
Sample records for larvas em recipientes

  1. Novos encontros de anofelíneos em recipientes artificiais

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    Oswaldo Paulo Forattini


    Full Text Available Assinalam-se novos encontros de anofelíneos em recipientes artificiais. Um deles diz respeito a formas imaturas de Anopheles bellator em criadouros experimentais e outro é concernente ao achado de An. albitarsis l.s., em recipiente abandonado. Tecem-se considerações sobre a pressão seletiva representada pela produção, cada vez maior, de objetos descartáveis.

  2. Desenvolvimento inicial de mudas de Butia odorata (Barb. Rodr. Noblick cultivadas em recipientes

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    Claudimar Sidnei Fior


    Full Text Available Butia odorata (Barb.Rodr. Noblick (butiazeiro é uma palmeira nativa do sul do Brasil, com grande demanda para usos ornamental e agroindustrial. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desenvolvimento inicial de mudas de butiazeiro, em recipientes com diferentes composições de substratos. O experimento foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação sem controle de temperatura e umidade. Foram utilizadas mudas com 60 dias após a germinação, e avaliados os substratos, em cinco proporções, dos componentes casca de arroz carbonizada e casca de pinus. Em etapa posterior, monitorou-se o efeito do pH do substrato no desenvolvimento das mudas mantidas nos mesmos recipientes e tratamentos. Para tanto, as plantas foram distribuídas em igual número e representação dos tratamentos, em quatro grupos, com quatro níveis de pH do substrato (4,0; 4,9; 5,8 e 6,7. Noventa dias após o início da primeira etapa, e 161 dias após o início da segunda, foram avaliados o desenvolvimento das plantas, a condutividade elétrica e o pH dos substratos. Na primeira etapa, constatou-se diferença entre os tratamentos somente para altura das plantas e pH do substrato, ambas relacionadas diretamente com a proporção de casca de pinus na formulação. Na segunda etapa, a composição do substrato foi determinante para o maior desenvolvimento das mudas. Somente o número de folhas não apresentou diferença significativa entre os tratamentos. Contudo, para todas as variáveis, a presença de casca de pinus, mesmo em baixa proporção, foi suficiente para favorecer o desenvolvimento vegetativo.

  3. Aclimatização de mudas micropropagadas de Bastão do Imperador em diferentes volumes de recipientes

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    Elisangela Maria dos Santos


    Full Text Available É crescente o mercado de flores tropicais no Brasil. No nordeste, por causa do clima, torna-se difícil a aclimatização dessas plantas. Portanto, este trabalho tem por objetivo determinar o recipiente mais adequado para aclimatizar mudas micropropagadas de bastão do imperador cv. Porcelana, em ambiente protegido. O experimento foi realizado em estufa e as mudas utilizadas foram obtidas por micropropagação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos (volumes e cinco repetições. Os volumes dos recipientes testados foram: V1 - 50 cm³ (Copo pequeno - CP; V2 - 150 cm³ (Tubete pequeno - TP; V3 - 300 cm³ (Tubete grande - TG; V4 - 450 cm³(Vaso pequeno - VP. Foram coletados dados correspondentes ao número de folhas (NF, altura da muda (AM, diâmetro do pseudocaule (DP, massa fresca da parte aérea (MFPA, massa fresca do sistema radicular (MFSR, massa seca da parte aérea (MSPA e massa seca do sistema radicular (MSSR. Foi realizada a análise de variância e os resultados de natureza qualitativa foram submetidos ao teste de média. O vaso de 450 cm³ é o recipiente mais adequado para aclimatização de bastão do imperador, pois proporcionou melhor desenvolvimento das mudas.

  4. Avaliação da degradação das soluções de processamento Kodak e Sillib, prontas para uso, utilizando recipientes de plastico e vidro, protegidos e desprotegidos, em camaras escuras portateis


    Eroaldo dos Santos


    Resumo: O presente estudo teve por finalidade avaliar a degradação das soluções processadoras, revelador e fixador, das marcas Sillib e Kodak; prontas para uso, com filmes Kodak Ektaspeed (EP-21), em câmara escura portátil. As condições de experimentação foram: em recipientes de plástico (preto opaco) e em recipientes de vidro (incolor), protegidos e desprotegidos (com e sem tampa), simulando as condições de execução em consultórios odontológicos. As análises por densidade óptica das radiogra...

  5. Caracterização morfológica do ramo, sementes e plântulas de matayba guianensis Aubl. e produção de mudas em diferentes recipientes e substratos

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    Francielli Bao


    Full Text Available Matayba guianensis Aubl. é uma Sapindaceae de porte arbustivo ou arbóreo de grande ocorrência no Cerrado brasileiro, com papel fundamental no fornecimento de recursos para formigas e abelhas. Apresenta rápido crescimento e é importante para recuperação de áreas degradadas, mas pouco se conhece sobre a sua produção de mudas. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a morfologia do ramo e da germinação de sementes e plântulas de Matayba guianensis Aubl. em seu desenvolvimento pós-seminal, bem como definir o tipo de substrato e recipiente adequados para emergência de plântulas e produção de mudas desta espécie. Foram avaliados três tipos de recipientes: saco de polietileno preto; tubete e bandeja de isopor, com cinco tipos de substratos: areia; terra; terra-areia-esterco (1:1:1; substrato comercial e fibra de coco, com quatro repetições de 25 sementes em cada tratamento. O ramo, fruto, semente, plântulas e seus eventos morfológicos foram descritos. O ramo é cilíndrico, com folhas paripinadas e alternas; fruto seco, deiscente e sementes com grande quantidade de arilo; a germinação é criptocotiledonar e hipógea. Sua maior porcentagem de emergência ocorreu no recipiente isopor com 91% das sementes germinadas em substrato comercial, seguida de fibra de coco (88%. O desenvolvimento da raiz e do caule foi maior em tubete e em saco plástico, utilizando-se substrato comercial ou fibra de coco.

  6. Substratos e recipientes para a produção de porta-enxertos de citros irrigados por subcapilaridade

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    Julio Cesar Giuliani


    Full Text Available O conhecimento do porta-enxerto, do substrato e do recipiente são fundamentais para a definição do período necessário para produzir mudas cítricas de qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a emergência de plântulas e o desenvolvimento vegetativo de seis porta-enxertos cítricos, cultivados em dois substratos e mantidos em diferentes recipientes, em sementeira, irrigados por subcapilaridade. Foram testados dois substratos comerciais e a semeadura foi realizada em tubetes com 50cm³, tubetes com 120cm³ e bandejas de isopor contendo 72 células com volume de 120cm³. Os seis porta-enxertos cítricos avaliados foram: Trifoliata [Poncirus trifoliata [L.] Raf.]; Flying Dragon [Poncirus trifoliata (L. Raf. var. monstrosa]; limoeiro Volkameriano (Citrus volkameriana Pasq., citrangeiro Fepagro C37 [P. trifoliata x Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck.], tangerineira Sunki (C. sunki hort. ex Tan. e citrumeleiro Swingle (P. trifoliata x C. paradisi. Avaliou-se emergência, altura e diâmetro das plantas ao longo do cultivo em casa de vegetação. Em laboratório, avaliou-se massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e raiz, número de folhas, área foliar por folha e área foliar por planta. Nas avaliações de emergência de plântulas, a tangerineira Sunki, o limoeiro Volkameriano e o citrumeleiro Swingle apresentaram maiores taxas em relação ao Trifoliata, ao citrangeiro Fepagro C 37 e ao Flying Dragon. Ao empregar-se o sistema de irrigação por subcapilaridade, o substrato comercial 1 é recomendado para todos recipientes. O substrato comercial 2 somente deve ser empregado em bandejas alveoladas de 120 cm³.

  7. Factors favoring houseplant container infestation with Aedes aegypti larvae in Marília, São Paulo, Brazil Factores que favorecen la infestación de recipientes con plantas domésticas por larvas de Aedes aegypti en Marília, São Paulo, Brasil

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    M. L. G. Macoris


    -- las macetas y floreros son un hábitat importante de las larvas. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron identificar las macetas y floreros como hábitats de larvas de mosquitos en relación con su número y grado de infestación, los tipos de plantas involucradas y la localización específica de las larvas; investigar los nombres locales de las plantas domésticas y examinar los factores que afectan al cumplimiento de las medidas de control. Los resultados mostraron un promedio de más de cuatro posibles hábitats de larvas relacionados con plantas por cada sitio, de los cuales solo 0,4% tenían el vector. Los recipientes para plantas representaron 31% de todos los receptáculos con larvas de A. aegypti. A pesar de que de una muestra de 126 personas entrevistadas enumeraron 105 nombres de plantas domésticas, 49% de las plantas asociadas con larvas fueron solo de dos tipos: helechos y la planta ornamental Dieffenbachia avoena. La evidente falta de voluntad de la población para aceptar las medidas de control contra A. aegypti en lo que respecta a plantas domésticas parece deberse a la poca frecuencia relativa de A. aegypti en los recipientes domésticos, la falta de confianza en los programas de control como fuente idónea de información sobre plantas y la opinión de que las medidas de control recomendadas son dañinas para las plantas. Actualmente se está planeando una intervención para el control del dengue en la que se usará material educativo que trata específicamente sobre las plantas cuyos recipientes albergan con mayor frecuencia las larvas de A. aegypti. También se hará uso de fuentes de información botánica con mayor credibilidad en materia de plantas. Además, se formulará un plan diferente con un enfoque más atractivo desde el punto de vista de la salud de las plantas para incrementar su posibilidad de aceptación.

  8. Feminilização de larvas de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus L. a partir de banhos de imersão com valerato-de-estradiol Feminization of larvae of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L. by immersion baths with estradiol valerate

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    Robie Allan Bombardelli


    Full Text Available Determinou-se o período ontogênico de maior sensibilidade das larvas de tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus aos tratamentos de feminilização, por banhos de imersão de 36 horas, em solução contendo 2,0 mg de valerato-de-estradiol (VE.L-1. O experimento foi realizado em duas fases - a primeira com tratamentos hormonais e a segunda na fase de alevinagem. Foram utilizadas 1.200 larvas, provenientes de um mesmo lote de reprodutores, distribuídas em 24 recipientes plásticos de volume útil de 0,5 L, em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, composto por seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Considerou-se a unidade experimental um recipiente plástico contendo 0,5 L de solução hormonal e 50 larvas. Os tratamentos constituíram-se no banho de imersão das larvas em diferentes fases ontogênicas, correspondentes a 175,2 UTAs (dias-grau ou 6,5 DPE (dias após a eclosão; 217,2 UTAs ou 8 DPE; 273,2 UTAs ou 10 DPE; 329,0 UTAs ou 12 DPE; 383,9 UTAs ou 14 DPE; e 438,1 UTAs ou 16 DPE. Após os tratamentos, as larvas foram cultivadas até atingirem comprimento-padrão de 25,0 mm, para posterior avaliação dos resultados. Os resultados de feminilização foram melhores para larvas mais jovens (6,5 DPE ou 175,2 UTAs, produzindo 39,20% de fêmeas, o que demonstra relação linear negativa entre o período ontogênico e a taxa de feminilização. Os índices de comprimento e peso final médio, fator de condição e sobrevivência não foram afetados pelos tratamentos. O período ontogênico mais adequado para a reversão sexual com VE correspondeu àquele em que as larvas apresentaram 175,2 UTAs ou 6,5 DPE, o que produziu 39,20% de fêmeas.An experiment was carried out to in two steps (the first was hormonal treatments and the other the larvae grow up phase to determine the best ontogenic periods for larvae of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus regarding the feminization hormonal treatments by immersion baths during 36 hours

  9. Crescimento de mudas micropropagadas de bananeira micorrizadas em diferentes recipientes Growth of mycorrhizal micropropagated banana plantlets in different recipients

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    Patrícia Lopes Leal


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização de diferentes recipientes e a eficiência da inoculação com fungo micorrízico arbuscular (FMA, Glomus clarum, no crescimento de mudas micropropagadas de bananeira. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 2x2, sendo 2 tratamentos microbiológicos: Glomus clarum e controle; e 2 recipientes: blocos prensados e tubetes, com 6 repetições. O substrato utilizado para a confecção dos blocos e para o enchimento dos tubetes foi constituído por uma mistura de materiais orgânicos (bagaço de cana + torta de filtro de usina açucareira e vermiculita. Mudas de bananeira produzidas em blocos prensados e inoculadas com o FMA apresentaram melhores resultados quando comparadas com as produzidas nos tubetes, com incrementos na altura, na produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e no acúmulo de N, P e K de 90%, 829%, 2774%, 249% e 403%, respectivamente.An experiment under greenhouse was carried out in order to evaluate different recipients and the inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF, Glomus clarum, on the growth of micropropagated banana plantlets. A random block design in a factorial scheme 2x2 (two microbiological treatments: Glomus clarum and control; two types of recipients: pressed blocks and plastic tubes, with six repetitions, was used. The substrate utilized to construct the pressed blocks and to fill the tubes was constituted by a mixture of organic residue (sugarcane bagasse and filter cake and vermiculite. Banana plantlets produced in pressed blocks and inoculated with AMF let to better results than their counterparts grown in tubes, increasing the height, shoot dry weight, contents of N, P and K in 90%, 829%, 2774%, 249% and 403%, respectively.

  10. Use of alternative media and different types of recipients in a laboratory culture of Ankistrodesmus gracilis (Reinsch Korshikov (Chlorophyceae = Utilização de meios alternativos e diferentes tipos de recipientes no cultivo de Ankistrodesmus gracilis (Reinsch Korshikov (Chlorophyceae em laboratório.

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    Lucia Helena Sipauba-Tavares


    Full Text Available A laboratory culture of Ankistrodesmus gracilis algae was evaluated by studying the biology of the species and its chemical composition in a traditional medium (CHU12 and in two alternative culture media, NPK (20-5-20 and macrophyte (Eichhornia crassipes + NPK, in three different types of recipients (fiberglass, carboy and plastic bag. First peak in the growth curve of Ankistrodesmus gracilis occurred on the ninth day in macrophyte + NPK medium (74.16 x 105 cells mL-1 in a fiberglass recipient. However, highest density (p 0.05 in culture media in the three recipients. Protein and fiber were similar (p > 0.05 in the treatments, but lipids were higher (p O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os aspectos biológicos e a composição química da alga Ankistrodesmus gracilis em laboratório utilizando um meio tradicional (CHU12 e dois meios alternativos, NPK (20-5-20 e macrófita (Eichhornia crassipes + NPK em três diferentes tipos de recipientes (cuba de fibra de vidro translúcido, garrafões e saco plástico. O primeiro pico de densidade celular de Ankistrodesmus gracilis ocorreu no nono dia da curva de crescimento em meio macrófita+NPK (74,16 x 105 células mL-1 no recipiente de fibra de vidro, porém a maior densidade (p 0,05 nos três recipientes e meios de cultivo. Os teores de proteína e fibra foram similares (p > 0,05 nos tratamentos utilizados, já os de lipídios foram mais elevados (p < 0,05 no meio NPK. Os teores médios de nitrato, amônia, fósforo total e ortofosfato estiveram acima de 1 mg L-1 no meio NPK (p < 0,01. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam a possibilidade do uso de meios alternativos como o NPK e macrophyte +NPK para o cultivo de A. gracilis em larga escala cultivados nos três tipos de recipientes, porém, em saco plástico o custo é baixo e ocupa menos espaço em cultivo de laboratório.

  11. Hallazgo de mesocyclops aspericornis (Daday) (Copepoda: Cyclopidae) depredador de larvas de aedes aegypti en Anapoima Colombia (1)


    Marco Fidel Suárez; Dwight Ayala; Michael J. Nelson; Janet W. Reid


    En Anapoima, Colombia, se encontró que el copépodo Mesocyclops aspericornis era depredador de larvas del mosquito Aedes aegypti. Este encuentro representa el primer hallazgo de este copépodo en recipientes artificiales en la región neotropical, y el primer hallazgo como depredador de larvas de Aedes aegypti.

  12. Mananoligossacarídeo em dietas para larvas de tilápia Mannanoligosaccharides in diets for tilapia larvae

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    Kátia Kalko Schwarz


    Full Text Available Este experimento foi realizado para avaliar níveis crescentes de mananoligossacarídeo (MOS na dieta de larvas de tilápias-do-nilo (linhagem Supreme® na fase de reversão sexual durante 30 dias. Larvas de tilápia-do-nilo (n=1500, P=0,01 g ± 0,001 g foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em 30 tanques de 100 litros. Os peixes foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, composto por seis tratamentos e cinco repetições. A dieta controle (isenta de MOS foi elaborada para conter aproximadamente 35% de proteína bruta e 3.100 kcal de ED/kg. As demais foram suplementadas com 0; 0,15; 0,30; 0,45; 0,60 e 0,75% de MOS em substituição ao milho da dieta controle. Com o aumento nos níveis de MOS nas dietas, foi observado aumento linear sobre o comprimento do intestino, a altura das vilosidades intestinais e a densidade dos vilos. Não houve diferença na composição corporal, no ganho em peso, no peso final, no comprimento final, no fator de condição, na taxa de sobrevivência e no número de células caliciformes do intestino das larvas. Os níveis de MOS tiveram efeito quadrático sobre a conversão alimentar, cujos melhores resultados foram obtidos com 0,34% de MOS. A utilização de MOS no nível de 0,34% em dietas para larvas de tilápia-do-nilo melhora a conversão alimentar e promove aumento do comprimento do intestino, da altura das vilosidades e da densidade de vilos intestinal.This experiment was conducted to evaluate increasing levels of mannanoligosaccharides (MOS in the diet of Nile tilapia larvae (Supreme® at the sex reversal stage for 30 days. Nile tilapia larvae (n = 1500, p = 0.01 ± 0.001 g, were randomly distributed in 30 tanks of 100 liters each, for 30 days. The fish were distributed in a randomized design with six treatments and five replicates. The control diet (no MOS was elaborated to contain approximately 35% of crude protein and 3,100 kcal DE/kg. Mannanoligosaccharides were included in the other diets

  13. Contaminação bacteriana e fúngica de canudos de refrigerantes e seus recipientes em lanchonetes de município do interior de São Paulo Fungal and bacterial contamination of drinking straws and their containers in snack bars in a municipality of São Paulo state, Brazil

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    Francisco Rafael Martins Soto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o nível de contaminação bacteriana e fúngica de canudos de refrigerantes e seus recipientes em 30 lanchonetes do Município de Ibiúna (SP, correlacionando com as condições de higiene, processos e métodos de desinfecção destes estabelecimentos. MÉTODOS: Foram colhidas três amostras por estabelecimento nas embalagens fechadas, em recipientes e swab em toda a superfície de contato. Foi aplicado um questionário a fim de avaliar: a empresa fornecedora dos canudos, higienização, freqüência e desinfecção, e foram efetuadas inspeções sanitárias nos estabelecimentos. Para as análises microbiológicas foi utilizada a técnica de lavagem superficial e semeadura em meios, para contagem de bactérias mesófilas. As amostras turvas foram semeadas em meios de cultura para: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus, coliformes totais e/ou termotolerantes. RESULTADOS: Dentre os microorganismos isolados nas amostras dos canudos nos recipientes foi detectado Bacillus cereus em 36,6%, Enterococo spp. em 3,3%. O Bacillus cereus foi isolado em 46,6% nos swabs dos recipientes, e em 13,3%, Enterococos. Na análise de associação do nível de contaminação microbiana de canudos de refrigerantes e seus recipientes com as condições de higiene, os processos de higienização e a desinfecção dos estabelecimentos, não foi identifica significância estatística (p>0,05. CONCLUSÃO: O Bacillus cereus foi o microorganismo que prevaleceu nas embalagens íntegras dos canudos, nos seus recipientes e no swab das superfícies. Não foi comprovada a associação de fatores de risco de contaminação bacteriana e fúngica.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the fungal and bacterial contamination level of drinking straws and their containers of thirty snack bars at the municipality of Ibiuna (SP, Brazil and to correlate these data with conditions of hygiene and the processes and

  14. Canibalismo entre larvas de pintado, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, cultivadas sob diferentes densidades de estocagem - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v26i3.1543 Cannibalism among larvae of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans bred under different stockage densities - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v26i3.1543

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    Claudemir Martins Soares


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de verificar o desenvolvimento, sobrevivência e canibalismo entre larvas de pintado, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (Pimelodidae confinadas sob diferentes densidades de estocagem em condições de laboratório, foi desenvolvido um experimento no Laboratório de Aqüicultura da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, perfazendo um período de 72 horas, onde foram utilizadas 500 larvas com 96 horas de vida e peso inicial de 2,2 ± 0,3mg. Estas foram distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições, em recipientes de 700mL, cujas densidades variaram de 14, 28, 42 e 56 larvas/L. As variáveis analisadas foram mortalidade natural, mortalidade por predação intra-específica e peso final. Ao final, verificou-se que o aumento da densidade afetou de forma negativa o desenvolvimento e provocou um aumento linear nas taxas de mortalidade e canibalismo entre os animais. Concluiu-se que, à medida que se aumenta a concentração de larvas de pintado, ocorre redução não apenas no desempenho, mas também na taxa de sobrevivênciaThe development, survival and cannibalism among larvae of the pintado, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (Pimelodidae are verified. Larvae were confined at different stockage densities in lab conditions. The experiment was developed at the Aquaculture Lab of the State University of Maringá, during 72 hours, with 500 larvae aged 96 hours, initial weight 2.2 ± 0.3mg. Larvae were distributed in an entirely randomized design with four treatments and five repetitions, in 700mL-containers, at densities varied 14, 28, 42 and 56 larvae per L. Natural mortality, mortality by intraspecies predation and final weight were the variables analyzed. After finished, density increase affected negatively the larvae’s development. It also caused a linear increase in mortality rates and in cannibalism among the animals. Increase in concentration of pintado larvae was proportional to decrease in

  15. Tempo de cultivo e tamanho do recipiente na formação de mudas de Copernicia hospita =Growth period and plastic pots for Copernicia hospita nursery plants production

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    Alexandre Bosco de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Mesmo tendo-se avançando nas técnicas de produção de mudas, ainda existem muitos problemas a serem solucionados, principalmente no que se refere ao desenvolvimento do sistema radicular das mudas, em função das características dos recipientes utilizados. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o efeito do tamanho do recipiente e do tempo de cultivo da planta na produção de mudas de Copernicia hospitaMartius. Sementes extraídas de frutos em estádio visual de maturação foram pré-germinadas e semeadas em sacos plásticos de 20 x 30, 28 x 40 e 40 x 60 cm, contendo como substrato a mistura de arisco + areia vermelha + esterco bovino curtido (2:1:1. Após a semeadura, osrecipientes foram mantidos por três, seis ou nove meses em pleno sol. Nenhum dos recipientes analisados, durante seus respectivos períodos de cultivo, influenciou as variáveis de crescimento utilizadas na avaliação das respostas da planta. O tamanho dos recipientes não influenciou na formação das mudas de C. hospita; contudo, em função da economia e praticidade, recomenda-se a utilização do recipiente com dimensões de 20 x 30 cm. O tempo de cultivo, de nove meses, forma mudas mais vigorosas.Even though advances have been made in the techniques of seedlingproduction, there are still many problems to be solved, especially with regard to the development of the root system of seedlings, depending on the containers used. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of recipient size and the plant cultivationtime in the production of C. hospita seedlings. Seeds of carnauba (Copernicia hospita Martius obtained from mature fruit, were pre-germinated and sown in plastic 20 x 30, 28 x 40 and 40 x 60 cm bags, within a substrate of sandy loam + red sand + cured cow manure (2:1:1. After sowing, the bags were kept for 3, 6 or 9 months at a place with direct sunlight. The variables of growth of the plants were not influenced either by the size of the recipients or

  16. Larvicultura de trairão (Hoplias lacerdae em água doce e água salinizada

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    Ronald Kennedy Luz


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de desenvolver técnicas de manejo durante a larvicultura de trairão, realizando cultivos em água doce ou ligeiramente salinizada, utilizando náuplios de Artemia como alimento vivo. No início da alimentação exógena, oito dias após a eclosão, as larvas foram contadas e estocadas em 12 recipientes com volume útil de 1,5 L cada, dotados de sistema de aeração, numa densidade de 10 larvas/L, distribuídos dentro de três tanques de 130 L, contendo água com temperatura controlada (29,5ºC. Os tanques foram totalmente cobertos com lona plástica preta, mantendo o ambiente interno escuro, e descobertos somente para os manejos diários. As larvas foram submetidas a três tratamentos: cultivo em água doce; em água a 2‰ de salinidade; e em água a 4‰ de salinidade. Cada tratamento teve quatro repetições. A alimentação foi fornecida nas proporções diárias de 300 náuplios de Artemia/larva, do primeiro ao quinto dia, de 600 náuplios de Artemia/larva, do sexto ao décimo dia e de 900 náuplios de Artemia/larva, do décimo primeiro ao décimo quinto dia, divididos em três refeições. Ao final do experimento, foram avaliadas a sobrevivência, o crescimento (comprimento e peso, a taxa de crescimento específico e a taxa de resistência ao estresse. Após 15 dias de tratamento, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os resultados das variáveis analisadas. As condições de cultivo mostraram-se eficientes, possibilitando altas taxas de sobrevivência (valores médios superiores a 91,6%, sendo a Artemia um alimento atrativo. Os níveis de salinidade utilizados não afetaram o desenvolvimento das larvas e alevinos.

  17. Persistência e eficácia do regulador de crescimento pyriproxyfen em condições de laboratório para Aedes aegypti Persistence and efficacy of growth regulator pyriproxyfen in laboratory conditions for Aedes aegypti

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    Marcelo Carvalho de Resende


    Full Text Available A persistência e a eficácia do regulador de crescimento pyriproxyfen foram testadas em concentrações de 0,01 e 0,05ppm, contra larvas de Aedes aegypti, utilizando os recipientes caixas d'água (45 litros, frascos de vidro (5 litros e baldes de plástico (20 litros. As avaliações foram nos dias 1, 7, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 e 120 após o tratamento usando larvas de 3º e 4º estádio de Aedes aegypti. Foi calculado o percentual de mortalidade de larvas, pupas e adultos, percentual de inibição de emergência de adulto e duração dos bioensaios. Observou-se que a persistência foi de 45 dias e 90 dias para concentração final de 0,01 e 0,05ppm de pyriproxyfen, respectivamente. Observamos que a mortalidade de pupas foi significativamente maior que a de larvas e de adultos para todos os recipientes e concentrações.The persistence and efficacy of growth regulator pyriproxyfen were evaluated in two final concentrations 0.01 and 0.05ppm against Aedes aegypti larvae in laboratory conditions using three types of containers: cement box (45 liters, glass bottle (5 litersand plastic bucket (20 liters. The tests were carried after 1, 7, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 days of treatment against Aedes aegypti larvae 3rd and 4th instar. The percentages of larvae, pupae and adult mortality, the percentage of adult emergence inhibition and time duration of bioassays were calculated. A was observed a persistence of 45 and 90 days by using 0.01 and 0.05ppm final concentrations of pyriproxyfen, respectively, was observed. We observed that mortality in the pupa stage was significantly higher than larvae and adults mortality for all containers and concentrations.

  18. Quality cedar seedlings in function of the use of fertilizers and containers with different sizes = Qualidade de mudas de cedro em função da utilização de fertilizantes e recipientes de diferentes tamanhos

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    Osmar Henrique de Castro Pias


    Full Text Available The production of quality seedlings, together with low costs, is critical to the success of forestry projects. Accordingly, choosing the correct source of fertilizer and type of container is essential. The aim of this study therefore was to evaluate the quality of seedlings of Cedrela fissilis, known locally as cedro-rosa, resulting from the use of fertilizers and containers of different sizes. The experimental design was of randomised blocks in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme (containers of different sizes x sources of fertilizer, with three replications. The containers being tested were plastic pots (3,000 cm 3, plastic bags (1,000 cm 3 and tubes (175 cm 3. The sources of fertilizer were Osmocote® , Kimcoat® and conventional. The following evaluations of the seedlings were carried out 90 days after transplanting: height, stem diameter, leaf area, root length, shoot dry weight, root dry weight and total dry weight. These variables were used to calculate the Dickson quality index. Seedlings grown in plastic pots or in plastic bags displayed the best quality, although the former presented higher values. The highest levels of quality for the seedlings of cedro-rosa were provided by the Osmocote® fertilizer, however values did not differ from the conventional source of fertilizer. With a view to reducing production costs for seedlings of cedro-rosa, the use of plastic bags with conventional fertilizer is recommended = A produção de mudas de qualidade, aliada a um baixo custo, é fundamental para o sucesso dos projetos florestais. Neste sentido, a escolha correta da fonte de fertilizante e do tipo de recipiente é essencial. Diante disso, objetivou-se com esse estudo avaliar a qualidade de mudas de Cedro-rosa em função do uso de fertilizantes e recipientes com diferentes tamanhos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 3 x 3 (recipientes com diferentes tamanhos x fontes de fertilizante, com tr

  19. Seletividade de inseticidas utilizados em cultura cafeeira para larvas de Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant Selectivity of insecticides used in the coffee crop to larvae of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant

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    Luiz Carlos Dias Rocha


    Full Text Available Assim como a maioria dos cultivos, em cafeeiro, a associação de inimigos naturais com produtos fitossanitários seletivos é uma importante estratégia no manejo integrado de pragas (MIP. Dessa forma, este estudo objetivou avaliar a seletividade de agrotóxicos utilizados na cultura cafeeira sobre larvas de Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant, 1853 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae, em laboratório. Os bioensaios foram realizados em condições controladas (25±2°C, UR de 70±10% e fotofase de 12 horas. Cada bioensaio consistiu em seis tratamentos e dez repetições, sendo cada parcela composta por duas larvas. Para as comparações das médias dos tratamentos, empregou-se um esquema fatorial inteiramente ao acaso de produtos x número de instares para os diferentes instares subsequentes à aplicação. Os inseticidas utilizados e suas respectivas dosagens de aplicação, em g de i.a. L-1 foram: tiametoxam (0,5, imidacloprido (0,7, óleo mineral (13,3, endossulfam (2,63 e dimetoato (0,48. A testemunha foi composta apenas por água destilada. A aplicação dos produtos foi realizada por meio de torre de Potter. Avaliaram-se a sobrevivência dos espécimes após serem contaminados com os produtos e os efeitos dos compostos sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos do predador. Tiametoxam (0,5, imidacloprido (0,7 e endossulfam (2,63 foram os mais prejudiciais, tendo sido observados, para os dois primeiros, 100% de mortalidade de larvas de primeiro e de segundo instares um dia após a aplicação e significativa redução na sobrevivência das larvas de terceiro e quarto instares. Dimetoato (0,48 foi nocivo para larvas de primeiro instar e levemente nocivo para larvas de quarto instar. Em função da seletividade apresentada pelo óleo mineral (13,3, este pode ser recomendado em compatibilização com o predador C. montrouzieri em programas de MIP na cultura cafeeira, sem prejuízo ao desempenho do inimigo natural.As well as most of the crops, in coffee crop, the

  20. Mudas de eucalipto produzidas a partir de miniestacas em diferentes recipientes e substratos Eucalyptus stecklings produced in different containers and substrates

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    Teresa A. S. de Freitas


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de mudas de híbridos naturais de Eucalyptus grandis e E. saligna produzidas a partir de miniestacas, em tubetes de 50 cc e em blocos prensados com as dimensões de 40 x 60 x 7cm. O experimento foi realizado em DIC, no fatorial 2 x 7 (2 clones e 7 tratamentos com quatro repetições, no viveiro da Aracruz Celulose S.A., no período de julho a setembro de 2002. Foram analisadas as adequações dos substratos, casca de arroz carbonizada + casca de eucalipto (AR, bagaço de cana + torta de filtro (BT e turfa, para produção de mudas nos dois tipos de recipientes. Foram feitas avaliações de diâmetro e altura das brotações, área foliar e massa seca da parte aérea. O substrato BT, quando em tubetes, não apresentou bom resultado, sendo o inverso observado quando se utilizou esse substrato em sistemas de blocos prensados. As mudas produzidas nesse sistema exibiram maior velocidade no crescimento.The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of Eucalyptus grandis and E. saligna natural hybrid minicuttings, produced in tubes (50cc and pressed blocks (40x60x7cm. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, in a 2x7 factorial arrangement (2 clones and 7 treatments with four replicates (192 minicuttings, in the Aracruz nursery, from July to September 2002. The following substrates were tested; carbonized rice husk + eucalyptus bark (AR, sugarcane bagasse + sugarcane filter cake (BT and peat (T, for steckling production in two types of containers. The stecklings were evaluated for stem diameter and height, leaf area, shoot dry matter. The BT substrate in tubes did not give good results, different from when it was used in the pressed block system. The stecklings produced in pressed block system gave higher growth speed.

  1. Competência de peixes como predadores de larvas de Aedes aegypti, em condições de laboratório Efficacy of fish as predators of Aedes aegypti larvae, under laboratory conditions

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    Luciano Pamplona de Góes Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a competência de peixes na predação de larvas de Aedes aegypti, em condições de laboratório. MÉTODOS: Foram testados machos e fêmeas de cinco espécies de peixe. Os testes de predação duravam cinco semanas para cada espécie. Cada ensaio compreendia quatro caixas testes e quatro caixas controles. Das caixas controle, duas tinham somente um peixe e as outras duas, apenas larvas. Cada caixa teste continha um peixe e larvas. Na primeira semana foram expostas 100 larvas em cada caixa, e a cada semana acrescentavam-se 100 larvas por caixa/dia, até se obter um máximo de 500 larvas/dia. Comprimento e peso dos peixes foram medidos semanalmente. RESULTADOS: Foram utilizadas 369.000 larvas no total. O Trichogaster trichopteros foi a única espécie em que ambos os sexos predaram 100% das larvas oferecidas. O Betta splendens deixou de predar apenas 15 larvas. Machos do Poecilia reticulata apresentaram baixa capacidade larvófaga quando comparados às fêmeas da mesma espécie. Em relação ao peso e tamanho o Betta splendens mostrou-se capaz de predar 523 larvas/grama/dia. CONCLUSÕES: Fêmeas e machos de Trichogaster trichopteros e de Astyanax fasciatus, e fêmeas de Betta splendens e de Poecillia sphenops foram os peixes que apresentaram maior competência para predar as larvas. Embora com competência menor, machos de Poecillia sphenops e fêmeas de Poecilia reticulata foram capazes de eliminar o número de larvas de Aedes aegypti que possam emergir durante 24 horas num criadouro, em condições naturais. Machos de Poecilia reticulata não foram predadores eficazes.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of fish as predators of the Aedes aegypti larvae in laboratory conditions. METHODS: The male and female of five different fish were included in the experiment. The tests to measure their consumption ability lasted five weeks for each species. Each trial involved four test tanks and four control tanks. Two control tanks

  2. Ovos de Toxocara sp. e larvas de Ancylostoma sp. em praça pública de Lavras, MG Toxocara sp. eggs and Ancylostoma sp. larva in public parks, Brazil

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    Antônio Marcos Guimarães


    Full Text Available Larva migrans visceral e cutânea são zoonoses parasitárias causadas pela infecção da larva de Toxocara sp. e Ancylostoma sp., respectivamente. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a contaminação por ovos de Toxocara sp. e ovos e larvas de Ancylostoma sp. em amostras de solos coletadas de praças públicas e de áreas de recreação infantil de Lavras, Estado de Minas Gerais, por meio da técnica de centrífugo-flutuação e do método de Baermann. A ocorrência de ovos de Toxocara sp. e, ovos e larvas de Ancylostoma sp. foi observada em 69,6% (16/23 das amostras de solo coletadas de praças públicas. A contaminação somente por ovos de Ancylostoma sp. em amostras de solo coletadas em escolas/creches foi de 22,2% (4/18. A percentagem de amostras de areia coletadas de escolas/creches contaminadas somente com larvas de Ancylostoma sp. foi de 11,1% (2/18. Praças públicas são as áreas com maior risco potencial de infecção por Toxocara sp. e Ancylostoma sp. Exame coproparasitológico realizado em 174 amostras de fezes de cães observou 58% e 23%, respectivamente, com ovos de Ancylostoma sp. e Toxocara sp.Visceral and cutaneous larva migrans are parasitic zoonoses caused by the infection of larval nematodes Toxocara sp. and Ancylostoma sp. respectively. The objective of this study was to investigate the contamination by Toxocara sp. eggs and Ancylostoma sp. eggs and larva of soil samples collected from public parks and children's playground areas in state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, using both Baermann's method and centrifugal flotation technique. Toxocara sp. and Ancylostoma sp. eggs were observed in soil samples collected from public squares in 17.4% (4/23 and 69.6 (16/23 respectively. In schools and child day care settings the contamination by Ancylostoma sp. larva in sand samples was 11.1% (2/18. Public parks are settings of more potential risk of Toxocara sp. eggs and Ancylostoma sp. infection. Stool parasitology testing of 174 stool

  3. Controle de larvas de Boophilus microplus por Metarhizium anisopliae em pastagens infestadas artificialmente Control of Boophilus microplus larvae by Metarhizium anisopliae in artificially infested pastures

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    Lúcia Mara de Souza Basso


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do controle exercido por Metarhizium anisopliae na população de Boophilus microplus, em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha, e do híbrido Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp., artificialmente infestadas com fêmeas ingurgitadas do carrapato. Trinta canteiros com 1 m² de área cada foram distribuídos aleatoriamente. Quinze foram pulverizados com esporos do fungo e quinze controles em cada forrageira, constituindo cinco repetições de cada tratamento, foram infestados com número e peso padronizados de fêmeas ingurgitadas do ácaro. Aplicou-se o fungo, na concentração de 1,8x10(8 conídios mL-1, em três situações: pulverização antes da infestação com o carrapato, após a infestação e posterioriormente à emergência das primeiras larvas nos capins. A ação do fungo foi avaliada no 35º, 38º, 41º, 48º, 55º e 61º dia pós-infestação, por meio da contagem de larvas recuperadas. Obteve-se controle de larvas do ácaro, que, nas avaliações realizadas entre o 35º e o 48º dia pós-infestação, variou entre 87% e 94%. As médias das contagens de estágios larvares do carrapato foram menores em todas as amostragens realizadas no capim-Tifton 85, indicando que houve efeito da pastagem na ação do fungo. A situação de aplicação influencia a atividade do fungo, com melhor resultado nas coletas realizadas entre o 41º e 55º dia após infestação em B. brizantha, e aplicação dos conídios logo após a emergência das primeiras larvas.The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of Metarhizium anisopliae fungus against Boophilus microplus population in Brachiaria brizantha and Tifton 85 (Cynodon pastures, artificially infested with tick engorged females. Thirty plots of 1 m² each were randomly distributed in fifteen treated and fifteen control groups per type of grass, establishing five repetitions for each treatment. Pastures were infested with engorged tick females

  4. Experimental infection in Notodiaptomus sp. (Crustacea: Calanoida with larvae of Camallanus sp. (Nematoda: Camallanidae Infecção experimental em Notodiaptomus sp. (Crustacea: Calanoida com larvas de Camallanus sp. (Nematoda: Camallanidae

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    M.L. Martins


    Full Text Available This trial registered the experimental infection viability with nematode larvae Camallanus sp. in Notodiaptomus sp., a crustacean, which can be an intermediate host. Adult females of nematode were dissected from the intestines of Xiphophorus maculatus (Osteichthyes: Poeciliidae, at a fish farm in the State of São Paulo. Females were slightly compressed for larvae release, collected with Pasteur pipette and separated on Petri dishes with 9ml filtered water at 28.1ºC, from zooplankton culture. Treatments consisted of Petri dishes with 60 and 105 copepods, in which 120, 150 and 210 larvae of nematode were added in four replications. Twenty-four and 36h after exposition to the larvae, the copepods were fixed in 70% alcohol to record the amount of fixed larvae. Twenty four hours after exposition, 60 copepods group with 120 larvae showed significantly higher prevalence (46.5% when compared to 105 copepods and 120 larvae (33.2%. Thus, these answers suggested that 120 larvae were enough for a successful infectivity. Experimental infection was available and so, it was used as a pattern to life cycle studies of camallanid nematodes and hosts susceptibility tests.A viabilidade da infecção experimental com larvas do nematóide Camallanus sp. em Notodiaptomus sp., crustáceo com potencial para hospedeiro intermediário foi avaliada. Fêmeas adultas do nematóide foram extraídas de Xiphophorus maculatus (Osteichthyes: Poeciliidae, provenientes de piscicultura de peixes ornamentais no estado de São Paulo. As fêmeas foram ligeiramente pressionadas para liberar as larvas, coletadas com pipeta Pasteur e separadas em placas de Petri contendo 9ml de água filtrada a 28,1ºC do próprio cultivo de zooplâncton. Os tratamentos consistiram de placas contendo 60 e 105 copépodes onde se adicionou 120, 150 e 210 larvas de nematóides em quatro repetições. Nos tempos de 24 e 36h após a exposição às larvas, os copépodes foram fixados em álcool 70% para

  5. Spatial evaluation of larvae of Culicidae (Diptera from different breeding sites: application of a geospatial method and implications for vector control Avaliação espacial de formas larvais de Culicidae (Diptera em diferentes criadouros: aplicação de um método geoespacial e implicações para o controle de vetores

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    Rafael Piovezan


    Full Text Available Spatial evaluation of Culicidae (Diptera larvae from different breeding sites: application of a geospatial method and implications for vector control. This study investigates the spatial distribution of urban Culicidae and informs entomological monitoring of species that use artificial containers as larval habitats. Collections of mosquito larvae were conducted in the São Paulo State municipality of Santa Bárbara d' Oeste between 2004 and 2006 during house-to-house visits. A total of 1,891 samples and nine different species were sampled. Species distribution was assessed using the kriging statistical method by extrapolating municipal administrative divisions. The sampling method followed the norms of the municipal health services of the Ministry of Health and can thus be adopted by public health authorities in disease control and delimitation of risk areas. Moreover, this type of survey and analysis can be employed for entomological surveillance of urban vectors that use artificial containers as larval habitat.Avaliação espacial de formas larvais de Culicidae (Diptera em diferentes criadouros: aplicação de um método geoespacial e implicações para o controle de vetores. Este estudo investiga a distribuição espacial da fauna urbana e de Culicidae e informa o monitoramento entomológico de espécies que usam recipientes artificiais como habitat larval. Coletas de larvas de mosquitos foram realizadas no município paulista de Santa Bárbara d' Oeste entre os anos de 2004 e 2006, durante visitas casa-a-casa. Um total de 1.891 amostras foi considerado, com nove espécies diferentes coletadas. A distribuição das espécies foi avaliada através do método de krigagem estatística extrapolando as divisões administrativas do município. O método de coleta adotado no presente estudo está de acordo com os métodos sugeridos aos serviços de saúde municipais pelo Ministério da Saúde e pode, portanto, ser adotado pelas autoridades p

  6. Desenvolvimento de mudas de manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L.em função do recipiente e do tipo e densidade de substratos

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    M.S. Maggioni


    Full Text Available Uma das etapas mais importantes na produção do manjericão é o desenvolvimento das mudas. Nesta etapa, o cuidado com o recipiente e o substrato é essencial, pois afetam diretamente o crescimento e a arquitetura do sistema radicular, bem como, o fornecimento de nutrientes. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento de mudas de manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L. influenciadas pelo tipo e densidade de diferentes substratos, cultivadas em bandejas de poliestireno com diferentes números de células. O experimento foi conduzido na área de Jardinocultura da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD em Dourados - MS. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições, sendo os tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 3x3x5, sendo três tipos de bandejas de poliestireno expandido com 72, 128 e 200 células com volumes internos de 124,3; 44,8 e 17,7 mL, respectivamente. Três tipos de substratos comerciais (PlantMax Florestais®; Tropstrato Vida Verde® e PlantMax Hortaliças HA®, e cinco densidades de substratos (0,36; 0,42; 0,48; 0,54 e 0,60 kg dm-3. Decorridos 78 dias após a emergência das plantas avaliou-se alturas das plantas, massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e sistema radicular, e comprimento de raízes. A produção de mudas comerciais de manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L. foi melhor com o uso do substrato Tropstrato Vida Verde® na bandeja de 72 células associado com a densidade de 0,47 kg dm-3.

  7. Composição de substratos e tamanho de recipientes na produção e qualidade das mudas de maracujazeiro 'amarelo' Composition of substrates and volume of recipients in the production and quality of yellow passion fruit seedlings

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    Elisângela Aparecida da Silva


    Full Text Available A produção de mudas de maracujazeiro 'amarelo' (Passiflora edulis Sims. f. flavicarpa Degener de boa qualidade genética, fitossanitária e bem nutridas é de suma importância. A multiplicação rápida depende de alguns fatores preponderantes, relacionados com a produção de mudas, ligados especificamente aos substratos e recipientes. Este experimento foi realizado visando à avaliação da produção de mudas em diferentes substratos e dois tamanhos de recipientes, em viveiro de produção de mudas da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS, Cassilândia/MS. Foram testados quatro substratos: solo puro, solo + esterco (2:1 v:v, Plantmaxâ e solo + 150 de superfosfato simples e dois tamanhos de recipientes de polietileno preto: 14x20 cm (1000 mL e 10x20 cm (700 mL. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4 (substratos x 2 (tamanhos de recipientes, com 4 repetições e dez plantas por parcela. Avaliaram-se as características: índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE, altura da muda (cm, comprimento de raiz (cm, diâmetro do colo (mm, número de folhas/planta, índice de clorofila foliar (ICC, massa seca da parte aérea, massa seca da raiz e massa seca total. Os resultados para as variáveis analisadas indicaram que apenas para o número de folhas/planta houve diferença significativa para o tamanho de recipiente utilizado. O solo + esterco e o Plantmax® favoreceram todos os parâmetros de crescimento nos recipientes de 700 mL. O solo puro não é recomendado para a produção de mudas de maracujazeiro 'amarelo' em ambos recipientes; pois favoreceu apenas o comprimento de raiz e massa seca da parte aérea.The production of yellow passion fruit seedlings (Passiflora edulis Sims. f. flavicarpa Degener with genetic and phytosanitary quality, well-nourished and precocious, is of great importance. Fast multiplication depends on some preponderant factors related to seedling production


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    Felipe Sulzbach


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    The control of larvae and adults of citrus root weevils (Naupactus spp. was evaluated in four experiments, in field and laboratory conditions, at Itapetininga, São Paulo State, Brazil. For larvae control of Naupactus spp. the insecticides tested were: aldicarb, bifenthrin, carbofuran, carbosulfan, chlorpyrifos (GR, chlorpyrifos (EW, fipronil, imidacloprid, and thiamethoxam (GR. For adults control of Naupactus cervinus and N. versatilis the following products were tested: abamectin, carbosulfan. lufenuron, lufenuron + abamectin, and thiamethoxam (WG. The efficiency control of Naupactus spp. larvae was below 80%, for all treatments tested (insecticides, dosages, and application methods. On larvae, the best results were obtained with thiamethoxam (GR 2.40 g, fipronil 0.19 g, and thiamethoxam (WG 1.00 g of a.i.plant-1, with 71.43%, 74.12% and 77.87% larvae population reduction, respectively. For N. cervinus and N. versatilis adults control, thiamethoxam (WG with 0.75 g and 1.00 g, and carbosulfan with 0.64 g of a.i. planta-1 showed efficiency above 80% in the field tests. While in the laboratory test, besides these treatments, also tiamethoxam (WG with 0.5 g of a.i. plant-1 presented such efficiency. The adult mortality was similar between the studied species. Thiamethoxam (WG and carbosulfan may be reccommended for adults of this insect.

    KEY-WORDS: Insect pest; Naupactini; chemical control.

    O controle de larvas e adultos de curculionídeos-das-raízes foi avaliado em quatro experimentos, em condições de  laboratório e de campo, no município de Itapetininga, SP. Para o controle de larvas de Naupactus spp. foram testados os inseticidas: aldicarbe, bifentrina, carbofurano, carbosulfano, clorpirifós (GR, clorpirifós (EW, fipronil, imidacloprido e tiametoxam (GR. Para o

  9. The effect of container volume on seedling production and initial growth of Jatropha curcas L. on the Western ParanaEfeito do volume do recipiente na produção de mudas e no crescimento inicial de Jatropha curcas L. no Oeste Paranaense

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    Michelle Cristina Ajala


    Full Text Available The effect of container volume on seedling production and initial growth of Jatropha curcas L. on the Western ParanaEste trabalho objetivou comparar a influência do volume de recipientes na produção de mudas e no crescimento, durante o primeiro ano, de pinhão manso no oeste paranaense. A produção de mudas no viveiro utilizou saco plástico de 1.178 cm3 e tubetes de 120 e 180 cm3 preenchidos com substrato comercial. As mensurações quinzenais incluíram os incrementos em altura, diâmetro do coleto e área foliar. Após o plantio foram avaliados os incrementos no número de folhas, de ramificações e a porcentagem de sobrevivência trimestral. Ao final da fase de viveiro, o maior incremento em altura (1,56 cm e em diâmetro do coleto (1,3 mm foi obtido nas mudas de J. curcas conduzidas em saco plástico com volume de 1.178 cm3, enquanto que os valores para mudas em tubetes de 180 cm3 e 120 cm3 resultaram em 1,24 cm e 1,2 mm e 1,48 cm e 1,1 mm, respectivamente. Após o plantio, não foram verificadas diferenças nos incrementos trimestrais em altura, diâmetro de colo, número de folhas, número de ramos (primários e secundários e porcentagem de mortalidade em função do volume dos recipientes utilizados para a formação das mudas. Os incrementos observados no primeiro trimestre após o plantio apresentaram os maiores valores em diâmetro do coleto, número de folhas, e mortalidade. Mudas de J.curcas semeadas no final de agosto, conduzidas em viveiro de setembro a novembro em tubetes de 120 cm3, e plantadas em dezembro em solo PVd da região oeste do Estado do Paraná resultam em crescimento equivalente ao de mudas produzidas em recipientes de maior volume com economia de substrato, espaço de viveiro e esforço no plantio.

  10. Spatial distribution of Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae larvae in three scales Distribuição espacial das larvas de Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae em três escalas

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    CR. Jesus


    Full Text Available The spatial distribution of larvae of Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae, the citrus leaf miner, in leaves, shoots, and tree crowns of Montenegrina tangerine (Citrus deliciosa Tenore and Murcott tangor (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck x Citrus reticulata Blanco was determined. Fortnightly samplings from July/2001 to June/2003, in orchards located in Montenegro (29º 68’ S and 51º 46’ W, RS, Brazil, were carried out. At each sampling occasion eighth shoots randomly selected were collected. The spatial distribution pattern of P. citrella larvae between tree crowns and in the shoots was aggregated in most sampling occasions in both citrus species. Nevertheless, on the leaves, this pattern followed a random distribution, as indicated by the indices I, Idelta and k parameter.Com o objetivo de determinar a distribuição espacial das larvas de Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae, o minador-dos-citros, nas folhas, nos brotos e nas copas das plantas de tangerineira ‘Montenegrina’ (Citrus deliciosa Tenore e de tangor ‘Murcott’ (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck x Citrus reticulata Blanco, foram realizadas amostragens quinzenais de julho de 2001 a junho de 2003 em pomares localizados em Montenegro (29º 68’ S e 51º 46’ W, RS, Brasil. Em cada ocasião de amostragem foram coletados aleatoriamente oito brotos. Através da análise, pelos índices de dispersão I e Idelta, o padrão de distribuição espacial das larvas de P. citrella entre as plantas e nos brotos de ‘Montenegrina’ e ‘Murcott’ foi agregado na maioria das ocasiões de amostragem. O padrão de distribuição espacial das larvas do minador-dos-citros nas folhas mostrou-se diferente do registrado em copas das plantas e brotos, os índices I, Idelta e o parâmetro k indicaram distribuição aleatória.


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    Elison Floriano Tiago


    Full Text Available Information about Scarabaeidae phytophagous are still rare for the Center-West Region of Brazil. Thus, in the experimental area of the Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul, in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, the succession of soybean, maize, and forage turnip was sowed from February 2004 to October 2005, when the larvae population dynamics was evaluated. From October 2006 to May 2008, nine succession systems were sowed, the larval density evaluated, and the identification of the current species was carried out. When the larvae were sampled for soybean, in January 2005 and 2006, the highest densities were found in the field (3.44 larvae m-2 and 4.19 larvae m-2, respectively. The forage turnip, sampled in October 2004 and 2005, showed the lowest densities (0.03 larvae m-2 and 0.02 larvae m-2, respectively. In the crop succession systems, the following species were found: Liogenys fuscus Blanchard (highest amount, Liogenys bidenticeps Moser, Anomala testaceipennis Blanchard, Paranomala inconstans (Burmeister, Geniates borelli Camerano, Cyclocephala forsteri Endrodi, Cyclocephala verticalis Burmeister, and Phyllophaga sp. For the succession systems with maize sowed at the traditional season, the highest larval densities were found, specially favoring the development of L. fuscus, while the succession systems with soybean, maize, and under fallow, and soybean, crotalaria, and forage turnip, as well as the three systems with cotton-plant, did not favor it.

    KEY-WORDS: Zea mays; Glycine max; Raphanus sativus; soil pests; larvae density.Informações sobre Scarabaeidae fitófagos são ainda escassas para a região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Por esta razão, na área experimental da Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul, em Aquidauana (MS, foi semeada, de fevereiro de 2004 a outubro de 2005, a sucessão de culturas soja, milho e nabo forrageiro, onde se avaliou a dinâmica da densidade larval. De outubro de 2006 a maio

  12. Volume de recipientes e composição de substratos para produção de mudas de mamoneira Recipients volume and substrate composition for castor seedlings production

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    Rosiane de Lourdes Silva de Lima


    Full Text Available A mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.é uma oleaginosa bem adaptada ao cultivo na região semi-árida por sua rusticidade e resistência ao estresse hídrico. Seu plantio é tradicionalmente feito por sementes, mas o uso de mudas pode se tornar atraente como estratégia para melhor aproveitamento da curta estação chuvosa. Para adoção desta tecnologia, a definição de aspectos técnicos como volume de recipientes, composição do substrato e período de permanência da muda no viveiro são fundamentais para o êxito da técnica. Conduziu-se experimento em casa-de-vegetação da Embrapa Algodão em Campina Grande, com sementes da cultivar de mamona de porte médio BRS Nordestina, em delineamento de blocos casualizados com 4 repetições e 25 tratamentos em distribuição fatorial 5², sendo os fatores cinco volumes de recipientes e cinco composições de substratos. Entre 15 e 43 dias após a emergência (DAE foram feitas cinco coletas destrutivas semanais para obtenção de dados de altura, diâmetro caulinar, área foliar, número de folhas e matéria seca da parte aérea e radicular. Com os dados obtidos calculou-se o tamanho da folha. Detectaram-se efeitos significativos dos tratamentos em todas as variáveis estudadas. O crescimento das mudas estabilizou-se aproximadamente aos 36 DAE, independente do volume do recipiente. Os substratos compostos por mistura de areia com esterco bovino ou casca de amendoim propiciaram o melhor crescimento das mudas, enquanto aqueles contendo bagaço de cana ou mucilagem de sisal foram os piores. Recipientes de 2 L de volume foram os mais adequados para a produção de mudas de mamoneira.Castor (Ricinus communis L. is an oilseed crop well adapted for growing at semi-arid region for its rusticity and resistance to water deficit. It is usually planted by seeds, but planting by seedling can become attractive as a strategy for better use of the short rainy season. Before the adoption of this technology some aspects

  13. Expressão de caracteres de tubérculos em função do tamanho de recipiente usado no cultivo de batata na geração de plântulas

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    Mario Alvaro Aloisio Verissimo


    Full Text Available No melhoramento genético de batata, para alguns caracteres, é possível eliminar genótipos inferiores já nas gerações iniciais, o que permite reduzir o número de genótipos avaliados a campo, proporcionando redução de custos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência do tamanho de vaso na expressão de caracteres de tubérculo, em famílias de batata, na geração de plântula. Em casa de vegetação, dez famílias de batata foram avaliadas em dois tamanhos de recipientes, vaso grande (1 L e vaso pequeno (250 ml. Os caracteres de tubérculos avaliados foram: cor, aspereza, profundidade de olho, sobrancelha, formato, uniformidade de formato, apontamento, curvatura, achatamento, aparência geral, massa por planta, massa média e número de tubérculos. O vaso grande proporciona maior expressão da variação genética para os caracteres profundidade de olho, sobrancelha, curvatura, achatamento, aparência geral e todos os componentes de rendimento. As maiores médias de produção de tubérculos em número, tamanho e massa foram obtidas no vaso grande, enquanto o maior coeficiente de variação genético para os caracteres formato, uniformidade de formato e apontamento de tubérculo foi obtido no vaso pequeno.

  14. Efeito do clima sobre a infecção parasitária em bezerros e presença de larvas em manejo rotativo de pasto em Santa Maria, RS, Brasil Climatological effects on parasitic infection in calves and the presence of larvae in a pasture rotation management in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

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    Ivan Heck


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi correlacionar os dados climáticos e parasitários através de exames laboratoriais e da pastagem. O experimento foi realizado no período de março a junho de 2004, utilizando 110 bezerros com idade média de cinco meses, em pastos com diferentes relevos. Foi avaliado o número de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG, a coprocultura e o número de larvas na pastagem em intervalos de 15 dias, e dados climáticos deciduais. A coprocultura revelou a presença de 60% de parasitas do gênero Trichostrongylus spp. e 40% de Cooperia spp. assim como Moniezia spp. e oocistos de Eimeria spp. A temperatura permitiu a sobrevivência e o desenvolvimento das larvas infectantes na pastagem durante o experimento. O aumento do número de larvas na pastagem está associado ao acréscimo da precipitação após um período de seca. O relevo com maior número de larvas apresentou maior concentração de massa seca de capim arroz (Echinochloa spp.. Pode-se comprovar que em condições climáticas ideais ocorreu uma rápida contaminação da pastagem com larvas infectantes quando animais naturalmente infectados foram transferidos para a área após colheita de milho.The objective of this work was to correlate climatic and parasitological data from laboratory and field samples. The experiment was executed from March to June of 2004, using 110 naturally infected five months old calves. The counting of eggs per gram of feces (EPG, fecal culture and the number of larva on pasture was evaluated every 15 days in relation to decidual climatic data. The EPG increased during the study. The same observation occurred with the pluviometric level. Coproculture revealed the presence of 60% of Trichostrongylus spp. and 40% of Cooperia spp. as well as Moniezia spp. and Eimeria spp. oocists. The temperature during all the experimental periods was favorable to infecting larvae survival and development on pasture. The area with higher larvae count had the higher

  15. Isolamento de esporos de Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae no Brasil Detectionof Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae spores in Brazil

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    Dulce Maria Tocchetto Schuch


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou detectar presença de esporos de Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae em produtos de um entreposto do interior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a identificação de possíveis fontes de contaminação e a avaliação da possibilidade da transferência de esporos para colméias de apiários adjacentes a partir de produtos importados contaminados. Foram analisados mel e pólen importados disponíveis no entreposto, favo do ninho (crias, pólen e mel colhido de uma colméia sadia, mel estocado em um dos apiários e abelhas adultas. Os resultados foram positivosem relação ao mel e pólen importados, a três grupos de abelhas adultas e ao mel do favo.The objective of this work was to detect the presence of Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae spores in products from a warehouse located in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, the identification of possible contamination sources, and the assessment of spores transference possibility from contaminated imported products from the warehouse to apiaries located in the surrounding area. Samples of imported pollen and bulk honey stocked in the warehouse, and honeycomb (brood, honey and pollen from a healthy hive, honey from one apiary and adult bees were analyzed. Imported honey and pollen, and three groups of adult bees and the honey collected from the honeycomb resulted positive.

  16. Diferentes densidades de estocagem na larvicultura do trairão Hoplias lacerdae - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v27i1.1366 Different stocking densities in trairão (Hoplias lacerdae larvae rearing - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v27i1.1366

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    Maria Célia Portella


    Full Text Available O objetivo do experimento foi avaliar o efeito da densidade de estocagem na larvicultura do trairão. Larvas com sete dias de vida foram submetidas a quatro densidades de estocagem: 10, 30, 60 e 90 larvas/L. Foram utilizados 16 recipientes com volume útil de 5 L cada, dotados de aeração constante e dispostos em sistema de banho termostatizado. Cada tratamento teve quatro repetições. As unidades experimentais foram cobertas com lona plástica preta para manter o ambiente interno escuro, sendo descobertas somente para o manejo diário. Ao final do experimento, após 15 dias de alimentação com náuplios de Artemia, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas (P > 0,05 de crescimento dos animais nas diferentes densidades. Esse mesmo resultado também foi observado com relação às taxas de sobrevivência, de mortalidade e de canibalismo. A utilização da maior densidade de estocagem resultou em maior produção de larvas de trairão, possibilitando a criação mais intensiva da espécie nessa faseThis experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of the stocking density on trairao larvae rearing. Seven days old larvae were submitted to four different stocking densities: 10, 30, 60 and 90 larvae/L. Sixteen vessels with 5 L each supplied with constant aeration were kept in a thermostatic bath. Each treatment had four replications. In order to keep the internal environment dark, all the experimental units were covered with a black plastic and it was uncovered only during the daily management. At the end of the experiment, after 15 days of feeding with Artemia nauplii, no significant differences were found (P > 0.05 on growth among the evaluated densities. The same results were also registered for the survival, mortality and cannibalism rates. Higher stocking density resulted in higher production of trairao larvae rearing, allowing intensive rearing of this species in this phase

  17. Dietary soybean meal on growth and intestinal morphology of South American catfish, Rhamdia quelen, larvae Farelo de soja em dietas para larvas de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen sobre o crescimento e morfologia intestinal

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    David Roque Hernández


    Full Text Available The effects of the replacement of bread yeast by soybean meal in diets for Rhamdia quelen larvae on growth, survival, and intestinal morphology were analysed. Larvae were fed for 20 days with five diets: a control diet formulated with 57% of bread yeast, and other four diets in which soybean meal at concentrations of 14.25, 28.5, 42.75 and 57% was added to obtain 25, 50, 75 and 100% of bread yeast replacement. Growth and survival parameters were negatively affected by dietary soybean meal inclusion. Larvae fed control diet showed significantly higher mean weight, specific growth rate, final biomass, and survival rate than larvae from other treatments. Enterocyte height and fold width of the posterior intestine showed highest values in the control group, and an inverse linear relationship with the level of dietary soybean meal inclusion was observed, however, in the anterior intestine the morphology parameters were not affected by the diet. These results indicate that inclusion of soybean meal in diets for R. quelen larvae negatively affects growth and survival, as well as the capacity for digestion and absorption of nutrients, mainly in the posterior intestine.Neste estudo, foi analisado o efeito da substituição de levedura de pão por farelo de soja em dietas para larvas de Rhamdia quelen no crescimento, sobrevivência e morfologia intestinal. As larvas foram alimentadas durante 20 dias com cinco dietas experimentais: uma dieta controle formulada com 57% de levedura de pão e quatro dietas em que o farelo de soja foi adicionado em 14,25, 28,5, 42,75 e 57% para obter 25, 50, 75 e 100% de substituição de levedura de pão. As variáveis de crescimento e sobrevivência foram negativamente afetadas pela inclusão da soja na dieta. As larvas alimentadas com a dieta controle apresentaram maior peso médio, taxa de crescimento específico, biomassa final e sobrevivência, diferindo significativamente dos demais tratamentos. A altura dos enter

  18. Masculinização de larvas de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus por banhos de imersão e o andrógeno dissolvido em solução de dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v26i2.1867 Masculinizaton of Nile tilápia fries (Oreochromis niloticus through bath immersion and androgen dissolved in dimethilsulfoxide (DMSO solution - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v26i2.1867

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    Fábio Meurer


    Full Text Available O experimento constituiu-se de dois ensaios. O primeiro objetivou determinar a concentração de dimetilsulfóxido não-prejudicial às larvas de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus L. para utilização em banhos de imersão, e o segundo avaliou a masculinização e o desempenho zootécnico das larvas submetidas à imersão em diferentes concentrações hormonais. Os animais foram imersos por 36 horas em recipientes de 0,5L, com 50 larvas. No primeiro ensaio, utilizaram-se as concentrações de 0,04%; 0,1%; 0,3%; 0,7% e 1,0% de dimetilsulfóxido, não apresentando diferença significativa (p>0,05 sobre resultados de sobrevivência entre os tratamentos. No segundo ensaio, utilizaram-se os tratamentos de 0,5; 1,5; 2,5; 3,5; 4,5 e 5,5mg de 17alpha-metiltestosterona.L-1, em solução de 0,04% de dimetilsulfóxido, verificando-se melhor resultado (p-1.This experiment was composed of two essays. The first one studied the deletrious effect of dimethylsulfoxide concentration on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L. fries through bath immersion. The second assessed the sex reversal of male and the performance of Nile tilapia fries submitted to immersion in different hormone concentrations. The animals were immersed over 36 hours in recipients of 0.5L, with fifty fries. In the first essay dimethylsulfoxide concentrations of 0.04, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7 and 1.0% were utilized and there was no significant difference (p>0.05 in survival results between the treatments. In the second essay 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 5.5mg of 17alpha-metyltestosterone.L-1 were utilized in 0.04% dimethylsulfoxide solution, in which the best result (P-1

  19. Alterações ultraestruturais em larvas de Aedes aegypti submetidas ao diterpeno labdano, isolado de Copaifera reticulata (Leguminosae, e à uma fração rica em taninos de Magonia pubescens (Sapindaceae

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    Cleyde Ferreira Barreto Valotto


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Dengue é um importante problema de saúde pública, em vários países, e tem como principal vetor o Aedes aegypti, mosquito mais adaptado às áreas urbanizadas. Apresenta-se, pela primeira vez, as alterações ultraestruturais em larvas de 3º estádio, desse mosquito, causadas pelos larvicidas naturais, um diterpeno labdano, extraído de Copaifera reticulata, e uma fração rica em taninos catéquicos, extraída de Magonia pubescens, evidenciando o mecanismo de ação dessas substâncias. MÉTODOS: Os experimentos foram realizados com larvas de 3º estádio em solução de 0,9ppm, do diterpeno (3-β-acetoxylabdan-8(17-13-dien-15-óico e de 3,7ppm, da fração majoritária de tanino catéquico de massa molecular 864Da. Obtiveram-se as substâncias através de fracionamentos cromatográficos sucessivos, identificadas por ressonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio e espectrometria de massas. As larvas que atingiram estado letárgico foram coletadas e dissecadas e seus tubos digestórios fixados, desidratados, emblocados e polimerizados. Cortes ultrafinos foram feitos e contrastados com acetato de uranila 3% e citrato de chumbo, posteriormente, levados ao microscópio eletrônico. RESULTADOS: As principais alterações ultraestruturais provocadas pelos diterpeno e tanino sobre larvas de Aedes aegypti foram vacuolização citoplasmática, desorganização e degeneração celular, mudança estrutural dos microvilos e deslocamento das células da lâmina basal. CONCLUSÕES: O diterpeno e a fração rica em taninos catéquicos provocaram a morte das larvas de Aedes aegypti através da destruição celular no intestino médio.

  20. Suplementação de taurina em dietas com duas concentrações proteicas para pós-larvas de camarão-branco-do-pacífico Taurine supplementation of diets with two protein concentrations to Pacific white shrimp post-larvae

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    Plínio Schmidt Furtado


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a possibilidade de reduzir a concentração proteica da dieta para pós-larvas de camarão-branco-do-pacífico (Litopenaeus vannamei por meio da suplementação do aminoácido taurina. Seis dietas práticas, isoenergéticas (15,48 kJ EM/g, foram formuladas para conter duas concentrações de proteína (35% e 45% proteína bruta, PB, com três níveis de suplementação de taurina (0, 5 e 10 g/kg, em arranjo fatorial 2 × 3, com quatro repetições. Cem pós-larvas (peso inicial de 0,14 ± 0,01 g foram estocadas em cada um dos 24 tanques de 45 litros conectados a um sistema de recirculação de água marinha. As dietas experimentais foram distribuídas aos camarões (10% da biomassa três vezes ao dia, durante 30 dias. A concentração proteica da dieta não influenciou o crescimento nem a utilização alimentar das pós-larvas, mas o efeito benéfico da suplementação das dietas com taurina foi evidente em ambos os níveis proteicos testados. As pós-larvas alimentadas com as dietas com maior concentração de taurina (10 g/kg alcançaram maior peso final, ganho em peso e taxa de crescimento específico e melhor conversão alimentar em comparação àquelas alimentadas com as demais dietas. A taxa de sobrevivência média foi superior a 92% e não foi afetada pelas dietas experimentais. O nível de 35% de PB na dieta (22,58 mg PB/kJ EM é suficiente para promover o crescimento adequado de pós-larvas de L. vannamei, e o desempenho dos camarões pode ser melhorado com a suplementação de 10 g taurina/kg de ração.The present study aimed to evaluate the possibility of reducing the dietary protein content for post-larvae of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei through diet supplementation with taurine amino acid. Six practical isoenergetic (15.48 kJ ME/g diets were formulated to contain two protein concentrations (35% and 45% crude protein, CP and 3 levels of taurine supplementation (0, 5

  1. Angiostrongilose abdominal: profilaxia pela destruição das larvas infectantes em alimentos tratados com sal, vinagre ou hipoclorito de sódio

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    Graziela Maria Zaniní


    Full Text Available A infecção acidental humana pelo Angiostrongylus costaricensis ocorre com elevada prevalência em certas áreas do Brasil meridional, eventualmente se manifestando como doença abdominal severa. Profilaxia é importante, pois não hã tratamento medicamentoso. Um dos modos de transmissão é a ingestão de frutas e vegetais contaminados com a mucosidade de moluscos infectados, os hospedeiros intermediários deste parasita. Larvas de terceiro estágio obtidas do ciclo mantido em laboratório foram incubadas a 5°C por 12 horas, em vinagre, solução saturada de cloreto de sódio e hipocloríto de sódio a 1,5%. A viabilidade das lamas tratadas foi testada através da inoculação em camundongos albinos. Os percentuais de larvas que estabeleceram infecção foram: 0% com hipocloríto de sódio, 1,8% com salmora e 2,4% com vinagre. Em conclusão, todas as substâncias - de baixo custo e disponíveis nas áreas endêmicas - reduziram à população de lamas viáveis e podem ser úteis na descontaminação de alimentos para profilaxia da angiostrongilose abdominal.There is a high prevalence of accidental human infection with Angiostrongylus costaricensis in some areas in southern Brazil and sometimes it presents as severe intestinal disease. Prophylaxis is important since there is no medical treatment for the disease. The ingestion of fruits and vegetables contaminated with the mucous secretion of infected molluscs (the intermediate hosts is one of the proposed modes of transmission. Third stage lamae were incubated at 5°C for 12 hours, in solutions of saturated sodium chloride, vinegar and sodium hypochlorite 1.5%. The larvae had their viability tested through inoculation into albino mice. The percentage of larvae that established infection were 0% in the group treated with sodium hypochloride, 1.8% with NaCl and 2.4% with vinegar. In conclusion, all substances tested reduced the population of viable larvae and may be useful in food

  2. Intoxicação espontânea pelas larvas de Perreyia flavipes em bovinos no Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil Spontaneous poisoning by larvae of Perreyia flavipes in cattle from the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    Djeison Lutier Raymundo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, é descrito um surto de intoxicação por Perreyia flavipes ocorrido em agosto de 2006, em um rebanho bovino de 280 animais, no município de Sombrio, em Santa Catarina. Ocorreram 17 mortes em um lote de 77 bovinos de raça mista com idades entre um e dois anos mantidos em um piquete (P1 de aproximadamente 90 hectares por cerca de 30 dias. Após as primeiras duas mortes, os animais foram movidos para um segundo piquete (P2, onde ainda ocorreram 15 mortes nos cinco dias após a transferência. Seis bovinos foram necropsiados, e amostras de tecidos foram avaliadas para exame histológico. Os achados de necropsia incluíam hemorragias subcutâneas na mucosa do abomaso e superfície subepicárdica. Ascite e edema do abomaso, duodeno, pâncreas e vesícula biliar foram observados. O fígado apresentava-se amarelado com petéquias subcapsulares e acentuação do padrão lobular. No rúmen de três bovinos, foram encontrados fragmentos de corpos e cabeças de larvas de P. flavipes em meio ao conteúdo ruminal. Histologicamente o fígado apresentava tumefação hepatocelular e necrose centrolobular e mediozonal, difusa e acentuada, com hemorragia e congestão centrolobular. Havia depleção e necrose linfóide no baço, placas de Peyer e linfonodos mesentéricos. O diagnóstico de intoxicação pelas larvas da P. flavipes foi baseado nos dados epidemiológicos, nos achados de necropsia e nas alterações histopatológicas. As lesões hepáticas e em tecidos linfóides, além da grande quantidade de larvas de P. flavipes no primeiro piquete (P1 e no rúmen de animais necropsiados, foram dados importantes para o diagnóstico.This article describes an outbreak of Perreyia flavipes poisoning in August of 2006 in a cattle herd of 280 animals in Sombrio, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Seventeen bovines between 1 and 2 years old from one herd of 77 mixed breed cattle died. The herd was kept in a paddock of 90 hectares (P1 for 30 days. After

  3. Comportamento de formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo

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    Carmen Moreno Glasser


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Em região de alta incidência de dengue, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo, selecionaram-se 9 áreas, com objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti. MÉTODOS: As 9 áreas foram agrupadas em 4 estratos, diferenciados pelo uso e ocupação do solo. Foram coletadas larvas e pupas numa amostra de cerca de 500 imóveis em cada área. RESULTADOS: Apesar do pneu e lona apresentarem as maiores taxas de positividade para Aedes aegypti, o ralo, juntamente com outros recipientes fixos nas edificações foram altamente predominantes entre os recipientes positivos (32 a 76% dos recipientes positivos. As áreas coletivas de prédios e os imóveis não residenciais de grande porte apresentaram as maiores taxas de positividade para Aedes aegypti enquanto os apartamentos, as menores. Os níveis de infestação foram maiores na área residencial com predominância de prédios de apartamentos, onde 76% dos criadouros detectados foram recipientes fixos nas edificações. CONCLUSÕES: Esses conhecimentos são importantes subsídios para a estratégia de controle, pois reforçam a necessidade de atenção especial para determinados tipos de imóveis, bem como da adequação da norma técnica de ralo de água pluvial e da melhoria de manutenção das edificações. Além disso, são necessárias observações sistemáticas que permitam acompanhar a dinâmica de ocupação de diferentes imóveis e recipientes por Aedes aegypti e a incorporação desses conhecimentos nas ações de controle do vetor na região.

  4. Mortality in hibernating turnip moth larvae, <em>Agrotis segetumem>, caused by <em>Tolypocladium cylindrosporumem>

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    Steenberg, Tove; Øgaard, Leif


    -induced mortality. The experiment was started in mid-October and buckets were collected four times from January until May. The fungus had caused high mortality by January, when almost 70% of the treated larvae were infected and by March more than 94% of the larvae had been killed. For larvae from the naturally...... infested site the prevalence was 21% in mid-October and by March it had reached 93%. The ability of the fungus to infect insects at low temperatures may be related to a relatively low optimum temperature for growth of 21 °C, which is lower than for the majority of entomopathogenic hyphomycetes. Host range...

  5. Predação de larvas de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Holmberg por copépodes ciclopóides (Mesocyclops longisetus, Thiébaud em diferentes densidades e ambientes e com diferentes contrastes visuais Predation of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Holmberg larvae by cyclopoid copepods (Mesocyclops longisetus, Thiébaud at different densities in environments with different visual contrast

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    Carmino Hayashi


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência da densidade de copépodes ciclopóides (Mesocyclops longisetus na predação de larvas de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus em ambientes com diferentes contrastes visuais. Foram utilizadas 360 larvas de pacu (Lt = 5,77±0,23 mm e Wt = 6,57 mg, distribuídas em 24 aquários (1-L de vidro transparente, em um delineamento em blocos casualizados com oito tratamentos e três repetições, que constaram de 0, 10, 20 e 30 copépodes/L, em aquários com paredes sem revestimento ou com paredes revestidas de plástico escuro. Realizou-se a contagem, a cada uma hora, das larvas mortas e em seguida elas eram retiradas com uma pipeta. Observou-se um aumento linear nas taxas de predação (p Influence of density of cyclopoid copepods (Mesocyclops longisetus on pacu larvae (Piaractus mesopotamicus predation in environments with different visual contrast is provided. Three hundred and sixty larvae (Lt: 5.77±0.23 mm and Wt: 6.57 mg were distributed in 24 one-liter light-color-lined aquaria, in a entirely randomized design, with eight treatments and three replications, with densities 0, 10, 20 and 30 copepods/L. Similar densities were used and distributed in aquaria with dark plastic lined interior. Dead larvae were counted hourly and removed with a pipette. After three hours from the start of experiment a linear increase in predation rate (p th to the 9th observation, with smaller survival values of pacu larvae in light-colored aquaria. It may be concluded that increase in copepod density and absence of lining on walls of aquaria favor higher predation rates of copepods on pacu larvae

  6. Adubação foliar com macro e micronutrientes no crescimento de mudas micropropagadas do abacaxizeiro cv. Gold [Ananas comosus (L. Merrill] em diferentes recipientes Foliar fertilization with macro and micronutrients in the growth of plantlets micropropagated of pineapple cv. Gold [Ananas comosus (L. Merrill] in different containers

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    Izaias dos Santos Bregonci


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da adubação foliar com macro e micronutrientes no crescimento das mudas micropropagadas do abacaxizeiro cv. Gold [Ananas comosus (L. Merrill], em diferentes recipientes. O experimento foi em esquema fatorial 8x3, adubação foliar em 8 níveis e recipientes em 3 níveis, através de um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 5 repetições. As mudas foram padronizadas com altura média de 7,12 cm. As adubações foliares foram feitas com uréia, cloreto de potássio, ácido bórico, um formulado comercial com macro e micronutrientes e testemunha (pulverização com água e os recipientes: bandeja de isopor com 200 células; tubete pequeno de 115 cm³; e tubete grande com 300 cm³. O substrato utilizado foi o plantmax hortaliças®. Avaliaram-se as características área foliar, altura de planta e massa seca da parte aérea e da raiz, aos 140 dias do transplantio. Os adubos foliares proporcionaram maior crescimento em área foliar, altura e massa seca da parte aérea às mudas do abacaxizeiro, embora com resultados diferentes. Os adubos foliares não aumentaram a massa seca do sistema radicular. A bandeja de isopor apresentou as menores médias, com todos os adubos foliares para área foliar, altura e massa seca da parte aérea das mudas do abacaxizeiro. O tubete pequeno e o tubete grande apresentaram resultados semelhantes com a maioria dos adubos foliares utilizados.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the foliar fertilization with macro and micronutrients on the growth of the plantlets micropropagated of pineapple cv. Gold [Ananas comosus (L. Merrill] in different containers. The experiment was mounted in factorial arrangement 8x3, with foliar fertilization in 8 levels and containers in 3 levels, through a completely randomized design with five repetitions. The plantlets were standardized with average height of 7,12 cm. The foliar fertilization was used in the urea

  7. Cyathostomin larvae: presence on Brachiaria humidicola grass during the rainy and dry seasons of Brazil Larvas de ciatostomíneos: disponibilidade em gramínea Brachiaria humidicola nas estações chuvosa e seca do Brasil

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    Claudia Navarro dos Santos


    Full Text Available The presence of cyathostomin larvae is directly associated to climatic conditions of each region. This study aimed to evaluate the ecology of infective larvae on Brachiaria humidicola during the dry and rainy seasons from October 2007 to September 2008 in a tropical region, Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil. Stools were collected from the rectum of horses naturally infected with cyathostomins at the beginning of the rainy season (October to March and dry season (April to September. They were divided into four samples of 500 g and deposited on a grass patch of B. humidicola. Seven days later and every 15 days thereafter samples of feces and grass were collected and processed by the Baermann technique. The mean number of larvae recovered from the grass varied according to the season, with greater recovery of larvae during the peak of the dry season (14,700¹ DM. There was a statistically significant difference between L3 recovered from feces and grass, but not between L3 recovered from the grass base and apex. These results show that the region’s climate favors the development and survival of infective cyathostomin larvae throughout the year, with a greater number of larvae during the dry season.A disponibilidade de larvas de ciatostomíneos está diretamente relacionada com as condições climáticas de cada região. Para avaliar o comportamento das larvas infectantes nos períodos seco e chuvoso em gramínea Brachiaria humidicola, realizou-se um estudo, no período de outubro/2007 a setembro/2008, na região da Baixada Fluminense, RJ, de clima tropical. Amostras de fezes foram coletadas diretamente do reto de equinos naturalmente infectados por ciatostomíneos, no início do período chuvoso (outubro a março e seco (abril a setembro, divididas em quatro amostras de 500 g e depositadas em um canteiro formado por gramínea B. humidicola. Sete dias após o depósito e, posteriormente, a cada 15 dias, amostras de fezes e gram

  8. Experimental infection with different bacterial strains in larvae and juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei reared in Santa Catarina State, Brazil = Infecção experimental em larvas e juvenis de Litopaenaeus vannamei cultivados no Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Celso Carlos Buglione


    Full Text Available This study evaluated the pathogenic characteristics of bacteria isolated from Litopenaeus vannamei during an outbreak at the Laboratory of Marine Shrimp, UFSC, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Their virulence potential in larvae and juvenile shrimp and theeffects on the total haemocyte count, phenoloxidase activity and serum agglutinate titre were examined after experimental infection. Bacterial strains were isolated from larvae and adult shrimps, identified by the AP120E biochemical system as: two strains of Vibrioalginolyticus, three of Aeromonas salmonicida and one of Pasteurella multocida sp. and Pasteurella sp. All the bacterial strains isolated in this study caused mortality in shrimp. One strain of V. alginolyticus was responsible for 97.3 and 88.7% mortality in larvae and juvenil shrimps, respectively. The shrimp immunological system was influenced by experimental infection with V. alginolyticus. Decrease in the total haemocyte count and increase in the phenoloxidase activity and the serum agglutinate titre (p Este estudo avaliou as características patogênicas de cepas de bactérias isoladas de Litopenaeus vannamei durante surto de mortalidade no Laboratório de Camarões Marinhos, UFSC, Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Seu potencial de virulência em larvas e juvenis de camarão marinho e os efeitos sobre a contagem total de hemócito, atividade de fenoloxidase e título aglutinante do soro foramavaliados após infecção experimental. As cepas bacterianas foram isoladas de larvas e de camarões adultos e identificadas bioquimicamente pelo sistema API20E como: duas cepas de Vibrio alginolyticus, três de Aeromonas salmonicida e uma de Pasteurella sp. e P. multocida. Todas as cepas isoladas provocaram mortalidade em L. vannamei, e uma de V. alginolyticus resultou em mortalidade de 97,3 e 88,7% para larvas e juvenis de camarões, respectivamente. O sistema imunológico dos camarões juvenis sofreu influência da infecção experimental

  9. Morphological and behavioral development of the piracanjuba larvae Desenvolvimento morfológico e comportamental de larvas de piracanjuba

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    Cláudia Maria Reis Raposo Maciel


    observações periódicas. Com 28 horas após a eclosão, as larvas (6,25 ± 0,13 mm apresentaram características estruturais e comportamentais que as tornavam predadoras ativas, capazes de superar a etapa crítica da fase larval, o início da alimentação exógena: presença de olhos pigmentados, boca terminal e ampla, dentes desenvolvidos, tubo digestivo em desenvolvimento, saco vitelino em redução, nadadeiras e bexiga gasosa em formação, nado horizontal, canibalismo e predação. Canibalismo intenso entre as larvas foi verificado das 26 às 72 horas. No final da metamorfose, às 172 horas pós-eclosão, medindo 11, 94 + 0,80 mm de comprimento padrão, as larvas apresentaram notocorda flexionada, nadadeira caudal em bifurcação e nadadeiras dorsal e anal em formação, movimentos sincronizados e formação de cardumes, características que, em conjunto, permitem melhor percepção e locomoção na exploração do ambiente e determinam o momento adequado para transferência para os viveiros de alevinagem. Novos estudos podem contribuir na atividade comercial para a melhoria do manejo alimentar, do desempenho, da sobrevivência e da produtividade desta espécie.

  10. Avaliação da influência sazonal na incidência de ovos e larvas de parasitos intestinais em praças no município de Macapá-AP | Evaluation of seasonal influence on the incidence of eggs and larvae of intestinal parasites in squares in the city of Macapá-AP

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    Felipe Ferreira Rêgo


    Full Text Available Doenças relacionadas a parasitoses mostram-se um relevante problema de saúde pública devido às diferentes complicações que estas podem causar, e o fornecimento de dados epidemiológicos tem o objetivo de reverter esse quadro. O trabalho visou avaliar a frequência de ovos e larvas de helmintos no município de Macapá, assim como a influência da sazonalidade na incidência da contaminação das praças públicas nos períodos compreendidos como inverno e verão. Nesse estudo foi analisado uma amostra contendo três pontos estratégicos de solo de cada praça, totalizando 39 praças, divididas em diferentes bairros. A escolha foi feita de acordo com as zonas que dividem o município, totalizando 39 amostras em recipientes devidamente vedados. Os métodos utilizados foram: Hoffman, Direto, Willis e Baermann Moraes. Os resultados mostraram a alta carga parasitária nos locais públicos, principalmente na época do inverno, onde se notou a alta prevalência de ovos Toxocara spp. no período do verão e, no período do inverno, obteve-se a prevalência maior de ovos de Ancylostoma spp., o que justifica uma ação imediata do poder público em relação a presença desses agentes no meio ambiente, com controle de animais, saneamento básico, disponibilização de tratamento e manutenção periódica das praças públicas. ============================================ Diseases related to parasitosis are a relevant public health problem due to the different complications that these can cause, and the provision of epidemiological data is aimed at reversing this situation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the frequency of eggs and larvae of helminths in the county of Macapá, as well as the influence of seasonality on the incidence of contamination of public squares in seasons from winter to summer. In this study 1 sample containing 3 strategic points of soil of each square was analyzed, totaling 39 squares, divided in different

  11. Efeito de recipientes e substratos utilizados na produção de mudas de cafeeiro no desenvolvimento inicial em casa de vegetação, sob estresse hídrico Effect of different recipients and substrata used in the production of coffee tree seedlings in the initial development in greenhouse under water stress

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    Haroldo Silva Vallone


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de recipientes e substratos no desenvolvimento inicial de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. plantados em vasos dentro de casa de vegetação, sob diferentes níveis de estresse hídrico, foi conduzido um experimento no Setor de Cafeicultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, no período de janeiro a maio de 2004. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados (DBC em esquema fatorial (3 x 3 x 4, sendo o primeiro fator constituído de três recipientes utilizados na produção das mudas, tubetes de polietileno rígido de 50 mL; tubetes de 120 mL; e saquinhos de polietileno, nas dimensões de 20 cm de altura por 10 cm de largura e capacidade volumétrica, aproximada, de 700 mL; o segundo fator constituído de três substratos utilizados na produção das mudas, substrato alternativo, composto por 65% de casca de arroz carbonizada + 35% de substrato comercial; substrato comercial Plantmax hortaliças HT; e substrato padrão, composto por 70% de terra + 30% de esterco bovino peneirados e o terceiro fator foi constituído por quatro intervalos entre irrigações, 2, 6, 10 e 14 dias. Observa-se que os recipientes de capacidades volumétricas diferentes e os substratos utilizados influenciam, significativamente, o desenvolvimento dos cafeeiros, sendo que, após 120 dias do transplante das mudas para vasos em casa de vegetação com diferentes níveis de estresse hídrico, as plantas provenientes de mudas produzidas em saquinhos de polietileno e tubetes de 120 mL contendo substratos alternativo e comercial apresentaram melhor desenvolvimento.With the aim of evaluating the effects of different recipients and substrata in the production of coffee tree seedlings (Coffea arabica L., planted in pots inside the greenhouse, under different water stress levels, an experiment was carried out in the Section of Coffee of Department of Agriculture of Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, in the period from

  12. Consumo de Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas, 1878 (Hemiptera: Aphididae por larvas de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae em casa-de-vegetação Consumption of Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas, 1878 (Hemiptera: Aphididae BY Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae larvae in greenhouse

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    Alexander M. Auad


    Full Text Available Com esta pesquisa objetivou-se verificar o consumo de Uroleucon ambrosiae em diferentes densidades, por larvas de Chrysoperla externa provenientes de diferentes regimes alimentares, em casa-de-vegetação. Ninfas de 3º e 4º ínstares do afídeo foram separadas nas densidades 30, 40 e 50, e colocadas nas plantas de alface (35 dias de idade, as quais, foram envolvidas por gaiola de armação de ferro de 27x27x26 cm cobertas com tecido “voil” e acoplada nos tubos de PVC do cultivo hidropônico. Quatro horas após, uma larva de C. externa, de diferentes ínstares e previamente alimentadas com U. ambrosiae ou ovos de Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1819, foi liberada próximo à colônia de afídeos, sendo a gaiola fechada imediatamente; o mesmo procedimento foi adotado sem que a larva fosse confinada. Após quarenta e oito horas, realizou-se a contagem do número de afídeos consumidos em cada densidade de presa disponível. A eficiência do predador, confinado em gaiola, foi de 12,46%, 13,63% e 25,76% para larvas de 1º, 2º e 3º ínstares previamente alimentadas com ovos de S. cerealella; 9,59% e 17,63% para aquelas de 2º e 3º ínstares alimentadas anteriormente com ninfas de U. ambrosiae, respectivamente e de 18,62% para larvas de 3º ínstar previamente alimentadas com ovos do lepidóptero no 1º ínstar e ninfas dos afídeos no 2º instar; no entanto, para larvas não confinadas, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas na eficiência. Nas densidades de 40 e 50 afídeos, as porcentagens de predação (18,30 e 18,72, respectivamente foram significativamente superiores quando comparada à densidade 30 (11,79; para testes sem confinamento, não houve influência da densidade da presa na resposta do predador. Assim, o alimento fornecido às larvas de C. externa antes de serem liberadas em casa-de-vegetação, o confinamento das mesmas e a densidade de U. ambrosiae disponível influenciaram o potencial de consumo do predador

  13. Enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de pessegueiro cv. Okinawa em diferentes diâmetros de ramos, substratos e recipientes Rooting of peach cv. Okinawa hardwood cuttings at different stem diameters, substrates, and pots

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    Mauro Brasil Dias Tofanelli


    Full Text Available O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Departamento de Produção Vegetal - Setor Horticultura da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas (FCA da Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP, Campus de Botucatu (SP com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de diferentes substratos e tipos de recipientes no potencial de enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de pessegueiro cultivar Okinawa com diferentes diâmetros. As estacas foram tratadas com 2,5g L-1 de ácido indol-butírico. O período de permanência das estacas na casa de vegetação foi de 50 dias. Os tratamentos consistiram de seis substratos: areia, casca de arroz carbonizada, vermiculita, areia + casca de arroz carbonizada, areia + vermiculita e casca de arroz carbonizada + vermiculita, com as misturas na proporção 1:1v/v, três tipos de recipientes: sacos plásticos, bandejas de poliestireno expandido e bandejas plásticas e dois grupos de estacas com diâmetros diferentes: 2 a 6mm e 6 a 10mm. O melhor resultado de enraizamento foi obtido em sacos plásticos com vermiculita independente do diâmetro das estacas.This work was carried out at the Department of Plant Production/Horticulture of the Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas (FCA of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP located in Botucatu (SP, Brazil. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of substrate and pot type on rooting of stem hardwood cuttings of peach cultivar Okinawa with different diameters. The cuttings were treated with 2.5g L-1 of IBA. The cuttings were maintained in greenhouse for 50 days. The treatments consisted of the combination of six substrate compositions: sand, carbonized rice husk, vermiculite, sand + carbonized rice husk, sand + vermiculite, and carbonized rice husk + vermiculite, mixture at proportion 1:1v/v and three types of pots: plastic bags, polystyrene trays, plastic trays and two groups of cutting diameter: 2 to 6mm and 6 to 10mm. The highest rooting frequency was obtained

  14. Ingestão de ração e comportamento de larvas de pacu em resposta a estímulos químicos e visuais Diet ingestion rate and pacu larvae behavior in response to chemical and visual stimuli

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    Marcelo Borges Tesser


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de comparar a influência dos estímulos visual e/ou químico de náuplios de Artemia e de dieta microencapsulada sobre a taxa de ingestão da dieta microencapusulada por larvas de pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus. Utilizou-se um esquema fatorial 7 x 4 (estímulos e idades com duas repetições. Verificou-se efeito da idade das larvas e dos estímulos, mas não houve efeito para a interação idade ´ estímulos. O estímulo químico da Artemia e ambos os estímulos da Artemia resultaram em maior taxa de ingestão de dieta inerte. Resultado intermediário foi obtido com o estímulo visual da dieta microencapsulada. O estímulo químico, em comparação ao estímulo visual da Artemia, resultou em maiores taxas de ingestão da dieta. Com o aumento da idade, houve incremento na taxa de ingestão. Os estímulos visual e químico dos náuplios e o estímulo visual da ração aumentaram a ingestão de dieta inerte por larvas de pacu. Náuplios de Artemia devem ser oferecidos antes do fornecimento da dieta inerte, pois podem auxiliar no processo de transição alimentar. Os resultados deste trabalho apontaram novas possibilidades de estudos com larvas de peixes neotropicais visando a substituição precoce do alimento vivo para o inerte.The effect of visual, chemical and the combination of both stimuli from Artemia nauplii and from microencapsulated diet on dry diet ingestion by pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus larvae was evaluated in this research. The experiment was analyzed as a 7 x 4 factorial arrangement (seven stimuli and four ages with two replicates. It was observed effect of larvae age and stimuli, but no interaction (age ´ stimuli was observed. The chemical effect from Artemia and both effects from Artemia resulted in higher ingestion rates. An intermediary result was obtained with visual effect from microencapsulated diet. The chemical stimulus from Artemia resulted in higher ingestion rates than that

  15. Biological and behavior aspects of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861 on cotton plantsAspectos biológicos e comportamentais de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861 em algodoeiro

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    Luciano Pacelli Medeiros Macedo


    Full Text Available It was aimed to study biological and behavior aspects of larvae and adults of Chrysoperla externa in greenhouse, on cotton plants. Recently hatched larvae were released on the upper third of cotton plants, which were previously infested with Aphis gossypii,. After emergence, adults were separated by sex and packed in cylindrical PVC recipients with cotton plant. We evaluated the duration of each larval, pre-pupal and pupal periods, pre-oviposition, oviposition, effective oviposition and post-oviposition periods, male and female logevity, daily and total oviposition capacity. The behavior of pupal stage was also evaluated, which released three larvae of the 3rd instar per cotton plant and they were put on the lower, medium and upper sections. As treatments, it was used naked soil, dried leaves from cotton plant, crushed rock nº 1; and crushed rock nº 1 + dried leaves. Larvae from different instars were released on the upper section of the cotton plants infested with A. gossypii to verify the search timing that marked the period the prey was exposed to the predator. C. externa larvae passed through all the phases of their biological cycle and there was no significant influence on the type of the soil covering used on pupal stage, since all of them were significantly higher on naked soil. There was no significative difference on the prey search by C. externa larvae.Objetivou-se estudar aspectos biológicos e comportamentais de larvas e adultos de Chrysoperla externa em casa-de-vegetação, em plantas de algodão. Larvas recém eclodidas foram liberadas no terço superior de plantas de algodão previamente infestadas com Aphis gossypii, onde permaneceram até a pupação. Após a emergência, adultos foram separados por sexo, acondicionados em recipientes cilíndricos de PVC contendo uma planta de algodoeiro. Avaliaram-se a duração de cada ínstar, dos períodos larval, pré-pupal e pupal, dos períodos de pré-oviposição, oviposi

  16. Suscetibilidade de operárias e larvas de abelhas sociais em relação à ricinina Susceptibility of workers and larvae of social bees in relation to ricinine

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    Débora C. Rother


    Full Text Available Muitas substâncias de origem vegetal podem ser tóxicas ou apresentar potencial inseticida. Com o objetivo de diminuir a problemática da poluição ambiental alguns estudos vêm tentando substituir os inseticidas artificiais pelos inseticidas botânicos. Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae apresenta uma grande variedade de substâncias sendo a ricinina o principal componente tóxico. Considerando que as abelhas são insetos benéficos por atuarem como agentes polinizadores das plantas, este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito tóxico da ricinina para as operárias e larvas de Apis mellifera (Linnaeus, 1758 (Hymenoptera, Apidae e Scaptotrigona postica (Latreille, 1907 (Hymenoptera, Meliponini. Para isso, foram realizados testes de ingestão em operárias confinadas recebendo ricinina incorporada à dieta e testes de aplicação tópica com a substância solubilizada em metanol e aplicada no pronoto das abelhas com auxílio de uma microseringa. Para as larvas foram realizados testes de ingestão e calculada sua taxa de mortalidade. Os resultados mostram atividade tóxica significativa (p Many substances of vegetal origin can be toxic or present an insecticidal potential. With the aim of decreasing the environment pollution problem, a few studies are trying to substitute synthetic insecticides with botanical ones. Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae presents a great variety of substances, being the ricinine the main toxic component. Considering that bees are useful as pollinator agents of plants, this study evaluates toxicity potential of ricinine on workers and larvae of Apis mellifera (Linnaeus, 1758 (Hymenoptera, Apidae and Scaptotrigona postica (Latreille, 1907 (Hymenoptera, Meliponini. In order to determine ricinine toxicity, ingestion tests were carried out with isolated workers bees that received ricinine on its diet. Furthermore, for topic tests, solutions of ricinine in methanol were applied on pronotum of worker bees with an "Agla" brand

  17. Efecto de extractos vegetales de <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem>, <em>Solanum nigrumem> y <em>Calliandra pittieriem> sobre el gusano cogollero (<em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem>

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    Lizarazo H. Karol


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    El gusano cogollero <em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem> es una de las plagas que más afectan los cultivos en la región de Sumapaz (Cundinamarca, Colombia. En la actualidad se controla principalmente aplicando productos de síntesis química, sin embargo la aplicación de extractos vegetales surge como una alternativa de menor impacto sobre el ambiente. Este control se emplea debido a que las plantas contienen metabolitos secundarios que pueden inhibir el desarrollo de los insectos. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación evaluó el efecto insecticida y antialimentario de extractos vegetales de barbasco <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem> (Polygonaceae, carbonero <em>Calliandra pittieriem> (Mimosaceae y hierba mora <em>Solanum nigrumem> (Solanaceae sobre larvas de <em>S. frugiperdaem> biotipo maíz. Se estableció una cría masiva del insecto en el laboratorio utilizando una dieta natural con hojas de maíz. Posteriormente se obtuvieron extractos vegetales utilizando solventes de alta polaridad (agua y etanol y media polaridad (diclorometano los cuales se aplicaron sobre las larvas de segundo instar. Los resultados más destacados se presentaron con extractos de <em>P. hydropiperoidesem>, obtenidos con diclorometano en sus diferentes dosis, con los cuales se alcanzó una mortalidad de 100% 12 días después de la aplicación y un efecto antialimentario representado por un consumo de follaje de maíz inferior al 4%, efectos similares a los del testigo comercial (Clorpiriphos.

  18. Screening Commercially Available Entomopathogenic Biocontrol Agents for the Control of <em>Aethina tumidaem> (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae in the UK

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    Giles E. Budge


    Full Text Available The Small hive beetle, <em>Aethina tumidaem>, is an invasive pest of honey bees. Indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa, it has now become established in North America and Australia. It represents a serious threat to European honey bees. Commercially available entomopathogenic agents were screened for their potential to control beetle larvae. Entomopathogenic fungi investigated had minimal impact. The nematodes <em>Steinernema> krausseiem> and <em>S. carpocapsaeem> provided excellent control with 100% mortality of larvae being obtained. Sequential applications of the nematodes following larvae entering sand to pupate also provided excellent control for up to 3 weeks. The information gained supports the development of contingency plans to deal with <em>A. tumidaem> should it occur in the UK, and is relevant to the management of Small hive beetle where it is already present.

  19. Estrutura da comunidade das larvas de Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera, em diferentes substratos artificiais e fases hídricas, no trecho superior do rio Paraná, Estado do Paraná, Brasil = Community structure of Chironomidae larvae (Insecta: Diptera, in different artificial substrates and during distinct hydrological phases, in the upper stretch of the Paraná river, Paraná State, Brazil

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    Adriana Felix dos Anjos


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência das fases hídricas sobre a composição, a densidade e a dominância das larvas de Chironomidae em diferentes tipos de substratos artificiais. As coletas foram realizadas quinzenalmente, entre os meses de agosto de2004 e dezembro de 2005. A análise de agrupamento revelou diferenças na composição e densidade das morfoespécies entre as fases hídricas e, de acordo com o índice de dominância de Kownacki, Cricotopus sp. foi dominante ou subdominante em todos os substratos e fases hídricas.Na fase de águas baixas, a maior similaridade foi observada entre os substratos de mesma forma. Nesse período, os maiores valores de riqueza e densidade das larvas foram registrados nos substratos em forma de X. Na fase de águas altas, o aumento no nível do rio Paraná influenciou na redução da densidade média das larvas e somente nos substratos de madeira em forma de X e PVC em forma de tubo, cujos materiais favoreceram a melhor fixação das larvas, foramregistrados maiores valores de densidade.This study investigated the influence of hydrological phases on species composition, density and dominance of Chironomidae larvae indifferent types of artificial substrates. Samplings were undertaken fortnightly, between August 2004 and December 2005. Cluster analysis evidenced differences in the species composition and density of Chironomidae morphospecies among hydrological phases; according to the Kownacki dominance index, Cricotopus sp. was dominant or subdominant in all substrates and hydrological phases. During the low water phase, the greatest similarity was observed among the substrateswith the same shape. In this period, the highest values of species richness and density of larvae were registered in X-shaped substrates. During the high water phase, the rise in the level of the Paraná River influenced on the reduction of mean larvae density, and only in wooden X-shaped and tube-shaped PVC

  20. Distribución espacial, efecto estacional y tipode recipiente más común en los índices entomólogicos larvarios de aedes aegypti en Yurimaguas. Perú, 2000 - 2004

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    Werther Fernández R


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir las características y relaciones de tres indicadores entomológicos (IE de Aedes aegypti en cuanto a su distribución espacial, efecto estacional y tipo de recipiente más común en la ciudad de Yurimaguas, Perú, durante los años 2000 al 2004. Materiales y métodos: Se recogieron los datos de los censos larvales al 100% en el periodo de estudio a través de tres IE [índice aédico (IA, índice de recipientes (IR e índice de Breteau (IB]. Se dividió la ciudad en once zonas, los depósitos se clasificaron en diez categorías y las estaciones en periodo lluvioso (noviembre-abril y seco (mayo-octubre. Para establecer diferencias entre los censos según meses, años, tipo de recipientes, zonas y estacionalidad se usó la prueba t de student y ANDEVA; y la correlación de Spearman para ver la relación entre los IE. Resultados: Se censaron 10 5421 viviendas y se inspeccionaron 538 802 depósitos. Los tres IE presentaron diferencias entre las once zonas, se notaron valores altos de recipientes positivos para las cinco categorías siguientes: inservibles, llantas, tanque bajo, florero-macetero y barril-cilindro-sansón. Los inservibles correspondieron a 37,37% de los recipientes positivos; 161 (4,2% viviendas presentaron 3 recurrencias en las inspecciones entre el 2000 al 2004. Los mayores valores de IE se presentaron durante el periodo lluvioso y los tres IE estuvieron relacionados entre sí. Conclusiones: La distribución espacial, el tipo de recipiente más común y el periodo lluvioso son factores que influyen en la dinámica poblacional de los IEs de Ae. aegypti en Yurimaguas, Perú.

  1. Food and feeding ecology of Brazilian sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis larvae from the southeastern Brazilian Bight

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    Frederico W. Kurtz


    Full Text Available Results from depth integrated and vertically stratified plankton samples collected in the southeastern Brazilian Bight were used to study the feeding behavior of Brazilian sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis larvae. Sampling of the ichthyoplankton was carried out with 60 cm Bongo nets in the Bight during the spawning seasons of 1991/92 and 1992/93. The sampling of microzooplankton was carried out in the coastal region off Ubatuba, using the closing-type plankton net, in December 1995. The feeding study was based on a total of 901 captured larvae. Gut content analysis of the sardine larvae showed a diurnal pattern of food intake. Copepod nauplii dominated the diet of the preflexion and flexion larvae, but they were the second in abundance for the postflexion larvae which fed preferentially on copepodites and adults of Oncaea spp. Averaged feeding incidence of the 901 larvae was 37.6%, but it increased to 58.5% for day-caught larvae. Seventy percent of the food particles were found in the mid-gut and food eaten showed a natural increase in digestion from fore-gut to hind-gut. Vertical distribution of microzooplankton revealed that copepod nauplii were present in densities of 10-20 ind. L-1, mainly in the upper mixed layer (0-20 m depth, but higher densities of copepodite and adult of Oncaea, Oithona and Paracalamis were found within and beneath the thermocline. These results show that Brazilian sardine larvae can successfully adapt their diet, feeding on the most abundant food particles in the upper mixed layer of the survey area.Plâncton amostrado na região sudeste do Brasil, em coletas integradas verticalmente e estratificadas, foi utilizado no estudo do comportamento alimentar das larvas de sardinha-verdadeira (Sardinella brasiliensis. As coletas de ictioplâncton foram realizadas com rede tipo Bongo de 60 cm de diâmetro durante os períodos de desova de 1991/92 e 1992/93. Microzooplâncton foi amostrado na região costeira ao largo de Ubatuba

  2. Diferentes substratos e recipientes na formação de mudas de mamoeiro 'sunrise solo' Different substrates and recipients in the formation of papaya seedlings 'sunrise solo'

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    Vander Mendonça


    Full Text Available Objetivando avaliar a viabilidade de diferentes substratos e recipientes na formação de mudas de mamoeiro 'Sunrise Solo', realizou-se o presente experimento em condições de casa de vegetação, no Pomar da Universidade Federal de Lavras-UFLA. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4x3, com quatro repetições e cinco plantas por parcela. Os tratamentos constituíram-se dos seguintes substratos: Plantimaxâ; substrato A (esterco de curral + carvão vegetal + solo e areia na proporção de 2:1:1:1 v/v; substrato B (vermicomposto + carvão vegetal + solo e areia na proporção de 1:1:1:1 v/v e substrato C (Plantimaxâ + carvão vegetal + solo e areia na proporção de 1:1:1:1 v/v; e dos seguintes recipientes: saco de polietileno com de 750 ml, bandeja de isopor com capacidade de 70 ml/célula de capacidade e tubetes de 50 ml. Foram avaliados altura das mudas, número de folhas, matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea e raiz. Pelos resultados, concluiu-se que o recipiente saco de polietileno, juntamente com o substrato A, foram os que apresentaram resultados favoráveis para todas as características avaliadas, e o substrato C proporcionou resultados desfavoráveis ao desenvolvimento das mudas.In order to evaluate the viability of different substrate and recipients at the production of " Sunrise soil papaya" seedlings, on experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions at the orchard of the Lavras Federal University-UFLA. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a 2 factors arrangement (4x3, with four replicates per treatment and five plants per plot, totalizing 240 plants. The substrates used were: Plantimaxâ; substrate A (cattle mature, soil, vegetable coal and sand, at the proportion of 2:1:1:1 v/v; substrate B ( earthworm, soil, vegetable coal and sand, at the proportion of 1:1:1:1v/v and substrate C (Plantimaxâ, vegetable coal, soil and sand at the proportion of 1:1:1:1 v/v. The

  3. Differential immune response of rainbow trout (<em>Oncorhynchus mykissem>) at early developmental stages (larvae and fry) against the bacterial pathogen <em>Yersinia ruckeriem>

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chettri, Jiwan Kumar; Raida, Martin Kristian; Kania, Per Walter


    . We exposed 17 and 87 days post hatch larvae and fry (152 and 1118 degree days post hatch; avg. wt. 70 and 770 mg, respectively) to the bacterial pathogen, Yersinia ruckeri for 4 h by bath challenge. Samples were taken at 4, 24, 72 and 96 h post exposure for qPCR and immunohistochemical analyses...... to elucidate the immune response mounted by these young fish. Larvae showed no mortality although infected larvae at 48 h post exposure showed hyperaemia in the mouth region and inflammation on the dorsal side of the body. Gene expression studies showed an up-regulation of iNOS and IL-22 in infected larvae 24...... h post exposure but most of the investigated genes did not show any difference between infected and uninfected larvae. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated a high expression of IgT molecules in gills and CD8 positive cells in thymus of both infected and uninfected larvae. Infection of rainbow...

  4. Morfologia do trato digestório e dieta de larvas de Bryconamericus aff. iheringii (Boulenger, 1887 (Osteichthyes, Characidae = Morphology of Digestive tract and diet of Bryconamericus aff. iheringii larvae (Boulenger, 1887 (Osteichthyes, Characidae

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    Renato Ziliani Borges


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar alguns aspectos da alimentação de larvas de Bryconamericus aff. iheringii, capturadas nos meses de julho e novembro de 2001, nas regiões limnética e litorânea do reservatório de Santa Maria, rio Piquiri, Estado do Paraná. As larvas apresentaram boca subterminal durante todo o seu desenvolvimento. O tubo digestório se diferenciou em estômago e intestino apenas no estágio de pós-flexão. As larvas consumiram, principalmente, algas e microcrustáceos, o que permitiu caracterizá-las como planctófagas. A intensa modificação morfológica no trato digestório nos indivíduos em pósflexão coincidiu com o aumento na abundância de algas em relação aos itens de origemanimal; porém, de forma geral, a ocorrência aumentou para todos os itens. A análise do grau de digestão dos itens alimentares sugeriu que indivíduos em pré-flexão alimentaram-se, possivelmente, durante o dia, e os mais desenvolvidos, durante o entardecer e no períodonoturno.The aim of this study was to analyze some feeding treats of Bryconamericus aff. iheringii larvae, sampled in both the limnetic and littoral regions of the Piquiri River, in Santa Maria reservoir, between July and November 2001. The larvae presented sub-terminal mouth in larval period. The digestive tract differentiated in terms of stomach and intestine only in the postflexion larvae. The larvae fed mainly on algae and microcrustacea allowing to characterize them as planktivorous. The intense morphologic shift in the digestive tract in the postflexion larvae coincided with an increase in the abundance of algae in relation to animals items; however, in general, all the items had their occurrence increased. Analysis of the digestion stage suggested that preflexion larvae, possibly, fed themselves during the day, and those more developed, at dusk and night.

  5. DIREPI: Sistema para el cálculo a resistencia de recipientes sometidos a presión interna // DIREPI: System for the resistance calculation of recipients with internal pressure

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    L. S. Flores Bernal


    Full Text Available El trabajo muestra la confección de un software para el cálculo a resistencia de recipientes sometidos a presión interna y construidosde acero, aborda también las ventajas que reporta el tener automatizado la metodología de trabajo por la calidad de los resultadosfinales que se obtienen y la fiabilidad de los mismos, el sistema posee una salida gráfica por AutoCAD que permite obtener losplanos de taller de los componentes de los recipientes diseñados.Palabras claves: CADD, CAD, diseño, cálculo de recipientes._________________________________________________________________________________AbstractThe work shows the making of a software for the calculation to resistance of steel recipients with internal pressure, it also approachesthe advantages that reports having automated the work methodology, the system has a graphic result for AutoCAD that allows toobtain the blueprinters of the components of the designed recipients.Key words: CADD, AutoCAD, design, calculation of recipients.

  6. Effects of larval crowding on development time, survival and weight at metamorphosis in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae

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    Arnaldo MACIÁ


    Full Text Available Los efectos del hacinamiento larval sobre el tiempo de desarrollo, la supervivencia y el peso en la metamorfosis fueron estudiados en el mosquito del dengue, Aedes aegypti L., en el laboratorio. Se criaron cohortes de larvas en 7 densidades (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 y 256 larvas/ recipiente de 175 ml mientras se mantuvo constante el volumen de agua y la calidad y cantidad de alimento, bajo fotoperíodo y temperatura controlados. Se usaron detritos naturales, principalmente hojas, obtenidos de contenedores colonizados naturalmente por A. aegypti como fuente de nutrientes para las larvas. En cada densidad se registraron el tiempo de desarrollo, la mortalidad, el peso en la metamorfosis y la biomasa total. El tiempo de desarrollo varió entre 4 y 23 días en los machos, y 5 a 24 días en hembras; fue más prolongado a la densidad de 64 (en las hembras y 128 (en los machos larvas por recipiente. En densidades altas la proporción de sexos favoreció los machos. Hubo un incremento en la mortalidad en densidades iguales o mayores que 0,4 larvas/ ml (0,32 larvas/cm2. Se detectó una relación inversa entre la densidad larval y el peso de las pupas. La biomasa por individuo alcanzó un valor asintótico de aproximadamente 1 mg/individuo en una densidad de 128 individuos/ recipiente (0,64 larvas/cm2. Las poblaciones de A. aegypti, cercanas a su extremo sur de distribución, serían sensibles al hacinamiento en pequeños contenedores de agua.

  7. Diseño de un recipiente para la recogida de aceites vegetales usados


    Clavel Marqués, Rodrigo


    Frente a los problemas originados en el medio ambiente por el vertido incontrolado de aceites domésticos usados, que normalmente se van por el fregadero, proponemos a través de este proyecto el diseño de un nuevo recipiente diseñado para la recogida de estos aceites, además de un posible sistema de recogida. Como ya sabemos, en muchos casos en el mundo del diseño, el proceso tiene una fuerte carga emocional, ya que se pretende provocar una reacción en el usuario, la mayor parte de las vece...

  8. Estabilidade térmica das vitaminas A e E em rações e premixes vitamínicos para camarões


    Prado,João Paulo de Sousa; Cavalheiro,José Marcelino Oliveira; Silva,Fernanda Vanessa Gomes da; Queiroga Neto,Vicente; Bora,Pushkar Singh; Cavalheiro,Thiago Brandão


    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a estabilidade térmica das vitaminas A e E em diferentes rações e premixes vitamínicos utilizados na carcinicultura. Foram utilizadas no experimento três rações comerciais peletilizadas e desintegradas em diferentes diâmetros e dois premixes vitamínicos. As amostras de cada dieta e de premixes foram acondicionadas em recipientes plásticos e armazenadas nas seguintes condições: ambiente refrigerado (6°C±2°C), ambiente climatizado (20°C&p...

  9. Fluxos de nutrientes em larvas de peixes: aplicação de técnicas com marcadores isotópicos e de modelação Nutrient fluxes in fish larvae: use of tracer studies and modelling techniques

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    Luís Conceição


    Full Text Available Um modelo mecanístico que simule o crescimento durante a fase larvar de peixes deverá contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do processo de crescimento e respectivo metabolismo, com a intenção de elucidar as suas necessidades alimentares e desenvolver estratégias de alimentação adequadas. O modelo desenvolvido simula o crescimento e a evolução da composição bioquímica das larvas ao longo do tempo. O modelo depende essencialmente do consumo de alimento, sendo os nutrientes absorvidos usados para a produção de energia ou em processos de biossíntese e é baseado na estequiometria do metabolismo intermediário. Simulações utilizando este modelo sugerem que se deve prestar mais atenção a possíveis desequilíbrios no perfil de aminoácidos (AA e a eventuais excessos de lípidos no alimento usado em cultivo larvares, de forma a optimizar o crescimento. Estudos usando marcadores isotópicos têm sido utilizados para estudar o metabolismo de AA e de lípidos em larvas de peixes e técnicas de modelação foram aplicadas de forma a permitir uma melhor compreensão dos resultados obtidos nestes estudos. A capacidade digestiva, bem como a utilização energética de diferentes AA, ácidos gordos e classes de lípidos, tem sido estudada utilizando a administração de nutrientes marcados (normalmente com 14C directamente no tubo digestivo, através de um microcapilar. Este método permite a quantificação do nutriente marcado presente nas fezes, retido nos tecidos da larva e catabolizado. Um outro método, combinando a utilização de alimento vivo cujas proteínas estão marcadas com um isótopo estável com uma técnica espectroscópica/espectrométrica, permite a determinação do enriquecimento isotópico de AA individuais e pode ser usado para estimar o perfil ideal de AA indispensáveis na dieta. Em conjunto, estes dois tipos de técnicas de análise de fluxos de nutrientes têm permitido avanços importantes na compreensão da

  10. Dinámica poblacional de los estadios inmaduros del vector del dengue Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae: un estudio longitudinal (1996-2000

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    María V Micieli


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de la variación estacional de una población de estadios inmaduros de A. aegypti en La Plata, Argentina, durante cuatro años. Se colocaron 36 recipientes plásticos con 700 ml de agua declorinada y se agregó, en cada uno, una tira de papel de filtro rodeando el perímetro interno como sitio para la ovipostura. Los huevos, larvas y pupas se cuantificaron semanalmente desde septiembre de 1996 hasta agosto de 2000. Tras cuantificar el número de huevos, los papeles fueron sumergidos en cada recipiente para facilitar la eclosión y se agregó un nuevo papel. La presencia de estados inmaduros de A. aegypti fue registrada desde diciembre-enero hasta junio durante los cuatro años de estudio. En 1997 se registraron 13 105 huevos, 7 978 larvas y 1 476 pupas con un 54.7 % de recipientes positivos; en 1998, 8 194 huevos, 668 larvas y 142 pupas y un 28.3 % de recipientes positivos para este mosquito. En 1999 se obtuvieron 13 510 huevos, 3 690 larvas y 743 pupas y un 56.7 % de recipientes con A. aegypti. Para el año 2000 se registraron 16 327 huevos, 4 669 larvas y 715 pupas y un porcentaje de recipientes positivos de 59.3 %. El número de huevos y el porcentaje de eclosión se redujo drásticamente en 1998 donde las temperaturas durante el período diciembre-mayo fueron entre uno y 2.5 ºC más bajas que durante los otros tres años de estudio. Estas temperaturas menores fueron consecuencia del fenómeno climático corriente El Niño.Population dynamics of the immature stages of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae, vector of dengue: a longitudinal study (1996-2000. A four year study was conducted on a natural population of immature stages of Aedes aegypti after the re-invasion of Argentina by this vector in 1987. Thirty six plastic containers with 700 ml of dechlorinated water were placed in the La Plata Zoological Garden, La Plata, Argentina. A strip of filter paper around each container was added to facilitate egg counting. Eggs

  11. Localization of <em>Ascaridia galliem> larvae in the jejunum of chickens 3 days post infection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Luna Olivares, Luz Adilia; Ferdushy, Tania; Kyvsgaard, Niels Christian


    The normal habitat of the parasitic stages of Ascaridia galli is in the small intestine of poultry but the exact localization is poorly understood. Therefore, a histological study was conducted in order to localize the larvae during the early phase of infection. Six layer pullets seven-week old...... were infected orally with 20,000 embryonated A. galli eggs each, whereas four chickens were left as un-infected controls. At necropsy 3 days after infection the first half of jejunum/ileum was divided into two equally sized sections (J1 and J2). After taking samples for histology from the middle of J1...... and J2 and the junction between these determined JX, the two sections were subjected to parasitological examination. A higher number of A. galli larvae were recovered from section J2 than J1 and the majority of larvae were recovered from the most profound layers. Based on histology 144 larvae were...

  12. Utilização da artêmia nacional como dieta para pós-larvas do Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931 na fase berçário = Brazilian artemia as feed for Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae through the nursery phase

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    Adriano Prysthon da Silva


    Full Text Available Experimentos foram realizados em uma fazenda comercial de criação decamarões marinhos, objetivando avaliar a taxa de crescimento e sobrevivência das pós-larvas do Litopenaeus vannamei, quando cultivadas em tanques-berçário e submetidas a diferentes dietas. As pós-larvas utilizadas encontravam-se com 19 dias (PL19 e foram estocadas a 16 PL/L, em tanques-berçário de 60 m3. As pós-larvas foram submetidas ao Método de Alimentação Convencional (MAC e o Método de Alimentação com Artêmia (MAA. Verificou-se que ao se correlacionar o peso em função do comprimento e do tempo de cultivo,o MAA apresentou uma relação estatisticamente superior (pExperiments were carried out in a commercial marine shrimp farm toevaluate growth and survival rate of the Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae during nursery phase using different diets. The nursery tanks (60 m3 will be provided with post-larvae of 19 days (PL19 with a density of 16 PL/liter. The post-larvae were submitted to a Commercial Feeding Method (MAC and an Artemia Feeding Method (MAA. Considering the correlations between weight and length, and between weight and culture duration, a better efficiency (p<0.05 of the MAA was verified. The survival rate of the post-larvae fed with MAA was 86.25%, while MAC yielded survivorship of 62.12%. Thus, artemia nauplii were proved to be more efficient, providing higher growth and survival rates of Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae.

  13. Desenvolvimento e migração de larvas infectantes de ciatostomíneos (Nematoda: Cyathostominae em gramínea coast cross (Cynodon dactylon em clima tropical, na Baixada Fluminense, RJ, Brasil Development and migration of cyathostome infective larvae (Nematoda: Cyathostominae in bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon in tropical climate, in Baixada Fluminense, RJ, Brazil

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    Melissa C. M. do Couto


    Full Text Available Esse estudo foi realizado no período de julho de 2003 a novembro de 2004, para avaliar o desenvolvimento, a sobrevivência, a migração das larvas infectantes em gramínea "coast cross" (Cynodon dactylon e o horário de maior disponibilidade, em condições de clima tropical, na Baixada Fluminense, RJ, Brasil. De julho de 2003 a setembro de 2004, massas fecais de equinos naturalmente infectados foram depositadas mensalmente sobre a gramínea. Sete dias após, amostras de fezes e gramínea foram coletadas semanalmente em diferentes horários (8, 13 e 17 horas, pesadas e processadas pela técnica de Baermann. O desenvolvimento, a sobrevivência e a migração das larvas infectantes nas fezes e na gramínea foram observados durante todo o período. A sobrevivência das L3 foi de até 15 semanas nas fezes e 12 semanas na gramínea no período seco e de nove e oito semanas, respectivamente, para o período chuvoso. No período chuvoso, maior número de L3 foi recuperado nas fezes e, no período seco, na gramínea. Condições climáticas influenciaram diretamente o número larvas infectantes. Pela análise multivariada, ficou demonstrado uma forte relação entre o tempo e o número de L3 nas fezes, sendo esta relação menos acentuada para a gramínea. Não se observou diferença significativa entre os horários de coleta.A study following the development and migration of Cyathostominae infective larvae was conducted from July 2003 to November 2004 in tropical climate, Baixada Fluminense, RJ, Brazil. Samples of naturally infected feces were placed on 12 m² plot each month on a cyathostomin-free "Bermuda grass" pasture (Cynodon dactylon. After Seven days, samples of feces and grass were collected every week at 8 a.m, 1 and 5 p.m., weighed and processed by Baermann technique. Higher survival of L3 was found at dry season, 15 and 12 weeks on feces and sward respectively, at rainy season the survival was smaller. The multivariable analysis of main

  14. Susceptibilidade de larvas de Cerotoma arcuata Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae a Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuillemin, Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch. Sorokin e Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner Susceptibility of Cerotoma arcuata Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae larvae to Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuillemin, Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch. Sorokin and Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner

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    Maria Lucia França Teixeira


    Full Text Available Larvas de 2° instar de Cerotoma arcuata foram avaliadas em relação à susceptibilidade aos fungos entomopatogênicos Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae e a bactéria Bacillus thuringiensis com as toxinas Cry3. Os insetos adultos foram mantidos em gaiolas e alimentados com plântulas de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L. e as larvas em "gerbox" com cotilédones de plântulas de feijão recém-germinadas. Das oito estirpes de B. bassiana avaliadas, CG 156 e CG 213 causaram 100% de mortalidade das larvas, as duas estirpes de M. anisopliae CG 210 e CG 321 foram patogênicas, eliminando 80 e 100% das larvas de C. arcuata, e, das cinco estirpes de B. thuringiensis testadas, o isolado CG 940 causou 70% de mortalidade das larvas.Second instar larvae of Cerotoma arcuata were evaluated concerning the susceptibility to fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae and Bacillus thuringiensis strains containing Cry3 toxin. Adults of C. arcuata were kept in large cages and fed on bean seedlings and the larvae were reared in ‘gearbox’ feeding on germinated Phaseolus bean cotyledons. Strains CG 156 and CG 213 of B. bassiana killed 100% of the insect larvae and strains CG 210 and CG 321 of M. anisopliae killed 80 and 100% of the insect larvae. Strain CG 940 of B. thuringiensis killed 70% of the insect larvae.

  15. Volumes de substratos comerciais, solo e composto orgânico afetando a formação de mudas de maracujazeiro-amarelo em diferentes ambientes de cultivo

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    Edilson Costa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o crescimento de mudas de maracujazeiro- amarelo em três diferentes tamanhos de recipientes, em três condições de cultivo protegido, utilizando seis diferentes substratos. Foram empregados três ambientes de cultivo: (A1 estufa em arco, coberta de filme de polietileno de 150 μm, abertura zenital e tela termorrefletora de 50% sob o filme; (A2 viveiro agrícola de tela de monofilamento, com 50% de sombra; e (A3 viveiro agrícola de tela termorrefletora, com 50% de sombra. Foram testados três volumes (V1 = xx cm³ -sacolas de polietileno de 7,5 x 11,5 cm; V2 = xx cm33 - sacolas de polietileno 10,0 x 16,5 cm; e V3 = xx cm33 -sacolas de polietileno de 15,0 x 21,5 cm e seis substratos (S1 = solo; S2 = Plantmax®; S3 = vermiculita; S4 = fibra de coco; S5 = fibra de coco chips; e S6 = Organosuper®, composto orgânico comercial. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de parcelas subsubdivididas, em que os ambientes foram as parcelas, os recipientes de diferentes volumes as subparcelas e os substratos as subsubparcelas. Aos 50 dias após a semeadura, foram medidos a altura das plantas, o comprimento da raiz, a massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes. A partir das massas de matéria seca determinaram-se a relação massa de matéria seca de parte aérea e raiz e massa de matéria seca total. A estufa foi o melhor ambiente quando se utilizou o recipiente de XX cm33 o qual proporcionou mudas maiores, com maior biomassa seca aérea, radicular e total. A vermiculita foi o melhor substrato, porém o solo adubado é uma alternativa menos dispendiosa para a região.

  16. Description of the third instar larva of Megadytes latus (Fabricius (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, with an identification key for described larvae of the genus Descrição da larva de terceiro ínstar de Megadytes latus (Fabricius (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae

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    Nelson Ferreira-Jr


    Full Text Available The last instar larva of M. latus (Fabricius, 1801 is described and figured, based on reared specimens from Serra dos Órgãos, Teresópolis, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Some notes on the biotope are provided.A larva de terceiro ínstar de M. latus (Fabricius, 1801 é descrita e ilustrada, baseado em espécimes criados da Serra dos Órgãos, Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Algumas notas acerca do biótopo onde as larvas foram coletadas são incluídas.


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    Silva Mauro Tadeu Braga da


    Full Text Available O estudo aqui relatado foi conduzido nas safras agrícolas de 1991 e 1992, em Cruz Alta, no Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de infestação de Diloboderus abderus Sturm, 1826 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae em aveia preta (Avena strigosa L., em linho (Linum usitatissimum L., em milho (Zea mays L. e em girassol (Helianthus annuus L., no sistema de plantio direto. O aumento do número de larvas/m² propiciou a ocorrência de danos e, em conseqüência, a diminuição da população de plantas, da massa seca da parte aérea e da produtividade. Os níveis de controle obtidos foram variáveis dependendo da cultura. Com base nos danos produzidos pelo inseto, sugerem-se os níveis de controle de 12 larvas/m² em linho, de 10 larvas/m² em aveia preta, de 0,5 larva/m² em milho e de 0,4 larva/m² em girassol, como indicador para tratamento de sementes destas culturas com inseticidas.

  18. Hymenoptera parasitoides associados às larvas de Lepidoptera em reflorestamento e sistemas agroflorestais da fazenda Canchim (Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil


    Aline Garcia Pereira


    Estudos da flora e fauna silvestres são importantes por contribuirem para a compreensão dos processos ecológicos que ocorrem em resposta às estratégias de manejo utilizadas. Os Hymenoptera são um grupo-chave para o estabelecimento de prioridades em conservação do ambiente, pois representam alta proporção da diversidade de insetos, sendo facilmente amostrados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a fauna de Hymenoptera parasitoides associada às larvas de Lepidoptera em área de refloresta...

  19. Larvas de Chironomidae arvas (Diptera da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná: distribuição e composição em diferentes ambientes e períodos hidrológicos = Chironomidae larvae (Diptera from the upper Paraná river floodplain: distribution and composition in different environments and hydrological periods

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    Gisele Cristina Rosin


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve por objetivos, identificar possíveis diferenças na estrutura da comunidade de larvas de Chironomidae em quatro ambientes da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná com diferentes características e analisar a influência dos fatores abióticos e das variações do nível hidrométrico sobre a comunidade. As coletas foram realizadas em março e setembro de 2003. Em cada um dos 12 pontos coletados foram realizadas quatro amostragens: três para análise biológica e uma para análise sedimentológica. O material biológico foi lavado em conjunto de peneiras com malhas de abertura 2, 1 e 0,2 mm e fixado em álcool 70%. As larvas de Chironomidae foram identificadas até a categoria de gênero. Foram encontradas 1478larvas de Chironomidae pertencentes a 19 gêneros. Polypedilum, Tanytarsus e Chironomus foram registrados em todos os ambientes. As maiores densidades e diversidade de Chironomidae foram registradas nos períodos de águas baixas, especialmente em ambientes lênticos. Avariação da densidade, dominância e diversidade de Chironomidae entre as duas coletas foi influenciada, principalmente, pelo ciclo hidrológico e pelo oxigênio dissolvido, enquanto que a variação espacial esteve associada ao tipo de sedimento, porcentagem de matéria orgânica e a presença ou ausência de macrófitas aquáticas.The present study had the aim to identify possible differences in the community structure of Chironomidae larvae in four different environments of the upper Paraná river floodplain with different characteristics and to analyze the influence of abiotic factors and variations in the hydrometric level of the community. Samplings were carried out in March and September, 2003. Four samplings were taken from each of the 12 collecting points: three for biological analysis and one for sediment analysis. Biological contents were washed with the aid of a system with 2.0; 1.0 and 0.2 mm sieves. Chironomidae larvae were

  20. Prevalence of larvae of the bot fly Cuterebra simulans (Diptera, Oestridae on Gracilinanus microtarsus (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae in southeastern Cerrado from Brazil Prevalência de parasitismo de larvas de Cuterebra simulans (Diptera, Oestridae em Gracilinanus microtarsus (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae no Cerrado do sudeste do Brasil

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    Leonardo Dominici Cruz


    Full Text Available The prevalence of Cuterebra simulans bot fly parasitism on marsupial Gracilinanus microtarsus was compared between sexes and seasons of the year. No significant difference was observed between females and males but prevalence was higher in warm-wet season than cool-dry season. This pattern agree with observations of others studies with oestrids flies in southern Neotropical areas, suggesting the occurrence of latitudinal change in the peak of bot flies reproductive activity related to seasons of the year along these systems. This is the first record of C. simulans larvae parasitism on G. microtarsus and its occurrence in southern areas of the Neotropical region.A prevalência de parasitismo das larvas da mosca Cuterebra simulans no marsupial Gracilinanus microtarsus foi comparada entre os sexos e estações do ano. Machos e fêmeas não apresentaram diferenças significativas, mas a prevalência de parasitismo foi mais elevada na estação quenteúmida que na estação fria-seca. Este padrão está de acordo com as observações de outros estudos com moscas da família Oestridae realizados nas áreas ao sul da região Neotropical, sugerindo a ocorrência de mudanças latitudinais nos picos de atividades reprodutivas destas moscas em relação às estações do ano ao longo destes sistemas. Este também é o primeiro registro da ocorrência de C. simulans em áreas mais ao sul da região Neotropical e do parasitismo de suas larvas em G. microtarsus.

  1. Método de varredura para exame de criadouros de vetores de dengue e febre amarela urbana Sweeping method to scan breeding places for dengue and urban yellow fever vectors

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    Roseane Lieko Kubota


    Full Text Available Com objetivo de estimar o número mínimo de varreduras para coletar uma amostra representativa das larvas presentes em um grande recipiente, foram adicionadas 200 larvas de quarto estádio em um tambor de 80 litros de água. Com auxílio de peneira plástica, foram feitas dez varreduras em cada réplica do experimento. Os resultados indicaram que oito varreduras foram suficientes para coletar até 72% do total de 200 larvas de quarto estadio presentes no criadouro, ou seja, uma média de 143±1,97. A técnica mostrou ser de fácil e eficiente execução quanto à inspeção de criadouros com grande volume de água. Isto reforça sua utilização como instrumento com grande potencial para vigilância vetorial na rotina dos programas de controle de vetores do dengue e febre amarela.To estimate the minimum numbers of "sweepings" for a representative sampling of larvae in a large container. 200 larvae in 4th stage were added in an 80-liter drum to carry out the experiment, in each retort was made 10 sweepings using a plastic sieve. Two hundred larvae in stage 4 were added to an 80-liter-drum and using a plastic sieve10 sweepings were carried out in each experiment replicate. The results showed that 8 sweepings were enough to collect up to 72% of the total sample in the container, i.e., an average of 143±1.97. The proposed method proved to be easily and effectively implemented and allowed for the inspection of containers with large water volumes. These findings reinforce its use as an important potential tool in the routine vectorial surveillance of control programs of dengue and yellow fever.

  2. Infestação por larvas de Cerotoma arcuata (Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae em nódulos de feijoeiro em cultivo com cobertura morta ou em consórcio com milho ou com caupi Infestation by Cerotoma arcuata (Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae larvae on Phaseolus bean with mulching or intercropped with maize or cowpea

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    Maria Lucia França Teixeira


    Full Text Available A vaquinha Cerotoma arcuata ataca folhas de leguminosas e suas larvas alimentam-se de raízes e também de nódulos, onde a fixação de nitrogênio (FBN ocorre. O ataque das larvas aos nódulos pode causar mais danos à cultura do feijoeiro do que o consumo das folhas pelas formas adultas. Este estudo foi conduzido em condições de campo para avaliar os efeitos da infestação de C. arcuata no cultivo do feijoeiro com ou sem cobertura morta ou consorciado com caupi ou com milho. A nodulação, o crescimento e a produção de grãos de feijoeiro quando consorciado com caupi não diferiram do controle. A barreira aos insetos formada pelo milho adensado falhou, provavelmente devido à infestação precoce de C. arcuata e ao sombreamento causado pelo milho, com redução na produtividade de feijoeiro. O consumo dos nódulos pelas larvas na cultura de feijão solteiro e nos consórcios foi superior ao do tratamento com cobertura morta. A barreira física imposta pela cobertura morta agiu provavelmente através da redução da oviposição diretamente no solo e do ressecamento dos ovos sobre a palha e resultou em menor porcentagem de nódulos furados, com conseqüente aumento no número e peso de nódulos, no peso de raiz e na produção de grãos. Os consórcios com milho ou com caupi não reduziram a infestação de feijoeiro por C. arcuata, mas a aplicação da cobertura morta antes da infestação reduziu os danos causados pelas larvas aos nódulos e favoreceu a FBN e a produtividade.The bean leaf beetle Cerotoma arcuata is a legume leaf eater and its larvae feed on roots and also nodules where nitrogen fixation occurs. The attack of larvae to nodule may result in more damage to the bean crop than the consumption of leaves by adults. This study was conducted under field conditions to test the effects of C. arcuata infestation on Phaseolus bean with or without straw mulching or intercropped with maize or cowpea. Nodulation, growth and grain


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    Ésio Fortaleza Nascimento Chaves Pedrosa


    Full Text Available Introdução: As praias são importantes focos de infecção humana por microrganismos, tanto através da água quanto do solo, sendo esta última um excelente meio de veiculação de várias espécies de parasitos, entre eles S. stercoralis, Toxocara canis, A. lumbricoides, Ancilostomídeos, entre outros. Objetivo do estudo: avaliar a contaminação das praias de Fortaleza (Praia do Futuro, Barra do Ceará e Beira Mar por parasitas de importância médica.Materiais e Métodos: Foram selecionados seis pontos de cada praia onde foi colhido material (100 g de areia em três amostras (uma superficial, uma com 10 cm de profundidade e outra com 20 cm, totalizando 54 amostras, que foram transportadas imediatamente ao laboratório para a análise. Resultados: Dentre as 54 amostras de areia analisadas, em 39 (72,2% foram encontradas larvas, das quais 35 (64,8% foram positivas para Ancylostoma sp , 3 (5,5% para Strongyloides stercoralis e 4 (7,4%  com ovos de Trichuris trichiura. Discussão: Os resultados apresentados comprovam a contaminação do solo da praia do Futuro, Beira Mar e Barra do Ceará, assim como a possibilidade de ocorrência de infecções humanas por enteroparasitas através do solo. Conclusão: Conclui-se que as praias da Barra do Ceará, Praia do Futuro e Beira Mar da cidade de Fortaleza encontram-se em situação precária de saneamento, visto que foram encontrados ovos e larvas de parasitas potencialmente infectantes em 72,2% das amostras, tornando-se necessário apoio e suporte de medidas da vigilância sanitária nestas praias imediatamente.

  4. Comportamento de formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo Behavior of immatures Aedes aegypti in the coast State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Carmen Moreno Glasser


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Em região de alta incidência de dengue, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo, selecionaram-se 9 áreas, com objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti. MÉTODOS: As 9 áreas foram agrupadas em 4 estratos, diferenciados pelo uso e ocupação do solo. Foram coletadas larvas e pupas numa amostra de cerca de 500 imóveis em cada área. RESULTADOS: Apesar do pneu e lona apresentarem as maiores taxas de positividade para Aedes aegypti, o ralo, juntamente com outros recipientes fixos nas edificações foram altamente predominantes entre os recipientes positivos (32 a 76% dos recipientes positivos. As áreas coletivas de prédios e os imóveis não residenciais de grande porte apresentaram as maiores taxas de positividade para Aedes aegypti enquanto os apartamentos, as menores. Os níveis de infestação foram maiores na área residencial com predominância de prédios de apartamentos, onde 76% dos criadouros detectados foram recipientes fixos nas edificações. CONCLUSÕES: Esses conhecimentos são importantes subsídios para a estratégia de controle, pois reforçam a necessidade de atenção especial para determinados tipos de imóveis, bem como da adequação da norma técnica de ralo de água pluvial e da melhoria de manutenção das edificações. Além disso, são necessárias observações sistemáticas que permitam acompanhar a dinâmica de ocupação de diferentes imóveis e recipientes por Aedes aegypti e a incorporação desses conhecimentos nas ações de controle do vetor na região.INTRODUCTION: In a region of high dengue incidence, on the coast of the State of São Paulo, 9 areas were selected to evaluate the behavior of immature Aedes aegypti. METHODS: The 9 areas were grouped into 4 strata according to soil use and occupation. Larvae and pupas were collected in a sample of approximately 500 buildings in each area. RESULTS: Although tires and canvas presented the highest positive rates for

  5. Dinâmica do potencial matricial em substratos de pinus e coco sob ação da capilaridade Dynamics of matric potential on substrates of pine and coconut under the action of capillarity

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    Carlos Vinícius G Barreto


    Full Text Available O tamanho médio de partículas e a porosidade dos substratos condicionam as propriedades matriciais, interferindo na capacidade de retenção e de transmissão da ��gua no meio. O conhecimento desses atributos é fundamental em processos de irrigação por capilaridade, para que o molhamento atinja as camadas superiores dos recipientes com níveis de tensão de água facilmente disponível. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a ascensão de água por capilaridade para determinar a posição mais apropriada do nível de saturação na ascensão capilar em recipientes com substratos de coco e pinus, de textura grossa e fina. Foram efetuados experimentos avaliando a ascensão de água por capilaridade em colunas segmentadas preenchidas com os substratos. Os valores de umidade em cada segmento foram calculados gravimetricamente e relacionados aos de tensão estimados pela curva de tensão dos substratos. Os substratos com textura fina apresentaram melhor elevação de água por capilaridade, com melhor elevação da umidade em níveis de tensão de água disponível. O substrato de coco fino apresentou água disponível em todo o perfil do recipiente, enquanto o de pinus apresentou as camadas superiores do recipiente com água retida em tensões abaixo do ponto de murcha permanente. O substrato fino de coco apresentou os melhores resultados para aplicação na irrigação por capilaridade, permitindo recomendar o seu uso com o nível de saturação posicionado a cinco centímetros do fundo do recipiente por quinze minutos.The average particle size and porosity of substrates affects the matrix properties of root growth media, interfering in water holding and water conductivity capacity through substrates. The knowledge of these attributes is essential in capillary irrigation processes to allow the wetting front reaches upper layers under easily available water tension. The present work had the objective to study the water rise by

  6. Controle do vetor do dengue e participação da comunidade em Catanduva, São Paulo, Brasil Dengue vector control and community participation in Catanduva, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Francisco Chiaravalloti Neto


    Full Text Available O trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar mudanças de conhecimentos e práticas de prevenção do dengue, e desenvolveu-se em duas áreas de Catanduva: Área de Estudo e Área Controle. Realizaram-se, entre 1999 e 2001, levantamentos quantitativo inicial e qualitativo; diagnóstico preliminar, apresentado à comunidade da Área de Estudo, desencadeando discussão para a definição e o direcionamento das ações; o desenvolvimento das ações na Área de Estudo, com a participação da comunidade; continuidade das atividades de rotina na Área Controle; e avaliação final. Na Área de Estudo, as ações realizadas foram: mudança do trabalho dos agentes de controle de vetores que passaram a demonstrar as medidas preventivas, sem a retirada de recipientes e sem utilização de larvicida; utilização de material educativo específico à realidade local; atividades relacionadas às prioridades dos moradores; atividades como música, teatro, gincanas e brincadeiras; demonstração do ciclo do vetor. Como resultado, houve a diminuição significante do número de recipientes por casa; o aumento significante da proporção de casas sem recipientes; e o aumento significante da proporção de pessoas que reconheceram as larvas do vetor na Área de Estudo em relação à de Controle.This study aimed to identify changes in knowledge and practices learned to prevent dengue fever in two areas of Catanduva, São Paulo State, from 1999 to 2001: a study area and a control area. The study included an initial quantitative survey, qualitative research, a preliminary diagnosis presented to the community to launch a discussion aimed at defining future actions, implementation of the actions in the study area with community participation (but without changes in the control area, and a final comparison of the two areas. Changes in the study area included: vector control workers began demonstrating preventive measures without removing potential breeding places or

  7. Preferencia alimenticia del ácaro depredador <em>Balaustium> sp. en condiciones controladas

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    Muñoz Karen


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    Se evaluó la preferencia de presas de <em>Balaustium> sp., enemigo natural de diferentes artrópodos plaga, y el cual es nativo de la Sabana de Bogotá. En unidades experimentales construidas con foliolos de plantas de rosa se colocaron independientemente individuos de <em>Balaustium> sp. y se registró el número de presas consumidas. De esta manera se determinó la preferencia de los tres estados móviles del ácaro depredador <em>Balaustium> sp. por diferentes edades de tres presas. Las especies y edades de las presas estudiadas fueron: huevos, ninfas y adultos de <em>Trialeurodes vaporariorumem>, huevos, ninfas y adultos de <em>Tetranychus urticaeem>, y larvas de primer y segundo instar y adultos de <em>Frankliniella occidentalisem>. Los estados menos desarrollados fueron preferidos, aunque se observó que los adultos del depredador tienen gran habilidad para consumir adultos de <em>T. vaporariorumem>. La presa preferida por las larvas de <em>Balaustium> sp. fue los huevos de <em>T. urticaeem> con una proporción de consumo de 0,54 de los huevos que se ofrecieron de esta presa; las deutoninfas del depredador eligieron huevos de <em>T. vaporariorumem> (0,537 o de <em>T. urticaeem> (0,497 y los adultos de <em>Balaustium> sp. prefrieron los huevos de <em>T. vaporariorumem> (0,588.

  8. Intoxicação por larvas de Perreyia flavipes em bovinos na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul Perreyia flavipes larvae poisoning in cattle in southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Mauro P. Soares


    Full Text Available Descrevem-se três surtos de intoxicação por larvas de Perreyia flavipes Konow, 1899 (Hymenoptera: Pergidae ocorridos em bovinos durante os meses de julho e agosto de 2006. A morbidade foi de 0,8%, 6,2% e 33% nos três estabelecimentos, respectivamente. A letalidade foi de 100%. Os sinais clínicos nos três surtos caracterizaram-se por depressão, icterícia, decúbito com movimentos de pedalagem e morte em 24-48 horas. Macroscopicamente o fígado dos animais necropsiados estava aumentado de tamanho e com marcada acentuação do padrão lobular, os linfonodos hepáticos e mesentéricos estavam edemaciados e as placas de Peyer na mucosa do intestino delgado estavam deprimidas. Petequias e equimoses foram observadas no mesentério e abomaso. Histologicamente observou-se degeneração e necrose hemorrágica hepática que variou de centrolobular, se estendendo a região a mediozonal, ou massiva. Havia, ainda, marcada hemossiderose e necrose dos centros germinativos dos linfonodos, da polpa branca do baço e das placas de Peyer no intestino. A intoxicação ocorreu provavelmente em conseqüência da intensa seca observada na região nos meses de outubro a dezembro de 2005, período em que o inseto se encontra na forma de casulo enterrado no solo. A seca proporcionou maior emergência de adultos e conseqüentemente maior quantidade de posturas. A grande quantidade de matéria vegetal em decomposição devido às precipitações próximas do normal no verão proporcionou ambiente ideal para o desenvolvimento das larvas no período de inverno o que provavelmente levou à intoxicação.Three outbreaks of poisoning by Perreyia flavipes Konow, 1899 (Hymenoptera: Pergidae in cattle during July and August 2006 in southern Brazil are reported. The morbidity rate was 0.8%, 6.2% and 33% on the 3 farms, respectively. Fatality rate was 100%. Clinical signs were depression, jaundice, recumbence, pedaling movements and death in 24-48 hours. The liver was

  9. Influence of photoperiod on body weight and depth of burrowing in larvae of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius (Diptera, Calliphoridae and implications for forensic entomology A influência do fotoperíodo no peso corpóreo e na profundidade de enterramento em larvas de Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius (Diptera, Calliphoridae e as implicações para entomologia forense

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    Leonardo Gomes


    Full Text Available Blowflies use discrete, ephemeral breeding sites for larval nutrition. After exhaustion of the food supply, the larvae disperse in search of sites to pupate or to seek other sources of food in a process known as post-feeding larval dispersal. In this study, some of the most important aspects of this process were investigated in larvae of the blowflies Chrysomya megacephala exposed to a variety of light: dark (LD cycles (0:0 h, 12:12 h and 24:0 h and incubated in tubes covered with vermiculite. For each pupa, the body weight and depth of burrowing were determined. Statistical tests were used to examine the relationship of depth of burrowing and body weight to photoperiod at which burrowing occurred. The study of burial behavior in post-feeding larval dispersing can be useful for estimating the postmortem interval (PMI of human corpses in forensic medicine.Moscas-varejeiras usam substratos discretos e efêmeros para nutrição larval. Após a exaustão do suprimento de comida, as larvas dispersam na procura por locais para pupação na outros recursos de alimento em um processo conhecido como dispersão larval pós- alimentar. Nesse estudo, alguns dos aspectos mais importantes desse processo foram investigados em larvas de moscas-varejeiras Chrysomya megacephala expostas a uma variação de ciclos luz: escuro (LD (0:24h, 12:12h e 24:0h e incubadas em tubos cobertos com vermiculita. Para cada pupa, o peso corpóreo e a profundidade de enterramento foram determinados. Testes estatísticos foram usados para examinar a relação entre profundidade de enterramento e o peso corpóreo e o fotoperíodo a que esse enterramento ocorreu. O estudo do comportamento de enterramento na dispersão larval pós-alimentar pode ser útil para estimar o intervalo pós-morte (IPM em cadáveres humanos em medicina forense.

  10. Produção de mudas de morangueiro em casa-de-vegetação utilizando recipientes suspensos Production of strawberry runners in greenhouse using hanging baskets

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    Roberto P de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de quantificar o potencial de propagação de dez cultivares de morangueiro em casa-de-vegetação, utilizando recipientes suspensos. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelas cultivares Aromas, Bürkley, Camarosa, Campinas, Dover, Milsei-Tudla, Oso Grande, Santa Clara, Sweet Charlie e Vila Nova. Em casa-de-vegetação, plantas matrizes foram individualmente plantadas em sacolas plásticas de 5 L, contendo substrato à base de terra vegetal e esterco, e, posteriormente, alocadas em bancadas a 1,20 m de altura do solo. Os estolões foram conduzidos verticalmente, sendo a nutrição realizada exclusivamente pelas plantas matrizes. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com dez repetições de cada cultivar, representadas pelas matrizes iniciais. As características número de estolões, de mudas e de folhas por planta matriz e comprimento médio de raízes foram avaliadas 180 dias após o plantio. Considerando o conjunto de cultivares, foram produzidos, em média, 6,9 estolões por planta matriz, que produziram 27,4 mudas com 3,4 folhas desenvolvidas e raízes com 4,1 cm de comprimento. Verificou-se pronunciada variabilidade entre as cultivares para as características avaliadas. Os maiores números médios de estolões emitidos por matriz foram observados para as cultivares Dover (8,4, Camarosa (7,9, Milsei-Tudla (7,9, Sweet Charlie (7,6, Campinas (7,3 e Oso Grande (7,2. De maneira geral, o desempenho das cultivares quanto ao número de mudas produzidas por estolão apresentou resultado inversamente proporcional ao número de estolões produzidos. O maior número de mudas por estolão foi obtido com a cultivar Aromas (6,8, que diferiu significativamente das demais cultivares. Quanto ao número total de mudas, os melhores resultados foram obtidos com as cultivares Dover (34,0, Campinas (31,9, Oso Grande (30,9, Sweet Charlie (30,7, Milsei-Tudla (28,8, Vila Nova (28,0 e Aromas

  11. Produção de mudas de acácia colonizadas com micorrizas e rizóbio em diferentes recipientes Production of acacia plants colonized with mycorrhizas and rhizobium in different recipients

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    Jolimar Antonio Schiavo


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar diferentes métodos na produção de mudas de Acacia mangium Willd, colonizadas com fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs e rizóbio. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado num esquema fatorial 4x2 (controle, FMAs, rizóbio e FMAs + rizóbio x blocos prensados e tubetes de plástico, com seis repetições. Os blocos prensados foram confeccionados com substratos orgânicos (bagaço de cana + torta de filtro de usina açucareira e vermiculita, colocados em fôrma metálica de 60x40x20 cm e prensados a 10 kgf cm-2, a fim de proporcionar agregação do material. A inoculação do rizóbio foi realizada com estirpe selecionada para a espécie (Br 3609, Br 6009. A inoculação de FMAs foi feita no momento da confecção dos blocos. Mudas de Acacia mangium que receberam inóculo de FMAs + rizóbio e produzidas em blocos prensados apresentaram maior produção de matéria seca e conteúdo de N na parte aérea. O conteúdo de P na parte aérea é significativamente maior somente nas mudas infectadas com os FMAs, independentemente do tipo de recipiente.A greenhouse experiment was carried out in order to evaluate different methods to produce Acacia mangium Willd plant seedlings, inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF and rhizobium. A completely randomized design in a factorial scheme 4x2 (control, AMF, rhizobium and AMF + rhizobium x pressed blocks and plastic tubes, with six repetitions was used. The pressed blocks used to produce Acacia mangium plants were made with organic residue from sugarcane (sugarcane bagasse + filter cake and vermiculite. The inoculation with rhizobium was done with selected strain (Br 3609, Br 6009. The inoculation with AMF was done at the time when pressed blocks were made. Acacia mangium plants inoculated with both AMF + rhizobium led to a significant increase in dry matter yield and N content of shoot plants, only in

  12. Alimentação e comportamento de larvas de pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887 Feeding and behavior of pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887 larvae

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    Eduardo Lopes Beerli


    Full Text Available Conduziu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da utilização de dietas naturais e artificiais sobre o desempenho e comportamento de larvas de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus, entre o 2º e o 10º dia de vida. Foram utilizadas 30 caixas plásticas, cada uma com 30 litros de água e renovação contínua, onde as larvas foram mantidas durante o período experimental. Cada caixa recebeu 10 larvas por litro, totalizando 300 larvas/caixa. Foram testados 6 tratamentos, cada qual com 5 repetições. Os tratamentos foram: T1-ração, T2-plâncton, T3-artêmia, T4-plâncton + ração, T5-artêmia + ração e T6-artêmia + plâncton. As larvas foram alimentadas 6 vezes ao dia, nos horários de 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 e 24 horas. A temperatura da água foi mantida constante a 27ºC, o oxigênio dissolvido permaneceu na faixa de 6,16 ± 0,34 e o pH, entre 7,16 ± 0,22. Aos 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 dias de vida, foram coletadas amostras de 30 larvas para determinação do comprimento total e peso. No final do experimento (10º dia, as larvas que receberam artêmia + plâncton (T6 alcançaram os maiores valores de comprimento total (8,35 mm e peso corporal (3518 µg, em relação a todas as outras dietas testadas. As larvas devem permanecer em laboratório por um período de 6 dias após a eclosão, recebendo alimento do terceiro ao sexto dia. A partir do sexto dia, as larvas estão com a vesícula gasosa completamente inflada e apresentam nado contínuo.The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of natural and artificial diets on the development and behavior of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus larvae, between the 2nd and 10th day post hatch. The larvaes were kept in 30L - plastic boxes (n = 30 boxes, in constant flow-through. The larvae density was 10 post-larvae/L (300 larvae/box. Six diets with 4 sampling days (4, 6, 8 and 10 days post-hatch, n = 30 larvae using 5 repetitions were tested. The diets were: T1- commercial feed, T2- plancton, T3

  13. Análise da dieta das larvas de 4º estádio de Cricotopus sp. (Diptera: Chironomidae, em diferentes substratos artificiais e fases hídricas, no trecho superior do rio Paraná = Diet analysis of Cricotopus sp. larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae, fourth stage, in different artificial substrates and hydrological phases, in the upper Paraná river

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    Adriana Felix dos Anjos


    Full Text Available No Brasil, estudos sobre hábitos alimentares das larvas de Chironomidae ainda são escassos e estas informações são importantes para entender a estrutura trófica e a organização dos ecossistemas aquáticos. Neste estudo, teve-se como objetivo identificar osprincipais itens alimentares ingeridos por Cricotopus sp. e comparar as possíveis diferenças na dieta das larvas em diferentes substratos artificiais e fases hídricas. Foram utilizados quatro tipos de substratos artificiais: madeira em forma de X (MADX, placas de nitacetal em forma de X (NITX, PVC em forma de tubo (PVCT e metal galvanizado em forma de tubo (METT, cada um com três réplicas. As coletas foram realizadas quinzenalmente, entre os meses de agosto de 2004 e dezembro de 2005. A dieta de Cricotopus sp. foi constituída por detritos, algas e hifas de fungos. Detrito foi o principal item alimentar, com valores superiores a 50% do total consumido. Os resultados indicaram que Cricotopus sp. é uma espécie coletora e, independentemente do substrato, as larvas alimentam-se dos recursos disponíveis no ambiente. Entretanto, mudanças no regime hidrológico do rio Paraná podem influenciar a disponibilidade de alimento, principalmente algumas diatomaceas como Melosira sp., consumidas em maior quantidade apenas na fase de águas baixas.In Brazil, studies on the diet of Chironomidae larvae are still scarce and these data are important to understand the trophic structure and organization of aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we identified the main food items consumed by Cricotopus sp. and compared possible differences in the larval diet at different artificial substrates and hydrological phases. We used four types of artificial substrates: X-shaped wood (MADX; X-shaped nitacetal plates (NITX; tube-shaped PVC (PVCT and tube-shaped galvanizedmetal (METT, each with three replicates. Samplings were undertaken fortnightly, between August 2004 and December 2005. Cricotopus sp. diet was

  14. Fatores de correção volumétrica na medição de atividade de 99mTc e 123I em calibradores de radionuclídeos

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    Amanda Ribeiro Correia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar os fatores de correção para a variação volumétrica dos radiofármacos contidos em recipientes de diferentes geometrias. Comparar a influência desses fatores na determinação da atividade de 99mTc e 123I utilizando dois tipos de calibradores: um com câmara de ionização e outro com detector Geiger-Müller (G-M. Avaliar o desempenho de calibradores de alguns serviços de medicina nuclear em medição de atividade de 99mTc e 123I. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados oito calibradores, frascos de vidro 10R, seringas de plástico de 3 e 5 mL e soluções de 99mTc e 123I. Os fatores de correção foram determinados a partir das medições práticas da variação da leitura do calibrador com a variação do volume da solução no recipiente. O desempenho foi avaliado em relação ao critério de aceitação de ±10% de exatidão exigida pela norma brasileira. RESULTADOS: A variação da resposta do calibrador com a variação do volume do frasco foi bem maior no calibrador que utiliza G-M. Ela também foi maior para 123I do que para 99mTc. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados confirmam que a resposta dos calibradores depende do volume contido nos recipientes. Essa dependência é mais crítica para os calibradores equipados com detector G-M e para 123I quando comparado com 99mTc.


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    Sarah Brandão Santa Cruz Barboza


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    After the removal of the in vitro culture medium, the survival and growth of micropropagated seedlings are among the main difficulties found in several crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the behavior of pineapple cv. Pérola seedlings produced in vitro and acclimated in different substrates and containers. The experimental design was completely randomized split plot, with four replicates. The plots (twenty plants consisted of three substrates (sand/plant fiber/humus, Plantmax and sand and the subplots consisted of three containers (a tubet 5cm in diameter by 13cm high, a tubet 5cm in diameter by 24.5cm high and a 10cm x 8cm plastic bag. The combinations of sand/plant fiber/humus with 5x13cm tubet or with a plastic bag, and of Plantmax with 5x13cm tubet provide better growth in ex vitro conditions.

    KEY-WORDS: Culture in vitro; micropropagation; fruitculture.

    A sobrevivência e o crescimento de plântulas micropropagadas, após a remoção do meio de cultivo in vitro, estão entre as principais dificuldades encontradas em várias culturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de plântulas de abacaxi cv. Pérola, produzidas in vitro e submetidas a aclimatação em diferentes substratos e recipientes. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As parcelas (com vinte plântulas foram constituídas de três substratos (areia/xaxim/húmus, Plantmax e areia e as subparcelas, de três recipientes (tubete com 5cm de diâmetro x 13cm de altura, tubete com 5cm de diâmetro x 24,5cm de altura e saco plástico, com 10cm x 8cm. As combinações areia/xaxim/húmus com tubete pequeno ou com saco plástico e Plantmax com tubete de 5cm diâmetro x 13cm de

  16. Nuevos recipientes rituales metálicos: la problemática de su distribución peninsular


    Caldentey Rodríguez, Paz; López Cachero, Javier; Menéndez Bueyes, Luis Ramón


    RESUMEN: La aparición y estudio de nuevos recipientes rituales metálicos con soportes de manos de los tipos I y II de Cuadrado en diversos yacimientos, nos ha permitido relacionar la distribución de todos estos objetos documentados a lo largo y ancho de toda la geografía peninsular con la explotación comercial de las diferentes vías de comunicación hacia el interior de la Península Ibérica, principalmente, entre los siglos VII y IV aC.ABSTRACT: The appearance and study of new ritual metallic ...

  17. Potential use of Piper nigrum ethanol extract against pyrethroid-resistant Aedes aegypti larvae Utilização em potencial do extrato alcoólico de Piper nigrum como larvicida em Aedes aegypti resistente a piretróides

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    Naomi Kato Simas


    Full Text Available Fractionation of Piper nigrum ethanol extract, biomonitored by assays on pyrethroid-resistant Aedes aegypti larvae yielded isolation of the larvicidal amides piperolein-A and piperine. Comparing LC50 values, the ethanol extract (0. 98 ppm was the most toxic, followed by piperolein-A (1. 46ppm and piperine (1. 53ppm.O fracionamento do extrato etanólico de Piper nigrum biomonitorado por ensaios em larvas de Aedes aegypti resistentes a piretróides resultou no isolamento das amidas larvicidas piperoleína-A e piperina. Comparando-se os valores de CL50, o extrato etanólico (0. 98ppm foi o mais tóxico, seguido pela piperoleína-A (1. 46ppm e piperina (1. 53ppm.


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    Franco Poggio


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, s e prop one el desarrollo de recipient es biodegradables para cultivos que puedan ser trasplantados directamente y actuar como fertilizantes. Se eligió gelatina bovina c omo material base, que se procesó en una mini mezcladora - inyectora junto con una solución concentrada de urea que actuó como plastificante . Se realizaron estudios reológicos y de tracción p ara evalua r la inyección de las mezclas y las prestaciones mecánicas relacionadas con la aplicación propuesta . Considerando que esto s materiales biodegradables tienen baja resistencia al agua, s e prop uso incrementar la estabilidad de los recipientes mediante r ecubrimiento superficial . Asimismo, se estudió y analizó su influencia en el contenido de humedad, materia soluble e hinchamiento en agua destilada. Se observó que las muestras recubiertas fueron significativamente más estables en agua que la s muestras con trol, lo que evidencia la buena calidad y homogeneidad del recubrimie nto , que avala la factibilidad del sistema seleccionado y su potencial desarrollo de contenedores biodegradables.

  19. Desenvolvimento de Rhapis excelsa (Thunberg Henry Ex. Rehder (Palmeira-Ráfia: Influência da altura do recipiente na formação de mudas Development of Rhapis excelsa (Thunberg Henry Ex. Rehder (Palm-Ráfia: influence of the height of the recipient in the formation of seedlings

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    Petterson Baptista da Luz


    Full Text Available Rhapis excelsa, originária do sul da China, é uma das palmeiras ornamentais mais cultivadas no mundo, principalmente em vaso. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa investigar a influência da altura do vaso no desenvolvimento da espécie. Para tanto, mudas de dois anos de idade, apresentando 10 cm de altura e sistema radicular com 10 cm de comprimento, foram transplantadas para recipientes de PVC com 10 cm de diâmetro e 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40 cm de altura, que se constituíram em tratamentos. O substrato utilizado foi uma mistura de casca de pinho, vermiculita e solo argiloso (2:1:1, adubado com 45 g de Osmocote (15:10:10. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: altura da planta, diâmetro do colo, número de folhas, número de perfilhos emitidos, avaliados aos 6, 12 e 18 meses após a instalação do experimento. Aos 18 meses foram tomados também o peso da matéria seca da parte aérea e o peso da matéria seca das raízes. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições com duas plantas. Houve diferença significativa para a variável altura de plantas, aos 6 meses, sendo que o recipiente de 40 cm de altura apresentou o pior resultado. Não houve diferença significativa entre as variáveis analisadas aos 12 meses de investigação. Já aos 18 meses, houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para as variáveis altura da planta e diâmetro do colo, sendo o recipiente de 40 cm inferior aos demais em relação à altura da planta e o de 25 cm superior quanto ao diâmetro do colo. A utilização do recipiente com 25 cm de altura revelou-se interessante pela qualidade das plantas formadas e em relação a aspectos econômicos da produção.Rhapis excelsa is one the most important ornamental palm cultivated in the world, mainly as vase plant, being indigenous to China. The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of vase height on the development of the species. Two years-old seedlings with 10 cm height

  20. Dominância de Aedes aegypti sobre Aedes albopictus no litoral sudeste do Brasil Dominance of Aedes aegypti over Aedes albopictus in the southeastern coast of Brazil

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    Ricardo A Passos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a infestação de Aedes aegypti e Aedes albopictus e verificar sua associação com fatores climáticos e com a sua freqüência em recipientes de área urbana. MÉTODOS: Foi selecionado o município de São Sebastião, localizado no litoral Sudeste do Brasil. Foram utilizados os dados do "Programa de Controle de Vetores de Dengue e Febre Amarela no Estado de São Paulo" que realiza a vigilância entomológica em pontos estratégicos, armadilhas e delimitação de focos. Os pontos estratégicos são imóveis onde existem recipientes em condições favoráveis à proliferação de larvas. Para análise dos dados, foram utilizados os testes de significância estatística: Kruskal-Wallis, Dwass-Steel-Chritchlow-Fligne e Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se crescimento anual da positividade de armadilhas e pontos estratégicos para Ae. aegypti e diminuição para Ae. albopictus. Observou-se aumento do número de imaturos de Ae. aegypti e diminuição da outra espécie. Na positividade de imóveis para a presença de larvas, verificou-se aumento gradativo do número de imóveis com Ae. Aegypti, superando a positividade para Ae. albopictus. Houve uma fraca correlação das espécies com os fatores abióticos. As maiores freqüências de imaturos de ambas espécies foram em recipientes artificiais passíveis de remoção. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados evidenciaram no período de estudo a predominância de Ae. aegypti sobre Ae. albopictus em área urbana, indicando que o crescimento populacional do primeiro parece ter afetado a chance de sua coexistência. Sugere-se que algum processo de seleção natural possa estar operando e desse modo contribuindo para levar à separação das duas espécies.OBJECTIVE: To assess infestation of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopiticus and describe their association with weather conditions and container colonization in urban areas. METHODS: The town of São Sebastião in the southeastern coast of Brazil

  1. Acanthocephala Larvae parasitizing Ameiva ameiva ameiva (Linnaeus, 1758) (Squamata: Teiidae). (United States)

    Macedo, Lilian Cristina; Melo, Francisco Tiago de Vasconcelos; Ávila-Pires, Teresa Cristina Sauer; Giese, Elane Guerreiro; dos Santos, Jeannie Nascimento


    Knowledge concerning the taxonomy and biology of species of Acanthocephala, helminth parasites of the helminth species of the phylum Acanthocephala, parasites of lizards in Brazilian Amazonia, is still insufficient, but reports of Acanthocephala in reptiles are becoming increasingly common in the literature. Cystacanth-stage Acanthocephalan larvae have been found in the visceral peritoneum during necropsy of Ameiva ameiva ameivalizards from the "Osvaldo Rodrigues da Cunha" Herpetology Collection of the Emílio Goeldi Museum, Belém, Pará, Brazil. The aim of this study was to present the morphological study of the Acanthocephala larvae found in A. ameiva ameiva lizard.

  2. Avaliação do impacto na infestação por Aedes aegypti em tanques de cimento do município de Canindé, Ceará, Brasil, após a utilização do peixe Betta splendens como alternativa de controle biológico Evaluation of the impact on Aedes aegypti infestation in cement tanks of the municipal district of Canindé, Ceará, Brazil after using the Betta splendens fish as an alternative biological control

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    Luciano de Góes Cavalcanti Pamplona


    Full Text Available Canindé apresenta uma população de 71.235 habitantes. Em abril de 2001 iniciou a utilização de peixes larvófagos em tanques de cimento, localizados ao nível do solo, como forma de controle biológico para larvas de Aedes aegypti. Durante a visita do agente, ao invés de se tratar os tanques com larvicida, colocou-se um espécime do peixe Betta splendens por depósito. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os resultados desta intervenção. Com os levantamentos do número de imóveis e depósitos existentes, estimou-se este número mês a mês determinando então o número de depósitos existentes por imóvel. Com esta estimativa e o número de imóveis visitados mensalmente analisou-se a infestação deste tipo de depósito. Em janeiro de 2001, 70,4% dos tanques examinados apresentavam larvas; e apenas 7,4% em janeiro de 2002. Em dezembro de 2002 este índice caiu para 0,2%. Demonstrou-se com clareza a capacidade do Betta splendens como agente de controle biológico, em tanques de cimento, reduzindo 320 vezes a infestação deste tipo de recipiente de grande volume.Canindé has a population of 71,235 inhabitants. In April 2001, the city started using larvivorous fish in cement water tanks, as a means of biological control of Aedes aegypti larvae. During house-to-house visits by health agents, instead of treating the water tank with larvicide, a Betta splendens fish was introduced into each tank. The number of houses and the number of tanks was estimated by monthly surveys. Then, the number of tanks per house was determined. Taking into account this estimated number and the number of houses visited, the infestation level for each kind of deposit was analyzed. In January 2001, 70.4% of the water tanks presented mosquitoes. Following the intervention, in January 2002 only 7.4% were positive and by December 2002 the rate had dropped to 0.2%. The efficacy of Betta splendens as a biological control agent in cement water tanks was

  3. Efeito de níveis crescentes de levedura de álcool em rações contendo fígado bovino sobre a performance de larvas de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen Effect of crescent levels of yeast of alcohol used in rations containing bovine liver on larvae of (Rhamdia quelen performance

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    Rosamari Piaia


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho foi realizado com a finalidade de avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de levedura sobre o desempenho inicial de larvas de Rhamdia quelen durante as trêss primeiras semanas de vida. Um total de 3000 larvas foram distribuídas em quinze grupos, em um sistema de criação com reutilização de água, termoregulada. Utilizou-se cinco tratamentos com níveis crescentes de levedura (T1 - 50%, T2 - 60%, T3 - 70%, T4 - 80% e T5 - 90% em substituição ao fígado bovino fresco. Os níveis de proteína bruta (PB e energia digestível variaram de 41,36 a 26,56% de PB e 3197 a 2789kcal ED/kg. A granulometria dos alimentos testados foi de 100 a 200mi, 200 a 400mi e 400 a 600mi para as três semanas experimentais, respectivamente. O alimento foi fornecido a vontade entre 8 e 20 horas. Dentro dos limites de proteína estudados houve efeito positivo de níveis mais elevados de PB sobre os comprimentos total e padrão e peso individual. Porém houve um efeito negativo sobre a sobrevivência das larvas de jundiá Rhamdia quelen.The present study was developed with the purpose of evaluating the effects of different protein levels in initial performance of Rhamdia quelen larvae during the first three weeks of life. The sample contained 3000 larvae distributed in fifteen groups, maintained in controlled conditions of culture and utilizing termoregulatory water re-use system. Five crescent levels of yeast (T1 50%, T2 60%, T3 70%, T4 80% and T5 90% were used in rations in substituition of bovine liver. Levels of crude protein and digestible energy varied 41,36% to 26,56% CP and from 3197 to 2789 kcal ED/kg. The granulometry of tested food was of 100 a 200mu, 200 a 400mu and 400 a 600mu for three experimental weeks respectively. Food distribution provided at ease between 8 Am and 8 Pm. Within the net protein used in this research, there was found a positive effect for the highest protein levels for total, standard lenght and individual weight

  4. Utilização da artêmia nacional como dieta para pós-larvas do Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931 na fase berçário - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i3.52 Brazilian artemia as feed for Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae through the nursery phase - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i3.52

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    Paulo de Paula Mendes


    Full Text Available Experimentos foram realizados em uma fazenda comercial de criação de camarões marinhos, objetivando avaliar a taxa de crescimento e sobrevivência das pós-larvas do Litopenaeus vannamei, quando cultivadas em tanques-berçário e submetidas a diferentes dietas. As pós-larvas utilizadas encontravam-se com 19 dias (PL19 e foram estocadas a 16 PL/L, em tanques-berçário de 60 m3. As pós-larvas foram submetidas ao Método de Alimentação Convencional (MAC e o Método de Alimentação com Artêmia (MAA. Verificou-se que ao se correlacionar o peso em função do comprimento e do tempo de cultivo, o MAA apresentou uma relação estatisticamente superior (pExperiments were carried out in a commercial marine shrimp farm to evaluate growth and survival rate of the Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae during nursery phase using different diets. The nursery tanks (60 m3 will be provided with post-larvae of 19 days (PL19 with a density of 16 PL/liter. The post-larvae were submitted to a Commercial Feeding Method (MAC and an Artemia Feeding Method (MAA. Considering the correlations between weight and length, and between weight and culture duration, a better efficiency (p<0.05 of the MAA was verified. The survival rate of the post-larvae fed with MAA was 86.25%, while MAC yielded survivorship of 62.12%. Thus, artemia nauplii were proved to be more efficient, providing higher growth and survival rates of Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae

  5. Persistence of specific antibody response in different experimental infections of mice with Toxocara canis larvae Persistência da resposta humoral em camundongos experimentalmente infectados com larvas de Toxocara canis

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    Pedro Paulo Chieffi


    Full Text Available Anti-Toxocara antibody production and persistence were studied in experimental infections of BALB/c mice, according to three different schedules: Group I (GI - 25 mice infected with 200 T. canis eggs in a single dose; Group II (GII 25 mice infected with 150 T. canis eggs given in three occasions, 50 in the 1st, 50 in the 5th and 50 in the 8th days; Group III (GIII - 25 mice also infected with 150 T. canis eggs, in three 50 eggs portions given in the 1st, 14th and 28th days. A 15 mice control group (GIV was maintained without infection. In the 30th, 50th, 60th, 75th, 105th and 180th post-infection days three mice of the GI, GII and GIII groups and two mice of the control group had been sacrificed and exsanguinated for sera obtention. In the 360th day the remainder mice of the four groups were, in the same way, killed and processed. The obtained sera were searched for the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies by an ELISA technique, using T. canis larvae excretion-secretion antigen. In the GI and GII, but not in the GIII, anti-Toxocara antibodies had been found, at least, up to the 180th post-infection day. The GIII only showed anti-Toxocara antibodies, at significant level, in the 30th post-infection day.Estudou-se a cinética de anticorpos anti-Toxocara em camundongos BALB/c infectados experimentalmente segundo três esquemas: Grupo I (GI: 25 camundongos infectados com dose única de 200 ovos embrionados de T. canis; grupo II (GII: 25 camundongos infectados com 150 ovos embrionados de T. canis, divididos em três doses de 50 ovos, administrados no 1º, 5º e 8º dias; Grupo III (GIII: 25 camundongos infectados com 150 ovos embrionados de T. canis, administrados em três doses de 50 ovos no 1º, 14º e 28º dias. Um grupo de 15 camundongos foi mantido nas mesmas condições, porém sem infecção, constituindo o grupo controle (GIV. No 30º, 50º, 60º, 75º, 105º e 180º dias pós-infecção três camundongos dos grupos GI, GII e GIII e dois do

  6. O aproveitamento do resíduo da indústria do sisal no controle de larvas de mosquitos

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    Pizarro Ana Paula B.


    Full Text Available Descreve-se o aproveitamento do resíduo do desfibramento das folhas de Agave sisalana, como um larvicida para o combate a mosquitos transmissores de doenças tropicais. Durante 24 horas, larvas de Aedes aegypti e Culex quinquefasciatus foram expostas a concentrações diferentes do extrato da planta para determinar as concentrações letais. Para A. aegypti foi constatada a CL50 em 322ppm e para C. quinquefasciatus em 183ppm. Foi investigada a ação de saponinas existentes na planta, ficando evidenciado que o resíduo de A. sisalana é ativo através da interação de vários dos seus componentes. Este extrato poderá ser utilizado em campo, na concentração de 100ppm para C. quinquefasciatus com um aumento do tempo de exposição para três dias, obtendo-se uma mortalidade de 100% das larvas. Este produto, porém, não é recomendado para o controle de A. aegypti, devido à necessidade de uma alta concentração para a obtenção de 100% de mortalidade das larvas e ao fato destas se desenvolverem preferencialmente em água potável.

  7. Avaliação de possível interferência do tabagismo na ovoposição de larvas de Calliphoridae (Díptera em carcaça de Mus musculus L. (Rodentia: Muriade em São Paulo, SP

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    Thais Souza Guerra


    Full Text Available A estimativa do intervalo post-mortem (IPM é uma das principais utilizações de insetos na perícia, que pode ser fundamentado no ciclo biológico, ecologia e distribuição geográfica de uma determinada espécie, bem como o comportamento de toda fauna presente em um corpo a fim de estimar o menor intervalo possível da ocorrência da morte. Diversos fatores podem interferir no ciclo de vida de um inseto, tais como temperatura, umidade e presença de substâncias nos tecidos de uma carcaça, promovendo, em certos casos, aceleração ou retardo neste ciclo afetando diretamente na estimativa do IPM. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a possível interferência do tabagismo na ovoposição de larvas de Calliphoridae (Díptera em carcaça de Mus musculus L. (Rodentia: Muridae, na zona leste de São Paulo, SP, correlacionando os estágios de decomposição da carcaça e o desenvolvimento larval de moscas. A captura das larvas foi realizada durante o mês de outubro de 2014, as quais as carcaças foram acondicionadas em aparato adequado para coleta de insetos imaturos e adultos: uma contendo a carcaça tabagista e outra com a carcaça não fumante. No curso da decomposição da carcaça não fumante, foram capturados 37 indivíduos adultos da família Calliphoridae emergidos durante o processo de decomposição, ao passo que, na carcaça com fumígeno, não foi coletado nenhuma espécie emergida deste substrato, porém, a mesma apresentou uma decomposição até a fase de esqueletização em menor tempo comparado á carcaça controle, sugerindo assim, uma possível interferência do ato de tabagismo na estimativa do IPM.

  8. Crescimento, teor e acúmulo de nutrientes em hipobiotos de caramboleiras, cultivados em diferentes soluções nutritiva

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    Danilo Eduardo Rozane


    Full Text Available O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de carambola do mundo, entretanto, há poucas informações científicas, especialmente estudos de nutrição mineral em caramboleiras. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar o efeito de soluções nutritivas no desenvolvimento e no estado nutricional de hipobioto (porta-enxertos de caramboleira. O delineamento experimental empregado foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro soluções nutritivas e cinco repetições. Como solução padrão foi utilizada a de Hoagland & Arnon, comparada com outras três soluções. O experimento foi conduzido em estufa de vidro, em recipientes plásticos de oito litros. Cento e cinqüenta dias após o transplantio, foram determinados a massa da matéria seca, teores e acúmulo de nutrientes nos diversos órgãos da planta. As soluções nutritivas de Furlani, de Castellane & Araújo e de Sarruge foram semelhantes na produção de massa da matéria seca da planta inteira de hipobiotos de caramboleira. O uso da solução nutritiva de Hoagland & Arnon resultou em menor acúmulo da massa da matéria seca na planta inteira e de nutrientes, exceto de N, Ca e Fe.

  9. Modelo 3D del recipiente tipo “penha” SOJ 23P de Vinha da Soutinha (Mairos, Chaves, Portugal)


    Mañana-Borrazás, Patricia; Criado-Boado, Felipe; Criado-Boado, Felipe; Porto Tenreiro, Yolanda


    En este pdf 3D presentamos los resultados de la documentación 3D de uno de los cacharros de estilo 'penha' más completos del NW peninsular: el recipiente SOJ 23P localizado en la 'Vinha da Soutinha' (Mairos, Chaves, Portugal). Se adscribe a la primera mitad del III milenio cal. B.C. (Calcolítico, aunque según algunos autores esta etapa debería ser conceptualizada en el NW peninsular como Neolítico Final). Este documento, un pdf 3D, permite interactuar con el modelo 3d: se puede mover el mo...

  10. Aedes albopictus (S na região de São José do Rio Preto, SP: estudo da sua infestação em área já ocupada pelo Aedes aegypti e discussão de seu papel como possível vetor de dengue e febre amarela

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    Chiaravalloti Neto Francisco


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estudar a evolução da infestação pelo Aedes albopictus na região de São José do Rio Preto, área já ocupada pelo Aedes aegypti e discutir seu papel na transmissão de doenças. Com informações obtidas em medidas de densidade larvária realizadas em áreas urbanas dos municípios, analisaram-se: ano e local de ocorrência, composição e localização das amostras larvárias; recipientes e Índices de Breteau. Até maio de 2001, o vetor já se encontrava em 96 dos 100 municípios da região. O Aedes albopictus, comparativamente ao Aedes aegypti, ocupou em maior proporção o peridomicílio e apresentou maior grau de associação com recipientes naturais e descartáveis. O comportamento endêmico do dengue, a ocorrência de casos autóctones de febre amarela silvestre na região e a reconhecida competência do vetor para estas doenças implicam em considerar a possibilidade de sua participação na transmissão do dengue e na reurbanização da febre amarela.

  11. Propagação de abacateiro via estacas estioladas

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    Henrique Belmonte Petry


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou testar um método de propagação de abacateiro a partir de estacas estioladas cultivadas em recipientes de diferentes alturas. O experimento foi desenvolvido em câmara de nebulização intermitente. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3x4, com três repetições, testando-se dois métodos de obstrução de seiva (anelamento da casca, estrangulamento da casca e quatro alturas de recipientes para o substrato (10, 15, 20 e 25 cm. Decorridos 250 dias, não se observou efeito da altura do recipiente na sobrevivência, no número de folhas desenvolvidas, na altura e no diâmetro das mudas formadas a partir de estacas estioladas. Houve maior sobrevivência e emissão de folhas nas estacas de casca anelada em relação à testemunha; as estacas de casca estrangulada situaram-se em posição intermediária. O prévio anelamento ou estrangulamento da casca de ramos estiolados aumentaram a sobrevivência e o crescimento de mudas na propagação de abacateiro da seleção Viamão, por estaquia.

  12. Acanthocephala Larvae parasitizing Ameiva ameiva ameiva (Linnaeus, 1758 (Squamata: Teiidae

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    Lilian Cristina Macedo


    Full Text Available Abstract Knowledge concerning the taxonomy and biology of species of Acanthocephala, helminth parasites of the helminth species of the phylum Acanthocephala, parasites of lizards in Brazilian Amazonia, is still insufficient, but reports of Acanthocephala in reptiles are becoming increasingly common in the literature. Cystacanth-stage Acanthocephalan larvae have been found in the visceral peritoneum during necropsy of Ameiva ameiva ameivalizards from the “Osvaldo Rodrigues da Cunha” Herpetology Collection of the Emílio Goeldi Museum, Belém, Pará, Brazil. The aim of this study was to present the morphological study of the Acanthocephala larvae found in A. ameiva ameiva lizard.

  13. Morfologia do trato digestório e dieta de larvas de Bryconamericus aff. iheringii (Boulenger, 1887 (Osteichthyes, Characidae - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v28i1.1059 Morphology of Digestive tract and diet of Bryconamericus aff. iheringii larvae (Boulenger, 1887 (Osteichthyes, Characidae - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v28i1.1059

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    Keshiyu Nakatani


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar alguns aspectos da alimentação de larvas de Bryconamericus aff. iheringii, capturadas nos meses de julho e novembro de 2001, nas regiões limnética e litorânea do reservatório de Santa Maria, rio Piquiri, Estado do Paraná. As larvas apresentaram boca subterminal durante todo o seu desenvolvimento. O tubo digestório se diferenciou em estômago e intestino apenas no estágio de pós-flexão. As larvas consumiram, principalmente, algas e microcrustáceos, o que permitiu caracterizá-las como planctófagas. A intensa modificação morfológica no trato digestório nos indivíduos em pós-flexão coincidiu com o aumento na abundância de algas em relação aos itens de origem animal; porém, de forma geral, a ocorrência aumentou para todos os itens. A análise do grau de digestão dos itens alimentares sugeriu que indivíduos em pré-flexão alimentaram-se, possivelmente, durante o dia, e os mais desenvolvidos, durante o entardecer e no período noturnoThe aim of this study was to analyze some feeding treats of Bryconamericus aff. iheringii larvae, sampled in both the limnetic and littoral regions of the Piquiri River, in Santa Maria reservoir, between July and November 2001. The larvae presented sub-terminal mouth in larval period. The digestive tract differentiated in terms of stomach and intestine only in the postflexion larvae. The larvae fed mainly on algae and microcrustacea allowing to characterize them as planktivorous. The intense morphologic shift in the digestive tract in the postflexion larvae coincided with an increase in the abundance of algae in relation to animals items; however, in general, all the items had their occurrence increased. Analysis of the digestion stage suggested that preflexion larvae, possibly, fed themselves during the day, and those more developed, at dusk and night

  14. Host cell adhesion to Schistosoma mansoni larvae in the peritoneal cavity of naive mice: histological and scanning electron microscopic studies Adesão celular às larvas de Schistosoma mansoni na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos normais: estudos histológicos e microscopia eletrônica de varredura

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    Alan Lane de Melo


    Full Text Available Cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni inoculated into the peritoneal cavity of naive mice induced host cell adhesion to their surface, but after 90 minutes the number of adherent cells sharply decreased. The cell detachment is progressive and simultaneous to the cercaria-schistosomule transformation. The histological study showed mainly neutrophils in close contact with the larvae. Mononuclear cells and some eosinophils were occasionally seen surrounding the adherent neutrophils. The scanning electron microscopy showed cells displaying twisted microvilli and several microplicae contacting or spreading over the larval surface, and larvae completely surrounded by clusters of cells. These results suggest that the neutrophils recognize molecules on the cercarial surface which induce their spreadingA inoculação de cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos normais induz uma aderência de células do hospedeiro a essas larvas. Essa adesão decresce rapidamente quando a larva infectante transforma-se em esquistossômulo. O destacamento das células é progressivo e simultâneo à transformação. Os métodos histológicos e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostraram que o neutrófilo é a célula predominante em estreito contacto com a larva. Células mononucleadas e eosinófilos foram observados rodeando o parasito, usualmente sem estar em contacto direto com a larva. Os resultados indicam que neutrófilos podem reconhecer, na superfície larvária, moléculas que induzem sua adesão e espalhamento.

  15. Epidemiology of Oestrus ovis (Diptera: Oestridae in sheep in Botucatu, State of São Paulo Epidemiologia de Oestrus ovis (Diptera: Oestridae em ovinos em Botucatu, São Paulo

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    Bruna Fernanda da Silva


    Full Text Available The seasonal factors that influence Oestrus ovis infestation in sheep were determined in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Southwestern Brazil, from April 2008 to March 2011. Two tracer lambs were monthly exposed to natural infestation by O. ovis larvae for 28 consecutive days, by grazing with a sheep flock. Tracer animals were then euthanized and the larvae of O. ovis recovered from nasal and sinus cavities. Of the 72 tracer lambs, 50% were infested with O. ovis larvae and the mean intensity of infestation per head infested was 16.8 larvae, with an average of 7.8 L1, 5.3 L2 and 3.7 L3. O. ovis larvae were present during the four seasons of the year, but the mean larval burden was significantly higher during the spring and summer months, compared to winter (P Os fatores sazonais que influenciam a infestação por larvas de Oestrus ovis, foram determinados no período de abril de 2008 a março de 2011, em ovinos criados em Botucatu, São Paulo, região Sudeste do Brasil. Mensalmente, dois cordeiros traçadores permaneceram em pastejo com um rebanho ovino durante 28 dias consecutivos, expostos à infestação natural por larvas de O. ovis. Em seguida, os cordeiros foram sacrificados, e as larvas de O. ovis recuperadas da cavidade nasal e seios frontais. Dos 72 cordeiros traçadores, 50% estavam infestados por larvas de O. ovis, com intensidade média de infestação de 16,8 larvas/cabeça infestada, com média de 7,8 L1, 5,3 L2 e 3,7 L3. As larvas de O. ovis foram recuperadas durante as quatro estações do ano, mas o número médio de larvas foi significativamente superior durante os meses de primavera e verão comparado aos meses de inverno (P < 0,05. A maior taxa de recuperação larval coincidiu com temperaturas médias entre 20 °C e 25 °C e umidade relativa do ar por volta de 70%. Os resultados sugerem que a evolução e desenvolvimento de O. ovis ocorre praticamente durante o ano inteiro, mas a infestação é mais frequente nos meses de

  16. Atividade in vitro de permetrina, cipermetrina e deltametrina sobre larvas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille, 1806 (Acari, Ixodidae

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    Fernandes F.F.


    Full Text Available Investigaram-se os efeitos toxicológicos in vitro de três piretróides em diferentes concentrações, formulados para uso pecuário, domiciliar e em cães, sobre larvas de R. sanguineus, objetivando monitorar sua suscetibilidade e fomentar seu controle. Utilizaram-se 1.604 larvas em jejum, com 15 a 21 dias, obtidas por infestação artificial em cão, imersas nas soluções testadas, contidas em dispositivos constituídos por placa de Petri descartável, papel filtro e parafina, mantidas em incubadoras do tipo BOD e observadas ao estereoscópio por 24h. Observaram-se excitabilidade, movimentação repetitiva, diminuição da locomoção, desprendimento, paralisia, "knock-down" e proliferação cuticular de gases e líquidos. A mortalidade na 24ª hora foi de 86,9%, 100,0%, 80,3%, 86,0%, 68,2% e 78,0%, respectivamente, para permetrina 1250ppm e 2500ppm, cipermetrina 150ppm e 300ppm, e deltametrina 25ppm e 50ppm. Não houve mortalidade no grupo controle.

  17. [Effects of fermented cattle dung on the growth and development of Tenebrio molitor larvae]. (United States)

    Zeng, Xiang-Wei; Wang, Xia; Guo, Li-Yue; Zhan, Li-Jie; Bo, Wen-Jing; Li, Zhan; Wu, Guang-Lei; Jiang, Gao-Ming


    In order to make use of and industrialize the animal dung from large cattle farms, this paper explored the feasibility of using Tenebrio molitor to digest and utilize cattle dung. Cattle dung was mixed with the conventional feed (65% wheat bran, 30% corn flour, and 5% bean pulp) of T. molitor in definite proportions, and fermented with effective microorganisms (EM). The fermented products containing 60% and 80% of cattle dung (FD1 and FD2, respectively) were selected to feed T. molitor larvae, and the effects of the fermented products on the growth curve, death rate, pupation rate, and antioxidant system of the larvae were compared. Compared with CK (conventional deed), the FD1 made the developmental duration of the larvae prolonged by 10 days and the larvae's death rate upraised somewhat, but made the single larva's total food intake, average body mass, crude fat content, and ratio of unsaturated to saturated fat acids increased by 49%, 28%, 26%, and 32%, respectively (P molitor larvae had weak adaptability to FD2. Our findings suggested that using FD1 to feed the 3rd instar of T. molitor larvae would have good practical prospects in industrializing cattle dung.

  18. Eventos externos e internos da infecção de larvas e ninfas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus por Metarhizium anisopliae External and internal events of Rhipicephalus sanguineus larvae and nymphs infection by Metarhizium anisopliae

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    M.V. Garcia


    Full Text Available Examinaram-se a adesão, a germinação, a penetração e a colonização de larvas e ninfas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus por Metarhizium anisopliae, assim como as lesões infringidas pelo fungo nas respectivas fases do ciclo de vida do ácaro. Realizaram-se infecções experimentais em 11 grupos contendo 250 larvas e 11 grupos contendo 75 ninfas de R. sanguineus, por meio de banho, durante três minutos sob agitação manual, em suspensão contendo 10(8 conídios/ml do fungo. Nos grupos-controles, o banho foi realizado usando o veículo da suspensão. Larvas e ninfas foram processadas para um estudo histopatológico e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura nos seguintes tempos após a infecção: uma e 18 horas, e um, dois, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, nove e 11 dias. A germinação dos conídios ocorreu em até 18 horas pós-inoculação, e o fungo penetrou nas larvas e ninfas através do tegumento, dois e três dias após a infecção, respectivamente. Após penetração, o fungo invadiu o corpo das larvas e ninfas, promovendo uma colonização difusa, sem preferência aparente por tecidos específicos. Lesões significativas não foram observadas. A morte das larvas e ninfas ocorreu no terceiro e quarto dias pós-infecção, e a esporulação do patógeno sobre o cadáver foi iniciada no sexto dia pós-infecção.The adhesion, germination and colonization of Rhipicephalus sanguineus larvae and nymphs by Metarhizium anisopliae as well as the lesions caused by the fungus were studied. For this purpose, 11 groups of 250 larvae each and 11 groups of 75 nymphs each were bathed during 3 minutes under manual shaking in a 10(8 conidia/ml suspension. Corresponding control groups were bathed only in the suspension vehicle. Ticks were also submitted to both conventional microscopy and scanning eletronmicrocopy analyses at several post-infection periods (1 and 18 hours and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 11 days. Conidial germination occurred in less

  19. Occurrence of filamentous fungi in Simulium goeldii Cerqueira & Nunes de Mello (diptera: simuliidae larvae in central Amazonia, Brazil Ocorrência de fungos filamentosos associados a larvas de Simulium goeldii Cerqueira & Nunes de Mello da Amazônia Central, Brasil

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    Quézia Ribeiro Fonseca


    Full Text Available The family Simuliidae is the host of simbiontes fungi that inhabit the digestive tracts of arthropods. This paper reports the presence of fungi in Simulium goeldii Cerqueira & Nunes de Mello larvae in Amazonia. We observed that the larvae are a good component of aquatic systems to isolate filamentous fungi.A família Simuliidae é hospedeira de fungos simbiontes que habitam o trato digestivo de artrópodos. Este estudo reporta a presença de fungos em larvas de Simulium goeldii Cerqueira & Nunes de Mello da Amazônia. Foi observado que as larvas são bons componentes do sistema aquático para isolar fungos filamentosos.

  20. Recipientes e substratos na produção de mudas de Maytenus ilicifolia e Apuleia leiocarpa Pot and substrate on seedling production of Maytenus ilicifolia and Apuleia leiocarpa

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    Fernando Teixeira Nicoloso


    Full Text Available A cancorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek e a grápia (Apuleia leiocarpa (Vogel Macbride encontram-se em processo de dizimação devido à exploração excessiva dos recursos naturais e, portanto, estudos relacionados aos métodos de propagação dessas espécies são relevantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diferentes recipientes e o tipos de substrato de cultivo na produção de mudas de cancorosa e grápia. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma combinação bifatorial (7x3, representados por sete tamanhos de recipientes: saco plástico (tamanho pequeno, médio e grande, respectivamente, 1515, 3064 e 6031cm³, laminado de madeira (tamanho pequeno, médio e grande, respectivamente, 497, 829 e 1161cm³ e tubete (tamanho único, modelo cilíndrico, 50cm³ e três tipos de substratos: solo (horizonte A de um Podzólico vermelho amarelo, solo + casca de arroz carbonizada e areia média + casca de arroz carbonizada, na proporção 1:1 v/v. A semeadura de ambas as espécies foi realizada no dia 12 de dezembro de 1997. Aos 135 dias do período experimental, sob condições de temperatura ambiente, foram avaliadas a percentagem de sobrevivência das mudas, altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, comprimento do sistema radicular, peso da matéria seca de raízes, do caule, das folhas e total da planta, bem como a caracterização física dos substratos. A combinação do recipiente saco plástico de tamanho pequeno e substrato solo + casca de arroz carbonizada apresenta características adequadas à produção de mudas de cancorosa. A combinação dos recipientes saco plástico de tamanho médio e grande e o laminado de madeira grande combinados com os substratos solo + casca de arroz carbonizada e solo isoladamente apresentam características adequadas à produção de mudas de grápia.The species ‘cancorosa’ (Maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek and ‘grápia’ (Apuleia leiocarpa (Vogel Macbride have been considered two endangered

  1. Trealose e trealase em tenebrio molitor L Trehalose and Trehalase in Tenebrio molitor L

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    Cristina Piedras Lopes


    Full Text Available Foi estudada a concentração em trealose e a atividade em trealase do Tenebrio molitor L. durante as tres fases da metamorfose (larva, ninfa, imago. Verificou-se que na larva e no adulto os valores são mais elevados conforme a curva da fig. 3. A trealose foi expressa em mg/g de Tenebrio e a trealose por µg de glicose/mg proteina.Trehalose and trehalase were determined in the Tenebrio molitor L., using larva, pupa and imago. A total number of 895 animals was analyzed. A growth curve up to the end of the larval stage was established (Fig. 1 and compared with the normal one obtained by Fraenkel. It was shown that trehalose and trehalase are more concentrated in the larva and imago presenting a curve with two arms as depicted in the Fig. 3. Trehalase was expressed in mg/g of Tenebrio and trehalase in µg of glucose /mg proteín.

  2. Biology of Paenibacillus larvae, a deadly pathogen of honey bee larvae. (United States)

    Ebeling, Julia; Knispel, Henriette; Hertlein, Gillian; Fünfhaus, Anne; Genersch, Elke


    The gram-positive bacterium Paenibacillus larvae is the etiological agent of American Foulbrood of honey bees, a notifiable disease in many countries. Hence, P. larvae can be considered as an entomopathogen of considerable relevance in veterinary medicine. P. larvae is a highly specialized pathogen with only one established host, the honey bee larva. No other natural environment supporting germination and proliferation of P. larvae is known. Over the last decade, tremendous progress in the understanding of P. larvae and its interactions with honey bee larvae at a molecular level has been made. In this review, we will present the recent highlights and developments in P. larvae research and discuss the impact of some of the findings in a broader context to demonstrate what we can learn from studying "exotic" pathogens.

  3. Hypervitaminosis induced by vitamin A supplementation in ration for post larvae of Nile tilapiaHipervitaminose induzida pela suplementação de vitamina A em rações para pós-larvas de tilápia do Nilo

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    Denise Nascimento de Bastos


    Full Text Available The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of the hypervitaminosis by supplementation of vitamin A in balanced ration, on the performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus during sex reversal phase. The experiment was carried out during 30 days in a randomized experimental design with six treatments and five repetitions. Was considered an experimental unit an aquarium of 50L contends 70 post larvae. The first treatment was consisted by a ration where was added only commercial premix how a vitamin A (30 KUI source. The others had been supplemented with 1.030, 2.030, 3.030, 4.030 e 5.030 KUI of vitamin A. At the end, the final average weight (FAW, the standard (SL and total length (TL, the weight gain (WG, the biomass gain (BG, the apparent feed conversion (FA, the condition factor (CF and the survival (SU were assessed. The results of FAW, SL, WG and BG showed a negative linear effect (P O presente trabalho foi realizado para avaliar os efeitos da hipervitaminose por meio de suplementação de diferentes níveis de vitamina A em rações balanceadas, sobre o desempenho da tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus durante a fase de reversão sexual. O período experimental foi de 30 dias, com um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos e cinco repetições. Foi considerado como unidade experimental um aquário de 50L contendo 70 pós-larvas. O primeiro tratamento constituiu de uma ração onde foi adicionado apenas o premix comercial como fonte de vitamina A (30 KUI. Os outros foram suplementados com 1.030, 2.030, 3.030, 4.030 e 5.030 KUI de vitamina A. Ao final do experimento os peixes foram avaliados quanto ao peso médio final (PMF, aos comprimentos total final (CT e padrão final (CP, ao ganho de peso médio (GPM, ao ganho de biomassa (GB, a conversão alimentar aparente (CAA, ao fator de condição final (FC e à sobrevivência (%. Os resultados de PMF, CP, GPM e GB mostraram um efeito linear negativo (P<0

  4. The parasitism of Ixodes luciae (Acari: Ixodidae on marsupials and rodents in Peruvian Amazon O parasitismo do Ixodes luciae (Acari: ixodidae em marsupiais e em roedores na Amazônia Peruana

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    María Mónica Díaz


    Full Text Available In this work the infestation with I. luciae on Didelphimorphia and Rodentia in different environments of Peruvian Amazon was studied. Didelphimorphia was represented by the family Didelphidae. Specimens belonging to Caluromys lanatus, Didelphis marsupialis, Marmosops sp.2, Metachirus nudicaudatus, Philander andersoni and Philander opossum were infested with adults I. luciae and one Micoureus sp. was infested with larvae. In Rodentia, the infestation with I. luciae nymphs was restricted to Hylaeamys perenensis, Hylaeamys yunganus and Oligoryzomys microtis, while one Oecomys bicolor (all Cricetidae was infested with larvae of this species. The few larvae were found on rodents captured in primary forest. The only significant difference (P No presente trabalho, infestações por Ixodes luciae em Didelphimorphia e Rodentia em diferentes ambientes da Amazônia peruana foram estudadas. Didelphimorphia foi representada pela família Didelphidae. Espécimes pertencentes a Caluromys lanatus, Didelphis marsupialis, Marmosops sp., Metachirus nudicaudatus, Philander andersoni e Philander opossum foram encontrados infestadas por adultos de I. luciae; um Micoureus sp. foi encontrado infestado por larvas. Em Rodentia, a infestação por ninfas de I. luciae estiveram restritas a Hylaeamys perenensis, Hylaeamys yunganus e Oligoryzomys microtis, enquanto que um Oecomys bicolor (todos Cricetidae esteve infestado por larvas de I. luciae. As poucas larvas foram encontradas em roedores capturados na floresta primária. A única diferença significante (P < 0.05 na prevalência de carrapatos adultos em Didelphimorphia foi entre P. andersoni e M. nudicaudatus (distribuição chi-quadrado. A distribuição de carrapatos adultos foi significativamente diferente em P. andersoni quando comparado com M. nudicaudatus, P. opossum e D. marsupialis (teste Kruskal-Wallis. Nenhum efeito significante do mês ou ambiente foi observado em relação à infestação por carrapato

  5. A note on the occurrence of praniza larvae of Gnathiidae (Crustacea, Isopoda on fishes from Northeast of Pará, Brazil

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    Daniel G. Diniz


    Full Text Available The infection of the estuarine teleost fishes Mugil gaimardianus Desmarest, 1831 (Mugilidae, Arius phrygiatus Valenciennes, 1839 (Ariidae, Conodon nobilis Linnaeus, 1759 (Haemulidae, Cetengraulis edentulus Cuvier, 1829 (Engraulidae, and Anableps anableps Linnaeus, 1758 (Anablepidae by praniza larvae of Gnathiidae (Crustacea, Isopoda was studied in specimens fished off the Atlantic Ocean in Northeast of Pará State, near Bragança, Brazil. The highest infection prevalence value was found in Anableps anableps (42.3% and the lowest in Conodon nobilis (9.1%. The mean intensity varied from 1 parasitein Conodon nobilis to 19.5 in Arius phrygiatus. A description of the larvae is provided. The morphology of the mouthparts is related to the blood sucking activity, and is compared with the characteristics of other gnathiidae species.Foi estudada a parasitose dos peixes estuarinos Mugil gaimardianus Desmarest, 1831 (Mugilidae, Arius phrygiatus Valenciennes, 1839 (Ariidae, Conodon nobilis Linnaeus, 1759 (Haemulidae, Cetengraulis edentulus Cuvier, 1829 (Engraulidae, e Anableps anableps Linnaeus, 1758 (Anablepidae por larvas praniza de Gnathiidae (Crustacea, Isopoda em exemplares pescados no Oceano Atlântico, no Nordeste do Pará, próximo a Bragança, Brasil. O valor mais elevado da prevalência da infecção foi observado em A. anableps (42,3% e o menor em C. nobilis (9,1%. A intensidade média da parasitose variou entre 1 parasita em C. nobilis até 19,5 em A. phrygiatus. Efetua-se a descrição da larva, verificando-se que a morfologia da armadura bucal está relacionada com a atividade sugadora de sangue, e faz-se a comparação com as características de outras espécies.

  6. Avaliação de diferentes fontes protéicas sobre o desempenho inicial de larvas do jundiá Rhamdia quelen Evaluation of different sources of protein on the initial performance of south american catfish larvae Rhamdia quelen

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    Rosamari Piaia


    Full Text Available O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes fontes protéicas sobre a sobrevivência e crescimento de larvas de Rhamdia quelen durante as três primeiras semanas de vida. Utilizou-se 3000 larvas distribuídas em 15 grupos, estocadas em condições controladas de cultivo, em um sistema de criação com reutilização de água, termoregulada. As rações testadas eram isoprotéicas com 35% de PB (proteína bruta e níveis energéticos variando entre 3075 e 3286kcal ED/kg, formuladas com fontes de origem animal, vegetal e pó de levedura Saccharomyces cerevisae. Agranulometria dos alimentos testados foi de 100 a 200mi, 200 a 400mi e 400 a 600mi para as três semanas experimentais, respectivamente. A distribuição do alimento foi feita a vontade entre 8 e 20 horas. No final deste experimento o tratamento T1, contendo figado bovino e levedura, resultou na maior taxa de sobrevivencia (61% apresentando diferença altamente significativa em relação aos demais tratamentos. Os tratamentos 2 (soja, levedura, 3 (soja, figado bovino, 4 (soja, milho e 5 (soja, carne, milho não diferiram significativamente entre si, apresentando baixas taxas de sobrevivência (1,17 a 10,19%. OT1 apresentou o maior comprimento total aos 21 dias, com media individual de 16,46mm, diferindo significativamente dos demais tratamentos. Nestas condições conclui-se que o pó de levedura juntamente com o fígado bovino em rações, proporcionou o melhor desempenho de larvas de jundiá Rhamdia quelen.The experiment was carried out to evaluate the survival and growth of catfish larvae Rhamdia quelen with different sources of protein during the first three weeks of life. Five treatments, with three replications, were tested. A total of 3000 larvae were randomly distributed into 15 groups, maintained under controlled conditions using a termoregulatory water re-use system. The artificial diets tested contained 35% of crude protein and digestible

  7. Larvas de insetos associadas a Clusia hilariana Schltdl. (Clusiaceae na Restinga de Jurubatiba, RJ, Brasil Insect larvae associated with Clusia hilariana Schltdl. (Clusiaceae in the Restinga de Jurubatiba, RJ, Brazil

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    Vagner Reis da Silveira


    Full Text Available Clusia hilariana é uma das espécies de plantas mais abundantes no Parque Nacional, desempenhando um papel importante na dinâmica sucessional desse ecossistema de restinga. Esse trabalho apresenta a composição e aspectos ecológicos das espécies de larvas de mariposas encontradas em C. hilariana. Em 40 plantas, mensalmente vistoriadas, foram obtidas quatorze espécies de lepidópteros. Chloropaschia granitalis foi a espécie de larva mais abundante alimentando-se nessa espécie de planta.Clusia hilariana is one of the most abundant plant species in the National Park playing important role at the sucessional dynamic of the restinga ecosystem. This paper presents the composition and ecological aspects of caterpillars species found on C. hilariana. From 40 plants monthy inspected, fourteen species of Lepidoptera were obtained. Chloropaschia granitalis (Pyralidae was the most abundant species feeding on this plant species.

  8. Abundance and instantaneous transport of Petrolisthes armatus (Gibbes, 1850 planktonic larvae in the Catuama inlet, Northeast Brazil

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    Mauro de Melo Júnior


    Full Text Available The influence of tidal and diel changes on the exchange of Petrolisthes armatus planktonic larvae was studied at the Catuama inlet, which represents an intermediate system of marine and estuarine environments in the Northeast Brazil. To characterize the larval abundance and vertical distribution, samplings were carried out in August 2001 at neap tide and 3 stations, with 3 hours interval over 24 hours. Samples were taken at three or two depths at each station, with a plankton pump coupled to a 300 µm mesh size net. Petrolisthes armatus zoea I and II showed a mean of 26.3 ± 83.6 and 12 ± 38.8 ind m-3, respectively. During flood tides, the larvae were more concentrated in the midwater and surface, which avoided the transport to internal regions. In contrast, during ebb tides when the larvae were distributed in the three layers, the higher concentrations were found in the bottom, which avoided a major exportation. The diel dynamic of the larval fluxes was characterized by vertical migration behavior associated to the tidal regime, which suggested that the development of this decapod apparently occurs in the inner shelf (instead of the outer shelf off this peculiar ecosystem.A influência dos ciclos de maré e fotoperíodo sobre o fluxo de larvas planctônicas de Petrolisthes armatus foi estudada na barra de Catuama, que representa um ambiente intermediário entre os sistemas marinho e estuarino no nordeste do Brasil. Para caracterizar a abundância e a distribuição vertical das larvas, foram feitas coletas em agosto de 2001, durante a maré de quadratura, em 3 estações fixas e com intervalos de 3 horas, ao longo de um ciclo de 24 horas. Em cada estação, amostras foram coletadas em três ou duas profundidades, com o auxílio de uma bomba de sucção acoplada a uma rede de plâncton com 300 µm de abertura de malha. Os zoés I e II de Petrolisthes armatus apresentaram médias de 26,3 ± 83,6 e 12 ± 38,8 ind m-3, respectivamente. Durante as

  9. Feeding for larvae of catfish Pangasionodon sp. larvae in different ages

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    Muhammad Agus Suprayudi


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Sludge worm (Tubifex sp. as natural feed on catfish (Pangasionodon sp. larvae rearing is available in limited amount especially during rainy season. It becomes a constraint factor for larvae rearing sector. This research was conducted to evaluate the appropriate initial age of catfish larvae to get artificial feed as sludge worm replacement. Evaluation was conducted on the growth and survival of catfish larvae in 14 days of culture. There were four treatments of feeding in triplicates i.e. larvae were given natural feed without artificial feed, given artificial feed started from d3, d6, and d9 with three replications. The results showed that larvae fed on artificial feed on d3 had the lowest growth compared to the other treatments, whereas the survival was not significantly different (P>0.05 among the treatments. As a conclusion, artificial feed could be used to replace natural feed for catfish larvae started at the age of nine days. Keywords: sludge worm, catfish larvae, artificial feed  ABSTRAK Cacing sutra (Tubifex sp. tersedia dalam jumlah terbatas terutama pada musim penghujan sebagai pakan alami dalam usaha pembenihan ikan patin (Pangasionodon sp.. Ini menjadi kendala dalam usaha pembenihan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi umur larva ikan patin yang tepat untuk mulai diberi pakan buatan menggantikan cacing sutra. Evaluasi dilakukan pada pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup larva ikan patin umur 14 hari. Selama pemeliharaan, larva diberi pakan dengan empat perlakuan; pemberian pakan alami tanpa pakan buatan, pemberian pakan buatan mulai d3, d6, dan d9 dengan tiga ulangan untuk masing-masing perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemberian pakan buatan mulai d3 memiliki pertumbuhan panjang yang terkecil dibandingkan perlakuan lain, sedangkan tingkat kelangsungan hidup larva tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05 antarperlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pakan buatan dapat digunakan

  10. Análise da dieta das larvas de 4º estádio de Cricotopus sp. (Diptera: Chironomidae, em diferentes substratos artificiais e fases hídricas, no trecho superior do rio Paraná - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v31i4.3522 Diet analysis of Cricotopus sp. larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae, fourth stage, in different artificial substrates and hydrological phases, in the upper Paraná river - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v31i4.3522

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    Alice Michiyo Takeda


    Full Text Available No Brasil, estudos sobre hábitos alimentares das larvas de Chironomidae ainda são escassos e estas informações são importantes para entender a estrutura trófica e a organização dos ecossistemas aquáticos. Neste estudo, teve-se como objetivo identificar os principais itens alimentares ingeridos por Cricotopus sp. e comparar as possíveis diferenças na dieta das larvas em diferentes substratos artificiais e fases hídricas. Foram utilizados quatro tipos de substratos artificiais: madeira em forma de X (MADX, placas de nitacetal em forma de X (NITX, PVC em forma de tubo (PVCT e metal galvanizado em forma de tubo (METT, cada um com três réplicas. As coletas foram realizadas quinzenalmente, entre os meses de agosto de 2004 e dezembro de 2005. A dieta de Cricotopus sp. foi constituída por detritos, algas e hifas de fungos. Detrito foi o principal item alimentar, com valores superiores a 50% do total consumido. Os resultados indicaram que Cricotopus sp. é uma espécie coletora e, independentemente do substrato, as larvas alimentam-se dos recursos disponíveis no ambiente. Entretanto, mudanças no regime hidrológico do rio Paraná podem influenciar a disponibilidade de alimento, principalmente algumas diatomaceas como Melosira sp., consumidas em maior quantidade apenas na fase de águas baixasIn Brazil, studies on the diet of Chironomidae larvae are still scarce and these data are important to understand the trophic structure and organization of aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we identified the main food items consumed by Cricotopus sp. and compared possible differences in the larval diet at different artificial substrates and hydrological phases. We used four types of artificial substrates: X-shaped wood (MADX; X-shaped nitacetal plates (NITX; tube-shaped PVC (PVCT and tube-shaped galvanized metal (METT, each with three replicates. Samplings were undertaken fortnightly, between August 2004 and December 2005. Cricotopus sp. diet was

  11. Crescimento e estruturas do sistema digestório de larvas de pacu alimentadas com dieta microencapsulada produzida experimentalmente Growth and structure of the digestive system of pacu larvae fed microencapsulated diet produced experimentally

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    Olívia Cristina Camilo Menossi


    Full Text Available Foram comparados os efeitos de diferentes dietas e da transição alimentar sobre o desempenho zootécnico e a morfologia do trato digestório de larvas de pacu alimentadas com duas dietas comerciais e uma dieta experimental microencapsulada produzida por gelificação interna. Larvas com quatro dias de vida receberam os seguintes protocolos alimentares: somente náuplios de artêmia em quantidades crescentes (controle positivo; larvas mantidas em jejum (controle negativo; três tipos de alimento formulado durante todo o experimento (dieta experimental microencapsulada, dieta comercial NRD1.2/2.0, Inve, USA, e dieta Poli-Peixe 450F, PoliNutri, Brasil; e três protocolos de transição alimentar com náuplios de artêmia durante os seis primeiros dias, seis dias de coalimentação, e somente as respectivas dietas formuladas após esse período. O experimento foi conduzido por 23 dias em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com avaliações periódicas do crescimento e do sistema digestório. A taxa de sobrevivência foi determinada ao final do experimento. Os melhores desempenhos de crescimento e sobrevivência, assim como mais acelerada organogênese do sistema digestório, foram verificados entre os animais que receberam alimento vivo. As larvas que passaram pela transição alimentar apresentaram médias intermediárias de crescimento e sobrevivência e não diferiram entre si. Entre os grupos que receberam apenas dieta inerte, somente naquele alimentado com a dieta nacional houve sobrevivência até o final do experimento. Nenhuma das dietas formuladas é adequada para uso como alimento exclusivo para larvas de pacu. Na fase de transição alimentar, a dieta experimental microencapsulada proporciona resultados de sobrevivência e crescimento semelhantes aos obtidos com dietas comerciais.The effects of different diets and dietary transition on the performance and morphology of the digestive tract of pacu larvae fed two commercial formulated

  12. Effects of larval crowding on development time, survival and weight at metamorphosis in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae Efectos del hacinamiento larval en el tiempo de desarrollo, la supervivencia y el peso en la metamorfosis de Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae

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    Arnaldo Maciá


    Full Text Available The effects of larval crowding on survival, weight at metamorphosis and development time were assessed in the dengue mosquito, Aedes aegypti L., under a controlled environment. Larval cohorts were bred at 7 different densities (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256 larvae / 175 ml pot, while keeping constant water volume and food amount and quality, under controlled temperature and photoperiod. Natural detritus, mainly leaves, obtained from containers naturally colonized by A. aegypti, were used as a source of nutrients for larvae. Development time, mortality, mass at metamorphosis, and total biomass were recorded for each density. Development time ranged from 4 to 23 days in males, and from 5 to 24 in females, whereby larvae took longer to develop at 64 (females and 128 (males larvae per recipient. At high densities there was a male-biased sex proportion. At densities equal to or higher than 0.4 larvae/ml (0.32 larvae/cm² there was an increase of mortality. An inverse relationship between larval density and pupal weight was detected. Biomass per individual reached asymptotic values of about 1 mg/individual at a density of 128 individuals/pot (0.64 larvae/cm². This experiment shows that this southern strain of A. aegypti is sensitive to crowding in small containers.Los efectos del hacinamiento larval sobre el tiempo de desarrollo, la supervivencia y el peso en la metamorfosis fueron estudiados en el mosquito del dengue, Aedes aegypti L., en el laboratorio. Se criaron cohortes de larvas en 7 densidades (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 y 256 larvas/ recipiente de 175 ml mientras se mantuvo constante el volumen de agua y la calidad y cantidad de alimento, bajo fotoperíodo y temperatura controlados. Se usaron detritos naturales, principalmente hojas, obtenidos de contenedores colonizados naturalmente por A. aegypti como fuente de nutrientes para las larvas. En cada densidad se registraron el tiempo de desarrollo, la mortalidad, el peso en la metamorfosis y la

  13. Ação de fungos entomopatogênicos em larvas e adultos da mosca do figo Zaprionus indianus (Diptera: Drosophilidae Action of entomopathogenic fungi on the larvae and adults of the fig fly Zaprionus indianus (Diptera: Drosophilidae

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    Virgínia Michelle Svedese


    Full Text Available A mosca do figo, Zaprionus indianus, vem se disseminando no Brasil e causou nos últimos anos perdas de até 50% na produção de figos. Uma alternativa viável de controle desta mosca pode ser a utilização de fungos entomopatogênicos. Este trabalho foi conduzido em laboratório (27±1°C, UR 70±10% e fotoperíodo de 12h para avaliar a suscetibilidade dos estágios de larva e adulto de Z. indianus a cinco concentrações (10(8 a 10(4 conídios mL-1 de B. bassiana (URM2915; ESALQ447 e M. anisopliae (URM3349; URM4403. Não houve mortalidade larval e o período de pré-pupa não sofreu alteração em relação ao grupo controle, já o estágio de pupa foi aumentado em até três dias quando se utilizou B. bassiana. A emergência de adultos diminuiu em relação ao grupo controle: 10,6% quando as larvas foram tratadas com a maior concentração de B. bassiana URM2916 e 2,0% com M. anisopliae URM4403. No bioensaio com adultos, a mortalidade máxima atingiu 98,7% com B. bassiana e 100,0% com M. anisopliae. Os menores valores da CL50 foram de 1,09x10(5 conídios mL-1 para B. bassiana URM2916 e de 1,94x10(4 conídios mL-1 para M. anisopliae URM4403. O tempo letal médio (TL50 variou de 4,5 a 6,12 dias. Os resultados demonstraram que ambos os fungos são eficientes e mostram ser promissores agentes biocontroladores da mosca do figo, com destaque para M. anisopliae URM4403.The "fig fly", Zaprionus indianus, has spread by in Brazil and in recent years and has caused losses of up to 50% in the production of figs. A viable alternative to control this fly may be the use of entomopathogenic fungi such. The present study was developed in laboratory (27±1°C, RH 70±10% and 12h photoperiod, to assess the susceptibility of larval and adult stages of Z. indianus to five concentrations (10(8 to 10(4 conidia mL-1 of B. bassiana (URM2915; ESALQ447 and M. anisopliae (URM3349; URM4403. There was no larval mortality and the pre-pupal period did not change compared

  14. Associação forética entre larvas de Rheotanytarsus (Chironomidae, Tanytarsini e adultos de Elmidae (Coleoptera, coletados em córregos no Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brasil Phoretic association between larvae of Rheotanytarsus and adult of Coleoptera, collected from State Park Campos do Jordão, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Melissa O. Segura


    Full Text Available Esta nota registra a ocorrência de foresia entre larvas de Rheotanytarsus Thienemann & Bause, 1913 (Chironomidae, Tanytarsini e adultos de Hexacylloepus Hinton, 1940 e Microcylloepus Hinton, 1935 (Coleoptera, Elmidae. Os exemplares foram obtidos em córregos no Parque Estadual de Campos de Jordão, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil.This note reports phoresy between larvae of Rheotanytarsus Thienemann & Bause, 1913 (Chironominae, Tanytarsini and adult of Hexacylloepus Hinton, 1940 and Microcylloepus Hinton, 1935 (Coleoptera, Elmidae. The specimens had been collected in streams from State Park Campos do Jordão, São Paulo State, Brazil.

  15. Desenvolvimento "in vitro" de larvas e juvenis de Emerita brasiliensis Schmitt (Crustacea, Decapoda, Hippidae sob diferentes condições de temperatura, salinidade e regime alimentar "In vitro" development of larvae and juveniles of the sand crab Emerita brasiliensis Schmitt (Crustacea, Decapoda, Hippidae under different conditions of temperature, salinity and food diet

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    Ana Clara P. Otegui


    Full Text Available Larvas eclodidas em laboratório e juvenis coletados em campo do tatuí Emeritabrasiliensis (Hippidae foram cultivados em diferentes temperaturas e regime alimentar com a finalidade de avaliar as melhores condições para a manutenção da espécie em laboratório. O efeito da freqüência da substituição da água de cultivo sobre o desenvolvimento larvar também foi estudado avaliando-se a sobrevivência, o crescimento e a duração dos estádios larvares. A duração das fases larvares e o crescimento das três últimas fases de zoea correlacionaramse positivamente com a temperatura. As temperaturas testadas, entre 18 e 26ºC não influenciaram a sobrevivência das larvas. Não houve influencia da alimentação e nem da troca de água no desenvolvimento, crescimento e sobrevivência das larvas, bem como das dietas de microalgas na sobrevivência e desenvolvimento dos juvenis.Hatched larvae and field sampled juveniles of the sand crab Emeritabrasiliensis were reared at different temperatures and food diet in order to evaluate the best conditions for laboratory maintenance. The effects of frequency of changing the aquarium seawater on larval development was also studied evaluating the survival, growth and duration of larval stages. The duration of larval stage and growth of the last three zoes phases correlate positively with temperature. Temperatures between 18 and 26ºC did not influence the larval survival. The kind of food and frequency of water exchange did not influence the development, growth, and survival of larvae, as well as the development, and survival of juveniles.

  16. Dynamic of decapod crustacean larvae on the entrance of Guanabara bay

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    Lohengrin Dias de Almeida Fernandes


    Full Text Available In the present study, we observed seasonal variations in the density of decapod larvae as well as changes in density related to diurnal and tidal cycles. Among the decapod larvae collected, portunids and grapsids were the most abundant, especially during nocturnal ebb tides and near the surface. The same results were obtained in late winter (September and late summer (March. These results demonstrated a flow of decapod larvae from Guanabara Bay to adjacent coastal waters. Luciferid (Lucifer faxoni was the only group with high densities during flood tides and we suggest this is an evidence of L. faxoni larvae entering Guanabara Bay in late winter. Probably these changes in distribution of Lucifer faxoni among winter and summer were related to reproductive cycle in the bay. For the portunids, grapsids and ocypodids, a similar dispersion strategy was observed towards adjacent coastal waters in the surface during nocturnal ebb tides.Larvas de crustáceos decápodes são organismos planctônicos comuns tanto em regiões costeiras rasas como em estuários. Nesse trabalho, foi acompanhada a variação da densidade das larvas de decápodes num ponto estratégico entre a porção interior da baía de Guanabara e a região costeira adjacente. A coleta de grandes quantidades de zoés de braquiúros, principalmente das famílias Portunidae e Grapsidae, na superfície durante as marés de vazante noturnas sugere uma tendência de exportação para a região costeira adjacente. A repetição desse padrão no inverno e no verão demonstrou que as respostas dos organismos às variações de luz e maré não foram alteradas de modo significativo entre as duas estações do ano, exceto para os luciferídeos. O fluxo observado para a única espécie de luciferídeo capturada (Lucifer faxoni foi significativamente diferente entre os dois períodos do ano analisados. É provável que essas diferenças na distribuição de Lucifer faxoni seja relacionada ao ciclo

  17. Controle de larvas de Aedes aegypti através da utilização de Bacillus thuringiensis em São Sebastião (DF, Brasil - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v10i2.1761

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    Rose Gomes Monnerat


    Full Text Available Dengue é uma doença grave, para a qual não existem medicamentos. O controle da doença, portanto, deve ser feito através da eliminação do seu vetor, o mosquito Aedes aegypti. A Embrapa em parceria com a Bthek Biotecnologia desenvolveu o produto Bt-horus SC capaz de controlar as larvas deste inseto. Este produto foi utilizado numa campanha de controle do A. aegypti em São Sebastião (DF, onde a população foi capacitada e participou ativamente do combate ao vetor.

  18. Immunocytochemistry of the nervous system and the musculature of the chordoid larva of <em>Symbion pandoraem> (Cycliophora)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wanninger, Andreas


    To date, the phylum Cycliophora comprises only one described extant species of acoelomate marine invertebrates, Symbion pandora. Adult specimens live commensally on the mouthparts of the Norwegian lobster, Nephrops norvegicus. Its complicated life cycle includes an asexually produced Pandora larva...

  19. Uso de la función semivariograma y estimación kriging en el análisis espacial de un indicador entomológico de Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae

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    Larry Niño


    Full Text Available Introducción. Aedes aegypti es el principal vector del dengue en América. La prevención y control de esta enfermedad requieren de nuevas técnicas de vigilancia para este mosquito. El análisis de la distribución espacial de estas poblaciones puede llegar a jugar un papel importante en la planificación y evaluación de medidas orientadas a la disminución del contacto vector-hombre. Objetivo. Analizar y representar gráficamente el patrón de variación espacial del indicador aédico correspondiente al índice de recipientes, definido como el porcentaje de depósitos con agua infestados con larvas de A. aegypti. Materiales y métodos. Se realizaron encuestas sobre larvas en la totalidad de las viviendas del barrio La Independencia (Acacías, Meta en mayo de 2007, con las cuales se calcularon los índices de recipientes en cada manzana. La metodología empleada en el análisis de este indicador correspondió a la estadística espacial, concretamente a la función semivariograma junto con estimaciones kriging. Resultados. El semivariograma experimental obtenido se ajustó al modelo matemático de Gauss, cuya meseta se calculó en 5,1, el rango en 57,1 m y la pepita en 0,09. Se construyó una gráfica bidimensional de la estimación kriging que permitió identificar las manzanas con mayores índices de recipientes. Conclusión. El análisis y la representación gráfica de la distribución del índice de recipientes pueden ser útiles en la vigilancia, la toma y la evaluación de acciones contra la infestación de A. aegypti.

  20. natural or artificial diets

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    A. O. Meyer-Willerer


    Full Text Available Se probaron alimentos artificiales y naturales con larva de camarón (Litopenaeus vannamei cultivados en diferentes recipientes. Estos fueron ocho frascos cónicos con 15L, ocho acuarios con 50L y como grupo control, seis tanques de fibra de vidrio con 1500L; todos con agua marina fresca y filtrada. La densidad inicial en todos los recipientes fue de 70 nauplios/L. Aquellos en frascos y acuarios recibieron ya sea dieta natural o artificial. El grupo control fue cultivado con dieta natural en los tanques grandes que utilizan los laboratorios para la producción masiva de postlarvas. El principal producto de excreción de larva de camarón es el ión amonio, que es tóxico cuando está presente en concentraciones elevadas. Se determinó diariamente con el método colorimétrico del indofenol. Los resultados muestran diferencias en la concentración del ión amonio y en la sobrevivencia de larvas entre las diferentes dietas y también entre los diferentes recipientes. En aquellos con volúmenes pequeños comparados con los grandes, se presentó mayor concentración de amonio (500 a 750µg/L, en aquellos con dietas naturales, debido a que este ión sirve de fertilizante a las algas adicionadas, necesitando efectuar recambios diarios de agua posteriores al noveno día de cultivo para mantener este ión a una concentración subletal. Se obtuvo una baja cosecha de postlarvas (menor a 15% con el alimento artificial larvario, debido a la presencia de protozoarios, alimentándose con el producto comercial precipitado en el fondo de los frascos o acuarios. Los acuarios con larvas alimentadas con dieta natural también mostraron concentraciones subletales de amonio al noveno día; sin embargo, la sobrevivencia fue cuatro veces mayor que con dietas artificiales. Los tanques control con dietas naturales presentaron tasas de sobrevivencia (70 ± 5% similares a la reportada por otros laboratorios.

  1. Produtividade, acúmulo de nitrato e estado nutricional de cultivares de alface, em hidroponia, em função de fontes de nutrientes

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    Fernandes Adriano Alves


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados a produtividade, acúmulo de nitrato e estado nutricional das cultivares de alface Regina, Babá de Verão e Grandes Lagos em cultivo hidropônico. O experimento foi conduzido no outono, de 25/03 a 20/05/99 em estufa da UFV. Foram avaliados dois conjuntos de fontes de nutrientes para compor as soluções nutritivas de crescimento vegetativo, que continham: 13,6; 1,0; 7,0; 4,48; e 2,5 mmol L-1 de N, P, K, Ca e Mg, respectivamente. O enxofre foi fornecido na concentração de 3,5 ou 2,5 mmol L-1 e os micronutrientes nas concentrações de 45; 32; 46; 2; 0,9; e 0,2 mmol L-1 para Fe, Mn, B, Zn, Cu e Mo, respectivamente. A solução 1 forneceu 21,9% de N na forma amoniacal, e a solução 2, 100% de N na forma de nitrato. As fontes de P empregadas foram fosfato monoamônico e fosfato monopotássico para as soluções 1 e 2 respectivamente, sendo que esta variação implicou no uso de diferentes quantidades de KCl nas soluções, o que proporcionou concentrações diferentes de Cl, apresentando-se 6,76 e 2,18 mmol L-1 para as soluções 1 e 2, respectivamente. O cultivo foi feito em recipiente plástico com 8L de capacidade, contendo três plantas. Os recipientes foram arranjados de modo que se obtivesse espaçamento de 0,22 m entre plantas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos ao acaso com seis repetições, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 3 (soluções x cultivares. Cada parcela foi constituída por três plantas. Foram avaliados o peso da matéria fresca da parte aérea, folhas, raízes e caule, número de folhas, comprimento do caule, porcentagem de matéria seca das folhas e estado nutricional da planta. A cv. Regina produziu 233 g planta-1 e a cv. Babá de Verão 193 g planta-1. Os resultados obtidos para a cultivar Grandes Lagos não foram satisfatórios nas condições do experimento. A solução 1 proporcionou menores concentrações de nitrato para as cultivares Grandes Lagos (1082 mg kg-1 de matéria fresca e Regina (1092

  2. Key to marine arthropod larvae

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    John A. Fornshell


    Full Text Available The scope of this key is restricted to the larvae of marine arthropods. The key is based solely on their morphology, patterns of body segmentation, numbers of appendages, and mode of locomotion. An effort has been made to treat all traditionally named larval forms, both planktonic and benthic. It is intended that this key be useful for a researcher working with archived museum specimens and therefore, does not include habitat information as a identifying trait, even though this information is usually available in the archived records. Within the phylum Arthropoda there are two sub-phyla and eleven classes having larval stages in the marineenvironment. Where feasible the original names of the various larval types have been used. Because this nomenclature is less commonly used today compared to the past, the more recent taxonomic affinities are included in parentheses after the original larval name. The key includes the following thirty-four larvae: Branchhiopoda nauplii; Cephalocarida nauplii; Mystacocarida nauplii; trilobite larva; protonymphon; hexapod larvae; Remipedia nauplii; nauplius - Y larvae; Cirripedia nauplii; Ascothoracida nauplii; Ostracoda nauplii; Euphausiacea nauplii; Penaeidea nauplii; Cyclopoida nauplii; Calanoida nauplii; Harpacticoida nauplii;Polyarthra nauplii; cypris larva; eryonecius larva; cypris-Y larva; elapthocaris larvae; mysis larvae; lucifer zoea; acetes zoea; acanthosoma larva; phyllosoma; antizoea larva; anomuran zoea; brachyuran zoea; calyptopis larvae; furcilia larva; crytopia larva; puerulus larva; alima larva.

  3. Increased mortality is predicted of <em>Inachis io em>larvae caused by Bt-maize pollen in European farmland

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    Holst, Niels; Lang, Andreas; Lövei, Gabor L


    A potential environmental risk of the field cultivation of insect-resistant (Bt-toxin expressing) transgenic maize (Zea mays) is the consumption of Bt-containing pollen by herbivorous larvae of butterflies (Lepidoptera). Maize is wind-pollinated, and at flowering time large amounts of pollen can...

  4. Live and formulated diet evaluation through initial growth and survival of jundiá larvae, Rhamdia quelen Alimento vivo e formulado, crescimento inicial e sobrevivência de pós-larvas de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen

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    Paulo César Falanghe Carneiro


    Full Text Available Live diet (LD dependence and the lack of suitable formulated diets (FD are major constraints for the expansion of larviculture of many fish species. The low digestibility and nutritional quality of FD are factors that might explain their failure as a stand-alone starter food. To determine whether FD in combination with LD (zooplankton may efficiently increase larval growth and survival of jundiá (Rhamdia quelen, when compared to fish fed by either types of diet alone, jundiá larvae (5.57 mm; 1.41 mg were initially stocked into 12 10-L aquaria (100 larvae per aquarium. Replicate groups (n=4 were fed ad libitum one of the three diets for 20 (when fed FD or 48 days (when fed LD or the combined diets. Larvae fed FD alone presented significantly lower survival and growth rates as compared to larvae fed LD or a combination of both (co-fed. In addition, co-fed larvae grew better (170 mg in relation to those fed solely with LD (110 mg. Such better performance of combined feeding indicates that most of the required nutrients are in balance when both diet sources are included. More can be learned about fish larvae nutrition by further testing the effect of feeding combined diets, which include zooplankton, than only testing new ingredients or protein sources commonly used in the elaboration of juvenile or adult fish feeds.A larvicultura da maioria das espécies de peixes enfrenta o desafio da dependência do alimento vivo (AL e da falta de dietas formuladas (DF que atendam plenamente às necessidades das larvas. A baixa digestibilidade e a qualidade nutricional das DFs são alguns dos fatores que explicam o insucesso quando as larvas recebem apenas FD. Para avaliar o efeito da combinação da DF com o AL no crescimento e na sobrevivência de larvas de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen, comparando com o uso separado da DF ou do AL, larvas recém eclodidas (5,57 mm; 1,41 mg foram estocadas inicialmente em 12 aquários de 10 L (100 larvas por aquário. Quatro r

  5. RNA-Seq Study of Microbially Induced Hemocyte Transcripts from Larval <em>Heliothis virescensem> (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae

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    Kent S. Shelby


    Full Text Available Larvae of the tobacco budworm are major polyphagous pests throughout the Americas. Development of effective microbial biopesticides for this and related noctuid pests has been stymied by the natural resistance mediated innate immune response. Hemocytes play an early and central role in activating and coordinating immune responses to entomopathogens. To approach this problem we completed RNA-seq expression profiling of hemocytes collected from larvae following an <em>in vivoem> challenge with bacterial and fungal cell wall components to elicit an immune response. A <em>de novoem> exome assembly was constructed by combination of sequence tags from all treatments. Sequence tags from each treatment were aligned separately with the assembly to measure expression. The resulting table of differential expression had > 22,000 assemblies each with a distinct combination of annotation and expression. Within these assemblies > 1,400 were upregulated and > 1,500 downregulated by immune activation with bacteria or fungi. Orthologs to innate immune components of other insects were identified including pattern recognition, signal transduction pathways, antimicrobial peptides and enzymes, melanization and coagulation. Additionally orthologs of components regulating hemocytic functions such as autophagy, apoptosis, phagocytosis and nodulation were identified. Associated cellular oxidative defenses and detoxification responses were identified providing a comprehensive snapshot of the early response to elicitation.

  6. Larvae for layers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerrum, Lotte; Fischer, Christian Holst; Nordentoft, Steen


    Companies and researchers are in close collaboration developing a container- based system for cultivating fly larvae at organic poultry farms. In a one week process, manure will be converted to compost and the live larvae will be harvested and used for feeding laying hens. The larvae are expected...

  7. Efeitos da aplicação tópica de hormônio juvenil sobre o desenvolvimento dos ovários de larvas de operárias de Apis mellifera Linnaeus (Hymenoptera, Apidae Effect of topic application of juvenile hormone on the ovarian development of worker larvae of Apis mellifera Linnaeus (Hymenoptera, Apidae

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    William Fernando Antonialli-Junior


    Full Text Available A influência do hormônio juvenil sobre o desenvolvimento do ovário de larvas de operárias de Apis mellifera foi analisada levando em conta a determinação trófica das castas, segundo a qual a alimentação larval é controlada pelas operárias de maneira a promover uma diferenciação de castas controlada pela produção e disponibilidade desse hormônio. A hipótese testada é que a ação do hormônio juvenil seja capaz de proteger ou prevenir a degeneração nos ovários das larvas de operárias. Foi feita aplicação tópica de 1 ml de hormônio dissolvido em hexano na concentração de 1 mg/ml do segundo até o quinto dia de vida larval, e a morfologia dos ovários avaliada nos dias subseqüentes à aplicação até ao sexto dia de vida larval. Como controles foram utilizadas larvas nas quais se aplicou 1 ml de hexano e larvas que não receberam nenhum tratamento. Constatou-se que o efeito do hormônio juvenil varia conforme a idade larval em que é aplicado e que este efeito foi maior quando a aplicação foi feita no terceiro dia de vida larval.The influence of juvenile hormone (JH on the ovarian development of worker larvae of Apis mellifera was analyzed, taking into account the trophic determination of the castes. The workers control the larval feeding in order to promote caste differentiation, which is regulated by the production and availability of this hormone. The hypothesis tested was that the action of juvenile hormone is capable of protecting or preventing the degeneration of the ovaries in worker larvae. A preparation of 1 ml of juvenile hormone dissolved in hexane at a concentration of 1 mg/ml was applied topically to 2- to 5-day-old larvae. The morphology of the ovaries was evaluated on the days following the application, until the larvae were 6 days old. The controls consisted of larvae to which 1 ml of hexane was applied, and larvae that received no treatment. The effect of juvenile hormone varied according to the age


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    Aline Teixeira Carolino


    Full Text Available Atualmente no Brasil, o mosquito Aedes aegypti é transmissor das arboviroses dengue, chikungunya e Zika. Não existe tratamento específico para estas doenças. A redução da população do vetor ainda é o método mais eficaz para reduzir a taxa dessas arboviroses. O presente estudo comparou a virulência de conídios e blastosporos de Metarhizium anisopliae contra larvas do mosquito A. aegypti provenientes de coletas no campo. Blastosporos foram mais virulentos para larvas, sendo observada mortalidade total das larvas em apenas 48 horas. Larvas infectadas com conídios apresentaram 100% de mortalidade no quinto dia pós-infecção. O presente estudo mostra que blastosporos apresentam grande potencial para controle de larvas de A. aegypti no campo.

  9. Larva migrans visceral: relato de caso Visceral larva migrans: case report

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    Alexandre Bortoli Machado


    Full Text Available Larva migrans visceral é doença infecciosa, adquirida por ingestão de ovos provenientes dos vermes Toxocara canis e/ou Toxocara cati que infestam cães e gatos; as larvas penetram a parede intestinal e migram através dos tecidos levando a alterações diversas, conseqüentes a uma resposta inflamatória imune.¹ Os autores descrevem um caso clínico de larva migrans visceral com apresentação clínica atípica.Visceral larva migrans is an infectious human disease that occurs following ingestion of eggs from the environment originating from roundworms which commonly infect dogs and cats, Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati. The larvae penetrate the gut wall and migrate through the tissues causing disorders consequent to an inflammatory immune response¹. The authors describe a clinical case of visceral larva migrans with an unusual clinical presentation and also its clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment are reviewed.

  10. Expressão de caracteres de tubérculos em função do tamanho de recipiente usado no cultivo de batata na geração de plântulas Expression of tuber traits as a function of pot size used to grow potato seedlings

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    Mario Alvaro Aloisio Verissimo


    Full Text Available No melhoramento genético de batata, para alguns caracteres, é possível eliminar genótipos inferiores já nas gerações iniciais, o que permite reduzir o número de genótipos avaliados a campo, proporcionando redução de custos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência do tamanho de vaso na expressão de caracteres de tubérculo, em famílias de batata, na geração de plântula. Em casa de vegetação, dez famílias de batata foram avaliadas em dois tamanhos de recipientes, vaso grande (1 L e vaso pequeno (250 ml. Os caracteres de tubérculos avaliados foram: cor, aspereza, profundidade de olho, sobrancelha, formato, uniformidade de formato, apontamento, curvatura, achatamento, aparência geral, massa por planta, massa média e número de tubérculos. O vaso grande proporciona maior expressão da variação genética para os caracteres profundidade de olho, sobrancelha, curvatura, achatamento, aparência geral e todos os componentes de rendimento. As maiores médias de produção de tubérculos em número, tamanho e massa foram obtidas no vaso grande, enquanto o maior coeficiente de variação genético para os caracteres formato, uniformidade de formato e apontamento de tubérculo foi obtido no vaso pequeno.In potato breeding, the exclusion of inferior genotypes by selection in early generations provides more versatility and cost reduction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of pot size on the expression of tuber traits in potato families grown as seedling generation. Ten potato families were planted in two pot sizes, large (1 L and small (250 ml, in the greenhouse. The following tuber traits were evaluated: color, roughness, depth of eye, eyebrow, shape, uniformity of shape, pointing, curvature, flattening, tuber general appearance, total mass per plant, average tuber weight and number of tubers. The larger pot provided greater expression of genetic variation for the depth of eye, eyebrow, curvature

  11. Parasitismo de traça-das-crucíferas por Oomyzus sokolowskii Parasitism of diamondback moth by Oomyzus sokolowskii

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    Christian Sherley Araújo da Silva-Torres


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade de parasitismo do parasitoide larval-pupal Oomyzus sokolowskii, submetido a diferentes densidades do hospedeiro traça-das-crucíferas (Plutella xylostella, em laboratório, casa telada e campo. Em laboratório e campo, O. sokolowskii foi exposto às densidades de 2, 4, 8 e 16 lagartas. Em laboratório, empregaram-se recipientes de 300 mL e, em campo, plantas de couve foram confinadas em gaiolas de organza (30x50 cm. Em casa telada, foram utilizadas microparcelas compostas por seis plantas de repolho infestadas com 25, 50, 85 ou 100 lagartas. O número de lagartas parasitadas aumentou de acordo com a densidade do hospedeiro e variou de 1,7 a 10,4, em laboratório, e de 0,61 a 7,0, em campo. Em casa telada, a maior taxa de parasitismo foi observada nas microparcelas com densidades mais elevadas do hospedeiro. O tempo de exposição aos parasitoides proporcionou maior taxa de parasitismo após 72 horas (24 horas, 52,4% e 72 horas, 80,7% independentemente da densidade. Oomyzus sokolowskii responde positivamente ao incremento na densidade de P. xylostella, embora a taxa de parasitismo permaneça constante independentemente da disponibilidade do hospedeiro.The objective of this work was to evaluate the parasitism capacity of the larval-pupal parasitoid Oomyzus sokolowskii submitted to different densities of the host diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, in the laboratory, greenhouse and field. In the laboratory and in the field, O. sokolowskii was exposed to densities of 2, 4, 8 or 16 larvae. In the laboratory, 300 mL recipient were used, and in the field kale plants were placed in cages (30x50 cm. In the greenhouse, microparcels consisted of six cabbage plants each infested with 25, 50, 85 or 100 larvae. The number of parasitized larvae increased with host density and varied from 1.7 to 10.4 (laboratory and from 0.61 to 7.0 (field. In the greenhouse, parasitism rate was higher in microparcels with

  12. Caracterização física de substratos à base de serragem e recipientes para crescimento de mudas de cacaueiro Physical characteristics of substrates of sawdust and containers to growth cuttings of cacao

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    George Andrade Sodré


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar caracterização física e avaliar o efeito de substratos à base de serragem e dois recipientes no crescimento de mudas de cacaueiro. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 x 2. Os tratamentos foram obtidos da combinação de serragens originadas de dois locais: municípios de Una e Camacan, no Estado da Bahia, quatro proporções (v:v de serragem e areia: 1:0; 8:1; 4:1 e 2:1 e dois recipientes de crescimento (tubetes de 288 cm³ e sacos de polietileno de 840 cm³. Antes do plantio, amostras dos substratos foram retiradas para análises físicas. Foram usadas miniestacas de 4 a 6 cm de comprimento do clone Trinidad Select Hybrid (TSH 1188. Inicialmente, as miniestacas foram tratadas na base com AIB 6.000 mg kg-1, em seguida foram inseridas em tubetes preenchidos com os substratos e mantidas em câmara de nebulização. Após quarenta dias, as miniestacas foram retiradas da câmara e transferidas para crescimento, em casa de vegetação, onde parte foi mantida nos respectivos tubetes e outra transplantada em sacos de polietileno de 840 cm³ preenchidos com os mesmos tratamentos. Após cinco meses, em casa de vegetação, as mudas foram avaliadas quanto à altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, massa da matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, número de folhas e área foliar das plantas. Na análise física dos substratos, verificou-se que a distribuição do tamanho de partículas foi diferenciada entre as serragens e a proporção de areia. As densidades seca, úmida e de partícula aumentaram, enquanto o teor de matéria orgânica e a porosidade total foram reduzidos pela adição de areia às serragens. O transplante de miniestacas enraizadas de cacaueiro, clone TSH 1188, para sacos com substrato preparado com serragem coletada no município de Una-BA, nas proporções serragem:areia 4:1 e 2:1, possibilitou maior crescimento das plantas, sendo

  13. Hemocyte quantitative changes in Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae larvae infected by AgMNPV

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    Fábio Goulart de Andrade


    Full Text Available The initial effects of the infection by AgMNPV in the total and differential counts of the hemocytes in Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae larvae were studied. The total number of the hemocytes did not decrease in infected larvae, as it occurred in non infected larvae. In infected larvae, the hemocyte types showed the following frequencies: plasmatocytes - 47.8%, esferulocytes - 25.9%, granulocytes - 15.8%, oenocytoids - 7.2%, prohemocytes - 2.8%, vermicytes - 0,5%. Only the percentage of the granulocytes was different among infected and non infected larvae, indicating that these cells responded quickly to the initial viral infection. These results showed the effective role of the hemocytes in the response of the A. gemmatalis to the infection by AgMNPV. The comprehension of the immunological mechanisms of this insect is an important tool to understand its biological control.Os efeitos iniciais da infecção por AgMNPV nas contagens total e diferencial dos hemócitos em Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae foram estudados. O número total de hemócitos não diminuiu nas larvas infectadas, como ocorreu nas larvas não infectadas. Nas larvas infectadas, os tipos de hemócitos apresentaram as seguintes freqüências: plasmatócitos - 47,8%, esferulócitos - 25,9%, granulócitos - 15,8%, oenocitóides - 7,2%, prohemócitos - 2,8%, vermiformes - 0,5%. Apenas a porcentagem de granulócitos foi diferente entre larvas infectadas e não infectadas, indicando que estas células responderam rapidamente à infecção viral inicial. Estes resultados mostraram o papel efetivo que dos hemócitos na resposta de A. gemmatalis à infecção por AgMNPV. A compreensão dos mecanismos imunológicos deste inseto é uma ferramenta importante para compreender seu controle biológico.

  14. Eugeniamyia dispar em pitangueira: parasitoides associados, dinâmica populacional e distribuição de galhas na planta

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    Adriana Neutzling Bierhals


    Full Text Available A pitangueira Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae é uma frutífera nativa da América do Sul, podendo ser encontrada em quase todo o território brasileiro, bem como no Paraguai, no Uruguai e na Argentina. Nas folhas dessa planta, são encontradas galhas induzidas por Eugeniamyia dispar (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os parasitoides associados a E. dispar, a dinâmica populacional de E. dispar e dos parasitoides e a distribuição de galhas na planta. Ramos e folhas foram coletados quinzenalmente, durante as safras agrícolas de 2007/2008 e 2008/2009, em pomares de pitangueira localizados no município de Pelotas-RS, e transportados para o laboratório para a contagem do número de galhas. Do material coletado, foram individualizadas dez folhas em recipientes plásticos (200 mL contendo 30 mL de uma solução à base de ágar-água (2% e metilpara-hidroxibenzoato (nipagin (0,2%. Os recipientes foram fechados e mantidos sob condições controladas de temperatura (24±2ºC, umidade relativa (70±10% e fotofase (14h, sendo registrado, diariamente, o número de insetos emergidos. Obteve-se uma espécie de Hymenoptera, Rileya hegeli (Eurytomidae, como parasitoide de E. dispar. Quanto à dinâmica populacional de E. dispar e de R. hegeli, foi observado, nos dois anos de avaliação, que a população de ambos aumentou a partir de outubro, atingindo as maiores populações nos meses de dezembro, janeiro e fevereiro, decrescendo posteriormente. O número de galhas por folha variou de zero a 23, sendo que 61,19% das folhas apresentavam de uma a oito galhas e que o número de folhas com galhas por ramo variou de uma a nove, sendo que 63,00% dos ramos apresentaram de uma a três folhas infestadas.

  15. Estudo do crescimento inicial de plântulas de Cereus jamacaru DC em diferentes substratos

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    Wanderlucia Silva Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o desenvolvimento de mudas de Cereus jamacaru DC, em substratos a base de fibra de coco e casca de arroz carbonizada. Os tratamentos utilizados foram dispostos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado constituídos por cinco substratos a base de fibra de coco (FC e casca de arroz carbonizado (CAC, misturados com diferentes proporções volumétricas. Os tratamentos constituíram-se dos substratos 100% FC (T1, 100% CAC (T2, 75%FC+25%CAC (T3, 50%FC+50%CAC (T4, e 25%FC+75%CAC (T5. Cada tratamento foi composto por 14 repetições com 2 plantas por tratamento. Caixas de plástico transparente foram utilizados como recipientes. Aos 125 dias após o transplantio, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis das plântulas: comprimento, número, massa fresco e massa seco de raiz; massa fresco e massa seco da parte aérea; comprimento da parte aérea. Nas condições do experimento, conclui-se que o substrato composto somente por fibra de coco apresentou melhores resultados em todas as variáveis analisadas.

  16. Avaliação da atividade repelente do timol, mentol, salicilato de metila e ácido salicilico sobre larvas de Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887 (Acari: Ixodidae Evaluation of repellent activity of thymol, menthol, methyl salicylate and salicylic acid on Boophilus microplus larvae (Canestrini, 1887 (Acari: Ixodidae

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    A.M.S. Novelino


    Full Text Available Verificou-se a atividade repelente do timol, mentol, ácido salicílico e salicilato de metila sobre larvas de Boophilus microplus. Essas substâncias foram usadas em emulsões em dimetilsulfuxido aquoso a 1% ou solução aquosa. Para cada substância foram testadas três concentrações, 1,0%; 0,5% e 0,25%, com cinco repetições cada. Cerca de 100 larvas, com 21 dias de idade, foram inseridas na base de hastes de madeira para avaliação da repelência, a cada duas horas, totalizando 12 horas. As concentrações mais elevadas apontaram que as quatro substâncias causaram alteração no comportamento das larvas. Timol, com mortalidade de 65% e 35% de repelência e mentol e salicilato de metila, ambos com 80% de repelência foram os mais eficientes.The repellent activity of thymol, menthol, salicylic acid and methyl salicylate on Boophilus microplus larvae was studied. These substances were tested according to their solubility: emulsions in 1% aqueous dimethylsulphoxide or in pure water. Three concentrations were tested for each substance, 1.0%, 0.5% and 0.25%, with five repetitions for each. Approximately 100 larvae at 21 days of age were placed on the base of wooden sticks and then observed for repellent action every two hours, during twelve hours. The results obtained from the higher concentrations showed that the four substances caused alterations on the larvae behavior. However, thymol (65% of mortality and 35% of repellency, menthol (80% of repellency and methyl salicylate (80% of repellency were the most efficient.

  17. Produção de mudas de dois genótipos de alecrim-de-tabuleiro (Lippia gracilis Schauer em função de fertilizante mineral, calcário, substratos e recipientes Seedling production of two "alecrim-de-tabuleiro" (Lippia gracilis Schauer genotypes under mineral fertilizer, limestone, substrates and containers

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    A.C.L Oliveira


    Full Text Available Lippia gracilis Schauer popularmente conhecida como alecrim-de-tabuleiro possui moderada atividade antibacteriana, antimicrobiana e antiséptica. Objetivando avaliar o efeito de doses de fertilizante mineral, calcário, substratos e recipientes na produção de mudas de dois genótipos de alecrim-de-tabuleiro realizou-se experimentos com estacas de dois genótipos de L. gracilis. No experimento 1, foram utilizadas estacas apicais distribuídas em bandejas de poliestireno expandido de 128 células com o substrato pó-de-coco + areia (1:1, três repetições e oito estacas por repetição. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4x2x2, sendo quatro doses do fertilizante (6-24-12+micronutrientes (1, 2, 3 e 4 g L-1, duas doses de calcário (0 e 1 g L-1 e dois genótipos (LGRA106 e LGRA201. Aos 35 após plantio, foram avaliadas a sobrevivência (%, enraizamento (%, comprimento de raiz (cm e massa seca de raiz (mg. No experimento 2, foram utilizadas três repetições com oito estacas por repetição. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas onde foram testados nas parcelas dois recipientes (bandeja de poliestireno expandido de 128 alvéolos e tubetes de 110 cm³, na sub parcela foram testadas as combinações de quatro substratos (PC - pó de coco; PCA (1:1 - pó de coco + areia (1:1; PCA (2:1 - pó de coco + areia (2:1 e PCA (3:1 - pó de coco + areia (3:1 e dois genótipos (LGRA106 e LGRA201. Aos 35 dias após o plantio foram analisadas as mesmas variáveis do experimento 1, além de altura de parte aérea (cm e massa seca de parte aérea (mg. A utilização de 1 g L-1 do fertilizante na ausência de calcário foi efetivo para sobrevivência de plantas e enraizamento de estacas de alecrim-de-tabuleiro. Com base nesses experimentos, concluiu-se que o genótipo LGRA106 é superior ao LGRA201 nas variáveis analisadas e recomenda-se a bandeja de poliestireno expandido para

  18. Experimental infestation with the immatures of Amblyomma dissimile Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae on Tropidurus torquatus (Lacertilia: Iguanidae and Oryctolagus cuniculus Infestação experimental com as fases imaturas de Amblyomma dissimile Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae em Tropidurus torquatus (Lacertilia: Iguanidae e Oryctolagus cuniculus

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    L.H.T. Freitas


    Full Text Available Larvas provenientes de duas fêmeas de Amblyomma dissimile Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae, naturalmente ingurgitadas em uma iguana (Iguana iguana e provenientes do Estado do Mato Grosso, foram utilizadas na infestação experimental de lagartos da espécie Tropidurus torquatus e coelhos domésticos. As larvas alimentadas em ambos os hospedeiros realizaram ecdise para ninfas. As ninfas apenas ingurgitaram no lagarto e mudaram para machos e fêmeas. Este é o primeiro registro do parasitismo de larvas e ninfas de A. dissimile em T. torquatus e de larvas em coelhos.

  19. Atividade residual in vitro do pelo de cobertura de cães tratados com dinotefuran sobre larvas e adultos de Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouché, 1835 (Siphonaptera: pulicidae Residual activity in vitro of treated dog's hair coat with dinotefuran on larvae and adults of Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouché, 1835 (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae

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    Thaís R. Correia


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade in vitro do resíduo em pelo de cobertura de cães tratados com dinotefuran sobre larvas e adultos de Ctenocephalides felis felis. Foram utilizadas três cadelas da Raça Beagle: a nº 1 foi tratada com uma formulação spray de dinotefuran a 0,834%, a nº 2 com uma formulação "strip-on" de dinotefuran a 30% e a nº 3 foi mantida sem tratamento. Pequenas áreas foram tricotomizadas nos dias 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 37 e 44 após o tratamento. Para avaliação adulticida e larvicida, foram utilizados pulgas de uma colônia mantida em laboratório. Seis repetições com cada uma contendo 10 exemplares de C. f. felis, acondicionados em tubos de ensaio, da etapa correspondente foram utilizados por dia de desafio. Em cada repetição foi adicionado 0,02 gramas de pelo de cada área tricotomizada e dieta na etapa de larvas. O material da etapa adulto foi avaliado num período de 24 horas, o da etapa larvas foi avaliado após 20 dias de cada desafio. O resíduo no pêlo de cães tratados com ambas as formulações de dinotefuran foi eficaz no controle de larvas por um período de 44 dias, e no controle de adultos as formulações spray e a "strip-on" foram eficazes por um período de 16 e 23 dias, respectivamente.The aim of this study was to evaluate the residual activity of treated dog's hair coat with dinotefuran on larvae and adults of Ctenocephalides felis felis. Three female Beagle dogs were used. One female dog was treated with 0.834% dinotefuran spray, the second was treated with 30% dinotefuran strip-on and the third was not treated. Some areas of dog's hair were clipped on days 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 37 and 44 after treatment. For the evaluation of adulticidal and larvicidal activities, flea adults and larvae from the laboratory colony were used. Six repetitions were used with 10 samples of each flea stage per day, placed in assay tubes. In each repetition we added 0.02 g of treated or untreated dog

  20. Seedling formation and field production of beetroot and lettuce in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Formação de mudas e produção a campo de beterraba e alface em Aquidauana-MS

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    Paulo AM Leal


    Full Text Available In horticulture, the proper use of containers and substrates for the production of seedlings are important factors that affect crop productivity in the field. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different containers and substrates in the production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa, cv Veneranda and beetroot (Beta vulgaris, cv Top Tall Early Wonder seedlings in nursery with monofilament screen, 50% of shading, and the productivity of these species when transplanted to field plots. In protected cultivation, a completely randomized experimental design, in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme (three polystyrene trays, R1= 72, R2= 128 and R3= 200 cells and three substrates, S1= 93% of soil + 7% of organic compost, S2= 86% of soil + 14% of organic compost and S3= 79% of soil + 21% of organic compost was used, with 15 replications, where one plantlet was a replication. In the field, the nine treatments were evaluated in a completely randomized experimental design. The 72 cells tray with 7% commercial organic compost substrate promoted the best beetroot and lettuce seedlings. In the field, the plants from the 72 cell tray produced greater plants, independent of substrates type.Na olericultura o uso adequado de recipientes e substratos para a produção de mudas são fatores importantes e que afetam a produtividade das culturas a campo. No presente trabalho objetivou-se avaliar, em viveiro de tela de monofilamento com 50% de sombreamento, o efeito de diferentes recipientes e substratos na produção de mudas de alface (Lactuca sativa, cv Veneranda e beterraba (Beta vulgaris, cv Top Tall Early Wonder, bem como a produtividade dessas espécies quando transplantadas em canteiros a campo. No ambiente protegido utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, sendo os fatores 3 recipientes (R1= 72, R2= 128 e R3= 200 células de poliestireno e 3 substratos (S1= 93% de solo + 7% de composto orgânico, S2= 86% de solo + 14% de


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    Blondine Ch. P.


    Full Text Available A study to evaluate pathogenic organisms as cause of mosquito larvae death was conducted at Wonokerto and Pabelan villages, Salatiga Luar Kota subdistrict, Semarang regency in Central Java from May 1991 through December 1991. Bacterial isolation from dead larvae showed that 31 B. thuringicnsis isolates were obtained from 31 larvae samples collected from 2 location e.g Wonokerto village (3 samples, Pabelan village (28 samples. Nineteen isolates (61,3% showed a pathogenicity of more than 50% to third toward instar larvae of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus respectively 24 hours after exposure. This study shows the possible use of B. thuringiensis for biologic control of mosquitoes which can act as vectors for human diseases.

  2. Biological parameters of larvae, nymphs, and engorged females of Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787 (Acari: Ixodidae obtained from artificial and successive infestations on Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758 (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae Parâmetros biológicos de larvas, ninfas e fêmeas ingurgitadas de Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787 (Acari:Ixodidae obtidas de infestações artificiais e sucessivas em Oryctolagus cuniculus (Lagomorpha:Ochotonidae

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    C.M.V. Freitas


    Full Text Available The development of acquired resistance to Amblyomma cajennense ticks was evaluated. A total of 18 rabbits were uniformly distributed into three groups named GL, GN, and GA that were submitted to three consecutive infestations with, respectively, larvae, nymphs, and adults of A. cajennense. After the infestations, the parasitic and reproductive parameters of recovered instars were evaluated. A significant reduction of recovery rates of inoculated ticks was observed only after the third infestation of animals in groups GL and GN (PAvaliou-se o desenvolvimento de resistência adquirida frente ao parasitismo por Amblyomma cajennense. Para tanto, 18 coelhos foram uniformemente distribuídos em três grupos denominados GL, GN e GA e submetidos a três infestações consecutivas por, respectivamente, larvas, ninfas ou adultos de A. cajennense. Após a infestação, estudaram-se os parâmetros parasitários e reprodutivos dos exemplares recuperados. Apenas a partir da terceira infestação dos animais dos grupos GL e GN, pôde-se observar uma queda significativa na taxa de recuperação dos ixodídeos inoculados (P<0,01. O dia modal de queda das larvas e ninfas recuperadas aumentou com o decorrer das infestações. As ninfas ingurgitadas recuperadas apresentaram uma redução significativa (P<0,01 no peso médio corporal entre a primeira e terceira infestação. Observou-se uma queda significativa na taxa média de recuperação das fêmeas ingurgitadas somente na terceira infestação (P<0,01. Todavia, a partir da segunda infestação observou-se nas teleóginas recuperadas, uma redução significativa no peso corporal, peso da postura e eclodibilidade das larvas (P<0,05. Os dados sugerem a ocorrência de resistência em coelhos à infestação por A. cajennense que foi mais evidente contra o estádio adulto.

  3. Germinação de sementes e desenvolvimento inicial de Erythrina mulungu (Mart. ex. Benth

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    Elenice de Cassia Conforto


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se escolher os melhores tratamentos pré-germinativos para as sementes e tamanhos de recipiente para o desenvolvimento inicial de plantas de Erythrina mulungu (Mart. ex. Benth. Dentre os tratamentos aplicados, a escarificação com ácido sulfúrico por 10 minutos e o corte com estilete na região oposta ao hilo resultaram, respectivamente, nos maiores resultados de porcentagem de germinação (82,8% e 82,1% e índices de velocidade de germinação (1,15 e 1,71. Não foram observados efeitos do tamanho do recipiente sobre a área foliar e a produção de massa seca das plantas. Aos 63 dias após a semeadura, embora com índice de qualidade de Dickson estatisticamente similares (média de 0,26, somente as plantas cultivadas nos recipientes pequenos e grandes atingiram o diâmetro de coleto próximo de 5 mm, valor mínimo recomendado para o plantio em campo. Assim, para o desenvolvimento inicial desta espécie, recomenda-se o pré-tratamento das sementes com ácido sulfúrico comercial, semeadura em sacos plásticos para mudas de 17 x 20 cm, e aguardo de 63 dias até o plantio em campo.

  4. Lethal infection thresholds of Paenibacillus larvae for honeybee drone and worker larvae (Apis mellifera). (United States)

    Behrens, Dieter; Forsgren, Eva; Fries, Ingemar; Moritz, Robin F A


    We compared the mortality of honeybee (Apis mellifera) drone and worker larvae from a single queen under controlled in vitro conditions following infection with Paenibacillus larvae, a bacterium causing the brood disease American Foulbrood (AFB). We also determined absolute P. larvae cell numbers and lethal titres in deceased individuals of both sexes up to 8 days post infection using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). Our results show that in drones the onset of infection induced mortality is delayed by 1 day, the cumulative mortality is reduced by 10% and P. larvae cell numbers are higher than in worker larvae. Since differences in bacterial cell titres between sexes can be explained by differences in body size, larval size appears to be a key parameter for a lethal threshold in AFB tolerance. Both means and variances for lethal thresholds are similar for drone and worker larvae suggesting that drone resistance phenotypes resemble those of related workers. © 2010 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  5. Estimativa do intervalo pós-morte em um canino (Canis lupus familiaris Linnaeus 1758 pela entomologia forense em Cabedelo-PB, Brasil: relato de caso

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    G. Martins


    Full Text Available O intervalo pós-morte (IPM é um instrumento importante de diagnóstico relacionado à prática forense. O uso de insetos tem sido relatado como um modo eficiente para estimá-lo, quando o cadáver encontra-se em estágio avançado de decomposição. Objetivou-se com este trabalho estimar o IPM com base em evidências entomológicas em um canino. Foram coletadas larvas de moscas no cadáver e encaminhadas ao laboratório de entomologia, onde foram criadas e eclodiram adultos da espécie Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819. Somando-se os dados abióticos de temperatura e umidade relativa do local de coleta e do local de criação, estimou-se um IPM mínimo de 3,34 dias do momento da postura dos ovos pelas moscas até a coleta das larvas. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a entomologia forense, como ferramenta para estimativa do IPM, mostrou-se eficaz e determinante na elucidação do caso em questão.

  6. Amostragem por larva-única na vigilância de Aedes aegypti Single-larva sampling for Aedes aegypti surveillance

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    José Eduardo Bracco


    Full Text Available Com a finalidade de testar a metodologia de amostragem por larva-única na vigilância entomológica do Aedes aegypti, foram pesquisados domicílios do Município de Araraquara, SP (Brasil. Nos criadouros que continham larvas de Aedes uma delas foi coletada. Como controle, após a coleta da larva-única, todas as larvas foram coletadas para identificação posterior. Esse processo foi repetido no laboratório. Dos 447 domicílios visitados, apenas 12 foram considerados positivos e 20 criadouros foram identificados; destes, 13 continham larvas de Aedes; 5, larvas de Aedes e Culex e 2, larvas de Culex. Os resultados mostram o reconhecimento correto, no campo, de todos os criadouros, evidenciando que o método poderia ser utilizado na vigilância entomológica de municípios sem infestação domiciliar ou infestados apenas com uma única espécie de Aedes.Buildings in Araraquara city, Southeastern Brazil, were searched during a year for the presence of Aedes larvae using single larva sampling in order to check the single-larva methodology. In those breeding places in wich Aedes larvae were found, one of them was collected. As a control, after the single larva had been collected, all the larvae from the breeding place were collected for later identification. This process was repeated in the laboratory. Of the 447 domiciles searched, 12 were considered positive and 20 breeding places were found. Of the breeding places, 13 contained Aedes larvae, 5 both Aedes and Culex larvae and 2 Culex larvae only. The results show that all the breeding places in the field were properly recognited showing the method may be used for Aedes surveillance in cities infested with one species only or without any domiciliary infestation.

  7. The CNS connectome of a tadpole larva of Ciona intestinalis (L.) highlights sidedness in the brain of a chordate sibling. (United States)

    Ryan, Kerrianne; Lu, Zhiyuan; Meinertzhagen, Ian A


    Left-right asymmetries in brains are usually minor or cryptic. We report brain asymmetries in the tiny, dorsal tubular nervous system of the ascidian tadpole larva, Ciona intestinalis . Chordate in body plan and development, the larva provides an outstanding example of brain asymmetry. Although early neural development is well studied, detailed cellular organization of the swimming larva's CNS remains unreported. Using serial-section EM we document the synaptic connectome of the larva's 177 CNS neurons. These formed 6618 synapses including 1772 neuromuscular junctions, augmented by 1206 gap junctions. Neurons are unipolar with at most a single dendrite, and few synapses. Some synapses are unpolarised, others form reciprocal or serial motifs; 922 were polyadic. Axo-axonal synapses predominate. Most neurons have ciliary organelles, and many features lack structural specialization. Despite equal cell numbers on both sides, neuron identities and pathways differ left/right. Brain vesicle asymmetries include a right ocellus and left coronet cells.

  8. Efeito de extratos naturais de folhas vegetais em Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Möller Singer, (Agaricales: Agaricaceae / Effect of natural extracts of vegetable leaves in Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Möller Singer, (Agaricales: Agaricaceae

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    Marcelo Dias Souza


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos dos extratos naturais, à base de folhas de diferentes espécies vegetais, em Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, fungo simbionte de formigas cortadeiras. O experimento foi realizado no Laboratório de Proteção Florestal, da Faculdade de Engenharia Florestal, da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, sob temperatura média 26 ± 2ºC, e umidade relativa de 70 ± 10%. Os tratamentos avaliados foram os extratos aquosos a 10% (peso/volume de dez diferentes espécies vegetais. Foram realizados onze tratamentos, sendo que para cada um foi utilizado um recipiente de 1,5 l de volume, colocado na parte central contendo fungo e formigas, no qual era interligado com mais dois recipientes, de igual volume, interligados entre si por um tubo plástico, propiciando condições necessárias para que as formigas desenvolvessem suas atividades normais. O fungo e as formigas cortadeiras, após coletados, foram transferidos para os recipientes em laboratório. Assim que os formigueiros artificiais apresentavam atividades normais, os extratos foram adicionados diretamente sobre o fungo, com exceção da testemunha. Os tratamentos que tiveram efeito deletério sobre o fungo, em ordem decrescente foram os à base de Tabebuia vellosoi (ipê-amarelo-liso, Azadirachta indica (Nim, Magonia pubescens (Timbó, Annona reticulata (Pinha e Amburana acreana (cerejeira.AbstractThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of natural extracts of leaves of different plant species, in Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, symbiotic fungus of leaf-cutting ants. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Forest Protection, Federal University from Mato Grosso, on average temperature 26 ± 2º C and relative humidity of 70 ± 10%. The treatments evaluated were the aqueous extracts of 10% (weight/volume of ten different plant species. It was carried out 11 treatments, and for each one a container of 1.5 l volume was used, placed in the

  9. <em>Aspergillus nidulansem> Synthesize Insect Juvenile Hormones upon Expression of a Heterologous Regulatory Protein and in Response to Grazing by <em>Drosophila melanogasterem> Larvae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Morten Thrane; Klejnstrup, Marie Louise; Rohlfs, Marko


    , indicating that fungal secondary metabolites remain an underexplored resource of bioactive molecules. In this study, we combine heterologous expression of regulatory proteins in Aspergillus nidulans with systematic variation of growth conditions and observe induced synthesis of insect juvenile hormone......-III and methyl farnesoate. Both compounds are sesquiterpenes belonging to the juvenile hormone class. Juvenile hormones regulate developmental and metabolic processes in insects and crustaceans, but have not previously been reported as fungal metabolites. We found that feeding by Drosophila melanogaster larvae...

  10. Acidentes por lepidópteros (larvas e adultos de mariposas): estudo dos aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e terapêuticos


    Cardoso,Alberto Eduardo Cox; Haddad Junior,Vidal


    Os autores apresentam e discutem aspectos dos acidentes causados por larvas de lepidópteros (mariposas), enfatizando as manifestações dermatológicas e a dor intensa que caracterizam estes agravos. Além disso, são apresentadas larvas de mariposas que causam manifestações extracutâneas, tais como severos distúrbios de coagulação e artropatias anquilosantes, e ainda dermatites provocadas por insetos adultos. Os principais grupos de lepidópteros causadores de acidentes em humanos são demonstrados...

  11. Baylisascaris Larva Migrans (United States)

    Kazacos, Kevin R.; Abbott, Rachel C.; van Riper, Charles


    SummaryBaylisascaris procyonis, the common raccoon roundworm, is the most commonly recognized cause of clinical larva migrans (LM) in animals, a condition in which an immature parasitic worm or larva migrates in a host animal’s tissues, causing obvious disease. Infection with B. procyonis is best known as a cause of fatal or severe neurologic disease that results when the larvae invade the brain, the spinal cord, or both; this condition is known as neural larva migrans (NLM). Baylisascariasis is a zoonotic disease, that is, one that is transmissible from animals to humans. In humans, B. procyonis can cause damaging visceral (VLM), ocular (OLM), and neural larva migrans. Due to the ubiquity of infected raccoons around humans, there is considerable human exposure and risk of infection with this parasite. The remarkable disease-producing capability of B. procyonis in animals and humans is one of the most significant aspects of the biology of ascarids (large roundworms) to come to light in recent years. Infection with B. procyonis has important health implications for a wide variety of free-ranging and captive wildlife, zoo animals, domestic animals, as well as human beings, on both an individual and population level. This report, eighth in the series of U.S. Geological Survey Circulars on zoonotic diseases, will help us to better understand the routes of Baylisascaris procyonis infections and how best to adequately monitor this zoonotic disease.

  12. Visceral larva migrans: case report


    Machado, Alexandre Bortoli; El Achkar, Marice Emanuela


    Larva migrans visceral é doença infecciosa, adquirida por ingestão de ovos provenientes dos vermes Toxocara canis e/ou Toxocara cati que infestam cães e gatos; as larvas penetram a parede intestinal e migram através dos tecidos levando a alterações diversas, conseqüentes a uma resposta inflamatória imune.¹ Os autores descrevem um caso clínico de larva migrans visceral com apresentação clínica atípica.Visceral larva migrans is an infectious human disease that occurs following ingestion of eggs...

  13. Ocorrência de Halysidota orientalis Rothschild (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) em amoreira (Morus alba L.) no Estado de São Paulo


    Sánchez-Soto, Saúl; Romano, Fabiana C.B.; Nakano, Octavio


    É registrada pela primeira vez a ocorrência de lagartas de Halysidota orientalis Rothschild em plantas de amoreira (Morus alba L.) no estado de São Paulo. Alguns aspectos da morfologia externa do adulto, larva e pupa são descritos. The occurrence of larvae of Halysidota orientalis Rothschild on mulberry plants (Morus alba L.) is recorded for the first time in São Paulo, Brazil. Morphological aspects of adult, larva and pupa are described.


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    Antônio Henrique Garcia


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    Estudou-se a biologia de <em>E. giganteaem> em <em>P. aquaticaem> sem controle de T°C, UR e fotoperíodo. As fêmeas realizam a postura entre os meses de dezembro e março. Cada fêmea coloca massas de ovos de até 10 ovos/massa, num média de 4 massas de ovos/planta por entre as rachaduras da casca na região do colo. O período médio de incubação observado foi de 19 dias. A média de posturas por fêmeas foi de 6,2, a média de ovos/postura de 40 e o número médio de ovos/fêmea de 248, com viabilidade de 72%. As larvas constroem uma galeria, inicialmente na região subcortical e, posteriormente, no sentido do sistema radicular da planta onde completam o ciclo biológico. O período larval médio observado foi de 240 dias e as larvas medem de 8 a 12 cm de comprimento no último ínstar. A viabilidade pré-pupal foi de 63% e o período médio de 13 dias. O período pupal médio foi de 30 dias e a viabilidade, de 69%. O ciclo biológico médio foi de 302 dias. Após a emergência o adulto constrói um galeria de forma ovalada no sentido vertical em direção à superfície do solo. Como as larvas de <em>E. giganteaem> destroem o sistema radicular das mungubeiras, as árvores ficam sem nenhum sistema de sustentação caindo facilmente pela ação dos ventos.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: <em>Euchroma> <em>gigantea>; <em>Paquira> <em>aquatica>; biologia; ornamental.

    The biology of <em>E. giganteaem> on <em>P. aquaticaem> was studied without T°C, UR and fotoperiod. Females performed the laying of eggs from December through March. Each female lay egg masses in the plant peel crevices, averaging 4 egg masses/plant with up to 10 eggs/mass. The observed incubation period averaged 19 days. The average laying of eggs per female was 6.2, averaging 40 eggs/laying and


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    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a não-preferência para alimentação de lagartas de 1o e de 5o ínstares, de Spodoptera frugiperda, em quatro genótipos de milho: IAC701 N, 'IAC7777', Mp707 e Zapalote Chico (ZC. Os ensaios foram realizados em arenas, com livre chance de escolha pelas lagartas, por 24 horas. Com lagartas recém-eclodidas, 1o ínstar, observou-se não-preferência ao ZC e Mp707, nos quais se encontraram apenas 20% das lagartas, em comparação com IAC701 N e 'IAC7777', onde se concentraram 80% delas. No teste com lagartas de 5o ínstar, o consumo das seções foliares foi cerca de duas vezes maior em `IAC701 N, se comparado a `ZC' e `Mp707'. Concluiu-se que a antixenose ou não-preferência é um dos mecanismos de resistência encontrados em ZC e Mp707, materiais estrangeiros que confirmam, nas condições de Campinas, suas características de resistência.The effect of corn genotypes upon food preferences of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae was evaluated. The genotypes selected were: IAC701 N, an inbred line of Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC, State of São Paulo, Brazil; 'IAC7777', a single hybrid of IAC in which the above inbred line is one of the parents; Mp707, an inbred line of Mississippi State University considered to be resistant to S. frugiperda; and Zapalote Chico (ZC, a Central American corn race referred as resistant to Helicoverpa zea and S. frugiperda. The tests were run in arenas with free choice among treatments. The test with 1st instar larvae indicated that the insects preferred to feed on the genotypes IAC701 N and IAC7777, and a lower percentage of larvae stablished on the leaves of ZC and Mp707. The test with 5th instar larvae indicated a non-preference of the larvae for the leaves of genotypes Mp707 and ZC while IAC701 N was the most preferred with more leaf area consumed. The non-preference for feeding tests leaded to the conclusion that this type of resistance is present in ZC and Mp707. These

  16. Acidentes por lepidópteros (larvas e adultos de mariposas: estudo dos aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e terapêuticos Accidents caused by lepidopterans (moth larvae and adult: study on the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects

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    Alberto Eduardo Cox Cardoso


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam e discutem aspectos dos acidentes causados por larvas de lepidópteros (mariposas, enfatizando as manifestações dermatológicas e a dor intensa que caracterizam estes agravos. Além disso, são apresentadas larvas de mariposas que causam manifestações extracutâneas, tais como severos distúrbios de coagulação e artropatias anquilosantes, e ainda dermatites provocadas por insetos adultos. Os principais grupos de lepidópteros causadores de acidentes em humanos são demonstrados, e as medidas terapêuticas atualizadas são discutidas. O lepidopterismo e o erucismo são acidentes comuns, e é importante que o dermatologista saiba reconhecer e tratar esse tipo de envenenamento.The authors present and discuss some aspects of injuries caused by larvae of Lepidoptera (moths, emphasizing the skin manifestations and intense pain that characterize these conditions. Moreover, they present moth larvae that cause extracutaneous manifestations, such as severe coagulation disorders and ankylosing arthropathies, and dermatitis related to adult insects. The main groups of Lepidoptera that cause injuries in humans are presented as well as current therapeutic alternatives. Lepidopterism and erucism are common accidents and it is important that dermatologists be aware and able to recognize and treat this kind of poisoning.

  17. Atividade microbiana em solos, influenciada por resíduos de algodão e torta de mamona Microbial activity in soils influenced by residues of cotton and castor bean presscake

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    Silvia Capuani


    Full Text Available A atividade microbiana não se constitui apenas como bom indicador da qualidade do solo, mas é influenciada pela adição de carbono no sistema, o qual serve como substrato aos micro-organismos que aumentam sua atividade e a liberação de CO2, compreendendo a respiração edáfica do solo. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a atividade microbiana em diferentes tipos de solo com a adição de torta de mamona e resíduo têxtil de algodão. O trabalho foi conduzido em casa de vegetação na sede da Embrapa Algodão, em delineamento de blocos casualisados em esquema fatorial 4 x 3, com quatro repetições. A intervalos predeterminados de 4 dias os recipientes foram abertos e a solução de NaOH foi titulada com HCl 2 N na presença de indicador ácido/base fenolftaleína. Após a leitura a mesma quantidade de NaOH foi reposta e os recipientes novamente fechados. A diferença entre a quantidade de ácido necessária para neutralizar o hidróxido de sódio no recipiente testemunha e nos tratamentos equivale à quantidade de gás carbônico produzido pelos micro-organismos do solo. Constatou-se que os resíduos influenciaram significativamente a atividade microbiana nos diferentes tipos de solo, sobretudo nas primeiras determinações, apresentando-se como boas fontes para mineralização e fornecimento de nutrientes, tendo a torta de mamona proporcionado maior liberação acumulada de CO2 pelos micro-organismos.Microbial activity constitutes a good indicator of soil quality, and is influenced by the addition of carbon in the system serving as a substrate for microorganisms that increase their activity and release of CO2, comprising the edaphic respiration of the soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbial activity in different soil types with the addition of cake press of castor bean and cotton textile residue. The study was conducted in a greenhouse at the headquarters of Embrapa Cotton in randomized block design in 4 x 3

  18. Extreme morphologies of mantis shrimp larvae

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    Carolin Haug

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Larvae of stomatopods (mantis shrimps are generally categorized into four larval types: antizoea, pseudozoea (both representing early larval stages, alima and erichthus (the latter two representing later larval stages. These categories, however, do not reflect the existing morphological diversity of stomatopod larvae, which is largely unstudied. We describe here four previously unknown larval types with extreme morphologies. All specimens were found in the collections of the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen and were collected during the Danish Dana Expedition round the world 1928-30. These new larval types all represent erichthus-type larvae, especially differing in their shield morphologies. The shield morphology ranges from almost spherical to rather disc-like, with sometimes extremely elongated spines, but only a general systematic assignment of the larvae was possible. Further investigations of these larvae are crucial to understand their life habits and ecological impact, especially as stomatopod and other crustacean larvae might have a much more important position in the marine ecosystems than their corresponding adults.

  19. Development of Myrmeleon brasiliensis (Navás (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae, in laboratory, with different natural diets Desenvolvimento de Myrmeleon brasiliensis (Navás (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae, em laboratório, com diferentes dietas naturais

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    Giani L. B. Missirian


    Full Text Available Antlions larvae are sit-and-wait predators that capture arthropod prey in conical sand pits. The aim of this paper were to determine the effect of different natural diets [leaf-cutting ants (Atta spp., fruit fly larvae (Anastrepha spp. and Ceratitis capitata and mixed diet (Atta spp. plus fruit fly larvae] on the development of larvae and pupae of M. brasiliensis (Navás, 1914 and to estimate the number and size of prey caught in each instar and on each kind of diet. The average duration (days of the second and third instars of M. brasiliensis was longer when larvae of antlion were fed with leaf-cutting ants. The diets did not affect the duration of the pupal stage nor the pupae size. The different diets did not affect the mean width of head capsule (mm, the mean weight (mg or the mean body size (mm in the different instars of M. brasiliensis. In the second and third instars, the larvae of M. brasiliensis fed with leaf-cutting ants consumed more prey than larvae kept on other diets. Adults whose larvae were fed fruit fly larvae were larger than adults on other diets. Although Myrmeleontidae are few studied in Brazil, these results contribute to knowledge of M. brasiliensis biology, but also suggest the need of studies about the development of larvae and pupae in natural environments.Larvas de formiga-leão são conhecidas por suas armadilhas ("funis" que constroem em solo arenoso, sob as quais esperam por suas presas. Este trabalho teve como objetivos verificar o efeito de diferentes dietas naturais [formigas-cortadeiras (Atta spp., larvas de moscas-das-frutas (Anastrepha spp. e Ceratitis capitata e dieta mista (Atta spp. e larvas de moscas-das-frutas] sobre o desenvolvimento larval e pupal de M. brasiliensis (Navás, 1914 e estimar o número e tamanho de presas capturadas, por instar larval, em cada dieta. No segundo e terceiro instares, as larvas de M. brasiliensis alimentadas com formigas-cortadeiras consumiram um número maior de presas e a

  20. Alternative methodologies in the integrated control of urban mosquito larvae: water surface obliteration techniques Metodologías alternativas en el control integrado de larvas de mosquitos urbanos: técnicas de obliteración de lámina de agua Metodologias alternativas no controlo integrado de larvas de mosquitos nas áreas urbanas: técnicas de obliteração da superfície da água

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    Roger Eritja


    urbanos consistente en alterar la interfase agua/aire. Se describe la aplicación de materiales granulados inertes flotantes sobre las superficies para impedir la puesta de huevos y la respiración de las larvas, con el consiguiente beneficio de evitar la aplicación periódica de plaguicidas químicos, así como una sostenibilidad y perduración muy superiores. Se discuten asimismo los riesgos propios de estas estrategias.Os mosquitos são um risco significativo para a saúde pública, que aumentou com a chegada do Aedes albopictus, mosquito tigre, potencial transmissor de várias doenças. O método de escolha para o seu controle é a eliminação das larvas aquáticas com produtos biocidas de origem biológica, realizada semanalmente devido a sua persistência nula. Em determinados pontos onde essa recorrência não pode ser mantida, como piscinas em fazendas abandonadas, não há suficientes opções residuais biocidas com excepção dos inibidores de crescimento, mas não costumam fornecer um residual maior do que duas a quatro semanas. Apresenta-se a aplicação prática de uma técnica de controle de larvas do mosquito em ambientes urbanos consistendo em alterar a interface água/ar. Descreve-se a aplicação de materiais granulados inertes flutuando na superfície para evitar a postura de ovos e respiração das larvas, com o consequente benefício de evitar a aplicação periódica de pesticidas químicos, com uma melhor sustentabilidade e duração. Discutimos também os riscos inerentes a estas estratégias.

  1. Self mixing of fly larvae during feeding (United States)

    Shishkov, Olga; Johnson, Christopher; Hu, David

    How do we sustainably feed a growing world population? One solution of increasing interest is the use of black solider fly larvae, pea-sized grubs envisioned to transform hundreds of tons of food waste into a sustainable protein source. Although startups across the world are raising these larvae, a physical understanding of how they should be raised and fed remains missing. In this study, we present experiments measuring their feeding rate as a function of number of larvae. We show that larger groups of larvae have greater mixing which entrains hungry larvae around the food, increasing feeding rate. Feeding of larvae thus differs from feeding of cattle or other livestock which exhibit less self-mixing.

  2. Toxicidade aguda ao sal comum e larvicultura intensiva do jundiá Rhamdia quelen em água salobra

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    T.E.H.P. Fabregat


    Full Text Available A tolerância de peixes de água doce à salinidade e os níveis adequados de náuplios de Artemia na alimentação durante a larvicultura são de extrema importância para a padronização dos manejos em ambientes de criação intensiva. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi estimar a salinidade letal (SL50 para larvas de jundiá Rhamdia quelen e determinar o efeito da salinidade e da concentração de presas vivas na larvicultura intensiva. No primeiro ensaio, larvas ao final do período lecitotrófico (1,1±0,8mg foram submetidas às salinidades de 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15 e 20g de sal/L por um período de 96h. No segundo experimento, as larvas de jundiá, no início da alimentação exógena (1,2±0,3mg, foram submetidas a três salinidades (água doce 0, 2 e 4g de sal/L e três concentrações de presas vivas (início: 300, 500, 700 náuplios de Artemia/larvas/dia, sendo esse montante aumentado a cada cinco dias. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3x3, por um período de 15 dias. No experimento 1, as larvas de jundiá submetidas às salinidades de 10, 15 e 20g de sal/L morreram após 12, duas e uma hora de exposição, respectivamente. As SL50 de 72 e 96h foram estimadas em 9,93 e 4,95g de sal/L, respectivamente. No final do teste de toxicidade, não houve diferença na sobrevivência entre as salinidades de 0, 2 e 4g de sal/L. No experimento 2, não foi observado efeito da interação entre salinidade e concentração de presas para o peso e o comprimento. Quanto maior a quantidade de presas, maior o crescimento das larvas. A sobrevivência apresentou interação entre os fatores. O aumento da salinidade proporcionou uma diminuição da sobrevivência, independentemente da concentração de presas. Dessa forma, conclui-se que a SL50 diminuiu com o aumento do tempo de exposição à água salinizada e que a larvicultura da espécie pode ser realizada em salinidades de até 2g de sal/L, com

  3. The morphology of the foregut of larvae and postlarva of Sesarma curacaoense De Man, 1892: a species with facultative lecithotrophy during larval development A morfologia do estômago de larvas e pós-larvas de Sesarma curacaoense De Man, 1892: uma espécie com desenvolvimento larval lecitotrófico facultativo

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    Marlon Aguiar Melo


    Full Text Available Previous study on the resistance of larvae of Sesarma curacaoense submitted to starvation has revealed a facultative lecithotrophy during zoeal stages, but megalopa and first juvenile stages are exclusively feeding stages. In the present study, the gross morphology and fine structure of the foregut of S. curacaoense were investigated during larval, megalopa and first juvenile stages. The foregut of the zoea I show specific setae and a filter press apparently functional. The foregut undergoes changes in the zoea II (last larval stage with increment of setae number, mainly on the cardiopyloric valve and complexity of the filter press. After metamorphosis to megalopa stage the foregut become rather complex, with a gastric mill supporting a medial and two lateral teeth well-developed. The foregut of the first juvenile is more specialized compared to the previous stage, showing similar characteristics of the decapod adults. These results provide further evidence of facultative lecithotrophic development in the larvae of S. curacaoense.Estudo prévio sobre o efeito da inanição em larvas de Sesarma curacaoense propôs que estas larvas apresentam comportamento lecitotrófico facultativo. No presente trabalho a morfologia do estômago de S. curacaoense foi estudada durante os estágios larvais, megalopa e juvenil I. A estrutura do estômago da zoea I possui cerdas específicas e com filtro pilórico aparentemente funcional. Especialização no estômago do zoea II (último estágio larval foi evidenciada pelo incremento do número de cerdas na válvula cárdio-pilórica e pela complexidade do filtro pilórico. Após a metamorfose para o estágio megalopa, o estômago ficou consideravelmente complexo, com o aparecimento de um moinho gástrico contendo um medial e dois laterais dentes bem desenvolvidos. O estômago do juvenil I mostrou-se ainda mais especializado que no estágio anterior, exibindo características morfológicas similares

  4. Produção de geléia real e desenvolvimento da larva de abelhas Apis mellifera, na região semi-árida de Pernambuco

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    Queiroz Maria de Lourdes de


    Full Text Available Foram analisados dados de produção de geléia real (GR e peso da larva (PL, em dois apiários nos municípios de Ibimirim e Petrolândia, na região semi-árida do Estado de Pernambuco, nos meses de junho e agosto de 1995, para avaliar o momento de maior acúmulo de GR, nas células reais (realeiras, e acompanhar o desenvolvimento da larva. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados. A quantidade de GR acumulada nas realeiras foi avaliada 24, 32, 48, 56 e 72 horas após a transferências das larvas. As análises de variância mostraram efeitos significativos para o tempo de permanência, afetando a produção de GR e o PL, nos dois locais estudados. Foi feito um desdobramento polinomial do efeito de tratamento para se avaliar o momento de maior produção de GL. De acordo com as equações de regressão obtidas, as produções máximas ajustadas de 175,57 mg (Ibimirim e 183,69 mg (Petrolândia foram conseguidas com 59 e 54 horas após a transferência das larvas, respectivamente. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que, em ambos os locais, maiores produções de GR poderão ser obtidas fazendo-se coletas entre 48 e 56 horas após a transferência das larvas. Após esse período, o crescimento da larva é intensificado pelo aumento de consumo de geléia, reduzindo-se a quantidade de GR acumulada nas realeiras.


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    Francisco de Assis Fonseca de Macedo


    Full Text Available Ovelhas, provenientes do acasalamento de fêmeas Corriedale com machos das raças Bergamácia e Hampshire Down, foram divididas em três grupos e manejadas em piquetes compostos exclusivamente por uma das seguintes espécies de gramíneas: Panicum maximun Jacq., Cynodon dactylon Pers. e Paspalum notatum Flueeg., com o objetivo de avaliar a infecção por helmintos gastrintestinais. A cada 28 dias, durante um período de um ano, foram obtidas informações sobre o número de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG e realizadas culturas de larvas a partir das amostras de fezes de todos os animais. Os animais que pastejaram Paspalum notatum Flueeg. apresentaram a maior contagem de OPG e não houve diferença estatística (P>0.05 entre os grupos genéticos empregados. O gênero Haemonchus predominou nas culturas de larvas. Foi observada também a influência do mês de coleta sobre o OPG (P<0.05. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Epidemiologia, Haemonchus, OPG, ovinos, Trichostrongylus.

  6. North Kalimantan is Free From EMS (Early Mortality Syndrome) in the Shrimps


    Lestiawan, Sab; Jati, Nugroho Sasongko; Wiro, Hermas


    The acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome (AHPNS) or also known worldwide as early mortility syndrome (EMS) is very dangerous for the shrimps industry since it really strikes the shrimps by larvae size. The EMS attacks shrimps at 20 to 30 days of age and at 40 days of age as well. All the shrimps that are being infected will be dead righ away. The EMS has caused the significant economic losses in the shrimps industry due to the mass mortality of the shrimps in Vietnam (in the years of 2010...


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    Ykaro Richard Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar um levantamento dos diferentes tipos de frutos no Semiárido piauiense, onde predomina a formação vegetal caatinga e montar uma coleção de frutos para fins didáticos e científicos na Universidade Federal do Piauí. A pesquisa foi realizada na cidade de Picos, com coletas entre dezembro de 2013 a maio de 2014, onde foi adotado o método de caminhada, pelas estradas da região. Quando carnosos, os frutos coletados foram preservados em solução de álcool 70%, em recipientes de vidro fechados hermeticamente e os frutos secos foram expostos ao sol, desidratados e também armazenados em recipientes de vidro. A carpoteca conta com 44 exemplares identificados distribuídos em 23 famílias, 40 gêneros e 44 espécies diferentes. As famílias representadas por um maior número de espécies foram: Fabaceae, Anacardiaceae, Cucurbitaceae e Euphorbiaceae. Palavras-chave: Caatinga, coleção de frutos, tipologia de frutos.

  8. Acute toxicity of sodium metabisulphite in larvae and post-larvae of the land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi. (United States)

    Galli, Orlando B S; Fujimoto, Rodrigo Y; Abrunhosa, Fernando A


    Sodium metabisulphite (SMB) is used in marine shrimp aquaculture to prevent the occurrence of black spot. The release SMB into the estuarine environment from shrimp farm pond effluents has been reported. This study evaluated the susceptibility of larvae and post-larvae of land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi to this salt. A decrease in dissolved oxygen and pH occurred with increasing concentration of SMB and exposure time. LC(50) values after 48 h of exposure were 34 ± 1.1 mg/L, 31.1 ± 1.9 mg/L, and 30.6 ± 0.5 mg/L for I zoea larvae, megalopa larvae and stage I juveniles, respectively.


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    Ana Célia Rodrigues Athayde


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    Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann é um importante vetor de doenças de animais e humanos, e também causador de miíases secundárias. Avaliou-se a patogenicidade de <em>Beauveria bassianaem> (Balsamo Vuillemin (URM 3447, <em>in vitroem>, sobre ovos, larvas e adultos em condições de laboratório climatizado sob a temperatura de 28 ± 1 °C. Foram feitas suspensões de conídios (104, 105, 106, 107 e 108 conídios.mL-1, para análise dos parâmetros biológicos. No bioensaio com ovos, o percentual de eclosão variou de 84,81% a 97,22%. No bioensaio com larvas, o período de pré-pupa variou de 1 a 1,04 e de pupa, de 5,00 a 5,09 dias; o percentual de emergência de adultos a partir de larvas tratadas variou de 30,88% a 80,82%. No bioensaio com adultos, a longevidade para machos e fêmeas foi de 4,51 a 6,77 e 10,19 a 14,67 dias, respectivamente; a mortalidade acumulada no 7° dia variou de 47,50 % a 81,20% para machos e de 23,70 % a 55,00% dias para fêmeas; o período de postura variou de 10 a 17,75 dias e o percentual de larvas eclodidas a partir de fêmeas infectadas variou de 71,39% a 91,25%.


    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Fungo entomopatogênico, parâmetros biológicos, patogenicidade.

    Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann is an important vector of animal and diseases as well as causer of secondary myiasis. In order to minimize the effect of the problems caused by <em>C. albicepsem>, the pathogenicity of the <em>Beauveria bassianaem> (Balsamo Vuillemin (URM 3447, in vitro, over eggs, larvae and adults in acclimatized laboratorial conditions under the temperature of 28 ± 1 °C was evaluated. Suspensions of conidia (104, 105, 106, 107 and 108 conidia.mL-1

  10. Transcriptional response of honey bee larvae infected with the bacterial pathogen Paenibacillus larvae. (United States)

    Cornman, Robert Scott; Lopez, Dawn; Evans, Jay D


    American foulbrood disease of honey bees is caused by the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae. Infection occurs per os in larvae and systemic infection requires a breaching of the host peritrophic matrix and midgut epithelium. Genetic variation exists for both bacterial virulence and host resistance, and a general immunity is achieved by larvae as they age, the basis of which has not been identified. To quickly identify a pool of candidate genes responsive to P. larvae infection, we sequenced transcripts from larvae inoculated with P. larvae at 12 hours post-emergence and incubated for 72 hours, and compared expression levels to a control cohort. We identified 75 genes with significantly higher expression and six genes with significantly lower expression. In addition to several antimicrobial peptides, two genes encoding peritrophic-matrix domains were also up-regulated. Extracellular matrix proteins, proteases/protease inhibitors, and members of the Osiris gene family were prevalent among differentially regulated genes. However, analysis of Drosophila homologs of differentially expressed genes revealed spatial and temporal patterns consistent with developmental asynchrony as a likely confounder of our results. We therefore used qPCR to measure the consistency of gene expression changes for a subset of differentially expressed genes. A replicate experiment sampled at both 48 and 72 hours post infection allowed further discrimination of genes likely to be involved in host response. The consistently responsive genes in our test set included a hymenopteran-specific protein tyrosine kinase, a hymenopteran specific serine endopeptidase, a cytochrome P450 (CYP9Q1), and a homolog of trynity, a zona pellucida domain protein. Of the known honey bee antimicrobial peptides, apidaecin was responsive at both time-points studied whereas hymenoptaecin was more consistent in its level of change between biological replicates and had the greatest increase in expression by RNA-seq analysis.

  11. Avaliação do efeito do extrato etanólico bruto de Harpagophytum procumbens em camundongos infectados com Toxocara canis


    Sandra Regina Pereira de Oliveira


    A Síndrome da Larva Migrans Visceral (SLMV) é uma parasitose, causada pelo Toxocara canis, um dos helmintos mais freqüente em cães. Nos hospedeiros definitivos, se apresentam em diferentes formas morfológicas, ovos embrionados, adultos machos e fêmeas. Entretanto, nos hospedeiros não habituais (ex.: homem e roedores), apresentam-se apenas no estádio de larvas infectantes (L3) e não completam seu ciclo biológico. A infecção no homem ocorre pela ingestão acidental de ovos larvados, que no intes...


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    Irzal Effendi


    Full Text Available Development of digestive enzymes; protease, lipase and amylase were observed in patin catfish, Pangasius hypophthalmus, larvae.  The 1 day old larvae (day after hatching, with 3,37-3,97 mm length and 0,62-0,79 mg weight, were reared in aquarium 60x50x40 cm with stocking  density of 20 fish/l.  Larvae were fed  Artemia dan tubificid worms 2-8 dan 7-15 days after hatching (dAH,  respectively (schedule I;  2-6 and  5-15 dAH (schedule II; and 2-4 and 5-15 dAH (schedule III.  Chlorella was ready to eat by larvae at the entirely rearing.  For enzyme assay, larvae were sampled from each aquarium at stages of 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 15 dAH.    Protease and lipase activity were detected in digestive tract of  1 dAH larvae.   Digestive enzymes development have a similar pattern in larvae for all feeding schedules.  Protease activity  decreased with the increasing of age until 3 dAH, then increased  until the larvae reached 7 dAH, and sharply decreased until 10 dAH and then slowly decreased thereafter. Lipase activity tended to increase slowly with age up to 3 dAH, and increased sharply until 5 dAH, and then decreased sharply until 7 dAH  before decreased again up to the end of rearing.  Amylase activity in larvae increased slowly with the increasing of age up to 5 dAH, then increased sharply until 7 dAH, and decreased thereafter.  In dimly lighted larvae, amylase activity decreased before increased up to 12 d AH, then decreased thereafter.  The amount of food organisms in larval gut, body weight and length, and survival rate of larvae were also measured and discussed.Key Words:  Digestive enzymes, development, larvae, patin catfish, Pangasius hypophthalmus ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan enzim protease, lipase dan amilase saluran pencernaan larva ikan patin akibat perubahan skedul pemberian pakan.  Larva ikan patin (panjang 3,77–3,97 mm dan bobot 0,62-0,79 mg berumur 1 hari dipelihara di akuarium 60x

  13. Influência do procedimento de mistura em laboratório nas propriedades de argamassas

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    Marylinda Santos de França

    Full Text Available A mistura dos materiais sólidos com a água é uma das etapas mais importantes no preparo das argamassas. A condução do procedimento que é adotado interferirá nas propriedades no estado fresco, assim como no endurecido. A Norma ABNT NBR 13276:2005 indica que os materiais sólidos sejam introduzidos no líquido já disposto no recipiente. Essa ordem de introdução dos materiais é o inverso do que ocorre na prática e pode resultar na falta de homogeneidade da mistura. Estudos anteriores observaram que adicionar o líquido aos materiais sólidos de forma fracionada melhora as propriedades reológicas dos sistemas. Assim, utilizando uma argamassadeira de laboratório e uma mesma formulação, foram estudados distintos procedimentos de mistura em que a água é adicionada no material sólido em etapas. Esses procedimentos foram confrontados com o indicado pela ABNT NBR 13276:2005, e o comportamento reológico (squeeze-flow e ciclos de cisalhamento e as propriedades no estado endurecido (resistência à tração por compressão diametral e módulo de elasticidade dinâmico foram avaliados. Verificou-se que a adição do líquido ao material sólido em etapas distintas conduz a sistemas mais fluidos e com melhor desempenho no estado endurecido.


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    Luzia Izabel Mesquita MOREIRA DA SILVA


    Full Text Available O comércio de alimentos em vias públicas por vendedores ambulantes pode constituir um alto risco para a saúde dos consumidores, visto que as pessoas envolvidas nesta atividade geralmente não têm preparo e conhecimento da manipulação correta de alimentos. Neste sentido, o objetivo do trabalho foi investigar as condições higiênicosanitárias e as características sócio-econômicas dos vendedores de 24 pontos informais de venda de alimentos, localizados nas vias públicas no Campus do Porangabuçu da Universidade Federal do Ceará. As entrevistas seguiram o roteiro da Resolução RDC n. 218, de 29 de julho de 2005 da ANVISA, no período entre Agosto e Outubro de 2009. Verifi cou-se que a maioria das recomendações da RDC n. 218 não são observadas, obtendo-se os seguintes resultados: o grupo formado na sua maioria por homens, 58,3% com predominância do ensino fundamental incompleto, 66,6% dos vendedores usavam adornos durante a manipulação dos alimentos, ausência de lixeira em 62,5% dos locais avaliados; sujeira visível nos utensílios em 37,5% dos pontos de venda e, 42% dos ambulantes não faziam a proteção dos alimentos nos recipientes. Conclui-se que as várias não-conformidades observadas no comércio ambulante de alimentos sugerem a necessidade de aplicação de normas sanitárias adequadas à venda de alimentos de rua e o estabelecimento de um sistema de vigilância sanitária mais efi ciente, aliados a intervenções educativas.

  15. First record of larvae of Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera as prey of Temnocephala sp. (Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalidae, an ectosymbiont on larvae of Corydalidae (Megaloptera

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    Susana Trivinho-Strixino


    Full Text Available First record of larvae of Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera as prey of Temnocephala sp. (Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalidae, an ectosymbiont on larvae of Corydalidae (Megaloptera. This study constitutes the first record of Temnocephala Blanchard, an ectosymbiont on Corydalidae, as a possible predator of chironomid larvae. Twenty-eight Corydalidae larvae (Corydalus and Protochauliodes were examined under stereomicroscopic in search for Temnocephala and Chironomidae larvae, of which five megalopteran larvae had 24 Temnocephala sp. associated. Furthermore, eight of these Temnocephala worms had chironomid larvae in their gut contents, an interaction previously unknown. Gut content analyses revealed Corynoneura as the commonest chironomid, but larvae of Larsia, Rheotanytarsus and Tanytarsus were recorded as well. This study included Corydalus and Protochauliodes as hosts for Temnocephala, which might be important for this worm dispersion and population dynamics.

  16. Teor alcoólico e acidez volátil em amostras de cachaça artesanal comercializadas no Vale do Jequitinhonha-MG

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    Eurislene Moreira Antunes Damasceno


    Full Text Available O processo de produção de cachaça pode ser resumido nos seguintes estágios: preparação da matéria-prima, transporte, armazenamento, moagem, fermentação e destilação em alambique de cobre. Ela pode, ainda, ser envelhecida em recipientes de madeira, engarrafada e comercia-lizada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o teor alcoólico e a acidez volátil de amostras de cachaça artesanal, mediante padrão estipulado pela legislação brasileira, através da Portaria 371/94, que dispõe sobre Identidade e Qualidade para aguardente de cana, caninha ou cachaça. Em junho de 2012, foram coletadas seis amostras de cachaça artesanal, provenientes do Vale do Jequitinhonha, mais especificamente da cidade de Coronel Murta – MG e foram feitas análises para identificar o teor alcoólico e a acidez volátil das amostras, seguindo as técnicas do Ministério da Agricultura. Nas análises quanto ao teor alcoólico, 4 das amostras analisadas apresentaram valores inferiores aos estipulados pela portaria e nas análises de acidez volátil todas as amostras apresentam valores em conformidade com a Legislação.

  17. Biología y ciclo reproductivo de <em>Apanteles gelechiidivorisem> (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, parasitoide de <em>Tuta absolutaem> (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae

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    Bajonero Johanna


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    <em>Apanteles gelechiidivorisem> es un parasitoide de larvas de <em>Tuta absolutaem> (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae, una plaga importante de cultivos como el tomate y la papa. El uso de este insecto para el control biológico no se ha implementado eficientemente debido a la falta de conocimiento de la biología, específicamente del ciclo de vida y el efecto de factores externos, como la temperatura, en su capacidad parasítica. Se evaluó el desarrollo y la capacidad reproductiva de <em>A. gelechiidivorisem> en cuatro condiciones térmicas: 14, 20, 26 y 32 °C. En la evaluación del desarrollo se realizó una descripción del ciclo, se determinó la duración total de este, se estimaron los umbrales térmicos para cada estadio utilizando el modelo de Lactin y se hallaron los grados día. En la evaluación de la capacidad reproductiva se variaron las densidades del hospedero ofrecidas a una pareja recién emergida de la avispa de 5 hasta 160 y se contó el número de adultos emergidos con los cuales se evaluó longevidad y fecundidad. Adicionalmente se ajustó un modelo de respuesta funcional. La duración del ciclo de vida para las temperaturas evaluadas fue de 39 días en 14 °C, 34 en 20 °C, 19 en 26 °C y 17 en 32 °C. La longevidad fue de 7,5 (14 °C, 7 (20 °C, 5 (26 °C y 2,4 (32 °C días. La temperatura a la cual se pueden optimizar los parámetros reproductivos de esta avispa se encuentra entre 20 y 26 °C.

  18. Impacto de inseticidas sobre parasitóides da traça-das-crucíferas em repolho, no Distrito Federal

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    Castelo Branco Marina


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar os parasitóides da Plutella xylostella(L. presentes em áreas de cultivo do Distrito Federal, tratadas ou não com inseticidas, onde larvas do inseto foram coletadas. Foram identificados quatro parasitóides: Apantelessp. (Braconidae, Oomyzus sokolowiskii (Kurdjumov (Eulophidae, Diadegmasp. (Ichneumonidae e Actiasp. (Tachinidae. Onível de parasitismo nas áreas não tratadas com inseticidas variou de 5% a 94%, enquanto em áreas tratadas variou de 11% a 87%. A maior parte das larvas de traça-das-crucíferas foram encontradas nas cabeças de repolho ou na parte inferior das folhas da saia das plantas. Esta distribuição de larvas sobre as plantas deve permitir que estas escapem do contato com o inseticida, e, conseqüentemente, os parasitóides podem sobreviver nas plantas tratadas.

  19. Reconstruction of the neuromuscular system of the swimming-type larva of <em>Loxosomella atkinsaeem> (Entoprocta) as inferred by fluorescence labelling and confocal microscopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fuchs, Judith; Wanninger, Andreas Wilhelm Georg


    Entoprocta is one of the most enigmatic phyla of the Animal Kingdom. The morphology of their larvae has been little investigated, with details on the larval musculature lacking entirely and immunocytochemical data on the larval nervous system available for only 2 species. Here, we provide the first...

  20. Morfologia, morfometria, distribuição de células mucosas e de cloreto em embriões e larvas de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae). Efeito do pH e concentração de cálcio e magnésio da água.


    Lenise Vargas Flôres da Silva


    Os íons Ca2+, Mg2+ e o pH da água de cultivo podem influenciar nas características morfológicas e morfométricas assim como na regulação iônica em peixes. Os objetivos deste estudo foram descrever o padrão morfológico e morfométrico básico do desenvolvimento de embriões e larvas de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen; identificar e avaliar a distribuição das células mucosas e de cloreto e verificar o possível efeito do pH e da dureza da água em diferentes concentrações de Ca2+ e Mg2+ sobre e...

  1. Long-wavelength photosensitivity in coral planula larvae. (United States)

    Mason, Benjamin M; Cohen, Jonathan H


    Light influences the swimming behavior and settlement of the planktonic planula larvae of coral, but little is known regarding the photosensory biology of coral at this or any life-history stage. Here we used changes in the electrical activity of coral planula tissue upon light flashes to investigate the photosensitivity of the larvae. Recordings were made from five species: two whose larvae are brooded and contain algal symbionts (Porites astreoides and Agaricia agaricites), and three whose larvae are spawned and lack algal symbionts (Acropora cervicornis, Acropora palmata,and Montastrea faveolata). Photosensitivity originated from the coral larva rather than from, or in addition to, its algal symbionts as species with and without symbionts displayed similar tissue-level electrical responses to light. All species exhibited as much (or more) sensitivity to red stimuli as to blue/green stimuli, which is consistent with a role for long-wavelength visible light in the preference for substrata observed during settlement and in facilitating vertical positioning of larvae in the water column.

  2. Microbiological evaluation of different antiseptic povidone-iodine and chlorhexidine formulations after intentional contamination of containers Evaluación microbiológica de las diferentes formulaciones antisépticas, polivinil-pirrolidona-yodo y clorexidina, después de la contaminación intencional de los recipientes Avaliação microbiológica das diferentes formulações anti-sépticas, polivinilpirrolidona-iodo e clorexidina, após contaminação intencional das almotolias

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    Christiane Moreira Padovani


    ínimo en el procesamiento de esos recipientes que garantiza la seguridad de su utilización repetida para distribución de los antisépticos que fueron sometidos a prueba - CHX y PVP-Y.Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliação da sobrevivência dos microrganismos nas diferentes formulações dos anti-sépticos clorexidina (CHX e polivinilpirrolidona-iodo (PVP-I, após contaminação intencional das almotolias, e extrapolar os resultados laboratoriais para o cuidado mínimo a ser dispensado às almotolias de múltiplo uso para o envase dos anti-sépticos testados. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido estudo laboratorial, em que 180 almotolias foram contaminadas com 1 x 105 UFC/mL de suspensão, contendo S.marcescens. Após a contaminação, seis diferentes formulações de anti-sépticos (clorexidina e PVP-I nos veículos alcoólico, degermante e aquoso foram distribuídas e submetidas à cultura diária durante sete dias, a fim de verificar se houve crescimento do microrganismo. Os resultados desta investigação permitem a recomendação de que a limpeza como procedimento mínimo no processamento desses recipientes garante a segurança de sua utilização repetida para distribuição dos anti-sépticos testados - CHX e PVP-I.

  3. Produtividade de criadouro de Aedes albopictus em ambiente urbano

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    Forattini Oswaldo Paulo


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O encontro de Aedes albopictus na cidade de Cananéia, região Sudeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, ensejou a ocasião de realizar observações que visassem avaliar a produtividade de criadouro grande e permanente. Como objetivo, após selecionar o habitat a ser estudado, tentou-se avaliar-lhe a contribuição para a densidade local do mosquito. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Em área predeterminada procedeu-se a levantamento de criadouros potenciais. Constatada a presença da espécie, foi selecionado um dos recipientes que preenchia os requisitos desejados. O acompanhamento foi feito de maneira ininterrupta, no período de novembro de 1996 a maio de 1997. As observações obdeceram a ritmo quinzenal retirando, cada vez, amostra da água correspondente a 0,14, ou seja, um sétimo do volume total de 70 litros. Procurou-se coletar, identificar e numerar, por sexo, as pupas existentes. Concomitantemente, procedeu-se à captura de formas adultas. Foi utilizada a isca humana das 15:00 às 18:00h, instalada a cerca de 6 metros do mencionado criadouro. Finda essa coleta, foi feita aspiração com 30 min. de duração em locais de abrigo representados pela abundante vegetação circunjacente. RESULTADOS: Nas coletas de formas imaturas do criadouro, o Ae. albopictus compareceu com 44,9%. Ao longo de 15 amostras regularmente realizadas obteve-se a média de 31,13 pupas pertencentes a essa espécie. O índice de emergência(E foi de 2,1. A multiplicação desse valor por sete forneceu a média diária de 14,7 fêmeas. Nas coletas de adultos desse sexo, a média de Williams para a isca humana foi de 30,7, enquanto a densidade média horária da aspiração dos locais de abrigo foi de 9,2. O cálculo do acúmulo diário concluiu pela presença de 22,8 fêmeas, por dia, capazes de freqüentar a isca humana, nessa situação e condições. DISCUSSÃO: A contagem de pupas possibilitou estimar a produtividade de criadouro de Ae. albopictus, tipo grande

  4. Produtividade de criadouro de Aedes albopictus em ambiente urbano

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    Oswaldo Paulo Forattini


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O encontro de Aedes albopictus na cidade de Cananéia, região Sudeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, ensejou a ocasião de realizar observações que visassem avaliar a produtividade de criadouro grande e permanente. Como objetivo, após selecionar o habitat a ser estudado, tentou-se avaliar-lhe a contribuição para a densidade local do mosquito. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Em área predeterminada procedeu-se a levantamento de criadouros potenciais. Constatada a presença da espécie, foi selecionado um dos recipientes que preenchia os requisitos desejados. O acompanhamento foi feito de maneira ininterrupta, no período de novembro de 1996 a maio de 1997. As observações obdeceram a ritmo quinzenal retirando, cada vez, amostra da água correspondente a 0,14, ou seja, um sétimo do volume total de 70 litros. Procurou-se coletar, identificar e numerar, por sexo, as pupas existentes. Concomitantemente, procedeu-se à captura de formas adultas. Foi utilizada a isca humana das 15:00 às 18:00h, instalada a cerca de 6 metros do mencionado criadouro. Finda essa coleta, foi feita aspiração com 30 min. de duração em locais de abrigo representados pela abundante vegetação circunjacente. RESULTADOS: Nas coletas de formas imaturas do criadouro, o Ae. albopictus compareceu com 44,9%. Ao longo de 15 amostras regularmente realizadas obteve-se a média de 31,13 pupas pertencentes a essa espécie. O índice de emergência(E foi de 2,1. A multiplicação desse valor por sete forneceu a média diária de 14,7 fêmeas. Nas coletas de adultos desse sexo, a média de Williams para a isca humana foi de 30,7, enquanto a densidade média horária da aspiração dos locais de abrigo foi de 9,2. O cálculo do acúmulo diário concluiu pela presença de 22,8 fêmeas, por dia, capazes de freqüentar a isca humana, nessa situação e condições. DISCUSSÃO: A contagem de pupas possibilitou estimar a produtividade de criadouro de Ae. albopictus, tipo grande

  5. Seletividade de agrotóxicos utilizados em pessegueiro sobre ovos e pupas do predador Chrysoperla externa

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    Rodolfo Vargas Castilhos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a seletividade de dezenove agrotóxicos utilizados na cultura do pessegueiro sobre ovos e pupas do predador Chrysoperla externa em condições laboratoriais (temperatura 25±1ºC, umidade relativa 70±10% e fotofase 14 horas. Os agrotóxicos foram pulverizados diretamente sobre ovos e pupas por meio de uma torre de Potter, utilizando a máxima dosagem recomendada para a cultura do pessegueiro. Foi avaliada a viabilidade de ovos e pupas, além da fecundidade e fertilidade de adultos emergidos de pupas tratadas. Os agrotóxicos foram classificados para ovos em função da redução na eclosão e, para pupas, em função do efeito total, conforme a escala de toxicidade proposta pela IOBC. A maioria dos agrotóxicos avaliados (8 inseticidas, 8 fungicidas e 2 herbicidas se mostrou inócua (classe 1 a ovos e pupas, com redução na eclosão de larvas e efeito total em pupas inferiores a 30%. A exceção se deu para o inseticida óleo mineral, que reduziu a eclosão de larvas em 69,55% quando pulverizado em ovos e proporcionou efeito total em pupas de 36,22%, sendo classificado como levemente nocivo (classe 2 a ovos e pupas de C. externa

  6. Relações entre fatores ambientais e a distribuição de ovos e larvas de peixes na sub-bacia do rio Ivinhema, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil = Relationship between environmental factors and fish eggs and larvae distribution in the Ivinhema River basin, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil

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    Flávio Lima Nascimento


    Full Text Available A distribuição espacial e temporal de ovos e larvas de peixes no alto rio Ivinhema foi analisada objetivando determinar as áreas de desova e suas relações com fatores ambientais. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de setembro de 1994 a fevereiro de1995 em quatro pontos, no rio Ivinhema e em três tributários. Foi utilizada uma rede de plânctoncônico-cilindrica com malha de 0,5 mm, com fluxômetro, e as amostras fixadas em formol 4%. A abundância foi padronizada em 10 m3 de água filtrada. Foram medidos: temperatura da água, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, condutividade e precipitação. A Análise de Componentes Principais determinou a correlação entre as variáveis ambientais e a densidade doictioplâncton nos pontos de coleta. Foram coletados 23.325 ovos e 16.012 larvas. A densidade foi maior no período chuvoso, Concluiu-se que a reprodução ocorre no período de alta precipitação e temperaturas (outubro a dezembro, com maiores densidades nasestações de coleta dos rios Dourados e Vacaria, com relativo pH básico e baixa condutividade.The spatial and temporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae in the Ivinhema River Basin was analyzed. The aim was to determine the spawning areas and their relationship to environmental factors. Monthly collections were done from September, 1994, to February,1995, in four sites: one in the Ivinhema River and three in different tributaries. Coniccylindrical plankton net with 0.5 mm, coupled with a flow meter was used, and the samples were preserved in formol 4%. The abundance was standardized for 10 m3. Data related to water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, electric conductivity, and rainfall were also collected. Principal Components Analysis determined the correlation between the environmental variables and the ichthyoplankton density along each river stretch. 23,325 eggs and 16,012 larvae were collected. The density was higher during the rainy period. The spawning period coincided with high

  7. Descrição da larva de Erythemis mithroides (Brauer e notas sobre outras larvas conhecidas do gênero (Odonata, Libellulidae Description of the larva of Erythemis mithroides (Brauer and notes on other known larvae of the genus (Odonata, Libellulidae

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    J.M. Costa


    Full Text Available The last instar larva of Erythemis mithroides (Brauer, 1900 is described and figured based on exuviae of reared specimens. A comparative analysis of this immature stage and the known larvae of the genus are furnished according to the data available in the literature and of specimens of E credula (Hagen, 1861 and E. vesiculosa (Fab., 1775 permiting a diagnose for the larvae of the genus Erylhemis Hagen, 1861.

  8. Aspectos biológicos da fase adulta de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae oriunda de larvas alimentadas com Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813 (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae Biological aspects of the adult stage of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae originating from the larvae fed Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813 (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae

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    Gerane Celly Dias Bezerra


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se estudar alguns aspectos biológicos da fase adulta de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen quando as larvas desse predador foram alimentadas com ninfas e fêmeas adultas de Planococcus citri (Risso. O experimento foi conduzido em câmara climatizada regulada a 25 ± 1 ºC, 70 ± 10% de UR e fotofase de 12 horas. Os adultos de C. externa cujas larvas foram alimentadas com ninfas nos três ínstares e fêmeas adultas da cochonilha, foram separados por sexo e 25 casais foram individualizados em gaiolas determinando-se a razão sexual, período de pré-oviposição, capacidade de oviposição diária e total durante 40 dias consecutivos, longevidade, período embrionário e viabilidade de ovos. Constatou-se que as ninfas nos três ínstares e fêmeas adultas fornecidas como alimento, não afetaram a razão sexual, período de pré-oviposição, período embrionário e longevidade dos adultos de C. externa. A produção diária e total de ovos por C. externa foi afetada pelo tipo de alimento fornecido ao predador durante a fase de larva, observando-se uma maior produção quando os casais foram alimentados na fase de larva com fêmeas adultas da cochonilha. Analisando-se a produção de ovos, observou-se uma maior concentração de oviposição nos primeiros dez dias do período reprodutivo, decrescendo nas avaliações seguintes. Foram obtidas porcentagens maiores de ovos viáveis e menores de inviáveis e inférteis, porém, não diferiram em função do alimento fornecido ao predador na fase de larva.It was aimed to study some biological aspects in the adult stage of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen when the larvae of predator were fed both nymphs and adult females of Planococcus citri (Risso. The experiment was conducted in climate chamber at 25 ± 1°C, 70 ± 10% of RH and 12-h photophase. The adults of C. externa whose larvae were fed nymphs at the three instars and adult females of mealybug were separated by sex and 25 couples were individualized

  9. Fate of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in fly larvae composting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lalander, C., E-mail: [Department of Energy and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden); Senecal, J.; Gros Calvo, M. [Department of Energy and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden); Ahrens, L.; Josefsson, S.; Wiberg, K. [Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden); Vinnerås, B. [Department of Energy and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden)


    A novel and efficient organic waste management strategy currently gaining great attention is fly larvae composting. High resource recovery efficiency can be achieved in this closed-looped system, but pharmaceuticals and pesticides in waste could potentially accumulate in every loop of the treatment system and spread to the environment. This study evaluated the fate of three pharmaceuticals (carbamazepine, roxithromycin, trimethoprim) and two pesticides (azoxystrobin, propiconazole) in a fly larvae composting system and in a control treatment with no larvae. It was found that the half-life of all five substances was shorter in the fly larvae compost (< 10% of control) and no bioaccumulation was detected in the larvae. Fly larvae composting could thus impede the spread of pharmaceuticals and pesticides into the environment. - Highlights: • Degradation of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in fly larvae composting (FLC). • Half-life considerably shorter in FLC than in control with no larvae. • Half-life of carbamazepine was less than two days in FLC. • No bioaccumulation in larvae detected. • FLC could impede the spreading of pharmaceuticals and pesticide in the environment.

  10. Fate of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in fly larvae composting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lalander, C.; Senecal, J.; Gros Calvo, M.; Ahrens, L.; Josefsson, S.; Wiberg, K.; Vinnerås, B.


    A novel and efficient organic waste management strategy currently gaining great attention is fly larvae composting. High resource recovery efficiency can be achieved in this closed-looped system, but pharmaceuticals and pesticides in waste could potentially accumulate in every loop of the treatment system and spread to the environment. This study evaluated the fate of three pharmaceuticals (carbamazepine, roxithromycin, trimethoprim) and two pesticides (azoxystrobin, propiconazole) in a fly larvae composting system and in a control treatment with no larvae. It was found that the half-life of all five substances was shorter in the fly larvae compost (< 10% of control) and no bioaccumulation was detected in the larvae. Fly larvae composting could thus impede the spread of pharmaceuticals and pesticides into the environment. - Highlights: • Degradation of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in fly larvae composting (FLC). • Half-life considerably shorter in FLC than in control with no larvae. • Half-life of carbamazepine was less than two days in FLC. • No bioaccumulation in larvae detected. • FLC could impede the spreading of pharmaceuticals and pesticide in the environment.

  11. Uso de transdutores de fluxo de calor no estudo da transferência de calor em alimentos embalados The use of heat flux transducers to study heat transfer in canned foods

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    B. Carciofi


    Full Text Available A densidade de fluxo de calor que atravessa uma superfície é classicamente determinada mediante a medição das temperaturas apropriadas e da aplicação da Lei de Fourier. Uma alternativa a esse procedimento é a utilização de transdutores de fluxo de calor, os quais geram um sinal elétrico proporcional ao fluxo térmico que os atravessa. Neste trabalho, processos de aquecimento e de resfriamento de alimentos foram estudados em laboratório, utilizando-se um recipiente de vidro cilíndrico para simular uma embalagem. Dois transdutores de fluxo de calor a gradiente tangencial foram previamente instalados no recipiente, revestindo completamente a superfície lateral do mesmo. O recipiente contendo a amostra foi inserido em banho de água circulante à temperatura constante. Os sinais fornecidos pelos transdutores e por termopares inseridos no interior do recipiente foram registrados por um sistema de aquisição de dados computadorizado. Os resultados obtidos com o uso dos transdutores foram comparados com aqueles obtidos através de balanços de energia realizados a partir dos dados experimentais de evolução temporal das temperaturas da amostra junto à superfície interna da embalagem e no centro da mesma. A comparação mostrou que os transdutores de fluxo de calor a gradiente tangencial puderam determinar os fluxos de calor, com tempo de resposta característico dos termopares. Os resultados apresentados mostraram a viabilidade de utilização desses fluxímetros no estudo não destrutivo e não invasivo dos processos de aquecimento e de resfriamento de alimentos, fornecendo informações complementares àquelas obtidas pelo uso de termopares instalados no interior da embalagem.Heat flux determination in thermal processes is classically carried out by appropriate temperature measurements and the application of the Fourier Law. An alternative to this procedure is to determine the heat flux that crosses a surface using heat flux

  12. Effects of various diets on the calcium and phosphorus composition of mealworms (Tenebrio molitor larvae) and superworms (Zophobas morio larvae). (United States)

    Latney, La'Toya V; Toddes, Barbara D; Wyre, Nicole R; Brown, Dorothy C; Michel, Kathryn E; Briscoe, Johanna A


    OBJECTIVE To evaluate whether the nutritive quality of Tenebrio molitor larvae and Zophobas morio larvae, which are commonly cultured as live food sources, is influenced by 4 commercially available diets used as nutritional substrates; identify which diet best improved calcium content of larvae; and identify the feeding time interval that assured the highest calcium intake by larvae. ANIMALS 2,000 Zophobas morio larvae (ie, superworms) and 7,500 Tenebrio molitor larvae (ie, mealworms). PROCEDURES Larvae were placed in control and diet treatment groups for 2-, 7-, and 10-day intervals. Treatment diets were as follows: wheat millings, avian hand feeding formula, organic avian mash diet, and a high-calcium cricket feed. Control groups received water only. After treatment, larvae were flash-frozen live with liquid nitrogen in preparation for complete proximate and mineral analyses. Analyses for the 2-day treatment group were performed in triplicate. RESULTS The nutrient composition of the high-calcium cricket feed groups had significant changes in calcium content, phosphorus content, and metabolizable energy at the 2-day interval, compared with other treatment groups, for both mealworms and superworms. Calcium content and calcium-to-phosphorus ratios for larvae in the high-calcium cricket feed group were the highest among the diet treatments for all treatment intervals and for both larval species. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE A 2-day interval with the high-calcium cricket feed achieved a larval nutrient composition sufficient to meet National Research Council dietary calcium recommendations for nonlactating rats. Mealworm calcium composition reached 2,420 g/1,000 kcal at 48 hours, and superworm calcium composition reached 2,070g/1,000 kcal at 48 hours. These findings may enable pet owners, veterinarians, insect breeders, and zoo curators to optimize nutritive content of larvae fed to insectivorous animals.

  13. Effects of liming and development of Curimbatá (Prochilodus lineatus larvae on the abundance of zooplankton in fish ponds Efeitos da calagem e desenvolvimento do Curimbatá (Prochilodus lineatus na abundância do zooplâncton em viveiros de piscicultura

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    Thécia Alfenas Silva Valente Paes


    Full Text Available AIM: We aimed to evaluate the influence of the correction of the water alkalinity in the fish ponds on the density of zooplankton under a period they were stocked with larvae of Prochilodus lineatus, a neotropical fish called "Curimbatá". METHODS: We used a factorial design completely randomized. In one plot (2 ponds there was no correction of the alkalinity of the water (20 mg CaCO3.L-1 and in two others, this variable was adjusted weekly to values around 30 and 60 mg CaCO3.L-1 ¹, with two replicates each. Zooplankton was sampled weekly and the experiment lasted 63 days. RESULTS: Significant differences in the density of the zooplankton over time (F = 6.78, p OBJETIVO: Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a influencia da correção da alcalinidade da água em viveiros de piscicultura na densidade do zooplâncton em período em que foram estocados com larvas de Prochilodus lineatus, um peixe neotropical denominado "Curimbatá". MÉTODOS: Foi utilizado um delineamento experimental fatorial, inteiramente causualizado. Em um tratamento (2 viveiros, não houve correção da alcalinidade da água, e em outros dois viveiros, a alcalinidade foi ajustada semanalmente para valores em torno de 30 e 60 mg CaCO3.L-1, com duas réplicas cada. Os organismos zooplanctônicos foram coletados semanalmente durante 63 dias. RESULTADOS: Diferenças significativas foram observadas na densidade do zooplâncton ao longo do tempo (F = 6,78, p < 0,05 e um decréscimo acentuado na densidade do zooplâncton foi observado da primeira para a segunda semana, e pequenos aumentos sucessivos na densidade da quarta semana até o final do experimento. Ao considerar todo o período experimental, a alcalinidade corrigida para 60 mg CaCO3.L-1 resultou em maiores densidades de zooplâncton. Ocorreram grandes mudanças na composição zooplanctônica. Rotifera foram dominantes no início do experimento e Cladocera e Copepoda nas últimas semanas, possivelmente devido a uma interação da

  14. Efeito de produtos a base de óleo de nim em diferentes formulações no controle de Plutella xylostella (L.,1758) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), em couve


    Mondego, Janaina Marques [UNESP


    Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência de diferentes doses e formulações de óleo de nim, seu poder residual e a decomposição no armazenamento, visando o controle de Plutella xylostella (L.), em couve. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em laboratório, sob condições controlada de temperatura (25 ± 2°C) umidade relativa (70 ± 10%) e fotofase (12 horas). Foram utilizadas diferentes doses e formulações do produto a base de nim. As doses utilizadas para larvas de primeiro instar foram:...

  15. Image-based automatic recognition of larvae (United States)

    Sang, Ru; Yu, Guiying; Fan, Weijun; Guo, Tiantai


    As the main objects, imagoes have been researched in quarantine pest recognition in these days. However, pests in their larval stage are latent, and the larvae spread abroad much easily with the circulation of agricultural and forest products. It is presented in this paper that, as the new research objects, larvae are recognized by means of machine vision, image processing and pattern recognition. More visional information is reserved and the recognition rate is improved as color image segmentation is applied to images of larvae. Along with the characteristics of affine invariance, perspective invariance and brightness invariance, scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) is adopted for the feature extraction. The neural network algorithm is utilized for pattern recognition, and the automatic identification of larvae images is successfully achieved with satisfactory results.

  16. Feeding behavior of giant gourami, Osphronemus gouramy (Lacepede larvae

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    Thumronk Amornsakun


    Full Text Available Feeding experiments were carried out in 15-liter glass aquaria with 10 liters of water containing 1000 larvae aged 1.5 days post-hatching (before mouth opening in three replicates. It was found that the feeding scheme of larval giant gourami aged 5-17 days (TL 8.36-13.40 mm consumed Moina. The larvae aged 14-17 days (TL 12.40-13.40 mm consumed both Moina and artificial pellet. Larvae aged more than 18-days (TL 13.60 mm consumed only artificial pellet. Daily food uptake by the larvae and juvenile were determined in a 15-liter aquaria (water volume 10 liters containing 500 larvae. The larvae were fed with Moina at density of 10 ind/ml. Aquaria without larvae were also set for a control of natural fluctuation in food density. The amount of food intake was calculated based on changes of food density in the aquarium with and without fish larvae. It was found the average uptake of Moina in digestive tract per day of larvae aged 5, 8, 11, 14 and 17 days old were 38, 52, 182, 205 and 266 individual/larva, respectively at density of 1.27, 1.73, 6.07, 6.83, and 8.87 individual/ml, respectively.

  17. Efeito da densidade de estocagem sobre o biofilme e o desempenho de pós-larvas do camarão-rosa FarfantePenaeus paulensis cultivadas em gaiolas Effect of stocking density on the biofilm and the performance of post-larvae of the pink shrimp FarfantePenaeus paulensis in cages

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    Artur de Lima Preto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência da densidade de estocagem na sobrevivência e no crescimento de pós-larvas de F. paulensis cultivadas em gaiolas durante a fase de berçário. Além disso, foram identificados e quantificados os principais microrganismos presentes no biofilme formado nos substratos artificiais colocados dentro das gaiolas. Foram usadas gaiolas com 4 m² de fundo e com substratos artificiais, nas densidades de 100, 200, 300, 400 e 500PL25 m-2. O experimento durou 35 dias. Observou-se uma relação negativa entre o aumento da densidade de estocagem de camarões e a sobrevivência e o crescimento destes. Foi observada uma preferência pelo consumo de diatomáceas cêntricas. A viabilidade técnica do cultivo de F. paulensis em gaiolas foi confirmada. O cultivo de F. paulensis em gaiolas na fase de berçário pode ser feito em densidades de até 400PL m-2, sem maiores perdas em sua sobrevivência e seu crescimento.The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of the stocking density in the survival and growth of FarfantePenaeus paulensis postlarvae reared in cages during the nursery phase. Additionally, we identified and quantified the main microorganisms present on the biofilm formed on artificial substrates placed inside the cages. We used 4 m² bottom surface cages with artificial substrates and shrimp stocking densities of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500PL25 m-2. The experiment lasted for 35 days. A negative relationship was observed between the increase of shrimp stocking density and their survival/growth rates. A preference for centric diatoms was also observed. The technical feasibility of culturing F. paulensis in cages was confirmed. The rearing of F. paulensis in nursery cages may be conduced in densities at also 400PL m-2, without more loss in survival and growth.

  18. The Identification of Congeners and Aliens by Drosophila Larvae.

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    Francisco Del Pino

    Full Text Available We investigated the role of Drosophila larva olfactory system in identification of congeners and aliens. We discuss the importance of these activities in larva navigation across substrates, and the implications for allocation of space and food among species of similar ecologies. Wild type larvae of cosmopolitan D. melanogaster and endemic D. pavani, which cohabit the same breeding sites, used species-specific volatiles to identify conspecifics and aliens moving toward larvae of their species. D. gaucha larvae, a sibling species of D. pavani that is ecologically isolated from D. melanogaster, did not respond to melanogaster odor cues. Similar to D. pavani larvae, the navigation of pavani female x gaucha male hybrids was influenced by conspecific and alien odors, whereas gaucha female x pavani male hybrid larvae exhibited behavior similar to the D. gaucha parent. The two sibling species exhibited substantial evolutionary divergence in processing the odor inputs necessary to identify conspecifics. Orco (Or83b mutant larvae of D. melanogaster, which exhibit a loss of sense of smell, did not distinguish conspecific from alien larvae, instead moving across the substrate. Syn97CS and rut larvae of D. melanogaster, which are unable to learn but can smell, moved across the substrate as well. The Orco (Or83b, Syn97CS and rut loci are necessary to orient navigation by D. melanogaster larvae. Individuals of the Trana strain of D. melanogaster did not respond to conspecific and alien larval volatiles and therefore navigated randomly across the substrate. By contrast, larvae of the Til-Til strain used larval volatiles to orient their movement. Natural populations of D. melanogaster may exhibit differences in identification of conspecific and alien larvae. Larval locomotion was not affected by the volatiles.

  19. Bioecological aspects of Hypocala andremona (Cramer (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae on persimmon cultivars = Aspectos bioecológicos de Hypocala andremona (Cramer (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae em cultivares de caquizeiro

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    Celso Luiz Hohmann


    Full Text Available The biology of Hypocala andremona (Cramer on persimmon (Diospyrus kaki L. leaves of the cultivars Atago and Giombo was studied in laboratory (27 ± 1ºC, 65 ± 10% RH, 14 hours photo period and egg distribution on plants of the cultivar Giombo in a commercial orchard, during the 2001/2002 crop season, in Londrina, Paraná state. The developmental period of larvae fed on ‘Giombo’ was longer (17.8 . 0.17 days in comparison to that of larvae fed on ‘Atago’ (15.8 . 0.27 days. In contrast, the duration of the pupal stage of insects raised on ‘Giombo’ was lower (12.0 . 0.29 days than that of insects reared on ‘Atago’ (13.3 . 0.17 days. The viabilities of larvae were 60.8 and 38.8% for insects reared on ‘Giombo’ and on ‘Atago’, respectively. Pupal viability was similar (ca. 93% between treatments. The duration of the preoviposition and incubation periods of larvae fed on ‘Atago’ were 4.0 days and 2.1 days, respectively, the fecundity 524.7 eggs, egg viability 77% and adult longevity 12.9 days. No eggs were obtained when H. andremona larvae were reared on ‘Giombo’ in laboratory. Adults preferred to lay their eggs on leaveslocated at the top of the persimmon tree canopy.A biologia de Hypocala andremona (Cramer (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae foi estudada em folhas das cultivares de caquizeiro (Diospyrus kakiL. Atago e Giombo em laboratório (27 ± 1ºC, 65 ± 10% UR, 14h fotofase e a distribuição de ovos em plantas da cultivar Giombo em pomar comercial, durante o período de 2001/2002, em Londrina, Estado do Paraná. O período de desenvolvimento das lagartas alimentadas com ‘Giombo’ foi maior (17,8 . 0,17 dias em relação às alimentadas com‘Atago’ (15,8 . 0,27 dias. Entretanto, a duração do estágio de pupa de insetos criados em ‘Giombo’ foi menor (12,0 . 0,29 dias do que as criadas em ‘Atago’ (13,3 . 0,17 dias. As viabilidades das lagartas foram 60,8 e 38,8% para insetos alimentados em ‘Giombo’ e

  20. Larva migrans visceral: relato de caso


    Machado Alexandre Bortoli; El Achkar Marice Emanuela


    Larva migrans visceral é doença infecciosa, adquirida por ingestão de ovos provenientes dos vermes Toxocara canis e/ou Toxocara cati que infestam cães e gatos; as larvas penetram a parede intestinal e migram através dos tecidos levando a alterações diversas, conseqüentes a uma resposta inflamatória imune.¹ Os autores descrevem um caso clínico de larva migrans visceral com apresentação clínica atípica.

  1. Efektivitas Bacillus thuringiensis dalam Pengendalian Larva Nyamuk Anopheles sp.

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    Citra Inneke Wibowo


    Full Text Available Nyamuk Anopheles sp adalah vektor penyakit malaria. Pengendalian vektor penyakit malaria dapat dilakukan secara biologis yaitu dengan menggunakan Bacillus thuringiensis. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas konsentrasi Bacillus thuringiensis dalam pengendalian larva nyamuk Anopheles sp.Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RAL Faktorial yang terdiri atas dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi Bacillus thuringiensis dan stadia larva Anopheles dengan pengulangan tiga kali.Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalahkonsentrasi Bacillus thuringiensis (A yang terdiri atas 5 taraf:A0: konsentrasi B.thuringiensis 0 CFU.mL-1, A1: konsentrasi B.thuringiensis 102 CFU.mL-1, A2: konsentrasi B.thuringiensis 104 CFU.mL-1, A3: konsentrasi B.thuringiensis 106CFU.mL-1, A4: konsentrasi B.thuringiensis 108CFU.mL-1. Perlakuan tahapan instar larva Anopheles sp. (B adalah sebagai berikut:B1: stadia larva instar I, B2: stadia larva instar II, B3: stadia larva instar III, B4: stadia larva instar IVsehingga terdapat 60 satuan percobaan. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan konsentrasi B. thuringiensis isolat CK dan IPB CC yang paling berpengaruh dalam pengendalian larva Anopheles sp adalah 108 CFU.mL-1 . Instar larva yang paling peka terhadap B. thuringiensis isolat IPB CC adalah instar I dan II sedangkan instar yang peka terhadap isolat CK adalah instar II, Perlakuan konsentrasi isolat B. thuringiensis dan tingkat instar larva yang paling baik dalam pengendalian larva Anopheles sp. adalah 108 CFU.mL-1, dan instar I dan II.

  2. Growth and survival of pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus paulensis postlarve in cages and pen enclosures Crescimento e sobrevivência de pós-larvas de camarão-rosa (Farfantepenaeus paulensis em gaiolas e cercados

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    Luciano Jensen Vaz


    Full Text Available Technology for the culture of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis in low-cost cages and pen enclosures was developed together with artisanal fishermen of the Patos Lagoon estuary, southern Brazil. Although the production of postlarvae (PL under laboratory conditions is well documented, survival and growth during the nursery phase cages and pen enclosures in the nature has not yet been analyzed. Therefore, the present study compared survival and growth of F. paulensis postlarvae reared either in cages or pens. Six cages (2.0 ´ 2.0 ´ 1.4 m of PVC-coated polyester with a mesh size of 1.5 mm were stocked with 800 PL26 each. To assess the effect of the substrate, a 10 cm layer of sand was added to three of these cages to simulate a pen enclosure. No difference in the mean survival rate between cages (92.2% and pens (88.7% was found (P > 0.05. However, final weight of shrimp reared in pens (1.05 ± 0.05 g was higher than those kept in cages (0.88 ± 0.12 g. The nursery phase of F. paulensis in cages and pens did not affect survival. Nevertheless, because of the higher growth rate of shrimp grown in pen enclosures, this kind of structure should be preferentially used in nursery rearing of this species.Um pacote tecnológico para o cultivo do camarão-rosa em estruturas alternativas de baixo custo, gaiolas e cercados, vem sendo aplicado em conjunto com pescadores artesanais do estuário da Lagoa dos Patos, no extremo sul do Brasil. Embora a tecnologia para o cultivo intensivo de pós-larvas (PL em laboratório já esteja bem documentada, informações referentes à sobrevivência e crescimento desses organismos na fase de berçário ainda são escassas para cercados e gaiolas no ambiente natural. Em virtude destes fatos, o objetivo do trabalho foi comparar o crescimento e a sobrevivência de pós-larvas de F. paulensis durante a fase de berçário em gaiolas e cercados no ambiente. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, foram utilizadas seis

  3. Biofilms and Marine Invertebrate Larvae: What Bacteria Produce That Larvae Use to Choose Settlement Sites (United States)

    Hadfield, Michael G.


    Communities of microorganisms form thin coats across solid surfaces in the sea. Larvae of many marine invertebrates use biofilm components as cues to appropriate settlement sites. Research on the tube-dwelling polychaete worm Hydroides elegans, a globally common member of biofouling communities, is described to exemplify approaches to understanding biofilm bacteria as a source of settlement cues and larvae as bearers of receptors for bacterial cues. The association of species of the bacterial genus Pseudoalteromonas with larval settlement in many phyla is described, and the question of whether cues are soluble or surface-bound is reviewed, concluding that most evidence points to surface-bound cues. Seemingly contradictory data for stimulation of barnacle settlement are discussed; possibly both explanations are true. Paleontological evidence reveals a relationship between metazoans and biofilms very early in metazoan evolution, and thus the receptors for bacterial cues of invertebrate larvae are very old and possibly unique. Finally, despite more than 60 years of intense investigation, we still know very little about either the bacterial ligands that stimulate larval settlement or the cellular basis of their detection by larvae.


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    lianah l


    Full Text Available Kotoran hewan dan sampah organik dapat mencemari di lingkungan air, udara dan  tanah. Penelitian ini bertu- juan untuk membandingkn keefektifan antara pupuk gen- doning dan pupuk bokashi. Proses pengomposan dapat dipercepat dengan bantuan aktifator EM4 (Efektif Mik- roorganisme. Proses pengomposan tersebut juga dapat melibatkan hewan lain yaitu Cacing tanah dan larva kum- bang kelapa (Orcyctes rhinoceros yang disebut dengan nama gendon (bahasa Jawa yang bekerja sama dengan mikroba dalam proses dekomposer. Gendon dalam hal ini memakan bahan organik yang tidak terurai, mencampur bahan organik dan membuat lubang-lubang aerasi. Keha- diran gendon dapat mempercepat penghancuran bahan or- ganik karena mempunyai mulut yang tajam sebagai mesin pencacah sampah organik. Metode penelitian eksperimen sampah organik ditreatmen yaitu dengan menggunakan EM4, dan dengan menggunakan gendon. Peruraian oleh EM4 disebut pupuk Bokashi. Sedang keterlibatan gendon dalam proses pengomposan menghasilkan butir-butir kecil berwarna hitam dinamakan pupuk Gendoning (penemuan pribadi. Dari kedua pupuk tersebut dipraktekan untuk menanam labu air (Lagenaria leucantha. Dari experimen tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pupuk gendoning ini ter- bukti lebih efektif dan efisien dari pupuk bokashi, karena gendon mampu melakukan dekomposisi lebih sempurna dari EM4. Dekomposisi tersebut dilakukan baik secara me- kanik maupun secara enzimatis. Pupuk gendoning adalah hasil bioteknologi sederhana yang dapat menjadi alternatif dalam mengatasi kelangkaan pupuk, sebagai pupuk organ- ik yang efektif dan efisien serta bernilai ekonomis sebagai.

  5. Survival of mayfly larvae under mine acid conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Napier, S. Jr.; Hummon, W.D.


    Mayfly larvae were abundant and diverse in riffle zones of three control streams in southeastern Ohio. But none were found in such zones of three streams having current or past histories of mine acid pollution, despite vegetative recovery of reclaimed land bordering two of the streams. Laboratory studies showed stepwise increases in non-predatory mortality of mayfly larvae with increased mine acidity. Dragonfly larvae predation on mayfly larvae was constant at pH 8.1 to 4.1, but decreased at pH 3.1 despite tolerance of dragonfly larvae to low pH conditions. Extensive acid mine pollution thus may threaten aquatic biota through removal of food sources or reduced feeding rates as well as through direct mortality.

  6. Freshly squeezed: anaphylaxis caused by drone larvae juice. (United States)

    Stoevesandt, J; Trautmann, A


    Drone larvae are mostly considered a by-product of beekeeping, but have recently been advo-cated as a high-protein source of food. There are as yet no data concerning their allergenic po-tential. We report on a 29-year old bee keeper who experienced an anaphylactic reaction following the consumption of a freshly prepared beverage from raw drone larvae. Larvae-specific sensitization was confirmed by prick-to-prick and basophil activation testing. Bee stings and classical bee products including honey and royal jelly were tolerated. This is the hitherto first report on IgE-mediated allergy to drone larvae. We suggest that a certain awareness towards the allergenicity of bee larvae is required.

  7. Simulação do dano causado por larvas de Oryzophagus oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae a cultivares de arroz irrigado

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    Martins José Francisco da Silva


    Full Text Available Oryzophagus oryzae (Costa Lima, 1936 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae é a praga-chave da cultura do arroz irrigado na Região Sul do Brasil. As larvas causam os principais danos ao cortarem drasticamente as raízes das plantas. Dois experimentos sobre simulação do dano larval foram realizados testando um equipamento cujo componente principal é uma lâmina metálica em forma de U, para corte das raízes. Raízes das cultivares BR-Irga 414 e Bluebelle, de ciclo biológico curto, e suscetíveis ao inseto e BR-Irga 410 e Dawn, de ciclo médio e resistentes, foram submetidas aos tratamentos de (1 corte artificial, com o simulador, (2 corte natural, pelas larvas e (3 sem corte, artificial ou natural, protegidas com inseticida. A simulação foi praticada na fase vegetativa das plantas, 31 dias pós-irrigação por inundação, época do pico da população larval nas raízes. Avaliaram-se dados sobre comprimento, peso de matéria seca e volume de raízes, imediatamente após a aplicação do tratamento de simulação e na pré-emissão de panículas, população larval em plantas submetidas ao dano natural, e produtividade de grãos. Na avaliação efetuada imediatamente após a simulação, em todas as cultivares, não ocorreu diferença entre índices de dano às raízes resultantes do uso do simulador e da alimentação de larvas. Na fase de pré-emissão das panículas, os índices de recuperação do sistema radicular das plantas submetidas aos danos natural e artificial, também foram similares. As cultivares de ciclo médio apresentaram maior recuperação dos tecidos radiculares e menor perda de produtividade de grãos, confirmando o maior grau de resistência a O. oryzae. Concluiu-se que o método de simulação é aplicável em pesquisas sobre resistência de arroz ao inseto, principalmente na identificação de genótipos tolerantes.

  8. Ganho de peso e comportamento de oviposição de Podisus nigrispinus utilizando lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda e larvas de Tenebrio molitor como presas

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    Oliveira Harley Nonato de


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho avaliou o efeito de diferentes presas e da combinação destas sobre percevejo Podisus nigrispinus. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e 60 repetições. No tratamento um (T1, os percevejos receberam como alimento, lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda, de 4o estádio, durante todo o seu ciclo de vida, no tratamento dois (T2, larvas de Tenebrio molitor, também durante o todo ciclo, enquanto que, no tratamento três (T3, foram oferecidas lagartas de S. frugiperda do 2masculine ao 4masculine estádios, e larvas de T. molitor do 4masculine estádio até o final do ciclo de vida. O ganho de peso em todas as fases ninfais e em adultos de até terceiro dia mostrou valores semelhantes de incremento, para todas as dietas utilizadas. No entanto, para os percevejos alimentados, com S. frugiperda (T1, observaram-se uma maior produção de ovos num menor período, com 80% dos ovos até 31masculine dia, enquanto que, no tratamento com larvas de T. molitor (T2, os mesmos 80% foram conseguidos somente no 45masculine dia, e no tratamento com a combinação de presas (T3, no 48masculine dia.

  9. Spatial and temporal distribution of decapod larvae in the subtropical waters of the Arvoredo archipelago, SC, Brazil Distribuição espacial e temporal de larvas de decápodos nas águas subtropicais do arquipélago do Arvoredo, SC, Brasil

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    Andréa G. Koettker


    Full Text Available The present paper aims to describe the temporal and spatial distribution of the composition and abundance of Decapoda larvae in the shallow waters around Arvoredo Marine Biological Reserve. Stomatopod occurrence is also discussed. Plankton samples were collected at five sites around the Arvoredo Island every two months for one year from May, 2002 to April, 2003. Thirty-nine morphotypes, 11 genus and 4 species (Artemesia longinaris Bate, 1888, Hexapanopeus schmitii Rathbun, 1930, Menippe nodifrons Stimpson, 1859 and Pleoticus muelleri Bate, 1888 were identified, among them only two morphotypes of Stomatopoda larvae, and the remainder Decapoda larvae. Brachyuran zoeae were the most abundant group and they were well represented by Portunidae and Xanthidae zoeae. Lucifer sp. and Caridea zoeae were the most abundant non-brachyuran taxa. Decapod larvae were observed to occur at all sampling sites, however the spatial distribution demonstrated a general tendency to greater abundance and diversity at the southern sites of the Island. Decapoda and Stomatopoda larvae occurred throughout the year, showing that reproduction is continuous, but that larval input in planktonic community was significantly higher during autumn and spring.Este trabalho tem como objetivo a descrição da distribuição temporal e espacial da composição e abundância de larvas de decápodes nas águas rasas ao redor da Reserva Biológica Marinha do Arvoredo. A ocorrência de larvas de estomatópodes também foi discutida. Foram realizadas coletas de plâncton em cinco estações ao redor da Ilha do Arvoredo, de maio de 2002 a abril de 2003 a cada dois meses. Foram identificados 39 morfotipos, 11 gêneros e 4 espécies (Artemesia longinaris Bate, 1888, Hexapanopeus schmitii Rathbun, 1930, Menippe nodifrons Stimpson, 1859 and Pleoticus muelleri Bate, 1888, sendo apenas dois morfotipos da Ordem Stomatopoda e o restante da Ordem Decapoda. Zoés de Brachyura foi o grupo mais abundante

  10. Estudos sôbre a conservação de sementes. IV - Café Influence of moisture content on the viability of coffee seeds

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    Oswaldo Bacchi


    Full Text Available Sementes de café, recém-colhidas e imediatamente sêcas à sombra e ao sol, foram conservadas com diferentes teores de umidade em dois tipos de recipientes, abertos e hermèticamente fechados, à temperatura não controlada do laboratório. Pelos resultados obtidos através de determinações periódicas das porcentagens de germinação e umidade das sementes armazenadas nessas condições, foram tiradas as seguintes conclusões: a a vitalidade das sementes foi inteiramente independente do processo de seca; b a longevidade das sementes conservadas em recipientes hermèticamente fechados foi inversamente proporcional ao seu teor de umidade; sementes com aproximadamente 20%, 13% e 10% de umidade premaneceram viáveis durante 4, 8 e 21 meses, respectivamente. c o teor inicial de umidade não teve qualquer influência sôbre a longevidade das sementes armazenadas em recipientes abertos; isto se verificou, provavelmente, em virtude da quantidade relativamente pequena de sementes, o que permitiu uma rápida desidratação daquelas que se encontravam com teores elevados de umidade; a vitalidade das sementes colocadas nestes recipientes permaneceu inalterada por oito a dez meses. Estas conclusões estão inteiramente em desacôrdo com as de vários autores, segundo as quais a semente de café perde rapidamente sua vitalidade pela simples desidratação ao ar.Freshly harvested seeds of coffee (Coffea arabica L. var. typica Cramer were air dried and sun-dried at different levels of moisture content and stored in open and sealed containers at room temperature. Moisture determination and germination tests were made on the "fresh" seeds and at different intervals during the storage period. Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions were drawn: 1 The process of drying did not interfere with the seed viability. 2 The longevity of the seeds kept in sealed containers was inversely proportional to the seed moisture content. Seeds containing about

  11. Teknik budi daya larva Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus (Diptera: Stratiomyidae sebagai sumber protein pakan ternak melalui biokonversi limbah loading ramp dari pabrik CPO

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    Agustin Zarkani


    Full Text Available Larvae of Hermetia illucens fly (Linnaeus is an important source of alternative protein and can be used as pellets for feeds. Currently the production of H. illucens larvae is still limited because its rearing depends on palm kernel meal. The objective of the research is to explore alternative media for rearing, i.e. using loading ramp waste from crude palm oil factory. The study was conducted using physical-chemical analysis of the media. Evaluation of potential rearing media of loading ramp was done by studying the suitability of loading ramp fermented by EM4®, rumen microbes, and organic liquid fertilizer and without fermentation. Treatment media was develop with an enrichment ratio of 1 : 0.25, 1 : 05, and 1 : 1 (v/v for bran and husk, and 1.25, 2.5, and 5% (w/w for coconut sugar. Each experiment was arranged in complete randomized design using 20 larva of the 2nd instar. Larvas were incubated in plastic with tube with diameter of 10 cm and 20 cm in height containing of media 300 g. Response differences in growth and mortality were analyzed by ANOVA and least significant differences test at 0.05 levels. Preference and analysis suitability of the media were conducted using material enrichment. Results show that the loading ramp waste contain 9.80% protein and 10.32% fat. Although the media are could support growth and development of the larvae at different degree, media from waste fermentation POC loading ramp with bran enrichment 1 : 0.5 (v/v is the best media for rearing larva.

  12. [Biotechnological aspects in "loco" larvae]. (United States)

    Inestrosa, N C; Labarca, R; Perelman, A; Campos, E O; Araneda, R; González, M; Brandan, E; Sánchez, J P; González-Plaza, R


    The biology of planktotrophic larvae of Concholepas concholepas is the main bottleneck towards developing biotechnologies to rear this muricid. Data concerning planktonic larvae development, diets and environmental signals triggering larval settlement and recruitment is scarce. We have begun the study of the molecular and cell biology of embryos, larvae and recruits having as a final goal, the development of appropriate biotechnologies to rear this gastropod. First, an inverse ratio between BuChE and AChE enzyme activities was established. This ratio may be a precise developmental marker for this species. Second, for the first time a phosphoinositide related regulatory pathway is reported in a muricid, opening a new approach to the biotechnological management of larvae. Third, the relation between sulfate in sea water and larval motility was studied. Concentrations below 125 microM sulfate decreases larval motility. The sulfate is incorporated in proteoglycans which participate in different developmental phenomena. Lastly, a genomic Concholepas concholepas DNA sequence, similar to that of a human growth hormone probe was detected. This is very interesting since growth factors are key molecules during development, growth and are involved in food conversion rates in fish and also, in a variety of marine invertebrates.


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    Khairul Amri


    Full Text Available Laut Sulawesi diketahui sebagai daerah penangkapan ikan yang potensial sekaligus diduga sebagai lokasi pemijahan. Berbagai jenis larva ikan pelagis maupun demersal ditemukan di perairan ini. Kelimpahan dan sebaran larva ikan di suatu perairan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi oseanografi seperti temperatur, salinitas dan sejumlah parameter lainnya termasuk ketersediaan pakan. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh parameter oseanografi terhadap kelimpahan dan sebaran spasial larva ikan di Laut Sulawesi, telah dilakukan penelitian menggunakan kapal riset KR Baruna Jaya VII pada Oktober 2012. Parameter oseanografi yaitu temperatur dan salinitas diukur menggunakan iCTD dan sampling larva menggunakan bonggo net pada 18 stasiun pengukuran. Analisa hubungan kondisi oseanografi dengan sebaran larva dilakukan secara deskriptif dan pemetaan sebarannya dilakukan secara spasial. Hasil menunjukan keterkaitan sejumlah parameter oseanografi dengan kelimpahan dan sebaran spasial larva ikan. Sebaran larva famili Scombroidae dominan berada pada perairan bersalinitas tinggi karena merupakan jenis ikan oseanik. Larva ikan demersal banyak ditemukan di perairan sekitar Kep.Sangihe Talaud. Kelimpahan larva tertinggi ditemukan di perairan bagian utara dan barat lokasi penelitian dimana kelimpahan plankton tinggi ditemukan.   Celebes Sea is known as a potential fishing and spawning grounds for several pelagic fish species. Abundance and distribution of fish larvae are allegedly linked to oceanographic conditions such as temperature, salinity and others oceanographic parameters including food availablity. To see the effect of oceanographic on the abundance and spatial distribution of fish larvae in the Celebes Sea, has conducted a research in October 2012using the research vessel KR Baruna Jaya VII. The measurement of oceanographic parameters including temperature and salinity and larval sampling were done respectively by using iCTD and Bonggo net at 18 measuring stations. The

  14. Patogenicidade de isolados de Beauveria bassiana para ovos, larvas e ninfas ingurgitadas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus Pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana isolates towards eggs, larvae and engorged nymphs of Rhipicephalus sanguineus

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    Nancy Prette


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a ação dos isolados JAB 07, CB 7 e AM 9 do fungo Beauveria bassiana para ovos, larvas e ninfas ingurgitadas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Padronizou-se a concentração de 109 conídios mL-1 para cada isolado e por meio de diluições seriadas, obtiveram-se as suspensões com concentrações de 10(8 e 10(7con. mL-1. Preparou-se um bioensaio para cada fase do ciclo de vida do carrapato. Cada ensaio foi composto por 10 grupos tratamentos, formados por um isolado do fungo e uma concentração de conídios, e um grupo controle contendo apenas o veículo das suspensões. Os isolados do fungo, aplicados nas diferentes concentrações de esporos, causaram redução no percentual de eclosão de larvas oriundas de ovos infectados (0,7 a 12,1% de eclosão e no percentual de ecdise de larvas (4,7 a 33,7% de ecdise e ninfas (0 a 16,7% de ecdise. Não houve diferença entre os isolados (P>0,05 quanto à infecção de ovos, mas a aplicação de 109 con./mL de JAB 07 e AM 9 promoveu redução significativa da eclosão de larvas, em relação à concentração de 10(7con. mL-1. O isolado CB 7 foi o mais eficaz na redução do número de ecdises de larvas. Os isolados e as concentrações de conídios não diferiram (P>0,05 quanto à capacidade de redução do percentual de ecdise de ninfas, mas evidenciou-se intensa atividade patogênica do fungo.The aim of the present study was to determine the action of isolates JAB 07, CB 7 and AM 9 of the fungus Beauveria bassiana on eggs, larvae and engorged nymphs of Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick. A concentration of 109 conidia mL-1 was standardized for each isolate and suspensions containing 10(8 and 10(7 conidia mL-1 were obtained by serial dilution. A bioassay was prepared for each phase of the life cycle of the tick. Each assay comprised 10 treatment groups, consisting of one fungal isolate and one conidial concentration, and one control group containing only the vehicle of

  15. Tools for automating the imaging of zebrafish larvae. (United States)

    Pulak, Rock


    The VAST BioImager system is a set of tools developed for zebrafish researchers who require the collection of images from a large number of 2-7 dpf zebrafish larvae. The VAST BioImager automates larval handling, positioning and orientation tasks. Color images at about 10 μm resolution are collected from the on-board camera of the system. If images of greater resolution and detail are required, this system is mounted on an upright microscope, such as a confocal or fluorescence microscope, to utilize their capabilities. The system loads a larvae, positions it in view of the camera, determines orientation using pattern recognition analysis, and then more precisely positions to user-defined orientation for optimal imaging of any desired tissue or organ system. Multiple images of the same larva can be collected. The specific part of each larva and the desired orientation and position is identified by the researcher and an experiment defining the settings and a series of steps can be saved and repeated for imaging of subsequent larvae. The system captures images, then ejects and loads another larva from either a bulk reservoir, a well of a 96 well plate using the LP Sampler, or individually targeted larvae from a Petri dish or other container using the VAST Pipettor. Alternative manual protocols for handling larvae for image collection are tedious and time consuming. The VAST BioImager automates these steps to allow for greater throughput of assays and screens requiring high-content image collection of zebrafish larvae such as might be used in drug discovery and toxicology studies. Copyright © 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Eclosion time and larval behavior of the tomato fruit borer, Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae Tempo de eclosão e comportamento de larvas da broca-pequena-do-tomateiro, Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae

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    Alvaro E. Eiras


    Full Text Available In several regions of Brazil, Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Guenée is one of the most serious tomato pests. The moth lays eggs on the calyx or developing fruit, and shortly after eclosion larvae penetrate into the fruit, where they remain until pupation. Once larvae have entered the fruits, insecticides and biological control agents are relatively ineffective. Because N. elegantalis is most susceptible to conventional treatments when the larvae are outside the host tissues (or fruit, it would be advantageous to know the time required for egg development and the length of time that the larvae spend on the surface of the fruit. To answer these questions detailed behavioral studies were untaken. Eggs were collected from the field and maintained in an environmental chamber at 20°C, 75 ± 5% R.H., and a 12L:12D photoperiod. The time of egg eclosion was recorded with a video camera, whereas larval behavior and time required to enter the fruit were determined by direct observations. The majority of eggs (93% hatched within the first two hours after the beginning of photophase. Larvae spent 51.1 ± 31.1 (mean ± SEM min on the surface of the fruits. Once a suitable site was identified, larvae required an additional 23.8 ± 19.4 min to completely enter the fruit. Eighty-six percent of the larvae were successful in penetrating the fruit. Of the larvae that bored into the fruit, 42% selected the upper portion, 18% selected the middle portion, and 40% selected the lower portion.Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Guenée é uma das pragas mais sérias do tomate em várias regiões do Brasil. A fêmea deposita seus ovos no cálice ou nos frutos em desenvolvimento, e logo após a eclosão a larva penetra no fruto, onde permanece até a pupação. Depois que a larva entra no fruto, inseticidas e agentes de controle biológico são relativamente ineficazes. Como N. elegantalis é mais suscetível a métodos de controle quando a larva encontra-se no exterior do hospedeiro

  17. Thermal stability of vitamins A and E in rations and vitamin premixes for shrimp


    Prado, João Paulo de Sousa; Cavalheiro, José Marcelino Oliveira; Silva, Fernanda Vanessa Gomes da; Queiroga Neto, Vicente; Bora, Pushkar Singh; Cavalheiro, Thiago Brandão


    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a estabilidade térmica das vitaminas A e E em diferentes rações e premixes vitamínicos utilizados na carcinicultura. Foram utilizadas no experimento três rações comerciais peletilizadas e desintegradas em diferentes diâmetros e dois premixes vitamínicos. As amostras de cada dieta e de premixes foram acondicionadas em recipientes plásticos e armazenadas nas seguintes condições: ambiente refrigerado (6°C±2°C), ambiente climatizado (20°C&p...

  18. Regional distribution of Paenibacillus larvae subspecies larvae, the causative organism of American foulbrood, in honey bee colonies of the Western United States. (United States)

    Eischen, Frank A; Graham, R Henry; Cox, Robert


    We examined honey bee, Apis mellifera L., colonies pollinating almonds in California during February 2003 for Paenibacillus larvae subsp. Larvae, the causative organism of the virulent brood disease American foulbrood. Colonies originating from the Rocky Mountain area and California had significantly higher numbers (P bees, respectively) than colonies from the upper Midwest (1.28). Colonies from the northwestern, central, and southwestern United States had intermediate CFU or bacterial colony levels. Operations positive for P. larvae larvae were relatively uniform at approximately 70-80%, and no regional significant differences were found. Percentages of colonies with high CFUs (> or = 400 per 30 bees) differed significantly, with those from the Rocky Mountain region having 8.73% compared with those of the upper Midwest with 0%. The significance of CFU levels was evaluated by inoculating healthy colonies with diseased immatures and sampling adult bees. The number of CFUs detected per diseased immature was conservatively estimated to be approximately 399 CFUs per 30 adult bees. We defined this spore level as 1 disease equivalent. Based on this, 3.86% colonies in our survey had 1 or more disease equivalent number of P. larvae larvae CFUs. Operations with high P. larvae larvae spore levels in their colonies will likely observe American foulbrood if prophylaxis is not practiced diligently.

  19. Effect of gamma rays on the larvae of Rhipicephalus bursa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gecheva, G.


    Rhipicephalus bursa larvae were exposed to a single acute gamma-irradiation from cobalt 60 source in doses from 0.5 to 40 kiloroentgen (kr). Doses higher than 20 kr rilled the larvae, lower than 10 kr produced disturbances in tick development, dependent on radiation; larvae irradiated with 2 to 3 kr started sucking blood as larvae ordinarily do, but could not undergo metamorphosis; larvae irradiated with lower doses (0.5 and 1 kr) had a prolonged metamorphosis, the onset of oviposition was delayed and the percentage of hatched second generation larvae was reduced. (A.B.)

  20. Effect of oxamniquine on cell adhesion to Schistosoma mansoni larvae in the peritoneal cavity of naive mice Efeito da oxamniquina sobre a adesão celular da larva do S. mansoni na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos

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    Alan Lane de Melo


    Full Text Available The treatment of naive mice with high closes of oxamniquine, 1 hour before the intraperitoneal inoculation of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, induces a delay in the transformation process resulting in a longer host cell adhesion.O tratamento de camundongos sem infecção prévia com altas doses de oxamniquina, 1 hora antes do inóculo intraperitoneal com cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, induz a um atraso no processo de transformação, resultando conseqüentemente em larvas com adesão celular mais duradoura.

  1. A Madurella mycetomatis Grain Model in Galleria mellonella Larvae.

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    Wendy Kloezen

    Full Text Available Eumycetoma is a chronic granulomatous subcutaneous infectious disease, endemic in tropical and subtropical regions and most commonly caused by the fungus Madurella mycetomatis. Interestingly, although grain formation is key in mycetoma, its formation process and its susceptibility towards antifungal agents are not well understood. This is because grain formation cannot be induced in vitro; a mammalian host is necessary to induce its formation. Until now, invertebrate hosts were never used to study grain formation in M. mycetomatis. In this study we determined if larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella could be used to induce grain formation when infected with M. mycetomatis. Three different M. mycetomatis strains were selected and three different inocula for each strain were used to infect G. mellonella larvae, ranging from 0.04 mg/larvae to 4 mg/larvae. Larvae were monitored for 10 days. It appeared that most larvae survived the lowest inoculum, but at the highest inoculum all larvae died within the 10 day observation period. At all inocula tested, grains were formed within 4 hours after infection. The grains produced in the larvae resembled those formed in human and in mammalian hosts. In conclusion, the M. mycetomatis grain model in G. mellonella larvae described here could serve as a useful model to study the grain formation and therapeutic responses towards antifungal agents in the future.

  2. Producción artesanal del rotífero Philodina sp. y de algas para la alimentación de post-larvas de bocachico

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    Grisales Felipe


    Full Text Available El cultivo de algas mixtas se realizó en el Instituto de Piscicultura Tropical de la Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca (Buga 25 °C y 969 m.s.n.m. utilizando fertilizantes inorgánicos en baldes plásticos, se produjeron en promedio 386 x 103 células/ml de cultivo. En el cultivo de <em>Philodina> en frascos de vidrio alimentado con algas y levadura, se obtuvieron 410 rotíferos/ml de cultivo. Se evaluaron tres tratamientos: rotíferos enriquecidos con aceite de pescado; rotíferos más algas (<em>Chlorella>, <em>Scenedesmus>, <em>Pediastrum>, <em>Spyrogira> y <em>Anabaena> y <em>Artemia salinaem> + <em>Spirulina>, usando 100 post-larvas de bocachico/acuario, alimentadas dos veces al día según biomasa sembrada. El mayor porcentaje de sobrevivencia, peso y talla se obtuvo con el alimento constituido por rotíferos enriquecidos con aceite de pescado (93 %,3.2mg, 6.86mm, seguido de rotíferos + algas (80.67 %,2 mg, 6.1mm y <em>Artemia>+ <em>Spirulina> (60.6 %,1.6mg, 6.06mm respectivamente

  3. Levantamento entomofaunístico de artrópodes em algodoeiro de fibra naturalmente colorida em Ipanguaçu-RN

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    Bárbara Karine de Albuquerque Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa identificar a diversidade de artrópodes associados à cultura do algodão Gossypium hirsutum L. com pluma colorida, sendo realizados levantamentos entomofaunístico em Ipanguaçu-RN em áreas de produção. A área experimental foi composta por 15 variedades de algodão com pluma colorida: CNPA 2009-6; CNPA 2009-11; CNPA 2009-13; CNPA 2009-16; CNPA 2009-27; CNPA 2009-42; CNPA 2009-47; CNPA 2009-48; CNPA 2009-50; CNPA 2009-59; CNPA 2009-60; CNPA 2009-62; BRS RUBI; BRS AROEIRA; BRS TOPÁZIO. O levantamento foi realizado tendo como base três métodos de coleta ativa em pontos aleatórios da área experimental. As coletas consistiram da retirada manual de folhas e maçãs diretamente da planta, além da captura de insetos em pleno voo, com auxílio de rede entomológica. Foram encontrados um total 1884 insetos adultos e 66 larvas, dispostos em 8 ordens e 22 famílias. A família Aphididae: Hemiptera foi a mais numerosa entre o material coletado, com 1720 adultos dispersos nos três métodos de coleta aplicados. Além desta, outras famílias de pragas da cultura foram encontradas, como Curculionidae: Coleoptera. Também foram coletados organismos benéficos como os polinizadores Aphidae e Megachilidae, pertencentes a ordem Hymenoptera, predadores (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera; Vespidae: Hymenoptera; Reduviidae: Hemiptera; Chrysopidae: Neuroptera e Labiidae: Dermaptera e parasitoides, como os microhimenópteros. Foram encontrados três tipos de larvas, sendo classificadas como curculioniforme as mais numerosas, apresentando um total de 57 espécimes coletados.Entomofaunistic survey of artropods in naturally colored cotton fiber in Ipanguaçu-RNAbstract: The objective of this research was to identify the diversity of arthropods associated with cotton crop Gossypium hirsutum L. with colorful plume, it was conducted entomofaunístico survey in Ipanguaçu-RN in production areas. The experimental area was composed of 15 cotton

  4. Uso de probióticos na produção de pós-larvas de camarão-rosa

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    Emanuell Felipe Beserra da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de probióticos na produção de pós-larvas do camarão-rosa (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos - uso de probióticos (Bacillus spp. e controle com uso de antibiótico (eritromicina - e quatro repetições. Pós-larvas no estágio PL1 foram estocadas em cada parcela experimental (3,0 L e cultivadas até o estágio PL10. As variáveis de qualidade de água e o desenvolvimento de bactérias do gênero Vibrio, na água de cultivo, foram monitorados ao longo do experimento. Ao final do período experimental, as pós-larvas foram avaliadas qualitativamente e quanto à sobrevivência, ao peso e ao comprimento. Nas variáveis de qualidade de água, apenas o nitrito apresentou valor significativamente maior no tratamento com antibiótico. Para as variáveis peso e comprimento final, não houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos quanto à qualidade das pós-larvas e à concentração de Vibrio spp. na água. A utilização de antibiótico pode ser substituída pelo emprego de probióticos durante a produção de pós-larvas de F. brasiliensis.

  5. Coral larvae move toward reef sounds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeij, M.J.A.; Marhaver, K.L.; Huijbers, C.M.; Nagelkerken, I.; Simpson, S.D.


    Free-swimming larvae of tropical corals go through a critical life-phase when they return from the open ocean to select a suitable settlement substrate. During the planktonic phase of their life cycle, the behaviours of small coral larvae (<1 mm) that influence settlement success are difficult to

  6. Metodología de Diseño de una Escotilla de Inspección para Recipientes a Presión

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    Andr Moreno Uribe


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe la metodología utilizada en la evaluación de tensiones equivalentes en recipientes a presión mediante el método de elementos finitos. Con base en las consideraciones resultantes, se diseñó una escotilla de inspeccióny se realizaron comprobaciones analíticas por medio de técnicas de simulación por computador. Esto generó puntos de comparación y un estudio sistemático con el fin de comprobar el comportamiento de las fuerzas resultantes en función de las modificaciones geométricas. También se definió un modelo a partir de tres propuestas de Manhole. Las configuraciones de escotilla de inspección responden a los formatos circular, elíptico-longitudinal y elíptico-transversal. Así, fue comprobado el trazado de tensiones sobre el objeto de estudio y se definió un procedimiento más incluyente en comparación con el método convencional, el cual se basa en expresiones de cálculo simplificadas.

  7. Complete Genome Sequence of Paenibacillus larvae MEX14, Isolated from Honey Bee Larvae from the Xochimilco Quarter in Mexico City. (United States)

    Peréz de la Rosa, D; Pérez de la Rosa, J J; Cossio-Bayugar, R; Miranda-Miranda, E; Lozano, L; Bravo-Díaz, M A; Rocha-Martínez, M K; Sachman-Ruiz, B


    Paenibacillus larvae strain MEX14 is a facultative anaerobic endospore-forming bacterium that infects Apis mellifera larvae. Strain MEX14 was isolated from domestic bee larvae collected in a backyard in Mexico City. The estimated genome size was determined to be 4.18 Mb, and it harbors 4,806 protein coding genes (CDSs). Copyright © 2015 Peréz de la Rosa et al.

  8. Sun-Compass Orientation in Mediterranean Fish Larvae. (United States)

    Faillettaz, Robin; Blandin, Agathe; Paris, Claire B; Koubbi, Philippe; Irisson, Jean-Olivier


    Mortality is very high during the pelagic larval phase of fishes but the factors that determine recruitment success remain unclear and hard to predict. Because of their bipartite life history, larvae of coastal species have to head back to the shore at the end of their pelagic episode, to settle. These settlement-stage larvae are known to display strong sensory and motile abilities, but most work has been focused on tropical, insular environments and on the influence of coast-related cues on orientation. In this study we quantified the in situ orientation behavior of settlement-stage larvae in a temperate region, with a continuous coast and a dominant along-shore current, and inspected both coast-dependent and independent cues. We tested six species: one Pomacentridae, Chromis chromis, and five Sparidae, Boops boops, Diplodus annularis, Oblada melanura, Spicara smaris and Spondyliosoma cantharus. Over 85% of larvae were highly capable of keeping a bearing, which is comparable to the orientation abilities of tropical species. Sun-related cues influenced the precision of bearing-keeping at individual level. Three species, out of the four tested in sufficient numbers, oriented significantly relative to the sun position. These are the first in situ observations demonstrating the use of a sun compass for orientation by wild-caught settlement-stage larvae. This mechanism has potential for large-scale orientation of fish larvae globally.

  9. Sun-Compass Orientation in Mediterranean Fish Larvae.

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    Robin Faillettaz

    Full Text Available Mortality is very high during the pelagic larval phase of fishes but the factors that determine recruitment success remain unclear and hard to predict. Because of their bipartite life history, larvae of coastal species have to head back to the shore at the end of their pelagic episode, to settle. These settlement-stage larvae are known to display strong sensory and motile abilities, but most work has been focused on tropical, insular environments and on the influence of coast-related cues on orientation. In this study we quantified the in situ orientation behavior of settlement-stage larvae in a temperate region, with a continuous coast and a dominant along-shore current, and inspected both coast-dependent and independent cues. We tested six species: one Pomacentridae, Chromis chromis, and five Sparidae, Boops boops, Diplodus annularis, Oblada melanura, Spicara smaris and Spondyliosoma cantharus. Over 85% of larvae were highly capable of keeping a bearing, which is comparable to the orientation abilities of tropical species. Sun-related cues influenced the precision of bearing-keeping at individual level. Three species, out of the four tested in sufficient numbers, oriented significantly relative to the sun position. These are the first in situ observations demonstrating the use of a sun compass for orientation by wild-caught settlement-stage larvae. This mechanism has potential for large-scale orientation of fish larvae globally.


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    Francimar Fernandes Gomes


    Full Text Available Os ancilostomatídeos são nematóides hematófagos parasitas do intestino delgado, podendo causar retardo no crescimento, inapetência, anorexia, apatia, anemia e até a morte. No homem, algumas espécies como Ancylostoma caninum, A. braziliense e A. tubaeforme podem causar larva migrans cutânea, quando as larvas infectantes de terceiro estágio penetram ativamente a pele íntegra. O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar o parasitismo por ancilostomatídeos em fezes de cães domiciliados e assintomáticos na cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, tendo em vista a proximidade do convívio destes animais com homem. Com esse propósito, amostras fecais de 68 cães foram coletadas, sendo trinta (44,12% considerados parasitados através de exame coproparasitológico utilizando-se o método de Willis-Molley.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Ancylostoma sp., fezes, método Willis-Mollay. The ancylostomides are hematophagous nematodes parasites of the small intestine, being able to cause retardation in the growth, anorexy, apathy, anemia and death. In the man, some species as Ancylostoma caninum, A. braziliense and A. tubaeforme can cause cutaneous larva migrans, when the larvae infects of third period of stage penetrate actively the skin. The objective of this work was to detect the parasitism for ancylostomides in excrements of domiciliated and asymptomatic dogs in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, in view of the proximity of the conviviality of these animals with the man. With this intention, faecal samples of 68 dogs had been collected, being 30 (44.12% considered parasitized through stool parasitology using the method of Willis-Molley.

    KEY WORDS: Ancylostoma sp. feces, Willis-Mollay Method.


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    Philip Teguh Imanto


    Full Text Available Observasi pada larva kerapu kertang (E. lanceolatus dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Riset Perikanan Budidaya Laut (BBRPBL, Gondol-Bali, untuk mengumpulkan informasi dasar tentang perkembangan awal morfologi larva yang penting untuk menunjang keberhasilan pembenihannya. Larva berasal dari telur hasil pemijahan yang dirangsang dengan hormon (di Taiwan dan ditransportasikan segera setelah menetas (D-0 melalui transportasi udara ke laboratotium pembenihan BBRPBL, Gondol. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas tangki 500 L dengan sistem air resirkulasi. Dari data yang dihimpun diketahui bahwa rata-rata panjang total larva (D-1 2,48 mm; D-8 3,17 mm; dan tumbuh dengan cepat mencapai 10,79 mm pada D-19. Kuning telur larva yang berumur sehari (D-1 rata-rata bervolume 150,3 x 10-4 mm3 dan pada hari ketiga terserap 42,61% dan habis pada hari keempat (D-4. Butir minyak larva D-1 sebesar 41,9 x 10-4 mm3 dan masih tersisa sebesar 0,34 x 10-4 mm3 sampai dengan D-6. Mulut larva diperhitungkan sudah mencapai lebar sebesar 200 μm pada D-2. dan mampu untuk memangsa rotifer sejalan dengan pigmentasi mata yang mulai terjadi pada D-2 dan sempurna pada D-3. Dari analisis pertumbuhan terjadi titik belok (flexion point pada D-8 dan setelah itu terjadi kurva pertumbuhan yang cepat y= 0,6747x-2,5508. Berdasarkan hasil observasi tersebut maka pemberian pakan awal untuk larva kerapu kertang sudah bisa diberikan pada D-2 akhir (sore, pada D-8 komposisi pakan alami sudah harus diubah dengan memberikan pakan yang lebih besar dan bernutrisi tinggi. Observation on early development of E. lanceolatus larvae have been conducted in laboratory condition at Gondol Research Institute for Mariculture (GRIM Bali; the purpose was to gain basic data mainly on the larval development stage to support both larval rearing and aquaculture technique of this species. The larvae from egg were produced by induced spawning technique and transported on D-0 to GRIM. Observation have been

  12. Radiosensitivity of spores of Paenibacillus larvae ssp. larvae in honey

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almeida, Wanderley Mendes de [Ministerio da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Servico de Inspecao de Produtos de Origem Animal]. E-mail:; Vital, Helio de Carvalho [Centro Tecnologico do Exercito CTEx, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Div. de Defesa Quimica, Biologica e Nuclear]. E-mail:; Schuch, Dulce Maria Tocchetto [Ministerio da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    Irradiation, usually used in combination with other conventional methods of conservation, has been proven to be an efficient tool to ensure the safety of many types of foods by destroying pathogenic microorganisms and extending their shelf-lives. This work has investigated the efficacy of gamma irradiation to inactivate spores of the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae that causes the 'American foulbrood', a highly contagious disease still exotic in Brazil that kills bees and contaminates honey, preventing its commercialization and causing great economical losses. In this study, 60 g samples of two types of honey inoculated with 3.5x10{sup 3} spores/mL of that bacterium were irradiated with doses of 0, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 kGy and counted. The analyses indicated a mean reduction of 97.5{+-}0.7% in the number of viable spores exposed to 5 kGy. The application of doses of 7.5 kGy or higher yielded no viable spores above the detection threshold (10/mL). In addition the value of D{sub 10} (3.1{+-}0.3 kGy) was estimated and the logarithm of the population of viable spores of Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae was determined as linear and quadratic polynomial functions of the radiation dose. The results indicated that the dose of 10 kGy could be insufficient to assure complete sterilization of honey in some cases while suggesting that 25 kGy would perform such task adequately. (author)

  13. Vírus dengue em larvas de Aedes aegypti e sua dinâmica de infestação, Roraima, Brasil Virus dengue en larvas de Aedes aegypti y su dinámica de infestación, Roraima, Brasil Dengue virus in Aedes aegypti larvae and infestation dynamics in Roraima, Brazil

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    Julianna Dias Zeidler


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar a presença do vírus dengue em formas larvais de Aedes aegypti e relacionar a presença do vetor com índice pluviométrico e número de casos de dengue. MÉTODOS: Dezoito domicílios foram selecionados aleatoriamente para coleta de ovos em um bairro da cidade de Boa Vista (RR. Foram instaladas duas ovitrampas por domicílio e removidas após uma semana, mensalmente, de novembro de 2006 a maio de 2007. Foram calculados o índice de positividade de ovitrampa e o índice de densidade dos ovos. Após eclosão de 1.422 ovos coletados, foram formados 44 pools de no máximo 30 larvas para teste de presença do vírus dengue por meio de RT-PCR e hemi-nested PCR. O índice de incidência de dengue no período foi correlacionado com a precipitação pluvial. A associação entre essas variáveis e número de ovos coletados foi analisada pelo coeficiente de Pearson. RESULTADOS: Nenhum dos pools apresentou positividade para o vírus dengue, apesar do bairro ter apresentado elevados índices de incidência de dengue no período estudado. A densidade da população de Ae. aegypti aumentou conforme a pluviosidade, mas não apresentou correlação com índices de incidência de casos de dengue. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que a transmissão transovariana do vírus em mosquitos ocorre a uma freqüência muito baixa e por isso sua persistência em meio urbano pode não depender desse fenômeno. A população do mosquito aumentou no período de chuvas devido à formação de criadouros; a não-correlação com o índice de incidência de dengue deve-se à possibilidade desse dado ser subestimado em períodos de epidemia.OBJETIVO: Identificar la presencia del virus dengue en forma larvales de Aedes aegypti y relacionar la presencia del vector con índice pluviométrico y número de casos de dengue en el período estudiado. MÉTODOS: Dieciocho domicilios fueron seleccionados al azar para colectar huevos en una urbanización de la

  14. Radiolabeling of infective third-stage larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis by feeding [75Se]selenomethionine-labeled Escherichia coli to first- and second-stage larvae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aikens, L.M.; Schad, G.A.


    A technique is described for radiolabeling Strongyloides stercoralis larvae with [ 75 Se]selenomethionine. Cultures of an auxotrophic methionine-dependent stain of Escherichia coli were grown in a medium containing Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 5% nutrient broth, amino acids, and [ 75 Se]selenomethionine. When the 75 Se-labeled bacterial populations were in the stationary phase of growth, cultures were harvested and the bacteria dispersed on agar plates to serve as food for S. stercoralis larvae. Use of nondividing bacteria is important for successful labeling because the isotope is not diluted by cell division and death of larvae attributable to overgrowth by bacteria is prevented. First-stage S. stercoralis larvae were recovered from feces of infected dogs and reared in humid air at 30 C on agar plates seeded with bacteria. After 7 days, infective third-stage larvae were harvested. The mean specific activity of 6 different batches of larvae ranged from 75 to 330 counts per min/larva with 91.8 +/- 9.5% of the population labeled sufficiently to produce an autoradiographic focus during a practicable, 6-wk period of exposure. Labeled infective larvae penetrated the skin of 10-day-old puppies and migrated to the small intestine, where the developed to adulthood

  15. Avaliação in vitro dos efeitos do óleo da semente de Carapa guianensis Aubl. sobre larvas de nematóides gastrintestinais de caprinos e ovinos In vitro evaluation of Carapa guianensis Aubl. seed oil effects on larvae from gastrointestinal nematodes of goats and sheep

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    M.P.O Farias


    Full Text Available Com objetivo de avaliar in vitro a ação do óleo da semente da Carapa guianensis (Andiroba no cultivo de larvas de nematóides gastrintestinais de animais das espécies caprina e ovina, foram testadas cinco diluições do óleo de andiroba (100, 50, 30, 25 e 10%, com três repetições por tratamento, utilizando-se tween 80 como dispersante, formando-se ainda três grupos controle, um controle negativo (água destilada, outro controle negativo (água destilada + tween 80 e um controle positivo (Doramectina. A atividade da andiroba sobre os ovos de nematóides gastrintestinais foi determinada pelo cálculo dos percentuais de redução de larvas por gramas de fezes. Os resultados revelaram na espécie caprina redução altamente efetiva no número de larvas totais para os tratamentos 100, 50 e 30% com médias nulas para todos os gêneros de nematóides. Na espécie ovina observou-se redução altamente efetiva no número de larvas totais em todos os tratamentos, com médias nulas nos tratamentos 100, 50 e 30%. Os resultados obtidos neste experimento demonstram que o óleo da semente de Carapa guianensis possui atividade in vitro contra larvas de nematóides gastrintestinais de caprinos e ovinos.This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro action of Carapa guianensis (Andiroba seed oil on the cultivation of larvae from gastrointestinal nematodes of goats and sheep. Five andiroba oil dilutions (100, 50, 30, 25, and 10% were assayed, with three replicates per treatment, using Tween 80 as surfactant. Three control groups were formed: a negative control (distilled water, another negative control (distilled water + Tween 80 and a positive control (Doramectin. The activity of andiroba on the eggs from gastrointestinal nematodes was obtained by calculating larva reduction percentages per gram of feces. In goats, a highly effective reduction in the total number of larvae was detected for treatments 100, 50 and 30%, with null means for all nematode genera

  16. Estratégia de coalimentação na sobrevivência e no crescimento de larvas de Betta splendens durante a transição alimentar

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    P.J. Fosse


    Full Text Available Conduziu-se um experimento com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do período de coalimentação na sobrevivência e no crescimento de larvas de Betta splendens. As larvas foram alimentadas com náuplios de Artemia durante sete dias e, posteriormente, submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: jejum contínuo; ração contínua; quatro dias de coalimentação + 14 dias de ração; oito dias de coalimentação + 10 dias de ração; 12 dias de coalimentação + seis dias de ração; náuplios de Artemia durante todo o período experimental. Os valores das variáveis de desempenho das larvas do tratamento 12 dias de coalimentação + seis dias de ração e do tratamento náuplios de Artemia foram superiores aos demais tratamentos, exceto para sobrevivência, em que não houve diferença significativa com o tratamento oito dias de coalimentação + 10 dias de ração. Considerando-se apenas o tempo de oferta de Artemia (em dias, obteve-se a equação de regressão para as variáveis analisadas. A sobrevivência e a taxa de crescimento específico (TCE apresentaram efeito quadrático, e as demais variáveis apresentaram efeito linear. O ponto de máxima para sobrevivência foi de 21,7 dias (88,92% e para TCE foi de 26,2 dias (23,47% dia-1. O período de co-feeding influencia no crescimento e na sobrevivência de larvas de Betta splendens. Após o período de 19 dias de oferta de alimento vivo, com 12 dias de coalimentação, as larvas estão aptas a aproveitar de maneira eficiente o alimento inerte sem prejuízos ao crescimento e à sobrevivência.

  17. Effect of gamma radiation on the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia Kuehniella, mature larvae and acceptability of irradiated larvae by Bracon hebetor females

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mansour, M.


    Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella, mature 5 t h instar larvae were exposed to gamma radiation dosages ranging from 50-350 Gy at 50 Gy increment and the effects of gamma radiation on pupation, adult emergence and sex ratio were investigated. In addition, effects of irradiation on the rate of development to pupae and adults and the acceptance of irradiated larvae by B. hebetor females were examined. Results showed that the radio-sensitivity of E. kuehniella larvae increased with increasing dose. Pupation was significantly affected at 100 Gy dose, and completely prevented at 350 Gy dose. Adult emergence was only slightly different from pupation; emergence was significantly affected at 100 Gy dose and completely prevented at 300 Gy dose. Irradiation also negatively affected the rate of development of larvae to pupae and adults. While more than 98% of control larvae pupated within 10 days of treatment, this ratio decreased to about 79% in larvae exposed to 50 Gy and less than 4% in larvae exposed to 100 Gy dose. The rate of development to the adult stage was also similarly affected. While 97% of control insects emerged as adults in the 1st 20 days of treatment, this ratio decreased to about 53, 2 and zero percent in larvae exposed to 50, 100 and 150 Gy dose respectively. In addition, irradiation significantly affected male: female ratio; sex ratio was skewed in favor of males, and at 250 Gy dose all emerged moths were males. Furthermore, irradiation had no adverse effect on the degree of acceptance of mature larvae to parasitization; irradiated insects were as acceptable to B. hebetor females as unirradiated ones. (author)

  18. Effect of gamma radiation on the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia Kuehniella, mature larvae and acceptability of irradiated larvae by Bracon hebetor female

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mansour, M.


    Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella, mature 5 t h instar larvae were exposed to gamma radiation dosages ranging from 50-350 Gy at 50 Gy increment and the effects of gamma radiation on pupation, adult emergence and sex ratio were investigated. In addition, effects of irradiation on the rate of development to pupae and adults and the acceptance of irradiated larvae by B. hebetor females were examined. Results showed that the radio-sensitivity of E. kuehniella larvae increased with increasing dose. Pupation was significantly affected at 100 Gy dose, and completely prevented at 350 Gy dose. Adult emergence was only slightly different from pupation; emergence was significantly affected at 100 Gy dose and completely prevented at 300 Gy dose. Irradiation also negatively affected the rate of development of larvae to pupae and adults. While more than 98% of control larvae pupated within 10 days of treatment, this ratio decreased to about 79% in larvae exposed to 50 Gy and less than 4% in larvae exposed to 100 Gy dose. The rate of development to the adult stage was also similarly affected. While 97% of control insects emerged as adults in the 1st 20 days of treatment, this ratio decreased to about 53, 2 and zero percent in larvae exposed to 50, 100 and 150 Gy dose respectively. In addition, irradiation significantly affected male: female ratio; sex ratio was skewed in favor of males, and at 250 Gy dose all emerged moths were males. Furthermore, irradiation had no adverse effect on the degree of acceptance of mature larvae to parasitization; irradiated insects were as acceptable to B. hebetor females as unirradiated ones. (author)

  19. Expansión del Aedes aegypti a localidades rurales de Cajamarca

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    Lucinda Troyes R


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la presencia, magnitud y expansión de Aedes aegypti en las localidades rurales de las provincias de Jaén y San Ignacio, departamento de Cajamarca. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal realizado entre abril y mayo de 2004, en 21 (100% localidades rurales ubicadas en las márgenes de la carretera Jaén-San Ignacio y al interior de ella, hasta en 90 minutos. Se inspeccionó recipientes de 1460 viviendas para la búsqueda de larvas y adultos del mosquito, se determinaron los índices aédicos, de recipiente y de Breteau. Resultados: Se demostró la presencia de Aedes aegypti en tres localidades rurales de la provincia de Jaén y en cuatro de la provincia de San Ignacio. Los índices aédicos variaron de 1,2 a 16,6%. Los recipientes infestados con mayor frecuencia fueron las llantas y los artículos en desuso. Conclusiones: Se reporta la expansión de A. aegypti en la tercera parte de localidades rurales de las provincias de Jaén y San Ignacio; esta expansión necesita ser más estudiada y considerada al implementarse las estrategias de prevención y control del dengue en la DISA Jaén, para evitar la aparición de brotes de dengue clásico, dengue hemorrágico, incluso fiebre amarilla urbana.

  20. Evaluation of released malathion and spinosad from chitosan/alginate/gelatin capsules against Culex pipiens larvae

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    Badawy MEI


    Full Text Available Mohamed EI Badawy,1 Nehad EM Taktak,2 Osama M Awad,2 Souraya A Elfiki,2 Nadia E Abou El-Ela2 1Department of Pesticide Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, 2Department of Tropical Health, High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt Abstract: Efficacy of spinosad and malathion loaded in eco-friendly biodegradable formulations was evaluated for controlling Culex pipiens larvae. Malathion (organophosphorus larvicide and spinosad (naturally derived insecticide were loaded on chitosan/alginate/gelatin capsules. Capsules were characterized by size measurement, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and water uptake. In vitro release kinetics of the larvicides was studied in the running and stagnant water. Biochemical studies on the larvae treated with technical and formulated insecticides were also demonstrated. The results indicated that the released spinosad was active for a long time up to 48 and 211 days in the running and stagnant water, respectively. However, the capsules loaded with malathion showed larvicidal activity for 20 and 27 days in the running and stagnant water, respectively. Technical and formulated malathion and spinosad had an inhibition effect on acetylcholinesterase, carboxylesterase, and glutathione S-transferase. The results proved that the prepared capsules consisting of biodegradable polymers containing larvicides could be effective as controlled-release formulation against C. pipiens larvae for a long period. Keywords: chitosan capsules, larvicide, controlled-release formulation, swelling, mosquitocidal activity, Culex pipiens, biochemical study

  1. Self-heating by large insect larvae? (United States)

    Cooley, Nikita L; Emlen, Douglas J; Woods, H Arthur


    Do insect larvae ever self-heat significantly from their own metabolic activity and, if so, under what sets of environmental temperatures and across what ranges of body size? We examine these questions using larvae of the Japanese rhinoceros beetle (Trypoxylus dichotomus), chosen for their large size (>20g), simple body plan, and underground lifestyle. Using CO 2 respirometry, we measured larval metabolic rates then converted measured rates of gas exchange into rates of heat production and developed a mathematical model to predict how much steady state body temperatures of underground insects would increase above ambient depending on body size. Collectively, our results suggest that large, extant larvae (20-30g body mass) can self-heat by at most 2°C, and under many common conditions (shallow depths, moister soils) would self-heat by less than 1°C. By extending the model to even larger (hypothetical) body sizes, we show that underground insects with masses >1kg could heat, in warm, dry soils, by 1.5-6°C or more. Additional experiments showed that larval critical thermal maxima (CT max ) were in excess of 43.5°C and that larvae could behaviorally thermoregulate on a thermal gradient bar. Together, these results suggest that large larvae living underground likely regulate their temperatures primarily using behavior; self-heating by metabolism likely contributes little to their heat budgets, at least in most common soil conditions. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Efecto de la temperatura sobre la viabilidad de larvas de Trichinella spiralis Effect of temperature on the viability of Trichinella spiralis larvae

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    Viviana R Randazzo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de diferentes temperaturas sobre la viabilidad de larvas libres y enquistadas de Trichinella spiralis aisladas en el sudoeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se trataron larvas libres y enquistadas a diferentes temperaturas (-30 °C, -20 °C, 4 °C, 20 °C, calentamiento gradual entre 0-100 °C. Se determinó el tiempo necesario para matar el 100 % de las larvas. Durante los primeros días, la mortalidad larvaria en todos los tratamientos con frío aumentó signifcativamente en función del tiempo. En todos los casos, las larvas libres sobrevivieron menor cantidad de días que las enquistadas. A -30 °C, -20 °C y 20 °C no se observaron diferencias signifcativas entre las curvas de mortalidad de cada estadio larvario, pero a 4 °C la mortalidad fue menos intensa entre las larvas enquistadas. El calentamiento disminuyó la viabilidad, sin observarse diferencias entre estadios larvarios. La totalidad de las larvas libres y enquistadas había muerto a los 61 y 95 días (-30 °C, a los 160 y 180 días (-20 °C, a los 280 y 330 días (4° C, y a los 460 y 590 días (20 °C, respectivamente. Fue necesaria una cocción durante 15 minutos a 90 °C para matar al 100 % de las larvas libres y a 100 °C para lograr igual mortalidad de las enquistadas. Nuestros resultados indican que la temperatura y los tiempos tradicionalmente utilizados para tratar productos cárnicos con potencial de transmisión de T. spiralis no serían los más efectivos para lograr la inactivación de la totalidad de larvas vivas de este parásito.The aim of this work was to study the effect of temperature on the viability of free and encysted larvae of Trichinella spiralis from southwest Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Larvae were treated at variable temperatures (-30 °C, -20 °C, 4 °C, 20 °C, gradual heating between 0-100 °C. The time necessary to kill 100 % of larvae was calculated. During the frst days of

  3. Reproduction and longevity of Supputius cincticeps (Het.: Pentatomidae fed with larvae of Zophobas confusa, Tenebrio molitor (Col.: Tenebrionidae or Musca domestica (Dip.: Muscidae

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    José Cola Zanuncio


    Full Text Available Reproduction and longevity of Supputius cincticeps (Stål (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae fed on Zophobas confusa Gebien, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae or Musca domestica (L. (Diptera: Muscidae larvae were studied during two generations at 24.7 ± 1.1ºC, 70 ± 10% R.H. and 12 h of photophase. Body weight of newly-emerged adults, oviposition period, number of egg masses, total number of eggs and longevity of S. cincticeps were higher when fed on Z. confusa or T. molitor larvae than on M. domestica larvae. Regardless of diet, S. cincticeps showed better reproduction and longevity in the second generation in laboratory conditions.Foram avaliadas, em duas gerações, a reprodução e a longevidade de Supputius cincticeps (Stål (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae alimentado com larvas de Zophobas confusa Gebien, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae ou Musca domestica (L. (Diptera: Muscidae a 24,7 ± 1,1ºC, 70 ± 10% de U.R. e fotofase de 12 h. O peso de adultos recém emergidos, o período de oviposição, o número de posturas, de ovos totais e a longevidade de fêmeas de S. cincticeps foram maiores com larvas de Z. confusa ou T. molitor que com M. domestica. Independentemente do tipo de presa, S. cincticeps mostrou melhor performance reprodutiva e longevidade na segunda geração.

  4. Bacteria Present in Comadia redtenbacheri Larvae (Lepidoptera: Cossidae). (United States)

    Hernández-Flores, L; Llanderal-Cázares, C; Guzmán-Franco, A W; Aranda-Ocampo, S


    The external and internal culturable bacterial community present in the larvae of Comadia redtenbacheri Hammerschmidt, an edible insect, was studied. Characterization of the isolates determined the existence of 18 morphotypes and phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene revealed the existence of Paenibacillus sp., Bacillus safensis, Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus pseudomycoides, Corynebacterium variabile, Enterococcus sp., Gordonia sp., Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Arthrobacter sp., Micrococcus sp., and Bacillus cereus. Greater diversity of bacteria was found in those larvae obtained from vendors than in those directly taken from Agave plants in nature. Many of the larvae obtained from vendors presented signs of potential disease, and after the analysis, results showed a greater bacterial community compared with the larvae with a healthy appearance. This indicates that bacterial flora can vary in accordance with how the larvae are handled during extraction, collection, and transport. © The Authors 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  5. Antibacterial properties of grapefruit seed extract against Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae. (United States)

    Semprini, P; Langella, V; Pasini, B; Falda, M T; Calvarese, S


    Twenty-one samples of grapefruit seed extract (GSE) either from marketed products or provided by an apiculturist were analysed to verify their inhibition activity, in particular against Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae, responsible for American foulbrood. The bactericide capacity of GSE has been measured in Bacillus subtilis BGA, Bacillus cereus 11778, Bacillus cereus K250 and Micrococcus luteus 9341a; these bacteria are normally used in the laboratory to study inhibitors. The results showed that not all GSE have the same inhibitory activity and two of those analysed do not inhibit the five bacteria used. Considering that 19 samples inhibited American foulbrood bacillus, the authors conclude that the use of a natural product (such as GSE) to control this important disease of bees, can be used as a substitute for chemotherapeutic products, after appropriate expedients.

  6. Feeding frequency and caste differentiation in Bombus terrestris larvae

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ribeiro, M.F.; Velthuis, H.H.W.; Duchateau, Marie José; Tweel, I. van der


    The frequency with which bumble bee larvae are fed during their development was studied using video-recordings. The behaviour of the workers while feeding worker, male and queen larvae of Bombus terrestris was recorded. At the beginning of development, female larvae of both castes were fed at a

  7. Análise de crescimento de Digitaria insularis


    Machado,A.F.L.; Ferreira,L.R.; Ferreira,F.A.; Fialho,C.M.T.; Tuffi Santos,L.D.; Machado,M.S.


    Digitaria insularis é uma espécie perene, que se reproduz por sementes e rizomas, sendo de difícil controle após a primeira floração. Visando definir técnicas para o manejo integrado dessa espécie, o seu crescimento foi avaliado em casa de vegetação, em recipiente plástico contendo 0,003 m³ de solo. Avaliações de altura, área foliar e massa seca foram realizadas em 15 épocas, entre 14 e 112 dias após a emergência (DAE), em intervalos regulares de sete dias. Foi utilizado o delineamento experi...

  8. Análise de crescimento de Digitaria insularis Growth analysis of Digitaria insularis


    A.F.L. Machado; L.R. Ferreira; F.A. Ferreira; C.M.T. Fialho; L.D. Tuffi Santos; M.S. Machado


    Digitaria insularis é uma espécie perene, que se reproduz por sementes e rizomas, sendo de difícil controle após a primeira floração. Visando definir técnicas para o manejo integrado dessa espécie, o seu crescimento foi avaliado em casa de vegetação, em recipiente plástico contendo 0,003 m³ de solo. Avaliações de altura, área foliar e massa seca foram realizadas em 15 épocas, entre 14 e 112 dias após a emergência (DAE), em intervalos regulares de sete dias. Foi utilizado o delineamento experi...

  9. Fish larvae from the Canary region in autumn

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    J. M. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available In this paper, the taxonomic composition of the fish larvae community in the Canary region in autumn 1991 is presented. In total, 8699 larvae belonging to 58 fish families were studied. 176 taxonomic groups were identified, 149 at species level and the rest were identified at a higher level. The most numerous family and the one that presented the greatest number of species was Myctophidae. The most frequently caught species was Cyclothone braueri. The taxonomic composition (at family level of the fish larvae community, dominated by four mesopelagic families, was typical of oceanic regions of warm waters. The most remarkable feature of the fish larvae community was its high specific diversity.

  10. Analysis of feeding behavior of Drosophila larvae on liquid food. (United States)

    Shen, Ping


    The food responses of Drosophila larvae offer an excellent opportunity to study the genetic and neural regulation of feeding behavior. Compared with fed larvae, hungry larvae are more likely to display aggressive foraging, rapid food intake, compensatory feeding, and stress-resistant food procurement. Behavioral assays have been developed to quantitatively assess particular aspects of the hunger-driven food response. In combination, these assays help define the specific role of signaling molecules or neurons in the regulation of feeding behavior in foraging larvae. This protocol describes the analysis of larvae feeding on liquid food. The test is designed for quantitative assessment of the food ingestion rate of individual larvae under different energy states. It provides a simple and reliable way to measure the graded modification of the baseline feeding rate of larvae as food deprivation is prolonged. The test is applicable to routine functional testing and larger-scale screening of genetic mutations and biologics that might affect food consumption.

  11. Functional response of <em>Chrysoperla carnea em>(Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) to <em>Helicoverpa armigera em>(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): effect of prey and predator stages

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hassanpour, Mehdi; Mohaghegh, Jafar; Iranipour, Shahzad


    Understanding predator–prey interactions has a pivotal role in biological control programs. This study evaluated the functional response of three larval instars of the green lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens), preying upon eggs and first instar larvae of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa...... armigera Hübner. The first and second instar larvae of C. carnea exhibited type II functional responses against both prey stages. However, the third instar larvae of C. carnea showed a type II functional response to the first instar larvae of H. armigera, but a type III functional response to the eggs....... For the first instar larvae of C. carnea, the attack rate on H. armigera eggs was significantly higher than that on the larvae, whereas the attack rate of the second instar C. carnea on H. armigera larvae was significantly higher than that on the eggs. For the third instar larvae of C. carnea, the attack rate...

  12. Abscisic acid enhances cold tolerance in honeybee larvae. (United States)

    Ramirez, Leonor; Negri, Pedro; Sturla, Laura; Guida, Lucrezia; Vigliarolo, Tiziana; Maggi, Matías; Eguaras, Martín; Zocchi, Elena; Lamattina, Lorenzo


    The natural composition of nutrients present in food is a key factor determining the immune function and stress responses in the honeybee ( Apis mellifera ). We previously demonstrated that a supplement of abscisic acid (ABA), a natural component of nectar, pollen, and honey, increases honeybee colony survival overwinter. Here we further explored the role of ABA in in vitro -reared larvae exposed to low temperatures. Four-day-old larvae (L4) exposed to 25°C for 3 days showed lower survival rates and delayed development compared to individuals growing at a standard temperature (34°C). Cold-stressed larvae maintained higher levels of ABA for longer than do larvae reared at 34°C, suggesting a biological significance for ABA. Larvae fed with an ABA-supplemented diet completely prevent the low survival rate due to cold stress and accelerate adult emergence. ABA modulates the expression of genes involved in metabolic adjustments and stress responses: Hexamerin 70b, Insulin Receptor Substrate, Vitellogenin , and Heat Shock Proteins 70. AmLANCL2, the honeybee ABA receptor, is also regulated by cold stress and ABA. These results support a role for ABA increasing the tolerance of honeybee larvae to low temperatures through priming effects. © 2017 The Author(s).

  13. Abscisic acid enhances cold tolerance in honeybee larvae (United States)

    Sturla, Laura; Guida, Lucrezia; Vigliarolo, Tiziana; Maggi, Matías; Eguaras, Martín; Zocchi, Elena; Lamattina, Lorenzo


    The natural composition of nutrients present in food is a key factor determining the immune function and stress responses in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). We previously demonstrated that a supplement of abscisic acid (ABA), a natural component of nectar, pollen, and honey, increases honeybee colony survival overwinter. Here we further explored the role of ABA in in vitro-reared larvae exposed to low temperatures. Four-day-old larvae (L4) exposed to 25°C for 3 days showed lower survival rates and delayed development compared to individuals growing at a standard temperature (34°C). Cold-stressed larvae maintained higher levels of ABA for longer than do larvae reared at 34°C, suggesting a biological significance for ABA. Larvae fed with an ABA-supplemented diet completely prevent the low survival rate due to cold stress and accelerate adult emergence. ABA modulates the expression of genes involved in metabolic adjustments and stress responses: Hexamerin 70b, Insulin Receptor Substrate, Vitellogenin, and Heat Shock Proteins 70. AmLANCL2, the honeybee ABA receptor, is also regulated by cold stress and ABA. These results support a role for ABA increasing the tolerance of honeybee larvae to low temperatures through priming effects. PMID:28381619

  14. Effect of gut bacterial isolates from Apis mellifera jemenitica on Paenibacillus larvae infected bee larvae. (United States)

    Al-Ghamdi, Ahmad; Ali Khan, Khalid; Javed Ansari, Mohammad; Almasaudi, Saad B; Al-Kahtani, Saad


    The probiotic effects of seven newly isolated gut bacteria, from the indegenous honey bees of Saudi Arabia were investigated. In vivo bioassays were used to investigate the effects of each gut bacterium namely, Fructobacillus fructosus (T1), Proteus mirabilis (T2), Bacillus licheniformis (T3), Lactobacillus kunkeei (T4), Bacillus subtilis (T5), Enterobacter kobei (T6), and Morganella morganii (T7) on mortality percentage of honey bee larvae infected with P. larvae spores along with negative control (normal diet) and positive control (normal diet spiked with P. larvae spores). Addition of gut bacteria to the normal diet significantly reduced the mortality percentage of the treated groups. Mortality percentage in all treated groups ranged from 56.67% up to 86.67%. T6 treated group exhibited the highest mortality (86.67%), whereas T4 group showed the lowest mortality (56.67%). Among the seven gut bacterial treatments, T4 and T3 decreased the mortality 56.67% and 66.67%, respectively, whereas, for T2, T6, and T7 the mortality percentage was equal to that of the positive control (86.67%). Mortality percentages in infected larval groups treated with T1, and T5 were 78.33% and 73.33% respectively. Most of the mortality occurred in the treated larvae during days 2 and 3. Treatments T3 and T4 treatments showed positive effects and reduced mortality.

  15. Deficiência hídrica no consumo de água de dois cultivares de milho crescidos em solução nutritiva

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    Eduardo Caruso Machado


    Full Text Available Estudaram-se no presente trabalho os efeitos da deficiência hídrica no crescimento e consumo de água de plantas dos cultivares de milho IAC-Maya e IAC-Maya latente crescidos em casa de vegetação e em solução nutritiva em recipientes cilíndricos de PVC (diâmetro = 15cm, altura = 100cm, com capacidade para 15 litros. A solução nutritiva, composta de (mg/litro: Ca (284,N-NO3 (297, N-NH4 (37, K (140, P (6, Mg (41, Fe (7,5, B (0,5, Cu (0,08, Mn (1,0, Mo (0,16 e Zn (0,3, foi renovada a cada 30 dias. Nos estádios vegetativo e de florescimento, as plantas foram submetidas à deficiência hídrica através de a adição de polietileno glicol e b suspensão da reposição da água evapotranspirada pelas plantas. O delineamento estatístico foi o de blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições. A deficiência hídrica ocasionou, em ambos os cultivares, redução no consumo de água e na área foliar. Nos tratamentos onde a deficiência hídrica foi induzida pela suspensão da reposição da água evapotranspirada, observou-se aumento das raízes de ambos os cultivares. Os resultados sugerem que a técnica de cultivo por hidroponia associada ao uso de agentes osmóticos e/ou suspensão da reposição da água evapotranspirada, pode ser utilizada em estudos de deficiência hídrica em plantas.

  16. Workbook on Identification of Aedes Aegypti Larvae. (United States)

    Pratt, Harry D.; And Others

    This self-instructional booklet is designed to enable yellow fever control workers to identify the larvae of "Aedes aegypti." The morphological features of mosquito larvae are illustrated in this partially programed text, and the distinguishing features of "A. aegypti" indicated. A glossary is included. (AL)

  17. Larvas migrans ganglionar: Presentación de un caso

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    María del Carmen Luis Álvarez


    Full Text Available Las larvas migrans visceral cuya causa radica en la infestación con larvas de toxocara canis o cati, ocurre más frecuentemente en niños menores de 10 años. Se presenta el caso de un niño de 8 años de edad en el cual se diagnosticó larvas migrans ganglionar. Se comentan aspectos etioepidemiológicos de la enfermedad, su cuadro clínico y evolución. Se hace énfasis en las medidas higiénicas sanitarias de control y manipulación de excretas de animales domésticos, en este caso de perros y gatos.Visceral larvae migrans caused by the infestation with larvae of toxocara canis or cati are more frequent among children under 10. The case of an 8-year-old boy who was diagnosed ganglionar larva migrans is presented. Comments are made on some etioepidemiological aspects of the disease, as well as on his clinical picture and evolution. Emphasis is made on the hygienic and sanitary measures of control and manipulation of stools from pegs as dogs and cats. Las larvas migrans visceral cuya causa radica en la infestación con larvas de toxocara canis o cati, ocurre más frecuentemente en niños menores de 10 años. Se presenta el caso de un niño de 8 años de edad en el cual se diagnosticó larvas migrans ganglionar. Se comentan aspectos etioepidemiológicos de la enfermedad, su cuadro clínico y evolución. se hace énfasis en las medidas higiénicas sanitarias de control y manipulación de excretas de animales domésticos, en este caso de perros y gatos.

  18. Fish larvae at fronts: Horizontal and vertical distributions of gadoid fish larvae across a frontal zone at the Norwegian Trench

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, Peter


    The reproduction and early life history of many fish species are linked to the physical and biological characteristics of fronts. In order to ascertain linkages between frontal physics and fish larvae, we investigated distributional differences among gadoid fish larvae comparing these to both...... the vertical and horizontal distributions of each species. However, the three-dimensional pattern of distribution differed significantly among species of larvae and species of copepods. The study underlines the complexity of bio-physical interrelationships in the frontal zone, and indicates that the zone...

  19. Effects of the Liquids Used to Kill Larvae on the Length of Forensically Important Blow Fly Lucilia sericata Meigen (Diptera: Calliphoridae Larvae

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    Halide Nihal Açıkgöz


    Full Text Available Forensic entomological practices rely upon accurate larval identification and measurement of larval length, for the estimation of post-mortem intervals. The methods used for killing larvae may affect the length of larvae. In the autopsy hall, corpses which are contain entomological remains have been washed with grape vinegar. Besides, while collecting and killing the larvae on corpses, crime scene teams use alcohol 70% because it is practical. The aim of this study was to determine which of hot water (90°C, cold vinegar and cold alcohol 96 % method, preserved the best the length of larvae. To achieve this aim, third instar larvae which are reared on 200 g of veal meat were killed using hot water, cold vinegar and cold alcohol. Before killing and after killing the maggots, their length was measured. To determine the difference between the groups to be compared ANOVA test, to reliability and validity analyses Kruskal-Wallis and whether there was any difference between the groups were made with Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (Tukey’s HSD Hot water was found to preserve the length of the larvae more accurately than cold vinegar and alcohol.

  20. Intraguild predation and cannibalism among larvae of detritivorous caddisflies in subalpine wetlands (United States)

    Wissinger, S.A.; Sparks, G.B.; Rouse, G.L.; Brown, W.S.; Steltzer, Heidi


    Comparative data from subalpine wetlands in Colorado indicate that larvae of the limnephilid caddisflies, Asynarchus nigriculus and Limnephilus externus, are reciprocally abundant among habitats - Limnephilus larvae dominate in permanent waters, whereas Asynarchus larvae dominate in temporary basins. The purpose of this paper is to report on field and laboratory experiments that link this pattern of abundance to biotic interactions among larvae. In the first field experiment, growth and survival were compared in single and mixed species treatments in littoral enclosures. Larvae, which eat mainly vascular plant detritus, grew at similar rates among treatments in both temporary and permanent habitats suggesting that exploitative competition is not important under natural food levels and caddisfly densities. However, the survival of Limnephilus larvae was reduced in the presence of Asynarchus larvae. Subsequent behavioral studies in laboratory arenas revealed that Asynarchus larvae are extremely aggressive predators on Limnephilus larvae. In a second field experiment we manipulated the relative sizes of larvae and found that Limnephilus larvae were preyed on only when Asynarchus larvae had the same size advantage observed in natural populations. Our data suggest that the dominance of Asynarchus larvae in temporary habitats is due to asymmetric intraguild predation (IGP) facilitated by a phenological head start in development. These data do not explain the dominance of Limnephilus larvae in permanent basins, which we show elsewhere to be an indirect effect of salamander predation. Behavioral observations also revealed that Asynarchus larvae are cannibalistic. In contrast to the IGP on Limnephilus larvae, Asynarchus cannibalism occurs among same-sized larvae and often involves the mobbing of one victim by several conspecifics. In a third field experiment, we found that Asynarchus cannibalism was not density-dependent and occurred even at low larval densities. We

  1. Dynamics of Social Behavior in Fruit Fly Larvae (United States)

    Durisko, Zachary; Kemp, Rebecca; Mubasher, Rameeshay; Dukas, Reuven


    We quantified the extent and dynamics of social interactions among fruit fly larvae over time. Both a wild-type laboratory population and a recently-caught strain of larvae spontaneously formed social foraging groups. Levels of aggregation initially increased during larval development and then declined with the wandering stage before pupation. We show that larvae aggregated more on hard than soft food, and more at sites where we had previously broken the surface of the food. Groups of larvae initiated burrowing sooner than solitary individuals, indicating that one potential benefit of larval aggregations is an improved ability to dig and burrow into the food substrate. We also show that two closely related species, D. melanogaster and D. simulans, differ in their tendency to aggregate, which may reflect different evolutionary histories. Our protocol for quantifying social behavior in larvae uncovered robust social aggregations in this simple model, which is highly amenable to neurogenetic analyses, and can serve for future research into the mechanisms and evolution of social behavior. PMID:24740198

  2. Paenilarvins: Iturin family lipopeptides from the honey bee pathogen Paenibacillus larvae. (United States)

    Sood, Sakshi; Steinmetz, Heinrich; Beims, Hannes; Mohr, Kathrin I; Stadler, Marc; Djukic, Marvin; von der Ohe, Werner; Steinert, Michael; Daniel, Rolf; Müller, Rolf


    The bacterium Paenibacillus larvae has been extensively studied as it is an appalling honey bee pathogen. In the present work, we screened crude extracts derived from fermentations of P. larvae genotypes ERIC I and II for antimicrobial activity, following the detection of four putative secondary metabolite gene clusters that show high sequence homology to known biosynthetic gene clusters for the biosynthesis of antibiotics. Low molecular weight metabolites produced by P. larvae have recently been shown to have toxic effects on honey bee larvae. Moreover, a novel tripeptide, sevadicin, was recently characterized from laboratory cultures of P. larvae. In this study, paenilarvins, which are iturinic lipopeptides exhibiting strong antifungal activities, were obtained by bioassay-guided fractionation from cultures of P. larvae, genotype ERIC II. Their molecular structures were determined by extensive 2D NMR spectroscopy, high resolution mass spectrometry, and other methods. Paenilarvins are the first antifungal secondary metabolites to be identified from P. larvae. In preliminary experiments, these lipopeptides also affected honey bee larvae and might thus play a role in P. larvae survival and pathogenesis. However, further studies are needed to investigate their function. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Nutritional condition and vertical distribution of Baltic cod larvae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grønkjær, P.; Clemmesen, C.; St. John, Michael


    Newly hatched Baltic cod Gadus morhua larvae are typically found at depths >60 m. This is a region of low light and prey availability, hence generating the hypothesis that larvae have to migrate from hatching depth to the surface layer to avoid starvation and improve their nutritional condition...... aged 2-25 days (median 10 days) ranged from 0.4 to 6.2, corresponding to levels exhibited by starving and fast growing larvae in laboratory calibration studies (starvation, protein growth rate, G(pi)=-12.2% day(-1); fast-growing larvae, G(pi)=14.1% day(-1)) respectively. Seventy per cent of the field...

  4. Controle da infestação natural de ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824 (Diptera, Tephritidae em pêssegos(Prunus persica através das radiações gama Control of naturally infested peaches (Prunus persica by mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata through the use of gamma radiation

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    V. Arthur


    Full Text Available Determinou-se a dose desinfestante de radiações gama para pêssegos, Prunus persica, infestados com larvas da mosca do Mediterrâneo, Ceratitis capitata. Utilizaram-se frutas de procedência conhecida no campo fazendo-se uma amostragem prévia, constatando-se que cada fruta continha em média nove larvas do último ínstar da mosca praga. As frutas foram irradiadas em uma fonte de Cobalto-60 com as seguintes doses de radiação gama: 0 (test., 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 e 1200 Gy, sob uma taxa de 58 Gy por minuto. Após a irradiação as frutas foram colocadas em câmaras climatizadas com a temperatura variando entre 23 e 27°C e a umidade relativa variando entre 65 e 75%. Aguardou-se que as larvas deixassem as frutas e se transformassem em pupas e adultos. A dose letal para larvas, pelos resultados obtidos no experimento, concluiu-se ser de 600 Gy. A dose letal para pupas provenientes de larvas irradiadas dentro das frutas foi de 50 Gy, impedindo totalmente a emergência de adultos.Determination of the dose of gamma radiation to disinfest peaches, Prunus pérsica infested with larvae of Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824 was made. Fruits were collected in the field, each one holding about nine larvae of the last instar of the fruit-fly. The fruits were irradiated with Cobalt-60 gamma radiation source at the following doses: 0 (control, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 Gy; at a dose rate of 58 Gy per minute. After irradiation the fruits were kept in a climatic chamber with the temperature adjusted between 23 and 27°C, and relative humidity between 65 and 75 percent, until the larvae left the fruits and were transformed into pupae and adults. It was concluded that the lethal dose of gamma radiation for larvae at the last instar, in naturally infested peaches, was 600 Gy and the dose of 50 Gy inhibited completely the emergency of adults.

  5. Efeito larvicida de óleos essenciais de plantas medicinais sobre larvas de Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera:Culicidae

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    Toshik Iarley da Silva


    Full Text Available O Aedes aegypti L. é o mosquito mais relevante em termos de inseto de importância para a saúde pública no mundo, pois é transmissor de vírus que causam várias doenças, dentre elas a dengue. Na procura de larvicidas alternativos, os óleos essenciais extraídos de plantas medicinais têm demonstrado alta eficiência. Com isso, objetivou-se com avaliar o potencial larvicida de óleos essenciais, extraídos de espécies medicinais, sobre larvas de A. aegypti. O experimento foi realizado nos Laboratórios de Tecnologia de Produtos e de Entomologia Agrícola da Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA, na cidade de Crato, Ceará. Os óleos essenciais de alfazema (Hyptis suaveolens; gonçalo-alves (Astronium fraxinifolium0; alecrim de tabuleiro (Lippia Microphylla; mussambê (Cleome spinosa; marmeleiro (Croton sonderianus; aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva; velame (Croton heliotropiifolius e candeeiro (Vanillosmopsis arborea foram extraídos pelo método de hidrodestilação em aparelho tipo Clevenger. Os óleos foram emulsionados com Dimetilsulfóxido 2% (DMSO e diluídos para a concentração de 100 ppm (partes por milhão, utilizando-se o delineamento inteiramente casualisado com nove tratamentos (consistindo nas soluções de 100 ppm de cada óleo mais a solução controle com água e DMSO e quatro repetições, utilizando-se dez larvas para cada tratamento, sendo avaliado o número de larvas mortas. Observou-se que todos os óleos essenciais apresentaram efeito larvicida, porém os de candeeiro e de alfazema foram os que se destacaram.Abstract: Aedes aegypti L. is the most relevant mosquito in terms of public health importance of the world, because it’s the virus transmitter that causes many diseases, among this dengue. Looking for alternatives larvicides, the essential oils extracted from medicinal plants have demonstrated high efficiency. Thereby, it was objectified in this work to evaluate the larvicide potential of some essential oils


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    Rubén Valbuena V.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el desempeño y sobrevivencia de larvas de capaz Pimelodus grosskopfii suministrando alimento vivo (Cladóceros, Copépodos y Artemia salina. Materiales y métodos. Larvas de capaz fueron ubicadas en recipientes plásticos con un volumen útil de 3 L, a una densidad de 10 larvas L-1, fueron alimentadas cuatro veces al día, durante 15 días con nauplios de Artemia recién eclosionadas, Cladóceros de los géneros Moina y Ceriodaphnia y Copépodos calanoides. Las larvas de capaz se pesaron y se midieron al inicio y al final del experimento para estimar ganancia en peso (GP, ganancia en longitud (GL, tasa de crecimiento específico (TCE, Factor de crecimiento relativo (FCR y sobrevivencia (S Resultados. El tratamiento que presentó los mejores resultados en GP, GL y S fue el de larvas alimentadas con nauplios de Artemia (3.8 ± 0.2 mg, 8 ± 0.7 mm y 48.3% respectivamente seguido de los tratamientos donde adicionó cladóceros y copépodos Conclusiones. Los nauplios de Artemia fue el tratamiento que presentó los mejores resultados en las variables productivas evaluadas en larvas de P. grosskopfii al inicio de su alimentación exógena.

  7. Extreme morphologies of mantis shrimp larvae


    Haug, Carolin; Ahyong, Shane T.; Wiethase, Joris H.; Olesen, Jørgen; Haug, Joachim T.


    ABSTRACT Larvae of stomatopods (mantis shrimps) are generally categorized into four larval types: antizoea, pseudozoea (both representing early larval stages), alima and erichthus (the latter two representing later larval stages). These categories, however, do not reflect the existing morphological diversity of stomatopod larvae, which is largely unstudied. We describe here four previously unknown larval types with extreme morphologies. All specimens were found in the collections of the Zoolo...

  8. Effect of gut bacterial isolates from Apis mellifera jemenitica on Paenibacillus larvae infected bee larvae

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    Ahmad Al-Ghamdi


    Full Text Available The probiotic effects of seven newly isolated gut bacteria, from the indegenous honey bees of Saudi Arabia were investigated. In vivo bioassays were used to investigate the effects of each gut bacterium namely, Fructobacillus fructosus (T1, Proteus mirabilis (T2, Bacillus licheniformis (T3, Lactobacillus kunkeei (T4, Bacillus subtilis (T5, Enterobacter kobei (T6, and Morganella morganii (T7 on mortality percentage of honey bee larvae infected with P. larvae spores along with negative control (normal diet and positive control (normal diet spiked with P. larvae spores. Addition of gut bacteria to the normal diet significantly reduced the mortality percentage of the treated groups. Mortality percentage in all treated groups ranged from 56.67% up to 86.67%. T6 treated group exhibited the highest mortality (86.67%, whereas T4 group showed the lowest mortality (56.67%. Among the seven gut bacterial treatments, T4 and T3 decreased the mortality 56.67% and 66.67%, respectively, whereas, for T2, T6, and T7 the mortality percentage was equal to that of the positive control (86.67%. Mortality percentages in infected larval groups treated with T1, and T5 were 78.33% and 73.33% respectively. Most of the mortality occurred in the treated larvae during days 2 and 3. Treatments T3 and T4 treatments showed positive effects and reduced mortality.

  9. Parasitismo natural em ovos crisopídeos Natural egg parasitism of chrysopids

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    Maria Alice de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Os predadores, em geral, apresentam hábitos generalistas e por isso podem ser usados em programas de controle biológico, em diferentes agroecossistemas. A sobrevivência dos predadores é afetada por diversos fatores, como, por exemplo, a presença de parasitóides. Este trabalho foi conduzido com os objetivos de identificar os parasitóides de crisopídeos, especialmente os parasitóides de ovos, e determinar o nível de parasitismo natural. As amostragens foram feitas na Embrapa Hortaliças, em campos de milho-doce, de setembro/1997 a fevereiro/1998. Os ovos de crisopídeos foram coletados semanalmente, sendo individualizados em cápsulas de gelatina até a emergência da larva e/ou do parasitóide. Foram coletados 800 ovos de crisopídeos, sendo que em 71% dos ovos, as larvas sobreviveram; 9% dos ovos foram considerados inviáveis e 20% foram parasitados por seis espécies de microhimenópteros. Destes, 57% foram parasitados por Telenomus sp. (Scelionidae, 32% por Trichogramma pretiosum (Trichogrammatidae, 6% por Oencyrtus chrysopae Crawford (Encyrtidae e 5% por Aprostocetus sp. (Eulophidae.Most predators, in general, have generalist habits and can be used as biological control agents in several crops. Predator survival is affected by several factors, such as occurrence of parasitoids. The main purpose of this research was to identify the parasitoids of chrysopids, especially egg parasitoids and their level of parasitism. The samples were taken in a sweet-corn field at Embrapa Hortaliças from September/1997 to February/1998. The chrysopids eggs were collected weekly and then individualized in gelatine capsules until larval or parasitoid emergency. A total of 800 eggs were collected. The predator emerged from 71% of the eggs, 9% were inviable eggs and the other 20% were parasitized by six species of microhymenopterans. Among these, 57% were parasitized by Telenomus sp. (Scelionidae, 32% were parasitized by Trichogramma pretiosum

  10. Seletividade alimentar de organismos-alimento por formas jovens de pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887 e curimba Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1836 = Selective feeding of food organisms by fish larvae of Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887 and Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1836

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    Nandeyara Ribeiro Marques


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a seleção alimentar de organismos-alimento por formas jovens de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus e curimba (Prochilodus lineatus com diferentes idades (6, 12, 19 e 26 dias, na presença e ausência de Pistia stratiotes. Foram utilizados quatrotratamentos (T1 = pacu + P. stratiotes; T2 = pacu; T3 = curimba + P. stratiotes; T4 = curimba e quatro repetições. A cada sete dias, foram coletadas 24 larvas de cada espécie de peixe dos tanques, sendo estas mantidas em jejum por 24 horas. Depois de distribuídas nos aquários com plâncton, as larvas permaneceram por três horas, sendocoletadas e fixadas para análise, juntamente com as amostras de água. Os tratos digestórios das larvas foram retirados e analisados sob microscópio óptico. Observaram-se diferenças estatísticas na seletividade alimentar de organismos planctônicos por larvas de mesmaespécie, em diferentes idades e também entre larvas de espécies diferentes, com mesma idade, não diferindo quanto à presença ou ausência de P. stratiotes. As formas jovens de pacu e curimba selecionaram organismos similares aos seis dias de idade, passando por alterações até o 26º dia. À medida que se desenvolveram, as larvas de pacu passaram a selecionar cladóceros e ostrácodos e as de curimba, protozoários e algas.Theobjective was to evaluate the feeding selection of food organisms for two species of fish larvae (pacu and curimba at different ages (6, 12, 19 and 26 days after eclosion, in the presence or absence of Pistia stratiotes. Four treatments were used (T1 = pacu + P. stratiotes; T2 = pacu; T3 = curimba + P. stratiotes; T4 = curimba and four replications. Every seven days, 24 fish larvae of each species were collected, and kept without food for 24 hours. Afterbeing distributed in the aquariums with plankton, the larvae stayed for three hours, and were collected and prepared for analysis, along with the water samples. The digestive tract of the fish larvae were

  11. Development of Digestive Enzyme of Patin Pangasius hypohthalmus Larvae

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    I. Effendi


    Full Text Available Culture of patin Pangasius hypophthalmus especially larval rearing  very depends on the supply of natural food as energy source.  Artemia is the main natural food for fish larvae as a starter food, but its price is high.  To reduce production cost, farmers tend to reduce the feeding frequency and shorten  the Artemia feeding period.  Altering feeding regime however may reduce fry quality. This relate to the availability of digestive enzymes.  The objective of this study was  to examine digestive enzymes activity in patin larvae fed with  different feeding regime.  By shorten feeding period with Artemia to 2-4 days and Tubifex,substitution, the enzymes activity of protease, lipase and amylase were revealed similar pattern   The enzymes activity tends to increase and reach the peak at day 7 , and decrease later on until day 15 after hatching.  Survival rate of fish were varied for each treatment, and the highest survival rate was obtained when larvae were fed by Artemia for 8 days.  Blood worm were not fully digested by patin larvae at early stage. Keywords: enzyme, digestion, patin, Pangasius hypophthalmus   ABSTRAK Proses budidaya ikan patin, Pangasius hypophthalmus terutama pembenihan sangat tergantung oleh ketersediaan pakan alami sebagai sumber energinya. Artemia merupakan pakan alami yang banyak diberikan pada saat larva ikan mulai makan, namun harganya relatif tinggi. Untuk menekan biaya produksi, petani ikan patin cenderung mengurangi frekuensi pemberian Artemia dan mempersingkat waktu pemberiannya. Penggeseran jadwal ini diduga mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas benih ikan patin yang dihasilkan yang berhubungan dengan kesiapan enzim pencernaannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui aktivitas enzim pada larva ikan patin dengan jadwal pemberian pakan yang berbeda. Dengan memotong waktu pemberian Artemia 2 - 4 hari dan disubstitusi dengan Tubifex, aktifitas enzim protease, lipase dan amilase pada larva ikan patin, memiliki

  12. Nonsensical choices? Fall armyworm moths choose seemingly best or worst hosts for their larvae, but neonate larvae make their own choices.

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    Julio C Rojas

    Full Text Available Selecting optimal host plants is critical for herbivorous insects, such as fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda, an important maize pest in the Americas and Africa. Fall armyworm larvae are presumed to have limited mobility, hence female moths are presumed to be largely responsible for selecting hosts. We addressed host selection by fall armyworm moths and neonate and older (3rd-instar larvae, as mediated by resistance and herbivory in maize plants. Thus, we compared discrimination among three maize cultivars with varying degrees of resistance to fall armyworm, and between plants subjected or not to two types of herbivory. The cultivars were: (i susceptible, and deficient in jasmonic acid (JA production and green leaf volatiles (GLV emissions (inbred line B73-lox10; (ii modestly resistant (B73, and; (iii highly resistant (Mp708. The herbivory types were: (i ongoing (= fall armyworm larvae present, and; (ii future (= fall armyworm eggs present. In choice tests, moths laid more eggs on the highly resistant cultivar, and least on the susceptible cultivar, though on those cultivars larvae performed poorest and best, respectively. In the context of herbivory, moths laid more eggs: (i on plants subject to versus free of future herbivory, regardless of whether plants were deficient or not in JA and GLV production; (ii on plants subject versus free of ongoing herbivory, and; (iii on plants not deficient in compared to deficient in JA and GLV production. Neonate larvae dispersed aerially from host plants (i.e. ballooned, and most larvae colonized the modestly resistant cultivar, and fewest the highly resistant cultivar, suggesting quasi-directional, directed aerial descent. Finally, dispersing older larvae did not discriminate among the three maize cultivars, nor between maize plants and (plastic model maize plants, suggesting random, visually-oriented dispersal. Our results were used to assemble a model of host selection by fall armyworm moths and

  13. Suppressing bullfrog larvae with carbon dioxide (United States)

    Gross, Jackson A.; Ray, Andrew; Sepulveda, Adam J.; Watten, Barnaby J.; Densmore, Christine L.; Layhee, Megan J.; Mark Abbey-Lambert,; ,


    Current management strategies for the control and suppression of the American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus = Rana catesbeiana Shaw) and other invasive amphibians have had minimal effect on their abundance and distribution. This study evaluates the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) on pre- and prometamorphic Bullfrog larvae. Bullfrogs are a model organism for evaluating potential suppression agents because they are a successful invader worldwide. From experimental trials we estimated that the 24-h 50% and 99% lethal concentration (LC50 and LC99) values for Bullfrog larvae were 371 and 549 mg CO2/L, respectively. Overall, larvae that succumbed to experimental conditions had a lower body condition index than those that survived. We also documented sublethal changes in blood chemistry during prolonged exposure to elevated CO2. Specifically, blood pH decreased by more than 0.5 pH units after 9 h of exposure and both blood partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and blood glucose increased. These findings suggest that CO2 treatments can be lethal to Bullfrog larvae under controlled laboratory conditions. We believe this work represents the necessary foundation for further consideration of CO2 as a potential suppression agent for one of the most harmful invaders to freshwater ecosystems.

  14. Parasitism by Campoletis flavicincta on Spodoptera frugiperda in corn Parasitismo de Campoletis flavicincta sobre Spodoptera frugiperda em plantas de milho

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    Fausto da Costa Matos Neto


    Full Text Available Parasitism by Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae on Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae and consequent reduction of production losses were evaluated on caged corn plants in the field. Treatments consisted of plots infested with 0 (control, 15 and 30 pairs of C. flavicincta with egg masses per cage and plot infested without cage and liberation of the parasitoid. Parasitoid release was done when S. frugiperda larvae were three-day-old. Fifty corn plants (40% per plot were collected seven days after infestation and S. frugiperda larvae present were reared in glass cups on an artificial diet. Number of S. frugiperda larvae was reduced by C. flavicincta but mortality of the pest and parasitoid sex ratio in laboratory were similar among treatments. Total progeny and female production from collected larvae were similar among densities of released parasitoid. Parasitism rate was higher on 30 than on 15 pairs of C. flavicincta. Damage on corn plants at seven and 14 days after S. frugiperda infestation had similar grades at 0, 15 or 30 C. flavicincta pairs and higher values than the plots without cage. Damage by S. frugiperda was lower at 30 C. flavicincta pairs after 21 days of infestation. Final stand, stand reduction by plant death and corn productivity were similar among treatments.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial do parasitóide Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae no controle de Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae em plantas de milho protegidas por gaiolas no campo. Os tratamentos consistiram de parcelas infectadas com 0 (controle, 15 e 30 casais de C. flavicincta liberados por gaiola e parcela infestada, além de parcelas sem gaiola e sem liberação do parasitóide. C. flavicincta foi liberado quando as larvas de S. frugiperda estavam com três dias de idade. Em cada parcela, 40% das plantas foram colhidas sete dias após a infestação, e as larvas

  15. Screening of plants found in the State of Amazonas, Brazil for activity against Aedes aegypti larvae Triagem de plantas encontradas no Estado do Amazonas para atividade larvicida contra Aedes aegypti

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    Adrian Martin Pohlit


    Full Text Available Ethanol, methanol and water extracts representing mostly native plant species found in the Amazon region were prepared, respectively, by maceration, continuous liquid-solid extraction and infusion, followed by evaporation and freeze-drying. The freeze-dried extracts were tested for lethality toward Aedes aegypti larvae at test concentrations of 500 mg / mL. In general, methanol extracts exhibited the greatest larvicidal activity. The following 7 methanol extracts of (the parts of the indicated plant species were the most active, resulting in 100% mortality in A. aegypti larvae: Tapura amazonica Poepp. (root, Piper aduncum L. (leaf and root, P. tuberculatum Jacq. (leaf, fruit and branch. and Simaba polyphylla (Cavalcante W.W. Thomas (branch.Extratos aquosos, etanólicos e metanólicos, representando principalmente espécies vegetais nativas encontradas na região Amazônica, foram preparados, respectivamente, por infusão, maceração e extração contínua líquido-sólido, seguida de evaporação e liofilização. Os extratos liofilizados foram testados para atividade contra larvas de Aedes aegypti, na concentração única de 500 mg / mL. Os extratos metanólicos foram, em geral, os que apresentaram maior atividade larvicida. Os seguintes 7 extratos metanólicos das (partes das espécies vegetais indicadas foram os mais ativos, provocando 100% de mortalidade em larvas de A. aegypti: Tapura amazonica Poepp. (raiz, Piper aduncum L. (folha e raiz, P. tuberculatum Jacq. (folha, fruto e galho e Simaba polyphylla (Cavalcante W.W. Thomas (galho.

  16. [Toxicity and influencing factors of liquid chlorine on chironomid larvae]. (United States)

    Sun, Xing-Bin; Cui, Fu-Yi; Zhang, Jin-Song; Guo, Zhao-Hai; Xu, Feng; Liu, Li-Jun


    The excessive propagation of Chironomid larvae (red worm) in the sedimentation tanks is a difficult problem for the normal function of waterworks. The toxic effect of liquid chlorine on the different instar larvae of Chironomid was studied using distilled water as test sample. Furthermore, the effect of pH value, organic matter content, ammonia nitrogen, and algae content on toxicity of liquid chlorine was observed. The results show that the tolerance of Chironomid larvae to liquid chlorine is strengthened with the increase in instar. The 24h semi-lethal concentration (LC50) of liquid chlorine to the 4th instar larvae of Chironomid is 3.39 mg/L. Low pH value and high algae content are helpful to improve the toxic effect of liquid chlorine to Chironomid larvae. In neutral water body, the increase in organic matter content results in the decrease in the death rate of Chironomid larvae. The toxicity of liquid chlorine differs greatly in different concentrations of ammonia nitrogen. The death rate of the 4th instar larvae of Chironomid in raw water is higher by contrast with that in sedimentation tanks water for 24h disposal with various amount of liquid chlorine.

  17. Bothid larvae (Pleuronectiformes-Pisces) of the Indian Ocean

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Devi, C.B.L.

    the Indian Ocean, their regional, seasonal as well as diurnal variations. Engyprosopon grandisquamis dominated contributing to 23.2% of the total larvae. Numerically the incidence of bothid larvae suggested a uniform pattern of distribution during the two...

  18. Encontro de Aedes (Stegomyia albopictus (Skuse em Bromeliaceae na periferia de São Paulo, SP, Brasil

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    Delsio Natal


    Full Text Available Foram coletadas larvas de Aedes albopictus em uma planta da família Bromeliaceae, na periferia da cidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Esse encontro abre perspectivas de estudo para avaliação do potencial desse vegetal como criadouro desse mosquito no País.

  19. Encontro de Aedes (Stegomyia albopictus (Skuse em Bromeliaceae na periferia de São Paulo, SP, Brasil

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    Natal Delsio


    Full Text Available Foram coletadas larvas de Aedes albopictus em uma planta da família Bromeliaceae, na periferia da cidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Esse encontro abre perspectivas de estudo para avaliação do potencial desse vegetal como criadouro desse mosquito no País.

  20. Analysis of feeding behavior of Drosophila larvae on solid food. (United States)

    Shen, Ping


    The food responses of Drosophila larvae offer an excellent opportunity to study the genetic and neural regulation of feeding behavior. Compared with fed larvae, hungry larvae are more likely to display aggressive foraging, rapid food intake, compensatory feeding, and stress-resistant food procurement. Behavioral assays have been developed to quantitatively assess particular aspects of the hunger-driven food response. In combination, these assays help define the specific role of signaling molecules or neurons in the regulation of feeding behavior in foraging larvae. This protocol is designed for quantitative assessment of the willingness of individual larvae to procure solid food under different energy states. It provides a simple and reliable way to measure the graded modification of the baseline feeding rate of larvae as the period of food deprivation is increased. The test is applicable to routine functional testing and larger-scale screening of genetic mutations and biologics that might affect food consumption.

  1. External Ophthalmomyiasis Caused by a Rare Infesting Larva, Sarcophaga argyrostoma

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    Shmuel Graffi


    Full Text Available Purpose. External ophthalmomyiasis (EO is caused by infesting larvae belonging to various species of flies. Most documented cases result from sheep (Oestrus ovis and Russian (Rhinoestrus purpureus botfly larvae, but we recently discovered a rare case of EO caused by flesh fly (Sarcophaga argyrostoma larvae. Here, we report the case of a patient with EO who had been hospitalized and sedated for 1 week because of unrelated pneumonia. Methods. Case report. Results. A total of 32 larvae were removed from the adnexae of both eyes. Larvae identification was confirmed through DNA analysis. Treatment with topical tobramycin resulted in complete resolution of EO. Conclusion. EO can be caused by S. argyrostoma, and the elderly and debilitated may require extra ocular protection against flies during sedation.

  2. Ocorrência de parasitoides associados a pragas do milho (Zea mays L.) cultivado em diferentes sistemas de produção


    Rafael Braga da Silva


    O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de parasitoides das principais pragas de milho (Zea mays L.) cultivado em diferentes sistemas de produção. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Milho e Sorgo em Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais (MG), Brasil, em sistemas de produção convencional, orgânico, orgânico consorciado com feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) e orgânico solteiro. Nas coletas de plantas realizadas no milho convencional e no milho orgânico só foram obtidas larvas de Spodoptera fru...

  3. Variação temporal e espacial de ovos e de larvas das espécies de interesse para a pesca na sub-bacia do rio Miranda, Pantanal, Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v27i3.1314 Temporal and spatial variation of fish eggs and larvae of the main exploited species in the sub-basin of Miranda River, Pantanal wetland, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v27i3.1314

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    Keshyiu Nakatani


    Full Text Available Foi analisada a variação temporal de ovos e de larvas das principais espécies exploradas no Pantanal: Piaractus mesopotamicus; Prochilodus lineatus; Salminus maxillosus; Leporinus macrocephalus e Pseudoplatystoma spp., no rio Miranda. As coletas foram realizadas nos meses de outubro a março, quinzenalmente, de 1996 a 1999. O rio foi dividido em trecho superior, médio e inferior, com 15 pontos de coleta. Foram utilizadas rede de plâncton cônico-cilindrica, com fluxômetro, e as amostras fixadas em formol 4%. Para a identificação, utilizaram-se características morfológicas e merísticas, grau de flexão da notocorda e elementos da nadadeira caudal. No primeiro período, foram capturadas 5.979 larvas e 1.075 ovos; no segundo, 108.912 larvas e 1.836 ovos; no terceiro, 13.465 larvas e 1.855 ovos. A ANOVA, entre os anos e trechos do rio, foi significativa (F= 6.5, p >0,05 no trecho médio, indicando que a reprodução ocorre do trecho médio para o superior, nos meses de novembro a janeiroThe aim of this study was to analyze temporal variation of fish eggs and larvae of the main exploited species in Miranda river, Pantanal wetland (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Prochilodus lineatus, Salminus maxillosus, Leporinus macrocephalus, and Pseudoplatystoma spp., which were collected from October to March, biweekly, from 1996 to 1999. The river was divided into superior, medium and inferior sections, of 15 collection sites. Conical-cylindrical plankton net with a fluxometer and samples fixed in formol 4% were utilized. Morphological and meristic characteristics, notochord flexion degree and caudal fin elements were utilized for identification. A total of 5,979 larvae and 1,075 eggs were collected in the first period; 108,912 larvae and 1,836 eggs in the second; 13,465 larvae and 1,855 eggs in the third. Results showed that ANOVA, between the years and the river stretches, was significant (F = 6.5, p >0.05 in the medium section, which indicates that the

  4. Decapod larvae from the nearshore waters of Karwar

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Nair, V.R.; Paulinose, V.T.

    Abundance of decapod larvae at three stations in Binge Bay, Karwar has been reported based on surface collections taken during the period October 1975 to September 1976. The larvae were very common in the Bay and the postmonsoon months sustained...

  5. Effects of the Liquids Used to Kill Larvae on the Length of Forensically Important Blow Fly Lucilia sericata Meigen (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Larvae


    Halide Nihal Açıkgöz; Ali Açıkgöz


    Forensic entomological practices rely upon accurate larval identification and measurement of larval length, for the estimation of post-mortem intervals. The methods used for killing larvae may affect the length of larvae. In the autopsy hall, corpses which are contain entomological remains have been washed with grape vinegar. Besides, while collecting and killing the larvae on corpses, crime scene teams use alcohol 70% because it is practical. The aim of this study was to determine which...

  6. <em>Ascaridia galliem> in chickens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ferdushy, Tania; Nejsum, Peter; Roepstorff, Allan Knud


    This study was conducted to observe the localization and to compare methods for isolation of minute Ascaridia galli larvae in chicken intestine. Firstly, six 7-week-old layer pullets were orally infected with 2,000 embryonated A. galli eggs and necropsied either at 3, 5 or 7 days post infection...... (dpi). More than 95 % of the recovered larvae were obtained from the anterior half of the jejunoileum, suggesting this part as the initial predilection site for A. galli larvae. Secondly, the intestinal wall of one layer pullet infected with 20,000 A. galli eggs 3 days earlier was digested in pepsin......-HCl for 90 min. The initial 10 min of digestion released 51 % of the totally recovered larvae and the last 30 min of continuous digestion yielded only 5 %. This indicates that the majority of larvae were located superficially in the intestinal mucosa. Thirdly, 48 7-week-old layer pullets were infected...

  7. Relações entre fatores ambientais e a distribuição de ovos e larvas de peixes na sub-bacia do rio Ivinhema, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v28i2.1027 Relationship between environmental factors and fish eggs and larvae distribution in the Ivinhema River basin, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v28i2.1027

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    Keshyiu Nakatani


    Full Text Available A distribuição espacial e temporal de ovos e larvas de peixes no alto rio Ivinhema foi analisada objetivando determinar as áreas de desova e suas relações com fatores ambientais. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de setembro de 1994 a fevereiro de1995 em quatro pontos, no rio Ivinhema e em três tributários. Foi utilizada uma rede de plâncton cônico-cilindrica com malha de 0,5 mm, com fluxômetro, e as amostras fixadas em formol 4%. A abundância foi padronizada em 10 m3 de água filtrada. Foram medidos: temperatura da água, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, condutividade e precipitação. A Análise de Componentes Principais determinou a correlação entre as variáveis ambientais e a densidade do ictioplâncton nos pontos de coleta. Foram coletados 23.325 ovos e 16.012 larvas. A densidade foi maior no período chuvoso, Concluiu-se que a reprodução ocorre no período de alta precipitação e temperaturas (outubro a dezembro, com maiores densidades nas estações de coleta dos rios Dourados e Vacaria, com relativo pH básico e baixa condutividade.The spatial and temporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae in the Ivinhema River Basin was analyzed. The aim was to determine the spawning areas and their relationship to environmental factors. Monthly collections were done from September, 1994, to February, 1995, in four sites: one in the Ivinhema River and three in different tributaries. Conic-cylindrical plankton net with 0.5 mm, coupled with a flow meter was used, and the samples were preserved in formol 4%. The abundance was standardized for 10 m3. Data related to water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, electric conductivity, and rainfall were also collected. Principal Components Analysis determined the correlation between the environmental variables and the ichthyoplankton density along each river stretch. 23,325 eggs and 16,012 larvae were collected. The density was higher during the rainy period. The spawning period coincided with high

  8. Using Real-time PCR for Identification of Paenibacillus larvae

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    Vladimíra Kňazovická


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was identification of Paenibacillus larvae that causes American foulbrood disease (AFB in colony of bees (Apis mellifera. Bacterial isolates originated from honey samples, because presence of P. larvae in honey is treated as early diagnostic of AFB. Intense proteolytic activity and no catalase activity are typical for Gram positive rod-shaped bacteria P. larvae. We diluted honey (1:2, heated at 80 °C for 10 min and inoculated on semiselective medium MYPGP agar with nalidixic acid. Plates were cultivated at 37 °C for 48 – 72 h under the aerobic conditions. Selected colonies were transferred on MYT agar and cultivated 24 h. We analysed 30 honey samples and found 27 bacterial isolates. All isolates were Gram positive and mainly rod-shaped. No catalase activity was documented for 6 from 27 isolates. Identification was finished by real-time PCR to detect the 16S rRNA gene of Paenibacillus larvae with real-time cycler Rotor-Gene 6000. As DNA template we used genomic DNA isolated with commercial kit and DNA lysate obtaining by boiled cells. We used 2 strains of P. larvae from CCM (Czech Collection of Microorganisms as positive control. The reliable method of detection P. larvae has important rule for beekeeping.

  9. Structure and occurrence of cyphonautes larvae (Bryozoa, Ectoprocta)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Claus; Worsaae, Katrine


    We have studied larvae of the freshwater ctenostome Hislopia malayensis with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and LM of serial sections. Some additional observations on larvae of M. membranacea using SEM and CLSM are also reported. The overall configu...

  10. Ocorrência de ectoparasitos em avestruzes (Struthio camelus criadas no semi-árido baiano Occurence of ectoparasites in ostriches (Struthio camelus reared in semi-arid region of Bahia

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    Maria Ângela O. Almeida


    Full Text Available No período de maio a agosto de 2005, foram visitados 19 planteis de avestruzes na região semi-árida do município de Irecê, Bahia, objetivando identificar os ectoparasitos. As aves, predominantemente da raça "African Black", eram criadas em sistema intensivo e distribuídas, por faixa etária, em colônias, trio, casal ou creche. Durante a inspeção das aves, as plumas colhidas aleatoriamente, de várias regiões do corpo, foram acondicionadas em sacos plásticos e as larvas, colhidas das miíases, em álcool etílico a 70%. Em 74% (14/19 e 47% (04/19 dos plantéis encontravam-se avestruzes infestadas, respectivamente, pelas espécies Struthiopterolichus bicaudatus e Struthiolipeurus rheae. Somente em um plantel (5,3% foi encontrado um animal parasitado por larvas de Cochliomyia hominivorax.In the period of May to August of 2005, 19 ostrich's farms were visited in the semi-arid area of the Irecê, Bahia, in order to describe the ectoparasites. The African Black ostriches were reared in intensive system, and distributed for age group, in colonies, trio, couple or crèche. In each farm, after visually inspection of the ostrich, the feathers were taken in several areas of the body and were kept in plastic bags. The screwworms found were collected and stored in 70% ethanol. In 74% (14/19 and 47% (04/19 of the flocks were found ostriches infested, respectively, for the Struthiopterolichus bicaudatus (acari and Struthiolipeurus rheae (mallophaga. In only one flock (5.3% it was found an animal with Cochliomyia hominivorax larvae.

  11. The method by which Cephenemyia trompe (Modeer larvae invade reindeer (Rangifer tarandus

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    John R. Anderson


    Full Text Available Laboratory electrostimulated C. trompe (Modeer females forcefully expelled (sprayed larvae for 5-20 cm. The watery spray consisted of about 20 tiny droplets containing two to several larvae. Crawling first-instar larvae exhibited negative geotactic and phototropic responses; they were subject to rapid desiccation and became immobile as the tiny droplets dried within a few seconds. When 5-50 larvae from dissectedfemales were dropped in physiological saline onto different areas of the muzzle of restrained reindeer, only larvae placed deep within the nostrils and on the lips crawled out-of-sight down the nostril passage or into the mouth. Drops of larvae placed elsewhere quickly desiccated and the larvae became immobile. Larvae deposited by wild females onto a COz-baited reindeer model with the muzzle, lips and nostrils coated with insect trapping adhesive all were stuck only along the dorsal lip below the philtrum. All experimental evidence supports a natural per os mode of invasion.

  12. Conservação pós-colheita de Sorvetão (Zingiber spectabile Griff. utilizando filme plástico em diferentes pontos de colheitas.

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    Robson Assunção Cavalcante


    Full Text Available Hastes florais de sorvetão (Zingiber spectabile Griff. colhidas no Câmpus Experimental da Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, situada em Fortaleza (CE,; em dois estádios de colheita: inflorescências com abertura completa e abertura incompleta na região apical, foram submetidas ao processo de limpeza e imersas em solução fúngica. Em seguida, procedeu-se ao corte basal das hastes (mantendo comprimento padrão de 40 cm e hidratação, realizada por um período de uma hora em recipientes contendo água. As hastes foram colhidas no estádio 1 (inflorescências com abertura completa na região apical e no estádio 2 (inflorescências que apresentavam abertura incompleta na região apical, embaladas ou não em filme de PVC de 15 ?m de espessura. Em seguida, colocadas em caixas de papelão, tipo telescópio, usadas comercialmente (dimensões de 1,0 m de comprimento; 0,32 m de largura e 0,2 m de altura e armazenadas em câmaras frias em temperatura de 15 ºC e 85% de UR. Diariamente foram avaliadas perda de massa, aparência visual, além da longevidade floral. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2, e o primeiro fator referiu-se aos dois pontos de colheita e o segundo,ao uso ou não do filme de PVC; com três repetições e cinco hastes por repetição. Não houve interação significativa entre os fatores pontos de colheita e uso ou não de filme de PVC para as variáveis estudadas. O revestimento das hastes florais com filme de PVC foi eficiente na redução da perda de massa para ambos os pontos de colheita. As maiores notas para aparência visual e maior longevidade floral foram atingidas em hastes florais colhidas no estádio 1 revestidas com filme de PVC. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os pontos de colheita para perda de massa e longevidade floral.

  13. Efeito da oxamniquina sobre a adesão celular da larva do S. mansoni na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos


    Melo, Alan Lane de; Pereira, Leógenes Horácio


    The treatment of naive mice with high closes of oxamniquine, 1 hour before the intraperitoneal inoculation of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, induces a delay in the transformation process resulting in a longer host cell adhesion.O tratamento de camundongos sem infecção prévia com altas doses de oxamniquina, 1 hora antes do inóculo intraperitoneal com cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, induz a um atraso no processo de transformação, resultando conseqüentemente em larvas com adesão celular mais d...

  14. Gender-related family head schooling and Aedes aegypti larval breeding risk in Southern Mexico Escolaridad con relación al género de los jefes de familia y el riesgo de cría de Aedes aegypti en el sur de México

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    Rogelio Danis-Lozano


    Full Text Available Objective. To investigate if family head genre-associated education is related to the risk of domiciliary Aedes aegypti larval breeding in a dengue-endemic village of Southern Mexico. Material and Methods. A family head was considered to have a low education level if he/she had not completed elementary school. To estimate larval breeding risk within each household, a three-category Maya index was constructed using a weighted estimation of controllable and disposable domestic water containers. A socio-economic index was constructed based on household construction characteristics. Results. Low-level education of either family head was associated to higher larval breeding risk. Households with low-educated mothers had more larval breeding containers. These associations persisted after adjusting for household socio-economic level. Conclusions. These results indicate that households with female family heads with low education levels accumulate more containers that favor Ae. aegypti breeding, and that education campaigns for dengue control should be addressed to this part of the population.Objetivo. Investigar si la escolaridad asociada con el género de los jefes de familia de una localidad endémica de dengue en el sur de México estaba relacionada con el riesgo de cría intradomiciliaria de Aedes aegypti. Material y métodos. Se consideró que un jefe de familia tenía baja educación si él/ella no había completado la educación primaria. Para estimar el riesgo de cría larvaria en cada domicilio se construyó un Indice Maya de tres categorías a partir de la estimación ponderada de recipientes controlables y desechables. Se construyó un índice socioeconómico basado en los materiales de construcción de la casa. Resultados. Niveles bajos de educación de los jefes de familia se asociaron con niveles altos de riesgo de cría de larvas de mosquitos. Pero las casas con jefas de familia con baja educación tuvieron más recipientes en riesgo para

  15. Updated Bionomics of <em>Toxorhynchites aurifluusem> and <em>Toxorhynchites manicatusem> in Taiwan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lin, Chia-Hsien; Konradsen, Flemming; Schiøler, Karin L


    The larvae of the genus Toxorhynchites are typically found in sylvatic habitat environments. They have been proposed as potential biocontrol agents against disease vectors such as Aedes, specifically the larvae of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. The only 2 species of Toxorhynchites identified...

  16. The early larval development of the tropical reef lobster Enoplometopus antillensis Lütken (Astacidea, Enoplometopidae reared in the laboratory Desenvolvimento dos estágios iniciais da lagosta de recife tropical Enoplometopus antillensis Lütken (Astacidea, Enoplometopidae cultivada em laboratório

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando A. Abrunhosa


    Full Text Available The early stages of the tropical reef lobster Enoplometopus antillensis Lütken, 1865 were described and illustrated in detail from specimens reared in the laboratory. Ovigerous females were captured in their habitat, at a depth of about 15 meters and transported to the laboratory. The larvae were reared in a recirculation water tank for approximately 15 days and then transferred to four 10 liters aquariums. The larvae were fed on Artemia sp. nauplii. Microalgae Dunaliella viridis was added daily to the culture. The larvae moulted seven times progressing through the zoea VIII. Megalopa stage was not achieved. The intermoulting period of each stage averaged from eight to 12 days. Morphological comparisons with previous reports are briefly discussed.Os estágios iniciais da lagosta tropical Enoplometopus antillensis Lütken, 1865 foram descritos e ilustrados a partir de espécimes cultivados em laboratório. Fêmeas ovígeras foram capturadas em seu habitat, na profundidade cerca de 15 metros e transportadas para o laboratório. As larvas foram cultivadas em tanques de água recirculante por aproximadamente 15 dias e, então transferidas para quatro aquários (capacidade 10 litros. As larvas foram alimentadas com náuplios de Artemia sp. recém eclodidos. A microalga Dunaliella viridis AUTOR foi diariamente adicionada no cultivo. As larvas mudaram sete vezes alcançando o zoea VIII. O estágio megalopa não foi obtido. O período de intermuda de cada estágio variou de cerca de oito a 12 dias. Comparações morfológicas com trabalhos anteriores são brevemente discutidas.

  17. Parasites of fish larvae: do they follow metabolic energetic laws? (United States)

    Muñoz, Gabriela; Landaeta, Mauricio F; Palacios-Fuentes, Pamela; George-Nascimento, Mario


    Eumetazoan parasites in fish larvae normally exhibit large body sizes relative to their hosts. This observation raises a question about the potential effects that parasites might have on small fish. We indirectly evaluated this question using energetic metabolic laws based on body volume and the parasite densities. We compared the biovolume as well as the numeric and volumetric densities of parasites over the host body volume of larval and juvenile-adult fish and the average of these parasitological descriptors for castrator parasites and the parasites found in the fish studied here. We collected 5266 fish larvae using nearshore zooplankton sampling and 1556 juveniles and adult fish from intertidal rocky pools in central Chile. We considered only the parasitized hosts: 482 fish larvae and 629 juvenile-adult fish. We obtained 31 fish species; 14 species were in both plankton and intertidal zones. Fish larvae exhibited a significantly smaller biovolume but larger numeric and volumetric densities of parasites than juvenile-adult fish. Therefore, fish larvae showed a large proportion of parasite biovolume per unit of body host (cm(3)). However, the general scaling of parasitological descriptors and host body volume were similar between larvae and juvenile-adult fish. The ratio between the biovolume of parasites and the host body volume in fish larvae was similar to the proportion observed in castrator parasites. Furthermore, the ratios were different from those of juvenile-adult fish, which suggests that the presence of parasites implies a high energetic cost for fish larvae that would diminish the fitness of these small hosts.

  18. The larva of Paracapnia disala (Jewett) (Plecoptera: Capniidae) (United States)

    Kenneth W. Stewart


    The larva of Paracapnia disala (Jewett) was associated from two first order headwater streams in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, U.S.A. Larvae of this first western Paracapnia species to be associated, were studied and compared morphologically with those of the eastern Paracapnia angulata...

  19. Composition, Abundance and Distribution of Brachyuran Larvae in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... Ocypodidae, Grapsidae and Xanthidae. Abundance of brachyuran larvae was significantly positively correlated with total zooplankton abundance (r2 = 0.8) and salinity (r2 = 0.71). Keywords: Brachyuran larvae, abundance, composition, Mida creek, Kenya West Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science Vol. 3 (2) 2004: pp.

  20. How to kill the honey bee larva: genomic potential and virulence mechanisms of Paenibacillus larvae.

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    Marvin Djukic

    Full Text Available Paenibacillus larvae, a Gram positive bacterial pathogen, causes American Foulbrood (AFB, which is the most serious infectious disease of honey bees. In order to investigate the genomic potential of P. larvae, two strains belonging to two different genotypes were sequenced and used for comparative genome analysis. The complete genome sequence of P. larvae strain DSM 25430 (genotype ERIC II consisted of 4,056,006 bp and harbored 3,928 predicted protein-encoding genes. The draft genome sequence of P. larvae strain DSM 25719 (genotype ERIC I comprised 4,579,589 bp and contained 4,868 protein-encoding genes. Both strains harbored a 9.7 kb plasmid and encoded a large number of virulence-associated proteins such as toxins and collagenases. In addition, genes encoding large multimodular enzymes producing nonribosomally peptides or polyketides were identified. In the genome of strain DSM 25719 seven toxin associated loci were identified and analyzed. Five of them encoded putatively functional toxins. The genome of strain DSM 25430 harbored several toxin loci that showed similarity to corresponding loci in the genome of strain DSM 25719, but were non-functional due to point mutations or disruption by transposases. Although both strains cause AFB, significant differences between the genomes were observed including genome size, number and composition of transposases, insertion elements, predicted phage regions, and strain-specific island-like regions. Transposases, integrases and recombinases are important drivers for genome plasticity. A total of 390 and 273 mobile elements were found in strain DSM 25430 and strain DSM 25719, respectively. Comparative genomics of both strains revealed acquisition of virulence factors by horizontal gene transfer and provided insights into evolution and pathogenicity.

  1. How to kill the honey bee larva: genomic potential and virulence mechanisms of Paenibacillus larvae. (United States)

    Djukic, Marvin; Brzuszkiewicz, Elzbieta; Fünfhaus, Anne; Voss, Jörn; Gollnow, Kathleen; Poppinga, Lena; Liesegang, Heiko; Garcia-Gonzalez, Eva; Genersch, Elke; Daniel, Rolf


    Paenibacillus larvae, a Gram positive bacterial pathogen, causes American Foulbrood (AFB), which is the most serious infectious disease of honey bees. In order to investigate the genomic potential of P. larvae, two strains belonging to two different genotypes were sequenced and used for comparative genome analysis. The complete genome sequence of P. larvae strain DSM 25430 (genotype ERIC II) consisted of 4,056,006 bp and harbored 3,928 predicted protein-encoding genes. The draft genome sequence of P. larvae strain DSM 25719 (genotype ERIC I) comprised 4,579,589 bp and contained 4,868 protein-encoding genes. Both strains harbored a 9.7 kb plasmid and encoded a large number of virulence-associated proteins such as toxins and collagenases. In addition, genes encoding large multimodular enzymes producing nonribosomally peptides or polyketides were identified. In the genome of strain DSM 25719 seven toxin associated loci were identified and analyzed. Five of them encoded putatively functional toxins. The genome of strain DSM 25430 harbored several toxin loci that showed similarity to corresponding loci in the genome of strain DSM 25719, but were non-functional due to point mutations or disruption by transposases. Although both strains cause AFB, significant differences between the genomes were observed including genome size, number and composition of transposases, insertion elements, predicted phage regions, and strain-specific island-like regions. Transposases, integrases and recombinases are important drivers for genome plasticity. A total of 390 and 273 mobile elements were found in strain DSM 25430 and strain DSM 25719, respectively. Comparative genomics of both strains revealed acquisition of virulence factors by horizontal gene transfer and provided insights into evolution and pathogenicity.

  2. Chironomidae bloodworms larvae as aquatic amphibian food. (United States)

    Fard, Mojdeh Sharifian; Pasmans, Frank; Adriaensen, Connie; Laing, Gijs Du; Janssens, Geert Paul Jules; Martel, An


    Different species of chironomids larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae) so-called bloodworms are widely distributed in the sediments of all types of freshwater habitats and considered as an important food source for amphibians. In our study, three species of Chironomidae (Baeotendipes noctivagus, Benthalia dissidens, and Chironomus riparius) were identified in 23 samples of larvae from Belgium, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine provided by a distributor in Belgium. We evaluated the suitability of these samples as amphibian food based on four different aspects: the likelihood of amphibian pathogens spreading, risk of heavy metal accumulation in amphibians, nutritive value, and risk of spreading of zoonotic bacteria (Salmonella, Campylobacter, and ESBL producing Enterobacteriaceae). We found neither zoonotic bacteria nor the amphibian pathogens Ranavirus and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in these samples. Our data showed that among the five heavy metals tested (Hg, Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn), the excess level of Pb in two samples and low content of Zn in four samples implicated potential risk of Pb accumulation and Zn inadequacy. Proximate nutritional analysis revealed that, chironomidae larvae are consistently high in protein but more variable in lipid content. Accordingly, variations in the lipid: protein ratio can affect the amount and pathway of energy supply to the amphibians. Our study indicated although environmentally-collected chironomids larvae may not be vectors of specific pathogens, they can be associated with nutritional imbalances and may also result in Pb bioaccumulation and Zn inadequacy in amphibians. Chironomidae larvae may thus not be recommended as single diet item for amphibians. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Quantification of vestibular-induced eye movements in zebrafish larvae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mo Weike


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Vestibular reflexes coordinate movements or sensory input with changes in body or head position. Vestibular-evoked responses that involve the extraocular muscles include the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR, a compensatory eye movement to stabilize retinal images. Although an angular VOR attributable to semicircular canal stimulation was reported to be absent in free-swimming zebrafish larvae, recent studies reveal that vestibular-induced eye movements can be evoked in zebrafish larvae by both static tilts and dynamic rotations that tilt the head with respect to gravity. Results We have determined herein the basis of sensitivity of the larval eye movements with respect to vestibular stimulus, developmental stage, and sensory receptors of the inner ear. For our experiments, video recordings of larvae rotated sinusoidally at 0.25 Hz were analyzed to quantitate eye movements under infrared illumination. We observed a robust response that appeared as early as 72 hours post fertilization (hpf, which increased in amplitude over time. Unlike rotation about an earth horizontal axis, rotation about an earth vertical axis at 0.25 Hz did not evoke eye movements. Moreover, vestibular-induced responses were absent in mutant cdh23 larvae and larvae lacking anterior otoliths. Conclusions Our results provide evidence for a functional vestibulo-oculomotor circuit in 72 hpf zebrafish larvae that relies upon sensory input from anterior/utricular otolith organs.

  4. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names CI to CO (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  5. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names DH to EC (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  6. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names TF to U (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  7. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names HJ to ID (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  8. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names AN to AR (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  9. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names SJ to ST (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  10. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names CP to DE (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  11. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names C to CE (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  12. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names EV to GN (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  13. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names V to Z (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  14. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names ED to EU (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  15. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names SD to SI (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  16. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names MB to MO (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  17. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names LJ to MA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  18. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names AS to BA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  19. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names SB to SC (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  20. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names MP to NA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  1. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names SU to TE (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  2. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names PL to PO (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  3. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names IE to LA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  4. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names A to AM (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  5. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names HB to HI (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  6. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names OM to OX (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  7. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names Q to SA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  8. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names PP to PZ (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  9. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names GO to HA (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  10. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names NB to OL (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  11. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names LB to LI (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  12. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names BCE to BZ (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  13. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names CD to CH (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  14. CalCOFI Larvae Counts, Scientific Names OY to PI (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for larvae captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  15. The use of fly larvae for organic waste treatment. (United States)

    Čičková, Helena; Newton, G Larry; Lacy, R Curt; Kozánek, Milan


    The idea of using fly larvae for processing of organic waste was proposed almost 100 years ago. Since then, numerous laboratory studies have shown that several fly species are well suited for biodegradation of organic waste, with the house fly (Musca domestica L.) and the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) being the most extensively studied insects for this purpose. House fly larvae develop well in manure of animals fed a mixed diet, while black soldier fly larvae accept a greater variety of decaying organic matter. Blow fly and flesh fly maggots are better suited for biodegradation of meat processing waste. The larvae of these insects have been successfully used to reduce mass of animal manure, fecal sludge, municipal waste, food scrapes, restaurant and market waste, as well as plant residues left after oil extraction. Higher yields of larvae are produced on nutrient-rich wastes (meat processing waste, food waste) than on manure or plant residues. Larvae may be used as animal feed or for production of secondary products (biodiesel, biologically active substances). Waste residue becomes valuable fertilizer. During biodegradation the temperature of the substrate rises, pH changes from neutral to alkaline, ammonia release increases, and moisture decreases. Microbial load of some pathogens can be substantially reduced. Both larvae and digested residue may require further treatment to eliminate pathogens. Facilities utilizing natural fly populations, as well as pilot and full-scale plants with laboratory-reared fly populations have been shown to be effective and economically feasible. The major obstacles associated with the production of fly larvae from organic waste on an industrial scale seem to be technological aspects of scaling-up the production capacity, insufficient knowledge of fly biology necessary to produce large amounts of eggs, and current legislation. Technological innovations could greatly improve performance of the biodegradation facilities and

  16. Crustacean Larvae-Vision in the Plankton. (United States)

    Cronin, Thomas W; Bok, Michael J; Lin, Chan


    We review the visual systems of crustacean larvae, concentrating on the compound eyes of decapod and stomatopod larvae as well as the functional and behavioral aspects of their vision. Larval compound eyes of these macrurans are all built on fundamentally the same optical plan, the transparent apposition eye, which is eminently suitable for modification into the abundantly diverse optical systems of the adults. Many of these eyes contain a layer of reflective structures overlying the retina that produces a counterilluminating eyeshine, so they are unique in being camouflaged both by their transparency and by their reflection of light spectrally similar to background light to conceal the opaque retina. Besides the pair of compound eyes, at least some crustacean larvae have a non-imaging photoreceptor system based on a naupliar eye and possibly other frontal eyes. Larval compound-eye photoreceptors send axons to a large and well-developed optic lobe consisting of a series of neuropils that are similar to those of adult crustaceans and insects, implying sophisticated analysis of visual stimuli. The visual system fosters a number of advanced and flexible behaviors that permit crustacean larvae to survive extended periods in the plankton and allows them to reach acceptable adult habitats, within which to metamorphose. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. All rights reserved. For permissions please email:

  17. Observations of the sound producing organs in achelate lobster larvae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John A. Fornshell


    Full Text Available The Achelata, lobsters lacking claws and having a phyllosoma larva, are divided into two families, the Palinuridae or spiny lobsters and the Scyllaridae or slipper lobsters. Within the Palinuridae adults of two groups were identified by Parker (1884, the Stridentesthat are capable of producing sounds, and the Silentesthat are not known to produce sounds. The Stridentes employ a file-like structure on the dorsal surface of the cephalon and a plectrum consisting of a series of ridges on the proximal segment of the second antenna to produce their sounds. All species of Achelata hatch as an unpigmented thin phyllosoma larva. The phyllosoma larva of the Stridentes have a presumptive file-like structure on the dorsal cephalon. A similar file-like structure is found on the cephalon of one species of Silentes, Palinurellus wienckki, and some but not all of the phyllosoma larvae of the Scyllaridae. No presumptive plectrum is found on the second antenna of any of the phyllosoma larvae. Presence of a presumptive file-like structure on phyllosoma larvae of Silentes and Scyllaridae suggests that the ability to produce sounds may have been lost secondarily in the Silentes and Scyllaridae.

  18. Identification of tissue-embedded ascarid larvae by ribosomal DNA sequencing. (United States)

    Ishiwata, Kenji; Shinohara, Akio; Yagi, Kinpei; Horii, Yoichiro; Tsuchiya, Kimiyuki; Nawa, Yukifumi


    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied to identify tissue-embedded ascarid nematode larvae. Two sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA (rDNA), ITS1 and ITS2, of the ascarid parasites were amplified and compared with those of ascarid-nematodes registered in a DNA database (GenBank). The ITS sequences of the PCR products obtained from the ascarid parasite specimen in our laboratory were compatible with those of registered adult Ascaris and Toxocara parasites. PCR amplification of the ITS regions was sensitive enough to detect a single larva of Ascaris suum mixed with porcine liver tissue. Using this method, ascarid larvae embedded in the liver of a naturally infected turkey were identified as Toxocara canis. These results suggest that even a single larva embedded in tissues from patients with larva migrans could be identified by sequencing the ITS regions.

  19. Starvation-Induced Dietary Behaviour in Drosophila melanogaster Larvae and Adults. (United States)

    Ahmad, Muhammad; Chaudhary, Safee Ullah; Afzal, Ahmed Jawaad; Tariq, Muhammad


    Drosophila melanogaster larvae are classified as herbivores and known to feed on non-carnivorous diet under normal conditions. However, when nutritionally challenged these larvae exhibit cannibalistic behaviour by consuming a diet composed of larger conspecifics. Herein, we report that cannibalism in Drosophila larvae is confined not only to scavenging on conspecifics that are larger in size, but also on their eggs. Moreover, such cannibalistic larvae develop as normally as those grown on standard cornmeal medium. When stressed, Drosophila melanogaster larvae can also consume a carnivorous diet derived from carcasses of organisms belonging to diverse taxonomic groups, including Musca domestica, Apis mellifera, and Lycosidae sp. While adults are ill-equipped to devour conspecific carcasses, they selectively oviposit on them and also consume damaged cadavers of conspecifics. Thus, our results suggest that nutritionally stressed Drosophila show distinct as well as unusual feeding behaviours that can be classified as detritivorous, cannibalistic and/or carnivorous.

  20. Biological and morphological aspects of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead, 1905) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on irradiated larva of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae);Aspectos biologicos e morfologicos de Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead, 1905) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) criado em larvas irradiadas de Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valle, Giuliana Etore do


    The objective of this work was evaluate some biological and morphological aspects of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata on irradiated and not irradiated larva of bisexual and tsl strains of Ceratitis capitata. The experiments were developed at the Laboratorio de Irradiacao de Alimentos e Radioentomologia (LIARE) of CENA/USP. For gamma radiation treatment it was used a Cobalt-60 source, model Gamma beam-650. Larva of bisexual strain were irradiated with 65 Gy and the tsl strain with 45 Gy. Experiments were carried out at room temperature of 25 +- 2 deg C, 75 +- 5 % RH and 14 hours of photo phase. After irradiation, the bisexual strain larva were exposed to adults of D. longicaudata for parasitization and parameters of percentage adult emergency and rate of male and female of D. longicaudata were observed. For tsl strain, were used larva from the first and the fourth collection only, and the following parameters were observed: percentage of adult emergency, rate of male and female, and the average unitary volume and weight of pupae at the 8{sup th} and 16 days after the parasitism date. Other parameters evaluated for tsl strain related to the parasitoid morphology such as, the length of the body, antenna, tibia and ovipositor. As result, both of the first and second experiments, the rate of parasitism was satisfactory, as well as showed larger incidence of females than males in parasitized larva, discarding the possibility that gamma radiation interfere in the sexual rate. No significant differences were observed on pupae volume. Some differences on pupae weight were observed at 8th and 16th day after the parasitism date, which should be associated to pre-emerging flies (8th day) and empty pupa (16th day). None significant difference was observed on morphological parameters, so one can conclude that gamma radiation treatment did not interfere in these quality parameters of the parasitoid. (author)

  1. Phylogenetics links monster larva to deep-sea shrimp. (United States)

    Bracken-Grissom, Heather D; Felder, Darryl L; Vollmer, Nicole L; Martin, Joel W; Crandall, Keith A


    Mid-water plankton collections commonly include bizarre and mysterious developmental stages that differ conspicuously from their adult counterparts in morphology and habitat. Unaware of the existence of planktonic larval stages, early zoologists often misidentified these unique morphologies as independent adult lineages. Many such mistakes have since been corrected by collecting larvae, raising them in the lab, and identifying the adult forms. However, challenges arise when the larva is remarkably rare in nature and relatively inaccessible due to its changing habitats over the course of ontogeny. The mid-water marine species Cerataspis monstrosa (Gray 1828) is an armored crustacean larva whose adult identity has remained a mystery for over 180 years. Our phylogenetic analyses, based in part on recent collections from the Gulf of Mexico, provide definitive evidence that the rare, yet broadly distributed larva, C. monstrosa, is an early developmental stage of the globally distributed deepwater aristeid shrimp, Plesiopenaeus armatus. Divergence estimates and phylogenetic relationships across five genes confirm the larva and adult are the same species. Our work demonstrates the diagnostic power of molecular systematics in instances where larval rearing seldom succeeds and morphology and habitat are not indicative of identity. Larval-adult linkages not only aid in our understanding of biodiversity, they provide insights into the life history, distribution, and ecology of an organism.

  2. Análise da degradação de dieta microencapsulada por larvas de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Holmberg, 1887 através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v25i1.2088 Degradation analysis of microencapsulated diet in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 larvae intestine through scanning electron microscopy (SEM - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v25i1.2088

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    Maria Célia Portella


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o grau de degradabilidade de dietas microencapsuladas por larvas de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus, através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os seguintes tratamentos alimentares foram testados: AMD - larvas alimentadas por 6 dias, com náuplios de Artemia, com transição brusca para dieta microencapsulada; C6MD - alimentação inicial com Artemia por 6 dias, 6 dias de co-alimentação e o restante do tempo (8 dias somente com dieta microencapsulada; e C9MD - idêntico ao tratamento anterior, porém, com 9 dias de co-alimentação. O conteúdo presente no trato digestório das larvas foi coletado e processado para análise em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Os grânulos provenientes das larvas do tratamento de transição brusca (AMD possuíam poucas áreas de degradação, semelhantes às dietas secas. Já as dietas coletadas das larvas durante o período de co-alimentação possuíam uma maior área degradada. Os resultados sugerem uma influência dos náuplios de Artemia sobre a degradação das dietas microencapsuladas.This research analyzed the microencapsulated diet degradation in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus larvae intestine. The pacu larvae received the following feeding treatments: AMD- larvae fed initially Artemia nauplii for six days, followed by microencapsulated diet; C6MD- larvae fed initially Artemia for six days, followed by six days of co-feeding and the rest of the experiment (8 days with microencapsulated diet; C9MD- larvae fed initially Artemia for six days, followed by nine days of co-feeding and the rest of the experiment (5 days with microencapsulated diet. The pacu digestive tract contents were removed, processed and analyzed under scanning electronic microscopy. Diets from AMD larvae treatment showed few degradation areas, when compared to original dry diets. On the other hand, diets removed during co-feeding period showed the highest degradation areas. The

  3. Weight changes and organ pathology in rats given edible larvae of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Processing the larvae by boiling and sun-drying reduced the toxicity on the liver and heart but not in the kidney. More research is needed on the toxicological aspects of the consumption of Cirina forda larva. Keywords: insect larvae, processing, entomophagy, histopathology, rats. African Journal of Biomedical Research Vol.


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    Eko Prianto


    Full Text Available Penelitian tentang distribusi, kelimpahan dan ukuran larva ikan dilakukan pada bulan Maret, Mei, Juni dan Oktober 2011. Stasiun pengambilan contoh meliputi Muara Delta Upang (stasiun 1, Muara Sungai Musi (stasiun 2 dan Pulau Payung (stasiun 3. Pengambilan larva pada siang hari menggunakan Bongo net yang berukuran mata jaring 250 µm. Hasil identifikasi diperoleh 13 famili ditinjau menurut musim, pada bulan Mei dan Oktober masing-masing diperoleh 7 famili, dan pada bulan juni sebanyak 3 famili. Kelimpahan larva ikan berkisar antara 9-46 ind/m3 dengan jumlah yang tertinggi (46 ind/m3 pada bulan Mei dan terendah pada bulan Juni (9 ind/m3. Larva ikan dari famili Gobiidae memiliki sebaran yang cukup luas baik spasial maupun temporal. Variasi ukuran larva ikan menurut famili setiap bulannya memiliki variasi ukuran yang hampir sama.  Research about the distribution, abundance and size of fish larvae was conducted in March, May, June and October 2011. Sampling stations encompasses Delta Upang (station 1, Muara Sungai Musi (station 2 and Pulau Payung (station 3. Larvae taken during the daytime using a Bongo net with mesh size of 250 µm. Identification results obtained 13 families based on the season, in May and October respectively 7 families, and in June as many as 3 families. Abundance of fish larval around 9-46 ind/m3 with the highest number (46 ind/m3 in May and the lowest in June (9 ind/m3. Larvae of Gobiidae family have a large distribution on spatial and temporal. The variation in size of fish larvae by family on each month are the same.


    Kassem, Hamed H; Bowashi, Salem Mohamed


    This study examined eight hundred ninety six marine fishes belonging to nine different fish species; Synodus saurus; Merluccius merluccius; Trachurus mediterraneus; Serranus cabrilla; Mullus surmuletus; Diplodus annularis; Spicara maena; Siganus rirulatus and Liza ramada. The fishes were bought from fish markets at five different sites on Libyan coast, from January to December 2013, for study the anisakids larvae among them. The results showed that 344/896 fishes (38.4%) were infected with Anisakids larvae. S. saurus was the highly infected (80.9%), followed by T mediterraneus (77.5%) but, S. cabrilla, S. maena, M merluccius, M surmuletus, and D. annularis were least anisakid infected showed rates of 58.2%, 53.8%, 43.7%, 36.7% & 3.6%, respectively. No parasites were in S. rirulatus and L, ramada. Ten species of Anisakids larvae was detected during the present study. Two Pseudoterranova sp. Larvae, two types of Anisakis larvae, Anisakis simplex larva and Anisakis sp. Larva, two types of Contracaecum sp. Larvae and four Hysterothylacium larvae. Females showed higher prevalence than males. The number of anisakid larvae varied according to body length and weight of infected fish, without significant difference between prevalence and seasons, but, a significant difference was between prevalence and regions.

  6. Lagrangian Observations and Modeling of Marine Larvae (United States)

    Paris, Claire B.; Irisson, Jean-Olivier


    Just within the past two decades, studies on the early-life history stages of marine organisms have led to new paradigms in population dynamics. Unlike passive plant seeds that are transported by the wind or by animals, marine larvae have motor and sensory capabilities. As a result, marine larvae have a tremendous capacity to actively influence their dispersal. This is continuously revealed as we develop new techniques to observe larvae in their natural environment and begin to understand their ability to detect cues throughout ontogeny, process the information, and use it to ride ocean currents and navigate their way back home, or to a place like home. We present innovative in situ and numerical modeling approaches developed to understand the underlying mechanisms of larval transport in the ocean. We describe a novel concept of a Lagrangian platform, the Drifting In Situ Chamber (DISC), designed to observe and quantify complex larval behaviors and their interactions with the pelagic environment. We give a brief history of larval ecology research with the DISC, showing that swimming is directional in most species, guided by cues as diverse as the position of the sun or the underwater soundscape, and even that (unlike humans!) larvae orient better and swim faster when moving as a group. The observed Lagrangian behavior of individual larvae are directly implemented in the Connectivity Modeling System (CMS), an open source Lagrangian tracking application. Simulations help demonstrate the impact that larval behavior has compared to passive Lagrangian trajectories. These methodologies are already the base of exciting findings and are promising tools for documenting and simulating the behavior of other small pelagic organisms, forecasting their migration in a changing ocean.

  7. Annual and spatial variability in endo- and ectoparasite infections of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758) larvae, post-larvae and juveniles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehrdana, Foojan; Bahlool, Qusay Z. M.; Skovgaard, Alf


    A parasitological investigation was performed on a total of 5380 Atlantic cod larvae, post-larvae and small juveniles sampled from the North Sea during a period of five years. The copepod Caligus elongatus (Von Nordmann, 1832) and the nematode Hysterothylacium aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802) were found ...

  8. Three different agglomerations of blood cells in a Caliroa limacina larva

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barendrecht, G.


    Some time ago in our laboratory a number of larvae of Caliroa limacina Retz., the well known slug like sawfly larva of the pear, were fixed in toto and sectioned into complete series, which were coloured with EHRLICH’S or HEIDENHAIN’S haematoxylin and counterstained with eosin. Most of these larvae

  9. Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) larvae: A new biodiesel resource

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Zhuoxue; Yang, Depo; Huang, Miaoling; Hu, Xinjun; Shen, Jiangang; Zhao, Zhimin; Chen, Jianping


    Highlights: ►Chrysomya megacephala larvae oil as a new resource transforming to biodiesel. ► Larvae were grown up on restaurant garbage for five days then oil was extracted. ► Oil content in larvae was 24.40 wt% to 26.29 wt% comparing to soybean of 20 wt%. ► Utilization of garbage reduces pollution and makes economic recycle possible. ► The properties of ultimately FAME reach the ASTM D6751 and EN 14124 standards. -- Abstract: The current energy crisis greatly affects worldwide economic development. Therefore, identifying for new energy resources is critically important. In this study, we introduce a potential biodiesel source: Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) larvae (CML), which are proliferative and can be fed with a variety of low cost materials, such as manure, wheat bran, rotted meat and decayed vegetation. The potential of C. megacephala (Fabricius) larvae oil (CMLO) for biodiesel applications was explored. Oil was extracted from the CML raised by feeding on restaurant garbage for five days. The oil content obtained from the dehydrated CML ranged from 24.40% to 26.29% since restaurant garbage varies in composition day to day. The acid value of the CMLO was tested to be 1.10 mg KOH/g. Four factors were subsequently considered to optimize the transesterification of CMLO to biodiesel. The optimized conditions included a 6:1 methanol to oil molar ratio, 1.6% KOH catalyst, a reaction temperature of 55 °C and a reaction time of 30 min. Under these conditions, the maximum yield of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) from CMLO was 87.71%. Finally, properties of the FAME were within the specifications of ASTM D6751 and EN 14214 biodiesel standards. Therefore, we concluded that C. megacephala (Fabricius) larvae represent a potential alternative feedstock for biodiesel production.

  10. Vaccination of lambs with irradiated larvae of Bunostomum trigonocephalum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivastava, V.K.; Singh, K.S.; Subramanian, G.


    Vaccination with a single dose of 2,000 infective larvae of Bunostomum trigonocephalum, irradiated at 40 kR, caused 80 per cent reduction in worm establishment and such lambs withstood a challenge infection which was otherwise fatal to non-vaccinated lambs. The female worms, which developed from irradiated larvae, were irregular in shape, had cuticular thickening at the genital opening and in many male worms the copulatory bursa was rudimentary. The sex ratio was adversely affected in worms developing from irradiated larvae. The population had preponderant sterile females and a very few male worms. (author)

  11. Primeiro registro de ocorrência do parasitóide Brasema sp. (hymenoptera: eupelmidae em ovos de Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas, 1852 (hemiptera: coreidae no Brasil First record of occurrence of the parasitoid Brasema sp. (hymenoptera: eupelmidae in eggs of Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas, 1852 (hemiptera: coreidae in Brazil

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    Carlos Henrique Marchiori


    Full Text Available Este trabalho registra a primeira ocorrência do parasitóide Brasema sp. (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae parasitando ovos de Leptoglossus zonatus (Hemiptera: Coreidae em cultivar de milho em Itumbiara, GO. A porcentagem de parasitismo foi de 4,8%. Brasema sp. constitue-se em ectoparasitóide de larvas de coleópteros e de outros hospedeiros no interior de tecidos de plantas.This work reports, for the first time, of parasitoid Brasema sp. (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae parasitizinf eggs of Leptoglossus zonatus (Hemiptera: Coreidae in maize cultivate in Itumbiara, GO, Brazil. The percentage of parasitizing was 4,8%. Brasema sp. constitutes ectoparasitoid of beetle larvae and other hosts concealed in plant tissue.

  12. Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera parasitoids of Lepidoptera caterpillars feeding on Croton floribundus Spreng (Euphorbiaceae Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera parasitóides de larvas de Lepidoptera associadas a Croton floribundus Spreng (Euphorbiaceae

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    Luciana Bueno dos Reis Fernandes


    Full Text Available Parasitoids of the family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera were obtained during an inventory of Lepidoptera larvae caught feeding in the wild on Croton floribundus (Euphorbiaceae. The Lepidoptera larvae were collected from host plants along trails inside three preserved forest areas in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Fifteen different species of Ichneumonidae belonging to five subfamilies (Banchinae, Campopleginae, Cremastinae, Mesochorinae and Metopiinae were obtained. Seven species of Ichneumonidae were reared from leaf rollers: Meniscomorpha sp. (Banchinae and Leurus caeruliventris (Cresson (Metopiinae from Dichomeris sp. (Gelechiidae; Mesochorus sp.1 (Mesochorinae [as a parasitoid of Hypomicrogaster sp. (Braconidae, Microgastrinae], Campoplex sp. (Campopleginae and Leurus sp. from Olethreutinae sp. (Tortricidae; Sphelodon annulicornis Morley (Banchinae and Eutanygaster brevipennis Cameron (Cremastinae were also reared from two unidentified species of Gelechiidae. The other eight species were reared from the larvae of exposed feeders: Diradops sp. (Banchinae from Miselia albipuncta Hampson (Noctuidae, Casinaria sp. (Campopleginae from Hymenomima conia Prout (Geometridae, Charops sp. (Campopleginae from Bagisara paulensis Schaus (Noctuidae and Oxydia vesulia (Cramer (Geometridae, two species of Hyposoter Förster (Campopleginae from Semaeopus sp. (Geometridae and H. conia, two species of Microcharops Roman (Campopleginae from B. paulensis and an unidentified species of Limacodidae and Mesochorus sp. 2 [reared from what was probably Aleiodes sp. (Braconidae, Rogadinae] from an unidentified species of Noctuidae.Parasitóides da família Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera foram obtidos durante um inventário de larvas de Lepidoptera sobre Croton floribundus (Euphorbiaceae. As larvas de Lepidoptera foram coletadas sobre as plantas que ocorrem nas bordas de caminhos em três áreas preservadas de mata do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Quinze esp

  13. Assessment of Clarias gariepinus as a biological control agent against mosquito larvae. (United States)

    Chala, Buze; Erko, Berhanu; Animut, Abebe; Degarege, Abraham; Petros, Beyene


    The emergence and spread of insecticide resistant mosquitoes renewed interest in investigating the use of larvivorous fish as a biological control agent. The potential of Clarias gariepinus fish in controlling Anopheles arabiensis and culicine larvae was assessed under laboratory and semi-field conditions. Small size (15-20 cm) C. gariepinus fish consumed greater number of mosquito larvae than the large size fish (25-40 cm) in the multivariate regression model (β = 13.36, 95 % CI = 4.57, 22.15). The Anopheles larvae consumed was greater in number than the culicines larvae consumed by the fish (β = 12.10, 95 % CI = 3.31, 20.89). The number of larvae consumed was greater during the night hours than during the light hours (β = 30.06, 95 % CI = 21.27, 38.85). Amount of supplementary fish food did not cause significant differences in the number of mosquito larvae consumed by the fish among different groups. C. gariepinus was observed to feed on mosquito larvae under laboratory and semi-field conditions. C. gariepinus fed on the larvae of An. arabiensis and culicines readily. Hence, it can be used as an alternative mosquito control agent in Ethiopia where the breeding habitats are small and localized.

  14. Oesophagostomum columbianum : immunization of young lambs using gamma ray attenuated inefective larvae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, R.L.; Dhar, D.N.


    Infective Oesophagostomum columbianum larvae were successfully attenuated by exposing them to a gamma radiation dose levels of either 40 or 50 Krad. Lambs receiving a single vaccination dose of 2000 infective larvae attenuated at 40 Krad developed partial protection, whereas those vaccinated with similar dose of infection with 50 Krad irradiated larvae failed to develop any protection. A double vaccination schedule comprising of 500 and 2000 gamma attenuated (40 Krad) infective larvae induced a significantly higher level of protection against the challenge dose. The possible use of radiation attenuated larvae as vaccine for immunoprophylaxis against ovine Oesophagostomiasis has been discussed. (author). 11 refs., 2 tables

  15. Resistência contra ectoparasitas em bovinos da raça Crioula Lageana e meio-sangue Angus avaliada em condições naturais

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    Cristina P. Cardoso


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a resistência aos ectoparasitas em bovinos jovens da raça Crioula Lageana e meio-sangue Angus em condições naturais. Foram utilizados 10 machos castrados em cada grupo, recém desmamados (6-8 meses e mantidos sob as mesmas condições de manejo, em pastagens cultivadas de inverno e verão, no município de Monte Castelo - SC, sofrendo infestação natural por ectoparasitas. A cada 28 dias, fêmeas de carrapatos (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus com tamanho acima de 4 mm foram quantificadas nos dois lados do corpo de cada animal, bem como os nódulos com larvas de Dermatobia hominis. A espessura da capa do pelame foi também avaliada a cada coleta e os animais foram classificados quanto à coloração do pelame. Os animais da raça Crioula Lageana foram mais resistentes às infestações por D. hominis e R. microplus. Não houve diferença entre a disposição de carrapatos e bernes conforme os lados direito e esquerdo dos animais. Os animais de pelagem escura albergaram a maior porcentagem de ectoparasitas nos grupos avaliados.

  16. Sun-Compass Orientation in Mediterranean Fish Larvae


    Faillettaz , Robin; Blandin , Agathe; Paris , Claire B.; Koubbi , Philippe; Irisson , Jean-Olivier


    International audience; Mortality is very high during the pelagic larval phase of fishes but the factors that determine recruitment success remain unclear and hard to predict. Because of their bipartite life history , larvae of coastal species have to head back to the shore at the end of their pelagic episode , to settle. These settlement-stage larvae are known to display strong sensory and motile abilities, but most work has been focused on tropical, insular environments and on the influence...

  17. Activity of R(+ limonene against Anisakis larvae

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    Filippo Giarratana


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is to evaluate the activity of R(+ limonene of against Anisakidae larvae. Its effectiveness was tested in vitro. The results obtained showing a significant activity of the compound against Anisakis larvae, suggesting further investigation on its potential use in the industrial marinating process. In this regard, the use of R(+ limonene in seafood products could be interesting, also due the sensory attributes resulting from its use and its relatively safe status.

  18. Enterite granulomatosa associada a larvas de ciatostomíneos em eqüinos no Rio Grande do Sul Granulomatous enteritis associated with larval cyathostomiasis in horses in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Felipe Pierezan


    Full Text Available São descritos cinco casos de enterite granulomatosa associada a larvas de ciatostomíneos em eqüinos provenientes de três propriedades rurais do Rio Grande do Sul. Os casos ocorreram entre janeiro de 1999 e dezembro de 2007. A evolução clínica nos dois casos cujo seguimento clínico foi acompanhado foi de 10 e 14 dias. Os sinais clínicos apresentados por três eqüinos foram semelhantes e consistiam de diarréia (3/3, emagrecimento (2/3, pirexia (1/3, taquicardia (1/3 e taquipnéia (1/3. Os achados macroscópicos incluíram espessamento da parede do cólon maior e ceco por edema e ocorrência de numerosos pontos marrom-escuros com 1-4mm, levemente salientes, disseminados pela mucosa. A incisão desses pontos revelou pequenas larvas de nematódeos marrom-avermelhadas de 1-2mm. Numerosos parasitas, compatíveis morfologicamente com pequenos estrôngilos, foram observados na luz intestinal ou aderidos à mucosa do cólon maior e ceco. Histologicamente, na mucosa e submucosa do cólon maior e ceco, foram observados múltiplos granulomas constituídos por moderado ou acentuado infiltrado inflamatório, composto por macrófagos, macrófagos epitelióides e eosinófilos circundados por linfócitos e plasmócitos. No centro desses granulomas, observaram-se cortes transversais de parasitas com morfologia compatível com ciatostomíneos. Adicionalmente, havia edema e infiltrado inflamatório linfo-histioplasmocitário e eosinofílico, leve ou moderado na submucosa e mucosa do cólon maior e ceco; necrose e proliferação linfo-histiocítária em folículos linfóides na submucosa e hiperplasia de células caliciformes na mucosa. O diagnóstico de enterite granulomatosa associada a ciatostomíneos foi realizado com base nos achados epidemiológicos, clínicos e macroscópicos e confirmado pela histologia.Five cases of granulomatous enteritis associated with cyathostomes are described in horses from three farms in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The cases

  19. Characterization of the metabolic transformation of thiamethoxam to clothianidin in Helicoverpa armigera larvae by SPE combined UPLC-MS/MS and its relationship with the toxicity of thiamethoxam to Helicoverpa armigera larvae. (United States)

    Fan, Yinjun; Shi, Xueyan


    In order to characterize the metabolic transformation of thiamethoxam (TMX) to clothianidin (CLO) in Helicoverpa armigera larvae and clarify its relationship with the insecticidal toxicity of TMX, method for determination of TMX and its metabolite clothianidin (CLO) residues in H. armigera larvae by solid phase extraction (SPE) combined UPLC-MS/MS was established. Following acetonitrile extraction and purification by SPE on florisil cartridge and C 18 cartridge sequently, and cleanup by PSA adsorption, TMX and CLO residues in H. armigera larvae were successfully determined by UPLC-MS/MS. By using the established method, the concentration-time curves of TMX and its metabolite CLO in H. armigera larvae in vivo and metabolism of TMX by microsome of H. armigera larvae midguts in vitro were studied. TMX was quickly eliminated from H. armigera larvae with the elimination half-life as 4.2h. Meanwhile, only a small amount of CLO was formed from TMX metabolism, with the maximum CLO level in H. armigera larvae only accounts for the metabolic transformation of 7.99% of TMX, at 10h after intravenous TMX administration. Our results suggested that the low insecticidal efficacy of TMX against H. armigera larvae was related with the rapidly elimination of TMX from H. armigera larvae, meanwhile, CLO as TMX metabolite at a very low level in vivo didn't contribute to TMX toxicity to H. armigera larvae. In H. armigera larvae, TMX didn't act as proinsecticide for CLO in insecticidal efficacy of TMX. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Production of live prey for marine fish larvae


    Kraul, S


    Tropical marine fish larvae vary in their requirements for live planktonic food. Selection of live prey species for culture depends on larval size and larval tolerance of water quality. This report describes some of the cultured prey species, and their uses and limits as effective food for fish larvae. Methods are presented for the culture of phytoplankton, rotifers, copepods, and other live feeds.

  1. Danos de Conotrachelus dubiae (Coleoptera: curculionidae em frutos de camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia na Amazônia Central Damage of camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia fruits by Conotrachelus dubiae (Coleoptera: curculionidae in Central Amazonia

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    Sidney Alberto do Nascimento Ferreira


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a ocorrência de Conotrachelus dubiae O'Brien, 1995 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae em camu-camu [Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K. McVaugh, Myrtaceae] tinha sido constatada somente em populações naturais. Relata-se sua ocorrência em um cultivo experimental, onde se avaliou os danos de C. dubiae em frutos de camu-camu, em diferentes graus de amadurecimento, entre 1999 e 2003. Os danos causados pela larva aumentaram com o amadurecimento dos frutos, havendo maior comprometimento da polpa do fruto (30 a 90% do que das sementes (7%. A incidência desse inseto pode implicar em perdas quantitativas significativas na produção de camu-camu.In Brazil, the occurrence of Conotrachelus dubiae O'Brien, 1995 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae in camu-camu [Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K. McVaugh, Myrtaceae] had only been verified in natural populations. This report describes its occurrence in an experimental cultivation, where damage of camu-camu fruits by C. dubiae at different ripening stages was evaluated between 1999 and 2003. The damage caused by the larva increased with the degree of ripening of the fruits, with greater damage of fruit pulp (30 to 90% than to seeds (7%. The incidence of this insect may cause significant quantitative losses in the camu-camu production.

  2. Larvas de Geometridae (Lepidoptera e seus parasitóides, associadas a Erythroxylum microphyllum St.- Hilaire (Erythroxylaceae Geometrid larvae (Lepidoptera and their parasitoids, associated to Erythroxylum microphyllum St.-Hilaire (Erythroxylaceae

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    Gláucia Marconato


    Full Text Available O trabalho foi realizado em área de cerrado, em São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram realizadas amostragens quinzenais de junho/1999 a junho/2000, por meio de guarda-chuva-entomológico. Foram registradas 22 espécies de Geometridae pertencentes a 14 gêneros; quanto aos parasitóides, 11 gêneros de Hymenoptera e dois de Diptera, Tachinidae. A ocorrência de Cyclomia mopsaria (Geometridae foi de 83%. Outros Geometridae registrados foram: Glena unipennaria, G. bipennaria, G. demissaria, G. brachia, Physocleora junctilinea, P. cariaria, Physocleora sp., Iridopsis fulvitincta, I. nigraria, Hymenomima amberia, Macaria regulata, Ischnopteris inornata., Prochoerodes onustaria, Prochoerodes sp., Thyrinteina arnobia, Nematocampa sp., Melanolophia sp., Isochromodes sp., Semaeopus lunifera, S. vizaria. Os Hymenoptera foram: Microcharops peronata, Charops sp., Metopius sp., Hyposoter sp., Mesochorus sp.(Ichneumonidae; Aleiodes sp., Meteorus sp., Glyptapanteles sp., Protapanteles sp. (Braconidae; Euplectrus sp. (Eulophidae. Os Diptera, Tachinidae foram: Winthemia sp.(Winthemiini e uma espécie de Blondeliini. O período de maior ocorrência de larvas de Geometridae e baixa taxa de parasitismo foi ao final da estação chuvosa e início da estação seca.This work was carried out in a cerrado area, in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil. The samples were collected at each two weeks, from June/1999 to June/2000, with entomological umbrella. 22 species of Geometridae arranged in 14 genera were found; concerning parasitoids, 11 genera of Hymenoptera and two genera of Diptera, Tachinidae. The occurrence of Cyclomia mopsaria (Geometridae was 83%. Other Geometridae recorded were: Glena unipennaria, G. bipennaria, G. demissaria, G. brachia, Physocleora junctilinea, P. cariaria, Physocleora sp., Iridopsis fulvitincta, I. nigraria, Hymenomima amberia, Macaria regulata, Ischnopteris inornata, Prochoerodes onustaria, Prochoerodes sp., Thyrinteina arnobia, Nematocampa

  3. Larvacidal Effect of Imperata Cylindrical Root Decoction against Culex sp. Larvae

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    Afini Tiara Resi


    Full Text Available Background: Filariasis is one of the neglected tropical diseases. About 337 of 401 districts in Indonesia are endemic areas for filariasis, especially in Sumatera, Kalimantan, and Papua. Culex sp. is one of the lymphatic filariasis vectors which can be controlled by insecticide, including larvacide. This study was conducted to determine the larvacidal effect of Imperata cylindrical root decoction against Culex sp. larvae. Methods: This study was conducted at the Laboratory of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran during the period of September to November 2012. The study object was Culex sp. larvae III/IV instars. The design of this study was experimental laboratory using true experimental approach. The larvae were divided into three groups: negative control (distilled water, reference (Abate®, and decoction. The number of larvae in each group was 25 larvae, and the effects were evaluated by the total number of dead larvae in 48 hours under observation. The data were then analyzed by Mann-Whitney test and Probit test. Results: The result of the Mann-Whitney test to compare Imperata cylindrica root decoction treatment to distilled water as control was significant (p<0.05. However, Abate® gave a better result. The Probit test resultwas LC50: 63% and LC90: 489%. Conclusions: Imperata cylindrical root decoction has a larvacidal effect against Culex sp. larvae.


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    Carlos Henrique dos Anjos dos Santos


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento de pós-larvas de Litopenaeus vannamei cultivadas em diferentes salinidades. Realizou-se o experimento no Centro de Tecnologia em Aquicultura da Universidade Federal do Ceará, durante o período de 1.o de setembro de 2006 a 31 de outubro de 2006. Em vinte aquários com volume útil de 30L foram distribuídos, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, cinco tratamentos (controle – 35%, 30‰, 20‰, 10‰ e 0‰ com quatro repetições cada. Foi utilizada a densidade de trinta indivíduos/aquário. As pós-larvas, em fase de PL 10, apresentavam peso e comprimento médio total inicial de 0,008 ± 0,001g e 11,00 ± 0,05mm, respectivamente. Os animais foram, gradativamente, aclimatados nas salinidades experimentais. Para as análises estatísticas, aplicou-se a análise de variância (ANOVA e, posteriormente, caso se verificassem diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, o teste Tukey de separação de médias (? = 0,001. Os parâmetros de qualidade de água analisados mantiveram-se dentro dos padrões aceitáveis para o cultivo da espécie. As pós-larvas cultivadas em 0‰ apresentaram os melhores valores de peso final, incremento em peso, incremento relativo diário de biomassa e taxa de sobrevivência (P<0,001. Todavia, os animais cultivados em 10% mostraram os melhores valores de comprimento total e incremento em comprimento (P<0,001. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que pós-larvas de L. vannamei apresentam taxas similares de crescimento e sobrevivência quando cultivadas em diferentes salinidades.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Gradiente salino, laboratório Litopenaeus vannamei, osmorregulação.
    The aim of this work was to evaluate the development of Litopenaeus vannameiat post-larvae (PL at different salinities. This experiment was carried out at the “Centro de Tecnologia em Aqüicultura/UFC” at the period from 01/09/2006 to 31/10/2006. Twenty

  5. Rendimento quântico e trocas gasosas em maracujazeiro amarelo sob salinidade hídrica, biofertilização e cobertura morta

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    José Lucínio de Oliveira Freire

    Full Text Available Um experimento foi conduzido a céu aberto no município de Remígio, PB, para se avaliar as respostas do maracujazeiro amarelo relacionadas à eficiência fotossintética e trocas gasosas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 2, referente à irrigação com água não salina (0,5 dS m-1 e salina (4,5 dS m-1, sem e com biofertilizante bovino, sem e com cobertura morta, com três repetições e três plantas por parcela, em recipientes plásticos circulares utilizados como lisímetros de pressão, com 130 dm³ de volume e drenos na parte inferior para a lixiviação do excesso de sais. A irrigação com água de baixa salinidade e aplicação de biofertilizante bovino comum estimularam a eficiência fotossintética das plantas. O uso simultâneo de água de alta salinidade, biofertilizante e cobertura morta reduziram a condutância estomática do maracujazeiro amarelo. As plantas sob estresse salino apresentaram atividade fotoquímica do fotossistema II e fotossíntese líquida inibida.

  6. Neuromuscular development in <em>Novocrania anomalaem>: evidence for the presence of serotonin and a spiralian-like apical organ in lecithotrophic brachiopod larvae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Altenburger, Andreas; Wanninger, Andreas Wilhelm Georg


    SUMMARY The phylogenetic position of Brachiopoda remains unsettled, and only few recent data on brachiopod organogenesis are currently available. In order to contribute data to questions concerning brachiopod ontogeny and evolution we investigated nervous and muscle system development in the cran......SUMMARY The phylogenetic position of Brachiopoda remains unsettled, and only few recent data on brachiopod organogenesis are currently available. In order to contribute data to questions concerning brachiopod ontogeny and evolution we investigated nervous and muscle system development...... stages. In the juveniles, the nervous system stained by a-tubulin is characterized by two ventral neurite bundles with three commissures. Our data are the first direct proof for the presence of an immunoreactive neurotransmitter in lecithotrophic brachiopod larvae and demonstrate the existence of flask...

  7. Preliminary study of killing the larva of plodia interpunella by irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Jide; Ma Xiaoping


    The results of killing the larva of plodia interpunella in the fruit by 60 Co γ-irradiation are described. The lowest effective dose for killing larva by irradiation is ca. 2000 Gy; the effective dose for immediately killing larva is 3000 Gy. The method is simple and easy and also suitable for the study of commercial irradiation of dry-fruit

  8. Helminths Parasite Larvae collected from Arabian Gulf Fish. 4. Description of four Larvae including two Metacercarae, one Didymozoid and one Acanthocephalan from Emirati Coasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kardousha, M.M.


    Four helminth larvae from different fish hosts caught from Emirate coasts are described. Two are metacercariae related to genus Southampton's, type (I) and (II). Type (I) was found encysted in body cavities of the Indian halibut Psettodes erumei and the areolate grouper Epinephelus areolatusu and type (II) in the golden stripped goatfish Mulloides flavolineatus. The third larva is related to Acanthocephala and identified as Serrasentis sagittifer. It was collected from the body cavity of the spotted lizard fish Saurida undosquamius. The fourth larva belongs to the didymozoid trematodes, and was found infecting the kidneys of different hosts, such as Saurida undosquamis, the Jack pomfret Parastromateus niger and mackerel tuna Euthynnus affins. The larva related to Stephanostomum type (I) and type (II) and the dydimozoid type are described for the first time in the Arabian Gulf. (author)

  9. Effect of electronic beam irradiation on last instar larvae of lasioderma serricorne fabricius

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yuntang; Guo Dongquan; Lu Xiaohua; Zhang Jianwei; Yang Baoan; Du Yueguang; Liu Jiangyu; Tian Zhanjun; Zhang Xiaoyan


    The electronic beam irradiation effects on the last instar larvae of cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne Fabricius) in tobacco were studied, and the mortality in 42 days, lethal time, pupation rate, emergence rate and reproductive capacity after irradiation were measured. The results showed that the mortality increased with the increase of irradiation dosage, but the larvae did not dead immediately. The last instar larvae irradiated by the dosages higher than 480 Gy could prevent the development of larvae to adults. No new generation was found after 300 Gy treatment of the last instar larvae. So 300 Gy irradiation could be considered as a suitable dose to prevent the reproduction of cigarette beetle of the last instar larvae in the tobacco. (authors)

  10. Temporal and Spatial Distribution Patterns of Echinoderm Larvae in La Parguera, Puerto Rico

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    Stacey M Williams


    Full Text Available This study describes temporal and spatial abundance patterns of echinoderm larvae in La Parguera, Puerto Rico. For the temporal study, larvae were sampled by a series of monthly tows taken with a 64μm mesh net between the new and full moon from April 2005 to July 2006, September 2006 and August 2007. In order to measure spatial variation of echinoderm larval bundances, oblique tows were taken with 64 and 202μm mesh nets at seven different sites within the shelf, at the shelf-edge, and at a nearby oceanic stations during August 2007. Overall, Echinoidea (sea urchin exhibited the highest abundance with a total of 11 921 larvae, representing 52.5% of the total collection. Ophiuroidea (brittle star ranked second in abundance with 45.6% of the total larvae. Holothuroidea (sea cucumber and Asteroidea larvae (sea star accounted for less than 2% of the total echinoderm larval collection. Early larval stages (2-8 day old of Diadema antillarum represented 20% of the total Echinoidea larvae. There was no marked seasonal trend of echinoderm larval abundance; Echinoidea and Ophiuroidea larvae were present in all monthly samples indicating that reproduction occurs year-round. Peak abundances of later-stage Echinoidea larvae were observed during January, July and October and of later-stage Ophiuroidea larvae during June, August and October. The observed peaks of later-stage larval abundances may be indicative of higher recruitment activity during these months. There was a significant difference of echinoderm larval abundance between spatial stations, with higher abundances collected at the shelf-edge. Later-stage (~24 day old D. antillarum larvae were mostly collected at shelf-edge and oceanic locations. In addition, the 64mm mesh net was more efficient for collection of echinoderm larvae than the 202mm mesh net. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (Suppl. 3: 81-88. Epub 2010 October 01.Este estudio describe patrones de abundancia temporal y espacial de larvas de

  11. Developmental Toxicity of Dextromethorphan in Zebrafish Embryos/Larvae (United States)

    Xu, Zheng; Williams, Frederick E.; Liu, Ming-Cheh


    Dextromethorphan is widely used in over-the-counter cough and cold medications. Its efficacy and safety for infants and young children remains to be clarified. The present study was designed to use the zebrafish as a model to investigate the potential toxicity of dextromethorphan during the embryonic and larval development. Three sets of zebrafish embryos/larvae were exposed to dextromethorphan at 24 hours post fertilization (hpf), 48 hpf, and 72 hpf, respectively, during the embryonic/larval development. Compared with the 48 and 72 hpf exposure sets, the embryos/larvae in the 24 hpf exposure set showed much higher mortality rates which increased in a dose-dependent manner. Bradycardia and reduced blood flow were observed for the embryos/larvae treated with increasing concentrations of dextromethorphan. Morphological effects of dextromethorphan exposure, including yolk sac and cardiac edema, craniofacial malformation, lordosis, non-inflated swim bladder, and missing gill, were also more frequent and severe among zebrafish embryos/larvae exposed to dextromethorphan at 24 hpf. Whether the more frequent and severe developmental toxicity of dextromethorphan observed among the embryos/larvae in the 24 hpf exposure set, as compared with the 48 and 72 hpf exposure sets, is due to the developmental expression of the Phase I and Phase II enzymes involved in the metabolism of dextromethorphan remains to be clarified. A reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis, nevertheless, revealed developmental stage-dependent expression of mRNAs encoding SULT3 ST1 and SULT3 ST3, two enzymes previously shown to be capable of sulfating dextrorphan, an active metabolite of dextromethorphan. PMID:20737414

  12. Distribution and elimination of Norfloxacin in Fenneropenaeus chinensis larvae (United States)

    Sun, Ming; Li, Jian; Zhao, Fazhen; Li, Jitao; Chang, Zhiqiang


    This study examined the distribution and elimination of Norfloxacin (NFLX) in Fenneropenaeus chinensis ovary and egg and newly hatched larvae. Mature parental shrimp were exposed to 4 or 10 mg L-1 NFLX for 2 or 5 d. Ovary and eggs of the shrimp were sampled after spawning in order to detect NFLX residue using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results showed that NFLX residue accumulated in F. chinensis eggs after the parental exposure, with the highest residue detected in ovary. To examine the fate of NFLX residue in larvae, we further determined the concentration of NFLX residue in F. chinensis eggs and larvae at 4 different developmental stages after 24-h exposure. From the newly metamorphosed larvae (0 h post-metamorphosis, h.p.m), samples were taken at different time intervals to 72 h.p.m. HPLC assay showed that the concentrations of NFLX residue in zoea exposed to 4 and 10 mg L-1 NFLX were the highest at 1.5 h, i.e., 0.332 and 0.454 μg g-1, respectively. At the two NFLX exposure levels, the elimination time of half NFLX (half life) in nauplius was 45.36 and 49.85 h, respectively, followed by that in zoea (31.68 and 33.13 h), mysis larvae (42.24 and 47.28 h) and postlarvae (24.48 and 30.96 h). Both NFLX exposure levels had a germicidal effect. The distribution and elimination of NFLX residue in F. chinensis tissue, eggs and larvae correlated well with the drug exposure level. The disappearance of NFLX residue coincided with the larval growth, and the half-life of NFLX decreased with the larval development.

  13. Analysis of digestive tract content of the larvae of Polybia scutellaris (White (Hymenoptera, Vespidae Análise do conteúdo do trato digestivo das larvas de Polybia scutellaris (White (Hymenoptera, Vespidae

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    Victoria Lilian Fernández Corujo


    Full Text Available Polybia scutellaris (White, 1841 is a social wasp of biological interest for its role as pollinator and maybe as biological control agent of sanitary and agricultural pests. This study examines the digestive tract contents of the larvae of P. scutellaris from four nests in Magdalena (Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Contents included both animal (arthropod parts and plant (pollen, leaf and fruit epidermis parts. The pollen content analysis showed that the wasps visited 19 different taxa of plants during the last active period of the colony before the nests had been collected. The range of sources used by P. scutellaris allows us characterizing the species as a generalist flower visitor. Wasps visited both native and exotic plants located nearby the nest. Most of the epidermal plant remains found in the larval digestive tract belonged to Malvaceae, a family not exploited by the studied colonies as pollen source.Polybia scutellaris (White, 1841 é uma vespa social de interesse biológico devido ao seu papel como polinizador e possível agente de controle biológico de pragas sanitárias e agrícolas. O presente estudo analisou o conteúdo do trato digestivo de larvas de P. scutellaris de quatros ninhos em Magdalena (província de Buenos Aires, Argentina. O conteúdo inclui restos animais (partes de artrópodos e vegetais (pólen, epiderme de folhas e frutos. A análise do conteúdo polínico mostrou que as vespas visitaram 19 táxons durante o último período ativo da colônia antes dos ninhos serem coletados. A diversidade de recursos utilizados por P. scutellaris permite caracterizá-la como um visitante generalista de flores. As vespas visitaram plantas nativas e exóticas localizados nas proximidades do ninho. A maioria dos restos de epiderme encontradas no trato digestivo das larvas pertence às Malvaceae, uma família não explorada pelas colônias estudadas como fonte de pólen.

  14. Controle do dengue em uma área urbana do Brasil: avaliação do impacto do Programa Saúde da Família com relação ao programa tradicional de controle

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    Francisco Chiaravalloti Neto


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os resultados da integração do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF e do Programa de Controle do Dengue em São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em uma área com PSF e outra sem PSF. Na primeira, os agentes comunitários de saúde, de modo integrado com as suas atribuições, orientavam os moradores sobre as medidas de controle de dengue, incentivando-os a realizá-las. Na segunda área, os agentes de controle de vetores orientavam os moradores e realizavam as atividades de controle de criadouros. Conduziram-se, de outubro de 2001 a janeiro de 2003, levantamentos para mensurar conhecimentos e práticas dos moradores sobre dengue. Na área com PSF comparativamente com a sem PSF as proporções de entrevistados que afirmaram ter como fonte de informação o serviço de saúde apresentaram aumento significante. Nas duas áreas ocorreram mudanças significantes em termos de ganhos de conhecimento e diminuição de recipientes. Os resultados mostraram que a integração entre os dois programas é viável, representa otimização de recursos ao evitar a duplicidade das visitas e possibilita um maior envolvimento da comunidade no controle do dengue.

  15. Temporal and Spatial Distribution Patterns of Echinoderm Larvae in La Parguera, Puerto Rico

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    Stacey M Williams


    Full Text Available This study describes temporal and spatial abundance patterns of echinoderm larvae in La Parguera, Puerto Rico. For the temporal study, larvae were sampled by a series of monthly tows taken with a 64μm mesh net between the new and full moon from April 2005 to July 2006, September 2006 and August 2007. In order to measure spatial variation of echinoderm larval bundances, oblique tows were taken with 64 and 202μm mesh nets at seven different sites within the shelf, at the shelf-edge, and at a nearby oceanic stations during August 2007. Overall, Echinoidea (sea urchin exhibited the highest abundance with a total of 11 921 larvae, representing 52.5% of the total collection. Ophiuroidea (brittle star ranked second in abundance with 45.6% of the total larvae. Holothuroidea (sea cucumber and Asteroidea larvae (sea star accounted for less than 2% of the total echinoderm larval collection. Early larval stages (2-8 day old of Diadema antillarum represented 20% of the total Echinoidea larvae. There was no marked seasonal trend of echinoderm larval abundance; Echinoidea and Ophiuroidea larvae were present in all monthly samples indicating that reproduction occurs year-round. Peak abundances of later-stage Echinoidea larvae were observed during January, July and October and of later-stage Ophiuroidea larvae during June, August and October. The observed peaks of later-stage larval abundances may be indicative of higher recruitment activity during these months. There was a significant difference of echinoderm larval abundance between spatial stations, with higher abundances collected at the shelf-edge. Later-stage (~24 day old D. antillarum larvae were mostly collected at shelf-edge and oceanic locations. In addition, the 64mm mesh net was more efficient for collection of echinoderm larvae than the 202mm mesh net. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (Suppl. 3: 81-88. Epub 2010 October 01.

  16. Cutaneous larva migrans: a bad souvenir from the vacation. (United States)

    Criado, Paulo Ricardo; Belda, Walter; Vasconcellos, Cidia; Silva, Cristiana Silveira


    Cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) is a common endemic disease in tropical and subtropical countries. This condition is caused by skin-penetrating larvae of nematodes, mainly of the hookworm Ancylostoma braziliense and other nematodes of the family Ancylostomidae. We report three cases of CLM acquired during vacations in different regions of Brazil.

  17. Ecological Factors Determining Abundance of Parasitic Mites on Aedes spp. Larvae

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    Nurhadi Eko Firmansyah


    Full Text Available Ability to infestation and abundance of parasitic mites in Aedes spp. larvae cannot be separated from the influence of various factors. Ecological factors have been suggested to play a role determine the presence of parasitic mites that under certain conditions become a key factor in determining the abundance of parasitic mites on Aedes spp. larvae. The aim of this study to determine the ecological factors affect the abundance of parasitic mites on Aedes spp. larvae in Bogor Regency. Capturing of Aedes spp. larvae was performed directly on the habitats found in indoor and outdoor. Capturing mites in the body of Aedes spp. larvae was performed using insect forceps. Ecological factors measured were dissolved oxygen (DO, pH, temperature, and total dissolved solid (TDS. The influence of ecological factors was analyzed using regression and correlation analysis. The result of mite identification has been obtained three species of mites that are Halacarus sp., Histiostoma sp., and Hydrozetes sp. The result indicated that total dissolved solid (TDS and temperature was the factors that determined the abundance of mites. The factors of pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO did not determine the abundance of parasitic mites of Aedes spp. larvae. The research result can be further developed as a new alternative to Dengue Hemorraghic Fever control and provide information on parasitic mites that infest Aedes spp. larvae. In addition, this results become an early step in controlling of Aedes spp. strategy platform by the parasitic mites.

  18. Nematoides anisaquídeos e cestoides Trypanorhyncha de importância em saúde pública em Aluterus monoceros (Linnaeus, 1758 no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Larvae of Anisakidae nematodes and Trypanorhyncha cestodes of public health importance in Aluterus monoceros (Linnaeus, 1758 in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

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    Fátima de Jesus Esteves Dias


    Full Text Available Entre maio e agosto de 2006, foram adquiridos 100 espécimes de peixe-porco, Aluterus monoceros em estabelecimentos de pescado nos municípios de Niterói e Rio de Janeiro. Os peixes foram medidos, necropsiados, filetados e seus órgãos analisados. Foram encontrados 16 peixes parasitados por larvas de nematoides anisaquídeos pertencentes às espécies Anisakis sp. e Contracaecum sp., com prevalência de 1 e 16%, intensidade média de 2 e 3,31 e abundância média de 0,02 e 0,53, respectivamente. Duas larvas de Anisakis sp. foram encontradas no mesentério de um peixe; e de Contracaecum sp. no fígado e mesentério, com amplitude de variação da intensidade de infecção de 1 a 9. Cinquenta e um peixes mostravam-se parasitados no fígado e mesentério por cestoides da ordem Trypanorhyncha. As espécies colhidas foram Floriceps saccatus e a Callitetrarhynchus speciosus, com a prevalência de 45 e 6%, intensidade média de 3,17 e 2,83, variando de 1 a 20 e 1 a 5, e abundância média de 1,43 e 0,06, respectivamente. Larvas de Anisakis sp. e essas duas espécies de Trypanorhyncha foram registradas pela primeira vez parasitando A. monoceros.One hundred specimens of unicorn leatherjacket, Aluterus monoceros purchased from markets of municipalities of Niterói and Rio de Janeiro from May to August 2006. The fishes were measured, necropsied, fileted and analysed their organs. Sixteen fishes were parasitized by nematode Anisakidae: Anisakis spp. and Contracaecum sp. with respectively, 1 and 16% of prevalence, 2 and 3.31 of mean intensity, and 0.02 and 0.53 of mean abundance. Two larvae of Anisakis sp. were found in mesentery of one fish and Contracaecum sp. was found in liver and mesentery with 1 to 9 specimens of range of infection. Fifty-one fishes were parasitized on the liver and mesentery by metacestodes of Trypanorhyncha. The collected species were Floriceps saccatus and Callitetrarhynchus speciosus with respectively, 45 and 6% of prevalence, 3

  19. Infective larvae of Rhabdiasidae (Nematoda): comparative morphology of seven European species. (United States)

    Kuzmin, Yuriy; Junker, Kerstin; Bain, Odile


    The morphology of infective third-stage larvae of Rhabdias bufonis, R. rubrovenosa, R. sphaerocephala, R. fuscovenosa, R. elaphe, Entomelas entomelas and E. dujardini is described. The sheath structure in the studied larvae appeared to be similar to that described in other species of the family Rhabdiasidae, its chequered aspect being caused by a combination of outer longitudinal striations and inner longitudinal as well as transverse ridges. The larvae were similar in general morphology but differed in the presence/absence of anterior apical protuberances (pseudolabia), the shape and ornamentation of the tail tip, and the structure of lateral alae in the caudal region of the body. No relationship between the morphological characters of the larvae of the studied species and their taxonomic position or specificity of adult parasites to a particular host group was observed. Regardless, the larvae of each species can be identified by a combination of morphological peculiarities in the anterior and caudal regions of the body.

  20. Distribution and abundance of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis larvae in eastern Brazilian waters

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    Yasunobu Matsuura


    Full Text Available Based on data from two ichthyoplankton surveys carried out off the eastern Brazilian coast in June and November-December 1978, the larval distribution of skipjack is discussed. Skipjack larvae were more abundant in the November-December cruise (southern hemisphere spring. They occurred mainly at stations near the margin of the continental shelf or over seamounts. Out of 240 specimens of scombrid larvae collected in this area, skipjack larvae comprised only 10.4% (25 specimens, whereas the most abundant larvae were Thunnus spp. with 68.8% (165 specimens.

  1. Microplastic ingestion in fish larvae in the western English Channel. (United States)

    Steer, Madeleine; Cole, Matthew; Thompson, Richard C; Lindeque, Penelope K


    Microplastics have been documented in marine environments worldwide, where they pose a potential risk to biota. Environmental interactions between microplastics and lower trophic organisms are poorly understood. Coastal shelf seas are rich in productivity but also experience high levels of microplastic pollution. In these habitats, fish have an important ecological and economic role. In their early life stages, planktonic fish larvae are vulnerable to pollution, environmental stress and predation. Here we assess the occurrence of microplastic ingestion in wild fish larvae. Fish larvae and water samples were taken across three sites (10, 19 and 35 km from shore) in the western English Channel from April to June 2016. We identified 2.9% of fish larvae (n = 347) had ingested microplastics, of which 66% were blue fibres; ingested microfibers closely resembled those identified within water samples. With distance from the coast, larval fish density increased significantly (P < 0.05), while waterborne microplastic concentrations (P < 0.01) and incidence of ingestion decreased. This study provides baseline ecological data illustrating the correlation between waterborne microplastics and the incidence of ingestion in fish larvae. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. High magnetic field induced otolith fusion in the zebrafish larvae. (United States)

    Pais-Roldán, Patricia; Singh, Ajeet Pratap; Schulz, Hildegard; Yu, Xin


    Magnetoreception in animals illustrates the interaction of biological systems with the geomagnetic field (geoMF). However, there are few studies that identified the impact of high magnetic field (MF) exposure from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners (>100,000 times of geoMF) on specific biological targets. Here, we investigated the effects of a 14 Tesla MRI scanner on zebrafish larvae. All zebrafish larvae aligned parallel to the B0 field, i.e. the static MF, in the MRI scanner. The two otoliths (ear stones) in the otic vesicles of zebrafish larvae older than 24 hours post fertilization (hpf) fused together after the high MF exposure as short as 2 hours, yielding a single-otolith phenotype with aberrant swimming behavior. The otolith fusion was blocked in zebrafish larvae under anesthesia or embedded in agarose. Hair cells may play an important role on the MF-induced otolith fusion. This work provided direct evidence to show that high MF interacts with the otic vesicle of zebrafish larvae and causes otolith fusion in an "all-or-none" manner. The MF-induced otolith fusion may facilitate the searching for MF sensors using genetically amenable vertebrate animal models, such as zebrafish.

  3. Cutaneous larva migrans – a threat to divers in the tropics

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    Olszański Romuald


    Full Text Available The article presents a dermatosis that occurs in tropical and subtropical countries. Though the definitive hosts of the cutaneous larva migrans parasite are animals, humans can become accidental hosts and they are infected when their skin comes into contact with damp soil, most frequently sand. The disease is only present in the epidermis where an itch is brought about by the mining activity of the larva. Sunbathers and divers who put on their gear on a beach, on account of the epidermis maceration caused by a prolonged exposure to water, are particularly susceptible to the penetrative activities of the larva. In Poland the cutaneous larva migrans is in most cases mistaken for nettle rash or eczema.

  4. Morphogenesis of Strongyloides stercoralis infective larvae requires the DAF-16 ortholog FKTF-1.

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    Michelle L Castelletto


    Full Text Available Based on metabolic and morphological similarities between infective third-stage larvae of parasitic nematodes and dauer larvae of Caenorhabditis elegans, it is hypothesized that similar genetic mechanisms control the development of these forms. In the parasite Strongyloides stercoralis, FKTF-1 is an ortholog of DAF-16, a forkhead transcription factor that regulates dauer larval development in C. elegans. Using transgenesis, we investigated the role of FKTF-1 in S. stercoralis' infective larval development. In first-stage larvae, GFP-tagged recombinant FKTF-1b localizes to the pharynx and hypodermis, tissues remodeled in infective larvae. Activating and inactivating mutations at predicted AKT phosphorylation sites on FKTF-1b give constitutive cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of the protein, respectively, indicating that its post-translational regulation is similar to other FOXO-class transcription factors. Mutant constructs designed to interfere with endogenous FKTF-1b function altered the intestinal and pharyngeal development of the larvae and resulted in some transgenic larvae failing to arrest in the infective stage. Our findings indicate that FKTF-1b is required for proper morphogenesis of S. stercoralis infective larvae and support the overall hypothesis of similar regulation of dauer development in C. elegans and the formation of infective larvae in parasitic nematodes.

  5. Irradiation effect of electronic beam on older larvae of Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yuntang; Guo Dongquan; Zhang Jianwei; Yang Baoan


    Cigarette beetle [ Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius) ] is an important pest of stored tobacco distributing over the world, and it is also one of the most serious pests in the tobacco warehouse. The larvae is the most serious detriment in the four states of cigarette beetle. The objective of this study was to control the damage on tobacco from cigarette beetle. The irradiation effects of electronic beam on the older larvae of cigarette beetle in tobacco were studied. The results showed that the older larvae irradiated by the doses higher than 480 Gy could prevent the development to adults; and no new generation was found after 300 Gy irradiation for older larvae. Thus 300Gy irradiation could prevent the reproduction of cigarette beetle for the older larvae in the tobacco. (authors)

  6. Effects of experimental infections with larvae of Eustrongylides ignotus Jäegerskiold, 1909 and Contracaecum multipapillatum (Drasche, 1882 Baylis, 1920 in rabbits Efeitos de infecções experimentais em coelhos com larvas de Eustrongylides ignotus Jäegerskiold, 1909 e Contracaecum multipapillatum (Drasche, 1882 Baylis, 1920

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    L.A. Barros


    Full Text Available Rabbits were infected per os with 10 Eustrongylides ignotus L4 and with 50 Contracaecum multipapillatum L3 per rabbit, recovered from naturally infected freshwater fishes (Hoplias malabaricus in order to evaluate the patogenicity of these two nematode species in mammalian host. Two rabbits (20% infected with E. ignotus died before the fourth day post-inoculation (one after 51 and the other after 78 hours. Six rabbits (60% were inappetent until the fifth day following experimental inoculation. No clinical signs in rabbits inoculated with C. multipapillatum were observed; nevertheless, eight (80% animals were positive for this nematode species. Rabbits inoculated with E. ignotus, had gastric congestion with hematoma of the gastric wall in 60% of the cases. Peritoneum was congested in 20% of the animals with the presence of peritoneal abscess in 10% of the cases. All inoculated animals showed hyperemia of the gastric mucosa with hemorrhagic gastritis due to infections with E. ignotus. In C. multipapillatum inoculated animals, the hyperemia was followed by disruption of the epithelial mucosa in the sites of parasite attachment. In the gastric mucosa, miscellaneous leukocitary infiltrates, with multifocal necrosis reaching the submucosa in the infections with C. multipapillatum were observed under bright field microscopy. Perforating lesions in several organs, mainly in the gastric wall, pancreas and liver, always in the presence of a mixed inflammatory process, intensely fibrous, with hemorrhage and necrosis were observed in animals infected with E. ignotus.Coelhos foram infectados experimentalmente per os com 10 larvas L4 de Eustrogylides ignotus (n= 10 e 50 L3 de Contracaecum multipapillatum (n= 50 coletados em traíras (Hoplias malabaricus naturalmente parasitadas a fim de se avaliar a patogenicidade induzida por essas espécies de nematóides em mamíferos. Dois coelhos (20% infectados com E. ignotus morreram antes do quarto dia p

  7. Activity of Selected Formulated Biorational and Synthetic Insecticides Against Larvae of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). (United States)

    Vivan, L M; Torres, J B; Fernandes, P L S


    This work studied 17 insecticides belonging to nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV), Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt kurstaki and Bt aizawai), benzoylureas (insect growth regulators [IGRs]), carbamates, organophosphates, spinosyns, and diamides against larvae of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), invasive species in the South American continent. Larvae of different instars were fed for 7 d with untreated or insecticide-treated diets. Mortality was recorded daily for 7 d, and surviving larvae were individually weighed on the seventh day. The NPV and Bt insecticides caused 100% mortality of first-instar larvae and first-instar and second-instar larvae, respectively. However, both NPV and Bt-based products caused low mortality of third-instar larvae and did not kill older larvae. The IGR lufenuron was highly effective against all three ages of larvae tested, whereas teflubenzuron and triflumuron produced maximum 60% mortality of second-instar larvae and lower than 50% to older larvae. Thiodicarb, chlorantraniliprole, indoxacarb, chlorpyrifos, and chlorfenapyr, irrespective of tested age, caused 100% mortality of larvae, with the last two insecticides reaching 100% mortality within 2 d of feeding on the treated diet. Flubendiamide caused lower mortality but significantly affected the weight of surviving larvae, whereas neither spinosad nor methomyl produced significant mortality or affected the weight of larvae. Based on the results, the age of H. armigera larvae plays an important role in the recommendation of NPV and Bt insecticides. Furthermore, there are potential options between biological and synthetic insecticides tested against H. armigera, and recording larval size during monitoring, in addition to the infestation level, should be considered when recommending biological-based insecticides to control this pest. © The Authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  8. Estudo fitoquímico preliminar e bioensaio toxicológico frente a larvas de Artemia salina Leach. de extrato obtido de frutos de Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hill (Solanaceae

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    Marcelo Gonzaga de Freitas Araújo


    Full Text Available

    Neste trabalho avaliou-se o perfil fitoquímico e a toxicidade preliminar frente a larvas de Artemia salina do extrato etanólico de frutos de Solanum lycocarpum. O extrato foi submetido à analise fitoquímica preliminar para identificação das principais classes de metabolitos secundários presentes e testado frente a larvas de A. salina para obtenção das concentrações letais médias (CL50%. Os testes fitoquímicos demonstraram a presença de fenóis, taninos, saponinas, alcalóides e esteróides e triterpenos livres. O extrato foi fracionado em diferentes solventes para a avaliação da toxicidade frente à A. salina, apresentando considerável citotoxicidade encontrada na fração hidroalcoólica (CL50% = 285,546 µg/mL. Palavras-chave: Solanum lycocarpum, Artemia salina, triagem fitoquímica preliminar. ABSTRACT The phytochemical profile of ethanolic extract of Solanum lycocarpum fruits was analyzed and preliminary toxicity tests were performed against brine shrimp larvae. The extract was subjected to preliminary phytochemical analysis to identify the main classes of secondary metabolites and tested against the larvae of A. salina to obtain the median lethal concentrations (LC50%. The phytochemical tests showed the presence of phenols, tannins, saponins, alkaloids and free steroids. The extract was fractionated with various solvents for toxicity testing against the larvae and the hydroalcoholic fraction showed considerable cytotoxicity (CL50% = 285.546 g/mL. Keywords: Solanum lycocarpum, Artemia salina, phytochemical screening

  9. Effects of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids on the larvae of polyphagous Lepidoptera. (United States)

    Miller, James S; Feeny, Paul


    Six benzylisoquinoline alkaloids were fed to the larvae of three polyphagous Lepidoptera species: Hyphantria cunea, Spodoptera eridania, and Lymantria dispar. Exposure of last instar larvae to alkaloid-containing diets over a 24-h period resulted in reduced feeding rates and reduced growth efficiencies. Lymantria dispar larvae reared from eggs on alkaloid diets took longer to reach the fifth instar, attained lower larval weights, and showed reduced survivorship. The benzylisoquinolines tested were not equally effective as toxins or feeding inhibitors. Some produced dramatic effects while others produced no effects. The relative responses of the three caterpillar species to the six alkaloids were similar. Those benzylisoquinolines with a methylene-dioxyphenyl (1,3-benzodioxole) group were consistently the most toxic or repellent while laudanosine, a relatively simple benzylisoquinoline, was generally innocuous. Available host records indicate that benzylisoquinoline-containing plants are avoided by the larvae of these moth species.

  10. Habitat stability and occurrences of malaria vector larvae in western Kenya highlands

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    Atieli Harrysone


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although the occurrence of malaria vector larvae in the valleys of western Kenya highlands is well documented, knowledge of larval habitats in the uphill sites is lacking. Given that most inhabitants of the highlands actually dwell in the uphill regions, it is important to develop understanding of mosquito breeding habitat stability in these sites in order to determine their potential for larval control. Methods A total of 128 potential larval habitats were identified in hilltops and along the seasonal streams in the Sigalagala area of Kakamega district, western Kenya. Water availability in the habitats was followed up daily from August 3, 2006 to February 23, 2007. A habitat is defined as stable when it remains aquatic continuously for at least 12 d. Mosquito larvae were observed weekly. Frequencies of aquatic, stable and larvae positive habitats were compared between the hilltop and seasonal stream area using χ2-test. Factors affecting the presence/absence of Anopheles gambiae larvae in the highlands were determined using multiple logistic regression analysis. Results Topography significantly affected habitat availability and stability. The occurrence of aquatic habitats in the hilltop was more sporadic than in the stream area. The percentage of habitat occurrences that were classified as stable during the rainy season is 48.76% and 80.79% respectively for the hilltop and stream area. Corresponding frequencies of larvae positive habitats were 0% in the hilltop and 5.91% in the stream area. After the rainy season, only 23.42% of habitat occurrences were stable and 0.01% larvae positive habitats were found in the hilltops, whereas 89.75% of occurrences remained stable in the stream area resulting in a frequency of 12.21% larvae positive habitats. The logistic regression analysis confirmed the association between habitat stability and larval occurrence and indicated that habitat surface area was negatively affecting the

  11. Dietas artificiais para a criação de larvas e adultos da mosca-das-frutas sul-americana

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    Adrise Medeiros Nunes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi adequar as dietas artificiais para o desenvolvimento dos estágios de larva e adulto da mosca-das-frutas sul-americana (Anastrepha fraterculus. Para o estágio larval, foram testadas as seguintes dietas: D1, original, com 10 g de ágar; D2, modificada, com 3,6 g de ágar; e, D3, modificada, com bagaço seco de cana-de-açúcar. Para os adultos, foram testadas quatro dietas: A, levedura de cerveja + mel (2:1; B, açúcar refinado + extrato de levedura + gérmen de trigo cru (3:1:1; C, extrato de soja + açúcar mascavo + gérmen de trigo cru (3:1:1; e D, levedura seca de cervejaria + mel (2:1. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros biológicos de duração do período ovo-pupa, duração e viabilidade do estágio de pupa, massa média de pupas, razão sexual e duração e viabilidade do período ovo-adulto. O desenvolvimento larval em D1 e D2 foi semelhante e indicou que a criação de larvas pode ser realizada com 1/3 da quantidade de ágar da utilizada em D1. A utilização do bagaço seco de cana-de-açúcar, na dieta artificial, afetou negativamente o desenvolvimento larval. As dietas artificiais com levedura de cerveja + mel e com açúcar refinado + extrato de levedura + gérmen de trigo cru são as mais adequadas para a criação de adultos.

  12. Inhibitory effect of indole analogs against Paenibacillus larvae, the causal agent of American foulbrood disease. (United States)

    Alvarado, Israel; Margotta, Joseph W; Aoki, Mai M; Flores, Fernando; Agudelo, Fresia; Michel, Guillermo; Elekonich, Michelle M; Abel-Santos, Ernesto


    Paenibacillus larvae, a Gram-positive bacterium, causes American foulbrood (AFB) in honey bee larvae (Apis mellifera Linnaeus [Hymenoptera: Apidae]). P. larvae spores exit dormancy in the gut of bee larvae, the germinated cells proliferate, and ultimately bacteremia kills the host. Hence, spore germination is a required step for establishing AFB disease. We previously found that P. larvae spores germinate in response to l-tyrosine plus uric acid in vitro. Additionally, we determined that indole and phenol blocked spore germination. In this work, we evaluated the antagonistic effect of 35 indole and phenol analogs and identified strong inhibitors of P. larvae spore germination in vitro. We further tested the most promising candidate, 5-chloroindole, and found that it significantly reduced bacterial proliferation. Finally, feeding artificial worker jelly containing anti-germination compounds to AFB-exposed larvae significantly decreased AFB infection in laboratory-reared honey bee larvae. Together, these results suggest that inhibitors of P. larvae spore germination could provide another method to control AFB. © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America.

  13. Simulating the impact of the entrainment of winter flounder larvae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hess, K.W.; Sissenwine, M.P.; Saila, S.B.


    The transport of winter flounder larvae around the Millstone Point, Conn. Area by the action of tidal currents and diffusion was simulated by computer to predict the numbers which could be entrained during the operation of a local nuclear power station. A tidal hydrodynamic model with variable depth was employed to simulate currents and water levels. These techniques provided input to a transport model which simulated the concentration of larvae. A larval source in a tributary river was simulated for twenty tidal cycles, with and without entrainment. The results indicated that the reduction in winter flounder larvae near Millstone Point at the end of the pelagic stage (period during which larvae are likely to be entrained) was less than 1 percent when it was assumed that larvae have little chance of returning once lost from Millstone bight. In order to assess the effect of a 1 percent reduction in recruitment of winter flounder larvae to the benthic phase of their life cycle, the local population was simulated by a model in which year-classes and the total egg production were represented by compartments. Each year-class grew, produced eggs, suffered natural and fishing mortality according to information derived from the literature. The effect of power plant entrainment was incorporated by reducing the number of recruits to year-class I that would normally result from a specific level of egg production. For a 1 percent reduction in recruitment due to power plant entrainment, a potential 6 percent decrease in total population size following 35 years of operation was indicated. (U.S.)

  14. Controle de nematóides parasitos gastrintestinais por Arthrobotrys musiformis em ovinos naturalmente infestados mantidos em pastagens Control of gastrintestinal parasitic nematodes by Arthrobotrys musiformis in naturally infested sheep maintained on pastures

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    Érika Barbosa Neves Graminha


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou avaliar, in vitro e in vivo, o fungo predador Arthrobotrys musiformis, administrado via oral na forma de conídios microencapsulados em alginato ou in natura em meio líquido, após passagem pelo trato gastrintestinal de ovinos. No teste in vitro, avaliou-se a manutenção da atividade predatória, e no teste in vivo, a capacidade de controlar nematóides parasitos de ovinos naturalmente infectados, mantidos em pastagens. O resultado do teste in vitro confirmou a viabilidade de A. musiformis (95,5%, mesmo após a passagem pelo trato gastrintestinal. Na avaliação in vivo, não houve diferença estatística entre o número de ovos por grama de fezes dos grupos tratados e controle, provavelmente em razão da baixa lotação dos piquetes, da quantidade e periodicidade insuficientes de oferecimento de conídios aos ovinos, o que teria proporcionado dispersão e migração das larvas na pastagem. Contudo, os helmintos recuperados na necropsia dos animais traçadores mostraram que A. musiformis reduziu em 50,9% e 57,6% o número de Trichostrongylus colubriformis dos grupos tratados com conídios microencapsulados e in natura, respectivamente, e em 95% o número de L4 de Haemonchus do grupo tratado com conídios in natura. Embora os resultados não sejam conclusivos, A. musiformis mostrou-se promissor agente no biocontrole de nematóides parasitos gastrintestinais.The objective of the present study was to assess in vitro and in vivo the predatory fungus Arthrobotrys musiformis administered orally, in the form of alginate-microencapsulated conidia, or in natura in liquid medium after passage through the gastrointestinal tract of sheep. Maintenance of the predatory activity of the fungus was evaluated in the in vitro test, and its ability to control parasitic nematodes in naturally infested sheep maintained on pastures was analyzed in the in vivo test. The result of the in vitro test confirmed the viability of A. musiformis (95

  15. Studies on immunization with irradiated larvae against dictyocaulus filaria in guinea-pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akyol, F.; Cerci, H.; Duzgun, A.


    In this study, 32 guinea-pigs were immunized orally with two doses of infective D. filaria attenuated by exposure to 40 krad (group I) and 50 krad (group II) of Cs-137 source at 15 days interval. The first dose was administrated as 1000 larvae and the second was 2000 larvae. After 15 days of the second infection they were challenged with 5000 non-irradiated infective larvae. Eight guinea-pigs were used as control (group III). The control group received the challenge only. The controls developed signs of lungworm disease and 3 animals died after 10 days of challenge. The vaccinated animals showed no clinical signs. All of the surviving animals were killed 12 days after challenge and their lungs were carefully examined for detailed parasitological and pathomorphological examinations. At autopsy, an average of 91 worms was recovered from the lungs of control groups. Four worms recovered from animals given larvae irradiated at 40 krad and the pathological changes were the lightest in this group. It was established that gamma rays at 50 krad attenuated infective larvae of D. filaria to such a degree that their administration did not cause any serious pathomorphological effect in the lungs of the animals. A higher degree of protection against challenge with infective D. filaria larvae was confered on the guinea-pigs by double dose of irradiated larvae. (auhtor)

  16. Development Of Enzyme Digestive Activity Of Blue Crab Portunus Pelagicus Larvae


    Nikhlani, Andi; Sukarti, Komsanah


    Seed production continuity of Portunus pelagicus larvae had been conducted but the results were still un-consistent Digestive activity was known to be associated with the type of feed consumed by larvae. Amylase, lipase, and trypsin enzymes were used as a biological indicators to measure the digestion of feed. The aim of this study was to describe the activity of digestive enzymes in blue swimming crab larvae. Digestive enzyme activity data obtained was presented in graphical form and anal...

  17. Chemical Composition and Food Potential of Pachymerus nucleorum Larvae Parasitizing Acrocomia aculeata Kernels.

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    Ariana Vieira Alves

    Full Text Available Insect consumption as food is culturally practiced in various regions of the world. In Brazil, there are more than 130 species of edible insects registered, from nine orders, among which stands out the Coleoptera. The larva of the beetle Pachymerus nucleorum Fabricius, 1792, grows into the bocaiuva fruit (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq. Lodd. Ex Mart., 1845, which has proven nutritional quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the nutritional potential of P. nucleorum larvae compared to bocaiuva kernels for human consumption. Proteins were the second largest portion of the larvae nutritional composition (33.13%, with percentage higher than the bocaiuva kernels (14.21%. The larval lipid content (37.87% was also high, very close to the kernels (44.96%. The fraction corresponding to fatty acids in the oil extracted from the larvae was 40.17% for the saturated and 46.52% for the unsaturated. The antioxidant activity value was 24.3 uM trolox/g of oil extracted from larvae. The larvae tryptic activity was 0.032±0.006 nmol BAPNA/min. Both the larvae and the bocaiuva kernel presented absence of anti-nutritional factors. These results favor the use of P. nucleorum larvae as food, which are a great protein and lipid sources with considerable concentrations of unsaturated fatty acids compared to the bocaiuva kernel.

  18. Cultivation of sponge larvae: settlement, survival, and growth of juveniles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Caralt, de S.; Otjens, H.; Uriz, M.J.; Wijffels, R.H.


    The aim of this study was to culture sponge juveniles from larvae. Starting from larvae we expected to enhance the survival and growth, and to decrease the variation in these parameters during the sponge cultures. First, settlement success, morphological changes during metamorphosis, and survival of

  19. Effects of coded-wire-tagging on stream-dwelling Sea Lamprey larvae (United States)

    Johnson, Nicholas; Swink, William D.; Dawson, Heather A.; Jones, Michael L.


    The effects of coded wire tagging Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus larvae from a known-aged stream-dwelling population were assessed. Tagged larvae were significantly shorter on average than untagged larvae from 3 to 18 months after tagging. However, 30 months after tagging, the length distribution of tagged and untagged larvae did not differ and tagged Sea Lampreys were in better condition (i.e., higher condition factor) and more likely to have undergone metamorphosis than the untagged population. The reason why tagged larvae were more likely to metamorphose is not clear, but the increased likelihood of metamorphosis could have been a compensatory response to the period of slower growth after tagging. Slower growth after tagging was consistent across larval size-classes, so handling and displacement from quality habitat during the early part of the growing season was likely the cause rather than the tag burden. The tag effects observed in this study, if caused by displacement and handling, may be minimized in future studies if tagging is conducted during autumn after growth has concluded for the year.

  20. Pengaruh ukuran tubuh ikan Poecilia reticulata pada daya pemangsaannya terhadap larva Culex quinquefasciatus

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    Noer Moehammadi


    Full Text Available The research aimed to know the influence of poecilia reticulata body size, in the feeding capacity on Culex quinquifasciatus larvae. The research was experimental method with Complete Random Design., each treatment with 5 replications. The taken body size of Poecilia reticulata were; 1,50 cm; 2.50 cm; and 3.50 cm. the size of fish €™s body was measured from the tip of snout up to the end of fin (cm. The feeding capacity was determined by subtracting the first amount of larvae which was given the rest of larvae after 24 hours. The result showed that the difference of size of Poecilia reticulate body was significantly different in the feeding capacity on Culex quinquifasciatus larvae. The fish whose body size was 1.50 cm had the lowest feeding capacity by eating 77.2 larvae for average, and the highest one was the fist which body size was 2.50 cm by eating 113.6 larvae for average, subsequently the feeding capacity decrease to the fish which body size was 3.50 cm because of eating 100,6 larvae for 24 hours.

  1. Direct Effects of Microalgae and Protists on Herring (Clupea harengus Yolk Sac Larvae.

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    Björn Illing

    Full Text Available This study investigated effects of microalgae (Rhodomonas baltica and heterotrophic protists (Oxyrrhis marina on the daily growth, activity, condition and feeding success of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus larvae from hatch, through the end of the endogenous (yolk sac period. Yolk sac larvae were reared in the presence and absence of microplankton and, each day, groups of larvae were provided access to copepods. Larvae reared with microalgae and protists exhibited precocious (2 days earlier and ≥ 60% increased feeding incidence on copepods compared to larvae reared in only seawater (SW. In the absence and presence of microalgae and protists, life span and growth trajectories of yolk sac larvae were similar and digestive enzyme activity (trypsin and nutritional condition (RNA-DNA ratio markedly declined in all larvae directly after yolk sac depletion. Thus, microplankton promoted early feeding but was not sufficient to alter life span and growth during the yolk sac phase. Given the importance of early feeding, field programs should place greater emphasis on the protozooplankton-ichthyoplankton link to better understand match-mismatch dynamics and bottom-up drivers of year class success in marine fish.

  2. Direct Effects of Microalgae and Protists on Herring (Clupea harengus) Yolk Sac Larvae. (United States)

    Illing, Björn; Moyano, Marta; Niemax, Jan; Peck, Myron A


    This study investigated effects of microalgae (Rhodomonas baltica) and heterotrophic protists (Oxyrrhis marina) on the daily growth, activity, condition and feeding success of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) larvae from hatch, through the end of the endogenous (yolk sac) period. Yolk sac larvae were reared in the presence and absence of microplankton and, each day, groups of larvae were provided access to copepods. Larvae reared with microalgae and protists exhibited precocious (2 days earlier) and ≥ 60% increased feeding incidence on copepods compared to larvae reared in only seawater (SW). In the absence and presence of microalgae and protists, life span and growth trajectories of yolk sac larvae were similar and digestive enzyme activity (trypsin) and nutritional condition (RNA-DNA ratio) markedly declined in all larvae directly after yolk sac depletion. Thus, microplankton promoted early feeding but was not sufficient to alter life span and growth during the yolk sac phase. Given the importance of early feeding, field programs should place greater emphasis on the protozooplankton-ichthyoplankton link to better understand match-mismatch dynamics and bottom-up drivers of year class success in marine fish.

  3. Tadpoles of three common anuran species from Thailand do not prey on mosquito larvae. (United States)

    Weterings, Robbie


    Tadpoles are often considered to be predators of mosquito larvae and are therefore beneficial for the control of certain disease vectors. Nevertheless, only a few species have actually been recorded to prey on mosquito larvae. The mosquito larvae predation rates of tadpoles of three common Thai anuran species (Bufo melanostictus, Kaloula pulchra and Hylarana raniceps) were experimentally tested. Tadpoles in varying developmental stages were used to assess a size/age effect on the predation rate. In addition, different instars of Culex quinquefasciatus were used in order to assess a prey size effect on the predation rates. All three species failed to show any evidence of mosquito larvae predation. Neither small nor large tadpoles fed on mosquito larvae. Prey size also did not affect predation. Although tadpoles do not feed on mosquito larvae, there may be other direct or indirect inter-specific interactions that adversely impact the development of larvae in shared habitats with tadpoles. © 2015 The Society for Vector Ecology.

  4. Morfologia e duração do desenvolvimento pós-embrionário de Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphoridae em condições de laboratório

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    Karine Brenda Barros-Cordeiro


    Full Text Available A morfologia e o tempo de desenvolvimento pós-embrionário de Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius criada em condições de laboratório e em dieta de carne bovina, foi descrita e comparada ao de outras espécies. Os parâmetros analisados foram à duração dos instares larvais e a morfologia. Para isso as larvas foram fixadas e preservadas em intervalos de tempo de 2 horas, desde a eclosão das larvas até a 50ª hora, a fim de se determinar o tempo de desenvolvimento de cada estágio. O tempo total de desenvolvimento larval para C. megacephala foi de 98 horas, com média de comprimento 15,51 mm. Essa espécie tem comportamento necrobiontófago e de importância sanitária e médico-legal, usada na estimativa do intervalo post-mortem em investigação criminal.Morphology and duration of the post-embryonary development of Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphoridae in laboratory conditions. The morphology and developmental time of the post-embryonic stage of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius reared in laboratory on a beef diet, is described and compared to those of other blow-flies species. The parameters analyzed were the duration of the larval stages and the morphology. Larvae were fixed and preserved at 2 hours intervals, from larval eclosion until the 50th hour of life, in order to determine the duration of each stage. The total period of larval development in C. megacephala was 98 hours and their mean length was 15.51 mm. This species presents a necrobiontophagous behavior and has sanitary and medico-legal importance, being used for estimating postmortem interval in criminal investigations.

  5. Control of infective larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes in heifers using different isolates of nematophagous fungi Controle de larvas infectantes de nematóides gastrintestinais de novilhas por diferentes isolados dos fungos nematófagos

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    Manoel Eduardo da Silva

    Full Text Available The effect of different nematophagous fungi [Duddingtonia flagrans (AC001 and CG722 and Monacrosporium thaumasium (NF34] with regard to controlling infective larvae (L3 of nematodes after gastrointestinal transit in female cattle (3/4 Holstein × Zebu was evaluated. A total of 24 pubescent female cattle were used, weighing approximately 320 kg each one. There were three treatment groups, each contained six animals that received 150 g of pellets (0.2 g of mycelium, orally in a single dose, in a sodium alginate matrix containing mycelial mass of the fungus D. flagrans (AC001 or CG722 or M. thaumasium (NF34; and one control group (without fungi. Fecal samples were collected from the animals at intervals of 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 48, and 72 hours. At the end of 17 days, the L3 not subjected to predation were recovered by means of the Baermann method. The fungal isolates tested were capable of destroying the L3 after gastrointestinal transit. It was observed that within 72 hours, the isolates AC001, CG722, and NF34 showed a higher predatory activity (81.2%, 97.3%, and 98.3%, respectively. The results justify the need for studies in the field, and over longer intervals, in order to observe the efficiency of the fungus D. flagrans, or even M. thaumasium, for environmental control over nematodes in naturally infected cattle.No presente estudo, foi avaliado o efeito de diferentes fungos nematófagos [Duddingtonia flagrans (AC001 e CG722 e Monacrosporium thaumasium (NF34] no controle de larvas infectantes (L3 de nematóides após o trânsito gastrointestinal em fêmeas bovinas (3/4 Holandês x Zebu. Um total de 24 fêmeas bovinas pubescentes foram utilizadas, pesando aproximadamente 320 kg cada. Foram utilizados três grupos de tratamento; cada um contendo seis animais que receberam por via oral de 150 g de péletes (0,2 g de micélio, em dose única, em uma matriz de alginato de sódio contendo massa micelial dos fungos D. flagrans (AC001 ou


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    Samuel Lante


    Full Text Available Pakan alami berupa mikroalga merupakan salah satu faktor pendukung dalam keberhasilan usaha pembenihan udang windu, Penaeus monodon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis pakan alami, Chaetoceros spp., yang dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva udang windu. Penelitian ini menggunakan 15 buah bak fiber berukuran 60 cm x 40 cm x 50 cm dengan volume 120 liter yang disi air sebanyak 100 liter. Kepadatan naupli adalah 90 ekor/liter atau 9.000 ekor/bak dan lima jenis pakan alami Chaetoceros spp. yang diuji yaitu: Chaetoceros simplex, Chaetoceros ceratosporum, Chaetoceros calcitrans, Chaetoceros amami, dan Chaetoceros gracilis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi kelima jenis pakan alami memberikan laju perkembangan larva yang relatif sama sampai stadia PL-1. Aplikasi Chaetoceros gracilis memberikan sintasan larva udang windu tertinggi yaitu 41,48% dan dengan Chaetoceros simplex memberikan sintasan larva terendah (28,02%. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa aplikasi Chaetoceros spp. yang berbeda pada pemeliharaan larva berpengaruh terhadap sintasan larva udang windu, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap laju metamorfosis larva. Aplikasi Chaetoceros gracilis sebagai pakan alami adalah terbaik untuk sintasan larva udang windu.

  7. Rapid bioassay to screen potential biopesticides in Tenebrio molitor larvae (United States)

    A simplified assay was devised to evaluate the response of Tenebrio molitor larvae to potential insect control products. The assay incorporates punched disks of flattened whole-grain bread placed in 96-well plates, with treatments applied topically, and neonate larvae added to each well. To evalua...

  8. c-orfi and Tnpnin crnssiceps Larvae I Department of Pharmaceutical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    satisfactorily. The putative first intermediate host is a ground-dwelling coprophagous arthropod that ingests oncospheres and accommodates the development of larvae. It is presumed that vertebrates become hosts for the larvae after ingestion of infected arthropods. This is followed by penetration of the small intestine by a.

  9. Production of the catechol type siderophore bacillibactin by the honey bee pathogen Paenibacillus larvae. (United States)

    Hertlein, Gillian; Müller, Sebastian; Garcia-Gonzalez, Eva; Poppinga, Lena; Süssmuth, Roderich D; Genersch, Elke


    The Gram-positive bacterium Paenibacillus larvae is the etiological agent of American Foulbrood. This bacterial infection of honey bee brood is a notifiable epizootic posing a serious threat to global honey bee health because not only individual larvae but also entire colonies succumb to the disease. In the recent past considerable progress has been made in elucidating molecular aspects of host pathogen interactions during pathogenesis of P. larvae infections. Especially the sequencing and annotation of the complete genome of P. larvae was a major step forward and revealed the existence of several giant gene clusters coding for non-ribosomal peptide synthetases which might act as putative virulence factors. We here present the detailed analysis of one of these clusters which we demonstrated to be responsible for the biosynthesis of bacillibactin, a P. larvae siderophore. We first established culture conditions allowing the growth of P. larvae under iron-limited conditions and triggering siderophore production by P. larvae. Using a gene disruption strategy we linked siderophore production to the expression of an uninterrupted bacillibactin gene cluster. In silico analysis predicted the structure of a trimeric trithreonyl lactone (DHB-Gly-Thr)3 similar to the structure of bacillibactin produced by several Bacillus species. Mass spectrometric analysis unambiguously confirmed that the siderophore produced by P. larvae is identical to bacillibactin. Exposure bioassays demonstrated that P. larvae bacillibactin is not required for full virulence of P. larvae in laboratory exposure bioassays. This observation is consistent with results obtained for bacillibactin in other pathogenic bacteria.

  10. Enantiomerization and enantioselective bioaccumulation of metalaxyl in Tenebrio molitor larvae. (United States)

    Gao, Yongxin; Wang, Huili; Qin, Fang; Xu, Peng; Lv, Xiaotian; Li, Jianzhong; Guo, Baoyuan


    The enantiomerization and enantioselective bioaccumulation of metalaxyl by a single dose of exposure to Tenebrio molitor larvae under laboratory condition were studied by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy (HPLC-MS/MS) based on a ChiralcelOD-3R [cellulosetris-tris-(3, 5-dichlorophenyl-carbamate)] column. Exposure of enantiopure R-metalaxyl and S-metalaxyl in Tenebrio molitor larvae exhibited significant enantiomerization, with formation of the R enantiomers from the S enantiomers, and vice versa, which might be attributed to the chiral pesticide catalyzed by a certain enzyme in Tenebrio molitor larvae. Enantiomerization was not observed in wheat bran during the period of 21 d. In addition, bioaccumulation of rac-metalaxyl in Tenebrio molitor larvae was enantioselective with a preferential accumulation of S-metalaxyl. These results showed that enantioselectivity was caused not only by actual degradation and metabolism but also by enantiomerization, which was an important process in the environmental fate and behavior of metalaxyl enantiomers. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Cutaneous larva migrans in northern climates. A souvenir of your dream vacation. (United States)

    Edelglass, J W; Douglass, M C; Stiefler, R; Tessler, M


    Three young women recently returned to the metropolitan Detroit area with cutaneous larva migrans. All three had vacationed at a popular club resort on the Caribbean island of Martinique. Cutaneous larva migrans is frequently seen in the southern United States, Central and South America, and other subtropical areas but rarely in northern climates. Several organisms can cause cutaneous larva migrans, or creeping eruption. The larvae of the nematode Ancylostoma braziliense are most often the causative organisms. Travel habits of Americans make it necessary for practitioners in northern climates to be familiar with diseases contracted primarily in warmer locations. The life cycle of causative organisms and current therapy are reviewed.

  12. The use of morphological and histological features as nutritional condition indices of Pagrus pagrus larvae

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    Marina Vera Diaz

    Full Text Available Morphometrical and histological techniques were employed to characterize Pagrus pagrus larvae nutritional condition. Larvae were reared in laboratory under controlled conditions with the main objective of testing whether these methodologies allowed finding differences between larvae from different feeding treatments. Once yolk was consumed (three days after hatching larvae were assigned to a feeding treatment: starved during the whole experiment; delayed feeding, starved during three days; fed during the entire experiment. Algae (Nannochloropsis oculata and rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis were provided to larvae for feed treatments. Larvae were fixed daily; for morphometrical purposes in 5% formaldehyde solution, and in Bouin for histological sections. Results herein obtained showed that both methodologies are sensitive enough to distinguish larvae characterized by different nutritional condition states obtained from the feeding treatments. Consequently, these methodologies could be employed in wild red porgy larvae in order to asses their nutritional condition. These techniques could also be employed to check larval quality obtained with aquaculture purposes to estimate the effects of changes in rearing protocols or kind of food supply and thus, to guaranty a higher survival of early developmental stages of reared larvae.

  13. Avaliação de bacterina e Lactobacillus plantarum frente à infecção experimental por Vibrio harveyi em pós-larvas de Litopenaeus vannamei

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    Celso Carlos Buglione


    Full Text Available This study aimed to verify the effect of probiotics and inactivated cells of bacterias such as Vibrio alginolyticus, Aeromonas salmonicida and Pasteurella multocida in larvae survival of Litopenaeus vannamei, in stress test and experimental infection with Vibrio harveyi. Conic tanks of 30 L, were stocked with 400 post-larvae stage five. Four experimental treatments with triplicates consisted of: 1: commercial feed (control, 2: commercial feed plus bacterin by oral administration in artemia, 3: commercial feed plus bacterin by immersion administration, 4: commercial feed with Lactobacillus plantarum inoculation. Bacterin application was conducted 6h before the infection and stress test, while probiotic administration was for 15 days before challenges. In stress test, post-larvae of treatment 4 (commercial feed supplemented with Lactobacillus plantarum with reached the highest survival rate (87,86 ± 2,35% followed by the ones of treatment 3 and 2 (bacterim by immersion and bacterim by oral administration in artemia with 81,54±1,50% and 80,16 ± 2,15%, respectively, which were superior to the control treatment (72,63 ± 3,34%. Next to V. harveyi challenge, animals from treatment 3 presented the highest survival rate (79,60 ± 7,12% followed by treatments 4 (69,60 ± 10,43%, 2 (65,60 ± 5,18% and control (56,4 ± 5,58%. All treatments were different from control. The present results demonstrate the possible use of L. plantarum and bacterin as promoters in survival rates of L. vannamei post-larvae in the stress tests and challenges with Vibrio harveyi.

  14. Estuarine retention of larvae of the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (United States)

    Cronin, Thomas W.


    Larvae of estuarine organisms continually face possible export from the parent estuary. Retention of larvae of the estuarine crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii was investigated in the upper Newport River estuary, North Carolina. All of the developmental stages occurred in the same area of the estuary with similar horizontal distributions, and the concentrations of intermediate and late stages were not greatly reduced from those of the first larval stage. This was strong evidence for the continuous retention of larvae in the upper estuary. To determine mechanisms by which retention might be effected, field studies of the vertical distributions and migrations of these larvae were made. The four zoeal stages had similar but complex vertical migration patterns, which varied from study to study. These migrations centered on the depth of no net flow, reducing longitudinal transport during development. Cross-spectral analysis of the larval migrations and the environmental cycles of light, salinity and current speed revealed that each of these external cycles affected larval depth. Megalopae of R. harrisii also migrated vertically, but they were present in much lower concentrations than the zoeal stages, an indication of a change to benthic existence in this final larval form.

  15. Nematode cysts and larvae found in Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822. (United States)

    Franco-Acuña, D O; Pinheiro, J; Torres, E J L; Lanfredi, R M; Brandolini, S V P B


    This study describes the morphology of the nematode cysts and larvae found in Achatina fulica (giant African snail) in Brazil. Sixty snails were collected in Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro State. Fourteen of the snails were naturally infected. The cysts were spherical, pink colored and measured 0.97 to 1.57 mm in diameter. In the majority of cases they had a single larvae involved in amorphous material. A total of 222 encysted larvae were recovered. Of these, 30 were utilized in the morphological study. The length of the larvae varied from 2.57 to 5.8 mm and they were classified as small--up to 3.5 mm; medium--from 3.53 to 4.5 mm; and large--greater than 4.52 mm. The average length of the larvae in the three groups was 2.85, 3.87 and 5.23 mm, respectively. The larval cuticle was white, shiny and transversally striated until the posterior end of the body. At the anterior end there is a mouth with three lips, with amphids and papillae, followed by a muscular esophagus with average length of 0.61 mm, terminating in an esophageal bulb and having a nerve ring in the middle third of the esophagus, and an intestine with an opening near the posterior end. The tail begins from this opening and has two types of ends: short and abrupt or long and gradually tapering. The difference in the tail end can suggest sexual dimorphism, although no primordial reproductive structures were observed. These characteristics were not sufficient to identify the larvae, so there is a need for further study.

  16. Seasonal occurrence and abundance of caridean shrimp larvae at Helgoland, German Bight (United States)

    Wehrtmann, Ingo S.


    Plankton samples were collected from January 1985 to January 1986 three times per week at Helgoland to study seasonal occurrence and abundance of caridean shrimp larvae. A total of eleven species were obtained. Ninety-one % of all larvae collected during the sample period belonged to Crangon crangon L. and Crangon allmanni Kinahan, 6% to Philocheras trispinosus Hailstone and 3% to the remaining eight species. Collections were generally dominated by C. crangon larvae. However, C. allmanni larvae were most abundant in June coinciding with hatching activities of the population near Helgoland. C. allmanni was observed to have the highest density of all species with approximately 8 larvae per m3. Larvae of Eualus occultus (Lebour), Eualus pusiolus (Kroyer), Hippolyte varians Leach and Athanas nitescens Leach were most likely released by populations inhabiting the rocky intertidal zone around Helgoland. The presence of Processa modica Williamson & Rochanaburanon and Processa nouveli holthuisi Al-Adhub & Williamson in the German Bight was verified by observations of a series of different developmental stages. Larvae of the rare species Caridion steveni Lebour were also recorded. The observed shrimp species were placed into three different groups with respect to their seasonal occurrence. Possible advantages of the timing of larval dispersal relative to predation and food availability are given. The results on seasonal occurrence and relative abundance are discussed in relation to environmental factors (temperature, salinity) as well as to the geographical distribution of the species.

  17. Densidade de estocagem no desempenho de larvas de tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus L., durante a reversão sexual Stocking density effect on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L. fry performance during sex reversal

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    Luís Eduardo Ferrari Sanches


    Full Text Available Para estudar os efeitos da densidade de estocagem no desempenho de larvas de tilápia-do-Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus, durante a fase de reversão sexual em águas verdes, foram estocadas 1.500 larvas com peso médio de 12,41mg e comprimento total médio de 9,38mm em tanques-rede de 12,5 litros, nas densidades de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 larvas/litro, em delineamento totalmente aleatório com 4 repetições. Essas foram tratadas com ração comercial fina com 43% de PB, contendo 60mg de metiltestosterona/kg, 6 vezes por dia, durante 28 dias. O aumento da densidade resultou em menor peso e comprimento médios finais, definidos por modelos de regressão. O efeito da densidade sobre a diminuição do crescimento se evidenciou a partir da terceira semana de criação. A biomassa total e a conversão alimentar mostraram-se incrementadas com o aumento da densidade. A sobrevivência, o fator de condição e o coeficiente de variação foram independentes da densidade. Conclui-se que 2 larvas/litro devem ser usadas, quando se objetiva produção de alevinos maiores; mas densidades maiores podem ser utilizadas, obtendo-se alevinos menores, porém incrementando a biomassa total.To study the effects of stocking density on the performance of newborn fries of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, during sex reversal stage in green waters, 1500 fries were stocked with 12.41mg of average weight and 9.38mm of total average length in hapas of 12,5 litres, at densities of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 fries/litre, in a completely randomized design with 4 replications. They were fed with a fine commercial diet containing 43% CP, and 60mg of methyltestosterone/kg, six times a day, during 28 days. The density increase resulted in lower final average weight and length defined by regression models. The effect of density on the growth decrease started to be significative on the second week of rearing, while the total biomass and feed conversion were increased with the density increase

  18. Larvicidal activity of Cybistax antisyphilitica against Aedes aegypti larvae. (United States)

    Rodrigues, A M S; de Paula, J E; Roblot, F; Fournet, A; Espíndola, L S


    The larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti larvae of a stem wood hexane extract of Cybistax antisyphilitica was evaluated. Bioassay-guided fractionation of the crude extract, monitored by larvicidal assay, led to the isolation of a natural quinone identified as 2-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-1.4-naphthoquinone (lapachol). This compound was quite potent against A. aegypti larvae (LC50 26.3 microg/ml).

  19. Occurrence of digenean larvae in freshwater snails in the Ruvu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Occurrence of digenean larvae in freshwater snails in the Ruvu basin, Tanzania. G Nkwengulila, ESP Kigadye. Abstract. A survey was carried out on digenean larvae infecting freshwater snails in five habitats in Dar es Salaam, Ruvu and Morogoro. 9424 snails belonging to 12 species from five families were examined for ...

  20. Scanning electron microscope observations of brine shrimp larvae from space shuttle experiments (United States)

    DeBell, L.; Paulsen, A.; Spooner, B.


    Brine shrimp are encysted as gastrula stage embryos, and may remain dehydrated and encysted for years without compromising their viability. This aspect of brine shrimp biology is desirable for studying development of animals during space shuttle flight, as cysts placed aboard a spacecraft may be rehydrated at the convenience of an astronaut, guaranteeing that subsequent brine shrimp development occurs only on orbit and not on the pad during launch delays. Brine shrimp cysts placed in 5 ml syringes were rehydrated with salt water and hatched during a 9 day space shuttle mission. Subsequent larvae developed to the 8th larval stage in the sealed syringes. We studied the morphogenesis of the brine shrimp larvae and found the larvae from the space shuttle experiments similar in rate of growth and extent of development, to larvae grown in sealed syringes on the ground. Extensive differentiation and development of embryos and larvae can occur in a microgravity environment.

  1. Predator response to releases of American shad larvae in the Susquehanna River basin (United States)

    Johnson, James H.; Ringler, N.H.


    Predation on American shad (Alosa sapidissima) larvae within the first two hours of release was examined from 1989 to 1992 on 31 occasions at stocking sites in the Susquehanna River basin. Twenty-two fish species consumed shad larvae; the dominant predators were spotfin shiner (Cyprinella spiloptera), mimic shiner (Notropis volucellus) and juvenile smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). The number of shad larvae found in predator stomachs ranged from 0 to 900. Mortality of shad larvae at the stocking site was usually less than 2%. The greatest mortality (9.6%) occurred at the highest stocking level (1.5 million larvae). Highly variable predation rates and release levels of shad insufficient to achieve predator satiation hindered the ability to determine a specific type of functional response of predators. Predator numbers increased with stocking density, indicating short-term aggregation at the release site. Because of practical problems associated with releasing the large numbers of larvae that would be required to satiate predators, routine stocking at these levels is probably unreasonable. Releases of 400,000 to 700,000 larvae may reduce predation by offsetting depensatory mechanisms that operate on small releases and the effects of increased predation due to predator aggregation on large releases. Night stocking may reduce predation on larval shad at the release site.

  2. Clash of kingdoms or why Drosophila larvae positively respond to fungal competitors

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    Rohlfs Marko


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Competition with filamentous fungi has been demonstrated to be an important cause of mortality for the vast group of insects that depend on ephemeral resources (e.g. fruit, dung, carrion. Recent data suggest that the well-known aggregation of Drosophila larvae across decaying fruit yields a competitive advantage over mould, by which the larvae achieve a higher survival probability in larger groups compared with smaller ones. Feeding and locomotor behaviour of larger larval groups is assumed to cause disruption of fungal hyphae, leading to suppression of fungal growth, which in turn improves the chances of larval survival to the adult stage. Given the relationship between larval density, mould suppression and larval survival, the present study has tested whether fungal-infected food patches elicit communal foraging behaviour on mould-infected sites by which larvae might hamper mould growth more efficiently. Results Based on laboratory experiments in which Drosophila larvae were offered the choice between fungal-infected and uninfected food patches, larvae significantly aggregated on patches containing young fungal colonies. Grouping behaviour was also visible when larvae were offered only fungal-infected or only uninfected patches; however, larval aggregation was less strong under these conditions than in a heterogeneous environment (infected and uninfected patches. Conclusion Because filamentous fungi can be deadly competitors for insect larvae on ephemeral resources, social attraction of Drosophila larvae to fungal-infected sites leading to suppression of mould growth may reflect an adaptive behavioural response that increases insect larval fitness and can thus be discussed as an anti-competitor behaviour. These observations support the hypothesis that adverse environmental conditions operate in favour of social behaviour. In a search for the underlying mechanisms of communal behaviour in Drosophila, this study highlights

  3. Attempts at immunization against Malayan filariasis using X-irradiated infective larvae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramachandran, C.P.


    Recent studies on immunity to helminthic infections have shown that some degree of protective immunity may be stimulated by inoculations of attenuated living worms or their metabolites. Although much on these lines has been done with several helminths, little if any has been done with filarial infections in general. Experiments were designed to observe the effects of attempted immunization in the rhesus monkey as well as the domestic cat by the use of attenuated infective larvae of Brugia malayi. The sub-periodic strain of Brugia malayi, the major filarial parasite of man in Malaysia, maintained in the laboratory on experimentally infected cats and rhesus monkeys were used for the preparation of X-irradiated vaccines as well as for challenge inoculations. Third-stage infective larvae of Brugia malayi were obtained from experimentally fed Aedes togoi mosquitoes. Infective larvae were irradiated by X-rays, using a Dermopan X-ray unit at exposures between 10 - 40 kR. Rhesus monkeys and cats were inoculated twice with 100 - 400 attenuated larvae per inoculation at 2 week intervals and challenged about a month later by inoculation of 100 normal larvae. Control animals for each vaccination dose as well as for challenge doses were maintained. In rhesus monkeys persistent immunity to challenge infections (expressed as failure to cause microfilaraemia) were obtained in animals vaccinated with 200 infective larvae attenuated by X-irradiation at 20000 R. Encouraged with the results obtained on rhesus monkeys, similar experiments on an enlarged scale using varying strengths of the vaccines were carried out on the domestic cat, which is a more receptive animal host for Brugia malayi. However, all cats vaccinated when challenged came down with patent infection indicating lack of any definite immunity. In all these experiments, results of vaccine control animals showed that inoculation of irradiated larvae was not followed by the infection of microfilaria in the blood, indicating

  4. [Infestation of the human digestive system with beetle larvae (Coleoptera: Cantharidae): a case report]. (United States)

    Yılmaz, Hasan; Taş Cengiz, Zeynep; Dülger, Ahmet Cumhur; Ekici, Pınar


    This study was conducted to report the digestive system infestation caused by the larvae of Coleoptera in a female pediatric patient. She was admitted to our hospital with the complaints of emergence of insect larvae from her vomit and feces, abdominal pain, inguinal pain, lack of appetite, hair loss, excessive cleaning behavior, extreme irritability, and distractibility. The larvae observed typically had the morphology of the larvae of insects related to the Cantharidae family in the Coleoptera order. For treatment, a single dose of albendazole (400 mg) was used. Consequently, in the present case, it was seen that the larvae of Coleoptera incidentally taken orally could continue to live for a period in the digestive tract of people, without losing vitality, and the larvae caused a variety of symptoms due to both their toxic agents and the possible irritation they caused.

  5. Infestation of a bird and two cats by larvae of Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). (United States)

    Pinckney, R D; Kanton, K; Foster, C N; Steinberg, H; Pellitteri, P


    The larvae of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), commonly known as the Indian meal moth, often cause enormous losses in stored food supplies. We present three clinical case reports of accidental infestation by P. interpunctella larvae in two domestic cats and one parakeet. A larva gained entry into the avian host and subsequently migrated to the brain. It was alive, covered with "silk-like" fibers and confirmed to be a fourth instar. Plodia interpunctella larvae were excised with forceps from the subcutaneous tissues of the ear and neck of two cats in a different household. Previous reports of infestation by P. interpunctella larvae in vertebrates are unknown.

  6. Feeding ecology of lake whitefish larvae in eastern Lake Ontario (United States)

    Johnson, James H.; McKenna, James E.; Chalupnicki, Marc A.; Wallbridge, Tim; Chiavelli, Rich


    We examined the feeding ecology of larval lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) in Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario, during April and May 2004-2006. Larvae were collected with towed ichthyoplankton nets offshore and with larval seines along the shoreline. Larval feeding periodicity was examined from collections made at 4-h intervals over one 24-h period in 2005. Inter-annual variation in diet composition (% dry weight) was low, as was spatial variation among collection sites within the bay. Copepods (81.4%), primarily cyclopoids (59.1%), were the primary prey of larvae over the 3-year period. Cladocerans (8.1%; mainly daphnids, 6.7%) and chironomids (7.3%) were the other major prey consumed. Larvae did not exhibit a preference for any specific prey taxa. Food consumption of lake whitefish larvae was significantly lower at night (i.e., 2400 and 0400 h). Substantial variation in diet composition occurred over the 24-h diel study. For the 24-h period, copepods were the major prey consumed (50.4%) and their contribution in the diet ranged from 29.3% (0400 h) to 85.9% (1200 h). Chironomids made up 33.4% of the diel diet, ranging from 8.0% (0800 h) to 69.9% (0400 h). Diel variation in the diet composition of lake whitefish larvae may require samples taken at several intervals over a 24-h period to gain adequate representation of their feeding ecology.

  7. A Single Swede Midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Larva Can Render Cauliflower Unmarketable. (United States)

    Stratton, Chase A; Hodgdon, Elisabeth A; Zuckerman, Samuel G; Shelton, Anthony M; Chen, Yolanda H


    Swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is an invasive pest causing significant damage on Brassica crops in the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. Heading brassicas, like cauliflower, appear to be particularly susceptible. Swede midge is difficult to control because larvae feed concealed inside meristematic tissues of the plant. In order to develop damage and marketability thresholds necessary for integrated pest management, it is important to determine how many larvae render plants unmarketable and whether the timing of infestation affects the severity of damage. We manipulated larval density (0, 1, 3, 5, 10, or 20) per plant and the timing of infestation (30, 55, and 80 d after seeding) on cauliflower in the lab and field to answer the following questions: 1) What is the swede midge damage threshold? 2) How many swede midge larvae can render cauliflower crowns unmarketable? and 3) Does the age of cauliflower at infestation influence the severity of damage and marketability? We found that even a single larva can cause mild twisting and scarring in the crown rendering cauliflower unmarketable 52% of the time, with more larvae causing more severe damage and additional losses, regardless of cauliflower age at infestation.

  8. Infectivity of Trichinella spiralis larvae in pork buried in the ground

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    Jovic S.


    Full Text Available Time of survival and infectivity of Trichinella spiralis larvae in pig muscle tissue, buried at various depths in the ground were assessed. In the pork pieces the number of infective larvae was 250 ML/g. Meat originated from pig halves was divided in 39 equal pieces, 0.7 kg each, disposed in three groups of 1 3, and buried in depths of 30, 50, and 100 centimeters respectively. The pork was dug up at 13 intervals, approximately every week, until 91st day of the experiment. After each time interval, infectivity of larvae was assessed by bioassay on rats. The artificially infected rats were sacrificed on 42nd day after the infection and meat was examined by the following methods - artificial digestion and trichinoscopy. It was found that the larvae during all 90 days preserved infectivity in each depth.

  9. CalCOFI Larvae Counts Positive Tows (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Fish larvae counts and standardized counts for eggs captured in CalCOFI icthyoplankton nets (primarily vertical [Calvet or Pairovet], oblique [bongo or ring nets],...

  10. Preliminary screening of plant essential oils against larvae of Culex ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Preliminary screenings of 22 plant essential oils were tested for mortality of the mosquito larvae Culex quinquefasciatus under laboratory conditions. Percent (%) mortality of the mosquito larvae were obtained for each essential oil. At different exposure periods, viz. 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h among the 22 plant oils tested, eight ...

  11. Acute intestinal anisakiasis in Spain: a fourth-stage Anisakis simplex larva

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    Mª José Rosales


    Full Text Available A case of acute intestinal anisakiasis has been reported; a nematode larva being found in the submucosa of the ileum of a woman in Jaén (Spain. The source of infection was the ingestion of raw Engraulis encrasicholus. On the basis of its morphology, the worm has been identified as a fourth-stage larva of Anisakis simplex. In Spain, this is the ninth report of human anisakiasis and also probably the first case of anisakiasis caused by a fourth-stage larva of A. simplex.

  12. Maintained larval growth in mussel larvae exposed to acidified under-saturated seawater (United States)

    Ventura, Alexander; Schulz, Sabrina; Dupont, Sam


    Ocean acidification (OA) is known to affect bivalve early life-stages. We tested responses of blue mussel larvae to a wide range of pH in order to identify their tolerance threshold. Our results confirmed that decreasing seawater pH and decreasing saturation state increases larval mortality rate and the percentage of abnormally developing larvae. Virtually no larvae reared at average pHT 7.16 were able to feed or reach the D-shell stage and their development appeared to be arrested at the trochophore stage. However larvae were capable of reaching the D-shell stage under milder acidification (pHT ≈ 7.35, 7.6, 7.85) including in under-saturated seawater with Ωa as low as 0.54 ± 0.01 (mean ± s. e. m.), with a tipping point for normal development identified at pHT 7.765. Additionally growth rate of normally developing larvae was not affected by lower pHT despite potential increased energy costs associated with compensatory calcification in response to increased shell dissolution. Overall, our results on OA impacts on mussel larvae suggest an average pHT of 7.16 is beyond their physiological tolerance threshold and indicate a shift in energy allocation towards growth in some individuals revealing potential OA resilience.

  13. Acute ecotoxicology of natural oil and gas condensate to coral reef larvae. (United States)

    Negri, Andrew P; Brinkman, Diane L; Flores, Florita; Botté, Emmanuelle S; Jones, Ross J; Webster, Nicole S


    Risks posed by oil spills to coral reefs are difficult to evaluate, partially due to the absence of studies that adequately assess toxicity to relevant coral reef species. Here we experimentally tested the acute toxicity of condensate, representing a fraction of light crude oil, to coral (Acropora tenuis) and sponge (Rhopaloeides odorabile) larvae. The metamorphosis of coral larvae was inhibited at total petroleum aromatic hydrocarbon (TPAH) concentrations of water accommodated fractions (WAF) as low as 103 μg l(-1), similar to concentrations detected in seawater following large spills. The sensitivity of coral larvae increased by 40% when co-exposed to UV light that they might encounter in shallow reefal systems. Condensate WAF was more toxic to coral larvae than predicted by summing the toxicity of its main components (benzene, toluene, p-xylene and napthalene). In contrast, the sensitivity of sponge larvae to condensate WAF (>10,000 μg l(-1) TPAH) was far less than coral in the presence and absence of UV, but similar to that of other marine invertebrates. While these results highlight the relative sensitivity of coral larvae to oil, further research is needed to better understand and predict the impacts and risks posed by hydrocarbons to tropical reef systems.

  14. Effects of gamma radiation on the melanization process in larvae of stored product moths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lupa, D.


    Non-irradiated larvae of the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella Hbn.), the Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia (Anagasta) kuehniella Zell.), and the almond moth (Cadra cautella Wlk.) showed strong melanization after killing by freezing. However, there were some insects which showed lack of melanization or melanized only partly, sometimes like those that have been irradiated. A part of the larval body was dark black while the rest body was of natural color or only slightly gray. Also, black and gray patches were observed in the larvae. After the irradiation treatment, the number of non-melanized larvae and larvae exhibiting a slight melanization usually increased. The degree of melanization in the treated larvae was significantly different from the untreated insects. Generally, it decreased with increasing dose and time elapsed after the treatment. The melanization test for detecting irradiated moth larvae may produce inconsistent results because (a) irradiation does not completely prevent melanization in mature moth larvae, and (b) the untreated larvae, killed by freezing and examined at room temperature, often show incomplete melanization. An ideal method for detection of irradiated insects should be: (1 ) specific for irradiation and not influenced by other processes, (2) accurate and reproducible, (3) have a detection limit below the minimum dose likely to be applied to agricultural commodity as a quarantine treatment, (4) applicable to a range of pests, (5) quick and easy to perform, and (6) capable of providing an estimate of irradiation dose. The melanization test to detect irradiated larvae of the stored product moths fulfills only some of these requirements. Therefore, additional studies were performed to improve this test before it is recommended for quarantine inspection. Because visual assessment of the effects of irradiation on melanization of the moth larvae is very subjective and difficult to perform, a trial to determine the activity of

  15. Modulation of nutrient composition of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae by feeding seaweed-enriched media. (United States)

    Liland, Nina S; Biancarosa, Irene; Araujo, Pedro; Biemans, Daan; Bruckner, Christian G; Waagbø, Rune; Torstensen, Bente E; Lock, Erik-Jan


    Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae are a promising source of protein and lipid for animal feeds. The nutritional composition of the BSF larvae depend partly on the composition of the feeding medium. The BSF lipid profile in part mimics the feeding media lipid profile, and micronutrients, like minerals and vitamins, can readily accumulate in black soldier fly larvae. However, investigative studies on bioconversion and accumulation of nutrients from media to black soldier fly larvae are scarce. Here we show that inclusion of the brown algae Ascophyllum nodosum in the substrate for black soldier fly larvae can introduce valuable nutrients, commonly associated with the marine environment, into the larvae. The omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3), iodine and vitamin E concentrations increased in the larvae when more seaweed was included in the diet. When the feeding media consisted of more than 50% seaweed, the larvae experienced poorer growth, lower nutrient retention and lower lipid levels, compared to a pure plant based feeding medium. Our results confirm the plasticity of the nutritional make-up of black soldier fly larvae, allowing it to accumulate both lipid- and water-soluble compounds. A broader understanding of the effect of the composition of the feeding media on the larvae composition can help to tailor black soldier fly larvae into a nutrient profile more suited for specific feed or food purposes.

  16. Repelência e atividade inseticida de pós vegetais sobre Zabrotes subfasciatus Boheman em feijão-fava armazenado

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    J.E. Girão Filho


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o potencial inseticida de Piper nigrum L. (pimenta do reino, Ruta graveolens L. (arruda, Laurus nobilis L. (louro, Syzygium aromaticum (L. Merr. & L.M.Perry (cravo da índia, Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (mastruz, Piper tuberculatum Jaqc. (pimenta de macaco, Tagetes erecta L. (cravo de defunto, Cymbopogon nardus L. (citronela e Melissa officinalis L. (erva cidreira sobre Z. subfasciatus Boh. através dos testes de confinamento, onde os insetos foram confinados durante cinco dias em um recipiente contendo dez grãos de feijão-fava com 0,3 g do pó da planta a ser testada, e, com chance de escolha por meio de uma arena circular, os insetos tiveram a possibilidade de escolha entre grãos com os pós e a testemunha, grãos sem pó das plantas. Observou-se que houve plantas que atuaram como inseticida, outras que repeliram o inseto e não causaram a morte, e outras, que além de repelir também mataram os insetos quando em contato (cravo da índia e matruz. Concluímos que: P. nigrum, P. tuberculatum, S. aromaticum e C. ambrosioides são tóxicas à Z. subfasciatus causando-lhes a morte, L. nobilis, T. erecta, e C. nardus não apresentaram efeito tóxico sobre Z. subfasciatus, C. ambrosioides, S. aromaticum, e C. nardus são repelentes à Z. subfasciatus; P. nigrum, P. tuberculatum, e T. erecta são neutras, e que M. officinalis não apresentou nenhum efeito sobre Z. subfasciatus em relação aos parâmetros avaliados.

  17. Efeito da freqüência de alimentação no desempenho de larvas de tilápia do nilo, Oreochromis niloticus (L., durante a reversão sexual em tanques rede Effect of feeding frequency on Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L. fries performance during sex reversal in hapas

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    Carmino Hayashi


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de testar a freqüência da alimentação necessária para o melhor desempenho de larvas de tilápia do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus (Perciformes, Cichlidae, durante o período de reversão sexual em águas verdes, 1.600 larvas, com idade aproximada de 7 dias, pesando 9,77 mg e medindo 9,03 mm, na quantidade de 80 larvas/tanque rede, essas larvas foram alimentadas com ração de 43% PB, contendo 60 mg de metil testosterona/kg de ração, nas freqüências de 2, 3, 4, 5, e 6 alimentações/dia, divididas uniformemente, durante o período diurno, por 28 dias. Foram medidos os parâmetros de crescimento, sobrevivência, uniformidade, conversão alimentar e biomassa total produzida. O crescimento foi reduzido (P Research aimed at verifying the necessary feeding frequency for the best performance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Perciformes, Cichlidae fries during sex reversal period in green waters. Approximately 1,600 seven-day-old fries, measuring 9.03mm and weighting 9.77mg, in a distribution of 80 fries/hapa, were fed on diet containing 43% of CP and 60mg of methyltestosterone/kg of diet at frequencies of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 feedings/day, divided equally over the light period, for 28 days. Parameters of growth, survival, uniformity, feed conversion and total biomass produced were measured. Growth was significantly (p < 0.05 reduced at the frequency of 2 times per day. Regression models were used to measure the effects of feeding frequency on total biomass, and on final average weight and length. Frequency of 4-to-5 feedings/day was the most adequate. Survival, variation coefficient, uniformity condition factor, feed conversion and cost variables were not affected by the feeding regimen. The results recommend the feeding of tilapia fries at least at 4 equally spaced times during the day during the sex reversal period in order to attain best performance.

  18. The hatching larva of the priapulid worm Halicryptus spinulosus


    Janssen, Ralf; Wennberg, Sofia A; Budd, Graham E


    Abstract Despite their increasing evolutionary importance, basic knowledge about the priapulid worms remains limited. In particular, priapulid development has only been partially documented. Following previous description of hatching and the earliest larval stages of Priapulus caudatus, we here describe the hatching larva of Halicryptus spinulosus. Comparison of the P. caudatus and the H. spinulosus hatching larvae allows us to attempt to reconstruct the ground pattern of priapulid developmen...

  19. DNA metabarcoding of fish larvae for detection of non-native fishes (United States)

    Our objective was to evaluate the use of fish larvae for early detection of non-native fishes, comparing traditional and molecular taxonomy approaches to investigate potential efficiencies. Fish larvae present an interesting opportunity for non-native fish early detection because...

  20. Feeding by larvae of intertidal invertebrates: assessing their position in pelagic food webs. (United States)

    Vargas, Cristian A; Manríquez, Patricio H; Navarrete, Sergio A


    One of the leading determinants of the structure and dynamics of marine populations is the rate of arrival of new individuals to local sites. While physical transport processes play major roles in delivering larvae to the shore, these processes become most important after larvae have survived the perils of life in the plankton, where they usually suffer great mortality. The lack of information regarding larval feeding makes it difficult to assess the effects of food supply on larval survival, or the role larvae may play in nearshore food webs. Here, we examine the spectrum of food sizes and food types consumed by the larvae of two intertidal barnacle species and of the predatory gastropod Concholepas concholepas. We conducted replicated experiments in which larvae were exposed to the food size spectrum (phytoplankton, microprotozoan and autotrophic picoplankton) found in nearshore waters in central Chile. Results show that barnacle nauplii and gastropod veligers are omnivorous grazers, incorporating significant fractions of heterotrophs in their diets. In accordance with their feeding mechanisms and body size, barnacle nauplii were able to feed on autotrophic picoplankton (concholepas larvae also consumed picoplankton cells, while competent larvae of this species ingested mostly the largest phytoplankton cells and heterotrophic protozoans. Results suggest that persistent changes in the structure of pelagic food webs can have important effects on the species-specific food availability for invertebrate larvae, which can result in large-scale differences in recruitment rates of a given species, and in the relative recruitment success of the different species that make up benthic communities.

  1. Influence of UV-irradiation on the nauplius larvae of the barnacle Chthamalus sp

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hori, Masayuki; Nagayama, Shougo; Kawabe, Atsushi; Yamashita, Keiji.


    The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of UV-irradiation on the nauplius larvae of the barnacle and to use this as the basis for researching the possibility of UV-irradiation as a new method for anti-macrofouling control. The nauplius larvae in the petri dishes were exposed to UV-irradiation (λ max = 253.7 nm), then the larval states and behaviour were observed. UV-intensisties were 3.0 mW·cm -2 -7.0 mW·cm -2 and the exposure time was 15 sec -10 min. The water in the petri dishes was changed intermittently but the larvae were not fed. The results were as follows: 1) UV-irradiation may have a delayed lethal effect and metamorphosis-inhibitory effect on the nauplius larvae. 2) The lethal effect of the sum of the dosages of UV on the larvae may nearly equate each other despite differences in each UV-intensity. 3) Within ca. 72 hr, 100 % of UV-irradiated larvae were dead with the dosage of at least 672 mW·sec·cm -2 and were incapable of swimming with the dosage of at least 168 mW·sec·cm -2 . 4) UV-irradiated larvae could not exuviate with the dosage of at least 246 mW·sec·cm -2 and could only exuviate with the dosage of 45 mW·sec·cm -2 . 5) After UV-irradiation even the 'actively swimming' larvae may have suffered some sort of physiological damage. (author)

  2. Effect of bodily fluids from honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae on growth and genome-wide transcriptional response of the causal agent of American Foulbrood disease (Paenibacillus larvae). (United States)

    De Smet, Lina; De Koker, Dieter; Hawley, Alyse K; Foster, Leonard J; De Vos, Paul; de Graaf, Dirk C


    Paenibacillus larvae, the causal agent of American Foulbrood disease (AFB), affects honey bee health worldwide. The present study investigates the effect of bodily fluids from honey bee larvae on growth velocity and transcription for this Gram-positive, endospore-forming bacterium. It was observed that larval fluids accelerate the growth and lead to higher bacterial densities during stationary phase. The genome-wide transcriptional response of in vitro cultures of P. larvae to larval fluids was studied by microarray technology. Early responses of P. larvae to larval fluids are characterized by a general down-regulation of oligopeptide and sugar transporter genes, as well as by amino acid and carbohydrate metabolic genes, among others. Late responses are dominated by general down-regulation of sporulation genes and up-regulation of phage-related genes. A theoretical mechanism of carbon catabolite repression is discussed.

  3. An unprecedented role reversal: ground beetle larvae (Coleoptera: Carabidae lure amphibians and prey upon them.

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    Gil Wizen

    Full Text Available Amphibians often feed on beetle larvae, including those of ground beetles (Carabidae. Preliminary reports have detailed an unusual trophic interaction in which, in contrast, larvae of the ground beetle Epomis prey upon juvenile and adult amphibians. While it is known that these larvae feed exclusively on amphibians, how the predator-prey encounter occurs to the advantage of the beetle larvae had been unknown to date. Using laboratory observations and controlled experiments, we recorded the feeding behavior of Epomis larvae, as well as the behavior of their amphibian prey. Here we reveal that larvae of two species of Epomis (E. circumscriptus and E. dejeani lure their potential predator, taking advantage of the amphibian's predation behavior. The Epomis larva combines a sit-and-wait strategy with unique movements of its antennae and mandibles to draw the attention of the amphibian to the presence of a potential prey. The intensity of this enticement increases with decreasing distance between the larva and the amphibian. When the amphibian attacks, the larva almost always manages to avoid the predator's protracted tongue, exploiting the opportunity to attach itself to the amphibian's body and initiate feeding. Our findings suggest that the trophic interaction between Epomis larvae and amphibians is one of the only natural cases of obligatory predator-prey role reversal. Moreover, this interaction involves a small insect larva that successfully lures and preys on a larger vertebrate. Such role reversal is exceptional in the animal world, extending our perspective of co-evolution in the arms race between predator and prey, and suggesting that counterattack defense behavior has evolved into predator-prey role reversal.

  4. Impact of ultraviolet-B radiation on planktonic fish larvae: Alteration of the osmoregulatory function

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sucre, Elliott, E-mail: [AEO Team (Adaptation Ecophysiologique et Ontogenese), UMR 5119 Ecosym UM2, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer, UM1, Universite Montpellier 2, cc092, Pl. Eugene Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier, Cx 05 (France); Vidussi, Francesca [RESEAUX Team (Reseaux Planctoniques et Changement Environnemental), UMR 5119 Ecosym UM2, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer, UM1, Universite Montpellier 2, cc093, Pl. Eugene Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier, Cx 05 (France); Mostajir, Behzad [RESEAUX Team (Reseaux Planctoniques et Changement Environnemental), UMR 5119 Ecosym UM2, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer, UM1, Universite Montpellier 2, cc093, Pl. Eugene Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier, Cx 05 (France); Centre d' ecologie marine experimentale MEDIMEER (Mediterranean centre for Marine Ecosystem Experimental Research), Universite Montpellier 2-CNRS (UMS 3301), Station Mediterraneenne de l' Environnement Littoral, MEDIMEER, 2 Rue des Chantiers, 34200 Sete (France); Charmantier, Guy; Lorin-Nebel, Catherine [AEO Team (Adaptation Ecophysiologique et Ontogenese), UMR 5119 Ecosym UM2, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer, UM1, Universite Montpellier 2, cc092, Pl. Eugene Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier, Cx 05 (France)


    Coastal marine ecosystems are submitted to variations of several abiotic and biotic parameters, some of them related to global change. Among them the ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation (UVBR: 280-320 nm) may strongly impact planktonic fish larvae. The consequences of an increase of UVBR on the osmoregulatory function of Dicentrarchus labrax larvae have been investigated in this study. In young larvae of D. labrax, as in other teleosts, osmoregulation depends on tegumentary ion transporting cells, or ionocytes, mainly located on the skin of the trunk and of the yolk sac. As early D. labrax larvae passively drift in the top water column, ionocytes are exposed to solar radiation. The effect of UVBR on larval osmoregulation in seawater was evaluated through nanoosmometric measurements of the blood osmolality after exposure to different UV-B treatments. A loss of osmoregulatory capability occured in larvae after 2 days of low (50 {mu}W cm{sup -2}: 4 h L/20 h D) and medium (80 {mu}W cm{sup -2}: 4 h L/20 h D) UVBR exposure. Compared to control larvae kept in the darkness, a significant increase in blood osmolality, abnormal behavior and high mortalities were detected in larvae exposed to UVBR from 2 days on. At the cellular level, an important decrease in abundance of tegumentary ionocytes and mucous cells was observed after 2 days of exposure to UVBR. In the ionocytes, two major osmoeffectors were immunolocalized, the Na{sup +}/K{sup +}-ATPase and the Na{sup +}/K{sup +}/2Cl{sup -} cotransporter. Compared to controls, the fluorescent immunostaining was lower in UVBR-exposed larvae. We hypothesize that the impaired osmoregulation in UVBR-exposed larvae originates from the lower number of tegumentary ionocytes and mucous cells. This alteration of the osmoregulatory function could negatively impact the survival of young larvae at the surface water exposed to UVBR.

  5. The occurrence of digenean larvae in freshwater snails at Mbezi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The occurrence of digenean larvae in freshwater snails at Mbezi-Temboni pond, Dar es Salaam. ESP Kigadye, G Nkwengulila. Abstract. The abundance of digenean larvae in snails at a pond in Mbezi-Temboni, Dar es Salaam, was investigated from July 1996 to June 1997. A total of 2,112 snails belonging to three species, ...

  6. Infectivity and development of X-irradiated third-stage larvae of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujiu, Yoshinori


    Angiostrongylus cantonensis third-stage larvae were exposed to less than 10Krad of X-radiation and then given orally to white rats to examine the effects of X-radiation on infectivity and development of the irradiated third-stage larvae and on fecundity of adults developing from the irradiated third-stage larvae. The deleterious effects of X-radiation were observed at relatively lower dosage in the above three parameters. A degree in susceptibility on X-radiation was shown to be radiation-dose-dependent. Comparing to the irradiation of larvae in vitro, the irradiation of larvae in snails caused less deleterious effects at the same dose of X-irradiation. Application of X-radiation to food hygiene was also discussed. (author)

  7. Influência de diferentes dietas na sobrevivência larval do camarãode água doce Macrobrachium carcinus (Linnaeus, 1758 - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i2.444 Influence of different diets in freshwater prawn Macrobrachiumcarcinus (Linnaeus, 1758 larval survival - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i2.444

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    Patrícia Maria Moraes da Silva


    Full Text Available O trabalho objetivou avaliar diferentes dietas na larvicultura do pitu, Macrobrachium carcinus, visando melhorar o desempenho da produção de pós-larvas. As larvas (estádios V-VI foram estocadas em 24 recipientes circulares de 20 litros, com sistemas de recirculação de água e aeração, nos quais foram estocadas 25 larvas/litro. Foram adotados quatro tratamentos (correspondentes às dietas e seis repetições: 1 filé de peixe (Dp; 2 filé de peixe + biomassa de artêmia adulta (DpB; 3 dieta formulada (Df; e 4 dieta formulada + biomassa de artêmia adulta (DfB. As dietas foram ofertadas quatro vezes ao dia (07, 10, 13 e 16 horas durante 49 dias. No final do cultivo, as taxas de sobrevivência média das larvas foram 3,47; 7,40; 14,83 e 7,57%, respectivamente, para os tratamentos Dp, DpB, Df e DfB. No tratamento Dp obteve-se a menor sobrevivência (p ≤ 0,05. A maior sobrevivência (p ≤ 0,05 foi obtida com a dieta Df (14,83%, que se apresenta como a alternativa mais apropriada para a produção de pós-larvas de M. carcinus. Entretanto, o uso de biomassa de artêmia adulta pode resultar na melhoria da taxa de sobrevivência quando associada a filé de peixe.This work aimed to evaluate different diets in Macrobrachium carcinus larval culture in order to improve the performance of prawn postlarvae production. Twenty-four 20 L circular recipients provided of water recirculating and aeration systems were used, where 25 larvae per liter were stocked (stages V-VI. Four treatments (related to diets and six replicates were adopted: 1 Fish flesh (Ff; 2 Fish flesh + adult Artemia biomass (FfB; 3 Formulated diet (Fd; and 4 Formulated diet + adult Artemia biomass (FdB. The diets were offered four times a day (07:00, 10:00, 13:00 and 16:00 hrs during 49 days. At the end of culture, the average of larval survival rates were 3.47, 7.40, 14.83 and 7.57%, respectively for Ff, FfB, Fd and FdB treatments. Ff treatment obtained the lowest survival (p ≤ 0

  8. Nursing protects honeybee larvae from secondary metabolites of pollen. (United States)

    Lucchetti, Matteo A; Kilchenmann, Verena; Glauser, Gaetan; Praz, Christophe; Kast, Christina


    The pollen of many plants contains toxic secondary compounds, sometimes in concentrations higher than those found in the flowers or leaves. The ecological significance of these compounds remains unclear, and their impact on bees is largely unexplored. Here, we studied the impact of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) found in the pollen of Echium vulgare on honeybee adults and larvae. Echimidine, a PA present in E. vulgare pollen, was isolated and added to the honeybee diets in order to perform toxicity bioassays. While adult bees showed relatively high tolerance to PAs, larvae were much more sensitive. In contrast to other bees, the honeybee larval diet typically contains only traces of pollen and consists predominantly of hypopharyngeal and mandibular secretions produced by nurse bees, which feed on large quantities of pollen-containing bee bread. We quantified the transfer of PAs to nursing secretions produced by bees that had previously consumed bee bread supplemented with PAs. The PA concentration in these secretions was reduced by three orders of magnitude as compared to the PA content in the nurse diet and was well below the toxicity threshold for larvae. Our results suggest that larval nursing protects honeybee larvae from the toxic effect of secondary metabolites of pollen. © 2018 The Authors.

  9. Nursing protects honeybee larvae from secondary metabolites of pollen (United States)

    Lucchetti, Matteo A.; Kilchenmann, Verena; Glauser, Gaetan; Praz, Christophe


    The pollen of many plants contains toxic secondary compounds, sometimes in concentrations higher than those found in the flowers or leaves. The ecological significance of these compounds remains unclear, and their impact on bees is largely unexplored. Here, we studied the impact of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) found in the pollen of Echium vulgare on honeybee adults and larvae. Echimidine, a PA present in E. vulgare pollen, was isolated and added to the honeybee diets in order to perform toxicity bioassays. While adult bees showed relatively high tolerance to PAs, larvae were much more sensitive. In contrast to other bees, the honeybee larval diet typically contains only traces of pollen and consists predominantly of hypopharyngeal and mandibular secretions produced by nurse bees, which feed on large quantities of pollen-containing bee bread. We quantified the transfer of PAs to nursing secretions produced by bees that had previously consumed bee bread supplemented with PAs. The PA concentration in these secretions was reduced by three orders of magnitude as compared to the PA content in the nurse diet and was well below the toxicity threshold for larvae. Our results suggest that larval nursing protects honeybee larvae from the toxic effect of secondary metabolites of pollen. PMID:29563265


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    Full Text Available

    Os métodos caseiros de produção do colorífico e sua comercialização sem condições higiênico-sanitária podem representar importante fonte de contaminação e disseminação de enteroparasitas. Dessa forma a identifi cação laboratorial de protozoários e helmintos em colorífi co é de grande importância para a saúde pública, pois analisa as condições higiênicas envolvidas na sua produção, armazenamento, transporte, manipulação e comercialização. O presente trabalho objetivou identifi car a ocorrência de estruturas parasitárias em colorífi co caseiro e industrial comercializados em feiras livres e em supermercados de Vitória da Conquista-Bahia. Para tanto foram coletadas no período de junho e julho 105 amostras de colorífi co em estabelecimentos comerciais localizados na cidade. As amostras do pigmento em estudo foram submetidas a análises para pesquisa de enteroparasitas no Laboratório de Parasitologia da UESB, através dos métodos de Sedimentação Espontânea e de Carvalho et al.3 Resultados negativos para enteroparasitas foram obtidos em todas as amostras. De acordo com a Resolução da ANVISA RDC n°276,2 de 22 de setembro de 2005, as amostras de colorífi co artesanal e industrial apresentam condições sanitárias satisfatórias de acordo a legislação vigente para parasitos e larvas.

  11. Structure of recombinant human carboxylesterase 1 isolated from whole cabbage looper larvae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greenblatt, Harry M.; Otto, Tamara C.; Kirkpatrick, Melanie G.; Kovaleva, Elena; Brown, Susan; Buchman, George; Cerasoli, Douglas M.; Sussman, Joel L.


    Large quantities of recombinant human carboxylesterase 1 have been produced in an economical whole insect larvae system. The crystal structure of this enzyme is essentially identical to that produced by cell culture techniques. The use of whole insect larvae as a source of recombinant proteins offers a more cost-effective method of producing large quantities of human proteins than conventional cell-culture approaches. Human carboxylesterase 1 has been produced in and isolated from whole Trichoplusia ni larvae. The recombinant protein was crystallized and its structure was solved to 2.2 Å resolution. The results indicate that the larvae-produced enzyme is essentially identical to that isolated from cultured Sf21 cells, supporting the use of this expression system to produce recombinant enzymes for crystallization studies

  12. First record of Naushonia sp. (Decapoda: Laomediidae) larva from the Equatorial Atlantic. (United States)

    De Albuquerque Lira, Simone Maria; De Santana, Claudeilton Severino; Schwamborn, Ralf


    The first zoeal-stage larva of a possibly new species of mud shrimp Naushonia (Decapoda: Gebiidea: Laomediidae) was described from plankton samples taken off the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, being the first occurrence at the oceanic islands of the Equatorial Atlantic. Five zoea I larvae were obtained and dissected for observation of mouthparts. This zoea I of Naushonia sp. is well distinguished from the first larvae of N. portoricensis (Rathbun 1901) from the Caribbean and N. cangronoides (Kingsley 1897) from the Northwest Atlantic in terms of development and setation of appendages, and possibly belongs to a new, undescribed species. The present study widens the knowledge on tropical oceanic decapod larvae and provides detailed drawings and new photographic illustrations with extended depth of field of these organisms.

  13. An improved brine shrimp larvae lethality microwell test method. (United States)

    Zhang, Yi; Mu, Jun; Han, Jinyuan; Gu, Xiaojie


    This article described an improved brine shrimp larvae lethality microwell test method. A simply designed connecting vessel with alternative photoperiod was used to culture and collect high yield of active Artemia parthenogenetica nauplii for brine shrimp larvae lethality microwell test. Using this method, pure A. parthenogenetica nauplii suspension was easily cultured and harvested with high density about 100-150 larvae per milliliter and the natural mortality was reduced to near zero by elimination of unnecessary artificial disturbance. And its sensitivity was validated by determination of LC(50)-24 h of different reference toxicants including five antitumor agents, two pesticides, three organic pollutants, and four heavy metals salts, most of which exhibited LC(50)-24 h between 0.07 and 58.43 mg/L except for bleomycin and mitomycin C with LC(50)-24 h over 300 mg/L.

  14. Seletividade alimentar de organismos-alimento por formas jovens de pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887 e curimba Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1836 - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i2.523 Selective feeding of food organisms by fish larvae of Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887 and Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1836 - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i2.523

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    Carlos Eduardo Bento Fernandes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a seleção alimentar de organismos-alimento por formas jovens de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus e curimba (Prochilodus lineatus com diferentes idades (6, 12, 19 e 26 dias, na presença e ausência de Pistia stratiotes. Foram utilizados quatro tratamentos (T1 = pacu + P. stratiotes; T2 = pacu; T3 = curimba + P. stratiotes; T4 = curimba e quatro repetições. A cada sete dias, foram coletadas 24 larvas de cada espécie de peixe dos tanques, sendo estas mantidas em jejum por 24 horas. Depois de distribuídas nos aquários com plâncton, as larvas permaneceram por três horas, sendo coletadas e fixadas para análise, juntamente com as amostras de água. Os tratos digestórios das larvas foram retirados e analisados sob microscópio óptico. Observaram-se diferenças estatísticas na seletividade alimentar de organismos planctônicos por larvas de mesma espécie, em diferentes idades e também entre larvas de espécies diferentes, com mesma idade, não diferindo quanto à presença ou ausência de P. stratiotes. As formas jovens de pacu e curimba selecionaram organismos similares aos seis dias de idade, passando por alterações até o 26º dia. À medida que se desenvolveram, as larvas de pacu passaram a selecionar cladóceros e ostrácodos e as de curimba, protozoários e algas.The objective was to evaluate the feeding selection of food organisms for two species of fish larvae (pacu and curimba at different ages (6, 12, 19 and 26 days after eclosion, in the presence or absence of Pistia stratiotes. Four treatments were used (T1 = pacu + P. stratiotes; T2 = pacu; T3 = curimba + P. stratiotes; T4 = curimba and four replications. Every seven days, 24 fish larvae of each species were collected, and kept without food for 24 hours. After being distributed in the aquariums with plankton, the larvae stayed for three hours, and were collected and prepared for analysis, along with the water samples. The digestive tract of the fish larvae

  15. Morphology and anatomy of leaf miners in two species of Commelinaceae (Commelina diffusa Burm. f. and Floscopa glabrata (Kunth Hassk Morfologia e anatomia de minas foliares em duas espécies de Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa Burm. f. e Floscopa glabrata (Kunth Hassk

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    Paula Maria Elb


    Full Text Available In specialized literature, reports on anatomy of miners in host plants are few in number. These agents trigger excavations, or paths, by consumption of plant inner tissues by larvae of several insects. The aim of this work was to investigate leaf miner occurrence in Commelina diffusa (a cosmopolitan plant and Floscopa glabrata (an amphibious plant using anatomical techniques. The place where the plants were collected is subjected to seasonal floods, consequently both the species were exposed to the same weather conditions and seasonal floods. This study showed that members of Agromyzidae and Chironomidae families, which are Diptera endophytophagous larvae types, were responsible for the tunnels. Moreover, in Commelina diffusa Agromyzidae larvae were found, while in Floscopa glabrata three Chironomidae cephalic exuviae were found. The miners, as can be seen from anatomical studies, used only mesophyll parenchyma tissues for feeding, causing the formation of linear mines. In addition, in both the species, the epidermis and the medium-sized vascular units were kept intact, showing no structural modification, such as neoformation of tissues.Existem poucos relatos na literatura sobre anatomia de plantas parasitadas por agentes minadores, os quais promovem escavações ou caminhos através do consumo dos tecidos internos das plantas por larvas de diversos insetos. A proposta deste trabalho foi analisar anatomicamente a ocorrência de minas foliares em Commelina diffusa (planta cosmopolita e Floscopa glabrata (planta anfíbia causadas por espécies de larvas endofitófagas de dípteros, pertencentes a duas famílias: Agromyzidae e Chironomidae. O local onde as plantas foram coletas está sujeito a inundações sazonais, e as duas espécies foram submetidas às mesmas condições climáticas. Em Commelina diffusa foram encontradas larvas da família Agromyzidae e, em Floscopa glabrata observaram-se três exuvias cefálicas de Chironomidae. Os dados anat

  16. Modulation of nutrient composition of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens larvae by feeding seaweed-enriched media.

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    Nina S Liland

    Full Text Available Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens larvae are a promising source of protein and lipid for animal feeds. The nutritional composition of the BSF larvae depend partly on the composition of the feeding medium. The BSF lipid profile in part mimics the feeding media lipid profile, and micronutrients, like minerals and vitamins, can readily accumulate in black soldier fly larvae. However, investigative studies on bioconversion and accumulation of nutrients from media to black soldier fly larvae are scarce. Here we show that inclusion of the brown algae Ascophyllum nodosum in the substrate for black soldier fly larvae can introduce valuable nutrients, commonly associated with the marine environment, into the larvae. The omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3, iodine and vitamin E concentrations increased in the larvae when more seaweed was included in the diet. When the feeding media consisted of more than 50% seaweed, the larvae experienced poorer growth, lower nutrient retention and lower lipid levels, compared to a pure plant based feeding medium. Our results confirm the plasticity of the nutritional make-up of black soldier fly larvae, allowing it to accumulate both lipid- and water-soluble compounds. A broader understanding of the effect of the composition of the feeding media on the larvae composition can help to tailor black soldier fly larvae into a nutrient profile more suited for specific feed or food purposes.

  17. Biological Role of Paenilarvins, Iturin-Like Lipopeptide Secondary Metabolites Produced by the Honey Bee Pathogen Paenibacillus larvae. (United States)

    Hertlein, Gillian; Seiffert, Marlene; Gensel, Sebastian; Garcia-Gonzalez, Eva; Ebeling, Julia; Skobalj, Ranko; Kuthning, Anja; Süssmuth, Roderich D; Genersch, Elke


    The Gram-positive bacterium Paenibacillus larvae (P. larvae) is the causative agent of a deadly honey bee brood disease called American Foulbrood (AFB). AFB is a notifiable epizootic in most countries and, hence, P. larvae is of considerable relevance for veterinarians and apiculturists alike. Over the last decade, much progress has been made in the understanding of the (patho)biology of P. larvae. Recently, several non-ribosomally produced peptides (NRP) and peptide/polyketide (NRP/PK) hybrids produced by P. larvae were identified. Among these NRPs were iturin-like lipopeptides, the paenilarvins A-C. Iturins are known to exhibit strong anti-fungal activity; for some iturins, cytotoxic activity towards mammalian erythrocytes and human cancer cell lines are described. We here present our results on the analysis of the natural function of the paenilarvins during pathogenesis of P. larvae infections. We demonstrated production of paenilarvins in infected larvae. However, we could neither demonstrate cytotoxicity of paenilarvins towards cultured insect cells nor towards larvae in feeding assays. Accordingly, exposure bioassays performed with larvae infected by wild-type P. larvae and a knockout mutant of P. larvae lacking production of paenilarvins did not substantiate a role for the paenilarvins as virulence factor. Further experiments are necessary to analyze the relevance of the paenilarvins' anti-fungal activity for P. larvae infections in the presence of fungal competitors in the larval midgut or cadaver.

  18. Composting poultry manure by fly larvae (Musca domestica) eliminates Campylobacter jejuni from the manure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordentoft, Steen; Hald, Birthe


    study To monitor fly larvae composting of poultry manure artificially contaminated with C. jejuni, and to investigate a possible transmission route of C. jejuni from the manure through the fly larvae to the adult fly. Conclusions The addition of fly larvae both accelerated the degradation of manure...

  19. Inquérito de filariose bancroftiana em São Lourenço da Mata - Pernambuco

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    James E. Dobbin Jr.


    Full Text Available Um inquérito epidemiológico foi realizado em São Lourenço da Mata, Pernambuco, em dezembro de 1963, para determinar a prevalência da bancroftose. Êste inquérito consistiu de: exame de sangue de uma amostra representativa da população humana, capturas e dessecação de insetos transmissores. Das 2 459 pessoas examinadas (23.38% da população estimada, 17 apresentavam microfilária de Wuchereria bancrofti. O índice de microfilaremia foi de 0.7%. Das 356 casas onde se realizou a captura de insetos, 79.77% foram positivas para Culex pipiens fatigans. Dos 754 fatigans examinados para larvas de Wuchereria, 1.06% estavam infectados.

  20. Use of liquid nitrogen and albendazole in successfully treating cutaneous larva migrans. (United States)

    Kapadia, Naseema; Borhany, Tasneem; Farooqui, Maria


    To determine the efficacy of combination treatment of Albendazole along with liquid nitrogen in cutaneous larva migrans. Quasi-experimental study. Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and The Aga Khan Hospital, Karachi, from December 2008 to December 2010. Eighteen cases of cutaneous larva migrans were collected and divided into two groups. Group-A was administered oral Albendazole 400 mg once per day along with topical steroid and oral cetrizine 10 mg once at night for 7 days. Group-B also received oral Albendazole 400 mg once per day along with cetrizine 10 mg once at night but they also received single application of liquid nitrogen to freeze the larva. It was found that in Group-A only 2 out of 9 (22%) showed improvement whereas 78% had to be given liquid nitrogen cryotherapy 3 - 7 days after Albendazole to prevent migration of larva. In Group-B, the improvement was 100% and all 9 patients were successfully treated. Use of liquid nitrogen along with oral anti-helminths is very effective in treating cutaneous larva migrans than Albendazole alone.

  1. Performance of jundiá larvae, Rhamdia quelen, fed on probiotic supplemented diets

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    Vilson Borba Pinto


    Full Text Available Since probiotics have proved to be a viable alternative to antibiotics as enhancers of animal growth, the performance, uniformity and mortality rates of the jundiá (Rhamdia quelen larvae fed on diets with different probiotics were evaluated. Jundiá larvae, aged four days post hatching, were fed during 21 days with the following diets, in four replicates, namely, CO: control feed, without probiotics; PP: feed with Pichia pastoris; SB: feed with Saccharomyces boulardii; BT: feed with Bacillus cereus var. toyoi. Among the tested probiotic, Bacillus cereus var. toyoi had the best results due to the fact that the larvae were 25% heavier than CO at the end of the first week; the difference increased to 28% by the end of the trial. Further, BT also improved uniformity and Fulton’s condition factor. Larvae fed on Saccharomyces boulardii had the lowest body weight, whereas those fed on Pichia pastoris grew similarly to the control diet. Mortality rate was not affected by treatments. Bacillus cereus var. toyoi improves the performance and uniformity of the larvae, but does not affect mortality rate.

  2. Food web changes under ocean acidification promote herring larvae survival. (United States)

    Sswat, Michael; Stiasny, Martina H; Taucher, Jan; Algueró-Muñiz, Maria; Bach, Lennart T; Jutfelt, Fredrik; Riebesell, Ulf; Clemmesen, Catriona


    Ocean acidification-the decrease in seawater pH due to rising CO 2 concentrations-has been shown to lower survival in early life stages of fish and, as a consequence, the recruitment of populations including commercially important species. To date, ocean-acidification studies with fish larvae have focused on the direct physiological impacts of elevated CO 2 , but largely ignored the potential effects of ocean acidification on food web interactions. In an in situ mesocosm study on Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) larvae as top predators in a pelagic food web, we account for indirect CO 2 effects on larval survival mediated by changes in food availability. The community was exposed to projected end-of-the-century CO 2 conditions (~760 µatm pCO 2 ) over a period of 113 days. In contrast with laboratory studies that reported a decrease in fish survival, the survival of the herring larvae in situ was significantly enhanced by 19 ± 2%. Analysis of the plankton community dynamics suggested that the herring larvae benefitted from a CO 2 -stimulated increase in primary production. Such indirect effects may counteract the possible direct negative effects of ocean acidification on the survival of fish early life stages. These findings emphasize the need to assess the food web effects of ocean acidification on fish larvae before we can predict even the sign of change in fish recruitment in a high-CO 2 ocean.

  3. Temporal variability of fish larvae assemblages: influence of natural and anthropogenic disturbances

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    David A. Reynalte-Tataje

    Full Text Available Natural and induced disturbances greatly influence the temporal distribution of ichthyoplankton abundance. This study assesses and compares the temporal variability of fish larvae assemblages in controlled and free environments to determine the influence of environment variables on the main taxa in these systems. The study was conducted at the Chapecó (without dam impact and Ligeiro (with dam impact river mouths, which are located in the upper Uruguay River. Samples were made between October 2001 and March 2004 during three reproductive periods. The larvae assemblages were composed of small and medium-sized Characiformes and Siluriformes. The variation in the distribution of larvae was mainly temporal (>85%. When the three reproductive periods were compared, it was observed in the second period, characterized by a larger water flow and a lower temperature, that there was a reduction in abundance, a lower number of taxa, an absence of stages in post-flexion and a high dissimilarity in larvae assemblage structure. In general, the environmental variables of water flow and temperature most influenced the distribution of egg and larvae abundance. In the studied area, a smaller temporal variability was observed in the structure of larvae assemblages at the sampling sites in the Chapecó River mouth than in in the Ligeiro River mouth under the influence of dams.

  4. Avaliação parasitológica em alfaces (Lactuca sativa L. comercializadas em Serra Talhada, Pernambuco, Brasil / Parasitological evaluation in lettuces (Lactuca sativa L. marketed in Serra Talhada, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Rebeca Gonçalves de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A prevalência de parasitoses intestinais cresce de forma expansiva no Brasil e em muitos países. A ocorrência de enteroparasitoses advém de várias maneiras, inclusive por con-sumo de vegetais contaminados, representando um grande problema em nível mundial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a contaminação por parasitas intestinais em horta-liças comercializadas em Serra Talhada-PE. As amostras das hortaliças foram coletadas nas unidades de produção (hortas, na unidade de recepção do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA e em diversos estabelecimentos comerciais localizadas no município. As amostras foram colocadas em sacos plásticos e mantidas em caixa isotérmica; em seguida, foram encaminhadas ao laboratório de Biologia da Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada-UFRPE. Para a identificação dos parasitas foi utilizado o método de sedimenta-ção espontânea. Observou-se que das 80 amostras de alface analisadas 97,5% estavam positivas para formas parasitárias e outros organismos microscópicos, incluindo ovos e larvas de nematoides, cistos de protozoários, ovos de cestódeos e alguns artrópodes (insetos e ácaros. É de suma importância o conhecimento dos produtores e manipu-ladores em geral a respeito da contaminação, bem como o conhecimento das técnicas sanitizantes desenvolvidas para hortaliças, com intuito de diminuir a contaminação em todas as etapas ocorrentes desde o cultivo até ao consumo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevalence of intestinal parasites growing in Brazil and in many countries so expansive. The intestinal parasites comes in several ways, including by consumption of contami-nated vegetables, which represents a significant worldwide problem. The objective of this study is to assess the contamination by intestinal parasites in vegetables commer-cialized in Serra Talhada, in Pernambuco state. Samples of vegetables were collected at the

  5. Caffeine taste signaling in Drosophila larvae

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    Anthi A Apostolopoulou


    Full Text Available The Drosophila larva has a simple peripheral nervous system with a comparably small number of sensory neurons located externally at the head or internally along the pharynx to assess its chemical environment. It is assumed that larval taste coding occurs mainly via external organs (the dorsal, terminal and ventral organ. However, the contribution of the internal pharyngeal sensory organs has not been explored. Here we find that larvae require a single pharyngeal gustatory receptor neuron pair called D1, which is located in the dorsal pharyngeal sensilla, in order to avoid caffeine and to associate an odor with caffeine punishment. In contrast, caffeine-driven reduction in feeding in non-choice situations does not require D1. Hence, this work provides data on taste coding via different receptor neurons, depending on the behavioral context. Furthermore, we show that the larval pharyngeal system is involved in bitter tasting. Using ectopic expressions, we show that the caffeine receptor in neuron D1 requires the function of at least four receptor genes: the putative coreceptors Gr33a, Gr66a, the putative caffeine-specific receptor Gr93a, and yet unknown additional molecular component(s. This suggests that larval taste perception is more complex than previously assumed already at the sensory level. Taste information from different sensory organs located outside at the head or inside along the pharynx of the larva is assembled to trigger taste guided behaviours.

  6. Ocorrência de Migdolus fryanus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae em plantios de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Occurrence of Migdolus fryanus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae in Pinus caribaea hondurensis plantations

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    Carlos Frederico Wilcken


    Full Text Available Larvas de Migdolus fryanus Westwood (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae foram encontradas danificando raízes de mudas de P. caribaea var. hondurensis (Sénéel Barr. & Golf. no Estado de São Paulo. Isso aumenta a importância dessa espécie, cujos danos, em espécies florestais, têm aumentado, principalmente, em plantios de eucalipto. Esse é o primeiro registro de M. fryanus em plantios de Pinus, e o referido inseto pode ser considerado uma nova praga dessa espécie florestal. Detalhes das características morfológicas e biológicas, danos e possíveis métodos de controle de M. fryanus são discutidos.Larvae of Migdolus fryanus Westwood (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae were found damaging roots of young plants of P. caribaea hondurensis (Sénéel Barr. & Golf. in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. This fact increases the importance of this species because the damages have been increasing in forest species specially in eucalyptus plantations. This is the first record of M. fryanus in pine plantations and this insect can be considered a pest of pine plants. Details on the morphology and biological characteristics, damage and possible control methods to M. fryanus are discussed.

  7. Keragaman Genetik Metarhizium anisopliae dan Virulensinya pada Larva Kumbang Badak (Oryctes rhinoceros

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    Aisyah Surya Bintang


    Full Text Available Rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros is one of the important pests of coconut tree. One of eco-friendly control applied for this pest is by using entomopathogenic fungiMetarhizium anisopliae. There is not much information about the variability and virulence of M. anisopliae toward O. rhinoceros. M. anisopliae isolates obtained from Biological Control Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada were cultured on PDA medium.M. anisopliae isolates was isolated from O. rhinoceros larvae (MaOr, Lepidiota stigma larvae (MaLs, Brontispa longissima beetle (MaBl.O. rhinoceros beetles were obtained from Kulon Progo, DIY. This study used molecular test, and virulence test toward 3rd stadium of O. rhinoceros larvae by using dipping method. Molecular test by sequence and phylogenetic analysis, showed that MaOr was located at different group (out group with MaLs and MaBr. On the density 107 conidium/ml MaOr and MaLs were more virulent than MaBl towards 3rd stadium of O. rhinoceros larvae. INTISARI Kumbang badak (Oryctes rhinoceros merupakan salah satu hama penting pada tanaman kelapa. Salah satu upaya pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan adalah dengan menggunakan jamur entomopatogen, yakni Metarhizium anisopliae. Belum banyak diketahui mengenai keragaman dan juga virulensi dari M. anisopliae terhadap O. rhinoceros. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik M. anisopliae dan virulensinya pada larva kumbang badak. Isolat yang digunakan berasal dari Laboratorium Pengendalian Hayati, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada dalam bentuk kultur murni pada medium PDA. Isolat yang gunakan diisolasi dari larvaOryctes rhinoceros (MaOr, larva Lepidiota stigma (MaLs, dan kumbang Brontispa longissima (MaBl. Serangga yang diuji berasal dari daerah Kulon Progo, DIY. Pengujian secara molekuler dengan analisis sekuensing dan filogenetik, menunjukkan bahwa isolat MaOr terletak pada grup yang berbeda dengan MaLs dan Ma

  8. Riceland mosquito management practices for Anopheles quadrimaculatus larvae. (United States)

    Allen, R A; Wilkes, W W; Lewis, C N; Meisch, M V


    Two separate but related studies were conducted regarding management of Anopheles quadrimaculatus larval populations in commercial rice fields near Cleveland, MS, in 2004. Study 1 was to evaluate the effectiveness of 2 treatments of aerially applied ultra-low volume applications of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) against An. quadrimaculatus larvae in dense, high-canopy mid- to late-season rice crop. Study 2 was to investigate the effect of preflood treatments of lambda-cyhalothrin (Karate), which is commonly used against rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus), on An. quadrimaculatus larvae. Excellent initial, but short residual control (>99% control 1 day after treatment) was observed in the Bti-treated fields in both mid- and late-season rice. Little or no effect on mosquito larvae was observed in the lambda-cyhalothrin-treated fields. Results indicate that Bti can be effectively used by mosquito management personnel to control larval populations of An. quadrimaculatus in late-season rice fields; however, lambda-cyhalothrin did not effectively control larval An. quadrimaculatus when applied preflood to rice fields.


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    Siti Juariah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK   Nanas merupakan salah satu komoditi asal Provinsi Riau. Setiap tahun nanas mengalami peningkatan dengan semakin meningkatnya produksi nanas maka limbah yang dihasilkan akan semakin meningkat. Pada limbah kulit nanas diduga terdapat senyawa alkaloid yang dapat membunuh larva nyamuk Culex Sp. Nyamuk yang termasuk dalam genus Culex dikenal sebagai vektor penular arbovirus, demam kaki gajah, dan malaria pada unggas. Pengendalian serangga umumnya dilakukan menggunakan pestisida sintetik. Penggunaan senyawa kimia yang bersifat sintetik sangat berbahaya bagi pengguna yang terpajan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan efektifitas ekstrak etanol kulit nanas dan mengetahui jumlah larva yang mati dengan menentukan konsentrasi terbaik dari ekstrak etanol kulit nanas (AnanascomosusL. terhadap larva nyamuk culex Sp. Penelitian ini bersifat Eksperimen Laboratory, yaitu meneliti tentang uji mortalitas larva nyamuk Culex Sp setelah pemberian ekstrak etanol kulit nanas (AnanascomosusL.. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan bahwa ekstrak etanol kulit nanas dapat dibuktikan pada tingkat konsentrasi 1% angka kematian larva nyamuk telah mencapai 72,5%. Sedangkan pada konsentrasi 4% telah mampu membunuh larva sebesar 97,5%. Kata Kunci        : Ekstraketanol, Kulit nanas, Culex Sp.   ABSTRACT                Pineapple is one of the commodities origin of Riau Province. Each year the pineapple increases with the increasing production of pineapple so the waste generated will increase. In pineapple leaf waste is suspected of alkaloid compounds that can kill the mosquito larvae Culex Sp. The mosquitoes belonging to the genus Culex are known as arbovirus-transmitting vectors, elephant leg fever, and malaria in poultry. Insect control is generally done using synthetic pesticides. The use of synthetic chemicals is very dangerous for exposed users. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of pineapple ethanol

  10. Profundidade da amostragem de solo e de raízes e índice de infestação de Oryzophagus oryzae (Costa Lima, 1936 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae em cultivares de arroz Sampling depth of soil and roots and Oryzophagus oryzae (Costa Lima, 1936 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae infestation index in rice cultivars

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    Márcio Bartz das Neves


    Full Text Available Oryzophagus oryzae é o inseto-praga chave da cultura do arroz irrigado por inundação na Região Sul do Brasil. Suas larvas, conhecidas por bicheira-da-raiz, causam perdas significativas de produtividade quando danificam o sistema radicular das plantas de arroz. No monitoramento da população larval de O. oryzae em arrozais, ou em levantamentos em experimentos, atualmente são empregadas amostras padrão de solo e raízes, com 8,5cm de profundidade e 10cm de largura, desintegradas por submersão e agitamento em peneira com água, para a contagem de larvas. A visualização de larvas, principalmente de 1o e 2o instar, torna-se difícil na suspensão formada pelo solo das amostras com tais dimensões e a água do interior das peneiras. Assim sendo, foi realizado um experimento para determinar uma profundidade de amostragem que viabilize a captura e a visualização de um maior número possível de larvas, num menor volume possível de solo, em diferentes cultivares de arroz. O experimento foi instalado num Planossolo Háplico, no delineamento de quadrado latino, e incluiu como tratamentos seis cultivares de arroz ('BRS Atalanta'; 'BRS Firmeza'; 'BRS Ligeirinho'; 'BRS Querência'; 'BRS Sinuelo CL'; 'IRGA 417' e três profundidades (3, 6 e 9cm de retirada de amostras de solo e raízes, todas com 10cm de diâmetro. De imediato à retirada de amostras, foi registrado o número de larvas. Posteriormente, em avaliações periódicas, foi registrado o número de adultos emergidos de amostras mantidas intactas em baldes plásticos com lâmina de água de 13, 16 e 19cm, cobertos por tecido telado. Ocorreu interação significativa entre profundidades de amostragem e as cultivares 'BRS Sinuelo CL' e 'BRS Querência' quanto ao índice de infestação larval e de adultos de O. oryzae, respectivamente. No caso de ambas as variáveis, o índice na profundidade de 6cm foi significativamente maior do que na de 3cm, mantendo-se intermediário na de 9cm

  11. Toxocara cati larvae in the eye of a child: a case report

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    Mohammad Zibaei


    Full Text Available Toxocariasis is a consequence of human infection by Toxocara larvae. There are symptomatic (visceral, ocular and asymptomatic course of toxocariasis. The ocular form is very rare. We present a 6-year-old patient who developed an ocular form of toxocariasis caused by Toxocara cati. He demonstrated lesions in the peripheral retina of the right eye. White granuloma was present in the superior peripheral retina. A positive immunological assay for toxocariasis essentially completed the outcomes. On the basis of clinical manifestations and conducted examinations, a diagnosis of ocular form of toxocariasis was established. Albendazole and corticosteroids were applied in treatment. Current results clearly highlight the usefulness of excretory-secretory antigens derived from larvae of Toxocara cati for the fine diagnosis ocular larva migrans caused by Toxocara larvae.

  12. Sensory Flask Cells in Sponge Larvae Regulate Metamorphosis via Calcium Signaling. (United States)

    Nakanishi, Nagayasu; Stoupin, Daniel; Degnan, Sandie M; Degnan, Bernard M


    The Porifera (sponges) is one of the earliest phyletic lineages to branch off the metazoan tree. Although the body-plan of sponges is among the simplest in the animal kingdom and sponges lack nervous systems that communicate environmental signals to other cells, their larvae have sensory systems that generate coordinated responses to environmental cues. In eumetazoans (Cnidaria and Bilateria), the nervous systems of larvae often regulate metamorphosis through Ca(2+)-dependent signal transduction. In sponges, neither the identity of the receptor system that detects an inductive environmental cue (hereafter "metamorphic cues") nor the signaling system that mediates settlement and metamorphosis are known. Using a combination of behavioral assays and surgical manipulations, we show here that specialized epithelial cells-referred to as flask cells-enriched in the anterior third of the Amphimedon queenslandica larva are most likely to be the sensory cells that detect the metamorphic cues. Surgical removal of the region enriched in flask cells in a larva inhibits the initiation of metamorphosis. The flask cell has an apical sensory apparatus with a cilium surrounded by an apical F-actin-rich protrusion, and numerous vesicles, hallmarks of eumetazoan sensory-neurosecretory cells. We demonstrate that these flask cells respond to metamorphic cues by elevating intracellular Ca(2+) levels, and that this elevation is necessary for the initiation of metamorphosis. Taken together, these analyses suggest that sponge larvae have sensory-secretory epithelial cells capable of converting exogenous cues into internal signals via Ca(2+)-mediated signaling, which is necessary for the initiation of metamorphosis. Similarities in the morphology, physiology, and function of the sensory flask cells in sponge larvae with the sensory/neurosecretory cells in eumetazoan larvae suggest this sensory system predates the divergence of Porifera and Eumetazoa. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford

  13. Toxicological effects and resistance to pyrethroids in Boophilus microplus from Goiás, Brazil Efeitos toxicológicos e resistência a piretróides em Boophilus microplus de Goiás

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    F.F. Fernandes


    Full Text Available In order to monitor the susceptibility of Boophilus microplus to acaricides and improve control measures, the effects of cypermethrin, deltamethrin and permethrin on larvae obtained in the city of Goiânia in the Brazilian state of Goiás were studied. Although these pyrethroids are already sold as acaricides, their cost-benefit efficiency has been questioned. Fasting 14-21 day-old larvae were immersed in solutions of the acaricides under test, maintained at 27±1° C, and relative humidity over 80%, and observed under the stereoscope within an apparatus originally designed for studying the non-parasitic phase of the tick life cycle. The observed toxicological effects were: excitability, repetitive motion, decreased motor ability, detachment, paralysis, knock-down and cuticular proliferation of liquids and gases. The materials used in the manufacture of this apparatus consisted of disposable Petri dishes, "organza" cloth and paraffin, none of which are toxic to tick larvae. Mean death rates after 24h were 76.3%, 87.5%, 77.6%, 91.2%, 86.2% and 100% for 25 and 50ppm deltamethrin, 150 and 300ppm cypermethrin and 1250 and 2500ppm permethrin, respectively. The ticks were resistant to commercial concentrations of deltamethrin and cypermethrin. Only 2500ppm permethrin produced the mortality recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture.Estudaram-se os efeitos de cipermetrina, deltametrina e permetrina sobre larvas de uma cepa de campo de Goiânia, com o objetivo de monitorar a susceptibilidade de Boophilus microplus para esses acaricidas e fomentar medidas de controle. Larvas em jejum com 14 a 21 dias, imersas em soluções desses piretróides, foram mantidas a 27±1°C e UR% > ou = 80% e observadas por 24h ao estereoscópio, contidas em dispositivo desenvolvido originalmente para estudos da fase não parasitária do ciclo evolutivo. O material utilizado em sua confecção, placa de petri descartável, tecido organza e parafina, não foi t

  14. Chemically mediated group formation in soil-dwelling larvae and pupae of the beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus (United States)

    Kojima, Wataru; Ishikawa, Yukio; Takanashi, Takuma


    Many insects form groups through interactions among individuals, and these are often mediated by chemical, acoustic, or visual cues and signals. In spite of the diversity of soil-dwelling insects, their aggregation behaviour has not been examined as extensively as that of aboveground species. We investigated the aggregation mechanisms of larvae of the Japanese rhinoceros beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus, which live in groups in humus soil. In two-choice laboratory tests, 2nd- and 3rd-instar larvae gathered at conspecific larvae irrespective of the kinship. The ablation of maxillae, which bear chemosensilla, abolished aggregation behaviour. Intact larvae also exhibited aggregation behaviour towards a larval homogenate. These results suggest that larval aggregation is mediated by chemical cues. We also demonstrated that the mature larvae of T. dichotomus built their pupal cells close to a mesh bag containing a conspecific pupal cell, which indicated that larvae utilize chemical cues emanating from these cells to select the pupation site. Thus, the larvae of T. dichotomus may use chemical cues from the conspecifics in two different contexts, i.e. larval aggregation and pupation site selection. Using conspecific cues, larvae may be able to choose suitable locations for foraging or building pupal cells. The results of the present study highlight the importance of chemical information in belowground ecology.

  15. Occurrence of Larvae and Juveniles of Eucinostomus argenteus, Eucinostomus gula, Menticirrhus americanus, Menticirrhus littoralis, Umbrina coroides and Micropogonias furnieri at Pontal do Sul beach, Paraná

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    Rodrigo Santiago Godefroid


    Full Text Available Despite its importance, most ichthyoplankton studies in the South-Southeastern coast of Brazil, have been accomplished on the continental shelf. Regarding the beach environment, recognized as a nursery, little is known about the ichthyoplankton. We analyzed 288 samples collected with a 18 by 2 m seine net, 1 mm mesh and a conical plankton net, with a mesh of 300 mum and a 60 cm mouth. Eucinostomus argenteus comprised 78 % of the larvae and juveniles caught in the samples. The occurrence of gerreids was strongly concentrated in the summer, while the Menticirrhus littoralis, Menticirrhus americanus and Umbrina coroides were present during all seasons. M.littoralis was most abundant during spring, while M. americanus and U. coroides dominated during winter. For all species, the largest captures occurred during low tide. Environmental preferences are indicated in the principal component analysis, with the larvae and juveniles of E. argenteus and E. gula positively correlated with smaller waves and smaller morphodynamism, whereas M. americanus, U. coroides and M. furnieri seem to prefer periods with lower temperatures and larger morphodynamism.Apesar da importância, a maioria dos estudos de ictioplâncton na costa sul-sudeste do Brasil, foram realizados sobre a plataforma continental. No que se refere ao ambiente praial, reconhecido como área de criação, pouco se sabe sobre o ictioplâncton. Foram analisadas 288 amostras coletadas com uma rede tipo picaré com 18 x 2 m e malha de 1mm, e rede de plancton cônica, com malha de 300 mim e boca de 60 cm. A espécie E. argenteus totalizou 78 % das larvas e juvenis capturados. A ocorrência dos gerreideos foi fortemente concentrada no verão, enquanto que Menticirrhus littoralis, Menticirrhus americanus e Umbrina coroides estiveram presentes em todas as estações do ano. M. littoralis foi mais abundante na primavera, enquanto que M. americanus e U. coroides dominaram no inverno. Em todas as esp

  16. Biophysical processes leading to the ingress of temperate fish larvae into estuarine nursery areas: A review (United States)

    Teodósio, Maria Alexandra; Paris, Claire B.; Wolanski, Eric; Morais, Pedro


    A series of complementary hypotheses have been proposed to explain the recruitment of marine and temperate pelagic fish larvae originated from pelagic eggs in coastal environments. In this review, we propose a new and complementary hypothesis describing the biophysical processes intervening in the recruitment of temperate fish larvae into estuaries. This new hypothesis, the Sense Acuity And Behavioral (SAAB) hypothesis, recognizes that recruitment is unlikely if the larvae drift passively with the water currents, and that successful recruitment requires the sense acuity of temperate fish larvae and their behavioral response to the estuarine cues present in coastal areas. We propose that temperate fish larvae use a hierarchy of sensory cues (odor, sound, visual and geomagnetic cues) to detect estuarine nursery areas and to aid during navigation towards these areas. The sensorial acuity increases along ontogeny, which coincides with increased swimming capabilities. The swimming strategies of post-flexion larvae differ from offshore areas to the tidal zone. In offshore areas, innate behavior might lead larvae towards the coast guided by a sun compass or by the earth's geomagnetic field. In areas under limited influence of estuarine plumes (either in energetic nearshore areas or offshore), post-flexion larvae display a searching swimming behavior for estuarine disconnected patches (infotaxis strategy). After finding an estuarine plume, larvae may swim along the increasing cue concentration to ingress into the estuary. Here, larvae exhibit a rheotaxis behavior and avoid displacement by longshore currents by keeping bearing during navigation. When larvae reach the vicinity of an estuary, merging diel rhythms with feeding and predator avoidance strategies with tidally induced movements is essential to increase their chances of estuarine ingress. A fish larva recruitment model developed for the Ria Formosa lagoon supports the general framework of the SAAB hypothesis. In


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    Teresa Cristina Ribeiro Dias Koberstein


    Full Text Available O gênero Prochilodus é amplamente distribuído pela América do Sul, incluindo várias espécies que apresenta certo grau de endemismo nas diferentes bacias. Essas espécies alimentam-se basicamente de detritos orgânicos, organismos do benton, e alimentações artificiais. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar três densidades de estocagem (0,5, 0,75, e 1 larva/litro e dietas contendo dois níveis diferentes de proteína bruta (35 e 40% PB nos parâmetros do crescimento e na taxa da sobrevivência do curimbatá, Prochilodus scrofa. As larvas foram estocadas em aquários experimentais de 100 litros, mantidos com volume de 60 litros, com o fluxo de água contínuo, proveniente de poço semi-artesiano. A maior média foi proporcionada pela ração com 40% de PB (1,66g ± 0,21. As diferenças foram significativas para os efeitos dos teores de PB sobre o ganho de peso e densidades de estocagem, na sobrevivência das larvas. Para o ganho de peso, as melhores médias foram obtidas com nível de 40% de PB (2,50g ± 0,40 e para a sobrevivência, as melhores taxas foram 94,45% ± 19,32 e 78,87% ± 19,32 nas densidades de 0,5 e 0,75 larvas/litro, respectivamente.Fish of the genus Prochilodus is widely spread in South America, showing endemic characteristics in some basins. It feeds basically on organic detritus, benton organisms, and artificial feeds. The purpose of this study was to test three stocking densities (0.5, 0.75, and 1 fry/L and diets with two different crude protein levels (35 and 40% CP on the growth parameters and survival rate of curimbatá, Prochilodus scrofa. Larvae were stocked in 100L aquaria containing 60L, supplied with continuous water flow coming from an artesian well. There was a significant effect (P<0.05 of the 40% CP diet on growth (body weight = 1.66g ± 0.21 of fish stocked at 0.5 fry/L, at the 30th experimental day. At the 68th day, fish fed the 40% CP diet achieved the highest (P < 0.05 final body weight (2.50g ± 0.40, and

  18. Thermal ecology of gregarious and solitary nettle-feeding nymphalid butterfly larvae. (United States)

    Bryant, S R; Thomas, C D; Bale, J S


    Group-living in animal populations has many possible ecological and evolutionary explanations, including predator evasion and feeding facilitation. In insects, the thermal balance of solitary and gregarious larvae is likely to differ and may thus have important ecological consequences. The abilities of the larvae of four species of nettle-feeding nymphalid butterflies to thermoregulate were quantified in the field. Larval surface body temperatures of the gregarious Aglais urticae (small tortoiseshell) and Inachis io (peacock) and the solitary Polygonia c-album (comma) and Vanessa atalanta (red admiral) were measured for each instar, in both sunny and overcast conditions, over a seasonal range of temperatures. The results suggested two distinct larval thermal strategies. In the presence of direct sunlight, the exposed gregarious larvae of A. urticae and I. io regulated body temperatures at 32.5 and 31.5°C, respectively, while the temperatures of concealed larvae of P. c-album and V. atalanta were largely dependent on ambient temperatures. In the sun, the range of body temperatures recorded for A. urticae and I. io larvae was fairly narrow relative to ambient temperatures. This suggests a high degree of thermal control in these species. Modal body temperatures coincided with the temperature at which development rate is maximal. Regardless of whether changes in thermoregulation are a cause or consequence of the evolution of gregariousness, the combination of behavioural thermoregulation and gregariousness in larval insects has important implications for voltinism patterns and range extension (via increased development rates). Distributional responses of gregarious and solitary larvae to climatic warming may differ as a result of changes in cloud cover as well as changes in temperature.

  19. Extreme morphologies of mantis shrimp larvae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haug, Carolin; Ahyong, Shane T.; Wiethase, Joris H.


    Larvae of stomatopods (mantis shrimps) are generally categorized into four larval types: antizoea, pseudozoea (both representing early larval stages), alima and erichthus (the latt er two representing later larval stages). These categories, however, do not refl ect the existing morphological...

  20. Two alternating motor programs drive navigation in Drosophila larva.

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    Subhaneil Lahiri

    Full Text Available When placed on a temperature gradient, a Drosophila larva navigates away from excessive cold or heat by regulating the size, frequency, and direction of reorientation maneuvers between successive periods of forward movement. Forward movement is driven by peristalsis waves that travel from tail to head. During each reorientation maneuver, the larva pauses and sweeps its head from side to side until it picks a new direction for forward movement. Here, we characterized the motor programs that underlie the initiation, execution, and completion of reorientation maneuvers by measuring body segment dynamics of freely moving larvae with fluorescent muscle fibers as they were exposed to temporal changes in temperature. We find that reorientation maneuvers are characterized by highly stereotyped spatiotemporal patterns of segment dynamics. Reorientation maneuvers are initiated with head sweeping movement driven by asymmetric contraction of a portion of anterior body segments. The larva attains a new direction for forward movement after head sweeping movement by using peristalsis waves that gradually push posterior body segments out of alignment with the tail (i.e., the previous direction of forward movement into alignment with the head. Thus, reorientation maneuvers during thermotaxis are carried out by two alternating motor programs: (1 peristalsis for driving forward movement and (2 asymmetric contraction of anterior body segments for driving head sweeping movement.