the tube was plugged with a core-wire; the tube was shrunk to fix the inside materials and the size is 0.46 mm in diameter and 3 m in length. The physically optimal design was determined to insert the radiation source easily into vascular and to get the dose uniformity in the diseased part. The production me...

  19. Observaciones sobre dos casos de "colitis ulcerativa", tratados con prednisona

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    Luis Valencia Torres


    Full Text Available Dos pacientes con colitis ulcerativa fueron tratados con prednisona en una dosis de 30 a 5 mlgr. diarios durante un período de tiempo de cuarenta y cinco días y cuatro meses, respectivamente. Ambos pacientes tenían rayos X de estómago y duodeno negativos, así como cifras de uropepsina normal antes del tratamiento. Ambos presentaron durante el curso del tratamiento episodios epigástricos agudos, con signos radiológicos de gastritis y aumento apreciable en las cifras de uropepsina. Igualmente mejoraron al instalarse un régimen antiulceroso. Un paciente obtuvo cicatrización completa de las ulceraciones y el otro una mejoría apreciable.

  20. Evaluation of leukocyte count in dogs with lymphoma submitted to the Madison-Wisconsin protocol by conventional technique and flow cytometryAvaliação leucocitária de cães com linfoma submetidos ao protocolo de Madison-Wisconsin pela técnica convencional e citometria de fluxo

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    Letícia Abrahão Anai


    Full Text Available Lymphoma is the most common hematopoietic tumor in dogs and one of the malignant tumors with higher occurrence in this species. It is a great experimental model due to its resemblance with the non- Hodgkin lymphoma in humans. Considering the importance of the overall changes that result from to this kind of neoplastic tumor and those due to polichemotherapy this study aimed to evaluate the absolute leukon count and the total count of CD45+ cells in the blood of 25 dogs with lymphoma. Findings were crosschecked since diagnose and then once weekly during the first eight sessions of the Madison-Wisconsin chemotherapic protocol. Total granulocyte, lymphocyte and monocyte counts obtained from a conventional automatic counter and by flow cytometry were compared. Results did not reveal statistically significant changes between the two techniques. O linfoma é o tumor de tecido hematopoético mais comum nos cães e um dos tumores malignos de maior ocorrência nesta espécie. É um ótimo modelo experimental para estudo devido a sua semelhança com o linfoma não-Hodgkin em humanos. Considerando a importância das alterações decorrentes da evolução desta neoplasia e aquelas ocorridas com o emprego da poliquimioterapia, avaliou-se o leucograma absoluto e a contagem de células CD45+ pela citometria de fluxo, no sangue de 25 cães com linfoma. Foram avaliados no momento do diagnóstico, uma vez por semana, durante as primeiras oito sessões quimioterápicas do protocolo de Madison-Wisconsin, e cujas contagens obtidas em contador automático convencional e por intermédio da citometria de fluxo, foram comparadas. Os resultados obtidos não revelaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as duas técnicas utilizadas.

  1. Preintervention lesion remodelling affects operative mechanisms of balloon optimised directional coronary atherectomy procedures: a volumetric study with three dimensional intravascular ultrasound (United States)

    von Birgelen, C; Mintz, G; de Vrey, E A; Serruys, P; Kimura, T; Nobuyoshi, M; Popma, J; Leon, M; Erbel, R; de Feyter, P J


    AIMS—To classify atherosclerotic coronary lesions on the basis of adequate or inadequate compensatory vascular enlargement, and to examine changes in lumen, plaque, and vessel volumes during balloon optimised directional coronary atherectomy procedures in relation to the state of adaptive remodelling before the intervention.
DESIGN—29 lesion segments in 29 patients were examined with intravascular ultrasound before and after successful balloon optimised directional coronary atherectomy procedures, and a validated volumetric intravascular ultrasound analysis was performed off-line to assess the atherosclerotic lesion remodelling and changes in plaque and vessel volumes that occurred during the intervention. Based on the intravascular ultrasound data, lesions were classified according to whether there was inadequate (group I) or adequate (group II) compensatory enlargement.
RESULTS—There was no significant difference in patient and lesion characteristics between groups I and II (n = 10 and 19), including lesion length and details of the intervention. Quantitative coronary angiographic data were similar for both groups. However, plaque and vessel volumes were significantly smaller in group I than in II. In group I, 9 (4)% (mean (SD)) of the plaque volume was ablated, while in group II 16 (11)% was ablated (p = 0.01). This difference was reflected in a lower lumen volume gain in group I than in group II (46 (18) mm3 v 80 (49) mm3 (p atherectomy procedures. Plaque ablation was found to be particularly low in lesions with inadequate compensatory vascular enlargement.

Keywords: intravascular ultrasound; ultrasonics; remodelling; coronary artery disease; atherectomy PMID:10648496

  2. Intrauterine intravascular transfusion for fetal haemolytic anaemia: the Western Australian experience. (United States)

    Newnham, J P; Phillips, J M; Stock, R


    To report the first four years' clinical experience with fetal intravascular blood transfusion for the treatment of fetal haemolytic anaemia in Western Australia. King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth, which is the sole tertiary level perinatal centre in Western Australia with a referral base of approximately 25,000 pregnancies each year. Transfusion was by injection of packed cells from Rh-negative donors into the fetal umbilical vein near the site of insertion into the placenta. Fetal haemoglobin levels were measured before and after each transfusion. In most cases, the fetus was paralysed by intramuscular tubocurarine. Sixty intravenous transfusions were performed in 20 pregnancies. At the time of the initial transfusion, the mean haemoglobin level was 5.8 g/dL (range, 2.5-8.5 g/dL) and six fetuses had signs of hydrops. The case survival rate was 80% and the procedure survival rate was 93%. Three of the deaths occurred in the first five cases. Caesarean section was performed during two of the procedures, one because of bleeding from the cord puncture site and one because of tamponade of the umbilical vessels. Fetal intravascular transfusion is a highly effective treatment for fetal alloimmunisation and allows pregnancies to continue to term and to be delivered vaginally. However, the procedure may be difficult and requires a team approach with ready access to fetal monitoring and emergency caesarean section. Our results suggest that increasing experience of the team is a major factor in improved outcome.

  3. Prospective validation of the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis scoring system for disseminated intravascular coagulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakhtiari, Kamran; Meijers, Joost C. M.; de Jonge, Evert; Levi, Marcel


    Objectives: A diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is hampered by the lack of an accurate diagnostic test. Based on the retrospective analysis of studies in patients with DIC, a scoring system (0-8 points) using simple and readily available routine laboratory tests has been

  4. Direct sGC activation bypasses no scavenging reactions of intravascular free oxy-hemoglobin and limits vasoconstriction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    N.J.H. Raat (Nicolaas); D.M. Tabima (D. Marcela); P. Specht (Patricia); J. Tejero (Jesús); M.P. Champion (Michael); D.B. Kim-Shapiro (Daniel); J.G. Baust (John ); E.G. Mik (Egbert); M. Hildesheim (Mariana); J.-P. Stasch (Johannes-Peter); E.-M. Becker (Eva-Maria); H. Truebel (Hubert); M.T. Gladwin (Mark)


    textabstractAims: Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOC) provide a potential alternative to red blood cell (RBC) transfusion. Their clinical application has been limited by adverse effects, in large part thought to be mediated by the intravascular scavenging of the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO) by

  5. Novel Double-Needle System That Can Prevent Intravascular Injection of Any Filler

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    Hsiang Huang, MD


    Full Text Available Summary:. A new type of needle system combines 2 parts, an inner needle and an outer needle. The inner needle is used for filler injection and the outer needle acts as a guiding needle that can observe blood reflow when inserting into the vessel lumen during injection process. This new needle system can be used for all kinds of filler, providing real time monitoring for physician and preventing intravascular injection of any filler.

  6. 3D dosimetry study of 188Re liquid balloon for intravascular brachytherapy using BANG polymer gel dosemeters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wuu, S.; Schiff, P.B.; Maryanski, M.; Liu, T.; Borzillary, S.; Weinberger, J.


    It has been suggested that the combination of intravascular brachytherapy and coronary stent implantation may result in further reduction of restenosis after percutaneous balloon angioplasty. The use of an angioplasty balloon filled with a P 188 Re liquid beta source for intravascular brachytherapy provides the advantage of accurate source positioning and uniform dose distribution to the coronary vessel wall. The effect of source edge and stent on the dose distribution of the target tissue may be clinically important. In BANG gels, the absorbed radiation produces free-radical chain polymerisation of acrylic monomers that are initially dissolved in the gel. The number of polymer particles is proportional to the absorbed dose. In this study, 3D dose distributions are presented for 188 Re balloons, with and without stents, using a prototype He-Ne laser CT scanner and the proprietary BANG polymer gel dosemeters. (author)

  7. Un tratado sobre la extranjería de lo propio (El uruguayo de Copi

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    María Negroni


    Full Text Available El uruguayo de Copi es un tratado sobre la lengua, una descripción desopilante de un país, un ácido comentario político, una burla impiadosa de los valores culturales, una pesadilla personal, un golpe de teatro donde cualquier versión de la realidad se vuelve precaria y se trastoca al compás de una imaginación afiebrada que no hace más que dar rienda suelta a los materiales del inconsciente. Pero sobre todo, es la visión desnuda de la relación imposible de un escritor con el país que ha dejado atrás. Un tratado sobre el horror de confrontarse con la realidad carcelaria del pasado. Un intento de "calmar" los fantasmas, es decir, de hacerlos hablar y moverse y morir y resucitar en una trama que transita en medio de cadáveres y mares desaparecidos y un territorio que se achica constantemente. Un texto fundamental para indagar cuestiones relacionadas con la "identidad" nacional y con las maneras en que los desplazamientos culturales (con su concomitante tránsito entre lenguas y visiones del mundo, tan comunes en el mundo actual, afectan la escritura.

  8. Head to head comparison of optical coherence tomography, intravascular ultrasound echogenicity and virtual histology for the detection of changes in polymeric struts over time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brugaletta, Salvatore; Gomez-Lara, Josep; Bruining, Nico


    To analyse and to compare the changes in the various optical coherence tomography (OCT), echogenicity and intravascular ultrasound virtual histology (VH) of the everolimus-eluting bioresorbable scaffold (ABSORB) degradation parameters during the first 12 months after ABSORB implantation. In the A......To analyse and to compare the changes in the various optical coherence tomography (OCT), echogenicity and intravascular ultrasound virtual histology (VH) of the everolimus-eluting bioresorbable scaffold (ABSORB) degradation parameters during the first 12 months after ABSORB implantation...

  9. Intravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia Associated with Venous Pool Arising in the Lower Lip: A Case Report

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    Hisanobu Yonezawa


    Full Text Available Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia is a benign nonneoplastic vascular lesion that consists of endothelial cells with abundant vascular tissue with papillary proliferation. An adult female had a painless growing dark red nodule on the left side of the lower lip and often touched and gnawed at it for more than 4 years. The lesion was a tender, smooth mass approximately 1 cm in diameter without discoloration reaction. Magnetic resonance imaging of the lesion showed specific findings. She was diagnosed clinically as having mimicked hemangioma, and the lesion was totally excised under local anesthesia. Histopathological examination revealed that papillary proliferated endothelial cells with venous pool, and the lesion was diagnosed as intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia associated with venous pool. There has been no recurrence for more than 1 year. Despite the benign nature of this lesion, it could have been mistaken for a malignant tumor because of its clinical course and radiologic findings.

  10. Evaluation of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in the Craniocerebral Traumas

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    Faruk Altinel


    Full Text Available Traumatic injury is one of the most important cause of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC. It occurs because of blood loss and hemodilution due to fluid resuscitation. The incidence of trauma associated DIC is mainly higher in the craniocerebral traumas. Even though craniocerebral trauma related DIC is well defined, the pathophysiology has been poorly characterized in the literature. Due to the fact that brain tissue is highly significant for procoagulant molecules, craniocerebral traumas are closely related to DIC. In the current study, 30 patients admitted to emergency room have been considered on the first and fifth day of admission to the hospital for the coagulation tests to evaluate DIC in both two groups. [Cukurova Med J 2014; 39(3.000: 488-495

  11. Análisis comparativo de morbilidad en grandes quemados tratados con sesiones de autoinjertos frente a cultivo de queratinocitos

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    M. Rubio-Yanchuck


    Full Text Available La cobertura rápida y eficaz de las lesiones es un factor limitante en el tratamiento de grandes quemados. Los autoinjertos siguen siendo el tratamiento de elección pero no están exentos de riesgos. El uso de sustitutos de piel cultivada (SPC puede llegar a reducir la morbilidad implícita en el uso de autoinjertos. El objetivo de este estudio es realizar un análisis comparativo de la morbilidad asociada al uso de queratinocitos y autoinjertos en pacientes tratados inicialmente con aloinjertos como cobertura temporal. Realizamos un análisis retrospectivo de morbilidad en 21 pacientes con una superficie corporal quemada (SCQ mayor o igual al 40% en el Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid (España entre 2011y 2015. Fueron divididos en 2 grupos según la cobertura definitiva utilizada: un primer grupo con sesiones de autoinjerto, y un segundo grupo con cultivos de queratinocitos y áreas menores de autoinjertos. Fueron 5 mujeres y 16 varones con media de edad de 40,38 años, SCQ del 60,43% y SCQ dérmico profunda-subdérmica del 59,05%. La media de cirugías necesarias en pacientes tratados con autoinjertos y SPC fue 5,36 y 6,7 respectivamente. La incidencia de sepsis fue 80 frente a 50%; el fracaso renal agudo del 63,6 frente al 50%; y de neumonía del 27.3 frente al 40%. Entre los pacientes que sobrevivieron la estancia media en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos fue de 66,16 frente a 50,6 días, la estancia media hospitalaria fue de 75,6 frente a 63,3 días y la media del número de trasfusiones fue de 75,6 frente a 63.3. La complicación del lecho quirúrgico en el grupo de autoinjertos fue del 63% frente al 0% en los tratados con queratinocitos, y las necesidades medias de noradrenalina fueron de 0,1 frente a 0,03 µg/kg/min. Los pacientes con lecho quirúrgico complicado tuvieron unos requerimientos medios de noradrenalina de 0,117 frente a 0,044 en pacientes con lecho quirúrgico no complicado. Como conclusión, los pacientes tratados con

  12. O tratado sobre a luz de Huygens: comentários

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    Sonia Krapas


    Full Text Available Huygens é conhecido no ensino introdutório de Física por dar conta da refração segundo um modelo ondulatório. Livros didáticos lhe rendem homenagens atribuindo seu nome a um princípio, mas em sua obra máxima, Tratado sobre a luz, é possível se ver muito mais: sua inventividade na defesa de um modelo ondulatório para a luz como alternativo ao modelo corpuscular. Neste trabalho, tenta-se evidenciar o raciocínio de Huygens, mostrando que, apesar de ter sido publicada há mais de trezentos anos, a obra está escrita numa linguagem relativamente acessível.

  13. Barreira capilar construída com resíduo pré-tratado mecânica e biologicamente

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    Ronaldo Luis dos Santos Izzo


    Full Text Available O controle da entrada de água de chuva no interior do aterro de resíduos sólidos urbanos durante sua construção e após seu fechamento é crucial para manter o controle da geração de lixiviado. Este fator pode contribuir para a elevação de gastos com tratamento e monitoramento e para a instabilidade mecânica do aterro. Por esta razão, o sistema de cobertura final de um aterro de resíduos sólidos urbanos é decisivo ao controle da entrada de água no mesmo. Na maioria dos casos, o sistema de cobertura final é composto por solo compactado. Frequentemente, um solo adequado para a cobertura não é encontrado nos arredores do aterro; portanto, recursos têm que ser despendidos para o transporte do mesmo até o devido local. Uma alternativa seria a utilização de uma barreira capilar construída com resíduos pré-tratados mecânica e biologicamente. No entanto, o uso deste material para esta construção ainda não foi bem estudado, e as diversas variáveis envolvidas no funcionamento de uma barreira capilar construída com resíduos sólidos pré-tratados mecânica e biologicamente são desconhecidas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os parâmetros envolvidos no funcionamento de uma barreira capilar construída exclusivamente de resíduos sólidos urbanos pré-tratados mecânica e biologicamente. Observou-se que este utilizado como material de uma barreira capilar pode funcionar de maneira equivalente àquela construída com solo, sendo boa a sua capacidade de retenção da água de chuva.

  14. Distribution of [35S] taurine in mouse retina after intravitreal and intravascular injection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pourcho, R.G.


    The distribution of [ 35 S] taurine in mouse retinae was studied by autoradiographic techniques after either intravitreal or intravascular injection. The route of injection did not affect the final localization. The major sites of label accumulation were the outer nuclear layer, the inner nuclear layer, and Mueller cell processes adjacent to the vitreal surface. The distribution was consistent with the interpretation that taurine was localized within two cellular compartments of mouse retina, photoreceptor cells and Mueller cells. (author)

  15. Os Tratados de Polícia, fundadores da moderna saúde pública (1707-1856 Los Tratados de Policía, fundadores de la salud pública moderna (1707-1856 Treatises on Medical Police, founders of modern public health (1707-1856

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    Carlos Lousada Subtil


    Full Text Available A participação dos enfermeiros no movimento higienista é relativamente recente em relação aos momentos fundadores da moderna saúde pública, a que nos vamos referir. Para o enfermeiro de saúde pública contemporâneo é fundamental, no âmbito das suas atribuições e competências, analisar esses momentos à luz dum quadro conceptual que lhe permita esclarecer-se e estruturar a sua identidade profissional na construção do presente e no delinear do futuro. É objetivo deste trabalho fazer uma breve apresentação de alguns estudos sobre o tema e, sobretudo, analisar e discutir o «Tratado de Conservação da Saúde dos Povos», de Ribeiro Sanches (1756 e o «Tratado de Polícia Médica», de Freitas Soares (1818 que refletem os princípios da ciência de Polícia contidos na obra de Nicolas Delamare (1707, com recurso à metodologia de investigação histórica foucauniana. Aquelas obras ilustram bem a lenta passagem do modelo de governação corporativo para o estadualista, que se iniciou nos finais do Antigo Regime, e prosseguiu, com avanços e recuos, ao longo da monarquia constitucional inaugurada pela revolução de 1820.La participación de los enfermeros en el movimiento higienista es relativamente reciente con respecto a los momentos fundadores de la salud pública moderna a la cual vamos a referirnos. Para el enfermero actual de salud pública es fundamental, dentro del ámbito de sus atribuciones y competencias, analizar dichos movimientos a la luz de un marco conceptual que le permita aclarar y estructurar su identidad profesional en su construcción del presente y en el delinear de su futuro. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una breve presentación de algunos de los estudios sobre el tema y, sobre todo, analizar y discutir el «Tratado de Conservação da Saúde dos Povos», de Ribeiro Sanches (1756 y el «Tratado de Polícia Médica», de Freitas Soares (1818, que recogen los principios de la ciencia de Pol

  16. Emerging Technology Update Intravascular Photoacoustic Imaging of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque. (United States)

    Wu, Min; Fw van der Steen, Antonius; Regar, Evelyn; van Soest, Gijs


    The identification of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries is emerging as an important tool for guiding atherosclerosis diagnosis and interventions. Assessment of plaque vulnerability requires knowledge of both the structure and composition of the plaque. Intravascular photoacoustic (IVPA) imaging is able to show the morphology and composition of atherosclerotic plaque. With imminent improvements in IVPA imaging, it is becoming possible to assess human coronary artery disease in vivo . Although some challenges remain, IVPA imaging is on its way to being a powerful tool for visualising coronary atherosclerotic features that have been specifically associated with plaque vulnerability and clinical syndromes, and thus such imaging might become valuable for clinical risk assessment in the catheterisation laboratory.

  17. Intravascular forward-looking ultrasound transducers for microbubble-mediated sonothrombolysis. (United States)

    Kim, Jinwook; Lindsey, Brooks D; Chang, Wei-Yi; Dai, Xuming; Stavas, Joseph M; Dayton, Paul A; Jiang, Xiaoning


    Effective removal or dissolution of large blood clots remains a challenge in clinical treatment of acute thrombo-occlusive diseases. Here we report the development of an intravascular microbubble-mediated sonothrombolysis device for improving thrombolytic rate and thus minimizing the required dose of thrombolytic drugs. We hypothesize that a sub-megahertz, forward-looking ultrasound transducer with an integrated microbubble injection tube is more advantageous for efficient thrombolysis by enhancing cavitation-induced microstreaming than the conventional high-frequency, side-looking, catheter-mounted transducers. We developed custom miniaturized transducers and demonstrated that these transducers are able to generate sufficient pressure to induce cavitation of lipid-shelled microbubble contrast agents. Our technology demonstrates a thrombolysis rate of 0.7 ± 0.15 percent mass loss/min in vitro without any use of thrombolytic drugs.

  18. Importância da cintilografia com gálio-67 no linfoma cutâneo primário de células B: relato de dois casos Importance of gallium-67 scintigraphy in primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma: report of two cases


    Cyomara Sanches Attab; Sônia Marta Moriguchi; Eduardo José Alencar Paton; Mário Henrique Leite de Alencar; Euclides Timóteo da Rocha


    Os autores relatam dois casos de linfoma cutâneo de células B, nos quais o correto estadiamento, tratamento e seguimento foram possíveis graças à combinação de exames convencionais e a cintilografia com gálio-67.The authors describe two cases of cutaneous B-cell lymphoma where correct staging, treatment and follow-up could be achieved through a combination of conventional imaging studies and gallium-67 scintigraphy.

  19. Life-threatening urethral hemorrhage after placement of a Foley catheter in a patient with uroseptic disseminated intravascular coagulation due to chronic urinary retention induced by untreated benign prostatic hyperplasia. (United States)

    Ikegami, Yukihiro; Yoshida, Keisuke; Imaizumi, Tsuyoshi; Isosu, Tsuyoshi; Kurosawa, Shin; Murakawa, Masahiro


    A 77-year-old man with severe septic disseminated intravascular coagulation following urinary infection was transported to our hospital. He had developed urinary retention induced by untreated prostatic hyperplasia. Immediate drainage with a Foley catheter was successfully carried out, but the hematuria progressed to life-threatening hemorrhage. Complete hemostasis was impossible by surgical treatment because the tissue around the prostatic urethra was very fragile and hemorrhagic. Organized treatments (continuous hemodiafiltration combined with polymyxin-B immobilized fiber column hemoperfusion and systemic treatment with antibiotics and coagulation factors) were commenced soon after the operation. The patient eventually recovered from the septic disseminated intravascular coagulation. This case report illustrates the risk of placement of Foley catheters in patients with severe septic disseminated intravascular coagulation.

  20. Gastric MALT lymphoma: clinical characteristics and prevalence of H. pylori infection in a series of 37 cases Linfoma MALT gástrico: características clínicas y prevalencia de la infección por H. pylori en una serie de 37 casos

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    J. P. Gisbert


    Full Text Available Objective: to perform a retrospective review of the clinical characteristics and prevalence of H. pylori infection in patients with gastric MALT lymphoma diagnosed in our hospital during the last 15 years. Methods: patients with gastric MALT lymphoma diagnosed in our hospital during the last 15 years were retrospectively included. Demographic, clinic, analytic, endoscopic, and histological variables were reviewed. The extension study, the staging classification, and the presence of H. pylori infection were assessed. Results: thirty-seven patients with gastric MALT lymphoma were identified. Mean age was 61 years, with 62% of males. The most common presentation symptom was dyspepsia (76%, followed by digestive bleeding (11% and constitutional syndrome (8%. At endoscopy, erosive lesions were identified in 41%, and proliferative or exophytic lesions in 43%. Most lymphomas were classified as low-grade (68%. The stage distribution was EI for 56%, EII for 13%, EIII for 3%, and EIV for 28%. The prevalence of H. pylori infection (histology in all cases, rapid urease test in 19%, and 13C-urea breath test in 24% was 46%. When only low-grade lymphomas in stage EI were considered, H. pylori prevalence increased to 55%. When H. pylori infection was evaluated by 13C-urea breath testing (in addition to histology, the prevalence of H. pylori infection increased to 78%. Conclusions: it is probable that the reduced H. pylori prevalence found in some studies, as in ours, could be explained by false-negative results obtained when only one diagnostic method was used. Therefore, at least two (invasive diagnostic methods should be performed. Furthermore, the performance of a non-invasive diagnostic method (such as a 13C-urea breath test before the exclusion of H. pylori infection should be considered.Objetivo: revisar retrospectivamente las características clínicas y la prevalencia de infección por H. pylori en los pacientes con linfoma MALT gástrico diagnosticados

  1. A new method to measure necrotic core and calcium content in coronary plaques using intravascular ultrasound radiofrequency-based analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    E.S. Shin (Eun-Seok); H.M. Garcia-Garcia (Hector); P.W.J.C. Serruys (Patrick)


    textabstractAlthough previous intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) radiofrequency-based analysis data showed acceptable reproducibility for plaque composition, measurements are not easily obtained, particularly that of lumen contour, because of the limited IVUS resolution. The purpose of this study was

  2. Renegociação do Tratado de Itaípu entre Lugo e Lula


    Almeida, Giordano Sousa de


    Este trabalho objetiva analisar o processo de ratificação do ajuste no Anexo C do Tratado de Itaipu, ocorrido, no Congresso Nacional brasileiro, em decorrência do acordo assinando entre o presidente brasileiro Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e seu homólogo paraguaio Fernando Armindo Lugo de Méndez, em julho de 2009. Especificamente, procurou-se entender se haveria alguma relação especial existente entre os Governos brasileiro, chefiado pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores, e o paraguaio, chefiado por ...

  3. Dosimetry in intravascular brachytherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campos, Laelia Pumilla Botelho


    Among the cardiovascular diseases responsible for deaths in the adult population in almost all countries of the world, the most common is acute myocardial infarction, which generally occurs because of the occlusion of one or more coronary arteries. Several diagnostic techniques and therapies are being tested for the treatment of coronary artery disease. Balloon angioplasty has been a popular treatment which is less invasive than traditional surgeries involving revascularization of the myocardium, thus promising a better quality of life for patients. Unfortunately, the rate of restenosis (re-closing of the vessel) after balloon angioplasty is high (approximately 30-50% within the first year after treatment).Recently, the idea of delivering high radiation doses to coronary arteries to avoid or delay restenosis has been suggested. Known as intravascular brachytherapy, the technique has been used with several radiation sources, and researchers have obtained success in decreasing the rate of restenosis in some patient populations. In order to study the radiation dosimetry in the patient and radiological protection for the attending staff for this therapy, radiation dose distributions for monoenergetic electrons and photons (at nine discrete energies) were calculated for blood vessels of diameter 0.15, o,30 and 0.45 cm with balloon and wire sources using the radiation transport code MCNP4B. Specific calculations were carried out for several candidate radionuclides as well. Two s tent sources (metallic prosthesis that put inside of patient's artery through angioplasty) employing 32 P are also simulated. Advantages and disadvantages of the various radionuclides and source geometries are discussed. The dosimetry developed here will aid in the realization of the benefits obtained in patients for this promising new technology. (author)

  4. A internalização dos tratados sobre Direitos Humanos na ordem jurídica brasileira e a problemática da ordem internacional

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    Dalliana Vilar Lopes


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo dialogar preceitos das Relações Internacionais com os do Direito Internacional Público, especificamente quanto à problemática da incorporação/internalização de tratados internacionais sobre Direitos Humanos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Justifica-se tal estudo pelo fato de existir muita divergência entre correntes de pensadores quando o assunto é a supremacia da ordem nacional frente à internacional e vice-versa. Para atingir seu fim, este artigo se utiliza de teóricos da Escola Inglesa de Relações Internacionais e de doutrinadores do Direito Internacional Público – com ênfase no denominado Direito Constitucional Internacional –, pautando-se na análise qualitativa, em que se pese a análise de documentos jurídicos. Conclui-se que, apesar das divergências doutrinárias sobre qual sistema de incorporação dos tratados de direitos humanos – legislativa ou automática – deve ser aplicada ao caso brasileiro, a coexistência harmônica entre ambos garante ainda mais a efetivação de tais tratados.

  5. Multicenter assessment of the reproducibility of volumetric radiofrequency-based intravascular ultrasound measurements in coronary lesions that were consecutively stented

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huisman, Jeroen; Egede, R.; Rdzanek, A.; Böse, D.; Erbel, R.; van der Palen, Jacobus Adrianus Maria; von Birgelen, Clemens


    To assess in a multicenter design the between-center reproducibility of volumetric virtual histology intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) measurements with a semi-automated, computer-assisted contour detection system in coronary lesions that were consecutively stented. To evaluate the reproducibility

  6. SIADH and partial hypopituitarism in a patient with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma: a rare cause of a common presentation (United States)

    Akhtar, Simeen; Cheesman, Edmund; Jude, Edward B


    Hyponatraemia is a very common electrolyte abnormality with varied presenting features depending on the underlying cause. The authors report the case of a 75-year-old, previously fit, gentleman who presented with weight loss, lethargy and blackouts. He required four admissions to the hospital over an 8-month period. Investigations revealed persistent hyponatraemia consistent with a diagnosis of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, macrocytic anaemia and partial hypopituitarism. Unfortunately, all other investigations that were performed failed to identify the underlying cause and a diagnosis of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma was only confirmed following postmortem studies. The authors recommend that endocrinologists should be involved at the outset in the management of patients with persistent hyponatraemia and that intravascular large B-cell lymphoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hyponatraemia. PMID:23362070

  7. Intravascular trans-catheter fibrinolysis in acute arterial obstructions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roversi, R.; Rossi, C.; Ricci, S.; Gemelli, G.; Ciliberti, M.A.


    The author's experiences is reported on intravascular fibrinolytic therapy with urokinase in acute arterial obstructions. Thirty-eight patients were treated, from 1983 to 1986, for acute thrombosis and/or thromboembolization, 22 of which developed on an atherosclerotic lesion, and 10 on a surgical stenotic by-pass graft. A complete vascular recanalization has been obtained, at the end of the procedure, in 69,4% of the cases, 77,7% had a definite final clinical improvement. The results correspond to the medium statistical of the various casistics analyzed for comparison. Surgery has been performed on 27,7% of the patients. Complication have been observed in 8% of the cases. IAF technique is of greatest value in the treatment of those lesions; better results have been obtained with intra-thrombus injection of the drug (as emphasized by many authors) in association with PTA and surgery. A close cooperation between interventional radiology, vascular surgery and angiology is therefore necessary in this field

  8. Primary intravascular large B-cell lymphoma of pituitary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K R Anila


    Full Text Available A 68-year-old retired nurse, who was a known hypertensive on medication, presented with prolonged fever of 2-month duration without any clinical evidence of infection. On examination she had altered mental status. She also had other nonspecific complaints such as sleep disturbances, loss of weight, etc. On investigation, she was found to have anemia, thrombocytopenia, raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR, C-reactive protein (CRP, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH values. She also had electrolyte imbalance. Radiological evaluation of brain showed mass lesion in the sella turcica, suggestive of pituitary adenoma. Biochemical evaluation showed hypopituitarism. Trans-sphenoidal biopsy was done. Based on histopathological and immunohistochemical findings a diagnosis of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL of pituitary was made. Our patient′s condition deteriorated rapidly and she succumbed to her illness before therapy could be initiated. We are reporting this case because of the rare subtype of large B-cell lymphoma presenting at an extremely unusual primary site.

  9. Reconocimiento Mapu-Che de Chile: Tratado ante Constitución, Historia frente a Derecho

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    Full Text Available Desde el año 1991, el compromiso adquirido por los sucesivos gobiernos chilenos para reconocer a nivel constitucional la presencia indígena en el ordenamiento del Estado ha puesto de manifiesto el desconocimiento académico y jurídico mutuo por parte de Chile con respecto a las evidencias para una reposición de Mapu-Che. El presente trabajo hace un recorrido histórico y jurídico por las formas de relación entre el Estado chileno y el Estado Mapu, que hasta la conquista chilena de Mapu en la década de los ochenta del siglo XIX se manifestaron a través de Tratados y Parlamentos que implicaban un reconocimiento mutuo de ambas entidades en una esfera internacional. Las comisiones de estudios, informes oficiales e invocaciones de verdad para un nuevo trato, primero de las Naciones Unidas, y después de la República de Chile, han observado estas evidencias de la significación constitucional e internacional de los Tratados, pero Chile ha convertido su peculiar forma de reconocimiento constitucional de la presencia indígena en un alarde de unidad e indivisibilidad nacional. Este encubrimiento nace del deseo de mantener una Constitución exclusiva, al que se une la certeza de que otra forma de reconocimiento obligaría a un replanteamiento de las propias raíces de los fundamentos constitucionales de la República de Chile.

  10. Reliability of mechanical and phased-array designs for serial intravascular ultrasound examinations--animal and clinical studies in stented and non-stented coronary arteries. (United States)

    Tardif, J C; Bertrand, O F; Mongrain, R; Lespérance, J; Grégoire, J; Paiement, P; Bonan, R


    Both mechanical and multi-element intravascular ultrasound designs have potential advantages and limitations that may impact on their value for clinical and research purposes. Determination of the reproducibility of measurements is critical before a given system can be used in studies such as regression of atherosclerosis trials. We performed serial intravascular ultrasound imaging with catheters using mechanical and phased-array designs in stented and non-stented coronary arteries in dogs and in patients. Both systems correlated well for areas (r > or = 0.90, p or = 0.84. p mechanical designs for measurements of area (mean difference in dogs and in patients: -0.24 and 0.96 mm2, p mechanical system (r > or = 0.96 for all measurements). The differences in absolute and relative variability between the mechanical and phased-array designs, both for reanalysis of same frames and serial pullbacks, were very small. Although multi-element and mechanical intravascular ultrasound designs are not strictly interchangeable, their similar reproducibility and the small differences in measurements demonstrate that both designs are acceptable alternatives for trials of regression of atherosclerosis. Determination of the variability for serial pullbacks of both designs was also important to assess the statistical power of such trials.

  11. [Intravascular Hemolysis Caused by Stenosis of an Elephant Trunk;Report of a Case]. (United States)

    Takamaru, Rikako; Kawahito, Koji; Aizawa, Kei; Misawa, Yoshio


    Symptomatic intravascular hemolysis after prosthetic aortic graft replacement is rare. It is primarily attributed to mechanical injury of red blood cells caused by stenosis of the vascular graft. A 50-year-old man presented with hemolytic anemia, 5 years after total arch replacement with an elephant trunk for type A aortic dissection. The hemolysis was caused by graft stenosis of the elephant trunk. Endovascular treatment for the stenotic elephant trunk was successfully performed. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the hemolysis was resolved immediately after operation.

  12. Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma Presenting as Interstitial Lung Disease

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    Elham Vali Khojeini


    Full Text Available Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBL is a rare subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma that resides in the lumen of blood vessels. Patients typically present with nonspecific findings, particularly bizarre neurologic symptoms, fever, and skin lesions. A woman presented with shortness of breath and a chest CT scan showed diffuse interstitial thickening and ground glass opacities suggestive of an interstitial lung disease. On physical exam she was noted to have splenomegaly. The patient died and at autopsy was found to have an IVLBL in her lungs as well as nearly all her organs that were sampled. Although rare, IVLBL should be included in the differential diagnosis of interstitial lung disease and this case underscores the importance of the continuation of autopsies.

  13. Design and implementation of an intravascular brachytherapy installation in cardiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prieto, C.; Vano, E.; Fernandez, J.M.; Sabate, M.; Galvan, Y.C.


    Intravascular Brachytherapy (IVB) is a very promising technique for reducing restenosis rates. However, neither the exact absolute dose needed nor the optimal spatial and temporal distribution of dose inside the vessel wall for a successful treatment, nor the physical dosimetry of the various radioactive sources and devices for dose delivery, are well known. In this paper, an overview will be given of the design strategy, the dosimetric and radiation protection-related problems that we have met during the implementation of this technique at San Carlos hospital, adopted or foreseen solutions, and future research fields that we intend to carry out in order to reduce uncertainties and to achieve a deeper knowledge of the parameters that have an influence on the treatment. (author)

  14. Importância da cintilografia com gálio-67 no linfoma cutâneo primário de células B: relato de dois casos Importance of gallium-67 scintigraphy in primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma: report of two cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cyomara Sanches Attab


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam dois casos de linfoma cutâneo de células B, nos quais o correto estadiamento, tratamento e seguimento foram possíveis graças à combinação de exames convencionais e a cintilografia com gálio-67.The authors describe two cases of cutaneous B-cell lymphoma where correct staging, treatment and follow-up could be achieved through a combination of conventional imaging studies and gallium-67 scintigraphy.

  15. El comercio electrónico en los tratados de libre comercio de México


    Sigmond, Karen


    Resumen: Este artículo iniciará con los antecedentes del desarrollo del régimen del derecho commercial internacional, desde el Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio a la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Se definirá al comercio electrónico o E-commerce y se hará una referencia de las tendencias de crecimiento actuales, seguida de la manera en la que se regula esta materia en México. Se estudiará la cobertura del comercio electrónico en los Tratados de Libre Comercio de México,...

  16. Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma of the kidney: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jia Nan


    Full Text Available Abstract We report a 41-year-old Chinese woman with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma diagnosed by percutaneous renal biopsy. The patient was admitted to Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China with complaints of high spiking fever for a month and bilateral lower limb fatigue with difficulty ambulating for the past 5 months. She had renal dysfunction with a total urinary protein of 5.61 g/dL (56.1 g/L, serum albumin of 2.89 g/dL (28.9 g/L, urea nitrogen of 2.24 mg/dL (1.6 mmol/L, and serum creatinine of 0.54 mg/dL (48 μmol/L. Bone marrow biopsy revealed myeloproliferative disorder without abnormal myeloid or lymphocytic proliferation. Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography (PET-CT showed marked bilateral swelling and enlargement of the renal parenchyma with splenic enlargement and involvement of multiple vertebrae. Percutaneous renal biopsy showed island-like accumulations of medium to large lymphoid cells in many areas of the interstitium, with round vesicular nuclei containing distinct basophilic nucleoli. Immunohistochemical analysis together with other supportive investigation confirmed the diagnosis of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma. Ten days later, she was started on chemotherapy with CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, leurocristime and prednisone for a week. Palliative radiotherapy DT 40Gy/20F with other supportive treatment was provided for metastatic foci in the medullary cavity of the sternum, T1-T7. The patient regained muscle strength in both lower limbs and was able to walk again after three weeks. The patient was discharged after hepatic and renal function and proteinuria values had returned to normal. Follow-up data shows the patient to be alive nine months after discharge.

  17. Th1 differentiation drives the accumulation of intravascular, non-protective CD4 T cells during tuberculosis (United States)

    Sallin, Michelle A.; Sakai, Shunsuke; Kauffman, Keith D.; Young, Howard A.; Zhu, Jinfang; Barber, Daniel L.


    SUMMARY Recent data indicate that the differentiation state of Th1 cells determines their protective capacity against tuberculosis. Therefore, we examined the role of Th1 polarizing factors in the generation of protective and non-protective subsets of Mtb-specific Th1 cells. We find IL-12/23p40 promotes Th1 cell expansion and maturation beyond the CD73+CXCR3+T-betdim stage, and T-bet prevents deviation of Th1 cells into Th17 cells. Nevertheless, IL-12/23p40 and T-bet are also essential for the production of a prominent subset of intravascular CX3CR1+KLRG1+ Th1 cells that persists poorly and can neither migrate into the lung parenchyma nor control Mtb growth. Furthermore, T-bet suppresses development of CD69+CD103+ tissue resident phenotype effectors in lung. In contrast, Th1 cell-derived IFNγ inhibits the accumulation of intravascular CX3CR1+KLRG1+ Th1 cells. Thus, although IL-12 and T-bet are essential host survival factors, they simultaneously oppose lung CD4 T cell responses at several levels, demonstrating the dual nature of Th1 polarization in tuberculosis. PMID:28355562

  18. Cortisol sérico de equinos com compactação experimental no cólon maior tratados com hidratações enteral e parenteral


    Ribeiro Filho, José Dantas; Dantas, Waleska de Melo Ferreira; Alves, Geraldo Eleno Silveira


    O cortisol sérico foi estudado em equinos com compactação experimental do cólon maior tratados com fluidoterapias enteral (EN) e intravenosa (IV). Utilizaram-se 10 animais separados em dois grupos de cinco cada. Os animais eram portadores de compactação induzida no cólon maior. O grupo EN foi tratado com solução isotônica poliônica enteral (8 mL/kg/h/48 h), enquanto o grupo IV recebeu Ringer lactato (16 mL/kg/h/12 h, durante dois dias). A compactação do cólon maior ocasionou aumento (P < 0,05...

  19. Linfoma cutâneo primário de grandes células B de apresentação atípica: relato de caso Primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma of atypical presentation: case report


    Antônio René Diógenes de Sousa; Igor Santos Costa; Edmar Fernandes de Araujo Filho; Natália Braga Hortêncio Jucá; Weline Lucena Landim Miranda


    Linfomas cutâneos primários são definidos como neoplasias linfocíticas que se apresentam clinicamente na pele sem doença extracutânea no momento do diagnóstico e até por 6 meses após. Os autores relatam o caso de um paciente masculino, idoso, com história de pápulas em axila, há 3 meses, que evoluíram para ulceração. Ao exame, úlcera profunda de bordos irregulares, infiltrados, em axila direita. Exames físico e complementares não evidenciaram doença à distância. O histopatológico mostra infil...

  20. Impact of statin therapy on coronary plaque composition: A systematic review and meta-analysis of virtual histology intravascular ultrasound studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. Banach (Maciej); C. Serban (Corina); A. Sahebkar (Amirhossein); D.P. Mikhailidis (Dimitri P.); S. Ursoniu (Sorin); K.K. Ray (Kausik K.); J. Rysz (Jacek); P.P. Toth (Peter); P. Muntner (Paul); S. Mosteoru (Svetlana); H.M. Garcia-Garcia (Hector); G.K. Hovingh (Kees); J.J.P. Kastelein (John); P.W.J.C. Serruys (Patrick)


    textabstractBackground: Virtual histology intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) imaging is an innovative tool for the morphological evaluation of coronary atherosclerosis. Evidence for the effects of statin therapy on VH-IVUS parameters have been inconclusive. Consequently, we performed a systematic

  1. Three-dimensional contrast-enhanced MRI using an intravascular contrast agent for detection of traumatic intra-abdominal hemorrhage and abdominal parenchymal injuries: an experimental study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weishaupt, D.; Ruehm, S.G.; Patak, M.A.; Schmidt, M.; Debatin, J.F.; Hetzer, F.H.


    The aim of this study was to compare the performance of 3D MRI in conjunction with an intravascular contrast agent to spiral contrast-enhanced CT, regarding the detection of abdominal parenchymal injuries as well as peritoneal hemorrhage in an animal model. Liver and kidney injuries were created surgically in six female pigs under general anesthesia. All pigs underwent contrast-enhanced spiral CT and 3D MR imaging following administration of an intravascular contrast agent (NC100150 Injection). Two readers rated their confidence independently on MR and CT data sets using a five-point scale for the presence of organ injury and hemoperitoneum. Autopsy findings served as standard of reference. Sensitivity and specificity for MR in detecting hepatic and renal injuries as well as hemoperitoneum was 100 %. Computed tomography was less accurate with sensitivity and specificity values of 90 and 94 %, respectively. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis revealed a higher confidence when interpretation was based on MR images. In an animal model 3D MR imaging in conjunction with an intravascular contrast agent proved highly accurate in detecting and localizing parenchymal injuries to the upper abdomen as well as in detecting intraperitoneal blood collections. (orig.)

  2. MRI phenotypes of localized intravascular coagulopathy in venous malformations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koo, Kevin S.H. [Boston Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Dowd, Christopher F.; Hess, Christopher P. [University of California, San Francisco, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, San Francisco, CA (United States); Mathes, Erin F.; Frieden, Ilona J. [University of California, San Francisco, Department of Dermatology, San Francisco, CA (United States); Rosbe, Kristina W. [University of California, San Francisco, Department of Otolaryngology, San Francisco, CA (United States); Hoffman, William Y. [University of California, San Francisco, Department of Surgery, San Francisco, CA (United States)


    The incidence of localized intravascular coagulopathy (LIC) in venous malformations varies with lesion size and location, as well as the presence of palpable phleboliths. The development of LIC can cause pain and hemorrhage and can progress to disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) and thromboembolic disease resulting in death in some cases. Early recognition of LIC can relieve symptoms and prevent progression to life-threatening complications. The aim of this work was to identify MRI features of venous malformation associated with LIC. We hypothesized that venous malformations with larger capacitance, slower flow and less physiological compression (greater stasis) were more likely to be associated with LIC. In this HIPAA-compliant and IRB-approved study, we retrospectively reviewed clinical records and MRI for consecutive patients undergoing evaluation of venous malformations at our multidisciplinary Birthmarks and Vascular Anomalies Center between 2003 and 2013. Inclusion required consensus diagnosis of venous malformation and availability of laboratory data and MRI; patients on anticoagulation or those previously undergoing surgical or endovascular treatment were excluded. LIC was diagnosed when D-dimer exceeded 1,000 ng/mL and/or fibrinogen was less than 200 mg/dL. Two board-certified radiologists assessed the following MRI features for each lesion: morphology (spongiform vs. phlebectatic), presence of phleboliths, size, location (truncal vs. extremity), and tissue type(s) involved (subcutis, muscle, bone and viscera). Univariate logistic regression analyses were used to test associations between LIC and MRI findings, and stepwise regression was applied to assess the significance of the individual imaging predictors. Seventy patients, 37 with LIC, met inclusion criteria during the 10-year study period (age: 14.5 +/- 13.6 years [mean +/- standard deviation]; 30 male, 40 female). Both elevated D-dimer and low fibrinogen were associated with the presence of

  3. MRI phenotypes of localized intravascular coagulopathy in venous malformations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koo, Kevin S.H.; Dowd, Christopher F.; Hess, Christopher P.; Mathes, Erin F.; Frieden, Ilona J.; Rosbe, Kristina W.; Hoffman, William Y.


    The incidence of localized intravascular coagulopathy (LIC) in venous malformations varies with lesion size and location, as well as the presence of palpable phleboliths. The development of LIC can cause pain and hemorrhage and can progress to disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) and thromboembolic disease resulting in death in some cases. Early recognition of LIC can relieve symptoms and prevent progression to life-threatening complications. The aim of this work was to identify MRI features of venous malformation associated with LIC. We hypothesized that venous malformations with larger capacitance, slower flow and less physiological compression (greater stasis) were more likely to be associated with LIC. In this HIPAA-compliant and IRB-approved study, we retrospectively reviewed clinical records and MRI for consecutive patients undergoing evaluation of venous malformations at our multidisciplinary Birthmarks and Vascular Anomalies Center between 2003 and 2013. Inclusion required consensus diagnosis of venous malformation and availability of laboratory data and MRI; patients on anticoagulation or those previously undergoing surgical or endovascular treatment were excluded. LIC was diagnosed when D-dimer exceeded 1,000 ng/mL and/or fibrinogen was less than 200 mg/dL. Two board-certified radiologists assessed the following MRI features for each lesion: morphology (spongiform vs. phlebectatic), presence of phleboliths, size, location (truncal vs. extremity), and tissue type(s) involved (subcutis, muscle, bone and viscera). Univariate logistic regression analyses were used to test associations between LIC and MRI findings, and stepwise regression was applied to assess the significance of the individual imaging predictors. Seventy patients, 37 with LIC, met inclusion criteria during the 10-year study period (age: 14.5 +/- 13.6 years [mean +/- standard deviation]; 30 male, 40 female). Both elevated D-dimer and low fibrinogen were associated with the presence of

  4. MRI evaluation and follow-up of bone necrosis after meningococcal infection and disseminated intravascular coagulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Damry, N.; Schurmans, T.; Perlmutter, N.


    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a serious complication of meningococcal septicaemia. It often results in infarction of various tissues namely the skin, adrenal glands, kidneys, brain and, much less commonly, bones. We describe a patient who presented bone lesions after meningococcal septicaemia. In addition to plain radiography and scintigraphy the lesions were evaluated with MRI and have proved to be extensive and still progressive, approxximately 18 months after the onset of the disease. (orig.)

  5. Impact of statin therapy on coronary plaque composition: a systematic review and meta-analysis of virtual histology intravascular ultrasound studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Banach, Maciej; Serban, Corina; Sahebkar, Amirhossein; Mikhailidis, Dimitri P.; Ursoniu, Sorin; Ray, Kausik K.; Rysz, Jacek; Toth, Peter P.; Muntner, Paul; Mosteoru, Svetlana; García-García, Hector M.; Hovingh, G. Kees; Kastelein, John J. P.; Serruys, Patrick W.


    Virtual histology intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) imaging is an innovative tool for the morphological evaluation of coronary atherosclerosis. Evidence for the effects of statin therapy on VH-IVUS parameters have been inconclusive. Consequently, we performed a systematic review and meta-analysis

  6. Staphylococcus warneri meningitis in a patient with Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection and lymphoma: first report of a case Staphylococcus warneri meningite em paciente com hiperinfecção com Strongyloides stercoralis e linfoma: primeiro relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renzo Nino Incani


    Full Text Available A case of meningitis due to Staphylococcus warneri in a patient with a hyperinfection with Strongyloides stercoralis possibly associated with rituximab treatment for mantel cell lymphoma is reported for the first time in the literature. The patient was a 59-year-old woman, with a 3-year history of an apparently well controlled lymphoma after treatment with chemotherapy-immunotherapy and then immunotherapy alone, and diagnosis of strongyloidiasis. Meningitis was diagnosed by cerebrospinal fluid culture and tested with an automated plate system. The patient was successfully treated with vancomycin; although fever and productive cough persisted. Severe gastrointestinal symptoms and pneumonia developed three weeks later. Hyperinfection syndrome by S. stercoralis was diagnosed, with abundant larvae in feces and expectoration.Caso de meningite por Staphylococcus warneri em paciente com hiperinfecção com Strongyloides stercoralis, possivelmente associada com tratamento de rituximab para linfoma de células do manto é relatada pela primeira vez na literatura. A paciente, mulher de 59 anos com história de três anos de linfoma aparentemente bem controlado com tratamento com quimioterapia-imunoterapia e, em seguida, somente imunoterapia e diagnóstico de estrongiloidíase. Meningite foi diagnosticada por cultura do líquido cefalorraquidiano e testada com sistema automatizado de placa. A paciente foi tratada com sucesso com vancomicina, embora a febre e a tosse produtiva não tenham desaparecido. Após graves sintomas gastrointestinais a paciente desenvolveu pneumonia três semanas mais tarde. Síndrome de hiperinfecção por S. stercoralis foi diagnosticada, com larvas abundantes nas fezes e expectoração.

  7. Theoretical model of intravascular paramagnetic tracers effect on tissue relaxation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjølby, Birgitte Fuglsang; Østergaard, Leif; Kiselev, Valerij G


    The concentration of MRI tracers cannot be measured directly by MRI and is commonly evaluated indirectly using their relaxation effect. This study develops a comprehensive theoretical model to describe the transverse relaxation in perfused tissue caused by intravascular tracers. The model takes...... into account a number of individual compartments. The signal dephasing is simulated in a semianalytical way by embedding Monte Carlo simulations in the framework of analytical theory. This approach yields a tool for fast, realistic simulation of the change in the transverse relaxation. The results indicate...... with bulk blood. The enhancement of relaxation in tissue is due to the contrast in magnetic susceptibility between blood vessels and parenchyma induced by the presence of paramagnetic tracer. Beyond the perfusion measurements, the results can be applied to quantitation of functional MRI and to vessel size...

  8. The clinical importance and prediction of steal following femoro-femoral cross-over bypass: study of the donor iliac artery by intravascular ultrasound, arteriography, duplex scanning and pressure measurements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vogt, K C; Rasmussen, J G; Schroeder, T V


    to evaluate the clinical significance of the steal phenomenon following femoro-femoral bypass, and whether the addition of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) to the established examinations of the donor iliac artery can improve the prediction of patients who will develop evaluate the clinical significance of the steal phenomenon following femoro-femoral bypass, and whether the addition of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) to the established examinations of the donor iliac artery can improve the prediction of patients who will develop steal....

  9. Oogram studies in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni and treated with dexamethasone Oograma em camundongos infectados com Schistosoma mansoni e tratados com dexametasona

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Victor Hermeto


    Full Text Available Mice infected with about 90 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (LE strain were treated during five consecutive days with dexamethasone (50 mg/Kg, subcutaneously, starting on the 42th day of infection. Groups of five mice were then daily sacrificed from the first day after onset of treatment until the first day after. The perfusion of the portal system was performed and a piece of the intestine was processed for qualitative and quantitative oograms. This treatment carries to larger numbers of eggs in the tissues of treated mice, when compared with untreated groups. No changes were observed in the kinetics of oviposition, as all stages of viable eggs were observed in the tissues of treated and control mice. These data reinforce the hypothesis of a partial blockade of the egg excretion in immunossupressed mice.Camundongos infectados com cerca de 90 cercárias da cepa LE de Schistosoma mansoni foram tratados durante 5 dias consecutivos com dexametasona (50mg/ Kg, subcutaneamente a partir do 42º dia de infecção. Grupos de cinco camundongos foram sacrificados diariamente após o primeiro dia do início do tratamento até o primeiro dia após o término. A perfusão do sistema porta foi feita e fragmentos do intestino foram processados para a realização de oogramas qualitativos e quantitativos. O tratamento leva a um maior número de ovos nos tecidos dos camundongos tratados, se comparado com os grupos não tratados. Nenhuma mudança foi observada na cinética de oviposição, e ovos viáveis em todos os estádios evolutivos foram observados nos tecidos de camundongos tratados e controles. Estes dados reforçam a hipótese de um bloqueio parcial na saída de ovos dos tecidos do intestino para o lúmem intestinal em camundongos imunossuprimidos.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorenzo Martín-Retortillo Baquer


    Full Text Available Resumen: En 1947 se pusieron las bases de lo que llegaría a ser la Unión Europea, a modo de organización comercial para sectores concretos, complejo que iría creciendo, ampliándose los fines y la organización, a la par que se fraguaba un complejo ordenamiento jurídico. Se hizo necesario alcanzar una declaración de derechos que incluyera los modernos derechos sociales. En el trabajo se estudia la compleja historia de la obtención de la declaración, la “Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea”, que, al fin, entraría en vigor el 1.XII.2009, a la par que el último de los Tratados de la Unión, el Tratado de Lisboa.Abstract: The European Union was founded in 1947 as a concrete trade organization but it started to grown. The aims and the organization had increased and in the meantime a complex law system was set up. It was convenient to get a solid bill of rights including the modern social rights. The paper studies the complicate story of how to obtain the bill of rights –the “Carta of Fundamentals Rights of the European Union”- which formally came into effect the 1.XII.2099 at the same time that the last Treaty of the Union, the Treaty of Lison.

  11. Acute kidney injury and disseminated intravascular coagulation due to mercuric chloride poisoning

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    J Dhanapriya


    Full Text Available Mercury is a toxic heavy metal and occurs in organic and inorganic forms. Inorganic mercury includes elemental mercury and mercury salts. Mercury salts are usually white powder or crystals, and widely used in indigenous medicines and folk remedies in Asia. Inorganic mercury poisoning causes acute kidney injury (AKI and gastrointestinal manifestations and can be life-threatening. We describe a case with unknown substance poisoning who developed AKI and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC. Renal biopsy showed acute tubular necrosis. Later, the consumed substance was proven to be mercuric chloride. His renal failure improved over time, and his creatinine normalized after 2 months.

  12. Catheter design optimization for practical intravascular photoacoustic imaging (IVPA) of vulnerable plaques (United States)

    Iskander-Rizk, Sophinese; Wu, Min; Springeling, Geert; Mastik, Frits; Beurskens, Robert H. S. H.; van der Steen, Antonius F. W.; van Soest, Gijs


    Intravascular photoacoustic/ultrasound imaging (IVPA/US) can image the structure and composition of atherosclerotic lesions identifying lipid-rich plaques ex vivo and in vivo. In the literature, multiple IVPA/US catheter designs were presented and validated both in ex-vivo models and preclinical in-vivo situations. Since the catheter is a critical component of the imaging system, we discuss here a catheter design oriented to imaging plaque in a realistic and translatable setting. We present a catheter optimized for light delivery, manageable flush parameters and robustness with reduced mechanical damage risks at the laser/catheter joint interface. We also show capability of imaging within sheath and in water medium.

  13. A Micromotor Catheter for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Tianshi Wang


    Full Text Available We have developed a new form of intravascular optical coherence tomography (IV-OCT that allows the extremely fast acquisition of high-resolution images of the coronary arteries. This process leads to much better image quality by eliminating cardiac motion artefacts and undersampling. It relies on a catheter that incorporates a synchronous micromotor with a diameter of 1.0 mm and a rotational speed of up to 5600 revolutions per second, enabling an IV-OCT frame rate of 5.6 kHz. This speed is matched by a wavelength-swept laser that generates up to 2.8 million image lines per second. With this setup, our team achieved IV-OCT imaging of up to 5600 frames per second (fps in vitro and 4000 fps in vivo, deployed at a 100 mm·s−1 pullback velocity. The imaging session is triggered by the electrocardiogram of the subject, and can scan a coronary artery in the phase of the heartbeat where the heart is at rest, providing a name for this new technology: the “Heartbeat OCT.”

  14. Vinos, carnes, ferrocarriles y el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Argentina y Chile (1905-1910)


    Lacoste, Pablo


    Entre 1905 y 1910 Chile y Argentina negociaron la firma de un Tratado de Comercio con vistas a suprimir los aranceles aduaneros y consagrar el principio de "Cordillera Libre". El centro de atracción eran las exportaciones de ganado argentino a Chile y de vino chileno a Argentina. Pero en ambos países se produjo una fuerte reacción de los intereses creados con vistas a frustrar las tratativas diplomáticas. Tanto la Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (Chile) como el Centro Vitivinícola Nacional (...

  15. Long-term safety and feasibility of three-vessel multimodality intravascular imaging in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taniwaki, Masanori; Radu, Maria D; Garcia-Garcia, Hector M


    We assessed the feasibility and the procedural and long-term safety of intracoronary (i.c) imaging for documentary purposes with optical coherence tomography (OCT) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary PCI in the s......We assessed the feasibility and the procedural and long-term safety of intracoronary (i.c) imaging for documentary purposes with optical coherence tomography (OCT) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary PCI...... in the setting of IBIS-4 study. IBIS4 (NCT00962416) is a prospective cohort study conducted at five European centers including 103 STEMI patients who underwent serial three-vessel coronary imaging during primary PCI and at 13 months. The feasibility parameter was successful imaging, defined as the number...... of pullbacks suitable for analysis. Safety parameters included the frequency of peri-procedural complications, and major adverse cardiac events (MACE), a composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction (MI) and any clinically-indicated revascularization at 2 years. Clinical outcomes were compared...

  16. [Femoral osteolytic lesions with soft tissue tumors and hypercalcemia as presentation form of a B-cell lymphoma]. (United States)

    Hernández Hernández, J L; Olmos Martínez, J M; Figols Ladrón de Guevara, J; Riancho Moral, J A; González Macías, J


    Hypercalcemia associated with haematological neoplasms account for 15 to 20% of hipercalcemia in malignancy, and occurs usually in patients with multiple myeloma. However, its incidence in patients with linfoma is low, and it is observed usually in T-cell linfomas. Bone affectation is also uncommon in patients with non-Hodgkin linfoma. It usually is seen as a late manifestation of the disease, and its occurrence as the form of presentation is exceptional. We hereby report a patient with a B-cell non-Hodgkin linfoma presenting with hypercalcemia and femoral osteolytic lesions.

  17. Resposta osteomielogênica ectópica ao implante de matriz óssea desmineralizada em camundongos tratados com bussulfano

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    Julieta Rodini Engrácia de Moraes


    Full Text Available Camundongos Swiss, fêmeas, (25-30 g; n = 100 receberam 4 injeções de bussulfano (20 mg/kg, ip a intervalos de 15 dias (n = 100. Antes do tratamento e após 30, 60 e 90 dias, os animais deste e de um grupo controle (n = 15 foram avaliados quanto ao leucograma, taxa de hemoglobina e hematrócito por meio do sangue colhido por punção retroorbital. Sessenta dias após o início do tratamento, 60 animais sobreviventes do grupo tratado e 15 animais do grupo controle receberam implantes intermuseulares de matriz óssea desmineralizada (MOD-10 mg. No 90s dia (30 dias após o implante foram sacrificados para exame histológico da medula óssea esternal (MOE e da resposta osteomielogênica ao implante de MOD. Trinta dias após o início do tratamento observou-se leucopenia, com diminuição do número de granulócitos, linfócitos e monócitos nos animais que receberam bussulfano. O hematócrito e a taxa de hemoglobina apresentaram-se diminuídos no 609 dia. O exame histológico da MOE do grupo tratado revelou hipocelularidade, dilatação dos capilares sinusóides e redução do número de megacariócitos (50%. Os animais controle apresentaram 100% de resposta positiva ao implante de MOD, havendo formação de placas metaplásicas compostas por trabéculas ósseas contendo cavitações preenchidas por células hematopoiéticas. Em 46,7% dos animais tratados observou-se resposta osteomielogênica semelhante à do grupo controle, mas com hipocelularidade e maior componente de adipócitos; 25% apresentaram resposta osteomielogênica tardia e incompleta com menor componente ósseo, maior componente cartilaginoso e ausência de células hematopoiéticas; nos 28,3% restantes a resposta foi negativa.

  18. World health assembly to consider global treaty on tobacco control La asamblea mundial de la salud contemplará la adopción de un tratado mundial para el control del tabaco

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    Full Text Available Tras su aprobación por 171 Estados Miembros de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS el 1 de marzo de 2003, un tratado que marca un hito en la historia de la salud pública y que se encamina a controlar el abastecimiento y el consumo de tabaco será presentado ante la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud (AMS, que contemplará su adopción en la reunión que tendrá inicio el 19 de mayo de 2003 en Ginebra, Suiza. La AMS es la máxima autoridad decisoria de la OMS y su principal cometido es determinar las políticas de dicha Organización. El tratado propuesto, que se conoce por Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco (CMCT, abarca asuntos tales como la gravación del tabaco; la prevención y el tratamiento del hábito de fumar; el comercio ilícito, la publicidad, el patrocinio y la promoción de los producto del tabaco, y la rotulación de los paquetes y cajetillas. Si la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud adopta el CMCT, el tratado se abrirá a la firma de los Estados Miembros de la OMS. Después de que sea ratificado por 40 países, el tratado entrará en vigor en los países que lo hayan aprobado. Aunque desde 1970 ha habido casi 20 resoluciones de la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud encaminadas a apoyar iniciativas para el control del tabaco, la diferencia entre dichas resoluciones y el presente tratado radica en que el cumplimiento de las provisiones de este último tendrá fuerza jurídica para las distintas partes cuando el convenio entre en vigor. Los únicos tres países que se opusieron abiertamente al proyecto de texto aprobado el 1 de marzo de 2003 fueron Alemania, Cuba y Estados Unidos de América. Funcionarios del Gobierno estadounidense han señalado que tratarán de lograr que se enmiende la redacción del texto del tratado en la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud en mayo.

  19. Intravascular brachytherapy for peripheral vascular disease

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    Hagen, Anja


    Full Text Available Scientific background: Percutaneous transluminal angioplasties (PTA through balloon dilatation with or without stenting, i.e. vessel expansion through balloons with or without of implantation of small tubes, called stents, are used in the treatment of peripheral artery occlusive disease (PAOD. The intravascular vessel irradiation, called intravascular brachytherapy, promises a reduction in the rate of repeated stenosis (rate of restenosis after PTA. Research questions: The evaluation addresses questions on medical efficacy, cost-effectiveness as well as ethic, social and legal implications in the use of brachytherapy in PAOD patients. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted in August 2007 in the most important medical electronic databases for publications beginning from 2002. The medical evaluation included randomized controlled trials (RCT. The information synthesis was performed using meta-analysis. Health economic modeling was performed with clinical assumptions derived from the meta-analysis and economical assumptions derived from the German Diagnosis Related Groups (G-DRG-2007. Results: Medical evaluation: Twelve publications about seven RCT on brachytherapy vs. no brachytherapy were included in the medical evaluation. Two RCT showed a significant reduction in the rate of restenosis at six and/or twelve months for brachytherapy vs. no brachytherapy after successful balloon dilatation, the relative risk in the meta-analysis was 0.62 (95% CI: 0.46 to 0.84. At five years, time to recurrence of restenosis was significantly delayed after brachytherapy. One RCT showed a significant reduction in the rate of restenosis at six months for brachytherapy vs. no brachytherapy after PTA with optional stenting, the relative risk in the meta-analysis was 0.76 (95% CI: 0.61 to 0.95. One RCT observed a significantly higher rate of late thrombotic occlusions after brachytherapy in the subgroup of stented patients. A single RCT for brachytherapy

  20. Heartbeat OCT: in vivo intravascular megahertz-optical coherence tomography (United States)

    Wang, Tianshi; Pfeiffer, Tom; Regar, Evelyn; Wieser, Wolfgang; van Beusekom, Heleen; Lancee, Charles T.; Springeling, Geert; Krabbendam, Ilona; van der Steen, Antonius F.W.; Huber, Robert; van Soest, Gijs


    Cardiac motion artifacts, non-uniform rotational distortion and undersampling affect the image quality and the diagnostic impact of intravascular optical coherence tomography (IV-OCT). In this study we demonstrate how these limitations of IV-OCT can be addressed by using an imaging system that we called “Heartbeat OCT”, combining a fast Fourier Domain Mode Locked laser, fast pullback, and a micromotor actuated catheter, designed to examine a coronary vessel in less than one cardiac cycle. We acquired in vivo data sets of two coronary arteries in a porcine heart with both Heartbeat OCT, working at 2.88 MHz A-line rate, 4000 frames/s and 100 mm/s pullback speed, and with a commercial system. The in vivo results show that Heartbeat OCT provides faithfully rendered, motion-artifact free, fully sampled vessel wall architecture, unlike the conventional IV-OCT data. We present the Heartbeat OCT system in full technical detail and discuss the steps needed for clinical translation of the technology. PMID:26713214

  1. Esquistossomose: 1.000 pacientes tratados

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    Pedro Aquino Noleto


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam sua experiência com o hycanthone em 1.000 pacientes de esquistossomose mansônica, até agora tratados no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade do Estado da Guanabara. São pacientes oriundos de áreas endêmicas do País, especialmente do nordeste e sudeste, 53,9% do sexo masculino e 46,1% do sexo feminino, de idade entre 5 e 63 anos. A forma clínica predominante da parasitose foi a hépato-intestinal (96,8%. O medicamento foi administrado em dose única, na razão de 3 mg/kg de peso corporal, a 33.6% de pacientes internados e a 66 4% em regime de tratamento ambulatorial. Os níveis séricos das transaminases, determinados, para confronto, antes e depois do uso do produto, em 60 dos pacientes internados, não se alteraram, ou apenas sofreram elevações inexpressivas. Não houve efeitos colateriais em 42,3% dos pacientes. Nos demais, esses efeitos foram de pequena e média intentidade, duraram apenas o 19 dia, na maioria das vezes, e consisfram, especialmente, de náuseas e de vômitos. O controle de cura parasitária estabelecido compreendeu 4 exames de fezes - aos 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias do emprego do medicamento, o que já se fez em 330 pacientes (33%, com 99% de cura. Incluída a biópsia retal, sempre que foi possivel, por ocasião do 4º exame de fezes, o esquema funcionou até agora em 97 pacientes (9,7%, dos quais 92 (94% estão curados, segundo esse critério. O presente trabalho confirma a ação esquistossomicida do hycanthone, bem como sua boa tolerabilidade, inclusive no que se refere ao hepatócito. Os doentes, entretanto, devem ser criteriosamente selecionados, tendo-se em vista as contra-indicações conhecidas, de modo especial em relação ao fígado.

  2. Visualization of Chronic Myocardial Infarction Using the Intravascular Contrast Agent MS-325 (Gadofosveset in Patients

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    Thomas Thouet


    Full Text Available Aims. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of visualizing chronic myocardial infarction in patients using the intravascular CA MS-325 (gadofosveset, EPIX Pharmaceuticals, Mass, USA. Methods. Nine patients were enrolled in a clinical phase II multicenter trial for MRCA and perfusion imaging using MS-325. They had objective evidence of chronic myocardial infarction as visualized by previously performed late gadolinium (Gd enhancement imaging (LGE with a conventional extracellular Gd-DTPA CA (Magnevist, Bayer Healthcare, Germany, 0.2 mmol/kg/body weight serving as reference standard. A prepulse-optimized LGE study was performed immediately and at several time points after injection of MS-325 (0.05 mmol/kg/body weight. The number and localization of segments demonstrating LGE with MS-325 as well as signal intensities were compared with the reference standard (Gd-DTPA. Results. Using MS-325, LGE could be detected at every time point in all 9 patients. The accuracy of LGE with MS-325 as compared to LGE with Gd-DTPA was highest 54±4 minutes after contrast injection, resulting in a sensitivity of 84% with a specificity of 98%. Conclusion. The intravascular CA MS-325 has the potential to visualize chronic myocardial infarction. However, in comparison with Gd-DTPA, the transmural extent and the number of segments are smaller.

  3. Compensation of spectral artifacts in dual-modality intravascular optical coherence tomography and near-infrared spectroscopy (Conference Presentation) (United States)

    Fard, Ali M.; Gardecki, Joseph A.; Ughi, Giovanni J.; Hyun, Chulho; Tearney, Guillermo J.


    Intravascular optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a high-resolution catheter-based imaging method that provides three-dimensional microscopic images of coronary artery in vivo, facilitating coronary artery disease treatment decisions based on detailed morphology. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has proven to be a powerful tool for identification of lipid-rich plaques inside the coronary walls. We have recently demonstrated a dual-modality intravascular imaging technology that integrates OCT and NIRS into one imaging catheter using a two-fiber arrangement and a custom-made dual-channel fiber rotary junction. It therefore enables simultaneous acquisition of microstructural and composition information at 100 frames/second for improved diagnosis of coronary lesions. The dual-modality OCT-NIRS system employs a single wavelength-swept light source for both OCT and NIRS modalities. It subsequently uses a high-speed photoreceiver to detect the NIRS spectrum in the time domain. Although use of one light source greatly simplifies the system configuration, such light source exhibits pulse-to-pulse wavelength and intensity variation due to mechanical scanning of the wavelength. This can be in particular problematic for NIRS modality and sacrifices the reliability of the acquired spectra. In order to address this challenge, here we developed a robust data acquisition and processing method that compensates for the spectral variations of the wavelength-swept light source. The proposed method extracts the properties of the light source, i.e., variation period and amplitude from a reference spectrum and subsequently calibrates the NIRS datasets. We have applied this method on datasets obtained from cadaver human coronary arteries using a polygon-scanning (1230-1350nm) OCT system, operating at 100,000 sweeps per second. The results suggest that our algorithm accurately and robustly compensates the spectral variations and visualizes the dual-modality OCT-NIRS images. These

  4. Shelf life of peaches treated with 1-methylcyclopropene Vida útil de pêssegos tratados com 1-metilciclopropeno

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    Ricardo Alfredo Kluge


    Full Text Available Peaches [Prunus persica (L. Bastch] present reduced post-harvest shelf life, partially, due to their high respiratory rate and fast ripening. These processes are related to ethylene production, as well as its action. Peaches, cv. Aurora-1, were picked at two different ripening stages (mature green and ripe and treated with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP, the ethylene's competitive antagonist, at concentrations of 0, 100, 300 and 900 nL L-1 for 12 hours at 25ºC. After treatment, the fruits were stored at room temperature (25ºC for six days. Fruits treated with 1-MCP presented better firmness and less ground color loss than non-treated fruits. The 1-MCP antagonist reduced the development of fruit rot at the mature green stage, but not at the ripe one. The 1-MCP shows commercial application potential in the treatment of peaches in order to delay the ripening process and increase their shelf life.Pêssegos [Prunus persica (L. Bastch] apresentam reduzida vida útil pós-colheita devido, em parte, a sua alta taxa respiratória e amadurecimento rápido. Estes processos estão relacionados com a produção e a ação do etileno. Pêssegos cv. Aurora-1 foram colhidos em dois estádios de maturação (verde e maduro e tratados com o antagonista competitivo do etileno 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP nas concentrações de 0, 100, 300 e 900 nL L-1, durante 12 horas a 25ºC. Após o tratamentos os frutos foram armazenados em condições ambientais (25ºC durante seis dias. Os frutos tratados com 1-MCP apresentaram maior firmeza de polpa e menor perda de coloração de fundo se comparado com os frutos não tratados. O 1-MCP reduziu o desenvolvimento de podridões em frutos do estádio verde, mas não em frutos maduros. O 1-MCP apresenta potencial de aplicação comercial em pêssegos, visando retardar o amadurecimento e aumentar sua vida útil de prateleira.

  5. El proceso de negociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Colombia y Estados Unidos


    Cadena Cancino, Adriana Rocío


    La presente investigación analiza la negociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Colombia y Estados Unidos como policy process, lo que condujo a reconstruir la etapa de formación de agenda de la política en cuestión, a identificar las acciones que llevaron a cabo los actores involucrados (particularmente el poder ejecutivo del Estado colombiano, los legisladores, los negociadores, los sindicatos, los grupos de la sociedad civil y los empresarios), así como las estrategias empleadas en la ...

  6. Crónica: Un foro sobre el tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos: Aspectos jurídicos y económicos

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    Memoria Foro TLC con EEUU


    Full Text Available Durantes los días 18 y 19 de agosto de 2004 se realizó en la Universidad ICESI un foro sobre el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos y sus impactos sobre la normatividad jurídica colombiana.

  7. Splenic angiomyxoma with intravascular tumor embolus in a dog: a case report. (United States)

    Lee, Eun-Mi; Kim, Ah-Young; Lee, Eun-Joo; Park, Jin-Kyu; Kim, Tae-Hwan; Park, Se-Il; Jeong, Kyu-Shik


    A 13-year-old castrated male Yorkshire terrier dog had a soft splenic mass, which measured 11 cm in the greatest diameter. Microscopically, the parenchyma of the spleen was completely replaced by myxoid substances. Numerous spindle and stellate cells were loosely arranged in the myxoid stroma, and variable vessels of variable sizes were observed in a loose matrix with poorly defined margins. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that tumor cells were positive for desmin and alpha-SMA, but negative for S-100. Interestingly, intravascular tumor embolus with positive α-SMA expression was observed. This case is meaningful, because angiomyxoma, a rare tumor of dogs, occurs in the spleen. Even in human cases, splenic angiomyxoma was not reported.

  8. Disseminated intravascular coagulation in solid tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terzieff, V.; Alonso, I.; Vázquez, A.


    It is estimated that 20-25% of cases of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) relate to an underlying neoplasia primarily hematologic. It is estimated that about 5% of patients with solid tumors have CID clinic, although the incidence of subclinical alterations is much higher. The CID is not limited to the activation of the coagulation cascade, which leads to bleeding micro thrombosis and consumption of coagulation factors. Solid tumors are frequently associated adenocarcinomas producers mucin (especially gastric), usually in the context of a disseminated disease. The mucin may act as a promoter of the cascade, but probably it is a multi-event. High levels of TNF to produced by the tumor mass and chemotherapy-induced cell lysis have Also linked. Although the bleeding is usually oriented diagnosis, the most frequent cause of death is thrombosis. There are no specific tests for diagnosis. Elevated levels of D-dimer and products oriented fibrinogen degradation diagnosis. No reduction fibrinogen and almost always, one thrombocytopenia consumption. Treatment is complex and there is no consensus on many points. To recover the lost factors for consumption, it is recommended to use fresh frozen plasma and / or washed red blood cells. the heparin anticoagulation low dose is indicated since the disease causal can not be controlled quickly, but should not be initiated if there thrombocytopenia 50.000.El under profuse bleeding can require the use of tranexamic acid or EACA. Acute DIC, the case of our patient, is rare and very serious

  9. The effects of serial intravascular transfusions in ascitic/hydropic RhD-alloimmunized fetuses. (United States)

    Craparo, F J; Bonati, F; Gementi, P; Nicolini, U


    To evaluate the effects of serial intravascular transfusions on RhD-alloimmunized fetuses with ascites/hydrops at the time of the first transfusion by measuring multiple hematological/biochemical blood variables. Thirty-one singleton pregnancies were referred for management of RhD alloimmunization. Seven fetuses had hydrops on presentation and were transfused immediately. The remainder underwent weekly ultrasound examinations, and fetal blood sampling and transfusion were performed on development of ascites. In the 104 samples collected overall from the 31 fetuses, glucose, uric acid, urea, creatinine, total protein, total and direct bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma-glutamyltransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactic dehydrogenase, amylase, pseudocholinesterase (PCHE), creatine kinase, triglycerides and cholesterol were measured and compared with a reference range for non-anemic fetuses. The median gestational age at first transfusion was 26 (range, 18-34) weeks. There were three fetal losses after the first transfusion, two of which were due to procedure-related complications; one further loss occurred. At the first transfusion fetal hematocrit, pO2, total protein, PCHE, creatinine and urea concentrations were significantly decreased compared to reference data, while total and direct bilirubin, AST, ALT, amylase, triglyceride and uric acid concentrations were increased. In all surviving fetuses ascites/hydrops had disappeared by the second transfusion. Fetal pO2, total protein, AST, ALT and PCHE concentrations had normalized by the third transfusion. Correction of fetal anemia did not affect the other variables. RhD-alloimmunized fetuses with ascites/hydrops at the time of the first transfusion had a survival rate of 87%. Alterations of several biochemical fetal blood indices are present at the first sampling/transfusion, but most variables normalize with intravascular transfusions. Copyright 2005 ISUOG.

  10. Histopathological approach for diagnosis of intravascular leiomyosarcoma of the femoral vein

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    Gaurav Singal


    Full Text Available Malignant tumors arising from venous walls in the lower extremities are uncommon and intravascular leiomyosarcoma represents only a small proportion and rare of soft tissue leiomyosarcoma. All publications in the literature are of small clinical series or case reports. We present a case of primary leiomyosarcoma of the femoral vein in a 40 year old man; which is a rare lesion with less than 40 cases reported. The patient presented with swelling and localized leg pain. The diagnosis was made histopathologically, the tumor was resected, vascular reconstruction was performed, and for postoperative radiation therapy and chemotherapy patient was referred to the oncologist. Primary leiomyosarcoma of a major peripheral artery is extremely rare, and this report share the clinical presentation, histopathological findings, treatment, and prognosis in these patients

  11. Lumen and calcium characteristics within calcified coronary lesions. Comparison of computed tomography coronary angiography versus intravascular ultrasound


    Noll, Dariusz; Kruk, Mariusz; Pręgowski, Jerzy; Kaczmarska, Edyta; Kryczka, Karolina; Pracoń, Radosław; Skwarek, Mirosław; Dzielińska, Zofia; Petryka, Joanna; Śpiewak, Mateusz; Lubiszewska, Barbara; Norwa-Otto, Bożena; Opolski, Maksymilian; Witkowski, Adam; Demkow, Marcin


    Introduction Computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) is a diagnostic method used for exclusion of coronary artery disease. However, lower accuracy of CTCA in assessment of calcified lesions is a significant factor impeding applicability of CTCA for assessment of coronary atherosclerosis. Aim To provide insight into lumen and calcium characteristics assessed with CTCA, we compared these parameters to the reference of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). Material and methods Two hundred and...

  12. Adición de residuos de yeso laminado tratado, en el yeso de construcción.


    Rodriguez Orejón, Agustín


    Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la posibilidad de utilización de los RCD’s derivados de las placas de yeso laminado (PYL) de forma específica por mezcla de una matriz de yeso o escayola en polvo de nueva producción, con diferentes proporciones de estos residuos, previamente tratados. Por otro lado estudiar la cuantificación de la minoración de resistencia mecánica, sufrida por matrices de diferentes tipos de yeso con agregados, en distintas proporciones, a base de RCD`s de paneles ...

  13. Estudio prospectivo del funcionamiento cognitivo en pacientes de cáncer de colon tratados con quimioterapia


    López Santiago, Sonia


    El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar los cambios en rendimiento cognitivo de pacientes de cáncer de colon tratados con quimioterapia adyuvante. El método ha sido el estudio longitudinal unifactorial de tres medidas (T1: antes de la quimioterapia, T2: al finalizar el tratamiento y T3 seis meses después de T2); se explora: memoria verbal, función ejecutiva y habilidad psicomotora y variables moduladoras (ansiedad, depresión, astenia y calidad de vida). Muestra: 77 participantes, 63% varones,...

  14. Análisis comparativo del sector agropecuario colombiano frente al tratado de libre comercio con Chile


    Eslava Ardila, Paula


    El presente trabajo es un análisis comparativo entre el sector agropecuario de Colombia frente al de Chile, en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio, con el objetivo de evaluar los productos potenciales de exportación del sector colombiano, y de esta manera aprovechar los recursos y las ventajas competitivas en oportunidades de progreso. Para el desarrollo del análisis, se describe cada uno de los países en términos económicos con variables como: PIB, PIB per cápita, Balanza Comercial, gr...

  15. Establishment of virtual three-dimensional model for intravascular interventional devices and its clinical value

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Xin; Zhong Liming; Xie Xiaodong; Wang Chaohua; You Jian; Hu Hong; Hu Kongqiong; Zhao Xiaowei


    Objective: To explore virtual three-dimensional (3D) model for intravascular interventional devices,the method of preoperative simulation and its value in clinical work. Methods: The virtual models including catheter, guide wire, stent and coil were established by using the 3D moulding software of 3D Studio MAX R3. The interventional preoperative simulation was performed on personal computer including 21 patients of cerebral aneurysm embolization (anterior communicating artery 5, posterior communicating artery 10,middle cerebral artery 3, internal carotid artery 2, and vertebral artery 1), during interventional procedures, the surgeon relied on the simulation results for plastic micro-guide wire, catheter and the release of micro-coils and stents. Results: (1) All the virtual instruments and real instruments had similar shape,the overall tine for constructing virtual model was about 20 hours. The preoperative simulation took 50 to 80 minutes. (2) The simulation result of catheter insertion in the 18 cases had relevant value to guide micro-catheter, molding micro-guide wire tip, and shortened the operating time. For embolization, the simulation results of filling coil and releasing stent were similar to surgical results in 76% of the patients (16/21). (3)For teaching and training, 93% (38/41) of doctors in training believed that preoperative simulation facilitated the understanding of surgery. Conclusions: The method of virtual model of intravascular interventional devices was reliable. The preoperative simulation results could be used to guide practical clinical operation with relatively high degree of similarity, and could play a role in promoting researches on interventional virtual operations. (authors)

  16. Adsorção de ácidos húmicos em latossolo roxo natural e tratado com oxalato de amônio

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    D. P. Dick


    Full Text Available A interação de substâncias húmicas com minerais no solo pode influir na dinâmica da decomposição da matéria orgânica e na sua estabilidade. A adsorção de dois ácidos húmicos em Latossolo Roxo natural (LR natural e tratado com oxalato de amônio (LR tratado foi efetuada, com vistas em investigar os mecanismos de adsorção e os principais grupos funcionais envolvidos, bem como relacionar a capacidade adsortiva de acordo com as características químicas e moleculares dos adsorbatos. Os ácidos húmicos extraídos com solução de NaOH 0,5 N de uma amostra de carvão (AHc e de um solo Brunizém (AHs foram caracterizados por análise elementar e espectroscopia de 13C-RMN. A parametrização dos dados experimentais das isotermas de adsorção foi do tipo y = A tanh Bx, e o modelo de Langmuir também foi aplicado. As amostras adsorvidas foram analisadas por espectroscopia no Infra-Vermelho por Reflectância Difusa com Transformada de Fourier (DRIFT. A adsorção dos ácidos húmicos no LR natural foi de natureza química, sendo evidenciado por DRIFT que a reação de troca de ligantes das carboxilas com a superfície dos minerais foi um mecanismo importante. O AHc, que apresentou caráter aromático mais elevado e maior teor de carboxilas na molécula, foi adsorvido em maior quantidade do que o AHs nos dois adsorventes, o que indica a possível participação de estruturas aromáticas na interação organomineral. No LR tratado, cuja área superficial específica foi superior (ASE = 140,9 m² g-1, a adsorção foi mais elevada do que no LR natural (ASE = 66,1 m² g-1. A maior ASE no LR tratado foi relacionada com o rompimento de microagregados no tratamento com oxalato de amônio que extraiu a porção cimentante dos óxidos de ferro que unia os minerais. A interação neste tipo de adsorvente, estimada segundo a equação y = A tanh Bx, foi mais forte do que na amostra natural, o que pode estar relacionado com a presença de sítios de

  17. Th1 Differentiation Drives the Accumulation of Intravascular, Non-protective CD4 T Cells during Tuberculosis. (United States)

    Sallin, Michelle A; Sakai, Shunsuke; Kauffman, Keith D; Young, Howard A; Zhu, Jinfang; Barber, Daniel L


    Recent data indicate that the differentiation state of Th1 cells determines their protective capacity against tuberculosis. Therefore, we examined the role of Th1-polarizing factors in the generation of protective and non-protective subsets of Mtb-specific Th1 cells. We find that IL-12/23p40 promotes Th1 cell expansion and maturation beyond the CD73 + CXCR3 + T-bet dim stage, and T-bet prevents deviation of Th1 cells into Th17 cells. Nevertheless, IL- 12/23p40 and T-bet are also essential for the production of a prominent subset of intravascular CX3CR1 + KLRG1 + Th1 cells that persists poorly and can neither migrate into the lung parenchyma nor control Mtb growth. Furthermore, T-bet suppresses development of CD69 + CD103 + tissue resident phenotype effectors in lung. In contrast, Th1-cell-derived IFN-γ inhibits the accumulation of intravascular CX3CR1 + KLRG1 + Th1 cells. Thus, although IL-12 and T-bet are essential host survival factors, they simultaneously oppose lung CD4 T cell responses at several levels, demonstrating the dual nature of Th1 polarization in tuberculosis. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  18. Th1 Differentiation Drives the Accumulation of Intravascular, Non-protective CD4 T Cells during Tuberculosis

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    Michelle A. Sallin


    Full Text Available Recent data indicate that the differentiation state of Th1 cells determines their protective capacity against tuberculosis. Therefore, we examined the role of Th1-polarizing factors in the generation of protective and non-protective subsets of Mtb-specific Th1 cells. We find that IL-12/23p40 promotes Th1 cell expansion and maturation beyond the CD73+CXCR3+T-betdim stage, and T-bet prevents deviation of Th1 cells into Th17 cells. Nevertheless, IL- 12/23p40 and T-bet are also essential for the production of a prominent subset of intravascular CX3CR1+KLRG1+ Th1 cells that persists poorly and can neither migrate into the lung parenchyma nor control Mtb growth. Furthermore, T-bet suppresses development of CD69+CD103+ tissue resident phenotype effectors in lung. In contrast, Th1-cell-derived IFN-γ inhibits the accumulation of intravascular CX3CR1+KLRG1+ Th1 cells. Thus, although IL-12 and T-bet are essential host survival factors, they simultaneously oppose lung CD4 T cell responses at several levels, demonstrating the dual nature of Th1 polarization in tuberculosis.

  19. Cardiac variation of inferior vena cava: new concept in the evaluation of intravascular blood volume. (United States)

    Nakamura, Kensuke; Tomida, Makoto; Ando, Takehiro; Sen, Kon; Inokuchi, Ryota; Kobayashi, Etsuko; Nakajima, Susumu; Sakuma, Ichiro; Yahagi, Naoki


    Evaluation of the intravascular blood volume is an important assessment in emergency and critical care medicine. Measurement of the inferior vena cava (IVC) respiratory variation by ultrasound echography is useful, but it entails subjective problems. We have hypothesized that IVC cardiac variation is also correlated with intravascular blood volume and analyzed it automatically using computer software of two kinds, later comparing the results. Snakes, software to track boundaries by curve line continuity, and template matching software were incorporated into a computer with an ultrasound machine to track the short-axis view of IVC automatically and analyze it with approximation by ellipse. Eight healthy volunteers with temporary mild hypovolemia underwent echography before and after passive leg raising and while wearing medical anti-shock trousers. IVC cardiac variation was visually decreased by both leg raising and medical anti-shock trousers. The collapse index (maximum - minimum/maximum) of area during three cardiac beats was decreased showing a good relationship to fluid load simulations; 0.24 ± 0.03 at baseline versus 0.11 ± 0.01 with leg raising and 0.12 ± 0.01 with medical anti-shock trousers. In conclusion, IVC cardiac variation has the potential to provide an evaluation of water volume. It presents some advantages in mechanical analysis over respiratory variation. At the very least, we need to exercise some caution with cardiac variation when evaluating respiratory variation.

  20. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy caused by Kikuchi–Fujimoto disease resulting in death: first case report in Turkey

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    Uslu E


    Full Text Available Emine Uslu,1 Sibel Gurbuz,2 Abdulsamet Erden,1 Fatma Aykas,1 Hatice Karagoz,1 Samet Karahan,1 Hatice Karaman,3 Ali Cetinkaya,1 Deniz Avci1 1Internal Medicine Department, 2Infection Disease Department, 3Clinical Pathology Department, Kayseri Training and Research Hospital, Kayseri, Turkey Abstract: Kikuchi disease, also called Kikuchi–Fujimoto disease or Kikuchi's histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis, is a rare, benign condition of unknown cause, usually characterized by cervical lymphadenopathy and fever. The diagnosis is based on histopathology. Our patient was a woman with bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy, fever, chest and abdominal pain, fatigue, maculopapular rash on her face, trunk, and upper and lower extremities. Immunological and rheumatological tests were negative. We took a cervical lymph node biopsy that showed a proliferative and necrotizing process centered in the paracortex characterized by patchy circumscribed or confluent areas of necrosis associated with karyorrhexis, and was remarkable by the absence of granulocytes and the paucity of plasma cells. These findings confirmed the diagnosis of Kikuchi's disease. The patient's hemoglobin values decreased, and the peripheral blood smear revealed schistocytes. Blood tests showed raised D-dimer, activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time, and international normalized ratio with decreased fibrinogen. The patient's condition quickly worsened and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy eventually developed. Her initial management consisted of a corticosteroid and hydroxychloroquine. Keywords: disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, Kikuchi–Fujimoto disease, necrotizing lymphadenitis

  1. Primary lymphoma of the central nervous system: a clinical-pathological and immunohistochemical study of ten autopsy cases Linfoma primário do sistema nervoso central: estudo clínico-patológico e imuno-histoquímico de dez casos de necropsia

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    Henrique Costa


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Primary central nervous system lymphomas (PCNSL are a rare subgroup of lymphomas generally associated with HIV and EBV. OBJECTIVE: To study ten autopsy cases of PCNSL, to describe the neuropathological findings, to characterize the phenotype of the neoplastic cells, to detect EBV in the lesion and to compare the findings with the clinical and laboratory data of the patients. METHOD: The clinical, histological and immunohistochemical data of ten cases of PCNSL, eight cases from patients with AIDS, identified among 265 autopsies of these patients were analyzed. RESULTS: Seven patients were males and the mean age was 40.9 years. The most frequent symptomatology was focal neurologic deficit (70%. Six patients presented with only one lesion. Histologically, densely cellular and polymorphous neoplasms with angiocentrism were observed, in 90% of cases. An association with other diseases was observed in four cases. Most patients had diffuse large B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. EBV was detected by immunohistochemistry in only one case. The lack of detection of the virus might have been due to the long time of fixation of the brain which might have inactivate epitopes therefore compromising the testing. CONCLUSION: In the present series, PCNSL presented with focal symptoms, with unifocal or multifocal lesions, with a predominant B-cell CD20 positive phenotype, rarely associated with EBV.CONTEXTO: Linfoma primário do sistema nervoso central (LP-SNC é raro subgrupo de linfomas relacionado à AIDS, geralmente associado EBV. OBJETIVO: Identificar os achados clínico-patológicos dos pacientes com LP-SNC. MÉTODO: Foram analisados dados clínicos, histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de dez necrópsias de LP-SNC, oito deles de pacientes com AIDS, identificados entre 265 autopsias destes. RESULTADOS: Sete pacientes foram masculinos e a idade média foi 40,9 anos. A sintomatologia neurológica mais freqüente era focal (70%. Seis exibiram les

  2. Comportamiento detersivo de las formulaciones ecológicas en la extracción de grasas y proteínas en tejido de algodón aprestado y tratado con diversos suavizantes


    Carrión Fité, Francisco Javier; Serra Gasol, Miquel


    En el presente trabajo se efectuó un estudio del comportamiento detersivo producido por una formulación ecológica, aplicada para el lavado de un tejido de algodón aprestado con una resina DMDHEU y tratado con diferentes suavizantes catiónicos, del tipo de amonio silicona y esterquat. A estos tejidos se aplicaron, antes del lavado, dos impurezas del tipo proteína y una tipo aceitosa. Los efectos del detergente, en la extracción de tales impurezas del tejido aprestado y tratado con los diferent...

  3. Técnica dramática y retórica de las pasiones en el Tratado completo del arte del canto de Manuel García

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    Díaz Marroquín, Lucía


    Full Text Available The history of European singing technique, from the Italian origins of the stile rappresentativo and the early Seicento musical drama to the heights of bel canto, seems inextricably related to the classical rhetorical and philosophical theories, later re-interpreted by the humanist and rationalist authors. Manuel García’s Tratado completo del arte del canto inherits this tradition and contributes to it with every single observation or musical example included in this eminently practical work.

    Desde los orígenes italianos del stile rappresentativo y del drama musical, en los últimos años del siglo XVI y primeros del XVII, hasta el esplendor del bel canto, la historia de los tratados de canto europeos se encuentra inseparablemente asociada a las teorías retóricas y filosóficas clásicas, más tarde reinterpretadas por los autores humanistas y preenciclopedistas. Al escribir su Tratado completo del arte del canto, una obra eminentemente práctica, Manuel García hereda esta tradición y contribuye a ella con cada una de las observaciones y ejemplos musicales que propone.

  4. One Patient, Two Uncommon B-Cell Neoplasms: Solitary Plasmacytoma following Complete Remission from Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma Involving Central Nervous System

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    Joycelyn Lee


    Full Text Available Second lymphoid neoplasms are an uncommon but recognized feature of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, putatively arising secondary to common genetic or environmental risk factors. Previous limited evaluations of clonal relatedness between successive mature B-cell malignancies have yielded mixed results. We describe the case of a man with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma involving the central nervous system who went into clinical remission following immunochemotherapy and brain radiation, only to relapse 2 years later with a plasmacytoma of bone causing cauda equina syndrome. The plasmacytoma stained strongly for the cell cycle regulator cyclin D1 on immunohistochemistry, while the original intravascular large cell lymphoma was negative, a disparity providing no support for clonal identity between the 2 neoplasms. Continued efforts atcataloging and evaluating unique associations of B-cell malignancies are critical to improving understanding of overarching disease biology in B-cell malignancies.

  5. Neuroendocrine and renal effects of intravascular volume expansion in compensated heart failure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gabrielsen, A; Bie, P; Holstein-Rathlou, N H


    To examine if the neuroendocrine link between volume sensing and renal function is preserved in compensated chronic heart failure [HF, ejection fraction 0.29 +/- 0.03 (mean +/- SE)] we tested the hypothesis that intravascular and central blood volume expansion by 3 h of water immersion (WI) elicits...... sustained angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy, n = 9) absolute and fractional sodium excretion increased (P Renal free water clearance increased during WI in control subjects but not in HF......, albeit plasma vasopressin concentrations were similar in the two groups. In conclusion, the neuroendocrine link between volume sensing and renal sodium excretion is preserved in compensated HF. The natriuresis of WI is, however, modulated by the prevailing ANG II and Aldo concentrations. In contrast...

  6. A quality management program in intravascular brachytherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chakri, Abderrahim; Thomadsen, Bruce


    While simple, intravascular brachytherapy (IVB) presents a considerable potential for harm to the patient. The medical physicist maintains the responsibility to minimize the likelihood of operational problems or dosimetric errors. The principals for safe operation remain the same as with any radiotherapy treatment: to deliver the correct dose, to the correct location, safety. To develop an effective and comprehensive quality management (QM) program for IVB, a physicist should utilize proven risk assessment techniques rather than simply thinking of things to check, and follow guidances such as ISO9001:2000. The proposed QM program includes the following: Procedures designed to assure the safety of the patient: Identification of the patient; tests of the integrity and patency for the delivery catheter, operation of the source train, and patency of the catheter in the treatment position; a check for recovery preparations; and verification of source recovery. Procedures to assure positional accuracy of the treatment: Verification of the positioning the catheter in the artery and of the sources in the catheter. Procedures to assure dosimetry accuracy: Acceptance testing of the device, including verification of the source strength and uniformity, and of the treatment duration tables; verification of the treatment prescription and duration for each patient; and control measures that minimize the likelihood of errors removing the source at the correct time

  7. Is the inferior vena cava diameter measured by bedside ultrasonography valuable in estimating the intravascular volume in patients with septic shock?

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    Mortaza Talebi Doluie


    Full Text Available Introduction:Resuscitation should be initiated immediately in shock. Early goal-directed therapy is an established algorithm for the resuscitation in septic shock. The first step is to maintain cardiac preload. Central venous pressure (CVP plays an important role in goal-directed therapy. Central venous catheterization is invasive and time-consuming in emergency conditions. There are some alternative and noninvasive methods for estimating the intravascular volume such as measuring the inferior vena cava (IVC diameter by ultrasonography. Methods: We searched PubMed, Google scholar, and Scopus databases with keywords (central venous pressure OR venous pressure OR CVP AND (ultrasonography OR sonography AND (sepsis OR septic shock AND (inferior vena cava OR IVC.Result: The search resulted in 2550 articles. The articles were appraised regarding the relevance, type of article, and statistical methods. Finally, 12 articles were selected. The number of patients was between 30 and 83 cases (mean age=57-67 years, intubated and non-intubated in each study. The IVC diameter was measured in respiratory cycle by bedside ultrasonography in longitudinal subxiphoid view and caval index was calculated, then they were compared with the CVP measured by central venous catheter.Discussion: CVP is an indicator of intravascular fluid status and right heart function. CVP measurement is an invasive method and of course with some complications. The IVC is the biggest vein of venous system with low-pressure; expansion of the vein reflects intravascular volume.Conclusion: It seems that IVC diameter measured by ultrasonography could be used as an alternative method for the determination of CVP in the emergency or critical patients.

  8. Selguimiento del peso corporal en pacientes tratados con antipsicóticos: revisión bibliográfica


    Martín Izquierdo, Marta Estefanía


    El tratamiento con antipsicóticos es uno de los principales factores de riesgo que más contribuye a la ganancia de peso en personas con enfermedades mentales graves. Los efectos negativos derivados del sobrepeso y la obesidad, sumados a los propios de la enfermedad, tienen como consecuencia una menor calidad y esperanza de vida en estos pacientes. El objetivo principal de este estudio es realizar una revisión bibliográfica del seguimiento de peso en pacientes tratados con antipsicóticos. ...

  9. El Tratado de Lisboa. ¿Un paso adelante hacia la “parlamentarización” de la Unión Europea?

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    Claudia Storini


    Full Text Available La interconexión y dependencia recíproca entre Derecho Comunitario y Constituciones nacionales están aceptadas en la actualidad como un lugar común en el Derecho Público europeo, resultando casi explícitas en conceptos ya acuñados como el de multilevel constítutíonalism de Pernice o el “constitucionalismo dual” de von Bogdandy. Este artículo se detiene en el análisis de las influencias y del complejo juego de relaciones entre Parlamentos Nacionales y Unión Europea, enmarcándose claramente en el nuevo constitucionalismo europeo “multinivel”. A la luz del tratado de Lisboa analiza la interdependencia entre Derecho Comunitario y Derechos nacionales en materia parlamentaria. Se adentra en el papel que los Parlamentos nacionales pueden y deben representar en el proceso de integración europea así como en la búsqueda de su mayor democratización y ofrece los elementos necesarios para valorar jurídicamente en qué medida el Tratado de Lisboa representa un paso adelante hacia la “parlamentarización” de la Unión Europea.

  10. The role of the adventitia in the arterial response to angioplasty: the effect of intravascular radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilcox, Josiah N.; Waksman, Ron; King, Spencer B.; Scott, Neal A.


    Purpose: In the current series of experiments we have characterized cell proliferation leading to vascular lesion formation in a porcine model for post-angioplasty restenosis and examined the mechanism of action of intravascular beta irradiation in the prevention of lesion formation in this model. Methods and Materials: Juvenile male pigs were subjected to balloon overstretch injury of the left anterior descending and circumflex coronary arteries using clinical angioplasty catheters. Proliferating cells were labelled by injections of 50 mg/kg of bromo-deoxyuridine (BrDU) 24, 16 and 8 hrs prior to sacrifice and were detected by immunohistochemistry using a specific antibody to BrDU. In some cases, BrDU was given as a pulse 3 days after angioplasty and the animals sacrificed on day 14 to follow the migration of the cells which had proliferated earlier. Characterization of the proliferating cells was performed by immunohistochemistry using antibodies to specific cytoskeletal proteins specific for smooth muscle cells and myofibroblasts. Some vessels were treated at the time of angioplasty with 14 or 28 Gy (to a depth of 2 mm) intravascular irradiation using a flexible catheter with a pure beta emitter 90 SR/Y and the effect on cell proliferation and terminal transferase-mediated UTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL) examined 3 or 7 days later. Results: The first major site of cell proliferation between 2-3 days after angioplasty is the adventitia and not the medial wall. Seven days after angioplasty cell proliferation is predominant in the neointima and is reduced in the media and adventitia. Differential staining with antibodies directed against smooth muscle alpha actin and other cytoskeletal proteins indicates that the proliferating adventitial cells are myofibroblasts. Pulse label studies with BrDU indicates that the proliferating adventitial myofibroblasts migrate into the neointima and contribute to the mass of the restenosis lesion. Fourteen days after angioplasty the

  11. Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, territorio financiero del libre comercio

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    Margarita Camarena Luhrs


    Full Text Available A veinte años de la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norteamérica, posiblemente ha agotado sus posibilidades. De sus objetivos, los que resultaron viables, fue la constitución de un territorio financiero de libre comercio, libre y continuo en Norteamérica. Con este proceso destaca el imperativo financiero de la expansión comercial trilateral; pero también, tal como se muestra con esta reflexión, que tras esos resultados comerciales opera una inteligencia financiera y territorial, realmente geoestratégica, promotora de extrema “liberalización proteccionista” que traspasa y supera las capacidades nacionales de Estados.

  12. Linfoma no Hodgkin en pacientes con SIDA: una reflexión necesaria Non-Hodking lymphoma in AIDS patients: a necessary reflection

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    Eduardo Cofiño González


    Full Text Available El linfoma no Hodgkin constituye una de las 3 afecciones malignas marcadoras de SIDA reconocidas actualmente. Tanto en Cuba, como en el resto del mundo, en la última década se ha observado su incremento en pacientes infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH. Por las razones anteriormente planteadas, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica actualizada del tema en revistas de alto impacto internacional, para describir los principales elementos de esta enfermedad (clasificación, epidemiología, evolución y tratamiento y brindar, de esta forma, una guía para el trabajo de los profesionales de la atención primaria en el seguimiento de estos pacientes en la comunidad.Non-Hodking lymphoma is one of the three malignant affections that are markers of AIDS at present. In Cuba, as in the rest of the world, it has been observed its increase among HIV-infected patients during the last decade. For the above reasons, a bibliographic updated review of the topic was made in journals of high international impact to describe the main elements of this disease (classification, epidemiology, evolution and treatment, and to provide a guide for the work of the primary health care professionals in the follow-up of these patients in the community.

  13. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia of the extremities: MR imaging findings with pathologic correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Sang Hoon; Suh, Jin-Suck; Lim, Byung Il; Yang, Woo Ick; Shin, Kyoo-Ho


    We report the MRI findings of three cases of intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (IPEH) of the extremities with correlation of the pathologic findings. The IPEH is a non-neoplastic reactive lesion within the vessels and is commonly associated with thrombi. Signal intensity of the IPEH is complex due to the thrombi and the PEH itself. The thrombi are characterized by a slightly hyperintense signal on T1- and T2-weighted images compared with that of muscle when it comes at the medium stage of hemorrhage. Papillary endothelial hyperplastic tissue appears either as iso- or hyperintense to the muscle on T2- and T1-weighted images and shows variable enhancement on Gd-DTPA-enhanced images. (orig.)

  14. Specific features of a neonatal period in infants following intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion for fetal hemolytic disease

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    A. V. Ivanova


    Full Text Available The paper gives data on the characteristics of a neonatal period in infants following intrauterine blood transfusion for Rh-induced fetal hemolytic disease. It is shown that the early diagnosis and detection of the signs of fetal hemolytic disease, and intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion may prolong pregnancy, ensure the birth of a baby with normal anthropometric indicators, optimize his/her neonatal period and prognosis of severe hemolytic disease in the fetus and newborn.

  15. Tránsito del Derecho Penal Internacional desde el Tratado de Versalles y de Nuremberg hasta Roma


    Castaño, Deissy Motta


    El marco del presente artículo se sustenta en la trascendencia del análisis de las instituciones internacionales en relación con los delitos contemplados como crímenes de guerra en conflagraciones entre Estados y su intervención en la problemática de la violencia interna. El tránsito del derecho penal internacional desde el Tratado de Versalles y de Nuremberg hasta Roma, constituye una aproximación a una genealogía histórica del derecho internacional, relativo a los crímenes de guerra durante...

  16. Site requirements and kinetics of immune-dependent elimination of intravascularly administered lung stage schistosomula in mice immunized with highly irradiated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mangold, B.L.; Dean, D.A.; Coulson, P.S.; Wilson, R.A.


    Experiments were performed to compare the migration and survival of 75Se-labeled schistosomes, introduced by percutaneous cercarial exposure or by intravascular administration of 7-day-old lung stage schistosomula, in control and irradiated cercaria-immunized mice. Schistosomula were intravascularly introduced into the lungs, systemic organs and liver by injection via the femoral vein (FV), left ventricle (LV), and superior mesenteric vein (SMV), respectively. The fate of challenge larvae was examined by autoradiography of host tissues and by recovery of adult worms. It was found that both normal and immune elimination were site-dependent. In control mice 45%-60% of cercarial penetrants and lung schistosomula injected into the FV and LV were recoverable as adult worms, while a significantly greater number (70%-85%) were recoverable when lung schistosomula were injected into the SMV. In immunized mice, parasites introduced as either cercariae or FV-injected schistosomula were both highly sensitive to immune elimination. LV-injected schistosomula were also sensitive but to a slightly lesser degree. In contrast, schistosomula placed directly in the liver by SMV injection were totally insensitive to immune elimination. It was concluded that elimination of schistosomula in irradiated cercaria-immunized mice occurs in the lungs and/or in the systemic organs, but not in the liver. Also, it was concluded that immune elimination is not a rapid process, since more than 7 days were required after intravascular challenge for the development of demonstrable differences between control and immunized mice

  17. Rash, disseminated intravascular coagulation and legionella: Episode 10 and a rewind into the past

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    Prashanth M. Thalanayar


    Full Text Available Legionella pneumophila is the most common cause of legionellosis and is one of the organisms causing atypical pneumonia. We report the presentation of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC and skin rash in a single case of severe Legionella pneumonia. The unique clinical presentation of a diffuse rash diagnosed as purpura fulminans and the unpredictable variations encountered during the diagnostic work-up of the case make this write-up crucial. This article synthesizes all reported cases of L. pneumonia associated with cutaneous manifestations as well as cases presenting with DIC. Furthermore, this manuscript illustrates the correlation between cutaneous and coagulopathic manifestations, and morbidity and mortality from L. pneumonia.

  18. Multicentric lymphoma with metastasis in the central nervous system in a dog Linfoma multicêntrico com metástase no sistema nervoso central em cão

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    K.P. Aptekmann


    Full Text Available Multicentric lymphoma was diagnosed in a two-year-old dog with respiratory distress, dysorexia, abdominal enlargement and generalized lymphadenopathy. Immunohistochemical examination showed T-cell origin with CD3+ e CD79- expression. After five weeks, progressive neurological deficits and neoplastic lymphocytes were identified in the cerebrospinal fluid. Histopathological examination showed neoplastic cell invasion in the spleen, lymph nodes, cerebrum and cerebellum.Linfoma multicêntrico foi diagnosticado em um cão com dois anos de idade que apresentava insuficiência respiratória, aumento de volume abdominal (ascite e linfoadenopatia generalizada. O exame imunoistoquímico revelou origem de células T com expressão CD3+ e CD79-. Após cinco semanas, o cão apresentou déficits neurológicos progressivos, sendo identificada a presença de linfócitos neoplásicos no líquor. O exame histopatológico demonstrou invasão de células neoplásicas no baço, linfonodos, cérebro e cerebelo.

  19. South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty; Tratado Sobre La Zona Desnuclearizada Del Pacifico Sur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    On 6 August 1985 the South Pacific Forum, a body comprising the independent and self-governing countries of the South Pacific (Australia, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Western Samoa), endorsed the text of the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty and opened it for signature [Spanish] El 6 de agosto de 1985 el Foro del Pacifico Sur, organo compuesto por los paises independientes y autonomos del Pacifico Sur (Australia, Fiji, Islas Cook, Islas Salomon, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Nueva Zelandia, Papua Nueva Guinea, Samoa Occidental, Tonga, Tuvalu, y Vanuatu), aprobo el texto del Tratado sobre la Zona Desnuclearizada del Pacifico-Sur y lo abrio a la firma.

  20. Diálogos hermenêuticos em Direitos Humanos: em busca da(s) pergunta(s) adequadas(s) para a aplicação dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos no Brasil


    Ferreira, Rafael Fonseca


    A temática da tese é a relação entre Constituição e Tratados Internacionais de Direitos Humanos como expressão de internacionalização do Direito. A tese dedicou-se a elaboração de uma proposta de solução à problemática de como estabelecer outra racionalidade capaz de responder a dificuldade do emprego da visão hierárquico-normativa (difundida na doutrina e no Supremo Tribunal Federal) na relação Constituição-Tratados Internacionais de Direitos Humanos, com direta repercussão no âmbito pragmát...

  1. Linfoma subcutâneo de células T paniculite-símile Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma

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    Renato Soriani Paschoal


    Full Text Available Linfoma subcutâneo de células T paniculite-símile foi recentemente reconhecido como entidade clínico-patológica. Paciente do sexo feminino, 17 anos, relatou nodosidades eritêmato-violáceas e depressões nos membros e abdome há três anos e discreta perda ponderal, sem outros sintomas gerais. Adenomegalia, visceromegalias e infiltração da medula óssea estavam ausentes, e a histopatologia da pele mostrou densa infiltração de linfócitos atípicos CD3/CD8 no subcutâneo. A quimioterapia interrompeu o surgimento de novas lesões com remissão das pré-existentes no seguimento de oito meses. Aspectos imunofenotípicos e moleculares são relevantes para elucidação diagnóstica e avaliação do prognóstico.Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma is extremely rare and has recently been recognized as a clinicopathological entity. Young female, 17 years old, has complained of subcutaneous nodules and plaques in the limbs and abdomen for three years, accompanied of mild weight loss without other constitutional symptoms. Nodal, visceral and bone marrow involvement was absent, and subcutaneous CD3/CD8 atypical lymphocyte infiltration was observed in the skin sample. Chemotherapy interrupted the onset of new lesions and led to remission in the 8-month follow-up. Immunophenotypic and molecular aspects were relevant to the diagnosis and as prognosis makers.

  2. Fatal Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis and concomitant disseminated intravascular coagulation in a patient with diabetes mellitus

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    Ho Min-Po


    Full Text Available Bacterial meningitis remains a major cause of death and long-term neurologic sequelae worldwide. We present a case of fatal Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis and concomitant disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC in a 72-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus (DM. Both blood and cerebrospinal fluid cultures grew Klebsiella pneumoniae . Due to advanced age, newly recognized DM, K. pneumoniae bacteremia, and DIC, the prognosis of our patient was poor. Eight hours after arrival to the emergency department, cardiopulmonary resuscitation was necessary in this patient, but she died despite an early diagnosis and appropriate antibiotic therapy.

  3. Vinos, carnes, ferrocarriles y el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Argentina y Chile (1905-1910

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    Pablo Lacoste


    Full Text Available Entre 1905 y 1910 Chile y Argentina negociaron la firma de un Tratado de Comercio con vistas a suprimir los aranceles aduaneros y consagrar el principio de "Cordillera Libre". El centro de atracción eran las exportaciones de ganado argentino a Chile y de vino chileno a Argentina. Pero en ambos países se produjo una fuerte reacción de los intereses creados con vistas a frustrar las tratativas diplomáticas. Tanto la Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (Chile como el Centro Vitivinícola Nacional (Argentina realizaron intensas gestiones para alcanzar sus objetivos; esta última corporación llegó a movilizar miles de personas para oponerse al tratado; y hasta solicitó ayuda a los ferrocarriles británicos para que obstaculizaran el ingreso de los vinos chilenos al mercado argentino. La intensa resistencia de estas corporaciones terminaron por frustrar el proyecto, el cual fue definitivamente archivado en 1911.Between 1905 and 1910, Chile and Argentina negotiated the signature of a Trade Agreement in order to abolish the customs duties and consecrate the principle of "Free Mountain Range". The centre of attraction was the exports of Argentinean cattle to Chile and of Chilean wine to Argentina. But in both countries there aroused a strong reaction of the vested interests, purposely to thwart the diplomatic negotiations. Both, the Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (Chile as well as the Centro Vitivinícola Nacional (Argentina carried out intense negotiations to reach their objectives; the latter even movilized thousands of people to oppose the treaty and went as far as requesting the help of the British railroads to block the entrance of Chilean wines to the Argentinean market. The stiff opposition of these corporations finally frustrated the project, which was definitively filed away in 1911.

  4. Avaliação da sustentabilidade ambiental do uso de esgoto doméstico tratado na piscicultura Environmental sustainability evaluation of the treated sewage use in aquaculture

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    Emanuel Soares dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a sustentabilidade ambiental do uso de esgoto doméstico tratado na piscicultura por meio do Índice de Sustentabilidade Ambiental para Reúso em Piscicultura (ISA RP, do Índice de Qualidade de Água para Reúso em Piscicultura (IQA RP e do custo ambiental (entropia. Observou-se, por meio do custo ambiental, que a piscicultura convencional causou a deterioração da qualidade da água que foi utilizada. Constatou-se que o sistema de piscicultura utilizando esgoto tratado, sem usar aeração, não causou efeito deletério significante à qualidade da água de reúso (efluente da estação de tratamento de esgoto - ETE. O sistema de piscicultura usando esgoto tratado, com aeração, resultou na melhoria de sua qualidade, quando comparado com o efluente da estação de tratamento, significando que essa prática resultou em um polimento no líquido utilizado. Ambos os sistemas de reúso de águas mostraram-se ambientalmente sustentáveis, o que indica a potencialidade do uso de esgoto doméstico tratado como fonte de água e alimento natural para a piscicultura.This work aimed to evaluate the environmental sustainability of the treated sewage reuse on aquaculture by using the Environmental Sustainability Index of Aquaculture Reuse (ESI AR, Water Quality Index of Aquaculture Reuse (WQI AR and environmental cost (entropy. For conventional aquaculture, a water quality deterioration of the fish tanks was observed by the environmental cost. When treated sewage was used in tanks without external aeration, it was not verified a remarkable water quality deterioration. However, for the tanks externally aerated and fed with treated sewage there was a water quality improvement, in other words a polishing step was taking place. All the systems analyzed showed to be environmentally sustainable, which indicates that the treated sewage can be considered a good water source for aquaculture.

  5. Disseminated intravascular coagulation in a patient with metastatic prostate cancer: Fatal outcome following strontium-89 therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leong, C.; McKenzie, R.; Coupland, D.B. [Univ. of British Columbia, (Canada)] [and others


    A patient with metastatic prostate cancer was found to have low-grade disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). He had significant bone pain despite external-beam radiotherapy and was given {sup 89}Sr with subsequent thrombocytopenia and epistaxis. The patient died from generalized hemorrhage 36 days postinjection. Although it is not possible to establish a causal relationship between {sup 89}Sr and DIC, practitioners should be alert to complications associated with the primary disorder which might occur at a time to raise concern about the intervention. 8 refs., 1 tab.

  6. Linfomas plasmoblásticos del tracto gastrointestinal en pacientes con sida Plasmablastic lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract in AIDS patients

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    Alejandro Avilés-Salas


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV tienen 200 veces más riesgo de desarrollar un linfoma no Hodgkin (LNH con respecto a la población general. El linfoma plasmoblástico (LP representa menos del 3% de todos los LNH asociados con el HIV. El objetivo de este estudio es informar las características clínico-patológicas de 5 pacientes con enfermedad HIV/sida y LP del tracto gastrointestinal. Se revisaron de forma retrospectiva los casos de LP del tracto gastrointestinal diagnosticados en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de la Ciudad de México en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2000 al 2009. Se analizaron las características clínico-patológicas y se realizaron cortes de bloques de tejidos embebidos en parafina para reacciones de inmunohistoquímica. La presencia del virus de Epstein Barr (VEB se examinó por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR in situ. De los cinco pacientes, cuatro fueron hombres y una mujer, con una mediana de edad de 29 años. Tres tumores se localizaron en la región anorrectal, uno en colon ascendente y el restante en el estómago. Histológicamente, todos los tumores se caracterizaron por una proliferación difusa de células grandes de aspecto plasmoblástico. Las células neoplásicas fueron CD 138/MUM-1 positivas y CD 20 / PAX-5 negativas. En cuatro pacientes se detectó el genoma del VEB en las células neoplásicas mediante PCR in situ. La mediana de seguimiento fue 18 meses; tres pacientes estaban vivos con enfermedad y dos sobreviven sin evidencias de la neoplasia. El diagnóstico precoz de LP como una entidad clínico-patológica es importante para establecer el tratamiento correcto y mejorar el pronóstico de estos pacientes.The risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL is 200 times higher in HIV-positive patients than otherwise healthy persons. Plasmablastic lymphoma (PL represents < 3% of all NHL associated with HIV infection. The aim of this study

  7. La naturaleza de la disputa entre el Norte y el Sur y las implicaciones del Tratado General de Paz para el proceso de formación de Sudán del Sur


    Silva de Freitas, Jeane; Loyolla Kuhlmann, Paulo Roberto


    Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de formación de la República del Sudán del Sur y la implementación del Tratado General de Paz (CPA) en el ámbito de los factores que influenciaron la evolución del conflicto sudanés. Por lo tanto, el objetivo es resaltar la relevancia y las consecuencias de la implementación del CPA para los dos Estados Sudaneses a partir de algunas interrogantes: ¿Por qué este tratado fue pactado? ¿Qué objetivos esperaban alcanzar y por qué se...

  8. Impact of analyzing fewer image frames per segment during offline volumetric radiofrequency based intravascular ultrasound measurements of target lesions prior to percutaneous coronary interventions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huisman, J.; Hartmann, M.; Hartmann, M.; Mintz, G.S.; van Houwelingen, G.K.; Stoel, M.G.; de Man, F.H.; Louwerenburg, H.; von Birgelen, Clemens


    In the present study, we evaluated the impact of a 50% reduction in number of image frames (every second frame) on the analysis time and variability of offline volumetric radiofrequency-based intravascular ultrasound (RF-IVUS) measurements in target lesions prior to percutaneous coronary

  9. Avaliação da dor pós-operatória em dentes tratados endodonticamente


    Ademar Luiz Waskievicz; Flávia Baldissarelli; José Roberto Vanni; Mateus Silveira Martins Hartmann; Volmir João Fornari


    O sucesso do tratamento endodôntico está diretamente relacionado ao domínio da anatomia e ao controle da infecção endodôntica. Alguns fatores, como erros de procedimento (sobre instrumentação, obturação, desvios apicais e perfurações) podem causar dor pós-operatória. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a dor pós-operatória em dentes que foram tratados endodonticamente na Unidade de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia da Faculdade Meridional – IMED CEOM, de Passo Fundo, no período de j...


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    José David Millán Cano


    Full Text Available Este artículo, más que pretender continuar con la franca crítica al Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC entre Colombia y EE.UU, busca dar una aproximación a las posibles repercusiones que este acuerdo tendrá sobre el acceso a los medicamentos de los afiliados al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS colombiano en  mediano y largo plazo.Para lograr esto, se definirá qué se entiende por Tratado de Libre Comercio, para luego realizar una breve reseña histórica de su evolución. Luego, y para entender un poco la relación que ha unido a Colombia y a EEUU en términos comerciales, se intentará dar un panorama histórico sobre el tema. Se continuará con una descripción de cómo fue el proceso de negociación sin perder de vista los antecedentes y causas de tipo político, económico, y social que motivaron un TLC entre Colombia y EEUU, teniendo en cuenta qué sectores quedaron incluidos en la negociación, qué servicios y con qué condiciones, para luego, evaluar cómo se ve afectado el derecho a la salud y sobre todo el acceso a los medicamentos para los afiliados al SGSSS colombiano a mediano y largo plazo.

  11. Histopatologia das lâminas do casco de equinos com laminite aguda induzida e tratados com ketoprofeno, fenilbutazona e flunixin meglumine Histopathology of the digital laminae from horses with acute induced laminitis treated with ketoprophen, phenylbutazone, and flunixin meglumin

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    F.O. Paes Leme


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se as alterações histológicas do tecido laminar, obtido por biopsia, em 20 equinos portadores de laminite induzida por sobrecarga de carboidratos e tratados com ketoprofeno, fenilbutazona ou flunixin meglumine. A biopsia foi colhida dos dígitos torácicos 72 horas após a indução. Os achados histológicos foram comparados com os achados de amostras de equinos isentos de laminite. Infiltrado inflamatório neutrofílico foi observado em 80%, congestão em 50%, hemorragia em 35% e hiperplasia na túnica íntima das arteríolas das lâminas dérmicas primárias em 15% das amostras. As taxas de microtrombos e coágulos foram 15% e 20%, respectivamente. Estes achados parecem decorrer dos distúrbios circulatórios que ocasionaram edema, congestão e hiperemia, seguidos de degeneração. Em 70% das análises realizadas nos animais tratados, as lesões histológicas foram inferiores aos graus de claudicação observados. Conclui-se que a biopsia de tecido laminar digital de equinos é viável, os artefatos decorrentes da técnica de biopsia não prejudicam a análise histológica das amostras e os anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais não são capazes de evitar as lesões laminares quando administrados após o início da sintomatologia clínica de laminite.Experimental laminitis caused by carbohydrate overload was induced in 20 healthy horses. Seventy two hours after induction, samples of the laminar tissue were obtained by biopsy from the thoracic limbs digits for histopathology. The histological findings were compared to samples from horses without laminitis. Neutrophilic infiltrate was observed in 80% of the samples, congestion in 50%, hemorrhage in 35%, and hyperplasia of the arteriolar intima layer of the primary dermal lamina in 15%. Thrombi and intravascular blood clots were observed in 15% and 20% of the samples, respectively. Apparently, these findings were due to circulatory changes that resulted in edema, congestion, and

  12. Los potenciales impactos del tratado de libre comercio Estados Unidos-Ecuador en el sector agrícola


    Calvache Peña, Myriam Patricia; Zambrano Illescas, José Sigifredo


    El presente trabajo analiza las ventajas y desventajas, así como los potenciales impactos de la firma del tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos, en el sector agrícola ecuatoriano. Se trata de abordar este tema a través de una exposición técnica de datos y de la experiencia internacional existente, lo que lleva a un enfoque más profundo de las grandes asimetrías que se tiene en el país del norte, en donde los agricultores reciben beneficios tanto en la producción como en la exportación,...



    Burbano Huertas, Luis Felipe; Ortega Vera, César Mauricio


    A finales del siglo XX Colombia ha ingresado paulatinamente en los procesos de libre comercialización con otros países, derivados de las dinámicas del mercado a nivel internacional; entre estos se encuentran el de la apertura económica en la década de los noventa y en la actualidad, el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC). El TLC, ha sido objeto de una serie de inconformidades planteadas por parte de algunos sectores económicos, como es el caso de los cultivadores de trigo en todo el país y partic...

  14. Tocando a las puertas del cielo. México y la negociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio


    Orozco-Martínez, Carlos E.


    Análisis de la iniciativa de Carlos Salinas de Gortari como presidente de México para la creación de un área libre de comercio con Estados Unidos y Canadá. Se hace una radiografía de lo negociado para el Tratado de Libre Comercio, como acceso a mercados, reglas de comercio, servicios, inversión y propiedad intelectual; se repasa lo visto en materia de aranceles, agricultura, industria automotriz, industria textil y petroquímica, entre otros. Incluye obra visual de Francisco Madrigal, reproduc...

  15. Intravascular Immune Surveillance by CXCR6+ NKT Cells Patrolling Liver Sinusoids

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    Geissmann Frederic


    Full Text Available We examined the in vivo behavior of liver natural killer T cells (NKT cells by intravital fluorescence microscopic imaging of mice in which a green fluorescent protein cDNA was used to replace the gene encoding the chemokine receptor CXCR6. NKT cells, which account for most CXCR6+ cells in liver, were found to crawl within hepatic sinusoids at 10-20 µm/min and to stop upon T cell antigen receptor activation. CXCR6-deficient mice exhibited a selective and severe reduction of CD1d-reactive NKT cells in the liver and decreased susceptibility to T-cell-dependent hepatitis. CXCL16, the cell surface ligand for CXCR6, is expressed on sinusoidal endothelial cells, and CXCR6 deficiency resulted in reduced survival, but not in altered speed or pattern of patrolling of NKT cells. Thus, NKT cells patrol liver sinusoids to provide intravascular immune surveillance, and CXCR6 contributes to liver-based immune responses by regulating their abundance.

  16. Local release of ATP into the arterial inflow and venous drainage of human skeletal muscle: insight from ATP determination with the intravascular microdialysis technique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Stefan; Thaning, Pia; Nyberg, Michael Permin


    is released into plasma, we measured plasma [ATP] with the intravascular microdialysis technique at rest and during dynamic exercise (normoxia and hypoxia), passive exercise, thigh compressions and arterial ATP, tyramine and ACh infusion in a total of 16 healthy young men. Femoral arterial and venous...

  17. Los tratados de arquitectura en los fondos de la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense: una aproximación al estudio de sus procedencias y antiguos poseedores.

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    Lizarraga Echaide, Juan Manuel


    Full Text Available La Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid atesora una importantísima colección de tratados de arquitectura El objeto de este artículo es reconstruir la historia de esta singular colección de libros antiguos de gran riqueza y valor y recuperar la procedencia estos tratados tanto con respecto a las bibliotecas de las instituciones docentes que forman parte de la historia de la Universidad como a las importantes bibliotecas personales que se han ido incorporando a su patrimonio bibliográfico. El conocimiento de las antiguas procedencias constituye una información valiosa que permite nuevas oportunidades de investigación histórica y bibliográfica


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    Teresa NUNES


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este artigo analisa a diplomacia comercial portuguesa face à Espanha, no decurso da segunda metade do séc. XIX. Pretende, especialmente, acompanhar as várias negociações comerciais desenvolvidas entre os países ibéricos, nas décadas de 1860, 70, 80 e 90, as quais culminaram na celebração do tratado de comércio e navegação de 1893. Procura, igualmente, avaliar as tendências políticas nacionais sobre os aspectos positivos e negativos associados ao fortalecimento das ligações econômicas com a Espanha. Neste exercício, é possível identificar um papel renovado da Espanha na geopolítica portuguesa, como nas perspectivas de crescimento econômico subsequentes ao Ultimatum (1890 e à denúncia dos tratados de comércio e navegação celebrados com a Inglaterra (1842/1878.

  19. Prediction of postpercutaneous coronary intervention myocardial infarction: insights from intravascular imaging, coronary flow, and biomarker evaluation. (United States)

    Hoole, Stephen P; Hernández-Sánchez, Jules; Brown, Adam J; Giblett, Joel P; Bennett, Martin R; West, Nick E J


    Percutaneous coronary intervention-induced myocardial infarction (PMI) has prognostic significance. Identifying patients at high risk for PMI is desirable as it may alter strategy and facilitate early preventative therapy. We therefore sought to establish whether preprocedural demographic, interventional (plaque characteristics and coronary microcirculatory function), and inflammatory, endothelial damage, and platelet-derived biomarker data could predict the risk of PMI. We performed target vessel pressure wire to assess fractional flow reserve, index of microcirculatory resistance (IMR) and coronary flow reserve, plaque characterization by virtual histology intravascular ultrasound, and assayed peripheral biomarkers before uncomplicated PCI in 88 patients. We then analyzed post-PCI cardiac troponin level to adjudicate PMI based on the third universal definition of myocardial infarction. Overall incidence of PMI was 27%. Women [10/15 (66%) vs. 14/73 (19%), PPMI. Preprocedural coronary flow reserve was lower in individuals with a subsequent PMI (1.8±1.2 vs. 2.1±1.3. P=0.03), and patients with higher pre-PCI IMR were more likely to sustain PMI [IMR>22: 10/23 (44%) vs. ≤22: 14/65 (22%), P=0.04], although neither was predictive after multivariate analysis. Plaque characterization by virtual histology intravascular ultrasound did not discriminate those at risk of PMI. However, peripheral venous interleukin (IL)-18 and IL-8 levels were independently negatively and positively associated with PMI, respectively. Women and those with low BMI, particularly when associated with high IL-8 and low IL-18 levels, appear to be at increased risk of PMI.

  20. Intravascular ultrasound based dose assessment in endovascular brachytherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Catalano, Gianpiero; Tamburini, Vittorio; Colombo, Antonio; Nishida, Takahiro; Parisi, Giovanni; Mazzetta, Chiara; Orecchia, Roberto


    Background: the role of endovascular brachytherapy in restenosis prevention is well documented. Dose is usually prescribed at a fixed distance from the source axis by angiographic quantification of vessel diameter. Recently, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) was introduced in dose prescription, allowing a better evaluation of the vessel anatomy. This study retrospectively explores the difference between prescription following angiographic vessel sizing and delivered dose calculated with IVUS. Methods and results: Seventeen lesions were studied with IVUS, identifying on irradiated segment, three sections on which measuring minimal and maximal distance from the centre of IVUS catheter to the adventitia; using dedicated software, corresponding doses were calculated. The dose ranged widely, with maximal and minimal values of 71.6 and 4.9 Gy; furthermore, heterogeneity in dose among different sections was observed. In the central section, the maximal dose was 206% of the one prescribed with the QCA model at 2 mm from the source axis, while the minimal dose was 96%. In proximal and distal sections, respective values were 182, 45, 243, and 122%. Conclusions: Our analysis confirmed the dose inhomogeneity delivered with an angiographic fixed-dose prescription strategy. A dose variation was found along the irradiated segment due to the differences in vessel thickness. IVUS emerged as an important tool in endovascular brachytherapy, especially for irregular-shaped vessels

  1. Efficacy of alfaxalone for intravascular anesthesia and euthanasia in blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). (United States)

    Minter, Larry J; Harms, Craig A; Archibald, Kate E; Broadhurst, Heather; Bailey, Kate M; Christiansen, Emily F; Lewbart, Gregory A; Posner, Lysa P


    The objective of this study was to characterize the behavioral effects and changes in heart rate of four doses of alfaxalone delivered by intravascular injection to blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Thirty (male, n = 27; female, n = 3) blue crabs were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups of alfaxalone: eight animals were assigned to each of the 5-, 10-, and 15-mg/kg treatment groups, and the remaining six animals were assigned to the 100-mg/kg group. Times for anesthetic induction and recovery periods were recorded. Righting reflex, defensive posturing, and heart rate were evaluated before, during, and after the anesthetic trial. Anesthesia was induced in all 14 animals consolidated into the high-dosage group (15 mg/kg [n = 8] and 100 mg/kg [n = 6]), which was significantly greater than 8 of 16 animals in the low-dosage group (5 mg/kg [n = 2] and 10 mg/kg [n = 6]). Median anesthesia induction time for all crabs was 0.4 min, with no significant difference in induction time between groups observed. Median recovery time was 9.4 min (n = 2), 6.1 min (n = 5), 11.3 min (n = 8), and 66.1 min (n = 5) for the 5-, 10-, 15-, and 100-mg/kg groups, respectively. Recovery times were significantly longer for crabs exposed to an induction dose of 100 mg/kg compared with the 10- and 15-mg/kg induction doses. A significant decrease in the median heart rate was observed between the baseline value and that observed at both induction and 5 min postinjection in the 100-mg/kg dose trial. Two mortalities were observed during the anesthesia trials (n = 1, 10 mg/kg; n = 1, 100 mg/kg), both associated with the autotomization of limbs. In summary, the intravascular administration of alfaxalone at 15 mg/kg provided rapid and reliable sedation, whereas alfaxalone administered at 100 mg/kg produced rapid and long lasting anesthesia.

  2. Fulminant intravascular lymphomatosis mimicking acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalopathy. (United States)

    Marino, D; Sicurelli, F; Cerase, A; Tripodi, S; Cintorino, M; Lazzi, S; Federico, A


    Intravascular lymphomatosis (IVL) is a rare non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, usually of B cell lineage, characterized by massive angiotropic growth. The clinical presentation of IVL may include changes in mental status, non-localizing neurological deficits, seizures, fever of unknown origin and skin changes. Because of its rarity and the absence of specific diagnostic procedures except for cerebral biopsy, diagnosis is often postmortem. Brain MRI usually shows non-specific abnormalities. The purpose of this case report is to increase the knowledge of clinical and neuroimaging features of IVL by describing the findings observed in a 71-year-old patient. A 71-year-old male was admitted for right hemiparesis, acute cognitive impairment and febricula. A bone marrow biopsy resulted normal. He then developed a rapid progressive impairment of his mental status and left hemisoma motor seizures. Brain CT and MRI were interpreted as consistent with acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalopathy (AHLE), including multiple areas of restricted diffusion without gadolinium enhancement and a small focal area of gadolinium enhancement in the left temporal lobe white matter. The patient died within a few days and the autopsy led to the diagnosis of IVL. IVL may present with a variety of clinical signs and symptoms, including stroke and hemiparesis. IVL may mimic AHLE at brain MRI. However, the evidence of multiple areas of restricted diffusion without gadolinium enhancement and of a small area of gadolinium enhancement could have led to the correct diagnosis. IVL should be added to the differential diagnosis of AHLE at brain MRI. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Prevalência de alta reatividade plaquetária em pacientes tratados com aspirina encaminhados para angiografia coronária

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    André Manica

    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A aspirina (Ácido Acetilsalicílico - AAS é capaz de reduzir eventos adversos cardiovasculares em pacientes portadores de Doença Arterial Coronariana (DAC através da inibição da atividade plaquetária. Alguns pacientes com DAC, apesar da terapia com AAS, apresentam Alta Reatividade Plaquetária (ARP, o que determina um maior risco para o desenvolvimento de eventos cardiovasculares. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência de ARP em pacientes tratados com AAS e encaminhados para cinecoronariografia, além de avaliar se existe uma possível correlação entre a gravidade da DAC e o desenvolvimento de ARP. MÉTODOS: Estudo de centro único onde foram incluídos 115 pacientes consecutivos, tratados com AAS e portadores de DAC estável. A reatividade plaquetária induzida pelo ADP e colágeno foram avaliadas através da Agregometria de Transmitância Luminosa (ATL. Pacientes com agregação plaquetária maior que 70%, induzida por ambos os reagentes, foram classificados como tendo ARP e, neste grupo, a adesão ao tratamento com AAS foi avaliada através da dosagem dos níveis séricos de salicilato. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi de 60,9 anos e a dose média de AAS foi de 164,2 mg. Tabagismo e diabetes melito estavam presentes em 28,7% e 31,5% dos pacientes, respectivamente. Foi encontrada ARP em 14 pacientes (13%, entretanto, em sete indivíduos (50% com ARP observaram-se baixos níveis séricos de salicilato (< 2,0 µg/mL, sugerindo não adesão à terapia medicamentosa. Em 6,5% dos pacientes com ARP identificou-se níveis detectáveis de salicilato sérico, sugerindo uma eficácia reduzida do AAS. A ARP se correlacionou com o número e a gravidade das estenoses coronárias (p = 0,04. CONCLUSÃO: Em uma população de pacientes tratados com AAS e encaminhados para angiografia coronária, a reatividade plaquetária elevada é prevalente (13%, sendo 50% destes pacientes não aderentes à terapia farmacol


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    Algranati L


    Full Text Available Los cirróticos desarrollan hiperaldosteronismo secundario en estadios avanzados de su enfermedad, requiriendo tratamiento con furosemida + espironolactona. El manejo tubular del potasio (K en estos pacientes bajo dicho esquema diurético combinado (antagónico no ha sido aun estudiado, por lo cual decidimos describir el valor de la excreción fraccional (EF de potasio y del gradiente transtubular de potasio (GTTK en esta población bajo dichos diuréticos. Material y Método: Se evaluó prospectivamente la EF de sodio (Na, EFK y GTTK en 18 pacientes (11 hombres, edad promedio 56 años, normokalémicos, cirróticos (Ci compensados estadios Child Pugh A, B y C, MELD medio 22, portadores de filtrado glomerular, sedimento urinario y ecografía renal normales, tratados con furosemida + espironolactona y dieta hiposódica. Grupo control: 10 voluntarios sanos bajo igual dieta (S. Análisis estadístico: Wilcoxon. Resultados: Kalemia (mmol/l: 4 ± 0.5 (Ci vs. 4 ± 0.3 (S, p=NS; EFNa (%: 0.8 ± 0.4 (Ci vs. 0.5 ± 0.3 (S p=NS; EFK (%: 9.1 ±3 (Ci vs. 10±2 (S, p=NS; GGTK: 6 ±2 (Ci vs. 4 ±1 (S, p=0.04. Conclusión: Observamos que en cirróticos tratados con furosemida + espironolactona, existe un incremento significativo de la excreción urinaria de potasio, sólo evidenciable por el GTTK.

  5. Intravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia (Masson’s Tumor) of the Radial Artery: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stark, Christopher, E-mail: [University of Vermont Medical Center, Department of Radiology (United States); Olsen, Daniel [Mayo Clinic, Department of Pathology (United States); Morris, Christopher [University of Vermont Medical Center, Department of Radiology (United States); Bertges, Daniel [University of Vermont Medical Center, Department of Surgery (United States); Najarian, Kenneth [University of Vermont Medical Center, Department of Radiology (United States)


    Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (IPEH), often referred to as Masson’s tumor, is a benign non-neoplastic vascular lesion of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Although it is rare, knowledge of the existence of IPEH is important as it can mimic other benign and malignant tumors, most notably angiosarcoma. IPEH remains an incompletely understood entity; however, most consider it to be the result of reactive endothelial proliferation following thrombus formation within a vessel, vascular malformation, or adjacent to a vessel. In this article, we report a case of IPEH arising within an arteriovenous malformation of the radial artery and present accompanying multimodality imaging and pathology figures. We will also describe the clinical presentation, pathophysiology, histology, imaging features, and management of IPEH.

  6. Intravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia (Masson’s Tumor) of the Radial Artery: A Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stark, Christopher; Olsen, Daniel; Morris, Christopher; Bertges, Daniel; Najarian, Kenneth


    Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (IPEH), often referred to as Masson’s tumor, is a benign non-neoplastic vascular lesion of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Although it is rare, knowledge of the existence of IPEH is important as it can mimic other benign and malignant tumors, most notably angiosarcoma. IPEH remains an incompletely understood entity; however, most consider it to be the result of reactive endothelial proliferation following thrombus formation within a vessel, vascular malformation, or adjacent to a vessel. In this article, we report a case of IPEH arising within an arteriovenous malformation of the radial artery and present accompanying multimodality imaging and pathology figures. We will also describe the clinical presentation, pathophysiology, histology, imaging features, and management of IPEH.

  7. "La pequeña y mediana empresa ante la apertura comercial y el tratado de libre comercio"


    Beltran Cázares, Graciela


    En México la pequeña y mediana empresa constituye, hoy en día, el contro del sistema económico del país, debido a que más del 95% de las empresas son pequeñas y medianas. Estas proporcionan más de la mitad de todos los empleos de la nación, incluyendo actividades que no son comerciales, ofrecen el campo experimental en donde se generan con frecuencia nuevos productos, nuevas ideas, nuevas técnicas y nuevas formas de hacer las cosas. México firmó el Diecisiete de Diciembre de 1992 un Tratado d...

  8. Dynamic magnetic resonance angiography of the arteries of the hand. A comparison between an extracellular and an intravascular contrast agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reisinger, Clemens; Gluecker, Thomas; Jacob, Augustinus Ludwig; Bongartz, Georg; Bilecen, Deniz


    The purpose of this study was to compare the image quality of the intravascular contrast agent gadofosveset with the extracellular contrast agent gadoterate meglumine in time-resolved three-dimensional magnetic resonance (MR) angiography of the human arteries of the hand. The value of cuff compression technique for suppression of venous enhancement for both contrast agents was also investigated. Three-dimensional MR angiograms of both hands of 11 healthy volunteers were acquired for each contrast agent at 1.5-T, while subsystolic cuff compression was applied at one side. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation were performed and analyzed with Student's t-test. Visualization of vessels was superior in the images acquired with gadofosveset, especially in the late phases. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation showed significantly higher values for gadofosveset. The cuff compression at the lower arm proved to be an effective method to enhance arterial vessels. In conclusion the blood pool agent gadofosveset is superior for the dynamic imaging of the vessels of the hand when compared with the extracellular contrast agent gadoterate meglumine. To fully utilize the advantages of intravascular contrast agents, venous overlay has to be delayed or reduced, which can be achieved effectively by subsystolic lower arm cuff compression. (orig.)

  9. Observation of Intravascular Changes of Superabsorbent Polymer Microsphere (SAP-MS) with Monochromatic X-Ray Imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanimoto, Daigo; Ito, Katsuyoshi; Yamamoto, Akira; Sone, Teruki; Kobatake, Makito; Tamada, Tsutomu; Umetani, Keiji


    This study was designed to evaluate the intravascular transformation behavior of superabsorbent polymer microsphere (SAP-MS) in vivo macroscopically by using monochromatic X-ray imaging and to quantitatively compare the expansion rate of SAP-MS among different kinds of mixtures. Fifteen rabbits were used for our study and transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) was performed for their auricular arteries using monochromatic X-ray imaging. We used three kinds of SAP-MS (particle diameter 100-150 μm) mixture as embolic spherical particles: SAP-MS(H) absorbed with sodium meglumine ioxaglate (Hexabrix 320), SAP-MS(V) absorbed with isosmolar contrast medium (Visipaque 270), and SAP-MS(S) absorbed with 0.9% sodium saline. The initial volume of SAP-MS particles just after TAE and its final volume 10 minutes after TAE in the vessel were measured to calculate the expansion rate (ER) (n = 30). Intravascular behavior of SAP-MS particles was clearly observed in real time at monochromatic X-ray imaging. Averaged initial volumes of SAP-MS (H) (1.24 x 10 7 μm 3 ) were significantly smaller (p 7 μm 3 ) and SAP-MS (S) (5.85 x 10 7 μm 3 ). Averaged final volumes of SAP-MS (H) were significantly larger than averaged initial volumes (4.41 x 10 7 μm 3 vs. 1.24 x 10 7 μm 3 ; p < 0.0001, ER = 3.55). There were no significant difference between averaged final volumes and averaged initial volumes of SAP-MS (V) and SAP-MS (S). SAP-MS (H), which first travels distally, reaches to small arteries, and then expands to adapt to the vessel lumen, is an effective particle as an embolic agent, causing effective embolization.

  10. Comparação das reservas glicogênicas em ratos jovens e envelhecidos tratados com picolinato de cromo


    Rodrigues,Marcella Damas; Borin,Sérgio Henrique; Paulino,Patrícia Carla; Arruda,Eder João; Silva,Carlos Alberto da


    INTRODUÇÃO: Entre os suplementos utilizados no meio esportivo, o mineral cromo tem se destacado, principalmente por potencializar a ação da via insulínica, ação extremamente importante na manutenção da homeostasia metabólica. A ação do cromo parece ter ação importante como coadjuvante nas dinâmicas da ação insulínica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o perfil glicogênico, bem como a sensibilidade tecidual à insulina e a pancreática à glicose em ratos jovens e envelhecidos tratados com picolinato de cro...

  11. Perfil eletrocardiográfico e conteúdo glicogênico muscular de ratos tratados com nandrolona

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    Carlos Alberto da Silva


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Considerou-se o uso indiscriminado de esteroides tanto por atletas de elite quanto por praticantes de atividades físicas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do decanoato de nandrolona sobre o perfil eletrocardiográfico, conteúdo glicogênico e de proteínas totais dos músculos cardíacos e esqueléticos, bem como as concentrações plasmática de albumina. MÉTODOS: Os animais do grupo tratado receberam a droga na concentração 5 mg/kg pela via subcutânea, duas vezes por semana, durante três semanas. Uma vez por semana, os ratos foram anestesiados com Pentobarbital sódico (50 mg/kg, ip e submetidos à avaliação por meio do eletrocardiograma (ECG. Após o período experimental, amostras dos músculos cardíaco (ventrículo esquerdo - VE, sóleo (S, gastrocnêmio branco (GB, gastrocnêmio vermelho (GV, peitoral (P, intercostal (IC e diafragma (D foram prontamente coletadas e analisadas. Os dados (média ± epm foram avaliados de acordo com ANOVA, segundo teste de Tukey (p>0,05. RESULTADOS: Os ratos do grupo tratado apresentaram alterações nos seguintes parâmetros cardíacos: intervalo QRS, intervalo QTc e frequência cardíaca, caracterizados por um aumento desses, tendo o ápice no intervalo da semana de pré-tratamento para a primeira semana. As reservas de glicogênio no VE apresentaram aumento de 127%. Em relação à quantidade de proteínas totais, a diferença significativa foi constatada no S, GV e D. Quanto ao perfil bioquímico e ao hematócrito, foi observado um aumento na porcentagem de eritrócitos. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo mostra que importantes alterações cardíacas são deflagradas precocemente, sugerindo uma hierarquia na sequência de modificações que comprometem a homeostasia do organismo.

  12. Primary Intra-aortic Epstein-Barr Virus-Positive Large B-Cell Lymphoma Presenting as Aortic Mural Thrombosis: An Entity Distinct From Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma. (United States)

    Nakao, Ryuta; Sakashita, Aki; Omoto, Atsushi; Sato, Osamu; Hino, Yoko; Yanagisawa, Akio; Urata, Yoji


    Intravascular selective growth of neoplastic B lymphocytes is a characteristic finding of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL). However, because neoplastic B cells of IVLBCL grow merely in the lumina of capillaries or small vessels, primary IVLBCL of the great vessels is considered exceptional. To our knowledge, only 2 primary B-cell lymphomas in the lumina of the vena cava have been reported. However, there has been no report of primary B-cell lymphoma with intra-aortic growth. We describe a novel manifestation of primary Epstein-Barr virus-positive large B-cell lymphoma mainly affecting the lumina of the aorta and its major branches in a 76-year-old man. He had a long-term fever that was refractory to antibiotics and aortic mural thrombosis with visceral embolization. Because he had no detectable mass suggesting a malignancy, it was difficult to diagnose while he was alive. He died without anticancer treatment, and the confirmed diagnosis was made at autopsy.

  13. Evaluation of cerebral intravascular blood flow by time density curve study of intravenous digital subtraction angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Imamura, Toru; Kogure, Kyuya (Tohoku Univ., Sendai (Japan). School of Medicine); Sekine, Teiko; Satoh, Kei; Endoh, Minoru; Tsuburaya, Kenji; Hoshi, Akihiko


    Time density curve (TDC) can be reconstructed from the data of intravenous digital subtraction angiography (IVDSA). We evaluated peak time (PT) and modal transit time (MOTT) of the TDC as the probable indicator of cerebral intravascular blood flow. Cerebral IVDSA and single photon emission CT (SPECT) were performed on 12 patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease, which consisted of 3 internal carotid artery (ICA) occlusions, one middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion, one anterior cerebral artery (ACA) branch occlusion and 7 lacunar infarctions. We classified former 4 patients as occlusion group and latter 8 as reference group. In 3 patients (2 ICA and one MCA occlusions), SPECT study revealed definite hypoaccumulation in the MCA territory of occlusive side. Two regions of interest (ROI) were placed on the territories of right and left middle cerebral arteries in the frontal view of cerebral IVDSA. Digital data processor fitted {gamma} curve to the TDC of each ROI, and calculated PT and MOTT. The absolute lateralities of PT and MOTT of MCA territory was significantly (p<0.05) larger in occlusion group than reference group. Patients with hypoaccumulation in SPECT had significantly (p<0.02) larger laterality of MOTT than patients with isoaccumulation. One ICA occluded patient without hypoaccumulation in corresponding MCA territory had relatively small laterality of MOTT similar to the patients of ACA branch occlusion and lacunar infarction. These results suggest that PT and MOTT are possible to detect the laterality of the intravascular blood flow in MCA territories caused by major artery occlusion. Cerebral TDC study of IVDSA may be useful in some clinical therapeutic situations such as hemodilution or intra-arterial thrombolysis, and worth further clinical evaluation. (author).

  14. Desenvolvimento do feijão caupi (vigna unguiculata l.walp utilizando as cinzas de bagaço da cana-de-açúcar e efluente tratado

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    José Airlys Garcia de Menezes


    Full Text Available A grande quantidade de cinzas gerada pelos engenhos, proveniente da queima do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar, ou seja, a necessidade de redução de emissões advindas dessa queima, fazem com que se busquem alternativas para diminuir essas emissões, assim como para a utilização racional dessas cinzas em diversas culturas, como na produção do feijão caupi.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos das cinzas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar com efluente tratados, no desenvolvimento inicial da cultura do Feijão caupi (Vigna unguiculata L.Walp. O estudo foi desenvolvido na estação de tratamento de esgoto da Faculdade de Tecnologia CENTEC – FATEC Cariri, utilizando-se de tratamentos T1- Efluente tratado do filtro anaeróbio juntamente com as cinzas do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar; T2- Água proveniente de poço juntamente com as cinzas do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar; T3- Água proveniente de poço sem aplicação de cinzas; com três épocas de coletas, compondo um modelo de experimento inteiramente casualizado. Contudo os valores de altura e o diâmetro caulinar foram mais elevados nas plantas cultivadas com a aplicação das cinzas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar com efluente tratados. Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE

  15. Application of Gafchromic registered film in the dosimetry of an intravascular brachytherapy source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song Haijun; Roa, D. Eduardo; Yue Ning; D'Errico, Francesco; Chen Zhe; Nath, Ravinder


    The methodology of brachytherapy source dosimetry with Gafchromic registered MD 55-2 film (ISP Technologies, Inc.) is examined with an emphasis on the nonlinearity of the optical density-dose relation within the dynamic dose range, the radial distance-dependent measurement uncertainty, and the format of data presentation. The specific source chosen for this study was a Checkmate trade mark sign (Cordis Corporation) intravascular brachytherapy system. The two-dimensional dose distribution around the source was characterized by a comprehensive analysis of measurement uncertainties. A comparative analysis of the dosimetric data from the vendor and from the scientific literature showed a substantial consistency of the information available for the Checkmate trade mark sign source. Our two-dimensional dosimetric data for the Checkmate trade mark sign source trains is presented in the form of measured along and away dose tables

  16. Qualidade pós-colheita de quivi 'Hayward' tratado com 1-MCP e armazenado sob diferentes atmosferas

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    Marcelo José Vieira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do 1-MCP sobre o amadurecimento e a qualidade pós-colheita de quivi 'Hayward' armazenado sob diferentes atmosferas. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, com frutos colhidos em pomar comercial localizado em Fraiburgo-SC. No experimento 1, os frutos foram tratados com três doses de 1-MCP (0,0; 0,5 ou 1,0 µL L-1 e armazenados sob atmosfera controlada (AC, contendo 2,0kPa de O2 + 4,5kPa de CO2, a 0ºC ± 0,5ºC, 92 ± 3% UR, e com <40 ηL L-1 de etileno no ambiente, durante 90 e 120 dias, mais sete dias de vida de prateleira a 23ºC. No experimento 2, os frutos foram tratados com 0,0 ou 0,7 µL L-1 de 1-MCP e armazenados sob atmosfera ambiente (AA, contendo 21 kPa de O2 + 0,03 kPa de CO2, a 0 ± 0,5ºC, 90 ± 3% UR, e com 200 a 250 ηL L-1 de etileno no ambiente, durante 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias, mais um e sete dias de vida de prateleira a 23ºC ou AC (contendo 2,0 kPa de O2 + 4,5 kPa de CO2, a 0ºC ± 0,5ºC, 92 ± 3% UR, e com <40 ηL L-1 de etileno no ambiente, durante 60, 90, 120 e 150 dias, mais um e sete dias de vida de prateleira a 23ºC. Os benefícios do tratamento com 1-MCP sobre a conservação da qualidade foram observados tanto para frutos armazenados sob AA quanto sob AC. No experimento 1, não houve diferença entre as doses de 1-MCP de 0,5 e 1,0 µL L-1 sobre o controle do amadurecimento e manutenção da qualidade dos frutos armazenados em AC. No experimento 2, o tratamento com 1-MCP retardou o aumento na taxa de produção de etileno após remoção de câmara fria. A redução da taxa de produção de etileno nos frutos tratados com 1-MCP foi associada ao aumento na conservação da firmeza da polpa sob AC e AA, e redução na incidência de pericarpo translúcido sob AA. O potencial de armazenamento foi aumentado pelo tratamento com 1-MCP em aproximadamente 60 e 30 dias, nos frutos armazenados sob AA e AC, respectivamente.

  17. Imminent Cardiac Risk Assessment via Optical Intravascular Biochemical Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wetzel, D.; Wetzel, L; Wetzel, M; Lodder, R


    Heart disease is by far the biggest killer in the United States, and type II diabetes, which affects 8% of the U.S. population, is on the rise. In many cases, the acute coronary syndrome and/or sudden cardiac death occurs without warning. Atherosclerosis has known behavioral, genetic and dietary risk factors. However, our laboratory studies with animal models and human post-mortem tissue using FT-IR microspectroscopy reveal the chemical microstructure within arteries and in the arterial walls themselves. These include spectra obtained from the aortas of ApoE-/- knockout mice on sucrose and normal diets showing lipid deposition in the former case. Also pre-aneurysm chemical images of knockout mouse aorta walls, and spectra of plaque excised from a living human patient are shown for comparison. In keeping with the theme of the SPEC 2008 conference Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Disease this paper describes the background and potential value of a new catheter-based system to provide in vivo biochemical analysis of plaque in human coronary arteries. We report the following: (1) results of FT-IR microspectroscopy on animal models of vascular disease to illustrate the localized chemical distinctions between pathological and normal tissue, (2) current diagnostic techniques used for risk assessment of patients with potential unstable coronary syndromes, and (3) the advantages and limitations of each of these techniques illustrated with patent care histories, related in the first person, by the physician coauthors. Note that the physician comments clarify the contribution of each diagnostic technique to imminent cardiac risk assessment in a clinical setting, leading to the appreciation of what localized intravascular chemical analysis can contribute as an add-on diagnostic tool. The quality of medical imaging has improved dramatically since the turn of the century. Among clinical non-invasive diagnostic tools, laboratory tests of body fluids, EKG, and physical examination are

  18. Crescimento e produtividade da mamoneira irrigada com diferentes diluições de esgoto doméstico tratado Growth and production of castor bean irrigated with different dilutions of domestic wastewater

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    Mário C. de F. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar, neste trabalho, os efeitos da irrigação com água de esgoto doméstico sobre as variáveis de crescimento e produtividade da mamoneira, genótipo EBDA MPB 01, em condições de campo. A pesquisa foi realizada no período de dezembro de 2009 a junho 2010, na Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Campus de Cruz das Almas. Foram estudadas quatro diferentes proporções de diluição de esgoto doméstico tratado em comparação com o tratamento testemunha (adubação e irrigação convencional, da seguinte forma: T1 - 100% do efluente tratado; T2 - 75% do efluente tratado mais 25% de água de poço artesiano; T3 - 50% do efluente tratado mais 50% de água de poço artesiano; T4 - 25% do efluente tratado mais 75% de água de poço artesiano e T5 - manejo convencional (adubação química e irrigação suplementar com água de poço artesiano. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados (DBC com quatro blocos cada tratamento, constituindo de 20 parcelas experimentais. A produtividade da mamoneira não apresentou diferença estatística entre os tratamentos. O uso de água residuária de esgoto doméstico na cultura da mamoneira, não afetou as variáveis de crescimento analisadas.The effects of the irrigation with domestic wastewater effluent on the growth variables and the productivity of castor bean, genotyps EBDA MPB 01, were evaluated under field conditions. The research was carried out from December 2009 to June 2010, at UFRB experimental area, in Cruz das Almas, BA. Four different proportions of dilution of domestic wastewater effluent in comparison with the conventional treatment were studied, in the following way: T1 - 100% of the treated effluent; T2 - 75% of the effluent +25% of artesian well water; T3 - 50% of the efluent +50% of artesian well water; T4 - 25% of the effluent +75% of artesian well water; T5 - conventional treatment (chemical fertilization and supplementary irrigation with water of

  19. Transcatheter Arterial Embolization for Postpartum Hemorrhage with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: Outcome Assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    An, Eun Jung; Kim, Young Hwan; Kwon, Bo Ra; Kim, See Hyung [Dept. of Radiology, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of)


    We evaluated the efficacy and predictors of clinical outcome after transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) for treatment of postpartum hemorrhage with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Of 127 patients who underwent TAE for postpartum hemorrhage, 46 progressed to DIC (group 1), 81 showed normal range hematological parameters (group 2). We retrospectively evaluated etiology, embolization methods and the efficacy of TAE for intergroup comparison Pearson Chi-Square test and logistic regression model. Overall TAE failed to control bleeding in 9 patients in spite of technical success. Lower bleeding control rate was found in group 2 (82.6%) relative to group 1 (98.8%, p = 0.001). And embolization methods were not statistically different between two groups no statistically significant predictors associated with failed hemostasis except the amount of transfusion in group 1. Although bleeding control rate is lower in postpartum hemorrhage with DIC than without DIC, we believe that TAE with correction of DIC is an effective method for postpartum hemorrhage with DIC.

  20. Transcatheter Arterial Embolization for Postpartum Hemorrhage with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: Outcome Assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    An, Eun Jung; Kim, Young Hwan; Kwon, Bo Ra; Kim, See Hyung


    We evaluated the efficacy and predictors of clinical outcome after transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) for treatment of postpartum hemorrhage with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Of 127 patients who underwent TAE for postpartum hemorrhage, 46 progressed to DIC (group 1), 81 showed normal range hematological parameters (group 2). We retrospectively evaluated etiology, embolization methods and the efficacy of TAE for intergroup comparison Pearson Chi-Square test and logistic regression model. Overall TAE failed to control bleeding in 9 patients in spite of technical success. Lower bleeding control rate was found in group 2 (82.6%) relative to group 1 (98.8%, p = 0.001). And embolization methods were not statistically different between two groups no statistically significant predictors associated with failed hemostasis except the amount of transfusion in group 1. Although bleeding control rate is lower in postpartum hemorrhage with DIC than without DIC, we believe that TAE with correction of DIC is an effective method for postpartum hemorrhage with DIC.

  1. Solubilidade de metais pesados em solos tratados com lodo de esgoto enriquecido

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    C. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os lodos de esgoto são materiais orgânicos ricos em nutrientes com potencial para o uso agrícola. A utilização desses materiais, no entanto, pode ser limitada pela presença de metais pesados na sua composição. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivos: (a avaliar a solubilidade de Cd, Pb e Zn em dois tipos de solos tratados com lodo de esgoto enriquecido com esses metais; (b verificar o efeito do tempo de contato nas mudanças da distribuição de Cd, Pb e Zn nas diferentes formas químicas de dois solos tratados com lodo de esgoto enriquecido com esses metais; (c verificar a influência das frações inorgânicas e orgânicas do lodo na dinâmica destes metais no solo. O enriquecimento do lodo de esgoto consistiu em adicionar Cd, Pb e Zn a um lodo de esgoto urbano produzido na Estação de Tratamento da Ilha do Governador (ETIG, Rio de Janeiro (RJ. Após 20 dias de incubação, sob umidade constante (50 % g g-1, o lodo enriquecido foi utilizado para a instalação de experimentos em amostras de duas classes de solos: Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LV e Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (PV. Em laboratório, as amostras dos solos foram incubadas com quantidades equivalentes a 0; 20; 40 e 80 t ha-1 de lodo de esgoto enriquecido. Nos tempos de contato solo-lodo enriquecido de 4, 12, 16, 24 e 160 semanas, amostras de solos foram retiradas e submetidas à extração seqüencial de Cd, Pb e Zn. Observou-se, através da extração seqüencial, que compostos orgânicos solúveis formaram complexos, principalmente com cádmio e zinco, mantendo teores elevados destes elementos associados à fração solúvel em água durante todo o período experimental. A incorporação de compostos inorgânicos de Fe e Mn, através do lodo de esgoto, permitiu que o Cd, Pb e Zn se ligassem em sua maior parte, à fração extraível com hidroxilamina. Com o tempo de incubação, observou-se decréscimo dessa fração com aumento da fração residual, indicando decréscimo na

  2. Tratado de libre comercio entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos desde el análisis económico del derecho


    Aldana Carrillo, Diego David


    El presente trabajo es una aproximación al Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos desde el Análisis Económico del Derecho. Inicialmente se reconstruye la normativa del acuerdo y sus funciones económicas fundamentales, contextualizando el libre comercio con Estados Unidos desde una perspectiva comparada, y analizando su papel tanto en el ámbito de la economía globalizada como en el ordenamiento jurídico nacional. Posteriormente se realiza una aproximación conceptual al A...

  3. Dose-volume histograms based on serial intravascular ultrasound: a calculation model for radioactive stents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirisits, Christian; Wexberg, Paul; Gottsauner-Wolf, Michael; Pokrajac, Boris; Ortmann, Elisabeth; Aiginger, Hannes; Glogar, Dietmar; Poetter, Richard


    Background and purpose: Radioactive stents are under investigation for reduction of coronary restenosis. However, the actual dose delivered to specific parts of the coronary artery wall based on the individual vessel anatomy has not been determined so far. Dose-volume histograms (DVHs) permit an estimation of the actual dose absorbed by the target volume. We present a method to calculate DVHs based on intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) measurements to determine the dose distribution within the vessel wall. Materials and methods: Ten patients were studied by intravascular ultrasound after radioactive stenting (BX Stent, P-32, 15-mm length) to obtain tomographic cross-sections of the treated segments. We developed a computer algorithm using the actual dose distribution of the stent to calculate differential and cumulative DVHs. The minimal target dose, the mean target dose, the minimal doses delivered to 10 and 90% of the adventitia (DV10, DV90), and the percentage of volume receiving a reference dose at 0.5 mm from the stent surface cumulated over 28 days were derived from the DVH plots. Results were expressed as mean±SD. Results: The mean activity of the stents was 438±140 kBq at implantation. The mean reference dose was 111±35 Gy, whereas the calculated mean target dose within the adventitia along the stent was 68±20 Gy. On average, DV90 and DV10 were 33±9 Gy and 117±41 Gy, respectively. Expanding the target volume to include 2.5-mm-long segments at the proximal and distal ends of the stent, the calculated mean target dose decreased to 55±17 Gy, and DV 90 and DV 10 were 6.4±2.4 Gy and 107±36 Gy, respectively. Conclusions: The assessment of DVHs seems in principle to be a valuable tool for both prospective and retrospective analysis of dose-distribution of radioactive stents. It may provide the basis to adapt treatment planning in coronary brachytherapy to the common standards of radiotherapy

  4. Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma presenting with anasarca-type edema and acute renal failure. (United States)

    Bilgili, Serap Gunes; Yılmaz, Deniz; Soyoral, Yasemin Usul; Karadag, Ayse Serap; Bayram, Irfan


    Intravascular lymphoma (IVL) is a rare extra nodal subtype (usually of B-cell origin) presenting with infiltration of large neoplastic lymphocytes into lumina of blood vessels, leading to vascular occlusion. The early diagnosis is very crucial, however it is usually diagnosed postmortem investigation in most of the cases. A 56-year-old female presented with elevated creatinine level, and anasarca-type edema that superimposed with hard, indurated, erythematous plaques extending to inguinal region, abdomen, anterior aspect of chest, and face. B-cell IVL was confirmed with skin biopsy. The patient had some degree of clinical improvement following chemotherapy. B-cell IVL presenting with anasarca edema was not previously reported in the literature. Even if its rarity, IVL should be considered in the differential diagnosis of renal failure with anasarca edema.

  5. EL TRATADO ANTÁRTICO. Algunas aproximaciones teórico-conceptuales acerca del debate en torno a la soberanía

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    María Pía Rossomando Ramírez


    Full Text Available Como es sabido, la Antártida no pertenece a ningún Estado y por lo tanto debatir sobre soberanía sería, en este caso, poco fructífero, entendiendo que esta se define como un “atributo jurídico político irrenunciable del derecho” de cualquier Estado. Ahora bien, esta visión fáctica, pura y formal centrada en un análisis estrictamente jurídico desestima la realidad socio-cultural del asunto respondiendo claramente a una perspectiva positivista de la construcción del concepto de soberanía (Díaz Charquero, 2009: 06. En efecto, la rivalidad soviético-americana, la utilización de una retórica específica y, a través de esta, la consolidación de la implantación de programas de desarrollo impulsados por el norte global, hizo posible la firma del Tratado que en 1959 convirtió a la Antártida en un continente dedicado a la ciencia y a la paz. Este suceso implicó que el principal ganador fuese la comunidad científica, en tanto la ciencia se volvió la preocupación central de los países presentes en el continente blanco. Sin embargo, este idílico discurso se contrapone a la realidad económica de muchas de las partes que integran el sistema del Tratado Antártico poniendo abiertamente en cuestión las reales pretensiones que se esconden detrás de aquel épico relato. La pregunta que se nos presenta ante estas circunstancias es, precisamente, ¿se encuentran todos los países en igualdad de condiciones (materiales para llevar a cabo operaciones científicas en la Antártida? Estos cuestionamientos nos llevan a pensar que quizás el interés prioritario sigue siendo el ejercicio soberano, a pesar de lo estipulado por el artículo 4to del Tratado Antártico. Cabe preguntarse entonces: ¿se ejerce soberanía sobre el territorio antártico? En tal caso, ¿Cómo ejercer soberanía cuando esta ha sido, teóricamente, suspendida? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que se intentaran dar respuesta en el desarrollo de este artículo.

  6. Evaluación de tiempos quirúrgicos y transfusiones en pacientes quemados tratados con desbridamiento enzimático

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    Ángela Ojeda-Regidor

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y Objetivo En los últimos años se han publicado resultados que demuestran un desbridamiento enzimático rápido, eficaz y específico de tejidos quemados con el uso de Nexobrid® (Mediwound, Alemania, producto compuesto por un concentrado de enzimas proteolíticas enriquecidas con bromelaína. En este estudio comparamos el uso de Nexobrid® como desbridante enzimático frente a un Grupo Control con tratamiento estándar, con el objetivo de evaluar; en función de la superficie corporal quemada (SCQ, la cantidad de intervenciones quirúrgicas realizadas, la colonización del lecho quirúrgico, la necesidad de escarotomías, así como los requerimientos transfusionales de los pacientes tratados. Material y Método Estudio retrospectivo con 65 pacientes, edad media de 46.87 años, tratados con Nexobrid® entre septiembre de 2015 y diciembre de 2016. Comparamos con un grupo control de 177 pacientes, edad media de 48.24 años, intervenidos mediante desbridamiento tangencial desde enero a diciembre de 2014. El Grupo Control presenta unas características homogéneas a las del Grupo Nexobrid®. Ambos grupos fueron estratificados en función de su SCQ mayor o menor del 15%. Resultados Encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p 15%. Los requerimientos transfusionales fueron menores en el Grupo Nexobrid® frente al Grupo Control en los pacientes con SCQ > 15% (p 15%. Finalmente, reduce la necesidad de transfusión sanguínea en pacientes con SCQ mayor del 15%.

  7. Comparação das reservas glicogênicas em ratos jovens e envelhecidos tratados com picolinato de cromo


    Rodrigues, Marcella Damas; Borin, Sérgio Henrique; Paulino, Patrícia Carla; Arruda, Eder João; Silva, Carlos Alberto da


    INTRODUÇÃO: Entre os suplementos utilizados no meio esportivo, o mineral cromo tem se destacado, principalmente por potencializar a ação da via insulínica, ação extremamente importante na manutenção da homeostasia metabólica. A ação do cromo parece ter ação importante como coadjuvante nas dinâmicas da ação insulínica.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o perfil glicogênico, bem como a sensibilidade tecidual à insulina e a pancreática à glicose em ratos jovens e envelhecidos tratados com picolinato de cromo.MÉT...

  8. GinerRabaça "lo fill", caballero y jurista. Biografía y edición de su tratado Ad forum “Totes aquelles persones" Rúbrica de testamentis interpretatio

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    Febrer Romaguera, Manuel Vicente


    Full Text Available The article deals about the biography of a gentleman called Sir Giner Rabassa (the son, who lived in Valencia (Spain in the XIVth century. He intervined in politics. After having been Professor at the University of Montpellier, he acted as Compromiser in the Sentence of Caspe, where he was inabilited. In the article is edited the treatise of Valencian Law Ad forum Totes aquelles persones, rubrica de Testamentis interpretatio.

    El artículo versa sobre la biografía y el tratado jurídico del caballero valenciano micer Giner Rabassa (hijo, que vivió en Valencia durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIV, interviniendo activamente en la política municipal y real. Después de ser profesor en Montpellier, fue compromisario en Caspe, donde fue incapacitado. Se estudia y edita su tratado Ad forum Totes aquelles persones, rubrica de Testamentis interpretatio.

  9. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Notification of the Entry into Force; Tratado Sobre la no Proliferacion de las Armas Nucleares. Notificacion de la Entrada en Vigor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    By letters addressed to the Director General on 5, 6 and 20 March 1970 respectively, the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which are designated as the Depository Governments in Article IX. 2 of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, informed the Agency that the Treaty had entered into force on 5 March 1970 [Spanish] En sus cartas dirigidas al Director General con fecha 5, 6 y 20 de marzo de 1970, respectivamente, el Reino Unido de Gran Bretana e Irlanda del Norte, los Estados Unidos de America y la Union de Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas, designados Gobiernos depositarios en el parrafo 2 del Articulo IX del Tratado sobre la no proliferacion de las armas nucleares, han comunicado al Organismo que dicho Tratado entro en vigor el 5 de marzo de 1970.

  10. Pulmonary artery intravascular abscess: A rare complication of incomplete infective endocarditis treatment in the setting of injection drug use

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    Simran Gupta

    Full Text Available Infective endocarditis (IE is a serious complication of injection drug use. Right-sided IE encompasses 5–10% of all IE cases, with the majority involving the tricuspid valve (TV. The predominant causal organism is Staphylococcus aureus. Most cases of right-sided IE can be successfully treated with antimicrobials, but approximately 5–16% require eventual surgical intervention. We report the case of a 36-year-old female with active injection drug use who developed methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus IE of the tricuspid valve. Associated with poor adherence to medical therapy as a consequence of opioid addiction, she developed septic emboli to the lungs and an intravascular abscess in the left main pulmonary artery. These long-term potentially fatal, sequelae of incompletely treated IE require surgical intervention, as medical therapy is unlikely to be sufficient. Surgical management may involve TV replacement, pulmonary artery resection, and pneumonectomy. Prevention of these complications may have been achieved by concurrent opioid addiction therapy. An intravascular pulmonary artery abscess is a novel complication of advanced IE that has not been previously reported. This complication likely arose due to incomplete IE treatment as a consequence of opioid addiction, highlighting the need for concurrent addiction management. Intravenous antimicrobial therapy is likely not adequate, and surgical intervention, including pulmonary artery resection and pneumonectomy may be necessary. Keywords: Pulmonary artery abscess, Infective endocarditis, Injection drug use, Opioid use disorder

  11. Intravascular ultrasound-guided optimized stent deployment. Immediate and 6 months clinical and angiographic results from the Multicenter Ultrasound Stenting in Coronaries Study (MUSIC Study) (United States)

    de Jaegere, P; Mudra, H; Figulla, H; Almagor, Y; Doucet, S; Penn, I; Colombo, A; Hamm, C; Bartorelli, A; Rothman, M; Nobuyoshi, M; Yamaguchi, T; Voudris, V; DiMario, C; Makovski, S; Hausmann, D; Rowe, S; Rabinovich, S; Sunamura, M; van Es, G A


    A study was set up to validate the safety and feasibility of intravascular ultrasound-guided stenting without subsequent anticoagulation, and its impact on the 6 months restenosis rate. The study was designed to be multicentred, prospective, and observational. One hundred and sixty-one patients with stable angina and a de novo coronary artery lesion were enrolled. In four patients, the implantation of a Palmaz-Schatz (with spiral bridge) stent had failed. One of these four patients died 3 days following bypass surgery. In two other patients, intravascular ultrasound assessment was not performed. One hundred and twenty-five of the remaining 155 patients (81%) were treated with aspirin (100 mg x day(-1)), because all three criteria for optimized stent expansion were met. Twenty-two of the remaining 38 patients (25%), in whom at least one criterion was not met were treated with aspirin and acenocoumarol (3 months, INR 2.5-3.5), while 16 patients only received aspirin. Stent thrombosis was documented in two patients (1.3%) for which repeat angioplasty was performed. During the hospital stay, there were no deaths or Q-wave myocardial infarctions. Five patients (3.2%) sustained a non-Q-wave myocardial infarction. During the follow-up period (198+/-38 days, complete for all patients, except one), one patient (0.6%) sustained a Q-wave myocardial infarction, one (0.6%) underwent bypass surgery, and repeat angioplasty was performed in nine patients (5.7%). In two of the nine patients, repeat angioplasty involved another lesion. Therefore, the target lesion revascularization rate during follow-up was 4.5% (seven patients). At quantitative coronary angiography, the minimal lumen diameter (mean+/-SD) increased from 1.12+/-0.34 mm before to 2.89+/-0.35 mm after stenting. Repeat angiography at 6 months was performed in 144 patients (92%). The minimal lumen diameter at follow-up was 2.12+/-0.67 mm. Restenosis (diameter stenosis of 50% or more) was documented in 12 patients or 8

  12. Aspectos da tomografia computadorizada no linfoma em pacientes abaixo de 20 anos de idade Computed tomography findings in patients less than 20 years old with lymphoma

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    Adriana Moreira Viana Borba


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados gerais do linfoma em pacientes abaixo de 20 anos de idade e por subtipo histológico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo do arquivo digital de tomografia computadorizada do Centro de Controle do Câncer do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de março de 2003 a julho de 2005. Dos 22 casos - 16 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 11,5 anos -, 12 eram do subtipo Hodgkin e 10 eram não-Hodgkin. RESULTADOS: Dos achados gerais, verificamos as linfonodomegalias mediastinais como o mais freqüente (59%, com predomínio no grupo Hodgkin (75%, seguido por hepatoesplenomegalia (50% e linfonodomegalias cervicais e retroperitoneais (27,3%. No subtipo Hodgkin houve predomínio do acometimento linfonodal, em sucessivas cadeias, seguido pela hepatoesplenomegalia (50%. Verificamos um caso de massa tonsilar unilateral, opacidade pulmonar em "vidro-fosco" e nódulos renais. No subtipo não-Hodgkin houve predomínio extranodal caracterizado por hepatoesplenomegalia (50%, espessamento de alça intestinal (40%, derrame pleural (30%, nódulo pulmonar (20%, ascite (10%, derrame pericárdico (10% e lesões ósseas mistas (10%. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada é de grande valia no diagnóstico, estadiamento e seguimento do linfoma, com achados de alerta como massa linfonodal, notadamente mediastinal, hepatoesplenomegalia, massa unilateral na tonsila e espessamento parietal de alça intestinal.OBJECTIVE: To describe the general findings of lymphoma and their histological patterns in patients less than 20 years old. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-two cases (16 male and 6 female, mean age 11.5 years from the digital archive of computed tomography at the Cancer Control Center of "Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro", Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, were retrospectively analyzed in the period between

  13. Specific features of red blood cell morphology in hemolytic disease neonates undergoing intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion

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    A. V. Ivanova


    Full Text Available The paper presents data on the characteristics of red blood cell morphology in infants who have undergone intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion for hemolytic disease of the fetus. The infants are shown to have a reduction in the mean volume of red blood cells and in their mean level of hemoglobin, a decrease in the fraction of fetal hemoglobin and an increase in oxygen tension at half saturation. The above morphological characteristics of red blood cells remain decreased during the neonatal period after exchange transfusion or others, as clinically indicated, which seems to suggest that the compensatory-adaptive mechanisms to regulate hematopoiesis are exhausted and a donor’s red blood cells continue to be predominant.

  14. La importancia de una estrategia de comercializaci?n y negociaci?n del sectorfloricultor colombiano en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) con losEstados Unidos


    Vargas Su?rez, Carlos Andr?s


    Por esto, la intenci?n de esta investigaci?n es plantear una estrategia de comercializaci?n y negociaci?n para el sector floricultor colombiano m?s acorde, que le haga frente a esta nueva oportunidad que se le presenta al pa?s, como lo es el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos.

  15. A state-of-the-art review on segmentation algorithms in intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) images. (United States)

    Katouzian, Amin; Angelini, Elsa D; Carlier, Stéphane G; Suri, Jasjit S; Navab, Nassir; Laine, Andrew F


    Over the past two decades, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image segmentation has remained a challenge for researchers while the use of this imaging modality is rapidly growing in catheterization procedures and in research studies. IVUS provides cross-sectional grayscale images of the arterial wall and the extent of atherosclerotic plaques with high spatial resolution in real time. In this paper, we review recently developed image processing methods for the detection of media-adventitia and luminal borders in IVUS images acquired with different transducers operating at frequencies ranging from 20 to 45 MHz. We discuss methodological challenges, lack of diversity in reported datasets, and weaknesses of quantification metrics that make IVUS segmentation still an open problem despite all efforts. In conclusion, we call for a common reference database, validation metrics, and ground-truth definition with which new and existing algorithms could be benchmarked.

  16. Digestibilidade do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar tratado com reagentes químicos e pressão de vapor Digestibility of sugar cane bagasse treated with chemical reagents and steam pressure

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    Ricardo Pereira Manzano


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de elevar a digestibilidade do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, este resíduo agro-industrial foi tratado com inúmeros reagentes químicos acompanhados ou não de tratamento físico. Após ensaios preliminares, nos quais diversos agentes deslignificantes foram avaliados, dez tratamentos foram selecionados para serem melhor estudados em ensaios de digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca e da matéria orgânica. Em seguida, para o ensaio de digestibilidade in vivo, foram feitas quatro dietas à base de: 1 - Bagaço auto-hidrolisado (BAH, pressão de 17 kgf/cm² por 5 min; 2 - Bagaço tratado com 4% Na2S + 6% NaOH, pressão de 12 kgf/cm² por 8 min; 3 - Bagaço tratado com 2% Na2S + 3% NaOH, pressão de 12 kgf/cm² por 8 min; e 4 - Bagaço tratado com 9% H2O2 + 7% NaOH, a 70ºC por 8 min. Bagaço tratado com 4% Na2S + 6% NaOH e submetido a 12 kgf/cm² de pressão apresentou os melhores coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido e o maior valor de nutrientes digestíveis totais. Em seguida, o bagaço tratado com 9% H2O2 + 7% NaOH a 70ºC por 8 min apresentou os melhores resultados. Piores resultados foram observados para o bagaço hidrolizado. A melhor digestibilidade de algumas das dietas, particularmente das frações fibrosas, sugere a exiqüibilidade do emprego de menores quantidades de alimento concentrado em dietas à base de bagaço de cana tratado química/fisicamente.In order to increase the sugar cane bagasse digestibility, this agricultural by-product was treated with several chemical reagents with or without physical treatment. After preliminary evaluation, where several delignificant agents were evaluated, ten treatments were selected for more detailed in vitro dry and organic matter disappearance trials. Then, for the in vivo digestibility trial, four sugar cane bagasse based diets were made: 1 - Hydrolyzed sugar cane bagasse, pressure of

  17. Cortisol sérico de equinos com compactação experimental no cólon maior tratados com hidratações enteral e parenteral

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    José Dantas Ribeiro Filho


    Full Text Available O cortisol sérico foi estudado em equinos com compactação experimental do cólon maior tratados com fluidoterapias enteral (EN e intravenosa (IV. Utilizaram-se 10 animais separados em dois grupos de cinco cada. Os animais eram portadores de compactação induzida no cólon maior. O grupo EN foi tratado com solução isotônica poliônica enteral (8 mL/kg/h/48 h, enquanto o grupo IV recebeu Ringer lactato (16 mL/kg/h/12 h, durante dois dias. A compactação do cólon maior ocasionou aumento (P < 0,05 nos valores do cortisol nos animais de ambos os grupos. As soluções utilizadas no tratamento da compactação, fluidoterapia enteral com solução isotônica poliônica (EN e fluidoterapia intravenosa com solução de Ringer lactato (IV, foram eficientes na redução dos valores do cortisol sérico em equinos com compactação induzida no cólon maior.

  18. El lugar de la sátira en la poética: los tratados españoles del siglo XIX

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    González Alcázar, Felipe


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyse the satirical genre and its connections with Poetics in the Spanish Poetry and Rhetoric precept treatises of the nineteenth century. Throughout that century, literary theory was subject to major changes, such as the success of Hegel’s postulates on literary genres. Satire faces these changes and its own evolution: it was first identified with the Roman satura and afterwards through its various forms, it became a mixed or transitional genre. Its fragile nature seems to confront directly the normative perpetuity of treatises that, in spite of their rupture with romanticism, may be considered inheritors of the classicist principles.Se propone en este artículo investigar el género satírico y sus relaciones con la Poética a través de los tratados poético-retóricos de preceptiva españoles del siglo XIX. A lo largo de toda esa centuria la teoría literaria estuvo sujeta a grandes transformaciones, entre ellas, el triunfo de los principios hegelianos acerca de los géneros literarios. La sátira se enfrenta a esas mismas transformaciones y a su propia evolución: primero, identificada con la satura romana, y luego, a través de sus numerosas formas, convertida en un género mixto o de transición. Su lábil naturaleza parece enfrentarse directamente con la perennidad normativa de los tratados que, a pesar de la ruptura romántica, pueden considerarse herederos de los principios clasicistas.

  19. The cerebral intravascular enhancement sign is not specific: a contrast-enhanced MRI study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bakshi, R.; Kinkel, W.R.; Bates, V.E.; Mechtler, L.L.; Kinkel, P.R. [Lucy Dent Imaging Center, University at Buffalo, NY (United States)


    The intravascular enhancement (IVE) sign, also known as the ``arterial enhancement sign``, is an abnormal finding in the brain on contrast-enhanced MRI studies. IVE has been described in arterial cerebrovascular disorders, most commonly in acute or subacute arterial ischemic infarcts. However, the specificity of this sign has not been established. We describe four patients with disorders other than arterial strokes in whom gadolinium-enhanced high-field (1.5 T) MRI suggested IVE. The conditions were herpes simplex viral encephalitis, idiopathic cerebellitis, pneumococcal meningitis, and superior sagittal sinus thrombosis with venous infarction. IVE in these cases may be due to multiple factors, including arterial, venous, perivascular, and leptomeningeal or sulcal contrast medium accumulation. Our observations suggest that arterial ischemia, previously described as the cardinal cause of IVE, probably does not explain all instances, and urge caution in interpreting this sign as a specific MRI manifestation of acute arterial infarction or ischemia. (orig.) With 4 figs., 1 tab., 44 refs.

  20. Validating Intravascular Imaging with Serial Optical Coherence Tomography and Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy. (United States)

    Tardif, Pier-Luc; Bertrand, Marie-Jeanne; Abran, Maxime; Castonguay, Alexandre; Lefebvre, Joël; Stähli, Barbara E; Merlet, Nolwenn; Mihalache-Avram, Teodora; Geoffroy, Pascale; Mecteau, Mélanie; Busseuil, David; Ni, Feng; Abulrob, Abedelnasser; Rhéaume, Éric; L'Allier, Philippe; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Lesage, Frédéric


    Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases are characterized by the formation of a plaque in the arterial wall. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) provides high-resolution images allowing delineation of atherosclerotic plaques. When combined with near infrared fluorescence (NIRF), the plaque can also be studied at a molecular level with a large variety of biomarkers. In this work, we present a system enabling automated volumetric histology imaging of excised aortas that can spatially correlate results with combined IVUS/NIRF imaging of lipid-rich atheroma in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Pullbacks in the rabbit aortas were performed with a dual modality IVUS/NIRF catheter developed by our group. Ex vivo three-dimensional (3D) histology was performed combining optical coherence tomography (OCT) and confocal fluorescence microscopy, providing high-resolution anatomical and molecular information, respectively, to validate in vivo findings. The microscope was combined with a serial slicer allowing for the imaging of the whole vessel automatically. Colocalization of in vivo and ex vivo results is demonstrated. Slices can then be recovered to be tested in conventional histology.

  1. Perspectives on Imaging the Left Main Coronary Artery Using Intravascular Ultrasound and Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Harry C Lowe


    Full Text Available Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI for significant left main coronary artery (LMCA stenosis is increasingly being viewed as a viable alternative to Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG (1. This is leading to an expectation of increasing numbers of such procedures, with a consequent focus on both the ability to image both lesion severity, and assess more accurately the results of PCI. While there have been advances in physiologic assessment of left main severity using fractional flow reserve (FFR, imaging of the LMCA using Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS and more recently Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT has the specific advantage of being able to provide detailed anatomical information both pre and post PCI, such that it is timely to review briefly the current status of these two imaging technologies in the context of LMCA intervention.

  2. Diseño del proceso de obtención de trozos secos de carambola (averroha carambola l.) tratados osmóticamente


    Castillo Ortiz, Maria Eugenia; Cornejo Z., Fabiola


    En el presente trabajo se diseñó la línea de proceso para obtener trozos secos de carambola tratados osmóticamente, mostrando la utilidad industrial que posee la carambola para la elaboración de productos que puedan ser exportados al mercado extranjero con excelentes características organolépticas y condiciones de estabilidad en percha óptimas. Los experimentos realizados sirvieron para establecer la cinética de deshidratación osmótica, analizada a 3 concentraciones de sacarosa (40 ºBrix,...

  3. Lack of plasma albumin impairs intravascular lipolysis and explains the associated free fatty acids deficiency and hypertriglyceridemia

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    Oliveira Helena CF


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Abnormalities in lipid metabolism and transport are hallmarks in analbuminemic Nagase rats (NAR and humans. Triglyceridemia is nearly 3- to 5-fold higher in female NAR than in control Sprague-Dawley rats (SDR. Also, NAR present with a severe plasma free fatty acid (FFA deficit. There are conflicting results regarding the mechanisms underlying NAR hypertriglyceridemia. Objective We aimed at investigating whether liver lipogenesis and triglyceride secretion rates into the plasma contribute to the hypertriglyceridemia in NAR. We also studied whether heparin or albumin administration would release the hypothesized lipolysis inhibition in NAR. Methods The incorporation of tritiated water into lipids and the linear accumulation rate of plasma triglycerides after Triton WR1339 injection were the measures of liver lipogenesis and triglyceride secretion rates. Results Lipogenesis (596 ± 40 vs. 929 ± 124 μmol 3H2O/g/h and triglyceride (4.25 ± 1.00 vs. 7.04 ± 1.68 mg/dL/min secretion rates were slower (P ≤ 0.05 in fasted NAR than in control SDR. The injection of either heparin or albumin elicited an increase in NAR plasma FFA levels over time. FFA levels reached control levels 90 min after the albumin administration, increasing from 0.36 ± 0.05 to 1.34 ± 0.16 mEq/L (P ≤ 0.05. These results indicate that the lack of plasma albumin inhibits intravascular lipolysis and causes the FFA deficit observed in NAR. Conclusion NAR hepatic triglyceride synthesis and output do not contribute to NAR hypertriglyceridemia. We propose that the lack of albumin diminishes intravascular lipolysis which reduces the plasma triglyceride removal rate and explain both NAR hypertriglyceridemia and FFA deficiency.

  4. Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma in a patient with HTLV-I/II associated myelopathy Leucemia - linfoma de células T do adulto em um paciente com mielopatia associada a HTLV-I/II

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virgínia Freitas


    Full Text Available Chronic myelopathy associated with T-lymphotropic virus type I (HAM has been described as an endemic disease in several areas of the world, meanwhile there are few papers describing the association between HAM and adult T cell leukemia-lymphoma. We report the case of a man that, after four years of progressive spastic paraparesis and neurogenic bladder, developed a clinical picture of a lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by dermal and systemic envolvement, mimicking mycosis fungoides/Sézary syndrome.Apesar da infecção pelo HTLV-I ser endêmica em várias regiões do mundo, poucos são os relatos da associação entre leucemia-linfoma de células T do adulto (ATLL e encefalomieloneuropatia pelo HTLV-I. No presente artigo é descrito um paciente que no curso do comprometimento neurológico pelo HTLV-I desenvolveu quadro de leucemia com infiltração de tecido dérmico semelhante ao encontrado na micose fungóide/síndrome de Sézary.

  5. Estudio comparativo de las medidas transitorias de protección al sector agrícola en los tratados de libre comercio suscritos entre Estados Unidos de América (EEUU) – Colombia y Estados Unidos de América (EEUU) – Chile


    Barón Martín, Erika Andrea; Vargas Pulido, Wiiliam Ernesto


    La suscripción de tratados de libre comercio (TLC) por parte de Estados Unidos (EEUU) durante la última década con países suramericanos ha correspondido a una estrategia implementada por este país para acercase al continente y mantener relaciones comerciales más estrechas con sus aliados estratégicos. Sin embargo, las negociaciones de estos tratados de libre comercio, suscritos con países suramericanos como Chile y Colombia han incluido medidas transitorias de protección, en especial en el s...

  6. Thyroid storm with multiple organ failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and stroke with a normal serum FT3 level. (United States)

    Harada, Yuko; Akiyama, Hisanao; Yoshimoto, Tatsuji; Urao, Yasuko; Ryuzaki, Munekazu; Handa, Michiko


    Thyroid storm is a rare disorder with a sudden onset, rapid progression and high mortality. We experienced a case of thyroid storm which had a devastating course, including multiple organ failure (MOF), severe hypoglycemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), and stroke. It was difficult to make a diagnosis of thyroid storm in the present patient, because she did not have a history of thyroid disease and her serum FT3 level was normal. Clinicians should be aware that thyroid storm can occur even when there is an almost normal level of thyroid hormones, and that intensive anticoagulation is required for patients with atrial fibrillation to prevent stroke after thyroid storm.

  7. Los contenidos de las ramas superiores del conocimiento académico: Medicina, Derecho y Teología. Lectura de los tratados empleados para su enseñanza (siglos XIII-XV

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    Josué Villa Prieto


    Full Text Available Este trabajo profundiza en el estudio de la enseñanza durante la Baja Edad Media a partir de la lectura atenta y detenida de los tratados empleados en las facultades superiores del currículo universitario. En primer lugar se presenta los textos destinados al aprendizaje de la Medicina, diferenciando entre obras clásicas utilizadas para fines didácticos y nuevas composiciones contemporáneas. A continuación se expone los dedicados al Derecho, tanto Canónico como Civil; y finalmente los utilizados para el estudio de la Teología. Gracias a estos tratados es posible concretar en detalle los contenidos integrados en cada disciplina. Asimismo se ofrece un contexto sobre el marco socio-político por el cual se inicia la enseñanza de cada una de estas materias en los studia generalia y, de un modo más particular, en la universidad hispánica.

  8. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 2b Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Recombinant Human Soluble Thrombomodulin, ART-123, in Patients With Sepsis and Suspected Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vincent, Jean-Louis; Ramesh, Mayakonda K.; Ernest, David; Larosa, Steven P.; Pachl, Jan; Aikawa, Naoki; Hoste, Eric; Levy, Howard; Hirman, Joe; Levi, Marcel; Daga, Mradul; Kutsogiannis, Demetrios J.; Crowther, Mark; Bernard, Gordon R.; Devriendt, Jacques; Puigserver, Joan Vidal; Blanzaco, Daniel U.; Esmon, Charles T.; Parrillo, Joseph E.; Guzzi, Louis; Henderson, Seton J.; Pothirat, Chaicharn; Mehta, Parthiv; Fareed, Jawed; Talwar, Deepak; Tsuruta, Kazuhisa; Gorelick, Kenneth J.; Osawa, Yutaka; Kaul, Inder


    Objectives: To determine the safety and efficacy of recombinant thrombomodulin (ART-123) in patients with suspected sepsis-associated disseminated intravascular coagulation. Design: Phase 2b, international, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group, screening trial.

  9. Estabilidade lipídica de filés de carpa húngara congelados tratados com extratos de Lippia Alba

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    Ana Paula de Lima Veeck


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da aspersão de extratos de Lippia alba na estabilidade lipídica de filés de carpa húngara armazenados a -18±2°C. Filés não tratados (controle sem aspersão ou aspergidos (1mL 10g-1 de filé com água destilada (controle água destilada ou com extratos de L. alba (0,10g mL-1 hidrometanólico ou aquoso foram analisados durante o armazenamento nos dias zero, 90 e 180. Independente do tempo de congelamento, o extrato hidrometanólico reduziu os valores de dienos conjugados (DC dos filés em relação aos demais tratamentos, além de reduzir os valores de ácidos graxos livres aos 90 dias (P<0,05. O extrato aquoso resultou em maior teor de peróxidos após 180 dias de congelamento comparado aos demais tratamentos (P<0,05. Os extratos hidrometanólico e aquoso reduziram os valores de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS após 180 dias, comparados aos filés tratados com água destilada e sem aspersão (P<0,05. Ambos os extratos de L. alba retardaram a oxidação lipídica, sendo que o extrato aquoso retardou a degradação de produtos primários da oxidação lipídica (peróxidos em produtos secundários (TBARS, enquanto o extrato hidrometanólico parece ser mais eficiente, pois inibiu de forma similar tanto a formação de DC e peróxidos, quanto a sua degradação em produtos secundários (TBARS

  10. Intravascular ultrasound assessment of remodelling and reference segment plaque burden in type-2 diabetic patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Thayssen, Per; Mintz, Gary S


    AIMS: Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) assesses arterial remodelling by comparing the lesion external elastic membrane (EEM) with the reference segments; however, reference segments are rarely disease-free. The aim was to assess lesion and reference segment remodelling and plaque burden in patients...... with type-2 diabetes mellitus. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used pre-intervention IVUS to study 62 de novo lesions in 43 patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus. The lesion site was the image slice with the smallest lumen cross-sectional area (CSA). The proximal and distal reference segments were the most normal...... size [slope = -0.12 (95% CI -0.17 to -0.07); P type-2 diabetes mellitus. CONCLUSION: Lesions in type-2 diabetic patients are different from previous reports in non-diabetics. Lesions in type-2 diabetics are characterized by a large reference segment plaque burden...

  11. Comparison of angiography and intravascular ultrasound before and after balloon angioplasty of the femoropopliteal artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lankeren, Winnifred van; Gussenhoven, Elma J.; Pieterman, Herman; Sambeek, Marc R. H. M. van; Lugt, Aad van der


    Purpose: To compare angiographic and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) data before and after balloon angioplasty (PTA) of the femoropopliteal artery.Methods: Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed on corresponding angiographic and IVUS levels obtained from 135 patients.Results: IVUS detected more lesions, calcified lesions, and vascular damage than angiography. Sensitivity of angiography was good for the presence of a lesion (84%), moderate for eccentric lesions (53%) and for vascular damage (52%), and poor for calcified lesions (30%). The increase in angiographic diameter stenosis was associated with a decrease in lumen area and increase in percentage area stenosis on IVUS.Conclusions: Angiography is less sensitive than IVUS for detecting lesion eccentricity, calcified lesions, and vascular damage. Presence of a lesion and amount of plaque were underestimated angiographically. Only before PTA was good agreement found between angiographic diameter stenosis and lumen size on IVUS.

  12. Alteração nas características físicas do solo decorrentes da aplicação de esgoto doméstico tratado - 10.4025/actascitechnol.v32i4.5349

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    José Alberto Alves de Souza


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, teve-se como objetivo estudar a alteração nas características físicas do solo decorrentes da aplicação de esgoto doméstico tratado. O experimento foi montado no delineamento em blocos casualizados (DBC com três repetições. O solo da área experimental é Cambissolo; o relevo é acidentado; o clima é Cwb com verões chuvosos e invernos frios e secos; as aplicações da água doce e do esgoto doméstico tratado foram feitas via sistema de irrigação por gotejamento. Os seguintes tratamentos foram usados: T - solo sem irrigação; MC - solo com aplicação de água doce e MR - solo com aplicação de esgoto doméstico tratado. Amostras de solo foram coletadas nas camadas de 0 a 0,20; 0,20 a 0,40 e 0,40 a 0,60 m para análises físicas (massa específica do solo, microporosidade, macroporosidade, capacidade de campo, ponto de murcha permanente e condutividade hidráulica. Os resultados comprovaram que MC e MR aumentaram a massa específica, a microporosidade e a capacidade de campo e que diminuíram a macroporosidade e a condutividade hidráulica do solo em relação à T.

  13. Atributos químicos do solo fertirrigado com efluente de esgoto tratado e fenometria de cultura do pimentão


    Silva Júnior, Waltoíres Reis da


    Com a crescente conscientização de que a água é um recurso natural limitado e de expressivo valor econômico, técnicas de uso sustentável e racional são cada vez mais difundidas. Dentre elas, o uso de efluentes de esgoto tratado (EET) para fins de irrigação se destaca, tanto pelo reaproveitamento da água, como pelo aporte de nutrientes ao solo e redução dos danos ambientais. Este trabalho objetiva avaliar o efeito da utilização de EET, proveniente de sanitários de um refeitório, na cultura do ...

  14. Avaliação de parâmetros antioxidantes em ratos tratados com sevoflurano Evaluación de parámetros antioxidantes en ratones tratados con sevoflurano Evaluation of antioxidant parameters in eats treated with sevoflurane

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    Francisco J. L Bezerra


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O sevoflurano é um éter halogenado com flúor que sofre biotransformação hepática através do citocromo P450 2E1. Éteres halogenados que sofrem biotransformação pelo P450 2E1 podem produzir espécies reativas do oxigênio (ERO e promover enfraquecimento do sistema de defesa antioxidante. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a relação entre a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes eritrocitárias e o sevoflurano. MÉTODO: Os animais foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: Grupo 1 controle: apenas oxigênio a 100% (1 L.min-1 por 60 minutos durante 5 dias consecutivos; Grupo 2 - sevoflurane 4,0% em oxigênio a 100% (1 L.min-1 por 60 minutos durante 5 dias consecutivos; Grupo 3 - isoniazida (i.p., 50 de peso corporal /dia, durante 4 dias e em seguida tratados apenas com oxigênio a 100% (1 L.min-1 por 60 minutos durante 5 dias consecutivos; Grupo 4 - isoniazida por via intraperitoneal na dose de 50 de peso corporal, diariamente durante 4 dias, seguido da administração do sevoflurane a 4,0% em oxigênio a 100% (1 L.min-1 por 60 minutos durante 5 dias. Após 12 horas da última exposição ao sevoflurane, os animais foram sacrificados e o sangue foi coletado através da veia porta para análise da atividade das enzimas antioxidantes. RESULTADOS: Aumento da atividade específica da glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase, diminuição da atividade específica da catalase, principalmente no grupo de animais pré-tratados com isoniazida e, em seguida, tratados com sevoflurano. A glutationa peroxidase não apresentou alteração na sua atividade. CONCLUSÕES: A interação do sevoflurano com indutores enzimáticos do citocromo P450 2E1 pode propiciar a instalação do estresse oxidativo caso a exposição se torne prolongada e repetitiva.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El sevoflurano es un éter halogenado con flúor que sufre una biotransformación hepática a través del citocromo P450 2E1. Los

  15. Hyperkalemia after irradiation of packed red blood cells: Possible effects with intravascular fetal transfusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thorp, J.A.; Plapp, F.V.; Cohen, G.R.; Yeast, J.D.; O'Kell, R.T.; Stephenson, S.


    Plasma potassium, calcium, and albumin concentrations in irradiated blood, and in fetal blood before and after transfusion, were measured. Dangerously high plasma potassium levels were observed in some units of irradiated packed red blood cells (range, 13.9 to 66.5 mEq/L; mean, 44.7 mEq/L) and could be one possible explanation for the high incidence of fetal arrhythmia associated with fetal intravascular transfusion. There are many factors operative in the preparation of irradiated packed red blood cells that may predispose to high potassium levels: the age of the red blood cells, the number of procedures used to concentrate the blood, the duration of time elapsed from concentration, the duration of time elapsed from irradiation, and the hematocrit. Use of fresh blood, avoidance of multiple packing procedures, limiting the hematocrit in the donor unit to less than or equal to 80%, and minimizing the time between concentration, irradiation and transfusion may minimize the potassium levels, and therefore making an additional washing procedure unnecessary

  16. Early Blood Transfusion and Resolution of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Associated with Massive Subgaleal Hemorrhage. (United States)

    Modanlou, Houchang; Hutson, Shandee; Merritt, Allan Thurman


    A male infant delivered to a primipara woman following vacuum applications. He was vigorous at birth, with small caput and scalp bruising. His head was enlarging; he became pale with respiratory distress. Subgaleal hemorrhage (SGH) was suspected. His hematocrit was noted to be 26.2 percent prior to transfusion of O, Rh-negative blood (40 mL/kg). Moderate disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) was noted at 12 hours of age. Posttransfusion of fresh frozen plasma (FFP), his condition became stable, and DIC gradually resolved. Head magnetic resonance imaging did not show intracranial hemorrhage. Although one episode of seizures was noted, electroencephalogram was normal. With the application of obstetric vacuum, we recommend that the neonatal health care professionals frequently evaluate the infant's condition. In light of developing fluctuant subgaleal fluid associated with pallor, anemia, metabolic acidosis, and respiratory distress, immediate blood transfusion is warranted. In the presence of DIC, transfusion of FFP is beneficial.

  17. Erythrocyte creatine as a marker of intravascular hemolysis due to left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. (United States)

    Kubo, Toru; Okumiya, Toshika; Baba, Yuichi; Hirota, Takayoshi; Tanioka, Katsutoshi; Yamasaki, Naohito; Sugiura, Tetsuro; Doi, Yoshinori L; Kitaoka, Hiroaki


    Erythrocyte creatine, a marker of erythrocyte age that increases with shortening of erythrocyte survival, has been reported to be a quantitative and reliable marker for intravascular hemolysis. We hypothesized that hemolysis could also occur due to intraventricular obstruction in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The purpose of this study was to examine the presence of subclinical hemolysis and the relation between intravascular hemolysis and intraventricular pressure gradient (IVPG). We measured erythrocyte creatine in 92 HCM patients. Twelve patients had left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO), 4 had midventricular obstruction (MVO), and the remaining 76 were non-obstructive. Erythrocyte creatine levels ranged from 0.92 to 4.36μmol/g hemoglobin. Higher levels of erythrocyte creatine were associated with higher IVPG (r=0.437, pcreatine levels are high (≥1.8μmol/g hemoglobin), subclinical hemolysis is considered to be present. Half of LVOTO patients and no MVO patients showed high erythrocyte creatine levels. Although non-obstructive patients did not show significant intraventricular obstruction at rest, some showed high erythrocyte creatine levels. When LVOT-PG was measured during the strain phase of the Valsalva maneuver in 20 non-obstructive patients, 7 of those 20 patients showed LVOTO. In the 20 patients, there was no relation between erythrocyte creatine levels and LVOT-PG before the Valsalva maneuver (r=0.125, p=0.600), whereas there was a significant correlation between erythrocyte creatine and LVOT-PG provoked by the Valsalva maneuver (r=0.695, p=0.001). There is biochemical evidence of subclinical hemolysis in patients with HCM, and this hemolysis seems to be associated with LVOTO provoked by daily physical activities. Copyright © 2015 Japanese College of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Impact of peri-stent remodeling on restenosis: a volumetric intravascular ultrasound study. (United States)

    Nakamura, M; Yock, P G; Bonneau, H N; Kitamura, K; Aizawa, T; Tamai, H; Fitzgerald, P J; Honda, Y


    Vessel remodeling is an important mechanism of late lumen loss after nonstent coronary interventions. However, its impact on in-stent restenosis has not been systematically investigated. Serial volumetric intravascular ultrasound analyses (poststent and follow-up) were performed in 55 lesions treated with a balloon-expandable stent (ACS MultiLink) using standard stent deployment techniques. The vessel volume (VV), lumen volume (LV), and volume bordered by the stent (SV) were measured using Simpson's method. The volume of plaque and neointima outside the stent (peri-stent volume, PSV) and volume of neointima within the stent (intrastent volume) were also measured. The change of each parameter during the follow-up period (follow-up minus poststent) was calculated and then divided by SV to normalize these values (designated as percent change [%]). As expected, %PSV directly correlated with %VV (Pexterior to a coronary stent occurs to a variable degree after stent implantation. There is a distinct trade-off between positive remodeling and in-stent hyperplasia: in segments in which the degree of peri-stent remodeling is less, intrastent neointimal proliferation is greater and accompanied by more significant late lumen loss.

  19. Risk of disseminated intravascular coagulation in patients undergoing US-guided transperineal prostatic biopsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stella, M.S.; Comparato, D.; Camici, M.; Evangelisti, L.; Gaudio, V.; De Negri, F.; Talarico, L.; Giusti, C.; Morelli, G.


    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a severe life-threatening acute bleeding disorder. Traumatized tissues, tumors, necrotic tissues, or bacterial endotoxines release similar material in the blood to the tissutal factors activating the coagulation cascade. This preliminary study was aimed at verifying the risk of DIV in patients undergoing US-guided transperineal prostatic biopsy with Chiba and Tru-Cut needles. To evaluate the activation degree of coagulation factors in the circulation, the authors measured the concentrations of urinary fibrin degradation products in 10 patients undergoing US-guided transperineal prostatic biopsy, both before and after biopsy, every second hour, for 24 hours. Every tube of urine sample contained soya bean trypsin inhibitor and bovine thrombin to prevent any further fibrin degradation during incubation period for the possible presence of blood in urine samples. The results showed that 7/10 patients had marked increase in urinary fibrin degradation product levels (up to 800 XXXX%), with a 3-phase trend: early peak after 2-6 hours, middle peak after 6-14 hours, and late peak after 18-24 hours, which proved the activation of the coagulation cascade

  20. Acute Kidney Injury due to Menstruation-related Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in an Adenomyosis Patient: A Case Report (United States)

    Son, Jungmin; Seong, Eun Young; Song, Sang Heon; Lee, Soo Bong; Kang, Jin; Yang, Byeong Yun; Lee, Su Jin; Choi, Jong-Ryeol; Lee, Kyu-Sup; Kwak, Ihm Soo


    The authors report a case of acute kidney injury (AKI) resulting from menstruation-related disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in an adenomyosis patient. A 40-yr-old woman who had received gonadotropin for ovulation induction therapy presented with anuria and an elevated serum creatinine level. Her medical history showed primary infertility with diffuse adenomyosis. On admission, her pregnancy test was negative and her menstrual cycle had started 1 day previously. Laboratory data were consistent with DIC, and it was believed to be related to myometrial injury resulting from heavy intramyometrial menstrual flow. Gonadotropin is considered to play an important role in the development of fulminant DIC. This rare case suggests that physicians should be aware that gonadotropin may provoke fulminant DIC in women with adenomyosis. PMID:20808684

  1. Análisis jurídico en relación con la aplicación provisional de tratados en Colombia. Una perspectiva de derecho internacional y nacional

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    Juan Camilo Rojas-Arias


    Full Text Available Este trabajo discute, desde una perspectiva del derecho internacional y del derecho constitucional, la prerrogativa del Gobierno de Colombia de aplicar provisionalmente un tratado en cumplimiento de las disposiciones legales sobre la materia. Este análisis teórico y práctico, busca examinar los criterios de aplicación de la precitada figura a fin de presentar algunas conclusiones al respecto.

  2. A new method for real-time co-registration of 3D coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound or optical coherence tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlier, Stéphane, E-mail: [Department of Cardiology, Universitair Ziekenhuis - UZ Brussel, Brussels (Belgium); Department of Cardiology, Erasme University Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels (Belgium); Didday, Rich [INDEC Medical Systems Inc., Santa Clara, CA (United States); Slots, Tristan [Pie Medical Imaging BV, Maastricht (Netherlands); Kayaert, Peter; Sonck, Jeroen [Department of Cardiology, Universitair Ziekenhuis - UZ Brussel, Brussels (Belgium); El-Mourad, Mike; Preumont, Nicolas [Department of Cardiology, Erasme University Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels (Belgium); Schoors, Dany; Van Camp, Guy [Department of Cardiology, Universitair Ziekenhuis - UZ Brussel, Brussels (Belgium)


    We present a new clinically practical method for online co-registration of 3D quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) or optical coherence tomography (OCT). The workflow is based on two modified commercially available software packages. Reconstruction steps are explained and compared to previously available methods. The feasibility for different clinical scenarios is illustrated. The co-registration appears accurate, robust and induced a minimal delay on the normal cath lab activities. This new method is based on the 3D angiographic reconstruction of the catheter path and does not require operator’s identification of landmarks to establish the image synchronization.

  3. A new method for real-time co-registration of 3D coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound or optical coherence tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlier, Stéphane; Didday, Rich; Slots, Tristan; Kayaert, Peter; Sonck, Jeroen; El-Mourad, Mike; Preumont, Nicolas; Schoors, Dany; Van Camp, Guy


    We present a new clinically practical method for online co-registration of 3D quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) or optical coherence tomography (OCT). The workflow is based on two modified commercially available software packages. Reconstruction steps are explained and compared to previously available methods. The feasibility for different clinical scenarios is illustrated. The co-registration appears accurate, robust and induced a minimal delay on the normal cath lab activities. This new method is based on the 3D angiographic reconstruction of the catheter path and does not require operator’s identification of landmarks to establish the image synchronization

  4. Intravascular ultrasound as a novel tool for the diagnosis and targeted treatment of functional popliteal artery entrapment syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna E. Boniakowski, MD


    Full Text Available Functional popliteal artery entrapment syndrome can be difficult to diagnose, as the imaging modalities presently employed are designed to detect anatomic entrapment. We describe a novel imaging technique to aid in diagnosis in this cohort. A 22-year-old cyclist presented with exercise-limiting claudication. Magnetic resonance angiography with provocative maneuvers was nondiagnostic. Digital subtraction angiography revealed long-segment occlusion of the popliteal artery with plantar flexion; however, the specific site of compression remained unclear. Intravascular ultrasound allowed specific localization of compression and further confirmed the diagnosis. Thus, we report this as an adjunctive imaging modality to definitively diagnose functional popliteal artery entrapment syndrome and to assist in operative planning.

  5. In Vitro Capture of Small Ferrous Particles with a Magnetic Filtration Device Designed for Intravascular Use with Intraarterial Chemotherapy: Proof-of-Concept Study. (United States)

    Mabray, Marc C; Lillaney, Prasheel; Sze, Chia-Hung; Losey, Aaron D; Yang, Jeffrey; Kondapavulur, Sravani; Liu, Derek; Saeed, Maythem; Patel, Anand; Cooke, Daniel; Jun, Young-Wook; El-Sayed, Ivan; Wilson, Mark; Hetts, Steven W


    To establish that a magnetic device designed for intravascular use can bind small iron particles in physiologic flow models. Uncoated iron oxide particles 50-100 nm and 1-5 µm in size were tested in a water flow chamber over a period of 10 minutes without a magnet (ie, control) and with large and small prototype magnets. These same particles and 1-µm carboxylic acid-coated iron oxide beads were likewise tested in a serum flow chamber model without a magnet (ie, control) and with the small prototype magnet. Particles were successfully captured from solution. Particle concentrations in solution decreased in all experiments (P particles in water with a large magnet), 97% (50-100-nm particles in water with a small magnet), 99% (1-5-µm particles in water with a large magnet), 99% (1-5-µm particles in water with a small magnet), 95% (50-100-nm particles in serum with a small magnet), 92% (1-5-µm particles in serum with a small magnet), and 75% (1-µm coated beads in serum with a small magnet) lower compared with matched control runs. This study demonstrates the concept of magnetic capture of small iron oxide particles in physiologic flow models by using a small wire-mounted magnetic filter designed for intravascular use. Copyright © 2016 SIR. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Viabilidad de la aplicación de materiales reciclados y cenizas de biomasa en la fabricación de materiales tratados con cemento


    Cabrera Montenegro, Manuel


    La presente Tesis Doctoral es una contribución al conocimiento y la investigación sobre el uso de áridos reciclados y cenizas de fondo procedentes de la combustión de biomasa para su uso en ingeniería civil. El interés en el uso de áridos reciclados procedentes de residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD) están en continuo crecimiento debido a su potencial frente a diversos usos, entre ellos como material tratado con cemento para capas estructurales de carretera. Por ot...

  7. La ventana europea: retos de la negociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de México con la Unión Europea


    Jaime Zabludovsky; Sergio Gómez Lora


    Después de más de seis años de gestiones diplomáticas y complejas negociaciones, el primero de julio de 2000 entraron en vigor las disposiciones para liberalizar los flujos de comercio de bienes entre México y la Unión Europea (UE). Estas disposiciones son parte del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLCUEM) que, a su vez, es uno de los componentes del Acuerdo de Concertación Política, Asociación Económica y Cooperación ("Acuerdo Global").

  8. Insuficiência respiratória aguda causada por pneumonia em organização secundária à terapia antineoplásica para linfoma não Hodgkin

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    Adriell Ramalho Santana


    Full Text Available Doenças difusas do parênquima pulmonar pertencem a um grupo de doenças de evolução geralmente subaguda ou crônica, mas que podem determinar insuficiência respiratória aguda. Paciente masculino, 37 anos, em terapia para linfoma não Hodgkin, admitido com tosse seca, febre, dispneia e insuficiência respiratória aguda hipoxêmica. Iniciadas ventilação mecânica e antibioticoterapia, porém houve evolução desfavorável. Tomografia computadorizada de tórax mostrava opacidades pulmonares em "vidro fosco" bilaterais. Devido ao paciente ter feito uso de três drogas relacionadas à pneumonia em organização (ciclofosfamida, doxorrubicina e rituximabe e quadros clínico e radiológico serem sugestivos, iniciou-se pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona com boa resposta. Pneumonia em organização pode ser idiopática ou associada a colagenoses, drogas e neoplasias, e geralmente responde bem a corticoterapia. O diagnóstico é anatomopatológico, mas condições clínicas do paciente não permitiam a realização de biópsia pulmonar. Pneumonia em organização deve ser diagnóstico diferencial em pacientes com aparente pneumonia de evolução desfavorável ao tratamento antimicrobiano.

  9. Ratos tratados com dieta cetogênica apresentam aumento de tecido adiposo mediado pela elevação da atividade da fosfoenolpiruvato carboxicinase


    Leticia Carina Ribeiro


    A Dieta Cetogênica é caracterizada pelo alto teor de gordura e baixo teor de carboidratos e proteínas, e tem sido proposta como benéfica em crianças com desordens epiléticas que não respondem ao tratamento convencional de drogas anti-epiléticas. O retardo de crescimento é um importante inconveniente desta dieta e as causas metabólicas ainda não estão bem caracterizadas. O objetivo desse estudo é examinar a variação de peso corporal e de tecido adiposo de ratos Wistar tratados com a dieta ceto...

  10. Presencia de Inmunocomplejos circulantes y alteraciones del sistema complemento en pacientes con leucemia promielocítica y coagulación intravascular diseminada Presence of circulating immune complexes and alterations of the complement system in patients with promyelocytic leukaemia and disseminates intravascular coagulation

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    Rinaldo Villaescusa Blanco


    Full Text Available Se efectuó la determinación de inmunocomplejos circulantes (ICC así como la medición del sistema complemento por la vía clásica, vía alterna, actividad del factor B y la cuantificación del tercer (C3 y cuarto (C4 componentes de complemento en 30 pacientes con leucemia promielocítica (LPM al diagnóstico, 22 de los cuales presentaron coagulación intravascular diseminada (CID. Se demostró la existencia de niveles elevados de ICC en los enfermos con CID y una disminución significativa de la actividad de la vía clásica, los componentes C3 y C4 en los enfermos con CID, al compararlos con el grupo de pacientes que no presentaba el trastorno de la hemostasia y los controles normales, lo que sugiere la posible participación de estos parámetros en el fenómeno de la CID en estos enfermosThe determination of the circulating immunecomplexes (CIC as well as the measurement of the complement system were carried out by the classical pathway, alternate pathway, factor B activity and the quantitation of the third (C3 and fourth (C4 components of the complement in 30 patients with promyelocytic leukaemia (PML on diagnosis, 22 of whom presented disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC. It was proved the existance of elevated levels of CIC in patients with DIC and a marked reduction of the ativity of the classical pathway and of the C3 and C4 components in patients with DIC, on comparing them with the group of patients that did not have hemostasis disorder and with the normal controls, which suggest the possible participation of these parameters in the phenomenon of DIC in these patients

  11. Linear-regression convolutional neural network for fully automated coronary lumen segmentation in intravascular optical coherence tomography (United States)

    Yong, Yan Ling; Tan, Li Kuo; McLaughlin, Robert A.; Chee, Kok Han; Liew, Yih Miin


    Intravascular optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical imaging modality commonly used in the assessment of coronary artery diseases during percutaneous coronary intervention. Manual segmentation to assess luminal stenosis from OCT pullback scans is challenging and time consuming. We propose a linear-regression convolutional neural network to automatically perform vessel lumen segmentation, parameterized in terms of radial distances from the catheter centroid in polar space. Benchmarked against gold-standard manual segmentation, our proposed algorithm achieves average locational accuracy of the vessel wall of 22 microns, and 0.985 and 0.970 in Dice coefficient and Jaccard similarity index, respectively. The average absolute error of luminal area estimation is 1.38%. The processing rate is 40.6 ms per image, suggesting the potential to be incorporated into a clinical workflow and to provide quantitative assessment of vessel lumen in an intraoperative time frame.

  12. Evaluación clínica y funcional de pacientes con parálisis de Bell tratados con láser


    Ferrera Montero, Tania; Hernández Zayas, Marcia Sandra; Risset Castro, Liudmila; Castro Correoso, Vivianne


    Se realizó una intervención terapéutica, multicéntrica, de 88 pacientes con parálisis de Bell tratados con láser en los servicios de rehabilitación de los policlínicos "Julián Grimau", "Ramón López Peña" y "28 de Septiembre" de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero de 2013 hasta diciembre 2014, para determinar la eficacia de este proceder según la evolución clínica y funcional de los afectados. La muestra aleatoria fue dividida en 2 grupos con 44 integrantes cada uno: los del grupo control recibieron...

  13. Clinical application of intravascular administration of non-ionic, low osmolar contrast agent, Ioversol (Optiray 320) and its side effects comparison with Meglumine Iothalamate (Conray 60)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Hyun Sook; Kim, Dae Ho; Lee, Hae Kyung; Chung, Moo Chan; Choi, Deuk Lin; Kwon, Kuy Hyang; Kim, Ki Jung


    Ioversol, the non-ionic, low osmolar contrast agent has been well characterized chemically and in terms of basic toxicity testing. Ioversol has a fomula similar to that of other nonionic agent. We review the results of intravascular use of this contrast agent, compared ionic contrast media(Meglumine Iothalamate (Conray 60)). Each study was assessed for imaging quality,and patients were monitored vital signs, changes of hematology and blood chemistry and urinalysis before and after contrast administration and were observed for occurrence of side effects. A small number of side effects were reported but no clinically significant sequelae in Ioversol group and much less vital sign changes compared with Conray group. There were no significant changes in vital signs related to the use of Ioversol, and no significant alterations in the renal function parameter or other blood chemistry and hematology measurement were encountered in both contrast media. In most cases, the image qualities were good. In conclusion, Ioversol is safe, well tolerated and efficious for use in intravascular contrast agent, and less vital sign changes and side effect than ionic Meglumine Iothalamte, and Ioversol is likely to provide a useful and acceptable alternative to other low osmolar and nonionic contrast agents

  14. Incidencia del Tratado de Asunción (1991) en las dinámicas migratorias del Cono Sur. Un análisis de las migraciones laborales a Argentina. Periodo (1992-1997)


    Alfonso Rivera, Gian Carlo Andres


    El Tratado de Asunción influye sobre las dinámicas migratorias del Cono Sur, y en especial de Argentina. Pues genera unas condiciones económicas especiales en el Cono Sur, que sumadas a los instrumentos institucionales, influyen a su vez jurídicamente, lo que refuerza la migración interregional al País Austral.

  15. Influence of high-dose lipid lowering treatment compared to low-dose lipid lowering treatment on plaque composition assessed by intravascular ultrasound virtual histology in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egede, Rasmus; Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Hansen, Henrik Steen


    Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of low-dose versus high-dose rosuvastatin therapy on the necrotic core content in coronary plaques of angiographic non-significant lesions as assessed by intravascular ultrasound - virtual histology. Methods and results: Eighty-seven statin...

  16. An automated approach for segmentation of intravascular ultrasound images based on parametric active contour models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vard, Alireza; Jamshidi, Kamal; Movahhedinia, Naser


    This paper presents a fully automated approach to detect the intima and media-adventitia borders in intravascular ultrasound images based on parametric active contour models. To detect the intima border, we compute a new image feature applying a combination of short-term autocorrelations calculated for the contour pixels. These feature values are employed to define an energy function of the active contour called normalized cumulative short-term autocorrelation. Exploiting this energy function, the intima border is separated accurately from the blood region contaminated by high speckle noise. To extract media-adventitia boundary, we define a new form of energy function based on edge, texture and spring forces for the active contour. Utilizing this active contour, the media-adventitia border is identified correctly even in presence of branch openings and calcifications. Experimental results indicate accuracy of the proposed methods. In addition, statistical analysis demonstrates high conformity between manual tracing and the results obtained by the proposed approaches.

  17. Lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos (NGAL e calprotectina no tecido laminar de equinos após obstrução jejunal, tratados ou não com hidrocortisona

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciane M. Laskoski


    Full Text Available A laminite é uma doença podal grave que acomete os equídeos, sendo responsável por intenso sofrimento. Neste estudo foram pesquisadas a presença de calprotectina por meio da imunoistoquímica, e de lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos (NGAL, por zimografia, no tecido laminar do casco de equinos após obstrução intestinal. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: Grupo controle (Gc, contendo sete animais normais, sem procedimento cirúrgico; Grupo Instrumentado (Gi, contendo cinco animais, os quais passaram por todo o procedimento cirúrgico sem sofrerem obstrução intestinal; Grupo Não Tratado (Gnt, contendo quatro equinos submetidos a obstrução intestinal do jejuno por distensão de balão intraluminal, sem tratamento; e Grupo Tratado (Gt, contendo quatro equinos submetidos a obstrução intestinal, e tratados preventivamente com hidrocortisona. Houve imunomarcação de calprotectina em todos os grupos experimentais, com aumento nos equinos do grupo distendido em relação ao Gc. Com relação ao NGAL, houve aumento também do Gnt e do Gi em relação ao Gc. O Gt não diferiu dos demais. Conclui-se que a distensão do intestino delgado pode promover acúmulos de leucócitos nos cascos de equinos e que o NGAL é um método viável para se detectar infiltração neutrofílica em equinos. Novos estudos deverão ser realizados para se verificar possível benefício anti-inflamatório da hidrocortisona no casco de equinos com obstrução intestinal.

  18. A new method for real-time co-registration of 3D coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound or optical coherence tomography. (United States)

    Carlier, Stéphane; Didday, Rich; Slots, Tristan; Kayaert, Peter; Sonck, Jeroen; El-Mourad, Mike; Preumont, Nicolas; Schoors, Dany; Van Camp, Guy


    We present a new clinically practical method for online co-registration of 3D quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) or optical coherence tomography (OCT). The workflow is based on two modified commercially available software packages. Reconstruction steps are explained and compared to previously available methods. The feasibility for different clinical scenarios is illustrated. The co-registration appears accurate, robust and induced a minimal delay on the normal cath lab activities. This new method is based on the 3D angiographic reconstruction of the catheter path and does not require operator's identification of landmarks to establish the image synchronization. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Intravascular ultrasound guided directional atherectomy versus directional atherectomy guided by angiography for the treatment of femoropopliteal in-stent restenosis (United States)

    Krishnan, Prakash; Tarricone, Arthur; K-Raman, Purushothaman; Majeed, Farhan; Kapur, Vishal; Gujja, Karthik; Wiley, Jose; Vasquez, Miguel; Lascano, Rheoneil A.; Quiles, Katherine G.; Distin, Tashanne; Fontenelle, Ran; Atallah-Lajam, Farah; Kini, Annapoorna; Sharma, Samin


    Background: The aim of this study was to compare 1-year outcomes for patients with femoropopliteal in-stent restenosis using directional atherectomy guided by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) versus directional atherectomy guided by angiography. Methods and results: This was a retrospective analysis for patients with femoropopliteal in-stent restenosis treated with IVUS-guided directional atherectomy versus directional atherectomy guided by angiography from a single center between March 2012 and February 2016. Clinically driven target lesion revascularization was the primary endpoint and was evaluated through medical chart review as well as phone call follow up. Conclusions: Directional atherectomy guided by IVUS reduces clinically driven target lesion revascularization for patients with femoropopliteal in-stent restenosis. PMID:29265002

  20. Contenidos lingüísticos y matemáticos de los tratados didácticos (siglos XIII-XV

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    Josué Villa Prieto


    Full Text Available Se profundiza en el estudio de la enseñanza universitaria durante la Edad Media a partir de la lectura atenta y detenida de los tratados empleados para la práctica docente. Estas obras pueden dividirse en dos grupos: textos de la Antigüedad (Aristóteles, Euclides, Catón, Cicerón, Nicómaco, Quintiliano, Donato, Prisciano… y nuevas composiciones didácticas del Medievo (Alexandre de Villedieu, Uguccione da Pisa, Giovanni da Genova, Pedro Hispano, Robert Grosseteste, Thomas Bradwardine, Guarino da Verona, Lorenzo Valla, Juan de Pastrana, Rodolfo Agricola, Fernando de Manzanares, Angelo Poliziano, Antonio de Nebrija…. De la comparativa resultante se ofrece una descripción explicativa sobre los contenidos integrados en cada una de las siguientes disciplinas: Gramática, Lógica, Retórica, Aritmética y Geometría.



    Diego Cano-Blanquer; Pedro Cervera-Casino; Salvador Peiró-Moreno; Mónica Mateu-García; Amparo Barreda-Aznar; Grupo de Estudio de la Automonitorización Glucémica


    Fundamentos: La utilidad de la automonitorización de la glucemia (AMGS) en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) no tratados con insulina (NTI) es objeto de controversia.. Los objetivos de este trabajo son describir la prevalencia de AMGS en sujetos con DM2 NTI en la Comunidad Valenciana y analizar los factores asociados a su a su uso. Método: Estudio transversal en 83 consultas de atención primaria mediante revisión de la historia clínica electrónica y entrevista a 573 sujetos con DM2-NTI. Se ...

  2. Leishmaniosis laríngea recidivante: un caso inusual en un paciente inmunocompetente tratado con corticoides Recidivant laryngeal leishmaniosis: an unusual case in an immunocompetent patient treated with corticosteroids

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Casero


    Full Text Available La leishmaniosis es una parasitosis de evolución crónica; en Argentina, sus agentes etiológicos principales pertenecen al complejo Leishmania (Viannia braziliensis, habitualmente asociado a lesiones cutáneas y mucocutáneas. Informamos en este trabajo un caso de leishmaniosis laríngea en un hombre de 29 años procedente de Jujuy, quien a raíz de múltiples subdiagnósticos portaba esta parasitosis desde hacía 20 años. En el año 2008 este paciente consulta por disfonía crónica y trastornos en las vías aéreas superiores, refiere que fue sometido a terapias con tuberculostáticos, antifúngicos y corticoides desde 2002. Diferentes biopsias y fibroscopías revelaron los siguientes diagnósticos: laringitis granulomatosa inespecífica, laringitis compatible con tuberculosis, laringitis compatible con histoplasmosis, linfoma Natural Killer extraganglionar a células pequeñas. Finalmente, estudios realizados en nuestro hospital demostraron la presencia de una laringe granulomatosa en toda su extensión, amastigotes intra y extracelulares de Leishmania spp., ausencia de formas compatibles con Micobacterias e Histoplasma, y laringitis crónica vinculable a Leishmania spp. El paciente realizó tratamiento con antimoniato de N-metil-glucamina y demostró una muy buena evolución clínica tras ser examinado 2 meses después. Si bien la leishmaniosis laríngea como lesión única no es la presentación prevalente de esta zoonosis, su estudio amerita especial atención en pacientes tratados con corticoides, pues esto evitará un diagnóstico tardío y las mayores consecuencias asociadas a la morbimortalidad propia de esta parasitosis.Leishmaniosis is a chronic parasitic disease, which in Argentina is mainly caused by protozoa belonging to the Leishmania (Viannia braziliensis complex, leading to cutaneous and mucosal pathologies. We report a rare case of laryngeal leishmaniosis in a 29 year-old man from Jujuy province, Argentina, who had been

  3. Intravascular optical imaging of high-risk plaques in vivo by targeting macrophage mannose receptors (United States)

    Kim, Ji Bak; Park, Kyeongsoon; Ryu, Jiheun; Lee, Jae Joong; Lee, Min Woo; Cho, Han Saem; Nam, Hyeong Soo; Park, Ok Kyu; Song, Joon Woo; Kim, Tae Shik; Oh, Dong Joo; Gweon, Daegab; Oh, Wang-Yuhl; Yoo, Hongki; Kim, Jin Won


    Macrophages mediate atheroma expansion and disruption, and denote high-risk arterial plaques. Therefore, they are substantially gaining importance as a diagnostic imaging target for the detection of rupture-prone plaques. Here, we developed an injectable near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) probe by chemically conjugating thiolated glycol chitosan with cholesteryl chloroformate, NIRF dye (cyanine 5.5 or 7), and maleimide-polyethylene glycol-mannose as mannose receptor binding ligands to specifically target a subset of macrophages abundant in high-risk plaques. This probe showed high affinity to mannose receptors, low toxicity, and allowed the direct visualization of plaque macrophages in murine carotid atheroma. After the scale-up of the MMR-NIRF probe, the administration of the probe facilitated in vivo intravascular imaging of plaque inflammation in coronary-sized vessels of atheromatous rabbits using a custom-built dual-modal optical coherence tomography (OCT)-NIRF catheter-based imaging system. This novel imaging approach represents a potential imaging strategy enabling the identification of high-risk plaques in vivo and holds promise for future clinical implications.

  4. Protein Z efficiently depletes thrombin generation in disseminated intravascular coagulation with poor prognosis. (United States)

    Lee, Nuri; Kim, Ji-Eun; Gu, Ja-Yoon; Yoo, Hyun Ju; Kim, Inho; Yoon, Sung-Soo; Park, Seonyang; Han, Kyou-Sup; Kim, Hyun Kyung


    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is characterized by consumption of coagulation factors and anticoagulants. Thrombin generation assay (TGA) gives useful information about global hemostatic status. We developed a new TGA system that anticoagulant addition can deplete thrombin generation in plasma, which may reflect defective anticoagulant system in DIC. TGAs were measured on the calibrated automated thrombogram with and without thrombomodulin or protein Z in 152 patients who were suspected of having DIC, yielding four parameters including lag time, endogenous thrombin potential, peak thrombin and time-to-peak in each experiment. Nonsurvivors showed significantly prolonged lag time and time-to-peak in TGA-protein Z system, which was performed with added protein Z. In multivariate Cox regression analysis, lag time and time-to-peak in TGA system were significant independent prognostic factors. In TGA-protein Z system, lag time and time-to-peak were revealed as independent prognostic factors of DIC. Protein Z addition could potentiate its anticoagulant effect in DIC with poor prognosis, suggesting the presence of defective protein Z system. The prolonged lag time and time-to-peak in both TGA and TGA-protein Z systems are expected to be used as independent prognostic factors of DIC.

  5. Análisis molecular de la longitud telomérica en linfomas foliculares: Su participación en la progresión tumoral Molecular analysis of telomere length in follicular lymphomas. Its participation in tumor progression

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    Alejandra S. H. Cottliar


    Full Text Available Los telómeros son estructuras esenciales para el mantenimiento de la integridad cromosómica y la capacidad replicativa de la célula. La reducción de la longitud telomérica (LT aumenta la probabilidad de producir errores capaces de generar cambios genómicos importantes para el desarrollo neoplásico, determinando desbalances de material genético. En este trabajo se evaluó la LT mediante el análisis de fragmentos de restricción terminal (TRF en médula ósea y/o biopsia ganglionar de 36 pacientes (edad media: 54.2 años; rango 29-77 años; 21 varones: 29 con linfoma folicular (LF al diagnóstico y 7 con linfoma B difuso a células grandes secundario a LF (LBDCG-S. Se efectuó el análisis del rearreglo molecular del gen BCL-2 por PCR anidada y de larga distancia. Las medias de TRF en LF (4.18±0.18 Kb y LBDCG-S (3.31±0.25 Kb resultaron significativamente menores que en controles (8.50±0.50 Kb (pTelomeres are essential for maintaining chromosomal integrity and stability. We studied here telomere length (TL in bone marrow and/or lymph node from 36 patients: 29 with follicular lymphoma (FL at diagnosis and 7 with diffuse large B cell lymphoma secondary to FL (S-DLBCL. TL was evaluated using terminal restriction fragments (TRF assay. BCL-2 gene rearrangement was analyzed by nested and long distance PCR. Mean TRF values showed significant telomere shortening in FL (4.18±0.18 Kb and S-DLBCL (3.31±0.25 Kb respect to controls (8.50±0.50 Kb (p<0.001. Differences between both histological subtypes (p=0.036 were also detected. Moreover, the samples positive for BCL-2 rearrangements showed longer TL (4.25±0.19 Kb than the negative ones (3.39±0.30 Kb (p=0.023. A trend to telomere shortening was observed when Major Breakpoint Region (MBR-J H, minor cluster region (mcr-J H and BCL-2 negative patients were compared (4.35±0.21 Kb; 3.84±0.45 Kb and 3.39±0.30 Kb, respectively. Our results show a TL reduction in FL and S-DLBCL, with significant



    Angélica Moreno; David F. León; Germán A. Giraldo; Eunice Ríos


    Se evaluó el perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango (Mangifera indica L. Var. Tommy Atkins) al ser tratado con la combinación de los métodos de deshidratación osmótica con o sin pulso de vacío (DOPV y DO) y con secado por aire caliente o con vacío (SAC y VAC). El tiempo utilizado en la cinética del proceso de DO fue de 42 horas y la DOPV de 30 horas; en los procesos de secado, el SAC se realizó durante 24 horas y el VAC requirió 40 horas. En el perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango fresc...

  7. Noninvasive in vivo plasma volume and hematocrit in humans: observing long-term baseline behavior to establish homeostasis for intravascular volume and composition (United States)

    Dent, Paul; Deng, Bin; Goodisman, Jerry; Peterson, Charles M.; Narsipur, Sriram; Chaiken, J.


    A new device incorporating a new algorithm and measurement process allows simultaneous noninvasive in vivo monitoring of intravascular plasma volume and red blood cell volume. The purely optical technique involves probing fingertip skin with near infrared laser light and collecting the wavelength shifted light, that is, the inelastic emission (IE) which includes the unresolved Raman and fluorescence, and the un-shifted emission, that is, the elastic emission (EE) which includes both the Rayleigh and Mie scattered light. Our excitation and detection geometry is designed so that from these two simultaneous measurements we can calculate two parameters within the single scattering regime using radiation transfer theory, the intravascular plasma volume fraction and the red blood cell volume fraction. Previously calibrated against a gold standard FDA approved device, 2 hour monitoring sessions on three separate occasions over a three week span for a specific, motionless, and mostly sleeping individual produced 3 records containing a total of 5706 paired measurements of hematocrit and plasma volume. The average over the three runs, relative to the initial plasma volume taken as 100%, of the plasma volume±1σ was 97.56+/-0.55 or 0.56%.For the same three runs, the average relative hematocrit (Hct), referenced to an assumed initial value of 28.35 was 29.37+/-0.12 or stable to +/-0.4%.We observe local deterministic circulation effects apparently associated with the pressure applied by the finger probe as well as longer timescale behavior due to normal ebb and flow of internal fluids due to posture changes and tilt table induced gravity gradients.

  8. Application of intravascular ultrasound in percutaneous coronary interventional therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Jingping; Li Bao; An Jian; Yang Bin; Wang Zhongchao; Wang Rijun; Zhang Wutang; Lei Xinyu; Wang Huixian; Lu Lifang; Gao Yongli


    Objective: To evaluate intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)in demonstrating the characteristics of coronary plaque and in implanting the coronary stent. Methods: Before stent implantation, IVUS was used to observe the plaque character/sties(soft, fibrotic, calcified or mixed) as well as the eccentric degree in 28 patients with angiographically-proved single coronary branch lesion. The minimal luminal diameter, minimal cross-sectional area and plaque area were measured. After stent deployment the above measurements were repeated, and the location, symmetrical index and expansion of the stent were observed. Results: A total of 36 stents was implanted in 28 patients with coronary disease. After the procedure the minimal luminal diameter and the minimal cross-sectional area was increased, while the plaque area was decreased. The difference between the values before and after the stent implantation was statistically significant (P<0.01). IVUS after stent deployment found that in all cases the stent had a nice location and covered the lesion completely with no interlayer at its both ends. Excellent expansion of the stent was seen in 30 cases (83.3%). Insufficient expansion occurred in 3 cases and undesirable contact of the stent to the arterial wall was found in 3 cases (16.7%). In such circumstances, one size bigger low-compliance balloon dilatation was adopted, or the original balloon was used again with higher pressure (18-22 atm), in order to expand the stent once more, and good results accord with IVUS optimal criteria were obtained. Conclusions: IVUS can clearly demonstrate the pathological features of the coronary lesions, such as plaque type, eccentric degree, luminal diameter, cross-sectional area and plaque area, which are very helpful in guiding the selection of the proper stent before the procedure, and are also very useful in evaluating the location, expansion of the stent as well as the stent-to-wall contact condition after the procedure. (authors)

  9. Los servicios profesionales en América del Norte. Un análisis de sus resultados y perspectivas a partir del Tratado de Libre Comercio


    María Yira Figueroa Olvera


    Este trabajo presenta las características actuales del mercado laboral en América del Norte, para ello se toma como marco de referencia el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN). Asimismo, se analizan los resultados actuales y las perspectivas futuras de la prestación de servicios profesionales entre Canadá, Estados Unidos y México; los servicios profesionales más demandados; los requisitos para su prestación; así como las oportunidades de acceso y restricciones para los profe...

  10. The study of cardiovascular changes by intravascular injection of contrast media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Yang Sook; Park, Chang Yoon


    This investigation was aimed to study the effect of contrast media on the cardiovascular system. So in this study, pithed rats were used whether alteration in cardiovascular system by contrast media were controlled centrally. Furthermore, several hypertonic solutions were also used to clarify the effect of contrast media. The results are as follows: 1. Intravenous injection of contrast media in rats (2.5 ml/kg) caused hypotension and bradycardia. The effects were neither blocked by pretreatment of atropine nor pyribenzamine+atropine. 2. NaCI 4.7%, dextrose 24.8%, urea 9.0% and glycerol 10.1% (v/v) which were equiosmolar with contrast media, caused hypotension, but did not affect the heart rate. 3. In pithed rats, intravenous injection of Angiografin increased blood pressure in a dose-dependant manner, and caused decrease in heart rate compared with those of control rats. 4. In pithed rats, bradycardia by intravascular injection with Angiografin was partially blocked by atropine. 5. Metrizamide of which iodine content was adjusted to 280 mg/ml caused increased in blood pressure when was injected intravenously in pithed rats with little effect on heart rate. 6. When perfused with contrast media in rat hindlimb at 15 ml/min./kg speed both perfusion pressure and flow effluent increased, simultaneously. These results suggest that hypotension might be caused by the central effect due to hyperosmolarity of contrast media and bradycardia caused by both parasympathetic stimulation and direct inhibitory action on the cardiac conductive system.

  11. Biodistribution of samarium-153-EDTMP in rats treated with docetaxel Biodistribuição de EDTMP-153-samário em ratos tratados com docetaxel

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    Arthur Villarim Neto


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Many patients with metastatic bone disease have to use radiopharmaceuticals associated with chemotherapy to relieve bone pain. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of docetaxel on the biodistribution of samarium-153-EDTMP in bones and other organs of rats. METHODS: Wistar male rats were randomly allocated into 2 groups of 6 rats each. The DS (docetaxel/samarium group received docetaxel (15 mg/kg intraperitoneally in two cycles 11 days apart. The S (samarium/control group rats were not treated with docetaxel. Nine days after chemotherapy, all the rats were injected with 0.1ml of samarium-153-EDTMP via orbital plexus (25µCi. After 2 hours, the animals were killed and samples of the brain, thyroid, lung, heart, stomach, colon, liver, kidney and both femurs were removed. The percentage radioactivity of each sample (% ATI/g was determined in an automatic gamma-counter (Wizard-1470, Perkin-Elmer, Finland. RESULTS: On the 9th day after the administration of the 2nd chemotherapy cycle, the rats had a significant weight loss (314.50±22.09g compared (pOBJETIVO: Muitos pacientes com metástases ósseas são tratados com radiofármacos associados com quimioterapia para alívio da dor óssea. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a influência do docetaxel na biodistribuição do EDTMP-153-samário nos ossos e outros órgãos de ratos. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar foram aleatoriamente alocados em 2 grupos de 6 animais cada. O grupo DS (docetaxel/samário recebeu docetaxel (15 mg/kg intraperitoneal em dois ciclos com 11 dias de intervalo. Os ratos do grupo S (samário/controle não foram tratados com docetaxel. Nove dias após a quimioterapia, todos os animais receberam 0,1ml de EDTMP-153-samário via plexo orbital (25µCi. Após 2 horas, os animais foram mortos e feitas biópsias de cérebro, tireóide, pulmão, coração, estômago, cólon, fígado, rim e fêmures. O percentual de radioatividade por grama (%ATI/g de tecido de cada bi

  12. Linear-regression convolutional neural network for fully automated coronary lumen segmentation in intravascular optical coherence tomography. (United States)

    Yong, Yan Ling; Tan, Li Kuo; McLaughlin, Robert A; Chee, Kok Han; Liew, Yih Miin


    Intravascular optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical imaging modality commonly used in the assessment of coronary artery diseases during percutaneous coronary intervention. Manual segmentation to assess luminal stenosis from OCT pullback scans is challenging and time consuming. We propose a linear-regression convolutional neural network to automatically perform vessel lumen segmentation, parameterized in terms of radial distances from the catheter centroid in polar space. Benchmarked against gold-standard manual segmentation, our proposed algorithm achieves average locational accuracy of the vessel wall of 22 microns, and 0.985 and 0.970 in Dice coefficient and Jaccard similarity index, respectively. The average absolute error of luminal area estimation is 1.38%. The processing rate is 40.6 ms per image, suggesting the potential to be incorporated into a clinical workflow and to provide quantitative assessment of vessel lumen in an intraoperative time frame. (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

  13. Development of an intravascular ultrasound elastography based on a dual-element transducer (United States)

    Shih, Cho-Chiang; Chen, Pei-Yu; Ma, Teng; Zhou, Qifa; Shung, K. Kirk; Huang, Chih-Chung


    The ability to measure the elastic properties of plaques and vessels would be useful in clinical diagnoses, particularly for detecting a vulnerable plaque. This study demonstrates the feasibility of the combination of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and acoustic radiation force elasticity imaging for detecting the distribution of stiffness within atherosclerotic arteries ex vivo. A dual-frequency IVUS transducer with two elements was used to induce the propagation of the shear wave (by the 8.5 MHz pushing element) which could be simultaneously monitored by the 31 MHz imaging element. The wave-amplitude image and the wave-velocity image were reconstructed by measuring the peak displacement and wave velocity of shear wave propagation, respectively. System performance was verified using gelatin phantoms. The phantom results demonstrate that the stiffness differences of shear modulus of 1.6 kPa can be distinguished through the wave-amplitude and wave-velocity images. The stiffness distributions of the atherosclerotic aorta from a rabbit were obtained, for which the values of peak displacement and the shear wave velocity were 3.7 ± 1.2 µm and 0.38 ± 0.19 m s-1 for the lipid-rich plaques, and 1.0 ± 0.2 µm and 3.45 ± 0.45 m s-1 for the arterial walls, respectively. These results indicate that IVUS elasticity imaging can be used to distinguish the elastic properties of plaques and vessels.

  14. Persistent lesion hyperintensity on brain diffusion-weighted MRI is an early sign of intravascular lymphoma. (United States)

    Kageyama, Takashi; Yamanaka, Haruo; Nakamura, Fumihiko; Suenaga, Toshihiko


    A 63-year-old man presented with right-sided hemianopia and unsteady gait. Brain MRI revealed multiple hyperintense infarct-like lesions on diffusion-weighted images (DWI). Hyperintensity persisted in some of these lesions even after 6 weeks, although his symptoms were ameliorated then. The patient developed episodic dizziness and a transient event of apraxia at 18 weeks after the first episode. Brain MRI revealed additional hyperintense lesions on DWI, which persisted even after 7 weeks. Eventually, the patient manifested cauda equina syndrome 39 weeks after the first episode. Brain MRI showed the presence of new lesions in addition to the persistent hyperintense lesions on DWI over 21 weeks in the right frontal lobe. Based on laboratory findings and the pathological assessment of bone marrow and random skin biopsies, the patient was diagnosed with intravascular lymphoma (IVL). Persistent hyperintense lesions on DWI of brain MRI may precede the clinical exacerbation of IVL. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  15. Bioresorbable Scaffold for Treatment of Coronary Artery Lesions: Intravascular Ultrasound Results From the ABSORB Japan Trial. (United States)

    Okada, Kozo; Honda, Yasuhiro; Kitahara, Hideki; Otagiri, Kyuhachi; Tanaka, Shigemitsu; Hollak, M Brooke; Yock, Paul G; Popma, Jeffrey J; Kusano, Hajime; Cheong, Wai-Fung; Sudhir, Krishnankutty; Fitzgerald, Peter J; Kimura, Takeshi


    The aim of this study was to characterize post-procedural intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) findings in the ABSORB Japan trial, specifically stratified by the size of target coronary arteries. Despite overall noninferiority confirmed in recent randomized trials comparing bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) (Absorb BVS) and cobalt-chromium everolimus-eluting metallic stents (CoCr-EES), higher event rates of Absorb BVS have been reported with suboptimal deployment, especially in small coronary arteries. In the ABSORB Japan trial, 150 patients (2:1 randomization) were scheduled in the IVUS cohort. Small vessel was defined as mean reference lumen diameter strategy, possibly different between polymeric and metallic devices, needs to be established for bioresorbable scaffold technology. (AVJ-301 Clinical Trial: A Clinical Evaluation of AVJ-301 Absorb™ BVS) in Japanese Population [ABSORB JAPAN]; NCT01844284). Copyright © 2018 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Optical Coherence Tomography Analysis of Attenuated Plaques Detected by Intravascular Ultrasound in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes

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    Takashi Kubo


    Full Text Available Background. Recent intravascular ultrasound (IVUS studies have demonstrated that hypoechoic plaque with deep ultrasound attenuation despite absence of bright calcium is common in acute coronary syndrome. Such “attenuated plaque” may be an IVUS characteristic of unstable lesion. Methods. We used optical coherence tomography (OCT in 104 patients with unstable angina to compare lesion characteristics between IVUS-detected attenuated plaque and nonattenuated plaque. Results. IVUS-detected attenuated plaque was observed in 41 (39% patients. OCT-detected lipidic plaque (88% versus 49%, <0.001, thin-cap fibroatheroma (48% versus 16%, <0.001, plaque rupture (44% versus 11%, <0.001, and intracoronary thrombus (54% versus 17%, <0.001 were more often seen in IVUS-detected attenuated plaques compared with nonattenuated plaques. Conclusions. IVUS-detected attenuated plaque has many characteristics of unstable coronary lesion. The presence of attended plaque might be an important marker of lesion instability.

  17. Indium-111-oxine labeled platelet scintigraphy for detection of intracardiac and intravascular thrombi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kimura, Michio; Ojima, Kenji; Tsuda, Takashi [Niigata Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of scintigraphy by using /sup 111/In-oxine labeled platelets for the detection of either intracardiac or intravascular thrombi. Fourteen cases of thrombi diagnosed or suspected on the basis of either angiography or two-dimensional echography were examined. They included four cases of left ventricular thrombi, three of left atrial thrombi, four of vascular thrombi and three of inflammatory disease. Platelet samples from the patients were labeled by /sup 111/In-oxine according to the method originated by Yui et al. The labeling efficiency was 72.4+-9.8%. The platelets retained good function except for collagen aggregability. Hot areas of high quality in the scintigram were demonstrated in six cases including two with left ventricular thrombi, two with left atrial thrombi and two with vascular thrombi. These areas accorded well with the findings of angiography, echography or surgery. The removed thrombi had a layer of aggregated platelets on the surface. Platelet survival was shortened in a case of prosthetic valve endocarditis without a hot area, and was normal in four out of the five cases including two with a hot area. It is concluded that this method is potentially predictive in detecting thrombi.

  18. El control constitucional de las resoluciones antidumping y los paneles del artículo 1904 del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte


    Cruz Barney, Óscar


    Este artículo trata de la aparente contradicción existente entre el juicio de amparo y el mecanismo de solución de diferencias contemplado en el artículo 1904 del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN). Se aborda el tema de la improcedencia de dicho mecanismo de control constitucional cuando se ha optado por el medio alternativo ante una resolución antidumping emitida por la autoridad mexicana. This article is about the apparent contradiction existing between the Trial of G...

  19. Determination of regional flow by use of intravascular PET tracers: microvascular theory and experimental validation for pig livers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, O L; Bass, L; Feng, H


    Today, the standard approach for the kinetic analysis of dynamic PET studies is compartment models, in which the tracer and its metabolites are confined to a few well-mixed compartments. We examine whether the standard model is suitable for modern PET data or whether theories including more...... physiologic realism can advance the interpretation of dynamic PET data. A more detailed microvascular theory is developed for intravascular tracers in single-capillary and multiple-capillary systems. The microvascular models, which account for concentration gradients in capillaries, are validated and compared...... with the standard model in a pig liver study. METHODS: Eight pigs underwent a 5-min dynamic PET study after (15)O-carbon monoxide inhalation. Throughout each experiment, hepatic arterial blood and portal venous blood were sampled, and flow was measured with transit-time flow meters. The hepatic dual...

  20. Determinação das substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico como indicador da peroxidação lipídica em ratos tratados com sevoflurano Determinación de las substancias reativas al ácido tiobarbitúrico como indicador de la peroxidación lipídica en ratones tratados con sevoflurano Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances as an index of lipid peroxidation in sevoflurane-treated rats

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    Francisco José Lucena Bezerra


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O sevoflurano é um éter fluorado de baixa solubilidade sangüínea e sua biotransformação ocorre por meio do sistema enzimático hepático oxidativo que envolve o citocromo P450 2E1. A peroxidação lipídica ocorre durante o processo de biotransformação dos éteres sob ação do citocromo P450, um dos possíveis mecanismos de toxicidade hepática e renal promovida por esses compostos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os níveis de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (SRAT, como indicador da peroxidação lipídica, em ratos que receberam sevoflurano, previamente tratados ou não com isoniazida, indutor enzimático do citocromo P450 2E1. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 42 animais, distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos que receberam respectivamente: G1 - oxigênio a 100% 1 l.min-1/60 minutos por 5 dias consecutivos; G2 - sevoflurano a 4% em oxigênio a 100%, 1 l.min-1/60 minutos por 5 dias consecutivos; G3 - isoniazida (50 por via intraperitoneal durante 4 dias consecutivos, em seguida foi tratado como o G1, no G4 - isoniazida 50 por via intraperitoneal durante 4 dias consecutivos, sendo tratado, posteriormente, como o G2. Após 12 horas do último tratamento, sacrificaram-se os animais e foi coletado o plasma para a análise das SRAT, sendo removido o lobo esquerdo do fígado e os rins para exame histológico. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram aumento nas taxas de SRAT no G3 e G4, com elevação discreta em G2. O estudo histológico revelou necrose focal no fígado de ratos pré-tratados com isoniazida (G3. CONCLUSÕES: O sevoflurano promoveu peroxidação lipídica apenas quando associado à isoniazida.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El sevoflurano es un éter fluorado de baja solubilidad sanguínea y su biotransformación ocurre por medio del sistema enzimático hepático oxidativo que envuelve el citocromo P450 2E1. La peroxidación lipídica ocurre durante el proceso de

  1. Considerações sobre a prevalência dos tratados internacionais sobre a legislação tributária brasileira: o caso do MERCOSUL

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    Maria de Fátima Ribeiro


    Full Text Available This is a study on the main aspects discussed in the Brazilian doctrine and the jurisprudence concerning the prevalence of international treaties and conventions for internal tax legislation. Considerations are made on the Brazilian federate and sovereignty principles and on the competence constitutionally established for all the political entities of the Brazilian State. Article 151, section III of the Federal Constitution must be pointed out for its purpose on stating that the Union shall not exempt the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities from respective taxes. Article 98 of the National Tax Code is also considered for its disposition concerning legislation from international treaties and agreements on tax norms of the positive system currently in force.Trata-se de estudo sobre os principais aspectos discutidos na doutrina e na jurisprudência brasileira sobre a prevalência dos tratados e convenções internacionais sobre a legislação tributária interna. Necessário se faz apresentar considerações sobre o princípio federativo brasileiro, o princípio da soberania e o da competência constitucionalmente estabelecida para todos os entes políticos do Estado brasileiro. Merece maior destaque o art. 151, inciso III da Constituição Federal ao enaltecer que a União não poderá conceder isenções de tributos de competência dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios, bem como a análise do art. 98 do Código Tributário Nacional dispondo sobre as introduções legislativas provenientes de tratados e acordos internacionais sobre as normas tributárias do sistema positivo vigente.


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    Amistander José dos Santos


    Full Text Available A crescente demanda por água para abastecimento vem gerando por consequênciaum aumento no volume de água residuária, que requer cuidados especiais para suadisposição final. Nesse sentido esse trabalho se propõe estudar a destinação da água deesgoto doméstico tratado para uso agrícola, tendo como objetivo avaliar os efeitos daaplicação de água residuária provenientes da lagoa aerada e lagoa de maturação, de estaçãode tratamento de esgoto sanitário sobre o sistema solo-planta, produtividade agrícola eoutras características agronômicas da cultura do milho. O experimento foi conduzido emestufa agrícola, utilizando os seguintes tratamentos: T0- água da chuva sem adubação(APS; T1- água chuva + adubação recomendada pela análise de solo (APA; T2 - águaresiduária, sem adubação coletado na saída da lagoa de maturação (ARF e T3 - águaresiduária, sem adubação coletada na saída da lagoa aerada (ARE. Foram feitas análise daágua de turbidez, da condutividade elétrica (CE, dos sólidos totais, do pH, do ortofosfatosolúvel, do Nitrogênio amoniacal ( NH4+, Ca2+ e Mg2+, Na+, da alcalinidade, da Razão deAdsorção de Sódio e DBO. Analisou-se ainda a fertilidade do solo e as variáveisrelacionadas à cultura como altura média da planta, matéria seca, teores de macronutrientese micronutrientes do tecido foliar. De modo geral, o uso de água residuária melhorou afertilidade do solo, sendo mais eficiente que o uso de água de chuva + adubaçãoconvencional para elevar o pH do solo e em diminuir os teores de Al3+ trocável e de H+Ale tão eficiente quanto para elevar a soma de bases (SB, a capacidade de troca catiônicaefetiva (CTC e saturação por bases (V. Entretanto nas condições desse ensaio, foi possívelconcluir que no presente estudo, evidenciaram-se limitações da utilização de águasprovenientes da lagoa facultativa na irrigação do milho (Zea mays L. em relação ao Na+ nosolo e a RAS, devendo ser

  3. Multidimensional segmentation of coronary intravascular ultrasound images using knowledge-based methods (United States)

    Olszewski, Mark E.; Wahle, Andreas; Vigmostad, Sarah C.; Sonka, Milan


    In vivo studies of the relationships that exist among vascular geometry, plaque morphology, and hemodynamics have recently been made possible through the development of a system that accurately reconstructs coronary arteries imaged by x-ray angiography and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in three dimensions. Currently, the bottleneck of the system is the segmentation of the IVUS images. It is well known that IVUS images contain numerous artifacts from various sources. Previous attempts to create automated IVUS segmentation systems have suffered from either a cost function that does not include enough information, or from a non-optimal segmentation algorithm. The approach presented in this paper seeks to strengthen both of those weaknesses -- first by building a robust, knowledge-based cost function, and then by using a fully optimal, three-dimensional segmentation algorithm. The cost function contains three categories of information: a compendium of learned border patterns, information theoretic and statistical properties related to the imaging physics, and local image features. By combining these criteria in an optimal way, weaknesses associated with cost functions that only try to optimize a single criterion are minimized. This cost function is then used as the input to a fully optimal, three-dimensional, graph search-based segmentation algorithm. The resulting system has been validated against a set of manually traced IVUS image sets. Results did not show any bias, with a mean unsigned luminal border positioning error of 0.180 +/- 0.027 mm and an adventitial border positioning error of 0.200 +/- 0.069 mm.

  4. A Recepção dos Tratados de Direitos Humanos pelos Tribunais Nacionais: Sentenças Paradigmáticas de Colômbia, Argentina e Brasil / The Reception of Human Rights Treaties by Domestic Courts: Paradigmatic Judicial Decisions from Colombia, Argentina and Brazil

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    Antonio Gomes Moreira Maués


    Full Text Available Resumo: O cumprimento efetivo de tratados internacionais de direitos humanos depende de fatores que não se limitam à sua incorporação ao direito interno. Para que haja uma recepção completa do tratado, os órgãos judiciais devem ser dotados de independência (exercício de suas funções de fiscalização dos demais poderes, os tratados devem possuir efeito direto (qualquer pessoa poderá utilizá-los em tribunais, independente de ação legislativa posterior e os tribunais devem realizar uma interpretação conforme de suas disposições (compatibilização das normas internas com as internacionais, a fim de garantir o cumprimento de obrigações internacionais. Por meio do método comparado utilizado neste artigo, pode-se concluir que Argentina e Colômbia apresentam um grau maior de recepção da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, não apenas porque a elevaram à categoria de norma constitucional, mas, principalmente, porque atribuem a ela efeito direto e aplicam a interpretação conforme. Apesar de atribuir efeito direto à Convenção Americana, o Supremo Tribunal Federal ainda não desenvolveu jurisprudência acerca da interpretação conforme, criando obstáculos à recepção e cumprimento efetivo do tratado. Palavras-chave: Tratados internacionais de direitos humanos; Independência judicial; Efeito direto; Interpretação conforme.   Abstract: The effective implementation of international human rights treaties depends on factors that are not limited to its incorporation into domestic law. In order to have a complete reception of the treaty, courts must be provided with independency (exercise of its functions of government monitoring, treaties must have direct effect (anyone can use them in court, regardless of subsequent legislative action and courts must perform a consistent interpretation of its provisions (internal standards in accordance with international ones, to ensure compliance with international obligations

  5. El individuo ante la biopolítica: Tratado de Libre Comercio Colombia-EE.UU.

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    Martha Isabel Gómez Lee


    Full Text Available El problema de las patentes de biotecnología puede ser visto como un asunto de política de ciencia y tecnología, en la que el contexto de la globalización y de la sociedad del conocimiento cruza la política de la vida o biopolítica. En los Estados Unidos se considera un asunto de política pública del conocimiento, mientras que en Colombia es una cuestión de política social y ambiental. Los ciudadanos colombianos tienen mucho que decir y controlar en la revolución biotecnológica y comercial que redimensiona la extracción de renta de la tierra y reconfigura a la biodiversidad colombiana como nueva renta de germoplasma global. Los individuos están llamados a actuar de manera creativa en tres dimensiones: como agentes políticos y fuente de razones y acciones políticas, como objetivo último de las decisiones y las acciones de la biopolítica y como interfase entre las políticas públicas globales y las sociales. En esta última dimensión, el individuo colombiano es un actor político fundamental en las negociaciones del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Estados Unidos y Colombia por ser él un actor activo de la sociedad civil en defensa de la vida.

  6. Correlação entre fator de toxicidade e parâmetros físico-químicos para efluentes domésticos tratados


    Amaral, Karina Guedes Cubas do


    No Brasil diversas estações adicionam policloreto de alumínio no lodo biológico para melhorar a eficiência da coagulação/ floculação e clarificação e adicionam hipoclorito de sódio no efluente tratado para a desinfecção. Usualmente o monitoramento das Estações é realizado em muitos casos apenas através da determinação de parâmetros físico-quimicos. Neste estudo foram realizadas análises em amostras obtidas em diferentes condições operacionais de uma ETE sanitária de uma indústria localizada n...

  7. Differentiation of early from advanced coronary atherosclerotic lesions: systematic comparison of CT, intravascular US, and optical frequency domain imaging with histopathologic examination in ex vivo human hearts. (United States)

    Maurovich-Horvat, Pál; Schlett, Christopher L; Alkadhi, Hatem; Nakano, Masataka; Stolzmann, Paul; Vorpahl, Marc; Scheffel, Hans; Tanaka, Atsushi; Warger, William C; Maehara, Akiko; Ma, Shixin; Kriegel, Matthias F; Kaple, Ryan K; Seifarth, Harald; Bamberg, Fabian; Mintz, Gary S; Tearney, Guillermo J; Virmani, Renu; Hoffmann, Udo


    To establish an ex vivo experimental setup for imaging coronary atherosclerosis with coronary computed tomographic (CT) angiography, intravascular ultrasonography (US), and optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) and to investigate their ability to help differentiate early from advanced coronary plaques. All procedures were performed in accordance with local and federal regulations and the Declaration of Helsinki. Approval of the local Ethics Committee was obtained. Overall, 379 histologic cuts from nine coronary arteries from three donor hearts were acquired, coregistered among modalities, and assessed for the presence and composition of atherosclerotic plaque. To assess the discriminatory capacity of the different modalities in the detection of advanced lesions, c statistic analysis was used. Interobserver agreement was assessed with the Cohen κ statistic. Cross sections without plaque at coronary CT angiography and with fibrous plaque at OFDI almost never showed advanced lesions at histopathologic examination (odds ratio [OR]: 0.02 and 0.06, respectively; both Padvanced lesions (OR: 2.49, P=.0003; OR: 2.60, P=.002; and OR: 31.2, Padvanced lesions than intravascular US and coronary CT angiography (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve: 0.858 [95% confidence interval {CI}: 0.802, 0.913], 0.631 [95% CI: 0.554, 0.709], and 0.679 [95% CI: 0.618, 0.740]; respectively, Padvanced coronary plaques. © RSNA, 2012

  8. Estudo longitudinal do sucesso clínico-radiográfico de dentes tratados com medicação intracanal de hidróxido de cálcio

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    Mauro Juvenal Nery

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento endodôntico é de fundamental importância para abolir a infecção presente em dentes que apresentam necrose pulpar. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar clínica e radiograficamente a eficácia dos tratamentos de canais radiculares de dentes com lesão periapical crônica, efetuados pelos graduandos em Odontologia, da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba - UNESP. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram selecionados 100 pacientes que possuíam dentes com lesão periapical crônica para serem tratados. Após o preparo biomecânico, os canais radiculares receberam uma medicação intracanal de hidróxido de cálcio durante o período de 14 dias. Os canais radiculares foram obturados com cimento endodôntico à base de hidróxido de cálcio. Foi realizada a proservação por um período entre oito e 11 meses. RESULTADO: A análise dos resultados permitiu constatar a porcentagem de 78,46% dos casos com reparo total da lesão periapical e de 21,54% dos casos em que não houve evidências de reparo. CONCLUSÃO: Ocorreu reparo das lesões periapicais nos dentes tratados pelos graduandos da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba - UNESP.

  9. Chronic intravascular coagulation associated with chronic myelocytic leukemia. Use of heparin in connection with a surgical procedure. (United States)

    German, H J; Smith, J A; Lindenbaum, J


    A women with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelocytic leukemia lived nearly 12 years from the time of diagnosis. During most of this period she received no therapy, and marked cyclic oscillations in the white blood cell count were documented. The last two years of her illness were marked by a hemorrhagic disorder associated with hypofibrinogenemia, thrombocytopenia, increased plasma fibrinopeptide A concentration and markedly elevated serum levels of fibrin degradation products. The coagulation disorder was rapidly reversible on several occasions with heparin therapy. After treatment with heparin and platelet transfusions, the patient underwent successful resection of a large ovarian cyst with excellent hemostasis during the procedure. Postoperatively, the administration of heparin and platelets was discontinued and a large wound hematoma developed. After resumption of therapy with heparin and platelets, the remainder of her postoperative course was uneventful. The literature on the subject is reviewed and tentative guidelines are offered concerning the management of patients with intravascular coagulation who require diagnostic or therapeutic surgical procedures.

  10. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia: magnetic resonance imaging of finger lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sung, Jinkyeong; Kim, Jee-Young [The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Radiology, St. Vincent' s Hospital, College of Medicine, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do (Korea, Republic of); Yoo, Changyoung [The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Hospital Pathology, St. Vincent' s Hospital, College of Medicine, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do (Korea, Republic of)


    To describe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (IPEH), to identify findings differentiating IPEH of the finger from that of other locations, and to correlate these with pathology. Nineteen patients with 20 I.E. masses of the finger (n = 13) and other locations (n = 7) were evaluated. All patients underwent MRI, and the results were correlated with pathology. Seventeen IPEHs, including all IPEHs of the finger, were located in the subcutis, the three other lesions in the muscle layer. On T1WI, all masses were isointense or slightly hyperintense. IPEHs of the finger (n = 13) revealed focal hyperintense nodules (n = 2) or central hypointensity (n = 2) on T1WI, hypointensity with a hyperintense rim (n = 7), hyperintensity with hypointense nodules (n = 5), or isointensity with a hypointense rim (n = 1) on T2WI, and rim enhancement (n = 5), heterogeneous enhancement with nodular nonenhanced areas (n = 6), peripheral nodular enhancement (n = 1), or no enhancement (n = 1) on gadolinium-enhanced T1WI. IPEHs of other locations (n = 7) demonstrated focal hyperintense nodules (n = 5) on T1WI, hyperintensity with hypointense nodules (n = 5) or heterogeneous signal intensity (n = 2) on T2WI, and rim or rim and septal enhancement (n = 6) or peripheral nodular enhancement (n = 1). Microscopically, IPEHs were composed of thrombi that were hypointense on T2WI and papillary endothelial proliferations that showed T2 hyperintensity and enhancement. MRI of finger IPEH reveals well-demarcated subcutaneous masses with hypointensity or hypointense nodules with peripheral hyperintensity on T2WI, as well as peripheral enhancement. T1 hyperintense nodules, internal heterogeneity on T2WI, and septal enhancement are more common in IPEH of other locations. (orig.)

  11. ARCOCT: Automatic detection of lumen border in intravascular OCT images. (United States)

    Cheimariotis, Grigorios-Aris; Chatzizisis, Yiannis S; Koutkias, Vassilis G; Toutouzas, Konstantinos; Giannopoulos, Andreas; Riga, Maria; Chouvarda, Ioanna; Antoniadis, Antonios P; Doulaverakis, Charalambos; Tsamboulatidis, Ioannis; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis; Giannoglou, George D; Maglaveras, Nicos


    Intravascular optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an invaluable tool for the detection of pathological features on the arterial wall and the investigation of post-stenting complications. Computational lumen border detection in OCT images is highly advantageous, since it may support rapid morphometric analysis. However, automatic detection is very challenging, since OCT images typically include various artifacts that impact image clarity, including features such as side branches and intraluminal blood presence. This paper presents ARCOCT, a segmentation method for fully-automatic detection of lumen border in OCT images. ARCOCT relies on multiple, consecutive processing steps, accounting for image preparation, contour extraction and refinement. In particular, for contour extraction ARCOCT employs the transformation of OCT images based on physical characteristics such as reflectivity and absorption of the tissue and, for contour refinement, local regression using weighted linear least squares and a 2nd degree polynomial model is employed to achieve artifact and small-branch correction as well as smoothness of the artery mesh. Our major focus was to achieve accurate contour delineation in the various types of OCT images, i.e., even in challenging cases with branches and artifacts. ARCOCT has been assessed in a dataset of 1812 images (308 from stented and 1504 from native segments) obtained from 20 patients. ARCOCT was compared against ground-truth manual segmentation performed by experts on the basis of various geometric features (e.g. area, perimeter, radius, diameter, centroid, etc.) and closed contour matching indicators (the Dice index, the Hausdorff distance and the undirected average distance), using standard statistical analysis methods. The proposed method was proven very efficient and close to the ground-truth, exhibiting non statistically-significant differences for most of the examined metrics. ARCOCT allows accurate and fully-automated lumen border

  12. Intravascular application of electrocautery in a rabbit model of abdominal aortic endarterectomy. (United States)

    Wang, Chuan; Xin, Yi; Li, Na; Li, Diankun; Li, Jingxing; Gu, Chengxiong


    Effective therapies for preventing perioperative complications such as thrombosis and inflammation after coronary endarterectomy (CE) are lacking. Electrocoagulation electrotomes have been routinely used in surgery for their cutting, clotting, and hemostatic properties. As strong flattening tools, their electrocautery function may prevent mechanical intimal-adventitial injury to arterial circulation and attenuate stenosis. The present study investigated the effects of intravascular application of electrocautery on ameliorating inflammation and thrombosis in a rabbit model of abdominal aortic endarterectomy. New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the sham, control (endarterectomy), and study (endarterectomy + electrocautery) groups with 10 in each group. Abdominal aortas were partially blocked and intima was removed. Electrocautery was performed with an electrocoagulation electrotome through the entire blocked vessel lumen. Vascular ultrasound parameters, molecular biological and histological characteristics of the abdominal aorta including vascular diameter, blood flow velocity, serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels, and apoptosis rate of vascular endothelial cells (ECs) were evaluated postoperatively by vascular Doppler ultrasound, ELISA, real-time RT-PCR, flow cytometry, and immunofluorescence at various time points. Compared with the endarterectomy + electrocautery group, the isolated endarterectomy group had significantly increased levels and gene expression of TNF-α and IL-6 (Pelectrocautery has favorable short-term effects on the abdominal aorta and can reduce inflammation in a rabbit model of abdominal aorta endarterectomy. Long-term anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic effects on arterial remodeling and the clinical value of electrocautery in CE remain to be determined.

  13. Characteristics of virtual histology-intravascular unltrasound of infarction-related artery atheromatous plaque and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A level: a correlation study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Shaobo; Jiang Tiemin; Liang Guoqing; Zhao Jihong; Li Yuming


    Objective: To observe the characteristics of virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) in 70 patients with acute ST segment elevated type myocardial infarction (AMI), the findings were compared with that in 70 patients with stable angina (control group), and to analyze the correlation between VH-IVUS characteristics and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPPA) level. Methods: Seventy patients with ST segment elevated AMI and 70 patients with stable angina, who received percutaneous coronary artery intervention and were encountered from Jan. 2008 to Dec. 2009, were involved in this study. After coronary angiography was completed,the plasma was aspirated from culprit coronary artery with ZEEK catheter. Then, IVUS examination to culprit lesion was carried out and grayscale and VH data were stored. The characteristics of VH-IVUS of culprit atheromatous plaque were observed and its correlation with PAPPA was analyzed. Results: The difference in age,gender, hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia between two groups was of no statistical significance, but statistically significant difference in VH-IVUS characteristics of the atheromatous plaque existed between two groups, more fibro-fatty tissue and necrotic tissue with less dense calcium were seen in AMI group. The ratio of necrotic tissue area to calcified tissue area was (3.62±1.46) in AMI group and(7.18±2.53) in control group (P<0.01). PAPPA in AMI group was significantly higher than that in control group (P<0.01). Parameters of VH-IVUS in AMI group were highly correlated with PAPPA (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Conclusion: The characteristics of virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound of infarction-related artery atheromatous plaque include more necrotic tissue, higher ratio of necrotic tissue area to calcified tissue area and a closer correlation with PAPPA. (authors)

  14. Linfoma de Burkitt: informe de un caso diagnosticado por laparotomía Burkitt's lymphoma: report of a case diagnosed by laparotomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Pinilla González


    Full Text Available El linfoma de Burkitt no endémico es un tumor de frecuente localización abdominal, por lo que se debe tener presente ante cualquier masa intraabdominal. Aunque el tratamiento de elección es la quimioterapia, existe controversia respecto del papel que debe desempeñar la cirugía, especialmente en casos donde el diagnóstico se establece durante una laparotomía exploradora. Este fue el caso de una adolescente de 14 años que presentó una masa hipogástrica y otra menor en la fosa ilíaca derecha. Algunos autores no aceptan la cirugía y añaden que puede retrasar y complicar el tratamiento quimioterápeutico, mientras que otros autores defienden la cirugía reductora de masa tumoral asociada a la quimioterapia. Esta controversia es especialmente importante cuando el diagnóstico se establece en el curso de una laparotomía exploradora, durante la cual hay que decidir si extirpar la masa tumoral o no hacerlo. En nuestro caso decidimos extirpar todo el tumor macroscópico. La buena evolución de nuestra paciente y los resultados comunicados apoyan esta postura.Non-endemic Burkitt's lymphoma is a tumor of frequent abdominal localization that should be taken into consideration before any intraabdominal mass. Although chemotherapy is the election treatment, there is controversy as regards the role surgery should play, specially in those cases where the diagnosis is established by explorative laparotomy. This was the case of a 14-year-old adolescent that presented a hypogastric mass and another lower mass in the right iliac fossa. Some authors do not accept surgery and state that it may delay and complicate chemotherapy, whereas other authors defend the tumoral mass-reducing surgery associated with chemotherapy. This controversy is particularly important when the diagnosis is made in the course of an explorative laparotomy and it should be decided wether to remove the tumoral mass or not. In our case, it was decided to remove the whole macroscopic

  15. Multicenter assessment of the reproducibility of volumetric radiofrequency-based intravascular ultrasound measurements in coronary lesions that were consecutively stented

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huisman, Jennifer; Egede, Rasmus; Rdzanek, Adam


    To assess in a multicenter design the between-center reproducibility of volumetric virtual histology intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) measurements with a semi-automated, computer-assisted contour detection system in coronary lesions that were consecutively stented. To evaluate the reproducibility...... of volumetric VH-IVUS measurements, experienced analysts of 4 European IVUS centers performed independent analyses (in total 8,052 cross-sectional analyses) to obtain volumetric data of 40 coronary segments (length 20.0 ± 0.3 mm) from target lesions prior to percutaneous intervention that were performed...... in the setting of stable (65%) or unstable angina pectoris (35%). Geometric and compositional VH-IVUS measurements were highly correlated for the different comparisons. Overall intraclass correlation for vessel, lumen, plaque volume and plaque burden was 0.99, 0.92, 0.96, and 0.83, respectively; for fibrous...

  16. Comparison of intravascular ultrasound and angiographic assessement of coronary reference segment size in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Thayssen, Per; Mintz, Gary S


    During percutaneous coronary intervention, the reference segment is assessed angiographically. This report described the discrepancy between angiographic and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) assessment of reference segment size in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Preintervention IVUS was used...... to study 62 de novo lesions in 41 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The lesion site was the image slice with the smallest lumen cross-sectional area (CSA). The proximal and distal reference segments were the most normal-looking segments within 5 mm proximal and distal to the lesion. Plaque burden...... was measured as plaque CSA/external elastic membrane (EEM) CSA. Using IVUS, the reference lumen diameter was 2.80 +/- 0.42 mm and the reference EEM diameter was 4.17 +/- 0.56 mm. The angiographic reference diameter was 2.63 +/- 0.36 mm. Mean difference between the IVUS EEM diameter and angiographic reference...

  17. Monte Carlo dosimetry of a tandem positioned beta-emitting intravascular brachytherapy source train

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallace, Steven A.; Schumer, Wendy; Horrigan, Mark


    Prevention of restenosis following interventional coronary procedures with catheter based beta-emitting sources is currently under clinical trial investigations. Systems utilizing fixed length source trains limit the clinician's ability to increase the radiation source length as required. A technique known as 'pull back' is used when the segment of artery requiring radiation is longer than the available fixed length source train. In this instance, tandem positioning of the fixed length source is used to treat the longer length of artery. The aim of this study was to examine the dosimetry of the junction region associated with pull back treatments using a commercially available 90 Sr/Y catheter based intravascular brachytherapy source train. Dose profiles were calculated, using the Monte Carlo code MCNP4B, at radial distances of 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 mm for pull back techniques using 2.5 mm overlapping, abutting, and 2.5 mm spaced source trains. Results at the protocol prescription radius of 2 mm showed a junction dose elevated 61% above prescription for 2.5 mm overlapping source trains. For 2.5 mm spaced trains, this figure falls to 64% below prescription dose. In contrast, abutted source trains exhibited only a 1% depression below prescription dose in the junction region. The reference point dose rate per unit activity of this source was found to be consistent with previous studies

  18. Successful Control of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation by Recombinant Thrombomodulin during Arsenic Trioxide Treatment in Relapsed Patient with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Motohiro Shindo


    Full Text Available Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC frequently occurs in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL. With the induction of therapy in APL using all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA, DIC can be controlled in most cases as ATRA usually shows immediate improvement of the APL. However, arsenic trioxide (ATO which has been used for the treatment of relapse in APL patients has shown to take time to suppress APL cells, therefore the control of DIC in APL with ATO treatment is a major problem. Recently, the recombinant soluble thrombomodulin fragment has received a lot of attention as the novel drug for the treatment of DIC with high efficacy. Here, we present a relapsed patient with APL in whom DIC was successfully and safely controlled by rTM during treatment with ATO.

  19. Optimization of dual-wavelength intravascular photoacoustic imaging of atherosclerotic plaques using Monte Carlo optical modeling (United States)

    Dana, Nicholas; Sowers, Timothy; Karpiouk, Andrei; Vanderlaan, Donald; Emelianov, Stanislav


    Coronary heart disease (the presence of coronary atherosclerotic plaques) is a significant health problem in the industrialized world. A clinical method to accurately visualize and characterize atherosclerotic plaques is needed. Intravascular photoacoustic (IVPA) imaging is being developed to fill this role, but questions remain regarding optimal imaging wavelengths. We utilized a Monte Carlo optical model to simulate IVPA excitation in coronary tissues, identifying optimal wavelengths for plaque characterization. Near-infrared wavelengths (≤1800 nm) were simulated, and single- and dual-wavelength data were analyzed for accuracy of plaque characterization. Results indicate light penetration is best in the range of 1050 to 1370 nm, where 5% residual fluence can be achieved at clinically relevant depths of ≥2 mm in arteries. Across the arterial wall, fluence may vary by over 10-fold, confounding plaque characterization. For single-wavelength results, plaque segmentation accuracy peaked at 1210 and 1720 nm, though correlation was poor (blood, a primary and secondary wavelength near 1210 and 1350 nm, respectively, may offer the best implementation of dual-wavelength IVPA imaging. These findings could guide the development of a cost-effective clinical system by highlighting optimal wavelengths and improving plaque characterization.

  20. Induced transdifferentiation of human B-leukemia/lymphoma cell lines and inhibition of leukemogenicity


    Rapino, Francesca, 1982-


    Las neoplasias malignas de células B abarcan una amplia variedad de enfermedades diferentes, incluyendo el linfoma no Hodgkin (LNH) y leucemia. Actualmente, la quimioterapia, la radiación y el tratamiento con anticuerpos anti-CD20 son los pilares de la terapia contra el linfoma y la leucemia de células B. Sin embargo, el hecho de que un gran porcentaje de pacientes no se cura con estos tratamientos, justifica la búsqueda de nuevas terapias más eficaces. Aunque la inducció...