
Sample records for langvarig sygdom hos

  1. Hvordan håndterer kvinder med reumatoid artrit sygdom, moderskab og arbejdsliv?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feddersen, Helle


    . I Studie 2B blev der fortaget deltagerobservationer og efterfølgende interviews i forbindelse med 10 af kvindernes fremmøde i planlagte ambulante sygeplejekonsultationer. Goffmans begrebsapparat vedrørende sociale roller, identitet, stigma, front- og backstage blev anvendt i en abduktiv fortolkning......Baggrund Reumatoid artrit (RA) er en kronisk, inflammatorisk sygdom, der forekommer 3 gange hyppigere hos kvinder end hos mænd. Sygdommen kan medføre hævede, stive og smertende led samt begrænsninger i forhold til fysisk udfoldelse, deltagelse i det sociale liv og nedsat psykisk velvære. Kvinder...

  2. Nutritiv rakitis i Danmark – medicinske og orale manifestationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beck-Nielsen, Signe Sparre; Gjørup, Hans; Haubek, Dorte


    Medicinske og orale manifestationer af nutritiv rakitis Rakitis, også kaldet ”engelsk syge”, er en sygdom, der oftest skyldes langvarig D-vitaminmangel. Rakitis er en sjælden sygdom, der primært optræder blandt børn med forældre af anden etnisk baggrund end dansk, men sygdommen ses også blandt bø...

  3. Evaluering af tre projekter i Socialstyrelsens Forældreprogram - Resultatresumé

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Luna Kragh; Scavenius Sonne-Schmidt, Christoffer


    ADHD og ADHD-lignende udfordringer er nogle af de mest udbredte former for psykiske proble-mer hos børn og unge (Dick & Ferguson, 2015). Forskning finder, at diagnosen kan stilles hos mindst 5 pct. af en børneårgang, hvilket svarer til 1-2 børn i hver skoleklasse (Polanczyk m.fl., 2007, 2014......; Thomas m.fl., 2015; Willcutt, 2012). Samtidig er ADHD og ADHD-lignende udfordrin-ger forbundet med negative konsekvenser, som har både en personlig pris og en samfundsmæs-sig pris, som fx behov for ekstra støtte i skolen eller særlige skoletilbud, forøget brug af sundhedsydelser og sociale ydelser og...... arbejdsmarkedet, et problempræget forhold til egne børn samt angst, depression og tidlig død (Loeber & Burke, 2011; Skogen & Torvik, 2013). I dag betragtes ADHD som en langvarig eller kronisk sygdom, men mestringsfremmende indsatser kan hjælpe forældre, børn og unge til bedre at håndtere symptomer på ADHD samt...

  4. Langvarig sygdom hos danske børn rapporteret af forældrene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne M; Koefoed, Birgitte Gade; Møller, Ralf


    others from poor health in general, recent sick leave and poor thriving. DISCUSSION: The figures for long-term disease reported by the parents participating in the study were in accordance with what was found in earlier studies, but stigmatising and less severe diseases, as well as periodically recurring......INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to report the prevalence and nature of long-term diseases and their consequences in children under the age of 16 in Denmark, and to identify the socio-demographic determinants of disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Parents and stepparents participating......: children of parents with low socioeconomic status or with little education had a higher prevalence. The most frequent disease was asthma (4.9%). Also frequent were congenital disorders (1.6%), otitis media (1.4%) and hearing impairment (0.6%). Children with long-term disease suffered more frequently than...

  5. Hjemløse borgeres sygdom og brug af sundhedsydelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benjaminsen, Lars; Birkelund, Jesper Fels; Enemark, Morten Holm

    sygdom er meget udbredt blandt hjemløse borgere. Men også når man korrigerer for misbrug og psykisk sygdom, har de hjemløse borgere forøget risiko for en række sygdomme som fx infektionssygdomme, lungebetændelse og KOL. Undersøgelsen identificerer også et merforbrug af sundhedsydelser blandt de hjemløse...... tandlæge og speciallæge. Den stærke oversygelighed i gruppen af hjemløse borgere peger generelt på et behov for at medtænke en sundhedsmæssig dimension i den sociale støtte til disse borgere. Undersøgelsen er finansieret af Helsefonden....

  6. Vi kan ikke afskaffe det ubærlige ved lov

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Post, Bettina


    Man bliver ikke rask af beskæftigelsesindsats. Heller ikke når man har en psykisk sygdom. Alligevel er det langt hen ad vejen forestillingen hos de politikere, som beslutter reglerne omkring fleksjob og førtidspension....

  7. Hopi Indian Witchcraft and Healing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geertz, Armin W.


    Artiklen undersøger hekseri, sygdom og helbredelse hos hopi-indianerne dels på baggrund af egne indsamlede interviews og af litteraturen. Hekseri anskues delvis som narrativ strategi således at sladder fungerer som en omvendt etisk redskab. Desuden inddrages kognitive teorier....

  8. Epilepsi og orale manifestationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Pernille Endrup; Haubek, Dorte; Østergaard, John Rosendahl


    Risiko for sygdom I mundhulen hos patienter med epilepsy Epilepsi er en kronisk neurologisk lidelse, der ofte vil kræve medicinsk behandling for at holde patienterne fri for anfald. Lidelsen kan have betydning for patientens psykosociale og kognitive udvikling, der indirekte kan have betydning...

  9. Brugerdreven innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dinesen, Birthe; Huniche, Lotte; Madsen, Jacob

    Formålet med denne publikation er at beskrive kreative teknikker til, hvordan du kan spotte nye behov for brug af velfærdsteknologi hos mennesker med kroniske lidelser til at mestre egen sygdom. I forsknings- og innovationsprojektet TELEKAT – Telehomecare, kroniske patienter og det samarbejdende ...

  10. Use of primary health care prior to a postpartum psychiatric episode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk-Olsen, Trine; Pedersen, Henrik Søndergaard; Laursen, Thomas Munk


    Mange kvinder udvikler psykisk sygdom efter en fødsel. Dette studie undersøger mønstre i kontakten med den praktiserende læge for de kvinder, der rammes efter en fødsel. Resultaterne viser, at de kvinder, som senere udviklede psykisk sygdom, havde betydeligt flere konsultationer hos deres egen læ...... mere forskning på området, hvis det skal kunne forudsiges mere præcist, hvilke kvinder der rammes af fx depression efter en fødsel. Den nye viden vil give bedre muligheder for en tidlig forebyggende indsats, som vil kunne forbedre den enkelte kvindes prognose....

  11. Gyrodactylus salaris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heinecke, Rasmus Demuth; Jørgensen, Louise von Gersdorff; Bresciani, José


    Gyrodactylus salaris er en lille snylter, der angriber laksefiskenes hud og finner, hvilket kan medføre betydelig sygdom og dødelighed hos angrebne fisk. En særlig aggressiv type af denne snylter-art har decimeret bestanden af vildlaks i 45 norske elve siden 1970'erne. Snylteren forekommer også i...

  12. Fatal Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome in a child with pulmonary embolism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Rie Skovgaard; Hedelund, Lene; Poulsen, Lone H


    Klippel-Trénaunays syndrom (KTS) er en sjælden, medfødt sygdom, der er kendetegnet ved venøse malformationer (VM), kutane kapillære malformationer og overvækst af bløddele og/eller knogler [1]. Forekomst af hyperkoagulabilitet, trombosering og lungeemboli er tidligere beskrevet hos patienter med ...

  13. Introduktion om samfundsvidenskabelig sygdomsforskning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gannik, Dorte Effersøe


    praktikker, der skaber den menneskelige krop og dermed også former udviklingen og oplevelsen af sygdom hos den enkelte. Sundhedsvæsenet udgør en del af dette perspektiv, og NSS arbejder derfor også for at fremme forskning i sundhedsvæsenets funktion og samfundsmæssige betydning. Praktiserende læger indbydes...

  14. Positiv Psykiatri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Timmerby, Nina; Austin, Stephen F.; Bech, Per


    Positiv psykiatri (PP) kan beskrives som en gren inden for psykiatrien, hvor man i særlig grad interesserer sig for at fremme livskvalitet hos mennesker, der allerede har eller er i høj risiko for at få psykisk eller fysisk sygdom [1]. Denne artikel har til formål at give en introduktion til dette...... relativt nye begreb. PP er et forsøg på at udvide den gængse opfattelse af psykiatriens genstandsfelt fra primært at fokusere på bl.a. diagnostik og behandling af symptomer til også at have som mål aktivt at fremme livskvalitet hos målgruppen. Man kan sige, at man inden for PP generelt interesserer sig...... for områder af behandlingen, der kan genoprette patientens livskvalitet, men uden at selve sygdommen nødvendigvis udryddes. Hovedfokus for PP ligger dermed i naturlig forlængelse af WHO’s definition af mental sundhed, hvor sundhed ikke alene er afgjort ved fravær af sygdom, men også ved tilstedeværelsen af...

  15. Hvordan er det å leve med CRPS?


    Hovind, Thomas


    Hensikten med denne studien er å se på hvordan pasienter med komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom (CRPS) opplever å leve med tilstanden og hvordan disse pasientene har opplevd å bli møtt i helsevesenet. CRPS er en langvarig tilstand med sterke smerter som kan medføre økt smerterespons, redusert funksjon og nedsatt livskvalitet hos pasientene. Studien er en kvalitativ undersøkelse basert på dybdeintervju av fire pasienter med CRPS. Pasientene ble rekruttert fra en smerteavdeling i Nord-Norge og u...

  16. Måling af stress hos mink

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Malmkvist, Jens


    Sammendrag Stress indgår som et element ved vurdering af dyrevelfærd. Endvidere kan stress mål anvendes i undersøgelser, hvor forskellige typer af avl, burmiljø og pasning af mink sammenlignes. Men hvad er stress egentlig og hvordan måles det? Er unormal adfærd koblet til stress hos mink? På...... temadagen præsenteres nye resultater og metoder til at vurdere stress hos mink. I en metode måles koncentrationen af nedbrydningsprodukter af hormonet cortisol i gødning fra mink. Der er en række fordele ved denne metode, frem for blodprøvetagning. Forsøg viste, at hovedparten af cortisol udskilles i fæces...... (83 %) frem for i urin (17 %), samt at omsætningen af radioaktivt mærket cortisol ikke er forskellig mellem mink med hhv. lav og høj forekomst af stereotypi. Denne viden kan bruges til bedre at forstå koblingen f.eks. unormal adfærd og stress hos mink....

  17. Kroniske lungeforandringer hos børn med langvarig produktiv hoste

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Foghsgaard, Jakob; Nir, Marta; Marthin, June K


    A productive (sounding) cough is always abnormal, and suppurative lung disease should be considered. A chronic suppurative cough may be associated with the destruction of the bronchial wall (bronchiectasis). The most commonly identifiable cause of suppurative cough is cystic fibrosis. This article...

  18. Mink kan også have influenza

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjulsager, Charlotte Kristiane; Krog, Jesper Schak; Larsen, Gitte


    , hvis der opstår mistanke om influenza ved obduktionen, eller hvis der er alvorlige langvarige udbrud. For at kunne iværksætte foranstaltninger, der begrænser forekomsten af influenza hos mink, er det nødvendigt at kende udbredelsen af influenzavirus blandt farmede mink i Danmark. Formålet med denne...... minkobduktionskursus, samt vilde mink. Der blev påvist influenza A virus i mink fra otte farme. Genetiske analyser indikerede, at disse virus stammede fra både danske svin og mennesker. For at forebygge udbrud af influenza i farmede mink anbefales det, at undgå kontakt mellem mink og influenzasyge personer, samt sikre...

  19. Vitamin D fysiologi og forsyning hos malkekvæg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hymøller, Lone; Jensen, Søren Krogh


    Vitamin D, som tilhører gruppen af fedtopløselige vitaminer, har de seneste år været et af de mest omdiskuterede næringsstoffer i både dansk og udenlandsk presse. Dette skyldes, at vitamin D har vist sig at have indflydelse på mange forskellige fysiologiske processer i kroppen lige fra...... kalciumbalance og knoglestyrke til immunforsvarets funktion. Hos malkekvæg betyder dette, at vitamin D potentielt har stor indflydelse på bl.a. risikoen for kælvningsproblemer og mælkefeber hos køer samt dyrenes generelle holdbarhed og sundhed. Gennem de seneste 10 år har forskere på AU Foulum intenst studeret...... vitamin D-forsyningen og -fysiologien hos malkekvæg. Resultaterne af disse undersøgelser har vist, at sommersollys er en meget vigtig kilde til vitamin D hos malkekøer, og der er en lineært stigende effekt på køernes vitamin D-status i blodet, jo længere tid de dagligt opholder sig i sommersolen. Tilskud...

  20. Predictive values of GPs' suspicion of serious disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjertholm, Peter; Moth, Grete; Ingeman, Mads Lind


    Denne artikel undersøger hyppigheden af praktiserende lægers mistanke om kræft eller anden alvorlig sygdom hos patienter i konsultationen. Dertil om mistanken fører til en alvorlig diagnose og patientens brug af det øvrige sundhedsvæsen. Lægen havde mistanke i 5,7 % af alle konsultationer, og en ...... data fra KOS 2008-undersøgelsen (Kontakt- og sygdomsmønsteret i almen praksis), hvor 404 praktiserende læger registrerede 4518 konsultationer med personer over 18 år....

  1. Ivermektinfølsomhed hos danske Collies og Border Collies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Treschow, Michaela E. C.; Fredholm, Merete


    Anvendelse af ivermektin i terapeutiske doser til hunde medfører i visse tilfælde neurologiske bivirkninger. Der er tale om en idiosynkrasi, der benævnes ivermektinfølsomhed, og som primært er beskrevet hos hyrdehunderacer, herunder især Collies......Anvendelse af ivermektin i terapeutiske doser til hunde medfører i visse tilfælde neurologiske bivirkninger. Der er tale om en idiosynkrasi, der benævnes ivermektinfølsomhed, og som primært er beskrevet hos hyrdehunderacer, herunder især Collies...

  2. Identifiable Data Files - Health Outcomes Survey (HOS) (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (HOS) identifiable data files are comprised of the entire national sample for a given 2-year cohort (including both respondents...

  3. Dyb venetrombose i penis hos patient med malign sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ghasemi, Habib; Ajan, Rullah


    Thrombosis of the deep penile venous system in a patient with a malignant disease Thrombosis of the deep penile venous system is extremely rare and must be clearly distinguished from superficial thrombosis because it may cause serious clinical complications. We present a 76-year-old man with thro...

  4. Cannabinoid hyperemesissyndrom som årsag til langvarig kvalme og opkastning hos cannabismisbrugere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vindsand Naver, Astrid; Theede, Klaus


    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome causing prolonged nausea and vomiting in patients with cannabis abuse Cannabis is one of the most used drugs worldwide. The link between repeated episodes of nausea, vomiting, and cannabis abuse is often missed in patients with prolonged cannabis abuse and is named...... cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Characteristically, the symptoms appear in a cyclical pattern and are relieved by long, hot baths. Physical examination, radiology and endoscopy are often normal. The symptoms resolve with cessation of cannabis abuse. Health professionals must be aware of this syndrome...... in order to detect the patients early and to avoid extensive medical workup....

  5. Medieforbrug hos etniske minoriteter I Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Connie Carøe


    Bag spørgsmålet om etniske minoriteters medieforbrug ligger en forventning om et anderledes forbrug end den øvrige befolkning og det bekræftes af forskellige undersøgelser. Der er større spredning på medier hos disse dele af befolkningen, og især tyrkiske familier ser megen tv fra hjemlandet. Men...

  6. Strubelammelse hos hund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Miles, James; Eriksen, Thomas


    Strubelammelse (larynxparese) er en dysfunktion af strubehovedet, der medfører en stærkt nedsat eller som oftest helt fraværende evne til at åbne stemmeridsen (rima glottidis) ved inspiration. De lammede stemmebånd står immobile i paramedian stilling, hvilket medfører begrænset og besværet...... og hoste. Strubelammelse er enten medfødt eller erhvervet. Den medfødte form udgør 20-30 procent af patienter, hvor symptomerne debuterer hos unge dyr med kraftig ophobning i racer som Bouvier de Flandre, Siberian husky, Dalmatiner og Bull terrier. Den erhvervede lammelse er den hyppigste form og ses...

  7. The Arabidopsis E3 Ubiquitin Ligase HOS1 Negatively Regulates CONSTANS Abundance in the Photoperiodic Control of Flowering[W (United States)

    Lazaro, Ana; Valverde, Federico; Piñeiro, Manuel; Jarillo, Jose A.


    The Arabidopsis thaliana early in short days6 (esd6) mutant was isolated in a screen for mutations that accelerate flowering time. Among other developmental alterations, esd6 displays early flowering in both long- and short-day conditions. Fine mapping of the mutation showed that the esd6 phenotype is caused by a lesion in the HIGH EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENES1 (HOS1) locus, which encodes a RING finger–containing E3 ubiquitin ligase. The esd6/hos1 mutation causes decreased FLOWERING LOCUS C expression and requires CONSTANS (CO) protein for its early flowering phenotype under long days. Moreover, CO and HOS1 physically interact in vitro and in planta, and HOS1 regulates CO abundance, particularly during the daylight period. Accordingly, hos1 causes a shift in the regular long-day pattern of expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) transcript, starting to rise 4 h after dawn in the mutant. In addition, HOS1 interacts synergistically with CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1, another regulator of CO protein stability, in the regulation of flowering time. Taken together, these results indicate that HOS1 is involved in the control of CO abundance, ensuring that CO activation of FT occurs only when the light period reaches a certain length and preventing precocious flowering in Arabidopsis. PMID:22408073

  8. Årsager til luftvejsinfektioner hos kalve

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sloth, Karen Helle; Fisker, Irene; Larsen, Lars Erik


    Coronavirus gav anledning til flest antistofstigninger hos nyindsatte kalve i tre ud af fire slagtekalvebesætninger i en mindre undersøgelse gennemført i et Dansk Kvæg projekt. I en af besætningerne var der desuden tydelig reaktion mod andre infektioner. Der blev undersøgt for antistoffer mod cor...... coronavirus, BRSV, parainfluenzavirus (P1-2) og Salmonelle dublin....

  9. Eosinofil keratitis hos en dansk hest

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Emil; Henriksen, Michala de Linde; Andersen, Pia Haubro


    Eosinofil keratitis (EK) er en relativt sjælden øjenlidelse hos hest, som især ses i tempererede områder. Klinisk er lidelsen karakteriseret ved én eller multiple corneaulcerationer dækket med hvidt eller gelatinøst proliferativt subepithelialt plaque. Denne casereport, som omhandler en 20-årig p...

  10. HosA, a MarR Family Transcriptional Regulator, Represses Nonoxidative Hydroxyarylic Acid Decarboxylase Operon and Is Modulated by 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid. (United States)

    Roy, Ajit; Ranjan, Akash


    Members of the Multiple antibiotic resistance Regulator (MarR) family of DNA binding proteins regulate transcription of a wide array of genes required for virulence and pathogenicity of bacteria. The present study reports the molecular characterization of HosA (Homologue of SlyA), a MarR protein, with respect to its target gene, DNA recognition motif, and nature of its ligand. Through a comparative genomics approach, we demonstrate that hosA is in synteny with nonoxidative hydroxyarylic acid decarboxylase (HAD) operon and is present exclusively within the mutS-rpoS polymorphic region in nine different genera of Enterobacteriaceae family. Using molecular biology and biochemical approach, we demonstrate that HosA binds to a palindromic sequence downstream to the transcription start site of divergently transcribed nonoxidative HAD operon and represses its expression. Furthermore, in silico analysis showed that the recognition motif for HosA is highly conserved in the upstream region of divergently transcribed operon in different genera of Enterobacteriaceae family. A systematic chemical search for the physiological ligand revealed that 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (4-HBA) interacts with HosA and derepresses HosA mediated repression of the nonoxidative HAD operon. Based on our study, we propose a model for molecular mechanism underlying the regulation of nonoxidative HAD operon by HosA in Enterobacteriaceae family.

  11. Cøliaki og mad uden gluten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borre, Mette; Rasholt, Mia; Rasmussen, Jüri Johannes

    Denne pjece henvender sig til dig, der hos lægen eller på sygehuset har fået konstateret cøliaki, eller som har et barn med cøliaki. Pjecen kan også bruges, når familie, venner, daginstitution, skole og andre skal informeres om sygdommen. Cøliaki er en sygdom i tyndtarmen. Sygdommen behandles liv....... Begynder man på diæten, inden diagnosen er stillet, begynder tyndtarmen at hele, og man risikerer at skulle spise gluten i en længere periode igen, før diagnosen kan stilles. Det kan være svært, hvis man har fået det bedre under diæten....

  12. The Hos2 Histone Deacetylase Controls Ustilago maydis Virulence through Direct Regulation of Mating-Type Genes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Elías-Villalobos


    Full Text Available Morphological changes are critical for host colonisation in plant pathogenic fungi. These changes occur at specific stages of their pathogenic cycle in response to environmental signals and are mediated by transcription factors, which act as master regulators. Histone deacetylases (HDACs play crucial roles in regulating gene expression, for example by locally modulating the accessibility of chromatin to transcriptional regulators. It has been reported that HDACs play important roles in the virulence of plant fungi. However, the specific environment-sensing pathways that control fungal virulence via HDACs remain poorly characterised. Here we address this question using the maize pathogen Ustilago maydis. We find that the HDAC Hos2 is required for the dimorphic switch and pathogenic development in U. maydis. The deletion of hos2 abolishes the cAMP-dependent expression of mating type genes. Moreover, ChIP experiments detect Hos2 binding to the gene bodies of mating-type genes, which increases in proportion to their expression level following cAMP addition. These observations suggest that Hos2 acts as a downstream component of the cAMP-PKA pathway to control the expression of mating-type genes. Interestingly, we found that Clr3, another HDAC present in U. maydis, also contributes to the cAMP-dependent regulation of mating-type gene expression, demonstrating that Hos2 is not the only HDAC involved in this control system. Overall, our results provide new insights into the role of HDACs in fungal phytopathogenesis.

  13. Nanotubo de carbono-chitosan en células HOS y THP-1 Carbon nanotubes-chitosan in HOS and THP-1 cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Jairo Castillo León


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los nanotubos de carbono (NTC son estructuras nanométricas utilizadas en el tratamiento de enfermedades, principalmente en la entrega de fármacos para terapias en cáncer. Objetivos: Estudiar la internalización de NTC acoplado a quitosan (NTC-Q en células de osteosarcoma humano (HOS y monocitos humanos de leucemia aguda (THP-1. Materiales y métodos: Los NTC solubilizados con quitosan 30% fueron caracterizados espectroscópicamente por UV-Vis, fluorescencia y Raman. Las células HOS y THP-1 fueron tratadas con NTC-Q y se evaluó la internalización por tinción de Giemsa en microscopio de luz y la citotóxicidad utilizando la prueba fluorométrica de Azul de Alamar. Resultados: Los espectros Raman y de fluorescencia mostraron la funcionalización de los NTC con quitosan. Los NTC fueron internalizados por las líneas celulares después de 24 h mostrando una ubicación citoplasmática sin presentar citotóxicidad en ninguna de las células evaluadas. Discusión: Las características presentadas por los NTC-Q les brinda la posibilidad de ser utilizados como transportadores de fármacos. Salud UIS 2011; 43(1: 21-26Introduction: Carbon nanotubes (CNT are nanometer-sized structures used in medicine in the treatment of diseases, mainly in drug delivery in therapies against cancer. Objectives: To Study the internalization of carbon nanotubes modified with chitosan (CNT-CH in human osteosarcom cells (HOS and human monocytes of acute leukemia (THP1. Materials and methods: The CNTs solubilized in chitosan 30% were characterized spectroscopically by UV-Vis, fluorescence and Raman. HOS cells and THP-1 were treated with CNT-CH, the internalization was evaluated by Giemsa staining with light microscopy, and cytotoxicity was determined using Alamar Blue assay. Results: Raman and fluorescence spectra showed the functionalization of the CNT with chitosan. After 24 h the NTC were internalized in the cell lines showing a cytoplasmic location and

  14. Demyeliniserende sygdom hos børn med akutte neurologiske symptomer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olofsson, Isa Amalie; Skov, Liselotte; Miranda, Maria Jose


    Demyelinating diseases in children is a broad group of illnesses, which affect the central nervous system. Demyelinating diseases can be monophasic or chronic and comprise acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica...

  15. Demyeliniserende sygdom hos børn med akutte neurologiske symptomer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olofsson, Isa Amalie; Skov, Liselotte; Miranda, Maria Jose


    Demyelinating diseases in children is a broad group of illnesses, which affect the central nervous system. Demyelinating diseases can be monophasic or chronic and comprise acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica. Demye...

  16. Functional characterization of Candida albicans Hos2 histone deacetylase [v3; ref status: indexed,

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G Karthikeyan


    Full Text Available Candida albicans is a mucosal commensal organism capable of causing superficial (oral and vaginal thrush infections in immune normal hosts, but is a major pathogen causing systemic and mucosal infections in immunocompromised individuals. Azoles have been very effective anti-fungal agents and the mainstay in treating opportunistic mold and yeast infections. Azole resistant strains have emerged compromising the utility of this class of drugs. It has been shown that azole resistance can be reversed by the co-administration of a histone deacetylase (HDAC inhibitor, suggesting that resistance is mediated by epigenetic mechanisms possibly involving Hos2, a fungal deacetylase. We report here the cloning and functional characterization of HOS2 (HighOsmolarity Sensitive, a gene coding for fungal histone deacetylase from C. albicans. Inhibition studies showed that Hos2 is susceptible to pan inhibitors such as trichostatin A (TSA and suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA, but is not inhibited by class I inhibitors such as MS-275. This in vitro enzymatic assay, which is amenable to high throughput could be used for screening potent fungal Hos2 inhibitors that could be a potential anti-fungal adjuvant. Purified Hos2 protein consistently deacetylated tubulins, rather than histones from TSA-treated cells. Hos2 has been reported to be a putative NAD+ dependent histone deacetylase, a feature of sirtuins. We assayed for sirtuin activation with resveratrol and purified Hos2 protein and did not find any sirtuin activity.

  17. Afprøvning af et sundhedspædagogisk koncept målrettet voksne med psykisk sygdom i region Syddanmark – fokus på kompetenceudvikling af professionelle. Projekt ’Livsstilsguide i praksis (2015-2017)’

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Folmann Hempler, Nana; Saurbrey Pals, Regitze; Oest, Lone


    Særlig læring/særlig succes Behovsafdækningen i projektet peger på, at der er behov for at styrke professionelles kompetencer til at samarbejde med voksne med psykisk sygdom om sundhed. Nærværende projekt viser, at professionelle kan styrke samarbejdskompetencer vha. undervisning. Baggrund Voksne...

  18. Emerging countries’ multinational companies investing in developed countries: at odds with the HOS paradigm?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreff, Wladimir


    Full Text Available The paper analyses the new trend of outward foreign direct investment (FDI by multinational companies from emerging countries, in particular the BRICs, in developed countries to question the applicability of the traditional HOS theoretical framework to this trend. A literature review shows that labour costs do not play any significant role in the first attempts to provide an analytical explanation of this new trend. A HOS equation, amended in order to encompass FDI, is elaborated in order to explain outward FDI from developed to developing and emerging countries based on differences in labour endowment and therefore in wage rates. Step by step, the equation introduces the technological gap, institutions and government policies. Then it is shown that such equation when reversed to explain outward FDI from emerging to developed countries is at odds with the traditional HOS framework. Turning the HOS theory upside down does not help to explain reverse FDI outflows from emerging to developed countries. An alternative approach is called for, in which a labour cost advantage (a lower wage rate than abroad is a home market advantage for emerging countries to invest abroad. A final section provides some empirical examples that labour matters and a lower home wage rate is a decisive comparative advantage for Indian and Chinese multinationals investing in developed countries. Additional evidence shows that the technological gap and the home country’s institutions and government policy matter as well

  19. Tværprofessionelt samarbejde om udsathed hos børn og unge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villumsen, Anne Marie Anker; Jakobsen, Ida Skytte; Lund, Jens Hansen


    begreb og fænomen, som ikke lader sig indfange i en absolut og statisk definition. Potentialet for både praksis og uddannelser ligger derfor i en erkendelse heraf. Samtidig synes der at være potentiale i, at man i hver enkelt samarbejdskonstellation og kontekst operationaliserer og præciserer......, at tværprofessionelt samarbejde er meget udbredt indenfor socialt arbejde med udsathed hos børn og unge, og det er tydeligt, at der er mange måder, hvorpå man kan samarbejde tværprofessionelt. Samtidig er både tværprofessionelt samarbejde såvel som udsathed hos børn og unge begge vanskelige og upræcise begreber og...

  20. Lichen sclerosus er også en sygdom hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baskaramoorthy, Shailajah; Bygum, Anette


    Lichen sclerosus in children is an uncommon skin disease with a predilection for the genital region. The disease is primarily seen in prepubertal girls and postmenopausal women. We present two cases of four year-old girls referred with classical symptoms but a long diagnostic latency. One...

  1. Drænbehandling af recidiverende otitis media hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lous, Jørgen; Trankjær, Christina Ryborg; Thomsen, Janus Laust


    I et nyligt publiceret Cochrane-review om effekten af indsættelse af trommehindedræn hos børn med recidiverende akut otitis media (RAOM) fandt man kun to studier, som opfyldte inklusionskriterierne. De inkluderede studier påviste en absolut risikoreduktion for at få AOM på 0,34 på seks måneder. Ved...

  2. Schmallenberg virus – et nyt virus hos drøvtyggere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lohse, Louise

    undersøgelser på laboratoriet, blev alle prøver i en længere periode testet negative for kendte patogener, der evt. kunne tænkes at knytte sig til disse sygdomsudbrud. Efterfølgende fandt man ved sekvensanalyse på DNA/RNA oprenset fra prøvematerialet lighed med virus fra orthobunyavirusgruppen. Disse virus er...... normalt vektorbårne og er kendt som årsag til sygdom i drøvtyggere i Australien, Asien, Afrika og Mellemøsten. Det nye virus blev kaldt Schmallenberg virus (SBV) efter stedet hvor det første tilfælde blev påvist. Siden har Schmallenberg virus spredt sig og er nu påvist i får, kvæg og geder i Tyskland......, Holland, Belgien, Luxembourg, Frankrig, Spanien, Italien og Storbritannien (status april 2012). Det antages, at virus overføres med mitter og myg og inkubationstiden har fra eksperimentelle forsøg vist sig at være kort (1-4 dage). Virus cirkulerer få dage i blodet og manifesterer sig ved milde uspecifikke...

  3. D-vitamin, hjerte-kar-sygdom og død hos nyresyge patienter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ditte; Brandi, Lisbet; Rasmussen, Knud


    mortality. Several possible mechanisms may explain how vitamin D can influence the development of cardiovascular disease. Clinical intervention studies are needed to clarify whether treatment with vitamin D decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease. Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Dec-7......Chronic kidney disease is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Vitamin D deficiency is common in patients with chronic kidney disease. In epidemiological studies, vitamin D deficiency and absence of treatment with vitamin D is associated with increased cardiovascular...

  4. Korttids etnografi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Musaeus, Peter


    Kapitlet konfronterer normen om deltager observation som langvarig og viser, hvordan deltager observation fejlagtigt er forbundet med legenden om det langvarige eksil. Argumentet er at det kortere feltophold hverken bør forstås ud fra en metafor om blitzkrig eller langvarigt eksil. Dernæst argume...

  5. Standardiserat arbete i produktionssystemet hos Inission Munkfors AB


    Jonas, Arnesson


    Sammanfattning Denna rapport behandlar införandet av standardiserat arbete i produktionssystemet hos företaget Inission Munkfors AB. Arbetet har utförts i kursen Examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik (MSGC17), som ges vid Fakulteten för hälsa, natur & teknikvetenskap på Karlstads universitet.Företaget Inission Munkfors AB har som mål att från år 2012 till år 2017 kunna fördubbla omsättningen och halvera ledtiden, med samma personalstyrka som år 2012 (75st anställda). De...

  6. Skadelig mutation nedsætter frughtbarheden hos de røde racer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sahana, Goutam; Pedersen, Louise Dybdahl


    Igennem flere årtier er mælkeydelsen steget støt hos de danske malkekvægracer, og det er én af årsagerne til, at frugtbarheden fortsat er lav, idet der er en ugunstig sammenhæng mellem mælkeydelse og frugtbarhed (fig. 1). Hidtil har man ment, at den ugunstige sammenhæng skyldtes en negativ energi...

  7. HOS cell adhesion on Ti6Al4V surfaces texturized by laser engraving (United States)

    Sandoval Amador, A.; Carreño Garcia, H.; Escobar Rivero, P.; Peña Ballesteros, D. Y.; Estupiñán Duran, H. A.


    The cell adhesion of the implant is determinate by the chemical composition, topography, wettability, surface energy and biocompatibility of the biomaterial. In this work the interaction between human osteosarcoma HOS cells and textured Ti6Al4V surfaces were evaluated. Ti6Al4V surfaces were textured using a CO2 laser in order to obtain circular spots on the surfaces. Test surfaces were uncoated (C1) used as a control surface, and surfaces with points obtained by laser engraving, with 1mm spacing (C2) and 0.5mm (C3). The HOS cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% antibiotics. No cells toxicity after one month incubation time occurred. The increased cell adhesion and cell spreading was observed after 1, 3 and 5 days without significant differences between the sample surfaces (C2 and C3) and control (uncoated) at the end of the experiment.

  8. HOS cell adhesion on Ti6Al4V surfaces texturized by laser engraving

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sandoval Amador, A; Carreño Garcia, H; Escobar Rivero, P; Peña Ballesteros, D Y; Estupiñán Duran, H A


    The cell adhesion of the implant is determinate by the chemical composition, topography, wettability, surface energy and biocompatibility of the biomaterial. In this work the interaction between human osteosarcoma HOS cells and textured Ti 6 Al 4 V surfaces were evaluated. Ti 6 Al 4 V surfaces were textured using a CO 2 laser in order to obtain circular spots on the surfaces. Test surfaces were uncoated (C1) used as a control surface, and surfaces with points obtained by laser engraving, with 1mm spacing (C2) and 0.5mm (C3). The HOS cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% antibiotics. No cells toxicity after one month incubation time occurred. The increased cell adhesion and cell spreading was observed after 1, 3 and 5 days without significant differences between the sample surfaces (C2 and C3) and control (uncoated) at the end of the experiment. (paper)

  9. Co-Design: Alzheimer og værdighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Eva; Risak, Gudrun; Otterstrøm Nørgaard, Andrea


    ”Alzheimers er ikke en identitet, det er en sygdom!” fortalte en netop Alzheimer diagnosticeret mand. Udtalelsen illustrerer hvordan mange med Alzheimer bliver opfattet og behandlet. De bliver stigmatiserede og konsekvensen er ofte social isolation. Denne artikel rapporterer fra studenterprojekter....... Via en overordnet co-designtilgang har de undersøgt hverdagens udfordringer, forhåbninger og bekymringer hos mennesker, der lever med Alzheimers enten som ramt eller som pårørende. Ved at designe forskellige ’dialogværktøjer’ er de kommet med konkrete bud på, hvordan dialog omkring hverdagsliv med...... Alzheimers kan finde sted. Et værdigt liv og en værdig behandling forudsætter at kendskabet til sygdommens mange ansigter udbredes. Designere kan her bidrage med noget vigtigt. Designere har greb og kompetencer til at kunne etablere og håndtere designprocesser, der involverer patienter, pårørende...

  10. Complicated grief and need for professional support in family caregivers of cancer patients in palliative care: a longitudinal cohort study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guldin, Mai-Britt; Vedsted, Peter; Zachariae, Robert


    Internationale studier om sorg viser, at op mod 15-20 % af sørgende går ind i et problematisk forløb med langvarig og pinefuld sorg. Langvarig sorg kaldes kompliceret sorg og er karakteriseret ved et syndrom af vedvarende høj følelsesmæssig intensitet efter dødsfaldet, psykopatologiske reaktioner...

  11. Self-efficacy forventning i forhold til fortsat arbejdsmarkedstilknytning hos kvinder med langvarige graviditetsrelaterede bækkensmerter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Carrinna


    udvikler tilstanden sig til et langvarigt problem efter fødslen. Årsagssam¬men¬¬hæng¬ene er uklare, og man kender endnu ikke i tilstrækkeligt omfang til forebyggende og effektive behandlende indsat-ser. Det er uvist i hvilken udstrækning disse kvinder vender tilbage til arbejdsmarkedet. Formål Afhandlings...... formål var at undersøge, hvorledes man bedst kan støtte kvinder med PGP således at de bevarer deres tilknytning til arbejds¬mar¬ked¬et. Der fokuseredes på kvinder¬nes egne forventninger (efficacy expectation) til at vende til¬ba¬ge til arbejdsmarkedet, samt hvilke faktorer kvinderne vurderede, som...

  12. HOS cell adhesion on Ti6Al4V ELI texturized by CO2 laser (United States)

    Sandoval-Amador, A.; Bayona–Alvarez, Y. M.; Carreño Garcia, H.; Escobar-Rivero, P.; Y Peña-Ballesteros, D.


    In this work, the response of HOS cells on Ti6Al4V ELI textured surfaces by a CO2 laser was evaluated. The test surfaces were; smooth Ti6Al4V, used as the control, and four textured surfaces with linear geometry. These four surfaces had different separation distances between textured lines, D1 (1000 microns), D2 (750 microns), D3 (500 microns) and D4 (250 microns). Toxicity of textured surfaces was assessed by MTT and the cellular adhesion test was performed using HOS ATCC CRL 1543 line cells. This test was done after 5 days of culture in a RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% antibiotics. The results showed that the linear textures present 23% toxicity after 30 days of incubation, nevertheless, the adhesion tests results are inconclusive in such conditions and therefore the effect of the line separation on the cell adhesion cannot be determined.

  13. Sæsontilpasninger i stofsikftet reducerer lyskravet hos ålegræs (Zostera marina)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stæhr, Peter A.; Borum, Jens

    temperaturer for respiration og fotosyntese hos sommertilpassede planter (5oC og 2o C højere, respektivt). Ved lave og høje temperaturer var metabolisme raterne dog nedsatte i fht vintertilpassede planter. Respirationen var generelt mere følsom end fotosyntesen over for stigende temperaturer, især...... stigende temperaturer, særligt udtalt for vintertilpassede planter. Modeller af EC som funktion af temperaturen for hele planter, blev sammenholdt med data for daglig lys tilgængelighed. Dette viste at de relativt beskedne sæsonbetingede tilpasninger i stofskiftet hos ålegræs var tilstrækkelige til...... beregnet under forskellige kombinationer af sommer temperaturer og lyssvækkelse i vandsøjlen, viste at en forventet temperaturstigning på 5oC har markant mindre betydning for den maksimale dybdeudbredelse af ålegræs end relativt små forringelser i planternes lystilgængelighed. Kombinationen af varmere...

  14. Forekomst af nylig sygdom hos danske børn i 1994 og 2000

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne M; Koefoed, Birgitte Gade; Møller, Ralf


    in the January-March quarter: 18.9%. The specific illness rates were: cold/sore throat: 4.5%; fever/influenza: 3.0%; gastrointestinal infection: 1.9%; middle ear infection: 1.3%, lower respiratory infection/asthma: 1.1%; skin disease: 0.6%; conjunctivitis: 0.4%; headache: 0.4%; injury: 0.3%; other: 0...

  15. Mestring i morsrollen - En kvalitativ studie av mestringsopplevelser hos nybakte mødre


    Grønlie, Birgitte Vigestad


    Master i sosialt arbeid Å bli forelder kan være en overveldende opplevelse. Forskning på̊ feltet viser at det er ulike faktorer som påvirker hvordan mødre i dag opplever barselperioden, og hva som fører til god eller dårlig psykisk helse hos kvinner i barsel. Denne mastergradsoppgaven omhandler hvordan fem nybakte mødre beskriver mestringsopplevelser...

  16. Anden-ordens false belief og sproglig rekursion hos børn med Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Polyanskaya, Irina


    En tværfaglig forskningsgruppe fra Roskilde Universitet undersøger forbindelsen mellem udviklingen af sprog og udviklingen af socialkognitive evner hos børn med Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelser. Projektet er støttet af VELUX FONDEN, og bag projektet står psykolog og ph.d.-studerende Irina Polyanskaya...

  17. 76 FR 37876 - Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Renewal of American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) Exemption... (United States)


    ...-28043] Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Renewal of American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) Exemption... announces the renewal of the exemption of specified members of the American Pyrotechnics Association (APA... of this exemption in effect, designated APA-member motor carriers will maintain a level of safety...

  18. 76 FR 30232 - Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Application of American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) for... (United States)


    ...-28043] Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Application of American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) for... American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) has applied for a limited exemption from FMCSA's regulation that... exemption would apply solely to the operation of CMVs by 9 designated APA-member motor carriers in...

  19. 77 FR 38378 - Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Revision of Exemption; American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) (United States)


    ...-28043] Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Revision of Exemption; American Pyrotechnics Association (APA... Pyrotechnics Association (APA) that were granted an exemption from FMCSA's prohibition on driving commercial...-July 8, inclusive, in 2011 and 2012. The exemption covered renewal of 53 APA-member motor carriers and...

  20. 76 FR 37880 - Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Granting of Exemption; American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) (United States)


    ...-28043] Hours of Service (HOS) of Drivers; Granting of Exemption; American Pyrotechnics Association (APA... exemption from the American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) on behalf of 9 member motor carriers seeking... such exemption'' (49 U.S.C. 31315(b)(1)). The initial APA application for waiver or exemption relief...

  1. Frihet & struktur : en kvalitativ studie av skolelivskvalitet hos ungdom med Tourette syndrom


    Siverts, Torstein


    Sammendrag. Tittel: Skolelivskvalitet hos ungdom med Tourette Syndrom Med bakgrunn i egen erfaring fra arbeid med elever med Tourette Syndrom i grunnskolen, og i studier i spesialpedagogisk teori og empiri, etterstrebes det i denne studien å utvikle økt forståelse for hva slags erfaringer fra og perspektiver på sitt skoleliv elever med denne funksjonshemmende lidelsen har. Med grunnlag i analyser av intervjuer med elever om deres erfaringer og perspektiver, har jeg prøvd å b...

  2. The RNA-binding protein HOS5 and serine/arginine-rich proteins RS40 and RS41 participate in miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Tao


    MicroRNAs are a class of small regulatory RNAs that are generated from primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) transcripts with a stem-loop structure. Accuracy of the processing of pri-miRNA into mature miRNA in plants can be enhanced by SERRATE (SE) and HYPONASTIC LEAVES 1 (HYL1). HYL1 activity is regulated by the FIERY2 (FRY2)/RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain phosphatase-like 1 (CPL1). Here, we discover that HIGH OSMOTIC STRESS GENE EXPRESSION 5 (HOS5) and two serine/arginine-rich splicing factors RS40 and RS41, previously shown to be involved in pre-mRNA splicing, affect the biogenesis of a subset of miRNA. These proteins are required for correct miRNA strand selection and the maintenance of miRNA levels. FRY2 dephosphorylates HOS5 whose phosphorylation status affects its subnuclear localization. HOS5 and the RS proteins bind both intronless and intron-containing pri-miRNAs. Importantly, all of these splicing-related factors directly interact with both HYL1 and SE in nuclear splicing speckles. Our results indicate that these splicing factors are directly involved in the biogenesis of a group of miRNA.

  3. Intestinal tuberkulose, en sjælden differentialdiagnose til Crohns sygdom hos en etnisk dansker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alexandraki, Maria Joanna; Wejse, Christian; Esbjørn, Mette


    We report a case of intestinal tuberculosis in a 42-year-old Danish woman with stomach pain, weight loss and diarrhoea for months suspective of Crohn‘s disease. She underwent hysterectomy where white, small nodules were found on the small intestine. Biopsies showed non-necrotizing granulomatous...... inflammation. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy were normal. Capsule endoscopy revealed small intestine ulcers and a stenosis. A CT scan of the abdomen confirmed stenosis and inflammation of terminal ileum. QuantiFERON-TB Gold Test was positive and Mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected in faeces cultures....

  4. Alkohol, medicin og narkotikaforekomst hos alvorligt tilskadekomne bilister

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bernhoft, Inger Marie; Hels, Tove; Simonsen, Kirsten Wiese


    Abstrakt Denne artikel omhandler forekomsten af alkohol, narkotika og medicin hos danske bilister, som er blevet alvorligt skadet i færdselsuheld. Undersøgelsen er baseret på anonyme blodprøver fra 840 førere af person- og varebiler, der blev indbragt til hospitalerne i Odense, Kolding, Vejle...... for undersøgelsen blev der desuden indhentet oplysning om patientens alder og køn, typen af køretøj, uheldsstedet, typen af færdselsuheld, tidspunkt for færdselsuheldet og prøvetagningen samt eventuel medicin, der var blevet givet før udtagning af blodprøven. Alkohol alene eller alkohol sammen med andre stoffer var...... for cannabis (2,3 %) efterfulgt af amfetamin (1,1 %). I alt var 41,6 % af de tilskadekomne i eneuheld positive for stoffer, heraf 30 % for alkohol alene eller alkohol sammen med andre stoffer. For bilister i flerpartsuheld var i alt 19 % positive, heraf knap 9 % for alkohol alene eller alkohol sammen med andre...

  5. Dannelsen af en psykologisk og videnskabelig habitus hos psykologistuderende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feilberg, Casper

    Dannelsen af en psykologisk og videnskabelig habitus hos psykologistuderende, Casper Feilberg Afhandlingen er en empirisk undersøgelse af psykologistuderendes tilegnelse af træk ved en psykologisk og videnskabelig habitus ved psykologistudierne på Roskilde Universitet og Aalborg Universitet. Herved...... bidrager afhandlingen til den overordnede diskussion om, hvad målet med og kvalitet i en universitetsuddannelse skal forstås som. Som udgangspunkt for studiet af psykologistuderendes dannelsesprocesser indføres en analytisk distinktion mellem en psykologisk habitus (fænomen orienteret), og en videnskabelig...... habitus (teoretisk/metodisk). Herved tydeliggøres de studerendes dobbelte opgave der består i, at man må lære at trække på sin egen livsverden på en kvalificeret måde, når man skal forstå andre (psykologisk habitus), men at denne psykologiske sans for problemstillingen også må opkvalificeres via...

  6. Trofiske skift og fysiske faktorer i væksten hos Færøske torsk (Gadus morhua) undersøgt ved brug af stabile isotoper

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk-Nielsen, Jens; Christensen, Jens Tang; Grønkjær, P.

    Projektets formål er at forstå variationen i vækst hos torsk (Gadus Morhua) ved brug af otolither (øresten), og sammenhængen med fysiske faktorer, såsom havstrømme, hav temperatur, osv på den Færøske shelf. Dette undersøges ved hjælp af, 1) en otolith vækst kronologi som dækker mere end 60 år (1948...... en mindre amplitude i variationen af ringbredde end direkte vækst målinger. Over hele vækstkronologien ses en negativ udvikling i væksten hos torsk, dog afbrudt af kortere perioder med positiv vækst. De stabile isotop prøver udtages fra hele otolitter fra 5 år gamle torsk. Fra protein delen af...... omgivelser torsken har oplevet, især den omgivende temperatur. Karbon signalet fra den uorganiske del af otolitten vil blive sammenlignet med værdierne i protein delen. De stabile isotop-værdier, samt vækst data vil blive analyseret for at se sammenhængen mellem klimaet og væksten hos torsk. Både lokalt, med...

  7. Overexpression of an orchid (Dendrobium nobile SOC1/TM3-like ortholog, DnAGL19, in Arabidopsis regulates HOS1-FT expression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiao-ru eLiu


    Full Text Available Flowering in the appropriate season is critical for successful reproduction in angiosperms. The orchid species, Dendrobium nobile, requires vernalization to achieve flowering in the spring, but the underlying regulatory network has not been identified to date. The MADS-box transcription factor DnAGL19 was previously identified in a study of low-temperature treated D. nobile buds and was suggested to regulate vernalization-induced flowering. In this study, phylogenetic analysis of DnAGL9 and the MADS-box containing proteins showed that DnAGL19 is phylogenetically closely related to the SOC1-like protein from orchid Dendrobium Chao Parya Smile, DOSOC1. The orchid clade closed to but is not included into the SOC1-1/TM3 clades associated with either eudicots or monocots, suggesting that DnAGL19 is an SOC1-1/TM3-like ortholog. DnAGL19 was found to be highly expressed in pseudobulbs, leaves, roots and axillary buds but rarely in flowers, and to be substantially upregulated in axillary buds by prolonged low-temperature treatments. Overexpression of DnAGL19 in Arabidopsis thaliana resulted in a small but significantly reduced time to bolting, suggesting that flowering time was slightly accelerated under normal growth conditions. Consistent with this, the A. thaliana APETELA1 (AP1 gene was expressed at an earlier stage in transgenic lines than in wild type plants, while the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT gene was suppressed, suggesting that altered regulations on these transcription factors caused the weak promotion of flowering. HIGH EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENE 1 (HOS1 was slightly activated under the same conditions, suggesting that the HOS1-FT module may be involved in the DnAGL19-related network. Under vernalization conditions, FT expression was significantly upregulated, whereas HOS1 expression in the transgenic A. thaliana has a level similar to that in wild type. Taken together, these results suggest that DnAGL19 controls the action of the

  8. Når alderen indhenter én. Kropslighed, aldring og profession hos gymnasiets idrætslærere. Ph.d. afhandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Mette Krogh

    Når alderen indhenter én – om kropslighed, aldring og profession hos gymnasiets idrætslærere er en ph.d.-afhandling udarbejdet af Mette Krogh Christensen på Institut for Idræt (Afdeling for Historie og Samfundsvidenskab), Københavns Universitet. Afhandlingen handler om, på hvilken måde alder spil...

  9. Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rose, Martin Høyer

    Parkinsons sygdom (PD) er en progredierende neurodegenerativ sygdom med gradvis udvikling af motoriske og non-motoriske symptomer. Dopaminerg behandling udgør en effektiv symptomatisk behandlingsform, men indebærer risiko for langtidsbivirkninger i form af svært behandlelige fluktuationer i...

  10. Komorbiditet ved marginal parodontitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmstrup, Palle; Damgaard, Christian; Olsen, Ingar


    Nærværende artikel præsenterer en oversigt over den foreliggende væsentligste viden om sammenhængen mellem marginal parodontitis og en række medicinske sygdomme, herunder hjerte-kar-sygdomme, diabetes mellitus, reumatoid arthritis, osteoporose, Parkinsons sygdom, Alzheimers sygdom, psoriasis og...

  11. Randomiseret nonsens slår social DNA I kampen om forskerkroner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sodemann, Morten


    BLOG - På listen over projekter, der har modtaget midler fra Det Frie Forskningsråd Sundhed og Sygdom maj 2017, er der kun 2-3 projekter ud af i alt 63 bevillinger, der tilnærmelsesvist handler om ulighed i psykiske, relationelle eller sociale forhold/risici knyttet til sygdom – resten af studierne...

  12. An abnormal portal blood flow in the inner ear

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Morten

    til Meniere's sygdom. Meniere's sygdom er en abnormalitet i det indre øre som er karakteriseret ved episodisk svimmelhed (vertigo), tinnitus, fluktuerende høretab og en følelse at tryk i det afficerede øre. Symptomerne er muligvis associeret med en defekt regulering af væskerne (endolymfe og perilymfe...

  13. Læring i praksis. Tilrettelegging for å fremme refleksjonskompetanse og læringsutbytte hos studenter i praksis. Erfaringer fra en pilotstudie.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kari Høium


    Full Text Available Studien belyser erfaringer med en tilpasset veiledningsmodell i gruppe, for å styrke profesjonell kompetanse hos vernepleiestudenter i praksis. Intervensjonen er gjennomført i forhold til 32 bachelorstudenter fra tre ulike kull. Den tar utgangspunkt i en obligatorisk veiledningsgruppe som foregår inne på høgskolen, midtveis i en av deres praksisperioder. Hovedmålsettingen var å se i hvilken grad veiledningsmodellen bidro til utbytte og læringseffekt i forhold til målsetting for praksisperioden. Et annet mål med studien har vært å skaffe erfaringer med hvordan refleksjon og kritisk tenkning kan læres gjennom praktisk student veiledning. Resultater fra undersøkelsen viste at den tilpassede veiledningsmodellen som her ble benyttet, bidro til å fremme refleksjonskompetanse og læringsutbytte hos studentene. Dette gir grunnlag for videre optimisme med tanke på å styrke vernepleiestudentenes læring og profesjonelle kompetanse. Betydningen forsterkes ved at refleksjonskompetanse fremheves som en sentral kvalitetsvariabel, både fra myndighetene og fra fagfeltet. En videre utfordring vil være å raffinere modellen ytterligere med tanke på utprøving og tilpasset implementering gjennom ulike praksisperioder i studiet.

  14. 15-åringers opplevelser av overvekt hos jevnaldrende, en fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk studie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reidun Rognsaa


    Full Text Available Hensikten med denne studien er å studere hvordan 15-åringer opplever overvekt hos jevnaldrende. Datamaterialet består av dybdeintervju med syv ungdommer. Det er benyttet fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk analyse. Ungdommene opplever å stå i en posisjon mellom makt og avmakt. I denne mellomposisjonen framkommer det at ungdommene distanserer seg ved hjelp av relasjonell makt, men samtidig setter de seg selv i en avmaktssituasjon i forhold til ungdomskulturens spilleregler. Ungdommene moraliserer ved å skape en situasjon hvor de underkjenner overvektige, samtidig mangler de ytterligere sanksjoneringsmuligheter. Rangordninger skapes gjennom at ungdommene degraderer overvektige, men de må selv også innordne seg i egen kultur. Ungdommene fratar overvektige sitt menneskeverd gjennom å redusere menneskelige egenskaper og gjør dem til objekt. Gjennom denne objektiviseringen setter de seg selv utenfor det å få tak i overvektiges refleksjons- og erfaringsgrunnlag.

  15. Generel populationsscreening af mentalt helbred hos småbørn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ammitzbøll, Janni; Skovgaard, Anne Mette; Kreiner, Svend

    Psykiske vanskeligheder rammer mere end 10 % af børnepopulationen, og udgør de hyppigste årsager til sociale og helbredsmæssige problemer hos børn og unge. De fleste former for psykiske forstyrrelser opstår tidligt i livet, og intervention i førskolealderen vil kunne begrænse udviklingen af...... autismetilstande, adfærdsforstyrrelser og ADHD. Resultater fra det danske forløbsstudie CCC2000 har vist at mentale helbredsproblemer kan opspores ved sundhedsplejerskernes hjemmebesøg. Forudsætningen er, at der foreligger valide screeningsmetoder, hvilket der ikke gør i dag. Der findes således ikke validerede...... hyppighed i normalbefolkningen. Undersøgelsen viser at validiteten er høj og at PUF er egnet til populationsscreening. Analyser af den prædiktive validitet af PUF er i gang, og der er planlagt udvikling af en interventionsmetode, der kan kobles til PUF screeningen. Såfremt tidlig intervention baseret på PUF...

  16. Alf Ross

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ryberg, Jesper

    En (overvejende) ny generation af akademikere møder og prøver Ross' tanker om emner som retfærdighed, demokrati, statsforfatningsret, ytringsfrihed, straf, erkendelsesteori, etik, logik, fri vilje og sygdom.......En (overvejende) ny generation af akademikere møder og prøver Ross' tanker om emner som retfærdighed, demokrati, statsforfatningsret, ytringsfrihed, straf, erkendelsesteori, etik, logik, fri vilje og sygdom....

  17. Hälsofrämjande fysisk aktivitet hos personer under adjuvant cancerbehandling relaterad till fatigue, livskvalitet samt self-efficacy


    Zetterlund, Johanna


    Bakgrund Cancerdrabbade lider ofta av cancerrelaterad fatigue (CRF) och försämrad livskvalitet under och efter behandling. Hälsofrämjande fysisk aktivitet (HFA) kan minska risken för dessa negativa konsekvenser. HFA påverkas bl.a. av träningsrelaterad self-efficacy, dvs tilltron till egen förmåga att vara fysisk aktiv. Syfte Att undersöka HFA hos personer under adjuvant cancerbehandling vid diagnos och efter sex månader samt att undersöka om de med en stabil HFA hade lägre CRF, högre livskval...

  18. Omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med en röntgenundersökning : En litteraturstudie


    Mohsen, Nadja; Imsirovic, Amela


    Bakgrund: Att besöka en röntgenavdelning kan vara något nytt och skrämmande för många barn. Den nya miljön kan orsaka rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn. Därför är det viktigt att röntgensjuksköterskan har kunskap om barnets behov för att upplevelsen på röntgenavdelningen ska vara så bra som möjligt. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med röntgenundersökning. Metod: Detta arbete är en litteraturstu...

  19. KR’PTA. Samtidspoesin och Derrida : Spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg


    Schmidt, Lisa


    Lisa Schmidt, KR’PTA. Samtidspoesin och Derrida. Spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Hel­dén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg. (CR’PT. Contemporary Poetry and Derrida: Traces and Scarring in the Poetry of Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen and Anna Hallberg.) Through the analyses of three contemporary Nordic poets whose work challenges the boun­daries of literature and even the laws of grammar, I draw attention to the term linguistic materialism. I also sketch an historical line between t...

  20. NRDA-processed CTD data from the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico, Cruise 3 Leg 1, collected from 2010-09-09 to 2010-09-27, associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill event (NCEI Accession 0130017) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD) measurements were collected aboard the R/V HOS Davis, Cruise 03, to determine physical oceanographic parameters of the water...

  1. NRDA-processed CTD data from the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico, Cruise 1 Leg 1, collected from 2010-08-13 to 2010-08-22, associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill event (NCEI Accession 0128072) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD) measurements were collected aboard the R/V HOS Davis, Cruise 01, to determine physical oceanographic parameters of the water...

  2. NRDA-processed CTD data from the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico, Cruise 4 Leg 1, collected from 2010-11-07 to 2010-11-14, associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill event (NCEI Accession 0130023) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD) measurements were collected aboard the R/V HOS Davis, Cruise 04, to determine physical oceanographic parameters of the water...

  3. NRDA-processed CTD data from the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico, Cruise 2 Leg 1, collected from 2010-08-26 to 2010-09-02, associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill event (NCEI Accession 0128093) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD) measurements were collected aboard the R/V HOS Davis, Cruise 02, to determine physical oceanographic parameters of the water...

  4. Undersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Albin


    Cykelryttere får for lidt energidrik - og det koster dyrt på de lange distancer. Opsigtsvækkende resultater fra en ny undersøgelse afslører at væske- og energiindtaget under langvarig cykling har stor betydning for præstationen....

  5. Konsolidering af læring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Preben Olund; Geisnæs, Dorthe


    . Opbyggelse af konsolideringsstrategier er en langvarig proces. Processen er lang, fordi vidensabstraktion tager tid. Vidensopbyggelsen skal være så velkendt for eleven, at det er muligt for eleverne at genkende og hermed anvende viden til at kunne analysere fremtidige opgaver.

  6. Lange »krigsballetter«

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Hanne


    Artiklen undersøger Den Westfalske Fred (1648) og Tredveårskrigen (den lange krigsballet) i lyset af nutidige langvarige krigsballetter, der foreløbig har karakteriseret det meste af det 21. århundrede. Begge er fragmenterede, brutale, kyniske, og karakteriseret af reseksualiseret voldsanvendelse...

  7. Sundhedsbrøken der blev væk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hollnagel, H.; Malterud, K.


    I artiklen beskrives vejen fra idé til projekt om selvvurderede helbredsressourcer. Der tages udgangspunkt i "sundhedsbrøken" beskrevet i de almenmedicinske lærebøger fra 1977: Hvis en persons belastninger gennem længere tid er for store i forhold til personens ressourcer, så er personens helbred......? Som læger er vi vant til den patogenetiske synsvinkel (pato=syg, genese=oprindelse) og spørger, hvordan opstår sygdom? Hvordan kan vi helbrede og forebygge sygdom? Udgivelsesdato: 1995...

  8. Acute dental pain I

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Närhi, Matti; Bjørndal, Lars; Pigg, Maria


    Den specialiserede anatomi i pulpa-dentin-organet samt den rige pulpale innervation fra trigeminusnerven forklarer de forskellige typer af smertefølelser i en tand. En kort skarp smerte er typisk for en A-(nerve) fibermedieret smerte, imens en langvarig, bankende smerte indikerer C-(nerve) fibera...

  9. Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data collected from CTD casts aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-08-26 to 2010-09-03 in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill event (NODC Accession 0069070) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data were collected aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-08-26 to 2010-09-03 in response to the Deepwater...

  10. Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data collected from CTD casts aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-09 to 2010-09-27 in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill event (NODC Accession 0069071) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data were collected aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-09 to 2010-09-27 in response to the Deepwater...

  11. Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data collected from CTD casts aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-08-13 to 2010-08-22 in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill event (NODC Accession 0069069) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Chemical and physical oceanographic profile data were collected aboard the HOS Davis in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-08-13 to 2010-08-22 in response to the Deepwater...

  12. A HOS-based blind deconvolution algorithm for the improvement of time resolution of mixed phase low SNR seismic data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hani, Ahmad Fadzil M; Younis, M Shahzad; Halim, M Firdaus M


    A blind deconvolution technique using a modified higher order statistics (HOS)-based eigenvector algorithm (EVA) is presented in this paper. The main purpose of the technique is to enable the processing of low SNR short length seismograms. In our study, the seismogram is assumed to be the output of a mixed phase source wavelet (system) driven by a non-Gaussian input signal (due to earth) with additive Gaussian noise. Techniques based on second-order statistics are shown to fail when processing non-minimum phase seismic signals because they only rely on the autocorrelation function of the observed signal. In contrast, existing HOS-based blind deconvolution techniques are suitable in the processing of a non-minimum (mixed) phase system; however, most of them are unable to converge and show poor performance whenever noise dominates the actual signal, especially in the cases where the observed data are limited (few samples). The developed blind equalization technique is primarily based on the EVA for blind equalization, initially to deal with mixed phase non-Gaussian seismic signals. In order to deal with the dominant noise issue and small number of available samples, certain modifications are incorporated into the EVA. For determining the deconvolution filter, one of the modifications is to use more than one higher order cumulant slice in the EVA. This overcomes the possibility of non-convergence due to a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the observed signal. The other modification conditions the cumulant slice by increasing the power of eigenvalues of the cumulant slice, related to actual signal, and rejects the eigenvalues below the threshold representing the noise. This modification reduces the effect of the availability of a small number of samples and strong additive noise on the cumulant slices. These modifications are found to improve the overall deconvolution performance, with approximately a five-fold reduction in a mean square error (MSE) and a six

  13. Familjearbetaren hos en ensamförsörjare : en kvalitativ studie om ensamförsörjarens livssituation och hur familjearbetet påverkas


    Sjöblom, Mikaela; Azimi, Diana


    Syftet med vårt lärdomsprov är att redogöra för familjearbetarnas åsikter om familjearbetet har specifika drag i utförandet av det hos familjer med en försörjare. I teoridelen tas det upp om familjepolitiken i Finland, familjearbete samt om hur en ensamförsörjares livssituation kan se ut. I undersökningen använde vi oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer. Undersökningspersonerna bestod av åtta familjearbetare från fyra olika kommuner. Intervjuerna gjordes både i grupper och som individue...

  14. Hvordan kan utfordringer føre til økt læring og utvikling hos fremtidige elite fotballspillere og elitesoldater?: et komparativt casestudie mellom Forsvarets Spesialkommando og en fotballklubb i eliteserien


    Nilsen, Kim-André


    Masteroppgave - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2015 I dette prosjektet ønsket jeg å finne ut hvordan motgang og utfordringer kan føre til økt læring og utvikling hos fremtidige elitesoldater og fotballspillere på elitenivå. Dette er en komparativ casestudie mellom en fotballklubb i eliteserien og Forsvarets Spesialkommando (FSK). I denne beskrivende casestudien ble semi-strukturerte intervjuer og dokumentasjonsundersøkelser benyttet i datainnsamlingen. I forbindelse med rekrutterin...

  15. Høyintensiv aerob intervalltrening utført som ekstrembolk fører ikke til endringer i VO2max hos elitesyklister og ??riatleter


    Pedersen, Frank-Gøran


    HENSIKT: Studien hadde til hensikt å undersøke virkningen av høyintensiv aerob intervalltrening (HAIT) på maksimalt oksygenopptak (VO2max) og tid på Time trial (TT) hos elitesyklister og triatleter. METODE: 11 forsøkspersoner, n=7 HAIT (31±9) og n=4 kontroll (27±11), VO2max HAIT 62.6±6.4, VO2max 65.6±5.7 gjennomførte denne studien. HAIT gjennomførte 14 intervalløkter (4x4 løpeintervaller på tredemølle, 3-5%stigning, 90-95% av Hfmax, 3 minutter aktiv hvile på ca. 70% av Hfmax) over ti dager,et...

  16. Langvarig ileustilstand som folge af hypotyroidisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjardem, E.; Jørgensen, Lars Nannestad


    Hypothyroidism (HT) is a rare cause of ileus. A patient with ileus had several examinations during his hospitalization and was treated in intensive care unit due to septicaemia and respiratory failure. At day 25 HT was suspected. However, the patient was transferred between hospitals many times...... and blood samples were not seen until day 46. He suffered from severe HT and treatment had immediate effect on the intestinal function. This case illustrates a probable association between HT and ileus, and that valuable information may be lost when transferring severely ill patients between hospitals...

  17. Betydningen af Lawsonia og PCV2 virus for daglig tilvækst hos slagtesvin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Markku; Nielsen, Mai Britt Friis; Dahl, Jan

    Resultaterne af denne undersøgelse viser at: - Grise med store mængder Lawsonia i gødningen (≥106/gram gødning) har større risiko (OR=5,2) for at være en langsomt voksende gris. - Grise med synlige tarmforandringer har større risiko (OR=13,2) for at være en langsomt voksende gris. - Grise med...... diarré har større risiko (OR=10,1) for at være en langsomt voksende gris. Derimod kunne der ikke påvises nogen sammenhæng mellem mængden af PCV2 virus, antistoffer mod PCV2 virus eller påvisning af PCV2 virus ved immunhistokemi i tarmlymfeknude og tilvæksten hos grise. Undersøgelsen er gennemført i 5...... virus og Lawsonia på DTU-Veterinærinstitutet. For hver gris blev den maksimalt målte værdi af Lawsonia og PCV2 virus mængde i gødning og antistoffer mod de to sygdomme brugt som forklarende variabel. Sammenhængen til hurtigt/langsomt voksende grise for de maksimalt målte værdier blev undersøgt ved...

  18. Gauchers sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leth, Peter Mygind; Knudsen, Ida Mølgård


    Gaucher's disease is an autosomal recessive disease due to deficiency of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase with subsequent accumulation of glucocerebroside in the reticuloendothelial system. The disease is subdivided into Types 1, 2 and 3. Type 1 is associated with hepatosplenomegaly and lesions...

  19. Alzheimers sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høgh, Peter


    Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder with insidious onset and slow progression. Prevalence is increasing, although not as fast as previously believed. The clinical diagnosis may be difficult, but diagnostic methods have been introduced and proven to be accurate in supporting...

  20. Fluconazol og amning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Andreas James Thestrup; Hessellund, Anne; Bergmann, Troels Korshøj


    Når lokalbehandling til candidainfektion ikke er nok, er næste valg systemisk behandling. Men hvad, hvis kvinden ammer? Kan systemisk behandling med tablet fluconazol anvendes? Svaret er ja – men langvarig behandling (> 2 uger) bør undgås. Fluconazol vil udskilles i brystmælk, men mængden af...... fluconazol, som barnet derved indtager, er lav....

  1. Sambandet mellan Theory of Mind, språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner hos barn i treårsåldern


    Nilsson, Anna; Sirén, Ellen


    Barns fem första levnadsår präglas av en omfattande utveckling av språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner, vilka är färdigheter som visat sig ha en stor påverkan på hur barn utvecklar förståelse för sina egna och andras tankar, det vill säga deras Theory of Mind. En central aspekt inom forskning har varit att undersöka hur förmågorna samvarierar vid olika åldrar. Syftet i föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan Theory of Mind, språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner hos...

  2. Dömda att leva i skuggan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hälsan hos personer med albinism i Rwanda, utifrån begreppen diskriminering, coping och socialt stöd


    Niyonkuru, Elsie Diane


    Bakgrund: Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) är en ärftlig sjukdom som fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt påverkar de drabbade individerna. Okunskap, fördomar och myter om albinism utgör de största orsakerna till den diskriminering som personer med albinism utsatts för särskilt i vissa länder i Afrika söder om Sahara. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva hälsan hos personer med albinism i Rwanda, utifrån begreppen diskriminering, coping och socialt stöd. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats ligger t...

  3. Identitetshantering på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie om förhållningssättet till den egna identiteten hos två olika åldersgrupper på vår tids mest offentliga scen


    Kåge, Isabelle


    Title: Identity management on Facebook: a qualitative study in approaches to personal identity between two different age groups on the most public stage of our time (Identitetshantering på Facebook: En kvalitativ studie om förhållningssättet till den egna identiteten hos två olika åldersgrupper på vår tids mest offentliga scen). Number of pages: 43. Author: Isabelle Kåge. Tutor: Amelie Hössjer. Course: Media and Communication Studies C. Period: Fall Semester 2010. University: Division of Medi...

  4. Flygtninge på langvarig starthjælp

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Adam; Højland, Marianne; Hansen, Henning

    Spørgeskema-, fokusgruppe- og interviewbaseret undersøgelse af personlige og sociale konsekvenser af familiers forsørgelse på starthjælp. Kvalitativ og kvantitativ undersøgelse af starthjælpens konsekvenser for flygtningefamilier med mere end 1 år på starthjælp...

  5. Clarté des idées innées ?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schøsler, Jørn


    Der gives en analyse af begreberne 'evidens' og 'medfødte idéer' hos Descartes og Locke samt hos de franske oplysningsfilosoffer.......Der gives en analyse af begreberne 'evidens' og 'medfødte idéer' hos Descartes og Locke samt hos de franske oplysningsfilosoffer....

  6. Perceptions About the Present and Future of Surgical Simulation: A National Study of Mixed Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology. (United States)

    Yiasemidou, Marina; Glassman, Daniel; Tomlinson, James; Song, David; Gough, Michael J

    Assess expert opinion on the current and future role of simulation in surgical education. Expert opinion was sought through an externally validated questionnaire that was disseminated electronically. Heads of Schools of Surgery (HoS) (and deputies) and Training Program Directors (TPD) (and deputies). Simulation was considered a good training tool (HoS: 15/15, TPD: 21/21). The concept that simulation is useful mostly to novices and for basic skills acquisition was rejected (HoS: 15/15, TPDs: 21/21; HoS: 13/15, TPDs: 18/21). Further, simulation is considered suitable for teaching nontechnical skills (HoS: 13/15, TPDs: 20/21) and re-enacting stressful situations (HoS: 14/15, TPDs: 15/21). Most respondents also felt that education centers should be formally accredited (HoS: 12/15, TPDs: 16/21) and that consultant mentors should be appointed by every trust (HoS: 12/15, TPDs: 19/21). In contrast, there were mixed views on its use for trainee assessment (HoS: 6/15, TPDs: 14/21) and whether it should be compulsory (HoS: 8/15, TPDs: 11/21). The use of simulation for the acquirement of both technical and nontechnical skills is strongly supported while views on other applications (e.g., assessment) are conflicting. Further, the need for center accreditation and supervised, consultant-led teaching is highlighted. Copyright © 2016 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Improving the palliative care of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in home care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mousing, Camilla Askov


    SUMMARY IN DANISH Hjemmeboende patienter med kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom (KOL) kan opleve palliative behov i relation til deres sygdom. Tidligere forskning viser, at patienter med KOL sjældent modtager palliative indsatser sammenlignet med f.eks. kræftpatienter. Desuden oplever sundhedsprofess...

  8. Mikrobiologiske forhold ved aggressive former for marginal parodontitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Belstrøm, Daniel


    Aggressiv parodontitis er en alvorlig sygdom, der kan manifestere sig klinisk i en lokal og generaliseret form, og som ubehandlet ultimativt kan medføre tandtab i en tidlig alder. Nekrotiserede parodontale sygdomme, herunder nekrotiserende gingivitis, parodontitis og stomatitis, er kliniske tilst...

  9. Sick leave and work disability in primary care patients with recent-onset multiple medically unexplained symptoms and persistent somatoform disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rask, Mette T; Rosendal, Marianne; Fenger-Grøn, Morten


    Denne artikel undersøger karakteristika, sygefravær og førtidspension for patienter med multiple medicinsk uforklarede symptomer (MUS) og somatoforme lidelser og sammenligner disse med en gruppe af patienter med veldefineret fysisk sygdom. Resultaterne viser, at patienter med somatoforme lidelser...

  10. Behandling af patienter med Guillan Barré syndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oliel, Vibeke S.


    Resumè Guillain Barrés syndrom er en autoimmum sygdom karakteriseret ved motorisk, sensorisk og autonom dysfunktion. I Danmark rammes omkring 80 personer i alle aldre årligt af sygdommen. Akut inflammatorisk polyradikoloneuropati rammer de perifere nervers nerveskeder og medfører progredierende...

  11. Evaluering af 'Tankerne på plads og hverdagen tilbage' - et kursusforløb for modermærkekræftramte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haslam, Trine Lolk

    af modermærkekræft til at genvinde trygheden og kontrollen i deres liv, ved at gøre dem bedre i stand til at forstå, acceptere og håndtere deres sygdom og behandling, samt at reducere de modermærkekræftramtes brug af sundhedsvæsenet til det nødvendige. Således ønskes det at påvirke adfærd på kort og...... behandlingen samt give en tilbagemelding på operationsforløbet. På kurset underviser desuden en psykolog, der behandler de psykologiske aspekter ved det at få en livstruende sygdom, hvilket ligeledes er af stor betydning for kursisterne. Desk study underbygger dette ved at pointere, at patientskole med...... formidling af viden via forskellige metoder, giver positiv effekt. Analysen i forbindelse med programteori 2 underbygger at kurset er tilrettelagt og gennemført som gruppebaseret undervisning, hvilket jf. desk study bidrager til øget egenomsorg. Den procesorienterede dialogiske tilrettelæggelse og...

  12. Potential use of hyperoxygenated solution as a treatment strategy for carbon monoxide poisoning.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xingxing Sun

    Full Text Available AIM: Carbon monoxide (CO poisoning can cause permanent damage in tissues that are sensitive to hypoxia. We explored the feasibility and efficacy of using a hyperoxygenated solution (HOS to treat severe acute CO poisoning in an animal model. METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to CO poisoning. The HOS was administered into the femoral vein of these rats through a catheter (10 ml/kg. Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb and blood gases were used to assess the early damage caused by CO poisoning. S100β was measured to predict the development of late cognitive sequelae of CO. The Morris water maze test was performed to assess cognitive function, and Nissl staining was performed to observe histologic change. RESULTS: The COHb concentrations rapidly decreased at 5 min after the HOS administration; however, the PaO2 and SaO2 in rats treated with HOS increased significantly 5 min after the HOS administration. The S100β concentrations, which increased significantly after CO poisoning, increased at a much slower rate in the rats treated with HOS (HOS group compared with the rats treated with O2 inhalation (O2 group. The escape latency in the place navigation test was shortened after CO poisoning on days 11-15 and days 26-30, and the swimming time in quadrant 4 in the spatial probe test on days 15 and 30 after CO poisoning was prolonged in the rats treated with HOS injection compared with the rats treated with oxygen inhalation or normal saline injection. The neuronal degeneration in the HOS group was alleviated than that in the CO or O2 group. CONCLUSION: HOS efficiently alleviates the brain damage in acute CO-poisoned rats and thus may serve as a new way to treat human patients with CO poisoning in clinical practice.

  13. Den dialogiske vending i personcentreret sundhedskommunikation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheffmann-Petersen, Michael

    for de personcentrerede tilgange er dog hensigten og idealet om at tage udgangspunkt i borgeren og i borgerens viden, erfaringer og præferencer i forbindelse med et sygdoms- og behandlingsforløb. Ud fra analysen af litteraturen om de personcentrerede tilgange peger afhandlingen desuden på, at de...

  14. History of science content analysis of Chinese science textbooks from the perspective of acculturation (United States)

    Ma, Yongjun; Wan, Yanlan


    Based on previous international studies, a content analysis scheme has been designed and used from the perspective of culture to study the history of science (HOS) in science textbooks. Nineteen sets of Chinese science textbooks have been analyzed. It has been found that there are noticeable changes in the quantity, content, layout, presentation, and writing intention of the HOS sections in textbooks from different time periods. What's more, the textbooks aim at presenting the scientific culture and aim to help students understand it better. However, the cultural associations of the HOS in textbooks is insufficient and significant differences exist among textbooks of different subjects. In order to explore the reasons why the presentation of HOS in various subjects is different, we made a specific comparison of curriculum standards of two subjects with great differences and interviewed the editors-in-chief of two textbooks. Results show that one of the most important reasons for the different writings of the HOS in textbooks is that different subject curriculum standards attach greater importance to the HOS. In addition, the attention to the HOS by editors-in-chief, the tradition of studying the HOS within the history of the discipline, and the reference textbooks in compiling textbooks are all important influence factors. Some suggestions for future textbooks compilation are given at the end.

  15. Adaptation, data quality and confirmatory factor analysis of the Danish version of the PACIC questionnaire

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maindal, Helle Terkildsen; Sokolowski, Ineta; Vedsted, Peter


    Internationalt bruges PACIC-spørgeskemaet til at måle patienter med kronisk sygdom til evaluering af sundhedsvæsenets indsats. Vi lavede en videnskabelig og standardiseret oversættelse af den engelske version. Vi genfandt de fem skalaer, som endvidere viste gode egenskaber for et spørgeskema. Der...

  16. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Parkinson's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dammann Andersen, Andreas; Binzer, Michael; Stenager, Egon


    Diagnosticering af Parkinson's sygdom (PD) er baseret på den kliniske udvikling af sygdommen samt en fysisk undersøgelse af patienten, men fejldiagnosticering sker hyppigt; specielt i tidlige stadier. Biomarkører for PD kan muliggøre en tidligere og mere præcis diagnosticering samt monitorering a...

  17. Hernier som medicinsk sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Burcharth, J.; Rosenberg, J.


    include patients with Ehlers-Danlos, Marfans syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, cutis laxa, and patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms, colonic diverticula or stress urinary incontinence. Looking ahead, the perspective may be individualization of the operative technique for patients with a hernia...

  18. Osteoporose ved Parkinsons sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ezzatian-Ahar, Shabnam; Schwarz, Peter; Pedersen, Stephen Wørlich


    The risk of developing osteoporosis, as well as Parkinson's disease (PD) is increased with increasing age, resulting in increased risk of fracture, particularly hip fractures. Each one of these two conditions can be debilitating and affect the individual patient's quality of life negatively. PD...

  19. Psoriasis og aterotrombotisk sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahlehoff, Ole; Gislason, Gunnar H; Skov, Lone


    Psoriasis and atherosclerosis share immunoinflammatory mechanisms and patients with psoriasis may carry an excess of cardiovascular risk factors (hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, smoking etc.) and increased risk of atherothrombotic disease....... The current review summarises the available evidence in this area of research and calls for increased awareness of cardiovascular risk assessment and treatment in patients with psoriasis....

  20. Stress og psykiatrisk sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hageman, Ida; Jørgensen, Martin Balslev


    Traumatic life events and psychiatric morbidity are associated in a complex manner. Only a minority of those who are exposed to traumatic events will develop a psychiatric disorder. Thus, an individual sensitivity exists. Recently, considerable knowledge has evolved about the complex molecular, a...

  1. Immunterapi mod Alzheimers sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falkentoft, Alexander Christian; Hasselbalch, Steen Gregers


    Passive anti-beta-amyloid (Aß) immunotherapy has been shown to clear brain Aß deposits. Results from phase III clinical trials in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients with two monoclonal antibodies bapineuzumab and solanezumab and intravenous immunoglobulin have been disappointing...

  2. Psoriasis og aterotrombotisk sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahlehoff, Ole; Gislason, Gunnar H; Skov, Lone


    Psoriasis and atherosclerosis share immunoinflammatory mechanisms and patients with psoriasis may carry an excess of cardiovascular risk factors (hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, smoking etc.) and increased risk of atherothrombotic disease...

  3. Immunterapi mod Alzheimers sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falkentoft, Alexander Christian; Hasselbalch, Steen Gregers


    Passive anti-beta-amyloid (Aß) immunotherapy has been shown to clear brain Aß deposits. Results from phase III clinical trials in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients with two monoclonal antibodies bapineuzumab and solanezumab and intravenous immunoglobulin have been disappointing....... Subsequent analysis of pooled data from both phase III trials with solanezumab showed a reduction in cognitive decline in patients with mild AD. Solanezumab and new monoclonal antibodies are being tested in patients with prodromal and preclinical AD in search for a disease-modifying treatment....

  4. Menières sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Søren; Thomsen, Jens; Cayé-Thomasen, Per


    Ménière's disease is a chronic illness characterized by intermittent episodes of severe vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and aural pressure. The spells last from minutes to hours and are often associated with vegetative symptoms. Up to 50% of the patients are affected bilaterally over time...

  5. Stress og psykiatrisk sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hageman, Ida; Jørgensen, Martin Balslev


    Traumatic life events and psychiatric morbidity are associated in a complex manner. Only a minority of those who are exposed to traumatic events will develop a psychiatric disorder. Thus, an individual sensitivity exists. Recently, considerable knowledge has evolved about the complex molecular...

  6. Ny Mycoplasma Hyosynoviae vaccine forebygger ikke halthed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Elisabeth Okholm; Lauritsen, Klara Tølbøll; Jungersen, Gregers

    Vaccination af smågrise mod Mykoplasma-ledbetændelser viste sig ikke at kunne forebyggede halthed hos slagtesvin. Smitte med Mycoplasma hyosynoviae (M. hyosynoviae) er ofte årsag til ledbetændelse hos slagtesvin. Der er ingen kommerciel vaccine til grise, der beskytter mod mykoplasma-ledbetændels......Vaccination af smågrise mod Mykoplasma-ledbetændelser viste sig ikke at kunne forebyggede halthed hos slagtesvin. Smitte med Mycoplasma hyosynoviae (M. hyosynoviae) er ofte årsag til ledbetændelse hos slagtesvin. Der er ingen kommerciel vaccine til grise, der beskytter mod mykoplasma...

  7. Should We Add History of Science to Provide Nature of Science into Vietnamese Biology Textbook: A Case of Evolution and Genetics Teaching? (United States)

    Diem, Huynh Thi Thuy; Yuenyong, Chokchai


    History of science (HOS) plays a substantial role in the enhancement of rooted understanding in science teaching and learning. HOS of evolution and genetics has not been included in Vietnamese biology textbooks. This study aims to investigate the necessity of introducing evolution and genetics HOS into Vietnamese textbooks. A case study approach…

  8. Hip Arthroscopy Outcomes With Respect to Patient Acceptable Symptomatic State and Minimal Clinically Important Difference. (United States)

    Levy, David M; Kuhns, Benjamin D; Chahal, Jaskarndip; Philippon, Marc J; Kelly, Bryan T; Nho, Shane J


    To determine whether the hip arthroscopy literature to date has shown outcomes consistent with published patient acceptable symptomatic state (PASS) and minimal clinically important difference (MCID) estimates. All clinical investigations of hip arthroscopy using modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS) and/or Hip Outcome Score (HOS) outcomes with at least 1 year of follow-up were reviewed. Ninety-one studies (9,746 hips) were included for review. Eighty-one studies (9,317 hips) contained only primary hip arthroscopies and were the primary focus of this review. The remaining studies (429 hips) did not exclude patients with prior surgical history and were thus considered separately. Mean mHHS, HOS-ADL (Activities of Daily Living) and HOS-SS (Sports-Specific) scores were compared with previously published PASS and MCID values. After 31 ± 20 months, 5.8% of study populations required revision arthroscopy and 5.5% total hip arthroplasty. A total of 88%, 25%, and 30% of study populations met PASS for mHHS, HOS-ADL, and HOS-SS, respectively, and 97%, 90%, and 93% met MCID. On bivariate analysis, increasing age was associated with significantly worse postoperative mHHS (P arthroscopy, we have found that more than 90% of study populations meet MCID standards for the most commonly used patient-reported outcomes measures in hip arthroscopy literature, mHHS and HOS. Eighty-eight percent meet PASS standards for the mHHS, but PASS standards are far more difficult to achieve for HOS-ADL (25%) and HOS-SS (30%) subscales. Differences in psychometric properties of the mHHS and HOS likely account for the discrepancies in PASS. Level IV, systematic review of Level I to IV studies. Copyright © 2016 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Nå, er du kommet til hægterne igen?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Viggo; Grøftehauge, Nina Keller


    De jyske dialekter har - ligesom rigssproget - tre hovedtyper af udtryk for, at nogen kommer sig (af sygdom, mathed, dårlig økonomi), men det er andre udtryk, oftest baseret på verber med betydninger som "slide og slæbe, slå sig igennem" etc. Typen "komme sig" repræsenterer den bredspektrede diat...

  10. The morphology of the cranium and the cervical coumn in patients with hypophosphatemic rickets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjørup, Hans


    Denne ph.d.-afhandling er en radiologisk undersøgelse af kraniets og halshvirvelsøjlens morfologi på patienter med hypofosfatæmisk rakitis (HR) sammenlignet med raske kontrolpersoner (KTR). HR er en sjælden, medfødt sygdom, som er kendetegnet ved fosfattab via nyrerne og en deraf følgende hypomin...

  11. Sundhedssociologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    sygdom og sundhed. I bogens første del præsenteres en række vigtige sociologiske forfatterskaber: Anthony Giddens, Jürgen Habermas, Michel Foucault, Norbert Elias, Erving Goffman og Pierre Bourdieu. I anden del sættes der fokus på en række sociologiske temaer med relevans for sundhedsfagene: organisation...

  12. Sundhedskommunikation i psykologisk og filosofisk belysning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Mariann Bjerregaard

    I ”Sundhedskommunikation i psykologisk og filosofisk belysning – hvem, hvorfor og hvordan?” undersøger Mariann B. Sørensen emnet kommunikation i forskellige sammenhænge i sundhedssektoren. Det drejer sig især om særlig vanskelig kommunikation i forbindelse med alvorlig sygdom og forestående død. ...

  13. Entartung: Forestillinger om en syg kunst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paldam, Camilla Skovbjerg


    Opfattelsen af moderne kunst som noget sygt nåede et klimaks under 1930'ernes og 1940'ernes nazisme. Med udgangspunkt i den tyske arkitekt Paul Schultze-Naumburgs bog Kunst und Rasse (1928) undersøger artiklen argumentationsgangen og genealogien bag den påståede sammenhæng mellem kunst og sygdom...

  14. Hospitalization is less in malnourished patients given intradialytic oral nutritional supplements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Lacson Jr.


    Overall, HOS was lower in the ONS group (N= 7,264 at 2.5 vs. 2.7 episodes/pt‐year for controls (N= 13,853, p<0.001. The unadjusted time to 1st HOS hazard ratio for ONS was 0.92 (0.88, 0.95 and after adjustment for baseline case‐mix, HOS 30‐days prior to study entry, and 5 HD quality indicators was 0.93 (0.90, 0.96. Although limited by the observational design, these results indicate lower HOS associated with ONS use in malnourished chronic HD patients with albumin ≤3.5 g/dL.

  15. Viruses in wild European fishes and their significance for aquaculture, with special emphasis on viral haemorrhagic septicamia virus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skall, Helle Frank


    Viral hæmorrhagisk septikæmi virus (VHSV) er en af de vigtigste virale patogener i opdrættet regnbueørred (Oncorhynchus mykiss) i Europa. Det Europæiske Fællesskabs (EU's) fiskehelse lovgivning (Direktiv 91/67/EEC) opregner VHS som en kategori 2 sygdom, hvilket er defineret som en sygdom med stor...... økonomisk betydning for Fællesskabet. VHSV er i det sidste 1½ årti blevet isoleret fra et stadig stigende antal fritlevende marine fiskearter. Indtil nu er VHSV blevet isoleret fra 46 forskellige fiskearter på den nordlige halvkugle (USA, Canada, Japan og Europa), heraf 15 forskellige fritlevende marine...... opdrættet pighvar var patogene for pighvar. Helt (Coregonus lavaretus) er blevet mistænkt for at overføre VHSV til opdrættede fisk. For at undersøge dette blev 148 vilde helt fanget i Skjern Å i december, når helten svømmer opstrøms fra Ringkøbing Fjord for at gyde. Der blev ikke isoleret virus fra helt...

  16. The Medicare Health Outcomes Survey program: Overview, context, and near-term prospects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miller Nancy A


    Full Text Available Abstract In 1996, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS initiated the development of the Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (HOS. It is the first national survey to measure the quality of life and functional health status of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in managed care. The program seeks to gather valid and reliable health status data in Medicare managed care for use in quality improvement activities, public reporting, plan accountability and improving health outcomes based on competition. The context that led to the development of the HOS was formed by the convergence of the following factors: 1 a recognized need to monitor the performance of managed care plans, 2 technical expertise and advancement in the areas of quality measurement and health outcomes assessment, 3 the existence of a tested functional health status assessment tool (SF-36®1, which was valid for an elderly population, 4 CMS leadership, and 5 political interest in quality improvement. Since 1998, there have been six baseline surveys and four follow up surveys. CMS, working with its partners, performs the following tasks as part of the HOS program: 1 Supports the technical/scientific development of the HOS measure, 2 Certifies survey vendors, 3 Collects Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set(HEDIS®2 HOS data, 4 Cleans, scores, and disseminates annual rounds of HOS data, public use files and reports to CMS, Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs, Medicare+Choice Organizations (M+COs, and other stakeholders, 5 Trains M+COs and QIOs in the use of functional status measures and best practices for improving care, 6 Provides technical assistance to CMS, QIOs, M+COs and other data users, and 7 Conducts analyses using HOS data to support CMS and HHS priorities. CMS has recently sponsored an evaluation of the HOS program, which will provide the information necessary to enhance the future administration of the program. Information collected to date reveals that the

  17. Psychological and social problems in primary care patients - general practitioners' assessment and classification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosendal, Marianne; Vedsted, Peter; Christensen, Kaj Sparle


    I almen praksis får 11 % af patienterne en diagnose, der vedrører psykisk sygdom. Heraf har halvdelen en depression eller en belastningstilstand. Kun 18 af de 43 tilgængelige diagnoser i ICPC anvendes regelmæssigt. Sociale problemer angives sjældent som primær problemstilling (0,5 %). Uafhængigt ...

  18. Mutation of candidate immunosuppressive domains of viral envelope proteins in order to generate hyperimmunogenic vaccines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Jonas


    , Liberia og Sierra Leone var 28616 personer inficeret hvoraf 11310 personer omkom. Endelig kan MERS coronavirus, forårsage alvorlig respiratorisk sygdom og har en dødelighed på 36%. Tilfælde af MERS er blevet bekræftet i 27 lande spredt udover hele verden, hvor de fleste tilfælde er forårsaget af...

  19. Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) Evaluating Outcome and Cost-effectiveness of a Local Case-Management Intervention of Patients Suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Sabrina Storgaard; Pedersen, Kjeld Møller; Ehlers, Lars Holger


    Introduktion: I december 2001 igangsatte den Danske Regering en ny national strategi for håndteringen af kronisk sygdom, hvor der bl.a. blev afsat knap 100 millioner kr. til oprettelsen af nye stillinger som forløbskoordinatorer, hvis formål er at understøtte særligt sårbare patienter. Der eksist...

  20. Det Medicinske Politi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonderup, Gerda

    Fattigdom og sygdom hang nøje sammen, opdagede man i oplysningstiden. Læger udarbejdede et koncept - Det Medicinske Politi: Sygdomme skulle ikke længere blot bekæmpes, men også forebygges. Den danske regering var stort set med på forslagene, og resultatet blev i første omgang ansættelse af embeds...

  1. Bedre fysisk helbred, men mindre velfærd?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sabir, Fatima


    I den moderne etiske diskussion af behandlingsmuligheder for neurologiske sygdomme, såsom Alzheimer og Parkinsons sygdom, har særligt én teknologi gjort sig bemærket, nemlig deep brain stimulation (DBS). Denne teknologi er fokus for udtalelsen fra Det Etiske Råd, som har til formål at udlægge de...

  2. Overvågning af influenza afslører flere subtyper

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krog, Jesper Schak; Hjulsager, Charlotte Kristiane; Larsen, Lars Erik


    Et forskerteam fra DTU har færdiggjort rapport om overvågning af influenza A i 2014. Målet med overvågningen var at identificere hvilke influenzavirus subtyper og stammer, der cirkulerer blandt danske svin samt at kortlægge sygdomsårsager med henblik på at sikre det strategiske mål – at mindske...

  3. Psychometric Evaluation of the Lower Extremity Computerized Adaptive Test, the Modified Harris Hip Score, and the Hip Outcome Score. (United States)

    Hung, Man; Hon, Shirley D; Cheng, Christine; Franklin, Jeremy D; Aoki, Stephen K; Anderson, Mike B; Kapron, Ashley L; Peters, Christopher L; Pelt, Christopher E


    The applicability and validity of many patient-reported outcome measures in the high-functioning population are not well understood. To compare the psychometric properties of the modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS), the Hip Outcome Score activities of daily living subscale (HOS-ADL) and sports (HOS-sports), and the Lower Extremity Computerized Adaptive Test (LE CAT). The hypotheses was that all instruments would perform well but that the LE CAT would show superiority psychometrically because a combination of CAT and a large item bank allows for a high degree of measurement precision. Cohort study (diagnosis); Level of evidence, 2. Data were collected from 472 advanced-age, active participants from the Huntsman World Senior Games in 2012. Validity evidences were examined through item fit, dimensionality, monotonicity, local independence, differential item functioning, person raw score to measure correlation, and instrument coverage (ie, ceiling and floor effects), and reliability evidences were examined through Cronbach alpha and person separation index. All instruments demonstrated good item fit, unidimensionality, monotonicity, local independence, and person raw score to measure correlations. The HOS-ADL had high ceiling effects of 36.02%, and the mHHS had ceiling effects of 27.54%. The LE CAT had ceiling effects of 8.47%, and the HOS-sports had no ceiling effects. None of the instruments had any floor effects. The mHHS had a very low Cronbach alpha of 0.41 and an extremely low person separation index of 0.08. Reliabilities for the LE CAT were excellent and for the HOS-ADL and HOS-sports were good. The LE CAT showed better psychometric properties overall than the HOS-ADL, HOS-sports, and mHHS for the senior population. The mHHS demonstrated pronounced ceiling effects and poor reliabilities that should be of concern. The high ceiling effects for the HOS-ADL were also of concern. The LE CAT was superior in all psychometric aspects examined in this study. Future

  4. Elaphostrongylus spp. from Scandinavian cervidae - a scanning electron microscope study (SEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margareta Stéen


    Full Text Available Nematodes of the genus Elaphostrongylus collected from moose (Alces alces L., reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L., and red deer (Cervus elaphus L., respectively, were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy. Morphological differences in the ribs of the genital bursa were demonstrated. The Elaphostrongylus species from reindeer and red deer differed from each other in four ribs of the genital bursa. These results agree with the morphological characters of E. cervi and E. rangiferi described by Cameron (1931 and Mitskevitch (1960. The genital bursa of Elaphostrongylus sp. from moose, in accordance with the description of E. alces by Steen et al. (1989 showed characteristics differing from those found in Elaphostrongylus spp. from reindeer and red deer respectively. These results support the hypothesis that there are three separate species of Elaphostrongylus present in Scandinavian Cervidae. Svep-elektroniska studier på Elaphostrongylus spp. hos skandinaviska hjortdjur.Abstract in Swedish / Sammandrag: Rundmaskar inom slaktet Elaphostrongylus funna hos alg (Alces alces L., ren (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L. och kronhjort(Cervus elaphus L. studerades med hjalp av svepelelektronmikroskop. De hanliga bursorna med sin a stodjeribbor uppvisade variationer i utseende, langd och placering mellan dessa rundmaskar. De arter av Elaphostrongylus funna hos ren och kronhjort skilde sig åt avseende fyra stodjeribbor på de hanliga bursorna. Dessa resultat stammer val overens med de karaktarer som tidigare ar beskrivna av Cameron(1931 och av Mitskevich (1960. Den hanliga bursan hos arten Elaphostrongylus funnen hos alg, vilken tidigare ar beskriven av Steen et al. (1989, visade upp ett utseende som skilde sig från bursorna hos de Elaphostrongylus-arter funna hos ren och kronhjort. Dessa resultat stoder hypotesen om tre skilda arter av Elaphostrongylus hos skandinaviska hjortdjur.

  5. Cerebral blood flow autoregulation in patients with acute bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Kirsten


    Ph.d. afhandlingen omhandler sammenhængen mellem hjernens blodtilførsel (CBF) og middelarterietrykket (MAP) hos patienter med akut bakteriel meningitis. Hos raske er CBF uafhængig af MAP, hvilket kaldes CBF autoregulation. Svækket autoregulation antages at øge risikoen for cerebral hypoperfusion og...... iskæmi under episoder med lavt MAP, og for cerebral hyperperfusion og vasogent ødem ved højt MAP. CBF autoregulationen undersøgtes hos tyve voksne patienter med akut bakteriel meningitis i den tidlige sygdomsfase (... meningitis, men retableres ved klinisk restitution. Autoregulationen kan endvidere delvis retableres ved akut hyperventilation. Fundene har potentiel betydning for valg af supportiv terapi hos patienter med meningitis....

  6. How Do We Measure Success in Homelessness Services? : Critically Assessing the Rise of the Homelessness Outcomes Star


    Johnson, Guy; Pleace, Nicholas


    The Homelessness Outcomes Star (HOS) is probably the most widespread form of outcome measurement employed by homelessness service providers. Developed in the UK, the HOS is now being used by homelessness services in other European countries and Australia, while being promoted internationally as a validated set of key performance indicators. This paper examines the ideological framework that underpins the HOS, as well as the theoretical and methodological approaches that inform its operation. ...

  7. Restriktiv spisning i narrativ belysning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mark, Edith

    at fortælle sin egen historie gennem den litterære fortælling fik barnet mulighed for at konfigurere sin egen livshistorie med sigte på at styrke dets håb og livsmod. Ved hjælp af storylinemetoden fik børnene lejlighed til at udtrykke deres oplevelser og historier gennem tegning, modellering og andre kreative...... sygdom. Børnene opdager, at de har en god og interessant historie om deres sygdom. De børn, der også har en sammenhængende og en livsbekræftende historie ved siden af historien om sygdommen, formår at tage skæbnen op. De føler, at livet er godt, og madglæden er intakt. Børn med overvægt har ikke en...... diagnose, de har ikke trygge relationer til sundhedspersonalet, og de oplever overvældende skam. De føler, deres overvægt er selvforskyldt, mens de ikke magter at ændre situationen. Børnene mener derfor, at de har en dårlig historie, som de ikke ønsker at dele med andre. De isolerer sig ofte og fortsætter...

  8. Aterektomi for perifer arteriel sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Londero, Louise Skovgaard; Høgh, Annette Langager; Lindholt, Jes Sanddal


    Symptomatic peripheral arterial disease is managed according to national and international guidelines and the number of vascular reconstructions performed each year has increased over the past decade mainly due to an increasing frequency of endovascular procedures. Atherectomy as an alternative...... to the established treatment of symptomatic peripheral arterial disease has recently been analysed in a Cochrane review. In Denmark, atherectomy is not performed and so far the evidence is poor as the method is not an alternative to the established treatment in this country....

  9. Behandling ved tidlig Hodgkin's sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Specht, L K; Carde, P; Mauch, P


    indicate that we still do not definitively know whether or not the early addition of prophylactic chemotherapy improves survival. Arguments in favour of early chemotherapy are: that laparotomy may be avoided, that radiation fields and doses may perhaps be reduced, and that the stress of experiencing...... a relapse is avoided in many patients. The major argument against early chemotherapy is: that by careful staging and selection of patients and by careful radiotherapy techniques the number of patients exposed to potentially toxic chemotherapy may be kept at a minimum. Recently, trials have been carried out...

  10. Stress og hjerte-kar-sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ebstrup, Jeanette Frost; Jørgensen, Torben


    Risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD) have been studied intensely since the 1950s. Results on stress as a risk factor for CVD have been inconsistent, but mainly positive. The risk is mediated through lifestyle, but more direct physiological mechanisms (e.g. autonomous nervous system...... and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) are also found. Personality and general coping resources influence stress-appraisal, stress-coping and stress-response. Future studies should integrate stress as a cause (stressor), as a subjective reaction (perception), and as a physiological reaction in the same...

  11. Behandling ved tidlig Hodgkin's sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Specht, L K; Carde, P; Mauch, P


    indicate that we still do not definitively know whether or not the early addition of prophylactic chemotherapy improves survival. Arguments in favour of early chemotherapy are: that laparotomy may be avoided, that radiation fields and doses may perhaps be reduced, and that the stress of experiencing...

  12. Kaffe kan beskytte mod sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Kjeld; Krogholm, Kirstine Suszkiewicz; Bech, Bodil Hammer


    and depression. However, pregnant women, people suffering from anxiety disorder and persons with a low calcium intake should restrain from moderate or high intake of coffee due to uncertainty regarding potential negative effects on pregnancy, anxiety and risk of osteoporosis, respectively....

  13. Stress og hjerte-kar-sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ebstrup, Jeanette Frost; Jørgensen, Torben


    and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) are also found. Personality and general coping resources influence stress-appraisal, stress-coping and stress-response. Future studies should integrate stress as a cause (stressor), as a subjective reaction (perception), and as a physiological reaction in the same...

  14. Kaffe kan beskytte mod sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Kjeld; Krogholm, Kirstine Suszkiewicz; Bech, Bodil Hammer


    A moderate daily intake of 3-4 cups of coffee has convincing protective effects against development of type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease. The literature also indicates that moderate coffee intake reduces the risk of stroke, the overall risk of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, suicide and depres......A moderate daily intake of 3-4 cups of coffee has convincing protective effects against development of type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease. The literature also indicates that moderate coffee intake reduces the risk of stroke, the overall risk of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, suicide...

  15. Kaffe kan beskytte mod sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Kjeld; Krogholm, Kirstine Suszkiewicz; Bech, Bodil Hammer


    A moderate daily intake of 3-4 cups of coffee has convincing protective effects against development of type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease. The literature also indicates that moderate coffee intake reduces the risk of stroke, the overall risk of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, suicide...... and depression. However, pregnant women, people suffering from anxiety disorder and persons with a low calcium intake should restrain from moderate or high intake of coffee due to uncertainty regarding potential negative effects on pregnancy, anxiety and risk of osteoporosis, respectively....

  16. Hodgkin's sygdom--et histologisk problem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, A F; Specht, L; Nissen, N I


    Since the Rye classification of Hodgkin's disease, many lesions which resemble Hodgkin's disease microscopically have been described. The histological features of Hodgkin's disease, including the BNLI subclassification of nodular sclerosis, and the lesions which resemble Hodgkin's disease microsc...

  17. EFEKTIFITAS HARD DAN SOFT OCCLUSAL SPLINT PADA GANGGUAN SENDI TEMPOROMANDIBULA (Kajian klinis pada seri kasus berdasarkan keluhan nyeri sendi temporomandibula

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.A Donna Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Occlusal splint is commonly used for treatment of the temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD. It can be made of hard and soft material. Hard occlusal splint (HOS which was known earlier had been recognized more effective than soft occlusal splint (SOS which recently gained some popularity. This clinical study based on case series was to determined which type of occlusal splint was more effective for TMD. This study involved 20 subjects and they were divided into HOS and SOS group with 10 subjects in each group. HOS was processed with heat curing acrylic and SOS with vacuum former. Before and after 4 weeks of treatment, 5 TMD symptoms (impaired range of movement, impaired TMJ function, muscle pain, TMJ pain and pain on movement of mandible were measured using Helkimo diagnostic index. The results were analyzed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z's test. The findings showed statistically significant improvement in impaired range of movement and muscle pain in favor of HOS group (p<0.05. Although they were not statistically significant, HOS group showed better improvement than SOS group in TMJ pain and pain on movement of the mandible. In TMJ's function, no changes were found in both groups. IN general, HOS was more effective than SOS for treating TMD in relatively short period of time. Despite of the phenomena, the popularity of SOS was not followed with its effectiveness.

  18. The Danish cancer pathway for patients with serious non-specific symptoms and signs of cancer-a cross-sectional study of patient characteristics and cancer probability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingeman, Mads Lind; Christensen, Morten Bondo; Bro, Flemming


    Denne artikel ser nærmere på, hvilke patienter der bliver henvist til ”kræftpakken for alvorlig sygdom, der kunne være kræft”, og hvor stor risikoen er for, at de henviste har kræft. Resultaterne viser, at 16,2 % af alle de henviste, som blev inkluderet i studiet, havde kræft. De mest udbredte kr...

  19. Pre-loss grief in family caregivers during end-of-life cancer care: a nationwide population-based cohort study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Mette Kjærgaard; Neergaard, Mette Asbjørn; Jensen, Anders Bonde


    sammenhæng med høj belastning af omsorgen for den syge (”high caregiver burden”), symptomer på depression, lav forberedthed på det forestående dødsfald, lav grad af kommunikation i familien om sygdom og død samt mængden af prognostisk information (både ”for meget” og ”for lidt” information). Studiet bygger...

  20. What motivates young physicians? - a qualitative analysis of the learning climate in specialist medical training. (United States)

    Iblher, Peter; Hofmann, Marzellus; Zupanic, Michaela; Breuer, Georg


    Not least the much-invoked shortage of physicians in the current and the next generation has resulted in a wide range of efforts to improve postgraduate medical training. This is also in the focus of the current healthcare policy debate. Furthermore, quality and scope of available postgraduate training are important locational advantages in the competition for medical doctors. This study investigates the preferences and concerns that German house officers (HOs) have about their current postgraduate training. It also highlights how HOs evaluate the quality of their current postgraduate training and the learning environment. HOs were asked to answer the question: "Which things are of capital importance to you personally in your medical training?", using a free text format. The survey was conducted web based (Lime survey) and all data was anonymized. Summarizing qualitative analyses were performed using the software tool MaxQDA. A total of 255 HOs participated in this study (female: n = 129/50.6 %; male: n = 126/49.4 %; age: 32 + 6 years) associated with 17 different German hospitals and from four medical specialties. Ten categories were generated from a total of 366 free text answers: 1. methodology of learning (n = 66), 2. supervision (n = 66), 3. learning structure (n = 61), 4. teaching competence (n = 37), 5. dedication (n = 34), 6. work climate (n = 29), 7. feedback/communication (n = 22), 8. challenge/patient safety (n = 21), 9. time/resources (n = 17), 10. personal security/safety (n = 13). HOs want a reliable and curriculum-guided learning structure. Different studying techniques should be used with sufficient (time) resources available in a trusting and communicative learning environment. Competent and dedicated instructors are expected to give individual and specific feedback to the HOs on individual strengths and deficits. Instructors should develop educational concepts in cooperation with the HOs and

  1. Självkänsla hos daghemsbarn : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur barnträdgårdslärare bekräftar och stärker barnets självkänsla på daghem


    Fant, Sofia


    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på hur en barnträdgårdslärare kan stärka och bekräfta barnets självkänsla på daghem. Vilken syn och uppfattning finns det om självkänslan på daghem och hur kan man stödja barnen på bästa sätt när det gäller självkänslan? I detta examensarbete har jag genom litteratur tagit fram vad självkänsla är, men även olika definitioner kring självkänslan och hur miljön runt om kan påverka självkänslan hos barnet. I intervjuerna som blev gjorda framkom ...

  2. Undervisertip: Giv tid!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Uffe Lindberg Wewer


    Blogindlæg på LinkedIn om fordelene ved at øge refleksionstiden hos studerende i klasserumsundervisning.......Blogindlæg på LinkedIn om fordelene ved at øge refleksionstiden hos studerende i klasserumsundervisning....

  3. Mammary remodelling and metabolic activity in dairy goats:role of parity, dry period and nutrient supply


    Safayi, Sina


    Mælkeproduktionen er generelt lav, men det er set at laktation persistensen er højere hos primiparous (PP) end hos multiparous (MP) drøvtyggere. Dette kan være relateret til forskelle i udvikling og opretholdelse af mælkekirtlernes funktion i yveret, dog er de underliggende mekanismer for dette er ikke klarlagt. Endvidere er mælkeproduktionen hos MP drøvtyggere ikke kun bestemt af dyrets genetiske ydeevne, men også af management strategier for varigheden af goldperioden og perioden omkring ny...

  4. A KH-Domain RNA-Binding Protein Interacts with FIERY2/CTD Phosphatase-Like 1 and Splicing Factors and Is Important for Pre-mRNA Splicing in Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Tao; Cui, Peng; Chen, Hao; Ali, Shahjahan; Zhang, ShouDong; Xiong, Liming


    Eukaryotic genomes encode hundreds of RNA-binding proteins, yet the functions of most of these proteins are unknown. In a genetic study of stress signal transduction in Arabidopsis, we identified a K homology (KH)-domain RNA-binding protein, HOS5 (High Osmotic Stress Gene Expression 5), as required for stress gene regulation and stress tolerance. HOS5 was found to interact with FIERY2/RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) carboxyl terminal domain (CTD) phosphatase-like 1 (FRY2/CPL1) both in vitro and in vivo. This interaction is mediated by the first double-stranded RNA-binding domain of FRY2/CPL1 and the KH domains of HOS5. Interestingly, both HOS5 and FRY2/CPL1 also interact with two novel serine-arginine (SR)-rich splicing factors, RS40 and RS41, in nuclear speckles. Importantly, FRY2/CPL1 is required for the recruitment of HOS5. In fry2 mutants, HOS5 failed to be localized in nuclear speckles but was found mainly in the nucleoplasm. hos5 mutants were impaired in mRNA export and accumulated a significant amount of mRNA in the nuclei, particularly under salt stress conditions. Arabidopsis mutants of all these genes exhibit similar stress-sensitive phenotypes. RNA-seq analyses of these mutants detected significant intron retention in many stress-related genes under salt stress but not under normal conditions. Our study not only identified several novel regulators of pre-mRNA processing as important for plant stress response but also suggested that, in addition to RNAP II CTD that is a well-recognized platform for the recruitment of mRNA processing factors, FRY2/CPL1 may also recruit specific factors to regulate the co-transcriptional processing of certain transcripts to deal with environmental challenges. © 2013 Chen et al.

  5. A KH-Domain RNA-Binding Protein Interacts with FIERY2/CTD Phosphatase-Like 1 and Splicing Factors and Is Important for Pre-mRNA Splicing in Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Tao


    Eukaryotic genomes encode hundreds of RNA-binding proteins, yet the functions of most of these proteins are unknown. In a genetic study of stress signal transduction in Arabidopsis, we identified a K homology (KH)-domain RNA-binding protein, HOS5 (High Osmotic Stress Gene Expression 5), as required for stress gene regulation and stress tolerance. HOS5 was found to interact with FIERY2/RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) carboxyl terminal domain (CTD) phosphatase-like 1 (FRY2/CPL1) both in vitro and in vivo. This interaction is mediated by the first double-stranded RNA-binding domain of FRY2/CPL1 and the KH domains of HOS5. Interestingly, both HOS5 and FRY2/CPL1 also interact with two novel serine-arginine (SR)-rich splicing factors, RS40 and RS41, in nuclear speckles. Importantly, FRY2/CPL1 is required for the recruitment of HOS5. In fry2 mutants, HOS5 failed to be localized in nuclear speckles but was found mainly in the nucleoplasm. hos5 mutants were impaired in mRNA export and accumulated a significant amount of mRNA in the nuclei, particularly under salt stress conditions. Arabidopsis mutants of all these genes exhibit similar stress-sensitive phenotypes. RNA-seq analyses of these mutants detected significant intron retention in many stress-related genes under salt stress but not under normal conditions. Our study not only identified several novel regulators of pre-mRNA processing as important for plant stress response but also suggested that, in addition to RNAP II CTD that is a well-recognized platform for the recruitment of mRNA processing factors, FRY2/CPL1 may also recruit specific factors to regulate the co-transcriptional processing of certain transcripts to deal with environmental challenges. © 2013 Chen et al.

  6. Individuell variasjon i utskillelse av 6-sulfatoksymelatonin og døgnrytmetype analysert hos skiftarbeidere

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tore Tynes


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGI denne studien har vi undersøkt om det finnes noen sammenheng mellom målte verdier av urinmetabolitten6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s tatt ut i porsjoner gjennom døgnet og selvrapportert døgnrytme hos engruppe norske skiftarbeidere. Studien omfatter 19 arbeidstakere ved to produksjonsenheter ved HydroPorsgrunn, magnesiumfabrikken og fullgjødselfabrikk 3. Etter å ha deltatt i en studie der urinprøver blesamlet inn, svarte de involverte senere på et spørreskjema om søvn og døgnrytme. Resultatene indikerer ategenrapporterte B-type mennesker har en tendens til høyere midlere timeutskillelse av aMT6s analysert pådøgnbasis første døgn med nattskift, og en signifikant høyere nattutskillelse (8 timer i et kontrolldøgnhjemme. I fremtidige studier av melatoninsekresjon og utskillelse av metabolitt i urin, kan det være avinteresse samtidig å samle inn spørreskjemabaserte opplysninger om døgnrytmetype og utfyllende opplysningerom søvn og søvnmønster i relasjon til eksponeringer som skiftarbeid og andre arbeidsmiljøfaktorersom kan ha effekt på hormonbalansen.Tynes T, Haugsdal B, Tønnessen A, Kleiven M. Individual variations in excretion of6-sulfatoxymelatonin in morning and evening type Norwegian shift workers.Nor J Epidemiol ENGLISH SUMMARYThe aim of this study was to evaluate whether there is an association between measured values of the urinemetabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s in samples collected at selected intervals and self-reported diurnalrhythm in a group of Norwegian shift workers. The study included 19 workers at two production unitsat Hydro Porsgrunn, the magnesium factory and fertiliser factory 3. After submitting the urine samplesused for the study, subjects filled in a questionnaire on sleep and diurnal rhythm at a later date. The resultsindicate that self-reported evening type subjects have a tendency towards a higher mean hourly aMT6ssecretionfirst day on night shift, and a significantly higher night

  7. Simultaneous ocular and muscle artifact removal from EEG data by exploiting diverse statistics. (United States)

    Chen, Xun; Liu, Aiping; Chen, Qiang; Liu, Yu; Zou, Liang; McKeown, Martin J


    Electroencephalography (EEG) recordings are frequently contaminated by both ocular and muscle artifacts. These are normally dealt with separately, by employing blind source separation (BSS) techniques relying on either second-order or higher-order statistics (SOS & HOS respectively). When HOS-based methods are used, it is usually in the setting of assuming artifacts are statistically independent to the EEG. When SOS-based methods are used, it is assumed that artifacts have autocorrelation characteristics distinct from the EEG. In reality, ocular and muscle artifacts do not completely follow the assumptions of strict temporal independence to the EEG nor completely unique autocorrelation characteristics, suggesting that exploiting HOS or SOS alone may be insufficient to remove these artifacts. Here we employ a novel BSS technique, independent vector analysis (IVA), to jointly employ HOS and SOS simultaneously to remove ocular and muscle artifacts. Numerical simulations and application to real EEG recordings were used to explore the utility of the IVA approach. IVA was superior in isolating both ocular and muscle artifacts, especially for raw EEG data with low signal-to-noise ratio, and also integrated usually separate SOS and HOS steps into a single unified step. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Correlation between hypoosmotic swelling test and breeding soundness evaluation of adult Nelore bulls

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tamires Miranda Neto


    Full Text Available This study aimed at evaluating the relationship between physical and morphological semen features with the hypoosmotic swelling (HOS test in raw semen of adult Nelore bulls classified as sound and unsound for breeding. Two hundred and six Nelore bulls aging from 3-10 years old were subjected to breeding soundness examination. After physical and morphological semen examination, HOS test was done. After the breeding soundness examination, 94.2% of the bulls were classified as sound for breeding. There was no difference between the average scrotal circumference of bulls classified as sound and unsound for breeding (P>0.05, but there was difference between all semen physical and morphological aspects of bulls classified as sound and unsound for breeding (P>0.05, but there was no difference in the mean percentage of reactive spermatozoa to HOS test results both for sound (38.4±17.9 and unsound animals (39.5±16.4; P>0.05, with no Pearson correlation between the HOS test and variables. According to these results HOS test can not be used alone to predict the reproductive potential of adult Nelore bulls.

  9. Preparation of highly-oxidized starch using hydrogen peroxide and its application as a novel ligand for zirconium tanning of leather. (United States)

    Yu, Yue; Wang, Ya-Nan; Ding, Wei; Zhou, Jianfei; Shi, Bi


    A series of highly-oxidized starch (HOS) were prepared using H 2 O 2 and a copper-iron catalyst as a desired ligand for zirconium tanning of leather. The effects of catalyst and H 2 O 2 dosages, and reaction temperature on the oxidation degree (OD, represented as the amount of carbonyl and carboxyl groups derived) of starch were investigated. The OD reached 76.2% when oxidation was conducted using 60% H 2 O 2 and 0.015% catalyst at 98°C for 2h. 13 C NMR and FT-IR illustrated carbonyl and carboxyl groups were formed in HOS after oxidation. GPC and laser particle size analyses indicated the decrease of HOS molecular size with increasing H 2 O 2 dosage and OD. HOS with moderate OD and molecular weight was able to coordinate with zirconium and remarkably improve tanning process. Leather tanned by Zr complexes using HOS-60 (60% H 2 O 2 , Mn 3516g/mol) as ligand presented considerably better physical and organoleptic properties than those of traditional Zr-tanned leather. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Socio-economic disparity in preterm delivery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Gry


    Socioøkonomisk position er associeret med risiko for præterm fødsel i både høj- og lavindkomstlande og i lande med gratis svangreomsorg. Præterm fødsel er den vigtigste årsag til spædbørnsdødelighed og sygdom og selv præterm børn nær termin har risiko for helbredsproblemer som voksne. Mekanismern...

  11. Holt Oram syndrome : a registry-based study in Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barisic, Ingeborg; Boban, Ljubica; Greenlees, Ruth; Garne, Ester; Wellesley, Diana; Calzolari, Elisa; Addor, Marie-Claude; Arriola, Larraitz; Bergman, Jorieke E. H.; Braz, Paula; Budd, Judith L. S.; Gatt, Miriam; Haeusler, Martin; Khoshnood, Babak; Klungsoyr, Kari; McDonnell, Bob; Nelen, Vera; Pierini, Anna; Queisser-Wahrendorf, Annette; Rankin, Judith; Rissmann, Anke; Rounding, Catherine; Tucker, David; Verellen-Dumoulin, Christine; Dolk, Helen


    Background: Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by upper limb anomalies and congenital heart defects. We present epidemiological and clinical aspects of HOS patients using data from EUROCAT (European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies) registries. Methods: The

  12. Ludwig Wittgenstein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Anders V.


    Filosoffen Wittgenstein var involveret i et byggeri sammen med arkitekten Paul Engelmann, elev af Adolf Loos. De filosofiske overvejelser om begrebet livsform kan belyse ideerne om den moderne arkitektur hos Loos, mens Loos' stilbegreb omvendt kan belyse sprogfilosofien hos Wittgenstein....

  13. Experimental study of APE1 RNA interference enhancing the sensitivity of neutron radiation in osteosarcoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Dong; Qing Yi; Zhong Zhaoyang; Li Zengpeng; Zhang Xinhong; Yang Yuxin


    Objective: To knock down APE1 gene expression in HOS cells, and explore its antitumor effects in combination with 252 Cf neutron radiotherapy. Methods: pSilence APE1 siBNA plasmid was transfected into HOS cells by SuperFect Transfection liposome. The transfected HOS cells were irradiated by 252 Cf neutron, then MTY assay, clone formation assay and alkaline comet assay were used to detect the radiobiological reaction, and cell apoptosis was detected with flow cytometry. Results: The D 37 value was 3.02 vs. 2.42 in the control and transfected HOS cells respectively after irradiation with 252 Cf neutron, the DMF value is 1.43. The tail moments and cell apoptosis rate at 200, 500 and 1000 cGy showed significant difference between the two groups (P 252 Cf neutron radiotherapy may be a promising approach to therapy of human osteosarcoma in the future. (authors)

  14. Antiproliferative effect of Tualang honey on oral squamous cell carcinoma and osteosarcoma cell lines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ismail Noorliza M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The treatment of oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC and human osteosarcoma (HOS includes surgery and/or radiotherapy which often lead to reduced quality of life. This study was aimed to study the antiproliferative activity of local honey (Tualang on OSCC and HOS cell lines. Methods Several concentrations of Tualang honey (1% - 20% were applied on OSCC and HOS cell lines for 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Morphological characteristics were observed under light and fluorescent microscope. Cell viability was assessed using MTT assay and the optical density for absorbance values in each experiment was measured at 570 nm by an ELISA reader. Detection of cellular apoptosis was done using the Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit. Results Morphological appearance showed apoptotic cellular changes like becoming rounded, reduction in cell number, blebbed membrane and apoptotic nuclear changes like nuclear shrinkage, chromatin condensation and fragmented nucleus on OSCC and HOS cell lines. Cell viability assay showed a time and dose-dependent inhibitory effect of honey on both cell lines. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50 for OSCC and HOS cell lines was found to be 4% and 3.5% respectively. The maximum inhibition of cell growth of ≥80% was obtained at 15% for both cell lines. Early apoptosis was evident by flow cytometry where percentage of early apoptotic cells increased in dose and time dependent manner. Conclusion Tualang honey showed antiproliferative effect on OSCC and HOS cell lines by inducing early apoptosis.

  15. OCD og orofaciale dyskinesier forårsaget af sjælden basalganglielidelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elmgreen, Søren Bruno; Danielsen, Erik Hvid


    Bevægeforstyrrelser hos psykiatriske patienter skyldes sædvanligvis ekstrapyramidale bivirkninger til antipsykotisk medicin. Her beskrives en sjælden årsag til orofaciale dyskinesier, tungedystoni og koreiforme bevægelser hos en 31-årig mand i behandling for obsessiv-kompulsiv lidelse (OCD)....

  16. A practical approach to the management of high-output stoma (United States)

    Mountford, Christopher G; Manas, Derek M; Thompson, Nicholas P


    The development of a high-output stoma (HOS) is associated with water, electrolyte and nutritional complications. Prompt, careful assessment and management is required to avoid rapid clinical deterioration in this patient population. A multidisciplinary approach to management ensures the best possible outcome and quality of life for patients who experience HOS. This article outlines the important considerations in the identification and pathophysiology of HOS. A systematic approach to the management of the condition is outlined, considering fluid and electrolyte requirements, nutrient deficiencies and manipulation of gastrointestinal absorption, motility and secretions using medical and surgical therapies. PMID:28839771

  17. Novel mutations in the TBX5 gene in patients with Holt-Oram Syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marianna P.R. Porto


    Full Text Available The Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS is an autosomal dominant condition characterized by upper limb and cardiac malformations. Mutations in the TBX5 gene cause HOS and have also been associated with isolated heart and arm defects. Interactions between the TBX5, GATA4 and NKX2.5 proteins have been reported in humans. We screened the TBX5, GATA4, and NKX2.5 genes for mutations, by direct sequencing, in 32 unrelated patients presenting classical (8 or atypical HOS (1, isolated congenital heart defects (16 or isolated upper-limb malformations (7. Pathogenic mutations in the TBX5 gene were found in four HOS patients, including two new mutations (c.374delG; c.678G > T in typical patients, and the hotspot mutation c.835C > T in two patients, one of them with an atypical HOS phenotype involving lower-limb malformations. Two new mutations in the GATA4 gene were found in association with isolated upper-limb malformations, but their clinical significance remains to be established. A previously described possibly pathogenic mutation in the NKX2.5 gene (c.73C > 7 was detected in a patient with isolated heart malformations and also in his clinically normal father.

  18. Assessment of higher order structure comparability in therapeutic proteins using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. (United States)

    Amezcua, Carlos A; Szabo, Christina M


    In this work, we applied nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to rapidly assess higher order structure (HOS) comparability in protein samples. Using a variation of the NMR fingerprinting approach described by Panjwani et al. [2010. J Pharm Sci 99(8):3334-3342], three nonglycosylated proteins spanning a molecular weight range of 6.5-67 kDa were analyzed. A simple statistical method termed easy comparability of HOS by NMR (ECHOS-NMR) was developed. In this method, HOS similarity between two samples is measured via the correlation coefficient derived from linear regression analysis of binned NMR spectra. Applications of this method include HOS comparability assessment during new product development, manufacturing process changes, supplier changes, next-generation products, and the development of biosimilars to name just a few. We foresee ECHOS-NMR becoming a routine technique applied to comparability exercises used to complement data from other analytical techniques. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Spectrum analysis of radiotracer residence time distribution for industrial and environmental applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasban, H.; Ashraf Hamid


    Radiotracer signal analysis and recognition still represents challenges in industrial and environmental applications specially in residence time distribution (RTD) measurement. This paper presents a development for the RTD signal recognition method that is based on power density spectrum (PDS). In this development, the features are extracted from the signals and/or from their higher-orders statistics (HOS) (Bispectrum and Trispectrum) instead of PDS. The HOS are estimated using direct, indirect and parametric estimations. The recognition results are analyzed and compared for different HOS estimation in order to select the best HOS estimation method for the purpose of RTD signal recognition. The artificial neural networks are used for training and testing of the proposed method. The proposed method is tested using RTD signals obtained from the measurements carried out using radiotracer technique. The simulation results show that the parametric estimation of the Trispectrum gives the higher recognition rate and is the most reliable for the RTD signal recognition. (author)

  20. Changes in the structural and biochemical composition of the arterial wall in type 2 diabetes patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rørdam Preil, Simone

    Arteriel stivhed er et normalt aldersbetinget fænomen. Hos patienter med type 2 diabetes synes udviklingen af arteriel stivhed accelereret, hvilket kunne være årsagen til den forøgede incidens af kardiovaskulære sygdomme hos disse patienter. Ophobningen af kollagen og/eller nedbrydningen af elastin...... ikke-atherosclerotisk arterievæv fra patienter med og uden type 2 diabetes. Arteriesnittene fra mammaria arterierne blev farvet for makrofager, elastin, kollagen og α smooth muscle actin, hvorefter vi målte området for kollagen og elastin og antallet af celler, der farves for α smooth muscle actin, ved...... laget signifikant lavere hos patienter med diabetes, og kollagen farvningen viste et større farvet område i intima og media lagene hos type 2 diabetes patienter end for patienterne uden diabetes. Ydermere forholder det sig således, at størstedelen af patienter med type 2 diabetes bliver behandlet med...

  1. Provokeret abort

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Connie; Schmidt, Garbi; Christoffersen, Mogens

    Gennem en række interview om kvinders oplevelse og erfaringer med provokert abort, samt ved at bruge data fra en stor forløbsundersøgelse af kvinder født i 1966, giver forfatterne bag denne rapport et præcist signalement af de kvinder, der vælger at få foretaget en provokeret abort og de eventuelle...... for sundhedspersonale og andre socialarbejdere. Den statistiske undersøgelse viser, at hver fjerde danske kvinde vil komme i den situation at skulle have en abort. Især kvinder med vanskelige opvækstvilkår er i risikogruppen. Tilgengæld er der næsten ingen langvarige fysiske og psykiske virkninger abort af abort, med...

  2. Dynamiske bebyggelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Niels Algreen

    den bedst kendte. Ved Oksbøl er der inden for et lille lokalområde fundet adskillige tætliggende gårdsklynger af varierende størrelse, men med en langvarig stedkontinuitet. Det er her muligt at fastslå, at der er en betydelig koncentration af småbebyggelser med helt ned til omkring 250 meter imellem...... mod 400 år. Bebyggelsestætheden og kontinuiteten i de små gårdsklynger skal ses i lyset af deres umiddelbare adgang til marsken som en værdifuld græsningsressource. Ressourcegrundlaget er tilstrækkeligt godt til, at disse små lokalsamfund forbliver stabile. Dynamik i bebyggelsen er derimod tydelig i...

  3. Kognition, evolution og Bibel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Hans Jørgen Lundager


    En opfordring til, at Bibelvidneskaberne oprienterer sig i retning af aktuelle teorier om bio-kulturel evolution (Merlin Donald, aksetids-teori hos fx Robert Bellah)......En opfordring til, at Bibelvidneskaberne oprienterer sig i retning af aktuelle teorier om bio-kulturel evolution (Merlin Donald, aksetids-teori hos fx Robert Bellah)...

  4. Nordic Branding Podcast 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Hvilke værdier er 'Nordiske'? Vi starter hos Brandbase i Odense og ser på WODENs Skandinaviske sneakers og Jim Lyngvilds vilde branding.......Hvilke værdier er 'Nordiske'? Vi starter hos Brandbase i Odense og ser på WODENs Skandinaviske sneakers og Jim Lyngvilds vilde branding....

  5. Validation of the Spanish version of the Hip Outcome Score: a multicenter study. (United States)

    Seijas, Roberto; Sallent, Andrea; Ruiz-Ibán, Miguel Angel; Ares, Oscar; Marín-Peña, Oliver; Cuéllar, Ricardo; Muriel, Alfonso


    The Hip Outcome Score (HOS) is a self-reported questionnaire evaluating the outcomes of treatment interventions for hip pathologies, divided in 19 items of activities of daily life (ADL) and 9 sports' items. The aim of the present study is to translate and validate HOS into Spanish. A prospective and multicenter study with 100 patients undergoing hip arthroscopy was performed between June 2012 and January 2013. Crosscultural adaptation was used to translate HOS into Spanish. Patients completed the questionnaire before and after surgery. Feasibility, reliability, internal consistency, construct validity (correlation with Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index), ceiling and floor effects and sensitivity to change were assessed for the present study. Mean age was 45.05 years old. 36 women and 64 men were included. Feasibility: 13% had at least one missing item within the ADL subscale and 17% within the sport subscale. Reliability: the translated version of HOS was highly reproducible with intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.95 for ADL and 0.94 for the sports subscale. Internal consistency was confirmed with Cronbach's alpha >0.90 in both subscales. Construct validity showed statistically significant correlation with WOMAC. Ceiling effect was observed in 6% and 12% for ADL and sports subscale, respectively. Floor effect was found in 3% and 37% ADL and sports subscale, respectively. Large sensitivity to change was shown in both subscales. The translated version of HOS into Spanish has shown to be feasible, reliable and sensible to changes for patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. This validated translation of HOS allows for comparisons between studies involving either Spanish- or English-speaking patients. Prognostic study, Level I.

  6. Osteoporose er hyppig ved Parkinsons sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ezzatian-Ahar, Shabnam; Schwarz, Peter; Pedersen, Stephen Wørlich


    patients have higher risk of developing osteoporosis and hip fracture compared to those without PD because of lower bone mineral density (BMD) and lack of vitamin D. Prevention of fracture in PD patients should include fall-risk screening, BMD measurements by DXA scan and screening for risk factors......The risk of developing osteoporosis, as well as Parkinson's disease (PD) is increased with increasing age, resulting in increased risk of fracture, particularly hip fractures. Each one of these two conditions can be debilitating and affect the individual patient's quality of life negatively. PD...

  7. Målrettet behandling af lymfoproliferativ sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Niemann, Carsten Utoft; Geisler, Christian Hartmann


    The development of targeted treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is changing the prognostic outlook for CLL patients. The B-cell antigen receptor pathway is identified as pivotal for CLL pathogenesis and CLL cell proliferation. Inhibition of this pathway by ibrutinib (Bruton's tyrosin...

  8. Desquamativ inflammatorisk vaginit- en overset sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Eva; Meinert, Mette; Baumgartner-Nielsen, Jane


    In case of pelvic pain desquamative inflammatory vaginitis is an important differential diagnosis Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis (DIV) is an uncommon, severe form of chronic vaginitis of unknown aetiology. The syndrome is characterised by profuse vaginal discharge, vulvovaginal irritation...

  9. New-onset atrial fibrillation after acute myocardial infarction in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction recorded by an Implantable Cardiac Monitor - Incidence, prediction and prognosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jøns, Christian


    BAGGRUND OG FORMÅL Forekomsten af atrieflimren (AF) er øget hos patienter med akut myokardieinfarkt og venstre ventrikel dysfunction (defineret som LVEF ≤ 40%), men langtidsforekomst og prognose for nyopstået AF hos denne population er ukendt. Formålet med denne afhandling er, at undersøge foreko...

  10. Using a Professional Development Program for Enhancing Chilean Biology Teachers' Understanding of Nature of Science (NOS) and Their Perceptions about Using History of Science to Teach NOS (United States)

    Pavez, José M.; Vergara, Claudia A.; Santibañez, David; Cofré, Hernán


    A number of authors have recognized the importance of understanding the nature of science (NOS) for scientific literacy. Different instructional strategies such as decontextualized, hands-on inquiry, and history of science (HOS) activities have been proposed for teaching NOS. This article seeks to understand the contribution of HOS in enhancing…

  11. Numerical Simulation of a Seaway with Breaking (United States)

    Dommermuth, Douglas; O'Shea, Thomas; Brucker, Kyle; Wyatt, Donald


    The focus of this presentation is to describe the recent efforts to simulate a fully non-linear seaway with breaking by using a high-order spectral (HOS) solution of the free-surface boundary value problem to drive a three-dimensional Volume of Fluid (VOF) solution. Historically, the two main types of simulations to simulate free-surface flows are the boundary integral equations method (BIEM) and high-order spectral (HOS) methods. BIEM calculations fail at the point at which the surface impacts upon itself, if not sooner, and HOS methods can only simulate a single valued free-surface. Both also employ a single-phase approximation in which the effects of the air on the water are neglected. Due to these limitations they are unable to simulate breaking waves and air entrainment. The Volume of Fluid (VOF) method on the other hand is suitable for modeling breaking waves and air entrainment. However it is computationally intractable to generate a realistic non-linear sea-state. Here, we use the HOS solution to quickly drive, or nudge, the VOF solution into a non-linear state. The computational strategies, mathematical formulation, and numerical implementation will be discussed. The results of the VOF simulation of a seaway with breaking will also be presented, and compared to the single phase, single valued HOS results.

  12. The Use of Help Options in Multimedia Listening Environments to Aid Language Learning: A Review (United States)

    Mohsen, Mohammed Ali


    This paper provides a comprehensive review on the use of help options (HOs) in the multimedia listening context to aid listening comprehension (LC) and improve incidental vocabulary learning. The paper also aims to synthesize the research findings obtained from the use of HOs in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) literature and reveals the…

  13. Signal transduction and downregulation of C-MET in HGF stimulated low and highly metastatic human osteosarcoma cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Husmann, Knut, E-mail: [Laboratory for Orthopedic Research, Department of Orthopedics, Balgrist University Hospital, University of Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland); Ducommun, Pascal [Laboratory for Orthopedic Research, Department of Orthopedics, Balgrist University Hospital, University of Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland); Division of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland); Sabile, Adam A.; Pedersen, Else-Marie; Born, Walter; Fuchs, Bruno [Laboratory for Orthopedic Research, Department of Orthopedics, Balgrist University Hospital, University of Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland)


    The poor outcome of osteosarcoma (OS), particularly in patients with metastatic disease and a five-year survival rate of only 20%, asks for more effective therapeutic strategies targeting malignancy-promoting mechanisms. Dysregulation of C-MET, its ligand hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and the fusion oncogene product TPR-MET, first identified in human MNNG-HOS OS cells, have been described as cancer-causing factors in human cancers. Here, the expression of these molecules at the mRNA and the protein level and of HGF-stimulated signaling and downregulation of C-MET was compared in the parental low metastatic HOS and MG63 cell lines and the respective highly metastatic MNNG-HOS and 143B and the MG63-M6 and MG63-M8 sublines. Interestingly, expression of TPR-MET was only observed in MNNG-HOS cells. HGF stimulated the phosphorylation of Akt and Erk1/2 in all cell lines investigated, but phospho-Stat3 remained at basal levels. Downregulation of HGF-stimulated Akt and Erk1/2 phosphorylation was much faster in the HGF expressing MG63-M8 cells than in HOS cells. Degradation of HGF-activated C-MET occurred predominantly through the proteasomal and to a lesser extent the lysosomal pathway in the cell lines investigated. Thus, HGF-stimulated Akt and Erk1/2 signaling as well as proteasomal degradation of HGF activated C-MET are potential therapeutic targets in OS. - Highlights: • Expression of TPR-MET was only observed in MNNG-HOS cells. • HGF stimulated the phosphorylation of Akt and Erk1/2 but not of Stat3 in osteosarcoma cell lines. • Degradation of HGF-activated C-MET occurred predominantly through the proteasomal pathway.

  14. Undersøgelse for Mycoplasma bovis i praksislaboratoriet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogh, Kaspar; Kokotovic, Branko; Voss, Heidi


    Mycoplasma anses for at være en medvirkende årsag til en lang række sygdomsforløb hos kvæg og andre dyrearter.......Mycoplasma anses for at være en medvirkende årsag til en lang række sygdomsforløb hos kvæg og andre dyrearter....

  15. Over-expression of NAD kinase in Corynebacterium crenatum and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    in Corynebacterium crenatum SYPA5-5 and to study its impact in presence of high (HOS) ... Results: In HOS condition, NAD+ kinase activity increased by 116 %, while ... (NADPH), an important co-enzyme during ... Polymerase, TaKaRa) using C. crenatum .... were washed with cold 100 mM PBS (pH 7.5) ..... Catalase and.

  16. Prevalencia y carga parasitaria de helmintos gastrointestinales en gallinas de traspatio (Gallus Gallus Domesticus), en el municipio de El Sauce, departamento de León, Nicaragua

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olivares, L. Luna; Kyvsgaard, Niels Chr.; Rimbaud, E.


    Prævalens og parasitbyrde af gastrointestinale helminter hos fritgående høns (Gallus gallus domesticus) i El Sauce kommune, León departementet, Nicaragua......Prævalens og parasitbyrde af gastrointestinale helminter hos fritgående høns (Gallus gallus domesticus) i El Sauce kommune, León departementet, Nicaragua...

  17. El monstruo en cine y literatura

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cifuentes-Aldunate, Claudio


    Det drejer sig om 4 artikler af forskellige forfatter, som reflekter om monsterets figuren i en konkret film (El espíritu de la colmena) og hos flere fiktionsforfatter som Mario Vargas Llosa, Ernesto Sábato, José Bianco, Jorge Luis Borges,etc. MIn egen artikel centrere sig i monsteret hos José Do...

  18. On the Analytical Superiority of 1D NMR for Fingerprinting the Higher Order Structure of Protein Therapeutics Compared to Multidimensional NMR Methods. (United States)

    Poppe, Leszek; Jordan, John B; Rogers, Gary; Schnier, Paul D


    An important aspect in the analytical characterization of protein therapeutics is the comprehensive characterization of higher order structure (HOS). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is arguably the most sensitive method for fingerprinting HOS of a protein in solution. Traditionally, (1)H-(15)N or (1)H-(13)C correlation spectra are used as a "structural fingerprint" of HOS. Here, we demonstrate that protein fingerprint by line shape enhancement (PROFILE), a 1D (1)H NMR spectroscopy fingerprinting approach, is superior to traditional two-dimensional methods using monoclonal antibody samples and a heavily glycosylated protein therapeutic (Epoetin Alfa). PROFILE generates a high resolution structural fingerprint of a therapeutic protein in a fraction of the time required for a 2D NMR experiment. The cross-correlation analysis of PROFILE spectra allows one to distinguish contributions from HOS vs protein heterogeneity, which is difficult to accomplish by 2D NMR. We demonstrate that the major analytical limitation of two-dimensional methods is poor selectivity, which renders these approaches problematic for the purpose of fingerprinting large biological macromolecules.

  19. Skal domstole være demokratisk tilgængelige?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaumburg-Müller, Sten


    Domstolenes rolle i forhold til den demokratiske tilgængelighed stilles til debat. Spørgsmålet er uklart både i teorien (såvel hos Montesquieu om magtens tredeling som hos Habermas om den borgerlige offentlighed), i loven og i den retlige praksis. Det foreslås at alle, herunder politikere som...

  20. Ny vaccine mod ledbetændelse er ikke effektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Elisabeth Okholm; Lauritsen, Klara Tølbøll


    En ny mulighed for at vaccinere mod mykoplasma-ledbetændelse er undersøgt hos en slagtesvineproducent. Vaccinen kunne desværre ikke forebygge halthed eff ektivt.......En ny mulighed for at vaccinere mod mykoplasma-ledbetændelse er undersøgt hos en slagtesvineproducent. Vaccinen kunne desværre ikke forebygge halthed eff ektivt....

  1. Technology and Learning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guttorm Andersen, Pia; Hansen, Ole

    Teknologier giver adgang til viden - og med viden forøges handlemulighederne. Teknologier nedbryder traditionelle barrierer som tid og sted. Teknologier øger kompetencerne hos den enkelte borger......Teknologier giver adgang til viden - og med viden forøges handlemulighederne. Teknologier nedbryder traditionelle barrierer som tid og sted. Teknologier øger kompetencerne hos den enkelte borger...

  2. How In-Service Science Teachers Integrate History and Nature of Science in Elementary Science Courses (United States)

    Hacieminoglu, Esme


    The purpose of this study is to investigate how the in-service science teachers' (IST) perceptions and practices about curriculum and integration of the history of science (HOS) and the nature of science (NOS) affect their science courses. For this aim, how ISTs integrated the NOS and HOS in their elementary science courses for understanding of…

  3. Zoonoser er andet og mere end fødevarebårne sygdomme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guardabassi, Luca; Bisgaard, Magne


    Ingen af de bedst kendte zoonoser i historien er fødevarebårne - reelt har det vist sig, at mange nye infektionssygdomme hos mennesker stammer fra dyr.......Ingen af de bedst kendte zoonoser i historien er fødevarebårne - reelt har det vist sig, at mange nye infektionssygdomme hos mennesker stammer fra dyr....

  4. Demens: ikke farmakologiske interventioner - en kommenteret udenlandsk medicinsk teknologivurdering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Lisbeth Villemoes

    Fysisk træning som gang, styrketræning og yoga kan hæmme udvikling af demens hos raske ældre og forbedre fysisk funktion hos personer med demens. Det peger en undersøgelse fra Sundhedsstyrelsen på. Undersøgelsen belyser effekten af ikke-medicinske indsatser til personer med og uden demens. Der er...

  5. Demens: ikke farmakologiske interventioner - en kommenteret udenlandsk medicinsk teknologivurdering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Lisbeth Villemoes


    Fysisk træning som gang, styrketræning og yoga kan hæmme udvikling af demens hos raske ældre og forbedre fysisk funktion hos personer med demens. Det peger en undersøgelse fra Sundhedsstyrelsen på. Undersøgelsen belyser effekten af ikke-medicinske indsatser til personer med og uden demens. Der er...

  6. Humor er en alvorlig sag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søltoft, Pia


    I modsætning til ironi er humor for Kierkegaard fællesskabsgivende – ironikeren hævder sig selv, men humoristen har sympati med den, man ler med. Humor er hos Kierkegaard udtryk for, at humoristen forliger sig med tilværelsen og dens luner, og dermed grænser humoren hos Kierkegaard op til det...

  7. Genetic profiling of two phenotypically distinct outbred rats derived from a colony of the Zucker fatty rats maintained at Tokyo Medical University (United States)

    Nakanishi, Satoshi; Kuramoto, Takashi; Kashiwazaki, Naomi; Yokoi, Norihide


    The Zucker fatty (ZF) rat is an outbred rat and a well-known model of obesity without diabetes, harboring a missense mutation (fatty, abbreviated as fa) in the leptin receptor gene (Lepr). Slc:Zucker (Slc:ZF) outbred rats exhibit obesity while Hos:ZFDM-Leprfa (Hos:ZFDM) outbred rats exhibit obesity and type 2 diabetes. Both outbred rats have been derived from an outbred ZF rat colony maintained at Tokyo Medical University. So far, genetic profiles of these outbred rats remain unknown. Here, we applied a simple genotyping method using Ampdirect reagents and FTA cards (Amp-FTA) in combination with simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLP) markers to determine genetic profiles of Slc:ZF and Hos:ZFDM rats. Among 27 SSLP marker loci, 24 loci (89%) were fixed for specific allele at each locus in Slc:ZF rats and 26 loci (96%) were fixed in Hos:ZFDM rats, respectively. This indicates the low genetic heterogeneity in both colonies of outbred rats. Nine loci (33%) showed different alleles between the two outbred rats, suggesting considerably different genetic profiles between the two outbred rats in spite of the same origin. Additional analysis using 72 SSLP markers further supported these results and clarified the profiles in detail. This study revealed that genetic profiles of the Slc:ZF and Hos:ZFDM outbred rats are different for about 30% of the SSLP marker loci, which is the underlying basis for the phenotypic difference between the two outbred rats. PMID:27795491

  8. Coping with drought in the central highlands - Vietnam

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nguyen, Tinh Dang

    foranstaltninger kan nedbringe skaderne væsentligt. Nedbør i Vietnams centrale højland er i det væsentlige betinget af den sydøstasiatiske monsun. Der optræder imidlertid også forstyrrelser betinget af stor-skala atmosfæriske fænomener. Havoverfladetemperaturen i Stillehavet er repræsentativ for det såkaldte El...... Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) fænomen (atypiske langvarige ændringer i atmosfærens trykforhold over den sydlige del af Stillehavet). Dette fænomen er årsag til globale klimavariationer og påvirker også nedbørsforholdene i Vietnams centrale højland. I nærværende arbejde er nedbørsvariabilitetens...

  9. Peter in the Gospel of Mark and in Early Christianity in Rome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Willert, Niels


    Artiklen gennemgår Markusevangeliets portræt af apostlen Peter og drøfter spørgsmålet, hvorfor Peter er så negativt skildret hos Markus. Litterære og pædagogiske (indirekte formaning til datidens kristne) intentioner forklarer først og fremmest dette træk hos Markus. Men også historiske spørgsmål...

  10. Linguatula serrata in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claes Rehbinder


    Full Text Available A high prevalence (24,2% of the tongue-worm Lingutula serrata was found in reindeer yearlings. Apparently the high incidence found in this material indicates that the parasite is well adapted to reindeer; the reaction of the nasal mucosa is very mild. The abscence of clinical manifestations and the hidden localization in sinuses which are rarely inspected at slaughter or autopsy is most probably the reason why L. serrata is seldom observed.Tungmask (Linguatula serrata hos svensk skogsren.Abstract in Swedish / Sammandrag: En hög frekvens(24,2% av tungmask (Linguatula serrata påvisades hos årskalv av skogsren. Den ringa våvnadsreaktion som forelag antyder att L serrata troligen ar val anpassad till ren. Att endast ett fåtal rapporter om forekomst av L serrata hos ren foreligger torde bero på att parasiten inte ger några kliniska symptom samt dess i huvudsak gomda lokalisation i overkåkshåligheterna vilka sållan inspekteras vid slakt eller obduktion. L serrata år dårfor sannolikt vanligare hos svenska renar ån man tidigare antagit.

  11. In memoriam

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braae, Ellen Marie; Nilsson, Kjell Svenne Bernhard


    Professor, dr. agro, landskabsarkitekt Malene Hauxner er død. Hun blev 69 år. Malene døde efter længere tids sygdom - roligt og uden smerter på Diakonissestiftelsens Hospice på Frederiksberg. Malene Hauxner var professor i "Landskabsarkitekturens teori, metode og historie" ved Skov & Landskab......, Københavns Universitet. Her prægede hun flere generationer af landskabsarkitekter gennem sin undervisning og insisteren på arkitektonisk kvalitet. Og med sit vid og skarpe pen var hun en pioner i forskningen inden for landskabsarkitektur....

  12. Niklas Luhmann

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harste, Gorm; Harste, Hannah


    Kapitlet introducerer til Niklas Luhmanns sociologi om selvreferentielle kommunikationssystem og anvender den til fortolkningen af sundhedssystemet. Hvorledes kommunikaerer sundhedssystemet om sundhed og sygdom? Hvorledes skal de to "koder" for behandling forstås, og hvilke positioner sætter de...... patienter og borgere i? Kapitlet analyserer, hvordan sundhedssystemet adskiller sig fra andre af samfundets funktionssystemer som retssystemet, det politiske system, massemedierne, undervisningssystemet, forskningssystemet osv. Afslutningsvist markerer kapitlet, hvorledes Luhmanns systemteoretiske...... perspektiv kan sammenlignes med Michel Foucaults, Pierre Bourdieus og Jürgen Habermas' perspektiver på sundhed....

  13. Patient-Reported Outcome questionnaires for hip arthroscopy: a systematic review of the psychometric evidence (United States)


    Background Hip arthroscopies are often used in the treatment of intra-articular hip injuries. Patient-reported outcomes (PRO) are an important parameter in evaluating treatment. It is unclear which PRO questionnaires are specifically available for hip arthroscopy patients. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate which PRO questionnaires are valid and reliable in the evaluation of patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. Methods A search was conducted in Pubmed, Medline, CINAHL, the Cochrane Library, Pedro, EMBASE and Web of Science from 1931 to October 2010. Studies assessing the quality of PRO questionnaires in the evaluation of patients undergoing hip arthroscopy were included. The quality of the questionnaires was evaluated by the psychometric properties of the outcome measures. The quality of the articles investigating the questionnaires was assessed by the COSMIN list. Results Five articles identified three questionnaires; the Modified Harris Hip Score (MHHS), the Nonarthritic Hip Score (NAHS) and the Hip Outcome Score (HOS). The NAHS scored best on the content validity, whereas the HOS scored best on agreement, internal consistency, reliability and responsiveness. The quality of the articles describing the HOS scored highest. The NAHS is the best quality questionnaire. The articles describing the HOS are the best quality articles. Conclusions This systematic review shows that there is no conclusive evidence for the use of a single patient-reported outcome questionnaire in the evaluation of patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. Based on available psychometric evidence we recommend using a combination of the NAHS and the HOS for patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. PMID:21619610

  14. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of KIN10 and cold-acclimation related genes in wild banana 'Huanxi' (Musa itinerans). (United States)

    Liu, Weihua; Cheng, Chunzhen; Lai, Gongti; Lin, Yuling; Lai, Zhongxiong


    Banana cultivars may experience chilling or freezing injury in some of their cultivated regions, where wild banana can still grow very well. The clarification of the cold-resistant mechanism of wild banana is vital for cold-resistant banana breeding. In this study, the central stress integrator gene KIN10 and some cold-acclimation related genes (HOS1 and ICE1s) from the cold-resistant wild banana 'Huanxi' (Musa itinerans) were cloned and their expression patterns under different temperature treatments were analyzed. Thirteen full-length cDNA transcripts including 6 KIN10s, 1 HOS1 and 6 ICE1s were successfully cloned. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) results showed that all these genes had the highest expression levels at the critical temperature of banana (13 °C). Under chilling temperature (4 °C), the expression level of KIN10 reduced significantly but the expression of HOS1 was still higher than that at the optimal temperature (28 °C, control). Both KIN10 and HOS1 showed the lowest expression levels at 0 °C, the expression level of ICE1, however, was higher than control. As sucrose plays role in plant cold-acclimation and in regulation of KIN10 and HOS1 bioactivities, the sucrose contents of wild banana under different temperatures were detected. Results showed that the sucrose content increased as temperature lowered. Our result suggested that KIN10 may participate in cold stress response via regulating sucrose biosynthesis, which is helpful in regulating cold acclimation pathway in wild banana.

  15. Foderstater för ökad konsumtion av vallfoder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hetta, M.; Lund, Peter; Tahir, M.N.


    nedbrytningen från våmmen till tunntarmen. Nedbrytning av stärkelse i tunntarmen leder till högre energieffektivitet i ämnesomsättningen. Stärkelse hos korn (Hordeum Vulgare, L) anses i litteraturen ha en snabb omsättning i våmmen och stärkelse hos majs (Zea Mays, L) anses ha en långsam nedbrytning (Mills et al...

  16. Forsegling af okklusal dentincaries i permanente molarer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qvist, Vibeke; Borum, Mette Kit; Dynes Møller, Kirsten


    Der findes ingen eksakte tal for forekomsten af fødevareallergi i den danske befolkning. Den kumulerede forekomst af fødevareallergi hos børn i de første tre leveår skønnes at være på 7-8 %, hvoraf hovedparten vokser sig fra det. Punktprævalensen af diagnosticeret fødevareallergi hos voksne er 3 ...

  17. Wall Street som kreationistisk forkynder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekman, Susanne


    Artiklen gennemgår Karen Hos etnografi om Wall Street: "Liquidated: An ethnography of Wall Street" set i lyset af den offentlige debat vedrørende Goldman Sachs opkøb af Dong......Artiklen gennemgår Karen Hos etnografi om Wall Street: "Liquidated: An ethnography of Wall Street" set i lyset af den offentlige debat vedrørende Goldman Sachs opkøb af Dong...

  18. Unges motivation i udskolingen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pless, Mette; Katznelson, Noemi; Hjort-Madsen, Peder

    Om hvordan de unge i udskolingen skaber lyst og motivation for læring. Med afsnit om hvad motivation er, hvordan den fremmes hos unge og kombineres med et liv udenfor skolen......Om hvordan de unge i udskolingen skaber lyst og motivation for læring. Med afsnit om hvad motivation er, hvordan den fremmes hos unge og kombineres med et liv udenfor skolen...

  19. Statens diagram

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thyssen, Ole


    Når vi skal følge statens legender, må vi træffe et valg. Hvilket ord skal vi bruge, og var der stater før ordet "stat" kom til verden? Ordet blev brugt i 1500-tallet hos Machiavelli og før det hos Thomas Aquinas, hvor status ikke blot betød "stand", men også et samfunds "tilstand" eller forfatning...

  20. Vaccine mod halthed testes i besætning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritsen, Klara Tølbøll


    Ny vaccine mod ledbetændelse forårsaget af Mycoplasma hyosynoviae testes nu hos 200 svin i en problembesætning. Håbet er færre halte svin og en nedbringelse af antibiotikaforbruget.......Ny vaccine mod ledbetændelse forårsaget af Mycoplasma hyosynoviae testes nu hos 200 svin i en problembesætning. Håbet er færre halte svin og en nedbringelse af antibiotikaforbruget....

  1. Herbert Marcuse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Søren


    Artiklen placerer Herbert Marcuse som en kritisk tværvidenskabelig tænker med linier til både Karl Marx og Sigmund Freud. Den utopiske dimension hos Herbert Marcuse præsenteres og diskuteres.......Artiklen placerer Herbert Marcuse som en kritisk tværvidenskabelig tænker med linier til både Karl Marx og Sigmund Freud. Den utopiske dimension hos Herbert Marcuse præsenteres og diskuteres....

  2. Kronisk træthedssyndrom, en usynlig sygdom?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jentoft Olsen, Rikke Katrine; Martlev, Lasse; Fernandez Guerra, Paula


    Seahorse XF-teknologi kan måle cellers evne til at producere energi under stress og afslører dysfunktionelle energisystemer i kronisk træthedssyndrom......Seahorse XF-teknologi kan måle cellers evne til at producere energi under stress og afslører dysfunktionelle energisystemer i kronisk træthedssyndrom...

  3. Idiopatisk pulmonal fibrose er en overset sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bendstrup, Elisabeth; Kronborg-White, Sissel; Prior, Thomas Skovhus


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic, progressive and fatal disease which primarily occurs in male patients over 60 years with a smoking history. Cryobiopsy is a new promising method for obtaining lung tissue for histologic analysis with fewer complications than surgical lung biopsy...

  4. Cerebral sinustrombose ved Behçets sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schytz, Henrik Winther; Wegener, Marianne; Lassen, Lisbeth Landschoff


    ). We present a case of a 32 year-old Lebanese woman with severe headache and papilloedema due to a cerebral venous thrombosis and secondary intracranial hypertension. During follow-up she was diagnosed with bilateral uveitis and a history of recidivating oral and genital ulcerations was disclosed. BD...

  5. Myocardial Infarction and Risk of Suicide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Karen Kjær; Agerbo, Esben; Christensen, Bo


    Akut myokardieinfarkt og risikoen for selvmord: Et populationsbaseret case-control studie Baggrund Akut myokardieinfarkt (MI) er associeret med øget risiko for angst, depression, nedsat livskvalitet og mortalitet af alle årsager. Det er uvist om MI er associeret med øget risiko for selvmord. Vi...... at være høj mindst 5 år efter MI. Konklusion MI følges af en øget risiko for selvmord for patienter med eller uden psykiatrisk sygdom. Vores resultater indikerer vigtigheden af at screene patienter med MI for depression og selvmordstanker. Udgivelsesdato: December 7...

  6. Correlation of RAD51 and radiosensitization of methotrexate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Liqing; Bai Jianqiang; Liu Qiang; Wang Yan; Zhao Peng; Chen Fenghua; Wang Hong; Fan Feiyue


    Objective: To evaluate the correlation between homologous recombination repair protein RAD51 and methotrexate-enhanced radiosensitivity. Methods: Western blot and RT-PCR assays were used to detect RAD51 expression in HOS osteosarcoma cells exposed to γ-ray irradiation alone and in combination with methotrexate. Colony formation assay was used to test the survival fraction of HOS cells exposed to γ-rays and methotrexate. Results: Methotrexate inhibited both protein and RNA expressions of RAD51, and the combination of radiation and methotrexate enhanced the inhibition of RAD51 expression. Moreover, transfection of cells with RAD51 gene decreased cellular sensitivity to methotrexate and γ-rays. The sensitizer enhancement ratios after irradiation in combination with methotrexate were 1.51 and 0.99, respectively. Methotrexate was a preferred radiosensitizer to HOS cell. Conclusions: RAD51 might be involved in the methotrexate-enhanced radiosensitivity. (authors)

  7. Shared Oral Care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hede, Børge; Elmelund Poulsen,, Johan; Christophersen, Rasmus


    Shared Oral Care - Forebyggelse af orale sygdomme på plejecentre Introduktion og formål: Mangelfuld mundhygiejne hos plejekrævende ældre er et alment og veldokumenteret sundhedsproblem, der kan føre til massiv udvikling af tandsygdomme, og som yderligere kan være medvirkende årsag til alvorlige...... ressourceanvendelse er muligt at skabe en betydeligt forbedret mundhygiejne hos plejekrævende ældre Key words: Geriatric dentistry, nursing home, community health services, prevention, situated learning...

  8. History and Nature of Science enriched Problem-Based Learning on the origins of biodiversity and of continents and oceans


    Sousa, Cristina


    [EN] The episode of the History of Science (HOS) on the theory of continental drift proposed by Alfred Wegener has been considered an excellent example for teaching students aspects of Nature of Science (NOS) and the relation of Science with social and tecnological contexts. We implemented a NOS and HOS-enriched Problem-Based Learning environment at the middle (year 7 of the Portuguese National Curriculum) and secondary level (year 10) for teaching the origins of biodiversity and of continent...

  9. Estimation of Seismic Wavelets Based on the Multivariate Scale Mixture of Gaussians Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jing-Huai Gao


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a new method for estimating seismic wavelets. Suppose a seismic wavelet can be modeled by a formula with three free parameters (scale, frequency and phase. We can transform the estimation of the wavelet into determining these three parameters. The phase of the wavelet is estimated by constant-phase rotation to the seismic signal, while the other two parameters are obtained by the Higher-order Statistics (HOS (fourth-order cumulant matching method. In order to derive the estimator of the Higher-order Statistics (HOS, the multivariate scale mixture of Gaussians (MSMG model is applied to formulating the multivariate joint probability density function (PDF of the seismic signal. By this way, we can represent HOS as a polynomial function of second-order statistics to improve the anti-noise performance and accuracy. In addition, the proposed method can work well for short time series.

  10. [gammadelta T cells stimulated by zoledronate kill osteosarcoma cells]. (United States)

    Jiang, Hui; Xu, Qiang; Yang, Chao; Cao, Zhen-Guo; Li, Zhao-Xu; Ye, Zhao-Ming


    To investigate the cytotoxicity of human γδT cells from PBMCs stimulated by zoledronate against osteosarcoma cell line HOS in vitro and in vivo and evaluate the relavent pathways. The peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)of healthy donors were stimulated by single dose zoledronate and cultured in the present of IL-2 for two weeks, analysising the percentage of γδT cells on a FACSCalibur cytometer.Study the cytotoxicity of γδT cells against the osteosarcoma line HOS using LDH release assay kit. Pre-treatment of γδT cells with anti-human γδTCR antibody, anti-human NKG2D antibody and concanamycin A to bolck the relavent pathways for evaluating the mechenisms of its cytotoxicity. In vivo, BALB/c mice were inoculated subcutaneously osteosarcoma cell HOS for developing hypodermal tumors. And they were randomized into two groups: unteated group, γδT cell therapy group. Tumor volume and weight of the two groups were compared. After two weeks of culture, γδT cells from zoledronate-stimulated PBMCs could reach (95±3)%. When the E:T as 6:1, 12:1, 25:1, 50:1, the percentage of osteosarcoma cell HOS killed by γδT cells was 26.8%, 31.5%, 37.8%, 40.9%, respectively.When anti-huma γδTCR antibody, anti-human NKG2D antibody and concanamycin A blocked the relavent pathways, the percentage was 32.3%, 4.7%, 16.7% ( E:T as 25:1), respectively. In vivo, the tumor inhibition rate of the group of γδT cell therapy was 42.78%. γδT cells derived from PBMCs stimulated by zoledronate can acquired pure γδT cells. And they show strong cytoxicity against osteosarcoma cell line HOS in vitro and in vivo.

  11. Proposed performance standards for the Agricultural Hazardous Occupations Order certification training program. (United States)

    French, B F; Field, W E; Tormoehlen, R


    The performance standards that accompany Gearing Up for Safety, the agricultural production safety training curriculum for youth, were designed to meet the certification testing requirements of the Agricultural Hazardous Occupations Order (AgHOs) certification training program. The AgHOs requires that certain youth who are older than 13 and younger than 16 years of age complete a prescribed training program before being eligible for employment on farms to perform certain tasks considered hazardous. These training resources will be available for implementation and can be accessed by contacting the second author. To our knowledge, up until this time, few, if any, standardized testing procedures or instruments have had the necessary psychometric evidence to support use of the resulting scores to assess the readiness of youth to meet the basic certification requirements contained in the AgHOs. This article describes the rationale, methods, and key findings from a standard-setting session held to establish minimum passing scores for a proposed testing process. The test will be used as a component of the Gearing Up for Safety certification process for youth workers seeking employment to perform job functions as specified under the AgHOs. Readers may be able to apply this standardized testing process, or similarly accepted processes, to other or future testing and certification projects involving agricultural safety and health.

  12. Increased risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with occupational stress in Chinese policemen: A 4-year cohort study. (United States)

    Li, Chen; Xing, Jing-Jing; Shan, An-Qi; Leng, Ling; Liu, Jin-Chuan; Yue, Song; Yu, Hao; Chen, Xi; Tian, Feng-Shi; Tang, Nai-Jun


    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and occupational stress have been recognized as major public health concerns. We aimed to explore whether occupational stress was associated with NAFLD in a police population.A total of 6559 male police officers were recruited for this prospective study in April 2007. Among them, 2367 eligible subjects participated in follow-up from 2008 to 2011. NAFLD was diagnosed based on standard criteria. Occupational stress was evaluated by Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised scores.The incidence of NAFLD was 31.2% in the entire police. After adjusting for traditional risk factors, moderate occupational stress (MOS), high occupational stress (HOS), and high personal strain (HPS) were risk factors (MOS: hazard ratio [HR] = 1.237, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.049-1.460; HOS: HR = 1.727, 95% CI = 1.405-2.124; HPS: HR = 3.602, 95% CI = 1.912-6.787); and low occupational stress (LOS) and low personal strain (LPS) were protective factors (LOS: HR = 0.366, 95% CI = 0.173-0.776; LPS: HR = 0.490, 95% CI = 0.262-0.919) for NAFLD in the entire police cohort. HOS and HPS remained robust among traffic police.HOS and HPS were independent predictors for the development of NAFLD in a Chinese police population. Additional future prospective investigations are warranted to validate our findings.

  13. Barnehagelærere og stamming: Erfaringer og oppfatninger.


    Vernang, Daniel


    Bacheloroppgave, barnehagelærerutdanning, 2016. Norsk: I denne bacheloroppgaven tar jeg opp temaet stamming i barnehagen. Erfaringene og oppfatningene til barnehagelærere er det som blir lagt fokus på, i lys av stamming hos barnehagebarn. Problemstillingen er hvordan erfarer og oppfatter barnehagelærere stamming hos barnehagebarn. For å få svar på dette, har tre barnehagelærere blitt intervjuet. På bakgrunn av intervjuet, består analysen av følgene temaer: Kunnskap om stamming, samarbei...

  14. EFEKTIFITAS HARD DAN SOFT OCCLUSAL SPLINT PADA GANGGUAN SENDI TEMPOROMANDIBULA (Kajian klinis pada seri kasus berdasarkan keluhan nyeri sendi temporomandibula)


    R.A Donna Pratiwi; Laura Susanti Himawan; Roselani W. Odang; Djaja Soeminta


    Occlusal splint is commonly used for treatment of the temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). It can be made of hard and soft material. Hard occlusal splint (HOS) which was known earlier had been recognized more effective than soft occlusal splint (SOS) which recently gained some popularity. This clinical study based on case series was to determined which type of occlusal splint was more effective for TMD. This study involved 20 subjects and they were divided into HOS and SOS group with 10 su...

  15. Psyken er en grænseflade

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmeyer, Jesper


    En computer er i sig selv blot et stykke mekanik. Det afgørende sker i mødet mellem maskinen, mennesker og fællesskaber: på grænsefladen. Præcis som hos levende væsner......En computer er i sig selv blot et stykke mekanik. Det afgørende sker i mødet mellem maskinen, mennesker og fællesskaber: på grænsefladen. Præcis som hos levende væsner...

  16. Identifying depression among adolescents using three key questions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haugen, Wenche; Haavet, Ole Rikard; Sirpal, Manjit Kaur


    Depression rammer mange voksne mennesker. Dette studie, som er omtalt i BMJ, viser, at et spørgeskema med blot tre spørgsmål ret præcist kan identificere voksne med depression. Undersøgelsen viser også, at de samme spørgsmål med fordel kan stilles verbalt ved diagnosticering af depression hos unge...... mennesker. Studiet ledsages af en redaktionel kommentar, der understreger betydningen af diagnosticering af depression hos mennesker. Mange unge har kun sjældent kontakt med deres praktiserende læge. Derfor kan mange gå i lang tid med depression, uden at det bliver opdaget og behandlet. De tre enkle...... spørgsmål, der kredser om interesse (eller mangel på interesse) for daglige aktiviteter og følelser som nedtrykthed eller håbløshed, kan være et godt pejlemærke for evt. depression hos unge, som ellers let kan blive overset....

  17. Molekylærbiologer afslører bakteriers giftige hemmelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boesen, Thomas; Andersen, Gregers Rom


    niveau af, hvordan toksinet ødelægger sit mål. Forskningsresultaterne publiceres i det ansete tidsskrift Nature i dag.   De nye resultater kan få stor betydning, da denne type toksiner produceres af en række alvorlige sygdomsfremkaldende bakterier såsom pertussis (der giver kighoste), difteri, kolera......, coli og pseudomonas. Danskere vaccineres mod pertussis og difteri, og kolera er praktisk taget udryddet grundet forbedret hygiejne, men under naturkatastrofer og i udviklingslandene er disse bakterier stadigvæk skyld i sygdom og død.   Pseudomonas bakterier er i den vestlige verden mest kendt fra...

  18. Barn og diabetes type 1


    Ramstad, Marte Elise; Sagbakken, Sina Bekkelund


    Bacheloroppgave sykepleie, 2017 Bakgrunn: Vi har valgt denne problemstillingen fordi diabetes type 1 er svært utbredt hos barn i Norge. Videre har vi lite erfaringer med barn og ønsket å lære mer om denne pasientgruppen. Vi ønsket videre å se på hvordan vi kan undervise og veilede for å gi god og hensiktsmessig sykepleie til barn og deres familier. Hensikt: Finne ut hvordan sykepleier kan fremme egenomsorg hos barn med diabetes gjennom veiledning og undervisning. Dette er noe som sykepl...

  19. A genetic Assay of Three Patients in the Same Family with Holt-Oram Syndrome; a Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reza Ebrahimzadeh-Vesal


    Full Text Available Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS is a developmental disorder inherited in an autosomal-dominant pattern. Affected organs are the heart and forelimbs with upper extremity skeletal defects and congenital heart malformation. In this study we present three cases of HOS in the same family. In one of these three individuals we detected a transition of C to T (CTG-GTT, V205V in exon 7 of the TBX5 gene. This nucleotide change causes no amino acid change and potential pathologic effects remain unknown.

  20. Når sproget gør modstand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sundahl Olsen, Lone


    For de fleste danske børn går udviklingen af sprog og generelle kommunikative færdigheder let. Hos nogle børn forløber den sproglige udvikling dog langsomt, eller tilegnelsen af vigtige sproglige færdigheder udebliver helt.......For de fleste danske børn går udviklingen af sprog og generelle kommunikative færdigheder let. Hos nogle børn forløber den sproglige udvikling dog langsomt, eller tilegnelsen af vigtige sproglige færdigheder udebliver helt....

  1. Du er god nok! Litteraturstudie om tilrettelegging av mestring for elever med dysleksi.


    Loktu, Thea Amanda Hansen


    Bacheloroppgave, grunnskolelærerutdanning, 2017. Norsk: Temaet for oppgaven er mestring og dysleksi og omhandler hvorfor og til dels hvordan en særlig skal legge til rette for mestring hos elever med dysleksi. Oppgaven er fundert i både et samfunnsmessigperspektiv og et individperspektiv. Bacheloren søker å finne de momentene som påvirker læring for denne gruppen, med fokus på det helhetlige mennesket. Problemstillingen lyder slik: Hvorfor legge særlig til rette for mestring hos elever ...

  2. Multicenter Analysis of Midterm Clinical Outcomes of Arthroscopic Labral Repair in the Hip: Minimum 5-Year Follow-up. (United States)

    Hevesi, Mario; Krych, Aaron J; Johnson, Nick R; Redmond, John M; Hartigan, David E; Levy, Bruce A; Domb, Benjamin G


    The technique of hip arthroscopic surgery is advancing and becoming more commonly performed. However, most current reported results are limited to short-term follow-up, and therefore, the durability of the procedure is largely unknown. To perform a multicenter analysis of mid-term clinical outcomes of arthroscopic hip labral repair and determine the risk factors for patient outcomes. Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. Prospectively collected data of primary hip arthroscopic labral repair performed at 4 high-volume centers between 2008 and 2011 were reviewed retrospectively. Patients were assessed preoperatively and postoperatively with the visual analog scale (VAS), modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS), and Hip Outcome Score-Sports-Specific Subscale (HOS-SSS) at a minimum of 5 years' follow-up. Factors including age, body mass index (BMI), Tönnis grade, and cartilage grade were analyzed in relation to outcome scores, and revision rates were determined. Failure was defined as subsequent ipsilateral hip surgery, including revision arthroscopic surgery and open hip surgery. A total of 303 patients (101 male, 202 female) with a mean age of 32.0 years (range, 10.7-58.9 years) were followed for a mean of 5.7 years (range, 5.0-7.9 years). Patients achieved mean improvements in VAS of 3.5 points, mHHS of 20.1 points, and HOS-SSS of 29.3 points. Thirty-seven patients (12.2%) underwent revision arthroscopic surgery, and 12 (4.0%) underwent periacetabular osteotomy, resurfacing, or total hip arthroplasty during the study period. Patients with a BMI >30 kg/m 2 had a mean mHHS score 9.5 points lower and a mean HOS-SSS score 15.9 points lower than those with a BMI ≤30 kg/m 2 ( P 35 years at surgery had a mean mHHS score 4.5 points lower and a HOS-SSS score 6.7 points lower than those aged ≤35 years ( P = .03). Patients with Tönnis grade 2 radiographs demonstrated a 12.5-point worse mHHS score ( P = .02) and a 23.0-point worse HOS-SSS score ( P SSS scores after arthroscopic

  3. Health observatories in iran. (United States)

    Rashidian, A; Damari, B; Larijani, B; Vosoogh Moghadda, A; Alikhani, S; Shadpour, K; Khosravi, A


    The Islamic Republic of Iran, in her 20 year vision by the year 2025, is a developed country with the first economic, scientific and technological status in the region, with revolutionary and Islamic identity, inspiring Islamic world, as well as effective and constructive interaction in international relations. Enjoying health, welfare, food security, social security, equal opportunities, fair income distribution, strong family structure; to be away from poverty, corruption, and discrimination; and benefiting desirable living environment are also considered out of characteristics of Iranian society in that year. Strategic leadership towards perceived vision in each setting requires restrictive, complete and timely information. According to constitution of National Institute for Health Researches, law of the Fifth Development Plan of the country and characteristics of health policy making, necessity of designing a Health Observatory System (HOS) was felt. Some Principles for designing such system were formulated by taking following steps: reviewing experience in other countries, having local history of the HOS in mind, superior documents, analysis of current production and management of health information, taking the possibilities to run a HOS into account. Based on these principles, the protocol of HOS was outlined in 3 different stages of opinion poll of informed experts responsible for production on management of information, by using questionnaires and Focus Group Discussions. The protocol includes executive regulations, the list of health indicators, vocabulary and a calendar for periodic studies of the community health situation.

  4. High-fat meals rich in EPA plus DHA compared with DHA only have differential effects on postprandial lipemia and plasma 8-isoprostane F2α concentrations relative to a control high-oleic acid meal: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Purcell, Robert; Latham, Sally H; Botham, Kathleen M; Hall, Wendy L; Wheeler-Jones, Caroline P D


    Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) plus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation has beneficial cardiovascular effects, but postprandial influences of these individual fatty acids are unclear. The primary objective was to determine the vascular effects of EPA + DHA compared with DHA only during postprandial lipemia relative to control high-oleic acid meals; the secondary objective was to characterize the effects of linoleic acid-enriched high-fat meals relative to the control meal. We conducted a randomized, controlled, double-blind crossover trial of 4 high-fat (75-g) meals containing 1) high-oleic acid sunflower oil (HOS; control), 2) HOS + fish oil (FO; 5 g EPA and DHA), 3) HOS + algal oil (AO; 5 g DHA), and 4) high-linoleic acid sunflower oil (HLS) in 16 healthy men (aged 35-70 y) with higher than optimal fasting triacylglycerol concentrations (mean ± SD triacylglycerol, 1.9 ± 0.5 mmol/L). Elevations in triacylglycerol concentration relative to baseline were slightly reduced after FO and HLS compared with the HOS control (P acids after a mixed meal was inhibited after AO (Δ 0-3 h, P DHA-rich fish oil compared with DHA-rich AO, but these differences were not associated with consistent effects on postprandial vascular function or lipemia. More detailed analyses of polyunsaturated fatty acid-derived lipid mediators are required to determine possible divergent functional effects of single meals rich in either DHA or EPA. This trial was registered at as NCT01618071.

  5. Different People in Different Places - Secondary School Students' Knowledge About History of Science (United States)

    Gandolfi, Haira Emanuela


    This article presents the results of an exploratory study of students' knowledge about scientists and countries' contributions to science, aiming at answering two research questions: "In which ways are students aware of the history of scientific development carried out by different people in different places of the world? What can be influencing and shaping their awareness?" Thus, this study aimed at depicting students' knowledge about History of Science (HOS), focusing on what they know about science being done by people and communities from different parts of the world and on how this knowledge is constructed through their engagement with school science. An exploratory research was carried out at two multicultural state secondary schools in London, UK, involving 200 students aged 12-15 (58.5% girls, 41.5% boys) and five science teachers. The method involved an initial exploration of students' knowledge about HOS through an open-ended survey, followed by classroom-based observations and semi-structured interviews with the participants. Results showed a disconnection between remembering scientists and knowing about their work and background, hinting at an emphasis on illustrative and decontextualised approaches towards HOS. Additionally, there was a lack of diversity in these students' answers in terms of gender and ethnicity when talking about scientists and countries in science. These findings were further analysed in relation to their implications for school science and for the fields of HOS, science education and public perception of science.

  6. Fra usikkerhed om sygdom til usikkerhed om bivirkninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Nina Blom; Almlund, Pernille


    I artiklen præsenteres en analyse af nogle af de kontroverser eller usikkerheder, der opstod i forbindelse med den pandemiske svineinfluenza, der spredte sig globalt i 2009. Med udgangspunkt i en aktør-netværksteoretisk analyse viser denne artikel, hvordan identifikationen af virus sætter gang i en...... lang række strategier for håndtering rundt omkring i verden, og hvordan der genereres en stigende kompleksitet i usikkerhederne, fra virus identificeres i Mexico og 9 måneder frem. Den situerede analyse viser også, hvordan der blev skabt kontroverser og relationer, der var særlige for Danmark. Analysen...... anset for at være en møde at håndtere truslen om influenzaen på, blev til gengæld med tiden til en større usikkerhed og skabte mere komplekse kontroverser end influenzaen selv. Artiklen peger derfor bl.a. på, at myndigheders og lægevidenskabens håndtering af influenzaen er et eksempel på en hændelse...

  7. Fedme øger risikoen for hjerte-kar-sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Afzal, Shoaib; Nordestgaard, Børge Grønne


    Evidence from epidemiology, randomized intervention trials, and Mendelian randomization studies indicates that obesity is causally associated with increased burden of cardiovascular disease risk factors and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This association is probably mediated...... by modifiable risk factors; thus indicating that primary prevention with weight loss and treatment of obesity-related risk factors for cardiovascular disease will reduce cardiovascular disease in the general population....

  8. Laparoskopiassisteret ileocøkal resektion ved Crohns sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Stig Borbjerg; Knudsen, Torben; Poornoroozy, Peiman


    Laparoscopic surgery has become more widely used in the treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The aim of this study is retrospectively to describe the results of laparoscopy-assisted ileocolic resection of nineteen patients with Crohn's disease.......Laparoscopic surgery has become more widely used in the treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The aim of this study is retrospectively to describe the results of laparoscopy-assisted ileocolic resection of nineteen patients with Crohn's disease....

  9. Støtte til egenomsorg ved kronisk sygdom?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vedsted, Peter; Jørgensen, Bjarne Søgaard; Rytter, Lars


    Self-management is part of chronic care to ensure an informed and activated patient. We scrutinised systematic literature reviews about self-care in general practice. There were effects on clinical and patient related measures and health services utilisation. Most effect was seen in interventions...... using health care professionals to provide education about action plans and medical treatment. Patient led education did not show effect on clinical outcome but on patient-related measures. We conclude that general practice should implement self-management as part of chronic care. Udgivelsesdato: 2010...

  10. Lichen sclerosus er en forsømt sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sander, Bente Braad; Damsgaard, Knud


    We present a small review of lichen sclerosus in women and an update on the newest knowledge, e.g. on calcineurin inhibitors as a choice of treatment. The goal is to put more focus on the disease in Denmark because it is so often diagnosed only with a great delay. We further emphasize...

  11. Case report - curved femoral osteotomy for management of medial patellar luxation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Allpass, Maja; Miles, James Edward


    Medial patellaluxation kan forårsages af femoral varus hos hund. Førhen har patienter med excessiv femoralvarus været korrigeret ved en lateralt placeret femoral kile-ostektomi. Her præsenteres en case, hvor en buet osteotomi blev anvendt til behandling af medial patellaluxation.......Medial patellaluxation kan forårsages af femoral varus hos hund. Førhen har patienter med excessiv femoralvarus været korrigeret ved en lateralt placeret femoral kile-ostektomi. Her præsenteres en case, hvor en buet osteotomi blev anvendt til behandling af medial patellaluxation....

  12. Kommunikationssvårigheter inom autismspektrumtillstånd : En fallstudie om användningen av det alternativa kommunikationsverktyget PECS


    Larsson, Beatrice


    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka användningen av det alternativa kommunikationsverktyget PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), som är vanligt förekommande hos personer inom autismspektrumtillstånd (ASD). Hos människor inom ASD är det vanligt med kommunikationssvårigheter samt utpräglade beteendeproblem. Genom intervjuer med skola, habilitering och boende har PECS studerats utifrån olika aspekter. Hur går inlärningen till? Hur används verktyget i det dagliga livet? Vilka för- o...

  13. Læring og refleksion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wahlgren, B.; Rattleff, Pernille; Høyrup, S.

    State of the art inden for forskning om læring på arbejdspladsen samt gennemgang af læringsteori og refleksionsbegrebet hos Dewey, Dreyfus, Schön, Argyris, Kolb, Jarvis, Mezirow og Brookfield. Afsluttes med diskussion af syntetiseret model for læring på arbejdspladsen.......State of the art inden for forskning om læring på arbejdspladsen samt gennemgang af læringsteori og refleksionsbegrebet hos Dewey, Dreyfus, Schön, Argyris, Kolb, Jarvis, Mezirow og Brookfield. Afsluttes med diskussion af syntetiseret model for læring på arbejdspladsen....

  14. La communication animale selon Ğāḥiz, à travers son œuvre Kitāb al-Ḥayawān

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aarab, Ahmed; Provencal, Philippe


    En præsentation af en af de tidligste analyser af kommunikation mellem individerne hos forskellige dyrearter. Denne analyse findes i værket fra det 9. århundrede Kitāb al-Ḥayawān skrevet af al-Ğāḥiz.......En præsentation af en af de tidligste analyser af kommunikation mellem individerne hos forskellige dyrearter. Denne analyse findes i værket fra det 9. århundrede Kitāb al-Ḥayawān skrevet af al-Ğāḥiz....

  15. Menneskets dannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksson, Birgit


    "Menneskets dannelse - mellem kunst og natur" handler om, hvordan opfattelsen af menneskets identitet og dannelse ændrede sig i sidste del af oplysningstiden. Birgit Eriksson undersøger her, hvordan ændringerne kom til udtryk hos Goethe, som i sit alsidige forfatterskab konfronterede mange af...... tidens vigtigste udfordringer inden for filosofi, videnskab og kunst. Influeret af erfaringerne fra sine naturstudier fremstillede han i romanen Wilhelm Meisters Læreår mennesket som modsætningsfyldt, foranderligt og påvirkeligt. Hos Goethe var mennesket ikke et stærkt og autonomt centrum, men dybt...

  16. Degraded iota-carrageenan can induce apoptosis in human osteosarcoma cells via the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. (United States)

    Jin, Zhe; Han, Ya-Xin; Han, Xiao-Rui


    Osteosarcoma (OS) is a high-grade malignant bone tumor. Therefore, using both in vitro and in vivo assays, the effects of degraded iota-Carrageenan (ι-CGN) on a human osteosarcoma cell line, HOS, were examined. Degraded ι-CGN was observed to induce apoptosis and G(1) phase arrest in HOS cells. Moreover, degraded ι-CGN suppressed tumor growth in established xenograft tumor models. Accordingly, the survival rate of these mice was significantly higher than that of mice bearing tumors treated with native ι-CGN or PBS. In addition, the formation of intratumoral microvessels was inhibited following treatment with degraded ι-CGN. In Western blot assays, degraded ι-CGN was found to inhibit the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Overall, these studies demonstrate the antitumor activity of degraded ι-CGN toward the OS cell line, HOS. Moreover, valuable insight into the mechanisms mediated by degraded ι-CGN was obtained, potentially leading to the identification of novel treatments for OS. However, additional studies are needed to confirm these results in other cell types, particularly in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.

  17. Direct-access to abdominal ultrasonic investigation from general practice-the role in earlier cancer diagnosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingeman, Mads Lind; Ormstrup, Tina E; Vedsted, Peter


    at diagnosticere kræft i bughulen, fordi de første tegn tit er uspecifikke og svage. Formålet med dette studie var at beskrive de praktiserende læges brug af muligheden for direkte adgang til ultralydsscanning af bughulen og at undersøge udbredelsen af kræft hos de henviste patienter. De deltagende læger havde...... mulighed for enten at henvise patienterne direkte til ultralydsskanning eller via en normal venteliste. Knap 60 % af patienterne blev henvist via den direkte adgang, og 2,7 % af alle henviste patienter fik konstateret kræft i løbet af de første seks måneder efter skanningen. Skanningen gav direkte mistanke...... om kræft hos 57,9 % af kræftpatienterne, og 90 % af disse cancere blev fundet hos patienter, som blev henvist via den direkte adgang. Resultaterne var ikke signifikante, men de tyder dog på, at de praktiserende læger generelt vælger at henvise patienter med en større kræftrisiko til den direkte...

  18. Association of GPs' risk attitudes, level of empathy, and burnout status with PSA testing in primary care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Anette F; Carlsen, Anders H; Vedsted, Peter


    Denne artikel undersøger, om variationen i raten af PSA-tests mellem alment praktiserende læger kan forklares af psykologiske faktorer som f.eks. lægens risikovillighed. Resultaterne viser, at lægens risikovillighed influerer på raten af PSA-tests. Forfatterne finder blandt andet, at patienter, som...... er registreret hos en læge med mange bekymringer for fejlbehandlinger, har større sandsynlighed for at få taget en PSA-test. Patienter, som er registreret hos en læge, som har en høj tolerance for flertydighed i lægearbejdet, har derimod mindre sandsynlighed for at få foretaget en PSA-test. Patienter......, som er registreret hos en læge med høj tolerance for flertydighed eller en tilbøjelighed til risikobetonet adfærd, har en mindre sandsynlighed for at få gentaget en tidligere normal PSA-test. Undersøgelsen bygger på spørgeskemabesvarelser fra 129 alment solo-praktiserende læger i Region Midtjylland...

  19. Spiseforstyrrelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dynesen, Anja Weirsøe; Gehrt, Charlotte Astrid; Vammen, Katrine Schjødt


    Spiseforstyrrelser er blandt de mest alvorlige sygdomme blandt unge kvinder. Tidlig igangsættelse af behandling er afgørende for prognosen. Dette vanskeliggøres imidlertid af, at personer med en spiseforstyrrelse ofte ikke har erkendt eller skjuler deres sygdom. Da orale komplikationer som dental...... erosion og hævede spytkirtler ofte er eneste objektive tegn på en spiseforstyrrelse, kan tandlægen i nogle tilfælde være den første sundhedsprofessionelle, der får en mistanke om, at en patient lider af en spiseforstyrrelse. Italesættelse af mistanken om en spiseforstyrrelse er vanskelig, og patienten bør...

  20. Harepest hos jaeger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edfors, Robert; Smith, Birgitte; Lillebaek, Troels


    "Rabbit fever" (Francisella Tularensis) is a rare infection in Denmark. It was first described in Denmark in 1987. It is most likely to affect people who come into close contact with infected animals or ticks, such as hunters, butchers and veterinarians. The diagnosis should be suspected in such ......"Rabbit fever" (Francisella Tularensis) is a rare infection in Denmark. It was first described in Denmark in 1987. It is most likely to affect people who come into close contact with infected animals or ticks, such as hunters, butchers and veterinarians. The diagnosis should be suspected...

  1. Syfilis hos gravide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, Tine; Ibsen, Hans Henning Windeløv


    The incidence of syphilis in Denmark is rising. In 2010, 377 new cases of syphilis were reported, 36 of these cases in women. Since January 1st 2010 all pregnant women are offered an antenatal syphilis test. This resulted in the finding of seven cases of syphilis among pregnant women in 2010....... This article summarises the clinical and serological findings in syphilis and describes the treatment of the disease, with focus on pregnancy and congenital infection....

  2. Hypertension hos gravide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathiesen, Elisabeth R; Johansen, Marianne; Kamper, Anne Lise


    There are four major hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia. The indications and efficacy of antihypertensive treatment of the different hypertensive disorders are assessed. Advantages...

  3. Histone deacetylases: revealing the molecular base of dimorphism in pathogenic fungi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Elías-Villalobos


    Full Text Available Fungi, as every living organism, interact with the external world and have to adapt to its fluctuations. For pathogenic fungi, such interaction involves adapting to the hostile environment of their host. Survival depends on the capacity of fungi to detect and respond to external stimuli, which is achieved through a tight and efficient genetic control. Chromatin modifications represent a well-known layer of regulation that controls gene expression in response to environmental signals. However, less is known about the chromatin modifications that are involved in fungal virulence and the specific cues and signalling pathways that target chromatin modifications to specific genes. In a recently published study, our research group identified one such regulatory pathway. We demonstrated that the histone deacetylase (HDAC Hos2 is involved in yeast-to-hyphal transition (dimorphism and it is associated with the virulence of the maize pathogen Ustilago maydis, the causative agent of smut disease in corn. Hos2 activates mating-type genes by directly binding to their gene bodies. Furthermore, Hos2 acts downstream of the nutrient-sensing cyclic AMP-Protein Kinase A pathway. We also found that another HDAC, Clr3, contributes to this regulation, possibly in cooperation with Hos2. As a whole, our data suggest that there is a direct link between changes in the environment and acetylation of nucleosomes within certain genes. We propose that histone acetylation is critical to the proper timing and induction of transcription of the genes encoding factors that coordinate changes in morphology with pathogenesis.

  4. Fremtidens produktion - på mikro og nano niveau

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Hans Nørgaard

    Der tales seriøst om nanoteknologi som et nyt segment hos produktionsvirksomhederne, og alle kan se, at chip-topologien når nano-dimensioner i løbet af 2003 - 2005. Det er en stor udfordring at skabe det operationelle grundlag for en industriel produktion af mikro-teknologiske produkter. Efterhån......Der tales seriøst om nanoteknologi som et nyt segment hos produktionsvirksomhederne, og alle kan se, at chip-topologien når nano-dimensioner i løbet af 2003 - 2005. Det er en stor udfordring at skabe det operationelle grundlag for en industriel produktion af mikro-teknologiske produkter...

  5. Vold, svensk uro og Henning Mankell

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft

    Paperet undersøger den fiktionelle repræsentation af vold hos Henning Mankell med fokus på Innan frosten fra 2002 og filmatiseringen heraf fra 2005, men med fyldige udblik til såvel andre af Mankells fortællinger og ikke mindst sociologiske og filosofiske diskussioner af volden, voldens forstyrre......Paperet undersøger den fiktionelle repræsentation af vold hos Henning Mankell med fokus på Innan frosten fra 2002 og filmatiseringen heraf fra 2005, men med fyldige udblik til såvel andre af Mankells fortællinger og ikke mindst sociologiske og filosofiske diskussioner af volden, voldens...

  6. Effect of testosterone on antler growth in yearling male reindeer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morten Ryg


    Full Text Available 1. The effect of exogenous testosterone on ander growth in yearling male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus was tested. 2. Testosterone (33 mg/kg inhibited antler growth, and in one animal induced cleaning and subsequent casting of the antlers. This animal grew a new set of antlers, which were cleaned at the normal time. 3. During treatment, there was an inverse relationship between peak testosterone levels and antler growth rate. 4. There was no effect of treatment on body weight or food intake. 5. It is concluded that the effects of testosterone on antler growth are qualitatively the same in reindeer as in other deer. However, because high testosterone doses were necessary to produce effects, it is questionable whether this hormone normally is responsible for the cessation of antler growth in reindeer.Virkningen av testosteron på gevirvekst hos ettårige reinbukker.Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: 1. Virkningen av testosteron på gevirvekst hos ett-årige reinbukker (Rangifer tarandus tarandus ble undersøkt. 2. Testosteron (33 mg/kg hemmet gevirveksten, og hos ett dyr førte behandlingen til at geviret ble feiet og deretter felt. Deretter vokste det ut ett nytt gevir, som ble feiet til vanlig tid. 3. Det var en negativ korrelasjon mellom maksimale testosteronnivåer og gevirvekst under behandlingen. 4. Det var ingen effekt på forinntak eller vektutvikling. 5. Det blir konkludert med at virkningen av testosteron på gevirvekst er kvalitativt den samme hos rein som hos andre hjortedyr. Det er likevel tvilsomt om testosteron normalt er ansvarlig for avslutningen av gevirvekst hos rein, fordi store testosterondoser måtte til for å få noen virkning.Testosteronin vaikutus vuodenikåisten urosporojen sarvien kasvuun.Abstract in Finnish / Tiivistelmä: 1. Tutkimuksessa seurattiin ruiskeena annetun testosteronin vaikutusta vuodenikåisten urosporojen (Rangifer tarandus tarandus sarvien kasvuun. 2. Testosteron! (33 mg/kg hidasti sarvien

  7. Ford og fordismen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wagner, Michael

    Fordismen var et epokegørende, nybrydende og vidtspændende globalt fænomen, som opstod i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede. I sit udspring byggede ophavsmanden til fordismen, automobilkongen Henry Ford, på et utroligt solidt, billigt og driftsikkert produkt, nemlig automobilet Ford Model T....... Fordismen udvikler en helt ny industriel produktionsmåde beregnet til masseproduktion af varige forbrugsgoder og en samfundsfilosofi. Fordismens epoke skabte en helt ny økonomisk teori om massekonsumets betydning i samfundet. Henry Ford dikterede på grundlag af sin store og iøjnefaldende succes en totalitær...... fra 1908, hvor produktionen af Ford Model T blev indledt, og frem til efteråret 1929, da børsen i Wall Street krakkede og trak hele verdensøkonomien ind i en dyb og langvarig krise. Produktionen af Ford Model T var blevet indstillet to år forinden; da havde man rundet et antal på 15 millioner...

  8. Heme and non-heme iron transporters in non-polarized and polarized cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yasui Yumiko


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Heme and non-heme iron from diet, and recycled iron from hemoglobin are important products of the synthesis of iron-containing molecules. In excess, iron is potentially toxic because it can produce reactive oxygen species through the Fenton reaction. Humans can absorb, transport, store, and recycle iron without an excretory system to remove excess iron. Two candidate heme transporters and two iron transporters have been reported thus far. Heme incorporated into cells is degraded by heme oxygenases (HOs, and the iron product is reutilized by the body. To specify the processes of heme uptake and degradation, and the reutilization of iron, we determined the subcellular localizations of these transporters and HOs. Results In this study, we analyzed the subcellular localizations of 2 isoenzymes of HOs, 4 isoforms of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1, and 2 candidate heme transporters--heme carrier protein 1 (HCP1 and heme responsive gene-1 (HRG-1--in non-polarized and polarized cells. In non-polarized cells, HCP1, HRG-1, and DMT1A-I are located in the plasma membrane. In polarized cells, they show distinct localizations: HCP1 and DMT1A-I are located in the apical membrane, whereas HRG-1 is located in the basolateral membrane and lysosome. 16Leu at DMT1A-I N-terminal cytosolic domain was found to be crucial for plasma membrane localization. HOs are located in smooth endoplasmic reticulum and colocalize with NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. Conclusions HCP1 and DMT1A-I are localized to the apical membrane, and HRG-1 to the basolateral membrane and lysosome. These findings suggest that HCP1 and DMT1A-I have functions in the uptake of dietary heme and non-heme iron. HRG-1 can transport endocytosed heme from the lysosome into the cytosol. These localization studies support a model in which cytosolic heme can be degraded by HOs, and the resulting iron is exported into tissue fluids via the iron transporter ferroportin 1, which is

  9. Psychosocial Stress Related to the Loss of a Close Relative the Year Before or During Pregnancy and Risk of Preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    László, Krisztina D; Qin, Liu Xiao; Svensson, Tobias


    Mange studier peger på, at stress hos den gravide kan påvirke udfaldet af graviditeten. Dette studie undersøger, om sorg hos den gravide øger risikoen for dødfødsel. Studiet er baseret på en landsdækkende svensk undersøgelse, som inkluderer data fra knap 3 millioner fødsler i perioden 1973......-2006. Demografiske, helbredsmæssige og graviditetsrelaterede oplysninger såvel som information om dødsfald i den gravides nærmeste familie blev trukket fra landsdækkende registre og koblet via cpr-numre. I alt 11.071 dødfødsler (svarende til 3,8 dødfødsler for 1000 fødsler) blev registreret i kohorten. Resultaterne...... tab hos moderen og dødfødsel. Der synes heller ikke at være forskel på, om dødsfaldet var ventet eller uventet. Tab af et nært familiemedlem er en af de alvorligste kilder til stress, og fremtidige studier bør undersøge, om mindre alvorlige og mere udbredte typer af stress også kan medvirke til at øge...

  10. On the computation of the higher-order statistics of the channel capacity over generalized fading channels

    KAUST Repository

    Yilmaz, Ferkan


    The higher-order statistics (HOS) of the channel capacity μn=E[logn (1+γ end)], where n ∈ N denotes the order of the statistics, has received relatively little attention in the literature, due in part to the intractability of its analysis. In this letter, we propose a novel and unified analysis, which is based on the moment generating function (MGF) technique, to exactly compute the HOS of the channel capacity. More precisely, our mathematical formalism can be readily applied to maximal-ratio-combining (MRC) receivers operating in generalized fading environments. The mathematical formalism is illustrated by some numerical examples focusing on the correlated generalized fading environments. © 2012 IEEE.

  11. Nyt koncept forebygger sundhedsproblemer i mælkeproduktionen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rothmann Holm, Janne


    Overvågning: Ved brug af HACCP konceptet kan landmænd opdage og løse sundhedsproblemer hos køer på et tidligt tidspunkt. I EU projektet GplusE arbejder man på at tilpasse HACCP konceptet til brug for overvågning af sundheden i mælkeproduktionen.......Overvågning: Ved brug af HACCP konceptet kan landmænd opdage og løse sundhedsproblemer hos køer på et tidligt tidspunkt. I EU projektet GplusE arbejder man på at tilpasse HACCP konceptet til brug for overvågning af sundheden i mælkeproduktionen....

  12. VISUALISERINGSTAVLA : Visualisering av Kanban boards


    Y. F. Sam, Adam


    Hos många företag används whiteboards för att visualisera arbetsprocessen. En vanlig metodik för detta är så kallade Kanban boards, ett system av tabeller och lappar för att indikera olika avvikelser eller moment i projekt med datum och annan relevant information. Företag kan även välja att använda en mjukvara som simulerar samma metodik, ett exempel på detta är så kallade Elektroniska kanban boards. I detta arbete har båda dessa metoder (whiteboard samt en digital lösning) observerats hos tr...

  13. On the computation of the higher-order statistics of the channel capacity over generalized fading channels

    KAUST Repository

    Yilmaz, Ferkan; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    The higher-order statistics (HOS) of the channel capacity μn=E[logn (1+γ end)], where n ∈ N denotes the order of the statistics, has received relatively little attention in the literature, due in part to the intractability of its analysis. In this letter, we propose a novel and unified analysis, which is based on the moment generating function (MGF) technique, to exactly compute the HOS of the channel capacity. More precisely, our mathematical formalism can be readily applied to maximal-ratio-combining (MRC) receivers operating in generalized fading environments. The mathematical formalism is illustrated by some numerical examples focusing on the correlated generalized fading environments. © 2012 IEEE.

  14. Kan adoption hjælpe de glemte børn?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Mogens


    Er adoption bedre end opvækst på en moderne døgninstitution eller hos en plejefamilie? I et velfærdssamfund som det danske med lang tradition for fokus på, hvordan det går de anbragte børn, er dette et centralt spørgsmål.......Er adoption bedre end opvækst på en moderne døgninstitution eller hos en plejefamilie? I et velfærdssamfund som det danske med lang tradition for fokus på, hvordan det går de anbragte børn, er dette et centralt spørgsmål....

  15. The role of general practice in routes to diagnosis of lung cancer in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guldbrandt, Louise Mahncke; Fenger-Grøn, Morten; Rasmussen, Torben Riis


    Formålet med studiet var at beskrive veje til lungecancerpatienters diagnose og at undersøge både de diagnostiske intervaller og den prædiagnostiske aktivitet. Studiet er baseret på data fra registre og information fra spørgeskemaer, som er udfyldt af de inkluderede patienters praktiserende læge......-stadie sygdom og uspecifikke symptomer gav en større risiko for forsinkelser i udredningen. Kun 1/3 af alle patienter henvendte sig med symptomer, som de praktiserende læger tolkede som ”alarm”-symptomer. I de seneste 3 måneder op til lungecancerdiagnosen havde 85 % af patienterne fået taget et røntgenbillede...

  16. Håndtraumer kan muligvis fremprovokere udvikling af Dupuytrens sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klingenberg, Louise; Boeckstyns, Michel


    The purpose of this paper is to review the literature concerning a possible relationship between acute injury, infection, or operation of the hand and the development of Dupuytren's disease for two centuries. There has been an ongoing documentation of various cases showing this relationship......, but no evidence has been presented to permit a definitive conclusion. Through this review we will present a summary of the existing literature and the possible conclusions. There are no original data in this article....

  17. Er børns sundhed og sygdom ligeligt fordelt?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, J T; Rasmussen, K; Nielsen, O F


    Living conditions for children and young people are of great interest. In previous investigations, differences in sickness among social groups have been found. WHO plans to reduce differences in health conditions among groups within the countries by at least 25%. In this article, attention is drawn...

  18. Malignt peritonealt mesoteliom er en sjælden sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Anja; Pedersen, Gitte


    Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is characterized by diffuse symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, weight loss, anorexia, fever, diarrhoea, vomiting and ascites. The findings by radiographic imaging are unspecific and the diagnosis is therefore often first achieved by biopsy from the affected...

  19. Reproducibility, validity, and responsiveness of the hip outcome score in patients with end-stage hip osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Naal, Florian D; Impellizzeri, Franco M; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger; Mannion, Anne F; Leunig, Michael


    To evaluate reproducibility, validity, and responsiveness of the Hip Outcome Score (HOS) in patients with end-stage hip osteoarthritis. In a cohort of 157 consecutive patients (mean age 66 years; 79 women) undergoing total hip replacement, the HOS was tested for the following measurement properties: feasibility (percentage of evaluable questionnaires), reproducibility (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] and standard error of measurement [SEM]), construct validity (correlation with the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index [WOMAC], Oxford Hip Score [OHS], Short Form 12 health survey, and University of California, Los Angeles activity scale), internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha), factorial validity (factor analysis), floor and ceiling effects, and internal and external responsiveness at 6 months after surgery (standardized response mean and change score correlations). Missing items occurred frequently. Five percent to 6% of the HOS activities of daily living (ADL) subscales and 20-32% of the sport subscales could not be scored. ICCs were 0.92 for both subscales. SEMs were 1.8 points (ADL subscale) and 2.3 points (sport subscale). Highest correlations were found with the OHS (r = 0.81 for ADL subscale and r = 0.58 for sport subscale) and the WOMAC physical function subscale (r = 0.83 for ADL subscale and r = 0.56 for sport subscale). Cronbach's alpha was 0.93 and 0.88 for the ADL and sport subscales, respectively. Neither unidimensionality of the subscales nor the 2-factor structure was supported by factor analysis. Both subscales showed good internal and external responsiveness. The HOS is reproducible and responsive when assessing patients with end-stage hip osteoarthritis in whom the items are relevant. However, based on the large proportion of missing data and the findings of the factor analysis, we cannot recommend this questionnaire for routine use in this target group. Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Rheumatology.

  20. On the computation of the higher order statistics of the channel capacity for amplify-and-forward multihop transmission

    KAUST Repository

    Yilmaz, Ferkan; Tabassum, Hina; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    Higher order statistics (HOS) of the channel capacity provide useful information regarding the level of reliability of signal transmission at a particular rate. In this paper, we propose a novel and unified analysis, which is based on the moment-generating function (MGF) approach, to efficiently and accurately compute the HOS of the channel capacity for amplify-and-forward (AF) multihop transmission over generalized fading channels. More precisely, our easy-to-use and tractable mathematical formalism requires only the reciprocal MGFs of the transmission hop signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Numerical and simulation results, which are performed to exemplify the usefulness of the proposed MGF-based analysis, are shown to be in perfect agreement. © 2013 IEEE.

  1. Robust functional statistics applied to Probability Density Function shape screening of sEMG data. (United States)

    Boudaoud, S; Rix, H; Al Harrach, M; Marin, F


    Recent studies pointed out possible shape modifications of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of surface electromyographical (sEMG) data according to several contexts like fatigue and muscle force increase. Following this idea, criteria have been proposed to monitor these shape modifications mainly using High Order Statistics (HOS) parameters like skewness and kurtosis. In experimental conditions, these parameters are confronted with small sample size in the estimation process. This small sample size induces errors in the estimated HOS parameters restraining real-time and precise sEMG PDF shape monitoring. Recently, a functional formalism, the Core Shape Model (CSM), has been used to analyse shape modifications of PDF curves. In this work, taking inspiration from CSM method, robust functional statistics are proposed to emulate both skewness and kurtosis behaviors. These functional statistics combine both kernel density estimation and PDF shape distances to evaluate shape modifications even in presence of small sample size. Then, the proposed statistics are tested, using Monte Carlo simulations, on both normal and Log-normal PDFs that mimic observed sEMG PDF shape behavior during muscle contraction. According to the obtained results, the functional statistics seem to be more robust than HOS parameters to small sample size effect and more accurate in sEMG PDF shape screening applications.

  2. Prada postulaat = Prada Postulate / Martin Melioranski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Melioranski, Martin


    Hollandi arhitektide Rem Koolhaasi ja Ole Scheereni (Office for Metropolitan Architecture) projekteeritud Prada kauplusest SoHos New Yorgis. Infotehnoloogia: R. Koolhaas ja Markus Schaefer (AMO-Information technology). 13 ill.

  3. Nogle argumentationsgange hos Habermas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Søren


    Artiklen forholder sig til væsentlige begreber fra Habermas' teori om den kommunikative handlen.......Artiklen forholder sig til væsentlige begreber fra Habermas' teori om den kommunikative handlen....

  4. Urogenital tuberkulose hos danskere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Almasi, Charlotte Elberling; Holm, Mette; Meyhoff, Hans-Henrik


    Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is rare in natives of Denmark, who are not exposed to risk factors, such as homelessness and drug or alcohol abuse. Two patients diagnosed with advanced urogenital tuberculosis are reported.......Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is rare in natives of Denmark, who are not exposed to risk factors, such as homelessness and drug or alcohol abuse. Two patients diagnosed with advanced urogenital tuberculosis are reported....

  5. Lejringsskader hos rygopererede patienter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sestoft, Bodil; Larsen, Birgit; Erlandsen, Mogens


    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to answer the questions: Which kind of positioning injuries occurred in anaesthetized orthopaedic patients undergoing spine surgery who were prone-positioned for more than two hours? What was the incidence of positioning injuries? Which patients were at par...

  6. Executive Summary

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elf, Nikolaj Frydensbjerg


    Rekvireret forskningsrapport for Undervisningsministeriet (UVM) som afrapporterer forundersøgelsesfasen for danskfagets vedkommende i projekt Kvalitet i dansk og matematik. Har været til gennemsyn inden udgivelse hos UVM....

  7. Tv-nyheder fra hjemlandet – integration eller ghettoisering? Om transnationalisme og nyhedsforbrug

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Connie Carøe Christiansen


    Full Text Available Hvilken rolle spiller medierne i hverdagslivet blandt etniske minoriteter i Danmark? Lidt firkantet kan man spørge: er mennesker af anden etnisk oprindelse mere integrerede, når de foretrækker dansk produceret fjern- syn, end når de foretrækker oprindelseslandets tv? Kultursociologen Connie Carøe Christiansen har i denne artikel trukket nogle af pointerne op fra en undersøgelse, som Danmarks Radio bestilte hos Socialforsk- ningsinstituttet om netop nogle af ovenstående spørgsmål. Carøe, en af rapportens hovedforfattere, analyserer medieforbruget hos etniske mino- riteter i Danmark i lyset af diskussioner om multikulturalisme og social integration. Artiklen er således inspireret af diskussioner om transnationa- lisme og diaspora-identiteter.

  8. Rapport for Center for Vildtsundhed 1. halvår 2012

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chriél, Mariann; Enemark, Heidi L.; Therkildsen, Ole Roland

    for vurderingen af parasitbelastningen hos raske ederfugle. Redemateriale til undersøgelse af Pasteurella multocida, der forårsager udbrud af fjerkrækolera, fortsættes i et specialestudie af de dyrkbare bakterier. Med henblik på kortlægning af rævens dværgbændelorm (Echinococcus multilocularis) hos mårhund og ræv...... Danmark siden 2000, og det er første gang bændelormen er påvist i jyske ræve. Echinococcus multilocularis kan smitte til mennesker, hvor de i larvestadiet angriber leveren, hvilket kan have fatale følger, så det er vigtigt, at folk er opmærksomme på risikoen og tager deres forbehold. Mennesker smittes...

  9. Composite materials for aircraft structures

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Baker, A. A; Dutton, Stuart; Kelly, Donald


    ... materials for aircraft structures / Alan Baker, Stuart Dutton, and Donald Kelly- 2nd ed. p. cm. - (Education series) Rev. ed. of: Composite materials for aircraft structures / edited by B. C. Hos...

  10. Rituals to free the spirit – or what the cremation pyre told

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Karen Høilund


    Sammenligning og diskussion af begravelsesriterne på gravpladsen Lindholm Høje (400-800 og skriftlige overleveringer om brandbegravelser og ledsagende ritualer, herunder hos Ibn Fadlan og i Beowulf-kvadet....

  11. Using Expert Panel Data to Guide Youth Agricultural Safety and Health Training Resources in the US

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew J. Mann


    Full Text Available The US Department of Labor (US DOL oversees the Agricultural Hazardous Occupations Orders (AgHOs, which identifies specific tasks that youth are prohibited from performing for hire on American farms and ranches. An educational exemption from this public policy is currently in place that allows youth, 14–15 years old, to complete a certification program prior to engaging in agricultural work involving tractors and machinery. However, limited guidance is provided in the legislation regarding the format or content of the tractor and machinery certification exemption. Four AgHOs (tractor and machinery studies were identified and included in this meta-analysis publication. The research goals of this analysis were to determine basic trends of learning outcomes, and identify educational content to be delivered as a result of these studies. Within each of the four studies, expert panels were used to identify educational learning outcomes. The analysis revealed that 48.0% (n = 184 of all learning outcome items fell within the Tractor-based (Tractor learning outcome category, 29.8% (n = 114 within General Safety and Health (General, and 22.2% (n = 85 of items in the Machinery-based (Machinery category. Ultimately, sound educational methods and understanding of fundamental student competence are essential components for any training program, including youth who complete AgHOs tractor and machinery certification programs.

  12. Functional analysis of the novel TBX5 c.1333delC mutation resulting in an extended TBX5 protein

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ekman-Joelsson Britt-Marie


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Autosomal dominant Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS is caused by mutations in the TBX5 gene and is characterized by congenital heart and preaxial radial ray upper limb defects. Most of the TBX5 mutations found in patients with HOS cause premature truncation of the primary TBX5 transcript. TBX5 missense mutations alter the three-dimensional structure of the protein and result in failed nuclear localization or reduced binding to target DNA. In this study we present our functional analyses of the novel and unusual c.1333delC mutation found in a patient with classical HOS. Methods The functional impact of this novel mutation was assessed by investigating the intracellular localization of the resulting TBX5 protein and its ability to activate the expression of its downstream target ANF. Results The deletion of the cytosine is the first TBX5 frameshift mutation predicted to result in an elongated TBX5 protein with 74 miscoding amino acids and 62 supernumerary C-terminal amino acids. The c.1333delC mutation affects neither the nuclear localization, nor its colocalization with SALL4, but severely affects the activation of the ANF promoter. Conclusion The mutation c.1333delC does not locate within functional domains, but impairs the activation of the downstream target. This suggests that misfolding of the protein prevents its biological function.

  13. Penismetastaser fra rectumcancer primært tolket som Peyronies sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brønserud, Majken Munk; Sørensen, Flemming Brandt; Rahr, Hans


    treated for rectal cancer with neoadjuvant radiation therapy and abdomino-perineal resection. The mass in the penis later turned out to be a manifestation of widespread metastatic disease. The patient lived three years after discovery of metachronous metastases in penis and lungs....

  14. Fedtstoffernes betydning for forebyggelse af hjerte-kar-sygdom i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Astrup, Arne; Larsen, Mogens Lytken; Stender, Steen


    by carbohydrate and/or n-6 polyunsaturated fat may increase CVD, but it is reduced by substitution with n-3 fats, monounsaturated fat, or low glycaemic index carbohydrates. Despite a high saturated fat content dark chocolate and cheese may reduce CVD and diabetes risk and eggs may be neutral, and less restrictive...

  15. Postprandial hyperglykaemi. Postprandiale blodglukosesvingninger og kardiovaskulaer sygdom samt sendiabetiske komplikationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsbad, Sten; Brock, Birgitte; Schmitz, Ole


    Epidemiological studies have suggested that postprandial hyperglycaemia may be a unique risk factor for development of cardiovascular disease, although the predictive value has been minor or disappeared after compensation for other cardiovascular risk factors. Pathophysiological studies have demo...... have focused on specific treatment of postprandial hyperglycaemia. Therefore, the importance of postprandial hyperglycaemia for development of diabetic complications and atherosclerosis is unclear.......Epidemiological studies have suggested that postprandial hyperglycaemia may be a unique risk factor for development of cardiovascular disease, although the predictive value has been minor or disappeared after compensation for other cardiovascular risk factors. Pathophysiological studies have...

  16. Fedtstoffernes betydning for forebyggelse af hjerte-kar-sygdom i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Astrup, Arne; Larsen, Mogens Lytken; Stender, Steen


    In Denmark death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) has decreased, mainly due to a 72% reduction since 1990 in death from ischaemic heart disease from reduced smoking, elimination of industrial trans fatty acids in the diet, and more effective medical treatment. Replacement of saturated fat...

  17. Hereditaer motorisk sensorisk neuropati (Charcot-Marie-Tooths sygdom). Molekyloergenetiske aspekter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hertz, M J; Børglum, Anders; Brandt, C A


    Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN) comprises a heterogenous group of peripheral neuropathies which are classified on the basis of symptoms, mode of inheritance and electrophysiological and neuropathological investigations. HMSN type I, or Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) type 1...... be detected by DNA-analysis. The genes for HMSN type Ia, Ib and an X-linked dominant form have been identified as PMP22, MPZ and GJB1 respectively. Analysis for these molecular defects will become important in the differential diagnosis of peripheral neuropathies and will surely prove invaluable......, is a hypertrophic and demyelinating neuropathy with reduced nerve conduction velocity, and most often with dominant inheritance. HMSN type II (CMT type 2), the neuronal or axonal form, is dominantly inherited with normal or only moderately reduced nerve conduction velocity. HMSN type III, also called Déjérine...

  18. Type 2-diabetes--en heterogen sygdom med kim i fostertilstanden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vaag, Allan


    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a heterogeneous disease with a multifactorial aetiology involving defects in the pancreatic beta cells, liver, muscles, adipose tissue, guts, brain, kidneys and heart. While genetics may only explain a minor proportion of T2D, the contribution of an adverse intrauterine...... environment may take centre stage in the global propagation of T2D. Impaired expandability of subcutaneous adipose tissue in persons with low birthweight may cause T2D due to lipotoxicity in non-adipose organs. Future implications include a stronger focus on individualized treatments in T2D patients...

  19. Arthroscopic release using F and C method versus conventional open release method in the treatment of gluteal muscle contracture: a comparative study. (United States)

    Rai, Saroj; Jin, Shengyang; Meng, Chunqing; Chaudhary, Nabin; Tamang, Nira; Wang, Xiaohong; Liu, Xianzhe; Wang, Hong; Yang, Shuhua


    Gluteal muscle contracture (GMC), a debilitating disease, usually starts in early childhood after variable dose of injections around the buttock, if left untreated it worsens gradually and persists throughout the life. Because the disease mostly affects adolescents and adults, there is always an aesthetic concerns. Purposeof the study was to introduce the arthroscopic F and C method of GMC release, and to compare its clinical efficiency with conventional open surgery in terms of clinical outcome, rate of complications, patient's satisfactions, and recurrence. Between Jan 2013 and July 2015, 75 patients received an arthroscopic release with F and C release method and 71 patients received conventional open release of GMC. Primary surgeries in 16 years or older patients were included in the study. Two groups were compared clinically using Hip Outcome Scores - Activities of Daily Living Subscale (HOS-ADL), Hip Outcome Scores - Sports Subscale (HOS-Sports), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and Ye et al. evaluation criteria. No statistically significant differences were observed in Hip Outcome Scores - Activities of Daily Living Subscale (HOS-ADL) (P = 0.078), Hip Outcome Scores - Sports Subscale (HOS-Sports) (P = 0.340), and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) (P = 0.524) between the two groups. 74 (98.7%) patients in the arthroscopic surgery group had good to excellent results, whereas 69 (97.1%) patients in the conventional open surgery group had good to excellent results (P = 0.727). No statistically significant difference was observed in recurrence rate (P = 0.612). Statistically significant differences were observed in incision length, use of post-operative analgesia, post-operative off-bed activity, and hospital stay. Complications were significantly higher in the conventional open surgery group (n = 21) than in the arthroscopic surgery group (n = 10) (P = 0.016). More importantly, cosmetic satisfaction was 100% in arthroscopic release group

  20. Outcomes of Revision Hip Arthroscopy: 2-Year Clinical Follow-up. (United States)

    Gupta, Asheesh; Redmond, John M; Stake, Christine E; Dunne, Kevin F; Hammarstedt, Jon E; Domb, Benjamin G


    To evaluate clinical outcomes, pain, and patient satisfaction following revision hip arthroscopy with a minimum 2-year follow-up. From April 2008 to October 2011, data were prospectively collected on all patients undergoing revision hip arthroscopy. All patients were assessed pre- and postoperatively with 4 patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures: the modified Harris hip score (mHHS), nonarthritic hip score (NAHS), hip outcome score-activities of daily living (HOS-ADL), and hip outcome score-sport-specific subscales (HOS-SSS). Pain was estimated on the visual analog scale (VAS). Patient satisfaction was measured on a scale from 0 to 10. The number of patients who underwent subsequent revision arthroscopy or total hip arthroplasty during the study period is also reported. Eighty-seven patients underwent revision hip arthroscopy during the study period. Seventy (80.5%) patients were included in our study. Average follow-up time was 28 months (range, 20 to 47.4 months). In terms of residual femoroacetabular impingement morphology, 45.7% of patients had preoperative alpha angles ≥ 55°, and 7.14% of patients had a lateral center-edge angle ≥ 40°. The score improvement from preoperative to 2-year follow-up was 57.84 to 73.65 for mHHS, 62.79 to 83.04 for HOS-ADL, 37.33 to 54.93 for HOS-SSS, and 55.65 to 70.79 for NAHS. VAS decreased from 6.72 to 4.08. All scores demonstrated statistically significant improvement (P arthroscopy during the study period. We found an overall minor complication rate of 10%. Revision hip arthroscopy for all procedures performed on aggregate has improved clinical outcomes for all PROs, high survivorship, and high patient satisfaction scores at short-term follow-up. Patients should be counseled regarding the potential progression of degenerative change leading to arthroplasty and the potential for revision surgery. Level IV retrospective case series. Copyright © 2016 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc

  1. Evaluation of Apoptosis and Autophagy Inducing Potential of Berberis aristata, Azadirachta indica, and Their Synergistic Combinations in Parental and Resistant Human Osteosarcoma Cells (United States)

    Sengupta, Pracheta; Raman, Sukanya; Chowdhury, Rajdeep; Lohitesh, K.; Saini, Heena; Mukherjee, Sudeshna; Paul, Atish


    Cancer is a multifactorial disease and hence can be effectively overcome by a multi-constituently therapeutic strategy. Medicinal plant extracts represent a perfect example of such stratagem. However, minimal studies have been done till date that portray the effect of extraction techniques on the phyto-constituent profile of plant extracts and its impact on anticancer activity. In the present study, we have evaluated the anticancer potential of methanolic extracts of Berberis aristata root and Azadirachta indica seeds prepared by various extraction techniques in human osteosarcoma (HOS) cells. Soxhlation extract of B. aristata (BAM-SX) and sonication extract of A. indica (AIM-SO) were most effective in inducing apoptosis in parental drug sensitive, as well as resistant cell type developed by repeated drug exposure. Generation of reactive oxygen species and cell cycle arrest preceded caspase-mediated apoptosis in HOS cells. Interestingly, inhibition of autophagy enhanced cell death suggesting the cytoprotective role of autophagy. Combination studies of different methanolic extracts of BAM and AIM were performed, among which, the combination of BAM-SO and AIM-SO (BAAISO) was found to show synergism (IC50 10.27 µg/ml) followed by combination of BAM-MC and AIM-MC (BAAIMC) with respect to other combinations in the ratio of 1:1. BAAISO also showed synergism when it was added to cisplatin-resistant HOS cells (HCR). Chromatographic profiling of BAM-SX and AIM-SO by high performance thin layer chromatography resulted in identification of berberine (Rf 0.55), palmitine (Rf 0.50) in BAM-SX and azadirachtin A (Rf 0.36), azadirachtin B (Rf 0.56), nimbin (Rf 0.80), and nimbolide (Rf 0.43) in AIM-SO. The cytotoxic sensitivity obtained can be attributed to the above compounds. Our results highlight the importance of extraction technique and subsequent mechanism of action of multi-constituential B. aristata and A. indica against both sensitive and drug refractory HOS cells. PMID

  2. Evaluation of Apoptosis and Autophagy Inducing Potential of Berberis aristata, Azadirachta indica, and Their Synergistic Combinations in Parental and Resistant Human Osteosarcoma Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pracheta Sengupta


    Full Text Available Cancer is a multifactorial disease and hence can be effectively overcome by a multi-constituently therapeutic strategy. Medicinal plant extracts represent a perfect example of such stratagem. However, minimal studies have been done till date that portray the effect of extraction techniques on the phyto-constituent profile of plant extracts and its impact on anticancer activity. In the present study, we have evaluated the anticancer potential of methanolic extracts of Berberis aristata root and Azadirachta indica seeds prepared by various extraction techniques in human osteosarcoma (HOS cells. Soxhlation extract of B. aristata (BAM-SX and sonication extract of A. indica (AIM-SO were most effective in inducing apoptosis in parental drug sensitive, as well as resistant cell type developed by repeated drug exposure. Generation of reactive oxygen species and cell cycle arrest preceded caspase-mediated apoptosis in HOS cells. Interestingly, inhibition of autophagy enhanced cell death suggesting the cytoprotective role of autophagy. Combination studies of different methanolic extracts of BAM and AIM were performed, among which, the combination of BAM-SO and AIM-SO (BAAISO was found to show synergism (IC50 10.27 µg/ml followed by combination of BAM-MC and AIM-MC (BAAIMC with respect to other combinations in the ratio of 1:1. BAAISO also showed synergism when it was added to cisplatin-resistant HOS cells (HCR. Chromatographic profiling of BAM-SX and AIM-SO by high performance thin layer chromatography resulted in identification of berberine (Rf 0.55, palmitine (Rf 0.50 in BAM-SX and azadirachtin A (Rf 0.36, azadirachtin B (Rf 0.56, nimbin (Rf 0.80, and nimbolide (Rf 0.43 in AIM-SO. The cytotoxic sensitivity obtained can be attributed to the above compounds. Our results highlight the importance of extraction technique and subsequent mechanism of action of multi-constituential B. aristata and A. indica against both sensitive and drug refractory HOS

  3. Business information literacy: informasjonskompetanse ved Handelshøyskolen BI

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sigrid Gimse


    Full Text Available For å bli en informasjonskompetent student innenfor en internasjonal akademisk handelshøgskole, er det spesielle ferdigheter man må opparbeide seg. Det er ikke de samme kravene til hva en må kunne ved Odontologisk fakultet som ved BI, så heller ikke i bibliotekets sfære. De ferdighetene vi er på jakt etter å utvikle hos våre studenter er generiske for handelshøyskoler verden over, men allikevel er begrepet ”Business Information Literacy” et ganske nytt begrep, og som så mye annet hentet fra USA. Vi synes det er et spennende begrep, all den tid det definerer hva som er kravene, utover den enkelte handelshøyskoles sfære. Vi tror at det kommer til å etableres en standard for denne kompetansen i USA snart, men før dette er klart har vi sett på hva begrepet betyr for oss. Det har nemlig ledet oss mot en særegen undervisnings- og bibliotekpedagogikk. Tilføyelsen ”Business” til begrepet informasjonskompetanse kommer selvsagt på toppen av den generelle definisjonen, som vi også ”bekjenner” oss til og prøver å utvikle hos våre studenter og faglige. Begrepet springer ut av BIs fagområder der kravene til ”Business Information Literacy” kan innebære: • Kunne innhente emnespesifikk fag- og forskningslitteratur i relevante bibliografiske kilder • Kunne innhente makroøkonomiske data nasjonalt og internasjonalt • Kunne innhente forbrukerdemografiske data • Kunne innhente data typiske for markedsanalyse • Kunne innhente data innen bedrifts- industri- og bransjeanalyse • Kunne innhente finansielle data • Kunne bruke juridiske kilder • Kunne inkorporere funn i egne oppgaver etter akademisk standard Hva gjør vi for å utvikle disse ferdighetene hos våre studenter? Hvilke tiltak setter vi verk? Hva gjør handelshøyskoler verden over? Mange bibliotek utvikler i dag elæringsmateriale for å kunne nå det store antall studenter. Dette er også underveis hos oss.

  4. Von Fouqué über Oehlenschläger bis Andersen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Mylius, Johan


    Centralromantisk myte i dens udformning hos Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué (1811), i Oehlenschlägers forkortede bearbejdelse og oversættelse (Eventyr af forskjellige Digtere, 1816) og HCAs "Den lille Havfrue" (1837)....

  5. Health Outcomes Survey - Limited Data Set (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (HOS) limited data sets (LDS) are comprised of the entire national sample for a given 2-year cohort (including both respondents...

  6. Characterization of tissue plasminogen activator binding proteins isolated from endothelial cells and other cell types

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beebe, D.P.; Wood, L.L.; Moos, M.


    Human tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) was shown to bind specifically to human osteosarcoma cells (HOS), and human epidermoid carcinoma cells (A-431 cells). Crosslinking studies with DTSSP demonstrated high molecular weight complexes (130,000) between 125 I-t-PA and cell membrane protein on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), HOS, and A-431 cells. A 48-65,000 molecular weight complex was demonstrated after crosslinking t-PA peptide (res. 7-20) to cells. Ligand blotting of cell lysates which had been passed over a t-PA affinity column revealed binding of t-PA to 54,000 and 95,000 molecular weight proteins. Several t-PA binding proteins were identified in immunopurified cell lysates, including tubulin beta chain, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 and single chain urokinase

  7. A unique TBX5 microdeletion with microinsertion detected in patient with Holt-Oram syndrome. (United States)

    Morine, Mikio; Kohmoto, Tomohiro; Masuda, Kiyoshi; Inagaki, Hidehito; Watanabe, Miki; Naruto, Takuya; Kurahashi, Hiroki; Maeda, Kazuhisa; Imoto, Issei


    Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS) is an autosomal dominant condition characterized by upper limb and congenital heart defects and caused by numerous germline mutations of TBX5 producing preterminal stop codons. Here, we report on a novel and unusual heterozygous TBX5 microdeletion with microinsertion (microindel) mutation (c.627delinsGTGACTCAGGAAACGCTTTCCTGA), which is predicted to synthesize a truncated TBX5 protein, detected in a sporadic patient with clinical features of HOS prenatally diagnosed by ultrasonography. This uncommon and relatively large inserted sequence contains sequences derived from nearby but not adjacent templates on both sense and antisense strands, suggesting two possible models, which require no repeat sequences, causing this complex microindel through the bypass of large DNA adducts via an error-prone DNA polymerase-mediated translesion synthesis. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Increased utilisation of primary healthcare in persons exposed to severe stress in prenatal life

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Jiong; Yang, Hu; Guldin, Mai-Britt


    Meget tyder på, at stress i graviditeten kan skade det ufødte barn. Dette studie viser, at sorg hos moderen under graviditeten kan betyde, at barnet senere i livet søger læge mere hyppigt sammenlignet med børn, hvor moderen ikke har været i sorg under graviditeten. Det er især, hvis moderen under...... menneskes liv, og at det kan påvirke det ufødte barn, når moderen bliver stresset under graviditeten. Vi ved dog ikke helt, om den øgede lægesøgning hos børnene kun skyldes stress i graviditeten, eller om de også påvirkes af, om moderen fx har mistet sin ægtefælle, og den betydning det kan have for barnets...

  9. Parasit er forklædt som vært

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buchmann, Kurt


    Parasitter kan koble værtens egne molekyler til overfladen hvorved værtens eget immunforsvar ikke kan genkende snylteren. Det er bl.a. vist hos voksmøllet og dets nematodparasit Udgivelsesdato: 6. juni...

  10. 3D facial expression recognition based on histograms of surface differential quantities

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Huibin; Morvan, Jean-Marie; Chen, Liming


    . To characterize shape information of the local neighborhood of facial landmarks, we calculate the weighted statistical distributions of surface differential quantities, including histogram of mesh gradient (HoG) and histogram of shape index (HoS). Normal cycle

  11. Higher-Order Statistics for the Detection of Small Objects in a Noisy Background Application on Sonar Imaging

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Amate


    Full Text Available An original algorithm for the detection of small objects in a noisy background is proposed. Its application to underwater objects detection by sonar imaging is addressed. This new method is based on the use of higher-order statistics (HOS that are locally estimated on the images. The proposed algorithm is divided into two steps. In a first step, HOS (skewness and kurtosis are estimated locally using a square sliding computation window. Small deterministic objects have different statistical properties from the background they are thus highlighted. The influence of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR on the results is studied in the case of Gaussian noise. Mathematical expressions of the estimators and of the expected performances are derived and are experimentally confirmed. In a second step, the results are focused by a matched filter using a theoretical model. This enables the precise localization of the regions of interest. The proposed method generalizes to other statistical distributions and we derive the theoretical expressions of the HOS estimators in the case of a Weibull distribution (both when only noise is present or when a small deterministic object is present within the filtering window. This enables the application of the proposed technique to the processing of synthetic aperture sonar data containing underwater mines whose echoes have to be detected and located. Results on real data sets are presented and quantitatively evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC curves.

  12. Hip Arthroscopy for Femoral-Acetabular Impingement: Do Active Claims Affect Outcomes? (United States)

    Gigi, Roy; Rath, Ehud; Sharfman, Zachary T; Shimonovich, Shachar; Ronen, Itai; Amar, Eyal


    To compare outcomes of 3 patient groups undergoing hip arthroscopy. This study included 138 consecutive hip arthroscopies (106 analyzed) for femoral-acetabular impingement (FAI) with or without labral tear in patients with a minimum 1-year follow-up. Inclusion criteria included patients older than 18 with clinical or radiologic manifestation of FAI with or without labral tear. Exclusion criteria included previous hip surgery and various hip pathologies. Patients were classified into 3 study groups. Group 1 included work-related injuries with active claims ACs (n = 33); mean age, 32 (range, 19 to 63); group 2 included sports injuries with no ACs (n = 35); mean age, 32 (range, 18 to 69); and group 3 included non-sports-related injuries without pending ACs (NAS; n = 38); mean age, 45 (range, 20 to 68). Outcomes were assessed using modified Harris hip scores (mHHS) and hip outcome scores (HOS) preoperatively and during the final evaluation. Baseline score for all groups did not significantly differ (P = .210 for mHHS, P = .176 for HOS). All groups significantly improved from preoperative to final evaluation (group 1: mHHS P = .42, HOS P = .001; group 2: mHHS P arthroscopy. Hip arthroscopy as an intervention in patients with ACs provided positive outcomes, corroborating that an AC is not a contraindication for this procedure. Level III, retrospective comparative study. Copyright © 2016 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Enhanced biological properties of biomimetic apatite fabricated polycaprolactone/chitosan nanofibrous bio-composite for tendon and ligament regeneration. (United States)

    Wu, Geng; Deng, Xuefeng; Song, Jinqi; Chen, Feiqiang


    The development of tailored nanofibrous scaffolds for tendon and ligament tissue engineering has been a goal of clinical research for current researchers. Here, we establish a formation of novel nanofibrous matrix with significant mechanical and biological properties by electro-spinning process. The fine fibrous morphology of the nanostructured hydroxyapatite (HAp) dispersed in the polycaprolactone/chitosan (HAp-PCL/CS) nanofibrous matrix was exhibited by microscopic (SEM and TEM) techniques. The favorable mechanical properties (load and modulus) were achieved. The load and modulus of the HAp-PCL/CS composite fibers was 250.1N and 215.5MPa, which is very similar to that of standard value of the human tendon and ligament tissues. The cellular responses and biocompatibility of HAp-PCL/CS nanofibrous scaffolds were investigated with human osteoblast (HOS) cells for tendon regeneration and examined the primary osteoblast mechanism by in vitro method. The morphological (FE-SEM and fluorescence) microscopic images clearly exhibited that HOS cells are well attached and flatted on the nanofibrous composites. The HAp dispersed PCL/CS nanofibrous scaffolds promoted higher adhesion and proliferation of HOS cells comparable to the nanofibrous scaffolds without HAp nanoparticles. The physic-chemical and biological properties of the synthesized nanofibrous scaffold were very close to that of normal ligament and tendon in human body. Over all, these studied results confirmed that the prepared nanofibrous scaffolds will be effective biomaterial of tendon ligament regeneration applications. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. The influence of differential processing of procathepsin H on its aminopeptidase activity, secretion and subcellular localization in human cell lines. (United States)

    Rojnik, Matija; Jevnikar, Zala R; Doljak, Bojan; Turk, Samo; Zidar, Nace; Kos, Janko


    Cathepsin H is a unique member of the cysteine cathepsins that acts primarily as an aminopeptidase. Like other cysteine cathepsins, it is synthesized as an inactive precursor and activated by proteolytic removal of its propeptide. Here we demonstrate that, in human cells, the processing of the propeptide is an autocatalytic, multistep process proceeding from an inactive 41kDa pro-form, through a 30kDa intermediate form, to the 28kDa mature form. Tyr87P and Gly90P were identified as the two major endopeptidase cleavage sites, converting the 30kDa form into the mature 28kDa form. The level of processing differs significantly in different human cell lines. In monocyte-derived macrophages U937 and prostate cancer cells PC-3, the 28kDa form is predominant, whereas in osteoblasts HOS the processing from the 30kDa form to the 28kDa form is significantly lower. The aminopeptidase activity of the enzyme and its subcellular localization are independent of the product, however the 30kDa form was not secreted in HOS cells. The activity of the resulting cathepsin H in U937 cells was significantly lower than that in HOS cells, presumably due to the high levels of endogenous cysteine protease inhibitor cystatin F present specifically in this cell line. These results provide an insight into the dependence of human cathepsin H processing and regulation on cell type. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  15. Attitudes of truck drivers and carriers on the use of electronic logging devices and driver harassment. (United States)


    The research contained herein is an examination of managerial harassment experienced by drivers, and whether harassment is associated with the method used to log hours of service (HOS). Similar information was gathered from a sample of carriers. : Tr...

  16. Bevægende arkitektur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kural, René


    Om Fuji børnehaven i Tachikawa, hvor arkitekturen er et levende bevis på, at den kan fremme fysisk aktivitet hos mindre børn. Institutionen bygger på pædagogik af den italienske professor Marie Montesori....

  17. Association between Risk Factors and Overnight Albumin/Creatinine Ratio - even in its Normal Range

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olivarius, Niels de Fine; Andreasen, A.H.; Mogensen, C.E.


    I denne lille artikel påvises det, at selv en ganske let forøget udskillelse af albumin i urinen forekommer hyppigere hos aldersdiabetikere med (andre) risikofaktorer såsom hypertension, hyperlipidæmi, hyperglykæmi etc. Udgivelsesdato: 1994...

  18. Exploring super-gaussianity towards robust information-theoretical time delay estimation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petsatodis, Theodoros; Talantzis, Fotios; Boukis, Christos


    the effect upon TDE when modeling the source signal with different speech-based distributions. An information theoretical TDE method indirectly encapsulating higher order statistics (HOS) formed the basis of this work. The underlying assumption of Gaussian distributed source has been replaced...

  19. First report of Pandora neoaphidis resting spore formation in vivo in aphid hosts under field conditions (United States)

    The entomopathogenic fungus PANDORA NEOAPHIDIS is a recognized pathogen of aphids, causing natural epizootics in aphid populations, and interacts favorably with aphid predators and parasitoids. Survival of entomophthoralean fungi in periods of unsuitable weather conditions or lack of appropriate hos...

  20. Sundhedspleje fremmer integration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lisbet Vestergaard; Hedegaard, Rie


    Etniske minoritetsfamilier har ofte en helt anden opfattelse af børns kompetencer og behov end danske familier. Det kan gøre det svært for sundhedsplejersken at opnå forståelse for sine synspunkter hos familierne...

  1. Bæredygtighed hos SMV'er

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Valg af materiale/medie/form: YouTube Valg af arbejdsform: Videoerne kan bruges som caseundervisning Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Caseundervisning er velegnet til at lære om praksis......Valg af materiale/medie/form: YouTube Valg af arbejdsform: Videoerne kan bruges som caseundervisning Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Caseundervisning er velegnet til at lære om praksis...

  2. Delirium hos kritisk syge patienter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Strøm, Thomas; Pande-Rolfsen, Guri; Hagen, Christine


    Interest in and the quantity of publications on delirium in critically ill patients have grown increasingly over the last decade. Critically ill patients have traditionally been sedated to facilitate mechanical ventilation. This practice impeded the recognition of delirium in the critically ill p...

  3. Konstruktionsforberedelse hos Kværner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Niels Henrik; Radmer, Jim


    Konstruktionsforberedelse kan parallelt til produktionsforberedelse opfattes som opbygning af beredskab og "iscenesættelse" før det egentlige konstruktionsarbejde gennemføres. Der eksisterer allerede i praksis mange måder til opnåelse af større konstruktionsforberedelsesgrad. Toyota anvender...

  4. Kognitiv profil hos eldre ledere


    Holth, Torill


    Når lederen beveger seg inn i senyrkesfasen ser det ut til at svært mange velger å tre ut av lederstillingen sin. Dette har både personlige og organisasjonsmessige konsekvenser. En liten gruppe ledere over 55 år er studert med hensyn til deres kognitive profil som består av kognitiv kompleksitet, feltuavhengighet, visdom og læringshistorie. De eldste lederne hadde flere av disse egenskapene. Ett felles trekk for samtlige deltakere viste seg å være deres subjektive mestringsforventning. ...

  5. Botulisme hos spaedbørn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmann, Thomas; Mølbak, Kåre; Paerregaard, Anders


    of voluntary muscles. Presenting symptoms include constipation, lethargy, mydriasis and ptosis. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical examination and confirmed by isolating the toxin in serum or stools. Treatment consists of supportive intensive care and treatment with antitoxins....

  6. Botulisme hos spaedbørn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmann, Thomas; Mølbak, Kåre; Paerregaard, Anders


    Infant botulism is a rare disease that affects infants below the age of 12 months following absorption of neurotoxins produced by ingested Clostridium botulinum spores. The clinical manifestations are caused by symmetrical cranial nerve palsies followed by descending, symmetric flaccid paralysis...

  7. Demenslidelser hos aeldre tyrkiske indvandrere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenbaum, Bent; Kristensen, Majken; Schmidt, John


    The health condition in a population of elderly Turkish immigrants is investigated with special focus on dementia conditions. The possibility to use the screening test Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) in relation to the investigated population is evaluated as well as their future need...

  8. Diagrammer hos Pierce og Deleuze

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busk, Malene


    Artiklen omhandler to forskellige begreber om diagrammet, nemlig Pierces og Deleuzes. De definerer udfra to meget forskellige udgangspukter begge diagrammet som kreativt redskab......Artiklen omhandler to forskellige begreber om diagrammet, nemlig Pierces og Deleuzes. De definerer udfra to meget forskellige udgangspukter begge diagrammet som kreativt redskab...

  9. PTSD hos ældre efterladte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    O'Connor, Maja


    Intro: Tab af ægtefælle i alderdommen kan være en traumatisk begivenhed med reaktioner og symptomer på linje med dem, man nogle gange ser efter overfald, ulykker og naturkatastrofer. Det slår en ny undersøgelse fast. Udgivelsesdato: Maj 2009...

  10. Astma hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bønnelykke, Klaus; Pedersen, Søren; Rubak, Sune Leisgaard Mørck


    These clinical guidelines were developed by the Danish Pediatric Asthma Center in collaboration with the Danish Paediatric Society. Key messages in the guidelines are: 1) Inhaled steroids are the most effective preventive medication and are first choice in children with persistent symptoms. 2) Th...

  11. Behandling af astma hos gravide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Akram, Iram; Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli; Johnsen, Claus Rikard


    Asthma is one of the most frequent chronic diseases which complicate pregnancy. Well-controlled asthma during pregnancy reduces the risk of for exacerbations and, consequently, the risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. Pharmacological therapy for pregnant women with asthma is a challenge, not least ...

  12. Ulnarisneuropati hos fjerkræslagteriarbejder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Susanne Wulff; Juhl, Anne


    Three months after he was employed as a poultry worker, a 48-year-old man developed involuntary jerks of his right first, fourth, and fifth fingers, paraesthesiae, weakness, and eventually wasting of the first dorsal interosseous muscle. His job entailed repetitive lifting of boxes weighing 10-25...

  13. The Social reality of hygiene and sanitation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rheinländer, Thilde

    ) forældre og andre omsorgspersoners forklaringer, behandlingssøgende adfærd og adgang til behandling for en hygiejnerelateret sygdom (børnediarré) og 3) organisation og implementering af hygiejne- og sanitetsfremmende strategier og aktiviteter i studieområdet, inklusive roller og ansvarsfordeling blandt de......-udviklede’ hvilket afførte en vis afhængighed af regeringssubsidier og få eller ingen lokale tiltag til at forbedre eksempelvis sanitetsforhold. Analysen af hygiejne- og sanitetsfremmende strategier viste, at Vietnam har udviklet et særdeles velorganiseret folkesundhedssystem støttet af masseorganisationer...... sundhedsuddannelse. Strategier var også i høj grad generiske og ikke tilpassede den lokale kontekst, samt socioøkonomiske og kulturelle forhold. Hygiejne- og sanitetsfremme afspejler derfor langt fra de mange sociale, kulturelle og politiske faktorer, som influerer disse etniske minoritetssamfunds respons på og...

  14. Neuromuscular function in patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome and clinical assessment of scapular kinematics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Camilla Marie

    muskeldele.I det andet studie blev evnen til selektiv aktivering af de individuelle skapulære muskeldele undersøgt hos 15patienter med SIS under en session med og uden visuel biofeedback, sammenlignet med denne evne hos 15raske kontroller. Med udgangspunkt i præ-definerede kriterier for selektiv aktivering...... kontrolpersonerne opnåede selektiv aktiveringaf individuelle skapulære muskeldele, når de ikke modtog visuel biofeedback af muskelaktiviteten af deenkelte muskeldele.I det tredje studie blev der udarbejdet et systematisk review af alle tilgængelige kliniske målemetoder tilvurdering af skapulas position og bevægelse...... den neuromuskulære aktivitet blandt SIS patienter ograske kontrolpersoner ikke fundet. Derimod viste undersøgelsen af den neuromuskulære funktion med og udenbrug af visuel biofeedback, at uden brug af biofeedback havde kontrolgruppen en bedre kontrol af deskapulære muskler. Dog præsterede SIS...

  15. Skifteholdsarbejde og risiko for kræft og hjerte-kar-sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Johnni; Lassen, Christina Funch


    Shift and night work are among the most frequent occupational exposures. Such work schedules involve exposure to light-at-night, which may reduce normal nocturnal melatonin production, create circadian rhythm disruption, sleep deprivation and unhealthy lifestyle. There is strong experimental...

  16. Paradokser om stat, sundhedsvæsen, professioner, viden, sygdom og sundhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Kristian


    bestemte betingelser og de betingelser bliver så at sige bygget ind i vores krop og sjæl som en matrisse for, hvordan vi læser os selv og andre og mere eller mindre agerer i den sociale verden. Habitus er dog ikke en fast struktur som determinerer handling, den gør også rede for kreativitet i handlingerne...... sundhedsvæsenet og fremstille de økonomiske, sociale og kulturelle forhold som er med til at forme samme væsen. Styrken her er at tillægge en beskrivelse og en forklaring af sociale forhold og det er ikke hensigten at bidrage med normative ideer, dvs. anbefalinger om, hvordan dette eller hint kan forbedres...... politik og regulering af ministerielle områder (finans-økonomi, arbejdsmarked, sociale-pædagogiske-sundhedsmæssige områder, uddannelse, undervisning mv.), men også gennem deltagelse i regulering og styring af videnskab, institutioner og professioner relateret til sundhed og andre områder som...

  17. Kendskab til humant papillomvirus-relateret sygdom blandt kvinder i almen praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Lone Kjeld; Vaesel, Hanne; Brønsgaard, Poul Hede


    INTRODUCTION: Cervical cancer is caused by oncogenic human papilloma virus (HPV) serotypes. Types 16 and 18 are responsible for approximately 75% of all cases in Europe. Low-malignant serotypes like HPV 6 and 11 are the cause of approximately 90% of all cases of conyloma accuminata. Approximately...

  18. Biomarkører ved diagnostik af Alzheimers sygdom i tidlig fase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Kristian S; Hasselbalch, Steen; Law, Ian


    Alzheimer's disease is responsible for 40-50% of dementia cases. Future treatment may include disease-modifying compounds unlikely to be efficient if administered late in the course, thus necessitating early diagnosis. Furthermore, revised diagnostic research criteria that include biomarkers...

  19. Opposite Effects of Soluble Factors Secreted by Adipose Tissue on Proliferating and Quiescent Osteosarcoma Cells. (United States)

    Avril, Pierre; Duteille, Franck; Ridel, Perrine; Heymann, Marie-Françoise; De Pinieux, Gonzague; Rédini, Françoise; Blanchard, Frédéric; Heymann, Dominique; Trichet, Valérie; Perrot, Pierre


    Autologous adipose tissue transfer may be performed for aesthetic needs following resection of osteosarcoma, the most frequent primary malignant tumor of bone, excluding myeloma. The safety of autologous adipose tissue transfer regarding the potential risk of cancer recurrence must be addressed. Adipose tissue injection was tested in a human osteosarcoma preclinical model induced by MNNG-HOS cells. Culture media without growth factors from fetal bovine serum were conditioned with adipose tissue samples and added to two osteosarcoma cell lines (MNNG-HOS and MG-63) that were cultured in monolayer or maintained in nonadherent spheres, favoring a proliferation or quiescent stage, respectively. Proliferation and cell cycle were analyzed. Adipose tissue injection increased local growth of osteosarcoma in mice but was not associated with aggravation of lung metastasis or osteolysis. Adipose tissue-derived soluble factors increased the in vitro proliferation of osteosarcoma cells up to 180 percent. Interleukin-6 and leptin were measured in higher concentrations in adipose tissue-conditioned medium than in osteosarcoma cell-conditioned medium, but the authors' results indicated that they were not implicated alone. Furthermore, adipose tissue-derived soluble factors did not favor a G0-to-G1 phase transition of MNNG-HOS cells in nonadherent oncospheres. This study indicates that adipose tissue-soluble factors activate osteosarcoma cell cycle from G1 to mitosis phases, but do not promote the transition from quiescent G0 to G1 phases. Autologous adipose tissue transfer may not be involved in the activation of dormant tumor cells or cancer stem cells.

  20. History and Nature of Science enriched Problem-Based Learning on the origins of biodiversity and of continents and oceans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Sousa


    Full Text Available The episode of the History of Science (HOS on the theory of continental drift proposed by Alfred Wegener has been considered an excellent example for teaching students aspects of Nature of Science (NOS and the relation of Science with social and tecnological contexts. We implemented a NOS and HOS-enriched Problem-Based Learning environment at the middle (year 7 of the Portuguese National Curriculum and secondary level (year 10 for teaching the origins of biodiversity and of continents and oceans (mobilism.  The goal of providing detailed implementation practices is to adress the lack of how to in Problem-based learning (PBL implementation in classrooms for 12 to 16 year old students and is the first practical example of implementation using this episode of HOS for teaching geological mobilism integrated with evolution. Therefore, in this study, we provide specific suggestions for supporting teachers’ classroom efforts in implementing PBL, such as scaffolding. The ill-problem presented to students, without a single correct answer, was based on the phylogeny of extant and extinct ratite birds, described by Charles Darwin and the present geographical distribution. The evaluation of the students was focused on the chain of reasoning employed, and we performed a comparisation analysis of the problem’s solution presented by the students of both classes regarding the explanation of the phylogeny of ratites based on geological mobilism. We observed an overall improvement (25-77% of the percentages of students pre- and post-instruction adequate answers; therefore our PBL strategy was efficient.

  1. Biological performance of titania containing phosphate-based glasses for bone tissue engineering applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abou Neel, Ensanya Ali; Chrzanowski, Wojciech; Knowles, Jonathan Campbell


    The interplay between glass chemistry, structure, degradation kinetics, and biological activity provides flexibility for the development of scaffolds with highly specific cellular response. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the role of titania inclusion into the phosphate-based glass on its ability to stimulate osteoblast-like human osteosarcoma (HOS) cells to adhere, proliferate and differentiate. In depth morphological and biochemical characterisation was performed on HOS cells cultured on the surface of glass discs. Cell proliferation was also studied in the presence of the glass extract. Cell differentiation, through osteoblast phenotype genes, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and osteocalcin production, was carried out using normal or osteogenic media. Both Thermanox® and titania free glass were used as controls. The data demonstrated that titania inclusion provides desired cytocompatible surface that supported initial cell attachment, sustained viability, and increased cell proliferation similar or significantly higher than Thermanox®. The modified glasses regulated osteoblastic cell differentiation as detected by osteoblast phenotype gene transcription and upregulated ALP and osteocalcin expression. Using osteogenic media had no significant effect on ALP activity and osteocalcin expression. Therefore, titania modified phosphate glasses may have future use as bone tissue engineering scaffolds. - Highlights: • This study investigated the role of titania on the biological response of phosphate glasses. • Incorporation of titania improved HOS cell attachment, viability and proliferation. • Titania modified glasses regulated osteoblastic cell differentiation. • Using osteogenic media had no significant effect on cell differentiation. • Titania modified glasses may have future use as bone tissue engineering scaffolds

  2. Application of OMICS technologies in occupational and environmental health research; current status and projections.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vlaanderen, J.J.; Moore, L.E.; Smith, M.T.; Lan, Q.; Zhang, L.; Skibola, C.F.; Rothman, N.; Vermeulen, R.


    OMICS technologies are relatively new biomarker discovery tools that can be applied to study large sets of biological molecules. Their application in human observational studies (HOS) has become feasible in recent years due to a spectacular increase in the sensitivity, resolution and throughput of

  3. 77 FR 25181 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request (United States)


    ... outcomes measures, the HOS is used to collect the Management of Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults, Physical Activity in Older Adults, Fall Risk Management, and Osteoporosis Testing in Older Women HEDIS... collections please reference the document identifier or OMB control number. To be assured consideration...

  4. 75 FR 31790 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request (United States)


    ... the Management of Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults, Physical Activity in Older Adults, Fall Risk Management, and Osteoporosis Testing in Older Women HEDIS[supreg] measures. The collection of Medicare HOS is... document identifier or OMB control number. To be assured consideration, comments and recommendations must...

  5. Bulldog-paradokset

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandøe, Peter


    Hidtil har det været en udbredt opfattelse, at problemer med usunde racehunde alene skyldes kyniske avlere. Resultater fra en dansk undersøgelse peger dog på, at ansvaret for problemet også ligger hos dem, der efterspørger de usunde recahunde....

  6. Context as a drug

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lucassen, P; Olesen, F


    Denne oversigtsartikel viser, at hele konteksten omkring konsultationen hos lægen har en stærk indvirkning på patientens opfattelse af symptomer. På baggrund af forskning i placebo-nocebo inden for smertebehandling i den vestlige verden diskuterer forfatterne af artiklen, hvordan forskellige elem...

  7. Den skrøbelige sandhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Peter Ole


    Artiklen retter fokus mod de seneste års udvikling af den aktivistiske dokumentarfilm. Med analytiske punktnedslag hos instruktørerne Michael Moore, Morgan Spurlock, Dylan Avery, Robert Greenwald og Mauro Andrizzi undersøges de forbindelser der eksisterer mellem udtrykket i de populære spillefilm...

  8. 78 FR 64265 - Hours of Service of Drivers: U.S. Department of Defense (DOD); Application for Exemption (United States)


    ... break provision of the Agency's hours-of-service (HOS) regulations for commercial motor vehicle (CMV... requirements in Sec. 395.3(a)(3)(ii). SDDC states that it requires continuous attendance and surveillance of... surveillance. Inspecting carrier facilities and corporate headquarters for compliance with DOD and DOT...

  9. Seminational surveillance of fungemia in Denmark: Notably high rates of fungemia and numbers of isolates with reduced azole susceptibility

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arendrup, M.C.; Fuursted, K.; Gahrn-Hansen, B.


    The aim of this study was to present the first set of comprehensive data on fungemia in Denmark including the distribution of species and range of susceptibility to major antifungal compounds based on a seminational surveillance study initiated in 2003. The catchment area of the participating hos...

  10. Brugerinvolvering i design af læreprocesser – refleksioner over et større forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik; Heilesen, Simon


    quadruple helix model. Begrebet "didaktisk design" problematiseres ud fra betragtningen, at der i design-aktiviteter er behov for at medtænke og involvere forskellige tilgange samt forskellige kompetencer hos aktørerne. "Design thinking" inddrages for at pointere, at design er en eksplorativ, dialogisk og...

  11. Brugerinvolvering i design af læreprocesser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heilesen, Simon; Helms, Niels Henrik


    quadruple helix model. Begrebet "didaktisk design" problematiseres ud fra betragtningen, at der i design-aktiviteter er behov for at medtænke og involvere forskellige tilgange samt forskellige kompetencer hos aktørerne. "Design thinking" inddrages for at pointere, at design er en eksplorativ, dialogisk og...

  12. Når troen bliver til sang

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kirsten


    I anmeldelsen fremhæver jeg, at Selander i denne artikelsamling både beskæftiger sig med salmeteksterne og med melodierne. Denne dobbeltkompetence er usædvanlig hos en litteraturforsker. Artiklerne giver et fint indblik i svensk salmetradition samt i komponisternes arbejde med melodierne. Selande...

  13. An Analysis of the Model and Enacted Curricula for a History of Science Course in a Nationwide Teacher Education Program (United States)

    Nouri, Noushin


    The UTeach program, a national model for undergraduate teacher preparation, includes "Perspectives on Science and Mathematics," a class designed to share content about the History of Science (HOS) with preservice teachers. UTeach provides a model curriculum as a sample for instructors teaching "Perspectives." The purpose of…

  14. Djævelen som Guds advokat - Nietzsche, filosofien og Paulus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pallesen, Carsten


    Artiklen tegner et dobbeltportræt af Paulus og Nietzsche ud fra en række nyere diskussioner om Nietzsches syn på Paulus hos aktuelle Nietzscheforskere, men også med udblik til den Paulus-renæssance, som har fundet sted i filosofien. Med det sidste tænkes navnlig på den franske filosof Alain Badious...... tese om Paulus som universalismens tænker. Artiklen fremhæver, hvordan hermeneutiske, kommunikationsteoretiske og semiotiske tilgange i den nyere tyske forskning navnlig hos Werner Stegmaier har ændret synet på forholdet mellem Nietzsches ’tegn’ (Dionysos, Zarathustra, ’anti-krist’) over for Nietzsches...... retfærdiggørelse ved troen. Nietzsches forhold til kristendommen er ikke kun bestemt af negative vurderinger, men tillige af en ambivalent taknemmelighed, som når han i den sene fase af forfatterskabet på en gang identificerer sig med Dionysos og ’den korsfæstede’....

  15. Attendance of routine childcare visits in primary care for children of mothers with depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lyngsøe, Bente Kjær; Vestergaard, Claus Høstrup; Rytter, Dorte


    Børn af mødre med depression kommer sjældnere til børneundersøgelser og bliver sjældnere vaccineret end mange andre børn. Dette studie viser, at risikoen for at udeblive fra mindst 50 pct. af alle forebyggende børneundersøgelser var 16 pct. højere for børn af mødre med depression sammenlignet med...... børn af mødre uden depression. Forskerne fandt, at depression hos moderen øger risikoen for, at barnet ikke deltager i børneundersøgelser og vaccinationer hos den praktiserende læge. Denne sammenhæng ses i flere år, selv når moderen ikke længere kategoriseres som deprimeret. Konsultationer ifm. børne...... kæmpet ─ med depression kræver særlig opmærksomhed, hvis velfærden skal nå alle....

  16. Associations between sedation, delirium and post-traumatic stress disorder and their impact on quality of life and memories following discharge from an intensive care unit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svenningsen, Helle


    . Sammenhængen mellem sedation, delirium og PTSD er ikke tidligere belyst. Formålet med dette ph.d.-studie var 1) at undersøge hvordan sedation påvirker udviklingen af delirium mens patienten er på intensivafdeling 2) at undersøge hvilken betydning delirium har for udviklingen af PTSD, angst og depression 2 og 6...... % havde PTSD; 6 % vs. 4 % havde angst og depression sås hos 10 %. Delirium havde ingen indflydelse på den efterfølgende psykometri. Erindringerne om vrangforestillinger og følelser hvad derimod statistisk signifikant betydning, modsat faktuelle erindringer. Livskvalitetsmålingerne viste kun differencer...... hos patienter med PTSD, angst og/eller depression, og var således ikke påvirket af evt. delirium eller hvilke erindringer patienterne havde fra intensivopholdet. Konklusionerne bliver således at fluktuationer i sederingsniveau øger forekomsten af delirium, men at det ikke direkte øger risikoen...

  17. Depressive Symptoms and Risk of New Cardiovascular Events or Death in Patients with Myocardial Infarction: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study Examining Health Behaviors and Health Care Interventions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Karen Kjær; Christensen, Bo; Søndergaard, Jens


    Mange mennesker rammes af depression efter en blodprop i hjertet (AMI), og denne kombination er forbundet med en dårligere prognose. Dette studie er det første, der viser, at depression udgør en selv-stændig risikofaktor for tidlig død hos patienter med blodprop i hjertet. Undersøgelsen tyder dog...... bruges til at skærpe opmærksomheden over for denne patientgruppe hos de praktiserende læger, hvor op mod 90 % af alle patienter med depression bliver diagnosticeret og behandlet. Background: Depressive symptoms is associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction (MI......), but the underlying mechanisms are unclear and it remains unknown whether subgroups of patients are at a particularly high relative risk of adverse outcomes. We examined the risk of new cardiovascular events and/or death in patients with depressive symptoms following first-time MI taking into account other secondary...

  18. Abstract: SMAG PÅ SKOLEMAD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mithril, Charlotte Elisabeth; Kamuk, Anette

    En sund kost er vigtig for at sikre optimal vækst, udvikling og sundhed hos børn og unge. Der er derfor stor fokus på strategier, der kan fremme sundere kostvaner hos børn og unge, og her er skolemaden blevet et centralt omdrejningspunkt. Men hvad skal der til for, at eleverne spiser (og elsker...... velsmagende skolemad. Vi fandt, at hvis skolemadsordninger skal tilbyde velsmagende og sunde måltider skal det samtidig være et velfungerende aktiv for skolerne, hvor eleverne inddrages og bruger deres smag bevidst. Det anbefales at: 1) skolens ledelse samtænker skolemadsordninger og pædagogiske aktiviteter......) den sunde skolemad? Her spiller smagen en vigtig rolle. Hovedformålet har været at belyse praksis knyttet til arbejdet med smag i skolemadsordninger. Målet er at bidrage til, hvordan denne praksis kan understøttes og udvikles, således at smag som ressource og motivationsfaktor kan blive en drivkraft...

  19. Ambivalente fiktioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    repræsentation af vold hos Henning Mankell med fokus på Innan frosten fra 2002 og filmatiseringen heraf fra 2005, men med et fyldigt udblik til Mankells novelle ”Sprickan”, og ikke mindst diskussioner af voldens forstyrrelse af demokrati og velfærdsstat hos Mankell. Således er Mankells krimifortællinger i dette...... tilfælde ligeså vel et springpunkt ind i mere sociologiske diskussioner af det kriminelle, volden og konstitutionen af et demokrati. Artiklen her er derfor såvel en analyse af som en tænkning med primært Mankells Innan frosten. I denne fortælling er det sociale fodfæste og overfladeidyllen nemlig...... kuldkastet af udemokratiske mekanismer i en fundamentalistisk religiøs trosretning. I overvejelsen af denne intrige vender jeg blikket mod ambivalensen inkluderet i både Mankells gennemgående efterforsker Wallander og de demokratiske strukturer, som Mankell diskuterer flere steder....

  20. Svangerskapskomplikasjoner og risikoen for astma blant nordmenn født 1967-1993

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Per Nafstad


    Full Text Available Bakgrunn  Metode  Resultater  Konklusjon  Background  : Fetal life events may affect the development of the immune and/or respiratory system and increase the risk of asthma and allergic diseases. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that pregnancy complications are associated with the risk of developing asthma in the offspring.Methods  : The study population comprised Norwegian live births 1967-1993 (n = 1 548 429 linking the Medical Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN (exposure variables and the National Insurance Administration Register (NIAR (outcome variables, which covers all Norwegians. The MBRN variables included pregnancy complications, pregnancy outcomes and diseases of the mother. The NIAR provided data on all Norwegians who had received cash benefit for treatment of asthma from 1967 to 1996 (n = 5938, 3.9/1000 persons.Results  : In multiple logistic regression analysis, pregnancy complications (International Classification of Diseases (ICD-8 codes: 630-34 were associated with the risk of asthma (odds ratio 1.82, 95% confidence interval: 1.67–1.98. This was also the case if analyses were performed in different strata according to year of birth, plurality, maternal atopy, geographical district of birth, and maternal education.Conclusions  : Pregnancy complications may represent risk factors for the development of asthma in the offspring or express early signs of increased risk for developing the disease.: Svangerskapskomplikasjoner hos mor kan gi økt risiko for utvikling av astma hos barnet eller utrykke tidlige tegn på økt risiko for å utvikle sykdommen: Multipell logistisk regresjonsanalyse viste at svangerskapskomplikasjoner (International Classification of Diseases (ICD-8 kode 630-34 var assosiert med risikoen for å ha fått grunn- og/eller hjelpestønad for astma (odds ratio 1,82, 95% konfidensintervall: 1,67–1,98. Dette var også tilfelle hvis analysene ble utført i forskjellige strata av f

  1. Alvorlige candidainfektioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reibel, Jesper; Pedersen, Anne Marie Lynge; Kragelund, Camilla


    rofund candidiasis og candidæmi er de alvorligste former for candidainfektion, og behandling af disse sker i hospitalsregi. Incidensen af candidæmi er væsentligt højere i Danmark end i de øvrige nordiske lande. Beregning af forekomsten af svampeinfektioner i Danmark har vist, at omkring 900...... candidiasis. Tandlægen kan varetage behandling af ukomplicerede tilfælde af oral candidiasis, dvs. i de tilfælde hvor årsagen er umid- delbar, fx bredspektret antibiotikabehandling, insufficient mund- og/eller protesehygiejne, nedsat spytsekretion og rygning. Behandlingen er imidlertid mere kompliceret, når...... underliggende sygdom er årsag til recidiverende og ofte behandlingsrefraktær oral candidiasis. Her kan multidisciplinært samarbejde være nødvendigt. For at opnå et optimalt behandlingsrespons er det vigtigt at identificere faktorer, der har betydning for terapivalg og behandlingsvarighed. Det drejer sig om...

  2. Borgerstøtte. Et alternativt program og praktik i psykiatrien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansson, Birgitte

    velfærdsinstitutioner, hvis praksis grundlæggende bygger på det medicinske paradigme. Forskningen peger bl.a. på, at i mødet mellem individer og velfærdsinstitutioner opstår der en proces, hvor der skabes psykiatriske patienter. Konstruktionen af begrebet psykisk sygdom med tilhørende diagnoser, interventionsformer og...... behandling sker med udgangspunkt i det medicinske paradigme. Praktikken er at borgerens situation bliver afklaret ud fra institutionelt fastlagte diagnoser og forståelsesrammer og borgeren indpasses i kategorier i forhold til de handlingsmodeller og behandlingsmetoder de psykiatriske institutioner råder over....... En psykiatrisk velfærdsinstitution afspejler altid et bestemt program og måde at anskue verden på, som influerer på de professionelles handlinger. En praktik, hvor menneskets problemer oversættes til et systemsprog. Det institutionelle program og praktik forudsætter at borgerne tilpasser sig...

  3. A meta-heuristic cuckoo search and eigen permutation approach for ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Akhilesh Kumar Gupta


    Apr 17, 2018 ... system (HOS) into a simplified lower order model of rea- sonable accuracy by ..... dom walk whose flight step length is dependent on a power law formula often ..... In: IEEE International Conference on Electric. Power and Energy ... hybrid cuckoo search and genetic algorithm for reliability– redundancy ...

  4. The effects of real-time telemedicine video consultations between nurses and patients with severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sorknæs, Anne Dichmann

    Formålet med ph.d. studiet var at undersøge effekten af telekonsultationer som supplement til konventionel behandling sammenlignet med konventionel behandling hos udskrevne patienter med KOL med fokus på genindlæggelser, dødelighed, sundhedsøkonomi, sygeplejerskers og patienters oplevelse af tele...

  5. The Association between Perceived Stress and Mortality among People with Multimorbidity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prior, Anders; Fenger-Grøn, Morten; Larsen, Karen Kjær


    Multimorbiditet er udbredt i den danske befolkning og forbindes med dårligt mentalt helbred og høj mortalitet. Dette studie undersøger betydningen af psykisk velbefindende for prognosen hos personer med flere samtidige kroniske lidelser. Resultaterne viser, at personer med et højt selvrapporteret...

  6. Food as Social Markers: A Copenhagen Hospital 1800

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hyldtoft, Ole


    Artiklen handler om de tydelige sociale markeringer ved valget af mad og drikke hos de enkelte samfundsgrupper i København omkring 1800. Hovedgrundlaget består af bevarede spisereglementer for ammer, jordemoderelever og fire typer af patienter på Den kgl. Fødsels- og Plejestiftelse i København i...

  7. Physical Activity Patterns in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sari, Sengül; Bilberg, Randi Marie; Nielsen, Anette Søgaard


    Tværsnitsundersøgelsen beskriver de deltagende alkoholpatienters fysiske aktivitetsniveau ved behandlingsstart. Med denne undersøgelse havde vi til formål at opnå viden om sundhedsadfærden hos behandlingssøgende mennesker med et alkoholmisbrug. Hertil blev det internationale spørgeskema om fysisk...

  8. Louisiana Coastal Area, Louisiana. Freshwater Diversion to Barataria and Breton Sound Basins. Feasibility Study. Volume 1. Draft Main Report. Draft Environmental Impact Statement. (United States)


    and fresh marshes. The study arca saipports r ich popula tions of phytoplankton, zooplankton, bent hos, macroinvertebrates , and numerous small...Foundation and consists primarily of saline marsh with a net-work of bayous, ditches, and lagoons . Rabbit hunting is considered excellent in the area

  9. Kommentarer til arbejdsdokument ENV/04/27. Dokument fra "Antibiotic resistance marker genes working group"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjellsson, Gøsta


    "DMU har modtaget og vurderet det fremsendte dokument ENV/04/27 og bilag (mail fra Skov- og Naturstyrelsen d. 14-10-2004) om anvendelsen af antibiotikaresistensmarkører (ARM) hos GMO. Vi har tidligere flere gange kommenteret anvendelsen af antibiotikaresistens (se f.eks. brev til Skov- og Naturst...

  10. ~haeochronnocytonna

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ~rominent symptoms in 9 patients; postural dizziness occurred ... by hypotension and pulmonary. ~edema, before operation. ... Departments of Medicine and Surgery, Baragwanath Hos-. P~tal and the ... E. PLANT, F.F.A.RA.G.S. ..... 16. Ingram RH, Braunwald E. Pulmonary oedema. In: Braunwald E, ed. Heart. Disease: A ...

  11. Netværksanbringelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonfils, Inge Storgaard; Mehlbye, Jill; Raft Andersen, Karen

    Socialt udsatte børn og unge kan have stor gavn af at blive anbragt i pleje hos nær familie eller venner. Men plejeforældrene skal uddannes og støttes mere, end de bliver i dag. Danmark kan lære af Norge og Sverie....

  12. Symptoms as the main problem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosendal, Marianne; Carlsen, Anders Helles; Rask, Mette Troellund


    Dette studie undersøger tilfredsheden hos patienter, der blev afsluttet i almen praksis uden specifik diagnose, dvs. hvor lægen efter afsluttet konsultation kun kunne anføre "symptom" eller "problem" som slutdiagnose. Det drejer sig om ca. 1/3 af alle helbredsrelaterede konsultationer i almen...

  13. Panik i rummet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Peter Ole


    Artikel om overvågning og film med fokus på den særlige Home invasion-genre, der er udbredt både i Hollywood-blockbusters, horrorfilm og moderne klassikere. Det psykologiske, statusmæssige og politiske aspekt hos husejeren diskuteres gennem David Finchers 2002-thriller Panic Room....

  14. Depression og placebo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Kaj Sparle


    Metaanalyser har længe dokumenteret, at effekten af behandling med antidepressive lægemidler er begrænset sammenlignet med effekten af placebobehandling. Antidepressive lægemidler er kun sikkert virksomme hos svært deprimerede personer. Psykoterapi og antidepressive lægemidler er lige effektive h...

  15. Survival and prognostic factors at time of diagnosis in high-grade appendicular osteosarcoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Colding-Rasmussen, Thomas; Thorn, Andrea Pohly; Horstmann, Peter


    BACKGROUND: Survival of patients with high-grade osteosarcoma (HOS), the most common primary bone cancer, has not improved significantly the last 30 years and the disease remains a major challenge. The purpose of this study is to evaluate survival in relation to prognostic factors at time of diag...

  16. Der kosmologische Gottesbeweis, die Kritik Kants und die Interpretation Løgstrups

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Svend


    Det kosmologiske gudsbevis hos Thomas Aquinas og den danske rationalist Jens Kraft præsenteres. Elementer i Kants kritik omtales. Derefter gøres rede for K.E. Løgstrups karakteristik af Kants kritik som "kosmologisk religionsfilosofi" i modsætning til hans egen "fænomenologiske religionsfilosofi...

  17. Vores indtryks udtryk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermann, Jesper


    William James' Principles of Psychology er mit udgangspunkt for at se sammenhængende på vore psykologiske funktioner som vores mentale forankring i verden. Hvordan kan vi, med støtte hos sprogforskeren Otto Jespersen, dernæst undersøge 'vores indtryks udtryk' (sprogpsykologiens genstand) som...

  18. Mulighedsrum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Folkmann, Mads Nygaard


    proces af internalisering, der bl.a. skal ses på baggrund af Kants filosofi og den tyske idealisme og på baggrund af ideologien om bevidsthedens produktive imagination, som den f.eks. kommer til udtryk hos Coleridge i Biographia Literaria (1817). Kapitel 3 beskriver teorien bag de romantiske teksters...

  19. Recension Undervisa tillgängligt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline Olsson


    Full Text Available Caroline Olsson recenserar:Undervisa tillgängligt! Pedagogiska strategier för att funktionsnedsättning hos studenter inte skall vara ett hinder för att genomföra studierna (2012, reviderad upplaga, av Ann-Sofie Henriksson, Uppsala universitet, 116 s. 

  20. Ave Maria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Imer, Lisbeth


    På nationalmuseerne i Grønland og i Danmark ligger en guldgrube af indskrifter, som giver os en enestående mulighed for at beskrive skriftkulturen hos landbefolkningen i middelalderen. Fra nordbotidens Grønland (ca. 985-1450) stammer omkring 150 genstande med runer og latinske bogstaver, som vise...

  1. Therapeutic implications of an enriched cancer stem-like cell population in a human osteosarcoma cell line

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martins-Neves, Sara R; Lopes, Áurio O; Carmo, Anália do; Paiva, Artur A; Simões, Paulo C; Abrunhosa, Antero J; Gomes, Célia MF


    Osteosarcoma is a bone-forming tumor of mesenchymal origin that presents a clinical pattern that is consistent with the cancer stem cell model. Cells with stem-like properties (CSCs) have been identified in several tumors and hypothesized as the responsible for the relative resistance to therapy and tumor relapses. In this study, we aimed to identify and characterize CSCs populations in a human osteosarcoma cell line and to explore their role in the responsiveness to conventional therapies. CSCs were isolated from the human MNNG/HOS cell line using the sphere formation assay and characterized in terms of self-renewal, mesenchymal stem cell properties, expression of pluripotency markers and ABC transporters, metabolic activity and tumorigenicity. Cell's sensitivity to conventional chemotherapeutic agents and to irradiation was analyzed and related with cell cycle-induced alterations and apoptosis. The isolated CSCs were found to possess self-renewal and multipotential differentiation capabilities, express markers of pluripotent embryonic stem cells Oct4 and Nanog and the ABC transporters P-glycoprotein and BCRP, exhibit low metabolic activity and induce tumors in athymic mice. Compared with parental MNNG/HOS cells, CSCs were relatively more resistant to both chemotherapy and irradiation. None of the treatments have induced significant cell-cycle alterations and apoptosis in CSCs. MNNG/HOS osteosarcoma cells contain a stem-like cell population relatively resistant to conventional chemotherapeutic agents and irradiation. This resistant phenotype appears to be related with some stem features, namely the high expression of the drug efflux transporters P-glycoprotein and BCRP and their quiescent nature, which may provide a biological basis for resistance to therapy and recurrence commonly observed in osteosarcoma

  2. Therapeutic implications of an enriched cancer stem-like cell population in a human osteosarcoma cell line

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martins-Neves Sara R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Osteosarcoma is a bone-forming tumor of mesenchymal origin that presents a clinical pattern that is consistent with the cancer stem cell model. Cells with stem-like properties (CSCs have been identified in several tumors and hypothesized as the responsible for the relative resistance to therapy and tumor relapses. In this study, we aimed to identify and characterize CSCs populations in a human osteosarcoma cell line and to explore their role in the responsiveness to conventional therapies. Methods CSCs were isolated from the human MNNG/HOS cell line using the sphere formation assay and characterized in terms of self-renewal, mesenchymal stem cell properties, expression of pluripotency markers and ABC transporters, metabolic activity and tumorigenicity. Cell's sensitivity to conventional chemotherapeutic agents and to irradiation was analyzed and related with cell cycle-induced alterations and apoptosis. Results The isolated CSCs were found to possess self-renewal and multipotential differentiation capabilities, express markers of pluripotent embryonic stem cells Oct4 and Nanog and the ABC transporters P-glycoprotein and BCRP, exhibit low metabolic activity and induce tumors in athymic mice. Compared with parental MNNG/HOS cells, CSCs were relatively more resistant to both chemotherapy and irradiation. None of the treatments have induced significant cell-cycle alterations and apoptosis in CSCs. Conclusions MNNG/HOS osteosarcoma cells contain a stem-like cell population relatively resistant to conventional chemotherapeutic agents and irradiation. This resistant phenotype appears to be related with some stem features, namely the high expression of the drug efflux transporters P-glycoprotein and BCRP and their quiescent nature, which may provide a biological basis for resistance to therapy and recurrence commonly observed in osteosarcoma.

  3. Lion's Mane Medicinal Mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Agaricomycetes), Modulates Purinoceptor-Coupled Calcium Signaling and Murine Nociceptive Behavior. (United States)

    Liu, Pei-Shan; Chueh, Sheau-Huei; Chen, Chin-Chu; Lee, Li-Ya; Shiu, Li-Yen


    Hericium erinaceus is well known for the neurotrophic effect it confers by promoting nerve growth factor biosynthesis. We discovered a novel bioactivity of H. erinaceus in its ability to suppress adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-induced calcium signaling in neuronal PC12 cells. ATP, known primarily as a neurotransmitter, also acts on purinoceptors (P2 purinergic receptor [P2R]) to generate the cellular calcium signaling and secretion that mediate P2R physiological manifestations, including pain. Chronic pain reduces quality of life. However, constant analgesic administration can cause liver and kidney injury, as well as loss of the analgesic effect because of desensitization. In this study we investigated the analgesic potential of H. erinaceus through measurements of ATP-induced Ca2+ signaling in cell lines and observation of pain behaviors in mice. In P2R-coupled Ca2+ signaling measurements, extracts of H. erinaceus mycelia (HEEs) blocked ATP-induced Ca2+ signaling in both rat PC12 cells and human HOS cells. HEEs completely blocked ATP-induced Ca2+ signaling in human HOS cells, suggesting that this effect of HEEs is exerted through the P2R subtypes present in HOS cells, which include the P2X4, P2X7, P2Y2, and P2Y4 subtypes. In observations of animal behavior during pain, HEEs significantly reduced heat-induced pain, including postponing both the tail-flick response to heat stimulation and the paw-lifting response to a hot plate. This study demonstrates novel characteristics of H. erinaceus in reducing nociceptive behavior and blocking the functional activity of P2R. Further studies are required to verify this linkage and its molecular mechanisms.

  4. Cathepsin H indirectly regulates morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4) in various human cell lines (United States)

    Rojnik, Matija; Jevnikar, Zala; Mirkovic, Bojana; Janes, Damjan; Zidar, Nace; Kikelj, Danijel; Kos, Janko


    Background Cathepsin H is a cysteine protease considered to play a major role in tumor progression, however, its precise function in tumorigenesis is unclear. Cathepsin H was recently proposed to be involved in processing of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4) in mice. In order to clarify whether cathepsin H also regulates BMP-4 in humans, its impact on BMP-4 expression, processing and degradation was investigated in prostate cancer (PC-3), osteosarcoma (HOS) and pro-monocytic (U937) human cell lines. Materials and methods BMP-4 expression was founded to be regulated by cathepsin H using PCR array technology and confirmed by real time PCR. Immunoassays including Western blot and confocal microscopy were used to evaluate the influence of cathepsin H on BMP-4 processing. Results In contrast to HOS, the expression of BMP-4 mRNA in U937 and PC3 cells was significantly decreased by cathepsin H. The different regulation of BMP-4 synthesis could be associated with the absence of the mature 28 kDa cathepsin H form in HOS cells, where only the intermediate 30 kDa form was observed. No co-localization of BMP-4 and cathepsin H was observed in human cell lines and the multistep processing of BMP-4 was not altered in the presence of specific cathepsin H inhibitor. Isolated cathepsin H does not cleave mature recombinant BMP-4, neither with its amino- nor its endopeptidase activity. Conclusions Our results exclude direct proteolytic processing of BMP-4 by cathepsin H, however, they provide support for its involvement in the regulation of BMP-4 expression. PMID:22933963

  5. Digitalisering af det historiske jernbanenetværk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fertner, Christian


    Centret for Strategisk Byforskning startede i marts 2012 et nyt forskningsprojekt, der omhandler udfordringer hos og fremtiden for danske stationsbyer. Som datagrundlag digitaliserede vi bl.a. det danske jernbane netværk, normal- og smalspor, siden 1847 i grove træk. Denne opgørelse vil vi i det ...

  6. Forskning i musikterapi - Retspsykiatri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Britta Vinkler; Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner; Pedersen, Liselotte


    Et stigende antal undersøgelser peger på en positiv effekt af musikterapi på stemning, tanker og indsigt, sociale kompetencer og udvikling af mestringsstrategier samt regulering af arousal og følelser hos retspsykiatriske patienter. Dog mangler der på nuværende tidpunkt tilstrækkeligt med...

  7. Quantitative evaluation of spasticity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Jakob

    opsummerer resultaterne fra fire studier, som havde til formål at kvantificere 1) en spinal mekanisme med relation til spasticitet Post Activation Depression (PAD) som er relevant for udviklingen af hyperrefleksi hos personer med spasticitet 2) forskelle i refleksaktivitet målt klinisk og med en kombineret...

  8. Unbiased estimates of number and size of rat dorsal root ganglion cells in studies of structure and cell survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lamm, Trine Tandrup

    Neurodegenerative sygdomme er karakteriseret ved tab af nervefibre og nervecellelegemer. Tilstande med fysiske eller toksikologiske beskadigelser af de primære sensoriske nerveceller hos rotten har ofte været anvendt som model for forståelse af de processer, der fører til celledød eller -overleve...

  9. Fagdidaktik i teater og drama

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krøgholt, Ida; Kirk, Hanne; Guldhammer, Astrid

    produkter med gennemslagskraft. ”Attack your competitors with innovation” lyder IKEAs salgsslogan, og hos IKEA bliver kunstfagenes kompetencer derfor brugt som en hård konkurrenceparameter. På den anden side er kunstfagene mere truet end nogensinde før, da deres plads på skoleskemaet løbende er blevet...

  10. Man er mere fri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berliner, Peter; Larsen, Line Natascha


    Artiklen belyser community psykologisk praksis gennem en præsentation af det community psykologiske perspektiv i psyko-sociale programmer, der iværksættes for at fremme mental og social trivsel hos individer,i familier og i lokalsamfund og netværk. Der gives en beskrivelse og analyse af projektet...

  11. 78 FR 48927 - Hours of Service of Drivers: U.S. Department of Defense (DOD); Application for Exemption (United States)


    ... the minimum 30-minute rest break provision of the Agency's hours-of-service (HOS) regulations for... rest break requirements, provided they do not perform any other work during the break. FMCSA requests... reasons for denying or granting the application and, if granted, the name of the person or class of...

  12. Konglomerater i agro- og fødevareindustrien - et overstået kapitel?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    det seneste har også DLG ændret kurs bort fra konglomerat-tankegangen. Konglomerater har indbyggede styrker og svagheder, så det er nødvendigt med en individuel vurdering i hvert enkelt tilfælde. Generelt er konglomerater dog lavt prissat, og deres afkast er mindre end afkastet hos sammenlignelige...

  13. An International Business Blunder: Fennia 1913-1916

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Kurt; Strandskov, Jesper; Sørensen, Peter


    En fremstilling af Otto Mønsted A/S finske datterselskab, født 1913 og afgået ved en kompliceret død tre år senere. Dertil en analyse på basis af begreber hentet hos Michael Porter samt Bartlett, Ghoshal og Nohria af ledelsesmæssige fejldispositioner....

  14. CrossTalk. The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. Volume 25, Number 1, Jan/Feb 2012 (United States)


    reap its full value. CrossTalk—January/February 2012 25 HIGH MATURITY - THE PAYOFF expanded target audience of producers, buyers, and users of...Grocery lists are longer than macaroni & cheese, diet Pepsi and Ho-Hos. • You have read this list, and realized that several items apply to you. And

  15. DUB-Projekt Morsø Kommune

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Britta

    Formålet med evalueringen er at dokumentere ændringer, som projektdeltagelsen har medført hos projektdeltagerne, lige som der skal udvikles anbefalinger i forhold til udvikling af god praksis for arbejdet med udsatte børn. De overordnede evalueringsspørgsmål, der bliver styrende for evalueringen,...

  16. HIV-Sero- prevalence trend among blood donors in North East ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Sep 3, 2017 ... On the other hand, significantly declining fashion of. HIV seroprevalence were observed in the studies done in blood banks of Jimma University Specialized Hos- pital and Gonder University hospital7,8 and NorthWest. Ethiopia.9 The Federal Ministry of Health reported the. National HIV prevalence as 3.5% ...

  17. Exercise Training in Stable Heart Transplant recipients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dall, Christian Have

    Afhandlingen består af to forsøg, et randomiseret crossover forsøg der undersøger effekten af træning på hjertetransplanterede, samt et klinisk forsøg der undersøger akut blodtryksstigning ved styrketræning hos hjertetransplanterede, hjertesvigtspatienter, og patienter med iskæmisk hjertesygdom. ...

  18. Peter Nansen og Aalborg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bang, Karin


    Om Peter nansens tilknytning til Limfjordsegnen. Peter Nansen betragtede hele livet Aalborg som sin "hjemby" - det var her, han havde sin rod. Han kom til Aalborg som et-årig i april 1862, da hans far F.P.N. Nansen blev kapellan ved Budolfi Kirke. Mange af barndomsferierne tilbragte han hos sin...

  19. Den filosofiske krimi. Med særligt fokus på Henning Mortensens Sondrup-trilogi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    Når man starter en roman med et citat af filosoffen Ludwig Wittgenstein, er tonen allerede slået an. Lader man dernæst en mand finde dolket, bliver det hurtigt tydeligt, hvor vi befinder os: kriminalromanens sprossede skygge. Men hos den danske forfatter Henning Mortensen falder skyggerne på en...

  20. May I come to visit you at work?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Bodil


    Artiklen beskriver faglige oplevelser fra et længerevarende studiebesøg, hvor en lektor har fulgt en praktiker - "shadowing". I dette tilfælde en irsk pædagog, der arbejder hos YAPS: Youth Action Project Sligo, der er et samarbejde mellem politiet og sociale myndigheder i forhold til unge mellem ...

  1. Introducing a patient-controlled analgesia-based acute pain ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    say: 'The treatment of pain after surgery in British hos- pitals has been ... Senior registrars are assigned to share the service load. This enables .... The physiotherapists are active supporrers ofthe. APRS. ... of the registrars fall ill or take leave. Consultant .... raises the importance ofpain prevention in the minds of all clinical ...

  2. Skrivehandlinger som redskab til klar faglig formidling på PharmaSchool

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Katja Årosin


    Denne artikel beskriver et pilotprojekt fra 2013, som havde til formål at øge opmærksomheden på klar skriftlig faglig formidling hos undervisere og studerende i kurset Dynamisk Biokemi på PharmaSchool ved Københavns Universitet (KU). På baggrund af en grundig behovsafdækning udviklede en akademisk...

  3. Freire and Danish social pedagogy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Niels Rosendal


    Kapitlet viser Freires betydning for dansk socialpædagogik - både i snævrere forstand (anderledes pædagogik på døgninstitutioner og fællesskaber) og i bredere forstand (voksenoplysning). Her knyttes an til reformpædagogikken, som den udfoldedes efter 2. verdenskrig, og grundtankerne hos Freire un...

  4. Musikterapi med kontakt- og kommunikationssvage børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Britta Vinkler


    I artiklen beskrives, hvordan musikterapi er med til at støtte en målrettet udviklingsproces hos børn, med diagnoser som Asperger syndrom, autisme, opmærksomhedsforstyrrelser, ADHD o.lign. Musikkens kvaliteter beskrives og illustreres gennem vignetter fra terapiforløb, der alle er foregået i Klinik...

  5. Forskning i musikterapi - børn med en Autisme Spektrum Forstyrrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Der er forskningsmæssig evidens for, at musikterapi med børn med en autisme spektrum forstyrrelse (ASF) har en signifikant effekt. Cochrane reviews påviser, at musikterapi fremmer verbal og navnlig nonverbal kommunikation hos børn med ASF. En RCT-undersøgelse viser endvidere en signifikant effekt...

  6. Grasping the Existential Experience of Living with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Janni Lisander

    Dette projekt havde til formål at undersøge eksistentielle vilkår hos kvinder med sygdommen, systemisk lupus erythematosus, herunder hvordan disse vilkår blev erfaret gennem et langvarigt sygdomsforløb. Data blev konstrueret gennem 3 konsekutive, personlige interview sessions på dag 0, efter 6 og...

  7. A study of young Parisian speech

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Anita Berit


    Fransk talt i Paris har gennem århundrede udgjort en model for den øvrige franske befolkning. Udtalen er dog på ingen måde fri for variation eller forandring. Artiklen behandler udtalen hos 9 unge parisere (såvel studerende som personer med kort teknisk uddannelse), der tydeligvis deltager i flere...

  8. Physical Exercise and Multiple Sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalgas, Ulrik

    Baggrund: Kun få ikke-kontrollerede studier har undersøgt effekten af progressive styrketræning hos patienter med multipel sklerose (MS).  Formål: Undersøgelsens formål var at teste om progressiv styrketræning (PRT) af benene forbedrer muskelstyrke, muskelmorfologi, funktionel kapacitet, træthed,...

  9. Computer Aided Design i England

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sigrist, F.; Agger, K.; Barfoed, P.

    Meddelelsen redegør for en række besøg hos engelske systemleverandører og brugere. Seks forskellige CAD-systemer vurderes på baggrund af deres brug i praksis, og valget af to systemer til afprøvning i Danmark begrundes. Desuden bringes generelle konklusioner om CAD-systemernes aktuelle udviklings...

  10. Tracking of physical activity, physical fitness and body mass index from childhood to adolescence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Peter Lund


    Kardiovaskulære sygdomme er blandt de væsentligste dødsårsager i det moderne vestlige samfund. Sygdommene observeres almindeligvis kun hos voksne, men den almene sundhedstilstand og sundhedsadfærd i barndommen anses for at spille en væsentlig rolle i udviklingen af disse sygdomme. Tidligere studi...

  11. Rehabilitering og 'motion på recept'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Niels Sandholm; Larsen, Kristian


    af disse forskningsarbejder er etablering af fænomenet 'motion på recept'. Konceptet om 'motion på recept' stammer oprindelig fra Sverige, hvor praktiserende læger i en periode har haft mulighed for at henvise visse typer af patienter til fysisk træning hos praktiserende fysioterapeuter. Ribe Amt...... 2007)....

  12. Midler til lindring af mundtørhed og stimulation af spytsekretion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dynesen, Anja Weirsøe; Pedersen, Anne Marie Lynge; Jensen, Allan Bardow


    effekt. I relation til risikoen for at udvikle caries, der er forhøjet hos den mundtørre patient, er det dog væsentligt at anbefale produkter uden sukker. Ligesom produktets indhold af syre og dermed det erosive potentiale er af betydning i forhold til udviklingen af dentale erosioner. Systemisk...

  13. CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. Volume 25, Number 1, January/February 2012 (United States)


    February 2012 25 HIGH MATURITY - THE PAYOFF expanded target audience of producers, buyers, and users of software products and systems bring with Pepsi and Ho-Hos. • You have read this list, and realized that several items apply to you. And it got less and less funny as you kept

  14. Pharmacogenetic investigations with special reference to forensic medicine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buchard, Anders

    Dansk Resumé Mennesker reagerer forskelligt på lægemidler. Den samme dosis af et givent lægemiddel vil hos nogle individer resultere i bivirkninger, mens andre vil opleve ringe eller ingen effekt. Der kan være mange årsager til dette, bl.a. genetiske forskelle mellem individer. Farmakogenetik kan...

  15. Inkluderende specialpædagogik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedegaard-Sørensen, Lotte

    Bogen præsenterer en pædagogisk og didaktisk tilgang til inklusion, der inddrager specialpædagogisk viden, der tidligere hørte specialpædagogiske institutioner til. Der er ikke tale om specialpædagogiske teorier og modeller, der kompenserer for mangler hos fx diagnostiserede børn, men om en...

  16. Ventrikulaere takyarytmier hos patienter med kardiomyopati

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henningsen, Kristoffer; Christensen, Alex Hørby; Svendsen, Jesper Hastrup


    by disease, gender, age, previous cardiac arrest and treatment with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). RESULTS: 993 patients were screened and 128 patients with cardiomyopathy were identified, corresponding to 13% of the screened patients. 58 (45%) of the patients had dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM......), 57 (45%) patients had arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and 13 (10%) had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The average age was 44 years for HCM, 41 years for ARVC and 58 years for DCM. The majority of the patients were male. ICD treatment was used in 95% of the patients...... with ARVC, 70% of the patients with HCM and 59% of the patients with DCM. Only 5 patients had previous cardiac arrest without reversible cause. CONCLUSION: The study shows that cardiomyopathies are relatively frequent causes of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients discharged from a specialised...

  17. Nekrotiserende fasciitis hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Karsten Gjessing; Kristensen, Kim


    Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a serious condition with infection of the muscular fascia causing rapidly spreading necrosis. NF rarely affects children, and we here report two paediatric cases of NF. The first developed NF after a joint puncture, the other after surgical extirpation of a lymph node...

  18. Diffus lungesygdom hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buchvald, Frederik; Nielsen, Kim G


    Diffuse lung disease in children represents a heterogeneous group of respiratory disorders with high morbidity and mortality. Typical features include tachypnoea, failure to thrive, diffuse radiological and histopathological abnormalities. Advances in genetics and pathophysiology, combined...

  19. Fritids- og sportsaktiviteter hos yngre pacemakerpatienter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mickley, H; Petersen, J


    : Badminton (3), bicycle-riding (6), firefighting (1), fishing (3), golf (2), gymnastics (3), handball (1), hunting (4), riding (1), running/jogging (4), sailing (5), shooting (2), skiing (3), soccer (5), swimming (1), theatre (1), chorus (1), and tennis (2). No significant changes in the levels of activity...

  20. SWAY Bæredygtighed hos SMV'er

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Valg af materiale/medie/form: SWAY der indeholder forskelligt materiale Valg af arbejdsform: Kan anvendes som et element i undervisning eller indlæg Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Forskelligt materiale kan samlet heri og det kan tilgås af alle via linket...

  1. Demens hos personer med Downs syndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salem, Lise Cronberg; Jørgensen, Kasper


    In developed countries the population of elderly people with Down syndrome expands resulting in an increasing incidence of age-related diseases, including dementia. The assessment of dementia in individuals with intellectual disability is often complicated due to large intra-individual variability...

  2. Spiritualitet som coping hos tibetanske torturoverlevere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elsass, Peter; Carlsson, Jessica; Husum, Kristian


    INTRODUCTION: There is solid documentation for the positive relationship between spirituality and health, but few examples of how this link may be used in projects of rehabilitation after war, civil conflicts and natural disasters. One such example is the Danida funded Tibetan Torture Program...... in India. This study aims to provide evidence of the Tibetan torture survivors' degree of traumatisation and their use of spirituality to overcome their difficult situation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study consists of an assessment and a rehabilitation part. A total of 102 Tibetan torture survivors were...

  3. Læringsmodstand hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Broström, Stig


    I dette kapitel beskrives dimensioner ved børns læring og med særligt fokus på Illeris’ begreb læringsmodstand. Det tages udgangspunkt i den kulturhistoriske skoles læringsteori med reference til bl.a. Vygotsky og Leontjev. Børn i såvel dagtilbud som skolen vil løbende vise modstand mod læring. D...

  4. Demens hos personer med Downs syndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salem, Lise Cronberg; Jørgensen, Kasper


    In developed countries the population of elderly people with Down syndrome expands resulting in an increasing incidence of age-related diseases, including dementia. The assessment of dementia in individuals with intellectual disability is often complicated due to large intra-individual variability...... in cognitive functioning prior to dementia and to lack of standardised measures to detect dementia. Structured observations of symptoms of dementia and assessment techniques tailored for people with intellectual disability are increasingly needed....

  5. Lungeinfektioner er hyppige hos ældre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laut, Kamilla; Benfield, Thomas


    There are over 20,000 hospital admissions for pneumonia annually in Denmark. The incidence of pneumonia increases with age, functional impairment and co-morbidity. In fact, 60% of admissions occur among persons 65 years or older. The public health burden is expected to increase because this popul......, smoking cessation, mobilization and oral hygiene....

  6. Naturligt forekommende oseltamivirresistens hos influenza A

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Laura; Nielsen, Alex; Lundgren, Jens


    in the development of resistance. The best prevention strategy remains vaccination of the general population to avoid immunity. Future antiviral treatment calls for knowledge about resistance to existing types of influenza and the availability of all three types of antiviral medication.......During the last two influenza seasons, one of the predominant influenza A types (H1N1) has developed complete resistance to oseltamivir, the primary treatment option. The virus does, however, remain sensitive to zanamavir and amantadine. There is no unequivocal explanation for this slide...

  7. Eosinofil cystitis hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kvist, K; Cortes, D; Visfeldt, J


    Eosinophilic cystitis is an inflammatory disorder of the urinary bladder, characterised by irritative voiding symptoms, negative urine cultures, and eosinophilic infiltration of the bladder wall. Since 1960 only about 20 cases have been described in the English scientific reports, making it a rat......Eosinophilic cystitis is an inflammatory disorder of the urinary bladder, characterised by irritative voiding symptoms, negative urine cultures, and eosinophilic infiltration of the bladder wall. Since 1960 only about 20 cases have been described in the English scientific reports, making...... it a rather rare entity. In children the disease appears to be shortlived and self-limited, requiring no specific treatment. We present a case with a 7.5-year-old boy, who experienced spontaneous remission of all symptoms, following an acute attack of eosinophilic cystitis....

  8. Akut svimmelhed hos den neurologiske patient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Marie; Højgaard, Joan L. Sunnleyg; Kondziella, Daniel


    Acute vertigo of neurological origin may be caused by haemorrhages and tumours in the posterior fossa and, most frequently, by ischaemic infarction in the vertebrobasilar circulation. Urgent diagnosis is necessary to avoid further ischaemic episodes, herniation due to cerebellar oedema and/or fatal...... brainstem infarction. The history should focus on accompanying neurological symptoms. However, vertigo with cerebellar lesions may be monosymptomatic and then bedside evaluation of oculomotor function is the key to correct diagnosis. This paper discusses the pathophysiology, symptomatology and clinical...... evaluation of acute vertigo of neurological origin....

  9. Jyske banker til kaffe hos Lizette

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørholst, Henrik


    En fusion mellem Sydbank, Jyske Bank og Spar Nord vil kunne skabe et stærkt alternativ til Danske Bank og Nordea, men det er næppe realistisk. Her kunne bankerne lære noget af LO og FTF.......En fusion mellem Sydbank, Jyske Bank og Spar Nord vil kunne skabe et stærkt alternativ til Danske Bank og Nordea, men det er næppe realistisk. Her kunne bankerne lære noget af LO og FTF....

  10. Demenslidelser hos ældre tyrkiske indvandrere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenbaum, B.; Kristensen, M.; Schmidt, J.


    INTRODUCTION: The health condition in a population of elderly Turkish immigrants is investigated with special focus on dementia conditions. The possibility to use the screening test Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) in relation to the investigated population is evaluated as well as their future...

  11. MBHI hos patienter med kroniske rygsmerter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Erik; Kastberg, S.; Jensen, Hans Henrik


    Studied the predictive validity of the MBHI (T. Millon et al, 1982) and analyzed the differences in personality and attitudes between patients with chronic lower-back pain and patients with acute pain. Human Ss: 26 male and female adults (aged 28–60 yrs) (chronic lower-back pain); 24 male and fem...... of treatment to determine the extent of the success of the therapy. The actual success of the therapy was compared with the predictions for success based on the MBHI results. (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)...

  12. Kirurgisk behandling af urininkontinens hos kvinder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ammendrup, A.C.; Sørensen, Helle Christina; Sander, Pia


    : In total, 94 operating gynaecologists and urologists were identified, 63 responded (71%) of whom 49 (78%) performed UI surgery. UI surgeons were gynaecologists 43 (88%) of these 24 (49%) were urogynecologists (working more than 50% with urogynecology) and five (10%) urologists. Tension-free Vaginal Tape......INTRODUCTION: During the last decade, minimal invasive procedures have been introduced for treatment of urinary incontinence (UI) in women leading to shorter hospitalisation and fewer complications. The aim of this study was to outline clinical practice and attitudes among Danish UI surgeons....... MATERIAL AND METHODS: Surgeons performing UI procedures were identified and mailed a questionnaire in 2007 concerning 2006. Questions included specialisation, number of procedures, type of surgery, complications and attitude towards learning surgery and maintaining a sufficient level of routine. RESULTS...

  13. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome hos voksne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Carsten Sauer; Mikkelsen, Dorthe Bisgaard; Jensen, Thøger Gorm


    parts of her body. The bullae ruptured easily and left a erythematous base. The histopathological changes were characteristic for adult SSSS. The patient was well-treated with intravenous dicloxacillin, topical antibiotic and antiseptic treatment. The patient had marked thrombocytosis, but no interest...

  14. Immunmedieret perikarditis hos patient med meningokokmeningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fuglsang Hansen, Janne; Johansen, Isik Somuncu


    Extrameningial manifestations in patients with meningococcal meningitis are rare. One of these manifestations is immune-mediated or purulent pericarditis. We present a case where a patient with meningococcal meningitis developed pericarditis on the 11th day after admission. A pericardial puncture...

  15. Spiritualitet som coping hos tibetanske torturoverlevere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elsass, Peter; Carlsson, Jessica; Husum, Kristian


    INTRODUCTION: There is solid documentation for the positive relationship between spirituality and health, but few examples of how this link may be used in projects of rehabilitation after war, civil conflicts and natural disasters. One such example is the Danida funded Tibetan Torture Program...

  16. Identitetskonstruktion hos unge poly-linguale sprogere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stæhr, Andreas


    I denne artikel belyser jeg, hvordan henholdsvis fler- og mindretals unge konstruerer, tilskriver og forhandler identiteter i interaktionen med hinanden. Karakteristisk, for de unge jeg fokuserer på, er, at de i deres identitetsarbejde ikke kun positionerer sig i lokalt i forhold til hinanden, men...... også positionerer sig i forhold til andre aktører eller grupper i samfundet. Eksempelvis viser jeg, hvordan de unges viden om stereotype forestillinger om minoritetsgrupper i det danske samfund kommer til at spille en afgørende rolle for deres identitetsarbejde. Ligeledes viser jeg, hvordan...

  17. Sprogbrug og identitetsarbejde hos senmoderne storbypiger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ag, Astrid

    , afgrænselige størrelser, men derimod sproglige træk. Undersøgelsen viser også, at pigerne kender til de sociokulturelt baserede grænser mellem såkaldte nationalsprog, men at det ikke nødvendigvis betyder, at de tager dem alvorligt. Gennem analyser af pigernes interaktionelle konstruktioner af identiteter og...... forhandlinger af sociale relationer viser undersøgelsen, at pigerne, både hvad angår kønsaspekter og etnicitetsaspekter i deres identitetskonstruktioner, trækker på en bredere vifte af ressourcer, end hvad stereotype beskrivelser normalt indikerer. Pigerne bryder, udnytter og navigerer således mellem...... forskellige stereotype konstruktioner i deres identitetsarbejde. Det samme gør de, når de anvender træk tilskrevet senmoderne urban ungdomsstil, og når de taler det, de selv refererer til som ”integreret”. Bogen konkluderer, at de tre senmoderne storbypiger har en bred vifte af sproglige ressourcer til...

  18. Kirurgisk behandling af urininkontinens hos kvinder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ammendrup, Astrid Cecilie; Sørensen, Helle Christina; Sander, Pia


    (TVT) was the preferred sling in 2006. A total of 20 (47%) UI surgeons used only TVT, seven (17%) only transobturator slings (TOS) and 15 (36%) both TVT and TOS. Only 11 (24%) performed > 25 TVT per year and 11 (27%) performed > 25 TOS per year. In all, UI surgeons had experience with ten different...

  19. Naturligt forekommende oseltamivirresistens hos influenza A

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Laura; Nielsen, Alex; Lundgren, Jens


    During the last two influenza seasons, one of the predominant influenza A types (H1N1) has developed complete resistance to oseltamivir, the primary treatment option. The virus does, however, remain sensitive to zanamavir and amantadine. There is no unequivocal explanation for this slide...... in the development of resistance. The best prevention strategy remains vaccination of the general population to avoid immunity. Future antiviral treatment calls for knowledge about resistance to existing types of influenza and the availability of all three types of antiviral medication....

  20. Sundhedsloven og sundhedsydelser hos udokumenterede migranter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aabenhus, Rune Munck; Hallas, Peter


    Health-care workers may experience uncertainty regarding legal matters when attending to medical needs of undocumented migrants. This paper applies a pragmatic focus when addressing the legal aspects involved in providing health-care services to undocumented migrants with examples from the Danish...

  1. Hepatitis B hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Vibeke Brix; Nordly, Sannie Brit; Kjær, Mette


    Chronic hepatitis B (HBV) infection is seen in 400 million persons worldwide. HBV is transmitted vertically or horizontally by infected blood and body fluids. An effective vaccine exists. Most children develop a chronic HBV infection if infected early in life. They are often in an immune-tolerant......Chronic hepatitis B (HBV) infection is seen in 400 million persons worldwide. HBV is transmitted vertically or horizontally by infected blood and body fluids. An effective vaccine exists. Most children develop a chronic HBV infection if infected early in life. They are often in an immune...

  2. Obstetriske komplikationer hos kvinder med endometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berlac, Janne Foss; Hartwell, Dorthe; Langhoff-Roos, Jens


    Approximately 5-10% of the women in the reproductive age are afflicted with endometriosis and many become pregnant after fertility treatment. Women with endometriosis seem to have an increased risk of placental complications, bleeding in pregnancy and during labour as well as possible increased...... risk of pre-eclampsia, preterm birth and low birthweight. Large epidemiological studies are needed to clarify the magnitude of these risks in order to define the appropriate level of proactive management of pregnant women with endometriosis....

  3. Obstetriske komplikationer hos kvinder med endometriose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berlac, Janne Foss; Hartwell, Dorthe; Langhoff-Roos, Jens


    Approximately 5-10% of the women in the reproductive age are afflicted with endometriosis and many become pregnant after fertility treatment. Women with endometriosis seem to have an increased risk of placental complications, bleeding in pregnancy and during labour as well as possible increased r...

  4. Intervertebral diskitis hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benhassen, Leila Louise; Balslev, Thomas; Gammelgaard, Lise


    but infectious, and inflammatory aetiologies have been suggested. Diagnostic golden standard is magnetic resonance imaging. The treatment is immobilization, anti-inflammatory drugs and often antibiotics. Early treatment is important to reduce the risk of complications such as nerve damage and spine fusion....

  5. Hepatitis C hos børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Vibeke Brix; Nordly, Sannie Brit; Fischler, Bjørn


    Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) infection has a prevalence of 2-3% worldwide. The vertical transmission rate is approximately 5%. There is no evidence to recommend abstinence from breastfeeding or elective C-section to prevent transmission. In children, the natural history of HCV infection is typically...

  6. In vitro evaluation of biomimetic chitosan–calcium phosphate scaffolds with potential application in bone tissue engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanase, C E; Popa, M I; Sartoris, A; Unger, R E; Kirkpatrick, C J; Verestiuc, L


    This work reports on the physicochemical properties and in vitro cytotoxicity assessment of chitosan–calcium phosphate (Cs–CP) scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, which were synthesized by a novel biomimetic co-precipitation method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) along with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis confirmed the porous morphology of the scaffolds and the amorphous nature of the inorganic phase with different crystallite sizes and the formation of various forms of calcium phosphate. Compressive mechanical testing revealed that the Young's modulus of the biomaterials is in the range of human trabecular bone. In vitro tests were performed on the biomaterials for up to 14 days to study the behavior of the osteoblast-like human cell line (MG63), primary human osteoblasts (HOS) and human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC). The cytotoxicity was evaluated by the MTS assay for cell metabolism and the detection of membrane integrity (lactate dehydrogenase-LDH release). An expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the cell supernatants was quantified by ELISA. Cell viability gave values close to untreated controls for MG63 and HOS, while in the case of HDMEC the viability after 2 weeks in the cell culture was between 80–90%. The cytotoxicity induced by the Cs–CP scaffolds on MG63, HOS and HDMEC in vitro was evaluated by the amount of LDH released, which is a sensitive and accurate marker for cellular toxicity. The increased levels of VEGF obtained in the osteoblast culture highlights its important role in the regulation of vascularization and bone remodeling. The biological responses of the Cs–CP scaffolds demonstrate a similar proliferation and differentiation characteristics of the cells comparable to the controls. These results reveal that biomimetic Cs–CP composite scaffolds are promising biomaterials for bone tissue engineering; their in vivo response remains to be tested. (paper)

  7. Alpha-CaMKII plays a critical role in determining the aggressive behavior of human osteosarcoma. (United States)

    Daft, Paul G; Yuan, Kaiyu; Warram, Jason M; Klein, Michael J; Siegal, Gene P; Zayzafoon, Majd


    Osteosarcoma is among the most frequently occurring primary bone tumors, primarily affecting adolescents and young adults. Despite improvements in osteosarcoma treatment, more specific molecular targets are needed as potential therapeutic options. One target of interest is α-Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (α-CaMKII), a ubiquitous mediator of Ca(2+)-linked signaling, which has been shown to regulate tumor cell proliferation and differentiation. Here, we investigate the role of α-CaMKII in the growth and tumorigenicity of human osteosarcoma. We show that α-CaMKII is highly expressed in primary osteosarcoma tissue derived from 114 patients, and is expressed in varying levels in different human osteosarcoma (OS) cell lines [MG-63, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)/HOS, and 143B). To examine whether α-CaMKII regulates osteosarcoma tumorigenic properties, we genetically inhibited α-CaMKII in two osteosarcoma cell lines using two different α-CaMKII shRNAs delivered by lentiviral vectors and overexpressed α-CaMKII by retrovirus. The genetic deletion of α-CaMKII by short hairpin RNA (shRNA) in MG-63 and 143B cells resulted in decreased proliferation (50% and 41%), migration (22% and 25%), and invasion (95% and 90%), respectively. The overexpression of α-CaMKII in HOS cells resulted in increased proliferation (240%), migration (640%), and invasion (10,000%). Furthermore, α-CaMKII deletion in MG-63 cells significantly reduced tumor burden in vivo (65%), whereas α-CaMKII overexpression resulted in tumor formation in a previously nontumor forming osteosarcoma cell line (HOS). Our results suggest that α-CaMKII plays a critical role in determining the aggressive phenotype of osteosarcoma, and its inhibition could be an attractive therapeutic target to combat this devastating adolescent disease. ©2013 AACR.

  8. Zoledronic acid at subtoxic dose extends osteoblastic stage span of primary human osteoblasts. (United States)

    Zara, Susi; De Colli, Marianna; di Giacomo, Viviana; Zizzari, Vincenzo Luca; Di Nisio, Chiara; Di Tore, Umberto; Salini, Vincenzo; Gallorini, Marialucia; Tetè, Stefano; Cataldi, Amelia


    This study aimed to check the effect of zoledronic acid (ZA) at subtoxic dose on human osteoblasts (HOs) in terms of cell viability, apoptosis occurrence, and differentiation induction. ZA belongs to the family of bisphosphonates (BPs), largely used in the clinical practice for the treatment of bone diseases, often associated with jaw osteonecrosis onset. Their pharmacological action consists in the direct block of the osteoclast-mediated bone resorption along with indirect action on osteoblasts. HOs were treated choosing the highest limit concentration (10(-5) M) which does not induce toxic effects. Live/dead staining, flow cytometry, mitochondrial membrane potential assay, osteocalcin western blotting, gp38 RT-PCR, collagen type I, PGE2, and IL-6 ELISA assays were performed. Similar viability level between control and ZA-treated samples is found along with no significant increase of apoptotic and necrotic cells in ZA-treated sample. To establish if an early apoptotic pathway was triggered, Bax expression and mitochondrial membrane potential were evaluated finding a higher protein expression in control sample and a good integrity of mitochondrial membrane in both experimental points. Type I collagen secretion and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity appear increased in ZA-treated sample, osteocalcin expression level is reduced in ZA-treated cells, whereas no modifications of gp38 mRNA level are evidenced. No statistical differences are identified in PGE2 secretion level whereas IL-6 secretion is lower in ZA-treated HOs with respect to control ones. These results highlight that ZA, delaying the osteoblastic differentiation process versus the osteocytic lineage, strengthens its pharmacological activity enhancing bone density. The knowledge of ZA effects on osteoblasts at subtoxic dose allows to improve therapeutic protocols in order to strengthen drug pharmacological activity through a combined action on both osteoclastic and osteoblastic cells.

  9. Coaching af sygedagpengemodtagere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coop Henriksen, Annemette

    SFI gennemførte i foråret 2008 til foråret 2009 en pilotundersøgelse om coaching. Undersøgelsen var designet som et lodtrækningsforsøg og omfattede 42 kvindelige sygedagpengemodtagere fra Rødovre Jobcenter, der var sygemeldt med psykiske lidelser i form af stress, depression eller udbrændthed eller...... med lidelser i bevægeapparatet. Undersøgelsen er bestilt og finansieret af Rødovre Jobcenter. I rapporten undersøges, om coaching kan bidrage til at bringe sygedagpengemodtagere i arbejde eller tættere på arbejdsmarkedet målt ved, om deltagerne får fx øget motivation, mere selvtillid, øget afklaring...... og færre symptomer på sygdom. Undersøgelsen viser, at gruppen, der har modtaget coaching, oplever en positiv udvikling i forhold til stress, depression og udbrændthed. Gruppen, der modtog coaching, har den tydeligste positive udvikling, men begge grupper har oplevet en helbredsmæssig fremgang i...

  10. Udvikling af The Dementia Carer Needs Assessment Questionnaire

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clemmensen, Trine Holt; Lauridsen, Henrik Hein; Kristensen, Hanne Kaae

    redskab til at identificere behov for støtte blandt pårørende til personer med demens - the Dementia Carer Needs Assessment Questionnaire (DCNAQ). Redskabet skal udvikles til at være selvrapporteret og let anvendeligt i klinisk praksis. Metode Projektet er tilrettelagt som et tre-årigt Ph.d. forløb, hvor......Baggrund Demens er en sygdom som påvirker hele familien, og pårørende bidrager i høj grad med omsorg for personen med demens i hverdagen. At være pårørende til en person med demens kan være belastende både fysisk, psykisk og socialt (1-4). I praksis mangler der standardiserede redskaber til...... der tages udgangspunkt i WHO’s Internationale Klassifikation af funktionsevne, funktionsevnenedsættelse og helbredstilstand (ICF) (7). Projektet gennemføres som to delstudier. Studie 1 - udvikling Materiale og metode: 32 pårørende til personer med demens og 16 sundhedsprofessionelle inviteres til...

  11. Post-Myocardial Infarction Anxiety or Depressive Symptoms and Risk of New Cardiovascular Events or Death

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Karen Kjær; Christensen, Bo; Nielsen, Tine Jepsen


    af hjerte-kar-sygdom eller dødsfald. Derimod synes symptomer på depression at give denne gruppe af patienter en højere risiko for at dø. Studiet er gennemført som et populationsbaseret kohortestudie og inkluderer 896 personer (70 % af de patienter, der opfyldte inklusionskriterierne), som fik en...... blodprop i hjertet i perioden fra den 1. januar 2009 til den 31. december 2009. De inkluderede udfyldte en dansk udgave af spørge¬skemaet Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), som måler angst og depression. Follow-up blev gennemført frem til den 31. juli 2012. I analyserne er der taget højde......Angst eller depression efter en blodprop i hjertet (myokardieinfarkt eller blot MI) er tidligere kædet sammen med en øget risiko for nye sygdomstilfælde eller endda dødsfald. Tidligere studier har dog kun i ringe grad taget forbehold for andre mulige årsagsfaktorer. Derfor er det stadig uvist, om...

  12. Bliv klogere på Mycoplasma bovis - Beslægtethed blandt de danske stammer: Afsløret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kokotovic, Branko

    Baggrund Bakterier tilhørende slægten Mycoplasma er årsag til forskellige sygdomme hos husdyr. De påvirker dyrenes velfærd samt fører til øgede produktionsomkostninger og betydelige økonomiske tab. I kvægbruget er en af de mest betydningsfulde mykoplasma på verdensplan Mycoplasma bovis, (M...

  13. Dada som spontaneitetens Gesamtkunstwerk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Anders V.


    dadaseancerne var at skabe en ny umiddelbar sammehæng i kunsten eller ligefrem en spontan forening af kunstarterne. Artiklen undersøger det spørgsmål i en sammenligning med kunstsynet hos Richard Wagner og Friedrich W. Nietzsche. Den er et afsnit fra den endnu upublicerede afhandling, Fra Bayreuth til Bauhaus...

  14. Symposium on Command and Control Research (1988) Held in Monterey, California on Jun 7-9, 1988 (United States)


    ELa -1cl~ca aya Display: Show-Icon Show-Overlay-icons Erase-icon Eras e.Overlay-icons Highlight: Highlight-Icon Highlight-Overlay-icons Dehighlight...poanrtiso duty hosirs, for the esastesov 5: ’Referencescomptia. Peacetinme diary hos; are trin lsoors a day’,r days ank.Note that thiscanoles os6sio4- to heo

  15. History of Science Content Analysis of Chinese Science Textbooks from the Perspective of Acculturation (United States)

    Ma, Yongjun; Wan, Yanlan


    Based on previous international studies, a content analysis scheme has been designed and used from the perspective of culture to study the history of science (HOS) in science textbooks. Nineteen sets of Chinese science textbooks have been analyzed. It has been found that there are noticeable changes in the quantity, content, layout, presentation,…

  16. Stress i gymnasiet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne Maj; Lagermann, Laila Colding

    Denne undersøgelse af stress hos gymnasieelever i Aalborg viser, hvordan stress giver sig udslag i gymnasiet, hvad der stresser eleverne, hvad der adskiller de stressramte elever fra andre elever, hvordan et stressreduktionskurset Åben og Rolig for Unge virker for de unge i gymnasiet, og hvad der...... kan modvirke stress i gymnasiet....

  17. Zur Vor- und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Konzepts 'Ökosozialismus'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Czeskleba-Dupont, Rolf; Tjaden, Karl Hermann


    Ordet 'økosocialisme' bruges først i anden halvdel af det 20.århundrede, men konceptet har en for- og udviklingshistorie igennem de moderne samfundsteorier. Det opstår, når rene socialutopier forlades og, som det sker hos Karl Marx og Friedrich Engels, der indgår en dybere dimension af...

  18. Strammere retningslinjer om transfer pricing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rossing, Christian Plesner


    Transfer pricing vedrører prisfastsættelsen på transaktioner, der foregår mellem koncernforbundne selskaber og er fortsat et tema, der nyder stort fokus hos både multinationale koncerner og skattemyndigheder. For den multinationale koncern er transfer pricing i høj grad en aktivitet, der består i...

  19. Tuberkulose forårsaget af Mycobacterium africanum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bek, Dorte; Kjeldsen, Marianne Kirstine; Hansen, Nikolaj Friis


    Tuberkulose (TB) forårsages af patogene arter fra Mycobacterium tuberculosis komplekset (MTBC) og har en incidens på cirka 7/100.000 i Danmark. På mistanke om TB hos en akut indlagt 40 årig afrikansk mand initieredes anti-TB behandling. Efter 13 timers indlæggelse afgik patienten ved døden. Fra...

  20. Dette er ikke for enhver fisk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Opstrup, Kasper


    Omhandler fremkomsten af moderne okkultisme hos 1800-tallets utopiske socialister der ønskede at skabe en ny religion som grundstenen for en ny religion og denne tankes udvikling fra Eliphas Lévi til Fin-de-Siécle symbolisterne som f.eks. Josephin Péladan, der så kunsten som værende denne religio...

  1. Ånd over ånder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bach-Nielsen, Carsten


    Er de døde til stede hos de levende som ånder? Principielt er den kristne lære afvisende over for denne tanke, men i den folkelige tro er det mere den umiddelbare tilstedeværelse af de døde, der er vigtigere end det lange perspektiv: kødets opstandelse....

  2. En bid af ældres hverdagsliv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bundgaard, Karen Marie; Top Christensen, Boye


    Undersøgelsen har udforsket hjemmeboende ældres egen forståelse og oplevelse af måltiddsaktiviteters betydning, og hvilke behov aktiviteterne dækker hos de ældre. Aktiviteterne har betydninger der knytter sig til maden men aktiviteterne har også betydninger i sig selv. Undersøgelsen er en af fler...

  3. Er du klar på pizza og spil i aften?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ditte Lundsgaard


    I denne artikel kigger vi lidt nærmere på, hvilke erfaringer, der er opstået hos lærerne og pædagogerne. vi tager udgangspunkt i tre forskellige visuelle formidlingsmetoder: tegneserie, infographics og grafisk facilitering. Kunne denne legen med ord og billeder i sproget i børne- og ungekulturen ...

  4. Lektoranmodning for Karen Løth Sass, DMJX

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sass, Karen


    Det gennemgående tema i min anmodning er forholdet og balancen mellem den induktive/deduktive tilgang i praksislæringen. Titlen på lektoranmodningen er min egen kække sloganisering over den tilgang jeg kan iagttage hos mig selv og medundervisere, når vi næsten undskyldende lover de studerende, at...

  5. Quality Control of traffic models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Otto Anker; Hansen, Christian Overgaard

    Kvalitetssikring af trafikmodeller er i de senere år kommet mere og mere i fokus hos både tekni-kere, fagfolk og politikere. Dette har bl.a. givet sig udslag i diskussioner ved faglige arrangemen-ter og i fagtidsskrifter. Der savnes imidlertid i dag et bud på et arbejds-redskab til kvalitets-sikr...

  6. An investigation of the initial attachment and orientation of osteoblast-like cells on laser grooved Ti-6Al-4V surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, J., E-mail: jianboc@Princeton.EDU [Princeton Institute of Science and Technology of Materials, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 (United States); Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 (United States); Ulerich, J.P. [Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 (United States); Abelev, E. [Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 (United States); Fasasi, A. [Princeton Institute of Science and Technology of Materials, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 (United States); Center for Energy Research, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (Nigeria); Arnold, C.B.; Soboyejo, W.O. [Princeton Institute of Science and Technology of Materials, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 (United States); Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 (United States)


    This paper presents the results of an experimental study of the initial cell spreading and adhesion on longitudinally- and transversally-oriented micro-grooves produced by the laser irradiation of laser grooved Ti-6Al-4V surfaces. The initial spreading and orientations of human osteosarcoma (HOS) cells were observed and quantified after 15-min, 1-hour, 4-hour and 24-hour cell culture periods. Immuno-fluorescence staining of adhesion proteins (actin and vinculin) was then used to study the spreading and adhesion of HOS cells in 1 hour and 4 hour culture experiments. The initial cell adhesion was also quantified using enzymatic detachment tests. The results showed that cell spreading and adhesion were enhanced by longitudinally- and transversally-oriented micro-grooves. The effects, which increase with time, were not remarkable after 1 hour, but obvious after 4 hours. Contact guidance was found to promote cell adhesion due to the increase in interactions between the focal adhesions and the patterned extra-cellular matrix (ECM) proteins on the laser micro-grooved surfaces.

  7. An investigation of the initial attachment and orientation of osteoblast-like cells on laser grooved Ti-6Al-4V surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, J.; Ulerich, J.P.; Abelev, E.; Fasasi, A.; Arnold, C.B.; Soboyejo, W.O.


    This paper presents the results of an experimental study of the initial cell spreading and adhesion on longitudinally- and transversally-oriented micro-grooves produced by the laser irradiation of laser grooved Ti-6Al-4V surfaces. The initial spreading and orientations of human osteosarcoma (HOS) cells were observed and quantified after 15-min, 1-hour, 4-hour and 24-hour cell culture periods. Immuno-fluorescence staining of adhesion proteins (actin and vinculin) was then used to study the spreading and adhesion of HOS cells in 1 hour and 4 hour culture experiments. The initial cell adhesion was also quantified using enzymatic detachment tests. The results showed that cell spreading and adhesion were enhanced by longitudinally- and transversally-oriented micro-grooves. The effects, which increase with time, were not remarkable after 1 hour, but obvious after 4 hours. Contact guidance was found to promote cell adhesion due to the increase in interactions between the focal adhesions and the patterned extra-cellular matrix (ECM) proteins on the laser micro-grooved surfaces.

  8. Om Hegels opfattelse af Gorgias, set på baggrund af tidligere filosofihistorikeres fremstilling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huggler, Jørgen


    En undersøgelse af Hegels tolkning af sofisten Gorgias giver anledning til at se på receptionen af sofisterne hos notable filosofihistorikere i det 18. århundrede. En sådan undersøgelse viser, at Hegel har en original og velvillig tolkning af sofisterne koncentreret omkring begrebet Bildung og det...... at give grunde for noget. Hegels udlægning af Gorgias bygger på hans tolkning af eleaterne, især af Zenon. Når Hegel har en særlig tolkning af eleaterne, skyldes det hans egne mangeårige filosofiske bestræbelser, og en identificering af en særlig, immanent objektiv dialektik hos Zenon, som han finder......, at Gorgias fører videre. Hegels filosofiske forståelse er tilstrækkelig udviklet til at kunne knytte positive kommentarer til alle dele af diskussionen i Gorgias' ræsonnement Om det ikkeværende, eller Om naturen. Det lykkes dog bedst i forhold til de to første af Gorgias' tre underteser. I hegelsk perspektiv...

  9. Flight Test of the F/A-18 Active Aeroelastic Wing Airplane (United States)

    Voracek, David


    A viewgraph presentation of flight tests performed on the F/A active aeroelastic wing airplane is shown. The topics include: 1) F/A-18 AAW Airplane; 2) F/A-18 AAW Control Surfaces; 3) Flight Test Background; 4) Roll Control Effectiveness Regions; 5) AAW Design Test Points; 6) AAW Phase I Test Maneuvers; 7) OBES Pitch Doublets; 8) OBES Roll Doublets; 9) AAW Aileron Flexibility; 10) Phase I - Lessons Learned; 11) Control Law Development and Verification & Validation Testing; 12) AAW Phase II RFCS Envelopes; 13) AAW 1-g Phase II Flight Test; 14) Region I - Subsonic 1-g Rolls; 15) Region I - Subsonic 1-g 360 Roll; 16) Region II - Supersonic 1-g Rolls; 17) Region II - Supersonic 1-g 360 Roll; 18) Region III - Subsonic 1-g Rolls; 19) Roll Axis HOS/LOS Comparison Region II - Supersonic (open-loop); 20) Roll Axis HOS/LOS Comparison Region II - Supersonic (closed-loop); 21) AAW Phase II Elevated-g Flight Test; 22) Region I - Subsonic 4-g RPO; and 23) Phase II - Lessons Learned

  10. Når almenpædagogikken bliver den bedste forbyggelse af angst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hviid, Pernille; Esbjørn, Barbara Hoff; Villadsen, Jakob Waag


    Formålet med artiklen er at invitere til dialog mellem børneklinisk, almen udviklingspsykologisk og almen pædagogisk praksis med henblik på forebyggelse af angst hos børn. Artiklen forsøger at begrebsliggøre og videreudvikle kvaliteter ved den almene pædagogiske praksis i relation til børneklinis...

  11. Resten i Vesten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moberg, Bergur Rønne

    kontekst med kraftlinjer mellem kontinentale romanklassikere af Thomas Mann og Albert Camus og Atlanterhavserfaringer hos fire færøske romanforfattere: William Heinesen, Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen, Jens Pauli Heinesen og Gunnar Hoydal. Vægten er lagt på færøsk litteratur, der har skabt en række værker af...

  12. Multiple perspectives on symptom interpretation in primary care research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosendal, Marianne; Jarbøl, Dorte Ejg; Pedersen, Anette Fischer


    Vurdering af symptomer er en af de vigtigste opgaver i den primære sundhedssektor. Symptomer beskrives ofte som noget absolut, men hos både læge og patient er symptomer resultatet af en fortolkningsproces, som påvirkes af en række forhold. Denne artikel ser nærmere på, hvordan symptomer fortolkes...

  13. Muskel-skeletbesvær i tandplejen: Prævalens, forebyggelse og rehabilitering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fredslund, Gitte Hansen; Sjøgaard, Gisela


    Introduktion: Prævalensen af muskel-skeletbesvær (MSB) i lænd, nakke, skuldre og underarme/hænder er meget høj hos tandlæger, klinikassistenter og tandplejere. Dette kan skyldes ensidigt gentaget arbejde og meget fastlåste arbejdsstillinger. Formål: At give et indblik i hvilke jobsituationer der ...

  14. Cancer Mortality in People Treated with Antidepressants before Cancer Diagnosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sun, Yuelian; Vedsted, Peter; Fenger-Grøn, Morten


    Depression forekommer ofte efter en kræftdiagnose og forbindes med øget mortalitet. Det er dog uvist, om depression i perioden før en kræftdiagnose også påvirker mortaliteten. Dette studie undersøger mortaliteten hos patienter, som blev behandlet med antidepressiv medicin før en kræftdiagnose...

  15. Brasilien bygger sit eget internet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kenneth; Føhns, Henrik


    Den brasilianske præsident Dilma Rousseff har sat blus under landets planer om at lave et internet, der ikke løber gennem USA, og hvor brasilianske borgeres data bliver på servere i Brasilien – også selvom de ligger hos Google eller Facebook. Hun vil også have det nationale postvæsen til at tilbyde...

  16. Veterinær paternalisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandøe, Peter


    Respekt for klientens selvbestemmelse står højt i kurs hos den veterinære profession i USA og England. I kontrast hertil synes mange danske dyrlæger at lægge vægt på at vise omsorg over for svage klienter. Hermed er der lagt op til en etisk diskussion....

  17. Velkommen til Merkolland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Just, Sine Nørholm


    Francois Hollandes første officielle handling som Frankrigs præsident var at tage på besøg hos den tyske kansler Angela Merkel. Dermed signalerede Hollande klart, at selvom han i den franske valgkamp slog til lyd for en genforhandling af EU’s finanspagt, så ved han godt, at vejen til EU...

  18. Fra Jersore til Kina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Littrup, Leif


    Kronik om Maren Kirstine Rasmussen (1893-1937), der var opvokset i Jersore og senere udvandret til USA. Fra 1923 til sin død var hun missionær i Sydkina, udsendt af Aggregation of God (Pinsebevægelsen). Om den Stambog og andet materiale, der er efterladt hos familien i Danmark. [I alt ca. 8...

  19. Mikrobiologer ser bakterier i kortene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harmsen, Morten; Sternberg, Claus; Haagensen, Janus Anders Juul


    at klumpe sig sammen i slimede biofilm, som især er et stort problem på hospitalerne og hos patienter med kroniske infektioner. For at kunne bekæmpe biofi lm må forskerne vide mere om, hvorfor og hvordan filmen dannes. Ny viden inden for mikrobiologien og udviklingen af nanoteknologiske mikroskoper hjælper...

  20. The implications of a "decontextualised" and a "contextualised" view of learning how to practice nursing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glinsvad, Birte

    Eksempel på hvordan to forskellige forståelser af læring, - læring som betinget af undervisning og læring som værende en del af et praksisfællesskab, - sætter sig igennem hos henholdsvis Bjerknes m.fl. (1988) i deres anbefalinger for tilrettelæggelse af praktikuddannelse for sygeplejestuderende, ...

  1. Projekt READ - sammen om læsning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Mette Vedsgaard; Østerbye, Torkil


    Projekt READ er et et-årigt projekt gennemført i et samarbejde mellem TrygFondens Børneforskningscenter, Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus Kommune og VIA University College. Projektet undersøger, om læse- og skrivefærdigheder hos elever i 2. og 3. klasse kan løftes gennem en intervention, hvor forældre...

  2. Implementering af accountability - en udfordring for den pædagogiske profession

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørk, Brian


    dagtilbudområdet på. En styring, der kan identificeres som en accountability-politik, hvor det pædagogiske personale ansvarliggøres og stilles til regnskab for deres præstationer i arbejdet med udsatte børn. Fokus rettes blandt andet på de vanskeligheder og konsekvenser, der opstår hos ”gulvpædagoger” i...

  3. Reformationens tøvende omfortolkning af kætterbegrebet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Bo Kristian; Thomsen, Søren Feldtfos


    Denne artikel undersøger påstanden om en omfortolkning af kætterbegrebet i den lutherske reformation. Der argumenteres for, at det giver god mening at tale om nytænkning af kætterbegrebet hos den unge Luther i form af en internalisering af kætteriet, hvor den enkeltes eget syndige selv udpeges som...

  4. Forvandling, fortælling og handling med mening

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Søren


    Artiklen fokuserer på en række begreber og udviklinger hos Jerome Bruner og diskuterer de forskellige grundlag, som Jerome Bruner gennem tiderne har haft fokus på uden at noget grundlag på noget tidspunkt entydigt har været bestemmende. Jerome Bruner har bevæget sig fra at være orienteret mod...

  5. Midlertidighedens paradokser og rationaler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiib, Hans


    metoder, der har til formål at fremme en social bevidsthed om at tingene kunne være anderledes og styrke et lokalt beredskab i forhold at kunne handle herpå. I dag oplever vi, at disse metoder i stadig stigende omfang operationaliseres og implementeres i planlægningen i kommuner og hos private investorer...

  6. Calmettevaccinen tages i brug igen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thybo Pihl, Gitte; Stensballe, Lone Graff; Ammentorp, Jette


    Conflict Scale” og bygger bl.a. på spørgeskemainterview. Historier om enkelte uheldige tilfælde og symptomer, som kædes sammen med en vaccination, kan meget let give usikkerhed og bekymring hos dem, der skal tage stilling til, om deres barn skal vaccineres. Det er derfor vigtigt at undersøge, hvad der...

  7. Fiberarmerede, cementbaserede kompositmaterialers levetid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stoklund Larsen, E.

    I denne SBI-rapport gennemgås en række forhold af betydning for fiberarmerede, cementbundne kompositmaterialers levetid, og der vises resultater fra en række langtidsforsøg gennemført hos SBI. - Endelig gennemgås den væsentligste inden- og udenlandske litteratur på området, og der afsluttes med e...

  8. Om den sociale og symbolske funktion af uddannelsesevalueringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørholm, Morten

    Afhandlingens teoretiske udgangspunkt er hos Émile Durkheim, Pierre Bourdieu, Ulf P. Lund­gren, Staf Callewaert, det konkrete er en række evalueringer af uddannelser til (semi)professioner inden for sundhedssektoren.                I afhandlingen konstrueres den sociale og symbolske funktion af...

  9. En klassiker - død eller levende?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Hans Henrik


    række centrale begreber og teser hos Max Weber fører til den konklusion, at de i dag i betydeligt omfang har tabt deres relevans. Men Weber forbliver central også for den moderne sociologi, fordi hans tilgang konsekvent reflekterer den grundlæggende spænding mellem vilje og nødvendighed, og fordi den...

  10. Regninput til regnvandsdisponering i Aarhus Vands forsyningsområde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorndahl, Søren Liedtke

    Dette tekniske memorandum er udarbejdet at Søren Thorndahl, Aalborg Universitet til brug i den Regnvandsdisponeringsplanlægning som pågår hos Aarhus Vand i efteråret 2017. Arbejdet er udført som en del af udviklingsprojektet KLIMAKS - Klimafremskrivning af målt nedbør til afløbsteknisk anvendelse...

  11. Achenbachs child behavior checklist CBCL og relaterede instrumenter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen, Poul Erik

    Achenbachs empiribaserede assessmentsystem (ASEBA) består af en række spørgeskemaer, som er udviklede med henblik på vurdering af et bredt spektrum af problemfelter og kompetencer hos børn, unge og voksne lige fra 1½ års alderen til 90+.Det er et såkaldt multiinformant system, hvor hovedparten af...

  12. The effects of food and maternal conditions in fetal growth and size in wild reindeer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Terje Skogland


    Full Text Available Fetal growth rates and birth weights were studied in four wild reindeer areas in Southern Norway (Hardangervidda, Hallingskarvet, Knutshø, Forelhogna, representing high and low density populations, with a 5-fold difference in mean lichen winter-food availability. Fetal growth was depressed by 42% in the high-densitv Hardangervidda population, and mean birth weights were 3.7 vs. 6.2 kg, with a 10 days difference in mean birth dates. Fetal size was better correlated with maternal weight, than age. Maternal weights increased until 5 yrs. of age and then decreased in the high-density Hardangervidda population (but not so in the low density Knutshø-Forclhogna populations. 55% of the offspring died before weaning in the Hardangervidda herd, but no significant calf losses were found amont the large-sized does in the food-abundant areas.Effekter av ernæring og simlas kondisjon på vekst og størrelse av foster hos villrein.Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Fostervekst og fødselsvekter ble undersøkt i fire villreinområder i Sør-Norge (Hardangervidda, Hallingskarvet, Knutshø og Forelhogna som representerer høg- og lågtetthetsstammer, med en 5-foldig forskjell i gjennomsnittlig lavbeite-tilgang om vinteren. Fosterveksten ble nedsatt med 42% i høgtetthetsstammen på Hardangervidda og fødselsvektene var i gjennomsnitt 3,7 kg, mot 6,2 kg i det beste området, og med en 10 dagers forsinkelse i midlere fødselsdato. Fosterets størrelse var korrelert med morens vekt, som igjen var avhengig av hennes alder. Hos de minste simlene i det dårligste området økte vektene til 5-års alder, for deretter å avta for hvert gjenlevende år. Hos simlene i det beste området økte vektene til 10-års alder, og var da dobbelt så tunge som fra det dårligste området. 55% av avkommet døde før de var avvent med diing hos Hardangervidda-simlene, mens det ikke var noen statistisk målbar dødelighet hos kalvene i Knutshø-Forelhogna.Ravinnon vaikutus ja

  13. Mangler - ressourcer - erfaring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Michael Svendsen


    Stort frafald og lavt niveau hos etniske minoritetselever i erhvervsuddannelserne er problemer som forsøges løst gennem en lang række pædagogiske udviklingsprojekter. Der udvises både kreativitet og engagement i bestræbelserne på at finde "værktøjer" der kan hjælpe eleverne til at forblive i og g...

  14. Hvordan føles det at tabe i OECD?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Staunæs, Dorthe; Pors, Justine Grønbæk


    Når OEDC rapporter sammenligner skolesystemer på tværs af nationale grænser, aktiveres følelsesregisteret hos såvel politikere som forskere. I Danmark og en række andre Europæiske lande er det særligt bekymringer og følelser som skuffelse, frygt for den Østasiatiske tiger og skam på nationens vegne...

  15. Kun 2 måneder tilbage – fondes krav mod SKAT for manglende fradrag for uddelinger til modtagere i udlandet skal rejses inden 1. januar 2018

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik


    En fond kan have penge til gode hos SKAT, når en fond i fortiden, helt tilbage til indkomståret 2004, ikke har fået fradrag til uddelinger til almindelige (ikke-almennyttige) modtager med bopæl i udlandet. Men kravet skal rejses over for SKAT inden den 1. januar 2018. Kravet er den skat, som fonden...

  16. Fusa arium branch h bligh Arg ht on h gentin highbu na sh blu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 7, 2008 ... C. maxima D max (L.) Mer. Pinus elliottii and P. Laws orded as hos. Huespe et a ntry near veg usceptible to this new ho. In addition, een reported carrots ... Amaranthu ss.) Hanelt l., Cucurbita. Lam. subsp m distichon L nus ponderosa s taeda L. are cuminatum in s blueberry is al and oil crop um as cited in.

  17. A comparative study of two fast nonlinear free-surface water wave models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ducrozet, Guillaume; Bingham, Harry B.; Engsig-Karup, Allan Peter


    simply directly solves the three-dimensional problem. Both models have been well validated on standard test cases and shown to exhibit attractive convergence properties and an optimal scaling of the computational effort with increasing problem size. These two models are compared for solution of a typical...... used in OceanWave3D, the closer the results come to the HOS model....

  18. Retfærdiggørelse, ideologi, kritik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Albertsen, Niels


    Denne artikel har tre formål. For det første er det hensigten at udrede forbindelserne mellem begreberne retfærdiggørelse, ideologi og kritik, som de foreligger hos Luc Boltanski og Ève Chiapello i Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme  (1999) (NEC i det følgende) og denne bogs forudsætninger. For det...

  19. The significance of comorbid physical conditions on the excess mortality of persons with severe mental illness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ribe, Anette Riisgaard

    Diabetes, brystkræft og infektion kan medvirke til, at personer med svære psykiatriske lidelser i gennemsnit dør 15-20 år før andre. Det er konklusionen i en ny ph.d.-afhandling fra Aarhus Universitet. Overdødeligheden hos mennesker med svære psykiatriske lidelser kan være forbundet med en højere...

  20. Familiepleje i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bryderup, Inge; Engen, Mie; Kring, Sune

    Familiepleje i Danmark handler om den danske familiepleje – om de familier, som vælger at blive familieplejere, og om de børn og unge, der er anbragt hos dem. Siden slutningen af 1980’erne har familiepleje været den mest anvendte anbringelsesform, når det gælder socialt udsatte børn og unge. Vi v...