
Sample records for las ramas medial


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    María Luisa Morales


    Full Text Available Históricamente el pueblo rama es el grupo indígena de la Costa Atlántica de menor población.El pueblo rama tiene una notable variedad de recursos naturales, entre ellos el recurso forestal y la pesca.Este estudio contribuye a un acercamiento sobre la realidad socioeconómica y cultural del pueblo rama, desde las voces de las mujeres y particularmente visibilizar el aporte de ellas, orientado al mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de las familias y por ende de la comunidad a través del fortalecimiento de su identidad y cosmovisión.El estudio se desarrolló en las comunidades de Rama Cay y la Zompopera. En el ámbito social la mujer rama aporta signifi cativamente a las actividades de organización comunitaria, donde en los últimos años ha manifestado mayor participación y liderazgo. Su labor en la organización comunitaria, también le ha permitido posicionarse mejor en su entorno sociocultural.En relación a la educación, la mujer rama es quien custodia los valores y las tradiciones, por tanto desde la intimidad de su casa transmite en esencia la cultura rama.En lo que respecta a la dinámica económica, la mujer es la que siembra, cosecha y también comercializa todos los productos tanto de la agricultura como de la pesca.


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    Pablo Ruiz Nápoles


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza mediante la matriz de insumo-producto de México, de2003, las consecuencias de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en preciosy cantidades de la producción de cada una de las ramas económicas que la integran.Estas emisiones son vistas como externalidades negativas asociadas a la actividadproductiva. El estudio comprende el cálculo de emisiones de gases contaminantespor rama, la estimación del costo, en cantidad y en valor, de la emisión de estos ga-ses y la identificación de sectores estratégicos en la estructura actual de la economía.La conclusión es que las ramas del sector energético, y las que están muy vincu-ladas a él, son las que más contaminan y resultan importantes por su efecto en lasdemás. Estas ramas requieren supervisión para incrementar su eficiencia y reducirlas emisiones de gases contaminantes, en tanto se desarrollan y adoptan tecnologíaslimpias para producir energía.

  3. Estudio anatómico de la rama superficial del nervio radial, implicaciones quirúrgicas

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    Enrique Vergara Amador


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Conocer la anatomía de la rama superficial del nervio radial, es indispensable para la adecuada práctica de cirugías que involucran la mano y la muñeca. Objetivo. Determinar las relaciones del nervio radial y sus ramas con el tubérculo de Lister, la apófisis estiloides del radio y la distribución en el dorso de la mano. Material y métodos. Se disecaron 25 piezas de cadáveres frescos. Se identificó la rama superficial del nervio radial y se midió la distancia entre la salida del nervio y la apófisis estiloides del radio. Se identificaron las ramas del nervio en el antebrazo distal y en la muñeca y se midieron respecto a la apófisis estiloides y al tubérculo de Lister. Resultados. La rama superficial del nervio radial emergió en la región dorsal y radial del tercio distal del antebrazo entre el músculo braquiradialis y el extensor carpis radialis longus, a una distancia de 8,45 cm proximal a la apófisis estiloides. Su primera rama de división discurrió palmar a la apófisis estiloides radial a una distancia promedio de 0,74 cm respecto a la misma. El tronco principal se dividió en varias ramas terminales así: proximal a la apófisis estiloides del radio (28%, a nivel de la misma (12% y distal (60%. El patrón de distribución de las ramas nerviosas en la base de los dedos más frecuente fue el del primero, segundo y el lado radial del tercer dedo (56%. Discusión. Este estudio mostró la gran variabilidad de la rama superficial del nervio radial en el dorso de la mano y la alta probabilidad de daño del mismo durante los procedimientos abiertos, artroscópicos o procedimientos percutáneos en la muñeca.

  4. Rama Govindarajan

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)



    Dec 20, 2008 ... SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2007. CITATION. Dr Rama Govindarajan. The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for the year 2007 in Engineering. Sciences has been awarded to Dr Rama Govindarajan of the Jawaharlal. Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore. Dr Govindarajan has made ...

  5. Rama, Prof.

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Fellowship. Fellow Profile. Elected: 1969 Section: Earth & Planetary Sciences. Rama, Prof. Ph.D. (Mumbai), FNA, FNAAS. Date of birth: 16 March 1929. Specialization: Isotope Hydrology Address: Y-4, Sector 9, CBD, Navi Mumbai 400 614, Maharashtra Contact: Residence: (022) 2757 0081. Email: rama.506@yahoo.



    Yaipen Torres, Jorge; Universidad de Lambayeque.


    El presente artículo busca identificar las razones científicas de la ciencia del derecho en la autonomía del DERECHO ELECTRONICO para el Sistema Jurídico peruano, para el sistema Romano-germano; basándome en un informe del profesor Hiram R. Piña Libien, intitulado “EL DERECHO INFORMÁTICO Y SU AUTONOMÍA COMO NUEVA RAMA DEL DERECHO” que busca determinar la independencia del derecho informático en relación a las demás ramas de la ciencia del derecho, en virtud a su sistema jurídico, en las sigui...

  7. La representatividad de lo latinoamericano en la generación crítica (Homenaje a Ángel Rama)


    Yangali Vargas, Jorge Luis


    Situar el aporte de la Generación Crítica, nombre propuesto por Ángel Rama para sus coetáneos uruguayos, que nosotros extendemos a los críticos latinoamericanos de la segunda mitad del siglo XX diferenciándolos de los aglutinados en el Boom Latinoamericano. Asimismo comprender una de las principales categorías sugeridas por Rama: la transculturación.

  8. ANATOMÍA MACROSCÓPICA E IMAGENOLÓGICA DE LAS RAMAS PRECOCES DE LA ARTERIA CEREBRAL MEDIA. Macroscopic and radiological anatomy of early branches of the middle cerebral artery

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    Fernando Martínez


    Full Text Available Las ramas precoces de la arteria cerebral media son ramas corticales originadas del tronco de la citada arteria. Se trata de arterias que pueden nutrir importantes áreas de los lóbulos temporal, frontal o la ínsula. Por lo tanto, la oclusión de una de estas ramas producirá un área de isquemia con potenciales consecuencias. Se estudiaron 20 hemisferios cerebrales  de cadáveres adultos conservados en formol, y 20 angiografías silvianas realizando una comparación y correlación. En las piezas anatómicas, la arteria cerebral media terminó por bifurcación en el 100% de los casos y dicha bifurcación se sitúo en la porción esfenoidal (M1 en la mayoría de las piezas. Se encontraron ramas precoces en número de1 a4 en el 80%, totalizando 28 arterias, de las cuales 23 tenían destino temporal y 5 frontales. En el material angiográfico la cerebral media terminó por bifurcación en el 95% de los casos y la misma se ubicó en M1 en la mayoría de los casos. Se encontraron ramas precoces en el 70% de los estudios analizados, totalizando 19 ramos. De los mismos, 16 fueron temporales, 1 frontal y en 2 casos no se pudo determinar su destino. Consideramos que los datos anatómicos y angiográficos obtenidos por este y otros estudios son de utilidad en la planificación del clipado de  los aneurismas de la cerebral media. The early branches of the middle cerebral artery are cortical branches that arise from the trunk of this artery. These branches can supply significant areas in the temporal, frontal or insular lobes. Therefore, their occlusion may lead to ischemia and potential sequelae. We studied 20 cerebral hemispheres of formalin-fixed adult cadavers and 20 silvian angiographies in order to compare and correlate them. In the anatomical specimens, the middle cerebral artery ended bifurcating in 100% of the cases and such bifurcation occurred at the sphenoidal segment (M1 in most cases. Early branches ranging from 1 to 4 were found in 80

  9. Irrigación arterial del músculo interóseo y del ligamento accesorio del músculo flexor digital profundo en la mano del caballo Arterial blood supply to the interosseus muscle and accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon in the horse hand




    El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio del origen y distribución de las ramas arteriales al músculo interóseo y al ligamento accesorio del músculo flexor digital profundo de la mano del caballo. Se disecaron 20 manos a las que les fue inyectada la arteria mediana con látex coloreado. Las ramas arteriales entran al músculo interóseo por la cara dorsal y palmar del cuerpo y por sus bordes medial y lateral. Cada tendón de inserción del músculo interóseo recibió importantes ramas arteriales po...

  10. Los primeros ensayos de Ángel Rama: inicios montevideanos de una crítica latinoamericana

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    Facundo Gomez


    Full Text Available Los estudios generales sobre el discurso crítico latinoamericano de la segunda mitad del siglo XX colocan al uruguayo Ángel Rama en un lugar central de su construcción y organización. A pesar de los numerosos enfoques ensayados acerca de su obra, repetidas veces su figura es concebida en términos cerrados que lo afilian a la sociología de la cultura, el compromiso político o la militancia latinoamericanista. El análisis de sus primeros artículos, publicados entre 1948 y 1955 en las revistas Clinamen, Marcha, Asir y Entregas de La Licorne, demuestra cómo su praxis crítica se entrecruza inicialmente con elementos propios del campo intelectual uruguayo de mitad de siglo y de qué manera el joven Rama empieza su exploración de la literatura a partir de posiciones, teorías y metodologías muy disímiles a las observadas en sus trabajos clásicos de las décadas posteriores.


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    Mario Guillermo Mejía López


    Full Text Available La participación comunitaria aplicada al campo de la salud puedeentenderse como los diferentes alcances en los programas, referidos a la planificación, evaluación, control de acciones y servicios de salud hacia la comunidad. Es decir, la comunidad participa en la identificación del problema, en la toma de decisiones, co-gestión y autogestión de programas y servicios de salud.Este estudio tiene como propósito describir los niveles de participación de los comunitarios de Rama Cay en materia de salud pública, de tal forma que se revitalicen los aportes del pueblo indígena Rama a la práctica de la medicina tradicional desde su propia dinámica de vida. Es importante mencionar que el puebloRama es el pueblo menos numeroso en las regiones autónomas de la Costa Caribe nicaragüense..El presente trabajo fue de carácter participativo, en el mismo se estableció un dialogo de saberes entre funcionarios del Ministerio de Salud, hombres y mujeres comunitarios de Rama Cay, médicos tradicionales, líderes de la Junta Comunal y promotores de salud con presencia en la comunidad. Por tanto, para conocer la participación comunitaria en la construcción de un modelo de salud para los Rama se dimensionaron los planos de la salud individual y comunal.En el plano de la salud individual las enfermedades de tipo biológico y físico son una prioridad. La comunidad es consciente de las limitaciones del servicio de salud que ofrece el Centro de Salud y de las alternativas que existen en el campo de la etnomedicina, así mismo, de la coexistencia de dos modelos de atención a la salud que solucionan sus distintos problemas. Por otro lado, en relación a la salud comunitaria la comunidad de manera general asiste al centro de salud en donde los atiende personal del Ministerio de Salud; sin embargo, la comunidad también cuenta con parteras, curanderos, brigadistas, promotores.Los líderes y los comunitarios consideran que el trabajo de la Junta Comunal

  12. Rama in the royal title of the Hungarian kings

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    Živković Tibor D.


    Full Text Available The region (župa of Rama was enlisted in the official title of the Hungarian kings around 1138, as it is known from an official document. The exact answer to the question under which circumstances it happened has never been reached. It is most probable that Rama was not just other name for Bosnia as it was proposed in historiography, neither was a part of Bosnia conquered by military action of the Hungarian king around 1135. Having in mind that Rama was a part of the principality of Raška during the Early Middle Ages, it is quite possible that Rama became part of the official title of the Hungarian kings through some direct connections between ruling families of Hungary and Raška. The most probable answer could be reached through the examination of these relations. Namely, a daughter of Raška's župan, Uroš I, Helena, was married to the Hungarian crown prince Bela in 1129, when Rama was, most probably, part of Helena's dowry. When the crown prince became king of Hungary in 1131, Rama was included in his royal title. Later on during the Middle Ages Rama became part of Bosnia giving ground to the Hungarian kings to claim whole Bosnia as their heritage. .

  13. Determinación de las características anatómicas de las arterias coronarias de cerdo mediante técnica de inyección con látex

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    Guillermo Rivera


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar las características anatómicas de las arterias coronarias del cerdo, mediante inyección con látex. Materiales y métodos: Se usaron 100 corazones de cerdo. Se insertaron sondas Nelaton a través de las arterias coronarias y se les inyectó solución de látex y tinta china. Se determinó el diámetro y el punto de origen para la coronaria derecha, coronaria izquierda, interventricular paraconal y circunfleja. Se cuantificaron el número de ramas diagonales, marginales ventriculares izquierdas y postero laterales. Se determinó frecuencia de ramus intermedius y tipo de dominancia. Se realizó análisis estadístico con un error estándar del 5%, con el Epidat 3,1. Resultados: El 100% de los orígenes anatómicos de las arterias coronarias fueron normales. La dominancia mas frecuente fue la derecha, 73%. El promedio de número de ramas marginales izquierdas, diagonales y posterolaterales fue de 3. La frecuencia de ramus intermedius fue de 12%. El calculo de chi cuadrado de Pearson mostró significancia entre el ramus intermedius y número de ramas marginales izquierdas (p=0,0009. Conclusiones: Las características anatómicas de las arterias coronarias del cerdo son similares a las del humano. El ramus intermedius se comporta como una primera rama marginal izquierda y no como una primera rama diagonal como lo afirman algunos autores.

  14. Govindarajan, Prof. Rama

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Fellowship. Fellow Profile. Elected: 2010 Section: Engineering & Technology. Govindarajan, Prof. Rama Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc. Date of birth: 26 August 1962. Specialization: Fluid Mechanics Address: International Centre for Theoretical Science, Shivakote, Hesaraghatta Post, Bengal;uru 560 089, Karnataka Contact:

  15. Differential gene expression by RamA in ciprofloxacin-resistant Salmonella Typhimurium.

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    Jie Zheng

    Full Text Available Overexpression of ramA has been implicated in resistance to multiple drugs in several enterobacterial pathogens. In the present study, Salmonella Typhimurium strain LTL with constitutive expression of ramA was compared to its ramA-deletion mutant by employing both DNA microarrays and phenotype microarrays (PM. The mutant strain with the disruption of ramA showed differential expression of at least 33 genes involved in 11 functional groups. The study confirmed at the transcriptional level that the constitutive expression of ramA was directly associated with increased expression of multidrug efflux pump AcrAB-TolC and decreased expression of porin protein OmpF, thereby conferring multiple drug resistance phenotype. Compared to the parent strain constitutively expressing ramA, the ramA mutant had increased susceptibility to over 70 antimicrobials and toxic compounds. The PM analysis also uncovered that the ramA mutant was better in utilization of 10 carbon sources and 5 phosphorus sources. This study suggested that the constitutive expression of ramA locus regulate not only multidrug efflux pump and accessory genes but also genes involved in carbon metabolic pathways.

  16. Kant, Prof. Rama

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Elected: 2015 Section: Chemistry. Kant, Prof. Rama Ph.D. (IISc). Date of birth: 18 January 1963. Specialization: Complex Systems in Electrochemistry & Polymers, Theoretical Chemistry, Nanoelectrochemistry Address: Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, U.T.. Contact: Office: (011) 2766 6646/188

  17. Incidencia y factores asociados con las reacciones adversas del tratamiento antirretroviral inicial en pacientes con VIH

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    Juan Astuvilca


    Full Text Available La alta incidencia de reacciones adversas medicamentosas (RAMA al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA en pacientes con VIH/SIDA puede afectar la calidad de vida y adherencia al tratamiento. Objetivos: Determinar la incidencia de RAMA del TARGA inicial e identificar los factores asociados con la ocurrencia de RAMA al recibir dicha terapia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte histórica con todos los pacientes VIH (+ mayores de 18 años que recibieron TARGA por primera vez en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, con un seguimiento de 360 días desde la primera prescripción. Se recabó las RAMA de las historias clínicas y tarjetas de control. Resultados: Se incluyeron 353 pacientes, se encontró una incidencia acumulada de 66,7% de efectos adversos al TARGA inicial y una densidad de incidencia de 9,1 eventos de RAMA por 10 personas año de seguimiento (IC95%: 8,1-10,1. Anemia (23,4%, náuseas (20,6% y rash (17,2% fueron las RAMA más frecuentes. El uso de drogas (OR 2,40; IC95% 1,01-5,67; consumo de alcohol (OR 0.32; IC95%: 0,19-0,55 y estadio SIDA (OR 0,20; IC95%: 0,04-0,95 estuvieron asociadas con la presencia de RAMA. Conclusiones: Existe un alta incidencia de RAMA, siendo la anemia la más frecuente. El uso de drogas es un factor de riesgo para presentar RAMA.

  18. Seri Rama: converting a shadow play puppet to Street Fighter. (United States)

    Ghani, D B A


    Shadow puppet plays, a traditional Malaysian theater art, is slowly losing its appeal to adolescents, who prefer computer games. To help reverse this decline, the authors incorporated the traditional Seri Rama character into the Street Fighter video game. Using modeling, texturing, and animation, they developed a 3D Seri Rama prototype. Users can control Seri Rama with a PlayStation game controller.

  19. La porosidad en las areniscas triásicas (Rama Aragonesa de la Cordillera Ibérica

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    Arribas, J.


    Full Text Available Triassic sandstone's porosity (Buntsandstein and Muschelkalk facies from the Aragonesa Branch of the Iberian Range are studied, firstly at the sediment primary porosity calculation and secondly the porosity-reducing processes are analyzed. Processes creating secondary sandstone porosity can be established (dissolution and fracturing by the textural and genetic caracterization of the sandstone's voids. The dissolution of potassium feldspar, carbonate cement and barite cement, is related with meteoric pore-water flow alloys to intramesozoic unconformities, Fracturing porosity is related to Iberian Range tertiary structuration. Finally, we concluded that the amount of the sandstone's secondary porosity depends mainly on the original composition of the sediments and also on the geochemical sedimentary environments that control the first diagenetic stages (eodiagenesis, This fact manifests itself in the amount and types of variating porosities along the stratigraphic section.

    Se estudia la porosidad en las areniscas triásicas (facies Buntsandstein y Muschelkalk de la Rama Aragonesa de la Cordillera Ibérica, partiendo del cálculo estimativo de la porosidad primaria del sedimento, para posteriormente analizar los distintos procesos diagenéticos que han intervenido en su destrucción (compactación mecánica, compactación química y cementación. La caracterización textural y genética de los poros en dichas areniscas permite establecer la existencia de procesos generadores de porosidad secundaria (disolución y fractura. La disolución del feldespato potásico, cemento carbonático y de baritina se relaciona con flujos de aguas meteóricas ligadas a discordancias intramesozoicas, mientras que la porosidad de fractura se asocia a la estructuración terciaria de la Cordillera Ibérica. Por ú1timo se concluye que la cantidad de porosidad secundaria en las areniscas estudiadas depende fundamentalmente de la composición original de los dep

  20. Injerto libre braquial medial Free medial arm graft

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    P. Martos Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción. Entre las reconstrucciones de defectos titulares de cabeza y cuello, el injerto libre microvascularizado braquial medial no ha adquirido mucha popularidad debido a las variaciones anatómicas que se reflejan en la vascularización de éste. Nuestro objetivo es realizar una descripción de la anatomía y técnica quirúrgica, así como una revisión de la literatura describiendo las ventajas y desventajas de este tipo de injerto. Material y método. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con carcinoma epidermoide de mucosa yugal izquierda con afectación ganglionar ipsilateral. Se procedió a su resección con márgenes más disección cervical funcional. La reconstrucción del defecto se llevó a cabo mediante un injerto libre microvascularizado braquial medial de brazo izquierdo. Discusión. Pensamos que el injerto libre braquial medial de brazo se trata de una opción más segura a la hora de la reconstrucción de defectos cervicofaciales, aportando una serie de ventajas entre las que destacan: no sacrificio de una arteria terminal, cierre primario de la zona donante, mínimo defecto estético, y poseer una piel fina, elástica y sin vello.Introduction. Free medial microvascularized arm grafts have not become very popular for the reconstruction of head and neck defects due to anatomic variations in their vascularization. Our objective was to describe the anatomy and surgical technique and to review the literature on the advantages and disadvantages of free medial arm grafts. Material and methods. We report the case of a patient with squamous cell carcinoma of the left jugal mucosa with same-side lymph node involvement. The tumor was resected with margins and a functional cervical dissection was performed. The defect was reconstructed using a free medial microvascularized graft from the left arm. Discussion. We believe that free medial arm grafts are a safer option for the reconstruction of cervicofacial defects and that they offer

  1. Una crítica de pobres. Inflexiones teóricas en dos ensayos de Ángel Rama

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    Facundo Gómez


    Full Text Available El discurso crítico de Ángel Rama experimenta a lo largo de su desarrollo una serie de complejas inflexiones, producto del diálogo permanente con nuevos vocabularios teóricos y la participación en debates acerca del estudio de la literatura latinoamericana. Este desplazamiento se puede reconstruir a partir de la comparación del sentido y del uso dado por Rama a tres conceptos centrales en su lectura: el público lector, la clase social y la cultura. Con el fin de analizar las implicancias de estas reformulaciones, se propone el abordaje de dos textos del autor: “Rodolfo Walsh: la narrativa en el conflicto de las culturas” (1976 y Transculturación narrativa en América Latina (1982. En ellos, la construcción prepositiva “de/para los pobres” permite reflexionar acerca de la serie de revisiones, adquisiciones y modulaciones que atraviesa su práctica crítica en tres instancias de su formulación.

  2. Three-dimensional RAMA fluence methodology benchmarking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, S. P.; Carter, R. G.; Watkins, K. E.; Jones, D. B.


    This paper describes the benchmarking of the RAMA Fluence Methodology software, that has been performed in accordance with U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.190. The RAMA Fluence Methodology has been developed by TransWare Enterprises Inc. through funding provided by the Electric Power Research Inst., Inc. (EPRI) and the Boiling Water Reactor Vessel and Internals Project (BWRVIP). The purpose of the software is to provide an accurate method for calculating neutron fluence in BWR pressure vessels and internal components. The Methodology incorporates a three-dimensional deterministic transport solution with flexible arbitrary geometry representation of reactor system components, previously available only with Monte Carlo solution techniques. Benchmarking was performed on measurements obtained from three standard benchmark problems which include the Pool Criticality Assembly (PCA), VENUS-3, and H. B. Robinson Unit 2 benchmarks, and on flux wire measurements obtained from two BWR nuclear plants. The calculated to measured (C/M) ratios range from 0.93 to 1.04 demonstrating the accuracy of the RAMA Fluence Methodology in predicting neutron flux, fluence, and dosimetry activation. (authors)


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    Wachid Eko Purwanto


    Full Text Available Epos Ramayana merupakan epos kuno yang ditulis dalam tujuh kanda terdiri atas 24.000 sloka. Di Jawa epos Ramayana pertama kali muncul secara lengkap dalam bentuk relief di Candi Lara Jonggrang yang dibangun sekitar tahun 782 hingga 872 M. Epos tua yang hidup di masyarakat Jawa ini pastilah mempunyai ajaran. Tokoh Rama sebagai tokoh utama merupakan simbol paling utama dalam epos ini. Berkait dengan simbol ajaran, tokoh Rama dalam epos Ramayana Jawa mempunyai fungsi bagi Raja Jawa dan masyarakat Jawa. Bagi raja simbol tokoh Rama memiliki tiga fungsi utama. Pertama sebagai fungsi spiritual. Kedua adalah fungsi legitimasi kekuasaan. Ketiga adalah fungsi pencitraan. Adapun bagi masyarakat Jawa, simbol tokoh Rama memiliki dua fungsi utama. Pertama adalah fungsi spiritual. Kedua adalah fungsi filosofis.

  4. Cualidades tecnológicas de uso de la madera de cinco especies forestales, basado en el conocimiento del tejido secundario de la rama, Loreto


    Valderrama Freyre, Heiter; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana


    Se determinó el comportamiento de la rama de cinco especies forestales del Jardín Botánico Arboretum El Huayo, ubicado en el Centro de Investigación y Enseñanza Forestal (Ciefor) Puerto Almendra en Loreto, Perú, basado en las características anatómicas de la madera de la rama y que se relacionan con la resistencia mecánica, secado, preservado, trabajabilidad, durabilidad natural y fabricación de pulpa para papel. La metodología para determinar el comportamiento tecnológico, basado en el conoc...

  5. RAMA: A file system for massively parallel computers (United States)

    Miller, Ethan L.; Katz, Randy H.


    This paper describes a file system design for massively parallel computers which makes very efficient use of a few disks per processor. This overcomes the traditional I/O bottleneck of massively parallel machines by storing the data on disks within the high-speed interconnection network. In addition, the file system, called RAMA, requires little inter-node synchronization, removing another common bottleneck in parallel processor file systems. Support for a large tertiary storage system can easily be integrated in lo the file system; in fact, RAMA runs most efficiently when tertiary storage is used.

  6. OceanSITES RAMA daily in-situ data (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — OceanSITES daily in-situ data. OceanSITES Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA)...

  7. Bunge y la didáctica de las ciencias humanas


    Crivos, Marta; Denegri, Guillermo; Martínez, Gladys E.


    Estas líneas solo pretenden sumarse al homenaje a quien nos hizo posible acceder -a muchas generaciones de estudiantes y profesionales en nuestro país y el mundo- a una presentación clara y persuasiva de las raíces y alcance del quehacer científico y asomar a las intrincadas relaciones que unen y diferencian las distintas ramas de este quehacer a la filosofía.


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    Moh Rozi


    Buddhist students in SMP Taman Rama Denpasar in general there are similarities, such as by implementing the climbing chanting and meditation, perform puja in the dark (ceit and the moon light (capgo, Atthangasila, Pancasila Buddhist and implement in daily life. Second: the Buddha teachings as a spur to the religion practice and the power of self-religiosity. Third: the meaning of Buddhist students’ religiosity SMP Taman Rama Denpasar include the meaning of solidarity, harmony, and inner meaning of peace.

  9. Análisis de la trayectoria formativa de la mujer en las ramas industriales de Formación Profesional en Galicia y su inserción sociolaboral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio RIAL SÁNCHEZ


    Full Text Available La persistencia de la discriminación de género en el panorama sociolaboral es una realidad que aún persiste en varios países desarrollados como España. Dicha discriminación se hace explícita tanto a nivel horizontal como a nivel vertical y se puede observar, con gran facilidad, en los indicadores estandarizados que trimestralmente nos ofrecen la epa o el ine o en indicadores más cualitativos que verifican la persistencia de dicha discriminación como son el reconocimiento social del trabajo o las oportunidades de promoción profesional. Así, al realizar un primer balance de las estadísticas de mujeres matriculadas en la Fp de Galicia en los últimos diez años, observamos que las alumnas de formación Profesional elegían familias profesionales que tradicionalmente habían sido desempeñadas por mujeres, mientras que los alumnos seleccionaban aquellas ejercidas por hombres. esta vinculación de profesiones con lo masculino o con lo femenino responde más a un proceso histórico de transmisión de estereotipos socioculturales que a un catálogo riguroso de competencias asociadas a un género o a otro. Por consiguiente, el objeto de este estudio consistió en analizar las trayectorias formativas y de inserción laboral de las mujeres que habían decidido formarse y trabajar en sectores profesionales de las ramas industriales en Galicia. Para ejecutar este estudio se ha recurrido a una metodología de triangulación de datos, combinando instrumentos de recogida de datos de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo. Como conclusiones generales destacamos el poco interés que suscitan las problemáticas de igualdad –así como las escasas iniciativas que sobre igualdad se promueven en los centros formativos– y la reticencia del empresariado a modificar y/o erradicar los clichés y estereotipos que dificultan la consecución de una igualdad plena, tanto en el plano formativo como en el sociolaboral.

  10. Project RAMA: Reconstructing Asteroids Into Mechanical Automata (United States)

    Dunn, Jason; Fagin, Max; Snyder, Michael; Joyce, Eric


    Many interesting ideas have been conceived for building space-based infrastructure in cislunar space. From O'Neill's space colonies, to solar power satellite farms, and even prospecting retrieved near earth asteroids. In all the scenarios, one thing remained fixed - the need for space resources at the outpost. To satisfy this need, O'Neill suggested an electromagnetic railgun to deliver resources from the lunar surface, while NASA's Asteroid Redirect Mission called for a solar electric tug to deliver asteroid materials from interplanetary space. At Made In Space, we propose an entirely new concept. One which is scalable, cost effective, and ensures that the abundant material wealth of the inner solar system becomes readily available to humankind in a nearly automated fashion. We propose the RAMA architecture, which turns asteroids into self-contained spacecraft capable of moving themselves back to cislunar space. The RAMA architecture is just as capable of transporting conventional-sized asteroids on the 10-meter length scale as transporting asteroids 100 meters or larger, making it the most versatile asteroid retrieval architecture in terms of retrieved-mass capability. This report describes the results of the Phase I study funded by the NASA NIAC program for Made In Space to establish the concept feasibility of using space manufacturing to convert asteroids into autonomous, mechanical spacecraft. Project RAMA, Reconstituting Asteroids into Mechanical Automata, is designed to leverage the future advances of additive manufacturing (AM), in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) and in-situ manufacturing (ISM) to realize enormous efficiencies in repeated asteroid redirect missions. A team of engineers at Made In Space performed the study work with consultation from the asteroid mining industry, academia, and NASA. Previous studies for asteroid retrieval have been constrained to studying only asteroids that are both large enough to be discovered, and small enough to be

  11. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 1997-present, Precipitation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Precipitation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  12. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Monthly, 1987-present, Salinity (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has monthly Salinity data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  13. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 1977-present, Temperature (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Temperature data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  14. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 1989-present, Evaporation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Evaporation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  15. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Monthly, 1989-present, Evaporation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has monthly Evaporation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  16. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 1989-present, Evaporation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Evaporation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  17. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 1980-present, Position (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Position data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  18. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 1980-present, Position (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Position data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  19. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Monthly, 1980-present, Position (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has monthly Position data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  20. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 1977-present, Wind (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Wind data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  1. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 1988-2015, ADCP (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) water currents data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA...

  2. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Monthly, 1988-2015, ADCP (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has monthly Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) water currents data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA...

  3. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 1988-2015, ADCP (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) water currents data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA...

  4. Experimento sobre Diversas Fórmulas para Tratar las Heridas en los Árboles.

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    Obregón Botero Rafael


    Full Text Available Sin duda una de las prácticas más delicadas y difíciles con que tropieza el agricultor consciente, es la adecuada y perfecta poda de sus árboles, abundando los diversos sistemas preconizados tanto para árboles frutales como para el café y el cacao. Todos o casi todos los sistemas tienden a abarcar dos puntos principales; la mayor producción en cantidad y calidad aceptable sin debilitamiento de la planta y la búsqueda de economía en su ejecución. Sus principios, normas, implementos, épocas y demás factores varían con la planta y los puntos de vista del preconizador de los diferentes sistemas, pero todos están acordes en cuanto a la necesidad de proteger los cortes hechos durante las prácticas. De la misma manera como los animales están sujetos a adquirir infecciones por las heridas o desgarramientos de su piel, las plantas también lo están por la infección al practicar cortes en sus ramas o simplemente al través de los desperfectos y desgarraduras en sus tejidos protectores, la corteza de las ramas, tallos y raíces.

  5. RAMA Methodology for the Calculation of Neutron Fluence; Metodologia RAMA para el Calculo de la Fluencia Neutronica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Villescas, G.; Corchon, F.


    he neutron fluence plays an important role in the study of the structural integrity of the reactor vessel after a certain time of neutron irradiation. The NRC defined in the Regulatory Guide 1.190, the way must be estimated neutron fluence, including uncertainty analysis of the validation process (creep uncertainty is ? 20%). TRANSWARE Enterprises Inc. developed a methodology for calculating the neutron flux, 1,190 based guide, known as RAMA. Uncertainty values obtained with this methodology, for about 18 vessels, are less than 10%.

  6. Serine Protease Zymography: Low-Cost, Rapid, and Highly Sensitive RAMA Casein Zymography. (United States)

    Yasumitsu, Hidetaro


    To detect serine protease activity by zymography, casein and CBB stain have been used as a substrate and a detection procedure, respectively. Casein zymography has been using substrate concentration at 1 mg/mL and employing conventional CBB stain. Although ordinary casein zymography provides reproducible results, it has several disadvantages including time-consuming and relative low sensitivity. Improved casein zymography, RAMA casein zymography, is rapid and highly sensitive. RAMA casein zymography completes the detection process within 1 h after incubation and increases the sensitivity at least by tenfold. In addition to serine protease, the method also detects metalloprotease 7 (MMP7, Matrilysin) with high sensitivity.

  7. Autotrasplante de células madre adultas en defecto óseo de rama mandibular por quiste dentígero


    Torres Rodríguez, Luís E; Marimón Torres, Maria E; Morejón Álvarez, Felicia C; Camacho Díaz, René; León Amado, Liseet


    Propósitos del estudio: indagar en la formación ósea de cavidades quísticas de los maxilares a partir de células madres adultas. Método: se realiza la presentación de un paciente que presentaba un quiste dentígero en rama mandibular izquierda y que había provocado gran destrucción ósea, lo cual se comprobó al examen físico y estudios complementarios, tomografía axial compuarizada (TAC) e imágenes gráficas (Fotos). Se decide colocar las células madres adultas, previa valoración y preparación d...

  8. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 1989-present, Wind Stress (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Wind Stress data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  9. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 2000-present, Buoyancy Flux (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Buoyancy Flux data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  10. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Monthly, 1989-present, Wind Stress (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has monthly Wind Stress data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  11. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, 5-Day, 1989-present, Evaporation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has 5-day Evaporation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  12. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Monthly, 2000-present, Buoyancy Flux (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has monthly Buoyancy Flux data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  13. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, 5-Day, 1977-present, Temperature (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has 5-day Temperature data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  14. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 1980-present, Heat Content (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Heat Content data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  15. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, 5-Day, 1980-present, Position (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has 5-day Position data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  16. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 2000-present, Longwave Radiation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Incoming Longwave Radiation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  17. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Monthly, 2000-present, Longwave Radiation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has monthly Incoming Longwave Radiation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  18. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 2000-present, Longwave Radiation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Incoming Longwave Radiation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  19. La relación intelectual entre Ángel Rama y Antonio Candido: la constitución de un lenguaje crítico de cuño latinoamericano

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    Pía Paganelli


    Full Text Available El diálogo intelectual que llevan a cabo Antonio Cándido y Ángel Rama a partir de 1960 intenta revertir la larga tradición de intentos frustrados por unificar el pensamiento brasileño dentro de un pensamiento regional latinoamericano. El presente trabajo pretende dar cuenta de las instancias de este diálogo intelectual como intento por integrar la literatura brasileña en el marco de una literatura latinoamericana, a partir de la definición de un lenguaje crítico original y novedoso. Para ello se comparan los puntos en contacto que presentan ambas teorías a partir de la influencia de la obra Formação da literatura brasileira (1959 y utilizando también el libro de ensayos Literatura y Sociedad (1965 de Candido en el proyecto transculturador de Rama que se pone de manifiesto en su libro Transculturación narrativa en América Latina (1982.

  20. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 1992-present, Sigma-Theta (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Sigma-Theta (Potential Density Anomaly) data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  1. Retinoic acid morpholine amide (RAMA) inhibits expression of Fas ligand through EP1 receptor in colon cancer cells. (United States)

    Chen, Shao-Xuan; Du, Shi-Yu; Wang, Yun-Ting; Zhao, Hong-Chuan; Zhang, Yan-Li; Yao, Li


    Among the members of tumour necrosis factor family Fas ligand on binding to its receptor strongly induces apoptosis of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). Thus, FasL acts as an inhibitor of anti-tumour immune response. The present study demonstrates that retinoic acid morpholine amide (RAMA) significantly suppresses FasL expression in colon cancer cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The suppression of FasL mRNA and proteins was significant at a concentration of 30 μM after 48 h in CLT85 and HT26 colon cancer cells. There was around 2.6- and 3.2-fold decrease in FasL mRNA after incubation with 30 μM of RAMA in CLT85 cells and HT26 cells, respectively. The results from Western blot showed a decrease in FasL mRNA and protein expression in both CLT85 and HT26 cells after suppression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 and COX-1 by RNAi. However, when COX-2-specific silencer RNA (siCOX-2)- and siCOX-1-treated CLT85 and HT26 cells were exposed to RAMA, inhibition of FasL expression was further suppressed. The siCOX-2-treated CLT85 and HT26 cells on exposure to RAMA showed ∼87 and ∼54 % reduction in FasL mRNA, respectively. Co-culture of Jurkat T cells with RAMA-treated HT26 and CLT85 cells decreased the viability of Jurkat T cells by only 2 and 4.3 %, respectively, compared to 19.5 and 37.3 % in control HT26 and CLT85 cells. The results from real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunoblotting showed that suppression of EP1 prevented RAMA-induced FasL suppression in CLT85 cells at both the mRNA and protein levels. Thus, RAMA can be a potent therapeutic agent for the treatment of colon tumours.

  2. Las radiaciones ionizantes: una realidad cotidiana

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    Eduardo Gallego Díaz


    Full Text Available Este trabajo introduce la naturaleza de las sustancias radiactivas y de la radiación ionizante, los efectos que causa sobre la materia y los medios disponibles para su detección y medida, así como las fuentes de radiación naturales a las que los seres humanos estamos expuestos. Seguidamente, en el apartado más amplio del trabajo, se describen las múltiples aplicaciones de las radiaciones ionizantes en la medicina, la agricultura, la industria, las ciencias de la tierra, la biología y otras ramas, lo que permite poder poner su impacto en perspectiva frente al de las fuentes naturales. La tesis final del artículo es que para evitar sufrir daños resulta necesario protegerse adecuadamente de los efectos nocivos de la radiación y las sustancias radiactivas, pero sin limitar innecesariamente su utilización beneficiosa en los numerosos ámbitos descritos. Ese es el objetivo fundamental de la protección radiológica, cuyos principios básicos se presentan para terminar.

  3. RAMA Final report January 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johansson, K.


    The RAMA project deals with the development of methods and analytical tools for the analysis of severe accidents in Swedish nuclear power plants. The analytical tools used are the computer codes MAAP, FPRAT and RETAIN-S. MAAP provides the pressure, temperature and core concrete attack inside the containment. FPRAT provides the fission product rate of release rom the overheaing or melting core. RETAIN-S tracks the transport and retention of fission products in the reactor coolant and containment vessels. The use of the codes is demonstrated in a few calculational examples. Conclusions are drawn on the suitability ad applicability of the codes for their intended use and recommendations are given on further work. (author)

  4. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, 5-Day, 1988-2015, ADCP (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has 5-day Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) water currents data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA...


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    Ana María Mesa Elneser


    Full Text Available El presente artículo da cuenta de la regulación en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano sobre el funcionamiento de la rama judicial por medios electrónicos como una forma de hacer efectivo el cumplimiento de principios procesales como la gratuidad, garantismo y agilidad en la búsqueda efectiva del funcionamiento del aparato judicial. La necesidad de avance tecnológico informático al servicio de la Rama Judicial no ha sido soportado desde una política de gobierno generadora de proyectos e inversión que materialicen lainclusión del mundo tecnológico informático en la administración de justicia,más aún, no existe desarrollo legal que permita adelantar un proceso legal por medios electrónicos, salvo la modificación a los artículos 315 y 320 de la ley 794 de 2003, con la inclusión de la notificación electrónica, avance normativo que a la fecha no se tiene en funcionamiento, volviendo la disposición letra muerta, en contraste con el acelerado desarrollo del comercio y el creciente surgimiento de empresas virtuales del tipo de establecimientos de comercio y sociedades comerciales, las cuales tienen su domicilio deoperación comercial, no en una dirección física sino electrónica.

  6. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 1991-present, Downgoing Shortwave Radiation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Downgoing Shortwave Radiation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  7. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, 5-Day, 1989-present, Wind Stress (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has 5-day Wind Stress data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  8. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 1997-present, Evaporation Minus Precipitation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Evaporation Minus Precipitation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  9. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Monthly, 1997-present, Evaporation Minus Precipitation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has monthly Evaporation Minus Precipitation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  10. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 1997-present, Evaporation Minus Precipitation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Evaporation Minus Precipitation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  11. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Quarterly, 2000-present, Net Longwave Radiation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has quarterly Net Longwave Radiation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  12. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Monthly, 1991-present, Net Shortwave Radiation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has monthly Net Shortwave Radiation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  13. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 2000-present, Net Longwave Radiation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Net Longwave Radiation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  14. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 1992-present, Sea Surface Salinity (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Sea Surface Salinity data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  15. RAMAS: The RITL Automated Management System. Master Control and Periodicals Control Subsystems. Stockholm Papers in Library and Information Science. (United States)

    Ya-chun, Lian

    An automated minicomputer-based library management system is being developed at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology Library (RITL). RAMAS (the RITL Automated Management System) currently deals with periodical check-in, claiming, index-handling, and binding control. A RAMAS bibliographic record can be accessed from eight different points…

  16. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 1977-present, Sea Surface Temperature (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  17. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, 5-Day, 2000-present, Longwave Radiation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has 5-day Incoming Longwave Radiation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  18. Analisis Strategi dan Taktik Pemasaran dalam Aktivitas E-Commerce untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan PT Golden Rama Express

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Annetta Gunawan


    Full Text Available Opportunities for tour & travel industry in Indonesia is increasing, thus attracting a lot of players to compete. PT Golden Rama Express as an industry leader in the tour industry wants to continue to grow the business. The development of information technology led to changes in consumer behavior, encouraging Golden Rama to take advantage of gaps that occur to become a leader in e-commerce activities. The purpose of this project consulting is to devise marketing strategies and tactics in order to improve the effectiveness of e-commerce activity for the Golden Rama. This study used questionnaire, interview, and literature study as a means to collect the data. Then the results of the data analysis of both quantitative and qualitative were used to plan growth based on the concept of Matrix Nine. The results of this study revealed that the existing customers of PT Golden Rama Express which can be expanded to the e-commerce market are upper middle families who have often gone abroad. Wife has significant role in filtering and selecting information and its potential customers are families who are beginners in terms of holidaying abroad are active in the virtual world with the characteristics as early adopters. This study is expected to be input to the PT Golden Rama Express in determining marketing strategies are needed in the market work is done by integrating the activities of online, offline, and mobile, based on the concept communitization, confirmation, and the clarification, which is equipped with the concept of Crossing the Chasm. Then the marketing tactics is based on the concept of communal activation and conversation, improve Web site content, as well as applying the principle of contextual marketing.

  19. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, Daily, 1987-present, Potential Density Anomaly (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has daily Potential Density Anomaly (sigma-theta) data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...


    This book is designed to serve as a laboratory workbook for an undergraduate course in conservation biology, environmental science, or natural resource management. By integrating with RAMAS EcoLab software, the book provides instructors with hands-on computer exercises that can ...

  1. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, 5-Day, 1997-present, Evaporation Minus Precipitation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has 5-day Evaporation Minus Precipitation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  2. TAO/TRITON, RAMA, and PIRATA Buoys, 5-Day, 2000-present, Net Longwave Radiation (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has 5-day Net Longwave Radiation data from the TAO/TRITON (Pacific Ocean, ), RAMA (Indian Ocean,...

  3. Para un análisis epistemológico y lógico del campo de las Dificultades de Aprendizaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Néstor Leal Ortiz


    Full Text Available Se aborda el tópico de las Dificultades de Aprendizaje (DA, en tanto área de conocimiento y definición, desde dos perspectivas: epistemológica y lógica. La primera, parte de la idea de que la filosofía de la ciencia o epistemología, con sus diferentes ramas, abre la posibilidad de reflexión, análisis y discusión de algunos problemas esenciales, inherentes a la estructura misma del conocimiento científico presente en dicha área, con sus implicaciones para la teoría y la práctica profesional. La segunda perspectiva considerada, centra su interés en el análisis del tipo de definiciones que se han generado en este espacio cognoscitivo. Cierra el texto, un conjunto de planteamientos que destacan las posibles contribuciones que, desde las dos ramas de la filosofía acá referidas, pudiesen hacerse para el desarrollo y la comprensión de este campo de estudio, ubicado dentro de la Educación Especial.

  4. RAMA Methodology for the Calculation of Neutron Fluence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Villescas, G.; Corchon, F.


    he neutron fluence plays an important role in the study of the structural integrity of the reactor vessel after a certain time of neutron irradiation. The NRC defined in the Regulatory Guide 1.190, the way must be estimated neutron fluence, including uncertainty analysis of the validation process (creep uncertainty is ? 20%). TRANSWARE Enterprises Inc. developed a methodology for calculating the neutron flux, 1,190 based guide, known as RAMA. Uncertainty values obtained with this methodology, for about 18 vessels, are less than 10%.

  5. Estudio experimental de la respuesta de la rama de café ante la aplicación de impacto mecánico.

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    García Galeano Eduard Alberto


    Full Text Available En CENICAFÉ se estudió el efecto de la aplicación de impacto mecánico sobre la rama, para lo cual se desarrolló y evaluó un prototipo a nivel de laboratorio que permita aplicar impacto en un punto de la rama para desprender mecánicamente el café. Se sometió la rama a la aplicación de impacto durante 6 segundos, probando distintos puntos, frecuencias y fuerzas de excitación, midiendo con la ayuda de sensores de desplazamiento y aceleración el efecto que el impacto genera sobre la rama. Encontrándose que la excitación por impacto genera un régimen de vibración transitorio y que al restringir el movimiento de una rama en su extremo libre e impactar en un punto medio, se obtiene una mejor transmisión de la vibración y un desprendimiento más efectivo de los frutos a lo largo de esta, alcanzando un desprendimiento del 90 % de los frutos maduros presentes en la rama con porcentajes de frutos verdes en la masa cosechada del 23% y tiempo óptimo de operación recomendado de 2,5 s en promedio para los mejores tratamientos observados. Adicionalmente con la ayuda de una cámara de video, se estudió el movimiento de los frutos cuando fueron sometidos a impacto, observándose los modos pendular y basculante a los cuales se les atribuye el desprendimiento de los frutos maduros, además que la mayor cantidad de frutos se desprenden en los primeros ciclos de aplicación del impacto.

  6. Colgajo de perforantes de la arteria colateral cubital inferior para defectos por quemadura eléctrica en fosa cubital

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    I. González-Alaña


    Full Text Available Las quemaduras eléctricas producen lesiones profundas, especialmente las debidas a la entrada y salida de la corriente y al arco voltaico, que pueden dejar expuestas estructuras nobles y afectar áreas de flexo-extensión, como la fosa antecubital. Los defectos resultantes pueden cubrirse mediante colgajos libres o pediculados de brazo y antebrazo. Entre las distintas opciones quirúrgicas, el colgajo medial del brazo evita la interrupción de los ejes vasculares mayores y la secuela en la zona donante es discreta. Sin embargo, su uso está poco extendido por considerarse un colgajo de difícil disección debido a la variabilidad anatómica de las arterias colaterales cubitales superior e inferior que lo irrigan. Presentamos la cobertura para un defecto secundario a quemadura eléctrica en la fosa antecubital mediante un colgajo medial del brazo basado en las ramas perforantes de la arteria colateral cubital inferior. Aunque confirmamos en este caso la variabilidad vascular, la disección resultó sencilla y el resultado estético y funcional fue excelente.

  7. Estructura y función de la ATP sintasa de las arqueas aeróbicas


    Miranda-Astudillo, Héctor Vicente


    Desde el descubrimiento de las arqueas ha llamado la atención su capacidad para sobrevivir en ambientes difíciles. A través de los años, las arqueas han pasado de ser rarezas extremófilas a ser consideradas organismos de importancia universal que han sido utilizados para elucidar preguntas biológicas fundamentales. La filogenia del dominio Arquea se encuentra en constante cambio y cuenta hasta la fecha con 5 ramas principales: Crenarchaeota, Euryarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota, Korarchaeota y Nanoa...

  8. Medicina regenerativa y células madre. Mecanismos de acción de las células madre adultas


    Hernández Ramírez, Porfirio


    La medicina regenerativa es una rama de la medicina que se ha desarrollado considerablemente en los últimos años. Los avances en este campo se han vinculado estrechamente con los nuevos conocimientos adquiridos sobre las células madre y su capacidad de convertirse en células de diferentes tejidos. Esta medicina se sustenta en conductas adoptadas por el organismo para remplazar por células sanas a las dañadas por diversos procesos en determinados tejidos. Las medidas terapéuticas empleadas pue...

  9. Identificación fitoquímica de las hojas y ramas de la Helietta cubensis Monach-Moldenke, especie endémica de Cuba

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    Sandra del Castillo Ochoa


    Full Text Available Se describe el tamizaje fitoquímico preliminar de las hojas y ramas de la Helietta cubensis Monach -Moldenke, especie endémica cubana que crece en la cima de los mogotes de Pinar del Río. La detección de los metabolitos secundarios se realizó mediante reactivos de identificación específicos para cada familia de compuestos. En ambas partes de la especie se identificaron en alta abundancia flavonoides y lactonas/coumarinas; en baja concentración se detectaron triterpenos/esteroides, lípidos/aceites esenciales, saponinas y carotenos y no la presencia de aminas y alcaloides. Mediante el análisis por cromatografía de capa fina se pudo corroborar los resultados obtenidos en la identificación de alcaloides, flavonoides y coumarinas. En general, los resultados obtenidos fueron homogéneos para ambas partes de la planta, y constituyen el primer reporte de la composición química para esta especie.The preliminary phytochemical screening of the leaves and branches of Helietta cubensis Monach-Moldenke, a Cuban endemic species that grows in the hummocks of Pinar del Río is described. The detection of the secondary metabolites was carried out by reagents of identification that are specific for each family of compounds. A great number of flavonoids and lactones/coumarines was identified in both parts of the species. A low concentration of triterpenes/steroids, lipids/essential oils, saponins and carotenes was observed, whereas amines and alkaloids were not detected. The results obtained in the identification of alkaloids, flavonoids and coumarines were corroborated by thin layer chromatography. In general, the results attained were homogeneous for both parts of the plant and they are the first report about the chemical composition of this species.


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    I Kadek Adi Sumara Putra


    Full Text Available The activities of shopping trips into one of the attractions which is most favorite by domestic tourists. It can be seen from the percentage of domestic tourists who’s doing activity for shopping tour that is equal to 35 percent. The tourism shopping center that are currently being developed and are Frequently visited by domestic tourists is Rama Krishna Oleh-Oleh Khas Bali as a tourism shopping center of handicrafts from Bali with modern nuances. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors influencing the domestic tourists decision who’s doing activities for shopping trips and also determine the dominant factors that influence the domestic tourists decision for shopping trips in Rama Krishna Oleh-Oleh Khas Bali. This research using purposive sampling with distributing questionnaires to 374 respondents who traveled shopping at Rama Krishna Oleh-Oleh Khas Bali. The data were collection by observation, questionnaire interview, and library research. This research is being tested first for its validity and reliability before being by factor analysis. The results of this research showed that 18 variables were identified, 15 variables were selected into the three factors that influence the domestic tourists decision for shopping trips. Those factors consist of psychological factors with eigenvalue of 5.587, situational factors with eigenvalue of 1.594, and external factors with eigenvalue of 1.117. From the result of analysis factors well known that the most dominant factor were influencing domestic tourists decision for shopping trips in Rama Krishna Oleh-Oleh Khas Bali is a psychological factor because it has the highest eigenvalue of all factors that have been formed. The variables included in the psychological factors are: motivation, personality, learning, attitudes, and perceptions.



    Ana María Mesa Elneser


    El presente artículo da cuenta de la regulación en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano sobre el funcionamiento de la rama judicial por medios electrónicos como una forma de hacer efectivo el cumplimiento de principios procesales como la gratuidad, garantismo y agilidad en la búsqueda efectiva del funcionamiento del aparato judicial. La necesidad de avance tecnológico informático al servicio de la rama judicial no ha sido soportado desde una política de gobierno generadora de proyectos e inver...

  12. Inteligencia emocional, calidad de las relaciones interpersonales y empatía en estudiantes universitarios

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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar las conexiones entre inteligencia emocional, evaluada con medidas de auto-informe y de habilidad, la calidad de las relaciones interpersonales y la empatía en estudiantes universitarios. Además, se examinó la contribución de la inteligencia emocional como predictor de estas dimensiones. Ciento ochenta y cuatro estudiantes universitarios españoles completaron una batería de cuestionarios que incluía la versión española del Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24 (una escala auto-informada de inteligencia emocional, la rama de manejo emocional del MSCEIT (una subescala de una medida de habilidad de inteligencia emocional, el inventario de redes sociales (un inventario de la calidad de las relaciones interpersonales y el índice de reactividad interpersonal (un cuestionario de empatía. Para comprobar las hipótesis, se llevaron a cabo una serie de análisis de correlación y de regresión múltiple. Los resultados mostraron asociaciones significativas entre diferentes aspectos de la inteligencia emocional y las dimensiones de relaciones interpersonales y empatía. Por otra parte, los análisis de regresión múltiple mostraron que la rama de manejo emocional del MSCEIT mostraba mayores asociaciones con diferentes dimensiones de las relaciones interpersonales (intimidad, afecto y antagonismo, pero sólo con una dimensión de empatía (implicación empática. En cambio, las subescalas del TMMS mostraron mayor asociación con diferentes subescalas de empatía (toma de perspectiva, implicación empática y malestar personal, pero sólo con una de las dimensiones de relaciones interpersonales (antagonismo. Los hallazgos son discutidos a partir de la existencia de diferentes conceptualizaciones teóricas y medidas de la inteligencia emocional dentro de este reciente campo de investigación.

  13. ANASTOMOSIS ENTRE LA RAMA PROFUNDA DEL NERVIO CUBITAL Y EL NERVIO MEDIANO EN LA MANO. Anastomosis between the deep branch of the ulnar nerve and the median nerve in the hand

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    Luis E Criado del Río


    Full Text Available Introducción: La anastomosis de Riche-Cannieu (ARC es una variación anatómica formada entre la rama tenar del nervio mediano (NM y la rama profunda del nervio cubital (NC. Debido a la importancia clínica y electromiográfica su descripción anatómica es de gran interés, ya que debido a esta variación anatómica existen distintas formas de inervación motora a nivel de la mano. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizaron disecciones cadavéricas en 38 manos (19 cadáveres de ambos sexos formolizados en solución al 5 %, de entre 50 y 70 años de edad. Se utilizó instrumental y técnicas convencionales de disección. Resultados: En la rama profunda del NC no se evidenciaron variaciones y finalizaba su recorrido en el músculo aductor del pulgar. En el 86,84%  de los casos emerge una rama que se anastomosa con el NM de diferentes formas. Esta rama anastomótica, en el 50% de las manos, era una arcada nerviosa de considerable calibre entre el NC y NM, que daba ramas motoras a los músculos de la eminencia tenar. Discusión: El conocimiento de esta anastomosis es muy importante ya que, en casos de lesión del nervio mediano o cubital, puede causar confusión clínica, quirúrgica y en los hallazgos electromiográficos. Debido a su alta frecuencia fue considerada un rasgo anatómico normal. Introduction: The Riche-Cannieu anastomosis (RCA is an anatomic variation formed between the thenar branch of the median nerve and the deep branch of the ulnar nerve. Its anatomical description is of great interest because of its clinical and electromyographic relevance. Due to the RCA, there are various types of hand motor innervation. Materials and Methods: Thirty eight hands from 19 corpses (formolized in a 5% solution whose ages ranged from 50 to 70 years old were dissected. Conventional instruments and techn-iques were used. Results: The pathway of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve did not show variations and ended at the adductor pollicis muscle. In 86


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    E. Montes de Oca-Cano


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue ajustar ecuaciones lineales y no lineales para estimar biomasa por componente de hojas, ramas, fuste y total, para árboles con edades entre tres y diez años, en la región de El Salto, Dgo. Los resultados indican que las ecuaciones se ajustan mejor a nivel individual, el componente total muestra los mejores estadísticos de ajuste, mientras que las mayores variaciones se detectan en las ramas y en el fuste. Adicionalmente se analizan porcentajes de biomasa por componente donde se observa que el fuste aporta 46.9 % de la biomasa, las hojas 35.6 % y las ramas solamente 17.3 % de la biomasa total. Así mismo, dentro del rango de edad analizado, la biomasa en el fuste aumenta anualmente 2.96 %; la biomasa en las hojas disminuye 3.13 % y la biomasa en las ramas aumenta 0.17 %.

  15. Tratamiento conservador de las fracturas del cóndilo: Evaluación radiológica y clínica Conservative treatment of condyle fractures: Radiological and clinical evaluation

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    A. Wassouf


    Full Text Available Las ventajas del tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas del proceso condilar hasta la fecha han despertado controversia en la literatura. El tratamiento conservador es el método de elección en nuestra clínica, por lo tanto, el propósito de este estudio es evaluar los resultados obtenidos en un grupo de nuestros pacientes, seleccionados y aleatorizados, que recibieron un tratamiento conservador de fracturas del proceso condilar. Se evaluaron las intervenciones terapéuticas entre 1997 y 2000 en 30 pacientes (18 varones, 12 mujeres, edad media de 25 años con fracturas del cóndilo y un tiempo de seguimiento medio de 12 meses. Se incluyó un total de 35 fracturas del cóndilo en este estudio. El tratamiento utilizado fue la fijación maxilomandibular (FMM, que se aplicó durante 2 semanas en las fracturas unilaterales y durante 3 a 4 semanas en las fracturas bilaterales. Se realizó una evaluación radiológica inicial del ángulo del proceso condilar fracturado y del acortamiento de la rama ascendente. Se evaluaron las exploraciones clínicas y radiológicas a intervalos regulares (6 semanas y 3, 6 y 12 meses. Cinco pacientes presentaron fracturas bilaterales; todos con luxación anterior. En el grupo de las fracturas unilaterales, 12 pacientes presentaron luxación anterior (valor medio 23° en la radiografía panorámica. Trece pacientes presentaron luxación posterior (valor medio 10°. En la proyección posteroanterior se observó la luxación medial en 12 fracturas (valor medio 14° y luxación lateral en 4 fracturas (valor medio 6°. El acortamiento de la rama ascendente alcanzó un valor medio de 5,40 mm. Se logró una funcionalidad y movilidad satisfactorias en todos los pacientes tratados. Las secuelas postraumáticas fueron el chasquido de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM (5 de 29, la desviación de la boca al abrirse (14 de 27, la reducción de los movimientos laterales y de la protrusión (15 de 29 y finalmente un rango

  16. Metalogénesis de la veta Farallón Negro rama norte, Farallón Negro, provincia de Catamarca


    Martínez, Facundo; Fogliata, Ana; Montenegro, Nicolás; Hagemann, Steffen


    La veta Farallón Negro Rama Norte forma parte del yacimiento Farallón Negro ubicado en Hualfín, Departamento Belén, Catamarca. Este yacimiento se encuentra dentro del Complejo Volcánico Farallón Negro de edad terciaria, que constituye la roca de caja de un sistema de vetas rico en oro. La veta Farallón Negro Rama Norte tiene rumbo general N40°O e inclinación de 65° NE, tiene una corrida de 600 m, y se extiende desde la superficie hasta unos 400 m en profundidad. La roca de caja es una monzoni...


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    Jixy Martínez Galiano


    Full Text Available La presente investigación responde a la necesidad de continuar trabajando en función de educar la sexualidad de la población en general, y en especial, de las personas que presentan algún tipo de necesidad educativa especial, y fundamentalmente, a los que la presencia de factores discapacitantes le impiden recibir la información con una claridad que les permita ser responsables ante sus actos en todos los sentidos de la vida. La existencia de personas con sordera es un motivo importante para que especialistas de diversas ramas profundicen en las vías más efectivas para llevarles la información más acabada acerca de la educación de la sexualidad, por lo que se proponen una serie de talleres relacionados con diversos elementos que permitan una mejor comprensión de las principales problemáticas que están relacionadas con la posible adquisición de enfermedades que pueden ser evitadas a partir de su conocimiento y de las mejores maneras de prácticas de sexo seguro que promueva felicidad y responsabilidad. La valoración de los talleres en lengua de señas cubanas posibilitó comprobar que las temáticas propuestas son efectivas y los resultados alcanzados demuestran las posibilidades de esta población de apropiarse adecuadamente de las formas más adecuadas de comportarse en la vida sexual.

  18. Initial results with the Berkeley on-line mass separator-RAMA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cerny, J.; Moltz, D.M.; Evans, H.C.; Vieira, D.J.; Parry, R.F.; Wouters, J.M.; Gough, R.A.; Zisman, M.S.


    Initial performance is described for a reasonably fast and universal (having little or no chemical selectivity) on-line mass analysis system used to expand capabilities in studying nuclei far from stability. The system is termed RAMA, an acronym for Recoil Atom Mass Analyzer. Basically, this system utilizes the helium-jet method to transport activity to a Sidenius hollow-cathode ion source which is coupled to a mass spectrometer. Initial experiments and planned improvements are discussed. Transport efficiencies of between 10 and 60 percent have routinely been achieved, though the latter is much more typical when conditions are optimized

  19. Los empresarios molineros argentinos ante los límites de las exportaciones harineras a principios de siglo XX

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    Full Text Available Hacia 1890, la rama harinera experimenta en Argentina su primera crisis de sobreproducción. Ante el inevitable proceso de centralización de capital, las exportaciones aparecían para los empresarios harineros como una, sino la única, alternativa para superar sus problemas. Aunque en ciertos momentos se logra colocar harina en Brasil, las décadas siguientes a la crisis se caracterizan porque no se cumplen las expectativas por copar el mercado del país vecino. Las cámaras empresariales y el Ministerio de Agricultura buscaron explicaciones a la falta de competitividad internacional. Como consideraban que la rama harinera tenía “ventajas naturales”, la mayor parte de las respuestas al porqué de sus dificultades apuntaba a supuestas causas externas a su accionar, fruto de distorsiones políticas o monopólicas. En este artículo, analizamos una a una estas explicaciones y las contrastamos con información empírica de diferentes fuentes primarias. De esta forma, mostramos que los argumentos empresariales, antes que responder a causas, reales eran intentos por recibir apoyo estatal. Los problemas de la rama aparecen como el resultado del progresivo achicamiento del comercio exterior de harina y de la debilidad de la producción harinera argentina en el contexto internacional más a que a una artificial imposibilidad de competir como planteaban los empresarios en la época. Abstract Around 1890, the wheat flour industry in Argentina experienced its first overproduction crisis. For the wheat flour businessman, exports were one, if not the only, alternative to avoid the inevitable capital centralization process. Even in some periods they could sell some flour to Brazil, the following decades the expectations of an expanding new market were not realized. The commercial chambers and the Agriculture Ministry tried different explanations to this lack of international competitiveness. As they thought the wheat flour branch in Argentina has

  20. Ipsilateral Medial and Lateral Discoid Meniscus with Medial Meniscus Tear


    Shimozaki, Kengo; Nakase, Junsuke; Ohashi, Yoshinori; Numata, Hitoaki; Oshima, Takeshi; Takata, Yasushi; Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki


    Introduction: Discoid meniscus is a well-documented knee pathology, and there are many cases of medial or lateral discoid meniscus reported in the literature. However, ipsilateral concurrent medial and lateral discoid meniscus is very rare, and only a few cases have been reported. Herein, we report a case of concurrent medial and lateral discoid meniscus. Case Report: A 27-year-old Japanese man complained of pain on medial joint space in his right knee that was diagnosed as a complete medial ...

  1. Atraumatic medial collateral ligament oedema in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergin, D.; Keogh, C.; O'Connell, M.; Zoga, A.; Rowe, D.; Shah, B.; Eustace, S.


    Objective: To describe and determine the prevalence of atraumatic medial collateral oedema identified in patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis. Design and patients: Sixty patients, 30 patients with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis (Kellgren and Lawrence grade 2 to 4) and 30 age-matched patients with atraumatic knee pain without osteoarthritis, referred for MR imaging over a 2 year period were included in the study. In each case, severity of osteoarthritis was recorded on radiographs and correlated with the presence or absence of medial collateral ligament oedema at MR imaging. Results: Medial collateral oedema was identified in 27 of the 30 patients with osteoarthritis, of whom 14 had grade 1 oedema and 13 had grade 2 oedema compared with the presence of medial collateral ligament oedema (grade 1) in only two of the 30 control patients without osteoarthritis (P<<0.0001). Conclusion: Medial collateral oedema is common in patients with osteoarthritis in the absence of trauma. When identified, medial collateral ligament oedema should be considered to be a feature of osteoarthritis and should not be incorrectly attributed to an acute traumatic injury. (orig.)

  2. La arteriografía selectiva de las ramas de la aorta abdominal

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    Jorge Salazar S.


    Full Text Available Es unánime el consenso acerca de la dificultad que implica llegar al diagnóstico de enfermedades de los aparatos digestivo y urinario. Si bien es cierto que el empleo de la radiografía, especialmente desde la introducción de las técnicas de contraste, significó un gran avance, no es menos evidente que su mayor importancia actual radica en el hecho de ser punto de partida para el descubrimiento de nuevos y cada día más precisos métodos de diagnóstico, que sin embargo tienen sus limitaciones, contraindicaciones, complicaciones y riesgos.

  3. Diseño curricular para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje acelerado del español como lengua extranjera en las ciencias biomédicas


    Herrera Santana, Diana Josefa


    El prestigio alcanzado por la medicina cubana ha suscitado un gran incremento en la matrícula de estudiantes extranjeros que vienen a Cuba a cursar estudios en las ciencias biomédicas, tanto en el pregrado como en el postgrado. Antes tales demandas, el Ministerio de Salud Pública, en el año 1996, asumió la preparación idiomática en idioma español de los estudiantes extranjeros que decidían estudiar en Cuba alguna de las ramas de las ciencias biomédicas. En el presente informe se exponen los p...

  4. Análisis geoespacial de las elecciones presidenciales en México, 2012

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    Vladimir Hernández-Hernández


    Full Text Available La geografía electoral, en tanto rama de la geografía política, brinda la oportunidad de explicar las preferencias de voto en función de la organización territorial, esto es, de los lugares en que ocurren las elecciones. Los estudios electorales con un enfoque geográfico suponen que las preferencias políticas individuales que se dan un sitio no son independientes entre sí, sino que, por el contrario, están correlacionadas· Este artículo aborda la existencia de una geografía del voto Presidencial en las elecciones de 2012 en México. Luego de revisar la literatura y argumentar el uso del análisis exploratorio de datos espaciales, se propone el empleo de índices de autocorrelación espacial para el estudio de dichas elecciones. El esquema propuesto, que da cuenta de la polarización política territorial en México, permite valorar el poder explicativo del espacio geográfico en los procesos electorales.

  5. Medial tibial “spackling” to lessen chronic medial tibial soft tissue irritation

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    J. Ryan Martin, MD


    Full Text Available We describe a unique, utilitarian reconstructive treatment option known as tibial “spackling” for chronic, localized medial joint line pain corresponding with progressive radiographic peripheral medial tibial bone loss beneath a well-fixed revision total knee arthroplasty tibial baseplate. It is believed that this localized pain is due to chronic irritation of the medial capsule and collateral ligament from the prominent medial edge of the tibial component. In the setting of failed nonoperative treatment, our experience with utilizing bone cement to reconstruct the medial tibial bone defect and create a smooth medial tibial surface has been successful in eliminating chronic medial soft tissue irritation.

  6. Casino Rama hits the jackpot with energy-efficient lighting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A lighting retrofit program was conducted by Casino Rama in an effort to improve quality while reducing costs and environmental impacts. Casino Rama, Ontario's only commercial First Nation's casino, was opened in July 1996. With over 25,000 bulbs in use, the facility had a lot to gain by reducing energy costs. Toronto Hydro (TH) Energy Services evaluated the facility's current usage level and recommended ways to increase energy efficiency. The casino used mostly incandescent and fluorescent lights which provided adequate light, but which required a great deal of upkeep. The operators wanted to relamp the lighting package that consumed the most electricity with high-efficiency lighting systems that would maintain a consistent look with that of the warm-glow provided by incandescent light bulbs. In order to benefit from energy savings, an efficient, non-invasive system was needed with minimal construction costs to retrofit the lighting system. TH Energy concluded that high-quality, longer-lasting lamps were required. TCP Inc. provided energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) that have an average life of 10,000 hours and use a quarter of the energy of standard incandescent bulbs, resulting in increased energy savings, lower utility costs and greenhouse gas reduction. The retrofit involved the replacement of more than 5,000 bulbs with over 4,000 CFLs being installed on the 3 massive canopies over the casino entrance. Long-life LED products lasting up to 50,000 hours were also used for the glass elevator shaft, which minimized maintenance costs. Cold-cathode lamps that last an average 25,000 hours were recommended for rapid cycle applications such as signage. The relamping process was completed in 7 working days with minimal disruption to business activity. The casino has saved $200,000 from its annual hydro bill and has freed up valuable manpower for other maintenance-related tasks. The relamping is reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 7 to 8

  7. Casino Rama hits the jackpot with energy-efficient lighting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A lighting retrofit program was conducted by Casino Rama in an effort to improve quality while reducing costs and environmental impacts. Casino Rama, Ontario's only commercial First Nation's casino, was opened in July 1996. With over 25,000 bulbs in use, the facility had a lot to gain by reducing energy costs. Toronto Hydro (TH) Energy Services evaluated the facility's current usage level and recommended ways to increase energy efficiency. The casino used mostly incandescent and fluorescent lights which provided adequate light, but which required a great deal of upkeep. The operators wanted to relamp the lighting package that consumed the most electricity with high-efficiency lighting systems that would maintain a consistent look with that of the warm-glow provided by incandescent light bulbs. In order to benefit from energy savings, an efficient, non-invasive system was needed with minimal construction costs to retrofit the lighting system. TH Energy concluded that high-quality, longer-lasting lamps were required. TCP Inc. provided energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) that have an average life of 10,000 hours and use a quarter of the energy of standard incandescent bulbs, resulting in increased energy savings, lower utility costs and greenhouse gas reduction. The retrofit involved the replacement of more than 5,000 bulbs with over 4,000 CFLs being installed on the 3 massive canopies over the casino entrance. Long-life LED products lasting up to 50,000 hours were also used for the glass elevator shaft, which minimized maintenance costs. Cold-cathode lamps that last an average 25,000 hours were recommended for rapid cycle applications such as signage. The relamping process was completed in 7 working days with minimal disruption to business activity. The casino has saved $200,000 from its annual hydro bill and has freed up valuable manpower for other maintenance-related tasks. The relamping is reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 7 to 8 per cent, based

  8. Complex Medial Meniscus Tears Are Associated With a Biconcave Medial Tibial Plateau. (United States)

    Barber, F Alan; Getelman, Mark H; Berry, Kathy L


    To determine whether an association exists between a biconcave medial tibial plateau and complex medial meniscus tears. A consecutive series of stable knees undergoing arthroscopy were evaluated retrospectively with the use of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radiographs, and arthroscopy documented by intraoperative videos. Investigators independently performed blinded reviews of the MRI or videos. Based on the arthroscopy findings, medial tibial plateaus were classified as either biconcave or not biconcave. A transverse coronal plane ridge, separating the front of the tibial plateau from the back near the inner margin of the posterior body of the medial meniscus, was defined as biconcave. The medial plateau slope was calculated with MRI sagittal views. General demographic information, body mass index, and arthroscopically confirmed knee pathology were recorded. A total of 179 consecutive knees were studied from July 2014 through August 2015; 49 (27.2%) biconcave medial tibial plateaus and 130 (72.8%) controls were identified at arthroscopy. Complex medial meniscus tears were found in 103. Patients with a biconcave medial tibial plateau were found to have more complex medial meniscus tears (69.4%) than those without a biconcavity (53.1%) (P = .049) despite having lower body mass index (P = .020). No difference in medial tibial plateau slope was observed for biconcavities involving both cartilage and bone, bone only, or an indeterminate group (P = .47). Biconcave medial tibial plateaus were present in 27.4% of a consecutive series of patients undergoing knee arthroscopy. A biconcave medial tibial plateau was more frequently associated with a complex medial meniscus tear. Level III, case-control study. Copyright © 2016 Arthroscopy Association of North America. All rights reserved.

  9. Ceba a corral de vaquillas con ramas de eucaliptus, henos, grano de maíz y harina de girasol

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    A. E. Fernández


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se diseñó para evaluar dietas ante sequías, inundaciones u otras emergencias, se estudió la respuesta productiva y económica de doce vaquillas Angus en crecimiento, encerradas en un corral. Se establecieron tres tratamientos con dos repeticiones, bajo un diseño completamente aleatorizado y se replicaron en dos etapas: la primera, en el verano de 2007 y la segunda en el invierno de 2008. Las dietas estuvieron compuestas por: ramas de eucaliptus frescas (re a voluntad, heno de mijo (hm (1ª. etapa y de centeno (hc (2ª. etapa y un concentrado energético-proteico (c similar en ambas etapas y común a los tres tratamientos, compuesto por 1.6 kg ms grano de maíz (seco y molido cabeza.-1 día-1 y 0.9 kg ms harina de girasol, cabeza-1 día-1. T1: C + hm o hc a voluntad; T2: C + 3.5 kg tal cual de hm o hc + re a voluntad; T3: C + re a voluntad. La primera y segunda etapas duraron 61 y 62 días, respectivamente. Se midieron: el consumo de ms eucaliptus y henos (cms, eficiencia de conversión (efc, ganancias diarias de peso (gdp y el costo de producción de cada tratamiento (cp. Las efc, medios, fueron 7.98, 9.04 y 12.51 kg alimentos kg producido-1 y las gdp (verano fueron: 1.01, 0.83 y 0.53 e (invierno fueron: 0.95, 0.68 y 0.51 kg cab-1 día-1, respectivamente. Mientras que los cp, medios, fueron $0.79, 0.68 y 0.51 dólares/kilo producido-1, respectivamente. La inclusión de RE puede ser una alternativa posible ante emergencias climáticas.

  10. Estructura y función de la ATP sintasa de las arqueas aeróbicas

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    Héctor Vicente Miranda-Astudillo


    Full Text Available Desde el descubrimiento de las arqueas ha llamado la atención su capacidad para sobrevivir en ambientes difíciles. A través de los años, las arqueas han pasado de ser rarezas extremófilas a ser consideradas organismos de importancia universal que han sido utilizados para elucidar preguntas biológicas fundamentales. La filogenia del dominio Arquea se encuentra en constante cambio y cuenta hasta la fecha con 5 ramas principales: Crenarchaeota, Euryarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota, Korarchaeota y Nanoarchaeota. En el presente trabajo se enlistan las principales características estructurales de los complejos respiratorios de los géneros de arqueas aeróbicas más estudiados. Se presenta una comparación morfológica de la ATP sintasa de estos organismos con el resto de la familia de las ATPasas rotatorias (F- y V-ATPasas; así como un análisis topológico de este complejo enzimático (A1Ao-ATP sintasa tomando como base la función de cada una de las subunidades que lo conforman.

  11. Empleo y economías de aglomeración: el caso de la industria de la carne, productos lácteos y conservas alimenticias, 1988-2003

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    Rogelio Varela Llamas


    Mínimos Cuadrados Generalizados, se obtienen resultados que sugieren que las economías externas derivadas de la especialización y diversidad productiva no afectan positivamente al empleo; con excepción de la industria de conservas alimenticias. Asimismo, se determina que el empleo en el resto de las ramas del subsector 31 presenta un efecto positivo y significativo sobre cada una de las tres ramas estudiadas.

  12. la influencia de la felicidad en las decisiones de inversión de activos de largo plazo para una muestra de siete gerentes financieros en la ciudad de Bogotá en el año 2016.


    Poveda Achury, Juan Camilo


    El presente artículo contribuye con la investigación de las Finanzas Corporativas del Comportamiento, rama de las finanzas corporativas que considera que el individuo que toma decisiones financieras no es completamente racional y que por hecho existen sesgos psicológicos que influyen en sus decisiones. Este documento se enfoca, desde el punto de vista conceptual y también mediante el análisis de un estudio de campo, en la influencia de la felicidad en las decisiones de inversión en activos de...

  13. Corrupción en la Rama Judicial: una reflexión

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    Horacio Escobar Luque


    Full Text Available ResumenUno de los más dañinos flagelos que azotan nuestrassociedades es la corrupción vista desde diversos ángulosy acciones. Vargas ( solo ve al Poder Judicial como objetode la corrupción, como ente corruptible, mas no comouna institución encargada precisamente de controlar lacorrupción. La única forma eficaz de superar los problemasendémicos de corrupción en nuestros sistemas judicialeses afrontar derechamente las profundas disfuncionesque estos manifiestan que constituyen las reales causasde los serios problemas de corrupción que los aquejan.Klitgaard ( formaliza el fenómeno de la corrupción dela siguiente manera: Corrupción = poder monopólico +arbitrio – responsabilidad. Villoria ( manifiesta que haycasos en que la judicatura no es un obstáculo contra la corrupción,sino un elemento esencial en su reproducción ydesarrollo, siendo un ejemplo de corrupción que contribuyea la deslegitimación del sistema político y corroe loscimientos de la gobernabilidad. Si se analizan, entonces,los problemas de los sistemas judiciales, con el objetivode buscar soluciones a sus altos niveles de corrupción administrativa,nos encontraríamos con: una organizaciónineficaz, la precariedad del empleo, desprecio de la ley,amiguismo, delegaciones, abogados corruptores, silencioy jerarquía judicial cooptada.Palabras clave: Corrupción, Rama Judicial, Monopolio,Amiguismo. AbstractOne of the most damaging scourges afflicting oursocieties corruption is viewed from different angles andactions. Vargas ( only sees the judiciary as an object ofcorruption as corruptible body, not as an institution toprecisely control corruption. The only effective way toovercome the endemic problems of corruption in ourjudicial system is straight addressing the root dysfunctionsthey say they are the real causes of serious corruptionproblems that afflict them. Klitgaard ( formalizesthe phenomenon of corruption as follows: Corruption =monopoly power + discretion

  14. Guías para el tratamiento de las parasitos intestinales frecuentes en Colombia

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    David Botero R.


    Full Text Available Si bien es cierto que no existe droga ideal en ninguna de las ramas de la medicina es necesario destacar que en los últimos años se han obtenido importantes avances en el tratamiento de las parasitosis intestinales (1,2. Es así como hoy se cuenta con antiparasitarios de dosis única, altos grados de efectividad y muy buena tolerancia. Para no citar sino un ejemplo, recordemos cómo los tricocéfalos, hasta hace poco tiempo de difícil tratamiento. hoy pueden ser controlados eficazmente con solo una dosis de medicamento. Tan importantes avances facilitan indudablemente los tratamientos antihelmínticos comunitarios como medida de salud pública. y se convierten en herramienta valiosísima en cualquier plan encaminado a mejorar efectivamente la salud de la comunidad (3.

  15. Outside-In Deep Medial Collateral Ligament Release During Arthroscopic Medial Meniscus Surgery. (United States)

    Todor, Adrian; Caterev, Sergiu; Nistor, Dan Viorel


    Arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy is a very common orthopaedic procedure performed for symptomatic, irreparable meniscus tears. It is usually associated with a very good outcome and minimal complications. In some patients with tight medial compartment, the posterior horn of the medial meniscus can be difficult to visualize, and access in this area with instruments may be challenging. To increase the opening of the medial compartment, after valgus-extension stress position of the knee, different techniques of deep medial collateral ligament release have been described. The outside-in pie-crusting technique shown in this technical note has documented effectiveness and good outcomes with minimal or no morbidity.

  16. Medial Canthoplasty Combined with Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy for the Treatment of Delayed Medial Telecanthal Deformity

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    Hua Sun


    Conclusions: Medial canthoplasty combined with CDCR is an effective surgical method for treatment of patients with medial telecanthal deformity and lacrimal drainage system obstruction. The study indicates that medial canthoplasty combined with CDCR surgery rebuilds normal appearance of eyelid and contour of the medial canthus and successfully repairs the function of the lacrimal drainage system.

  17. Caracterización De Algunos Rasgos Psicosociales En Las Personas Con Discapacidad Física De Ibarra Miembros Del Conadis


    Reyes, Líder


    Con ésta investigación se pretende concientizar a la sociedad, sobre un importante grupo de seres humanos, que por circunstancias fortuitas, en la mayoría de casos, presentan lo que se denomina por parte de las Instituciones de la rama, como personas con discapacidad física. Son ochenta personas que presentan distintas discapacidades físicas, que viven en la ciudad de Ibarra, los mismos que se agrupan y se afilian al CONADIS, que es el Consejo Nacional de Discapacidades del Ecuador. Por ot...

  18. Presentación de las V Jornadas del Instituto de Inmunología Clínica

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    Guillermo Terán-Ángel


    Full Text Available La "V Jornada Científica del Instituto de Inmunología Clínica de la Universidad de los Andes" es un evento que se realiza en e l marco de la celebración de nuestro vigésimo aniversario de creación. En estas Jornadas se realizan actividades académicas de actualización (conferencias, presentación de trabajos libres, cursos y talleres prejornadas en el área de la inmunología y en general de las diferentes ramas de la biomedicina. Como eventos previos a las Jornadas se realizan dos cursos, el primero de clonación y producción de proteínas recombinantes seguido de un curso de inmunodiagnóstico . También se realiza un taller de manejo de infecciones recurrentes

  19. El régimen jurídico de las aguas para usos agrícolas: aguas subterráneas

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    Fernando Brebbia


    Full Text Available Como ha señalado el profesor Adolfo Gelsi Bidart la relación entre tierra yagua es alguno de los aspectos que el derecho agrario debe tener en cuenta y ello importa establecer si la regulación de las aguas compete al derecho agrario, constituye una disciplina autónoma, o bien si su estudio corresponde a diversas ramas del derecho cada una de las cuales debe ocuparse de examinar determinados aspectos, o mejor, de distintas formas de su uso y aprovechamientol (...Contenido: Derecho agrario y derecho de aguas. Algunos datos estadísticos acerca del agua. Los usos del agua. Aguas públicas y aguas privadas. La utilización del agua para la agricultura. El tratamiento legal de las aguas para la agricultura en los países del Mercosur: Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay. Evolución legislativa del régimen de las aguas subterráneas en el derecho agrario comparado. Modernas tendencias sobre el dominio de las aguas subterráneas. Las leyes de aguas de España e Italia


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    Enrique Robert Ojeda


    Full Text Available Las inestabilidades producidas sobre la organización de la energía fósil son de orden global, sobre todo los factores geopolíticos, socioeconómicos, tecnológicos y ambientales de las sociedades contemporáneas industrializadas y emergentes, los cuales provocaran reajustes en los procesos productivos de la organización en grados diversos y dependerá de la adaptación social empresarial y de las  respuestas al cambio, dadas las transformaciones necesarias en su anatomía estratégica para responder y adaptarse a los cambios de los entornos, adaptando su interioridad sistémica para vincularse con las inestabilidades y desequilibrios dentro de una significativa complejidad social que va mucho más allá del “orden totalitario” o el “orden de lo sagrado”. Por ello, la dirección tradicional de determinados sistemas organizacionales, lleva a considerar la incertidumbre de manera binaria, debatiendo entre un mundo cierto, abierto al determinismo de las previsiones precisas sobre el futuro y otro donde es casi imposible realizar una previsión, abriendo paso al camino de las probabilidades, que implicaría apropiarse de un elemento de categoría estratégica cuando se asume un escenario de incertidumbres frente a las oportunidades geoestratégicas y globales, a pesar de las sorpresas que siempre existirán como producto del azar. Estamos entonces, dentro de una complejidad ambiental, y de allí la necesidad de que las organizaciones empresariales  busquen relaciones sinérgicas entre las funciones y las ramas de la  actividad, resultantes de fusiones, reorganizaciones y asociaciones estratégicas con empresas públicas y privadas de otros países, a medida que la globalización avanza. Solo las organizaciones ágiles y adaptables prosperarán en un futuro previsible de “aguas agitadas” y de eventos caóticos.

  1. Advances in the helium-jet coupled on-line mass seperator RAMA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moltz, D.M.; Aeystoe, J.; Cable, M.D.; Parry, R.F.; Haustein, P.E.; Wouters, J.M.; Cerny, J.; California Univ., Berkeley


    General improvements to the on-line mass separator RAMA have yielded a greater reliability and efficiency for some elements. A new utilitarian helium-jet chamber has been installed to facilitate quick target and degrader foil changes in addition to a new ion source holder. A higher efficiency hollow-cathode, cathode-extraction ion source for lower melting point elements ( 0 C) has also been designed. Tests with the beta-delayed proton emitter 37 Ca showed a factor of five increase in yield over the old hollow-cathode, anode-extraction source. A differentially-pumped tape drive system compatible with both γ-γ and β-γ experiments has been incorporated into the general detection system. All major operating parameters will soon be monitored by a complete stand-alone microprocessor system which will eventually be upgraded to a closed-loop control system. (orig.)

  2. Advances in the helium-jet coupled on-line mass separator RAMA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moltz, D.M.; Aysto, J.; Cable, M.D.; Parry, R.F.; Haustein, P.E.; Wouters, J.M.; Cerny, J.


    General improvements to the on-line mass separator RAMA (Recoil Atom Mass Analyzer) have yielded a greater reliability and efficiency for some elements. A new utilitarian helium-jet chamber has been installed to facilitate quick target and degrader foil changes in addition to a new ion source holder. A higher efficiency hollow-cathode, cathode-extraction ion source, for lower melting point elements ( 0 C) has also been designed. Tests with the beta-delayed proton emitter 37 Ca showed a factor of five increase in yield over the old hollow-cathode, anode-extraction source. A differentially-pumped-tape drive system compatible with both γ-γ and β-γ experiments has been incorporated into the general detection system. All major operating parameters will soon be monitored by a complete stand-alone microprocessor system which will eventually be upgraded to a closed-loop control system

  3. Evaluación de la capacidad de reproducción vegetativa de variedades de morera (Morus alba L.

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    G Martín

    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la variedad y de la parte de la rama en la brotación foliar y radicular de los propágulos, se estudiaron cinco variedades de morera (tigreada, yu-12, yu-62, murcia y universidad. Las ramas se dividieron en tres partes (basal, media y apical, lo que originó un total de 15 tratamientos. Se evaluó la cantidad y el porcentaje de propágulos brotados y arraigados, el número de ramas, el número de hojas y el peso de las raíces. Yu-12 y tigreada tuvieron la mayor brotación (100 y 98 %, respectivamente. Sin embargo, tigreada se destacó en el arraigamiento (70 % del total de esquejes plantados y el peso de las raíces (2,67 g, en lo que difirió significativamente (p < 0,05 del resto de las variedades. Además, al utilizar la parte basal y la media se obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de brotación (93 y 90 %, respectivamente. La interacción de la variedad y la parte de la rama fue significativa; los mejores resultados se obtuvieron en la tigreada parte basal, en cuanto al número de ramas y de hojas. Tigreada mostró el mejor comportamiento morfoagronómico durante el periodo experimental; mientras que yu-12, yu-62, universidad y murcia no respondieron eficientemente a la reproducción a partir de propágulos. La parte basal y la media fueron determinantes en la brotación foliar y radicular y en el peso de las raíces. Se recomienda repetir estos experimentos en vivero, en diferentes meses del año, y utilizar productos que estimulen el enraizamiento de los propágulos.

  4. Aprendiendo de las consecuencias de los actos: estudio electrofisiológico del hipocampo, corteza prefrontal y núcleo accumbens


    Jurado Parras, María Teresa


    Programa de Doctorado en Neurociencias La presente Tesis Doctoral se ha centrado en el estudio del papel del hipocampo, la corteza prefrontal medial y el núcleo accumbens en la adquisición del condicionamiento instrumental, del aprendizaje por observación y de la ejecución de tareas instrumentales. Además, se ha estudiado la participación de las sinapsis CA3 ¿ CA1, CA1 ¿ corteza prefrontal medial, corteza prefrontal medial ¿ núcleo accumbens y núcleo accumbens ¿ corteza prefrontal medial e...

  5. The relationship between chondromalacia patella, medial meniscal tear and medial periarticular bursitis in patients with osteoarthritis

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    Resorlu Mustafa


    Full Text Available This study investigated the presence of bursitis in the medial compartment of the knee (pes anserine, semimembranosus-tibial collateral ligament, and medial collateral ligament bursa in osteoarthritis, chondromalacia patella and medial meniscal tears.

  6. Córdoba ¿capital nacional de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación o paraíso fiscal y de mano de obra calificada barata?

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    Natalia Berti


    Full Text Available El discurso del gobierno de la provincia de Córdoba apuesta a una ciudad de las tecnologías. El modelo elegido privilegia el lugar de las empresas de software y los call centers, especialmente aquellos liderados por capitales extranjeros. A los fines de presentar algunos interrogantes sobre las políticas de promoción industrial, se tomarán como punto de partida los recientes anuncios del desembarco de Intel en Córdoba y se analizarán los beneficios ofrecidos por el gobierno. Además se indagará acerca de las ventajas y desventajas de favorecer la localización de estas empresas, y se ampliará el campo de estudio para incluir las empresas de capitales locales que participan en estas ramas productivas. De esta forma se busca iniciar un debate y reflexionar acerca del impacto del modelo adoptado por el gobierno provincial.

  7. La Geografía en las enseñanzas universitarias de Grado en España: docencia y planes de estudios

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    Luis Carlos Martínez Fernández


    Full Text Available La adaptación del sistema universitario español al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior [EEES] ha supuesto una nueva organización de las enseñanzas superiores en nuestro país. En este contexto, el artículo detalla la presencia de la Geografía en los diferentes planes de estudios de Grado existentes, en los propios de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio, como denominación más frecuente, y en otros Grados de las distintas ramas de conocimiento en que se agrupan los grandes campos del saber: Artes y Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Ciencias e Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Mención aparte, por la larga vinculación establecida, merece la docencia de Geografía en las Escuelas de Magisterio, ahora trans - formadas en Facultades de Educación.

  8. Evaluación de la anatomía mandibular relacionada con la osteotomía sagital de rama: estudio realizado en mandíbulas humanas adultas secas de cráneos de raza mestiza pertenecientes al departamento de anatomía de la Facultad de Odontología: Universidad Central del Ecuador


    Daniela Mayorga; Diego Patricio Maldonado Coloma


    En la actualidad la osteotomía sagital de la rama mandibular representa una de las técnicas quirúrgicas más frecuentes utilizada en cirugía ortognática. Sin embargo desde su aparición ha venido siendo modificada hasta lograr los niveles de estandarización que posee en la actualidad. Dicha técnica ha sido modificada en diseño, extensión e instrumentación. El presente trabajo investigativo ha sido llevado a cabo con la finalidad de prevenir problemas anatómicos y quirúrgicos a través del estudi...

  9. Traumatic posterior root tear of the medial meniscus in patients with severe medial instability of the knee. (United States)

    Ra, Ho Jong; Ha, Jeong Ku; Jang, Ho Su; Kim, Jin Goo


    To examine the incidence and diagnostic rate of traumatic medial meniscus posterior root tear associated with severe medial instability and to evaluate the effectiveness of pullout repair. From 2007 to 2011, 51 patients who underwent operation due to multiple ligament injuries including medial collateral ligament rupture were reviewed retrospectively. The International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) subjective and Lysholm score were evaluated pre- and postoperatively. Postoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed, and if indicated, a second-look arthroscopic examination was conducted. Fourteen out of 51 patients were associated with severe medial instability. Seven patients were diagnosed with traumatic medial meniscus posterior root tear and underwent arthroscopic pullout repair. Five of them were missed at initial diagnosis using MRI. In seven patients, the mean Lysholm and IKDC subjective scores improved from 74.6 ± 10.3 and 47.6 ± 7.3 to 93.0 ± 3.7 and 91.6 ± 2.6, respectively. All showed complete healing of meniscus root on follow-up MRI and second-look arthroscopy. Medial meniscus posterior root tear may occur in severe medial instability from trauma. It is a common mistake that surgeons may not notice on the diagnosis of those injuries using MRI. Therefore, a high index of suspicion is required for the diagnosis of medial meniscus posterior root tear in this type of injuries. The traumatic medial meniscus posterior root tear could be healed successfully using arthroscopic pullout repair technique. The possibility of the medial meniscus posterior root tear should be considered in severe medial instability and arthroscopic pullout repair can be an effective option for treatment. Case series with no comparison group, Level IV.

  10. Monsoon signatures in trace gas records from Cape Rama, India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhattacharya, S.K.; Jani, R.A.; Borole, D.V.; Francey, R.J.; Allison, C.E.; Masarie, K.A.


    Concentrations of trace gases CO 2 , CH 4 , CO, N 2 O and H 2 , and the stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of CO 2 have been measured in air samples collected from Cape Rama, a coastal station on the west coast of India, since 1993. The data show clear signatures of continental and oceanic air mass resulting in complex seasonal variation of trace gas characteristics. The regional atmospheric circulation in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea undergoes biannual reversal in low-level winds associated with the yearly migration of the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ). From June to September, the wind is from the equatorial Indian Ocean to the Indian subcontinent (southwest monsoon) and brings in pristine marine air. From December to February, dry continental winds blow from the northeast and transport continental emissions to the ocean (northeast monsoon). Detailed transport and chemical modelling will be necessary to interpret these records, however the potential to identify and constrain the regional trace gas emissions appears to be high. (author)

  11. Arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy

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    Dašić Žarko


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. Meniscal injuries are common in professional or recreational sports as well as in daily activities. If meniscal lesions lead to physical impairment they usually require surgical treatment. Arthroscopic treatment of meniscal injuries is one of the most often performed orthopedic operative procedures. Methods. The study analyzed the results of arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy in 213 patients in a 24-month period, from 2006, to 2008. Results. In our series of arthroscopically treated medial meniscus tears we noted 78 (36.62% vertical complete bucket handle lesions, 19 (8.92% vertical incomplete lesions, 18 (8.45% longitudinal tears, 35 (16.43% oblique tears, 18 (8.45% complex degenerative lesions, 17 (7.98% radial lesions and 28 (13.14% horisontal lesions. Mean preoperative International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC score was 49.81%, 1 month after the arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy the mean IKDC score was 84.08%, and 6 months after mean IKDC score was 90.36%. Six months after the procedure 197 (92.49% of patients had good or excellent subjective postoperative clinical outcomes, while 14 (6.57% patients subjectively did not notice a significant improvement after the intervention, and 2 (0.93% patients had no subjective improvement after the partial medial meniscectomy at all. Conclusion. Arthroscopic partial medial meniscetomy is minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedure and in well selected cases is a method of choice for treatment of medial meniscus injuries when repair techniques are not a viable option. It has small rate of complications, low morbidity and fast rehabilitation.

  12. Radiographic evaluation of the canine elbow joint with special reference to the medial humeral condyle and the medial coronoid process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voorhout, G.; Hazewinkel, H.A.W.


    The results of radiographic examination of clinically affected elbow joints in 14 young, large-breed dogs, including standard and oblique projections and linear tomography, were compared with the findings of medial arthrotomy. Radiographs revealed arthrosis (13 dogs), osteochondrosis of the medial humeral condyle (2 dogs), fragmentation of the medial coronoid process (5 dogs), and a combination of osteochondrosis of the medial humeral condyle and fragmentation of the medial coronoid process (2 dogs). In one dog fissures in the medial coronoid process and in another dog a linear radiopacity along the articular surface of the medial coronoid process were found. In three dogs both medial humeral condyle and medial coronoid process appeared normal. The radiographic findings were confirmed during surgery in 11 dogs. Cartilage erosion of the medial humeral condyle in two dogs and of the medial coronoid process in one dog had not resulted in radiographically visible abnormalities. Radiographic examination of the elbow joints in young, large-breed dogs should include standard mediolateral and craniocaudal projections, a mediolateral projection with the joint maximally extended and the leg supinated 15°, and a craniolateral-to-caudomedial projection

  13. The Relationship between Chondromalacia Patella, Medial Meniscal Tear and Medial Periarticular Bursitis in Patients with Osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Resorlu, Mustafa; Doner, Davut; Karatag, Ozan; Toprak, Canan Akgun


    This study investigated the presence of bursitis in the medial compartment of the knee (pes anserine, semimembranosus-tibial collateral ligament, and medial collateral ligament bursa) in osteoarthritis, chondromalacia patella and medial meniscal tears. Radiological findings of 100 patients undergoing magnetic resonance imaging with a preliminary diagnosis of knee pain were retrospectively evaluated by two radiologists. The first radiologist assessed all patients in terms of osteoarthritis, chondromalacia patella and medial meniscal tear. The second radiologist was blinded to these results and assessed the presence of bursitis in all patients. Mild osteoarthritis (grade I and II) was determined in 55 patients and severe osteoarthritis (grade III and IV) in 45 cases. At retropatellar cartilage evaluation, 25 patients were assessed as normal, while 29 patients were diagnosed with mild chondromalacia patella (grade I and II) and 46 with severe chondromalacia patella (grade III and IV). Medial meniscus tear was determined in 51 patients. Severe osteoarthritis and chondromalacia patella were positively correlated with meniscal tear (p chondromalacia patella (p = 0.023 and p = 0.479, respectively). Evaluation of lateral compartment bursae revealed lateral collateral ligament bursitis in 2 patients and iliotibial bursitis in 5 patients. We observed a greater prevalence of bursitis in the medial compartment of the knee in patients with severe osteoarthritis and medial meniscus tear.

  14. Competencia entre México y China en el interior del mercado de Estados Unidos


    Gracia-Hernández, Maximiliano


    En este artículo se muestra la dinámica que han seguido las exportaciones de México y China en el interior del mercado de Estados Unidos (EU), se considera la cadena hilo-textil-confección a cuatro dígitos, y se analizan los capítulos 61, 62 y 63. En el año 2000 México era un líder en todas las ramas que componen los capítulos 61 a 63, actualmente sólo cinco de las 30 ramas analizadas han logrado incrementar sus exportaciones en el mercado de EU. Consideramos una verdad a medias que el total ...

  15. Teoría de Juegos Aplicada a la Economía


    Hernández Rodríguez, Adrián


    La Teoría de Juegos es una rama de las matemáticas y la economía que se encarga de analizar unas situaciones denominadas juegos, en las que dos o más jugadores deben decidir qué decisión tomar en función de las decisiones que puedan tomar los otros. Esta rama comenzó a tomar una gran importancia en la década de 1990, con la consecución en 1994 del Premio Nobel de Economía por parte de John Forbes Nash, John Harsanyi y Reinhard Selten. La Teoría de Juegos puede utilizarse para resolver situ...

  16. Optimización del sistema de control de las pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas (primera parte: Factores que dificultan la regulación

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    Luis Jerónimo García Faure


    Full Text Available En ocasiones se aborda el problema de la regulación de la velocidad de las turbinas mediante el gasto deagua como un hecho especializado de determinada rama de la ingeniería, y se trata de aplicar a las microy minicentrales las mismas soluciones que para la regulación de otros procesos industriales en loscuales el comportamiento dinámico de los sistemas externos ejerce poca influencia sobre el sistema decontrol utilizado.  In some occasions the problem of the regulation of the speed of hydraulic turbines is approached bymeans of the flow of water as a specialized problem of certain branch of the engineering, and it is appliedto micro hydropower and mini hydropower the same solutions that are applied to the regulation of otherindustrial processes in which the dynamic behavior of the external systems exerts little influence on thecontrol system employed.

  17. Foot medial longitudinal-arch deformation during quiet standing and gait in subjects with medial tibial stress syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bandholm, Thomas Quaade; Boysen, Lisbeth; Haugaard, Stine


    The objective of this study was to investigate (1) if subjects with medial tibial stress syndrome demonstrate increased navicular drop and medial longitudinal-arch deformation during quiet standing and gait compared with healthy subjects, and (2) the relationship between medial longitudinal-arch ...

  18. The Relationship between Chondromalacia Patella, Medial Meniscal Tear and Medial Periarticular Bursitis in Patients with Osteoarthritis (United States)

    Doner, Davut; Karatag, Ozan; Toprak, Canan Akgun


    Abstract Background This study investigated the presence of bursitis in the medial compartment of the knee (pes anserine, semimembranosus-tibial collateral ligament, and medial collateral ligament bursa) in osteoarthritis, chondromalacia patella and medial meniscal tears. Patients and methods Radiological findings of 100 patients undergoing magnetic resonance imaging with a preliminary diagnosis of knee pain were retrospectively evaluated by two radiologists. The first radiologist assessed all patients in terms of osteoarthritis, chondromalacia patella and medial meniscal tear. The second radiologist was blinded to these results and assessed the presence of bursitis in all patients. Results Mild osteoarthritis (grade I and II) was determined in 55 patients and severe osteoarthritis (grade III and IV) in 45 cases. At retropatellar cartilage evaluation, 25 patients were assessed as normal, while 29 patients were diagnosed with mild chondromalacia patella (grade I and II) and 46 with severe chondromalacia patella (grade III and IV). Medial meniscus tear was determined in 51 patients. Severe osteoarthritis and chondromalacia patella were positively correlated with meniscal tear (p chondromalacia patella (p = 0.023 and p = 0.479, respectively). Evaluation of lateral compartment bursae revealed lateral collateral ligament bursitis in 2 patients and iliotibial bursitis in 5 patients. Conclusions We observed a greater prevalence of bursitis in the medial compartment of the knee in patients with severe osteoarthritis and medial meniscus tear. PMID:29333118

  19. The visibility of The lettered city Angel Rama in mainstream literature (WOS

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    Exequiel Aarón Fontans Alvarez


    Full Text Available Angel Rama (1926-1986 is noted by some specialized as one of the precursors of the current cultural studies in Latin authors; The lettered city is one of the most cited works and has written stating this influence. However it has not been approached from the Metric Information Studies. The aim of this paper is to highlight the visibility of the lettered city in mainstream literature collected by the Web based of Science (WOS, Thomson Reuters. A brief introduction to the British Cultural Studies (Birmingham School is performed, with the understanding that they represent a history of Latin American Cultural Studies, where this work is framed. Areas, institutions and sources where this work is cited and co-cited authors are presented. Finally low visibility reflected WOS noted in the Latin American production considering that "lettered city" is a theoretical concept coined in the region.

  20. La función administrativa ejercida por el Congreso de la República


    Ortiz, Maribel


    La función administrativa en Colombia, no sólo es desarrollada por la Rama Ejecutiva del poder público, sino que también es ejercida por la Rama Legislativa para el cumplimiento de sus fines. Es a partir de la Constitución de 1991, cuando en desarrollo del mandato Constitucional y de las facultades que tiene el Congreso de la República, se expidieron dos normativas: la ley 3ª de 1992 (por la cual se expiden normas sobre las Comisiones del Congreso de Colombia y se dictan otras disposici...

  1. UMAPRM: Uniformly sampling the medial axis

    KAUST Repository

    Yeh, Hsin-Yi Cindy


    © 2014 IEEE. Maintaining clearance, or distance from obstacles, is a vital component of successful motion planning algorithms. Maintaining high clearance often creates safer paths for robots. Contemporary sampling-based planning algorithms That utilize The medial axis, or The set of all points equidistant To Two or more obstacles, produce higher clearance paths. However, They are biased heavily Toward certain portions of The medial axis, sometimes ignoring parts critical To planning, e.g., specific Types of narrow passages. We introduce Uniform Medial Axis Probabilistic RoadMap (UMAPRM), a novel planning variant That generates samples uniformly on The medial axis of The free portion of Cspace. We Theoretically analyze The distribution generated by UMAPRM and show its uniformity. Our results show That UMAPRM\\'s distribution of samples along The medial axis is not only uniform but also preferable To other medial axis samplers in certain planning problems. We demonstrate That UMAPRM has negligible computational overhead over other sampling Techniques and can solve problems The others could not, e.g., a bug Trap. Finally, we demonstrate UMAPRM successfully generates higher clearance paths in The examples.

  2. The relationship between chondromalacia patella, medial meniscal tear and medial periarticular bursitis in patients with osteoarthritis


    Resorlu Mustafa; Doner Davut; Karatag Ozan; Toprak Canan Akgun


    Abstract Background This study investigated the presence of bursitis in the medial compartment of the knee (pes anserine, semimembranosus-tibial collateral ligament, and medial collateral ligament bursa) in osteoarthritis, chondromalacia patella and medial meniscal tears. Patients and methods Radiological findings of 100 patients undergoing magnetic resonance imaging with a preliminary diagnosis of knee pain were retrospectively evaluated by two radiologists. The first radiologist assessed al...

  3. Morfo-anatomía de las hojas de Celtis ehrenbergiana (Celtidaceae desarrolladas bajo condiciones naturales de sol y sombra

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    Leandro Nughes


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue establecer las características de las hojas de Celtis ehrenbergiana (Klotzsch Liebm. (Celtidaceae, desarrolladas bajo condiciones naturales de sol y de sombra. Se estudiaron hojas maduras tomadas de ramas ubicadas en la parte media de la copa del árboly entre la quinta y séptima hoja desde el ápice. Las hojas de sombra son herbáceas, con lámina delgada de color verde claro; la estructura es bifacial, la epidermis presenta células con paredes anticlinales ondulado-sinuosas, el mesófilo está formado por parénquima en empalizada adaxial y esponjoso abaxial y el colénquima es angular-lagunar. Las hojas de sol son coriáceas, con lámina gruesa de color verde oscuro; la estructura es equifacial, la epidermis presenta células con paredes anticlinales rectas, el mesófilo es homogéneo en empalizada y el colénquima angular-masivo. En las hojas de sombra en la cara adaxial, no hay estomas o éstos son escasos, mientras que en las hojas de sol son numerosos. La variación de los caracteres morfo-anatómicos de la hoja evidenció la plasticidad fenotípica de esta especie.


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    Rosa Angela Winck


    Full Text Available Diferentes intereses industriales, energéticos y ambientales han motivado el análisis de las distintas posibilidades de aprovechamiento de la biomasa forestal, este tema está adquiriendo un creciente protagonismo, por lo que la cuantificación de la biomasa aérea de estos sistemas forestales constituye un primer paso fundamental e ineludible. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar modelos que permitan estimar la biomasa de los diferentes compartimentos aéreos de Eucalyptus grandis . Para ello se emplearon datos de 41 árboles provenientes de rodales de diferentes edades, entre 4 y 32 años, ubicados en la región NE de Argentina. Se tomaron 23 individuos ubicados en la Zona Norte y Alta de Misiones (zona 1 y 18 en el Sur de Misiones y NE de Corrientes (zona 2. Se determinó la biomasa de hojas, ramas menores a 5 cm, ramas mayores a 5 cm, total de ramas, fuste y biomasa total del árbol. Para el ajuste de modelos se tomaron diversas variables independientes, el diámetro a la altura de pecho (dap, la altura total del árbol (h, el producto (dap 2 *h y la variable “ dummy” (zona. Para el caso de la biomasa de ramas y de hojas, debido a que no se lograron resultados satisfactorios con el empleo de estas variables, se examinaron modelos que adicionaban índice de sitio, factor de espaciamiento, diámetro en la base de la copa verde (dbcv, altura hasta la base de la copa verde (hbcv, longitud de copa verde (lcv, el área transversal de albura en la base de copa verde (g Alb bcv y diferentes combinaciones de estas variables. Los modelos fueron seleccionados en base al coeficiente de determinación y el error cuadrático medio. Para la biomasa de ramas menores a 5 cm, ramas mayores a 5 cm, total de ramas, fuste y total, los mejores modelos fueron los que incorporaron como variables regresoras, el diámetro a la altura de pecho, la altura total del árbol y la variable “ dummy” (zona. Para la biomasa de hojas, las variables, edad,

  5. RAMA casein zymography: Time-saving and highly sensitive casein zymography for MMP7 and trypsin. (United States)

    Yasumitsu, Hidetaro; Ozeki, Yasuhiro; Kanaly, Robert A


    To detect metalloproteinase-7 (MMP7), zymography is conducted using a casein substrate and conventional CBB stain. It has disadvantages because it is time consuming and has low sensitivity. Previously, a sensitive method to detect MMP7 up to 30 pg was reported, however it required special substrates and complicated handlings. RAMA casein zymography described herein is rapid, sensitive, and reproducible. By applying high-sensitivity staining with low substrate conditions, the staining process is completed within 1 h and sensitivity was increased 100-fold. The method can detect 10 pg MMP7 by using commercially available casein without complicated handlings. Moreover, it increases detection sensitivity for trypsin. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Medial structure generation for registration of anatomical structures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vera, Sergio; Gil, Debora; Kjer, Hans Martin


    structures. Methods for generation of medial structures, however, are prone to the generation of medial artifacts (spurious branches) that traditionally need to be pruned before the medial structure can be used for further computations. The act of pruning can affect main sections of the medial surface......Medial structures (skeletons and medial manifolds) have shown capacity to describe shape in a compact way. In the field of medical imaging, they have been employed to enrich the description of organ anatomy, to improve segmentation, or to describe the organ position in relation to surrounding...

  7. Neutron-Phonon Interaction Studies in Copper, Zinc and Magnesium Single Crystals; Etude des interactions neutron-phonon dans des monocristaux de cuivre, de zinc et de magnesium; Izuchenie vzaimodejstviya nejtronov i fononov v monokristallakh medi, ninki i magniya; Estudio de las interacciones neutron-fonon en monocristales de cobre, cinc y magnesio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maliszewski, E.; Sosnowski, J.; Blinowski, K.; Kozubowski, J.; Padlo, L.; Sledziewska, D. [Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw (Poland)


    trouve nettement au-dessus de la courbe de Jacobsen et les points experimentaux signales dans le present memoire confirment les resultats de Cribier er de Jacrot. Les relations de dispersion des phonons dans des monocristaux de zinc et de magnesium ont ete etudiees a l'aide de la methode des neutrons froids et d'un spectrometre neutronique a cristal triaxe, Les auteurs ont trace les surfaces de diffusion dans le plan [1010], trouve les branches AT et AL ainsi que les relations de dispersion des phonons dans les directions [001] et [010] . Us ont compare ces resultats a ceux qu'a obtenus Johnson avec des rayons X . Dans la direction [001] , les resultats s'adaptent bien a la courbe de Johnson en ce qui concerne la branche AL. Dans la direction [010] , pour la branche AT, les auteurs observent un grand ecart entre leurs resultats et ceux de Johnson. 11s en donnent une explication. Ils decrivent des mesures semblables faites a l'heure actuelle dans les memes directions, dans des monocristaux de magnesium. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han estudiado las relaciones de dispersion de fonones en monocristales de cobre con ayuda de un espectrometro neutronico triaxial. En la direccion 100 han observado la rama transversal, no mencionada en las memorias de Cribier y Jacrot. Esta rama concuerda satisfactoriamente con los datos recientes relativos a la velocidad del sonido, pero difiere en parte de los resultados roentgenograncos obtenidos por Jacobsen. En cuanto a la rama longitudinal en la direccion 100, la curva de dispersion obtenida por Cribier y Jacrot se encuentra netamente por encima de la curva de Jacobsen y los puntos experimentales a que se refiere la presente memoria connrman los resultados de Cribier y Jacrot. Los autores han estudiado las relaciones de dispersion de fonones en monocristales de cinc y magnesio por el procedimiento de los neutrones frios, utilizando ademas un espectrometro neutronico triaxial. Han determinado las superficies de dispersion en el plano

  8. Las quiebras de la identidad: La doble faz del espacio público

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    Full Text Available en el pais vasco, tanto las coordenadas que orientan los discursos sobre la identidad colectiva como los escenarios en los que estos discursos se producen y reelaboran han pasado y pasan, tras el proceso de institucionalizacion politica, por una seria redefinicion. la emergencia de estas nuevas formas de construir identidad hace necesaria la reelaboracion del modelo teorico-metodologico que la sociologia ha aplicado a su estudio. dos momentos estructuran nuestro recorrido: 1 identificar los postulados que soportan este modelo (la socializacion entendida como continuidad, los espacios de interaccion entendidos como lugares antropologicos, la identidad entendida como actualizacion de un codigo que preexiste al sujeto ; 2 edificar una optica alternativa, que encuentra en la imagen de la ruptura su centro orientador (la ruptura de los trayectos de socializacion, la crisis que esconde el acceso a los espacios publicos, las quiebras de la identidad. estos desarrollos se apoyan en el estudio de un caso de especial relevancia sociologica: la gestion que de su entrada a uno de estos escenarios institucionales -el de la universidad del pais vasco en sus ramas de euskera- hacen sujetos socializados en el posfranquismo.

  9. Calidad de las plantaciones de teca en la Peninsula de Nicoya, Rosta Rica

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    Odir Rojas


    Full Text Available Se evalu6 25 proyectos de reforestaci6n de Tectona grandis (6 afios de edad promedio en IDs cantones de Nicoya y Hojancha, Peninsula de Ni- coya, Guanacaste. Las plantaciones registraron un area real plantada promedio de 62.3% y de esta, un 80% estaba cubierta con arboles. Entre IDs principales defectos observados esm la presencia de ramas en reiteraci6n (26%, fustes inclinados (27% y fustes con torceduras leves (30%. Las bi- furcaciones no representan un problema importan- te (1.4% ni los problemas fitosanitarios severos (6.7%. EI promedio de las plantaciones registr6 843 trozas comerciales/ha y 254 arboles/ha de ca- lidad 1 y 2. Sin embargo, un 52% de IDs proyectos evaluados no registraron, al menDs, 250 indivi- duos/ha de calidad I y 2. Un 16% de IDs proyec- tos registraron mas de 1200 trozas comerciales/ha de calidad I y 2. EI incremento media anual del volumen comercial (dap con corteza >10 cm de arboles de calidad I y 2 rue de 6.76 m3/ha/afio y un 16% de los proyectos super610s 12 m3/ha/afio. EI indice de calidad general (ICG de plantaciones de teca sin raleos, en la Peninsula de Nicoya rue de 3.04. Se concluye que las plantaciones de teca en esta regi6n del pais presentan una calidad pro- media aceptable (un 48% de los proyectos registr6


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    Pilar Martínez Clares


    Full Text Available Una de las exigencias que plantea la sociedad a la universidad es potenciar y facilitar la inserción socio-laboral de los futuros egresados. Conscientes de esta realidad, este trabajo pretende elaborar un instrumento que permita calibrar la adecuación entre la formación universitaria y los requerimientos competencia- les del mercado laboral a través del estudio de la formación en Competencias Transversales (CT en las aulas universitarias. Para ello, se plantea analizar las características psicométricas del cuestionario CECTGRA diseñado ad hoc y dirigido a valorar el desarrollo y dominio de las CT, así como su relevancia para el desarrollo profesional del egresado. Tras el diseño y aplicación del instrumento de recogida de información a una muestra de 1062 estudiantes de último año de Grado de las distintas ramas de conocimiento, se analiza la ®abilidad y se obtienen las evidencias de validez basadas en el contenido y en la estructura interna del cuestionario mediante el método de agregados individua- les y los Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales con la aplicación del programa AMOS. Los análisis muestran unos resultados satisfactorios en relación a la ®abilidad de la escala global (desarrollo, α =.927; dominio, α =.881, y relevancia, α =.917 y de las subescalas resultantes (competencias instrumentales, α =.785, α =.718 y α =.819; competencias personales, α =.825, α =.774 y α =.743; compe-tencias sistémicas, α =.899, α =.881 y α =.864 respectivamente para desarrollo, dominio y relevancia. Asimismo, una vez obtenidas las evidencias de validez sobre la estructura interna del cuestionario a través del Análisis Factorial Con- ®rmatorio (CFI=.947; IFI=.947; NFI=.938 y RMSEA=.072 se constata que se trata de un instrumento que reúne las especi®caciones técnicas exigidas para ser considerado una herramienta válida y ®able.


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    L. A. Crespo-Herrera


    Full Text Available En muchos de los estudios de crecimiento de las plantas se requiere evaluar la biomasa, lo cual normalmente implica la destrucción de los árboles. En el presente trabajo se generaron modelos matemáticos de alta confiabilidad que estiman la cantidad de biomasa de órganos aéreos de limón 'Persa' con base en otras variables que no requieren la destrucción del material vegetal y además son de fácil medición. Para ello, se separaron ramas, hojas y frutos de los árboles y se les midió la cantidad de biomasa además del área foliar de las hojas y otras características morfológicas inherentes a cada tipo de órgano. Se encontró que la cantidad de biomasa de cada órgano se encuentra estrechamente relacionada con las siguientes características: para las ramas, el volumen calculado por las fórmulas del cono y cono truncado, en los casos de las ramas no podadas y podadas, respectivamente; para los frutos, el diámetro ecuatorial, y para las hojas, la longitud de la lámina y su ancho máximo. Se generaron modelos para cada órgano con coeficientes de determinación muy elevados (entre 0.9528 y 0.9981 y C(p aceptable (entre 1.6696 y 16.3685, para modelos de 2 a 4 variables.

  12. Apología de la clínica

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    Emilio Sergent


    conocida casa editorial de G. Doin & C° de París, una serie de publicaciones que con el nombre de Apología de las Ciencias, se propone señalar el puesto y fijar la importancia de las principales ramas de las ciencias naturales.

  13. Snapping Knee Caused by Medial Meniscal Cyst

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    Tsuyoshi Ohishi


    Full Text Available Snapping phenomenon around the medial aspect of the knee is rare. We present this case of snapping knee caused by the sartorius muscle over a large medial meniscal cyst in a 66-year-old female. Magnetic resonance images demonstrated a large medial meniscal cyst with a horizontal tear of the medial meniscus. Arthroscopic cyst decompression with limited meniscectomy resulted in the disappearance of snapping, and no recurrence of the cyst was observed during a 2-year follow-up period.

  14. A Systematic Review of Clinical Functional Outcomes After Medial Stabilized Versus Non-Medial Stabilized Total Knee Joint Replacement

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    Tony Young


    Full Text Available Background Medial stabilized total knee joint replacement (TKJR construct is designed to closely replicate the kinematics of the knee. Little is known regarding comparison of clinical functional outcomes of patients utilising validated patient reported outcome measures (PROM after medial stabilized TKJR and other construct designs.PurposeTo perform a systematic review of the available literature related to the assessment of clinical functional outcomes following a TKJR employing a medial stabilized construct design.MethodsThe review was performed with a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA algorithm. The literature search was performed using variouscombinations of keywords. The statistical analysis was completed using Review Manager (RevMan, Version 5.3.ResultsIn the nineteen unique studies identified, there were 2,448 medial stabilized TKJRs implanted in 2,195 participants, there were 1,777 TKJRs with non-medial stabilized design constructs implanted in 1,734 subjects. The final mean Knee Society Score (KSS value in the medial stabilized group was 89.92 compared to 90.76 in the non-medial stabilized group, with the final KSS mean value difference between the two groups was statistically significant and favored the non-medial stabilized group (SMD 0.21; 95% CI: 0.01 to 0.41; p = 004. The mean difference in the final WOMAC values between the two groups was also statistically significant and favored the medial stabilized group (SMD: −0.27; 95% CI: −0.47 to −0.07; p = 0.009. Moderate to high values (I2 of heterogeneity were observed during the statistical comparison of these functional outcomes.ConclusionBased on the small number of studies with appropriate statistical analysis, we are unable to reach a clear conclusion in the clinical performance of medial stabilized knee replacement construct.Level of EvidenceLevel II

  15. El sistema educativo y el trabajo en Venezuela


    Morillo Moreno, Marysela C.


    El sistema educativo y en el mercado laboral se trabaja con el más importante y valioso recurso: el humano, el cual presenta unas características muy peculiares que merecen ser estudiadas como una rama de la economía como lo es la economía de la educación y la economía laboral. En Venezuela, ambas ramas han sido poco abordadas, pues otros temas económicos han ocupado las reflexiones; sin embargo, las cifras de desempleo y los problemas sociales son cada vez más alarmantes, convirtiéndose en l...

  16. The ionising radiations: a daily reality Las radiaciones ionizantes: una realidad cotidiana

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    Eduardo Gallego Díaz


    Full Text Available This paper introduce the nature of the radioactive substances and of the ionising radiation, the effects that they cause on the matter and the available media for their detection and measure, as well as the sources of natural radiation, to which the human being are exposed. Next, in the more detailed part of this paper, it is described the wide range of ionising radiations uses in: medicine, agriculture, earth sciences, biology and in some other scientific fields, that allow to pose its impact in the perspective of facing the ones from natural sources. The article concludes that for avoiding damages it is necessary proper protection against the radioactive substances, but avoiding limitation their beneficial uses in the various ranges described. For finishing this paper, the basic principles of radiation protection are described, due to they are the its principal aim.Este trabajo introduce la naturaleza de las sustancias radiactivas y de la radiación ionizante, los efectos que causa sobre la materia y los medios disponibles para su detección y medida, así como las fuentes de radiación naturales a las que los seres humanos estamos expuestos. Seguidamente, en el apartado más amplio del trabajo, se describen las múltiples aplicaciones de las radiaciones ionizantes en la medicina, la agricultura, la industria, las ciencias de la tierra, la biología y otras ramas, lo que permite poder poner su impacto en perspectiva frente al de las fuentes naturales. La tesis final del artículo es que para evitar sufrir daños resulta necesario protegerse adecuadamente de los efectos nocivos de la radiación y las sustancias radiactivas, pero sin limitar innecesariamente su utilización beneficiosa en los numerosos ámbitos descritos. Ese es el objetivo fundamental de la protección radiológica, cuyos principios básicos se presentan para terminar.

  17. Medial cortex activity, self-reflection and depression. (United States)

    Johnson, Marcia K; Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan; Mitchell, Karen J; Levin, Yael


    Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated neural activity associated with self-reflection in depressed [current major depressive episode (MDE)] and healthy control participants, focusing on medial cortex areas previously shown to be associated with self-reflection. Both the MDE and healthy control groups showed greater activity in anterior medial cortex (medial frontal gyrus, anterior cingulate gyrus) when cued to think about hopes and aspirations compared with duties and obligations, and greater activity in posterior medial cortex (precuneus, posterior cingulate) when cued to think about duties and obligations (Experiment 1). However, the MDE group showed less activity than controls in the same area of medial frontal cortex when self-referential cues were more ambiguous with respect to valence (Experiment 2), and less deactivation in a non-self-referential condition in both experiments. Furthermore, individual differences in rumination were positively correlated with activity in both anterior and posterior medial cortex during non-self-referential conditions. These results provide converging evidence for a dissociation of anterior and posterior medial cortex depending on the focus of self-relevant thought. They also provide neural evidence consistent with behavioral findings that depression is associated with disruption of positively valenced thoughts in response to ambiguous cues, and difficulty disengaging from self-reflection when it is appropriate to do so.

  18. La industria del Gran La Plata según el último Censo Nacional Económico

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    Diego Arturi


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el sector industrial del Gran La Plata en base a información del último Censo Nacional Económico (CNE 2004/2005. En una primer parte se identifican las principales características del sector industrial a escala nacional en los períodos neoliberal y posconvertibilidad, a partir de bibliografía especializada y análisis de series estadísticas e informes técnicos. En una segunda parte se analiza el sector industrial del Gran La Plata en base a entrevistas a informantes calificados y a los datos censales según cantidad de establecimientos, puestos de trabajo ocupados, rama de actividad, tamaño de los locales industriales, productividad y especialización industrial de los municipios; asimismo se realiza una aproximación a niveles de intensidad tecnológica por rama. A partir de este análisis se pueden destacar las siguientes conclusiones: predominio de las micro y pequeñas empresas, productividad superior al promedio nacional, escaso aporte de las ramas de alta intensidad tecnológica y ausencia de especialización que impide definir un perfil industrial marcado.

  19. Ramas, familles, réseaux. Les supports sociaux de la diffusion de la santería cubaine (Cuba-Mexique)


    Argyriadis, Kali


    Ramas, familles, réseaux. Les supports sociaux de la diffusion de la santería cubaine (Cuba-Mexique). La santería cubaine participe d’un processus de transnationalisation qui concerne l’ensemble des religions dites afro-américaines, présentes aujourd’hui en Afrique de l’Ouest, en Europe et sur tout le continent américain. Pour parvenir à cerner cet objet dans son ampleur, l’approche en termes de réseau semble a priori la plus opératoire. L’enquête ethnographique, quand elle concentre son atte...


    Ren Shiyou; Sun, Limang; Chen, Guofei; Jiang, Changqing; Zhang, Xintao; Zhang Wentao


    To investigate the reliability of the "ripple sign" on the upper surface of the medial femoral condyle in the diagnosis of medial longitudinal meniscal tears under arthroscope. Between June 2013 and June 2014, 56 patients with knee injuries were included. There were 35 males and 21 females with an average age of 22.2 years (range, 12-38 years). The causes of injury were sports in 40 cases, falling in 10 cases, and traffic accident in 6 cases. The injury was located at the left knee in 22 cases and at the right knee in 34 cases. The disease duration was 10-40 days (mean, 20.2 days). Of 56 patients, 15 cases had simple medial meniscal injury; 41 cases had combined injuries, including anterior cruciate ligament injury in 38 cases, posterior cruciate ligament injury in 2 cases, and patellar dislocation in 1 case. The "ripple sign" was observed under arthroscope before operation. Repair of medial meniscal injury and reconstruction of cruciate ligament were performed. The positive "ripple sign" was seen under arthroscope in all patients, who were diagnosed to have longitudinal meniscal tears, including 23 cases of mild "ripple sign" , 28 cases of moderate "ripple sign", and 5 cases of severe "ripple sign". The "ripple sign" on the upper surface of the medial femoral condyle is a reliable diagnostic evidence of medial longitudinal meniscal tears.

  1. Geografía del turismo: análisis de las publicaciones científicas en revistas turísticas. El caso de Argentina

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    Andrés Pinassi


    Full Text Available La geografía del turismo, como rama de la geografía humana, centra su análisis en el turismo y sus múltiples vinculaciones con el territorio. En la dimensión temporal, las temáticas y abordajes del fenómeno turístico han variado; se ha pasado de una visión descriptiva a una analítica e integral. En este contexto, el presente trabajo analiza dichas cuestiones desde una perspectiva teórico-metodológica, para posteriormente determinar, en forma cuantitativa y cualitativa, temáticas y paradigmas de abordaje en las revistas científicas turísticas de Argentina. Como resultado, se evidencia una mayor proporción de artículos desarrollados desde una geografía tradicional del turismo, con estudios más bien descriptivos, que analíticos y críticos.

  2. Acciones para el uso del tiempo libre en niños adictos a la tecnología en las comunidades

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    Miguel Lourenco


    Full Text Available En pleno siglo XXI marcado por una situación que las naciones más poderosas y pobres, en que la informática, la biotecnología, la tecnología como nuevas energías y novedosos materiales del trabajo para la sociedad aumentando la producción y la productividad en las diversas ramas del saber. A pesar de los resultados agradables también traen consecuencias negativas en el proceso de formación integral del niño; la cuestión radica en que los niños por su mayoría ya no le prestan mucha atención las actividades naturales, sino las más modernas esto entorpece el desarrollo de la personalidad de los niños. Como consecuencia diariamente en el mundo se incrementa la cantidad de niños adictos a la tecnología según varias informaciones dadas por los especialistas de la salud, causándoles enfermedades, cardiovasculares, diabetes, problemas emocionales, mentales, distracciones, afectando así el proceso de formación de valores, por este propósito en este trabajo se reflejará como influye de forma negativa la adicción de la tecnología en las edades tempranas, donde proponemos acciones para el uso del tiempo libre en niños adictos al tecnología en las comunidades.

  3. Endoscopic medial maxillectomy breaking new frontiers. (United States)

    Mohanty, Sanjeev; Gopinath, M


    Endoscopy has changed the perspective of rhinologist towards the nose. It has revolutionised the surgical management of sinonasal disorders. Sinus surgeries were the first to get the benefit of endoscope. Gradually the domain of endoscopic surgery extended to the management of sino nasal tumours. Traditionally medial maxillectomy was performed through lateral rhinotomy or mid facial degloving approach. Endoscopic medial maxillectomy has been advocated by a number of authors in the management of benign sino-nasal tumours. We present our experience of endoscopic medial maxillectomy in the management of sinonasal pathologies.


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    J. A. Zegbe-Domínguez


    Full Text Available El durazno requiere de la poda (en particular, el despunte de las ramas mixtas, DRM y el raleo de frutos (RF para una producción comercial de fruta. En la estación de crecimiento del 2004-05, se estudió la interacción entre DRM y RF en durazno cultivar 'Victoria' sobre el rendimiento, distribución de la fruta por tamaños, calidad del fruto, crecimiento de fruto y brote, además del peso especifico de la hoja. El experimento se llevó a cabo en el Campo Experimental Zacatecas con árboles de 20 años e injertados en patrones francos. Los factores estudiados fueron: el DRM y el RF, ambos factores con dos niveles; sin y con DRM y sin y con RF. El análisis estadístico no detectó interacción significativa (P 5.1 cm con relación a árboles testigo (sin DRM. El crecimiento del fruto y la longitud de brote fueron significativamente (P<0.05 mayores en comparación con los árboles testigo, pero tanto el rendimiento como la eficiencia productiva fueron reducidos (P<0.05 cuando se aplicó el DRM. El peso medio del fruto, el mesocarpio y el endocarpio fue significativamente mayor en frutos con DRM. Sin embargo, la firmeza, concentración de sólidos solubles totales, concentración de materia seca del fruto y el peso específico de hoja fue estadísticamente (P<0.05 igual entre frutos sin y con DRM. Los resultados sugieren que el durazno 'Victoria' puede prescindir del raleo de frutos, y por consiguiente, esto reduciría costos de producción. Ambos factores merecen ser estudiados en otros cultivares de durazno cuyas estructuras reproductivas tengan mayor habilidad en la utilización de foto asimilados.

  5. Tricholeiperia peruensis n. sp. (Nematoda, Molineidae del quiróptero Lophostoma silvicolum occidentalis (Phyllostomidae en Tumbes, Perú

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    Marina Vargas


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo, se describe a Tricholeiperia peruensis n. sp. (Nematoda, Molineidae en base a 25 especímenes colectados del intestino de 5 murciélagos de la especie Lophostoma silvicolum occidentalis de la localidad de Angostura, distrito Pampas de Hospital, departamento de Tumbes, Perú. La nueva especie se caracteriza por la morfología de la vesícula cefálica en forma de capuchón con escotaduras, por el tamaño y forma de las espículas cuyo extremo distal de la rama externa se divide en dos, de las cuales la rama interna sufre una nueva división; por la disposición de las costillas de la bolsa copulatríz donde, entre otros detalles, las antero y postero-ventrales están separadas y las externo-dorsales nacen cerca de la parte media del tronco dorsal y son gruesas.


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    Cecilia Valdespino Tamayo


    Full Text Available El patrimonio cultural no se limita a monumentos y colecciones de objetos, comprende también tradiciones o expresiones vivas heredadas de nuestros antepasados y transmitidas a nuestros descendientes. La importancia de este recurso inmaterial no radica solo en la manifestación cultural en sí, sino en el cúmulo de conocimientos y técnicas que se transmiten de generación en generación. Se basa en el reconocimiento por las comunidades, grupos o individuos que lo crean, mantienen y transmiten. La difusión es uno de los tres pilares de la gestión del patrimonio. Su definición merece una revisión a la luz de nuevas disciplinas y estrategias de comunicación incorporadas en los últimos diez años. El espíritu empresarial y la visión emprendedora junto al desarrollo tecnológico están generando un profundo impacto en todos los ámbitos de la vida diaria, desencadenando aspectos positivos en la gestión y conservación del patrimonio cultural. En este trabajo se da a conocer el papel que han desempeñado las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, como herramienta insustituible, en la difusión del patrimonio. Se describe el aporte de  tres de las principales líneas de desarrollo de software a este pilar fundamental (Realidad Virtual, Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Portales WEB, las herramientas y tecnologías más utilizadas en estas ramas, así como los sistemas informáticos desarrollados a partir de investigaciones científicas realizadas  en la Carrera de Ingeniería en Ciencias Informáticas de la Universidad de Granma, como resultado de un trabajo intencionado realizado con la dirección de Patrimonio y  Cultura en la provincia.

  7. Análisis de las actitudes de los jóvenes universitarios hacia la discapacidad: un enfoque desde la teoría de la acción razonada

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    Novo-Corti, Isabel


    Full Text Available Los valores democráticos presentes mayoritariamente en occidente han impulsado normas sociales favorables a la inclusión de colectivos en riesgo de exclusión social. Esta investigación se centra en la inclusión de colectivos con discapacidad en el ámbito de la universidad, para lo cual se realizó una encuesta a jóvenes estudiantes universitarios matriculados en la Universidad de A Coruña, en diferentes estudios y niveles, pertenecientes a las ramas de Economía y Empresa. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo y un análisis factorial basado en la Teoría de la Acción Razonada. Los resultados alcanzados muestran que los valores sociales prevalentes se presentan como la variable más importante y con mayor influencia sobre la intención de ayudar a las personas con discapacidad, mientras que las actitudes personales, así como el control percibido, aunque predisponen de manera favorable a prestar ayuda la persona con discapacidad, no han mostrado una influencia significativa. Asimismo, las respuestas sobre la intención de ayudar a la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad indican que los estudiantes prefieren que esta labor recaiga sobre las instituciones.

  8. Aspectos destacados de las teorías cognitivas del aprendizaje, como estrategias didácticas para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de conceptos del cálculo vectorial


    Costa, Viviana


    Este trabajo se centra en la problemática de la enseñanza y aprendizaje del Cálculo Vectorial. Se sitúa esta rama de la matemática en el contexto de la ingeniería y sus orígenes. Se exponen aspectos destacados de algunas teorías cognitivas del aprendizaje: la teoría de los modelos mentales de Johnson-Laird y la teoría del aprendizaje significativo subversivo. Proponemos considerar las mismas como marco referencial en el desarrollo de estrategias didácticas para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de l...

  9. Los jóvenes universitarios madrileños del área de ciencias sociales y comunicación y el culto a las marcas: un estudio de caso

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    Giuliano Tardivo


    Full Text Available En el presente texto presentamos los resultados de una investigación multinivel-multimétodo realizada a través de una encuesta, con 539 estudiantes universitarios de la provincia de Madrid, y de 75 entrevistas semiestructuradas con una submuestra de los mismos. Se trata de alumnos de la rama de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales y de Ciencias de la Comunicación que estudian en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC y, en menor medida, en la Universidad Complutense. Los resultados demuestran que los estudiantes universitarios prefieren el ocio digital y las marcas internacionales. A la vez crece la importancia de los discursos economicistas y la defensa del producto nacional. Los grupos musicales y los equipos de fútbol son, sin embargo, las marcas que generan más emociones y entrega.

  10. Medial collateral ligament healing one year after a concurrent medial collateral ligament and anterior cruciate ligament injury: an interdisciplinary study in rabbits. (United States)

    Yamaji, T; Levine, R E; Woo, S L; Niyibizi, C; Kavalkovich, K W; Weaver-Green, C M


    The optimal treatment for concurrent injuries to the medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments has not been determined, despite numerous clinical and laboratory studies. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of surgical repair of the medial collateral ligament on its biomechanical and biochemical properties 52 weeks after such injuries. In the left knee of 12 skeletally mature New Zealand White rabbits, the medial collateral ligament was torn and the anterior cruciate ligament was transected and then reconstructed. This is an experimental model previously developed in our laboratory. In six rabbits, the torn ends of the medial collateral ligament were repaired, and in the remaining six rabbits, the ligament was not repaired. Fifty-two weeks after injury, we examined varus-valgus and anterior-posterior knee stability; structural properties of the femur-medial collateral ligament-tibia complex; and mechanical properties, collagen content, and mature collagen crosslinking of the medial collateral ligament. We could not detect significant differences between repair and nonrepair groups for any biomechanical or biochemical property. Our data support clinical findings that when the medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments are injured concurrently and the anterior cruciate ligament is reconstructed, conservative treatment of the ruptured medial collateral ligament can result in successful healing.

  11. Ultraestructura de bambúes del género Dendrocalamus (Poaceae: Bambusoideae cultivados en Costa Rica II: Dendrocalamus latiflorus var. latiflorus

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    Mayra Montiel


    Full Text Available Mediante el microscopio electrónico de barrido se analizaron muestras de lámina foliar, culmo y rama, así como las brácteas del culmo y yemas de las ramas de Dendrocalamus latiflorus var. latiflorus. Se determinó la presencia en la epidermis abaxial de la lámina foliar de dos tipos de papilas céricas, esféricas y alargadas; éstas últimas rodeando los estomas de bajo domo. Sólo en la superficie adaxial de la nervadura central de la lámina foliar aparecen grandes tricomas en forma de gancho. En la zona abaxial de las brácteas del culmo, hay tricomas alargados y delgados similares a los de las brácteas de D. giganteus y las yemas de las ramas están cubiertas por tricomas bicelulares.We used a scanning electron microscope to observe leaf laminae, culms, branches, culm bracts and branch buds of Dendrocalamus latiflorus var. latiflorus grown in Costa Rica. In the abaxial epidermis of the leaf lamina we found two types of ceric papillae, rounded and elongated, the latter surrounding the low dome stomata. Only the adaxial surface of the central nervature (leaf lamina has big hook-sshaped trichomes. In the abaxial zone of the culm bract there are thin elongated trichomes, similar to those from the bract of Dendrocalamus giganteus. The branch buds are covered by bicelular trichomes. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(Suppl. 2: 51-57. Epub 2006 Dec. 01.

  12. Typing of MRI in medial meniscus degeneration in relation to radiological grade in medial compartmental osteoarthritis of the knee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagata, Nobuhito; Koshino, Tomihisa; Saito, Tomoyuki; Sakai, Naotaka; Takagi, Toshitaka; Takeuchi, Ryohei [Yokohama City Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    The advancement of degeneration of 50 medial menisci in patients with medial compartmental osteoarthritic knees (OA) were evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The average age of the patients was 66.6 years (range, 39 to 86). According to a radiographical grading system, 6 knees were classified as Grade 1, 24 as Grade 2, 16 as Grade 3, and 4 as Grade 4. The extent and the location of a high intensity region in MRI were observed in 3 parts of the meniscus, namely, the anterior, middle and posterior part. In Grade 1, no high intensity region was observed in 3 knees, and a high intensity region was observed only in the posterior part in 2 knees. A high intensity region was observed from the medial to the posterior part in 13 knees, and only in the posterior part in 10 knees of Grade 2; from the medial to the posterior part in 12 knees, and only in the posterior part in 3 knees of Grade 3, and from the anterior to the posterior part in 2 knees of Grade 4. The shape of the high intensity region in the medial meniscus was classified into 5 types, as follows: Type 1, there was no high intensity region; Type 2, the high intensity region was observed to be restricted within the meniscus; Type 3, the high intensity region resembled a horizontal tear; Type 4, the high intensity region was observed as all of the medial joint space without a marginal area; Type 5, the high intensity region was observed as all of the medial joint space. In Grade 1, 3 knees were classified as Type 1, and 2 knees as Type 2; in Grade 2, 7 knees as Type 2, and 13 knees as Type 3, and 4 knees into Type 4; in Grade 3, 6 knees as Type 3, and 7 knees as Type 4; and in Grade 4, 2 knees as Type 4, and 2 knees as Type 5. These findings might suggest that the degeneration of medial meniscus in the medial type of OA was accelerated by mechanical stress due to varus deformity. (author)

  13. Typing of MRI in medial meniscus degeneration in relation to radiological grade in medial compartmental osteoarthritis of the knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagata, Nobuhito; Koshino, Tomihisa; Saito, Tomoyuki; Sakai, Naotaka; Takagi, Toshitaka; Takeuchi, Ryohei


    The advancement of degeneration of 50 medial menisci in patients with medial compartmental osteoarthritic knees (OA) were evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The average age of the patients was 66.6 years (range, 39 to 86). According to a radiographical grading system, 6 knees were classified as Grade 1, 24 as Grade 2, 16 as Grade 3, and 4 as Grade 4. The extent and the location of a high intensity region in MRI were observed in 3 parts of the meniscus, namely, the anterior, middle and posterior part. In Grade 1, no high intensity region was observed in 3 knees, and a high intensity region was observed only in the posterior part in 2 knees. A high intensity region was observed from the medial to the posterior part in 13 knees, and only in the posterior part in 10 knees of Grade 2; from the medial to the posterior part in 12 knees, and only in the posterior part in 3 knees of Grade 3, and from the anterior to the posterior part in 2 knees of Grade 4. The shape of the high intensity region in the medial meniscus was classified into 5 types, as follows: Type 1, there was no high intensity region; Type 2, the high intensity region was observed to be restricted within the meniscus; Type 3, the high intensity region resembled a horizontal tear; Type 4, the high intensity region was observed as all of the medial joint space without a marginal area; Type 5, the high intensity region was observed as all of the medial joint space. In Grade 1, 3 knees were classified as Type 1, and 2 knees as Type 2; in Grade 2, 7 knees as Type 2, and 13 knees as Type 3, and 4 knees into Type 4; in Grade 3, 6 knees as Type 3, and 7 knees as Type 4; and in Grade 4, 2 knees as Type 4, and 2 knees as Type 5. These findings might suggest that the degeneration of medial meniscus in the medial type of OA was accelerated by mechanical stress due to varus deformity. (author)

  14. Vocal fold injection medialization laryngoplasty. (United States)

    Modi, Vikash K


    Unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP) can cause glottic insufficiency that can result in hoarseness, chronic cough, dysphagia, and/or aspiration. In rare circumstances, UVFP can cause airway obstruction necessitating a tracheostomy. The treatment options for UVFP include observation, speech therapy, vocal fold injection medialization laryngoplasty, thyroplasty, and laryngeal reinnervation. In this chapter, the author will discuss the technique of vocal fold injection for medialization of a UVFP. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  15. Isolated partial tear and partial avulsion of the medial head of gastrocnemius tendon presenting as posterior medial knee pain


    Watura, Christopher; Ward, Anthony; Harries, William


    We present a case of medial head of gastrocnemius tendon tear. The type of injury widely reported in the literature is tear of the medial head of gastrocnemius muscle or ‘tennis leg’. We previously reported an isolated partial tear and longitudinal split of the tendon to the medial head of gastrocnemius at its musculotendinous junction. The case we now present has notable differences; the tear was interstitial and at the proximal (femoral attachment) part of the tendon, the patient’s symptoms...

  16. Quitosana no controle pós-colheita da podridão mole em caqui 'rama forte' Chitosan on the postharvest control of soft rot in 'rama forte' persimmon

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    Patrícia Cia


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito da quitosana, aliada ao processo de destanização, no controle de Rhizopus stolonifer em caqui 'Rama Forte' e sobre o crescimento micelial do fungo in vitro. Caquis foram submetidos ao processo de destanização com CO2 (70% / 18 horas, em tambores herméticos, sendo em seguida submetidos à inoculação com suspensão de esporos de R. stolonifer (3x10(5 esporos mL-1. Após inoculação, os frutos permaneceram por 2 horas a 25 °C, quando foram imersos em quitosana (0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0%, por 1 minuto. Os frutos foram mantidos a 25 °C / 80% UR e avaliados quanto à severidade e incidência da podridão mole, durante cinco dias. Após o período de armazenamento, avaliaram-se a coloração de casca, a firmeza e o índice de adstringência. In vitro, avaliou-se o crescimento micelial em placas contendo meio BDA incorporado com quitosana ou ácido cítrico. Os resultados mostraram que a quitosana, a 1,5%, reduz a severidade e a incidência da podridão mole em caquis e não influencia no processo de perda de adstringência, firmeza e na coloração de casca. In vitro, a quitosana inibe completamente o crescimento micelial de R. stolonifer, em concentração tão baixa quanto 0,5%.The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of chitosan in addition to de-astringency process on the control of Rhizopus stolonifer in 'Rama Forte' persimmon and on in vitro mycelial growth. Persimmon were submitted to de-astringency process using CO2 (70% / 18 h, in hermetic chambers. Next, fruit were inoculated through subcuticular injections of a R. stolonifer spore suspension (3x10(5 spore mL-1 and 2 hours later at 25 °C immersed into chitosan (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0%, for 1 min. Fruit were stored at 25 °C / 80% RH, and checked for rot severity and incidence of soft rot, during 5-days of storage. After storage the skin color, firmness and astringency index were evaluated in persimmons. In vitro, mycelial

  17. Evolución de la recuperación de la sensibilidad posterior a osteotomía sagital de rama mandibular bilateral


    Erita Cordero; Roberto Pantoja; Cristóbal Pacheco; Sebastián Correa; Rolando Carrasco; Luis Carreño


    Introducción: La osteotomía sagital de rama mandibular bilateral es uno de los procedimientos quirúrgicos más comunes durante la cirugía ortognática. Con relación a ello se han descrito múltiples reportes que indican cambios a nivel neurosensitivo en el nervio alveolar inferior. Los rangos posquirúrgicos de parestesia han sido descritos entre un 12,5 y el 100%. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el porcentaje de recuperación sensitiva del territorio inervado por el nervio alveolar inf...

  18. Fragmentation of the medial malleolus of dogs with and without tarsal osteochondrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newell, S.M.; Mahaffey, M.B.; Aron, D.N.


    Fragmentation of the medial malleolus of the tibia was found radiographically in 5 canine tarsi which did not have evidence of osteochondrosis of the medial trochlear ridge. An additional 5 tarsi were found where both medial malleolar fragmentation and osteochondrosis of the medial trochlear ridge were present. Radiographic evidence of degenerative joint disease was present in 3 of 5 dogs with medial malleolar fragmentation alone, and 5 of 5 dogs with medial malleolar fragmentation and medial trochlear ridge osteochondrosis. Eight of the 9 dogs were Rottweilers. Considering the sites of occurrence of osteochondrosis in other species, the authors propose that medial malleolar fragmentation could be secondary to osteochondrosis of the medial malleolus. Osteochondrosis of the medial malleolus has not been previously reported in dogs. Histological examination of the medial malleolar fragmentation was unavailable because surgery was not performed, therefore the hypothesis that the medial malleolar fragmentation is due to osteochondrosis was not proven

  19. Functional results after external vocal fold medialization thyroplasty with the titanium vocal fold medialization implant. (United States)

    Schneider, Berit; Denk, Doris-Maria; Bigenzahn, Wolfgang


    A persistent insufficiency of glottal closure is mostly a consequence of a unilateral vocal fold movement impairment. It can also be caused by vocal fold atrophy or scarring processes with regular bilateral respiratory vocal fold function. Because of consequential voice, breathing, and swallowing impairments, a functional surgical treatment is required. The goal of the study was to outline the functional results after medialization thyroplasty with the titanium vocal fold medialization implant according to Friedrich. In the period of 1999 to 2001, an external vocal fold medialization using the titanium implant was performed on 28 patients (12 women and 16 men). The patients were in the age range of 19 to 84 years. Twenty-two patients had a paralysis of the left-side vocal fold, and six patients, of the right-side vocal fold. Detailed functional examinations were executed on all patients before and after the surgery: perceptive voice sound analysis according to the "roughness, breathiness, and hoarseness" method, judgment of the s/z ratio and voice dysfunction index, voice range profile measurements, videostroboscopy, and pulmonary function tests. In case of dysphagia/aspiration, videofluoroscopy of swallowing was also performed. The respective data were statistically analyzed (paired t test, Wilcoxon-test). All patients reported on improvement of voice, swallowing, and breathing functions postoperatively. Videostroboscopy revealed an almost complete glottal closure after surgery in all of the patients. All voice-related parameters showed a significant improvement. An increase of the laryngeal resistance by the medialization procedure could be excluded by analysis of the pulmonary function test. The results confirm the external medialization of the vocal folds as an adequate method in the therapy of voice, swallowing, and breathing impairment attributable to an insufficient glottal closure. The titanium implant offers, apart from good tissue tolerability, the


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    William Usanquén


    Full Text Available En los 200 años del nacimiento de Charles Darwin se ha realizado un sinfín de discusiones y se han publicado cientos de artículos por todo el mundo haciendo referencia a los aportes de “El origen de las especies” en las diferentes ramas de la cultura occidental, Sin embargo, haciendo un mayor énfasis en las obras, como producto madurado de la mente humana, en este año más que ser el aniversario número doscientos del nacimiento de Darwin, es el 200 aniversario de la aparición de una obra fundamental dentro de la teoría biológica: La “Philosophie Zoologique” escrita por Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. Por otra parte, también celebramos los 150 años de la primera edicion de “The Origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life”. En la primera parte se mostraran algunos elementos históricos relacionados con la filosofía zoológica y el contexto político de su nacimiento. Posteriormente se revisaran los principales conceptos darwinianos relacionados con la herencia y sus consecuencias en la formación de la disciplina llamada genética, se estudiara el caso especial de Gregor Mendel y finalmente se mostraran las implicaciones actuales en nuestra interpretación de la teoría evolutiva.

  1. Stimulation of the medial amygdala enhances medial preoptic dopamine release: implications for male rat sexual behavior. (United States)

    Dominguez, J M; Hull, E M


    Increased dopamine (DA) in the medial preoptic area (MPOA) facilitates male sexual behavior. A major source of innervation to the MPOA is the medial amygdala (MeA). We now report that chemical stimulation of the MeA enhanced levels of extracellular MPOA DA in anesthetized male rats. These results suggest that DA activity in the MPOA can be regulated by input from the MeA to the MPOA.

  2. An in vitro analysis of medial structures and a medial soft tissue reconstruction in a constrained condylar total knee arthroplasty. (United States)

    Athwal, Kiron K; El Daou, Hadi; Inderhaug, Eivind; Manning, William; Davies, Andrew J; Deehan, David J; Amis, Andrew A


    The aim of this study was to quantify the medial soft tissue contributions to stability following constrained condylar (CC) total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and determine whether a medial reconstruction could restore stability to a soft tissue-deficient, CC-TKA knee. Eight cadaveric knees were mounted in a robotic system and tested at 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90° of flexion with ±50 N anterior-posterior force, ±8 Nm varus-valgus, and ±5 Nm internal-external torque. The deep and superficial medial collateral ligaments (dMCL, sMCL) and posteromedial capsule (PMC) were transected and their relative contributions to stabilising the applied loads were quantified. After complete medial soft tissue transection, a reconstruction using a semitendinosus tendon graft was performed, and the effect on kinematic behaviour under equivocal conditions was measured. In the CC-TKA knee, the sMCL was the major medial restraint in anterior drawer, internal-external, and valgus rotation. No significant differences were found between the rotational laxities of the reconstructed knee to the pre-deficient state for the arc of motion examined. The relative contribution of the reconstruction was higher in valgus rotation at 60° than the sMCL; otherwise, the contribution of the reconstruction was similar to that of the sMCL. There is contention whether a CC-TKA can function with medial deficiency or more constraint is required. This work has shown that a CC-TKA may not provide enough stability with an absent sMCL. However, in such cases, combining the CC-TKA with a medial soft tissue reconstruction may be considered as an alternative to a hinged implant.

  3. La rama ejecutiva del poder público

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    Wilson Herrera Llanos


    Full Text Available Con la Constituci6n de 1991 Colombia mantuvo un sistema de gobierno presidencial, caracterizado por un ejecutivo fuerte, no s610por su carácter monocrático, que radica en éste lasfunciones de jefe de Estado, jefe de gobierno, máxima autoridad administrativa y comandante en jefe de las Fuerzas Militares, sino además por su capacidad de orientar los destinos del país, elaborar y ejecutar los planes de desarrollo, al igual que el presupuesto público, manejar las relaciones internacionales, mantener el orden público, etc., lo que se afianza políticamente con su escogencia mediante el voto popular directo

  4. Diferencias de género en los procesos de selección para la Formación para el Empleo. Un estudio empírico

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    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan los procesos de selección efectuados sobre la totalidad de los aspirantes a los cursos de Formación para el Empleo de la Comunidad de Madrid a mediados de los años noventa, para conocer el posible impacto adverso y el grado de segregación por género de la oferta formativa en dicha Comunidad. Los datos obtenidos en esta investigación ponen de manifiesto un «efecto negativo» en la selección que se traduce en una segregación por ramas y niveles de cualificación. Como resultado de ese efecto, las mujeres están infrarrepresentadas en el conjunto de las áreas «industriales» y en algunas ramas del sector servicios, especialmente las vinculadas a las nuevas tecnologías. En vista de esos resultados, los autores sugieren distintas estrategias para impulsar la incorporación de las mujeres en los cursos donde su presencia es escasa.

  5. Arthroscopic treatment of symptomatic type D medial plica


    Uysal, Mustafa; Asik, Mehmet; Akpinar, Sercan; Ciftci, Feyyaz; Cesur, Necip; Tandogan, Reha N.


    We aimed to review the results of subtotal arthroscopic resection of symptomatic type D medial plica. We retrospectively evaluated 23 knees with symptomatic type D medial plica in 22 patients without other intra-articular pathology. All patients complained of chronic knee pain that had not been alleviated by medical treatment or physical therapy. In only three (13%) of the patients studied was the plica diagnosed pre-operatively with magnetic resonance imaging. The type D medial plicae in our...

  6. Centralization of extruded medial meniscus delays cartilage degeneration in rats. (United States)

    Ozeki, Nobutake; Muneta, Takeshi; Kawabata, Kenichi; Koga, Hideyuki; Nakagawa, Yusuke; Saito, Ryusuke; Udo, Mio; Yanagisawa, Katsuaki; Ohara, Toshiyuki; Mochizuki, Tomoyuki; Tsuji, Kunikazu; Saito, Tomoyuki; Sekiya, Ichiro


    Meniscus extrusion often observed in knee osteoarthritis has a strong correlation with the progression of cartilage degeneration and symptom in the patients. We recently reported a novel procedure "arthroscopic centralization" in which the capsule was sutured to the edge of the tibial plateau to reduce meniscus extrusion in the human knee. However, there is no animal model to study the efficacy of this procedure. The purposes of this study were [1] to establish a model of centralization for the extruded medial meniscus in a rat model; and [2] to investigate the chondroprotective effect of this procedure. Medial meniscus extrusion was induced by the release of the anterior synovial capsule and the transection of the meniscotibial ligament. Centralization was performed by the pulled-out suture technique. Alternatively, control rats had only the medial meniscus extrusion surgery. Medial meniscus extrusion was evaluated by micro-CT and macroscopic findings. Cartilage degeneration of the medial tibial plateau was evaluated macroscopically and histologically. By micro-CT analysis, the medial meniscus extrusion was significantly improved in the centralization group in comparison to the extrusion group throughout the study. Both macroscopically and histologically, the cartilage lesion of the medial tibial plateau was prevented in the centralization group but was apparent in the control group. We developed medial meniscus extrusion in a rat model, and centralization of the extruded medial meniscus by the pull-out suture technique improved the medial meniscus extrusion and delayed cartilage degeneration, though the effect was limited. Centralization is a promising treatment to prevent the progression of osteoarthritis. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Endoscopic Medial Maxillectomy Breaking New Frontiers


    Mohanty, Sanjeev; Gopinath, M.


    Endoscopy has changed the perspective of rhinologist towards the nose. It has revolutionised the surgical management of sinonasal disorders. Sinus surgeries were the first to get the benefit of endoscope. Gradually the domain of endoscopic surgery extended to the management of sino nasal tumours. Traditionally medial maxillectomy was performed through lateral rhinotomy or mid facial degloving approach. Endoscopic medial maxillectomy has been advocated by a number of authors in the management ...

  8. Rol de las claudinas en el manejo renal del calcio

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    Armando Luis Negri


    Full Text Available Los canales paracelulares que se encuentran en las uniones estrechas tienen un papel fundamental en los flujos iónicos transepiteliales. Esta vía está formada por un gran número de proteínas, entre ellas, las claudinas. En el epitelio renal, las claudinas confieren selectividad iónica a la unión estrecha. La rama gruesa ascendente de Henle (RGAH es el segmento tubular renal más importante en la reabsorción tubular de calcio. Sus células forman una barrera impermeable al agua, transportan activamente sodio y cloro por la vía transcelular y proveen una vía paracelular para la reabsorción selectiva de calcio. Varios estudios han llevado a un modelo en el que distintas claudinas forman el canal paracelular, especialmente la claudina 16 y 19. La claudina 16 media la permeabilidad paracelular catiónica en la RGAH mientras que la claudina 19 incrementa la selectividad catiónica de la claudina 16 bloqueando la permeabilidad aniónica. Recientemente se ha encontrado que la actividad promotora de la claudina 14 está localizada exclusivamente en la RAGH. Cuando se coexpresa con la claudina 16, la claudina 14 inhibe la permeabilidad de la claudina 16, reduciendo la permeabilidad paracelular al calcio. El proceso de reabsorción de calcio en la RGAH está estrechamente regulado por el receptor sensor de calcio (CaSR que monitorea los niveles circulantes de Ca ajustando la tasa de excreción renal de forma acorde. Dos micro-ARN, los mir-9 y mir-374, son regulados directamente por el CaSR. Los miR-9 y miR-374 suprimen la traslación del ARNm de la claudina 14 e inducen su decaimiento.

  9. Differential roles for medial prefrontal and medial temporal cortices in schema-dependent encoding: From congruent to incongruent


    Kesteren, M.T.R. van; Beul, S.F.; Takashima, A.; Henson, R.N.; Ruiter, D.J.


    Information that is congruent with prior knowledge is generally remembered better than incongruent information. This effect of congruency on memory has been attributed to a facilitatory influence of activated schemas on memory encoding and consolidation processes, and hypothesised to reflect a shift between processing in medial temporal lobes (MTL) towards processing in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). To investigate this shift, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to compare ...

  10. Opening the medial tibiofemoral compartment by pie-crusting the superficial medial collateral ligament at its tibial insertion: a cadaver study. (United States)

    Roussignol, X; Gauthe, R; Rahali, S; Mandereau, C; Courage, O; Duparc, F


    Arthroscopic treatment of tears in the middle and posterior parts of the medial meniscus can be difficult when the medial tibiofemoral compartment is tight. Passage of the instruments may damage the cartilage. The primary objective of this cadaver study was to perform an arthroscopic evaluation of medial tibiofemoral compartment opening after pie-crusting release (PCR) of the superficial medial collateral ligament (sMCL) at its distal insertion on the tibia. The secondary objective was to describe the anatomic relationships at the site of PCR (saphenous nerve, medial saphenous vein). We studied 10 cadaver knees with no history of invasive procedures. The femur was held in a vise with the knee flexed at 45°, and the medial aspect of the knee was dissected. PCR of the sMCL was performed under arthroscopic vision, in the anteroposterior direction, at the distal tibial insertion of the sMCL, along the lower edge of the tibial insertion of the semi-tendinosus tendon. Continuous 300-N valgus stress was applied to the ankle. Opening of the medial tibiofemoral compartment was measured arthroscopically using graduated palpation hooks after sequential PCR of the sMCL. The compartment opened by 1mm after release of the anterior third, 2.3mm after release of the anterior two-thirds, and 3.9mm after subtotal release. A femoral fracture occurred in 1 case, after completion of all measurements. Both the saphenous nerve and the medial saphenous vein were located at a distance from the PCR site in all 10 knees. PCR of the sMCL is chiefly described as a ligament-balancing method during total knee arthroplasty. This procedure is usually performed at the joint line, where it opens the compartment by 4-6mm at the most, with some degree of unpredictability. PCR of the sMCL at its distal tibial insertion provides gradual opening of the compartment, to a maximum value similar to that obtained with PCR at the joint space. The lower edge of the semi-tendinosus tendon is a valuable landmark

  11. Expression of the marA, soxS, acrB and ramA genes related to the AcrAB/TolC efflux pump in Salmonella entérica strains with and without quinolone resistance-determining regions gyrA gene mutations

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    Rafaela Gomes Ferrari


    Full Text Available Several studies have been conducted in recent years to elucidate the structure, function and significance of AcrB, MarA, SoxS and RamA in Salmonella enterica. In this study, the relative quantification of acrB, soxS, marA and ramA genes expression was evaluated in 14 strains of S. enterica, with or without accompanying mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining regions of the gyrA gene, that were exposed to ciprofloxacin during the exponential growth phase. The presence of ciprofloxacin during the log phase of bacterial growth activated the genes marA, soxS, ramA and acrB in all S. enterica strains analyzed in this study. The highest expression levels for acrB were observed in strains with gyrA mutation, and marA showed the highest expression in the strains without mutation. Considering only the strains with ciprofloxacin minimum inhibitory concentration values 0.125 [1]g/mL (low susceptibility, with and without mutations in gyrA, the most expressed gene was marA. In this study, we observed that strains resistant to nalidixic acid may express genes associated with the efflux pump and the expression of the AcrAB-TolC pump genes seems to occur independently of mutations in gyrA.

  12. Expression of the marA, soxS, acrB and ramA genes related to the AcrAB/TolC efflux pump in Salmonella entérica strains with and without quinolone resistance-determining regions gyrA gene mutations

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    Rafaela Gomes Ferrari

    Full Text Available Several studies have been conducted in recent years to elucidate the structure, function and significance of AcrB, MarA, SoxS and RamA in Salmonella enterica. In this study, the relative quantification of acrB, soxS, marA and ramA genes expression was evaluated in 14 strains of S. enterica, with or without accompanying mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining regions of the gyrA gene, that were exposed to ciprofloxacin during the exponential growth phase. The presence of ciprofloxacin during the log phase of bacterial growth activated the genes marA, soxS, ramA and acrB in all S. enterica strains analyzed in this study. The highest expression levels for acrB were observed in strains with gyrA mutation, and marA showed the highest expression in the strains without mutation. Considering only the strains with ciprofloxacin minimum inhibitory concentration values 0.125 [1]g/mL (low susceptibility, with and without mutations in gyrA, the most expressed gene was marA. In this study, we observed that strains resistant to nalidixic acid may express genes associated with the efflux pump and the expression of the AcrAB-TolC pump genes seems to occur independently of mutations in gyrA.

  13. Cartilage Delamination Flap Mimicking a Torn Medial Meniscus

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    Gan Zhi-Wei Jonathan


    Full Text Available We report a case of a chondral delamination lesion due to medial parapatellar plica friction syndrome involving the medial femoral condyle. This mimicked a torn medial meniscus in clinical and radiological presentation. Arthroscopy revealed a chondral delamination flap, which was debrided. Diagnosis of chondral lesions in the knee can be challenging. Clinical examination and MRI have good accuracy for diagnosis and should be used in tandem. Early diagnosis and treatment of chondral lesions are important to prevent progression to early osteoarthritis.

  14. Medial branch neurotomy in low back pain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masala, Salvatore; Mammucari, Matteo; Simonetti, Giovanni; Nano, Giovanni; Marcia, Stefano


    This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of pulsed radiofrequency medial branch dorsal ramus neurotomy in patients with facet joint syndrome. From January 2008 to April 2010, 92 patients with facet joint syndrome diagnosed by strict inclusion criteria and controlled diagnostic blocks undergone medial branch neurotomy. We did not exclude patients with failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). Electrodes (20G) with 5-mm active tip were placed under fluoroscopy guide parallel to medial branch. Patients were followed up by physical examination and by Visual Analog Scale and Oswestry Disability Index at 1, 6, and 12 months. In all cases, pain improvement was statistically significant and so quality of life. Three non-FBSS patients had to undergo a second neurotomy because of non-satisfactory pain decrease. Complications were reported in no case. Medial branch radiofrequency neurotomy has confirmed its well-established effectiveness in pain and quality of life improvement as long as strict inclusion criteria be fulfilled and nerve ablation be accomplished by parallel electrode positioning. This statement can be extended also to FBSS patients. (orig.)

  15. Medial branch neurotomy in low back pain

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Masala, Salvatore; Mammucari, Matteo; Simonetti, Giovanni [Interventional Radiology and Radiotherapy University ' ' Tor Vergata' ' , Department of Diagnostic and Molecular Imaging, Rome (Italy); Nano, Giovanni [Interventional Radiology and Radiotherapy University ' ' Tor Vergata' ' , Department of Diagnostic and Molecular Imaging, Rome (Italy); University ' ' Tor Vergata' ' , Department of Radiology, Rome (Italy); Marcia, Stefano [S. Giovanni di Dio Hospital, Department of Diagnostic and Molecular Imaging, Cagliari (Italy)


    This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of pulsed radiofrequency medial branch dorsal ramus neurotomy in patients with facet joint syndrome. From January 2008 to April 2010, 92 patients with facet joint syndrome diagnosed by strict inclusion criteria and controlled diagnostic blocks undergone medial branch neurotomy. We did not exclude patients with failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). Electrodes (20G) with 5-mm active tip were placed under fluoroscopy guide parallel to medial branch. Patients were followed up by physical examination and by Visual Analog Scale and Oswestry Disability Index at 1, 6, and 12 months. In all cases, pain improvement was statistically significant and so quality of life. Three non-FBSS patients had to undergo a second neurotomy because of non-satisfactory pain decrease. Complications were reported in no case. Medial branch radiofrequency neurotomy has confirmed its well-established effectiveness in pain and quality of life improvement as long as strict inclusion criteria be fulfilled and nerve ablation be accomplished by parallel electrode positioning. This statement can be extended also to FBSS patients. (orig.)

  16. The effects of neuromuscular exercise on medial knee joint load post-arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy: 'SCOPEX', a randomised control trial protocol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hall, Michelle; Hinman, Rana S; Wrigley, Tim V


    Meniscectomy is a risk factor for knee osteoarthritis, with increased medial joint loading a likely contributor to the development and progression of knee osteoarthritis in this group. Therefore, post-surgical rehabilitation or interventions that reduce medial knee joint loading have the potential...... to reduce the risk of developing or progressing osteoarthritis. The primary purpose of this randomised, assessor-blind controlled trial is to determine the effects of a home-based, physiotherapist-supervised neuromuscular exercise program on medial knee joint load during functional tasks in people who have...

  17. Natural history of medial clavicle fractures. (United States)

    Salipas, Andrew; Kimmel, Lara A; Edwards, Elton R; Rakhra, Sandeep; Moaveni, Afshin Kamali


    Fractures of the medial third of the clavicle comprise less than 3% of all clavicle fractures. The natural history and optimal management of these rare injuries are unknown. The aim of our study is to describe the demographics, management and outcomes of patients with medial clavicle fractures treated at a Level 1 Trauma Centre. A retrospective review was conducted of patients presenting to our institution between January 2008 and March 2013 with a medial third clavicle fracture. Clinical and radiographic data were recorded including mechanism of injury, fracture pattern and displacement, associated injuries, management and complications. Functional outcomes were assessed using the Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOS-E) scores from the Victorian Orthopaedic Trauma Outcomes Registry (VOTOR). Shoulder outcomes were assessed using two patient reported outcomes scores, the American Shoulder and Elbow Society Score (ASES) and the Subjective Shoulder Value (SSV). Sixty eight medial clavicle fractures in 68 patients were evaluated. The majority of patients were male (n=53), with a median age of 53.5 years (interquartile range (IQR) 37.5-74.5 years). The most common mechanism of injury was motor vehicle accident (n=28). The in-hospital mortality rate was 4.4%. The fracture pattern was almost equally distributed between extra articular (n=35) and intra-articular (n=33). Fifty-five fractures (80.9%) had minimal or no displacement. Associated injuries were predominantly thoracic (n=31). All fractures were initially managed non-operatively, with a broad arm sling. Delayed operative fixation was performed for painful atrophic delayed union in two patients (2.9%). Both patients were under 65 years of age and had a severely displaced fracture of the medial clavicle. One intra-operative vascular complication was seen, with no adverse long-term outcome. Follow-up was obtained in 85.0% of the surviving cohort at an average of three years post injury (range 1-6 years). The mean ASES



    Burgos Medina, Omar Franz


    Muchos estudios abordan la unión de disciplinas distintas a fin de comprender hechos que cada día nos reclaman respuestas para afrontarlos, en el presente caso se llega a unir dos ramas de conocimiento que muchos autores hoy ya creen en una relación de complementariedad de las mismas, nos referimos al Derecho y a la Economía, dos ramas catalogadas en escenarios pasados como distantes. Nuestro estudio aborda una relación de correlación entre variables cualitativas y cuantitat...

  19. Modulación de la actividad de las células ciliadas del órgano de Corti por el sistema eferente olivococlear


    Ballestero, Jimena A.


    En el órgano de Corti, el epitelio sensorial del sistema auditivo de los mamíferos, las células ciliadas internas (CCIs) transducen los estímulos sonoros a señales eléctricas que son enviadas al sistema nervioso central, mientras que las células ciliadas externas (CCEs) participan del proceso de amplificación y sintonización fina de estos estímulos. La actividad de las CCEs es modulada por una inervación eferente que proviene del tallo cerebral, el sistema olivococlear medial (MOC). Durante e...

  20. Taxonomía y dinámica de las expectativas económicas de los empresarios industriales en Uruguay. Un análisis de conglomerados

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    Bibiana Lanzilotta Mernies


    Full Text Available Este artículo investiga los vínculos existentes entre los sectores industriales en Uruguay, con el fin de extraer señales acerca del proceso de formación de sus expectativas. El enfoque es predominantemente empírico, basado en la exploración de algoritmos de agrupación, mediante una única conexión con el vecino más cercano. Los resultados muestran que existe un grupo de industrias conectadas en expectativas, mayormente integrado por aquellas más expuestas a la competencia internacional. Estos ocupan los nodos centrales de la red de conexiones intersectoriales. Adicionalmente, se prueba que la cohesión entre las ramas industriales tiene una correlación positiva con el crecimiento manufacturero.

  1. The effect of different depths of medial heel skive on plantar pressures

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    Bonanno Daniel R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Foot orthoses are often used to treat lower limb injuries associated with excessive pronation. There are many orthotic modifications available for this purpose, with one being the medial heel skive. However, empirical evidence for the mechanical effects of the medial heel skive modification is limited. This study aimed to evaluate the effect that different depths of medial heel skive have on plantar pressures. Methods Thirty healthy adults (mean age 24 years, range 18–46 with a flat-arched or pronated foot posture and no current foot pain or deformity participated in this study. Using the in-shoe pedar-X® system, plantar pressure data were collected for the rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot while participants walked along an 8 metre walkway wearing a standardised shoe. Experimental conditions included a customised foot orthosis with the following 4 orthotic modifications: (i no medial heel skive, (ii a 2 mm medial heel skive, (iii a 4 mm medial heel skive and (iv a 6 mm medial heel skive. Results Compared to the foot orthosis with no medial heel skive, statistically significant increases in peak pressure were observed at the medial rearfoot – there was a 15% increase (p = 0.001 with the 4 mm skive and a 29% increase (p  Conclusions This study found that a medial heel skive of 4 mm or 6 mm increases peak pressure under the medial rearfoot in asymptomatic adults with a flat-arched or pronated foot posture. Plantar pressures at the midfoot and forefoot were not altered by a medial heel skive of 2, 4 or 6 mm. These findings provide some evidence for the effects of the medial heel skive orthotic modification.

  2. TCDD alters medial epithelial cell differentiation during palatogenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abbott, B.D.; Birnbaum, L.S.


    2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a widely distributed, persistent environmental contaminant that is teratogenic in mice, where it induces hydronephrosis and cleft palate. The incidence of clefting has been shown to be dose dependent after exposure on either gestation Day (GD) 10 or 12, although the embryo is more susceptible on GD 12. TCDD-exposed palatal shelves meet but do not fuse, and programmed cell death of the medial epithelial cells is inhibited. The mechanism of action through which TCDD alters the program of medial cell development has not been examined in earlier studies, and it is not known whether the mechanism is the same regardless of the dose or developmental stage of exposure. In this study, C57BL/6N mice, a strain sensitive to TCDD, were dosed orally on GD 10 or 12 with 0, 6, 12, 24, or 30 micrograms/kg body wt, in 10 ml corn oil/kg. Embryonic palatal shelves were examined on GD 14, 15, or 16. The degree of palatal closure, epithelial surface morphology, and cellular ultrastructure, the incorporation of [3H]TdR, the expression of EGF receptors, and the binding of 125I-EGF were assessed. After exposure on GD 10 or 12, TCDD altered the differentiation pathway of the medial epithelial cells. The palatal shelves were of normal size and overall morphology, but fusion of the medial epithelia of the opposing shelves did not occur. TCDD prevented programmed cell death of the medial peridermal cells. The expression of EGF receptors by medial cells continued through Day 16 and the receptors were able to bind ligand. The medial cells differentiated into a stratified, squamous, keratinizing epithelium. The shift in phenotype to an oral-like epithelium occurred after exposure on either GD 10 or 12. At the lower dose (6 micrograms/kg), fewer cleft palates were produced, but those shelves which did respond had a fully expressed shift in differentiation

  3. Evaluación larvicida de suspensiones acuosas de Annona muricata Linnaeus «guanábana» sobre Aedes aegypti Linnaeus (Diptera, Culicidae

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    Miguel Bobadilla


    Full Text Available EL presente trabajo evaluó la toxicidad larvicida de suspensiones acuosas provenientes de extractos etanólicos de las semillas, flores, hojas, corteza de ramas y corteza de raíces de Annona muricata L. «guanábana» sobre larvas del IV estadio de Aedes aegypti para determinar de esta manera los niveles de susceptibilidad. El mayor efecto tóxico correspondió a la suspensión de las semillas con un 100% de mortalidad a las 24 horas a 0,5 mg/mL, seguidos por las flores a las 48 horas a 10 mg/mL y hojas a las 36 horas a 100 mg/mL. En semillas, las concentraciones letales al 50% (CL50 y 90% (CL90 a las 48 horas de exposición fueron 0,02 mg/mL y 0,11 mg/mL, en flores 3,33 y 12,16 mg/mL, en hojas 8,25 y 26,87 mg/mL y en corteza de ramas 19,21 y 97,23 mg/mL, respectivamente. Los resultados de las rectas probit-logarítmicas indicaron susceptibilidad de los individuos a cada suspensión, gracias a la acción de diversos principios activos distribuidos en todo el árbol.

  4. Metalogenia de las mineralizaciones filonianas Pb-Sb de «Leonor» y «Aragon» (Ateca, Zaragoza

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    Benito García, R.


    Full Text Available The geological, geochemical and metallogenetic features of some Pb-Sb mineralizations, were studied in this paper. These ore deposits are located in thbe Ateca region (Zaragoza, Spain, in the west part of the Iberian Range.The parageneses include mainly heteromorphite, galena, sphalerite, boumonite and baryte. The geochemical analyses of the host rocks show the lack of anomalys of Pb, Zn, Cu and Ba. The hypothesis of an hydrothermal origin could be established for these mineralizations in relation with the permian calc-alkaline magmatism of the Iberian Range.En este trabajo se estudian los caracteres geológicos, geoquímicos y metalogénicos de algunas mineralizaciones Pb-Sb de la zona de Ateca (Zaragoza, en la Rama Occidental de la Cordillera Ibérica.La paragénesis incluye heteromorfita, galena, esfalerita, boumonita y baritina, principalmente. Los análisis geoquímicos de las rocas encajantes revelan la inexistencia de anomalías en elementos metalogénicos en las mismas. Por último, podría establecerse la hipótesis de un origen hidrotermal de la mineralización relacionado con el magmatismo calcoalcalino de edad pérmica de la Cordillera Ibérica.

  5. Observaciones en el crecimiento de Passiflora Mollissima (H.B.K. Bailey (Curuba como base para un sistema de poda

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    Schöniger Gudrun


    Full Text Available 1. El crecimiento libre de P. mollissima da a la planta un hábito de poco valor para el cultivo: la mayor parte de las ramas es improductiva, y la distribución del follaje además favorece la infección por hongos.2. En P. mollissima cultivada en espaldera se observa que el crecimiento es acrótono. Las podas hacen más notable la acrotonía.3. EI transcurso de la cosecha depende del transcurso de la floración y de condiciones climáticas; por eso las cosechas de las ramas laterales de primer y de segundo orden pueden ser separadas o no.4. En descendencias de P. mollissima autopolinizada se presentan segregaciones en cuanto a distintas características, entre ellas también con respecto al habito de crecimiento.5. Con base en las observaciones se desarrolla un sistema de poda de renovación. Esta poda no influye sobre el transcurso de la cosecha, pero rebaja algo el vigor de la planta. Resultados definitivos sobre el valor de la poda sólo se pueden obtener mediante observaciones de varios años.

  6. Análisis combinado acústico-mecánico durante el almacenamiento de cebolla (allium fistulosum) mínimamente procesada


    Andrea González; Gabriela Cáez; Fabián Moreno; Natalia Rodríguez; Indira Sotelo


    La cebolla de rama (Allium fistulosum) es una hortaliza altamente perecedera debido a su contenido de humedad, a su elevada tasa metabólica y al deficiente manejo poscosecha al cosecharla y transportarla. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre el deterioro visual del producto y los cambios generados en las propiedades mecánicas y acústicas del mismo. Se utilizó cebolla de rama cultivada en Aquitania, Boyacá Colombia, sometida a condiciones: empaque a vacío (10 mbar...

  7. Medial shoe-ground pressure and specific running injuries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brund, René B K; Rasmussen, Sten; Nielsen, Rasmus O


    pressure. Foot balance was categorized into those which presented a higher lateral shod pressure (LP) than medial pressure, and those which presented a higher medial shod pressure (MP) than lateral pressure during the stance phase. A time-to-event model was used to compare differences in incidence between...

  8. Aprendizaje automático


    Moreno, Antonio


    En este libro se introducen los conceptos básicos en una de las ramas más estudiadas actualmente dentro de la inteligencia artificial: el aprendizaje automático. Se estudian temas como el aprendizaje inductivo, el razonamiento analógico, el aprendizaje basado en explicaciones, las redes neuronales, los algoritmos genéticos, el razonamiento basado en casos o las aproximaciones teóricas al aprendizaje automático.

  9. Estudio y Análisis de la Lateralidad Izquierda en la ciudad de Guayaquil: El Gen Leucine-Rich Repeat Transmembrane Neural Protein 1 (LRRTM1 como factor determinante.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Vergara


    Los resultados de la investigación sirven de aporte para que las personas poseedoras de lateralidad izquierda puedan ser inducidas desde sus primeros años a desarrollar su talento humano en las ramas de las ciencias exactas, arte y humanidades o varias al mismo tiempo, siendo tarea de la educación del siglo XXI fomentar la ciencia y la técnica a nivel país.

  10. El arte de contar: combinatoria y enumeración


    Rué Perna, Juan José


    Muchas de las preguntas más importantes de las matemáticas modernas requieren dominar un arte muy especial: el de contar. La rama de las matemáticas que ha hecho del enumerar un arte se llama combinatoria, y de la mano de figuras legendarias como Paul Erdös ha sido el marco de algunos de los resultados matemáticos más asombrosos del nuevo milenio

  11. Análisis tipológico de las estructuras de las construcciones rurales tradicionales de barro. La casa de corral en el Páramo de León (España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rego Sanmartín, Teresa


    Full Text Available Traditional rural buildings reflect the building techniques inherited from ancestors, where materials mastery is proved. In this job we analyse the structure of one of the most relevant Spanish traditional agrarian building: the "casa de corral"(yard house. Thirty seven "corrales" (yards of the vernacular earthen construction in the "Páramo de León"(León, Spain were analysed. It was necessary think up an analysis method, which we called "round analysis method". Generally. radial cross sections of the yard have a main space between two earth walls bearing over stone foundation, which support floor framing, the roof framing, roof sheathing and arabic curved tiles. A gantry is usually built inward the yard, on a stone baseLas construcciones rurales tradicionales suelen reflejar el buen hacer de quienes han heredado las técnicas de sus antepasados, demostrando un dominio admirable de los materiales. En este trabajo nos centramos en el análisis estructural de uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de las construcciones agrarias tradicionales peninsulares: la casa de corral. Se analizaron 37 de estos edificios, uniformemente repartidos por la comarca del Páramo de León (España. pertenecientes a la denominada construcción de barro rural tradicional contemporánea. Para llevar a cabo el estudio fue necesario idear el denominado método giratorio de análisis. en virtud del cual se realizan sucesivos cortes radiales al corral. Esto nos permitió establecer las características constructivas más relevantes de dichos edificios. En general. las secciones radiales del corral suelen contar con un volumen principal de gruesos muros de carga a base de tapial sobre cimiento de piedra. sustentando los forjados y la estructura de cubierta, cuya impermeabilidad se logra mediante teja árabe. dispuesta sobre enlabiado de madera o sobre rama entretejida. Hacia el interior del corral se suele construir el corredor porticado, cuyos soportes transmiten las

  12. The medial patellofemoral complex. (United States)

    Loeb, Alexander E; Tanaka, Miho J


    The purpose of this review is to describe the current understanding of the medial patellofemoral complex, including recent anatomic advances, evaluation of indications for reconstruction with concomitant pathology, and surgical reconstruction techniques. Recent advances in our understanding of MPFC anatomy have found that there are fibers that insert onto the deep quadriceps tendon as well as the patella, thus earning the name "medial patellofemoral complex" to allow for the variability in its anatomy. In MPFC reconstruction, anatomic origin and insertion points and appropriate graft length are critical to prevent overconstraint of the patellofemoral joint. The MPFC is a crucial soft tissue checkrein to lateral patellar translation, and its repair or reconstruction results in good restoration of patellofemoral stability. As our understanding of MPFC anatomy evolves, further studies are needed to apply its relevance in kinematics and surgical applications to its role in maintaining patellar stability.

  13. Medial epicondylitis in occupational settings: prevalence, incidence and associated risk factors (United States)

    Descatha, Alexis; Leclerc, Annette; Chastang, Jean-François; Roquelaure, Yves


    As medial epicondylitis has not been studied alone, we investigated its links between personal and occupational factors in repetitive work, and its course. 1757 workers were examined by an occupational health physician in 1993–94. 598 of them were re-examined three years later. Prevalence was between 4 and 5%, with annual incidence estimated at 1.5%. Forceful work was a risk factor for medial epicondylitis (OR 1.95 CI [1.15–3.32]), but not exposure to repetitive work (OR 1.11, CI [0.59–2.10]). Workers with medial epicondylitis had a significantly higher prevalence of other work-related upper-limb musculoskeletal disorders (WRMD). Risk factors differed for medial and lateral epicondylitis. The prognosis for medial epicondylitis in this population was good with a three-year recovery rate at 81%. Medial epicondylitis was clearly associated with forceful work and other upper-limb WRMD, and its prognosis was good. PMID:14506342


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago A. Reyes-Carrera


    Full Text Available La caída de hojarasca constituye la fuente principal de materia orgánica en los ecosistemas terrestres. La evaluación de la caída de hojarasca es importante para entender la productividad forestal, pero también proporciona información relevante como indicador fenológico de los efectos del cambio climático. Este estudio se llevó a cabo en un rodal joven de Pinus cembroides Zucc. en la sierra de Arteaga, Coahuila, México. La hojarasca fue colectada mensualmente usando 40 colectores (1 m2 ubicados sistemáticamente dentro de una parcela de 1 ha. La prueba no paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis se utilizó para detectar diferencias significativas entre fechas de colecta. Las relaciones de producción de hojarasca con las variables climáticas se evaluaron mediante análisis de componentes principales y modelos de regresión. La deposición total de hojarasca fue poco más de 1,000 kg·ha-1·año-1, la cual fue dependiente de la temperatura y el viento. Las acículas y ramas constituyeron cerca del 33 y 22 % de la deposición total, respectivamente.

  15. Tendencia de las inversiones petroleras en la Argentina. Un caso más de las transformaciones del mercado petrolero mundial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El precio internacional del petróleo mostró, a partir del año 2003, una suba histórica comparable a la de fines de la década de 1970 por la que se consumara en ese entonces la llamada “crisis energética”. Sin embargo, a diferencia de ese período, el incremento del precio, señal típicamente utilizada por el capital para su movimiento entre las diferentes ramas productivas, no resultó en aumentos significativos de la capacidad productiva de la industria petrolera. Consideramos pertinente en el marco de la elaboración del presente trabajo, el desarrollo de las determinaciones de la inversión de capital en el sector energético a fines de presentar las características históricamente específicas de la producción actual. Es en este sentido en que aparece significativamente el rol del progresivo ingreso del capital financiero en torno a esta producción. Siendo históricamente la Argentina poseedora de un gran potencial en materia de energía, queda por resolver las cuestiones que llevan a que la situación energética local, sea presa de un debate que apunta a señalar las posibilidades de una crisis en un mediano o corto plazo, al enfrentar ciertas deficiencias en casi todos los aspectos que hacen al abastecimiento de energía. Abstract The international price of oil since 2003 showed a historical hike comparable to the end of the ' 70s when the socalled "energy crisis" emerged. However, in contrast to that period, the increase in the price, signal typically used by capital to their movement between the different production branches, not resulted in significant increases in productive capacity in the oil industry. We consider relevant in the context of the preparation of the present paper, the development of the determinations of the capital investment in the energy sector at the end of the historically specific features of the current production. It is in this sense that appears significantly the increasing role of financial

  16. Qualidade de caqui 'Rama forte' após armazenamento refrigerado, influenciada pelos tratamentos 1-MCP e/ou CO2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Peterson Pereira Gardin


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos dos tratamentos com CO2 e 1-MCP (1-metilciclopropeno sobre a adstringência (índice de tanino, firmeza da polpa e distúrbios da epiderme em caqui 'Rama Forte'. Frutos foram tratados com 1-MCP por 24 h, logo após a colheita e/ou com alto CO2 (70% por 24 ou 48 h, um dia após a colheita ou após o armazenamento refrigerado (AR. Os caquis foram armazenados sob atmosfera modificada a 0 ºC, por 45 dias, e a seguir mantidos a 23 ºC, por 9 dias. Frutos-controle (não tratados com 1-MCP nem com CO2 amoleceram em três dias e perderam aproximadamente 50% da adstringência em 6 dias após o AR. A exposição ao CO2 acelerou a redução da adstringência. Esse efeito do CO2 foi menor em frutos tratados com 1-MCP, especialmente quando o CO2 foi aplicado após o AR, por apenas 24 h. O tratamento com 1-MCP inibiu o amolecimento e a redução da adstringência, especialmente nos frutos não tratados com CO2. O amolecimento de frutos tratados com 1-MCP foi maior quando a exposição ao CO2 ocorreu antes do AR. A combinação dos tratamentos com 1-MCP e alto CO2 reduziu a incidência de podridões e manchas translúcidas, mas não alterou o desenvolvimento de pintas pretas ('estrias'. Os resultados indicam que é possível induzir perda da adstringência sem excessiva perda da firmeza da polpa de caquis 'Rama Forte' após o AR pela associação dos tratamentos com 1-MCP logo após a colheita e alto CO2 após o AR.

  17. Intrinsic factors associated with medial tibial stress syndrome in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Intrinsic factors associated with medial tibial stress syndrome in athletes: A large case-control study. ... Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) is the most common lower-leg injury in athletes, and is thought to be caused by ... from 32 Countries:.

  18. Epidemiology of lateral and medial epicondylitis in a military population. (United States)

    Wolf, Jennifer Moriatis; Mountcastle, Sally; Burks, Robert; Sturdivant, Rodney X; Owens, Brett D


    To determine the epidemiology of lateral and medial epicondylitis in the U.S. military. The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database was queried for ICD-9 codes 726.32 (lateral epicondylitis) and 726.33 (medial epicondylitis) for the years 1998-2006. Multivariate Poisson regression was used to calculate incidence rates (IR) and rate ratios (RR) among demographic groups. The IRs for lateral and medial epicondylitis were 2.98 and 0.81 per 1000 person-years. For lateral epicondylitis, women had a higher incidence (RR = 1.22, 95% CI 1.19-1.26). In both groups, analysis by age showed higher incidence in the > or = 40-year-old group. White compared with black race was a risk factor for both lateral (RR = 1.68, 95% CI, 1.63-1.74) and medial epicondylitis (RR = 1.11, 95% CI 1.05-1.17). Female gender was a risk factor for lateral but not medial epicondylitis. Age greater than 40 and white race were significant risk factors for both conditions.

  19. Ultrastructure of medial rectus muscles in patients with intermittent exotropia. (United States)

    Yao, J; Wang, X; Ren, H; Liu, G; Lu, P


    PURPOSE To study the ultrastructure of the medial rectus in patients with intermittent exotropia at different ages.PATIENTS AND METHODS The medial recti were harvested surgically from 20 patients with intermittent exotropia. Patients were divided into adolescent (age18 years, n=10). The normal control group included five patients without strabismus and undergoing eye enucleation. Hematoxylin and eosin staining and transmission electron microscopy were used to visualize the medial recti. Western blot was used to determine the levels of myosin and actin.RESULTS Varying fiber thickness, atrophy, and misalignment of the medial recti were visualized under optical microscope in patients with exotropia. Electron microscopy revealed sarcomere destruction, myofilament disintegration, unclear dark and light bands, collagen proliferation, and fibrosis. The adolescent group manifested significantly higher levels of myosin and actin than the adult group (Pstronger contraction of the medial recti compared with older patients. Our findings suggest that childhood was the appropriate time for surgery as the benefit of the intervention was better than in adulthood.

  20. Subquadratic medial-axis approximation in $\\mathbb{R}^3$

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Scheffer


    Full Text Available We present an algorithm that approximates the medial axis of a smooth manifold in $\\mathbb{R}^3$ which is given by a sufficiently dense point sample. The resulting, non-discrete approximation is shown to converge to the medial axis as the sampling density approaches infinity. While all previous algorithms guaranteeing convergence have a running time quadratic in the size $n$ of the point sample, we achieve a running time of at most $\\mathcal{O}(n\\log^3 n$. While there is no subquadratic upper bound on the output complexity of previous algorithms for non-discrete medial axis approximation, the output of our algorithm is guaranteed to be of linear size.

  1. Case report - curved femoral osteotomy for management of medial patellar luxation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Allpass, Maja; Miles, James Edward


    Medial patellaluxation kan forårsages af femoral varus hos hund. Førhen har patienter med excessiv femoralvarus været korrigeret ved en lateralt placeret femoral kile-ostektomi. Her præsenteres en case, hvor en buet osteotomi blev anvendt til behandling af medial patellaluxation.......Medial patellaluxation kan forårsages af femoral varus hos hund. Førhen har patienter med excessiv femoralvarus været korrigeret ved en lateralt placeret femoral kile-ostektomi. Her præsenteres en case, hvor en buet osteotomi blev anvendt til behandling af medial patellaluxation....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Teodoro Padua


    Full Text Available Brazil is the largest world producer of cassava. Leafs and stem of cassava can be a alternative source of protein for omnivorous fish. However, the potential use is limited by the presence of high level of cyanide acid. The present study evaluated physiological responses of juvenile pacu submitted to increasing levels of the final third of the cassava foliage meal in diets. A completely randomized design was used in factorial scheme 4x2, four levels, 0, 12, 24 and 36 % of cassava foliage meal (CFM, and 2 levels of crude protein (CP, 24 % and 30 %, with three replicates. Three hundred twelve fish (55.33±6.19 g were distributed into 24 ponds of 13 m2. Results indicated that the levels of CFM inclusion affected the hemoglobin values (P<0.01, as well as the CP level (P<0.05, with interaction of these factors (P<0.01. Significant interaction among the CFM levels and CP was also observed for hematocrit, plasma protein (P<0.01 and plasma lipid (P<0.05. In the 24 % CP level was observed higher values of Hb in control and 36 % of CFM (3.51 g/dl and 3.25 g/dl respectively while with 30 % CP the control diet and 36 % CFM presented the smallest values (3.29 g/dl and 2.78 g/dl respectively. The higher level of CFM tested, inside of any protein level, had low influence on the pacu metabolism.

    KEY WORDS: Cassava leaf and stem fish metabolism, pacu, P. Mesopotamicus.
    O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de mandioca, disponibilizando a rama de mandioca como fonte alternativa na alimentação de peixes onívoros. No entanto, o potencial de uso da rama é limitado pela toxidez do ácido cianídrico. Objetivou-se avaliar a resposta fisiológica do pacu alimentado com níveis crescentes da rama de mandioca. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em fatorial 4x2, quatro níveis de rama de mandioca (RM (0%, 12%, 24% e 36% e dois níveis de proteína bruta (PB (24% e 30% com três repetições. Trezentos e doze peixes (55,33±6,19 g foram

  3. The effects of neuromuscular exercise on medial knee joint load post-arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy: 'SCOPEX', a randomised control trial protocol. (United States)

    Hall, Michelle; Hinman, Rana S; Wrigley, Tim V; Roos, Ewa M; Hodges, Paul W; Staples, Margaret; Bennell, Kim L


    Meniscectomy is a risk factor for knee osteoarthritis, with increased medial joint loading a likely contributor to the development and progression of knee osteoarthritis in this group. Therefore, post-surgical rehabilitation or interventions that reduce medial knee joint loading have the potential to reduce the risk of developing or progressing osteoarthritis. The primary purpose of this randomised, assessor-blind controlled trial is to determine the effects of a home-based, physiotherapist-supervised neuromuscular exercise program on medial knee joint load during functional tasks in people who have recently undergone a partial medial meniscectomy. 62 people aged 30-50 years who have undergone an arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy within the previous 3 to 12 months will be recruited and randomly assigned to a neuromuscular exercise or control group using concealed allocation. The neuromuscular exercise group will attend 8 supervised exercise sessions with a physiotherapist and will perform 6 exercises at home, at least 3 times per week for 12 weeks. The control group will not receive the neuromuscular training program. Blinded assessment will be performed at baseline and immediately following the 12-week intervention. The primary outcomes are change in the peak external knee adduction moment measured by 3-dimensional analysis during normal paced walking and one-leg rise. Secondary outcomes include the change in peak external knee adduction moment during fast pace walking and one-leg hop and change in the knee adduction moment impulse during walking, one-leg rise and one-leg hop, knee and hip muscle strength, electromyographic muscle activation patterns, objective measures of physical function, as well as self-reported measures of physical function and symptoms and additional biomechanical parameters. The findings from this trial will provide evidence regarding the effect of a home-based, physiotherapist-supervised neuromuscular exercise program on medial knee

  4. Trends in the energy use in the Mexican industrial sector; Tendencias del uso de la energia en el sector industrial mexicano

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sheinbaum, C. [UNAM, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Jauregui, I. [CONAE, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper presents an analysis of the trends of the energy use for the industry in Mexico. For the various industrial branches (mining, construction, chemical, sugar, cement, paper and cellulose and glass) the changes in energy intensity (measured as the use of the energy divided by the aggregated value) and in the participation of the same in the industrial Internal Gross Product are presented. This is developed by means of the analysis of Laspeyress exchange indexes. It is found that in most of the industrial branches a reduction of the energy density has been originated. The reasons for the falling of this indicator are structural and of technological change nature, depending on the industrial branch. Nevertheless the classical analysis of the Laspeyress indexes is not sufficient to explain the changes occurred in the energy intensity in the Mexican industry for the last years. [Espanol] Este articulo presenta un analisis de las tendencias del uso de la energia para la industria en Mexico. Para las diversas ramas industriales (mineria, construccion, quimica, azucar, cemento, papel y celulosa y vidrio) se presentan los cambios en la intensidad energetica (medida como uso de la energia entre valor agregado) y en la participacion de las mismas en el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) industrial. Esto se desarrolla por medio del analisis de indices de cambio de Laspeyress. Se encuentra que en la mayoria de las ramas industriales hubo una disminucion en la intensidad energetica. Las razones de la caida de este indicador son estructurales y de cambio tecnologico dependiendo de la rama industrial. Sin embargo el analisis clasico de los indices de Laspeyress es insuficiente para explicar los cambios ocurridos en la intensidad energetica de la industria mexicana para los ultimos anos.

  5. Trends in the energy use in the Mexican industrial sector; Tendencias del uso de la energia en el sector industrial mexicano

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sheinbaum, C [UNAM, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Jauregui, I [CONAE, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper presents an analysis of the trends of the energy use for the industry in Mexico. For the various industrial branches (mining, construction, chemical, sugar, cement, paper and cellulose and glass) the changes in energy intensity (measured as the use of the energy divided by the aggregated value) and in the participation of the same in the industrial Internal Gross Product are presented. This is developed by means of the analysis of Laspeyress exchange indexes. It is found that in most of the industrial branches a reduction of the energy density has been originated. The reasons for the falling of this indicator are structural and of technological change nature, depending on the industrial branch. Nevertheless the classical analysis of the Laspeyress indexes is not sufficient to explain the changes occurred in the energy intensity in the Mexican industry for the last years. [Espanol] Este articulo presenta un analisis de las tendencias del uso de la energia para la industria en Mexico. Para las diversas ramas industriales (mineria, construccion, quimica, azucar, cemento, papel y celulosa y vidrio) se presentan los cambios en la intensidad energetica (medida como uso de la energia entre valor agregado) y en la participacion de las mismas en el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) industrial. Esto se desarrolla por medio del analisis de indices de cambio de Laspeyress. Se encuentra que en la mayoria de las ramas industriales hubo una disminucion en la intensidad energetica. Las razones de la caida de este indicador son estructurales y de cambio tecnologico dependiendo de la rama industrial. Sin embargo el analisis clasico de los indices de Laspeyress es insuficiente para explicar los cambios ocurridos en la intensidad energetica de la industria mexicana para los ultimos anos.

  6. A clinical evaluation of alternative fixation techniques for medial malleolus fractures. (United States)

    Barnes, Hayley; Cannada, Lisa K; Watson, J Tracy


    Medial malleolus fractures have traditionally been managed using partially threaded screws and/or Kirschner wire fixation. Using these conventional techniques, a non-union rate of as high as 20% has been reported. In addition too many patients complaining of prominent hardware as a source of pain post-fixation. This study was designed to assess the outcomes of medial malleolar fixation using a headless compression screw in terms of union rate, the need for hardware removal, and pain over the hardware site. Saint Louis University and Mercy Medical Center, Level 1 Trauma Centers, St. Louis, MO. After IRB approval, we used billing records to identify all patients with ankle fractures involving the medial malleolus. Medical records and radiographs were reviewed to identify patients with medial malleolar fractures treated with headless compression screw fixation. Our inclusion criteria included follow-up until full weight bearing and a healed fracture. Follow-up clinical records and radiographs were reviewed to determine union, complication rate and perception of pain over the site of medial malleolus fixation. Sixty-four ankles were fixed via headless compression screws and 44 had adequate follow-up for additional evaluation. Seven patients had isolated medial malleolar fractures, 23 patients had bimalleolar fractures, and 14 patients had trimalleolar fractures. One patient (2%) required hardware removal due to cellulitis. One patient (2%) had a delayed union, which healed without additional intervention. Ten patients (23%) reported mild discomfort to palpation over the medial malleolus. The median follow-up was 35 weeks (range: 12-208 weeks). There were no screw removals for painful hardware and no cases of non-union. Headless compression screws provide effective compression of medial malleolus fractures and result in good clinical outcomes. The headless compression screw is a beneficial alternative to the conventional methods of medial malleolus fixation. Copyright

  7. Modified tension band wiring of medial malleolar ankle fractures. (United States)

    Georgiadis, G M; White, D B


    Twenty-two displaced medial malleolar ankle fractures that were treated surgically using the modified tension band method of Cleak and Dawson were retrospectively reviewed at an average follow-up of 25 months. The technique involves the use of a screw to anchor a figure-of-eight wire. There were no malreductions and all fractures healed. Problems with the technique included technical errors with hardware placement, medial ankle pain, and asymptomatic wire migration. Despite this, modified tension band wiring remains an acceptable method for fixation of selected displaced medial malleolar fractures. It is especially suited for small fracture fragments and osteoporotic bone.

  8. Bucket handle tears of the medial meniscus: meniscal intrusion rather than meniscal extrusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schlossberg, S.; Umans, H.; Flusser, G.; DiFelice, G.S.; Lerer, D.B.


    To determine the frequency of medial meniscal extrusion (MME) versus ''medial meniscal intrusion'' in the setting of bucket handle tears. Images were evaluated for previously reported risk factors for MME, including: medial meniscal root tear, radial tear, degenerative joint disease and joint effusion. Forty-one consecutive cases of bucket handle tear of the medial meniscus were reviewed by consensus by two musculoskeletal radiologists. Imaging was performed using a 1.5 GE Signa MR unit. Patient age, gender, medial meniscal root integrity, MME, medial meniscal intrusion, degenerative joint disease, effusion and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear were recorded. Thirteen females and 27 males (age 12-62 years, median=30 years) were affected; one had bucket handle tear of each knee. Effusion was small in 13, moderate in 9 and large in 18. Degenerative joint disease was mild in three, moderate in two and severe in one. 26 ACL tears included three partial and three chronic. Medial meniscal root tear was complete in one case and partial thickness in two. None of the 40 cases with an intact or partially torn medial meniscal root demonstrated MME. MME of 3.1 mm was seen in the only full-thickness medial meniscal root tear, along with chronic ACL tear, moderate degenerative joint disease and large effusion. Medial meniscal intrusion of the central bucket handle fragment into the intercondylar notch was present in all 41 cases. Given an intact medial meniscal root in the setting of a ''pure'' bucket handle tear, there is no MME. (orig.)

  9. The medial tibial stress syndrome. A cause of shin splints. (United States)

    Mubarak, S J; Gould, R N; Lee, Y F; Schmidt, D A; Hargens, A R


    The medial tibial stress syndrome is a symptom complex seen in athletes who complain of exercise-induced pain along the distal posterior-medial aspect of the tibia. Intramuscular pressures within the posterior compartments of the leg were measured in 12 patients with this disorder. These pressures were not elevated and therefore this syndrome is a not a compartment syndrome. Available information suggests that the medial tibial stress syndrome most likely represents a periostitis at this location of the leg.

  10. Degeneración de los terminales aferentes primarios de rata luego de lesión extensa por avulsión del plexo braquial


    Vilma Muñetón-Gómez; Julian Scott Taylor; Sharon Averill; John V. Priestley; Manuel Nieto-Sampedro


    El uso de las neuronas sensoriales primarias ha aportado avances en el entendimiento de las razones por las cuales falla la regeneración cuando el sistema nervioso central (SNC) es dañado. La rizotomía dorsal se puede usar como un modelo experimental de las lesiones por avulsión del plexo braquial, una lesión en la cual son desprendidas, en su punto de entrada en la médula espinal, las ramas centrales de los aferentes primarios causando una disfunción motora y sensorial grave e irreversible d...

  11. Default network connectivity in medial temporal lobe amnesia. (United States)

    Hayes, Scott M; Salat, David H; Verfaellie, Mieke


    There is substantial overlap between the brain regions supporting episodic memory and the default network. However, in humans, the impact of bilateral medial temporal lobe (MTL) damage on a large-scale neural network such as the default mode network is unknown. To examine this issue, resting fMRI was performed with amnesic patients and control participants. Seed-based functional connectivity analyses revealed robust default network connectivity in amnesia in cortical default network regions such as medial prefrontal cortex, posterior medial cortex, and lateral parietal cortex, as well as evidence of connectivity to residual MTL tissue. Relative to control participants, decreased posterior cingulate cortex connectivity to MTL and increased connectivity to cortical default network regions including lateral parietal and medial prefrontal cortex were observed in amnesic patients. In contrast, somatomotor network connectivity was intact in amnesic patients, indicating that bilateral MTL lesions may selectively impact the default network. Changes in default network connectivity in amnesia were largely restricted to the MTL subsystem, providing preliminary support from MTL amnesic patients that the default network can be fractionated into functionally and structurally distinct components. To our knowledge, this is the first examination of the default network in amnesia.

  12. The climatic change and the new demands in dwelling design; El cambio climatico y las nuevas exigencias en el diseno de la vivienda

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tardan Waltz, Jenny [Asociacion de Empresas para el Ahorro de la Energia en la Edificacion, A.C. (Mexico)


    In Mexico, the culture of energy saving began more than one decade ago, but the benefits are not yet concrete. The Mexican society, requires new designs of dwellings adapted to its needs and in addition modifies the present systems of construction that do not include criteria of design for the thermal comfort, the energy saving and the sustainability. It is urgent to reconsider the urbanism of the cities, as well as the promotion of the concept of sustainable development in all the branches of human activity. The design of dwellings must significantly integrate the energy and environmental components to reduce to the power consumption and the CO{sub 2} emissions. [Spanish] En Mexico, la cultura de ahorro de energia se inicio hace mas de una decada, pero los beneficios aun no son palpables. La sociedad mexicana, requiere de nuevos disenos de viviendas que se adapten a sus necesidades y que ademas modifiquen los sistemas de construccion actuales que no incluyen criterios de diseno para el confort termico, el ahorro de energia y la sustentabilidad. Es urgente reconsiderar el urbanismo de las ciudades, asi como la promocion del concepto de desarrollo sustentable en todas las ramas de la actividad humana. El diseno de la vivienda debe integrar los componentes energeticos y medioambientales, para reducir significativamente el consumo de energia y las emisiones de CO{sub 2}.

  13. Cuando esas nuevas ramas crezcan yo también habré sanado

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    Ruysen Flores


    Full Text Available Ruysen Flores narra sobre cómo superó una enfermedad espiritual que lo aquejaba, siguiendo el ejemplo de las plantas que le había enseñado su maestro Pablo Amaringo. Así como las plantas al podarlas se renuevan, así su espíritu se sanó. Su inspiración es la mitología, la costumbre y las plantas. En su pintura hay un espíritu femenino acuático, cuyos hijos son los delfines. Ruysen pinta a los espíritus protectores que aparecen en los rituales de los chamanes y los espíritus de las plantas y los elementos. Utiliza figuras que vienen en perspectiva, también muy utilizadas por Pablo Amaringo, a las que llamaba “tingunas”. 

  14. The Anatomic Midpoint of the Attachment of the Medial Patellofemoral Complex. (United States)

    Tanaka, Miho J; Voss, Andreas; Fulkerson, John P


    The medial patellofemoral ligament varies in attachment of its fibers to the patella and vastus intermedius tendon. Our aim was to identify and describe its anatomic midpoint. To account for the variability of the attachment site, we refer to it as the medial patellofemoral complex. Using AutoCAD software, we identified the midpoint of the medial patellofemoral complex attachment on photographs of 31 cadaveric knee dissections. The midpoint was referenced relative to the superior articular surface of the patella (P1) and was described in terms of the percentage of the patellar articular length distal to this point. A second point, at the junction of the medial border of the vastus intermedius tendon with the superior articular border of the patella, was identified (P2). The distances of the midpoint to P1 and P2 were calculated and were compared using paired t tests. Twenty-five images had appropriate quality and landmarks for digital analysis. The midpoint of the medial patellofemoral complex was located a mean (and standard deviation) of 2.3% ± 15.8% of the patellar articular length distal to the superior pole and was at or proximal to P1 in 12 knees. In all knees, the midpoint was at or proximal to P2. After exclusion of 2 knees with vastus intermedius tendon attachments only, the medial patellofemoral complex midpoint was closer to P2 (5.3% ± 8.6% of the patellar articular length) than to P1 (9.3% ± 8.5% of the patellar articular length) (p = 0.06). The midpoint of the medial patellofemoral complex was 2.3% of the articular length distal to the superior pole of the patella. Additionally, we describe an anatomic landmark at the junction of the medial border of the vastus intermedius tendon and the articular border of the patella that approximates the midpoint of this complex. Our study shows that the anatomic midpoint of the attachment of the medial patellofemoral complex is proximal to the junction of the medial vastus intermedius tendon and the articular

  15. Association of medial meniscal extrusion with medial tibial osteophyte distance detected by T2 mapping MRI in patients with early-stage knee osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Hada, Shinnosuke; Ishijima, Muneaki; Kaneko, Haruka; Kinoshita, Mayuko; Liu, Lizu; Sadatsuki, Ryo; Futami, Ippei; Yusup, Anwajan; Takamura, Tomohiro; Arita, Hitoshi; Shiozawa, Jun; Aoki, Takako; Takazawa, Yuji; Ikeda, Hiroshi; Aoki, Shigeki; Kurosawa, Hisashi; Okada, Yasunori; Kaneko, Kazuo


    Medial meniscal extrusion (MME) is associated with progression of medial knee osteoarthritis (OA), but no or little information is available for relationships between MME and osteophytes, which are found in cartilage and bone parts. Because of the limitation in detectability of the cartilage part of osteophytes by radiography or conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the rate of development and size of osteophytes appear to have been underestimated. Because T2 mapping MRI may enable us to evaluate the cartilage part of osteophytes, we aimed to examine the association between MME and OA-related changes, including osteophytes, by using conventional and T2 mapping MRI. Patients with early-stage knee OA (n = 50) were examined. MRI-detected OA-related changes, in addition to MME, were evaluated according to the Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score. T2 values of the medial meniscus and osteophytes were measured on T2 mapping images. Osteophytes surgically removed from patients with end-stage knee OA were histologically analyzed and compared with findings derived by radiography and MRI. Medial side osteophytes were detected by T2 mapping MRI in 98% of patients with early-stage knee OA, although the detection rate was 48% by conventional MRI and 40% by radiography. Among the OA-related changes, medial tibial osteophyte distance was most closely associated with MME, as determined by multiple logistic regression analysis, in the patients with early-stage knee OA (β = 0.711, p T2 values of the medial meniscus were directly correlated with MME in patients with early-stage knee OA, who showed ≥ 3 mm of MME (r = 0.58, p = 0.003). The accuracy of osteophyte evaluation by T2 mapping MRI was confirmed by histological analysis of the osteophytes removed from patients with end-stage knee OA. Our study demonstrates that medial tibial osteophyte evaluated by T2 mapping MRI is frequently observed in the patients with early-stage knee OA, showing

  16. Radiographic anatomy of the medial coronoid process of dogs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyabayashi, T.; Takiguchi, M.; Schrader, S.C.; Biller, D.S.


    Mediolateral, flexed mediolateral, mediocaudal-laterocranial 15 degrees oblique (extended and supinated mediolateral), and craniolateral-caudomedial 20 degrees to 30 degrees oblique radiographs of 16 elbow-joint specimens were produced to study the radiographic anatomy of the medial coronoid process. On the mediolateral view, the cranial point of the coronoid process was at the level of the distal one-third of the radial epiphysis. Degree of superimposition of the proximal radius and ulna determined how the medial coronoid process was projected on the radiographs. Mediocaudal-laterocranial oblique radiographs best showed the cranial outline of the medial coronoid process with moderate superimposition of the proximal radius and ulna

  17. The effects of neuromuscular exercise on medial knee joint load post-arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy: ‘SCOPEX’ a randomised control trial protocol (United States)


    Background Meniscectomy is a risk factor for knee osteoarthritis, with increased medial joint loading a likely contributor to the development and progression of knee osteoarthritis in this group. Therefore, post-surgical rehabilitation or interventions that reduce medial knee joint loading have the potential to reduce the risk of developing or progressing osteoarthritis. The primary purpose of this randomised, assessor-blind controlled trial is to determine the effects of a home-based, physiotherapist-supervised neuromuscular exercise program on medial knee joint load during functional tasks in people who have recently undergone a partial medial meniscectomy. Methods/design 62 people aged 30–50 years who have undergone an arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy within the previous 3 to 12 months will be recruited and randomly assigned to a neuromuscular exercise or control group using concealed allocation. The neuromuscular exercise group will attend 8 supervised exercise sessions with a physiotherapist and will perform 6 exercises at home, at least 3 times per week for 12 weeks. The control group will not receive the neuromuscular training program. Blinded assessment will be performed at baseline and immediately following the 12-week intervention. The primary outcomes are change in the peak external knee adduction moment measured by 3-dimensional analysis during normal paced walking and one-leg rise. Secondary outcomes include the change in peak external knee adduction moment during fast pace walking and one-leg hop and change in the knee adduction moment impulse during walking, one-leg rise and one-leg hop, knee and hip muscle strength, electromyographic muscle activation patterns, objective measures of physical function, as well as self-reported measures of physical function and symptoms and additional biomechanical parameters. Discussion The findings from this trial will provide evidence regarding the effect of a home-based, physiotherapist

  18. The effects of neuromuscular exercise on medial knee joint load post-arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy: ‘SCOPEX’ a randomised control trial protocol

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    Hall Michelle


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Meniscectomy is a risk factor for knee osteoarthritis, with increased medial joint loading a likely contributor to the development and progression of knee osteoarthritis in this group. Therefore, post-surgical rehabilitation or interventions that reduce medial knee joint loading have the potential to reduce the risk of developing or progressing osteoarthritis. The primary purpose of this randomised, assessor-blind controlled trial is to determine the effects of a home-based, physiotherapist-supervised neuromuscular exercise program on medial knee joint load during functional tasks in people who have recently undergone a partial medial meniscectomy. Methods/design 62 people aged 30–50 years who have undergone an arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy within the previous 3 to 12 months will be recruited and randomly assigned to a neuromuscular exercise or control group using concealed allocation. The neuromuscular exercise group will attend 8 supervised exercise sessions with a physiotherapist and will perform 6 exercises at home, at least 3 times per week for 12 weeks. The control group will not receive the neuromuscular training program. Blinded assessment will be performed at baseline and immediately following the 12-week intervention. The primary outcomes are change in the peak external knee adduction moment measured by 3-dimensional analysis during normal paced walking and one-leg rise. Secondary outcomes include the change in peak external knee adduction moment during fast pace walking and one-leg hop and change in the knee adduction moment impulse during walking, one-leg rise and one-leg hop, knee and hip muscle strength, electromyographic muscle activation patterns, objective measures of physical function, as well as self-reported measures of physical function and symptoms and additional biomechanical parameters. Discussion The findings from this trial will provide evidence regarding the effect of a home

  19. The mechanical benefit of medial support screws in locking plating of proximal humerus fractures.

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    Wen Zhang

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical advantages of medial support screws (MSSs in the locking proximal humeral plate for treating proximal humerus fractures. METHODS: Thirty synthetic left humeri were randomly divided into 3 subgroups to establish two-part surgical neck fracture models of proximal humerus. All fractures were fixed with a locking proximal humerus plate. Group A was fixed with medial cortical support and no MSSs; Group B was fixed with 3 MSSs but without medial cortical support; Group C was fixed with neither medial cortical support nor MSSs. Axial compression, torsional stiffness, shear stiffness, and failure tests were performed. RESULTS: Constructs with medial support from cortical bone showed statistically higher axial and shear stiffness than other subgroups examined (P<0.0001. When the proximal humerus was not supported by medial cortical bone, locking plating with medial support screws exhibited higher axial and torsional stiffness than locking plating without medial support screws (P ≤ 0.0207. Specimens with medial cortical bone failed primarily by fracture of the humeral shaft or humeral head. Specimens without medial cortical bone support failed primarily by significant plate bending at the fracture site followed by humeral head collapse or humeral head fracture. CONCLUSIONS: Anatomic reduction with medial cortical support was the stiffest construct after a simulated two-part fracture. Significant biomechanical benefits of MSSs in locking plating of proximal humerus fractures were identified. The reconstruction of the medial column support for proximal humerus fractures helps to enhance mechanical stability of the humeral head and prevent implant failure.

  20. The Prevalence of Medial Epicondylitis Among Patients With C6 and C7 Radiculopathy (United States)

    Lee, Aaron Taylor; Lee-Robinson, Ayse L.


    Background: Medial epicondylitis, or golfer’s/pitcher’s elbow, develops as a result of medial stress overload on the flexor muscles at the elbow and presents as pain at the medial epicondyle. Cervical radiculopathy has been associated with lateral epicondylitis, but few associations between the cervical spine and medial epicondylitis have been made. Researchers propose that there is an association, suggesting that the weakness and imbalance in the elbow flexor and extensor muscles from C6 and C7 radiculopathy allow for easy onset of medial epicondylitis. Hypothesis: Medial epicondylitis will present in over half the patients diagnosed with C6 and C7 radiculopathy. Methodology: A total of 102 patients initially presenting with upper extremity or neck symptoms were diagnosed with cervical radiculopathy. They were then examined for medial epicondylitis. Data were collected by referring to patient charts from February 2008 until June 2009. Results: Fifty-five patients were diagnosed with medial epicondylitis. Of these, 44 had C6 and C7 radiculopathy whereas 11 presented with just C6 radiculopathy. Conclusion: Medial epicondylitis presented with cervical radiculopathy in slightly more than half the patients. Weakening of the flexor carpi radialis and pronator teres and imbalance of the flexor and extensor muscles from the C6 and C7 radiculopathy allow for easy onset of medial epicondylitis. Patients with medial epicondylitis should be examined for C6 and C7 radiculopathy to ensure proper treatment. Physicians dealing with golfers, pitchers, or other patients with medial epicondylitis should be aware of the association between these 2 diagnoses to optimize care. PMID:23015956

  1. La medicina en el Nuevo Reino de Granada en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII

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    Andres Soriano Lleras


    Full Text Available En 1783 Mutis decía en carta al Virrey Flórez que en materia de quinas la materia médica debe ser la corteza de las ramas jóvenes, pues la de las viejas ya es muy pobre. El capitán Antonio de Latorre Miranda encontró la quina anaranjada en Fusagasugá y reclamó para sí el descubrimiento de las quinas en el Nuevo Reino de Granada.

  2. Code for the steam tables for pure water in visual basic 6.0.; Un codigo para las tablas de vapor para agua pura en visual basic 6.0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verma, Mahendra P. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    The thermodynamic data of the water are of extreme importance in all of the branches of science and technology; the facilitate the understanding of the natural Earth processes. Nevertheless, for the electrical industry the water plays a very important role during the generation of electrical energy process. Different heat sources such as coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear fuel or the geothermal heat boil the water that forms the steam used to move the turbines. Consequently, the steam tables (the thermodynamic water data) are vital to model thermal and mass transference and physical-chemical processes during the generation of electrical energy. [Spanish] Los datos termodinamicos del agua son de suma importancia en todas las ramas de la ciencia y tecnologia, ellos facilitan el entendimiento de los procesos naturales de la Tierra. Sin embargo, para la industria electrica el agua juega un papel muy importante durante el proceso de generacion de energia electrica. Diferentes fuentes de calor tales como carbon, aceite, gas natural, combustible nuclear o el calor geotermico calientan el agua que forma el vapor utilizado para mover las turbinas. Luego entonces, las tablas de vapor (los datos termodinamicos de agua) son vitales para modelar transferencia termica y de masa y procesos fisico-quimico durante la generacion energia electrica.

  3. [Application of pie-crusting the medial collateral ligament release in arthroscopic surgery for posterior horn of 
medial meniscus in knee joint]. (United States)

    Zhu, Weihong; Tang, Qi; Liao, Lele; Li, Ding; Yang, Yang; Chen, You


    To explore the effectiveness and safety of pie-crusting the medial collateral ligament release (MCL) in treating posterior horn of medial meniscus (PHMM) tear in tight medial tibiofemoral compartment of knee joint.
 Methods: Thirty-two consecutive patients with PHMM tear in tight medial tibiofemoral compartment of knee joint were admitted to our department from January, 2013 to December, 2014. All patients were performed pie-crusting the MCL release at its tibial insertion with 18-gauge intravenous needle. All patients were evaluated by valgus stress test and bilateral valgus stress radiograph at postoperative 1st day, 4th week and 12th week. Visual Analogue Scales (VAS), Lysholm scores, Tegner scores and International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) scores were recorded at the 1st, 3th, 6th month follow-up, then follow-up every 6 months.
 Results: The mean follow-up was 28 (24-36) months. All cases were negative in valgus stress test. MCL rupture, femoral fracture, articular cartilage lesion and neurovascular injury were not found at the last follow-up. The median medial joint space width of affected side and unaffected side for valgus stress radiographs were 6.8 mm and 4.3 mm (P0.05) at the 12th week, respectively. VAS scores was changed from 4.5±1.5 preoperatively to 1.7±1.0 at the final follow-up (t=16.561, Pjoint.

  4. Diálogos latino-americanos. Correspondência entre Ángel Rama, Berta e Darcy Ribeiro. Organización, estudios y notas de Haydée Ribeiro Coelho y Pablo Rocca. São Paulo: Global Editora, 2015. 189 pp.

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    Facundo Gómez


    Full Text Available Reseña de Diálogos latino-americanos. Correspondência entre Ángel Rama, Berta e Darcy Ribeiro. Organización, estudios y notas de Haydée Ribeiro Coelho y Pablo Rocca. São Paulo: Global Editora, 2015. 189 pp.

  5. MR imaging findings of medial tibial crest friction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klontzas, Michail E.; Akoumianakis, Ioannis D.; Vagios, Ilias; Karantanas, Apostolos H.


    Objective: Medial tibial condyle bone marrow edema (BME), associated with soft tissue edema (STe) surrounding the medial collateral ligament, was incidentally observed in MRI examinations of young and athletic individuals. The aim of the present study was to 1. Prospectively investigate the association between these findings and coexistence of localized pain, and 2. Explore the possible contribution of the tibial morphology to its pathogenesis. Methods: The medial tibial condyle crest was evaluated in 632 knee MRI examinations. The angle and depth were measured by two separate evaluators. The presence of STe and BME was recorded. A third evaluator blindly assessed the presence of pain at this site. Results: BME associated with STe was found in 24 patients (with no history of previous trauma, osteoarthritis, tumor or pes anserine bursitis). The mean crest angle was 151.3° (95%CI 147.4–155.3°) compared to 159.4° (95%CI 158.8–160°) in controls (Mann–Whitney test, P < 0.0001). MRI findings were highly predictive of localized pain (sensitivity 92% specificity 99%, Fisher's exact test, P < 0.0001). Conclusion: Friction at the medial tibial condyle crest is a painful syndrome. MRI is a highly specific and sensitive imaging modality for its diagnosis

  6. MR imaging findings of medial tibial crest friction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klontzas, Michail E., E-mail:; Akoumianakis, Ioannis D., E-mail:; Vagios, Ilias, E-mail:; Karantanas, Apostolos H., E-mail:


    Objective: Medial tibial condyle bone marrow edema (BME), associated with soft tissue edema (STe) surrounding the medial collateral ligament, was incidentally observed in MRI examinations of young and athletic individuals. The aim of the present study was to 1. Prospectively investigate the association between these findings and coexistence of localized pain, and 2. Explore the possible contribution of the tibial morphology to its pathogenesis. Methods: The medial tibial condyle crest was evaluated in 632 knee MRI examinations. The angle and depth were measured by two separate evaluators. The presence of STe and BME was recorded. A third evaluator blindly assessed the presence of pain at this site. Results: BME associated with STe was found in 24 patients (with no history of previous trauma, osteoarthritis, tumor or pes anserine bursitis). The mean crest angle was 151.3° (95%CI 147.4–155.3°) compared to 159.4° (95%CI 158.8–160°) in controls (Mann–Whitney test, P < 0.0001). MRI findings were highly predictive of localized pain (sensitivity 92% specificity 99%, Fisher's exact test, P < 0.0001). Conclusion: Friction at the medial tibial condyle crest is a painful syndrome. MRI is a highly specific and sensitive imaging modality for its diagnosis.

  7. Efficiency of Medial Rectus Advancement Surgery in Consecutive Exotropia

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    Kemal Yar


    Full Text Available Purpose: To evaluate the efficiency of medial rectus advancement surgery in consecutive exotropia. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 20 cases, 10 male, 10 female, who were diagnosed as consecutive exotropia and underwent surgery between 2008-2013 at Cukurova University Medical Faculty Ophthalmology Department. Records of the patients were investigated retrospectively. We evaluated best corrected visual acuity, existence of ambliopia, postoperative duration following the first surgery and applied surgical procedures. Postoperative deviation lower than 10 PD were assesed as successful. Mean follow up period was 29,8 +/- 21,36 (8-80 months, patients with inadequate follow up period were dismissed from the study group. Results: We only applied bilateral medial rectus advancement surgery to 6 and unilateral medial rectus advancement surgery to 5 patients and obtained intended surgical result in these 11 cases. The other patients underwent lateral rectus recession or/and medial rectus resection operations inorder to reach projected deviation degrees. Deviation was found to be 46,4+/-9,24 (40-70 PD in cases who only underwent advancement surgery and was 65,56 +/- 18,78 (40-90 PD in cases who underwent additional surgical procedure. 16 (%80 of the cases had hypermetropi various dioptries and 7 (%35 had ambliopia. Discussion: Consecutive exotropia can appear years after surgery and is an important late period complication. In this study achievement of %55 success with medial rectus advancement surgery indicates that this is a preferable procedure. But in wide angle deviations additional lateral rectus recession or/and medial rectus resection operations can be applied inorder to reach intended adjustment. Accurrate prediction of the propotion of advancement surgery and adjustment is not always possible because of intensive fybrosis in operated muscles and enviroment tissue. [Cukurova Med J 2015; 40(4.000: 707-713

  8. Magnetic resonance imaging findings in patients with medial epicondylitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kijowski, Richard; Smet, Arthur A. De [University of Wisconsin Hospital, Department of Radiology, Madison (United States)


    To compare the MR imaging findings of 13 patients with clinically diagnosed medial epicondylitis with the MR imaging findings of 26 patients of similar age with no clinical evidence of medial epicondylitis. The study group consisted of 13 patients with clinically diagnosed medial epicondylitis. The control group consisted of 26 patients of similar age with no clinical evidence of medial epicondylitis. The medical records and MR imaging findings of these patients were retrospectively reviewed by two fellowship-trained musculoskeletal radiologists. Eleven of the 13 patients in the study group had thickening and increased signal intensity of the common flexor tendon on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. The remaining two patients in the study group had soft tissue edema around a normal-appearing common flexor tendon. Twenty-one of the 26 patients in the control group had a normal-appearing common flexor tendon on MR imaging. Three patients in the control group had a thickened common flexor tendon which was of intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images but of uniform low signal intensity on T2-weighted images. Two patients in the control group had a thickened common flexor tendon which was of intermediate signal intensity on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. None of the patients in the control group had soft tissue edema around the common flexor tendon. MR imaging findings of patients with clinically diagnosed medial epicondylitis included thickening and increased T1 and T2 signal intensity of the common flexor tendon and soft tissue edema around the common flexor tendon. The presence of intermediate to high T2 signal intensity or high T2 signal intensity within the common flexor tendon and the presence of paratendinous soft tissue edema were the most specific findings of medial epicondylitis on MR imaging. (orig.)

  9. Anatomical and magnetic resonance imaging study of the medial ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: The medial collateral ligament of the ankle joint also known as the deltoid ligament, is a multifascicular group of ligaments. It can be divided into a superficial and deep group of fibers originating from the medial malleolus to insert in the talus, calcaneus, and navicular bones. Wide variations have been noted in ...

  10. Contribución de fibras mielínicas provenientes de los nervios espinales lumbares L4, L5 y L6 al nervio ciático de rata adulta y sus ramas principales Contribution of myelunated fibers from spinal L4, L5 and L6 nerves to the sciatic nerve and its main branches in the adult rat

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    Hernán Hurtado


    Full Text Available El nervio ciático de la rata está formado por los nervios espinales (ne lumbares L4, L5 y L6. Sin embargo, aún no se ha definido el aporte en fibras mielínicas de estos nervios espinales a lo largo del tronco nervioso. En este estudio se transectaron selectivamente los NE L4, L5 y L4-L5. Luego de una semana se disecaron los nervios ciático, tibial, sural y peroneal. Estas muestras se fijaron y procesaron para microscopía óptica y a partir de cortes coloreados con azul de toluidina se contaron las fibras mielínicas degeneradas y normales. L4 contribuyó con fibras mielínicas principalmente al nervio peroneal y L5 a los nervios ciático, tibial y sural. En general, el aporte de L6 fue menor y variable a lo largo del tronco nervioso comparado con las otras dos ramas espinales. Nuestros resultados brindan información valiosa para posteriores estudios que busquen correlacionar la contribución de los nervios espinales que componen el ciático y sus ramas principales con la función de la extremidad inferior. The rat sciatic nerve is composed by the L4, L5 and L6 lumbar spinal nerves. However, the contribution in myelinated fibers originating from these nerves along this nervous trunk has not yet been defined. In the present study, the L4, L5 and L4-L5 spinal nerves were selectively transected. After one week the sciatic, tibial, sural and peroneal nerves were dissected. These samples were fixed and processed for optical microscopy, and both degenerated and normal myelinated fibers were counted in toluidine blue-stained semi-thin sections. L4 contributed with myelinated fibers mainly to the peroneal nerve, and L5 to the sciatic, tibial and sural nerves. In general, the contribution of L6 was smaller and variable along the nervous trunk in comparison to the other two spinal branches. Our results give key information for further studies looking to correlate the contribution of spinal nerves making part of the sciatic nerve and its main

  11. Estudio comparativo del crecimiento y la ramificación de brotes anuales en dos especies de Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae y en híbridos inter-específicos Comparative study of annual shoot growth and branching in two species of Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae and inter-specific hybrids

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    Cristian Torres


    Full Text Available Las ramas principales y secundarias se diferencian en mayor o menor medida según las especies, lo cual puede observarse en base al crecimiento primario de los brotes que las originan. En ejemplares de vivero juveniles-adultos de Nothofagus obliqua, N. nervosa e híbridos entre ambas especies, se compararon la dinámica de alargamiento, el tamaño y la morfología de dos brotes distales de ramas principales: uno que continúa el alargamiento de la rama principal y el otro que inicia una rama secundaria. En N. alpina y en híbridos, los dos brotes más distales se diferencian más que en N. obliqua. A pesar de la homogeneidad ambiental en el vivero y el origen geográfico común para los ejemplares de N. nervosa y los híbridos, hubieron diferencias fenológicas y morfológicas entre estas entidades. La duración y tasa de alargamiento y la longitud final de los brotes fueron altamente variables en cada entidad. Las variaciones entre entidades en la diferenciación de ejes podrían indicar diferencias en sus capacidades de uso del espacio circundante. La diferenciación entre ramas principales y secundarias se iniciaría en el estado de yema. La variación intra-específica fenológica y morfológica es útil para programas de selección artificial de individuos.Main and secondary branches are more or less differentiated according to the species and this could be observed during the primary growth of the shoots that produce them. In young-adult trees of Nothofagus obliqua, N. nervosa and hybrids between them growing in a common garden, growth dynamics, size and morphology were compared between two distal shoots produced by main branches: one of these shoots continued the extension of the main branch whereas the other initiated a secondary branch. The two distal shoots differed from each other more notably in N. nervosa and in the hybrids than in N. obliqua. Despite the environmental homogeneities at the nursery and the common geographic origin of

  12. Estimación de la biomasa foliar de Prosopis flexuosa mediante relaciones alométricas Estimation of leaf biomass in Prosopis flexuosa by means of allometric relationships

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    M. Ledesma


    Full Text Available La estimación alométrica de la biomasa foliar arbórea es necesaria para determinar la producción primaria y para analizar algunas de las interacciones ecológicas entre los árboles y los demás componentes de la vegetación. El objetivo del trabajo fue ajustar y seleccionar modelos para estimar la biomasa foliar de Prosopis flexuosa a partir de variables dendrométricas. Se apearon seis árboles, se midió su diámetro y se calculó el área de albura de muestras transversales de leño, en cuatro niveles: en los órdenes de ramificación dentro de la copa viva (ramas secundarias, terciarias y cuaternarias agrupadas, en el extremo distal de las ramas primarias y en los extremos distal y basal del fuste. Se recolectaron las hojas correspondientes a cada nivel y se obtuvo el peso seco. El área de albura fue la mejor variable predictora de biomasa foliar, aunque el diámetro tuvo buen ajuste en ramas dentro de la copa viva y en ramas primarias. Los modelos calculados con variables de fuste tuvieron menor ajuste. Se concluye que para la estimación no destructiva de la biomasa foliar de plantas adultas de Prosopis flexuosa es recomendable utilizar el modelo basado en el diámetro distal de las ramas primarias.The estimation of leaf biomass, usually performed by alometric relations, is important for the interpretation of primary production and for the assessment of ecological interactions between trees and the rest of the components in a wood vegetation. The goal for the present work was to adjust and to select allometric models for the estimation of leaf biomass Prosopis flexuosa based on dendrometric variables. Six trees were surveyed. The diameter and sapwood area of transversal samples of wood were determined at four different levels: in the orders of ramification within living crown (secondary, tertiary and quaternary grouped branches, at the distal portions of primary branches and in the apical and basal portions of bole. The leaves were

  13. Medial Amygdala and Aggressive Behavior : Interaction Between Testosterone and Vasopressin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koolhaas, J.M.; Roozendaal, B.; Boorsma, F.; Van Den Brink, T.H.C.


    This paper considers the functional significance of the testosterone-dependent vasopressinergic neurons of the medial amygdala (Ame) in intermale aggressive behavior of rats. Local microinfusion of vasopressin into the medial amygdala causes an increase in offensive behavior both in gonadally intact

  14. Endoscopic partial medial maxillectomy with mucosal flap for maxillary sinus mucoceles. (United States)

    Durr, Megan L; Goldberg, Andrew N


    To describe a technique of endoscopic medial maxillectomy with mucosal flap for postoperative maxillary sinus mucoceles and to present a case series of subjects who underwent this procedure. This case series includes four subjects with postoperative maxillary sinus mucoceles who underwent resection via endoscopic partial medial maxillectomy with a mucosal flap. We will discuss the clinical presentation, imaging characteristics, operative details, and outcomes. Four subjects are included in this study. The average age at the time of medial maxillectomy was 52 years (range 35-65 years). Three subjects (75%) were female. One subject (25%) had bilateral postoperative maxillary sinus mucoceles. Two subjects (50%) had unilateral right sided mucoceles, and the remaining subject had a unilateral left sided mucocele. All subjects had a history of multiple sinus procedures for chronic sinusitis including Caldwell-Luc procedures ipsilateral to the postoperative mucocele. All subjects underwent endoscopic medial maxillectomy without complication and were symptom free at the last follow up appointment, average 24 months (range 3-71 months) after medial maxillectomy. For postoperative maxillary sinus mucoceles in locations that are difficult to access via the middle meatus antrostomy, we recommend endoscopic medial maxillectomy with mucosal flap. Our preliminary experience with four subjects demonstrates complete resolution of symptoms after this procedure. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Fracture of an unossified humeral medial epicondyle: use of magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanabe, Katsuhisa; Miyamoto, Nao


    Fracture of the humeral medial epicondyle is a relatively common injury in children. Surgery is a good option for treatment, but correct diagnosis is important. Most fractures occur after the ossification of the medial epicondylar apophysis. If a fracture occurs before the ossification of the medial epicondyle, it is undetectable by radiographs. Here we report a case of an unossified medial epicondyle fracture of the humerus. A 9-year-old boy had persistent pain in the medial side of the right elbow after a fall. Despite his pain, he could move his injured elbow with a range from 60 to 90 . Radiographs and computed tomography showed neither fracture nor dislocation in the injured elbow, and soft tissue swelling was the only finding. Neither the trochlea nor the medial epicondyle was ossified. Magnetic resonance imaging showed that the medial epicondyle was separated from the medial metaphysis and displaced. This clear finding led us to surgical fixation. Under general anesthesia, valgus stress showed gross instability of the injured elbow. Two years after the operation, he had no complaints and could play sports with the same range of motion as the left elbow. It is important to keep in mind that medial epicondylar fractures may be hidden in a normal radiograph before the ossification of the medial epicondylar apophysis. (orig.)

  16. Fracture of an unossified humeral medial epicondyle: use of magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanabe, Katsuhisa; Miyamoto, Nao [Nishinomiya Municipal Central Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nishinomiya (Japan)


    Fracture of the humeral medial epicondyle is a relatively common injury in children. Surgery is a good option for treatment, but correct diagnosis is important. Most fractures occur after the ossification of the medial epicondylar apophysis. If a fracture occurs before the ossification of the medial epicondyle, it is undetectable by radiographs. Here we report a case of an unossified medial epicondyle fracture of the humerus. A 9-year-old boy had persistent pain in the medial side of the right elbow after a fall. Despite his pain, he could move his injured elbow with a range from 60 to 90 . Radiographs and computed tomography showed neither fracture nor dislocation in the injured elbow, and soft tissue swelling was the only finding. Neither the trochlea nor the medial epicondyle was ossified. Magnetic resonance imaging showed that the medial epicondyle was separated from the medial metaphysis and displaced. This clear finding led us to surgical fixation. Under general anesthesia, valgus stress showed gross instability of the injured elbow. Two years after the operation, he had no complaints and could play sports with the same range of motion as the left elbow. It is important to keep in mind that medial epicondylar fractures may be hidden in a normal radiograph before the ossification of the medial epicondylar apophysis. (orig.)

  17. Violencia y contrapoder: una ventana al mundo de las mujeres indígenas migrantes, en México Violence and means to counteract power: a view to migrant indigenous women in Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara María Lara Flores


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza las condiciones en las que las mujeres se incorporan al sector agrícola de exportación en México. Este sector genera una fuerte demanda de mano de obra en el nivel nacional, lo cual ocasiona importantes flujos de migración en los que algunas indígenas participan de manera significativa. El artículo muestra cómo dicha incorporación de mano de obra femenina al mercado de trabajo pone en juego desigualdades de género y étnicas que se traducen en una segmentación dentro de las ramas y sectores de la economía. Asimismo, el estudio describe los procesos a que recurren las indígenas con el fin de contrarrestar la violencia real y simbólica de que son objeto.The article analizes the conditions in which women farmers incorporate into México’s exports processes. This sector has a great need of labour at the national level, which in turn brings about many migration fluxes in which indigenous women play an important role. The study shows how this feminine incorporation into the labour market triggers gender as well as ethnic inequalities that manifest themselves in a segmentation within the branches and sectors of the national economy. Also, the article describes the means to which indigenous women turn to in order to counteract the actual and symbolic violence they are submitted to.

  18. El Antracnosis o Aceituna jabonosa en el cultivo del olivo


    Trapero Casas, Antonio


    La Antracnosis del olivo, conocida comúnmente como Aceituna jabonosa, es causada por el hongo "Colletotrichum gloeosporioides" y se desarrolla principalmente en las zonas húmedas del sur y noreste peninsular. Esta enfermedad fúngica afecta tanto a frutos como hojas y ramas.

  19. Contribución al conocimiento de las interacciones entre plantas, hormigas y homópteros en bosques secos de Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramírez Mónica


    Full Text Available Las interacciones entre plantas y hormigas y entre plantas, hormigas y homópteros se estudiaron en 248 estaciones de muestreo situadas en nueve fragmentos de bosque seco del valle geográfico del río Cauca, entre enero y junio de 1997. Se registraron 352 interacciones que involucran 91 especies vegetales, hormigas de 67 especies y homópteros pertenecientes a nueve familias. El 4 7% de las asociaciones registradas implica el uso por parte de las hormigas de diferentes estructuras de las plantas (p. e. raíces de las epífitas, domacios en los tallos, hojarasca acumulada entre ramas y hojas, brácteas y peciolos de Heliconia spp. como refugios temporales o sitios de anidamiento. El restante 53% involucra la recolección de miel de homópteros y de sustancias azucaradas en nectarios extraflorales. asmannia auropunctata (17%, Dolichoderus bispinosus (11% Y Brachymyrmex heeri (7% fueron las especies de hormigas registradas con mayor frecuencia. Las plantas más utilizadas fueron Heliconia stricta (8%, Philodendron sp. nov. (7% y Passiflora coriacea (5%. Entre las relaciones observadas, predominan las de tipo generalista, en que las hormigas explotan diferentes recursos aparentemente en forma oportunista y las plantas pueden encontrarse en buen estado a pesar de la ausencia de las hormigas.Interactions between ants and plants and those involving homopterans were studied in 248 sampling points located within nine tropical decidous forest fragments in the Cauca river Valley, between january and june, 1997. A total of 352 interactions were recorded involving 91 plant species, 67 ant species and Homoptera belonging to nine families. 47% ofthe interactions involved ants using different plant structures (such as epiphyte roots, domacia, litter collected in branches and leaves, bracts and petioles of Heliconia spp. as nesting sites or temporary refugia. The remaining 53% involved the collection of homopteran honeydew and sugary substances from extrafloral

  20. Morphometry of medial gaps of human brain artery branches. (United States)

    Canham, Peter B; Finlay, Helen M


    The bifurcation regions of the major human cerebral arteries are vulnerable to the formation of saccular aneurysms. A consistent feature of these bifurcations is a discontinuity of the tunica media at the apex of the flow divider. The objective was to measure the 3-dimensional geometry of these medial gaps or "medial defects." Nineteen bifurcations and 2 junctions of human cerebral arteries branches (from 4 male and 2 female subjects) were formalin-fixed at physiological pressure and processed for longitudinal serial sectioning. The apex and adjacent regions were examined and measurements were made from high-magnification photomicrographs, or projection microscope images, of the gap dimensions at multiple levels through the bifurcation. Plots were made of the width of the media as a function of distance from the apex. The media at each edge of the medial gap widened over a short distance, reaching the full width of the media of the contiguous daughter vessel. Medial gap dimensions were compared with the planar angle of the bifurcation, and a strong negative correlation was found, ie, the acute angled branches have the more prominent medial gaps. A discontinuity of the media at the apex was seen in all the bifurcations examined and was also found in the junction regions of brain arteries. We determined that the gap width is continuous with well-defined dimensions throughout its length and average length-to-width ratio of 6.9. The gaps were generally centered on the prominence of the apical ridge.

  1. Concepto de "relación de consumo"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Pablo Cajarville Peluffo


    Full Text Available Versión, corregida por el autor, de su exposición en las "2as. Jornadas Uruguayas de Derecho de Consumo", organizadas por la Directora de la Dirección Area Defensa del Consumidor de la Dirección General de Comercio. Prof. Esc. Beatriz Ramos, los días 19 y 20 de noviembre de 2001, en el Paraninfo de la Universidad de la República.El "Derecho del consumo", constituya o no una nueva rama del derecho, supone sin duda alguna la confluencia de problemas, principios y soluciones considerados hasta el presente por distintas ramas especializadas de la ciencia jurídica. (...Contenido: Introducción. Concepto legal de "consumidor", "proveedor" y "relación de consumo". Cometidos de las entidades estatales y "relaciones de consumo". Anexo: Ley 17.250 de 11 de agosto de 2000 (texto parcial

  2. Medial tibial pain. A prospective study of its cause among military recruits. (United States)

    Milgrom, C; Giladi, M; Stein, M; Kashtan, H; Margulies, J; Chisin, R; Steinberg, R; Swissa, A; Aharonson, Z


    In a prospective study of 295 infantry recruits during 14 weeks of basic training, 41% had medial tibial pain. Routine scintigraphic evaluation in cases of medial tibial bone pain showed that 63% had abnormalities. A stress fracture was found in 46%. Only two patients had periostitis. None had ischemic medial compartment syndrome. Physical examination could not differentiate between cases with medial tibial bone pain secondary to stress fractures and those with scintigraphically normal tibias. When both pain and swelling were localized in the middle one-third of the tibia, the lesion most likely proved to be a stress fracture.

  3. First Metatarsal Head and Medial Eminence Widths with and Without Hallux Valgus. (United States)

    Lenz, Robin C; Nagesh, Darshan; Park, Hannah K; Grady, John


    Resection of the medial eminence in hallux valgus surgery is common. True hypertrophy of the medial eminence in hallux valgus is debated. No studies have compared metatarsal head width in patients with hallux valgus and control patients. We reviewed 43 radiographs with hallux valgus and 27 without hallux valgus. We measured medial eminence width, first metatarsal head width, and first metatarsal shaft width in patients with and without radiographic hallux valgus. Medial eminence width was 1.12 mm larger in patients with hallux valgus (P hallux valgus (P hallux valgus. However, frontal plane rotation of the first metatarsal likely accounts for this difference.

  4. Increased medial foot loading during drop jump in subjects with patellofemoral pain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rathleff, Michael S; Richter, Camilla; Brushøj, Christoffer


    PURPOSE: To compare medial-to-lateral plantar forces during drop jump and single leg squat in individuals with and without patellofemoral pain. METHODS: This cross-sectional study compared 23 young adults with patellofemoral pain to 20 age- and sex-matched controls without knee pain. The plantar...... pressure distribution was collected during drop jump and single leg squat using pressure-sensitive Pedar insoles, inserted into a standard flat shoe. The primary outcome was the medial-to-lateral force, quantified as the peak force under the medial forefoot as the percentage of force under the total...... forefoot during drop jump. Secondary outcomes included peak medial-to-lateral force during single leg squat and mean forces during drop jump and single leg squat. RESULTS: The primary outcome showed that individuals with patellofemoral pain had a 22 % higher medial-to-lateral peak force during drop jump...

  5. The medial collateral ligament of the elbow joint

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Floris, S; Olsen, Bo Sanderhoff; Dalstra, Michel


    Eighteen osteoligamentous elbow joint specimens were included in a study of the medial collateral ligament complex (MCL). The morphologic characteristics of the MCL were examined, and three-dimensional kinematic measurements were taken after selective ligament dissections were performed. On morph......Eighteen osteoligamentous elbow joint specimens were included in a study of the medial collateral ligament complex (MCL). The morphologic characteristics of the MCL were examined, and three-dimensional kinematic measurements were taken after selective ligament dissections were performed...

  6. Dissociating medial frontal and posterior cingulate activity during self-reflection. (United States)

    Johnson, Marcia K; Raye, Carol L; Mitchell, Karen J; Touryan, Sharon R; Greene, Erich J; Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan


    Motivationally significant agendas guide perception, thought and behaviour, helping one to define a 'self' and to regulate interactions with the environment. To investigate neural correlates of thinking about such agendas, we asked participants to think about their hopes and aspirations (promotion focus) or their duties and obligations (prevention focus) during functional magnetic resonance imaging and compared these self-reflection conditions with a distraction condition in which participants thought about non-self-relevant items. Self-reflection resulted in greater activity than distraction in dorsomedial frontal/anterior cingulate cortex and posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus, consistent with previous findings of activity in these areas during self-relevant thought. For additional medial areas, we report new evidence of a double dissociation of function between medial prefrontal/anterior cingulate cortex, which showed relatively greater activity to thinking about hopes and aspirations, and posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus, which showed relatively greater activity to thinking about duties and obligations. One possibility is that activity in medial prefrontal cortex is associated with instrumental or agentic self-reflection, whereas posterior medial cortex is associated with experiential self-reflection. Another, not necessarily mutually exclusive, possibility is that medial prefrontal cortex is associated with a more inward-directed focus, while posterior cingulate is associated with a more outward-directed, social or contextual focus.

  7. The "moving valgus stress test" for medial collateral ligament tears of the elbow. (United States)

    O'Driscoll, Shawn W M; Lawton, Richard L; Smith, Adam M


    The diagnosis of a painful partial tear of the medial collateral ligament in overhead-throwing athletes is challenging, even for experienced elbow surgeons and despite the use of sophisticated imaging techniques. The "moving valgus stress test" is an accurate physical examination technique for diagnosis of medial collateral ligament attenuation in the elbow. Cohort study (diagnosis); Level of evidence, 2. Twenty-one patients underwent surgical intervention for medial elbow pain due to medial collateral ligament insufficiency or other abnormality of chronic valgus overload, and they were assessed preoperatively with an examination called the moving valgus stress test. To perform the moving valgus stress test, the examiner applies and maintains a constant moderate valgus torque to the fully flexed elbow and then quickly extends the elbow. The test is positive if the medial elbow pain is reproduced at the medial collateral ligament and is at maximum between 120 degrees and 70 degrees. The moving valgus stress test was highly sensitive (100%, 17 of 17 patients) and specific (75%, 3 of 4 patients) when compared to assessment of the medial collateral ligament by surgical exploration or arthroscopic valgus stress testing. The mean shear range (ie, the arc within which pain was produced with the moving valgus stress test) was 120 degrees to 70 degrees. The mean angle at which pain was at a maximum was 90 degrees of elbow flexion. The moving valgus stress test is an accurate physical examination technique that, when performed and interpreted correctly, is highly sensitive for medial elbow pain arising from the medial collateral ligament.

  8. Complejidad molecular en envolturas de estrellas evolucionadas: estudio detallado de la emisión molecular de los objetos IK Tau, OH231.8 + 4,2 e IRC + 10216


    Velilla Prieto, Luis


    Las estrellas evolucionadas cuyas masas durante la secuencia principal estaban comprendidas aproximadamente entre 1 y 8 masas solares, como lo será nuestro Sol dentro de aproximadamente 4500 millones de años, son las principales responsables del enriquecimiento del medio interestelar. En la fase llamada rama asintótica de las gigantes, estas estrellas crean una envoltura a su alrededor que se forma debido a intensos procesos de pérdida de masa. Dichas envolturas están compuestas principalment...

  9. Turismo y eficiencia: tendencias regionales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio Camacho Ballesta


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza la evolución de la productividad de las actividades económicas relacionadas con el turismo, centrando el estudio en la Hostelería y restaurantes, durante el período comprendido entre 1965 y 1995, y su efecto sobre la productividad de los servicios destinados a la venta en las regiones españolas. La metodología utilizada incluye herramientas como el análisis envolvente de datos, los índices de Malmquist, y la descomposición de la eficiencia total en eficiencia intrasectorial y eficiencia de composición. Los resultados muestran que la eficiencia de composición en los servicios destinados a la venta ha mejorado a lo largo del período estudiado, consecuencia del crecimiento en el tamaño relativo de aquellas ramas más eficientes o de aquellas donde la eficiencia ha crecido más. El buen comportamiento de la eficiencia comparada de la rama Hostelería y restaurantes explica que la especialización regional en dicha rama se haya convertido en un elemento de mejora para la eficiencia de composición. El cambio productivo ha sido positivo en todo el período analizado excepto en los años 1979 y 1995, con una variación media anual del 3,1% y explicado, casi por completo por el cambio técnico. Las regiones que han experimentado los mayores cambios productivos positivos han sido Cataluña, Galicia, Extremadura, Valencia y Madrid.

  10. Improvements to the on-line mass separator, RAMA, and the beta-delayed charged-particle emission of proton-rich sd shell nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ognibene, T.J.


    To overcome the extreme difficulties encountered in the experimental decay studies of proton drip line nuclei, several techniques have been utilized, including a helium-jet transport system, particle identification detectors and mass separation. Improvements to the ion source/extraction region of the He-jet coupled on-line Recoil Atom Mass Analyzer (RAMA) and its target/ion source coupling resulted in significant increases in RAMA efficiencies and its mass resolution, as well as reductions in the overall transit time. At the 88-Inch Cyclotron at LBNL, the decays of 31 Cl, 27 P and 28 P, with half-lives of 150 msec, 260 msec and 270.3 msec, respectively, were examined using a he-jet and low-energy gas ΔE-gas ΔE-silicon E detector telescopes. Total beta-delayed proton branches of 0.3% and 0.07% in 31 Cl and 27 P, respectively, were estimated. Several proton peaks that had been previously assigned to the decay of 31 Cl were shown to be from the decay of 25 Si. In 27 P, two proton groups at 459 ± 14 keV and 610 ± 11 keV, with intensities of 7 ± 3% and 92 ± 4% relative to the main (100%) group were discovered. The Gamow-Teller component of the preceding beta-decay of each observed proton transition was compared to results from shell model calculations. Finally, a new proton transition was identified, following the β-decay of 28 P, at 1,444 ± 12 keV with a 1.7 ± 0.5% relative intensity to the 100% group. Using similar low-energy detector telescopes and the mass separator TISOL at TRIUMF, the 109 msec and 173 msec activities, 17 Ne and 33 Ar, were studied. A new proton group with energy 729 ± 15 keV was observed following the beta-decay of 17 Ne. Several discrepancies between earlier works as to the energies, intensities and assignments of several proton transitions from 17 Ne and 33 Ar were resolved

  11. Low implant migration of the SIGMA® medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koppens, Daan; Stilling, Maiken; Munk, Stig


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate implant migration of the fixed-bearing Sigma® medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA). UKA is a regularly used treatment for patients with medial osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. UKA has a higher revision rate than total knee arthroplasty. Implant...

  12. The medial tibial stress syndrome score: Item generation for a new ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The medial tibial stress syndrome score: Item generation for a new patient reported outcome measure. ... instrument that evaluates injury severity and treatment effects for medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) patients. ... from 32 Countries:.

  13. Medially Directed TRUS Biopsy of the Prostate: Clinical Utility and Optimal Protocol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Byung Kwan; Kim, Seung Hyup


    The objective of this study is to determine whether medially directed transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided biopsy is necessary for detection of prostate cancer and for establishment of an optimal biopsy regimen that is equivalent to a systematic 12 core biopsy. A total of 302 patients underwent a TRUS-guided systematic 12 core biopsy consisting of both medial sextant biopsy obtained between the parasagittal line and midline and lateral sextant biopsy obtained between the parasagittal line and lateral border. We obtained cancer detection rates of various biopsy regimens that were produced from a systematic 12 core biopsy. Using a systematic 12 core biopsy, cancer was detected in 116 (38.4%) of 302 patients. No significant difference was observed between cancer detection rates of medial sextant biopsy and lateral sextant biopsy (33.8% versus 31.5%, p >.05). Biopsy regimens that were equivalent to the systematic 12 core regarding cancer detection rate included medially directed cores that were obtained from both medial portions of the apex. Both medially directed biopsy and laterally directed biopsy are necessary for detection of prostate cancer and for establishment of an optimal biopsy regimen.

  14. Intralaminar and medial thalamic influence on cortical synchrony, information transmission and cognition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuri B Saalmann


    Full Text Available The intralaminar and medial thalamic nuclei are part of the higher-order thalamus, which receives little sensory input, and instead forms extensive cortico-thalamo-cortical pathways. The large mediodorsal thalamic nucleus predominantly connects with the prefrontal cortex, the adjacent intralaminar nuclei connect with fronto-parietal cortex, and the midline thalamic nuclei connect with medial prefrontal cortex and medial temporal lobe. Taking into account this connectivity pattern, it is not surprising that the intralaminar and medial thalamus has been implicated in a variety of cognitive functions, including memory processing, attention and orienting, as well as reward-based behavior. This review addresses how the intralaminar and medial thalamus may regulate information transmission in cortical circuits. A key neural mechanism may involve intralaminar and medial thalamic neurons modulating the degree of synchrony between different groups of cortical neurons according to behavioral demands. Such a thalamic-mediated synchronization mechanism may give rise to large-scale integration of information across multiple cortical circuits, consequently influencing the level of arousal and consciousness. Overall, the growing evidence supports a general role for the higher-order thalamus in the control of cortical information transmission and cognitive processing.

  15. Electrophysiological evidence during episodic prospection implicates medial prefrontal and bilateral middle temporal gyrus. (United States)

    Hsu, Chia-Fen; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J S


    fMRI studies have implicated the medial prefrontal cortex and medial temporal lobe, components of the default mode network (DMN), in episodic prospection. This study compared quantitative EEG localized to these DMN regions during prospection and during resting and while waiting for rewards. EEG was recorded in twenty-two adults while they were asked to (i) envision future monetary episodes; (ii) wait for rewards and (iii) rest. Activation sources were localized to core DMN regions. EEG power and phase coherence were compared across conditions. Prospection, compared to resting and waiting, was associated with reduced power in the medial prefrontal gyrus and increased power in the bilateral medial temporal gyrus across frequency bands as well as greater phase synchrony between these regions in the delta band. The current quantitative EEG analysis confirms prior fMRI research suggesting that medial prefrontal and medial temporal gyrus interactions are central to the capacity for episodic prospection. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. [Mirror movement due to the medial frontal lobe lesion]. (United States)

    Takahashi, N; Kawamura, M; Hirayama, K


    We reported a case with acquired mirror movement in upper limbs due to the lesion of right medial frontal lobe including supplementary motor area, and also discussed a possible mechanism underlying it. A 59-year-old right-handed woman developed left hemiparesis caused by cerebral hemorrhage in the right frontoparietal lobe, on April 5, 1981. She had right hemiparesis and right hemianopsia due to cerebral hemorrhage in the left parieto-occipital lobe, 13 days later. As the patient was recovering from paresis, mirror movement appeared on upper limbs. The features of the mirror movement of this case are summarized as follows: (1) it appeared when using both proximal and distal region of upper limbs; (2) it appeared on left upper limb when the patient intended to move right upper limb or on right upper limb when intended to move left upper limb, while it appeared predominantly in the former; and (3) it was more remarkably found in habitual movement using gesture and pantomimic movement for the use of objects, and it was found in lower degree when actual object was used or when the patient tried to imitate the gesture of the examiner. The lesions in MRI were found in medial region of right frontal lobe (supplementary motor area, medial region of motor area, and cingulate gyrus), right medial parietal lobe, posterior region of right occipital lobe, and medial regions of left parietal and occipital lobes. There was no apparent abnormality in corpus callosum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  17. El desigual impacto de la crisis económica de 2008-2009 en los mercados de trabajo de las regiones de México: la frontera norte frente a la región sur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge López Arévalo


    Full Text Available La crisis económica de 2008-2009 afectó al mercado laboral mexicano en términos de cantidad, distribución por sectores y calidad de los empleos. En este artículo se estudian estos cambios desde una perspectiva regional, entendiendo que las áreas del país más vin - culadas a los mercados internacionales padecieron las consecuencias de la crisis de mane - ras y con intensidades distintas a las regiones más aisladas. Mediante el ajuste de modelos ARIMA se demuestra que las entidades de la región sur crearon puestos de trabajo durante la crisis, la mayor parte de ellos en condiciones precarias, pero sin destrucción de empleo formal. Lo contrario ocurrió en la frontera norte, donde la industria manufacturera, la rama más ligada al comercio internacional, soportó la mayor parte del ajuste en términos de em - pleo. El sector terciario y, especialmente, el primario actuaron a modo de refugio tanto en el sur como en el norte del país. Derechos Reservados © 2015 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

  18. Kinematics of partial and total ruptures of the medial collateral ligament of the elbow

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eygendaal, D; Olsen, Bo Sanderhoff; Jensen, Steen Lund


    In this study the kinematics of partial and total ruptures of the medial collateral ligament of the elbow are investigated. After selective transection of the medial collateral ligament of 8 osteoligamentous intact elbow preparations was performed, 3-dimensional measurements of angular displacement......, increase in medial joint opening, and translation of the radial head were examined during application of relevant stress. Increase in joint opening was significant only after complete transection of the anterior part of the medial collateral ligament was performed. The joint opening was detected during...... valgus and internal rotatory stress only. After partial transection of the anterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament was performed, there was an elbow laxity to valgus and internal rotatory force, which became significant after transection of 100% of the anterior bundle of the medial collateral...

  19. Appearance of medial plica of the knee on MR images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barton, J.; Pope, C.F.; Jokl, P.; Lynch, K.


    To assess the appearance of the abnormal plica, a rare but important cause of knee pain, the authors have reviewed 1.5-T MR images of 17 patients (mean age, 33 years) who had arthroscopically confirmed abnormal plicae involving the medial aspect of the patella pouch. Asymmetry in the medial wall of the patella pouch was seen in 17 of 17; 10 of 17 had a discernible edge, and four of 17 had sufficient fluid to surround the plica. When sufficient intraarticular fluid was present, the plica was easily detected. Asymmetry in the medial wall of the patella pouch was a helpful MR characteristic to account for unexplained knee pain

  20. Evaluación y actuación podológica ante el síndrome de estrés tibial medial


    Mazuelas Álvarez, Sergio; Lluch Fruns, Joan


    El síndrome de estrés tibial medial (SEMT) fue nombrado por primera vez en 1.982. El SEMT tiene la incidencia más alta de lesiones en corredores. Los posibles mecanismos de acción pueden ser desde una periostitis inducida por tracción muscular, hasta una disfun­ción muscular. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: 1) Revisar cuales son los factores de riesgo más susceptibles de provocar el SEMT. 2) Comprobar las tendencias actuales en cuanto al diagnóstico, la prevención y el pronóstico del SEMT....

  1. Benefit of cup medialization in total hip arthroplasty is associated with femoral anatomy. (United States)

    Terrier, Alexandre; Levrero Florencio, Francesc; Rüdiger, Hannes A


    Medialization of the cup with a respective increase in femoral offset has been proposed in THA to increase abductor moment arms. Insofar as there are potential disadvantages to cup medialization, it is important to ascertain whether the purported biomechanical benefits of cup medialization are large enough to warrant the downsides; to date, studies regarding this question have disagreed. The purpose of this study was to quantify the effect of cup medialization with a compensatory increase in femoral offset compared with anatomic reconstruction for patients undergoing THA. We tested the hypothesis that there is a (linear) correlation between preoperative anatomic parameters and muscle moment arm increase caused by cup medialization. Fifteen patients undergoing THA were selected, covering a typical range of preoperative femoral offsets. For each patient, a finite element model was built based on a preoperative CT scan. The model included the pelvis, femur, gluteus minimus, medius, and maximus. Two reconstructions were compared: (1) anatomic position of the acetabular center of rotation, and (2) cup medialization compensated by an increase in the femoral offset. Passive abduction-adduction and flexion-extension were simulated in the range of normal gait. Muscle moment arms were evaluated and correlated to preoperative femoral offset, acetabular offset, height of the greater trochanter (relative to femoral center of rotation), and femoral antetorsion angle. The increase of muscle moment arms caused by cup medialization varied among patients. Muscle moment arms increase by 10% to 85% of the amount of cup medialization for abduction-adduction and from -35% (decrease) to 50% for flexion-extension. The change in moment arm was inversely correlated (R(2) = 0.588, p = 0.001) to femoral antetorsion (anteversion), such that patients with less femoral antetorsion gained more in terms of hip muscle moments. No linear correlation was observed between changes in moment arm and

  2. Correlación entre la memoria subjetiva y objetiva episódica en pacientes con epilepsia del lóbulo temporal medial intratable


    Marilyn Zaldivar Bermúdez; Lilia María Morales Chacón; Otto Trápaga Quincoses; María García Navarro; Abel Sánchez Curuneaux


    Introducción. En la literatura científica revisada prevalece una discordancia en las investigaciones sobre la relación entre la memoria subjetiva y objetiva en pacientes con Epilepsia del Lóbulo Temporal medial intratable (ELTmi). Objetivo. Identificar la existencia o no de relación entre la memoria subjetiva y objetiva episódica en pacientes con ELTmi. Metodología. Se estudiaron 32 pacientes, con edades entre 15 y 60 años, empleándose el método clínico. Se aplicó una entrevista semiestructur...

  3. Neuromuscular Exercise Post Partial Medial Meniscectomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hall, Michelle; Hinman, Rana S; Wrigley, Tim V


    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of a 12-week, home-based, physiotherapist-guided neuromuscular exercise program on the knee adduction moment (an indicator of mediolateral knee load distribution) in people with a medial arthroscopic partial meniscectomy within the past 3-12 months. METHODS......: An assessor-blinded, randomised controlled trial including people aged 30-50 years with no to mild pain following medial arthroscopic partial meniscectomy was conducted. Participants were randomly allocated to either a 12-week neuromuscular exercise program that targeted neutral lower limb alignment...... or a control group with no exercise. The exercise program included eight individual sessions with one of seven physiotherapists in private clinics, together with home exercises. Primary outcomes were the peak external knee adduction moment during normal pace walking and during a one-leg sit-to-stand. Secondary...

  4. [SECOT consensus on medial femorotibial osteoarthritis]. (United States)

    Moreno, A; Silvestre, A; Carpintero, P


    A consensus, prepared by SECOT, is presented on the management of medial knee compartment osteoarthritis, in order to establish clinical criteria and recommendations directed at unifying the criteria in its management, dealing with the factors involved in the pathogenesis of medial femorotibial knee osteoarthritis, the usefulness of diagnostic imaging techniques, and the usefulness of arthroscopy. Conservative and surgical treatments are also analysed. The experts consulted showed a consensus (agreed or disagreed) in 65.8% of the items considered, leaving 14items where no consensus was found, which included the aetiopathogenesis of the osteoarthritis, the value of NMR in degenerative disease, the usefulness of COX-2 and the chondroprotective drugs, as well as on the ideal valgus tibial osteotomy technique. © 2013 SECOT. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  5. Medial Calcar Support and Radiographic Outcomes of Plate Fixation for Proximal Humeral Fractures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shih-Jie Lin


    Full Text Available Plate fixation remains one of the most popular surgical procedures for treating proximal humeral fractures (PHFx; however, substantial rates of complications have been reported in the literature. The objectives of the study were to examine how medial calcar support (MCS affects the radiographic outcomes and to determine the prognostic factors predicting treatment failure. We performed a retrospective cohort study of 89 adult patients who had PHFx and were treated with plate fixation at our institution in 2007–2011. The enrolled patients were separated into two groups according to disruption of medial calcar. Our results revealed an increased rate of poor radiographic outcomes in patients with disrupted medial calcar. Osteonecrosis of the humeral head and redisplacement were the two radiographic outcomes which had a positive causality with disruption of medial calcar (P=0.008 and 0.050, resp.. Deficient medial calcar, inadequate reduction, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and chronic liver disease were all significant predictors for the development of osteonecrosis in patients after PHFx surgery. Inadequate reduction was also a predictor for redisplacement. We confirmed that the restoration of medial calcar as well as comorbid conditions plays key roles in treatment of patients having PHFx with disrupted medial calcar.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franco Romaní


    Full Text Available La Bibliometría es una rama de la Cienciometría que permite estudiar la actividad científica. Su unidad de análisis es el artículo científico. El interés por esta área de investigación radica en su implicancia en la toma de decisiones, como parte de la gestión del conocimiento, al sugerir el desarrollo de líneas de investigación poco estudiadas o supervisar el desarrollo de otras y evaluar el quehacer científico de autores, instituciones e incluso países. En el siguiente artículo realizamos una breve revisión de las líneas de investigación bibliométricas, los principios matemáticos y la metodología básica para el desarrollo de este tipo de investigación. Pretendemos así, brindarle al profesional o estudiante de pregrado en ciencias de la salud, las herramientas básicas para entender y plantear estudios bibliométricos, buscando alentar la realización de investigación en esta área para la cual se tienen varias oportunidades. Los estudiantes de pregrado pueden desarrollar este tipo de investigación trabajando de manera multidisciplinaria con matemáticos, estadísticos, bibliotecólogos, entre otros, produciendo investigación bibliométrica de calidad, pertinente y que responda a las necesidades de investigación en salud del país.

  7. Trochleoplasty and medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for recurrent patellar dislocation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K Raghuveer Reddy


    Full Text Available We report a case of recurrent patellar dislocation with high-grade trochlear dysplasia which persisted despite two previous operations. We did a Dejour′s sulcus deepening trochleoplasty, medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction, and lateral retinacular release. Trochleoplasty and medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction is required in patients with high grade trochlear dysplasia.

  8. Medial frontal cortex and response conflict: Evidence from human intracranial EEG and medial frontal cortex lesion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cohen, M.X.; Ridderinkhof, K.R.; Haupt, S.; Elger, C.E.; Fell, J.


    The medial frontal cortex (MFC) has been implicated in the monitoring and selection of actions in the face of competing alternatives, but much remains unknown about its functional properties, including electrophysiological oscillations, during response conflict tasks. Here, we recorded intracranial

  9. Posterior horn medial meniscal root tear: the prequel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Umans, H. [Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY (United States); Lenox Hill Radiology and Imaging Associates, New York, NY (United States); Morrison, W. [Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (United States); DiFelice, G.S. [Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY (United States); Vaidya, N. [Crystal Run Healthcare, Middletown, NY (United States); Winalski, C.S. [Cleveland Clinic, Imaging Institute, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland, OH (United States)


    To determine whether subarticular marrow changes deep to the posterior horn medial meniscal root anchor might predict subsequent medial meniscal root tear. Fifteen patients with MR-diagnosed posterior horn medial meniscal root (PHMMR) tear and a knee MRI antecedent to the tear were identified at three imaging centers over a 7-year period. The pre- and post-tear MR images were evaluated for marrow signal changes deep to the root anchor, meniscal root signal intensity, medial compartment articular cartilage thinning, and meniscal body extrusion. Images of 29 age- and gender-matched individuals with two MRIs of the same knee were reviewed as a control group. MRI in 11 of 15 (73 %) cases with subsequent PHMMR tear demonstrated linear subcortical marrow edema deep to the meniscal root anchor on the antecedent MRI compared to only 1 of 29 (3 %) non-tear controls (p < 0.0001). The abnormal signal resolved on post-tear MRI in all but two patients. Cyst-like changes deep to the PHMMR were present on initial MRI in three of 15 (23 %) cases and three of 29 (10 %) controls, persisting in all but one case on follow-up imaging. The PHMMR was gray on the initial MRI in seven of 15 (47 %) of cases that developed tears compared to four of 29 (14 %) controls (p < 0.0001). There was medial meniscal extrusion (MME) prior to tear in two of 15 (13 %) patients and in ten of 15 (67 %) patients after PHMMR failure. In the control group, MME was present in one (3 %) and three (10 %) of 29 subjects on the initial and follow-up MRIs, respectively. Articular cartilage loss was noted in two of 15 (15 %) cases before tear and nine of 15 (69 %) on follow-up imaging, as compared to one (3 %) and four (14 %) of 29 subjects in the control group. Subcortical marrow edema deep to the PHMMR may result from abnormal stresses and thus be a harbinger of meniscal root failure. This hypothesis is supported by resolution of these marrow signal changes after root tear. Following tear, extrusion of the

  10. The Role of Medial Frontal Cortex in Action Anticipation in Professional Badminton Players. (United States)

    Xu, Huan; Wang, Pin; Ye, Zhuo'er; Di, Xin; Xu, Guiping; Mo, Lei; Lin, Huiyan; Rao, Hengyi; Jin, Hua


    Some studies show that the medial frontal cortex is associated with more skilled action anticipation, while similar findings are not observed in some other studies, possibly due to the stimuli employed and the participants used as the control group. In addition, no studies have investigated whether there is any functional connectivity between the medial frontal cortex and other brain regions in more skilled action anticipation. Therefore, the present study aimed to re-investigate how the medial frontal cortex is involved in more skilled action anticipation by circumventing the limitations of previous research and to investigate that the medial frontal cortex functionally connected with other brain regions involved in action processing in more skilled action anticipation. To this end, professional badminton players and novices were asked to anticipate the landing position of the shuttlecock while watching badminton match videos or to judge the gender of the players in the matches. The video clips ended right at the point that the shuttlecock and the racket came into contact to reduce the effect of information about the trajectory of the shuttlecock. Novices who lacked training and watching experience were recruited for the control group to reduce the effect of sport-related experience on the medial frontal cortex. Blood oxygenation level-dependent activation was assessed by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging. Compared to novices, badminton players exhibited stronger activation in the left medial frontal cortex during action anticipation and greater functional connectivity between left medial frontal cortex and some other brain regions (e.g., right posterior cingulate cortex). Therefore, the present study supports the position that the medial frontal cortex plays a role in more skilled action anticipation and that there is a specific brain network for more skilled action anticipation that involves right posterior cingulate cortex, right fusiform gyrus

  11. Ecological divergence and medial cuneiform morphology in gorillas. (United States)

    Tocheri, Matthew W; Solhan, Christyna R; Orr, Caley M; Femiani, John; Frohlich, Bruno; Groves, Colin P; Harcourt-Smith, William E; Richmond, Brian G; Shoelson, Brett; Jungers, William L


    Gorillas are more closely related to each other than to any other extant primate and are all terrestrial knuckle-walkers, but taxa differ along a gradient of dietary strategies and the frequency of arboreality in their behavioral repertoire. In this study, we test the hypothesis that medial cuneiform morphology falls on a morphocline in gorillas that tracks function related to hallucial abduction ability and relative frequency of arboreality. This morphocline predicts that western gorillas, being the most arboreal, should display a medial cuneiform anatomy that reflects the greatest hallucial abduction ability, followed by grauer gorillas, and then by mountain gorillas. Using a three-dimensional methodology to measure angles between articular surfaces, relative articular and nonarticular areas, and the curvatures of the hallucial articular surface, the functional predictions are partially confirmed in separating western gorillas from both eastern gorillas. Western gorillas are characterized by a more medially oriented, proportionately larger, and more mediolaterally curved hallucial facet than are eastern gorillas. These characteristics follow the predictions for a more prehensile hallux in western gorillas relative to a more stable, plantigrade hallux in eastern gorillas. The characteristics that distinguish eastern gorilla taxa from one another appear unrelated to hallucial abduction ability or frequency of arboreality. In total, this reexamination of medial cuneiform morphology suggests differentiation between eastern and western gorillas due to a longstanding ecological divergence and more recent and possibly non-adaptive differences between eastern taxa. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  12. Medial patellar ossification after patellar instability: a radiographic finding indicative of prior patella subluxation/dislocation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jerabek, Seth A. [Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program, Boston, MA (United States); Asnis, Peter D.; Poon, Steven K.; Gill, Thomas J. [Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Boston, MA (United States); Bredella, Miriam A.; Ouellette, Hugue A. [Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States)


    To describe the correlation between medial patellar ossification and prior patella subluxation and/or dislocation. A retrospective billing database search identified 544 patients who had been diagnosed with patellar instability over a 13-year period. One hundred twenty-eight patients met the inclusion criteria. After review by a staff orthopedic surgeon and two musculoskeletal radiologists, 28 patients were found to have medial patellar ossification. The size and location of medial patellar ossification was recorded. Of the 28 patients (20 males, eight females, age 13-66 years, mean 28 years) who were found to have medial patellar ossification, 22 had radiographs, 16 had magnetic resonance imaging, and ten had both. The medial patellar ossification ranged in size from 2 to 18 mm with an average of 6.8 mm. Twelve were located in the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL), 14 in the medial joint capsule, and two in both the MPFL and joint capsule. Twenty-seven of 28 patients had a single ossification, and one patient had two ossifications. The timing from injury to first imaging of the lesion ranged from 10 days to a chronic history ({>=}35 years) of patellar instability. Medial patellar ossification correlates with a history of prior patella subluxation and/or dislocation. The medial ossification can be seen within the MPFL or the medial joint capsule, suggesting remote injury to these structures. The presence of this lesion will prompt physicians to evaluate for patellar instability. (orig.)

  13. Medial patellar ossification after patellar instability: a radiographic finding indicative of prior patella subluxation/dislocation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jerabek, Seth A.; Asnis, Peter D.; Poon, Steven K.; Gill, Thomas J.; Bredella, Miriam A.; Ouellette, Hugue A.


    To describe the correlation between medial patellar ossification and prior patella subluxation and/or dislocation. A retrospective billing database search identified 544 patients who had been diagnosed with patellar instability over a 13-year period. One hundred twenty-eight patients met the inclusion criteria. After review by a staff orthopedic surgeon and two musculoskeletal radiologists, 28 patients were found to have medial patellar ossification. The size and location of medial patellar ossification was recorded. Of the 28 patients (20 males, eight females, age 13-66 years, mean 28 years) who were found to have medial patellar ossification, 22 had radiographs, 16 had magnetic resonance imaging, and ten had both. The medial patellar ossification ranged in size from 2 to 18 mm with an average of 6.8 mm. Twelve were located in the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL), 14 in the medial joint capsule, and two in both the MPFL and joint capsule. Twenty-seven of 28 patients had a single ossification, and one patient had two ossifications. The timing from injury to first imaging of the lesion ranged from 10 days to a chronic history (≥35 years) of patellar instability. Medial patellar ossification correlates with a history of prior patella subluxation and/or dislocation. The medial ossification can be seen within the MPFL or the medial joint capsule, suggesting remote injury to these structures. The presence of this lesion will prompt physicians to evaluate for patellar instability. (orig.)

  14. Osteomalacia por tumor secretor de FGF-23

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ariel Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de osteomalacia oncogénica en un varón de 50 años, con fuertes dolores óseos y gran debilidad muscular durante 4 años. Tenía varias deformidades vertebrales dorsales en cuña, fracturas en ambas ramas iliopubianas y en una rama isquiopubiana, y una zona de Looser en la meseta tibial derecha. Se localizó un tumor de 2 cm de diámetro en el hueco poplíteo derecho mediante centellograma con octreótido marcado con tecnecio. El tumor fue extirpado quirúrgicamente. La microscopía mostró un tumor mesenquimático fosfatúrico, de tejido conectivo mixto. La inmunotinción demostró FGF-23. Hubo rápida mejoría, con consolidación de las fracturas pelvianas y de la pseudofractura tibial y normalización de las alteraciones bioquímicas.

  15. Alterations in the transcription factors GntR1 and RamA enhance the growth and central metabolism of Corynebacterium glutamicum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Zhihao; Liu, Jianming; Chen, Lin


    confirmed that the two mutations lead to alteration rather than elimination of function, and their introduction in the wild-type background resulted in a specific growth rate of 0.62h-1. The glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathway fluxes had both increased significantly, and a transcriptomic analyses......% improvement is the highest reported for C. glutamicum to date. By genome resequencing and inverse metabolic engineering, we were able to pinpoint two mutations contributing to most of the growth improvement, and these resided in the transcriptional regulators GntR1 (gntR1-E70K) and RamA (ramA-A52V). We...... was already fast. We also found that the mutations could improve the performance of resting cells, under oxygen-deprived conditions, where an increase in sugar consumption rate of around 30% could be achieved. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that it is feasible to reprogram C. glutamicum into growing...

  16. Bilateral Vocal Fold Medialization: A Treatment for Abductor Spasmodic Dysphonia. (United States)

    Dewan, Karuna; Berke, Gerald S


    Abductor spasmodic dysphonia, a difficult-to-treat laryngologic condition, is characterized by spasms causing the vocal folds to remain abducted despite efforts to adduct them during phonation. Traditional treatment for abductor spasmodic dysphonia-botulinum toxin injection into the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle-can be both technically challenging and uncomfortable. Due to the difficulty of needle placement, it is often unsuccessful. The purpose of this investigation is to present a previously undescribed treatment for abductor spasmodic dysphonia-bilateral vocal fold medialization. A retrospective case review of all cases of abductor spasmodic dysphonia treated in a tertiary care laryngology practice with bilateral vocal fold medialization over a 10-year period was performed. The Voice Handicap Index and the Voice-Related Quality of Life surveys were utilized to assess patient satisfaction with voice outcome. Six patients with abductor spasmodic dysphonia treated with bilateral vocal fold medialization were identified. Disease severity ranged from mild to severe. All six patients reported statistically significant improvement in nearly all Voice Handicap Index and Voice-Related Quality of Life parameters. They reported fewer voice breaks and greater ease of communication. Results were noted immediately and symptoms continue to be well controlled for many years following medialization. Bilateral vocal fold medialization is a safe and effective treatment for abductor spasmodic dysphonia. It is performed under local anesthesia and provides phonation improvement in the short and long term. Copyright © 2017 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Medial joint space widening of the ankle in displaced Tillaux and Triplane fractures in children. (United States)

    Gourineni, Prasad; Gupta, Asheesh


    Tillaux and Triplane fractures occur in children predominantly from external rotation mechanism. We hypothesized that in displaced fractures, the talus would shift laterally along with the distal fibula and the distal tibial epiphyseal fragment increasing the medial joint space. Consecutive cases evaluated retrospectively. Level I and Level II centers. Twenty-two skeletally immature patients with 14 displaced Triplane fractures and eight displaced Tillaux fractures were evaluated for medial joint space widening. Measurement of fracture displacement and medial joint space widening before and after intervention. Thirteen Triplane and six Tillaux fractures (86%) showed medial space widening of 1 to 9 mm and equal to the amount of fracture displacement. Reduction of the fracture reduced the medial space to normal. There were no known complications. Medial space widening of the ankle may be a sign of ankle fracture displacement. Anatomic reduction of the fracture reduces the medial space and may improve the results in Tillaux and Triplane fractures.

  18. Una nueva especie de Aragoa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romero Castañeda Rafael


    Full Text Available Especie bien caracterizada, fácilmente distinguible de las hasta ahora conocidas, por sus hojas verticiladas de a tres, espatuladas y el tallo completamente glabro lo mismo que las ramas.  Por sus hojas carinadas y el tallo glabro se acerca a Aragoa occidentalis, siendo distinta en lo demás; por las hojas carinadas es afín de A. cupressina. pero presenta con ésta y las restantes especies, notable diferencia.  Especie dedicada al doctor Armando Dugand Gnecco, botánico colombiano cuyos estudios sobre la flora nacional son de gran importancia.

  19. studio comparativo de parametrización de un sistema de redes neuronales artificiales evolutivas para la predicción de series temporales y herramienta software para realizar esa predicción


    Lobato Álvarez, Miguel Ángel


    Hoy en día el uso de la inteligencia artificial (IA) y, concretamente de las dos ramas de la misma usadas en este trabajo: los AGs y las RNAs, se puede encontrar en todo lo que nos rodea en el día a día. Así se pueden ver sistemas que organizan la mercancía que llega a la empresa optimizando su espacio de almacenamiento, sistemas que reconocen la huella dactilar al fichar a la entrada y salida de una oficina, aplicaciones que reconocen las caras de personas en las fotos que subes a I...

  20. Medial tibial plateau morphology and stress fracture location: A magnetic resonance imaging study. (United States)

    Yukata, Kiminori; Yamanaka, Issei; Ueda, Yuzuru; Nakai, Sho; Ogasa, Hiroyoshi; Oishi, Yosuke; Hamawaki, Jun-Ichi


    To determine the location of medial tibial plateau stress fractures and its relationship with tibial plateau morphology using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A retrospective review of patients with a diagnosis of stress fracture of the medial tibial plateau was performed for a 5-year period. Fourteen patients [three female and 11 male, with an average age of 36.4 years (range, 15-50 years)], who underwent knee MRI, were included. The appearance of the tibial plateau stress fracture and the geometry of the tibial plateau were reviewed and measured on MRI. Thirteen of 14 stress fractures were linear, and one of them stellated on MRI images. The location of fractures was classified into three types. Three fractures were located anteromedially (AM type), six posteromedially (PM type), and five posteriorly (P type) at the medial tibial plateau. In addition, tibial posterior slope at the medial tibial plateau tended to be larger when the fracture was located more posteriorly on MRI. We found that MRI showed three different localizations of medial tibial plateau stress fractures, which were associated with tibial posterior slope at the medial tibial plateau.

  1. [Tibial periostitis ("medial tibial stress syndrome")]. (United States)

    Fournier, Pierre-Etienne


    Medial tibial stress syndrome is characterised by complaints along the posteromedial tibia. Runners and athletes involved in jumping activities may develop this syndrome. Increased stress to stabilize the foot especially when excessive pronation is present explain the occurrence this lesion.

  2. Stress fracture of the medial clavicle secondary to nervous tic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamada, K.; Sugiura, H.; Suzuki, Y.


    The clinical and radiological characteristics of swelling in the region of the medial clavicle may suggest the presence of a neoplastic or inflammatory lesion. This report describes a 27-year-old man with a painful tumor-like lesion over the medial clavicle, which was found to be a stress fracture caused by a nervous tic resulting from mental stress. (orig.)

  3. Simultaneous MPFL and LPFL reconstruction for recurrent lateral patellar dislocation with medial patellofemoral instability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masashi Kusano


    Full Text Available We report an extremely rare case of both recurrent lateral patella dislocation and medial patellofemoral instability, following prior operations to correct patella maltracking. Manual translation of the patella revealed medial and lateral instability with a positive apprehension sign. 3-D computer modelling of kinematics based on MRI data demonstrated that the patella deviated laterally at full extension and translated medially with knee flexion. The medial and lateral patellofemoral ligaments were reconstructed simultaneously with hamstring tendons, alleviating peripatellar pain and patellar instability in both directions.

  4. The role of medial frontal gyrus in action anticipation in professional badminton players

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huan Xu


    Full Text Available Some studies show that the medial frontal cortex is associated with more skilled action anticipation, while similar findings are not observed in some other studies, possibly due to the stimuli employed and the participants used as the control group. In addition, no studies have investigated whether there is any functional connectivity between the medial frontal cortex and other brain regions in more skilled action anticipation. Therefore, the present study aimed to re-investigate how the medial frontal cortex is involved in more skilled action anticipation by circumventing the limitations of previous research and to investigate that the medial frontal cortex functionally connected with other brain regions involved in action processing in more skilled action anticipation. To this end, professional badminton players and novices were asked to anticipate the landing position of the shuttlecock while watching badminton match videos or to judge the gender of the players in the matches. The video clips ended right at the point that the shuttlecock and the racket came into contact to reduce the effect of information about the trajectory of the shuttlecock. Novices who lacked training and watching experience were recruited for the control group to reduce the effect of sport-related experience on the medial frontal cortex. Blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD activation was assessed by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI. Compared to novices, badminton players exhibited stronger activation in the left medial frontal cortex during action anticipation and greater functional connectivity between left medial frontal cortex and some other brain regions (e.g., right posterior cingulate cortex. Therefore, the present study supports the position that the medial frontal cortex plays a role in more skilled action anticipation and that there is a specific brain network for more skilled action anticipation that involves right posterior cingulate

  5. The Role of Medial Frontal Cortex in Action Anticipation in Professional Badminton Players (United States)

    Xu, Huan; Wang, Pin; Ye, Zhuo’er; Di, Xin; Xu, Guiping; Mo, Lei; Lin, Huiyan; Rao, Hengyi; Jin, Hua


    Some studies show that the medial frontal cortex is associated with more skilled action anticipation, while similar findings are not observed in some other studies, possibly due to the stimuli employed and the participants used as the control group. In addition, no studies have investigated whether there is any functional connectivity between the medial frontal cortex and other brain regions in more skilled action anticipation. Therefore, the present study aimed to re-investigate how the medial frontal cortex is involved in more skilled action anticipation by circumventing the limitations of previous research and to investigate that the medial frontal cortex functionally connected with other brain regions involved in action processing in more skilled action anticipation. To this end, professional badminton players and novices were asked to anticipate the landing position of the shuttlecock while watching badminton match videos or to judge the gender of the players in the matches. The video clips ended right at the point that the shuttlecock and the racket came into contact to reduce the effect of information about the trajectory of the shuttlecock. Novices who lacked training and watching experience were recruited for the control group to reduce the effect of sport-related experience on the medial frontal cortex. Blood oxygenation level-dependent activation was assessed by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging. Compared to novices, badminton players exhibited stronger activation in the left medial frontal cortex during action anticipation and greater functional connectivity between left medial frontal cortex and some other brain regions (e.g., right posterior cingulate cortex). Therefore, the present study supports the position that the medial frontal cortex plays a role in more skilled action anticipation and that there is a specific brain network for more skilled action anticipation that involves right posterior cingulate cortex, right fusiform gyrus

  6. Efecto de la altura de poda de formación en la arquitectura de plantas de camu camu (Myrciaria dubia H.B.K. Mc Vaugh en la estación experimental del IIAP, Ucayali, Perú.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Abanto


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar la respuesta de las plantas de camu camu en plantaciones iniciales sometidas a podas de formación, se instaló un experimento en la EE - IIAP - Ucayali, bajo un Diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar con 3 repeticiones, considerando 20 plantas por unidad experimental. Los tratamientos consist ieron en realizar podas a diferentes alturas desde la base del tallo, se consideró T0 [testigo sin poda]; T1 [poda a 10 cm de la base]; T2 [poda a 20cm de la base] y T3 [poda a 40cm de la base] en plantas de 1.5 m de altura en promedio, procedentes de semi llas de la cuenca del rio Putumayo. Se evaluó el número de brotes, longitud de brotes, altura de planta, diámetro basal, diámetro de copa y número de ramas. Luego de 15 meses de evaluación se encontró diferencias significativas entre las variables estudiad as excepto en diámetro de copa. En altura sobresale el T0 [testigo sin poda]; los tratamientos restantes se comportaron de forma similar, superando al testigo en 267%. Así mismo, para el diámetro basal se halló que el T1 [poda a 10 cm de la base] se compo rtó mejor con un valor promedio de 1.96 cm frente al testigo con 1.7cm; Para el número de ramas la poda tuvo una influencia positiva, con un promedio de 13.4 ramas frente al T0 [testigo sin poda]; con 3.1 ramas, con lo cual se demostró que la poda de f ormación incrementa hasta un 432.3%.

  7. Computed Tomographic Distinction of Intimal and Medial Calcification in the Intracranial Internal Carotid Artery. (United States)

    Kockelkoren, Remko; Vos, Annelotte; Van Hecke, Wim; Vink, Aryan; Bleys, Ronald L A W; Verdoorn, Daphne; Mali, Willem P Th M; Hendrikse, Jeroen; Koek, Huiberdina L; de Jong, Pim A; De Vis, Jill B


    Intracranial internal carotid artery (iICA) calcification is associated with stroke and is often seen as a proxy of atherosclerosis of the intima. However, it was recently shown that these calcifications are predominantly located in the tunica media and internal elastic lamina (medial calcification). Intimal and medial calcifications are thought to have a different pathogenesis and clinical consequences and can only be distinguished through ex vivo histological analysis. Therefore, our aim was to develop CT scoring method to distinguish intimal and medial iICA calcification in vivo. First, in both iICAs of 16 cerebral autopsy patients the intimal and/or medial calcification area was histologically assessed (142 slides). Brain CT images of these patients were matched to the corresponding histological slides to develop a CT score that determines intimal or medial calcification dominance. Second, performance of the CT score was assessed in these 16 patients. Third, reproducibility was tested in a separate cohort. First, CT features of the score were circularity (absent, dot(s), medial and a lower sum intimal calcifications. Second, in the 16 patients the concordance between the CT score and the dominant calcification type was reasonable. Third, the score showed good reproducibility (kappa: 0.72 proportion of agreement: 0.82) between the categories intimal, medial or absent/indistinguishable. The developed CT score shows good reproducibility and can differentiate reasonably well between intimal and medial calcification dominance in the iICA, allowing for further (epidemiological) studies on iICA calcification.

  8. Transnasal endoscopic medial maxillectomy in recurrent maxillary sinus inverted papilloma. (United States)

    Kamel, Reda H; Abdel Fattah, Ahmed F; Awad, Ayman G


    Maxillary sinus inverted papilloma entails medial maxillectomy and is associated with high incidence of recurrence. To study the impact of prior surgery on recurrence rate after transnasal endoscopic medial maxillectomy. Eighteen patients with primary and 33 with recurrent maxillary sinus inverted papilloma underwent transnasal endoscopic medial maxillectomy. Caldwell-Luc operation was the primary surgery in 12 patients, transnasal endoscopic resection in 20, and midfacial degloving technique in one. The follow-up period ranged between 2 to 19.5 years with an average of 8.8 years. Recurrence was detected in 8/51 maxillary sinus inverted papilloma patients (15.7 %), 1/18 of primary cases (5.5 %), 7/33 of recurrent cases (21.2 %); 3/20 of the transnasal endoscopic resection group (15%) and 4/12 of the Caldwell-Luc group (33.3%). Redo transnasal endoscopic medial maxillectomy was followed by a single recurrence in the Caldwell-Luc group (25%), and no recurrence in the other groups. Recurrence is more common in recurrent maxillary sinus inverted papilloma than primary lesions. Recurrent maxillary sinus inverted papilloma after Caldwell-Luc operation has higher incidence of recurrence than after transnasal endoscopic resection.

  9. Um ensaio sobre as forças que modelam a dinâmica da contabilidade gerencial em empresas prestadoras de serviços




    Los servicios responden por parte significativa de la producción de riqueza en los principales centros económicos del mundo y en la generación y oferta de empleos. La identificación y desarrollo de artefactos gerenciales para atender a las necesidades de gestión de las empresas prestadoras de servicios se ha presentado como un desafío para la rama de conocimiento contabilidad gerencial. Anclado en la importancia de esta área del conocimiento para la gestión y competitividad de las organizacio...

  10. Geologia estructural, aprendizaje. discusion


    Camargo, Guillermo Arturo


    La práctica profesional y docente permite establecer algunas de las principales dificultadesde aprendizaje que presentan los estudiantes en el área de Geología Estructural de la carrera deGeología, muchas de las cuales son comunes a todas las ramas de esta ciencia. Aquellas de primerorden y de carácter más general son: el paso de la noción al concepto y de lo abstracto a lo concreto,ambos reflejados en la dificultad para resolver problemas y comprender fenómenos directamente enel campo. Dific...

  11. Aplicación web para enseñanza/aprendizaje de cálculo y álgebra


    Almirón García, Adrián


    El principal objetivo de este trabajo fin de grado es la implementación de una aplicación web que permita realizar actividades de enseñanza/aprendizaje en las ramas de cálculo y álgebra de las matemáticas, enfocada principalmente en los contenidos impartidos en las asignaturas de matemáticas en Bachillerato, concretamente de la unidad de realización de derivadas. Se han desarrollado dos modelos: Uno para el profesor, que permite la generación de los ejercicios, así como la c...

  12. Editorial


    Correa Arroyave, Alvaro


    Una de las ramas de la ingeniería, como lo es la ingeniería civil, se encuentra aportando sus conocimientos a la transformación que experimenta actualmente en pro del desarrollo que obliga la reciente apertura económica. Los retos son cada vez mayores pues se necesitan de soluciones más audaces: la modernización de la malla vial urbana incluyendo la utilización del espacio subterráneo, conservando intactas las estructuras de superficie; la construcción de las dobles calzadas que en algunos tr...

  13. Editorial


    Alvaro Correa Arroyave


    Una de las ramas de la ingeniería, como lo es la ingeniería civil, se encuentra aportando sus conocimientos a la transformación que experimenta actualmente en pro del desarrollo que obliga la reciente apertura económica. Los retos son cada vez mayores pues se necesitan de soluciones más audaces: la modernización de la malla vial urbana incluyendo la utilización del espacio subterráneo, conservando intactas las estructuras de superficie; la construcción de las dobles calzadas que en algunos tr...

  14. El Dimorfismo Sexual en Distintas Relaciones Cráneo-Mandibulares


    Bucchi, Ana; Bucchi, Cristina; Fuentes, Ramón


    La estimación del sexo en base a restos esqueletales es uno de los principales objetivos de las ciencias forenses. Esta estimación se basa en las diferencias de forma y tamaño que existen entre mujeres y hombres (dimorfismo sexual). En este trabajo se analiza la asociación entre el dimorfismo sexual de la mandíbula y las distintas relaciones cráneo-mandibulares (ortognata, prognata y retrognata). Se analizaron 4 medidas faciales (altura facial, altura de la rama de la mandíbula, ancho mínimo ...

  15. Valoración Financiera de la Empresa Familiar Prisvaland S.A


    Espol; Yépez Espinales, Priscilla


    La economía que se enfoca en las decisiones de inversión y en la obtención de recursos financieros para una empresa (lopez, 2017), es decir, busca la manera de obtener recursos para poder financiar proyectos de crecimiento. El mundo de las finanzas está dividido en cuatro ramas principales: finanzas familiares, finanzas personales, finanzas corporativas y finanzas publicas (mascareñas, 2007) las mismas están orientadas al cuestionamiento de análisis sobre una mejor opción en cuanto a obtenció...

  16. Teoría general de los signos distintivos


    Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba


    La presente investigación delinea de forma sistemática una teoría general para todo género de signos distintivos. Para este propósito se recurre a las investigaciones parciales que la propiedad industrial y otras ramas del derecho han realizado de algunos signos distintivos particulares, como las marcas, las indicaciones geográficas, los sellos de calidad, los nombres de pila, los nombres comerciales, entre otros. El trabajo se vale de un método inductivo que recoge leyes, jurisprudencia y do...

  17. Comportamiento morfoagronómico de variedades de morera (Morus alba L. durante el establecimiento Morphoagronomic performance of mulberry (Morus alba L. varieties during the establishment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gertrudis Pentón


    Full Text Available En áreas de la EEPF "Indio Hatuey" se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento morfoagronómico de cuatro variedades de morera (Morus alba L. (Criolla, Indonesia, Cubana y Tigreada, durante la etapa de establecimiento de plantas trasplantadas. El material vegetativo (posturas fue aviverado durante 120 días. La dinámica de emergencia de las yemas fue significativamente superior en las variedades Indonesia, Tigreada y Cubana con respecto a la Criolla. La variedad Tigreada alcanzó la mayor tasa promedio de desarrollo de nuevas ramas (0,25 ramas/día, aunque sin diferencias significativas respecto a las restantes variedades. La longitud de las ramas tendió a ser superior en la var. Tigreada (0,89 cm promedio por día, seguida por las variedades Indonesia, Cubana y Criolla (0,77; 0,73 y 0,63 cm/día, respectivamente. Sin embargo, el grosor de las ramas fue mayor en las variedades Cubana y Criolla. La variedad Indonesia se caracterizó por un significativo crecimiento en altura y grosor de la base del tallo principal (154 cm y 14,6 mm respecto al resto de las variedades. Todo ello tuvo una repercusión marcada en la producción de hojas, en lo cual se destacó la variedad Tigreada; le siguieron, aunque con diferencias significativas entre ellas, las variedades Indonesia, Cubana y Criolla. Se concluye que Tigreada e Indonesia resultaron ser las variedades de mejor comportamiento morfoagronómico durante el establecimiento; la primera se caracterizó por un alto potencial de producción de hojas y la segunda por una notable capacidad de acumulación de tejido leñoso.A study was carried out in areas of the EEPF "Indio Hatuey" in order to evaluate the morphoagronomic performance of four mulberry (Morus alba L. varieties (Criolla, Indonesia, Cubana and Tigreada, during the establishment stage of transplanted plants. The vegetative material (seedlings was placed in a nursery for 120 days. The bud emergence dynamics was

  18. Characteristics and prognosis of medial epicondylar fragmentation of the humerus in male junior tennis players. (United States)

    Harada, Mikio; Takahara, Masatoshi; Maruyama, Masahiro; Takagi, Michiaki


    Although medial epicondylar fragmentation of the humerus is a reported elbow injury in junior tennis players, there have been only a few studies on this entity, and none have investigated the characteristics and prognosis of medial epicondylar fragmentation. Forty-one male junior tennis players, aged 11 to 14 years (mean, 13 years), underwent elbow examination by ultrasonography. Elbow re-examination was performed in subjects with medial epicondylar fragmentation at an average of 20 months (12-30 months) after the initial examination. On examination, 9 subjects (22%) had elbow pain. Ultrasonography showed that 6 subjects (15%) had medial epicondylar fragmentation, all of whom had elbow pain. Medial epicondylar fragmentation was present in 5 (38%) of 13 subjects aged 11 to 12 years and in 1 (4%) of 28 aged 13 to 14 years. More subjects aged 11 to 12 years had medial epicondylar fragmentation (P = .0084). All 6 subjects with medial epicondylar fragmentation continued to play tennis between the initial elbow examination and the re-examination. At re-examination, although ultrasonography showed that 5 developed bone union and 1 had nonunion, 3 subjects (50%) reported elbow pain. Our results demonstrated that subjects aged 11 to 12 years had a high frequency (38%) of medial epicondylar fragmentation. Although medial epicondylar fragmentation was the main cause of elbow pain (67%) at the initial elbow examination, all 6 players with medial epicondylar fragmentation continued to play tennis between the initial elbow examination and the re-examination. At re-examination, 5 subjects presented spontaneous bone union (83%), but 3 subjects (50%) reported elbow pain. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Early seizure propagation from the occipital lobe to medial temporal structures and its surgical implication. (United States)

    Usui, Naotaka; Mihara, Tadahiro; Baba, Koichi; Matsuda, Kazumi; Tottori, Takayasu; Umeoka, Shuichi; Nakamura, Fumihiro; Terada, Kiyohito; Usui, Keiko; Inoue, Yushi


    Intracranial EEG documentation of seizure propagation from the occipital lobe to medial temporal structures is relatively rare. We retrospectively analyzed intracranial EEG recorded with electrodes implanted in the medial temporal lobe in patients who underwent occipital lobe surgery. Four patients with occipital lesions, who underwent intracranial EEG monitoring with intracerebral electrodes implanted in the medial temporal lobe prior to occipital lobe surgery, were studied. Subdural electrodes were placed over the occipital lobe and adjacent areas. Intracerebral electrodes were implanted into bilateral hippocampi and the amygdala in three patients, and in the hippocampus and amygdala ipsilateral to the lesion in one. In light of the intracranial EEG findings, the occipital lobe was resected but the medial temporal lobe was spared in all patients. The follow-up period ranged from six to 16 years, and seizure outcome was Engel Class I in all patients. Sixty six seizures were analyzed. The majority of the seizures originated from the occipital lobe. In complex partial seizures, ictal discharges propagated to the medial temporal lobe. No seizures originating from the temporal lobe were documented. In some seizures, the ictal-onset zone could not be identified. In these seizures, very early propagation to the medial temporal lobe was observed. Interictal spikes were recorded in the medial temporal lobe in all cases. Intracranial EEG revealed very early involvement of the medial temporal lobe in some seizures. Seizure control was achieved without resection of the medial temporal structures.

  20. Medial temporal lobe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silver, A.J.; Cross, D.T.; Friedman, D.P.; Bello, J.A.; Hilal, S.K.


    To better define the MR appearance of hippocampal sclerosis, the authors have reviewed over 500 MR coronal images of the temporal lobes. Many cysts were noted that analysis showed were of choroid-fissure (arachnoid) origin. Their association with seizures was low. A few nontumorous, static, medial temporal lesions, noted on T2-weighted coronal images, were poorly visualized on T1-weighted images and did not enhance with gadolinium. The margins were irregular, involved the hippocampus, and were often associated with focal atrophy. The lesions usually were associated with seizure disorders and specific electroencephalographic changes, and the authors believe they represented hippocampal sclerosis

  1. Effects of the medial or basolateral amygdala upon social anxiety and social recognition in mice. (United States)

    Wang, Yu; Zhao, Shanshan; Liu, Xu; Fu, Qunying


    Though social anxiety and social recognition have been studied extensively, the roles of the medial or basolateral amygdala in the control of social anxiety and social recognition remain to be determined. This study investigated the effects of excitotoxic bilateral medial or basolateral amygdala lesions upon social anxiety and social recognition in-mice. Animals at 9 weeks of age were given bilateral medial or basolateral amygdala lesions via infusion of N-methyl- D-aspartate and then were used for behavioral tests: anxiety-related tests (including open-field test, light-dark test, and elevated-plus maze test), social behavior test in a novel environment, social recognition test, and flavor recognition test. Medial or basolateral amygdala-lesioned mice showed lower levels of anxiety and increased social behaviors in a novel environment. Destruction of the medial or basolateral amygdala neurons impaired social recognition but not flavor recognition. The medial or basolateral amygdala is involved in the control of anxiety-related behavior (social anxiety and social behaviors) in mice. Moreover, both the medial and the basolateral amygdala are essential for social recognition but not flavor recognition in mice.

  2. Incarceration of the medial collateral ligament in the intercondylar notch following proximal avulsion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walton, Edward [Fiona Stanley Hospital, Department of Radiology, Perth, Western Australia (Australia); Williams, Martin [North Bristol NHS Trust, Department of Radiology, Bristol (United Kingdom); Robinson, James R. [Bristol Knee Group, Avon Orthopaedic Centre, Bristol (United Kingdom)


    Intra-articular entrapment of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) is a rare but recognised complication of traumatic injury to the posteromedial corner (PMC) of the knee. Considering the MCL is the most commonly injured ligament of the knee this complication is extremely rare with only a handful of cases describing MCL entrapment following distal avulsion of the MCL. We present the first known case of MCL entrapment following proximal avulsion of the MCL and posterior oblique ligament (POL) with the mid-substance of the MCL becoming entrapped in the joint, lying on the superior surface of the medial meniscus and extending up into the intercondylar notch. In addition, the medial patellar retinaculum was also entrapped in the medial aspect of the medial patellofemoral joint. MCL entrapment is best treated with expeditious surgical intervention and it is therefore crucial that the MRI findings are not overlooked. Details of the clinical assessment, MRI and operative findings are presented with a literature review of MCL entrapment. (orig.)

  3. Incarceration of the medial collateral ligament in the intercondylar notch following proximal avulsion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walton, Edward; Williams, Martin; Robinson, James R.


    Intra-articular entrapment of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) is a rare but recognised complication of traumatic injury to the posteromedial corner (PMC) of the knee. Considering the MCL is the most commonly injured ligament of the knee this complication is extremely rare with only a handful of cases describing MCL entrapment following distal avulsion of the MCL. We present the first known case of MCL entrapment following proximal avulsion of the MCL and posterior oblique ligament (POL) with the mid-substance of the MCL becoming entrapped in the joint, lying on the superior surface of the medial meniscus and extending up into the intercondylar notch. In addition, the medial patellar retinaculum was also entrapped in the medial aspect of the medial patellofemoral joint. MCL entrapment is best treated with expeditious surgical intervention and it is therefore crucial that the MRI findings are not overlooked. Details of the clinical assessment, MRI and operative findings are presented with a literature review of MCL entrapment. (orig.)

  4. Proximo-distal patellar position in three small dog breeds with medial patellar luxation. (United States)

    Wangdee, C; Theyse, L F H; Hazewinkel, H A W


    Medial patellar luxation is thought to be associated with a high proximal position of the patella in the trochlear groove. To determine whether the ratio of patellar ligament length and patellar length (L:P) is influenced by the stifle angle (75°, 96°, 113°, 130°, and 148°) in small dog breeds and to compare the L:P ratio in dogs of three small dog breeds with and without medial patellar luxation. A mediolateral radiograph of the stifle joint was used to measure the L:P ratio in the stifle joints of dogs of three small breeds with and without medial patellar luxation. The L:P ratio was evaluated at five stifle angles (75°, 96°, 113°, 130°, and 148°) in 14 cadavers (26 stifle joints) of small dog breeds in order to identify the best stifle angle to measure the L:P ratio. Then the mean ± SD L:P ratio was calculated for normal stifles and stifles with medial patellar luxation grades 1, 2, and 3 in 194 Pomeranians, 74 Chihuahuas, and 41 Toy or Standard Poodles. The L:P ratio was the same for all five stifle angles in the cadavers (p = 0.195). It was also not significantly different in the three breeds (p = 0.135), in normal and medial patellar luxation-affected stifles overall (p = 0.354), and in normal and medial patellar luxation-affected joints within each breed (p = 0.19). We conclude that a proximo-distal patellar position is not associated with medial patellar luxation in Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, and Toy or Standard Poodles. Thus a longer patellar ligament length does not play a role in the pathophysiology of medial patellar luxation in these small dog breeds.

  5. Sonic hedgehog expressing and responding cells generate neuronal diversity in the medial amygdala

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    Machold Robert P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The mammalian amygdala is composed of two primary functional subdivisions, classified according to whether the major output projection of each nucleus is excitatory or inhibitory. The posterior dorsal and ventral subdivisions of the medial amygdala, which primarily contain inhibitory output neurons, modulate specific aspects of innate socio-sexual and aggressive behaviors. However, the development of the neuronal diversity of this complex and important structure remains to be fully elucidated. Results Using a combination of genetic fate-mapping and loss-of-function analyses, we examined the contribution and function of Sonic hedgehog (Shh-expressing and Shh-responsive (Nkx2-1+ and Gli1+ neurons in the medial amygdala. Specifically, we found that Shh- and Nkx2-1-lineage cells contribute differentially to the dorsal and ventral subdivisions of the postnatal medial amygdala. These Shh- and Nkx2-1-lineage neurons express overlapping and non-overlapping inhibitory neuronal markers, such as Calbindin, FoxP2, nNOS and Somatostatin, revealing diverse fate contributions in discrete medial amygdala nuclear subdivisions. Electrophysiological analysis of the Shh-derived neurons additionally reveals an important functional diversity within this lineage in the medial amygdala. Moreover, inducible Gli1CreER(T2 temporal fate mapping shows that early-generated progenitors that respond to Shh signaling also contribute to medial amygdala neuronal diversity. Lastly, analysis of Nkx2-1 mutant mice demonstrates a genetic requirement for Nkx2-1 in inhibitory neuronal specification in the medial amygdala distinct from the requirement for Nkx2-1 in cerebral cortical development. Conclusions Taken together, these data reveal a differential contribution of Shh-expressing and Shh-responding cells to medial amygdala neuronal diversity as well as the function of Nkx2-1 in the development of this important limbic system structure.

  6. Posterior-anterior weight-bearing radiograph in 15 knee flexion in medial osteoarthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamanaka, Norio; Takahashi, Toshiaki; Yamamoto, Hiroshi; Ichikawa, Norikazu


    To evaluate the degree of knee flexion at which: (1) degenerative joint space narrowing is best seen, (2) the tibial plateau is best visualized and (3) the tibiofemoral angle is most correct, in order to assess the degree of flexion in the anteroposterior radiographic view that is most useful for assessing medial compartment osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee.Design and patients. We compared the conventional extended view of the knee and views at 15 , 30 , and 45 of flexion with respect to joint space narrowing, alignment of the medial tibial plateau (MTP), and tibiofemoral angles in 113 knees of 95 patients with medial osteoarthritis of the knee (22 men, 73 women; mean age 67 years).Results. At the midpoint and the narrowest point of the medial compartment, joint space narrowing values at 15 , 30 , and 45 of flexion of the knee were smaller than that of the conventional extended view. Superimposition of the margins of the tibial plateau was satisfactory in 12% of patients in the conventional extended view, in 36% at 15 of flexion, in 20% at 30 of flexion, and in 19% at 45 of flexion of the knee. When the knee was at 15 of flexion there was a smaller difference in the tibiofemoral angle, in comparison with the knee extended, than was the case at 30 and 45 of flexion in patients with medial OA.Conclusion. A posteroanterior view with 15 of flexion of the knee was able to detect joint space narrowing accurately, to achieve good alignment of the MTP in the medial compartment, and to reduce the difference in tibiofemoral angle compared with a view of the knee in conventional extension, and may be an alternative view in cases of medial OA of the knee. (orig.)

  7. Medial maxillectomy in recalcitrant sinusitis: when, why and how? (United States)

    Konstantinidis, Iordanis; Constantinidis, Jannis


    We reviewed all journal articles relevant to endoscopic medial maxillectomy in patients with recalcitrant chronic maxillary sinusitis in order to present all indications, the underlying pathophysiology and the developed surgical techniques. Despite the high success rate of middle meatal antrostomy, cases with persistent maxillary sinus disease exist and often need a more extended endoscopic procedure for the better control of the disease. Such surgical option uses gravity for better sinus drainage and offers better saline irrigation, local application of medications and follow-up inspection. An endoscopic medial maxillectomy and its modified forms offer a wider surgical field and access to all 'difficult' areas of the maxillary sinus. Patients with previous limited endoscopic sinus surgery or extended open surgery, cystic fibrosis, extensive mucoceles, allergic fungal sinusitis, odontogenic infections, foreign bodies and so on may suffer from recurrent disease requiring an endoscopic medial maxillectomy. Depending on the disease, various modifications of the procedure can be performed preserving the anterior buttress, nasolacrimal duct and inferior turbinate if possible.

  8. Las Desigualdades del sector agropecuario: su competitividad, una alternativa para el desarrollo regional

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    Miguel Ángel Bautista Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo hace una revisión acerca del desarrollo regional y su vinculación con la competitividad y la metodología de la cadena de valor; con el objetivo de analizar si estos tres cuerpos teóricos tienen vigencia en esta rama de la ciencia.

  9. MARRT: Medial Axis biased rapidly-exploring random trees

    KAUST Repository

    Denny, Jory


    © 2014 IEEE. Motion planning is a difficult and widely studied problem in robotics. Current research aims not only to find feasible paths, but to ensure paths have certain properties, e.g., shortest or safest paths. This is difficult for current state-of-the-art sampling-based techniques as they typically focus on simply finding any path. Despite this difficulty, sampling-based techniques have shown great success in planning for a wide range of applications. Among such planners, Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (RRTs) search the planning space by biasing exploration toward unexplored regions. This paper introduces a novel RRT variant, Medial Axis RRT (MARRT), which biases tree exploration to the medial axis of free space by pushing all configurations from expansion steps towards the medial axis. We prove that this biasing increases the tree\\'s clearance from obstacles. Improving obstacle clearance is useful where path safety is important, e.g., path planning for robots performing tasks in close proximity to the elderly. Finally, we experimentally analyze MARRT, emphasizing its ability to effectively map difficult passages while increasing obstacle clearance, and compare it to contemporary RRT techniques.

  10. Estado peronista y cooperativismo eléctrico: El caso de la Cooperativa Eléctrica de Las Flores entre 1946 y 1951

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Rodrigo La Scaleia


    Full Text Available El rubro de la electricidad fue uno de los sectores más dinámicos para la transformación económica que experimentó la Argentina en la década del 40. Al mismo tiempo fue una de las ramas en las que se desarrolló más fuertemente el cooperativismo, que jugó un papel esencial en la provisión de energía eléctrica, fuera de los grandes centros urbanos. En este trabajo se estudia el desenvolvimiento de la Cooperativa Eléctrica de Las Flores destinada al suministro de energía del partido homónimo, en el interior de la Provincia de Buenos Aires entre 1946 y 1951. Finalmente el trabajo analiza la política energética primero en la Provincia de Buenos Aires durante al Gobierno de Domingo Mercante y segundo en el ámbito nacional, durante la primera presidencia de Juan Perón.The sector of electricity was one of the more dynamics for the economic transformation, which Argentine had experimented in the 40ies. At the same time, it was a brnch in which the cooperativism was strongly developed, being extremely important for the provision of electric energy, out of the huge urben centres. In this work it is studied the development of the electric cooperative of Las Flores destinated to the suministry of energy of the similar district, in the inner of the Buenos Aires Province between 1946 and 1951. Finally the study analyses the energetic politic, firstly in the Province of Buenos Aires during Domingo Mercante's government and secondly in the national circuit, during Juan Perón's presidency.

  11. Medial vs lateral unicompartmental knee arthrroplasty: clinical results. (United States)

    Fiocchi, Andrea; Condello, Vincenzo; Madonna, Vincenzo; Bonomo, M; Zorzi, Claudio


    Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty (UKA) is a common procedure for the management of isolated osteoarthritis. UKA is considered less invasive compared to total knee arthroplasty, associated with less operative time, blood loss and faster recovery. Isolated lateral osteoarthritis is a relatively uncommon clinical problem, with an incidence about ten times lower than the medial compartment. In fact, lateral UKA are about 5-10% of the total amount of the UKAs. In addition, it's historically considered more challenging and with poorer results. The aim of this paper was to compare current indications, modes of failure, survivorship and clinical results of medial and lateral UKA by a narrative review of the latest literature.

  12. Role of pathophysiology of patellofemoral instability in the treatment of spontaneous medial patellofemoral subluxation: a case report

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    Doğruyol Dağhan


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Medial patellar subluxation is usually seen after lateral retinacular release. Spontaneous medial subluxation of the patella is a very rare condition. There are few reports in the literature on the pathophysiology of iatrogenic medial patellar subluxation. To our knowledge, there are no reports of the pathophysiology of non-iatrogenic medial patellar subluxation in the English literature. In this study we present a case of spontaneous medial patellar instability that is more prominent in extension during weight bearing. We also try to define the treatment protocol based on pathophsiology. Case presentation We report the case of a 21-year-old Turkish man with spontaneous medial patellar instability. He had suffered right knee pain, clicking and popping sensation in the affected knee for three months prior to presentation. Clinical examination demonstrated medial patellar subluxation that is more prominent in extension during the weight bearing phase of gait and while standing. Increased medial tilt was observed when the patella was stressed medially. Conventional anterior to posterior, lateral and Merchant radiographs did not reveal any abnormalities. After three months of physical therapy, our patient was still suffering from right knee pain which disturbed his gait pattern. Throughout the surgery, medial patellar translation was tested following the imbrication of lateral structures. He still had a medial patellar translation that was more than 50% of his patellar width. Patellotibial ligament augmentation using an iliotibial band flap was added. When examined after surgery, the alignment of the patella was effectively corrected. Conclusions Chronic imbalance between the strengths of vastus lateralis and vastus medialis results in secondary changes in passive ligamentous structures and causes additional instability. Physical therapy modalities that aim to strengthen the vastus lateralis might be sufficient for the

  13. Preoperative Patellofemoral Chondromalacia is Not a Contraindication for Fixed-Bearing Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty. (United States)

    Adams, Alexander J; Kazarian, Gregory S; Lonner, Jess H


    Patellofemoral chondromalacia (PFCM) has historically been considered a contraindication for unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA), but there is limited data assessing PFCM's impact on the results of fixed-bearing UKA. Our objective was to assess the impact of medial patellar and/or medial trochlear PFCM on overall and patellofemoral-specific 2-year outcomes after fixed-bearing medial UKA. Intraoperative notes defined the presence and location of PFCM during fixed bearing medial UKA. Outcome measures included the New Knee Society Score (NKSS), Kneeling Ability Score (KAS) and Forgotten Joint Score (FJS-12). Thirty-one knees with PFCM (PFCM group), and 52 knees without PFCM (N-PFCM group) were included for analysis. Mann-Whitney U tests assessed the statistical significance of observed differences, and a Bonferroni correction was applied, adjusting threshold for significance to P = .005. At minimum follow-up of 2 years, no statistical differences were detected between the N-PFCM and PFCM groups in the postoperative NKSS (159 vs 157, P = .731), preoperative to postoperative NKSS change (P = .447), FJS-12 (70.5 vs 67.6, P = .471), or KAS (71% vs 65%, P = .217). Patients with isolated patellar chondromalacia (n = 13) demonstrated trends toward worse outcomes according to NKSS (147, P = .198), FJS-12 (58, P = .094), and KAS (46%, P = .018), but were statistically insignificant. No failures occurred in either group. Functional outcomes of fixed-bearing medial UKA are not adversely impacted by the presence of PFCM involving the medial patellar facet and/or medial or central trochlea. Further follow-up is needed to determine longer-term implications of fixed-bearing medial UKA in patients with PFCM. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Computed Tomographic Distinction of Intimal and Medial Calcification in the Intracranial Internal Carotid Artery.

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    Remko Kockelkoren

    Full Text Available Intracranial internal carotid artery (iICA calcification is associated with stroke and is often seen as a proxy of atherosclerosis of the intima. However, it was recently shown that these calcifications are predominantly located in the tunica media and internal elastic lamina (medial calcification. Intimal and medial calcifications are thought to have a different pathogenesis and clinical consequences and can only be distinguished through ex vivo histological analysis. Therefore, our aim was to develop CT scoring method to distinguish intimal and medial iICA calcification in vivo.First, in both iICAs of 16 cerebral autopsy patients the intimal and/or medial calcification area was histologically assessed (142 slides. Brain CT images of these patients were matched to the corresponding histological slides to develop a CT score that determines intimal or medial calcification dominance. Second, performance of the CT score was assessed in these 16 patients. Third, reproducibility was tested in a separate cohort.First, CT features of the score were circularity (absent, dot(s, <90°, 90-270° or 270-360°, thickness (absent, ≥1.5mm, or <1.5mm, and morphology (indistinguishable, irregular/patchy or continuous. A high sum of features represented medial and a lower sum intimal calcifications. Second, in the 16 patients the concordance between the CT score and the dominant calcification type was reasonable. Third, the score showed good reproducibility (kappa: 0.72 proportion of agreement: 0.82 between the categories intimal, medial or absent/indistinguishable.The developed CT score shows good reproducibility and can differentiate reasonably well between intimal and medial calcification dominance in the iICA, allowing for further (epidemiological studies on iICA calcification.

  15. The JCR:LA-cp rat: a novel rodent model of cystic medial necrosis. (United States)

    Pung, Yuh Fen; Chilian, William M; Bennett, Martin R; Figg, Nichola; Kamarulzaman, Mohd Hamzah


    Although there are multiple rodent models of the metabolic syndrome, very few develop vascular complications. In contrast, the JCR:LA-cp rat develops both metabolic syndrome and early atherosclerosis in predisposed areas. However, the pathology of the normal vessel wall has not been described. We examined JCR:LA control (+/+) or cp/cp rats fed normal chow diet for 6 or 18 mo. JCR:LA-cp rats developed multiple features of advanced cystic medial necrosis including "cysts," increased collagen formation and proteoglycan deposition around cysts, apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells, and spotty medial calcification. These appearances began within 6 mo and were extensive by 18 mo. JCR:LA-cp rats had reduced medial cellularity, increased medial thickness, and vessel hypoxia that was most marked in the adventitia. In conclusion, the normal chow-fed JCR:LA-cp rat represents a novel rodent model of cystic medial necrosis, associated with multiple metabolic abnormalities, vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis, and vessel hypoxia. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Triggers for cystic medial necrosis (CMN) have been difficult to study due to lack of animal models to recapitulate the pathologies seen in humans. Our study is the first description of CMN in the rat. Thus the JCR:LA-cp rat represents a useful model to investigate the underlying molecular changes leading to the development of CMN. Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society.

  16. Differential effects of unilateral lesions in the medial amygdala on spontaneous and induced ovulation. (United States)

    Sanchez, M A; Dominguez, R


    The possible existence of asymmetry in the control of ovulation by the medial amygdala was explored. Unilateral lesions of the medial amygdala were performed on each day of the estrous cycle. The estral index diminished in almost all animals with a lesion in the right side of medial amygdala. Lesions of the right medial amygdala, when performed on diestrus-1, resulted in a significant decrease in the number of rats ovulating compared to controls (4/8 vs. 8/8, p rats with lesions of the right medial amygdala. However, sequential injections of PMSG-hCG did result in ovulation by all members of a group of lesioned animals. In this last condition a significant decrease in the number of ova shed by the right ovary was found compared to animals in the lesion-only condition (1.5 +/- 0.5 vs. 6.0 +/- 1.5, p cycle.

  17. Large scale rooftop photovoltaics grid connected system at Charoenphol-Rama I green building

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ketjoy, N.; Rakwichian, W. [School of Renewable Energy Technology (SERT) (Thailand); Wongchupan, V. [Panya Consultants Co., Ltd (Thailand); Sankarat, T. [Tesco Lotus, Ek-Chai Distribution System Co., Ltd. (Thailand)


    This paper presents a technical feasibility study project for the large scale rooftop photovoltaics (PV) grid connected system at Charoenphol-Rama I green building super store of TESCO LOTUS (TL) in Thailand. The objective of this project is (i) to study the technical feasibility of installation 350 kWp PV systems on the top of the roof in this site (ii) and to determine the energy produce from this system. The technical factors are examined using a computerized PVS 2000 simulation and assessment tool. This super store building located in Bangkok, with latitude 14 N, longitude 100 E and the building direction is 16 from North direction. The building roof area is 14,000 m2; with 3 degree face East and 3 degree face West pitch. Average daily solar energy in this area is approximately 5.0 kWh. The study team for this project consists of educational institution as School of Renewable Energy Technology (SERT) and private institution as Panya Consultants (PC). TL is the project owner, PC is responsible for project management, and SERT is a third party and responsible for PV system study, conceptual design and all technical process. In this feasibility studies SERT will identify the most attractive scenarios of photovoltaic cell technology (mono, poly-crystalline or thin film amorphous), system design concepts for owners (TL) and determine possibility of the energy yield of the system from different module orientation and tilt angle. The result of this study is a guide to help TL to make decision to select proper rooftop PV system option for this store with proper technology view. The economic view will not be considered in this study. (orig.)

  18. Knee adduction moment and medial contact force--facts about their correlation during gait.

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    Ines Kutzner

    Full Text Available The external knee adduction moment is considered a surrogate measure for the medial tibiofemoral contact force and is commonly used to quantify the load reducing effect of orthopedic interventions. However, only limited and controversial data exist about the correlation between adduction moment and medial force. The objective of this study was to examine whether the adduction moment is indeed a strong predictor for the medial force by determining their correlation during gait. Instrumented knee implants with telemetric data transmission were used to measure tibiofemoral contact forces in nine subjects. Gait analyses were performed simultaneously to the joint load measurements. Skeletal kinematics, as well as the ground reaction forces and inertial parameters, were used as inputs in an inverse dynamics approach to calculate the external knee adduction moment. Linear regression analysis was used to analyze the correlation between adduction moment and medial force for the whole stance phase and separately for the early and late stance phase. Whereas only moderate correlations between adduction moment and medial force were observed throughout the whole stance phase (R(2 = 0.56 and during the late stance phase (R(2 = 0.51, a high correlation was observed at the early stance phase (R(2 = 0.76. Furthermore, the adduction moment was highly correlated to the medial force ratio throughout the whole stance phase (R(2 = 0.75. These results suggest that the adduction moment is a surrogate measure, well-suited to predicting the medial force ratio throughout the whole stance phase or medial force during the early stance phase. However, particularly during the late stance phase, moderate correlations and high inter-individual variations revealed that the predictive value of the adduction moment is limited. Further analyses are necessary to examine whether a combination of other kinematic, kinetic or neuromuscular factors may lead to a more

  19. Medial versus lateral supraspinatus tendon properties: implications for double-row rotator cuff repair. (United States)

    Wang, Vincent M; Wang, Fan Chia; McNickle, Allison G; Friel, Nicole A; Yanke, Adam B; Chubinskaya, Susan; Romeo, Anthony A; Verma, Nikhil N; Cole, Brian J


    Rotator cuff repair retear rates range from 25% to 90%, necessitating methods to improve repair strength. Although numerous laboratory studies have compared single-row with double-row fixation properties, little is known regarding regional (ie, medial vs lateral) suture retention properties in intact and torn tendons. A torn supraspinatus tendon will have reduced suture retention properties on the lateral aspect of the tendon compared with the more medial musculotendinous junction. Controlled laboratory study. Human supraspinatus tendons (torn and intact) were randomly assigned for suture retention mechanical testing, ultrastructural collagen fibril analysis, or histologic testing after suture pullout testing. For biomechanical evaluation, sutures were placed either at the musculotendinous junction (medial) or 10 mm from the free margin (lateral), and tendons were elongated to failure. Collagen fibril assessments were performed using transmission electron microscopy. Intact tendons showed no regional differences with respect to suture retention properties. In contrast, among torn tendons, the medial region exhibited significantly higher stiffness and work values relative to the lateral region. For the lateral region, work to 10-mm displacement (1592 ± 261 N-mm) and maximum load (265 ± 44 N) for intact tendons were significantly higher (P .05). Regression analyses for the intact and torn groups revealed generally low correlations between donor age and the 3 biomechanical indices. For both intact and torn tendons, the mean fibril diameter and area density were greater in the medial region relative to the lateral (P ≤ .05). In the lateral tendon, but not the medial region, torn specimens showed a significantly lower fibril area fraction (48.3% ± 3.8%) than intact specimens (56.7% ± 3.6%, P row after double-row repair. Larger diameter collagen fibrils as well as greater fibril area fraction in the medial supraspinatus tendon may provide greater resistance to

  20. Relationship between Wiberg's lateral center edge angle, Lequesne's acetabular index, and medial acetabular bone stock

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Werner, Clement M.L.; Copeland, Carol E.; Stromberg, Jeff; Turen, Clifford H.; Ruckstuhl, Thomas; Bouaicha, Samy


    Knowledge of acetabular anatomy is crucial for cup positioning in total hip replacement. Medial wall thickness of the acetabulum is known to correlate with the degree of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). No data exist about the relationship of routinely used radiographic parameters such as Wiberg's lateral center edge angle (LCE-angle) or Lequesne's acetabular index (AI) with thickness of the medial acetabular wall in the general population. The aim of our study was to clarify the relationship between LCE, AI, and thickness of the medial acetabular wall. Measurements on plain radiographs (LCE and AI) and axial CT scans (quadrilateral plate acetabular distance QPAD) of 1,201 individuals (2,402 hips) were obtained using a PACS imaging program and statistical analyses were performed. The mean thickness of the medial acetabulum bone stock (QPAD) was 1.08 mm (95% CI: 1.05-1.10) with a range of 0.1 to 8.8 mm. For pathological values of either the LCE ( 12 ) the medial acetabular wall showed to be thicker than in radiological normal hips. The overall correlation between coxometric indices and medial acetabular was weak for LCE (r =-0.21. 95% CI [-0.25, -0.17]) and moderate for AI (r = 0.37, [0.33, 0.41]). We did not find a linear relationship between Wiberg's lateral center edge angle, Lequesne's acetabular index and medial acetabular bone stock in radiological normal hips but medial acetabular wall thickness increases with dysplastic indices. (orig.)

  1. Altered medial temporal activation related to local glutamate levels in subjects with prodromal signs of psychosis. (United States)

    Valli, Isabel; Stone, James; Mechelli, Andrea; Bhattacharyya, Sagnik; Raffin, Marie; Allen, Paul; Fusar-Poli, Paolo; Lythgoe, David; O'Gorman, Ruth; Seal, Marc; McGuire, Philip


    Both medial temporal cortical dysfunction and perturbed glutamatergic neurotransmission are regarded as fundamental pathophysiological features of psychosis. However, although animal models of psychosis suggest that these two abnormalities are interrelated, their relationship in humans has yet to be investigated. We used a combination of functional magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy to investigate the relationship between medial temporal activation during an episodic memory task and local glutamate levels in 22 individuals with an at-risk mental state for psychosis and 14 healthy volunteers. We observed a significant between-group difference in the coupling of medial temporal activation with local glutamate levels. In control subjects, medial temporal activation during episodic encoding was positively associated with medial temporal glutamate. However, in the clinical population, medial temporal activation was reduced, and the relationship with glutamate was absent. In individuals at high risk of psychosis, medial temporal dysfunction seemed related to a loss of the normal relationship with local glutamate levels. This study provides the first evidence that links medial temporal dysfunction with the central glutamate system in humans and is consistent with evidence that drugs that modulate glutamatergic transmission might be useful in the treatment of psychosis. Copyright © 2011 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Supinated forearm is correlated with the onset of medial epicondylitis in professional slalom water-skiers. (United States)

    Rosa, Donato; Di Donato, Sigismondo Luca; Balato, Giovanni; D'Addona, Alessio; Schonauer, Fabrizio


    prolonged and laborious activities involving wrists and forearms has been long associated with the onset of epicondylitis. Slalom water-skiing can be included in this category. The purpose of the study is to analyse the correlation between the pronated or supinated position of forearms during water-skiing practice and the presence respectively of lateral and medial epicondylitis. sixty-six pro and semi-pro slalom water-skiers were enrolled in the study. A questionnaire was submitted to each athlete. Diagnosis of lateral or medial epicondylitis was made through anamnesis and clinical exam by an expert orthopaedic surgeon. Chi-squared were performed for categorical variables, and Mann-Whitney U test for continuous ones. from 116 upper limbs examined, we observed 15 (12.9%) cases of lateral epicondylitis, 30 (25.9%) cases of medial epicondylitis, 10 (8.6%) were affected by both lateral and medial epicondylitis. Lateral and medial epicondylitis were associated (95% C.I.=2,489-26,355; P=epicondylitis (95% C.I.=1,529-9,542; P=0.003). slalom water-skiing can be considered a high-risk sport for epicondylitis. In slalom water-skiers there is a correlation between development of lateral and medial epicondylitis in the same upper limb. Supinated position of forearms is strongly associated with the diagnosis of medial epicondylitis.

  3. El empleo calificado y no calificado en la manufactura de México ante la crisis de 2009

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    Jesús Gerardo Ríos-Almodóvar


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza el impacto en el empleo ante los cambios en el producto de las ramas o subsectores manufactureros de México sucedidos a raíz de la crisis del 2009. Con información en datos de panel se aplica el modelo de efectos fijos para captar el impacto que tiene el producto sobre el empleo calificado y no calificado. Los resultados indican que en periodos de crisis o de baja demanda, las empresas tienden a conservar el trabajo calificado y a despedir trabajadores no calificados, siendo más afectadas las maquiladoras y las industrias tradicionales intensivas en trabajo no calificado.

  4. Kinematic analysis of a televised medial ankle sprain

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    Francesca E. Wade


    Full Text Available Ankle sprains are one of the most prevalent athletic injuries. Prior work has investigated lateral ankle sprains, but research on generally more severe medial sprains is lacking. This case report performs a kinematic analysis using novel motion analysis methods on a non-contact medial ankle sprain. Peak eversion (50° occurred 0.2 seconds following ground contact, maximum velocity of 426°/s, while peak dorsiflexion (64° occurred with a greater maximum velocity (573°/s. The combination of dorsiflexion at ground contact and rapid eversion is associated with a non-contact eversion sprain. This study provides a quantitative analysis of the eversion ankle sprain injury mechanism. Keywords: Athletic injury, Biomechanics, Ankle injury, Kinematics


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    L. Vargas-Parra


    Full Text Available Se estimó la producción de hojarasca total, de fracciones y del menor nivel taxonómico posible de identificación de hojas en cuatro áreas de 1 ha, en el bosque de niebla de la Reserva Natural La Planaday, esta producción se relacionó con la precipitación, temperatura y humedad relativa ambiental. La producción de hojarasca se cuantificó mensualmente entre junio y noviembre de 2002, mediante la instalación de colectores distribuidos aleatoriamente en cada una de las áreas. El material colectado mensualmente se separó en hojas, ramas, partes reproductivas, epífitas y fragmentos no identificados, a cada una de las cuales se determinó su aporte en biomasa. La producción de hojarasca total estuvo dentro del rango de otros bosques montanos (7831 g/ha. Las hojas aportaron 74,4%, las ramas 10,8%, partes reproductivas 10,6%, epífitas 3,6% y fragmentos no identificados 0,6%. Las hojas se identificaron hasta el nivel de familia o género. El género que más aportó fue Clusia (40,5%. Se encontró que a mayorhumedad relativa ambiental y temperatura, menor producción en los tres niveles de hojarasca. Una mayor precipitación se relacionó con una mayor producción de fracciones, familias y géneros de hojarasca. Se sugiere realizar trabajos a largo plazo corroborando la productividad estimada con las relaciones en precipitación y humedad.

  6. Simulation of an active filter for compensation of reactive power and suppression of harmonic currents in the phases and in the neuter of an unbalanced three-phase system of 4 wires; Simulacion de un filtro activo para compensacion de potencia reactiva y supresion de corrientes armonicas en las fases y en el neutro de un sistema trifasico de 4 kilos desbalanceado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mino Aguilar, Gerardo


    conocimiento en filtros activos de potencia usados en los puntos de acoplamiento comun entre las fuentes de C.A. y las cargas no lineales formadas por convertidores estaticos de CA/CD, para la supresion de corrientes armonicas y compensacion instantanea de la potencia reactiva. Partiendo de los filtros activos que solo afectan las tres corrientes balanceadas de los sistemas trifasicos de 3 hilos, se llega al tema de esta tesis, cuyo objetivo es resolver el problema de la compensacion reactiva y supresion de corrientes armonicas tanto en las tres fases como tambien en el neutro de los sistemas trifasicos de 4 hilos. La contribucion principal de esta tesis es el diseno, analisis y simulacion de un filtro activo que ademas de suprimir corrientes armonicas y compensacion del factor de potencia en las tres fases de un sistema trifasico desbalanceado, tambien tiene la capacidad para remover la corriente que circula en el neutro, debido al desbalance de las corrientes de fase. Este diseno se basa en la extension de la teoria de la potencia reactiva instantanea que incluye la existencia de los componentes de secuencia cero en las corrientes de fase. Se propone en la tesis un novedoso filtro basado en un inversor trifasico de 4 ramas, 3 ramas de fase y una rama de neutro, que hasta el mejor conocimiento del autor no ha sido reportado en la literatura. Se hace uso de un numero extenso de resultados de simulacion para probar la validez de este filtro, cuyo comportamiento es superior a los filtros para supresion de corrientes en el neutro existentes en la literatura, de los cuales tambien se presenta un estudio comparativo. La tesis tambien incluye un analisis matematico y grafico de los componentes simetricos en sistemas balanceados y desbalanceados a efecto de conocer la naturaleza de las corrientes armonicas de secuencia cero. Se incluye un apartado sobre causas y efectos del problema de la contaminacion armonica.

  7. Case report 483: Discoid lateral meniscus (DLM), medially displaced, with complex tear

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howe, M.A.; Buckwalter, K.A.; Braunstein, E.M.; Wojtys, E.M.


    A case of a 9-year-old girl who presented with persistent pain in the left knee was demonstrated to have a discoid lateral meniscus (DLM). The sagittal MR images demonstrated the oval shape of the meniscus, consistent with the typical arthrographic appearance. The coronal images showed that the main substance of the meniscus was displaced medially, with overgrowth of the articular cartilage at the lateral aspect of the joint. The medial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle was concave to accommodate the abnormal meniscus. These findings are consistent with long-standing, medial displacement of the torn meniscus. The literature concerning DLM, an uncommon variant, was reviewed and discussed. (orig.)

  8. Novel air-injection technique to locate the medial cut end of lacerated canaliculus. (United States)

    Liu, Bingqian; Li, Yonghao; Long, Chongde; Wang, Zhonghao; Liang, Xuanwei; Ge, Jian; Wang, Zhichong


    Locating the medial cut end of the severed canaliculus is the most difficult aspect of canalicular repair, especially in patients with more medial laceration, severe oedema, persistent errhysis and a narrow canaliculus. Irrigation is a widely used technique to identify the cut end; however, we found that air injected through the intact canaliculus with a straight needle failed to reflux when the common canaliculus or lacrimal sac was not blocked. We describe a simple, safe and efficient air-injection technique to identify the medial cut edge of a lacerated canaliculus. In this method, we initially submersed the medial canthus under normal saline, then injected filtered air through the intact canaliculus using a side port stainless steel probe with a closed round tip. The tip was designed to block the common canaliculus to form a relatively closed system. The efficiency of this novel air-injection technique was equivalent to the traditional technique but does not require the cooperation of the patient to blow air. Using this technique, the medial cut end was successfully identified by locating the air-bubble exit within minutes in 19 cases of mono-canalicular laceration without any complication.


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    Hugo Opazo Mora


    Full Text Available This paper approaches the minimal loss reconfiguration problem, taking into account the load variations of the systems, through a stochastic reconfiguration process. The Monte Carlo method is used to consider the natural load variation. A normal probability function is used to generate aleatory load levels in the nodes. The results of this work show the existence of a set of branches that are frequently eliminated. This generates a tree branch set that best represents the universal randomness of the load. We call it "Expected Branch Set (EBS". The topology associated to the EBS coincides with that obtained using the average demand values. This makes it unnecessary to generate a considerable number of tests to find that topology that best considers the load variation. The proposed algorithm was applied to two test networks and to a large real network.Este trabajo se plantea la reconfiguración a mínimas pérdidas, tomando en cuenta las variaciones de carga del sistema, a través de un proceso de reconfiguración estocástico. El Método de Monte Carlo es usado para considerar las variaciones naturales de la carga, utilizando una función de probabilidad normal para generar niveles aleatorios de carga en los nudos. Los resultados de este trabajo muestran la existencia de un conjunto de ramas que son frecuentemente eliminadas en el proceso de reconfiguración. Esto genera un conjunto de ramas de un árbol, las que mejor representan aleatoriedad universal de la carga. La topología obtenida la denominamos "Conjunto de Ramas Esperadas" (Expected Branch Set, EBS. La topología asociada al EBS es casi similar a la topología obtenida usando los valores de demanda promedio. Esto hace innecesario el realizar un considerable número de pruebas para encontrar la topología que mejor considera las variaciones de carga. El algoritmo propuesto fue aplicado a dos sistemas de prueba y a un sistema real de gran envergadura.

  10. Anatomic variations of the branches of the aortic arch in a Peruvian population

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    Julio Arturo Huapaya


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN Reportes previos en dos países de América del Sur encontraron una variante anatómica que no había sido reportada en el resto del mundo, lo que podría dar indicios acerca de una diferencia racial. OBJETIVO Describir las variaciones en la distribución anatómica de las ramas del arco aórtico en una población peruana. MÉTODOS Estudio retrospectivo de una serie de casos de personas en quienes se realizó una angiografía por tomografía de la aorta torácica. Se analizaron los informes que registraron la descripción de las variaciones de las ramas del arco aórtico, basados en los ocho tipos descritos por la literatura científica. RESULTADOS Se analizaron 361 informes. Se encontró que 282 pacientes (78,12% tuvieron la configuración clásica (tipo I, arco aórtico que da origen al tronco braquiocefálico, a la carótida común izquierda y a la subclavia izquierda, seguido por el tipo II (arteria carótida común izquierda como rama del tronco braquiocefálico con 41 pacientes (11,36%, y el tipo IX (un ostium común para el tronco braquiocefálico y la carótida común izquierda con 25 pacientes (6,93%. Este último y otros dos tipos resultaron ser nuevas variantes del arco aórtico. CONCLUSIÓN En esta serie de casos peruana, los tipos de arco aórtico I, II y IX fueron los más frecuentes. Adicionalmente, se encontraron otros dos tipos nuevos que no habían sido descritos en la literatura previamente. Es necesario profundizar la investigación sobre estas variantes para evaluar el factor racial en Sudamérica y una posible relación con eventos clínicos o quirúrgicos.

  11. Las TIC en los procesos educativos de un centro público de investigación

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    Héctor Campos Cruz


    Full Text Available Este artículo determina los factores que inhiben el uso sistemático de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC en los procesos educativos del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, SC (CIBNOR, y examina el nivel de afectación en la adopción de estas tecnologías para factores como edad, relación de la práctica docente, estímulos que perciben por su ejercicio, perfil laboral y profesional, entre otros. La investigación se desarrolló con enfoque cuantitativo mediante la aplicación de una encuesta a la totalidad del personal académico del CIBNOR, el análisis estadístico de la correlación de los datos y el análisis gráfico de dispersión y regresión. Los resultados demuestran que el perfil de los académicos de la institución, en general, doctores dedicados a la investigación de alguna rama de la biología, no constituye un factor que afecte la familiaridad, uso, actitud y competencias que tienen sobre las TIC; la edad se muestra como un factor poco significativo y, en cambio, la insuficiencia de los estímulos económicos hacia la docencia se perfila como el elemento que inhibe la adopción de la tecnología en su ejercicio y provoca que los académicos de la institución subordinen la práctica de la docencia a sus actividades de investigación.

  12. The Need to Establish a Permanent Military Tribunal to Serve the Legal Needs of the Departments of Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz, and the Municipality of Ixcn in the Departamento de El Quich in the Republic of Guatemala (United States)


    militar o el derecho disciplinario militar. Con relación al Derecho Militar en la doctrina, son variadas las definiciones que autores dan a esta rama...declaración de voluntad del mismo sujeto de que se actúen o denieguen dichas pretensiones, como medio para garantizar la observancia del Derecho Objetivo.”36

  13. The relationship between prevalent medial meniscal intrasubstance signal changes and incident medial meniscal tears in women over a 1-year period assessed with 3.0 T MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crema, Michel D. [Boston University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Quantitative Imaging Center, Boston, MA (United States); Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Department of Biomechanics, Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Locomotor Apparatus, and Department of Internal Medicine, Radiology Division, Ribeirao Preto (Brazil); Institute of Diagnostic Imaging (IDI), Ribeirao Preto (Brazil); Hunter, David J. [The University of Sydney, Sydney School of Medicine, Sydney (Australia); Roemer, Frank W. [Boston University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Quantitative Imaging Center, Boston, MA (United States); Klinikum Augsburg, Department of Radiology, Augsburg (Germany); Li, Ling [New England Baptist Hospital, Division of Research, Boston, MA (United States); Marra, Monica D. [Boston University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Quantitative Imaging Center, Boston, MA (United States); Institute of Diagnostic Imaging (IDI), Ribeirao Preto (Brazil); Nogueira-Barbosa, Marcello H. [Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Department of Biomechanics, Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Locomotor Apparatus, and Department of Internal Medicine, Radiology Division, Ribeirao Preto (Brazil); Hellio Le Graverand, Marie-Pierre; Wyman, Bradley T. [Pfizer Global Research and Development, New London, CT (United States); Guermazi, Ali [Boston University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Quantitative Imaging Center, Boston, MA (United States)


    Intrasubstance meniscal signal changes not reaching the articular surface on fast spin echo (FSE) sequences are considered to represent mucoid degeneration on MRI. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of prevalent intrasubstance signal changes with incident tears of the medial meniscus detected on 3.0 T MRI over a 1-year period. A total of 161 women aged {>=}40 years participated in a longitudinal 1-year observational study of knee osteoarthritis. MRI (3.0 T) was performed at baseline and 12-month follow-up. The anterior horn, body, and posterior horn of the medial meniscus were scored by two experienced musculoskeletal radiologists using the Boston-Leeds Osteoarthritis Knee Score (BLOKS) system. Four grades were used to describe the meniscal morphology: grade 0 (normal), grade 1 (intrasubstance signal changes not reaching the articular surface), grade 2 (single tears), and grade 3 (complex tears and maceration). Fisher's exact test and the Cochran-Armitage trend test were performed to evaluate whether baseline intrasubstance signal changes (grade 1) predict incident meniscal tears/maceration (grades 2 and/or 3) in the same subregion of the medial meniscus, when compared to subregions without pathology as the reference group (grade 0). Medial meniscal intrasubstance signal changes at baseline did not predict tears at follow-up when evaluating the anterior and posterior horns (left-sided p-values 0.06 and 0.59, respectively). No incident tears were detected in the body. We could not demonstrate an association between prevalent medial meniscal intrasubstance signal changes with incident tears over a 1-year period. (orig.)

  14. The relationship between prevalent medial meniscal intrasubstance signal changes and incident medial meniscal tears in women over a 1-year period assessed with 3.0 T MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crema, Michel D.; Hunter, David J.; Roemer, Frank W.; Li, Ling; Marra, Monica D.; Nogueira-Barbosa, Marcello H.; Hellio Le Graverand, Marie-Pierre; Wyman, Bradley T.; Guermazi, Ali


    Intrasubstance meniscal signal changes not reaching the articular surface on fast spin echo (FSE) sequences are considered to represent mucoid degeneration on MRI. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of prevalent intrasubstance signal changes with incident tears of the medial meniscus detected on 3.0 T MRI over a 1-year period. A total of 161 women aged ≥40 years participated in a longitudinal 1-year observational study of knee osteoarthritis. MRI (3.0 T) was performed at baseline and 12-month follow-up. The anterior horn, body, and posterior horn of the medial meniscus were scored by two experienced musculoskeletal radiologists using the Boston-Leeds Osteoarthritis Knee Score (BLOKS) system. Four grades were used to describe the meniscal morphology: grade 0 (normal), grade 1 (intrasubstance signal changes not reaching the articular surface), grade 2 (single tears), and grade 3 (complex tears and maceration). Fisher's exact test and the Cochran-Armitage trend test were performed to evaluate whether baseline intrasubstance signal changes (grade 1) predict incident meniscal tears/maceration (grades 2 and/or 3) in the same subregion of the medial meniscus, when compared to subregions without pathology as the reference group (grade 0). Medial meniscal intrasubstance signal changes at baseline did not predict tears at follow-up when evaluating the anterior and posterior horns (left-sided p-values 0.06 and 0.59, respectively). No incident tears were detected in the body. We could not demonstrate an association between prevalent medial meniscal intrasubstance signal changes with incident tears over a 1-year period. (orig.)

  15. Incorporación de la promoción y educación para la salud en los planes de estudio de grado en Ciencias de la Salud de la Universitat de València


    Ruano Casado, Luisa; Ballestar Tarín, María Luisa


    Introducción. En el presente trabajo se analiza la importancia de la formación para el desarrollo de la promoción y educación para la salud, siendo imprescindible disponer de profesionales con una capacitación eficiente y de calidad, coherente con sus funciones y las necesidades en salud de la población. El objetivo es identificar el grado de incorporación a los planes de estudio de grado, la formación del estudiantado en promoción y educación para la salud en las titulaciones de las ramas de...

  16. Ramalina (Lichens) en los parques de Lima


    Ucrospoma Jara, Marisa


    El presente trabajo consiste en realizar evaluaciones de la calidad de aire, mediante indicadores biológicos, como en el caso de Ramalina, líquen que habita las zonas urbano metropolitana de Lima (Ciudad capital), especialmente las áreas verdes en los distritos de Lince, Jesús María, San Isidro, parte de Pueblo Libre y Barranco. Ramalina vive en forma epifita, es decir, sobre los árboles tanto en cortezas de troncos y ramas. Para realizar la evaluación se colectó líquenes cortícolas en las ár...

  17. Usefulness of StereoEEG-based tailored surgery for medial temporal lobe epilepsy. Preliminary results in 11 patients. (United States)

    Kubota, Yuichi; Ochiai, Taku; Hori, Tomokatsu; Kawamata, Takakazu


    Surgical options for medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) include anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) and selective amygdalohippocampectomy (SAH). Optimal criteria for choosing the appropriate surgical approach remain uncertain. This article reports 11 consecutive cases in which electrophysiological findings of stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) were used to determine the optimal surgical approach. Eleven consecutive patients with MTLE underwent SEEG evaluation and were placed in either the medial or the medial+lateral group based on the findings. Patients in the medial group underwent SAH using the subtemporal approach, and patients in the medial+lateral group underwent SEEG-guided anterior temporal lobectomy. SEEG findings were also compared with other examinations including flumazenil (FMZ)-positron emission tomography (PET), fluorine-18 labeled fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET, and magnetoencephalography (MEG). Results were evaluated to determine which examinations most consistently identified the epileptogenic zone. Of the 11 cases, 4 patients were placed in the medial group, and 7 patients in the medial+lateral group. Of patients, 90.9% were classified in class I of the Engel Epilepsy Surgery Outcome Scale, while 72.7% were classified in class I by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) system. Analyzed by group, 100% of the medial group experienced an Engel class I outcome in the medial group, compared to 85.7% in the medial+lateral group. SEEG findings were comparable with FDG-PET results (10 of 11, 91%). Tailored surgery guided by SEEG is an electrophysiologically feasible treatment for MTLE that can result in favorable outcomes. Although seizures are thought to originate in the medial temporal lobe in MTLE, it is important for involvement of the lateral temporal cortex to be also considered in some cases. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Medial joint line bone bruising at MRI complicating acute ankle inversion injury: What is its clinical significance?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan, V.O.; Moran, D.E.; Shine, S.; Eustace, S.J.


    Aim: To assess the incidence and clinical significance of medial joint line bone bruising following acute ankle inversion injury. Materials and methods: Forty-five patients who underwent ankle magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) within 2 weeks of acute ankle inversion injury were included in this prospective study. Integrity of the lateral collateral ligament complex, presence of medial joint line bone bruising, tibio-talar joint effusion, and soft-tissue swelling were documented. Clinical follow-up at 6 months was carried out to determine the impact of injury on length of time out of work, delay in return to normal walking, delay in return to sports activity, and persistence of medial joint line pain. Results: Thirty-seven patients had tears of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL). Twenty-six patients had medial joint line bone bruising with altered marrow signal at the medial aspect of the talus and congruent surface of the medial malleolus. A complete ATFL tear was seen in 92% of the patients with medial joint line bone bruising (p = 0.05). Patients with an ATFL tear and medial joint line bone bruising had a longer delay in return to normal walking (p = 0.0002), longer delay in return to sports activity (p = 0.0001), and persistent medial joint line pain (p = 0.0003). There was no statistically significant difference in outcome for the eight patients without ATFL tears. Conclusion: Medial joint line bone bruising following an acute ankle inversion injury was significantly associated with a complete ATFL tear, longer delay in the return to normal walking and sports activity, as well as persistent medial joint line pain. Its presence should prompt detailed assessment of the lateral collateral ligament complex, particularly the ATFL

  19. Estudios bibliométricos como línea de investigación en las ciencias biomédicas: una aproximación para el pregrado

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    Franco Romaní


    Full Text Available La Bibliometría es una rama de la Cienciometría que permite estudiar la actividad científica. Su unidad de análisis es el artículo científico. El interés por esta área de investigación radica en su implicancia en la toma de decisiones, como parte de la gestión del conocimiento, al sugerir el desarrollo de líneas de investigación poco estudiadas o supervisar el desarrollo de otras así como evaluar el quehacer científico de autores, instituciones e incluso países. En el siguiente artículo realizamos una breve revisión de las líneas de investigación bibliométricas, los principios matemáticos y la metodología básica para el desarrollo de este tipo de investigación. Pretendemos así, brindarle al profesional o estudiante de pregrado en ciencias de la salud, las herramientas básicas para entender y plantear estudios bibliométricos, buscando alentar la realización de investigación en esta área, para la cual se tienen varias oportunidades. Los estudiantes de pregrado pueden desarrollar este tipo de investigación trabajando de manera multidisciplinaria con matemáticos, estadísticos, bibliotecólogos, entre otros, produciendo investigación bibliométrica de calidad, pertinente y que responda a las necesidades de investigación en salud del país.

  20. Medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction: patient selection and perspectives

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    Baer MR


    Full Text Available Michael R. Baer, Jeffrey A. Macalena Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA Abstract: Patellofemoral instability is a painful and often recurring disorder with many negative long-term consequences. After a period of failed nonoperative management, surgical intervention has been used to reduce the incidence of patellar subluxation and dislocations. Medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL reconstruction successfully addresses patellofemoral instability by restoring the deficient primary medial patellar soft tissue restraint. When planning MPFL reconstruction for instability, it is imperative to consider the patient’s unique anatomy including the tibial tuberosity–trochlear groove (TT–TG distance, trochlear dysplasia, and patella alta. Additionally, it is important to individualize surgical treatment in the skeletally immature, hypermobile, and athletic populations. Keywords: MPFL, indications, considerations, contraindications

  1. Evolución de la madurez emocional en alumnos de Formación Profesional Básica mediante el empleo de actividades fuera del contexto escolar en el área de las ciencias naturales

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    Álvaro Moneo-Marín


    Full Text Available Las aulas de la nueva modalidad de FP Básica, se caracterizan por presenta r una alta concentración de alumnos con significativas carencias en su madurez emocional y en su alfabetización científica. El siguiente artículo analiza la evol ución de la madurez emocional de 16 al umnos del primer curso de FP Básica de la rama de Peluquería, utilizando las actividades fuer a del contexto escolar como recurso educat ivo para la asignatura de Ciencias de la Naturaleza. Estas actividade s, están diseñadas de forma que se incida tanto en el aspecto cognitivo, como en el emocional, incluyendo ta reas individuales o en equipo y siempre conectando su conocimiento cotidiano con el escolar. Tras la realización de las actividades, los alumnos son entrevistados de cara a analizar una serie de indicadores emocionales predeterminados. Estos indicadores, responden a los antónimos establecidos por Díaz y Flores (2001 y que constituyen la denominada Plantilla General de Indicadores Emocionales. Las respuest as de los alumnos son analizadas ut ilizando una Plantilla Específica de Diferenciales Semánticos, definida a ta l efecto, según tres momentos diferentes en los que se manifiesta la emoción: durante la actividad, en el aula y fuera ya del centro. El tratamiento de los datos obtenidos permite comparar la evolución de la madurez emocional en el tr anscurso de las actividades, observándose una evolución emocional importante entre los estados inicial y final, de manera general, en alumnos de esta tipología.

  2. Pediatric Glial Heterotopia in the Medial Canthus. (United States)

    Kim, Soung Min; Amponsah, Emmanuel Kofi; Eo, Mi Young; Cho, Yun Ju; Lee, Suk Keun


    Glial heterotopias are rare, benign, congenital, midline, and nonteratomatous extracranial glial tissue. They may be confused as encephalocele or dermoid cysts and are mostly present in the nose.An 8-month-old African female child presented with a slow growing paranasal mass. The mass had been present at the left upper medial canthus since birth and had slowly and progressively enlarged. There was no communication between the mass and the cranial cavity during the operational procedure. The mass was immunohistochemically positive for S-100 protein as well as for glial fibrillary acidic protein, but negative for proliferating cell nuclear antigen. This suggested that the mass was composed of benign glial tissues with many astrocytes.The purpose of this report is to demonstrate the first patient with pediatric glial heterotopic tissue in the medial canthus and to report the clinical importance of its immunohistochemical findings.

  3. var. puiggarianum (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta

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    María Cecilia Gauna


    Full Text Available Se coleccionó Batrachospermum atrum var. puiggarianum por primera vez en la provincia de Buenos Aires. La identificación de las muestras se basó en el análisis de la morfología microscópica y en el número cromosómico de cada una de las generaciones de su ciclo de vida bajo cultivo. Los talos se estudiaron con microscopio óptico, y la cariología, por medio de la técnica de carmín acético. El ciclo de vida presentó tres generaciones: una gametofítica haploide, una carposporófitica diploide que originó la última fase Chantransia diploide. Los talos gametófitos estuvieron formados por verticilos separados por zonas internodales, cada uno de ellos constituidos por ramas primarias densamente comprimidas. Entre éstas se observaron ramas portadoras de espermatangios y de carpogonios. Las zonas internodales estuvieron constituidas por células corticales y axiales. Los carposporófitos ovoideos estuvieron formados por filamentos gonimoblásticos portadores de carposporangios terminales. El estado Chantransia se caracterizó por presentar filamentos cortos con pocas células. El material estudiado presentó un número haploide n = 4 y diploide 2n = 8.

  4. Historia de la medicina: un cincuentenario. – El descubrimiento de los rayos x

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    Carlos Trujillo Venegas


    Full Text Available Entre los grandes descubrimientos que aprestigian a la inteligencia humana en el ocaso del siglo pasado, ocupa lugar de primera magnitud aquel realizado por Roentgen en el año 1895. Los resultados obtenidos con las radiaciones por él captadas son imponderables y sus proyecciones aún están muy distantes  de encontrar un límite. En una curva vertiginosa y ascendente, cuya trayectoria es difícil equiparar con la de cualquier otro descubrimiento, esta rama de la física ha tenido un desarrollo insospechado y múltiples son las ciencias y artes que con él se han beneficiado, alcanzando un perfeccionamiento verdaderamente sorprendente. Si bien es cierto que en el estudio de la composición y estructura de los metales, examen anatómico de las plantas, identificación de ciertas sustancias químicas y en muchas ramas más, juegan los rayos x un papel preponderante, sin duda alguna es la medicina, por decirlo así, la ciencia que ha absorbido con avidez su profunda e inagotable savia y merced a ese generoso alimento muchas de sus ramificaciones han sobrepasado su normal crecimiento en la primera mitad del presente siglo.

  5. Isolated medial meniscal tear in a Border Collie. (United States)

    Ridge, P A


    A three-year-old, female Border Collie was successfully treated for an isolated, torn, medial meniscus by arthroscopic meniscal tear resection. The dog returned to agility competition without recurrence of lameness.

  6. Contrasting medial moraine development at adjacent temperate, maritime glaciers: Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers, South Westland, New Zealand (United States)

    Brook, Martin; Hagg, Wilfried; Winkler, Stefan


    Medial moraines form important pathways for sediment transportation in valley glaciers. Despite the existence of well-defined medial moraines on several glaciers in the New Zealand Southern Alps, medial moraines there have hitherto escaped attention. The evolving morphology and debris content of medial moraines on Franz Josef Glacier and Fox Glacier on the western flank of the Southern Alps is the focus of this study. These temperate maritime glaciers exhibit accumulation zones of multiple basins that feed narrow tongues flowing down steep valleys and terminate 400 m above sea level. The medial moraines at both glaciers become very prominent in the lower ablation zones, where the medial moraines widen, and develop steeper flanks coeval with an increase in relative relief. Medial moraine growth appears somewhat self-limiting in that relief and slope angle increase eventually lead to transport of debris away from the medial moraine by mass-movement-related processes. Despite similarities in overall morphologies, a key contrast in medial moraine formation exists between the two glaciers. At Fox Glacier, the medial moraine consists of angular rockfall-derived debris, folded to varying degrees along flow-parallel axes throughout the tongue. The debris originates above the ELA, coalesces at flow-unit boundaries, and takes a medium/high level transport pathway before subsequently emerging at point-sources aligned with gently dipping fold hinges near the snout. In contrast at Franz Josef Glacier, the medial moraine emerges farther down-glacier immediately below a prominent rock knob. Clasts show a mix of angular to rounded shapes representing high level transport and subglacially transported materials, the latter facies possibly also elevated by supraglacial routing of subglacial meltwater. Our observations confirm that a variety of different debris sources, transport pathways, and structural glaciological processes can interact to form medial moraines within New Zealand

  7. Radial tear of posterior horn of the medial meniscus and osteonecrosis of the knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Motoyama, Tatsuo; Ihara, Hidetoshi; Kawashima, Mahito


    We studied the relation between a radial tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus and osteonecrosis of the knee. Thirty-eight knees of 37 patients were diagnosed as medial meniscus tear and received arthroscopic knee surgery. We divided them into two groups: knees having radial tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus (posterior horn group) and knees containing radial tear except for posterior horn, horizontal tear, degenerative tear, and flap tear of the medial meniscus (non-posterior horn group). The posterior horn group consisted of 14 knees (average age: 65.1 years old) and the non-posterior horn group consisted of 24 knees (average age: 59.6 years old). All cases underwent MRI before arthroscopy. MRI findings were classified into three types (typical osteonecrosis, small osteonecrosis, and non-osteonecrosis). In the posterior horn group, typical osteonecrosis were five knees and small osteonecrosis were five knees, while in the non-posterior horn group only three knees were small osteonecrosis. These findings suggest the relevance between radial tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus and osteonecrosis of the knee (Mann-Whitney test p<0.01). The etiology of spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee joint is unknown, however one etiology could be the radial tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. (author)

  8. MR appearance of anomalous insertion of the medial meniscus. A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arjun, S.; Takahashi, S.; Nakane, N.; Yonemitsu, H.; Tang, Y.


    We report on the MR imaging of an anomalous medial meniscus with a tear in a 41-year-old man. Anomaly of the medial meniscus is rare and difficult to diagnose clinically. The MR images contributed to the pre-arthroscopic diagnosis and arthroscopy confirmed the lesion. The anomalous meniscus was not related to the symptoms. (orig.)

  9. Gender moderates the association between dorsal medial prefrontal cortex volume and depressive symptoms in a subclinical sample. (United States)

    Carlson, Joshua M; Depetro, Emily; Maxwell, Joshua; Harmon-Jones, Eddie; Hajcak, Greg


    Major depressive disorder is associated with lower medial prefrontal cortex volumes. The role that gender might play in moderating this relationship and what particular medial prefrontal cortex subregion(s) might be implicated is unclear. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to assess dorsal, ventral, and anterior cingulate regions of the medial prefrontal cortex in a normative sample of male and female adults. The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS) was used to measure these three variables. Voxel-based morphometry was used to test for correlations between medial prefrontal gray matter volume and depressive traits. The dorsal medial frontal cortex was correlated with greater levels of depression, but not anxiety and stress. Gender moderates this effect: in males greater levels of depression were associated with lower dorsal medial prefrontal volumes, but in females no relationship was observed. The results indicate that even within a non-clinical sample, male participants with higher levels of depressive traits tend to have lower levels of gray matter volume in the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex. Our finding is consistent with low dorsal medial prefrontal volume contributing to the development of depression in males. Future longitudinal work is needed to substantiate this possibility. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Medial circumflex femoral artery flap for ischial pressure sore

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    Palanivelu S


    Full Text Available A new axial pattern flap based on the terminal branches of the medial circumflex femoral artery is described for coverage of ischial pressure sore. Based on the terminal branches of the transverse branch of medial circumflex femoral artery, which exit through the gap between the quadratus femoris muscle above and the upper border of adductor magnus muscle below, this fascio cutaneous flap is much smaller than the posterior thigh flap but extremely useful to cover ischeal pressure sores. The skin redundancy below the gluteal fold allows a primary closure of the donor defect. It can also be used in combination with biceps femoris muscle flap.

  11. Fragmented medial coronoid process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juhasz, Cs.; Juhasz, T.


    Fragmented medial coronoid process: (FCP) is often considered to be part of the osteochondrosis dissecans complex, but trauma and growth discrepancies between the radius and ulna are proposed as causes. There is little to clinically differentiate FCP, from osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) of the elbow. Pain on, flexion-extension of the elbow and lateral rotation of the paw is a little more consistent in FCP. Radiographic examination of the elbow is important despite the, fact that radiographic signs of the FCP are often nonspecific. Excessive osteoarthrosis and superimposition of the radial head and coronoid process make identification of the FCP difficult. Craniocaudal, flexed mediolateral and 25 degree craniocaudal-lateromedial views are necessary for diagnosis. Osteophyte production is more dramatic with FCP than with OCD and suggests therefore the occurrence of OCP in many cases. Although the detached process may be seen on any view, the oblique projection offers the least obstructed view. Exposure of the joint is identical to that for OCD, that means a medial approach with osteotomy of the epicondyle. In most cases the process is loose enough to be readily apparent, but in some it is necessary to exert force on the process in order to find the cleavage plane. It is necessary to remove the osteophytes as well and to inspect and irrigate the joint carefully to remove cartilage fragments before closure. Confinement is advisable for 4 weeks before returning the dog to normal activity. The outlook for function is good if the FCP is removed before secondary degenerative joint disease is well established

  12. Tibial avulsion fracture of the posterior root of the medial meniscus in children

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iversen, Jonas Vestergård; Krogsgaard, Michael Rindom


    of displaced avulsion fractures of the posterior root of the medial meniscus in children are presented along with a concise report of the literature regarding avulsion fractures of the posterior root of the medial meniscus. Both avulsions were reattached arthroscopically by trans-tibial pull-out sutures...

  13. Medial patellofemoral ligament: Research progress in anatomy and injury imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zheng Lei; Zhao Bin


    The medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is considered as the most important soft tissue restraint providing medial stability of the patellofemoral joint. During patellar dislocation, the MPFL is subjected to severe stretching forces, resulting in injuries of the ligament in the most patients. With the development of medical imaging technology, a variety of non-invasive diagnostic imaging methods have been becoming important means in diagnosis of MPFL injury. In this paper, MPFL anatomy, the applications of medical imaging technology in diagnosis of MPFL injury and the distributions of MPFL injury site were reviewed. (authors)

  14. Avaliação artroscópica e macroscópica da faceta medial do semilunar Arthroscopic and macroscopic evaluation of the lunate medial facet

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    Edgard de Novaes França Bisneto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a correlação entre a presença de uma faceta medial do semilunar e a incidência de lesões ligamentares e artrose do pólo proximal do hamato. MÉTODOS: Avaliação artroscópica e dissecação dos punhos foram efetuados em cadáveres. RESULTADOS: Houve uma correlação clara, estatisticamente significativa entre artrose do pólo proximal do hamato e a presença da faceta medial do semilunar. CONCLUSÃO: Artrose do pólo proximal do hamato está correlacionada com a presença do tipo II semilunar. Nível de Evidência III, Estudo de pacientes nãoconsecutivos; sem padrão de referência "ouro" aplicado uniformementeOBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between the presence of a lunate medial facet and the incidence of ligament lesions of the wrist and arthrosis of the proximal pole of the hamate. This study was carried out on cadavers. METHODS: Arthroscopic evaluation and dissection were performed on cadaver wrists. RESULTS: There was a clear, statistically significant correlation between arthrosis of the proximal pole of the hamate and the presence of a medial facet on the lunate. CONCLUSION: Arthrosis of the proximal pole of the hamate is correlated with the presence of a type II lunate. Level of Evidence III, Study of nonconsecutive patients; without consistently applied reference ''gold'' standard.

  15. Comparison Of Medial Arch-Supporting Insoles And Heel Pads In The Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis

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    Malkoc Melih


    Full Text Available Plantar fasciitis is a disorder caused by inflammation of the insertion point of the plantar fascia over the medial tubercle of the calcaneus. Foot orthotics are used to treat plantar fasciitis. Heel pads medialise the centre of force, whereas medial arch supporting insoles lateralise the force. We assessed the clinical results of the treatment of plantar fasciitis with silicone heel pads and medial arch-supported silicone insoles.

  16. Lateral femoral traction pin entry: risk to the femoral artery and other medial neurovascular structures

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    Appleton Paul


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Femoral skeletal traction assists in the reduction and transient stabilization of pelvic, acetabular, hip, and femoral fractures when splinting is ineffective. Traditional teaching has recommended a medial entry site for insertion of the traction pin in order to minimize injury to the femoral artery as it passes through Hunter's canal. The present anatomical study evaluates the risk to the femoral artery and other medial neurovascular structures using a lateral entry approach. Methods Six embalmed cadavers (twelve femurs were obtained for dissection. Steinman pins were drilled from lateral to medial at the level of the superior pole of the patella, at 2 cm, and at 4 cm proximal to this point. Medial superficial dissection was then performed to identify the saphenous nerve, the superior medial geniculate artery, the adductor hiatus, the tendinous insertion of the adductor magnus and the femoral artery. Measurements localizing these anatomic structures relative to the pins were obtained. Results The femoral artery was relatively safe and was no closer than 29.6 mm (mean from any of the three Steinman pins. The superior medial geniculate artery was the medial structure at most risk. Conclusions Lateral femoral traction pin entry is a safe procedure with minimal risk to the saphenous nerve and femoral artery. Of the structures examined, only the superior medial geniculate artery is at a risk of iatrogenic injury due to its position. The incidence of such injury in clinical practice and its clinical significance is not known. Lateral insertion facilitates traction pin placement since it minimizes the need to move the contralateral extremity out of the way of the drilling equipment or the need to elevate or externally rotate the injured extremity relative to the contralateral extremity.

  17. Variación genética en plántulas de Eucalyptus spp.

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    H. C. Martínez Hernández


    Full Text Available En este estudio se evaluó el crecimiento y acumulación de biomasa en plántulas de 7 meses de edad pertenecientes a 42 familias de polinización libre de tres especies de Eucalyptus (E. globulus, E. resinifera, y E. rudis. El ensayo se estableció en condiciones de vivero con germoplasma colectado en plantaciones establecidas en la cuenca del Valle de México. Los resultados indicaron la existencia de variación significativa (P≤0.05 entre especies y entre familias dentro de especies para las variables altura, diámetro, número de hojas y número de ramas, aunque no en el área foliar. A nivel de especies se encontraron diferencias significativas en todas las variables relacionadas con la acumulación y distribución de biomasa, excepto en el peso seco de las hojas. También se encontró una variación significativa (P≤0.01 a nivel de familias dentro de especies en el peso seco del tallo, el peso seco de hojas y la biomasa aérea mientras que el peso seco de las ramas y la biomasa de raíz no presentaron una variación significativa entre las familias. El componente de variación de familias dentro de especies aportó del 2 al 12 % de la variación fenotípica total, mientras que las especies contribuyeron sólo del 0.5 a 7.5 de esta variación. El mayor porcentaje de variación se presentó dentro de parcelas, con valores de 80 a 90 % del total en todas las variables de crecimiento y acumulación de biomasa de las plántulas.

  18. Rheo: Japanese Sound Art Interrogating Digital Mediality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vandsø, Anette


    THe article asks in what way the Japanese sound artist Ryoichi Kurokawa's audiovisual installation Rheo 5 Horisonz (2010) is 'digital'. Using Professor Lars Elleströms concept of 'mediality, the main claim in this article is that Rheo no only uses digital tehcnology, but also interrogates digital...

  19. Rheo: Japanese sound art interrogating digital mediality

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    Vandsø Anette


    Full Text Available The article asks in what way the Japanese sound artist, Ryoichi Kurokawa’s audiovisual installation, Rheo: 5 Horisonz (2010, is “digital.” Using professor Lars Elleström’s concept of “mediality,” the main claim in this article is that Rheo not only uses digital technology but also interrogates digital mediality as such. This argument is pursued in an analysis of Rheo that draws in various descriptions of digital media by N. Catherine Hayles, Lev Manovic, Bolter, and Grusin among other. The article will show how the critical potential in Rheo is directed both towards digital media as a language (Meyrowitz (or a place for representation and towards the digital as a milieu (Meyrowitz or as our culture (Gere. The overall goal of the article is not just analyse this singular art work, but also to show how such a sound art work can contribute to our understanding of our own contemporary culture as a digital culture.

  20. Surgical Stabilization of the Medial Capsulo-Ligamentous Envelope in Total Knee Arthroplasty

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    Brandon Green, DO


    Full Text Available This study will evaluate an alternative method in which a four prong bone staple was used to repair the medial collateral ligament following over-release or avulsion injuries in (#6 cases during a total knee arthroplasty. The use of a four prong bone staple to repair medial collateral ligament injuries status post total knee replacement will provide satisfactory results with respect to post-operative knee stability and range of motion. Our retrospective review revealed that all six patients improved with regards to range of motion following the total knee arthroplasty. We feel that repair of the medial collateral ligament with a four-prong bone staple is a viable option after an over-release or avulsion injury sustained during a total knee arthroplasty.

  1. La deforestación de la Isla de Cuba durante la dominación española : (1492-1898)


    Jordán Reyes, Miguel


    Las nuevas tendencias historiográficas abren un camino hacia la llamada Historia Ambiental; esta toma como centro la interdependencia del ser humano con el medio natural y se distancia de las visiones antropocéntricas de la Historia. La Historia Ambiental nace como una rama de la Historia Económica, aunque sus relaciones entre Historia y Naturaleza la hace específica y diferenciada de los procesos económicos normales que evalúan principalmente los procesos productivos agrícolas, la evoluc...

  2. Lateral trunk lean and medializing the knee as gait strategies for knee osteoarthritis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gerbrands, T. A.; Pisters, M. F.; Theeven, P. J R; Verschueren, S.; Vanwanseele, B.


    Objective To determine (1) if Medial Thrust or Trunk Lean reduces the knee adduction moment (EKAM) the most during gait in patients with medial knee osteoarthritis, (2) if the best overall strategy is the most effective for each patient and (3) if these strategies affect ankle and hip kinetics.

  3. Contribuição ao estudo anatômico do retalho vascularizado corticoperiosteal do côndilo medial do fêmur Contribution to the anatomical study of the corticoperiosteal flap of the medial femoral condyle

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    Rômulo Guimarães Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Realizar o estudo anatômico, em cadáveres, do retalho corticoperiosteal do côndilo femoral medial baseado na artéria genicular medial, avaliando a dificuldade de dissecção e padrões topográficos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 15 membros de oito cadáveres, com idade variando de 19 a 74 anos. Dispostos em posição supina, foi realizada incisão longitudinal na face medial do terço distal da coxa, exposição dos vasos geniculares descendentes entre os músculos vasto medial e sartório. Foram analisados a distância entre a origem da artéria genicular descendente e a interlinha medial do joelho, o diâmetro do vaso, o comprimento do pedículo, a presença do ramo fasciocutâneo e sua localização. RESULTADOS: A distância entre a origem da artéria genicular descendente e a interlinha medial do joelho variou de 11,2cm a 14,5cm, com média de 12,63cm. O diâmetro médio da artéria foi de 2,5mm (de 2,25mm a 2,75mm. A distância entre a origem da artéria genicular descendente e o ramo fasciocutâneo variou entre 1,0 e 1,5cm. O comprimento médio do pedículo vascular, foi de 7,01cm, variando de 5,6 a 8,6cm. CONCLUSÃO: O retalho corticoperiosteal do côndilo femoral medial do joelho é de fácil dissecção, possui pedículo vascular constante, com comprimento médio de 7,0cm e diâmetro de 2,5mm, o que possibilita sua indicação em transplantes microcirúrgicos.OBJECTIVE: to perform the anatomical study, in cadavers, of the corticoperiosteal flap of the medial femoral condyle, based on the medial genicular artery, evaluating challenges in dissection and the topographic patterns. MATERIALS AND METHODS: fifteen limbs from eight cadavers were studied, ages ranging from 19 to 74 years old. They were placed at supine position, and a longitudinal incision on the medial face of the lower part of the thigh was performed, exposing medial vastus and sartorius muscles, with descendent genicular vessels being also exposed. The distance

  4. La ley de Derechos de Autor y la protección de los materiales didácticos de la educación a distancia bajo la plataforma de las tecnologías de información y comunicación

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    Carmen Logreira


    Full Text Available La educación, en su preocupación por dar cambios vertiginosos en función a las transformaciones sociales, ha ido incorporando las tecnologías de comunicaciones e información como una herramienta de apoyo en la formación del individuo. Un ejemplo de ello se observa en la modalidad a distancia, que logra un intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias, en un ambiente colaborativo, gracias a una macroestructura tecnológica conformada por un conjunto de materiales didácticos específicamente diseñados para el logro de aprendizajes, los cuales permiten el intercambio de voz, imágenes y datos de forma remota. Este soporte digital puede ser concebido como una obra unitaria o como un conjunto de obras, las cuales deben ser protegidas por una rama del derecho, con el fin de determinar quiénes tienen derechos patrimoniales sobre dichas obras. El propósito de este estudio es aclarar la regulación de dichos materiales didácticos utilizados en la educación a distancia y creados bajo una plataforma tecnológica, por parte del derecho de autor. Es una investigación de tipo documental fundamentada en el análisis de las distintas leyes en materia de derecho de autor vigentes en Venezuela y artículos de expertos relacionados con el tema. Las conclusiones a las que se llegó es que a pesar de la inexistencia de una legislación sobre la materia, el derecho de autor puede brindarles una protección legal.

  5. Medial blepharosynechioplasty: a new surgical concept for severe dry eye

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    Sasaki T


    Full Text Available Tsugihisa Sasaki,1,2 Taeko Ota,3 Youko Ookura,4 Kazuhisa Sugiyama11Department of Ophthalmology, Kanazawa University School of Medicine, Kanazawa, Ishikawa; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Fukui Prefectural Hospital, Fukui; 3Department of Ophthalmology, Tonami General Hospital, Tonami-city, Toyama; 4Department of Ophthamology, Saiseikai Kanazawa Hospital, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, JapanBackground: The purpose of this work was to report on the performance of medial blepharosynechioplasty (MBSP, a newly devised technique for treating severe dry eye.Methods: In this retrospective, nonrandomized clinical trial, three cases with severe dry eye (Sjögren’s syndrome associated with repeated punctal plug loss were treated using MBSP to create a synechia between the upper and lower lid medial borders of the puncta to suppress the lacrimal pump.Results: Postoperative follow-up showed improvement in the corneal condition in all three cases that persisted for 12–35 months. None of the patients had visual impairment.Conclusion: MBSP is a promising treatment for severe dry eye and merits further study.Keywords: dry eye, lacrimal pump suppression, medial blepharosynechioplasty

  6. Los impuestos al comercio exterior en México en la era de las exportaciones, 1872-1930

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    Luz María Uhthoff López


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la relación entre la fiscalidad y el comportamiento del comercio exterior en los años de 1872 a 1930. Especial énfasis se hace en la normatividad de la política arancelaria y la relación entre la dinámica política, el sistema fiscal y los impuestos al comercio exterior. Durante este periodo se observa, por un lado, una continuidad entre el antiguo régimen y la etapa de la revolución: el comercio exterior se mantuvo, incluso algunas ramas experimentaron un gran desarrollo y, por lo tanto, los impuestos exteriores continuaron siendo importantes. No obstante, también se registró una tendencia a la baja en los impuestos provenientes de este sector, y una disminución de su importancia en el conjunto de los ingresos federales, lo que indica que existió entre los gobiernos de esos años, tanto de la primera como de la segunda etapa, la preocupación de no depender solamente de éstos, aumentando las fuentes alternativas de ingresos internos, como es el caso del impuesto del timbre y del impuesto sobre la renta.

  7. Efecto manada en sectores económicos de las bolsas latinoamericanas: una visión pre y poscrisis subprime

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    Juan Benjamín Duarte Duarte


    Full Text Available En los últimos a ̃ nos, el comportamiento de los agentes y lo que los motiva a tomar sus decisiones de inversión ha sido foco de estudio de muchos investigadores en las ramas de economía, finanzas y afines. Teniendo en cuenta esto, en este artículo se busca comprobar empíricamente uno de estos comportamientos, el efecto manada, mediante los modelos propuestos por Christie y Huang (1995 y Chang, Cheng y Khorana (2000, en el índice más representativo y en los sectores que lo componen, de los principales mercados de América Latina (Brasil, México, Chile, Colombia, Perú y Argentina para el periodo 2002-2014, así como en los subperiodos pre y poscrisis originados por las hipotecas subprime. Los hallazgos de esta investigación muestran que el efecto manada está presente en el índice más representativo del mercado bursátil de Colombia, Chile y Perú y en algunos de los sectores que lo componen, ya sea en el periodo total y/o en los subperiodos de pre y poscrisis; en el mercado de Brasil, el efecto está presente en el sector bancario en el periodo total y en el subperiodo de precrisis; en el mercado de Argentina tal efecto se presentó en el sector bancario y en el sector de petróleo y gas, y en el mercado de México no existe ninguna evidencia de dicho efecto

  8. Radiographic Relevance of the Distal Medial Cuneiform Angle in Hallux Valgus Assessment. (United States)

    Hatch, Daniel J; Smith, Abigail; Fowler, Troy


    The angle formed by the distal articular facet of the medial cuneiform has been evaluated and discussed by various investigators. However, no consistent method has been available to radiograph and measure this entity. The wide variability of the angle is not conducive to comparative analysis. Additionally, investigators have noted that the angles observed (obliquity) vary greatly because of changes in radiographic angle, foot position, rotation of the first ray, and declination of the first metatarsal. Recognizing that these variables exist, we propose a reproducible assessment using digital radiography and application of deformity of correction principles. Our results have indicated a mean distal medial cuneiform angle of 20.69° in normal feet, 23.51° with moderate hallux valgus, and 20.41° with severe hallux valgus deformity. The radiograph beam was kept at 15° from the coronal plane. An inverse relationship was found between the distal medial cuneiform angle and bunion severity. This was in contrast to our expected hypothesis. The overall angle of the first metatarsal-medial cuneiform did, however, correlate with the severity of the bunion deformity (p hallux valgus. A better indicator appears to be the first metatarsal-medial cuneiform angle. This pathologic entity is a 3-dimensional one that incorporates the joint morphology of the first ray, triplane osseous positioning, and soft tissue imbalances. Perhaps, 3-dimensional computed tomography imaging will provide better insight into this entity. Copyright © 2016 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Endoscopic modified medial maxillectomy for odontogenic cysts and tumours. (United States)

    Nakayama, Tsugihama; Otori, Nobuyoshi; Asaka, Daiya; Okushi, Tetsushi; Haruna, Shin-ichi


    Odontogenic maxillary cysts and tumours originate from the tooth root and have traditionally been treated through an intraoral approach. Here, we report the efficacy and utility of endoscopic modified medial maxillectomy (EMMM) for the treatment of odontogenic maxillary cysts and a tumour. We undertook EMMM under general anaesthesia in six patients: four had radicular cysts, one had a dentigerous cyst, and one had a keratocystic odontogenic tumour. The cysts and tumours were completely excised and the inferior turbinate and nasolacrimal duct were preserved in all patients. There were no peri- or postoperative complications, and no incidences of recurrence. Endoscopic modified medial maxillectomy appears to be an effective and safe technique for treating odontogenic cysts and tumours.

  10. Las ondas en las universidades o las universidades en las ondas

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    Verónica Marín Díaz


    Full Text Available En las aulas y pasillos de las universidades vuelven a sonar las ondas hercianas que raen una variedad de programas a la anodina vida de la comunidad universitaria, inmersa en la implantación de títulos de Grado, nuevos programas de doctorado, legislación universitaria variable y un largo etcétera que afecta al devenir de la vida en el ámbito de la educación superior.

  11. Detection of defects in formed sheet metal using medial axis transformation (United States)

    Murmu, Naresh C.; Velgan, Roman


    In the metal forming processes, the sheet metals are often prone to various defects such as thinning, dents, wrinkles etc. In the present manufacturing environments with ever increasing demand of higher quality, detecting the defects of formed sheet metal using an effective and objective inspection system is the foremost norm to remain competitive in market. The defect detection using optical techniques aspire to satisfy its needs to be non-contact and fast. However, the main difficulties to achieve this goal remain essentially on the development of efficient evaluation technique and accurate interpretation of extracted data. The defect like thinning is detected by evaluating the deviations of the thickness in the formed sheet metal against its nominal value. The present evaluation procedure for determination of thickness applied on the measurements data is not without deficiency. To improve this procedure, a new evaluation approach based on medial axis transformation is proposed here. The formed sheet metals are digitized using fringe projection systems in different orientations, and afterwards registered into one coordinate frame. The medial axis transformation (MAT) is applied on the point clouds, generating the point clouds of MAT. This data is further processed and medial surface is determined. The thinning defect is detected by evaluating local wall thickness and other defects like wrinkles are determined using the shape recognition on the medial surface. The applied algorithm is simple, fast and robust.

  12. Role of Modified Endoscopic Medial Maxillectomy in Persistent Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis (United States)

    Thulasidas, Ponnaiah; Vaidyanathan, Venkatraman


    Introduction Functional endoscopic sinus surgery has a long-term high rate of success for symptomatic improvement in patients with medically refractory chronic rhinosinusitis. As the popularity of the technique continues to grow, however, so does the population of patients with postsurgical persistent sinus disease, especially in those with a large window for ventilation and drainage. In addition, chronic infections of the sinuses especially fungal sinusitis have a higher incidence of recurrence even though a wide maxillary ostium had been performed earlier. This subset of patients often represents a challenge to the otorhinolaryngologist. Objectives To identify the patients with chronic recalcitrant maxillary sinusitis and devise treatment protocols for this subset of patients. Methods A retrospective review was done of all patients with persistent maxillary sinus disease who had undergone modified endoscopic medial maxillectomy between 2009 and 2012. We studied patient demographics, previous surgical history, and follow-up details and categorized the types of endoscopic medial maxillectomies performed in different disease situations. Results We performed modified endoscopic medial maxillectomies in 37 maxillary sinuses of 24 patients. The average age was 43.83 years. Average follow-up was 14.58 months. All patients had good disease control in postoperative visits with no clinical evidence of recurrences. Conclusion Modified endoscopic medial maxillectomy appears to be an effective surgery for treatment of chronic, recalcitrant maxillary sinusitis. PMID:25992084

  13. Role of Modified Endoscopic Medial Maxillectomy in Persistent Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis

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    Thulasidas, Ponnaiah


    Full Text Available Introduction Functional endoscopic sinus surgery has a long-term high rate of success for symptomatic improvement in patients with medically refractory chronic rhinosinusitis. As the popularity of the technique continues to grow, however, so does the population of patients with postsurgical persistent sinus disease, especially in those with a large window for ventilation and drainage. In addition, chronic infections of the sinuses especially fungal sinusitis have a higher incidence of recurrence even though a wide maxillary ostium had been performed earlier. This subset of patients often represents a challenge to the otorhinolaryngologist. Objectives To identify the patients with chronic recalcitrant maxillary sinusitis and devise treatment protocols for this subset of patients. Methods A retrospective review was done of all patients with persistent maxillary sinus disease who had undergone modified endoscopic medial maxillectomy between 2009 and 2012. We studied patient demographics, previous surgical history, and follow-up details and categorized the types of endoscopic medial maxillectomies performed in different disease situations. Results We performed modified endoscopic medial maxillectomies in 37 maxillary sinuses of 24 patients. The average age was 43.83 years. Average follow-up was 14.58 months. All patients had good disease control in postoperative visits with no clinical evidence of recurrences. Conclusion Modified endoscopic medial maxillectomy appears to be an effective surgery for treatment of chronic, recalcitrant maxillary sinusitis.

  14. Animales de laboratorio en la endocrinología: Biomodelos de las enfermedades tiroideas Laboratory animals in endocrinology: Biomodels in thyroid diseases

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    Beatriz Hugues Hernandorena


    Full Text Available Los modelos animales que se utilizan en las investigaciones sobre el tiroides ayudan al estudio de los mecanismos patogénicos que conducen a la presentación de los desórdenes de esta glándula, dan la oportunidad de explorar nuevos tratamientos y formas de prevención. El objetivo de este trabajo fue brindar una información detallada sobre los biomodelos de enfermedades que afectan el tiroides, a partir de una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema, que comprenda los que se obtienen de forma espontánea o inducida, exponiendo los factores ambientales que influyen sobre ellos. En conclusión, se expresaron las ventajas que ofrecen estos biomodelos para los investigadores que se dedican a estudiar esta rama de la endocrinología, aunque no constituyan un reflejo exacto de lo que ocurre en el hombre y no necesariamente reúnan todas las características distintivas de la patología tiroidea en cuestión.The animal models used in the investigations on thyroid help to study the pathogenic mechanisms leading to the appearance of disorders of this gland, and give the opportunity to find new treatments and ways of prevention. The objective of this paper was to provide a detailed information on the biomodels of diseases affecting the thyroid, starting from a bibliographic review on this topic, including those obtained in a spontaneous or induced way, and explaining the environmental factors influencing them. To conclude, the advantages of these biomodels for the researchers devoted to study this branch of endocrinology were stressed, although they are not an exact reflex of what happens in man and they do not necessarily have all the distinctive features of thyroid pathology.

  15. Reconstruction of medial patellofemoral ligament using quadriceps tendon combined with reconstruction of medial patellotibial ligament using patellar tendon: initial experience

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    Betina Bremer Hinckel


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To describe a surgical technique for anatomical reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament using the quadriceps tendon, combined with reconstruction of the medial patellotibial ligament using the patellar tendon; and to present the initial results from a case series. METHOD: The proposed technique was used on a series of cases of patients with diagnoses of patellofemoral instability and indications for surgical treatment, who were attended by the Knee Group of HC-IOT, University of São Paulo. The following were evaluated before and after the operation: range of motion (ROM, apprehension test, lateral translation test, patellar inclination test, inverted J sign, subluxation upon extension, pain from compression of the patella and pain from contraction of the quadriceps. After the operation, the patients were asked whether any new episode of dislocation had occurred, what their degree of satisfaction with the surgery was (on a scale from 0 to 10 and whether they would be prepared to go through this operation again. RESULTS: Seven knees were operated, in seven patients, with a mean follow-up of 5.46 months (±2.07. Four patients who presented apprehension before the operation did not show this after the operation. The lateral translation test became normal for all the patients, while the patellar inclination test remained positive for two patients. The patients with an inverted J sign continued to be positive for this sign. Five patients were positive for subluxation upon extension before the operation, but all patients were negative for this after the operation. None of the patients presented any new episode of dislocation of the patella. All of them stated that they were satisfied: five gave a satisfaction score of 9 and two, a score of 10. All of them said that they would undergo the operation again. Only one patient presented a postoperative complication: dehiscence of the wound. CONCLUSION: Reconstruction of the

  16. Hyperglycemia decreased medial amygdala projections to medial preoptic area in experimental model of Diabetes Mellitus.

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    Yousef Mohamadi


    Full Text Available In Wistar rats, reproductive behavior is controlled in a neural circuit of ventral forebrain including the medial amygdala (Me, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST and medial preoptic area (MPOA via perception of social odors. Diabetes Mellitus (DM is a widespread metabolic disease that affects many organs in a variety of levels. DM can cause central neuropathies such as neuronal apoptosis, dendritic atrophy, neurochemical alterations and also causes reproductive dysfunctions. So we hypothesized damage to the nuclei of this circuit can cause reproductive dysfunctions. Therefore in this project we assessed diabetic effect on these nuclei. For this purpose neuron tracing technique and TUNEL assay were used. We injected HRP in the MPOA and counted labeled cells in the Me and BNST to evaluate the reduction of neurons in diabetic animals. Also, coronal sections were analyzed with the TMB histochemistry method. Animals in this study were adult male Wistar rats (230 ± 8g divided to control and 10-week streptozotocin-induced diabetic groups. After data analysis by SPSS 16 software, a significant reduction of HRP-labeled neurons was shown in both Me and BNST nuclei in the diabetic group. Moreover, apoptotic cells were significantly observed in diabetic animals in contrast to control the group. In conclusion, these alterations of the circuit as a result of diabetes might be one of the reasons for reproductive dysfunctions.

  17. Medial tibial stress syndrome: a critical review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moen, Maarten H.; Tol, Johannes L.; Weir, Adam; Steunebrink, Miriam; de Winter, Theodorus C.


    Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) is one of the most common leg injuries in athletes and soldiers. The incidence of MTSS is reported as being between 4% and 35% in military personnel and athletes. The name given to this condition refers to pain on the posteromedial tibial border during exercise,

  18. Anatomic variability of the vascularized composite osteomyocutaneous flap from the medial femoral condyle: an anatomical study

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    Trung-Hau Le Thua


    Full Text Available Aim: The anatomical study and clinical application for the vascularized corticoperiosteal flap from the medial femoral condyle have been performed and described previously. Although prior studies have described the composite osteomyocutaneous flap from the medial femoral condyle, a detailed analysis of the vascularity of this region has not yet been fully evaluated. Methods: This anatomical study described the variability of the arteries from the medial femoral condyle in 40 cadaveric specimens. Results: The descending genicular artery (DGA was found in 33 of 40 cases (82.5%. The  superomedial genicular artery (SGA was present in 10 cases (25%. All 33 cases (100% of the DGA had articular branches to the periosteum of the medial femoral condyle. Muscular branches and saphenous branches of the DGA were present in 25 cases (62.5% and 26 cases (70.3%, respectively. Conclusion: The current study demonstrates that the size and length of the vessels to the medial femoral condyle are sufficient for a vascularized bone flap. A careful preoperative vascular assessment is essential prior to use of the vascularized composite osteomyocutaneous flap from the medial femoral condyle, because of the considerable anatomical variations in different branches of the DGA.

  19. Did Failure Occur Because of Medial Column Instability That Was Not Recognized, or Did It Develop After Surgery? (United States)

    Kadakia, Anish R; Kelikian, Armen S; Barbosa, Mauricio; Patel, Milap S


    Medial column instability is a primary deforming force in the setting of pes planovalgus deformity. Consideration for medial column stabilization only after correction of the hindfoot deformity may result in creating a rigid hindfoot, compromising clinical outcomes. Careful analysis of the lateral radiograph to determine whether the deformity is secondary to the medial column or true peritalar subluxation may allow superior outcomes. Iatrogenic creation of an excessively rigid medial column may lead to significant instability of the remaining joints in the short term and arthrosis in the long term. Medial column arthrodesis should be used selectively to correct gross instability. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Configuraciones retórico-lingüísticas del resumen en artículos científicos de economía: Contrastes en el interior de la disciplina


    Stagnaro, Daniela


    En las últimas décadas, la lingüística especializada ha contribuido al conocimiento del discurso académico-científico, especialmente, de las características lingüístico- retóricas de géneros centrales de la comunicación científica. Entre ellos, el artículo científico y su resumen han recibido amplia atención por su centralidad en el proceso de investigación. Sin embargo, la bibliografía tiende a tratar el discurso de cada disciplina de manera homogénea sin considerar las ramas o los posiciona...

  1. La documentación al servicio de la industria de la construcción

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    Comyn, Antonio


    Full Text Available Not availableUna de las notas más sobresalientes de la época en que vivimos es el marcado desvelo mundial por las técnicas de la Gerencia de Empresas y de la Organización Científica del Trabajo. En todas las naciones y ramas de la Industria los temas de Estudio de mercados, Productividad, Información Técnica y Documentación, Mecanización Administrativa, Control de la Calidad, Relaciones humanas, etc., son motivo continuo para la formación de Empresas Consultoras y para la impresión de millares de libros, artículos de revistas y folletos.

  2. El Hombre de las Cavernas. Atapuerca y el Inicio de la Vida

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    Juan Mendoza-Vega


    Full Text Available

    Para llegar al estado actual, el mamífero bípedo a cuya especie pertenecemos con tanto orgullo, no siempre justificado, ha tenido que pasar muchos miles de años en un proceso de constante evolución durante el cual no sólo ha cambiado poco a poco sus caracteres anatómicos sino ha incrementado la complejidad de los procesos orgánicos que lo distinguen de otros seres vivos, con base en el desarrollo también progresivo del órgano donde se producen estos procesos, el encéfalo.


    En el camino hacia el Homo sapiens sapiens del siglo XXI, han quedado atrás y se han extinguido varias ramas de nuestra especie original. Los primeros homínidos, aquellos que hace cuatro o cinco millones de años se alzaron sobre sus extremidades posteriores y empezaron a utilizar las anteriores para agarrar y manipular objetos, al mismo tiempo que gozaban de inédita visión de sus alrededores desde la nueva altura de sus ojos, intentaron adaptarse a esas novedades y a los cambios de su ambiente con varia fortuna, de modo que algunos grupos viraron hacia la extinción progresiva mientras otros iban pasando sus genes, recombinándolos, logrando y asentando novedades cada vez más útiles para el esfuerzo general y prioritario de sobrevivir.

  3. Oscilaciones de la red de nitruros cúbicos

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    Dario G. Santiago-Pérez


    Full Text Available En el trabajo se estudia la dinámica de los nitruros del grupo III en la estructura blenda de zinc utilizando el modelo de cadenas lineales. Utilizando el hecho de que en direcciones de alta simetría las ramas longitudinales de desacoplan de las transversales se reportan las relaciones entre las constantes de fuerza del problema tridimensional (3D y de la cadena lineal equivalente en estas direcciones. También mostramos cómo calcular las constantes de fuerza 3D del masivo (y consecuentemente la matriz dinámica en su totalidad a partir de unos pocos puntos experimentales o teóricos. En particular se determinan las relaciones de dispersión y se calculan las constantes de fuerza de nitruros de Aluminio (AlN y Galio (GaN.

  4. Impacto de la Inteligencia Artificial en el quehacer jurídico


    Carlos Alberto Peña Orozco


    Resumen:La inteligencia artificial moderna nace como desarrollo de las ciencias computacionales tratando de duplicar los procesos cognitivos y de pensamiento de los seres humanos en computadoras y a través de software. Desde su creación, se han forjado colaboraciones de esta disciplina a otras ramas delsaber, por ejemplo con la medicina, las ingenierías, y demás. Así, el Derecho también ha establecido vínculos con esta disciplina, toda vez que se han desarrollado aplicaciones y software que p...

  5. Grafos y diseño arquitectónico


    Sánchez González, Juana Maria; Moratalla de la Hoz, Ascension; Sanz Garcia, Agripina


    La Teoría de grafos, que en su origen fue una rama de la topología algebraica, es hoy en día una herramienta matemática utilizada en distintos campos. En este artículo se analizan diseños arquitectónicos con una óptica topológica, atendiendo a las conexiones de las distintas partes del proyecto que lo componen basadas en el uso, que se da a cada una de ellas, y se comparan los grafos asociados a distintas obras de arquitectura.

  6. Concepto de armas de fuego y balística


    Colmenero Gil del Avalle, Jesús


    Se aborda el concepto de balística forense.Así como las ramas fundamentales en que se divide la ciencia balística: interna, externa, de efectos y comparativa o identificativa. El arma de fuego y su clasificación. Se explica en que consiste los troqueles de las armas, el calibre del arma y de la bala.La cartucheria, el estudio de los componentes del cartucho. Nomenclatura de los cartuchos. Finalmente se aborda la balística externa, trayectoria y distancia de un disparo. Universidad de Málag...

  7. Nuevas relaciones laborales en la industria automotriz colombiana


    Edgar Augusto Valero


    Los sectores de ensamble de autos y fabricación de autopartes en Colombia describen las presiones que ejerce el entorno competitivo internacional sobre la eficiencia y la calidad. Estas presiones han incidido en la adopción de nuevas formas de organización del trabajo y en el cambio casi generalizado de políticas de personal durante los últimos quince años. En este artículo se analiza e ilustra un conjunto de transformaciones significativas en las relaciones laborales en esta rama industrial,...

  8. Relationship Between Preoperative Extrusion of the Medial Meniscus and Surgical Outcomes After Partial Meniscectomy. (United States)

    Kim, Sung-Jae; Choi, Chong Hyuk; Chun, Yong-Min; Kim, Sung-Hwan; Lee, Su-Keon; Jang, Jinyoung; Jeong, Howon; Jung, Min


    No previous study has examined arthritic change after meniscectomy with regard to extrusion of the medial meniscus. (1) To determine the factors related to preoperative meniscal extrusion; (2) to investigate the relationship between medial meniscal extrusion and postoperative outcomes of partial meniscectomy, and to identify a cutoff point of meniscal extrusion that contributes to arthritic change after partial meniscectomy in nonosteoarthritic knees. Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. A total of 208 patients who underwent partial meniscectomy of the medial meniscus between January 2000 and September 2006 were retrospectively reviewed. The extent of extrusion and severity of degeneration of the medial meniscus as shown on preoperative MRI were evaluated. The minimum follow-up duration was 7 years. Clinical function was assessed with the Lysholm knee scoring scale, the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) subjective knee evaluation form, and the Tapper and Hoover grading system. Radiological evaluation was conducted by use of the IKDC radiographic assessment scale. Regression analysis was performed to identify factors affecting preoperative extrusion of the medial meniscus and factors influencing follow-up results after partial meniscectomy. Receiver operating characteristic curve was used to identify a cutoff point for the extent of meniscal extrusion that was associated with arthritic change. The mean ± SD preoperative Lysholm knee score was 65.0 ± 6.3 and the mean IKDC subjective score was 60.1 ± 7.5. The mean follow-up functional scores were 93.2 ± 5.1 ( P meniscus showed a tendency to increase as the extent of intrameniscal degeneration increased, and the medial meniscus was extruded more in patients with horizontal, horizontal flap, and complex tears. The preoperative extent of meniscal extrusion had a statistically significant correlation with follow-up Lysholm knee score (coefficient = -0.10, P = .002), IKDC subjective score (coefficient

  9. Comparison of Medial and Posterior Surgical Approaches in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Oct 26, 2017 ... extremity fractures in the pediatric population aged 3-10 years old. ... pins wire fixation was applied with either a medial or ... The grading system defined by Flynn et al.[15] .... control of both aspects of fracture site (anterior and.

  10. Medial Malleolar Fractures: An Anatomic Survey Determining the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    However, the literature lacks a defined method for selecting lag screw length, relying more ... Aim: The aim of this study is to help define the ideal lag screw length for medial melleolar fracture fixation. .... Biometrics 1977;33:159‑74. 8. Ricci WM ...

  11. Ecuaciones, teorías y ciencias que las usan

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    Rosa María Herrera


    Full Text Available Algunas ecuaciones resultan buenos modelos en problemas de la física alejados entre sí. Algunos modelos matemáticos suponen una abstracción subyacente en distintas teorías e incluso en diferentes ramas científicas. Algunas teorías nacen en cierto ambiente científico, perotrasladadas a otro resultan muy productivas e incluso crecen. Aquí se formulan algunos ejemplos de cada caso, se señala la estrategia de su construcción y se intenta indicar (explicar su valor como herramienta científica.

  12. Acute Medial Plantar Fascia Tear. (United States)

    Pascoe, Stephanie C; Mazzola, Timothy J


    A 32-year-old man who participated in competitive soccer came to physical therapy via direct access for a chief complaint of plantar foot pain. The clinical examination findings and mechanism of injury raised a concern for a plantar fascia tear, so the patient was referred to the physician and magnetic resonance imaging was obtained. The magnetic resonance image confirmed a high-grade, partial-thickness, proximal plantar fascia tear with localized edema at the location of the medial band. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016;46(6):495. doi:10.2519/jospt.2016.0409.

  13. Congruence and joint space width alterations of the medial compartment following lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. (United States)

    Zuiderbaan, H A; Khamaisy, S; Thein, R; Nawabi, D H; Pearle, A D


    Progressive degenerative changes in the medial compartment of the knee following lateral unicompartmental arthroplasty (UKA) remains a leading indication for revision surgery. The purpose of this study is to evaluate changes in the congruence and joint space width (JSW) of the medial compartment following lateral UKA. The congruence of the medial compartment of 53 knees (24 men, 23 women, mean age 13.1 years; sd 62.1) following lateral UKA was evaluated pre-operatively and six weeks post-operatively, and compared with 41 normal knees (26 men, 15 women, mean age 33.7 years; sd 6.4), using an Interactive closest point algorithm which calculated the congruence index (CI) by performing a rigid transformation that best aligns the digitised tibial and femoral surfaces. Inner, middle and outer JSWs were measured by sub-dividing the medial compartment into four quarters on pre- and post-operative, weight bearing tunnel view radiographs. The mean CI of knees following lateral UKA significantly improved from 0.92 (sd 0.06) pre-operatively to 0.96 (sd 0.02) (p congruence and normalise the JSW of the medial compartment, potentially preventing progression of degenerative change. ©2015 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery.

  14. Medial vestibular connections with the hypocretin (orexin) system (United States)

    Horowitz, Seth S.; Blanchard, Jane; Morin, Lawrence P.


    The mammalian medial vestibular nucleus (MVe) receives input from all vestibular endorgans and provides extensive projections to the central nervous system. Recent studies have demonstrated projections from the MVe to the circadian rhythm system. In addition, there are known projections from the MVe to regions considered to be involved in sleep and arousal. In this study, afferent and efferent subcortical connectivity of the medial vestibular nucleus of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) was evaluated using cholera toxin subunit-B (retrograde), Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (anterograde), and pseudorabies virus (transneuronal retrograde) tract-tracing techniques. The results demonstrate MVe connections with regions mediating visuomotor and postural control, as previously observed in other mammals. The data also identify extensive projections from the MVe to regions mediating arousal and sleep-related functions, most of which receive immunohistochemically identified projections from the lateral hypothalamic hypocretin (orexin) neurons. These include the locus coeruleus, dorsal and pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei, dorsal raphe, and lateral preoptic area. The MVe itself receives a projection from hypocretin cells. CTB tracing demonstrated reciprocal connections between the MVe and most brain areas receiving MVe efferents. Virus tracing confirmed and extended the MVe afferent connections identified with CTB and additionally demonstrated transneuronal connectivity with the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the medial habenular nucleus. These anatomical data indicate that the vestibular system has access to a broad array of neural functions not typically associated with visuomotor, balance, or equilibrium, and that the MVe is likely to receive information from many of the same regions to which it projects.

  15. Encadenamientos industriales y la derrama tecnológica de la inversión extranjera directa

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    María del Rosario Orozco Dimas


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se centra en el estudio de la derrama tecnológica derivada de la inversión extranjera directa (IED y su impacto sobre la industria manufacturera mexicana por medio de los encadenamientos productivos verticales. El propósito del artículo es analizar si la presencia de capital extranjero y el coeficiente de importaciones de las ramas compradoras tienen un efecto en las empresas nacionales proveedoras, usando datos para el periodo de 1994 a 2002. Los resultados de este análisis señalan que son escasas las ramas que presentan encadenamientos industriales verticales, por lo que el efecto de derrama tecnológica no se extiende al resto de la industria manufacturera.This investigation is centered in the study of foreign direct investment technological spillovers and its impact on Mexican manufacturer industry by means of the productive backward linkages. We aim to analyze if the presence of foreign capital and the coefficient of imports of the buyers branches have an effect on the domestic supplying firms, using data for the period from 1994 to 2002. This result of this analysis points out that the branches that had technological spillovers effects from FDI were few. For this reason this effects didn't extended to the rest of the industry manufacturer.

  16. Nuevas Algas Bénticas del Litoral Caribe de Colombia

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    Schnetter Reinhard


    Full Text Available Laurencia minuscula pertenece a la sección Forsterianae Yamada (1931, por sus células corticales no radialmente elongadas y por los engrosamientos de las paredes longitudinales de las células medulares, Se distingue de la mayoría de las especies del género y de la sección por su tamaño pequeño. Las plantas vivas eran parduscas y de consistencia suave, sus superficies lisas o a veces muy ligeramente mamilíferas en las partes máS jóvenes. Los talos no presentaron hápteros secundarios ni ramas realmentedecumbentes. Casi todos los ejemplares coleccionados eran fétiles,  con tetrasporangios, cistocarpos o espermatangios, respectivamente. El material herborizado pega bien sohre el papel soporte.

  17. Magmatismo alcalino del Triásico Superior (Noriense) en el extremo NO de la Rama Aragonesa de la Cordillera Ibérica: Modelo de emplazamiento en relación con fallas sin-sedimentarias


    Sanz, Tomás; Lago San José, Marceliano; Gil Imaz, Andrés; Pocoví Juan, Andrés; Galé, Carlos


    A través de un estudio lito-estratigráfico y tectónico se pretende deducir el contexto estructural en el que se desarrolló el magmatismo alcalino del Triásico Superior, para el margen nor-occidental de la Rama Aragonesa de la Cordillera Ibérica (Sierra del Moncayo). La reactivación del rift Ibérico y el emplazamiento de al menos dos sills en área estudiada, pudo tener lugar a través de la apertura de un número reducido de fallas normales, con orientación actual Ibérica (NO-S...

  18. Ankle brace attenuates the medial-lateral ground reaction force during basketball rebound jump

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    Alex Castro

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Introduction: The jump landing is the leading cause for ankle injuries in basketball. It has been shown that the use of ankle brace is effective to prevent these injuries by increasing the mechanical stability of the ankle at the initial contact of the foot with the ground. Objective: To investigate the effects of ankle brace on the ground reaction force (GRF during the simulation of a basketball rebound jump. Method: Eleven young male basketball players randomly carried out a simulated basketball rebound jump under two conditions, with and without ankle brace (lace-up. Dynamic parameters of vertical GRF (take-off and landing vertical peaks, time to take-off and landing vertical peaks, take-off impulse peak, impulse at 50 milliseconds of landing, and jump height and medial-lateral (take-off and landing medial-lateral peaks, and time to reach medial-lateral peaks at take-off and landing were recorded by force platform during rebound jumps in each tested condition. The comparisons between the tested conditions were performed by paired t test (P0.05. Conclusion: The use of ankle brace during basketball rebound jumps attenuates the magnitude of medial-lateral GRF on the landing phase, without changing the vertical GRF. This finding indicates that the use of brace increases the medial-lateral mechanical protection by decreasing the shear force exerted on the athlete’s body without change the application of propulsive forces in the take-off and the impact absorption quality in the landing during the basketball rebound jump.

  19. Rupture of posterior cruciate ligament leads to radial displacement of the medial meniscus. (United States)

    Zhang, Can; Deng, Zhenhan; Luo, Wei; Xiao, Wenfeng; Hu, Yihe; Liao, Zhan; Li, Kanghua; He, Hongbo


    To explore the association between the rupture of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and the radial displacement of medial meniscus under the conditions of different flexion and various axial loads. The radial displacement value of medial meniscus was measured for the specimens of normal adult knee joints, including 12 intact PCLs, 6 ruptures of the anterolateral bundle (ALB), 6 ruptures of the postmedial bundle (PMB), and 12 complete ruptures. The measurement was conducted at 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90° of knee flexion angles under 200 N, 400 N, 600 N, 800 N and 1000 N of axial loads respectively. The displacement values of medial meniscus of the ALB rupture group increased at 0° flexion under 800 N and 1000 N, and at 30°, 60° and 90° flexion under all loads in comparison with the PCL intact group. The displacement values of the PMB rupture group was higher at 0° and 90° flexion under all loads, and at 30° and 60° flexion under 800 N and 1000 N loads. The displacement of the PCL complete rupture group increased at all flexion angles under all loads. Either partial or complete rupture of the PCL can increase in the radial displacement of the medial meniscus, which may explain the degenerative changes that occuring in the medial meniscus due to PCL injury. Therefore, early reestablishment of the PCL is necessarily required in order to maintain stability of the knee joint after PCL injury.

  20. Preauricular full-thickness skin grafting in medial canthal reconstruction

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    Rafael Corredor-Osorio


    Full Text Available Basal cell carcinoma in medial canthal is a surgical challenge to oculoplastic surgeon. We report a case an 80 –year-old woman who presented with a vegetative tumor in the right inferior medial canthus that increased slowly in size over the past two years. An excisional biopsy from the tumor was suggestive of a basal cell carcinoma. A full-thickness excision of the tumor within the oncologic safety limits, was performed. A wide range of reconstruction techniques should be customized to the individual patient. In this case, the use of a preauricular full. Thickness skin graft was a favorable option, without complications, and with acceptable functional and cosmetic results. The aim of the treatment is to restore anatomy, functional and cosmetic of the patients.

  1. Enhancement of Neocortical-Medial Temporal EEG Correlations during Non-REM Sleep

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    Nikolai Axmacher


    Full Text Available Interregional interactions of oscillatory activity are crucial for the integrated processing of multiple brain regions. However, while the EEG in virtually all brain structures passes through substantial modifications during sleep, it is still an open question whether interactions between neocortical and medial temporal EEG oscillations also depend on the state of alertness. Several previous studies in animals and humans suggest that hippocampal-neocortical interactions crucially depend on the state of alertness (i.e., waking state or sleep. Here, we analyzed scalp and intracranial EEG recordings during sleep and waking state in epilepsy patients undergoing presurgical evaluation. We found that the amplitudes of oscillations within the medial temporal lobe and the neocortex were more closely correlated during sleep, in particular during non-REM sleep, than during waking state. Possibly, the encoding of novel sensory inputs, which mainly occurs during waking state, requires that medial temporal dynamics are rather independent from neocortical dynamics, while the consolidation of memories during sleep may demand closer interactions between MTL and neocortex.

  2. Injuries of the Medial Clavicle: A Cohort Analysis in a Level-I-Trauma-Center. Concomitant Injuries. Management. Classification. (United States)

    Bakir, Mustafa Sinan; Merschin, David; Unterkofler, Jan; Guembel, Denis; Langenbach, Andreas; Ekkernkamp, Axel; Schulz-Drost, Stefan


    Introduction: Although shoulder girdle injuries are frequent, those of the medial clavicle are widely unexplored. An applied classification is less used just as a standard management. Methods: A retrospective analysis of medial clavicle injuries (MCI) during a 5-year-term in a Level-1-Trauma-Center. We analyzed amongst others concomitant injuries, therapy strategies and the classification following the AO standards. Results: 19 (2.5%) out of 759 clavicula injuries were medial ones (11 A, 6 B and 2 C-Type fractures) thereunder 27,8% were displaced and thus operatively treated Locked plate osteosynthesis was employed in unstable fractures and a reconstruction of the ligaments at the sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) in case of their disruption. 84,2% of the patients sustained relevant concomitant injuries. Numerous midshaft fractures were miscoded as medial fracture, which limited the study population. Conclusions: MCI resulted from high impact mechanisms of injury, often with relevant dislocation and concomitant injuries. Concerning medial injury's complexity, treatment should occur in specialized hospitals. Unstable fractures and injuries of the SCJ ligaments should be considered for operative treatment. Midshaft fractures should be clearly distinguished from the medial ones in ICD-10-coding. Further studies are required also regarding a subtyping of the AO classification for medial clavicle fractures including ligamental injuries. Celsius.

  3. Multiple running speed signals in medial entorhinal cortex (United States)

    Hinman, James R.; Brandon, Mark P.; Climer, Jason R.; Chapman, G. William; Hasselmo, Michael E.


    Grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) can be modeled using oscillatory interference or attractor dynamic mechanisms that perform path integration, a computation requiring information about running direction and speed. The two classes of computational models often use either an oscillatory frequency or a firing rate that increases as a function of running speed. Yet it is currently not known whether these are two manifestations of the same speed signal or dissociable signals with potentially different anatomical substrates. We examined coding of running speed in MEC and identified these two speed signals to be independent of each other within individual neurons. The medial septum (MS) is strongly linked to locomotor behavior and removal of MS input resulted in strengthening of the firing rate speed signal, while decreasing the strength of the oscillatory speed signal. Thus two speed signals are present in MEC that are differentially affected by disrupted MS input. PMID:27427460

  4. Modified endoscopic medial maxillectomy for zygomatic implant salvage. (United States)

    Schwartz, Joseph S; Tajudeen, Bobby A; Adappa, Nithin D; Palmer, James N


    Odontogenic chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is an epidemiologically important disease process due, in part, to the increasingly commonplace use of dental restorative procedures such as zygomatic implantation. Traditional management of this clinical entity typically entails extraction of the infected hardware via an open or endoscopic approach. We describe a novel management strategy of odontogenic CRS following bilateral zygomatic implantation for oral rehabilitation that we surgically salvaged via a modified endoscopic medial maxillectomy. We describe the presentation and management of a case of metachronous development of bilateral CRS subsequent to zygomatic implantation. The patient's postoperative course was characterized by marked endoscopic, radiologic, and symptomatic improvement as measured by the 22-item Sino-Nasal Outcome Test. We describe a novel treatment strategy for the management of odontogenic sinusitis resulting from erroneous zygomatic implant placement. Modified endoscopic medial maxillectomy in this clinical context facilitates mucosal normalization of the affected sinus, while permitting preservation of oral function through salvage of the displaced implant.

  5. Medial Orbitofrontal Cortex Is Associated with Fatigue Sensation

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    Seiki Tajima


    Full Text Available Fatigue is an indispensable bioalarm to avoid exhaustive state caused by overwork or stresses. It is necessary to elucidate the neural mechanism of fatigue sensation for managing fatigue properly. We performed H2O  15 positron emission tomography scans to indicate neural activations while subjects were performing 35-min fatigue-inducing task trials twice. During the positron emission tomography experiment, subjects performed advanced trail-making tests, touching the target circles in sequence located on the display of a touch-panel screen. In order to identify the brain regions associated with fatigue sensation, correlation analysis was performed using statistical parametric mapping method. The brain region exhibiting a positive correlation in activity with subjective sensation of fatigue, measured immediately after each positron emission tomography scan, was located in medial orbitofrontal cortex (Brodmann's area 10/11. Hence, the medial orbitofrontal cortex is a brain region associated with mental fatigue sensation. Our findings provide a new perspective on the neural basis of fatigue.

  6. Diagnosis and Follow-up US Evaluation of Ruptures of the Medial Head of the Gastrocnemius

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwak, Hyo-Sung; Han, Young-Min; Lee, Sang-Yong; Kim, Ki-Nam; Chung, Gyung Ho


    The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the ultrasonographic (US) findings of rupture and the healing process of the medial head of the gastrocnemius ('Tennis Leg'). Twenty-two patients (age range: 30 to 45 years) with clinically suspected ruptures of the medial head of the gastrocnemius were referred to us for US examination. All the patients underwent US of the affected limb and the contralateral asymptomatic limb. Follow-up clinical evaluation and US imaging of all patients were performed at two-week intervals during the month after injury and at one-month intervals during the following six months. Of the 22 patients who had an initial US examination after their injury, partial rupture of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle was identified in seven patients (31.8%); the remaining 15 patients were diagnosed with complete rupture. Fluid collection between the medial head of the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscle was identified in 20 patients (90.9%). The thickness of the fluid collection, including the hematoma in the patients with complete rupture (mean: 9.7 mm), was significantly greater than that seen in the patients with partial tear (mean: 6.8 mm) (p < 0.01). The primary union of the medial head of the gastrocnemius with the soleus muscle in all the patients with muscle rupture and fluid collection was recognized via the hypoechoic tissue after four weeks. Ultrasonography is a useful imaging modality for the diagnosis and follow-up examination for the patients suffering with rupture of the medial head of the gastrocnemius

  7. Acute compartment syndrome after medial gastrocnemius tear. (United States)

    Sit, Yan Kit; Lui, Tun Hing


    Acute compartment syndrome after medial gastrocnemius tear is very rare. It can involve the superficial posterior compartment alone or progress to involve all the 4 compartments of the lower legs. Those patients with high pain tolerance and minor trauma can lead to delayed presentation. Immediate fasciotomy is the treatment of choice. Therapeutic Level IV, Case Study. © 2014 The Author(s).

  8. Communication between radial nerve and medial cutaneous nerve of forearm

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    R R Marathe


    Full Text Available Radial nerve is usually a branch of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. It innervates triceps, anconeous, brachialis, brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus muscles and gives the posterior cutaneous nerve of the arm, lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm, posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm; without exhibiting any communication with the medial cutaneous nerve of forearm or any other nerve. We report communication between the radial nerve and medial cutaneous nerve of forearm on the left side in a 58-year-old male cadaver. The right sided structures were found to be normal. Neurosurgeons should keep such variations in mind while performing the surgeries of axilla and upper arm.

  9. Radiosurgery for Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Resulting from Mesial Temporal Sclerosis. (United States)

    Gianaris, Thomas; Witt, Thomas; Barbaro, Nicholas M


    Medial temporal lobe epilepsy associated with mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) is perhaps the most well-defined epilepsy syndrome that is responsive to structural interventions such as surgery. Several minimally invasive techniques have arisen that provide additional options for the treatment of MTS while potentially avoiding many of open surgery's associated risks. By evading these risks, they also open up treatment options to patients who otherwise are poor surgical candidates. Radiosurgery is one of the most intensively studied of these alternatives and has found a growing role in the treatment of medial temporal lobe epilepsy. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Medial subtalar dislocation: Case report

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    Manojlović Radovan


    Full Text Available Introduction. Subtalar dislocation (SI is a term that refers to an injury in which there is dislocation of the talonavicular and talocalcanear joint, although the tibiotalar joint is intact. Case Outline. A case of medial subtalar dislocation as a result of basketball injury, so-called 'basketball foot', is presented. Closed reposition in i.v. anaesthesia was performed with the patient in supine position and a knee flexed at 90 degrees. Longitudinal manual traction in line of deformity was carried out in plantar flexion. The reposition continued with abduction and eversion simultaneously increasing dorsiflexion. It was made in the first attempt and completed instantly. Rehabilitation was initiated after 5 weeks of immobilization. One year after the injury, the functional outcome was excellent with full range of motion and the patient was symptom-free. For better interpretation of roentgenogram, bone model of subtalar dislocation was made using the cadaver bone. Conclusion. Although the treatment of such injury is usually successful, diagnosis can be difficult because it is a rare injury, and moreover, X-ray of the injury can be confusing due to superposition of bones. Radiograms revealed superposition of the calcaneus, tarsal and metatarsal bones which was radiographically visualized in the anterior-posterior projection as one osseous block inward from the talus, and on the lateral view as in an osteal block below the tibial bone. Prompt recognition of these injuries followed by proper, delicately closed reduction under anaesthesia is crucial for achieving a good functional result in case of medial subtalar dislocation.

  11. Diagnosis of radial tear of posterior horn of medial meniscus by MR imaging. Prospective study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Motoyama, Tatsuo; Ihara, Hidetoshi; Kawashima, Mahito


    It is not easy to detect radial tears of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus (torn posterior horn) under arthroscopy if the surgeon does not notice the tear before arthroscopy. Occasionally the tear goes undetected or is missed during arthroscopy. The sagittal view of MR imaging is very useful for diagnosing torn posterior horns. The normal posterior horn of the medial meniscus appears as an image of low intensity triangle of the sagittal MRI medial slice next to the PCL. On the contrary, the image of the torn posterior horn shows a high intensity triangle, so we refer to the feature as a white meniscus sign. We prospectively examined the accuracy of white meniscus sign of MRI. Forty-two knees in 41 patients were studied. They were over 40 years of age, diagnosed with medial meniscus tear and had undergone MRI before arthroscopy. Before arthroscopy, we predicted the existence of torn posterior horn by the white meniscus sign and examined the accuracy of the MRI after arthroscopy. Total accuracy rate was 90.5%, sensitivity was 94.1%, and specificity was 88.0%. We concluded that the white meniscus sign on MRI is very useful for defecting torn posterior horn of the medial meniscus. (author)

  12. Anatomical segmentation of the human medial prefrontal cortex

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Corcoles-Parada, M.; Müller, N.C.J.; Ubero, M.; Serrano-Del-Pueblo, V.M.; Mansilla, F.; Marcos-Rabal, P.; Artacho-Perula, E.; Dresler, M.; Insausti, R.; Fernandez, G.; Munoz-Lopez, M.


    The medial prefrontal areas 32, 24, 14, and 25 (mPFC) form part of the limbic memory system, but little is known about their functional specialization in humans. To add anatomical precision to structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, we aimed to identify these mPFC subareas

  13. An Isolated Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction with Patellar Tendon Autograft

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    Dariusz Witoński


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to evaluate the results of the medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction with a medial strip of patellar tendon autograft after a minimum 2-year followup. Ten patients (10 knees were operated on by one surgeon, according to the modified technique, described by Camanho, without any bone plug at free graft end. The mean age of the patients was 27.2 years (ranging from 18 to 42 years. The mean follow-up period was 3 years and 7 months. All patients were reviewed prospectively. At the last follow-up visit, all the patients demonstrated a significant improvement in terms of patellofemoral joint stability, all aspects of the KOOS questionnaire, and Kujala et al.’s score (59.7 points preoperatively and 84.4 points at the last followup. No patient revealed recurrent dislocation. The SF-36 score revealed a significant improvement in bodily pain, general health, physical role functioning, social role functioning, and physical functioning domains. The described MPFL reconstruction with the use of the medial 1/3rd of patella tendon is an effective procedure that gives satisfactorily patellofemoral joint functions, improves the quality of life, and provides much pain relief. It is relatively simple, surgically not extensive, and economically cost-effective procedure.

  14. Extrusion of the medial meniscus in knee osteoarthritis assessed with a rotating clino-orthostatic permanent-magnet MRI scanner. (United States)

    Paparo, Francesco; Revelli, Matteo; Piccazzo, Riccardo; Astengo, Davide; Camellino, Dario; Puntoni, Matteo; Muda, Alessandro; Rollandi, Gian Andrea; Garlaschi, Giacomo; Cimmino, Marco Amedeo


    The objectives of this study were to assess the influence of weight-bearing on tibiofemoral osteoarthritis, including medial meniscal extrusion, by using a low-field (0.25 T) rotating clino-orthostatic permanent-magnet magnetic resonance (MR) scanner, and to analyse correlations of medial meniscal extrusion with the patient's Kellgren-Lawrence score, body mass index, and all the osteoarthritis features of the WORMS scoring system. Twenty-six patients (69.2% women and 30.8% men; mean age 67 ± 9.7 years) with medial tibiofemoral knee osteoarthritis were prospectively enrolled and MR sequences were acquired in both clino- and orthostatic position. MR images were assessed by two independent radiologists, according to the WORMS scale. Medial meniscal extrusion was measured and its clino-orthostatic difference (∆MME) was calculated. Intra- and inter-observer agreement of the WORMS Global Score readings was high by Cohen's K test (>0.81). No significant clino-orthostatic changes in the scoring parameters of the medial tibiofemoral joint were shown by Wilcoxon's test. Medial meniscal extrusion measured on orthostatic images was significantly higher than that measured in clinostatic position (p < 0.0001). At univariate analysis, the Kellgren-Lawrence score, WORMS Global Score, cartilage loss, meniscal damage, and osteophytes were significantly correlated to ∆MME (p < 0.005). Using a multiple regression model, tibiofemoral cartilage loss was found to correlate independently with ∆MME (p = 0.0499). Medial meniscal extrusion, evaluated with an open-configuration, rotating MR scanner, increased from the clinostatic to the orthostatic position. ∆MME, a new meniscal parameter, correlated with several important features of medial tibiofemoral osteoarthritis.

  15. Asymmetry of medial and lateral temporal regional glucose metabolism in temporal lobe epilepsy by F-18-FDG PET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Dong Soo; Yeo, Jeong Seok; Song, Ho Cheon; Lee, Sang Kun; Kim, Hyun Jip; Chung, June Key; Lee, Myung Chul


    We investigated the difference of glucose metabolism of medial and lateral temporal lobes of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) utilizing quantitative comparison of regional metabolic activities using asymmetric index. We studied 19 pathologically proven mesial TLE and 25 lateral TLE patients. Lateral TLE patients were either normal on magnetic resonance imaging (cryptogenic: n=14) or had structural lesions (lesional: n=11). Asymmetric index (ASI) was calculated as [(ipsilateral contralateral)/(ipsilateral + contralateral )]x200. ASI of medial and lateral lobes of mesial TLE was decreased (-16.4±8.3 and -12.7± 5.5, respectively). In cryptogenic lateral TLE, ASI of lateral temporal lobe was decreased (-11.8± 4.7), whereas that of medial temporal lobe was not decreased (-4.6±6.3). ASI of medial lobe of lesional lateral TLE was -7.3±9.1, which was significantly different from that of mesial TLE (p<0.05). Patients with lesional lateral TLE had evident metabolic defects or decrease (ASI: -22±10.5) in lateral temporal lobe. While we could not find the difference of metabolic activity in lateral temporal lobes between cryptogenic lateral TLE and mesial TLE patients, the difference of metabolic activity was significant in medial temporal lobes which was revealed by ASI quantitation. Asymmetric decrease of metabolic activity in both medial and lateral temporal lobes indicates medial temporal epilepsy. Symmetry of metabolic activity in medial temporal lobe combined with asymmetry of that in lateral temporal lobe may give hints that the epileptogenic zone is lateral

  16. Correlation of the SLAP lesion with lesions of the medial sheath of the biceps tendon and intra-articular subscapularis tendon

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    Bennett William


    Full Text Available Background: Superior labral anterior to posterior (SLAP lesions have been well described in the literature and are thought to be secondary to traction injuries to the biceps anchor and/or falls on the outstretched arm. The pulley has recently been described as a structure that aids in the prevention of biceps instability. The intra-articular subscapularis insertion (IASS has been noted to contribute to the robust nature of the medial sheath. The purpose of the study was to determine a potential correlation of SLAP lesions and pulley lesions with/without IASS lesions, (hereafter referred to as medial sheath as forces that can disrupt the biceps anchor and may also disrupt structures of the medial sheath or vice-versa. Materials and Methods: Three hundred and sixteen consecutive shoulder arthroscopies performed by one surgeon were reviewed retrospectively. Operative reports and arthroscopic pictures were carefully reviewed with particular attention paid to the labral and pulley pathology. Selection bias was noted as the author had never operated primarily for a Type 1 SLAP lesion. Following, however, and as such, the exclusion criteria, was a Type 1 SLAP. Results: There were a total of 30 SLAP lesions and a total of 126 medial sheath lesions. There were 13 patients who had both SLAP and medial sheath lesions. There were 17 patients who had a SLAP lesion without a medial sheath lesion. There were 96 medial sheath lesions without a SLAP. A comparison of rates between patients who had a medial sheath lesion with a SLAP and those who had a medial sheath lesion without a SLAP, for the 316 patients, and when tested with a Fisher exact test revealed that there was no statistical significance, P = 0.673. The prevalence of SLAP lesions in this population of 316 patients was 9.4%, Buford 1%, medial sheath lesions 39%, and SLAP and medial sheath lesions 4%. Interestingly, there were three Buford complexes, all associated with a SLAP and one Buford complex

  17. El control de constitucionalidad y de legalidad ejercido por el poder legislativo (1811-1842

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    Miguel Malagón Pinzón


    Full Text Available Este escrito explora el control de los actos de los poderes legislativo y ejecutivo en Colombia, durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Se explica cómo el órgano encargado de ejercer dicho encausamiento era el poder legislativo, en forma de Senado de Censura o de Congreso. Configurando así un poder supremo sobre las otras ramas del Estado.

  18. Los orígenes de la industria algodonera en el Territorio Nacional del Chaco. Instalación del desmotado y las aceiterías

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    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir los inicios de la actividad algodonera en el Chaco, y los alcances logrados por las primeras fases de la industria local: el desmotado y las aceiterías. Explicar esta problemática obliga a abordar el origen del recurso, la evolución del régimen de tierras, la instalación del capital, la política crediticia, las políticas de fomento emprendidas, la comercialización, la crisis de 1926-27, y finalmente la culminación del proceso con la crisis mundial de 1929 y sus consecuencias sobre la producción local. Se enfatiza el hecho que ya desde sus cimientos se hizo evidente que la cade-na textil quedaría dividida geográficamente, y que el Chaco sólo podría desarrollar las fases menos complejas de esta rama, postergando la integración vertical que le hubiera permitido agregar valor y favorecer la superación de su condición de economía marginal. Abstract The aim of this paper is to describe the beginnings of the cotton activity in the province of Chaco, and the advancements accomplished by the first phases of the local oil factories and the ginning. To explain these processes determines to research the origin of the cotton cultivation, the evolution of the land regime, the investment of capital, the credit and stimulation policies, the trade, and finally, the conse-quences of the crisis of 1929 on the local activities. It is emphasized the fact that since the beginnings it was obvious the textile chain would be divided geographically, and that Chaco would only develop the less complex phases of it, delaying the vertical integration that would have allowed this province to add value to and favour the overcoming of its condition as a marginal economy.

  19. Medial temporal lobe damage impairs representation of simple stimuli

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    David E Warren


    Full Text Available Medial temporal lobe damage in humans is typically thought to produce a circumscribed impairment in the acquisition of new enduring memories, but recent reports have documented deficits even in short-term maintenance. We examined possible maintenance deficits in a population of medial temporal lobe amnesics, with the goal of characterizing their impairments as either representational drift or outright loss of representation over time. Patients and healthy comparisons performed a visual search task in which the similarity of various lures to a target was varied parametrically. Stimuli were simple shapes varying along one of several visual dimensions. The task was performed in two conditions, one presenting a sample target simultaneously with the search array and the other imposing a delay between sample and array. Eye-movement data collected during search revealed that the duration of fixations to items varied with lure-target similarity for all participants, i.e., fixations were longer for items more similar to the target. In the simultaneous condition, patients and comparisons exhibited an equivalent effect of similarity on fixation durations. However, imposing a delay modulated the effect differently for the two groups: in comparisons, fixation duration to similar items was exaggerated; in patients, the original effect was diminished. These findings indicate that medial temporal lobe lesions subtly impair short-term maintenance of even simple stimuli, with performance reflecting not the complete loss of the maintained representation but rather a degradation or progressive drift of the representation over time.

  20. Dopamine in the medial amygdala network mediates human bonding. (United States)

    Atzil, Shir; Touroutoglou, Alexandra; Rudy, Tali; Salcedo, Stephanie; Feldman, Ruth; Hooker, Jacob M; Dickerson, Bradford C; Catana, Ciprian; Barrett, Lisa Feldman


    Research in humans and nonhuman animals indicates that social affiliation, and particularly maternal bonding, depends on reward circuitry. Although numerous mechanistic studies in rodents demonstrated that maternal bonding depends on striatal dopamine transmission, the neurochemistry supporting maternal behavior in humans has not been described so far. In this study, we tested the role of central dopamine in human bonding. We applied a combined functional MRI-PET scanner to simultaneously probe mothers' dopamine responses to their infants and the connectivity between the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), the amygdala, and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), which form an intrinsic network (referred to as the "medial amygdala network") that supports social functioning. We also measured the mothers' behavioral synchrony with their infants and plasma oxytocin. The results of this study suggest that synchronous maternal behavior is associated with increased dopamine responses to the mother's infant and stronger intrinsic connectivity within the medial amygdala network. Moreover, stronger network connectivity is associated with increased dopamine responses within the network and decreased plasma oxytocin. Together, these data indicate that dopamine is involved in human bonding. Compared with other mammals, humans have an unusually complex social life. The complexity of human bonding cannot be fully captured in nonhuman animal models, particularly in pathological bonding, such as that in autistic spectrum disorder or postpartum depression. Thus, investigations of the neurochemistry of social bonding in humans, for which this study provides initial evidence, are warranted.

  1. Bilateral Medial Medullary Stroke: A Challenge in Early Diagnosis

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    Amir M. Torabi


    Full Text Available Bilateral medial medullary stroke is a very rare type of stroke, with catastrophic consequences. Early diagnosis is crucial. Here, I present a young patient with acute vertigo, progressive generalized weakness, dysarthria, and respiratory failure, who initially was misdiagnosed with acute vestibular syndrome. Initial brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI that was done in the acute phase was read as normal. Other possibilities were excluded by lumbar puncture and MRI of cervical spine. MR of C-spine showed lesion at medial medulla; therefore a second MRI of brain was requested, showed characteristic “heart appearance” shape at diffusion weighted (DWI, and confirmed bilateral medial medullary stroke. Retrospectively, a vague-defined hyperintense linear DWI signal at midline was noted in the first brain MRI. Because of the symmetric and midline pattern of this abnormal signal and similarity to an artifact, some radiologists or neurologists may miss this type of stroke. Radiologists and neurologists must recognize clinical and MRI findings of this rare type of stroke, which early treatment could make a difference in patient outcome. The abnormal DWI signal in early stages of this type of stroke may not be a typical “heart appearance” shape, and other variants such as small dot or linear DWI signal at midline must be recognized as early signs of stroke. Also, MRI of cervical spine may be helpful if there is attention to brainstem as well.

  2. Inverse relationship between the complexity of midfoot kinematics and muscle activation in patients with medial tibial stress syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rathleff, M S; Samani, Afshin; Olesen, C G


    Medial tibial stress syndrome is a common overuse injury characterized by pain located on the medial side of the lower leg during weight bearing activities such as gait. The purpose of this study was to apply linear and nonlinear methods to compare the structure of variability of midfoot kinematics...... and surface electromyographic (SEMG) signals between patients with medial tibial stress syndrome and healthy controls during gait. Fourteen patients diagnosed with medial tibial stress syndrome and 11 healthy controls were included from an orthopaedic clinic. SEMG from tibialis anterior and the soleus muscles...... as well as midfoot kinematics were recorded during 20 consecutive gait cycles. Permuted sample entropy and permutation entropy were used as a measure of complexity from SEMG signals and kinematics. SEMG signals in patients with medial tibial stress syndrome were characterized by higher structural...

  3. Medial-lateral organization of the orbitofrontal cortex. (United States)

    Rich, Erin L; Wallis, Jonathan D


    Emerging evidence suggests that specific cognitive functions localize to different subregions of OFC, but the nature of these functional distinctions remains unclear. One prominent theory, derived from human neuroimaging, proposes that different stimulus valences are processed in separate orbital regions, with medial and lateral OFC processing positive and negative stimuli, respectively. Thus far, neurophysiology data have not supported this theory. We attempted to reconcile these accounts by recording neural activity from the full medial-lateral extent of the orbital surface in monkeys receiving rewards and punishments via gain or loss of secondary reinforcement. We found no convincing evidence for valence selectivity in any orbital region. Instead, we report differences between neurons in central OFC and those on the inferior-lateral orbital convexity, in that they encoded different sources of value information provided by the behavioral task. Neurons in inferior convexity encoded the value of external stimuli, whereas those in OFC encoded value information derived from the structure of the behavioral task. We interpret these results in light of recent theories of OFC function and propose that these distinctions, not valence selectivity, may shed light on a fundamental organizing principle for value processing in orbital cortex.

  4. Medial prefrontal aberrations in major depressive disorder revealed by cytoarchitectonically informed voxel-based morphometry (United States)

    Bludau, Sebastian; Bzdok, Danilo; Gruber, Oliver; Kohn, Nils; Riedl, Valentin; Sorg, Christian; Palomero-Gallagher, Nicola; Müller, Veronika I.; Hoffstaedter, Felix; Amunts, Katrin; Eickhoff, Simon B.


    Objective The heterogeneous human frontal pole has been identified as a node in the dysfunctional network of major depressive disorder. The contribution of the medial (socio-affective) versus lateral (cognitive) frontal pole to major depression pathogenesis is currently unclear. The present study performs morphometric comparison of the microstructurally informed subdivisions of human frontal pole between depressed patients and controls using both uni- and multivariate statistics. Methods Multi-site voxel- and region-based morphometric MRI analysis of 73 depressed patients and 73 matched controls without psychiatric history. Frontal pole volume was first compared between depressed patients and controls by subdivision-wise classical morphometric analysis. In a second approach, frontal pole volume was compared by subdivision-naive multivariate searchlight analysis based on support vector machines. Results Subdivision-wise morphometric analysis found a significantly smaller medial frontal pole in depressed patients with a negative correlation of disease severity and duration. Histologically uninformed multivariate voxel-wise statistics provided converging evidence for structural aberrations specific to the microstructurally defined medial area of the frontal pole in depressed patients. Conclusions Across disparate methods, we demonstrated subregion specificity in the left medial frontal pole volume in depressed patients. Indeed, the frontal pole was shown to structurally and functionally connect to other key regions in major depression pathology like the anterior cingulate cortex and the amygdala via the uncinate fasciculus. Present and previous findings consolidate the left medial portion of the frontal pole as particularly altered in major depression. PMID:26621569

  5. Medial gastrocnemius myoelectric control of a robotic ankle exoskeleton. (United States)

    Kinnaird, Catherine R; Ferris, Daniel P


    A previous study from our laboratory showed that when soleus electromyography was used to control the amount of plantar flexion assistance from a robotic ankle exoskeleton, subjects significantly reduced their soleus activity to quickly return to normal gait kinematics. We speculated that subjects were primarily responding to the local mechanical assistance of the exoskeleton rather than directly attempting to reduce exoskeleton mechanical power via decreases in soleus activity. To test this observation we studied ten healthy subjects walking on a treadmill at 1.25 m/s while wearing a robotic exoskeleton proportionally controlled by medial gastrocnemius activation. We hypothesized that subjects would primarily decrease soleus activity due to its synergistic mechanics with the exoskeleton. Subjects decreased medial gastrocnemius recruitment by 12% ( p exoskeleton (soleus). These findings indicate that anatomical morphology needs to be considered carefully when designing software and hardware for robotic exoskeletons.

  6. Anomalous Medial Branch of Radial Artery: A Rare Variant

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    Surbhi Wadhwa


    Full Text Available Radial artery is an important consistent vessel of the upper limb. It is a useful vascular access site for coronary procedures and its reliable anatomy has resulted in an elevation of radial forearm flaps for reconstructive surgeries of head and neck. Technical failures, in both the procedures, are mainly due to anatomical variations, such as radial loops, ectopic radial arteries or tortuosity in the vessel. We present a rare and a unique anomalous medial branch of the radial artery spiraling around the flexor carpi radialis muscle in the forearm with a high rising superficial palmar branch of radial artery. Developmentally it probably is a remanent of the normal pattern of capillary vessel maintenance and regression. Such a case is of importance for reconstructive surgeons and coronary interventionists, especially in view of its unique medial and deep course.

  7. Analysis of medial deviation of center of pressure after initial heel contact in forefoot varus

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    Wei-Li Hsi


    Conclusion: The most medial CoP of the row and CoP% detected increased medial CoP deviation in FV ≥ 8°, and may be applied to other clinical conditions where rearfoot angle and CoP of the array after initial heel contact cannot detect significant differences.

  8. Caracterización del nervio digital palmar en el miembro anterior equino

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    Carolina Ortiz


    Full Text Available A partir de 60 miembros anteriores de caballos mestizos recolectados de un matadero en Santiago, Chile, se determinó que lo más frecuente es que el nervio digital palmar emita sus ramas dorsal y palmar antes (33% o al comienzo de la articulación metacarpofalángica (33%. En un 60% de los nervios analizados se evidenció la presencia de una a cuatro ramas accesorias y que ésta se presenta de manera similar entre diversas zonas, siendo la presentación más frecuente (26% en la zona de la articulación interfalángica proximal y que se dirigen hacia dorsal. En un 46,66% de las muestras el nervio digital palmar no se relaciona íntimamente con alguna estructura, seguido con 33,33% por la unión de éste al ligamento del espolón. Es muy poco frecuente que el nervio emita ramas superficiales que se dirijan hacia la dermis (6,66%, que se divida en tres grandes ramas en la articulación metacarpofalángica (3,33% o que pase bajo la arteria digital (3,33%, y más frecuente es que éste se disponga sobre la arteria en algún lugar de su recorrido hecho que ocurrió en el 35% de los casos. Estos resultados se presentan de manera relevante de considerar en procedimientos diagnósticos o quirúrgicos en la zona distal del miembro anterior del equino, ya que pueden alterar su sensibilidad y eficacia.

  9. Unicameral Bone Cyst of the Medial Cuneiform. (United States)

    Schick, Faith A; Daniel, Joseph N; Miller, Juliane S


    A unicameral bone cyst is a relatively uncommon, benign bone tumor found in the metaphysis of long bones, such as the humerus and the femur, in skeletally immature persons. In the foot, these benign, fluid-filled cavities are most commonly found within the os calcis. We present a case report of a 10-year-old female with a unicameral bone cyst of the medial cuneiform.

  10. Impacto del activismo judicial sobre la garantía del derecho a la educación en Santiago de Cali

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    Gabriela Recalde Castañeda


    Full Text Available La Corte Constitucional a través de la sentencia T-025 de 2004, declaró el estado de cosas inconstitucional en el caso del desplazamiento forzado en Colombia. Este tipo de decisiones ha sido objeto de debate acerca de la función que les corresponde, o no, cumplir a los jueces dentro de la formulación y seguimiento de las políticas públicas que garantizan derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, como la educación. El denominado activismo judicial ha visibilizado la necesidad de replantear la noción clásica de la separación de poderes y las relaciones entre ramas del Poder Público. A partir de la revisión de la situación de acceso y de las condiciones de permanencia en el sistema educativo de 285 menores, vinculados a una organización de población desplazada, y con el propósito de aportar algunas conclusiones a la comprensión de las relaciones entre ramas, este artículo pretende mostrar cómo un gobierno local, en este caso el de Santiago de Cali, ha adoptado la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional para elaborar una política pública educativa dirigida a menores en situación de desplazamiento forzado. Se pretende esclarecer los alcances del activismo judicial a nivel local y predecir posibles efectos del uso de los indicadores o de la regulación que, en el caso de desplazamiento, se genera a partir del fallo judicial.

  11. Aspectos epistemológicos y metodológicos de la comunicación empresarial e institucional

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    Jorge Cardoso Castro


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es básicamente una reflexión epistemológica y metodológica sobre la Comunicación Empresarial (Corporativa e Institucional en cuanto disciplina académica. El trabajo parte de la tesis, que se pretende demostrar, de que la comunicación corporativa podría constituirse en una rama independiente dentro de las ciencias de la comunicación, del mismo modo que ya lo son el Periodismo, la Comunicación Audiovisual, la Publicidad y las Relaciones Públicas. Admitiendo el supuesto de que la Comunicación en las organizaciones va más allá de una simple acción de relaciones públicas, se busca ampliar el concepto de comunicación corporativa. Para ello, se barajan diversos argumentos que demuestran la autonomía de dicha disciplina en el contexto de las Ciencias de la Comunicación, como son el objeto de estudio, la doble naturaleza de saber práctico y saber científico de la disciplina, la intersección entre comunicación social e interpersonal y el carácter interdisciplinar de la materia y sus elementos constitutivos. Asimismo, el artículo ofrece un pequeño compendio sobre los aspectos metodológicos de la comunicación corporativa dirigido a un mejor entendimiento de los métodos y técnicas de investigación propios de esta rama científica.

  12. Medialized repair for retracted rotator cuff tears. (United States)

    Kim, Young-Kyu; Jung, Kyu-Hak; Won, Jun-Sung; Cho, Seung-Hyun


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the functional outcomes of medialized rotator cuff repair and the continuity of repaired tendon in chronic retracted rotator cuff tears. Thirty-five consecutive patients were selected from 153 cases that underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair for more than medium-sized posterosuperior rotator cuff tears between July 2009 and July 2012 performed with the medialized repair. All cases were available for at least 2 years of postoperative follow-up. The visual analog scale of pain, muscle strength, Constant score, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) score, and University of California-Los Angeles score were evaluated. At the final follow-up, all clinical outcomes were significantly improved. The visual analog scale score for pain improved from 6 ± 1 preoperatively to 2 ± 1 postoperatively. The range of motion increased from preoperatively to postoperatively: active forward elevation, from 134° ± 49° to 150° ± 16°; active external rotation at the side, from 47° ± 15° to 55° ± 10°; and active internal rotation, from L3 to L1. The shoulder score also improved: Constant score, from 53.5 ± 16.7 to 79 ± 10; American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons score, from 51 ± 15 to 82 ± 8; and University of California-Los Angeles score, from 14 ± 4 to 28 ± 4. The retear cases at the final follow-up were 6 (17%). Medialized repair may be useful in cases in which anatomic bone-to-tendon repair would be difficult because of the excessive tension of the repaired tendon and a torn tendon that does not reach the anatomic insertion. Copyright © 2016 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Distinct medial temporal networks encode surprise during motivation by reward versus punishment (United States)

    Murty, Vishnu P.; LaBar, Kevin S.; Adcock, R. Alison


    Adaptive motivated behavior requires predictive internal representations of the environment, and surprising events are indications for encoding new representations of the environment. The medial temporal lobe memory system, including the hippocampus and surrounding cortex, encodes surprising events and is influenced by motivational state. Because behavior reflects the goals of an individual, we investigated whether motivational valence (i.e., pursuing rewards versus avoiding punishments) also impacts neural and mnemonic encoding of surprising events. During functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), participants encountered perceptually unexpected events either during the pursuit of rewards or avoidance of punishments. Despite similar levels of motivation across groups, reward and punishment facilitated the processing of surprising events in different medial temporal lobe regions. Whereas during reward motivation, perceptual surprises enhanced activation in the hippocampus, during punishment motivation surprises instead enhanced activation in parahippocampal cortex. Further, we found that reward motivation facilitated hippocampal coupling with ventromedial PFC, whereas punishment motivation facilitated parahippocampal cortical coupling with orbitofrontal cortex. Behaviorally, post-scan testing revealed that reward, but not punishment, motivation resulted in greater memory selectivity for surprising events encountered during goal pursuit. Together these findings demonstrate that neuromodulatory systems engaged by anticipation of reward and punishment target separate components of the medial temporal lobe, modulating medial temporal lobe sensitivity and connectivity. Thus, reward and punishment motivation yield distinct neural contexts for learning, with distinct consequences for how surprises are incorporated into predictive mnemonic models of the environment. PMID:26854903

  14. Distinct medial temporal networks encode surprise during motivation by reward versus punishment. (United States)

    Murty, Vishnu P; LaBar, Kevin S; Adcock, R Alison


    Adaptive motivated behavior requires predictive internal representations of the environment, and surprising events are indications for encoding new representations of the environment. The medial temporal lobe memory system, including the hippocampus and surrounding cortex, encodes surprising events and is influenced by motivational state. Because behavior reflects the goals of an individual, we investigated whether motivational valence (i.e., pursuing rewards versus avoiding punishments) also impacts neural and mnemonic encoding of surprising events. During functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), participants encountered perceptually unexpected events either during the pursuit of rewards or avoidance of punishments. Despite similar levels of motivation across groups, reward and punishment facilitated the processing of surprising events in different medial temporal lobe regions. Whereas during reward motivation, perceptual surprises enhanced activation in the hippocampus, during punishment motivation surprises instead enhanced activation in parahippocampal cortex. Further, we found that reward motivation facilitated hippocampal coupling with ventromedial PFC, whereas punishment motivation facilitated parahippocampal cortical coupling with orbitofrontal cortex. Behaviorally, post-scan testing revealed that reward, but not punishment, motivation resulted in greater memory selectivity for surprising events encountered during goal pursuit. Together these findings demonstrate that neuromodulatory systems engaged by anticipation of reward and punishment target separate components of the medial temporal lobe, modulating medial temporal lobe sensitivity and connectivity. Thus, reward and punishment motivation yield distinct neural contexts for learning, with distinct consequences for how surprises are incorporated into predictive mnemonic models of the environment. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Clinical Outcome of Medial Pivot Compared With Press-Fit Condylar Sigma Cruciate-Retaining Mobile-Bearing Total Knee Arthroplasty. (United States)

    Kim, Young-Hoo; Park, Jang-Won; Kim, Jun-Shik


    The purpose of this study was to compare the long-term clinical results, radiographic results, range of knee motion, patient satisfaction, and the survival rate of Medial-Pivot posterior cruciate-substituting, knee prosthesis and a press-fit condylar (PFC) Sigma cruciate-retaining mobile-bearing knee prosthesis in the same patients. One hundred eighty-two patients received Medial-Pivot knee prosthesis in one knee and a PFC Sigma knee prosthesis in the contralateral knee. The minimum duration of follow-up was 11 years (range, 11-12.6 years). The knees with a Medial-Pivot knee prosthesis had significantly worse results than those with a PFC Sigma knee prosthesis at the final follow-up with regard to the mean postoperative Knee Society knee scores (90 compared with 95 points), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index score (25 compared with 18 points), and range of knee motion (117° compared with 128°). Patients were more satisfied with PFC Sigma knee prosthesis (93%) than with Medial-Pivot knee prosthesis (75%). Complication rates were significantly higher in the Medial-Pivot knee group (26%) than those in the PFC Sigma knee group (6.5%). Radiographic results and survival rates (99% compared with 99.5%) were similar between the 2 groups. Although the long-term fixation and survival rate of both Medial-Pivot and PFC Sigma prostheses were similar, we observed a worse knee score, worse range of knee motion, and patient satisfaction was less in the Medial-Pivot knee group than in the PFC Sigma knee group. Furthermore, complication rate was also higher in the Medial-Pivot knee group than the other group. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. 3D surface parameterization using manifold learning for medial shape representation (United States)

    Ward, Aaron D.; Hamarneh, Ghassan


    The choice of 3D shape representation for anatomical structures determines the effectiveness with which segmentation, visualization, deformation, and shape statistics are performed. Medial axis-based shape representations have attracted considerable attention due to their inherent ability to encode information about the natural geometry of parts of the anatomy. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, based on nonlinear manifold learning, to the parameterization of medial sheets and object surfaces based on the results of skeletonization. For each single-sheet figure in an anatomical structure, we skeletonize the figure, and classify its surface points according to whether they lie on the upper or lower surface, based on their relationship to the skeleton points. We then perform nonlinear dimensionality reduction on the skeleton, upper, and lower surface points, to find the intrinsic 2D coordinate system of each. We then center a planar mesh over each of the low-dimensional representations of the points, and map the meshes back to 3D using the mappings obtained by manifold learning. Correspondence between mesh vertices, established in their intrinsic 2D coordinate spaces, is used in order to compute the thickness vectors emanating from the medial sheet. We show results of our algorithm on real brain and musculoskeletal structures extracted from MRI, as well as an artificial multi-sheet example. The main advantages to this method are its relative simplicity and noniterative nature, and its ability to correctly compute nonintersecting thickness vectors for a medial sheet regardless of both the amount of coincident bending and thickness in the object, and of the incidence of local concavities and convexities in the object's surface.

  17. Diverse cellular architecture of atherosclerotic plaque derives from clonal expansion of a few medial SMCs. (United States)

    Jacobsen, Kevin; Lund, Marie Bek; Shim, Jeong; Gunnersen, Stine; Füchtbauer, Ernst-Martin; Kjolby, Mads; Carramolino, Laura; Bentzon, Jacob Fog


    Fibrous cap smooth muscle cells (SMCs) protect atherosclerotic lesions from rupturing and causing thrombosis, while other plaque SMCs may have detrimental roles in plaque development. To gain insight into recruitment of different plaque SMCs, we mapped their clonal architecture in aggregation chimeras of eGFP+Apoe-/- and Apoe-/- mouse embryos and in mice with a mosaic expression of fluorescent proteins in medial SMCs that were rendered atherosclerotic by PCSK9-induced hypercholesterolemia. Fibrous caps in aggregation chimeras were found constructed from large, endothelial-aligned layers of either eGFP+ or nonfluorescent SMCs, indicating substantial clonal expansion of a few cells. Similarly, plaques in mice with SMC-restricted Confetti expression showed oligoclonal SMC populations with little intermixing between the progeny of different medial SMCs. Phenotypes comprised both ACTA2+ SMCs in the cap and heterogeneous ACTA2- SMCs in the plaque interior, including chondrocyte-like cells and cells with intracellular lipid and crystalline material. Fibrous cap SMCs were invariably arranged in endothelium-aligned clonal sheets, confirming results in the aggregation chimeras. Analysis of the clonal structure showed that a low number of local medial SMCs partake in atherosclerosis and that single medial SMCs can produce several different SMC phenotypes in plaque. The combined results show that few medial SMCs proliferate to form the entire phenotypically heterogeneous plaque SMC population in murine atherosclerosis.

  18. MR imaging appearance of insufficiency fractures of the medial tibial plateau

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laredo, J.D.; Savy, J.M.; Oreel, P.; Liote, F.; Kuntz, D.; Kaplan, G.


    This paper reports on the etiology of a painful syndrome of the medial tibial plateau (MTP) in elderly patients. Findings include acute pain of the medial aspect of the knee, normal plain radiographs, and increased uptake of the MTP on bone scans. It has been related to osteonecrosis in most cases and, more rarely, to an insufficiency fracture. To our knowledge, no MR studies of patients with this syndrome have been previously reported. Five patients presenting with this syndrome (age > 59 years) were studied with MR imaging. In all five cases, initial plain radiographs were normal and increased uptake of the MTP was found on bone scans

  19. Endoscopic modified medial maxillectomy for treatment of inverted papilloma originating from the maxillary sinus. (United States)

    Erbek, Selim S; Koycu, Alper; Buyuklu, Fuat


    Endoscopic approaches have become an alternative to external approaches in the treatment of sinonasal inverted papillomas (IPs) in recent years. The aim of this study was to analyze the outcomes of endoscopic modified medial maxillectomy preserving the nasolacrimal duct and the inferior turbinate in selected IP cases. Medical charts of patients diagnosed with IP originating from the maxillary sinus between July 2008 and August 2013 were reviewed. Eight patients who had undergone endoscopic modified medial maxillectomy were included in the study. Attachment of IP was located on the medial wall of the maxillary sinus in all cases. The nasolacrimal duct was preserved in all of the patients. The inferior turbinate was completely preserved in 5 patients, and the anterior part of the inferior turbinate was preserved in 3 patients. The mean follow-up period of the patients was 30.8 months (12-60  mo). None of the patients had recurrence or major complications. The postoperative complaints were minor hemorrhagic discharge and crusting for the first few weeks. Endoscopic modified medial maxillectomy preserving the nasolacrimal duct and the inferior turbinate provides good surgical and functional outcomes in selected IP cases.


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    Bhavana Dattaram Desai


    Full Text Available Background: Medial to lateral tapping and exercise programme has been found to be effective in Lateral epicondylitis. The purpose to find the combined effect of Medial to lateral tapping with exercise programme for subjects with lateral epicondylitis on pain intensity and functional ability. Method: An experimental study design, selected 40 subjects with Lateral epicondylitis randomized 20 subjects each into Study and Control group. Control group received only exercise programme while study group received combined medial to lateral tapping with exercise programme thrice a week for 4 weeks. Pain intensity was measured using Visual analogue scale and functional ability was measured using Patient Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation questionnaire before and after 4 weeks of treatment. Results: When the post-intervention means were compared between Study and Control group after 4 weeks of treatment found statistically significant difference in the improvement in outcomes measures in means of VAS and PRTEE before and after intervention within the groups. Conclusion: It is concluded that the Medial to lateral tapping with exercise programme is more effective than the exercise programme in reduction of pain and improve functional abilities for subjects with Lateral epicondylitis.

  1. Connections of the medial posterior parietal cortex (area 7m) in the monkey. (United States)

    Leichnetz, G R


    The afferent and efferent cortical and subcortical connections of the medial posterior parietal cortex (area 7m) were studied in cebus (Cebus apella) and macaque (Macaca fascicularis) monkeys using the retrograde and anterograde capabilities of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. The principal intraparietal corticocortical connections of area 7m in both cebus and macaque cases were with the ipsilateral medial bank of the intraparietal sulcus (MIP) and adjacent superior parietal lobule (area 5), inferior parietal lobule (area 7a), lateral bank of the IPS (area 7ip), caudal parietal operculum (PGop), dorsal bank of the caudal superior temporal sulcus (visual area MST), and medial prestriate cortex (including visual area PO and caudal medial lobule). Its principal frontal corticocortical connections were with the prefrontal cortex in the shoulder above the principal sulcus and the cortex in the shoulder above the superior ramus of the arcuate sulcus (SAS), the area purported to contain the smooth eye movement-related frontal eye field (FEFsem) in the cebus monkey by other investigators. There were moderate connections with the cortex in the rostral bank of the arcuate sulcus (purported to contain the saccade-related frontal eye field; FEFsac), supplementary eye field (SEF), and rostral dorsal premotor area (PMDr). Area 7m also had major connections with the cingulate cortex (area 23), particularly the ventral bank of the cingulate sulcus. The principal subcortical connections of area 7m were with the dorsal portion of the ventrolateral thalamic (VLc) nucleus, lateral posterior thalamic nucleus, lateral pulvinar, caudal mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and medial pulvinar, central lateral, central superior lateral, and central inferior intralaminar thalamic nuclei, dorsolateral caudate nucleus and putamen, middle region of the claustrum, nucleus of the diagonal band, zona incerta, pregeniculate nucleus, anterior and posterior pretectal nuclei, intermediate layer of

  2. [Medial unicompartmental knee prosthesis for patients with unicompartmental gonarthrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kort, N.P.; Deutman, R.; Raay, J.J. van; Horn, J.R. van


    The function and survival time of unicompartmental knee prostheses for patients with severe gonarthrosis have been improved the past few years by developments in their design, the instrumentarium and the surgical technique. A medial unicompartmental knee prosthesis may be indicated in patients with

  3. Investigación en Progreso: Propuesta de Proceso para Ingeniería de Explotación de Información Centrado en Métodos y Técnicas: Núcleo IMMAT

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    Ezequiel Baldizzoni


    Full Text Available Debido a que las organizaciones generan grandes cantidades de información, el éxito de los negocios depende de la habilidad para entender las nuevas tendencias o cambios ocultos en sus datos. Gracias a la ingeniería de explotación de información se pueden identificar estas tendencias y cambios. Con el fin de mejorar este proceso se intenta adaptar a esta rama de la ingeniería los métodos y técnicas propuestas por Semat para la ingeniería de software partiendo de los procesos existentes.

  4. Geomecánica en el minado subterráneo: caso Mina Condestable


    Córdova Rojas, Néstor David; Córdova Rojas, Néstor David


    La mecánica de rocas o más ampliamente la geomecánica, tal como se le conoce en la actualidad, es una disciplina que en las últimas tres décadas ha tenido grandes progresos, convirtiéndose en una herramienta tecnológica más en la industria minera en particular y en otras ramas de la ingeniería en general. Para su aplicación efectiva al minado subterráneo, a donde se dirige la presente tesis, las actividades geomecánicas que se realizan en una mina deben ser conducidas en un medio ambiente ...

  5. AGUACATE Y SAUCE: Nuevos hospederos del pasador del cafeto, Xylosandrus (Xyleborus morigerus Bland.

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    Vélez Angel Raúl


    Full Text Available El pasador de las ramas del cafeto, Xylosandrus (Xyleborus morigerus Bland , es una de las plagas más severas que afectan al cultivo del cafeto en el mundo. Pertenece al grupo de los escolítidos ambrosiales, grupo de coleópteros diminutos dentro de la familia Scolytidae, el cual se caracteriza porque sus integrantes perforan el duramen de muchos árboles y algunos lo hacen en frutos o semillas, como es el caso de la broca del café. Hypothenemus (Stephanoderes hampei, cuya presencia aún no se ha confirmado en Colombia.

  6. competencia con China

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    Elena de la Paz Hernández Águila


    Full Text Available El artículo ofrece un diagnóstico del desempeño de la industria mexicana del calzado desde la década de los ochenta hasta la actualidad. Analiza la problemática que ha enfrentado esta rama industrial a partir del proceso de apertura comercial y de la competencia en su mercado interno con productos provenientes de países asiáticos, particularmente China. Problematiza al respecto los retos y las perspectivas que a mediano plazo enfrentará este sector empresarial y sobre las posibilidades de competir en el mercado globalizado.

  7. Integración entre pedagogía y tecnología en la enseñanza del cálculo de varias variables


    Rojas Flórez, Luis Carlos


    En la actualidad, las competencias que deben alcanzar los estudiantes en el ramas de las matemáticas y más específicamente en el Cálculo, están orientadas más a la comprensión y aplicación de los conocimientos a situaciones de la vida real que a la memorización y/o uso de estos en procedimientos mecánicos y repetitivos; es decir, exigen relacionarlos, interpretarlos y extrapolarlos a diferentes situaciones de manera flexible y eficaz -- Lamentablemente la realidad que muestra gran parte de lo...

  8. La IED en la industria de tecnologias de la informacion

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    De la Garza, U.


    Full Text Available La industria de tecnologías de la información y en especial el sector del software se han constituido en los últimos años como sectores con una gran influencia en todas las ramas de la actividad económica. El conocimiento de sus principales características y de los factores que favorecen las inversiones en los sectores mencionados pueden ayudar a generar acciones que favorezcan su crecimiento y desarrollo, a fin de que los efectos transversales que se tienen impacten favorablemente en el crecimiento económico del país.

  9. Inferencia de emociones a través de detección corporal y facial


    Rey Mendo, Juan Antonio


    La emoción, del latín emotĭo (impulso) es la reacción a un estímulo externo a partir de una experiencia previa, además de la base de la comunicación no verbal. Se está produciendo un cambio en los paradigmas de interacción entre las personas y los ordenadores (de su estudio se ocupa la rama conocida como HCI, por sus siglas en inglés): actualmente las interacciones realizadas son más naturales (dispositivos táctiles) y normalmente a una distancia mayor (control a distancia de dispositivos). E...

  10. Fundación Premio Nacional de Epilepsia “Margaret Merz de Fandiño”


    Jaime Fandiño-Franky


    La Fundación se creó para apoyar e incentivar a los investigadores jóvenes colombianos en el estudio de las ciencias del saber relacionadas con la epilepsia.

    Por largos años un grupo de personas naturales y jurídicas han tenido la intención de fomentar entre los jóvenes investigadores colombianos la investigación en las ciencias epileptológicas, ya sea en el aspecto médico, jurídico, de derechos humanos, rehabilitación y en general cualquier rama del saber humano. L...

  11. Rendimientos de la educación en la Argentina: un análisis de cohortes


    Margot, Diego


    A partir del trabajo de Gary Becker (1964) se ha desarrollado considerablemente una rama de la literatura que ve la decisión de educarse como un proyecto de inversión. El activo en el que se invierte es capital humano, y las herramientas analíticas utilizadas para estudiar este problema son similares a las utilizadas para el caso del capital físico. Esta literatura generó un cambió en el foco de atención de numerosos problemas de economía laboral: la variable empírica de interés dejó de ser e...

  12. Diseño, construcción y puesta a punto de un banco de pruebas para el estudio del golpe de ariete en instalaciones hidráulicas


    Calonge Hervás, Cynthia María


    El objetivo del presente trabajo sobre el diseño, construcción y puesta a punto de una instalación para ensayos de golpe de ariete es profundizar en el estudio de dicho fenómeno. En el documento se describe de manera teórica el golpe de ariete, los efectos que produce y las aplicaciones que tiene. Se incluyen los cálculos y los bocetos del diseño de la instalación. Para ello, se aplican conocimientos de las asignaturas de la rama Fluidomecánica y de CAD. Contiene también ...

  13. A Medial Malleolar "Fleck Sign" May Predict Ankle Instability in Ligamentous Supination External Rotation Ankle Fractures. (United States)

    Nwosu, Kenneth; Schneiderman, Brian Andrew; Shymon, Stephen Joseph; Harris, Thomas


    Ankle joint stability dictates treatment in ligamentous supination external rotation ankle injuries (LSERAI). Investigation of the medial structures that support the ankle mortise is critical, and a small avulsion fracture, or "fleck", of the medial malleolus is occasionally encountered. This study aimed to assess the utility of this medial malleolus fleck sign (MMFS) in diagnosing instability requiring surgery in LSERAI. This retrospective observational study examined 166 LSERAI at a single level I trauma center. A standardized diagnostic and treatment protocol for ankle fractures was followed. LSERAI at presentation were reported as having a normal, dynamically wide, or statically wide medial clear space. Patient demographics, MMFS characteristics, and the use of operative management were recorded. MMFS incidence in the cohort was 16 (10%) of 166 and was present in 25% of patients with unstable LSERAI. Fifteen (94%) of 16 patients with a MMFS were deemed to have an unstable LSERAI (P < .005). MMFS had a 25% sensitivity and 99% specificity in diagnosing an unstable LSERAI. For the subgroup of patients without a statically wide medial clear space, MMFS had a 50% sensitivity and 99% specificity in determining instability. A MMFS may be indicative of an unstable LSERAI. With previous MRI studies demonstrating complete deltoid disruption in unstable LSERAI, we deduce the MMFS may be associated with extensive deltoid incompetence. The MMFS may help to diagnose a complete deltoid injury in LSERAI with a normal medial clear space, which could influence treatment and reduce patient morbidity, radiation exposure, and healthcare costs. Level III: Retrospective Cohort Study.

  14. Relationship between Wiberg's lateral center edge angle, Lequesne's acetabular index, and medial acetabular bone stock

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Werner, Clement M.L. [Balgrist University Hospital Zurich, Department of Orthopaedics, Zurich (Switzerland); University of Maryland Medical Systems, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Baltimore, MD (United States); Copeland, Carol E.; Stromberg, Jeff; Turen, Clifford H. [University of Maryland Medical Systems, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Baltimore, MD (United States); Ruckstuhl, Thomas; Bouaicha, Samy [Balgrist University Hospital Zurich, Department of Orthopaedics, Zurich (Switzerland)


    Knowledge of acetabular anatomy is crucial for cup positioning in total hip replacement. Medial wall thickness of the acetabulum is known to correlate with the degree of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). No data exist about the relationship of routinely used radiographic parameters such as Wiberg's lateral center edge angle (LCE-angle) or Lequesne's acetabular index (AI) with thickness of the medial acetabular wall in the general population. The aim of our study was to clarify the relationship between LCE, AI, and thickness of the medial acetabular wall. Measurements on plain radiographs (LCE and AI) and axial CT scans (quadrilateral plate acetabular distance QPAD) of 1,201 individuals (2,402 hips) were obtained using a PACS imaging program and statistical analyses were performed. The mean thickness of the medial acetabulum bone stock (QPAD) was 1.08 mm (95% CI: 1.05-1.10) with a range of 0.1 to 8.8 mm. For pathological values of either the LCE (<20 ) or the AI (>12 ) the medial acetabular wall showed to be thicker than in radiological normal hips. The overall correlation between coxometric indices and medial acetabular was weak for LCE (r =-0.21. 95% CI [-0.25, -0.17]) and moderate for AI (r = 0.37, [0.33, 0.41]). We did not find a linear relationship between Wiberg's lateral center edge angle, Lequesne's acetabular index and medial acetabular bone stock in radiological normal hips but medial acetabular wall thickness increases with dysplastic indices. (orig.)

  15. Familial Discoid Medial Meniscus Tear in Three Members of a Family: A Case Report and Review of Literature


    Ahmed Ali, Raheel; McKay, Scott


    Background. A discoid meniscus is a thickened variant of the normal C-shaped meniscus prone to injury. Discoid medial meniscal tears have rarely been reported within families and may suggest familial or developmental origins. Methods. We report the cases of two Caucasian brothers with symptomatic discoid medial meniscus tears. A literature review was conducted addressing discoid medial meniscus and cases of familial meniscus tears. Case Presentation. Physically active brothers presented with ...

  16. Las creencias y las concepciones. Perspectivas complementarias

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    Fuensanta HERNÁNDEZ PINA


    Full Text Available Las creencias y las concepciones sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje que los profesores sostienen como docentes es una línea de investigación que está suponiendo un avance en el conocimiento sobre factores relevantes para la mejor de la educación. Desde hace más de dos décadas han sido numerosos los investigadores que han venido proporcionando resultados de investigación en torno a las creencias y las concepciones de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje lo que ha supuesto establecer nuevas e interesantes interpretaciones en dicha relación. En el trabajo que presentamos se abordan algunas de las aportaciones sobre dichas creencias y sobre las concepciones de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje.

  17. Modification of endoscopic medial maxillectomy: a novel approach for inverted papilloma of the maxillary sinus. (United States)

    Ghosh, A; Pal, S; Srivastava, A; Saha, S


    To describe modification to endoscopic medial maxillectomy for treating extensive Krouse stage II or III inverted papilloma of the nasal and maxillary sinus. Ten patients with inverted papilloma arising from the nasoantral area underwent diagnostic nasal endoscopy, contrast-enhanced computed tomography scanning of the paranasal sinus and pre-operative biopsy of the nasal mass. They were all managed using endoscopic medial maxillectomy and followed up for seven months to three years without recurrence. Most patients were aged 41-60 years at presentation, and most were male. Presenting symptoms were nasal obstruction, mass in the nasal cavity and epistaxis. In each case, computed tomography imaging showed a mass involving the nasal cavity and maxillary sinus, with bony remodelling. The endoscopic medial maxillectomy approach was modified by making an incision in the pyriform aperture and removing part of the anterolateral wall of the maxilla bone en bloc. Modified endoscopic medial maxillectomy providing full access to the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses is described in detail. This effective, reproducible technique is associated with reduced operative time and morbidity.

  18. MR imaging of the anatomy of the anterior horn of the medial meniscus. (United States)

    De Coninck, Tineke; Vanrietvelde, Frederik; Seynaeve, Patrick; Verdonk, Peter; Verstraete, Koenraad


    Background In cadaveric and arthroscopic studies different insertion locations of the anterior horn of the medial meniscus (AHMM) have been described. Purpose To investigate if the different insertion locations of the AHMM, as described in cadaveric studies, can be determined on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Material and Methods MR images of 100 patients without meniscal tears on MRI were retrospectively evaluated. Two observers classified the AHMM insertion based on its position relative to the anterior tibial edge and the medial tibial spine. The association between AHMM insertion and tibial plateau slope, meniscal radial displacement, and anterior intermeniscal ligament (AIL) presence was investigated. Results The AHMM inserted posterior to the anterior tibial edge in 93 knees and anterior to the tibial edge in seven knees (= type III). Of the 93 knees with AHMM insertion posterior to the anterior tibial edge, 63 inserted lateral to the medial tibial spine (= type I) and 30 medial (= type II). The AHMMs inserting anterior to the tibial edge had a significantly ( P  0.05). A strong inter- and intra-observer agreement was observed. Conclusion Three different bony insertion locations of the AHMM, as described in cadaveric studies, could be identified on MRI. All AHMMs inserting anterior to the tibial edge displayed an AIL. Whether there is a clinical correlation with these insertion patterns remains unclear.

  19. Contributions of Medial Temporal Lobe and Striatal Memory Systems to Learning and Retrieving Overlapping Spatial Memories (United States)

    Brown, Thackery I.; Stern, Chantal E.


    Many life experiences share information with other memories. In order to make decisions based on overlapping memories, we need to distinguish between experiences to determine the appropriate behavior for the current situation. Previous work suggests that the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and medial caudate interact to support the retrieval of overlapping navigational memories in different contexts. The present study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in humans to test the prediction that the MTL and medial caudate play complementary roles in learning novel mazes that cross paths with, and must be distinguished from, previously learned routes. During fMRI scanning, participants navigated virtual routes that were well learned from prior training while also learning new mazes. Critically, some routes learned during scanning shared hallways with those learned during pre-scan training. Overlap between mazes required participants to use contextual cues to select between alternative behaviors. Results demonstrated parahippocampal cortex activity specific for novel spatial cues that distinguish between overlapping routes. The hippocampus and medial caudate were active for learning overlapping spatial memories, and increased their activity for previously learned routes when they became context dependent. Our findings provide novel evidence that the MTL and medial caudate play complementary roles in the learning, updating, and execution of context-dependent navigational behaviors. PMID:23448868

  20. Medial peritalar fracture dislocation of the talar body

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    Jacob B. Stirton


    Full Text Available Peritalar fracture dislocations typically involve the talar neck and are classified according to Hawkins. To our knowledge, peritalar fracture dislocation involving the talar body has not been formally reported. In this article, we describe a case of peritalar fracture dislocation of the talar body. Keywords: Peritalar dislocation, Talus fracture, Talar body fracture dislocation, Medial subtalar dislocation

  1. ¿Quién habla de las mujeres en las noticias donde ellas son las protagonistas?

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    Ana Tamarit


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un análisis de las fuentes que los periodistas utilizan en las informaciones donde las mujeres son protagonistas de las noticias. La investigación -cuantitativa y cualitativa- se ha realizado en los periódicos de ámbito nacional y local de Castilla y León. Con los resultados obtenidos observamos cómo en los periódicos las noticias que hablan de las mujeres en la mayoría de las ocasiones no se firman. Comprobamos cuáles son las fuentes más utilizadas para la elaboración de esas noticias y las diferentes formas de citar a la fuente cuando se trata de un hombre o de una mujer.

  2. Medial tibial plateau morphology and stress fracture location: A magnetic resonance imaging study


    Yukata, Kiminori; Yamanaka, Issei; Ueda, Yuzuru; Nakai, Sho; Ogasa, Hiroyoshi; Oishi, Yosuke; Hamawaki, Jun-ichi


    AIM To determine the location of medial tibial plateau stress fractures and its relationship with tibial plateau morphology using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS A retrospective review of patients with a diagnosis of stress fracture of the medial tibial plateau was performed for a 5-year period. Fourteen patients [three female and 11 male, with an average age of 36.4 years (range, 15-50 years)], who underwent knee MRI, were included. The appearance of the tibial plateau stress fract...

  3. Computed Tomographic Distinction of Intimal and Medial Calcification in the Intracranial Internal Carotid Artery


    Kockelkoren, Remko; Vos, Annelotte; Van Hecke, Wim; Vink, Aryan; Bleys, Ronald L. A. W.; Verdoorn, Daphne; Mali, Willem P. Th. M.; Hendrikse, Jeroen; Koek, Huiberdina L.; de Jong, Pim A.; De Vis, Jill B.


    BACKGROUND: Intracranial internal carotid artery (iICA) calcification is associated with stroke and is often seen as a proxy of atherosclerosis of the intima. However, it was recently shown that these calcifications are predominantly located in the tunica media and internal elastic lamina (medial calcification). Intimal and medial calcifications are thought to have a different pathogenesis and clinical consequences and can only be distinguished through ex vivo histological analysis. Therefore...

  4. The KineSpring® Knee Implant System: an implantable joint-unloading prosthesis for treatment of medial knee osteoarthritis

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    Clifford AG


    Full Text Available Anton G Clifford,1 Stefan M Gabriel,1 Mary O’Connell,1 David Lowe,1 Larry E Miller,2,3 Jon E Block31Moximed, Inc, Hayward, CA, USA; 2Miller Scientific Consulting, Inc, Arden, NC, USA; 3The Jon Block Group, San Francisco, CA, USAAbstract: Symptomatic medial compartment knee osteoarthritis (OA is the leading cause of musculoskeletal pain and disability in adults. Therapies intended to unload the medial knee compartment have yielded unsatisfactory results due to low patient compliance with conservative treatments and high complication rates with surgical options. There is no widely available joint-unloading treatment for medial knee OA that offers clinically important symptom alleviation, low complication risk, and high patient acceptance. The KineSpring® Knee Implant System (Moximed, Inc, Hayward, CA, USA is a first-of-its-kind, implantable, extra-articular, extra-capsular prosthesis intended to alleviate knee OA-related symptoms by reducing medial knee compartment loading while overcoming the limitations of traditional joint-unloading therapies. Preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated excellent prosthesis durability, substantial reductions in medial compartment and total joint loads, and clinically important improvements in OA-related pain and function. The purpose of this report is to describe the KineSpring System, including implant characteristics, principles of operation, indications for use, patient selection criteria, surgical technique, postoperative care, preclinical testing, and clinical experience. The KineSpring System has potential to bridge the gap between ineffective conservative treatments and irreversible surgical interventions for medial compartment knee OA.Keywords: KineSpring, knee, medial, osteoarthritis, prosthesis

  5. Las telenovelas juveniles mexicanas y las adolescentas obesas

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    Tania Meza


    Full Text Available Esta investigación analiza la opresión por cuerpo (obesidad a la que las mujeres son sometidas dentro del sistema patriarcal durante la adolescencia, específicamente a través de la representación televisiva que de las jóvenes gordas se hace en la telenovela juvenil mexicana. Los enormes niveles de audiencia que poseen las telenovelas en nuestro país hace indispensable, para los estudios de género desde las ciencias dela comunicación, estudiar el papel de las mujeres en dichas teleseries. En este análisis se pretende mostrar la triple marginación a la que son sometidas las adolescentes obesas en las telenovelas juveniles mexicanas: por ser mujeres, por ser jóvenes y por ser gordas.

  6. Las redes sociales presentes en las bibliotecas

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    Magda Cecilia Sandí S.


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende evidenciar la importancia del uso de las redes sociales en las bibliotecas como una herramienta y un canal de comunicación entre el bibliotecólogo y la comunidad de usuarios. Las redes sociales son una nueva forma de comunicarnos entre las y los usuarios del Internet, su uso es irrestricto y cada vez aumenta la comunidad de usuarios de estas herramientas en la red.

  7. Las redes sociales presentes en las bibliotecas

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    Magda Cecilia Sandí Sandí


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende evidenciar la importancia del uso de las redes sociales en las bibliotecas como una herramienta y un canal de comunicación entre el bibliotecólogo y la comunidad de usuarios. Las redes sociales son una nueva forma de comunicarnos entre las y los usuarios del Internet, su uso es irrestricto y cada vez aumenta la comunidad de usuarios de estas herramientas en la red.

  8. Las redes sociales presentes en las bibliotecas


    Magda Cecilia Sandí S.


    El presente artículo pretende evidenciar la importancia del uso de las redes sociales en las bibliotecas como una herramienta y un canal de comunicación entre el bibliotecólogo y la comunidad de usuarios. Las redes sociales son una nueva forma de comunicarnos entre las y los usuarios del Internet, su uso es irrestricto y cada vez aumenta la comunidad de usuarios de estas herramientas en la red.

  9. Estrategias de mercado en firmas líderes de la industria alimentaria

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    Cristina Taddei Bringas


    Full Text Available El propósito del trabajo es ofrecer un recuento de las características principales y algunos rasgos que definen las estrategias competitivas seguidas por firmas líderes en el procesamiento de alimentos a nivel mundial, particularmente las relacionadas con las ramas de molienda de trigo, procesamiento de carne y la industria vitivinícola. Se advierte que las firmas líderes mantienen conductas agresivas que van desde acuerdos, fusiones, adquisiciones, hasta campañas globales de publicidad y estrategias diversas, que definen su posicionamiento en el mercado y explican porqué las líderes lo siguen siendo. La revisión de los aspectos referidos complementada con la aplicación de técnicas de análisis multivariado, permite entender lo que representa para algunas de las plantas que operan en la región noroeste de México, mantener, sea directa o indirectamente, vínculos con estas firmas líderes.

  10. Anchor proximal migration in the medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction in skeletally immature patients

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    Fabiano Kupczik


    Full Text Available The medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL injury has been considered instrumental in lateral patellar instability after patellar dislocation. Consequently, the focus on the study of this ligament reconstruction has increased in recent years. The MPFL femoral anatomical origin point has great importance at the moment of reconstruction surgery, because a graft fixation in a non anatomical position may result in medial overload, medial subluxation of the patella or excessive tensioning of the graft with subsequent failure. In the pediatric population, the location of this point is highlighted by the presence of femoral physis. The literature is still controversial regarding the best placement of the graft. We describe two cases of skeletally immature patients in whom LPFM reconstruction was performed. The femoral fixation was through anchors that were placed above the physis. With the growth and development of the patients, the femoral origin point of the graft moved proximally, resulting in failure in these two cases.

  11. Psychosocial Factors Related to Lateral and Medial Epicondylitis: Results From Pooled Study Analyses. (United States)

    Thiese, Matthew S; Hegmann, Kurt T; Kapellusch, Jay; Merryweather, Andrew; Bao, Stephen; Silverstein, Barbara; Tang, Ruoliang; Garg, Arun


    The goal is to assess the relationships between psychosocial factors and both medial and lateral epicondylitis after adjustment for personal and job physical exposures. One thousand eight hundred twenty-four participants were included in pooled analyses. Ten psychosocial factors were assessed. One hundred twenty-one (6.6%) and 34 (1.9%) participants have lateral and medial epicondylitis, respectively. Nine psychosocial factors assessed had significant trends or associations with lateral epicondylitis, the largest of which was between physical exhaustion after work and lateral epicondylitis with and odds ratio of 7.04 (95% confidence interval = 2.02 to 24.51). Eight psychosocial factors had significant trends or relationships with medial epicondylitis, with the largest being between mental exhaustion after work with an odds ratio of 6.51 (95% confidence interval = 1.57 to 27.04). The breadth and strength of these associations after adjustment for confounding factors demonstrate meaningful relationships that need to be further investigated in prospective analyses.

  12. Prediction of medial tibiofemoral compartment joint space loss progression using volumetric cartilage measurements: Data from the FNIH OA biomarkers consortium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hafezi-Nejad, Nima; Demehri, Shadpour [Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Baltimore, MD (United States); Guermazi, Ali [Boston University School of Medicine, Quantitative Imaging Center, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Roemer, Frank W. [University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department of Radiology, Erlangen (Germany); Hunter, David J. [Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney, Institute of Bone and Joint Research, Kolling Institute, University of Sydney, and Rheumatology Department, Sydney (Australia); Dam, Erik B. [Biomediq, Copenhagen (Denmark); Zikria, Bashir [Johns Hopkins University, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Baltimore, MD (United States); Kwoh, C.K. [University of Arizona, Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Tucson, AZ (United States)


    Investigating the association between baseline cartilage volume measurements (and initial 24th month volume loss) with medial compartment Joint-Space-Loss (JSL) progression (>0.7 mm) during 24-48th months of study. Case and control cohorts (Biomarkers Consortium subset from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)) were defined as participants with (n=297) and without (n=303) medial JSL progression (during 24-48th months). Cartilage volume measurements (baseline and 24th month loss) were obtained at five knee plates (medial-tibial, lateral-tibial, medial-femoral, lateral-femoral and patellar), and standardized values were analysed. Multivariate logistic regression was used with adjustment for known confounders. Artificial-Neural-Network analysis was conducted by Multi-Layer-Perceptrons (MLPs) including baseline determinants, and baseline (1) and interval changes (2) in cartilage volumes. Larger baseline lateral-femoral cartilage volume was predictive of medial JSL (OR: 1.29 (1.01-1.64)). Greater initial 24th month lateral-femoral cartilage volume-loss (OR: 0.48 (0.27-0.84)) had protective effect on medial JSL during 24-48th months of study. Baseline and interval changes in lateral-femoral cartilage volume, were the most important estimators for medial JSL progression (importance values: 0.191(0.177-0.204), 0.218(0.207-0.228)) in the ANN analyses. Cartilage volumes (both at baseline and their change during the initial 24 months) in the lateral femoral plate were predictive of medial JSL progression. (orig.)

  13. Metabolic Hyperactivity of the Medial Posterior Parietal Lobes in Psychogenic Tremor

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    Peter Hedera


    Full Text Available Background: The pathophysiology of psychogenic movement disorders, including psychogenic tremor (PT, is only emerging. Case Report: This is a single case report of a patient who met diagnostic criteria for PT. He underwent positron emission tomography (PET of brain with 18F-deoxyglucose at resting state. His PET study showed symmetrically increased 18F-deoxyglucose uptake in both posterior medial parietal lobes. There was no corresponding abnormality on structural imaging. Discussion: Hypermetabolism of the medial aspects of posterior parietal lobes bilaterally may reflect abnormal activity of sensory integration that is important in the pathogenesis of PT. This further supports the idea that non-organic movement disorders may be associated with detectable functional brain abnormalities.

  14. Transosseous-equivalent rotator cuff repair: a systematic review on the biomechanical importance of tying the medial row. (United States)

    Mall, Nathan A; Lee, Andrew S; Chahal, Jaskarndip; Van Thiel, Geoffrey S; Romeo, Anthony A; Verma, Nikhil N; Cole, Brian J


    Double-row and transosseous-equivalent repair techniques have shown greater strength and improved healing than single-row techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine whether tying of the medial-row sutures provides added stability during biomechanical testing of a transosseous-equivalent rotator cuff repair. We performed a systematic review of studies directly comparing biomechanical differences. Five studies met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of the 5 studies, 4 showed improved biomechanical properties with tying the medial-row anchors before bringing the sutures laterally to the lateral-row anchors, whereas the remaining study showed no difference in contact pressure, mean failure load, or gap formation with a standard suture bridge with knots tied at the medial row compared with knotless repairs. The results of this systematic review and quantitative synthesis indicate that the biomechanical factors ultimate load, stiffness, gap formation, and contact area are significantly improved when medial knots are tied as part of a transosseous-equivalent suture bridge construct compared with knotless constructs. Further studies comparing the clinical healing rates and functional outcomes between medial knotted and knotless repair techniques are needed. This review indicates that biomechanical factors are improved when the medial row of a transosseous-equivalent rotator cuff is tied compared with a knotless repair. However, this has not been definitively proven to translate to improved healing rates clinically. Copyright © 2013 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Osteoligamentous injuries of the medial ankle joint. (United States)

    Lötscher, P; Lang, T H; Zwicky, L; Hintermann, B; Knupp, M


    Injuries of the ankle joint have a high incidence in daily life and sports, thus, playing an important socioeconomic role. Therefore, proper diagnosis and adequate treatment are mandatory. While most of the ligament injuries around the ankle joint are treated conservatively, great controversy exists on how to treat deltoid ligament injuries in ankle fractures. Missed injuries and inadequate treatment of the medial ankle lead to inferior outcome with instability, progressive deformity, and ankle joint osteoarthritis.

  16. Matrix metalloproteases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in medial plica and pannus-like tissue contribute to knee osteoarthritis progression. (United States)

    Yang, Chih-Chang; Lin, Cheng-Yu; Wang, Hwai-Shi; Lyu, Shaw-Ruey


    Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by degradation of the cartilage matrix, leading to pathologic changes in the joints. However, the pathogenic effects of synovial tissue inflammation on OA knees are not clear. To investigate whether the inflammation caused by the medial plica is involved in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, we examined the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), interleukin (IL)-1β, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in the medial plica and pannus-like tissue in the knees of patients with medial compartment OA who underwent either arthroscopic medial release (stage II; 15 knee joints from 15 patients) or total knee replacement (stage IV; 18 knee joints from 18 patients). MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-9, IL-1β, and TNF-α mRNA and protein levels measured, respectively, by quantitative real-time PCR and Quantibody human MMP arrays, were highly expressed in extracts of medial plica and pannus-like tissue from stage IV knee joints. Immunohistochemical staining also demonstrated high expression of MMP-2, MMP-3, and MMP-9 in plica and pannus-like tissue of stage IV OA knees and not in normal cartilage. Some TIMP/MMP ratios decreased significantly in both medial plica and pannus-like tissue as disease progressed from stage II to stage IV. Furthermore, the migration of cells from the pannus-like tissue was enhanced by IL-1β, while plica cell migration was enhanced by TNF-α. The results suggest that medial plica and pannus-like tissue may be involved in the process of cartilage degradation in medial compartment OA of the knee.

  17. Matrix metalloproteases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in medial plica and pannus-like tissue contribute to knee osteoarthritis progression.

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    Chih-Chang Yang

    Full Text Available Osteoarthritis (OA is characterized by degradation of the cartilage matrix, leading to pathologic changes in the joints. However, the pathogenic effects of synovial tissue inflammation on OA knees are not clear. To investigate whether the inflammation caused by the medial plica is involved in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, we examined the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs, interleukin (IL-1β, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α in the medial plica and pannus-like tissue in the knees of patients with medial compartment OA who underwent either arthroscopic medial release (stage II; 15 knee joints from 15 patients or total knee replacement (stage IV; 18 knee joints from 18 patients. MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-9, IL-1β, and TNF-α mRNA and protein levels measured, respectively, by quantitative real-time PCR and Quantibody human MMP arrays, were highly expressed in extracts of medial plica and pannus-like tissue from stage IV knee joints. Immunohistochemical staining also demonstrated high expression of MMP-2, MMP-3, and MMP-9 in plica and pannus-like tissue of stage IV OA knees and not in normal cartilage. Some TIMP/MMP ratios decreased significantly in both medial plica and pannus-like tissue as disease progressed from stage II to stage IV. Furthermore, the migration of cells from the pannus-like tissue was enhanced by IL-1β, while plica cell migration was enhanced by TNF-α. The results suggest that medial plica and pannus-like tissue may be involved in the process of cartilage degradation in medial compartment OA of the knee.

  18. Medial shoe-ground pressure and specific running injuries: A 1-year prospective cohort study. (United States)

    Brund, René B K; Rasmussen, Sten; Nielsen, Rasmus O; Kersting, Uwe G; Laessoe, Uffe; Voigt, Michael


    Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciopathy and medial tibial stress syndrome injuries (APM-injuries) account for approximately 25% of the total number of running injuries amongst recreational runners. Reports on the association between static foot pronation and APM-injuries are contradictory. Possibly, dynamic measures of pronation may display a stronger relationship with the risk of APM-injuries. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate if running distance until the first APM-injury was dependent on the foot balance during stance phase in recreational male runners. Prospective cohort study. Foot balance for both feet was measured during treadmill running at the fastest possible 5000-m running pace in 79 healthy recreational male runners. Foot balance was calculated by dividing the average of medial pressure with the average of lateral pressure. Foot balance was categorized into those which presented a higher lateral shod pressure (LP) than medial pressure, and those which presented a higher medial shod pressure (MP) than lateral pressure during the stance phase. A time-to-event model was used to compare differences in incidence between foot balance groups. Compared with the LP-group (n=59), the proportion of APM-injuries was greater in the MP-group (n=99) after 1500km of running, resulting in a cumulative risk difference of 16%-points (95% CI=3%-point; 28%-point, p=0.011). Runners displaying a more medial pressure during stance phase at baseline sustained a greater amount of APM-injuries compared to those displaying a lateral shod pressure during stance phase. Prospective studies including a greater amount of runners are needed to confirm this relationship. Copyright © 2017 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Knee medial and lateral contact forces in a musculoskeletal model with subject-specific contact point trajectories. (United States)

    Zeighami, A; Aissaoui, R; Dumas, R


    Contact point (CP) trajectory is a crucial parameter in estimating medial/lateral tibio-femoral contact forces from the musculoskeletal (MSK) models. The objective of the present study was to develop a method to incorporate the subject-specific CP trajectories into the MSK model. Ten healthy subjects performed 45 s treadmill gait trials. The subject-specific CP trajectories were constructed on the tibia and femur as a function of extension-flexion using low-dose bi-plane X-ray images during a quasi-static squat. At each extension-flexion position, the tibia and femur CPs were superimposed in the three directions on the medial side, and in the anterior-posterior and proximal-distal directions on the lateral side to form the five kinematic constraints of the knee joint. The Lagrange multipliers associated to these constraints directly yielded the medial/lateral contact forces. The results from the personalized CP trajectory model were compared against the linear CP trajectory and sphere-on-plane CP trajectory models which were adapted from the commonly used MSK models. Changing the CP trajectory had a remarkable impact on the knee kinematics and changed the medial and lateral contact forces by 1.03 BW and 0.65 BW respectively, in certain subjects. The direction and magnitude of the medial/lateral contact force were highly variable among the subjects and the medial-lateral shift of the CPs alone could not determine the increase/decrease pattern of the contact forces. The suggested kinematic constraints are adaptable to the CP trajectories derived from a variety of joint models and those experimentally measured from the 3D imaging techniques. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Características morfofisiológicas asociadas con el rendimiento del café Morphological and physiological characteristics associated with yield in coffee trees

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    Salazar Jose Nestor


    Full Text Available Un experimento de campo se llevó a cabo para analizar y comparar el efecto de algunas características morfofisiológicas sobre el rendimiento de 5 variedades de café de porte bajo en condiciones de alta densidad de siembra. Las variedades utilizadas fueron: Colombia, Caturra, Catuai, Caturra erecta y Caturra X San Bernardo. La variedad Colombia presentó el mayor número de ramas primarias y productivas por árbol y de nudos productivos por rama. Las variedades Caturra, Catuai y Caturra erecta reportaron el mayor número de frutos por nudo. El más alto rendimiento lo obtuvo la variedad Colombia con 7321 kg de café pergamino seco/ha/año aunque este valor no fue significativamente diferente de los promedios mostrados por las variedades Caturra y Catuai.A field experiment was conducted to analyze and compare the effect of some morphological characteristics on 5 shortstature
    coffe varieties under high tree density conditions. The varieties used were Colombia, Caturra, Catuai, Caturra erecta and Caturra X San Bernardo. The variety Colombia showed the highest values for primary and productive branches per tree and for productive nodes per branch. The varieties Caturra, Catuai and Caturra erecta obtained the greatest number of fruits par node. The highest yield of 7321 kg fresh berries/ha/year was repo rted by Colombia eventhough this value was not significantly different from those obtained by Caturra and Catuai.