
Sample records for leucophaea maderae electronic

  1. Isolation and partial characterization of a second myotropic peptide from the hindgut of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae. (United States)

    Holman, G M; Cook, B J


    Proctolin and a second myotropic peptide were extracted from the hindgut of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae with methanol-water-acetic acid (90:9:1). The two peptides were easily separated by HPLC on a mu-Bondapak-phenyl column. Like proctolin, the second peptide was heat stable and was inactivated by the exopeptidases aminopeptidase M and carboxypeptidase Y. The response of the isolated hindgut to the new peptide was distinguishable from the response to proctolin by the following features: (a) a longer interval following application (1-4 min) to reach a maximum contraction, and (b) a much larger amplitude for single phasic contractions. Like proctolin, the new peptide could cause a protracted stimulation of the hindgut for more than 2 hr.

  2. Serie: Madera para construcción Acabados para madera


    Sáenz-Muñoz, Marta; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica


    Durante mucho tiempo, la madera ha sido utilizada como material de construcción para resolver principalmente objetivos estructurales; sin embargo, actualmente, el uso de la madera ha tomado mucho auge en la estética de las construcciones, para brindar apariencia y calidez. En la actualidad, el mercado ofrece una amplia gama productos para dar diversos “acabados” a la madera, los cuales sirven para resaltar la belleza de algunas de ellas, realzar características como el color y la veta, o bien...

  3. esMADERA: eficiente y sostenible. Madera Aplicada al Diseño de Estructuras con un Rendimiento Alto


    Cabrero, J. (J.M.)


    Entre los materiales estructurales habituales, la madera es el de menor huella ecol ogica. Por ello, su empleo contribuye a la reducci on de emisiones CO2. Pero no s olo, puesto que almacena CO2: una tonelada de madera signi ca aproximadamente una tonelada de CO2 menos en la atm osfera. Es un material natural y renovable. El uso estructural de la madera la revaloriza, pone en valor a los bosques, y consecuentemente facilita su gesti on. La madera ha sido dise~nada por ...

  4. Serie Madera para construcción La madera certificada bajo el concepto del triple resultado


    Camacho-Cornejo, Diego; Moya-Roque, Róger


    A nivel mundial existe una tendencia de utilización de los productos certificados de madera bajo el concepto de triple resultado. En Costa Rica, diferentes empresas trabajan bajo este concepto. Es por ello que el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar el desarrollo de la madera certificada en Costa Rica, estableciendo la importancia de utilizar este tipo de madera, las ventajas de utilizarla en relación a aquella que no presenta esta certificación. Así mismo se presenta un detalle de la...

  5. Estudio sobre encofrados de madera modernos

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    de la Peña Aznar, Juan M.


    Full Text Available The author continues the development of the subject «Modern Timber Formwork», by summing up the comparative examination —already carried out in Part III of this Study— of the different types of glued timber existing on the market. In addition, the loads and stresses allowable for coniferous timber and the proposal for establishing Regulations for the Timber Section of the Research and Experimental Forestry Institute of Spain are given. In part V of the author's Study, published in this article, the important subject of the glues used for joining timber, a truly vital point in order to obtain louvered timber beams which are simply glued together, is approached.

    El autor continúa el desarrollo del tema sobre «Encofrados de madera modernos», resumiendo el estudio comparativo —ya hecho en la Parte III de este Estudio— de las diferentes vigas de madera encolada existentes en el mercado dando, además, las cargas y tensiones admisibles para maderas coníferas y la propuesta de Reglamentación de la Sección de Maderas del Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias de España. En la parte V del Estudio del autor, publicada en este articulo, se aborda el importante tema de las colas empleadas para las uniones de madera, algo realmente vital para la obtención de vigas de madera en celosía simplemente encoladas.

  6. Estudio sobre encofrados de madera modernos

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    de la Peña Aznar, Juan M.


    Full Text Available The author continues the development of the subject «Modern Timber Formwork», by summing up the comparative examination —already carried out in Part III of this Study— of the different types of glued timber existing on the market. In addition, the loads and stresses allovk/able for coniferous timber and the proposal for establishing Regulations for the Timber Section of the Research and Experimental Forestry Institute of Spain are given. In part V of the author's Study, published in this article, the important subject of the glues used for joining timber, a truly vital point in order to obtain louvered timber beams which are simply glued together, is approached.

    El autor continúa el desarrollo del tema sobre «Encofrados de madera modernos», resumiendo el estudio comparativo —ya hecho en la Parte III de este Estudio— de las diferentes vigas de madera encolada existentes en el mercado dando, además, las cargas y tensiones admisibles para maderas coníferas y la propuesta de Reglamentación de la Sección de Maderas del Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias de España. En la parte V del Estudio del autor, publicada en este artículo, se aborda el importante tema de las colas empleadas para las uniones de madera, algo realmente vital para la obtención de vigas de madera en celosía simplemente encoladas.

  7. Madera encolada. Estructuras laminares.

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    Walters, R. T.


    Full Text Available La laminación, tratándose de la madera, consiste en formar, partiendo de láminas o tabla delgada, elementos de mayor escuadra o dimensiones por la yuxtaposición de tablas encoladas unas contra otras. Las tablas se encolan entre sí y, a veces, se solidarizan por medios mecánicos de fijación. El hilo de la madera es paralelo, que contrasta con el contrachapado cuyas láminas finas cruzan su hilo en placas alternas.

  8. Vigas de madera laminada Glulam reforzadas con pletinas metálicas dentadas


    Cañola, Hernán Darío


    En esta tesis se estudian las propiedades mecánicas de vigas de madera maciza y de madera laminada Glulam reforzadas con pletinas metálicas dentadas. Se fabricaron y analizaron experimentalmente cuatro grupos diferentes de vigas: 30 vigas de madera maciza no reforzadas, 30 vigas de madera maciza reforzadas con pletinas metálicas dentadas, 30 vigas de madera laminada Glulam no reforzadas y 30 vigas de madera laminada Glulam reforzadas con pletinas metálicas dentadas. Las vigas de madera ...

  9. Serie: Madera para construcción Sistemas de preservación de madera para la construcción


    Berrocal-Jiménez, Alexander; Universidad de Bio Bio, Chile


    El uso masivo de la madera en la construcción, se ha visto afectado por la idea de que este material es altamente degradable por agentes bióticos y abióticos. Sin embargo, existen múltiples métodos que reducen y eliminan esta característica, tales como: el empleo de especies maderables altamente resistentes, sistemas de protección por diseño y el uso de preservantes para la madera. Estas medidas constituyen excelentes alternativas, para que la madera sea utilizada con total seguridad, en comb...

  10. Conservación de la Madera

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    Universidad Nacional de Colombia Facultad Nacional de Agronomía


    Full Text Available Se ha recomendado utilizar para la conservación de las maderas los bicromatos, por la propiedad que tienen de insolubilizar las gomas y la gelatina después de exposición a la luz. También se pueden conservar las maderas por medio de las sales de hierro, Sumérgense los maderos o tablas, primeramente en un baño de sulfato ferroso al 5%, donde se los tiene algunos días poro que se impregnen bien; uno vez secos, embadúrnaseles con silicato de sosa diluído de 5 grados Baumé. La madera puede conservarse de varias maneras en el presente artículo lo veremos.

  11. El potencial de la madera como elemento estructural


    Valladares Pagliotti, Enzo


    El empleo de estructuras de madera para construcciones con grandes luces y magnitud media es recogido por este artículo, que propone la combinación de elementos madera laminada y aserrada articulados por conectores metálicos.

  12. Hangar de madera

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    Andrews, H. J.


    Full Text Available El nuevo hangar de madera, construido y proyectado por la empresa Beves and Co., tiene una luz libre de 45,7 m. Su propietario, la Overseas Aviation Lte., lo utiliza para proteger los aviones que esta Compañía dispone en el aeropuerto de Gatwick (Inglaterra. Después de considerar la solución metálica y estructura de hormigón se decidió proyectar el hangar basándose en una serie de pórticos paralelos, de madera en láminas y sin apoyos intermedios. Aunque económicamente presenta ventajas sobre otros materiales, su ligereza tenía gran importancia en este caso, pues el terreno del campo en que se halla situado no tiene gran capacidad resistente y, además, se contaba con gastos mínimos de conservación y una resistencia elevada contra el incendio.

  13. Madera de compresión en Pinus radiata III: propiedades de pulpas kraft


    Diaz-vaz,J.E; Ananias,R. A; Valenzuela,L; Torres,M; Rodriguez,S


    Estudios anteriores en estos mismos árboles de Pinus radiata con fustes levemente inclinados, demostraron que la madera de compresión leve que ellos exhibían presentaba: traqueidas más cortas, mayor densidad, mayor proporción de lignina, mayor proporción de extraíbles en etanol tolueno y menor proporción de alfa celulosa que la madera opuesta y que la madera de árboles sin madera de compresión. En el presente estudio se analiza las propiedades pulpables de la madera de compresión y la de sus ...

  14. Morphologic and molecular data help adopting the insect-pathogenic nephridiophagids (Nephridiophagidae among the early diverging fungal lineages, close to the Chytridiomycota

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    Renate Radek


    Full Text Available Nephridiophagids are poorly known unicellular eukaryotes, previously of uncertain systematic position, that parasitize the Malpighian tubules of insects. Their life cycle includes merogony with multinucleate plasmodia and sporogony leading to small, uninucleate spores. We examined the phylogenetic affiliations of three species of Nephridiophaga, including one new species, Nephridiophaga maderae, from the Madeira cockroach (Leucophaea maderae. In addition to the specific host, the new species differs from those already known by the size of the spores and by the number of spores within the sporogenic plasmodium. The inferred phylogenetic analyses strongly support a placement of the nephridiophagids in the fungal kingdom near its root and with a close, but unresolved, relationship to the chytids (Chytridiomycota. We found evidence for the nephridiophagidean speciation as being strongly coupled to host speciation.

  15. Estructuras de madera laminada

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    Víctor Rodríguez A.


    Full Text Available Desde hace algunos años, la actividad forestal en nuestro país se ha visto incrementada, y como consecuencia de ello, la madera ha vuelto a ocupar un lugar importante en la construcción.

  16. Aplicaciones innovadoras de la madera en la construcción


    García Navarro, Justo; Martínez Elcoro, Ignacio


    La utilización de la madera como material de construcción ha sufrido un profundo cambio en el último medio siglo. Las nuevas tecnologías y procesos industriales han provocado, junto a la optimización de las características intrínsecas del material, un mejor aprovechamiento y utilización de la madera, tanto para usos estructurales como para usos no resistentes. Este artículo, que recoge algunos de los temas desarrollados en las distintas Jornadas y Cursos sobre Construcción en Madera, organ...

  17. Prefabricación en madera. El sistema H B


    Editorial, Equipo


    Los elementos HB constituyen una nueva forma de empleo de la madera en la construcción de pabellones industriales. El elemento HB fundamental se compone de una sección "I", en la cual tanto el alma como las alas están formadas por secciones normales de madera, cuyas fuerzas internas se transmiten por un sistema combinado de encolado y clavado.

  18. Madera, en restauración y rehabilitación

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    Nuere, Enrique


    Full Text Available The author of the present discussion of the restoration of wood structures maintains that the generally erroneous practice of replacing wood with steel members has had detrimental effects on 400-year-old structures. He describes the damage observed in wood structures, due primarily to xylophages, along with simple solutions. These include keeping the moisture in the wood from exceeding 20% and replacing part of the structural members with a resin-based prosthesis or the existing wood with wood of similar characteristics. Lastly, he notes that there was no legislation on wood structures until the recent enactment of the Technical Building Code, which he finds beneficial, if somewhat conservative.Se presentan en este artículo algunos aspectos relacionados con la recuperación de las estructuras de madera. El autor del mismo indica cómo los criterios de sustitución de estructuras de madera por estructuras de acero, a menudo utilizadas en la restauración, han sido por lo general un error, que han perjudicado las obras con más de 400 años de antigüedad. Se presentan las experiencias del autor en cuanto a los daños que se producen en las estructuras de madera, principalmente por los xilófagos y cómo pueden ser solucionados estos problemas de forma sencilla; una de las soluciones es evitar que el contenido de humedad de la madera sobrepase el 20%, otras soluciones pasan por la sustitución de parte de los elementos estructurales a través de una prótesis a base de resinas o con la colocación de maderas de similares características a las existentes en las obras. Por último, el autor llama la atención sobre la carencia de una normativa sobre estructuras de madera, hasta la reciente aparición del Código Técnico de la Edificación, que a su juicio es positivo aunque destaca su conservadurismo.

  19. Usos alternativos para la biomasa (residuos de madera)


    Romero Guerra, Ricardo D.; Islas Díaz, Andrea A.; Loftus Asseeva, Liam; Madero Hernández, Camila


    Tiene por objetivo informar y conscientizar a la población en general y, específicamente, a los trabajadores de sectores medioambientales sobre los usos alternativos de la biomasa (residuos de madera). Se propone disminuir o eliminar la quema de biomasa para elevar el uso de energías sustentables y 100% limpias. De esta manera, un uso alternativo e innovador de la biomasa es la producción de tablas de polimero a base de madera para la construcción sustentable. En este recursos infográfico se ...



    Diaz-vaz,J.E; Fernandez,A; Valenzuela,L; Torres,M


    Se caracterizó la madera de compresión en 10 árboles de Pinus radiata D.Don con inclinaciones menores a 10 º en dos sitios.          Los diámetros de traqueidas de los árboles del sitio Arena húmeda resultaron estadísticamente mayores que los del sitio Arcilla; pero no resultaron diferentes al comparar madera juvenil y madura o al compara madera de compresión con madera opuesta.          Diferencias significativas se determinaron en el largo de traqueida entre sitios (Arena húmeda-Arcilla), t...

  1. Construir con Madera


    Olabe-Velasco, F. (Fermín); Val-Hernández, Y. (Yolanda); Varela-de-la-Cruz, P. (Perla); Cabrero-Ballarín, J.M. (José Manuel)


    Guía divulgativa ‘Construir con madera’, elaborada por la Cátedra Madera de la Universidad de Navarra y el Gobierno de Navarra. La publicación pretende explicar de forma sencilla los beneficios y posibilidades de este material en la construcción, tanto en lo que respecta a su resistencia, comportamiento frente al fuego, durabilidad, capacidad de aislamiento, propiedades acústicas, estética, respeto al medio ambiente y sostenibilidad como fuente de energía. A modo de ejemplo, en la ...





    En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de la madera juvenil de pino radiata (Pinus radiata D. Don) sobre las propiedades mecánicas de tableros de hojuelas orientadas OSB. La madera para los ensayos es recogida de 10 árboles en pié de 26 años creciendo en plantaciones manejadas de la Octava región, Chile. La determinación de madera juvenil se realiza observando la variación radial de los anillos de crecimiento de la madera, usando un analizador de anillos en base a rayos X. Los detalles de l...

  3. Anatomía y densidad o peso específico de la madera


    León Hernández, Williams J.


    El presente trabajo trata sobre la relación que existe entre las características anatómicas de la madera y su densidad o peso específico. Tomando en consideración la importancia de esta propiedad física y su relación con otras propiedades físico-mecánicas de la madera, es necesario conocer cuáles son los elementos celulares que influyen sobre la misma. En el caso de maderas de coníferas, las características de las traqueidas definen el valor promedio y el patrón de variac...


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    M. Fuentes-Salinas


    Full Text Available Este trabajo consistió en construir y probar un secador solar para 7.075 m3 de madera aserrada, destinado a los pequeños y medianos productores forestales. Para la construcción se utilizaron materiales disponibles en cualquier región de México y para evaluar su funcionamiento se usó madera de Pinus hartwegii de 2.54 cm de espesor, 2.50 m de largo y anchos variables. La cámara está construida tipo invernadero, con un piso de concreto, estructura metálica para soportar el colector solar, muros a base de bastidores de madera y forro de plástico, y está equipado con dos ventiladores axiales con motor de ½ HP. Para la validación se hicieron dos ensayos de secado, uno en el secador solar y otro secado al aire libre, teniendo como resultado que la madera en el secador solar se secó en el 50 % del tiempo requerido para el secado al aire libre, a un contenido de humedad final del 10 y 12 % respectivamente; además, que la calidad de la madera resultó también mejor en el secador solar. El costo de construcción del secador solar fue de $ 5,227. 25 US Dls. y se estimó un tiempo de construcción de 21 días.

  5. Las construcciones con esqueleto en madera

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    Heinz Leser S.


    Estos sistemas se emplean preferentemente en viviendas prefabricadas y edificios de pequeña envergadura. Finalmente, consideramos las construcciones con "esqueleto en madera", cuyo campo de aplicación principal está en las edificaciones de mediana extensión: escuelas, centros comunitarios, pequeñas industrias o bloques habitacionales.

  6. Construcciones de madera compuestas para cerramientos autoportantes


    Saleh Pascha,Khaled


    El entendimiento de la construcción como un ejercicio articulador de piezas y materiales recorre el argumento de este artículo, que presenta desarrollos de componentes constructivos que mezclan madera con hormigón o vidrio, para envolventes horizontales y verticales.

  7. Construcción sostenible y madera: realidades, mitos y oportunidades

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    Rolando Fournier Zepeda


    Full Text Available La construcción biológica sostenible se basa en el estudio de las interrelaciones entre el ser humano, el ambiente construido y su entorno. Es una filosofía de construcción que busca edificar espacios saludables, mejorar la calidad de vida, preservar la especie humana y el ambiente, conceptualizando la vivienda como nuestra tercera piel.La bioarquitectura tiene como propósito promover el estudio de materiales, elementos, componentes de construcción, viviendas y edificios que propicien el desarrollo, mejoramiento y uso de materiales compatibles con la vida, frente a otros que no lo son tanto.El avance de la tecnología y la versatilidad de los materiales, especialmente de la gama de plásticos, concreto y acero, ha hecho posible que los sistemas de construcción hayan variado mucho en pocas décadas.La disminución del uso de la madera no ha sido ajena a este hecho. Se ha olvidado casipor completo el conocimiento tradicional acerca de su uso, dando por consecuenciasu desprestigio.La madera es el material más noble, renovable, sano, sostenible, estético y confortable de la construcción. Prácticamente todas las culturas de la humanidad la han empleado en sus obrasconstructivas. En la medida en que la sensibilidad proteccionista de los bosques autóctonos y en especial, de los tropicales, vaya creciendo, también la industria de la madera irá tomando el tren de la tecnología, adaptándose a los nuevos tiempos. El conocimiento de la madera y el desarrollo de su tecnología en los aspectos de plantación, secado, técnicas de tratamiento y transformación permitirán garantizar el éxito de su utilización en el Sector de la Construcción, lo que la convertirá a corto plazo en el material del futuro. La madera es un material paradigmático en cuanto a su adecuación a los objetivos del respeto al medio ambiente.

  8. Determinación de la calidad de la madera de construcción Determinación de la calidad de la madera de construcción

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    César Leonardo Ruiz Jaime


    Full Text Available Determining the quality of wood is not a common research activity, due to ignorance of its effect on the overall quality of constructions. Wood quality can be considered as a combination of attributes that give it properties appropriate for specific uses. The wood used In this research experiment was donated by a local supplier in the City of Guanajuato. Mechanical properties, water content, and those characteristics necessary for visual grading and classification were judged according to Mexican standards. The analyzed sample easily complied with the requirements for class A, implying that it was of sufficient quality for use in the construction of houses, decorative details, and ramps.La determinación de la calidad de la madera es una actividad no acostumbrada, debido a la ignorancia de su efecto sobre el total de la obra. La calidad en una madera se puede considerar como una serie de atributos que le confieren propiedades para usos específicos. En esta investigación la madera de prueba se seleccionó de un lote de una empresa distribuidora de la ciudad de Guanajuato. Se determinaron las propiedades mecánicas, el contenido de humedad, así como las características necesarias para su calificación y clasificación visual de acuerdo con las normas mexicanas, observando que la madera del lote analizado cumple ampliamente con los requisitos para la calidad A, concluyendo que éstas tienen la calidad necesaria para la construcción tanto de vivienda como de estructuras auxiliares tales como: cimbras, andamios y rampas.

  9. Diseño y Operación de un Secador Solar de Madera para Países Tropicales (United States)

    Brian Bond; Omar Espinoza; Philip Araman


    La madera es usualmente secada a un contenido de humedad específico antes de ser transformada en productos finales. A pesar de que la madera puede ser secada al aire, la humedad ambiental en la mayoría de las ubicaciones previene a la madera alcanzar el contenido de humedad necesario para su estabilidad dimensional y adecuado procesamiento, especialmente para usos de...

  10. Cubierta de madera para una nave industrial

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    Hossdorf, Heinz


    Full Text Available Para la ampliación de los talleres de Hans Schmidlin, de Basilea, Suiza, dedicados a la prefabricación de elementos de construcción de madera y metales ligeros para fachadas, se ha construido una nueva nave, rectangular, de 49x55,4 m en planta.

  11. Fachadas vidriadas estructuradas en madera


    Schmitt, Cristián


    Consideraciones de responsabilidad ambiental, la búsqueda de mejoras en los indicadores de transmisión térmica e infiltraciones para fachadas vidriadas y la existencia de nuevas tecnologías de modelado de piezas han estimulado la incorporación de la madera en estructuras de muro cortina. Using new manufacturing technologies, the construction of curtain wall structures has incorporated wood components due to demands of environmental responsibility and improvement of thermal conductivity and...

  12. Consumo de madera para construcción en Costa Rica y requerimientos para satisfacer a los usuarios


    Serrano-Montero, José Rafael; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal; Cartago, Costa Rica


    Se brindan cifras de consumo global de madera en troza y aserrada en la industria forestal costarricense, así como la distribución porcentual de consumo del sector de construcción entre otros. Se indican además las características principales de la madera aserrada y los aspectos que deberían considerar los productores de madera para satisfacer las necesidades básicas de los usuarios del sector de construcción.

  13. La madera en la construcción de entramados inclinados de viviendas unifamiliares. Situación actual en España


    González Rodrigo, Beatriz


    La madera estructural está encontrando un nicho importante de mercado en la construcción de entramados inclinados de madera, impulsada por las normativas vigentes, las políticas gubernamentales y los nuevos productos y subproductos de la madera. En el presente artículo se presentan los diferentes sistemas constructivos en madera empleados en entramados inclinados, analizando su comportamiento estructural y determinando las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno de ellos. Se incide en los sistemas...

  14. Tecnología de madera de plantaciones forestales: Fichas técnicas


    Moya-Roque, Roger; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal; Cartago, Costa Rica; Muñoz-Acosta, Freddy; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal; Cartago, Costa Rica; Salas-Garita, Cynthia; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal; Cartago, Costa Rica; Berrocal-Jiménez, Alexander; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal; Cartago, Costa Rica; Leandro-Zúñiga, Laura; Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería; Esquivel-Segura, Edwin; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal; Cartago, Costa Rica


    La industria maderera de Costa Rica se abastece principalmente de productos de plantaciones forestales, aunque curiosamente los consumidores nacionales perciben este tipo de maderas de baja calidad y de propiedades inferiores. Para paliar esa percepción, el proyecto denominado MADERHAS (Maderas de Reforestación Hacia la Sostenibilidad), de la Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal del ITCR, generó información técnica concerniente a las propiedades físicas, mecánicas y químicas, así como su comportami...


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    Yessica B. Serna Mosquera


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar las propiedades tecnológicas de la madera de Hymenaea oblongifolia Huber algarrobo, proveniente del municipio de Bagadó-Chocó, Colombia. Las muestras tomadas de los árboles (cilindros de la madera fueron estudiadas para determinar las características microscópicas, la densidad básica y la densidad normal; además, se estimaron las propiedades mecánicas utilizando los valores de densidad básica. Los resultados indicaron que la madera presenta vasos escasos -de medianos a grandes-, las fibras son medianas y los radios son finos a moderadamente largos con células cristalíferas, presenta mala calidad para producción de pulpa para papel, la densidad básica de la madera se clasificó como semipesada, y presenta una resistencia mecánica que varía de alta a muy alta. Puede utilizarse en la elaboración de pisos, muebles y mangos decorativos, entre otros usos.

  16. Diseño y análisis de perfiles estructurales de madera densificada conformada con refuerzos de fibras


    Cabrero, J. (J.M.); Heiduschke, A. (A.); Haller, P. (P.)


    La sociedad es cada vez más consciente del valor de los recursos naturales, y por ello demanda un uso eficiente de los mismos. Ése ha de ser también un objetivo al diseñar estructuras de madera. Habitualmente se emplean secciones macizas, circulares o rectangulares, que no obtienen un comportamiento óptimo, y que por tanto no aprovechan al máximo las propiedades y posibilidades de la madera. En el Instituto de Construcción en Madera de la Universidad Tecnológica de Dresd...

  17. Evaluación y análisis de propiedades estructurales de productos de madera

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    Hermoso, E.


    Full Text Available Wood products focused on construction are supported by standards for the evaluation of their properties and their quality control. Due to the specific characteristics of these products, specialized laboratories with suitable equipment and qualified people are necessary to value the obtained results. This paper shows the results of the evaluations conducted during the year 2012 about different structural properties of wood products for construction: plywoods, chipboards, deckings, glued laminated timber, and cross laminated timber. The conditions that affect their quality and fitness for use are discussed, providing to the industry the necessary steps to correct failures or to optimize products and design. Last, precise indications of usefulness are given for the end users of the products.Los productos de madera destinados a la construcción están dotados de normativa de apoyo para la evaluación de sus propiedades y el control y seguimiento de su calidad. Por las particularidades del material, es necesario disponer de laboratorios especializados que aporten el equipamiento adecuado para la ejecución de dichas tareas y de personal experimentado que valore correctamente los resultados obtenidos. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de las evaluaciones desarrolladas durante el año 2012 sobre las propiedades estructurales en distintos productos de madera destinados a la construcción (tableros contrachapados, tableros de partículas, suelos de madera para exterior, madera laminada encolada y madera contralaminada y se debate sobre los aspectos que afectan a su calidad y adecuación al uso, aportando a la industria las medidas necesarias para la corrección de fallos o la optimización del producto y su diseño, así como proporcionar indicaciones precisas a los usuarios de los productos.

  18. Estructuras livianas a partir de piezas menores de madera de plantación


    Ramírez-Coretti, Aldo; Serrano-Montero, Rafael; Eckelman, Carl A.; Haviarova, Eva


    Se presentan los resultados de un estudio exploratorio, parte de una serie de investigaciones conjuntas desarrolladas y en proceso de desarrollo, alrededor de esta temática. Su ejecución respondió, entre otras, a inquietudes presentadas por diversos productores de madera deplantación. El estudio consideró el diseño y fabricación de una máquina espigadora de piezas estructurales. También procuró explorar el potencial de aprovechamiento de piezas producto de raleos de madera de plantación para ...

  19. Las barras huecas de madera en la construcción de estructuras espaciales


    Vázquez-Rodríguez, Pepe


    [Resumen] La tesis doctoral se centra en el desarrollo de los siguientes aspectos básicos para la construcción de una malla espacial de madera: En primer lugar, partiendo de los trabajos iniciales recogidos en el capítulo de antecedentes, que demuestran la viabilidad y el interés del ejemplo de la madera laminada en la conformación de mallas espaciales, se aborda el estudio en profundidad de las características de la sección hueca, y en especial, del problema del diseño del en...

  20. Biotecnología forestal aplicada a la producción de madera de nogal


    Licea Moreno, Ricardo Julián


    Los nogales son especies pertenecientes a la familia Juglandaceae, ampliamente distribuidos por las zonas templadas y subtropicales del planeta. Son apreciados desde la antigüedad por la calidad de sus frutos y su madera. Su grado de domesticación es relativamente bajo comparado con cultivos alimenticios, e incluso respecto a otras especies forestales. Aunque el mercado de la madera de nogal suele mover grandes cantidades de dinero, su producción está basada principalmente en explotaciones ex...

  1. Incidencia de patología respiratoria por exposición al polvo de madera : evaluación, frecuencia y medidas de protección


    Gómez Yepes, Milena Elizabeth; Cremades Oliver, Lázaro Vicente


    Es bien conocido por la comunidad cientifica internacional que la exposicion al polvo de madera, dependiendo del tipo de madera utilizada en la fabricacion del mueble, acarrea diferentes afecciones a la salud del carpintero. Las maderas blandas (coniferas) son irritantes, alergenicas, y con el tiempo pueden llegar a generar asma ocupacional y EPOC. El polvo de madera dura (no-coniferas) ha sido asociado con varios tipos de cancer, incluyendo el nasal, pulmon y tracto gastrointestinal, y la en...

  2. Densidad de la madera en clones de Eucalyptus por densitometría de rayos X

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    Bibiana Arango


    Full Text Available En el Brasil y en diversos países se han verificado avances significativos en la silvicultura clonal intensiva con diferencias marcadas entre clones de especies e híbridos de Eucalyptus en lo referente a los parámetros de crecimiento y desarrollo. Al mismo tiempo, en los últimos años, se introdujo el concepto de uso múltiplo del leño de los árboles con la utilización de la madera como fuente de celulosa y papel, madera sólida y otras aplicaciones como estrategia de aumento de la rentabilidad del emprendimiento forestal. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el índice de uniformidad de la madera y la variación de la densidad en el sentido radial por densitometría de rayos X de árboles de 8 años de edad de clones de Eucalyptus grandis y E. grandis x urophylla, buscando posibilitar la optimización de su uso. Por sus características silviculturales se seleccionaron los 5 mejores clones de la especie e híbrido de las plantaciones clonales localizadas en el municipio de San Miguel de Arcanjo-SP de la Cia Suzano de Celulosa y Papel. Se caracterizaron 3 modelos de variación radial de la densidad y la formación de 3 tipos de madera (juvenil, de transición y adulta; el valor medio de densidad aparente de la madera en los clones fue de 0,46 y 0,54 g/cm3, para el Eucalyptus grandis y E. grandis x urophylla, respectivamente.

  3. 76 FR 6116 - Madera County Resource Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... meeting in North Fork, California on February 16th, February 23, 2011 and March 9th, 2011, and if.... DATES: The meetings will be held on February 16th, February 23, 2011 and March 9th, 2011, and if... Payments to States Madera County Title II project matters to the attention of the Committee may file...

  4. Aplicaciones innovadoras de la madera en la construcción

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    García Navarro, Justo


    Full Text Available The use of wooden products in construction has experienced significant changes during the last decades. New technologies have allowed to produce better and more predictable products for structural applications while have improved transformation processes to make more efficient use of the available raw resource. This paper describes current applications of new wooden materials uncommon in the Spanish construction. The Fundación Cultural COAM has channeled this information to designers in a number of seminars and courses during the last two years with special attention to the innovative applications.

    La utilización de la madera como material de construcción ha sufrido un profundo cambio en el último medio siglo. Las nuevas tecnologías y procesos industriales han provocado, junto a la optimización de las características intrínsecas del material, un mejor aprovechamiento y utilización de la madera, tanto para usos estructurales como para usos no resistentes. Este artículo, que recoge algunos de los temas desarrollados en las distintas Jornadas y Cursos sobre Construcción en Madera, organizados por la Fundación Cultural COAM durante los últimos dos años, pretende hacer un repaso no exhaustivo a las diferentes aplicaciones del material, haciendo especial hincapié en los aspectos más innovadores que, por diversas circunstancias, no han sido, hasta la fecha, suficientemente utilizados en España.

  5. Madera de Pinus ponderosa en Patagonia Argentina : Jornada Forestal Tecnológica


    Refort, María Mercedes; Keil, Gabriel Darío; Spavento, Elena


    El día 15 de noviembre de 2012 se realizó en el Edificio de Bosques de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la UNLP, la Primera Jornada Tecnológica sobre Madera de Pinus ponderosa en Patagonia Argentina, destinadas a profesionales de diferentes áreas, estudiantes, investigadores y docentes. Las Jornadas fueron organizadas por el Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Madera (LIMAD) y la Secretaría de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP y auspiciadas p...

  6. 76 FR 12316 - Madera County Resource Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... meeting in North Fork, California on March 9th and March 16th, 2011. The purpose of these meetings will be... Madera County Title II funds. DATES: The meetings will be held on March 9th, and March 16th, 2011 from 6... matters to the attention of the Committee may file written statements with the Committee staff before or...

  7. Elemento estructural mixto de hormigón y madera. Análisis estructural y criterios de diseño


    Martínez Juan, Bernardo


    El interés por las estructuras mixtas de hormigón y madera está plenamente justificado por su aplicación técnica en rehabilitación de forjados antiguos de madera, en nuevos forjados o en cualquier otra tipología estructural al amparo, entre otros, de criterios ambientales y de sostenibilidad, al ser la madera un material de menor coste energético que los clásicos hormigón o acero. En éste tipo de estructuras la conexión entre materiales es la que hace posible el trabajo conjunto de todos ello...

  8. Estructuras livianas a partir de piezas menores de madera de plantación

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    Aldo Ramírez Coretti


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de un estudio exploratorio, parte de una serie de investigaciones conjuntas desarrolladas y en proceso de desarrollo, alrededor de esta temática. Su ejecución respondió, entre otras, a inquietudes presentadas por diversos productores de madera deplantación. El estudio consideró el diseño y fabricación de una máquina espigadora de piezas estructurales. También procuró explorar el potencial de aprovechamiento de piezas producto de raleos de madera de plantación para la fabricación de estructuras livianas. Se llevaron a cabo ensayos de uniones, de marcos simples con dos paneles de cerramiento comerciales, empleando cuatro especies de madera de plantación. También se llevó a cabo la fabricación de las piezas y montaje de una estructura modelo, empleando el equipo y otra información obtenida como resultado de la investigación. Los resultados muestran un gran potencial para el desarrollo de un sistema de construcción ágil y modular. Asimismo, las resistencias obtenidas sonadecuadas para las condiciones a que estarían expuestas las estructuras.

  9. Building solar dryer of tropical woods; Construccion de un secador solar de maderas tropicales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez R, J; Flores M, F. E; Cuevas D, O [Universidad de Quintana Roo, Chetumal, Quintana Roo (Mexico); Tolentino E, G [LABINTHAP-SEPI-ESIME-IPN, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    In Quintana Roo, Mexico, several species of wood are used for handicrafts. The most commonly method used in the communities nearby Chetumal is natural drying, with the disadvantage of low quality in their products because the moisture contains in the wood. In this project studied the design of solar dryer for tropical woods in Quintana Roo. [Spanish] En este trabajo, se parte del analisis de las condiciones climatologicas existentes en el estado de Quintana Roo, Mexico, asi como de las necesidades de madera seca de una comunidad, como parametros basicos para el diseno y construccion de un secador solar de maderas tropicales.

  10. COMPONENTES QUÍMICOS PRINCIPALES DE LA MADERA DE Dalbergia granadillo Pittier Y DE Platymiscium lasiocarpum Sandw

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    J. G. Rutiaga-Quiñones


    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis químico de la madera (duramen, zona de transición y albura de dos especies tropicales (Dalbergia granadillo y Platymiscium lasiocarpum de acuerdo a las normas ASTM. Los componentes químicos determinados fueron: cenizas, extraíbles (etanol-benceno, agua caliente y agua a temperatura ambiente, lignina y holocelulosa. Las cantidades de componentes químicos encontrados en las muestras de madera variaron de la siguiente manera: cenizas (0.62 a 1.84 %, solubilidad total (10.19 a 33.35 %, lignina (25.24 a 27.24 % y holocelulosa (49.24 a 55.25 %. El análisis estadístico de varianza de los resultados indicó que la cantidad de componentes químicos es diferente estadísticamente (P<0.05 entre las dos especies y los tres tipos de madera.

  11. Características tecnológicas de la madera de Sac-Chacah de Campeche en diferentes zonas del árbol

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    T. Martínez Trinidad


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad ampliar el conocimiento de las características tecnológicas de la madera de Dendropanax arboreus (L. Planch & Decne. Para lo cual se realizó un estudio anatómico, se determinaron las propiedades físicas, la madera de tensión y los índices de calidad de pulpa para papel, y se calcularon a partir de la densidad las propiedades mecánicas. Se utilizaron muestras de madera de siete alturas y tres zonas de la sección transversal de cinco árboles. Los vasos presentaron placa perforada escaleriforme, longitud de 959.48µ y diámetro de 73.31µ; y las fibras una longitud de 1343.73µ, un diámetro de 27.73µ y un grosor de pared de 4.68µ. La madera presentó densidad básica media (0.44 g⋅cm-3, contracción volumétrica total media (11.17 %, contracciones lineales altas (7.0 T y 4.14 %R, relación de anisotropía baja (1.69, índices de calidad de pulpa para papel buenos y las propiedades mecánicas resultaron de bajas a muy bajas. La madera de tensión se encontró en forma dispersa y aislada. En general, no se presentó una tendencia marcada por parte de las variables analizadas en los diferentes diámetros o alturas estudiadas. En función de los resultados, la madera presenta un amplio espectro de utilización excepto para usos estructurales.


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    R. Dávalos-Sotelo


    Full Text Available Se presentan los valores de resistencia al impacto o tenacidad de la madera de diez especies de encinos mexicanos de los estados de Jalisco, México, Puebla y Veracruz ensayados en condición verde con una máquina tipo FPL. No se detectaron diferencias significativas en los valores entre los individuos de la misma especie que crecen en diferentes estados, por lo que puede establecerse un valor común. Existe un efecto directamente proporcional de la densidad básica sobre la tenacidad, el cual se acentúa al incluir los valores del espesor de la pared celular como una variable independiente adicional en los análisis de regresión múltiple. Finalmente, en este trabajo se incluyen los valores de las características anatómicas, físicas y mecánicas de la madera de Quercus crassipes.

  13. Control del deterioro de la madera mediante la acción de nano-impregnantes y recubrimientos sol-gel a base de silanos


    Alfieri, Paula Vanesa


    El aumento constante del consumo de madera como material ha llevado a la necesidad de introducir en el mercado especies de crecimiento rápido las cuales poseen propiedades inferiores desde el punto de vista de la resistencia a la degradación. La extracción de madera en el pasado fue indiscriminada, sin medir las consecuencias del deterioro de los bosques naturales; se extraían grandes volúmenes de madera de crecimiento lento, que demoraban siglos en madurar, dejando en pie aquellos árboles de...

  14. Urbanismo y arquitectura moderna en madera en el sur de Chile: 1930-1970

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    Gonzalo Cerda Brintrup


    Full Text Available La investigación que se presenta tiene como objetivos estudiar el desarrollo de la arquitectura moderna en madera en el sur de Chile; indagar acerca de como esta se incerta en la tradición maderera de la arquitectura del sur; investigar su relación con el desarrollo de una identidad arquitectónica local;localizar y analizar sus ejemplos más significativos. El área de estudio es desde la VIII hasta la X Región, específicamente desde la Provincia de Concepción hasta Chiloé, por cuanto allí se concentra la mayor parte de la arquitectura en madera del sur del país.

  15. Importancia del control de las dimensiones de la madera aserrada

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    D. Álvarez-Lazo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo brindar algunas consideraciones para elevar los niveles de rendimiento de madera de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea mediante el uso de una estrategia para incrementar la calidad dimensional de la madera aserrada a partir del análisis de las dimensiones promedio obtenidas y la variación de corte en el aserrío. Para lo cual se construye un programa denominado “Control” que permite determinar las dimensiones óptimas de aserrío así como la determinación de la variación en grosor. Se observa que en los aserraderos existe un subdimensionamiento generalizado fundamentalmente en los surtidos 50, 75, 100 mm; así como una excesiva variación de aserrío. Para eliminar estas deficiencias es necesario que las acciones correctivas estén dirigidas fundamentalmente a aquellas partes de máquinas responsables de la variación de aserrado controlando los esquemas de corte seleccionados por el aserrador.

  16. Adaptación de la madera de Eucalyptus globulus a la normativa europea de durabilidad natural


    Lorenzo, D.; Troya, M. T. de,; Baso, Carlos; Touza, M.; Prieto, M.J.


    La madera de Eucalyptus globulus en algunos países como Australia es recomendada para situaciones de riesgo de ataque de organismos xilófagos por su elevada durabilidad. En Galicia esta madera ha sido utilizada desde hace muchas décadas en estructuras y carpinterías, que aún hoy perduran. Sin embargo, la norma europea EN-350-2 encuadra la especie E. globulus en la peor categoría de durabilidad natural, situación que no se corresponde con la realidad. El objetivo de este proyecto es constatar ...

  17. Groundwater quality in the Madera and Chowchilla subbasins of the San Joaquin Valley, California (United States)

    Shelton, Jennifer L.; Fram, Miranda S.; Belitz, Kenneth


    Groundwater provides more than 40 percent of California’s drinking water. To protect this vital resource, the State of California created the Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program. The Priority Basin Project of the GAMA Program provides a comprehensive assessment of the State’s untreated groundwater quality and increases public access to groundwater-quality information. The Madera and Chowchilla subbasins of the San Joaquin Valley constitute one of the study units being evaluated. The Madera-Chowchilla study unit is about 860 square miles and consists of the Madera and Chowchilla groundwater subbasins of the San Joaquin Valley Basin (California Department of Water Resources, 2003; Shelton and others, 2009). The study unit has hot, dry summers and cool, moist winters. Average annual rainfall ranges from 11 to 15 inches, most of which occurs between November and February. The main surface-water features in the study unit are the San Joaquin, Fresno, and Chowchilla Rivers, and the Madera and Chowchilla canals. Land use in the study unit is about 69 percent (%) agricultural, 28% natural (mainly grasslands), and 3% urban. The primary crops are orchards and vineyards. The largest urban area is the city of Madera. The primary aquifer system is defined as those parts of the aquifer corresponding to the perforated intervals of wells listed in the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) database. In the Madera-Chowchilla study unit, these wells typically are drilled to depths between 200 and 800 feet, consist of a solid casing from land surface to a depth of about 140 to 400 feet, and are perforated below the solid casing. Water quality in the primary aquifer system may differ from that in the shallower and deeper parts of the aquifer system. The primary aquifer system in the study unit consists of Quaternary-age alluvial-fan and fluvial deposits that were formed by the rivers draining the Sierra Nevada. Sediments consist of gravels, sands

  18. La madera en la construcción de entramados inclinados de viviendas unifamiliares. Situación actual en España

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    González Rodrigo, Beatriz


    Full Text Available Structural timber is playing an increasing role in the market and construction of domestic roofs, pushed by existing regulations, governmental policies and the development of new timber products and subproducts. This paper presents a range of timber construction systems used in roofs, analysing their structural performance and determining their positive and negative aspects. The paper focuses on two heavy timber frame systems: couple roof (“par e hilera” and ridge-loaded roof (“par y picadero” that are being widely used with respect to light frame systems. Eventually the thermal performance of the presented systems is evaluated in comparison with a traditional ventilated roof made of ceramic and bricks, according to the Spanish Building Construction Regulation (Código Técnico de la Edificación. This analysis shows that timber roofs present a similar thermal response that the traditional ceramic one, and allow a signifi cant reduction in construction time.La madera estructural está encontrando un nicho importante de mercado en la construcción de entramados inclinados de madera, impulsada por las normativas vigentes, las políticas gubernamentales y los nuevos productos y subproductos de la madera. En el presente artículo se presentan los diferentes sistemas constructivos en madera empleados en entramados inclinados, analizando su comportamiento estructural y determinando las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno de ellos. Se incide en los sistemas de entramado pesado de par e hilera y par y picadero, que son los que están teniendo una mayor acogida en la construcción de entramados inclinados en madera, frente al sistema de entramado ligero. Finalmente se compara el comportamiento térmico de los diferentes sistemas constructivos de madera presentados con el de un sistema tradicional de cubierta ventilada de teja curva cerámica sobre tabiquilla según el CTE (Código Técnico de la Edificación. En este análisis se

  19. A redescription of Protospirura muricola Gedoelst, 1916 (Nematoda: Spiruridae), a parasite of murid rodents. (United States)

    Smales, L R; Harris, P D; Behnke, J M


    The spirurid nematode Protospirura muricola Gedoelst, 1916 is redescribed from Acomys dimidiatus (Desmarest) from the St Katherine Protectorate, Sinai, Egypt. Egyptian material closely resembled specimens of P. muricola from African mammals re-examined in this study, as well as conforming to published reports of this species. P. muricola with two denticles on each lateral lobe of the pseudolabia and six pairs of postanal papillae is closest to P. pseudomuris Yokohata & Abe, 1989, but can be readily distinguished in having the right spicule shorter than the left. The significance of the characteristics of the head and mouth, and of the male spicules, in characterising Protospirura Seurat, 1914 is evaluated. P. muricola, an African parasite of rodents, appears to have spread globally with synanthropic rat final hosts and possibly with the cosmopolitan dermapteran intermediate host Leucophaea maderae (Fabr.).

  20. Prótesis metálicas para la reparación de cabezas de vigas de madera degradadas

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    González-Bravo, C.


    Full Text Available This paper describes the design of a procedure for the upgrading of timber floor joists with decayed ends using steel profiles connected to timber from the upper side of the flooring. The reinforcement consists on a steel S275 U cold formed shape with a plate inserted into timber and connected by means of screwing into the wood. For the experimental verification 30 beams were tested in bending obtaining the stiffness and load carrying capacity. The specimens were divided into three groups. The first was composed by 10 pieces of glued laminated timber of Spruce with 180 x 200 mm cross section; the second one was composed by 10 pieces of sawn timber of Scots pine with the same cross section; and the third one was constituted by 10 solid timber beams of genus Pine with 130 x 150 mm cross section, from a 120 years old building in Madrid. Each group of 10 pieces was divided in two groups of 5 beams. The first sub-group was constituted by the beams with the whole length as a reference group. The pieces of the second one had a shorter length that was substituted by the steel extension. It can be concluded that the steel profile reinforcement can solve the problems derivates from the unsafe support caused by wooden decay affecting a certain and limited length (approximately from 10 to 20% of the length.

    Se describe un procedimiento para la consolidación de viguetas de forjado de madera con deterioro en las cabezas mediante perfiles de acero conectados a la madera desde la cara superior del forjado. La pieza de refuerzo es un perfil en U de acero S275 conformado en frío con pletinas soldadas insertadas en la madera y conectada mediante tirafondos. Se ensayaron 30 piezas a flexión obteniendo la rigidez y la capacidad de carga. Las probetas se dividieron en tres grupos. El primero compuesto por 10 piezas de madera laminada encolada de abeto con una sección de 180 x 200 mm y una longitud de 4.000 mm; el segundo consistía en 10 piezas de

  1. Eucalipto : ambiente, desarrollo y usos de la madera en Argentina


    Sánchez Acosta, Martín


    La Universidad de Huelva, a través del Centro de Investigación y Documentación del Eucalipto (CIDEU), organizó el viernes 29 de octubre de 2010 una conferencia impartida por el ingeniero de Montes Martín Sánchez Acosta y titulada "Aspectos ambientales y socioeconómicos del uso de la madera del eucalipto". La conferencia fue retrasmitida on-line.

  2. Anatomía y usos de la madera de siete árboles tropicales de México

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    Silvia Rebollar


    Full Text Available Se describe la anatomía de la madera de Coccoloba cozumelensis, Coccoloba spicata, Gymnanthes lucida, Blomia cupanioides, Canella winterana, Aspidosperma megalocarpon y Ehretia tinifolia. La madera provino de árboles recolectados en la selva mediana subperennifolia en tres municipios del estado de Quintana Roo, México. Las especies son importantes porque tradicionalmente los campesinos de las diferentes localidades les han dado usos diversos a la madera en manufactura de muebles, herramientas, en construcción de casas habitación, en postes, cercas, tablones, durmientes y leña. Se hizo la descripción de la anatomía microscópica en preparaciones fijas de los tres cortes típicos de la madera y en material disociado; la macroscópica en tablillas de xiloteca. Las especies presentan porosidad difusa, puntuaciones areoladas alternas y placas simples, rayos numerosos, pequeños y finos; las fibras libriformes, la mayoría cortas y de diámetro fino; el material ergástico presente en forma de gomas, cristales de carbonato de calcio y sílice. La estructura anatómica de la madera les confieren cualidades estéticas, de peso, dureza, resistencia mecánica y al deterioro que responden a los usos tradicionales que en forma empírica les han dado los campesinos mayas y las hacen versátiles para destinarlas a diversos usos.The wood anatomy of Coccoloba cozumelensis Hemsl., Coccoloba spicata Lundell, Gymnanthes lucida Sw., Blomia cupanioides Miranda, Canella winterana (L. Gaertn., Aspidosperma megalocarpon Müell Arg. and Ehretia tinifolia L., is described. One tree per species was collected in the tropical rain forest of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Their wood has important traditional uses in furniture, tools, rural buildings, posts, fences railroads and firewood. Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics were described and measured in wood samples, permanent slides and macerated material. These species have diffuse porosity, alternate vessel pits

  3. Modelo de innovación estratégico de negocios aplicado a viviendas de madera en Chile

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    Samuel Gómez Valdés


    Las entrevistas indicaron que existe poca información en el país sobre el uso de productos madereros, específicamente viviendas de maderas, en consecuencia se pueden abrir oportunidades de negocios en toda su cadena de valor. El análisis de datos y estrategia de océano azul permitieron formular un modelo de negocios con una propuesta de valor en la entrega rápida de viviendas de maderas con características térmicas y con aislación acústica, enfocada en segmentos de clientes rural de la octava región y el sector residencial con gustos estéticos del producto. Por lo tanto, se pudo innovar en proceso estratégico empleando distintas herramientas como el diseño y aplicación de encuestas, análisis de datos, la estrategia de océano azul y el modelo de negocios Canvas, como también se pudo aplicar para la innovación de casas de madera.


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    Yonny Martínez-López


    Full Text Available Las propiedades físico-mecánicas de los tableros de madera plástica se evaluaron y compararon con los tableros convencionales (tablero de partículas de bagazo de caña, tablero contrachapa - do y tablero de fibras de bagazo de caña más utilizados en Cuba. El tablero de madera plástica se elaboró con residuos de la industria forestal (aserrín, residuos industriales (termoplásticos y aditivos químicos en proporciones de 50, 30 y 20 %, respectivamente; el tablero se obtuvo mediante moldeo por extrusión. Los resultados se analizaron con la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y comparaciones múltiples post-hoc DMS de Fisher, para determinar las diferencias con relación a los tableros conven - cionales. Los resultados indican que las propiedades físicas de los tableros de madera plástica mejora - ron con el aumento de la densidad. La absorción de agua e hinchamiento fueron menores respecto a los tableros convencionales, mientras que las propiedades mecánicas (flexión, compresión y tracción fueron superiores. La tracción, flexión y compresión en los tableros de madera plástica fue estadística - mente similar ( P > 0.05 que en los tableros contrachapados. Dadas sus propiedades, se considera que los tableros de madera plástica son capaces de sustituir tanto a los convencionales como a los de madera en condiciones de intemperie.

  5. Tasa de degradación de madera por el perforador de manglar Psiloteredo healdi (Bivalvia:Teredinidae en el Lago de Maracaibo, Venezuela

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    José E. Rojas


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de evaluar la capacidad de degradar madera de los moluscos bivalvos perforadores de madera en comunidades de manglar, se realizó un estudio en el manglar Ana María Campos, Lago de Maracaibo, Venezuela, utilizando como sustratos bloques de madera de pino. Dos especie de teredos, Bankia fimbriatula y Psiloteredo healdi fueron encontradas en el manglar de la península Ana María Campos, siendo P. healdi la especie dominante. A pesar de estar presente durante todo el período de estudio su capacidad de invadir sustrato varió y la tasa de consumo de madera fluctuó en función del número de individuos por colector. P. healdi fue capaz de consumir hasta 17.1x10-3 g de madera/individuo/día.The degradation rate of wood substrates by the two species of bivalve molluscan borers, Bankia fimbriatula and Psiloteredo healdi was studied in the mangrove forest of Ana María Campos Peninsula (Lake of Maracaibo, Venezuela. Pine wood substrates were placed in adjacent waters and the rate of infestation and growth (wood consumption was recorded. The second species was dominant and occurred throughout the entire study (april to october, 1993, but rates of larval invasion and growth of individuals were influenced by the size of the population present. P. healdi is capable of consuming as much 17.1x10-3 g of wood/day.



    Riesco Muñoz,G; Díaz González,J


    Se estudió la densidad, contracción, higroscopicidad y punto de saturación de la pared celular en la madera de ejemplares jóvenes de tres especies importantes en la producción maderera española: Pinus pinaster, Pinus sylvestris y Pinus radiata. Se muestrearon 29 pinos procedentes de raleos efectuados en diferentes masas forestales de Galicia (noroeste de España). El material de ensayo fueron probetas de pequeñas dimensiones sin defectos. La madera de Pinus pinaster resultó semipesada y más in...

  7. Consideraciones y recomendaciones prácticas para mejorar la calidad de la madera seca de Acacia mangium Willd

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    Carolina Tenorio Monge


    Full Text Available Acacia mangium, es actualmente, una de las especies más utilizadas en plantaciones comerciales en Costa Rica. Sin embargo, los usos de su madera han sido restringidos debido a que presenta algunos problemas durante el proceso de secado artificial, entre los que destaca la alta variabilidad del contenido de humedad final, la alta incidencia de defectos y la presencia de bolsas de humedad. Se han investigado las causas de esta variación y del desarrollo de estos defectos y se ha encontrado que los principales factores que influyen son: la alta variabilidad en el contenido de humedad inicial de la madera, la procedencia de la materia prima, la altura, la posición radial de la tabla al extraerla del árbol y el uso de programas de secado inadecuados para la especie. Asímismo se dan una serie de recomendaciones a considerar antes de iniciar el secado artificial con el fin de lograr una mejor calidad de madera en cuanto a la variabilidad del secado y lapresencia de defectos.

  8. Evaluación y alternativas del empleo de madera para edificación de Selva Baja, Pucallpa-Perú


    Villena Mávila, Manuel Félix; Villena Mávila, Manuel Félix


    El objetivo principal de esta investigación es demostrar como ha pesar de la existencia de materiales y sistemas constructivos adecuados en madera, la población opta por construir con “material noble” en diversos lugares de la selva amazónica, en aparente contradicción con la comprobada abundancia de materiales locales como la madera, que fueron materiales básicos de construcción desde siempre, como es el caso concreto de Pucallpa. Esta investigación sustantiva responde a los problemas ...

  9. Optimización del costo del sistema de aprovechamiento de madera en bosques naturales de Pinus caribaea


    Cándano Acosta,Fidel; Leite,Angelo Marcio Pinto; Martínez Cantón,José Luis


    El trabajo se realizó en bosques naturales de Pinus caribaea en áreas de la empresa forestal La Palma en la provincia de Pinar del Río - Cuba. El objetivo de la investigación fue minimizar el costo del sistema de aprovechamiento de madera a partir de la interacción entre el costo de camino y el costo de arrastre en base a la densidad de camino y patios de carga, además de la interacción del costo de camino y el costo del transporte de madera en base a la calidad de la capa de rodamiento del c...

  10. Fabricación y propiedades del carburo de silicio biomórfico: maderas cerámicas

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    Varela Feria, F. M.


    Full Text Available There is an increasing interest in the fabrication of materials with biomorphic microstructure. In particular, the fabrication of biomorphic ceramics would be of high interest because its high-temperature structural applications. The ceramics presented in this research were fabricated by the pyrolysis and infiltration with molten silicon of wood preforms. The final product is SiC with the same microstructure of the wood precursor. Wood is a natural composite that present an anisotropic porous microstructure with excellent elasticity, strength, and damage tolerance. Some of this properties will remain improved in the ceramic product. Biomorphic ceramics reach high strengths (700 MPa at 1150 oC for biomorphic SiC made from eucalyptus wood. The influence of the wood precursor and fabrication process in the mechanical and microstructural properties has been studied. The correlation microstructure-mechanical properties is discussed, as well as the application of the cellular theory of solids.

    En los últimos años se ha puesto de manifiesto un considerable interés en la fabricación y optimización de materiales de microestructura biomórfica. En particular, la fabricación de cerámicas biomórficas es especialmente importante ya que éstas pueden ser utilizadas en aplicaciones estructurales a temperaturas elevadas. Los materiales objeto de esta investigación se fabrican mediante la pirólisis e infiltración de silicio fundido en preformas de madera. El resultado final es SiC con la misma microestructura que la madera precursora. La madera es un material natural compuesto que presenta una morfología porosa anisotrópica con una excelente elasticidad, resistencia y tolerancia al daño; algunas de estas propiedades se trasladarán y amplificarán al pasar a la cerámica que se elabora a partir de la misma. Se ha estudiado la influencia de la madera seleccionada y el proceso de fabricación en las propiedades mecánicas y microestructurales

  11. Madera contralaminada (CLT), situación actual. Alternativa para una construcción sostenible en España.


    Carabaño Rodriguez, Rocio; Galván Martínez, Jorge; Oteiza, Ignacio; Martínez Sierra, Enrique


    El uso de la madera ha sido denostado en nuestro país en los últimos tiempos por diferentes razones. Sin embargo, se trata de un material empleado en construcción de viviendas desde tiempos prehistóricos. Una de las dificultades con las que se encontraba este material para su uso en construcción era la falta de normativa, la cual hasta hace casi 30 años era prácticamente inexistente. El desarrollo de la normativa sobre construcción con madera, y el avance que se ha producido en la tecnología ...

  12. Medium and large mammals in the Sierra La Madera, Sonora, Mexico (United States)

    Erick Oswaldo Bermudez-Enriquez; Rosa Elena Jimenez-Maldonado; Gertrudis Yanes-Arvayo; Maria de la Paz Montanez-Armenta; Hugo Silva-Kurumiya


    Sierra La Madera is a Sky Island mountain range in the Madrean Archipelago. It is in Fracción V of the Ajos-Bavispe CONANP Reserve in the Municipios (= Counties) of Cumpas, Granados, Huásabas, Moctezuma, and Villa Hidalgo. Medium and large mammals were inventoried using camera traps. Eighteen Wild View 2® camera traps were deployed during four sampling periods: August...

  13. Protección contra el Fuego: Investigación y Desarrollo técnico-comercial para fomentar el uso del a madera en la construcción


    Contador, Patricia; Peña, A.


    Actualmente el uso masivo de la construcción con madera en Chile se ve ampliamente obstaculizado a causa de la desconfianza que surge por parte del usuario, el que prefiere vivir en casad de material debido al peligro de un incendio que involucra una vivienda de madera. Ello aún cuando nuestro país padece de un déficit habitacional bastante significativo y pese a ser la madera un material de gran versatilidad, resistencia sísmica, calidez, rapidez de construcción, fácil transporte y una buena...

  14. Durabilidad natural y descripción anatómica de la madera de la especie Caryodaphnopsis cogolloi Van der Werf


    César Polanco Tapia; Jenny Caicedo Velásquez; Diego Beltrán Hernandez


    Se realizó la descripción anatómica de la madera de la especie Caryodaphnopsis cogolloi van der Werff., describiendo las principales características xilológicas de la especie, identificadas en los planos transversal y longitudinal (tangencial y radial) de la madera. Además, se determinó la durabilidad natural de la especie Caryodaphnopsis cogolloi Van der Werff mediante el ensayo acelerado de laboratorio, utilizando las metodologías soil block, establecida por la norma NTC 1127, y agar block,...

  15. Sedimentation Study and Flume Investigation, Mission Creek, Santa Barbara, California; Corte Madera Creek, Marin County, California

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Copeland, Ronald


    .... An existing concrete-lined flood control channel on Corte Madera Creek in Marin County, California lacks a debris basin at its upstream terminus and carries significant bed load through a supercritical flow reach...

  16. Empleo del penetrómetro para madera para el diagnóstico de la madera en servicio en edificios antiguos

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    Palaia, L.


    Full Text Available Instrumental technique applied in situ allows researchers to save time on diagnosis and minimize damage to the sound timber. Pilodyn testing may be a useful method of diagnosis of these structures. The case study is about an urban 19th century building in an historic area of Valencia, located very close to the original city foundation area. The building has brick bearing load walls, timber floors and a roof structure. A simplified diagnosis method of timber structures was performed: visual inspection carried out by qualified site surveyors using SDT, in this case the wood probing (Pilodyn. This method proved to be adequate to determine parameters and to obtain conclusions of the mechanical characteristics of the structural elements. A standardization proposal to use this instrumental may be developed in the future.Las técnicas instrumentales para ensayos in situ permiten a los expertos ahorrar tiempo en el diagnóstico y minimizar el daño que se produce en algunos casos a la madera sana, empleando técnicas tradicionales de diagnóstico. El empleo del Pilodyn para ensayos de penetración puede constituir un «método rápido» de diagnóstico de estas estructuras. Se presenta un caso de estudio de un edificio del siglo XIX construido en el centro histórico de Valencia. Los muros son de ladrillo y la estructura horizontal así como de la cubierta son de madera. Se ha realizado un método de diagnosis simplificado: inspección visual de la estructura y ensayos con Pilodyn. Este método resultó adecuado para determinar parámetros acerca de sus cualidades resistentes, abriendo una vía hacia una posible propuesta de normalización para el empleo de este instrumento.

  17. Modelo de innovación estratégico de negocios aplicado a viviendas de madera en Chile

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    Samuel Gómez Valdés


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, la globalización y tecnologías de la información hacen que sea más imperativo construir estrategias competitivas que destaquen a un negocio de otro. En el caso de la industria de la vivienda chilena, una alternativa que está tomando interés son aquellas construidas con madera. En este trabajo se presentó una innovación en modelo de negocios aplicada a un estudio de caso en la industria forestal mediante el diseño de un proceso que determinó las variables más adecuadas para crear estrategias de valor más competitivas en el sector de viviendas construidas de madera. Para esto se realizó una investigación utilizando como instrumento entrevistas y encuestas a una población conformada por empresas, expertos y clientes. En el análisis de datos, se utilizó el test de Chi-cuadrado de relación entre variables generando una propuesta basada en la estrategia de océano azul relacionada con la creación de valor, además de construir un modelo de negocios Canvas. El modelo estratégico de negocios propuesto se comparó con otros modelos mediante mapas de cadena de valor. Las entrevistas indicaron que existe poca información en el país sobre el uso de productos madereros, específicamente viviendas de maderas, en consecuencia se pueden abrir oportunidades de negocios en toda su cadena de valor. El análisis de datos y estrategia de océano azul permitieron formular un modelo de negocios con una propuesta de valor en la entrega rápida de viviendas de maderas con características térmicas y con aislación acústica, enfocada en segmentos de clientes rural de la octava región y el sector residencial con gustos estéticos del producto. Por lo tanto, se pudo innovar en proceso estratégico empleando distintas herramientas como el diseño y aplicación de encuestas, análisis de datos, la estrategia de océano azul y el modelo de negocios Canvas, como también se pudo aplicar para la innovación de casas de madera.

  18. Durabilidad natural y descripción anatómica de la madera de la especie Caryodaphnopsis cogolloi Van der Werf

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    César Polanco Tapia


    Full Text Available Se realizó la descripción anatómica de la madera de la especie Caryodaphnopsis cogolloi van der Werff., describiendo las principales características xilológicas de la especie, identificadas en los planos transversal y longitudinal (tangencial y radial de la madera. Además, se determinó la durabilidad natural de la especie Caryodaphnopsis cogolloi Van der Werff mediante el ensayo acelerado de laboratorio, utilizando las metodologías soil block, establecida por la norma NTC 1127, y agar block, establecida por la norma EN 350-1, y los hongos de pudrición Trametes versicolor y Gloeophyllum trabeum. La durabilidad fue determinada mediante pérdida de peso y estudio de las características de degradación de los hongos durante cuatro meses de incubación en la madera, estudiando cada mes el mecanismo de colonización, el desarrollo de los hongos y sus características de crecimiento, así como sus efectos sobre la pared celular. Al finalizar el periodo de exposición se determinó que la madera es muy resistente tanto al ataque del hongo de pudrición blanca como al de pudrición marrón, reportando pérdidas de peso promedio en soil block de 5.1 % para el primer hongo y 6.1 % para el segundo, y de 5.9 % para los dos hongos en agar block. Los patrones de degradación de los hongos en la madera mostraron que T. versicolor erosionó la pared celular y generó el ensanchamiento de las punteaduras en algunas células, mientras que G. trabeum produjo la disminución del espesor de las paredes celulares en pocas células. Este estudio se reporta como el primero en durabilidad natural para la especie C. cogolloi.

  19. Densidad y anatomia de la madera en familias mejoradas de sauces en Argentina

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    Silvia Monteoliva


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue la evaluación de densidad y anatomía de la madera en siete familias de sauces, con vistas a seleccionar clones aptos para la producción de madera para usos sólidos y papel. Se cruzaron progenitores de cinco especies de sauces (S. babylonica, S. alba, S. nigra, S. amygdaloides y S. matsudana, obteniéndose 1800 individuos producto de cruzamientos controlados y polinización abierta, dentro del programa de mejoramiento de sauces del INTA. A los 34 meses se efectuó una primera selección por criterios de crecimiento, sanidad y forma. De esta primera fase de mejoramiento se seleccionaron 218 genotipos sobre los cuales se evaluaron las características anatómicas cuantitativas y la densidad de la madera. Los resultados indican que ninguna familia presenta buenos resultados en todas las propiedades. En una selección priorizando el vigor, la familia 08.09 presentó las siguientes características: buen crecimiento en diámetro (6,1 cm, fibras largas y de pared gruesa (850 µm y 2,22 µm, pocos vasos ( y densidad intermedia a baja (350 kg.m-3. Priorizando el rendimiento, material fibroso e indirectamente la resistencia, las familias 08.01 y 08.07 presentaron: densidad relativamente alta (403 - 397 kg.m-3, fibras largas (836 - 864 µm, vasos pequeños (46 - 45 µm y bajo crecimiento en diámetro (3 - 2,85 cm. Los cruzamientos donde intervienen las especies Salix nigra, S. amygdaloides y S. matsudana se destacaron ya que presentan buenos crecimientos y las mejores combinaciones xilológicas para diferentes destinos industriales.

  20. Respuesta de la madera ante el fuego en la construcción

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    Elvira Martín, Luis Miguel


    Full Text Available Not available.El presente artículo pretende dar una amplia visión del material madera y de los elementos que la utilizan como materia prima (tableros, puertas, etc., cuando se encuentran sometidos a la acción del fuego. Se hace un análisis partiendo de la base de realización de ensayos a partir de la Normativa española al respecto, considerando las especies más frecuentemente empleadas en nuestro país, y abarcando los aspectos de duración cortafuegos, estabilidad mecánica sin deformación y estanquidad a las llamas, sin olvidar la emisión de gases inflamables y clasificación frente al fuego. A través de la experiencia que el Laboratorio del Fuego del INIA posee, y que se exponen en esta colaboración, se pueden extraer consecuencias que permitan la utilización de la madera en construcción de una forma más lógica, eliminando algunos prejuicios que existen sobre su naturaleza y comportamiento frente al fuego.

  1. Características tecnológicas de 16 maderas del Estado de Tamaulipas, que influyen en la fabricación de tableros de partículas y de fibras

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    M. Fuentes-Salinas


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se evaluaron cuatro características de 16 maderas de la selva baja caducifolia del sur del estado de Tamaulipas, México, con el propósito de determinar la posibilidad de usarlas para la fabricación de tableros de partículas y tableros de fibras. Las maderas estudiadas fueron: Myrcianthes fragrans, Phoebe tampicensis, Casimiroa pringley, Acacia berlandieri, Drypetes lateriflora, Esenbeckia berlandieri, Lysiloma divaricata, Robinsonella discolor, Sapindus saponaria, Harpalyce arborescens, Wimmeria concolor, Krugiodendrom ferreum, Ebanopsis ebano, Pithecellobium pallens, Zanthoxylum fagara y Cordia boissieri. Las características evaluadas fueron la longitud de fibra, la relación longitud-diámetro de fibra, conocida como coeficiente de Péteri, la densidad básica, el pH y la razón de compresión que se requiere para fabricar tableros de partículas de densidad media y tableros de fibras duras. Las maderas evaluadas presentaron un rango de longitud de fibra de 653 a 1,229 μ, el Coeficiente de Péteri resultó desde 43.14 hasta 82.45. El rango del pH para las maderas fue de 5.06 a 7.64. La densidad básica mostró un rango de 0.56 a 0.97 g·cm-3. Con los valores obtenidos y su análisis, se consideró que de manera individual 11 maderas pueden ser aptas para la fabricación de tableros de partículas de densidad media. Haciendo mezclas de maderas, pueden aprovecharse hasta 12 especies. En lo que respecta a tableros de fibras duras y extraduras, se considera que se pueden fabricar con todas las maderas.

  2. Velocidad de onda y módulos de elasticidad por ultrasonido y ondas de esfuerzo de vigas de madera de Pinus spp. mexicana

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    Javier Sotomayor


    Full Text Available La industria de edificación con madera requiere datos de resistencia mecánica de madera con dimensiones y clasificación apropiadas para su uso como elementos estructurales. La presente investigación propone una estrategia experimental para la caracterización mecánica de vigas de madera y su aplicación como material de Ingeniería. El objetivo de la investigación fue: determinar las velocidades de onda y los módulos de elasticidad de vigas de Pinus spp., empleando ultrasonido y ondas de esfuerzo estudiando 70 vigas de Pinus spp. con dimensiones de 0.10 m x 0.15 m de sección transversal, 35 vigas de 5 m y 35 de 6 m de longitud. Las velocidades de transmisión presentaron coeficientes de variación coherentes a la heterogeneidad estructural de la madera. Los valores de estos coeficientes se incrementaron cuando se calcularon características de segundo nivel, como es el caso de los módulos de elasticidad. La velocidad y el módulo de elasticidad mostraron un carácter de anisotropía importante para el cálculo de la resistencia mecánica de las vigas. Igualmente, los parámetros calculados con el método de ondas de esfuerzo resultaron mayores a los determinados con ultrasonido. Los resultados permiten concluir que las técnicas de ultrasonido y ondas de esfuerzo pueden determinar la velocidad de onda y los módulos de elasticidad de vigas de madera de Pinus spp.

  3. 75 FR 39581 - Yosemite Valley Plan; Yosemite National Park; Mariposa, Madera, and Tuolumne Counties, California... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR National Park Service Yosemite Valley Plan; Yosemite National Park; Mariposa, Madera, and Tuolumne Counties, California; Notice of Revised Record of Decision SUMMARY: On December 29, 2000, the National Park Service (NPS) executed a Record of Decision selecting Alternative 2...


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    Rodolfo Martiarena


    Full Text Available mayor incremento en crecimiento de la plantación puede causar variación en las propiedades físicas de la madera, pudiendo disminuir la calidad de la misma para la industria. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar el efecto de los tratamientos de raleo sobre el crecimiento y densidad de la madera de Pinus taeda implantado en Misiones, Argentina (25º 59’S - 54º24’O. La plantación se estableció en 1985 con densidad inicial de 1644 pl.ha-1y se manejó con tres intensidades de raleo (0, 33 y 66 % del área basal del testigo sin ralear, bajo un diseño de bloques completos al azar (3 bloques. A los 20 años se efectuó tala rasa, cuyas densidades eran 711 (0 %, 364 (33 % y 122 (66 % plantas por hectárea, momento en el cual se seleccionaron 45 árboles para determinar la densidad básica de la madera. La misma se determinó a través de la realización de 2.700 probetas. El crecimiento de la plantación fue afectado por la intensidad de raleo, registrando diámetros promedio de 28,7, 34,8 y 45,9 cm, respectivamente, en los tratamientos 0, 33 y 66 % de raleo. El volumen de la plantación, al momento del apeo, fue superior en el tratamiento sin raleo, no obstante el tratamiento 66 % de raleo generó mayor cantidad de madera de grandes dimensiones. La densidad básica como promedio simple y ponderado por volumen no presentó diferencias significativas entre tratamientos. Los valores de densidad ponderada fueron de 0,406, 0,418 y 0,420 para los tratamientos 0, 33 y 66 % de raleo, respectivamente, mientras que el análisis de correlación entre diámetro y densidad no fue significativo. El estudio mostró que la intensidad de raleo puede ser manejada para maximizar la producción, manteniendo idéntica la calidad de la madera para la industria.


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    Rodolfo Martiarena


    Full Text Available El mayor incremento en crecimiento de la plantación puede causar variación en las propiedades físicas de la madera, pudiendo disminuir la calidad de la misma para la industria. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar el efecto de los tratamientos de raleo sobre el crecimiento y densidad de la madera de Pinus taeda implantado en Misiones, Argentina (25º 59’S - 54º24’O. La plantación se estableció en 1985 con densidad inicial de 1644 pl.ha -1 y se manejó con tres intensidades de raleo (0, 33 y 66 % del área basal del testigo sin ralear, bajo un diseño de bloques completos al azar (3 bloques. A los 20 años se efectuó tala rasa, cuyas densidades eran 711 (0 %, 364 (33 % y 122 (66 % plantas por hectárea, momento en el cual se seleccionaron 45 árboles para determinar la densidad básica de la madera. La misma se determinó a través de la realización de 2.700 probetas. El crecimiento de la plantación fue afectado por la intensidad de raleo, registrando diámetros promedio de 28,7, 34,8 y 45,9 cm, respectivamente, en los tratamientos 0, 33 y 66 % de raleo. El volumen de la plantación, al momento del apeo, fue superior en el tratamiento sin raleo, no obstante el tratamiento 66 % de raleo generó mayor cantidad de madera de grandes dimensiones. La densidad básica como promedio simple y ponderado por volumen no presentó diferencias significativas entre tratamientos. Los valores de densidad ponderada fueron de 0,406, 0,418 y 0,420 -3 para los tratamientos 0, 33 y 66 % de raleo, respectivamente, mientras que el análisis de correlación entre diámetro y densidad no fue significativo. El estudio mostró que la intensidad de raleo puede ser manejada para maximizar la producción, manteniendo idéntica la calidad de la madera para la industria.

  6. Durabilidad natural de madera de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden de plantaciones de rápido crecimiento

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    Silvia Böthig


    Full Text Available Una de las especies forestales de rápido crecimiento cultivadas en Uruguay de mayor importancia económica es el Eucalyptus grandis. Trabajos anteriores reportan propiedades físicas y mecánicas de la madera juvenil y adulta proveniente de plantaciones de esta especie en diferentes regiones del país. Sin embargo, dado que no se dispone de datos científicos nacionales sobre su durabilidad natural, en este trabajo fue evaluada madera de E. grandis obtenida de dos plantaciones de 16 años de edad con semilla del mismo origen, de dos sitios, Rivera y Río Negro. Se estudió la durabilidad natural del duramen externo e interno siguiendo los métodos de la norma EN 350-1, tomando Populus deltoides x euroamericana cv I-214 como especie de referencia. Se realizaron ensayos de laboratorio para determinar la resistencia a la descomposición fúngica (Gloeophyllum trabeum, Trametes versicolor y Serpula lacrymans y a las termites (Reticulitermes spp. siguiendo las normas EN 113 y EN 118, respectivamente. Se realizaron ensayos de campo de estacas, de doble capa y cámara fúngica, los cuales aún están en curso, por lo que en el presente trabajo se presentan resultados parciales. Los perfiles radiales de densidad básica revelaron que la madera del duramen externo no era adulta, sino madera de transición. En general, el duramen de E. grandis mostró una mayor durabilidad que el híbrido Populus.El E. grandis se clasificó como moderadamente o seriamente atacado por Reticulitermes spp. Según EN 350-1, la madera juvenil de E. grandis puede considerarse como “moderadamente durable” ante la pudrición parda provocada por G. trabeum, mientras que la madera de transición puede describirse como “durable”. La madera de transición mostró en relación a la madera juvenil una mayor resistencia al G. trabeum, una susceptibilidad levemente menor a las termites y mejor desempeño en el campo luego de 17 meses de exposición. El sitio de la plantación no

  7. Alternativas de uso para la madera de olmo europeo (Ulmus minor Mill.) recomendadas a partir de estudios xilotecnológicos


    García, Daniela


    La actividad forestal en la Argentina presenta un gran potencial para su expansión, dadas las características de sus bosques y las grandes superficies de tierra aptas para la forestación. El alto consumo de maderas hace que la provincia de Buenos Aires importe de otras provincias un gran volumen de madera de especies nativas e implantadas. Las industrias se abastecen en un 85% de los bosques cultivados, y un 15% de nativos, estos últimos principalmente para productos aserrados y laminados. La...

  8. Construcción en madera: influencia de los protectores de madera basados en sales hidrosolubles en la corrosión de herrajes metálicos

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    Borrallo Jiménez, Milagrosa


    Full Text Available The hydrosoluble salts are one of the products used for the treatment in depth of the wood that come using for decades with excellent results. Nevertheless, realized investigations, principally with CCA, for Cross, J. and Bailey, G. (1989, among others, demonstrates that it can be corrosive for the metallic fasteners used in the construction in wood, because of some of the chemical products that they contain and the protection system with which Autoclave is applied. In Spain, the Real Decreto 1406/1989, that prohibits the marketing and the use of compounds of arsenic from 30/06/2004, except exceptions, has forced to the companies to replace definitively the products used up to this moment that were containing toxic substances as the chrome and the arsenic (CCB, CCA, etc. for products consisted of other not toxic substances, as the ACQ (salts of quaternary ammonium. Of these new products scanty information is had on their behaviour and specially, on their compatibility with the metals which are made the fasteners used for the current construction in wood. This work does a comparative study of the corrosive behaviour of three hydrosoluble protectors (CCA, CCB and ACQ towards different metals (galvanized steel and stainless steel. The evaluation has been realized across the result of a test of accelerated corrosion in the short time in artificial atmosphere of rapid corrosion. The conclusions of the work lead to affirm that the treatments of wood hydrosolubles accelerate the speed of corrosion of the metals, though with some differences between them.Las sales hidrosolubles son uno de los productos empleados para el tratamiento de la madera en profundidad que se vienen utilizando desde hace décadas con excelentes resultados. Sin embargo, investigaciones realizadas, principalmente con CCA, por Cross, J. & Bailey, G. (1989 entre otros, demuestran que pueden ser corrosivas para los herrajes metálicos empleados en la construcción en madera, a causa

  9. Evaluación de la resistencia al cizallamiento por compresión y falla en madera de uniones encoladas en maderas nacionales e importadas

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    Sebastián Quagliotti


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados de la evaluación de la resistencia al cizallamiento por compresión y falla en madera de uniones encoladas en Eucalyptus grandis, Pinus taeda, Pinus eliottii, lapacho y cedro. El procedimiento se basó en las siguientes normas: ASTM D 5751-99, JIS K 6852-1994 y EN 205:1991. Las etapas más relevantes fueron las siguientes: encolado y corte de probetas, tratamientos de inmersión en agua a 30 ºC, 60 ºC, 100 ºC y ensayo en máquina universal. Se determinó la resistencia al cizallamiento por compresión, retención del poder adhesivo y porcentaje de falla en madera. Es posible concluir que el PVA no es un adhesivo para ser utilizado en ambientes de alta humedad, debido a los bajos valores de resistencia y porcentaje de falla comparados con los valores en seco, como se muestra en las especies  estudiadas luego de ser sometidas a los diferentes tratamientos. Cabe resaltar que, una vez realizados los tratamientos de inmersión, las probetas encoladas con isocianato de E. grandis tienen los valores de retención del poder adhesivo más altos, como también menor disminución del porcentaje de falla en madera en comparación con las otras especies estudiadas.AbstractThe results of the shear strength (by compression and wood failure of bond unions in Eucalyptus grandis, Pinus taeda, Pinus eliottii, Tabebuia ipe y Cedrela spp are shown in the present work. The process was based on the following standards: ASTM D 5751-99, JIS K 6852-1994 y EN 205:1991. The most relevant stageswere bonding and the cutting of samples, water immersion treatment (30, 60, 100 ºC and universal machine test. Shear strength, Ratio wet/dry shear and Wood Failure percentage were determined. As a conclusion, the PVA is not an adhesive to be used under high humidity conditions, due to the low values of shear strength and percentage of wood failure that the study species shown after water immersion treatment compared with the

  10. Variabilidad del contenido de humedad-equilibrio de la madera de diez especies comerciales para tres regiones del Perú


    Rosales-Solórzano, Emer Ronald


    La investigación tuvo por objeto determinar el contenido de humedad-equilibrio (CHE) de la madera por año, época y estación en Puerto Maldonado y predicción anual para Huánuco y Lima. El método seguido fueron en base a los procedimientos de las normas ASTM, D – 2395 e INDECOPI-251 011, metodología que consistió en medir instantáneamente las probetas de madera y secar en estufa las mismas, que nos sirvió para determinar el CHE, peso actual (Pa) midiendo una vez por semana durante un año, calcu...


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    A. Borja de la Rosa


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se realizó con la finalidad de conocer las características y propiedades tecnológicas de la madera de Juniperus flaccida var. poblana Martínez, para lo cual se utilizó la metodología del Laboratorio de Anatomía y Tecnología de la Madera de la División de Ciencias Forestales de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Las propiedades físicas se determinaron según la norma NOM-EE-167-83 y las mecánicas de acuerdo a las normas ASTM 143-83 en el Campo Experimental San Martinito, del Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP. Los resultados con relación a las características anatómicas fueron los siguientes: la madera presenta un color castaño claro en el duramen y amarillo pálido en la albura, brillo medio, veteado suave, textura fina, hilo recto, sabor característico y olor aromático. Las traqueidas son largas, de diámetro tangencial mediano y paredes delgadas; presentan una hilera de puntuaciones areoladas seriadas, las puntuaciones de los campos de cruzamiento son tipo cupresoide y el parénquima axial es escaso. Los rayos de tipo uniseriados numerosos, muy bajos y muy angostos; los rayos y las células parenquimatosas axiales presentan aceites. La proporción de elementos fue 92 % de traqueidas, 7.72 de parénquima de rayo y 0.18 % de parénquima axial. La densidad básica fue de 0.50 g·cm-3, las contracciones totales fueron: volumétrica de 8.42 %, tangencial de 4.26 % y radial de 3.02 %; y los hinchamientos totales: volumétrico de 9.17 %, tangencial de 4.45 % y radial de 3.12 %. El punto de saturación de la fibra fue de 33 %; el coeficiente de hinchamiento 0.278 %, y la relación de anisotropía de 1.41. Los valores promedio de las propiedades mecánicas al 12 % de contenido de humedad (CH y en condición verde, se clasificaron de medios a bajos en ambas condiciones de contenido de humedad. Considerando las características anatómicas y los valores de las propiedades f

  12. La madera auxiliar en la construcción y su huella ecológica; caso de la superficie de contacto de la tarima


    María Susana Bianconi Bailez


    Se diseña una tarima de cimbra alternativa, con material reciclado, para contrarrestar el uso indiscriminado de madera en la construcción del concreto armado. Se presenta esta problemática en el estado de México y se relaciona con el consumo de madera talada clandestinamente. Se grafica el ciclo de vida de la tarima para cimbra de construcción y se comparan parámetros y desempeños de nuestra propuesta, a la que llamamos tarima híbrida y la tarima convencional. Se sugiere contrarrestar el mal ...

  13. Estudio sobre encofrados de madera modernos

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    de la Peña Aznar, Juan M.


    Full Text Available This article is a compendium of almost all of the existing literature, in addition to important contributions by the author, on forms —an important aspect of the building industry, as their cost is not infrequently as high or higher than that of the actual concrete poured. Thus, to the benefit of architects, engineers, site supervisors and carpenters, data are provided, as well as charts and calculations for a rational use of these forms, whether wooden, metal or of other material.

    En esta artículo sa compendia casi toda la literatura existente, así como importantes aportaciones del autor, sobre encofrados, capítulo importante en la construcción, ya que su costo resulta no pocas veces tan elevado o más que el propio hormigón vertido. Así, pues, en beneficio de arquKectos, ingenieros, encargados y carpinteros, se dan datos, cuadros y abacos para el empleo racional de los citados encofrados, sean de madera, metálicos, etcétera.

  14. Estudio sobre encofrados de madera modernos

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    de la Peña Aznar, Juan M.


    Full Text Available This article is a compendium of almost all of the existing literature, in addition to important contributions by the author, on forms —an important aspect of the building industry, as their cost is not infrequently as high or higher than that of the actual concrete poured. Thus, to the benefit of architects, engineers, site supervisors and carpenters, data are provided, as well as charts and calculations for a rational use of these forms, whether wooden, metal or of other material.

    En este artículo se compendia casi toda la literatura existente, así como importantes aportaciones del autor, sobre encofrados, capítulo importante en la construcción, ya que su costo resulta no pocas veces tan elevado o más que el propio hormigón vertido. Así pues en beneficio de arquitectos, ingenieros, encargados y carpinteros se dan datos, cuadros y ábacos para el empleo racional de los citados encofrados, sean de madera, metálicos, etc.

  15. Estudio sobre encofrados de madera modernos

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    de la Peña Aznar, Juan M.


    Full Text Available This article is a compendium of almost all of the existing literature, in addition to important contributions by the author, on forms —an important aspect of the building industry, as their cost is not infrequently as high or higher than that of the actual concrete poured. Thus, to the benefit of architects, engineers, site supervisors and carpenters, data are provided, as well as charts and calculations for a rational use of these forms, whether wooden, metal or of other material.

    En este artículo se compendia casi toda la literatura existente, así como importantes aportaciones del autor, sobre encofrados, capítulo importante en la construcción, ya que su costo resulta no pocas veces tan elevado o más que el propio hormigón vertido. Así pues en beneficio de arquitectos, ingenieros, encargados y carpinteros se dan datos, cuadros y ábacos para el empleo racional de los citados encofrados, sean de madera, metálicos, etc.

  16. La madera auxiliar en la construcción y su huella ecológica; caso de la superficie de contacto de la tarima La madera auxiliar en la construcción y su huella ecológica; caso de la superficie de contacto de la tarima

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    María Susana Bianconi Bailez


    Full Text Available An alternative framework is designed, based on recycled material, to tend to diminish the irrational use of wood. Wood related problems in concrete construction in the State of Mexico are presented, and this issue is related to the illegal harvest of timber. The wood framework life cycle assessment is graphed and several parameters are compared between our proposed hybrid frame and the conventional one. This new design is proposed to mitigate the irrational use of timer in the making of daily concrete building in situ. Se diseña una tarima de cimbra alternativa, con material reciclado, para contrarrestar el uso indiscriminado de madera en la construcción del concreto armado. Se presenta esta problemática en el estado de México y se relaciona con el consumo de madera talada clandestinamente. Se grafica el ciclo de vida de la tarima para cimbra de construcción y se comparan parámetros y desempeños de nuestra propuesta, a la que llamamos tarima híbrida y la tarima convencional. Se sugiere contrarrestar el mal uso del recurso madera asociado a la factura in situ del concreto armado mediante el uso de este nuevo diseño.

  17. Construcciones normalizadas. Sistema estructural de madera para viviendas uni y bifamiliares

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    Novaro Bocco, Ricardo


    Full Text Available A technological contribution for the construction normalization. By means of a systematic for the architectural design and the use of wood as an structural element, it is been obtained a constructive system which allows the incorporation of the materials which the market offers by elements and components. The main traits of the constructive system are the possibilities of reversing the order of two of the traditional constructive process, first by putting into effect the cover (up-down and the interior surround (Inside-outside. The structural element of wood is combined with metallic pieces which improve it's resistance work and optimizes the constructive process. The advantage obtained in this process by using wood are: — Design and constructive element standardized, normalized and modulated. — Simple constructive techniques with less construction time. — Formal solutions and flexible materials, adaptable to each region. — Optimum output of materials and labour. — Improve the relation Quality-Price. The article developed shows the results obtained in the investment and performance carried out by the Technological Department of the Investment Center of Envlronment and Development.

    Un aporte tecnológico para la normalización de la construcción. Mediante una sistemática del diseño arquitectónico y el uso de la madera como elemento estructural, se ha obtenido un sistema constructivo que permite la incorporación de los materiales que ofrece el mercado por elemento y por componentes. Las principales características del sistema constructivo son el invertir el orden de dos de los procesos constructivos tradicionales, realizando primero la cubierta (arriba-abajo y la envolvente interior (dentro-fuera. El elemento estructural de madera está combinado con piezas metálicas que mejoran su trabajo resistente y optimizan el proceso constructivo. Las ventajas obtenidas por este procedimiento con la utilización de la


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    Wilson A. Calero Borge


    Full Text Available El trabajo se desarrolló en la Reserva Indígena de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Se remidieron 64 parcelas de cacao (C y banano (B, para estimar el almacenamiento y el incremento de madera y carbono de laurel (Cordia alliodora y cedro amargo (Cedrela odorata L. de regeneración natural en estos sistemas agroforestales (SAF. Se realizó inventario de laurel y cedro real y se midieron árboles con d3 4 cm. El volumen comercial (Vc (d 3 45 cm se proyectó con matrices de transición tipo Usher.Los incrementos de madera y carbono se obtuvieron en el períodocomprendido 2001-2005.No hubo diferencias signifi cativas (P<0.05 para la densidad (d y existencias totales de madera (Vt en los SAF, la d es de 52,4 árboles ha-1 en C y 53,8 árboles ha-1 en B, contienen un volumen total de 55,4 m3 ha-1 en C y 52,6 m3 ha-1 en B. Las tasas de fi jación de carbono son de 1,3 y 1,8 t ha-1 año-1 en C y B respectivamente.A cinco años de proyección los C producirán 52,0 (m3 ha-1 y los B 54,2 (m3 ha-1 de Vc con un IPAVc de 4,08 y 4,74 (m3 ha-1 año-1 en C y B respectivamente. Para todos los SAF evaluadosel aprovechamiento de madera será sostenible, con las actuales tasas de aprovechamiento y reclutamiento de individuos. Se recomienda aplicar del modelo propuesto para el diseño ymanejo de SAF.

  19. Vigas tipo I para la construcción civil fabricadas con madera de plantaciones de rápido crecimiento en Costa Rica

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    Carolina Tenorio


    Full Text Available En años recientes, el mercado de la madera en Costa Rica ha sido abastecido por especies de plantaciones forestales de rápido crecimiento. No obstante, aún se presentan vacíos en el diseño y comercialización de productos de alto desarrollo tecnológico. Con el propósito de introducir las maderas de plantación en el mercado, se estableció como objetivo determinar los esfuerzos de diseño (esfuerzo en flexión, cortante y la rigidez a flexión de vigas tipo I construidas con madera de Gmelina arborea, utilizando madera sólida en las zapatas y plywood de 12 mm en el alma. Se desarrollaron tres tipos de perfiles (24, 16 y 10 cm de alto y dos tipos de calidades (A y B. Los resultados mostraron que los esfuerzos de diseño variaron de 60 a 147 kg/cm2 en el esfuerzo en flexión y de 42 a 92 kg/ cm2 en el esfuerzo en cortante. Las vigas de 10 cm y de calidad A presentaron los esfuerzos más altos en flexión y cortante, seguidos por las vigas de 24 cm y 16 cm. Con respecto a la rigidez a flexión, las vigas perfil 24 son las que poseen el valor más alto, con 302787437,1 kg-cm2; seguidas de los perfiles 16 y 10. Al demostrar el uso de las vigas en entrepisos, se observó que las vigas de calidad A son las que producen las longitudes óptimas para el mercado. Para techos, la clasificación por calidad de las vigas no produce efectos en la longitud permisible.

  20. Micromicetes asociados a la corteza y madera de podocarpus parlatorei (Podocarpaceae en la Argentina. VI. Ascomycota

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    Myriam del V. Catania


    Full Text Available Se describen e ilustran diez especies de Ascomycota que crecen sobre madera y corteza de Podocarpus parlatorei. Se proponen Nemania confluens var. microspora var. nov., Togninia minutissima comb. nov., y se citan por primera vez para la Argentina los siguientes taxones: Botryosphaeria sarmentorum, Ceratostomella pyrenaica, Cochliobolus kusanoi, Heptameria obesa, Hypoxylon duranii, Ophioceras dolichostomum, Tengiomyces indicus, Togninia minima, Trichosphaeria pilosa.


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    L. M. García-Rojas


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se exponen los resultados del estudio de la pirolisis de madera de (Eucalyptus saligna Smith. La madera del árbol estudiado corresponde al municipio de Pinar del Río, provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba. Las necesidades de utilizar esta madera como fuente de energía en la región condujeron al inicio de la etapa de investigación a escala de laboratorio. Los árboles utilizados son entre 20 y 22 años de edad, tomándose discos de 20 a 25 cm; 55 y 85 % de la altura del fuste. A las muestras se les estudió su composición química, análisis previo y descomposición térmica en termobalanza. El comportamiento de los productos de la pirolisis se efectuó en un reactor de lecho fijo. Se determinó el valor calórico de la biomasa y sus carbones. Se estudió la influencia de la altura del fuste del árbol en los rendimientos de los productos de la pirolisis. Se concluyó que existen diferencias significativas en cuanto a la composición química de la madera estudiada: celulosa, hemicelulosa y lignina lo cual justifica el ligero decrecimiento en el rendimiento del carbón en relación con la altura del árbol y la disminución del porcentaje de alquitranes. El mayor rendimiento de carbón así como de valor calórico, se logra en la parte más baja del árbol. La contribución a gases aumenta con la altura del árbol.

  2. ANATOMÍA, FÍSICA Y MECÁNICA DE LA MADERA DE Andira inermis (W. Wright DC. (Leguminosae

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    C. Téllez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se determinaron las características anatómicas y las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de la madera de Andira inermis (W. Wright DC. (Leguminosae. El material de estudio se obtuvo de un sólo árbol colectado en el municipio de Arteaga, Michoacán, México. La descripción anatómica se basó en las recomendaciones de IAWA. Las propiedades físicas y mecánicas se efectuaron de acuerdo a la norma D 143-94 de la ASTM. La madera de A. inermis presenta brillo mediano, vetado pronunciado, textura media, hilo entrecruzado, porosidad difusa y pared celular muy gruesa. La densidad básica es muy alta y la contracción media. El ELP, MOR y MOE es alto, extremadamente alto y medio, respectivamente, en flexión estática. En compresión paralela a la fibra su ELP es alto, MOR extremadamente alto. ELP muy alto en compresión perpendicular a la fibra. Dureza Janka muy alta.

  3. Diagnóstico y análisis de estructuras de madera mediante técnicas no destructivas: aplicación a la Plaza Mayor de Chinchón (Madrid

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    López, G.


    Full Text Available This article shows the work attributed to the assessment, diagnosis and intervention proposal regarding the seen timber structure at the Plaza Mayor in Chinchón (Madrid. Visual recognition techniques and other non-destructive and pseudo non-destructive methods were used such as microphotography, xilohigrometry, ultrasound velocity measurements, screw extraction and resistography.The investigative work allowed for the identification of the original woody species, the characterization of the structural timber and the identification of diverse types of damages and lesions present in order to carry out a structural assessment. It served as a basis to establish an intervention proposal based on the obtained data and the internationally recognized general principles applied to the particular case. Although the overall state of the timber is quite good, thanks to the actions carried out previously, suggestions for constructive intervention and treatments against biotic and abiotic damages were proposed.The investigative work was carried out by the research group of Timber Structures and Wood Technology of the University of Valladolid (, which is composed of multidisciplinary researchers with experience in the fields of construction and architectural restoration and wood technology.Este artículo muestra los trabajos de inspección, diagnóstico y propuesta de intervención sobre la estructura de madera vista de la plaza Mayor de Chinchón (Madrid. Se emplearon técnicas de reconocimiento visual y otras de tipo no destructivo y pseudo-no destructivo como la microfotografía, xilohigrometría, medición de la velocidad de ultrasonidos, arranque de tornillos y resistografía. Los trabajos permitieron identificar la especie leñosa original, caracterizar la madera estructural, señalar los daños y lesiones de diverso tipo que presenta y, finalmente, realizar una peritación estructural. Todo ello sirvió de base para establecer

  4. Tecnólogos buscan aumentar durabilidad de la madera mediante aplicación de nanotecnología


    GUzmán O., Marcela; Tecnológico de Costa Rica


    Un proyecto de investigación que se desarrolla en el Centro de Investigación en Integración Bosque-Industria (CIIBI), del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC), busca aplicar la nanotecnología al mejoramiento de las capacidades de la madera para usos industriales.Pruebas se hacen a nueve especies de valor comercial

  5. Trabajo adolescente en la extracción de madera en la Amazonía peruana: explotación laboral, trabajo forzoso, trata de personas

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    Jaris Mujica


    Full Text Available La extracción de madera es la actividad económica más importante de la Región Ucayali (al este de la Amazonía peruana, aunque un gran porcentaje de esa extracción es ilegal. Esta investigación describe las precarias condiciones de vida y trabajo en los primeros eslabones de la cadena del comercio de madera, y los elementos asociados a la explotación laboral de adolescentes varones, en la dinámica de extracción en caseríos rurales de la cuenca del río Utuquinía (a siete horas de navegación de la ciudad de Pucallpa, capital de la región Ucayali. Sostenida en el análisis de 27 casos este artículo describe: i la función de la mano de obra adolescente en la dinámica de extracción de madera; ii las condiciones de explotación de estos adolescentes, los que aparecen asociados a la precariedad del escenario y a las severas condiciones de inseguridad extendidas en aquellas localidades; iii un escenario marcado por la precariedad en el que conviven víctimas de explotación, trabajo forzoso y trata de personas.

  6. Construcciones agrarias en madera: una ventaja en la integración en el paisaje

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    Cañas Guerrero, Ignacio


    Full Text Available Aesthetic values conservation are more important every day. Wooden constructions are better for this conservation. Construction impact on landscape can be analyzed by two ways; Synthetic and Analytic methods. Using at first a list of wood adventages (based in comparing photographs can be found. It is a natural material and it can be selected a great kind of textures and colours, visual, auditory tactile, smelling and gustative comfort is provided. Psychological factors are in favour of wooden constructions. Assembling and demolition cause less landscape impact. Nevertheless, Analytic method are based on physics and aesthetics components analysis. Physics components are walls materials, buildings distribution and services in buildings. Aesthetics components are shape, sacale. line and colour in a first group and texture in a second. Otherwise the texture wood has different posibilities, its own nature, finished treatement and boards position.

    La conservación de los valores estéticos del paisaje cobran cada día más importancia; en este aspecto las construcciones en madera aportan una serie de ventajas. Para analizar el impacto de las construcciones contamos con dos métodos: Sintético y Analítico. En el primero, basado en el estudio de pares de fotografías, encontramos que la madera tiene una serie de ventajas: es un material natural, ofrece una variedad de colores y texturas, posee confortabilidad visual, auditiva, táctil, olfativa y gustativa, intervienen favorablemente factores sicológicos, se provoca un menor impacto paisajístico a la hora del montaje con un envejecimiento más noble y, llegado el momento, una mayor facilidad para su demolición. El Analítico, sin embargo, se basa en el estudio de los componentes físicos y estéticos. Dentro de los componentes físicos se consideran los materiales, los cerramientos y la distribución de los edificios y obras accesorias. En los componentes estéticos hablamos de la

  7. Estado actual de la investigación sobre madera estructural en España

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    Esteban Herrero, Miguel


    Full Text Available This article intends to show the current state of the research about structural timber in Spain. An ample compilation of information from people and institutions has been carried out. Information received has been so extensive that a hard work of synthesis has been necesary in order to offer a general and objective vision of the subject.In a few years a new legislative and normative frame has been implanted in Spain, defi ned by the Law of Arrangement of the Construction, the Construction Technical Code and the European Construction Products Directive. In this frame some challenges for the sector arise from the construction and the timber. It is the fi rst time that structural timber is framed within a norm of forced fulfillment, which it supposes not only a challenge but the putting in value of all its potential like structural material.In this frame research necessities have been increased, as well as development and innovation, and it is demostrated by several research iniciatives started in our country, with a clear vocation to respond to the necessities arisen in the sector and to satisfy the raised requirements of security in the norm. In this work, using the compiled information, the research lines on structural timber at the moment in Spain are summarized, as well as their presence in means of national or international diffusion or their direct applications in the industry.Este artículo pretende dibujar un panorama sobre el estado actual de la investigación en torno a la madera estructural desarrollada actualmente en España. Se ha realizado una amplia recopilación de información entre personas e instituciones. La información recibida ha sido tan extensa que ha sido necesaria una difícil labor de síntesis para ofrecer una visión general y objetiva.En poco tiempo ha sido implantado en España un nuevo marco legislativo y normativo defi nido por la Ley de Ordenación de la Edifi cación, el Código Técnico de la Edificación y la


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    Jhon Fredy Herrera Builes


    Full Text Available En el manejo de la madera, se debe tener en cuenta el control de los organismos xilófagos. La importancia económica de los degradadores de madera, se debe medir no solo por el verdadero daño que ocasionan, sino también por los costos en las medidas preventivas y de control. Cuando se intente planear y aplicar un método de preservación de la madera, el objetivo debe ser eficaz y seguro. Por lo cual su evaluación en el tiempo es muy relevante, y el establecimiento de áreas de cementerio, permitirá concluir si tal tratamiento aplicado en la madera es el adecuado. El documento muestra un método de campo para evaluar la durabilidad natural de la madera, así, como los tratamientos preservativos aplicados en ellas, el estudio se estableció en el Centro Agropecuario de Cotové (Santafé de Antioquia, Colombia.Control of xilophagous organisms is important in wood handling. The economic importance of wood degraders should be measured not only for the actual damage caused, but also for the costs of preventive measures and control. When attempting to plan and apply a wood preservation method, the objective should be effective and secure. Thus, its evaluation over time is very relevant, and the establishment of cemetery areas will allow evaluation of whether those treatments applied to the wood are appropriate. The document shows a field method for evaluating the natural durability of wood, as well as the preservative treatments applied. This study was conducted in the Cotové Farming Center of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia , Sede Medellín ( Santafé de Antioquia, Colombia .

  9. Arcos con madera laminada del Pino Caribe Venezolano. Una propuesta para procesos de arquitectura ecosustentable - Arches with Venezuelan Caribbean Pine´S laminated wood. A proposal for eco-sustainable architecture processes


    Rafael Gerardo Páez


    El principio generador de la madera laminada establece que piezas aserradas, débiles y pequeñas, al unirse con adhesivos artificiales, conforman elementos más grandes, con propiedades físico-mecánicas superiores a las de la misma especie maderable. En esta investigación se analiza la aplicación de la madera laminada del Pinus caribaea Morelet, var. hondurensis; cultivado en la Orinoquia venezolana, para fabricar sistemas estáticos curvos, dentro de procedimientos edificatorios en construccion...

  10. Efectividad de siete productos antimancha contra ceratocystis sp. en madera de hevea brasiliensis muell arg. (hule

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    M. Fuentes Salinas


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se realizó con el objeto de conocer la eficacia de siete productos antimancha que se comercializan en México, contra el hongo manchador Ceratocystis sp. en madera aserrada de Hevea brasiliensis (hule, mediante el método de los discos, conjuntamente con la norma ASTM D 4445-91. Los productos están elaborados a partir de pentaclorofenato de sodio, tres de ellos, siendo Osmotox, Pentatox y Biotox; tres más están hechos a base de metil bistiocianato y 2-tiocianometiltio benzotiazol y son Busan 1009, Busan 1450 y Busan 1071, y el séptimo solamente contiene 2-tiocianometiltio benzotiazol, siendo el Busan 1118. La concentración mínima observada para evitar el manchado de la madera (crecimiento cero en un tiempo de 4 semanas, para cada uno de los productos ensayados se obtuvo para Osmotox de 4.68 %, para Pentatox de 2.82 %, para Biotox de 3.24 %, para Busan 1118 de 2.00 % y para Busan 1009, Busan 1450 y Busan 1071 una concentración menor a 0.25%. Tomando en cuenta los precios comerciales de cada producto y de acuerdo con las concentraciones mínimas efectivas para crecimiento cero obtenidas, el tratamiento con Busan 1071 es el más económico y más efectivo.

  11. Estimación de las imperfecciones en los mercados de madera: caso de estudio del Pacífico Sur colombiano

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    Sandra Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este artículo estima el grado y naturaleza de las imperfecciones en los mercados de madera del Pacifico Sur colombiano. Los mercados son descritos bajo el paradigma de la organización industrial (estructura/conducta/desempeño. El artículo también incluye un modelo econométrico que estima el grado de la imperfección. Las estructuras de los mercados indicaron altos niveles de concentración de los vendedores. Estos niveles de concentración son el resultado de la presencia de barreras para entrar en el mercado, las cuales son asociadas con falta de acceso a información y capital, deficiencias en el sistema bancario, integración vertical de los participantes, disponibilidad de transporte, y algunas restricciones institucionales. Las imperfecciones de los mercados de maderas crean desigualdades en la distribución del ingreso, desempleo, y pobreza regional. Como consecuencia la contribución de la industria maderera en el progreso socioeconómico es limitada y produce impactos negativos en la conservación de los ecosistemas forestales.



    Ponce D,Mauricio; Contreras G,Manuel; Vásquez S,Marcia


    Se analiza la competitividad en los principales mercados de las exportaciones chilenas de madera aserrada de pino radiata en el período 1994-2004 (Contreras, 2006). Se aplica la metodología "Competitive Análisis of Nation" (CAN), creada por la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), que permite obtener una visión dinámica de las situaciones de competitividad del producto en los mercados estudiados. Los resultados se compararon con un estudio similar del periodo 1987 a 1997...

  13. Densidad de la madera de Pinus ponderosa (Dougl. Ex Laws) en tres localidades de Argentina




    Se estudió el ancho de anillo, la densidad básica de la madera y su variación y la relación entre ancho de anillo y densidad en Pinus ponderosa (Dougl. Ex. Laws) creciendo en tres localidades de la Patagonia andina argentina. El ancho de anillo obtenido se corresponde con una conífera de rápido crecimiento, mientras que la densidad media es levemente menor que la de la especie creciendo en los sitios de origen en Estados Unidos. Ring-width growth, wood specific gravity and its variation, a...

  14. Influencia de la no linealidad del material en la dinámica de estructuras articuladas de madera

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    López Hernández, Enrique


    Full Text Available This paper studies the effect of the non-linear behavior of the material in the movement of an articulate structure made of wooden bars, by means of an iterative of calculation method with lumped masses in the nodes.

    Se estudia el efecto del comportamiento no lineal del material en el movimiento de una estructura de barras de madera articuladas, mediante un método de cálculo iterativo con masas concentradas en los nodos.



    Dimas Agostinho-Da Silva; Braulio Otomar-Caron; Carlos R. Sanquetta; Alexandre Behling; Denise Scmidt; Rogério Bamberg; Elder Eloy; Ana Paula Dalla-Corte


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue ajustar ecuaciones de regresión que expresen el poder calorífico superior (PCS) de la madera de cuatro especies forestales: Acacia mearnsii De Willd., Eu - calyptus grandis Hill, Mimosa scabrella Benth. y Ateleia glazioviana Baill. El procedimiento de selección de variables hacia atrás se utilizó para generar ecuaciones de PCS en función de los contenidos de material volátil (CMV), ceniza (CC), carbono fijo (CCF) y materia orgánica (CMO). Las muestras se recole...

  16. Determinación a través de pruebas aceleradas, de la vida útil del acabado para exteriores en madera de encino y pino

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    R. Flores Velázquez


    Full Text Available La madera usada en exteriores requiere de productos que la protejan de la acción de los agentes de intemperismo y en algunos casos mejoren su apariencia. En los acabados que forman película se producen fallas de cohesión entre la madera y la película, terminando con un blanqueo y desprendimiento de ésta por la interacción de la radiación solar y la humedad. En este trabajo se probaron dos barnices poliuretanos de marca comercial para exteriores uno base agua y otro base solvente, aplicados sobre madera de encino y pino, utilizando la rueda de intemperismo acelerado (CTBA de Francia. De acuerdo con el fabricante de los barnices, cuando se alcanza un 10 % de falla en apariencia se requiere dar un rebarnizado. Los datos obtenidos se ajustaron con el modelo no lineal de distribución acumulativa de Weibull, para estimar el tiempo en el cual se alcanza el 10 % de falla ya mencionado. Tomando en cuenta que 2.25 horas de intemperismo acelerado en la rueda equivalen a un día de intemperismo natural bajo condiciones drásticas, se estimaron los tiempos a los cuales se debe aplicar un rebarnizado, siendo de 15.76 días para pino y de 76.21 días para encino cuando se barnizó con Hydroform, mientras que con el barniz 11000 éste fue de 544.26 días para pino y de 381.15 días para encino.

  17. Evaluación del estado de la madera en obras de rehabilitación mediante técnicas de ultrasonidos y obtención de parámetros resistentes


    Rodríguez Liñán, Carmen; Rubio de Hita, Paloma


    Este artículo presenta el desarrollo de un método de ensayo, no destructivo, para la inspección y evaluación in situ de elementos estructurales de madera, basado en las medidas de la velocidad de ondas ultrasónicas y determinación de humedad. Mediante la aplicación de este método se podrá obtener una estimación de la resistencia a flexión y del módulo de deformación de la madera estudiada, así como la detección de estados de deterioro de la misma. Esto aportará información suficiente a la hor...

  18. Cubiertas de madera de las iglesias fernandinas de Córdoba

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    Blanco Roldán, Ricardo


    Full Text Available After Cordoba´s reconquest by king Saint Ferdinand in 1236, Cordoba town was urbanized into fourteen districts, or parishes. Social, administrative and religious center of these districts was situated in fourteen churchs. These buildings are named ferdinand churchs’, because they were constructed by king Saint Ferdinand. A similar architectural pattern was followed in construction of these churchs. This pattern is characterized by reiteration of fixed arquitectural elements, like roof structure made of timber, in central and lateral church-bodies. Roof timber structure used in lateral church-bodies was tilted frame, while triangular truss with butress and anchor was used in central church-body. Some of these churchs have been destroyed or greatly transformed. However, in survivor ferdinand churchs’ is posible to study the roof timber structure, a singular cover system that was originated by union of medieval constructive and mussulman ornamental technics. The aim of this article is to describe the roof timber structure of cordovan ferdinand churchs’ as well as to research into their origin.Tras la reconquista de Córdoba por San Fernando, en 1236, la ciudad se reorganizó en base a catorce barrios o parroquias, cuyo centro social, administrativo y religioso correspondía a sendas iglesias. Por esta razón estos templos se conocen con el nombre de iglesias fernandinas. Todas ellas se construyeron siguiendo un mismo patrón arquitectónico, en el que se repiten con pocas diferencias una serie de elementos constructivos, entre los que destacan el sistema de cubiertas con madera de las naves central y laterales. Así, mientras que para las laterales se utilizaron forjados inclinados o colgadizos, la central se cubrió con una armadura de par y nudillo, formada por la unión de cerchas paralelas unidas por estribos y tirantes. A pesar de que algunas de estas iglesias han desaparecido y otras han sufrido grandes transformaciones, en

  19. Procedencia y uso de madera de pino silvestre y pino laricio en edificios históricos de Castilla y Andalucía

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    Rodríguez Trobajo, Eduardo


    Full Text Available The productive cycle of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L. and black pine (Pinus nigra Arn. within the medieval Castilian and Andalusian carpentry is here analysed. New criteria to identify both timbers and its dendrochronological date are shown as previous facts to determine their geographical origin. Historical names of these species and other names, such as alerce, with a vague allocation are also studied. Main historical areas of resource and river ways of Tajo and Guadalquivir used to transport the wood (black pine to interior cities (Sevilla, Toledo, Madrid … are thus identified. On the other hand, wood’s diversification and its selective use is analysed regarding its resistance value. Availability also determines that a sort of wood becomes fossil-guide (especie-guía, which is proposed as chronological indicator for several periods and constructive contexts. Some timber remains dating to the first millennium are studied in detail. They belong to the Mosque of Cordoba and four early medieval churches sited in the Duero valley (La Nave, Baños, Quintanilla and Barriosuso. The empiric dating and analysis of this material offer a post quem chronology for the building of these churches and new facts about the distribution of theses wood’s species in the north-western Iberian peninsula.Se realiza un recorrido a través del ciclo constructivo de las maderas de pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris L. y pino laricio (Pinus nigra Arn. en el ámbito de la carpintería medieval de Castilla y Andalucía. Nuevos criterios para diferenciar las dos especies de madera y su datación dendrocronológica, son aportados como datos previos para determinar el origen geográfico del material. Son objeto de discusión los nombres históricos de estas especies y otras voces, como alerce, que tienen una imprecisa asignación. Se identifican así las principales áreas históricas de aprovechamiento y las vías fluviales del Tajo y Guadalquivir utilizadas para el

  20. Magnetic Signatures of Impact Fractured Rocks from Sierra Madera, Texas, USA - Implications to Magnetic Anomalies on Mars

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    Adachi, T.; Kletetschka, Günther; Wasilewski, P. J.; Mikula, V.


    Roč. 88, č. 23 (2007), P41A-02 ISSN 0096-3941. [2007 Joint Assembly. 22.05.2007-25.05.2007, Acapulco] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : shatter cones * impact * Sierra Madera Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics"P41A-02"

  1. Comparison of the tropical floras of the Sierra la Madera and the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico (United States)

    Thomas R. Van Devender; Gertrudis Yanes-Arvayo; Ana Lilia Reina-Guerrero; Melissa Valenzuela-Yanez; Maria de la Paz Montanez-Armenta; Hugo Silva-Kurumiya


    The floras of the tropical vegetation in the Sky Island Sierra la Madera (SMA) near Moctezuma in northeastern Sonora (30°00’N 109°18’W) and the Yécora (YEC) area in the Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) in eastern Sonora (28°25’N 109°15”W) were compared. The areas are 175 km apart. Tropical vegetation includes foothills thornscrub (FTS) in both areas and tropical deciduous...

  2. Comparison of preliminary herpetofaunas of the Sierras la Madera (Oposura) and Bacadehuachi with the mainland Sierra Madre Occidental in Sonora, Mexico (United States)

    Thomas R. Van Devender; Erik F. Enderson; Dale S. Turner; Roberto A. Villa; Stephen F. Hale; George M. Ferguson; Charles. Hedgcock


    Amphibians and reptiles were observed in the Sierra La Madera (59 species), an isolated Sky Island mountain range, and the Sierra Bacadéhuachi (30 species), the westernmost mountain range in the Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) range in east-central Sonora. These preliminary herpetofaunas were compared with the herpetofauna of the Yécora area in eastern Sonora in the main...

  3. Contracción, hinchamiento y peso específico aparente de madera de eucalipto colorado (Eucalyptus tereticornis Smith

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    Andrea Cardoso


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento del comportamiento de la madera de Eucalyptus tereticornis en Uruguay, se estudió la contracción y el hinchamiento lineal y volumétrico para diferentes condiciones de humedad relativa, a una temperatura de 25 ºC. Se construyó una isoterma parcial dándole importancia a las condiciones de humedad de equilibrio en las que es posible encontrar productos realizados con esta madera en Uruguay, por ejemplo, pisos interiores o exteriores. De cinco árboles de una cortina de 50 años ubicada en el departamento de Durazno se seleccionaron discos a dos alturas. A partir de estas se prepararon probetas para las determinaciones de contracción e hinchamiento. Se encontró que el peso específico aparente básico fue de 0,630, al 12% de contenido de humedad fue de 0,859 y al 15 % de 0,872. La contracción radial, tangencial y volumétrica fue de 7,04%, 14,70% y 20,64%, respectivamente, y el hinchamiento radial fue de 7,61%, el tangencial de 17,61% y 26,62% el volumétrico. Sobre la isoterma se observó una diferencia esperable entre la curva de sorción y la de desorción en el rango de humedad relativa estudiado de 53% a 84%.

  4. Características tecnológicas de la madera de palo morado (Peltogyne mexicana Martínez de tierra colorada, Guerrero, México

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    J. Navarro-Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de las características y propiedades tecnológicas de la madera de Palo morado (Peltogyne mexicana Martínez, mediante la caracterización anatómica, porcentaje de elementos y determinación de las propiedades físicas y tres mecánicas. Se colectaron dos árboles en Tierra Colorada Guerrero. El material se obtuvo de trozas a 1.30 m de altura. Para el estudio macroscópico se usaron muestras de 7 x 15 x 1 cm y para el microscópico se elaboraron preparaciones fijas de cortes y de material disociado. La madera presenta un color violeta intenso, porosidad difusa, parénquima en bandas y aliforme confluente con cristales, los elementos de vaso son cortos de diámetro medio, con inclusiones, rayos uniseriados, biseriados, triseriados y raramente multiseriados; las fibras son de tipo libriforme de longitud media, diámetro fino y pared gruesa, presenta densidad básica, contracciones y dureza alta.

  5. Composición química de tres maderas en la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba a tres alturas del fuste comercial. Parte Nº 1: Corymbia citriodora

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    L. R. Carballo Abreu


    Full Text Available Se estudió la composición química de la madera de Corymbia citriodora, a tres alturas del fuste comercial, las muestras fueron tomadas de la Empresa Forestal de Macurijes, en la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba, y analizadas empleando las Normas TAPPI. Se estudió mediante Calorimetría Diferencial de Barrido (DSC la celulosa de esta madera y la lignina mediante espectroscopia IR. Los resultados demuestran diferencias con la altura del fuste, disminuyendo los contenidos de sustancias extraíbles y ligninas con la altura del mismo. Los datos de la espectroscopia IR demostraron la presencia de ligninas del tipo siringil-guaiacílica y diferencias estructurales con la altura del árbol. La banda del espectro de absorción IR correspondiente a la región de 1500 cm–1, explica las variaciones de los porcentajes de lignina con la altura, lo cual evidencia que en la parte superior del árbol esta lignina es menos reticulada y sugiere menor grado de polimerización de las unidades monoméricas que la componen. El comportamiento térmico de la celulosa de madera muestra señales más agudas en la parte superior del fuste con variaciones de entalpías mayores, sugiriendo variabilidad estructural de la celulosa con la altura del fuste comercial.


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    Roberto Machuca-Velasco


    Full Text Available La calidad de maquinado es diferente en cada especie, por tanto, es necesario conocer las características y propiedades que intervienen en este proceso, tales como; la estructura anatómica, contenido de humedad, densidad básica, velocidad de crecimiento, número de anillos de crecimiento por pulgada y dirección del grano. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar las características de los ensayos de cepillado, lijado, moldurado, torneado y barrenado en la madera de Pinus oaxacana Mirov. El material de estudio se obtuvo en la plantación localizada a un costado de la División de Ciencias Forestales de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Los ensayos de maquinado, la evaluación de los defectos y clasificación se realizaron según la Norma ASTM-D 1666-87, con algunas modificaciones realizadas en función de la maquinaria y contenidos de humedad. En general, la madera de P. oaxacana fue clasificada como una especie con excelente trabajabilidad, exceptuando el ensayo de moldurado en el corte preliminar que fue clasificado como bueno. Este ensayo mejoró en el segundo corte, por lo tanto, la especie puede ser utilizada en la elaboración de productos con mayor valor agregado, por ejemplo; en puertas, ventanas, marcos, piezas torneadas, molduras, lambrín o recubrimientos y muebles en general.

  7. Análisis competitivo del sector madera y muebles de la ciudad de Barranquilla

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    Harold Alexis Pérez Olivera


    Full Text Available Determinar la importancia comparativa de los niveles de competitividad de los sectores productivos característicos de una región, es el primer paso que le permite a los gobiernos, sector público y privado y empresarial, identificar su incidencia en el desarrollo económico local y plantear estrategias de fortalecimiento regional sostenibles en el tiempo. El presente artículo se presenta como producto de la investigación realizada con fines de caracterizar las condiciones de productividad y competitividad del sector de madera y muebles de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos y una proyección de las oportunidades existentes a nivel global para el desarrollo de un sector de talla mundial.

  8. Caracterización del complejo productivo de la madera de la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Factores que dificultan su competitividad

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    Gerardo Andrés Denegri


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es determinar y analizar las cadenas foresto-industriales que componen el complejo productivo de la madera de la provincia de Córdoba, y discutir las variables que afectan su competitividad. Para recabar los datos se recurrió a encuestas semiestructuradas a informantes claves y revisión bibliográfica. Se identificaron y analizaron tres cadenas: la del mueble de madera, la de productos para la construcción y la de envases y tarimas. Del análisis del comportamiento de los actores, surge que la rentabilidad de las empresas del eslabón industrial se logra transfiriendo la ineficiencia del complejo a las forestaciones y, en menor medida, a los bosques nativos, maximizando la ganancia individual. Se sostiene como conclusión que sin la intervención de diferentes niveles del Estado, la posibilidad de obtener una cierta rentabilidad de corto plazo y una fuerte cultura individualista no son incentivos para cooperar y generar procesos sostenibles de integración. La cooperación entre los distintos actores facilitaría una mayor integración entre las cadenas, la incorporación de valor, elevar la eficiencia y la competitividad sistémica del complejo.

  9. Photoperiodic plasticity in circadian clock neurons in insects

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    Sakiko eShiga


    Full Text Available Since Bünning’s observation of circadian rhythms and photoperiodism in the runner bean Phaseolus multiflorus in 1936, many studies have shown that photoperiodism is based on the circadian clock system. In insects, involvement of circadian clock genes or neurons has been recently shown in the photoperiodic control of developmental arrests, diapause. Based on molecular and neuronal studies in Drosophila melanogaster, photoperiodic changes have been reported for expression patterns of the circadian clock genes, subcellular distribution of clock proteins, fiber distribution, or the number of plausible clock neurons in different species. Photoperiod sets peaks of per or tim mRNA abundance at lights-off in Sarcophaga crassipalpis, Chymomyza costata and Protophormia terraenovae. Abundance of per and Clock mRNA changes by photoperiod in Pyrrhocoris apterus. Subcellular Per distribution in circadian clock neurons changes with photoperiod in P. terraenovae. Although photoperiodism is not known in Leucophaea maderae, under longer day length, more stomata and longer commissural fibers of circadian clock neurons have been found. These plastic changes in the circadian clock neurons could be an important constituent for photoperiodic clock mechanisms to integrate repetitive photoperiodic information and produce different outputs based on day length.

  10. Defect characterization, diagnosis and repair of wood flooring based on a field survey; Caracterización de defectos, diagnóstico y reparación de suelos de madera basado en un estudio de campo.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delgado, A.; Pereira, C.; Brito, J. de; Silvestre, J.D.


    A statistical characterization of defects in 35 buildings and 98 wood floorings (softwood and hardwood floors, and laminated and engineered wood floors), their diagnostic methods and repair solutions is presented. An expert system for inspecting wood flooring, comprising the classification of defects, their most probable causes, diagnostic methods and repair techniques, was used. Results include age, affected area, severity and frequency of defects and their main causes, as well as appropriate diagnostic methods, preventive and curative repair solutions most prescribed and the most significant correlations. Scratches were detected in more than five sixths of the sample, highly associated with exterior mechanical actions, and with an inadequate finishing layer. Wearing of the finishing layer was detected in a quarter of the inspected floorings. Accordingly, the application of a suitable finishing layer and, alternatively, its replacement are the most prescribed repair techniques. [Spanish] Se presenta una caracterización estadística de defectos en 35 edificios y 98 suelos de madera (suelos de madera conífera y frondosa, pisos de madera laminada e de ingeniería de la madera), sus métodos de diagnóstico y soluciones de reparación. Se utilizó un sistema experto para inspeccionar suelos de madera, que incluía la clasificación de defectos, sus causas más probables, métodos de diagnóstico y técnicas de reparación. Los resultados incluyen edad, área afectada, gravedad y frecuencia de los defectos y sus principales causas, así como los métodos de diagnósticos apropiados, soluciones de reparación preventiva y curativa más prescritas y las correlaciones más Significativas. Se detectaron arañazos en más de cinco sextos de la muestra, muy asociados con acciones mecánicas exteriores y con una capa de acabado inadecuada. El desgaste de la capa de acabado se detectó en un cuarto de los suelos inspeccionados. Por consiguiente, la aplicación de una capa de

  11. Preliminary study of the favorability for uranium in the Madera Limestone, and Cutler and Chinle Formations of the Sierra Nacimiento-Jemez Mountains area, New Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vizcaino, H.P.; O'Neill, A.J.; Dotterer, F.E.


    Small, surficial, secondary uranium deposits are present in several formations in the Sierra Nacimiento-Jemez Mountains region, but none of significant size are known. Field surveys indicate that the deposits are laterally discontinuous and are, in most cases, associated with carbonaceous debris. Mineral contents of as much as 0.18 percent U 3 O 8 are recorded. There are 2 known deposits in the Pennsylvanian Madera Limestone, 18 in the Permian Cutler Formation, and 3 in the Triassic Chinle Formation. The Madera Limestone consists of a lower and an upper member. The lower member is predominantly a dense limestone and is lithologically unfavorable. The upper member, which consists of several arkosic units interbedded with cherty limestone, is not a favorable host rock because of its thin arkosic units, the paucity of carbonaceous debris, and its lithologically unfavorable limestone. The Cutler Formation consists mostly of interfingering siltstones and fine- to coarse-grained feldspathic and arkosic sandstones of fluvial origin. The sandstones are generally lenticular, average about 40 ft in thickness, and are favorable. Cutler equivalents south of lat 36 0 N. (Abo and Yeso Formations) were not included in this study. The Chinle Formation in the project area consists of five members. The Agua Zarca Member, medium-grained to conglomeratic sandstone with beds that average 30 ft in thickness, is the only unit in the Chinle considered favorable. The stratigraphic units under consideration have been eroded and deformed; beds dip steeply. Upturned and deeply dissected beds afford access to infiltrating waters; oxidation and flushing of pre-existing uranium deposits is therefore suspected. The uranium deposits in the Madera, Cutler, and Chinle are likely to be remnants, and the probability of locating any large deposits within the area is therefore low

  12. Diagnóstico mediante técnicas de ultrasonidos del forjado de madera del refectorio del Convento de Santa Clara en Carmona (Sevilla

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    Pérez Gálvez, Filomena


    Full Text Available Ultrasonic tests are an effective technique of getting adiagnosis of timber structures in historical buildings. Thistechnique is quite valuable to undertake a restoration job. Anew methodology of analysis and diagnosis of timber roofsthrough this non destructive technique is presented.The aim of this article is to get the state of damage and thebending strenght capacity of the timber roof of the Monasteryof Santa Clara in Carmona (Seville dining´s room by usingthis technology.From the results obtained about the bending strenghtcapacity of the studied beams, it can be affirmed that thetimber roof is not able to support safely enough the new useproposed.Considering the historic and artistic importance of thistimber roof, we propose as a restoration methodology basedon hanging the roof through bolts from a reinforced concreteplatform built-in the perimeter walls. This solutionguarantees that the timber roof does not work, just adjustingthe distance between the bolts.Los métodos de ultrasonidos son una técnica eficaz para eldiagnóstico de elementos estructurales de madera enedificios antiguos. Esta técnica proporciona una gran ayudaa la hora de acometer una obra de rehabilitación. Sepresenta una metodología de análisis y diagnostico deforjados de madera mediante dicha técnica no destructiva.El objetivo de este artículo es obtener el grado de deterioro yla capacidad resistente de la madera del alfarje delrefectorio del Convento de Santa Clara en Carmona (Sevillautilizando la metodología propuesta.Por extrapolación de los resultados obtenidos sobre lacapacidad resistente de las vigas estudiadas se puedeconcluir que el conjunto del forjado no es capaz de soportarcon seguridad suficiente el nuevo uso propuesto.Teniendo en cuenta el valor histórico artístico del alfarje sepropone y aporta como solución de rehabilitación laconsistente en colgar el forjado existente mediante pernos deuna losa de hormigón armado empotrada en los

  13. Medición del conocimiento adquirido en tecnología de la madera por industriales forestales en Costa Rica


    Camacho-Cornejo, Luis Diego; Salas-Garita, Cynthia; Vargas-Fonseca, Lupita; Valverde-Otárola, Juan Carlos


    La cuantificación del conocimiento adquirido en individuos de edad adulta, permite no solo definir la efectividad de un sistema de aprendizaje, sino que también abre la posibilidad de definir las fortalezas y debilidades del sistema y analizar mejoras para el aumento de la retención de conocimiento; por lo cual el objetivo de este estudio consistió en cuantificar el conocimiento adquirido en tres temáticas de tecnología de la madera dirigidas a industriales forestales de Costa Rica. Se trabaj...

  14. Los puentes de madera de la segunda mitad de s. XIX en la provincia de Guadalajara

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    Asenjo Rodríguez, José E.


    Full Text Available To realise this work we have collected information and make different analysis concerning the wood bridges constructed or repaired in the county of Guadalajara in the second part of the XIX century. Our purpose is to recuperate some of the knowledge required to realised that kind of works, today not in use.Este trabajo es el resultado de la recogida y análisis de datos referentes a los puentes de madera que existieron, se repararon o construyeron en la provincia de Guadalajara en la segunda mitad del s. XIX, donde se pretende recuperar algunos de los conocimientos que este tipo de obras, hoy en desuso, requerian para su construcción

  15. Application of the axial tomography computed for the detection of bags of dampness in dry wood of Gmelina arborea (Roxb.); Aplicacion de la tomografia axial computarizada para la deteccion de bolsas de humedad en madera seca de Gmelina arborea (Roxb.)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moya R, Roger; Munoz A, Freddy [Inst. Tecnologico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingenieria Forestal, Apdo. 159-7050, Cartago 7050(Costa Rica); Escalante, Ivan [Clinica Santa Fe, San Jose (Costa Rica)


    Gmelina arborea (Roxb.) is widely used for commercial reforestation in Costa Rica due to its excellent growth rate and productivity. However, during the lumber drying process, the wooden boards show non-uniform values of final moisture content (MC). The low uniformity in final MC is caused by the presence of wet pockets, originated during the growing process of the tree. The regions with wet pockets present zones with a high MC, which are hard to detect with traditional methods for MC measurements during the wood drying process. It is possible to detect and to set the limits of the presence of wet wood in Gmelina arborea boards using scanning computed tomography (CT-scanning), a technique applied in medical diagnostic. A board with wet pockets is shown in the CT-scanning images in clear color and with low values of the Hounsfield Unit (HU) or CT number. When these values were transformed to wood density, it was determined that wet pockets were in a density of around 190 kg/m{sup 3}, a value higher than normal wood. Also, it was possible to observe growth tree rings in the CT-scanning images, an important feature for dendrochronological research. The obtained results allowed showing that it is possible to apply this technique in the process of lumber production, to detect the zones with high MC in kiln dried Gmelina arborea wood. (author) [Spanish] Gmelina arborea (Roxb.) es muy utilizado para la reforestacion comercial en Costa Rica debido a su excelente tasa de crecimiento y la productividad. Sin embargo, durante el proceso de secado, las tablas de madera muestran uniformidad en los valores finales de contenido de humedad (MC). La escasa uniformidad final de MC es causado por la presencia de bolsas humedas, se origino durante el proceso de crecimiento del arbol. Las regiones que presentan bolsas de humedad con un alto MC son dificiles de detectar con los metodos tradicionales de mediciones de MC durante el proceso de secado de madera. Se muestra que es posible

  16. Evaluación del comportamiento productivo de clones de Juglans sp. para la obtención de madera de calidad


    Bono Allain, David; Aletà i Soler, Neus


    Cada vez es mayor el interés por las plantaciones de frondosas con fines de producción de madera de calidad, debido principalmente a la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas productivas de mayor rentabilidad. El nogal figura entre las especies más plantadas en los últimos años en España con este fin. En el presente trabajo se evalúa el comportamiento en parcela de 6 materiales clonales de nogal, 5 de Juglans regia y 1 híbrido, seleccionados fundamentalmente por su vigor y aptitud forestal. Cuatr...

  17. La prefabricación con estructura de madera. Su origen e industrialización

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    Castellote, E.


    Full Text Available This article describes details of timber prefabrication and its important advantages, with a view to its adoption for prefabrication of dwellings, schools and other buildings, since future construction seems to be definitely orientated in that direction. Timber enables quick, lightweight, comfortable, reasonably cheap, long lasting constructions, which are easy to alter and enlarge, relocate, demolish and assemble.Se describen en el artículo las características de la prefabricación con este material y las indudables ventajas que tiene, con vistas a la adopción de un sistema de prefabricación de viviendas, escuelas, etc., a lo que parece definitivamente orientada la construcción en el futuro. La madera permite ejecuciones rápidas, ligeras, confortables, de coste razonable, larga duración, posibilidad fácil de reformas y ampliaciones, traslados, demoliciones, facilidad de montaje...

  18. Ensayo de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de los cerramientos exteriores y particiones realizados con paneles de madera

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    Pacios Álvarez, Antonia


    Full Text Available The house prototype of the Provisional Emergency House System uses wood and its derivatives for the facades, floor structure, roofing and partitions.  The extensive use of wooden panels for the construction and the lack of data, in Spain, about their acoustic behavior bring up the necessity to make in situ measurements of the acoustic isolation to airborne sound. Panels used for facades and partitions are built with a wooden framework and membrane of oriented strand board in both sides, for the facades, and of laminated plaster boards for the inner partitions. With the objective of verifying the sound insulation of the facades according to Spanish Standard UNE EN ISO 140-5, in situ measurements of airborne sound insulation of facade elements and facades have been made; according to Spanish Standard UNE EN ISO 140-4, in situ measurements of airborne sound insulation between rooms for internal walls have also been made. The procedure of the global insulation has been followed to measure the acoustic insulation of complete facades without making distinction between the elements that form it.El prototipo de vivienda del Sistema de Vivienda Provisional de Emergencia utiliza principalmente la madera y sus derivados tanto en los cerramientos y particiones como en el forjado y la cubierta. El empleo de soluciones constructivas ligeras y la falta de datos en España acerca del comportamiento acústico de los mismos plantea la necesidad de realizar mediciones in situ del aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo. El panel base de cerramiento y particiones se construye partiendo de un entramado de montantes de madera con membrana en ambas caras de tableros de virutas de madera orientadas, para el caso de los cerramientos exteriores, y de tableros laminados de yeso para las particiones interiores. Con el objeto de comprobar el aislamiento acústico de dichos cerramiento se han realizado ensayos siguiendo la Norma UNE EN ISO 140-5 para la medición in situ del

  19. Evolución de la música de cámara en Ecuador en el formato de quinteto de vientos maderas durante el siglo XX


    Morocho Guamo, Paulo César


    El presente trabajo investigativo tiene por objeto el estudio formal de los quintetos para vientos maderas conformado por flauta, oboe, clarinete, fagot y corno francés, escritos por compositores académicos ecuatorianos durante el siglo XX, las obras que se encontrarán son: • Quinteto de Alientos. Compositor Luis Humberto Salgado. • Cinco miniaturas. Compositor Gerardo Guevara. • Danza profana. Compositor Marcelo Ruano. • Quinteto silvestre. Compositor Diego Luzuriaga. En este ...

  20. Variación de las Características Anatómicas y de la Densidad Básica de la Madera en Árboles de Pinus Caribaea Morelet Varo Hondurensis Barret y Golfari en Función del Espaciamiento de Plantación

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    Vásquez Correal Angela María


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron analizar las variaciones de la estructura anatómica, de los anillos de crecimiento y de la densidad básica de la madera de árboles de Pinus caribaea var, hondurensis, en un experimento de espaciamientos con 17 años de edad, instalado en la Estación Experimental de Recursos Naturales Renovables de Anhembi-SP, ESALQ-USP, Sao Paulo-Brasil. En este experimento fueron muestreados un total de 35 árboles, comprendidos en 3 clases de diámetro (dominantes, intermedios y dominados y en 3 diferentes tratamientos de espaciamiento 3, 01,5; 3, 02,5 Y 3, 03,5m. En cada uno de estos árboles se determino el diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP y la altura. Después del apeo de los individuos se colectaron discos de madera en los árboles de la clase de diámetro caracterizada como intermedia, en los 3 espaciamientos (12 árboles en total y a la altura del DAP. De estas muestras se obtuvo el material necesario para la evaluación de las dimensiones de las traqueídas en los leños inicial y tardío, en el sentido médula-corteza. También se analizó en las muestras de madera de todos los árboles, en los tres espaciamientos, el espesor de los anillos de crecimiento y de los leños inicial y tardío y la densidad básica de la madera en 5 submuestras obtenidas en el sentido médula-corteza. Se establecieron, a partir de estas evaluaciones, las relaciones entre las características de la madera de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis y sus modelos de variación, en función de las diferentes clases de diámetro de los árboles, en los diferentes espaciamientos. De acuerdo con los resultados la variación de las dimensiones de las traqueídas en el sentido médula-corteza en la madera de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis presentó, con relación a su largo, en lodos los tratamientos de espaciamiento y para los dos tipos de leño, un aumento de casi el doble del 3 ° hasta el 7° anillo de crecimiento, con un

  1. Status and understanding of groundwater quality in the Madera, Chowchilla Study Unit, 2008: California GAMA Priority Basin Project (United States)

    Shelton, Jennifer L.; Fram, Miranda S.; Belitz, Kenneth; Jurgens, Bryant C.


    Groundwater quality in the approximately 860-square-mile Madera and Chowchilla Subbasins (Madera-Chowchilla study unit) of the San Joaquin Valley Basin was investigated as part of the Priority Basin Project of the Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program. The study unit is located in California's Central Valley region in parts of Madera, Merced, and Fresno Counties. The GAMA Priority Basin Project is being conducted by the California State Water Resources Control Board in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The Project was designed to provide statistically robust assessments of untreated groundwater quality within the primary aquifer systems in California. The primary aquifer system within each study unit is defined by the depth of the perforated or open intervals of the wells listed in the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) database of wells used for municipal and community drinking-water supply. The quality of groundwater in shallower or deeper water-bearing zones may differ from that in the primary aquifer system; shallower groundwater may be more vulnerable to contamination from the surface. The assessments for the Madera-Chowchilla study unit were based on water-quality and ancillary data collected by the USGS from 35 wells during April-May 2008 and water-quality data reported in the CDPH database. Two types of assessments were made: (1) status, assessment of the current quality of the groundwater resource, and (2) understanding, identification of natural factors and human activities affecting groundwater quality. The primary aquifer system is represented by the grid wells, of which 90 percent (%) had depths that ranged from about 200 to 800 feet (ft) below land surface and had depths to the top of perforations that ranged from about 140 to 400 ft below land surface. Relative-concentrations (sample concentrations divided by benchmark concentrations) were used for

  2. Proyecto de Normas para la Evaluación de Resultados sobre Propiedades Físicas de la Madera

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    Hoheisel H.


    Full Text Available La correcta evaluación de los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos de propiedades físicas de la madera tiene gran importancia en su aplicación. Es necesario adoptar una base que permita compararlos datos obtenidos en los de diferentes laboratorios y que permita también utilizar estos resultados con el objeto de proponer los usos más adecuados, aprovechando al máximo las propiedades de ceda especie. En la evaluación de los resultados no basta con dar solamente una idea de los valores promedios de las diferentes propiedades físicas sino que es necesario conocer también la forma como estos valores varían. Este propósito sólo se logra mediante un análisis estadístico de los resultados obtenidos.

  3. Cualidades tecnológicas de uso de la madera de cinco especies forestales, basado en el conocimiento del tejido secundario de la rama, Loreto


    Valderrama Freyre, Heiter; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana


    Se determinó el comportamiento de la rama de cinco especies forestales del Jardín Botánico Arboretum El Huayo, ubicado en el Centro de Investigación y Enseñanza Forestal (Ciefor) Puerto Almendra en Loreto, Perú, basado en las características anatómicas de la madera de la rama y que se relacionan con la resistencia mecánica, secado, preservado, trabajabilidad, durabilidad natural y fabricación de pulpa para papel. La metodología para determinar el comportamiento tecnológico, basado en el conoc...

  4. La influencia del monte arbolado en las empresas transformadoras de la madera en Galicia

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    Miramontes Carballada, Ángel


    Full Text Available In studies on the creation of corporate production systems, the significance that the proximity of raw material can have on its success and creation is increasingly overlooked. It is true that advances in transportation, among other conditions, make it easy to move the processing plant farther away from where the raw material is supplied. However, in many activities the manufacturing location is still conditioned by the location and characteristics of the materials used in production. A good example is the timber industry. This article specifically focuses on showing the relationship, significance and economic potential of forest raw materials and the wood processing industry in Galicia.En los estudios sobre la conformación de sistemas productivos empresariales se olvida cada vez más, la significación que puede tener para su conformación y éxito la presencia de materia prima cercana. Es cierto, que los avances en los medios de transporte, entre otros condicionantes, facilitan que se aleje el lugar de transformación del de suministro de la materia prima. Sin embargo, en muchas actividades la presencia fabril está todavía muy condicionada por la localización y características de los materiales con los que fabricar. Un buen ejemplo es la industria de la madera. En concreto este artículo se centra en mostrar la relación, significación y potencialidad económica de la materia prima forestal y la industria de transformación de la madera en Galicia. [fr] Les études sur la formation des systèmes productifs commerciaux oublient de plus en plus l’importance que peut avoir pour leur formation et leur succès la présence proche de matières premières. Il est vrai que les progrès des moyens de transport, parmi d’autres autres conditions, facilitent l’éloignement du lieu de transformation de celui d’approvisionnement de la matière première. Cependant, en de nombreuses activités, la présence d’usines est encore fortement

  5. Wood anatomy of Ribes magellanicum (Grossulariaceae Anatomía de la madera de Ribes magellanicum (Grossulariaceae

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    Roberto R. Pujana


    Full Text Available Wood anatomy description of Ribes magellanicum Poir. is given including specimens of its two subspecies. This is the first detailed secondary xylem study of a species included in the South and Central American subgenus Parilla Jancz. Wood anatomy of R. magellanicum shows the following typical anatomical features cited for northern hemisphere Ribes L.: small vessels, rays of two distinct sizes and scalariform perforation plates.Se describe la anatomía de la madera de Ribes magellanicum Poir. incluyendo especimenes de sus dos subespecies. Es la primera descripción detallada del xilema secundario de una especie del subgénero de Centro y Sudamérica Parilla Jancz. La anatomía de R. magellanicum muestra las características típicas citadas para las Ribes L. del hemisferio norte: vasos pequeños, radios de dos tamaños distintos y placas de perforación escalariformes.





    El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la propuesta de una estrategia de gestión tecnológica para la pequeña y mediana empresa en la industria procesadora de madera en la región del maule; en la oportunidad de convertir sus ventajas comparativas contenidas en el conocimiento único del productor y demás factores identificados, en una ventaja competitiva que le sirva de oportunidad para incursionar en mercados interesados en un producto o servicio innovador. El sector forestal en la región d...

  7. Cálculo del aislamiento eléctrico de la combinación madera­porcelana; Calculation of the Electric Insulation of the Combination Wood-Porcelain

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    Yelennis Godoy


    Full Text Available En este artículo se explica lo relacionado con el programa AACFO, desarrollado para calcular la fortaleza delaislamiento total en estructuras de madera utilizadas en los sistemas eléctricos de distribución y subtransmisiónen Cuba, empleando el método de adición de CFO. This report comments on the program AACFO, developed to calculate the strength of the total isulation inwooden structures that are used in the electric systems of distribution and subtransmission in Cuba, usingthe method of addition of CFO.

  8. Evaluación del estado de la madera en obras de rehabilitación mediante técnicas de ultrasonidos y obtención de parámetros resistentes

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    Rodríguez Liñán, Carmen


    Full Text Available A nondestructive technique for inspection and evaluation in place timber structures and components based on ultrasonic pulse velocity, and moisture content is presented herein. By applying this methodology we could obtain the bending strength and elasticity modulus of timber beams, as well as the damage in them. The quantitative determination of the existing strength of timber beams will provide information necessary to take the most suitable decisions in rehabilitation works involving timber structural elements.

    Este artículo presenta el desarrollo de un método de ensayo, no destructivo, para la inspección y evaluación in situ de elementos estructurales de madera, basado en las medidas de la velocidad de ondas ultrasónicas y determinación de humedad. Mediante la aplicación de este método se podrá obtener una estimación de la resistencia a flexión y del módulo de deformación de la madera estudiada, así como la detección de estados de deterioro de la misma. Esto aportará información suficiente a la hora de tomar decisiones en una obra de rehabilitación con elementos estructurales de este material.

  9. Comentarios sobre la situación actual del fuego y su relación con la madera

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    Elvira Martín, Luis Miguel


    Full Text Available The history and importance of various agencies connected with the study of fire in our country is briefly set forth. Fundamental concepts in this field and their effect on fires are defined, while the behavior of wood with respect to other materials is analyzed. After an analysis of the current legislative situation regarding fires, the article ends by setting forth various problems fire poses for consumers and industry.

    Se expone brevemente la historia e intervención de los distintos Organismos en el estudio del fuego en nuestro país. Se definen conceptos fundamentales en este campo y su incidencia en el incendio, pasando revista al comportamiento de la madera en comparación con otros materiales. Junto con el análisis de la legislación y normalización, se termina exponiendo diversos problemas que se plantean en el campo del fuego al usuario y a la industria.

  10. Absorción de soluciones preservantes de nueve especies de maderas, mediante procesos de impregnación a vacío - presión e inmersión


    R. Machuca-Velasco; M. Fuentes-Salinas; A. Borja-de la Rosa


    El presente trabajo se realizó con la finalidad de conocer la capacidad de absorción de preservadores de las maderas de Pinus arizonica (pino blanco), Pinus engelmanni (pino real), Pinus patula (pino colorado), Ceiba pentandra (ceiba), Manilkara zapota (chicozapote), Spondias mombin (jobo), Quercus insignis (chicalaba), Quercus laurina (laurelillo) y Quercus oleoides (tesmol), aplicando los procesos de impregnación vacío-presión e inmersión con sales CCA (cobre, cromo, arsénico) tipo...

  11. Estudio del efecto de la dirección de medición y contenido de humedad en la velocidad de ultrasonido en madera de Pinus radiata D. Don a través de análisis de varianza

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    Rodrigo Ortíz Mansilla


    Full Text Available Para analizar la técnica de ultrasonido como una alternativa en la evaluación del estado estructural de diferentes edificaciones construidas en madera, se estudió el efecto e importancia relativa de la dirección de medición y el contenido de humedad, so- bre la velocidad de transmisión en este material. Para esto, se aplicaron pulsos longitudinales ultrasónicos de 1 Mhz sobre pro- betas de madera de Pinus radiata D. Don, bajo un procedimiento experimental que consideró la utilización de un diseño fac- torial 22 completamente aleatorizado. Como resultado del análisis de varianza, se determinó que dentro de los rangos de con- tenido de humedad y dirección de medición estudiados, este último se presenta como factor significativo, explicando el 95% de la variabilidad total observada. De hecho, la variación del contenido de humedad entre 0 y 15%, conlleva a valores de veloci- dad de propagación promedio de 1.644 m/s y 2.130 m/s para las direcciones tangencial y radial, respectivamente. Los resulta- dos de este trabajo permiten concluir que al momento de realizar una evaluación mediante ultrasonido en estructuras en servi- cio, principalmente se debe considerar la dirección de medición como un factor determinante en el estudio; sin embargo, la e- fectividad de aplicación de esta técnica requiere de otros trabajos complementarios que consideren la propagación en planos mixtos de la madera. Este estudio se llevará a cabo próximamente.

  12. Comportamiento en flexión estática de vigas de madera antigua de Picea abies

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    Javier Ramón Sotomayor-Castellanos


    Full Text Available Las tipologías arquitecturales encontradas en el contexto del análisis estructural de construcciones con significado histórico y cultural son complejas. El modelado numérico es propuesto como una solución para diagnosticar la seguridad estructural de estas edificaciones. En esta investigación se realizaron pruebas de flexión estática de acuerdo a la norma Europea EN 408 y se calcularon los módulos de elasticidad y de ruptura en 5 vigas antiguas de Picea abies. La densidad de la madera fue de 422 kg/m3 para las vigas con un contenido de humedad de 12 %. El módulo de elasticidad promedio fue de 9,059 MPa y el módulo de ruptura fue de 29.18 Pa. Los módulos presentaron una variabilidad aceptable. Los resultados experimentales se contrastaron con las predicciones numéricas empleando el método del elemento finito. Las predicciones numéricas en los dominios lineal y no lineal mostraron buena aproximación con los resultados experimentales.


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    J. C. Tamarit-Urias


    Full Text Available La madera es un material higroscópico ya que tiene la propiedad de aumentar o disminuir su contenido de humedad en relación directa con los cambios de humedad relativa, es anisotrópica por que sus cambiosdimensionales son diferentes según sea ladirección tangencial, radial o longitudinal. Sus propiedades son afectadas debido a cambios en su contenido de humedad. Conocer y entender los parámetros de humedad es importante en los procesos de secado e impregnación para obtener una materia prima de calidad en la elaboración de productos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar los modelos que interpretan el comportamiento de 63 maderas latifoliadas mexicanas respecto a las correlaciones entre la densidad básica (DB y los parámetros de humedad, siendo estos el punto de saturación de la fibra (PSF, contenido de humedad libre (CHL y máximo contenido de humedad (MCH. En un rango de DB de 1.05 a 0.29 g·cm-3, se encontró que el PSF estimado varía del 13 a 38 %, en tanto que el ajustado tiene un comportamiento logarítmico y varía del 15 a 35 %. El CHL estimado varía del 9 a 243 % y el ajustado presenta un comportamiento exponencial variando del 14 a 238 %. El MCH estimado varía del 29 a 279 % y el ajustado exhibió un comportamiento exponencial variando del 28 a 250 %. Estos mismos parámetros de humedad expresados en l·m-3 presentaron el siguiente comportamiento el PSF estimado varía de 219 a 86 l·m-3, en tanto que el ajustado tiene un comportamiento polinomial de tercer grado y varía de 215 a 96 l·m-3. El CHL estimado varía de 94 a 707 l·m-3 en tanto que el ajustado presenta un comportamiento lineal y varía de 128 a 699 l·m-3. Por su parte el MCH estimado varía del 313 a 810 l·m-3, mientras que el MCH ajustado exhibió un comportamiento lineal con el mismo intervalo de variación.

  14. Resistencia a corte paralela a la tensión de la fibra de la madera, por medio de la prueba de punzonamiento propuesta

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    Mário Massayuki


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un método para probar la resistencia a corte de la madera paralela a la fibra y realizar la comparación con otros métodos propuestos. El método propuesto por la Norma Brasileña (NBR 7190/1997 que es similar a la D 143-09/2010, utiliza una probeta prismática rectangular con una muesca para evitar su rotación, que es causada por la asimetría en la aplicación de la fuerza que promueve el corte. A fin de eliminar esta asimetría, en el procedimiento propuesto se aplica tensión de corte por la perforación de una simple muestra de ensayo prismática sin cortes, con la distribución de la sección de cizallamiento simétricamente en relación a un punto. Por consiguiente, se desarrolló una herramienta macho y hembra adaptada para una prensa de prueba universal de aplicación de la fuerza. Una vez verificada la consistencia del método, se ha llevado a cabo una serie de pruebas con tres tipos diferentes de madera, (Pinus sp, Erisma uncinatum y Mezilaurus itauba, que se distinguen por su resistencia mecánica, inspeccionando el método por el Santos Neto (1999 bajo la NBR 7190/1997 Norma Brasileña, y comparándolo con el método de punzonamiento - puncionado. Los resultados mostraron que en la prueba con la NBR 7190/1997, los métodos de la Norma Brasileña y el método propuesto muestran resultados similares y próximos entre ellos.

  15. Estructura de madera para la cubierta de un auditorio al aire libre en el parque El Paraíso, San Blas (Madrid

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    Caramés Gómez, Fernando


    Full Text Available This account of the design and construction of an outdoor auditorium in a park in Madrid begins with the study of the programme and choice of the shape and optimal materials for the roof. The solution adopted was to build with wood paraboloids in light of the large surface area that could be covered, the lightweight supports that could be used, the powerful and original image that would be projected and the short turnaround times and moderate cost that could be ensured.Wooden roof building began with the manufacture of a steel frame to support the ruling that sweeps the hyperbolic paraboloid. This frame was also to support removable self-bearing formwork that would constitute the fi rst row and have a load capacity able to support the entire weight of the roof in addition to acting as a guide for the rest of the structure. The next row was bolted and glued to this fi rst family of elements and each successive row was laid on the one before it.Double “omega” members made of circular section steel shapes, separated by an acutely angled opening, were designed as supports for the paraboloids. These elements brace the structure as a whole by allowing for the positioning of longitudinal reinforcements in the outermost supports.El artículo describe el proceso de diseño y de construcción de un auditorio al aire libre en un parque en Madrid. Comienza con el estudio del programa y la elección de la forma y los materiales óptimos de la cubierta. Se decidió la construcción de paraboloides de madera al tener la característica de poseer una gran superficie cubierta, permitir apoyos ligeros, crear una imagen poderosa y original, permitir unos plazos de ejecución pequeños y un coste moderado.La ejecución de las cubiertas de madera se inicia ediante la fabricación de un bastidor de acero obre el cual se apoya la generatriz que engendra el paraboloide hiperbólico. Este bastidor debe ervir a su vez de apoyo a una cimbra recuperable autoportante

  16. Análisis sobre la influencia de la densidad en la termografía de infrarrojos y el alcance de esta técnica en la detección de defectos internos en la madera

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    Rodríguez-Liñán, C.


    Full Text Available This paper shows the results of a laboratory phase for the determination of the 1limits of infrared thermography in detecting internal defects in wood and, furthermore, it analyses how the density of this material can influence the surface temperature displayed in a thermogram. To this end, experimental work is carried out whereby a series of work and environmental parameters are monitored (such as environmental temperature, relative humidity, distance to target, and the process is systematized by using pieces of different wood species (different densities and by devising a set of samples for which various possible cases are analysed in terms of size and internal position of the damage. Similarly, using these samples, a study has been conducted on the effect on the thermal image produced by an increase of humidity inside the defect phenomena normally associated with wood decay.

    En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados obtenidos en una fase de laboratorio al tratar de determinar el alcance de la termografía de infrarrojos en la detección de defectos internos en la madera y, por otro lado, cómo interviene la densidad de este material sobre la temperatura superficial mostrada en un termograma. Para ello se ha desarrollado un trabajo experimental donde se han controlado una serie de parámetros ambientales y de trabajo (temperatura ambiente, humedad relativa, distancia al objetivo…, y se ha sistematizado el proceso utilizando piezas de distintas especies de madera (distintas densidades y diseñando una serie de probetas donde se han analizado varias casuísticas posibles en cuanto a tamaño y posición interna de los daños. Análogamente, sobre estas probetas se ha estudiado el efecto que produce sobre la imagen termográfica un incremento de humedad interna en el defecto asociada normalmente a los fenómenos de pudrición de la madera.

  17. Réflexions sur le texte (pseudo-littéraire chez Paolo Mantegazza : Un giorno a Madera. Una pagina dell'igiene d'amore

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    Edwige Comoy Fusaro


    Full Text Available En 1868, à l'âge de trente-sept ans, l'anthropologue italien Paolo Mantegazza, auteur de nombreux ouvrages de divulgation scientifique, inaugure une nouvelle stratégie de communication avec la publication d'un roman, Un jour à Madère (Un giorno a Madera. En s'adressant au public plus restreint et plus cultivé des romans, Mantegazza tente d'élargir son audience à de nouvelles couches de la population. Cependant, ses motivations restent inchangées. Le genre pseudo-scientifique dissimulait des visées morales : la santé du corps étant liée à la santé morale, ses livres de divulgation véhiculaient essentiellement une ligne de conduite, un décalogue des bonnes mœurs. Avec le nouveau genre pseudo-romanesque, l'auteur dissimule sous la forme alléchante de la fiction narrative des visées médicales, plus précisément prophylactiques. Dans les deux cas, néanmoins, formes et savoirs sont instrumentalisés : la déontologie scientifique et l'esthétique du texte littéraire s'inclinent devant l'idéologie.Nel 1868, il trentasettenne antropologo monzese Paolo Mantegazza, già autore di numerosi libri di divulgazione scientifica, inaugura con la pubblicazione di un romanzo, Un giorno a Madera, una nuova strategia di comunicazione. Rivolgendosi al pubblico dei romanzi, più limitato e più colto, Mantegazza cerca di allargare il proprio lettorato. Tuttavia le sue motivazioni rimangono incambiate. Il genere pseudo-scientifico dissimulava fini moralistici : essendo la salute del corpo legata alla salute morale, i libri di divulgazione trasmettevano essenzialmente un modus operandi, un decalogo dei buoni costumi. Con il nuovo genere pseudo-romanzesco, l'autore dissimula sotto la forma allettante della finzione narrativa fini medici, nella fattispecie profilattici. In ambedue i casi, però, forme e saperi vengono strumentalizzati : la deontologia scientifica e l'estetica del testo letterario cedono il passo all'ideologia.

  18. Los decaimientos de la vid en Castilla y León: aislamiento, caracterización y métodos de control de las enfermedades de la madera de la vid (Vitis Vinifera)


    Cobos Román, Rebeca


    Los decaimientos de la vid son un conjunto de enfermedades producidas por hongos que provocan la podredumbre de la madera y consecuentemente la pérdida de vigor o incluso la muerte prematura de la planta. El objetivo de este trabajo fue el estudio de estas enfermedades, y sus hongos asociados, en Castilla y León. Para ello, durante los años 2003-2007, se realizó un seguimiento en 18 parcelas de vid de 6 denominaciones de origen de Castilla y León, tomando muestras de cada una de ellas para ...

  19. Estudio comparativo entre fluorescencia de rayos X y reflectancia difusa de infrarrojos cercanos para la determinación de la retención en madera impregnada con arseniato de cobre cromatado


    Baettig-Palma, Ricardo; Cornejo-Troncoso, Jorge; Salas-Maureira, Marina; Tapia-Sanhueza, Jaime


    Se realizó un análisis comparativo de la precisión de los resultados en la determinación de la retención de óxidos de cobre, cromo y arsénico en madera impregnada con arseniato de cobre cromatado entre fluorescencia de rayos X y espectrometría de reflectancia difusa de infrarrojos cercanos. Los resultados de la calidad de las predicciones fueron comparados entre sí y con valores de retención obtenidos experimentalmente por método gravimétrico, absorción atómica y por cenizas resultantes de su...

  20. Estudio comparativo entre fluorescencia de rayos X y reflectancia difusa de infrarrojos cercanos para la determinación de la retención en madera impregnada con arseniato de cobre cromatado


    Baettig-Palma,Ricardo; Cornejo-Troncoso,Jorge; Salas-Maureira,Marina; Tapia-Sanhueza,Jaime


    Se realizó un análisis comparativo de la precisión de los resultados en la determinación de la retención de óxidos de cobre, cromo y arsénico en madera impregnada con arseniato de cobre cromatado entre fluorescencia de rayos X y espectrometría de reflectancia difusa de infrarrojos cercanos. Los resultados de la calidad de las predicciones fueron comparados entre sí y con valores de retención obtenidos experimentalmente por método gravimétrico, absorción atómica y por cenizas resultantes de su...

  1. Manufacture of Wood-Plastic Combinations by Use of Gamma Radiation; Fabrication de combinaisons bois-matiere plastique a l'aide des rayons gamma; Proizvodstvo drevesno-plastmassovykh sostavov s pomoshch'yu gamma-izlucheniya; Impregnacion de maderas con materiales plasticos en presencia de radiaciones gamma

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    Kent, J. A.; Winston, A.; Boyle, W.; Updyke, L. [Engineering Experiment Station, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia (United States)


    brittleness over the unmodified wood. Data are presented fot hardness, elastic limit in compression, dimensional stability, static bending and shear. (author) [French] d'ethylene glycol, le dimethacrylate de polyethylene glycol, le dtanate de tetraisopropyle, le methacrylate d'allyle et le divlnyle benzene (pour lestyrene). Les essais mecaniques sur les combinaisons bois-matiere plastique montrent que la durete, la limite d'elasticite sous compression, la stabilite dimensionnelle, et certaines autres proprietes sont ameliorees. En revanche, la fragilite augmente. Les autens donnent des chiffres pour la durete, la limite d'elasticite sous compression, la stabilite dimensionnelle, la flexion et le cisaillement. (author) [Spanish] Los autores describen un proceso susceptible de aprovechamiento comercial para producir maderas impregnadas mediante el empleo de los rayos gamma. En este proceso cabe distinguir dos fases : la impregnacion de la madera con el monomero adecuado, y la polimerizacion in situ del monomero por irradiacion gamma. Se estudiaron los factores que ejercen influencia sobre la penetracion del monomero en la estructura de la madera; los ensayos realizados revelaron que, en la practica, es posible lograr una buena distribucion del polimero en el producto resultante. Los autores impregnaron muestras de hasta 4 pulg (10,1 cm) de espesor y 5 pies (1,52 m) de longitud, examinandolas para determinar su penetracion por el monomero, y sometieron con exito otras muestras de espesor analogo,:a un proceso de polimerizacion. El comportamiento de las maderas blandas es muy distinto del de las maderas duras por lo que se refiere a la penetracich del monomero. No obstante, resulta posible, dentro de ciertos limites, regular la absorcion del monomero a fin de alcanzar la concentracion deseada de polfmeros en diversas clases de maderas. La memoria reproduce curvas de conversion correspondientes a la radiopolimerizacion del metacrilato de metilo, acetato de vinilo y estireno en

  2. Principales hitos en la trayectoria de la industria transformadora de la madera en la economía de Galicia (España

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    Ángel Miramontes Carballada


    Full Text Available Resulta innegable que la actividad industrial sigue siendo un sector básico en el funcionamiento económico de muchos territorios. Pero las estrategias espaciales de las empresas no son estables sino que se han modificado, buscando rentabilizar sus beneficios, afectando estos procesos a la situación de los territorios donde se localizan. Este trabajo se centra en revisar la significación de estos procesos dentro de un sector industrial tradicional, la industria transformadora de la madera y, dentro de un territorio concreto, Galicia, poseedor de materia prima y que desde siempre ha aprovechado el recurso, primero, como actividad artesanal y, más tarde, como un sector fabril, buscando siempre adaptarse a las nuevas estrategias empresariales. En este trabajo se observa como su pasado y su presente se adaptan a cambios en las posibles estrategias de funcionamiento de las actividades transformadoras y como se traduce todo esto en el territorio gallego.

  3. The single kinin receptor signals to separate and independent physiological pathways in Malpighian tubules of the yellow fever mosquito (United States)

    In the past we have used the leucokinins, the kinins of the cockroach Leucophaea, to evaluate the mechanism of diuretic action of kinin peptides in Malpighian tubules of the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti. Now using aedeskinins, the kinins of Aedes, are available, we find that in isolated Aede...

  4. Aproximación turístico cultural para un patrimonio en vías de extinción: la arquitectura histórica en madera de Chetumal, Quintana Roo

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    Martín Manuel Checa Artasu


    Full Text Available La arquitectura histórica, en madera, de Chetumal está legalmente protegida. Tiene una consideración de patrimonio cultural. Sin embargo, una serie de políticas públicas erróneas han puesto su patrimonio en peligro de extinción a todo el reflejo de la historia y a la identidad de esta ciudad del caribe mexicano. Se propone un proyecto de Turismo cultural creado desde la especialización de este patrimonio. Se quiere así, poner en valor y proteger este patrimonio para las generaciones futuras, y sentar las bases de un posible proyecto de difusión para mostrarlo a los responsables de la ciudad y el Estado.

  5. Los métodos de vibración como herramienta no destructiva para la estimación de las propiedades resistentes de la madera aserrada estructural

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    Argüelles Álvarez, Ramón


    Full Text Available The non-destructive testing of structural sawn timber using the resonant frequency methods uses the natural frequency of pieces to assess the quality of test samples. This paper describes the theoretical basis of this non-destructive technique and an investigation into the suitability of this tool. The results of grading 120 pieces of gross cross-section (150 x 200 x 4,060 mm and 200 x 250 x 5,060 mm structural timber of European black pine, (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii (Dunal Franco are shown. Furthermore, the specimens were tested for bending according to the UNE-EN 408: 2004 standard, to compare the values of strength and stiffness obtained from this test with the results estimated using the non-destructive method. PLG (the Portable Lumber Grader developed at the Wood NDT Laboratory of the University of Western Hungary, in Sopron, was used to measure the frequency of the longitudinal stress wave. This equipment determines the frequency and the density of the specimens, and uses them, to evaluate the dynamic modulus of elasticity and to estimate the strength. For gross cross-section European black pine pieces, a strong relationship exists between dynamic modulus obtained by longitudinal vibration frequency and the mechanical properties. Acoustic measurements have become widely acceptable, because they are accurate, portable, cheap and easy to apply.La clasificación no destructiva de madera aserrada estructural mediante los métodos de vibración, utiliza la frecuencia natural de la pieza para llegar a definir la calidad del material. Este artículo describe los fundamentos teóricos de esta técnica no destructiva y un trabajo de investigación enfocado a valorar la idoneidad de dicha herramienta. Se muestran los resultados de clasificación de 120 piezas de gruesa escuadría (150 x 200 x 4.060 mm y 200 x 250 x 5.060 mm de madera aserrada estructural de pino laricio, (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii (Dunal Franco. Adicionalmente, las probetas

  6. Influencia del deterioro incipiente producido por el hongo de pudrición parda Serpula lacrymans, sobre las propiedades mecánicas de compresión normal y paralela a la fibra en madera de Pinus radiata D. Don

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    Pereira, A.


    Full Text Available Several buildings and structures of wood are attacked by rot fungi, leading in some cases, slight weight losses that result in reductions in the strength properties of the material. In this work was evaluated the influence of early rot decay in wood, in mechanical properties of normal and parallel compression. For this, were inoculated samples of Pinus radiata D. Don with brown rot fungi Serpula Lacrymans. These samples were tested in three differents periods of fungal exposure. The results identified a significant decrease in percentage of the properties under study.Diversas edificaciones y estructuras construidas en madera son atacadas por hongos de pudrición, provocando en algunos casos, leves pérdidas de peso que se traducen en disminución en las propiedades resistentes del material. En este trabajo se evaluó la influencia de estados incipientes de pudrición en madera, en las propiedades mecánicas de compresión paralela y compresión normal. Para esto, se inocularon probetas de Pinus radiata D. Don. con el hongo de pudrición parda Serpula lacrymans, las cuales fueron posteriormente ensayadas mecánicamente en tres diferentes períodos de exposición fúngica. Los resultados obtenidos determinaron una importante disminución porcentual de las propiedades bajo estudio.

  7. Groundwater-Quality Data in the Madera-Chowchilla Study Unit, 2008: Results from the California GAMA Program (United States)

    Shelton, Jennifer L.; Fram, Miranda S.; Belitz, Kenneth


    Groundwater quality in the approximately 860-square-mile Madera-Chowchilla study unit (MADCHOW) was investigated in April and May 2008 as part of the Priority Basin Project of the Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program. The GAMA Priority Basin Project was developed in response to the Groundwater Quality Monitoring Act of 2001 and is being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The study was designed to provide a spatially unbiased assessment of the quality of raw groundwater used for public water supplies within MADCHOW, and to facilitate statistically consistent comparisons of groundwater quality throughout California. Samples were collected from 35 wells in Madera, Merced, and Fresno Counties. Thirty of the wells were selected using a spatially distributed, randomized grid-based method to provide statistical representation of the study area (grid wells), and five more were selected to provide additional sampling density to aid in understanding processes affecting groundwater quality (flow-path wells). Detection summaries in the text and tables are given for grid wells only, to avoid over-representation of the water quality in areas adjacent to flow-path wells. Groundwater samples were analyzed for a large number of synthetic organic constituents (volatile organic compounds [VOCs], low-level 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane [DBCP] and 1,2-dibromoethane [EDB], pesticides and pesticide degradates, polar pesticides and metabolites, and pharmaceutical compounds), constituents of special interest (N-nitrosodimethylamine [NDMA], perchlorate, and low-level 1,2,3-trichloropropane [1,2,3-TCP]), naturally occurring inorganic constituents (nutrients, major and minor ions, and trace elements), and radioactive constituents (uranium isotopes, and gross alpha and gross beta particle activities). Naturally occurring isotopes and geochemical tracers (stable isotopes of hydrogen

  8. The Optic Lobes Regulate Circadian Rhythms of Olfactory Learning and Memory in the Cockroach. (United States)

    Lubinski, Alexander J; Page, Terry L


    The cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, can be trained in an associative olfactory memory task by either classical or operant conditioning. When trained by classical conditioning, memory formation is regulated by a circadian clock, but once the memory is formed, it can be recalled at any circadian time. In contrast, when trained via operant conditioning, animals can learn the task at any circadian phase, but the ability to recall the long-term memory is tied to the phase of training. The optic lobes of the cockroach contain a circadian clock that drives circadian rhythms of locomotor activity, mating behavior, sensitivity of the compound eye to light, and the sensitivity of olfactory receptors in the antennae. To evaluate the role of the optic lobes in regulating learning and memory processes, the authors examined the effects of surgical ablation of the optic lobes on memory formation in classical conditioning and memory recall following operant conditioning. The effect of optic lobe ablation was to "rescue" the deficit in memory acquisition at a time the animals normally cannot learn and "rescue" the animal's ability to recall a memory formed by operant conditioning at a phase where memory was not normally expressed. The results suggested that the optic lobe pacemaker regulates these processes through inhibition at "inappropriate" times of day. As a pharmacological test of this hypothesis, the authors showed that injections of fipronil, an antagonist of GABA and glutamate-activated chloride channels, had the same effects as optic lobe ablation on memory formation and recall. The data suggest that the optic lobes contain the circadian clock(s) that regulate learning and memory processes via inhibition of neural processes in the brain. © 2015 The Author(s).

  9. Uso estructural de vigas DÚO y TRÍO. Vigas de madera compuestas por dos o tres piezas: una alternativa ideal para estructuras ligeras de alta exigencia estética

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    García Barbero, Manuel


    ía más complejo, dado que los técnicos y profesionales del sector se han de someter a normas cada vez más exigentes que pretenden garantizar la calidad final de la edificación. Paralelamente a lo mencionado existe otra evolución que repercute en todo el espectro de materiales y sistemas constructivos, también en la madera. Convertir la madera en un material con características estandarizadas es una tarea compleja pero llena de soluciones inteligentes. El concepto DÚO y TRÍO es una muestra más de ingeniería de materiales que surge de la adecuada realización de análisis de las características propias del material y una aplicación técnica consecuente de los conocimientos del mismo para generar un nuevo producto industrial de alto valor añadido.Este concepto concreto consiste en la unión, por medio de encolado, de piezas de madera de formatos superiores a las láminas corrientes de vigas laminadas. Esta unión se realiza de forma tal que dichas piezas queden con la superficie de encolado en posición vertical, de tal modo que las caras con los anillos de crecimiento más exteriores queden en el interior de la viga y las caras que se situaban más interiormente en el tronco original, queden vistas hacia fuera. Las ventajas son múltiples: desde el punto de vista visual los cortes más interiores presentan menos nudos y son éstos los que aparecen en la cara exterior en el sistema DÚO. Desde el punto de vista de la geometría de las vigas, las deformaciones de las mismas son menores y el fendado lateral casi inexistente. Desde el punto de vista de las propiedades mecánicas, se consigue una optimización en el uso de la madera de costeros del tronco originario, de una mayor resistencia, uniéndose para conformar piezas de mayor escuadría.

  10. El futuro de la construcción en madera, en Europa. Entre tradición e industrialización, y entre técnica y arquitectura

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    Natterer, Julius


    Full Text Available This study deals with construction in wood: its historical evolution, technology, execution, demand, future, the choice between artisan-made or series-made, etc. Likewise, several practical examples of buildings constructed of this traditional material are described. The conclusion reached Is that in this type of construction one must necessarily take into account not only the aesthetic aspect but also the economic result.

    El presente trabajo trata sobre la construcción en madera: su evolución histórica; tecnología; ejecución; demanda; futuro, entre artesanal o en serle; etcétera. Asimismo se describen varios ejemplos prácticos de edificios construidos a base de este tradicional material, llegando a la conclusión de que en este tipo de construcción es imprescindible tomar en consideración no sólo la estética, sino su resultado económico.

  11. Groundwater-quality data for the Madera/Chowchilla–Kings shallow aquifer study unit, 2013–14: Results from the California GAMA Program (United States)

    Shelton, Jennifer L.; Fram, Miranda S.


    Groundwater quality in the 2,390-square-mile Madera/Chowchilla–Kings Shallow Aquifer study unit was investigated by the U.S. Geological Survey from August 2013 to April 2014 as part of the California State Water Resources Control Board Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program’s Priority Basin Project. The study was designed to provide a statistically unbiased, spatially distributed assessment of untreated groundwater quality in the shallow aquifer systems of the Madera, Chowchilla, and Kings subbasins of the San Joaquin Valley groundwater basin. The shallow aquifer system corresponds to the part of the aquifer system generally used by domestic wells and is shallower than the part of the aquifer system generally used by public-supply wells. This report presents the data collected for the study and a brief preliminary description of the results.Groundwater samples were collected from 77 wells and were analyzed for organic constituents, inorganic constituents, selected isotopic and age-dating tracers, and microbial indicators. Most of the wells sampled for this study were private domestic wells. Unlike groundwater from public-supply wells, the groundwater from private domestic wells is not regulated for quality in California and is rarely analyzed for water-quality constituents. To provide context for the sampling results, however, concentrations of constituents measured in the untreated groundwater were compared with regulatory and non-regulatory benchmarks established for drinking-water quality by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the State of California, and the U.S. Geological Survey.Of the 319 organic constituents assessed in this study (90 volatile organic compounds and 229 pesticides and pesticide degradates), 17 volatile organic compounds and 23 pesticides and pesticide degradates were detected in groundwater samples; concentrations of all but 2 were less than the respective benchmarks. The fumigants 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP

  12. Arcos con madera laminada del Pino Caribe Venezolano. Una propuesta para procesos de arquitectura ecosustentable - Arches with Venezuelan Caribbean Pine´S laminated wood. A proposal for eco-sustainable architecture processes

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    Rafael Gerardo Páez


    Full Text Available El principio generador de la madera laminada establece que piezas aserradas, débiles y pequeñas, al unirse con adhesivos artificiales, conforman elementos más grandes, con propiedades físico-mecánicas superiores a las de la misma especie maderable. En esta investigación se analiza la aplicación de la madera laminada del Pinus caribaea Morelet, var. hondurensis; cultivado en la Orinoquia venezolana, para fabricar sistemas estáticos curvos, dentro de procedimientos edificatorios en construcciones ecológicas y sustentables. El objetivo general propone definir un modelo estructural de arcos que simplifique las labores de producción, transporte, pre-ensamblado, montaje, aprovechamiento, transformabilidad, deconstrucción y reciclaje; que justifique los principios de desarrollo tecnológico ecosustentable basados en las innovaciones tecnológicas de la madera laminada de pino Caribe. La metodología empleada permitió analizar comparativamente y describir los predimensionamientos del peralte de distintos componentes estructurales portantes, que responden eficientemente a esfuerzos de flexo-compresión, configurados a partir de los diagramas de momentos flexionantes de vigas rectas simplemente apoyadas y empotradas y son geométricamente análogos a sistemas de arcos bi o triarticulados. Entre las conclusiones se determina que la arquitectura ecosustentable queda definida como el conjunto de medidas que aportan soluciones constructivas que no dañan el medio ambiente; que emplea, además, materiales naturales renovables, respeta los ecosistemas, construye sin desperdicios; que deconstruye y recicla, sin demoler ni generar escombros. Este artículo queda incluido en la línea de Investigación: Innovación Tecnológica como Proceso; sub-línea: Asimilación y Dominio Tecnológico; Postgrado de Gestión de Investigación y Desarrollo - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Abstract The main

  13. Guía del Operador del Molino Preliminar -- 2009 (United States)

    Jan Wiedenbeck; Philip H. Mitchell; Bobby Ammerman; Daniel Saloni


    Los fabricantes de productos de madera requieren de una recuperación eficiente de los productos de la madera para que el negocio se mantenga lucrativo. La habilidad de una compañía para obtener el mayor rendimiento en las operaciones de corte de madera (e.g. Molino preliminar) puede variar de acuerdo a la material prima, productos, equipo de...

  14. Analisis y estudio del contenido de humedad final de la madera

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    Eduardo Gómez Ihmaidan


    Full Text Available La finalidad de este trabajo es proporcionar e interactuar con la  información referente al  proceso de secado industrial de Pino Radiata, tomando como variable el contenido de humedad final de la madera, en términos generales esta información será útil para negociar y tomar decisiones frente a  clientes que demandan por productos con ciertas especificaciones técnicas, cuantificando además los costos en que se incurre por estar fuera de los parámetros solicitados. La primera parte de este trabajo consistió en la recolección de datos del contenido de humedad final de los principales productos de Aserraderos Arauco S.A., los que fueron tomados manualmente por personal de la empresa con equipos xilohigrómetros de marca Wagner L612 y medidores automatizados en línea Brookhuis.  Con estos datos, el histograma fue la herramienta gráfica que permitió el ajuste de curvas de las distribuciones de probabilidad de cada producto utilizando el software @Risk  4.5, con esta información se procedió a buscar las funciones de probabilidad acumulada respectivas, y además aproximaciones matemáticas que permitieran el cálculo de éstas para conocer la probabilidad de estar entre un mínimo y un máximo de contenido de humedad. Para evaluar la variabilidad y tendencia central del contenido de humedad se procedió a calcular mediante los índices de la capacidad de procesos Cp y Cpk en qué medida el proceso de secado es capaz de cumplir con las especificaciones solicitadas por el cliente, debido a que los datos no presentaban un comportamiento normal fue necesario investigar y encontrar el cálculo de estos índices de capacidad para este caso. Otro aspecto importante considerado en este trabajo fue la incorporación de la función de Costo de Calidad del Dr. Taguchi en la cuál se evalúa monetáriamente todos los costos en que se incurre cuando el producto no satisface las especificaciones del cliente, ya sea productos demasiado h

  15. Vitellogenin RNAi halts ovarian growth and diverts reproductive proteins and lipids in young grasshoppers. (United States)

    Tokar, Derek R; Veleta, Katherine A; Canzano, Joseph; Hahn, Daniel A; Hatle, John D


    Reduced reproduction extends lifespan of females in many animals. To test the effects of reproduction on storage of macronutrients, we block reproductive output in the lubber grasshopper by injecting RNAi against the precursor to egg-yolk protein, vitellogenin, in early adulthood. Controls were injected with either buffer or RNAi against the major storage protein in the hemolymph, hexamerin-90. Vitellogenin RNAi greatly reduced both levels of mRNA for vitellogenin and ovarian growth, in comparison to both controls. Fat body mass was increased upon vitellogenin RNAi, but concentrations of the three hexameric storage proteins from the hemolymph were not. Surprisingly, hemolymph vitellogenin levels were increased upon vitellogenin RNAi. Total reproductive protein (hemolymph vitellogenin plus ovarian vitellin) was unchanged by vitellogenin RNAi, as reproductive protein was diverted to the hemolymph. Similarly, the increased lipid storage upon vitellogenin RNAi was largely attributable to the reduction in lipid in the ovary, due to decreased ovarian growth. A BLAST search revealed that the 515 bp sequence of vitellogenin used for RNAi had three 11 bp regions identical to the vitellogenin receptor of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. This suggests that our treatment, in addition to reducing levels of vitellogenin transcript, may have also blocked transport of vitellogenin from the hemolymph to the ovary. This would be consistent with halted ovarian growth simultaneous with high levels of vitellogenin in the hemolymph. Nonetheless, the accumulation of vitellogenin, instead of hexameric storage proteins, is inconsistent with a simple model of the trade-off between reproduction and storage. This was observed in young females; future studies will address whether investment of proteins may shift to the soma as individuals age. Overall, our results suggest that blockage of reproduction in young grasshoppers redirects lipids to storage and reproductive proteins to the hemolymph

  16. Modelo de comportamiento estructural de muros entramados de madera en el siglo XIX en España

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    Santa Cruz-Astorqui, J.


    Full Text Available In this article the structural behavior of a timber- framed wall is analysed. The wall is composed by a timber grid of vertical parts (posts and horizontal elements (beams, whose panels are normally filled with plaster rubble. This system was widely used as a load-bearing wall system in the Spanish residential buildings between the 17th and 19th centuries. The research concludes that the loads are transmitted mainly through the infills by vertical compression, and that the deformation of the beams by bending is negligible, except in those cases in which there is no infill at the bottom. Also, using numerical simulation by finite elements, a formula determining the percentage of total loads absorbed by posts and infills is obtained depending on their rigidity to compression, so as to quantify the stress state of them. This is a fundamental aspect in the design and dimensioning of reinforcements in structural rehabilitation.En este artículo se analiza el comportamiento estructural del muro entramado de madera. Muro compuesto de una retícula de piezas verticales (pies derechos y horizontales (carreras, cuyos cuarteles se rellenan normalmente con yesones. Este sistema es ampliamente utilizado como muro portante en la edificación residencial española entre los siglos XVII y XIX. Del análisis, se concluye que las cargas se transmiten principalmente a través de los rellenos por compresión vertical, y que la colaboración de las carreras por flexión es despreciable, salvo en aquellos casos en los que no exista el relleno del cuartel inferior. Además, mediante la simulación numérica por elementos finitos, se obtiene una expresión que determina el porcentaje de carga total que absorben los pies derechos y los rellenos en función de sus rigideces a compresión, con el objeto de cuantificar el estado tensional de los mismos, aspecto fundamental en el diseño y dimensionamiento de refuerzos en rehabilitación estructural.

  17. Aplicación de los ultrasonidos a la evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas de la madera en rollo de pequeño diámetro

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    Mier Pérez, Rafael


    Full Text Available In this study is shown the mechanic characterization results carried out with small round timber (diameter under 23 cm of laricio pine (Pinus nigra subsp. Saltzmannii from Cuenca forest. According to EN 14251:2003 445 small round timber of 8, 10, 12 y 14 cm are tested, concluding they can be assigned to C14 strength class (according to UNE-EN 338:2003. The suitability of ultrasound transmission method to grade this material is evaluated, proposing several strength grades combination (C22/C16/R, C18/C14/R ó C18/R which are based on values of the indicating property of the ultrasound wave velocity. For each strength classes combination obtained, the grade yield is analyzed and compared with optimal ranking results developed according to UNE-EN 14081-2:2005. Finally, method feasibility related to predict the presence of growth specific singularities (juvenile wood specially is concluded, in addition to the convenience to establish mix grading methods based on ultrasound and visual evaluation together.En el presente trabajo se presentan los resultados de la caracterización mecánica efectuada sobre madera en rollo delgada (diámetro inferior a 23 cm de pino laricio (Pinus nigra subsp. Saltzmannii procedente de los Montes de Cuenca. Se ensayan, de acuerdo con la norma EN 14251:2003, un total de 445 rollizos torneados con diámetros finales de 8, 10, 12 y 14 cm, concluyéndose que el material sin clasificar puede ser asignado a una clase de resistencia de C14 (según UNE-EN 338:2003. Se evalúa la aplicabilidad del método de transmisión de ondas ultrasónicas en la clasificación del material proponiendo diversas combinaciones de clases de resistencia (C22/C16/R, C18/C14/R ó C18/R en función del valor de paso empleado para la velocidad de la onda ultrasónica. Para cada combinación de clases resistentes obtenida se analiza el rendimiento clasificatorio, el cual es comparado con los resultados de una clasificación óptima del material (Optimal

  18. Plan de factibilidad para la producción y comercialización de tablones de aglomerados de cascarilla de arroz para la elaboración de muebles en los mercados extranjeros.


    Jácome Cornejo, Diana Verónica


    A través del tiempo, el aglomerado de madera se ha constituido en el principal producto de comercialización obtenido de los residuos de la madera, debido a su resistencia mecánica, funcionalidad, desarrollo tecnológico y resistencia de impacto. Con la finalidad de poder innovar el mercado y desarrollar productos sustitutos del aglomerado de madera, se genera la idea de producir aglomerado de cascarilla de arroz. La cascarilla de arroz presenta varias propiedades en benefic...

  19. Potencial de los anillos de crecimiento de Pilgerodendron uviferum para el estudio histórico de las Iglesias de Chiloé, Patrimonio de la Humanidad


    Puchi, Paulina; Muñoz, Ariel A; González, Mauro E; Abarzúa, Ana; Araya, Katerine; Towner, Ronald; Fitzek, Reinhard; Holz, Andrés; Stahle, Daniel


    Las iglesias de Chiloé son antiguas estructuras de madera reconocidas patrimonio de la humanidad por la UNESCO. Gran parte de su historia de construcción y reparaciones aún se desconoce. Considerando que muchas de las iglesias de Chiloé fueron construidas utilizando madera de Pilgerodendron uviferum, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el potencial de esta especie para datar piezas de madera de dos de estas históricas construcciones: las iglesias de Vilupulli e Ichuac. En Vilupulli se dat...

  20. La tejuela de madera en Chiloé, Chile: Estudio del borde de terminación en los poblados de Achao, Curaco de Vélez y Villa Quinchao./ The wooden tiles in Chiloe, Chile: Study of edge termination in the towns of Achao Curaco Velez and Villa Quinchao

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    De la Sotta Lazzerini, Paola


    Full Text Available El valor de la arquitectura chilota se distingue tanto por la utilización de la madera, material único para su fabricación, como por el lenguaje estético que manifiesta en sus fachadas. Existe un trabajo de la textura, o “piel” de revestimiento de la arquitectura, como también el uso de colores llamativos, los cuales sirven para diferenciar las viviendas, y para efectos de ubicación y orientación. Considerando la situación de aislamiento en la cual se encuentra el chilote por vivir en un archipiélago, es a través de su ingenio que puede dar respuesta a sus necesidades. De esta manera, las soluciones formales y sus sistemas constructivos deben adecuarse al material y a las posibilidades de trabajo mecánico del mismo. Este estudio se inserta en la fabricación de un producto icono de la isla Grande de Chiloé, como es la tejuela de madera. / The value of chilota architecture is distinguished by the use of wood, unique material for their manufacture, for aesthetic language that manifests in their facades. There is a work of texture or "skin" covering architecture, as well as the use of bright colors, which serve to distinguish the houses, and for purposes of location and orientation. Considering the situation of isolation which is to live in the Chiloe archipelago, is through their ingenuity that can respond to their needs. This study is inserted in the manufacture of a product icon Chiloé island, the “tejuela” in wood. The formal solutions and building systems must conform to the material and the possibilities of mechanical work the same.

  1. Anatomía y usos de la madera de ocho especies tropicales de Quintana Roo, México

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    Silvia Rebollar


    Full Text Available Se estudió la anatomía de la madera de ocho especies procedentes de asociaciones secundarias de las selvas alta y mediana subperennifolia del estado de Quintana Roo: Acacia gaumeri, Diphysa carthagenensis Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena glauca, Senna racemosa, Murraya paniculata, Maytenus guatemalensis, y Pimenta dioica, de acuerdo con la metodología establecida. Son especies de interés por su distribución, abundancia en el estado, y por los usos que tradicionalmente les han dado los campesinos mayas en postería, cercas, construcción rural durmintes, tablones y leña, debido a las cualidades de dureza y resistencia a la humedad y a los insectos. Las especies presentan porosidad difusa, los vasos con puntuaciones areoladas opuestas y alternas, la placa perforada es simple; el parénquima axial se presenta aliforme y en bandas; con cristales en todas las especies a excepción de Acacia gaumeri y Senna racemosa. Los rayos son bajos finos y numerosos; las fibras son de tipo libriforme. Las diferencias encontradas son: el arreglo de los poros, tipo de parénquima axial y radial, la presencia de fibrotraqueidas y traqueidas vasculares y tílides.This paper describes the wood anatomy of Acacia gaumeri Blake, Diphysa carthagenensis Jacq., Gliricidia sepium (Jacq. Steud., Leucaena glauca (L. Benth., Senna racemosa (Mill Irwin & Barneby, Murraya paniculata L.Mant., Maytenus guatemalensis Lundell, and Pimenta dioica (L. Merr. These species are aesthetically attractive as well as hard, highly durable and resistant to insects and locally are widely used in posts, fences, sleepers and rural buildings. Samples were collected from the rainforest in Quintana Roo, Mexico. One tree for each species was collected, and macroscopic and microscopic characteristics were described and measured in wood samples, permanent slides and macerated material. Woods have diffuse porosity, simple perforation plates, alternate and opposite vessel pits and small rays. Crystals

  2. Characterization and modelling of self-sustaining smoldering of wood industrial products


    Guindos, P.; Patel, A.; Kolb, T.


    Múltiples productos industriales de madera tales como paneles aislantes de fibras de madera son susceptibles de sufrir combustión latente. Este es un tipo especial de degradación térmica que se caracteriza por ser muy lento y carecer de llama, lo cual lo convierte en un fenómeno peligroso pues puede pasar fácilmente desapercibido hasta que se producen daños catastróficos. Por esta razón, la utilización de materiales aislantes derivados de la madera y afines no está permitida en edificios de c...

  3. The moulding of wood particles

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    Borgin, Karl


    Full Text Available Not availableLas investigaciones que se mencionan en este artículo forman parte de un programa de estudio más amplio sobre aplicaciones de los residuos de la madera. El objetivo principal era estudiar el moldeo de partículas de madera con un conglomerante adecuado y establecer las propiedades más importantes de los productos moldeados.

  4. quebracho-blanco Schlecht

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    E. O. Sanabria


    Full Text Available La especie Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Schlecht es la más abundante del Parque Chaqueño y no es utilizada en la producción de bienes de alto valor agregado debido a la inestabilidad dimensional de su madera. Una de las maneras de mejorar la estabilidad dimensional es el engrosado de la pared celular con polietilenglicol (PEG. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto del PEG de peso molecular 300 y 600 en la estabilidad dimensional, utilizando como parámetro de control el coeficiente de retractabilidad de la madera citada. Las muestras se impregnaron en una Planta Piloto con PEG, a través del proceso Bethell, según Norma IRAM Núm. 9511. Posteriormente se secaron hasta un contenido de humedad (CH del 10 %. Los mejores resultados se lograron impregnando la madera con PEG 600, a una concentración del 50 % en solución acuosa, a una presión de 12 kg·cm-2 durante 120 minutos, lo que permitió disminuir el coeficiente de retractabilidad de esta madera en 58.2 %.

  5. Microestructura y comportamiento mecánico a altas temperaturas de cerámicas biomorficas de carburo de silicio

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    Martínez-Fernández, J.


    Full Text Available Environment conscious ceramics (ecoceramics are a new class of ceramic materials fabricated from natural wood (a renewable source. The affordable, net shape ceramics are fabricated by pyrolysis and molten silicon infiltration of wood preforms. The resulting materials have complex microstructure and multifunctional properties. The microstructure before and after high temperature plastic deformation was studied by scanning electron microscopy. These ceramics present regions of silicon and silicon carbide that follow the fibrous microstructure of the wood selected, resulting in a structure that resembles a continuos fiber composite. This structure results in very good mechanical properties as the evolutionary process has perfected it.

    Las cerámicas respetuosas con el medio ambiente (ecocerámicas son una nueva clase de materiales cerámicos fabricados a partir de madera natural (un recurso renovable. Estas cerámicas se fabrican mediante la pirólisis de la preforma de madera e infiltración de silicio líquido en esta, proceso de bajo coste y con poco cambio de forma. El material resultante tiene una microestructura compleja y propiedades multifuncionales. La microestructura antes y después de la deformación plástica a alta temperatura se estudió mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Estas cerámicas presentan regiones de silicio y de carburo de silicio que mantienen la microestructura fibrosa de la madera seleccionada, similar a la de un material compuesto de fibra continua. Esta estructura ha resultado poseer unas muy buenas propiedades mecánicas a la compresión en caliente, en la dirección de las fibras, ya que el proceso evolutivo la ha perfeccionado.


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    Juan Abel Nájera-Luna


    rendimiento en madera aserrada del 57.5 % sin corteza y 52.17 % con corteza. El tiempo promedio para aserrar 1,000 pies tablares se estimó en 25.09 minutos. La productividad fue de 7.57 m3.h-1 y la velocidad de alimentación de 46.47 m.min-1. Se encontró que el rendimiento en madera aserrada es afectado por el diámetro, largo y conicidad de las trozas.

  7. Composición química de tres maderas en la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba a tres alturas del fuste comercial. Parte Nº 2: Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell

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    U. Orea Igarza


    Full Text Available La Universidad de Pinar del Río financió un proyecto de Investigación para el estudio de la composición química de especies de rápido crecimiento con la finalidad de obtener información científica para el posible aprovechamiento industrial por lo cual se estudió la madera de Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell, a tres alturas del fuste comercial. Las muestras procedentes de la Empresa Forestal de Macurijes, en la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba, se utilizaron para la determinación de los contenidos porcentuales de los componentes de la pared celular, las sustancias extraíbles y las sustancias minerales, empleando las Normas TAPPI. Se estudió mediante Calorimetría Diferencial de Barrido (DSC la celulosa y las ligninas mediante espectroscopia IR Los datos demuestran diferencias en los contenidos de sustancias solubles en etanol después de tolueno-etanol, en agua y los componentes de la pared celular. La banda de 1500 cm-1 en el espectro IR refleja la presencia de kinos (derivados de compuestos fenólicos elaborados durante el metabolismo secundario de la planta residuales en la lignina. El comportamiento térmico de la celulosa muestra diferencias con la altura del fuste comercial atribuido a variaciones con el grado de cristalinidad y grado de polimerización, demostrando un comportamiento similar a otras especies de Eucalyptus de esta misma región.

  8. Plan de marketing para el posicionamiento de Ital Parquet en Colombia


    Gutierrez Borda, Felipe


    El proyecto de disertación “PLAN DE MARKETING PARA EL POSICIONAMIENTO DE ITALPARQUET EN COLOMBIA”, es un proyecto basado en una empresa constituida desde 2011 en Bogotá, Colombia. Una empresa importadora y comercializadora de pisos en Madera, laminado, linoleum, Pvc, exteriores y guarda escobas. Durante estos dos primeros años la empresa ha venido desarrollando toda su estructura organizacional para poder empezar a introducir su marca como Importadora y Comercializadora de pisos en Madera...

  9. Recurso forestal y construcción en Canadá

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    Ch. Arbaiza M.


    Full Text Available No es posible hablar de la construcción con madera en Canadá sin mencionar la industria forestal desarrollada en dicho país. Y hablar de Canadá, es necesariamente referirse a la provincia de British Columbia (B.C., ubicada en la costa del Pacífico, cuya producción de madera conífera, desde sus inicios en 1846, es mayor que la de EE.UU. y Rusia en conjunto.


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    N. V. Gerasimyuk


    Full Text Available The spring flora was analyzed on six cemeteries in Odessa, such cemeteries as Vtoroe xristianskoe, Troickoe, Tairovskoe, Trete evrejskoe, Oficerskoe (Dmitrievskое and Severnoe. There were found and identified 235 species of plants, which belong to 186 genera and 67 families. There was taken a taxonomic analysis of flora of the cemeteries also of spreding of plants by ekobiomorphs, the analysis of hronotyp and origin. The proportion of the flora on the cemeteries is 1:2,8:3,5. The dominant family of the flora of Odessa’s cemeteries is Asteraceae. There are other leading families such as Rosaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Brassicaceae, Lamiaceae. Herbs and trees are dominant among the life forms. Mesophytes and kseromezophytes are in the majority among hihromorphs. Heliophytes are on the first place by adapting to the light. Our results showed that the adventitious plants occupy up to 44% of all amount of plants at the cemeteries in Odessa. Kenophytes is a dominant group among them. Floragenetics analysis revealed the dominance of the plants from Asia. There have been allocated plants that were met at all six cemeteries independently of the location religious and age characteristics of the cemetery. "Core" of the flora of Odessa’s cemetery have made weed Acer negundo L., Ballota nigra L. and decorative Hedera helix L., Centaurea dealbata Willd., Buxus sempervirens L., Convallaria majalis L., Sedum kamtschaticum Fisch., Thuja occidentalis L., Hemerocalis fulva (L. L. There were found 4 species of plants that belong to the rare and endangered plants of Odessa’s region: Convallaria majalis L., Hyacinthella leucophaea (K. Koch Schur, Clematis integrifolia L., Paeonia tenuifolia L. Moreover Convallaria majalis L. grows on all six investigated cemeteries. Also two species: Hyacinthella leucophaea (K. Koch Schur and Clematis Keywords: cemeteries, Odessa, flora, plants, ekobiomorphs.


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    Full Text Available The spring flora was analyzed on six cemeteries in Odessa, such cemeteries as Vtoroe xristianskoe, Troickoe, Tairovskoe, Trete evrejskoe, Oficerskoe (Dmitrievskое and Severnoe. There were found and identified 235 species of plants, which belong to 186 genera and 67 families. There was taken a taxonomic analysis of flora of the cemeteries also of spreding of plants by ekobiomorphs, the analysis of hronotyp and origin. The proportion of the flora on the cemeteries is 1:2,8:3,5. The dominant family of the flora of Odessa’s cemeteries is Asteraceae. There are other leading families such as Rosaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Brassicaceae, Lamiaceae. Herbs and trees are dominant among the life forms. Mesophytes and kseromezophytes are in the majority among hihromorphs. Heliophytes are on the first place by adapting to the light. Our results showed that the adventitious plants occupy up to 44% of all amount of plants at the cemeteries in Odessa. Kenophytes is a dominant group among them. Floragenetics analysis revealed the dominance of the plants from Asia. There have been allocated plants that were met at all six cemeteries independently of the location religious and age characteristics of the cemetery. "Core" of the flora of Odessa’s cemetery have made weed Acer negundo L., Ballota nigra L. and decorative Hedera helix L., Centaurea dealbata Willd., Buxus sempervirens L., Convallaria majalis L., Sedum kamtschaticum Fisch., Thuja occidentalis L., Hemerocalis fulva (L. L. There were found 4 species of plants that belong to the rare and endangered plants of Odessa’s region: Convallaria majalis L., Hyacinthella leucophaea (K. Koch Schur, Clematis integrifolia L., Paeonia tenuifolia L. Moreover Convallaria majalis L. grows on all six investigated cemeteries. Also two species: Hyacinthella leucophaea (K. Koch Schur and Clematis

  12. Diseño numérico de tablestacas en la costa pacífica de Costa Rica


    Murillo B., L.


    Tablestacas, pilotes sumergidos o parcialmente sumergidos, con carga vertical u horizontal son elementos de común uso en las estructuras construidas en lagos, ríos, marinas, puertos y demás facilidades costeras. Comúnmente se construyen de cemento, madera y otros materiales de mayor fortaleza como el acero. Por su precio, durabilidad y economía, muchas veces se prefiere madera tratada a presión con creosota o sulfato de cobre. La toma de muestras geotécnicas en suelos suaves sumergidos se rea...

  13. Centre cultural Santa Rita


    Boixet Méndez, Oriol; Martín Casado, Sara; Mas Muñoz, Mireia; Montoya Martínez, Jose Ramón; Serena López, Álex; Vera Benjauma, Mercedes


    Situada en la comuna de Pelarco, la edificación consta de una superficie construida de 4.295 metros cuadrados. Dividida en 2 patios interiores y diferentes alas, se encuentra en una extensa superficie de terreno. La construcción original está formada por muros de adobe, pilares con base de piedra, fuste y capitel de madera, una techumbre compuesta por cerchas de madera en forma tradicional chilena conocida como tijeral, cubierta, también tradicional, de tejas cerámicas a cuatro ag...

  14. Estudio de tratamientos alternativos para mejorar la estabilidad dimensional y la dureza de Populus x euramericana y Pinus pinaster


    Hidalgo Tomé, Isabel


    La madera es un material que está siendo demandado de nuevo por la sociedad, después de haber sido relegada a un segundo plano por otros materiales alternativos como los plásticos, aceros y hormigones. La madera es un material que posee muchas virtudes como material estructural, sin embargo posee otras propiedades que deben de ser estudiadas. El sector maderero debe resolver este nuevo reto por medio del desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías industriales y la investigación. Este estudio t...


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    Fidel Cándano Acosta


    Full Text Available El trabajo se realizó en un área de explotación maderera en bosques naturales en el Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, donde se practica el corte selectivo de árboles maduros con fines prescritos en el Plan de Manejo Forestal. El objetivo fue demostrar que el actual esquema de la infraestructura de caminos y acopiaderos de madera aplicada en los planes de manejo no minimiza el costo general de la cosecha de madera. Fue utilizada la información referente a la construcción de caminos y acopiaderos con el tractor de estera FIATALLIS Ad7-b y el arrastre de árboles con el tractor forestal (skidder CATERPILAR 525 durante 17 jornadas de trabajo. A través del cálculo e interacción de los costos de ambas operaciones se obtuvo un valor mínimo para las mismas. La información fue procesada con el Software PACE (Automated Program for Evaluating Costs. Los resultados demostraron que el modelo sistemático aplicado tradicionalmente en la proyección y construcción de la infraestructura vial en el área de explotación no minimiza el costo del sistema de cosecha de madera. La propuesta reduce en 26,2% la densidad actual de caminos disminuyendo el costo del sistema de cosecha en 0,15 USD.m-3 sin alterar significativamente la productividad y el costo del arrastre de madera.

  16. Experimental analysis of bonding in steel bars glued into chestnut and tali timber

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    Otero Chans, D.


    Full Text Available This article summarizes the results of an extensive experiment designed to determine the effect of geometric and mechanical parameters on the axial strength of the bonds formed when threaded steel bars are glued into sawn hardwood timber. The studies conducted to date on glued wood joints have focused primarily on softwood glued laminated timber or glulam. In the present study, specimens made from two hardwood species with very different physical and mechanical properties were used to evaluate the effect of wood characteristics on the axial strength of such bonds. Several geometries were tested by loading a total of 190 specimens to failure. The ultimate load values found for the specimens were compared to the design values proposed in the final draft version of Eurocode 5 (prEN 1995-1-1(2001.

    En el presente artículo se resumen los resultados de una amplia campaña experimental encaminada a evaluar la influencia de los distintos parámetros geométricos y mecánicos en la capacidad resistente de uniones realizadas con barras roscadas de acero encoladas en madera aserrada de frondosa. Los estudios existentes en el campo de las uniones encoladas en madera se han centrado fundamentalmente en el análisis de uniones realizadas en madera laminada de especies coníferas. Con objeto de evaluar la influencia de las características de la madera en la capacidad resistente de la unión se ensayaron probetas realizadas con dos especies de madera frondosa de características físicas y mecánicas muy diferentes. Se utilizaron diversas configuraciones geométricas. Un total de 190 probetas han sido ensayadas hasta rotura. Los valores de carga de rotura alcanzados por las probetas se han comparado además con los valores de cálculo propuestos por el Eurocódigo 5, en su versión de borrador final prEN 1995-1-1(2001.

  17. Rehabilitación sísmica de edificaciones históricas en tapia pisada: estudio de caso de capillas doctrineras reforzadas con malla de acero y madera de confinamiento

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    Gómez, V.


    Full Text Available In Latin America, there is little research on colonial churches (chapels built with earth (rammed earth taking into account architectural, historical and structural (seismic performance considerations. The lack of studies have produced bad interventions of the historical heritage. In this paper, the authors present results of shake table tests of 1:50 scale models of doctrinal rammed-earth chapels built in Colombia in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. The walls of the models of the chapels were seismically strengthened with two different techniques: confinement wooden elements and steel mesh; both techniques applied only on one side of the walls. The results suggest that the seismic reinforcement systems evaluated diminishes the displacement of the walls up to 52 % and reduce the cracking.A nivel latinoamericano, hay pocas investigaciones sobre iglesias (capillas coloniales construidas en tapia pisada desde el punto de vista arquitectónico, histórico y estructural (desempeño sísmico. La carencia de estudios ha producido malas intervenciones del patrimonio histórico. En el presente artículo se presentan los resultados de ensayos en mesa vibratoria de modelos a escala 1:50 de capillas de adoctrinamiento en tapia pisada construidas en los siglos XVI al XVIII en Colombia. Los muros de los modelos de las capillas fueron rehabilitados sísmicamente mediante dos técnicas de reforzamiento diferentes: maderas de confinamiento y malla de acero; ambas técnicas instaladas por una sola cara de los muros. Los resultados sugieren que los sistemas de refuerzo sísmico evaluados disminuyen hasta en un 52 % los desplazamientos de los muros a la vez que disminuyen la fisuración y el agrietamiento.

  18. Fraccionamiento de aserrín de pino destinado a una biorrefinería forestal


    Stoffel, Romina


    El cuidado del medio ambiente se ha transformado en un factor que agrega valor a la producción industrial, haciéndola más competitiva mediante la utilización de recursos renovables y tecnologías avanzadas. La biorrefinería forestal procesa biomasa lignocelulósica proveniente de la industrialización de la madera (aserrín, viruta, trozos de madera) para producir energía, productos químicos y biomateriales, en forma similar a las refinerías de petróleo. El aserrín de pino y eucalipto es uno de l...

  19. A preliminary investigation of Nigerian Gmelina arborea and Bambusa vulgaris for pulp and paper production

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Azeez, MA


    Full Text Available stream_source_info Andrew_2015.pdf.txt stream_content_type text/plain stream_size 47628 Content-Encoding UTF-8 stream_name Andrew_2015.pdf.txt Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 65 Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología....10.2015 66 U n i v e r s i d a d d e l B í o - B í o Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología 18(1): 65 - 78, 2016 Apart from the loss of jobs as a result of the mill closures, the 100% importation of paper products has further...

  20. Generación distribuida mediante gasificación de biomasa: un análisis técnico – económico e implicaciones por reducción de emisiones de CO2


    Pérez Bayer, Juan Fernando; Lenis, Yuhan; Rojas, Sandra; León, Carlos


    Este artículo presenta el análisis de prefactibilidad de dos proyectos de generación de electricidad a partir de biomasa (madera). El primero considera la madera cosechada para energía en un núcleo forestal con plantación de Pino (caso 1), y el segundo, biomasa residual de un núcleo con plantación de Teca (caso 2). La potencia eléctrica que puede ser producida de forma sostenible por el núcleo forestal es de 2,2 MWe para el Pino, y 1,0 MWe para la Teca. Considerando las potencias a generar, l...

  1. Predicting the density of structural timber members in service. The combine use of wood cores and drill resistance data

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    Morales-Condea, M. J.


    Full Text Available Drilling devices is used to get information about the cross-section properties and internal defects of structural members. Drill resistance is correlated with density which is often used to predict the mechanical properties of timber elements. However in situ a regression curve cannot be obtained and pre-existent curves provides unreliable predictions. The present paper proposes a procedure for in situ “calibration” of drill resistance data. The “calibration” is based on density values from wood cores taken in the close vicinity of drill holes. Two approaches were tested. One approach based on a regression curve built using wood cores density and drill resistance values obtained from a limited number of members. The other approach uses the information of one wood core to “calibrate” the drill resistance profile taken at the same member. Following this procedure a density prediction is obtained showing a low mean percentage error and a medium coefficient of determination.Los dispositivos de perforación se utilizan a menudo para obtener información sobre las propiedades de la sección transversal y defectos internos de los elementos estructurales de madera. La resistencia a la perforación se correlaciona con la densidad que, a menudo, se utiliza para obtener la predicción de las propiedades mecánicas de los elementos de madera. Sin embargo, una curva de regresión no puede ser obtenida in situ y las curvas de preexistentes proporcionan predicciones poco fiables. En el presente trabajo se propone un procedimiento de “calibración” in situ de los datos de resistencia de perforación obtenidos en cada caso. La “calibración” se basa en los valores de densidad de pequeñas probetas de madera tomadas en las inmediaciones de los taladros. Para ello se plantean 2 métodos: Un primer enfoque basado en obtener una curva de regresión a partir de los valores de densidad de pequeñas probetas de madera y los valores de resistencia a

  2. Seismic retrofitting of timber framed walls

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    Gonçalves, A. M.


    Full Text Available After the 1755 earthquake that destroyed Lisbon, an innovative anti-seismic structural system was developed consisting of a timber skeleton, that included timber framed masonry walls. After more than 250 years these structures need rehabilitation to face the present demands. The research presented in this paper aimed at experimentally characterizing the cyclic behaviour of timber framed walls reinforced with three different methods, namely: (i elastic-plastic dampers on diagonal braces, (ii reinforcement of timber connections with steel plates, (iii application of a reinforced rendering. The elastic-plastic damper showed an unsymmetrical behaviour and some difficulties to implement in practice. The strengthening with reinforced render led to an initial stiffness increase but showed a limited deformation capacity. The walls with reinforcing steel plates at the timber connections showed the best behaviour in terms of strength, stiffness and energy dissipation.Después del terremoto de 1755 que destruyó Lisboa, un sistema estructural antisísmico muy innovador fue desarrollado. El sistema consistió en un esqueleto de madera, que incluyó la construcción de muros de mampostería con un entramado de madera. Transcurridos más de 250 años, estas estructuras necesitan rehabilitación para poder hacer frente a los requisitos estructurales actuales. La investigación presentada en este trabajo tiene como objetivo caracterizar experimentalmente el comportamiento cíclico de los muros con entramado de madera reforzados con tres métodos diferentes: (i amortiguadores elasto-plásticos, (ii refuerzo de las conexiones de madera con placas de acero, (iii aplicación de un mortero reforzado. El amortiguador elasto-plástico mostró un comportamiento asimétrico y algunas dificultades para aplicarlo en la práctica. El refuerzo con mortero reforzado condujo a un aumento de la rigidez inicial, pero reveló una capacidad de deformación limitada. Los muros con

  3. Chalet en Florida - (EE.UU.

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    Morgan, William


    Full Text Available This house has been designed as a series of ascending platforms in a continuous spiral around a central staircase and the various platforms have each been assigned different room functions, such as: living room, master bedroom and children's bedroom, studio, dining room and kitchen, guest room and under the house space has been provided for a garage. The construction is entirely wooden and is lifted above the ground by 9 exposed piles to which are bolted the beams that support the exposed ceiling Joists. For these elements laminated yellow pine wood has been used as well as for the floorings, roofs and deckings. The walls are of panelled cedar plywood whereas the material of the interior doors and cabinetry is mahogany.Esta vivienda se diseñó como una secuencia de plataformas que ascienden, en espiral continua, alrededor de una escalera interior, en las cuales se dispusieron: el cuarto de estar, los dormitorios de padres y de niños, un estudio, el comedor y la cocina, una habitación para los invitados y, debajo del edificio, una plaza de aparcamiento. La construcción, realizada con madera en su totalidad, se levanta del suelo mediante nueve pilares vistos, a los que se atornillan las jácenas que soportan las viguetas, también vistas, de los forjados. Para estos elementos constructivos se empleó madera laminada de pino amarillo, al igual que para los suelos, techos y cubiertas. Los muros laterales se hicieron con un entablado de madera contrachapada de cedro, mientras que para el artesonado, las puertas interiores y las estanterías, se utilizó la madera de caoba.


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    Darian Pérez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available

    En el trabajo se realiza un estudio de la calidad de los datos a través de la aplicación del Procedimiento de Diagnóstico de la Calidad de los Datos, en el área económica de un taller de una empresa productora de envases de madera de un importante sector de la economía del país.

    El procedimiento se estructura en 6 etapas, incluyéndose inicialmente la evaluación de criterios para la implementación y el aspecto invalidante referido a la presencia de un patrón de referencia.

    Se concluye que en general se reportaron cantidades por debajo de las reales en 922.8 litros y 1907.71 unidades de pesos, por la mala calidad de los datos. La consistencia es la dimensión menos afectada, globalmente el nivel de calidad es de un 78% y la seguridad de los datos es regular. Para el sellador y clear aproximadamente la mitad de los errores son graves y de gravedad media. Los erróneos valores se generan en el área económica, agrupándose las causas en la entrada de datos, solicitudes mal interpretadas y diseño de la base de datos, presentándose soluciones como la aplicación creada para la entrada doble de los datos.

    Las técnicas y métodos de análisis más utilizados fueron: entrevista, encuestas, consulta bibliográfica, revisión de documentos, enfoque de proceso, diagramas de cajas, de dispersión, de Pareto e Ishikawa.


    This work fulfils a study of data quality by application of Data Quality Diagnosis Procedure in the economic area of a workshop belonging to an enterprise involved in producing wood pocking for an important sector of the country economy.

    This procedure is organized in six stages including initially the evaluation of criteria about the method used and the incapacitating aspect referred to the presence of a reference pattern.

    It has been determined that generally issued quantities were underneath of real ones in 922.8 litters and 1907.71 units of


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    Erika Biviana Vásquez Sierra


    Full Text Available Este trabajo exhibe la forma de realizar protocolos para la toma de muestras y muestreo en laboratorios, con fines de análisis de propiedades físicas de la madera utilizadas en el sector industrial del Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá y el beneficio que se logra al caracterizar y establecer las propiedades de las maderas más utilizadas. En esta investigación se presentan algunos de los parámetros más importantes para el muestreo, como la toma de muestras en pilas o arrumes de desperdicios, manejo de éstas en el laboratorio y otros que se hacen de gran importancia como es el punto de ignición. La metodología propuesta se basa en algunas de las normas internacionales ASTM del carbón, por la similitud que tiene con la madera y por la escasez de información en cuanto al muestreo de este tipo en maderas.This study illustrates the way to perform protocols, collect samples, and conduct laboratory analyses in order to characterize the physical properties of wood used in the industrial sector of the "Valle de Aburrá" metropolitan area and the gains obtained by characterizing the properties of the most frequently used woods. In this investigation some of the most important sampling parameters are presented, such as taking samples in piles or accumulations of waste, handling of these samples in the laboratory and others of great importance such as the ignition point. The proposed methodology is based upon some of the international ASTM coal norms, for the similarity it has with wood and for the lack of information on sampling this type in wood.

  6. 7 CFR 920.131 - Redistricting of kiwifruit districts. (United States)


    ... include the counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara, Monterey, San Benito, San Joaquin, Calaveras, Alpine, Mono, Tuolumne, Stanislaus, Merced, Mariposa, Madera, and...

  7. Electron/electron acoustic instability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gary, S.P.


    The electron acoustic wave becomes a normal mode of an unmagnetized collisionless plasma in the presence of two electron components with similar densities, but strongly disparate temperatures. The characteristic frequency of this mode is the plasma frequency of the cooler electron component. If these two electron components have a relative drift speed several times the thermal speed of the cooler component, the electron/electron acoustic instability may arise. This paper describes the parametric dependences of the threshold drift speed and maximum growth rate of this instability, and compares these with the same properties of the electron/ion acoustic instability. Under the condition of zero current, the electron/ion acoustic instability typically has the lower threshold drift speed, so that observation of the electron/electron acoustic instability is a strong indication of the presence of an electrical current in the plasma

  8. Electronics and electronic systems

    CERN Document Server

    Olsen, George H


    Electronics and Electronic Systems explores the significant developments in the field of electronics and electronic devices. This book is organized into three parts encompassing 11 chapters that discuss the fundamental circuit theory and the principles of analog and digital electronics. This book deals first with the passive components of electronic systems, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. These topics are followed by a discussion on the analysis of electronic circuits, which involves three ways, namely, the actual circuit, graphical techniques, and rule of thumb. The remaining p

  9. Electrons, Electronic Publishing, and Electronic Display. (United States)

    Brownrigg, Edwin B.; Lynch, Clifford A.


    Provides a perspective on electronic publishing by distinguishing between "Newtonian" publishing and "quantum-mechanical" publishing. Highlights include media and publishing, works delivered through electronic media, electronic publishing and the printed word, management of intellectual property, and recent copyright-law issues…

  10. 75 FR 13275 - Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability (United States)


    ... landscape and near Communities, Madera and Mariposa Counties, CA, Wait Period Ends: 04/19/2010, Contact... that Prevent Overfishing and Rebuild Overfished Stocks, Implementation, Wait Period Ends: 04/19/2010...

  11. Electron-electron Bremsstrahlung for bound target electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haug, E.


    For the process of electron-electron (e-e) Bremsstrahlung the momentum and energy distributions of the recoiling electrons are calculated in the laboratory frame. In order to get the differential cross section and the photon spectrum for target electrons which are bound to an atom, these formulae are multiplied by the incoherent scattering function and numerically integrated over the recoil energy. The effect of atomic binding is most pronounced at low energies of the incident electrons and for target atoms of high atomic numbers. The results are compared to those of previous calculations. (authors)

  12. Genetic structure in the Amazonian catfish Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii: influence of life history strategies. (United States)

    Carvajal-Vallejos, F M; Duponchelle, F; Desmarais, E; Cerqueira, F; Querouil, S; Nuñez, J; García, C; Renno, J-F


    The Dorado or Plateado (Gilded catfish) Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii (Pimelodidae, Siluriformes) is a commercially valuable migratory catfish performing the largest migration in freshwaters: from the Amazonian headwaters in the Andean foothills (breeding area) to the Amazon estuary (nursery area). In spite of its importance to inform management and conservation efforts, the genetic variability of this species has only recently begun to be studied. The aim of the present work was to determine the population genetic structure of B. rousseauxii in two regions: the Upper Madera Basin (five locations in the Bolivian Amazon) and the Western Amazon Basin (one regional sample from the Uyucalí-Napo-Marañon-Amazon basin, Peru). Length polymorphism at nine microsatellite loci (284 individuals) was used to determine genetic variability and to identify the most probable panmictic units (using a Bayesian approach), after a significant departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed in the overall dataset (Western Amazon + Upper Madera). Bayesian analyses revealed at least three clusters in admixture in the five locations sampled in the Bolivian Amazon, whereas only two of these clusters were observed in the Western Amazon. Considering the migratory behaviour of B. rousseauxii, different life history strategies, including homing, are proposed to explain the cluster distribution. Our results are discussed in the light of the numerous threats to the species survival in the Madera basin, in particular dam and reservoir construction.

  13. Interplay between electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roesch, O.; Gunnarsson, O.; Han, J.E.; Crespi, V.H.


    We discuss the interplay between electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions for alkali-doped fullerides and high temperature superconductors. Due to the similarity of the electron and phonon energy scales, retardation effects are small for fullerides. This raises questions about the origin of superconductivity, since retardation effects are believed to be crucial for reducing effects of the Coulomb repulsion in conventional superconductors. We demonstrate that by treating the electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions on an equal footing, superconductivity can be understood in terms of a local pairing. The Jahn-Teller character of the important phonons in fullerides plays a crucial role for this result. To describe effects of phonons in cuprates, we derive a t-J model with phonons from the three-band model. Using exact diagonalization for small clusters, we find that the anomalous softening of the half-breathing phonon as well as its doping dependence can be explained. By comparing the solution of the t-J model with the Hartree-Fock approximation for the three-band model, we address results obtained in the local-density approximation for cuprates. We find that genuine many-body results, due to the interplay between the electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, play an important role for the the results in the t-J model. (copyright 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  14. Electronic emission and electron guns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roy, Amitava


    This paper reviews the process of electron emission from metal surface. Although electrons move freely in conductors like metals, they normally do not leave the metal without some manipulation. In fact, heating and bombardment are the two primary ways in which electrons are emitted through the use of a heating element behind the cathode (termed thermionic emission) or as a result of bombardment with a beam of electrons, ions, or metastable atoms (termed secondary emission). Another important emission mechanism called Explosive Electron Emission (EEE) is also often used in various High Voltage Pulse Power Systems to generate very high current (few hundreds of kA) pulsed electron beams. The electron gun is the device in that it shoots off a continuous (or pulsed) stream of electrons. A brief idea about the evolution of the electron gun components and their basis of functioning are also discussed. (author)

  15. Born-Oppenheimer Dynamics, Electronic Friction, and the Inclusion of Electron-Electron Interactions (United States)

    Dou, Wenjie; Miao, Gaohan; Subotnik, Joseph E.


    We present a universal expression for the electronic friction as felt by a set of classical nuclear degrees of freedom (DOFs) coupled to a manifold of quantum electronic DOFs; no assumptions are made regarding the nature of the electronic Hamiltonian and electron-electron repulsions are allowed. Our derivation is based on a quantum-classical Liouville equation for the coupled electronic-nuclear motion, followed by an adiabatic approximation whereby electronic transitions are assumed to equilibrate faster than nuclear movement. The resulting form of friction is completely general, but does reduce to previously published expressions for the quadratic Hamiltonian (i.e., Hamiltonians without electronic correlation). At equilibrium, the second fluctuation-dissipation theorem is satisfied and the frictional matrix is symmetric. To demonstrate the importance of electron-electron correlation, we study electronic friction within the Anderson-Holstein model, where a proper treatment of electron-electron interactions shows signatures of a Kondo resonance and a mean-field treatment is completely inadequate.


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    Pablo Lacoste


    Full Text Available El presente artículo examina las instalaciones y el equipamiento de los establecimientos vitivinícolas del Reino de Chile en el siglo XVIII. El tema es relevante porque en ese momento, Chile era el principal polo vitivinícola de América y ejercía un liderazgo en la región. Se estudian las distintas formas de lagares, tanto los de cuero como los de adobe, cal y ladrillo; también se indaga en la evolución de la vasija vinaria, de la greda la madera. Los hornos botijeros ocuparon un lugar importante por su aporte a la fabricación de tinajas y botijas. Estos recipientes fueron como un icono característico de la viticultura del sur de América (en México la vasija no era de greda sino de madera, aún al comienzo de la industria vitivinícola. Posteriormente, a partir de la mitad de la centuria, comenzó la incorporación de vasija de madera (pipas y barriles en Chile. Durante cincuenta años éstas convivieron con los recipientes de greda, hasta comenzar a sustituirlos progresivamente en el siglo XIX. Este equipamiento hizo posible el desarrollo de una de las principales industrias que hubo en América española durante la época colonial y que, actualmente, sigue siendo la principal industria de Chile.

  17. 76 FR 41753 - Sierra National Forest, Bass Lake Ranger District, California, Grey's Mountain Ecosystem... (United States)


    ..., California, Grey's Mountain Ecosystem Restoration Project AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice of...: Background Information: The Grey's Mountain Ecosystem Restoration Project (Madera County, California) lies... vegetation. Currently, vegetation within the Grey's Mountain Ecosystem Restoration Project has changed from...

  18. Effective electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in the Hubbard-Holstein model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aprea, G.; Di Castro, C.; Grilli, M. . E-mail; Lorenzana, J.


    We investigate the interplay between the electron-electron and the electron-phonon interaction in the Hubbard-Holstein model. We implement the flow-equation method to investigate within this model the effect of correlation on the electron-phonon effective coupling and, conversely, the effect of phonons in the effective electron-electron interaction. Using this technique we obtain analytical momentum-dependent expressions for the effective couplings and we study their behavior for different physical regimes. In agreement with other works on this subject, we find that the electron-electron attraction mediated by phonons in the presence of Hubbard repulsion is peaked at low transferred momenta. The role of the characteristic energies involved is also analyzed

  19. 7 CFR 1412.47 - Planting flexibility. (United States)


    ..., Imperial, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, Riverside, Sacramento, San Benito, San Joaquin, Santa Clara..., Henrico, Henry, Highland, Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster..., persimmon, persian melon, pimentos, pineapple, pistachios, plantain, plumcots, plums, pomegranates, potatoes...

  20. Presa celular

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available La factoría de la American Viscose Corporation de Parkersburg, situada en Parkersburg, West Virginia (EE. UU., venía disfrutando del agua embalsada por una presa rudimentaria cuya estructura estaba constituida por un entramado de madera.

  1. Electron-electron coincidence spectroscopies at surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stefani, G.; Iacobucci, S.; Ruocco, A.; Gotter, R.


    In the past 20 years, a steadily increasing number of electron-electron coincidence experiments on atoms and molecules have contributed to a deeper understanding of electron-electron correlation effects. In more recent years this technique has been extended to the study of solid surfaces. This class of one photon IN two electrons OUT experiments will be discussed with an emphasis on grazing incidence geometry, that is expected to be particularly suited for studying surfaces. The crucial question of which is the dominant mechanism that leads to ejection of pairs of electron from the surface will be addressed. It will be shown that, depending on the kinematics chosen, the correlated behaviour of the pairs of electrons detected might be singled out from independent particle one

  2. Electron distribution function in electron-beam-excited plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brau, C.A.


    In monatomic plasmas excited by high-intensity relativistic electron beams, the electron secondary distribution function is dominated by elastic electron-electron collisions at low electron energies and by inelastic electron-atom collisions at high electron energies (above the excitation threshold). Under these conditions, the total rate of excitation by inelastic collisions is limited by the rate at which electron-electron collisions relax the distribution function in the neighborhood of the excitation threshold. To describe this effect quantitatively, an approximate analytic solution of the electron Boltzmann equation is obtained, including both electron-electron and inelastic collisions. The result provides a simple formula for the total rate of excitation

  3. Hard electronics; Hard electronics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Hard material technologies were surveyed to establish the hard electronic technology which offers superior characteristics under hard operational or environmental conditions as compared with conventional Si devices. The following technologies were separately surveyed: (1) The device and integration technologies of wide gap hard semiconductors such as SiC, diamond and nitride, (2) The technology of hard semiconductor devices for vacuum micro- electronics technology, and (3) The technology of hard new material devices for oxides. The formation technology of oxide thin films made remarkable progress after discovery of oxide superconductor materials, resulting in development of an atomic layer growth method and mist deposition method. This leading research is expected to solve such issues difficult to be easily realized by current Si technology as high-power, high-frequency and low-loss devices in power electronics, high temperature-proof and radiation-proof devices in ultimate electronics, and high-speed and dense- integrated devices in information electronics. 432 refs., 136 figs., 15 tabs.

  4. Mechanical characterization of sawn timber for structural use, graded visually in accordance with Spanish standard UNE 56544

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    Fernández-Golfín, J. I.


    Full Text Available The employment of timber in structures in Spain was hurting of the nonexistence of accepted calculation procedures. The recent adoption and publication of the Eurocode 5 compels to the employment of the characteristic values of the material in the structural calculation by the method of the finite elements. This report sets forth the results of the experiments carried out at INIA's Forest Research Centre (CIFOR-INIA regarding the mechanical characterization of sawn timber of size 150x50x3.000 mm and the structural uses of "Pinus sylvestris, P. radiata and P. pinaster" from different Spanish provenances. The characteristic values and strength classes corresponding with the grades stated in the Spanish standard UNE 56544 are also provided. The report compares and analyses the results of these experiments, and presents the conclusions drawn from the different behaviour shown by the four species. An analysis of the Spanish standard for the visual grading of structural timber is carried out on the three species.

    El empleo de la madera en la construcción en España adolecía de la inexistencia de procedimientos de cálculo normalizados. La reciente adopción y publicación del Eurocódigo 5 obliga al empleo de los valores característicos del material en el cálculo estructural de la madera por el método de los elementos finitos. Se presentan los resultados de la caracterización mecánica de la madera aserrada de tamaño (150x50x3.000 mm y usos estructurales de "Pinus sylvestris, P. radiata y P. pinaster" de diferentes procedencias, llevada a cabo en el Centro de Investigación Forestal (CIFOR del INIA. Se aportan los valores característicos y clases de resistencia que corresponden a las clases de calidad definidas en la norma UNE 56544. Se efectúa una comparación y análisis de los resultados obtenidos, extrayendo conclusiones respecto del diferente comportamiento observado para las cuatro especies. Se analiza la adecuación de la

  5. Microestructura y propiedades mecánicas del SiC biomórfico obtenido a partir de eucalipto

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    Presas, M.


    Full Text Available The development of cellular ceramics with a biological structure, like bones and wood, has been a matter of interest in recent years. A low density highly interconnected structure, perfected by evolution, rises as the principal advantage of these materials. In the case of biomimetic SiC (biomorphic SiC, or bioSiC, the fabrication process technique is quite simple: a piece of wood is pyrolysed and is infiltrated with molten silicon after, the final product is a composite Si/SiC, which replicates the wood anisotropic microstructure This work focus on the mechanical properties of bioSiC fabricated using eucalyptus wood as precursor (hard wood with a bimodal channel distribution. It has been studied the mechanical behavior of this bioSiC (compression strength, flexure strength, fracture toughness and elastic modulus between 25 and 1350 oC. It is also discussed the relationship between mechanical behavior of the material and its microstructure.

    El desarrollo de materiales cerámicos con una estructura de tipo celular, similar a la del hueso o la madera, ha sido una cuestión que ha suscitado un gran interés en los últimos años. Su atractivo se debe al hecho de poseer una estructura porosa altamente interconectada de baja densidad, perfeccionada por la evolución. En el caso del SiC biomórfico (bio-SiC el proceso de fabricación es sencillo: se piroliza una pieza de madera y a continuación se inyecta con silicio líquido, el material así obtenido es un compuesto Si/SiC en el que el SiC mimetiza la estructura de la madera original. En este trabajo se estudian las propiedades mecánicas del SiC biomórfico fabricado a partir de eucalipto (madera dura con una distribución bimodal de poros. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento mecánico del mismo (resistencia a compresión, resistencia a flexión, tenacidad de fractura y módulo de elasticidad entre 25 y 1350 oC. Asimismo, se discute la relación entre el comportamiento mecánico del material y

  6. 75 FR 5803 - Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the New Merced Wild and Scenic River... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR National Park Service Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the New Merced Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management Plan Yosemite National Park, Mariposa and Madera Counties, CA ACTION: Notice of second extension of public scoping period. SUMMARY...

  7. Retención de carbono en rodales para la producción de madera en Pinus caribaea Morelet var. caribaea B. & G., en la región de Tope de Collantes, Guamuhaya, Provincia Sancti Spiritus. Carbon retention in forest stands in Pinus caribaea Morelet var. caribaea B. & G. for wood production in the region of Tope de Collantes, Guamuhaya, Sancti Spiritus Province.

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    Alicia MERCADET


    Full Text Available En Cuba no existen antecedentes sobre cómo abordar de forma integrada la producción de madera para aserrío y la retención de carbono. Se establecieron 30 parcelas temporales de 500 m 2 en plantaciones de Pinus caribaea Morelet var. caribaea Barret y Golfari en la región de Tope de Collantes, ubicada en el macizo montañoso de Guamuhaya, provincia Sancti Spiritus, Cuba; en ellas se midieron el diámetro normal (d 1,30 , la altura total y el grosor de corteza por árbol (GCa, calculando el volumen total con corteza por árbol (VTcca, el rendimiento por hectárea (R y la retención de carbono (C. Se analizaron las tendencias de variación de estas variables con el espaciamiento manteniendo fijos los efectos sitio y edad primero y confundiendo el efecto sitio dentro del efecto espaciamiento después. En todos los casos el d 1,30 y el VTcca presentaron tendencias ascendentes con el aumento del espaciamiento, en tanto que el GCa, el R y el C presentaron tendencias descendentes, sugiriendo que para combinar la producción de madera para aserrío con la retención de carbono, resulta conveniente identificar un espaciamiento de compromiso entre ambas variables, que para esta especie y en estas condiciones resultó ser de 990 árboles*ha -1 , equivalente a 3,2 m x 3,2 m. In Cuba there are no precedents about how to manage wood plantations for sawmill, together with carbon retention. There were used 30 temporal plots (500 m 2 each in plantations of Pinus caribaea M. var. caribaea B. & G. in Tope de Collantes, region of Cuban south-centre mountains in Sancti Spiritus province. In each plot were measured normal diameter (d 1,30 , total height and bark thickness by tree, and then it was calculated total volume with bark per tree, yield per hectare and carbon retention in order to analyse variation tendencies of those variables with spacing, using first as fixed effects site and age and then, confounding site effect within spacing. In all cases normal

  8. Calle Blanco

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    Gonzalo Cerda Brintrup


    Full Text Available Importante arteria, que comunica el sector del puerto con la plaza. Las más imponentes construcciones se sucedían de un modo continuo, encaramándose a ambos lados de la empinada calle. Antes del gran incendio de 1936 grandes casonas de madera destacaban en calle Irarrázabal y en la esquina de ésta con calle Blanco, la más hermosa construcción pertenecía a don Alberto Oyarzún y la casa vecina hacia Blanco era de don Mateo Miserda, limitada por arriba con la casa de don Augusto Van Der Steldt y ésta era seguida de la casa de don David Barrientos provista de cuatro cúpulas en las esquinas y de un amplio corredor en el frontis. Todas estas construcciones de madera fueron destruidas en el gran incendio de 1936.

  9. El tablero de bambú prensado, una nueva propuesta tecnológica The bamboo mat board, a new technological proposal

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    Lena Mora Rodriguez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un estudio que propone el uso de bambú como una nueva tecnología de madera laminada. La tecnología usa tejidos de bambú dispuestos de manera ortogonal formando tableros que pueden reemplazar a la madera tradicional en ciertos elementos estructurales. Tableros de bambú prensados, hechos con Bambusa Vulgaris Schrab y diferentes presiones y temperaturas durante la fabricación, son caracterizados en el laboratorio mediante ensayos mecánicos.This paper presents a study that proposes the use of bamboo as a new laminated wood technology. The technology uses pressed fabrics of bamboo placed in orthogonal directions to build mat boards that can replace wood in certain structural elements. Bamboo mat boards, made with Bambusa Vulgaris Schrab using different temperatures and pressure during fabrication, are characterized in the lab by means of mechanical testing.

  10. Electron radiography (United States)

    Merrill, Frank E.; Morris, Christopher


    A system capable of performing radiography using a beam of electrons. Diffuser means receive a beam of electrons and diffuse the electrons before they enter first matching quadrupoles where the diffused electrons are focused prior to the diffused electrons entering an object. First imaging quadrupoles receive the focused diffused electrons after the focused diffused electrons have been scattered by the object for focusing the scattered electrons. Collimator means receive the scattered electrons and remove scattered electrons that have scattered to large angles. Second imaging quadrupoles receive the collimated scattered electrons and refocus the collimated scattered electrons and map the focused collimated scattered electrons to transverse locations on an image plane representative of the electrons' positions in the object.

  11. Electron transfer from electronic excited states to sub-vacuum electron traps in amorphous ice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vichnevetski, E.; Bass, A.D.; Sanche, L.


    We investigate the electron stimulated yield of electronically excited argon atoms (Ar * ) from monolayer quantities of Ar deposited onto thin films of amorphous ice. Two peaks of narrow width ( - electron-exciton complex into exciton states, by the transfer of an electron into a sub-vacuum electron state within the ice film. However, the 10.7 eV feature is shifted to lower energy since electron attachment to Ar occurs within small pores of amorphous ice. In this case, the excess electron is transferred into an electron trap below the conduction band of the ice layer

  12. Desarrollo y aplicaciones de las tecnologías de radiotrazadores y ESCANEO gamma

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    Mario Conejo


    Full Text Available Las tecnologías de radiotrazadores y de escaneo gamma representan herramientas muy consolidadas para el estudio, análisis y evaluación de los procesos industriales. En este trabajo se reportan los resultados del desarrollo de las tecnologías de escaneo gamma y radiotrazadores en algunas aplicaciones de laboratorio y en sistemas de mayor complejidad. La tecnología de radiotrazadores fue empleada para estudiar la difusión de boro durante el proceso de curado de la madera, evaluar una laguna de tratamiento de aguas negras con plantas de lirio acuático y realizar experimentos con variables controladas en un circuito hidráulico de laboratorio (flow-rig. La técnica de escaneo gamma se utilizó para analizar una torre prototipo de nuestros laboratorios. Los principales resultados obtenidos en los experimentos fueron los siguientes: 1 la absorción de boro como agente de curado de la madera, es muy variable según sea la sección de la madera expuesta a la solución de curado; 2 durante las pruebas con radiotrazador Yodo 131 las plantas de lirio acuático de la laguna de tratamiento absorben parte del radiotrazador, lo que dificulta la determinación de los tiempos de residencia; 3 la sensibilidad que se obtiene al emplear un sistema con fuente de Cesio-137 y detector es lo suficientemente alta como para permitir detectar la presencia de materiales de baja absorción de radiación, dentro de columnas con paredes de acero.

  13. Monte Carlo study of electron relaxation in graphene with spin polarized, degenerate electron gas in presence of electron-electron scattering (United States)

    Borowik, Piotr; Thobel, Jean-Luc; Adamowicz, Leszek


    The Monte Carlo simulation method is applied to study the relaxation of excited electrons in monolayer graphene. The presence of spin polarized background electrons population, with density corresponding to highly degenerate conditions is assumed. Formulas of electron-electron scattering rates, which properly account for electrons presence in two energetically degenerate, inequivalent valleys in this material are presented. The electron relaxation process can be divided into two phases: thermalization and cooling, which can be clearly distinguished when examining the standard deviation of electron energy distribution. The influence of the exchange effect in interactions between electrons with parallel spins is shown to be important only in transient conditions, especially during the thermalization phase.

  14. 78 FR 9727 - Endangered Species Recovery Permit Applications (United States)


    ..., California; take (capture, handle, mark, tag, collect tissue, and release) the giant garter snake (Thamnophis..., handle, and release) the San Francisco garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) in conjunction with... activities throughout the range of each species in Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Kings, Marin, Madera, Napa...

  15. 78 FR 16294 - Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Restoration of the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias... (United States)


    ... Environmental Impact Statement for Restoration of the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias, Yosemite National Park, Madera, and Mariposa Counties, CA AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior. ACTION: Notice of availability... the Mariposa Grove of giant sequoias in Yosemite National Park. This Draft EIS presents three...

  16. Electron attachment cross sections obtained from electron attachment spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Popp, P.; Baumbach, J.I.; Leonhardt, J.W.; Mothes, S.


    Electron capture detectors have a high sensitivity for substances with high thermal electron attachment cross sections. The electron attachment spectroscopy makes it possible to change the mean electron energy in such a way that the maximum for dissociative electron attachment is reached. Thus, best operation modes of the detection system as well as significant dependencies of electron attachment coefficients are available. Cross sections for electron attachment as a function of the electron energy are obtained with the knowledge of electron energy distribution functions from Boltzmann equation analysis by a special computer code. A disadvantage of this electron attachment spectroscopy is the superposition of space charge effects due to the decrease of the electron drift velocity with increasing mean electron energy. These influences are discussed. (author)

  17. Electron beam effects in auger electron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fontaine, J.M.; Duraud, J.P.; Le Gressus, C.


    Electron beam effects on Si(100) and 5% Fe/Cr alloy samples have been studied by measurements of the secondary electron yield delta, determination of the surface composition by Auger electron spectroscopy and imaging with scanning electron microscopy. Variations of delta as a function of the accelerating voltage Esub(p) (0.5 -9 Torr has no effect on technological samples covered with their reaction layers; the sensitivities to the beam depend rather on the earlier mechanical, thermal and chemical treatment of the surfaces. (author)

  18. The effect of electron-electron interaction induced dephasing on electronic transport in graphene nanoribbons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kahnoj, Sina Soleimani; Touski, Shoeib Babaee [School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 14395-515, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Pourfath, Mahdi, E-mail:, E-mail: [School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 14395-515, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, Gusshausstrasse 27–29/E360, 1040 Vienna (Austria)


    The effect of dephasing induced by electron-electron interaction on electronic transport in graphene nanoribbons is theoretically investigated. In the presence of disorder in graphene nanoribbons, wavefunction of electrons can set up standing waves along the channel and the conductance exponentially decreases with the ribbon's length. Employing the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism along with an accurate model for describing the dephasing induced by electron-electron interaction, we show that this kind of interaction prevents localization and transport of electrons remains in the diffusive regime where the conductance is inversely proportional to the ribbon's length.

  19. Electron Beam Generation in Tevatron Electron Lenses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamerdzhiev, V.; Kuznetsov, G.; Shiltsev, V.; Solyak, N.; Tiunov, M.


    New type of high perveance electron guns with convex cathode has been developed. Three guns described in this article are built to provide transverse electron current density distributions needed for Electron Lenses for beam-beam compensation in the Tevatron collider. The current distribution can be controlled either by the gun geometry or by voltage on a special control electrode located near cathode. We present the designs of the guns and report results of beam measurements on the test bench. Because of their high current density and low transverse temperature of electrons, electron guns of this type can be used in electron cooling and beam-beam compensation devices

  20. Electron beam generation in Tevatron electron lenses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamerdzhiev, V.; Kuznetsov, G.; Shiltsev, V.; Solyak, N.; Tiunov, M.


    New type of high perveance electron guns with convex cathode has been developed. Three guns described in this article are built to provide transverse electron current density distributions needed for Electron Lenses for beam-beam compensation in the Tevatron collider. The current distribution can be controlled either by the gun geometry or by voltage on a special control electrode located near cathode. We present the designs of the guns and report results of beam measurements on the test bench. Because of their high current density and low transverse temperature of electrons, electron guns of this type can be used in electron cooling and beam-beam compensation devices

  1. Electronic technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jin Su


    This book is composed of five chapters, which introduces electronic technology about understanding of electronic, electronic component, radio, electronic application, communication technology, semiconductor on its basic, free electron and hole, intrinsic semiconductor and semiconductor element, Diode such as PN junction diode, characteristic of junction diode, rectifier circuit and smoothing circuit, transistor on structure of transistor, characteristic of transistor and common emitter circuit, electronic application about electronic equipment, communication technology and education, robot technology and high electronic technology.

  2. 78 FR 5492 - Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Merced Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR National Park Service [NPS-PWR-PWRO-11522; PX.P0131800B.00.1] Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Merced Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management Plan, Yosemite National Park, Madera and Mariposa Counties, CA AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior. ACTION: Notice of...

  3. The Electron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomson, George


    Electrons are elementary particles of atoms that revolve around and outside the nucleus and have a negative charge. This booklet discusses how electrons relate to electricity, some applications of electrons, electrons as waves, electrons in atoms and solids, the electron microscope, among other things.

  4. Determination of the electron-electron collisional frequency by means of plasma electron spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolokolov, N.B.; Kudryavtsev, A.A.; Romanenko, V.A.


    Methods of controlling fast part of electron distribution function (DF) in nonlocal regime of current-free plasma are suggested and realized. Artificially created step in DF fast part has a simple link with frequencies of electron-electron and elastic electron-atom collisions that may be defined in the corresponding experiments

  5. Electron beam-plasma interaction and electron-acoustic solitary waves in a plasma with suprathermal electrons (United States)

    Danehkar, A.


    Suprathermal electrons and inertial drifting electrons, so called electron beam, are crucial to the nonlinear dynamics of electrostatic solitary waves observed in several astrophysical plasmas. In this paper, the propagation of electron-acoustic solitary waves (EAWs) is investigated in a collisionless, unmagnetized plasma consisting of cool inertial background electrons, hot suprathermal electrons (modeled by a κ-type distribution), and stationary ions. The plasma is penetrated by a cool electron beam component. A linear dispersion relation is derived to describe small-amplitude wave structures that shows a weak dependence of the phase speed on the electron beam velocity and density. A (Sagdeev-type) pseudopotential approach is employed to obtain the existence domain of large-amplitude solitary waves, and investigate how their nonlinear structures depend on the kinematic and physical properties of the electron beam and the suprathermality (described by κ) of the hot electrons. The results indicate that the electron beam can largely alter the EAWs, but can only produce negative polarity solitary waves in this model. While the electron beam co-propagates with the solitary waves, the soliton existence domain (Mach number range) becomes narrower (nearly down to nil) with increasing the beam speed and the beam-to-hot electron temperature ratio, and decreasing the beam-to-cool electron density ratio in high suprathermality (low κ). It is found that the electric potential amplitude largely declines with increasing the beam speed and the beam-to-cool electron density ratio for co-propagating solitary waves, but is slightly decreased by raising the beam-to-hot electron temperature ratio.

  6. La estructura de la pasarela de acceso al Centro Especial de Empleo Aspanias. Polígono G3 de Burgos, 1994.

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    Aliseda, Ana


    Full Text Available The paper describes the wooden structure of a pedestrian bridge of a mixed use building with (residential and working for disabled people. It has been analyzed from the process of design to the structure itself and questions about materials and treatments. The building was built 13 years ago, when the wooden construction was really reduced in Spain; something to keep in mind in the analysis of this work.El artículo describe la estructura de una pasarela de madera de acceso a un edificio de uso mixto residencial y laboral para discapacitados. Se recorren los aspectos de proyecto, del diseño de la estructura y otros más técnicos relativos al tipo de materiales y tratamientos. La obra se construyó hace unos 13 años, momento en el que en España la construcción con madera era mínima; algo que sin duda no puede perderse de vista al analizar esta obra.

  7. Influencia de la poda en el desarrollo de masas de Pinus radiata D. Don y Pinus pinaster Aiton en Asturias


    Hevia Cabal, Andrea


    Esta tesis evaluó la influencia de diferentes intensidades de poda sobre el crecimiento, desarrollo y persistencia de masas regulares jóvenes de Pinus radiata D. Don y Pinus pinaster Aiton en Asturias, dentro de una selvicultura sostenible enfocada a la producción de madera de calidad.

  8. El sistema constructivo


    Leser S., Heinz; Gómez Lerou, Luis; Salomone R., Vanessa


    Se describe el sistema constructivo de entramado en madera, “plataforma” (platform frame) utilizado preferentemente en las construcciones de varios pisos en el campamento minero de Sewell, Chile./The following is a description of the platform frame used in several stories buildings in the mining settlement Sewell, in Chile.

  9. Hypervelocity impact cratering calculations (United States)

    Maxwell, D. E.; Moises, H.


    A summary is presented of prediction calculations on the mechanisms involved in hypervelocity impact cratering and response of earth media. Considered are: (1) a one-gram lithium-magnesium alloys impacting basalt normally at 6.4 km/sec, and (2) a large terrestrial impact corresponding to that of Sierra Madera.

  10. Anatomía de anillos de crecimiento de 80 especies arbóreas potenciales para estudios dendrocronológicos en la Selva Central, Perú

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    Lizandro Adal Beltrán Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El conocimiento acerca de la existencia de anillos anuales en árboles tropicales, se conoce desde principios del siglo pasado, pero fue ignorado por muchos científicos durante largo tiempo. La investigación fue realizada en el Laboratorio de Tecnología de la Madera e Industrias Forestales de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, con la finalidad de caracterizar anatómicamente los anillos de crecimiento de 80 especies arbóreas potenciales para estudios dendrocronológicos; provenientes de las provincias de Satipo y Chanchamayo en la Selva Central del Perú. Para el estudio se consideraron las normas COPANT 30:1-019, Normas Técnicas Peruanas (NTP 251-008 y la Lista Estándar de la IAWA 1989. Entre los resultados más sobresalientes tenemos: el 30% de las ochenta especies estudiadas tienen buen potencial para estudios dendrocronológicos. La mayoría de estas especies, están delimitadas por una banda de fibras acortadas radialmente. Entre los problemas encontrados, se puede destacar la presencia de anillos con dificultad para ser visualizados, la presencia de anillos irregulares y la presencia de parénquima en bandas. Las características microscópicas, muestran que la variación significativa en dimensiones de fibras y vasos entre zonas de crecimiento (madera temprana y madera tardía, de las especies potenciales para dendrocronología, tienen una producción de células en forma periódica, lo que podría sugerir la formación anual de cada anillo.

  11. Electronic Government and Electronic Participation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tambouris, E; Scholl, H.J.; Janssen, M.F.W.H.A.; Wimmer, M.A.; Tarabanis, K; Gascó, M; Klievink, A.J.; Lindgren, I; Milano, M; Panagiotopoulos, P; Pardo, T.A.; Parycek, P; Sæbø, Ø


    Electronic government and electronic participation continue to transform the public sector and society worldwide and are constantly being transformed themselves by emerging information and communication technologies.This book presents papers from the 14th International Federation for Information

  12. Electronic Government and Electronic Participation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tambouris, E.; Scholl, H.J.; Janssen, M.F.W.H.A.; Wimmer, M.A.; Tarabanis, K.; Gascó, M.; Klievink, A.J.; Lindgren, I.; Milano, M.; Panagiotopoulos, P.; Pardo, T.A.; Parycek, P.; Sæbø, O.


    Electronic government and electronic participation continue to transform the public sector and society worldwide and are constantly being transformed themselves by emerging information and communication technologies. This book presents papers from the 14th International Federation for Information

  13. Electron detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashimoto, H.; Mogami, A.


    A device for measuring electron densities at a given energy level in an electron beam or the like having strong background noise, for example, in the detection of Auger electric energy spectrums is described. An electron analyzer passes electrons at the given energy level and at the same time electrons of at least one adjacent energy level. Detecting means associated therewith produce signals indicative of the densities of the electrons at each energy level and combine these signals to produce a signal indicative of the density of the electrons of the given energy level absent background noise

  14. Electron-electron interactions in artificial graphene (United States)

    Rasanen, Esa


    Recent advances in the creation and modulation of graphenelike systems are introducing a science of ``designer Dirac materials.'' In its original definition, artificial graphene is a man-made nanostructure that consists of identical potential wells (quantum dots) arranged in an adjustable honeycomb lattice in the two-dimensional electron gas. As our ability to control the quality of artificial graphene samples improves, so grows the need for an accurate theory of its electronic properties, including the effects of electron-electron interactions. Here we determine those effects on the band structure and on the emergence of Dirac points, and discuss future investigations and challenges in this field.

  15. Decal electronics for printed high performance cmos electronic systems

    KAUST Repository

    Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa


    High performance complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) electronics are critical for any full-fledged electronic system. However, state-of-the-art CMOS electronics are rigid and bulky making them unusable for flexible electronic applications. While there exist bulk material reduction methods to flex them, such thinned CMOS electronics are fragile and vulnerable to handling for high throughput manufacturing. Here, we show a fusion of a CMOS technology compatible fabrication process for flexible CMOS electronics, with inkjet and conductive cellulose based interconnects, followed by additive manufacturing (i.e. 3D printing based packaging) and finally roll-to-roll printing of packaged decal electronics (thin film transistors based circuit components and sensors) focusing on printed high performance flexible electronic systems. This work provides the most pragmatic route for packaged flexible electronic systems for wide ranging applications.

  16. Electron-beam-induced-current and active secondary-electron voltage-contrast with aberration-corrected electron probes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Myung-Geun, E-mail: [Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 (United States); Garlow, Joseph A. [Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 (United States); Materials Science and Engineering Department, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794 (United States); Marshall, Matthew S.J.; Tiano, Amanda L. [Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11974 (United States); Wong, Stanislaus S. [Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 (United States); Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11974 (United States); Cheong, Sang-Wook [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers Center for Emergent Materials, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (United States); Walker, Frederick J.; Ahn, Charles H. [Department of Applied Physics and Center for Research on Interface Structures and Phenomena, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 (United States); Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 (United States); Zhu, Yimei [Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 (United States)


    Highlights: • Electron-beam-induced-current (EBIC) and active secondary-electron voltage-contrast (SE-VC) are demonstrated in STEM mode combined with in situ electrical biasing in a TEM. • Electrostatic potential maps in ferroelectric thin films, multiferroic nanowires, and single crystals obtained by off-axis electron holography were compared with EBIC and SE-VC data. • Simultaneous EBIC and active SE-VC performed with atomic resolution STEM are demonstrated. - Abstract: The ability to map out electrostatic potentials in materials is critical for the development and the design of nanoscale electronic and spintronic devices in modern industry. Electron holography has been an important tool for revealing electric and magnetic field distributions in microelectronics and magnetic-based memory devices, however, its utility is hindered by several practical constraints, such as charging artifacts and limitations in sensitivity and in field of view. In this article, we report electron-beam-induced-current (EBIC) and secondary-electron voltage-contrast (SE-VC) with an aberration-corrected electron probe in a transmission electron microscope (TEM), as complementary techniques to electron holography, to measure electric fields and surface potentials, respectively. These two techniques were applied to ferroelectric thin films, multiferroic nanowires, and single crystals. Electrostatic potential maps obtained by off-axis electron holography were compared with EBIC and SE-VC to show that these techniques can be used as a complementary approach to validate quantitative results obtained from electron holography analysis.

  17. Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    R. Narasimhan (Krishtel eMaging) 1461 1996 Oct 15 13:05:22

    This special issue is motivated by the recent upsurge of research activity in the areas of electronic commerce and electronic business both in India and all over the world. The current ... Monte Carlo methods for pricing financial options are then.

  18. Electron optical characteristics of a concave electrostatic electron mirror for a scanning electron microscope

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamarat, R.T.; Witzani, J.; Hoerl, E.M.


    Numerical computer calculations are used to explore the design characteristics of a concave electrostatic electron mirror for a mirror attachment for a conventional scanning electron microscope or an instrument designed totally as a scanning electron mirror microscope. The electron paths of a number of set-ups are calculated and drawn graphically in order to find the optimum shape and dimensions of the mirror geometry. This optimum configuration turns out to be the transition configuration between two cases of electron path deflection, towards the optical axis of the system and away from it. (Author)

  19. Estructura y riqueza de plantas arborescentes en Un Bosque de Niebla de la Cordillera Central (Tolima, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Manuel Campo Kurmen


    de maderas sobre la riqueza, la estructura y la composición, son la disminución de la densidad y la riqueza de lianas, mayor riqueza de Sabiaceae y Euphorbiaceae y mayor densidad de especies secundarias como Hedyosmum goudotianum Slms-Laubach var. goudatianum, Miconia resima Naud. y Palicourea calophlebia Standl.

  20. Electronic processes in organic electronics bridging nanostructure, electronic states and device properties

    CERN Document Server

    Kudo, Kazuhiro; Nakayama, Takashi; Ueno, Nobuo


    The book covers a variety of studies of organic semiconductors, from fundamental electronic states to device applications, including theoretical studies. Furthermore, innovative experimental techniques, e.g., ultrahigh sensitivity photoelectron spectroscopy, photoelectron yield spectroscopy, spin-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and a material processing method with optical-vortex and polarization-vortex lasers, are introduced. As this book is intended to serve as a textbook for a graduate level course or as reference material for researchers in organic electronics and nanoscience from electronic states, fundamental science that is necessary to understand the research is described. It does not duplicate the books already written on organic electronics, but focuses mainly on electronic properties that arise from the nature of organic semiconductors (molecular solids). The new experimental methods introduced in this book are applicable to various materials (e.g., metals, inorganic and organic mater...

  1. Decal electronics for printed high performance cmos electronic systems

    KAUST Repository

    Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa; Sevilla, Galo Torres; Cordero, Marlon Diaz; Kutbee, Arwa T.


    High performance complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) electronics are critical for any full-fledged electronic system. However, state-of-the-art CMOS electronics are rigid and bulky making them unusable for flexible electronic applications

  2. Precession mechanism of spin relaxation at frequent electron-electron collisions

    CERN Document Server

    Glazov, M M


    It is shown that the spin relaxation mechanism in the two-dimensional electron gas, is controlled not only through the electron pulse relaxation processes, determining the mobility, but through the electron-electron collisions as well. It is decided to use the kinetic equation, describing the electron spin mixing in the k-space, for determining the spin relaxation time tau sub s at frequent electron-electron collisions. The tau sub s time is calculated for the nondegenerated electron gas both with an account and with no account of the exchange interaction

  3. Practical electronics handbook

    CERN Document Server

    Sinclair, Ian R


    Practical Electronics Handbook, Third Edition provides the frequently used and highly applicable principles of electronics and electronic circuits.The book contains relevant information in electronics. The topics discussed in the text include passive and active discrete components; linear and digital I.C.s; microprocessors and microprocessor systems; digital-analogue conversions; computer aids in electronics design; and electronic hardware components.Electronic circuit constructors, service engineers, electronic design engineers, and anyone with an interest in electronics will find the book ve

  4. Composition quantification of electron-transparent samples by backscattered electron imaging in scanning electron microscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Müller, E., E-mail:; Gerthsen, D.


    The contrast of backscattered electron (BSE) images in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) depends on material parameters which can be exploited for composition quantification if some information on the material system is available. As an example, the In-concentration in thin In{sub x}Ga{sub 1−x}As layers embedded in a GaAs matrix is analyzed in this work. The spatial resolution of the technique is improved by using thin electron-transparent specimens instead of bulk samples. Although the BSEs are detected in a comparably small angular range by an annular semiconductor detector, the image intensity can be evaluated to determine the composition and local thickness of the specimen. The measured intensities are calibrated within one single image to eliminate the influence of the detection and amplification system. Quantification is performed by comparison of experimental and calculated data. Instead of using time-consuming Monte-Carlo simulations, an analytical model is applied for BSE-intensity calculations which considers single electron scattering and electron diffusion. - Highlights: • Sample thickness and composition are quantified by backscattered electron imaging. • A thin sample is used to achieve spatial resolution of few nanometers. • Calculations are carried out with a time-saving electron diffusion model. • Small differences in atomic number and density detected at low electron energies.

  5. El sistema constructivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leser S., Heinz


    Full Text Available Se describe el sistema constructivo de entramado en madera, “plataforma” (platform frame utilizado preferentemente en las construcciones de varios pisos en el campamento minero de Sewell, Chile./The following is a description of the platform frame used in several stories buildings in the mining settlement Sewell, in Chile.

  6. Timber resource statistics for the San Joaquin and southern resource areas of California. (United States)

    Karen L. Waddell; Patricia M. Bassett


    This report is a summary of timber resource statistics for the San Joaquin and Southern Resource Areas of California, which include Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Fresno, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare, and Tuolumne Counties. Data were collected as part...

  7. Nonlinear electron-acoustic rogue waves in electron-beam plasma system with non-thermal hot electrons (United States)

    Elwakil, S. A.; El-hanbaly, A. M.; Elgarayh, A.; El-Shewy, E. K.; Kassem, A. I.


    The properties of nonlinear electron-acoustic rogue waves have been investigated in an unmagnetized collisionless four-component plasma system consisting of a cold electron fluid, non-thermal hot electrons obeying a non-thermal distribution, an electron beam and stationary ions. It is found that the basic set of fluid equations is reduced to a nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The dependence of rogue wave profiles on the electron beam and energetic population parameter are discussed. The results of the present investigation may be applicable in auroral zone plasma.

  8. Electron-cyclotron-resonant-heated electron distribution functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuda, Y.; Nevins, W.M.; Cohen, R.H.


    Recent studies at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) with a bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck code indicate that the energetic electron tail formed by electron-cyclotron resonant heating (ECRH) at the second harmonic is not Maxwellian. We present the results of our bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck code along with some simple analytic models of hot-electron distribution functions

  9. Attainment of Electron Beam Suitable for Medium Energy Electron Cooling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seletskiy, Sergey M.; Rochester U.


    Electron cooling of charged particle beams is a well-established technique at electron energies of up to 300 keV. However, up to the present time the advance of electron cooling to the MeV-range energies has remained a purely theoretical possibility. The electron cooling project at Fermilab has recently demonstrated the first cooling of 8.9 GeV/c antiprotons in the Recycler ring, and therefore, has proved the validity of the idea of relativistic electron cooling. The Recycler Electron Cooler (REC) is the key component of the Tevatron Run II luminosity upgrade project. Its performance depends critically on the quality of electron beam. A stable electron beam of 4.3 MeV carrying 0.5 A of DC current is required. The beam suitable for the Recycler Electron Cooler must have an angular spread not exceeding 200 (micro)rad. The full-scale prototype of the REC was designed, built and tested at Fermilab in the Wideband laboratory to study the feasibility of attaining the high-quality electron beam. In this thesis I describe various aspects of development of the Fermilab electron cooling system, and the techniques used to obtain the electron beam suitable for the cooling process. In particular I emphasize those aspects of the work for which I was principally responsible. Chapter 1 is an introduction where I describe briefly the theory and the history of electron cooling, and derive the requirements to the quality of electron beam and requirements to the basic parameters of the Recycler Electron Cooler. Chapter 2 is devoted to the theoretical consideration of the motion of electrons in the cooling section, description of the cooling section and of the measurement of the magnetic fields. In Chapter 3 I consider different factors that increase the effective electron angle in the cooling section and suggest certain algorithms for the suppression of parasitic angles. Chapter 4 is devoted to the measurements of the energy of the electron beam. In the concluding Chapter 5 I review

  10. Double differential distributions of electron emission in ion-atom and electron-atom collisions using an electron spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Misra, Deepankar; Thulasiram, K.V.; Fernandes, W.; Kelkar, Aditya H.; Kadhane, U.; Kumar, Ajay; Singh, Yeshpal; Gulyas, L.; Tribedi, Lokesh C.


    We study electron emission from atoms and molecules in collisions with fast electrons and heavy ions (C 6+ ). The soft collision electrons (SE), two center electron emission (TCEE), the binary encounter (BE) events and the KLL Auger lines along with the elastically scattered peaks (in electron collisions) are studied using a hemispherical electrostatic electron analyzer. The details of the measurements along with description of the spectrometer and data acquisition system are given. The angular distributions of the low energy (few eV) electrons in soft collisions and the binary encounter electrons at keV energies are compared with quantum mechanical models based on the first Born (B1) and the continuum distorted wave-Eikonal initial state approximation (CDW-EIS).


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Lazarevich


    Full Text Available The article is present new idea of the creation, developments and improvements of the electronic equipment of complex systems by means of the virtual electronic components. The idea of the virtual electronic components is a presentation and perception of the creation and developments of the equipment on two forming: real – in the manner of standard marketed block of the intellectual property and image – in the manner of virtual component. The real component in most cases slows the development of the electronic equipment. The imaginary component is the «locomotive» of development of the electronic equipment. The Imaginary component contains the scientific has brushed against developer. The scientific has brushed against developer reveals of itself in the manner of virtual component on the modern level of the design rates of microelectronics.

  12. A new stage of nuclear electronics-particle electronics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xi Deming


    The rapid development of high energy physics experiments has pushed the nuclear electronics to a new stage, i.e. the particle electronics. In this paper the background, main features and recent trends of the particle electronics are expounded

  13. Electron transport effects in ion induced electron emission

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dubus, A. [Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Metrologie Nucleaire (CP 165/84), 50 av. FD Roosevelt, B-1050 Brussels (Belgium)]. E-mail:; Pauly, N. [Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Metrologie Nucleaire (CP 165/84), 50 av. FD Roosevelt, B-1050 Brussels (Belgium); Roesler, M. [Karl-Pokern-Str. 12, D-12587 Berlin (Germany)


    Ion induced electron emission (IIEE) is usually described as a three-step process, i.e. electron excitation by the incident projectile, electron transport (and multiplication) and electron escape through the potential barrier at the surface. In many cases, the first step of the process has been carefully described. The second step of the process, i.e. electron transport and multiplication, has often been treated in a very rough way, a simple decreasing exponential law being sometimes used. It is precisely the aim of the present work to show the importance of a correct description of electron transport and multiplication in a theoretical calculation of IIEE. A short overview of the electron transport models developed for IIEE is given in this work. The so-called 'Infinite medium slowing-down model' often used in recent works is evaluated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, the importance of considering correctly the semi-infinite character of the medium and the boundary condition at the vacuum-medium interface is discussed. Quantities like the electron escape depth are also briefly discussed. This evaluation has been performed in the particular case of protons (25keV

  14. Studying electron-PAG interactions using electron-induced fluorescence (United States)

    Narasimhan, Amrit; Grzeskowiak, Steven; Ostrander, Jonathan; Schad, Jonathon; Rebeyev, Eliran; Neisser, Mark; Ocola, Leonidas E.; Denbeaux, Gregory; Brainard, Robert L.


    In extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, 92 eV photons are used to expose photoresists. Typical EUV resists are organic-based and chemically amplified using photoacid generators (PAGs). Upon exposure, PAGs produce acids which catalyze reactions that result in changes in solubility. In EUV lithography, photo- and secondary electrons (energies of 10- 80 eV) play a large role in PAG acid-production. Several mechanisms for electron-PAG interactions (e.g. electron trapping, and hole-initiated chemistry) have been proposed. The aim of this study is to explore another mechanism - internal excitation - in which a bound PAG electron can be excited by receiving energy from another energetic electron, causing a reaction that produces acid. This paper explores the mechanism of internal excitation through the analogous process of electron-induced fluorescence, in which an electron loses energy by transferring that energy to a molecule and that molecule emits a photon rather than decomposing. We will show and quantify electron-induced fluorescence of several fluorophores in polymer films to mimic resist materials, and use this information to refine our proposed mechanism. Relationships between the molecular structure of fluorophores and fluorescent quantum yield may aid in the development of novel PAGs for EUV lithography.

  15. Electron-electron Thomas peak in fast transfer ionization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tolmanov, S. G.; McGuire, J. H.


    ''Thomas process'' is a name used for a family of singular two-step processes that can lead to electron transfer. The Thomas process of the ''second kind,'' occurring in reactions with both transfer and ionization, utilizes the e-e scattering in the second step, so this Thomas process requires the dynamics of the electron-electron interaction. We calculate numerically the second order element of an S matrix and corresponding cross sections for the transfer ionization process. We find that the position and shape of the Thomas peak depend on both electron-electron and the electron-nucleus interaction. Also the direct and exchange amplitudes are equal at the peak position. We test the peaking approximation used for transfer ionization. Our results can be compared to experimental results for p + +He→H+He 2+ +e - . (c) 2000 The American Physical Society

  16. Electron Tree

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Appelt, Ane L; Rønde, Heidi S


    The photo shows a close-up of a Lichtenberg figure – popularly called an “electron tree” – produced in a cylinder of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Electron trees are created by irradiating a suitable insulating material, in this case PMMA, with an intense high energy electron beam. Upon discharge......, during dielectric breakdown in the material, the electrons generate branching chains of fractures on leaving the PMMA, producing the tree pattern seen. To be able to create electron trees with a clinical linear accelerator, one needs to access the primary electron beam used for photon treatments. We...... appropriated a linac that was being decommissioned in our department and dismantled the head to circumvent the target and ion chambers. This is one of 24 electron trees produced before we had to stop the fun and allow the rest of the accelerator to be disassembled....

  17. Electronic Raman response in electron-doped cuprate superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geng Zhihao; Feng Shiping


    The electronic Raman response in the electron-doped cuprate superconductors is studied based on the t-t'-J model. It is shown that although the domelike shape of the doping dependent peak energy in the B 2g symmetry is a common feature for both electron-doped and hole-doped cuprate superconductors, there are pronounced deviations from a cubic response in the B 2g channel and a linear response in the B 2g channel for the electron-doped case in the low energy limit. It is also shown that these pronounced deviations are mainly caused by a nonmonotonic d-wave gap in the electron-doped cuprate superconductors.

  18. Spectroscopy of electron irradiated polymers in electron microscope

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faraj, S.H.; Salih, S.M.


    The damage induced by energetic electrons in the course of irradiation of polymers in a transmission electron microscope was investigated spectroscopically. Damage on the molecular level has been detected at very low exposure doses. These effects have been induced by electron doses less than that received by the specimen when it is situated at its usual place of the specimen stage in the electron microscope by a factor of 1,000. (author)

  19. Electron spectroscopy in the fundamental process of electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hillenbrand, Pierre-Michel


    Within the scope of this thesis the fundamental process of electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung was studied in inverse kinematics at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR at GSI. For the system U 88+ + N 2 at 90 MeV/u it was shown, that by using inverse kinematics coincidence measurements between the scattered electron and the emitted photon can be performed for the case, in which the incoming electron transfers almost all of its kinetic energy onto the emitted photon. The sensitivity to the fundamental process could be achieved by measuring triple differential cross sections as a function of the emission angle of the photon and the scattered electron as well as the energy of the scattered electron. The optics of the magnetic electron spectrometer used were thoroughly revised and optimized to the experimental requirements. Analyzing different coincidences in this collision system, it was possible to determine the contributions to the electron distribution arising from radiative electron capture to the projectile continuum, nonradiative electron capture to the projectile continuum, and electron loss to the projectile continuum. The experimental results of each of these processes were compared to theoretical calculations. The electron spectra for the radiative and the nonradiative electron capture to continuum clearly reproduce the opposite asymmetry predicted by theory. Furthermore electron spectra for collisions of U 28+ with different gases were measured.

  20. `Twisted' electrons (United States)

    Larocque, Hugo; Kaminer, Ido; Grillo, Vincenzo; Leuchs, Gerd; Padgett, Miles J.; Boyd, Robert W.; Segev, Mordechai; Karimi, Ebrahim


    Electrons have played a significant role in the development of many fields of physics during the last century. The interest surrounding them mostly involved their wave-like features prescribed by the quantum theory. In particular, these features correctly predict the behaviour of electrons in various physical systems including atoms, molecules, solid-state materials, and even in free space. Ten years ago, new breakthroughs were made, arising from the new ability to bestow orbital angular momentum (OAM) to the wave function of electrons. This quantity, in conjunction with the electron's charge, results in an additional magnetic property. Owing to these features, OAM-carrying, or twisted, electrons can effectively interact with magnetic fields in unprecedented ways and have motivated materials scientists to find new methods for generating twisted electrons and measuring their OAM content. Here, we provide an overview of such techniques along with an introduction to the exciting dynamics of twisted electrons.

  1. The electron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hestenes, David; Weingartshofer, Antonio


    The stupendous successes of the Dirac equation and quantum electro-dynamics have established the electron as the best understood of the fundamental constituents of matter. Nevertheless, physicists agree that the electron still has secrets to reveal. Moreover, powerful new theoretical and experimental tools for probing those secrets have been sharpened during the last decade. This workshop was organized to bring theorists and experimentalists together to discuss their common goal of knowing the electron. Present state and future prospects for progress toward that goal are here described. The theoretical papers encompass a wide range of views on the electron. Several argue that the 'Zitter-bewegung' is more than a mathematical peculiarity of the Dirac equation, that it may well be a real physical phenomenon and worthy of serious study, theoretically and experimentally. Besides generating the electron spin and magnetic moment, the 'Zitterbewegung' may be a vital clue to electron structure and self-interaction. Some of the papers employ a radical new formulation of the Dirac theory which reveals a hidden geo-metric structure in the theory that supports a 'Zitterbewegung' inter-pretation. For the last half century the properties of electrons have been probed primarily by scattering experiments at ever higher energies. Recently, however, two powerful new experimental techniques have emerged capable of giving alternative experimental views of the electron. First, techniques for confining single electrons for long term study have led to the most accurate measurements of the electron magnetic moment. Second, the interaction of high intensity laser fields with atoms and electrons have revealed striking new phenomena such as multiphoton ionization. refs.; figs.; tabs

  2. Basic electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Holbrook, Harold D


    Basic Electronics is an elementary text designed for basic instruction in electricity and electronics. It gives emphasis on electronic emission and the vacuum tube and shows transistor circuits in parallel with electron tube circuits. This book also demonstrates how the transistor merely replaces the tube, with proper change of circuit constants as required. Many problems are presented at the end of each chapter. This book is comprised of 17 chapters and opens with an overview of electron theory, followed by a discussion on resistance, inductance, and capacitance, along with their effects on t

  3. Assessment of the variation of the moisture content in the Pinus pinaster Ait. using the non destructive GPR technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Díez Barra, R.


    Full Text Available The moisture content variations in wood have a significant influence in wood’s physicochemical properties, as well as in its electromagnetic properties and to specific effects upon waves’ characteristics. In particular, this paper focuses on the analysis of the Ground-penetrating Radar’s (GPR using an antenna of 1.6GHz central frequency capacity to register the velocity and the amplitude of the electromagnetic waves’ variation during the drying process of Pinus pinaster Ait timber joists. The results showed that when timber MC descends, the propagation velocity and amplitude of both the direct and the reflected wave increased. The high correlation found between the variables studied demonstrates GPR efficiency and the innovative application of this technique as a non-destructive evaluation tool for timber structures, particularly when studying its moisture content.La variación en el contenido de humedad (CH tiene una influencia significativa tanto en las propiedades físico- químicas de la madera, como en sus propiedades electromagnéticas y por tanto afecta a las características de la propagación de las ondas. En concreto, en este trabajo se estudia la capacidad del georradar (GR empleando una antena de 1.6GHz de frecuencia central para registrar las variaciones que se producen en la velocidad y en la amplitud de las ondas electromagnéticas cuando se propagan en unas viguetas de madera de Pinus pinaster Ait de uso estructural cuyo CH va disminuyendo. Se ha comprobado como cuando el CH descendía la velocidad de propagación y las amplitudes, tanto de la onda directa como de la reflejada aumentaba. Los altos factores de correlación encontrados demuestran que el GR es una técnica capaz de evaluar, de forma no destructiva, el CH de la madera de uso estructural.

  4. Calidad físico química y sensorial de granos y licor de cacao (Theobroma Cacaol. Usando cinco métodos de fermentación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    MSc. José Nicasio Quevedo Guerrero


    Full Text Available La investigación se realizó en la Granja Experimental Santa Inés de la Universidad Técnica de Machala, durante el segundo semestre del 2016. El objetivo de la investigación fue comparar la eficiencia los fermentadores más usados por los pequeños productores cacaoteros de El Oro, en el beneficio de los granos de cacao, con un nuevo método denominado rotor de madera, propuesto por los autores del presente trabajo, mediante el análisis de variables físico-químicas y la evaluación sensorial del licor de cacao. El ensayo constó de los tratamientos: saco de yute (T1, rotor de madera (T2, rumo o montón (T3, caja de madera (T4 y balde plástico (T5, los cuales se evaluaron bajo un diseño de bloques al azar con tres repeticiones. El secado se efectuó de forma natural en marquesinas bajo cubierta de plástico calibre 6. El análisis de variables químicas, físicas y sensoriales reveló diferencias significativas (p < 0.05 entre tratamientos. El T2 registró 96% de calidad física del grano y el mejor perfil sensorial con calificaciones altas en sabores cacao, floral, frutal, nuez y caramelo y calificaciones bajas en sabor astringente y amargo. La fermentación se desarrolló dentro de la plantación de cacao, esto permitió la presencia de Drosophila melanogaster M., vector de Saccharomyces cerevisiae y otras levaduras que pudieron haber inferido en la calidad de los granos. Palabras clave: Astringente, pizarrosas, Drosophila melanogaster M., levaduras.

  5. Electron-electron scattering and mobilities in semiconductors and quantum wells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyo, S.K.


    The effect of electron-electron scattering on the mobility in semiconductors and semiconductor quantum wells is examined. A general exact formula is derived for the mobility, when the electron-electron collision rate is much faster than other scattering rates such as those by ionized impurities and phonons. In this limit, the transport relaxation rate is independent of the carrier's energy and contributions to the inverse mobility from individual scattering mechanism add up. The mobility becomes significantly reduced from its value in the absence of electron-electron scattering. When the collision rates are not necessarily dominated by electron-electron scattering, the mobility is calculated by the Kohler-Sondheimer variational method in the presence of ionized-impurity scattering and acoustic-phonon scattering in a nondegenerate two-dimensional quantum well

  6. 77 FR 54605 - Longworth Low-Effect Habitat Conservation Plan for the Morro Shoulderband Snail, Community of Los... (United States)


    ... Fish and Wildlife Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2493 Portola Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA 93003... activities: ``to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to... Parcel Number 074-483-036 and located at the eastern terminus of Madera Street Road in western portion of...

  7. California Migrant Student Movement Study--Region 3 Analysis. (United States)

    Davis, Benjamin G.

    The five counties of Madera, Merced, Contra Costa, San Joaquin and Stanislaus constitute Region 3 of the California Migrant Education Program. A study to evaluate movement patterns of migrant students from, to and within the state was conducted using data from the Migrant Student Record Transfer System. It indicates that in 1977 Region 3 ranked…

  8. Vertebrate fauna of the San Joaquin Experimental Range, California: a checklist (United States)

    Thomas F. Newman; Don A. Duncan


    This report updates an earlier checklist, published in 1955, of vertebrate fauna found on the San Joaquin Experimental Range, in Madera County, California. Nineteen new species have been recorded since 1955. This report records the occurrences of seven fish, eight amphibians, 19 reptiles, 38 mammals, and 149 buds. References to research on individual species are...

  9. Modified Monte Carlo method for study of electron transport in degenerate electron gas in the presence of electron-electron interactions, application to graphene (United States)

    Borowik, Piotr; Thobel, Jean-Luc; Adamowicz, Leszek


    Standard computational methods used to take account of the Pauli Exclusion Principle into Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of electron transport in semiconductors may give unphysical results in low field regime, where obtained electron distribution function takes values exceeding unity. Modified algorithms were already proposed and allow to correctly account for electron scattering on phonons or impurities. Present paper extends this approach and proposes improved simulation scheme allowing including Pauli exclusion principle for electron-electron (e-e) scattering into MC simulations. Simulations with significantly reduced computational cost recreate correct values of the electron distribution function. Proposed algorithm is applied to study transport properties of degenerate electrons in graphene with e-e interactions. This required adapting the treatment of e-e scattering in the case of linear band dispersion relation. Hence, this part of the simulation algorithm is described in details.

  10. Attainment of Electron Beam Suitable for Medium Energy Electron Cooling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seletskiy, Sergei M. [Univ. of Rochester, NY (United States)


    Electron cooling of charged particle beams is a well-established technique at electron energies of up to 300 keV. However, up to the present time the advance of electron cooling to the MeV-range energies has remained a purely theoretical possibility. The electron cooling project at Fermilab has recently demonstrated the ¯rst cooling of 8.9 GeV/c antiprotons in the Recycler ring, and therefore, has proved the validity of the idea of relativistic electron cool- ing. The Recycler Electron Cooler (REC) is the key component of the Teva- tron Run II luminosity upgrade project. Its performance depends critically on the quality of electron beam. A stable electron beam of 4.3 MeV car- rying 0.5 A of DC current is required. The beam suitable for the Recycler Electron Cooler must have an angular spread not exceeding 200 ¹rad. The full-scale prototype of the REC was designed, built and tested at Fermilab in the Wideband laboratory to study the feasibility of attaining the high-quality electron beam. In this thesis I describe various aspects of development of the Fermilab electron cooling system, and the techniques used to obtain the electron beam suitable for the cooling process. In particular I emphasize those aspects of the work for which I was principally responsible.

  11. Obtención de modelos de cálculo de sistemas provisionales de protección de borde mediante la técnica de Análisis Modal Operacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González, M. N.


    Full Text Available In this work were obtained by Operational Modal Analysis (OMA vibration modes and frequencies associated with temporary of protection systems (TEPS built with planks of pine wood and steel poles. These systems have been evaluated analytically, using a finite element model (FEM. For the FEM we obtained the elastic constants of wood using ultrasound. The results of experimental and analytical assessment in the first vibration modes match in reasonable ways.

    En este trabajo se han obtenido experimentalmente mediante Análisis Modal Operacional (AMO los modos de vibración y las frecuencias asociadas de sistemas provisionales de protección de borde (SPPB fabricados con tablas de madera de pino silvestre y postes de sección tubular de acero. Los mismos sistemas se han evaluado analíticamente, usando un modelo de elementos finitos (MEF. Para el MEF se han obtenido las constantes elásticas de la madera mediante ultrasonidos. Los resultados de la evaluación experimental y analítica concuerdan en los primeros modos de vibración.

  12. Parte 4: Estudio comparativo de la composición química

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. R. Carballo-Abreu


    Full Text Available Se estudió comparativamente, mediante análisis estadístico la composición química de la madera de E. saligna Smith, Corymbia citriodora y E. pellita F. Muell, a tres alturas del fuste comercial (25, 55 y 85 % en muestras procedentes de las Empresas Forestales Integrales (EFI de Macurije y Guanahacabibes en la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba. Los resultados obtenidos de la composición química, se trataron mediante un programa estadístico SPSS para Windows, donde no todas las variables analizadas muestran influencias estadísticas en la caracterización química de las especies. Los resultados manifiesta una mejor agrupación con especto a la especie que a la altura del fuste comercial entre las especies. La madera de Corymbia citriodora presenta los mayores contenidos de celulosa, los menores contenidos de lignina y de sustancias extraíbles, siendo la especie más atractiva desde el punto de vista químico para ser utilizada en la Industria de celulosa y papel.

  13. Microfluidic electronics. (United States)

    Cheng, Shi; Wu, Zhigang


    Microfluidics, a field that has been well-established for several decades, has seen extensive applications in the areas of biology, chemistry, and medicine. However, it might be very hard to imagine how such soft microfluidic devices would be used in other areas, such as electronics, in which stiff, solid metals, insulators, and semiconductors have previously dominated. Very recently, things have radically changed. Taking advantage of native properties of microfluidics, advances in microfluidics-based electronics have shown great potential in numerous new appealing applications, e.g. bio-inspired devices, body-worn healthcare and medical sensing systems, and ergonomic units, in which conventional rigid, bulky electronics are facing insurmountable obstacles to fulfil the demand on comfortable user experience. Not only would the birth of microfluidic electronics contribute to both the microfluidics and electronics fields, but it may also shape the future of our daily life. Nevertheless, microfluidic electronics are still at a very early stage, and significant efforts in research and development are needed to advance this emerging field. The intention of this article is to review recent research outcomes in the field of microfluidic electronics, and address current technical challenges and issues. The outlook of future development in microfluidic electronic devices and systems, as well as new fabrication techniques, is also discussed. Moreover, the authors would like to inspire both the microfluidics and electronics communities to further exploit this newly-established field.

  14. Electron-electron collision effects on the bremsstrahlung emission in Lorentzian plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Young-Dae; Kato, Daiji


    Electron-electron collision effects on the electron-ion bremsstrahlung process are investigated in Lorentzian plasmas. The effective electron-ion interaction potential is obtained by including the far-field terms caused by electron-electron collisions with an effective Debye length in Lorentzian plasmas. The bremsstrahlung radiation cross section is obtained as a function of the electron energy, photon energy, collision frequency, spectral index and Debye length using the Born approximation for the initial and final states of the projectile electron. It is shown that the non-Maxwellian character suppresses the bremsstrahlung radiation cross section. It is also shown that the electron-electron collision effect enhances the bremsstrahlung emission spectrum. In addition, the bremsstrahlung radiation cross section decreases with an increase in the plasma temperature.

  15. Electron-photon and electron-electron interactions in the presence of strong electromagnetic fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Surzhykov, A.; Fritzsche, S.; Stoehlker, Th.


    During the last decade, photon emission from highly-charged, heavy ions has been in the focus of intense studies at the GSI accelerator and storage ring facility in Darmstadt. These studies have revealed unique information about the electron-electron and electron-photon interactions in the presence of extremely strong nuclear fields. Apart from the radiative electron capture processes, characteristic photon emission following collisional excitation of projectile ions has also attracted much interest. In this contribution, we summarize the recent theoretical studies on the production of excited ionic states and their subsequent radiative decay. We will pay special attention to the angular and polarization properties of Kα emission from helium-like ions produced by means of dielectronic recombination. The results obtained for this (resonant) capture process will be compared with the theoretical predictions for the characteristic X-rays following Coulomb excitation and radiative recombination of few-electron, heavy ions. Work is supported by Helmholtz Association and GSl under the project VH-NG--421. (author)

  16. Sticker electronics

    KAUST Repository

    Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa


    Electronic stickers may be manufactured on flexible substrates (110, 120, 130) as layers and packaged together. The package may then have an adhesive applied to one side to provide capability for sticking the electronic devices to surfaces. The stickers can be wrappable, placed on surfaces, glued on walls or mirrors or wood or stone, and have electronics (112, 122, 132) which may or may not be ultrathin. Packaging for the electronic sticker can use polymer on cellulose manufacturing and/or three dimensional (3-D) printing. The electronic stickers may provide lighting capability, sensing capability, and/or recharging capabilities.

  17. Electronic Commerce

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Slavko Đerić


    Full Text Available Electronic commerce can be defined in different ways. Any definition helps to understand and explain that concept as better as possible.. Electronic commerce is a set of procedures and technologies that automate the tasks of financial transactions using electronic means. Also, according to some authors, electronic commerce is defined as a new concept, which is being developed and which includes process of buying and selling or exchanging products, services or information via computer networks, including the Internet. Electronic commerce is not limited just to buying and selling, but it also includes all pre-sales and after-sales ongoing activities along the supply chain. Introducing electronic commerce, using the Internet and Web services in business, realizes the way to a completely new type of economy - internet economy.

  18. Observation of the two-electron cusp in atomic collisions. Evidence for strong electron-electron correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarkadi, L.; Orban, A.


    Complete text of publication follows. In this report we present experimental data for a process when two electrons with velocity vectors equal to that of the projectile are emitted from collisions. By observing the two electron cusp the study of the threshold phenomenon for two-electron break-up is possible. It is a particularly interesting question whether the outgoing charged projectile can attract the two repulsing electrons so strongly that the two-electron cusp is formed. If it is so, a further question arises: Are the two electrons correlated in the final state as it is predicted by the Wannier theory? The experiments have been done at the 1 MeV VdG accelerator of ATOMKI using our TOF spectrometer. The first measurements clearly showed the formation of the two-electron cusp and signature of the electron correlation in 200 keV He 0 +He collisions. These promising results motivated us to carry out the experiment at 100 keV beam energy where the coincidence count rate is still reasonable but the energy resolution is better. For an acceptable data acquisition time we improved our data acquisition and data processing system for triple coincidence measurements. In Fig. 1a we present our measured relative fourfold differential cross section (FDCS) that shows strong electron correlation. For a comparison, in Fig. 1b we displayed the contour plot for uncorrelated electron pair emission. These latter data were synthesized artificially, generating the energies of the electron pairs from two independent double coincidence experiments. In both figures the distributions are characterized by two ridges. In Fig. 1b the ridges are perpendicular straight lines (E 1 = E 2 .13.6 eV). As a result of the correlation, the ridges in Fig. 1a are distorted in such a way that they have a joint straight-line section following the line E 1 + E 2 = 27.2 eV. This means that the electron pairs in the vicinity of the cusp maximum are emitted with a center of- mass velocity equal to that of

  19. Electronics and Information

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    @@ Previously founded as CCPITMachinery and Electronics Sub-council and CCOIC Machinery and Electronics Chamber of Corn-merce in June, 1988, CCPIT Electronics Sub-Council and CCOIC Electronics Chamber of Commerce were established in May, 1993, and then renamed as CCPIT Electronics and Information Industry Sub-council and CCOIC Electronics and Infor-mation Industry Chamber of Commerce (CCPITECC) in September 1999.

  20. Spontaneous and stimulated emission induced by an electron, electron bunch, and electron beam in a plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuzelev, M V; Rukhadze, A A


    Two fundamental mechanisms - the Cherenkov effect and anomalous Doppler effect - underlying the emission by an electron during its superluminal motion in medium are considered. Cherenkov emission induced by a single electron and a small electron bunch is spontaneous. In the course of spontaneous Cherenkov emission, the translational motion of an electron is slowed down and the radiation energy grows linearly with time. As the number of radiating electrons increases, Cherenkov emission becomes stimulated. Stimulated Cherenkov emission represents a resonance beam instability. This emission process is accompanied by longitudinal electron bunching in the beam or by the breaking of an electron bunch into smaller bunches, in which case the radiation energy grows exponentially with time. In terms of the longitudinal size L e of the electron bunch there is a transition region λ e 0 -1 between the spontaneous and stimulated Cherenkov effects, where λ is the average radiation wavelength, and δ 0 is the dimensionless (in units of the radiation frequency) growth rate of the Cherenkov beam instability. The range to the left of this region is dominated by spontaneous emission, whereas the range to the right of this region is dominated by stimulated emission. In contrast to the Vavilov-Cherenkov effect, the anomalous Doppler effect should always (even for a single electron) be considered as stimulated, because it can only be explained by accounting for the reverse action of the radiation field on the moving electron. During stimulated emission in conditions where anomalous Doppler effect shows itself, an electron is slowed down and spins up; in this case, the radiation energy grows exponentially with time. (reviews of topical problems)

  1. High perveance electron gun for the electron cooling system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korotaev, Yu.; Meshkov, I.; Petrov, A.; Sidorin, A.; Smirnov, A.; Syresin, E.; Titkova, I.


    The cooling time in the electron cooling system is inversely proportional to the beam current. To obtain high current of the electron beam the control electrode of the gun is provided with a positive potential and an electrostatic trap for secondary electrons appears inside the electron gun. This leads to a decrease in the gun perveance. To avoid this problem, the adiabatic high perveance electron gun with the clearing control electrode is designed in JINR (J. Bosser, Y. Korotaev, I. Meshkov, E. Syresin et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 391 (1996) 103. Yu. Korotaev, I. Meshkov, A. Sidorin, A. Smirnov, E. Syresin, The generation of electron beams with perveance of 3-6 μA/V 3/2 , Proceedings of SCHEF'99). The clearing control electrode has a transverse electric field, which clears secondary electrons. Computer simulations of the potential map were made with RELAX3D computer code (C.J. Kost, F.W. Jones, RELAX3D User's Guide and References Manual)

  2. High perveance electron gun for the electron cooling system

    CERN Document Server

    Korotaev, Yu V; Petrov, A; Sidorin, A; Smirnov, A; Syresin, E M; Titkova, I


    The cooling time in the electron cooling system is inversely proportional to the beam current. To obtain high current of the electron beam the control electrode of the gun is provided with a positive potential and an electrostatic trap for secondary electrons appears inside the electron gun. This leads to a decrease in the gun perveance. To avoid this problem, the adiabatic high perveance electron gun with the clearing control electrode is designed in JINR (J. Bosser, Y. Korotaev, I. Meshkov, E. Syresin et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 391 (1996) 103. Yu. Korotaev, I. Meshkov, A. Sidorin, A. Smirnov, E. Syresin, The generation of electron beams with perveance of 3-6 mu A/V sup 3 sup / sup 2 , Proceedings of SCHEF'99). The clearing control electrode has a transverse electric field, which clears secondary electrons. Computer simulations of the potential map were made with RELAX3D computer code (C.J. Kost, F.W. Jones, RELAX3D User's Guide and References Manual).

  3. Study of single-electron excitations by electron microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craven, A.J.; Gibson, J.M.; Howie, A.; Spalding, D.R.


    The inelastic scattering of fast electrons by the excitation of L-shell electrons at a stacking fault in silicon has been studied with a scanning transmission electron microscope. It was found that the bright-field stacking fault contrast is preserved in the filtered L-shell-loss signal at 100 eV. This result is discussed in terms of the delocalization of the excitation mechanism. It is concluded that localization effects will typically become significant only for energy transfers greater than 1 keV from a fast electron of energy 80 keV. (author)

  4. Syringe injectable electronics (United States)

    Hong, Guosong; Zhou, Tao; Jin, Lihua; Duvvuri, Madhavi; Jiang, Zhe; Kruskal, Peter; Xie, Chong; Suo, Zhigang; Fang, Ying; Lieber, Charles M.


    Seamless and minimally-invasive three-dimensional (3D) interpenetration of electronics within artificial or natural structures could allow for continuous monitoring and manipulation of their properties. Flexible electronics provide a means for conforming electronics to non-planar surfaces, yet targeted delivery of flexible electronics to internal regions remains difficult. Here, we overcome this challenge by demonstrating syringe injection and subsequent unfolding of submicrometer-thick, centimeter-scale macroporous mesh electronics through needles with a diameter as small as 100 micrometers. Our results show that electronic components can be injected into man-made and biological cavities, as well as dense gels and tissue, with > 90% device yield. We demonstrate several applications of syringe injectable electronics as a general approach for interpenetrating flexible electronics with 3D structures, including (i) monitoring of internal mechanical strains in polymer cavities, (ii) tight integration and low chronic immunoreactivity with several distinct regions of the brain, and (iii) in vivo multiplexed neural recording. Moreover, syringe injection enables delivery of flexible electronics through a rigid shell, delivery of large volume flexible electronics that can fill internal cavities and co-injection of electronics with other materials into host structures, opening up unique applications for flexible electronics. PMID:26053995

  5. Electronic Nose and Electronic Tongue (United States)

    Bhattacharyya, Nabarun; Bandhopadhyay, Rajib

    Human beings have five senses, namely, vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste. The sensors for vision, hearing and touch have been developed for several years. The need for sensors capable of mimicking the senses of smell and taste have been felt only recently in food industry, environmental monitoring and several industrial applications. In the ever-widening horizon of frontier research in the field of electronics and advanced computing, emergence of electronic nose (E-Nose) and electronic tongue (E-Tongue) have been drawing attention of scientists and technologists for more than a decade. By intelligent integration of multitudes of technologies like chemometrics, microelectronics and advanced soft computing, human olfaction has been successfully mimicked by such new techniques called machine olfaction (Pearce et al. 2002). But the very essence of such research and development efforts has centered on development of customized electronic nose and electronic tongue solutions specific to individual applications. In fact, research trends as of date clearly points to the fact that a machine olfaction system as versatile, universal and broadband as human nose and human tongue may not be feasible in the decades to come. But application specific solutions may definitely be demonstrated and commercialized by modulation in sensor design and fine-tuning the soft computing solutions. This chapter deals with theory, developments of E-Nose and E-Tongue technology and their applications. Also a succinct account of future trends of R&D efforts in this field with an objective of establishing co-relation between machine olfaction and human perception has been included.

  6. A theory of electron baths: One-electron system dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDowell, H.K.


    The second-quantized, many-electron, atomic, and molecular Hamiltonian is partitioned both by the identity or labeling of the spin orbitals and by the dynamics of the spin orbitals into a system coupled to a bath. The electron bath is treated by a molecular time scale generalized Langevin equation approach designed to include one-electron dynamics in the system dynamics. The bath is formulated as an equivalent chain of spin orbitals through the introduction of equivalent-chain annihilation and creation operators. Both the dynamics and the quantum grand canonical statistical properties of the electron bath are examined. Two versions for the statistical properties of the bath are pursued. Using a weak bath assumption, a bath statistical average is defined which allows one to achieve a reduced dynamics description of the electron system which is coupled to the electron bath. In a strong bath assumption effective Hamiltonians are obtained which reproduce the dynamics of the bath and which lead to the same results as found in the weak bath assumption. The effective (but exact) Hamiltonian is found to be a one-electron Hamiltonian. A reduced dynamics equation of motion for the system population matrix is derived and found to agree with a previous version. This equation of motion is useful for studying electron transfer in the system when coupled to an electron bath

  7. Treatment of foods with 'soft-electrons' (low-energy electrons)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, Toru; Todoriki, Setsuko


    Electrons with energies of 300 keV or lower were defined as soft-electrons'. Soft-electrons can eradicate microorganisms residing on the surface of grains, pulses, spices, dehydrated vegetables, tea leaves and seeds, and reduce their microbial loads to levels lower than 10 CFU/g with little quality deterioration. Soft-electrons can inactivate insect pests infesting grains and pulses and inhibit sprouting of potatoes. (author)

  8. Compact femtosecond electron diffractometer with 100 keV electron bunches approaching the single-electron pulse duration limit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waldecker, Lutz; Bertoni, Roman; Ernstorfer, Ralph


    We present the design and implementation of a highly compact femtosecond electron diffractometer working at electron energies up to 100 keV. We use a multi-body particle tracing code to simulate electron bunch propagation through the setup and to calculate pulse durations at the sample position. Our simulations show that electron bunches containing few thousands of electrons per bunch are only weakly broadened by space-charge effects and their pulse duration is thus close to the one of a single-electron wavepacket. With our compact setup, we can create electron bunches containing up to 5000 electrons with a pulse duration below 100 fs on the sample. We use the diffractometer to track the energy transfer from photoexcited electrons to the lattice in a thin film of titanium. This process takes place on the timescale of few-hundred femtoseconds and a fully equilibrated state is reached within 1 ps

  9. Electron backscattering for process control in electron beam welding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ardenne, T. von; Panzer, S.


    A number of solutions to the automation of electron beam welding is presented. On the basis of electron backscattering a complex system of process control has been developed. It allows an enlarged imaging of the material's surface, improved adjustment of the beam focusing and definite focus positioning. Furthermore, both manual and automated positioning of the electron beam before and during the welding process has become possible. Monitoring of the welding process for meeting standard welding requirements can be achieved with the aid of a control quantity derived from the results of electronic evaluation of the high-frequency electron backscattering

  10. Electron transfer reactions

    CERN Document Server

    Cannon, R D


    Electron Transfer Reactions deals with the mechanisms of electron transfer reactions between metal ions in solution, as well as the electron exchange between atoms or molecules in either the gaseous or solid state. The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 covers the electron transfer between atoms and molecules in the gas state. Part 2 tackles the reaction paths of oxidation states and binuclear intermediates, as well as the mechanisms of electron transfer. Part 3 discusses the theories and models of the electron transfer process; theories and experiments involving bridged electron transfe

  11. Understand electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Bishop, Owen


    Understand Electronics provides a readable introduction to the exciting world of electronics for the student or enthusiast with little previous knowledge. The subject is treated with the minimum of mathematics and the book is extensively illustrated.This is an essential guide for the newcomer to electronics, and replaces the author's best-selling Beginner's Guide to Electronics.The step-by-step approach makes this book ideal for introductory courses such as the Intermediate GNVQ.

  12. Electronic Commerce


    Slavko Đerić


    Electronic commerce can be defined in different ways. Any definition helps to understand and explain that concept as better as possible.. Electronic commerce is a set of procedures and technologies that automate the tasks of financial transactions using electronic means. Also, according to some authors, electronic commerce is defined as a new concept, which is being developed and which includes process of buying and selling or exchanging products, services or information via computer networks...

  13. Photon and electron collimator effects on electron output and abutting segments in energy modulated electron therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olofsson, Lennart; Karlsson, Magnus G.; Karlsson, Mikael


    In energy modulated electron therapy a large fraction of the segments will be arranged as abutting segments where inhomogeneities in segment matching regions must be kept as small as possible. Furthermore, the output variation between different segments should be minimized and must in all cases be well predicted. For electron therapy with add-on collimators, both the electron MLC (eMLC) and the photon MLC (xMLC) contribute to these effects when an xMLC tracking technique is utilized to reduce the x-ray induced leakage. Two add-on electron collimator geometries have been analyzed using Monte Carlo simulations: One isocentric eMLC geometry with an isocentric clearance of 35 cm and air or helium in the treatment head, and one conventional proximity geometry with a clearance of 5 cm and air in the treatment head. The electron fluence output for 22.5 MeV electrons is not significantly affected by the xMLC if the shielding margins are larger than 2-3 cm. For small field sizes and 9.6 MeV electrons, the isocentric design with helium in the treatment head or shielding margins larger than 3 cm is needed to avoid a reduced electron output. Dose inhomogeneity in the matching region of electron segments is, in general, small when collimator positions are adjusted to account for divergence in the field. The effect of xMLC tracking on the electron output can be made negligible while still obtaining a substantially reduced x-ray leakage contribution. Collimator scattering effects do not interfere significantly when abutting beam techniques are properly applied

  14. Equation satisfied by electron-electron mutual Coulomb repulsion energy density functional


    Joubert, Daniel P.


    The electron-electron mutual Coulomb repulsion energy density functional satisfies an equation that links functionals and functional derivatives at N-electron and (N-1)-electron densities for densities determined from the same adiabatic scaled external potential for the N-electron system.

  15. Electronic Publishing. (United States)

    Lancaster, F. W.


    Describes various stages involved in the applications of electronic media to the publishing industry. Highlights include computer typesetting, or photocomposition; machine-readable databases; the distribution of publications in electronic form; computer conferencing and electronic mail; collaborative authorship; hypertext; hypermedia publications;…

  16. 77 FR 18858 - Remanded Biological Opinions on the Coordinated Long-Term Operation of the Central Valley Project... (United States)


    ... p.m. to 8 p.m., Madera, CA. 2. Thursday, April 26, 2012, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Diamond Bar, CA. 3.... 2. Diamond Bar--South Coast Air Quality Management District, Room CC6, 21865 Copley Dr., Diamond Bar... Department of Water Resources, California Department of Fish and Game, State and Federal Contractors Water...

  17. Arquitectura Sostenible




    Documento que compila informaci?n sobre arquitectura sostenible, materiales y productos tecnol?gicos sostenibles recomendados para su uso en las construcciones de casas de madera y hoteles. Igualmente, aborda el tema relacionado con la arquitectura bioclim?tica y, al final, se encuentran diferentes enlaces de consulta que pueden ser de inter?s para el lector. 12

  18. Nest defense behaviors of native cavity-nesting birds to European Starlings (United States)

    Rodney G. Olsen; Kathryn L. Purcell; David. Grubbs


    We used behavioral experiments to evaluate competition for nest sites and the extent to which European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) are seen as a threat by native bird species at the San Joaquin Experimental Range, Madera County, CA. We quantified the level of aggressive behavior of four species of native cavity-nesting birds to starlings at active...

  19. Timber resource statistics for the San Joaquin and southern California resource areas. (United States)

    Bruce Hiserote; Joel Moen; Charles L. Bolsinger


    This report is one of five that provide timber resource statistics for 57 of the 58 counties in California (San Francisco is excluded). This report presents statistics from a 1982-84 inventory of the timber resources of Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Fresno, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San...

  20. Edificios Públicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gonzalo Cerda Brintrup


    Full Text Available El edificio de la gobernación ocupaba la calle O'Higgins esquina Gamboa. Construido de madera, de dos pisos y de una arquitectura coherente con el entorno, comprendía la casa del gobernador, las oficinas públicas y el Correo. Se incendió en 1971 cuando era gobernador don Celedonio Cárdenas.

  1. El ornamento estampado en la Arquitectura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfredo Gredig G.


    Full Text Available Los oficios artesanales que tradicionalmente habían estado incluidos en la concepción arquitectónica, como por ejemplo el tallado de la madera, el cincelado de la piedra o la forja del hierro comienzan a desaparecer en la primera mitad del siglo como preocupación de diseño.

  2. Syringe-injectable electronics. (United States)

    Liu, Jia; Fu, Tian-Ming; Cheng, Zengguang; Hong, Guosong; Zhou, Tao; Jin, Lihua; Duvvuri, Madhavi; Jiang, Zhe; Kruskal, Peter; Xie, Chong; Suo, Zhigang; Fang, Ying; Lieber, Charles M


    Seamless and minimally invasive three-dimensional interpenetration of electronics within artificial or natural structures could allow for continuous monitoring and manipulation of their properties. Flexible electronics provide a means for conforming electronics to non-planar surfaces, yet targeted delivery of flexible electronics to internal regions remains difficult. Here, we overcome this challenge by demonstrating the syringe injection (and subsequent unfolding) of sub-micrometre-thick, centimetre-scale macroporous mesh electronics through needles with a diameter as small as 100 μm. Our results show that electronic components can be injected into man-made and biological cavities, as well as dense gels and tissue, with >90% device yield. We demonstrate several applications of syringe-injectable electronics as a general approach for interpenetrating flexible electronics with three-dimensional structures, including (1) monitoring internal mechanical strains in polymer cavities, (2) tight integration and low chronic immunoreactivity with several distinct regions of the brain, and (3) in vivo multiplexed neural recording. Moreover, syringe injection enables the delivery of flexible electronics through a rigid shell, the delivery of large-volume flexible electronics that can fill internal cavities, and co-injection of electronics with other materials into host structures, opening up unique applications for flexible electronics.

  3. Electronic excitation of Na atom by electron impact

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bielschowsky, C.E.; Souza, G.G.B. de; Lucas, C.A.; Nogueira, J.C.


    Electronic excitation of the 3s-3p transition in the Na atom was studied by intermediate energy electron impact spectroscopy. Differential Cross Sections (DCS) and Generalized Oscillator Strenghts (GOS) were determined experimentally for 1 KeV electrons. Theoretical results within the First Born Approximation as well as Glauber theory, were also performed. (A.C.A.S.) [pt

  4. Highly efficient electron gun with a single-atom electron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, Tsuyoshi; Urata, Tomohiro; Cho, Boklae; Rokuta, Eiji; Oshima, Chuhei; Terui, Yoshinori; Saito, Hidekazu; Yonezawa, Akira; Tsong, Tien T.


    The authors have demonstrated highly collimated electron-beam emission from a practical electron gun with a single-atom electron source; ∼80% of the total emission current entered the electron optics. This ratio was two or three orders of magnitude higher than those of the conventional electron sources such as a cold field emission gun and a Zr/O/W Schottky gun. At the pressure of less than 1x10 -9 Pa, the authors observed stable emission of 20 nA, which generates the specimen current of 5 pA required for scanning electron microscopes

  5. Electron-electron interaction in p-SiGe/Ge quantum wells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roessner, Benjamin; Kaenel, Hans von; Chrastina, Daniel; Isella, Giovanni; Batlogg, Bertram


    The temperature dependent magnetoresistance of high mobility p-SiGe/Ge quantum wells is studied with hole densities ranging from 1.7 to 5.9 x 10 11 cm -2 . At magnetic fields below the onset of quantum oscillations that reflect the high mobility values (up to 75000 cm 2 /Vs), we observe the clear signatures of electron-electron interaction. We compare our experiment with the theory of electron-electron interaction including the Zeeman band splitting. The observed magnetoresistance is well explained as a superposition of band structure induced positive magnetoresistance and the negative magntoresistance due to the electron-electron interaction effect

  6. Electron-electron interactions in disordered systems

    CERN Document Server

    Efros, AL


    ``Electron-Electron Interactions in Disordered Systems'' deals with the interplay of disorder and the Coulomb interaction. Prominent experts give state-of-the-art reviews of the theoretical and experimental work in this field and make it clear that the interplay of the two effects is essential, especially in low-dimensional systems.

  7. Narrow electron injector for ballistic electron spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kast, M.; Pacher, C.; Strasser, G.; Gornik, E.


    A three-terminal hot electron transistor is used to measure the normal energy distribution of ballistic electrons generated by an electron injector utilizing an improved injector design. A triple barrier resonant tunneling diode with a rectangular transmission function acts as a narrow (1 meV) energy filter. An asymmetric energy distribution with its maximum on the high-energy side with a full width at half maximum of ΔE inj =10 meV is derived. [copyright] 2001 American Institute of Physics

  8. Temperature Dependence of the Spin-Hall Conductivity of a Two-Dimensional Impure Rashba Electron Gas in the Presence of Electron-Phonon and Electron-Electron Interactions (United States)

    Yavari, H.; Mokhtari, M.; Bayervand, A.


    Based on Kubo's linear response formalism, temperature dependence of the spin-Hall conductivity of a two-dimensional impure (magnetic and nonmagnetic impurities) Rashba electron gas in the presence of electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions is analyzed theoretically. We will show that the temperature dependence of the spin-Hall conductivity is determined by the relaxation rates due to these interactions. At low temperature, the elastic lifetimes ( and are determined by magnetic and nonmagnetic impurity concentrations which are independent of the temperature, while the inelastic lifetimes ( and related to the electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, decrease when the temperature increases. We will also show that since the spin-Hall conductivity is sensitive to temperature, we can distinguish the intrinsic and extrinsic contributions.

  9. Analytical local electron-electron interaction model potentials for atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neugebauer, Johannes; Reiher, Markus; Hinze, Juergen


    Analytical local potentials for modeling the electron-electron interaction in an atom reduce significantly the computational effort in electronic structure calculations. The development of such potentials has a long history, but some promising ideas have not yet been taken into account for further improvements. We determine a local electron-electron interaction potential akin to those suggested by Green et al. [Phys. Rev. 184, 1 (1969)], which are widely used in atom-ion scattering calculations, electron-capture processes, and electronic structure calculations. Generalized Yukawa-type model potentials are introduced. This leads, however, to shell-dependent local potentials, because the origin behavior of such potentials is different for different shells as has been explicated analytically [J. Neugebauer, M. Reiher, and J. Hinze, Phys. Rev. A 65, 032518 (2002)]. It is found that the parameters that characterize these local potentials can be interpolated and extrapolated reliably for different nuclear charges and different numbers of electrons. The analytical behavior of the corresponding localized Hartree-Fock potentials at the origin and at long distances is utilized in order to reduce the number of fit parameters. It turns out that the shell-dependent form of Green's potential, which we also derive, yields results of comparable accuracy using only one shell-dependent parameter

  10. Extracting electron backscattering coefficients from backscattered electron micrographs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zupanic, F.


    Electron backscattering micrographs possess the so-called Z-contrast, carrying information about the chemical compositions of phases present in microstructures. The intensity at a particular point in the backscattered electron micrograph is proportional to the signal detected at a corresponding point in the scan raster, which is, in turn, proportional to the electron backscattering coefficient of a phase at that point. This article introduces a simple method for extracting the electron backscattering coefficients of phases present in the microstructure, from the backscattered electron micrographs. This method is able to convert the micrograph's greyscale to the backscattering-coefficient-scale. The prerequisite involves the known backscattering coefficients for two phases in the micrograph. In this way, backscattering coefficients of other phases can be determined. The method is unable to determine the chemical compositions of phases or the presence of an element only from analysing the backscattered electron micrograph. Nevertheless, this method was found to be very powerful when combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy, and the calculations of backscattering coefficients. - Research Highlights: →A simple method for extracting the electron backscattering coefficients →The prerequisite is known backscattering coefficients for two phases →The information is complementary to the EDS-results. →This method is especially useful when a phase contains a light element (H, Li, Be, and B)

  11. PIC simulation of the electron-ion collision effects on suprathermal electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Yanqing; Han Shensheng


    The generation and transportation of suprathermal electrons are important to both traditional ICF scheme and 'Fast Ignition' scheme. The author discusses the effects of electron-ion collision on the generation and transportation of the suprathermal electrons by parametric instability. It indicates that the weak electron-ion term in the PIC simulation results in the enhancement of the collisional absorption and increase of the hot electron temperature and reduction in the maximum electrostatic field amplitude while wave breaking. Therefore the energy and distribution of the suprathermal electrons are changed. They are distributed more close to the phase velocity of the electrostatic wave than the case without electron-ion collision term. The electron-ion collision enhances the self-consistent field and impedes the suprathermal electron transportation. These factors also reduce the suprathermal electron energy. In addition, the authors discuss the effect of initial condition on PIC simulation to ensure that the results are correct

  12. Spin Relaxation in GaAs: Importance of Electron-Electron Interactions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gionni Marchetti


    Full Text Available We study spin relaxation in n-type bulk GaAs, due to the Dyakonov–Perel mechanism, using ensemble Monte Carlo methods. Our results confirm that spin relaxation time increases with the electronic density in the regime of moderate electronic concentrations and high temperature. We show that the electron-electron scattering in the non-degenerate regime significantly slows down spin relaxation. This result supports predictions by Glazov and Ivchenko. Most importantly, our findings highlight the importance of many-body interactions for spin dynamics: we show that only by properly taking into account electron-electron interactions within the simulations, results for the spin relaxation time—with respect to both electron density and temperature—will reach good quantitative agreement with corresponding experimental data. Our calculations contain no fitting parameters.

  13. Secondary mineralization in carious lesions of human dentin. Electron-probe, electron microscope, and electron diffraction studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ogiwara, H [Tokyo Dental Coll. (Japan)


    Dentinal carious lesions having a remineralized surface layer were studied by means electron-probe microanalysis, electron microscopy, electron diffraction. As the results of electron-probe study, F, Mg, and Na were found to be distributed mainly in the remineralized surface layer and S in the decalcified region where decreases in Ca, P, and Mg concentration were usually observed. The decrease in Mg concentration always started earlier than that of Ca and P concentration. Electron microscope and electron diffraction studies revealed that apatic crystals in the remineralized surface layer were much larger than those in the intact dentin. Although they were less conspicuous, crystals in the decalcified region also were larger than those in the intact region. Dentinal tubules, occluded by many crystals, were frequently seen during the observations. Crystals in the tubules varied in morphology, showing granular, needle, rhomboid, and tabular shapes. By means of electron diffraction, the granular- or needle-shaped crystals were identified as apatite and the rhomboid-shaped crystals as whitlockite. Some of the tabular-shaped crystals appeared to be cotacalcium phosphate.

  14. Electronic components

    CERN Document Server

    Colwell, Morris A


    Electronic Components provides a basic grounding in the practical aspects of using and selecting electronics components. The book describes the basic requirements needed to start practical work on electronic equipment, resistors and potentiometers, capacitance, and inductors and transformers. The text discusses semiconductor devices such as diodes, thyristors and triacs, transistors and heat sinks, logic and linear integrated circuits (I.C.s) and electromechanical devices. Common abbreviations applied to components are provided. Constructors and electronics engineers will find the book useful

  15. Ion- and electron-acoustic solitons in two-electron temperature space plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lakhina, G. S.; Kakad, A. P.; Singh, S. V.; Verheest, F.


    Properties of ion- and electron-acoustic solitons are investigated in an unmagnetized multicomponent plasma system consisting of cold and hot electrons and hot ions using the Sagdeev pseudopotential technique. The analysis is based on fluid equations and the Poisson equation. Solitary wave solutions are found when the Mach numbers exceed some critical values. The critical Mach numbers for the ion-acoustic solitons are found to be smaller than those for electron-acoustic solitons for a given set of plasma parameters. The critical Mach numbers of ion-acoustic solitons increase with the increase of hot electron temperature and the decrease of cold electron density. On the other hand, the critical Mach numbers of electron-acoustic solitons increase with the increase of the cold electron density as well as the hot electron temperature. The ion-acoustic solitons have positive potentials for the parameters considered. However, the electron-acoustic solitons have positive or negative potentials depending whether the fractional cold electron density with respect to the ion density is greater or less than a certain critical value. Further, the amplitudes of both the ion- and electron-acoustic solitons increase with the increase of the hot electron temperature. Possible application of this model to electrostatic solitary waves observed on the auroral field lines by the Viking spacecraft is discussed

  16. Diffusive scattering of electrons by electron holes around injection fronts (United States)

    Vasko, I. Y.; Agapitov, O. V.; Mozer, F. S.; Artemyev, A. V.; Krasnoselskikh, V. V.; Bonnell, J. W.


    Van Allen Probes have detected nonlinear electrostatic spikes around injection fronts in the outer radiation belt. These spikes include electron holes (EH), double layers, and more complicated solitary waves. We show that EHs can efficiently scatter electrons due to their substantial transverse electric fields. Although the electron scattering driven by EHs is diffusive, it cannot be evaluated via the standard quasi-linear theory. We derive analytical formulas describing local electron scattering by a single EH and verify them via test particle simulations. We show that the most efficiently scattered are gyroresonant electrons (crossing EH on a time scale comparable to the local electron gyroperiod). We compute bounce-averaged diffusion coefficients and demonstrate their dependence on the EH spatial distribution (latitudinal extent and spatial filling factor) and individual EH parameters (amplitude of electrostatic potential, velocity, and spatial scales). We show that EHs can drive pitch angle scattering of ≲5 keV electrons at rates 10-2-10-4 s-1 and, hence, can contribute to electron losses and conjugated diffuse aurora brightenings. The momentum and pitch angle scattering rates can be comparable, so that EHs can also provide efficient electron heating. The scattering rates driven by EHs at L shells L ˜ 5-8 are comparable to those due to chorus waves and may exceed those due to electron cyclotron harmonics.

  17. Pseudogap in the Eliashberg approach based on electron-phonon and electron-electron-phonon interaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Szczesniak, R. [Institute of Physics, Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland); Institute of Physics, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland); Durajski, A.P.; Duda, A.M. [Institute of Physics, Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland)


    The properties of the superconducting and the anomalous normal state were described by using the Eliashberg method. The pairing mechanism was reproduced with the help of the Hamiltonian, which models the electron-phonon and the electron-electron-phonon interaction (EEPh). The set of the Eliashberg equations, which determines the order parameter function (φ), the wave function renormalization factor (Z), and the energy shift function (χ), was derived. It was proven that for the sufficiently large values of the EEPh potential, the doping dependence of the order parameter (φ/Z) has the analogous course to that observed experimentally in cuprates. The energy gap in the electron density of states is induced by Z and χ - the contribution from φ is negligible. The electron density of states possesses the characteristic asymmetric form and the pseudogap is observed above the critical temperature. (copyright 2017 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  18. Carbon Nanotube Electron Gun (United States)

    Nguyen, Cattien V. (Inventor); Ribaya, Bryan P. (Inventor)


    An electron gun, an electron source for an electron gun, an extractor for an electron gun, and a respective method for producing the electron gun, the electron source and the extractor are disclosed. Embodiments provide an electron source utilizing a carbon nanotube (CNT) bonded to a substrate for increased stability, reliability, and durability. An extractor with an aperture in a conductive material is used to extract electrons from the electron source, where the aperture may substantially align with the CNT of the electron source when the extractor and electron source are mated to form the electron gun. The electron source and extractor may have alignment features for aligning the electron source and the extractor, thereby bringing the aperture and CNT into substantial alignment when assembled. The alignment features may provide and maintain this alignment during operation to improve the field emission characteristics and overall system stability of the electron gun.

  19. Molecular electron affinities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuda, E.K.


    Molecular electron affinities have historically been difficult quantities to measure accurately. These difficulties arise from differences in structure between the ion and neutral as well as the existence of excited negative ion states. To circumvent these problems, relative electron affinities were determined in this dissertation by studying equilibrium electron transfer reactions using a pulsed ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) spectrometer. Direct measurement of ion and neutral concentrations for reactions of the general type, A - + B = B - + A, allow calculation of the equilibrium constant and, therefore, the free energy change. The free energy difference is related to the difference in electron affinities between A and B. A relative electron affinity scale covering a range of about 45 kcal/mol was constructed with various substituted p-benzoquinones, nitrobenzenes, anhydrides, and benzophenones. To assign absolute electron affinities, various species with accurately known electron affinities are tied to the scale via ion-cyclotron double resonance bracketing techniques. After the relative scale is anchored to these species with well-known electron affinities, the scale is then used as a check on other electron affinity values as well as generating new electron affinity values. Many discrepancies were found between the electron affinities measured using the ICR technique and previous literature determinations

  20. Nonambipolar electron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Longmier, B.; Baalrud, S.; Hershkowitz, N.


    A radio frequency (rf) plasma-based electron source that does not rely on electron emission at a cathode surface has been constructed. All of the random electron flux incident on an exit aperture is extracted through an electron sheath resulting in total nonambipolar flow within the device when the ratio of the ion loss area to the electron loss area is approximately equal to the square root of the ratio of the ion mass to the electron mass, and the ion sheath potential drop at the chamber walls is much larger than T e /e. The nonambipolar electron source (NES) has an axisymmetric magnetic field of 100 G at the extraction aperture that results in a uniform plasma potential across the aperture, allowing the extraction of all the incident electron flux without the use of grids. A prototype NES has produced 15 A of continuous electron current, using 15 SCCM (SCCM denotes cubic centimeter per minute at STP) Ar, 1200 W rf power at 13.56 MHz, and 6 times gas utilization. Alternatively 8 A of electron current can be produced, using 3 SCCM Ar at 1200 W rf and 20 times gas utilization. NES could replace hollow cathode electron sources in a wide variety of applications

  1. Electron-plasmon model in the electron liquid theory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Here we propose an accurate approach to the description of the electron liquid model in the electron and plasmon terms. Our ideas in the present paper are close to the conception of the collective variables which was developed in the papers of Bohm and Pines. However we use another body of mathematics in the transition to the expanded space of variable particles and plasmons realized by the transition operator. It is evident that in the Random Phase Approximation (RPA, the model which consists of two interactive subsystems of electrons and plasmons is equivalent to the electron liquid model with Coulomb interaction.

  2. Polymer electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Hsin-Fei, Meng


    Polymer semiconductor is the only semiconductor that can be processed in solution. Electronics made by these flexible materials have many advantages such as large-area solution process, low cost, and high performance. Researchers and companies are increasingly dedicating time and money in polymer electronics. This book focuses on the fundamental materials and device physics of polymer electronics. It describes polymer light-emitting diodes, polymer field-effect transistors, organic vertical transistors, polymer solar cells, and many applications based on polymer electronics. The book also disc

  3. Vivienda en Oferdingen - Alemania Federal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haug, W.


    Full Text Available This house consists of three floors: — ground floor with vertical walls, and — two upper floors with a sloping roofing. The ground floor houses the bedrooms, children's playroom, bathroom and toilet, dining-room, kitchen, drawing-room and a little covered courtyard inside the house. The first floor comprises a big living-room connected with the drawing-room with chimney, as well as the wife's work room. The father's studio-workshop is at the second floor or gallery. Almost all the construction is of wood, with loadbearing units which support a series of roof assymetric trusses in wood. The sloping roof consists of eternit units over wood boarding, with intermediate insulating material. The same type of construction is used for the upper part of exterior walls, and light-weight concrete for the lower part. The floors, chimney and stair wall are of reinforced concrete. Slag-made slabs are used for service area, and sisal-fibre moquette for the rest of the house. Timber is used for ceilings and staircases. The windows are made of fir wood carpentry with insulating panes.Esta vivienda se ha dispuesto en tres niveles: planta baja normal, de paredes verticales, y dos superiores, limitadas por la cubierta inclinada. La planta baja consta de: dormitorios, cuarto de juego para niños, baño y aseo, comedor, cocina, estancia, y un pequeño patio cubierto, en la zona interior de la casa. En la planta superior se ha dispuesto una gran sala de estar comunicada con la estancia de la chimenea, y un cuarto de trabajo para la señora. El último nivel o galería aloja un taller-estudio para el padre. La construcción es, casi en su totalidad, de madera, a base de elementos resistentes, sobre los que apoyan una serie de cerchas asimétricas, también de madera, que sostienen la cubierta inclinada, compuesta por piezas de Eternit sobre entablado de madera, con material aislante intermedio. Este mismo tipo de construcción se emplea en la parte superior de los

  4. A direct electron detector for time-resolved MeV electron microscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vecchione, T.; Denes, P.; Jobe, R. K.; Johnson, I. J.; Joseph, J. M.; Li, R. K.; Perazzo, A.; Shen, X.; Wang, X. J.; Weathersby, S. P.; Yang, J.; Zhang, D.


    The introduction of direct electron detectors enabled the structural biology revolution of cryogenic electron microscopy. Direct electron detectors are now expected to have a similarly dramatic impact on time-resolved MeV electron microscopy, particularly by enabling both spatial and temporal jitter correction. Here we report on the commissioning of a direct electron detector for time-resolved MeV electron microscopy. The direct electron detector demonstrated MeV single electron sensitivity and is capable of recording megapixel images at 180 Hz. The detector has a 15-bit dynamic range, better than 30-μmμm spatial resolution and less than 20 analogue-to-digital converter count RMS pixel noise. The unique capabilities of the direct electron detector and the data analysis required to take advantage of these capabilities are presented. The technical challenges associated with generating and processing large amounts of data are also discussed.

  5. Coherent Electron Focussing in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Houten, H. van; Wees, B.J. van; Mooij, J.E.; Beenakker, C.W.J.; Williamson, J.G.; Foxon, C.T.


    The first experimental realization of ballistic point contacts in a two-dimensional electron gas for the study of transverse electron focussing by a magnetic field is reported. Multiple peaks associated with skipping orbits of electrons reflected specularly by the channel boundary are observed. At

  6. A study on the secondary electrons in a clinical electron beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krithivas, G.; Rao, S.N.


    The central axis dose of a 12 MeV clinical electron beam is investigated in terms of an axial component due to primary electrons in the central ray and a lateral component due to secondary electrons originating from multiple scattering of electrons in the off-axis rays. To this effect secondary electron fluence measurements in a polystyrene medium irradiated with a collimated beam are made with a sensitive diode detector. This leads to a construction of secondary electron depth-dose profiles for beam sizes of diameters ranging from 1.7 to 17.4 cm. The results indicate that the lateral electrons account for 25% of the dose in the therapeutic region. For these electrons, the depth of dose maximum is correlated with diffusion depth and maximum lateral excursion in the medium. Dose component due to backscatter electrons at depths is also investigated using a thin-window parallel-plate ion chamber. The role of lateral and backscatter electrons in characterising central axis per cent depth-dose is discussed. (author)

  7. Electronics for dummies

    CERN Document Server



    Explore the basic concepts of electronics, build your electronics workbench, and begin creating fun electronics projects right away! Electronics For Dummies, 3rd Edition is your guide to the world of electronics. Spanning circuitry, wiring, robotics, transmitters, amplifiers, and more, this book demystifies electricity basics and beyond. The third edition offers new content revised to reflect the latest advancements in the electronics field, and it offers full color project examples to spark your creativity and inspire you to put your new skills to use! Packed with projects that can be comple

  8. Electron holography

    CERN Document Server

    Tonomura, Akira


    Holography was devised for breaking through the resolution limit of electron microscopes The advent of a "coherent" field emission electron beam has enabled the use of Electron Holography in various areas of magnetic domain structures observation, fluxon observation in superconductors, and fundamental experiments in physics which have been inaccessible using other techniques After examining the fundamentals of electron holography and its applications to the afore mentioned fields, a detailed discussion of the Aharonov-Bohm effect and the related experiments is presented Many photographs and illustrations are included to elucidate the text

  9. Comprehensive analysis of electron correlations in three-electron atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morishita, T.; Lin, C.D.


    We study the electron correlations in singly, doubly, and triply excited states of a three-electron atom. While electron correlation in general is weak for singly excited states, correlation plays major roles in determining the characteristics of doubly and triply excited states. Using the adiabatic approximation in hyperspherical coordinates, we show that the distinction between singly, doubly, and triply excited states is determined by the radial correlations, while finer distinctions within doubly or triply excited states lie in the angular correlations. Partial projections of the body-fixed frame wave functions are used to demonstrate the characteristic nodal surfaces which provide clues to the energy ordering of the states. We show that doubly excited states of a three-electron atom exhibit correlations that are similar to the doubly excited states of a two-electron atom. For the triply excited states, we show that the motion of the three electrons resemble approximately that of a symmetric top. copyright 1999 The American Physical Society

  10. Advanced electron beam techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirotsu, Yoshihiko; Yoshida, Yoichi


    After 100 years from the time of discovery of electron, we now have many applications of electron beam in science and technology. In this report, we review two important applications of electron beam: electron microscopy and pulsed-electron beam. Advanced electron microscopy techniques to investigate atomic and electronic structures, and pulsed-electron beam for investigating time-resolved structural change are described. (author)

  11. Effects of electron-electron interactions on electronic transport in disordered systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foley, Simon Timothy


    This thesis is concerned with the role of electron-electron interactions on electronic transport in disordered systems. We first consider a novel non-linear sigma model in order to microscopically treat the effects of disorder and electronic interaction. We successfully reproduce the perturbative results for the zero-bias anomaly and the interaction correction to the conductivity in a weakly disordered system, and discuss possible directions for future work. Secondly we consider the fluctuations of the dephasing rate for a closed diffusive and quantum dot system. Using the Keldysh technique we derive an expression for the inelastic scattering rate with which we self-consistently obtain the fluctuations in the dephasing rate. For the diffusive regime we find the relative fluctuations is given by F ∼ (L φ /L) 2 /g 2 , where g is the dimensionless conductance, L φ is the dephasing length and L is the sample size. For the quantum dot regime we find a perturbative divergence due to the presence of the zero mode. By mapping divergent diagrams to those for the two-level correlation function, we conjecture the existence of an exact relation between the two. Finally we discuss the consequences of this relation. (author)

  12. Characteristics of trapped electrons and electron traps in single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Budzinski, E.E.; Potter, W.R.; Potienko, G.; Box, H.C.


    Two additional carbohydrates are reported whose crystal structures trap electrons intermolecularly in single crystals x irradiated at low temperature, namely sucrose and rhamnose. Five carbohydrate and polyhydroxy compounds are now known which exhibit this phenomenon. The following characteristics of the phenomenon were investigated: (1) the hyperfine couplings of the electron with protons of the polarized hydroxy groups forming the trap; (2) the distances between these protons and the trapped electron; (3) the spin density of the electron at the protons and (4) the relative stabilities of the electron trapped in various crystal structures

  13. Electron-electron scattering in linear transport in two-dimensional systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hu, Ben Yu-Kuang; Flensberg, Karsten


    We describe a method for numerically incorporating electron-electron scattering in quantum wells for small deviations of the distribution function from equilibrium, within the framework of the Boltzmann equation. For a given temperature T and density n, a symmetric matrix needs to be evaluated only...... once, and henceforth it can be used to describe electron-electron scattering in any Boltzmann equation linear-response calculation for that particular T and n. Using this method, we calculate the distribution function and mobility for electrons in a quantum well, including full finite...

  14. Terahertz Plasma Waves in Two Dimensional Quantum Electron Gas with Electron Scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Liping


    We investigate the Terahertz (THz) plasma waves in a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas in a nanometer field effect transistor (FET) with quantum effects, the electron scattering, the thermal motion of electrons and electron exchange-correlation. We find that, while the electron scattering, the wave number along y direction and the electron exchange-correlation suppress the radiation power, but the thermal motion of electrons and the quantum effects can amplify the radiation power. The radiation frequency decreases with electron exchange-correlation contributions, but increases with quantum effects, the wave number along y direction and thermal motion of electrons. It is worth mentioning that the electron scattering has scarce influence on the radiation frequency. These properties could be of great help to the realization of practical THz plasma oscillations in nanometer FET. (paper)

  15. Oblique electron cyclotron emission for electron distribution studies (invited)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preische, S.; Efthimion, P.C.; Kaye, S.M.


    Electron cyclotron emission (ECE) at an oblique angle to the magnetic field provides a means of probing the electron distribution function both in energy and physical space through changes in and constraints on the relativistic electron cyclotron resonance condition. Diagnostics based on this Doppler shifted resonance are able to study a variety of electron distributions through changes in the location of the resonance in physical or energy space accomplished by changes in the viewing angle and frequency, and the magnetic field. For the case of observation across a changing magnetic field, such as across the tokamak midplane, the constraint on the resonance condition for real solutions to the dispersion relation can constrain the physical location of optically thin emission. A new Oblique ECE diagnostic was installed and operated on the PBX-M tokamak for the study of energetic electrons during lower hybrid current drive. It has a view 33 degree with respect to perpendicular in the tokamak midplane, receives second harmonic X-mode emission, and is constrained to receive single pass emission by SiC viewing dumps on the tokamak walls. Spatial localization of optically thin emission from superthermal electrons (50 endash 100 keV) was obtained by observation of emission upshifted from a thermal cyclotron harmonic. The localized measurements of the electron energy distribution and the superthermal density profile made by this diagnostic demonstrate its potential to study the spatial transport of energetic electrons on fast magnetohydrodynamic time scales or anomalous diffusion time scales. Oblique ECE can also be used to study electron distributions that may have a slight deviation from a Maxwellian by localizing the emission in energy space. (Abstract Truncated)

  16. Electron microscopy of boron carbide before and after electron irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoto, T.; Zuppiroli, L.; Beauvy, M.; Athanassiadis, T.


    The microstructure of boron carbide has been studied by electron microscopy and related to the composition of the material. After electron irradiations in an usual transmission electron microscope and in a high voltage electron microscope at different temperatures and fluxes no change of these microstructures have been observed but a sputtering of the surface of the samples, which has been studied quantitatively [fr

  17. Electron Cyclotron Resonances in Electron Cloud Dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Celata, Christine; Celata, C.M.; Furman, Miguel A.; Vay, J.-L.; Yu, Jennifer W.


    We report a previously unknown resonance for electron cloud dynamics. The 2D simulation code 'POSINST' was used to study the electron cloud buildup at different z positions in the International Linear Collider positron damping ring wiggler. An electron equilibrium density enhancement of up to a factor of 3 was found at magnetic field values for which the bunch frequency is an integral multiple of the electron cyclotron frequency. At low magnetic fields the effects of the resonance are prominent, but when B exceeds ∼(2 pi mec/(elb)), with lb = bunch length, effects of the resonance disappear. Thus short bunches and low B fields are required for observing the effect. The reason for the B field dependence, an explanation of the dynamics, and the results of the 2D simulations and of a single-particle tracking code used to elucidate details of the dynamics are discussed

  18. Role of electron-electron interactions in the RKKY theory of magnetism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooke, J.F.


    The theory of magnetism in heavy rare earth metals is based on the RKKY theory. In this formalism the indirect exchange interaction between the local 4f spins is mediated by the conduction electrons. When carried to second order in the 4f-conduction electron interaction, traditional perturbation theory leads to a Heisenberg-like interaction between the local spins which depends on the electronic energy bands and 4f-conduction electron exchange matrix elements. This derivation neglects the detailed behavior of electron-electron interaction within the conduction band, which is known to be important in metallic systems. By using an equation of motion method, an expression for the inelastic neutron scattering cross-section has been derived which includes, in an approximate way, this electron-electron interaction. The results of this calculation indicate that spin-wave peaks can be broadened and shifted if the spin-wave band lies near the conduction electron Stoner continuum. The origin of this effect is similar to that found in itinerant electron systems where the spin-wave band actually intersects the Stoner continuum, resulting in the disappearance of the spin-wave mode

  19. Role of electron-electron interactions in the RKKY theory of magnetism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooke, J.F.


    The theory of magnetism in heavy rare earth metals is based on the RKKY theory. In this formalism the indirect exchange interaction between the local 4f spins is mediated by the conduction electrons. When carried to second order in the 4f-conduction electron interaction, traditional pertubation theory leads to a Heisenberg-like interaction between the local spins which depends on the electronic energy bands and 4f-conduction electron exchange matrix elements. This derivation neglects the detailed behavior of electron-electron interaction within the conduction band, which is known to be important in metallic systems. By using an equation of motion method, an expression for the inelastic neutron scattering cross-section has been derived which includes, in an approximate way, this electron-electron interaction. The results of this calculation indicate that spin-wave peaks can be broadened and shifted if the spin-wave band lies near the conduction electron Stoner continuum. The origin of this effect is similar to that found in itinerant electron systems where the spin-wave band actually intersects the Stoner continuum, resulting in the disappearance of the spin-wave mode

  20. Electron acoustic solitary waves in unmagnetized two electron population dense plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahmood, S.; Masood, W.


    The electron acoustic solitary waves are studied in unmagnetized two population electron quantum plasmas. The quantum hydrodynamic model is employed with the Sagdeev potential approach to describe the arbitrary amplitude electron acoustic waves in a two electron population dense Fermi plasma. It is found that hot electron density hump structures are formed in the subsonic region in such type of quantum plasmas. The wave amplitude as well as the width of the soliton are increased with the increase of percentage presence of cold (thinly populated) electrons in a multicomponent quantum plasma. It is found that an increase in quantum diffraction parameter broadens the nonlinear structure. Furthermore, the amplitude of the nonlinear electron acoustic wave is found to increase with the decrease in Mach number. The numerical results are also presented to understand the formation of solitons in two electron population Fermi plasmas.

  1. Advances in imaging and electron physics the scanning transmission electron microscope

    CERN Document Server

    Hawkes, Peter W


    Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics merges two long-running serials--Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics and Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy. This series features extended articles on the physics of electron devices (especially semiconductor devices), particle optics at high and low energies, microlithography, image science and digital image processing, electromagnetic wave propagation, electron microscopy, and the computing methods used in all these domains.  This particular volume presents several timely articles on the scanning transmission electron microscope. Updated with contributions from leading international scholars and industry experts Discusses hot topic areas and presents current and future research trends Provides an invaluable reference and guide for physicists, engineers and mathematicians.

  2. Attractive electron correlation in wide band gap semiconductors by electron-photon interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takeda, Hiroyuki; Yoshino, Katsumi


    We theoretically demonstrate attractive electron correlation in wide band gap semiconductors by electron-photon interaction. At low temperature, wavevectors of electromagnetic waves absorbed in wide band gap semiconductors cannot be neglected for wavevectors of electron waves; that is, electromagnetic waves affect the movements of electrons. In particular, attractive interaction occurs between two electrons when one electron changes from a valence band to a conduction band and the other electron changes from a conduction band to a valence band

  3. Electronic Publishing or Electronic Information Handling? (United States)

    Heck, A.

    The current dramatic evolution in information technology is bringing major modifications in the way scientists communicate. The concept of 'electronic publishing' is too restrictive and has often different, sometimes conflicting, interpretations. It is thus giving way to the broader notion of 'electronic information handling' encompassing the diverse types of information, the different media, as well as the various communication methodologies and technologies. New problems and challenges result also from this new information culture, especially on legal, ethical, and educational grounds. The procedures for validating 'published material' and for evaluating scientific activities will have to be adjusted too. 'Fluid' information is becoming a common concept. Electronic publishing cannot be conceived without link to knowledge bases nor without intelligent information retrieval tools.

  4. Theoretical study of the interplay of electron-electron interaction and disorder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brezini, A.; Behilil, S.


    A disordered Hubbard model with diagonal disorder is used to investigate the electron localization effects associated with both disorder and electron-electron interaction. Extensive results are reported on the ground state properties and compared to other theories. Two regimes have been found: when the electron-electron interaction u is greater than the disorder parameter w and when u < w. (author). 18 refs, 4 figs

  5. Defining Electron Bifurcation in the Electron-Transferring Flavoprotein Family. (United States)

    Garcia Costas, Amaya M; Poudel, Saroj; Miller, Anne-Frances; Schut, Gerrit J; Ledbetter, Rhesa N; Fixen, Kathryn R; Seefeldt, Lance C; Adams, Michael W W; Harwood, Caroline S; Boyd, Eric S; Peters, John W


    Electron bifurcation is the coupling of exergonic and endergonic redox reactions to simultaneously generate (or utilize) low- and high-potential electrons. It is the third recognized form of energy conservation in biology and was recently described for select electron-transferring flavoproteins (Etfs). Etfs are flavin-containing heterodimers best known for donating electrons derived from fatty acid and amino acid oxidation to an electron transfer respiratory chain via Etf-quinone oxidoreductase. Canonical examples contain a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) that is involved in electron transfer, as well as a non-redox-active AMP. However, Etfs demonstrated to bifurcate electrons contain a second FAD in place of the AMP. To expand our understanding of the functional variety and metabolic significance of Etfs and to identify amino acid sequence motifs that potentially enable electron bifurcation, we compiled 1,314 Etf protein sequences from genome sequence databases and subjected them to informatic and structural analyses. Etfs were identified in diverse archaea and bacteria, and they clustered into five distinct well-supported groups, based on their amino acid sequences. Gene neighborhood analyses indicated that these Etf group designations largely correspond to putative differences in functionality. Etfs with the demonstrated ability to bifurcate were found to form one group, suggesting that distinct conserved amino acid sequence motifs enable this capability. Indeed, structural modeling and sequence alignments revealed that identifying residues occur in the NADH- and FAD-binding regions of bifurcating Etfs. Collectively, a new classification scheme for Etf proteins that delineates putative bifurcating versus nonbifurcating members is presented and suggests that Etf-mediated bifurcation is associated with surprisingly diverse enzymes. IMPORTANCE Electron bifurcation has recently been recognized as an electron transfer mechanism used by microorganisms to maximize

  6. Effects of electron-electron interactions on the electron distribution function of a plasma in the presence of an external electric field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molinari, V.G.; Pizzio, F.; Spiga, G.


    The electron distribution function, the electron temperature and some transport parameters (electrical conductivity and energy flow coefficient) are obtained starting from the nonlinear Boltzmann equation for a plasma under the action of an external electric field. The Fokker-Planck approximation is used for electron-electron and electron-ion interactions. The effects of electron-electron collisions are studied for different values of collision frequencies and electric field. (author)

  7. Electron-excited molecule interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Christophorou, L.G.; Tennessee Univ., Knoxville, TN


    In this paper the limited but significant knowledge to date on electron scattering from vibrationally/rotationally excited molecules and electron scattering from and electron impact ionization of electronically excited molecules is briefly summarized and discussed. The profound effects of the internal energy content of a molecule on its electron attachment properties are highlighted focusing in particular on electron attachment to vibrationally/rotationally and to electronically excited molecules. The limited knowledge to date on electron-excited molecule interactions clearly shows that the cross sections for certain electron-molecule collision processes can be very different from those involving ground state molecules. For example, optically enhanced electron attachment studies have shown that electron attachment to electronically excited molecules can occur with cross sections 10 6 to 10 7 times larger compared to ground state molecules. The study of electron-excited molecule interactions offers many experimental and theoretical challenges and opportunities and is both of fundamental and technological significance. 54 refs., 15 figs

  8. Seeing with electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nellist, P.


    Commercially available lens correctors are extending the reach of electron microscopes to unprecedented atomic scales, as Peter Nellist describes. The electron microscope was invented in 1933 and is based on the principle that electrons have a wavelength that is inversely proportional to their momentum. There are two basic types: transmission electron microscopes and scanning electron microscopes, plus a hybrid of the two. The lenses in an electron microscope are provided by electromagnetic fields, but they suffer from spherical aberration. The addition of octupole and quadrupole corrector fields has improved the resolution of the electron microscope to better than 0.1 nm in the last decade. The next step is to correct for chromatic aberration, after which the resolution of the microscope will probably be limited by the size of the atom itself. (U.K.)

  9. Introduction to electronics

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Electronics in HEP experiments: specificities and evolution The Art of Electronics: is there something beyond Ohm's law? Basic building blocks of Analog electronics: quickly understanding a schematic Charge preamps, current preamps and future preamps, shaping and the rest Electronics noise: fundamental and practical Evolution of technology: ASICs, FPGAs...

  10. Multiple electron generation in a sea of electronic states (United States)

    Witzel, Wayne; Shabaev, Andrew; Efros, Alexander; Hellberg, Carl; Verne, Jacobs


    In traditional bulk semiconductor photovoltaics (PVs), each photon may excite a single electron-hole, wasting excess energy beyond the band-gap as heat. In nanocrystals, multiple excitons can be generated from a single photon, enhancing the PV current. Multiple electron generation (MEG) may result from Coulombic interactions of the confined electrons. Previous investigations have been based on incomplete or over-simplified electronic-state representations. We present results of quantum simulations that include hundreds of thousands of configuration states and show how the complex dynamics, even in a closed electronic system, yields a saturated MEG effect on a femtosecond timescale. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

  11. Electron collision cross sections and electron swarm parameters for gas molecules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, Makoto


    Elastic and inelastic electron collision cross sections for molecules which interest in radiation research have been determined from available electron beam and electron swarm data by utilizing the Boltzmann equation and Monte Carlo simulation method. Electron drift velocity data which interest in radiation Pysics have been discussed and some calculated results of electron drift velocity data for CF 4 and CF 4 -inert gases mixtures will be presented. (author)





    Se estudió la variación de la anatomía de la madera, variables biornétricas, aptitud pulpable y propiedades de la pulpa, en 14 clones de E. globulus de 7 años de edad, creciendo en un ensayo clonal en la zona de Arauco, región del Bio-Bio, Chile. Las Cara 61p.

  13. Influencia del modelo elástico en la dinámica de estructuras articuladas


    Muñoz, M.; López-Hernández, E.


    Se estudia la influencia en la dinámica de una estructura articulada de barras de madera, de la aproximación a las propiedades tensión-deformación del material. Se ha adoptado un método de cálculo por diferencias finitas en el dominio del tiempo, con un modelo de masas concentradas en los nodos.

  14. Electronic payment systems


    Mláka, Michal


    This bachelor thesis analysis issue of electronic payment systems. It discusses their use for payments on the internet and sending funds via e-mail. The first part is devoted to the theoretical definition and legislation of the issuance of electronic money and activities of electronic money institutions. The main part of the work clearly focuses on the use of e-wallets, which is an integral part of electronic payment systems. E-wallet of electronic payment system Moneybookers is considered as...

  15. Wigner-like crystallization of Anderson-localized electron systems with low electron densities

    CERN Document Server

    Slutskin, A A; Pepper, M


    We consider an electron system under conditions of strong Anderson localization, taking into account interelectron long-range Coulomb repulsion. We establish that at sufficiently low electron densities and sufficiently low temperatures the Coulomb electron interaction brings about ordering of the Anderson-localized electrons into a structure that is close to an ideal (Wigner) crystal lattice, provided the dimension of the system is > 1. This Anderson-Wigner glass (AWG) is a new macroscopic electron state that, on the one hand, is beyond the conventional Fermi glass concept, and on the other hand, qualitatively differs from the known 'plain' Wigner glass (inherent in self-localized electron systems) in that the random slight electron displacements from the ideal crystal sites essentially depend on the electron density. With increasing electron density the AWG is found to turn into the plain Wigner glass or Fermi glass, depending on the width of the random spread of the electron levels. It is shown that the res...

  16. Excess electrons in methanol clusters: Beyond the one-electron picture (United States)

    Pohl, Gábor; Mones, Letif; Turi, László


    We performed a series of comparative quantum chemical calculations on various size negatively charged methanol clusters, ("separators=" CH 3 OH ) n - . The clusters are examined in their optimized geometries (n = 2-4), and in geometries taken from mixed quantum-classical molecular dynamics simulations at finite temperature (n = 2-128). These latter structures model potential electron binding sites in methanol clusters and in bulk methanol. In particular, we compute the vertical detachment energy (VDE) of an excess electron from increasing size methanol cluster anions using quantum chemical computations at various levels of theory including a one-electron pseudopotential model, several density functional theory (DFT) based methods, MP2 and coupled-cluster CCSD(T) calculations. The results suggest that at least four methanol molecules are needed to bind an excess electron on a hydrogen bonded methanol chain in a dipole bound state. Larger methanol clusters are able to form stronger interactions with an excess electron. The two simulated excess electron binding motifs in methanol clusters, interior and surface states, correlate well with distinct, experimentally found VDE tendencies with size. Interior states in a solvent cavity are stabilized significantly stronger than electron states on cluster surfaces. Although we find that all the examined quantum chemistry methods more or less overestimate the strength of the experimental excess electron stabilization, MP2, LC-BLYP, and BHandHLYP methods with diffuse basis sets provide a significantly better estimate of the VDE than traditional DFT methods (BLYP, B3LYP, X3LYP, PBE0). A comparison to the better performing many electron methods indicates that the examined one-electron pseudopotential can be reasonably used in simulations for systems of larger size.

  17. Electron dose rate and photon contamination in electron arc therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pla, M.; Podgorsak, E.B.; Pla, C.


    The electron dose rate at the depth of dose maximum dmax and the photon contamination are discussed as a function of several parameters of the rotational electron beam. A pseudoarc technique with an angular increment of 10 degrees and a constant number of monitor units per each stationary electron field was used in our experiments. The electron dose rate is defined as the electron dose at a given point in phantom divided by the number of monitor units given for any one stationary electron beam. For a given depth of isocenter di the electron dose rates at dmax are linearly dependent on the nominal field width w, while for a given w the dose rates are inversely proportional to di. The dose rates for rotational electron beams with different di are related through the inverse square law provided that the two beams have (di,w) combinations which give the same characteristic angle beta. The photon dose at the isocenter depends on the arc angle alpha, field width w, and isocenter depth di. For constant w and di the photon dose at isocenter is proportional to alpha, for constant alpha and w it is proportional to di, and for constant alpha and di it is inversely proportional to w. The w and di dependence implies that for the same alpha the photon dose at the isocenter is inversely proportional to the electron dose rate at dmax

  18. Power Electronics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iov, Florin; Ciobotaru, Mihai; Blaabjerg, Frede


    is to change the electrical power production sources from the conventional, fossil (and short term) based energy sources to renewable energy resources. The other is to use high efficient power electronics in power generation, power transmission/distribution and end-user application. This paper discuss the most...... emerging renewable energy sources, wind energy, which by means of power electronics are changing from being a minor energy source to be acting as an important power source in the energy system. Power electronics is the enabling technology and the presentation will cover the development in wind turbine...... technology from kW to MW, discuss which power electronic solutions are most feasible and used today....

  19. Electron Emission from Ultra-Large Area MOS Electron Emitters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Lasse Bjørchmar; Nielsen, Gunver; Vendelbo, Søren Bastholm


    Ultralarge metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices with an active oxide area of 1 cm2 have been fabricated for use as electron emitters. The MOS structures consist of a Si substrate, a SiO2 tunnel barrier (~5 nm), a Ti wetting layer (3–10 Å), and a Au top layer (5–60 nm). Electron emission from...... layer is varied from 3 to 10 Å which changes the emission efficiency by more than one order of magnitude. The apparent mean free path of ~5 eV electrons in Au is found to be 52 Å. Deposition of Cs on the Au film increased the electron emission efficiency to 4.3% at 4 V by lowering the work function....... Electron emission under high pressures (up to 2 bars) of Ar was observed. ©2009 American Vacuum Society...

  20. Comparative analysis of the terms "electronic commerce" and "electronic business"


    Kavaliauskienė, Virginija; Šarapovas, Tadas


    Establishing the terms that clearly and consistently describe growing and dynamic networked economy is a critical first step toward further analysis and evaluation of electronic commerce and electronic business processes. Electronic commerce is making an impact on the ways that purchasing activities are being conducted. Much of the early literature on this subject was very speculative. However, the growth of e-commerce has enabled more observations to be made of the use of electronic business...

  1. Electron-electron interaction and transfer ionization in fast ion-atom collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voitkiv, A B


    Recently it was pointed out that electron capture occurring in fast ion-atom collisions can proceed via a mechanism which earlier was not considered. In the present paper we study this mechanism in more detail. Similarly as in radiative capture, where the electron transfer occurs due to the interaction with the radiation field and proceeds via emission of a photon, within this mechanism the electron capture is caused by the interaction with another atomic electron leading mainly to the emission of the latter. In contrast to the electron-electron Thomas capture, this electron-electron (E-E) mechanism is basically a first-order one having similarities to the kinematic and radiative capture channels. It also possesses important differences with the latter two. Leading to transfer ionization, this first-order capture mechanism results in the electron emission mainly in the direction opposite to the motion of the projectile ion. The same, although less pronounced, feature is also characteristic for the momenta of the target recoil ions produced via this mechanism. It is also shown that the action of the E-E mechanism is clearly seen in recent experimental data on the transfer ionization in fast proton-helium collisions.

  2. Determination of electron temperature and electron density in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It is seen that the electron temperature increases from 5.8 × 102 oK to 7.83 × 104 oK as the pd is reduced from 130mm Hg × mm to 60 mm Hg × mm for argon. The electron densities increases from 2.8 × 1011/cm3 to 3.2 × 1011 /cm3 for the same variation of pds. For air the electron temperature increases from 3.6 × 104 oK to ...

  3. Optimising electron microscopy experiment through electron optics simulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kubo, Y. [CEMES-CNRS, 29 Rue Jeanne Marvig, 31055 Toulouse France (France); Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, 882, Ichige, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 312-8504 (Japan); Gatel, C.; Snoeck, E. [CEMES-CNRS, 29 Rue Jeanne Marvig, 31055 Toulouse France (France); Houdellier, F., E-mail: [CEMES-CNRS, 29 Rue Jeanne Marvig, 31055 Toulouse France (France)


    We developed a new type of electron trajectories simulation inside a complete model of a modern transmission electron microscope (TEM). Our model incorporates the precise and real design of each element constituting a TEM, i.e. the field emission (FE) cathode, the extraction optic and acceleration stages of a 300 kV cold field emission gun, the illumination lenses, the objective lens, the intermediate and projection lenses. Full trajectories can be computed using magnetically saturated or non-saturated round lenses, magnetic deflectors and even non-cylindrical symmetry elements like electrostatic biprism. This multi-scale model gathers nanometer size components (FE tip) with parts of meter length (illumination and projection systems). We demonstrate that non-trivial TEM experiments requiring specific and complex optical configurations can be simulated and optimized prior to any experiment using such model. We show that all the currents set in all optical elements of the simulated column can be implemented in the real column (I2TEM in CEMES) and used as starting alignment for the requested experiment. We argue that the combination of such complete electron trajectory simulations in the whole TEM column with automatic optimization of the microscope parameters for optimal experimental data (images, diffraction, spectra) allows drastically simplifying the implementation of complex experiments in TEM and will facilitate the development of advanced use of the electron microscope in the near future. - Highlights: • Using dedicated electron optics software, we calculate full electrons trajectories inside a modern transmission electron microscope. • We have determined how to deal with multi-scale electron optics elements like high voltage cold field emission source. • W • e have succeed to model both weak and strong magnetic lenses whether in saturated or unsaturated conditions as well as electrostatic biprism and magnetic deflectors. • We have applied this model

  4. Optimising electron microscopy experiment through electron optics simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubo, Y.; Gatel, C.; Snoeck, E.; Houdellier, F.


    We developed a new type of electron trajectories simulation inside a complete model of a modern transmission electron microscope (TEM). Our model incorporates the precise and real design of each element constituting a TEM, i.e. the field emission (FE) cathode, the extraction optic and acceleration stages of a 300 kV cold field emission gun, the illumination lenses, the objective lens, the intermediate and projection lenses. Full trajectories can be computed using magnetically saturated or non-saturated round lenses, magnetic deflectors and even non-cylindrical symmetry elements like electrostatic biprism. This multi-scale model gathers nanometer size components (FE tip) with parts of meter length (illumination and projection systems). We demonstrate that non-trivial TEM experiments requiring specific and complex optical configurations can be simulated and optimized prior to any experiment using such model. We show that all the currents set in all optical elements of the simulated column can be implemented in the real column (I2TEM in CEMES) and used as starting alignment for the requested experiment. We argue that the combination of such complete electron trajectory simulations in the whole TEM column with automatic optimization of the microscope parameters for optimal experimental data (images, diffraction, spectra) allows drastically simplifying the implementation of complex experiments in TEM and will facilitate the development of advanced use of the electron microscope in the near future. - Highlights: • Using dedicated electron optics software, we calculate full electrons trajectories inside a modern transmission electron microscope. • We have determined how to deal with multi-scale electron optics elements like high voltage cold field emission source. • W • e have succeed to model both weak and strong magnetic lenses whether in saturated or unsaturated conditions as well as electrostatic biprism and magnetic deflectors. • We have applied this model

  5. Lead-Free Electronics: Impact for Space Electronics (United States)

    Sampson, Michael J.


    Pb is used as a constituent in solder alloys used to connect and attach electronic parts to printed wiring boards (PWBs). Similar Pbbearing alloys are electroplated or hot dipped onto the terminations of electronic parts to protect the terminations and make them solderable. Changing to Pb-free solders and termination finishes has introduced significant technical challenges into the supply chain. Tin/lead (Sn/Pb) alloys have been the solders of choice for electronics for more than 50 years. Pb-free solder alloys are available but there is not a plug-in replacement for 60/40 or 63/37 (Sn/Pb) alloys, which have been the industry workhorses.

  6. Observation of electron plasma waves in plasma of two-temperature electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikezawa, Shunjiro; Nakamura, Yoshiharu.


    Propagation of electron plasma waves in a large and unmagnetized plasma containing two Maxwellian distributions of electrons is studied experimentally. Two kinds of plasma sources which supply electrons of different temperature are used. The temperature ratio is about 3 and the density ratio of hot to cool electrons is varied from 0 to 0.5. A small contamination of hot electrons enhances the Landau damping of the principal mode known as the Bohm-Gross mode. When the density of hot electrons is larger than about 0.2, two modes are observed. The results agree with theoretical dispersion relations when excitation efficiencies of the modes are considered. (author)

  7. Electron energy and electron trajectories in an inverse free-electron laser accelerator based on a novel electrostatic wiggler (United States)

    Nikrah, M.; Jafari, S.


    We expand here a theory of a high-gradient laser-excited electron accelerator based on an inverse free-electron laser (inverse-FEL), but with innovations in the structure and design. The electrostatic wiggler used in our scheme, namely termed the Paul wiggler, is generated by segmented cylindrical electrodes with applied oscillatory voltages {{V}\\text{osc}}(t) over {{90}\\circ} segments. The inverse-FEL interaction can be described by the equations that govern the electron motion in the combined fields of both the laser pulse and Paul wiggler field. A numerical study of electron energy and electron trajectories has been made using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The results indicate that the electron attains a considerable energy at short distances in this device. It is found that if the electron has got sufficient suitable wiggler amplitude intensities, it can not only gain higher energy in longer distances, but also can retain it even after the passing of the laser pulse. In addition, the results reveal that the electron energy gains different peaks for different initial axial velocities, so that a suitable small initial axial velocity of e-beam produces substantially high energy gain. With regard to the transverse confinement of the electron beam in a Paul wiggler, there is no applied axial guide magnetic field in this device.

  8. Plasmaspheric electron content

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartmann, G.K.


    Measurements of the plasmaspheric electron content are reviewed with particular reference to the ATS-6 radio beacon experiment. From the review, it appears likely that measurement of the plasmaspheric electron content is the only one capable of monitoring electron fluxes continuously between L 1 and L 2. Some recent important results deduced from plasmaspheric electron content measurements are discussed

  9. A 20 keV electron gun system for the electron irradiation experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahapatra, S.K.; Dhole, S.D.; Bhoraskar, V.N.


    An electron gun consisting of cathode, focusing electrode, control electrode and anode has been designed and fabricated for the electron irradiation experiments. This electron gun can provide electrons of any energy over the range 1-20 keV, with current upto 50 μA. This electron gun and a Faraday cup are mounted in the cylindrical chamber. The samples are fixed on the Faraday cup and irradiated with electrons at a pressure ∼10 -7 mbar. The special features of this electron gun system are that, at any electron energy above 1 keV, the electron beam diameter can be varied from 5 to 120 mm on the Faraday cup mounted at a distance of 200 mm from the anode in the chamber. The variation in the electron current over the beam spot of 120 mm diameter is less than 15% and the beam current stability is better than 5%. This system is being used for studying the irradiation effects of 1-20 keV energy electrons on the space quality materials in which the irradiation time may vary from a few tens of seconds to hours

  10. A 20 keV electron gun system for the electron irradiation experiments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mahapatra, S.K. [Department of Physics, University of Pune, Pune 411007 (India); Dhole, S.D. [Department of Physics, University of Pune, Pune 411007 (India); Bhoraskar, V.N. [Department of Physics, University of Pune, Pune 411007 (India)]. E-mail:


    An electron gun consisting of cathode, focusing electrode, control electrode and anode has been designed and fabricated for the electron irradiation experiments. This electron gun can provide electrons of any energy over the range 1-20 keV, with current upto 50 {mu}A. This electron gun and a Faraday cup are mounted in the cylindrical chamber. The samples are fixed on the Faraday cup and irradiated with electrons at a pressure {approx}10{sup -7} mbar. The special features of this electron gun system are that, at any electron energy above 1 keV, the electron beam diameter can be varied from 5 to 120 mm on the Faraday cup mounted at a distance of 200 mm from the anode in the chamber. The variation in the electron current over the beam spot of 120 mm diameter is less than 15% and the beam current stability is better than 5%. This system is being used for studying the irradiation effects of 1-20 keV energy electrons on the space quality materials in which the irradiation time may vary from a few tens of seconds to hours.

  11. Effect of electron beam on the properties of electron-acoustic rogue waves (United States)

    El-Shewy, E. K.; Elwakil, S. A.; El-Hanbaly, A. M.; Kassem, A. I.


    The properties of nonlinear electron-acoustic rogue waves have been investigated in an unmagnetized collisionless four-component plasma system consisting of a cold electron fluid, Maxwellian hot electrons, an electron beam and stationary ions. It is found that the basic set of fluid equations is reduced to a nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The dependence of rogue wave profiles and the associated electric field on the carrier wave number, normalized density of hot electron and electron beam, relative cold electron temperature and relative beam temperature are discussed. The results of the present investigation may be applicable in auroral zone plasma.

  12. Electron cooling and recombination experiments with an adiabatically expanded electron beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pastuszka, S.; Heidelberg Univ.; Schramm, U.; Heidelberg Univ.; Grieser, M.; Heidelberg Univ.; Broude, C.; Heidelberg Univ.; Grimm, R.; Heidelberg Univ.; Habs, D.; Heidelberg Univ.; Kenntner, J.; Heidelberg Univ.; Miesner, H.J.; Heidelberg Univ.; Schuessler, T.; Heidelberg Univ.; Schwalm, D.; Heidelberg Univ.; Wolf, A.; Heidelberg Univ.


    Magnetically guided electron beams with transverse temperatures reduced with respect to the cathode temperature by a factor of more than 7 were realized in the electron cooling device of the heavy-ion storage ring TSR and the effect of the reduced transverse temperature in recombination and electron cooling experiments was studied. Measured dielectronic recombination resonances at low relative energy and spectra of laser-stimulated recombination indicate that transverse electron temperatures of about 17 meV have been obtained at cathode temperatures of about 110 meV. The temperature dependence of the spontaneous electron-ion recombination rate during electron cooling was investigated and found to follow the inverse square-root law expected from the theory of radiative recombination, although the measured absolute rates are higher than predicted. A new method based on analyzing the intensity of the fluorescence light emitted during simultaneous laser and electron cooling is used to measure the longitudinal electron cooling force in a range of relative velocities extending over two orders of magnitude (10 5 -10 7 cm/s). The results confirm the occurrence of 'magnetized electron cooling' also at the reduced transverse temperature and show that, compared to earlier measurements at the high transverse temperature, the cooling force increases by about a factor of 2; a considerably larger increase by a factor of ∼5 would be expected if 'magnetized electron cooling' would not exist. (orig.)

  13. Electronic structure of elements and compounds and electronic phases of solids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nadykto, B.A.


    The paper reviews technique and computed energies for various electronic states of many-electron multiply charged ions, molecular ions, and electronic phases of solids. The model used allows computation of the state energy for free many-electron multiply charged ions with relative accuracy ∼10 -4 suitable for analysis of spectroscopy data

  14. Three-dimensional nanofabrication by electron-beam-induced deposition using 200-keV electrons in scanning transmission electron microscope

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Z.Q.; Mitsuishi, K.; Furuya, K.


    Attempts were made to fabricate three-dimensional nanostructures on and out of a substrate by electron-beam-induced deposition in a 200-kV scanning transmission electron microscope. Structures with parallel wires over the substrate surface were difficult to fabricate due to the direct deposition of wires on both top and bottom surfaces of the substrate. Within the penetration depth of the incident electron beam, nanotweezers were fabricated by moving the electron beam beyond different substrate layers. Combining the deposition of self-supporting wires and self-standing tips, complicated three-dimensional doll-like, flag-like, and gate-like nanostructures that extend out of the substrate were successfully fabricated with one-step or multi-step scans of the electron beam. Effects of coarsening, nucleation, and distortion during electron-beam-induced deposition are discussed. (orig.)

  15. Secondary electron emission yield in the limit of low electron energy

    CERN Document Server

    Andronov, A.N.; Kaganovich, I.D.; Startsev, E.A.; Raitses, Y.; Demidov, V.I.


    Secondary electron emission (SEE) from solids plays an important role in many areas of science and technology.1 In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the experimental and theoretical studies of SEE. A recent study proposed that the reflectivity of very low energy electrons from solid surface approaches unity in the limit of zero electron energy2,3,4, If this was indeed the case, this effect would have profound implications on the formation of electron clouds in particle accelerators,2-4 plasma measurements with electrostatic Langmuir probes, and operation of Hall plasma thrusters for spacecraft propulsion5,6. It appears that, the proposed high electron reflectivity at low electron energies contradicts to numerous previous experimental studies of the secondary electron emission7. The goal of this note is to discuss possible causes of these contradictions.

  16. Electron spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hegde, M.S.


    An introduction to the various techniques in electron spectroscopy is presented. These techniques include: (1) UV Photoelectron spectroscopy, (2) X-ray Photoelectron spectroscopy, (3) Auger electron spectroscopy, (4) Electron energy loss spectroscopy, (5) Penning ionization spectroscopy and (6) Ion neutralization spectroscopy. The radiations used in each technique, the basis of the technique and the special information obtained in structure determination in atoms and molecules by each technique are summarised. (A.K.)

  17. Perpendicular electron cyclotron emission from hot electrons in TMX-U

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    James, R.A.; Ellis, R.F.; Lasnier, C.J.; Casper, T.A.; Celata, C.M.


    Perpendicular electron cyclotron emission (PECE) from the electron cyclotron resonant heating of hot electrons in TMX-U is measured at 30 to 40 and 50 to 75 GHz. This emission is optically thin and is measured at the midplane, f/sub ce/ approx. = 14 GHz, in either end cell. In the west end cell, the emission can be measured at different axial positions thus yielding the temporal history of the hot electron axial profile. These profiles are in excellent agreement with the axial diamagnetic signals. In addition, the PECE signal level correlates well with the diamagnetic signal over a wide range of hot electron densities. Preliminary results from theoretical modeling and comparisons with other diagnostics are also presented

  18. A ferroelectric electron gun in a free-electron maser experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Einat, M.; Jerby, E.; Rosenman, G.


    An electron-gun based on a ferroelectric cathode is studied in a free-electron maser (FEM) experiment. In this gun, the electrons are separated from the cathode surface plasma, and are accelerated in two stages. The electron energy-spread is reduced sufficiently for an FEM operation in the microwave regime. A 14 keV, 1-2 A e-beam is obtained in a 0.1-2.1 μs pulse width. The pulse repetition frequency attains 3.1 MHz in ∼50% duty-cycle. This gun is implemented in an FEM oscillator experiment operating around 3 GHz. The paper presents experimental results and discusses the applicability of ferroelectric guns in free-electron laser devices

  19. A ferroelectric electron gun in a free-electron maser experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Einat, M; Rosenman, G


    An electron-gun based on a ferroelectric cathode is studied in a free-electron maser (FEM) experiment. In this gun, the electrons are separated from the cathode surface plasma, and are accelerated in two stages. The electron energy-spread is reduced sufficiently for an FEM operation in the microwave regime. A 14 keV, 1-2 A e-beam is obtained in a 0.1-2.1 mu s pulse width. The pulse repetition frequency attains 3.1 MHz in approx 50% duty-cycle. This gun is implemented in an FEM oscillator experiment operating around 3 GHz. The paper presents experimental results and discusses the applicability of ferroelectric guns in free-electron laser devices.

  20. Paper electronics. (United States)

    Tobjörk, Daniel; Österbacka, Ronald


    Paper is ubiquitous in everyday life and a truly low-cost substrate. The use of paper substrates could be extended even further, if electronic applications would be applied next to or below the printed graphics. However, applying electronics on paper is challenging. The paper surface is not only very rough compared to plastics, but is also porous. While this is detrimental for most electronic devices manufactured directly onto paper substrates, there are also approaches that are compatible with the rough and absorptive paper surface. In this review, recent advances and possibilities of these approaches are evaluated and the limitations of paper electronics are discussed. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Destabilization of the electron Bernstein modes by runaway electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hitchcock, D.A.; Mahajan, S.M.


    It is shown that the electromagnetic finite k/sub parallel/ electron Bernstein mode can be destabilized by the runaway electron distribution which results from the quasilinear action of the magnetized plasma oscillation. This mechanism is shown to yield growth rates of the order of 10 8 sec -1 and is suggested as a mechanism for the enchanced cyclotron harmonic emission in the presence of runaway electrons

  2. Surface-electronic-state effects in electron emission from the Be(0001) surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Archubi, C. D.; Gravielle, M. S.; Silkin, V. M.


    We study the electron emission produced by swift protons impinging grazingly on a Be(0001) surface. The process is described within a collisional formalism using the band-structure-based (BSB) approximation to represent the electron-surface interaction. The BSB model provides an accurate description of the electronic band structure of the solid and the surface-induced potential. Within this approach we derive both bulk and surface electronic states, with these latter characterized by a strong localization at the crystal surface. We found that such surface electronic states play an important role in double-differential energy- and angle-resolved electron emission probabilities, producing noticeable structures in the electron emission spectra.

  3. Surface-electronic-state effects in electron emission from the Be(0001) surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Archubi, C. D. [Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, casilla de correo 67, sucursal 28, C1428EGA, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Gravielle, M. S. [Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, casilla de correo 67, sucursal 28, C1428EGA, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Silkin, V. M. [Donostia International Physics Center, E-20018 San Sebastian (Spain); Departamento de Fisica de Materiales, Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Apartado 1072, E-20080 San Sebastian (Spain); IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, E-48011 Bilbao (Spain)


    We study the electron emission produced by swift protons impinging grazingly on a Be(0001) surface. The process is described within a collisional formalism using the band-structure-based (BSB) approximation to represent the electron-surface interaction. The BSB model provides an accurate description of the electronic band structure of the solid and the surface-induced potential. Within this approach we derive both bulk and surface electronic states, with these latter characterized by a strong localization at the crystal surface. We found that such surface electronic states play an important role in double-differential energy- and angle-resolved electron emission probabilities, producing noticeable structures in the electron emission spectra.

  4. Simulation of the electron acoustic instability for a finite-size electron beam system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, C.S.; Winske, D.


    Satellite observations at midlatitudes (≅20,000 km) near the earth's dayside polar cusp boundary layer indicate that the upward electron beams have a narrow latitudinal width up to 0.1 0 . In the cusp boundary layer where the electron population consists of a finite-size electron beam in a background of uniform cold and hot electrons, the electron acoustic mode is unstable inside the electron beam but damped outside the electron beam. Simulations of the electron acoustic instability for a finite-size beam system are carried out with a particle-in-cell code to investigate the heating phenomena associated with the instability and the width of the heating region. The simulations show that the finite-size electron beam radiates electrostatic electron acoustic waves. The decay length of the electron acoustic waves outside the beam in the simulation agrees with the spatial decay length derived from the linear dispersion equation

  5. Arbitrary amplitude slow electron-acoustic solitons in three-electron temperature space plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mbuli, L. N.; Maharaj, S. K.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S. V.; Lakhina, G. S.


    We examine the characteristics of large amplitude slow electron-acoustic solitons supported in a four-component unmagnetised plasma composed of cool, warm, hot electrons, and cool ions. The inertia and pressure for all the species in this plasma system are retained by assuming that they are adiabatic fluids. Our findings reveal that both positive and negative potential slow electron-acoustic solitons are supported in the four-component plasma system. The polarity switch of the slow electron-acoustic solitons is determined by the number densities of the cool and warm electrons. Negative potential solitons, which are limited by the cool and warm electron number densities becoming unreal and the occurrence of negative potential double layers, are found for low values of the cool electron density, while the positive potential solitons occurring for large values of the cool electron density are only limited by positive potential double layers. Both the lower and upper Mach numbers for the slow electron-acoustic solitons are computed and discussed

  6. Electron cloud dynamics in the Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator wiggler

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. M. Celata


    Full Text Available The interference of stray electrons (also called “electron clouds” with accelerator beams is important in modern intense-beam accelerators, especially those with beams of positive charge. In magnetic wigglers, used, for instance, for transverse emittance damping, the intense synchrotron radiation produced by the beam can generate an electron cloud of relatively high density. In this paper the complicated dynamics of electron clouds in wigglers is examined using the example of a wiggler in the Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator experiment at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring. Three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations with the WARP-POSINST computer code show different density and dynamics for the electron cloud at locations near the maxima of the vertical wiggler field when compared to locations near the minima. Dynamics in these regions, the electron cloud distribution vs longitudinal position, and the beam coherent tune shift caused by the wiggler electron cloud will be discussed.

  7. Arbitrary amplitude fast electron-acoustic solitons in three-electron component space plasmas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mbuli, L. N.; Maharaj, S. K. [South African National Space Agency (SANSA) Space Science, P.O. Box 32, Hermanus 7200, Republic of South Africa (South Africa); Department of Physics, University of the Western Cape (UWC), Robert Sobukwe Road, Bellville 7535, Republic of South Africa (South Africa); Bharuthram, R. [Department of Physics, University of the Western Cape (UWC), Robert Sobukwe Road, Bellville 7535, Republic of South Africa (South Africa); Singh, S. V.; Lakhina, G. S. [Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, New Panvel (West), Navi Mumbai 410218 (India); Department of Physics, University of the Western Cape (UWC), Robert Sobukwe Road, Bellville 7535, Republic of South Africa (South Africa)


    We examine the characteristics of fast electron-acoustic solitons in a four-component unmagnetised plasma model consisting of cool, warm, and hot electrons, and cool ions. We retain the inertia and pressure for all the plasma species by assuming adiabatic fluid behaviour for all the species. By using the Sagdeev pseudo-potential technique, the allowable Mach number ranges for fast electron-acoustic solitary waves are explored and discussed. It is found that the cool and warm electron number densities determine the polarity switch of the fast electron-acoustic solitons which are limited by either the occurrence of fast electron-acoustic double layers or warm and hot electron number density becoming unreal. For the first time in the study of solitons, we report on the coexistence of fast electron-acoustic solitons, in addition to the regular fast electron-acoustic solitons and double layers in our multi-species plasma model. Our results are applied to the generation of broadband electrostatic noise in the dayside auroral region.

  8. Electronic Market and Business: Cyberspace vs. Electronic Environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deniss Ščeulovs


    Full Text Available The authors of the article analyze the concept "electronic environment". Having studied a range of academic literature sources and other sources, the authors of the article have drawn a conclusion that the academic writings do not provide a definition of "electronic environment". Furthermore, the various opinions among specialists regarding this concept often differ. Meanwhile, there are several explanations of the term "cyberspace" overlapping the concept of "electronic environment", and these terms are often believed to be synonyms. To understand what the term "electronic environment" means and to properly and correctly employ this concept in entrepreneurship, the authors have performed a lexicographic analysis of this concept by comparing reciprocal concepts. As a result of the research, the authors propose their view on what, in their opinion, "electronic environment" is and what its connection to the concept "cyberspace" is. The topicality of the article lies in the fact that often entrepreneurs and specialists of public and other institutions, when using these terms, imply completely different concepts. It can lead to misunderstanding and misinterpreting the information, as well as to encumbering the understanding of tasks, problems, etc.

  9. Practical XHV electron gun

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Urata, Tomohiro; Ishikawa, Tsuyoshi; Cho, Boklae; Oshima, Chuhei


    We have developed practical XHV chambers of a electron gun, of which the operating pressures are 1x10 -9 Pa in a stainless-steel one and 4x10 -9 Pa in a permalloy one. By mounting a noble single-atom electron source with high brightness and high spatial coherence on the electron gun including electron optics, we demonstrated highly collimated electron-beam emission: ∼80% of the total emission current entered the electron optics. This ratio was two or three orders of magnitude higher than those of the conventional electron sources. In XHV, in addition, we confirmed stable electron emission up to 20 nA, which results in the specimen current high enough for scanning electron microscopes. (author)

  10. Two-Electron Transfer Pathways. (United States)

    Lin, Jiaxing; Balamurugan, D; Zhang, Peng; Skourtis, Spiros S; Beratan, David N


    The frontiers of electron-transfer chemistry demand that we develop theoretical frameworks to describe the delivery of multiple electrons, atoms, and ions in molecular systems. When electrons move over long distances through high barriers, where the probability for thermal population of oxidized or reduced bridge-localized states is very small, the electrons will tunnel from the donor (D) to acceptor (A), facilitated by bridge-mediated superexchange interactions. If the stable donor and acceptor redox states on D and A differ by two electrons, it is possible that the electrons will propagate coherently from D to A. While structure-function relations for single-electron superexchange in molecules are well established, strategies to manipulate the coherent flow of multiple electrons are largely unknown. In contrast to one-electron superexchange, two-electron superexchange involves both one- and two-electron virtual intermediate states, the number of virtual intermediates increases very rapidly with system size, and multiple classes of pathways interfere with one another. In the study described here, we developed simple superexchange models for two-electron transfer. We explored how the bridge structure and energetics influence multielectron superexchange, and we compared two-electron superexchange interactions to single-electron superexchange. Multielectron superexchange introduces interference between singly and doubly oxidized (or reduced) bridge virtual states, so that even simple linear donor-bridge-acceptor systems have pathway topologies that resemble those seen for one-electron superexchange through bridges with multiple parallel pathways. The simple model systems studied here exhibit a richness that is amenable to experimental exploration by manipulating the multiple pathways, pathway crosstalk, and changes in the number of donor and acceptor species. The features that emerge from these studies may assist in developing new strategies to deliver multiple

  11. Electron-Electron and Electron-Phonon interactions effects on the tunnel electronic spectrum of PbS quantum dots (United States)

    Wang, Hongyue; Lhuillier, Emmanuel; Yu, Qian; Mottaghizadeh, Alireza; Ulysse, Christian; Zimmers, Alexandre; Dubertret, Benoit; Aubin, Herve


    We present a tunnel spectroscopy study of the electronic spectrum of single PbS Quantum Dots (QDs) trapped between nanometer-spaced electrodes, measured at low temperature T=5 K. The carrier filling of the QD can be controlled either by the drain voltage in the shell filling regime or by a gate voltage. In the empty QD, the tunnel spectrum presents the expected signature of the 8x degenerated excited levels. In the drain controlled shell filling regime, the levels degeneracies are lifted by the global electrostatic Coulomb energy of the QD; in the gate controlled shell filling regime, the levels degeneracies are lifted by the intra-Coulomb interactions. In the charged quantum dot, electron-phonons interactions lead to the apparition of Franck-Condon side bands on the single excited levels and possibly Franck Condon blockade at low energy. The sharpening of excited levels at higher gate voltage suggests that the magnitude of electron-phonon interactions is decreased upon increasing the electron filling in the quantum dot. This work was supported by the French ANR Grants 10-BLAN-0409-01, 09-BLAN-0388-01, by the Region Ile-de-France in the framework of DIM Nano-K and by China Scholarship Council.

  12. Electron emitting filaments for electron discharge devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leung, K.N.; Pincosy, P.A.; Ehlers, K.W.


    This patent describes an electron emitting device for use in an electron discharge system. It comprises: a filament having a pair of terminal ends, electrical supply means for supplying electrical power to the terminal ends of the filament for directly heating the filament by the passage of an electrical current along the filament between the terminal ends, the filament being substantially tapered in cross section continuously in one direction from one of its pair of terminal ends to another of its pair of terminal ends to achieve uniform heating of the filament along the length thereof by compensating for the nonuniform current along the filament due to the emission of electrons therefrom

  13. Electron irradiation-induced destruction of carbon nanotubes in electron microscopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molhave, Kristian; Gudnason, Sven Bjarke; Pedersen, Anders Tegtmeier; Clausen, Casper Hyttel; Horsewell, Andy; Boggild, Peter


    Observations of carbon nanotubes under exposure to electron beam irradiation in standard transmission electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) systems show that such treatment in some cases can cause severe damage of the nanotube structure, even at electron energies far below the approximate 100 keV threshold for knock-on damage displacing carbon atoms in the graphene structure. We find that the damage we observe in one TEM can be avoided by use of a cold finger. This and the morphology of the damage imply that water vapour, which is present as a background gas in many vacuum chambers, can damage the nanotube structure through electron beam-induced chemical reactions. Though, the dependence on the background gas makes these observations specific for the presently used systems, the results demonstrate the importance of careful assessment of the level of subtle structural damage that the individual electron microscope system can do to nanostructures during standard use

  14. Electron-attachment processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Christophorou, L.G.; McCorkle, D.L.; Christodoulides, A.A.


    Topics covered include: (1) modes of production of negative ions, (2) techniques for the study of electron attachment processes, (3) dissociative electron attachment to ground-state molecules, (4) dissociative electron attachment to hot molecules (effects of temperature on dissociative electron attachment), (5) molecular parent negative ions, and (6) negative ions formed by ion-pair processes and by collisions of molecules with ground state and Rydberg atoms

  15. Acceleration of electrons using an inverse free electron laser auto- accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wernick, I.K.; Marshall, T.C.


    We present data from our study of a device known as the inverse free electron laser. First, numerical simulations were performed to optimize the design parameters for an experiment that accelerates electrons in the presence of an undulator by stimulated absorption of radiation. The Columbia free electron laser (FEL) was configured as an auto-accelerator (IFELA) system; high power (MW's) FEL radiation at ∼1.65 mm is developed along the first section of an undulator inside a quasi-optical resonator. The electron beam then traverses a second section of undulator where a fraction of the electrons is accelerated by stimulated absorption of the 1.65 mm wavelength power developed in the first undulator section. The second undulator section has very low gain and does not generate power on its own. We have found that as much as 60% of the power generated in the first section can be absorbed in the second section, providing that the initial electron energy is chosen correctly with respect to the parameters chosen for the first and second undulators. An electron momentum spectrometer is used to monitor the distribution of electron energies as the electrons exit the IFELA. We have found; using our experimental parameters, that roughly 10% of the electrons are accelerated to energies as high as 1100 keV, in accordance with predictions from the numerical model. The appearance of high energy electrons is correlated with the abrupt absorption of millimeter power. The autoaccelerator configuration is used because there is no intense source of coherent power at the 1.65 mm design wavelength other than the FEL

  16. Advanced Electronics (United States)


    AFRL-RV-PS- AFRL-RV-PS- TR-2017-0114 TR-2017-0114 ADVANCED ELECTRONICS Ashwani Sharma 21 Jul 2017 Interim Report APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE...NUMBER Advanced Electronics 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 62601F 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 4846 Ashwani Sharma 5e. TASK NUMBER...Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. (RDMX-17-14919 dtd 20 Mar 2018) 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT The Space Electronics

  17. The Downshift of Electron Plasma Oscillations in the Electron Foreshock Region. (United States)



  18. Electronics engineer's reference book

    CERN Document Server

    Mazda, F F


    Electronics Engineer's Reference Book, Sixth Edition is a five-part book that begins with a synopsis of mathematical and electrical techniques used in the analysis of electronic systems. Part II covers physical phenomena, such as electricity, light, and radiation, often met with in electronic systems. Part III contains chapters on basic electronic components and materials, the building blocks of any electronic design. Part IV highlights electronic circuit design and instrumentation. The last part shows the application areas of electronics such as radar and computers.

  19. Angular distribution of scattered electron and medium energy electron spectroscopy for metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oguri, Takeo; Ishioka, Hisamichi; Fukuda, Hisashi; Irako, Mitsuhiro


    The angular distribution (AD) of scattered electrons produced by medium energy incident electrons (E P = 50 ∼ 300 eV) from polycrystalline Ti, Fe, Ni, Cu and Au were obtained by the angle-resolved medium energy electron spectrometer. The AD of the energy loss peaks are similar figures to AD of the elastically reflected electron peaks. Therefore, the exchanged electrons produced by the knock-on collision between the incident electrons and those of metals without momentum transfer are observed as the energy loss spectra (ELS). This interpretation differs from the inconsequent interpretation by the dielectric theory or the interband transition. The information depth and penetration length are obtained from AD of the Auger electron peaks. The contribution of the surface to spectra is 3 % at the maximum for E P = 50 eV. The true secondary peaks representing the secondary electron emission spectroscopy (SES) are caused by the emissions of the energetic electrons (kT e ≥ 4 eV), and SES is the inversion of ELS. The established fundamental view is that the medium energy electron spectra represent the total bulk density of states. (author)

  20. Wigner-like crystallization of Anderson-localized electron systems with low electron densities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slutskin, A.A.; Kovtun, H.A.; Pepper, M.


    We consider an electron system under conditions of strong Anderson localization, taking into account interelectron long-range Coulomb repulsion. We establish that at sufficiently low electron densities and sufficiently low temperatures the Coulomb electron interaction brings about ordering of the Anderson-localized electrons into a structure that is close to an ideal (Wigner) crystal lattice, provided the dimension of the system is > 1. This Anderson-Wigner glass (AWG) is a new macroscopic electron state that, on the one hand, is beyond the conventional Fermi glass concept, and on the other hand, qualitatively differs from the known 'plain' Wigner glass (inherent in self-localized electron systems) in that the random slight electron displacements from the ideal crystal sites essentially depend on the electron density. With increasing electron density the AWG is found to turn into the plain Wigner glass or Fermi glass, depending on the width of the random spread of the electron levels. It is shown that the residual disorder of the AWG is characterized by a multi-valley ground-state degeneracy akin to that in a spin glass. Some general features of the AWG are discussed, and a new conduction mechanism of a creep type is predicted

  1. Encapsulation and re-use of wood industry waste: varnish powder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Acosta, A.


    Full Text Available The present article describes the findings of the first stageof the analysis of xiloarcilla, a material made of clayand a wood industry by-product, namely the wood andpolyurethane varnish powder pump-suctioned off woodcomponents during sanding and polishing. This powderwas added to the clay in proportions of from 1% to 5%by weight. The prime materials as well as the xiloarcillacompound were characterized, in the latter case primarilyto determine its physical-mechanical properties andchemical and environmental feasibility as a constructionmaterial.En este articulo se presentan los resultados obtenidos,en una primera etapa, del estudio del material que denominaremoscomo xiloarcilla, compuesto por arcilla y porun subproducto de las industrias de la madera, que eneste caso son los polvos del lijado y del barnizado y excedentesde estos productos utilizados en el acabado demuchos componentes de madera (PLB, estos polvos seadicionaron a la arcilla en cantidades entre el 1% y el5% del peso total del compuesto. Se realizo un estudiode caracterizacion de los materiales aislados y posteriormentedel compuesto xiloarcilla, con enfasis en el comportamientofisico-mecanico y su respuesta quimica ymedioambiental, como material de construccion.

  2. Grave number 121 of the argaric site of Castellón Alto (Galera, Granada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Molina, Fernando


    Full Text Available A new grave with partly mummified bodies was discovered during fieldwork to prepare the argaric site of Castellón Alto for public visits. Timber slabs and a dry stone wall seal the artificial cave preserving the interior. The human bones belong to one adult and one infant, both with preserved hair and skin fragments. The grave goods comprise several pottery vessels, one dagger, one ax with wooden handle, metal ornaments and fragments of flax and possibly wool.

    Recientes excavaciones en el yacimiento argárico de Castellón Alto con motivo de los trabajos de acondicionamiento para su visita publica han permitido descubrir una sepultura con restos humanos momificados en su interior. La sepultura de tipo covacha se encontraba sellada por tablones de madera y un muro de mampostería. En el interior aparecieron un individuo adulto y un infantil que conservan restos de pelo y piel. El ajuar se compone de varias vasijas cerámicas, un puñal, una azuela con mango de madera y adornos en metal, así como restos de lino y posiblemente lana.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García S. Catalina


    Full Text Available La política de bosques de la mayoría de países tropicales está dirigida inicialmente a la utilización de los recursos forestales para madera y, de forma secundaria, para leña. Sin embargo, los bosques tropicales generan otros productos que, en algunos países, pueden tener un alto valor, comparable con el de la madera, llamados “productos forestales menores” o “productos forestales no maderables” (‘PFNM’. Desafortunadamente, este rótulo no realza el hecho de que su aprovechamiento es una actividad importante en economías rurales. Los PFNM han suscitado interés por su contribución económica y social en muchos países, sobre todo para poblaciones rurales; en toda América Latina se aprovechan y, particularmente, en Colombia, es necesario reglamentar de forma clara y precisa su explotación. Aquí presentamos un marco conceptual para los PFNM en Colombia y describimos la contribución potencial de los manglares a este mercado.

  4. Chemical data and statistical analyses from a uranium hydrogeochemical survey of the Rio Ojo Caliente drainage basin, New Mexico. Part I. Water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wenrich-Verbeek, K.J.; Suits, V.J.


    This report presents the chemical analyses and statistical evaluation of 62 water samples collected in the north-central part of New Mexico near Rio Ojo Caliente. Both spring and surface-water samples were taken throughout the Rio Ojo Caliente drainage basin above and a few miles below the town of La Madera. A high U concentration (15 μg/l) found in the water of the Rio Ojo Caliente near La Madera, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, during a regional sampling-technique study in August 1975 by the senior author, was investigated further in May 1976 to determine whether stream waters could be effectively used to trace the source of a U anomaly. A detailed study of the tributaries to the Rio Ojo Caliente, involving 29 samples, was conducted during a moderate discharge period, May 1976, so that small tributaries would contain water. This study isolated Canada de la Cueva as the tributary contributing the anomalous U, so that in May 1977, an extremely low discharge period due to the 1977 drought, an additional 33 samples were taken to further define the anomalous area. 6 references, 3 figures, 6 tables

  5. Velódromo Olimpico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Escalante, J.


    Full Text Available This track was specially built for the Olympic Games, and there is room for 5.951 spectators. There is also room for parking 700 cars. Access to the stands is on street level, and there are stairs which reach half the full height of the stands. The track, 333.33 m long, and 7 m wide, was made with African «Doussie» timber, and rests on wood structures, which in turn are placed on reinforced concrete foundations.Fue construido expresamente para los XIX Juegos Olímpicos, con capacidad para 5.951 espectadores; se ha organizado asimismo espacio necesario para que pudieran estacionarse 700 automóviles. El acceso a las gradas se efectúa a nivel de la plaza, subiendo por escaleras que conducen a la mitad de la altura. La pista, que tiene un desarrollo de 333,33 m y un ancho de 7 m, fue hecha a base de madera africana, llamada «Doussie», y se asienta sobre formas de madera, las cuales, a su vez, se apoyan sobre la cimentación de hormigón armado.

  6. 3D Printed structural electronics: embedding and connecting electronic components into freeform electronic devices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maalderink, H.H.H.; Bruning, F.B.J.; Schipper, M.M.R. de; Werff, J.J.J. van der; Germs, W.W.C.; Remmers, J.J.C.; Meinders, E.R.


    The need for personalised and smart products drives the development of structural electronics with mass-customisation capability. A number of challenges need to be overcome in order to address the potential of complete free form manufacturing of electronic devices. One key challenge is the

  7. 3D Printed structural electronics : embedding and connecting electronic components into freeform electronic devices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maalderink, H.H.; Bruning, F.B.J.; de Schipper, M.R.; van der Werff, J.J.; Germs, W.C.; Remmers, J.J.C.; Meinders, E.R.


    The need for personalised and smart products drives the development of structural electronics with mass-customisation capability. A number of challenges need to be overcome in order to address the potential of complete free form manufacturing of electronic devices. One key challenge is the

  8. 27 CFR 73.32 - May I electronically sign forms I submit electronically to TTB? (United States)


    ... AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) PROCEDURES AND PRACTICES ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES; ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF FORMS Electronic Filing of Documents with TTB § 73.32 May I electronically sign forms I submit electronically to TTB? You may electronically sign the electronic form you...

  9. Electron Bifurcation: Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Two-Electron Brokering in Biological Redox Chemistry. (United States)

    Zhang, Peng; Yuly, Jonathon L; Lubner, Carolyn E; Mulder, David W; King, Paul W; Peters, John W; Beratan, David N


    How can proteins drive two electrons from a redox active donor onto two acceptors at very different potentials and distances? And how can this transaction be conducted without dissipating very much energy or violating the laws of thermodynamics? Nature appears to have addressed these challenges by coupling thermodynamically uphill and downhill electron transfer reactions, using two-electron donor cofactors that have very different potentials for the removal of the first and second electron. Although electron bifurcation is carried out with near perfection from the standpoint of energy conservation and electron delivery yields, it is a biological energy transduction paradigm that has only come into focus recently. This Account provides an exegesis of the biophysical principles that underpin electron bifurcation. Remarkably, bifurcating electron transfer (ET) proteins typically send one electron uphill and one electron downhill by similar energies, such that the overall reaction is spontaneous, but not profligate. Electron bifurcation in the NADH-dependent reduced ferredoxin: NADP + oxidoreductase I (Nfn) is explored in detail here. Recent experimental progress in understanding the structure and function of Nfn allows us to dissect its workings in the framework of modern ET theory. The first electron that leaves the two-electron donor flavin (L-FAD) executes a positive free energy "uphill" reaction, and the departure of this electron switches on a second thermodynamically spontaneous ET reaction from the flavin along a second pathway that moves electrons in the opposite direction and at a very different potential. The singly reduced ET products formed from the bifurcating flavin are more than two nanometers distant from each other. In Nfn, the second electron to leave the flavin is much more reducing than the first: the potentials are said to be "crossed." The eventually reduced cofactors, NADH and ferredoxin in the case of Nfn, perform crucial downstream redox

  10. La arquitectura en madera: Una aspiración

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.C. P.L.


    Full Text Available Así como a través de los dichos populares reconocemos la sabiduría de un pueblo, a través de su jerga podemos ver expresados niveles de valoración para actos, costumbres o cosas. Una de esas cosas, es la vivienda.

  11. Electronic Elections

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schürmann, Carsten


    Electronic voting technology is a two edged sword. It comes with many risks but brings also many benefits. Instead of flat out rejecting the technology as uncontrollably dangerous, we advocate in this paper a different technological angle that renders electronic elections trustworthy beyond...... the usual levels of doubt. We exploit the trust that voters currently have into the democratic process and model our techniques around that observation accordingly. In particular, we propose a technique of trace emitting computations to record the individual steps of an electronic voting machine...... for a posteriori validation on an acceptably small trusted computing base. Our technology enables us to prove that an electronic elections preserves the voter’s intent, assuming that the voting machine and the trace verifier are independent....

  12. Low-dose electron energy-loss spectroscopy using electron counting direct detectors. (United States)

    Maigné, Alan; Wolf, Matthias


    Since the development of parallel electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), charge-coupled devices (CCDs) have been the default detectors for EELS. With the recent development of electron-counting direct-detection cameras, micrographs can be acquired under very low electron doses at significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio. In spectroscopy, in particular in combination with a monochromator, the signal can be extremely weak and the detection limit is principally defined by noise introduced by the detector. Here we report the use of an electron-counting direct-detection camera for EEL spectroscopy. We studied the oxygen K edge of amorphous ice and obtained a signal noise ratio up to 10 times higher than with a conventional CCD.We report the application of electron counting to record time-resolved EEL spectra of a biological protein embedded in amorphous ice, revealing chemical changes observed in situ while exposed by the electron beam. A change in the fine structure of nitrogen K and the carbon K edges were recorded during irradiation. A concentration of 3 at% nitrogen was detected with a total electron dose of only 1.7 e-/Å2, extending the boundaries of EELS signal detection at low electron doses.

  13. How do electron localization functions describe π-electron delocalization? (United States)

    Steinmann, Stephan N; Mo, Yirong; Corminboeuf, Clemence


    Scalar fields provide an intuitive picture of chemical bonding. In particular, the electron localization function (ELF) has proven to be highly valuable in interpreting a broad range of bonding patterns. The discrimination between enhanced or reduced electron (de)localization within cyclic π-conjugated systems remains, however, challenging for ELF. In order to clearly distinguish between the local properties of ten highly and weakly π-(de)localized prototype systems, we compare the ELFs of both the canonical wave functions and electron-localized states (diabatic) with those of two closely related scalar fields: the electron localizability indicator (ELI-D) and the localized orbital locator (LOL). The simplest LOL function distinguishes enhanced from weak π-(de)localization in an insightful and reliable manner. LOL offers the finest contrast between annulenes with 4n/4n + 2 π electrons and their inorganic analogues as well as between hyperconjugated cyclopentadiene derivatives. LOL(π) also gives an appealing and intuitive picture of the π-bond. In contrast, the most popular ELF fails to capture subtle contrasting local electronic properties and suffers from the arbitrariness of the σ/π dissection. The orbital separation of the most recent ELI-D is clear-cut but the interpretations sometime less straightforward in the present context.

  14. Electron shuttles in biotechnology. (United States)

    Watanabe, Kazuya; Manefield, Mike; Lee, Matthew; Kouzuma, Atsushi


    Electron-shuttling compounds (electron shuttles [ESs], or redox mediators) are essential components in intracellular electron transfer, while microbes also utilize self-produced and naturally present ESs for extracellular electron transfer. These compounds assist in microbial energy metabolism by facilitating electron transfer between microbes, from electron-donating substances to microbes, and/or from microbes to electron-accepting substances. Artificially supplemented ESs can create new routes of electron flow in the microbial energy metabolism, thereby opening up new possibilities for the application of microbes to biotechnology processes. Typical examples of such processes include halogenated-organics bioremediation, azo-dye decolorization, and microbial fuel cells. Herein we suggest that ESs can be applied widely to create new microbial biotechnology processes.

  15. Treatment of foods with 'soft-electrons' (low-energy electrons)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hayashi, Toru [Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Todoriki, Setsuko [National Food Research Institute (NFRI), Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan)


    Electrons with energies of 300 keV or lower were defined as soft-electrons'. Soft-electrons can eradicate microorganisms residing on the surface of grains, pulses, spices, dehydrated vegetables, tea leaves and seeds, and reduce their microbial loads to levels lower than 10 CFU/g with little quality deterioration. Soft-electrons can inactivate insect pests infesting grains and pulses and inhibit sprouting of potatoes. (author)

  16. Electron beam collimation with a photon MLC for standard electron treatments (United States)

    Mueller, S.; Fix, M. K.; Henzen, D.; Frei, D.; Frauchiger, D.; Loessl, K.; Stampanoni, M. F. M.; Manser, P.


    Standard electron treatments are currently still performed using standard or molded patient-specific cut-outs placed in the electron applicator. Replacing cut-outs and electron applicators with a photon multileaf collimator (pMLC) for electron beam collimation would make standard electron treatments more efficient and would facilitate advanced treatment techniques like modulated electron radiotherapy (MERT) and mixed beam radiotherapy (MBRT). In this work, a multiple source Monte Carlo beam model for pMLC shaped electron beams commissioned at a source-to-surface distance (SSD) of 70 cm is extended for SSDs of up to 100 cm and validated for several Varian treatment units with field sizes typically used for standard electron treatments. Measurements and dose calculations agree generally within 3% of the maximal dose or 2 mm distance to agreement. To evaluate the dosimetric consequences of using pMLC collimated electron beams for standard electron treatments, pMLC-based and cut-out-based treatment plans are created for a left and a right breast boost, a sternum, a testis and a parotid gland case. The treatment plans consist of a single electron field, either alone (1E) or in combination with two 3D conformal tangential photon fields (1E2X). For each case, a pMLC plan with similar treatment plan quality in terms of dose homogeneity to the target and absolute mean dose values to the organs at risk (OARs) compared to a cut-out plan is found. The absolute mean dose to an OAR is slightly increased for pMLC-based compared to cut-out-based 1E plans if the OAR is located laterally close to the target with respect to beam direction, or if a 6 MeV electron beam is used at an extended SSD. In conclusion, treatment plans using cut-out collimation can be replaced by plans of similar treatment plan quality using pMLC collimation with accurately calculated dose distributions.

  17. Technical report of electronics shop characteristics of high speed electronics component, (1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Shin-ichi; Shiino, Kazuo.


    We must develop electronics circuits for high speed signals. The electronics components of the circuits make use of the special components. This report treats a pulse response of the electronics components (i.e. coaxial cable, connector, resistor, capacitor, diode, transistor) for high speed electronics. The results of this report was already applied constructions of high speed electronics circuits and experimental equipments of the High Energy Physics Division. (auth.)

  18. Fully printable, strain-engineered electronic wrap for customizable soft electronics. (United States)

    Byun, Junghwan; Lee, Byeongmoon; Oh, Eunho; Kim, Hyunjong; Kim, Sangwoo; Lee, Seunghwan; Hong, Yongtaek


    Rapid growth of stretchable electronics stimulates broad uses in multidisciplinary fields as well as industrial applications. However, existing technologies are unsuitable for implementing versatile applications involving adaptable system design and functions in a cost/time-effective way because of vacuum-conditioned, lithographically-predefined processes. Here, we present a methodology for a fully printable, strain-engineered electronic wrap as a universal strategy which makes it more feasible to implement various stretchable electronic systems with customizable layouts and functions. The key aspects involve inkjet-printed rigid island (PRI)-based stretchable platform technology and corresponding printing-based automated electronic functionalization methodology, the combination of which provides fully printed, customized layouts of stretchable electronic systems with simplified process. Specifically, well-controlled contact line pinning effect of printed polymer solution enables the formation of PRIs with tunable thickness; and surface strain analysis on those PRIs leads to the optimized stability and device-to-island fill factor of strain-engineered electronic wraps. Moreover, core techniques of image-based automated pinpointing, surface-mountable device based electronic functionalizing, and one-step interconnection networking of PRIs enable customized circuit design and adaptable functionalities. To exhibit the universality of our approach, multiple types of practical applications ranging from self-computable digital logics to display and sensor system are demonstrated on skin in a customized form.

  19. Fully printable, strain-engineered electronic wrap for customizable soft electronics (United States)

    Byun, Junghwan; Lee, Byeongmoon; Oh, Eunho; Kim, Hyunjong; Kim, Sangwoo; Lee, Seunghwan; Hong, Yongtaek


    Rapid growth of stretchable electronics stimulates broad uses in multidisciplinary fields as well as industrial applications. However, existing technologies are unsuitable for implementing versatile applications involving adaptable system design and functions in a cost/time-effective way because of vacuum-conditioned, lithographically-predefined processes. Here, we present a methodology for a fully printable, strain-engineered electronic wrap as a universal strategy which makes it more feasible to implement various stretchable electronic systems with customizable layouts and functions. The key aspects involve inkjet-printed rigid island (PRI)-based stretchable platform technology and corresponding printing-based automated electronic functionalization methodology, the combination of which provides fully printed, customized layouts of stretchable electronic systems with simplified process. Specifically, well-controlled contact line pinning effect of printed polymer solution enables the formation of PRIs with tunable thickness; and surface strain analysis on those PRIs leads to the optimized stability and device-to-island fill factor of strain-engineered electronic wraps. Moreover, core techniques of image-based automated pinpointing, surface-mountable device based electronic functionalizing, and one-step interconnection networking of PRIs enable customized circuit design and adaptable functionalities. To exhibit the universality of our approach, multiple types of practical applications ranging from self-computable digital logics to display and sensor system are demonstrated on skin in a customized form.

  20. Homologies between the amino acid sequences of some vertebrate peptide hormones and peptides isolated from invertebrate sources. (United States)

    De Loof, A; Schoofs, L


    1. The 4K-prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) or bombyxin and the melanization-reddish coloration hormone of the silkworm Bombyx mori resemble insulin and insulin-like growth factors. 2. The family of adipokinetic/red pigment concentrating hormones has some similarity with glucagon. 3. Members of the FMRFamide family are found in vertebrates as well as in invertebrates. 4. In Locusta, a molecule immunologically and biologically related to amphibian melanophore stimulating hormone has been partially characterized. 5. Enkephalins and enkephalin-related peptides occur in insects and other invertebrates. 6. Peptides belonging to the tachykinin family have been isolated from molluscan (Octopus) salivary glands and from insect nervous tissue (Locusta migratoria). 7. Invertebrate arginine-vasotocin homologs have been isolated from an insect (Locusta migratoria) and from a mollusc (Conus). 8. In Leucophaea, Locusta and Drosophila, peptides resembling those of the vertebrate gastrin/cholecystokinin family have been identified. 9. As the number of different neuro-/gut peptides with possible function(s) as hormone, neurotransmitter or neuromodulator is now estimated to be of the order of a few hundred, more similarities will probably show up in the near future.

  1. Electrons in Nanostructures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flindt, Christian


    in the possibilities o®ered by the quantum mechanical behavior of electrons when it comes to informa- tion processing. This branch of research is also concerned with fundamental questions in physics. Besides an introduction to the above-mentioned subjects, the thesis con- tains a number of contributions to the ¯elds...... of coherent electron manip- ulation and the statistical description of electron transport through nano- devices. The physics of the electrons are described with a combination of numerical methods, developed and applied in the thesis, and more analytical approaches, which are also discussed. The thesis......-based communication. The statistical description of electron transport through nanostructures is based on rate equations, and the primary contribution of the thesis in that respect is the development of a method that allows for the calculation of the distribution of electrons passing through a device. The method...

  2. Identification of electrons in the ZEUS hadron-electron separator with neural networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carstens, J.O.


    An electron finder for the ZEUS experiment was constructed, which is specialized to electrons in the momentum range 0.5 to 3.0 GeV/c. For the first time this electron finder connects the informations of the calorimeter with those of the hadron-electron separator (HES). For this purpose the electron finder was equipped with a neural network. The electron finder reached on a data set of photoproduction events with conversion electrons an efficiency and discriminance of E=(62.9±2.2±0.6)% and D=(91.4±0.8±1.1)%. From these two quantities it can be calculated that the electron finder the ratio electrons to background increases by the factoe E/(1-D)=7.4 (Signal amplification). For the comparison: A neural net, to which only calorimeter informations have been made available, reached at the same efficiency a signal amplification of 2.4. A simple cut in the variable HES-signal reaches a signal amplification of 6.3. Hints were given, how training data sets with electrons and hadrons of higher energies can be obtained. With such data sets the working range of the electron finder can be without problems extended to higher momenta. As preparation for the construction of the electron finder an introduction to the foundations of the mathematics and the application of neural networks was given. By means of examples different methods for the convergence improvement have been tested. Numerous representations mediate illustrative imaginations on the mathematical process of the training of neural networks

  3. Mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weathersby, S. P.; Brown, G.; Chase, T. F.; Coffee, R.; Corbett, J.; Eichner, J. P.; Frisch, J. C.; Fry, A. R.; Gühr, M.; Hartmann, N.; Hast, C.; Hettel, R.; Jobe, R. K.; Jongewaard, E. N.; Lewandowski, J. R.; Li, R. K., E-mail:; Lindenberg, A. M.; Makasyuk, I.; May, J. E.; McCormick, D. [SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California 94025 (United States); and others


    Ultrafast electron probes are powerful tools, complementary to x-ray free-electron lasers, used to study structural dynamics in material, chemical, and biological sciences. High brightness, relativistic electron beams with femtosecond pulse duration can resolve details of the dynamic processes on atomic time and length scales. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory recently launched the Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (UED) and microscopy Initiative aiming at developing the next generation ultrafast electron scattering instruments. As the first stage of the Initiative, a mega-electron-volt (MeV) UED system has been constructed and commissioned to serve ultrafast science experiments and instrumentation development. The system operates at 120-Hz repetition rate with outstanding performance. In this paper, we report on the SLAC MeV UED system and its performance, including the reciprocal space resolution, temporal resolution, and machine stability.

  4. Secondary electron emission anisotropy in oblique incidence of electrons on the (100) Mo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomoyunova, M.V.; Zaslavskij, S.L.; Pronin, I.I.


    Studied was the influence of azimuthal plane of incidence of primary particles with energies of 0.5-1.5 keV on the secondary electron emission of the (100) Mo face at the constant polar angle of 45 deg. The measurements were carried out in vacuum of (2-4)x10 -10 torr by modulation technique. It is shown that anisotropy is peculiar to the secondary electron emission of all energies. The anisotropy of emission has two maxima; the high-energy maximum connected with reflected primary electrons and situated near the elastically reflected electrons and weaker pronounced the low-energy one which is found at energies of 100-200 eV and is conditioned by truly secondary electrons. It is shown that the anisotropy, characterizing secondary electrons responsible for the appearance of structure in spectrum, particularly the Auger electrons and the electrons suffering ionizing energy losses, exceeds the anisotropy of continuous spectrum electrons possessing the same energy. The electron diffraction dynamic theory, based on the conception of the united wave field of electrons, has been used to explain the regularities stated

  5. Kinetic and electron-electron energies for convex sums of ground state densities with degeneracies and fractional electron number

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levy, Mel, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708 (United States); Department of Physics, North Carolina A and T State University, Greensboro, North Carolina 27411 (United States); Department of Chemistry, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 (United States); Anderson, James S. M.; Zadeh, Farnaz Heidar; Ayers, Paul W., E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)


    Properties of exact density functionals provide useful constraints for the development of new approximate functionals. This paper focuses on convex sums of ground-level densities. It is observed that the electronic kinetic energy of a convex sum of degenerate ground-level densities is equal to the convex sum of the kinetic energies of the individual degenerate densities. (The same type of relationship holds also for the electron-electron repulsion energy.) This extends a known property of the Levy-Valone Ensemble Constrained-Search and the Lieb Legendre-Transform refomulations of the Hohenberg-Kohn functional to the individual components of the functional. Moreover, we observe that the kinetic and electron-repulsion results also apply to densities with fractional electron number (even if there are no degeneracies), and we close with an analogous point-wise property involving the external potential. Examples where different degenerate states have different kinetic energy and electron-nuclear attraction energy are given; consequently, individual components of the ground state electronic energy can change abruptly when the molecular geometry changes. These discontinuities are predicted to be ubiquitous at conical intersections, complicating the development of universally applicable density-functional approximations.

  6. Embracing Electronic Publishing. (United States)

    Wills, Gordon


    Electronic publishing is the grandest revolution in the capture and dissemination of academic and professional knowledge since Caxton developed the printing press. This article examines electronic publishing, describes different electronic publishing scenarios (authors' cooperative, consolidator/retailer/agent oligopsony, publisher oligopoly), and…

  7. Peptide π-Electron Conjugates: Organic Electronics for Biology? (United States)

    Ardoña, Herdeline Ann M; Tovar, John D


    Highly ordered arrays of π-conjugated molecules are often viewed as a prerequisite for effective charge-transporting materials. Studies involving these materials have traditionally focused on organic electronic devices, with more recent emphasis on biological systems. In order to facilitate the transition to biological environments, biomolecules that can promote hierarchical ordering and water solubility are often covalently appended to the π-electron unit. This review highlights recent work on π-conjugated systems bound to peptide moieties that exhibit self-assembly and aims to provide an overview on the development and emerging applications of peptide-based supramolecular π-electron systems.

  8. Modified Sternglass theory for the emission of secondary electrons by fast-electron impact

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suszcynsky, D.M.; Borovsky, J.E.


    The Sternglass theory [Sternglass, Phys. Rev. 108, 1 (1957)] for fast-ion-induced secondary-electron emission from metals has been modified to predict the secondary-electron yield from metals impacted by energetic (several keV to about 200 keV) electrons. The primary modification of the theory accounts for the contribution of the backscattered electrons to the production of secondary electrons based on a knowledge of the backscattered-electron energy distribution. The modified theory is in reasonable agreement with recent experimental data from gold targets in the 6--30-keV electron energy range

  9. Calculation of the electron trajectory for 200 kV self-shielded electron accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Shuiqing


    In order to calculate the electron trajectory of 200 kV self-shielded electron accelerator, the electric field is calculated with a TRAJ program. In this program, following electron track mash points one by one, the electron beam trajectories are calculated. Knowing the effect of grid voltage on electron optics and gaining grid voltage focusing effect in the various energy grades, the authors have gained scientific basis for adjusting grid voltage, and also accumulated a wealth of experience for designing self-shielded electron accelerator or electron curtain in future

  10. Electronic inventions and discoveries electronics from its earliest beginnings to the present day

    CERN Document Server

    Dummer, G W A


    Electronic Inventions and Discoveries: Electronics from Its Earliest Beginnings to the Present Day provides a summary of the development of the whole field of electronics. Organized into 13 chapters, the book covers and reviews the history of electronics as a whole and its aspects. The opening chapter covers the beginnings of electronics, while the next chapter discusses the development of components, transistors, and integrated circuits. The third chapter tackles the expansion of electronics and its effects on industry. The succeeding chapters discuss the history of the aspects of electronics

  11. Attosecond electron pulse trains and quantum state reconstruction in ultrafast transmission electron microscopy (United States)

    Priebe, Katharina E.; Rathje, Christopher; Yalunin, Sergey V.; Hohage, Thorsten; Feist, Armin; Schäfer, Sascha; Ropers, Claus


    Ultrafast electron and X-ray imaging and spectroscopy are the basis for an ongoing revolution in the understanding of dynamical atomic-scale processes in matter. The underlying technology relies heavily on laser science for the generation and characterization of ever shorter pulses. Recent findings suggest that ultrafast electron microscopy with attosecond-structured wavefunctions may be feasible. However, such future technologies call for means to both prepare and fully analyse the corresponding free-electron quantum states. Here, we introduce a framework for the preparation, coherent manipulation and characterization of free-electron quantum states, experimentally demonstrating attosecond electron pulse trains. Phase-locked optical fields coherently control the electron wavefunction along the beam direction. We establish a new variant of quantum state tomography—`SQUIRRELS'—for free-electron ensembles. The ability to tailor and quantitatively map electron quantum states will promote the nanoscale study of electron-matter entanglement and new forms of ultrafast electron microscopy down to the attosecond regime.

  12. Digital electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Morris, John


    An essential companion to John C Morris's 'Analogue Electronics', this clear and accessible text is designed for electronics students, teachers and enthusiasts who already have a basic understanding of electronics, and who wish to develop their knowledge of digital techniques and applications. Employing a discovery-based approach, the author covers fundamental theory before going on to develop an appreciation of logic networks, integrated circuit applications and analogue-digital conversion. A section on digital fault finding and useful ic data sheets completes th

  13. The magnetized electron-acoustic instability driven by a warm, field-aligned electron beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sooklal, A.; Mace, R.L.


    The electron-acoustic instability in a magnetized plasma having three electron components, one of which is a field-aligned beam of intermediate temperature, is investigated. When the plasma frequency of the cool electrons exceeds the electron gyrofrequency, the electron-acoustic instability 'bifurcates' at sufficiently large propagation angles with respect to the magnetic field to yield an obliquely propagating, low-frequency electron-acoustic instability and a higher frequency cyclotron-sound instability. Each of these instabilities retains certain wave features of its progenitor, the quasiparallel electron-acoustic instability, but displays also new magnetic qualities through its dependence on the electron gyrofrequency. The obliquely propagating electron-acoustic instability requires a lower threshold beam speed for its excitation than does the cyclotron-sound instability, and for low to intermediate beam speeds has the higher maximum growth rate. When the plasma is sufficiently strongly magnetized that the plasma frequency of the cool electrons is less than the electron gyrofrequency, the only instability in the electron-acoustic frequency range is the strongly magnetized electron-acoustic instability. Its growth rate and real frequency exhibit a monotonic decrease with wave propagation angle and it grows at small to intermediate wave numbers where its parallel phase speed is approximately constant. The relevance of the results to the interpretation of cusp auroral hiss and auroral broadband electrostatic noise is briefly discussed

  14. Starting electronics all you need to get a grounding in practical electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Brindley, Keith


    Starting Electronics is a nine-chapter introductory text to electronics based on feature articles previously published as magazine articles. The opening chapter provides an overview of the fundamentals of electronics. The succeeding chapters present details of some easy-to-do experiments and the current and voltage measurement. The remaining chapters cover some basic components of electronics, including capacitor, integrated circuit, oscillator, filter, diodes, and transistors. This book will prove useful to electronic constructors and students.

  15. Single Electron Tunneling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruggiero, Steven T.


    Financial support for this project has led to advances in the science of single-electron phenomena. Our group reported the first observation of the so-called ''Coulomb Staircase'', which was produced by tunneling into ultra-small metal particles. This work showed well-defined tunneling voltage steps of width e/C and height e/RC, demonstrating tunneling quantized on the single-electron level. This work was published in a now well-cited Physical Review Letter. Single-electron physics is now a major sub-field of condensed-matter physics, and fundamental work in the area continues to be conducted by tunneling in ultra-small metal particles. In addition, there are now single-electron transistors that add a controlling gate to modulate the charge on ultra-small photolithographically defined capacitive elements. Single-electron transistors are now at the heart of at least one experimental quantum-computer element, and single-electron transistor pumps may soon be used to define fundamental quantities such as the farad (capacitance) and the ampere (current). Novel computer technology based on single-electron quantum dots is also being developed. In related work, our group played the leading role in the explanation of experimental results observed during the initial phases of tunneling experiments with the high-temperature superconductors. When so-called ''multiple-gap'' tunneling was reported, the phenomenon was correctly identified by our group as single-electron tunneling in small grains in the material. The main focus throughout this project has been to explore single electron phenomena both in traditional tunneling formats of the type metal/insulator/particles/insulator/metal and using scanning tunneling microscopy to probe few-particle systems. This has been done under varying conditions of temperature, applied magnetic field, and with different materials systems. These have included metals, semi-metals, and superconductors. Amongst a number of results, we have

  16. Electron transfer from nucleobase electron adducts to 5-bromouracil. Is guanine an ultimate sink for the electron in irradiated DNA?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nese, C.; Yuan, Z.; Schuchmann, M.N.; Sonntag, C. von


    Electron transfer to 5-bromouracil (5-BrU) from nucleobase (N) electron adducts (and their protonated forms) has been studied by product analysis and pulse radiolysis. When an electron is transferred to 5-BrU, the ensuing 5-BrU radical anion rapidly loses a bromide ion; the uracilyl radical thus formed reacts with added t-butanol, yielding uracil. From the uracil yields measured as the function of [N]/[5-BrU] after γ-radiolysis of Ar-saturated solutions it is concluded that thymine and adenine electron adducts and their heteroatom-protonated forms transfer electrons quantitatively to 5-BrU. The data raise the question whether in DNA the guanine moiety may act as the ultimate sink of the electron in competition with other processes such as protonation at C(6) of the thymine electron adduct. (Author)

  17. Extreme environment electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Cressler, John D


    Unfriendly to conventional electronic devices, circuits, and systems, extreme environments represent a serious challenge to designers and mission architects. The first truly comprehensive guide to this specialized field, Extreme Environment Electronics explains the essential aspects of designing and using devices, circuits, and electronic systems intended to operate in extreme environments, including across wide temperature ranges and in radiation-intense scenarios such as space. The Definitive Guide to Extreme Environment Electronics Featuring contributions by some of the world's foremost exp

  18. Properties of Seven Colombian Woods. (United States)


    differences. 1971. AIgunas propiedades fisicas y mecanicas de tres Maderas Colom- Cuangare and sande had the lowest bianas. Universidad Distrital "Francisco...Jose De Caldas" Instituto de and highest figures, respectively, for Investigaciones y Proyectos Forestales y Madereros. Bogota, Colombia. 45 pounds per 1970. Estudio de preinversion para el desar- cubic foot. Basic specific gravity from this study rollo forestal de la Guyana

  19. Electron-vibrational transitions under molecular ions collisions with slow electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreev, E.A.


    A concept of a multichannel quantum defect is considered and basic theoretic ratios of inelastic collisional processes with the participation of molecular positive ions and slow electrons playing an important role both in atmospheric and laboratory plasma, are presented. The problem of scattering channel number limitation with the provision of S-matrix unique character is considered. Different models of electron rotation-vibrational connection under collision of two-atom molecular ions with slow electrons are analysed. Taking N 2 + as an example, a high efficiency of transitions between different electron states of a molecular ion is shown. 73 refs., 9 figs., 1 tab

  20. Electron: Cluster interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheidemann, A.A.; Knight, W.D.


    Beam depletion spectroscopy has been used to measure absolute total inelastic electron-sodium cluster collision cross sections in the energy range from E ∼ 0.1 to E ∼ 6 eV. The investigation focused on the closed shell clusters Na 8 , Na 20 , Na 40 . The measured cross sections show an increase for the lowest collision energies where electron attachment is the primary scattering channel. The electron attachment cross section can be understood in terms of Langevin scattering, connecting this measurement with the polarizability of the cluster. For energies above the dissociation energy the measured electron-cluster cross section is energy independent, thus defining an electron-cluster interaction range. This interaction range increases with the cluster size

  1. Role of electron-electron scattering on spin transport in single layer graphene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bahniman Ghosh


    Full Text Available In this work, the effect of electron-electron scattering on spin transport in single layer graphene is studied using semi-classical Monte Carlo simulation. The D’yakonov-P’erel mechanism is considered for spin relaxation. It is found that electron-electron scattering causes spin relaxation length to decrease by 35% at 300 K. The reason for this decrease in spin relaxation length is that the ensemble spin is modified upon an e-e collision and also e-e scattering rate is greater than phonon scattering rate at room temperature, which causes change in spin relaxation profile due to electron-electron scattering.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    "[to] promote the understanding and, acceptance of and growth in the number of electronic transactions .... Chapter III of the ECT Act is based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic. Commerce ... Communications Technology Law 146. 22.

  3. Starting electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Brindley, Keith


    Starting Electronics is unrivalled as a highly practical introduction for hobbyists, students and technicians. Keith Brindley introduces readers to the functions of the main component types, their uses, and the basic principles of building and designing electronic circuits. Breadboard layouts make this very much a ready-to-run book for the experimenter; and the use of multimeter, but not oscilloscopes, puts this practical exploration of electronics within reach of every home enthusiast's pocket. The third edition has kept the simplicity and clarity of the original. New material

  4. Stretchable electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Someya, Takao


    With its comprehensive coverage this handbook and ready reference brings together some of the most outstanding scientists in the field to lay down the undisputed knowledge on how to make electronics stretchable.As such, it focuses on gathering and evaluating the materials, designs, models and technologies that enable the fabrication of fully elastic electronic devices which can sustain high strain. Furthermore, it provides a review of those specific applications that directly benefit from highly compliant electronics, including transistors, photonic devices and sensors. In addition to stre

  5. Determination of the stress-strain curve in specimens of Scots pine for numerical simulation of defect free beams

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Baño, V.


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to develop a twodimensional numerical model to simulate the response of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L. defect free timber members in order to predict the behaviour of these members when subjected to external forces. For this purpose, data of the mechanical properties of Scots pine were obtained by performing experimental tests on specimens. We determined the stresses and deformations of timber beams in the elastic-plastic and plastic phases. In addition, we developed a finite element software that considered the orthotropic nature of timber, the non-linearity of the compression-reduction branch and the differing moduli of elasticity in tension and compression for Scots pine beams free from defects. The software developed simulates an experimental four point bending test according to UNE-EN 408 Standard.

    El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de un modelo numérico bidimensional de piezas de madera de Pinus sylvestris L. libre de defectos que prediga su comportamiento frente a solicitaciones externas. Para su desarrollo, fue necesario realizar ensayos experimentales sobre probetas de pequeño tamaño con el fin de obtener los datos de las propiedades mecánicas para el Pinus sylvestris L. de procedencia española. A partir de los datos experimentales obtenidos, se desarrolla un programa de elementos finitos que considera la ortotropía de la madera, la no linealidad de la rama compresión-acortamiento y los distintos módulos de elasticidad a tracción y a compresión para vigas libres de defectos. El programa simula el ensayo experimental de flexión en cuatro puntos según la Norma UNE-EN 408 y aborda la determinación de las tensiones y deformaciones de las vigas de madera en las tres fases de comportamiento: elástica, elastoplástica y plástica.

  6. Coherent electron cooling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Cooling intense high-energy hadron beams remains a major challenge in modern accelerator physics. Synchrotron radiation is still too feeble, while the efficiency of two other cooling methods, stochastic and electron, falls rapidly either at high bunch intensities (i.e. stochastic of protons) or at high energies (e-cooling). In this talk a specific scheme of a unique cooling technique, Coherent Electron Cooling, will be discussed. The idea of coherent electron cooling using electron beam instabilities was suggested by Derbenev in the early 1980s, but the scheme presented in this talk, with cooling times under an hour for 7 TeV protons in the LHC, would be possible only with present-day accelerator technology. This talk will discuss the principles and the main limitations of the Coherent Electron Cooling process. The talk will describe the main system components, based on a high-gain free electron laser driven by an energy recovery linac, and will present some numerical examples for ions and protons in RHIC and the LHC and for electron-hadron options for these colliders. BNL plans a demonstration of the idea in the near future.

  7. Electronics pocket book

    CERN Document Server

    Parr, E A


    Electronics Pocket Book, Fourth Edition is a nonmathematical presentation of the many varied topics covered by electronics. The book tackles electron physics, electronic components (i.e. resistors, capacitors, and conductors), integrated circuits, and the principles of a.c. and d.c. amplifiers. The text also discusses oscillators, digital circuits, digital computers, and optoelectronics (i.e., sensors, emitters, and devices that utilize light). Communications (such as line and radio communications, transmitters, receivers, and digital techniques); the principles and examples of servosystems; a

  8. Sticker electronics

    KAUST Repository

    Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa; Torres Sevilla, Galo Andres; Diaz Cordero, Marlon Steven


    Electronic stickers may be manufactured on flexible substrates (110, 120, 130) as layers and packaged together. The package may then have an adhesive applied to one side to provide capability for sticking the electronic devices to surfaces

  9. Electronics for LHC Experiments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document gathers the abstracts of most presentations made at this workshop on electronics for the large hadron collider (LHC) experiments. The presentations were arranged into 6 sessions: 1) electronics for tracker, 2) trigger electronics, 3) detector control systems, 4) data acquisition, 5) electronics for calorimeters and electronics for muons, and 6) links, power systems, grounding and shielding, testing and quality assurance.

  10. Electronics for LHC Experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document gathers the abstracts of most presentations made at this workshop on electronics for the large hadron collider (LHC) experiments. The presentations were arranged into 6 sessions: 1) electronics for tracker, 2) trigger electronics, 3) detector control systems, 4) data acquisition, 5) electronics for calorimeters and electronics for muons, and 6) links, power systems, grounding and shielding, testing and quality assurance

  11. Electron Bernstein wave electron temperature profile diagnostic (invited)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, G.; Efthimion, P.; Jones, B.; Munsat, T.; Spaleta, J.; Hosea, J.; Kaita, R.; Majeski, R.; Menard, J.


    Electron cyclotron emission (ECE) has been employed as a standard electron temperature profile diagnostic on many tokamaks and stellarators, but most magnetically confined plasma devices cannot take advantage of standard ECE diagnostics to measure temperature. They are either ''overdense,'' operating at high density relative to the magnetic field (e.g., ω pe >>Omega ce in a spherical torus) or they have insufficient density and temperature to reach the blackbody condition (τ>2). Electron Bernstein waves (EBWs) are electrostatic waves that can propagate in overdense plasmas and have a high optical thickness at the electron cyclotron resonance layers as a result of their large k perp . In this article we report on measurements of EBW emission on the CDX-U spherical torus, where B 0 ∼2kG, e >∼10 13 cm -3 and T e ∼10--200eV. Results are presented for electromagnetic measurements of EBW emission, mode converted near the plasma edge. The EBW emission was absolutely calibrated and compared to the electron temperature profile measured by a multipoint Thomson scattering diagnostic. Depending on the plasma conditions, the mode-converted EBW radiation temperature was found to be ≤T e and the emission source was determined to be radially localized at the electron cyclotron resonance layer. A Langmuir triple probe and a 140 GHz interferometer were employed to measure changes in the edge density profile in the vicinity of the upper hybrid resonance where the mode conversion of the EBWs is expected to occur. Initial results suggest EBW emission and EBW heating are viable concepts for plasmas where ω pe >>Omega ce

  12. Electron energy distribution from intense electron beams in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinez-Sanchez, M.; Cheng, Wai; Dvore, D.; Zahniser, M.S.


    A model was developed to calculate the electron energy spectrum created by an electron beam in the upper atmosphere. A significant feature of the model is the inclusion of the effects of electron-electron collisions which are important at high beam intensity when the ratio of the electron to ambient gas density is high. Comparing the calculated results for a 2.6-kV, 20-A beam at 110-km altitude from models with and without the electron-electron collision term, the electron-electron collisions have the effect of smoothing out the electron spectrum in the low-energy region ( 2 and O 2 are filled in, resulting in an increase in the calculated production rate of these species compared with model calculations that neglect this effect

  13. Interaction of electrons with light metal hydrides in the transmission electron microscope. (United States)

    Wang, Yongming; Wakasugi, Takenobu; Isobe, Shigehito; Hashimoto, Naoyuki; Ohnuki, Somei


    Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation of light metal hydrides is complicated by the instability of these materials under electron irradiation. In this study, the electron kinetic energy dependences of the interactions of incident electrons with lithium, sodium and magnesium hydrides, as well as the constituting element effect on the interactions, were theoretically discussed, and electron irradiation damage to these hydrides was examined using in situ TEM. The results indicate that high incident electron kinetic energy helps alleviate the irradiation damage resulting from inelastic or elastic scattering of the incident electrons in the TEM. Therefore, observations and characterizations of these materials would benefit from increased, instead decreased, TEM operating voltage. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Japanese Society of Microscopy. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  14. Sustainable Management of Electronics (United States)

    To provide information on EPAs strategy for electronics stewardship, certified electronics recyclers and the Challenge; as well as where to donate unwanted electronics, how to calculate benefits, and what's going on with electronics mgmt in their states.

  15. Electron acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasma with nonthermal electrons and an electron beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, S. V., E-mail:; Lakhina, G. S., E-mail: [Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, New Panvel (W), Navi Mumbai (India); University of the Western Cape, Belville (South Africa); Devanandhan, S., E-mail: [Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, New Panvel (W), Navi Mumbai (India); Bharuthram, R., E-mail: [University of the Western Cape, Belville (South Africa)


    A theoretical investigation is carried out to study the obliquely propagating electron acoustic solitary waves having nonthermal hot electrons, cold and beam electrons, and ions in a magnetized plasma. We have employed reductive perturbation theory to derive the Korteweg-de-Vries-Zakharov-Kuznetsov (KdV-ZK) equation describing the nonlinear evolution of these waves. The two-dimensional plane wave solution of KdV-ZK equation is analyzed to study the effects of nonthermal and beam electrons on the characteristics of the solitons. Theoretical results predict negative potential solitary structures. We emphasize that the inclusion of finite temperature effects reduces the soliton amplitudes and the width of the solitons increases by an increase in the obliquity of the wave propagation. The numerical analysis is presented for the parameters corresponding to the observations of “burst a” event by Viking satellite on the auroral field lines.

  16. Impulse approximation treatment of electron-electron excitation and ionization in energetic ion-atom collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zouros, T.J.M.; Lee, D.H.; Sanders, J.M.; Richard, P.


    The effect of electron-electron interactions between projectile and target electrons observed in recent measurements of projectile K-shell excitation and ionization using 0 projectile Auger electron spectroscopy are analysed within the framework of the impulse approximation (IA). The IA formulation is seen to give a good account of the threshold behavior of both ionization and excitation, while providing a remarkably simple intuitive picture of such electron-electron interactions in ion-atom collisions in general. Thus, the applicability of the IA treatment is extended to cover most known processes involving such interactions including resonance transfer excitation, binary encounter electron production, electron-electron excitation and ionization. (orig.)

  17. Printed Electronics (United States)

    Wade, Jessica; Hollis, Joseph Razzell; Wood, Sebastian


    The combination of printing technology with manufacturing electronic devices enables a new paradigm of printable electronics, where 'smart' functionality can be readily incorporated into almost any product at low cost. Over recent decades, rapid progress has been made in this field, which is now emerging into the industrial andcommercial realm. However, successful development and commercialisation on a large scale presents some significant technical challenges. For fully-printable electronic systems, all the component parts must be deposited from solutions (inks), requiring the development of new inorganic, organic and hybrid materials.A variety of traditional printing techniques are being explored and adapted forprinting these new materials in ways that result in the best performing electronicdevices. Whilst printed electronics research has initially focused on traditional typesof electronic device such as light-emitting diodes, transistors, and photovoltaics, it is increasingly apparent that a much wider range of applications can be realised. The soft and stretchable nature of printable materials makes them perfect candidates forbioelectronics, resulting in a wealth of research looking at biocompatible printable inks and biosensors. Regardless of application, the properties of printed electronicmaterials depend on the chemical structures, processing conditions, device architecture,and operational conditions, the complex inter-relationships of which aredriving ongoing research. We focus on three particular 'hot topics', where attention is currently focused: novel materials, characterisation techniques, and device stability. With progress advancing very rapidly, printed electronics is expected to grow over the next decade into a key technology with an enormous economic and social impact.

  18. Engineered phages for electronics. (United States)

    Cui, Yue


    Phages are traditionally widely studied in biology and chemistry. In recent years, engineered phages have attracted significant attentions for functionalization or construction of electronic devices, due to their specific binding, catalytic, nucleating or electronic properties. To apply the engineered phages in electronics, these are a number of interesting questions: how to engineer phages for electronics? How are the engineered phages characterized? How to assemble materials with engineered phages? How are the engineered phages micro or nanopatterned? What are the strategies to construct electronics devices with engineered phages? This review will highlight the early attempts to address these questions and explore the fundamental and practical aspects of engineered phages in electronics, including the approaches for selection or expression of specific peptides on phage coat proteins, characterization of engineered phages in electronics, assembly of electronic materials, patterning of engineered phages, and construction of electronic devices. It provides the methodologies and opens up ex-cit-ing op-por-tu-ni-ties for the development of a variety of new electronic materials and devices based on engineered phages for future applications. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Electron-electron interactions in graphene field-induced quantum dots in a high magnetic field

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Orlof, A.; Shylau, Artsem; Zozoulenko, I. V.


    We study the effect of electron-electron interaction in graphene quantum dots defined by an external electrostatic potential and a high magnetic field. To account for the electron-electron interaction, we use the Thomas-Fermi approximation and find that electron screening causes the formation...... of compressible strips in the potential profile and the electron density. We numerically solve the Dirac equations describing the electron dynamics in quantum dots, and we demonstrate that compressible strips lead to the appearance of plateaus in the electron energies as a function of the magnetic field. Finally...

  20. Tunable Electron-Electron Interactions in LaAlO_{3}/SrTiO_{3} Nanostructures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guanglei Cheng


    Full Text Available The interface between the two complex oxides LaAlO_{3} and SrTiO_{3} has remarkable properties that can be locally reconfigured between conducting and insulating states using a conductive atomic force microscope. Prior investigations of “sketched” quantum dot devices revealed a phase in which electrons form pairs, implying a strongly attractive electron-electron interaction. Here, we show that these devices with strong electron-electron interactions can exhibit a gate-tunable transition from a pair-tunneling regime to a single-electron (Andreev bound state tunneling regime where the interactions become repulsive. The electron-electron interaction sign change is associated with a Lifshitz transition where the d_{xz} and d_{yz} bands start to become occupied. This electronically tunable electron-electron interaction, combined with the nanoscale reconfigurability of this system, provides an interesting starting point towards solid-state quantum simulation.

  1. Polymer electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Geoghegan, Mark


    Polymer electronics is the science behind many important new developments in technology, such as the flexible electronic display (e-ink) and many new developments in transistor technology. Solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and transistors are all areas where plastic electronics is likely to, or is already having, a serious impact on our daily lives. With polymer transistors and light-emitting diodes now being commercialised, there is a clear need for a pedagogic text thatdiscusses the subject in a clear and concise fashion suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students. The content

  2. Electron optics

    CERN Document Server

    Grivet, Pierre; Bertein, F; Castaing, R; Gauzit, M; Septier, Albert L


    Electron Optics, Second English Edition, Part I: Optics is a 10-chapter book that begins by elucidating the fundamental features and basic techniques of electron optics, as well as the distribution of potential and field in electrostatic lenses. This book then explains the field distribution in magnetic lenses; the optical properties of electrostatic and magnetic lenses; and the similarities and differences between glass optics and electron optics. Subsequent chapters focus on lens defects; some electrostatic lenses and triode guns; and magnetic lens models. The strong focusing lenses and pris

  3. Development of a secondary electron energy analyzer for a transmission electron microscope. (United States)

    Magara, Hideyuki; Tomita, Takeshi; Kondo, Yukihito; Sato, Takafumi; Akase, Zentaro; Shindo, Daisuke


    A secondary electron (SE) energy analyzer was developed for a transmission electron microscope. The analyzer comprises a microchannel plate (MCP) for detecting electrons, a coil for collecting SEs emitted from the specimen, a tube for reducing the number of backscattered electrons incident on the MCP, and a retarding mesh for selecting the energy of SEs incident on the MCP. The detection of the SEs associated with charging phenomena around a charged specimen was attempted by performing electron holography and SE spectroscopy using the energy analyzer. The results suggest that it is possible to obtain the energy spectra of SEs using the analyzer and the charging states of a specimen by electron holography simultaneously.

  4. Electron beam welding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwartz, M.M.


    Electron-beam equipment is considered along with fixed and mobile electron-beam guns, questions of weld environment, medium and nonvacuum welding, weld-joint designs, tooling, the economics of electron-beam job shops, aspects of safety, quality assurance, and repair. The application of the process in the case of individual materials is discussed, giving attention to aluminum, beryllium, copper, niobium, magnesium, molybdenum, tantalum, titanium, metal alloys, superalloys, and various types of steel. Mechanical-property test results are examined along with the areas of application of electron-beam welding

  5. Electronic signal conditioning

    CERN Document Server



    At technician level, brief references to signal conditioning crop up in a fragmented way in various textbooks, but there has been no single textbook, until now!More advanced texts do exist but they are more mathematical and presuppose a higher level of understanding of electronics and statistics. Electronic Signal Conditioning is designed for HNC/D students and City & Guilds Electronics Servicing 2240 Parts 2 & 3. It will also be useful for BTEC National, Advanced GNVQ, A-level electronics and introductory courses at degree level.

  6. Vibrational and electronic excitation of hexatriacontane thin films by low energy electron impact

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vilar, M.R.; Schott, M.; Pfluger, P.


    Thin polycrystalline films of hexatriacontane (HTC) were irradiated with low energy (E=0.5--15 eV) electrons, and off-specular backscattered electron spectra were measured. Below E∼7 eV, single and multiple vibrational excitations only are observed, which relax the electrons down to the bottom of the HTC conduction band. Due to the negative electron affinity of HTC, thermal electrons are emitted into vacuum. Structure in the backscattered electron current at kinetic energies about 1.5 and 4 eV are associated to conduction band density of states. Above E∼7 eV, the dominant losses correspond to electronic excitations, excitons, or above a threshold (energy of the electron inside the HTC film) at 9.2±0.1 eV, electron--hole pair generation. The latter process is very efficient and reaches a yield of the order of one ∼11 eV. Evidence for chemical reaction above E∼4 eV is observed

  7. Characterisation of 100 kW electron beam melting gun and its adaptation as electron gun for high power DC electron accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banerjee, Srutarshi; Bhattacharjee, Dhruva; Waghmare, Abhay; Tiwari, Rajnish; Bakhtsingh, R.I.; Dasgupta, K.; Gupta, Sachin; Prakash, Baibhaw; Jha, M.N.


    The paper deals with the characterization of the 100 kW electron beam melting gun for its adaptation in high power DC Electron Accelerators. The indigenously designed electron beam melting system at BARC is chosen for characterization. It comprises of electron gun as source of electrons, two electromagnetic focusing lenses viz. upper focusing lens and lower focusing lens for beam focusing, intermediate beam aperture for vacuum decoupling between gun region and melt zone, deflection and oscillation lens for maneuvering the beam on the melt charge and water cooled crucible that acts as a beam dump. In this system, the electron gun is designed for 40 kV and 100 kW corresponding to a maximum beam current of 2.5 A. The electron gun uses directly heated spiral tungsten filament. The operating temperature of the filament is 2800 °K. The focusing electrode and the anode profile are designed based on Pierce geometry. High Power DC Electron Accelerators require high currents of 1 A. The beam must comply with the requirement of 40 mm beam diameter and 10 mrad divergence at the exit of the electron gun. The characterization of the existing electron gun was done to find out all the beam parameters, for e.g. beam size, beam divergence, perveance etc. to be adapted or to be modified for the design of electron gun for high power DC accelerators. This paper shows limitations and the possible solutions for design of high power DC accelerators. (author)

  8. Organic High Electron Mobility Transistors Realized by 2D Electron Gas. (United States)

    Zhang, Panlong; Wang, Haibo; Yan, Donghang


    A key breakthrough in inorganic modern electronics is the energy-band engineering that plays important role to improve device performance or develop novel functional devices. A typical application is high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), which utilizes 2D electron gas (2DEG) as transport channel and exhibits very high electron mobility over traditional field-effect transistors (FETs). Recently, organic electronics have made very rapid progress and the band transport model is demonstrated to be more suitable for explaining carrier behavior in high-mobility crystalline organic materials. Therefore, there emerges a chance for applying energy-band engineering in organic semiconductors to tailor their optoelectronic properties. Here, the idea of energy-band engineering is introduced and a novel device configuration is constructed, i.e., using quantum well structures as active layers in organic FETs, to realize organic 2DEG. Under the control of gate voltage, electron carriers are accumulated and confined at quantized energy levels, and show efficient 2D transport. The electron mobility is up to 10 cm 2 V -1 s -1 , and the operation mechanisms of organic HEMTs are also argued. Our results demonstrate the validity of tailoring optoelectronic properties of organic semiconductors by energy-band engineering, offering a promising way for the step forward of organic electronics. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Downshift of electron plasma oscillations in the electron foreshock region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuselier, S.A.


    Electron plasma oscillations in the Earth's electron foreshock region are observed to shift above and below the local electron plasma frequency. As plasma oscillations shift from the plasma frequency, their bandwidth increases and their wavelength decreases. Observations of plasma oscillations well below the plasma frequency are correlated with times when ISEE-I is far downstream of the electron foreshock boundary. Although wavelengths of plasma oscillations below the plasma frequency satisfy klambda/sub De/ approx. = 1, the Doppler shift due to the motion of the solar wind is not sufficient to produce the observed frequency shifts. A beam-plasma interaction with beam velocities on the order of the electron thermal velocity is suggested as an explanation for plasma oscillations above and below the plasma frequency. Frequency, bandwidth, and wavelength changes predicted from the beam-plasma interaction are in good agreement with the observed characteristics of plasma oscillations in the foreshock region

  10. MIS hot electron devices for enhancement of surface reactivity by hot electrons

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Lasse Bjørchmar

    A Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor (MIS) based device is developed for investigation of hot electron enhanced chemistry. A model of the device is presented explaining the key concepts of the functionality and the character- istics. The MIS hot electron emitter is fabricated using cleanroom technology...... and the process sequence is described. An Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) setup is modified to facilitate experiments with electron emission from the MIS hot electron emitters and hot electron chemistry. Simulations show the importance of keeping tunnel barrier roughness to an absolute minimum. The tunnel oxide...... to be an important energy loss center for the electrons tunneling through the oxide lowering the emission e±ciency of a factor of 10 for a 1 nm Ti layer thickness. Electron emission is observed under ambient pressure conditions and in up to 2 bars of Ar. 2 bar Ar decrease the emission current by an order...

  11. El Carreto o Cumulá - Aspidosperma Dugandii Standl El Carreto o Cumulá - Aspidosperma Dugandii Standl

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available Nombres vulgares: Carreto (Atlántico, Bolívar, Magdalena; Cumulá, Cumulá (Cundinamarca, ToIima. Según el Dr. Emilio Robledo (Lecciones de Bot. ed. 3, 2: 544. 1939 el nombre Carreto también es empleado en Puerto Berrío (Antioquia. El mismo autor (loc. cit. da el nombre Comulá para una especie indeterminada de Viburnum en Mariquita (Tolima y J. M. Duque, refiriendose a la misma planta y localidad (en Bot. Gen. Colomb. 340, 356. 1943 atribuye este nombre vulgar al Aspidosperma ellipticum Rusby.  Sin embargo, las muestras de madera de Cumulá o Comulá que yo he examinado, procedentes de la región de Mariquita -una de las cuales me fue recientemente enviada por el distinguido ictiólogo Sr. Cecil Miles- pertenecen sin duda alguna al A. Dugandii StandI. Por otra parte, Santiago Cortés (FI. Colomb. 206. 1898; ed, 2: 239. 1912 cita el Cumulá "de Anapoima y otros lugares del (rio Magdalena" diciendo que pertenece a las Leguminosas, pero la brevísima descripción que este autor hace de la madera "naranjada y notable por densidad, dureza y resistencia a la humedad", me induce a creer que se trata del mismo Cumula coleccionado recientemente en Tocaima, ya que esta población esta situada a pocos kilómetros de Anapoima. Nombres vulgares: Carreto (Atlántico, Bolívar, Magdalena; Cumulá, Cumulá (Cundinamarca, ToIima. Según el Dr. Emilio Robledo (Lecciones de Bot. ed. 3, 2: 544. 1939 el nombre Carreto también es empleado en Puerto Berrío (Antioquia. El mismo autor (loc. cit. da el nombre Comulá para una especie indeterminada de Viburnum en Mariquita (Tolima y J. M. Duque, refiriendose a la misma planta y localidad (en Bot. Gen. Colomb. 340, 356. 1943 atribuye este nombre vulgar al Aspidosperma ellipticum Rusby.  Sin embargo, las muestras de madera de Cumulá o Comulá que yo he examinado, procedentes de la región de Mariquita -una de las cuales me fue recientemente enviada por el distinguido ictiólogo Sr. Cecil Miles- pertenecen sin


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrei A. Fedoseev


    Full Text Available The article analyzes effective electronic tutorials creation and application based on the theory of pedagogy. Herewith the issues of necessary electronic tutorial functional, ways of the educational process organization with the use of information and communication technologies and the logistics of electronic educational resources are touched upon. 

  13. Theoretical investigations of molecular wires: Electronic spectra and electron transport (United States)

    Palma, Julio Leopoldo

    The results of theoretical and computational research are presented for two promising molecular wires, the Nanostar dendrimer, and a series of substituted azobenzene derivatives connected to aluminum electrodes. The electronic absorption spectra of the Nanostar (a phenylene-ethynylene dendrimer attached to an ethynylperylene chromophore) were calculated using a sequential Molecular Dynamics/Quantum Mechanics (MD/QM) method to perform an analysis of the temperature dependence of the electronic absorption process. We modeled the Nanostar as a series of connected units, and performed MD simulations for each chromophore at 10 K and 300 K to study how the temperature affected the structures and, consequently, the spectra. The absorption spectra of the Nanostar were computed using an ensemble of 8000 structures for each chromophore. Quantum Mechanical (QM) ZINDO/S calculations were performed for each conformation in the ensemble, including 16 excited states, for a total of 128,000 excitation energies. The spectral intensity was then scaled linearly with the number of conjugated units. Our calculations for both the individual chromophores and the Nanostar, are in good agreement with experiments. We explain in detail the effects of temperature and the consequences for the absorption process. The second part of this thesis presents a study of the effects of chemical substituents on the electron transport properties of the azobenzene molecule, which has been proposed recently as a component of a light-driven molecular switch. This molecule has two stable conformations (cis and trans) in its electronic ground state, with considerable differences in their conductance. The electron transport properties were calculated using first-principles methods combining non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) techniques with density functional theory (DFT). For the azobenzene studies, we included electron-donating groups and electron-withdrawing groups in meta- and ortho-positions with

  14. Evaluation of high-energy brachytherapy source electronic disequilibrium and dose from emitted electrons. (United States)

    Ballester, Facundo; Granero, Domingo; Pérez-Calatayud, José; Melhus, Christopher S; Rivard, Mark J


    The region of electronic disequilibrium near photon-emitting brachytherapy sources of high-energy radionuclides (60Co, 137CS, 192Ir, and 169Yb) and contributions to total dose from emitted electrons were studied using the GEANT4 and PENELOPE Monte Carlo codes. Hypothetical sources with active and capsule materials mimicking those of actual sources but with spherical shape were examined. Dose contributions due to source photons, x rays, and bremsstrahlung; source beta-, Auger electrons, and internal conversion electrons; and water collisional kerma were scored. To determine if conclusions obtained for electronic equilibrium conditions and electron dose contribution to total dose for the representative spherical sources could be applied to actual sources, the 192Ir mHDR-v2 source model (Nucletron B.V., Veenendaal, The Netherlands) was simulated for comparison to spherical source results and to published data. Electronic equilibrium within 1% is reached for 60Co, 137CS, 192Ir, and 169Yb at distances greater than 7, 3.5, 2, and 1 mm from the source center, respectively, in agreement with other published studies. At 1 mm from the source center, the electron contributions to total dose are 1.9% and 9.4% for 60Co and 192Ir, respectively. Electron emissions become important (i.e., > 0.5%) within 3.3 mm of 60Co and 1.7 mm of 192Ir sources, yet are negligible over all distances for 137Cs and 169Yb. Electronic equilibrium conditions along the transversal source axis for the mHDR-v2 source are comparable to those of the spherical sources while electron dose to total dose contribution are quite different. Electronic equilibrium conditions obtained for spherical sources could be generalized to actual sources while electron contribution to total dose depends strongly on source dimensions, material composition, and electron spectra.

  15. Direct single electron detection with a CMOS detector for electron microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faruqi, A.R.; Henderson, R.; Pryddetch, M.; Allport, P.; Evans, A.


    We report the results of an investigation into the use of a monolithic active pixel sensor (MAPS) for electron microscopy. MAPS, designed originally for astronomers at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, was installed in a 120 kV electron microscope (Philips CM12) at the MRC Laboratory in Cambridge for tests which included recording single electrons at 40 and 120 keV, and measuring signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), spatial resolution and radiation sensitivity. Our results show that, due to the excellent SNR and resolution, it is possible to register single electrons. The radiation damage to the detector is apparent with low doses and gets progressively greater so that its lifetime is limited to 600,000-900,000 electrons/pixel (very approximately 10-15 krad). Provided this detector can be radiation hardened to reduce its radiation sensitivity several hundred fold and increased in size, it will provide excellent performance for all types of electron microscopy

  16. Fundamentals of electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Schubert, Thomas F


    This book, Electronic Devices and Circuit Application, is the first of four books of a larger work, Fundamentals of Electronics. It is comprised of four chapters describing the basic operation of each of the four fundamental building blocks of modern electronics: operational amplifiers, semiconductor diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and field effect transistors. Attention is focused on the reader obtaining a clear understanding of each of the devices when it is operated in equilibrium. Ideas fundamental to the study of electronic circuits are also developed in the book at a basic level to

  17. High-power electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Kapitsa, Petr Leonidovich


    High-Power Electronics, Volume 2 presents the electronic processes in devices of the magnetron type and electromagnetic oscillations in different systems. This book explores the problems of electronic energetics.Organized into 11 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the motion of electrons in a flat model of the magnetron, taking into account the in-phase wave and the reverse wave. This text then examines the processes of transmission of electromagnetic waves of various polarization and the wave reflection from grids made of periodically distributed infinite metal conductors. Other

  18. Electron Bifurcation: Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Two-Electron Brokering in Biological Redox Chemistry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Peng; Yuly, Jonathon L.; Lubner, Carolyn E. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401, United States; Mulder, David W. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401, United States; King, Paul W. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401, United States; Peters, John W. [Institute; Beratan, David N. [Department


    How can proteins drive two electrons from a redox active donor onto two acceptors at very different potentials and distances? And how can this transaction be conducted without dissipating very much energy or violating the laws of thermodynamics? Nature appears to have addressed these challenges by coupling thermodynamically uphill and downhill electron transfer reactions, using two-electron donor cofactors that have very different potentials for the removal of the first and second electron. Although electron bifurcation is carried out with near perfection from the standpoint of energy conservation and electron delivery yields, it is a biological energy transduction paradigm that has only come into focus recently. This Account provides an exegesis of the biophysical principles that underpin electron bifurcation.

  19. Printed Electronics (United States)

    Korkut, Sibel (Inventor); Chiang, Katherine S. (Inventor); Crain, John M. (Inventor); Aksay, Ilhan A. (Inventor); Lettow, John S. (Inventor); Chen, Chuan-Hua (Inventor); Prud'Homme, Robert K. (Inventor)


    Printed electronic device comprising a substrate onto at least one surface of which has been applied a layer of an electrically conductive ink comprising functionalized graphene sheets and at least one binder. A method of preparing printed electronic devices is further disclosed.

  20. Production of accelerated electrons near an electron source in the plasma resonance region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fedorov, V.A.


    Conditions of generation of plasma electrons accelerated and their characteristics in the vicinity of an electron source are determined. The electron source isolated electrically with infinitely conducting surface, being in unrestricted collisionless plasma ω 0 >>ν, where ω 0 - plasma frequency of nonperturbated plasma, ν - frequency of plasma electron collisions with other plasma particles, is considered. Spherically symmetric injection of electrons, which rates are simulated by ω frequency, occurs from the source surface. When describing phenomena in the vicinity of the electron source, one proceeds from the quasihydrodynamic equation set