
Sample records for laminerede limtraebjaelker delrapport

  1. Analyse af IPCC delrapport 2 - Effekter, klimatilpasning og sårbarhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jens Hesselbjerg; Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten; Grindsted, Aslak

    . Med afsæt i denne delrapport er der udarbejdet en dansk analyse, der nærmere beskriver effekterne af et ændret klima i Danmark suppleret med den seneste danske forskning udført af det danske Center for Regional Changes in the Earth System (CRES). ”Analyse af IPCC delrapport 2 – Effekter...

  2. Den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling. Del 4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Maren

    Dette er den fjerde delrapport i en rapportserie om den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling i Danmark. Rapportserien bygger på en omfattende undersøgelse, der blev fortaget i perioden december 2007 til maj 2009. Denne delrapport stiller skarpt på kvalitetsudvikling og kvalitetsstandarder i den sociale...

  3. Den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling. Del 6

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Maren; Buchholt Pedersen, Katrine

    Dette er den sjette delrapport i en rapportserie om den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling i Danmark. Rapportserien bygger på en omfattende undersøgelse, der blev fortaget i perioden december 2007 til maj 2009. Denne delrapport stiller skarpt på resultaterne af den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling i Da...

  4. 4 rapporter om 4 interventioner i 4 professioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brok, Lene Storgaard; Kamstrup, Anne Katrine; Laursen, Per Fibæk


    I denne publikation præsenteres fire delrapporter i den såkaldte interventionsdel af projektet Brobygning mellem teori og praksis. Rapporten præsenterer et fokus på professionshøjskolernes egne interventioner....

  5. Beboerdeltagelse i saneringsprocessen i Ringsted

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, V

    I 3.delrapport redegøres for en interviewundersøgelse der belyser beboernes holdninger til saneringsplan og lokalplan for deres boligområde, til de gennemførte offentlighedsaktiviteter og til det at deltage i en planlægningsproces. Meddelelsen konkluderer i forslag til forbedringer i offentlighed...

  6. Frivilligcentrene i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Lars Skov

    Rapporten udgør den fjerde og afsluttende delrapport vedrørende evalueringen af 'Puljen til oprettelse af nye og styrkelse af eksisterende frivilligcentre i Danmark'. Udviklingspuljen er en del af sats­pulje­aftalen 2005, hvor satspuljeordførerne besluttede at afsætte 49 millioner kr. til en styr...

  7. Den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling. Del 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heltberg, Therese

    Denne rapport er den første delrapport i en undersøgelse af den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling i Danmark, som SFI har gennemført for Servicestyrelsen i perioden december 2007 til maj 2009. Undersøgelsen omhandler den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling efter § 101 i Serviceloven, mens undersøgelsen i ...

  8. Sushi i Frankrike: Produkter og konsepter


    Iversen, Audun; Nøstvold, Bjørg Helen


    - Dette er tredje delrapport om produkter og konsepter innen sushi. De to første omhandlet det norske og det tyske markedet for sushi. Dette notatet er basert på intervjuer med franske produsenter, distributører, restaurantkjeder og en kjede som driver shop-in-shop-produksjon av sushi for Carrefour. I Frankrike har vi sett et marked som skiller seg en del fra det norske og tyske. Fokuset på kvalitet og spiseopplevelse synes større enn i Tyskland. Dette ser vi både i butikkutvalget og i...

  9. Delrapport vedrørende kvalitetssikring af pressvejsprocessen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Mogens H.

    "Forundersøgelse samt en oversigt over pressvejsning i AC-TPB, AC-TPE, AC-VT, CD-PE og CS-TPM" Arbejdet er udført under Erhvervsforskerprojektet "Kvalitetssikring af pressvejseprocessen" Delprojekt 1.1......"Forundersøgelse samt en oversigt over pressvejsning i AC-TPB, AC-TPE, AC-VT, CD-PE og CS-TPM" Arbejdet er udført under Erhvervsforskerprojektet "Kvalitetssikring af pressvejseprocessen" Delprojekt 1.1...

  10. Miljøfarlige stoffer i ålekvabbe - Delrapport I

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahllöf, Ingela; Strand, Jakob

    Miljøfarlige stoffer i ålekvabbe blev analyseret og sammenholdt med forekomst af misdannede ålekvabbeunger. Kobber, organotin, dioxiner, furaner, dioxin-lignende PCB’er samt bromerede flammehæmmere blev vurderet....

  11. Hatefulle ytringer. Delrapport 2: Forskning på hat og diskriminering


    Eggebø, Helga; Stubberud, Elisabeth


    De siste årene har hatefulle ytringer blitt aktualisert som et viktig demokratisk spørsmål på den offentlige og politiske dagsordenen. Likevel finnes det foreløpig lite forskningsbasert kunnskap om hatefulle ytringer i norsk sammenheng. Denne rapporten har som formål å samle, oppsummere og vurdere forskning som belyser sammenhengen mellom hatefulle ytringer og diskriminering, mobbing og vold på den ene siden, og forskning om konsekvenser for samfunnet og for de gruppene som er utsatt på den a...

  12. Miljøfarlige stoffer i sediment og muslinger - Delrapport III

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahllöf, Ingela; Strand, Jakob

    Koncentrationer af miljøfarlige stoffer i sediment og muslinger blev sammenholdt med forekomst af misdannelser i ålekvabbeunger. Tungmetaller, organotin, dioxiner, dioxinlignende PCB’er, samt bromerede flammehæmmer blev vurderet som stærke kandidatstoffer til at kunne være årsag til de observered...

  13. Undersøgelsesdesign

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansbøl, Mikala


    Delrapport fra LUG-projektet, delprojekt A - Uddannelsesinstitutionelle Grænser. I 2014 udvikler og forsker UCSJ og RUC i en gratis og fleksibel måde at udbyde uddannelse på, inspireret af flere universiteter i USA – via MOOCs (Multiple Open Online Courses). MOOC-projektet er en del af et større...... innovationsprojekt “Læring Uden Grænser” - støttet af den Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling. Projektet undersøger hvordan digitale teknologier og nye koblinger i form af netværk- og institutionssamarbejde kan mindske grænser for læring i Region Sjælland. Den næste år udvikles og udbydes en række MOOCs, der...... skal generere og formidle ny viden om, hvordan MOOCs kan udvikles på måder, så også regionale hensyn tages. Projektet arbejder designbaseret og der vil derfor gennem input fra brugere, partnere, arrangerede workshops, og lignende foregå en løbende redesignproces. Projektet vil munde ud i en række...

  14. Giver skolemad næring for læring?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benn, Jette; Carlsson, Monica; Nordin, Lone Lindegaard

    Mad er del af skolens hverdag. I denne rapport, der er del af et større forskningsprojekt under ledelse af Bent Egberg Mikkelsen, Ålborg Universitet, er der sat fokus på det gratis skolemadsprojekt, som Fødevareministeriet har finansieret, ligesom de finansierede evalueringen heraf. Der var i alt...... fire delprojekter med hver deres fokus på evaluering af det gratis skolemadsforsøg. I denne delrapport beskrivesfire skolers forsøg med skolemad­ordninger, og om hvorvidt disse har haft en betydning for elevernes trivsel, for læringsmiljøet og for deres læring. Det er et stort, komplekst og aktuelt...... spørgsmål, der ikke kun er et svar på. De fire skoler er forskellige i størrelse og geografisk placering, men også i grundholdninger og prioriteringer. Det fælles for dem er, at de alle har ansøgt FødevareErhverv om midler til at gennemføre et forsøg med skolemad, der skulle evalueres. Evalueringen tog...

  15. Social effects of wind power - Progress report; Samhaellseffekter av vindkraft - Delrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The study of the social effects have been initiated in 2009 and will last until 2014. This progress report gives an overview of the two pilot projects; Dragaliden and Gabriel Mountain and their social conditions. Furthermore are reported social effects created thus far, focused on: 1. Local and regional employment effects. 2. Effects on the service industry. 3. Population growth. 4. Property price trends. 5. Infrastructure changes.

  16. Effektmåling af ”Sikker Trafik Live” – delrapport 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Helle; Sandoy, Tróndur Møller; Kristensen, Christian Li

    Trafikulykker er en af de hyppigste dødsårsager blandt unge under 25 år, og i omkring hver femte alvorlige ulykke er en 15-24-årig involveret. For at bryde denne statistik tilbyder Rådet for Sikker Trafik i samarbejde med TrygFonden undervisningsindsatsen ”Sikker Trafik LIVE”, der er et foredrag ...

  17. Unge hørehæmmede efter Frijsenborg Efterskole. Delrapport 4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Niels-Henrik Møller

    Denne rapport beskriver resultaterne af en spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt tidligere elever på Frijsenborg Efterskole. Fælles for eleverne, der deltager i undersøgelsen, er, at de alle har et høretab. Vores mål med undersøgelsen og denne rapport er at belyse, hvordan det går med de hørehæmmede ele...

  18. Skolestøtte til børn i familiepleje – delrapport I

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eiberg, Misja; Andersen, Luna Kragh; Scavenius Sonne-Schmidt, Christoffer

    I denne rapport beskrives resultaterne af et randomiseret kontrolleret forsøg med to skolestøttende indsatser til familieplejeanbragte børn i den danske folkeskole i alderen 6-14 år. Gennem afprøvningen af de to indsatser har forskningsprojektet ”Skolestøtte til børn i familiepleje” undersøgt, hv...

  19. Skolestøtte til børn i familiepleje – delrapport II

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Luna Kragh; Eiberg, Misja

    Forskningsprojektet ”Skolestøtte til børn i familiepleje” har afprøvet to skolestøttende interventioner, som netop har til formål at forbedre de anbragtes faglige, sociale og kognitive evner. I denne rapport undersøges implementeringen af den ene af disse interventioner, kaldet ”LUKoP-modellen”. ...

  20. Skolestøtte til børn i familiepleje – Delrapport IV

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Luna Kragh; Eiberg, Misja; Blomqvist, Emma Karolina


    Fra forskningen ved vi, at anbragte børn både har flere og mere alvorlige skoleproblemer end ikke-anbragte i forhold til indlæring, adfærd og sociale relationer, og at de ofte ikke kommer lige så langt i uddannelsessystemet som deres jævnaldrende. Derfor er der brug for ekstra skolestøtte til anb...

  1. Skolestøtte til børn i familiepleje – delrapport III

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eiberg, Misja; Andersen, Luna Kragh

    Forskningsprojektet ”Skolestøtte til børn i familiepleje” har afprøvet to skolestøttende interventioner, som netop har til formål at forbedre de anbragtes faglige, sociale og kognitive evner. I denne rapport beskrives den mest succesfulde af de to afprøvede indsatser, kaldet ”LUKoP-modellen, som ...

  2. Dødelighed af astma og kronisk bronkitis. 11. Delrapport fra Sundhedsministeriets Middellevetidsudvalg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, P.A.

    Rapporten er resultat af et udvalgsarbejde, hvori der har været deltagelse fra lungemedicin, børne- og voksenallergologi, arbejdsmedicin og almen medicin. Hovedresultaterne: I Danmark dør årligt 2700 personer af kroniske luftvejssygdomme, heraf 10% af astma og næsten alle andre af kronisk bronkitis...... lidt dårligere end i en række vesteuropæiske lande, og dødeligheden lå højt. For danske kvinder var udviklingen i dødelighed af kroniske obstruktive lungesygdomme betydeligt dårligere end i disse lande, og dødeligheden var meget høj.For astma skete en 2-3 dobling af dødeligheden i alderen 10-39 år. Men...... den samlede dødelighed i den alder omfattede kun 10-30 personer årligt.Astmadødeligheden i alder over 50 år steg ifølge dødsårsagsstatistikkerne. Men der er tvivl om afgrænsningen mellem astma og kronisk bronkitis. Da forholdet mellem ældre mænds og ældre kvinders dødelighed af astma synes at være...

  3. Appendiks. Skolestøtte til børn i familiepleje – delrapport I

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eiberg, Misja; Andersen, Luna Kragh; Scavenius Sonne-Schmidt, Christoffer

    anden er en hjemmebaseret tutor-indsats kaldet ”Forældre som lektiehjælpere” (FsL). Dette appendiks indeholder tre analysedele: • En sammenligning af kontrol- og indsatsgrupper i forhold til plejeforældrenes baggrund/ud¬gangspunkt ved førmålingen • En sammenligning af kontrol- og indsatsgrupper i...

  4. Hatefulle ytringer. Delrapport 3: Grenseoppgangen mellom ytringsfrihet og strafferettslig vern mot hatefulle ytringer


    Wessel-Aas, Jon; Fladmoe, Audun; Nadim, Marjan


    De siste årene har hatefulle ytringer på internett fått økt oppmerksomhet i den offentlige debatten. Denne rapporten inneholder en juridisk utredning som har som formål å redegjøre for det strafferettslige vernet mot hatefulle ytringer, basert på gjeldende rett. Gjennomgangen synliggjør dessuten hvilke grupper som er gitt slikt vern. Et forbud mot hatefulle ytringer er et inngrep i ytringsfriheten. Spørsmålet om hvor grensen mellom ytringsfriheten og hva man skal slippe å tåle av hatefulle yt...

  5. The standard system for conducting the TNA (Training Needs Analysis) of Staff (delrapport fra EU Erasmus+ project SMART

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Ulla Højmark


    The Training Needs Analysis (TNA) has been carried out with the staff of the partner organisations. A standard system for conducting a quantitative and a qualitative training needs analysis had been developed and it has been used as a framework for the analysis from the 4 partners: Limerick...... Youthreach in Ireland, Copenhagen Youth school in Denmark, Esbjerg Youth school in Denmark and Palermo, CESIE in Italy. Due to the different experience level among staff and the different national and local regulations and the school contexts; the four partners have made their individual version...... and translation of the standardised system to suit their own individual context. Limerick and Palermo have completed both a quantitative and a qualitative training needs analyses. Copenhagen and Esbjerg have completed a qualitative training needs analysis. This report summarises the findings of the four partners...

  6. Inventory of future power and heat production technologies. Partial report Energy combines; Inventering av framtidens el- och vaermeproduktionstekniker. Delrapport Energikombinat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thunman, Henrik; Lind, Fredrik; Johnsson, Filip (Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Goeteborg (Sweden))


    This report treats different ways to produce various upgraded biofuels from lignocellulosic materials in so called polygeneration processes. Furthermore the different upgrading technologies are also investigated with respect to co-production of heat and power. The processes investigated are linked to production of - bio pellets (or lignin pellets), dried, grinded and compressed biomass (or lignin); - torrified bio pellets, dried, grinded, heat treated and compressed biomass; - bio-oils or pyrolytic oils, liquefied biomass with crude oil quality; - ethanol via hydrolysis (process where the biomass is divided into sugars and lignin) followed by fermentation; - methane via hydrolysis and fermentation; - methane via indirect gasification and methane via indirect or suspension gasification, - DME (dimethyl ether) via indirect or suspension gasification; - methanol via indirect or suspension gasification; - DME and methanol via methane produced via indirect gasification. Lignocellulosic biomasses are, for example, forest residues or biomass that can be cultivated on degraded lands. The result from this report shows that it is only the production of bio pellets that is fully commercially available today. For all the other polygeneration processes investigated the production of bio-oil and torrified bio pellets stands out from the other processes investigated, as it is the market for the product that holds back the introduction of the technology. For the other technologies one or several components are still not commercialized and the challenges for these technologies are described in the report. Summarizing the efficiencies for the different processes, the processes that produces biofuels for stationary applications, bio pellets, torrified bio pellets and bio-oil, show the highest efficiencies. Accounted for the co-generated power, efficiencies up to 90 % based on ingoing lower heating values of the dry substance fed to the process could be achieved. For the processes that produce biofuels suitable for the transport sector efficiencies between 45 and 55 % can be reached, independent of product. However, there is one exception, which is methane produced via gasification that can reach efficiencies between 70 and 75 %. What differs more between the biofuel producing processes for the transport sector is the amount of biofuel that is possible to get out from the ingoing biomass, which can be anything between 20 and 70 %. Here, ethanol gives the lowest and methane via gasification the highest values. With respect to the costs to produce the different products the lowest costs are obviously related to the production of biofuels to be used in the stationary energy system. The total production cost of these products is between 40 and 90 % higher than the cost for biomass feedstock (Swedish forest residues). The production cost for the other biofuels is 2.5 to 3.5 times higher than the cost for the feedstock (Swedish forest residues), independent of product. However, some polygeneration schemes show very high cost, up to 9 times the cost for the feedstock. The uncertainty in these figures is, nevertheless, high and the real costs are dependent on if there are any supplier of the technology, which availability that is possible to achieve and the costs for the operation and maintenance. As one or several of the components included in these plants are still at a research or at a demonstration stage, it is not possible to give any more precise estimation on the costs or availability of such plants

  7. Inventory of future power and heat production technologies. Partial report Energy storage; Inventering av framtidens el- och vaermeproduktionstekniker. Delrapport Energilagring

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Messing, Lars; Lindahl, Sture [Gothia Power AB, Goeteborg (Sweden)


    In this report a survey of different techniques for storage of electrical energy. The following alternatives are described regarding method, characteristics, potential and economy. Batteries; Capacitors; Flywheels; Pump storage hydro power plants; Hydrogen gas generation; Air compression. Regarding evaluation of methods for storage of electrical energy. Battery storage: The development of Lithium-ion batteries are of great interest. In the present situation it is however difficult of classify battery storage as a good alternation in applications with frequent re-charging cycles and re-charging of large energy volumes. The batteries have limited life length compared to other alternatives. Also the power is limited at charging and discharging. Energy storage in capacitors: 'Super-capacitors' having large power capacity is considered to be of interest in applications where fast control of power is necessary. The ongoing development of based on carbon-nanotubes will increase the energy storage capacity compared with the today existing super-capacitors. This can in the future be an alternative to battery storage. Of further interest is also the idea to combine battery and capacitor based storage to achieve longer life-time of the batteries and faster power control. Flywheel energy storage: The energy storage capacity is relatively limited but power control can be fast. This system can be an alternative to capacitor based energy storage. Pump-storage hydro power plant: This type of energy storage is well suited and proven for time frame up to some days. In the Swedish power system there is today not any large demand of energy storage in this time frame as there is a large capacity in conventional hydro power plants with storage capacity. Pump-storage can however be of interest in the southern part of Sweden. In some operation stages the grid is loaded up to its limit due to large power transmission from the north. The pump-storage can reduce this power transfer during critical periods and can therefore be an alternative to new power lines. Hydrogen energy storage: The handling (storage and transfer) of hydrogen is considered to be difficult and dangerous. Air-compression energy storage: This method is combined with gas turbine plants. During periods with surplus of energy in the power system this surplus energy is used to compress air and store it. This compressed air is used in the operation of gas turbine power plant where the compressed air is used instead of the normal use where the gas turbine makes the compression. The possibility should be considered in the future if new gas turbine power plants are to be built in Sweden. This is not the situation today. Different application areas where the energy storage can be used are discussed, such as: Electrical supply quality improvement; Improvement of power system transient stability; Damping of electromechanical oscillations in the power system; Spinning disturbance power reserves; Power system frequency control; Fast disturbance power reserves (activated within 15 minutes); Optimization of energy production dispatch; Increase of power grid transmission capacity. In the scientific world the technical development is very active within areas regarding batteries, capacitors with very large storage capacity, flywheels, etc. As the progress is very fast and this report gives only a brief survey of the research within the area, there is a need to continuously follow the technical development. The judgement is done that there is demand for evaluation of the value of energy storage for different applications and to identify suitable methods to be used in the different applications. Regarding conditions and demands in Sweden and the other Nordic countries research and development activities should be done as: Identify application areas where there are requirements of improvements in the power system. From the identified demands it should be analysed if electrical energy storage can be used to achieve the required improvements. For each application area different alternatives for energy storages are evaluated regarding technical feasibility, environmental influence and economy. During the next 2-4 years conceptual solutions should be presented for application where electrical energy storage is considered to be technically and economically feasible. These applications should be linked to new requirements in the power system due to increased volume of distributed power generation (for example wind power), increased consumptions of electrical energy due to new load objects (for example electrical cars), changed structure of the distribution grids, etc. Evaluation of the different concepts is done as soon as the above described conceptual studies allow. Prioritization of realization should be done. Within 5 years from now realization of pilot projects are started.

  8. Inventory of future power and heat production technologies. Partial report Energy storage; Inventering av framtidens el- och vaermeproduktionstekniker. Delrapport Energilagring

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Messing, Lars; Lindahl, Sture (Gothia Power AB, Goeteborg (Sweden))


    In this report a survey of different techniques for storage of electrical energy. The following alternatives are described regarding method, characteristics, potential and economy. Batteries; Capacitors; Flywheels; Pump storage hydro power plants; Hydrogen gas generation; Air compression. Regarding evaluation of methods for storage of electrical energy. Battery storage: The development of Lithium-ion batteries are of great interest. In the present situation it is however difficult of classify battery storage as a good alternation in applications with frequent re-charging cycles and re-charging of large energy volumes. The batteries have limited life length compared to other alternatives. Also the power is limited at charging and discharging. Energy storage in capacitors: 'Super-capacitors' having large power capacity is considered to be of interest in applications where fast control of power is necessary. The ongoing development of based on carbon-nanotubes will increase the energy storage capacity compared with the today existing super-capacitors. This can in the future be an alternative to battery storage. Of further interest is also the idea to combine battery and capacitor based storage to achieve longer life-time of the batteries and faster power control. Flywheel energy storage: The energy storage capacity is relatively limited but power control can be fast. This system can be an alternative to capacitor based energy storage. Pump-storage hydro power plant: This type of energy storage is well suited and proven for time frame up to some days. In the Swedish power system there is today not any large demand of energy storage in this time frame as there is a large capacity in conventional hydro power plants with storage capacity. Pump-storage can however be of interest in the southern part of Sweden. In some operation stages the grid is loaded up to its limit due to large power transmission from the north. The pump-storage can reduce this power transfer during critical periods and can therefore be an alternative to new power lines. Hydrogen energy storage: The handling (storage and transfer) of hydrogen is considered to be difficult and dangerous. Air-compression energy storage: This method is combined with gas turbine plants. During periods with surplus of energy in the power system this surplus energy is used to compress air and store it. This compressed air is used in the operation of gas turbine power plant where the compressed air is used instead of the normal use where the gas turbine makes the compression. The possibility should be considered in the future if new gas turbine power plants are to be built in Sweden. This is not the situation today. Different application areas where the energy storage can be used are discussed, such as: Electrical supply quality improvement; Improvement of power system transient stability; Damping of electromechanical oscillations in the power system; Spinning disturbance power reserves; Power system frequency control; Fast disturbance power reserves (activated within 15 minutes); Optimization of energy production dispatch; Increase of power grid transmission capacity. In the scientific world the technical development is very active within areas regarding batteries, capacitors with very large storage capacity, flywheels, etc. As the progress is very fast and this report gives only a brief survey of the research within the area, there is a need to continuously follow the technical development. The judgement is done that there is demand for evaluation of the value of energy storage for different applications and to identify suitable methods to be used in the different applications. Regarding conditions and demands in Sweden and the other Nordic countries research and development activities should be done as: Identify application areas where there are requirements of improvements in the power system. From the identified demands it should be analysed if electrical energy storage can be used to achieve the required improvements. For each application area different alternatives for energy storages are evaluated regarding technical feasibility, environmental influence and economy. During the next 2-4 years conceptual solutions should be presented for application where electrical energy storage is considered to be technically and economically feasible. These applications should be linked to new requirements in the power system due to increased volume of distributed power generation (for example wind power), increased consumptions of electrical energy due to new load objects (for example electrical cars), changed structure of the distribution grids, etc. Evaluation of the different concepts is done as soon as the above described conceptual studies allow. Prioritization of realization should be done. Within 5 years from now realization of pilot projects are started.

  9. Inventory of future power and heat production technologies. Partial report Wind Power; Inventering av framtidens el- och vaermeproduktionstekniker. Delrapport Vindkraft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clausen, Niels-Erik; Lawaetz, Henrik; Lemming, Joergen; Morthorst, Poul Erik [Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde (Denmark)


    The development of the wind energy technology has been very successful from the 1970s and up till now. Initially there was a battle between wind turbine concepts, but the commercial winner today is the three-bladed horizontal axis, upwind, electricity producing and grid connected wind turbine with availability on mature markets somewhere around 99%. An important contributor to the growth of the European market for wind energy technology has been EU framework legislation combined with legislation at the national level. The binding target for renewable energy in Sweden is proposed to be 49% of the final energy consumption in 2020 compared to 39.8% in 2005. To stimulate the development of wind energy and to promote a specific national goals Sweden is mainly using an electricity certificate system. The target is to increase the production of electricity from renewable sources by 17 TWh in 2016, relative to corresponding production in 2002. There is not at specific target for the use of wind energy. A future energy system that includes a high proportion of wind energy will be expected to meet the same requirements for security of supply and economic efficiency as the energy systems of today. The variability of wind power create a specific challenges for the future energy systems compared to those of today. The economics of wind power depends mainly of investment cost, operation and maintenance costs, electricity production and turbine lifetime. An average turbine installed in Europe has a total investment cost of 1.230 Euro/kW with a typically variation from approximately 1000 Euro/kW to approximately 1400 Euro/kW. The calculated costs per kWh wind generated power range from approximately 0.07-0.10 Euro/kWh at sites with low average wind speeds to approximately 0.05-0.065 Euro/kWh at good coastal positions, with an average of approximately 0.07 Euro/kWh at a medium wind site. Offshore costs are largely dependent on weather and wave conditions, water depth, and distance to the coast. The cost of wind generated power is higher for offshore wind farms that for on land ones ranging from approximately 0.06 Euro/kWh to more than 0.09 Euro/kWh. Assuming a learning rate at 10% and a doubling time of total installed capacity of four years the cost interval would in 2015 be approximately 0.048 to 0.055 Euro/kWh for a coastal and inland site, respectively

  10. Combustion of paper industry sewage sludge in existing boilers. Progress report 1; Tillfoersel av skogsindustriellt slam till eldstaeder. Delrapport etapp 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoeglund, Christer; Lundborg, Rickard; Myringer, Aase


    The aim of this project is to find a feasible method for combustion of sewage sludge in existing boilers of the paper industry. Biological sludge is complicated to handle since it contains a lot of bound water. Problems arise at dehydration and subsequent treatment. Moreover, the trend is that the amount of biological sludge increases whereas the amount of easily dehydrated fibre sludge decreases. Today, mixed sludge is combusted at more then half of the paper and pulp mills in Sweden. In order to evaluate the existing problems and the characteristics of different sludge, five mills have been studied. Sludge from three of these mills has also been analysed with regards to content and combustion properties. The content of sludge from different mills varies greatly. If the ash content is high, some substances, especially the alkali metals can cause problems at combustion such as sintering and deposits in the boiler. The analysed sludge did not contain important amounts of substances that causes problems at combustion, nor any toxic substances, except from one mill that had relatively high content of mercury. The combustion tests proved that combustion and especially drying of sludge is made preferably when the sludge particles are small, on as big an area as possible. One feasible method to combust sludge from the forest industry is to dehydrate so called fibre sludge to the same dry substance content as bark, in order to introduce it with existing fuel feeding devises and combust it together with the other fuel on the grate in a grate boiler. Dehydrated biological sludge, with considerably higher moisture content than pure fibre sludge, is added with a burner devise above the bed. The sludge particles are dried (in the furnace) and combusted before they leave the furnace. In this way, wet sludge that plug the bed is avoided. The location of the sludge feeding device in the boiler is important and should be adjusted individually to each furnace. Simulations show that feeding of biological sludge with sludge burner/sprayer located relatively high in the furnace is possible with maintained good results of combustion. In the simulated standard case, it has proved suitable to place four sludge burners in pairs on the side walls. The burners give a maximal sludge amount of 660 kg per hour. The calculations show great differences in flow pattern in the boiler for sludge particles of different diameters. Particles with diameter 0,5 mm have a short depth of penetration and follow the flow field in the furnace. Particles with a diameter of 1,5 mm have considerably higher depth of penetration and are initially relatively unaffected by the flow field. The influence from the flow field of the furnace increases when the greater part of the moisture content of the particle is evaporated. Smaller particles than 0,5 mm prove to be too volatile and have difficulties to obtain sufficient penetration in the boiler. Larger particles than 1,5 mm prove to be too heavy and have too long drying time, which implies that they very likely will land on the bed before they are burned out. The optimal size distribution of the sludge is in the interval 0,5 - 1,5 mm. With this distribution, a good penetration of the sludge is reached together with acceptable times for combustion. The calculations show that only a few percent of the sludge particles of this size land on the grate. Combustion of sludge with a large part of wet biological sludge can cause problems with too low temperature to the superheaters. A proposed sludge burner is presented and discussed with suppliers of equipment and process engineers in the field. The proposal follow the basic idea to feed the sludge into the final combustion zone of the boiler so that the drying starts high up and the particles dry on the way down to the grate (the fuel bed) where the final combustion takes place. The mayor part of the sludge particles are burnt before they reach and land on the grate. The proposed model of this study is the base for continued experiments with sludge burners for biological sludge.

  11. Inventory of future power and heat production technologies. Partial report Small-scale technology; Inventering av framtidens el- och vaermeproduktionstekniker. Delrapport Smaaskalig teknik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ridell, Bengt (Grontmij AB (Sweden))


    The following techniques for small-scale production have been selected to be studied more carefully, Fuel cells, Photovoltaics, Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), and Wave power. Of the four selected technologies, fuel cells, solar cells, ORC are appropriate for use in so-called distributed generation, to be used close to a consumer, and possibly also for the production of electricity. Wave power is more like the wind in nature and is probably better suited to be used by power companies for direct input to the transmission grid. None of these technologies are now competitive against buying electricity from the Swedish grid. However, there are opportunities for all to reduce production costs so that they can become competitive alternatives in the future, depending largely on the general development of electricity prices, taxes, delivery reliability, etc. The four different technologies have different development stages and requirements that affect their possibility for a commercial breakthrough. These technologies will probably not all get a breakthrough in Sweden. Small-scale technologies will in the time period up to 2030 not be able to compete with the large-scale technologies that exist in today's power grid. In the longer term the situation may be different. The power system might be reduced in importance if the small scale technologies become cheap, reliable and easy to use. Electricity can then be produced locally, directly related to user needs

  12. Gas expanders at M/R Stations in the natural gas distribution network. Pre-project, subreport; Gasexpandere paa distributionsnettets M/R-stationer. Forprojekt, delrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rasmussen, Niels Bjarne


    Danish Gas Technology Centre has been carrying out a feasibility project to clarify the possibilities of installing gas expanders at M/R-stations (Measuring and Regulating) in the Distribution system of the natural gas grid. A large number of such expanders are installed around the world. The novelty of this project is to use a heat pump to perform the necessary heating of the gas before the expander, and to ''export'' to the electricity grid the remaining electricity from the generator connected to the expander. The present project includes the small M/R-stations at the gas Distribution grid where pressure is reduced from 40 or 20 bar to 4 bar. The preliminary project (year 1 of project) has investigated whether components for such smaller systems can be found, and it has investigated prices for different quantities. A technical feasibility study has been done. Also, preliminary calculations of payback times has been carried out. A large potential of CO{sub 2}-reduction is present with this technology based on saving of natural gas combustion and on new electricity production displacing existing production without any use of primary energy. The main results and conclusions are: 1) There are component suppliers for expander systems suitable to the size of distribution network M/R stations. 2) Pressure regulators provided at the stations are laid out with significant overcapacity, enabling a simplified installation of the expander systems. 3) If the system is being rolled out across the Danish distribution grid, the realistic saving potential is approx. 2.3 million Nm3 of gas per year and a production of almost 40 million kWh of electricity. 4) If the price is 0.60 DKK/kWh for electricity sold, the simple pay-back is 6-7 years on average, covering a variation from 3 to 16 years at the various stations. The smallest stations are omitted. The best stations covering more than half of the gas flow have a pay-back time between 3 and 6 years. 5) The preliminary project has proven successful and it is recommended to continue the project in a demo-project where a full scale expander system is demonstrated. (LN)

  13. Corrosion of steel in concrete in cooling water walls. Report part 1 - Literature survey; Korrosion paa staal i betong i kylvattenvaegar. Delrapport 1 - Litteraturgranskning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lindmark, Sture; Sederholm, Bror


    The aim of the present literature study has been to collect knowledge about reported concentrations of chloride concentrations in concrete exposed to brackish water and also to get an overview of whether a critical threshold chloride concentration for chloride induced corrosion on steel embedded in concrete has been reported and/or accepted. Only five known reports present chloride concentrations in concrete that has been exposed to brackish water. All three refer to the Baltic sea or the Gulf of Bothnia. Reported chloride concentrations in the concrete is considerably higher (more than a factor of ten) than what would have been expected if the chloride had been present in the concrete only as sea water in the pore system. One reason why high chloride concentrations occur in certain zones of the concrete may be that in these zones, evaporation and capillary suction of salt water may occur alternately. Another reason is that chloride ions are physically and/or chemically bound to the cement paste structure. Chloride binding is reported to be dependent on pH value in the pore solution. In line with this, another report suggests that the pH value of the outer chloride solution (the exposure solution) may be affected by the test sample when tests are carried out in small beakers, like in the laboratory. The author of that report says this might be a reason why critical chloride concentrations with respect to steel corrosion measured in the laboratory and in the field will deviate. As for reported threshold levels, many different values have been reported, differing by more than a factor 100, irrespective of the way of reporting (chloride by cement weight, chloride to hydroxide ratio, chloride to pore solution volume, etc). Some authors claim that in fact no one, single critical chloride concentration exists, but that it will depend on several other factors such as humidity, oxygen availability, pH etc. Furthermore, there are different opinions on whether bound chlorides may contribute to the corrosion process or not. The definitive assessment of a critical chloride concentration certainly involves several difficulties and thus will not be an easy task. However, the work is further more complicated by the fact that, today, different authors use different techniques for detecting start of corrosion , for measuring rate of corrosion, for measuring and reporting concentration of chlorides etc

  14. Demonstration of low-energy district heating for low-energy buildings in EnergyFlexHouse. Subreport 1; Demonstration af lavenergifjernvarme til lavenergibyggeri i energyflexhouse. Delrapport 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holm Christiansen, C.


    This report concerns demonstration of a new concept for low temperature district heating to low energy buildings with district heating flow temperatures on just above 50 deg. C. The concept was developed in a previous energy research project under the EFP-2007-programme supported by the Danish Energy Agency. New types of prototypes for district heating consumer substations and district heating pipes in very small dimensions were developed and manufactured. Demonstration has been carried out in the Danish Technological Institute test houses 'EnergyFlexHouse' with the objective of analyzing and evaluating the performance of the concept in a real low energy house. The EnergyFlexHouse is actually two houses either each designed to be energy neutral with PV's but also fulfilling the Danish building codes low energy class 2015 requirements without the PV's. The two houses are called 'Lab' and 'Family' and are supplied with district heating from a small local distribution network. The tests are carried out in the 'Lab' house connected with a district heating branch twin pipe with two service pipes of just 10 mm inner diameter/14 mm outer diameter and with outer casing diameter of 110 mm corresponding to series 2 insulation. An accumulator consumer substation with a 175 liter storage tank on the primary side (district heating side) has been subject to tests. Tree different tapping patterns of domestic hot water were performed including tapping patterns based on the European standard PrEN50440. Generally the results show that balancing the primary loading flow in relation to actual tapping patterns and domestic hot water consumption is important in order to keep the district heating return temperature as low as possible. Based on the results different options are proposed in order to optimize the operation of the consumer substation. Recently a new project under the EUDP 2010-II has received grant to continue improving and implementing the concept at more sites. (Author)

  15. DanGrid. Report from working group 23. Information model for dissemination data. [Smart grid in Denmark]; DanGrid. Delrapport. Arbejdsgruppe 23. Informationsmodel for formidling af data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baadsgaard Trolle, M.; Tackie, D.V. [Dansk Energi, Frederiksberg (Denmark); Preben Nyeng, P.; Johansen, K. [, Fredericia (Denmark); Knudsen, Hans [DONG Energy, Virum (Denmark); Fabricius Nielsen, J. [SEAS-NVE, Svinninge (Denmark)


    The mandate of the working group was to submit a consolidated recommendation to information models, that ensure that both technical and commercial players in the power system can easily communicate data between the players. This is to ensure that there are no artificial barriers between power systems operators in that for instance equipment is installed that do not comply with international standards. Based on the analysis of generic processes in the present and future intelligent power system in the five different process phases - agreements, forecasts, activation, metering and billing - it is recommended that the two basic information models Logical Nodes and CIM with corresponding IEC standard series form the backbone in a Danish information model for the exchange of data between the electricity sector operators in the intelligent grid. (LN)

  16. Quality demands and methods of control in the case of welded plastic-casing pipe joints. Part 1. Kontrolmetoder og kvalitetskrav til svejste kapperoerssamlinger af plast. 1. delrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ross, P.; Svanum, M.


    The aim of the literary study was to attain knowledge relevant to the production and utilization of pre-insulated district heating pipes coated with polyethylene. Methods of testing for longevity and quality in addition to an evaluation of welding processes were also studied. It was concluded that welders should be specially trained and follow clearly specified working procedures and that their equipment should be standardized. (AB).

  17. DanGrid. Report from working group 22. Concept for controlling the power system. [Smart grid in Denmark]; DanGrid. Delrapport. Arbejdsgruppe 22. Koncept for styring af elsystemet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report describes a Smart Grid concept for how the currently untapped and potentially cheaper resources, i.e. flexible electricity consumption and electricity generation, are put into play through markets or directly where it is economically desirable. The concept provides a framework for how all the actors involved (consumers, power plant owners, BRP, electricity traders, DSO, TSO and other new players) can create increased value solely because a today untapped resource can be activated, namely flexibility in consumption and production from even small consumers. The concept does not attempt to identify all technical needs to operate a market-based power system with 50 % wind power, but the concept focuses on the mobilization of new flexible resources for the benefit of the capacity and voltage challenges in the distribution networks, management of var flow between voltage levels and balance challenge in the power transmission system. (LN)

  18. Geologic facts for priority site selection in the area west of Simpevarp. Reports 1-4; Geologiskt underlag foer val av prioriterad plats inom omraadet vaester om Simpevarp. Delrapport 1-4

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wahlgren, Carl-Henric; Persson, Lena [SGU, Uppsala (Sweden); Danielsson, Peter; Berglund, Johan [SwedPower AB, Stockholm (Sweden); Triumf, Carl-Axel; Mattsson, Haakan; Thunehed, Hans [GeoVista AB, Luleaa (Sweden)


    The area west of Simpevarp at Oskarshamn is a candidate site for the Swedish repository for high-level radioactive waste. Since the available information of geologic structures in the area is not very detailed, measurements and interpretation of existing data have been performed in order to find inhomogeneities and local lineaments. Surveys were made air and by geophysical measurements in the field.

  19. Inventory of future power and heat production technologies. Partial report Boilers/Combustion/Steam cycle for district heating and cogeneration; Inventering av framtidens el- och vaermeproduktionstekniker. Delrapport Pannor/Foerbraenning/Aangcykel foer fjaerrvaerme och kraftvaerme

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuster, Robert (AaF Process, Stockholm (Sweden))


    The energy market of today is turbulent and it is quite clear that big changes in the consumption pattern are going to occur, due to the expansion in Asia and the expected Climate Change. The EU has, as a first step, stated in a directive that the consumption of renewable energy in the heat and power sector should be increased to 20 % and in the transportation sector to 10 % by the year 2020, a target which is high above current levels in most of the EU countries. It is reasonable to believe the European demand of renewable energy will create a shortage of biomass and that the development and use of technology for energy production will therefore not only depend on what is technically possible. One scenario is that biomass is mainly used for the markets that have very few alternatives, such as the transportation sector and small scale CHP units. We have today a relatively high electrical consumption through a stable grid and district heating nets in almost all densely populated areas. Large high efficiency power plants combined with heat pump technology will probably prevent any significant expansion of the district heating nets. A third major net for gas distribution seems not to be a feasible solution. Local nets for production of biogas from wet waste for different purposes, including EvGT units with 55% efficiency may however be good solution for some areas. There are a number of cycles and technical solutions to increase the electrical efficiency which could be applied also on smaller plants. The total efficiency will however not increase, only the el/heat ratio and it is not obvious that the higher investment cost for indirect cycles, bottom cycles or extreme steam data in combination with the risk of lower availability is a feasible solution. Especially waste to energy plants, with their need of high utilisation time, are sensitive to long production interruptions. The existing heat sinks in Sweden will however be efficiently used for electrical production of some kind, though they can be expected to be decreased due to warmer climate and energy efficiency measures in buildings. The big manufacturers and energy companies are today heavily involved in RandD to develop climate friendly fossil fuel plants. The goal is to increase the efficiency and to develop the CCS-technology. With the amount of money involved it is plausible that they are going to be successful and that Post Combustion technology will be commercial around the year 2015, OxyFuel/Carbon around 2020 and Chemical looping after year 2030. This development includes also a significant efficiency increase, mainly based on material development and development of oxygen and carbon dioxide separation. It can be assumed that Sweden in the year 2030, as the other countries in the EU union, will produce electricity mainly in large high efficiency plants with low CO{sub 2} emissions. The plants could be natural gas fired combined cycles (efficiency without CCS of eta{sub el} = 65%), coal fired CHP-plants (efficiency without CCS eta{sub el} >55%) and/or nuclear power plants at our coast line. Inland there could be waste and bio fired CHP plants and Pulp and paper plants, both types producing biofuel from all the different types of biomass that are available

  20. Preparation for full scale demonstration of an air staged gasifier plant. Technical project development; For combined heat and power production with wood chips; Forberedelse til fuldskala demonstration af trinopdelt forgasningsanlaeg. Teknisk projektudvikling. Delrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Houmann Jakobsen, H.


    The project has aimed to further develop the technology for staged biomass gasification and establish an organizational and financial model to ensure that the technology can be introduced on the market. This report describes the technique in an upcoming demonstration plant. A complete planning and design of a demonstration plant with a capacity of 300 kW electric power and 700 kW heat was prepared. That is four times more than the pilot plant at Graested District Heating (Castor plant) can produce. A full scale demonstration plant with bio-gasification technology for wood chips will be established and put into operation in 2012. (ln)

  1. DanGrid. Report from working group 24. Roadmap for Smart Grid in Denmark with emphasis on the transmission companies' role; DanGrid. Delrapport. Arbejdsgruppe 24. Roadmap for Smart Grid i Danmark med saerlig vaegt pae netselskabernes rolle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lomholt Finnemann, K. [DONG Energy, Virum (Denmark); Soerensen, Per [TRE-FOR, Kolding (Denmark); Larsen, Jim [EnergiMidt, Silkeborg (Denmark); Balasiu, A. [Siemens, Ballerup (Denmark); Holmberg Rasmussen, L. [Nordjysk Elhandel, Aalborg (Denmark); Moeller Joergensen, J. [, Fredericia (Denmark); Norsk Jensen, A.; Nejsum, T.; Andersen, Kim [Dansk Energi, Frederiksberg (Denmark)


    The present report identifies a number of recommendations where specifically grid companies, but also authorities, customers and market players must initiate actions and activities to realize Smart Grid in Denmark by 2020. The report forms the basis for each network operator to implement Smart Grid, and is divided such that: 1 the management can create an overview of the steps to be taken in connection with the implementation, and 2. the technical department can develop a series of concrete actions to be implemented in the Smart Grid. The measures are divided into four groups: 1 - Establishment of business case and strategy: Efforts that support that each network operator prepares a business case and define a strategy for the creation of a Smart Grid. 2 - New technology in the grid: Measures relating to the importation of new technology in the grid, for example establishment of technology solutions for automating and monitoring the load on the network, and installing additional measurements at strategic points in the distribution network. 3 - Enabling customers' demand response: Initiatives that support that the grid company actively involves end users through price signals or by entering into agreements to regulate or move power consumption to a time of free capacity in the grid. 4 - Other activities: Measures which are horizontal and support that network companies develop a Smart Grid. New economic regulation of network companies is required to support the introduction of new technology in the grid, and at the same time crucial to enable customers' demand response. IT and data security must be established and customer engagement as active consumers of electricity should be strengthened. (LN)

  2. Demonstration of low-energy district heating for low-energy buildings in the housing community Ringgaarden's section 34 in Lystrup. Subreport 2; Denmark; Demonstration af lavenergifjernvarme til lavenergibyggeri i boligforeningen Ringgaardens afd. 34 i Lystrup. Delrapport 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holm Christiansen, C.


    The project has completed the first demonstration of a new concept for energy efficient district heating (DH) for low energy buildings where the supplied district heating temperature delivered at the consumer is down to 50 deg. C. The concept involves new types of DH building substations and DH twin pipes in very small dimensions. Demonstration area is Dept. 34 of the housing association Boligforeningen Ringgaarden near Aarhus in Denmark, which consists of 7 row houses with in total 40 dwellings, low-energy building, class 1 according to the Danish building code and built 2009-2010. The purpose of the demonstration was to show that the concept works in practice and to further develop and refine the technology behind the concept. A large measurement program was conducted during weeks 26-47, 2010 focusing on 1) consumption and operation temperatures, 2) simultaneity and simultaneity factors and 3) heat loss from district heating network and electricity consumption of network booster pump. DH consumption of the individual consumer is measured and combined with measurements of temperature in individual homes, it is confirmed that it is reasonable to assume a room temperature of at least 22 deg. C in the calculation of heating demand. Based on an energy signature the annual consumption per dwelling was estimated to approx. 5.8 MWh for a reference year, corresponding to a measured heat density of 0.3 MWh/m network line and 14 kWh/m2 field. The results also show that it is possible to supply customers with temperature just above 50 deg. C, with a DH supply temperature to the area of approx. 56 deg. C. Detailed measurements show that the domestic hot water can be produced at temperature of just 3 deg. C below the primary supply temperature, e.g. 47 deg. C at a DH supply temperature of 50 deg. C.. The simultaneity factors of 2 types of DH building substations, district heating tank unit (FVB) with reservoirs at primary side and unit with instantaneous water heater (GVV) is analyzed. Curves were drafted for the simultaneity factor up to 10 users. Factor, e (1), corresponding to the heat power of one consumer is determined to 4.7 kW of FVB-units and 24.3 kW for GVV-units. Factor e (1) for GVV is lower than previous work and the 32.3 kW, normally sized for. This result must also be seen in relation to housing type and inhabitants. The analysis points towards that dimensioning district heating systems need a much better basis for simultaneity factors and that in future a far greater consideration must be given to housing types and installations for the establishment of optimal systems. Estimated heat losses in this low temperature network are approx. 50,000 kWh / year. Had the same network been laid out with a traditional design with single pipes and a temperature set of 80/40 deg. C, the corresponding calculated heat loss would be approx. 200,000 kWh. On the other hand, this gives a smaller increase in electricity consumption for booster pumping estimated at approx. 2,600 kWh per year. Overall, the demonstration showed that concept works, also confirmed by the fact that there were no complaints from residents about the lack of heat or hot water, and expand the dissemination potential significantly. In this context continuing measurements will take place in Dept. 34 of Boligforeningen Ringgaarden. (LN)

  3. The use of biopellets. Partial report in the project ''The use of biocarbon in the Norwegian ferro-alloy industry''; Produksjon av biopellets. Delrapport i prosjektet {sup B}ruk av biokarbon i norsk ferrolegeringsindustri''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Groenli, Morten


    The report discusses the production and use of biopellets. Part 1 discusses the concepts of bio-energy and bio-fuels. Part 2 describes briefly the present market situation and the development potential for production and use of pellets in Norway. It also describes the structure of a production plant for pellets and the available combustion equipment for pellets. The third and last part examines the economy of pellet production.

  4. Corrosion of steel in concrete in cooling water walls. Report part 2 - Effects of the relative humidity on chlorine-initiated corrosion of the reinforcing steel; Korrosion paa staal i betong i kylvattenvaegar. Delrapport 2 - Relativa fuktighetens inverkan paa kloridinitierad armeringskorrosion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandberg, Bertil; Ahlstroem, Johan; Sederholm, Bror; Nilsson, Lars-Olof; Lindmark, Sture


    Steel in concrete is protected against corrosion by the high pH value of the concrete. The passivity can however be broken if chloride ions penetrate into the concrete. It is presumed that a certain amount of chloride is needed to activate the steel. This value is called the threshold level. Even though many attempts have been performed no reliable value has been found. One of the reasons for this is probably that the threshold value is influenced by the humidity of the concrete. At very high humidity the transport of oxygen to the steel surface is slow and at low humidity the electrical resistance increases. The aim of this investigation has been to determine at what humidity the corrosion rate reaches its highest value. With this as a background new tests can be performed to predict the chloride threshold value. The results indicate that it most probably do exist a threshold value for each concrete quality. At chloride contents above the threshold value the steel looses its passivity. If severe corrosion takes place or not is however strongly dependent on the humidity of the concrete. In a close interval around 95 % relative humidity the steel is attacked by pitting corrosion when the threshold value is exceeded. At lower and higher humidity the passivity is incomplete and the corrosion rate in most cases marginal. Future investigations concerning chloride threshold values is recommended to be performed at a relative humidity of 95 % and by using reference samples according to proposed procedure.

  5. Inventory of future power and heat production technologies. Partial report Gasification with gas turbine/engine for power plants; Incl. English lang. appendix of 24 p. titled 'Status of large-scale biomass gasification for power production'; Inventering av framtidens el och vaermeproduktionstekniker. Delrapport Foergasning med gasturbin/motor foer kraftvaerk

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Waldheim, Lars; Larsson, Eva K [TPS Termiska Processer, Nykoeping (Sweden)


    This subproject is limited to applications with gas turbines or engines from approximately 1 MWe and firing of gas in a boiler either as indirect cofiring or as separate firing of gas from waste gasification. Gasification with gas engine, BIG-ICE (Biomass Integrated Gasification Internal-Combustion Engine) is realized in approximately 10 plants in Europe between 1 and 7 MWe. The gas needs to be cleaned from particles and tar before it is fed to the engine. A number of different gasifiers and gas cleaning technologies are applied in these prototypes, and in certain cases a second generation is being built. Gas engines from GE Jenbacher are most common, but there are also other producers with engines for low-calorific-value gas. The exhausts from engines must, unlike gas turbines, be cleaned catalytically, but emissions of hydrocarbons in particular are still higher than from gas turbines. It is possible to increase the electricity generation by applying a 'bottoming cycle' in the form of a steam or an ORC cycle. Such a plant with ORC has been started in Austria this year. During the 1990's expectations were high concerning the development of biomass gasification with gas turbine in a combined cycle BIG-CC (Biomass Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) towards commercialisation. Two demonstration plants were built for the same gas turbine model, Siemens SGT 100 (earlier Typhoon); Vaernamo with pressurised gasification and ARBRE in Eggborough, England, with atmospheric gasification. The atmospheric technology has basically the same demands on gas cleaning as in the engine application, but downstream the gas is compressed to the pressure required by the gas turbine. In pressurised gasification, the gasifier pressure is set by the gas turbine. The gas is not cooled below 350-400 deg C and is cleaned in a high-temperature filter. Despite successful demonstration in Vaernamo, no more plants have been built. The ARBRE plant was never put into regular operation because of contract problems and a number of projects in Holland, Italy and Brazil never got to a construction phase. Indirect co-firing has been realised in a few plants where a CFB gasifier is combined with some cooling and cyclone particle removal. If gas cleaning before firing can be achieved, the technology is believed to have a bigger potential. That would mean that waste fuel or other fuels with high chlorine content can be used, and also that the treated gas can be used in an incineration plant without limiting the superheater temperature to the low levels, in relation to power plant boilers, that is used in waste boilers. This means that both the efficiency to electricity and the ratio between electricity and heat production can be increased, in relation to waste incineration. Improvements in performance during the time period in question require that initiatives are taken and that e.g. gas turbine manufacturers participate actively. The probability for this development is more difficult to assess. For BIG-ICE, the technology is assessed to reach 35-40 % electricity efficiency at the end of the period, i.e. 2025-2030, and the investment cost for bigger plants can be just below that of comparable conventional steam plants, perhaps 3 000 Euro/kWe for a complete plant. Completely commercial technology can be expected at the beginning of the 2020's. For BIG-CC the corresponding assessment is 45-50 % and 2500-3000 Euro/kWe. The route to commercial technology is longer in this case and plants on near commercial conditions cannot be expected until the end of the 2020's. For indirect co-firing it is a fact that lime kiln gasifiers and the gasifiers in Lahti, Ruien and Getruidenberg, without extensive gas cleaning, are in a commercial scale and that years of operation experiences already have been earned, also with waste fuels. The energy conversion to electricity uses existing infrastructure and therefore the adoption requirements are very limited. What remains to be demonstrated is that more extensive gas cleaning will work. MaelarEnergi plans to build a large was te gasification plant including gas cleaning that will be taken into operation in 2011. When the gas cleaning technology has been demonstrated and further improved, standalone plants realising firing of clean gas, and no or very little flue gas cleaning, can be introduced during the first half of the 2020's and see a breakthrough during the second half. The cost of such a plant has been estimated to just over 3000 Euro/kWe, including gas firing and power generation. This cost level is very attractive compared to new waste boilers. The same is true for indirect cofiring, where the cost, however, varies more depending on the existing boiler

  6. Inventory of future power and heat production technologies. Partial report Gasification with gas turbine/engine for power plants; Incl. English lang. appendix of 24 p. titled 'Status of large-scale biomass gasification for power production'; Inventering av framtidens el och vaermeproduktionstekniker. Delrapport Foergasning med gasturbin/motor foer kraftvaerk

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Waldheim, Lars; Larsson, Eva K. (TPS Termiska Processer, Nykoeping (Sweden))


    This subproject is limited to applications with gas turbines or engines from approximately 1 MWe and firing of gas in a boiler either as indirect cofiring or as separate firing of gas from waste gasification. Gasification with gas engine, BIG-ICE (Biomass Integrated Gasification Internal-Combustion Engine) is realized in approximately 10 plants in Europe between 1 and 7 MWe. The gas needs to be cleaned from particles and tar before it is fed to the engine. A number of different gasifiers and gas cleaning technologies are applied in these prototypes, and in certain cases a second generation is being built. Gas engines from GE Jenbacher are most common, but there are also other producers with engines for low-calorific-value gas. The exhausts from engines must, unlike gas turbines, be cleaned catalytically, but emissions of hydrocarbons in particular are still higher than from gas turbines. It is possible to increase the electricity generation by applying a 'bottoming cycle' in the form of a steam or an ORC cycle. Such a plant with ORC has been started in Austria this year. During the 1990's expectations were high concerning the development of biomass gasification with gas turbine in a combined cycle BIG-CC (Biomass Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) towards commercialisation. Two demonstration plants were built for the same gas turbine model, Siemens SGT 100 (earlier Typhoon); Vaernamo with pressurised gasification and ARBRE in Eggborough, England, with atmospheric gasification. The atmospheric technology has basically the same demands on gas cleaning as in the engine application, but downstream the gas is compressed to the pressure required by the gas turbine. In pressurised gasification, the gasifier pressure is set by the gas turbine. The gas is not cooled below 350-400 deg C and is cleaned in a high-temperature filter. Despite successful demonstration in Vaernamo, no more plants have been built. The ARBRE plant was never put into regular operation because of contract problems and a number of projects in Holland, Italy and Brazil never got to a construction phase. Indirect co-firing has been realised in a few plants where a CFB gasifier is combined with some cooling and cyclone particle removal. If gas cleaning before firing can be achieved, the technology is believed to have a bigger potential. That would mean that waste fuel or other fuels with high chlorine content can be used, and also that the treated gas can be used in an incineration plant without limiting the superheater temperature to the low levels, in relation to power plant boilers, that is used in waste boilers. This means that both the efficiency to electricity and the ratio between electricity and heat production can be increased, in relation to waste incineration. Improvements in performance during the time period in question require that initiatives are taken and that e.g. gas turbine manufacturers participate actively. The probability for this development is more difficult to assess. For BIG-ICE, the technology is assessed to reach 35-40 % electricity efficiency at the end of the period, i.e. 2025-2030, and the investment cost for bigger plants can be just below that of comparable conventional steam plants, perhaps 3 000 Euro/kWe for a complete plant. Completely commercial technology can be expected at the beginning of the 2020's. For BIG-CC the corresponding assessment is 45-50 % and 2500-3000 Euro/kWe. The route to commercial technology is longer in this case and plants on near commercial conditions cannot be expected until the end of the 2020's. For indirect co-firing it is a fact that lime kiln gasifiers and the gasifiers in Lahti, Ruien and Getruidenberg, without extensive gas cleaning, are in a commercial scale and that years of operation experiences already have been earned, also with waste fuels. The energy conversion to electricity uses existing infrastructure and therefore the adoption requirements are very limited. What remains to be demonstrated is that more extensive gas cleaning will work. MaelarEnergi plans to build a large was te gasification plant including gas cleaning that will be taken into operation in 2011. When the gas cleaning technology has been demonstrated and further improved, standalone plants realising firing of clean gas, and no or very little flue gas cleaning, can be introduced during the first half of the 2020's and see a breakthrough during the second half. The cost of such a plant has been estimated to just over 3000 Euro/kWe, including gas firing and power generation. This cost level is very attractive compared to new waste boilers. The same is true for indirect cofiring, where the cost, however, varies more depending on the existing boiler