
Sample records for lesiones medulares espinales

  1. Estudio neuropsicológico del deterioro cognitivo ligero en la lesión medular espinal


    Molina Gallego, Brígida


    Esta investigación ha tenido como objetivo evaluar la función cognitiva en los pacientes lesionados medulares espinales, teniendo en cuenta el tiempo de evolución desde su lesión. Para ello se investigó la existencia de diferencias en cuanto al rendimiento cognitivo se refiere, en pacientes con lesión medular aguda en relación con los pacientes con lesión medular crónica. La muestra estuvo formada por 100 pacientes que habían sufrido una lesión medular, concretamente la evaluación se real...

  2. Lesiones medulares y discapacidad: revisión bibliográfica

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    Claudia Patricia Henao-Lema


    Full Text Available La lesión medular es una entidad neurológica causante de importantes procesos de discapacidad. Su incidencia en el país puede estar cercana a los mayores estimativos mundiales debido a las condiciones actuales de violencia. El aumento de la expectativa de vida de esta población —gracias a los avances tecnológicos y científicos en prevención, atención y manejo de complicaciones— lleva a la necesidad de proveer servicios de rehabilitación integrales que trasciendan los aspectos funcionales y permitan la inclusión social. Para este propósito es necesario un abordaje integral de la situación, que en el ámbito de la evaluación debe incluir no sólo la estimación de la condición de salud, sino todo lo relacionado con el funcionamiento de las personas en su vida diaria. La clasificación internacional del funcionamiento, la discapacidad y la salud, brinda un marco conceptual para abordar la discapacidad y el funcionamiento humano relacionado con la salud desde un enfoque biopsicosocial que articula las dimensiones corporal, individual y social de las personas y su relación con los factores del ambiente. Este enfoque de abordaje, plasmado en el instrumento de evaluación denominado WHO-DAS II, se considera un referente importante para evaluar la discapacidad asociada a la lesión medular.

  3. Diagnósticos de enfermagem e proposta de intervenções para pacientes com lesão medular Diagnósticos de enfermería y propuesta de intervenciones para pacientes con lesión medular Nursing diagnoses and interventions proposal al for patients with spinal cord lesion

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    Clélia Regina Cafer


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As lesões medulares constituem evento grave que acomete principalmente jovens, requerendo um planejamento cuidadoso da assistência de enfermagem Este estudo tem a finalidade de contribuir nesse planejamento, oferecendo subsídios para melhorar a qualidade do cuidado desses pacientes. OBJETIVOS: Identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem, segundo a NANDA, em portadores de lesão medular internados numa Unidade de Ortopedia e Traumatologia; e propor as intervenções de enfermagem, conforme a NIC. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo prospectivo, com 10 casos analisados no período de janeiro/2000 a julho/2002. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento criado para uso na unidade de estudo, identificando-se os diagnósticos de enfermagem. As intervenções foram propostas pelas autoras e submetidas à avaliação de duas especialistas. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 15 diagnósticos de enfermagem prevalentes, para os quais foram propostas 26 intervenções de enfermagem. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados poderão subsidiar as enfermeiras ao cuidado do paciente com lesão medular, auxiliando-o e contribuindo à sua autonomia, através das intervenções propostas.INTRODUCCIÓN: Las lesiones medulares constituyen un evento grave que afecta, en su mayoría, a los jóvenes, las cuales requirien una planificación cuidadosa para la atencion de enfermeria. Este estudio tiene la finalidad de contribuir con subsidios para mejorar la calidad de los cuidados prestados a esos pacientes. OBJETIVOS: Identificar los diagnósticos de enfermería, según la taxonomía de la NANDA, en pacientes con lesión medular, internados en una Unidad de Ortopedia y Traumatología; y proponer las intervenciones de enfermería, conforme el referencial de la NIC. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo en el cual fue analizado un total de 10 casos, en el período de enero/2000 a julio/2002. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de un instrumento creado para uso en

  4. Repercusión de las lesiones medulares traumáticas en la dinámica vesical: perspectivas de seguimiento

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    Héctor Alfonso Solano Moreno


    Full Text Available Las lesiones en la médula espinal representan un porcentaje importante como causa de discapacidad en México y en el mundo, siendo la tercera causa con un porcentaje superior a 25%. Este tipo de pacientes sufre múltiples complicaciones y una de ellas es la que corresponde al sistema urológico al que muchas veces no se le da un seguimiento de manera regular. Dentro de las lesiones de las vías neurológicas, que inervan a la vejiga, pueden afectar a uno o varios aspectos de la fisiología, ya sea su fase de llenado, de almacenamiento o de vaciamiento, lo anterior según el área nerviosa alcanzada y la naturaleza de la lesión; estas lesiones deben ser manejadas por el mismo urólogo que debe seleccionar la opción terapéutica adecuada en su ámbito de competencia, tomando en cuenta los pros y contras de cada una de ellas, ya que esto tendrá una repercusión en la calidad de vida del paciente, así como continuar un programa de seguimiento para la detección de complicaciones de manera oportuna. Particularmente el cateterismo urinario es pilar fundamental para el manejo de las lesiones medulares postraumáticas, ya que puede contribuir a la disminución de las complicaciones.

  5. Alterações vesicais na lesão medular experimental em ratos Urinary bladder changes in experimental spinal cord injury

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    Fernando Meyer


    Full Text Available O trauma raquemedular é uma das lesões traumáticas com maior impacto sobre a sociedade, o que faz com que enormes investimentos sejam feitos em estudos visando sua cura. Para a realização de pesquisas sobre lesão medular, é necessário que se utilize um modelo reprodutível desta lesão. A padronização de um sistema de lesão medular experimental provoca alterações não só no sistema nervoso mas também sistêmicas. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo visa avaliar as alterações vesicais na fase aguda da lesão medular experimental. MÉTODOS Foram utilizados 34 ratos Wistar machos divididos em grupo controle (A e grupo experimento (B. Enquanto os animais do grupo B foram submetidos à laminectomia no nível T9-T10 seguida de lesão medular, os do grupo A (n=4 foram submetidos somente à laminectomia. Os animais do grupo B foram dividos em 6 grupos distintos (n=5 e foram submetidos à eutanásia após 2, 4, 8, 24, 48 horas e 4 dias. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se redução da camada urotelial em todos animais do grupo B, presença de células inflamatórias e congestão vascular principalmente após 8 horas, entre outros achados. CONCLUSÃO: As alterações histológicas na fase aguda da lesão medular evidenciaram importante comprometimento vesical, sendo essa uma alteração sistêmica de relevância em lesados medulares.Spinal cord trauma is one of the lesions with highest socioeconomical impact. To develop research on spinal cord field it is mandatory to use a reproductible model for inducing lesions. Standardized spinal cord injury (SCI promotes changes not only in the nervous system but also systemic changes. PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate urinary bladder changes during the acute phase of experimental spinal cord injury. METHODS: Thirty four Wistar male rats were allocated in 2 groups: controll (A and experiment (B. While animals from group B underwent laminectomy at T9-T10 level followed by SCI, group A underwent only

  6. Paracoccidioidomicose evidenciando comprometimento medular tratada com sucesso por fluconazol

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    Leandro Pajuaba de Moura


    Full Text Available O envolvimento do sistema nervoso central na paracoccidioidomicose tem sido raramente descrito na literatura e sua frequência varia de 9,99% a 27,27%, manifestando-se basicamente sob duas formas clínicas: meníngea e pseudotumoral (abscessos, granulomas, nódulos ou cistos. O Paracoccidioides brasiliensis incide principalmente nos hemisférios cerebrais, podendo acometer ainda cerebelo, ponte, bulbo, meninges cerebrais e raquidianas, sendo excepcional o comprometimento do parênquima medular. Os autores apresentam o caso de um paciente com paracoccidioidomicose com evidências clínicas de comprometimento medular, comprovada por exames complementares indiretos pouco invasivos. Destacam a resposta terapêutica inédita a novo agente antifúngico bistriazólico, o fluconazol, pela primeira vez utilizado nesta forma de apresentação clínica da doença. Salientam a rariedade do comprometimento medular, o diagnóstico através de propedêutica não cirúrgica e a excelente resposta a este novo tratamento.

  7. Topografia do cone medular da paca (Agouti paca, Linnaeus - 1766

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    Alessandra Regina Freixo Scavone


    Full Text Available Objetivamos neste trabalho determinar a esqueletopia da terminação do cone medular da paca relacionando com as vértebras lombares e sacrais, visando assim estabelecer parâmetros morfométricos e topográficos do cone medular nesta espécie. Para tanto, procedemos à dissecação, mediante incisão, rebatimento da pele, da tela subcutânea e da musculatura da região dorsal à coluna vertebral, com posterior secção e remoção dos arcos vertebrais para melhor visualização da medula espinhal. Após a individualização do cone medular, registramos os aspectos anatômicos de interesse, enfatizando seu início (base e seu término (ápice em relação às vértebras, e a partir de então efetuamos suas medidas com o auxílio de paquímetro; visando documentar nossos achados, realizamos fotografias e esquemas dos espécimes estudados.

  8. Dor no paciente com lesão medular: uma revisão Dolor en el paciente con lesión medular: una revisión Pain in patients with spinal cord injury: a review

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    Marcia de Miguel


    asociación con factores físicos (nivel de la lesión, grau de la lesión, tiempo de inicio del dolor y factores psicológicos (humor y calidad de vida. CONTENIDO: Fueron investigados trabajos en una base de datos Medline, publicados en los últimos seis años y los criterios de inclusión fueron los estudios originales en mayores de 18 años. Fueron discutidas las características clínicas del dolor en el paciente con lesión medular, comparando la casuística de diversos autores. CONCLUSIONES: A pesar de las diferencias conceptuales y metodológicas entre los estudios, las prevalencias de dolor encontradas en pacientes con lesión medular fueron altas, variando entre un 64% y un 82%. El dolor neuropático al nivel de la lesión tiene un inicio precoz (días o semanas y el que surge por debajo del nivel de la lesión, aparece más tarde (meses o años. No existe una asociación entre dolor e grau de la lesión, y el porcentaje de pacientes que relatan dolor intenso, varía entre un 21% y un 39%. No se pudo concluir cuál es la relación entre el dolor y el nivel de la lesión medular. Sin embargo, el dolor puede interferir de forma negativa en el humor, en la capacidad de realizar actividades cognitivas, sociales, de ocio y de trabajo.BACKGROUND AND METHODS: Chronic pain after spinal cord injury is a highly prevalent clinical condition, which is difficult to treat. Therefore, it is important to know its clinical characteristics and causes for a better diagnostic and therapeutic approach. The objective of this study was to review the literature on pain in patients with spinal cord injury and the possible association with physical (level of the injury, completeness of lesion, pain duration and psychological (mood and quality of life factors. CONTENTS: Original studies in the Medline database with patients older than 18 years and published over the last six years were reviewed. The clinical characteristics of pain in patients with spinal cord injury are discussed, and the

  9. Lesiones medulares no traumáticas: etiología, demografía y clínica Nontraumatic spinal cord injury: etiology, demography and clinics

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    Asencio Quintana-Gonzales


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo en 210 pacientes hospitalizados con lesión medular del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación (INR, Callao-Perú (2000-2006 para conocer la etiología, características clínicas y socio-demográficas de los pacientes con lesiones medulares no traumáticas (LMNT. Se encontró una prevalencia de 27 % para LMNT siendo la edad promedio al inicio de la lesión 32,0 años; siendo varones el 50,5 %, y el 41,9 % tuvieron educación secundaría, el nivel de pobreza alcanzó el 90,5 %. Predominó la etiología infecciosa (viral y bacteriana en 37,6 %, con un 11,9 % de infección por HTLVI. No obstante ser el INR un centro de referencia, nuestros resultados son preliminares, siendo necesario realizar mayores estudios para proponer estrategias de prevención y control, dado el alto costo del tratamiento integral de rehabilitación en estos pacientes.We performed a retrospective and descriptive cross-sectional; study in 210 hospitalized patients with spinal cord injury at the National Institute of Rehabilitation (INR, Callao, Peru from 2000-2006. The goal was to describe etiology, and clinical and socio-demographic characteristics of non traumatic spinal cord injuries (LMNT. We found a prevalence of 27 % for LMNT, average age at onset of 32.0 years, male gender 50.5 %, and secondary education completed in 41.9 %, poverty 90.5 %. The infectious etiology (viral and bacterial was predominant in 37.6 %, with 11.9 infected with HTLVI. Although the INR is a reference center, the findings can’t be generalized because it isn’t a representative sample of the Peruvian population, further studies are necessary to propose strategies for prevention and control, considering the high cost of integral rehabilitation treatment in these patients.

  10. Efectividad del entrenamiento de la marcha mediante el sistema lokomat en pacientes agudos con lesión medular incompleta


    Alcobendas Maestro, Mónica


    La hipótesis principal de trabajo para la realización de la presente tesis ha sido que el entrenamiento con sistema lokomat consigue mayor recuperación funcional en cuanto a velocidad y tipo de marcha en lesiones medulares incompletas agudas que el entrenamiento convencional. Como hipótesis secundarias se han considerado que los programas de reeducación de la marcha sobre tapiz rodante con descarga del peso corporal consiguen una mayor resistencia para la marcha, una mayor potenciación ...

  11. Cambios funcionales en las actividades cotidianas con el Tratamiento del Neurodesarrollo en personas con lesiones medulares en un instituto nacional de rehabilitación

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    Julio César Granados


    Full Text Available El tratamiento del neurodesarrollo (NDT, se basa en resolver problemas del movimiento. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto en las actividades cotidianas de pacientes con lesión de la médula espinal con el Tratamiento del Neurodesarrollo. Material y métodos: Estudio pre experimental, diseño pre y post test. Se incluyeron 32 pacientes del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación hospitalizados con lesión medular elegidos por conveniencia en el periodo 2009-2011. Para medir el nivel de independencia se aplicó el índice de Barthel al inicio y al final del tratamiento del Neurodesarrollo. Resultados: La diferencia de los cambios de la media inicial y final del índice de Barthel fue 45,63% (p < 0,01. Los mayores cambios se dieron en los ítem subir y bajar escaleras y baño, y con un menor avance en alimentación y aseo. Conclusiones: Los cambios funcionales fueron significativos en las actividades cotidianas en pacientes con lesión medular después de la aplicación del NDT.

  12. Lesões vértebro-medulares – A perspectiva da reabilitação

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    Filipa Faria


    ão medular. Abstract: The present study provides an overview of the spinal cord injury focusing mainly on aspects related to rehabilitation.Spinal cord injury affects young people in an active phase of life, determining severe handicaps. Most of the lesions are traumatic, caused by car accidents.Until fifty years ago, the survival of individuals with spinal cord injury was very reduced and the leading cause of death was renal failure. Due to developments in medical knowledge and technical advances, the survival rates have significantly improved. The causes of death have also changed being respiratory complications, particularly pneumonia, the leading causes.Immediately after a spinal cord lesion there is a phase of spinal shock which is characterized by flaccid paralysis and bladder and bowel retention. Progressively there is a return of the spinal cord automatism with the beginning of some reflex activities. Based on neurological evaluation it is pos-sible to predict motor and functional recovery and establish the rehabilitation program.We can consider three phases on the rehabilitation program: the first while the patient is still in bed, directed to prevent or treat complications due to immobility and begin sphincters reeducation; the second phase is intended to achieve wheelchair autonomy; the last phase is training in ortostatism. The rehabilitation program also comprises sports and recreational activities, psychological and social support in order to achieve an integral of the individual with a spinal cord injury. Palavras-chave: Lesão medular, etiologia, epide-miologia, quadro clínico, reabilitação, Key words: Spinal cord, etiology, epidemiology, clinics, rehabilitation

  13. Síndrome de Klippel-Trenaunay-Parkes-Weber com angiomatose medular

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    James Pitagoras de Mattos


    Full Text Available É relatado um caso de síndrome de Klippel-Trénaunay-Parkes-Weber associada a angiomatose medular. O autor salienta ter encontrado na literatura somente uma referência com tal associação.

  14. Carcinoma medular da mama: correlação anátomo-radiológica


    Matheus,Valéria Soares; Kestelman,Fabíola Procaci; Canella,Ellyete de Oliveira; Djahjah,Maria Célia Resende; Koch,Hilton Augusto


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características radiológicas do câncer de mama medular em pacientes submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico no Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA) - Ministério da Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, correlacionando os achados com estudo histopatológico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo descritivo retrospectivo de mulheres submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico no INCA, no período de janeiro de 1997 a dezembro de 2006, para identificação das pacientes com carcinoma medular e análise ...

  15. Traumatismos medulares em canídeos


    Jorge, Salomé Mariana Candeias


    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária Os traumatismos medulares representam uma parte importante da casuística de um hospital veterinário. As causas destes traumatismos podem ser intrínsecas e extrínsecas. A principal causa intrínseca é a extrusão do material do disco intervertebral (Hérnia discal tipo I de Hansen). As principais causas extrínsecas são fracturas, luxações e subluxações vertebrais secundárias a eventos traumáticos. As lesões de origem vascula...

  16. Compresión medular por hipercifosis toracolumbar en un cuadro de displasia espondiloepifisaria congénita


    Villas, C.; San Julian, M.


    En algunos casos de displasia espondiloepifisaria puede resultar difícil el diagnóstico diferencial de las alteraciones de la marcha por coexistir una cifosis angular severa con posible compromiso medular y una coxopatía importante. Cuando existe una compresión medular, el pronóstico generalmente es sombrío y es excepcional encontrar en la literatura una indicación quirúrgica favorable en este tipo de displasias. Presentamos 2 casos afectos de Displasia Espondiloepifisaria en l...

  17. Cambios funcionales en las actividades cotidianas con el Tratamiento del Neurodesarrollo en personas con lesiones medulares en un instituto nacional de rehabilitación


    Julio César Granados


    El tratamiento del neurodesarrollo (NDT), se basa en resolver problemas del movimiento. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto en las actividades cotidianas de pacientes con lesión de la médula espinal con el Tratamiento del Neurodesarrollo. Material y métodos: Estudio pre experimental, diseño pre y post test. Se incluyeron 32 pacientes del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación hospitalizados con lesión medular elegidos por conveniencia en el periodo 2009-2011. Para medir el nivel de independencia se ...

  18. Lesión cerebral hipóxico-isquémica secundaria a parada cardiaca en un lesionado medular agudo


    Francisco Ramón Pampín-Huerta; Beatriz Muíño-Vidal; Antonio Montoto-Marqués; Sebastián Salvador-de la Barrera; María Elena Ferreiro-Velasco; Antonio Rodríguez-Sotillo


    Resumen. La lesión medular es un factor de riesgo importante para la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa, entidad que engloba la trombosis venosa profunda y el tromboembolismo pulmonar, siendo este una causa potencialmente reversible de parada cardíaca. Presentamos el caso de un varón joven con lesión medular completa (grado ASIA A) con nivel C6 que sufre una parada cardíaca por tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo secundario a trombosis venosa profunda en extremidad inferior izquierda en la 6...

  19. Topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato-de-orelhas-pequenas (Atelocynus microtis Sclater, 1882): relato de caso


    Saldanha, Kylma Lorena; Lima, Ana Rita; Branco, Érika

    2011-01-01 A anestesia epidural é uma das técnicas anestésicas mais utilizadas devido à boa margem de segurança, eficiência e rapidez na aplicação. Decorrente de sua importância faz-se necessário ter conhecimento preciso da topografia do cone medular das espécies. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato-de-orelhas-pequenas (Atelocynus microtis), com o propósito de fornecer dados anatômicos...

  20. Astrocitoma frontal com metastase medular: registro de um caso e revisão da literatura

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    J. Jorge Facure


    Full Text Available Relato de um caso de astrocitoma grau II com metástase medular ao nível da terceira vértebra dorsal. O nódulo intradural determinou sinais e sintomas de compressão medular. O diagnóstico clínico foi confirmado por mielografia descendente com lipiodol e mielocintilografia com I131 - albumina. A paciente foi submetida a laminectomia para exerese da metástase. A revisão da literatura mostra que o fator mais importante para a ocorrência das metástase dos tumores encefálicos é a invasão do sistema ventricular e/ou espaço subaracnóideo periencefálico pela neoplasia, sem relação com o ato operatório.

  1. Aplasia medular: Actualización Bone marrow aplasia: Update

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    Sergio Machín García


    Full Text Available La aplasia medular, según su etiología puede ser congénita y adquirida; esta última es la más frecuente. La causa del fallo de la hematopoyesis parece ser multifactorial. Se revisan las causas de aplasia medular adquirida, sus mecanismos fisiopatológicos y se hace énfasis en los mecanismos inmunes, que desempeñan un papel central en su fisiopatología. Se actualizan los criterios diagnósticos, los elementos de pronóstico desfavorable, así como las enfermedades con las que debe hacerse el diagnóstico diferencial. Las terapéuticas actuales más efectivas son los inmunosupresores y el trasplante de médula ósea, cada uno de ellos ofrece ventajas y desventajas y requiere de indicaciones precisasBone marrow aplasia according to its etiology may be congenital or acquired. The latter is the most frequent. Haemopoietic failure seems to be caused by several factors. The causes of acquired medullary aplasia and its physiopathological mechanisms are reviewed. Emphasis is made on th immune mechanisms, which play an important role in its physiopathology. The diagnostic criteria as well as the elements of an unfavorable diagnosis and the disease that must be taken into consideration to make the differential diagnosis are analyzed in this paper. The most effective treatments at present are the immunosuppressors and bone marrow transplantation. Each has advantages and disadvantages and requires specific indications


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    Arabel Issa Vieira


    Full Text Available A inclusão de indivíduos portadores de lesão medular no universo artístico da dança tornou-se possível a partir dos paradigmas emergentes da modernidade e pós-modernidade. Neste processo, fica evidente o aspecto universal da dança e a sua importância para o desenvolvimento do ser humano.

  3. Contribución de fibras mielínicas provenientes de los nervios espinales lumbares L4, L5 y L6 al nervio ciático de rata adulta y sus ramas principales Contribution of myelunated fibers from spinal L4, L5 and L6 nerves to the sciatic nerve and its main branches in the adult rat

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    Hernán Hurtado


    Full Text Available El nervio ciático de la rata está formado por los nervios espinales (ne lumbares L4, L5 y L6. Sin embargo, aún no se ha definido el aporte en fibras mielínicas de estos nervios espinales a lo largo del tronco nervioso. En este estudio se transectaron selectivamente los NE L4, L5 y L4-L5. Luego de una semana se disecaron los nervios ciático, tibial, sural y peroneal. Estas muestras se fijaron y procesaron para microscopía óptica y a partir de cortes coloreados con azul de toluidina se contaron las fibras mielínicas degeneradas y normales. L4 contribuyó con fibras mielínicas principalmente al nervio peroneal y L5 a los nervios ciático, tibial y sural. En general, el aporte de L6 fue menor y variable a lo largo del tronco nervioso comparado con las otras dos ramas espinales. Nuestros resultados brindan información valiosa para posteriores estudios que busquen correlacionar la contribución de los nervios espinales que componen el ciático y sus ramas principales con la función de la extremidad inferior. The rat sciatic nerve is composed by the L4, L5 and L6 lumbar spinal nerves. However, the contribution in myelinated fibers originating from these nerves along this nervous trunk has not yet been defined. In the present study, the L4, L5 and L4-L5 spinal nerves were selectively transected. After one week the sciatic, tibial, sural and peroneal nerves were dissected. These samples were fixed and processed for optical microscopy, and both degenerated and normal myelinated fibers were counted in toluidine blue-stained semi-thin sections. L4 contributed with myelinated fibers mainly to the peroneal nerve, and L5 to the sciatic, tibial and sural nerves. In general, the contribution of L6 was smaller and variable along the nervous trunk in comparison to the other two spinal branches. Our results give key information for further studies looking to correlate the contribution of spinal nerves making part of the sciatic nerve and its main

  4. Daño medular espinal: tratamiento y posibles usos de la terapia celular

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    Penélope Mantilla F


    Full Text Available El daño medular espinal, representa la principal causa de parálisis (total o parcial, que se acompaña de secuelas irreversibles y de gran impacto negativo para el paciente, entorno familiar y laboral. Con el advenimiento y avances en tecnología, técnicas de inmunohistoquímica, citología y bioingeniería, se han podido desarrollar numerosos estudios a nivel experimental, dirigidos a la recuperación de la función vertebro-espinal, con una inmensa gama de resultados, que sirven de asiento a futuras investigaciones en seres humanos. En su mayoría, evalúan funciones motoras y sensitivas durante las 3 fases de la lesión espinal. Para ello se emplean técnicas de implantación de células madre (de origen alogénico, autólogo o xenogénico a través de la inyección intratecal o directa en parénquima nervioso. Los resultados a nivel experimental son alentadores; sin embargo, aún queda mucho por dilucidar en torno a la formación de la cicatriz glial, de los factores inductores que se expresan y su repercusión en humanos. Las directrices actuales en el tratamiento de la lesión espinal, incluyen desde mejoras en las técnicas de inmovilización y traslado pre-hospitalario del paciente lesionado espinal, pasando por el empleo de fármacos (Esteroides, Lazaroides, Calcio antagonistas, diuréticos osmóticos, etc., hasta el uso de estimulación cortical, epidural y nanoimplantes medulares, así como la aplicación de exoesqueletos y de la Terapia Celular. En este artículo se reúnen los resultados de la revisión de estudios con más de 21mil publicaciones (hasta octubre del 2017, donde se han empleado células madre para tratar la lesión medular espinal (traumática.


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    Gisela Maria Assis


    Full Text Available La terapia con láser es efectiva para acelerar la recuperación de las heridas, pero carece de pruebas para su uso en úlceras por presión y para el tratamiento en personas con lesiones de la médula espinal en la atención ambulatoria. El objetivo del estudio fue describir las limitaciones de la aplicación de un programa de terapia con láser en el tratamiento de úlceras por presión, subsidiando una reflexión sobre los abordajes de esta. Es una investigación exploratoria y descriptiva. Seis sujetos con lesión medular de dos centros de rehabilitación, fueron acompañados por dos visitas semanales durante ocho semanas, recibiendo la irradiación láser en una lesión. Las principales limitaciones se relacionaron con las dificultades para seguir la guía de push-up y la asistencia a las consultas. Se cree que estas limitaciones están relacionadas con defectos en el proceso de orientación respecto a la prevención de estas lesiones y el cambio en la sensibilidad local.

  6. Padrão lesional da medula óssea na imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS

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    M. Barretto Netto


    Full Text Available O estudo da medula óssea em 20 casos de necrópsia de pacientes portadores da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida sugere que as alterações medulares são freqüentes e de valor diagnóstico no reconhecimento da Síndrome. É admitida a existência de um padrão lesional diagnóstico onde predominam os seguintes elementos: hipercelularidade, ausência ou redução da granulopoiese, plasmocitose, histiocitose e displasia megacariocítica.

  7. Topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato-de-orelhas-pequenas (Atelocynus microtis Sclater, 1882: relato de caso

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    Kylma Lorena Saldanha


    Full Text Available A anestesia epidural é uma das técnicas anestésicas mais utilizadas devido à boa margem de segurança, eficiência e rapidez na aplicação. Decorrente de sua importância faz-se necessário ter conhecimento preciso da topografia do cone medular das espécies. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato-de-orelhas-pequenas (Atelocynus microtis, com o propósito de fornecer dados anatômicos úteis para a prática de anestesias epidurais. Foi utilizado um exemplar jovem, macho, após morte natural, proveniente da Área de Mina Bauxita de Paragominas-PA, o qual foi fixado e armazenado em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. O animal Foi dissecado mediante afastamento da pele e da musculatura epiaxial, procedendo-se a secção e remoção dos arcos vertebrais favorecendo a visualização da medula espinhal. O Atelocynus microtis apresentou sete vértebras lombares e três sacrais. Após a individualização das estruturas anatômicas de interesse, foram tomadas as mensurações do cone medular com o auxílio de paquímetro. A intumescência lombar localizou-se entre as vértebras L3 e L6, o cone medular foi observado em nível da sétima vértebra lombar (L7 e seu ápice na terceira vértebra sacral (S3 totalizando um comprimento de 3,9 cm acompanhado pela cauda equina. Assim, sugerimos a região sacrocaudal como o local mais apropriado para realização de anestesia epidural no Atelocynus microtis.

  8. Determination of the phosphorylated neurofilament subunit NF-H (pNF-H in cerebro-spinal fluid as biomarker in acute traumatic spinal cord injuries / Dozarea neurofilamentelor fosforilate (subunitatea pNF-H ȋn LCR ca biomarker ȋn traumatismul vertebro-medular acut

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    Ungureanu Didona


    Full Text Available Obiectivul studiului. Obiectivul acestui studiu a fost dozarea neurofilamentelor fosforilate (subunitatea pNF-H în lichidul cefalorahidian al pacienţilor cu leziuni traumatice ale măduvei spinării şi stabilirea unei corelaţii intre valoarea pNF-H şi gravitatea leziunilor medulare. Material şi metode. Studiul a inclus 15 pacienţi cu leziuni traumatice acute medulare: opt pacienţi cu leziuni medulare complete şi şapte pacienţi cu leziuni medulare incomplete. Gravitatea leziunilor medulare a fost apreciată folosind scala ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association scale şi la toti pacientii s-a aplicat tratamentul chirurgical în primele 24 de ore (decompresiune medulară şi stabilizare vertebrală. S-a facut determinarea zilnică a pNF-H din LCR folosind testul ELISA specific şi am corelat aceste valori cu evoluţia clinică. Rezultate. Subunitatea pNF-H a fost evidenţiată în LCR la toţi pacienţii cu traumatisme acute vertebro-medulare şi valorile au fost diferite în cazurile leziunilor medulare complete faţa de leziunile incomplete. Nivelul pNF-H din LCR a fost de zece până la o sută de ori mai mare în leziunile medulare complete fata de cazurile cu leziuni incomplete, unde nivelul acestui biomarker a fost aproape normal. Pacienţii cu o evoluţie neurologică favorabilă după tratament au avut un model specific al valorilor zilnice de pNF-H: o creştere bruscă până la o valoare maximă apoi o scădere progresivă până la normal. Valorile maxime au fost diferite în fiecare caz, de 10 ori până la 170 de ori mai mari faţă de normal. Concluzii. Forma fosforilată a subunităţii neurofilamentelor cu greutate moleculară mare pNF-H din lichidul cefalorahidian poate fi un biomarker specific pentru leziunile acute traumatice ale măduvei spinării corelat cu severitatea leziunilor medulare. pNF-H pare a fi un biomarker predictiv deoarece modelul evolutiv al valorilor sale arată reducerea sau blocarea leziunilor

  9. Efecto de la fisioterapia en un paciente con cuadriplejia por ependimoma medular

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    Julio César Granados-Carrera


    Full Text Available La fisioterapia en pacientes con problemas neurológicos, mejora la capacidad funcional identificando limitaciones provocadas por la lesión aplicando técnicas kinésicas. Se describe los efectos de la fisioterapia en un paciente con cuadriplejía secundaria a ependimoma medular que no recibió tratamiento quirúrgico. La regulación del tono postural favoreció el control postural y el equilibrio en actividades en sedente y en cama. Se obtuvo independencia funcional en actividades básicas de la vida diaria.

  10. Topografia do cone medular da irara (Eira barbara e sua relevância em anestesias epidurais

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    Érika Branco


    Full Text Available Encontrada principalmente na América do Sul, a irara é um carnívoro pertencente à família Mustelidae, a qual pouco se tem informações sobre sua morfologia de forma geral. Diante disso, objetivou-se conhecer melhor parte do sistema nervoso desta espécie, mais precisamente a topografia do cone medular, a fim de subsidiar intervenções anestésicas peridurais nesta, uma vez que a clínica de animais selvagens vem crescendo a cada dia. Foram estudados três exemplares machos, adultos, provenientes da área de Mina Bauxita, Paragominas, doados ao Laboratório de Pesquisa Morfológica Animal (LaPMA, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA, Belém, os quais foram radiografados e dissecados ao nível lombossacral, seguido de exposição do cone medular. Este, por sua vez, situou-se entre L4-L6 possuindo comprimento médio de 4,31cm, o que nos levou a sugerir a região sacrococcígea como ponde ideal para prática de anestesias epidurais nesta espécie.

  11. Topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous Linnaeus, 1766: relato de caso

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    Luane Lopes Pinheiro


    Full Text Available O cachorro-do-mato é o canídeo mais comum do continente sul-americano. De modo geral, tem sua dieta variada conforme a época do ano e a região habitada, o que permite a este uma ampla distribuição geográfica. Junto ao interesse na anatomia comparativa objetivou-se descrever a topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato com intuito de oferecer informações que possam dar subsídios para a prática de anestesia epidural, cuja eficiência depende do conhecimento da anatomia desta região. Foi utilizado um exemplar, macho, adulto, proveniente da Mina de Bauxita - Paragominas-PA, o qual foi dissecado na região lombo-sacral. O cone medular do cachorro-do-mato apresentou base ao nível de L6 e ápice em S3, apresentando comprimento de 10,13cm. Concluímos que a região sacrococcígea é a mais indicada para a anestesia epidural, considerando que o exemplar em estudo apresentou nove vértebras lombares e quatro vértebras sacrais.

  12. Efeitos da natação sobre a independência funcional de pacientes com lesão medular Efectos de la natación sobre la independencia funcional de pacientes con lesión medular Effects of swimming on the functional independence of patients with spinal cord injury

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    Maurício Corte Real da Silva


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS E OBJETIVO: O esporte tem um papel fundamental na reabilitação física de pacientes com lesão medular por ampliar as alternativas terapêuticas e favorecer a independência funcional. O estudo tem por objetivo conhecer os efeitos da natação sobre habilidades funcionais de pacientes com lesão medular. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 16 pacientes portadores de lesão medular, divididos em dois grupos: experimental e controle. Os grupos foram avaliados por meio da Medida de Independência Funcional (Escala FIM antes e após o procedimento que consistiu em sessões de natação realizadas duas vezes por semana durante quatro meses. RESULTADOS: Os dois grupos apresentaram mudanças nos cuidados com o corpo, transferências, escore motor total e escore total. O grupo experimental apresentou ganho maior nas transferências, escore motor total e escore total. CONCLUSÃO: A atividade de natação foi efetiva na melhora da condição física, trazendo benefícios motores sobre as habilidades funcionais dos participantes do grupo experimental.FUNDAMENTOS Y OBJETIVO: El deporte tiene un papel fundamental en la rehabilitación física de pacientes con lesión medular por ampliar las alternativas terapéuticas y favorecer la independencia funcional. El estudio tiene por objeto conocer los efectos de la natación sobre las habilidades funcionales de los pacientes con lesión medular. MÉTODOS: Fueron seleccionados 16 pacientes portadores de lesión medular divididos en dos grupos: experimental y control. Los grupos fueron evaluados por medio de la Medida de Independencia Funcional (Escala FIM antes y después de un procedimiento que consistió en sesiones de natación realizadas dos veces por semana durante cuatro meses. RESULTADOS: Los dos grupos presentaron cambios en los cuidados con el cuerpo, transferencias, puntaje motor total y puntaje total. El grupo experimental presentó ganancia mayor en las transferencias, puntaje motor total y

  13. Cistos ósseos aneurismaticos da coluna vertebral: relatos de dois casos com compressão medular

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    Pedro M. Sampaio


    Full Text Available Os autores, após discorrerem sobre a incidência, quadro clínico e tratamento do cisto ósseo aneurismático, apresentam dois exemplares, nos quais havia comprometimento medular. Em ambos foi feita extirpação cirúrgica; em um foi empregada radioterapia pós-operatória. Houve excelente recuperação neurológica de ambos os pacientes.

  14. Validation of computed tomography protocols for simulated mandibular lesions: a comparison study Validação de protocolos de tomografia computadorizada para lesões simuladas em mandíbula: estudo comparativo

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    Andréia Perrella


    Full Text Available Computed tomography is the choice technique to assess oral and maxillofacial osseous lesions because it provides hard and soft tissues visualization in one examination without superimposition of surrounding structures. This examination offers a significant advance in maxillofacial lesions detection with an excellent anatomic resolution. The aim of this research was to evaluate the validity of two protocols, in axial sections, in simulated mandibular lesions. Two CT protocols were obtained in dry mandibles in which perforations were done simulating lesions. Two observers, previously calibrated, evaluated the images according to different parameters. The results indicated that the sensitivity and specificity in lesion detection were 100% for both protocols, but the detection of loci number of multilocular lesions and the location and detection of medullar invasion obtained reduced validity values, which were influenced by the acquisition protocol. We concluded that thinner axial slices and reconstructions were more effective in detecting early medullar invasion and loci number. Thicker protocols were not considered appropriate to detect multilocular lesions and early stages of medullar invasion.A tomografia Computadorizada é a técnica de escolha no exame de lesões ósseas orais e maxilo-faciais porque proporciona a visualização de tecidos duros e moles em aquisição única e sem sobreposição de estruturas adjacentes. Este exame oferece um avanço significativo na detecção de lesões maxilo-faciais, com excelente resolução anatômica. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a validade de dois protocolos, em secções axiais, em lesões simuladas de mandíbula. Dois protocolos de TC foram obtidos em mandíbulas secas em que foram feitas perfurações, simulando lesões. Dois observadores previamente calibrados avaliaram as imagens seguindo parâmetros diversos. Como resultados pudemos observar que a sensibilidade e a especificidade foram

  15. Carcinoma medular da mama: correlação anátomo-radiológica Medullary breast carcinoma: anatomo-radiological correlation

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    Valéria Soares Matheus


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características radiológicas do câncer de mama medular em pacientes submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico no Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA - Ministério da Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, correlacionando os achados com estudo histopatológico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo descritivo retrospectivo de mulheres submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico no INCA, no período de janeiro de 1997 a dezembro de 2006, para identificação das pacientes com carcinoma medular e análise dos achados radiológicos. RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas 21.287 pacientes com diagnóstico de carcinoma neste período, sendo 76 pacientes com diagnóstico de carcinoma medular típico (0,357%. Nessas pacientes selecionadas, a idade média foi de 51,9 anos (32 a 81 anos. Dezenove pacientes apresentavam lesão na mamografia, sendo 17 (89,5% nódulos e 2 assimetrias focais (10,5%. Entre as pacientes com nódulo, 15 (88,1% apresentavam alta densidade e 2 eram isodensos (11,9%. Doze pacientes apresentavam achados ultra-sonográficos e, destas, 11 (91,6% apresentavam nódulos hipoecóicos. Foi observada uma paciente com nódulo anecóico com áreas de degeneração cística. CONCLUSÃO: O nódulo foi o achado radiológico dominante (89,5%, dos quais 88,1% apresentaram nódulos com alta densidade e margens circunscritas. Apesar das características radiológicas de benignidade, um nódulo com alta densidade, sólido, margens circunscritas e crescimento rápido deve ser investigado para confirmar o diagnóstico.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate radiological findings in patients submitted to surgical treatment for medullary breast cancer at Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, correlating them with histological results. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study was developed with patients submitted to surgery at INCA, in the period from January 1997 to December 2006, for identifying the presence of medullary breast

  16. Paravertebral cutaneous hemangiosarcoma in dog causing medular compression / Hemangiossarcoma cutâneo paravertebral em cão causando compressão medular

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    Ana Paula Frederico Rodrigues Loureiro Bracarense


    Full Text Available A seven-year-old male Scottish terrier was examined at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Estadual de Londrina due to a toracolumbar syndrome classified as V degree and a mass in lumbar region back right of slow growth with evaluation of two months. Myelography showed an interruption of the column of contrast between the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae. A hemilaminectomy was performed in this region. Spinal cord compression at this location was not observed, however during the caudal enlargement of hemilaminectomy it was visualized in the region of the fourth lumbar vertebrae, a spinal cord deviation to the left, due to the presence of a reddish mass at the right side that was diagnosed as a tumor infiltration in the vertebrae with cord compression. Surgical removal with appropriate margin was not possible. In histology, the tumor was classified as hemangiosarcoma. This report emphasizes the importance of considering the possibility of cancer as differential diagnosis of paraplegias, even in acute clinical changes.Um cão macho, Scottish Terrier, de sete anos foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual de Londrina por apresentar paraplegia grau V e um nódulo em região dorso lombar direita de crescimento lento, com evolução de dois meses. Foi realizado mielografia, visibilizando-se interrupção na coluna de contraste entre as vértebras torácicas 11ª e 12ª. Assim, procedeu-se à hemilaminectomia nesta região, não sendo constatado compressão medular, procedendo-se a ampliação caudal da abertura da lâmina vertebral T12. Na região da quarta vértebra lombar observou-se um desvio da medula espinhal para o lado esquerdo devido à presença de uma massa de coloração avermelhada proveniente do lado direito, diagnosticando-se infiltração tumoral em vértebras com compressão medular, não sendo possível sua remoção cirúrgica. Na histologia classificou-se o tumor como hemangiossarcoma. Este relato

  17. Descrição da aptidão inicial para natação em lesionados medulares Description of initial swimming ability in patients with spinal cord injury

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    Ana Cláudia Raposo Melo


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem por objetivos verificar o retorno à natação após a lesão medular e descrever a aptidão inicial de lesionados medulares para o nado como parte das atividades do programa de reabilitação no Hospitalar Sarah-Centro. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 170 pacientes com diagnóstico de paraplegia e tetraplegia, em três etapas - levantamento de dados em prontuário, entrevista oral e avaliação do padrão do nado. Os resultados apontaram que grande parte dos pacientes não entrou na piscina ou realizou nado após a lesão medular. A avaliação da adaptação ao meio líquido após a lesão medular demonstrou que grande parte dos pacientes realizou a imersão e flutuação de forma independente, porém, apresentando dificuldade em mudar de decúbito dentro da água. Apenas uma pequena porcentagem retomou a natação após a lesão medular; foi também verificada redução no total dos sujeitos que nadavam regularmente antes. A avaliação apontou que os nados crawl e de costas foram realizados por metade dos avaliados; apenas uma pequena parte realizou nado de peito. CONCLUSÃO: Após a avaliação dos relatos dos pacientes, verificou-se redução na prática da natação, seja como atividade esportiva, física ou de lazer após a lesão medular, apesar de a aptidão para o nado não ter sofrido grandes alterações.Pysical activity, particularly swimming, that brings a lot of benefits to subjects with spinal cord injury, can be started during rehabilitation. The aims of this study were to describe the initial ability to swim of patients with spinal cord injury during the rehabilitation program at the Sarah Hospital - Center. METHODS: 170 patients were evaluated in three steps - medical records data collection, oral interview and swimming evaluation. The results showed that a large proportion of patients did not enter the swimming pool or swam after spinal cord injury. Only a small part returned to swimming after the spinal cord

  18. Padronização e avaliação histológica de um modelo experimental de lesão medular

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    José Ademar Villanova Junior


    Full Text Available A lesão medular é incapacitante, irreversível e de custo econômico e social elevado. Neste estudo, objetivou-se padronizar um modelo de lesão medular, que produza paraplegia, com o uso de cateter e avaliar histologicamente a efetividade da lesão para estudos com terapia celular. Foram realizadas as lesões medulares em ratos Wistar, utilizando-se o cateter Fogarty n.3 e compressão na região toracolombar (T8-T9 durante 5 minutos. Foram estudados três grupos: grupo A, animais controle sem lesão medular; grupo B, animais submetidos à lesão, utilizando-se 50µL de compressão; grupo C, animais submetidos à lesão, utilizando-se 80µL de compressão. Foi realizada avaliação motora pela aplicação da escala BBB, antes da compressão, após recuperação anestésica, 24 e 72 horas depois da compressão e sete dias após a compressão. Após o sétimo dia da lesão, os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia, foi feita a retirada da medula espinhal, fígado e rins e realizada a análise histológica com a coloração hematoxilina-eosina. A mortalidade variou entre os grupos, com 0% no grupo A, 38,5% no B e 48% no C. Nesses dois últimos grupos, a causa da morte foi edema pulmonar neurogênico, confirmado clínica e histologicamente. As medulas espinhais histologicamente apresentaram diferentes graus de edema, congestão vascular e hemorragia, enquanto que os fígados e os rins apresentaram diferentes graus de congestão vascular e necrose. Em relação à recuperação dos movimentos, no grupo A, verificou-se 100% de escore 21; no B, 25% de escore 21; 37,5% de escore 11; e 37,5% de escore 0; enquanto, no grupo C, verificou-se 100% de escore 0. Conclui-se que o procedimento realizado utilizando-se 80µL de solução salina para preencher o balão do cateter foi mais eficiente, apesar de maior mortalidade, pois apresentou maior porcentagem de animais com lesão completa (paraplegia.

  19. Perfil funcional de locomoção em um grupo de pacientes com lesão medular atendidos em um centro de reabilitação Perfil funcional de locomoción en un grupo de pacientes con lesión medular atendidos en un centro de rehabilitación Functional ambulation profile in a group of spinal cord injured patients attended at a rehabilitation center

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    Ana Cristina Franzoi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: descrever o perfil de locomoção de um grupo de pacientes com lesão medular (LM, correlacionando-o com as características da amostra. MÉTODOS: setenta pacientes (50 com LM traumática e 20 com LM não-traumática. Instrumentos: Classificação Funcional da Marcha Modificada (CFMM, WISCI-II, Escala de Ashworth Modificada (EAM, Classificação AIS, Lower Extremities Muscle Score (AIS-LEMS. Estatística: descritiva, comparação entre grupos, testes de correlação considerando pOBJETIVO: describir el perfil de locomoción de un grupo de pacientes con lesión medular (LM, correlacionándolo con las características de la muestra. MÉTODOS: setenta pacientes (50 con LM traumática y 20 con LM no traumática. Instrumentos: Clasificación Funcional de la Marcha Modificada (CFMM, WISCI-II, Escala de Ashworth Modificada (EAM, Clasificación AIS, AIS Lower Extremities Muscle Score (AIS-LEMS. Estadística: descriptiva, comparación entre grupos, testes de correlación considerando un pOBJECTIVE: to describe the locomotion profile of a group of spinal cord injured (SCI patients and its correlation with the sample features. METHODS: seventy patients (50 with traumatic SCI and 20 non-traumatic were assessed. Instruments: Modified Functional Ambulation Classification (MFAC, Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury II (WISCI-II, Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS and AIS Lower Extremities Muscle Score (AIS-LEMS. Statistics: descriptive, comparison between groups, correlation tests (considering p<0,05. RESULTS: average values were: age: 36 years, 72.9% males, average time of lesion 4.7 years. AIS A, 38.6%; AIS B, 10%; AIS C, 22.8%; AIS D, 28.6%. Level of lesion: 32.8% cervical, 52.9% thoracic, 14.3% lumbar. More prevalent etiologies: gunshot wounds 30% and car accidents 18%. MFAC: Non-ambulation, 34.3%; Therapeutic ambulation 20%, Household ambulation 12.8%, community ambulation (32.9%; WISCI-II: 7

  20. Topografia do cone medular em gatos sem raça definida Topography of the medullar cone in the domestic non-defined breed cat

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    P.H.C. Silva


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a topografia post mortem do cone medular em 30 gatos adultos sem raça definida. Procedeu-se à remoção da pele e da musculatura dorsal da coluna vertebral e expuseram-se a medula espinhal e seus envoltórios, após a secção dos arcos vertebrais. O cone medular foi evidenciado e mensurado. Avaliou-se a sua relação com as vértebras lombares (L, sacrais (S e caudais (Cd. O cone medular variou de 3,40 a 8,00cm (média=5,08cm. A esqueletopia foi variável, pois em 24 (80% animais o cone medular iniciou-se na vértebra L6; em quatro (13,3%, na L7; e em dois (6,7%, na L5. Em 12 (40% animais terminou na vértebra S2; em 10 (33,3%, na S3; em cinco (16,7%, na Cd1; em dois (6,7%, na S1; e em um (3,3% na Cd2.It was studied the post mortem topography of the medullar cone in 30 adult non-defined breed cats. The dorsal skin and muscles from the vertebral column were removed and the spinal cord and its wrappers were visualized, after the section of the vertebral arcs. The medullar cone was then exposed and measured. Its relationship with lumbar (L, sacral (S, and caudal (Cd vertebrae was determined. The length of the medullar cone presented a variation from 3.40 to 8.00cm (average 5.08cm. Its skeletopy was variable; since in 24 animals (80%, the medullar cone began at the L6 vertebra; in four (13.3%, at the L7; and in two (6.7% at the L5 vertebra. It ended in 12 (40% animals at the S2 vertebra; in 10 (33,33%, at the S3; in five (16.7% at the caudal (Cd vertebra; in two (6.7%, at the S1; and in one (3.3%, at the Cd2.

  1. Topografia do cone medular da irara (Eira barbara) e sua relevância em anestesias epidurais


    Branco,Érika; Lins,Fernanda Luiza de Miranda Lins e; Pereira,Luiza Corrêa; Lima,Ana R.


    Encontrada principalmente na América do Sul, a irara é um carnívoro pertencente à família Mustelidae, a qual pouco se tem informações sobre sua morfologia de forma geral. Diante disso, objetivou-se conhecer melhor parte do sistema nervoso desta espécie, mais precisamente a topografia do cone medular, a fim de subsidiar intervenções anestésicas peridurais nesta, uma vez que a clínica de animais selvagens vem crescendo a cada dia. Foram estudados três exemplares machos, adultos, provenientes da...

  2. Adherencia a procesos de neurorehabilitación funcional y su relación con la discapacidad y la calidad de vida en adultos con lesión medular en la ciudad de cartagena, 2014


    Yepes Charris, Yoly Luz; Wees verhelst, Yolima del R.


    Objetivo: Establecer el nivel de adherencia a procesos de neurorehabilitación funcional a largo plazo y su relación con la discapacidad y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en adultos con lesión medular crónica de Cartagena, Colombia (año 2014). Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y correlacional bivariado, en personas con lesión medular de la ciudad de Cartagena. Se caracterizó y se relacionó el grado de adherencia a procesos de neurorehabilitación funcional a...

  3. Amiotrofia neuro-medular de Charcot-Marie-Tooth associada a artrogripose multipla congenita: registro de um caso e revisão da literatura

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    James Pitagoras de Mattos


    Full Text Available Os autores registram a associação da amiotrofia neuro-medular de Charcot-Marie-Tooth com artrogripose múltipla congênita. Mostram as associações com as duas condições em apreço na literatura, assim como acrescentam outras alterações observadas nos diversos exames radiológicos realizados.

  4. Topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous Linnaeus, 1766): relato de caso


    Pinheiro, Luane Lopes; Lima, Ana Rita de; Souza, Ana Carla Barros de; Pereira, Luiza Corrêa; Branco, Érika Renata

    2011-01-01 O cachorro-do-mato é o canídeo mais comum do continente sul-americano. De modo geral, tem sua dieta variada conforme a época do ano e a região habitada, o que permite a este uma ampla distribuição geográfica. Junto ao interesse na anatomia comparativa objetivou-se descrever a topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato com intuito de oferecer informações que possam dar subsídios para a prática de anestesia epidural, cuja eficiência depe...

  5. A técnica limpa do autocateterismo vesical intermitente: descrição do procedimento realizado pelos pacientes com lesão medular La tecnica limpia del autocateterismo vesical intermitente: descripción del preocdimento realizado por los pacientes com lesion medular The clean techinique of vesical autocatheterism inttermitent: description of the procedure accomphished by the pacient with medullar injury

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    Mitiko Moroóka


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, as autoras descrevem a seqüência da técnica e os materiais utilizados na realização do autocateterismo vesical intermitente - técnica limpa. As informações foram obtidas junto aos pacientes que realizam este procedimento e que foram orientados no Serviço de Atendimento Interdisciplinar ao paciente com lesão medular traumática. Pretendemos, através da divulgação dos resultados, contribuir para a ampliação do conhecimento sobre o autocateterismo vesical e subsidiar a prática aos pacientes iniciantes neste processo terapêutico.En este trabajo, las autoras describen la secuencia de la técnica y los materiales utilizados en la realización del autocateterismo vesical intermitente-ténica limpia. Las informaciones fueron orientadas em el Servicio de Atendimiento Interdisciplinar al paciente con lesión medular traumática. Pretendemos, através de la divulgaciín de los resultados, contribuir para la ampliación del conocimiento sobre el autocateterismo vesical y subvencionar la práctica a los pacientes iniciantes en este procedimento terapéutico, paciente.The present study describes the sequence and its materials used in the vesical autocatheterism intermittent - clean technique. The information were obtained together with the patients, who go through such procedure and were directed to follow the instructions, given by the inter disciplinary Service, attending patients with traumatic medullar injury. The study intends to contribute to increase the knowledge about the vesical autocatheterism and provide to the patients this technique in a therapeutic way.

  6. Qualidade de vida em pacientes com lesão medular Calidad de vida en pacientes con lesión medular Quality of life in patients with spinal cord injury

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    Inacia Sátiro Xavier de França


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se medir a qualidade de vida de adultos com lesão medular e identificar os domínios que prejudicam a qualidade de vida desses sujeitos. Estudo epidemiológico, realizado no período 2007-2008, em Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Campina Grande/PB. Participaram 47 sujeitos. Utilizou-se questionário contendo variáveis sociodemográficas, etiologia da lesão; instrumento validado para medir qualidade de vida, contendo quatro domínios: Físico, Ambiental, Relações Sociais e Psicológico, com respectivas facetas. Os dados coletados foram processados por meio de análise descritiva e estatística. Domínios com menores escores: Ambiental (55,20 pontos; Físico (58,59 pontos. Facetas que mais comprometem os domínios: locomoção (55,3%, trabalho (55,3%, dinheiro (80,9%, informações (51%, lazer (68,1%; vida sexual (34%. Os resultados expressam a insatisfação dos investigados com a qualidade de vida. O enfermeiro deve contribuir para a reabilitação e reinclusão social da pessoa com lesão medular, respeitando suas limitações, enfatizando o potencial remanescente e a capacidade para autocuidado.Se objetivó medir la calidad de vida de adultos con lesión medular e identificar los dominios que afectan la calidad de vida de estos sujetos. Estudio epidemiológico realizado entre 2007-2008 en Unidades Básicas de Salud, Campina Grande/PB. Participaron 47 sujetos. Se utilizó cuestionario conteniendo variables sociodemográficas, etiología de la lesión; instrumento validado para medir la calidad de vida conteniendo cuatro dominios: Físico, Medio Ambiental, Relaciones Sociales, Psicológicas, con respectivas facetas. Los datos recolectados fueron procesados por medio de análisis descriptivo y estadístico. Los dominios con puntuaciones más bajas: Medio Ambiente (55,20 puntos; Físico (58,59 puntos. Facetas que más comprometen los dominios: locomoción (55,3%, trabajo (55,3%, dinero (80,9%, información (51%, recreación (68

  7. La utilización de la biorretroalimentación en el aprendizaje motor de personas con lesión medular

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    Lincoln Da Silva Gimenes


    Full Text Available El uso de biorretroalimentación en la rehabilitación de personas con lesión medular viene en aumento, aunque no haya datos consistentes sobre el alcance de esta técnica. El objetivo es averiguar la efi cacia de la técnica en la rehabilitación motora de pacientes con diferentes tipos de lesión medular. Se trata del estudio de tres casos: dos parapléjicos y un cuadripléjico con diferentes grados de defi ciencia que fueron sometidos a sesiones de entrenamiento de biorretroalimentación de electromiografía. Los datos se obtuvieron en sesiones de entrenamiento con biorretroalimentación, en exámenes manuales de fuerza muscular y en las declaraciones de los participantes al fi nal del entrenamiento. Se relacionaron los resultados de las sesiones de biorretroalimentación, los datos de las pruebas de fuerza muscular y reportes de los participantes, verifi cándose mejorías en todos los participantes y constatación de mejora en las tres fuentes de datos. Se concluye que la técnica de biorretroalimentación puede ser un mecanismo importante en la rehabilitación motora de pacientes con diferentes tipos de lesión

  8. Abscesos espinales epidurales. Tratamiento combinado médico-quirúrgico: A propósito de 4 casos

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    Angel Lacerda Gallardo


    Full Text Available Los abscesos epidurales espinales (AEE, constituyen una enfermedad de presentación poco frecuente en la atención neuroquirúrgica de nuestro medio, con una morbilidad por déficits neurológicos muy elevada, si las medidas terapéuticas precisas no se toman con celeridad. Esta afección debe ser objeto de estudio, ante todo paciente que la manifieste con dolor en región dorso-lumbar, déficit neurológico y fiebre. Se muestran a 4 pacientes con AEE no tuberculosos, ni relacionados con procedimientos quirúrgicos, 2 al nivel lumbar y 2 con inclusión de la región dorso-lumbar, de los cuales 3 presentaron una mala recuperación posoperatoria (entre ellos un fallecido, y uno se recuperó completamente, lo que evidencia la necesidad de tomar una conducta enérgica, desde que se sospeche el diagnóstico. Los autores consideran que la combinación de un tratamiento quirúrgico y médico enérgicos, desde que se comprueba el diagnóstico, independientemente de la severidad del cuadro, es la única garantía de una recuperación adecuadaThe spinal epidural abscesses (SEA are rarely seen at the neurosurgical services of our environment. The morbidity due to neurological deficits may be elevated if the therapeutic measures are not taken fast. This affection must be studied whenever the patient presents pain in the dorsolumbar region, neurological deficit and fever. 4 patients with non tuberculous spinal epidural abscesses and with no previous surgical procedures are presented. 2 had them at the lumbar level and 2 with inclusion of the dorsolumbar region. 3 of them had a bad postoperative recovery (1 died, and the other one recovered completely, which shows the necessity of following an energetic conduct since the diagnosis in suspected. The authors consider that the combination of a dynamic medical and surgical treatment since the diagnosis is confirmed, independently of the severity of the clinical picture, is the only way to guarantee and adequate

  9. Dor neuropática central após lesão medular traumática: capacidade funcional e aspectos sociais Dolor neuropático central después de lesión medular traumática: capacidad funcional y aspectos sociales Central neuropathic pain after traumatic spinal cord injury: functional capacity and social aspects

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    Janaina Vall


    Full Text Available Estudo de caso comparativo com o objetivo de avaliar a capacidade funcional e os aspectos sociais de dois pacientes, ambos com lesão medular traumática, sem e com dor neuropática central associada, respectivamente. Para avaliar a capacidade funcional, foi utilizado como instrumento o Functional Independence Measure ou Escala de Independência Funcional. E para avaliar os aspectos sociais foi construído o ecomapa de cada paciente, preconizado pelo modelo Calgary de avaliação de famílias. Ambos foram aplicados no domicílio do paciente. Os resultados mostraram que o paciente com dor neuropática central secundária à lesão medular possui baixa capacidade funcional e precária rede social de apoio, quando comparado com o paciente com as mesmas condições, porém sem dor associada.Estudio de caso comparativo con el objetivo de evaluar la capacidad funcional y los aspectos sociales de dos paciente, ambos con lesión medular traumática, sin y con el dolor neuropático central, respectivamente. Para evaluar la capacidad funcional, se usó como instrumento la Escala de Independencia Funcional. Y para evaluar los aspectos sociales, el ecomapa de cada paciente fue construido, preconizado por el modelo Calgary de evaluación de familias. Los dos furon aplicados en la casa del paciente. Los resultados mostraron que el paciente con dolor neuropatico central secundario a la lesión medular posee capacidad funcional baja y precaria red social de apoyo, cuando comparado con el paciente con las mismas condiciones, pero sin el dolor asociado.Comparative study of case with the aim of evaluating the functional capacity and social aspects of two patients, both with traumatic spinal cord injury, without and with central neuropathic pain associated, respectively. To evaluate the functional capacity it was used as instrument Functional Independence Measure. And to evaluate the social aspects the ecomap of each patient one it was built, extolled by the model

  10. Modelo experimental de trauma medular agudo produzido por aparelho estereotáxico modificado Experimental model of acute spinal cord injury produced by modified steriotaxic equipment

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    B.B.J. Torres


    Full Text Available Foram utilizados 55 ratos machos da espécie Rattus novergicus, variedade Wistar, com o objetivo de propor um modelo experimental de trauma medular produzido por aparelho estereotáxico modificado, capaz de reproduzir clinicamente lesões medulares padronizadas. Após realização de laminectomia dorsal de T13, utilizou-se peso compressivo de 50,5g (25 animais - grupo I ou 70,5g (30 animais - grupo II, durante cinco minutos, comprimindo a medula espinhal. Os animais foram assistidos durante oito dias, por meio de testes comportamentais para avaliar a sensibilidade dolorosa, a capacidade motora, o posicionamento tátil e proprioceptivo e a capacidade de manter-se em plano inclinado. No grupo I, observaram-se déficits neurológicos moderados e transitórios, que variaram entre os animais. No grupo II, foi possível obter um trauma padronizado, caracterizado por paraplegia bilateral e simétrica dos membros posteriores, perda de propriocepção e da sensibilidade dolorosa de todos os animais. A utilização do aparelho estereotáxico desenvolvido permite reproduzir clinicamente trauma medular padronizado em ratos, de maneira simples, econômica e satisfatória, o que poderá proporcionar avanços nas investigações terapêuticas, abrangendo doenças neurodegenerativas, como é o caso do trauma medular agudo.Fifty-five male rats (Rattus novergicus, Wistar variety, were used with the purpose of suggesting an experimental model of spinal cord trauma performed by using a modified stereotaxic equipment capable to reproduce clinically (standardized pattern spinal cord injury. After dorsal laminectomy of T13, a compression was performed with 50.5g (25 animals - group I or 70.5g (30 animals - group II during five minutes on spinal cord. The animals were assisted during eight days by behavioral tests to evaluate painful sensibility, motor capacity, proprioceptive and tactil placing, and stability on inclined plan. In the group I, moderate and transitory

  11. Repercusión de las lesiones medulares traumáticas en la dinámica vesical: perspectivas de seguimiento


    Solano Moreno,Héctor Alfonso; San Roman Vazquez,Alejandro


    Las lesiones en la médula espinal representan un porcentaje importante como causa de discapacidad en México y en el mundo, siendo la tercera causa con un porcentaje superior a 25%. Este tipo de pacientes sufre múltiples complicaciones y una de ellas es la que corresponde al sistema urológico al que muchas veces no se le da un seguimiento de manera regular. Dentro de las lesiones de las vías neurológicas, que inervan a la vejiga, pueden afectar a uno o varios aspectos de la fisiología, ya sea ...

  12. Treino locomotor com suporte parcial de peso corporal na reabilitação da lesão medular: revisão da literatura

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    Cristina Maria Rocha Dutra

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O treino locomotor com suporte de peso corporal (TLSP é utilizado há aproximadamente 20 anos no campo da reabilitação em pacientes que sofrem de patologias neurológicas. O TLSP favorece melhoras osteomusculares, cardiovasculares e psicológicas, pois desenvolve ao máximo o potencial residual do organismo, proporcionando a reintegração na convivência familiar, profissional e social. OBJETIVO: Identificar as principais modalidades de TLSP e seus parâmetros de avaliação com a finalidade de contribuir com o estabelecimento de evidências confiáveis para as práticas reabilitativas de pessoas com lesão medular. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados artigos originais, publicados entre 2000 e 2011, que envolvessem treino de marcha após a lesão medular, com ou sem suporte parcial de peso corporal, e tecnologias na assistência do treino, como biofeedback e estimulação elétrica funcional, entre outras. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos participantes dos estudos era do sexo masculino; os níveis de lesão variavam de C3 a L3; ASIA teve pontuações de A a D; os tempos de lesão variaram entre 0,3 meses a 33 anos. Também se verificou que não há consenso em relação ao protocolo de TLSP. CONCLUSÃO: O treino locomotor com suporte de peso corporal mostra-se viável na reabilitação de pacientes que sofrem de uma patologia neurológica como a lesão medular. Independentemente do protocolo de treino utilizado, os benefícios referentes ao aumento da força muscular, manutenção ou aumento da densidade óssea, diminuição da frequência cardíaca e aumento do condicionamento físico estão presentes

  13. Función Motriz y espasticidad tras la lesión medular incompleta. Nuevas herramientas de cuantificación.


    Bravo Esteban-Herreros, Elisabeth


    Tras la lesión medular (LM) incompleta ciertas funciones motoras, sensitivas y autonómicas pueden recuperarse de manera espontánea tras el daño, si bien esta mejoría aparece de forma limitada. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral se centra en cuantificar la presencia de cada uno de los signos asociados a la espasticidad y su interferencia específica sobre las actividades de la vida diaria, función motriz y marcha; así como evaluar el potencial diagnóstico de la coherencia intramuscular del TA p...

  14. Dor neuropática central após lesão medular traumática: capacidade funcional e aspectos sociais


    Vall, Janaina; Braga, Violante Augusta Batista


    Estudo de caso comparativo com o objetivo de avaliar a capacidade funcional e os aspectos sociais de dois pacientes, ambos com lesão medular traumática, sem e com dor neuropática central associada, respectivamente. Para avaliar a capacidade funcional, foi utilizado como instrumento o Functional Independence Measure ou Escala de Independência Funcional. E para avaliar os aspectos sociais foi construído o ecomapa de cada paciente, preconizado pelo modelo Calgary de avaliação de famílias. Ambos ...


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    Miguel Ángel Capó-Juan


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: El Servicio de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal pretende ofrecer atención a sujetos con discapacidad física y/o físico-psíquica grave, entre ellos, a personas con lesión medular. Estas personas se encuentran en una fase crónica y por ello requieren medidas fisioterápicas educativo–terapéuticas. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la satisfacción de las personas con lesión medular que acuden a este servicio. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo, transversal, cuantitativo después de un seguimiento terapéutico de dieciséis meses que se inició en marzo de 2015. La muestra final del estudio fue de 25 personas con lesión medular (17 hombres y 8 mujeres que supusieron el 83% del total de las atendidas. Al finalizar la intervención terapéutica, estas personas respondieron al cuestionario SERVQHOS que consta de diecinueve preguntas y pretende medir la calidad asistencial de los servicios prestados. Se llevó a cabo un análisis estadístico a través Microsoft Office Excel 2013 y SPSS 23, calculando medias y desviaciones estándar o frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: El factor externo mejor valorado fue la apariencia del personal con un 4,5 de media y el peor valorado la accesibilidad y/o señalización con un 2,6 de media. El factor interno mejor valorado fue la amabilidad del personal con un 4,8 de media y el peor valorado la rapidez con la que se consigue lo que se solicita, con un 4,2 de media. Conclusiones: Tras el estudio se concluye que la calidad ofrecida está determinada por los factores internos (amabilidad, confianza y disposición de ayudar y que las debilidades vienen relacionadas con factores externos estructurales del centro.

  16. Estudio transfronterizo para la inclusión de personas con lesión medular en actividades físicas


    Quintino Guerreiro, João Miguel


    El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral ha sido de estudiar el nivel de actividad física (AF) de sujetos con lesión medular (LM) y la relación con la presencia de dolor de hombro (DH) y las características de la silla de ruedas manual (SRM). Este estudio se desarrolló en Portugal (Algarve y Alentejo) y España (Huelva, Sevilla y Cádiz). El estudio ha sido dividido en dos fases, la primera fase de validación cultural de cuestionarios y la segunda fase de enfoque en el nivel físico, psic...

  17. Invasive medullary thymoma associated with myasthenia gravis: an unusual case Miastenia gravis em um paciente com timoma medular invasivo: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Thymomas are tumors characterized by a remarkable morphological heterogeneity and variable clinical behavior. This tumor has unique clinical associations, most notably with hematological abnormalities and myasthenia gravis. According with the Müller-Hermelink criteria, there are significant differences between the histological types of thymomas and the association with myasthenia gravis. Among the different histological types, medullary thymoma is the least frequent variant associated with this autoimmune disease. In this report we describe a case of medullary thymoma presenting in a 71-year- old woman with a myasthenic syndrome.Os timomas são tumores caracterizados por grande heterogeneidade morfológica e comportamento clínico variável. Este tumor apresenta associações clínicas singulares, principalmente com doenças hematológicas e com a miastenia gravis. De acordo com a classificação de Müller-Hermelink, existem diferenças significativas entre as variedades histológicas dos timomas e sua associação com a miastenia gravis. Entre os diferentes tipos histológicos, o timoma medular é a variante menos frequentemente associada com esta doença autoimune. Neste relato, nós descrevemos caso de timoma medular em uma paciente de 71 anos de idade com síndrome miastênica.

  18. Síndrome de Klippel-Trenaunay-Parkes-Weber com angiomatose medular Klippel-Trénaunay-Parkes-Weber syndrome with spinal cord angioma: a case report

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    James Pitagoras de Mattos


    Full Text Available É relatado um caso de síndrome de Klippel-Trénaunay-Parkes-Weber associada a angiomatose medular. O autor salienta ter encontrado na literatura somente uma referência com tal associação.A case of Klippel-Trénaunay-Parkes-Weber syndrome associated with spinal cord angioma is reported. The author points out that it was found only one reference in literature with such association.

  19. Esquistossomose com lesões meningo-radículo-medulares

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    Horacio M. Canelas


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam o caso de um paciente originário de Pernambuco, com antecedentes sugestivos de contaminação por furcocercárias e portador de hepatosplenomegalia, no qual se desenvolveu déficit motor generalizado, predominando nos membros inferiores, com arreflexia e hipotonia, hipoestesia superficial nas mãos e membros inferiores, e desordens da sensibilidade profunda consciente nos segmentos distais dos membros. O diagnóstico de esquistossomose sistêmica foi confirmado pelo encontro de ovos de Schistosoma mansoni nas fezes e pela positividade das reações intradèrmica e de fixação de complemento no sangue. O diagnóstico clínico de provável esquistossomose medular foi reforçado pelas alterações meningo-parenquimatosas do liqüido cefalorraqueano, destacando-se hiperci-tose média com eosinofilorraquia e, particularmente, a alta positividade da reação de fixação de complemento para bilharziose. Antes que pudesse ser instituído tratamento antimonial o paciente faleceu. À necropsia foram verificadas lesões que costumam ocorrer na esquistossomose visceral, mantendo-se o diagnóstico clínico, apesar de não terem sido encontrados ovos nos tecidos. Encèfalo normal; na medula foi comprovada a existência de aracnoidite produtiva, radiculite, degeneração bilateral de raízes da cauda eqüina e degeneração secundária dos fascículos gráceis.

  20. Topografia do cone medular do sauim (Saguinus midas Topography of the medullary cone in sauim (Saguinus midas

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    Danielli Martinelli Martins


    Full Text Available Primata endêmico do Brasil, especificamente da floresta Amazônica, o Sauim alimentam-se de pequenos vertebrados, invertebrados, exudatos, flores, néctar, folhas e fungos, cuja morfologia é pouco conhecida. Assim, objetivou-se estabelecer parâmetros morfométricos e topográficos do cone medular dessa espécie, que sirvam de base para a prática das anestesias epidurais. Para tanto, foram avaliados quatro exemplares, provenientes da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA. O Saguinus midas apresentou sete vértebras lombares e três vértebras sacrais. Após a dissecação do cone medular, registrou-se os aspectos anatômicos de interesse, enfatizando seu início (base e seu término (ápice, que, após mensuração, revelou base em nível de L4 e ápice em S2, com comprimento médio de 5,38cm, o que leva a sugerir a região lombosacral como sendo a mais adequada para o desenvolvimento da prática de anestesias epidurais.Primate endemic to Brazil, specifically in the Amazon rainforest, the Sauim feed on small vertebrates, invertebrates, exudates, flowers, nectar, leaves and fungi whose morphology is poorly known. Thus, the objective was to establish morphometric parameters and topographical conus of this species, as a basis for the practice of epidural anesthesia. For this purpose, four samples were evaluated, from the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA. The Saguinus midas had seven lumbar vertebrae and three sacral vertebrae. After dissection of the conus, we recorded the anatomy of interest, emphasizing its beginning (base and its end (apex, revealed that after measuring the level of base peak in L4 and S2, with an average length of 5.38cm, which leads us to suggest the lumbosacral region as the most suitable for the development of the practice of epidural anesthesia.

  1. El impacto económico de las lesiones por presión. Revisión bibliográfica integrativa

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    Joan-Enric Torra-Bou

    Full Text Available Resumen: Las lesiones por presión son un importante problema de salud con una gran repercusión epidemiológica y un gran impacto a nivel de salud y calidad de vida que genera importantes costes para las personas, instituciones y sistemas de salud. A pesar de la importancia económica del problema de las lesiones por presión, prácticamente no existe información sistematizada acerca de las diferentes dimensiones de su coste. Para cubrir esta falta de información se planteó la realización de una revisión integrativa acerca de la dimensión económica del problema de las lesiones por presión. Se han identificado y analizado 89 documentos con información económica acerca del problema de las lesiones por presión. La información se ha sistematizado basándose en los siguientes apartados: tiempo necesario para la cicatrización, impacto en las estancias hospitalarias, costes relacionados con la seguridad de los pacientes, impacto en los grupos relacionados de diagnóstico, coste total, coste por episodio, por tipo de tratamiento, de las complicaciones, de las demandas legales, de los años de vida ganados ajustados a calidad de vida, en pacientes lesionados medulares y con otras condiciones, y los costes de medidas preventivas.

  2. Estudio integrado sobre la anemia de Fanconi: aproximación a las bases moleculares del fallo medular y de la microftalmia


    Prieto Remón, Inés


    RESUMEN: La anemia de Fanconi es una enfermedad genética rara. Presenta una gran heterogeneidad de síntomas clínicos, que van desde una aplasia medular precoz (pérdida del conjunto de células hematopoyéticasL pasando por una elevada tendencia a padecer cáncer hasta una gran variedad de anomalías congénitas. En esta tesis se ha realizado un estudio molecular sobre diferentes aspectos de la anemia de Fanconi en tres de los subtipos de la enfermedad (FA-A, FA-C y FA-D2) en un mode...

  3. Nódulos linfóides medulares Bone marrow lymphoid nodules

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    Silvia M. M. Magalhães


    Full Text Available A biópsia de medula óssea é parte integrante do estadiamento e seguimento de pacientes com doenças hematológicas. Nódulos linfóides são um achado comum, usualmente observados em associação com doenças inflamatórias crônicas, infecção, hemólise, síndromes mieloproliferativas e doenças auto-imunes. São, em geral, considerados reacionais. Sendo a medula óssea o sítio extranodal mais comumente envolvido nos linfomas foliculares, o diagnóstico diferencial mais importante é a infiltração medular por doença linfoproliferativa. Do ponto de vista prático, os infiltrados linfóides são, em geral, facilmente distinguíveis ao estudo histológico. Agregados reacionais são pequenos, têm bordas delimitadas, são compostos por uma população celular heterogênea e têm localização central. Nódulos malignos infiltram a medula óssea na região paratrabecular e são compostos por células clivadas. A análise imunofenotípica, utilizando um painel de anticorpos monoclonais, é capaz de definir a linhagem celular, subpopulação e estágio de diferenciação da população neoplásica, contribuindo para a confirmação do diagnóstico. Nos casos controversos, a análise molecular da proliferação linfóide pode ser útil. A monoclonalidade pode ser demonstrada pela restrição de cadeias leves ou através do rearranjo do DNA da cadeia pesada das imunoglobulinas. Idealmente, os resultados da análise molecular devem ser interpretados em conjunto com a análise morfológica e imunofenotípica. A morfologia continua sendo o padrão-ouro na avaliação da infiltração medular por linfoma folicular e as análises imunofenotípica e molecular devem ser consideradas complementares.Bone marrow trephine biopsies are an integral part of the diagnosis, staging and follow-up of patients with haematologic disorders. Lymphoid nodules are a common finding, usually reported in association with chronic inflammatory syndromes, infection

  4. Úlceras por presión en personas con lesión medular: conocimiento de familiares y cuidadores

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento sobre los factores de riesgo y prevención de úlceras por presión, desde la perspectiva de los familiares y cuidadores de personas con lesión medular en el domicilio. Método: estudio descriptivo transversal, cuantitativo. La muestra fue de 50 personas. Los datos se recogieron por medio de un cuestionario en los meses de agosto a diciembre de 2008. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el programa SPSS Windows, versión 13.0. Resultados: se constató que la familia y los cuidadores tienen conocimientos acertados sobre su papel en la prevención, 80% de los casos y los pacientes que presentan mayor riesgo son los postrados en cama, parapléjicos y ancianos (74%; se debe orientar a los pacientes y familiares sobre factores de riesgo de las úlceras por presión (100%; la piel limpia y seca evita la aparición de UP (64%. Con relación a los errores de conocimiento están relacionados con la periodicidad en la valoración de la integridad de la piel (84% y el uso de sábanas de movimiento en el traslado y movilización del paciente (80%. Discusión: el alto índice de aciertos sobre los factores de riesgo pone en evidencia que los familiares y cuidadores poseen buenos conocimientos: están preparados para cuidar; entre tanto, la gran incidencia de errores acerca de las medidas de prevención de las úlceras por presión muestra que familiares y cuidadores no poseen conocimientos adecuados sobre tales medidas. Conclusiones: la investigación muestra que es imprescindible la evaluación del conocimiento de los familiares y cuidadores a fin de implementar acciones correctivas para hacerlos aptos para cuidar de forma adecuada de las personas con lesión medular.

  5. Mergulho em águas rasas e lesão medular: uma abordagem educativa e preventiva = Diving in shallow waters and spinal cord injury: a preventive and educational approach

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    Khan, Richard Lester


    Conclusão: A lesão medular causada por mergulho em águas rasas tem uma incidência elevada no mundo principalmente no período do verão. Ocorre em indivíduos jovens, sadios, geralmente do sexo masculino apresentando uma forte associação com uso de álcool. Medidas preventivas, educativas são primordiais para a diminuição de novos casos

  6. Dor neuropática central após lesão medular traumática: capacidade funcional e aspectos sociais Dolor neuropático central después de lesión medular traumática: capacidad funcional y aspectos sociales Central neuropathic pain after traumatic spinal cord injury: functional capacity and social aspects


    Janaina Vall; Violante Augusta Batista Braga


    Estudo de caso comparativo com o objetivo de avaliar a capacidade funcional e os aspectos sociais de dois pacientes, ambos com lesão medular traumática, sem e com dor neuropática central associada, respectivamente. Para avaliar a capacidade funcional, foi utilizado como instrumento o Functional Independence Measure ou Escala de Independência Funcional. E para avaliar os aspectos sociais foi construído o ecomapa de cada paciente, preconizado pelo modelo Calgary de avaliação de famílias. Ambos ...

  7. Manual de orientação sexual para o lesado medular metodologia de aplicação e resultados

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    Elisabete Capalbo Ferolla


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho refere-se à elaboração de um Manual de Orientação Sexual para pacientes portadores de lesão medular, realizado por uma Enfermeira, integrante da Equipe de Reabilitação, da Divisão de Medicina de Reabilitação do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (D.M.R.H.C.F.M.U.S.P.. Tem como finalidade principal levar esses pacientes ao conhecimento da sexualidade e também orientações para exercê-la. Além disso, constitui-se em recurso para utilização durante as Consultas de Enfermagem ou nos grupos de Educação à Saúde, qualificando, assim, a assistência prestada.

  8. Rehabilitación temprana en niños y adolescentes con lesión medular adquirida

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    G. Gabriela Hidalgo, Dra.


    Full Text Available La lesión medular adquirida en niños y adolescentes genera un importante impacto tanto a nivel físico como psicológico y se asocia a distintos grados de discapacidad que afecta al paciente, su familia y al entorno que los rodea. En esta población se observan algunas causas, características clínicas y complicaciones propias, distintas a las del adulto. La rehabilitación se debe iniciar en las unidades de manejo intensivo con la prevención de complicaciones, una vez estabilizado el paciente se recomienda la hospitalización en un servicio especializado de rehabilitación. Los objetivos del tratamiento se pueden plantear en forma integral utilizando la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento la Discapacidad y la Salud, y varían de acuerdo a la edad, nivel de desarrollo y necesidades individuales. La intervención está a cargo de un equipo interdisciplinario y considera al niño y su familia como actores principales en el proceso de rehabilitación.

  9. Complejos de Albúmina con Ácidos Grasos CIS-monoinsaturados Omega-9 para el tratamiento del Dolor Neuropático asociado a la Lesión Medular


    Ávila Martín, Gerardo


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2016. Director de la Tesis: Julian Taylor La disfunción sensitivomotora tras una lesión medular (LM) a menudo se caracteriza por síntomas discapacitantes tales como el dolor neuropático y la parálisis motora, que demandan el desarrollo de tratamientos novedosos. Recientemente, se ha demostrado el papel de los ácidos grasos y sus derivados como moléculas neuromoduladoras de la nocicepción y la actividad motora ...

  10. Análise funcional e histológica da ação da neurotropina-4 sobre a lesão medular em ratos


    Roberto Minoru Hita


    As pesquisas em lesão medular tiveram um avanço significativo nas últimas duas décadas. Várias substâncias têm sido testadas, dentre elas, os fatores neurotróficos que são proteínas que auxiliam na maturação e desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso. O objetivo deste estudo foi conduzir testes que propiciem a análise dos efeitos da recuperação funcional locomotora e regeneração axonal em ratos submetidos a testes experimentais com a utilização da substância neurotropina-4. O estudo consistiu de 30...

  11. Internet como suporte à pessoa com lesão medular: padrões de uso e reabilitação

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    Maira Pinto Cauchioli Rodrigues


    Full Text Available As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC estão em expansão na área da saúde e desencadeiam transformações nas relações profissional-usuário. Considerando, portanto, a relevância atual deste tema, o presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de conhecer os padrões de uso e a percepção sobre internet de pessoas com lesão medular adquirida. Constataram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o tempo de uso e a influência da internet antes e após a lesão. Apesar de se verificar padrão de uso similar ao da população geral, identificaram-se especificidades que requerem atenção dos serviços especializados de reabilitação, no intuito de aprimorar rotinas de atendimento. Recomendam-se mais pesquisas em diferentes níveis assistenciais.

  12. Pré-condicionamento isquêmico e monitorização da função medular na abordagem da aorta torácica descendente Ischemic preconditioning and spinal cord function monitoring in the descending thoracic aorta approach

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    Bernardo Assumpção de Mônaco


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a eficácia do pré-condicionamento isquêmico (PI agudo, guiado por potenciais evocados somatossensoriais (PESS, como método de proteção medular em cães e analisar o valor dos PESS na monitorização da função medular. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 28 cães submetidos à isquemia medular obtida pelo pinçamento da aorta torácica descendente. No grupo C45, o tempo de oclusão aórtica foi de 45 min (n = 7; no grupo PI45, os cães foram submetidos ao PI antes do pinçamento aórtico por 45 min (n = 7. No grupo C60, os cães foram submetidos a 60 min de oclusão aórtica (n = 7 e no grupo PI60, os cães foram submetidos ao PI, seguido pelo pinçamento aórtico por 60 min. Os ciclos de PI foram determinados pelas alterações dos PESS. RESULTADOS: Os índices de Tarlov dos grupos pré-condicionados foram significativamente melhores que os dos grupos de controle (p = 0,005. Observou-se paraplegia em três cães do C45 e em seis do C60, enquanto todos os cães do PI45 permaneceram neurologicamente normais, assim como quatro do grupo PI60. Houve correlação entre o tempo de recuperação dos PESS após a reperfusão aórtica e o estado neurológico pós-operatório (p = 0,011, com sensibilidade e especificidade de 0,75 e 0,83, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O PI agudo repetitivo, baseado na monitorização do PESS, induziu proteção à isquemia medular causada pelo pinçamento aórtico prolongado. A monitorização do PESS parece ser um bom método de detecção precoce do comprometimento isquêmico medular.OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of acute ischemic preconditioning (IP, based on somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP monitoring, as a method of spinal cord protection and to asses SSEP importance in spinal cord neuromonitoring. METHODS: Twenty-eight dogs were submitted to spinal cord ischemic injury attained by descending thoracic aorta cross-clamping. In the C45 group, the aortic cross-clamping time was 45 min (n

  13. Spinal muscular atrophy present in children


    Garófalo Gómez, Nicolás; Zaldívar Vaillant, Tatiana; Vargas Díaz, José; Rojas Massipe, Edelsia; Novoa López, Lucía


    INTRODUCCIÓN. Las atrofias musculares espinales en la infancia (AME) son trastornos genéticos autosómicos recesivos, caracterizados por degeneración de las motoneuronas espinales y bulbares. El presente estudio tuvo el objetivo principal de describir las principales características clínicas en una serie de niños con AME. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de los pacientes con AME atendidos en el Instituto de Neurología y Neurocirugía de Cuba, entre enero de 1997 y diciembre de 2001....

  14. Doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob: a propósito de um caso com comprometimento medular Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: case report with spinal cord involvement

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    Marlos Fábio Alves de Azevedo


    Full Text Available A doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (DCJ é a encefalopatia espongiforme subaguda transmissível mais frequente nos seres humanos. Aproximadamente 85% dos casos pertencem à forma esporádica da doença. Os outros 15% consistem na forma genética e iatrogênica. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente com a forma esporádica da doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob, com comprometimento medular e apresentação clínica caracterizada por síndrome demencial e cerebelar, miofasciculação com arreflexia difusa e crises convulsivas do tipo tônico-clônico generalizada. É rara a associação das duas últimas manifestações clínicas. O caso foi considerado como provável DCJ até confirmação por autópsia e imunohistoquímica. Concluímos que se deve sempre pensar na DCJ em pacientes que apresentam demência rapidamente progressiva e, na ausência de sinais piramidais ou extrapiramidais, pensar em acometimento periférico e/ou medular.Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD is the most common subacute transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. Approximately 85% of the cases are sporadic. The remaining 15% consist of genetic and iatrogenic forms. We report a sporadic form of CJD with spinal cord involvement and a clinical manifestation characterized by dementia and cerebellar syndrome, myofasciculation with absent reflexes and seizures. The two last manifestations are rare. The clinical hypothesis was probable CJD which was confirmed with autopsy and immunohistochemistry. We conclude that CJD should always be suspected when rapidly progressive dementia occurs and the absence of pyramidal or extrapyramidal signs suggest a spinal cord and/or peripheral nerve involvement.

  15. Granuloma en la incisión tras el implante de un estimulador eléctrico medular Granuloma in the incisin after implants of an spinal cord device


    P. Diéguez; V. Villanueva; S. López; J. De Andrés


    Presentamos el caso de un paciente que sufrió como complicación de la estimulación eléctrica medular, implantado a causa de su dolor neuropático, un granuloma en la incisión lumbar, a nivel de la conexión intermedia. Este granuloma evolucionó pese a su correcto diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz, a una infección de tejidos profundos con migración de los electrodos, por lo que precisó la retirada de éstos.It is showed you a patient who presented a granuloma in the lumbar incision at the level of...

  16. Reabilitação funcional em lesões vértebro-medulares – A intervenção tradicional e as novas abordagens em fisioterapia

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    Patrícia Maria Duarte de Almeida


    limitations and social participation restriction, the rehabilitation process goals are to achieve the maximal functional independence and quality of life allowed by the clinical lesion. For this is necessary a rehabilitation period with a rehabilitation team, including the physiotherapist whose interventions will depend on factors such degree of completeness or incompleteness and patient clinical stage. Physiotherapy approach includes several procedures and techniques related with a traditional model or with the recent perspective of neuronal regeneration. Following a traditional model, the interventions in complete A and incomplete B lesions, is based on compensatory method of functional rehabilitation using the non affected muscles. In the incomplete C and D lesions, motor re-education below the lesion, using key points to facilitate normal and selective patterns of movement is preferable. In other way if the neuronal regeneration is possible with respective function improve; the physiotherapy approach goals are to maintain muscular trofism and improve the recruitment of motor units using intensive techniques. In both, there is no scientific evidence to support the procedures, exists a lack of investigation and most of the research are methodologically poor. Palavras-chave: Fisioterapia, reabilitação, lesão vértebro-medular, modelo tradicional, novas terapias, Key words: Physiotherapy, rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, traditional approaches, new therapies

  17. Avaliação clínica e por ressonância magnética do ombro de pacientes lesados medulares Clinical assessment and magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder of patients with spinal cord injury

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    Alex Pereira Alves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar o ombro destes indivíduos através de ressonância magnética para detectar lesões clínicas ou subclínicas para instituir programas específicos de reabilitação. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados nove pacientes lesados medulares, com seguimento no Laboratório de Biomecânica e Reabilitação do Aparelho Locomotor HC/UNICAMP. Foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a presença de paraplegia ou tetraplegia e avaliados através de anamnese e exame físico para correlação com o exame de imagem. RESULTADOS: 41% dos ombros avaliados com imagens de ressonância apresentaram resultado normal. Dentre os resultados alterados, a tendinopatia do supra-espinhal e a degeneração acrômio-clavicular foram às alterações mais encontradas e 80% dos ombros com exame alterado possuiam mais de uma lesão associada. CONCLUSÃO: Pela amostra do estudo é possível identificar uma etiologia multivariada da omalgia, com particularidades para indivíduos paraplégicos e tetraplégicos. A inclusão rotineira da avaliação clínica e radiológica do ombro nos indivíduos lesados medulares pode contribuir para a evolução das técnicas de reabilitação e redução tanto das lesões músculo-articulares quanto dos sintomas álgicos. Nível de Evidência II, Desenvolvimento de critérios diagnósticos em pacientes consecutivos com padrão de referência "ouro" aplicado.OBJECTIVE: To study the shoulder of this group of patients using magnetic resonance imaging to detect clinical and subclinical disorders and establish a rehabilitation program. METHODS: Nine patients with spinal cord injury followed in the Laboratory of Biomechanics and Rehabilitation of the Locomotive System at HC/UNICAMP were divided into two groups according to the presence of paraplegia and tetraplegia and were clinically assessed for correlation with the imaging exams. RESULTS: Normal results were found in 41% of the shoulders. Most common injuries were tendinopathy of the

  18. Spinal cord schistosomiasis in children: analysis of seven cases Esquistossomose medular em crianças: análise de sete casos

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    José Albino da Paz


    Full Text Available We describe seven cases of children (ages 2 to 14 years with myeloradiculopathy caused by infection with S. mansoni. None of them presented hepatosplenic involvement and one presented an intestinal picture. The myeloradicular and pseudotumoral forms were observed in four and three patients, respectively. Comparing the reports in the literature, we found that the pseudotumoral form is more similary frequent among children than in adults, while the myelitic and myeloradicular forms are the most frequent and distributed across all age groups. Diagnosis is based on clinical and epidemiological findings in association with laboratory tests. The diagnosis was confirmed by the presence of S. mansoni eggs in feces (5 cases and / or the positivity in specific immunological tests (5 cases associated with a cerebrospinal fluid inflammatory pattern with presence of eosinophils (between 1 and 24%. Magnetic resonance image, although it does not enable an etiological diagnosis, helped to confirm the form and spinal cord level of the lesion.Relatamos sete crianças com mielorradiculopatia devida a infecção pelo S. mansoni, com idade entre 2 e 14 anos. Nenhuma apresentou acometimento hepatoesplênico e uma apresentou quadro intestinal. A forma mielorradicular foi observada em quatro pacientes e a pseudotumoral em três. Revendo os achados da literatura, encontramos que a forma pseudotumoral é mais frequente nas crianças que nos adultos, apesar das formas mielíticas e mielorradiculares serem ainda as mais frequentes em todas as idades. O diagnóstico baseou-se nos achados clínicos e epidemiológicos, associados aos laboratoriais. A presença de ovos de S. mansoni nas fezes (5 casos e/ou a positividade de testes imunológicos específicos no liquido cefalorraquidiano (5 casos, com padrão inflamatório e eosinofilorraquia (entre 1 e 24% confirmou o diagnóstico. O estudo da imagem de ressonância magnética, apesar de não permitir o diagnóstico etiol

  19. Úlceras por presión en personas con lesión medular: conocimiento de familiares y cuidadores Úlceras por pressão em pessoas com lesão medular: conhecimento de familiares e cuidadores Pressure Ulcers in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury: Knowledge of Relatives and Caregivers

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento sobre los factores de riesgo y prevención de úlceras por presión, desde la perspectiva de los familiares y cuidadores de personas con lesión medular en el domicilio. Método: estudio descriptivo transversal, cuantitativo. La muestra fue de 50 personas. Los datos se recogieron por medio de un cuestionario en los meses de agosto a diciembre de 2008. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el programa SPSS Windows, versión 13.0. Resultados: se constató que la familia y los cuidadores tienen conocimientos acertados sobre su papel en la prevención, 80% de los casos y los pacientes que presentan mayor riesgo son los postrados en cama, parapléjicos y ancianos (74%; se debe orientar a los pacientes y familiares sobre factores de riesgo de las úlceras por presión (100%; la piel limpia y seca evita la aparición de UP (64%. Con relación a los errores de conocimiento están relacionados con la periodicidad en la valoración de la integridad de la piel (84% y el uso de sábanas de movimiento en el traslado y movilización del paciente (80%. Discusión: el alto índice de aciertos sobre los factores de riesgo pone en evidencia que los familiares y cuidadores poseen buenos conocimientos: están preparados para cuidar; entre tanto, la gran incidencia de errores acerca de las medidas de prevención de las úlceras por presión muestra que familiares y cuidadores no poseen conocimientos adecuados sobre tales medidas. Conclusiones: la investigación muestra que es imprescindible la evaluación del conocimiento de los familiares y cuidadores a fin de implementar acciones correctivas para hacerlos aptos para cuidar de forma adecuada de las personas con lesión medular.Objetivo: avaliar o conhecimento dos fatores de risco e prevenção de úlceras por pressão a partir da perspectiva de familiares e cuidadores de pessoas com lesão medular em casa. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal, quantitativo. A amostra foi de


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    Dra. Paulina Neira


    Las Neoplasias Endocrinas Múltiples incluyen entre sus manifestaciones los tumores paratiroideos, los feocromocitomas, los tumores gastroenteropancreáticos y el cáncer medular de tiroides. Estas lesiones presentan características fisiológicas como expresión de receptores o hiperfunción celular que permiten obtener imágenes con técnicas de Medicina Nuclear que actualmente se denominan Imágenes Moleculares.

  1. Análise comparativa da avaliação funcional realizada na lesão medular em animais Comparative analysis of functional evaluation performed in medullary injury in animals

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    Alessandra Iague Molina


    Full Text Available A avaliação comportamental após, a contusão da medula espinhal, enfocou por um tempo a locomoção em campo aberto usando uma escala de classificação desenvolvida por Tarlov et al.(18. Tarlov(17 realizou estudos experimentais em cães, produzindo compressão medular com atribuição de zero a cinco para graduação dos movimentos do animal. Contudo, esta escala tem sido modificada por pesquisadores e suas alterações feitas por vários grupos tornaram as comparações das medidas do resultado locomotor difíceis. Um aspecto crítico da pesquisa utilizando lesão medular em animais é a padronização da avaliação da recuperação locomotora. A escala desenvolvida por Tator(19 é simples e de fácil utilização, porém pode não analisar todos os aspectos necessários . Basso, Beattie e Bresnahan(2,3 apresentaram uma escala de classificação com índice de recuperação locomotora em ratos que sofreram lesão medular produzida em laboratório. Os dados indicam que a escala BBB é uma medida válida para a recuperação locomotora capaz de distinguir os resultados comportamentais em função de ferimentos diferentes e para prever alterações anatômicas no centro da lesão. O propósito deste estudo foi analisar e comparar escalas de classificação locomotora sem ambigüidade, eficientes e expandida para se padronizar as medidas resultantes nos laboratórios.The behavior evaluation after a spinal medulla injury focused the locomotion in field during a certain time, using a classification scale developed by Tarlov et al.(18. Tarlov(17 performed experimental studies in dogs, producing medullary compression and assigning a graduation from zero to five to the animal movements. However, this scale has been changed by researchers and its changes, made by several groups, became difficult the comparisons of the measures of the locomotor result. One critical aspect of the research with medullary injury in animals is the standardization of the

  2. Pressure Ulcers in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury: Knowledge of Relatives and Caregivers Úlceras por presión en personas con lesión medular: conocimiento de familiares y cuidadores Úlceras por pressão em pessoas com lesão medular: conhecimento de familiares e cuidadores

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    Purpose: To assess knowledge of risk factors and prevention of pressure ulcers from the perspective of relatives and caregivers of patients with spinal cord injury at home.

    Method: cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative study. The sample was made up by 50 people. Data were collected through a questionnaire in August and December 2008. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Windows, version 13.0.

    Results: We found that family caregivers have correct knowledge about its role in the prevention, 80% of cases and higher risk patients are bedridden, paraplegic and elderly (74%; patients and relatives should be counseled about the risk factors of pressure ulcers (100%; keeping the skin dry and clean prevents the onset of UP (64%. With regard to cognitive errors, these are related to the periodicity in assessing the integrity of the skin (84% and the use of sheets in the transfer and mobilization of the patient (80%.

    Discussion: The high success rate on risk factors shows that families and caregivers have good knowledge: they are prepared to care, meanwhile, the high incidence of errors on pressure ulcers prevention measures shows that relatives and caregivers lack of adequate knowledge of such measures.

    Conclusions: Research shows that assessing the knowledge of relatives and caregivers is of the essence to implement corrective actions to suit them to take care of people with spinal cord injury.

    Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento sobre los factores de riesgo y prevención de úlceras por presión, desde la perspectiva de los familiares y cuidadores de personas con lesión medular en el domicilio.

    Método: estudio descriptivo transversal, cuantitativo. La muestra fue de 50 personas. Los datos se recogieron por medio de un cuestionario en los meses de agosto a diciembre de 2008. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el programa SPSS

  3. Changes in morphology of long bone marrow tissue of rats submitted to cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen Alterações na morfologia do tecido medular de ossos longos de ratos submetido à crioterapia com nitrogênio líquido

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    Fábio Wildson Gurgel Costa


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To study the main effects of local use of liquid nitrogen on bone marrow tissue in rats. METHODS: The femoral diaphyses of 42 Wistar rats were exposed to three local and sequential applications of liquid nitrogen for one or two minutes, intercalated with periods of five minutes of passive thawing. The animals were sacrificed after one, two, four and 12 weeks and the specimens obtained were analyzed histomorphologically. RESULTS: In the second experimental week of one-minute protocol, histological degree of inflammation obtained a mean score of one (mild, ranging from 0 (absent or scarce and two (moderate (Kruskal-Wallis test p=0.01. In the second experimental week of two-minute protocol, degree of inflammation to the medullar tissue obtained an average score of two (Kruskal-Wallis test p=0.01. CONCLUSION: The degree of inflammation of the bone marrow tissue was higher in protocol of three applications of two minutes compared to protocol of three applications of one minute.OBJETIVO: Investigar os principais efeitos do uso local de nitrogênio líquido sobre o tecido medular ósseo em ratos. MÉTODOS: As diáfises femorais de 42 ratos Wistar foram expostas a três aplicações sequenciais locais de nitrogênio líquido por um ou dois minutos, intercaladas por períodos de cinco minutos de degelo espontâneo. Os animais foram sacrificados após uma, duas, quatro e 12 semanas e os espécimes obtidos foram analisados histomorfologicamente. RESULTADOS: Na segunda semana experimental do protocolo de um minuto, o grau histológico de inflamação obteve um escore médio de um (leve variando entre 0 (ausente ou escarço a dois (moderado (Teste de Kruskal-Wallis p=0.01. Na segunda semana experimental do protocolo de dois minutos, o grau histológico de inflamação do tecido medular obteve um escore máximo de dois (moderado (Teste de Kruskal-Wallis p=0.01. CONCLUSÃO: O grau de inflamação do tecido medular ósseo foi maior no protocolo de tr

  4. Funcionamento intestinal e a relação com a independência funcional de indivíduos com lesão medular

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    Soraia Assad Nasbine Rabeh


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar indivíduos adultos que sofreram lesão de medula espinhal; avaliar a independência funcional considerando o nível da lesão; descrever a ocorrência de problemas de funcionamento intestinal e a relação com o nível de independência funcional. MÉTODO: Estudo observacional, transversal. Para investigar a independência funcional foi utilizada a escala Medida de Independência Funcional. Para avaliar o funcionamento intestinal, as orientações recebidas e as práticas de autocuidado, utilizaram-se as Diretrizes do Consórcio de Medicina da Lesão Medular. RESULTADOS: Dos 22 participantes, 91% eram homens, com média de idade de 38 anos (DP 11,7 e 50,0% apresentavam dependência mínima e participavam de programa de reabilitação. Verificou-se alteração no padrão de funcionamento intestinal pós-lesão. CONCLUSÃO: A literatura enfatiza a importância de instituir programas de intervenção por meio de estratégias educativas para o controle do intestino neurogênico.

  5. Lesion progression in post-treatment persistent endodontic lesions. (United States)

    Yu, Victoria Soo Hoon; Messer, Harold Henry; Shen, Liang; Yee, Robert; Hsu, Chin-ying Stephen


    Radiographic lesions related to root-filled teeth may persist for long periods after treatment and are considered to indicate failure of initial treatment. Persistent lesions are found in a proportion of cases, but information on lesion progression is lacking. This study examined the incidence of lesion improvement, remaining unchanged, and deterioration among persistent lesions in a group of patients recruited from a university-based clinic and identified potential predictors for lesion progression. Patients of a university clinic with persistent endodontic lesions at least 4 years since treatment and with original treatment radiographs available were recruited with informed consent. Data were obtained by interview and from dental records and clinical and radiographic examinations. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were carried out by using SPSS (version 19). One hundred fifty-one persistent lesions were identified in 114 patients. A majority of the lesions (107, 70.9%) received treatment between 4 and 5 years prior. Eighty-six lesions (57.0%) improved, 18 (11.9%) remained unchanged, and 47 (31.1%) deteriorated since treatment. Potential predictors for lesions that did not improve included recall lesion size, pain on biting at recall examination, history of a postobturation flare-up, and a non-ideal root-filling length (P < .05). Lesions that had persisted for a longer period appeared less likely to be improving (relative risk, 1.038; 95% confidence interval, 1.000-1.077). A specific time interval alone should not be used to conclude that a lesion will not resolve without intervention. This study identified several clinical factors that are associated with deteriorating persistent lesions, which should aid in identifying lesions that require further intervention. Copyright © 2012 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Diagnóstico da esquistossomose medular: contribuição da ressonância magnética e eletroneuromiografia

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    Peregrino Alberto Jorge Pereira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados obtidos pela ressonância magnética (RM e eletroneuromiografia (ENMG em pacientes com diagnóstico de esquistossomose medular (EM. MÉTODO: Foram analisadas 18 RM da coluna vertebral tóraco-lombar e 24 ENMG dos membros superiores e inferiores de pacientes com diagnóstico definido ou altamente provável de EM nas suas formas clínicas mielorradiculítica e mielítica. RESULTADOS: Entre as 18 RM realizadas, 16 (88,8%, mostraram alterações caracterizadas por imagens hipointensas em aquisições pesadas em T1, hiperintensas em T2, com captação heterogênea do contraste gadolínico e/ou realce das meninges e cauda equina. Entre as 24 ENMG, 23 (95,8% mostraram quadro de multirradiculopatia bilateral das raízes nervosas L2, L3, L4, L5, S1, S2, assimétrico em 10 casos (41,6%. CONCLUSÃO: A RM e a ENM demonstraram ser exames úteis para o diagnóstico da EM ao revelarem anormalidades que se repetiram sob um determinado padrão em 88,8% e 95,8% dos casos, respectivamente. Apesar de não terem especificidade para a EM, estes procedimentos devem ser realizados rotineiramente com o objetivo de fortalecer o diagnóstico presuntivo desta doença.

  7. Estimulação medular espinhal para tratamento da polineuropatia dolorosa refratária induzida por quimioterapia Estimulación medular espinal para tratamiento de la polineuropatía dolorosa refractaria inducida por quimioterapia Spinal cord stimulation in the treatment of refractory painful polineuropathy induced by chemotherapy

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    José Luciano Braun Filho


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVAS E OBJETIVOS: Polineuropatia dolorosa pós-quimioterapia tem sido muitas vezes uma condição refratária ao tratamento clínico conservador. O objetivo deste relato de caso foi mostrar o uso da estimulação medular como técnica alternativa aos métodos convencionais para tratar paciente com quadro doloroso de difícil controle. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente de 72 anos, com polineuropatia dolorosa pós-quimioterapia há mais ou menos dez anos, apresentava dor de forte intensidade (escala analógica visual = 10 em membros inferiores, contínua e diária, apesar do uso de várias medicações específicas para dor neuropática. Foi submetido a implante de eletrodo peridural apresentando melhora significativa das dores (escala analógica visual = 3 e diminuição do uso de medicação. CONCLUSÃO: A estimulação da medula espinhal constitui uma opção terapêutica em pacientes com neuropatia periférica refratária ao tratamento médico convencional quando bem indicada e realizada dentro de critérios estabelecidos.JUSTIFICATIVAS Y OBJETIVOS: La polineuropatía dolorosa posquimioterapia ha sido en muchas ocasiones una condición refractaria al tratamiento clínico conservador. El objetivo de este relato de caso fue mostrar el uso de la estimulación medular como técnica alternativa a los métodos convencionales para tratar paciente con cuadro doloroso de difícil control. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente de 72 años, con polineuropatía dolorosa pos-quimioterapia hace más o menos 10 años, presentaba dolor de fuerte intensidad (escala analógica visual = 10 en miembros inferiores, continua y diaria, a pesar del uso de varias medicaciones específicas para dolor neuropático. Se sometió a implante de electrodo peridural presentando una mejoría significativa de los dolores (escala analógica visual = 3 y una disminución del uso de medicación. CONCLUSIÓN: La estimulación de la médula espinal constituye una opción terapéutica en

  8. Avaliação da funcionalidade de pessoas com lesão medular para atividades da vida diária

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    Zuila Maria de Figueiredo-Carvalho


    Full Text Available Aplicar el índice de Barthel en la evaluación de personas con lesión medular hospitalizada y en su domicilio, comparando las condiciones de funcionalidad en el desarrollo de las actividades de la vida diaria. Material y Método: estudio cuantitativo, transversal, realizado con 62 personas, hospitalizadas y en domicilios. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante un formulario con las variables de interés del estudio, en enero a mayo de 2010. Para su análisis, se utilizó el programa Predictive Analytics Software, con Pruebas de Mann — Whitney y Kruskal — Wallis. Resultados: la edad media de 37,5 años con desvío patrón de ± 13,74. En las actividades: ba ñ o un 79 % son dependientes; vestirse, un 59 % ; el uso de toielet, un 91 % ; intestino, un 81 % eran incontinentes; transferencias, un 95 % presentaron incapacidad; actividad de movilidad, un 94 % hac í an con ayuda; utilizaci ó n de escaleras con silla de ruedas en los hospitalizados, un 94,1 % p resentaron incapacidad y en el domicilio, un 78,5 % . El análisis de la puntuación final de Barthel obtuvo media del 48,4 % con desvío patrón de ± 32,62. Conclusiones: existe significancia acentuada en relación al grado de dependencia entre hospitalizados en relación a los que se encuentra en su domicilio.

  9. Feocromocitoma em bovinos de abate: relatos de casos Pheochromocytoma in slaughtered bovine: cases reports

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    W.L.A. Pereira


    Full Text Available Relatou-se a ocorrência de dois casos de tumor de medular da adrenal em bovino. O caso 1 foi representado por uma neoplasia de 6,0×4,5cm de tamanho e cor amarelo-acastanhada. O caso 2 constituiu-se de neoplasia maligna, com a lesão primária medindo 33,0×18,0cm e peso de 6,5kg. Metástases estavam presentes nos pulmões e nos linfonodos tráqueobronquiais, mediastínicos e esofagianos. A análise histológica das neoplasias permitiu o diagnóstico de feocromocitoma.Two cases of adrenal medular tumor in bovine are described. In case 1, yellow-brownish neoplasia of 6.0×4.5cm size was observed. Case 2, was constituted of a malignant neoplasia with the primary lesion measuring 33.0×18.0cm and weighing 6.5kg. Metastases were found in the lungs and in the tracheobronchial, mediastinic and oesophageal lymph nodes. Histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma.

  10. Non-traumatic acute epidural spinal hematomas diagnosed by magnetic resonance; Hematomas espinales epidurales agudos no traumaticos: diagnostico por resonancia magnetica

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    Rovira, A.; Grive, E.; Pedraza, S.; Capellades, J.; Nos, C.; Alarcon, M.; Rovira, A. [Hospital Universitari Vall d' Hebron. Barcelona (Spain)


    The non-traumatic spinal epidural hematoma (NTSEH) is a rare entity that can be the cause of an acute spinal compression syndrome. the objective of this review is to identify the characteristics by MRI and NTSEH and to analyze the factors that influence in its prognosis. In the years 1994 and 1999, 12 patients with NTSEH have been diagnosed in our hospital, and a MRI was performed during the acute phase. the characteristics of the lesions have been analyzed by MRI, with special emphasis on the topographic data and resonance signal and the factors that can influence in the clinical prognosis of the patients. Initially, all of the patients presented pain in the cervical dorsal or interscapular site, followed by a sensitive-motor deficit picture. The MRI showed a lesion of expansive character and posterior epidural location in every case that would produce varying degrees of compression on the spinal cord. The NTSEH should be considered as one of the causes of acute spinal cord compression. The clinical association of intense cervical, dorsal or interscapular pain followed by a sensomotor deficit picture should lead to the suspicion of this entity, that would require an immediate examination with MRI to verify its diagnosis. Both the clinical manifestations as well as the characteristics observed by MRI of the NTSEH have a prognostic value and determine the therapeutic decision. (Author) 34 refs.

  11. Regeneración axonal posterior a lesiones traumáticas de médula espinal: Papel crítico de galectina-1

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    Héctor R Quintá


    Full Text Available Al producirse una lesión de médula espinal (LME, un sinnúmero de proteínas inhibidoras de la regeneración axonal ocupan el sitio de lesión en forma secuencial. La primer proteína en llegar al mismo se conoce como semaforina 3A (Sema3A, siendo además una de las más potentes por su acción de inhibir la regeneración axonal. A nivel mecanístico la unión de esta proteína al complejo-receptor neuronal neuropilin-1 (NRP-1/PlexinA4 evita que se produzca regeneración axonal. En este trabajo de revisión se discutirá la acción de galectin-1 (Gal-1, una proteína endógena de unión a glicanos, que selectivamente se une al complejo-receptor NRP-1/PlexinA4 de las neuronas lesionadas a través de un mecanismo dependiente de interacciones lectina-glicano, interrumpiendo la señalización generada por Sema3A y permitiendo de esta manera la regeneración axonal y recuperación locomotora luego de producirse la LME. Mientras ambas formas de Gal-1 (monomérica y dimérica contribuyen a la inactivación de la microglia, solo la forma dimérica de Gal-1 es capaz de unirse al complejo-receptor NRP-1/PlexinA4 y promover regeneración axonal. Por lo tanto, Gal-1 dimérica produce recuperación de las lesiones espinales interfiriendo en la señalización de Sema3A a través de la unión al complejo-receptor NRP-1/PlexinA4, sugiriendo el uso de esta lectina en su forma dimérica para el tratamiento de pacientes con LME.

  12. Uso da ultra-sonografia na triagem de disrafismos espinhais ocultos Screening of occult spinal dysraphism by ultrasonography

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    José Gilberto de Brito Henriques


    Full Text Available O uso da ultra-sonografia para diagnóstico de lesões da coluna vertebral é difundido desde a década de oitenta. Suas aplicações envolvem: diagnóstico de lesões medulares traumáticas; uso intra-operatório em cirurgias do trauma e tumores medulares; uso pré-operatório e evolutivo em pacientes com disrafismos espinhais; diagnóstico pré-natal dos disrafismos; diagnóstico dos disrafismos espinhais ocultos ao nascimento. Pacientes com suspeita de disrafismo espinhal oculto (estigmas cutâneos em linha média ou história familiar de disrafismos representaram a principal indicação do exame que foi realizado em 292 pacientes do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Alterações como lipomas do cone medular, medula baixa, filo terminal espesso, cistos da ponta do cone medular e seios dérmicos foram identificados com fidelidade à ultra-sonografia. A interpretação do exame não apresentou dificuldades técnicas. Sua realização é rápida, não é necessária sedação, apresenta baixo custo e idealmente deve ser realizado pelo próprio neurocirurgião devido ao grande número de informações possíveis durante o exame. O exame entretanto não substitui a ressonância magnética mas pode ser um bom método de triagem para os pacientes.Ultrasonography for diagnosis of spinal cord diseases has been used since the eighties. There are different fields for its use: traumatic spine lesions, intra-operative use in trauma and spine tumors surgery, pre-operative and follow up study for spinal dysraphism, occult spinal dysraphism of the newborn. Patients with suspected occult spinal dysraphism are the most important indication for the method. Utrasonography was performed in 292 patients of Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Lesions such as conus medullaris lipomas, low level of conus medullaris, filum terminale tethering, cauda equina cysts and dermal sinuses can be well demonstrated. There

  13. Qualidade de vida em pessoas com lesão medular traumática: um estudo com o WHOQOL-bref Quality of live in people with traumatic spinal cord injury: a study with WHOQOL-bref

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    Luciana Neves da Silva Bampi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Conhecer a percepção de qualidade de vida em pessoas com lesão medular traumática, utilizando a metodologia adotada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma pesquisa transversal, na qual foi realizado um estudo descritivo para conhecer as características sociodemográficas e a distribuição das lesões medulares traumáticas na amostra estudada. Em seguida, com o intuito de conhecer a percepção da qualidade de vida dessa população, utilizou-se o WHOQOL - bref. As análises estatísticas realizadas incluíram análises descritivas de freqüência, tendência central e dispersão e análise inferencial de comparação entre os domínios. O estudo transcorreu de janeiro de 2005 a maio de 2006 e foi desenvolvido com pessoas no momento de sua admissão no programa de reabilitação do Hospital Sarah Brasília. Utilizou-se uma amostra de conveniência, com 111 entrevistados. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos estudados são, em sua maioria, homens jovens, solteiros, possuidores do ensino fundamental e vítimas de acidentes de trânsito e de armas de fogo. A percepção da qualidade de vida demonstrou que os domínios que refletiram os piores escores de avaliação estavam relacionados ao meio ambiente e à saúde física; e os mais bem avaliados estavam ligados à saúde psicológica e às relações sociais. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo permitiu conhecer a percepção de qualidade de vida do grupo pesquisado. Recomenda-se estudo que inclua tetra-plégicos e lesados medulares não traumáticos, com o intuito de se obter uma avaliação mais global.OBJECTIVES: To find the perception of quality of life in people with traumatic spinal cord injury using the methodology adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study in which a descriptive study was first carried out to better understand the socio-demographic characteristics and the distribution of traumatic spinal cord injury in the

  14. Impact of Lesion Length on Functional Significance in Intermediate Coronary Lesions

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    Morteza Safi


    Full Text Available Introduction: The present study aimed at assessing the role of lesion length in predicting Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR value for physiological evaluation of intermediate coronary lesions.Methods: In the current study, 68 patients with 83 coronary lesions were enrolled. All of the patients in this study underwent routine coronary angiography, according to appropriate indications. To evaluate physiologically significant intermediate coronary stenosis (defined between 40% and 70% on visual estimation, the Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR study was performed and the Quantitative Coronary Angiography (QCA data were also assessed for measurement of lesion length. The correlation between QCA data and FFR values was also examined.Results: Eighty-three lesions were evaluated from 68 patients. Stenosis was considered physiologically significant when FFR was lower than 0.75. The FFR was significant in twelve lesions (14.5%. There was a negative correlation between FFR value and lesion length (r = -0.294 and P = 0.013. Moreover, lesion length in physiologically significant FFR group (21.07  ± 6.9 was greater than that of the non-significant FFR group (15.23 ± 6.5 (P value < 0.05. Furthermore, the correlation between QCA data and FFR values was also investigated, yet, there was only a positive correlation between FFR and Minimum Luminal Diameter (MLD values (r = 0.248 and P value = 0.04. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC curve analysis for predicting the significant FFR value demonstrated that a lesion length greater than 17.5 mm was the best cut-off point for prediction of the significant FFR value with acceptable sensitivity and specificity of 83.3% and 68.8%, respectively.Conclusions: There is a negative correlation between lesion length and FFR value in intermediate coronary lesions. In addition, a lesion length greater than 17.5 mm is the best cut- off point for prediction of significant FFR values.

  15. Human papillomavirus in oral lesions Virus papiloma humano en lesiones orales

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    Joaquín V. Gónzalez


    Full Text Available Growing evidence suggests a role for human papillomavirus (HPV in oral cancer; however its involvement is still controversial. This study evaluates the frequency of HPV DNA in a variety of oral lesions in patients from Argentina. A total of 77 oral tissue samples from 66 patients were selected (cases; the clinical-histopathological diagnoses corresponded to: 11 HPV- associated benign lesions, 8 non-HPV associated benign lesions, 33 premalignant lesions and 25 cancers. Sixty exfoliated cell samples from normal oral mucosa were used as controls. HPV detection and typing were performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR using primers MY09, 11, combined with RFLP or alternatively PCR using primers GP5+, 6+ combined with dot blot hybridization. HPV was detected in 91.0% of HPV- associated benign lesions, 14.3% of non-HPV associated benign lesions, 51.5% of preneoplasias and 60.0% of cancers. No control sample tested HPV positive. In benign HPV- associated lesions, 30.0% of HPV positive samples harbored high-risk types, while in preneoplastic lesions the value rose to 59.9%. In cancer lesions, HPV detection in verrucous carcinoma was 88.9% and in squamous cell carcinoma 43.8%, with high-risk type rates of 75.5% and 85.6%, respectively. The high HPV frequency detected in preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions supports an HPV etiological role in at least a subset of oral cancers.Crecientes evidencias sugieren que el virus Papiloma humano (HPV tiene un rol en el cáncer oral; sin embargo su participación es todavía controvertida. Este estudio evalúa la frecuencia de ADN de HPV en una variedad de lesiones orales de pacientes de Argentina. Se seleccionaron 77 muestras de tejido oral de 66 pacientes (casos; el diagnóstico histo-patológico correspondió a: 11 lesiones benignas asociadas a HPV, 8 lesiones benignas no asociadas a HPV, 33 lesiones premalignas y 25 cánceres. Como controles se usaron 60 muestras de células exfoliadas de mucosa oral normal. La

  16. Intraosseous osteolytic lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adler, C.P.; Wenz, W.


    Any pathological damage occurring in a bone will produce either an osteolytic or osteosclerotic lesion which can be seen in the macroscopic specimen as well as in the roentgenogram. Various bone lesions may lead to local destructions of the bone. An osteoma or osteoplastic osteosarcoma produces an osteosclerotic lesion showing a dense mass in the roentgenogram; a chondroblastoma or an osteoclastoma, on the other hand, induces an osteolytic focal lesion. This paper presents examples of different osteolytic lesions of the humerus. An osteolytic lesion seen in the roentgenogram may be either produced by an underlying non-ossifying fibroma of the bone, by fibrous dysplasia, osteomyelitis or Ewing's sarcoma. Differential diagnostic considerations based on the radiological picture include eosinophilic bone granuloma, juvenile or aneurysmal bone cyst, multiple myeloma or bone metastases. Serious differential diagnostic problems may be involved in case of osteolytic lesions occurring in the humerus. Cases of this type involving complications have been reported and include the presence of an teleangiectatic osteosarcoma as well as that of a hemangiosarcoma of the bone.

  17. Periodontal bone lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linden, L.W.J. van der.


    In the course of life the periodontum is subject to changes which may be physiological or pathological. Intraoral radiographs give insight into the hard structures of the dentomaxillar region and provides information on lesions in the bone of the periodontum in that they show radiopacities and radiolucencies caused by such lesions. In this thesis the relation is investigated between the true shape and dimensions of periodontal bone lesions and their radiographic images. A method is developed and tested of making standardized and reproducible radiographs suitable for longitudinal studies of periodontal lesions. Also the possibility is demonstrated of an objective and reproducible interpretation of radiographic characteristics of periodontal bone lesions. (Auth.)

  18. Managing Carious Lesions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwendicke, F; Frencken, J E; Bjørndal, L


    should be prioritized, while in shallow or moderately deep lesions, restoration longevity becomes more important. For teeth with shallow or moderately deep cavitated lesions, carious tissue removal is performed according toselective removal to firm dentine.In deep cavitated lesions in primary......The International Caries Consensus Collaboration undertook a consensus process and here presents clinical recommendations for carious tissue removal and managing cavitated carious lesions, including restoration, based on texture of demineralized dentine. Dentists should manage the disease dental...

  19. Human papillomavirus in oral lesions Virus papiloma humano en lesiones orales


    Joaquín V. Gónzalez; Rafael A. Gutiérrez; Alicia Keszler; Maria Del Carmen Colacino; Lidia V. Alonio; Angélica R. Teyssie; Maria Alejandra Picconi


    Growing evidence suggests a role for human papillomavirus (HPV) in oral cancer; however its involvement is still controversial. This study evaluates the frequency of HPV DNA in a variety of oral lesions in patients from Argentina. A total of 77 oral tissue samples from 66 patients were selected (cases); the clinical-histopathological diagnoses corresponded to: 11 HPV- associated benign lesions, 8 non-HPV associated benign lesions, 33 premalignant lesions and 25 cancers. Sixty exfoliated cell ...


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    G. O. Alonso


    Full Text Available La columna vertebral del perro ha sido utilizada como modelo experimental en medicina humana, y es uno de los animales domésticos más estudiados en medicina veterinaria. s in embargo, existen limitados datos sobre la amplitud del disco intervertebral (DIV y el foramen intervertebral (FIV. e l propósito de este trabajo es medir cuantitativamente la amplitud de los DIV y FIV , e igualmente, la distancia entre la emergencia de los nervios espinales lumbares y el borde anterior del cuerpo vertebral caudal adyacente o altura del triángulo de seguridad de Kambin (ATK. s e realizó un estudio descriptivo en cinco cadáveres de perros. s e midieron: los diametros discales ventrales, la distancia entre la emergencia de los nervios espinales y el borde anterior del cuerpo vertebral caudal adyacente (CVCA, y los diámetros de los F iv de los niveles toracolumbares T12 – L6. La amplitud del div en el borde ventral fue en promedio de 7,34 mm ( SD ± 2,209, y la distancia entre los nervios espinales y el borde posterior del DIV, de 3,56 mm ( sd 1,366. Los diámetros promedio del F iv fueron en su aspecto craneocaudal de 5,24 mm ( sd 1,838 y dorsoventral de 4,73 mm ( sd 1,098. s e evidenció para esta muestra una correlación gráfica entre la a TK y la ADIV, y una longitud máxima de todas las estructuras medidas en el segmento L4 – L5. a demás, se plantea la posibilidad del desarrollo de instrumentales intradiscales y transforaminales con un diámetro de 3 mm, hechos a medida para caninos a partir de los 10 kg de peso.

  1. Avances Recientes en Traumatismos Raquimedulares


    Jaime G. Gómez


    Los traumatismos raquimedulares han sido conocidos desde la más remota antigüedad y cuando la lesión es completa, todavía no hay tratamiento curativo. Los avances de los últimos años en el conocimiento de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos responsables de las lesiones medulares han abierto la puerta para buscar la solución a este problema que afecta a un gran volumen de la población joven y representa una grave pérdida económica y social para las víctimas de los accidentes de diferentes...

  2. Benign fibroosseous lesions

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    Cansu Köseoğlu Seçgin


    Full Text Available Benign fibroosseous lesions represent a group of lesions that share the same basic evolutive mechanism and are characterized by replacement of normal bone with a fibrous connective tissue that gradually undergoes mineralization. These lesions are presented by a variety of diseases including developmental, reactive-dysplastic processes and neoplasms. Depending on the nature and amount of calcified tissue, they can be observed as radiolucent, mixed or radiopaque. Their radiographic features could be well-defined or indistinguishable from the surrounding bone tissue. They can be asymptomatic as in osseous dysplasias and can be detected incidentally on radiographs, or they can lead to expansion in the affected bone as in ossifying fibroma. All fibroosseous lesions seen in the jaws and face are variations of the same histological pattern. Therefore, detailed clinical and radiographic evaluation in differential diagnosis is important. In this review, fibroosseous benign lesions are classified as osseous dysplasia, fibrous dysplasia and fibroosseous tumors; and radiographic features and differential diagnosis of these lesions are reviewed taking into account this classification.

  3. Lesions of juxtacortical origin (surface lesions of bone)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kenan, S.; Abdelwahab, I.F.; Klein, M.J.; Hermann, G.; Lewis, M.M.


    A large variety of tumor and tumor-like conditions have been shown to originate from the surface of bone. Most surface lesions are associated with periosteal reaction. The periosteum is a multipotential membrane. Its cellular composition may give rise to a variety of both neoplasms and tumor-like conditions. To avoid misinterpretation, the orthopedist, radiologist, and pathologist should be familiar with the entire spectrum of surface lesions. A better understanding of the natural history and biological behavior at different lesional maturity stages and correlation of the history with the radiographic and pathological findings is essential to establish the correct diagnosis. A history of injury of blunt trauma is very important. A stress fracture may produce a periosteal reaction acd callus that can be difficult to distinguish from osteosarcoma. In this review article, the authors wish to describe and define each term by its anatomy and radiographic features while discussing the entire spectrum of surface lesions. All the illustrative cases in this review article have been proven histologically. (orig.)

  4. Localization of lesions in aphasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hojo, Kei; Watanabe, Shunzo; Tasaki, Hiroichi; Sato, Tokijiro; Metoki, Hirobumi.


    Using a microcomputer, the locus and extent of the lesions, as demonstrated by computed tomography for 127 cases with various types of aphasia were superimposed onto standardized marices. The relationship between the foci of the lesions and the types of aphasia was investigated. Broca aphasics (n=39) : Since the accumulated site of the lesions highly involved the deep structures of the lower part of the precentral gyrus as well as the insula and lenticular nucleus, only 60% of the Broca aphasics had lesions on these areas. This finding has proved to have little localizing value. Wernicke aphasics (n=23) : The size of the lesion was significantly smaller than Broca's aphasia. At least 70% of the patients had the superior temporal lesions involving Wernicke's area and subcortical lesions of the superior and middle temporal gyri. Amnestic aphasics (n=18) : The size of the lesion was smaller than any other types. While there was some concentration of the lesions (maximum 40%) in the area of the subcortical region of the anterior temporal gyrus adjacent to Wernicke's area and the lenticular nucleus, the lesions were distributed throughout the left hemisphere. Amnestic aphasia was thought to be the least localizable. Conduction aphasics (n=11) : The lesions were relatively small in size. Many patients had posterior speech area lesions involving at least partially Wernicke's area. In particular, more than 80% of the conduction aphasics had lesions of the supramarginal gyrus and it's adjacent deep structures. Global aphasics (n=36) : In general, the size of the lesion was very large and 70% of the global aphasics had extensive lesions involving both Broca's and Wernicke's areas. However, there were observations showing that the lesions can be small and confined. (J.P.N.)

  5. Analysis of pulmonary coin lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, O; Kim, K. H.; Oh, K. K.; Park, C. Y.


    For A long time the solitary pulmonary nodule has remained a difficult problem to solve and has attracted a great deal of attension in recent years. Circumscribed coin lesions of the lung were generally peripheral in location with respect to the pulmonary hilus. Because of this, important clinical problem in management and diagnosis arise. Such a lesion is discovered through roentgenologic examination. So the roentgenologists is the first be in a position to offer advise. This presentation is an attempt to correlate a useful diagnosis with roentgenologic findings of pulmonary coin lesion which enables us to get differential diagnosis of benign and malignant lesion. Histologically proven 120 cases of the pulmonary coin lesion during the period of 8 years were reviewed through plain film, tomogram, bronchoscopy, variable laboratory findings, and clinical history. The results are as follows: 1. Male to female sex ratio was 3 : 1. In age distribution, most of the malignant pulmonary coin lesion appeared in 6th decade (39%) and 5th decade (27%). In benign lesion, the most cases were in 3 rd decade. 2. Pathological cell type are as follows: Primary bronchogenic cancer 43.3%, tuberculoma 25.8%, inflammatory lesion 17.5%, benign tumor 10%, and bronchial adenoma, harmartoma, A.V. malformation, mesothelioma, are 1 case respectively. As a result benign and malignant lesion showed equal distribution (49.1% : 50.3%). 3. In symptom analysis ; cough is the most common (43.5%) symptom in malignant lesion, next follows hemoptysis (20.9%) and chest pain (14.5%). In benign lesion, most of the patient (32.7%) did not complain any symptom. 4. In malignant lesion, the most common nodular size was 4 cm (32.3%), and in benign lesion 2 cm sized coin was most common (39.3%). 5. In general, margin of nodule was very sharp and well demarcated in benign lesion (83.3%), and in malignant lesion that was less demarcated and poorly defined. 6. Most case of calcification (82.7%) was seen in benign

  6. Uterine Vascular Lesions (United States)

    Vijayakumar, Abhishek; Srinivas, Amruthashree; Chandrashekar, Babitha Moogali; Vijayakumar, Avinash


    Vascular lesions of the uterus are rare; most reported in the literature are arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Uterine AVMs can be congenital or acquired. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of reports of acquired vascular lesions of the uterus following pregnancy, abortion, cesarean delivery, and curettage. It can be seen from these reports that there is confusion concerning the terminology of uterine vascular lesions. There is also a lack of diagnostic criteria and management guidelines, which has led to an increased number of unnecessary invasive procedures (eg, angiography, uterine artery embolization, hysterectomy for abnormal vaginal bleeding). This article familiarizes readers with various vascular lesions of the uterus and their management. PMID:24340126

  7. Ghost cell lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E Rajesh


    Full Text Available Ghost cells have been a controversy for a long time. Ghost cell is a swollen/enlarged epithelial cell with eosnophilic cytoplasm, but without a nucleus. In routine H and E staining these cells give a shadowy appearance. Hence these cells are also called as shadow cells or translucent cells. The appearance of these cells varies from lesion to lesion involving odontogenic and nonodontogenic lesions. This article review about the origin, nature and significance of ghost cells in different neoplasms.

  8. Oral White Lesions: Presentation and Comparison of Oral Submucous Fibrosis with Other Lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maqsood, A.; Aman, N.


    Objective: To compare oral submucous fibrosis with other white oral lesions for presentation and associated factors. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The Departments of Oral Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad Institute of Oral Health Sciences (DIKIOHS), Karachi, from May 2008 to May 2009. Methodology: Patients presenting with oral white lesions were selected by consecutive non-purposive sampling and clinico-demographic data was collected. For patients with oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), additional information like duration of habits, maximal incisal opening (MIO), presence of any other associated lesion were noted. OSF was compared with other white lesions for any association between characteristic of subjects. Chi-square and independent t-tests for determining the statistical significance at p < 0.05. Results: OSF was present in 59.6% (n = 106) of the 178 patients; other white lesions were 40.4% (n = 72). The mean age of patients with OSF was 34 +- 12.7 years and 45.81 +- 16.2 years in patients with other white lesions, (p < 0.0001). Items containing areca nut were consumed more by patients with OSF, with a significant (p < 0.0001) compared to patients with other white lesions. Conclusion: OSF was the predominant white lesion in patients examined at DIKIOHS. Areca nut was found to be chewed more by patients with OSF and still longer by patients with SCC. (author)

  9. Imaging review of lipomatous musculoskeletal lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Burt Ashley M.


    Full Text Available Lipomatous lesions are common musculoskeletal lesions that can arise within the soft tissues, bone, neurovascular structures, and synovium. The majority of these lesions are benign, and many of the benign lesions can be diagnosed by radiologic evaluation. However, radiologic differences between benign and malignant lipomatous lesions may be subtle and pathologic correlation is often needed. The use of sonography, computed tomography (CT, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI is useful not only in portraying fat within the lesion, but also for evaluating the presence and extent of soft tissue components. Lipomas make up most soft tissue lipomatous lesions, but careful evaluation must be performed to distinguish these lesions from a low-grade liposarcoma. In addition to the imaging appearance, the location of the lesion and the patient demographics can be utilized to help diagnose other soft tissue lipomatous lesions, such as elastofibroma dorsi, angiolipoma, lipoblastoma, and hibernoma. Osseous lipomatous lesions such as a parosteal lipoma and intraosseous lipoma occur less commonly as their soft tissue counterpart, but are also benign. Neurovascular and synovial lipomatous lesions are much rarer lesions but demonstrate more classic radiologic findings, particularly on MRI. A review of the clinical, radiologic, and pathologic characteristics of these lesions is presented.

  10. Hock lesions and free-stall design. (United States)

    Weary, D M; Taszkun, I


    We compared the prevalence and severity of skin lesions on the hocks of lactating dairy cows in southern British Columbia, comparing 20 farms using three common bedding surfaces: sawdust, sand, and geotextile mattresses. Skin lesions were scored at five positions on the hock. For each position we noted if the lesion showed inflammatory attributes, and then assigned a severity score. Of the 1752 lactating cows scored, 1267 cows (73%) had at least one hock lesion. Of those cows with lesions, 87% had lesions on both legs, 76% had lesions on more than one location on the hock, and 78% had a lesion of at least moderate severity (i.e., evidence of skin breakage or an area of hair loss >10 cm2). Lesions were most prevalent on farms that used geotextile mattresses (91% of cows) and least common on farms that used sand (24% of cows). Moreover, lesions on cows from farms using mattresses were more numerous and more severe than those on cows from sand-bedded farms. The prevalence and severity of lesions on farms using sawdust was intermediate. Lesions also varied in relation to location on the hock. For farms using geotextile mattresses, lesions were more common and more severe on the lateral surfaces of both the tuber calcis and the tarsal joint. On farms using sawdust, lesions were common on the dorsal surface of the tuber calcis and the lateral surfaces of both the tuber calcis and the tarsal joint. Lesions were rare on all five positions for cows from sand-bedded farms. Among the 10 farms sampled using sawdust, we found a significant negative relationship between the length of the stall and severity of lesions. For cows with lesions, the number and severity of lesions increased with age.

  11. Análise clínica e ultrassonográfica dos ombros de pacientes lesados medulares em programa de reabilitação Shoulders of patients with spinal cord injuriessubmited to rehabilitation program - a clinical and ultrasound-based assessment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Felipe Ninomyia


    Full Text Available O aumento da incidência de traumas de alta energia esta relacionado com o crescimento da prevalência de lesões raquimedulares ocasionando seqüelas motoras nos membros. O programa de reabilitação proporciona perspectiva de melhora da qualidade de vida, colaborando para a reintegração social desses indivíduos. As síndromes dolorosas dos ombros são freqüentes nos pacientes lesados medulares, independentemente do programa de reabilitação adotado. No presente estudo, avaliou-se por meio da ultrassonografia, 32 ombros de 16 pacientes com lesão medular com localização anatômica entre C4 e T12, em reabilitação no DOT/HC-UNICAMP, constatando-se alterações nos tendões dos músculos do manguito rotador em 46,88% e nas tuberosidades umerais em 12,50% dos pacientes estudados. As alterações foram mais prevalentes entre os tetraplégicos. A execução de medidas analgésicas, fortalecimento dos músculos do manguito rotador quando possível e alterações posturais podem significar diminuição na ocorrência das síndromes dolorosas dos ombros, melhorando o aproveitamento do programa de reabilitação e com ganhos na qualidade de vida.The increasing incidence of high energy traumas is associated to a growing prevalence of spinal cord injuries causing motor sequels on limbs. Rehabilitation programs provide an opportunity for improvement of quality of life, helping on integrating those individuals back into social activities. Shoulder pain is more frequent in individuals with spinal cord injury, regardless of the rehabilitation program adopted. In the current study, 32 shoulders of 16 patients with spinal cord injury levels between C4 and T12 submitted to a rehabilitation program at DOT/UNICAMP were evaluated by using ultrasound. Changes on rotator cuff tendons were detected in 56.25%, and 12.50% of the patients presented changes in humeral tuberosities. These changes were more prevalent in quadriplegic patients. Analgesic therapies

  12. Oropharynx lesion biopsy (United States)

    ... as papilloma) Fungal infections (such as candida) Histoplasmosis Oral lichen planus Precancerous sore (leukoplakia) Viral infections (such as Herpes simplex) Risks Risks of the procedure may ... Throat lesion biopsy; Biopsy - mouth or throat; Mouth lesion biopsy; Oral cancer - biopsy ...

  13. Inter-algorithm lesion volumetry comparison of real and 3D simulated lung lesions in CT (United States)

    Robins, Marthony; Solomon, Justin; Hoye, Jocelyn; Smith, Taylor; Ebner, Lukas; Samei, Ehsan


    The purpose of this study was to establish volumetric exchangeability between real and computational lung lesions in CT. We compared the overall relative volume estimation performance of segmentation tools when used to measure real lesions in actual patient CT images and computational lesions virtually inserted into the same patient images (i.e., hybrid datasets). Pathologically confirmed malignancies from 30 thoracic patient cases from Reference Image Database to Evaluate Therapy Response (RIDER) were modeled and used as the basis for the comparison. Lesions included isolated nodules as well as those attached to the pleura or other lung structures. Patient images were acquired using a 16 detector row or 64 detector row CT scanner (Lightspeed 16 or VCT; GE Healthcare). Scans were acquired using standard chest protocols during a single breath-hold. Virtual 3D lesion models based on real lesions were developed in Duke Lesion Tool (Duke University), and inserted using a validated image-domain insertion program. Nodule volumes were estimated using multiple commercial segmentation tools (iNtuition, TeraRecon, Inc., Syngo.via, Siemens Healthcare, and IntelliSpace, Philips Healthcare). Consensus based volume comparison showed consistent trends in volume measurement between real and virtual lesions across all software. The average percent bias (+/- standard error) shows -9.2+/-3.2% for real lesions versus -6.7+/-1.2% for virtual lesions with tool A, 3.9+/-2.5% and 5.0+/-0.9% for tool B, and 5.3+/-2.3% and 1.8+/-0.8% for tool C, respectively. Virtual lesion volumes were statistically similar to those of real lesions (.05 in most cases. Results suggest that hybrid datasets had similar inter-algorithm variability compared to real datasets.

  14. Cuidados de enfermería al paciente con traumatismo de la columna vertebral

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    Moreno María Elisa


    Full Text Available

    Los traumatismos de columna vertebral afectan principalmente a adultos jóvenes en edad productiva. Su principal complicación la constituyen las lesiones medulares que son irreversibles y comprometen funciones corporales que limitan la independencia de las personas. El cuidado de enfermería para éste tipo de pacientes tiene como meta prevenir complicaciones, apoyar al paciente y motivarlo para que aproveche al máximo sus capacidades residuales en busca de su independencia. El presente artículo presenta un plan de cuidados basado en los diagnósticos de enfermería prioritarios y más frecuentes.

  15. Traumatismo de columna, pelvis y extremidades


    C. Rey Galán; S. Menéndez Cuervo; A. Concha Torre


    La columna vertebral del niño es más elástica que la del adulto lo que hace que la lesión raquimedular se presente solamente en 1-2% de los traumas pediátricos. De hecho, la capacidad de absorción de energía ante un traumatismo es superior en ocasiones en el esqueleto óseo que en la médula espinal produciendo lesiones medulares sin evidencia de lesión radiográfica. Se trata de la lesión denominada SCIWORA (Spinal Cord Injury WithOut Radiographic Abnormality), más frecuente en la columna cervi...

  16. Estudio mediante tomografía computarizada de los criterios radiográficos aplicados al diagnóstico del síndrome navicular del caballo


    Arias Sanz, Pablo


    El síndrome del navicular ha sido reconocido como una de las causas más importantes de claudicación en el caballo. En la radiografía, muchas de las lesiones del hueso navicular quedan mal definidas. Y entre ellas la pérdida de definición córtico-medular. La TC es la mejor modalidad de imagen para la valoración de las características del hueso. Pero además de la información morfológica, también proporciona información sobre la atenuación radiológica de los tejidos (tomografía computarizada cua...

  17. Neuromielitis óptica con alta expresión de acuaporina-4 y anticuerpos anti-acuaporina-4 positivos en suero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandra Báez


    Full Text Available La presencia de anticuerpos IgG en suero, con blanco en los canales de acuaporina-4, es específica de la neuromielitis óptica (NMO. El 60% de los pacientes con NMO presentan lesiones cerebrales en la resonancia magnética (RM; en un 8% (mayoría niños estas lesiones se consideraron "atípicas". Presentamos dos pacientes con NMO y lesiones en el SNC de alta expresión de acuaporina-4. Caso 1: varón de 50 años, que comenzó con pérdida de visión en ojo derecho (OD. Recibió tratamiento empírico con metilprednisolona 1 g/d x 3 días. Al mes presentó dolor generalizado y hemiparesia derecha; nuevamente recibió metilprednisolona 1 g/d x 5 días e IgG IV 400 mg/kg/d × 5 días. Recuperó la deambulación persistiendo el dolor y fenómenos paroxísticos en los 4 miembros. Potenciales evocados visuales: P100, ojo izquierdo (OI 123 mseg. OD sin respuesta. La RM de cerebro (FLAIR mostró hiperintensidad en nervio óptico derecho, hipotálamo y comisura blanca anterior. RM cervical: lesión medular extensa (5 cuerpos vertebrales. Caso 2: mujer de 53 años, con disminución de la agudeza visual en ambos ojos y parestesias en miembros inferiores que remitieron espontáneamente. Evolucionó al mes con cuadriparesia e incontinencia esfinteriana. Recibió metilprednisolona 1 g/d x 5 días, sin mejoría. Potenciales evocados visuales: P100 OI 124 mseg. OD 128 mseg. RM cerebro: (FLAIR hiperintensidad hipotalámica y periacueductal. RM cervical: lesión medular extensa (7 cuerpos vertebrales. Anticuerpos anti-acuaporina-4 positivos en ambos pacientes (inmunofluorescencia indirecta. Las lesiones consideradas "atípicas", como aquí, en sitios con alta densidad de proteínas canales de agua AQP4 deberán considerarse para el diagnóstico diferencial.

  18. Lesion activity assessment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekstrand, K R; Zero, D T; Martignon, S


    in response to cariogenic plaque as well as lesion arrest. Based on this understanding, different clinical scoring systems have been developed to assess the severity/depth and activity of lesions. A recent system has been devised by the International Caries Detection and Assessment System Committee...

  19. Avances Recientes en Traumatismos Raquimedulares

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime G. Gómez


    Full Text Available

    Los traumatismos raquimedulares han sido conocidos desde la más remota antigüedad y cuando la lesión es completa, todavía no hay tratamiento curativo. Los avances de los últimos años en el conocimiento de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos responsables de las lesiones medulares han abierto la puerta para buscar la solución a este problema que afecta a un gran volumen de la población joven y representa una grave pérdida económica y social para las víctimas de los accidentes de diferentes clases. En esta revisión se describen los conocimientos actuales del problema y se vislumbran posibles vías terapéuticas para utilizar métodos farmacológicos en la escena del accidente con el objeto de prevenir lesiones ulteriores.


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    Carlos Eduardo Oliveira dos SANTOS


    Full Text Available Context The size of colorectal lesions, besides a risk factor for malignancy, is a predictor for deeper invasion Objectives To evaluate the malignancy of colorectal lesions ≥20 mm. Methods Between 2007 and 2011, 76 neoplasms ≥20 mm in 70 patients were analyzed Results The mean age of the patients was 67.4 years, and 41 were women. Mean lesion size was 24.7 mm ± 6.2 mm (range: 20 to 50 mm. Half of the neoplasms were polypoid and the other half were non-polypoid. Forty-two (55.3% lesions were located in the left colon, and 34 in the right colon. There was a high prevalence of III L (39.5% and IV (53.9% pit patterns. There were 72 adenomas and 4 adenocarcinomas. Malignancy was observed in 5.3% of the lesions. Thirty-three lesions presented advanced histology (adenomas with high-grade dysplasia or early adenocarcinoma, with no difference in morphology and site. Only one lesion (1.3% invaded the submucosa. Lesions larger than 30 mm had advanced histology (P = 0.001. The primary treatment was endoscopic resection, and invasive carcinoma was referred to surgery. Recurrence rate was 10.6%. Conclusions Large colorectal neoplasms showed a low rate of malignancy. Endoscopic treatment is an effective therapy for these lesions.

  1. CT diagnosis of sellar and juxtasellar lesions, 3. Non-tumorous lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kobayashi, Tatsuya [Nagoya Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine


    A study is made of the usefulness and limitations of the CT diagnosis of sellar and juxtasellar lesions other than tumors. This study is based on 112 verified cases at Nagoya University Hospital from October, 1976, to December, 1981. The lesions included in this study are classified into four groups: vascular, inflammatory, traumatic lesion, and congenital anomaly. Although cerebral angiography is the cardinal method for the diagnosis of vascular lesions, CT is useful for the evaluation of a giant aneurysm, the localization of bleeding, or infarction by a ruptured aneurysm. Radiation brain necrosis, a special form of vascular lesion, can also be diagnosed if the critical analysis is made after previous irradiation. CT findings are helpful for the local diagnosis of acute inflammatory lesions, such as basal meningitis or abscess, but specific diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical signs and CSF study. Abnormal CT findings are obtained from a chronic inflammatory process, such as arachnoiditis adhesiva, glanuloma, or mucocele. Differential diagnosis is necessary with brain tumors. The CT findings of an arachnoid cyst are often diagnostic. Metrizamide or air cisternography, either combined with CT or without it, is important for the diagnosis of basal meningoencephalocele and hypothalamic hamaroma. Pneumocephalus and an intracranial foreign body resulting from a head injury can be diagnosed by plain skull and CT. The diagnosis of CSF leakage or prolapse cerebri associated with a skull-base fracture has been most difficult, but even it is possible by a combination of polytomography and high-resolution CT with metrizamide cisternography.

  2. Breast lesion characterization using whole-lesion histogram analysis with stretched-exponential diffusion model. (United States)

    Liu, Chunling; Wang, Kun; Li, Xiaodan; Zhang, Jine; Ding, Jie; Spuhler, Karl; Duong, Timothy; Liang, Changhong; Huang, Chuan


    Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) has been studied in breast imaging and can provide more information about diffusion, perfusion and other physiological interests than standard pulse sequences. The stretched-exponential model has previously been shown to be more reliable than conventional DWI techniques, but different diagnostic sensitivities were found from study to study. This work investigated the characteristics of whole-lesion histogram parameters derived from the stretched-exponential diffusion model for benign and malignant breast lesions, compared them with conventional apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), and further determined which histogram metrics can be best used to differentiate malignant from benign lesions. This was a prospective study. Seventy females were included in the study. Multi-b value DWI was performed on a 1.5T scanner. Histogram parameters of whole lesions for distributed diffusion coefficient (DDC), heterogeneity index (α), and ADC were calculated by two radiologists and compared among benign lesions, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and invasive carcinoma confirmed by pathology. Nonparametric tests were performed for comparisons among invasive carcinoma, DCIS, and benign lesions. Comparisons of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were performed to show the ability to discriminate malignant from benign lesions. The majority of histogram parameters (mean/min/max, skewness/kurtosis, 10-90 th percentile values) from DDC, α, and ADC were significantly different among invasive carcinoma, DCIS, and benign lesions. DDC 10% (area under curve [AUC] = 0.931), ADC 10% (AUC = 0.893), and α mean (AUC = 0.787) were found to be the best metrics in differentiating benign from malignant tumors among all histogram parameters derived from ADC and α, respectively. The combination of DDC 10% and α mean , using logistic regression, yielded the highest sensitivity (90.2%) and specificity (95.5%). DDC 10% and α mean derived from

  3. Concordance between fine-needle aspiration and core biopsies for osseous lesions by lesion imaging appearance and CT attenuation. (United States)

    Li, John; Weissberg, Zoe; Bevilacqua, Thomas A; Yu, Gordon; Weber, Kristy; Sebro, Ronnie


    To compare the concordance between fine-needle aspiration and core biopsies for osseous lesions by lesion imaging appearance and CT attenuation. Retrospective review of 215 FNAs of osseous lesions performed in conjunction with core biopsy at our institution over a 6-year period (2011-2016). FNAs were interpreted independently of core biopsies. We assessed if FNA in conjunction with core biopsy increased diagnostic accuracy compared to core biopsy alone. We also calculated the concordance between FNA and core biopsy by lesion appearance, lesion CT attenuation, lesion histology, lesion location and FNA needle gauge size. Core biopsy alone provided the diagnosis in 207/215 cases (96.3%), however, the FNA provided the diagnosis in the remaining 8/215 cases (3.7%) where the core biopsy was non-diagnostic. There were 154 (71.6%) lytic lesions, 21 (9.8%) blastic lesions, 25 (11.6%) mixed lytic and blastic lesions and 15 (7.0%) lesions that were neither lytic nor blastic. The concordance between FNA and core biopsy for lytic osseous lesions (136/154 cases, 88.3%) was statistically significantly higher than that for blastic osseous lesions (13/21 cases, 61.9%) [P = 4.2 × 10 -3 ; 95% CI (0.02, 0.50)]. The concordance between FNA and core biopsy was higher for low-attenuation- (110/126) than high-attenuation (58/77) lesions (P = 0.028). The concordance between FNA and core biopsy was also higher for metastases (102/119 cases, 85.7%) than non-metastases (78/96, 81.3%) [P = 0.487; 95% CI (- 0.15, 0.065)]. There was no difference in the rate of concordance between FNA and core biopsy by lesion location or FNA needle gauge size (P > 0.05). FNA with core biopsy increases diagnostic rate compared to core biopsy alone or FNA alone. The concordance between FNA and core biopsy is higher for lytic lesions than for blastic lesions; and higher for low-attenuation lesions than for high-attenuation lesions.

  4. Epidermal hydrogen peroxide is not increased in lesional and non-lesional skin of vitiligo. (United States)

    Zailaie, Mohammad Z


    It is widely believed that the loss of the epidermal melanocytes in vitiligo is basically due to excessive oxidative stress. Previous research work described abnormal elevation of the absolute concentration of the epidermal hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) in lesional and non-lesional skin of vitiligo. Based on this finding, our primary research objective was to use this feature as a screening marker in individuals at a great risk of developing vitiligo. Ninety-six patients of non-segmental vitiligo (NSV) of varying durations, skin phototypes, and treatment modalities (psoralen UVA-, narrow band UVB-treated) were recruited for this study. Raman spectroscopic measurements, using an external probehead, of the lesional and non-lesional skin were obtained, and the resulting spectra were analyzed using the Opus software package of the MultiRam spectrometer and the intensity of the peak at 875 cm -1 that represents the absolute concentration of H 2 O 2 was calculated. Contrary to previous reports, in patients of skin phototype IV, the absolute concentrations of H 2 O 2 in non-lesional and lesional NSV of all groups were non-significantly decreased compared to normal control. In patients of NSV of skin phototype V, the decrease in the absolute concentrations of H 2 O 2 was not significant in the untreated group, and a slight non-significant increase in the NBUVB-treated group was noted. However, in the PUVA-treated group, the non-lesional skin demonstrated significant increase in the absolute concentration of H 2 O 2 , whereas the lesional skin showed only a slight non-significant increase compared to normal control. In NSV patients of skin phototype VI who were previously treated with PUVA, the non-lesional skin showed a slight non-significant increase in the absolute concentration of H 2 O 2 ; however, the lesional skin showed a marked significant decrease compared to normal control and the non-lesional skin. Thereof, one can conclude that the epidermal H 2 O 2 is not

  5. Improved efficiency in clinical workflow of reporting measured oncology lesions via PACS-integrated lesion tracking tool. (United States)

    Sevenster, Merlijn; Travis, Adam R; Ganesh, Rajiv K; Liu, Peng; Kose, Ursula; Peters, Joost; Chang, Paul J


    OBJECTIVE. Imaging provides evidence for the response to oncology treatment by the serial measurement of reference lesions. Unfortunately, the identification, comparison, measurement, and documentation of several reference lesions can be an inefficient process. We tested the hypothesis that optimized workflow orchestration and tight integration of a lesion tracking tool into the PACS and speech recognition system can result in improvements in oncologic lesion measurement efficiency. SUBJECTS AND METHODS. A lesion management tool tightly integrated into the PACS workflow was developed. We evaluated the effect of the use of the tool on measurement reporting time by means of a prospective time-motion study on 86 body CT examinations with 241 measureable oncologic lesions with four radiologists. RESULTS. Aggregated measurement reporting time per lesion was 11.64 seconds in standard workflow, 16.67 seconds if readers had to register measurements de novo, and 6.36 seconds for each subsequent follow-up study. Differences were statistically significant (p workflow-integrated lesion management tool, especially for patients with multiple follow-up examinations, reversing the onetime efficiency penalty at baseline registration.

  6. Stress fracture development classified by bone scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zwas, S.T.; Elkanovich, R.; Frank, G.; Aharonson, Z.


    There is no consensus on classifying stress fractures (SF) appearing on bone scans. The authors present a system of classification based on grading the severity and development of bone lesions by visual inspection, according to three main scintigraphic criteria: focality and size, intensity of uptake compare to adjacent bone, and local medular extension. Four grades of development (I-IV) were ranked, ranging from ill defined slightly increased cortical uptake to well defined regions with markedly increased uptake extending transversely bicortically. 310 male subjects aged 19-2, suffering several weeks from leg pains occurring during intensive physical training underwent bone scans of the pelvis and lower extremities using Tc-99-m-MDP. 76% of the scans were positive with 354 lesions, of which 88% were in th4e mild (I-II) grades and 12% in the moderate (III) and severe (IV) grades. Post-treatment scans were obtained in 65 cases having 78 lesions during 1- to 6-month intervals. Complete resolution was found after 1-2 months in 36% of the mild lesions but in only 12% of the moderate and severe ones, and after 3-6 months in 55% of the mild lesions and 15% of the severe ones. 75% of the moderate and severe lesions showed residual uptake in various stages throughout the follow-up period. Early recognition and treatment of mild SF lesions in this study prevented protracted disability and progression of the lesions and facilitated complete healing

  7. A disappearing neonatal skin lesion.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Hawkes, Colin Patrick


    A preterm baby girl was noted at birth to have a firm, raised, non-tender skin lesion located over her right hip. She developed three similar smaller lesions on her ear, buttock and right knee. All lesions had resolved by 2 months of age.

  8. Diffuse cavitary lung lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grunzke, Mindy; Garrington, Timothy [University of Colorado Denver, Department of Pediatrics, Aurora, CO (United States); The Children' s Hospital, Rick Wilson Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Aurora, CO (United States); Hayes, Kari [The Children' s Hospital, Pediatric Radiology, Aurora, CO (United States); Bourland, Wendy [Children' s Hospital at St. Francis, Warren Clinic, Inc., Tulsa, OK (United States)


    An 11-year-old girl presented with a 2-month history of progressively worsening cough, daily fevers, and weight loss. A chest radiograph revealed multiple cystic cavitary lung lesions. An extensive infectious work-up was negative. Chest CT verified multiple cavitary lung lesions bilaterally, and [F-18]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ({sup 18}F-FDG) positron emission tomography with CT (PET/CT) showed increased uptake in the lung lesions as well as regional lymph nodes. Subsequent biopsy of an involved lymph node confirmed classical Hodgkin lymphoma, nodular sclerosis type. This case represents an unusual presentation for a child with Hodgkin lymphoma and demonstrates a role for {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT in evaluating a child with cavitary lung lesions. (orig.)

  9. Diffuse cavitary lung lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grunzke, Mindy; Garrington, Timothy; Hayes, Kari; Bourland, Wendy


    An 11-year-old girl presented with a 2-month history of progressively worsening cough, daily fevers, and weight loss. A chest radiograph revealed multiple cystic cavitary lung lesions. An extensive infectious work-up was negative. Chest CT verified multiple cavitary lung lesions bilaterally, and [F-18]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ( 18 F-FDG) positron emission tomography with CT (PET/CT) showed increased uptake in the lung lesions as well as regional lymph nodes. Subsequent biopsy of an involved lymph node confirmed classical Hodgkin lymphoma, nodular sclerosis type. This case represents an unusual presentation for a child with Hodgkin lymphoma and demonstrates a role for 18 F-FDG PET/CT in evaluating a child with cavitary lung lesions. (orig.)

  10. Imaging inflammatory acne: lesion detection and tracking (United States)

    Cula, Gabriela O.; Bargo, Paulo R.; Kollias, Nikiforos


    It is known that effectiveness of acne treatment increases when the lesions are detected earlier, before they could progress into mature wound-like lesions, which lead to scarring and discoloration. However, little is known about the evolution of acne from early signs until after the lesion heals. In this work we computationally characterize the evolution of inflammatory acne lesions, based on analyzing cross-polarized images that document acne-prone facial skin over time. Taking skin images over time, and being able to follow skin features in these images present serious challenges, due to change in the appearance of skin, difficulty in repositioning the subject, involuntary movement such as breathing. A computational technique for automatic detection of lesions by separating the background normal skin from the acne lesions, based on fitting Gaussian distributions to the intensity histograms, is presented. In order to track and quantify the evolution of lesions, in terms of the degree of progress or regress, we designed a study to capture facial skin images from an acne-prone young individual, followed over the course of 3 different time points. Based on the behavior of the lesions between two consecutive time points, the automatically detected lesions are classified in four categories: new lesions, resolved lesions (i.e. lesions that disappear completely), lesions that are progressing, and lesions that are regressing (i.e. lesions in the process of healing). The classification our methods achieve correlates well with visual inspection of a trained human grader.

  11. Solitary sternal lesions in breast cancer. Lesiones esternales unicas en cancer de mama

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morales, R; Cano, R; Mendoza, G [Instituto Peruano de Energia Nuclear, Lima (Peru); Guzman, C; Cotrina, M; Aguilar, C [Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplasicas, Lima (Peru)


    In a retrospective review of bone scans performed in 1740 patients with breast cancer from January 1988 to April 1993, twenty had a solitary sternal lesion. Etiology was found correlating this finding with pathology, x-rays and/or final outcome. Nineteen lesions were due to metastases and one to infection. This experience suggests that solitary sternal lesions in breast cancer patients are uncommon and are most frequently (95%) associated with malignant etiology. (Authors). 10 refs., 2 figs.

  12. Dynamic multislice helical CT of maxillomandibular lesions. Distinction of ameloblastomas from other cystic lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tozaki, Mitsuhiro; Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Fukuda, Kunihiko [Jikei Univ., Tokyo (Japan). School of Medicine


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of dynamic multislice helical CT in differentiating ameloblastoma from other cystic lesions in cases of maxillomandibular cystic lesions. The study included 32 patients with maxillomandibular cystic lesions (ameloblastoma [n=6], myxofibroma [n=1], odontogenic keratocyst [n=3], dentigerous cyst [n=11], radicular cyst [n=11], and paradental cyst [n=2]). Dynamic study was performed before and 30 sec, and 90 sec after intravenous contrast medium administration. CT density values and percentage of density increase were calculated at 30 and 90 sec. In five cases of ameloblastoma, a rapidly enhancing area was detected within the cystic lesions at 30 sec, while no apparent rapid enhancement was seen in the other cystic lesions. Three cysts showed gradual enhancement in the marginal area at 90 sec. Comparing ameloblastoma and other kinds of cysts, we found significant differences in the percentage of density increase at 30 sec (p<0.01) and 90 sec (p<0.05). Dynamic multislice helical CT is useful in the diagnosis of cystic lesions of the maxillomandibular region, especially in the detection of neovascularities in ameloblastoma. (author)

  13. Dynamic multislice helical CT of maxillomandibular lesions. Distinction of ameloblastomas from other cystic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tozaki, Mitsuhiro; Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Fukuda, Kunihiko


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of dynamic multislice helical CT in differentiating ameloblastoma from other cystic lesions in cases of maxillomandibular cystic lesions. The study included 32 patients with maxillomandibular cystic lesions (ameloblastoma [n=6], myxofibroma [n=1], odontogenic keratocyst [n=3], dentigerous cyst [n=11], radicular cyst [n=11], and paradental cyst [n=2]). Dynamic study was performed before and 30 sec, and 90 sec after intravenous contrast medium administration. CT density values and percentage of density increase were calculated at 30 and 90 sec. In five cases of ameloblastoma, a rapidly enhancing area was detected within the cystic lesions at 30 sec, while no apparent rapid enhancement was seen in the other cystic lesions. Three cysts showed gradual enhancement in the marginal area at 90 sec. Comparing ameloblastoma and other kinds of cysts, we found significant differences in the percentage of density increase at 30 sec (p<0.01) and 90 sec (p<0.05). Dynamic multislice helical CT is useful in the diagnosis of cystic lesions of the maxillomandibular region, especially in the detection of neovascularities in ameloblastoma. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Vinayagamurthy


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Macula is an important portion of retina that occupies the posterior pole of retina. Any disease that affects macula results in significant loss of central vision, form vision and colour vision to an extent. Macular lesions can be hereditary as well as acquired. Macular lesions occur in both younger and older individuals. Anatomically, a macular lesions can vary from a simple lesion like an RPF defect to a vision-threatening lesions like choroidal neovascular membrane. Many screening tests that are sensitive and specific are available to assess the functioning of macula called as ‘macular function test’. But, the greater understanding of the retinal vascular led to the usage of fluorescein angiogram in the detection and screening of macular, retinovascular and optic disc lesions. Through fundus fluorescein angiogram is a thirty-year-old procedure; it is still in vogue in almost all parts of the world. It has its own merits. The aim of the study is to study the role of fluorescein angiography in the evaluation of macular lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS A hospital-based prospective randomised study was done, which included 50 patients. Detailed patient history was taken and thorough ocular and systemic examination was done. All patients were examined by ophthalmoscopy (direct and indirect and slit-lamp examination with 90D followed by fluorescein angiography. Ophthalmoscopic and fluorescein angiography findings were analysed and categorised. Patients were advised proper ocular and systemic treatment and follow up. RESULTS 50 cases with macular lesions were analysed and categorised into conditions like ARMD, CSR, macular oedema, CME, degenerations and dystrophies and miscellaneous conditions. FFA altered the diagnosis in 8% cases and categorised the cases in all cases. 16% patients developed adverse reactions like allergy, vomiting and nausea. On statistical analysis, FFA proved to be cheap and superior diagnostic tool in confirming

  15. Quantitative angiography methods for bifurcation lesions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Collet, Carlos; Onuma, Yoshinobu; Cavalcante, Rafael


    Bifurcation lesions represent one of the most challenging lesion subsets in interventional cardiology. The European Bifurcation Club (EBC) is an academic consortium whose goal has been to assess and recommend the appropriate strategies to manage bifurcation lesions. The quantitative coronary...... angiography (QCA) methods for the evaluation of bifurcation lesions have been subject to extensive research. Single-vessel QCA has been shown to be inaccurate for the assessment of bifurcation lesion dimensions. For this reason, dedicated bifurcation software has been developed and validated. These software...

  16. Retrospective analysis of nonendodontic periapical lesions misdiagnosed as endodontic apical periodontitis lesions in a population of Taiwanese patients. (United States)

    Huang, Hsun-Yu; Chen, Yuk-Kwan; Ko, Edward Cheng-Chuan; Chuang, Fu-Hsiung; Chen, Ping-Ho; Chen, Ching-Yi; Wang, Wen-Chen


    We aimed to evaluate nonendodontic periapical lesions clinically misdiagnosed as endodontic periapical pathoses in a population of Taiwanese patients. Cases (2000-2014) of histopathological diagnoses of nonendodontic periapical lesions were retrieved from all cases with a clinical diagnosis of radicular cyst, apical granuloma, or apical periodontitis in the institution. These cases were regarded as misdiagnosed nonendodontic periapical lesions, of which the types and frequencies, in addition to the demographic data, were determined. Four thousand and four specimens were clinically diagnosed as endodontically associated pathoses, of which 118 cases (2.95%) received a histopathological diagnosis of a nonendodontic pathologic entity, the most frequent lesion being keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT, n = 38, 32.20%), followed by fibro-osseous lesion (n = 18, 15.25%), and dentigerous cyst (n = 13, 11.02%). Nine malignant lesions in the periapical area [squamous cell carcinoma (n = 7, 5.93%), adenoid cystic carcinoma (n = 1, 0.85%), and Langerhans cell histiocytosis (n = 1, 0.85%)] were also noted. A wide variety of histopathological diagnoses, including benign odontogenic and non-odontogenic cystic and tumorous lesions and infectious diseases, as well as malignant lesions, was noted in these 118 cases of nonendodontic periapical lesions. Squamous cell carcinoma was the most predominant malignancy of nonendodontic periapical lesions misdiagnosed as apical periodontitis lesions from imaging examination overlooking the clinical findings. The current data form a useful basis for clinicopathological investigation and educational teaching regarding nonendodontic periapical lesions misdiagnosed as endodontic apical periodontitis lesions.

  17. Post-radiotherapeutic heart lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Testart, F.M.


    Heart structures have traditionally been considered radioresistant. In fact all tissues subjected to radiotherapy can develop lesions. Possible damage includes: - pericardiac fibrosis, the commonest and best individualized, associated with a constriction this leads to a stoppage pattern usually occurring late, around the 18th month. Its frequency depends directly on the total radiation dose; - fibrous myocarditis by direct damage to the heart muscle; - stenosis type lesions of the large coronary trunks; - in exceptional cases lesions of the aorta: hyperplastic degenerescence of the intima and adventitia or of the aortic sigmoid valvules and the mitral valves. Three observations are reported, concerning a coronary, a pericardiac and a coronary, myocardiac and pericardiac lesion. Following this account the irradiation techniques and main experimental data are reviewed and the prophylactic and therapeutic consequences to be derived from our observations and those of the literature are examined [fr

  18. Convergence Analysis of Micro-Lesions (CAML: An approach to mapping of diffuse lesions from carotid revascularization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Allyson C. Rosen

    Full Text Available Carotid revascularization (endarterectomy, stenting prevents stroke; however, procedure-related embolization is common and results in small brain lesions easily identified by diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI. A crucial barrier to understanding the clinical significance of these lesions has been the lack of a statistical approach to identify vulnerable brain areas. The problem is that the lesions are small, numerous, and non-overlapping. Here we address this problem with a new method, the Convergence Analysis of Micro-Lesions (CAML technique, an extension of the Anatomic Likelihood Analysis (ALE. The method combines manual lesion tracing, constraints based on known lesion patterns, and convergence analysis to represent regions vulnerable to lesions as probabilistic brain atlases. Two studies were conducted over the course of 12 years in an active, vascular surgery clinic. An analysis in an initial group of 126 patients at 1.5 T MRI was cross-validated in a second group of 80 patients at 3T MRI. In CAML, lesions were manually defined and center points identified. Brains were aligned according to side of surgery since this factor powerfully determines lesion distribution. A convergence based analysis, was performed on each of these groups. Results indicated the most consistent region of vulnerability was in motor and premotor cortex regions. Smaller regions common to both groups included the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and medial parietal regions. Vulnerability of motor cortex is consistent with previous work showing changes in hand dexterity associated with these procedures. The consistency of CAML also demonstrates the feasibility of this new approach to characterize small, diffuse, non-overlapping lesions in patients with multifocal pathologies. Keywords: Embolization, DWI, ALE

  19. Localization of lesions in aphasia, (2)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hojo, Kei; Watanabe, Shunzo; Tasaki, Hiroichi; Sato, Tokijiro; Metoki, Hirofumi.


    The relationship between the focus and the extent of the lesions and the various symptoms was investigated. 1. Broca aphasics: More than 80% of the group with obvious anarthric components had lesions of the third frontal gyrus involving Broca's area and the lower part of the precental gyrus as well as opercular and insular regions. The size of the lesions of this group was significantly larger than that of the group without marked anarthric components, and the latter was proved to have little localizing value. 2. Wernicke aphasics: The group with poor reading comprehension had cortical and/or subcortical lesions, involving posterior parts of both superior and middle temporal gyri as well as the supramarginal gyrus. On the other hand, lesions of the group with poor auditory comprehension were more anteriorly located and localized in the deep structures. Lesions of the group with poor Token test scores were large and scattered more anteriorly and/or posteriorly compared with those of the group with good Token test scores. 3. Amnestic aphaiscs: The group with poor naming scores had somewhat larger lesions than the group with good naming scores, and the lesions were scattered about the left hemisphere. The finding has proved that both groups had little localizing value. 4. Conduction aphasics: Lesions of the non-fluent type were significantly larger than those of the fluent type and distributed more anteriorly. However, highly involved lesions were located in the supramarginal gyrus and posterior parts of superior and/or middle temporal gyri. 5. Global aphasics: Lesions of the group with good articulation and prosody were observed to distribute more posteriorly in comparison with those of the other global aphasics. (J.P.N.)

  20. Estimulación de la médula espinal: una nueva estrategia terapéutica para restaurar la función motora

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Florencia Álamos Grau


    Full Text Available La estimulación dela Médula Espinal(EME es una técnica de neuromodulación que ha mostrado ser efectiva en el manejo de los trastornos motores propios de enfermedades tan devastadoras comola Enfermedadde Parkinson (EP y las lesiones de la médula espinal. Considerando que ambas patologías cuentan con opciones terapéuticas limitadas,la EMEse podría posicionar como una técnica prometedora. Los mecanismos por los cuales operaría la estimulación difieren en ambos casos, generando cambios en la circuitería espinal local en el caso de las lesiones medulares, y cambios supraespinales, en el caso dela EP. Enesta revisión se busca analizar los efectos dela EMEen ambas enfermedades, tanto en modelos animales como en pacientes, hacer una breve descripción de los mecanismos y aludir a los desafíos futuros propuestos para ambos casos.

  1. Nora's lesion, a distinct radiological entity?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dhondt, E.; Oudenhoven, L.; Khan, S.; Kroon, H.M.; Hogendoorn, P.C.; Nieborg, A.; Bloem, J.L.; Schepper, A. de


    To describe the radiological findings of ''Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation''(BPOP) - otherwise known as Nora's lesion, to describe the natural evolution of BPOP and to assess radiologically if BPOP is indeed part of a spectrum of reactive lesions including florid reactive periostitis and turret exostosis. Four experienced musculoskeletal radiologists studied plain radiographs and other imaging documents of histologically-proven Nora's lesions, looking for soft-tissue changes, periosteal reaction/calcification and calcified/ossified pseudotumours, and compared those findings with findings on pathology reviewed by a peer group of pathologists. Twenty-four Nora's lesions originating from a series of 200 consecutive, histologically-verified bone (pseudo)tumours of the hand, seen by the ''Netherlands Committee on Bone Tumours'' for review and second opinion. Nora's lesions have a recognised presentation on radiographs without specific MR characteristics. Natural evolution could be assessed retrospectively in four cases. Recurrent lesions were seen in seven cases and are difficult to differentiate from primary Lesions. (orig.)

  2. Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping of stroke lesions underlying somatosensory deficits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah Meyer


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between stroke lesion location and the resulting somatosensory deficit. We studied exteroceptive and proprioceptive somatosensory symptoms and stroke lesions in 38 patients with first-ever acute stroke. The Erasmus modified Nottingham Sensory Assessment was used to clinically evaluate somatosensory functioning in the arm and hand within the first week after stroke onset. Additionally, more objective measures such as the perceptual threshold of touch and somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded. Non-parametric voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping was performed to investigate lesion contribution to different somatosensory deficits in the upper limb. Additionally, structural connectivity of brain areas that demonstrated the strongest association with somatosensory symptoms was determined, using probabilistic fiber tracking based on diffusion tensor imaging data from a healthy age-matched sample. Voxels with a significant association to somatosensory deficits were clustered in two core brain regions: the central parietal white matter, also referred to as the sensory component of the superior thalamic radiation, and the parietal operculum close to the insular cortex, representing the secondary somatosensory cortex. Our objective recordings confirmed findings from clinical assessments. Probabilistic tracking connected the first region to thalamus, internal capsule, brain stem, postcentral gyrus, cerebellum, and frontal pathways, while the second region demonstrated structural connections to thalamus, insular and primary somatosensory cortex. This study reveals that stroke lesions in the sensory fibers of the superior thalamocortical radiation and the parietal operculum are significantly associated with multiple exteroceptive and proprioceptive deficits in the arm and hand.

  3. Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping of stroke lesions underlying somatosensory deficits. (United States)

    Meyer, Sarah; Kessner, Simon S; Cheng, Bastian; Bönstrup, Marlene; Schulz, Robert; Hummel, Friedhelm C; De Bruyn, Nele; Peeters, Andre; Van Pesch, Vincent; Duprez, Thierry; Sunaert, Stefan; Schrooten, Maarten; Feys, Hilde; Gerloff, Christian; Thomalla, Götz; Thijs, Vincent; Verheyden, Geert


    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between stroke lesion location and the resulting somatosensory deficit. We studied exteroceptive and proprioceptive somatosensory symptoms and stroke lesions in 38 patients with first-ever acute stroke. The Erasmus modified Nottingham Sensory Assessment was used to clinically evaluate somatosensory functioning in the arm and hand within the first week after stroke onset. Additionally, more objective measures such as the perceptual threshold of touch and somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded. Non-parametric voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping was performed to investigate lesion contribution to different somatosensory deficits in the upper limb. Additionally, structural connectivity of brain areas that demonstrated the strongest association with somatosensory symptoms was determined, using probabilistic fiber tracking based on diffusion tensor imaging data from a healthy age-matched sample. Voxels with a significant association to somatosensory deficits were clustered in two core brain regions: the central parietal white matter, also referred to as the sensory component of the superior thalamic radiation, and the parietal operculum close to the insular cortex, representing the secondary somatosensory cortex. Our objective recordings confirmed findings from clinical assessments. Probabilistic tracking connected the first region to thalamus, internal capsule, brain stem, postcentral gyrus, cerebellum, and frontal pathways, while the second region demonstrated structural connections to thalamus, insular and primary somatosensory cortex. This study reveals that stroke lesions in the sensory fibers of the superior thalamocortical radiation and the parietal operculum are significantly associated with multiple exteroceptive and proprioceptive deficits in the arm and hand.

  4. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Markers of Aberrantly Activated Innate Immunity in Vitiligo Lesional and Non-Lesional Skin (United States)

    Huang, Yuanshen; Wang, Yang; Yu, Jie; Gao, Min; Levings, Megan; Wei, Shencai; Zhang, Shengquan; Xu, Aie; Su, Mingwan; Dutz, Jan; Zhang, Xuejun; Zhou, Youwen


    Background Vitiligo is characterized by the death of melanocytes in the skin. This is associated with the presence of T cell infiltrates in the lesional borders. However, at present, there is no detailed and systematic characterization on whether additional cellular or molecular changes are present inside vitiligo lesions. Further, it is unknown if the normal appearing non-lesional skin of vitiligo patients is in fact normal. The purpose of this study is to systematically characterize the molecular and cellular characteristics of the lesional and non-lesional skin of vitiligo patients. Methods and Materials Paired lesional and non-lesional skin biopsies from twenty-three vitiligo patients and normal skin biopsies from sixteen healthy volunteers were obtained with informed consent. The following aspects were analyzed: (1) transcriptome changes present in vitiligo skin using DNA microarrays and qRT-PCR; (2) abnormal cellular infiltrates in vitiligo skin explant cultures using flow cytometry; and (3) distribution of the abnormal cellular infiltrates in vitiligo skin using immunofluorescence microscopy. Results Compared with normal skin, vitiligo lesional skin contained 17 genes (mostly melanocyte-specific genes) whose expression was decreased or absent. In contrast, the relative expression of 13 genes was up-regulated. The up-regulated genes point to aberrant activity of the innate immune system, especially natural killer cells in vitiligo. Strikingly, the markers of heightened innate immune responses were also found to be up-regulated in the non-lesional skin of vitiligo patients. Conclusions and Clinical Implications As the first systematic transcriptome characterization of the skin in vitiligo patients, this study revealed previously unknown molecular markers that strongly suggest aberrant innate immune activation in the microenvironment of vitiligo skin. Since these changes involve both lesional and non-lesional skin, our results suggest that therapies targeting

  5. Silent ischemic brain lesions after transcatheter aortic valve replacement : lesion distribution and predictors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Samim, Mariam; Hendrikse, Jeroen; van der Worp, H. Bart; Agostoni, Pierfrancesco; Nijhoff, Freek; Doevendans, Pieter A.; Stella, Pieter R.

    Silent ischemic brain lesions and ischemic stroke are known complications of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). We aimed to investigate the occurrence and distribution of TAVR-related silent ischemic brain lesions using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI). Consecutive

  6. Sonographic Findings of Morel-Lavalle'e Lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Yu Jin; Yang, Ik; Lee, Yul; Woo, Ji Young; Hong, Hye Suk; Jung, Ah Young; Jeh, Su Kyung


    We reviewed the sonographic features of Morel-Lavalle'e lesions by correlating the US image findings with a lesion's age. We obtained the sonography reports of 20 Morel-Lavalle'e lesions of the hip and extremities from 18 patients with a history of trauma. The US images were reviewed to characterize the echogenicity, shape, homogeneity, margins, location and size of the lesions. The results were correlated with the age of the lesions and the clinical histories. All the Morel-Lavalle'e lesions were hypoechoic or anechoic fluid collections located between the subcutaneous fat and the underlying fascia. Regarding the shape of the fluid collections, the lobular shaped lesions were all less than 21 days for the lesion's age, and the flat fluid collections were all greater than 1 month of age. Regarding the homogeneity, the heterogeneous fluid collections were all less than 25 days of age, and the homogeneous fluid collections were all greater than 1 month of age. A Morel-Lavalle'e lesion is seen as a posttraumatic fluid collection in the potential space between the subcutaneous fat and the underlying fascia on an ultrasound examination. Acute Morel-Lavalle'e lesions tended to be heterogeneous and lobular, and they became more homogeneous and flat in shape as the lesions evolved. Awareness of these imaging findings will help us to properly diagnose Morel- Lavalle'e lesions

  7. Solitary lucent epiphyseal lesions in children

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gardner, D.J.; Azouz, E.M.


    We evaluated retrospectively the varying radiographic appearances of 15 solitary lucent epiphyseal lesions occurring in children. Imaging modalities used included plain films, conventional tomography, nuclear scintigraphy, and computed tomography. 40% of the lesions (6) were due to osteomyelitis. The remaining lesions included tuberculosis (1), foreign body granuloma (1), chondroblastoma (2), chondromyoxid fibroma (1), enchondroma (1), osteoid osteoma (2), and eosinophilic granuloma (1). Although the radiographic appearances of such lesions may be particularly characteristic, pathologic correlation is frequently necessary. The high incidence of osteomyelitis in our cases emphasizes its importance as a cause for a lucent epiphyseal lesion.

  8. Histomorphological spetrum of breast lesions. (United States)

    Parajuli, S; Koirala, U; Khatri, R; Acharya, L; Suwal, A


    Cancer of the breast is the second most common cause of cancer in women. Mass in the breast, whether benign or malignant is a cause of anxiety to the patients and the family members. All breast lumps are considered to be carcinomas until proved otherwise and are the causes of concern both for the patient and surgeon. This is a retrospective study conducted in Kathmandu Model Hospital for a total duration of three years from August 2007 to August 2010. 114 sample of breast tissue sent for histopathology were studied. Peak incidence of benign lesion was in between 21-30 years and malignant lesions in between 31-50 years. No breast lesions were seen in the first decade of life. Cancer of the breast was seen in 12.28% of cases. Fibroadenoma and fibrocystic disease were the commonest benign lesion and infiltrating ductal carcinoma was the commonest malignant lesion. Specimens from 10 male breasts were received. Gynaecomastia was the most common lesion encountered in males. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma was seen in a 70 year old male. Breast cancer is one of the commonest causes of breast lump particularly in women and is growing public health problem in Nepal.

  9. Petrous apex lesions in the pediatric population

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Radhakrishnan, Rupa [University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Son, Hwa Jung [University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Koch, Bernadette L. [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati, OH (United States)


    A variety of abnormal imaging findings of the petrous apex are encountered in children. Many petrous apex lesions are identified incidentally while images of the brain or head and neck are being obtained for indications unrelated to the temporal bone. Differential considerations of petrous apex lesions in children include ''leave me alone'' lesions, infectious or inflammatory lesions, fibro-osseous lesions, neoplasms and neoplasm-like lesions, as well as a few rare miscellaneous conditions. Some lesions are similar to those encountered in adults, and some are unique to children. Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) and primary and metastatic pediatric malignancies such as neuroblastoma, rhabomyosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma are more likely to be encountered in children. Lesions such as petrous apex cholesterol granuloma, cholesteatoma and chondrosarcoma are more common in adults and are rarely a diagnostic consideration in children. We present a comprehensive pictorial review of CT and MRI appearances of pediatric petrous apex lesions. (orig.)

  10. First International Consensus Conference on lesions of uncertain malignant potential in the breast (B3 lesions). (United States)

    Rageth, Christoph J; O'Flynn, Elizabeth Am; Comstock, Christopher; Kurtz, Claudia; Kubik, Rahel; Madjar, Helmut; Lepori, Domenico; Kampmann, Gert; Mundinger, Alexander; Baege, Astrid; Decker, Thomas; Hosch, Stefanie; Tausch, Christoph; Delaloye, Jean-François; Morris, Elisabeth; Varga, Zsuzsanna


    The purpose of this study is to obtain a consensus for the therapy of B3 lesions. The first International Consensus Conference on lesions of uncertain malignant potential in the breast (B3 lesions) including atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), flat epithelial atypia (FEA), classical lobular neoplasia (LN), papillary lesions (PL), benign phyllodes tumors (PT), and radial scars (RS) took place in January 2016 in Zurich, Switzerland organized by the International Breast Ultrasound School and the Swiss Minimally Invasive Breast Biopsy group-a subgroup of the Swiss Society of Senology. Consensus recommendations for the management and follow-up surveillance of these B3 lesions were developed and areas of research priorities were identified. The consensus recommendation for FEA, LN, PL, and RS diagnosed on core needle biopsy or vacuum-assisted biopsy (VAB) is to therapeutically excise the lesion seen on imaging by VAB and no longer by open surgery, with follow-up surveillance imaging for 5 years. The consensus recommendation for ADH and PT is, with some exceptions, therapeutic first-line open surgical excision. Minimally invasive management of selected B3 lesions with therapeutic VAB is acceptable as an alternative to first-line surgical excision.

  11. Morel-Lavallee lesion. (United States)

    Li, Hui; Zhang, Fangjie; Lei, Guanghua


    To review current knowledge of the Morel-Lavallee lesion (MLL) to help clinicians become familiar with this entity. Familiarization may decrease missed diagnoses and misdiagnoses. It could also help steer the clinician to the proper treatment choice. A search was performed via PubMed and EMBASE from 1966 to July 2013 using the following keywords: Morel-Lavallee lesion, closed degloving injury, concealed degloving injury, Morel-Lavallee effusion, Morel-Lavallee hematoma, posttraumatic pseudocyst, posttraumatic soft tissue cyst. Chinese and English language literatures relevant to the subject were collected. Their references were also reviewed. Morel-Lavallee lesion is a relatively rare condition involving a closed degloving injury. It is characterized by a filled cystic cavity created by separation of the subcutaneous tissue from the underlying fascia. Apart from the classic location over the region of the greater trochanter, MLLs have been described in other parts of the body. The natural history of MLL has not yet been established. The lesion may decrease in volume, remain stable, enlarge progressively or show a recurrent pattern. Diagnosis of MLL was often missed or delayed. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging have great value in the diagnosis of MLL. Treatment of MLL has included compression, local aspiration, open debridement, and sclerodesis. No standard treatment has been established. A diagnosis of MLL should be suspected when a soft, fluctuant area of skin or chronic recurrent fluid collection is found in a region exposed to a previous shear injury. Clinicians and radiologists should be aware of both the acute and chronic appearances to make the correct diagnosis. Treatment decisions should base on association with fractures, the condition of the lesion, symptom and desire of the patient.

  12. Correlation of the SLAP lesion with lesions of the medial sheath of the biceps tendon and intra-articular subscapularis tendon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bennett William


    Full Text Available Background: Superior labral anterior to posterior (SLAP lesions have been well described in the literature and are thought to be secondary to traction injuries to the biceps anchor and/or falls on the outstretched arm. The pulley has recently been described as a structure that aids in the prevention of biceps instability. The intra-articular subscapularis insertion (IASS has been noted to contribute to the robust nature of the medial sheath. The purpose of the study was to determine a potential correlation of SLAP lesions and pulley lesions with/without IASS lesions, (hereafter referred to as medial sheath as forces that can disrupt the biceps anchor and may also disrupt structures of the medial sheath or vice-versa. Materials and Methods: Three hundred and sixteen consecutive shoulder arthroscopies performed by one surgeon were reviewed retrospectively. Operative reports and arthroscopic pictures were carefully reviewed with particular attention paid to the labral and pulley pathology. Selection bias was noted as the author had never operated primarily for a Type 1 SLAP lesion. Following, however, and as such, the exclusion criteria, was a Type 1 SLAP. Results: There were a total of 30 SLAP lesions and a total of 126 medial sheath lesions. There were 13 patients who had both SLAP and medial sheath lesions. There were 17 patients who had a SLAP lesion without a medial sheath lesion. There were 96 medial sheath lesions without a SLAP. A comparison of rates between patients who had a medial sheath lesion with a SLAP and those who had a medial sheath lesion without a SLAP, for the 316 patients, and when tested with a Fisher exact test revealed that there was no statistical significance, P = 0.673. The prevalence of SLAP lesions in this population of 316 patients was 9.4%, Buford 1%, medial sheath lesions 39%, and SLAP and medial sheath lesions 4%. Interestingly, there were three Buford complexes, all associated with a SLAP and one Buford complex

  13. Coste en el sistema sanitario español del tratamiento de un paciente lesionado medular con úlcera por presión The cost of the treatment of an spinal cord injured patient with pressure ulcer in the Spanish national health system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.M. Arévalo Velasco


    Full Text Available Hasta donde nosotros sabemos, no existe actualmente en España ningún estudio económico que refleje el coste terapéutico de una úlcera por presión (UPP. Conocemos los datos económicos de otros países como EE.UU. o Reino Unido, pero consideramos que estas aportaciones no son asimilables a nuestro país. Por eso queremos analizar este aspecto desde el Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos (HNP, ya que es un hospital monográfico dedicado al tratamiento de las UPP en pacientes lesionados medulares, y aportar así un poco de luz en este campo. Hemos llegado a la conclusión de que el gasto total en España por causa de las UPP se cifra en torno a los 600 millones de euros anuales, calculados con precios de costes de 2011, cifra muy inferior a la de otros países quizás por sus elevados costes o porque éstos incluyan otras patologías además de las UPP en lesionados medulares, otras subpoblaciones de pacientes o incluso la universalidad de cualquier tipo de herida. En las circunstancias económicas actuales, hay que considerar la prevención como un pilar fundamental para evitar este excesivo gasto que casi siempre, es debido a una irregular praxis sanitaria.Currently there is no economic studies in Spain reflecting the cost of the therapy in a pressure ulcer (PU. We know the economic data from other countries like USA or the United Kingdom, but we believe that these contributions are not comparable to our country. So our goal is to analyze this aspect from the National Hospital of Paraplegics (HNP as it is a monographic hospital in the treatment of pressure ulcers in spinal cord injured patients that can bring some light in this field. We concluded that total spending in Spain because of the PU’s stands at around 600 million euros. Much lower than in other countries perhaps because not only of higher costs or more pathology involving the PU’s in spinal cord injury but also because they include other populations of patients or the

  14. Stroke Lesions in a Large Upper Limb Rehabilitation Trial Cohort Rarely Match Lesions in Common Preclinical Models (United States)

    Edwardson, Matthew A.; Wang, Ximing; Liu, Brent; Ding, Li; Lane, Christianne J.; Park, Caron; Nelsen, Monica A.; Jones, Theresa A; Wolf, Steven L; Winstein, Carolee J; Dromerick, Alexander W.


    Background Stroke patients with mild-moderate upper extremity (UE) motor impairments and minimal sensory and cognitive deficits provide a useful model to study recovery and improve rehabilitation. Laboratory-based investigators use lesioning techniques for similar goals. Objective Determine whether stroke lesions in an UE rehabilitation trial cohort match lesions from the preclinical stroke recovery models used to drive translational research. Methods Clinical neuroimages from 297 participants enrolled in the Interdisciplinary Comprehensive Arm Rehabilitation Evaluation (ICARE) study were reviewed. Images were characterized based on lesion type (ischemic or hemorrhagic), volume, vascular territory, depth (cortical gray matter, cortical white matter, subcortical), old strokes, and leukoaraiosis. Lesions were compared with those of preclinical stroke models commonly used to study upper limb recovery. Results Among the ischemic stroke participants, median infarct volume was 1.8 mL, with most lesions confined to subcortical structures (61%) including the anterior choroidal artery territory (30%) and the pons (23%). Of ICARE participants, stroke patients, but they represent a clinically and scientifically important subgroup. Compared to lesions in general stroke populations and widely-studied animal models of recovery, ICARE participants had smaller, more subcortically-based strokes. Improved preclinical-clinical translational efforts may require better alignment of lesions between preclinical and human stroke recovery models. PMID:28337932

  15. Radiologic appearance of primary jaw lesions in children

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gupta, Malini; Kaste, Sue C. [Department of Diagnostic Imaging, St. Jude Children' s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN (United States); Hopkins, Kenneth P. [Department of Surgery, Division of Dentistry, St. Jude Children' s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN (United States)


    Background: The jaw (an unusual site of primary tumors in children and adolescents) has lesions often found incidentally by dentists on routine panoramic radiographs or during examination of a child who has swelling or tooth pain. Objective: This pictorial seeks to familiarize pediatric radiologists with the radiographic appearance of a variety of primary jaw lesions. Materials and methods: We retrospectively searched institutional records for cases of primary jaw lesions in children and adolescents. Jaw lesions were characterized as: I, well-circumscribed radiolucent lesions; II, lesions with mixed or variable appearance; III, poorly circumscribed radiolucent lesions; and IV, radiopaque lesions. Results: Although most oral and maxillofacial lesions in children are benign, a broad spectrum of tumors was identified; lesions may occur in patients with unrelated prior malignancy. Conclusion: Because radiologic studies may identify jaw lesions and direct further care, familiarity with the appearance of these entities is prudent. (orig.)

  16. Lesion localization in aphasia without hemiparesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komatsu, Midori; Senoh, Yoko; Okamoto, Koichi; Morimatsu, Mitsunori; Hirai, Shunsaku


    The distribution of the lesions responsible for aphasia unassociated with right-sided hemiparesis was evaluated by cranial computed tomography (CT) among stroke patients. In the Broca aphasia group were observed atypical aphasic symptoms, and the lesions were far more localized than in ordinary Broca one. In the Wernicke aphasia group showed relatively large lesions in the left superior temporal gyrus, sometimes extending to supramarginal and angular gyri, which caused such additional symptoms as apraxia without motor paresis in some cases. In the Transcortical motor aphasia group showed the occlusion of the left internal carotid artery, though without obvious abnormality at CT. In another patient a circumscribed low density lesion was disclosed in the area anterior and superior to so-called Broca's area. In the Transcortical sensory aphasia group, the lesion involved the borderzone supplied by the left middle and posterior cerebral arteries. In the Amnestic aphasia group showed a lesion in the left parietal lobe, while in another no remarkable change was demonstrated. In the Global aphasia group, one had multiple isolated lesions in both anterior and posterior speech areas. Another showed a large lesion involving the whole territory of the left middle cerebral artery. In the remaining one a high density area was observed in the left superior temporal, supramarginal and angular gyri, not extending to the frontal lobe beyond with sylvian fissure. Therefore, in interpreting CTs of such aphasic patients we must take account of not only the extent of the lesion but also the severity of destruction. (J.P.N.)

  17. Lesion localization in aphasia without hemiparesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Komatsu, Midori; Senoh, Yoko; Okamoto, Koichi; Morimatsu, Mitsunori; Hirai, Shunsaku (Gunma Univ., Maebashi (Japan). School of Medicine)


    The distribution of the lesions responsible for aphasia unassociated with right-sided hemiparesis was evaluated by cranial computed tomography (CT) among stroke patients. In the Broca aphasia group were observed atypical aphasic symptoms, and the lesions were far more localized than in ordinary Broca one. In the Wernicke aphasia group showed relatively large lesions in the left superior temporal gyrus, sometimes extending to supramarginal and angular gyri, which caused such additional symptoms as apraxia without motor paresis in some cases. In the Transcortical motor aphasia group showed the occlusion of the left internal carotid artery, though without obvious abnormality at CT. In another patient a circumscribed low density lesion was disclosed in the area anterior and superior to so-called Broca's area. In the Transcortical sensory aphasia group, the lesion involved the borderzone supplied by the left middle and posterior cerebral arteries. In the Amnestic aphasia group showed a lesion in the left parietal lobe, while in another no remarkable change was demonstrated. In the Global aphasia group, one had multiple isolated lesions in both anterior and posterior speech areas. Another showed a large lesion involving the whole territory of the left middle cerebral artery. In the remaining one a high density area was observed in the left superior temporal, supramarginal and angular gyri, not extending to the frontal lobe beyond with sylvian fissure. Therefore, in interpreting CTs of such aphasic patients we must take account of not only the extent of the lesion but also the severity of destruction.

  18. Juxtacortical Lesions and Cortical Thinning in Multiple Sclerosis. (United States)

    Pareto, D; Sastre-Garriga, J; Auger, C; Vives-Gilabert, Y; Delgado, J; Tintoré, M; Montalban, X; Rovira, A


    The role of juxtacortical lesions in brain volume loss in multiple sclerosis has not been fully clarified. The aim of this study was to explore the role of juxtacortical lesions on cortical atrophy and to investigate whether the presence of juxtacortical lesions is related to local cortical thinning in the early stages of MS. A total of 131 patients with clinically isolated syndrome or with relapsing-remitting MS were scanned on a 3T system. Patients with clinically isolated syndrome were classified into 3 groups based on the presence and topography of brain lesions: no lesions (n = 24), only non-juxtacortical lesions (n = 33), and juxtacortical lesions and non-juxtacortical lesions (n = 34). Patients with relapsing-remitting MS were classified into 2 groups: only non-juxtacortical lesions (n = 10) and with non-juxtacortical lesions and juxtacortical lesions (n = 30). A juxtacortical lesion probability map was generated, and cortical thickness was measured by using FreeSurfer. Juxtacortical lesion volume in relapsing-remitting MS was double that of patients with clinically isolated syndrome. The insula showed the highest density of juxtacortical lesions, followed by the temporal, parietal, frontal, and occipital lobes. Patients with relapsing-remitting MS with juxtacortical lesions showed significantly thinner cortices overall and in the parietal and temporal lobes compared with those with clinically isolated syndrome with normal brain MR imaging. The volume of subcortical structures (thalamus, pallidum, putamen, and accumbens) was significantly decreased in relapsing-remitting MS with juxtacortical lesions compared with clinically isolated syndrome with normal brain MR imaging. The spatial distribution of juxtacortical lesions was not found to overlap with areas of cortical thinning. Cortical thinning and subcortical gray matter volume loss in patients with a clinically isolated syndrome or relapsing-remitting MS was related to the presence of juxtacortical

  19. DW-MRI of liver lesions: Can a single ADC-value represent the entire lesion?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmid-Tannwald, C.; Dahi, F.; Jiang, Y.; Ivancevic, M.K.; Rist, C.; Sethi, I.; Oommen, J.; Oto, A.


    Aim: To evaluate whether focal liver lesions (FLLs) exhibit a homogeneous appearance on apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps and whether there is inter-section variation in the calculated ADC values of FLLs (inter-section range). Materials and methods: Eighty-eight patients with 128 FLLs (70 benign, 58 malignant) who underwent abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including diffusion-weighted (DW)-MRI were included. Two observers evaluated variation of signal intensity of each FLL within each ADC map image (intra-section) and among different ADC map images through the lesion (inter-section). ADC values of each FLL and neighbouring liver parenchyma were measured on all sections. The inter-section range of FLLs was compared with the neighbouring liver parenchyma. Results: Intra-section inhomogeneity was noted in 39.8% (97/244 sections) and 38.9% (95/244) of benign lesions, and 61% (114/187 sections) and 61.5% (115/187) of malignant lesions, by observer 1 and observer 2, respectively. Inter-section inhomogeneity was noted in 25.7% (18/70) and 27.1% (19/70) of benign lesions, and 51.7% (30/58) and 50% (29/58) of malignant lesions, by observer 1 and observer 2, respectively. The inter-section range for both benign (0.28 × 10 −3  mm²/s) and malignant (0.25 × 10 −3  mm²/s) FLLs were significantly greater than that of liver parenchyma surrounding benign (0.16 × 10 −3  mm²/s, p < 0.001) and malignant (0.14 × 10 −3  mm²/s, p = 0.01) FLLs. Conclusion: Due to intra-/inter-section variations in ADC values of benign and malignant FLLs, a single ADC value may not reliably represent the entire lesion

  20. Tratamiento no quirúrgico de lesiones periapicales Non-surgical treatment of periapical lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Pablo Ferro Benítez


    Full Text Available El tratamiento de dientes con lesiones periapicales crónicas ha sido estudiado por diferentes autores en el campo endodóntico. Basados en los resultados obtenidos en diferentes trabajos experimentales, nos propusimos realizar la presente investigación, tomando 30 dientes humanos que al momento de realizar el tratamiento pulpo-radicular mostraban presencia de lesiones periapicales con diámetros variables, por encima de los 5 mm . Se tuvieron en cuenta 2 grupos: en uno de ellos se les realizaron a los conductos radiculares rellenos temporales de pasta de hidróxido de calcio y agua destilada; en el otro grupo a estos conductos se les realizaron rellenos temporales con pasta de hidróxido de calcio, agua destilada y paramonoclorofenol alcanforado. Se evaluó la disminución de las lesiones periapicales en ambos grupos a los 3 y 6 meses de iniciado el tratamiento, sin que se observaran diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Igual ocurrió en la evaluación de la reparación ósea periapical a los 9 meses de iniciado el tratamiento. Con ambas técnicas los resultados fueron satisfactorios, lo que demuestra una participación activa del hidróxido de calcio en la reparación de las lesiones periapicales, independientemente de su asociación con el paramonoclorofenol alcanforado.The treatment of teeth with chronic periapical lesions has been studied by different authors in the endodontics field. Based on the results attained in different experimental works, we proposed ourselves to make the present research taking 30 human teeth that at the time of applying the pulpar radicular treatment presented periapical lesions with variable diameters over 5 mm. Two groups were taken into account: in one of them, the radicular ducts were temporarily filled up with calcium hydroxide paste and distilled water, whereas in the other one these ducts were filled up with calcium hydroxide paste, distilled water and camphorated paramonochlorophenol. The

  1. Atypical idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating lesions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wallner-Blazek, Mirja; Rovira, Alex; Fillipp, Massimo


    Atypical lesions of a presumably idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating origin present quite variably and may pose diagnostic problems. The subsequent clinical course is also uncertain. We, therefore, wanted to clarify if atypical idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating lesions (AIIDLs) can be class......Atypical lesions of a presumably idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating origin present quite variably and may pose diagnostic problems. The subsequent clinical course is also uncertain. We, therefore, wanted to clarify if atypical idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating lesions (AIIDLs) can...... be classified according to previously suggested radiologic characteristics and how this classification relates to prognosis. Searching the databases of eight tertiary referral centres we identified 90 adult patients (61 women, 29 men; mean age 34 years) with ≥1 AIIDL. We collected their demographic, clinical...

  2. Measuring Cutaneous Lesions: Trends in Clinical Practice. (United States)

    Zhang, Shali; Blalock, Travis W


    Knowing the size of a cutaneous lesion can be important for tracking its progression over time, selecting the proper treatment modality, surgical planning, determining prognosis, and accurate billing. However, providers vary in their consistency, accuracy, and methods of measuring cutaneous lesions. To investigate the clinical practices of US dermatologists and dermatologic surgeons regarding how they determine the size of cutaneous lesions. A survey was electronically distributed to members of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Four hundred twenty-six dermatologists completed the online survey. When a lesion is suspected to be malignant, 85% of respondents obtained exact measurements most, if not all, of the time; however, only 8% did for benign lesions. Most providers determined lesion sizes themselves rather than delegating to staff. When performing visual estimation, approximately three-quarters believed that they were accurate to within 1 to 2 mm. The top reasons for obtaining exact measurements were for tracking atypical pigmented lesions, determining treatment pathways, and accurate billing. The majority of respondents believed that lesion size affected management decisions; however, the need for exact measurement remains controversial, particularly for benign lesions. Future studies may investigate whether taking exact versus estimated measurements has an effect on outcomes.

  3. Male breast lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matushita, J.P.K.; Andrade, L.G. de; Carregal, E.; Marimatsu, R.I.; Matushita, J.S.


    Roentgenographic examination of the male breast is an important aspect of the continued, intensive investigation of the radiologic morphology of the normal and diseased breast conducted in 17 cases examined at the Instituto Nacional do Cancer - RJ. It is purpose of this report to present the Roentgen appearance of various lesions of the male breast as they have been found in our practice and also to stress some of the difficulties in the differential diagnosis of these lesions. (author) [pt

  4. Thermophysical lesions caused by HZE particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tobias, C.A.; Malachowski, M.; Nelson, A.; Philpott, D.E.


    This paper deals with a type of damage caused by heavy particles that may occur in subcellular structures. These lesions are called thermophysical radiation injury and are similar to damage produced in solids by HZE particles. This chapter summarizes some of the experimental evidence for the presence of these lesions in certain mammalian tissues including the retina, brain, cornea, lens of mice and seeds of corn. Of all tissues examined, only the cornea exhibited a type of lesion which would fulfill the criteria of thermophysical lesions

  5. Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis diagnosis based on oral lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liana Preto Webber


    Full Text Available Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM is a deep mycosis with primary lung manifestations that may present cutaneous and oral lesions. Oral lesions mimic other infectious diseases or even squamous cell carcinoma, clinically and microscopically. Sometimes, the dentist is the first to detect the disease, because lung lesions are asymptomatic, or even misdiagnosed. An unusual case of PCM with 5 months of evolution presenting pulmonary, oral, and cutaneous lesions that was diagnosed by the dentist based on oral lesions is presented and discussed.

  6. Lesiones periapicales agudas en pacientes adultos Acute periapical lesions in adult patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Elena Fernández Collazo


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio analítico de corte transversal en el área de salud del Policlínico "27 de Noviembre" del municipio Marianao, La Habana, en el periodo correspondiente de enero a diciembre de 2009. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes que acudieron al servicio de urgencia y que presentaron lesiones periapicales agudas. Se recogió información de las variables edad, sexo, grupo dentario, causa de la enfermedad, características clínicas e higiene bucal. Esta última se clasificó en las categorías eficiente y deficiente según el índice simplificado de higiene bucal. Se utilizó el X² para estimar la relación entre las variables, y la comparación de proporciones para contrastar la hipótesis de que existieran diferencias entre las lesiones periapicales para las categorías de las variables grupo dentario, causa de la enfermedad y características clínicas. Se encontró un predominio del absceso periapical agudo en un 84,7 % del grupo de edad de 35 a 59 años y del sexo masculino, aunque no se encontraron diferencias significativas para estas variables, ni en los grupos dentarios con respecto a la enfermedad. La higiene bucal resultó estar relacionada con las lesiones periapicales. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en las lesiones periapicales respecto a todas las causas estudiadas, con excepción de las enfermedades periodontales. Respecto a las características clínicas hubo significación en cuanto al aumento de volumen del fondo del surco vestibular y la movilidad dentaria.A cross-sectional and analytical study was conducted in the health area of the "27 de Noviembre" of Marianao municipality, La Habana, from January to December, 2009 including all patients came to emergency service presenting with acute periapical lesions. Information on following variables was available: age, sex, dental group, cause of disease, clinical features and oral hygiene. This latter was classified in the efficient and deficient categories

  7. Benign clavicular lesions that may mimic malignancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerscovich, E.G.; Greenspan, A.; Szabo, R.M.


    Nontraumatic lesions of the clavicle are infrequent. Of these, malignant tumors are more common than benign lesions. From January 1988 to January 1990, we examined 17 patients with benign lesions of the clavicle; in 8, the morphologic appearance of the lesion raised the possibility of malignancy in the differential diagnosis. The radiologic findings in these patients are presented. We propose that the unique shape and embryologic development of the clavicle may contribute to the atypical, aggressive presentation of some benign lesions in that bone. (orig.)

  8. The radiology in the solitary bone lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veloso, G.A.; Cardoso, V.M.


    Three methods of radiologic analysis of the solitary bone lesions are reviewed. 1. Radiological analysis of the lesions with the objective to suppose the histologic type; 2. To appreciate the velocity of growth and aggressiveness of the lesions. 3. To appreciate the biological behaviour of the bone lesions, making the diagnosis necessary for the treatment. (M.A.C.) [pt

  9. Peripheral Exophytic Oral Lesions: A Clinical Decision Tree

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamed Mortazavi


    Full Text Available Diagnosis of peripheral oral exophytic lesions might be quite challenging. This review article aimed to introduce a decision tree for oral exophytic lesions according to their clinical features. General search engines and specialized databases including PubMed, PubMed Central, Medline Plus, EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus, Embase, and authenticated textbooks were used to find relevant topics by means of keywords such as “oral soft tissue lesion,” “oral tumor like lesion,” “oral mucosal enlargement,” and “oral exophytic lesion.” Related English-language articles published since 1988 to 2016 in both medical and dental journals were appraised. Upon compilation of data, peripheral oral exophytic lesions were categorized into two major groups according to their surface texture: smooth (mesenchymal or nonsquamous epithelium-originated and rough (squamous epithelium-originated. Lesions with smooth surface were also categorized into three subgroups according to their general frequency: reactive hyperplastic lesions/inflammatory hyperplasia, salivary gland lesions (nonneoplastic and neoplastic, and mesenchymal lesions (benign and malignant neoplasms. In addition, lesions with rough surface were summarized in six more common lesions. In total, 29 entities were organized in the form of a decision tree in order to help clinicians establish a logical diagnosis by a stepwise progression method.

  10. [Bile duct lesions in laparoscopic cholecystectomy]. (United States)

    Siewert, J R; Ungeheuer, A; Feussner, H


    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is both resulting in a slightly higher incidence of biliary lesions and a change of prevalence of the type of lesions. Damage to the biliary system occurs in 4 different types: The most severe case is the lesion with a structural defect of the hepatic or common bile duct with (IVa) or without (IVb) vascular injury. Tangential lesions without structural loss of the duct should be denominated as type III (IIIa with additional lesion to the vessels, type IIIb without). Type II comprehends late strictures without obvious intraoperative trauma to the duct. Type I includes immediate biliary fistulae of usually good prognosis. The increasing prevalence of structural defects of the bile ducts appears to be a peculiarity of laparoscopic cholecystectomy necessitating highly demanding operative repair. In the majority of cases, hepatico-jejunostomy or even intraparenchymatous anastomoses are required. Adaptation of well proven principles of open surgery is the best prevention of biliary lesions in laparoscopic cholecystectomy as well as the readiness to convert early to the open procedure.

  11. Computer tomographic localization and lesion size in aphasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hojo, Kei


    Using a microcomputer, the locus and extent of the lesions demonstrated on CT were superimposed on standardized matrices in 127 cases with various types of aphasia, to investigate the relationship between location of the lesions and types of aphasia. Main results were as follows. 1. Broca aphasics: The lesions involved rather large areas in the deep structures of the lower part of the precentral gyrus, the insula and the lenticular nucleus. Therefore, the finding was regarded as being of little localizing value. 2. Wernicke aphasics: At least 70 % of the patients had superior temporal lesions involving Wernicke's area and the subcortical lesions of the superior and middle temporal gyri. The site of the lesion corresponded roughly with that in the previous clinico-pathological reports but was indicated in a little deeper area. 3. Amnestic aphasics: The size of the lesion was smaller than any other type but the lesions were distributed throughout the left hemisphere. Amnestic asphasia was thought to be the least localizable. 4. Conduction aphasics: Most patients had lesions in the posterior speech area involving part of Wernicke's area. In particular, in more than 80 % of the conduction aphasics the lesions were revealed in the supramarginal gyrus and it's adjacent deep structures. 5. Global aphasics: In general, the size of the lesion was very large and 70 % of the global aphasics had extensive lesions involving both Broca's and Wernicke's areas. However, there were some patients showing small and confined lesions. (author)

  12. Precancerous Skin Lesions. (United States)

    Ferrándiz, C; Malvehy, J; Guillén, C; Ferrándiz-Pulido, C; Fernández-Figueras, M

    Certain clinically and histologically recognizable skin lesions with a degree of risk of progression to squamous cell carcinoma have been traditionally grouped as precancerous skin conditions but now tend to be classified as in situ carcinomas. This consensus statement discusses various aspects of these lesions: their evaluation by means of clinical and histopathologic features, the initial evaluation of the patient, the identification of risk factors for progression, and the diagnostic and treatment strategies available today. Copyright © 2016 AEDV. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  13. Premalignant Lesions in the Kidney

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    Ziva Kirkali


    Full Text Available Renal cell carcinoma (RCC is the most malignant urologic disease. Different lesions, such as dysplasia in the tubules adjacent to RCC, atypical hyperplasia in the cyst epithelium of von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, and adenoma have been described for a number of years as possible premalignant changes or precursor lesions of RCC. In two recent papers, kidneys adjacent to RCC or removed from other causes were analyzed, and dysplastic lesions were identified and defined in detail. Currently renal intraepithelial neoplasia (RIN is the proposed term for classification. The criteria for a lesion to be defined as premalignant are (1 morphological similarity; (2 spatial association; (3 development of microinvasive carcinoma; (4 higher frequency, severity, and extent then invasive carcinoma; (5 progression to invasive cancer; and (6 similar genetic alterations. RIN resembles the neoplastic cells of RCC. There is spatial association. Progression to invasive carcinoma is described in experimental cancer models, and in some human renal tumors. Similar molecular alterations are found in some putative premalignant changes. The treatment for RCC is radical or partial nephrectomy. Preneoplastic lesions may remain in the renal remnant in patients treated by partial nephrectomy and may be the source of local recurrences. RIN seems to be a biologic precursor of some RCCs and warrants further investigation. Interpretation and reporting of these lesions would reveal important resources for the biological nature and clinical significance. The management of RIN diagnosed in a renal biopsy and partial nephrectomy needs to be answered.

  14. Pediatric Awake Craniotomy for Brain Lesions. (United States)

    Akay, Ali; Rükşen, Mete; Çetin, H Yurday; Seval, H Özer; İşlekel, Sertaç


    Awake craniotomy is a special method to prevent motor deficits during the resection of lesions that are located in, or close to, functional areas. Although it is more commonly performed in adult patients, reports of pediatric cases undergoing awake craniotomy are limited in the literature. In our clinic, where we frequently use awake craniotomy in adult patients, we performed this method in 2 selected pediatric cases for lesion surgery. At an early age, these 2 cases diagnosed with epilepsy presented cerebral lesions, but since the lesions enclosed functional areas, surgical resection was not regarded as a treatment option at this time. In these 2 pediatric cases, we successfully completed lesion surgery with awake craniotomy. The method and the techniques employed during surgery are presented concomitant with other reports in the literature. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  15. Changing activity in MS lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kermode, A.G.; Tofts, P.S.; Thompson, A.J.; Rudge, P.; MacManus, D.G.; Kendall, B.E.; Moseley, I.F.; Kingsley, D.P.E.; McDonald, W.I.


    Gd-DTPA enhanced T1 weighted MRI is a discriminating test for a defective blood-brain barrier, with MS lesions showing considerable variation in the pattern of enhancement. Since little is known of the changes in the blood-brain barrier in the active plaque over time, the natural history of blood-brain barrier disturbance in the MS lesion was examined to confirm earlier reports that Gd-DTPA enhancement is a consistent early event in new lesions of relapsing/remitting MS. This knowledge is essential for the use of MRI in monitoring treatment. (author). 9 refs

  16. OCT investigation of dental lesions (United States)

    Osiac, Eugen; Popescu, Sanda Mihaela; Scrieciu, Monica; Mercuţ, Rǎzvan; Mercuţ, Veronica; Vǎtu, Mihaela


    There are several important non carious lesions affecting the tooth structure, lesions which may be classified into four clinical forms of dental wear: abfraction, erosion, attrition and abrasion, and different types of root resorption. Search for new, non-invasive and fast methods able to detect and describe such injuries is of utmost importance. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) proved itself as an appropriate investigation method for several medical fields including ophthalmology, dermatology, cardiology etc. Our study reveals OCT preliminary investigations as a promising tool for detecting and evaluating of the mentioned lesions.


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    M. Rasoolinejad


    Full Text Available Phaeohyphomycosis is an amalgam of clinical diseases caused by a wide variety of dematiaceous fungi. We are reporting on a 16 year-old patient from Amol with subcutaneous cervical nodes and nasopharyngeal lesions of phaeohypho"nmycosis that were confirmed by pathological examination, direct smear, and culture. After treatment with an oral triazole (Itraconazole for 4 months, all nodes and lesions disappeared and treatment was stopped A new lesion appeared on his chest wall 8 months, therapy with itraconazole was restarted and commuted for a long time.

  18. [Discussion on combined periodontic-endodontic lesion type]. (United States)

    Wang, Kai; Zhou, Li


    Combined the elaboration on periodontic-endodontic lesion in the textbook Periodontics with the deficiencies existed in the clinical and teaching work and demonstrated the understanding on the type of the combined periodontic-endodontic lesion, and suggested the viewpoint of no sub-type of combined periodontic-endodontic lesion. Only regard the type of pulp disease that induced by periodontal disease as genuine combined periodontic-endodontic lesion.

  19. Semi-automated Robust Quantification of Lesions (SRQL Toolbox

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    Kaori L Ito


    Full Text Available Quantifying lesions in a reliable manner is fundamental for studying the effects of neuroanatomical changes related to recovery in the post-stroke brain. However, the wide variability in lesion characteristics across individuals makes manual lesion segmentation a challenging and often subjective process. This often makes it difficult to combine stroke lesion data across multiple research sites, due to subjective differences in how lesions may be defined. Thus, we developed the Semi-automated Robust Quantification of Lesions (SRQL;; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.557114 Toolbox that performs several analysis steps: 1 a white matter intensity correction that removes healthy white matter voxels from the lesion mask, thereby making lesions slightly more robust to subjective errors; 2 an automated report of descriptive statistics on lesions for simplified comparison between or across groups, and 3 an option to perform analyses in both native and standard space to facilitate analyses in either space. Here, we describe the methods implemented in the toolbox.

  20. Preoperative evaluation of brain lesion with 201TI brain SPECT: is it useful to differentiate benign and malignant lesions?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, Hyung Sun; Kim, Euy Neyng; Kim, Sung Hoon; Chung, Yong An; Chung, Soo Kyo; Hong, Yong Gil; Lee, Youn Soo


    Thallium-201 ( 201 TI) brain SPECT, which can represent cellular activity of brain lesions, may provide more useful information in differentiating between benign and malignant brain lesions more so than CT or MRI, that merely represents anatomic changes or breakdown of blood brain barrier. We used 201 TI brain SPECT prospectively to evaluate the utility of 201 TI-indices as an indicator of benign or malignant lesions. We studied 28 patients. There were 13 cases of benign lesions (3: nonspecific benign lesion, 3: meningioma, 2: low grade glioma, 1: tuberculoma, central neurocytoma, hemangioblastoma, radiation necrosis, and choroid plexus papilloma) and 15 cases of malignant lesions (6: glioblastoma multiforme, 5: anaplastic glioma, 2: medulloblastoma, 1: metastasis and lymphoma). In all patients, CT and/or MRI were obtained and then 201 TI brain SPECT was obtained with measuring mean 201 TI index and peak 201 TI index. An unpaired t-test was performed to compare the 201 TI-indices and pathologic diagnoses to evaluate the utility of 201 TI-indices as an indicator of benign or malignant lesions. There were no statistically significant difference in 201 TI-indices between benign and malignant brain lesions (P>0.05). These results demonstrated that we could not use 201 TI indices on brain SPECT alone as an indicator of benign or malignant brain lesions

  1. Sonographic Findings of Morel-Lavalle'e Lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oh, Yu Jin; Yang, Ik; Lee, Yul; Woo, Ji Young; Hong, Hye Suk; Jung, Ah Young; Jeh, Su Kyung [Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We reviewed the sonographic features of Morel-Lavalle'e lesions by correlating the US image findings with a lesion's age. We obtained the sonography reports of 20 Morel-Lavalle'e lesions of the hip and extremities from 18 patients with a history of trauma. The US images were reviewed to characterize the echogenicity, shape, homogeneity, margins, location and size of the lesions. The results were correlated with the age of the lesions and the clinical histories. All the Morel-Lavalle'e lesions were hypoechoic or anechoic fluid collections located between the subcutaneous fat and the underlying fascia. Regarding the shape of the fluid collections, the lobular shaped lesions were all less than 21 days for the lesion's age, and the flat fluid collections were all greater than 1 month of age. Regarding the homogeneity, the heterogeneous fluid collections were all less than 25 days of age, and the homogeneous fluid collections were all greater than 1 month of age. A Morel-Lavalle'e lesion is seen as a posttraumatic fluid collection in the potential space between the subcutaneous fat and the underlying fascia on an ultrasound examination. Acute Morel-Lavalle'e lesions tended to be heterogeneous and lobular, and they became more homogeneous and flat in shape as the lesions evolved. Awareness of these imaging findings will help us to properly diagnose Morel- Lavalle'e lesions

  2. Human brain lesion-deficit inference remapped. (United States)

    Mah, Yee-Haur; Husain, Masud; Rees, Geraint; Nachev, Parashkev


    Our knowledge of the anatomical organization of the human brain in health and disease draws heavily on the study of patients with focal brain lesions. Historically the first method of mapping brain function, it is still potentially the most powerful, establishing the necessity of any putative neural substrate for a given function or deficit. Great inferential power, however, carries a crucial vulnerability: without stronger alternatives any consistent error cannot be easily detected. A hitherto unexamined source of such error is the structure of the high-dimensional distribution of patterns of focal damage, especially in ischaemic injury-the commonest aetiology in lesion-deficit studies-where the anatomy is naturally shaped by the architecture of the vascular tree. This distribution is so complex that analysis of lesion data sets of conventional size cannot illuminate its structure, leaving us in the dark about the presence or absence of such error. To examine this crucial question we assembled the largest known set of focal brain lesions (n = 581), derived from unselected patients with acute ischaemic injury (mean age = 62.3 years, standard deviation = 17.8, male:female ratio = 0.547), visualized with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, and processed with validated automated lesion segmentation routines. High-dimensional analysis of this data revealed a hidden bias within the multivariate patterns of damage that will consistently distort lesion-deficit maps, displacing inferred critical regions from their true locations, in a manner opaque to replication. Quantifying the size of this mislocalization demonstrates that past lesion-deficit relationships estimated with conventional inferential methodology are likely to be significantly displaced, by a magnitude dependent on the unknown underlying lesion-deficit relationship itself. Past studies therefore cannot be retrospectively corrected, except by new knowledge that would render them redundant

  3. Significance of localization of nonpalpable breast lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oh, Ki Keun; Choi, Hyun Ju [Yongdong Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    As mammography has become more popular for the evaluation of breast symptoms and for the screening of asymptomatic women, the smaller lesions are being detected before they become palpable, therefore preoperative localization became necessary. This has led to the development of several methods for preoperative localization of nonpalpable lesions. Authors analyzed 50 cases with preoperative localization in 45 patients which had abnormal findings on film mammogram or ultrasonomammogram since October 1985 through March 1990 at Yongdong Severance Hospital, College of Medicine, Yonsei University. The results were as follows: 1. Techniques of localization were spot method in 8 cases, conventional needle localization method in 38 cases and Kopan's needle localization method in 4 cases. 2. The most common mammographic indication for localization was focal calcifications in 29 cases(58%), which was followed by a newly developed mass in 25 cases(50%). 3. Outcome of pathologically confirmed diagnosis put into benign lesions in 37 cases(74%) and malignant lesions in 13 cases(26%). 4. Among the cases with localization of lesions which has suggested as benign lesions in film and ultrasonomammogram,all cases(100%) were confirmed in benign lesions pathologically. Among the cases with localization of lesions which has suggested as malignant lesions in film and ultrasonomammogram, pathologic malignant has been proved of 44% and possible histopathologic precursor of malignant was resulted in 25% such as atypical hyperplasia and adenosis. Conclusively, authors consider that the abnormal areas should be removed in their entirety with the sacrifice of minimum volume of contiguous normal breast tissue through the preoperative localization, hence our preoperative localization has contributed favorable prognosis based on material lesions in early stage breast cancer.

  4. Significance of localization of nonpalpable breast lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Ki Keun; Choi, Hyun Ju


    As mammography has become more popular for the evaluation of breast symptoms and for the screening of asymptomatic women, the smaller lesions are being detected before they become palpable, therefore preoperative localization became necessary. This has led to the development of several methods for preoperative localization of nonpalpable lesions. Authors analyzed 50 cases with preoperative localization in 45 patients which had abnormal findings on film mammogram or ultrasonomammogram since October 1985 through March 1990 at Yongdong Severance Hospital, College of Medicine, Yonsei University. The results were as follows: 1. Techniques of localization were spot method in 8 cases, conventional needle localization method in 38 cases and Kopan's needle localization method in 4 cases. 2. The most common mammographic indication for localization was focal calcifications in 29 cases(58%), which was followed by a newly developed mass in 25 cases(50%). 3. Outcome of pathologically confirmed diagnosis put into benign lesions in 37 cases(74%) and malignant lesions in 13 cases(26%). 4. Among the cases with localization of lesions which has suggested as benign lesions in film and ultrasonomammogram,all cases(100%) were confirmed in benign lesions pathologically. Among the cases with localization of lesions which has suggested as malignant lesions in film and ultrasonomammogram, pathologic malignant has been proved of 44% and possible histopathologic precursor of malignant was resulted in 25% such as atypical hyperplasia and adenosis. Conclusively, authors consider that the abnormal areas should be removed in their entirety with the sacrifice of minimum volume of contiguous normal breast tissue through the preoperative localization, hence our preoperative localization has contributed favorable prognosis based on material lesions in early stage breast cancer

  5. Sonographic-pathologic correlation of complex cystic breast lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saravech Pongrattanaman


    Full Text Available Objective: To understand the pathologic basis for sonographic features of complex cystic lesions. Methods: From 2 646 female patients underwent breast sonography at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital from January 2005 through December 2010, 103 cystic lesions were included. Pathologic confirmation was performed by fine-needle aspiration (n=42, core needle biopsy (n=6, excision (n=54 and mastectomy (n=1. Complex cystic breast masses were classified into 3 types as followings; thick outer wall and/or thick internal septa (type I; thick septation and thick wall were defined as equal or more than 0.5 cm, masses containing mixed cystic and solid components (at least 50% of cystic component (type II, predominantly solid with eccentric cystic foci (at least 50% of solid component (type III. Results: In 103 complex cystic masses, there are 27 lesions (26% classified as type I cystic breast masses, 37 lesions (36% as type II cystic breast masses and 39 lesions (38% type III cystic breast masses, 26 lesions (25.2% are proved to be malignant. All of type I cystic breast masses in our study are benign, and 14 (38% of type II cystic breast masses and 12 lesions (31% of type III cystic breast lesions are proved to be malignant. Conclusions: Type II and III lesions should suggest possibility of malignancy and biopsy should be performed in all lesions. All type I lesion in this study are benign. None of other parameters we included in this study (size or margin can effectively differentiate between benign or malignant cystic breast lesions. Also, grading of the malignant lesions by using type of cystic breast mass cannot be applied.

  6. Visible and occult microscopic lesions of endometriosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khaleque Newaz Khan


    Full Text Available Endometriosis is a multifactorial disease mostly affecting women of reproductive age and is associated with chronic pelvic pain and infertility. Even after 300 years, most of the literature claims that pathogenesis and/or pathophysiology of endometriosis is still elusive. Recurrence of pain and lesion continues to occur after effective medical or surgical therapies. Once generated within the pelvis due to retrograde entry of menstrual debris, peritoneal endometriotic lesions time-dependently change their color appearance resulting from certain biochemical change within lesions. A variable pattern of endometriotic lesions within the pelvis can be detected by laparoscopy as visible peritoneal endometriosis. It is generally believed that besides ovarian steroid hormones, the growth of endometriosis can be regulated by the innate immune system in the pelvic microenvironment by their interaction with endometrial cells and immune cells. Even with the careful eyes of an expert surgeon, we may sometimes miss detecting peritoneal lesion within the peritoneal cavity or deep into the peritoneum. In such a case, random collection of normal peritoneum may carry the possibility to identify some hidden endometriotic lesions by microscopy and these lesions can be named as occult (invisible microscopic endometriosis (OME. Here, we discuss the color appearance of peritoneal lesions and activity of these lesions by analysis of a panel of activity markers. Finally we discuss our recent findings on OME, their biological and clinical significance, and try to make a possible link in the origin between visible endometriosis and OME.

  7. Hybrid Odontogenic Lesion: A Rare Entity

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    Reza Imani


    Full Text Available Hybrid tumors are very rare tumors composed of two different tumor entities, each of which conforms to an exactly defined tumor category. A 14-year-old boy was referred for an intraosseous painless lesion with a histopathological feature of multiple odontogenic lesions including calcifying odontogenic cyst, complex odontoma and ameloblastic fibro-odontoma. The final diagnosis considered to be a hybrid odontogenic lesion.

  8. Imaging pattern of calvarial lesions in adults

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garfinkle, Jarred; Melancon, Denis; Cortes, Maria; Tampieri, Donatella [Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital-McGill University Health Center, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Montreal, Quebec (Canada)


    Calvarial lesions often present themselves as clinically silent findings on skull radiographs or as palpable masses that may cause localized pain or soreness. This review aims to explore the radiographic, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics of calvarial neoplastic, inflammatory, and congenital lesions that are common in adults in order to facilitate a structured approach to their diagnosis and limit the differential diagnosis. In addition to reviewing the literature, we reviewed the records of 141 patients of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital with radiologically documented calvarial lesions between 2001 and June 2009. CT is ideal for detecting bony lesions and is helpful in precisely localizing a lesion pre-surgically. MRI is best at identifying intradiploic lesions before they affect the cortical tables and is able to establish extraosseous involvement, especially when paramagnetic contrast is employed. (orig.)

  9. Relationship between hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage and ischemic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaguchi, Shinya; Tsuchiya, Takashi; Yamaguchi, Takenori


    Patchy parenchymal lesions of increased intensity were frequently identified in patients with cerebral hemorrhage in T2-weighted image of high-fields MR imaging. We studied 64 patients with brain hemorrhage to determine the frequency and distribution of those lesions. We defined an area with high intensity in T2 weighted and low or iso-intensity area in T1 weighted images smaller than 1.5 cm in diameter to be 'ischemic lesion'. Ishemic lesions were found in 48 (75%) of all cases; in 25 (75%) of 32 patients with putaminal hemorrhage, in 15 (100%) of 15 with thalamic hemorrhage, in 3 (33%) of 9 with subcortical hemorrhage. Multiple ischemic lesions were more frequently seen in thalamic hemorrhage than in putaminal hemorrhage. Only 5 (10%) of 48 cases with associated ischemic lesions had a previous history related to those lesions. Multivariable regression analysis identified hypertension as the major predictor of the presence of ischemic lesions. Patients with brain hemorrhage frequently accompanied with incidental ischemic lesions, making it difficult to establish a guideline of blood pressure control for prevention of recurrent stroke. (author)

  10. Semi-automated Robust Quantification of Lesions (SRQL Toolbox

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kaori Ito


    Full Text Available Quantifying lesions in a robust manner is fundamental for studying the effects of neuroanatomical changes in the post-stroke brain on recovery. However, the wide variability in lesion characteristics across individuals makes manual lesion segmentation a challenging and often subjective process. This makes it difficult to combine stroke lesion data across multiple research sites, due to subjective differences in how lesions may be defined. We developed the Semi-automated Robust Quantification of Lesions (SRQL;; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.267213 Toolbox that performs several analysis steps: 1 a white matter intensity correction that removes healthy white matter voxels from the lesion mask, thereby making lesions slightly more robust to subjective errors; 2 an automated report of descriptive statistics on lesions for simplified comparison between or across groups, and 3 an option to perform analyses in both native and standard space to facilitate analyses in either space, or comparisons between spaces. Here, we describe the methods implemented in the toolbox and demonstrate the outputs of the SRQL toolbox.

  11. Texto y figuras preparatorios del Capítulo 9 (Tomo I) de la Histología del Sistema Nervioso de Cajal: TUBOS NERVIOSOS.


    Freire, Miguel


    TUBOS NERVIOSOS. Tubo nervioso medular periférico (forma, volumen, estructura, etc.). ─ Tubo nervioso medular de los centros. ─ Fibras de Remak. ─ Asociación de las fibras nerviosas para constituir los nervios, etc.[Ver: Freire, Miguel. Metodología usada en la presente edición. Metodología e historia de la edición en la correspondencia de Cajal.

  12. Quality of life improvement in people with spinal cord injury: The transition from rehabilitation hospital to the everyday life from users’ perspective La mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas con lesión medular: La transición del centro rehabilitador a la vida cotidiana desde la perspectiva de los usuarios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariona Gifre Monreal


    Full Text Available Returning process to the everyday life context for a person with spinal cord injury after its Hospitalization period has been defined as a moment of difficulties and personal challenges. 
    In this article we show the most prominent factors contributing to improve quality of life from the perspective of the injured people. Two discussion groups, one formed by 12 people with paraplegia, and another formed by 6 people with tetraplejia, have been carried out. Content analysis carried out indicates that participants related quality of life quality once leaving the rehabilitation hospital with to dimensions: a closer context need of attention and, b real world preparation. On conclusion, to design integral rehabilitation programme, physical rehabilitation, learning abilities to allow maximum autonomy and, family assessment must be included. 

    El proceso de retorno a la vida cotidiana para una persona con lesión medular después de su periodo de hospitalización, se ha definido como un momento lleno de dificultades, ambigüedades y retos personales.

    En este trabajo nos planteamos identificar los factores más relevantes que contribuyen a mejorar su calidad de vida, desde la perspectiva de las propias personas afectada. Para ello, hemos realizado dos grupos de discusión: uno formado por 12 personas con paraplejia y otro formado por 6 personas con tetraplejia. El análisis de contenido realizado con las transcripciones de los dos grupos indica que, para los participantes existen dos dimensiones relacionadas con el nivel de calidad de vida una vez salen del centro de rehabilitación: a necesidad de atención al entorno más próximo y b preparación para el mundo real. Como conclusión señalamos la necesidad de incluir la atención integral a las personas con lesión medular desde los diferentes niveles asistenciales del territorio.


  13. Location of Osteochondritis Dissecans Lesions of the Capitellum. (United States)

    Johnson, Christine C; Roberts, Susanne; Mintz, Douglas; Fabricant, Peter D; Hotchkiss, Robert N; Daluiski, Aaron


    The location of capitellar osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) lesions in the sagittal plane guides the surgical approach, and lesion location in the coronal plane influences surgical management. Although most lesions have been reported to occur between 4 o'clock and 4:30 (120° to 135° anterior to the humerus), some lesions are located elsewhere in the capitellum. The primary aim was to define the region of the capitellum affected by OCD lesions using a novel clock-face localization system. We reviewed 104 magnetic resonance imaging examinations diagnosing a nontraumatic capitellar OCD lesion. In the sagittal plane, lesion margins were recorded as degrees on the capitellum and converted into a clock-face format in which 0° corresponds to 12:00 with the forearm facing to the right. The 0° axis (12-o'clock axis) was defined as a line parallel to the anterior humeral line that intersects the capitellum center. The following coronal measurements were recorded: lesion width, capitellar width, and distance between the lateral capitellum and lateral lesion. Two independent observers took measurements. In the sagittal plane, average lesion location was 92° to 150° (3:04-5:00, clock face) and ranged from 52.1° to 249.5° (1:44-8:19, clock face). Average lesion dimensions were 10.7 mm (mediolateral width) and 5.2 mm (anteroposterior depth). Interrater reliability was high (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.98). Using a magnetic resonance imaging-based clock-face localization system, we found that capitellar OCD lesions affect a broad region of the capitellum in the sagittal plane. The clock-face localization system allows for precise description of capitellar OCD lesion location, which may facilitate intraoperative decision and longitudinal monitoring. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Maxillomandibular giant osteosclerotic lesions

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    Constantino LEDESMA-MONTES


    Full Text Available Abstract Giant Osteosclerotic Lesions (GOLs are a group of rarely reported intraosseous lesions. Their precise diagnosis is important since they can be confused with malignant neoplasms. Objective This retrospective study aimed to record and analyze the clinical and radiographic Giant Osteosclerotic Lesions (GOLs detected in the maxillomandibular area of patients attending to our institution. Materials and Methods: Informed consent from the patients was obtained and those cases of 2.5 cm or larger lesions with radiopaque or mixed (radiolucid-radiopaque appearance located in the maxillofacial bones were selected. Assessed parameters were: age, gender, radiographic aspect, shape, borders, size, location and relations to roots. Lesions were classified as radicular, apical, interradicular, interradicular-apical, radicular-apical or located in a previous teeth extraction area. Additionally, several osseous and dental developmental alterations (DDAs were assessed. Results Seventeen radiopacities in 14 patients were found and were located almost exclusively in mandible and were two types: idiopathic osteosclerosis and condensing osteitis. GOLs were more frequent in females, and in the anterior and premolar zones. 94.2% of GOLs were qualified as idiopathic osteosclerosis and one case was condensing osteitis. All studied cases showed different osseous and dental developmental alterations (DDAs. The most common were: Microdontia, hypodontia, pulp stones, macrodontia and variations in the mental foramina. Conclusions GOLs must be differentiated from other radiopaque benign and malignant tumors. Condensing osteitis, was considered an anomalous osseous response induced by a chronic low-grade inflammatory stimulus. For development of idiopathic osteosclerosis, two possible mechanisms could be related. The first is modification of the normal turnover with excessive osseous deposition. The second mechanism will prevent the normal bone resorption, arresting the

  15. Detection of Fundus Lesions Using Classifier Selection (United States)

    Nagayoshi, Hiroto; Hiramatsu, Yoshitaka; Sako, Hiroshi; Himaga, Mitsutoshi; Kato, Satoshi

    A system for detecting fundus lesions caused by diabetic retinopathy from fundus images is being developed. The system can screen the images in advance in order to reduce the inspection workload on doctors. One of the difficulties that must be addressed in completing this system is how to remove false positives (which tend to arise near blood vessels) without decreasing the detection rate of lesions in other areas. To overcome this difficulty, we developed classifier selection according to the position of a candidate lesion, and we introduced new features that can distinguish true lesions from false positives. A system incorporating classifier selection and these new features was tested in experiments using 55 fundus images with some lesions and 223 images without lesions. The results of the experiments confirm the effectiveness of the proposed system, namely, degrees of sensitivity and specificity of 98% and 81%, respectively.

  16. A numerical investigation of the functionality of coronary bifurcation lesions with respect to lesion configuration and stenosis severity. (United States)

    Pagiatakis, Catherine; Tardif, Jean-Claude; L'Allier, Philippe L; Mongrain, Rosaire


    The intervention of coronary bifurcation lesions is associated with higher rates of peri- and post-procedural clinical events compared to the treatment of isolated lesions. Overall, the factors that influence the dynamics of these types of configurations are still not well understood. A geometric multiscale model, consisting of a 3D representation of the left main coronary artery bifurcation and a 0D representation of the rest of the cardiovascular system, was developed. Computational fluid dynamics simulations of the 3D domain were executed by implementing the multiscale algorithm, in order to characterize the functionality of different multilesional configurations as a function of stenosis severity. The investigation found that coronary branch steal has a significant impact on the functionality of the disease and can render a two-lesion configuration more severe compared to a three-lesion configuration. As a result of the complexity of this phenomenon, it was also suggested that certain lesion configurations could result in false negatives in diagnosis when employing a pullback pressure recording across the tandem lesions. In conclusion, this study showed that coronary bifurcation lesions are subject to intricate haemodynamic interactions which render the characterization of their functionality complex and could have significant clinical implications with regards to their diagnosis and prognosis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Early lesion-specific 18F-FDG PET response to chemotherapy predicts time to lesion progression in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nygård, Lotte; Vogelius, Ivan Richter; Fischer, Barbara M


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We hypothesize that the lesion-to-lesion variability in FDG-PET response after one cycle of chemotherapy for NSCLC in an individual patient may inform radiation dose redistribution. To test this hypothesis, we investigate if time to lesion-progression in patients with mult...... patient response involves a loss of biological information on heterogeneity between lesions. Poor lesion-specific response after one cycle chemotherapy may identify lesions that would benefit from an individualized radiotherapy strategy.......BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We hypothesize that the lesion-to-lesion variability in FDG-PET response after one cycle of chemotherapy for NSCLC in an individual patient may inform radiation dose redistribution. To test this hypothesis, we investigate if time to lesion-progression in patients...... with multiple lesions is dependent on lesion-specific response to chemotherapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed 81 patients with 184 lesions referred to curative chemo-radiotherapy for NSCLC 2010-2012. (18)F-FDG PET scans were performed at diagnosis and after one series of chemotherapy. Response of each...


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    Shri Lakshmi Surapaneni


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND A multitude of lesions occur in the neck and patients come to hospital on account of morbidity associated with these lesions. Therefore a histopathological study of the spectrum of neck lesions was undertaken. MATERIALS AND METHODS All histologically diagnosed lesions of the neck from January 2014 to December 2015 were noted. Details of gender, age, location and diagnosis were recorded. The lesions were classified based on anatomic location, gross and histological features and clinically. Clinically, lesions were classified as congenital, inflammatory/infective and neoplastic. Incidence of age, gender and location of different lesions was calculated using percentage, and median. The findings were compared with other studies. RESULTS A total of 140 neck lesions were included in the current study. Neck lesions were predominant in females with 94 cases. The median age group involved was the 21-30 group. Anterior neck lesions were more common. Anterior midline lesions were 74 and mostly thyroid and thyroglossal duct origin. Lesions of the lymph node were greater in the posterior triangle. 122 lesions were solid and 18 were cystic. Histologically, there were 64 thyroid gland lesions, 40 lymph node lesions, 13 soft tissue tumours, 8 salivary lesions, 10 thyroglossal cysts and 5 skin/adnexal lesions. Clinically, congenital/developmental lesions were 11, inflammatory/infective lesions were 68 and neoplastic lesions were 61. Of the neoplastic lesions, 17 were malignant. CONCLUSION Non-neoplastic lesions of the neck were common in our study in accordance with findings in other studies. The most common malignancy was Papillary carcinoma of thyroid.

  19. Optical Assessment of Caries Lesion Structure and Activity (United States)

    Lee, Robert Chulsung

    New, more sophisticated diagnostic tools are needed for the detection and characterization of caries lesions in the early stages of development. It is not sufficient to simply detect caries lesions, methods are needed to assess the activity of the lesion and determine if chemical or surgical intervention is needed. Previous studies have demonstrated that polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) can be used to nondestructively image the subsurface lesion structure and measure the thickness of the highly mineralized surface zone. Other studies have demonstrated that the rate of dehydration can be correlated with the lesion activity and that the rate can be measured using optical methods. The main objective of this work was to test the hypothesis that optical methods can be used to assess lesion activity on tooth coronal and root surfaces. Simulated caries models were used to develop and validate an algorithm for detecting and measuring the highly mineralized surface layer using PS-OCT. This work confirmed that the algorithm was capable of estimating the thickness of the highly mineralized surface layer with high accuracy. Near-infrared (NIR) reflectance and thermal imaging methods were used to assess activity of caries lesions by measuring the state of lesion hydration. NIR reflectance imaging performed the best for artificial enamel and natural coronal caries lesion samples, particularly at wavelengths coincident with the water absorption band at 1460-nm. However, thermal imaging performed the best for artificial dentin and natural root caries lesion samples. These novel optical methods outperformed the conventional methods (ICDAS II) in accurately assessing lesion activity of natural coronal and root caries lesions. Infrared-based imaging methods have shown potential for in-vivo applications to objectively assess caries lesion activity in a single examination. It is likely that if future clinical trials are a success, this novel imaging

  20. 21 CFR 882.4400 - Radiofrequency lesion generator. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion generator. 882.4400 Section... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES NEUROLOGICAL DEVICES Neurological Surgical Devices § 882.4400 Radiofrequency lesion generator. (a) Identification. A radiofrequency lesion generator is a device used to produce...

  1. Hypervascular liver lesions in radiologically normal liver

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amico, Enio Campos; Alves, Jose Roberto; Souza, Dyego Leandro Bezerra de; Salviano, Fellipe Alexandre Macena; Joao, Samir Assi; Liguori, Adriano de Araujo Lima, E-mail: [Hospital Universitario Onofre Lopes (HUOL/UFRN), Natal, RN (Brazil). Clinica Gastrocentro e Ambulatorios de Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo e de Cirurgia Hepatobiliopancreatica


    Background: The hypervascular liver lesions represent a diagnostic challenge. Aim: To identify risk factors for cancer in patients with non-hemangiomatous hypervascular hepatic lesions in radiologically normal liver. Method: This prospective study included patients with hypervascular liver lesions in radiologically normal liver. The diagnosis was made by biopsy or was presumed on the basis of radiologic stability in follow-up period of one year. Cirrhosis or patients with typical imaging characteristics of haemangioma were excluded. Results: Eighty eight patients were included. The average age was 42.4. The lesions were unique and were between 2-5 cm in size in most cases. Liver biopsy was performed in approximately 1/3 of cases. The lesions were benign or most likely benign in 81.8%, while cancer was diagnosed in 12.5% of cases. Univariate analysis showed that age >45 years (p< 0.001), personal history of cancer (p=0.020), presence of >3 nodules (p=0.003) and elevated alkaline phosphatase (p=0.013) were significant risk factors for cancer. Conclusion: It is safe to observe hypervascular liver lesions in normal liver in patients up to 45 years, normal alanine amino transaminase, up to three nodules and no personal history of cancer. Lesion biopsies are safe in patients with atypical lesions and define the treatment to be established for most of these patients. (author)

  2. Incapacidade por traumatismo raquimedular secundário a acidentes de trânsito Incapacidad por lesiones de la médula espinal debido a accidentes de tráfico Disability by spinal cord injuries due to traffic accidents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jon Mark Praga Xavier De Brito


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as vítimas de acidentes de trânsito que apresentam incapacidade decorrente de lesão medular. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados os prontuários de 719 vítimas de acidentes de trânsito que solicitaram benefício devido as lesões decorrentes e selecionadas as que sofreram traumatismo raquimedular. As variáveis idade, sexo, tipo de acidente, lesões decorrentes, e grau de incapacidade de acordo com a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde foram então analisadas. RESULTADOS: Dos 32 casos de incapacidade total (4,5%, 11 pacientes eram portadores de traumatismo raquimedular (34,37% (RR=13,245, IC 95% de 0,267 a 0,966. Incapacidade funcional foi obervada em 360 pacientes (50,1%, e destes sete possuiam TRM (1,9% (RR=0,508; IC 95% de 0,267 a 0,966. Houve incapacidade leve em 327 pacientes (45,48%, sendo que seis destas vítimas sofreram TRM (1,83% (RR=0,398, IC 95% de 0,211 a 0,765. Os automóveis foram responsáveis por 70,83% das lesões medulares, a motocicleta 20,83 e o atropelamento 12,5%. CONCLUSÕES: O TRM incapacita mais adultos jovens do sexo masculino, constituindo a segunda maior causa de incapacidade total entre os sobreviventes de acidentes de trânsito e ocupando um segundo plano em relação a incapacidade funcional. A incidência de sequela por TRM foi de 0,38%, a maioria em ocupantes de automóveis (70,83%.OBJETIVO: Analizar las víctimas de accidentes de tráfico que sufrieron discapacidad debida a un traumatismo raquimedular. MÉTODOS: Se evaluaron los registros de 719 víctimas de accidentes de tráfico que se reclamó el beneficio derivados de los daños corporales debido a accidentes de tráfico, y seleccionadas las víctimas que sufrieron lesiones de la médula espinal. Las variables edad, sexo, tipo de accidente, lesión resultante, y el grado de discapacidad de acuerdo a la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, Discapacidad y Salud fueron entonces analizadas. RESULTADOS

  3. Preoperative nonpalpable breast lesions localization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gardellin, G; Natale, F; Perin, B


    The effectiveness of real time sonography and mammography are examined in localizing with a hookwire (introduced via a straight needle) the nonpalpable breast lesions. The method, used for surgery or biopsy, was successful in a series of 13 patients with nonpalpable breast lesions, 4 affectd by carcinoma. 18 refs.

  4. How much we know about bisphosphonate lesions

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    Pešić Zoran


    Full Text Available Introduction: Bisphosphonate drugs are used in the treatment of the osteoporosis and malignant processes in the bone tissue. As a result of this use bisphosphonate lesions are formed in bone tissue and oral mucosis, which representing a remarkable therapeutic problem. The aim of this study was to determine how many dentists in general practice are familiar with the character, diagnosis and therapy bisphosphonate lesions. Material and Methods: An anonymous questionnaire of 13 questions was conducted in dental practices in Nis County in the period from October 2015 to December 2015. The obtained data were statistically analyzed. Results: A total of 60% dentists knew what drugs are used in the treatment of osteoporosis and malignant processes in the bones. 25% knew what the bisphosphonate bone lesions are . 66, 6% of dentists knewn what is the prevention of bisphosphonate lesions. 63.3% of dentists are aware of the complications bisphosphonate lesions. Conclusion: Dentists in general practices are insufficiently familiar with the character, diagnosis and treatment of bisphosphonate lesions. We should activate all entities that participate in more continuous medical education, in order to achieve a higher level of prevention of these therapeutic ungrateful lesions.

  5. Space Occupying Lesions in the Liver


    Nasser Ebrahimi Daryani


    "nRadiology (imaging) plays a pivotal role for the diagnosis, staging, treatment planning, and follow-up of focal liver lesions. The differential diagnosis in patients presenting with a focal liver lesion is broad. "nThe size of the liver mass is an important consideration in guiding the evaluation. Lesions smaller than approximately 1.0 cm are commonly benign incidental findings on imaging studies, and in most cases represent small cysts, hemangiomas, or biliary hamartomas. Further...

  6. Benign Lesions of The Vocal Fold

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    Ozgur Surmelioglu


    Full Text Available Benign lesions of vocal folds are common disorders. Fifty percent of patients who have sound complaints are found to have these lesions after endoscopic and stroboscopic examinations. Benign vocal fold diseases are primarily caused by vibratory trauma. However they may also occur as a result of viral infections and congenital causes. These lesions are often presented with the complaints of dysphonia. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2013; 22(1.000: 86-95

  7. Benign breast lesions in Eastern Nigeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anyikam, A.; Nzegwn, Martin A.; Olusina, Daniel B.; Okoye, I.; Ozumba, Ben C.


    Objective was to characterize benign breast diseases in Eastern Nigeria and to highlight the age variations of these lesions as base line data. The Department of Morbid Anatomy, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu caters for over 30 million African blacks and receives 2000 surgical pathology specimens yearly. Seven hundred and twenty-two benign breast specimens were analyzed over 5 years from Ist January 2000 to 31 December 2004, out of 1050 breast samples received. Of 1050 breast specimens received, 722 (68.8%) were benign. Fibroadenoma was the most common lesion with 318 cases (44%), occurring at a mean age of 16-32 years. Next were fibrocystic changes with 165 cases (22.9%) at a mean age of 23-45 years. Normal breast in the axillary tail region was seen in 32 cases (4.4%), represented as no pathology, with a mean presentation age of 20-46 years. Low grade Phyllodes tumor had 28 cases (3.9%), presenting at an average mean age of 17-32 years. Lactating adenoma had 19 (2.6%) cases. Other lesions made up less than 3% each. Benign breast lesions peaked at the 20-24 age range and then declined. Most were females. Benign breast lesions occur more frequently than malignant breast lesions with a ratio of 2.3:1 and were presented 20 years earlier than their malignant counterparts. Fibroadenoma was the most common benign lesions followed by fibrocystic disease, similar to the findings in Western Nigeria. In Northern Nigeria, fibrocystic breast disease was more common. (author)

  8. Surgical intervention of complex endo-perio lesions. (United States)

    Adcock, John E; Bright, David


    Complex endo-perio lesions are infrequent, but pose treatment dilemmas. The lesions are complex with bone loss involving adjacent teeth that are not part of the initial endodontic lesion. The aggressive bone loss is not clearly understood and apparently has some differences from the usual apical periodontitis.

  9. 21 CFR 882.4725 - Radiofrequency lesion probe. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion probe. 882.4725 Section 882...) MEDICAL DEVICES NEUROLOGICAL DEVICES Neurological Surgical Devices § 882.4725 Radiofrequency lesion probe. (a) Identification. A radiofrequency lesion probe is a device connected to a radiofrequency (RF...

  10. Lesion Contrast Enhancement in Medical Ultrasound Imaging

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stetson, Paul F.; Sommer, F.G.; Macovski, A.


    Methods for improving the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of low-contrast lesions in medical ultrasound imaging are described. Differences in the frequency spectra and amplitude distributions of the lesion and its surroundings can be used to increase the CNR of the lesion relative to the background...

  11. MRI of the stener lesion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haramati, N.; Hiller, N.; Dowdle, J.; Jacobson, M.; Barax, C.N.; Lieberfarb, R.I.; Lester, B.; Kulick, R.G.


    Six cadaver thumbs had ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) tears created surgically. MR examinations (2D STIR and 3D GRASS) were performed identically on all specimens both before displacement (non-Stener) and after displacement (Stener lesion) of the UCL. The MR images were then randomly numbered. Each image was evaluated separately in blinded fashion by four musculoskeletal radiologists for the presence or absence of a Stener lesion. Each radiologist reinterpreted the images after an interval of several days. The interpretation was based on previously published criteria for Stener lesion diagnosis by MR. The sensitivity of GRASS ranged from 0.17 to 0.67 with the most experienced reader scoring the lowest. The specificity of GRASS ranged from 0.33 to 1.0 (most experienced reader 0.67, 0.83). STIR had a sensitivity of 0.00-0.17 and a specificity of 0.53-0.83. The K values for inter- and intraobserver agreement were measured. The intraobserver K for GRASS was 0.27-0.75 (most experienced reader 0.75). 2D imaging is probably inadequate for the evaluation of Stener lesions. The most likely reason is that the STIR slice thickness of 3 mm limits resolution of small UCLs. The poor sensitivity and specificity of GRASS as well as poor interobserver agreement suggest that MR may not be sufficiently accurate for Stener lesion evaluation. (orig./MG)

  12. Keloidal granuloma faciale with extrafacial lesions

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    Verma Rajesh


    Full Text Available Granuloma faciale (GF is a rare cutaneous disorder characterized by one to several soft, erythematous to livid papules, plaques or nodules, usually occurring on the face. Extrafacial lesions are uncommon. A 52-year-old lady with multiple asymptomatic, variously sized brownish-black colored, firm, sharply circumscribed plaques resembling keloids on both cheeks and extrafacial lesions on the right arm and the right breast is presented for its unusual keloidal appearance and typical histopathological findings. She failed to respond to oral dapsone 100 mg daily administered for 3 months. Local infiltration of triamcinolone combined with cryotherapy led to only partial flattening of the lesions. All the skin lesions were excised surgically followed by flap transfer grafting on both cheeks. The cosmetic outcome was highly satisfactory.

  13. Benign Proliferative Breast Lesions and Risk of Cancer

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    Serap Erel


    Full Text Available Benign breast lesions (BBL includes a wide variety of histologic entities, which have been broadly classified into non-proliferative lesions, proliferative lesions without atypia, and hyperplasia with atypia. With the increased use of mammography, more benign lesions are being detected, and in order to estimate the risk of breast cancer for specific histologic categories is of great importance to guide clinical management. Women with proliferative lesions without atypia are at slightly increased risk of subsequent breast cancer, whereas women with proliferative lesions with atypia have a higher risk. The risk is 1.5- 2-fold in women with proliferative lesions without atypia, 4-5-fold in women with proliferative lesions with atypia, and 8-10 fold in women with ductal carcinoma in situ. Age at diagnosis of BBL, menopausal status, family history of breast cancer in a first-degree relative, and time since BBL diagnosis on risk of breast cancer are important for risk evaluation. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2010; 19(3.000: 155-167

  14. Ocular lesions and experimental choline deficiency Lesiones oculares y deficiencia experimental de colina

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    Georgina P. Ossani


    Full Text Available Previous studies have shown ocular haemorrhages in choline-deficient rats. The aim of this paper is to study further the relationship between ocular and renal lesions and biochemical alterations in rats fed a choline-deficient diet. Fifty one weanling male Wistar rats, were divided into two groups. Thirty one of them were fed a choline-deficient diet and the rest was fed a choline-supplemented diet ad libitum. Animals from both groups were killed between the fifth and the eighth day. Urea, creatinine and homocysteine concentrations in blood were determined. Eyes were used for light microscopy study; high resolution light microscopy and the study of the retina as "rétine a plat". Kidneys were studied by light microscopy. Choline-supplemented rats did not show ocular or renal lesion. Choline-deficient rats that showed renal lesions, tubular or cortical necrosis, did not always have ocular changes. There were no ocular changes in the only choline-deficient rat without renal lesion. The ocular changes consisted mainly in haemorrhage in both cameras and ciliary and vitreous bodies. Correlations between ocular and renal lesion (r=0.72, pEstudios previos han demostrado hemorragia ocular en ratas deficientes en colina. El objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar en la relación entre las alteraciones oculares, renales y bioquímicas en ratas deficientes en colina. Cincuenta y una ratas Wistar macho recién destetadas fueron divididas en dos grupos: treinta y una fueron alimentadas con una dieta colino deficiente y el resto con colina suplementada ad-libitum. Los animales de ambos grupos fueron sacrificados entre el quinto y el octavo día. Se midió la concentración de urea, creatinina y homocisteína en sangre. Los ojos fueron estudiados por microscopía de luz, microscopía óptica de alta resolución y para el estudio de la retina como retina plana. Los riñones fueron estudiados por microscopía de luz. Las ratas suplementadas con colina no

  15. Incidentally Detected Enhancing Breast Lesions on Chest Computed Tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Wen Chiung; Hsu, Hsian He; Yu, Jyh Cherng; Hsu, Giu Cheng; Yu, Cheng Ping; Chang, Tsun Hou; Huang, Guo Shu; Li, Chao Shiang


    To evaluate the nature and imaging appearance of incidental enhancing breast lesions detected on a routine contrast-enhanced chest CT. Twenty-three patients with incidental enhancing breast lesions on contrast-enhanced chest CT were retrospectively reviewed. The breast lesions were reviewed by unenhanced and enhanced CT, and evaluated by observing the shapes, margins, enhancement patterns and backgrounds of breast lesions. A histopathologic diagnosis or long-term follow-up served as reference standard. Sixteen (70%) patients had malignant breast lesions and seven (30%) had benign lesions. In 10 patients, the breast lesions were exclusively detected on contrast-enhanced CT. Using unenhanced CT, breast lesions with fi broglandular backgrounds were prone to be obscured (p < 0.001). Incidental primary breast cancer showed an non-significant trend of a higher percentage irregular margin (p = 0.056). All of the four incidental breast lesions with non-mass-like enhancement were proven to be malignant. Routine contrast-enhanced chest CT can reveal sufficient details to allow for the detection of unsuspected breast lesions, in which some cases may be proven as malignant. An irregular margin of incidental enhancing breast lesion can be considered a suggestive sign of malignancy

  16. Extrapleural Inner Thoracic Wall Lesions: Multidetector CT Findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Seung Soo; Kim, Young Tong; Jou, Sung Shik [Soonchunhyang University, Cheonan Hospital, Cheonan (Korea, Republic of)


    The extrapleural space is external to the parietal pleura in the thorax. The structures within and adjacent to this region include the fat pad, endothoracic fascia, intercostal muscles, connective tissue, nerves, vessels, and ribs. Further, the space is divided into the inner and outer thoracic wall by the innermost intercostal muscle. Extrapleural lesions in the inner thoracic wall are classified as air-containing lesions, fat-containing lesions, and soft tissue-containing lesions according on their main component. Air-containing lesions include extrapleural air from direct chest trauma and extrapleural extension from pneumomediastinum. Prominent extrapleural fat is seen in decreased lung volume conditions, and can also be seen in normal individuals. Soft tissue-containing lesions include extrapleural extensions from a pleural or chest wall infection as well as tumors and extrapleural hematoma. We classify extrapleural lesions in the inner thoracic wall and illustrate their imaging findings

  17. Traumatic lesions of the posterior urethra. (United States)

    Velarde-Ramos, L; Gómez-Illanes, R; Campos-Juanatey, F; Portillo-Martín, J A


    The posterior urethral lesions are associated with pelvis fractures in 5-10% of cases. The posterior urethra is attached to the pelvis bone by puboprostatic ligaments and the perineal membrane, which explains why disruption of the pelvic ring can injure the urethra at this level. To identify suspected cases of posterior urethral trauma and to perform the diagnosis and its immediate or deferred management. Search in PubMed of articles related to traumatic posterior urethral lesions, written in English or Spanish. We reviewed the relevant publications including literature reviews and chapters from books related to the topic. With patients with pelvis fractures, we must always rule out posterior urethral lesions. The diagnostic examination of choice is retrograde urethrography, which, along with the severity of the condition, will determine the management in the acute phase and whether the treatment will be performed immediately or deferred. Early diagnosis and proper acute management decrease the associated complications, such as strictures, urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. Despite the classical association between posterior urethral lesions and pelvic fractures, the management of those lesions (whether immediate or deferred) remains controversial. Thanks to the growing interest in urethral disease, there are an increasing number of studies that help us achieve better management of these lesions. Copyright © 2016 AEU. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. [The treatment of decubitus lesions]. (United States)

    Fugazza, G; Moroni, S; Bona, F


    The authors present a plan for pharmacological treatment of pressure sores in patients affected by neurological pathologies: cerebrovascular accidents, head injuries, spinal cord injuries. This plan is easily applicable to all pressure sores included between first and third degree of the Reuler and Cooney classification. Authors identified some drugs specifically usefull in different cutaneous lesion degrees. Skin lesions and employed medicines are described as follows: Erythema: semi occlusive bandage with porous adsorbing membrane. This dressing must be left in for five days at least. Excoriation: bactericidal or bacteriostatic medicines if it's situated in a non pressed area while the same dressing utilized for erythema if it's localized in a pressed area. Pressure sores: if there is local infection cleanse the wound from bacterial defilement using topic antibiotics apply compresses with vitamin C if the cutaneous lesion is larger than deeper, Cadexomero lodico if it's deeper than larger. Fistulas: wadding with tablets of collagen. Necrobiosis: complete or partial surgical removal of eschar preceded by the use of enzymatic drugs when eschar is firmly adherent to subcutaneous tissues. The first group collects 9 patients with stroke and head injury: 8 with sacral and 1 with heel pressure sores. First degree pressure sores heal within 45 days and third degree lesions within 160 days. The second group collects 10 spinal cord injury patients mostly with complete lesion among which: 7 sacral, 1 heel, 1 ischiatic and 1 malleolar lesions. First degree pressure sores heal within 30 days, third degree pressure sores heal within 200 days. Healing time are considered acceptable. Pressure sores recovery swiftness can be related to different factors such as pressure sores sterness, neurological pathology and arising of clinical complication (hyperthermia, infections, low serum albumin values, etc).

  19. Imaging of painful solitary lesions of the sacrum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peh, W. C. G.; Koh, W. L.; Kwek, J. W.; Htoo, M. M.; Tan, P. H.


    Full text: In patients with sacral pain, the painful symptoms may be caused by a variety of bony and soft tissue lesions. Benign lesions include giant cell tumour, neurogenic tumour, insufficiency fracture, infection and giant bone island. Malignant lesions include primary bone tumours, Ewing sarcoma, plasmacytoma, lymphoma and chordoma. Soft tissue tumours adjacent to or involving the sacrum may cause painful symptoms. A multimodality approach to imaging is required for full assessment of these lesions. This pictorial essay describes a range of common solitary sacral lesions that may cause pain, with emphasis on imaging features

  20. Differential astroglial responses in the spinal cord of rats submitted to a sciatic nerve double crush treated with local injection of cultured Schwann cell suspension or lesioned spinal cord extract: implications on cell therapy for nerve repair Respostas astrocitárias na medula espinal do rato submetido ao esmagamento duplo do nervo ciático e tratado com injeção local de suspensão de células de Schwann cultivadas ou de extrato de medula espinal lesada: implicações na terapia celular para o reparo do nervo

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    João Gabriel Martins Dallo


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Reactive astrocytes are implicated in several mechanisms after central or peripheral nervous system lesion, including neuroprotection, neuronal sprouting, neurotransmission and neuropathic pain. Schwann cells (SC, a peripheral glia, also react after nerve lesion favoring wound/repair, fiber outgrowth and neuronal regeneration. We investigated herein whether cell therapy for repair of lesioned sciatic nerve may change the pattern of astroglial activation in the spinal cord ventral or dorsal horn of the rat. METHODS: Injections of a cultured SC suspension or a lesioned spinal cord homogenized extract were made in a reservoir promoted by a contiguous double crush of the rat sciatic nerve. Local injection of phosphate buffered saline (PBS served as control. One week later, rats were euthanized and spinal cord astrocytes were labeled by immunohistochemistry and quantified by means of quantitative image analysis. RESULTS: In the ipsilateral ventral horn, slight astroglial activations were seen after PBS or SC injections, however, a substantial activation was achieved after cord extract injection in the sciatic nerve reservoir. Moreover, SC suspension and cord extract injections were able to promote astroglial reaction in the spinal cord dorsal horn bilaterally. Conclusion: Spinal cord astrocytes react according to repair processes of axotomized nerve, which may influence the functional outcome. The event should be considered during the neurosurgery strategies.OBJETIVO: Astrócitos reativos participam de vários mecanismos após lesões do sistema nervoso central e periférico, os quais incluem neuroproteção, brotamento neuronal, neurotransmissão e dor neuropática. As células de Schwann (CS, um tipo de glia periférica, também reagem com a lesão do nervo, podendo interferir com o reparo e cicatrização, crescimento de fibras e regeneração neuronais. Investigamos aqui a possibilidade da terapia celular para o reparo do nervo ci

  1. Neural network recognition of mammographic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oldham, W.J.B.; Downes, P.T.; Hunter, V.


    A method for recognition of mammographic lesions through the use of neural networks is presented. Neural networks have exhibited the ability to learn the shape andinternal structure of patterns. Digitized mammograms containing circumscribed and stelate lesions were used to train a feedfoward synchronous neural network that self-organizes to stable attractor states. Encoding of data for submission to the network was accomplished by performing a fractal analysis of the digitized image. This results in scale invariant representation of the lesions. Results are discussed

  2. Bone scintigraphy in lesions of the skull

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer, M.; Wasilewski, A.; Deitmer, T.


    The value of 3-phase-scintigraphy in bone lesions of the skull with a new seeking agent 99mTc-2,3-dicarboxypropane-1,1-diphosphonic acid (DPD) is studied. A high soft tissue-bone-ratio of DPD is emphasized. For this reason DPD is used for bone scintigraphy of the skull, because the mass of soft tissue in relation to bone is high and a higher clearance improves the interpretation of the images of the first two phases. An increased tracer uptake is found for skeletal neoplasms (malignant and benign lesions) and for acute osteomyelitis. By contrast, the chronic inflammatory bone lesions showed normal tracer uptake. This new bone seeking agent allows to localize and differentiate tumorous or acute inflammatory lesions and chronic inflammatory bone lesions of the skull

  3. Fast semi-automated lesion demarcation in stroke

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    Bianca de Haan


    Full Text Available Lesion–behaviour mapping analyses require the demarcation of the brain lesion on each (usually transverse slice of the individual stroke patient's brain image. To date, this is generally thought to be most precise when done manually, which is, however, both time-consuming and potentially observer-dependent. Fully automated lesion demarcation methods have been developed to address these issues, but these are often not practicable in acute stroke research where for each patient only a single image modality is available and the available image modality differs over patients. In the current study, we evaluated a semi-automated lesion demarcation approach, the so-called Clusterize algorithm, in acute stroke patients scanned in a range of common image modalities. Our results suggest that, compared to the standard of manual lesion demarcation, the semi-automated Clusterize algorithm is capable of significantly speeding up lesion demarcation in the most commonly used image modalities, without loss of either lesion demarcation precision or lesion demarcation reproducibility. For the three investigated acute datasets (CT, DWI, T2FLAIR, containing a total of 44 patient images obtained in a regular clinical setting at patient admission, the reduction in processing time was on average 17.8 min per patient and this advantage increased with increasing lesion volume (up to 60 min per patient for the largest lesion volumes in our datasets. Additionally, our results suggest that performance of the Clusterize algorithm in a chronic dataset with 11 T1 images was comparable to its performance in the acute datasets. We thus advocate the use of the Clusterize algorithm, integrated into a simple, freely available SPM toolbox, for the precise, reliable and fast preparation of imaging data for lesion–behaviour mapping analyses.

  4. Bacterial biofilm in chronic lesions of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ring, H C; Bay, L; Nilsson, M


    BACKGROUND: Chronic non-healing or recurrent inflammatory lesions, reminiscent of infection but recalcitrant to antibiotic therapy generally characterize biofilm driven-diseases. Chronic lesions of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) exhibit several aspects, which are compatible with well-known biofilm...... infections. OBJECTIVE: To determine and quantify the potential presence of bacterial aggregates in chronic HS lesions. METHODS: In 42 consecutive HS patients suffering from chronic lesions, biopsies were obtained from lesional as well as from perilesional skin. Samples were investigated using Peptide Nucleic...... Acid (PNA) - Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) in combination with Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM). In addition, corresponding histopathological analysis in hematoxylin and eosin slides were performed. RESULTS: Biofilms were seen in 67% of the samples of chronic lesions and in 75...


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    E. E. Achkasov


    Full Text Available The authors analyzed scientific literature in respect of various issues in treatment of athletes with peroneal muscles lesions starting from 1987 till 2016. Key search and publications selection was made in PubMed and russian national electronic scientific library eLIBRARY. Peroneal tendons pathology is not the major but the underestimated cause of pain in lateral and hindfoot as well as of foot dysfunction which is difficult to distinguish from lesions of lateral ligaments of the ankle joint. Untreated lesions of peroneal tendons can result in chronic ankle pain and significant functional disorders. The purpose of the present paper is to improve the current comprehension of anatomy, to identify factors contributing to pathology, to perform diagnostic evaluation of peroneal tendons and to review current treatment options of such lesions.

  6. Evaluation of ureteral lesions in ureterorenoscopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lildal, Søren Kissow; Andreassen, Kim Hovgaard; Jung, Helene


    (PULS) classification system. RESULTS: The use of 10/12 Fr UASs resulted in less severe lesions than reported previously with larger diameter UASs. There was a higher risk of superficial lesions in the UAS group, with a calculated crude odds ratio (OR) of 1.84 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1...... with an endoscope alone, but when adjusting for age and gender the incidence of ureteral lesions was comparable between RIRS with and without the use of a 10/12 Fr UAS.......OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of ureteral lesions in retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) with and without the use of a 10/12 Fr ureteral access sheath (UAS). A further objective was to search for preoperative factors that could influence the risk of ureteral damage...

  7. Ultrasound imaging in the diagnosis of periapical lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christo Naveen Prince


    Full Text Available Background and Objectives: To assess the diagnostic capability of real-time ultrasound imaging, together with the application of color power Doppler in the identification and differential diagnosis of the periapical lesions. Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients with periapical lesions of pulpal origin, diagnosed with clinical and conventional radiographic examination, were examined further using ultrasonography. The results from the biopsies of the lesions were compared and statistically analyzed. Results: The differential diagnosis between periapical granulomas and cystic lesions, which were based on the ultrasonographic findings, were confirmed by the results of the histopathologic examination in 13 (86.7% of 15 cases, one being granuloma and 14 being cystic lesion. Interpretation and Conclusion: Ultrasound real-time imaging is a technique that may help make a differential diagnosis between cysts and granulomas by revealing the nature of the content of a bony lesion. This technique may have further applications in the study of other lesions of the jaws.

  8. Penile lesion from gunshot wound: a 43-case experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cavalcanti Andre G.


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the main aspects of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of 43 patients with gunshot wounds to the penis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The location of the lesion, the presence of associated lesions, the performance of complementary exams, surgical treatment, postoperative complications and long term follow-up of 43 patients with penile lesions from gunshot wounds were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: Of 43 cases assessed, 41 were submitted to surgical exploration (95.3% and 2 were submitted to conservative treatment (4.7%. We found penile lesions involving the corpus cavernosum in 37 cases; the remaining 4 patients presented no lesions involving the corpus cavernosum, urethra or testicles but did in the superficial structures. Ten cases presented an association with testicular lesions and 14 cases association with anterior urethral lesions. CONCLUSION: Penile lesions from gunshot wounds should be treated with immediate surgical intervention. In exceptional situations featuring superficial lesions only conservative treatment may be applied.

  9. Radiation-induced intestinal lesions. Prognosis and surgical management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Haecke, P.; Vitaux, J.; Michot, F.; Hay, J.-M.; Flamant, Y.; Maillard, J.-N.


    Thirteen patients with intestinal lesions consecutive to radiotherapy for carcinoma of the uterus were operated upon between 1973 and 1979. The small bowel was involved in 9 patients and the colon and rectum in 4 patients. Urinary tract lesions were associated in 3 patients of each group. Intestinal necrosis, progression of the lesions and extensive pelvic fibrosis were the only criteria of poor prognosis. Twenty-two operations were performed: 4 for urinary tract lesions and 18 for intestinal lesions. Five patients died during the immediate post-operative period and five died within 2 to 30 months after surgery, including 4 whose carcinoma recurred. The operative technique should be selected according to the extent and severity of radiation-induced damage, as determined by pre-operative examination and thorough exploration of the abdominal cavity once opened. Limited lesions of the small bowel can be treated by resection, but intestinal bypass with latero-lateral anastomosis seems to be preferable in cases with extensive lesions. Patients with colorectal lesions should have defunctioning colostomy prior to any other procedure dictated by the state of affairs. Multiple anastomosis, extensive resections and excessive dissections should be avoided [fr

  10. Theoretical and experimental analysis of amplitude control ablation and bipolar ablation in creating linear lesion and discrete lesions for treating atrial fibrillation. (United States)

    Yan, Shengjie; Wu, Xiaomei; Wang, Weiqi


    Radiofrequency (RF) energy is often used to create a linear lesion or discrete lesions for blocking the accessory conduction pathways for treating atrial fibrillation. By using finite element analysis, we study the ablation effect of amplitude control ablation mode (AcM) and bipolar ablation mode (BiM) in creating a linear lesion and discrete lesions in a 5-mm-thick atrial wall; particularly, the characteristic of lesion shape has been investigated in amplitude control ablation. Computer models of multipolar catheter were developed to study the lesion dimensions in atrial walls created through AcM, BiM and special electrodes activated ablation methods in AcM and BiM. To validate the theoretical results in this study, an in vitro experiment with porcine cardiac tissue was performed. At 40 V/20 V root mean squared (RMS) of the RF voltage for AcM, the continuous and transmural lesion was created by AcM-15s, AcM-5s and AcM-ad-20V ablation in 5-mm-thick atrial wall. At 20 V RMS for BiM, the continuous but not transmural lesion was created. AcM ablation yielded asymmetrical and discrete lesions shape, whereas the lesion shape turned to more symmetrical and continuous as the electrodes alternative activated period decreased from 15 s to 5 s. Two discrete lesions were created when using AcM, AcM-ad-40V, BiM-ad-20V and BiM-ad-40V. The experimental and computational thermal lesion shapes created in cardiac tissue were in agreement. Amplitude control ablation technology and bipolar ablation technology are feasible methods to create continuous lesion or discrete for pulmonary veins isolation.

  11. Clinical analysis of bone scanning in solitary lesion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Jun; Zhu Ruisen; Zhu Jifang


    A rational analysis procedure for solitary lesions on whole bone scanning was offered. This study was undertaken to analyze retrospectively solitary lesions which obtained final diagnose through the following aspects: (1) diagnosis of bone metastasis, (2) the incidence of bone metastasis in different tumor, (3) the most possible lesion sites indicating bone metastasis, (4) morphological analysis of solitary lesions. The results are: (1) The incidence of solitary lesions in 2465 cases on whole bone scanning is 15.3%. (2) The rate of bone metastasis is 24.8% in 282 patients with primary malignancy. The rate of bone metastasis of 6.3% in 64 patients without primary malignancy, and the total diagnostic rate of bone metastasis is 21.4% in 346 patients. (3) In patients with primary malignancy, the incidence of bone metastasis of solitary lesions is as follows respectively; bronchi cancer 36.1%(22/61); breast cancer 23.8%(20/84); prostate gland 17.2%(5/29); other urinary system cancer 22.2%(4/18); G.I. system cancer 16.9%(10/59); others 29.0%(9/31). There is no significant difference in different cancer. (4) In patients without primary malignancy, 93.7%(60/64) of solitary lesions are benign. (5) From anatomical point of view, the authors found the diagnostic rate of bone metastasis is as follow: 30% in spine; 34.2% in pelvis; 36.4% in skull; 10.8% in other bones. There are significant differences in four groups. It is concluded that: (1) The diagnostic rate of bone metastasis in solitary lesions is 21.4%. (2) The most possible solitary lesions indicating osseous tumor spread are at spine, pelvic and skull. (3) Special attention to 'cold' and streak like lesions should be paid. (4) A clinical analysis procedure for diagnosis of solitary lesions has been summarized out here

  12. Characteristics of lesional and extra-lesional cortical grey matter in relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: A magnetisation transfer and diffusion tensor imaging study. (United States)

    Yaldizli, Özgür; Pardini, Matteo; Sethi, Varun; Muhlert, Nils; Liu, Zheng; Tozer, Daniel J; Samson, Rebecca S; Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia Am; Yousry, Tarek A; Miller, David H; Chard, Declan T


    In multiple sclerosis (MS), diffusion tensor and magnetisation transfer imaging are both abnormal in lesional and extra-lesional cortical grey matter, but differences between clinical subtypes and associations with clinical outcomes have only been partly assessed. To compare mean diffusivity, fractional anisotropy and magnetisation transfer ratio (MTR) in cortical grey matter lesions (detected using phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) imaging) and extra-lesional cortical grey matter, and assess associations with disability in relapse-onset MS. Seventy-two people with MS (46 relapsing-remitting (RR), 26 secondary progressive (SP)) and 36 healthy controls were included in this study. MTR, mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy were measured in lesional and extra-lesional cortical grey matter. Mean fractional anisotropy was higher and MTR lower in lesional compared with extra-lesional cortical grey matter. In extra-lesional cortical grey matter mean fractional anisotropy and MTR were lower, and mean diffusivity was higher in the MS group compared with controls. Mean MTR was lower and mean diffusivity was higher in lesional and extra-lesional cortical grey matter in SPMS when compared with RRMS. These differences were independent of disease duration. In multivariate analyses, MTR in extra-lesional more so than lesional cortical grey matter was associated with disability. Magnetic resonance abnormalities in lesional and extra-lesional cortical grey matter are greater in SPMS than RRMS. Changes in extra-lesional compared with lesional cortical grey matter are more consistently associated with disability. © The Author(s), 2015.

  13. MR imaging of sacral and perisacral lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wetzel, L.H.; Levine, E.; Murphey, M.D.


    This exhibit demonstrates the utility of MR imaging in evaluating sacral and perisacral lesions. Thirty-two lesions were studied using a superconducting 1.0-T MR imager. Eleven primary and 13 metastatic tumors, four congenital lesions, and four arachnoid cysts were evaluated. MR did not usually enable a more specific histologic diagnosis than other imaging techniques. However, extraosseous and proximal spinal extent of tumors was well defined without use of oral or intravenous contrast material. MR imaging is an excellent noninvasive technique for evaluating most sacral and perisacral lesions and is particularly helpful when precise tumor extent must be determined for treatment planning

  14. Cellular composition of long-standing gingivitis and periodontitis lesions. (United States)

    Thorbert-Mros, S; Larsson, L; Berglundh, T


    Insufficient information on the cellular composition of long-standing gingivitis lesions without signs of attachment loss makes an understanding of differences in cellular composition between "destructive" and "nondestructive" periodontal lesions difficult. The aim of the current study was to analyze differences in cell characteristics between lesions representing long-standing gingivitis and severe periodontitis. Two groups of patients were recruited. One group consisted of 36 patients, 33-67 years of age, with severe generalized periodontitis (periodontitis group). The second group consisted of 28 patients, 41-70 years of age, with overt signs of gingival inflammation but no attachment loss (gingivitis group). From each patient a gingival biopsy was obtained from one selected diseased site and prepared for immunohistochemical analysis. Periodontitis lesions were twice as large and contained significantly larger proportions, numbers and densities of cells positive for CD138 (plasma cells) and CD68 (macrophages) than did gingivitis lesions. The proportion of B cells that expressed the additional CD5 marker (B-1a cells) was significantly larger in periodontitis lesions than in gingivitis lesions. The densities of T cells and B cells did not differ between periodontitis lesions and gingivitis lesions. T cells were not the dominating cell type in gingivitis lesions, as B cells together with their subset plasma cells comprised a larger number and proportion than T cells. Periodontitis lesions at teeth with advanced attachment and bone loss exhibit quantitative and qualitative differences in relation to gingivitis lesions at teeth with no attachment and bone loss. It is suggested that the large number and high density of plasma cells are the hallmarks of advanced periodontitis lesions and the most conspicuous difference in relation to long-standing gingivitis lesions. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Dental lesions in the lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tjørnelund, Karen B.; Jonsson, Lena M.; Kortegaard, Hanne Ellen


    Dental ailments, mandibular swelling, and dentoalveolar abscesses are common in tapirs, but knowledge about prevalence or etiology of these lesions in the Tapiridae family in general, and in lowland tapirs ( Tapirus terrestris ) in particular, is scarce. A recent study identified resorptive lesions...... of unknown etiology as a common problem in the Malayan tapir ( Tapirus indicus ). In order to investigate the type and prevalence of dental lesions occurring in lowland tapirs, and to compare these with findings with the Malayan tapir, skulls and teeth from 46 deceased lowland tapirs were visually...... with associated periapical reaction (15%) and periapical reactions of various degrees without associated detectable dental pathology (13%). All these lesions likely originated from dental trauma. As in Malayan tapirs, juveniles had significantly fewer lesions than adults. This study shows that dental lesions...

  16. Acute periodontal lesions. (United States)

    Herrera, David; Alonso, Bettina; de Arriba, Lorenzo; Santa Cruz, Isabel; Serrano, Cristina; Sanz, Mariano


    This review provides updates on acute conditions affecting the periodontal tissues, including abscesses in the periodontium, necrotizing periodontal diseases and other acute conditions that cause gingival lesions with acute presentation, such as infectious processes not associated with oral bacterial biofilms, mucocutaneous disorders and traumatic and allergic lesions. A periodontal abscess is clinically important because it is a relatively frequent dental emergency, it can compromise the periodontal prognosis of the affected tooth and bacteria within the abscess can spread and cause infections in other body sites. Different types of abscesses have been identified, mainly classified by their etiology, and there are clear differences between those affecting a pre-existing periodontal pocket and those affecting healthy sites. Therapy for this acute condition consists of drainage and tissue debridement, while an evaluation of the need for systemic antimicrobial therapy will be made for each case, based on local and systemic factors. The definitive treatment of the pre-existing condition should be accomplished after the acute phase is controlled. Necrotizing periodontal diseases present three typical clinical features: papilla necrosis, gingival bleeding and pain. Although the prevalence of these diseases is not high, their importance is clear because they represent the most severe conditions associated with the dental biofilm, with very rapid tissue destruction. In addition to bacteria, the etiology of necrotizing periodontal disease includes numerous factors that alter the host response and predispose to these diseases, namely HIV infection, malnutrition, stress or tobacco smoking. The treatment consists of superficial debridement, careful mechanical oral hygiene, rinsing with chlorhexidine and daily re-evaluation. Systemic antimicrobials may be used adjunctively in severe cases or in nonresponding conditions, being the first option metronidazole. Once the acute

  17. MR in phenylketonuria-related brain lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dezortova, M.; Hajek, M.; Tintra, J.; Hejcmanova, L.; Sykova, E.


    Purpose: Phenylketonuria (PKU) patients were examined by different MR techniques to explain the pathological changes observed in periventricular white brain matter using conventional MR imaging. Material and Methods: Fifteen patients with treated classical PKU were examined by 1 H spectroscopy, relaxometry and diffusion imaging on a whole-body 1.5-T MR imager. Results: Known PKU lesions characterized by T2 enhancement in periventricular white matter were observed in all patients. The MR spectra from the lesioned areas showed a significant decrease in choline concentration. The mean ADC of water decreased and tortuosity increased in PKU lesions compared to control data. Conclusion: The results support the following hypothesis: The T2 increase in the PKU lesion reflects a raised concentration of free water molecules (about 15%) that have an increased trajectory between collisions compared to the same region in controls. The increase in water mobility might be explained by changes in extracellular space volume and myelin sheaths, which, presumably, have a different geometry with more hydrophobic sites in PKU patients. The changes result in increased tortuosity and may be confirmed by the loss of anisotropy in PKU lesions

  18. MR in phenylketonuria-related brain lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dezortova, M.; Hajek, M.; Tintra, J. [Inst. for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague (Czech Republic); Hejcmanova, L. [Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic). 3rd Medical Faculty; Sykova, E. [Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic). 2nd Medical Faculty


    Purpose: Phenylketonuria (PKU) patients were examined by different MR techniques to explain the pathological changes observed in periventricular white brain matter using conventional MR imaging. Material and Methods: Fifteen patients with treated classical PKU were examined by {sup 1}H spectroscopy, relaxometry and diffusion imaging on a whole-body 1.5-T MR imager. Results: Known PKU lesions characterized by T2 enhancement in periventricular white matter were observed in all patients. The MR spectra from the lesioned areas showed a significant decrease in choline concentration. The mean ADC of water decreased and tortuosity increased in PKU lesions compared to control data. Conclusion: The results support the following hypothesis: The T2 increase in the PKU lesion reflects a raised concentration of free water molecules (about 15%) that have an increased trajectory between collisions compared to the same region in controls. The increase in water mobility might be explained by changes in extracellular space volume and myelin sheaths, which, presumably, have a different geometry with more hydrophobic sites in PKU patients. The changes result in increased tortuosity and may be confirmed by the loss of anisotropy in PKU lesions.

  19. Abfraction lesions reviewed: current concepts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana de Fátima Vasconcelos Pereira


    Full Text Available Non-carious cervical lesions are characterized by structural loss near the cementoenamel junction, without the presence of caries. Anumber of theories have arisen to explain the etiology of such lesions, although the real causes remain obscure, as is reflected by the contradictory terminology used in the literature. In addition to describing acidic and abrasive processes documented as etiological factors, attention is given to the role of mechanical stress from occlusal load, which is the most accepted theory for the development of abfraction lesions. Considering that tensile stress leads to the failure of restorations in the cervical region and that this is a fruitful area for future research, the present study has highlighted diagnosis, prognosis and the criteria for treatment.

  20. Imaging of nontraumatic benign splenic lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Jin Young; Kim, Eun Kyung; Chung, Jae Joon; Kim, Myeong Jin; Lee, Jong Tae; Yoo, Hyung Sik; Kim, Seong Joon [Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine Research Institute of Radiological Science, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Lu Ci A [Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The spleen is one of the largest organ in the reticuloendothelial system and plays an important role in the activation of immune response. It is the organ most commonly injured after blunt abdominal trauma, and malignant lesions such as lymphoma, or these due to metastasis, occur not infrequently. Even so, it is ignored even in abdominal ultrasonography. Some benign splenic lesions, however can cause severe symptoms and result in high mortality, and their accurate diagnosis is therefore essential. This study describes the imaging findings and histopathologic features of various nontraumatic benign splenic lesions.

  1. Imaging of nontraumatic benign splenic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Jin Young; Kim, Eun Kyung; Chung, Jae Joon; Kim, Myeong Jin; Lee, Jong Tae; Yoo, Hyung Sik; Kim, Seong Joon; Kim, Lu Ci A


    The spleen is one of the largest organ in the reticuloendothelial system and plays an important role in the activation of immune response. It is the organ most commonly injured after blunt abdominal trauma, and malignant lesions such as lymphoma, or these due to metastasis, occur not infrequently. Even so, it is ignored even in abdominal ultrasonography. Some benign splenic lesions, however can cause severe symptoms and result in high mortality, and their accurate diagnosis is therefore essential. This study describes the imaging findings and histopathologic features of various nontraumatic benign splenic lesions

  2. [Degenerative lesions of the peripheral retina]. (United States)

    Conart, J-B; Baron, D; Berrod, J-P


    Degenerative lesions of the peripheral retina are present from teenage years onwards and increase with age. These abnormabilities are frequent, some of them being benign while others predispose to retinal tears and detachment. In the latter case, the lesions are rhegmatogenous and may justify prophylactic treatment by laser photocoagulation. We distinguish congenital lesions of the peripheral retina and intraretinal, chorioretinal and vitreoretinal degenerations. The holes and tears observed in 2% of the population consist of round atrophic holes, "horseshoe" tears, oral dialyses and giant tears. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  3. Diagnostic importance of 18F-FDG PET/CT parameters and total lesion glycolysis in differentiating between benign and malignant adrenal lesions. (United States)

    Ciftci, Esra; Turgut, Bulent; Cakmakcilar, Ali; Erturk, Seyit A


    Benign adrenal lesions are prevalent in oncologic imaging and make metastatic disease diagnoses difficult. This study evaluates the diagnostic importance of metabolic, volumetric, and metabolovolumetric parameters measured by fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (F-FDG) PET/CT in differentiating between benign and malignant adrenal lesions in cancer patients. In this retrospective study, we evaluated F-FDG PET/CT parameters of adrenal lesions of follow-up cancer patients referred to our clinic between January 2012 and November 2016. The diagnosis of adrenal malignant lesions was made on the basis of interval growth or reduction after chemotherapy. Patient demographics, analysis of metabolic parameters such as maximum standard uptake value (SUVmax), tumor SUVmax/liver SUVmean ratio (T/LR), morphologic parameters such as size, Hounsfield Units, and computed tomography (CT) volume, and metabolovolumetric parameters such as metabolic tumor volume and total lesion glycolysis (TLG) of adrenal lesions were calculated. PET/CT parameters were assessed using the Mann-Whitney U-test and receiving operating characteristic analysis. In total, 186 adrenal lesions in 163 cancer patients (108 men/54 women; mean±SD age: 64±10.9 years) were subjected to F-FDG PET/CT for tumor evaluation. SUVmax values (mean±SD) were 2.8±0.8 and 10.6±6; TLG were 10.8±9.2 and 124.4±347.9; and T/LR were 1±0.3 and 4.1±2.6 in benign and malignant adrenal lesions, respectively. On the basis of the area under the curve, adrenal lesion SUVmax and T/LR had similar highest diagnostic performance for predicting malignant lesions (area under the curve: 0.993 and 0.991, respectively, P<0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that T/LR, adrenal lesion SUVmax, and Hounsfield Units were independent predictive factors for malignancy rather than TLG. Irrespective of whether TLG was statistically highly significant for differentiating benign from malignant adrenal lesions, it did not reach the

  4. Diverse Imaging characteristics of a mandibular intraosseous vascular lesion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Handa, Hina; Naidu, Giridhar S.; Dara, Balaji Gandhi Babu; Deshpande, Ashwini; Raghavendra, Raju


    Intraosseous vascular lesions of the maxillofacial region are rare, and the differential diagnosis of intraosseous vascular malformations from other jaw lesions can be challenging. In the present case, magnetic resonance imaging and three-dimensional computed tomographic angiography (CTA) was used for diagnosis, and the lesion was treated with surgical excision. Diverse characteristics such as the 'honeycomb' and 'sunburst' radiographic appearances and the absence of major peripheral feeder vessels in the CTA were noted. Intraosseous vascular malformations have a varied radiographic appearance, and the nomenclature of these lesions is equally diverse, with several overlapping terms. Pathologists do not generally differentiate among intraosseous vascular lesions on the basis of histopathology, although these lesions may present with contrasting immunohistochemical and clinical behaviors requiring varied treatment strategies. This case report highlights the need for multiple imaging modalities to differentiate among vascular lesions, as well as to better understand the behaviors of these unique lesions.

  5. MRI Patterns of Isolated Lesions in the Medulla Oblongata. (United States)

    Prakkamakul, Supada; Schaefer, Pamela; Gonzalez, Gilberto; Rapalino, Otto


    Isolated lesions of the medulla oblongata are difficult to diagnose due to their rarity and high biopsy risk. Several individual case reports have been published, but a systematic descriptive study is lacking. Our study has three objectives that 1) provide a differential diagnosis, 2) describe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, and 3) propose a stepwise MRI-based approach to the isolated lesions of the medulla oblongata in nonstroke patients. We performed an institutional Review Board-approved retrospective analysis of 34 consecutive cases of isolated medullary lesions from nonstroke causes identified from our imaging database between January 2000 and May 2015. Eleven were excluded due to lack of pretreatment or follow-up MRI. MR studies were reviewed by two blinded neuroradiologists. The diagnosis, demographic data, and MR findings were reported using frequencies and proportions. An MRI-based diagnostic algorithm was proposed. Most lesions were neoplasms (47%), followed by vascular malformations (15%), demyelinating/inflammatory lesions (15%), others (12%), unknown (8%), and infection (3%). Five MRI patterns were identified: 1) cystic lesion, 2) exophytic noncystic lesion, 3) intrinsic lesion with T2 hypointensity, 4) enhancing intrinsic lesion, and 5) nonenhancing intrinsic lesion. All showing patterns 1 and 2 were neoplasms or cysts. All showing pattern 3 were vascular malformations. Patterns 4 and 5 comprised of multiple etiologies. Neoplasms are the most common cause of isolated medullary lesions in nonstroke patients. Other differential diagnoses include vascular malformations, demyelinating/inflammatory lesions, and infections. A stepwise MRI-based approach can help differentiate between various etiologies. Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Neuroimaging.

  6. Endo-periodontal lesion--endodontic approach. (United States)

    Jivoinovici, R; Suciu, I; Dimitriu, B; Perlea, P; Bartok, R; Malita, M; Ionescu, C


    Endo-perio lesions might be interdependent because of the vascular and anatomic connections between the pulp and the periodontium. The aim of this study is to emphasise that primary endodontic lesion heals after a proper instrumentation, disinfection and sealing of the endodontic space. The primary endodontic lesion with a secondary periodontal involvement first requires an endodontic therapy and, in the second stage, a periodontal therapy. The prognosis is good, with an adequate root canal treatment; it depends on the severity of the periodontal disease, appropriate healing time and the response to the treatment. A correct diagnosis is sometimes difficult; an accurate identification of the etiologic factors is important for an adequate treatment. Primary perio-endo lesion may heal after a proper disinfection and sealing of the endodontic system, the one-year follow-up radiograph showing bonny repair. Invasive periodontal procedures should be avoided at that moment. The microorganisms and by-products from the infected root canal may cross accessory and furcal canals and determine sinus tract and loss of attachment. In both clinical cases presented in this article, successful healing was obtained after a proper disinfection and sealing of the endodontic system.

  7. Surgical treatment of gallbladder polypoid lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pejić Miljko A.


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION Polypoid lesions of the gallbladder can be divided into benign and malignant categories. Malignant polypoid lesions include carcinomas of the gallbladder, which is the fifth most common malignancy of the gastrointestinal tract and the most common malignancy of the biliary tract. Benign polypoid lesions of the gallbladder are divided into true tumors and pseudotumors. Pseudotumors account for most of polypoid lesions of the gallbladder, and include polyps, hyperplasia, and other miscellaneous lesions. Adenomas are the most common benign neoplasms of the gallbladder. Cholesterol polyps are the most common pseudotumors of the gallbladder. The polyps can be single or multiple, usually less than 10 mm in size. They have no predilection for any particular gallbladder site, and usually are attached to the gallbladder wall by a delicate, narrow pedicle. No malignant potential has been identified for this type of pseudotumor. Adenomas are the most common benign neoplasms of the gallbladder. They have no predilection site in the gallbladder, and may also be associated with gallstones or cholecystitis. The premalignant nature of adenomas remains controversial. Ultrasonography (US has been demonstrated to be significantly better in detecting polypoid lesions of the gallbladder as compared with computed tomography and cholecystography. A mass fixed to the gallbladder wall of normal thickness, without shadowing, is seen in case of gallbladder polyp. Since gallbladder cancers usually present as polypoid lesions, differentiation between benign polypoid lesion and malignant lesion can be very difficult, even with high-resolution imaging techniques. PATIENTS AND METHODS Retrospectively we have analyzed 38 patients with ultrasonographicaly detected gallbladder polyps during the period from January 1995 to December 2000, who were treated at surgical department of Health Centre in Uzice and at Surgical clinic of Clinical Centre in Nis. We have analyzed

  8. Photocoagulation of disciform macular lesions with krypton laser. (United States)

    Bird, A C; Grey, R H


    Ten vascular disciform mucular lesions were treated by krypton laser photocoagulation. In 8 the lesion resolved after therapy, and in 7 the retina remained flat for 6 months. On those patients treated successfully 6 had a visual acuity of 6/12 or better. The morphology of the laser lesion differed from that of the argon lesion in that there is no evidence of thermal coagulation of the inner retina near the foveola. Images PMID:574396

  9. Management of post-orthodontic white spot lesions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sonesson, Mikael; Bergstrand, Fredrik; Gizani, Sotiria


    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The management of post-orthodontic white spot lesions is based on remineralization strategies or a minimal-invasive camouflage of the lesions. AIM: The aim of this systematic review was to identify and assess the quality of evidence for the various clinical technologies......-orthodontic white spot lesions. Further well-performed controlled clinical trials with long-term follow-up are needed to establish best clinical practice....

  10. The Impact of Quantitative Data Provided by a Multi-spectral Digital Skin Lesion Analysis Device on Dermatologists'Decisions to Biopsy Pigmented Lesions. (United States)

    Farberg, Aaron S; Winkelmann, Richard R; Tucker, Natalie; White, Richard; Rigel, Darrell S


    BACKGROUND: Early diagnosis of melanoma is critical to survival. New technologies, such as a multi-spectral digital skin lesion analysis (MSDSLA) device [MelaFind, STRATA Skin Sciences, Horsham, Pennsylvania] may be useful to enhance clinician evaluation of concerning pigmented skin lesions. Previous studies evaluated the effect of only the binary output. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine how decisions dermatologists make regarding pigmented lesion biopsies are impacted by providing both the underlying classifier score (CS) and associated probability risk provided by multi-spectral digital skin lesion analysis. This outcome was also compared against the improvement reported with the provision of only the binary output. METHODS: Dermatologists attending an educational conference evaluated 50 pigmented lesions (25 melanomas and 25 benign lesions). Participants were asked if they would biopsy the lesion based on clinical images, and were asked this question again after being shown multi-spectral digital skin lesion analysis data that included the probability graphs and classifier score. RESULTS: Data were analyzed from a total of 160 United States board-certified dermatologists. Biopsy sensitivity for melanoma improved from 76 percent following clinical evaluation to 92 percent after quantitative multi-spectral digital skin lesion analysis information was provided ( p quantitative data were provided. Negative predictive value also increased (68% vs. 91%, panalysis (64% vs. 86%, p data into physician evaluation of pigmented lesions led to both increased sensitivity and specificity, thereby resulting in more accurate biopsy decisions.

  11. Impact of radioguided occult lesion localization on the correct excision of malignant breast lesions. Effect of histology and tumor size

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woll, J.P.P.; Garcia Vicente, A.M.; Gonzalez Garcia, B.; Delgado Portela, M.; Cordero Garcia, J.M.; Pardo Garcia, R.; Molino Trinidad, C.; Soriano Castrejon, A.M.; Cortes Romera, M.


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of radioguided occult lesion localization (ROLL) in the correct location and excision of malignant breast lesions, and analyze if these results are affected by the histology and tumor size. A total of 105 patients with occult breast lesions were studied. The mean age was 55 years. An intralesional dose of 18.5 MBq of 99mTc-labeled macroaggregated human albumin (AMA) was administered using stereotaxic mammography or ultrasound. Surgical resection was carried out with the help of a gammadetector probe. In the histological study, disease-free margin was defined by a distance between the tumor lesion and the surgical margin of more than 1 mm. The possible influence of tumor histology and lesion diameter with respect to free/affected margins was analyzed. Correct radiotracer placement was achieved in 100/105 of the cases (95.2%). In the remaining 5 cases (4.8%), radiotracer placement was incorrect, with 2 of them being malignant lesions that were found by macroscopic inspection, and the other 3 having benign pathology. Among the malignant lesions (44 cases), correct placement of the radiotracer was achieved in 42 cases (95.5%). Of these 42 malignant lesions, in which the ROLL was correctly performed, free surgical margins were obtained in 24 cases (57.1%), while the other 18 (42.9%) had infiltrated surgical margins. The most common histological type among the malignant lesions was invasive ductal carcinoma (71.4%). The histological types with an increased frequency of infiltration of surgical margins were invasive and microinvasive cancer (94.4%). All the affected margins were in lesions greater than 10 mm, and the highest incidence was in those between 20 and 30 mm (55.5%). In our experience, the advantages of the ROLL technique are a precise localization of malignant breast lesions (95.5%) and an increased probability of a complete excision with free margins in more than one half of them. Nevertheless, special

  12. Subpoblaciones neuronales presentes en cultivos primarios de ganglio espinal y su relación con la infección in vitro por virus de rabia


    Hernán Hurtado; Jaime E. Castellanos; Niyibi Quiroga; Marlén Martínez


    El virus de la rabia presenta un fuerte tropismo neuronal y que produce una encefalitis generalmente letal. En un accidente rábico clásico, producido por la mordedura de un animal infectado, el virus es captado por terminaciones nerviosas motoras, autonómicas o sensoriales. Si es captado por estas últimas, el virus se transporta retrógradamente hacia los somas neuronales ubicados en los ganglios espinales y de...

  13. The Post-Ureteroscopic Lesion Scale (PULS)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schoenthaler, Martin; Buchholz, Noor; Farin, Erik


    The Post-Ureteroscopic Lesion Scale (PULS) offers a simple grading system for the description of ureteral lesions after ureteroscopy. In this article, we present the results of a video-based multicenter evaluation of the inter-rater reliability of clinically important PULS grades 0-3....

  14. Candida spp. in oral cancer and oral precancerous lesions. (United States)

    Gall, Francesca; Colella, Giuseppe; Di Onofrio, Valeria; Rossiello, Raffaele; Angelillo, Italo Francesco; Liguori, Giorgio


    To assess the presence of Candida spp. in lesions of the oral cavity in a sample of patients with precancer or cancer of the mouth and evaluate the limitations and advantages of microbiological and histological methods, 103 subjects with precancerous or cancerous lesions and not treated were observed between 2007 and 2009. The presence of Candida in the lesions was analyzed by microbiological and histological methods. Cohen's k statistic was used to assess the agreement between culture method and staining techniques. Forty-eight (47%) patients had cancer and 55 (53%) patients had precancerous lesions. Candida spp. were isolated from 31 (30%) patients with cancerous lesions and 33 (32%) with precancerous lesions. C. albicans was the most frequent species isolated in the lesions. The k value showed a fair overall agreement for comparisons between culture method and PAS (0.2825) or GMS (0.3112). This study supports the frequent presence of Candida spp. in cancer and precancerous lesions of the oral cavity. Both microbiological investigations and histological techniques were reliable for detection of Candida spp. It would be desirable for the two techniques to be considered complementary in the detection of yeast infections in these types of lesions.

  15. Evaluation of various hepatic lesions with PET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Chul Ju


    When a liver lesion is found in a PET image, differential diagnosis and analysis of the lesion is very important. We tried to analyze hepatic lesions found in PET. 53 patients with focal liver lesions (13 patients with HCC, 8 patients with cholangiocarcinoma (CC), 20 patients with liver metastasis, 5 patients with hemangioma, 7 patients with liver abscess, including 1 patient with liver candidiasis) were examined. Definitely high FDG uptake pattern were observed in 54% (7/13) of HCC, 100% (8/8) of CC, 95% (19/20) of metastatic liver cancer and 100% (7/7) of liver abscess. Therefore, PET was partially useful in the diagnosis of HCC, but it was very useful in the diagnosis of CC or liver metastasis or liver abscess. The contrast between lesions and surrounding liver background was very conspicuous in PET images of CC or liver metastasis or liver abscess, which suggests that PET might be used for the follow up and assessment of treatment response of these diseases

  16. Evaluation of various hepatic lesions with PET

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Chul Ju


    When a liver lesion is found in a PET image, differential diagnosis and analysis of the lesion is very important. We tried to analyze hepatic lesions found in PET. 53 patients with focal liver lesions (13 patients with HCC, 8 patients with cholangiocarcinoma (CC), 20 patients with liver metastasis, 5 patients with hemangioma, 7 patients with liver abscess, including 1 patient with liver candidiasis) were examined. Definitely high FDG uptake pattern were observed in 54% (7/13) of HCC, 100% (8/8) of CC, 95% (19/20) of metastatic liver cancer and 100% (7/7) of liver abscess. Therefore, PET was partially useful in the diagnosis of HCC, but it was very useful in the diagnosis of CC or liver metastasis or liver abscess. The contrast between lesions and surrounding liver background was very conspicuous in PET images of CC or liver metastasis or liver abscess, which suggests that PET might be used for the follow up and assessment of treatment response of these diseases.

  17. The cyclops lesion after bicruciate-retaining total knee replacement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark A. Klaassen, MD, FACS


    Full Text Available The cyclops lesion is a localized anterior arthrofibrosis most commonly seen following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The lesion forms at the anterior cruciate ligament insertion creating a painful extension block between femoral intercondylar notch and tibial plateau. We present 2 cases (3 knees in which cyclops lesions appeared atypically following bicruciate-retaining total knee replacement. Two lesions occurred in a single patient following bilateral knee replacement. One lesion occurred in an active sportswoman. All 3 resolved following arthroscopic debridement. We describe the presentation of this unusual complication and suggest keys to its diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Keywords: Cyclops lesion, Bicruciate-retaining, Total knee arthroplasty, Extension deficit

  18. Treatment modalities for hyperpigmented skin lesions: A brief overview

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    Yan Teng Khoo


    Full Text Available Skin hyperpigmentation involves a broad range of skin conditions, including epidermal pigmented lesions, dermal pigmented lesions, and mixed pigmented lesions. Treatment includes various modalities such as brightening cream, chemical peeling, and laser therapy. Responses to various treatment modalities can be quite varied depending on the type of treatment and the degree of pigmentation. Sometimes a lesion can lighten or even partially disappear, while other lesions may recur. This paper provides a brief overview of treatment modalities available for hyperpigmented skin lesions including the importance of photoprotection, various types of brightening creams, suitable types of chemical peels, specific laser therapies targeted for skin hyperpigmentation, and surgery.


    Tjørnelund, Karen B; Jonsson, Lena M; Kortegaard, Hanne; Arnbjerg, Jens; Nielsen, Søren S; Bertelsen, Mads F


    Dental ailments, mandibular swelling, and dentoalveolar abscesses are common in tapirs, but knowledge about prevalence or etiology of these lesions in the Tapiridae family in general, and in lowland tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) in particular, is scarce. A recent study identified resorptive lesions of unknown etiology as a common problem in the Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus). In order to investigate the type and prevalence of dental lesions occurring in lowland tapirs, and to compare these with findings with the Malayan tapir, skulls and teeth from 46 deceased lowland tapirs were visually and radiographically examined. The specimens were divided into subpopulations according to age (juveniles, young adults, adults) and origin (free-range or captive). Dental lesions were identified in 24% (11/46) of the study population. The most common pathologic findings were complicated dental fractures with associated periapical reaction (15%) and periapical reactions of various degrees without associated detectable dental pathology (13%). All these lesions likely originated from dental trauma. As in Malayan tapirs, juveniles had significantly fewer lesions than adults. This study shows that dental lesions present frequent problems for lowland tapirs, occurring both in captive and in free-ranging individuals, and indicates that increasing age should be considered a risk factor for the development of these lesions. Notably, the predominant dental problems in lowland tapirs and Malayan tapirs are not the same.

  20. Prevalencia de lesiones incipientes de caries dental en niños escolares Prevalence of incipient lesions of dental caries in school children

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    Nayda Nasco Hidalgo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: determinar la prevalencia de lesiones incipientes de caries dental en los niños de 6-11 años de la escuela primaria "José A Echeverría," municipio Plaza de la Revolución en el período de enero a diciembre del 2006, identificar en el grupo estudiado, la frecuencia de niños según número de lesiones incipientes y la frecuencia de lesiones incipientes por ubicación del diente en la arcada y por superficie dentaria. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, el universo estuvo integrado por todos los niños que estuvieran en esas edades y que cumplieran con los criterios de inclusión, para un total de 236, los cuales fueron examinados al aire libre y con luz natural, utilizando el método visual- táctil suave. Los dientes se limpiaron con algodón y se secaron con peras de aire para detectar la presencia de lesiones incipientes de caries, las cuales fueron señalizadas en un modelo de dentigrama, en el lugar correspondiente a la superficie afectada. RESULTADOS: se halló que el 22,5 % de los escolares examinados presentaba estas lesiones, de ellos el 60,1 % correspondió al sexo femenino; el 19,5 % del total de niños presentó una lesión y sólo el 3% tenia dos lesiones incipientes de caries dental; el 79,2 % de las mismas se encontraron en los dientes posteriores, fueron las superficies lisas las más afectadas con un 45,3 %. CONCLUSIONES: Alrededor de la cuarta parte de los niños estudiados presentaron lesiones incipientes de caries, siendo el sexo femenino el más afectado. Del total de niños que poseían lesiones incipientes, la mayor cifra correspondió a los que presentaban una lesión. Los dientes posteriores fueron los más afectados por lesiones incipientes. Las superficies lisas mostraron más lesiones incipientes que las oclusales y proximalesOBJECTIVES: to determine the prevalence of incipient lesions of dental caries in children aged 6-11 of "José A Echeverría" Primary

  1. When Are Circular Lesions Square? A National Clinical Education Skin Lesion Audit and Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamin H Miranda


    Full Text Available BackgroundSkin cancer is the most prevalent cancer by organ type and referral accuracy is vital for diagnosis and management. The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD and literature highlight the importance of accurate skin lesion examination, diagnosis and educationally-relevant studies.MethodsWe undertook a review of the relevant literature, a national audit of skin lesion description standards and a study of speciality training influences on these descriptions. Questionnaires (n=200, with pictures of a circular and an oval lesion, were distributed to UK dermatology/plastic surgery consultants and speciality trainees (ST, general practitioners (GP, and medical students (MS. The following variables were analysed against a pre-defined 95% inclusion accuracy standard: site, shape, size, skin/colour, and presence of associated scars.ResultsThere were 250 lesion descriptions provided by 125 consultants, STs, GPs, and MSs. Inclusion accuracy was greatest for consultants over STs (80% vs. 68%; P<0.001, GPs (57% and MSs (46% (P<0.0001, for STs over GPs (P<0.010 and MSs (P<0.0001 and for GPs over MSs (P<0.010, all falling below audit standard. Size description accuracy sub-analysis according to circular/oval dimensions was as follows: consultants (94%, GPs (80%, STs (73%, MSs (37%, with the most common error implying a quadrilateral shape (66%. Addressing BAD guidelines and published requirements for more empirical performance data to improve teaching methods, we performed a national audit and studied skin lesion descriptions. To improve diagnostic and referral accuracy for patients, healthcare professionals must strive towards accuracy (a circle is not a square.ConclusionsWe provide supportive evidence that increased speciality training improves this process and propose that greater focus is placed on such training early on during medical training, and maintained throughout clinical practice.

  2. MRI atlas of MS lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sahraian, Mohammad Ali [Tehran Univ. of Medical Sciences Sina Hospital (Iran). Dept. of Neurology; Radue, Ernst-Wilhelm [Univ. Hospital Basel (Switzerland). Dept. of Neuroradiology


    MRI has become the main paraclinical test in the diagnosis and management of multiple sclerosis. We have demonstrated more than 400 pictures of different typical and atypical MS lesions in this atlas. Each image has a teaching point. New diagnostic criteria and differential diagnosis are discussed and the book is supported by a teaching DVD where the reader can see MS lesions in different slices and sequences. (orig.)

  3. Oncocytic lesions of the ophthalmic region

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Jens; Prause, Jan U; Heegaard, Steffen


    –brown, cystic and slow-growing. The antimitochondrial antibody MU213-UC produced a distinct and intense immunostaining of all oncocytic lesions and was found to be useful in substantiating oncocytic differentiation. Twenty-six of the lesions originated in the caruncle, three in the conjunctiva, two...

  4. Targeted Ultrasound for MR-Detected Lesions in Breast Cancer Patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Jung Hee; Han, Boo Kyung; Choe, Yeon Hyeon; Ko, Kyung Ran; Choi, Nami


    To investigate the usefulness of targeted ultrasound (US) in the identification of additional suspicious lesions found by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in breast cancer patients and the changes in treatment based on the identification of the lesions by the use of targeted US. One-hundred forty nine patients who underwent breast MR imaging for a preoperative evaluation of breast cancer between January 2002 and July 2004 were included in the study. We searched all cases for any additional lesions that were found initially by MR imaging and investigated the performance of targeted US in identifying the lesions. We also investigated their pathological outcomes and changes in treatment as a result of lesion identification. Of the 149 patients with breast cancer, additional suspicious lesions were detected with MR imaging in 62 patients (42%). Of the 69 additional lesions found in those 62 patients, 26 (38%) were confirmed as cancers by histology. Thirty-eight lesions in 31 patients were examined with targeted US and were histologically revealed as cancers in 18 (47%), high risk lesions in two (5%), benign lesions in 15 (39%), and unidentified lesions in three (8%). The cancer rate was statistically higher in lesions with a US correlate than in lesions without a US correlate (p = 0.028). Of 31 patients, the surgical plan was altered in 27 (87%). The use of targeted US justified a change in treatment for 22 patients (81%) and misled five patients (19%) into having an unnecessary surgical excision. Targeted US can play a useful role in the evaluation of additional suspicious lesions detected by MR imaging in breast cancer patients, but is limited in lesions without a US correlate

  5. Lung Lesions During Fever of Unknown Origin. (United States)

    Krupa, Renata; Zielonka, Tadeusz M; Hadzik-Blaszczyk, Malgorzata; Wardyn, Kazimierz A; Zycinska, Katarzyna


    Fever of unknown origin (FUO) remains one of the most difficult diagnostic challenges. The causes of FUO can be various diseases located in different organs. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and nature of pulmonary lesions during FUO. One hundred and sixty one patients with FUO participated in this prospective study. We performed a detailed comprehensive history, physical examination, and a wide spectrum of tests. The most common causes of FUO were infections (39%), autoimmune conditions (28%), and neoplasms (17%). Lung lesions were found in 30% of patients. In this group 35% were infections, 30% autoimmune diseases, and 4% cancer. Among patients with respiratory infections, there were cases of tuberculosis, atypical pneumonia, lung abscess, and bronchiectases. Autoimmune pulmonary lesions were observed during vasculitis and systemic lupus. The causes of FUO in the group of patients with lung lesions were also pulmonary embolism, sarcoidosis, and pulmonary fibrosis. Chest CT played an important role in the diagnosis of the causes of FUO with pulmonary manifestations. Pulmonary lesions are a common cause of FUO. Most FUO with pulmonary lesions are recognized during infections and autoimmune diseases. An important part of diagnosing FUO is a detailed evaluation of the respiratory system.

  6. Dural enhancement with primary calvarial lesions. (United States)

    Arana, E; Martí-Bonmatí, L; Ricart, V; Pérez-Ebrí, M


    The purpose of this study was to relate the pathological and imaging features of dural enhancement and meningeal sign ("dural tail") on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images from patients with primary calvarial lesions as well to assess the accuracy of MR imaging in predicting dural invasion. Thirty-two calvarial tumors studied with contrast-enhanced MR imaging and histopathological examination of the dural specimens were reviewed. Sixteen patients presented dural enhancement, eight with tumor invasion. Tumoral invasion of the dura was observed in one case without enhancement. Malignant lesions showed enhanced dura more commonly than benign lesions (P=0.02). Nodular and discontinuous dural enhancement was statistically associated with dural invasion (P=0.05). Dural tail did not show a specific pathological association. Meningeal enhancement is a nonspecific reaction to calvarial lesions unless nodular and discontinuous. False-negative and -positive cases of dural invasion imply some limitation of contrast-enhanced MR imaging in predicting dural invasion by calvarial neoplasms.

  7. Dural enhancement with primary calvarial lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arana, E. [Clinica Quiron, Department of Radiology, Valencia (Spain); Marti-Bonmati, L. [Clinica Quiron, Department of Radiology, Valencia (Spain); Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset, Department of Radiology, Valencia (Spain); Ricart, V. [Hospital de la Ribera, Department of Radiology, Valencia (Spain); Perez-Ebri, M. [Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset, Department of Pathology, Valencia (Spain)


    The purpose of this study was to relate the pathological and imaging features of dural enhancement and meningeal sign (''dural tail'') on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images from patients with primary calvarial lesions as well to assess the accuracy of MR imaging in predicting dural invasion. Thirty-two calvarial tumors studied with contrast-enhanced MR imaging and histopathological examination of the dural specimens were reviewed. Sixteen patients presented dural enhancement, eight with tumor invasion. Tumoral invasion of the dura was observed in one case without enhancement. Malignant lesions showed enhanced dura more commonly than benign lesions (P=0.02). Nodular and discontinuous dural enhancement was statistically associated with dural invasion (P=0.05). Dural tail did not show a specific pathological association. Meningeal enhancement is a nonspecific reaction to calvarial lesions unless nodular and discontinuous. False-negative and -positive cases of dural invasion imply some limitation of contrast-enhanced MR imaging in predicting dural invasion by calvarial neoplasms. (orig.)

  8. Evaluation of the various hepatic lesions with PET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Chul Ju


    When a liver lesion is found in a PET image, differential diagnosis and analysis of the lesion is very important. We tried to analyze hepatic lesions found in PET. 27 patients with focal liver lesions (6 patients with HCC, 5 patients with cholangiocarcinoma (CC), 9 patients with liver metastasis, 2 patients with hemangioma, 3 patients with liver abscess, and 1 patient with liver candidiasis) were examined. The concordance rates between CT and PET images were 57 % (4/7) for HCC, 83 % (5/6) for CC, 89% (8/9) for metastatic liver cancer, 100 % (6/6) for benign liver lesions. Therefore, PET was partially useful in the diagnosis of HCC, but it was very useful in the diagnosis of CC of liver metastasis. The contrast between lesions and surrounding liver background was very conspicuous in PET images of CC or liver metastasis, which suggests that PET might be used for the follow up and assessment of treatment response of these disease

  9. The Relation of Endodontic-Periodontal Lesion and Therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trijani Suwandi


    Full Text Available The correlation between endodontic-periodontal lesion has been documented well be researches. Endodontic lesion originates from pulp, while periodontal lesion originates from periodontal tissues. Anatomically they are connected by apical foramen, lateral canal and accessories, as well as dentin tubules. The correlation appeared as the endodontic defect can be from periodontal lesion, or a periodontal defect is from a pulp tissue. Together they can emerge and form a combination lesion. Endodontic infections have been highly correlated with deeper periodontal pockets and furcation involvement in mandibular, the causal relationship between the two pathoses has not yet been established. This consensus supports the influence of degenerated or inflamed pulp that can happen on the periodontium; but not all researchers agree about the effect of periodontal disease on the pulp. Conclusion: The mechanism of endo-perio lesion need to taken care in order to have appropriate diagnostic so that the right therapy would be able to keep the teeth in the oral cavity.

  10. Evaluation of the various hepatic lesions with PET

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Chul Ju


    When a liver lesion is found in a PET image, differential diagnosis and analysis of the lesion is very important. We tried to analyze hepatic lesions found in PET. 27 patients with focal liver lesions (6 patients with HCC, 5 patients with cholangiocarcinoma (CC), 9 patients with liver metastasis, 2 patients with hemangioma, 3 patients with liver abscess, and 1 patient with liver candidiasis) were examined. The concordance rates between CT and PET images were 57 % (4/7) for HCC, 83 % (5/6) for CC, 89% (8/9) for metastatic liver cancer, 100 % (6/6) for benign liver lesions. Therefore, PET was partially useful in the diagnosis of HCC, but it was very useful in the diagnosis of CC of liver metastasis. The contrast between lesions and surrounding liver background was very conspicuous in PET images of CC or liver metastasis, which suggests that PET might be used for the follow up and assessment of treatment response of these disease.

  11. Unilateral multiple tumorous lesions of the parotid gland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Mitsuaki; Fujita, Takenori; Adachi, Tosihide; Enomoto, Kenichi; Ishii, Hidenori; Yoshida, Chikako; Hokunan, Kazuhiko; Bando, Nobuyuki; Shigyo, Hiroshi.


    Multifocal tumors within the same parotid gland are very rare. We treated 13 patients with multiple tumorous lesions within the unilateral parotid gland. We evaluated the multiple nodules by CT-sialography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These imagings showed clearly two or more distinct nodular-appearing lesions. Recurrent pleomorphic adenoma (6 patients) was predominant, followed by Whartin's tumor (3 patients). The other lesions were two differential parenchymal tumors (polymorphous low grade adenoma/adenoma) within the same gland, a malignant lymphoma, a squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to the gland, and a tuberculous lesion. On palpitation, 9 of the patients had an unilateral tumor, one a palpable parotid mass in the gland, and the other four had two or more tumors in the unilateral gland. The patients with intra-parotid lymph node and metastatic lesions had extra-parotid cervical adenopathy. The clinical features and the differential diagnosis of the unilateral multiple tumors lesions of the parotid gland are discussed. (author)

  12. Lesion removal and lesion addition algorithms in lung volumetric data sets for perception studies (United States)

    Madsen, Mark T.; Berbaum, Kevin S.; Ellingson, Andrew; Thompson, Brad H.; Mullan, Brian F.


    Image perception studies of medical images provide important information about how radiologists interpret images and insights for reducing reading errors. In the past, perception studies have been difficult to perform using clinical imaging studies because of the problems associated with obtaining images demonstrating proven abnormalities and appropriate normal control images. We developed and evaluated interactive software that allows the seamless removal of abnormal areas from CT lung image sets. We have also developed interactive software for capturing lung lesions in a database where they can be added to lung CT studies. The efficacy of the software to remove abnormal areas of lung CT studies was evaluated psychophysically by having radiologists select the one altered image from a display of four. The software for adding lesions was evaluated by having radiologists classify displayed CT slices with lesions as real or artificial scaled to 3 levels of confidence. The results of these experiments demonstrated that the radiologist had difficulty in distinguishing the raw clinical images from those that had been altered. We conclude that this software can be used to create experimental normal control and "proven" lesion data sets for volumetric CT of the lung fields. We also note that this software can be easily adapted to work with other tissue besides lung and that it can be adapted to other digital imaging modalities.

  13. Prótesis totales y lesiones bucales en adultos mayores institucionalizados Total Prosthetics and Oral Lesions in Institutionalized Elderly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz García Alpízar


    Full Text Available Fundamento: las prótesis dentales constituyen una alternativa al perderse los dientes, pero no están exentas de provocar daños, que junto a la susceptibilidad de los tejidos, provocada por el envejecimiento e inadecuados estilos de vida, pueden llevar a la aparición de lesiones bucales. Objetivo: describir las características de pacientes portadores de prótesis totales y su relación con las lesiones bucales. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, con 93 ancianos institucionalizados portadores de prótesis total. Se utilizaron las pruebas de chi cuadrado y el riesgo relativo para determinar la asociación entre las variables: edad, sexo, higiene, estado de conservación, tiempo y frecuencia de uso de la prótesis, necesidades de prótesis, tipo de lesión, localización, hábito de fumar, enfermedades sistémicas y medicamentos empleados. Resultados: el 78,5 % de los ancianos presentó lesiones relacionadas con el uso de la prótesis. La estomatitis subprótesis fue la lesión más frecuente. La presencia de lesiones bucales fue significativa en aquellos con 80 años y más (100 %. El 95,8 % tenían prótesis deterioradas, y en la totalidad de ellos, las prótesis tenían 21 años y más de uso. El riesgo de desarrollar lesiones fue 2,98 veces superior en aquellos con una higiene bucal deficiente. El 100 % de los ancianos diabéticos y anémicos presentaron lesiones. Conclusiones: las lesiones bucales estuvieron muy relacionadas con los factores locales: estado de conservación, higiene, tiempo de uso de las prótesis; y con factores generales como: incremento de la edad, enfermedades sistémicas y uso de medicamentos para su tratamiento.Background: Prosthetics or dentures are an alternative to missing teeth. Nevertheless, they carry the risk of producing certain damage that, along with the susceptibility of the tissues caused by aging and inadequate lifestyles, can lead to the development of oral lesions. Objective: To describe the

  14. Stereotactic lesioning for mental illness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, M.-C.; Lee, T.-K.


    The authors report stereotactically created lesioning by radiofrequency or Cyberknife radiosurgery for patients with mental illness. Since 1993, thirty-eight patients have undergone stereotactic psychosurgery for medically intractable mental illnesses. Two patients had aggressive behavior. Twenty-five patients suffered from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and ten patients had depression. Another patient suffered from atypical psychosis. Bilateral amygdalotomy and subcaudate tractotomy were done for aggressive behavior. Limbic leucotomy or anterior cingulotomy was done for CCD and subcaudate tractotomy with or without cingulotomy was done for depression. In twenty-three patients, the lesions were made by a radiofrequency (RF) lesion generator. In fifteen cases, the lesions were made with Cyberknife Radiosurgery (CKRS). The Overt Aggression Scale (OAS) declined from 8 to 2 with clinical improvement during follow up period. With long-term follow up (meaning 57 months) in 25 OCDs, the mean Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Score (YBOCS) declined from 34 to 13 (n = 25). The Hamilton Depression scale (HAMD) for ten patients with depression declined from 38.5 to 10.5 (n = 10). There was no operative mortality and no significant morbidity except one case with transient urinary incontinence. Authors suggest that stereotactic psychosurgery by RF and CKRS could be a safe and effective means of treating some medically intractable mental illnesses. (author)

  15. An implant periapical lesion associated with an endodontic-periodontic lesion of an adjacent molar


    Chou, Ting-An; Chang, Yu-Liang; Yu, Ling-Min; Pan, Whei-Ling; Ju, Yuh-Ren; Chan, Chiu-Po


    Adjacent natural teeth with untreated pulpal or periodontal pathology may be a potential risk for implant infection. We report a rare case of an implant periapical lesion (IPL) possibly caused by direct extension of a periradicular lesion of an adjacent tooth. A 40-year-old female patient, who had previously received three implants on the edentulous areas of teeth 16, 36 and 46, had a recurrent infection over the lower left second molar area for 2 years. A periapical radiograph revealed incom...

  16. Comparison of SPECT/CT and MRI in diagnosing symptomatic lesions in ankle and foot pain patients: diagnostic performance and relation to lesion type. (United States)

    Ha, Seunggyun; Hong, Sung Hwan; Paeng, Jin Chul; Lee, Dong Yeon; Cheon, Gi Jeong; Arya, Amitabh; Chung, June-Key; Lee, Dong Soo; Kang, Keon Wook


    The purpose of this study was to compare the diagnostic performance of SPECT/CT and MRI in patients with ankle and foot pain, with regard to the lesion types. Fifty consecutive patients with ankle and foot pain, who underwent 99mTc-MDP SPECT/CT and MRI, were retrospectively enrolled in this study. Symptomatic lesions were determined based on clinical examination and response to treatment. On MRI and SPECT/CT, detected lesions were classified as bone, ligament/tendon, and joint lesions. Uptake on SPECT/CT was assessed using a 4-grade system. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of SPECT/CT and MRI were evaluated in all detected lesions and each lesion type. Diagnostic value of uptake grade was analyzed using receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis, and diagnostic performance was compared using Chi-square or McNemar tests. In overall lesions, the sensitivity, PPV and NPV of SPECT/CT for symptomatic lesions were 93%, 56%, 91%, and they were 98%, 48%, 95% for MRI. There was no significant difference between SPECT/CT and MRI. However, the specificity of SPECT/CT was significantly higher than that of MRI (48% versus 24%, P = 0.016). Uptake grade on SPECT/CT was significantly higher in symptomatic lesions (P diagnostic performance for symptomatic lesions in ankle and foot pain patients. SPECT/CT and MRI exhibit different diagnostic specificity in different lesion types. SPECT/CT may be used as a complementary imaging method to MRI for enhancing diagnostic specificity.

  17. Stroke subtype classification by geometrical descriptors of lesion shape.

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    Bastian Cheng

    Full Text Available Inference of etiology from lesion pattern in acute magnetic resonance imaging is valuable for management and prognosis of acute stroke patients. This study aims to assess the value of three-dimensional geometrical lesion-shape descriptors for stroke-subtype classification, specifically regarding stroke of cardioembolic origin.Stroke Etiology was classified according to ASCOD in retrospectively selected patients with acute stroke. Lesions were segmented on diffusion-weighed datasets, and descriptors of lesion shape quantified: surface area, sphericity, bounding box volume, and ratio between bounding box and lesion volume. Morphological measures were compared between stroke subtypes classified by ASCOD and between patients with embolic stroke of cardiac and non-cardiac source.150 patients (mean age 77 years; 95% CI, 65-80 years; median NIHSS 6, range 0-22 were included. Group comparison of lesion shape measures demonstrated that lesions caused by small-vessel disease were smaller and more spherical compared to other stroke subtypes. No significant differences of morphological measures were detected between patients with cardioembolic and non-cardioembolic stroke.Stroke lesions caused by small vessel disease can be distinguished from other stroke lesions based on distinctive morphological properties. However, within the group of embolic strokes, etiology could not be inferred from the morphology measures studied in our analysis.

  18. Lesion insertion in the projection domain: Methods and initial results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Baiyu; Leng, Shuai; Yu, Lifeng; Yu, Zhicong; Ma, Chi; McCollough, Cynthia


    Purpose: To perform task-based image quality assessment in CT, it is desirable to have a large number of realistic patient images with known diagnostic truth. One effective way of achieving this objective is to create hybrid images that combine patient images with inserted lesions. Because conventional hybrid images generated in the image domain fails to reflect the impact of scan and reconstruction parameters on lesion appearance, this study explored a projection-domain approach. Methods: Lesions were segmented from patient images and forward projected to acquire lesion projections. The forward-projection geometry was designed according to a commercial CT scanner and accommodated both axial and helical modes with various focal spot movement patterns. The energy employed by the commercial CT scanner for beam hardening correction was measured and used for the forward projection. The lesion projections were inserted into patient projections decoded from commercial CT projection data. The combined projections were formatted to match those of commercial CT raw data, loaded onto a commercial CT scanner, and reconstructed to create the hybrid images. Two validations were performed. First, to validate the accuracy of the forward-projection geometry, images were reconstructed from the forward projections of a virtual ACR phantom and compared to physically acquired ACR phantom images in terms of CT number accuracy and high-contrast resolution. Second, to validate the realism of the lesion in hybrid images, liver lesions were segmented from patient images and inserted back into the same patients, each at a new location specified by a radiologist. The inserted lesions were compared to the original lesions and visually assessed for realism by two experienced radiologists in a blinded fashion. Results: For the validation of the forward-projection geometry, the images reconstructed from the forward projections of the virtual ACR phantom were consistent with the images physically

  19. Lesion insertion in the projection domain: Methods and initial results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Baiyu; Leng, Shuai; Yu, Lifeng; Yu, Zhicong; Ma, Chi; McCollough, Cynthia, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota 55905 (United States)


    Purpose: To perform task-based image quality assessment in CT, it is desirable to have a large number of realistic patient images with known diagnostic truth. One effective way of achieving this objective is to create hybrid images that combine patient images with inserted lesions. Because conventional hybrid images generated in the image domain fails to reflect the impact of scan and reconstruction parameters on lesion appearance, this study explored a projection-domain approach. Methods: Lesions were segmented from patient images and forward projected to acquire lesion projections. The forward-projection geometry was designed according to a commercial CT scanner and accommodated both axial and helical modes with various focal spot movement patterns. The energy employed by the commercial CT scanner for beam hardening correction was measured and used for the forward projection. The lesion projections were inserted into patient projections decoded from commercial CT projection data. The combined projections were formatted to match those of commercial CT raw data, loaded onto a commercial CT scanner, and reconstructed to create the hybrid images. Two validations were performed. First, to validate the accuracy of the forward-projection geometry, images were reconstructed from the forward projections of a virtual ACR phantom and compared to physically acquired ACR phantom images in terms of CT number accuracy and high-contrast resolution. Second, to validate the realism of the lesion in hybrid images, liver lesions were segmented from patient images and inserted back into the same patients, each at a new location specified by a radiologist. The inserted lesions were compared to the original lesions and visually assessed for realism by two experienced radiologists in a blinded fashion. Results: For the validation of the forward-projection geometry, the images reconstructed from the forward projections of the virtual ACR phantom were consistent with the images physically

  20. Lesion insertion in the projection domain: Methods and initial results. (United States)

    Chen, Baiyu; Leng, Shuai; Yu, Lifeng; Yu, Zhicong; Ma, Chi; McCollough, Cynthia


    To perform task-based image quality assessment in CT, it is desirable to have a large number of realistic patient images with known diagnostic truth. One effective way of achieving this objective is to create hybrid images that combine patient images with inserted lesions. Because conventional hybrid images generated in the image domain fails to reflect the impact of scan and reconstruction parameters on lesion appearance, this study explored a projection-domain approach. Lesions were segmented from patient images and forward projected to acquire lesion projections. The forward-projection geometry was designed according to a commercial CT scanner and accommodated both axial and helical modes with various focal spot movement patterns. The energy employed by the commercial CT scanner for beam hardening correction was measured and used for the forward projection. The lesion projections were inserted into patient projections decoded from commercial CT projection data. The combined projections were formatted to match those of commercial CT raw data, loaded onto a commercial CT scanner, and reconstructed to create the hybrid images. Two validations were performed. First, to validate the accuracy of the forward-projection geometry, images were reconstructed from the forward projections of a virtual ACR phantom and compared to physically acquired ACR phantom images in terms of CT number accuracy and high-contrast resolution. Second, to validate the realism of the lesion in hybrid images, liver lesions were segmented from patient images and inserted back into the same patients, each at a new location specified by a radiologist. The inserted lesions were compared to the original lesions and visually assessed for realism by two experienced radiologists in a blinded fashion. For the validation of the forward-projection geometry, the images reconstructed from the forward projections of the virtual ACR phantom were consistent with the images physically acquired for the ACR

  1. Global aphasia without hemiparesis: language profiles and lesion distribution (United States)

    Hanlon, R.; Lux, W.; Dromerick, A.


    OBJECTIVES—Global aphasia without hemiparesis (GAWH) is an uncommon stroke syndrome involving receptive and expressive language impairment, without the hemiparesis typically manifested by patients with global aphasia after large left perisylvian lesions. A few cases of GAWH have been reported with conflicting conclusions regarding pathogenesis, lesion localisation, and recovery. The current study was conducted to attempt to clarify these issues.
METHODS—Ten cases of GAWH were prospectively studied with language profiles and lesion analysis; five patients had multiple lesions, four patients had a single lesion, and one had a subarachnoid haemorrhage. Eight patients met criteria for cardioembolic ischaemic stroke.
RESULTS—Cluster analysis based on acute language profiles disclosed three subtypes of patients with GAWH; these clusters persisted on follow up language assessment. Each cluster evolved into a different aphasia subtype: persistent GAWH, Wernicke's aphasia, or transcortical motor aphasia (TCM). Composite lesion analysis showed that persistent GAWH was related to lesioning of the left superior temporal gyrus. Patients with acute GAWH who evolved into TCM type aphasia had common lesioning of the left inferior frontal gyrus and adjacent subcortical white matter. Patients with acute GAWH who evolved into Wernicke's type aphasia were characterised by lesioning of the left precentral and postcentral gyri. Recovery of language was poor in all but one patient.
CONCLUSIONS—Although patients with acute GAWH are similar on neurological examination, they are heterogeneous with respect to early aphasia profile, language recovery, and lesion profile.


  2. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging of breast lesions: Initial ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Hebatallah Hassan Mamdouh Hassan


    Mar 31, 2013 ... breast cancer.2 Additional lesions seen by MRI that are not visible on ... characterization of lesions as benign or malignant on the basis ... lular density associated with numerous intact cell ..... ence for ADC values between the two MRI devices, the lesions .... Magnetic resonance imaging of brain and spine.

  3. Predictive features for histology of gastric subepithelial lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Teles SCHULZ

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Gastric subepithelial lesion is a relatively common diagnosis after routine upper endoscopy. The diagnostic workup of an undetermined gastric subepithelial lesion should take into consideration clinical and endoscopic features. OBJECTIVE We aimed to investigate the association between patients' characteristics, endoscopic and echographic features with the histologic diagnosis of the gastric subepithelial lesions. METHODS This is a retrospective study with 55 patients, who were consecutively diagnosed with gastric subepithelial lesions, from October 2008 to August 2011. Patients' characteristics, endoscopic and echografic features of each gastric subepithelial lesion were analysed. Histologic diagnosis provided by EUS-guided fine needle aspiration or endoscopic/surgical resection was used as gold standard. RESULTS The probability of gastrointestinal stromal tumors to be located in the cardia was low (4.5%, while for leiomyoma it was high (>95%. In addition, there was a higher risk of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in patients older than 57 years (OR 8.9; 95% CI, with lesions ≥21 mm (OR 7.15; 95% CI, located at 4th layer (OR 18.8; 95% CI, with positive Doppler sign (OR 9; 95% CI, and irregular outer border (OR 7.75; 95% CI. CONCLUSION The location of gastric subepithelial lesions in the gastric cardia lowers the risk of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. While gastric subepithelial lesions occurring in elderly patients, located in the gastric body, with positive Doppler signal and irregular outer border increase the risk of gastrointestinal stromal tumors.

  4. Acute disseminated candidiasis with skin lesions: a systematic review. (United States)

    Guarana, M; Nucci, M


    Neutropenic patients developing acute disseminated candidiasis may present with skin lesions. To evaluate the epidemiology of acute disseminated candidiasis with skin lesions in neutropenic patients, taking into consideration changes caused by different prophylactic strategies. A systematic review of English-language articles found via PubMed (1963-2016) was performed. We asked the following questions: (a) What Candida species are more frequently involved in this syndrome? (b) Has antifungal prophylaxis changed the species causing skin lesions? (c) What are the typical patterns of skin lesions? (d) What is the frequency of skin lesions in neutropenic patients with candidaemia or acute disseminated candidiasis? (e) Has antifungal prophylaxis decreased the incidence of acute disseminated candidiasis with skin lesions? Among 183 studies, 33 were selected, reporting 100 cases of acute disseminated candidiasis with skin lesions in neutropenic patients. It occurred more frequently in the setting of induction therapy for de novo or relapsed acute leukaemia, and the most frequent Candida species were C. tropicalis (68%) and C. krusei (15%). Diffuse maculopapular lesions predominated in cases caused by C. tropicalis and nodular and papular lesions in cases caused by C. krusei. Prophylaxis with fluconazole was reported in six cases, C. krusei in five and C. ciferrii in one. The death rate was 45.4%. Two patterns were recognized: disseminated maculopapular lesions caused by C. tropicalis in patients not receiving fluconazole prophylaxis, occurring in 39% to 44% of neutropenic patients with acute disseminated candidiasis, and nodular lesions caused by C. krusei in patients receiving fluconazole prophylaxis, occurring less frequently. Copyright © 2017 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Breast vibro-acoustography: initial experience in benign lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alizad, Azra; Mehrmohammadi, Mohammad; Ghosh, Karthik; Glazebrook, Katrina N; Carter, Rickey E; Karaberkmez, Leman Gunbery; Whaley, Dana H; Fatemi, Mostafa


    Vibro-acoustography (VA) is a newly developed imaging technology that is based on low-frequency vibrations induced in the object by the radiation force of ultrasound. VA is sensitive to the dynamic characteristics of tissue. Here, we evaluate the performance of VA in identifying benign lesions and compare the results to those of mammography. An integrated mammography-VA system designed for in vivo breast imaging was tested on a group of female volunteers, age ≥ 18 years, with suspected breast lesions based on clinical examination. A set of VA scans was acquired after each corresponding mammography. Most lesions were classified as benign based on their histological results. However, in 4 cases, initial diagnosis based on clinical imaging determined that the lesions were cysts. These cysts were aspirated with needle aspiration and disappeared completely under direct ultrasound visualization. Therefore, no biopsies were performed on these cases and lesions were classified as benign based on clinical findings per clinical standards. To define the VA characteristics of benign breast masses, we adopted the features that are normally attributed to such masses in mammography. In a blinded assessment, three radiologists evaluated the VA images independently. The diagnostic accuracy of VA for detection of benign lesions was assessed by comparing the reviewers’ evaluations with clinical data. Out of a total 29 benign lesions in the group, the reviewers were able to locate all lesions on VA images and mammography, 100% with (95% confidence interval (CI): 88% to 100%). Two reviewers were also able to correctly classify 83% (95% CI: 65% to 92%), and the third reviewer 86% (95% CI: 65% to 95%) of lesions, as benign on VA images and 86% (95% CI: 69% to 95%) on mammography. The results suggest that the mammographic characteristics of benign lesion may also be used to identify such lesions in VA. Furthermore, the results show the ability of VA to detect benign breast

  6. Large deep neural networks for MS lesion segmentation (United States)

    Prieto, Juan C.; Cavallari, Michele; Palotai, Miklos; Morales Pinzon, Alfredo; Egorova, Svetlana; Styner, Martin; Guttmann, Charles R. G.


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a multi-factorial autoimmune disorder, characterized by spatial and temporal dissemination of brain lesions that are visible in T2-weighted and Proton Density (PD) MRI. Assessment of lesion burden and is useful for monitoring the course of the disease, and assessing correlates of clinical outcomes. Although there are established semi-automated methods to measure lesion volume, most of them require human interaction and editing, which are time consuming and limits the ability to analyze large sets of data with high accuracy. The primary objective of this work is to improve existing segmentation algorithms and accelerate the time consuming operation of identifying and validating MS lesions. In this paper, a Deep Neural Network for MS Lesion Segmentation is implemented. The MS lesion samples are extracted from the Partners Comprehensive Longitudinal Investigation of Multiple Sclerosis (CLIMB) study. A set of 900 subjects with T2, PD and a manually corrected label map images were used to train a Deep Neural Network and identify MS lesions. Initial tests using this network achieved a 90% accuracy rate. A secondary goal was to enable this data repository for big data analysis by using this algorithm to segment the remaining cases available in the CLIMB repository.

  7. Iliopsoas compartment lesions: a radiologic evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leao, Alberto Ribeiro de Souza; Amaral, Raquel Portugal Guimaraes; Abud, Thiago Giansante; Demarchi, Guilherme Tadeu Sauaia; Freire Filho, Edison de Oliveira; Novack, Paulo Rogerio; Campos, Flavio do Amaral; Shigueoka, David Carlos; Fernandes, Artur da Rocha Correa; Szejnfeld, Jacob; D'Ippolito, Giuseppe


    The iliopsoas compartment, a posterior boundary of the retroperitoneum, is comprised of the psoas major, psoas minor and iliac muscles. The symptoms picture in patients presenting with pathological involvement of this compartment may show a wide range of nonspecific clinical presentations that may lead to delayed diagnosis. However, in the search of an etiological diagnosis, it is already known that inflammation, tumors, and hemorrhages account for almost all the lesions affecting the iliopsoas compartment. By means of a retrospective analysis of radiological studies in patients with iliopsoas compartment lesions whose diagnosis was confirmed by anatomopathological evaluation or clinical follow-up, we have reviewed its anatomy as well as the main forms of involvement, with the purpose of identifying radiological signs that may help to narrow down the potential differential diagnoses. As each lesion is approached we will discuss the main radiological findings such as presence of gas in pyogenic abscesses, bone destruction and other bone changes of vertebral bodies in lesions secondary to tuberculosis, involvement of fascial planes in cases of neoplasms, and differences in signal density and intensity of hematomas secondary to hemoglobin degradation, among others. So, we have tried to present cases depicting the most frequent lesions involving the iliopsoas compartment, with emphasis on those signs that can lead us to a more specific etiological diagnosis. (author)

  8. Iliopsoas compartment lesions: a radiologic evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leao, Alberto Ribeiro de Souza; Amaral, Raquel Portugal Guimaraes; Abud, Thiago Giansante; Demarchi, Guilherme Tadeu Sauaia; Freire Filho, Edison de Oliveira; Novack, Paulo Rogerio; Campos, Flavio do Amaral; Shigueoka, David Carlos; Fernandes, Artur da Rocha Correa; Szejnfeld, Jacob; D' Ippolito, Giuseppe [Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP-EPM), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Dept. de Diagnostico por Imagem]. E-mail:; Santos, Jose Eduardo Mourao [Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP-EPM), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    The iliopsoas compartment, a posterior boundary of the retroperitoneum, is comprised of the psoas major, psoas minor and iliac muscles. The symptoms picture in patients presenting with pathological involvement of this compartment may show a wide range of nonspecific clinical presentations that may lead to delayed diagnosis. However, in the search of an etiological diagnosis, it is already known that inflammation, tumors, and hemorrhages account for almost all the lesions affecting the iliopsoas compartment. By means of a retrospective analysis of radiological studies in patients with iliopsoas compartment lesions whose diagnosis was confirmed by anatomopathological evaluation or clinical follow-up, we have reviewed its anatomy as well as the main forms of involvement, with the purpose of identifying radiological signs that may help to narrow down the potential differential diagnoses. As each lesion is approached we will discuss the main radiological findings such as presence of gas in pyogenic abscesses, bone destruction and other bone changes of vertebral bodies in lesions secondary to tuberculosis, involvement of fascial planes in cases of neoplasms, and differences in signal density and intensity of hematomas secondary to hemoglobin degradation, among others. So, we have tried to present cases depicting the most frequent lesions involving the iliopsoas compartment, with emphasis on those signs that can lead us to a more specific etiological diagnosis. (author)

  9. Brachial plexus lesions: Anatomical knowledge as an essential ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This clinical feature was in conformity with a lesion of inferior primary trunk. All diagnoses were made based on the clinical findings. These cases demonstrate the significance of a through anatomical knowledge in the clinical examination if one has to avoid confusing the signs of terminal nerves lesion with the trunk's lesion.

  10. Computed tomographic localization of Rt. Juxtadiaphragmatic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jong Doo; Choe, Kyu Ok; Kim, Ki Whang; Hong, In Soo


    Since several reports were published about CT differentiation of peridiaphragmatic fluid collection using 4 useful signs-diaphragm, displaced crus, bare area and interface signs. Transverse CT scans of 20 patients with abnormal diaphragmatic position due to large intrathoracic or intraabdominal lesion were analysed on the basis of those signs. Difficulties were encounted with differentiation when laterally located lesions did not extend to as far medially as crus, and when diaphragmatic stripe could not be distinguished from thickened pleura or adjacent wall of lesions. As a result, limited cases can be adequately assessed by diaphragm or displaced crus sign. Furthermore, bare area and interface signs seemed to be not useful at all. However relationship between caudal tip of lesions and thoracoabdominal wall was always constant in each thoracic or abdominal lesions. All of intrathoracic masses or empyemas were attached to thoracic wall displacing properitoneal and perirenal fat medially or inferiorly. By contraries, all of intraabdominal masses were separated from abdominal wall displacing properitoneal fat or peritoneum laterally. The key to accurate localization seemed to be identification of such relationship

  11. Prevalence of oral lesions in pan vendor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prakash Gadodia


    Full Text Available Background: Being a portal of entry to various smoking and smokeless tobacco products, oral cavity is prone to deleterious effects. Present study consist of epidemiological survey to elucidate oral lesions in pan vendors. Aims and objectives: To detect oral lesions in pan vendors and compare it with controls. To detect habit pattern and prevalence of OSMF and other lesions in pan vendors as compared to controls- To identify, recognize and evaluate the possible etiology for OSMF, encompassing various chewing and smoking habits. Materials and methods: Study population consist of 170 pan vendors with age ranging from 15 to 55 years and equal number of sex matched controls selected randomly. Results: Prevalence of oral lesions in pan vendors is statistically significantly higher as compared to controls. The habit of arecanut chewing in various forms was present in all cases. The habit of smoking and smokeless tobacco products was present in all cases. Conclusion: Pan vendors are at higher risk for oral lesions than controls. There is increase in relative risk with increase in duration and frequency of habit.

  12. An asymptomatic radiolucent lesion in posterior mandible: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keerthi Gurushanth


    Full Text Available Radiolucent mandibular lesions are commonly evident on head and neck imaging and present a diagnostic dilemma for the radiologist. These may represent a broad spectrum of lesions arising from both odontogenic and nonodontogenic structures. Furthermore, few radiolucent lesions are often identified as incidental lesions by the radiologist on imaging performed for different reasons. Location of the lesion, borders, internal structure, and its effect on surrounding structures are the key points to narrow the differential diagnosis. Imaging is essential not only for the diagnosis of lesions, but also to guide therapy and monitor the treatment response. Here is a case report on traumatic bone cyst that presented as an asymptomatic radiolucent lesion in right posterior mandible and was discovered incidentally on routine radiograph. The lesion was diagnosed based on patient′s anamnesis and radiographic examination. This paper aims at discussing the differential diagnosis, various radiological characteristics, and their prediction in prognosis of the lesion.

  13. Interpretation of proton relative biological effectiveness using lesion induction, lesion repair, and cellular dose distribution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paganetti, H.


    Phenomenological biophysical models have been successfully used to estimate the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of ions. The predictive power of these models is limited because they require measured dose-response data that are not necessarily available for all clinically relevant end points. Furthermore, input parameters often lack mechanistic interpretation. In order to link RBE to more fundamental biological parameters we combine the concepts of two well-established biophysical models, i.e., the phenomenological 'track structure' model and the more mechanistic 'lethal lesion/potentially lethal lesion' (LPL) model. We parametrize a relation between RBE, dose homogeneity in the cell nucleus and induction rates for different lesion types. The macroscopic dose-response relationship is described in the LPL model and the microscopic, subcellular, relationship is determined by the local dose deposition pattern. The formalism provides a framework for a mechanistic interpretation of RBE values

  14. Comparison of functional recovery of manual dexterity after unilateral spinal cord lesion or motor cortex lesion in adult macaque monkeys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florence eHoogewoud


    Full Text Available In relation to mechanisms involved in functional recovery of manual dexterity from cervical cord injury or from motor cortical injury, our goal was to determine whether the movements that characterize post-lesion functional recovery are comparable to original movement patterns or do monkeys adopt distinct strategies to compensate the deficits depending on the type of lesion? To this aim, data derived from earlier studies, using a skilled finger task (the modified Brinkman board from which pellets are retrieved from vertical or horizontal slots, in spinal cord and motor cortex injured monkeys were analyzed and compared. Twelve adult macaque monkeys were subjected to a hemi-section of the cervical cord (n=6 or to a unilateral excitotoxic lesion of the hand representation in the primary motor cortex (n=6. In addition, in each subgroup, one half of monkeys (n=3 were treated for 30 days with a function blocking antibody against the neurite growth inhibitory protein Nogo-A, while the other half (n=3 represented control animals. The motor deficits, and the extent and time course of functional recovery were assessed.For some of the parameters investigated (wrist angle for horizontal slots and movement types distribution for vertical slots after cervical injury; movement types distribution for horizontal slots after motor cortex lesion, post-lesion restoration of the original movement patterns (true recovery led to a quantitatively better functional recovery. In the motor cortex lesion groups, pharmacological reversible inactivation experiments showed that the peri-lesion territory of the primary motor cortex or re-arranged, spared domain of the lesion zone, played a major role in the functional recovery, together with the ipsilesional intact premotor cortex.

  15. Role of FDG/CT in imaging of renal lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kochhar, R.; Manoharan, P.; Brown, R.K.; Dunnick, N.R.; Frey, K.A.; Wong, C.O.


    Full text: Focal incidental renal lesions are commonly encountered on positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) imaging. The wast majority of these lesions are benign. However, the interpretation of renal lesions can be problematic if the imaging criteria of simple cysts are not met. Limited literature exists on the characterisation of renal masses with metabolic imaging. The purpose of this article is to focus on the imaging features of benign and malignant renal masses with PET/CT. The lesions discussed include renal cyst, angiomyolipoma, oncocytoma, renal cell carcinoma, renal metastases and other infiltrating neoplastic processes affecting the kidney. Both the anatomical and metabolic features which characterise these benign and malignant entities are described. We emphasise the importance of viewing the CT component to identify the typical morphological features and discuss how to best use hybrid imaging for management of renal lesions. Metabolic imaging has a promising role in the imaging of renal lesions and can help prevent unnecessary biopsies and ensure optimal management of suspicious lesions.

  16. Respiratory function after lesions in medulla oblongata. (United States)

    Woischneck, Dieter; Kapapa, Thomas; Heissler, Hans E; Reissberg, Steffen; Skalej, Martin; Firsching, Raimund


    To evaluate the correlation of lesions of the brain as visualized in cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the ability of spontaneous respiration. In a prospective concept, cranial MRI after traumatic brain injury or spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage was performed in 250 subjects at an early stage. All MRI findings were correlated with respiratory conditions on the day of examination. Sedation was performed only to facilitate toleration of the artificial ventilation, as and when necessary. Spontaneous respiration could hence be registered clinically. Thirteen subjects (5.2%) had no spontaneous respiration. In these cases, a bilateral lesion of the distal medulla oblongata could be displayed. In four of these cases, no additional injuries of the brainstem were detected. These subjects awoke 2 days after the impact with tetraparesis and apnea. Combined lesions of the medulla oblongata and other brainstem regions were found in nine subjects. All these patients died without awakening. In the absence of a bilateral lesion of the caudal medulla oblongata, spontaneous respiration was always possible. A unilateral lesion of the caudal medulla oblongata was visualized in one patient who had the ability of spontaneous respiration. This work confirms the presence of autonomous respiratory centers within the caudal medulla oblongata that allows sufficient adequate respiration in coma. Respiration ceases in the presence of a bilateral lesion of this area.

  17. Virtual gastroscopy using spiral CT in gastric lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Sang Soo; Kang, Heoung Keun; Jeong, Yong Yeon; Yoon, Man Won; Song, Sang Gook; Jeong, Gwang Woo


    To compare virtual gastroscopy using spiral CT with conventional endoscopy for the detection and evaluation of gastric lesions. During a previous six-month period, 30 patients with pathologically-proven gastric lesions underwent conventional endoscopy and virtual gastroscopy using spiral CT. There were 18 cases of advanced gastric carcinoma, eight benign ulcers, and four submucosal tumors(two leiomyomas, two lymphomas). Source images of virtual gastroscopy were three-dim-ensionally reconstructed within an Advantage Windows Workstation and virtual gastroscopic images were obtained using Navigator Software. On analysis, images were graded according to their quality(excellent, good, poor). Virtual gastroscopic images were interpreted by two radiologists blinded to conventional endoscopic findings, and were subsequently compared with endoscopic findings in terms of detectability and findings. In the cases of advanced gastric carcinoma, lesions were classified according to Borrmann's system. For virtual gastroscopy, overall image quality was excellent in 21 cases(70%), good in five(17%), and poor in four(13%). Lesions were detected in 25 cases(83%). Among the 18 advanced gastric carcinomas, virtual gastroscopy image quality was excellent in 14 cases(78%), good in two(11%), and poor in two(11%). Lesions were detected in 16 cases(89%). Two Borrmann type IV cases were not detected. Among the eight benign ulcers, virtual gastroscopy image quality was excellent in three cases(38%), good in three(38%), and poor in two(25%). The detection of lesion was possible in five cases(63%). In all submucosal tumors, virtual gastroscopy image quality was excellent. Lesions were detected in all cases. Virtual gastroscopy using spiral CT is safe and noninvasive, and for the evaluation of gastric lesions may be complementary to axial CT. It successfully detects gastric lesions, and in depicting the pattern of gastric folds its image quality is excellent.=20

  18. Histologic Analysis of Gynaecologic Lesions in Nigerians | Keshinro ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Uterine leiomyomas were the most common lesions and majority of them were seen in age groups 30-39 and 40-49 years. Simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia accounted for most endometrial lesions (52,3%) and were seen more in age groups 30-39 and 40-49 years. Most ovarian lesions (45.9%) were non ...

  19. Diffusion-weighted imaging in characterization of cystic pancreatic lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandrasegaran, K., E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN (United States); Akisik, F.M.; Patel, A.A.; Rydberg, M. [Department of Radiology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN (United States); Cramer, H.M.; Agaram, N.P. [Department of Pathology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN (United States); Schmidt, C.M. [Department of Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN (United States)


    Aim: To evaluate whether apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements from diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) can characterize or predict the malignant potential of cystic pancreatic lesions. Materials and methods: Retrospective review of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) database over a 2-year period revealed 136 patients with cystic pancreatic lesions. Patients with DWI studies and histological confirmation of cystic mass were included. In patients with known pancreatitis, lesions with amylase content of >1000 IU/l that resolved on subsequent scans were included as pseudocysts. ADC of cystic lesions was measured by two independent reviewers. These values were then compared to categorize these lesions as benign or malignant using conventional MRI sequences. Results: Seventy lesions were analysed: adenocarcinoma (n = 4), intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN; n = 28), mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN; n = 9), serous cystadenoma (n = 16), and pseudocysts (n = 13). There was no difference between ADC values of malignant and non-malignant lesions (p = 0.06), between mucinous and serous tumours (p = 0.12), or between IPMN and MCN (p = 0.42). ADC values for low-grade IPMN were significantly higher than those for high-grade or invasive IPMN (p = 0.03). Conclusion: ADC values may be helpful in deciding the malignant potential of IPMN. However, they are not useful in differentiating malignant from benign lesions or for characterizing cystic pancreatic lesions.

  20. A software system for the simulation of chest lesions (United States)

    Ryan, John T.; McEntee, Mark; Barrett, Saoirse; Evanoff, Michael; Manning, David; Brennan, Patrick


    We report on the development of a novel software tool for the simulation of chest lesions. This software tool was developed for use in our study to attain optimal ambient lighting conditions for chest radiology. This study involved 61 consultant radiologists from the American Board of Radiology. Because of its success, we intend to use the same tool for future studies. The software has two main functions: the simulation of lesions and retrieval of information for ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) and JAFROC (Jack-Knife Free Response ROC) analysis. The simulation layer operates by randomly selecting an image from a bank of reportedly normal chest x-rays. A random location is then generated for each lesion, which is checked against a reference lung-map. If the location is within the lung fields, as derived from the lung-map, a lesion is superimposed. Lesions are also randomly selected from a bank of manually created chest lesion images. A blending algorithm determines which are the best intensity levels for the lesion to sit naturally within the chest x-ray. The same software was used to run a study for all 61 radiologists. A sequence of images is displayed in random order. Half of these images had simulated lesions, ranging from subtle to obvious, and half of the images were normal. The operator then selects locations where he/she thinks lesions exist and grades the lesion accordingly. We have found that this software was very effective in this study and intend to use the same principles for future studies.

  1. Herpesviruses in asymptomatic apical periodontitis lesions: an immunohistochemical approach. (United States)

    Saboia-Dantas, C J; Coutrin de Toledo, L F; Sampaio-Filho, H R; Siqueira, J F


    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) have been recently detected in samples from apical periodontitis lesions by means of molecular biology techniques and a role in the pathogenesis of this disease has been suggested. The present study was designed to survey asymptomatic primary apical periodontitis lesions for the presence of HCMV- and/or EBV-infected cells by means of immunohistochemistry. Apical periodontitis lesions were obtained from 35 patients [26 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) -seronegative patients and nine HIV-seropositive patients] after tooth extraction and subjected to immunohistochemical analysis using monoclonal antibodies specific for HCMV and EBV. Fifteen of the 35 apical periodontitis lesions were positive for the target herpesviruses. Overall, EBV was found in 31% of the samples and HCMV in 23%, with 14% of the lesions showing EBV and HCMV dual infection. No association was found between HCMV or EBV with any particular histopathological type of apical periodontitis (P > 0.05). HCMV was significantly more frequent in apical periodontitis lesions from HIV-positive patients (67%) than in lesions from HIV-negative patients (8%) (P = 0.001). EBV was detected in 44% of lesions from HIV-positive patients and in 27% of lesions from HIV-negative patients, but this difference was not significant (P = 0.91). Our results showed that cells infected by HCMV and EBV can be found in apical periodontitis lesions, with a higher prevalence in HIV-positive patients. The specific role that these viruses play in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis remains to be described.

  2. Ultrasonography of chest wall lesion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Cheol Min; Kim, C. H.; Cha, I. H.; Chung, K. B.; Ser, W. H.; Choi, Y. H. [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Thirty-one patients with chest wall diseases were studied with ultrasound to evaluate its role in chest wall lesions. There were eight infectious conditions, 9 benign tumors, 11 malignant lesions and 3 miscellaneous cases. Diffuse chest wall thickening with heterogeneous echogenicity and obliteration of subcutaneous fat layer are findings of acute infection. In cases of tuberculous smpyema necessitates, pleural abnormality extended to the chest wall through intercostal space. Benign tumors were well demarcated, except in 4 cases of lipoma/lipomatosis. Malignant lesions showed irregular soft tissue masses, bone destruction, pleural effusion and subcutaneous invasion. Multiple enlarged lymph nodes were also shown. Ultrasound can demonstrate te internal structure, extent, depth and associated findings such as pleural effusion, bone destruction and peripheral lung involvement. Ultrasound is not only safe, non-invasive and an effective diagnostic imaging modality for chest wall disease, but can also guide aspiration or biopsy for pathologic diagnosis

  3. Ultrasonography of chest wall lesion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Cheol Min; Kim, C. H.; Cha, I. H.; Chung, K. B.; Ser, W. H.; Choi, Y. H.


    Thirty-one patients with chest wall diseases were studied with ultrasound to evaluate its role in chest wall lesions. There were eight infectious conditions, 9 benign tumors, 11 malignant lesions and 3 miscellaneous cases. Diffuse chest wall thickening with heterogeneous echogenicity and obliteration of subcutaneous fat layer are findings of acute infection. In cases of tuberculous smpyema necessitates, pleural abnormality extended to the chest wall through intercostal space. Benign tumors were well demarcated, except in 4 cases of lipoma/lipomatosis. Malignant lesions showed irregular soft tissue masses, bone destruction, pleural effusion and subcutaneous invasion. Multiple enlarged lymph nodes were also shown. Ultrasound can demonstrate te internal structure, extent, depth and associated findings such as pleural effusion, bone destruction and peripheral lung involvement. Ultrasound is not only safe, non-invasive and an effective diagnostic imaging modality for chest wall disease, but can also guide aspiration or biopsy for pathologic diagnosis

  4. Prevalence of ciliated epithelium in apical periodontitis lesions. (United States)

    Ricucci, Domenico; Loghin, Simona; Siqueira, José F; Abdelsayed, Rafik A


    This article reports on the morphologic features and the frequency of ciliated epithelium in apical cysts and discusses its origin. The study material consisted of 167 human apical periodontitis lesions obtained consecutively from patients presenting for treatment during a period of 12 years in a dental practice operated by one of the authors. All of the lesions were obtained still attached to the root apices of teeth with untreated (93 lesions) or treated canals (74 lesions). The former were obtained by extraction and the latter by extraction or apical surgery. Specimens were processed for histopathologic and histobacteriologic analyses. Lesions were classified, and the type of epithelium, if present, was recorded. Of the lesions analyzed, 49 (29%) were diagnosed as cysts. Of these, 26 (53%) were found in untreated teeth, and 23 (47%) related to root canal-treated teeth. Ciliated columnar epithelium was observed partially or completely lining the cyst wall in 4 cysts, and all of them occurred in untreated maxillary molars. Three of these lesions were categorized as pocket cysts, and the other was a true cyst. Ciliated columnar epithelium-lined cysts corresponded to approximately 2% of the apical periodontitis lesions and 8% of the cysts of endodontic origin in the population studied. This epithelium is highly likely to have a sinus origin in the majority of cases. However, the possibility of prosoplasia or upgraded differentiation into ciliated epithelium from the typical cystic lining squamous epithelium may also be considered. Copyright © 2014 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Whole-lesion histogram analysis metrics of the apparent diffusion coefficient as a marker of breast lesions characterization at 1.5 T

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bougias, H.; Ghiatas, A.; Priovolos, D.; Veliou, K.; Christou, A.


    Introduction: To retrospectively assess the role of whole-lesion apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the characterization of breast tumors by comparing different histogram metrics. Methods: 49 patients with 53 breast lesions underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ADC histogram parameters, including the mean, mode, 10th/50th/90th percentile, skewness, kurtosis, and entropy ADCs, were derived for the whole-lesion volume in each patient. Mann–Whitney U-test, area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) were used for statistical analysis. Results: The mean, mode and 10th/50th/90th percentile ADC values were significantly lower in malignant lesions compared with benign ones (all P < 0.0001), while skewness was significantly higher in malignant lesions P = 0.02. However, no significant difference was found between entropy and kurtosis values in malignant lesions compared with benign ones (P = 0.06 and P = 1.00, respectively). Univariate logistic regression showed that 10th and 50th percentile ADC yielded the highest AUC (0.985; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.902, 1.000 and 0.982; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.896, 1.000 respectively), whereas kurtosis value yielded the lowest AUC (0.500; 95% CI: 0.355, 0.645), indicating that 10th and 50th percentile ADC values may be more accurate for lesion discrimination. Conclusion: Whole-lesion ADC histogram analysis could be a helpful index in the characterization and differentiation between benign and malignant breast lesions with the 10th and 50th percentile ADC be the most accurate discriminators. - Highlights: • DWI is a noninvasive technique that allows quantification of water diffusion in tissues. • ADC histogram analysis is a useful index in the differentiation benign and malignant breast tumors. • The 10th, 50th percentile ADC values being the best discriminators between breast lesions.

  6. Avaliação funcional e histológica da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica em ratos com lesão medular Functional and histologic evaluation of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in rats with spinal cord injury

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Eduardo de Carvalho Galvão


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a eficácia da aplicação da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica em ratos Wistar, com lesão medular contusa produzida por equipamento computadorizado para impacto por queda de peso, NYU Impactor. MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se 17 ratos machos com peso variando de 265 a 426 g; realizaram-se impactos com peso de 10 g de uma altura pré-determinada de 12,5 mm ao nível da décima vértebra torácica, após realização de laminectomia prévia. Os ratos foram divididos aleatoriamente em grupo controle e grupo oxigênio hiperbárico. Este último, submetido à tratamento com oxigenoterapia em câmara hiperbárica, durante uma hora diária por um período de 30 dias. A avaliação da recuperação locomotora foi realizada no 2º, 9º, 16º, 23º e 30º dia pós-operatório, avaliados através de escala funcional e o sítio de lesão submetido à exame anatomopatológico. RESULTADOS: Demonstrou-se melhora da recuperação locomotora nos ratos tratados com oxigênio hiperbárico nas fases iniciais de avaliação mas no final da avaliação não havia diferença estatisticamente significante entre ambos grupos. O exame anatomopatológico comprovou as alterações estruturais da medula espinal nos dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A lesão medular leve provocada nos ratos evoluiu de maneira diferente no grupo da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica comparativamente ao grupo controle, na fase inicial.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Wistar rats with spinal cord contusion produced using computerized equipment to create impact by a falling weight, NYU Impactor. METHODS: We evaluated 17 male rats with weights ranging from 265 to 426 g; impacts were performed with a weight of 10 g from a pre-determined height of 12.5 mm, at the tenth thoracic vertebra, after completion of prior laminectomy. The rats were randomly divided into a control group and a group treated with hyperbaric oxygen. The latter, was treated with

  7. Lesions of the Pouch of Douglas: A Review. (United States)

    Heller, Debra S


    The pouch of Douglas may become occupied by a variety of mass-like lesions, which may be challenging to providers who treat women. These lesions may initially be thought to arise from the uterus or adnexa. We conducted a literature review using a Medline search of the terms "Douglas' pouch," "pouch of Douglas," "cul-de-sac," and "rectouterine pouch." A review of the scope of pouch of Douglas lesions is presented to assist in developing a differential diagnosis if a patient with such a lesion is encountered. Copyright © 2016 AAGL. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Magnetic-resonance-guided biopsy of focal liver lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, Ethan A. [University of Michigan Health System, Section of Pediatric Radiology, C.S. Mott Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Grove, Jason J. [University of Michigan Health System, Division of Interventional Radiology, C.S. Mott Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Der Spek, Abraham F.L.V. [University of Michigan Health System, Department of Anesthesiology, C.S. Mott Children' s Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Jarboe, Marcus D. [University of Michigan Health System, Division of Interventional Radiology, C.S. Mott Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); University of Michigan Health System, Section of Pediatric Surgery, C.S. Mott Children' s Hospital, Department of Surgery, Ann Arbor, MI (United States)


    Image-guided biopsy techniques are widely used in clinical practice. Commonly used methods employ either ultrasound (US) or computed tomography (CT) for image guidance. In certain patients, US or CT guidance may be suboptimal, or even impossible, because of artifacts, suboptimal lesion visualization, or both. We recently began performing magnetic resonance (MR)-guided biopsy of focal liver lesions in select pediatric patients with lesions that are not well visualized by US or CT. This report describes our experience performing MR-guided biopsy of focal liver lesions, with case examples to illustrate innovative techniques and novel aspects of these procedures. (orig.)

  9. El mielograma

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    Guillermo López Escobar


    Sitio. - La parte media de la primera vértebra del cuerpo del cuerpo es escogida como el mejor lugar para la punción medular, pues en este sitio desde el nacimiento están reunidos, en la línea media, los centros medulares, y persisten activos durante casi toda la vida, a más de que ángulo de Louis, siempre notorio, representa un buen punto de mira ya que forma el límite superior de la primera vértebra esternal.

  10. Lesions causing freezing of gait localize to a cerebellar functional network (United States)

    Fasano, Alfonso; Laganiere, Simon E.; Lam, Susy; Fox, Michael D.


    Objective Freezing of gait is a disabling symptom in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders, but the brain regions involved in symptom generation remain unclear. Here we analyze brain lesions causing acute onset freezing of gait to identify regions causally involved in symptom generation. Methods Fourteen cases of lesion-induced freezing of gait were identified from the literature and lesions were mapped to a common brain atlas. Because lesion-induced symptoms can come from sites connected to the lesion location, not just the lesion location itself, we also identified brain regions functionally connected to each lesion location. This technique, termed lesion network mapping, has been recently shown to identify regions involved in symptom generation across a variety of lesion-induced disorders. Results Lesion location was heterogeneous and no single region could be considered necessary for symptom generation. However, over 90% (13/14) of lesions were functionally connected to a focal area in the dorsal medial cerebellum. This cerebellar area overlapped previously recognized regions that are activated by locomotor tasks, termed the cerebellar locomotor region. Connectivity to this region was specific to lesions causing freezing of gait compared to lesions causing other movement disorders (hemichorea or asterixis). Interpretation Lesions causing freezing of gait are located within a common functional network characterized by connectivity to the cerebellar locomotor region. These results based on causal brain lesions complement prior neuroimaging studies in Parkinson’s disease patients, advancing our understanding of the brain regions involved in freezing of gait. PMID:28009063

  11. Radioguided occult lesion localization versus wire-guided localization for non-palpable breast lesions: randomized controlled trial

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ocal, Koray; Dag, Ahmet; Turkmenoglu, Ozgur; Yucel, Erdem; Gunay, Emel Ceylan; Duce, Meltem Nass


    Aim: this prospective randomized clinical study was conducted to compare radioguided occult lesion localization (ROLL) with wire-guided localization to evaluate optimum localization techniques for non-palpable breast lesions. Methods: a total of 108 patients who were undergoing an excisional biopsy for non-palpable breast lesions requiring pathologic diagnosis were randomly assigned to the ROLL group (n 56) and wire-guided localization group (n 52). In the study, patients' characteristics, radiological abnormalities, radiological technique of localization, localization time, operation time, weight of the excised specimen, clearance margins, pathological diagnosis and perioperative complications were assessed. Results: there were no differences between the two groups in terms of age, radiological abnormalities and localization technique (p = non-significant for all). ROLL techniques resulted in 100% retrieval of the lesions; for the wire-guided localization technique, 98%. Both localization time and operation time were significantly reduced with the ROLL technique (p = significant for all). The weight of the specimen was significantly lower in the ROLL group than in the wire-guided localization group (p = significant). The overall complication rate and pathological diagnosis were similar for both groups (p = non-significant for all). Clear margins were achieved in 91% of ROLL patients and in 53% of wire-guided localization patients, and the difference was significant. Conclusions: the present study indicated that the ROLL technique is as effective as wire-guided localization for the excision of non-palpable breast lesions. In addition, ROLL improved the outcomes by reducing localization and operation time, preventing healthy tissue excision and achieving clearer margins. (author)

  12. Radioguided occult lesion localization versus wire-guided localization for non-palpable breast lesions: randomized controlled trial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ocal, Koray; Dag, Ahmet; Turkmenoglu, Ozgur; Yucel, Erdem [Mersin University (Turkey). Medical Faculty. Dept. of General Surgery; Gunay, Emel Ceylan [Mersin University (Turkey). Medical Faculty. Dept. of Nuclear Medicine; Duce, Meltem Nass [Mersin University (Turkey). Medical Faculty. Dept. of Radiology


    Aim: this prospective randomized clinical study was conducted to compare radioguided occult lesion localization (ROLL) with wire-guided localization to evaluate optimum localization techniques for non-palpable breast lesions. Methods: a total of 108 patients who were undergoing an excisional biopsy for non-palpable breast lesions requiring pathologic diagnosis were randomly assigned to the ROLL group (n 56) and wire-guided localization group (n 52). In the study, patients' characteristics, radiological abnormalities, radiological technique of localization, localization time, operation time, weight of the excised specimen, clearance margins, pathological diagnosis and perioperative complications were assessed. Results: there were no differences between the two groups in terms of age, radiological abnormalities and localization technique (p = non-significant for all). ROLL techniques resulted in 100% retrieval of the lesions; for the wire-guided localization technique, 98%. Both localization time and operation time were significantly reduced with the ROLL technique (p = significant for all). The weight of the specimen was significantly lower in the ROLL group than in the wire-guided localization group (p = significant). The overall complication rate and pathological diagnosis were similar for both groups (p = non-significant for all). Clear margins were achieved in 91% of ROLL patients and in 53% of wire-guided localization patients, and the difference was significant. Conclusions: the present study indicated that the ROLL technique is as effective as wire-guided localization for the excision of non-palpable breast lesions. In addition, ROLL improved the outcomes by reducing localization and operation time, preventing healthy tissue excision and achieving clearer margins. (author)

  13. Common conjunctival lesions

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conjunctival lesions are frequently seen in the eye clinic, because the conjunctiva is readily ... anti-histamine drops and mast cell stabilisers can be used. e more severe cases have to be .... Ehlers J, Shah C . The Wills Eye Manual. Office and.



    Moënne B, Karla


    Las malformaciones anorectales incluyen una amplia variedad de anomalías, de grados variables de complejidad, que con frecuencia se presentan asociadas a otras malformaciones: genitourinarias, espinales, cardíacas, esofágicas y de la pared abdominal entre las más habituales. Las imágenes diagnósticas tienen un importante rol en el estudio de estos pacientes, que está orientado a demostrar adecuadamente la anatomía de la malformación y, por otra parte, precisar la existencia de anomalías asoci...

  15. Atrofia muscular espinal tipo 1: enfermedad de Werdnig-Hoffmann


    Zárate-Aspiros, Romeo; Rosas-Sumano, Ana Beatriz; Paz-Pacheco, Alberto; Fenton-Navarro, Patricia; Chinas-López, Silvet; López-Ríos, José Antonio


    Introducción. Las atrofias musculares espinales de la infancia son enfermedades neuromusculares hereditarias, autosómicas, recesivas, caracterizadas por la degeneración de las neuronas motoras del asta anterior de la médula espinal. La atrofia muscular espinal tipo I (enfermedad de Werdnig-Hoffmann) es la forma más severa. Se inicia in útero o durante los primeros meses de vida. La muerte suele ocurrir antes de los dos años de edad. Caso clínico. Lactante de 6 meses de edad que ingresa al Ser...

  16. The cyclops lesion after bicruciate-retaining total knee replacement


    Klaassen, Mark A.; Aikins, Jerry L.


    The cyclops lesion is a localized anterior arthrofibrosis most commonly seen following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The lesion forms at the anterior cruciate ligament insertion creating a painful extension block between femoral intercondylar notch and tibial plateau. We present 2 cases (3 knees) in which cyclops lesions appeared atypically following bicruciate-retaining total knee replacement. Two lesions occurred in a single patient following bilateral knee replacement. One les...

  17. Morel-Lavallee lesion in the knee: a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pitrez, Eduardo Hennemann, E-mail: [Clinica Radiologica Osorio Lopes, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Pellanda, Roberto Campos; Silva, Mariana Eltz; Holz, Gustavo Garcia; Hertz, Felipe Teixeira [Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Hospital Sao Lucas; Hoefel Filho, Joao Rubiao [Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Center of Imaging Diagnosis


    Morel-Lavallee lesion is a degloving injury of the interface between the subcutaneous fat and the underlying fascia. This lesion is characterized by the development of a fluid collection that, although originally described in the thigh, it has also been described in other anatomical sites. The authors report the case of a patient with Morel-Lavallee lesion in the knee after trauma and describe the main characteristics of the lesion. (author)

  18. Morel-Lavallee lesion in the knee: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pitrez, Eduardo Hennemann; Pellanda, Roberto Campos; Silva, Mariana Eltz; Holz, Gustavo Garcia; Hertz, Felipe Teixeira; Hoefel Filho, Joao Rubiao


    Morel-Lavallee lesion is a degloving injury of the interface between the subcutaneous fat and the underlying fascia. This lesion is characterized by the development of a fluid collection that, although originally described in the thigh, it has also been described in other anatomical sites. The authors report the case of a patient with Morel-Lavallee lesion in the knee after trauma and describe the main characteristics of the lesion. (author)

  19. Lesiones deportivas Sports injuries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Cristina Gallego Ching


    Full Text Available El estrés generado por la práctica deportiva ha originado una mayor probabilidad de que los atletas presenten lesiones agudas y crónicas. En el ámbito mundial existen diferentes investigaciones acerca de la incidencia de lesiones deportivas. La comparación de sus resultados es difícil por las diferencias en las características de la población y en la forma de reportar los datos, que varía ampliamente entre los estudios (proporciones o tasas de incidencia o tasas por cada 100 ó 1.000 participantes o tasas por horas de juego o por número de partidos jugados. Las tasas varían entre 1,7 y 53 lesiones por 1.000 horas de práctica deportiva, entre 0,8 y 90,9 por 1.000 horas de entrenamiento, entre 3,1 y 54,8 por 1.000 horas de competición y de 6,1 a 10,9 por 100 juegos. La gran variación entre las tasas de incidencia se explica por las diferencias existentes entre los deportes, los países, el nivel competitivo, las edades y la metodología empleada en los estudios. Se ha definido la lesión deportiva como la que ocurre cuando los atletas están expuestos a la práctica del deporte y se produce alteración o daño de un tejido, afectando el funcionamiento de la estructura. Los deportes de contacto generan mayor riesgo de presentar lesiones; se destacan al respecto los siguientes: fútbol, rugby, baloncesto, balonmano, artes marciales y jockey. Las lesiones ocurren con mayor probabilidad en las competencias que en el entrenamiento. Stress generated by sports practice has increased the probability that athletes suffer from acute and chronic injuries. Worldwide, there have been many different investigations concerning the incidence of sport injuries. The different ways in which results have been presented makes it difficult to compare among them. Rates of sports injuries vary between 1.7 and 53 per 1.000 hours of sports practice; 0.8 and 90.9 per 1.000 hours of training; 3.1 and 54.8 per 1.000 hours of competition, and 6.1 and 10.9 per 100

  20. Magnetic resonance imaging guided biopsy of musculoskeletal lesions

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    Hung-Ta H. Wu


    Conclusion: Biopsy under MRI guidance is especially valuable for the localization of bone marrow lesions, viable tumors (after chemotherapy or radiation, and lesions that cannot be visualized using CT. It is both accurate and safe, is a good alternative biopsy method, and may be a good adjunctive technique for the localization of bone lesions for radiofrequency ablation or other interventional procedures.


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    Uroš Ahčan


    Full Text Available Background. Congenital and acquired vascular lesions of the skin and subcutis are a common health problem from aesthetic and also from psycho-social point of view. However, recent advances in laser technology have enabled an efficient and safe treatment. This study presents our experience with treatment of cutaneous vascular lesions using modern laser systems. Most common benign cutaneous vascular lesions are described.Patients and methods. In years 2002 and 2003, 109 patients, 4 to 80 (mean 39 years old, Fitzpatrick skin type 1–4, with 210 benign cutaneous vascular lesions were treated using the Dualis VP® laser system (Fotona, Slovenia which incorporates the KTP and Nd:YAG lasers. Vascular lesions in the upper layers of the skin with diameter up to 1 mm were treated with the KTP laser (wavelength 532 nm. For larger vessels in deeper layer we used the Nd:YAG laser (wavelength 1064 nm. Patients graded the pain during treatment on a scale of 1–10. Clinical outcomes were evaluated 1–3 months after the last treatment: according to the percentage of clearance of the lesion compared to the adjacent normal skin and for the presence of adverse effects. According to these criteria each lesion was assigned a score: poor (0–25%, fair (26–50%, good (51–75%, excellent (76–100%.Results. Immediate response after application of a laser beam with proper characteristics was whitish-grey discoloration of treated area. Treatment results after 1–3 months were excellent in 48.1%, good 40.9%, fair in 8.6% and poor in 2.4%. Patients without prior anaesthesia graded pain during treatment from 1 to 8 (mean 4.0 and patients with EMLA® anaesthesia from 1 to 6 (mean 2.6. Side effects were frequent but minimal and transient. Erythema disappeared in several days after treatment while crusting persisted for 14 days. 3 permanent hyperpigmentations, 2 permanent hypopigmentations, 2 hypertrophic scars and 1 beam sized atrophic scar were detected at last follow


    Thyroid proliferative lesions are rather common in bony fishes but disagreement exists in the fish pathology community concerning diagnostic criteria for hyperplastic versus neoplastic lesions. To simplify the diagnosis of proliferative thyroid lesions and to reduce confusion reg...

  3. Masticator space lesions: MRI and CT findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Seung Hoon; Han, Moon Hee; Chang, Kee Kyun; Kim, Kwang Hyun; Song, Jae Uoo; Jo, In Cheol; Yeon, Kyung Mo


    We evaluated the MR and CT findings of the masticator space lesions in order to identify the differences among the malignant and benign tumors and infectious conditions. MR and CT findings in 46 cases with proven masticator space lesions were reviewed retrospectively. We analysed the involvement of masticator muscles, adjacent spaces, orbit and intracranium, homogeneity, necrosis, cystic changes, growth patterns, calcifications, enhancement patterns, MR signal intensity, and CT attenuation. Among the 29 cases of malignant tumors, seven cases were mandibular tumors including four chondrosarcomas, and 22 cases were extramandibular tumors. Malignant tumors of mandibular origin showed large masses with severe bone destruction and epicenter of mandible. Extramandibular malignant tumors showed the epicenter out of the mandible and less severe bone destruction than mandibular tumors. Among the nine benign tumors, four cases were ameloblastomas which showed the well-defined masses and the expansion of the mandible, and four cases were extramandibular tumors which showed well-marginated extramandibular masses with no bone destruction. Among the eight infectious conditions, five cases were mandibular osteomyelitis with or without abscess formations, and the other three cases were infections from adjacent soft tissue or limited to the soft tissue. By careful observations of growth patterns, involvement of the masticator and adjacent spaces, bone changes, and epicenter of the lesions, one can discriminate a mandibular lesion from an extramandibular lesion. With this approach, it is thought to be easier to suggest a diagnosis among a wide spectrum of masticator lesions

  4. Generative adversarial networks for brain lesion detection (United States)

    Alex, Varghese; Safwan, K. P. Mohammed; Chennamsetty, Sai Saketh; Krishnamurthi, Ganapathy


    Manual segmentation of brain lesions from Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) is cumbersome and introduces errors due to inter-rater variability. This paper introduces a semi-supervised technique for detection of brain lesion from MRI using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). GANs comprises of a Generator network and a Discriminator network which are trained simultaneously with the objective of one bettering the other. The networks were trained using non lesion patches (n=13,000) from 4 different MR sequences. The network was trained on BraTS dataset and patches were extracted from regions excluding tumor region. The Generator network generates data by modeling the underlying probability distribution of the training data, (PData). The Discriminator learns the posterior probability P (Label Data) by classifying training data and generated data as "Real" or "Fake" respectively. The Generator upon learning the joint distribution, produces images/patches such that the performance of the Discriminator on them are random, i.e. P (Label Data = GeneratedData) = 0.5. During testing, the Discriminator assigns posterior probability values close to 0.5 for patches from non lesion regions, while patches centered on lesion arise from a different distribution (PLesion) and hence are assigned lower posterior probability value by the Discriminator. On the test set (n=14), the proposed technique achieves whole tumor dice score of 0.69, sensitivity of 91% and specificity of 59%. Additionally the generator network was capable of generating non lesion patches from various MR sequences.

  5. Venocentric lesions: an MRI marker of MS?

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    Matthew P. Quinn


    Full Text Available From the earliest descriptions of MS, the venocentric characteristic of plaques was noted. Recently, numerous MRI studies have proposed this finding as a prospective biomarker for MS, which might aid in differentiating MS from other diseases with similar MRI findings. High field MRI studies have shown that penetrating veins can be detected in most MS lesions using T2* weighted or susceptibility weighted imaging. Future studies must address the feasibility of imaging such veins in a clinically practical context. The specificity of this biomarker has been studied only in a limited capacity. Results in microangiopathic lesions are conflicting, whereas asymptomatic white matter hyperintensities as well as lesions of NMO are less frequently venocentric compared to MS plaques. Prospective studies have shown that the presence of venocentric lesions at an early clinical presentation is highly predictive of future MS diagnosis. This is very promising, but work remains to be done to confirm or exclude lesions of common MS mimics, such as ADEM, as venocentric. A number of technical challenges must be addressed before the introduction of this technique as a complementary tool in current diagnostic procedures.

  6. Pedaleo de brazos en personas con lesión medular, parálisis cerebral o ataxia cerebelosa: Parámetros fisiológicos. [Armcrank pedaling in persons with spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy or cerebellar ataxia: Physiological parameters].

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iris González-Carbonell


    Full Text Available Los desórdenes neurológicos generan afectación física y derivan en sedentarismo, enfermedades coronarias y obesidad o diabetes, reduciendo tanto la esperanza como la calidad de vida. La oferta de actividad física adaptada es escasa por falta de información específica sobre la forma de adecuarlo y dosificarlo a las personas que presentan estos desórdenes. Con el fin de comparar el efecto del ejercicio de pedaleo de brazos sobre la respuesta fisiológica y la percepción del esfuerzo, en 8 personas con lesión medular, 4 con parálisis cerebral y 4 con ataxia de Friedreich, se analizó su respuesta fisiológica, así como su percepción subjetiva al esfuerzo, frente a un grupo Control (16 participantes. Para ello realizó un ejercicio normalizado de pedaleo de brazos en un ergómetro y se midieron frecuencia cardíaca, frecuencia respiratoria, volumen corriente, volumen espirado, consumo de Oxígeno relativo, pulso de Oxígeno y percepción del esfuerzo y se realizó un ANOVA con estas variables. Para el grupo con lesión medular, el estrés y gasto energético resultaron los más bajos. El grupo con parálisis cerebral mostró los niveles de estrés más altos, además percibiéndolo como una carga moderada. El grupo con ataxia de Friedreich, mostró respuestas cardiorrespiratorias altas intermedias. Se puede concluir que diferentes desórdenes neurológicos muestran respuestas fisiológicas muy diferentes frente al ejercicio y es importante su control. Abstract Neurological disorders produce physical impairment that result in physical inactivity, heart disease and obesity or diabetes, reducing both life expectancy and quality of life. The supply of adapted physical activity is limited by lack of specific information on how to adapt and dosed to people who have these disorders. In order to compare the effect of armcrank pedaling exercise on their physiological response and perception of effort, 8 people with spinal cord injury, 4 with

  7. Atherectomy in complex infrainguinal lesions: a review. (United States)

    Engelberger, S; van den Berg, J C


    In the femoropopliteal segment, endovascular revascularization techniques have gained the role as a first line treatment strategy. Nitinol stent placement has improved the short- and mid-term primary patency rates in most lesion types and is therefore widely applied. Stenting has several shortcomings as in-stent restenosis, stent fractures and foreign material being left behind in the vessel. The concept of atherectomy is plaque debulking. This results in a potential reduction of inflation pressure requirements in angioplasty. Stent placement and consecutive in-stent restenosis may be avoided. In this non systematic literature review, the performance of different atherectomy techniques, such as direct atherectomy, orbital atherectomy, laser debulking and rotational atherectomy in the treatment of complex femoropopliteal lesions, including long lesions, moderately to heavily calcified lesions as well as occlusions and in-stent restenosis, has been analyzed.

  8. Black-pigmented anaerobic rods in closed periapical lesions. (United States)

    Bogen, G; Slots, J


    This study determined the frequency of Porphyromonas endodontalis, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and Prevotella nigrescens in 20 closed periapical lesions associated with symptomatic and asymptomatic refractory endodontic disease. To deliniate possible oral sources of P. endodontalis, the presence of the organism was assessed in selected subgingival sites and saliva in the same study patients. Periapical samples were obtained by paper points during surgical endodontic procedures using methods designed to minimize contamination by non-endodontic microorganisms. Subgingival plaque samples were obtained by paper points from three periodontal pockets and from the pocket of the tooth associated with the closed periapical lesion. Unstimulated saliva was collected from the surface of the soft palate. Bacterial identification was performed using a species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection method. P. endodontalis was not identified in any periapical lesion, even though subgingival samples from eight patients (40%) revealed the P. endodontalis-specific amplicon. P. gingivalis occurred in one periapical lesion that was associated with moderate pain. P. nigrescens, P. endodontalis and P. intermedia were not detected in any periapical lesion studied. Black-pigmented anaerobic rods appear to be infrequent inhabitants of the closed periapical lesion.

  9. A comparative evaluation of Imaging Efficiency for elevated lesions of gallbladder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shizuma, Toru; Karasawa, Eii; Azuma, Tsukasa; Takasaki, Ken; Hayashi, Naoaki


    Imaging Efficiency was analyzed in 118 cases of benign lesion, including adenoma and 36 cases of malignant lesion without lymph node metastasis (Stage I) of 154 cases histologically diagnosed as elevated lesions of the gallbladder (443 lesions). On ultrasonography, the maximum diameter of the benign lesions, except in the case of adenomyomatosis, was 17 mm; the minimum diameter in the case of adenocarcinoma was 7 mm. The frequency of malignancy among elevated mucosal lesions of gallbladder with a diameter of 13 to 16 mm, except in the case of adenomyomatosis was 42.1% (8/19 lesions). Of the 91 out of total 154 cases in which the elevated lesions were 10 mm or smaller in a diameter, malignant cases were observed in 5.5% (5/91 cases). Many of the malignant lesions had a solid pattern of internal echo and there was a significant difference in depiction rate on plain CT between benign and malignant lesions. We conclude that plan CT examination is helpful to differentiate benign from malignant lesions of the gallbladder. (author)

  10. Small brain lesions and incident stroke and mortality: A cohort study (United States)

    Windham, B Gwen; Deere, Bradley; Griswold, Michael E.; Wang, Wanmei; Bezerra, Daniel C; Shibata, Dean; Butler, Kenneth; Knopman, David; Gottesman, Rebecca F; Heiss, Gerardo; Mosley, Thomas H


    Background Although cerebral lesions ≥3mm on imaging are associated with incident stroke, lesions stroke risks associated with subclinical brain lesions by size (stroke; average 14.5 years follow-up. Measurements MRI lesions: none (n=1611), stroke (n=157), overall mortality (n=576), stroke mortality (n=50). Hazard Ratios (HR) estimated with proportional hazards models. Results Compared to no lesions, stroke risk was tripled with lesions Stroke risk doubled with WMH ≥3 (HR=2.14, 95% CI:1.45-3.16). Stroke mortality risk tripled with lesions stroke events (n=147), especially hemorrhagic (n=15); limited numbers of participants with only lesions ≤3mm (n=50) or with both lesions ≤3mm and 3–20mm (n=35). Conclusions Very small cerebrovascular lesions may be associated with increased risks of stroke and mortality; having both < 3 mm and ≥3 mm lesions may represent a particularly striking risk increase. Larger studies are needed to confirm findings and provide more precise estimates. PMID:26148278

  11. Clinical and radiographic assessment of approximal carious lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Espelid, I.; Tveit, A.B.


    The aim of the study was to compare the radiographic diagnosis of approximal carious lesions with visual observations of the approximal surfaces and within drilled Class II cavities (made into the pulp). Sound (n=28) and carious (n=123) approximal surfaces of extracted premolars and molars were radiographed. The radiographs were studied by seven observers to diagnose caries. Lesions without cavitation were most often classified as sound (61.3%). When lesions had cavities, the rate of detection increased to 89.1%. Sound surfaces were erroneously classified as carious in 15.7% of cases. Statistically, about 6 our of every 10 qualitative assessments of lesion depth on the basis of radiographs, correctly recorded lesions as being in enamel or extending into dentin. The interexaminer variation in radiographic caries diagnosis were mostly due to difference in diagnostic criteria, whereas differences in diagnostic capability were less important

  12. First histologically confirmed case of a classic chordoma arising in a precursor benign notochordal lesion: differential diagnosis of benign and malignant notochordal lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaguchi, Takehiko; Yamato, Minoru; Saotome, Koichi


    The first histologically confirmed case of a classic chordoma arising in a precursor benign notochordal lesion is presented and the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant notochordal lesions is discussed. A 57-year-old man presented with a classic chordoma in the coccyx. The resected specimen demonstrated a small intraosseous benign notochordal lesion in the coccyx, which was adjacent to the classic chordoma. Also seen were two separate, similar benign lesions in the sacrum. The classic chordoma consisted of multiple lobules that were separated by thin fibrous septa and that showed cords or strands of atypical physaliphorous cells set within an abundant myxoid matrix. In contrast, the benign lesions consisted of intraosseous sheets of bland physaliphorous cells without any extracellular matrix. The affected bone trabeculae showed sclerotic reactions. It was concluded that benign and malignant notochordal lesions can be distinguished microscopically. (orig.)

  13. Neurological manifestations and PET studies of the thalamic vascular lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuda, Shinji; Kawamura, Mitsuru; Hirayama, Keizo


    We divided 38 patients with cerebrovascular disease of the thalamus into 5 groups according to the site of the thalamic lesions as confirmed by X-ray CT and/or MRI. In 16 patients, we examined the cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO 2 ) by positron emission tomography (PET). In the anteromedial thalamic lesion group, patients displayed disturbances of spontaneity, memory, reading and writing. CBF and CMRO 2 were decreased in the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes on the side of the lesion. In the dorsolateral thalamic lesion group, ataxic hemiparesis was a characteristic symptom. CBF and CMRO 2 were decreased in frontoparietal lobes on the side of the lesion. In the group with lesions confined to the nucleus ventralis posterioris thalami, the main symptoms were sensory disturbance, with cheiro-oral sensory syndrome being particularly evident. CBF and CMRO 2 were decreased in the parietal lobe on the side of the lesion. In the group with posterolateral thalamic lesions without pulvinar involvement, patients exhibited thalamic syndrome without thalamic pain. CBF and CMRO 2 were decreased in the frontoparietal and temporal lobes on the side of the lesion. In contrast, in the group with posterolateral thalamic lesions with pulvinar involvement, all patients showed thalamic pain. The decrease in CBF and CMRO 2 extended to the inferomedial region of the temporal lobe in addition to the area of decreased CBF and CMRO 2 observed in the group with posterolateral thalamic lesions without pulvinar involvement. Based on these results, we speculate that the neurological manifestations of thalamic vascular disease are associated with a decrease in cortical CBF and CMRO 2 secondary to the thalamic lesions. (author)

  14. Confabulation and memory impairments following frontal lobe lesions


    Turner, Martha


    Neuroimaging studies have provided considerable evidence for frontal lobe involvement in memory processing. Memory impairments arc also frequently reported in patients with frontal lobe lesions. However detailed anatomical localisation is rare, making integration of lesion and imaging findings difficult. An investigation of the functional and anatomical contributions of the frontal lobes to memory was conducted in 42 patients with frontal lobe lesions, examining memory processes identified in...

  15. Self-Inflicted Lesions in Dermatology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tomas-Aragones, Lucía; Consoli, Silla M; Consoli, Sylvie G


    The classification of self-inflicted skin lesions proposed by the European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry (ESDaP) group generated questions with regard to specific treatments that could be recommended for such cases. The therapeutic guidelines in the current paper integrate new psychother......The classification of self-inflicted skin lesions proposed by the European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry (ESDaP) group generated questions with regard to specific treatments that could be recommended for such cases. The therapeutic guidelines in the current paper integrate new...

  16. Periapical lesions: diagnosis and treatment


    García-Rubio, A.; Bujaldón-Daza, A.L.; Rodríguez-Archilla, A.


    Las lesiones periapicales resultado de la necrosis de la pulpa dental son las patologías que más frecuentemente ocurren encontradas en el hueso alveolar. El tratamiento consiste en la eliminación de los agentes infecciosos mediante el tratamiento del canal radicular, permitiendo la cicatrización de la lesión. Periapical lesions, which are a result of the necrosis of the dental pulp, are the most frequently occurring diseases found in the alveolar bone. The treatment involves the removal of...

  17. Localized lesions in secondary syphillis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rasid, N.; Syphilis, S.


    The clinical manifestations of secondary syphilis are variable and can mimic many skin diseases, mostly being generalized and symmetrical in distribution. Localized lesions of secondary syphilis are rarely seen in dermatology clinics. We report an unusual presentation wherein a patient had localized lesions over face and soles only. There is a need for increased awareness on the part of physicians to recognize new patterns of syphilitic infection, together with a willingness to consider the diagnosis of syphilis in patients with unusual clinical features. (author)

  18. Infiltrating/sealing proximal caries lesions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martignon, S; Ekstrand, K R; Gomez, J


    This randomized split-mouth controlled clinical trial aimed at assessing the therapeutic effects of infiltration vs. sealing for controlling caries progression on proximal surfaces. Out of 90 adult students/patients assessed at university clinics and agreeing to participate, 39, each with 3...... differences in lesion progression between infiltration and placebo (P = 0.0012) and between sealing and placebo (P = 0.0269). The study showed that infiltration and sealing are significantly better than placebo treatment for controlling caries progression on proximal lesions. No significant difference...

  19. Assessment of spatial information for hyperspectral imaging of lesion (United States)

    Yang, Xue; Li, Gang; Lin, Ling


    Multiple diseases such as breast tumor poses a great threat to women's health and life, while the traditional detection method is complex, costly and unsuitable for frequently self-examination, therefore, an inexpensive, convenient and efficient method for tumor self-inspection is needed urgently, and lesion localization is an important step. This paper proposes an self-examination method for positioning of a lesion. The method adopts transillumination to acquire the hyperspectral images and to assess the spatial information of lesion. Firstly, multi-wavelength sources are modulated with frequency division, which is advantageous to separate images of different wavelength, meanwhile, the source serves as fill light to each other to improve the sensitivity in the low-lightlevel imaging. Secondly, the signal-to-noise ratio of transmitted images after demodulation are improved by frame accumulation technology. Next, gray distributions of transmitted images are analyzed. The gray-level differences is constituted by the actual transmitted images and fitting transmitted images of tissue without lesion, which is to rule out individual differences. Due to scattering effect, there will be transition zones between tissue and lesion, and the zone changes with wavelength change, which will help to identify the structure details of lesion. Finally, image segmentation is adopted to extract the lesion and the transition zones, and the spatial features of lesion are confirmed according to the transition zones and the differences of transmitted light intensity distributions. Experiment using flat-shaped tissue as an example shows that the proposed method can extract the space information of lesion.

  20. Endo-periodontal lesion – endodontic approach (United States)

    Jivoinovici, R; Suciu, I; Dimitriu, B; Perlea, P; Bartok, R; Malita, M; Ionescu, C


    Endo-perio lesions might be interdependent because of the vascular and anatomic connections between the pulp and the periodontium. The aim of this study is to emphasise that primary endodontic lesion heals after a proper instrumentation, disinfection and sealing of the endodontic space. The primary endodontic lesion with a secondary periodontal involvement first requires an endodontic therapy and, in the second stage, a periodontal therapy. The prognosis is good, with an adequate root canal treatment; it depends on the severity of the periodontal disease, appropriate healing time and the response to the treatment. A correct diagnosis is sometimes difficult; an accurate identification of the etiologic factors is important for an adequate treatment. Primary perio-endo lesion may heal after a proper disinfection and sealing of the endodontic system, the one-year follow-up radiograph showing bonny repair. Invasive periodontal procedures should be avoided at that moment. The microorganisms and by-products from the infected root canal may cross accessory and furcal canals and determine sinus tract and loss of attachment. In both clinical cases presented in this article, successful healing was obtained after a proper disinfection and sealing of the endodontic system. PMID:25713618

  1. Cystic Lesions in Autoimmune Pancreatitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Macarena Gompertz


    Full Text Available Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP can be chronic or recurrent, but frequently completely reversible after steroid treatment. A cystic lesion in AIP is a rare finding, and it can mimic a pancreatic cystic neoplasm. Difficulties in an exact diagnosis interfere with treatment, and surgery cannot be avoided in some cases. We report the history of a 63-year-old male presenting with jaundice and pruritus. AIP was confirmed by imaging and elevated IgG4 blood levels, and the patient completely recovered after corticosteroid therapy. One year later, he presented with a recurrent episode of AIP with elevated IgG4 levels, accompanied by the appearance of multiple intrapancreatic cystic lesions. All but 1 of these cysts disappeared after steroid treatment, but the remaining cyst in the pancreatic head was even somewhat larger 1 year later. Pancreatoduodenectomy was finally performed. Histology showed the wall of the cystic lesion to be fibrotic; the surrounding pancreatic tissue presented fibrosis, atrophy and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration by IgG4-positive cells, without malignant elements. Our case illustrates the rare possibility that cystic lesions can be part of AIP. These pseudocysts appear in the pancreatic segments involved in the autoimmune disease and can be a consequence of the local inflammation or related to ductal strictures. Steroid treatment should be initiated, after which these cysts can completely disappear with recovery from AIP. Surgical intervention may be necessary in some exceptional cases.

  2. Classification of acquired lesions of the corpus callosum with MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Friese, S.A.; Bitzer, M.; Voigt, K.; Kueker, W. [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany). Abt. fuer Neuroradiologie; Freudenstein, D. [Department of Neurosurgery, Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen (Germany)


    MRI has facilitated diagnostic assessment of the corpus callosum. Diagnostic classification of solitary or multiple lesions of the corpus callosum has not attracted much attention, although signal abnormalities are not uncommon. Our aim was to identify characteristic imaging features of lesions frequently encountered in practice. We reviewed the case histories of 59 patients with lesions shown on MRI. The nature of the lesions was based on clinical features and/or long term follow-up (ischaemic 20, Virchow-Robin spaces 3, diffuse axonal injury 7, multiple sclerosis 11, hydrocephalus 5, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 5, Marchiafava-Bignami disease 4, lymphoma 2, glioblastoma hamartoma each 1). The location in the sagittal plane, the relationship to the borders of the corpus callosum and midline and the size were documented. The 20 ischaemic lesions were asymmetrical but adjacent to the midline; the latter was involved in new or large lesions. Diffuse axonal injury commonly resulted in large lesions, which tended to be asymmetrical; the midline and borders of the corpus callosum were always involved. Lesions in MS were small, at the lower border of the corpus callosum next to the septum pellucidum, and crossed the midline asymmetrically. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and the other perivenous inflammatory diseases caused relatively large, asymmetrical lesions. Hydrocephalus resulted in lesions of the upper part of the corpus callosum, and mostly in its posterior two thirds; they were found in the midline. Lesions in Marchiafava-Bignami disease were large, often symmetrically in the midline in the splenium and did not reach the edge of the corpus callosum. (orig.)

  3. Cystic lesion of pancreas - Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajiv Baijal


    Full Text Available Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN of the pancreas is an intraductal mucin-producing epithelial neoplasm that arises from the main and/or branched pancreatic duct. It usually presents as cystic lesion of pancreas. There are well known differential diagnosis of cystic pancreatic lesion. Pancreatic cystic neoplasms are detected at an increasing frequency due to an increased use of abdominal imaging. The diagnosis and treatment of intraductal papillary mucinous tumors (IPMN of the pancreas has evolved over the past decade. IPMN represents a spectrum of disease, ranging from benign to malignant lesions, making the early detection and characterization of these lesions important. Definitive management is surgical resection for appropriate candidates, as benign lesions harbor malignant potential. IPMN has a prognosis, which is different from adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. We report a case of a 58-year-old male with intraductal papillary neoplasm involving main duct and side branches presenting to us with clinical symptoms of chronic pancreatitis with obstructive jaundice and cholangitis treated surgically.

  4. Computerized classification of mass lesions in digital mammograms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giger, M.L.; Doi, K.; Yin, F.F.; Schmidt, R.A.; Vyborny, C.J.


    Subjective classification of masses on mammograms is a difficult task. On average, about 25% of masses referred for surgical biopsy are actually malignant. The authors are developing, as an aid to radiologists, a computerized scheme for the classification of lesions in mammograms to reduce the false-negative and false-positive diagnoses of malignancies. The classification scheme involves the extraction of border information from the mammographic lesion in order to quantify the degree of spiculation, which is related to the possibility of malignancy. Clinical film mammograms are digitized with an optical drum scanner (0.1-mm pixel size) for analysis on a Micro VAX 3500 computer. Border information (fluctuations) is obtained from the difference between the lesion border and its smoothed border. Using the rms variation of the frequency content of these fluctuations, approximately 85% of the cancerous lesions were correctly classified as malignant, while 15% of benign lesions were misclassified, in a preliminary study

  5. Medullary breast carcinoma: anatomo-radiological correlation


    Matheus, Valéria Soares; Kestelman, Fabíola Procaci; Canella, Ellyete de Oliveira; Djahjah, Maria Célia Resende; Koch, Hilton Augusto


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características radiológicas do câncer de mama medular em pacientes submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico no Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA) - Ministério da Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, correlacionando os achados com estudo histopatológico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo descritivo retrospectivo de mulheres submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico no INCA, no período de janeiro de 1997 a dezembro de 2006, para identificação das pacientes com carcinoma medular e análise ...

  6. Placental lesions and outcome in preterm born children : the relation between placental lesions, neonatal morbidity and neurological development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roescher, Annemiek


    The placenta is the link between the mother and her fetus during pregnancy and plays a crucial role in fetal growth and development. A less than optimal placental function as a result of placental lesions, may lead to maternal and or fetal problems. It is known that placental lesions are an

  7. Automatic Classification of Specific Melanocytic Lesions Using Artificial Intelligence. (United States)

    Jaworek-Korjakowska, Joanna; Kłeczek, Paweł


    Given its propensity to metastasize, and lack of effective therapies for most patients with advanced disease, early detection of melanoma is a clinical imperative. Different computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems have been proposed to increase the specificity and sensitivity of melanoma detection. Although such computer programs are developed for different diagnostic algorithms, to the best of our knowledge, a system to classify different melanocytic lesions has not been proposed yet. In this research we present a new approach to the classification of melanocytic lesions. This work is focused not only on categorization of skin lesions as benign or malignant but also on specifying the exact type of a skin lesion including melanoma, Clark nevus, Spitz/Reed nevus, and blue nevus. The proposed automatic algorithm contains the following steps: image enhancement, lesion segmentation, feature extraction, and selection as well as classification. The algorithm has been tested on 300 dermoscopic images and achieved accuracy of 92% indicating that the proposed approach classified most of the melanocytic lesions correctly. A proposed system can not only help to precisely diagnose the type of the skin mole but also decrease the amount of biopsies and reduce the morbidity related to skin lesion excision.

  8. Cryogun cryotherapy for oral leukoplakia and adjacent melanosis lesions. (United States)

    Chen, Hsin-Ming; Cheng, Shih-Jung; Lin, Hung-Pin; Yu, Chuan-Hang; Wu, Yang-Che; Chiang, Chun-Pin


    Our previous study has shown that cryogun cryotherapy is a good and effective treatment modality for oral leukoplakia. In this study, we used cryogun cryotherapy to treat 72 oral leukoplakia and adjacent smoking-induced melanosis (OLM) lesions on the buccal mucosae. Of 72 OLM lesions, 14 had epithelial hyperplasia with parakeratosis, 24 had epithelial hyperplasia with hyperkeratosis, 26 had mild dysplasia, seven had moderate dysplasia, and one had severe dysplasia. Complete regression was achieved in all 72 OLM lesions after a mean of 3.3 ± 1.3 cryogun cryotherapy treatments. We found that OLM lesions in patients without smoking habit, with the greatest diameter cryotherapy treatment to achieve complete regression than those OLM lesions in patients with smoking habit, with the greatest diameter ≥ 2.8 cm, without epithelial dysplasia, or with a surface keratin thickness > 50 μm (all P-values cryotherapy treatment number (all P-values cryotherapy treatment required to achieve complete regression of the OLM lesion by multivariate logistic regression analyses. Cryogun cryotherapy is an effective treatment modality for OLM lesions. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Fractal characterization of brain lesions in CT images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jauhari, Rajnish K.; Trivedi, Rashmi; Munshi, Prabhat; Sahni, Kamal


    Fractal Dimension (FD) is a parameter used widely for classification, analysis, and pattern recognition of images. In this work we explore the quantification of CT (computed tomography) lesions of the brain by using fractal theory. Five brain lesions, which are portions of CT images of diseased brains, are used for the study. These lesions exhibit self-similarity over a chosen range of scales, and are broadly characterized by their fractal dimensions

  10. Neurological manifestations and PET studies of the thalamic vascular lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsuda, Shinji; Kawamura, Mitsuru; Hirayama, Keizo [Chiba Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    We divided 38 patients with cerebrovascular disease of the thalamus into 5 groups according to the site of the thalamic lesions as confirmed by X-ray CT and/or MRI. In 16 patients, we examined the cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO{sub 2}) by positron emission tomography (PET). In the anteromedial thalamic lesion group, patients displayed disturbances of spontaneity, memory, reading and writing. CBF and CMRO{sub 2} were decreased in the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes on the side of the lesion. In the dorsolateral thalamic lesion group, ataxic hemiparesis was a characteristic symptom. CBF and CMRO{sub 2} were decreased in frontoparietal lobes on the side of the lesion. In the group with lesions confined to the nucleus ventralis posterioris thalami, the main symptoms were sensory disturbance, with cheiro-oral sensory syndrome being particularly evident. CBF and CMRO{sub 2} were decreased in the parietal lobe on the side of the lesion. In the group with posterolateral thalamic lesions without pulvinar involvement, patients exhibited thalamic syndrome without thalamic pain. CBF and CMRO{sub 2} were decreased in the frontoparietal and temporal lobes on the side of the lesion. In contrast, in the group with posterolateral thalamic lesions with pulvinar involvement, all patients showed thalamic pain. The decrease in CBF and CMRO{sub 2} extended to the inferomedial region of the temporal lobe in addition to the area of decreased CBF and CMRO{sub 2} observed in the group with posterolateral thalamic lesions without pulvinar involvement. Based on these results, we speculate that the neurological manifestations of thalamic vascular disease are associated with a decrease in cortical CBF and CMRO{sub 2} secondary to the thalamic lesions. (author).

  11. Benign focal liver lesions: discrimination from malignant mimickers. (United States)

    Alobaidi, Mohammad; Shirkhoda, Ali


    Focal lesions of the liver often have various imaging characteristics which may be interpreted as either benign or malignant. Understanding the underlying pathophysiology of these liver lesions may lead to characteristic imaging manifestations, which direct the radiologist to the diagnosis. Benign lesions include congenital hepatic cyst, autosomal dominant polycystic disease, hemangioma, focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), hepatic adenoma, inflammatory pseudotumor, peliosis hepatis, focal fatty infiltration, hamartoma, and infectious processes such as hepatic abscess, echinococcal cyst, and candidiasis. Characteristic imaging features, clinical symptoms, and treatment/prognosis will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on key reliable features of each disease to develop a method of discriminating these lesions from other benign and malignant disorders.

  12. Amalgam Contact Hypersensitivity Lesion: An Unusual Presentation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Contact allergic reactions due to hypersensitivity to dental materials in professionals and ... Keywords: Amalgam, Amalgam contact hypersensitivity lesion, Lichenoid reaction, Oral mucosa ... was associated with mild burning sensation. The patient did ... OLLD in which oral and/or skin lesions appear in temporal association ...

  13. Generation of connectivity-preserving surface models of multiple sclerosis lesions. (United States)

    Meruvia-Pastor, Oscar; Xiao, Mei; Soh, Jung; Sensen, Christoph W


    Progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) results in brain lesions caused by white matter inflammation. MS lesions have various shapes, sizes and locations, affecting cognitive abilities of patients to different extents. To facilitate the visualization of the brain lesion distribution, we have developed a software tool to build 3D surface models of MS lesions. This tool allows users to create 3D models of lesions quickly and to visualize the lesions and brain tissues using various visual attributes and configurations. The software package is based on breadth-first search based 3D connected component analysis and a 3D flood-fill based region growing algorithm to generate 3D models from binary or non-binary segmented medical image stacks.

  14. Pulley lesions in rotator cuff tears: prevalence, etiology, and concomitant pathologies. (United States)

    Hawi, Nael; Liodakis, Emmanouil; Garving, Christina; Habermeyer, Peter; Tauber, Mark


    This study aimed to demonstrate the prevalence of lesions in the biceps pulley complex in a representative, consecutive series of rotator cuff tears and rotator cuff interval treatments. We also analyzed associated tear pattern of rotator cuff injuries and superior labrum anterior-posterior (SLAP) lesions. We evaluated the relationships of these lesions to traumatic genesis and the prevalence of pulley lesions in revision cases. This retrospective study analyzed all pre- and intra-operative documentation on arthroscopic rotator cuff reconstructions and isolated pulley lesion treatments performed by a single surgeon over 2 consecutive years. According to Habermeyer et al., we classified cases into four groups, based on the presence of additional or related complete or partial rotator cuff tears, SLAP lesions, trauma, and primary or revision surgery. Among 382 patients with rotator cuff tears, 345 (90.3%) had an injured pulley system; 151 (43.8%) had partial tears of the rotator cuff; out of these, 106 (30.6%) were articular-sided. All of these articular-sided partial tears showed extension into the pulley complex. In 154 cases (44.6%), history of shoulder trauma was associated with the beginning of symptoms. In addition, concomitant SLAP lesions occurred in 25-62% of pulley lesions, correlating with the severity of pulley lesions. Among the 345 cases, there have been 32 (9.3%) revision cases where a pulley lesion was intra-operatively identified and addressed. Pulley complex lesions are present in 90.3% of surgically treated rotator cuff lesions, particularly in articular-sided injuries. In addition, we found a significant relationship between the incidence of SLAP lesions and the severity of pulley lesions. It seems reasonable to assume an important role of pulley system injuries in the pathogenesis of rotator cuff lesions.

  15. Skin lesion removal (United States)

    ... likely to be done when there is a concern about a skin cancer. Most often, an area the shape of an ellipse is removed, as this makes it easier to close with stitches. The entire lesion is removed, going as deep as the fat, if needed, to ...

  16. Differential diagnosis of small solid pancreatic lesions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dietrich, Christoph Frank; Sahai, Anand Vasante; D'Onofrio, Mirko


    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is typically diagnosed at a late stage. Little is known about the incidental finding of early-stage PDAC. The aim of the current study was to determine the etiology of small solid pancreatic lesions (≤15 mm) to optimize clinical......-enhanced US allowed differential diagnosis of PDAC and non-PDAC in 189 of 219 patients (86%). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 40% of patients with small solid pancreatic lesions had very early stage PDAC. Approximately 60% of small solid pancreatic lesions ≤15 mm are not PDAC and, therefore, do not require radical...

  17. Managing Carious Lesions: Consensus Recommendations on Carious Tissue Removal. (United States)

    Schwendicke, F; Frencken, J E; Bjørndal, L; Maltz, M; Manton, D J; Ricketts, D; Van Landuyt, K; Banerjee, A; Campus, G; Doméjean, S; Fontana, M; Leal, S; Lo, E; Machiulskiene, V; Schulte, A; Splieth, C; Zandona, A F; Innes, N P T


    The International Caries Consensus Collaboration undertook a consensus process and here presents clinical recommendations for carious tissue removal and managing cavitated carious lesions, including restoration, based on texture of demineralized dentine. Dentists should manage the disease dental caries and control activity of existing cavitated lesions to preserve hard tissues and retain teeth long-term. Entering the restorative cycle should be avoided as far as possible. Controlling the disease in cavitated carious lesions should be attempted using methods which are aimed at biofilm removal or control first. Only when cavitated carious lesions either are noncleansable or can no longer be sealed are restorative interventions indicated. When a restoration is indicated, the priorities are as follows: preserving healthy and remineralizable tissue, achieving a restorative seal, maintaining pulpal health, and maximizing restoration success. Carious tissue is removed purely to create conditions for long-lasting restorations. Bacterially contaminated or demineralized tissues close to the pulp do not need to be removed. In deeper lesions in teeth with sensible (vital) pulps, preserving pulpal health should be prioritized, while in shallow or moderately deep lesions, restoration longevity becomes more important. For teeth with shallow or moderately deep cavitated lesions, carious tissue removal is performed according toselective removal to firm dentine.In deep cavitated lesions in primary or permanent teeth,selective removal to soft dentineshould be performed, although in permanent teeth,stepwise removalis an option. The evidence and, therefore, these recommendations support less invasive carious lesion management, delaying entry to, and slowing down, the restorative cycle by preserving tooth tissue and retaining teeth long-term. © International & American Associations for Dental Research 2016.

  18. Dentifrice fluoride and abrasivity interplay on artificial caries lesions. (United States)

    Nassar, Hani M; Lippert, Frank; Eckert, George J; Hara, Anderson T


    Incipient caries lesions on smooth surfaces may be subjected to toothbrushing, potentially leading to remineralization and/or abrasive wear. The interplay of dentifrice abrasivity and fluoride on this process is largely unknown and was investigated on three artificially created lesions with different mineral content/distribution. 120 bovine enamel specimens were randomly allocated to 12 groups (n = 10), resulting from the association of (1) lesion type [methylcellulose acid gel (MeC); carboxymethylcellulose solution (CMC); hydroxyethylcellulose gel (HEC)], (2) slurry abrasive level [low (REA 4/ RDA 69); high (REA 7/RDA 208)], and (3) fluoride concentration [0/275 ppm (14.5 mM) F as NaF]. After lesion creation, specimens were brushed in an automated brushing machine with the test slurries (50 strokes 2×/day). Specimens were kept in artificial saliva in between brushings and overnight. Enamel surface loss (SL) was determined by optical profilometry after lesion creation, 1, 3 and 5 days. Two enamel sections (from baseline and post-brushing areas) were obtained and analyzed microradiographically. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey's tests (α = 5%). Brushing with high-abrasive slurry caused more SL than brushing with low-abrasive slurry. For MeC and CMC lesions, fluoride had a protective effect on SL from day 3 on. Furthermore, for MeC and CMC, there was a significant mineral gain in the remaining lesions except when brushed with high-abrasive slurries and 0 ppm F. For HEC, a significant mineral gain took place when low-abrasive slurry was used with fluoride. The tested lesions responded differently to the toothbrushing procedures. Both slurry fluoride content and abrasivity directly impacted SL and mineral gain of enamel caries lesions.

  19. Prevalence of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions and cervical cancer among patients with unsatisfactory colposcopic examination, without visible lesion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Rangel da Veiga

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Cervical cancer is a serious public health problem in Brazil. For patients with unsatisfactory colposcopic examinations without visible lesions, but with cervical cytological tests suggesting high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL, the national recommendation is to repeat cervical cytological tests after three months. Our aim was to assess the prevalence of HSIL and cancer among patients with initial cervical cytological tests suggestive of HSIL but with unsatisfactory colposcopic examinations without visible lesions, in order to contribute towards the discussion regarding a more effective clinical approach that might diminish the likelihood of patient abandonment of follow-up before appropriate diagnosis and treatment. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study in Colposcopy Clinic of IFF/Fiocruz. METHOD: Patients admitted between December 1989 and April 2007 with cytological diagnoses of HSIL but with unsatisfactory colposcopic examinations without visible lesions underwent cervical cone biopsy. RESULTS: Sixty-five such patients were included, comprising 33.8% with HSIL and 4.6% with cancer, confirmed histologically. The other patients presented low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (26.1%, glandular dysplasia (1.5% and absence of disease (33.8%. CONCLUSION: The observed prevalence of cancer and HSIL does not seem to be enough to justify immediate referral for cone biopsies to investigate the cervical canal in these cases. The findings suggest that the recommendation of repeated cytological tests following an initial one with HSIL, among patients with unsatisfactory colposcopic examinations without visible lesions, is appropriate in our setting. Efforts are needed to ensure adherence to follow-up protocols in order to reduce the chances of losses.

  20. Localization of lesions in aphasia, (2). Clinical-CT scan correlations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hojo, Kei; Watanabe, Shunzo; Tasaki, Hiroichi; Sato, Tokijiro (Hirosaki Univ., Aomori (Japan). School of Medicine); Metoki, Hirofumi


    The relationship between the focus and the extent of the lesions and the various symptoms was investigated. 1. Broca aphasics: More than 80% of the group with obvious anarthric components had lesions of the third frontal gyrus involving Broca's area and the lower part of the precental gyrus as well as opercular and insular regions. The size of the lesions of this group was significantly larger than that of the group without marked anarthric components, and the latter was proved to have little localizing value. 2. Wernicke aphasics: The group with poor reading comprehension had cortical and/or subcortical lesions, involving posterior parts of both superior and middle temporal gyri as well as the supramarginal gyrus. On the other hand, lesions of the group with poor auditory comprehension were more anteriorly located and localized in the deep structures. Lesions of the group with poor Token test scores were large and scattered more anteriorly and/or posteriorly compared with those of the group with good Token test scores. 3. Amnestic aphasics: The group with poor naming scores had somewhat larger lesions than the group with good naming scores, and the lesions were scattered about the left hemisphere. The finding has proved that both groups had little localizing value. 4. Conduction aphasics: Lesions of the non-fluent type were significantly larger than those of the fluent type and distributed more anteriorly. However, highly involved lesions were located in the supramarginal gyrus and posterior parts of superior and/or middle temporal gyri. 5. Global aphasics: Lesions of the group with good articulation and prosody were observed to distribute more posteriorly in comparison with those of the other global aphasics.

  1. Application of sonoelastography: Comparison of performance between mass and non-mass lesion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, Eun Sook; Choi, Hye Young; Kim, Rock Bum; Noh, Woo-Chul


    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the conventional ultrasonography (US) and sonoelastography (SE) in three conditions of all lesions, confined to mass, and confined to non-mass lesion and to compare the performance of each modality between mass and non-mass lesion. Materials and methods: A total 364 patients with 375 lesions were evaluated with US and subsequently SE before performing US-guided biopsy. Two radiologists retrospectively analyzed conventional US and elasticity images by consensus. The US findings were classified as mass or non-mass lesion. With final pathology as reference, in each case of all lesions, masses, and non-mass lesions, areas under the ROC curves (Az) were calculated and compared for the two techniques. The comparison of Az values between the curves for US and SE, and between the curves for mass and non-mass lesion was performed. Results: Among 375 lesions, 104 (28%) lesions were malignant and 271 (72%) lesions were benign. 36 (9.6%) of 375 lesions were classified as non-mass lesion at US. There were statistically significant difference of performance between US and SE in cases of all lesion (p = 0.003) and mass (p = 0.023). However, there was no statistically significant difference of performance in case of non-mass lesion (p = 0.5). Comparisons of the Az values of US and SE between mass and non-mass lesions were not statistically significant (p = 0.745, p = 0.415, respectively). Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference of performance of US and SE between mass and non-mass lesion.

  2. Thalamus lesions in chronic and acute seizure disorders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tschampa, Henriette J; Greschus, Susanne; Urbach, Horst [University of Bonn, Department of Radiology (Neuroradiology), Bonn (Germany); Sassen, Robert; Bien, Christian G [University of Bonn, Department of Epileptology, Bonn (Germany)


    Transient signal changes in the pulvinar have been described following status epilepticus. However, we observed persistent thalamus changes after seizures. The purpose of this study was to characterize thalamus changes in patients with seizure disorders and to correlate imaging findings with clinical features. We searched among 5,500 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams performed in patients with seizures and identified 43 patients. The MRI scans of these patients were reviewed and correlated with clinical data. We identified four patterns of thalamus lesions: (a) fluid attenuated inversion recovery-hyperintense pulvinar lesions (20 patients), as known from status epilepticus. Ten patients in this group had a status epilepticus. Among the remaining patients, three had frequent seizures and seven had sporadic seizures. Twelve patients had follow-up exams for a median of 11 months. The lesions had persisted in 11/12 cases in the last available exam and were reversible in one case only. In seven cases, cone-shaped thalamus atrophy resulted, (b) linear defects in the medial and anterior thalamus (five patients), accompanied by atrophy of the mamillary body and the fornix in patients with chronic epilepsy, (c) extensive bilateral thalamus lesions in two patients with a syndrome caused by mutation in the mitochondrial polymerase gamma, and (d) other thalamus lesions not associated with the seizure disorder (16 patients). The spectrum of thalamus lesions in patients with seizure disorders is wider than previously reported. Postictal pulvinar lesions can persist and may result in thalamic atrophy. Linear defects in the anterior thalamus are associated with limbic system atrophy. (orig.)

  3. Thalamus lesions in chronic and acute seizure disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tschampa, Henriette J.; Greschus, Susanne; Urbach, Horst; Sassen, Robert; Bien, Christian G.


    Transient signal changes in the pulvinar have been described following status epilepticus. However, we observed persistent thalamus changes after seizures. The purpose of this study was to characterize thalamus changes in patients with seizure disorders and to correlate imaging findings with clinical features. We searched among 5,500 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams performed in patients with seizures and identified 43 patients. The MRI scans of these patients were reviewed and correlated with clinical data. We identified four patterns of thalamus lesions: (a) fluid attenuated inversion recovery-hyperintense pulvinar lesions (20 patients), as known from status epilepticus. Ten patients in this group had a status epilepticus. Among the remaining patients, three had frequent seizures and seven had sporadic seizures. Twelve patients had follow-up exams for a median of 11 months. The lesions had persisted in 11/12 cases in the last available exam and were reversible in one case only. In seven cases, cone-shaped thalamus atrophy resulted, (b) linear defects in the medial and anterior thalamus (five patients), accompanied by atrophy of the mamillary body and the fornix in patients with chronic epilepsy, (c) extensive bilateral thalamus lesions in two patients with a syndrome caused by mutation in the mitochondrial polymerase gamma, and (d) other thalamus lesions not associated with the seizure disorder (16 patients). The spectrum of thalamus lesions in patients with seizure disorders is wider than previously reported. Postictal pulvinar lesions can persist and may result in thalamic atrophy. Linear defects in the anterior thalamus are associated with limbic system atrophy. (orig.)

  4. Differential diagnosis and clinical management of periapical radiopaque/hyperdense jaw lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brunno Santos Freitas SILVA


    Full Text Available Abstract Great attention has been given to the study of radiolucent periapical lesions to avert possible misdiagnosis of apical periodontitis associated with certain radiolucent non-endodontic lesions. However, there are a significant number of radiopaque lesions found in the periapical region, which could be equally relevant to endodontic practice. The diagnosis and management of these radiopaque/hyperdense lesions could be challenging to the endodontist. These bone alterations could be neoplastic, dysplastic or of metabolic origin. In the context of the more widespread use of cone-beam CT, a detailed review of radiopaque inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions is timely and may aid clinicians perform a differential diagnosis of these lesions. Distinguishing between inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions simplifies diagnosis and consequently aids in choosing the correct therapeutic regimen. This review discusses the literature regarding the clinical, radiographic, histological and management aspects of radiopaque/hyperdense lesions, and illustrates the differential diagnoses of these lesions.

  5. Conspicuity of diffuse axonal injury lesions on diffusion-weighted MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinoshita, Toshibumi; Moritani, Toshio; Hiwatashi, Akio; Wang, Henry Z.; Shrier, David A.; Numaguchi, Yuji; Westesson, Per-Lennart A.


    Objective: (1) To detect diffuse axonal injury (DAI) lesions by diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), as compared with fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) imaging and (2) to evaluate hemorrhagic DAI lesions by b 0 images obtained from DWI, as compared with gradient-echo (GRE) imaging. Methods: We reviewed MR images of 36 patients with a diagnosis of DAI. MR imaging was performed 20 h to 14 days (mean, 3.7 days) after traumatic brain injury. We evaluated: (1) conspicuity of lesions on DWI and FLAIR and (2) conspicuity of hemorrhage in DAI lesions on b 0 images and GRE imaging. Results: DWI clearly depicted high-signal DAI lesions. The sensitivity of DWI to lesional conspicuity in DAI lesions was almost equal to that of FLAIR. The sensitivity of b 0 images to identification of hemorrhagic DAI lesions was inferior to that of GRE. Conclusion: DWI is as useful as FLAIR in detecting DAI lesions. GRE imaging is still the superior tool for the evaluation of hemorrhagic DAI

  6. Betel quid oral lichenoid lesions: a hospital based cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Arya, Sugandha; Vengal, Manoj; Raju, Bina; Patil, Neelkant; Sathosker, Sujatha; Bateja, Sumit; David, Jamil


    The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and risk indicators of betel quid oral lichenoid lesions in chewers. A total of 1209 chewers were identified and categorized into three main groups based on the type of lesion: betel quid oral lichenoid lesions only, betel quid oral lichenoid lesions in association with quid-induced other oral mucosal lesions, and no lesions. Multinomial regression analyses were used to determine associations between dependent and independent variables. Betel quid oral lichenoid lesions were more common in individuals who chewed quid comprising both tobacco and areca nut, and in those who chewed it two to three, or greater than three, times a day. Betel quid oral lichenoid lesions + quid-induced other oral mucosal lesions were more likely to occur in females, and in individuals who chewed quid containing both tobacco and areca nut, in their processed and unprocessed forms, and greater than three times a day. The prevalence of betel quid oral lichenoid lesions was higher than that reported in previous studies conducted in India. Increase in the frequency and duration of quid chewing was associated with increased likelihood of developing these oral lichenoid lesions. © 2015 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  7. Morphological spectrum of non‑neoplastic lesions of the uterine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: The uterine cervix is a gateway to several non‑neoplastic and neoplastic gynecological lesions. Most of these non‑neoplastic lesions are commonly found in women of reproductive age. These lesions constitute a source of morbidity and mortality in women worldwide hence the need to analyze them to provide ...

  8. Impairments in proverb interpretation following focal frontal lobe lesions. (United States)

    Murphy, Patrick; Shallice, Tim; Robinson, Gail; MacPherson, Sarah E; Turner, Martha; Woollett, Katherine; Bozzali, Marco; Cipolotti, Lisa


    The proverb interpretation task (PIT) is often used in clinical settings to evaluate frontal "executive" dysfunction. However, only a relatively small number of studies have investigated the relationship between frontal lobe lesions and performance on the PIT. We compared 52 patients with unselected focal frontal lobe lesions with 52 closely matched healthy controls on a proverb interpretation task. Participants also completed a battery of neuropsychological tests, including a fluid intelligence task (Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices). Lesions were firstly analysed according to a standard left/right sub-division. Secondly, a finer-grained analysis compared the performance of patients with medial, left lateral and right lateral lesions with healthy controls. Thirdly, a contrast of specific frontal subgroups compared the performance of patients with medial lesions with patients with lateral frontal lesions. The results showed that patients with left frontal lesions were significantly impaired on the PIT, while in patients with right frontal lesions the impairments approached significance. Medial frontal patients were the only frontal subgroup impaired on the PIT, relative to healthy controls and lateral frontal patients. Interestingly, an error analysis indicated that a significantly higher number of concrete responses were found in the left lateral subgroup compared to healthy controls. We found no correlation between scores on the PIT and on the fluid intelligence task. Overall our results suggest that specific regions of the frontal lobes contribute to the performance on the PIT. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. T2 black lesions on routine knee MRI: differential considerations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wadhwa, Vibhor; Cho, Gina; Moore, Daniel; Pezeshk, Parham; Coyner, Katherine; Chhabra, Avneesh


    The majority of abnormal findings or lesions on T2-weighted fast spin-echo (FSE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are hyperintense due to increased perfusion or fluid content, such as infections, tumours or synovitis. Hypointense lesions on T2-weighted images (both fat-suppressed and non-fat-suppressed) are less common and can sometimes be overlooked. Such lesions have limited differential diagnostic possibilities, and include vacuum phenomenon, loose body, tenosynovial giant cell tumour, rheumatoid arthritis, haemochromatosis, gout, amyloid, chondrocalcinosis, hydroxyapetite deposition disease, lipoma arborescens, arthrofibrosis and iatrogenic lesions. These lesions often show characteristic appearances and predilections in the knee. In this article, the authors describe the MRI features of hypointense T2 lesions on routine knee MRI and outline a systematic diagnostic approach towards their evaluation. (orig.)


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    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Cancer of breast is the second most common cause of cancer in women. In the present era, late marriage, late child birth, shorter period of breast feeding and nulliparity or low parity have contributed to increase in the number of cases. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC is a useful method for initial evaluation and diagnosis of breast cancers and it has the ability of providing necessary prognostic predictive information. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study is to evaluate t he accuracy of FNAC of breast lesions with histopathological correlation. To study the cytomorphological features of palpable breast lumps. To study the various cytological patterns in aspirates from breast lesions and to classify them into non - neoplastic, benign and malignant lesions. To correlate the cytology findings with subsequent histopathological diagnosis wherever possible. To establish accuracy and efficacy of aspiration cytology as an early and preoperative diagnostic aid. To compare the statistic al analysis of present study with other contemporary studies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study includes the study of aspiration smears of all cases referred to the Department of Pathology, Andhra medical college, Visakhapatnam from various outpatient departments from King George Hospital, with a palpable breast lesion. True cut Biopsy and Mastectomy specimens for Histopathological correlation RESULTS: Out of 952 analyzed cases benign lesions were 691 (72.58%, malignant lesions were 146 (15. 33%,non - neoplastic lesions were common in the age group of 21 - 30 years, benign lesions in 21 - 30 years, and malignant lesions were common in the age group of 41 - 50 years. Majority of the patients were female with 913 (95.90% and male patents are 39 (4 .09%.The results of sensitivity (97.18%, specificity (98.74%, positive predictive value (97.18% and negative predictive value (98.74% with diagnostic accuracy of 98.26%. CONCLUSION: FNAC

  11. Bone involvement pattern in hypervascular lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bjersand, A.J.


    The pattern of the focal bone lesion which consists partly or wholly of rounded holes with comparatively smooth edges is discussed. Twenty-two bone lesions were studied by angiography. The 'hypervascular pattern' occurred in five cases of widely different histology, all with strong intraosseous hypervascularity. Different pathogenic mechanisms in the creation of this pattern are discussed. It is probably the result of both destructive and reparative processes in the bone. (orig.)

  12. Detection activity assessment and diagnosis of dental caries lesions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braga, Mariana M; Mendes, Fausto M; Ekstrand, Kim R


    This article reviews the current methods for detection and assessment of caries lesions focusing on applicability for daily clinical practice. The end point is to arrive at a diagnosis for each caries lesion. Visual inspection aided by a ball-ended probe is essential for caries lesions assessment...... and the method must be used for all patients. Use of indices, for example, the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS), can improve the performance of this method. Using visual inspection, the clinician must decide about the presence, severity and activity of lesions. After this process...

  13. Concordance between clinical and histopathologic diagnoses of oral mucosal lesions. (United States)

    Patel, Kush J; De Silva, Harsha L; Tong, Darryl C; Love, Robert M


    To study the epidemiology of oral soft tissue lesions in New Zealand from 2002 to 2006 and to determine the concordance between the clinical diagnosis and the definitive histopathologic diagnosis achieved by general dental practitioners and by specialists. The details from biopsy referrals and the corresponding histopathologic reports of oral soft tissue lesions were recorded into a statistical software package, and the concordance between the clinical diagnosis and histopathologic diagnosis was determined for all the lesions. Most biopsies were benign lesions, and both clinician groups achieved a high diagnostic concordance for these lesions. However, when considering all lesion types, the overall concordance for both groups was a moderate 50.6%, with little difference between specialists and general dental practitioners, although specialists were more accurate in diagnosing a malignant or premalignant lesion. The clinical and histopathologic concordance achieved by oral health practitioners in New Zealand appears to be moderate. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Automatic Classification of Specific Melanocytic Lesions Using Artificial Intelligence

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    Joanna Jaworek-Korjakowska


    Full Text Available Background. Given its propensity to metastasize, and lack of effective therapies for most patients with advanced disease, early detection of melanoma is a clinical imperative. Different computer-aided diagnosis (CAD systems have been proposed to increase the specificity and sensitivity of melanoma detection. Although such computer programs are developed for different diagnostic algorithms, to the best of our knowledge, a system to classify different melanocytic lesions has not been proposed yet. Method. In this research we present a new approach to the classification of melanocytic lesions. This work is focused not only on categorization of skin lesions as benign or malignant but also on specifying the exact type of a skin lesion including melanoma, Clark nevus, Spitz/Reed nevus, and blue nevus. The proposed automatic algorithm contains the following steps: image enhancement, lesion segmentation, feature extraction, and selection as well as classification. Results. The algorithm has been tested on 300 dermoscopic images and achieved accuracy of 92% indicating that the proposed approach classified most of the melanocytic lesions correctly. Conclusions. A proposed system can not only help to precisely diagnose the type of the skin mole but also decrease the amount of biopsies and reduce the morbidity related to skin lesion excision.

  15. Prevalence of periapical lesions in endodontic treatment teeth

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    Juliana Machado Barroso


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of of persistent periapical lesions after conventional endodontic therapy. The persistent periapical lesions were removed paraendodontic surgery, followed by apicoectomy. The root ends were retroprepared with ultrasound and retrofilling with MTA. The specimens were stored in formaldehyde 10%, making a total of 107 samples. The lesions were referred to the Department of Pathology, FOB-USP for microscopic analysis using the technique of serial sections. The present results showed periapical cyst (48, granuloma (43, Crohn's abscess (2, apical fibrosis (3 and others (11. . Among the lesions analyzed in this study it can be observed a higher incidence of apical periodontal cyst, followed by apical granuloma and other pathologies.


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    Francisco Carlos Ribeiro


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of of persistent periapical lesions after conventional endodontic therapy. The persistent periapical lesions were removed paraendodontic surgery, followed by apicoectomy. The root ends were retroprepared with ultrasound and retrofilling with MTA. The specimens were stored in formaldehyde 10%, making a total of 107 samples. The lesions were referred to the Department of Pathology, FOB-USP for microscopic analysis using the technique of serial sections. The present results showed periapical cyst (48, granuloma (43, Crohn's abscess (2, apical fibrosis (3 and others (11. . Among the lesions analyzed in this study it can be observed a higher incidence of apical periodontal cyst, followed by apical granuloma and other pathologies.

  17. Sonographic findings of space occupying lesions in liver

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, In One; Choi, B I; Kim, J W [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Gray scale ultrasonography is used with increasing frequency for the detection and characterization of hepatic space occupying lesions. Authors analyzed sonographic findings of 73 cases of hepatic space occupying lesions,which had been confirmed histologically or diagnosed clinically. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Most common sonographic pattern of hepatic neoplasms was well-defined increased echogenic mass. No significant sonographic difference was noted between primary and metastatic tumor. Splenomegaly and distortion of hepatic echoes favored hepatocellular carcinoma, and multiplicity favored metastatic tumor. 2. Most common sonographic pattern of hepatic abscess was well-defined decreased echogenecity or echoless cystic lesion containing fine low level echoes with posterior enhancement. 3. Hepatic cyst showed sharply defined echoless cystic lesion with strong posterior enhancement

  18. Grading of liver lesions caused by Echinococcus granulosus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozanes, I.; Acunas, B.; Celik, L.; Acarli, K.; Sayi, I.; Minareci, Oe.; Alper, A.; Emre, A.; Ariogul, O.; Goekmen, E.


    We have proposed a new scheme in which lesions are graded 1-5 according to the morphology of the cyst and the presence of findings in favour of cyst rupture. Ultrasound (US), CT and cholangiographic findings in 214 hydatid liver lesions in 152 patients who underwent surgery within 15 days of their radiological examinations were evaluated retrospectively. Results of the radiological classification were correlated with surgical data. We found that purely cystic unilocular lesions never ruptured, that dilatation of biliary canaliculi around a lesion with a complex morphological appearance is a non-specific finding and that there was no reliable radiological sign for a simple biliary communication. US, CT and cholangiography were reliable in diagnosing intra-biliary and direct ruptures. (orig.)

  19. Grading of liver lesions caused by Echinococcus granulosus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rozanes, I. [Dept. of Radiology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul (Turkey); Acunas, B. [Dept. of Radiology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul (Turkey); Celik, L. [Dept. of Radiology, Haydarpasa Numune Hospital, Istanbul (Turkey); Acarli, K. [Hepatobiliary Surgery Unit, Dept. of General Surgery, Istanbul Medical Faculty (Turkey); Sayi, I. [Dept. of Radiology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul (Turkey); Minareci, Oe. [Dept. of Radiology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul (Turkey); Alper, A. [Hepatobiliary Surgery Unit, Dept. of General Surgery, Istanbul Medical Faculty (Turkey); Emre, A. [Hepatobiliary Surgery Unit, Dept. of General Surgery, Istanbul Medical Faculty (Turkey); Ariogul, O. [Hepatobiliary Surgery Unit, Dept. of General Surgery, Istanbul Medical Faculty (Turkey); Goekmen, E. [Dept. of Radiology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul (Turkey)


    We have proposed a new scheme in which lesions are graded 1-5 according to the morphology of the cyst and the presence of findings in favour of cyst rupture. Ultrasound (US), CT and cholangiographic findings in 214 hydatid liver lesions in 152 patients who underwent surgery within 15 days of their radiological examinations were evaluated retrospectively. Results of the radiological classification were correlated with surgical data. We found that purely cystic unilocular lesions never ruptured, that dilatation of biliary canaliculi around a lesion with a complex morphological appearance is a non-specific finding and that there was no reliable radiological sign for a simple biliary communication. US, CT and cholangiography were reliable in diagnosing intra-biliary and direct ruptures. (orig.)


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    Juan Antonio Lugo Machado


    Full Text Available Congenital nasofrontal lesions of the midline are rare congenital abnormalities such as dermoid cysts, nasal gliomas and encephaloceles, with an occurrence of 1: 20,000 to 40,000 births. Its importance lies in the connection to the central nervous system. The biopsy of the lesions with intracranial communication, produce cerebrospinal fluid leaks or meningitis. Objective: To determine the prevalence of midline nasofrontal lesions in a tertiary hospital of regional referral and it´s relationship with other malformations. Material and Methods: Study Design: Transversal retrospective. Male and female patients aged 1 month to 13 years of age with congenital lesions of the nasofrontal midline, treated at Children's Hospital from 1990 to 2005. Sample: was obtained by a non-probabilistic sample of consecutive cases. Through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 13.0 which included descriptive statistics: median as a measure of central tendency and frequency distribution and proportion as a measure of dispersion. Results: a review of clinical records was conducted from 1990 to 2005, finding 38 of 67 records reviewed, 29 files were excluded because they correspond to the diagnosis of occipital encephalocele. Prevalence was 38 cases in 15 years. The gender distribution of nasofrontal midline lesions was slightly higher in females with 22 cases and 16 cases in males. The midline nasofrontal lesions found were midline encephalocele, gliomas and dermoid cysts. In our review most encephaloceles were not associated with the central nervous system and 11 cases did have an associated disorder; 5 cases with hydrocephalus and / or temporal or occipital cysts and 6 cases with nondevelopment of the corpus callosum plus hydrocephalus. Conclusion: Our prevalence was 38 cases in 15 years. Nasofrontal midline lesion disgnosis are usually made in the first months of life. Among the types of midline nasofrontal lesions, the most common type found

  1. Detection of Helicobacter pylori in Oral Lesions

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    Soussan Irani


    Full Text Available Background and aims. Helicobacter pylori is a microaerophilic gram-negative spiral organism. It is recognized as the etiologic factor for peptic ulcers, gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric lymphoma. Recently, it has been isolated from dental plaque and the dorsum of the tongue. This study was designed to assess the association between H. pylori and oral lesions such as ulcerative/inflammatory lesions, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC and primary lymphoma. Materials and methods. A total of 228 biopsies diagnosed as oral ulcerative/inflammatory lesions, oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC and oral primary lymphoma were selected from the archives of the Pathology Department. Thirty-two samples that were diagnosed as being without any pathological changes were selected as the control group. All the paraffin blocks were cut for hematoxylin and eosin staining to confirm the diagnoses and then the samples were prepared for immunohistochemistry staining. Data were collected and analyzed. Results. Chi-squared test showed significant differences between the frequency of H. pylori positivity in normal tissue and the lesions were examined (P=0.000. In addition, there was a statistically significant difference between the lesions examined (P=0.042. Chi-squared test showed significant differences between H. pylori positivity and different tissue types except inside the muscle layer as follows: in epithelium and in lamina propria (P=0.000, inside the blood vessels (P=0.003, inside the salivary gland duct (P=0.036, and muscle layer (P=0.122. Conclusion. There might be a relation between the presence of H. pylori and oral lesions. Therefore, early detection and eradication of H. pylori in high-risk patients are suggested.

  2. Can Physical Examination Create a Stener Lesion? (United States)

    Lankachandra, Manesha; Eggers, John P; Bogener, James W; Hutchison, Richard L


    The purpose of this study is to determine whether a Stener lesion can be created while testing stability of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) of the thumb. Testing was performed in a manner that reproduced clinical examination. Six fresh frozen hand and forearm specimens underwent sequential sectioning of the accessory UCL, the proper UCL, and the ulnar sagittal band. Measurements of radial deviation of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint were taken with the thumb in neutral rotation, pronation and supination, both with 0 degrees and with 30 degrees of flexion of the MCP joint. Visual examination was performed to assess the presence of a Stener lesion. No Stener lesion was created in any position as long as the fascial origin of the ulnar sagittal band at the adductor pollicis longus remained intact. After creating a defect in the ulnar sagittal band, a Stener lesion was created in two specimens, but only when the thumb was flexed and supinated. Pronation provided more stability, and supination provided less stability, with one or both components cut, especially when testing at 30° of flexion. Compared to both components cut without flexion or rotation, there was a statistically significant difference in angulation with the 30 degrees of MCP joint flexion in both neutral rotation in supination. Performing a physical examination to assess the amount of instability of an ulnar collateral ligament injury did not create a Stener lesion if the exam was performed in a controlled, gentle manner with the thumb held without rotation. If the thumb is held in neutral rotation during the exam, an iatrogenic Stener lesion should not be created.

  3. SLAP lesion of the shoulder. MRI evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barile, A.; Sabatini, M.; Maffey, M.V.; Di Cesare, E.; Masciocchi, C.


    Purpose of this work is to assess MR potentials in the evaluation of superior glenoid labrum disease and possible associated conditions of the rotator cuff and of the anterior mechanism of the shoulder. 51 patients ( age range 18 to 53 years) with a diagnosis of anteroposterior lesion of the superior glenoid labrum were retrospectively evaluated. MR examinations were performed with a 0.2 T permanent magnet and a dedicated coil, using T1- and T2-weighted SE sequences on mostly coronal-oblique planes. Slice thickness was 4 mm. In 8 cases, the examination was completed with intra-articular injection of contrast agent. Twenty-eight patients were submitted to surgery (arthrotomy in 7 cases; arthroscopy in 21 cases). MRI demonstrated 5 cases of superior labrum irregularities at the level of its glenoid insertional portion (type I lesion); 6 cases of detachment of the superior portion of the labrum (type II); 9 cases of bucket handle tear of the superior labrum with involvement of the insertional portion of the long head of the biceps tendon (type III); 8 cases of superior labrum tear extending within the long head of the biceps tendon (type IV). Subsequent surgery always confirmed the presence of associated lesions, while the superior labrum lesion was not confirmed in 3 patients. In 4 cases, surgical findings provided a different classification of the lesion type than MRI. MRI can be a valuable diagnostic technique in type III and IV lesions of the superior glenoid labrum. It often provides important information about the possible presence of associated diseases, especially of the rotator cuff, which are helpful for treatment planning [it

  4. Resorptive tooth root lesions in the Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus). (United States)

    Da Silva, Mari-Ann O; Kortegaard, Hanne E; Choong, Siew Shean; Arnbjerg, Jens; Bertelsen, Mads F


    Facial abscessation and osteomyelitis due to dental disease is commonly seen in the Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus), but little is known about the prevalence or etiology of these lesions. To determine the prevalence of dental ailments, 56 skulls and mandibles of deceased Malayan tapirs were visually and radiographically evaluated. Dental lesions were scored according to severity, and individuals were classified according to their age (juvenile/ young adult/adult) and origin (captive/free ranging). All of the lesions identified were of a resorptive nature. seemingly originating at the cementoenamel junction and burrowing towards the center of the tooth. Overall, 27% of the investigated skulls presented radiolucent dental lesions. The prevalence among captive animals was 52% (13/25), while only 6% (2/31) of the free-ranging tapirs had dental lesions. The second, third, and fourth premolars and first molar were the teeth most commonly affected, and the mandibular teeth were more often involved than the maxillary dentition. This study demonstrates a high prevalence of resorptive dental lesions in captive Malayan tapirs and provides a strong indication that age and captivity are significant risk factors in the development of these lesions. Dental disease, Malayan tapir, radiology, resorptive lesions, Tapirus indicus.

  5. Automated segmentation of pigmented skin lesions in multispectral imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrara, Mauro; Tomatis, Stefano; Bono, Aldo; Bartoli, Cesare; Moglia, Daniele; Lualdi, Manuela; Colombo, Ambrogio; Santinami, Mario; Marchesini, Renato


    The aim of this study was to develop an algorithm for the automatic segmentation of multispectral images of pigmented skin lesions. The study involved 1700 patients with 1856 cutaneous pigmented lesions, which were analysed in vivo by a novel spectrophotometric system, before excision. The system is able to acquire a set of 15 different multispectral images at equally spaced wavelengths between 483 and 951 nm. An original segmentation algorithm was developed and applied to the whole set of lesions and was able to automatically contour them all. The obtained lesion boundaries were shown to two expert clinicians, who, independently, rejected 54 of them. The 97.1% contour accuracy indicates that the developed algorithm could be a helpful and effective instrument for the automatic segmentation of skin pigmented lesions. (note)

  6. Vascular lesions of head and neck: A literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nazia Masoom Syed


    Full Text Available Vascular lesions are among the most common congenital and neonatal abnormalities. These anomalies can occur throughout the whole body, with 60%, however, being located in the head and neck region probably due to its intricate vascular anatomy of region. There is a significant confusion in the literature because of the use of confusing descriptive terminology for the same vascular entity and eponyms. Correct naming of lesion, appropriate classification, and clinical appearance of vascular lesions have a direct impact on understanding of etiologies of these complex lesions, diagnosis, and in treating patients. Thus, the aim of this article is to provide comprehensive knowledge about classifications and to have an insight of various important vascular lesions affecting head and neck region based on its pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and management.

  7. Determination of lesion size by ultrasound during radiofrequency catheter ablation. (United States)

    Awad, S; Eick, O


    The catheter tip temperature that is used to control the radiofrequency generator output poorly correlates to lesion size. We, therefore, evaluated lesions created in vitro using a B-mode ultrasound imaging device as a potential means to assess lesion generation during RF applications non-invasively. Porcine ventricular tissue was immersed in saline solution at 37 degrees C. The catheter was fixed in a holder and positioned in a parallel orientation to the tissue with an array transducer (7.5 MHz) app. 3 cm above the tissue. Lesions were produced either in a temperature controlled mode with a 4-mm tip catheter with different target temperatures (50, 60, 70 and 80 degrees C, 80 W maximum output) or in a power controlled mode (25, 50 and 75 W, 20 ml/min irrigation flow) using an irrigated tip catheter. Different contact forces (0.5 N, 1.0 N) were tested, and RF was delivered for 60 s. A total of 138 lesions was produced. Out of these, 128 could be identified on the ultrasound image. The lesion depth and volume was on average 4.1 +/- 1.6 mm and 52 +/- 53 mm3 as determined by ultrasound and 3.9 +/- 1.7 mm and 52 +/- 55 mm3 as measured thereafter, respectively. A linear correlation between the lesion size determined by ultrasound and that measured thereafter was demonstrated with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.87 for lesion depth and r = 0.93 for lesion volume. We conclude that lesions can be assessed by B-mode ultrasound imaging.

  8. Immunohistochemical expression of perforin in lichen planus lesions. (United States)

    Gaber, Mohamed Abdelwahed; Maraee, Alaa Hassan; Alsheraky, Dalia Rifaat; Azeem, Marwa Hussain Abdel


    Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic inflammatory papulosquamous skin disease characterized by epidermal basal cell damage and a particular band-like infiltrate predominantly of T cells in the upper dermis. It is characterized by the formation of colloid bodies representing apoptotic keratinocytes. The apoptotic process mediated by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells mainly involves two distinct pathways: the perforin/granzyme pathway and the Fas/FasL pathway. So far, little is known regarding the role of perforin-mediated apoptosis in LP. Is to study the expression and distribution of perforin in the epidermis and dermis of lesional LP skin. Skin biopsy specimens from lesional skin of 31 patients with LP and 10 healthy persons were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Significant accumulation of perforin + cells was found in both epidermis and dermis of LP lesions compared with healthy skin. Perforin expression was significantly upregulated in the epidermis of LP lesions. Accumulation of perforin + cells in the epidermis of LP lesions suggest a potential role of perforin in the apoptosis of basal keratinocytes.

  9. Non-invasive endodontic treatment of large periapical lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harry Huiz Peeters


    Full Text Available Background: In most cases of large periapical radiolucent lesions of pulpal origin, we often encounter a dilemmatic situation, such as whether to either treat these cases endodontically or surgically. Development of techniques, instruments and root medicaments as well as the tendency toward minimally invasive treatment, all support dentists to treat those cases using the minimal invasive principle (i.e. endodontically instead of surgically. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to report and discuss the managing of periapical lesions by endodontic no invasive treatment. Case management: The patient with large periapical lesions were treated with noninvasive endodontic treatment. After 6 months, patients in this report were asymptomatic and radiolucencies had disappeared. When the root canal treatment is done according to accepted clinical principles and under aseptic condition, including cleaning, shaping, abturating as well as proper diagnosis, the healing process of the infected area will occur. Conclusion: Some lesions, however, may not be treated conservatively and may require surgical treatment for total elimination of the lesions.

  10. Roentgenologic diagnostics of capsular ligament lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wirth, C.J.; Jaeger, M.


    The X-ray diagnostic is of obvious importance and relevance in the detection of acute or old capsular ligament lesions of the limb joint. On the one hand it serves as the plain radiograph (roentgenogram without contrast medium) for the assessment of osseous secondary lesions, for the documentation of luxationary positions of the joint partners, and in old capsular ligament lesions for the detection of an already existing arthrosis. On the other hand the X-ray images are of main importance, which are made from the hand-held limb in order to permit a comparison of the two sides, and which beyond the clinical detection of a joint instability indicate the extent and the direction of this instability and which also document it, and which allow in adolescents to recognize a separation of the epiphysis as an alternative to the capsular ligament rupture. Only in particular cases arthrography can provide some additional information, so for example in the case of an isolated syndesmosis rupture, ruptures of the rosette of the rotator muscle or of a damaged triangular disk in the hand. Angiography is only required in cases of traumatic luxations of the knee in order to exclude an intimal lesion of the popliteal artery.

  11. MRI of fetal acquired brain lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prayer, Daniela; Brugger, Peter C.; Kasprian, Gregor; Witzani, Linde; Helmer, Hanns; Dietrich, Wolfgang; Eppel, Wolfgang; Langer, Martin


    Acquired fetal brain damage is suspected in cases of destruction of previously normally formed tissue, the primary cause of which is hypoxia. Fetal brain damage may occur as a consequence of acute or chronic maternal diseases, with acute diseases causing impairment of oxygen delivery to the fetal brain, and chronic diseases interfering with normal, placental development. Infections, metabolic diseases, feto-fetal transfusion syndrome, toxic agents, mechanical traumatic events, iatrogenic accidents, and space-occupying lesions may also qualify as pathologic conditions that initiate intrauterine brain damage. MR manifestations of acute fetal brain injury (such as hemorrhage or acute ischemic lesions) can easily be recognized, as they are hardly different from postnatal lesions. The availability of diffusion-weighted sequences enhances the sensitivity in recognizing acute ischemic lesions. Recent hemorrhages are usually readily depicted on T2 (*) sequences, where they display hypointense signals. Chronic fetal brain injury may be characterized by nonspecific changes that must be attributable to the presence of an acquired cerebral pathology. The workup in suspected acquired fetal brain injury also includes the assessment of extra-CNS organs that may be affected by an underlying pathology. Finally, the placenta, as the organ that mediates oxygen delivery from the maternal circulation to the fetus, must be examined on MR images

  12. MRI of fetal acquired brain lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prayer, Daniela [Department of Radiodiagnostics, Medical University of Vienna (Austria)]. E-mail:; Brugger, Peter C. [Center of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Medical University of Vienna (Austria); Kasprian, Gregor [Department of Radiodiagnostics, Medical University of Vienna (Austria); Witzani, Linde [Department of Radiodiagnostics, Medical University of Vienna (Austria); Helmer, Hanns [Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Vienna (Austria); Dietrich, Wolfgang [Department of Neurosurgery, Medical University of Vienna (Austria); Eppel, Wolfgang [Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Vienna (Austria); Langer, Martin [Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Vienna (Austria)


    Acquired fetal brain damage is suspected in cases of destruction of previously normally formed tissue, the primary cause of which is hypoxia. Fetal brain damage may occur as a consequence of acute or chronic maternal diseases, with acute diseases causing impairment of oxygen delivery to the fetal brain, and chronic diseases interfering with normal, placental development. Infections, metabolic diseases, feto-fetal transfusion syndrome, toxic agents, mechanical traumatic events, iatrogenic accidents, and space-occupying lesions may also qualify as pathologic conditions that initiate intrauterine brain damage. MR manifestations of acute fetal brain injury (such as hemorrhage or acute ischemic lesions) can easily be recognized, as they are hardly different from postnatal lesions. The availability of diffusion-weighted sequences enhances the sensitivity in recognizing acute ischemic lesions. Recent hemorrhages are usually readily depicted on T2 (*) sequences, where they display hypointense signals. Chronic fetal brain injury may be characterized by nonspecific changes that must be attributable to the presence of an acquired cerebral pathology. The workup in suspected acquired fetal brain injury also includes the assessment of extra-CNS organs that may be affected by an underlying pathology. Finally, the placenta, as the organ that mediates oxygen delivery from the maternal circulation to the fetus, must be examined on MR images.

  13. Infected Atopic Dermatitis Lesions Contain Pharmacologic Amounts of Lipoteichoic Acid (United States)

    Travers, Jeffrey B.; Kozman, Amal; Mousdicas, Nico; Saha, Chandan; Landis, Megan; Al-Hassani, Mohammed; Yao, Weiguo; Yao, Yongxue; Hyatt, Ann-Marie; Sheehan, Michael P.; Haggstrom, Anita N.; Kaplan, Mark H.


    Background Bacterial infection with Staphylococcus aureus is a known trigger for worsening of atopic dermatitis (AD); the exact mechanisms by which bacterial infection worsens dermatitis are unknown. Objective We sought to characterize the amounts of the biologically active bacterial lipoprotein lipoteichoic acid (LTA) in infected AD lesions. Methods Eighty-nine children with clinically impetiginized lesions of AD were enrolled in this study. A lesion was graded clinically using the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI), and then wash fluid obtained from the lesion for quantitative bacterial culture, and measurement of LTA and cytokines. The staphylococcal isolate was tested for antibiotic susceptibilities. The patients were treated with a regimen that included topical corticosteroids and systemic antibiotics and the lesion was re-analyzed after two weeks. Results S. aureus was identified in 79 of 89 children enrolled in the study. The bacterial CFU correlated with the EASI lesional score (p = 0.04). LTA levels up to 9.8 μg/ml were measured in the wash fluid samples and the amounts correlated with the lesional EASI scores (p = 0.01) and S. aureus CFU (p < 0.001). Approximately 30% of clinically impetiginized AD lesions contained greater than 1 μg/ml LTA, amounts that exert effects on various cell types in vitro. Moreover, injection of skin tissue ex vivo with amounts of LTA found in AD lesions resulted in epidermal cytokine gene expression. Conclusions Pharmacologic levels of LTA are found in many infected atopic dermatitis lesions. Clinical Implications These findings suggest that staphylococcal LTA could be an important mediator of the increased skin inflammation associated with infected AD. Capsule Summary These studies demonstrate high levels of staphylococcal LTA are found on impetiginized AD lesions. Moreover, subjects harboring MRSA exhibited greater total body involvement of AD. PMID:19962742

  14. Red lesion detection using background estimation and lesions characteristics in diabetic retinal image (United States)

    Zhang, Dongbo; Peng, Yinghui; Yi, Yao; Shang, Xingyu


    Detection of red lesions [hemorrhages (HRs) and microaneurysms (MAs)] is crucial for the diagnosis of early diabetic retinopathy. A method based on background estimation and adapted to specific characteristics of HRs and MAs is proposed. Candidate red lesions are located by background estimation and Mahalanobis distance measure and then some adaptive postprocessing techniques, which include vessel detection, nonvessel exclusion based on shape analysis, and noise points exclusion by double-ring filter (only used for MAs detection), are conducted to remove nonlesion pixels. The method is evaluated on our collected image dataset, and experimental results show that it is better than or approximate to other previous approaches. It is effective to reduce the false-positive and false-negative results that arise from incomplete and inaccurate vessel structure.

  15. Supine breast US: how to correlate breast lesions from prone MRI. (United States)

    Telegrafo, Michele; Rella, Leonarda; Stabile Ianora, Amato A; Angelelli, Giuseppe; Moschetta, Marco


    To evaluate spatial displacement of breast lesions from prone MR to supine ultrasound positions, and to determine whether the degree of displacement may be associated with breast density and lesion histotype. 380 patients underwent breast MR and second-look ultrasound. The MR and ultrasound lesion location within the breast gland, distances from anatomical landmarks (nipple, skin and pectoral muscle), spatial displacement (distance differences from the landmarks within the same breast region) and region displacement (breast region change) were prospectively evaluated. Differences between MR and ultrasound measurements, association between the degree of spatial displacement and both breast density and lesion histotypes were calculated. In 290/380 (76%) patients, 300 MR lesions were detected. 285/300 (95%) lesions were recognized on ultrasound. By comparing MR and ultrasound, spatial displacement occurred in 183/285 (64.3%) cases while region displacement in 102/285 (35.7%) cases with a circumferential movement along an arc centred on the nipple, having supine ultrasound as the reference standard. A significant association between the degree of lesion displacement and breast density was found (p < 0.00001) with a significant higher displacement in case of fatty breasts. No significant association between the degree of displacement and lesion histotype was found (p = 0.1). Lesion spatial displacement from MRI to ultrasound may occur especially in adipose breasts. Lesion-nipple distance and circumferential displacement from the nipple need to be considered for ultrasound lesion detection. Second-look ultrasound breast lesion detection could be improved by calculating the lesion-nipple distance and considering that spatial displacement from MRI occurs with a circumferential movement along an arc centred on the nipple.

  16. Imaging granulomatous lesions with optical coherence tomography

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Banzhaf, Christina; Jemec, Gregor B E


    To investigate and compare the presentation of granulomatous lesions in optical coherence tomography (OCT) images and compare this to previous studies of nonmelanoma skin tumors.......To investigate and compare the presentation of granulomatous lesions in optical coherence tomography (OCT) images and compare this to previous studies of nonmelanoma skin tumors....

  17. Whole-lesion histogram analysis metrics of the apparent diffusion coefficient as a marker of breast lesions characterization at 1.5 T. (United States)

    Bougias, H; Ghiatas, A; Priovolos, D; Veliou, K; Christou, A


    To retrospectively assess the role of whole-lesion apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the characterization of breast tumors by comparing different histogram metrics. 49 patients with 53 breast lesions underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ADC histogram parameters, including the mean, mode, 10th/50th/90th percentile, skewness, kurtosis, and entropy ADCs, were derived for the whole-lesion volume in each patient. Mann-Whitney U-test, area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) were used for statistical analysis. The mean, mode and 10th/50th/90th percentile ADC values were significantly lower in malignant lesions compared with benign ones (all P histogram analysis could be a helpful index in the characterization and differentiation between benign and malignant breast lesions with the 10th and 50th percentile ADC be the most accurate discriminators. Copyright © 2017 The College of Radiographers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Distribution and correlates of plantar hyperkeratotic lesions in older people

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Menz Hylton B


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Plantar hyperkeratotic lesions are common in older people and are associated with pain, mobility impairment and functional limitations. However, little has been documented in relation to the frequency or distribution of these lesions. The aim of this study was to document the occurrence of plantar hyperkeratotic lesions and the patterns in which they occur in a random sample of older people. Methods A medical history questionnaire was administered to a random sample of 301 people living independently in the community (117 men, 184 women aged between 70 and 95 years (mean 77.2, SD 4.9, who also underwent a clinical assessment of foot problems, including the documentation of plantar lesion locations, toe deformities and the presence and severity of hallux valgus. Results Of the 301 participants, 180 (60% had at least one plantar hyperkeratotic lesion. Those with plantar lesions were more likely to be female (χ2 = 18.75, p 2 = 6.15, p vs 36.3 ± 8.4°; t = 2.68, df = 286, p vs 4.8 ± 1.3 hours, t = -2.46, df = 299, p = 0.01. No associations were found between the presence of plantar lesions and body mass index, obesity, foot posture, dominant foot or forefoot pain. A total of 53 different lesions patterns were observed, with the most common lesion pattern being "roll-off" hyperkeratosis on the medial aspect of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ, accounting for 12% of all lesion patterns. "Roll-off" lesions under the 1st MPJ and interphalangeal joint were significantly associated with moderate to severe hallux valgus (p p Conclusion Plantar hyperkeratotic lesions affect 60% of older people and are associated with female gender, hallux valgus, toe deformity, increased ankle flexibility and time spent on feet, but are not associated with obesity, limb dominance, forefoot pain or foot posture. Although there are a wide range of lesion distribution patterns, most can be classified into medial, central or lateral groups. Further

  19. clinico-pathologic review of biopsied tongue lesions in a nigerian

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    diagnosis.4 Most studies that reviewed tongue lesions were based on clinical ... on habit, class of the lesion, histological diagnosis, age, gender and site of lesions ..... relate to histone modification, expression, and cancer. Carcinogenesis.

  20. Gadobenate-dimeglumine-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for hepatic lesions in children

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chavhan, Govind B.; Mann, Erika [The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Toronto (Canada); Kamath, Binita M. [The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Toronto (Canada); Babyn, Paul S. [Royal University Hospital, Department of Medical Imaging, Saskatoon (Canada)


    Magnetic resonance imaging enhanced by hepatocyte-specific contrast media has been found useful to characterize liver lesions in adults and children. To present our experience with gadobenate dimeglumine (Gd-BOPTA)-enhanced MRI for evaluation of focal liver lesions in children. We retrospectively reviewed gadobenate-dimeglumine-enhanced MR images obtained for evaluation of suspected hepatic lesions in 30 children. Signal characteristics on various sequences including 45- to 60-min hepatobiliary phase images were noted by two radiologists. Chart review identified relevant clinical details including history of cancer treatment, available pathology and stability of lesion size on follow-up imaging. Of the 30 children who had gadobenate-enhanced MRI, 26 showed focal lesions. Diagnoses in 26 children were focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) in 15, hemangiomas in 3, regenerating nodules in 3, focal fatty infiltration in 2, indeterminate lesions in 3, and one patient each with adenomas, hepatoblastoma and metastasis. Two patients had multiple diagnoses. All FNH lesions (39), all regenerative nodules (19) and an indeterminate lesion were iso- or hyperintense on hepatobiliary-phase images while all other lesions (28) were hypointense to hepatic parenchyma. The average follow-up period was 21.7 months. Our experience with gadobenate-enhanced MRI indicates potential utility of gadobenate in the evaluation of pediatric hepatic lesions in differentiating FNH and regenerating nodules from other lesions. (orig.)

  1. Benign lymphoepithelial lesion arising in the parotid gland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Rae Chung; Choi, Soon Chul; Park, Tae Won; Yoo, Dong Soo


    The authors diagnosed a 33 years old female as benign lymphoepithelial lesion after undergoing clinical, radiological and histopathological examinations and the characteristics were as follows : 1. Clinically, the patient complained of painless bilateral swelling of the parotid glands and dryness of the palate. Rheumatoid facor was detected in her serum. 2. Sialograms showed punctuate or globular collections of contrast media distributed evenly throughout the parotid gland s in so-called 'cherry blossom' or 'fearless fruit-laden tree' appearance. 3. A salivary gland scan showed no uptake of radioisotopes by the parotid glands. 4. At T1-weighted imaging of PNS MRI, the lesions had the same signal intensity as the rest of the gland. At T2-weighted imaging, the lesion could be seen as high signal intensity 1.3 cm and 2.1 cm in diameter in the left and the right parotid gland respectively. 5. Ultrasonogram showed sonolucent lesions 20 X 15 mm and 17 X 14 mm in size in the lower part of the left parotid gland an d another 18 X 11 mm in size in the lower part of the parotid gland AS well as many other small sonolucent lesions. 6. Histopathologically, lymphocytic infiltration replacing the normal acini and lymphoid follicles containing germinal centers could be seen. Epimyoepithelial islands were scattered throughout the lesion and benign lymphoepithelial cysts were also observed.

  2. Potenciales evocados somatosensitivos en una poblacion cronicamente intoxicada con plomo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O. M. Genovese


    Full Text Available Once pacientes con cifras elevadas de plombemia y disminuidas de delta aminolevulínico dehidrasa (ALA D, fueron estudiados mediante la realización de potenciales evocados somatosensitivos obtenidos por estimulación del nervio mediano, midiendo el ingreso medular, el arribo cortical v el tiempo de conducción central (TCC. Los datos fueron comparados con controles. Se correlacionaron con las deterniinaciones bioquímicas y con el tiempo de exposición al tóxico. Por encima dei limite superior control, se encontro el ingreso medular en tres pacientes, el arribo cortical en cuatro y el TCC en tres. Los valores de N13,N20 y TCC no mostraron correlación con los parâmetros bioquímicos ni con el tiempo de exposición al tóxico. Estos hallazgos sugieren que, si bien la neuropatía periférica condiciona el retraso dei ingreso medular y del arribo cortical, es probable que exista también compromiso de la mielina central en algunos de los pacientes crónicamente expuestos.

  3. Conspicuity of diffuse axonal injury lesions on diffusion-weighted MR imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kinoshita, Toshibumi [Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 648, Rochester, NY 14642 (United States)]. E-mail:; Moritani, Toshio [Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 648, Rochester, NY 14642 (United States); Hiwatashi, Akio [Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 648, Rochester, NY 14642 (United States); Wang, Henry Z. [Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 648, Rochester, NY 14642 (United States); Shrier, David A. [Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 648, Rochester, NY 14642 (United States); Numaguchi, Yuji [Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 648, Rochester, NY 14642 (United States); Westesson, Per-Lennart A. [Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 648, Rochester, NY 14642 (United States)


    Objective: (1) To detect diffuse axonal injury (DAI) lesions by diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), as compared with fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) imaging and (2) to evaluate hemorrhagic DAI lesions by b{sub 0} images obtained from DWI, as compared with gradient-echo (GRE) imaging. Methods: We reviewed MR images of 36 patients with a diagnosis of DAI. MR imaging was performed 20 h to 14 days (mean, 3.7 days) after traumatic brain injury. We evaluated: (1) conspicuity of lesions on DWI and FLAIR and (2) conspicuity of hemorrhage in DAI lesions on b{sub 0} images and GRE imaging. Results: DWI clearly depicted high-signal DAI lesions. The sensitivity of DWI to lesional conspicuity in DAI lesions was almost equal to that of FLAIR. The sensitivity of b{sub 0} images to identification of hemorrhagic DAI lesions was inferior to that of GRE. Conclusion: DWI is as useful as FLAIR in detecting DAI lesions. GRE imaging is still the superior tool for the evaluation of hemorrhagic DAI.

  4. Lesion characterization in spectral photon-counting tomosynthesis (United States)

    Cederström, Björn; Fredenberg, Erik; Berggren, Karl; Erhard, Klaus; Danielsson, Mats; Wallis, Matthew


    It has previously been shown that 2D spectral mammography can be used to discriminate between (likely benign) cystic and (potentially malignant) solid lesions in order to reduce unnecessary recalls in mammography. One limitation of the technique is, however, that the composition of overlapping tissue needs to be interpolated from a region surrounding the lesion. The purpose of this investigation was to demonstrate that lesion characterization can be done with spectral tomosynthesis, and to investigate whether the 3D information available in tomosynthesis can reduce the uncertainty from the interpolation of surrounding tissue. A phantom experiment was designed to simulate a cyst and a tumor, where the tumor was overlaid with a structure that made it mimic a cyst. In 2D, the two targets appeared similar in composition, whereas spectral tomosynthesis revealed the exact compositional difference. However, the loss of discrimination signal due to spread from the plane of interest was of the same strength as the reduction of anatomical noise. Results from a preliminary investigation on clinical tomosynthesis images of solid lesions yielded results that were consistent with the phantom experiments, but were still to some extent inconclusive. We conclude that lesion characterization is feasible in spectral tomosynthesis, but more data, as well as refinement of the calibration and discrimination algorithms, are needed to draw final conclusions about the benefit compared to 2D.

  5. Petrous apex lesions outcome in 21 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hekmatara M


    Full Text Available Petrous apex lesions of temporal bone progress slowly. Most of the time not only destruct this area but also involve neighbouring element. The symptoms of the neighbouring neuro-vasculare involvement we can recognize these lesions. The most common symptoms of involvement of the petrous apex are: headache, conductive hearing loss or sensorineural type, paresthesia and anesthesia of the trigeminal nerve, paresia and paralysis of the facial nerve, abducent nerve. In retrospective study which has been in the ENT and HNS wards of Amiralam hospital, 148 patients have been operated due to temporal bone tumor; from these numbers, 21 (13.6% patients had petrous apex lesions of temporal bone. Eleven (52.9% patients of these 21 persons were men and the remaining 10 (47-6% were women. The average age of the patients was 37 years. The common pathology of these patients were glomus jugulare tumors, hemangioma, schwannoma, meningioma, congenital cholesteatoma, giant cell granuloma. The kind of operations that have been done on these patients were: infratemporal, translabyrinthine and middle fossa approaches. The conclusion of this study shows that petrous apex area is an occult site. The symptoms of this lesion are not characteristic, meticulous attention to the history and physical examination are very helpful to recognition of these lesions and it's extention.

  6. Development of post-traumatic cyst-like lesions in bone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Phillips, C.D.; Keats, T.E.


    Cyst-like lesions in the radius and tibia were observed in two children as a post-fracture event. The pathogenesis of these lesions is discussed. Cut sections from anatomic specimens display extensive hemorrhage in subperiosteal as well as endosteal and trabecular bone. Cysts arising from hemorrhagic resorption in various locales may explain the occasional atypical appearance of these lesions.

  7. Epicardial fat volume is correlated with coronary lesion and its severity


    Bo, Xiaohong; Ma, Likun; Fan, Jili; Jiang, Zhe; Zhou, Yuansong; Zhang, Lei; Li, Wanjun


    Objective: To evaluate the correlation of epicardial adipose tissue volume (EATV) with the coronary artery lesion and its severity. Methods: Inpatients with suspicious stable angina of coronary heart lesion were recruited. For patients with coronary artery lesions in CTA, further coronary angiography (CAG) was performed to evaluate the coronary artery lesion. Gensini scoring system was employed to assess the severity of coronary artery lesions. Results: Patients were classified as coronary he...

  8. Malignant pulmonary lesion. Possible causes of CT misdiagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mancini, J.; Feragalli, B.; Ciccotosto, C.; Storto, M.L.; Guidotti, A.


    The purpose of this work is to describe the radiological appearance of overlooked malignant pulmonary lesions at CT and to analyze the reasons of misdiagnosis. Ten patient with pulmonary lesion (PML) overlooked at forst CT examination were selected among patients with lung cancer. Endobronchial location of the tumors and their small size were the most frequent causes of misdiagnosis of PML at chest CT in the series. However, a systematic evaluation of CT scans can reduce the percentage of missed lesions [it

  9. Computerized Analysis of MR and Ultrasound Images of Breast Lesions

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Giger, Maryellen Lissak


    ...) images of breast lesions to aid radiologists in their workup of suspect lesions. We currently have retrospectively collected over 400 ultrasound cases of mass lesions, all that had gone on to either biopsy or cyst aspiration...

  10. Principal component analysis of psoriasis lesions images

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maletti, Gabriela Mariel; Ersbøll, Bjarne Kjær


    A set of RGB images of psoriasis lesions is used. By visual examination of these images, there seem to be no common pattern that could be used to find and align the lesions within and between sessions. It is expected that the principal components of the original images could be useful during future...

  11. Radiography of osseous lesions of the bovine locomotor system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blond, L.; Beauregard, G.; Mulon, P.Y.


    Radiography is the ancillary test of choice for lameness in cattle. Osseous lesions due to osteoporosis, osteitis or osteomyelitis and sequestrae can be visualised. Radiography is the only ancillary examination that provides a thorough investigation of the lesion affecting a bovine presented with a non-weight bearing suspected fracture and limb inflammation associated with soft tissue crepitation. Radiography is the only method to ensure that the fracture is not open. It facilitates follow-up of healing of osseous lesions. The period of time required for immobilisation can be adjusted depending on the type of lesions [it

  12. Imaging findings of papillary breast lesions: A pictorial review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kestelman, F.P.; Gomes, C.F.A.; Fontes, F.B.; Marchiori, E.


    The aim of this review is to describe the different imaging appearances of benign and malignant papillary breast lesions on mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging, according to the World Health Organization histopathological classifications. The classification and morphological imaging characteristics of papillary lesions remain challenging for pathologists and radiologists. Despite the difficulty of classifying these lesions, our review and those of others suggest that morphology is associated with clinically meaningful staging and outcome implications. Imaging can help to differentiate the forms of papillary lesion, but surgical specimens are required for definitive diagnosis in the majority of cases

  13. Optimization of PET system design for lesion detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qi, Jinyi


    Traditionally, the figures of merit used in designing a PET scanner are spatial resolution, noise equivalent count rate, noise equivalent sensitivity, etc. These measures, however, do not directly reflect the lesion detectability using the PET scanner. Here we propose to optimize PET scanner design directly for lesion detection. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of lesion detection can be easily computed using the theoretical expressions that we have previously derived. Because no time consuming Monte Carlo simulation is needed, the theoretical expressions allow evaluation of a large range of parameters. The PET system parameters can then be chosen to achieve the maximum SNR for lesion detection. The simulation study shown in this paper was focused a single ring PET scanner without depth of interaction measurement. Randoms and scatters were also ignored

  14. Histopathological correlations to ureteral lesions visualized during ureteroscopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lildal, Søren Kissow; Sørensen, Flemming Brandt; Andreassen, Kim Hovgaard


    PURPOSE: To correlate ureteral lesions visualized during ureteroscopy with histopathological findings.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ureteral access sheaths (UAS) sized 13/15 Fr. were inserted bilaterally in 22 laboratory pigs. During retraction of the UAS with a semirigid ureteroscope inside, ureteral......) stained. Histopathological scoring of ureteral wall lesions was subsequently performed according to PULS.RESULTS: In 72.1% of ureters, the highest histopathological score was at least 1 grade higher than the highest endoscopic PULS score. For 12 (27.9%) lesions, the difference was 2 scores higher......, and for 1 (2.3%), it was 3 scores higher. The histopathological PULS grade was higher than the endoscopical PULS grade at all minimum, quartile, and maximum scores. There was a significant difference in the distribution of highest lesional scores between the endoscopic and histopathological PULS (p = 0...

  15. Sonography and computed tomography of splenic nonsystemic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garretti, L.; Cassinis, M.C.; Gandini, G.


    Differential diagnosis problems are caused by the increased, at time occasional detection of benignant and malignant spleen focal lesions in routine superior abdomen ultrasound (US). The following pathologic conditions were reported in 29 patients with focal lesions (excepted systemic diseases): 6 plain cysts, 1 cystic lymphangioma, 3 echinococcus cysts, 3 abscesses, 7 hematomas and 9 metastases. US examination and clinical data together have permitted the differentiation of cysts from solid nodules but has limits in the characterzation of lesions and in the diagnosis of abscesses. Metastases did non present specific US or CT aspects and have been correctly charaterized only with aid of anamnestical data and for the coexhistence of hepatic lesions. CT has proven superior specificity, compared to US, only in the diagnosis of abscesses and should thus be utilized only in selected cases

  16. Lesion detection and quantitation of positron emission mammography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qi, Jinyi; Huesman, Ronald H.


    A Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) scanner dedicated to breast imaging is being developed at our laboratory. We have developed a list mode likelihood reconstruction algorithm for this scanner. Here we theoretically study the lesion detection and quantitation. The lesion detectability is studied theoretically using computer observers. We found that for the zero-order quadratic prior, the region of interest observer can achieve the performance of the prewhitening observer with a properly selected smoothing parameter. We also study the lesion quantitation using the test statistic of the region of interest observer. The theoretical expressions for the bias, variance, and ensemble mean squared error of the quantitation are derived. Computer simulations show that the theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the Monte Carlo results for both lesion detection and quantitation

  17. Dual energy MDCT assessment of renal lesions: an overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mileto, Achille; Marin, Daniele; Nelson, Rendon C.; Boll, Daniel T.; Ascenti, Giorgio


    With the expansion of cross-sectional imaging, the number of renal lesions that are incidentally discovered has increased. Multidetector CT (MDCT) is the investigation of choice for characterising and staging renal lesions. Although a definitive diagnosis can be confidently posed for most of them, a number of renal lesions remain indeterminate following MDCT. Further imaging tests are therefore needed, with subsequent increase of healthcare costs, radiation exposure, and patient anxiety. By addressing most of the issues with conventional MDCT imaging, dual-energy MDCT can improve the diagnosis of renal lesions and, potentially, may represent a paradigm shift from a merely attenuation-based to a material-specific spectral imaging investigation. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of current clinical applications of dual-energy CT in the evaluation of renal lesions. Key Points. (orig.)

  18. Dual energy MDCT assessment of renal lesions: an overview

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mileto, Achille [Duke University Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Durham, NC (United States); University of Messina, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphologic and Functional Imaging, Policlinico ' ' G. Martino' ' , Messina (Italy); Marin, Daniele; Nelson, Rendon C.; Boll, Daniel T. [Duke University Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Durham, NC (United States); Ascenti, Giorgio [University of Messina, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphologic and Functional Imaging, Policlinico ' ' G. Martino' ' , Messina (Italy)


    With the expansion of cross-sectional imaging, the number of renal lesions that are incidentally discovered has increased. Multidetector CT (MDCT) is the investigation of choice for characterising and staging renal lesions. Although a definitive diagnosis can be confidently posed for most of them, a number of renal lesions remain indeterminate following MDCT. Further imaging tests are therefore needed, with subsequent increase of healthcare costs, radiation exposure, and patient anxiety. By addressing most of the issues with conventional MDCT imaging, dual-energy MDCT can improve the diagnosis of renal lesions and, potentially, may represent a paradigm shift from a merely attenuation-based to a material-specific spectral imaging investigation. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of current clinical applications of dual-energy CT in the evaluation of renal lesions. Key Points. (orig.)

  19. Lesser-known myelin-related disorders: focal tumour-like demyelinating lesions. (United States)

    Jiménez Arango, J A; Uribe Uribe, C S; Toro González, G


    Focal tumour-like demyelinating lesions are defined as solitary demyelinating lesions with a diameter greater than 2 cm. In imaging studies, these lesions may mimic a neoplasm or brain abscess; as a result, invasive diagnostic and therapeutic measures may be performed that will in some cases increase morbidity. Our aim was to analyse and characterise these lesions according to their clinical, radiological, and pathological characteristics, and this data in addition to our literature review will contribute to a better understanding of these lesions. This descriptive study includes 5 cases with pathological diagnoses. We provide subject characteristics gathered through reviewing their clinical, radiology, and pathology reports. Patients' ages ranged from 12 to 60 years; 3 patients were female. The time delay between symptom onset and hospital admission was 3 to 120 days. Clinical manifestations were diverse and dependent on the location of the lesion, pyramidal signs were found in 80% of patients, there were no clinical or radiological signs of spinal cord involvement, and follow-up times ranged from 1 to 15 years. Brain biopsy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of demyelinating tumour-like lesions; however, their clinical features, along with several magnetic resonance imaging features such as open ring enhancement, venular enhancement, the presence of glutamate in spectroscopy, and others, may be sufficient to differentiate neoplastic lesions from focal tumour-like demyelinating lesions. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  20. Small white matter lesion detection in cerebral small vessel disease (United States)

    Ghafoorian, Mohsen; Karssemeijer, Nico; van Uden, Inge; de Leeuw, Frank E.; Heskes, Tom; Marchiori, Elena; Platel, Bram


    Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) is a common finding on magnetic resonance images of elderly people. White matter lesions (WML) are important markers for not only the small vessel disease, but also neuro-degenerative diseases including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Volumetric measurements such as the "total lesion load", have been studied and related to these diseases. With respect to SVD we conjecture that small lesions are important, as they have been observed to grow over time and they form the majority of lesions in number. To study these small lesions they need to be annotated, which is a complex and time-consuming task. Existing (semi) automatic methods have been aimed at volumetric measurements and large lesions, and are not suitable for the detection of small lesions. In this research we established a supervised voxel classification CAD system, optimized and trained to exclusively detect small WMLs. To achieve this, several preprocessing steps were taken, which included a robust standardization of subject intensities to reduce inter-subject intensity variability as much as possible. A number of features that were found to be well identifying small lesions were calculated including multimodal intensities, tissue probabilities, several features for accurate location description, a number of second order derivative features as well as multi-scale annular filter for blobness detection. Only small lesions were used to learn the target concept via Adaboost using random forests as its basic classifiers. Finally the results were evaluated using Free-response receiver operating characteristic.

  1. Automated detection of multiple sclerosis lesions in serial brain MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Llado, Xavier; Ganiler, Onur; Oliver, Arnau; Marti, Robert; Freixenet, Jordi; Valls, Laia; Vilanova, Joan C.; Ramio-Torrenta, Lluis; Rovira, Alex


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a serious disease typically occurring in the brain whose diagnosis and efficacy of treatment monitoring are vital. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is frequently used in serial brain imaging due to the rich and detailed information provided. Time-series analysis of images is widely used for MS diagnosis and patient follow-up. However, conventional manual methods are time-consuming, subjective, and error-prone. Thus, the development of automated techniques for the detection and quantification of MS lesions is a major challenge. This paper presents an up-to-date review of the approaches which deal with the time-series analysis of brain MRI for detecting active MS lesions and quantifying lesion load change. We provide a comprehensive reference source for researchers in which several approaches to change detection and quantification of MS lesions are investigated and classified. We also analyze the results provided by the approaches, discuss open problems, and point out possible future trends. Lesion detection approaches are required for the detection of static lesions and for diagnostic purposes, while either quantification of detected lesions or change detection algorithms are needed to follow up MS patients. However, there is not yet a single approach that can emerge as a standard for the clinical practice, automatically providing an accurate MS lesion evolution quantification. Future trends will focus on combining the lesion detection in single studies with the analysis of the change detection in serial MRI. (orig.)

  2. Automated detection of multiple sclerosis lesions in serial brain MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Llado, Xavier; Ganiler, Onur; Oliver, Arnau; Marti, Robert; Freixenet, Jordi [University of Girona, Computer Vision and Robotics Group, Girona (Spain); Valls, Laia [Dr. Josep Trueta University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Girona (Spain); Vilanova, Joan C. [Girona Magnetic Resonance Center, Girona (Spain); Ramio-Torrenta, Lluis [Dr. Josep Trueta University Hospital, Institut d' Investigacio Biomedica de Girona, Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology Unit, Girona (Spain); Rovira, Alex [Vall d' Hebron University Hospital, Magnetic Resonance Unit, Department of Radiology, Barcelona (Spain)


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a serious disease typically occurring in the brain whose diagnosis and efficacy of treatment monitoring are vital. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is frequently used in serial brain imaging due to the rich and detailed information provided. Time-series analysis of images is widely used for MS diagnosis and patient follow-up. However, conventional manual methods are time-consuming, subjective, and error-prone. Thus, the development of automated techniques for the detection and quantification of MS lesions is a major challenge. This paper presents an up-to-date review of the approaches which deal with the time-series analysis of brain MRI for detecting active MS lesions and quantifying lesion load change. We provide a comprehensive reference source for researchers in which several approaches to change detection and quantification of MS lesions are investigated and classified. We also analyze the results provided by the approaches, discuss open problems, and point out possible future trends. Lesion detection approaches are required for the detection of static lesions and for diagnostic purposes, while either quantification of detected lesions or change detection algorithms are needed to follow up MS patients. However, there is not yet a single approach that can emerge as a standard for the clinical practice, automatically providing an accurate MS lesion evolution quantification. Future trends will focus on combining the lesion detection in single studies with the analysis of the change detection in serial MRI. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samarth Shukla


    Full Text Available AIMS: To establish a significant predominance of thyroid lesions in and around Wardha district, and to establish specific etiological link for the predominance the thyroid lesions. MATERIALS AND METHOD S : This was a hospital based analytical prospective study, conducted in Acharya Vinobha Bhave Rural Hospital (A.V.B.R.H. involving 108 patients. The study was carried over a duration of 1 year January 2010 to December 2010. Patients attending endocrinological clinics and the newly detected cases of thyroid lesions, within set parameters of study, were the subjects of this study. OBSERVATION: Thyroid lesions which we came across in the course of the study were Thyrotoxicosis, Myxoedema, Thyroiditis, Diffuse goitre, Nodular Goitre and Carcinoma Thyroid . These were correlated with epidemiological factors like Age, Sex, Region, Diet and Iodine Intake. Significant relationship between thyroid function, age of patient, diet was seen in comparison to individual thyroid lesions. CONCLUSION : G oitre was the commest pathology encountered . Almost all of the thyroid lesions were of hypothyroid in their function with exception of thyrotoxicosis and carcinoma. Thyroid lesions were found predominantly in females, Age related lesion pathology was significant, and vegetarian and non - vegetarian diets along with low and high iodine salt uptake had obvious pathological effects on thyroid

  4. Skin Lesion Analysis towards Melanoma Detection Using Deep Learning Network (United States)


    Skin lesions are a severe disease globally. Early detection of melanoma in dermoscopy images significantly increases the survival rate. However, the accurate recognition of melanoma is extremely challenging due to the following reasons: low contrast between lesions and skin, visual similarity between melanoma and non-melanoma lesions, etc. Hence, reliable automatic detection of skin tumors is very useful to increase the accuracy and efficiency of pathologists. In this paper, we proposed two deep learning methods to address three main tasks emerging in the area of skin lesion image processing, i.e., lesion segmentation (task 1), lesion dermoscopic feature extraction (task 2) and lesion classification (task 3). A deep learning framework consisting of two fully convolutional residual networks (FCRN) is proposed to simultaneously produce the segmentation result and the coarse classification result. A lesion index calculation unit (LICU) is developed to refine the coarse classification results by calculating the distance heat-map. A straight-forward CNN is proposed for the dermoscopic feature extraction task. The proposed deep learning frameworks were evaluated on the ISIC 2017 dataset. Experimental results show the promising accuracies of our frameworks, i.e., 0.753 for task 1, 0.848 for task 2 and 0.912 for task 3 were achieved. PMID:29439500

  5. Skin Lesion Analysis towards Melanoma Detection Using Deep Learning Network

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuexiang Li


    Full Text Available Skin lesions are a severe disease globally. Early detection of melanoma in dermoscopy images significantly increases the survival rate. However, the accurate recognition of melanoma is extremely challenging due to the following reasons: low contrast between lesions and skin, visual similarity between melanoma and non-melanoma lesions, etc. Hence, reliable automatic detection of skin tumors is very useful to increase the accuracy and efficiency of pathologists. In this paper, we proposed two deep learning methods to address three main tasks emerging in the area of skin lesion image processing, i.e., lesion segmentation (task 1, lesion dermoscopic feature extraction (task 2 and lesion classification (task 3. A deep learning framework consisting of two fully convolutional residual networks (FCRN is proposed to simultaneously produce the segmentation result and the coarse classification result. A lesion index calculation unit (LICU is developed to refine the coarse classification results by calculating the distance heat-map. A straight-forward CNN is proposed for the dermoscopic feature extraction task. The proposed deep learning frameworks were evaluated on the ISIC 2017 dataset. Experimental results show the promising accuracies of our frameworks, i.e., 0.753 for task 1, 0.848 for task 2 and 0.912 for task 3 were achieved.

  6. Skin Lesion Analysis towards Melanoma Detection Using Deep Learning Network. (United States)

    Li, Yuexiang; Shen, Linlin


    Skin lesions are a severe disease globally. Early detection of melanoma in dermoscopy images significantly increases the survival rate. However, the accurate recognition of melanoma is extremely challenging due to the following reasons: low contrast between lesions and skin, visual similarity between melanoma and non-melanoma lesions, etc. Hence, reliable automatic detection of skin tumors is very useful to increase the accuracy and efficiency of pathologists. In this paper, we proposed two deep learning methods to address three main tasks emerging in the area of skin lesion image processing, i.e., lesion segmentation (task 1), lesion dermoscopic feature extraction (task 2) and lesion classification (task 3). A deep learning framework consisting of two fully convolutional residual networks (FCRN) is proposed to simultaneously produce the segmentation result and the coarse classification result. A lesion index calculation unit (LICU) is developed to refine the coarse classification results by calculating the distance heat-map. A straight-forward CNN is proposed for the dermoscopic feature extraction task. The proposed deep learning frameworks were evaluated on the ISIC 2017 dataset. Experimental results show the promising accuracies of our frameworks, i.e., 0.753 for task 1, 0.848 for task 2 and 0.912 for task 3 were achieved.

  7. Lesiones bucales relacionadas con las enfermedades digestivas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José A. Pacho Saavedra


    Full Text Available Muchas de las lesiones de la mucosa en la cavidad bucal están relacionadas con trastornos anatómicos y funcionales de los órganos del aparato digestivo; algunas forman parte del cuadro clínico de la entidad y otras aparecen como complicaciones de estas. Generalmente son de orígenes inmunológicos, nutricionales o carenciales. Estas lesiones son difíciles de tratar, por lo que es importante conocer las características clínicas que faciliten una adecuada interpretación y al mismo tiempo ofrecer una conducta terapéutica correcta. Se presenta una revisión actualizada de las características semiológicas de las lesiones bucales que forman parte del cuadro clínico de diversas enfermedades digestivas, con el fin de que los médicos generales, clínicos, estomatólogos y gastroenterólogos puedan diagnosticarlas y brindar mejor orientación y tratamiento a los pacientes.Many of the lesions of the mucosa in the oral cavity are related to anatomical and functional disorders of the organs of the digestive system. Some of them are part of the clinical picture of the entity and others appear as complications of them. Generally, they have an immunological, nutritional, or deficiency origin. These lesions are difficult to be treated and that's why it is important to know the clinical characteristics making easy an adequate interpretation, and to follow a suitable therapeutic conduct at the same time. An updated review of the semiological features of the oral lesions corresponding to the clinical picture of diverse digestive diseases is presented, so that the general physicians, clinicians, stomatologists and gastroenterologists be able to diagnose and give a better guidance and treatment to the patients.

  8. Adaptive lesion formation using dual mode ultrasound array system (United States)

    Liu, Dalong; Casper, Andrew; Haritonova, Alyona; Ebbini, Emad S.


    We present the results from an ultrasound-guided focused ultrasound platform designed to perform real-time monitoring and control of lesion formation. Real-time signal processing of echogenicity changes during lesion formation allows for identification of signature events indicative of tissue damage. The detection of these events triggers the cessation or the reduction of the exposure (intensity and/or time) to prevent overexposure. A dual mode ultrasound array (DMUA) is used for forming single- and multiple-focus patterns in a variety of tissues. The DMUA approach allows for inherent registration between the therapeutic and imaging coordinate systems providing instantaneous, spatially-accurate feedback on lesion formation dynamics. The beamformed RF data has been shown to have high sensitivity and specificity to tissue changes during lesion formation, including in vivo. In particular, the beamformed echo data from the DMUA is very sensitive to cavitation activity in response to HIFU in a variety of modes, e.g. boiling cavitation. This form of feedback is characterized by sudden increase in echogenicity that could occur within milliseconds of the application of HIFU (see for an example). The real-time beamforming and signal processing allowing the adaptive control of lesion formation is enabled by a high performance GPU platform (response time within 10 msec). We present results from a series of experiments in bovine cardiac tissue demonstrating the robustness and increased speed of volumetric lesion formation for a range of clinically-relevant exposures. Gross histology demonstrate clearly that adaptive lesion formation results in tissue damage consistent with the size of the focal spot and the raster scan in 3 dimensions. In contrast, uncontrolled volumetric lesions exhibit significant pre-focal buildup due to excessive exposure from multiple full-exposure HIFU shots. Stopping or reducing the HIFU exposure upon the detection of such an

  9. Effect of Enamel Caries Lesion Baseline Severity on Fluoride Dose-Response

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frank Lippert


    Full Text Available This study aimed to investigate the effect of enamel caries lesion baseline severity on fluoride dose-response under pH cycling conditions. Early caries lesions were created in human enamel specimens at four different severities (8, 16, 24, and 36 h. Lesions were allocated to treatment groups (0, 83, and 367 ppm fluoride as sodium fluoride based on Vickers surface microhardness (VHN and pH cycled for 5 d. The cycling model comprised 3 × 1 min fluoride treatments sandwiched between 2 × 60 min demineralization challenges with specimens stored in artificial saliva in between. VHN was measured again and changes versus lesion baseline were calculated (ΔVHN. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA (p<0.05. Increased demineralization times led to increased surface softening. The lesion severity×fluoride concentration interaction was significant (p<0.001. Fluoride dose-response was observed in all groups. Lesions initially demineralized for 16 and 8 h showed similar overall rehardening (ΔVHN and more than 24 and 36 h lesions, which were similar. The 8 h lesions showed the greatest fluoride response differential (367 versus 0 ppm F which diminished with increasing lesion baseline severity. The extent of rehardening as a result of the 0 ppm F treatment increased with increasing lesion baseline severity, whereas it decreased for the fluoride treatments. In conclusion, lesion baseline severity impacts the extent of the fluoride dose-response.

  10. Lesiones torácicas graves y el enfoque del control de daños Severe thoracic lesions and the damage control approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Miguel Morales Wong


    Full Text Available En los últimos años se han desarrollado nuevas estrategias para el tratamiento del trauma grave con lesiones exanguinantes o sin ellas, pero son estas últimas las que más requieren un cambio de la forma de actuar en aras de mejorar la supervivencia. Tales estrategias quirúrgicas se han denominado cirugía de control de daños, que en esencia evita complicaciones como la tríada letal de acidosis, hipotermia y coagulopatía. A diferencia del control de daños en el abdomen, existen lesiones torácicas que requieren una reparación inicial durante el acto quirúrgico, pero pueden hallarse otras cuya reparación puede ser secundaria. El método de control de daños en las lesiones torácicas debe llevarse a cabo con procedimientos que sean técnicamente rápidos y simples, para postergar el tratamiento definitivo de las lesiones que no requieran una reparación inmediata en pacientes in extremisNew strategies have been developed in the last years to treat severe trauma with exsanguinating lesions or without them. The latter demand more changes in the way of acting in order to improve survival. Such surgical strategies have been called damage control surgery that in essence prevent complications such as the lethal triad of acidosis, hypothermia and coagulopathy. Unlike the control of abdomen damage, there are thoracic lesions requiring an initial repair during surgery, but there may be found others, whose repair is secondary. The damage control method in the thoracic lesions should be conducted with technically fast and simple procedures to postpone the definitive treatment of the lesions that do not require an immediate repair in patients in extremis

  11. Retrospective Survey of Biopsied Oral Lesions in Pediatric Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yin-Lin Wang


    Conclusion: The mucous extravasation phenomenon, odontoma, or dentigerous cyst was the most common inflammatory and reactive, neoplastic, or cystic lesion, respectively, in pediatric patients. The relatively high incidence of inflammatory and reactive lesions in pediatric patients implies the importance of stringent oral hygiene in children. Most oral neoplastic lesions in pediatric patients are benign, and malignant oral tumors rarely occur in pediatric patients.

  12. Computerized axial tomography in traumatic cervical lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koyama, Tsunemaro


    Although plain computerized axial tomography cannot routinely demonstrate the spinal cord, it does provide excellent visualization of the bony outline of the spinal canal and vertebral column. So it should be reasonable to use this technique in cases of cervical traumatic disorders. In this paper we presented 10 cases of cervical traumatic lesions; 3 atlanto-axial dislocation, 2 cervical canal stenosis, 3 OPLL, 1 intramedullary hematoma and 1 C 2 -neurinoma. In some patients neurologic deficits were induced by cervical trauma. Bony lesions appeared more adequately deliniated than intraspinal lesions, however, in some cases intramedullary changes could also be demonstrated. The use of metrizamide with high resolution CT-scanner could improve the usefullness of this technique. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. V. Pizova


    Full Text Available Objective: to determine the incidence of atherosclerotic lesions in the carotid and vertebral arteries of young patients from Doppler ultrasound data and to compare the quantitatively assessed traditional risk factors of coronary heart disease (CHD with severe extracranial artery atherosclerotic lesion.Subjects and methods. Doppler ultrasound was carried out evaluating structural changes in the aortic arch branches in 1563 railway transport workers less than 45 years of age. A separate sample consisted of 68 young people with carotid atherosclerotic changes, in whom traditional risk factors for CHD were studied, so were in a control group of individuals without atherosclerotic changes (n = 38.Results. Among the examinees, carotid atherosclerotic lesion was detected in 112 (7.1 % cases, the increase in the rate of atherosclerotic plaques in patients aged 35–45 years being 9.08 %; that in the rate of local intima-media thickness in those aged 31–40 years being 5.1 %. Smoking (particularly that along with hypercholesterolemia and a family history of cardiovascular diseases, obesity (along with low activity, and emotional overstrain were defined as important risk factors in the young patients. Moreover, factor analysis has shown that smoking,hypertension, and early cardiovascular pathology in the next of kin makes the greatest contribution to the development of carotid atherosclerotic lesion.Conclusion. Among the patients less than 45 years of age, carotid and vertebral artery atherosclerotic changes were found in 112 (7.1 % cases, which were more pronounced in male patients. Smoking, particularly along with hypercholesterolemia and genetic predisposition to cardiovascular diseases, was a risk factor that had the highest impact on the degree of atherosclerotic lesion in the aortic arch branches of the young patients.

  14. Lesion bacterial communities in American lobsters with diet-induced shell disease. (United States)

    Quinn, Robert A; Metzler, Anita; Tlusty, Michael; Smolowitz, Roxanna M; Leberg, Paul; Chistoserdov, Andrei Y


    In southern New England, USA, shell disease affects the profitability of the American lobster Homarus americanus fishery. In laboratory trials using juvenile lobsters, exclusive feeding of herring Clupea harengus induces shell disease typified initially by small melanized spots that progress into distinct lesions. Amongst a cohabitated, but segregated, cohort of 11 juvenile lobsters fed exclusively herring, bacterial communities colonizing spots and lesions were investigated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rDNA amplified using 1 group-specific and 2 universal primer sets. The Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria predominated in both spots and lesions and included members of the orders Flavobacteriales (Bacteriodetes), Rhodobacterales, Rhodospirillales and Rhizobiales (Alphaproteobacteria), Xanthomonadales (Gammaproteobacteria) and unclassified Gammaproteobacteria. Bacterial communities in spot lesions displayed more diversity than communities with larger (older) lesions, indicating that the lesion communities stabilize over time. At least 8 bacterial types persisted as lesions developed from spots. Aquimarina 'homaria', a species commonly cultured from lesions present on wild lobsters with epizootic shell disease, was found ubiquitously in spots and lesions, as was the 'Candidatus Kopriimonas aquarianus', implicating putative roles of these species in diet-induced shell disease of captive lobsters.

  15. Assessment of cavitation in artificial approximal dental lesions with near-IR imaging (United States)

    Simon, Jacob C.; Darling, Cynthia L.; Fried, Daniel


    Bitewing radiography is still considered state-of-the-art diagnostic technology for assessing cavitation within approximal carious dental lesions, even though radiographs cannot resolve cavitated surfaces but instead are used to measure lesion depth in order to predict cavitation. Clinicians need new technologies capable of determining whether approximal carious lesions have become cavitated because not all lesions progress to cavitation. Assessing lesion cavitation from near-infrared (NIR) imaging methods holds great potential due to the high transparency of enamel in the NIR region from λ=1300-1700-nm, which allows direct visualization and quantified measurements of enamel demineralization. The objective of this study was to measure the change in lesion appearance between non-cavitated and cavitated lesions in artificially generated lesions using NIR imaging modalities (two-dimensional) at λ=1300-nm and λ=1450-nm and cross-polarization optical coherence tomography (CP-OCT) (thee-dimensional) λ=1300-nm. Extracted human posterior teeth with sound proximal surfaces were chosen for this study and imaged before and after artificial lesions were made. A high speed dental hand piece was used to create artificial cavitated proximal lesions in sound samples and imaged. The cavitated artificial lesions were then filled with hydroxyapatite powder to simulate non-cavitated proximal lesions.

  16. Prognosis in aphasia and CT localization and lesion size

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hojo, Kei; Watanabe, Shunzo; Tasaki, Hiroichi; Sato, Tokijiro; Metoki, Hirofumi.


    The influence of CT localization and lesion size on the prognosis of aphasia was studied in 76 right-handed aphasic patients who had had a cerebrovascular accident. On the basis of the results of the accumulated lesions with many Broca and Wernicke aphasics, the highly involved sites were determined to be the Broca area and the Wernicke area. The CT lesions of 76 aphasics were traced in the total area, the Broca area, and the Wernicke area; these were termed the total lesion, the Broca lesion, and the Wernicke lesion respectively. The digitizer program was used to determine the size of the lesions by tracing them onto standardized martrices, which were divided into 3000 points and which corresponded to the CT slices. The recovery rates were determined by comparing the scores of 2 SLTA (Standard Language Test of Aphasia) tests given at 3-month intervals in order to coincide with the clinical impressions. These recovery rates were used as an indication of the prognosis. The results obtained were as follows: (1) Negative correlations between the sizes of the total area and the Broca area and the recovery rates were observed, while no correlation was observed between the size of the Wernicke area and the recovery rates. These findings indicate that the larger the lesions in the total area and the Broca area, the less overall recovery occurs in the total language deficit. (2) Negative correlations between the size of each area and the recovery rates in expressive aspects, namely, ''speaking'' and ''writing,'' were observed, but not in the receptive aspects, namely, ''hearing'' and ''reading,'' or in ''calculation.'' (author)

  17. Lanthanum deposition corresponds to white lesions in the stomach. (United States)

    Iwamuro, Masaya; Urata, Haruo; Tanaka, Takehiro; Kawano, Seiji; Kawahara, Yoshiro; Kimoto, Katsuhiko; Okada, Hiroyuki


    Although lanthanum deposition in the stomach has been most frequently reported to occur as white lesions, no study has investigated whether the white lesions observed during esophagogastroduodenoscopy are truly lanthanum-related. Here, we retrospectively investigated the amount of lanthanum in endoscopic biopsy specimens. We reviewed four patients showing gastric white spots or annular whitish mucosa in the gastric white lesions (Bw) and peripheral mucosa where the white substance was not endoscopically observed (Bp) during biopsy. We also reviewed three patients with diffuse whitish mucosa and three patients with no whitish lesions. We performed scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry to quantify the lanthanum elements (wt%) in the biopsy specimens. The amount of lanthanum in the Bw ranged from 0.15-0.31 wt%, whereas that of Bp was 0.00-0.13 wt%. The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The amount of lanthanum in the Bw, endoscopically presented with white spots or annular whitish mucosa, was significantly higher than that of no whitish lesions (0.05-0.14 wt%, P < 0.05). The amount of lanthanum was also higher in the diffuse whitish mucosa (0.21-0.23 wt%) compared with no whitish lesions (P < 0.01). This study is the first to reveal that pathological lanthanum deposition corresponds to the endoscopically observed white lesions in the gastric mucosa. Therefore, during esophagogastroduodenoscopy, physicians should pay attention to possible presence of white lesions in patients treated with oral lanthanum carbonate to ensure prompt identification of associated issues. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  18. MRI Overestimates Excitotoxic Amygdala Lesion Damage in Rhesus Monkeys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamin M. Basile


    Full Text Available Selective, fiber-sparing excitotoxic lesions are a state-of-the-art tool for determining the causal contributions of different brain areas to behavior. For nonhuman primates especially, it is advantageous to keep subjects with high-quality lesions alive and contributing to science for many years. However, this requires the ability to estimate lesion extent accurately. Previous research has shown that in vivo T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI accurately estimates damage following selective ibotenic acid lesions of the hippocampus. Here, we show that the same does not apply to lesions of the amygdala. Across 19 hemispheres from 13 rhesus monkeys, MRI assessment consistently overestimated amygdala damage as assessed by microscopic examination of Nissl-stained histological material. Two outliers suggested a linear relation for lower damage levels, and values of unintended amygdala damage from a previous study fell directly on that regression line, demonstrating that T2 hypersignal accurately predicts damage levels below 50%. For unintended damage, MRI estimates correlated with histological assessment for entorhinal cortex, perirhinal cortex and hippocampus, though MRI significantly overestimated the extent of that damage in all structures. Nevertheless, ibotenic acid injections routinely produced extensive intentional amygdala damage with minimal unintended damage to surrounding structures, validating the general success of the technique. The field will benefit from more research into in vivo lesion assessment techniques, and additional evaluation of the accuracy of MRI assessment in different brain areas. For now, in vivo MRI assessment of ibotenic acid lesions of the amygdala can be used to confirm successful injections, but MRI estimates of lesion extent should be interpreted with caution.

  19. Malignant Lesions as Mammographically Appearing Intramammary Ganglia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinez-Miraveta, P.; Pons, M. J.; Pina, L. J.; Zornoza, G.


    Intramammary ganglia are frequent mammographic findings of no pathological importance. We present two cases of malignant breast lesions whose mammographic appearance could resemble that of intramammary ganglia. Although the mammographic appearance of a lesion is similar to that of intramammary ganglia, it should be carefully studied, especially if it presents a poorly defined border or is palpable. (Author)

  20. Prevalence of oral lesions among Saudi dental patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    AlMobeeriek, Azizah; AlDosari, Abdullah M


    Few studies have been conducted in the Saudi population on oral mucosal lesions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the type and extent of oral lesions in a study among dental patients at a college of dentistry in Saudi Arabia. Over a 3-year period, 2552 dental outpatients were interviewed and investigated clinically for the presence of oral mucosal conditions. A thorough oral clinical examination was performed, including a radiographic examination. The diagnosis was confirmed histopathologically when necessary. Of 383 (15.0%) patients found to have oral mucosal lesions, females constituted 57.7% (n=221) and males 42.3% (n=162). The age range of the patients was between 15 to 73 years with a mean age of 38.2 years. The most commonly affected age group was 31 to 40 years, which comprised 21.4% (n=82) of all affected individuals. The least affected age group were individuals older than 61 years. The most common lesion was Fordyce granules (3.8%; n=98), followed by leukoedema (3.4%; n=86) and traumatic lesions (ulcer, erosion) in 1.9% (n=48). Tongue abnormalities were present in 4.0% (n=101) of all oral conditions observed, ranging from 1.4% (n=36) for fissured tongue to 0.1% (n=2) for bifid tongue. Other findings detected were torous platinus (1.3%; n=34), mandibular tori (0.1%; n=2) aphthous ulcer (0.4%; n=10), herpes simplex (0.3%; n=7), frictional hyperkeratosis (0.9%; n=23), melanosis (0.6%; n=14), lichen planus (0.3%; n=9) and nicotinic stomatitis (0.5%; n=13). The findings of this study provide information on the types and prevalence of oral lesions among Saudi dental patients. This provides baseline data for future studies about the prevalence of oral lesions in the general population. (author)

  1. MR imaging of noncancerous lesions of the prostate gland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lovett, K.; Rifkin, M.D.; Choi, H.Y.; McCue, P.; Mitchell, D.G.; Burk, D.L. Jr.


    This paper determines the importance of MR signal characteristics in noncancerous lesions of the prostate. Step-sectioned radical prostatectomy specimens from over 50 individuals with stage A or B cancer were retrospectively reviewed and compared with correlative axial T2-weighted MR images obtained just prior to surgery. Noncancerous lesions were evaluated for signal intensity and location. Focal high-signal-intensity areas were present in 82% of patients. The 28% of lesions in the central gland correlated with cystic atrophy. Of the lesions in the peripheral prostate, 85% were cystic atrophy without associated cancer, 7.5% cystic atrophy with cancer, and 7.5% focal inflammation. Focal low-signal-intensity areas were present in 76% of patients. Of the 31% in the central prostate, one-fifth correlated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and four-fifths with fibrous tissue, 10% to the 69% that were peripheral, 82% corresponded to fibrous tissue, 10% to BPH, and 8% to normal tissue. Mixed lesions were present in 73%; 93% of these were located centrally and 7% peripherally. All mixed central lesions were BPH, and the peripheral 7% were areas of combined cystic atrophy and fibrosis

  2. Automatic segmentation of psoriasis lesions (United States)

    Ning, Yang; Shi, Chenbo; Wang, Li; Shu, Chang


    The automatic segmentation of psoriatic lesions is widely researched these years. It is an important step in Computer-aid methods of calculating PASI for estimation of lesions. Currently those algorithms can only handle single erythema or only deal with scaling segmentation. In practice, scaling and erythema are often mixed together. In order to get the segmentation of lesions area - this paper proposes an algorithm based on Random forests with color and texture features. The algorithm has three steps. The first step, the polarized light is applied based on the skin's Tyndall-effect in the imaging to eliminate the reflection and Lab color space are used for fitting the human perception. The second step, sliding window and its sub windows are used to get textural feature and color feature. In this step, a feature of image roughness has been defined, so that scaling can be easily separated from normal skin. In the end, Random forests will be used to ensure the generalization ability of the algorithm. This algorithm can give reliable segmentation results even the image has different lighting conditions, skin types. In the data set offered by Union Hospital, more than 90% images can be segmented accurately.

  3. Endoscopic Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Gastric Subepithelial Lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eun Jeong Gong


    Full Text Available Subepithelial lesions occasionally found in the stomach of patients undergoing endoscopy may be either benign lesions or tumors with malignant potential. They may also appear due to extrinsic compression. Discrimination of gastric subepithelial lesions begins with meticulous endoscopic examination for size, shape, color, mobility, consistency, and appearance of the overlying mucosa. Accurate diagnosis can be achieved with endoscopic ultrasonography, which provides useful information on the exact size, layer-of-origin, and characteristic morphologic features to support a definitive diagnosis. Endoscopic ultrasonography also aids in the prediction of malignant potential, especially in gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Features of subepithelial lesions identified on endoscopic ultrasonography can be used to determine whether further diagnostic procedures such as endoscopic resection, fine needle aspiration, or core biopsy are required. Endoscopic ultrasonography is a valuable tool for diagnosis and clinical decision making during follow-up of gastric subepithelial lesions.

  4. Endodontic-periodontic bifurcation lesions: a novel treatment option. (United States)

    Lin, Shaul; Tillinger, Gabriel; Zuckerman, Offer


    The purpose of this preliminary clinical report is to suggest a novel treatment modality for periodontal bifurcation lesions of endodontic origin. The study consisted of 11 consecutive patients who presented with periodontal bifurcation lesions of endodontic origin (endo-perio lesions). All patients were followed-up for at least 12 months. Treatment included calcium hydroxide with iodine-potassium iodide placed in the root canals for 90 days followed by canal sealing with gutta-percha and cement during a second stage. Dentin bonding was used to seal the furcation floor to prevent the ingress of bacteria and their by-products to the furcation root area through the accessory canals. A radiographic examination showed complete healing of the periradicular lesion in all patients. Probing periodontal pocket depths decreased to 2 to 4 mm (mean 3.5 mm), and resolution of the furcation involvement was observed in post-operative clinical evaluations. The suggested treatment of endo-perio lesions may result in complete healing. Further studies are warranted. This treatment method improves both the disinfection of the bifurcation area and the healing process in endodontically treated teeth considered to be hopeless.

  5. Management of vascular lesions using advanced laser technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christofer Tzermias


    Full Text Available One of the most widely used cutaneous applications of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (laser concerns the treatment of vascular lesions. During the past two decades, very significant advances in the application of laser technology in dermatology have occurred, with selective photothermolysis being the most important. This review focuses on the application of modern laser devices (Pulsed Dye Laser, or PDL; potassium titanyl phosphate laser, or KTP; diode laser; and neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminium-garnet laser, or Nd:YAG, as well as the combination of laser and photodynamic therapy (PDT for the treatment of vascular lesions. In particular, both congenital (haemangiomas and port-wine stains and acquired vascular lesions (facial and leg telangiectasias, rosacea, Poikiloderma of Civatte, spider angioma, pyogenic granuloma, and venous lakes are discussed. The review of many recent research studies demonstrates that modern applications of lasers in dermatology constitute the finest method for the treatment of vascular lesions, combining the advantages of invasive therapy with the security offered by non-invasive therapy, while in certain cases they are the single and only choice for the treatment of these lesions.

  6. DNA Damage by Ionizing Radiation: Tandem Double Lesions by Charged Particles (United States)

    Huo, Winifred M.; Chaban, Galina M.; Wang, Dunyou; Dateo, Christopher E.


    Oxidative damages by ionizing radiation are the source of radiation-induced carcinogenesis, damage to the central nervous system, lowering of the immune response, as well as other radiation-induced damages to human health. Monte Carlo track simulations and kinetic modeling of radiation damages to the DNA employ available molecular and cellular data to simulate the biological effect of high and low LET radiation io the DNA. While the simulations predict single and double strand breaks and base damages, so far all complex lesions are the result of stochastic coincidence from independent processes. Tandem double lesions have not yet been taken into account. Unlike the standard double lesions that are produced by two separate attacks by charged particles or radicals, tandem double lesions are produced by one single attack. The standard double lesions dominate at the high dosage regime. On the other hand, tandem double lesions do not depend on stochastic coincidences and become important at the low dosage regime of particular interest to NASA. Tandem double lesions by hydroxyl radical attack of guanine in isolated DNA have been reported at a dosage of radiation as low as 10 Gy. The formation of two tandem base lesions was found to be linear with the applied doses, a characteristic of tandem lesions. However, tandem double lesions from attack by a charged particle have not been reported.

  7. Representability of metastatic bone lesions in magnification radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Togawa, Takashi


    Magnification radiography, bone scintigraphy, and normal roentgenography were performed on patients with malignant tumors to detect their bone metastases, and from the results obtained, these diagnostic procedures were evaluated for the detectability and representability of metastatic bone lesions. Bone scan and normal roentgenography were performed on 90 metastatic bone lesions in 37 patients, and magnification radiography was done on 14 bone lesions noted in 10 of the 37 and another with benign osseous change. Among the three, bone scintigraphy was best, and magnification radiography and normal roentgenography did not differ significantly in detectability. In magnification radiography, some metastatic bone lesions were represented more clearly than by normal roentgeography, but some were not. As regards the representability of the ribs, magnification radiography was very useful. One case of bone destruction was detected by magnification radiography, but not by normal roentgenography. (author)

  8. Persisting asymmetries of vision after right side lesions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Habekost, Thomas; Rostrup, Egill


    Visual neglect and extinction are well-known effects of lesions in the right hemisphere. This study shows that even with minor or no clinical signs of these deficits, and in the stable phase of recovery, asymmetric visual perception is common after right side lesions. Whole, partial and colour....... Psychological Review, 97, 523-547]) including bootstrap estimation of the measurement error related to each test result [Habekost, T., & Bundesen, C. (2003). Patient assessment based on a theory of visual attention (TVA): Subtle deficits after a right frontal-subcortical lesion. Neuropsychologia, 41, 1171...

  9. Lymphangioma circumscriptum of the penis mimicking venereal lesions. (United States)

    Gupta, S; Radotra, B D; Javaheri, S M; Kumar, B


    Lymphangioma circumscriptum (LC) involving the penis is rare. We report two patients with penile LC. The lesions developed in early infancy in one patient, and during puberty in the other. The lesions resembled molluscum contagiosum in one and genital warts in the other. The first patient was previously treated with a diagnosis of venereal disease. A literature search found only 4 LC patients with penile lesions reported in the English literature. These cases are presented for their rarity, and to increase diagnostic vigilance and desirability of non-intervention.

  10. Utility of dual echo T2-weighted turbo spin echo MR imaging for differentiation of solid, malignant hepatic lesions from nonsolid, benign hepatic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Dal Mo; Yoon, Myung Hwan; Kim, Hak Soo; Lee, Eun Joo; Kim, Jong Ho; Kim, Hyung Sik; Chung, Jin Woo


    To evaluate the additive value of multiphasic contrast-enhanced dynamic MR imaging as a supplement to dual-echo T2-weighted TSE MR imaging for the differentiation of solid, malignant hepatic lesions from nonsolid, benign hepatic lesions. Two radiologists retrospectively reviewed dual-echo T2-weighted TSE MR images and gadolinium-enhanced MR images in 51 patients with hepatic lesions (28 malignant, 69 benign). For the differentiation of malignant from benign lesions, as seen on dual-echo T2-weighted TSE MR images, we evaluated sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, and compared with the results with those for dual echo T2-weighted MR images plus multiphasic contrast-enhanced dynamic MR images. In addition, Az values for dual echo T2-weighted MR images were compared with those for dual echo T2-weighted MR images plus multiphasic contrast-enhanced dynamic MR images. For the differentiation of malignant from benign hepatic lesions, as seen on dual-echo T2-weighted TSE images, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were 80.0%, 97.5%, and 93.9%, respectively, for lesions less than 3cm in diameter, and 92.3%, 95.0%, and 93.5%, respectively, for those that were 3cm or larger. The results for dual-echo T2-weighted MR imaging plus multiphasic contrast-enhanced dynamic MR imaging were 86.7%, 100.0%, and 97.3%, respectively, for lesions less than 3cm, and 92.3%, 100.0%, and 95.7%, respectively for those that were 3cm or larger. There were no significant differences in sensitivity, specificity, or accuracy between the results obtained using dual-echo T2-weighted MR imaging and those obtained with dual-echo T2-weighted MR imaging plus multiphasic contrast-enhanced dynamic MR imaging. Nor were these statistically significant differences in Az values between the two groups. For the differentiation of solid, malignant hepatic lesions from nonsolid, benign hepatic lesions, there is no difference in accuracy between dual-echo T2-weighted TSE MR imaging and the additional use of



    Eliane Santos Cavalcante; João Mário Pessoa Júnior; Izaura Luzia Silvério Freire; Ana Cristina Mancussi e Faro; Gilson de Vasconcelos Torres; Francisco Arnoldo Nunes de Miranda


    Objetivo: analizar la presencia y los síntomas de estrés en pescadores artesanales víctimas de lesión medular. Método: estudio descriptivo, seccional y cuantitativo, realizado con una muestra no probabilístico de 44 pescadores víctimas de lesión medular en las playas del litoral norte de Rio Grande do Norte. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de la aplicación de inventario sobre presencia y síntomas de estrés para adultos, contemplando aún características sociodemográficas y clínica...

  12. US-guided preoperative hook-wire localization of nonpalpable breast lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Tae Beom; Lee, Sang Kwon; Kim, Hye Jung; Ryeom, Hun Kyu; Kim, Tae Hun; Kim, Yong Ju; Kang, Duk Sik; Lee, Young Ha; Park, Ho Yong


    To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of US-guided preoperative wire localization of nonpalpable breast lesions. US-guided preoperative wire localization was performed upon 45 nonpalpable breast lesions including 14 nonpalpable masses, 11 nonpalpable masses with microcalcifications, 11 ductal lesions, 9 with microcalcifications. No local anesthesia was performed during the localization procedure. Under the US-guidance, the needle with the hook-wire was inserted into the lesion until the hook of the wire reached 1 cm beyond the posterior margin of the lesion. Precise wire positioning was confirmed by mammography. Specimen radiography or specimen ultrasonography was performed in all cases. US-guided preoperative wire localization was successfully achieved in all cases. The time required for US-guided wire localization was less than five minutes. All lesions were successfully removed by surgical excision. Successful removal was confirmed by specimen radiography or specimen ultrasonography, gross findings of the specimen and consistency between radiographic and pathologic findings. The histologic diagnosis of 45 lesions were 7 ductal carcinoma in situ, 8 invasive ductal carcinoma, 6 fibroadenoma, 8 intraductal papilloma, 2 atypical ductal hyperplasia, and 14 fibrocystic changes. No complications were occurred during and after the procedure. US-guided preoperative wire localization for excisional biopsy is simple, safe, and accurate method in the histologic diagnosis of nonpalpable breast lesions detectable with ultrasonography.

  13. US-guided preoperative hook-wire localization of nonpalpable breast lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Tae Beom; Lee, Sang Kwon; Kim, Hye Jung; Ryeom, Hun Kyu; Kim, Tae Hun; Kim, Yong Ju; Kang, Duk Sik; Lee, Young Ha; Park, Ho Yong [Kyungpook National University College of Medicine, Taegu (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of US-guided preoperative wire localization of nonpalpable breast lesions. US-guided preoperative wire localization was performed upon 45 nonpalpable breast lesions including 14 nonpalpable masses, 11 nonpalpable masses with microcalcifications, 11 ductal lesions, 9 with microcalcifications. No local anesthesia was performed during the localization procedure. Under the US-guidance, the needle with the hook-wire was inserted into the lesion until the hook of the wire reached 1 cm beyond the posterior margin of the lesion. Precise wire positioning was confirmed by mammography. Specimen radiography or specimen ultrasonography was performed in all cases. US-guided preoperative wire localization was successfully achieved in all cases. The time required for US-guided wire localization was less than five minutes. All lesions were successfully removed by surgical excision. Successful removal was confirmed by specimen radiography or specimen ultrasonography, gross findings of the specimen and consistency between radiographic and pathologic findings. The histologic diagnosis of 45 lesions were 7 ductal carcinoma in situ, 8 invasive ductal carcinoma, 6 fibroadenoma, 8 intraductal papilloma, 2 atypical ductal hyperplasia, and 14 fibrocystic changes. No complications were occurred during and after the procedure. US-guided preoperative wire localization for excisional biopsy is simple, safe, and accurate method in the histologic diagnosis of nonpalpable breast lesions detectable with ultrasonography.

  14. A study on the mixed jaw lesions associated with teeth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nah, Kyung Soo


    1. Retrospectively evaluate the accuracy of tentative diagnosis or impression from the clinico-radiographic materials of jaw lesions which showed mixed lesions associated with teeth. 2. To observe the diagnostic importance of the calcified part of the lesions which appear as radiopaque areas. 14 cases of jaw lesions which showed mixed lesions associated with teeth were reviewed. These lesions were mostly diagnosed as adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (6 cases) or calcifying odontogenic cysts with (4 cases) or without odontomas (4 cases). The calcified elements of the lesions which demonstrated various sizes and patterns of radiopaque shadows resembled odontoid tissues in some cases but could not be defined in some other cases radiographically. The final histopathologic diagnosis confirmed adenomatoid odontogenic tumors in 4 of the 6 cases. The remaining 2 cases turned out to be odontoma and ameloblastic fibroodontoma. The 4 cases of calcifying odontogenic cysts with odontomas were correct in 3 cases but remaining 1 case was just odontoma. The 4 cases of calcifying odontogenic cysts were proved to be odontogenic keratocyst, calcified peripheral fibroma, unicystic ameloblastoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The diagnostic accuracy of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumors and calcifying odontogenic cysts were high when the lesions show typical appearance. The calcifications which show radiopaque areas could be odontomas or dystrophic calficifations or remnants of bone fragments from resorption.

  15. A study on the mixed jaw lesions associated with teeth

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nah, Kyung Soo [Dept. of Dental Radiology, College of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Pusan (Korea, Republic of)


    1. Retrospectively evaluate the accuracy of tentative diagnosis or impression from the clinico-radiographic materials of jaw lesions which showed mixed lesions associated with teeth. 2. To observe the diagnostic importance of the calcified part of the lesions which appear as radiopaque areas. 14 cases of jaw lesions which showed mixed lesions associated with teeth were reviewed. These lesions were mostly diagnosed as adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (6 cases) or calcifying odontogenic cysts with (4 cases) or without odontomas (4 cases). The calcified elements of the lesions which demonstrated various sizes and patterns of radiopaque shadows resembled odontoid tissues in some cases but could not be defined in some other cases radiographically. The final histopathologic diagnosis confirmed adenomatoid odontogenic tumors in 4 of the 6 cases. The remaining 2 cases turned out to be odontoma and ameloblastic fibroodontoma. The 4 cases of calcifying odontogenic cysts with odontomas were correct in 3 cases but remaining 1 case was just odontoma. The 4 cases of calcifying odontogenic cysts were proved to be odontogenic keratocyst, calcified peripheral fibroma, unicystic ameloblastoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The diagnostic accuracy of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumors and calcifying odontogenic cysts were high when the lesions show typical appearance. The calcifications which show radiopaque areas could be odontomas or dystrophic calficifations or remnants of bone fragments from resorption.

  16. Multispectral detection of cutaneous lesions using spectroscopy and microscopy approaches (United States)

    Borisova, E.; Genova-Hristova, Ts.; Troyanova, P.; Pavlova, E.; Terziev, I.; Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, O.; Lomova, M.; Genina, E.; Stanciu, G.; Tranca, D.; Avramov, L.


    Autofluorescence, diffuse-reflectance and transmission spectral, and microscopic measurements were made on different cutaneous neoplastic lesions, namely basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and dysplastic and benign lesions related. Spectroscopic measurements were made on ex vivo tissue samples, and confocal microscopy investigations were made on thin tissue slices. Fluorescence spectra obtained reveal statistically significant differences between the different benign, dysplastic and malignant lesions by the level of emission intensity, as well by spectral shape, which are fingerprints applicable for differentiation algorithms. In reflectance mode the most significant differences are related to the influence of skin pigments - melanin and hemoglobin. Transmission spectroscopy mode gave complementary optical properties information about the tissue samples investigated to that one of reflectance and absorption spectroscopy. Using autofluorescence detection of skin lesions we obtain very good diagnostic performance for distinguishing of nonmelanoma lesions. Using diffuse reflectance and transmission spectroscopy we obtain significant tool for pigmented pathologies differentiation, but it is a tool with moderate sensitivity for non-melanoma lesions detection. One could rapidly increase the diagnostic accuracy of the received combined "optical biopsy" method when several spectral detection techniques are applied in common algorithm for lesions' differentiation. Specific spectral features observed in each type of lesion investigated on micro and macro level would be presented and discussed. Correlation between the spectral data received and the microscopic features observed would be discussed in the report.

  17. Intraosseous Benign Lesions of the Jaws: A Radiographic Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Javadian Langaroodi, Adineh; Lari, Sima Sadat; Shokri, Abbas; Hoseini Zarch, Seyed Hossein; Jamshidi, Shokofeh; Akbari, Peyman


    Benign maxillo-mandibular tumors and cysts, which are relatively common findings on radiographs, namely the ubiquitous panoramic view, have to be dealt with by dentists on a daily basis. The aim of this study is to evaluate the panoramic radiographic findings pertaining to benign and tumoral lesions in the maxilla and mandible. Applying a case series method, panoramic images of 61 patients with cysts, benign tumors and tumor-like lesions in the jaws who were referred to Hamedan dental school between 2009 and 2011 were evaluated by two radiologists. They were both blind to histopathological results as well as the objectives of our study. Lesions were assessed based on their location, periphery, internal structure and impaction on the surrounding structures. Then the obtained data were analyzed using descriptive tables. Cysts were mostly more common in men despite the equal propensity of both genders to benign tumors. In contrast, women showed a higher frequency of tumor-like lesions. The most common site of involvement was the posterior mandible, with peri-apical tooth lesions as the most prevalent dental association. Radiographically, what we most encountered was unilocular radiolucency pertaining to cysts and benign tumors; nevertheless, tumor-like lesions tended to present with a well-defined radiopacity. Despite its known shortcomings, like every other diagnostic tool, panoramic radiography can contribute to the early detection of maxillary/mandibular lesions that in turn enable the dentist to devise an appropriate treatment plan

  18. Usefulness of US-guided automated gun biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwak, Min Sook; Kim, Hak Soo; Lee, Han Kyung; Koh, Sung Hye; O, Eun Young; Yoon, Myung Hwan; Yang, Dal Mo; Kim, Hyung Sik [Chungang Gil Hospital, Incheon (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the clinical usefulness of ultrasonography(US)-guided automated gun biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions. In 30 nonpalpable breast lesions over 0.6cm and detected on US, we performed US-guided biopsy using an 18-gauge automated biopsy gun. Two to four specimens were obtained from each lesion. We analyzed the site, size and depth of the lesions, and the length and histopathologic results of the specimens. In four lesions, surgical biopsy and gun biopsy results were compared. In 29 of 30 lesions(96.7%), specimens were adequate for histopathologic diagnosis, and this was as follows : one case of infiltrating ductal carcinoma, 13 of fibrocystic disease, 10 of fibrocystic disease versus fibroadenoma and one of fibrodenoma. There was also one reactive hyperplasia of LN, and one fatty one and two normal tissues, and in these four lesions, agreement between gun and surgical biopsy results was 100%. The only complication was minor bleeding, which was controlled by compression. US-guided automated gun biopsy is a clinically useful and safe procedure for evaluating nonpalpable breast lesions detected on US.

  19. Usefulness of US-guided automated gun biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwak, Min Sook; Kim, Hak Soo; Lee, Han Kyung; Koh, Sung Hye; O, Eun Young; Yoon, Myung Hwan; Yang, Dal Mo; Kim, Hyung Sik


    To evaluate the clinical usefulness of ultrasonography(US)-guided automated gun biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions. In 30 nonpalpable breast lesions over 0.6cm and detected on US, we performed US-guided biopsy using an 18-gauge automated biopsy gun. Two to four specimens were obtained from each lesion. We analyzed the site, size and depth of the lesions, and the length and histopathologic results of the specimens. In four lesions, surgical biopsy and gun biopsy results were compared. In 29 of 30 lesions(96.7%), specimens were adequate for histopathologic diagnosis, and this was as follows : one case of infiltrating ductal carcinoma, 13 of fibrocystic disease, 10 of fibrocystic disease versus fibroadenoma and one of fibrodenoma. There was also one reactive hyperplasia of LN, and one fatty one and two normal tissues, and in these four lesions, agreement between gun and surgical biopsy results was 100%. The only complication was minor bleeding, which was controlled by compression. US-guided automated gun biopsy is a clinically useful and safe procedure for evaluating nonpalpable breast lesions detected on US

  20. Inverted papillomas and benign nonneoplastic lesions of the nasal cavity (United States)

    Casiano, Roy R.


    Background: Benign lesions of the nasal cavity represent a diverse group of pathologies. Furthermore, each of these disorders may present differently in any given patient as pain and discomfort, epistaxis, headaches, vision changes, or nasal obstruction. Although these nasal masses are benign, many of them have a significant capacity for local tissue destruction and symptomatology secondary to this destruction. Advances in office-based endoscopic nasendoscopy have equipped the otolaryngologist with a safe, inexpensive, and rapid means of directly visualizing lesions within the nasal cavity and the initiation of appropriate treatment. Methods: The purpose of this study is to review the diagnosis, management, and controversies of many of the most common benign lesions of the nasal cavity encountered by the primary care physician or otolaryngologist. Results: This includes discussion of inverted papilloma (IP), juvenile angiofibroma, squamous papilloma, pyogenic granuloma, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, schwannoma, benign fibro-osseous lesions, and other benign lesions of the nasal cavity, with particular emphasis on IP and juvenile angiofibroma. Conclusion: A diverse array of benign lesions occur within the nasal cavity and paranasal cavities. Despite their inability to metastasize, many of these lesions have significant capability for local tissue destruction and recurrence. PMID:22487294

  1. Clinical and radiological features of pituitary stalk lesions in children and adolescents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sung Chul Yoon


    Full Text Available PurposeThe diagnosis of pituitary stalk lesion has been based on clinical feature, radiologic assessment for its critical location and role. This study aimed to investigate clinical symptoms, endocrine disturbance, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI findings of pituitary stalk lesions in children and adolescents and to evaluate differences between neoplastic lesions with the others.MethodsWe performed a retrospective review of patients under 18 years old with pituitary stalk lesions diagnosed at the Seoul National University Children's Hospital between 2000 and 2013, by a text search for head MRI reports by using 'pituitary stalk', 'infundibulum', and 'infundibular stalk', as keywords.ResultsFor the 76 patients, sixteen patients (21.1% had congenital lesions, and 52 (68.4% had neoplasms. No inflammatory lesions were found. Diabetes insipidus (DI was the most common endocrine defect, diagnosed in 38 patients (50%. There was male predominance especially in neoplastic group. Thickened pituitary stalk was, but enhancement of lesion was not, associated with neoplasm. DI was more prevalent in neoplastic stalk lesions. Anterior pituitary dysfunction such as growth hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiencies were less prevalent in neoplastic lesions of pituitary stalk.ConclusionIn conclusion, the etiology of pituitary stalk lesions in children and adolescents is diverse and different from that in adults. Neoplastic pituitary stalk lesions can be differentiated from nonneoplastic lesions by systemic evaluation of clinical, hormonal, radiological findings.

  2. Incidental benign parotid lesions on FDG-PET: prevalence and clinico-pathologic findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Il Han; Lee, Won Woo; Chung, Jin Haeng; Park, So Yeon; Kim, Sang Hee; Kim, Yu Kyeong; Kim, Sang Eun


    Incidental parotid lesions on F-18 FDG-PET can mimic distant metastasis of underlying malignancy. The prevalence and the clinico-pathologic findings of PET positive parotid lesions have not been known. We investigated how often incidental parotid lesions are found on clinical FDG-PET studies and what the clinico-pathologic characteristics of those parotid lesions are in the present study. We retrospectively reviewed 3,344 cases of FDG-PET which had been obtained in our hospital from May 2003 to Dec 2006. The indications of FDG-PET were: evaluation of known/suspected cancer (n = 3,212) or screening of cancer in healthy subjects (n = 132). Incidental parotid lesion on FDG-PET was defined as an un-expected FDG uptake in one of parotid glands which was not primary target lesion of current FDG/PET. FDG uptake was represented by maximum standardized uptake value (maxSUV). Final diagnosis was made by pathologic analysis or clinical follow-up assessment. Fifteen (0.45% = 15/3,344) incidental parotid lesions were found and they were all benign lesions. The maxSUV ranged from 1.7 to 8.6 (mean ± s.d. = 3.7 ± 1.9). Final diagnoses of the incidental parotid lesions were; Warthin's tumor (n = 2), pleomorphic adenoma (n = 1), other un-specified benign lesion (n 1), and benign lesions under bases of imaging studies (n = 3) and of clinical follow-up (n = 8). All of incidentally found parotid lesions in clinical FDG-PET studies were confirmed as benign lesions with prevalence of 0.45%. Close follow up using PET or CT might be a reasonable approach for determining the nature of incidentally found parotid lesions

  3. Radiological appearances of papillary breast lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brookes, M.J.; Bourke, A.G.


    This review illustrates the varied appearances of benign and malignant papillary breast tumours, as identified by a breast cancer-screening programme. The commonest mammographic appearance of a papillary tumour is as a soft-tissue mass, with calcification present in less than half of cases. When calcification is present the pattern is variable, but clusters of pleomorphic calcification can occur, sometimes resembling the mammographic appearance of invasive ductal carcinoma. Ultrasonography of papillary lesions typically shows a solid, oval, intraductal mass, often associated with duct dilatation. A cystic component is also commonly seen, and lesions may appear hypervascular on colour Doppler ultrasound. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a high sensitivity, but low specificity for detecting papillary tumours, and is useful in establishing the extent and distribution of lesions in patients with multiple papillomatosis. Despite a benign histology on core biopsy, an argument exists for complete surgical excision of all papillary tumours, as a significant proportion of papillomas will contain foci of atypia or overt malignant change

  4. Radiological appearances of papillary breast lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brookes, M.J. [Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia (Australia)], E-mail:; Bourke, A.G. [Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia (Australia)


    This review illustrates the varied appearances of benign and malignant papillary breast tumours, as identified by a breast cancer-screening programme. The commonest mammographic appearance of a papillary tumour is as a soft-tissue mass, with calcification present in less than half of cases. When calcification is present the pattern is variable, but clusters of pleomorphic calcification can occur, sometimes resembling the mammographic appearance of invasive ductal carcinoma. Ultrasonography of papillary lesions typically shows a solid, oval, intraductal mass, often associated with duct dilatation. A cystic component is also commonly seen, and lesions may appear hypervascular on colour Doppler ultrasound. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a high sensitivity, but low specificity for detecting papillary tumours, and is useful in establishing the extent and distribution of lesions in patients with multiple papillomatosis. Despite a benign histology on core biopsy, an argument exists for complete surgical excision of all papillary tumours, as a significant proportion of papillomas will contain foci of atypia or overt malignant change.

  5. Morel-Lavallee lesion in an adolescent with ultrasound and MRI correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukherjee, Kausik; Perrin, Sarah M.; Hughes, Phil M.


    The Morel-Lavallee lesion is a serous collection in the region of the greater trochanter, resulting from a closed degloving injury at the deep fascial interface. Imaging demonstrates characteristic appearance in relation to this lesion, differentiating it from other mass lesions. We report a case of Morel-Lavallee lesion in an adolescent, with ultrasound and MRI correlation. (orig.)

  6. An Epidemiological Study of Oral Mucosal Lesions in Karnataka State, India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. V. V Prasad


    Full Text Available This article presents oral mucosal lesions findings from a state oral health survey of Karnataka, India. A total of 46,579 subjects aged 1-4 to 65+ years were selected by using multistage-cluster-stratified random sampling method and subjects were examined by 32 dentists trained in standardized clinical diagnostic criteria for oral mucosal lesions. In the present study, 7.53% of subjects had one or more oral mucosal lesions, in which, male subjects (9.41 % had a significantly higher prevalence of lesions compared to female subjects (4.38%; urban subjects (11.61% had a significantly higher prevalence than rural subjects (5.01 % and the Christian subjects had a significantly higher prevalence of lesions than the Hindus, Muslims and others (F=211.594, <0.001, S. The observed prevalence of oral mucosal lesions increased with age (r=0.8174, P<0.05, S, which is statistically significant. The most prevalent lesions observed were Leukoplakia (1.73%, Lichen planus (2.02% Ulceration (0.73%, Candidiasis (0.94% and Abscess (1.05%. The maximum number of lesions was seen in sulci (7.33% and the minimum number of lesions was seen in lips (0.02%. Differences in prevalence were analyzed by sex, religion, location and geographical area.

  7. Effect of dependency versus nondependency on lung lesion visualization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pechman, R.D. Jr.


    Paraffin blocks and mineral oil were used as a model to determine the effect of dependency versus nondependency on radiographic visualization of lung lesions in lateral thoracic radiographs. It was concluded that the increased opacity of the material surrounding the lesion, not contact between the heart and the lesion, was responsible for the inability to detect lung disease in the dependent lung. The results were tested in dogs with pneumonia in the right middle lung lobe. When the dog was in right lateral recumbency, the dependent right lung was increased in opacity and decreased in volume and the pulmonary lesion was difficult to detect. When the dog was in left lateral recumbency, the non dependent right lung was increased in volume and decreased in opacity and the pulmonary disease was clearly visible. A single recumbent lateral radiograph must not be used to assess a dog with suspected lung disease because lesions in the dependent lung lobes may not be detected

  8. MRI of peripheral nerve lesions of the lower limbs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacour-Petit, M.C.; Ducreux, D. [Dept. of Neuroradiology, Hopital Bicetre, Kremlin-Bicetre (France); Lozeron, P. [Dept. of Neurology, Hopital Bicetre, Kremlin-Bicetre (France)


    Our aim is to illustrate the contribution of MRI to diagnosis of lesions of the lower-limb nerve trunks. We report six patients who had clinical and electrophysiological examination for a peroneal or tibial nerve palsy. MRI of the knee showed in three cases a nonenhancing cystic lesion of the peroneal nerve suggesting an intraneural ganglion cyst, confirmed by histological study in one case. One patient with known neurofibromatosis had an enhancing nodular lesion of the peroneal nerve compatible with a neurofibroma. Two patients had diffuse hypertrophy with high signal on T2-weighted images, without contrast enhancement of the sciatic nerve or its branches. These lesions were compatible with localised hypertrophic neuropathy. In one case, biopsy of the superficial branch of the peroneal nerve showed insignificant axonal degeneration. MRI can provide information about the size and site of the abnormal segment of a nerve before treatment and can be used to distinguish different patterns of focal lesion. (orig.)

  9. Application of whole-lesion histogram analysis of pharmacokinetic parameters in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of breast lesions with the CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWIST-VIBE technique. (United States)

    Li, Zhiwei; Ai, Tao; Hu, Yiqi; Yan, Xu; Nickel, Marcel Dominik; Xu, Xiao; Xia, Liming


    To investigate the application of whole-lesion histogram analysis of pharmacokinetic parameters for differentiating malignant from benign breast lesions on dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI). In all, 92 women with 97 breast lesions (26 benign and 71 malignant lesions) were enrolled in this study. Patients underwent dynamic breast MRI at 3T using a prototypical CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWIST-VIBE (CDT-VIBE) sequence and a subsequent surgery or biopsy. Inflow rate of the agent between plasma and interstitium (K trans ), outflow rate of agent between interstitium and plasma (K ep ), extravascular space volume per unit volume of tissue (v e ) including mean value, 25th/50th/75th/90th percentiles, skewness, and kurtosis were then calculated based on the whole lesion. A single-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, paired t-test, and receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis were used for statistical analysis. Malignant breast lesions had significantly higher K trans , K ep , and lower v e in mean values, 25th/50th/75th/90th percentiles, and significantly higher skewness of v e than benign breast lesions (all P 0.05). The 90th percentile of K trans , the 90th percentile of K ep , and the 50th percentile of v e showed the greatest areas under the ROC curve (AUC) for each pharmacokinetic parameter derived from DCE-MRI. The 90th percentile of K ep achieved the highest AUC value (0.927) among all histogram-derived values. The whole-lesion histogram analysis of pharmacokinetic parameters can improve the diagnostic accuracy of breast DCE-MRI with the CDT-VIBE technique. The 90th percentile of K ep may be the best indicator in differentiation between malignant and benign breast lesions. 4 Technical Efficacy Stage: 2 J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2018;47:91-96. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  10. Sensitivity of rCBF to focal lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halsey, J.H. Jr.; Nakai, K.; Wariyar, B.


    The ability of the 133Xenon inhalation method to lateralize cerebral infarctions visible on CT scan was tested in 39 patients. At each of 7 hemispheric regions the flow rate in the lesioned hemisphere was divided by that in the unaffected hemisphere and this ratio was compared with the corresponding ratio for normal subjects. The fast compartment relative flow f1 correctly lateralized the lesion in only 6 patients with no false lateralizations. If the fast compartment relative weight w1 was also considered, the correct lateralizations were increased to about 50%. With the less well-known ISI and the Fractional Flow considered together, the laterality of the lesion was identified correctly in 85% of cases, with no false lateralizations

  11. Lesions in nerves and plexus after radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vees, W.


    Apart from the typical, radiation-induced changes in the skin, common secondary findings were oedemas, radiation-induced ulceration, fibroses of the mediastinum and lungs, pleura adhesions, and osteoradionecroses. In one patient with radiogenic paresis of the plexus brachialis, irradiation of the spinal cord because of epidural metastases of a mammary carcinoma resulted in radiation myelopathy which was verified by laminectomy. Observations of radiogenic lesions of the plexus brachialis show that the usual site of the lesion in the vasomotoric nerve bundle is the axilla. The lesion is assumed to be caused mainly by an overlapping of the axillary, infraclavicular and supraclavicular fields of irradiation which results in a dose peak in the axilla. (orig./AJ) 891 AJ/orig.- 892 MKO [de


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    Full Text Available : Benign laryngeal lesions are commonly encountered causes of dysphonia and are often surgically correctable. A prospective study on 62 cases selected for videolaryngoscopic surgery was undertaken in a single unit in the department of ENT, Medical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram. The male: female ratio was 1.8:1 and the most common affected age group was 35-45 yrs. The most common benign lesion was vocal polyp. Preoperative voice assessment and 70 degree endoscopy was done. Follow up visits were done at 1 week, 3 weeks and 6 weeks and voice assessment and laryngoscopic appearances were noted. 98% reported excellent improvement of voice. The varieties of benign lesions which cause hoarseness are sources of concern and worry as it can affect the self esteem of a person. Thus videolaryngoscopic surgery (VLS coupled with voice therapy offers cost effective and safe management in benign laryngeal lesions

  13. Reversible Splenial Lesion Syndrome (RESLES) Following Glufosinate Ammonium Poisoning. (United States)

    Jeong, Tae Oh; Yoon, Jae Chol; Lee, Jae Baek; Jin, Young Ho; Hwang, Seung Bae


    Isolated and reversible lesion restricted to the splenium of the corpus callosum, known as reversible splenial lesion syndrome, have been reported in patients with infection, high-altitude cerebral edema, seizures, antiepileptic drug withdrawal, or metabolic disturbances. Here, we report a 39-year-old female patient with glufosinate ammonium (GLA) poisoning who presented with confusion and amnesia. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed cytotoxic edema of the splenium of the corpus callosum. The lesion was not present on follow-up MR imaging performed 9 months later. We postulate that a GLA-induced excitotoxic mechanism was the cause of this reversible splenial lesion. Copyright © 2015 by the American Society of Neuroimaging.

  14. Can a Morel-Lavallée lesion be misdiagnosed as a mass like lesion? (United States)

    Lee, Yoon Jae; Kim, Jun Hyeok; Kim, Ji Young; Han, Hyun Ho


    The Morel-Lavallée lesion (MLL) is a post-traumatic closed soft tissue degloving injury. Common complaints of MLL patients are a haematoma or fluid collection on the trunk or the lower extremity. However, the authors introduce unique cases of MLL that present an atypical appearance. The fluid collection was not apparent, and the capsule formation was not detected on preoperative image study. The main complaint of patients was the uncomfortable mass-like lesion that was regarded as a simple benign lump. The purpose of this case study is to introduce the atypical cases of MLL and to help other physicians make accurate diagnosis based on trial and error of our cases. © 2017 Inc and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Renal lesions associated with autoimmune pancreatitis: CT findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Triantopoulou, Charikleia; Maniatis, Petros; Siafas, Ioannis; Papailiou, John; Malachias, George; Anastopoulos, John


    Background: Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by IgG4-positive plasma cells. Recent evidence suggests that it is a systemic disease affecting various organs. Tubulointerstitial nephritis has been reported in association with AIP. Purpose: To investigate the incidence and types of renal involvement in patients with AIP. Material and Methods: Eighteen patients with no history of renal disease and a diagnosis of AIP (on the basis of histopathologic findings or a combination of characteristic imaging features, increased serum IgG4 levels, and response to steroid treatment) were included. All patients underwent computed tomography (CT) imaging and follow-up ranged from 6 months to 2 years. CT images were reviewed for the presence of renal lesions. Results: Seven patients had renal involvement (38.8%). None of the lesions was visible on non-contrast-enhanced CT scan. Parenchymal lesions appeared as multiple nodules showing decreased enhancement (four cases). Pyelonephritis, lymphoma, and metastases were considered in the differential diagnosis. An ill-defined low-attenuation mass-like lesion was found in one patient, while diffuse thickening of the renal pelvis wall was evident in the last two cases. Renal lesions regressed in all patients after steroid treatment, the larger one leaving a fibrous cortical scar. Conclusion: Different types of renal lesions in patients with AIP are relatively common, appearing as multiple nodules with decreased enhancement. These findings support the proposed concept of an IgG4-related systemic disease. Autoimmune disease should be suspected in cases of renal involvement in association with pancreatic focal or diffuse enlargement.

  16. Renal lesions associated with autoimmune pancreatitis: CT findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Triantopoulou, Charikleia; Maniatis, Petros; Siafas, Ioannis; Papailiou, John (CT and Radiology Dept., ' Konstantopouleion' General Hospital, Athens (Greece)), e-mail:; Malachias, George; Anastopoulos, John (Radiology Dept., ' Sismanogleio' General Hospital, Athens (Greece))


    Background: Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by IgG4-positive plasma cells. Recent evidence suggests that it is a systemic disease affecting various organs. Tubulointerstitial nephritis has been reported in association with AIP. Purpose: To investigate the incidence and types of renal involvement in patients with AIP. Material and Methods: Eighteen patients with no history of renal disease and a diagnosis of AIP (on the basis of histopathologic findings or a combination of characteristic imaging features, increased serum IgG4 levels, and response to steroid treatment) were included. All patients underwent computed tomography (CT) imaging and follow-up ranged from 6 months to 2 years. CT images were reviewed for the presence of renal lesions. Results: Seven patients had renal involvement (38.8%). None of the lesions was visible on non-contrast-enhanced CT scan. Parenchymal lesions appeared as multiple nodules showing decreased enhancement (four cases). Pyelonephritis, lymphoma, and metastases were considered in the differential diagnosis. An ill-defined low-attenuation mass-like lesion was found in one patient, while diffuse thickening of the renal pelvis wall was evident in the last two cases. Renal lesions regressed in all patients after steroid treatment, the larger one leaving a fibrous cortical scar. Conclusion: Different types of renal lesions in patients with AIP are relatively common, appearing as multiple nodules with decreased enhancement. These findings support the proposed concept of an IgG4-related systemic disease. Autoimmune disease should be suspected in cases of renal involvement in association with pancreatic focal or diffuse enlargement.

  17. Contralateral Vocal Fold Reactive Lesions: Nomenclature, Treatment Choice, and Outcome. (United States)

    Koss, Shira L; Kidwai, Sarah M; Pitman, Michael J


    Contralateral reactive lesions (RLs) represent a distinct entity among benign bilateral vocal fold (VF) lesions. Lack of uniform nomenclature and a myriad of surgical options have hampered attempts to develop treatment guidelines. The objective of this study is to better define RLs and their prognosis, through the development of a standard nomenclature, with an aim to guide treatment and delineate the role of phonosurgery. Case series with chart review. Tertiary care center. Analysis was performed on patients with Current Procedural Terminology code 31545. Operative reports with a primary lesion and contralateral RL were included. Outcomes included the Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) and GRBAS (grade, roughness, breathiness, asthenia, and strain) scale, lesion persistence/recurrence, mucosal wave, and edge character based on blinded videostroboscopy review. A nomenclature was developed based on intraoperative RLs (n = 30), defined by lesion consistency (fibrous or polypoid) and relationship to normal VF edge (gradual or steep). Reactive lesion treatment included no intervention, excision, potassium titanyl phosphate laser, steroid injection, or a combination thereof. Observations included the following: inconsistent treatment modalities were employed, excision of RLs did not yield better outcomes, fibrous RLs were more likely to persist and polypoid lesions more likely to recur, gradual lesions were more likely to remain disease free, and most treatments showed improved mucosal wave, VHI-10, and GRBAS. Reactive lesions have not been well classified, and treatments are based on subjective intraoperative decision making with unpredictable outcomes. The nomenclature proposed will allow for a better definition of the RL and provide a framework for future research to identify optimal treatment. © American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation 2016.

  18. Role of dental restoration materials in oral mucosal lichenoid lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajneesh Sharma


    Full Text Available Background: Dental restorative materials containing silver-mercury compounds have been known to induce oral lichenoid lesions. Objectives: To determine the frequency of contact allergy to dental restoration materials in patients with oral lichenoid lesions and to study the effect of removal of the materials on the lesions. Results: Forty-five patients were recruited in three groups of 15 each: Group A (lesions in close contact with dental materials, Group B (lesions extending 1 cm beyond the area of contact and Group C (no topographic relationship. Thirty controls were recruited in two groups of 15 individuals each: Group D (oral lichenoid lesions but no dental material and Group E (dental material but no oral lichenoid lesions. Patch tests were positive in 20 (44.5% patients. Mercury was the most common allergen to elicit a positive reaction in eight patients, followed by nickel (7, palladium (5, potassium dichromate (3, balsam of Peru, gold sodium thiosulphate 2 and tinuvin (2 and eugenol (1, cobalt chloride (1 and carvone (1. Seven patients elicited positive response to more than one allergen. In 13 of 20 patients who consented to removal of the dental material, complete healing was observed in 6 (30%, marked improvement in 7 (35% and no improvement in 7 (35% patients. Relief of symptoms was usually observed 3 months after removal. Limitations: Limited number of study subjects and short follow up after removal/replacement of dental restoration materials are the main limitations of this study. Conclusion: Contact allergy to amalgam is an important etiologic factor in oral lichenoid lesions and removal of restorative material should be offered to patients who have lesions in close proximity to the dental material.

  19. CT diagnosis of cystic ovarian lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iio, Kazuto; Shinmura, Ryoji; Arima, Naomi; Yamada, Eiichiro; Ohkubo, Koichi; Nagata, Yukihiro


    CT was undertaken and CT numbers were measured in 47 patients with cystic ovarian lesions. CT features particularly for chocolate cyst revealed the uniform thickness of the whole cystic wall, findings suggesting adhesion to the surrounding organs, circular or oval shape, and higher CT numbers within the cyst than those in the other cystic ovarian lesions. However, because these features are not always observed in cases of chocolate cyst, one should not rely solely on CT findings in the diagnosis of chocolate cyst. (Namekawa, K.)

  20. White Matter Lesion Progression in LADIS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Reinhold; Berghold, Andrea; Jokinen, Hanna


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: White matter lesion (WML) progression has been advocated as a surrogate marker in intervention trials on cerebral small vessel disease. We assessed the rate of visually rated WML progression, studied correlations between lesion progression and cognition, and estimated sample...... sizes for clinical trials with pure WML progression vs combined WML progression-cognitive outcomes. METHODS: Those 394 participants of the Leukoaraiosis and Disability Study (LADIS) study with magnetic resonance imaging scanning at baseline and 3-year follow-up were analyzed. WML progression rating...

  1. MRI lesion and epileptogenic focus in temporal lobe epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuda, Kazumi; Yagi, Kazuichi; Mihara, Tadahiro; Tottori, Takayasu; Watanabe, Yutaka; Seino, Masakazu


    The spatial relationship between a circumscribed lesion in the temporal lobe detected by MRI and an epileptogenic focus identified by ictal depth EEG along with a correlation of the MRI lesion with neuropathological findings were investigated in patients with medically intractable temporal lobe epilepsy but without any focal lesion on CT. Four parameters (an areal ratio of the temporal lobe against the hemisphere, area and calculated T1, T2 values of the hippocampus) were used to determine the abnormal MRI side. An agreement was reached in 67-72% of 18 patients between the abnormal values of the hippocampal area and of calculated T1, T2 and the side of the epileptogenic focus. In 14 of 17 patients, typical hippocampal sclerosis was demonstrated in resected tissue in accordance with the MRI lesions (atrophy and/or prolonged T2 of hippocampus). These results imply: 1)MRI abnormality thus defined may, if not all, indicate the side of the epileptogenic focus, and 2)also the presence of hippocampal sclerosis. It was emphasized that the MRI lesion would be a usable instrument to explore the causal relationship of hippocampal sclerosis to a generation of epileptogenic lesions as well as for presurgical evalution. (author)

  2. Prenatal MR imaging features of isolated cerebellar haemorrhagic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martino, Francesca; Malova, Mariya; Ramenghi, Luca A.; Cesaretti, Claudia; Parazzini, Cecilia; Doneda, Chiara; Righini, Andrea; Rossi, Andrea


    Prenatal features of isolated cerebellar haemorrhagic lesions have not been sufficiently characterised. We aimed to better define their MR imaging characteristics, documenting the location, extension, evolution stage and anatomic sequelae, and to better understand cerebellar haemorrhage pathophysiology. We screened our foetal MR imaging database (3200 cases) for reports of haemorrhagic lesions affecting only the cerebellum (without any supratentorial bleeding or other clastic lesions), defined as one of the following: T2-weighted hypointense or mixed hypo-/hyperintense signal; rim of T2-weighted hypointense signal covering the surface of volume-reduced parenchyma; T1-weighted hyperintense signal; increased DWI signal. Seventeen cases corresponded to the selection criteria. All lesions occurred before the 26th week of gestation, with prevalent origin from the peripheral-caudal portion of the hemispheres and equal frequency of unilateral/bilateral involvement. The caudal vermis appeared affected in 2/3 of cases, not in all cases confirmed postnatally. Lesions evolved towards malformed cerebellar foliation. The aetiology and pathophysiology were unknown, although in a subset of cases intra- and extracranial venous engorgement seemed to play a key role. Onset from the peripheral and caudal portion of the hemispheres seems characteristic of prenatal cerebellar haemorrhagic lesions. Elective involvement of the peripheral germinal matrix is hypothesised. (orig.)

  3. Factors influencing diagnostic yield of CT-guided percutaneous core needle biopsy for bone lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Y.; Du, Y.; Luo, T.Y.; Yang, H.F.; Yu, J.H.; Xu, X.X.; Zheng, H.J.; Li, B.


    Aim: To evaluate the factors influencing diagnostic yield of computed tomography (CT)-guided percutaneous core needle biopsy (CNB) for bone lesions. Materials and methods: Between September 2005 and July 2011, 162 consecutive CT-guided CNB procedures were performed in 155 patients. The variables analysed were age, sex, lesion location, lesion type, lesion size, specimen size, biopsy needle gauge, and individual radiologist. The factors influencing diagnostic yield of CT-guided percutaneous CNB for bone lesions were determined by multivariate analysis of variables. Results: The diagnostic yield was 81.5%. Diagnostic yield was 89.9% for lytic bone lesions and 48.5% for sclerotic bone lesions (p < 0.001), and 89.2% for lesions ≥3 cm and 73.4% for lesions <3 cm (p = 0.010). The significant factors influencing diagnostic yield of CT-guided percutaneous CNB for bone lesions were lesion type [p < 0.001; odds ratio (OR) for a lytic lesion was approximately 12 times higher than that for a sclerotic lesion; 95% confidence interval (CI): 4.22–34.01], and lesion size (p = 0.012; OR for a lesion size ≥3 cm was about five-times higher than that for a lesion size <3 cm; 95% CI: 1.42–16.71). Conclusion: Lesion type and lesion size are determining factors in diagnostic yield. The higher diagnostic yield is correlated with lytic lesion and lesion size ≥3 cm

  4. Malignancy rate of biopsied suspicious bone lesions identified on FDG PET/CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adams, Hugo J.A.; Kwee, Thomas C. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Utrecht (Netherlands); Klerk, John M.H. de [Meander Medical Center, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Amersfoort (Netherlands); Heggelman, Ben G.F. [Meander Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Amersfoort (Netherlands); Dubois, Stefan V. [Meander Medical Center, Department of Pathology, Amersfoort (Netherlands)


    To determine the malignancy rate of bone lesions identified on FDG PET/CT in patients who have undergone CT-guided biopsy because of the suspicion of malignancy. This single-centre retrospective study spanned eight consecutive years and included all patients who underwent both FDG PET/CT and CT-guided bone biopsy because of the suspicion of malignancy. The positive predictive value (PPV) for malignancy was calculated, and different patient and imaging characteristics were compared between malignant and benign bone lesions. Of 102 included patients with bone lesions that all showed FDG uptake exceeding mediastinal uptake, bone biopsy showed a malignant lesion in 91 patients, yielding a PPV for malignancy of 89.2 % (95 % CI 81.7 - 93.9 %). In the 94 patients with bone lesions that showed FDG uptake exceeding liver uptake, bone biopsy showed a malignant lesion in 83 patients, yielding a PPV for malignancy of 88.3 % (95 % CI 80.1 - 93.5 %). Higher age, bone marrow replacement of the lesion seen on CT, expansion of the lesion seen on CT, and presence of multifocal lesions on FDG PET/CT were significantly more frequent in patients with malignant lesions than in those with benign bone lesions (P = 0.044, P = 0.009, P = 0.015, and P = 0.019, respectively). Furthermore, there was a trend towards a higher incidence of cortical destruction (P = 0.056) and surrounding soft tissue mass (P = 0.063) in patients with malignant bone lesions. The PPV for malignancy of suspicious bone lesions identified on FDG PET/CT is not sufficiently high to justify changes in patient management without histopathological confirmation. Nevertheless, ancillary patient and imaging characteristics may increase the likelihood of a malignant bone lesion. (orig.)

  5. Nonpalpable breast lesions : challenges in diagnosis and treatment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoorntje, L.E.


    The aim of this thesis was to address pitfalls and concerns of the diagnostic evaluation of nonpalpable breast lesions, in an attempt to further improve preoperative diagnostic assessment, as well as surgical strategies of nonpalpable breast lesions. Chapter 1 presents an overview of current methods

  6. Evaluation of the Significance of Incidental Breast Lesions Detected by Chest CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jae Hyun; Chang, Yun Woo; Hwang, Jung Hwa; Kim, Hyung Hwan; Lee, Eun Hye; Yang, Seung Boo


    To evaluate the significance of incidentally detected breast lesions on a chest CT scan. Thirty-six incidental breast lesions in 26 patients were detected on a chest CT scan and were correlated with breast sonography, retrospectively. Among them, twenty-four breast lesions in 20 patients that were correlated with chest CT and sonography were available to pathology or follow up sonography. The CT findings were compared with sonographic findings according to the pathologic results. Incidentally detected breast lesions on a chest CT scan were correlated with sonography in 86% (31/36). Among 24 lesions that were available to pathology or follow up sonography, seven (29.2%) lesions were malignant and 17 (70.8%) lesions were benign. CT revealed a significant difference between benign and malignant lesions in terms of shape and margin (p = 0.007; p = 0.008, respectively). The CT findings were well correlated with sonographic findings in shape and margin (p = 0.001, respectively). Incidentally detected breast lesions on chest CT can be correlated with sonography. An irregular shape or a non-circumscribed margin of breast lesions on a CT scan can be considered as a suggestive sign of malignancy.

  7. Clinical Significance of Contralateral Reactive Lesion in Vocal Fold Polyp and Cyst. (United States)

    Cho, Jung-Hae; Choi, Yong-Sug; Joo, Young-Hoon; Park, Young-Hak; Sun, Dong-Il


    We investigated the clinical significance of contralateral reactive lesions in patients undergoing laryngeal microsurgery for benign vocal fold lesions such as vocal polyps and cysts. This was a retrospective, single institution cohort study. Patient medical records were reviewed for demographic characteristics; acoustic, aerodynamic, and perceptual analyses; and Voice Handicap Index score before and after laryngeal microsurgery. Definitive diagnoses were made via intraoperative microlaryngoscopic evaluations. Clinical parameters were assessed to identify risk factors for contralateral reactive lesions. We evaluated surgical outcome using voice analysis. We enrolled 268 patients (109 men and 159 women) with benign vocal fold lesions. A total of 195 (72.8%) had a contralateral reactive vocal fold lesion. A multivariable analysis revealed that being a never smoker and having a hoarseness duration ≥6 months, vocal polyps, and small primary lesions were independent risk factors for contralateral reactive lesions (P vocal fold lesions are frequently detected in patients with vocal polyp and cyst. The reactive lesions had an adverse effect on voice quality. Simultaneous excision of primary and contralateral reactive lesions may be an alternative treatment for better voice outcome. Copyright © 2018 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Stereotactic biopsy of cerebellar lesions: straight versus oblique frame positioning. (United States)

    Quick-Weller, Johanna; Brawanski, Nina; Dinc, Nazife; Behmanesh, Bedjahn; Kammerer, Sara; Dubinski, Daniel; Seifert, Volker; Marquardt, Gerhard; Weise, Lutz


    Biospies of brain lesions with unknown entity are an everyday procedure among many neurosurgical departments. Biopsies can be performed frame-guided or frameless. However, cerebellar lesions are a special entity with a more complex approach. All biopsies in this study were performed stereotactically frame guided. Therefore, only biopsies of cerebellar lesions were included in this study. We compared whether the frame was attached straight versus oblique and we focused on diagnostic yield and complication rate. We evaluated 20 patients who underwent the procedure between 2009 and 2017. Median age was 56.5 years. 12 (60%) Patients showed a left sided lesion, 6 (30%) showed a lesion in the right cerebellum and 2 (10%) patients showed a midline lesion. The stereotactic frame was mounted oblique in 12 (60%) patients and straight in 8 (40%) patients. Postoperative CT scan showed small, clinically silent blood collection in two (10%) of the patients, one (5%) patient showed haemorrhage, which caused a hydrocephalus. He received an external ventricular drain. In both patients with small haemorrhage the frame was positioned straight, while in the patient who showed a larger haemorrhage the frame was mounted oblique. In all patients a final histopathological diagnosis was established. Cerebellar lesions of unknown entity can be accessed transcerebellar either with the stereotactic frame mounted straight or oblique. Also for cerebellar lesions the procedure shows a high diagnostic yield with a low rate of severe complications, which need further treatment.

  9. Human fascioliasis: MR imaging findings of hepatic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cevikol, Can; Karaali, Kamil; Senol, Utku; Kabaalioglu, Adnan; Apaydin, Ali; Lueleci, Ersin; Saba, Rabin


    Our objective was to describe MR imaging findings of liver lesions in human fascioliasis. The MR imaging of the liver was performed in 29 patients with fascioliasis. Seventeen patients were women and 12 were men, with a mean age of 47.5 years (age range 17-75 years). Hepatic lesions were grouped into five types based on their signal characteristics. Three patients had normal imaging findings. One or more lesions were observed in the other 26 patients. The lesion types and the frequency of appearances were as follows: hyperintensity of the liver capsule on T2-weighted images (n=16, 55.2%); ill-defined slightly hyperintense areas on T2-weighted images (n=18, 62.1%); lesions which were hypointense on T1-weighted and hyperintense on T2-weighted images (n=10, 34.5%); hypointense on T1-weighted images and centrally hypo- or hyperintense, surrounded by peripherally less hyperintense area on T2-weighted images (n=4, 13.8%); and hypointense foci or ill-defined hypointense areas on T1- and T2-weighted images (n=10, 34.5%). We describe the MR imaging features of the disease. Our findings may help the differential diagnosis in which fascioliasis should be added to the list. (orig.)

  10. Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion: a category with an increased outcome of high-grade lesions: use as a quality assurance measure. (United States)

    Nishino, Ha T; Wilbur, David C; Tambouret, Rosemary H


    "Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion" (LSIL-H) is an increasingly used, equivocal interpretive category in gynecologic cytology. In an effort to evaluate its potential usefulness as a measure of quality assurance, we studied patterns of use of the LSIL-H diagnosis compared with "LSIL" and "high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion" (HSIL) with corresponding histologic outcomes for 10 cytopathologists in our practice. In our laboratory, while the overall rate of associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2 or greater on histologic follow-up for LSIL-H was intermediate between that of LSIL and HSIL, the outcomes for individual cytopathologists varied widely. Monitoring this particular utilization-outcome data with periodic confidential feedback to individual cytopathologists offers an opportunity for practice improvement within a laboratory and serves as an additional measure of quality assurance. These data may be useful for establishing and/or realigning the diagnostic criteria for this equivocal cytologic interpretation endorsed by a pathology practice.

  11. Computed tomographic findings of traumatic intracranial lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Seong Wook; Kim, Il Young; Lee, Byung Ho; Kim, Ki Jeoung; Yoon, Il Gyu


    Traumatic intracranial lesion has been one of the most frequent and serious problem in neurosurgical pathology. Computed tomography made it possible to get prompt diagnosis and surgical intervention of intracranial lesions by its safety, fastness and accuracy. Computed tomographic scan was carried out on 1309 cases at Soonchunhyang Chunan Hospital for 15 months from October 1983 to December 1984. We have reviewed the computed tomographic scans of 264 patients which showed traumatic intracranial lesion. The result were as follows: 1. Head trauma was the most frequent diagnosed disease using computed tomographic scans (57.8%) and among 264 cases the most frequent mode of injury was traffic accident (73.9%). 2. Skull fracture was accompanied in frequency of 69.7% and it was detected in CT in 38.6%: depression fracture was more easily detected in 81%. 3. Conutercoup lesion (9.5%) was usually accompanied with temporal and occipital fracture, and it appeared in lower incidence among pediatric group. 4. Intracranial lesions of all 264 cases were generalized cerebral swelling (24.6%), subdural hematoma (22.3%), epidural hematoma (20.8%), intracerebral hematoma (6.1%), and subarachnoid hemorrhage (3.0%). 5. The shape of hematoma was usually biconvex (92.7%) in acute epidural hematoma and cresentic (100%) in acute subdural hematoma, but the most chronic the case became, they showed planoconvex and bicconvex shapes. 6. Extra-axial hematoma was getting decreased in density as time gone by. 7. Hematoma density was not in direct proportion to serum hemoglobin level as single factor

  12. Computed tomographic findings of traumatic intracranial lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Seong Wook; Kim, Il Young; Lee, Byung Ho; Kim, Ki Jeoung; Yoon, Il Gyu [Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Traumatic intracranial lesion has been one of the most frequent and serious problem in neurosurgical pathology. Computed tomography made it possible to get prompt diagnosis and surgical intervention of intracranial lesions by its safety, fastness and accuracy. Computed tomographic scan was carried out on 1309 cases at Soonchunhyang Chunan Hospital for 15 months from October 1983 to December 1984. We have reviewed the computed tomographic scans of 264 patients which showed traumatic intracranial lesion. The result were as follows: 1. Head trauma was the most frequent diagnosed disease using computed tomographic scans (57.8%) and among 264 cases the most frequent mode of injury was traffic accident (73.9%). 2. Skull fracture was accompanied in frequency of 69.7% and it was detected in CT in 38.6%: depression fracture was more easily detected in 81%. 3. Conutercoup lesion (9.5%) was usually accompanied with temporal and occipital fracture, and it appeared in lower incidence among pediatric group. 4. Intracranial lesions of all 264 cases were generalized cerebral swelling (24.6%), subdural hematoma (22.3%), epidural hematoma (20.8%), intracerebral hematoma (6.1%), and subarachnoid hemorrhage (3.0%). 5. The shape of hematoma was usually biconvex (92.7%) in acute epidural hematoma and cresentic (100%) in acute subdural hematoma, but the most chronic the case became, they showed planoconvex and bicconvex shapes. 6. Extra-axial hematoma was getting decreased in density as time gone by. 7. Hematoma density was not in direct proportion to serum hemoglobin level as single factor.


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    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Ultrasound is easy available, less expensive study. It differentiates pleural effusion, consolidation and masses. CT scores in diagnosing early pleural lesions and helps in localising lesions differentiating benign and malignant. The aim of the study is to- 1. Assess the value of ultrasonography and computed tomography in evaluation of pleural lesions. 2. Determine the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound and CT in pleural lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study was aimed at assessing the value of ultrasonography and CT in evaluating the pleural lesions. In our study, during the period of 12 months, 100 patients with pleural effusions were evaluated. The most common cause was transudate. Exudates consist of malignant and non-malignant causes. RESULTS The study group was defined into two groups- Malignant and non-malignant group based on pleural effusion of transudate and exudate types. CT and ultrasound has success rate of 100% and 85% respectively to identify neoplastic and non-neoplastic disease. Diagnostic accuracy of CT and ultrasound are comparable while CT scores over ultrasound in failed cases. CT has 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity in pleural lesions. CT has more therapeutic value compared to ultrasound. CONCLUSION The role of ultrasound and CT are complimentary, give high yield of positive results for pleural mass differentiation; useful for guided procedures like pleural biopsy and pleural drainage. Combined study not only useful for localisation of lesion, but also gives information about the extent of disease and characterising the tissue density by analysis of attenuation coefficient.

  14. Bone marrow lesions: A systematic diagnostic approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grande, Filippo Del; Farahani, Sahar J; Carrino, John A; Chhabra, Avneesh


    Bone marrow lesions on magnetic resonance (MR) imaging are common and may be seen with various pathologies. The authors outline a systematic diagnostic approach with proposed categorization of various etiologies of bone marrow lesions. Utilization of typical imaging features on conventional MR imaging techniques and other problem-solving techniques, such as chemical shift imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), to achieve accurate final diagnosis has been highlighted

  15. A musculatura epaxial e a fibrose epidural na compressão medular em cães submetidos à laminectomia dorsal modificada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego V. Beckmann


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste experimento foi isolar a musculatura epaxial da medula espinhal de cães submetidos à laminectomia dorsal modificada (LDM e averiguar se os músculos influenciaram na formação da fibrose epidural, na compressão medular e no aparecimento dos sinais neurológicos. Para isso, dez cães hígidos foram submetidos à LDM entre as vértebras T13 e L1 e distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos denominados controle (I onde a medula espinhal permaneceu exposta sem a presença de implante, e tratado (IIonde foi colocado um im-plante a base de alumínio entre a musculatura epaxial adjacente e a medula espinhal exposta pela LDM. As avaliações constaram de exames neurológicos diários até 180 dias de pós-operatório (PO; mielografia, decorridos 15, 30 e 60 dias de PO; e avaliação macroscópica mediante a reintervenção cirúrgica. Não houve diferença durante as avaliações neurológicas. Aos 15 dias de PO, foi verificado na mielografia, que o grau de compressão da linha de contraste foi maior no grupo tratado (PThe purpose of this study was to isolate the adjacent epaxial musculature from exposed spinal cord by modified dorsal laminectomy in dogs with aluminum implant and to verify whether the muscles contribute to form epidural fibrosis, spinal cord compression, and development of neurological signs. Ten dogs were submitted to modified dorsal laminectomy between T13 and L1 and then distributed along two groups. Dogs in the group 1 remained with the spinal cord exposed without the implant; dogs in the group 2 had an aluminum implant inserted between the epaxial muscles and the exposed spinal cord. Neurological examination was daily performed until 180 days post surgery. Additionally, myelography at 15, 30, and 60 days post surgery and macroscopic evaluation of the implant at six months post surgery were done. There was no difference between groups in the neurological examination. A statistical difference in the degree of

  16. Coexistence of two types of clinical lesions in childhood-onset mastocytosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lidia Pérez-Pérez


    Full Text Available The vast majority of mastocytosis appear in childhood, urticaria pigmentosa (UP and mastocytomas being the most common types. Terms such as "xanthelasmoid mastocytosis", "pseudoxanthomatous mastocytosis" or "nodular mastocytosis" have been introduced in the literature to describe the presence of yellowish papular or nodular lesions. We describe two children with cutaneous mastocytosis showing yellowish lesions in combination with other skin lesions. A 10-year-old girl presented with asymptomatic lesions in her vulva at birth, and developed brownish macules on her trunk years after. An eight- year-old boy presented with multiple yellowish papular lesions on his trunk, neck and limbs coexisting with a few clinically anetodermic lesions. No systemic involvement was found and the skin biopsy confirmed a cutaneous mastocytosis in both cases. The two patients are currently asymptomatic and are being periodically followed up. Mastocytoses may show a variety of clinical lesions, sometimes leading to misdiagnosis. Although there are previous reports, involvement of the mucosae and secondary anetoderma are not common findings in cutaneous mastocytoses. We consider that cutaneous manifestations of mastocytoses compose a clinical spectrum, thus explaining the coexistence of different clinical lesions and the development of uncommon presentations.

  17. The continuum of spreading depolarizations in acute cortical lesion development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartings, Jed A; Shuttleworth, C William; Kirov, Sergei A


    A modern understanding of how cerebral cortical lesions develop after acute brain injury is based on Aristides Leão's historic discoveries of spreading depression and asphyxial/anoxic depolarization. Treated as separate entities for decades, we now appreciate that these events define a continuum....... The causal role of these waves in lesion development has been proven by real-time monitoring of electrophysiology, blood flow, and cytotoxic edema. The spreading depolarization continuum further applies to other models of acute cortical lesions, suggesting that it is a universal principle of cortical lesion...


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    Chowdari Balaji


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Papulosquamous lesions form the largest group of skin diseases. Since, they are all characterized by scaling papules or plaques, clinical confusion may result in their diagnosis, hence definitive histopathological analysis is important for their differentiation. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study includes skin biopsies from 108 clinically diagnosed /suspected non-infectious, erythematous, papulosquamous skin diseases which were received in the Department of Pathology, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam for a period of two years from January 2016 to December 2017. The specimens obtained were subjected to formalin fixation and was subjected to routine processing and sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E. The lesions were classified as Lichen Planus, Psoriasis, along with rare conditions like Pityriasis Rosea, Parapsoriasis, Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris, Prurigo Nodularis and Lichen Simplex chronicus and clinicopathological correlation was done. RESULTS A total of 108 cases were studied. Lichen planus (51 cases- 47.22% was the most common lesions followed by Psoriasis (34 cases - 31.48% and with majority of cases in the age group of 21 to 30 years (25 cases– 23.15%. Females were more commonly affected with a male to female ratio of 0.89:1. Out of 108 cases, clinicopathological correlation was seen in 68 cases (62.96%. CONCLUSION The importance of specific histopathological diagnosis lies in distinguishing these lesions into different entities as the treatment and prognosis varies widely and is disease-specific.


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    V. V. Vasilenko


    Full Text Available Cameron syndrome is the ulcerative or erosive lesions of mucosal layer at the sac of hiatal hernia which can cause chronic occult or overt bleeding and iron-deficiency anemia. Hiatal hernia is a relatively frequent finding, which is in most cases asymptomatic or manifested by dyspeptic symptoms of varying severity. Despite of being a very important association of hiatal hernia Cameron syndrome is not widely represented in medical literature. That`s the reason of a lack of awareness among physicians, surgeons and endoscopists about that pathology. Cameron lesions are significant pathology because they can become a source of chronic occult as well as an acute life-threatening bleeding. Those lesions of upper gastrointestinal tract are often misinterpreted or overlooked during standard diagnostic procedures. It can lead to the misdiagnosis and false ways of treatment. The review focuses on the pathogenesis, main diagnostic problems and treatment options of that pathology. The diagnostics of the Cameron syndrome is difficult because sometimes the lesions can`t be seen on upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy. The review describes the criteria by which the physician may suspect Cameron syndrome when endoscopy results are not certain. Clinical case represents an important problem which is often faced by the doctors — the severe iron-deficiency anemia refractory to the medication and blood transfusions in the patients with Cameron lesions. It`s very important for doctor to be aware of that complication to include Cameron syndrome into the diagnostic search for the sources of persistent blood loss. Cameron lesions can be asymptomatic as well as be manifested in the form of severe chronic anemia. And that`s the reason why there are an important issue about the proper treatment which have to be provided in each case. The review describes the effectiveness of different treatment options and makes the conclusion about the principles on which doctor can

  20. Magnetic resonance imaging of spinal cord lesions in 22 multiple sclerosis patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kato, Hiroshi; Funakawa, Itaru; Hara, Kenji; Yasuda, Takeshi; Terao, Akira


    We reviewed MRI findings in 22 patients (37 cases) with clinically diagnosed multiple sclerosis (MS) with spinal cord lesions. The spinal cord lesions were detected in 17 (46%) of these 37 cases on MRI. The cervical cord lesions were more detectable than other spinal cord lesions. At the thoracic level, the upper lesions were more detectable than the lower ones. In this study, no correlation was found between the disease duration, the rate of functional disturbance and the detectable rate of spinal cord lesions. The characteristic findings of the lesions were swelling and the enhancement effect of Gd-DTPA in the patient group with a disease duration of less than three years, and atrophic change in the patient group with a disease duration of greater than seven years. The period of the enhancement effect of Gd-DTPA varied in each case, and it may reflect the clinical course. Syrinx-like lesions were found in four cases. In one of them, atrophic change was found in the same region six months after the follow up study. Although the precise reason for the syrinx-like lesion was unclear, a relationship between syrinx-like lesion and atrophy of the spinal cord was suggested. The MRI findings of the spinal cord lesions in MS varied in each case and in each stage of the disease. (author)